It.;;. .•i:. ', .V luJA .Ai, Cliiss .sBS ^a 'look ' ^y PRESENTED BY COMPLETE CONCORDANCE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT. Tfjrj X A"", (.; .E d7rai5,s s cnlp ' ALIEXAHBEM CEOBMMo MoA. •I /-r2Ww y^, c/(M- U*f J- < COMPLETE CO:^COEDA]S[CE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT: DICTIOMRY AND ALPHABETICAL INDEX TO THE BIBLE. IN TWO PAETS. TO WHICH IS ADDED, A CONCORDANCE TO THE APOCRYPHA ; WITH A COMPENDIUM OF THE BIBLE, AND A BRIEF ACCOUNT OF ITS HISTORY AND EXCELLENCY. BY ALEXANDER CRUDEN, M.A. WITH A SKETCH OE THE LIEE AND CHARACTER OE THE AUTHOR, BY WILLIAM YOUKGMAK LONDON: FREDERICK WARNE AND CO., BEDFORD STREET, COYENT GARDEZST. 1868. a. 5:^ SKETCH ^ THE LIFE AND CHARACTER ALEXANDER CRUDEN. The Sacred Scriptures, of the Old and New Testament, were written and published in the same manner and form as other books of the age and country to which they be- long. Tlie prose writings had originally that unbroken ^ow which distinguishes this species of composition, whilst iC poetic parts of the Old Testament were subjected to ".h arrangements as formed the peculiar quality of He- -j ew poesy. The divisions into chapters and verses, which ow prevail, were the work of industrious men in later ages, "< hen, in consequence of that strict investigation which the ^oriptures had to undergo, for the support or confutation cF various disputed points, there arose an eager desire for a verbal examination of their contents, and a consequent necessity for frequent references. It may be, that neither religion nor the Scriptures would have made a worse ap- pearance at the present day, if these changes had never taken place. The breaks made by the chapters fre- quently occasion a misapprehension of the meaning of the sacred writers, as they sometimes occur in the midst of a chain of reasoning, separating the conclusion from the pre- mises, or both from their application. And as most per- sons, from the force of habit, continue to read, both in pub- lic and private, neither more nor less than a chapter, the errors which are acknowledged to arise from these injudi- cious divisions, fail of being corrected in practice. Amongst innumerable instances of this kind, the fourth and fifth chapters of the Epistle to the Romans, the fourth and fifth of the Second Epistle to the Corinthians, and the first and second of the Second Epistle of Peter, may be mentioned as illustrations. The division into verses has produced a still more injurious effect. These break the continuity and even surface of the Scriptures into an infinite number of sections, all like electric points, glistening with the fires of controversy ; whilst they bring these, apparently distinct and independent propositions, into a state of unnatural promi- nence. In consequence of these arrangements, all the va- rieties of sects with which Christendom abounds, are en- abled to bring " chapter and verse " for their conflicting and sometimes contradictory statements. Yet, though these dis- tinctions may not have been of advantage to' the cause of truth, and to the right understanding of the Scriptures, they have frequently assisted the meditations of the. pious Chris- tian, and been found convenient to divines, in the compo- sition of their public discourses. The detached form in which the most important and interesting sentiments ap- pear, gives the memory a firmer hold upon them, and im- presses them more strongly on the feelings of the heart. Whether, however, this condition of the Scripture has been for the better or the worse, it has now gained so firm an establishment, as probably to be unalterable ; and it forms the basis on which Concordances are constructed, whilst it greatly increases their use and necessity. The preface to the first edition of Cruden's Concord- ance, gives an historical account of all that had preceded his own ; and states very clearly the advantages of the great work on which he exerted the energies of his mind, and employed the most active portion of his life. The numerous editions which have been published, and the innumerable copies which have been sold, prove its excellence, and its perfect adaptation to the wants of the public. As, however, the value of such a work is greatly dependent on its correct- ness, much labour has been bestowed in every succeeding edition, to obtain this result. With what degree of success this difficult task has been attended, may be judged from the fact, that in the first fifty pages of the best quarto edi- tion, have been discovered nearly one hundred typogra- phical errors. The publishers of the present edition have exhausted the resources of their art in producing a clear and legible page, and they have adopted every precaution for the attainment of the highest possible degree of accu- racy. If defects should still be discovered, their existence will not arise from any deficiency of labour or expense m the execution of the work. Few of those who consult a Concordance will think of seeking for entertainment from a life of the author ; and fewer still would imagine, that a man, who could confine himself for years to such an employment, could be the sub- ject of that waywardness of mind which frequently attends the higher powers of genius, and excites the sympathies of mankind. Yet Alexander Cruden was one of those, " Or crazed by care, or crossed by hopeless love," who trod the path of life on the verge of that awful abyss, where the hopes and happiness of so many great minds have been ingulfed. Ana if madness was, in his case, softened into eccentricity, or directed to the correction and amendment of the generation in which he lived, he was probably indebted, for his escape, to that absorption of mind which such a work as this must have occasioned. What would have been to others intolerable drudgery, was a sedative to his agitated mind ; and the labour, which would have wasted tlie energies of a happier man, was the balm of his wounded spirit. Who then was Alexander SKETCH OF THE LIFE AND CHARACTER Cruden ? and what were those sorrows which sought relief in the intensity of mental application, and in unwearied, though often visionary, efforts for the public good ? He is recorded to have been the second son of a worthy citizen, a baillie or alderman of Aberdeen, where he was born in 1701, and educated in the grammar-school of that city. In this school he was the companion of some who ifterwards became eminent, among -t whom he is said to aave frequently mentioned George Earl Marischal, and James afterwards the celebrated Mareschal Keith. At the age of nineteen, he took the degree of Master of Arts, at Marischal College, and attended, probably with a view to the ministry, the divinity lectures of the Rev. Mr, Blackwell ; but an incident occurred, at this period of his life, which, operating on a sensitive and irritable constitution, blasted his fondest hopes, darkened his fairest prospects, .'ind cast him upon the world with a shattered and distracted mind. Whilst a student at the university, he had imbibed an ardent affection for the daughter of a minister at Aberdeen. This attachment he prosecuted with his characteristic ardour, but failed of obtaining the success which he desired. The lady was determined against his suit, and the eagerness and obtrusiveness of his applications at last determined her father to close his doors against him. The disappointment overpowered his reason, and his friends were obliged to confine him in a private receptacle for lunatics. The covert of this asylum sheltered him from a heavier calamity ; for it was subsequently discovered that this unhappy lady had been the victim of a guilty attachment to one of her bro- thers. But the wound was incurable, and rankled in his bosom to the close of his earthly career. Many years afterwards, when he was settled in London, his friend Mr. Chalmers, wishing to serve him, offered to introduce him to a merchant near the Royal Exchange, who happened to be a near relation of the young lady. On knocking at the door, Mr. Cruden was astonished to see it opened by the lady herself. He started back with visible signs of wonder and agony, and grasping his friend's hand, exclaimed wildly, " Ah ! she has still her fine black eyes." The door to which he had been accidentally led, was that of her youngest brother. No subsequent interview took place, but he never mentioned her without the strongest manifestations of grief and compassion. In the year 1737, from disappointment in the expected patronage to his Concordance, he was again attacked by his former malady, and was placed in a private asylum at Bethnal Green. On his release, he published a whimsical and satirical pamphlet, describing the hardships to which he had been subjected. He also commenced an action in Westminster Hall against Dr. Munro and others, which was disposed of on July 7th, 1739, by a verdict for the defendants, and exposed him to the taunt of Chief Justice Lee. He underwent another temporary confinement at Chelsea in 1753, and again endeavoured to avenge himself by pub- lishing an account of those receptacles for the disordered in mind. He also entered into a correspondence with his sis- ter, and some other persons, in which he proposed to them, with great simplicitv, a mode by which they might recom- pense him in a slight degree for the injustice which they had done him. He would have persuaded his friends to svibmit to imprisonment in Newgate, and to his sister he offered, what appeared to him very mild terms, that she should pay him a fine of £10 to £15, and take her choice of 48 hours' confinement in the prisons of Newgate, Read- ing, Aylesbury, or that in Windsor Castle. There is reason to apprehend, that the treatment of the inmates of public and private asylums for lunatics was, at that period, exceedingly improper, harsh, and often cruel. None of the maladies to which our nature is exposed re- quire, in a greater degree, the kindness and sympathy of our fellows ; and in none is there so great temptation to the exercise of arbitrary and despotic authority. The unhappy ^ patients are, of necessity, abandoned by their friends, to the sole care and control of professional strangers ; and these are, likewise, obliged to delegate their authority to inferior ministers. Sad and bitter must have been the feelings of such as were capable of appreciating the injustice to which they were exposed, and of comparing the stern discipline of a mad-house, with the indulgence and tenderness of do- mestic intercourse. It cannot therefore be surprising that Mr. Cruden, after his escape, should retain an indignant recollection of his confinement, and seek to expose the evils of those abodes of wretchedness. In later times, the efforts of individuals and of the legislature have been strenuously exerted to redress these evils; and by these, together with the progress of medical science, and of humane and religious principles, the lot of that unhappy portion of our race has, perhaps, received all the amelioration of which it is capable. It is due, however, to the memory of Smollett to remark, that the first impulse to this course of humanity and be- nevolence was given by him, in that exquisitely pathetic tale, " The Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves." Mr. Cruden, as soon as he was released from his first confinement at Aberdeen, determined to quit the place of his birth, and try his fortune in London, where he arrived in 1722. In the metropolis and its neighbourhood, he ob- tained successive engagements, as private tutor to young men who were preparing for the university. One of these was at Ware in Hertfordshire. Some unknown cause also led him to the Isle of Man, where he spent several years in similar occupations. He returned to London in 1732, and obtained employment as corrector of the press ; in which engagement his knowledge, assiduity, and integrity, obtained him not only the good will of his employers, but also the esteem and patronage of many distinguished persons. By the Lord Mayor and some of the aldermen, and other emi- nent citizensof London, he was recomm.ended to Sir Robert Walpole, and after a long period of tedious suspense, was, by his influence, appointed, in 1735, bookseller to Queen Caroline, consort of George the Second. He then began to apply himself seriously to the great work, with which he had been some time occupied, the composition of a Concordance of the sacred Scriptures, and, through his great diligence, and persevering industry, the first edition was published in 1737. It was dedicated to the Queen, to whom he presented a copy, which met with very gracious acceptance ; but all hopes of pecuniary assistance were cut off, by the Queen's death, which hap- pened sixteen days after her majesty's declaration, that " she would not fail to remember the author." This was a heavy stroke upon a poor author, whose little all was embarked in this mighty undertaking ; and the disappointment had such an unfavourable effect both on his mind and circumstances, that it brought on his second access of derangement. He was confined, as has been said, at Bethnal Green, whence he contrived to escape, though chained to his bedstead, and, as soon as he was at liberty, published a history of his suf- ferings, with this characteristic title, " The London citizen exceedingly injured ; giving an account of his severe and long confinement at Bethnal Green, for nine weeks and six days ; the citizen being sent there in March 1738, by Robert Wightman, a notoriously conceited and whimsical man ; where he was chained, handcuffed, strait-waistcoated, and imprisoned ; with a history of Wightman's Blind Bench ; a sort of court that met at Wightman's room, and unac- countably proceeded to pass decrees in relation to the Lon- don citizen," &c. &c. It was on this occasion that he insti- tuted the suit against Wightman the proprietor of the mad- house, and Dr. Munro the physician, and by pleading his own cause insured a verdict for the defendants. h Neither his misfortunes, nor his derangement, however, S prevented him from obtaining engagements as corrector of m the press; and during fifteen succeeding years he showed - the acute state of his mind, by superintending the publica- tion of several editions of the Greek and Roman classics ; and manifested the most simple and inoffensive manners, and the most conscientious integrity, in all his under- takings. At last, he unfortvmately happened to have some dispute, at his lodgings, with his sister, who had, about a twelvemonth before, married a Mr. Wild ; and, through her influence, he was again confined for the space of seventeen days, the shortness of which time seems rather to indicate, - that his disorder was not of a very malignant nature. His ! release was speedily followed by another narrative of ad- j ventures, in which he assumed the permanent character of Alexander the Corrector, the title of which was not | less curious than that of his former history : " The adventures of Alexander the Corrector, wherein is given an ac- OF ALEXANDER CRUDEN. Vll count of his being sent to Chelsea, and of his bad usage during the time of his Chelsea campaign, which continued seventeen days, from the 12th to the 29th of September 1753. With an account of the Chelsea academies, or the private places for the confinement of such as are supposed to be deprived of the exercise of their reason. To which is added an account of the prophecies of some pious ministers of the gospel, foretelling that Alexander's afflic- tions are designed by Divine Providence to being an in- troduction, and prenaration, to his being a Joseph and a prosperous man. ^ith observations on the necessity of a reformation, by executing the laws against swearers, sab- bath-breakers, and other offenders." In three parts. It was after the publication of this pamphlet that he made thepropositions for indemnity before alluded to. The remaining portion of his life was passed in a kind of happy and harmless lunacy, which left him sufficiently in possession of his rational faculties, to perform the duties of his arduous occupation, and to exercise himself in the execution of the commission, with which he fancied him- self intrusted, to correct the public manners and morals. But, in fulfilling this object, he was not unfrequently led into a course of conduct, which occasioned trouble to his friends and others, and cast a cloud over his name, which, but for this aberration of mind, would have been conspi- cuous amongst the benefactors of mankind. Under the impression of this divine commission, he pub- lished several tracts, asserting his claims to supernatural communications, and visited Oxford and Cambridge to ex- hort the idlers of both sexes to a strict observance of the sabbath, under the threat of eternal vengeance. His inter- ference was, as may be supposed, in some cases rather un- courteously received. But it was in London that his principal attempts were made ; and to render them efficient, he thought it desirable that his authority should be recognised by the king in council, and that he should be nominated Corrector of THE People, by act of Parliament. His applications to the higher powers, for this purpose, were supported by testi- monials from many ladies, at the head of which was the name of the Lady Mayoress, and those of other ladies of rank. He also made a formal application to His Majesty, for the honour of knighthood, not from personal vanit}', but because he thought it would give weight to his endea- vours in the " good cause." He gives an amusing account of his intenaews with the lords in waiting, secretaries of state, and other great men, for this purpose. Being well knoMTi and respected, he was not treated with rudeness ; but he complains that he was not attended to, except by Earl Paulett, who, he says, " always spoke civilly to him ; and being goutish in his feet, could not run away from the Corrector, as others were wont to do." From this same delusion, he offered himself at the gene- ral election in 1754, to represent the city of London in Parliament, and his influence was sufficient to induce Mr. Sheriff Chitty to nominate him in the Common Hall. But, though several hands were held up for him, he declined standing a poll, comforting himself with the persuasion that he had the hearts, if not the hands, of the London citizens. His next project was of a more private and per- sonal nature, to pay his addresses to Miss Abney, daughter of Sir Thomas Abney of Newington. This lady he ad- dressed under the name of Elizabeth of Silesia; and he made his suit with such persevering ardour, as must have occasioned no small perplexity to that good family. Among other freaks, he sent round " praying bills " to various con- gregations, on her going abroad in "l754, that intercession might be made to" Almighty God for the safety of herself and attendants. When she returned, he circulated similar forms of thanksgiving. It cost Miss Abney and her at- tendants some trouble, to free her from such" a persevering suitor. Yet, amidst all these diversions, he still pursued his busi- ness with unabated assiduity, and especially the correction of his Concordance, and the preparing it for a new edition; which was published in 1761, and presented in person by the author to the King, who gave him a donation of £100. He had also the honour of presenting it to Queen Char- lotte, and to the Princess Dowager of Wales. At this time, Mr. Cru^en was corrector of the ijress to Mr. Wood- fall, in the publication of the Public Advertiser, a paper celebrated by being made the vehicle of the Letters of Junius. Here he had full occupation. At one o'clock in the morning he finished the labours of the office, and at six, he was turning over his Bible, with the most careful at- tention, for the correction of his Concordance. In the evening, he again returned to the printing office, near to which he lodged, at " the Flating Mill, over against the Ship, in Ivy Lane." In this round of public and private duty he passed his time tranquilly and happily, embracing every opportunity of performing acts of benevolence to his fellow- creatures; one of which is especially recorded to his honour. In 1762 one Richard Potter, a poor ignorant sailor, was tried, and convicted, at the Old Bailey, of forging, or utter- ing knowing it to be forged, a seaman's will. Mr. Cruden was in the court, and was so fully convinced of his being merely the tool of some designing villain, that he deter- mined to interfere in his behalf, and endeavour to move the Royal clemency. For this purpose, he visited him in New- gate, conversed with him on religious subjects, exhorted, instructed, and prayed with him. The man was awakened to a sense of his condition as a sinner, and appeared to be truly converted to God. Encouraged by this success, Mr. Cruden began to take measures for saving his life. By re- peated applications to Lord Hallifax, Secretary of State, he obtained a change of the sentence, from death to transport- ation. As an acknowledgment of his obligations to Lord Hallifax, he presented him with a copy of the second edition of his Concordance, to which he prefixed an elegant manu- script Latin dedication, acknowledging his Lordship's kind interference on behalf of Potter. He published an account of this transaction also, in a quaint yet interesting work, entitled " The history of Richard Potter, &c." The knowledge which Mr. Cruden obtained, through these visits, of the wicked and degraded state of the felons in Newgate, and the success which had attended his endea- vours in the case of Potter, induced him to continue his attempts for the reformation of that prison. He distributed New Testaments and catechisms amongst its inmates, which were accompanied with personal instructions, and the oc- casional presentation of small rewards to the most docile of his pupils. But the state of the prison at that period, and the total want of discipline which then prevailed, ren- dered his efforts abortive. They sold his books, and spen< the money in drinking. A philanthropist of the present day has cultivated this barren waste with greater success. Uniting female tenderness with the loftiest principles of christian enthusiasm, assisted by the progress of know- ledge and humanity, and increased facilities of religious instruction, and aided by the countenance of the wise and good in the higher classes of society, Mrs. Fry has been able to accomplish what was denied to Cruden and Howard. Though disappointed in this attempt, he still continued his benevolent exertions in individual instances ; and though he might in some cases appear obtrusive, his motives were always kind, and his pleasure was great whenever he could promote the welfare and happiness of his fellow-creatures. One Sunday evening, returning from meeting, he met a man who appeared to be suffering under the extremity of misery, and, on inquiring into his circumstances, learned that the sufferings of his family, through poverty, and other causes, had determined him to destroy himself. By suitable admoni- tions and consolations, with some pecuniary donation, and promises of future attentions, he restored this unhappy man, to his own great joy, to peace and comfort. Another evening, he is said to have been accosted by a miserable female, whom he permitted to accompany him to his own door, and then on quitting her, remonstrated with her on the criminal and ruinous course she was pur- suing, and earnestly exhorted her to repentance and amendment. The poor girl assured him, with tears, that she would gladly quit her present course of life, but knew not where to go.' " It is too late, said he, to talk of this to-night, but, "if you remain in the same mind, call on me to-morrow, and I will befriend you." She came to him on the morrow, and declared herself willing to engage in the lowest and most laborious occupation, if she could but disengage herself from that life of infamy. Not knowing where to ulace her, Mr. Cruden took her to his own house, VIU LIFE AND CHARACTER OF ALEXANDER CRUDEN. as assistant to his servant. Tliere she continued till his death, and, by the [)roi;netv of her behaviour, manifested the sincerity of her repentance. In the well known contest which took place between the British government and John Wilkes, in consequence of the publication of No. 45 of the North Briton, Mr. Cruden took a very decided part in the defence of government. He published a pamphlet against Wilkes, and always ex- pressed the utmost abhorrence of his moral and religious character, declaring that such a profligate could not be a patriot. To express, in the most efficacious manner, his dislike, he provided himself with a sponge, and took many a long and tedious walk to efface the badge of party, No. 45, wherever he found it chalked on doors or window- shutters, as well as all other inscriptions oflfensive to good manners. In the year 1769, he visited his native city for the last time, where he still maintained his vocation as a public Corrector. He began with giving a couple of lectures, in Latin and English, on the necessity of a general reformation. These were followed by printing, as a hand-bill, the Fourth Commandment, which he distributed every Sunday, to all descriptions of persons. At a considerable expense, he stored his pockets with various religious tracts, which were given to every one who would promise to read them. He was particularly kind and attentive to children, and by his earnest piety, and simple, unaffected benevolence, obtained the general esteem of his townsmen. His efforts to do good, however, still partook of his characteristic eccen- tricity. " To a young clergyman whom he thought too conceited and modern, he very gravely and formally pre- sented a little catechism, used by children in Scotland, called, ' The Mother's Catechism,' Dedicated to the Young and Ignorant." The end of his career was now at hand. After the resi- dence of about a year in Aberdeen, he returned to London, and took lodgings in Camden Street, Islington. His death was marked with something of the peculiarity of his life. No illness or decay indicated his approaching dissolution. He had suffered from a slight attack of asthma, but re- tired to rest, on his last evening, as usual. In the morning, his maid rang the bell to summon him to breakfast. No answer was returned ; and she entered his bed-room, but he was not there. She proceeded to his closet, and found him dead, in the attitude of prayer, kneeling against a chair. Thus lived and thus died Alexander Cruden, who might justly say with Horace , " Exegi monumentum sere perennius." He had, amidst the avocations of business, and the dis- turbance of a deranged intellect, accomplisiied a work which will live as long as the English Language, and accompany the sacred Scriptures, which are circulated in that language, through all parts of the habitable world. V\ ell may it be said of this pious, benevolent, and indus- trious man, " He rests from his labours, and his works do follow him." Mr. Cruden was a Calvinistic dissenter, and firmly maintained his religious opinion. And his religion was not separated from morality, for his was " the faith which worketh by love." He was a member of the church which assembled at Great St. Helen's, under the care of Dr. Guise, whom he used to call "his beloved pas- tor." On the retirement of Dr. Guise in 1762, he at- tended the ministry of Dr. Conder, in Moorfields, and, afterwards, that of Mr. Cruikshank, in Swallow Street. He still however maintained his connexion with the church at Great St. Helen's, where he received the sacrament of the Lord's Supper on the first Sunday of each month. His death took place November 1, 1770. As Mr. Cruden never married, he distributed his small property amongst his relations, except a sum which he gave to his native city, to be expended in religious books for the poor. He also founded an exhibition of five pounds per annum to assist in educating a student at Marischal Col- lege. His will specified the terms on which this assistance should be enjoyed, one of which was, a perfect acquaint- ance with Vincent's Catechism. Besides the works which have been mentioned before, he wrote " An Account of the History and Excellency of the Holy Scriptures" prefixed to,a Compendium of the Holy Bible. He also compiled a " Scripture Dictionary," which was published at Aberdeen after his death, in 2 vols. 8vo. He was employed to compile the elaborate verbal index to Bishop Newton's edition of Milton's Works; a work of great labour and talent, and which he is said to have undertaken at the request of Auditor Benson. On the enlarging and perfecting of his great work, the CoNcoRDAis^CE, he employed all the leisure hours of thfe later periods of his life. The second edition was published in 1761, and dedicated to his late Majesty George the Third. The third appeared in 1769, with the Author's last correc- tions. The profit of these compensated for the loss upon the first. He received £500 for the second edition, and £300 for the third, with twenty copies printed on fine paper. These sums, with the product of his other labours, supplied his ovm moderate personal wants, and formed a fund for those labours of love in which his heart delighted. TO THE QUEEN.* MADAM, This CONCORDANCE, the work of several years, was begun with a design to promote the study of the Holy Scrip- tures ; and, in pursuance thereof, is now published with many improvements beyond any book of this kind in the Eng- lish language. Long before this Work was ready for the press, I designed humbly to offer it to your Majesty, and to beg leave to pub- lish it under your royal protection. Your Majesty's illustrious qualities and example in the great scenes of your valuable life, encourage me humbly to beg your countenance to a well-meant attempt for promoting the knowledge of our holy Religion. The beauty of your person, and the fine accomplishments of your mind, were so celebrated in your fatlier's court, that there was no Prince in the Empire, who had room for such an alliance, that was not ambitious of gaining a Princess of such noble virtues into his Family, either as a Daughter, or as a Consort. And though the heir to all the dominions of the house of Austria was desirous of your alliance, yet you generously de- clined the prospect of a Crown that was inconsistent with the enjoyment of your Religion, The great Disposer of all things, however, kept in store a reward for such exalted virtue, and by the secret methods of his wisdom hath brought your Majesty to a Crown, as famous for defending and supporting the Protestant Religion, as it is conspicuous for its glory and splendour; which is such a return of Divine Providence as is to be admired with great thankfulness, though without the least surprise, since He whose kingdom ruleth over all hath declared, that such as honour Him, He will honour. It was the fame of this heroic constancy that determined his Majesty to desire in marriage a Princess who was now more celebrated for her Christian magnanimity, than for the beauty of her person, which had been so universally admired. We of the British nation have reason to rejoice that such a proposal was made and accepted, and that your Majesty, with reo^ard to these two successive treaties, showed as much prudence in your compliance with the one, as piety in your refusal of the other. You no sooner arrived at Hanover than you improved the lustre of that court, which was before reckoned among the politest in Europe, and increased the happiness of a people, who were before looked upon as the happiest in the Empire. And you immediately became the darling of the Princess Sophia, a Princess, justly acknowledged to be one of the most accomplished women of the age in which she lived, who was much pleased with the conversation of one, in whom she saw so lively an image of her own youth. We daily discover those admirable qualities for which your Majesty was famed in other countrie?. s.nd rejoice to see them exerted in our Island, where we ourselves are made happy by their influence. We behold the throne of these king- doms surrounded by your Majesty's royal and numerous Progeny, and hear with pleasure of the great care your Majesty takes to instil early into their minds the principles of Religion, Virtue, and Honour. Your Majesty is possessed of all those talents which make conversation either delightful or improving. Your fine taste in the elegant arts, and skill in several modern languages, is such, that your discourse is not confined to the ordinary sub- jects of conversation, but is adapted, with an uncommon grace, to every occasion, and entertains the politest persons of different nations. That agreeable turn which appears in your sentiments upon the most ordinary affairs of life, which is so suitable to the delicacy of your sex, the politeness of your education, and the splendour of your quality, is observed by every one who has the honour to approach you. But the great regard your Majesty has shown to religion, which diffuses the greatest glory around a human character, encourages me to hope that this Work will meet with your favourable acceptance. May it therefore please your Majesty to take into your royal protection this Co^fcoRDANCE, the design of which is to render the study of the Scriptures more easy. Whatever may be wanting either in the Work or Author, is abundantly supplied by the" dignity of the subject ; which consideration chiefly encouraged me to presume to offer it to your Majesty, whom God hath exalted to the most eminent station, and blessed with extraordinary endowments of mind, and with a benevolent and beneficent disposition. To whom then can I more properly offer this Work than to your Majesty, who is celebrated both for your inclination and capacity to do good ? May the great God continue to multiply his blessings upon the King, your Majesty, and every branch of your Royal Family : May your life be long continued to serve God faithfully on earth, and may you reign for ever with Him in heaven, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. These are the sincere prayers of him who is, with the most profound respecl, May it please your Majesty, Your Majesty's Most dutiful and Most obedient servant, ALEXANDER CRUDEN. London, October, 1737. .u' S!^^ "''^t. Edition of this Co7icordance was dedicated to Queen Caroline, and was presented, November 3, 1737. to her Majesty, who dei)arted tiiis life the 20th ot that very month. TO THE KING. SIRE, This CONCORDANCE was begun with a design to promote the study and knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, and the method taken therein is deemed by competent judges to be the best towards a complete Concordance that hath hitherto appeared in our language. It is acknowledged to be a useful book to private Christians who search the Scriptures, and to be very necessary for all the Preachers of the Gospel. Therefore to whom can this new Edition be more properly offered than to your Majesty, now in the beginning of your reign, having already manifested a great regard to religion, and an earnest concern for promoting it among your subjects ? All other books are of little or no importance in comparison of the Holy Scriptures, which are a revelation from God, and are given as the only rule of faith and practice. If the kings of Israel were required not only " to read the law of Moses all the days of their life, but also to write out a copy of it with their own hand, that they might learn to fear the Lord their God, and keep all the words of his law;" it may be reasonably expected that Christian Princes should make the glorious Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ their daily study, that it may become their constant guide and rule for the government of their people, as well as for their own salvation. It hath been often observed, that the most effectual way to a general external reformation is " to make Religion a step to preferment, and Irreligion a bar to it ;" because example has a more powerful influence over the minds of men than precept, or even than punishment. The early declarations and strong resolutions which your Majesty was pleased to make at your coming to the throne, " That you would encourage those who are religious, and discourage those that are otherwise," rejoiced the hearts of all who earnestly desire the revival of vital and practical religion, and to see your Majesty's subjects a holy and happy people. True piety has been in all ages accounted the truest honour; for religion diffuses the greatest glory around a human character, and sweetens and embalms the memory of Princes. A pious Prince, who hath shown a hearty concern for the eternal happiness of his people, as well as for their present protection, will be remembered with great esteem and honour ; for the Scripture says, that " the memory of the just is blessed." When they are spoken of, it is with praise and com- mendation by all good men. All other accomplishments, without true grace and real relio:ion, cannot make the children of men happy, who must all die and rise again, " bind appear before the judgment-seat of Christ, to receive according to what they have done in the body, whether good or bad." The memory of Hezekiah, the religious king of Judah, is precious : he hath been celebrated in all ages of the Church for his pious zeal in the reformation of his people at the beginning of his reign ; for " God honours those that honour him, and they who despise him shall be lightly esteemed." It is said of that pious King, that " he trusted in the Lord God of Israel, so that after him there was none like him among all the Kinsrs of Judah, nor any that were before him : for he clave to the Lord, and departed not from following him, but kept his commandments, which the Lord commanded Moses.''^ Hezekiah, like your Majesty, began his reign in his youth, yet his zeal for the worship of God, and for promot- ing religion among his subjects, carried him through the great difficulties of reforming a people, who had so much dege- nerated into gross idolatry. May the great God be the guide of your life, and direct and prosper you, that it may be said by the present and future ages, that King George the Third hath been an Hezekiah to our British Israel. I doubt not but your Majesty will pardon my forbearing to enter upon your valuable personal accomplishments : I shall only add that, when it pleased God, the sovereign Lord of life and death, to deprive us of the blessing of your Royal Grandfather King George the Second, the Protector of our Religion and Liberties for many years, it was esteemed a national blessing that God had favoured Great Britain with a Prince born and educated among us ; who makes the hap- piness of his People the rule of his government; and without Religion there can be no real happiness for Prince or People. When your Majesty came to the throne, the loyal and affectionate addresses from your subjects in all parts of the British dominions, shewed their great hopes and strong expectations of being happy under your Majesty's government. We of the British nation have reason thankfully to remember the appearances of Divine Providence in the preservation of our Religion and Liberties, particularly in settling and establishing the Protestant Succession, and in disappointing from time to time all the contrivances and attempts of its enemies, whether secret or open; and in your Majesty's coming to the throne with the hearts of all your subjects united to you as the heart of one man. May it please God to bestow his choicest gifts upon your Majesty, upon your Royal Mother the Princess Dowager of Wales, and all the Royal Family, and upon your numerous and powerful People. May you be blessed, and made a real blessing, and may your reign be long and prosperous ; and after you have been enabled to serve God faithfully here upon earth, may you reign for ever with him in heaven through Jesus Christ. This is the sincere and earnest prayer of him who is, with great humility and profound respect. May it please your Majesty, Your Majesty's most dutiful, And most obedient subject and servant, ALEXANDER CRUDEN. London f Jwwe 1 1, 1761 , I PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION A CONCORDANCE is a Dictionary, or an Index, to the BIBLE, wherein all the words used through the inspired writings are arranged alphabetically, and the various places where they occur are referred to, to assist us in finding out pas- sages, and comparing the several significations of the same word. A work of this kind, which tends so much to render the studv of the holy Scriptures more easy to all Christians, must be acknowledged to be very useful ; for if a good Index to any other book is to be valued, much more ought one to the Bible, which is a revelation from God, given as the only rule of our faith and practice, and to discover to us the way to eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 do not here propose to treat of the incomparable excellences of that divine book, which is above all commendation, and will be in the highest esteem by all the true members of the church of God, whose faith, hope, and comfort are built upon these divine Oracles. What I shall further do in this Preface, shall be to present the Reader with a short historical account of Con- cordances, which will tend to display their great usefulness ; and then acquaint him with the method I have followed m this. Hugo de S. Charo, a preaching Friar of the Dominican order, who was afterwards a Cardinal, was the first who com- piled a Concordance to tne holy Scriptures: he died in the year 1262. He had studied the Bible very closely, and for carrying on this great and laborious work the more successfully, we are told he employed five hundred Monks of his order to assist him. He framed an Index of all the declinable words, and referred to the places where they were to be found. This Latin Concordance has been frequently printed with improvements ; and since that time works of this sort have been brought to much greater perfection than formerly. At first it was thought sufficient to specify the chapter wherein the word occurred, with these letters a, b, c, d, as marks to point out the beginning, the middle, or the end of the chapter. But after Robert Stephens, in the year 1545, had divided the chapters of the Bible into verses, the verses likewise began to be numbered, and the letters in the editions of the Concordances to be suppressed. And in 1555 this erhinent Printer published his fine Concordance, wherein the chapters and verses are exactly distinguished. It could not be thought that when so useful a work as Cardinal Hugo's came to be known, men, who carefully studied the Scriptures, would be satisfied that such assistance should be confined only to those who understood Latin : accord- ingly several have been published in various languages, particularly Rabbi Mordecai Nathan, otherwise called Isaac Nat/ian, composed an Hebrew Concordance in imitation of Cardinal Hugo's. He began it in the year 1438, and completed it in 1448, being no less than ten years in finishing it; and besides, as he himself says, he was obliged to employ a great many writers in this work. After printing was invented, it was printed several times : first at Venice by Daniel JBomberg, in the year 1523, under the title of Meir Netib, that is to say. Which giveth light in the way ; at Basil by Fr^obenius in 1581, and at Ro7rie in 1621. This was the foundation of that noble work published by John Buxtorf, the son, being assisted by his father's papers, at Basil, in 1632. As to the Greek text of the New Testament, a Concordance W3.s published by Henry Stephens at Geneva in 1599, and republished in 1624: but a more accurate one was compiled by Erasmus Schmidius, and published at Wittemberg in 1638, which was republished more correctly at Leipsic in 1716, and is reckoned a very complete performance. A Greek Concordance to the Septuagint Version of the Old Testament, must be owned to be very useful to such as are for comparing the expressions used in it with those of the New Testament, and to those who read the Fathers. Conrad Kircher of Augsbourg is celebrated for his Greek Concordance of the Old Testament, printed at Francfort in 1602. This author has inserted the Hebrew words in an alphabetical order, and placed under them the Greek words to which they answer. But since that time, an excellent Concordance to the Old Testament has been published at Amsterdam, in 1718, by the aged and worthy Minister of Gronivgen, M. Abraham Trommius, who instead of following the Hebrew alphabet with Kircher, has chosen rather to observe the order of the Greek alphabet. There have been Concordances likewise published in various modern languages; in French by M. G ravelin ; in High Dutch and L^ow Dutch by several ; the most complete one in Low Dutch is that be^un by M. Martinitz, and finished by %L Trommius before mentioned. In English we have had many. The first was published by Mr. Marbeck in 1550, which is dedicated to the pious King Edxvard VI. but this referred only to chapters, not verses. Then Mr. Cotton published a pretty large Concordance, which has been often printed. Afterwards Mr. Newman published one more complete ; and lastly, we have had one published under the title of the Cambridge Concordance. There have been several abstracts or small Concordances published : First by Mr. Downame, the next by Mr. Vavasor Poivell, then by Mr. John Jackson, and afterwards by Mr. Samuel Clarke. As also other works of this nature have been written by way of a Dictionary or Concordance, hut in a different method, as Mr. Wilson's Christian Dictionary, Mr. Knight's Axiomatical Concordance, Mr. Bernard's Thesaurus Biblicus, and Mr. Wicken's Concordance, kc. Thus it appears that we have had Concordances to the Bible some centuries ago ; and the world has been so sensible of their usefulness, that many of them have been composed and published in different languaoes. But as there are several in our language, it may be inquired. What occasioned my undertaking this great and laborious work, or what advantages it has above any other hitherto published ? When I first began this work, I designed to compose a useful Concordance in Octavo ; but after I had printed several specimens, I found it necessary to alter my scheme, and to compile one to be printed in this large volume, in order to make those improvements which now render it |)referable to any other. The method is easy and regular, and each text of Scripture is generally contained in one line, whereby the reader may readily find the jilace he wants, if he remembers any material word. When there are two or more texts of Scripture that are parallel, 1 have generally mentioned the first that occurs in order in the Bible, and have directly added the parallel texts. It is printed with a good letter, though pretty small, which was necessary in order to bring it into this volume, and make it contain i7iultum in parvo, much in a little compass ; and great care has been taken that the figures xii PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. referring to the chapters and verses of the Bible be exact and correct. When a text is marked with a f , it denotes a mar- ginal reading. This Concordance is divided into three Alphabets. The Jirst Alphabet contains the appellative or common w^ords, which is the principal part. It is very full and large, and any text may be found by looking for any material word, whether it be substantive, adjective, verb, &c. In this part, I have given the various Significations of the prmcipal words, which, I hope, will be esteemed a use- ful improvement, there not being any thing of this kind in the other large Concordances. By this improvement the Reader will have many texts explained, and difficulties removed ; and the meaning of the Scripture may be here known by that which is accounted the best rule of interpreting Scripture, namely, bij comparing one Scripture with another. There" is so large a collection of the various Significations of many words in Scripture, as may, perhaps, be not only useful to private Christians, but also to those who preach the Gospel ; for hereby many important things may be observed at one view, without the trouble of turning over several volumes ; and occasion is sometimes taken to give an account of the Jewish customs and ceremonies, by which the Reader is led into the meaning of many passages of Scripture, as may be seen in the words, Mder, Ephod, Synagogue, &c. The second Alphabet contains the Proper Names in the holy Scriptures, which the Reader will receive with improvements, as in Abraham, David, &c. The texts referred to where those names are mentioned, give a short historical account of the remarkable things recorded in Scripture concerning them. To this part is prefixed a Table, containing the Significations of the words m the original languages from which they are derived. The third and last Alphabet is a Concordance for those books that are called Apocryphal, which is only added that this work might not be deficient in any thm^ that is treated of in any other Concordayice ; those books not being of divine In- spiration, nor any part of the Canon of Scripture, and therefore are of no authority in the church of God. I conclude this Preface, with praying that God, who hath graciously enabled me to bring this large Work to a conclu- sion, would render it useful to those who seriously and carefully search the Scriptures ; and grant that the sacred writings, which are so important and highly worthy of esteem, may meet with all that affection and regard which they deserve. May those who profess to believe the Scriptures to be a Revelation from God, apply themselves to the reading and study of them ; and may they by the Holy Spirit of God, who indited the Scriptures, be made ivise to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. Amen. A. C. London, October^ 1737. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION As to what respects this new Edition, notwithstanding the great pains taken in the First, there was room for improve- ments. The filling up of the lines to make the text fuller could not so well be done in the manuscript copy, as in the printed. This renders the sentences more complete in many thousands of places : moreover the texts are more distinct in many places by the leading words being distmguished in Italic characters. Some texts are added, and some improve- ments are made in the Significations of words, and an historical account is given of some eminent persons under their Proper Names ; and other things that need not be particularly mentioned. The labours of many persons to compile Concordances to the Bible, and their acceptance from time to time by the public, shew their great usefulness. It may be reckoned a good sign that religion is revived .in some considerable degree in the present age, by the great demand for Concordances and religious books. The First Edition of several thousands in number has been long sold off, which shews this book's favourable reception from the public ; and a demand has been long made for a new Edition. There are few books more necessary to those who study their Bibles than a Concordance, whe- ther private Christians, or Ministers of the Gospel who make the Scripture the standard of their preaching. I was told by an eminent Minister, that the Bible and this Concordance taught him to preach. This Dictionary may be a help, but the Spirit of God is the best Teacher, who alone can powerfully and effectually teach and impress the heart with the truths revealed in the Scriptures, and make those who read and study the sacred writings wise to salvation. My great aim and design in this Work is, that it may be the means of propagating among my countrymen, and through all the British dominions, the knowledge of God through our Lord Jesus Christ, and of ourselves, as the same is revealed in the Scriptures ; for whose good I heartily wish that it were more complete than it is. For though it be called in the title-page, A Complete Concordance, poor sinful man can do nothing absolutely perfect and complete, and therefore the word complete is only to be taken in a comparative sense : yet competent judges are of opinion that the method here taken is the best which has appeared in our language towards a complete Concordance. It is hoped that the above-mentioned improvements in this new Edition will serve to recommend the work more and more to the favour of the public. May it please God, by the powerful operations of his Spirit, to make it useful for the spiritual benefit of those who diligently and carefully use it. A. C London, June 11, 1761. PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION, The First and Second Editions of this Concordance having been well received by the public, seems to shew the great usefulness of such a Dictionary to the Bible ; for it may be justly said, that if Christians were convinced that Concord- ances tended so much as they really do to promote the study and knowledge of the holy Scriptures, they would be more desirous of having one : and some Ministers have expressed so great an esteem for this Concordance, that they have said, " If they could not have another copy, they would not part with it for many pounds." This third Edition now ap- pears, with some improvements, which it is hoped will engage the continuance of the public approbation this work has already been favoured with. May it please God to make it more and more useful, and a blessing to the Church of God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. A. C. London, March 24, 1769. A COLLECTION OF THE NAMES AND TITLES GIVEN TO JESUS CHRIST. 1 ADAM. 1 Cor. 15.45, Advocate, 1 John 2. 1. Amen, Rev. 3. 14. Angel, Isa. 63. 9. Mai. 3. 1. Ancient of Days, Dan. 7- 22. Anointed, P^al. 2. 2. | 45. 7. Apostle, Heb. 3. 1. Apple-tree, Cant. 2. 3. Authorand Finisher of faith, iJs*. 12. 2. Babe, Z,?^/(-e2. 16. Beginningof Great, of God, !?«!:). 3. 14. Begotten of the Father, Jo/m 1. 14. Beloved, Ca7it. 1. 13. Epk. 1. 6. Bishop, 1 Pet. 2. 25. Blessed, 1 Tim. 6. 15. Branch of Righteousness, Zech. 3. 8. Brazen Serpent, Jo/m 3. 14. Bread of Life, Jo/m 6. 48, 51. Bridegroom, Mat. 9. 15. Brigiit Morning Star, Rev.^i. 16. Brightnessof Father's Glory, He*. 1.3. Bundle ofMyrrh, Cant. 1. 13. Camphire, Cant. 1. 14. Captain, Josh. 5. 14. /fe*. 2. 10. Child, Isa. 9. 6. Chosen, Mat. 12. 18. LukeZS. .35. Christ, .1/fl^ 1. 16. j 2.4. Consolation of Israel, I^uie 2. 25. Corner-Stone, Ep/i. 2. 20. 1 Pet. 2. 7- Covenant, J^a. 42. 6. Counsellor, 9. 6. Covert, Isa. 32. 2. Creator, Jivz. 43. l5. Creditor, Ln/ce 7. 41. Cyrus, Jfo. 45. 1. David, Jer. 30. 9. £2.37.24,25. i7oj.3.5. Days-Man, Job 9. .33. Day-Star, 2 Pst. 1. 19. Deliverer, 7?oot.11. 26. Desire of all Nations, Hai/. 2. 7. Dew, 7fo.f. 14. 5. Diadem, Isa. 62. 3. Door of Sheep, JoAn 10. 7. Eagle, De2ct. 32. 11. Elect, Isa. 42. 1. Emmanuel, 7m. 7. 14. Mai. 1. 23. Ensign, I.\a. 11. 10. Eternal Life, 1 Jo/m 5. 20. Everlasting Father, J^a. 9. 6. Express Image, &c. Heb. 1.3. Faithful Witness, Rev. 1.5. | 3. 14. I 19. 11. Fatted Calf, Lv/ce 15. 23. Father of Eternity, Isa. 9. t 6. Feeder, Isa. 40. 11. Finisher of Faith, Heb. 12. 2. Fir-tree, Has. 14. 8. First-Begotten, Hev. 1.5. First-Fruits, 1 Cor. 15. 23. First and Last, Rev. 2. 8. Flesh, Jo/m 1. 14. Foundation, Isa. 28. 10. Fountain, Zee//. 13. K Forerunner, 7/e/^. 6. 20. Friend of Sinners, Matt. 11. 19. Gift of God, 2C(;r. 9. 15. Glory of God, i,(a. 40. 5. Glorious Lord, Isa. 33. 21. God, Jo/m 1. 1. Rom. 9. 5. 1 Tim. 3. 16. 1 Jo/m 5. 20. Gold, C^w^. 5. 11. Golden Altar, Rev. 8. 3. Governor, Matt. 2. 6. Gracious, 1 Pet. 2. 3. Guide, Psal. 48. 14. Habitation, P.fal. 91. 9. Harmless, iJe*. 7. 26. Head of the Church, Col. 1. 18. Heir of all Things, Heb. \. 2. Help, Psal. 33. 20.1 40. 17- Heritage, Isa.5H. 14. Highest, Psal. 18. 13. X?/^el.32. High Priest, Heb. 3. 1. | 7. 1. Most High, LvieS. 28. Holy One of God, Mark 1. 24. Holy One of Israel, Isa. 41. 14. Holy Child, y^cts 4. .30. Honey-Comb, Cant. 4. 11. Hope, Acts 28. 20. 1 Tim. 1. 1. Horn of Salvation, Psal. 18. 2. Husband, Ifa. 54. 5. Jer. 31. 32. T am, Etod. 3. 14. Jb/;;'. 8. 58. .Jacob, Isa. 41.8.1 44. 1. 5. Jah, 68. 4. Jehovah, Isa. 26. 4. | 40. t .3. Jerusalem, Cant. 6. 4. Jesus, Matt. 1. 21. 1 T7;eM. 1. 10. Image of God, Heb. 1. 3. Tmmanuel, Isa. 7. 14. Mat. 1. 23. Immortal, 1 Tim. 1. 17. Inheritance, T^seA. 44.28. Invisible, 1 Tm. ].17. Israel, Isa. 44. 21.1 49. 3. .ludah. Rev. 5. 5. ■ Judge, Mic. 5. 1. ^m 10. 42. King, Ma^21. 5.1 25.34. Ladder, Gen. 28. 12. Lamb, Jo/m 1. 29. Rev. 5. 6. Lawgiver, Isa. 33. 22. James 4. 12. Leader, /.va. 55. 4. Light, Jo/;« 1. 9. I 8. 12. I 12. 46. Life, Jo/m 14. 6. Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Rev. 5. 5. Living God, 1 Tim. 3. 15. Ix^na-suftering, Erod. 34.6. Lord, Rom. 1. 3. Rev. 17. 14. Lovely, C'a?««'. 5. 16, Man, /Jc/.f 17. 31. 1 Tim. 2. 5. Master, Mat. 8. 19. 1 23. 8. Mediator, 1 Tim. 2. 5. Melchisedek, i7«,^.7. 1. Merciful, Heb. 2. 17. Messenger, Mai. 2. 7- I 3. 1 . Messiah, Dan. 9. 25. Jo/m 1. 41. Michael, L>a?i. 12. 1. Rev. 12.7- Mighty God, Isa. 9.6. \ 63.1. Minister, Heb.8. 2. Morning-star, Rev. 2. 28. I 22. 16. Moses, /4c^v 3. 22. Nazarite. Mat. 1. 23. Offspring of David, Rev. 22. 16. Only-Begotten, Jo/m 1. 14. Ointment, Cant. 1. 3. Pass-over, 1 Cor. 5. 7. Plant of Renown, Eze/c. 34. 29. Potentate, 1 Tzm. 6. 15. Prince, Acts 3. I5. I 5. 31. Prophet, L?a. 42. 1, 19. j 44. 2L Shepherd, Jo/m 10. IL Heb. 13.20. Shield, Gen. 15. 1. Psal. 18. 35. Shiloh, Gen. 49. 10. Solomon, C'awi. 3. 7. | 8. 11, 12. Son of God, Mat. 4. 3. I 8. 29. Son of Man, Mat. 8. 20. Sower, Mat. 13.3. Spirit, 1 Cor. 15. 45. Heb. 9. 14. Stone Refused, Mat. 21.42. Strength of Israel, 1 Sam. 15. 29. Strong God, Pm/.89.8. Rev.lV,.Q. Substance, Heb. 10. .34. Sun of R ighteousness, Mai. 4. 2. Surety, Heb. 7- 22. Sharp Sword, J.ta. 49. 2. Tabernacle, Heb. 8. 2. | 9. 11. Teacher, Jo/;« 3. 2. Temple, A/a/vt 14. 58. Testator, Heh. 9. 16, 17. Treasure, Lu/ce 12. 33. Tree of Life, Rev. 1.7. 'J ruth, Jo//w 14. 6. Vine, Ju/i7i 15. 1. Wall of Fire, Zec/i.1.5. Way, Isa. 35. 8. JoAn 14. 6. Well of Living Water, Cant. 4. 15. Wedding Garment, Mat. 22. 12. Wisdom of God, 1 Cor. 1. 24. Witness, Rev. 1 . 5. 1 3. 14. Wonderful, Isa. 9. 6. I 28. 29. Word of Goa. 40. 31. Elect, Ifa. 45. 4. Mat. 24. 22. Election, itom. 9. 11. I 11. 5, 7. Escaped, Isa. 45. 20. 2 Pet. 1. 4 Excellent, P,ra/. 16. 3. Prou. 12. 26. Fair, C«w^ 1. 15. 12. 10. | 4. 10. Faithful, Ep/i. 1. 1. Col. 1. 2. Family of (iod, Ep/^. 3. 15. Fearful, 7.?a. .35. 4. I Fig-trees, Can/. 2. First-fiuifs, Jam. 1. 18. [13. Flock of God, Acts 20. 28. First-born, Heb. 12. 23. Fold of Christ, Jo/m 10. 16. Followers of God, Ep/i. 5. 1. Fountain, Can/. 4. 12. Free men, 1 Clir. 7. 11. Friends of God, Jam. 2. 23. Fruitful, Col. 1; 10. Fulness of Christ, F.p/i. 1. 23. Garden enclosed. Cant. 4. 12. Gatheied, Isa. 56. 8. General A.ssembly, Heb. 12. 23. Generation of the Upright, Pja/. 112.2. Glory of God, fsa. 46. 13. Glorious, Ps. 45. 13. I Grapes, Hot. 9. Habitation of God, Ep/i. 2. 22. [10. Heirs of God, Rom. 8. 17. Heritage of God, Jer. 12. 7. Hidden Ones, P.ya/. 83. 3. Holy, 1 Cor. 3. 17. Ep/i. 1. 4. House of God, 1 Tim. 3. 15. Humble, Psal. 9. 12. 1 .34. 2. Husbandry of God, 1 Cor. 3. 9. Jacob, Psal. 14. 7. 1 147. 19. Jerusalem above. Gal. 4.29. — heaven- ly, Heb. 12. 22.— holy. Rev. 21. 10. Jewels of the Lord, Mai. 3. 17. Imag;e of G(hI, Rom. 8. 29. Inhabitants of Zion, Isa. 12. 6. Joy of the whole Rarth. P,ja/. 48. 2. Israel ot God, Gal. 6. 16, Justified, Acts 13. .39. Kings, Rev. 1. 6. | 5. 10. Kingdom of Heaven, Mat. 13. .38. Lambs, la. 40. 11. Jo/m 21. 15. Lamb's Wife, Pev. 21. 9. Light of the World, /Mat. 5. 14. Lily among Thorns, Cnnt.1. 1. Little Ones, Zec/i. 13. 7. Lively Stones, 1 I'et. 2. 5. Lot of Goe Deliverance. ACCESS. Rom. 5. 1. by whom also we have a. bj' faith Eph. 2. 18. thro' him we both have a. to the Father 3. 12. in wliom we have boldness and a. by faith Accompany. &«». 11. 3. that shall rule, and do a. to his will Ilos, 3. 1. «. to the love of the Lord toward Israel 12. 2. the Lord will punish Jacob a. to his ways Mic. 7. 15. a.tothedaysof thycomingoutofEgypt Mat. 9. 29. a. to your faith be it unto you 16. 27. he will reward every man^. to his works, Jn the a. thing ; Achan took of a. II. for they have even taken of the a. thing 12. turned their backs, because they were a. except ye destroy the a. from among you 13. there is an a. thing in the midst of thee 15. he that is taken with the a. thing 22. 20. did not Achan commit trespass in a. thing 1 Sam. 3. + 13. his sons made themselves a. 1 Chron. 2. 7. who transgressed in the thing a. Isa. 65. 20. the sinner an 100 years old shall be a. Rom. 9. 3. for I could wish myself a. from Christ 1 Cor. 12. 3. no man by the Spirit calleth Jesus a. Gal. 1, 8. preach any other gospel, let him be a. 9. ACCUSATION. Ezra 4. 6. wrote they to him an a. against Judah Mat. 27. 37. set over his head his a. Mark 15. 26. Luke 6. 7- that they might find an a. against him 19. 8. if I have taken any thing by false a. John 18. 29. what a. bring ye against this man ? /lets 25. 18. they brought no a. as I supposed 1 Tim. 5. 19. against an elder receive not an a. 2 Pet. 2. 11. bring not a railing a. against them Jude 9. Michael durst not bring a railing a. ACCUSE. Prov. ,30. 10. a. not a servant to his master Mat. 12. 10. that they might a. him. Mar. 3. 2. L7ike 11.54. Luke 3. 14. nor a. any falsely, and be content 23. 2. and they began to a. him, saying 14. touching those things whereof ye a. him John 5. 45. that 1 will a.'you to the Father 8. 6. that they might have to a. him Acts 24. 2. Tertullus besan to a. him, saying 8. take knowledge of all things v/hereof we a. 13. nor can they prove things whereof they a. me 25. 5. let them go dov/n with roe, and a. this man 11. if there be none of those whereof these a. me 28. 19. not that 1 had ought to a. my nation of 1 Pet. 3. 16. falsely a. your good conversation ACCUSED. Da7i. 3. 8. Chaldeans came near and a. the .Tews 6. 24. they brought them which had a. Daniel Mat. 27. 12. when he was a. he answered nothing Mark 15. 3. priests a. him many things, luke 23. 10. Luke 16. 1. was a. that he had wasted his goods Acts 22. 30. the certainty wherefore he was a. 23. 28. have known the cause whereof they a. him 29. perceived to be a. of questions of their law 25. 16. before he which is a. have the accusers 26. 2. answer, touching tilings where.if I am a. 7. for Avhich hope's sake I am a. of 1 lie Jews Tit. 1. 6. faithful children, not a. of riot, or unruly Rev. 12. 10. accuser, who a. them before our God Accuser. SeeC\srdomi. ACCUSERS. John 8. 10. woman, where are those thine a. ? Acts 23. 30. I gave commandment to his a. also 35. I will hear thee when thine a. are come 24. 8. commanding his a. to come to thee 25. 16. before he have the a. face to face 18. against whom, when the a. s^ood up 2 'Tim. 3. 3. without natural affection, false a. Tit. 2. 3. not false a. not given to much wine ACCTJSETH, ING. John 5. 45. there is one that a. you, even Moses Rom, 2. 15. their thoughts a. or excusing ADD Accustomed; .fee Do Evil. Aceldama; see Field. ACKNOWLEDGE Signifies, [1] To own, or confess. Gen. .38. 26. Psal. 32. 5. L2] To observe, ur take notice of, Prov, 3. 6. Isa. 33. 13. [3] To esteem and respect, Isa. 61. 9. 1 Cor. 16. 18. L4] To approve of, 2. Cor. 1. 13. Philem. 6. [51 To worship, or make pro- fes.vion of, Dan. 11. 39. Detu. 1. f 17. ye shall not n. fares in judgment 21. 17. he shall a. the son of the hated 33. 9. nor did he a. his brethren nor children Psal. 31. 5. la. my sin || 51. 3. 1 a. my transgression Prov. 3. 6. in all thy ways a. hiin, he shall direct Isa. .33. 13. ye that are near, a. my might 61. 9. all that see them, shall a. tliem 03. 16. thou art our father, tho' Israel a. us not Jer. 3. 13. only a. thine iniquity that thou hast 14. 20. we a. O Lord, our wickedness 21. 5. so will I a. them that aie carried away Dan. 11. 39. with a strange God whom he shall a, Ilos. 5. 15. I will go, till they a. their offence 1 Cor. 14. 37. let him a. the things that I write 16. 18. therefore a. ye them that are such 2 Cor. 1. 13. what you a. and 1 trust shall a. ACKNOWLEDGED. Gen. 38. 26. Judah a. them, and said, she hath been 2 Cor. 1. 14. also you have a. us in part ACKNOWLEDGETH. 1 John 2. 23. he that a. the Son hath the Father ACKNOWLEDGING. 2 Tim. 2. 25. repentance to the a. of the truth Tit. 1. 1. to the a. tiie truth which is after godliness- Philem. 6. by the a. every sood thinij in Christ ACKNOWLEOGMEN I. Col. 2. 2. to the a. of the mystery of God ACQUAINT, ED, ING. Job 22. 21. a. thyself with him and be at peace Psal. 139. 3. thou art a. with all my ways Eccl. 2. 3. yet a. my heart with wisdom Isa. 53. 3. a man of sorrows, and a. with grief ACQUAINTANCE. 2 Kings 12. 5. let priests take it, every man of his (f, 7. therefore receive no more money of your a. Job 19. 13. mine a. are estranged from me 42. 11. then came all that had been of his a. I^sal. 31. 11. I was a reproach and a fear to mine «. .55. 13. it was thou, mine equal, and mine a. 88. 8. thou hast put away mine a. far from me 18. lover put from me, and my a. into darkness- Luke 2. 44. they sought him among their a. 23. 49. all his a. stood afar off, beholding thimrs Acts 24. 23. he should forbid none of his a. to comer ACQUIT. Job 10. 14. thou wilt not a. me from mine iniquity Nah. 1. 3. the Lord will not at all a. the wicked ACRE, S. 1 Sam. 14. 14. 20 men within half an a. of land Isa. 5. 10. ten a. of vineyard shall yield one batb ACT. Isa. 28. 21. and brimr to pass his a. his strange a. 59. 6. and the a. of violence is in their hands John 8. 4. was taken in adultery, in the very a. ACTS. Deut. 11. 3. and his a. which he did in Es-ypt 7. 3' our eyes have seen the great a. of tlie Lord Judg. 5. 11. rehearse the righteous a. of the Lord 1 Aaw. 12. 7- reason of all righteous a. of the Lord 2 Sam. 23. 20. and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada.. who had done many a. 1 Chron. 11. 22, 1 Kings 10. 6. it was a true report I heard of thy a. 11. 41. the a. of Solomon, are they not written in the book of the a. of Solomon ? 2 Chron. 9. 5. 2 Kings 10. 34. the a. of Jehu, and all that he did 23. 19. according to all the a. he had done 28. the a. of Josiah and all that he did are writtea 1 Chron. 29. 29. the a. of David, first and last 2 Chron. 16. 11. behold the a. of Asa, first and last 20. .34. the a of Jehoshaphat, first and last 32. .32. the a. of Hezekiah, 2 Kings 20. 20. Esth. 10. 2. all the a. of his power and miirht Psal. 103. 7. his a. to the children of Israel' 106. 2. who can utter the mighty a. of the Lord ? 145. 4. and shall declare thy mighty a. 6. 12. 150. 2. praise him for his mighty a. praise him ACTION'S. 1 Sam. 2. 3. and by the Lord a. are weighed ACTIVITY. Ge?i. 47. 6. if knowest any man of a. among them ADAMANT. Esek. 3. 9. as an a. have 1 made thy forehead Zech. 7. 12. they made their hearts as an a. stone ADD Signifies, [1] To join, or put to, Deut. 4. 2. Acts 2 41. 2 Pet. 1. 5. L2] To increase, Prov. 16. 23, [3] To give, or_ bestow. Gen. 30. 24. Mat. 6. 33, [4] To make 7uise by instruction, GzX. 2. 6. [5] 2'o utter, Deut. 5. 22. Gen. 30. 24. the Lord shall a. to me another son Lev. 5. 16. he shall a. a fifth part thereto, 6. 5. | 27. 13, 15, 19, 27, 31. N7cm. 5. 7. Num.. .35. 6. to cities of retugea. forty-two cities Deut. 4. 2. ye shall not a. to the word, 12. 32. 19. 9. thou shalt a. three cities more of refuge 29. 19. to a. drunkenness to thirst 2 Sam. 24. 3. the Lord thy God a. to the people 1 K2ngsl2. 11. and now Rehoboam said, I will a. to your yoke, 14. 2 Chron. 10. 14. 2 Rings 20. 6. I a. to thy days 15 years, Isa. 38.5. 1 Chron. 22. 14. and thou mayest j. thereto 2 Chron. 28. 13. ye intend to a. m"re to our sins Psal. 69. 27. a. iniquity to their iniquity Prov. 3. 2. long life and peace shall they a. to thee .30. 6. a. thou not to his words, lest he reprove thee Isa. 29. 1. «. ye year to year, let them kill sacrifices .30. 1. that they may «•. sin to sin Mat. 6. 27. can a. one cubittohisstature, Phil. 1. 16. supposina- to a. affliction to my bonds 2 Pet. 1. 5. besides this a to your faith virtue Rev. 22. 18. if any a. God shall a. to him plagues ADDED. Deut. 5. 22. with a great voice, and he a. no K\Qre I ADO 1 Sam. IC. 19. we have a. to all our sins this evil Jer. 36. 32. there \vere a. besides many like words 45. 3. the Lord hath n. inief to my sorrow Da7i. 4. 36. and excellent majestv was a. to me 31at. 6. 33. all tliese shall be a. to'you, Luie 12. 31. Zvie 3. 20. Herod a. yet this above all, he shut up 19. 11. as they heard, he a. and spake a parable Acts 2. 41. the same day there were a. 300() souls 47. and the Lord a. to the church daily such .5. 14. belie -ers were the more a. totlie Lord 11. 24. and much people was a. to the Lord GaL 2. 6. seemed to be somewhat, a. nothing to me 3. 19. the law was a. because of transgressions ADDETH, ING. Job 34. 37. for he a. rebellion to his sin Piov. 10. 22. and he a. no sorrow with it 16. 23. the heart of the wise a. learning- to his lips GaL 3. 15. no man disannuUeth or a. thereto. ADD BR. Gen. 49. 17. Dan shall be an a. in the path Psal. 56. 4. they are like the deaf a. that stops 91. 13. thou Shalt tread on the lion and a. 140. 3. a. poison is under their lips Prov. 23. 32. wine at last stingeth like an a. ADDICTED. 1 Cor. 16. 15. a. themselves to the ministry of saints ADDITION, S. 1 Kings 7. 29. certain a. were made of thin work 30. undersetters molten at the side of every a. 36. he graved cherubims, and a. round about ADJURE Signifies, [1] To bind under the penalty of a fearful curse. Josh. G. 26. [2] To charge earnestly by ■word or oath, 1 Kings 22. 16. Mat. 26. 63. 1 Kings 11. 16. the king said, how many times shall I a. thee to tell me nothinff, 2 Chron. 18. 15. Mat. 26. 63. I a. thee by the living God Mark 5. 7. I a. thee by God, thou torment me not xlcts 19. 13. saying, we a. >'0u by Jesus, whom Paul ADJtTRED. Josli. 6. 26. Joshua a. them at that time 1 Sam. 14. 24. for Saul had a. the people ADMIN IS I'RATION , b. 1 Cor. 12. 5. there are diiferences of a. ■2 Cor. 9. 12. for the a. of this service supplieth ADMINISTERED. -2 Cor. 8. 19. a. bj' us to the glory of the same Lord 20. in this abundance which is a. by us ADMIRATION. Jiide 16. having men's persons in a. Rev. 17. 6. 1 saw her, 1 wondered with sreat a. ADMIRED. H Thess. 1. 10. to be a. in all them that believe ADMONISH, ED. P^ccl. 4. 13. a foolish kine, who will no more be a. 12. 12. and further by these, my son, be a. Jer. 42. 1^. know certainly that I have a. j'ou Acts 27. 9- the fast was now past, Paul a. them -Horn. 15. 14. ye are able also to a. one another Col. 3. 16. a. one another in psalms and hymns 1 Tlies^. 5. 12. that are over you in Lord, and a. you S Thess. 3. 15. not an enemy, but a. him as a brother Heb. 8. 5. as Moses was a. of God, when he was ADMONITION. 1 Cor. 10. 11. they are MTitten for our a. Epk. 6. 4. bring them up in the a. of the Lord Tit. 3. 10. after the first and second a. reject ADO. Mark 5. 39. he saith, why make ye this a. and weep ADOPTION Is an action whereby a man takes a person into his family, in order to make him part of it, acknow- ledges him for his son, and receives him into the mimber, and gives kirn a right to the privileges, «/ his children. Pharaoh's daughter adopted young Moses, and Mordecai Esther, Exod. 2. 10. Esther 2. 7> 15- We are not acquainted how far the privileges of adoption extended : but it may be jiresumed that they were much the same with those metitioned in the Roman laws : The adopted chil- dren shared zw the estate with the natural children ; they assumed the name of the person who adopted them, and became subject to his paternal power who received them iyito his family. Aiid God doth adopt his children, when he graciously admits strangers 6cnd enemies, as all the fallen race of Adam are by nature, into the state and relation of children thro' Jesus Christ; he becoming their Father in him, ac- cording to the great promise of the new covenayit, Eph. 2. 11, 12, 13. 1 John 3. 1. Gal. 4. 5. Eph. 1. 5. Jer. 31. 33. 2 Cor. 6. 16. 18. The adopted -are true believers iyi Christ ; they relying upon his Mood and surety-righteousness for pardon and re- conciliation with God; for to as many as received Jiim, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name. They are regenerated by the Spirit, and are justi- fied freely by grace, through the redemption that is in Jesus Christ, and are brovght through the Spirit's operation to aji affectionate obediential frame of spirit towards God as their reconciled Father, John 1. 12, 13. Rom. 3. 24, 25. Zech. 12. 10. Isa. 63. 18. Gal. 4. 5, 6. Tit. 3. 5, 6. 1 John 2. 29. Many and great are the privileges of God's adopted children ; some of which are, his fatherly protection from temporal and spiritual evils, and his provision of all needful things both for soul and body ; his fatherly correction of them ; audience and rctiirn to their prayers ; and a sure title to the heavenly inheritance : for, if children, Ihen heirs, heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ, Rom. 8. 17- Psal. 34. 10. and 121. 7. Heb. 12. 6. 1 John 5. 14, 15. True believers nre said to be put into this state, [1] By election, Eph. 1. 5. [2] By manifestation and assurance, Rom. 8. 15. Gal. 4. 5, 6. [3] By perfect re- demption and glory, at the general resurrection, Rom. 8. 23. Rom. 8. 15. but ye have received the Spirit of a. 23. waiting for the a. tlie redemption ot our body 9.4. to whom pertaineth the a. and the glory Gal. 4. 5. that we might receive the a. of sons ADV Eph. 1. 5. predestinated us to the a. of children ADORN, ED, ETH, ING. Jsa. 61. 10. as a bride a. herself with her jewels Jer. 31. 4. thou shalt be again a. witli tabrets Luke 21. 5. the temple was a. with goodly stones 1 Tim. 2. 9. that women a. in modest apparel Tit. 2. 10. a. the doctrine of God our Saviour 1 Pet. 3. 3. whose a. let it not be that outward a. 5. women who trusted in God a. themselves Rev. 21. 2. prepared as a bride a. for her husband ADVANCED. 1 Sam. 12. 6. it is the Lord that a. Tyloses and Aaron Esth. 3. 1. Ahasuerus a. Haman the Agagite 5. 11. Haman told them how he had a." him 10. 2. the greatness whereto the kinir a. iNlordecai ADVANTAGE, ED, EIH. Job 35. 3. thou saidst, what a. will it be to thee Luke 9. 25. what is a man a. if he gain the world Rom. 3. 1. what a. then hath the Jew, or what 1 Cor. 15. 32. what a. it me if the dead rise not ? 2 Cor. 2. 11. lest Satan should get an a. of us Jude 16. men's persons in admiration, because of a. ADVENTURE, ED. T)era. 28. 56. not a. to set the sole of her foot Judg. 9. 17. my father sought and a. his life far Acts 19. 31. that he would not a. into tlie theatre ADVERSARY. Exod. 23. 22. I will be an a. to thine adversaries l 14. 9. for ye shall speak into the a. Eph. 2. 2. the prince of the power of the a. 1 Thess. 4. 17- caught up to meet the Lord in the a. Rev. 9. 2. the sun and the a. were darkened 16. 17. the angel poured out his vial into the a. See Fowls. ALARM. Num. 10. 5. when ye blow an a, then the camps, 6. 7. you shall blow, but shall not sound an a. 9. and if ye go to war, then ye shall blow an a. 2 Chron. 13. 12. trumpets to cry an a. against you La. 16. 1 9. a. is fallen on thy summer fruits Jer. 4. 19. thou hast heard, O my soul, the a. of war 49. 2. the da3^ is come, I will cause an a. of war Joel 9,. 1. and sound an a. in my holy mountain Zeph. 1. 16. a day of a. against the fenced cities aLas. Num. 12. 11. Aaron said to Moses, a. my Lord 24. 23. a. who shall live when od doth this ': Josh."!. 7. Joshua said, a. O Lord, why hastthou Judg. 6. 22. a. because 1 have seen an angel 11. 35. a. daughter, thou hast brought nie low 1 KingslZ. .30. mourned over him, a. my brother 2 Kings S. 10. a. that the Lord hath called these 6. 5. he cried, a. master, for it was borrowed 15. servant said, a. my master, how shall we do » Jer. 30. 7. a. for that day is great, none is like it Ezek. 6. 11. stamp with thy foot, and say a. Joell. 15. a. for the day, for the day of the Lord Amos 5. 16. they shall say in the hierhways, a. i^ez;.18. 10. a. a. that sreatcity, Babylon, 16, 19. ALBEH. Ezek. 13. 7- fbe Lord saith, a. I have not spoken Philem. 19 a. I say not, how thou owest to me ALIANT. Job 19. 15. 1 am an a. in their sight Psal. 69. 8. 1 am an a. to my mother's children ALIEN, S. Exod. 18. 3. I have been an a. in a strange land Deut. 14. 21. or thou mayest sell it to an "a. Isa. 61. 5. sons of the a. shall be your plo\vmen Lam. 5. 2. and our houses are turned to a. Eph. 2. 12. a. from the commonwealth of Israel Heb, 11. 34. who turned to flight the armies of a, ALIEN A IE; ED. La. 1.14. have forsaken the Lord, they are a. Ezek. 23. 17. her mind was a. from them 18. my mind was a. from her as from her sister 22. thy lovers from whom thy mind is a. 28. 48. 14. they shall not a. the first fruits of the land Eph. 4. 18. a. from the life of God thro' ignorance Col. 1. 21. and you that were sometimes a. enemiea- ALIKE Signifies, [1] Without any difference, Rom. 14. 5. [2] Afte-r one and the same manner, Psal. 33. 15. [3] Equally troublesome, Prov. 27. 15. Deut. 12. 22. unclean and clean eat a. 15. 22. 1 Sam. 30. 24. that tarrieth, they shall part a. Job 21. 26. tiiey shall lie do\\m a. in the dust Psal. 33. 15. he fashioneth their hearts a. considers 139. 12. darkness and light are both a. to thee Prov. 20. 10. both are a. abomination to the Lord 27. 15. dropping and a contentious woman are a. Eccl. 9. 2. all things come a. to all ; one event 11. 6. whether they both shall be a. good Rom. 14. 5. another esteemeth everyday a. ALIVE Is taken [1] Naturally, Gen. 43. 27. [21 Svper- naturally, being raised from the dead, Luke 24, 23. [3] Spiritually, when a person is made alive to God by his special grace, and the powerful ope- ration of his Spirit, working with the zcord of God, Luke 15. 24, 32. [4] Opiiiiatively, when persons apprehend themselves to be righteous, although in truth they are not, Rom. 7. 9. [5] Eternally, Rev. 1. 18. Gen. 7. 23. Noah only remained a. and they in ark 12. 12. they will kill me, and save thee a. 50. 20. as it is this day, to save much people a. Exod. 1. 17. but saved the men-children a. 18. 22. and every daughter ye shall save a. 22. 4. if the theft be found in his hand a. Lev. 10. 16. he was angry with Aaron's sons lefta:. 14. 4. command to take two birds a. and clean 16. 10. the scape-goat shall be presented a. 26. 36. are left a.'of you, T will send a faintness- Num. 16. 33. they went down a. into tiie pit 21. ,35. smote Og, till there was none left a. 22. 33. I had slain thee, and saved her a. 31. 15. have ye saved all the women n.? Deut. 4. 4. are a. every one of you this day 5. 3. who are all of us a. here "this day 6. 2-1. that he might preserve us a. at this day 20. 16. shall save'a. nothing tiiat breatheth .32. 39. I kill, and 1 make a. 1 Sam. 2. 6. Josh. 2. 13. that ye will save a. my father 6. 25. Joshua saved Hahahthe harlot a. 8. 23. and the king of .Ai they took a. 14. 10. the I ord hath kept me a. as he said Judg. 8. 19. if ye had saved them a. I would not 21. 14. gave them wives which they had saved «• 7 ALL ALL ALL 1 Sam. 15. 8. he took Agag the king of Amalek a. '27. 9. David left neither man nor woman a. 1 Kings 18. 5. to save the horses and mules a. 20. 18. whether come for peace or war take them a. 21. 15. for JSaboth is not a. but dead 2 King's 5. 7- am I God, to kill and make a. ? 7. 4. if they save us a. we shall live 12. when they come out we shall catch them a. 10. 14. he said, take them a. and they took them a. £ Chron. 25. 12. and other ten thousand left a. Psal. 30. 3. O Lord, thou hast kept me a. that I Ptov. 1. 12. let us swallow them up a. as the grave Jer. 49. 11. the fatherless I will preserve a. Ezek. 13. 18. will ye save the souls a. that come 19. to save the souls a. that should not live 18. 27. doth what is right, he shall save his soul a. Dan. 5. 19. and whom he would, he kept a. Hah. 3. + 2. O Lord, preserve a. thy work Mark 16. 11. when they heard that he was a. Luke 15. 24. for this my son was dead and is a. 32. 24. 23. they had seen angels who said he was a. Jicts I. 3. he shewed himself a. after his passion 9. 41. had called the widow, presented her a. 20. 12. and they brought the young man a. 25. 19. .Tesus, whom Paul afhrmed to be a. Horn. 6. 11. but a. to God through Christ our Lord 13. to God, as tliose that are a. from the dead 7. 9. for I Avas a. without the law once, but when 1 Cot. 15. 22. so in Christ shall all be made n. 1 Thess. 4. 15. that we which are a. and remain, 17. 2 Tim. 2. t 26. who are taken a. by him at his will Rev. 1. 18. and behold 1 am a. for evermore 2. 8. the first and last, which was dead, and is a. 19. 20. these were both cast a. into a lake of fire Keep Amve ; see Keep. Yet A r,I V E. Gen. 43. 7- asked us, saying, is vour father pet a ? 27. is he yet a ? \\ 28. he is well, he is yet a. 45. 26. thej' told him, saying, .Toseph is yet a. 528. 46. 30. now let me die, because thou ViXtyet a. Exod. 4. 18. let me go and see whether they be yet a. Deut. 31. 27. while I am yet a. with you this day 2 Sam. 12. 18. while the child was ye;; a. 21, 22. 18. 14. while he was yet a. in the midst of the oak 1 Kings 20. 32. is he yet a 7 he is my brother Eccl. 4. 2. more than the living which are yet a. Ezek. 7. 13. which is sold, altho' they were yet a. Mat. 27. 63. this deceiver said, while he was yet a. ALL Signifies [1] Every creature, Prov. 16. 4. Psal. 119. 91-. [2] Every man, or person, 2 Cor. 5. 10. [3] Plentiful, or perfect, Rom. 15. 13. 1 Cor. 13. 2. [4.] Some of all nations, and degrees, 1 Tim. 2. 4. Tit. 2. 11. [5] Many, or the greatest part. Mat. 3. 5. Phil. 2. 21. [6] Those that believe, John 12. 32. Gen. 20. 7- thou shalt surely die, thou and a. thine 24. 36. to him hath he given a. that he hath .31. 43. Laban said, a. that thou seest is mine 37. 3. Jacob loved Joseph more than a. his children 39. 3. the Lord made a. he did to prosper 42. 11. we are a. one man's sons, we are true men 45. 11. lest thou and a. thou hast come to poverty 48. 15. the God which fed me a. my life long Exod. 20. 11. madeheaven, earth, sea, and a. in them 33. 19. I'll make a. my goodness pass before thee Num. 19. 14. a. that come into t!ie tent are unclean 23. 13. see the utmost, and shalt not see them a. Deut. 5. 3. who are a. of us here alive this day 13. six days shalt thou labour and do a. thj- work 29. 10. ye stand a. of you before the Lord your God Josh. 21. 45. failed not, a. came to pass, 23. 14. 1 Sam. 6. 4. one plague was on you a. and your lords 9. 19. 1 will tell thee a. that is in thine heart 16. 11. Samuel said, are here a. thy children ? 30. 8. shalt overtake, and without fail recover a. 2 Sam. 16. 4. thine are a. that pertained to Mephibo. 1 Kiyigs 14. 10. taketh away dung till it be a. gone 16. 25. Omri did worse than a. before him 20. 4. my lord, I am thine, and a. that 1 have 1 Chron. 7. 3. the sons of Uzzi, a. of them ch'ief men Ezra 8. 22. wrath is against a. that forsake him Neh. 9. 6. Lord, thou preservest them a. and hast Job 16. 2. miserable comforters are ye a. 34. 1 13. who hath disposed a. of it 19. for they a. are the work of his hands Psal. 14. 3. are a. gone aside, a. become filthy 22. 17. 1 may tell a. my bones, they stare upon me 34. 19. the Lord delivereth him out of them a. 38. 9. Lord, a. my desire is before thee 44. 17. a. this is come upon us, yet have we not 69. 19. mine adversaries are a. before thee 104. 27. these wait a. on thee, that thou mayest give 119. 91. they continue, for a. are thy servants' Prov. 1. 14. cast in thy lot, let us a. have one purse 22. 2. the Lord is the maker of them a. Eccl. 3. 20. a. are of dust, a. turn to dust again 12. 1 13. a. that hath been heard is, fear God Jsa. 64. 9. behold, see, we are a. thy people Jer. 9. 2. they be a. adulterers, Hos. f. 4. Ezek. 7. 16. a. of them mourning, every one for 20. 40. a. of them in the land shall serve me 37. 22. and one king shall be king to them a. 40. 4. son of man, declare «. that thou seest 43. 11. shew them a. the forms, a. the ordinances Dan. 1. 19. amonir them a. none found like Daniel Hos. 5. 2. tho' 1 have been a rebuker of them a. Amos 9. 1. and cut them in the head a. of them Nah. 3. 1. woe to the bloody city, it is a. full of lies Mai. 2. 10. have we not a. one I'ather, hath not one Mat. 5. 18. pass from the law, till a. be fulfilled 13. 56. and his sisters, are they not a. with us ? 22. 28. whose wife shall she be, for they a. had her Mark 12. 33. is more than a. burnt offerings 44. she cast in a. even a. that she had, Jyi/ke 21. 4. jMke 4. 7- if thou worship me, a. shall be thine 6. 10. looking round about on them a. he said 8. 40. for they were a. waiting for him 13. 3. except ye repent, ye shall a. likewise perish 15. 31. he said, son, a. that I have is thine 17. 10. so ye, when ye have done a. say, we are 18. 22. sell a. that thou hast, and distribute to poor John 1. 16. of his fulness have a. we received 4. 39. woman said, he told me a. that ever I did 13. 10. Jesus saith, ye are clean, but not a. 17. 21. that they a. may be one, as thou art in me Acts 4. 33. and great grace was upon them a. 10. 33. we are a. here present before the Lord 11. 23. he exhorted them a. to cleave to the Lord 16. 28. do thyself no harm, we are a. here 22. 3. zealous towards God, as ye a. are this day 26. 29. but also a. that hear me this day, were both 27. 35. Paul gave thanks in presence of them a. Pom. 1. 8. 1 thank God thro' Jesus Christ for you a. 8. 32. but delivered him up for us a. how shall he 1 Cor. 3. 22. a. are yours, and ye are Christ's 15. 10. but I laboured more abundantly than they «. Gal. 3. 22. thescripture hath concluded a. under sin Phil. 4. 18. but I have a. and abound, I am full 2 'J'hess. 2. 12. that they a. miglit be damned, who 2 Tim. 3. 11. out of tliem a. the Lord delivered me flelj. 1. 14. are they not a. ministering spirits, sent 12. 8. ciiastisement, whereof a. are partakers 1 Pet. 3. 8. finally, be ye a. of one mind 2 Pet. 3. 9. that a. should come to repentance 1 John 2. 19. manifest that they were not a. of us Above All; see Above. According to ALL. G^en. 6. 22. Noah did «c. to a. God commanded, 7. 5. Exud. 31. 11. according to a. the Lord commanded, 36. 1. I 39. 32. 42. 1 40. 16. Num. 2. 34. I 8. 20. I 9. 5. 1 29. 40. ]^eut. 1. 3, 41. Josh. 11. 23. took the land ac. to a. the Lord said 1 Ki7igs 8. 56. given rest uc. to a. that he promised 11. 37. shalt reigii ac. to a. that thy soul desireth 22. 53. ac. to a. his father had done, 2 Kings 23. 32. .37. I 24. 9. 19. 2 Chron. 26. 4 | 27. 2. 2 KiJigs 10. 30. done ac. to a. that was in my heart 18. 3. ac. to a. David his father did, 2 Chron. 29. 2. 1 Chron. I7. 15. ac. to n. these words, ac. to a. this 2 Chron. 2. +16. we will cut wood /(«11. 48. it' we let him «. all men will believe 12. 7. let her a. against the daj' of my burying Acts 5. 38. refrain from these men, let them a. ALOIS G. Num. 21. 22. we will go c. by the king's highway 1 Sam. 6. 12. the kine went a. the highway'," lowing 28. 20. then Saul fell all a. on the earth 2 Sam. 3. 16. her husband went witli her e. weeping 16. 13. Shimei went a. cui-sing, and threw stones Jer. 41. 6. Ishmael went, weeping all a. as he went ALOOF. Psal. 38. 11 . my friends stand a. from my sore Aloud; see Cry, Cried, Sing. ALPHA. Rev. 1. 8. I am a. and Omega. 11. 1 21. 6. I 22. 13. ALREADY. Exod. 1. 5. for Joseph M^as in Egj'pt a. ALT Eccl. 1. 10. it hath been a. of old time, before us Mai. 2.2. your blessings, yea, I have cursed them. a. Mat. 17. 12. I say unto you, Elias is come a. John 3. 18. he that believeth not is condemned a. 1 Cor. 5. 3. but present in spirit, have judged a. Phil. 3. 16. whereto we have a. attained 1 Tim. 5. 15. some are a. turned aside after Satan Rev. 2. 25. but that which ye have a. hold fast ALSO. Gen. 6. 3. strive with, for that he a. is flesh Num. 16. 10. and seek ye the priesthood cr / 1 Sam. 14. 44. Saul answered, God do so and more a. 2 Sam. 3. 35. I 19. 13. 2 Kings 7. 4. and if we sit still here, we die a. Psal. 68.18. gifts, yea, for the rebellious a. Lsa. 7. 13. but will ye weary my God a.? Zech. 8. 21. to seek the Lord of hosts i will go a. Mat. 6. 21. there will your heart be a. Luke 12. 34. 26. 73. surely thou art a. one of them Mark 1. 38. that I may preach there a. 2.28. Son of man is Lordw. of sabbath, Luke&. 5. Luke 11. 45. thus saving, thou reproachest us a. John 5. 19. what he dotff, these a. doth the Son 12. 26. where I am, there shall a. my servant be 14. 3. that where I am, there j-emay be a. Acts 12. 3. he proceeded to take Peter a. Rom. 16. 2. succourer of many, and of mj'self a. 1 Cor. 9. 8. or saith not the law the same a. 15. 8. and last of all, he was seen of me a. 2 Tim. 1. 5. I am persuaded that in thee a. Jam. 2. 26. faith ^^ Ithout works is dead a. 1 John 4. 21. tliat loveth God, love his brother a. ALTAR Signifies, [1] A material altar, on which sacrifices were offered, 1 Kings 13. 1, 2. | 18. 30. [2] Christ, who is the only chrtstiaii altar, to whom we bring all 07ir sacrifices and services, Heb. 13. 10. Geti. 8. 20. Noah builded an a. to the Lord 12. 7. there Abraham built an a. to the Lord, 22. 9. 35. 1. Jacob, go to Beth-el, and make there an a. 3. up to Bethel, 1 will make there an a. to God Exod. 17. 15. ]\Ioses built an a. Jehovah-nissi 20. 24. an a. of earth shalt thou make to me 21. 14. shalt take him from mine a. that he die 29. 37. sanctify it, it shall be an a. most lioly 44. I will sanctify the tabernacle and a. 30. 27. a. of incense, || 40. 10. a. of burnt-offering Lev. 6. 9. the fire of the a. shall be burning in it Nicm. 7. 84. this was the dedication of the a. 18. 3. they shall not come nigh the a. Josh. 22. 34. the children of Gad called the a. Ed. Ju/lg. 6. 25. throw down the a. of Baal, and gxove 31. because one hath cast down his a. 1 Sam. 2. 33. whom 1 shall not cut off from mine a. 2 Sam.. 24. 18. go up, rear an «. to the Lord 1 Kings 13. 2. he cried against the a.O a. a. 18. 30. Elijah repaired the a. of the Lord 35. and the water ran round about the a. 2 Kitigs 18. 22. shall worship before this a. Isa. 56. 7. Psal. 26. 6. so will I compass thine a. O Lord 43. 4. then will 1 go to the a. of God, to God mj' joy Isa. 19. 19. an a. to the Lord in the midst of Egypt 27. 9. the stones of the a. as chalk-stones 56. 7. their sacrifices be accepted on mine a. Lam. 2. 7. the Lord hath cast off his a. Ezek. 8. 16. between the porch and a. 25 men Jvel 1. 13. lament, howl, ye ministers of the a. 2. 17. the priests weep between the porch and a. Amos 2. 8. upon clothes laid to pledge by every a. Mai. 1. 7. ye offer polluted bread on mine a. 10. nor do kindle tire on mine a. for nought 2. 13. covering the a. of the Lord with tears Mat. 5. 23. if thou bring thy gift to the a. 23. 18. whoso shall swear by the a. it is nothing 35. ye slew between the temple and a. Luke 11. 51. Acts 17. 23. 1 found an a. with this inscription 1 Cor. 9. 13. wait at the a. partakers with a. 10. 18. Heb. 7. 13. of which none gave attendance at the a. 13. 10. we have an a. whereof they have no right Rev. 6. 9. I saw under the a. the souls of them slaia 8. 3. should offer it with praj'ers on the golden a. 9. 13. heard a voice from horns of the golden a. See Built. ALTARS. Exod. 34. 13. shall destroy their a. Dcut. 7. 5. 1 12. 3. Num. 23. 1. Baalam said, build here seven a. 1 Kijigs 19. 10. Israel have thrown down thine a. 14. 2 Chro7i. 34. 5. burnt the bones of priests on the a. Psal. 84. 3. even thine a. O Lord of hosts, my king- Isa. 17. 8. and he shall not look to the a. the work Jer. 17. 1. sin of Judah graven on horns of the a. 2. whilst their children remember their a. Ezek. 6. 4. and your a. shall be desolate, images be Hos. 8. 11. made a. to sin, a. shall be to him tosiu 10. 8. thorn and thistle shall come on their a. 12. 11. their a. are as heaps in the furrows Amos 3. 14. I will also visit the a. of Beth-el Rom. 11. 3. Lord, thev have digged down thine a. ALTEK.^ Lev. 27. 10. he shall not a. it, a good for a bad Ezra 6. 11. that whosoever shall a. this word 12. destroy all that put their hand to a. this Psal. 89. 34. not a. the thing gone out of my lips Prov. 31. t 5. lest thev a. the judgment of aliflicted ALIERED. Esth. 1. 19. he not a. that Vashti come no more Luke 9. 29. the fashion of his countenance was a. ALIEREITI. Dan. 6. 8. according to the law which a. not, 12. AT;rERING. Nta?i. 14. + 34. ye shall know my a. of purpose ALTHOUGIL Exod. 13. 17. a- that was near, tor God said 2 Sam. 23. 5. a. my house be not so with God Job 2. 3. a. thou movedst me against him Jer. 31. 32. a. I was an husband unto them Ezek. 11. 16. a. I have cast them tar off Hab. 3. 17. a. the fig-tree shall not blossom Mark 14. 29. a. all shall be offended, yet will not I Gal 6 1 1. c. a man be overtaken in a fault ALIOGEIHER. Num. 16. 13. make thyself a. a prince over us AME Deut. 16. 20. which is a. just shalt thou follow Psal. 14. 3. they are a. become filthy, Psal. 53. 3. 19. 9. judgments of the Lord are righteous a. 39. 5. every man at his best state is a. vanity 50. 21. that 1 was a. such an one as tiiyself 139. 4. but lo, O Lordj thou knowest it a. Cant. 5. 16. his mouth is sweet, yea, he is a. lovely John 9. 34. thou wast a. born in sins, dost thou Acts 26. 29. were almost and a. such as I am 1 Cor. 5. 10. yet not a. with the fornicators 9. 10. or saith he it a. for our sakes ? 2 Cor. 4. t 8. perplexed, but not a. witliout help ALWAY, ALWAYS, Signifies, [1] Continually, John 8. 29. [2] Fre- quently, Acts 10. 2. [3] To the end of the world, Mat. 28. 20. [4.1 During life, 2 Sam. 9. 10. Deut. 5. 29. O thattheywould keep my commands a. 11. 1. thou shalt keep his commandments a. 14. 23. thou mayest learn to fear the Lord a. Job 7. 16. I lothe it, I would not live a. 27. 10. will he a. call upon God .' Psal. 16. 8. I have set the Lord a. before me 103. 9. he will not a. chide, nor keep his anger 119. 112. inclined to perform thy statutes a. Prov. 8. 30. 1 was by him, rejoicing a. before him Isa. 57. 16. neither will I be a. wroth Mat. 28. 20. 1 am with you a. to the end of the world Mark 14. 7. but me ye have not a. John 12. 8. John 8. 29. I do a. those things that please him 11. 42. 1 know that thou hearest me a. Acts 10. 2. Cornelius prayed to God a. 2 Cor. 2. 14. God, who a. causeth us to triumph Phil. 1. 4. a. in every prayer of mine for you 20. as a. so now also, Christ shall be magnified 2. 12. as ye have a. obeyed, not in my presence 4. 4. rejoice in the Lord a. and again rejoice 1 Thess. 2. 16. to fill up their sins a. for wrath 2 Pet. 1. 15. to have these a. in remembrance I AM, I AM that I AM. Exod. 3. 14. I am that I am hath sent me to you Niim-. 11. 21. the people amongst whom I am Neh. 6. 11. who is there that being as I am Job 9. 32. he is not a man 2& I am, that I should Psal. 35. 3. say to my soul, I am thy salvation 39. 4. that I may know how frail I am 50. 7. O Israel, I am God, even thy God 143. 12. destroy them, for I am thy servant [11. Isa. 44. 6. lam the first, lam the last, 48. 12. Eev. 1. 47. 8. / am, and none else besides me, Zeph. 2. 15. 58. 9. thou shalt cry, and he shall say, here I am Mat. 16. 13. whom do men say that / the Son of man am ? Mark 8. 27. Luke 9. 18. LuJce 9.9.. 70. art the Son of God , ye say that I am John 6. 35. lesns said, I am the breaci of life 8. 12. saying, I am the light of the world 58. I say to you, before Abraham was, I am 12. 26. where I am there shall my servants be 17. 24. T will that they may be with me where I am Acts 26. 29. almost and altogether such as I am 9.7.93. angel of God, whose Ja-w, and whom I serve 1 Cor. 15. 10. by tlie grace of God lam what I am Gal. 4. 12. brethren, be as J am, for lam as you are Phil. 4. 11. for I have learned in what state I am Bev. 1. 18. lam he that liveth, lam alive for ever 19. 10. see thou do it not, lam thy fellow-servant AM I. Gen. 4. 9. I know not, am I my brother's keeper ? 30. 2. am. Jin God's stead, who hath withheld 2 Kings 5. 7- am I God, to kill and to make alive ? 18. 25. am Jcome up without the Lord, Isa. 36. 10. Jer. 23. 23. am 1 z. tiod at band, saith the Lord Mat. 18. 20. there am I in the midst of them John 7. 33. yet a little while am I with you 1 Cor. 9. 1. am I not an apostle ? am I not free ? 2_Cor. 12. 10. when I am weak, then am J strong Here Am I, or Here I Am. See Here, AMAZFD. Jndg. 20. 41. the men of Benjamin were a. Job 32. 15. they were a. they answered no more Isa. 13. 8. they shall be a. one at another Ezek. 32. 10. I will make many people a. at thee Mat. 19. 25. the disciples were exceedingly a. MarJc9. 12. were all a. and glorified God, IbukeS. C6 14. 33. he besan to be sore a. and vei-y heavy Luke 4. 36. all a. and spake among themselves 9. 43. were all a. at the mighty power of God Acts 9. 21. but all that heard Saul were a.;n 1. Acts 3. 10. filled with a. at what had happened 1 Pet. 3. 6. and are not afraid with any a. .EMBASSADOR. Prov. 13. 17. but a faithful a. is health Jer. 49. 14. an a. sent to the heathen, Obad. 1. Eph. 6. 20. for which I am an a. in bonds AMBASSADOl^S. Josh. 9. 4. went and made as if they had been a. 2 Chron. .32. 31 . tlie business of the a. of Babylon .35. 21. he sent a. what have I to do with thee t Isa. 18. 2. that Sf-ndeth a. by the sea in vessels 30. 4. princes at /oan, his a. came to Hanes 33. 7. the a. of peace shall weep bit'erly Ezek. 17. 15. he rebelled in sending a. to Lgypt 2 Cor. 5. 20. now then we are a. for Christ^ AM PASSAGE. Luke 14. 32. sendeth an a. and desireth conditions Ambf.r ; .iee Colour. AMBUSH, ES. Josh. 8. 2. lay thee an a. for the city behind it Jer. 51. 12. set up the watchmen, prepare the a. AMBUSHMEINT S. 2 Chron. 13. 13. .Jeroboam caused an a. the a. was 20. 22. the Lord set a. against Ammon AMEN Signifies, in Hebrew, true, faithful, certain. It is mqde use of likewise to affirm any thing, and was an affirmation used often by our Saviour, which is rendered in our translation, verily, verily ; amen, amen, I say unto you, .lohn 3. 3, 5. Jill the pro- Tnises of Cod are amen in Christ ; that is, certain and firm, 2 Cor. 1. 20. Christ himself, the faith- ful prophet and teacher of his church, is called the i^men, Ilev. 3. 14. In Isa. 65. 16. shall bless him- 10 ANG self in the God of truth, and swear by the God of truth ; which in the Hebrew is, the God amen. And it is used in the end of prayer in testimony of an earnest wish, desire, or assurance to be heard ; amen, so be it, so shall it be. The word amen is used in mariy lavgitages. Num. 5. 99. and the wi man shall say a. a. Veut. 27. 15. all the people shall say a. to the end 1 Kings 1. 36. Benaiah answered a. the Lord say so 1 Chron. 16 36. people said a. and praised the Lord Pja/.41.13. from everlasting to everlasting; a. and a. 72. 19. earth filled with his glory; a. and a. 89. 52. blessed be the Lord tor evermore, a. and a. 106. 48. and let all the people say a. Jer. 28. 6. even the prophet leremiah said a. Mat. 6. 13. the power and the glory for ever, a. 1 Cor. 14. 16. the room of the unlearned, say a. 2 Cor. 1. 20. the promises in him are yea and a. liev. 1. 18. behold, T am alive for evermore, a. 3. 14. write these thins-s, saith the a. the faithful 5. 14. and the four beasts said a. 19. 4. 22. 20. surely I come quickly, a. even so come. Lord AMEISD. [.lesus Jer. 7. 3. a. ways, and doings, 5. I 96. 13. | 35. 15. John 4. 52. the hour when he bes:an to a. AMEIS'DMEKT. Mat. 3. + 8. bring fruits answerable to a. of life AMEINDS. Lev. 5. 16. he shall make a. for the harm done AMERCE. Deut. 22. 19. they shall a. him in 100 shekels Amethyst; .fee Agate «wt/ Jacinth. AMIABLE. Psal. 84. 1. how a. are thy tabernacles, O Lord AMISS. 2 Chron. 6. 37. we have sinned, we have done a. Dan. 3. 29. speak any thing a. against the God lyuke 23. 41. but this man hath done nothing' a. Jam. 4. 3. ask and leceive not, because ye ask a. AMONG. Num. 14. 14. heard that thou, T ord, art a. them Ezra 10. 18. a. the sons of the priests were found Neh. 13. 26. yet a. many nations was no king Job 33. 23. if an interpreter, one a. a thousand 36. 14. and their life is a. the unclean Eccl. 6. 1. there i.^ an evil common a. men 7. 28. one a. 1000, but a woman a. all those Cant. 5. 10. the chiefest a. ten thousand Jer. 5. 26. a. nw people are found wicked men' Mic. 7. 2. and there is none upright a. men Lukel. 28. blessed art thou a. women 10. 3. 1 send you forth as lambs a. Avolves John 6. 9. but what are thev a. so many? Col. 1. + 18. a. all he might have the pre-eminence ANATHEMA. 1 Cor. 16. 22. let him be a. maran-atha ANCESTORS. Lev. 26. 45. remember the covenant of their a. ANCHOR. Acts 27. 30. as though they would have cast a. Heb. 6. 19. which hope we have as an a. of the soul ANCIENT Sismifies, [1] Old, of former time, 1 Chron. 4. 22. [21 Very Id men, Job 12. 12. [3] Men of former times, 1 Sam. 24. 13. [4] Governors, political and ecclesiastical, Isa. 3. 14. Jer. 19. 1. Deut. 33. 15. for the chief things of the a. mountains Judg. 5. 21. that a. river, the river Kishon 2 Kings 19. 25. of a. times, I fonned it, Isa. 37. 26. 1 Chron. 4. 22. and these are a. things Ezra 3. 12. were a. men, and had seen the first house Job 12. 12. with the a. is wisdom, and in days Prov. 99. 28. remove not the a. land-mark Isa. 3. 2. prudent and a. the I ord doth take ^way 9. 15. the a. and honourable, he is the head 19. 11. how say ye, I am the son of a. kings ? 23. 7. whose antiquity is of a. days 44. 7. since I appointed the a. people 47. 6. upon the a. hast thou laid thy yoke 51. 9. awake, O arm of the I ord, as in the a. days Jer. 18. 15. caused them to stumble ftom a. patlis Ezek. 9. 6. then they began at the a. men Dan. 7. 9. the a. of days did sit, whose garment 13. one like the Son of man came to a.oi' days 22. till the a. of days came, and judgmiCnt given ANCIENTS. 1 Sam. 24. 13. as saith the proverb of the a. Psal. 119. 100. I understand more than the a. Isa. 3. 14. Lord will enter into judgment with the a. 24. 23. the T ord shall reign before his a. Jer. 19. 1. takeof a. of the people and /z. of priests Ezek. 7. 26. counsel shall perish from the a. 8. 12. son of man, hast thou seen what the a. do.' 27. 9. the a. of Gebal were in thee thy calkers ANCLE-BONES. Acts 3. 7- his a.-bones received strength ANCLFS. 2 Sam. 22.t 37. that my a. did not slip, Psal. 18. 1 36. Ezek. 47. 3. the waters were to the a. ANGEL Signifies, A messenger, or bringer of tidings, and is applied, [1] To those intellectual and immaterial beings, whom God makes of as his ministers to execute the orders of providence. Rev. 22. 8. [2] To Christ, who is the Mediator and Head of the church, Zech. 1. 12. Bev. 10. 1. [3] To mi- ni.Hers of the gospel, who are a?vbassadors for Christ, Rev. 2. 1. | 3. 1, 7- [4] To such whom God employs to exec7ite his judgments, Rev. 15. 8. I 16. ]. [5] To devils. Mat. 25. 41. 1 Cor. 6. 3. Gen. 99.. 11. a. of the Lord said, Abraham, Abraham 24. 7. he shall send his a. before thee, 40. 48. 16. the a. who redeemed me from all evil Exod. 23. 20. send a. before thee, 23. 1 .32. 34. 1 33. 2. Num. 20. 16. sent an a. and brought us out of Egypt Judg. 13. 19. and the a. did wondrously 9Sam.9^.1&. the a. stretched out his hand, the a. that destroyed the people, 1 Chron. 21. 15. 17- David spake when he saw the a. that smote 1 Kings 13. 18. a. spake to me by the word of Lord 19. 5. an a. touched Elijah and said arise and eat ANG 1 Chr. 21.15. God sent an «f. to Jerusalem to destroy 20. and Oman turned back, and saw the a. 27. the Ix)rd commanded the a. and he put up 2 Chron. 32. 21. the I ord sent an a. which cut off Eccl. 5. 6. nor say before the a. it was an error Isa. 63. 9. the a. of his presence saved them Dan. 3. 28. ""iod Avho hath sent a. and delivered 6. 22. my G.)d hath sent his a. and shut up IIos. 12. 4. yea, he had power over the «. i Zech. 1. 9. the a. that talked with me said, 4. 5. I 13. Lord answered the a. that talked with me ' 14. the a. that communed with me said 19. 1 said to the a. that talked, 4. 4. | 5. 10. | 6. 4. 2. 3. the a. that talked went out, and another a. 3. 3. with filthy garments, and stoorl before the a. 5. 5. the a. that talked with me, went forth 6. 5. the a. answered, these are the four spirits Mat. 28. 5. the a. answered the woman, fear not Lukel. 13. the a. said, fear not, Zacharias 19. the a. answered and said, I am Gabriel 26. in the sixth month the a. Gabriel was sent .30. the a. said to her, fear not, Mary 35. a. answered. Holy Cihost shall come on thee 2. 10. the a. said to the shepherds, fear not 13. suddenly there was with the a. a multitude 21. so named of the a. before he was conceived 22. 43. there appeared an a. strengthening him John 5. 4. an a. went down at a cei tain season 12. 29. others said, an a. spake to him Acts 6. 15. as it had been the face of an a. 7. -35. by hands of the a. that appeared in the bush 38. in the wilderness with the a. which spake 10. 7- when the a. which spake to Cornelius 22. was warned from Gocl by an holy a. to send 11. 13. how he had seen an n. in his house 12. 8. the a. said to Peter, bind on thy sandals 9. that it was true which was done by the a. 10. and forthwith the a. departed from him 11. the Lord hath sent his a. and delivered me 15. Rhoda affirmed, then said they, it is his a. 23. 8. the Sadducees sav, neither a. nor spirit 9. if a spirit or an a. natli spoken to him 2 Cor. 11. 14. is transformed into an a. of light Gal. 1. 8. though we or an c. from heaven preach Rev. 1. 1. and he signified it by his a. to lohn 2. l.untothea.of thechurch,8. 12, 18. (3.1,7,14. 5. 2. 1 saw a strong a. proclaiminsr with loud voice 7. 2. I saw another a. ascending from the east 8. 3. and another a. came and stood at the altar 4. ascended before God out of the a. hanrl 5. the a. took the censer, and filled it with fire 7. the first a. sounded I 8. second a. I 10. third a. 12. fourth a. I 9. 1. fifth a. 1 13. sixth a. sounded 8. 13. I heard an a. flying through midst of heaven 9. 11. which is the a. of the bottomless pit 14. saying to the sixth a. loose the four angels 10. 1. I saw another a. come down, 18. 1. | 20. 1, 5. and the a. which I saw stand en the sea 7. but in the days of the voice of the seventh a. 8. go and take the book in the hand of the a. 10. I took the book |1 11. 1. and the a. stood, saying- 11. 15. seventh a. sounded, and there were voices 14.6.1 saw another a. fly in the midst of heaven 8. another a. followed, saying, Babylon is 9. third a. followed ll 15. another a. came, I7. 18. 19. and the a. thrust in his sickle in the earth 16. 2. a. poured out his vial, 3, 4, 8, 10, 12, 17. 5. and I heard the a. of the waters say 17. 7- the a. said, wherefore didst thou man-el ? 18. 21. and mighty a. took up a stone like a great 19. 17. and I saw an a. standing in the sun 21. 17. the measure of a man, that is of the a. 99. 8. fell down to worship before the feet of a. 16. 1 Jesus have sent mine a. to testify to you ANGEL of God. Exod. 14. 19. a. of God who went before removed Judg. 13. 6. like the countenance of an a. of God 1 Sam. 29. 9. art good in my sight, as an a. of God 2 Sam. 14. 17. as'an a. of God, so is my lord , 19. 27 . 20. wise according to the wisdom of an a. of God Acts 27. 23. stood by me this night the a. of God Gal. 4. 14. but received me as an a. of God ANGEL of the Lord. Gen. 16. 7- «• rd Psal. .34. 7. a. ofL. encampiith round them that fear 35. 5. let a. of L. chase them || 6. persecute them Zech. 1. 11. they answered the «. of the L. that stood 12. a. of L,. answered, wilt thou not have mercy 3. 5. a. ofL. stood by .Joshua |1 6. a. of L. protested 12. 8. house of David as the a. of L. before them Mat. 1. 20. a. of Lj. appeared in a dream, 2. 13, 19. 24. Joseph did as the a. of the L. had bidden him 28. 2. for the a. of the L. descended from heaven Luke 1. 11. there appeared to Zacharias an a. of L. 9. 9. a. of L. came upon them, and slory of Lord Acts 5. 19. a. of L. by niglit opened the prison-doors 8. 26. a. of the jLorrf spake to Philip, saying, arisK 12. 23. a. of L. smote Herod, because he gave wot ANG ANG ANO ATS^GELS. Ce7i. 19. 1. there came bvo a. to Sodom at even 15. when the momine arose, the a. hastened Lot PsaL 8. 5. a little lowe> than the a.Ileh. 2. 7, 9. 68. 17. the chariots of God are thousands of «. 78 Co. man did eat a. food, he sent them meat 49. and trouble, by senc.inif evil a. amonathem JUaC. 4. 11. a. came an t ministered to, Marll. 13. 13. 39. end of the world, the reapers are the a. 49. the a. shall ome forth and sever the wicked 18. 10. their a. always behold the face of God £4. .SO. no man, not the a. in heaven, Mark 13. 32. 25. 31. Son of man, and all the holy a. with him 26. 53. give me more than twelve legions of a. Mark 8. 38. when the ^on of man cometh in the glory of his lather, with the holy a. Luke 9. 26. 12. 25. nor marry, but are as the a. in heaven Ijuke 2. 15. as the a. were gone away from them 16. 22. the beggar died, and was carried by the a. 20. 36. nor die, for they are eo.ual unto the a. 24. 23. that they ha i a"lso se-.-n a vision of a. John 20. 12. and seeth two a. in white, sitting Act'<1.b^. who received the law by (iisposition of a. Horn. 8. 38. nor life, nor a. a' le to separate us from 1 Cor. 4. 9. a spe ta le to the wcrl I, to a. and men 6. 3. know ye not that we shall judae a. f 11. 10. to have power on her head, because of the a. 13. 1. though I speak with tongues of men and a. Gal. 3. 19. it was rdained by a. in the hand Col. 2. 18. no man heauile you in worshipping of a. 2 Thess. 1. 7. revealed from heaven with might3' a. 1 Tim. 3. 16. seen of a. preached to the Gentiles 5. 21. I charge thee before (iod and the ele^t a. Heh. 1. 4. being made so much better than the a. 5. to whicliof the a. said he at any time, 13. 7. of the a. he saith, who maketh his n. spirits 2. 2. if the word spoken by a. was stedfast 5. to the a. hath he not put in subjection 16. lie took not on him the nature of o. but seed 12. 22. and to an innumera'^le company of «. 13. 2. for some have entertained a. unawares 1 Pet. 1. 12. which things the a. desire to look into 3. 22. a. and powers being made subject to him £ Pet. 2. 4. if God spared not the a. that sinned 11. whereas a. areater in power and might Jvde 6. the a. who kept not their hrst estate B.ev. 1. 20. seven stars a. of the seven churches 5. 11. the voice of many a. about the throne 7. 1. I saw four a. standing on the four corners 2. and he cried with a loud voice to the four a. 11. all the a. stood round about the throne 8. 13. ti'umpet of the three a. which are 3-et to sound 9. 14. loose the four a. which are bound in tlie river 15. the a. were loosed, which were prepared 14. 10. be tormented in presence of the holy a. 21. 12. tsvelve aates, and at the ffates twelve a. Ai\GELSc/G(C?. Gen. 28. 12. a. o/Gcrf ascend and descend, John 1. 51. 32. 1. Jacob went his way, and a. of God m t him J^Jat. 22. 30. but as a. of God in heaven, Mark 12. 25. Luke 12. 8. him shall the Son confess before a. of God 9. denieth me, shall be denied before the a. of God 15. 10. there is ioy in the presence of the a. of God Heh. 1. 6. let all the a. o/Gorf worship him ja^- A'SGELS. Job 4. 18. and his a. he charged with folly PsaL 91 . 11 . give his a. charge. Mat. 4. 6. Lzike 4. 10. 103. 20. ye his a. which excel in strenath 104. 4. who maketh his a. spirits, Beh. 1. 7. 148. 2. praise ye him all his a. praise ye him Mat. 13. 41. the Son of man shall send" forth his a. 16. 27. come in the glor>- of his Father %\ ith his a. 24. 31. send his a. with a great soimd, Mark 13. 27. 25. 41. fire prepared for the devil and his a. Rev. 3. 5. will confess before my Father and his a. 12. 7. Michael and his a. the dragon and his a. 9. the great draaon was cast out, and his a. A^■GER, Verb. Rom. 10. 19. by a foolish nation I will a. 3"0U ANGER. Gen. 27. 45. till thy brother's a. turn away 44. 18. and let not thine a bum against me 45. + 5. neither let there be a. in vour eyes 49. 7- cursed be their a. for it was fierce Eiod. 32. 19. saw the dancing, jNIoses' a. waxed hot 22. Aaron said, let not the a. of mj- lord wax hot Dent. 9. 19. 1 was afraid of the a. and displeasure 13. 17. Lord may turn from the fierceness of his a. 29. 24. what meaneth the heat of this areat a. ? Josh. 7. 26. Lord turned from the fierceness of his a. Judg. 8. 3. then their a. was abated toward him Esth. 1. 12. Ahasuerus his a. burned in iiim Job 4. + 9. by his a. are thev consun.ed 9. 13. if God will not withdraw his a. the proud Psal. 21. 9. as a fiery oven in the time of thine a. 30. 5. for his a. endureth but a moment 37. 8. cease from a. and forsake -wTath, fret not 38. 3. no soundness in my flesh because of thine a. 69. 24. let thy wrathful a. take hold of them 74. 1. why doth thy a. smoke aaainst the sheep 78. 21. and a. also came up aaainst Israel 38. many a time turned he his a. awav 49. he cast on them the fierceness of his a. 50. he made away to his a. he spared them not 85. 3. hast turned rrom the fierceness of thine a. 4. and cause thine a. towards us to cease 5. wilt thou draw out thine a. to all aenerations ? 90. 7- tor we are consumed hy thine a. 11. who knoweth the power of thine a. ? 103. 9. nor will he keep his a. for ever, Jer. 3. 5. Prov. 15. 1. but grievous words stir up a. 19. 11. the discretion of a man deferreth his a. 21. 14. a ?ift in secret pacifieth a. 22. B. and the rod of his a. shall fail 27. 4. wrath is cruel, and a. is outraaeous Peel. 7. 9. a. resteth in the bosom of fools 11. tlO. therefore remove a. from thy heart Isa. 5. 25. for all this his a. is not tuiiied away, 0. ^ . o r 1-' 17,21. 110.4. 7- 4. fear not for the a. of Resin with Syria 10. 5. O /Assyrian, the rod of mine a. and staff 25. shall cease, and my a. in their destruction Isa. 15. 1. though thou wast angry, thine a. is turned 13. 9. the day of the Lord cometh with fierce a. 13. and in the day of his fierce a. Lam. 1. 12. 3 . 27. name of the Lord cometh burning with a. 30. the Lord shall show the indignation^of his a. 42. 25. tlierefore he poured on him fury of his a, 48. 9. lormy name s sake will I defer mine a. 65. 1 5. these are a smoke in mine a. G^i. 15. Lord will come to render his a. with fury Jer. 2. 35. surely his a. shall turn from me 3. 12. 1 will not cause mine a. to fall on you, I am merciful, and i will not keep mine a. for ever 4. 26. all the cities were broken down by his a. 7. 20. mine a. shall be poured on this place 18. 23. deal witlt them in the time of thine a. 25. 38. the land is desolate because of his a. 32. 31. city hath been as a provocation of mine a. 30. 7- great is the a. the Lord hath pronounced 42. 18. as mine a. hath been poured on Jerusalem 44. 6. wherefore mine a. was poured forth 49. 37. 1 will bring evil on them, my fierce a. La?n. 2. 1. remembered not Ins footstool in da\' of a. 6. Lord hath despised in the indignation of his a. 21. thou hast slain them in the day of thine a. 22. in the day of the Lord's a. none escaped 3. 43. thou hast covered with a. and persecuted us 4. 11. he hath poured out his fierce a. Ezek. 5. 13. thus shall 11 me a. he accomplished 7. 3. and 1 \\\\\ send mine a. upon thee 8. and accomplish mine a. on thee, 20. 8, 21. 25. 14. shall do in Edom, according to mine a. 35. 11. 1 will even do according to thine a. Dan. 9. 16. let thine a. be tamed away Hos. 11. 9. will not execute the fierceness of mine a. 14. 4. tor mine a. is turned away from him Amos 1. 11. his a. did tear perpetually, and kept Jonah 3. 9. if God will turn from his fierce a. Mic. 7. 18. he retained not his a. for ever Nah. 1. 6. who can alide the fierceness of his a. ? Ilab. 3. 8. was thine a. aaainst the rivers ? Zeph. 3. 8. to pour upon them all my fierce a. Mark 3. 5. when he had looked on them with a. Lph. 4. 31. let all a. be put away. Col. 3. 8. ANGER (fthe Lord. Num. 25. 4. fierce a. of the Lord may be turned 32. 14. to auamentthe a. of the Lord against Israel I)e7it. 29. 20. the a. of the L^rd shall smoke against Judg.l.W.a.oftheLorda.gz.mstlsT.ZO. 1 3.8. | 10. 7. 2 Kings 24. 20. thro' the a. of the Lord it came to pass, Jer. 52. 3. Jer. 4. 8. the fierce a. of the I^rd is not turned away 12. 13. because of the fierce a. of the Lord, 25. 37. 23. 20. the a. of the i,.7r^ shall not return, 30. 24. 51. 45. deliver his soul from the fierce a. of the L. Lam. 4. 16. the a. of the L.ord hath divided them Zeph. 2. 2. before the fierce a. of the L. come on you 3. it may be ye shall be hid in the day of a. of L. J« ANGER. Gen. 49. 6. for in their a. they slew a man Exod. 11. 8. he went oat ft'om Pharaoh in a. Deut. 29. 23. which the Lord overthrew in a. 28. the Lord rooted them out of the land m a. 1 Sam. 20. 34. Jonathan rose from the table in a. 2 Chrun. 25. 10. they returned home in great a. Job 9. 5. which overturneth them iji his a. 18. 4. he tearcth himself in his a. 21. 17. God distributeth sorrows in his a. 35. 15. because it is not so, he hath visited in his a. Psal. 6. 1. Lord, rebuke me not in thj' a. Jer 10. 24. 7. 6. arise, O Lord. f« thine a. lift up thj'self 27. 9. put not th3- servant awa3' iji a. 56. 7. /?i thine a. cast down the people, O Lord 77. 9. hath he in a. shut up his tencter mercies ? Isa. 13. 3. I have also called my mightj- ones i7i a. 14. 6. he that ruled the nations in a. 63. 3. for I will tread them in mine a. 6. Jer. 21. 5. T will fight against 3"ou, even in a. 32. 37. whither I have "driven them in mine a 33. 5. whom 1 ha.vo slain in mine a. and in m3' fur3- Lam. 2. 1. Lord covered 7ion with a cloud in his a. 3. he hath cut off in a. all the horn of Israel 3. 66. persecute and destroy them in a. Ezek. 3. + 14. and ' went in hot a. 5. 15. when I shall execute iudgmentsinthee /tz a. 13. 13. shall be an overflowing'shower m mine a. 22. 20. so will I gather 3-oa in mine a. and fury 43. 8. wherefore I have consumed them in mine a. Dan. 11. 20. be destroyed, neither in a. nor in battle Hos. 13. 11. T ^ave thee a king in mine a. Mic. 5. 15. and I will execute vengeance in a. Hab. 3. 12. thou didst thresh the heathen in a. ANGEU kindled. Gen. 30. 2. a. of Jacob was X^irf/er/ aaainst R ache. Exod. 4. 14. the a. of the Lord was k. aaainst ^l oses Num. 11. 1. a. of the L. was k. 10. 1 12. 9. I 22. 22. 22. 27. Balaam's a. was k. and he smote the ass 24. 10. Lalak's a. was kindled aaainst Palaam 25. 3. the a. of the Lord was kindled s.smnst fsrael ,32. 13. JoJt. 7. 1. 2 Sa7n. 24. 1. 2 Kir^gs 13. 3. 32. 10. the Lord's a. was kindled the same time Deiit. 6. 15. lest the a. of the Lord be k. aaainst thee 7. 4. so will the a. of the Lord be k. aaainst 3'ou 29. 27. the fl. of the Lord was k. against this land 31. 17. mine a. shall be kindled in that day. Jo.'.h. 23. 16. 32. 22. for a fire is kindled in mine a. Jer. 15. 14. Judg. 9. 30. Zebul's a. was kindled against Gaal 14. 19. Samson's a. k. and he went up to his father's 1 Sam. 1. 6. when 'iaul heard, his a. was k. greatb' 17. 28. Eliab's a. was /•. against David, and he said 20.30. Saul's a. was ^/wrffcrf against lonathan 2 Sam. 6. 7- a. of L. k. against Uzziah, 1 Chr. 13. 10. 12. 5. L'avid's a. was kindled against the man 2 Kings 23. 26. the Mrath whei-ewith his a. was k. 2 Chron.lo. 10. their a. was kindled usAmst ludah 15. a. of the Lord was kindled against .Amaziah La. 5. 25. the a. of the lord k. aaainst his people Jer. 17. 4. for 3'e have kindled a fire in mine a. Hos. 8. 5. mine a. is kindl. aaainst them, how Ions Zech. 10. 3. mine a. was kiytdl. against the shepherds Provoke or Provoked to^A N G E R . Deut. 4. 25. to provoke him to a. 9. 18. 1 31. 29. 2 Kings 17. 17- 1 ^1. 6. 1 23. 19. 2 C/ir. 33. 6. 32. 16. with abominations provoked the3' him to a. 21. they havei^ toa. I will pr. them to a. Judg. 2. 12. they bowed to them, and^r. the L. to a, 1 K ings 14. 9. made molten images to pr. to a. 15. 30, 15. made their groves pr. the Lord to a. 16. 7, 13. 16. 2. to pr. me to a. with their sins, 2 Kings I7, 11. Jer. 11. 17. 1 .32. 29, 32. Ezek. 16. 26, .33. Ahab did more to pr. the Lord to a. than alL 21. 22. wherewith thou \\-ASt provoked me to a. 22. 53. Ahaz pr. to a. the Lord God of Israel 2 Kijigs 21. 15. they have provoked me to a. since- the day 22. 17. forsaken me, that they might provoke me to a. 2 Chron. 34. 25. Jer. 25. 7. 2 Chron. 28. 25. pr. to a. the L. God of his fathers Nek. 4. 5. have pr. thee io a. before the builders Psal. 78. 58. pr. him to a. with high places, 106. 29. Prov. 20. 2. whoso pr. him to a. sinneth against Isa. 1. 4. they havei^;'. the Holy One of Israel ?»«., 65. 3. a people thaX provuke me to a. continually Jer. 7. 18. that they may provoke me to a. [pr. to a. 19. do they pr. me to a. || 8. 19- why have they 25. me not to a. || 32. 30. Israel havei^r. me to a. 44. 3. their wickedness to pr. me to a. Lzek. 8. I7. Ezek. 32. t 9. \.\\\\\proLi,ke i/7?, Exod. 28. 41. L3] To use spiritual means to get saving k-7umledge. Rev. 3. 18. [4] Ta smear, or daub, John 9. 6, 11. [5] Cne parti- cularly designed and cho.\e7i by Cid to be the Ki7ig, Priest, and Prophet if his church, namely, Christ Jem.'', vhowas Jilfed nith the Illy Ghost in a7i extraoi'dinary n a7iner, and thereby consecrated a7id aiitliorised to be the Messiah, Psal. 2. 2. | 45. 7. Acts 4. 27. (61 A ki7ig, 1 am. 4. 20. Touch not mine anointed, P>al. 105. 15. Hurt 7wt the people consecrated to myself hy the gifts and graces of my .'Spirit, 7ior thjse especialiy among them to rc/w/n I familiarly reveal my miyid and Tiill, that they may teach others. Thou anointest my head with oil, Psal. '2^.5. Tftou besto-u'st upon /ne the ccnsolatioiui of thy Sjirit. The anointing, 1 Jrkn 2. 27.. The 'Sj i. it of illu- mijiation ; great knowledge /« heaverily things 11 ANO Etod. 28. 41. Shalt a. and consecrate, 30. .30. 1 40. 15. 29. 7. take anointing oil and a. him, 40. 13. 36. thou Shalt a. the altar to sanctity it, 40. 10. 30. 26. thou shalt a. the tabernacle, 40. 9. 40. 11. thou shalt a. the laver and his foot Lev. 16. 32. and the priest whom he shall a. Dent. 28. 40. but thou shalt not a. thyself with oil Judg. 9. 8. the trees went to a. a king over them 15. if in truth ye a. nie kin;? over you R^ith 3. 3. wash thyself therefore and a. thee 1 Sam. 9. 16. slmlt a. him to be captain over Israel 15. 1. the Lord sent me to a. thee king over Israel 16. 3. thou shalt a. him whom I name unto thee 12. the Lord said, arise, a. him, this is he 2 Sam. 14. 2. a. not thyself with oil, but be as 1 Kiyigs 1. 34. let Zadok a. him king over Israel 19. 15. a. Hazael kin? || 16. a. Jehu, a. Elisha Jsa. 21. 5. arise ye princes, and a. the shield Dan. 9. 24. seal up the vision, and a. the most Holy 10. 3- neither did i a. myself at all, till weeks Amos 6. 6. a. themselves with the chief ointments Mic. 6. 15. shalt tread the olives, but not a. thee Mat. 6. 17. when thou fastest a. thine head Mark 14. 8. she is come to a. my body to the burying 16. 1. had bought spices that they might a. him Luke 7. 46. my head with o.'l thou didst not a. Rev. 3. 18. and a. thine eyes with eye-salve ANOIiNTRD. Exod. 29. 29. garm. be Aaron's sons after him, to a. Lev. 4. 3. if the priest that is a. do sin according to -6. 20. the offering of Aaron, when he is a. 7. 36. in the day that he a. them, by a statute «. 10. a. the tabernacle || 11. a. the altar. Num. 7. 1. 12. Moses poured oil on Aaron's head, and a. him ISfum. 3. 3. names of the sons of Aaron which were a. 7. 10. the princes offered after it was a. 81-, 88. a Sam. 10. 1. tlie Lord a. thee captain || 15. 17. a. Saul 16. 13. a. David, 2 Sam.. 2. 4, 7. | 5. 3, I7. I 12. 7. 2 Kings 9. 3, 6, 12. 1 Chron. 11. 3. 1 14. 8. 2 Sam. 2. 7. the house of .ludah have a. me king 3. .39. 1 am this day weak, though a. king 12. 20. David arose from the earth, and a. himself 23. 1. David the a. of the God of .Tacob said Psal. 2. t6. yet have I a. my king on Zion Isa. 61. 1. the Lord hath a. me to preach, Luke 4. 18. Lzek. 28. 14. thou art the a. cherub that covers Lukel. 38. she kissed his feet and a. them 46. but this woman hath a. my feet with ointment John 1 . +41. we found the Messiah, which is the a. 9. 6. he a. the eyes of the blind man with clay 11. .lesus made clay, and «. mine eyes 11. 2. it was that Mary which a. the Lord 12. 3. then took Mary ointment and a. feet of Jesus Acts 4. 27. holy child Jesus, whom thou hast a. 10. .38. how God a. Jesus of Nazareth with holy 2 Cor. 1. 21. he which hath a. us is God ANOINTED Ones. Zech. 4. 14. these are the two a. ones which stand His ANOINTED. 1 Sam. 2. 10. give strength, and exalthom of /«?> a. 12. 3. witness asainstme before the Lord and his a. 5. the Tjml and his a. is witness this day 2 Sam. 22. 51. sheweth mercy to his a. Psal. 18. 50. Psal. 2. 2. against the Lord, and against /5w a. 20. 6. now know I that the Lord saveth his a. 28. 8. and he is the saving strength of his a. Isa. 45. 1. thus saith the Lord to his a. to Cyrus Lord's ANOINTED. 1 Sam. 16. 6. surely the Lord's a. is before him 24. 6. I should do this to my master, the Lord's a. 10. put my hand against my lord, for he is L. a. 26. 9. stretch his hand against L. a. and be euiltless 16. to die, because ye have not kept the Lord's a. 2 Sam.l. 14. wast thou not afraid to destroy the L a,f 19. 21. put to death because he cursed the /,. a. Lam. 4. 20. the a. of Lord was taken in their pits Mine ANOINTED. 1 Sam. 2. 35. he shall walk before mine a. for ever 1 Chron. 16. 22. touch not mine a. Psal. 105 15 Psal. 132. 17. I have ordained a lamp for mine a ANOINTED with Oil. Num. 35. 25. death of hish priest a. with holy oil ■9. Sam. 1. 21. as though he had not been a. with oil Psal. 45. 7. God a. thee a'/i'/ioz'/of gladness.He^. 1 9 89. 20. with my holy oil have I a. him 92. 10. my horn exalt, I shall be a. with fresh oil Thine ANOINTED. 2 Chron. 6. 42. O Lord God, turn not away the face 7-. 1 r.j. ,. -^ ^ , , ^ ^ oithnie a. Psal. 132. 10. Psal. 84. 9. behold, O God, look on face ol thine a. 89. 38. thou hast been wroth with thine a. 51. they have reproached the footsteps ol thine, a. Mab. 3. 13. wentest even for salvation with thine a. ANOINTEDST. Oen. 31.13. I am the God of Beth-el where thou «. Psal. 23. 5. a. my head with oil, my cup runneth ANOINTING. Exod. 40. 15. their a. be an everlasting priesthood Isa. 10. 27. yoke shall be destroyed because of the a I John 2. 27. but the a. which ye have received of him., as the same a. teacheth you all things ANOINTING Oil. [cense Exod. 37. 29. he made the holy a. oil and pure in- Lev. 8. 12. he poured of the a. oil on Aaron's head 10. 7. for the a. oil of the Lord is upon you 21. 10. on whose head the a. oil was poured Jslum. 4. 16. to the office of Eleazar pertaineth a. oil Jam. 5. 14. a. him with oil'm the name ot the Lord ANON. Mat. 13. 20. hearetli, and a. with joy receiveth it Mari 1. 30. mother lay sick, and a. they tell him of ^ ^ ^ .ANOTHER. [her Cre«. 4. 25. appointed me a. seed instead of Abel .30. 24. the Lord shall add to me a. son 43. 7. the man asked us, have ye a. brother ? Exod. 22. 9. lost thing, which a. challengeth to be his Lev. 18. + IB. thou shalt not take one wife to a. Num.. 14. 24. Caleb, because he had«. spirit Jiidg. 2. 10. «. generation that knew not the Lord 16. 7. then shall 1 be weak, and be as a. man 1 Sam.. 10. 6. and shalt be turned into a. man 9. and it was so, that God gave him a. heart 12 ANS 2 Chron. 20. + 22. and they smote one a. Esth. 1. 19. let the king give her royal estate to a. Job 19. 27. whom mine eyes shall behold and not a. Psal. 109. 8. let a. take his office. Acts 1. 20. Prov. 25. 9. and discover not a secret to a. 27. 2. let a. praise thee, and not thy own mouth La. 42. 8. mv glory will I not give to a. 48. 11. 44. 5. a. shall call himself by the name of Jacob 57. 8. thou hast discovered thyself to a. than me 65. 15. and shall call his servants by «. name 66. + 17. and purify themselves one after a. Hos. 3. 3. and thou shalt not be for a. man. 4. 4. yet let no man strive nor reprove a. Mat. 11. 3. art thou he, or do we look for a. ? Mark 14. 19- began to say, is it 1 t a. said, is it I ? Luke 16. 7. then said he to a. how much owest thou .' 12. if not faithful in that which is a. man's 2 Cor. 11. 4. a. Jesus, a. Spirit, or a. gospel Gal. 1. 7. which is not a. but there be some 6. 4. then have rejoicing in himself, and not in a. 1 Tim. 6. -[5. gallingsoneof a. destitute of the truth Ileb. 3. 13. exhort one a. while called to day 10. 25. 4. 8. he would not have spoken of a. day One Another, see Love One against ANOTHER 1 Sam. 2. 25. if owe man sin against a. the judge shall Jcr. 13. 14. 1 will dash them one against a. I'Cor. 4. 6. no one of you be puffed up one against a. Jam. 5. 9. grud'je not 07ie against a. brethren One for Al' ^lead shall be b. and beard dipt Ezei: 27. .31. they shall make themselves utterly b. 29. 18. every head was made h. and shoulder peeled Mic. 1. 16. make thee b. and poll thee for children B-ALD-LOCUST. Z€P. 11. 22. ye mav eat the b.-locust after his kind BALDNESS Signifies, [1] IVant of hair on the head. Lev. 21. 5. [2] A siijyi of mourning, Tsa. 15. 2. Jer. 47. 5. Lev. 21. 5. they shall not make b. on their head Devt. 14. 1. nor make any b. between your eyes Isa. 3. 24. and instead ot well-set hair, h. 15. 2. on all their heads b. and every beard cut 22. 12. the Lord did call to weeping and to b. Jer. 47. 5. b. is come upon Gaza, Ashkelon cut off Ezek. 7. 18. and b. on all their heads, Amos 8. 10. Mic. 1. 16. poll thee, enlars-e thy b. as the eagle BALANCE. Job 31. 6. let me be -weiglied in an even b. Psal. 62. 9. laid in the b. are altogether vanity Proi\ 11. 1. a false b. is abomination, 20. 23. 16. 11. ajust weight and b. are the Lord's Isa. 40. 12. who weighed the hills in a b.? 15. nations counted as the small dust of the h. 46. 6. lavish gold, and weish silver in the b. BALANCES. Lev. 19. 36. just b. a just ephah, EseJc. 45. 10. Job 6. 2. and my calamity laid in the b. together Jer. 32. 10. T weighed him the money in the b. Ezek. 5. 1. take b. to weigh, and divide the hair Dan. 5. 27. thou art weighed in the b. and wanting Has. 12. 7. the b. of deceit are in his hand Amos 8. 5. and falsifying the b. by deceit Mic. 6. 11. shall I count them pure with wicked b. ? Eev. 6. 5. he that sat on them had a pair of b. BALAN'CI^^GS. Job 37. 16. dost thou know the b. of the clouds ? BALL, S. I9a. 3. + 19. the Lord will take away their sweet b. 22. 18. he -will surely turn and toss thee like a b. BALM. Gen. 37. 25. Ishmaelites bearinff b. and mjTrh 43. 11. take in your vessels a little b. and honey Jer. 8. 22. is there no b. in Gilead ? is there no physician ? 46. 11. go up to Gilead, and take b. O virgin 51. 8. howl for her, take b. for her pain Ezei. 27. 17. Judah traded in honey, and oil, and b. BAND, S, Sisnifies, [1] A company of soldiers. Acts 10. 1. [2] Material ckaiyis, Luke 8. 29. Acts 16. 26. [3] Arguments or instances rf love, uhich might draw and engage persons to their duty, Hos. 11. 4. [4] Government and laws, uhich, like fetters, re- strain men from wicked practices, Fsal. 2. 3. Zech. 11. 7, 14. [5] Faith and love, uhich at- tract the soul to Christ, Col. 2. 19. Erod. 39. 23. a b. round that it should not rend Lev. 26. 13. I have broken the b. of j-our yoke Judg. 15. 14. and his b. loosed from off his hands 2 Kings 23. 33. Pharaoh put Jehoahaz in b. Job 38. 9. 1 made darkness a swaddlina; b. for it 31. canst bind the P leiades , or loose the ^. of Orion? 39. 5. or who hath loosed the b. of the wild ass ? 10. canst thou bind the unicorn with his b. ? Psal.2.S. letus break their ^. asunder, and castaway 73. 4. for tliere are no b. in their death 107. 14. and lie brake their b. in sunder Eccl. 7. 26. womian whose heart snares, hands as b. Isa. 28. 22. be not mockers, lesti^. be made sti'ona' 52. 2. loose thyself from the b. of thy neck 58. 6. this the fast, to loose the b. of wickedness Jer. 2. 20. I have broken thy yoke, burst thy b. Ezek. 3. 25. son of man, they shall put b. on thee 4. 8. and behold I will lay b. upon thee 34. 27. wiien I have broken the b. of their youth Dan. 4. 15. even with a b. of iron and brass, 23. Has. 11. 4. 1 drew them with b. of love, and I was Zech. 11. 7. I took me two staves, beauty and b. 14. then I cut asunder mine other staff, even b. Luke 8. 29. he brake b. and was driven of the devil Acts 16. 26. and every- one"s b. were loosed 22. 30. the centurion loosed Paul from his h. Col. 2. 19. the head, from which all the body by b. i:ee Bonds. BAKD, S. Gen. 32. 7- Tacob divided the camels into two b. 10. I passed over, and now I am become two b. 1 Sam. 10. 26. and there went with him a b. of men 2 Sam. 4. 2. Saul's son had fsvo men, captains of ^. 2 Kings 6. 23. so the b. of Syria came no more 13. 20. and the b. of the Moabites invaded the land 21. as they were burying a man, they spied a b. 24. 2. the Lord sent against him b. of Chaldeans, h. 1 Chron. 7. 4. with them were b. of soldiers for war 12. 18. David made them captains of the b. 21. they helped David against the b. of the rovers Ezra 8. 22. 1 w^as ashamed to require of the kin? a b. Job 1, 17. the Chaldeans made out three b. and^ell Psal. 119. 61. the b. of the wicked have ribbed me Prov. 30. 27. the locusts go forth all of them by b. Ezek. 12. 14. I will scatter all his b. and draw sword 38. 6. Gomer and all his h. 1 oearmah his b. 22. 1 will rain upon him and upon his b. 39. 4. fall on mountains of Israel thou and thy b. Mat. 27. 27. gathered to him whole b. Mark 15. 16. John 18. 3. Judas having received a b. of men 12. the b. and captain and officers took Jesus Acts 10. 1. a centurion of the b. called the Italian b. 21. 31. tidings came to the chief captain of the b. 27. 1. to Julius a centurion of Augustus' b. ba:nded. Acts 23. 12. certain of the Jews b. together BAIS^K Signifies, [1] The side, or brink, of a river, Gen. 41 . 17. [2] A mount, or heap of earth raised to cover besiegers, uhile they batter the ualls of a city, or shoot at those who defend them, 2 Sam. 20. 15. [3] A place where there is a great yum of money taken in, and let out to use, Luke 19. 23 BAP Gen. 41. 17. behold I stood on the b. of the river Deut. 4. 48. from Aroer which is by the b. of the river Anion, Jo jA. 12. 2. 1 13. 9, 16. 2 Sam. 20. 15. they cast up a b., against the city 2 Kings 2. 13. Elisha stood by the b. of Jordan 19. 32. thekinff of Assyria not cast a b. Isa. 3~. 33. Ezek. 47. 7. at the b. of the river were many 1rees Dan. 12. 5. one on this side of the *. of the river the other on that side of the b. of the river Luke 19. 23. gavest not thou my money into the b. ? BAINKS. Josh. 3. 15. Jordan overfloweth all his b. 4. 18. 1 Chron. 12. 35. Jordan had overflowed his b. Isa. 8. 7. the king of Assyria shall go over all his 5. Dan. 8. 16. 1 heard a man's voice between the b. BA?>11VER Siffnifies, A staiidard, or ensign. Isa. 13. 2. Thou hast given a banner to tliem that fear thee, Psal. 60. 4. An army of men imited under one banner, with ability to defend themselves and con- quer their enemies ; a banner being a sign (f %'ictory, c* zvell as 0/ battle a?id union. His banner over me was love. Cant. 2. 4. The love of Christ displayed, like a banner, in the gospel, conducted, encouraged, and engaged me to come to him. Exod. 17. 1 15. called the altar, the Lord my b. Psal. 60. 4. hast given a b. to them that fear thee Cant. 2. 4. to banquet, and his b. over me was love Isa. 13. 2. lift ye up a b. on the hiah mountain BANTviEBS. '- Psfil. 20. 5. in the name of our God we set up our b. Cant. 6. 4. thou art terrible as an army with b. BANISHED. 2 Sam. 14. 13. the king doth not fetch home his b. 14. he doth devise means that his b. be not expelled BA]S1SHMENT. Ezra 7. 26. whether it be to death or to b. Lam. 2. 14. have seen false burdens and causes of b. BANQUET. [5,8. Esth. 5. 4. let the kins and Haman come to the b. 6. the kins- said to Esther at the b. of wine, 7. 2. Job 41. 6. shall the companions make a b. of him ? Amos 6. 7. the b. of them that stretched themselves BANQUET-HOUSE. Dan. 5. 10. now the queen came into the b. house BANQUETING, S. Cant. 2. 4. he brought mc into the 3. -house 1 Pet. 4. 3. wo walked in lusts, revellings, b, BAPTISM Signifies, [1] The outward ordinance, or sacrament, wherein the washing with water represents the cleansing of the soul from sin by the blood of Christ, Luke 7. 29. 1 Pet. 3. 21. [2] Inward spiritual washing, whereby the gifts and graces of the Spirit, signified by the outzoard sign, are really and actually bestowed, IMat. 3. 11. [3] The suffer- ings of Christ, whereby he was consecrated and prepared for his entrance upon his kingly office. Mat. 20. 22. Luke 12. 50. [4] So much of the gospel as John the laptist taught his disciples when he baptized them. Acts 18. 25. Mat. 3. 7. when he saw the Pharisees come to his b. 20. 22. and to be baptized with the b. Mark 10. 38. 21. 25. the b. of John, whence was it, from heaven or of men ? Mark 11. .30. Luke 20. 4. Mark 1. 4. John did baptize in the wdlderness, and preach the b. of repentance, Liike 3. 3. Luke 7. 29. publicans baptized with the b. of John 12. 50. 1 have a b. to be baptized with, and how am Acts 1. 22. beginning from the b. of John to that day 10. 37. that word after the b. which John preached 13. 24. John preached the b. of repentance to Israel 18. 25. Apollos knowing only the b. of John 19. 3. were ye baptized ? they said, unto John's b. 4. Jolin baptized with the b. of repentance Bom.. 6. 4. we are buried with him by b. into death El h. 4. 5. there is one I ord, one faith, one b. Col. 2. 12. buried with him in b. ye are risen with Heb. 6. 2. of doctrine of b. and laying on of hands 1 Pet. 3. 21. the like fisrure whereunto, even b. doth BAPTIST. Mat. 3. 1. in those dajs came John b. preaching 11. 11. among them born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the b. Luke 7. 28. 11. 12. from the days of John the b. till now 14. 2. this is John tfie h. be is risen fi-om the dead 8. said, give me John the b. head in a charger 16. 14. some say, thou art John the b. Marks. 28. 17. 13. understood that he spake of John the b. Mark 6. 14. John the b. was risen from the dead 25. give me in a charger the head of Jolm the b. Luke 7. 20. John the ^. hath sent us to thee, saying .33. John the*, came neither eating nor drinking 9. 19. they answering- said, John the b. Bi\PTIZE. Mat. 3. 11. 1 b. 3'ou with water, he shall b. vou with the H. Ghost, ilirt/-,?- 1.8. i:«/fe3. 16. Jvhnl.Z&. Markl. 4. John did *.in the wilderness, and preach John 1. 33. he that sent me to b. said unto me 1 Cor. 1. 17. Christ sent me not to b. but to preach BAPTIZED. Mat. 3. 6. were b. of him in Jordan, Mark 1. 5. 13. then cometh Jesus to John to be b. of him 14. I have need to be b. of thee, and comest thou 16. Jesus, when he was b. went up out of water Mark 1. 9. Jesus was b. of John in Jordan 10. 39. the baptism I am*, withal, shall ye be b. 16. 16. he that believeth and is b. shall be saved Luke 3. 7. said to the multitude that came to be h. 12. then came the publicans to be b. 7. 29. 21. Jesus being*, and praying, heaven was opened 7- 30. Pharisees and lawj'ers, beina not *. of him John 3. 22. there he tarried wdth them and *. 23. much water there, and they came and were *. 4. 1, Jesus made and *. more disciples than John 2. though Jesus himself *. not, but his disciples 10. 40. into the place where .lohn at fii-st *. Acts 1. 5. for John truly *. with water, but j-e shall be *. with the Holy Ghost, 11. 16. 2. 38. repent, be *. everj' one of you in the name of Jesus BAR Acts 2.41. they that gladly received his word were t>. 8. 12. they were *. both men and women 13. Simon believed also, and when he was *. 16. only they vvere *. in the name of Jesus 36. here is water, what doth hinder me to be *. ? 38. went down Philip and eunuch, and he *. him 9. 18. Saul received siaht, and arose and was *. 10. 47. can any forbid, that these should not be b. ? 48. Peter commanded them to be *. 16. 15. Lydia when she was*, and her household 33. jailer was *. and all his straightway 18. 8. many of the Corinth, believed, and were b 19. 3. he said to them, to what then were ye *. ? 5. when they heard this they were *. 22. 16. arise, and be *. and wash away thj^ sins Rum. 6. 3. were *. into Jesus, were *. into his death 1 Cor. 1. 13. were ye *. in the nam.e of Paul .' 14. thank God that I *.none of j'ou, but Crispus 16. I *. liousehold of Stephanas, not *. any other 10. 2. and were all *. to IMoses in the cloud 12. 13. for b}' one Spirit are we all *. into one body 15.29. else what shall they do who are *. for the- dead, why are they *, for the dead ? Gal. 3. 27. as many as have been *. into Christ BAPTTZEST. John 1. 25. why *. thou, if thou be not the Christ ? BAPTIZETH. John 1. 33. the same is he who *. with the H. Ghost 3. 26. behold, the same *. all men come to him BAPTIZING. Mat. 28. 19. go ye and teach all nations, *. them John 1. 28. done beyond Jordan, where John was *. 31 . therefore am I come *. with water 3. 23. and John was also *. in Enon, near to Salini BAR, RED. Neh. 7. 3. let them shut the doors, and *. them Cant. 4.t 12. a gai'den *. is my sister, my spouse BAP, Substantive. Exod. 26. 28. the middle *. in midst of the boards 36. 33. he made the middle *. to shoot through Num. 4. 10. and the3' shall put it upon a *. 12. Jiidg. 16. 3. took doors of the city, posts, *. and ali Amos 1. 5. 1 will break also the *. of Damascus BARS Signify, [IJ That by which doors and gates are made fast, Neh. 3. 3, 6. [2] That which is made as a rafter to fasten boards unto, Exod. 26. 26. [.3] Rocks in the sea, Jonah 2. 6. [4] The boundary of the waves of the sea. Job 38. 10. Exod. 26. 26. thou shalt make *. of shittim-wood for the boards of the tabernacle, 36. 31. Num. 3. 36. under the charae of the sons of Merari, shall be the boards and *. of the tabernacle, 4. 31. Deut. 3. 5. all these cities were fenced with gates and *. 1 Kings 4. 13. 2 Chron. 8. 5. 1 14. 7 1 Sam. 23. 7. entering into a town that hath *. Neh. 3. 3. set up lock's thereof and *. 6, 13, 14, 15. Job 17. 16. they shall go down to the *. of the pit 18. 1 13. it shall devour the *. of his skin 38. 10. and set *. and doors for the sea 40. 18. Behemoth, his bones are like *. of iron Psal. 107. 16. and cut *. of iron in sunder, Isa. 45. 2- 147. 13. he hath strengthened the *. of thj' sates Prov. 18. 19. contentions aie like the *. of a' castle Isa. 43. + 14. I have brought do"\^-n all their *. Jer. 49. 31. nation, whi.h have neither gates nor *. 50. 1 36. a sword is upon her *. shall be dismayed 51. 30. tliey have Babylon, her *. are broken Lam. 2. 9. he hath destroyed and broken her *. Ezek. 38. 11. and having neither gates nor *. Jonah 2. 6. the earth with her *. vias about m.e Nah. 3. 13. gates open, the fire shall devour thy *. BARBARIAN. 1 Cor. 14. 11. shall be to him a *. and he a *. to me Col. 3. 11. where there is neither Greek nor Jew, *, BARBARIANS. Acts 28. 4. when the *. saw the venomc-s beast Rom. 1. 14. I am debtor both to the Greeks and *. BARBAROUS. Acts 28. 2. the *. people shewed no little kindness BARBED. Jo* 41. 7- canst thou fill his skin with*, irons BARBER. Ezek. 5. 1. son of man, take thee a *. razor BARE. Gen. 7. 17. ^. the ark, De^it. 31. 9, 25. Josh. 3. 15-. 4. 10. 18. .33.2 ^a/^. 6. 13. 1 C>^rcM.] 5. 15, 26, 27. 31. .39. that torn by beasts, I *. the loss of it Exod. 19. 4. and how I *. j-ou on eagle's wings Deut. 1. 31. thy God *. thee as a man doth bear Judg. 3. 18. sent the people that *. the present 1 Sam. 14. 1. Jonathan said to the yoiniar man that *. his armour, 6. 2 Sam. 18. 15. 1 Rings 5. 15. that*, burdens 70,000, Neh. 4. 17. 1 Chron. 12. 24. of Judah that *. shield, 2 Chr. 14. 8. Isa. 53. 12. he *. the sin of many, made intercession 63. 9. he *. them all the days of old Ezek. 12. 7. the stuff I *. upon mj' shoulder Mat. 8. 17. saying, himselt *. our sicknesses Lvke 7. 14. and they that *. him stood still John 2. 8. the water made wine, and thev *. it 12. 6. had the bag, and *. what was put therein 1 Pet. 2. 24. his own self *. our sins on the tree BARE. Gen. 25. 26. Isaac was 60 years, when she *. them 31.8. then all the cattle *. speckled 38. 5. and he was at Chezib when she *. Iiim 44. 27. ye know that my wife *. me t\\x> sons Exod. 6. 20. Jochebed *.to Amram INIoses and Aarou.- Judg. 13. 2. Manoah's wife was harre:i v.nd *. not 2 Sam. 12. 15. struck the child that Uriah's wife *. 1 Kings 1 . 6. his mother *. him after A bsalom 1 Chron. 4. 9. Jabez, because I *. him with sorrow Prov. 17. 25. and bitterness to her that *. him 23. 25. and she that *. tliee shall rejoice Cant. 6. 9- she is the choice one of her that *. hci 8. 5. there she brought thee forth that *. thee Isa. 51. 2. and look unto Sarah that*, you Jer. 16. 3. concerning their mother that *. Ihem 20. 14. let not tlie day wherein my mother *. me 22. 26. cast thee out, and ihj- mother that *. thee c2 19 BAR Jer. 50. 12. she lliat h. yon shall be ashamed L-uke 11. 27. blessed is the womb that/6. thee 23, 29. blessed are the wombs that never b. BARE fnat. X«^e8.8. othersprana- up, and /;./. an hundred-fold Rev. 22. 2. the tree of life h. twelve manner of fruits BARE rule. 1 Kings 9. 23. the chief officers that h. ride over the people that wrought in tlie work, 2 Chron. 8. 10. JvWi. 5. 15. their servants h. rule over the people BARE witness, and record. Mark 14. 56. many h. false witvess against him, 57. Lvke 4. 22. all b. him witness, and wondered J"o//» 1. 15. John b. witness of him, 32, 34. 5. 33. Jolm b. witness to the (ruth 12. 17. the people that was with him b. record 19. 35. he tliat saw it h. record, and his record is true Acts 15. 8. knoweth the hearts, h. them witness Rev. 1. 2. who b. record of the word of God BAREST. 1 Kingsi. 26. because thou b. the ark of the Lord Isa. 63. 19. thou never b. rule over thein John 3. 26. he to whom thou b. Mdtness, baptizeth BARE, Adjective, Sismifies, [1] leaked, or uncovered, Lev. 13. 45. Isa. 32. 11. [2] Fhdn, or real, 1 Cor. 15. 37. [3] Deprived of outward comforts, Jer. 49. 10. [4] Violently taken away, Jer. 13. t 22. Made bare his holy arm, Isa. 52. 10. Hath dis- covered and jmt forth his great power, tvhich for a long time seemed to be hid arid unemployed. Lev. 13.45. his clothes be rent and his head b. 55. whether it be /;. within or without Fsal. 137. t 7. make b. make /;. to the foundation Isa. 32. 11. strip ye, make ye b. and tiird sackcloth 47. 2. make h. tlie leg, uncover the thiyh, pass 52. 10. the Lord hath matle //. his holy arm Jer. 13. 22. for thine iniquity are thy heels made b. 49. 10. 1 have made Esau b. 1 have uncovered his Esek. 16. 7. whereas thou wast naked and h. 22. when thou Avast naked, andi. and polluted 39. they shall leave thee naked and b. 23. 29. Joel 1. 7. my fig-tree he hath made it clean /;. 1 Cor, 15. 37. not that body that shall be, but b. grain BA REFOOT. 2 Sam. 15. 30. he went b. and the people with him Isa. 20. 2. Isaiah did so, walking naked and h. 3. 4. led the Egyptians prisoners, naked and b. BARK. Isa. 56. 10, they are dumb dogs, they cannot b. BARKED. Joell. 7. laidmy vine waste, and b. the fig-tree BARLEY. Exod. 9. 31, the b. was smitten, for b. was in the ear Lev. 27. 16. an homer of b. seed shall be valued Num. 5. 15. the tenth part of an ephah of b. meal Deut. 8.8. a land of wheat, and A. vines, and fig-trees Judg. 7. 13. lo a cake of b. bread tumbled info the Ruth 1. 22. came in the beginning of b. harvest 2. 17. she had gleaned about an ephah of //. 23. so she kept fast to the end of b. harvest 3. 2. behold Boaz winnoweth b. to-night 15. he measured six measures of b. and laid it 2 Sam. 14. 30. Joab's field is near, he hath b. there 17. 28. Barzillai brought beds, b. and flour 21, 9. Saul's sons were hanged in b. harvest 1 Kings 4. 28. b. also and straw for the horses 2 Kings 4. 42. brought the man of God 20 loaves of b. 7. 1. two measures of b. for a shekel, 16, 18. 1 Chron. 11. 13. a parcel of ground full of h. 2 Chron. 2. 10. 1 will give 20,000 measures of b. 15. wheat, and b. tlie oil, and wine, let him send 27. 5. Ammon gave 10,000 measures of b. Job 31. 40. and let cockle grow instead of b. Isa. 28. 25. the principal wheat, and appointed b. Jer. 41. 8. we have treasures of wheat'anfl /;. E%ek. 4. 9. take to thee wheat, and b. and beans 12. thou Shalt eat it as *. cakes, and hake it 13. 19. will ye pollute me for hamlfuls of b. 45. 13. sixth part of an ephah of an homer of b. IIos. 3. 2. boudither for an homer of 1^. and half Joel 1, 11. O husbandmen, howl for wheat and b. John 6. 9. a lad here which hath five b. loaves 6. 13. with the fragments of the five b. loa\'es Rev. 6. 6. a voice say, 3 measures of b. for a penny BARN ^ Signifies, [1] A repository for any sort of grain, Luke 12. 24. [2] Heaven, Mat. 13. 3'\ 2 Kings 6. 27. shall 1 help thee out of the b. floor ? Job 39. 12. and gather thy seed into the b. Hag. 2. 19. is seed yet in b. vine not brought forth Mat. 13. 30. but gather the wheat into my b. Luke 12. 24. which have no store-house nor b. BARNS. Dent. 28. t 8. the Lord shall command the blessins upon tliee in thy b. and in all thou dost Prov. 3. 10. so shall thy b. be filled with plenty Joell. 17. the b. are broken down, and withered 3'fat. 6. 26. the fowls sow not, nor gather int • b. Luke 12. 18. 1 will pull down my b. and build BARREL, 8. 1 Kings 17. 12. but a handful of meal in a b. and oil 14. the b. of meal sliall not waste, nor oil fail 18. 33. fill four b. with water, and pour it on BARREN. Gen. 11. 30. but Sarai was b. she had no child 25. 21. Rebekah was b. II 29. 31. Rachel was b. Exod. 23. 26. nothing shall cast young nor be b. Deut. 7. 14. there shall not be male or female b. Judg 13. 2. Manoah's wife was b. and bare not, 3. 1 Sam. 2. 5. so that the b. hath born seven 2 A'ingsS. 19. the water is naught, and the ground b. 21. shall not be from thence death, or b. land Job 24. 21. he evil enfreateth the b. that hear not 39. 6. 1 have made tiie b. land his dwellings Psal. 113. 9. he maketh the b. woman to kee)) house Prov. 30. 16. the grave and b. womb not satisfied Catit. 4. 2. and none is b. among them, 6. 6. Isa. 54. 1. sin?, O b. thou that didst not bear Joel 2. 20. anfl I will drive him into a land b. Luke 1. 7. iiad no child, because Elisa!>eth was b, 36. the sixth month with her, who was called b. 20 BAT Luke 23. 29. they shall say, blessed are the b. and Gal. 4. 27. for it is written, rejoice thou b. [wombs 2 Pet. 1. 8. that ye be neither b. nor unfruitful BARRENNESS. Psal. 107. 34. he turneth a fruitful land into b. BASE, S. 1 King^l. 27. ten b. four cubits the lenQth of one b. 2 Kings25. 13. the b. Solomon made, brake they, 16. Ezra 3. 3. and they set the altar upon his b. Psal. 104. t5. founded the earth on her h. Zech. 5. 11. it siiall be set there upon her own b. BASE, Adjective. 2 Sam. 6. 22. and will be b. in mine own sight Job 30. 8. yea, they were children of b. meii Isa. 3. 5. and the b. aeainst the honourable Eiek. 17. 14. that the kingdom miyht be b. 29. 14. and they shall be' there a b. kingdom Mai. 2. 9. therefore I have made you b'. Acts 17. + 18. some said, what will this h. fellow say 1 Cor. 1. 28. b. things of this world God hath chosen 2 Cor. 10. 1. 1, Paul, who in presence am b. among BASER. ActsYt. 5. Jews took lewd fellows of the b. sort BASEST. Ezek. 29. 15. Pathros shall be the b. of kingdoms Da7t. 4. 17. andsetteth up over it the b. of men BASKET. Gen. 40. 17. in the b. all manner of bake-meats Exod. 29. 23. out of the //. of the unleavened bread, Lev. 8. 2, 26. N?tm. 6. 15, 17, Lev. 8. 31. the bread in the b. of consecrations Deut. 26. 4. priest shall take the b. out of thy hand 28. 5. blessed shall be thy b. and thy store 17. cursed shall be thy b. and thy store Judg. 6. 19. and Gideon put the flesh in a b. Jer. 24, 2. one b. had very good figs, the other i. Amos 8. 1. and behold a b. of summer fruit, 2. Ai ts 9. 25. tlie disciples took Saul, and let him down by the wall in a i. 2 Cor. 11. 33. BASKETS. Gen. 40. 16. 1 had three white b. on my head 18. Joseph said, the three b. are three days 2 Kings 10. 7- slew 70, and put their heads in b. Jer. 6. 9. tarn hand as a arape-ratherer into the b. 24. 1. behold, two b. of figs before the temple Mat. 14. 20. and they took up twelve /;. full, Vlark 6. 43. Luke 9. I7. JohnO. 13. 15. 37. they did all eat, and took of broken meat seven b. full, Mark ii. 8. 16. 9. do ye not remember the five loaves, and how many b. ye took up .' 10. Mark 8, 19, 20. BASON. Exod. 12. 22. dip it in tlie blood that is in the b. 1 Chron. 28. 17. gave gold by weight for every b. John 13, 5. after that he poureth water into a b. BASONS. Excd. 24. 6. ]\Ioses put half of the blood in h. 9. Sam. 17. 28. Barzillai brought beds and b. 1 Kiyigs 7. 40. Tiiram made' the lavers and the si'Ovels and the b. 45. i 2 CJiron. 4. 8, 11. Jer. 52. 19, b. and firepansthe captain took away BASTARD, S. Deut, 23. 2. a b. shall not enter into the consreiration Zech. 9. 6. and a b. shall dwell in Ashdod, cut off Heb. 12. 8, if ye be without chastisement, then are b. BATH Was a measure wed among the Hebrews, of the same bigness with the Ephah, which contained CO wine pints, and almost a half ; or seven .gallons and a half. Isa. 5.10. yea, ten acres of vineyard shall yield one b. Ezek. 45. 10. ye shall have a just ephah, a just b. 11. the ephah and b. shall be of one measure 14, ye shall offer the tenth part of a b. BATHE. Lev. 15. 5. shall b. himself in water, 8, 11, 13, 21, 22, 27. .1.16. 26, 28. 1 I7. 15. Num. 19. 7, 8. 19. 17. 16. but it he wash them not, nor 1^. his flesh BATHED. Isa. 34. 5. my sword shall be h. in heaven, behold it BATHS. 1 Kings 7. 26. molten sea contained 2000 b. 38. one laver containing 40 ^. every laver 2 Chron. 2. 10. give thy servants 2(!,iXK) b. of wine 4. 5. the sea received and held 3000 b. Ezra 7. 22. to an hundred b. of wine, 100 b. of oil Ezek. 45, 14. an homer of ten b. ten b. are an homer BAT, S. Lev. 11. 19. lapwingand b. are unclean, Deut. 14. 18. Isa. 2, 20, shall cast his idols to the moles and b. BATTLE Sio-nifies, [1] A general fioht, Deut. 20. 3, [2] Victory, Reel, 9. 11. [3] War, 1 Sam. I7. 13. Gen. 14. 8. they joined b. 1 Sam.. 4. 2. 1 Kings 20. 29. Nan. 32. 27. will pass over before the Lord to b. Dent. 2. 24. rise up, contend with Sihon in b. 20. 3. Israel, you approach this day to b. 5. let him return, lest he die in the b. 6, 7, Jo.'b. 11. 19. of Gibeon, all other they took in b. Judg. 20. 28. shall I yet again go out to b. ? 42. they turned, but the ^. overtook them 1 Sam. 14. 22. followed hard after Philistines in 5, 17. 20. he came, as the host shouted foi- the b. 28. for thou art come down to see the /;. 47. for the b. is the Lord's, 2 Chron. 20. 15. 26. 10. he shall descend into the b. and perish 28. 1. know that thou shalt go out with me to b. 29. 4. lest in the b. he be an adversary to us 2 Sam. 11. 1. when kinss go forth to b. 1 Chron. 20. 1, 15. set Uriah in the forefront of the hottest b. 19. 10. Absalom whom we anointed is dead in *, 1 Kings 8. 44. if thy people go out to b. aaainst enemy 20. 39, thy servant went but into midst of the b. 22. 4. wilt thou go with me to b. ? 2 Kings 3, 7, 1 Chron. 5. 20. for they cried to God in the b. 12. 8. of the Gadites, men of war fit for the b. 19, 17. David came upon them, and set b. in array against the Syrians, 2 Chron. 13. 3. i 14.10, 2 Chron. 25. 8. if thou wilt go, do it, be strong for b. Job 15, 24, shall prevail, fis akina ready to the b. 39, 25. and he smelleth the b. afar off 41. 8. remember the b. do no more BE Psal. 18.39, thou hast girded me with strength to*. 24. 8. the King of glory, the Lord mighty in b. 55. 18. he hath delivered my soul from the b. 76, 3. he brake the shield, the sword, and the b. 89. 43. and hast not made him to stand in the h. Eccl. 9. 11. race not to the swift, nor //. to the strong Isa. 9. 5. every b. of the warrior is with noise 13. 4. the Lord mustereththe host of the h. 22. 2. thy slain men are not dead in b. 27, 4, who set briars and thorns against me in b. 28. 6. strength to them that turn the b. to the ^jafe 42. 25. he hath poured on him the strength of the//. Jer. 8. 6. turned as the horse rusheth into the//, 18, 21, let their young men be slain by sword in d, 46. 3. order buckler and shield, draw near to b. 49. 14, coineaaainst her, and rise up to the b. 50. 22. a sound of *. is in land, and destruction 42. put in array, likeamantoA. aaainst thee Eiek. 7. 14. have blown, but none goefh to the b. 13. 5. to stand in the b. in the day of the Lord Ilos. 1. 7. 1 will not save them by bow nor by b. 2. 18. 1 will break the bow and /;. out of the earth 10. 9. b. in Gibeah did not overtake them Joel 2. 5. as a strona people set in b. array Obad, 1. let us rise up aaainst I'.dom in b. Zech. 10. 3. madi; them as his goodly horse in the b. 5. which tread down their enemies in the b. 14. 2. gather all nations aaainst Jerusalem to /;. 1 Cor. 14. 8. who shall prepare himself to the h. Y Rev. 9. 7. shapes of locusts like horses prepared to b. 9. sound of chariots of man v horses running to b. 16. 14. to gather them to the h. of the gieatday, 20. 8. 77«,yr/ BATTLE. 1 Sam. 1 3. 22. so it came to pass in the dajj cfb. that Job .38. 23. 1 reserved aaainst the n. 13. 4. for he h. not the sword in vain 1 Cor. 13. 7. charity A. all thinas, believeth all things Heb. 6. 8. tliat wtiich b. thorns is rejected BEAR Ell I rule. Prov. 29. 2. wiien the wicked b. rule people mourn BEARETII wit>!ess. Job 16. 8. my leanness risina up h. witness to my face Prov. 25. 18. a man that b. fal>e witness is a maul John 5. 32. there is another that b. witness of me 8. 18. and the lather that sent me, b. witness of me Rom. 8. 16. the Spirit h. witness with our spirit 1 John 5. 6. and it is the Spirit that b. witnes.' n BEA BEARIlfG. . 32. 43. ye say, it is desolate without w^r; or *. 33. 10, 12. I ,30. 29. 1 51. 62. 50. 3. they shall depart, both man and *. Ezek. 36. 11. [ will multiply upon you mamwlb. Jonah 3. 7- \e.tnoi man nor *. taste anything Unclean BEAST. Lev. 5. 2. or if a soul touch any unclean b. 7. 21 . 27. 11. if it be M»c/. *. of which they do not offer, 27. Wild BEAST. 2 Kings 14. 9. there passed by a rvild b. of Lebanon, and trod down the thistle, 2 Chron. 25. 18. Job 39. 15. forgetteth that wild b. may break them Psal. 80. 13. the wild b. of the field doth devour it Hos. 13. 8. the wild b. shall tear them BEASTS. Gen. 31. 39. that which was torn of *. Exod. 22. 31. Lev. 7. 24. 1 17. 15. i 22. 8. + 54. then Jacob killed*, upon the mount 36. 6. Esau took all his *. and his substance 45. 17. lade your *. and go to the land of Canaan Exod. 8. +21. I will send a mixture of noisome *. 11.5. all the first-born of *. shall die Lev. 11.2. these *.ye shall eat. Deut. 14. 4. 3. and chew cud among *. shall ye eat, Deut. 14. 6. 25. 7- for*, shall the increase thereof be meat 26. 6. I will rid evil b. out of the land Num. 20. 8. give the conLnegation and their *. drink 31. 30. of all *. give a portion to the Levites ' De7tt. 32. 24. I will send the teeth of *. on them 1 Kings 4. +28. barley for mules, or swift *. 33 Solomon spake of *. and of fowl, and fishes 18. 5. may find grass, that we lose not all the *. 2 Kings 3. 17. drink both ye, your cattle and *. Ezral. 4. help him with gol I, goods, and with *. Job 12. 7. ask the *. and they shall teach thee 18. 3. wherefore are we counted as *. and vile .37. 8. then the *. ^o into dens, and remain Psal. 49. 12. man is like the *. that perish, 20. 78. + 50. he gave their *. to the murrain 104. 20. wherein all the *. of the forest creep 25. in the sea, are both small and 2-reat *. 148. 10. *. and all cattle, praise the' Lord Prov. 9. 2. wisdom hath killed her *. .30. 30. a lion, which is strongest among *. Eccl. 3. 18. they might see that themselves are*. 19. that which befalleth men, befalleth *. Isa. 3 ■. 6. the burden of the *. of the south 40. 16. nor *. thereof for a burnt-offering 46. 1. their idols were on the *. and cattle 66. 20. upon swift *. to my holy mountain Jer. 9. 10. the *. are fled || 12. 4. the *. are consumed Ezek. ft 17. I will send on you famine and evil *. ppstilence, blood, and the sword, 14. 15. 32. 4. T will fill the *. of whole earth with thee 13. I will destroy all the *. thereof, 34. 25, 28. Dan. 4. 14. let the *. get away from under it 15. let his portion be with the *. in the grass 7- 17. these four great *. are four kings 8. 4. so that no *. might stand before' him Joel 1. 18. how do the *. groan, herds perplexed Amos 5. 22. nor regard the peace-offenn2s of fat *. Hab. 2. 17. spoil of *. which made theiii afraid Zeph. 2. 15. become a place for *. to lie flown in Zech. 14. 15. so shall be the plasue of all the *. Acts 7. 42. O Israel, have ye offered to me slain *. ? 23. 24. provide them *. that ye may set Paul on Rom. 1. 23. changed into an imaae made like to *. 1 Cor. 15. 32. if I have fought with *. at Ephesus Jam. 3. 7. for every kind of *. is tamed, but toneue 2 Pet. 2. 12. but these as natural brute *. speak evil Jude 10. but what they know naturally as brute *. Rev. 4. 6. four *. full of eyes before and behind 8. the four *.had each six wings about him 9. when those *. give glory and honour to him 5. 6. in midst of the throne and four *. stood a Lamb 14. the four *. said, Amen, and the 24 elders fell 6. 1. one of the four *. saying, come and see, 15. 7. 7. 11. angels stood about the throne and the four *. 14. 3. a new song before the throne and four *. 19. 4. the 24 elders and four *. fell down to worship B'EASTS of the Earth. Deut. 28. 26. carcase shall be meat to all *. of earth 1 Sam. 17. 46. carcases of Philistines to *. of earth Job 5. 22. nor shalt thou be afraid of the *. of earth 35. 11. who teachetli us more than the *. of earth Psal. 79. 2. the fiesh of thy saints to the *. of earth Isa. 18. 6. they shall be left to the *. of the earth Jer. 7. 33. the carcases of the people meat for *. of the earth, 16. 4. 1 19. 7. | 34. 20. 15. 3. 1 will appoint over them *. of earth to devour Acts 10. 12. all manner of four-footed *. of earth, Rev. 6. 8. kill with hunger, and with the *. of earth BEASTS of the Field. Exod. 23. 11. what the poor leave, *. of field m'A.y eat Deut. 7. 22. lest the *. of the field increase upon thee 1 Sam. 17. 44. come, I will give thy flesh to *. of field 2 Sam. 21. 10. birds by day , nor*, of the field by night Job 5. 23. *. of the field shall be at peace with thee 40. 20. mountains, .where all the *. of the field play P.y«/.8. 7.thou hast put *.fl/ the y/eW under his feet Isa. 56. 9. all ye *. of the field coma to devour Jer. 12. 9. assemble all *. of the field, come to devour 27. 6. * offield)\?iyit I given him, 28. 14. Dan. 2. 38. BEA Ezek. 29. 5. I have given thee for meat to the *. oj the field, and to the fowls, ,34. 5. | 39. 4. 31. 6. under his branches *. of the field bring forth 13. all the *. of the field ^\\a\\. be on his branches ,38. 20. the *. of thefieldah-M shake at my presence Da7i. 4. 12. the *. ofthefiddlvMi shadow under it 25. thy dwelling shall be with b.if the field, 32. Hos. 2. 18. make a covenant tor them with *. rf field 4. ,3. therefore shall the lanri mourn with *. of field Joel 1. 20. *. of field cry also to thee, for the rivers 2. 22. be not afraid .ye /;. of field, the pastures spring W A chief person, or city, 2 Sam. 1. 19. Isa. 13. 19. 1 ..m. 2. 1. [.3] Splendour, glory, or dignity. Lam. 1. 6. Zech. 11. 7. [4] Joy and gladness, Isa. 61. 3. [51 The excellent order of a government, the prosperity, riches, aiid peace of a country, together with the holiness, purity, and truth of their religion, which were their ornament and glory, Ezek. 16. 14. Exod. 28. 2. holy srarment for Aaron, for fflory and *. 2 Sam. 1. 19. the*, of Israel is slain on high places 14. 25. none so much praised as Absalom for *. 1 Chr. 16. 29. worship the Lord in the *. of holiness, Psal. 29. 2. 1 96. 9. 2 Chro. 20. 21. that should praise the *. of holiness Esth. 1. 11. to show the people and princes her*. JobAO. 10. and array thyself with glory and *. Psal. 27. 4. to behold the*, of the Lord, and inquire 39. 11. thou makest his *. to consume away 45. 11. so shall the king greatly desire thy *. 49, 14. their *. shall consume in the crave 50. 2. out of Zion the perfection of *. God shined 90. 17. let the *. of the Lord our God be on us 96. 6. strength and *. are in his sanctuary EEC Prov. 6. 25. lust not after her 5. in Hiy heart 20. 29. the b. of old men is the gray head 31. 30. favour is deceitful, and b. is vain Xsa. 3. 2-1. there shall be bumins instead of b. 4.t2. branch of the T^rd shallhe b. and glory 13. 19. Babylon the b. of the Chaldees' excellency 28. 1. whose glorious b. is a fading flower, 4. 5. the Lord will be for a diadem of b. to residue 33. 17. thine eyes shall see the King in his b. 44. 13. he maketh it according to the b. of a man 53. 2. there is no b. that we should desire him 61. 3. to give to them that moum b. for ashes JLam. 1. 6. from Zion all her b. is departed 2. 1. and cast down from heaven the b. of Israel 15. is this the city men call the perfection of b. ? E^ek. 7. 20. as for the b. of his ornament he set it 16. 14. thy renown went araon? the heathen for b. 15. bnt fliou didst trust in thine own b. 25. thou hast made thy h. to be abhorred 27. 3. thou hast said, 1 am of perfect b. 28. 12. 4. thj' builders have perfected thy b. 11. 28. 7- shall draw swords againstthe b. of thywisdom 17. thine heart was lifted up because of thy b. 31. 8. no tree was like the Assyrian in his b. 32. 19. Egypt, whom dost thou pass in b. ? Has. 10. 1 11. I passed over on the b. of her neck 14. 6. I srael's b. shall be as the olive-tree, his smell Zeck. 9. 17. how great is his g odness and his b. 11. 7. I took two staves, one I called b. 10. BEAUIIES. Psal. 110. 3. in the b. of holiness, from the womb of BEAUTIFY. Ezral. 27. put in the king's heart to*. Lord's house Psal. 149. 4. he will b. the meek with salvation Isa. 60. 13. to b. the place of my sanctuary BEAUJ'IFUL. Gen. 29. 17. "Rachel was b. and well-favoured Dent. 21. 11. seest among the captives a b. woman 1 Sam. 16. 12. David wai of a b. countenance 25. 3. Abigail was of a b. countenance 2 Sam. 11. 2. Bathsheba was very b. to look upon 14. t25. in Israel was not a b. man as Absalom Esth. 2. 7. Esther was fair and b. Mordecai took for Psal. 48. 2. h. for situation is mount Zion Ecol. 3. 11. hath made every thing (^. in his time Cayit. 6. 4. thou art b. O my love, as Tirzah 7. 1. how b. are thy feet with shoes, O princess Isa. 4. 2. in that day shall the branch of Lord be b. 52. 1. O Zion, put on thj"- b. garments 7. how b. the feet of them that bring. Bom. 10. 15. 64. 11. our holy and b. house is burnt up Jer. 13. 20. where is the flock, thy b. flock ? •18. 17- how is the staff broken, and the b. rod Esek. 16 12. I put a b. crown upon thine head 13. thou wast exceeding b. and didst prosper 23. 42. the Sabeans put A. crowns on their heads Mat. 23. 27. whited sepulchres, which appear b. Acts 3. 2. at the gate of the temple called b. 10. " BECAME. Gen. 2. 7. the breath of life, and man b. a living soul 19. 26. Lot's wife looked back and b. a pillar of salt 49. 15. Issachar h. a servant to tribute Erorf. 4. 3. it b. a serpent H 4. b. a rod in his hand 36. 13. lie coupled it, so it b. one tabernacle 1 Sam. 25. 37. Nabal's heart died, he 5. as a stone 1 Fuyiffs 12. 30. and this thing h. a sin, 13. 34. Dan. 2. 35. the stone (^. a great mountain, and filled 1 Cor. 9. 20. to the Jews 1 b. a. Jew, to gain the Jews Heb. 7. 26. such an High-Priest b. usT who is holy 10. 33. whilst ye b. companions of them so used Hev. 16. 3. the sea b. as the blood of a dead man EEC AM EST. 1 CAron. 17. 22. and thou. Lord, b. their God Ezei. 16. 8. I sware unto thee, and thou b. mine BECAUSE. Gen. 3. + 1. b. God hath said, ye shall not eat 14. said to the serpent, b. thou hast done this Lev. 26. 43. b. even b. they despised my judgments Detit. 7. + 12. b. ye hearken to these iudgments 2 Sam. 12. 6. b. he did tbis, b. he had no" pity Prov. 1. 24. b. 1 have called, and yerefusedl Isa. 7. + 9. do ye not believe, b. ye are not stable Ezek. 13. 10. b. even b. they seduced my people 36. 1 3. b. for b. they have maie you desolate Mat. 26. 31. all ye shall be ofl^ended b. of me Mark 9. 41 . give you water, b. ye belong to Christ John 6. 26. ye seek me, not b. ye saw the miracles, but b. ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled 8. 43. even b. ye cannot hear my word 10. 13. the hireling fleeth, b. he is an liireling 14. 19. but 3^6 see me, /;. T live, ye shall live also Horn. 8. 10. the Spirit is life b. of righteousness + 11. quicken your mortal bodies 1^. "of his Spirit Eph. 5. 6. b. of these cometh the -wrath of God Beb. 4. 1 2. not profit, b. not united by faith to them 6. 13. *. he could swear by no greater, he sware by 1 Jobti 3. 14. from death to life, b. we love brethren 4. 19. we love him b. he first loved us BECKON' ED. Lulcel. 22. Zecharias b. and remained speechless 5. 7. they b. to their partners in the other ship John 13. 24. Peter*, to him that he should ask Jicts 19. 33. Alexander b. with his hand, and would 21. 40. Paul stood on stairs, and /;. with the hand 24. 10. Paul, after the governor had b. answered BECKONING. Acts 12. 17. Peter b. unto them with the hand 13. 16. Paul stood up, and b. with his hand, said BECOME. ■Gen. 3. 22. man is b. as one of us, to know good and 17. + 16. I will bless her, and she shall b. nations 37. 20. we will see what will b. of his dreams 38. + 23. let her take it, lest we b. a contempt Exod. 15. 2. the Lord is my strenath, and is b. my salvation, Psal. 118. 14. Isa. 12. 2. 32. 1. for as tor this Moses that brought us up, we wot not what is b. of him. 2.3^ Acts 7. 40. Beut.o-. 9. O Israel, thou art *. the people of God ISam. 28. 16. seeing the Lord is b. thine enemy Jonah 4. 5. he might see what would b. of the city Mat. 21. 42. the same is b. the head of the corner, Mark 12. 10. LtLke 20. 17. Acts 4. 11. BEE John 1. 12. he gave power to b. tlie sons of God 2 Cor. 5. 17. in Christ, behold, all things are b. new Rev. 11. 15. aie b. the kingdoms of our Lord BECOIVrETH. Psal. 93. 5. holiness b. thy house, O Lord, for ever ProD. 10. 4. he*, poorthatdealeth with a slack hand 17. 7. excellent speech *. not a fool, much less do 18. a man void of understanding *. surety Eccl.4:. 14. he that is born in his kingdom, *. poov Mat. 3. 15. thus it *. us to fulfil all righteousness 13. 22. the deceitfulness of ri&hes choketh the word, and he *. unfruitful, Mark 4. 19. 32. greatest among herbs, and o. a tree, MarM. .32. Rom.W.'i. tliat ye receive Phebe our sister as*. saints £p/i.5.3.covetousnessnot be once named, as *. saints Phil. 1. 27. let your conversation be as *. the gospel 1 Tim. 2. 10. as *. women professing godliness Tit. 2. 3. aged women be in behaviour as *. holiness BED Signifies, [1] That whereon persons sleep in the night, 1 Sam. 19. 13. [2] A couch to rest on in the day, 2 Sam. 4. 'v [3] Pain, torment, or tribulation. Rev. 2. 2'-. [4] The grave, lohich is as a sleeping hotise, fo: i.te righteous, Isa. 57. 2. [5.] The law- ful use of xuedlock, Heb. 13. 4. On my bed. Cant. 3. 1. while I was in a secure or slothful frame. Our bed is green. Cant. 1. 16. The ordinances and means of grace, where I enjoy sweet felloxoship and communion with thee, are not only pleasant and delightful, but also fruitfrd ; and, by the Spirit's accompanying them, they are made effectual for the converting of many. Gfw. 47. 31. bowed himself on the *. 1 Kings\.^. 49. 4. wentest up to thy father's *. 1 Chron. 5. 1. E.rod. 21. 18. and he die not, but keepeth his *. Lev. 15. 4. every *. whereon he lieth is unclean, 24. 1 Sam. 19. 13. Michal took an image and laid it in *. 2 Sam. 3. + 31. king David himself followed the *. 4. 5. Ish-bosheth who lay on a *. at noon 11. 2. in an evening-tide David arose from his *. 2 Kings 1 . 4. shall not come down from that *. 6. 16. 4. 10. let us set there for him a *. and a table Job 7. 13. when I say, my *. shall comfort me 17. 13. I have made my *. in the darkness 33. 15. God speaketh inslamberiags upon the *. Psal. 4. 4. commune with your own heart on your *, 36. 4. he deviseth mischief on his *. 41. 3. thou wilt make all his *. in his sickness 63. 6. when I remember thee upon my *. and 132. 3. nor go up into my *. till 1 find a place 139. 8. if 1 inake my *. in hell, thou art there Prov. 7. 16. I have decked my *. with tapestry, 17. 22. 27. why should he take thy *. from under thee .'' 26. 14. on hinges, so doth the slothful on his *. Cant. 1. 16. fair, yea pleasant, also our *. is green 3. 1. by night on my *. I souaht him whom my soul 7. behold, his *. which is Solomon's, valiant men + 9. Solomon made himself a *. wood of Lebanon Isa. 28.20. the *. is shorter than a man can stretch 57. 7. on a lofty mountain hast thou set thy *. Amos 3. 12. Israel taken out in the corner of a *. Mat. 9. 6. Jesus saith, take up thy *. and walk, Mark 2. 9, 11. John 5. 11, 12. Mark A. 21. a candle to be put under a *, Luke 8. 16. L^ike 11. 7. my children are with me in *. I cannot 17. 34. two men in one *. one taken, the other left Rev. 2. 22. behold I will cast her into a *. BED of love. Esek.23.17. Babj^onians came to her in the *. of love BED of spices. Cant. 5. 13. his cheeks are as a *. of spices, as flowers 6. 2. my beloved is gone down to the *. of spices BED undejiled. Ileb.lS.i. marriage is honourable and th&b .undefiled BED-CHAMBER. Exod. 8. 3. frogs come into thy b.-c. and on thy bed 2 Sam. 4.7. Ish-l)oslieth lay in his b.-c. they slew him 2 Kings 6. 12. telleth the words thou speakest in *.-c. 11.2. hid him and nurse in the *.-<:. 2 CArora. 22. 11. Eccl. 10. 20. and curse not the rich in thy b.-c. BEDS. Psal. 149. 5. let the saints sino- aloud on their *. Isa. .57. 2. they shall rest in their *. each one walking Hos. 7. 14. not cried when they howled upon their *. Amos 6. A. lie on*, of ivory, and stretch themselves Mic. 2. 1. wo to them that work evil on their *. Mark 7. + 4. washinff of cups, and *. brazen vessels BEDS'lEAD. TDeut. 3.11. kingof Bashan, his *. wasa *.of iron BEE, BEES. Deut. 1. 44. the Amorites chased you as *. in Seir Jvdg. 14. 8. a swarm of *. in the carcase of the lion Psal. 118. 12. they compassed me about like*. Isa. 7. 18. the Lord shall hiss for the *. in Assyria BEEN. 1 Sam. 10. + 27. Saul was as though he had *. deaf 2 Sam. 1. 26. very pleasant hast thou *. to me 12. 8. if that had *. too little, 1 would have given Job 3. 13. 1 should have slept, then had I *. at rest Psal. 27. 9. thou hast *. my help, leaveme not, 63. 7. 94. 17. unless the L. had *. my help, my soul had Isa. 48. 18. then had thy peace *. as a river 49. 21. I was left alone ; these, where had they *. ? Mat. 23. 30. if we had *. in the days of our fathers 28. + 2. behold, there had *. a great earthquake Liike 24. 21. but we trusted that it had *. he which Acts 4. 13. took knowledge they had *. with Jesus Rorn. 9. 29. we had *. as Sodom, and like Gomorrah 1 Tim. 5. 9. a widow, having *. the wife of one man 2 Tim. 3. + 10. thou hast *. a diligent follower of my 2 Pet. 2. 21. it had *. better not to have known the 1 John 2. 19. if they had *. of us, no doubt they Bath BEEN. Gen. 31. 5. the God of mv fathers hath b. with me Deut. 2.. 7. the Lord thy dod hath b. with thee 1 Sam. 14. 38. see wherein this sin hath h. this day 2 Chron. 15. 3. Israel hath *. without the true God Eccl. 3. 15. that which hath b. is now, and that which is to be hath already *. Isa. 28. + 10. for precept hath b. upon precept Jer. 22. 21. this hath b, thy manner from thy youth BEF Joell. 2. hath this *. in your days or your fathers ' John 11. .39. for he hath b. dead four days Rom. 11. 34. or who hath b. his counsellor .' Have BEEN. 1 Sam. 4. 9. not servants to Hebrews as they have i. 1 Chr. 17. 8. have b. with thee whither thou walkedst Ezra 9. 7- since the days of our fathers have we *. Job 10. 19. I should *ai-e *. as if I had not*. Psal. 25. 6. thy tender mercies have b. ever of old 37.25. have b. young, and now old, yet have not seen 42. 3. my tears have b. my meat day and night Jf«.1.9.snould^ai'e*.as Sodom, *are*. as GomoiTah 26. 17. so have we *. in thy sight, O Lord 18. have b. with child, have b. in pain, as it were 66. 2. all those things have b. saith the Lord Jer. 2. 31. have I *. a wilderness to lai^ael .'' 28. 8. the prophets that have b. before me Hos. 5. 2. though I have b. a rebuker of them all Mai. 2. 9. but hnve b. partial in the law Mark 8. 2. they have b. with me three days Luke 1. 70. which have b. since the world began John 14. 9. have I *. so long time with you T 15. 27. because ye hav-e b. with me from the begin. Acts 20. 18. after what manner I have b. with you 2 Cor. 11. 25. a night and a day I have *. in the deep Gal. 3. 21. righteousness should have h. by the law Not BEEN. Exod. 9. 18. to rain hail such as hath not b. in Egypt 1 Kings S. +13. not b. among the kings like thee 14. 8. yet hast not b. as my servant David Job 3. 16. as an hidden untimely birth I had not b. 10. 19. I should have been as tho' I had not b. Psal. 124. 1. if it liad not b. the Lord on our side, 2. Eccl. 4. 3. better than both is he that hath 7iot b. Obad. 16. they shall be as though they had not b. Mat. 26. 24. good for that man he had not h. born Luke 16. 11. xf therefore ye have not b. faithful, 12. BEETLE. Lev. 11. 22. these of them ye may eat, the *. BEEVES. Lev. 22. 19. offer at your own will of the *. of sheep 21. whosoever offers a freewiil-off^ering in *. Num. 31. 28. levy a tribute to the Lord of the *. 36. the Lord's tribute of*, threescore and twelve BliFALL. Gen. 42. 4. lest peradventure mischief *. him 38. if mischief*, him by the way then, 44. 29. 49. 1. that I may tell you what shall *. you in the last days, Deut. 31. 29. Dan. 10. 14. Deut. 31. 17. many evils and troubles shall *. them Psal. 91. 10. there shall no evil *. thee, nor plague Acts 20. 22, not knowing things that shall *. me BEFALLEN. JLev. 10. 19. and such thinss have *. me Num. 20. 14. thou knowest all travail that hath *. us Deut. 31. 21. when many troubles are *. them Judg. 6. 13. if Lord be with lis, why is all this *. us ? 1 Sam. 20. 26. he thought something had *. him Esth. 6. 13. Haman told every thing that had *. Mat. 8. 33. and what was *. to the possessed of devils BEFALLETH. Eccl. 3. 19. for that which *. the sons of men, *. beasts, even one thing *. them. BEFELL. 2 Sam. 19. 7- will be worse than all that *. thee Mark 5. 16. told how it *. to him that was possessed Acts 20. 19. *. me by the lying in wait of the Jews BEFORE Signifies, [1] In sight of. Gen. 43. 14. [2] Rather than, 2 Sam. 6. 21. [3] Free to one's view and choice. Gen. 20. 15. [4] At, Re^-. 3. 9. [5] Not being sent or commissioned by, John 10. 8. [6] Eirst, (1) In order of time, Isa. 43. 13. (2) In order of place. Josh. 8. 10. Luke 22. 47. (3) In order of dignity, John 1. 15, 27. Gen. 20. 15. behold my land is *. thee, dwell where 24. 45. *. I had done speaking in my heart 31. 2. his countenance was not toward him as *. 43. 14. the Lord give you mercy *. the man 48. 20. and he set Ephraim *. Manasseh Exod. 16. 34. Aaron laid it up *. the testimony Num. 6. 12. but the days that were *. shall be lost Josh. 4. 18. Jordan flowed over his banks as *. 10. 14. there was no day like that *. it, or after if. Judg. 3. 2. at least such as *. knew nothing thereof 16. 20. said, I will go as *. and shake myself 2 Sam. 6. 21. chose me *. thy father, and *. his house 10. 9. Joab saw the battle was against him *. and behind, 1 Chron. 19. 10. 22. + 25. according to my cleanness *. his ej^es 1 Kings 13. 6. the king's hand became as it was *. 2 Chron. 13. 14. the battle was *. and behind 33. 19. Manasseh his trespass *. he was humbled Job 3. 24. for my sighing cometh *. I eat 10. 21. *. I go, whence I shall not return 42. 10. Lori gave Job twice as much as he had *. Psal. 31. 22. 1 am cut off from *. thine eyes 39. 13. spare me *. I go hence and be no more 80. 9. thou preparedst room *. it, and didst cause it 119. 67. * I was afliicted I went astra}', but now 139. 5. thou hast beset me behind and *. and laid Eccl. 7. 17. why shouldest thou die *. thy time ? Isa. 9. 12. Syrians *. and the Philistines behind 17. 14. and behold, *. tlie morning he is not 43. 13. *. the day was, I am he, aiid there is none 65. 24. that *. they call I will answer and liear Jer. 1. 5. *. [ formed thee in the belly, I knew thee Ezek. 44. 12. they ministered to them *. their idols 22. they shall take a widow that had a priest *. Hos. 7. 2. their own doinas, fliey aie *. my face Am<^is 4. 3. every cow at that which is *. her Mai. 2. 5. he feared me, and was afraid *. my name 4. 5. 1 will send F.lijah tiie prophet *. the coming- Mat. 1. 18. *. thev came together, she was witli child 6. 8. knoweth w'hat things ye need *. se ask 8. 29. art thou come to torment us *. the time 24.25. behold, I have toid you *. Lnl^e 2. 26. not see death *. he had seen the Lord 23. 12. for *. they were at enmity between theme John 6. 62. see tlie Son of man asce. where he was * 7. 51 . doth our law j udge any man *. it hear him r 13. 19. now I tell vou A. it come. 14. 29. 23 BEG Acts 2. 31. he seeing- this h. spake of the resurrection 4. 28. to do thy counsel (leterminerl h. to be done 10. 41. but to witnesses chosen b. of God, to us 2 Cor. 8. 10. who have be.i^un b. not only to do Gal. 5. 21. of which 1 tell you A. as i told you Eph. 3. t 3. as 1 wrote a little b. Phil. 3. 13. reaching- forth to those things that are h. Col. 1. 5. whereof ye heard b. in the word of truth 1 Thess.l. 2. but even after that we had suffered b. 3. 4. when we were with you, we told you b. 1 Tim. 1. 13. who was b. a blasphemer, a persecutor Reh. 7. 18. disannulling of the command going b. 10. 15. for after that he had said 3. this is covenant 2 Pet. 3. 2. mindful of words spoken h. by prophets 17. seeing ye know these things b. beware lest Bev. 3. 9. make them to worship b. thy feet 4. 6. were four beasts, full of eyes h. and behind Come BEFORE. Bxod. 22. 9. both parties shall come b. the judg-e Psal. 100. 2. come b. his presence with thanksgiving Mic. 6. 6. wherewith shall 1 come b. the Lord .' 2 Tm. 4. 21. do thy diligence to come b. winter BEFORE the people. Gen. 23. 12. Abraham bowed b. tbe people oHhe land jExod. 13. 22. nor the pillar of tire from b. the people 17. 5. the Lord said to Moses, go on b. ike people 34. 10. b. all till/ people 1 will do marvels Josh. 8. 10. .loshua and elders went ^. the people to A\ 1 Sam. 18. 13. he went out, and came inb. the people Mark 8. 6. gave disciples did set them h. the people Luke 20. 26. not take hold of his words b. the people Rev. 10. 11. thou must prophesy h. many peoples BEFORE whom. Gen. 24. 40. Lord b. whom. I walk will send his angel 48. 15. God b. zohom my fathers did walk 1 Kings 1?. 1. Elijah said to Ahab, as the Lord God of Israel liveth, b. whom 1 stfuid, 18. 15. 2 Kings 3. 14. | 5. 16. Esth. 6.13. Mordecai b. lokmi thou h -ist begun to fall Bail. 7. 8. b. whom there were three of the first horns 20. and 1^. whom' three fell, even of that horn Acts 26. 26. the king, b. whom also I speak freely See further, All, Ark, God, Him, Loud, Me, Mount, Stand, Stood, Thee, Them, As, Went, You. BEFOREHAND. Mark 13. 11. take no thought b. what to speak 2 Cor. 9. 5. go and make up b. your bounty 1 Tim. 5. 24. some men's sins are open b. 25. the good works of some are manifest b. 1 Pet. 1. 11. testified b. the sufferings of Chiist BEFORETIME. Josh. 20. 5. because he hated him not b. 1 Sam. 9. 9- b. in Israel, when a man went ; he who is called a prophet was^. called a seer 2 Sam. 7. 10. nor afflict them any more as b. 2 Kings 13. 5. Israel dwelt in their tents as b. Neh. 2. 1. I had not been b. sad in l\is presence Isa. 41. 26. who hath declared b. that we may say Acts 8. 9. called Simon which b. used sorcery BEGAN . Gen. 4. 26. then b. men to call on the nameof Lord Num. 25. 1. the people b. to commit whoredom with Judg. 20. 31. they 6. to smite Israel as at other times 1 Sam. 14. t 35. that altar he b. to build to the Lord 2 Kings 10. 32. the Lord b. to cut Israel short 2 Chron. 20. 22. when tiiey h. to sing, the Lord set 31. 7. in the third month they b. to lay the heaps 34. 3. while young Josiah b. to seek after God Ezek. 9. 6. then they b. at the ancient men Mat. 4. 17. from that time Jesus b. to preach and say Mark 14. t 72. he b. to weep when he thought Luke 1. 70. which have been since the world b. 14. 30. this man b. to build and was not able John 4. 52. inquired the hour when he b. to amend 9. 32. since the world /;. Acts 3. 21. Rom. 16. 25. Acts 12. 1 1. Herod b. to vex certain of the church 2 Tim. 1. 9. in Christ before the world b. Tit. 1. 2. IIeb.2. 3. salvation at first A. to be spoken by the Lord BEGAT. Prov. 23. 22. hearken to thy father that b. thee Jer. 16. 3. concerning their fathers that b. them Dan. 11. 6. she shall be given up, and he that b. her Zech. 13. 3. his father and mother that b. him Jayn. 1. 18. of his own will b. he us with the word 1 Joh7i 5. 1. every one that loveth him that b. loveth BEGET. Gen. 17. 20. twelve princes shall he b. I will make Deut. 4. 25. when thou shalt b. children, children's 28. 41. thou shalt b. sons, (mt shalt not enjoy them 2 Kings 20. 18. of thy sons which thou shalt b. shall they take and make eunuchs, Isa. 39. 7. Eccl. 6. 3. if a man b. 100 children, and live many Jer. 29. 6. take wives, and b. sons and daughters Ezek. 18. 10. if he b. a son that is a robber 14. if he b. a son thatseeth all his father's sins BEGEITEST. Gen. 48. 6. issue which thou b. shall be thine Isa. 45. 10. that saith to his father, what b. thou ' BEGETTETH. Prov. 17. 21. he that b. a fool, doeth it to his sorrow 23. 24. he that b. a wise child shall have joy Eccl. 5. 14. he b. a son, and nothing in his hand BEG. Psal. 109. 10. let his children be vagabonds and b. Prov. 20. 4. therefore shall the sluggard /;. in harvest I/uke 16. 3. I cannot dig, to /;. I am ashamed BEGGED. Mat. 27. 58. and b. the body of Jesus, Luke 23. 52. John 9. 8. is not this he that sat and b. ? BEGGAR. 1 Sam. 2. 8. he lifteth the b. from the dunghill Luke 16. 20. and there was a b. named Lazarus 22. the b. died, and was carried by the angels BEGGARLY. Gal. 4. 9. how turn ye again to the b. elements BEGGING. Psal. 37. 25. 1 have not seen his seed b. bread Mark 10. 46. Bartimeus sat b. Luke 18. 35. BEGIN. Gen. 11. 6. this they b. to do, and now nothing Deut. 2. 25. this day I b. to put the dread of you 24 BEG .Josh. 3. 7. this day will I *. to magnify thee 1 Sam. 3. 12. when 1 b. I will also make an end 22. 15. did I then /;. to inquire of God for him .' Neh. 11. 17. Wattaniah to b. tlie thanksgiving Jer. 25. 29. I b. to bring evil on tlie city called £3e^-.9.6.slav old and young,and/i. at in V sanctuary Hos. 8. tlO. they shall b. a little for the burden Luke 3. 8. and b. not to say within yourselves 13. 26. then shall ye h. to say, we have eaten 14. 29. all that behold it, b. to mock him 21. 28. when these things b. to come to pass 2 Cor. 3. 1. do we b. again to commend ourselves? 1 Pet. 4. 17. the time is come, that juflgment must b. at the house of (iod, and if it first b. at us BFGIN N \'M. Ileh. 12. t2. Jesus (he /;. and finisher of our faith BEGINNING Signifies, [1] That which is the first, Exod. 12. 2. [2] The creation, Gen. 1. 1. [,3] At the first, Prov. 20. 21. isa. 1. 26. [4] That which is chief, or most excellent. Prov. 1. 7. | 9. 10. 1 am the beginning and ending, Rev. 1.8. I am the eternal God, who gave all things a being and beginning. Ge?i. 49. 3. Reuben, thou art the b. of my strength Ewd. 12. 2. this month shall be the b. of months Devt. 21. 17. he is tlie b. of his strength, the right Job 8. 7- tho' thy /;. was small, yet thy end increase 42. 12. blessed the latter end of Job more tiian b. Psal. 111. 10. fear of I^rd/^. of wisdom, Prof. 9.10. Prov. 1. 7. fear of the Lord is the b. of knowledge 17. 14. b. of strife, as when one letteth out water Eccl. 7. 8. better is the end of a thing than the b. 10. 13. the b. of words of liis mouth'is foolishness Isa. 64. 4. since b. of the world, men have not heard Mic. 1. 13. is the b. of sin to the daughter of Zion Mat. 24. 8. all these are the b. of sorrows, Mark 13.8. 21. tribulation, such as was not since the /;. Mark 1. 1. the b. of the gospel of Jesus Christ John 2. 11. this b. of niiracks did Jesus in Cana Col. 1. 18. wlio is the b. the (irst-bom from the dead Beb. 3. 14. if we hold the b. of our confidence 6. -1-1. leaving the word of the b. of Christ 7. 3. having neither /;. of days, m-r end of life 2 Pet. 2. 20. the latter end is worse than the b. Rev. 1. R. I am the b. and (he tndinii, 21. 6. | 22. 13. 3. 14. these things saith the b. of the creation of God At the KEGINNLNG. Ruth 3. 10. more kindness at latter end, than at the b. 1 Chron. IJ. 9. nor ciiild. of wickedness waste as at b. Prov. 20. 21. an inheritance gotten hastily at the b. Isa. 1. 26. I will restore thy counsellors as at the b. I)a7i.9.23. at the h. of thy Supplications the cominantl Mat. 19. 4. which made them, at b. made them i-nale Johnld. 4. these thiniis 1 said not to you at theb. Acts 11. 15. H. Ghost fell on them as on us at the b. From the BEGINS INCt. Deut. 11. 12. eyes of L. are on \tfrom. the b. of year 32. \l.fr07n the b. of revenges on (he enemv Psal. 119. 160. word is true/n;w the h. and every Prov. 8. 23. 1 wa:- set up/ro/«. b. or ever the earth was Eccl. 3.11. no inan can find work God maketh/z-ow b. Isa. 18. 2. go to a people terrible from the b. 7. 40. 21. hath it not been told you fro7n the b. ? 41. 26. who hath declared //-o//? the b. ? 46. 10. declaring the end from h. and ancient times 48. 16. I have not spoken in secret from the b. Jer. 17. 12. a glorious high throne from the b. Mat. 19. 8. but /row the b. it was not so Luke 1. 2. unto us, which /row b. were eye-witnesses John 6. 64. Jesus knew from the b. who believed not 8. 25. Jesus saith, even same I said to you from b. 44. was a murderer fro7n b. and abode not in truth 15. 27. because ye have been with me from the b. Eph. 3. 9. which from b. of the world hath been hid 2 Thess. 2. 13. God hath from b. chosen you to salv. 2 Pet. 3. 4. all continue as they were fro7n the b. 1 John 2. 7. word which ye have heard /row b. 3. 11. 13. because ye have known him that is from h. 3. 8. is of the devil, for the devil sinneth fro7n the b. 2 Joh7i 5. but that which we had from the b. J«?/;e BEGINNING. Gen. 1. 1. in the b. God created the heaven and earth 2 Sam. 20. 1 18. they plainly spake in b. ask of Abel Prov. 8. 22. the L. possessed me intJic b. of his way John 1. 1. m b. was the Word, Word was with God 2. the same was in the b. with God Phil. 4. 15. ye know that in the b. of the gospel Heb. 1. 10. thou Lord m the b. hast laid foundation BEGINNING. Mat. 14. 30. b. to sink, he cried. Lord, save m.e 20. 8. give their hire, b. from the last to the first lAike 24. 47. among all nations, b. at Jerusalem John 8. 9. went out, b. at the eldest even to the last Acts 1. 22. b. froin the baptism of John to that day BEGINNINGS. N7im. 10. 10. also in the b. of your months, 28. 11. Ezek. 36. 11. I will do better than at your b. BEGIN NEST. Deut. 16. 9. time thou b. to put the sickle to com BEG on EN Is taken, [1] Properly and naturally, Judg. 8. 30. [2] Supernaturally, thus Isaac was begotten of the dead body a7id womb of Abrahain and Sarah, Heb. 11. 17. [3] Spiritually, thus Christians are said to be hegotte7i by such mi7iisters as were instrv,ments of their co7iversion, 1 Cor. 4. 15. [4] Eter7iaVy, such 07ily is Christ the only be- gotten of the Father, John 1. 14. Nim. 11. 12. have I conceived, have I b. thein ? De7ct. 23. 8. the children b. of them shall enter Judg. 8. 30. Gideon had 70 sons of his body b. Job ,38. 28. or who hath b. the drops of dew ? Psal. 2. 7. thou art my Son, this day have I b. thee, Acts 13.33. Heb. 1. 5. \ 5. 5. Isa. 49. 21. thou shalt say, who hath b. me these? Jer. 2. + 27. saying to a stone, thou hast b. me Hos. 5. 7. for they have b. strange children John 1. 14. the glory as of the only b. of the Father 18. the only b. Son, he hath declared him 3. 16. God so loved, that he gave his only b. Son 18. not believed in the name of the only b. Son BEH 1 Cor. 4. 15. for T have b. you through the gospel Philem. 10. Onesimus, wliom I have b. in my bonds Heb. 11. 17. Abraham by faith offered up only b. son 1 J^ct. 1. 3. who hath b. us again to a lively hope 1 John 4. 9. sent his only /;. Son, that we might live 5. 1. tiiat begat, loveth him also tiiat is /;. of him 18. he that is b. of God keepeth himself Fiiisr-Hi:GoirEN. Heb. 1. 6. when he brinL'eth in first-b. into world Rev. 1. 5. from Jesus, wlio is the first-b. of the dead BEGUILE. Col. 2. 4. lest any man b. you with enticing -words 18. let no man b. you of your reward BEtiUlLEl), TNG. Gen. 3. 13. woman said, serpent b. me, and I did eat 29. 25. wherefore then hast thou b. me '. N7im. 25. IB. tliey have b. you in the matter of Peor .losh. 9. 22. sayir]g, wherefore have ye b. us '. 2 Cor. 11. 3. but 1 fear lest as the serpent b. Eve 2 Pet. 2. 14. cannot cease from sin, b. unstable souls BEGUN. Nim. 16. 46. the plague is b. 1| 47. the plague was*. De7U. 3. 24. thou hast b. to shew thy greatness Esth. 6. 13. before wiiom thou hastl^. to fall 9. 23. the Jews undertook to do as they had b. Mat. 18. 24. and when he had b. to reckon 2 Cor. 8. 6. as he liad //. so he would also finish 10. this is expedient for you who have b. before . Gal. 3. 3. are ye so foolish, having h. in the Spirit Phil. 1. 6. he which hath b. a good work in you 1 Tim. 5. 11. when they have b. to wax -wanton BEHALF. Exod. 27. 21. a statute on b. of the children of Israel 2 Sam. 3. 12. Abner sent to David on his b. 2 Chron. 16. 9. sliew iiimself strong in b. of them .fob .36. 2. shew that I have \'A fo speak on God's b. Dan. 11. ■\V,.\7n\' I's own /i. shall cause Rom. 16. 19. I .' le on your b. 1 C'i;r. 1. 4. 1 than, Uvays On your />. 2 Cor. ]. 11. thanks I iva.\- ue i;i\en by many on our ^. 5. 12. but give you occasion to glory on oin- b. Phil. 1. 29. to you it is ;;iven in b. of Christ, not only 1 Pet. 4. 16. let him glorify God on this b. BEHAVE. Deut. 32. 27. lest adversaries b. themselves strangely 1 Chron. 19. 13. let us *. ourselves valiantly Job 41. t 33. who b. themselves without fear Psal. 101. 2. 1 ^vill /;. ^visely in a perfect way Isa. 3. 5. child sliall b. liimstlf proudly as. ancient 42. t 13. the Lopl nviII I,, iumself mightily 1 Cor. 13. 5. chai i /. itself unseemly 1 Tim. 3. 15. ho\N i f .0 b. in house of God 15«?7?. 18. 5. Davi.l ,/. .aw „:U wisely, 14, 15, .30. Psal.35. 14. I b. as thoiitih he liad been my friend 131. 2. I have b. myself as a child tliat is weaned Hos. 12. t 3. .iacob b. himself princely Mir. 3. 4. as they have b. themselves ill in doings 1 Thesi. 2. 10. howunblameably we*, ourselves 2 Thess. 3. 7. b. not ourselves disorderly among you REIIAViaii. 1 Cor. 7. 36. if a man think he b. uncomely to his BEHAVIOUK. 1 Sam. 21. 13. David changed his b. before them 1 Tim. 3. 2. a bishop must be sober, of good b. Tit. 2.3. aged women in /;. as becometh' holiness lU: HEAD ED. Deut. 21. 6. elders sliall wash hands over the heifer b, 2 Sam. 4. 7. they smote Ish-bosheth, and /;. him Mat. 14. 10. b. John, Mark 6. 16, 27. L^ike 9. 9. Rev. 20. 4. 1 saw tlie souls of them that were b. BEHELD. N7im. 21 . 9. when he b. (he serpent of brass, he liverl 23. 21. he hath not b. iniquity in Jacob 1 Chron. 21. 15. as he was destroying, the Lord b. Job 31. 26. if 1 b. the sun when it shined, or moor* Psal. 119. 158. 1 b. transgressors, and was grieved 142. 4. 1 b. but tliere was' no man would know me- .P/-OZ'. 7. 7. and b. among the simple ones, 1 discen-ied Eccl. 8. 17. then 1 *. all the work of God l:a. 41. 28. I b. and there was no man, Jer. 4. 25. Jer. 4. 23. I b. the eartli, and it was without form Marklo.Al. Mary Magdalen, and Mary the mother of Joses, //. where he was laid, Imke 23. 55. Luke 10. 18. 1 b. .%atan as lightning fall from heaveu 19. 41. he /;. the city, and wept over it John 1. 14. and we b. his glory, the glory ac.of Actsl. 9. v/hile they b. Jesus was taken up 17. 23. as I passed by and b. your devotions Rev. 5. 6. 1 b. and lo, in midst of the throne a Lambf- 11. 12. they ascended, and their enemies /;. them BEHEMOTH. Job 40. 15. behold now b. which I made with thee BEHIND Simifies, [1] Backwards, Judg. 20. 40. [2] After, 2 Sam. 3. 16. [3] Remaini7ig, Lev. 25. 51. [4J Past, Phil. 3. 13. [5] U7iexpected, Isa. 30. 21. [6] Disregarded, Psal. 50. 17. Exod. 10. 26. there shall not an hoof be left *. Lei. 25. 51. if there be yet many years b. according Jiidg. 20. 40. the Benjamites looked b. them 1 Sam. 30. 9. where those that were left b. stayed 2 Sam. 3. 16. her husband went weeping b. her 1 Kings 14. 9. hastcastme b. thy back, Ezek. 23. 35. Neh. 4. 16. the rulers were b. the house of Judah 9. 26. they rebelled and cast thy law b. their backs Cant. 2. 9. behold, he standeth b. our wall, looketb Isa. .38. 17. thou hast cast all my sins b. thy back Amos 7. + 15. the Lord took me frorn /;. the flock Mark 5. 27. she came in the press b. and touched Liike 2. 43. the child Jesus tarried b. in Jerusalem 1 Cor. 1. 7. so that ye come b. in no gift, waiting for 2 Cor. 11.5.1 was not a whit b. the chiefest, 12. 11. Phil. 3. 13. forgetting those things which are b. Col. 1. 24. fill up what is b. of afHictions of Christ 6"e^/MrMe;-, Before, HiM,WE,rHEE/i'HEM, Us. BEHOLD Signifies, [1] Admiration, Isa. 7- 14. [2] Joy and gladness. Mat. 21. 5. L3] Obedience, 1 Sam. 22. + 12. Isa. 6. t 8. [4] Asseveration, Gen. 28. 15. [5] Exhortation to a provide7it care^ John 19. 27. [6] Consideration, or observation^ BEH Luke 24. o9. John 1. 29. ["] Suddenjiess, or ujiexpeitedness, Eev. 16. 15. I 22. J. [8] Cer- tainty, IWat. 23. 38. Luke 1. 20. Gen. 28. 15. *. I am with thee, and will keep thee 31. 51. h. this heap, h. this pillar i have cast 40. 6. .Joseph looked on them, and b. they were sad 48. 1.*. thy father is sick 11 21. Israel said, h. Idie jExod. 3. 2. and b. the bush burned with tire 16. 4. b. I will rain bread from heaven for yo\x 23. 20. h. I send an angel before thee to keep thee 24. 8. Moses said, b. the blood of the covenant ISum. 20. 16. b. we are in Kadesh in the utmost 1 Sam. 12. 13. b. ihe kins whom ye have chosen 2 6'aw. 9. 6. and he answered, h. t'ly servant 1 Kings 12,. 2. b. child shall be born to house of Dav. 2 Kings 13. 21. that b. they spied a band of men 22.16. b. I will bring evil upon this place, and the inhabitants thereof, 2 Chron. 34. 24. 2 CliTon. 20. W. b. I saj-, how they reward us Joh 3. 12. b. all that he hath is in thy power 28. 28. b. th-3 fear of the Lord, that is wisdom 33. 1-2. b. in this thou art not just, I will answer 36. 5. /'. God is raiahty, and despiseth not any, 26. 40. A. b. 1 am vile,"w!iat shall i answer thee ? Psal. 33. 13. b. eye of the Lord is on them that fear 51. 5. b. I was shapen in iniquity, and in sin did 73.12. *. these are the ungodly who prosper in world 78. 2ii. b. he smote the rock, the waters gushed 139. 8. if I make mj' bed in hell, b. thou" art there Cam. 1. 15. h. thou art fair, my love, b. 16. | 4. 1. Isa. 1. 14. b. a virffin shall conceive. Mat. 1. 23. 8.18. J. 1 and the children whom the Lord, Ileb.l.X'i. 22. they shall look to the earth, and b. ti^ouble 12. 2. b. God is inj' salvation, I will trust, and not £9. 8. a hungiy man dreameth, and b. he eatetli 40. 9. say to'the cities of Judah, b. your God 41. 27. the first shall say to Zion, b. b. them 42. 1. h. my servant whom 1 uphold, mine elect 43. 19- b. 1 will do a new thing, it shall spring 48. 7. lest thou shouldest saj', b. I knew tiiem 65.1. 1 said,!^. me, Zi. me, to a nation not called hv Jer. 8. 15. we looked for peace, and b. trouble 14. 19. 26. 14. b. 1 am in your hands, do with me as seems Za/,v.l.l2. /J. and see if an^' sorrow be like mj^ sorrow B-ek. 36. 9. b. 1 am for you, and will turn to you Zech. 3. 8. b. I will bring my servant the Branch 6. 12. h. the man whose name is the Branch 9. 9. b. thy King cometh. Mat. 21. 5. John 12.15. Mai. 3. 1. *. I ^viIl send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way, 4, 5. Mat. 11. 10. Mark 1. 2. Mat. 7. 4. and b. a beam is in thine own eye 24. 26. b. he is in the desert, b. he is in the secret Mark 16. 6. is risen, h. the place wliere they laid him LvUU. 3it. b. my hands and my feet, that it is I 49. A. I send the promise of my Father upon you John 1. 29. b. the Lamb of God, which taketh, 36. 47. b. an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guils 19. 5. Pilate saith unto them, b. the man Jicts 9. 11. Saul of Tarsus, for b. he prayeth 2 Cor. 6. 9. as dying,-«nd h. ^^•e live, as chastened 1 John 3. 1. b. what manner of love the Father Rev. 3. 20. b. I stand at the door and knock 16. 15. b. I come as a thief, blessed is he that 22.7. b. 1 come quickly, blessed ishethatkeeps, 12. BEHOLD it is. Gen. 16. 14. b. it is betvs-een Kadesh and Eered 34. 21. for the land, b. it is larse enough for them Exod. 32. 9. and b. it is a stiti'necked'people Josh. 9. 12. but now b. it is dry, it is mouldy Judg. 18. 9. 1 have seen tlie land, b. it is very good Isa. 52. 6. know thai I am he that doth speak, ^.zV is I £zek. 7. 10. b. the day, b. it is come, morning is,gone 39. 8. b. it is come, and it is done, saith the Lord JN' r.' BEHOLD, or BEHOLD 7ww. 1 Sam. 12. 2. iiozu b. the kingwalketh before you 2 Kings 18. 21. 7ioro b. thou trustest on staff of Egypt Job 16. 19. also nozv b. my witness is in heaven Jer. JO. 4. noil) b. I loose thee this day from chains Mat. 26. 65. 710W b. ye have heard his blasphemy Acts 13. 11. 7WW b. the hand of the Lord is on tliee 20. 22. 71020 b. I go bound in the sr^irit to Jerusalem 2 Cor. 6. 2. i. nozv is the accepted time, b. now is day Behold it was. Behold there mas, see Was. . . BEHOLD, Verb, Signifies, [1] To look on a thing with mir eyes. Gen. 31. 51. [2] To think over a thing in onr minds. Lam. 1. 12. Rom. 11. 22. Isvm. 12.8. and the similitude of the Lord shall he b. 23. 9. I see him, and from the hills 1 b. him 24.17. see him, but not now,shall 5. him, but not nigh T)cnt. 3.27. b. itwith thine eyes, thou shaltnotgo 1 Sam. 22. t ]2. 5. me, Isa. 6. t 8. Jcb 19. 27. mine eyes shall b. and not another 20. 9. nor shall his place anymore b. him 23. 9. where he doth work, but I cannot b. him 34. 29. when he hideth his face, who can b. ? 36. 24. that thou ma2nif\' his work, which men b: Psal. 11. 4. his eyes b. his eye-lids trj^ theclnldren 7. his countenance doth b. the upright 17. 2. let thine eyes b. the things that are equal 15. T will b. thy face in righteousness 27. 4. to b. the beauty of the Lord and inquire 37. 37. mark the perfect man, b. the uprisrht 46. 8. come, b. the works of the Lord 59. 4. they prepare, awake to help me, and b. 66. 7- he ruleth for ever, his eyes b. the nations 80. 14. look down from heaven, b. and visit 91. 8. only with thine eyes shaltthou b. and see 102. 19. from heaven did the Lord b. the eartli 113. 6. he humbleth himself to b. the things 119. 18. open thou mine eyes, that I may"*. Prov. 23. 33. thine eyes shall b. strange women Eccl. 11. 7. and a pleasant thins: it is to b. the sun Isa. 26. 10._ he will not b. tlie niajesty of the Lord 38.11.1 said, I shall /^.man no more with the inhab. 41. 23. do good or evil, that wemayJ. ittosether 63. 15. b. from the habitation of thy holiness Jer. 20. 4. and thine eyes shall b. thy terror 29. 32. nor b. the good T will do for my people 32. 4. and his eyes shall b. his eyes, 34. 3. 42. 2. we are left but a few, as thine eyes do b. us Lam. 1. 18. hear all people, and sorrow BEL La. 3. 50. till the Lord look down and b. from heaven 5. 1. O Lcrd, consider and b. our reproach Ezek. 8. 9. *. the wicked abominations they do 28. 17. lay thee before kinirs that thev may h. 18. bring thee to ashes in siglit of all that b. 40. 4. son' of man, b. with thine eyes, 44. 5. Ban. 9. 18. open thine eyes, and b. our desolation Obad. 1 12. do not b. the day of thy brother Mic. 7. 9. me to light, and 1 shall b. his righteousness 10. she that is my enemy, mine eyes sliall b. her Ilab. 1 . 3. why dostthou cause me to h. grievance ? 33. thou art of purer eyes than to b. evil, canst Mat. 18. 10. their angels always /5. face of my Father L'uk.' 14. 29. all that b. it begin to mock him 23. 6. as for these things whicli ye b. the daj'S will John Yl. 24. be Nvith me, that they may b. my glory Acts 7. 31. as he drew near to the voice came 32. then iMoses trembled, and durst not b. 2 Cor. 3. 7. Israel could not b. the face of Moses 1 Pet. 2. 12. your good works which they shall b. 3. 2. while they b. your chaste conversation Rev. 17. 8. when they b. the beast that was, is not BEHOLDERS. Job 31. + 26. God striketh them in the place of b. BEHOLD EST. Psal. 10. 14. thou b. all mischief to requite it Mat. 7. 3. why b. thou the mote P L7(ke 6. 41. Luke 6. 42. b. not the beam that is in thine own eve BEHOLDETH. Job 24. 18. he b. not the way of the vineyards Psal. 33. 13. the Lord b. all the sons of men Jam. 1. 24. for he b. himself and goeth his way BEHOLD HnG. Psal. 119. 37 turnavv-a>^ mane eyes from b. vanity Prov. 15. 3. Lord in every place, "*. the evil and good Eccl. 5. 11. saving the b. of them with their eyes Mat. 27. 55. many^ women were there, b. Lii. 23. 49. MarklO. 21. Jesas b. him, loved him, and said L^ike 23. 35. people stood /;. and rulers derided him 48. b. things done, smote their breasts and returned Acts 4. 14. and b. man which was healed con Id say 23. 1. and Paul earnestly b. the council, said 2 Cor. 3. 18. with open face b. as in a glass the glory Col. 2. 5. with you in spirit, joying, and b. your order Jam. 1. 23. a man b. his natural face in a alass BEHOVED. Liike 24. 46. and thus it b. Christ to suifer and rise Heb. 2. 17. b. him to be made like to his brethren BEIjSG. GeK.24. 27. 1 b. in the way, the lord led me to house Exod. 22. 14. the owner thereof not b. with it Lev. 21. 4. he shall not defile himself, A. a chief man Num. 30. 3. vow a vow b. in her father's house, 16. Vent. 32. 31. our enemies themselves b. judges Josh. 9. 23. none of you be freed from b. bond-men 1 Sa>n. 15. 23. hath rejected thee from b. king, 26. 1 Kings 15. 13. Maachah his mother, even her he renioved from b. queen, 2 Chron. 15. 16. 16.7- in provoking, in b. like house of Jeroboam 'Neh. 6. 11. who is there that b. as I am would flee ? Psal. 49. 12. man b. in honour, abideth not, is like 83. 4. come, and let us cut them off' from b. a nation Jer. 34. 9. b. an Hebrew or Hebrewess go free Mat. 1. 19. Joseph her husband b. a just'man Lvke 13. 16. this woman b. a daughter of Abraham 16. 23. in hell he lift up his eyes'J b. in torments 18. +9. trusted in themselves as ^. righteous 20. 36. b. the children of the resurrection 22. 44. b. in an agony, he prayed more earnestly Ji^/^t 5. 13. lesus conveyed— multitude/^. in that place 10. 33. that thou, b. a man, makest thyself God 1 Cor. 12. 12. all the members b. many are one body Eph. 2. 20. Jesus Christ b. the chief corner-stone 4. 1 15. b. sincere in love may grow up into him Phil. 2. 6. who b. in the form ofGod, thought it not Heb. 13. 3. as b. yourselves also in the body^ Rev. 12.2. she h. with child, cried, travailing BEI"NG. Psal. 104. 33. I will sing to the Lord, T will sing praise to my God while I have my b. 146. 2. Acts 17. 28. in him we live, move, and have our b. BELCH, ETH. Psal. 59. 7- behold they b. out with their mouth Prov. 15. 1 2. tlie mouth of fools b. out foolishness BELIEF. 2 Thess. 2. 13. sanctification of Spirit, and 3. of truth BELIEVE Signifies, [1] To give credit to a7iy thing. Gen. 45. 26. [2] To asseyit barely to gospel truths. Acts 8. 13. [3] To receive, depend, and rely upon Christ for life and salvation, John 1. 12. 1 3. 15, 16. Hom. 9. 33. 1 10. 4. [4] To be fully persuaded, John 6. 69. [5] To expect, or hope, Psal 27. 13. [6] To ]Mt co7ijide7ice in, 2 Chron. 20. 20. [7] To know, John 17. 21. Jam. 2. 19. Exod. 4. 5. that they may b. the Lord hath appeared 19. 9. that they may hear and b. thee for ever TSum. 14. 11. how lone: will it be ere they b. me ? 2 Chr. 20. 20. b. in the^Lord God, /;. his prophets Isa. 43. 10. that ye ma}' know and b. nie Mat. 9. 28. b. ye that f am able to do this ? 18. 6. but whoso shall offend one of these little ones which b. in me, Mark 9. 42. 21. 32. repented not afterward that ye migiit b. him 27. 42. let him come down, and we will b. him Mark 1. 15. repent ye, and b. the gospel 5. 36. he saith, be not afraid, onlj- b. Lnke 8. 50. 9. 23. if thou canst h. all things are possible 24. Lord, I b. hel'P mine unbelief, Johyi 9. 38. 11.23. but shall 1^. those things he saith shall come 24. b. ye receive them, and ye shall have them 15. 32. let him descend, that we may see and*. 16. 17. these signs shall follow them which h. Luke 8. 12. devil taketh away the word, lest they b. 13. these have no root, which for a while b. 24. 25. O fools, and slow of heart to b. all that John 1. 7. that all men through him might b. 12. sons of God, even to them that b. on his name 3.12. how shall y e *. if I tell you of heavenly things ' 4. 21. woman b. me, the hour cometh when ye shall 42. and said, now M'e h. not because of thy saying 5. 44. how can ye b. which receive honour oiie of " BEL Jo/iw 5. 47- not his writings, how shall ye*. my words.' 6. 29. work of God, that ye *. on hini he hath sent 7. 5. for neither did his brethren *. in him 39. Spirit, which they that *. on him should receive 9. 35. dost thou *. on the .Son of God .' 36. he said, who is he. Lord, that 1 might*, onhiut 10. 38. *. the works, that ye may know and *. 11. 15. I was not there, to the intent ye may *. 27. 1 *. that thou art the Christ, the Sou of God 40; said 1 not to thee, if wouldst*. thou shouldst 42. that they may *. that thou hast sent me 48. if we let him alone, all m'en will *. on him 12. .36. while ye have light, *. in the light 13. 19. when it is come to pass, ye may *. I am he 14. 1. not ti'oubled, ye *. in God, *. also in me 1] . *. I am in the Father, or *. for the work's sake 29- that when it is come to pass \'e might *. 16. 30. by this we *. thou camest forth from God 31. Jesus answered them, do ye now b.? 17. 20. 1 pray for them also M'liich shall *. on me 21. that the world may *. thou hast sent me 19. 35. he knows that he saith true, that ye miglit b. 20. 31. these are written that ye miulit *. Acts 8. .37. 1 *. that Jesus Christ is the Son of God 13.39. by him all that *. are justified from all things 41. 1 work a work which you shall in no wise *. 15. 7- tliat the Gentiles by me should hear and *. 11. we *. thro' grace we shall be saved, as they 16. 31. *. on the Lord Jesus, and thoushalt be saved 19. 4. should *. on him that should come after him 21 . 20. thou seest how many J e ws there are which *. 25. as touchina' the Gentiles which *. have writ. 27. 25. I *. God that it shall be as it was told me Rom. 3. 22. riahteousness of God on all them that b. 4. 11. he might be father of all them that *. 24. to whom it shall be imputed, if we *. en him 6. 8. if dead, we *. tiiat we shall also live with him 10. 9. and shalt *. in thy heart that God raised him 14. how shiall tiiey *. in him of whom not heard r 1 Cor. 1. 21. by preachin? to save them that *. 11. 18. 1 hear tliere bo divisions, and I partly *. it 14. 22. tongues are for a sign, not to them that *. but propliesying serveth for them which *. 2 Cor. 4. 13. we also *. and therefore speak Gal. 3. 22. promise might be given to them that *. Eph. 1. 19. the greatness of his power to us w-ho *. Phil. 1. 29. to us it is given not only to *. on him 1 Thess. 1. 7. ensample's to all that *."in Macedonia 2. 10. we Ijehaved ourselves among you that *. 13. word which effectually worketh'in jou that *. 4. 14. if we *. that lesus died and rose again 2 Thess. 1. 10. come to be admired in all those that *. 2. 11. send delusion that they should *. a lie 1 Tim. 1. 16. for a pattern to them that should *. 4. 3. received with thanksgiving of them that *. 10. Saviour of all men, especially of those that *. Heb. 10. 39. but of them that *. to savin? of soul 11. 6. he that cometh to God must *. that he is Jam. 2. 19. the devils also *. and tremble 1 Pet. 1. 21. who by him do *. in God that raised hiin 2. 7. to you therefore which *. he is precious 1 John 3. 23. is his commandment that we should b. 5. 13. I have written to you that *. that ye may *. BELIEVE 7wt, or not BELIEVE. Exod. 4. 1. behold, they will not *. me, nor liearken 8. it shall come to pass, if they will Jiot h. thee, 9. Lent. 1. 32. yet in this 3'e did net h. the Lord 2 Kings I7. 14. like their fathers did nit b. in Lord Job 9. 16. yet would I 7iot b. that he had hearkened Prov. 26. 25. when he speaketh fair, *. him ?iot Isa. 7. 9. if ye will 7iot b. ye shall not be established Jer. 12. 6. *. 7iot them, tho' thej' speak fair words Hab. 1. 5. which ye will 7iot b. though it be told you Mat. 9.1. 9.5. why then did ye not b. him ? Mark 11. 31. 24. 23. lo, here is Christ, *. it not, 26. Mark 13. 21. Luke 22. 67- he said , if I tell you, you will 711 1 b. Jolm 3. 12. if I told earthlj' things, and 3-e *. not 4. 48. except ye see signs and wonders ye will 7iot b. 5. 38. for whom he hatli sent, him ye *. 7wt 47 . if ye *. not his writ, how shall ye *. my words ^ 6. 36. 1 said to you , ye also have seen me and *. 7iot 64. but there are some of you which *. 7iot 8. 24. if ye *. 7iot that I am he, ye shall die in sins 45. because I tell you the truth, ye *. me not 46. if I say the truth, whj'do ye not b. me .•' 10. 26. ye *. 7iot, because ye are not of my sheep 37. if I do not the works of my Father, *. me 7ioi 38. if I do, thouah ye *.?i()? me, believe the works 12. 39. they could not b. because Isaiah said again 47. if any hear words, and *. not, I judge him not 16. 9. reprove of sin, because they *. 7iot on me 20. 25. thrust my hand into his side, I will not b. Ro7n. 3. 3. what if some did not b. shall unbelief 15. 31. I may be delivered from them that do 7tot b. 1 Cor. 10. 27. if any that*. 7iot bid you to a feast 14. 22. tongues are for a sian to them that *. 7ict 2 Cor. 4. 4. hath blinded minds of them that *. 7iot 2 Tim. 2. 13. if we *. 7iot, he abideth faithful 1 JoJmA,. 1. *. 7iot everv spirit, but try the spirits BELIEVED. Gen. 15. 6. he *. in the Lord, and he counted it for righteousness, Rom. 4. 3. Gal. 3. 6. Jatn. 2. 23. E.tod. 4. 31. Aaron spake, and the people *. 14. 31. they *. the Lord and his servant Moses 1 Sam. 27. 12. and Achish *. David, savins, lie hath Psal. £7. 13. I had fainted, unless I ha'd *. to see 106. 12. then *. thev his words, thev sana his praise 116. 10. 1 *. therefore have I spoken, 2 Cor. 4. 13. 119. 66. teach me, for I have *. thy commandments Isa. 53. 1. who hath *. our report", to whom arm of the Lord revealed ? John 12. ."8. Rom. 10. 16. Ean. 6. 23. no hurt on him, because he *. in his God Jonah 3. 5. so the people of ISiineveh *. God Mat. 8. 13. as thou hast *. .'lo be it done to thee 21. ,32. but the publicans and harlots *. him Mark 16. 13. went and told it. neither *. they them L7tke 1. 1. of those thina^ which are most surely *. 45. blessed is she that *.for there shall be a perform John 2. 11. his glorj;, and his disciples *. on him 22. thev *. the scripture, and the word Jesus said 4. 50. th"e man *. the word that Jesus had spoken 53. the father himself *. and his whole house 25 BEL BEL BEN .John 5. 46. had ye h. Moses, ye would have h. me 7. 48. have any of rulers or Pharisees h. on him '< 8. .31. then said .lesus to the .lews that l>. on him 11. 45. who had seen the things .lesus did, h. onhim 12. 11. many ot the J ews went away and *. on .1 esus 16. 27. the Father loveth you, because you have (J. 17. 8. and they have b. that thou didst send me 20. 8. tiien went that other disciple, and saw and i. 29. thou hast h. have not seen, and yet have b. ^cts 2. 44. all that b. were together, had things 4. 4. many of them which heard the word b. 32. multitude of them that b. were of one Jieart 5. t .36. as many as A. i heudas were scattered 8. 12. but when they b. Philip preaching things 1.3. then Simon himself b. also, and was baptized 10. 45. they of circumcision who b. were astonished 11. 17. God gave them like gift as to us who b. 21. a great number b. and turned to the f.ord 13. 12. then deputy b. being astonished at doctrine 48. as many as were ordained to eternal life b. 14. 1. a multitude of both Jews and Greeks b. 23. commended them to the Lord on whom they 5. 17. 4. some of them /;. and consorted with Paul 34. howbeit certain men clave to him and b. 18. 8. Crispus chief ruler of the synagogue b. on L. 27. helped them much which had b. thro' grace 19. 2. leceived ye the Holy Ghost since ye b. ? 22. 19. I beat in every synagogue them that b. 27. 11. the centurion b. the master of the ship 28. 24. some b. the things spokep, and some b. not Rom. 4. 18. who against hope b. in hope, might 13. 11. our salvation is nearer than when we b. 1 Cor. 3. 5. but ministers by whom ye 5. as the Lord 15. 2. ye are saved, unless ye have b. in vain 11. whether 1 or they, so we preach, and so ye b. Gal. 2. 16. even we have b. in .lesus Christ, that we Eph. 1. 13. in whom after ye /;. ye were sealed "2 Thex.i. 1. 10. our testimony among you was b. 1 Tim. 3.16. i^.on in tlie world, received up into glory 2 Tim. 1. 12. for I know whom 1 have /;. he is able Tit. 3. 8. they wliich have b. in God, be careful to Heb. 4. 3. we which have h. do enter into rest 1 John 4. 16. we have h. the love of God to us Mavy BELIEVED.. ■John 2. 23. at the passover many b. in his name 4. 39. many of the Samaritans b. on him 11. 45. many of the .lews which came to Mary b. on 12. 42. among the chief rulers also many b. on him Acts\^. 8. many of the Corinthians hearing*. 19. 18. many that*, came and confessed their deeds BELIEVED not, or not BELIEVED. ■Gen. 45. 26. .lacob's heart fainted, he b. them not Num. 20. 12. because he b. mewoi, to sanctify me Deut. 9. 23. rebelled, and b. him not, nor hearkened 1 Kings 10. J. howbeit 1 b. not the words, 2 C/ir. 9. 6. Job 29. 24. if 1 laughed on them, they b. it not Psal. 78. 22. because they b. not in God, trusted not 32. sinned, and b. not for his wondrous works 106. 24. despised the land, they b. not his word Jer. 40. 14. but Gedaliah b. them not JLam. 4. 12. inhabitants of world would not have b. Mat. 21. 32. .lohn came unto you, and ye b. him not Mark 16.11. when they had heard he was alive b. not 14. he upbraided them because tiiey b. 7iot Luke 20. 5. he will say, why then b. ye him not. ? 24. 41. while they /;. 7iot for joy, and wondered Jb/m3.18, condemned already , because he hath woif*. 6. 64. .lesus knew who they were that b. not 10. 25. .lesus answered, I told you, and ye b. not 12. 37. had done so many miracles, yet they b. not Acts 9. 26. afraid, and h. not that he was a disciple 17. 5. the Tews which b. not, moved with envy 19. 9. but when divers were hardened, and b. not Rom. 10. 14. how call on him in whom they have . . , not b. 11. 30. for as ye m times past have not b. God 31. even so have tliese also now not b. 2 Thess. 2. 12. they all might be damned who b. not Heb. 3. 18. not enter into his rest, that b. not 11. 31. Kahab perished not with them that b. not Jude 5. Lord afterward destroyed them that b. not BELIEVEKS. Acts 5. 14. b. were the more added to the Lord 1 Tim. 4. 12. be thou an example of the b. BELIEVEST. iMke 1. 20. be dumb because thou b. not my words John 1 . 50. 1 saw thee under the fig-tree, b. thou ? 11. 26. believeth in me, never die, b. thou this '' 14. 10. b. thou not that I am in the Father Acts 8. .37. if thou b. with all thine heart, thou 26. 27. b. thou the prophets ? 1 know thou b. Jam. 2. 19. thou h. that there is one God, thou dost BELIEVETH. Job 15. 22. he b. not that he shall return out of Prov. 14. 15. the simple b. every word, but thee Isa. 28. 16. he that b. shall not make haste Mark 9. 23. all things are possible to him that b. 16. 16. he that b. and is liaptized shall be saved, but he that b. not sii 11 be damned ■John 3. 15. whoso b. in him should not perish, 16. 18. he that b. on him is not condemned, but he that /;. not is condemned already 36. he that b. hath everlasting life, 6. 47. 6. 24. /;. on him that sent me hath everlasting life . in the sight of my mother Cant. 5.1. eat, O friends, drink abundantly, O b. 9. what is thy *. more than another *. '! 6. 1. whither is thy *. gone, O thou fairest ? 8. 5. who is this that cometh leaning on her b. ? Dan. 9.23. for thou art greatly *, 10. 11,19. Hos. 3. 1. go yet, love a woman *. of her friend 9. 16. I will slay the *. fruitof their womb Acts 15. 25. cho.sen men with *. Barnabas and Paul Rom. 1. 7. to all that are in Ilome, *. of God 9. 2.5. I will call her*, which was not *. 11. 28. they are *. for the Father's sake 16. 12. salute*. Persis who laboured much in Lord Eph. 1. ('). he hath made us accepted in the *. 6.21. I yell icus a *. brother ancf minister. Col. 4. 7. Col. 3. 12. put on as the elect of God, holy and *. 4. 9. with i inesimus, a faithful and *. brother 14. Lukethe *. physician and Demas greet you 1 Tliess. 1. 4. knowing *. your election of God 1 I'im. 6. 2. do them service, because they are *. Philem. 16. but above a servant, a brother *. Heb. 6. 9. *. we are persuaded better things of you 2 Pet. 3. 8. *. be not ignorant of this one thing 15. even as our *. brotlier Paul hath written 1 John3. 2. h. now we are the sons of God, it doth 21. b. if our heart condemn us not, then have 4. 1. h. believe not every spirit, but try the spirits 7- *. let us love one another, for love is of God 11. *. if (rod so loved us, we ought also to love 3 Juh7i 11. *. follow notthat which is evil, but good Jude 20. but ye *. building upyourselves in faith Rev. 20. 9. and they compassed the *.city Dearly Belovhu, see Dearly. My BELOVED. Cant. 1. 14. my b. is to me a cluster of camphire 16. behold thou art fair, my b. yea pleasant 2. 3. as the apple tree, so is my b. among the sons 9. myb. is like a roe or a younj hart 16. my b. is mine, and 1 am his, he feedeth, 6. 3. 17. turn, my b. and be thou like a roe or a hart 4. 16. let my b. come into his garden and eat 5. 2. it is the voice of my h. that knocketh, 2. 8. 5. 1 rose up toopen tow^ *.||6. 1 opened tomyb. 10. my b. is white and ruddy |1 16. this is my h. 6. 2. my b. is gone |! 3. I am my b. and myb. mine, [7. 10. 7. 13. which 1 have laid up for the, O my b. Isa. 5. 1. a song of wy *. touching his vineyard Jer. 11. 15. what hath my b. to do in my house Mat. 3. 17. this is tny b. Son, I7. 5. Mark 1. 11. I 9. 7. Luke 3. 22. 1 9. 35. 2 Pet. 1. 17. 12. 18. behold my b. in whom my soul is pleased Luke 20. 13. I will send w?y*. son, it may be they Rom. 16. 8. greet Amplias my b. in the Lord 1 Cor. 4. 14. but asmy b. sons I warn you 17. I sent I imothy my b. son, 2 'J'im. 1. 2. Jam. 1. 16. do not err, myb. brethren BFLIK, !',I';LIFD. Prov.30. + 9. lest I be full and A.thee Jer. 5. 12. they have *. the Lord, and said, it is not Bl'MOATs", ED, TNG. Job 42. 11. they *. Job, and comforted him Jer. 15. 5. who shall *.thee, O Jerusalem .' 16. 5. neither go to lament, nor*, them 22. 10. weepyc not forthedead, nor*, him 31. 18. I have surely heard Ephraim *. himself 48. 17. all ye that are about him *. him Nah. 3. 7. IS ineveh is laid waste, who will *. her ? BI'',>jCHIvS. Ezek. 27. 6. the Ashurites made thy *. of ivory BEND. Psal. 11. 2. for lo, the wicked *. their bow 64. 3. who *. their bows to shoot their arrows Jer. 9. 3. they *. their tongue like a bow for lies 46. 9. the I ydians, that handle and *. the bow 50. 14. all ye that *. the bow shoot at her, 29. 51. 3. against him that bendeth, let the archer *. Ezek. 17. 7. behold this vine did *. her roots be:ndfth, ikg. Psal. 58. 7. when he *. his bow to shoot arrows Jsa. 60. 14. that afflicted thee shall come *. to thee Jer. 51. 3. against him that *. let the archer bend BENEATH. Emd. 20. 4. or that is in the earth *. Deut. 5. 8. .32. 19. he brake the tables *. the mount Deut. 4. 39- on the earth *. there is none else 28. 13. thou shalt be above only, and not be *. 33. 13. blessed, for the deep that coucheth *. Ezra 9. + 13. hast withheld *. our iniquities Job 18. 16. his roots sliall be dried up *. Prov. 15. 24. that he may depart from hell *. La. 14. 9. hell from *. is moved for thee 51. 6. lift up your eyes, look on the earth *. Jer. 31. .37. It foundations can be searched *. John 8. 23. ye are from *. I am from above BENEFACTORS. Luke 22. 25.they that exercise authority are called 6. PI'.NF/ITr. Jer. 18. 10. repent of good wherewith I *. them BRNEFIl', S, Signifies, [1] The oifts and fnv-urs of God to men, 2 Chron. .32. 25. Psal. 68. 19. [2] The favour of God to others, 2 Cor. 1. 15. Philem. 14. [.3] God's riqhteous acts, 1 ^am. 12. + 7. [4] Salva- tion, 1 Tim. 6. 2. [5] Favo7ir, grace, or spiritual blessinrjs. Psal. 103. 2. [6] To profit, or do good, Jer. 18. 10. 1 Sam. 12. + 7. reason with you of all the *. of L. 2 Chr. .32. 25. 1 1 ezek iah rendered not according to*. Psal. 68. 19. Lord who daily loadeth us with *. 103. 2. bless the T ord, and forsiet not all his *. 116. 12. what shall I render to lord forall his *. .<' 2 Cvr. 1. 15. that vou micht have a second *. 1 Tim. 6. 2. faith"f 1 and belo'^ed partakers of the *. Philem. 14. that thy *. should not be of necessity p i;n 1-a'oli n < e. 1 Cor. 7. 3. let the husband render to the wife due i BES BENT. Psnl. 7. 12. he hath b. his bow. Lam. 2. 4. 1 3. 12. 37. 14. have A. their bow to cast down the poor Isa. 5. 28. whose arrows sharp, and ail tiieir bows 5. 21. 15. tor they tied from the swords and b. bow Mos. 11. 7. my people are 6. to backsliding from me iech. 9. 13. when 1 have />. Judah for me BEREAVE. Detit. 32. + 25. sword and terror shall b. young men JEccl. 4. B. for whom i labour and b. my soul of good Jer. 15. 7. 1 will b. them of children, 18. 21. Ezek. 5. 17. send evil beasts, and they shall b. thee 14. t 15. if i cause noisome beasts to b. the land 36. 12. no more henceforth b. them of men, 14. Hos. 9. 12. bring up children, yet will i b. them BEREAVED. Gen. 42. 36. Jacob said, me ye have b. of my children 43. 14. if I be b. of my children, 1 am b. Ezek. 36 13. tliou land hast /;, thy nations Hos. 13. 8. i will meet them as a bear b. other whelps BEREAVliiii. Lam. 1. 20. abroad the sword b. at home is as death BEKHiES. Isa. 17. 6. two or three b. in tlie top of the bough Jam. 3. 12. can the fig tree bear olive b. a vine tigs r UliKYE. Dan. 10. 6. his body also was like the b. and face Rev. 21. 20. eighth foundation was b. ninth a topaz BESEiiCH. Exod. 33. 18. he said, I b. thee show me thy glory Num. 12. 13. heal her now, O Lord, I b. thee P.sal. 80. 14. return, we /^. thee, O God of hosts 116. 4. O Lord, i b. thee, deliver my soul 118. 25. save, 1 b. O Lord, 1 b. thee, send prosperity 119. lUB. accept, 1 b. thee, free-will offerings Je;-. .38. 20. obey, I b. thee, the voice of the Lord Anws 7. 2. 1 said, O Lord God, forgive, I b. thee Jonah 1. 14. they said, we b. thee, G Lord, we b. thee 4. 3. G Lord, take, I b. thee my life from me Mai. 1. 9. 1^. God, that he will be gracious to us Luke 8. 28. Jesus, I b. thee, torment me not 9. 38. saying, master, 1 /a thee look on my son Acts 26. 3. wherefore i b. thee to hear me patiently Rom. 12. 1. I b. you by the mercies of God 1 Cor. 4. 16. I b. you, be ye followers of me 2 Ci>r. 2. 8. I b. you, confirm your love toward him 5. 20. as though God did /;. you by us, we pray you 6. 1. we b. you receive not the grace of God in vain 10. 1. i Paul h. you by the meekness of Christ Gal. 4. 12. 1 b. you, be as 1 am, for 1 am as ye are Ei)h. 4. 1. I the prisoner of the Lord b. you to walk Philem. 9. yet for love's sake 1 rather h. thee 10. 1 *. thee for my son Onesimus, whom 1 have Heb. 13. 19. but I b. you the rather to do this 1 Pet. 2. 11. I b. you as strangers and pilgrims 2 John 5. now 1 b. thee, lady, not as though 1 wrote See Brethren. BESEECHING. Mat. 8. 5. there came a centurion b. him, Luke 7- 3. Mark 1. 40. there canae a leper to him, b. him BESEl. Jud(7.\9. 22. sons of Belial /5.the house round, 20.5. Psal. 22. 12. strong bulls of Bashan have b. me 139. 5. fiiou hast b. me behind and before Hos. 7. 2. tlieir own doings have b. them about Lleb. 12. 1. lay aside sin which doth so easily b. us BESIDE, BESIDES. Gen. 19. 12. hast thou here any b. bring them out 26. 1. tbere was a famine b. the first famine Lev. 18. 18. b. the other in her life-time 23. .38. b. sabbaths, b. your gifts, b. your vows, b. your free-will offerings, which ye give to Lord Num. 5. 20. man has lain with thee, b. thy husband 6. 21. law of jNazarite, b. that his hand shall get 11. 6. there is nothing at all b. this manna 28. 23. offer these b. the burnt-offering, 29. 6. Heut. 29. 1. b. the covenant he made in Horeb Josh. 22. 19. in building an altar, b. the altar, 29. Judg. 6. 37. if it be dry on all the earth b. 11. 34. b. her lephthah had no son nor daughter 1 Sam. 19. 3. 1 will go out and stand b. my father 1 King 10. 13. b. that which Solomon aave her 22. 7. not a prophet of the L. b. 2 Chron. 18. 6. 2 Kings 21. 16. b. his sin, wherewith he made Judah Psal. 23. 2. he leadeth me b. the still waters Cant. 1. 8. feed thy kids b. the shepherds' tents Jsa. 32. 20. blessed are ye that sow /;. all waters 56. 8. I will gather others to him b. those that Luke 16. 26. b. all this, between us and you a gulf 24. 21. h, all this, to-day is the third day since Philem. 19. thou owest to me thine ownself b. BESIDE. Mark 3. 21. his friends said, he is /;. hiinself Acts 26. 24. Paul, thou art b. thyself, learning 2 Cor. 5. 13. whether we be b. ourselves, it is to'God BKSIEGE. Deut. 28. 52. he shall b. thee in thy gates a JSrew(7.y 8. .37. if their enemies*, them, 2CAr. 6. 28. Isa. 21. 2. go up, G Elam, b. O Media BESIEGED. 2 Kings 19. 24. with the sole of my feet I have dried up all the rivers of b. places. La. 37. 25. Eccl. 9. 14. came a great king aaainst it and b. it Isa. 1. 8. the daughter of Zion is left as a b. city Ezek. 6. 12. he that is b. shall die by the famine BESOM. Isa. 14. 23. 1 will sweep it with the b. of destruction BESOUGH I . Geyi. 42. 21. when he b. us, and we would not hear Exod. 32. 11. Moses b. the Lord, Beut. 3.23. 2 Sam. 12. 16. David b. God for the child 1 Kings 13. 6. and the man of God b. the Lord 2 Kings 1. 13 third captain fell on his knees and b. 13. 4. Jehoahaz b. the Lord, the Lord hearkened 2 Chron 33. 12. Manasseh in afHiction b. the Lord Ezra 8. 23. so we fasted and b. our God for this Esth. 8. 3. b. him with tears to put away the mischief Jer 26. 19. did not Hezekiah fear, and b. the I oni Mat. 8. 31. so the devils b. him, Mark 5. 10, 12. Luke^. 31, 32. 34. saw him, they b. him to depart, Luke 8. 37. ■8. + 26. servant*, him, Lord, have patience BET Mark 5. 23. Jairus b. him greatly, Luke 8. 41. John 4. 40. Samaritans b. that he would tarry 47. the nobleman of Capernaum b. him to come 19. 38. h. Pilate that he might take the body Acts 13.42. Gentiles b. that these words be preached 16. 15. Lydia b. us, saying, if ye have judged me 39. magistrates b. them, and brought them out 21. 12. we b. him not to go up to Jerusalem 2 Cor. 12. 8. for this thing I b. the Lord thrice BESJ;. Gen. 43. 11. take of the b. fruits in the land 47. 6. in /;. of the land make thy father dwell, 11. Exod. 22. 5. of b. of his own field make restitution Num. 18. 29. every heave- offering shall be of the b. 36. 6. let them marry to whom they think b. Deut. 23. 16. he shall dwell where it likes him b. 1 Sam. 8. 14. he will take the b. of your vineyards 15. 9. Saul and the people spared the b. of sheep,15. 2 Sam. 18. 4. whatseemeth you b. I will do 2 Kings 10. 3. look out the b. of your master's sons Psal. 39. 5. every man at his b. state is vanity Cant. 7. 9. the roof of thy mouth like the b. wine Mic. 7. 4. the b. of them is as a brier, most upright Luke 15. 22. bring forth the b. robe and put it on 1 Cor. 12. 31. buf covet earnestly the b. gifts BESiEAD. Isa. ^.91. they shall pass thro' it hardly 5. hungry BESliR. 2 Sam. 5. 24. when hearest the sound then b. thyself BESTOW. Exod. 32. 29. that he may 3. on you a blessing Deut. 14. 26. b. money for what thy soul lusts after 2 Chron. 24.7. the things they did b. on Baalim Ezra 7. 20. which thou shalt have occasion to b. it out of the king's treasure-house. Luke 12. 17. 1 have no room where to b. my fruits 18. and there will i b. all my fruits and goods 1 Cor. 12. 23. on these we b. more abundant honour 13, 3. though I b. all my goods to feed the poor BESIOWED. 2 Kings 5. 24. Gehazi b. them in the house 1 Chron. 29. 25. Lord b. on Solomon royal majesty Isa. 63. 7. according to all the Lord hath b. on us Jo/m 4. 38. to reap that whereon ye b. no labour Rom. 16. 6. greet Mary, who b. much labour on us 1 Cor. 15. 10. his grace b. on me was not in vain 2 Cor. 1. 11. for the gift b. on us by means cf many 8. 1. do you to wit of the grace b. on the churches Gal. 4. 11. lest I have b. on you labour in vain 1 John 3. 1. what manner of love i'ather /;. on us BEIAKE. Isa. 14. + 32. poor of his people b. themselves to it BELHUSiv. 1 KirigsS. 47. if they shall b. themselves in the land whither were carried captives, 2 Chron. 6. 37. BETIMES Signifies, [1] Early, Gen. 26. 31, [2] Seasonably, in due and proper time, Prov. 13. 24. [3] Continually, and carefully, 2 Chron. 36. 15. Gen. 26. 31. rose up b. and sware one to another 2 Chron. 36. 15. God sent by his messengers, rising b. Job 8. 5. if thou wouldestseek unto God b. 24. 5. as wild asses go they, rising b. for prey Prov. 13. 24. he that loveth him, chasteneth him b. BEIRAY. 1 Chron. 12. I7. if ye be come to b. me to enemies Mat. 24. 10. and shall b. one another and hate 26. 16. from that time he souaht opportunity to b. him, Mark 14. 11. Luke 22. 6. 21, I say unto you, that one of you shall b. me, Mark 14. 18. John 13. 21. 46. behold, he is at hand that doth b. me Mark 13. 12. brother shall b. brother to death John 6. 64. .Jesus knew who should b. him, 13. 11. 13. 2. the devil put into the heart of Judas to b. him Bi-yrRAYED. Mat. 10. 4. Judas Iscariot who b. him, Mark 3. 19. 17. 22. Son of man shall be b. into the hands of men, 20. 18. | 26. 2, 45. Mark 14. 41. 26. 24. wo to that man by whom the Son of man is b. Mark 14. 21. Luke 22. 22. 48. he that b. gave them a sign, Mark 14. 44. 27. 4. I have sinned, in that I b. innocent blood Luke 21. 16. and ye shall be b. both by parents and J'Jin 18. 2. Judas which b. him knew the place 1 Cor. 11, 23, same niaht he was b. he took bread BETRAYERS. Acts 7. 52, just One, of whom ye have been the b. BElKAYESr, EILI. Mark 14. 42. let us go, lo, he that b. me is at hand Luke 22. 21. the hand of him that b. me is with me 48. Judas, b. thou the Son of man with a kiss .' John 21. 20. Lord, which is he that b. thee ? BEIROTH. DeM^.28.30. shalt b. a wife, another shall lie with her Hos. 2. 19. 1 will b. thee to m.e for ever in riahteous. 2l!. I will b. thee to me in faithfulness, shalt know BEIROIHED. Exod. 21. 8. if she please not her master who b. her 22. 16. if a man entice a maid not b. Deut. 22. 28. Lev. 19. 20. whosoever lieth with a woman h. Deut. 20. 7. who hath b. a wife, and not taken her 22. 23. it a man find a virgin b. and lie with her 27. b. damsel cried, and there was none to save BEllER Signifies, [1] More valuable, or preferable, Eccl. 9. 4, 16, 18. [2] More acceptable, 1 Sam. 15. 22. [3] Moveable, Dan. 1.20. [4] More convenient, 1 Cor. 7. :;8. [5] More easy, iViat. 18. 6. [6J More advantageous, Phil. 1. 2:5. [7] More holy, 1 Cor. 8. 8. [H] M-re safe, Psal. 118. 8. [9] More conifoi table, Prov. 15. 16, I7. [10] More piecious, Pr v. 8. 11, A better hope, Heb. 7. 19. The new covenant, or Christ and bis priesthood, and the promises of the gospel de^.ending thereupon ; which give hope to lost sinners of obtaining rect nciiiation -with God, and afford more clear and solid grounds to expect the full pardon of tlieir sins, and eternal life, than could be discovered from the dark shadozos under the legal dispensation. Might obtain a better resurrection, Heb. 11. 35, BET A resurrection to a far better life than they could have enjoyed on earth ; for though they might have been preserved for a while from death now threaien- ed, which was a kind of resaiTectiou, yet was it Twt to be compared with the resurrection to eternal life, glory, bliss, and pleasure, to be enjoyed by them, with God in heaven, which would abundantly recompense them for all their sufferings. Better sacrifices, Heb. 9. 23. The sacrifice of Christ himself, which is of more value, and comprises all the virtue, benefit, and signification of the legal sacrifices. It is expressed in the plural number, both to answer the opposite term, and to set out its excellency ; being far above all others, a7id the very subitance of them. Gen. 29. 19. b. I give her to thee than to another Exod. 14. 12. b. for us to have served the Egyptians Num. 14. 3. were it not b. for us to return to Egypt? Judg. 8. 2. gleanings of Ephraim b. than vintage 11. 25. nor art tho^u any thing b. than Balak 1 Sam. 1. 8. am not I b. to thee than ten sons ? 27. 1. nothing b. than to go to the Philistines 1 Kings 1. 47. God make the name of k. Solomon b. 2. 32. who fell upon two men b. than he, and slew 19. 4. Elijah said, i am not b. than my fathers 21. 2. I will give thee for it a b. vineyard than it 2 Kings 5. 12. rivers of Damascus h. than Jordan 2 Chron. 21. 13. hast slain brethren b. than thyself Psal. 69. 31. this shall please the Lord b. than an ox Eccl.9,.2A. nothing*, for a man than to eat and drink 3. 22. there is nothing b. than to rejoice in his works 4. 3. *. is he than both they, which have not been 9. two are *. than one || 6. 11. what is man the b. ? 7. l'>. that the former days were *. than these + 11. wisdom is as good as an inheritance, yea *. too 10. 11. the serpent will bite, and a babbler is no b. Isa. 56. 5. give a name *. than of sons and daughters Lam. 4. 9. they that be slain with the sword are *. Ezek. .36. 11. i will settle you, and do *. to you Dan. 1. 20, in all matters he found them ten times *. Hos. 2. 7. then was it *. with me than now Amos 6. 2. be they *. than these kingdoms ? Nah. 3. 8. art thou *. than populous No.^ Mat. 6. 26. behold the fowls of the air, are ye not much *. than they .'' Luke 12. 24. 12. 12. how much then is a man *. than a sheep ? 18. 6. it were *. for him that a millstone were hanir- ed about his neck, Mark 9. 42. Luke 17. 2. Rom. 3. 9. are we *. than they i no, in no wise 1 Cor. 7.38. he that giveth her not in marriage, doth *. 8. 8. for neither if we eat are we the *. 9. 15. *. forme to die, than make my lilorying void 11. 17. you come together not for *. but for worse Phil. 2. 3. let each esteem other *. than himself Heb. 1. 4. being made so much b. than the angels 6. 9. but beloved, we are persuaded*, things of you 7. 7. without contrad. the less is blessed ot^the *. 19. nothing perfect, but bringing in of a *. hope did 22. Jesus was made a surety of a *. testament 8. 6. by how much also he is the Mediator of a *. covenant, established on *. promises 9. 23. but heavenly things with *. sacrifices 10. 34. in heaven a *. and enduring substance 11. 16. they desire a *. country, an heavenly 35. that they might obtain a *. resurrection 40. God having provided some *. thing for us 12. 24. that speaketh *. things than that of Abel 2 Pet. 2. 21. *. foi' them not to have known the Avay BETTER w. Prov. 15. 16. *. is little with the fear of the Lord 17. *. is a dinner of herbs where love is, than an ox 16. 8. *. is a little with righteousness than revenues 16. how much *. is it to get wisdom than gold 17. 1. *. is a dry morsel and quietness therewith 19. 1. *. is the poor that walks in integrity, 28. 6. 27. 10. for *. is a neighbour that is near, than Eccl. 4. 6. *. is an handful with quietness than 13. *. is a poor wise child than a foolish king 6. 9. *. is the sight of the eyes than the wandering 7.8.*. is the end of a thing than the beginning Ca7it. 4. 10. how much *. is thy love than wine r Is BETTER, or is it BETTER. ' Judg. 9. 2. whether is b. tor you that all reign 18. 19. is it i. to be a priest to one, than to a tribe ? Ruth 4. 15. thy daughter is b. to thee than seven sons 1 Sam. 15. 22. behold, to obey is b. than sacrifice 28. given to a neighbour that isb. than thou 2 Sam. 17. 14. counsel of Uushai the Archite is b. Esth'. 1. 19. estate to another that is b. than she Psal. .37. 16. a little a righteous man hath is b. 63. 3. thy loving-kindness is b. than life 84. 10. a day in thy courts is b. than a thousand 119. 72. the law of thy mouth is b. to me than gold Prov. 3. 14. for the merchandise of wisdom is b. 8. 11. wisdom is b. than ruble , and all things 19. my fruit is b. than gold, yea, than fine gold 12. 9. IS b. than he that honoureth himself" 16. .32. that is slow to anger is b. than the mighty 19. 22. and a poor man is b. than a liar 22. + 1. favour is b. than silver and »old 27. 5. open rebuke is b. tiian secret love Eccl. 6. 3. an untimely birth is b. than he 7. 1. a good name is b. than precious ointment 3. sorrow is b. than laughter, for by the sadness 01 the countenance the heart is made *. 8. the patient in spirit is b. than the proud in spirit 9. 4. a living dog is h. than a dead lion 16. then said 1 7 wisdom is b. than strength 18. wisdom is b. tlian weapons of war, " Cant. 1. 2. for thy lo\ e is b. than wine Luke 5. 39. for he saith, the old is b. Phil. 1. 23. and to be with Christ, which is far *. It is BETTER, or BE IT I', R it is. Gen. 29. 19, it is b. I give her to thee tluui another 2 Sam. 18. 3. it is b. thou succour us out of the citv Psal. 118. 8. it is b. to trustin tlie Lord tlian to put,9. Prov. 16. 19. *. it «"> to be of an humble spirit 21. 9. it is b. to dwell in accruer of the house, 95. 24. 19. /;«*. to dwell in the wihierness than with 25. 7. *. it is that it be said to thee, come up hither Eccl. 5. 5. *; it is tiiat thou shouldest not vow 7. 2. it is b. to go to tlie house of mourning than 27 BID Eccl. 7. 5. it '■' h. to hear the lebuke of the wise than Jonah 4. 3. it is />. me to die tliaii to live, 8. Mut. 18. 8. it is h. for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, than to be cast, 9. Mark 9. 43, 45, 47. 1 Cor. 7. 9. for it is h. to marry than to burn 1 Fet. 3. 17. it is b. that ye sufFer for well doins: than BETTERED. [Vorse Mark 5. £6. she was nothing h. but rather grew BETWEEN. Gen. 1. + 4, God divided b. light and darlcness 1 14. to divide b. liaht and darkness 3. 15. J will put enmity h. thy seed and her seed 9. 16. the covenant b. God and every creatine 15. 17. aburninsr lamp passed b. those places ; 49. 10. nor a lawsfiver from h. his feet, till Shiloh I^xod 8. 23. 1 will put a division b. my people 12. 1 6. kill it b. the two evenings. Num. 9. + 3. 13. 9. and it shall be for a sign to thee, and a me- morial b. thine eyes, 16. T)eut. 6. 8. 1 11. 18. 18. 16. they come, and I judge b. one and anotiier ' 26. 33. the vail shall divide b. holy and most holy Num. 11. 33. while the liesh was b. their teeth 28. t4. the other lambotFer b. two eveninas Deut. 17. 8. b. blood and blood, b. plea, b. stroke 33. 12. and he shall dwell b. his shoulders Judg. 4. 5. Deborah dv.elt /;. l\amah and Eeth-el 1 Sam. 7. 14. there was peace b. Israel and Amorites £ Sam. 19. .35. discern b. sood and evil, 1 Kings 3. 9. 1 Kings 18. 21. how lona' halt 3-e b. two opinions .' Prov. 18. 18. the lot parteth b. the mightv Jer. 34. 18. they passed b. parts of the calf, 19. £,zek. 34. 17. 1 judge b. cattle and cattle, A. rams Has. 2. 2. and her adulteries from b. her breasts Joell. 17. the priests weep h. the porch an;l altar Zedi. 11. 14. break the brotherhood /;. .ludah Mat. 23. 35. ye slew /;. the temple and the altar John 3. 25. a question /;. John's disciples and Jews Acts 13. T 42. misht be preached the sabbath b. Rom. 10. 12. no difference b. the Jew and Greek 1 Cv;/. 7 . 34. there is difference b. a wife and a viiirin 1 Tim. £. 5. there is one ^Mediator b. God and men RETWIXT. Job .36. 32. not to .shine by tlie cloud tliat cometli b. Cant. 1. 13. he shall lie all night ft. my breasts Phil. 1. 23. 1 am in a stiait b. two, having a desire BEWAIL. Lev. 10. 6. b. the burning the Lord hath kindled Dent. 21. 13. and h. her father and mother a month Judg. 11. 37. that I may go and b. my virginity, 38. Isa. 16. 9. I vill h. with the weepins of Jazer £ Cor. 12. 21. that I shall b. many who have sinned Rev. 18. 9. shall b. her, when they see the smoke BEWAILED, E I H. Jer. 4. 31. the daughter of Zion that b. herself Imke 8. 52. and all wept, and b. her, but he said 23. 27. of women also who b. and lamented him BEWAKE Signifies. [1] To take care,Vrov.\9.Z5. [2] To have a singular and special regard to, Exod. 23. 21. "We must lieware, [1] Of forgetting God, Deut. 6. 12. 18. 11. [2] Of evi'l thoughts, Deut. 15. 9. [3] Of things forlndden, Judg. 13. 4, 13. [4] Of darioers foretold, 2 Kinas 6. 9. Job 36. 18. [5] Of God's urath, Acts 13. 40. [6] Of false teachers. Mat. 7. 15. I 16. 6, 11. [7] Oftnen, Mat. 10. 17. [8] Of evil workers, Phil. 3. 2. [9] Of the error of the wicked, 2 Pet. 3. 17- [10] Of covetoiuness, Luke 12. 15. I 20. 46. Gen. 24. 6. b. that thou bring not my son thither Pxod. 23. 21. b. of him, and obey his voice Deut. 6. 12. then b. lest thou forget the Lord, 8. 11. 15. 9. b. there be not a wicked thought in th3' heait Judg. 13. 4. /;. I pray thee, and driiik no wine, 13. £ Sayn. 18. 12. ft. that none touch the j^oung man £ Kiyigs 6.9. sa3'ing ft. that thou pass not such a place Job 36. 18. ft. lest he take thee away with his stroke Prov. 19. 25. smite a scorner, and the simple will ft. Isa. 36. 18. ft. lest Hezekiah persuade j-ou, saying Mat. 7. 15. ft. of false prophets |1 10. I7. ft. of men 16. 6. take heed and ft. of the leaven of the Phari- sees, 11. Mark^. 15. Luke 12. 1. Mark 12. 38. ft. of the scribes, Luke 20. 46. Luke 12. 15. take heed and ft. of covetousneas ActsVS. 40. ft. lest that come which is spoken Phil. 3.2. ft. of dogs, ft. of evil woikers, ft. of concision Col. 2. 8. ft. lest any man spoil 3'ou thro' philosophy £ Pet. 3. 17. ft. lest ye also, being led away witTh BEWITCHED. [eiTor Acts 8. 9. Simon ft. the people of Samaria, 11. Gal. 3. 1. O foolish Galatians, who hath ft. vou .' BEWRAV. tdereth Isa. 16. 3. hide the outcasts, ft. not him that wan- BEWKAYETII. Prov. 27. 16. the ointment of his right hand ft. itself 29- 24. he heareth cursing, and ft. it not Mat. 26. 73. thou art one of them, thy speech b. thee BEYOND. Kum. 22. 18. Balaam said, I cannot ao ft. the word of the Lord my God, to do less or more, 24. 13. Deut. 30. 13. nor is it ft. the sea, that shouldest say 1 .VaTra. 20. 22. the arrows are ft. thee, 36. 37. £ Sam. 10. 16. ft. the river, 1 Ki7igs 14. 15. 1 Chron. 19. 16. Ezra 4. 17, 20. I '6. 6, 8. 17- 21, 25. Neh. 2. 7. 9. La. 7. 20. 1 18. 1. Zeph. 3. 10. 2 Chron. 20. 2. multitude from ft. the sea, Jer. 25. 22. Mark 6. 51. they were amazed ft. measure, 7. .37. 2 Cor. 8. 3. and ft. their power they were Milling 10. 14. for we stretch not ft. our m'easure Gal. 1. 13. ft. measure I persecuted the church of God 1 Thess. 4. 6. that no man go ft. and defraud his bro- Beyonu Jordan. -See Jordan. [ther Bibber. See\ViJ\i. 1.^1 . Josh. 6. 10. till the clay I ft. you shout, then shout 1 Sam. 9. 27. said, ft. the servant pass on before us 2 Sam. 2. 26. how long ere ft. the people return from 2 Kings 4. 24. slack not riding for me except I ft. thee 5. 13. if the prophet had ft. thee do a gieat thing 1K\ 5. we will do all that thou shalt ft. us BIR Jonah 3. 2. preach to it the preaching that I h. thee Zeph. 1. 7. lor the Lord hath ft. his guests Mat. 14. 28. ft. me come to thee on the water 22. 9. as many as ye shall find ft. to the marriage 23. 3. what they ft. you observe, that observe and do I.vke 9. 61. let me first ft. them farewell at home 10. 40. ft. her therefore tliat she help me 14. 12. lest they also ft. thee again, and a recompence 1 Cur. 10. 27. if any that believe not ft. ^-ou to a feast 2 John 10. receive him not, nor ft. him God speed BIDDEN. 1 Sam. 9. 13. and afterwards they eat that be ft. 2 Sam. 16. 11. let liim curse, for the l.ord hath ft. ]\!nt. 1. 24. then .loseph did as the angel had ft. him 22. 3. and sent to call them that were ft. to wedding 4. tell them who are ft. I have prepared my dinner 8. but they who were ft. were not worthy Luke 7. 39. when the Pharisee wlio had ft. him saw it 14. 7. he put forth a parable to those who were ft. 8. when tliou artft. lest a more honourable man be ft. 10. when thou art ft. go and sit in the lowest room 24. none of those men ft. shall taste of mj' supper BIDDEIH, BIDDING. 1 Sam. 22. 14. goeth at thy ft. and is lionourable 2 Jch7i 11. he that ft. him God speed, is partaker BIDE. Rom. 11. 23. if they ft. not still in unbelief, be grafted BIER. 2 Sam. 3. 31. king David himself followed the ft. Luke 7. 14. he came and touched the ft. and said BILL. Luke 16. 6. take thy ft. and write, 50. 1, 7. take thy ft. See Divorce. BILLOWS. Psal. 42. 7. all thy ft. are gone over me, Jonah 2. 3. BI^D Signifies, [1] To tie vp, or fasten together. Gen. 37. 7. Deut. 14. 25. [2] Tn bind uith ihains, Mark 5. 3. Acts 12. 6. [-3] To keep fast, or sure, Prov. 3. 3. | 6. 21. [4] To engage by vow, or prnmiie, Tsum. 30. 2, 9, 13. [5] To confirm, or ratify, jNlat. 16. 19. [6] Judicially to de- clare or pronounce a persons sins unpardojied, according to the directions of God's word, and to inflict any church censiire upon him for the same, INlat. 16. 19. I 18. 18. [7] To distress, or trotible. Luke 13. 16. [8] To restrain. Job 28. 11. [9] To be under a marriage tie, or ohUgaticn to perform the duties incumbent on a person in that relation, Rom. 7. 2. 1 Cor. 7. 39. [10] Po7ier- fnlly to persuade, influence, or constrain. Acts 20. 22. They bind heavy burdens on men. Mat. 23. 4. They impose many strict injunctions, over and above what the law requires, and severely exact obedience thereto from others. Exod. 28. 28. thej' shall ft. the breast-plate by rin?s Ku7n. .30. 2. if a man swear an oath to ft. his soul Deut. 6. 8. thou shalt ft. them for a sign on thy hand 14. 25. shalt ft. up the money, and go to tiie place Josh. 2. 18. thou shalt ft. tliis line in^the window Jwfg. 15. 10. to ft. Samson are we come up 12. they said, we are come dovai to ft. thee 13. no. but we will ft. thee fast, and deliver thee 16. 5. that we may ft. Samson to afHict him Job 31. 36. I will ft. it as a crown to me .34. 1 17. shall even he that liateth right ft. ? 38. 31. canst ft. the sweet influences bf Pleiades .' 39. 10. canst thou ft. the unicorn with his band ? 40. 13. hide them, and ft. their faces in secret 41. 5. wilt thou ft. Leviathan for thy maidens .' Psal. 105. 22. to ft. his princes at his pleasure 118. 27. ft. the sacrifice with cords to the altar 149. 8. to ft. their kings with chains, and nobles Prov. 3. 3. ft. them about thy neck, MTite them 6. 21. ft. them continually upon thine heart 7. 3. ft.themon thy fingers, write them on tliy heart Isa. 8. 16. ft. up the testimony, seal the law 49. 18. and ft. them on thee as a bride doth 61. 1. he hath sent me to ft. up the broken-hearted Ezek. 34. 16. I will ft. up what was broken Dan. 3. 20. he commanded most mighty men to ft. Hos. 6. 1. he hath smitten us, and will ft. us up 10. 10. when they ft. themselves in two furrows Mic. 1. 13. ft. the chariot to the swift beast Mat. 12. 29. except he first ft. tlie strongman, and tlien he will spoil his house, Mark 3. 27. 13. 30. ft. the tares in bundles to bum them 16. 19. whatsoever thou shalt ft. on earth, 18. 18. 22. 13. ft. him hand and foot, take and cast him 23. 4. ft. heavy burdens gfievous to be borne Mark 5. 3. no man could ft. him with chains Acts 9. 14. authority to ft. all that call on thy name 12. 8. angel said, gird thyself, ft. on thy sandals 21. 11. so shall the Jews ft. the man that owneth BINDETH. Job 5. 18. he maketh sore and ft. up, he woundeth 26. 8. he ft. up the waters in his thick clouds £8. 11. he ft. the floods fi-om overflowing 30. 18. it ft. me about as the collar of my coat 36. 13. hypocrites, they cry not when he ft. them Psal. 129. 7. nor he that ft. sheaves, his bosom 147. 3. he healeth the broken in heart, and ft. up Prov. 26. 8. as he that ft. a s:one in a slin?, so is he Isa. 30. 26. in day Lord />. up breach of his people BINDING. Ge7z., 37 .7.we were ft. sheaves in field, mj' sheaf arose 49. 11. ft. his foal to the vine, and his ass"s colt ISum. 30. 13. every ft. oatli to afflict the soul Acts 22. 4. ft. and delivering into prisons men BIRD Sic-nifies, [1] A fowl, small or large. Jam. 3. 7. [2] Cyrus, who came swiftly from Persia to de- stroy Babylon, Isa. 46. 11. [3] The Chaldeans, or other Jieighbours that persecuted and afflicted the Jews, -Ter. 12. 9. [4] The polluted and cor- rupt inhabitants of Babylon, Rev. 18. 2. Gen. 7. 14. every ft. of every sort went into the ark Lev. 14. 52. shall cleanse the house with the living ft. Job 41. 5. wilt thou play with him as with a ft. .'' Psal. 11. 1. to my soul, flee as a ft. to your mountain 124. 7- our soul is escaped as a ft. out of the snare BIT Prov.l. 17. in vain tlie net is spread in sight of any 6. 5. and as a ft. from the hand of the fowler 7. 23. as a ft. hasteth to the snare, knovsnot 26. 2. as the ft. by wandering, so the curse causeless 27. 8. as a ft. that wandereth from her nest, so a mau Eccl. 10. 20. the ft. of the air shall tell the matter 12. 4. he shall rise up at the voice of the ft. Isa. 16. 2. as a wandering ft. cast out of her nest 46. 11. calling a ravenous ft. from the east Jer. 12. 9. my heritage is to me as a speckled ft. Lam. .3. 52. mine enemies chased me like a ft. IIos. 9. 11. their glory shall fly away like a ft. 11. 11. they shall tiemble as a ft. out of Egypt Amos 3. 5. can a ft. fall where no gin is fornim ? Rev. 18. 2. a cage of every unclean and hateful ft. BIRDS. Cen. 15. 10. but the ft. divided he not 40. 17. the ft. did eat tiiem out of the basket ly. the ft. shall eat thy flesh from cfF thee Xei . 14. 4. priest shall command to take two ft. alive Deut. 14. 11. of all clean ft. ye shall eat 2 Sam. 21. 10. suflfered not the ft. to rest by day Psal. 104. 17- where the ft. make their nests 148. t 10. praise the Lord, ye ft. of wing Eccl. 9. 12. as ft. that are caught in the snare Cant. 2. 12. the time of the singing of ft. is come Isa. 31. 5. as ft. flying, so will L. defend Jerusalem Jer. 4. 25. and all the ft. of the heaven were fled 5. 27. as a cage full of ft. so are their houses 12. 4. the beasts are consumed and the ft. 9. the ft. round about are against her, come ye Ezek. 39. 4. I will give thee' to the ravenous ft. Da?i. 4. 33. his nails were grown like ft. claws Mat. 8. 20. holes, and the ft. of the air have nests, Luke 9. 58. 13. 32. the ft. lodge in the branches thereof Rom. 1. 23. into an image like to ft. and beasts 1 Cor. 15. 39. another of tishes, another of ft. Jam. 3. 7. ever\' kind of beasts and ft. is tamed B HIT 1 1 Is, [1] Natural, Exod. £8. 10. [2] Abortive, or un- timely, Job 3. 16. Psal. 58. 8. Eccl. 6. 3. [.3J Supernatural, as was the iirth of Christ, I\Iat. 1. 18. Luke 1. 14. [4] Figuiative,for heavy anguish and distress, 2 Kings 19- 3. isa. 37. 3. [5] Fir deliierance at hand, Isa. 66. 9. [6] For a natural state in sin, Ezek. 16. 3. [7] For regeneration. Tit. 3. 5. [8] For earnest desire for the good of souls. Gal. 4. 19. The children are come to the birth, 2 Kings 19. 3. We have begun a happy reformation, but are hindered by this tTisolent Assyrian, /ro/w bringi7iff it to perfection. Thy birth is of the land of Canaan ; Ezek. 16. 3. 'l hy root whence thou did spring, the rock whence thou wast cut, the place where thou grewest vp, the company and commerce thou didst use, ail were of the land of Canaan ; thy original is no better than the worst of nations, thou hast the^T vicious naturCy manners, and practices, and art as vile and ob- noxiwis to my curse as they are. 2 Kings 19. 3. children are come to the ft. Isa. 37. 3. Job 3. 16. as an hidden untimely ft. 1 had not been Psal. .58. 8. let them pass like the untimely ft. Eccl. 6. 3. an untimely ft. is better than he 7. 1. day of death is better than day of one's ft. Isa. 66. 9. shall I bring to the ft. not cause to bring Ezek. 16. 3. thy ft. and nativity is of Canaan Hos. 9. 11. glory of Ephraim shall fi3'from the ft. Mat. 1. 18. the ft. of .lesus Christ was on this wise Luke 1. 14. and manj' shall rejoice at his ft. John 9. 1. he saw a man who was blind from his ft. Gal. 4. 19. my children, of whom 1 travail in ft. Rev. 12. 2. and she cried, ti-availing in ft. and passed BIRIH-DAY." Gen. 40. 20. the third da.v, which was Pharaoh's b.-d. Mat. 14. 6. when Herod's ft. -^. was kept, MarkO. 21, BIRTH-RIGHT. Gen. 25. 31. Jacob said, sell me this daj' thy b.-right 33. and he sware, and sold his b.-right to Jacob 34. thus Esau despised his b.-right 27. 36. took awaj' my b.-right, and now xny blessing 43. 33. sat, the first-bom according to his b.-right 1 Chron. 5. 1. Reuben's ft.-r. given to sons of Joseph ILeb. 12. 16. Esau for one morsel sold his b.-right BISHOP, S, Signifies, [1] Spiritual overseers that have the charge (f souls, to instruct and rule them by the wordy 1 Tim. 3. 1, 2. Acts 20. 28. [2] Christ himself,. 1 Pet. 2. 25. Pft? all saints at Philippi,with ft.and deacons 1 Tim. 3. 1. if a man desire the office of a ft. 2. a ft. then must be blameless. Tit. 1. 7- 1 Pet. 2. 25. now retumed to the ft. of your souls BISHOPRIC. Actsl. 20. and his ft. let another take BIT, S. Psal. .32. 9. whose mouth must be held in with ft. Jam. 3. 3. behold we put ft. in the horses' mouths BIT. Num. 21. 6. Lord sent fiery serpents, they ft. people ^-Jotw 5. 19. leaned on a wall, and a serpent ft. him BITE. Eccl. 10. 8. breaketh an hedge, a serpent shall ft. him 11. the serpent will ft. without enchantment . Jer. 8. 17. 1 will send serpents, and they shall ft. vou Amos 9. 3. 1 will command serpent, and he shall ft. Mic. 3. 5. the prophets that A. with the teeth Hab. 2. 7. shall they not rise up that shall ft. thee ? Gal. 5. 15. but if ye ft. and devour one another BITETH. Gen. 49. 17. Dan an adder, that ft. the horse-heels Prov. 23. 32. at the last it ft. like a serpent bitten: Num. 21.' 8. every one that is ft. when he looks on 9. came to pass, that if a serpent had ft. any man BITTER. Gen. 27. 34. Esau cried with an exceeding ft. cry Exod. 1. 14. the Egyptians made their lives ft. 12. 8. with ft. herbs sliall ye eat it. Num. 9. 11. 15. 23. not drink of the waters, for they ^ere ft. Deut. 32. 24. shall be devoured with ft. destructiou pjpe^ m BLA Deiit. 32. 3C. are grapes of gall, their clusters are h. JvJg. 18. t£o. lest fellows b. of soul run on thee Ruth 1. 1 20. call me not >' aomi, but b. 1 Sain. 1. + 10. Hannah -was b. of soul and prayed 22. 1 2. every one b. of soul gathered to him 30. 1 6. spake of stoning, the peoples' soul was h. 2 Sam. 17. + 8. fa'her"s men bemiahty, and b. of soul 2 Kings 4. + 27. let her alone, her soul is b. in her 14. 26. Lord saw affliction of Israel that it was b. Ese/i. 4.1. Mordecai cried with loud voice and b. crj' Job 3. 1 5. terriry it. as those who have a b. day 20. and whj- is life given to the b. in soul r 13.26. ihou M-ritest b. tilings against me 23. 2. even to-day is my complaLuto. 27. t 2. the Almighty who hath made mj'soul b. Psal. 64. 3. to shoot their arrows, even 3. "words Prov. 5. 4. but her end is b. as wormwood 27. 7. to the hungry soul every b. thins is sweet 31. + 6. give Avine to those that ai'e b.oi soul Eccl. 7- 26. 1 find more b. than death the woman Isa. 5. 20. that p It b. for svieet, and sweetfor b. 22. 1 4. look from me, I will be b. in weeping 24. 0. strong drink shall be b. to them that diTmk Jer. 2. 19. it is an e\-il thing and b. that thou 4. 18. this is thy wickedness, because it is b. 6. 26. make most b. lamentation as for a son 31. 15. a voice was heard in Ramah, b. weepin? £reX-. 3. 1 14. spirit took me away, and 1 T^ent b. 27. 31. shall v/eep for thee ^mh b. wailing £mos 8. 10. a.nd the end thereof, as a b. da,v Hab. 1. 6. Chaldeans, that b. and hastj- nation. Col. 3. 19. love your wives, be not b. against tliem Jam. 3. 14. if ye have b. en^-j-ing and strife Hev. 8. 11. men died of waters because made b. 10. 9. eat it up, and it shall make thy belly b. 10. as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was b. BITTER-AVATEK. I\nm. 5. 18. the b.-:rater that causeth the curse Jam. 3. 11. doth a fountain send sweet n: and i. ^ BlilERLY. Jitdg. 5. 23. curse ye b. the inhabitants thereof Jtutfi 1. 20. the Almightv' hath dealt b. with me Isa. 22. 4. look away from me, 1 will weep b. 33. 7. the ambassadors of peace shall weep b. Ezek. 27. 30. the pilots of iS-re shall crv b. Hos. 12. 14. Ephraim provoked him most b. Zeph. 1. 14. the mighty man shall co' b. Mat. 26. 75. Peter went out. wept*. LuJce 22. 62. BITTERN. Isa. 14. 23. make it a possession for the b. 34. 11. Zeph. 2. 14. the b. shall lodse in the upper lintels BITTERNESS Siffnifies, [1] That ichich is opposed to sv:eetness, Exod. 15. 23. [2] Deep sorrozc and heaviness of spirit. Job 7.11. Prov. 14. 10. [.3] A thinq mot pernicious, or that prodiices dreadful effects, 2 Sam. 2. 26. [4] Violent inziard displeasure against others, Eph. 4. 31. [5] Great impiety. Acts 8. 23. The gall ot bitterness. Acts 8. 23. In a state 7nost offensive and distasteful to God ; under the pov:er of corrupiioji, hypocrisy, atulambiiion. A root of bitterness, Heb. 12. 15. Any scandalous sin, dangerctis error, or schism, tending to draio persons to apostasy, the end uhereof 'j:ill be bitter . Gen. £6. i 35. which were h. of spirit to Isaac Ezod. 15. T 23. the name of it v>-as called b. Rnth 1. t 13. 1 have much b. for jour sake 1 Sam. 1. 10. Hannah was in *. of soul and prayed 15. 32. surely the b. of death is past 2 Sam. 2. 26. the sword will be b. in the latter end J'ib 7. 11. I will complain in the b. of my soul 9. 18. to take my breath, but filleth me with b. 10. 1. I v^ill speak in the b. of my soul 21. £5. another dieth in the b. of his soul Prov. 14. 10. the heart knoweth his own b. 17- 25. a foolish son is her that bare him Isa. 38. 15. go softly all mv life in b. of my soul 17. behold, for peace I had areata. Lam. 1. 4. her virgins are afflicted, and she is in b. 3. 15. he hath filled me with b. he hath made Ezek. 3. 14. Spirit tcok me away, and I v^ent in b. 21. 6. and with b. sigh before their eves £7. 31. they shall weep for thee with "5. Hos. 12. t 14. Ephraim provokedliim with 3. Zech. 12. 10. be in b. for him as one that is in b. for Acts 8. £3. I perceive thou art in the eaU of b. Ro7n. 3. 14. whose mouth is full of cufsin? and b. Eph. 4. 31. let all b. be put awav from vou Heb. 12. 15. lest any root of b. springing up „. .£ BLACK Signifies, The colour so calUd, zchich is opposite to v:hite, Mat. 5. 36. It is applied, [1] To the church, whose outzcard beauty IS often eclipsed by reason of infirmities, .••candals, reproaches, and persecutions. Cant. 1. 5. [2] To the Jews, whose countena-nce changed and turned black, like persons ready to be strangled, being struck with terror at the ap- proach of God^s judgments, Joel 2. 6. Kah. 2. 10. [.3] To hell, the place of extreme darkness, horror, and misery, June 13. ier. 13. 31. and that there is no *. hair in it 37. and there is b. hair sro^vn up tlieiein 1 Kmgs 18. 45. the heaven was b. vnth clouds Job 30. .30. my skin is b. upon me, mj- bones burnt Prov. 7. 9. in the evening, in fue h. and dark niaht Cant. 1.5. 1 am *. but comely, O daughters of Jerus. 6. look not upon me, because I arn b. 5. 11. his locks are bushy and b. as a raven Jer. 4. 28. for this the heavens shall be b. 8. 21. tor the hurt of my people 1 am hurt, T am 3. 14.2. the gates thereof languish, thev are 3, Lam. 5. 10. our skin was b. like an oVen Ezek. 31. + 15. I caused Lebanon to heb. for him Zech. 6. 2. in the second chaiiot b. horses 6. b. horses go forth into the north country Mai. 3. + 14. what profit that we walked in b. ? Mat. 5. 36. canst not make one han white or b. Rev. 6. 5. and I beheld, and lo a b. horse 12. the sun became h. as sackcloth of hair BLACKER. Lam. 4. 8. tlieir visage is b. than a coal BLA BLACKISH. Job 6. 16. which are b. by reason of tlie ice BLACKNESS. Job 3. 5. let the b. of the day terrify it Isa. 50. 3. I clothe the hea\ ens with b. Lam. 4. t 8. their visase is darker than b. Joel 2. 6. all faces shall gather b. Nah. 2. 10. Heb. 12. 18. 3-e are not come to b. and darkness Jude 13. to whom is reserved b. of darkness BLADE. Judg. 3. 22. the haft also went in after the b. Job 31. 22. then let my arm fall from my shoulder-5. Mat. 13. 26. when the b. was sprung up, Mark A. 28. BLAINS. Exod. 9. 9. a boil breaking forth with b. 10. BLAME. Gen. 43. 9. then let me bear tlie b. for ever, 44. 32. 2 Cor. 8. 20. avoiding that no man should b. us Eph. 1. 4. holy and without b. before him in love BLAMED. 2 Cor. 6. 3. no ofi^ence, that the ministry be not b. Gal. 2. 11. -nithstood him, because he was to be b. BLAMELESS. Gen. 44. 10. he shall be my servant, j-e shall be b. Josh. 2. 17. we will be h. of this thine oatii Judg. 15. 3. now shall I be more b. than Philistines Mat. 12. 5. the priests profane sabbath, and are b. Ltike 1. 6. walking in ordinances of the Lord b. 1 Cor. 1. 8. that ye may be b. in the day of the Lord Phil. 2. 15. that je may be b. and harmless 3. 6. touching the righteousness in the law b. 1 Thess. 5. £3. spirit, s'oul, and body, be preserved 5. 1 Tim. 3. 2. a bishop then must be b. Tit. 1. 7. 10. use the oftice of a deacon, beinsr found b. 5. 7. give in charge, that thej- may be b. Tit. iTo. if any b^b. the husband of one wife 2 Pet. 3. 14. ye may be found without spot and b. BLASPHEME Signifies, [1] To speak evil cf God, Rom. 2. 24, lit. 2. 5. [2] To rail against arid deny the work of the Holy Spirit out of tnalice, Mat. 12. 31. 2 Sam. 12.14. occasion to enemies of the Lord to b. 1 Kings 21. 10. thou didst b. God and the king, 13. Psal. 74. 10. shall the enemy b. thj-name for ever ? Mark 3. 28. wherewith soever they shall b. 29. but he that shall b. a Tiot associate themselves with the wicked, nor follow their evil instigations or examples, Psal. 1. 1. [13] Such w/iose tra7ts- gressions are forgiven, whose sin is pardoned, Psal. 32. 1. [14] Such as do 7wt ccjaure or con- de/n7i a person under sickness or affliction, as if he was a: i eked or hated of God. but pity and relieve hi/n, Psal. 41. 1. BLESS, God beino agent. Gen. 12. 2. the Lord said. I will b. thee, 26. 3, 24. 3. I will b. them tliat bless thee, and curse him 17. 16. I will b. her, and give tliee a son of her 99 BLE Gen. 22. 17. in blessinff I will b. tliee, TIei. 6. 14, 28. .3. God almighty //. thee, and multiply thee 32. 26. I will not let thee go, except thou b. me 48. 16. A. the lads, and let my name be named 40. 25. by the Almighty who shall b. thee £iorf. 20. 24. 1 will come to thee, and I will b. thee 23. 25. he shall b. thy bread and thy water Num. 6. 24. the Lord b. thee and keep thee 27. put my name on Israel, and 1 will b. them 24. 1. saw that it pleased the Lord to b. Israel Detit. 1. 11. and b. you as he hath promised you 7. 13. he will b. tliee, b. the fruit of thy womb 14. 29. that the Lord m.ay b. thee, 23. 20. | 24. 19. 15. 4. shall be no poor, for the J ord shall b. thee 10. for this thins- the Lord thy God shall *. thee 18. the Lord thy God shall b. thee in all, 30. 16. 16. 15. because the Lord shall *. thee in all 26. 15. look down and b. thy people Israel 28. 8. he shall b. thee in the land he giveth 12. and to b. all the work of thine hand 33. 11. b. Lord, his substance, and accept Euth 2. 4. saying, the Lord b. thee, Jer. 31. 23. 2 Sam. 7. 29. therefore now let it please thee to b. the house of thy servant, 1 Chron. 17. 27. 1 Chron. 4. 10. O that thou wouldest *. me indeed Psal. 5. 12. thou, Lord, wilt b. the ria^hteous 28. 9. save thy people, b. thine inheritance 29. 11. the Lord will b. his people with peace 67. 1. '' od, even our own God, shall b. ns, 6, 7- 115. 12. the Lord will b. us, he w;ll *. the house of Israel, he will b. the house of Aaron 13. he will b. them that fear the Lord 128. 5. the Lord shall b. thee out of Zion 132. 15. I will abundantly *. her provision 134. 3. the Lord b. thee out of Zion Isa. 10. 25. whom the Lord of hosts shall b. Hag. 2. 19. from this day will I b. you Acts2>. 26. sent him to b. you in turning j'ou BLESS, God being the object. Deut. 8. 10. art full, then thou shalt b. the Lord Judg. 5. 9. b. ye the Lord, Psal. 103. 21. I 134. 1. 1 CImn. 29. 20. David said, now A. Lord your (led Nek. 9. 5. stand up and b. Lord for ever and ever P^a/. 16.7. I will b. Lord who hath 2 iven me counsel 26. 12. in the congregations will I b. the Lord .34. 1. 1 will b. the Lord at all times 63. 4. thus will I b. thee while I live 66. 8. O /;. our God, make his praise to be heard 68. 26. b. ye God in the congregations, even 96. 2. sina- to the Lord, b. lii's name, shew forth 100. 4. be thankful to him, b. his name, 103. 1. 103. 1. b. the Lord, O my soul, 2. 22. 1 104. 1, .35. 20. b. the Lord, ye his angels |i21. b. ye his hosts 22. b. the Lord all his works in all places 115. 18. we vidll b. the Lord from this time 134. 2. lift up your hands, and b. the Lord 135. 19. b. the Lord, O house of Israel, i. the Lord, O house of Aaron 20. O Levi, ye that fear the Lord, b. the Lord 145. 1. 1 will b. thy name for ever and ever 2. every day will I b. thee, and praise thy name 10. O Lord, thy saints shall b. thee 21. let all flesh b. his holy name for ever Jam. 3. 9. therewith b. we God, even the Father BLESS, 7nan agent and object. Gen. 27- 4. my soul may b. thee before I die, 25. 34. b. me, even me also, O my father, .38. 48. 9. brins them to me, and I will b. them 20. in thee shall Israel b. saying, God make thee Eiod. 12. 32. take flocks and begoiie, and b. me also Num. 6. 23. on this wise ye shall b. Israel 23. 20. I have received commandment to b. 25. neither curse them nor b. them at all Deut. 10. 8. the Lord separated Levi to b. 21. 5. 24. 13. sleep in his own raiment, and b. thee 27. 12. these shall stand on mount Gerizim, to b. 29. 19. heareth words of this curse, he b. himself Josh. 8. 33. as IMoses commanded they should b. 1 Sam. 9. 13. because he doth b. the sacrifice 13. tlO. Saul went to meet Samuel to b. him 2 Sam. 6. 20. then David returned to b. his house- „ ., ^ . ^ , . hold, 1 Chron. 16. 43. 8. 10. Loi sent Joram his son to b. David 21. 3. that ye may b. the inheritance of the Lord 1 R mgs 1. 47. servants came to b. our Lord k. David 1 Chron. 23. 13. and to b. in his name for ever Psal. 62. 4. they b. with their mouths, but curse 109. 28. let them curse, but b. thou 129. 8. we b. you in the name of the Lord Prov. 30. 11. there is agenerationthatcurseth their T ..- . , /,ather, and doth not *. their mother Isa. 65. 16. shall h. hnnself in the God of truth Jer. 4. 2. the nations shall b. themselves in him Mat. 5. 44. b. them that curse you, Luke^. 28. Rom. 12. 14. b. those peisecute you, b. and curse not 1 Cor. 4. 12. bemg reviled we h. beinsr persecuted 14. 16. else when thou shalt b. with the spirit BT-ESS. 1 Cot, 10. 16. the cup of blessing which we b. BLESSED, man ngent and object. Gen. 14. 19. Melchisedek b. Abram, and said, b be 24. 6'). they b. Rebekah, and said unto her 27- 23. so Isaac b. Jacob, and said, 27. 29. and b. be he that blesseth thee 33. I have b. him, yea, and he shall be b. 41. the blessinjj wherewith his father b. him 28. 1. Isaac called Jacob, b. him, and charsred him 6. as he b. him he gave him a charsre, Heb. 11. 20, 30. 13. for the daughters will call me b. 31, 55. kissed his sons and daughters, and b. them 47. 7. Jacob *. Pharaoh, 10. |i 48. 15. he b. Joseph 48. 20. Ja-.ob*. Manasseh and Ephraim, Keb.W.ll. 49. 28. lacob b. his sons, every one he b. Exod. 39. 43. and Moses b. them, Deut. 33. 1. Lev. 9. 22. Aaron lift up his hands and b. them 23. Moses and Aaron b. the people Num. 22. 6. J wot that he whom thou blessest is h. 23. 11. thou hast b. them altogether, 24. 10. Deut. 33. 20. b. be he that enlarseth Gad 24. let Asher be b. with children Josh. 14. 13. Joshua b. Caleb, and gave him Hebron 22, 6, Joshua b. them, and sent them away, 7. BLE Josh. 24. 10. therefore Balaam b. you still Judg. 5. 24. b. above women shall Jael be Riiih 2. 19. b. be he that took knowledge of thee 1 Sam. 2. 20. Eli b. Elkanah and his wile Hannah 25. 33. b. be thy advice, and b. be thou who kept 26. 25. Saul said, b. be thou, my son David 2 Sam. 6. 18. David b. the people, 1 Chron. 16. 2. 13. 25. howbeit he wo ild not go, but *. him 19. 39. the king kissed Earzillai, and b. him 1 Kings 2. 45. and king Solomon shall be h. 8. 14, king Solomon h. all the congregation, 55. 66. congregation b. Solomon, 2 Chron. 6. 3. 2 Chron. 30. 27. priests and Levites b. the people Neh. 11. 2. people b. all that willingly offered Job 29. 11. when the ear heard me, it b. me 31. 20. if his loins have not b. me Psal. 49. 18. while he lived he b. his soul 72. 17. men shall be b. in him, nations call him 5. 118. 26. b. be he that cometh in name of the Lord, we have b. you out of house of the Lord Prov. 31. 28. her children arise, and rail her b. Eccl. 10. 17. b. art thou, O land, when thy king Cant. 6. 9. the daughters saw her, and b. her Isa. 66. 3. that burneth incense, as if he b. an idol Jer. 20. 14. let not the day my mother bare me be b. Mai. 3. 12. and all nations shall call you b. Mark 11. 10. b. be the kingdom of our father Luke 1. 48. all generations shall call me b. 2, 34. Simeon b. them, and said to Mary Acts 20. 35. it is more h. to give than to receive Tit. 2. 13. lookinord, 2 Sam. 2. 5. 2 Sam. 6. 11. the Lord b. Obed-edom, and all his household, 12. 1 Chron. 13. 14. j 26. 5. 7- 29. the house of thy servant be b. forever 1 Chron. 17. 27. blessest, O ford, and it shall be b. 2 Chron. 31. 10. the Lord hath b. his people Job 1. 10. thou hast b. the work of his hands 42. 12. the Lord b. the latter end of Job Psal. 21. 6. for thou hast made him most 6. 33. 12. b. IS the nation whose God is the Lord 37- 22. for such as be b. of him shall inherit 26. he is merciful and lendeth, and his seed is b. 41. 2. the Lord will keep him, and he shall be b. 45. 2. therefore God hath b. thee for ever 89. 15. b. isthejjeople that know the ioyful sound 112. 2. the generation of the upright shall be b. 115. 15. you are b. of the Lord who m.ade heaven 119. 1. b. are the undefiled in the M-ay 128. 1. b. is every one that feareth the Lord 4. thus shall the man be b. that feaieth the Lord 147. 13. he hath b. thy children within thee Prov. 5. 18. let thy fountain be b. and rejoice 10. 7. the memory of the just is b. 20. 7. the just man's children are b. after him 21. but the end thereof shall not be b. 22. 9. he that hath a bountiful eye shall be Isa. 19. 25. saying, b be Egypt ray peopje 51. 2. for 1 called him alone and b. niir 61. 9. they are the seen the Lord hath b. 65. 23. Mat. 5.3.b. are the poor in spirit li 5. b. are themeeK 7. b. are the merciful J 8. b. are the pure in heart 9. b. are the peace-makers I' 10. b. are persecuted 13. 16. b. are your eyes, for they see, Luke 10. 23. 14. 19. he b. and brake, and gave the loaves, 26. 26. Mark 6. 41. i 14. 22. Luke 9- 16. 1 24. 30. 16. 17. Jesus said, b. art thou, Simon Bar-jona 24. 46. b. is that servant, Lt/ke 12. 43. 25. 34. come, ye b. of my Father, inherit kina-aom Mark 10. 16. took them up in his arms, and b. them 14. 61. thou art Christ, the Son of the b. Luke 1. 28. b. art thou among women, 42. 45. b. is she that believed II '6. 20. b. be ye poor 11.27. b. is the womb that bare thee, and paps 12. 37. b. are those servants whom the Lord when he cometh shall find watching, 38. 14. 14. thou shalt be b. they cannot recompense 19. 38. b. be the King that cometh in nameof J-ord 23. 29. b. are the barren that never bare 24. 50. he /;. them !1 51. while he b. them Gal. 3. 9. thej' are b. with faithful Abraham Fph. 1. 3. who hath b. us with spiritual blessings Jam. 1. 25. this man shall be b. in his deed Rev. 14. 13. b. are the dead that die in the Lord BLESSED, God the object. Gen. 9. 26. he said, b. be the Lord, 24. 27. Exod. 18. 10. nuth 4. 14. 1 Sam. 25. 32, 39. 2 Sam. 18. 28. 1 Kings 1. 48. I 5. 7- I 8. 15, 56. | 10. 9. 1 Chron. 16. 36. 2 Chron. 2. 12. 16. 4. I 9. 8. Ezra 7. 27. P.^al. 28. 6. | 31. 21. I 41. 13. | 68. 19. 1 72. 18. 1 89. 52. 1 106. 48. 1 124. 6. 1 135. 21. 1 144. 1. Zech. 11. 5. Luke 1. 68. BLE Gen. 14. 20. b. be most high God who delivered >• Josh. 22. 33. and the children of Israel b. God 2 Sam. 22. 47. and b. be my rock, P.sal, 18. 46. 1 Chr. 29. 10. David b. the Lord, b. thou, O Lord 20. all the congregation b. the Lord God 2 Chron. 20. 26. for there they b. the Lord 31. 8. when they saw the heaps, they b. the Lord Neh. 8. 6. and Hzra b. the Lord, the great God 9. 5. *. be thy glorious name, Psal. 72. 19. Job 1. 21. b. be the name of the Lord, Psal. 113. 2. Psal. 66. 20. b. be God, 68. .35. 2 Cor. 1. 3. 119. 12. b. art thou, O Lord, teach me thy statutes- Ezek. 3. 12. saying, b. be the glory of the I ord Dan. 2. 19. Daniel b. the God of heaven, 20. 4. .34. Nebuchadnezzar *. the most Iliifh Luke 2. 28. took him in his arms and b. God John 12. 13. b. is the King of Lsrael that cometh Rom. 1. 25. than the Creator, who is b. for ever 9. 5. Christ, who is over all, God b. for ever 2 Cor. 11. 31. is b. for evermore, knoweth 1 lin not Eph. 1. 3. b. be the Father of our Lord, 1 Pet. 1. 3. 1 I'im. 1. 11. the glorious gospel of the b. God 6. 15. who is the b. and only Potentate BLESSED are they. Psal. 2. 12. b. are they that put their trust in liim 84 . 4. b. are they that dwell in thy house 106. 3. b. are they that keep .judgment at all times 119. 2. b. are they tliat keep his testimonies Prov. 8. 32. for h. are they that keep my ways Isa. .30. 18. b. are they that wait for him Mat. 5. 4. b. are theyXhzi mourn, shall be comforted 6. b. are they who hunger || 10. who are persecuted Ltike 1 1. 28. yea, rather h. are they tliat hear the woi d John 20. 29. b. are they that have not seen, believed Rom. 4. 7. b. are they whose iniquities are forgiven Rev. 19. 9. b. art they who arecalled to the marriaL'e supper 22. 14. *. are they that do his commandments BLESSED are ye. Isa. 32. 20. h. are ye that sow beside all waters Mat. 5. 11. b. are ye when men shall revile you L%ike 6. 21. b. are ye that hunger now, ye shall be filled;^j^e thatweepnow, for ye shall laugh 22. b. are ye %vhen men shall hate you BLESSED is he. Num. 24. 9. b. is he that blesseth thee, and cursed Pyal. .32. 1. h. is ^e whose transgression is forgiven 41. \.h. is he that considereth the poor Dan. 12. 12. b. is he that waiteth, cometh to days Mat. 11. 6. and b. is he whosoever shall not be offended in me, Lnke 7. 23. 21. 9. b. is he that cometh in the name of the I ord, 23. .39. Mark 11. 9. Luke 13. .35. Luke 14. 15, b. is he that shall eat bread in kinirdom Rev. 1. 3. b. is he that readeth, and Ihey that hear 16. 15. //. is he that watcheth, and keepeth 20. 6. b. is he that hath part in the first resurrection 22. 7. b. is he that keepeth sayings of the prophecy BLESSED w?Aew«n, '^ ^ ^ Psal. 1 y.b. is the man that walketh not in counsel 32. 2. b. is the man to whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity, Rom. 4. 8. 34. 8. b. is man thattrusteth in him, 84. 12. Jer. I7. 7. 40 4. b. is the man that maketh the Lord his trust 65. 4. h. is the man whom thou choosest, and causest 84. 5. b. is the man whose strength is in thee 94. 12. b. is the man whom thou chastenest, O Lord 112. 1. b. is the man that feareth Lord, that delights Prov. 8. .34. b. is the man that heareth me, watching Isa. 56. 2. b. is themanHmX doth this, and son of man Jam. 1, 12. b. is the man that endureth temptation BLE.SSEDISESS. Rom. 4. 6. evpu as David describeth the b. 9. cometh this b. on the circumcision only .' Gal. 4 15. where is then the b. ye spake of.' BLE.SSE.ST. Num. 22. 6. I wot that he whom thou b. is blessed 1 Chr. 17. 27. thou b. O Lord, and it shall be blessed Psal. 65. 10. thou b. the springing thereof BLESSE/lH. Gen. 27. 29. blessed is he that b. tliee. Num. 24. 9. Deut. 15. 6. thy God b. thee as he promised Psal. 10. 3. h. covetous whom the Lord abhorreth li/7. 38. he b. them so that they are multiplied Prov. 3. 33. but he b. the habitation of the just 27. 14. he that b. his friend with a loud voice Isa. 65. 16. he who b. himself in the earth BLE.SSIl^sG Signifies, [1] The favour, kindness, and goodness of God, 7naking what his people djo to ■mcceed and prosper. Psal. 3. 8. [2] All good things, gifts, graces, and privileges, which God bestows upon his pecpie, whether spiritual or temporal, whether they respect the soul, or the body, this present life, or that which is to come, Deut. 28. 2. Psal. 24. 5. Isa. 44. 3. Eph. 1. 3. [.3] 2'he means of conveying a blessing to others, Isa. 19. 24. Thus the Jews are called a Blessing, because Christ was to be born of them, and the gospel-church and ordinances were first established among them, and by them conveyed to the Gentiles. [4] Wishing, praying for, and endeavouring the good of onr enemies, 1 Pet. 3. 9. [5] Alms, bmaity, or liberality, 2 Cor. 9. +5. [6] A- gift, or present. Gen. .33. 11. 2 Kines 5. 15. Thou shalt be a blessing. Gen. 12. 2. Tlmi shalt be a means of conveying blessedness, [1] To thy posterity, who shall be blessed for thy sake. [2} To thy friends and servants, who shall be blessed by thy instruction and example. [3] To all the world, by being the progenitor of Christ, and an eminent vattern of faith and holiness to all. Leave a blessing behind him, Joel 2. 14. Reserve some of the fruits of the earth from the common de- struction, for their support, and his own worship. The blessing of Abraham, Gal. 3. 14. The bless- ing conferred on Abraham, namely, justification and rect nciliation with God, through faith in the blood of Christ. Gen. 12. 2. 1 will bless thee, thou shalt be a b. 22. 17. that in b. I will bless thee, lieh. 6. 14. 27. 12. J shall bring a curse on ine, and not a b. 35. thy brother hath taken away thy b. BLI G^7i.C7.3S. Esau said, hast thou but one father.'' 28. 4. God give thee the b. of Abraham 33. 11. take, I pray thee, my &. that is brought 39. 5. the b. of the Lord was on all that he had 49. 28. every one according to his b. he blessed Exod. 3?. 29. then he may bestow on you a l>. Lev. 25. 21. then will 1 command my b. on you Deut. 11.26. behold, I set before you a b. 30. 19. 27. a (^. ir ye obey the commandments of the Lord 29. thousnalt put the b. on mount Gerizim 12. 15. according to the 5. of the Lord, 16. IT- 23. 5. the Lord turned the curse mto a b. 28. 8. Lord shall command a b. on store house 33. 1. this is the b. wherewith Moses blessed, 7- 10. let the b. come upon the head of Joseph 23. ^^"aphtali full with the b. of the Lord Josb. 15. 19. answered, give me a b. Judg. 1. 15. 1 Sam. 25. 27. this b. thy handmaid hath brought 30. t 26. behold a b. for you from the spoil 2 Sam. 7. 29. with thy b. let my house be blessed 2 Kings 5. 15. I pray thee take a b. of thy servant 18. t 31. make with me a b. and come out to me, and eat of his own vine, Isa. 36. 16. AWi. 9. 5. which is exalted above all b. and praise 13. 2. our God turned the curse into a b. Job 29. 13. the b. of him that was ready to perish Psal. 3. 8. thy b. is upon thj' people 24. 5. he shall receive the />. from the Lord 109. 17- as he delighted not in b. let it be far 129. 8. the S. of the Lord be upon you 133. 3. there T ord commanded the b. even life Prov. 10. 22. the b. of the Lord maketh rich 11. 11. by the b. of the upright the city is exalted t 25. the soul of b. shall be made fat 26. but a b. on the head of him that selleth it 24. 25. a good b. shall come on them that rebuke Isa. 19. 24. even a b. in the midst of the land 44. 3. and I will pour my b. on thy otispring 65. 8. destroy it not, for a b. is in it Ezei. 34. £6. I will make them and the places about my hill a b. there shall be showers of b. 44. 30. he may cause the b. to rest in thy house Joel 2. 14. it he will leave a b. behind him 2ec/i. 8. 13. 1 will save j-ou, and ye shall be a b. Mai. 3. 10. open heaven", and pour you out a b. Ltike 24. 53. in the temple praising and b. God Rom, 15. 29. in the fulness of the b. of the gospel 1 Cor. 10. 16. the cup of b. which we bless Gal. 3. 14. that the b. of Abraham might come 2 Cot. 9. 5. make up beforehand your b. Heb. 6. 7. for the earth receiveth b. from God 12. 17. when he would have inherited the b. .7(2w.3.10. of the same mouth proceed i. and cursing 1 Pet. 3. 9. but contrariwise b. knowing that ye are thereunto called, that j'e should inherit a b. Pev. 5. 12. worthy to receive honour, glory, b. 13. b. to him that sitteth on the throne 7. 12. b. and glory to our God for ever and ever BLESSINGS. Gen. 49. 25. Almighty who shall bless thee with b. of heaven above, b. of the deep, h. of the breasts 26. b. of thy father prevailed above the b. of my Beut. 28. 2. all these b. shall come on thee, if [hearken Josh. 8. 34. afterwards he read the b. and cursings Psal. 21. 3. for thou preventest him with the b. t 6. thou hast set him to be b. for e er Prov 10. 6. b. are upon the head of the iust 28. CO. a faithful mair shall abound with h. Mai. 2. 2. 1 will send a curse, and will curss 3'our b. Epk. 1. 3. who hath blessed us with all spiritual b. BLEW, Verb. Josh. 6. 8. priests passed on before the Lord and b, Jvdg. 3. 27. Ehud b. a trumpet in the mount G. 34. Spirit come on Gideon, and he b. a trumpet 7. 19. they b. the ti^umpets and brake, 20, 22. 1 Sam. 13.3. Saul b. sayinsr, let the Hebrews hear 2 Sam. 2. 28. Joab b. a frumpet, 18. 16. 1 20. 22. 20. 1. Sheba a Benjamite b. a frumpet and said 1 Kings 1. 39. they b. the frumpet, people said, God save king Solomon, 2 Ki7igs 9. 13. 1 11. 14. 3fat. 7. 25. wind's b. and beat on that house, 27. Johi 6. 18. the sea arose b}' a sreat wind that b. Acts 27. 13. when the south-wind b. 28. 13. bli]^;d Signifies, [1] Such as are deprived of natnral sight, John 9. 1. Acts 13. 11. [2] Such rvhose judg- ments are so corrupted by taking of gifts, that they cannot or will not discern betu-een right and wrong, Exod. 23. 8. Deut. 16. 19. [3] Such as are wilfully and obstinately ignorant, iyi matters that concern salvation. Mat. 15. 14. [4] Such as through simplicity aJid ignorance are easily misled and seduced by the pernicioiis counsel of others, Deut. 27. 18. Mat. 15. 14. It is applied, [1] To ignorant ministers, Isa. 56. 10. [2] To deceitful teachers, who are blinded by their own interest against any con- viction, Isa. 42. 19. Mat. 23. 16. [3] To an ignorant people. Mat. 15. 14. Eom. 2. 19. [4] To such as reject the knowledge and faith of Christ, notwithstanding the clear discoveries of the way of salvation in the gospel, 2 Cor. 4. 4. [5] To such as live in hatred, 1 John 2. 11. [6] To such as are self conceited, being puffed up with an high opinion of their qualifications and attain- ments. Rev. 3. 17. Bxod. 4. 11. who maketh the seeing or the b. ? Lev. 19. 14. not put a stumblinsf-block before b. 21. 18. a b. or lame man shall not offer 22. 22. not offer the b. to the Lord, De7tt. 15. 21. Deut. 27. 18. cursed that maketh the b. to wander 28. 29. grope at noon-day, as b. gropeth in darkness 2 Sam. 5. 6. except tiiou take away the b. and lame 8. smjteth the lame and b. hated of David, the b. and the lame shall not come into house Job 29. 15. I was eyes to the b. feet to the lame Psal. 146. 8. the Lord openeth the eyes of the b. Isa. 29. 18. the eyes of the b. shall see, 35. 5. 42. 7- give thee for a light to open the b. eyes 16. 1 will bring the b. by a wav they knew not 18, hear, ye deaf, look, ye b. that ye may see BLO Isa. 42. 19. who is b. but my servant ? who is b. as he that is perfect, and b. as the Lord's servant .' 43.8. bring forth the h. people that have eyes 56. 10. his watchmen are b. they are all ignorant 59. 10. we grope for the wall like the b. " Jer. 31. 8. 1 will gather with them the b. and lame Lam. 4. 14. they wandered as b. men in the sfreets Zeph. 1. 17. that they shall walk lik« b. men Mai. 1. 8. if ye offer the b. for sacrifice is it not evil ' Mat. 9. 27. two b. mf.'n followed him , crying, 20. 30. 11. 5. the b. receive their sight, 12. 22. Luke 7. 22. 15. 14. they be b. leaders of the b. if the b. lead the b. both shall fall into the ditch, Luke 6. 39. 23. 16. wo to you, ye b. guides, which say 17. ye fools and b. whether is greater, 19. 26. thou b. Pharisee, cleanse first witiiin MarkQ. 23. and he took the b. man by the hand 10. 46. b. Bartimeus sat by the way side begging Luke 4. 18. to preach recovery of sight to the b. 7. 21. to many that were b. he gave sight 14. 13. when thou makest a feast, call the b. John 5. 3. in these lay a great multitude of b. 9. 1. he saw a man that was b. from his birth 39. that the3^ which see might be made b. 40. are we b. also .' || 41. if ye were b. 10. 21. can a devil open the eyes of the b. ? Acts 13. 11. thou shalt be b. not seeing the sun Ro7n. 2. 19. art confident thou art a suide to the b. 2 Pet. 1. 9. he that lacketh these things is b. Rev, 3. 17. and knowest not that thou art b. BLIISD, Verb. Deut. 16. 19. a gift doth b. the ej'es of the wise 1 Sam. 12. 3. of whom received 1 a bribe to b. BLINDED, ETH. Exod. 23. 8. take no gift, for a gift b. the wise Jer. 52. t 11. then he'i^. the eyes of Zeriekiah John 12. 40. he hath b. their eyes, and hardened Rom. 11. 7. election hath obtained, the rest are b. 2 dr. 3. 14. but their minds were b. 4. 4. in whom god of this world hath b. the minds 1 John 2. 11. because darkness hath b. his eyes BLINDFOLDED. Luke 03.. 64. when they had/;, him, they struck BLINDNESS. Gen. 19. 11. smote the men at the door with b. Dent. 28. 28. the Lord shall smite thee with b. 2 Kings 6. 18. Elisha prayed, smite this people, I pray thee, with b. and he smote them with b. Zech. 12. 4. I will smite every horse with b. Mark 3. t 5. being grieved for their b. of heart Rom. 11. 25. b. in" part has happened to Israel Eph. 4. 18. because of the b. of their hea-^t Block. See Stumbling. BLOOD Signifies, [1] A warm red liquor or humour circu- lating through the whole cdy, Exod. 29. 12. [2] Death, slaughter, or murder, together with the guilt follozoing upon it. Gen. 4. 10. Mat. 27. 24. [3] The pmiishment or vengeance due for the shedding of blood', JMat. 27. 25. [4] That which was bought or purchased with the price of blood. Acts 1. 19. [5] JVealth, goods, or money got by taking away the lives of the innocent, and then seizing upon their estates, Nah. 3. 10. Hab. 2. 12. [6] 'Ihe guilt and punishment of sin. Acts 18. 6. [7] i alien nature, Ezek. 16. 6. John 1. 13. [8] The first man Adam, who was the mot or stock from tchich all mankind de- scended, Acts 17. 26. [9] Human reason or wis- dom. Mat. 16. 17. [10] The juice of grapes. Gen. 49. 11. [11] A sacramental symbol and repre- sentation of the blood of Christ, Mat. 26. 28. [12] The death and sufferings of Christ, Rom. 3. 25. 15.9. Eph. 1.7. The blood ot the covenant, Heb. 10. 29. The blood of Christ, whereby the new covenant or testament war confirmed and ratified. Where mark'd with t it is iji the Original BLOODS. Gen. 4. 1 10. the voice of thy brother's b. crieth 9. 4. the life which is the b. shall you not eat 5. surely your b. of your lives will I require 37. 31. they killed a kid and dipped the coat in b. Exod. 4. 9. water shall become b. on the dry land 7. 17. and the waters shall be turned into b. 12. 13. the b. shall be for a token, when I see b. 23. 18. shalt not offer the b. with leaven, 34. 25. 29. 21. thou shalt take of the b. upon the altar Lev. 10. 18. the b. of it was not brought in 15. 19. and if the issue in her flesh sliall be b. 17. 4. b. shall be imputed unto that man 11. for it is the b. that maketh an atonement 19. 16. not stand against the b. of thy neighbour i\ww. 23. 24. and drink the b. of the slain 35. 33. not cleansed but by the b. of him that shed it Deut. 17. 8. matterbetween b. and b. 2 Chron. 19. 10. 21. 8. and the b. shall be foraiventhem 22. 8. make a battlement, that thou bring not b. 33. 43. he will avenge the b. of his servants Judg. 9. 24. and their 5. be laid upon Abimelech 1 Sam. 26. 20. let not rny b. fall to the earth 2 Sam. 1. 16. David said, thy b. be upon thy head 22. from the b. of the slain, from the fat 3. t 28. 1 and my kingdom guiltless from the b. 16. 1 7. come out, come out, thou man of h. 8. the Lord hath returned upon thee all the h. 20. 12. Amasa wallowed in b. in the highway 23. 17. is not this the A. of the men? \Chr. 11.19. 1 Kingsl. 5. and put the b. of war on his eirdle 37. thy b. shall be on thy head, Ezek. 33. 4. 18. 28. till the b. gushed out upon them 2 Kings 3. 22. the Moabites saw the waters red as b. 23. they said, this is b. the kinas are surely slain 9. t 26. 1 have seen the h. of TS' aboth, b. of his sons Job 16. 18. O earth, cover not thou my b. 39. 30, the eagles' young ones ahso suck up b. Psal. 30. 9. wfiat profit is there in my b. ? 50. 13. or will I drink the b. of goats ''. 58. 10. righteous wash his feet in the b. of wicked 68. 23. foot may be dipped in the b. of thy enemy 72. 14. precious shall their b. be in his sight Prov. 28. 17. that doth violence to the b. of any Isa. 1. 1 15. your hands are full of b. BLO Isa. 4. 4. the Lord shall purge the b. of Jerusalem 9. 5. with noise, and aarmeiits rolled in h. wash ye 15. 9. the waters of Dimon shall be full of b. 26. t 21. the eartii shall disclose her b. 33. + 15. that stoppeth his ear from hearing b. 34. 3. the mountains shall be melted with their b. Jer. 2. 34. is found the b. of the poor innocents 18. 21. pour out their b. by the force of the sword 43. 10. cursed be he that keepeth his sword from b.. 51. 35. my b. be on the inhabitants of Chaldea Lam. 4. 14. they have polluted themselves with b. Ezek. 5. 17. pestilence and b. pass throuah thee 9. 9. the land is full of b. and the city is full of 14. 19. or it I pour out my fury upon it in b. 16. 6. I said to thee when thou \vast in thy b. live t 9. I thoroughly washed away thy /;. from thee 38. I will give thee b. in fury and jealousy 18. 10. if he beaet a son that is a shedder of b. + 13. he shall die, his b. shall be upon him 19. 10. thy mother is like a vine in thy b. 21. 32. thy b. shall be in the midst of the land, 22. 13, 22. 3. the city shedileth b. in the midst of it 23. 37. and h. is in their hands, 45. 24. 8. I have set her b. on the top of a rock 28. 23. for I will send b. into her sfreets 32. 6. I will also water with thy b. the land 35. 6. saith the Lord, I will p/epare thee to b, thou hast not hated b. even b. shall pursue thee- 44. 7. when ye offer my bread, the fat and the *. 15. Hos. 1. 4. for yet I will avenge the b. of Jezreel 4. + 2. they break out, and b. toucheth b. Joel 2. 30. b. fire, and pillars of smoke. Acts 2. 19. 31. the moon shall be turned into b. Acts 2. 20. ^3. 21. 1 will cleanse their h. that 1 have not cleansed Zeph. 1. 17. their b. shall be poured out as dust Mat. 9. 20. behold a woman diseased with an issue of b. twelve years, Mark 5. 25. Lvke 8. 43. 16. 17. flesh and b. hath not revealed it to thee 23. 30. not partakers in the b. of the prophets 35. from the b. of righteous Abel, Luke 11. 51. 26. 28. my b. of the new testament, Mark 14. 24. 27. 6. not to put into freasurj-, because it is price of 5, 8. was called the field of ^. to this day, Acts 1. 19. 24. I am innocent of the b. of this just person L71. 13. 1. whose b. Pilate had mingled with sacrifices- 22. 20. the new testament in my b. 1 Cor. 11. 25. 44 his sweat was as great drops of b. falling Jolml. 13. which were born not oib. nor tiesh 6. 54. who eateth my flesh and drinketh mv b. 56. 55. m;^ flesh is meat, and my b. is drink'-mdeed 19. 34. forthwith came thereout b. and water Acts 5. 28. ye intend to brina- this man's b. on us 15. 20. that they abstain from b. 29. I 21. 25. 17. 26. a-nd hath made of one:J. all nations 18. 6. your b. be on your own heads, 1 am clean 20. 26. I am pure from the b. of all m,en 1 Cor. 11. 27. guilty of the body and b. of the Lord 15. 50. flesh and b. cannot inherit the kingdom Eph. 6. 12. we wrestle not against flesh and b. Col. 1. 20. having made peace thro' b. of his cross Heb. 2. 14. the children are partakers of flesh and 5» 9. 7. not without b. which he offered for himself 12. nor by tiie b. of goats, but by his own b. 13. if the b. of buUs^and goats sanctifieth 20. this is the b. of the testament God enjoined 22. without shedding of b. there is no remission 10. 19. to enter into the holiest by the b. of .lesus- 11. 28. he kept the passover, and sprinklinar of b. 12. 4. ye have not yet resisted unto *. striving 24. to the b. of sprinkling that speaketh better 13. 11. whose b. is brought into the sanctuary 1 Pet. 1. 2. and sprinkling of the b. of Jesus Christ 1 John 1.7. the b. of J esus Christ cleanseth us from 5. 6. this is he that came by water and b. 8. three in earth, the Spirit, the water, and b. Rev. 5. 9. thoM hast redeemed us to God by thy b, 6. 10. how long dost thou not avenge our b. / 12. the sun was black, and the moon became as b, 7. 14. made them white in the b. of the Lamb 8. 8. the third part of the sea became b. 16. 3. 11. 6. have power to turn the waters into b. 12. 11. they overcame him by the b. of the Lamb 14. 20. and b. came out of the wine-press 16. 6. and thou hast given them b. to drink 18. 24. in her was found the b. of the prophets 19. 2. he hath avenged the b. of his servants 13. he was clothed with a vesture dipped in b. See Avenger, Revenger. BLOOD ^^ upon. Lev. 20. 9. that curseth his father, his b. be upon him 11. incest || 13. sodomy, their b. be upon them 16. bestiality || 2-7. wizard, their b. be upoji them Dent. 19. 10. innocent b. shed, and so be upon thee Esek. 18. 13. done abominations, his b. be upon him 33. 5. took not warnina, his b. shall be upon him BLOOD, with bullock. Exod. 29. 12. take b. oibullock. Lev. 4. 5. 1 16. 14, 18. Lev. 4. 7. pour b. oi bullock at bottom of the altar 16. 15. do with that as lie did with b. of the bullock Isa. 1. 11. 1 delight not in b. oi bullocks or of lambs Blood <>/ Christ. 1 Cor. 10. 16. is it not communion of the b. of Christ?' Eph. 2. 13. were far oft", are made nigh Christ Heb. 9. 14. how much more shall b. if Christ purge ? 1 Pet. 1. 19. but with precious b.(f Christ as ot a lamb 1 John 1. 7. the b. of Christ cleanseth us from all sin BLOOD of the Covetiant. Exod. 24. 8. INIoses said, behold the b. of the covenant Zech. 9. 11. as for thee also by the b. of covetiant _ Heb. 10. 29. hath counted b. ofcov. an unholy thing 13. 20. through the b. of the everlasting covenant BLOOD, M-ith eat. Lev. 3. 17. a statute that j-e eat neither fat nor b. 7. 26. ye shall eat no manner of b. of fowl or btast, 27. I 17. 14. Deut. 12. 16. 23. | 15. 23. 27. that eateth b. that soul shall he cut off". 17. 10. 1 Sam. 14. .32. the people did eat them with the b. Ezek. 33. 25. ye eat with b. and lift up your eyes Por BLOOD. Num. 35. 33. not pollute land, for b. it defileth land 2 Sam. 3. 27. he died for the b. ot" Asahel his brothel" 2 Chron. 24. 25. for the b. of the sons of Jehoiada 31 BLO Psal. 9. 12. wlien he maketh inquisition for h. Prov. 1. 11. they say, come let us lay wait /or h. 18. 12. C. the words of wicked are to lie in wa\t/(«- b. Mic. 7. 2. they all lie in wait fur b. they hunt HisBl.00t>. Gen. .S7. 26. if we slay our brother and conceal Ins b. 42. 22. therefore behold his />. is required Josh. 2. 19. hi.1 b. shall be upon his head '2 Sam. 4. 11 . shall I not require his b. of your hand ? 1 Kings 2. 32. lord shall return his b. on his head Bzek. 3. 18. shall die in his iniquity, but his b. will T require at thy hand, 20. | 33. 4, 0, 8. Hos. 12. 14, therefore shall he leave his b. on him Zech. 9. +7. take away his h. out of his mouth Mat. 27. 25. his b. be on us and our children Acts 20. 28. church he hath purchased with hisb. Rom. 3. 25. a propitiation throu.trh faith in /«'.y b. 5. 9. much more being now justified by his h. Eph. 1. 7. we have redemption thro' his b. Col. 1. 14. lieb. 9. 12. but by his own b. he entered in once 13. 12. that he might sanctify the people with /i?.v b. Rev. 1. 5. and washed us from our sins in his b. Imiccent BLOOD. Dent. 19. 10. that innocent b. be not shed in the land 13. thou shalt put away guilt of innncej/t b. 21. 9. 21.8. lay not 7nnocent b. to thy people's charge 1 Sam. 19. 5. wilt thou sin against innocent b. to slay 1 Kings 2. 31. take away innocent b. that .Toab shed 2 Kings 21. 16. Manassehshed innocent b. 24. 4. Psal. 94. 21. they gather and condemn innocent b. 106. 3B. shed innocent h. even h. of sons and daugh. Prov. 6. 17. Lord hateth hands that shed innocent b. Isa. 59. 7. and they make haste to shed innocent b. Jer. 7. 6. if ye oppress not, shed not innocent b. 22. 3. 22. 17. thine ey^s and heart are to shed innocent b. 26. 15. ye shall surely bring innoc. b. on yourselves Joels. 19. because they have shed innocent b. in land Jonah 1.14.0 Lord, we beseecli, lay not on us innoc. b. Mat. 27. 4. 1 sinned in that I have betrayed iymoc. b. Shed BLOOD. here were hearing? 19. where w^ere the b.? \ 20. yet but one b. 27. now ye are the b. of Christ, and members 13. 3. the' I give my b. to be burned, and have not 15. 35. and wich what b. do the dead come ? 37. thou sowest not that 3. that shall be 38. but God giveth it a 5. as ft hath pleased him 44. it is sown a natural b. raised a spiritual b. 2 Cor. 5. 8. willing rather to be absent from the b. L'ph. 3. 6. Gentiles be fellow-heirs of the same b. 4. 12. for the edifying of the b. of Christ 16. from whom the whole b. fitly joiaed toffether 5. 23. and he is the Saviour of the b. Phil. 3. 21. who shall change our vile b. that it may Ci 7. 1. 18. he is the head of the b. the church 2. 11. in putting ofi" the b. of the sins of the flesh 17. whjcn are a shadow, but the b. i.=; of Christ 19. from which the b. by joints and bauds 23. a shew of wisdom in neglecting of the b. 1 Thess. 5. 23. 1 pra3' your soul and b. be preserved Heb. 10. 5. but a 5. hast thou prepared me 10. through the offering of the b. of Jesus Jam. 2. 16. give not thiiiiis are needful to the b. 26. as the b. without the Spirit is dead, so faith 3. 2. and is able also to bridle the vvhole b. 3. and we turn about their whc'e b. 6. the tonsne defileth the whole b. and sets on fire Jude 9. Michael disputed aboLitthe b. of Moses L'ead BODY. Lev. 21 . 11. nor shall ye go in to anydeadb. Xinn.G.G. Kim. 9. 6. certain men were defiled bj- a deadb. 7. 10. any of you be unclean b^- a dead'b. Haa. 2. 13. 19. 11. he that toucheth dead b. be imclean, 16. 2 Kiriffs 8. 5. how he had restored a dead b. to life Isa. 26. 19. with my dead b. shall they arise Jer. 26. 23. and cast his dead b. into the STaves 36. 30. his dead b. shall be cast out in the day Frvit of the BODY. DeiU. 28. 4. blessed shall be ihefniit of thy b. 11. make thee plenteous in the/r?//? of thy b. 30. 9. 18. cursed shall be th^ fr^dt of thy *.and of thy land 53. thon Shalt eat the fruit of thy b. in the sie^e Psal. 1.S2. W. fruit of thy b. will I set on thy throne Mic. 6. 7. shall I give fruit of my b. for sin of my soul Llis BODY. Excd. £1. + 3. if be came in with his h. he shall ffo Devt. 21. 23. his b. not remain all night on the tree Judg. 8. .S.>. Gideon had 70 sons oi his b. begotten 1 Sam. .31. 10. fastened his b. to wall of Bethshan JJan. 4. 33. his b. wet v^ith the dew of heaven, 5. 21 . 7. 11. till beast was slain, and /;/.>- ,5. desti-oyed ~ 10. 6. his b. also vvas like the bervl Luke 23. 55. the women beheld how his b. was laid 24. 23. when the^- found not bis b. thev came Johyi 2. 21. hut he spake of the temple of his b. Acts 19. 12. trom his b. were brouaht to the sick Horn. 4. 19. he considered nc-t his b. now dead lCt;/.6.18. commits fornication sinneth asainst hisb. 7. 4. the husband hath not power of hisowa b. £ Cor. 5. 10. may receive the thinsrs done in his b ■Eph.l. 23. which is his b. fulness' of him that fills Phil. 3. 21. maybe fashioned like to /;/.? glorious 3. Col. 1. 24.for^i.f 5. sake, which is the church 1 Pet. 2. 24. who bare our sins in his b. on the tree In BODY. XaOT.4. 7. they were more ruddv in b. than rubies Unm. 6. 12. let not sin reisn in your mortal h. 1 Cor. 5. 3. T verily as absent in b. have juda:ed 6. 20. therefore gloiify God in your b. and spirit 7- 34. that she may be holy in b. and in spirit 12. 18. God hath set members everv one in the b. 25. that there should be no schism'.72 the b. 2 Cor. 4. 10. bearinsT about in the b. the dying of our Ld. that life of Jesus misht be manifest In our b. 5. 6. knowing that whilst we are at home in b. BON 2 Cor. 12. 2. whether in b. or whetheroutof the b. Gal. 6. 17. I bear in b. the mai'ks of the Lord Jesus Phil. 1. 20. Christ shall be magnified in my b. Col. 1. 22. reconciled in b. of his flesh thro' death Heb. 13. 3. as beins yourselves also in the b. t)ne BODY. Rom. 12. 4. as we have many members in one b. 5. we beingmany are one b. in Christ, 1 Cor. 10. 17. 1 Cor. 6. 16. he that is joined to an harlot, is ofte b. 12. 12. as the b. is one, and hath many members 13. we are baptized into one b. whether Jews 20. now are they many members, yet but one b. Eph. 2. 16. he might reconcile both to God in 07is b. 4. 4. there is one b. and one Spirit, as ye are railed Col. 3. 15. to which ye are also called in one b. BODIES. Gen. 47. 18. not ought left, but our b. and lands 1 Sam. 31 . 12. took ^3. of Saul's sons, 1 Chr. 10. 12. Is eh. 9. 37- they have dominion over our 3. and cattle Job 13. 12. your b. are like unto b. of clay Ezek. 1. 11 . two wings covered their b. 23. Dan. 3. 27. on whose b. the fire had no power 28. yielded their b. that they miaht not ser\e Mat. 27. 52. many b. of saints whicli slept, arose John 19. 31. the b. should not remain on the cioss Rom. 1. 24. gave them up to dishonour their o\m b, 8. 11. shalfquicken your mortal b. by his Spint 12. 1. that ye present your b. a living sacrifice 1 Cor. 6. 15. your b. are members of Christ 15. 40. there are celestial b. and b. terrestiial Eph. 5. 28. to love their wives as their own b. Heb. 10. 22. and our b. washed with pure water 13. 11. the b. of beasts, whose blood is brought Rev. 18. 1 13. the merchandise of b. and souls Dead BODIES. 2 Chron. 20. 24. behold they were dead b. fallen 25. they found dead b. precious jewels Psal. 79. 2. dead b. of thy servants given to be meat 110. 6. he shall fill the places with the dead b. Jer. 31. 40. whole valley of dead b. shall be holy 33. 5. but it is to fill them with dead b. of men 34. 20. their dead b. shall be for meat to the fowls 41. 9. the pit wherein Ishmael cast ifearf 5. of men Amos 8. 3. shall be many dead b. in every place Rev. 11. 8. their dead b. shall lie in the street of city 9. nations see their deadb. three days and an half, nor suft'er their dead b. to be put in craves BODILY. Luke 3. 22. the Holy Ghost descended in a b. shape 2 Cor. 10. 10. but his b. presence is weak Col. 2. 9. in him all the fulness of the Godhead b. 1 Tim. 4. 8. for b. exercise protiteth little BOIL. Lev. 8. 31. b. the flesh at the door of the tabernacle Job 41. 31. he maketh the deep to b. like a pot Isa. 64. 2. the fire causeth the waters to b. E-ek. 24. 5. burn the bones, and make it b. well 46. 20. the place where the priests shall b. 24. BOILED. 1 Kings\9- 21. he took a yoke of oxen and b. them 2 Kings 6. 29. SO we b. ray son and did eat him Job 30. 27. my bowels b. and rested not BOILETH, I:NG. Psal. 45. + 1. my heart b. up a arood matter Ezek. 46. 23. made vrith b. places under the rows BOISTEKOUS. Mat. 14. 30. when he saw the wind b. he was aft'aid BOLD. Prov. 28. 1. but the righteous are b. as a lion slcts 13. 46. Paul and Barnabas waxed b. Rom. 10. 20. Esaias is very b. and saith, I was found 2 Cor. 10. 1. but being absent, am b. towaids .vou 2. I may not be b. wherewith I think to be 'b. 11. 21. howbeit, wherein any is b. I am b. also Phil. 1. 14. by mj' bonds, are much more b. to speak 1 Thess. 2. 2. we were b. in our God to speak to you Phzlem. 8. though I might be much b. in Christ BOLDLY. Gen. 34. 25. Simeon and Levi cam_e on the citv b. Mark 15. 43. Joseph came, and went in b. to Pflate Johti 7. 26. he speaketh h. and they say nothing Acts 9. 27. how he preached b. at Damascus 29. he spake b. in the nam.e of the Lord Jesns 14. 3. longtime abode they, speaking b. in the Lord 18. 26. Apollos began to speak b. in the synagogue 19. 8. spake b. for the space of three months ~ Rom. 15. 15. I have written the more b. to you Eph. 6. 19. given me, that I may openmy iiiouth b. 20. that I fnay speai b. as I ought to speak Heb. 4. 16. let us come b. to the throne of grace 13. 6. that we mav b. sav, the Lord is my'helper BOLDNESS. Eccl. 8. 1. and the b. of his face shall be changed Acts 4. 13. when they saw the b. of Peter and .tohn 29. that with all b. they ma3' speak thy word • 31. and they spake the word of God with b. 2 Cor. 3. 1 12. vv'e use great b. of speech 7. 4. great is my b. of speech toward you Epb. 3. 12. in whom we have b. and access by faith Phil. 1. 20. but that with all b. as alwaj-s, so now 1 Tim. 3. 13. they purchase great b. in the faith Heb. 10. 19. having b. to enter into the holiest 1 John 4. 17. tliat we maj- have b. in judgment BOLLED. Exod. 9. 31. barley was in the ear, and the flax b. BOLSTER. 1 Sam. 19. 13. a pillow of goats' hair for his b. 16. £6. 7. spear at his b. 11. 12. li 16. water at his b. BOLT, ED. 2 Sam. 13. 17- 3. the door H 18. he b. the door BOND Signifies. [1] An obligation. or toiv, Isnm. .30. 5, 14. [2] Sufferingsf-r Christ and his gospel, Heb. 13. 3. Thou hast loosed my bonds, Psal. 116. 16. Thon hast rescued me from mine enemies, nhose captive and vassal I was, and therefore hast a Just right and title to 7ne and to my service. He looseth the bonds of kings. Job 12. 18. He de- prives them of that 7najesty, pouier, and authority, which should keep their subjects in axce, and ahere- nith they bind them to obedience. Charity is the bond of perfectaess. Col. 3. 14. BON Love to our neighbour, flowing from love to God, ts the chief means to a perfect union among all tfu; members of the church, and to make their gifts and graces subservient to the good of one another. Num. 30. 2. or swear to bind his soul with a b. 3. if a woman vow and bind herself by a b. 4. and her father hear her vow and her b. Ezek. 20. 37. I will bring you into b. of covenant Luke 13. 16. be loosed from his b. on the sabbatli Acts 8. 23. thou art in the b. of iniquity Eph. 4. 3. the unity of the Spirit, in the b. of peace Col. 3. 14. put on charit\% the b. of perfectuess BOND. 1 Cor. 12. 13. baptized into one body, b. or fi-ee See Free. BO]SDS. N7im. 30. 5. not any of her vows or b. shall stand 7. b. wherevdth she bound her soul shall stand 14. he establisheth all her b. which aie on her Job 12. 18. he looseth the b. of kings Psal. 116. 16. O Lord, thou hast loosed my b. Jer. 5. 5. have broken the yoke, and burst the b. 27. 2. make thee h. and yokes, and putcnthv neck 30. 8. I will break his yoke, and burst thy ^. Nah. 1. 13. and I will burst thy b. in suncer Acts 9.0. 23. that b. and afflictions abide me 23. 29. done nothing worthy of death or b. 26. 31. 25. 14. there is a certain man left in b. by lelix 26. 29. altogether such as I am, except these h. Eph. 6. 20. for which I am an ambassador in b. Phil. 1. 7. in b. ye are all partakers of my grace 13. so that my b. in Christ are manifest 14. the brethren waxing confident by my b. 16. supposing to add affliction to my b. Col. 4. 3. for which I am in *. || 18. remember my b. 2 Tim. 2. 9. wherein I suffer trouble, even to b. Philem. 10. whom I have begotten in my b. 13. have ministered to me in the b. of the gosnel Heb. 10. .34. ye had compassion of me in my 3." 11. 36. others had tiial of b. and imprisonment 13. 3. remember them that are in b. as bound BO^s'DAGE Signifies, [1] Otitward slavery and oppressions, Exod. 6. 5. Ezra 9. 8. 9. [2] Spiritual subjection to sin and Satan, Heb. 2. 15. [3] Subjection to the yoke of the ceremonial larv. Gal. 2. 4. | 4. 9. [4] Servile fear, Rom. 8. 15. [5] Corruption and death, Rom. 8. 21. The one gendereth to bondage, Gal. 4. 24. Begets children to bondage ; that is, They who adhered to the old covenant, or legal dispensation, by ]Moses, were riot thereby freed from their bondage to sin, Satan, and God's wrath. Gal. 3. 10. and were of a servile, mercenary diiposition , doing what they did in God's service, not from love, but slavish fear, Rom. 8. 15. and thinking to merit heaven by their zvorks. Exod. 1. 14. made their lives bitter with hard b. 2. 23. and Israel sighed by reason of the b. and they cried to God by reason of the b. 6. 6. and I will rid you out of their b. 9. but they hearkened not to Moses for cruel b. 13. 3. day in which ye came out of the house of b. 14. Lord brought us out of the house of b. 20. 2. Dent. 5. 6.. I 6. 12. 1 8. 14. | 13. 5, 10. Josh. 24. 17. Judg. 6. 8. Deut. 26. 6. the Egyptians laid upon us hard b. 2\eh. 5. 5. we bring into b. our sons and daughters, some of our daughters are brought unto b. 18. because the b. v%-as heavy on this people 9. 17. they appointed a captain to retuin to b. Isa. 14. 3. Lord shall give thee rest from thy hard b. Rom. 8. 15. ye have not received the spirit of b. 21. shall be delivered from the b. of corruption Gal. 4. 24. from mount Sinai, which gendereth tob, 5. 1. be not entangled again vAth the yoke of b. Heb. 2. 15. were all their lifetime subject to b. In, into, ox wider BONDAGE. Exod. 6. 5. Israel, whom the Eg3-ptians keep in b. Ezra 9. 8. and give us a little revi\-ing in our b. 9. our God hath not forsaken us in our b. John 8. 33. we were never iyi b. to anj^ man Acts 7. 6. and that they should bring them into b. 7. and the nation to whom they shall be in b. 1 Cor. 7. 15. a brother or sister is not U7ider b. 2 Cor. 11. 20. 3'e suffer, if a man bring you ijito b. Gal. 2. 4. that the3^ might bring us iyifo b. 4. 3. were in h. under the elenients of the world 9. whereunto 3'e desire again to be in b. 25. answereth to Jerusalem, which is in b. 2 Pet. 2. 19. of the sam.e is he brought into b. BOND-MAN. Gen. 44. 33. let me abide instead of the lad a b. Devt. 15. 15. remember thou wast a b. in Ea"^"pf, and the Lord redeemed thee, 16. 12. 1 24. 18', 22. Rev. 6. 15. ever3^ b. hid themselves in the dens BOND-MAID, S. Lev. 19. 20. whoso lieth with a b. betrothed 25. 44. thy b. shall be of the heathen, bu3' ye b. Gal. 4. ££. one by a b. the other b3' a free-woman BOND-MEN. Gen. 43. 18. he ma3- take us for b. and our asses 44. 9. let him die, and we will be mv- lord's b. Lev. 25. 42. they shall not be sold ^s b. 44. b. shall be of the heathen, of them bu3' b. 46. they shall be vour b. for ever 26. 13. that ye should not be their b. Dcut. 6. t 12. beware, lest thou forget the Lord, who brought thee out of the house" of b. 13. 1 10. 21. thensa3' to thy son, we were Pharaoh's b. 7. 8. and redeemed you out of the house oi b. 28. 68. there 3-e shall be sold for b. and bond-women Josh. 9. 23. none of 3-ou be freed from being b. 1 Kings 9. 22. but of'Israel Solomon made no b. 2 Kings A. 1. is come to take mv two sons to be h. 2 Chron. 28. 10. to keep the children of Judah for b. Ezra 9. 9. we were b. yet God hath not forsaken Esth.'i.A. if we had been sold for/', and bond- women Jer. 34. 13. I brought them out of die house of h. BOND-SERYANT. Lev, 25. 39. shalt not compel him to serve as a b. BOND-SERYICE. 1 Kings 9. 21. Solomon did l^yy a tribute of b D 33 BON BOND-WOMAN. Gen. 21. 10. cast out this f>. and her son, for the son of the A. shall not be heir, Gal. 4. 30. 112. let it not grieve thee because of the b. 13. of the son of the b. will 1 make a nation Gal. 4. 23. son of the f>. was born after the flesh 31. we are not children of the Ik but the free Bond-Women, See Bond-Men. BONE Signifies, [1] That part of the hody white and hard, ajfording support to the whole fabric. Job 10. 11. [2] The dead body, 1 Kings 13. 31. [3] The whole man. Job 20. 11. Psal. 35. 10. The bones which thou hast broken, Psal. 51. 8. My heart, -which hath been sorely zvuvnded and terrified by the drearful message sent by Nathan, and hy the dismal sentence vf thy larv, denounced against such sinners as 1 am. This is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh. Gen. 2. 23. Gcd hath pjrovided me a meet help and wife, nut out of the brute creatures, but of mine own body, and of the same nature xoitk myself. We are members of his flesh and bones, Eph. 5. 30. All that grace and glory which the church hath is from Christ, 1 Cor. 1. 30. Eph. 2. 10. <: as the woman was taken out of the man. Gen. 2. 23.) and she has the same graces and glory that Christ hath, John 1. 16. | 17- 22. Gen. 2.23. this is h. of my bones, and flesh of my flesh 29. 14. surely thou art my b. and ray flesh JLxod. 12. 46. neither shall ye break a b. Num., 9. 12. Num. 19. 16. toucheth a b. of a man, be unclean Judg. 9. 2. remember that I am your b. and flesh 2 Sam. 5. 1. behold we are thy /*. 1 Chron. 11. 1. 19. 13. art thou not of my h. and of my flesh ? Job 2. 5. touch his b. and flesh, and he will curse 19. 20. my b. cleaveth to my skin, and to my flesh 31. 22. let my arm be broken from the b. Prov. 25. 15. a soft tongue breaketh the b. Ezek. 37. 7- the bones came tosether, b. to his b. 39. 15. when any seeth a man^s b. then set up John 19. 36. a b. of him shall not be broken BON t;S. Exod. 13. 19. Moses took the b. of .Toseph with Josh. 24. 32. the b. of Joseph buried in Shechem Judg, 19. 29. divided his concubine with her b. 2 Sam. 21. 12. took the b. of Saul, b. of Jonathan 14. b. of Saul and Jonathan buried in Zelah 1 Kings 13. 2. men's b. shall be burnt upon thee 2 Kings 13. 21. touched the *. of Elisha, he revived 23. 14. he filled the places with the b. of men 16. and took the h. out of the sepulchres 20. and he burnt men's b, upon the altars 2 Chron. 34. 5. he burnt the b. of the priests Job 10. 11. thou hast fenced me with b. and sinews Psal. 51. 8. the b, thou hast broken may rejoice 53. 5. God scattereth the b. of him that encampeth 141. 7. our b. are scattered at the grave's mouth Prov. 3. 8. fear Lord, it shall be marrow to thy b. 14. 30. but envy the rottenness of the h. 15. .30. a good report maketh the 5. fat 16. 24. pleasant words are health to the b. 17. 22. but a broken spirit drieth the b. Eccl. 11. 5. nor how the b. do grow in the womb Isa. 58. 11. the Lord shall make fat thy b. 6Q. 14. your b. shall flourish like an herb Jer. 8. 1. bring the 1^. of the kings, and b. of the priests, b. of prophets, una b. of inhabitants Esek. 6. 5. 1 will scatter your b. about your altars 24. 4. fill it v/ith the choice h. \\ 5. burn b. 10. 37. 1. valley full of b, \\ 3. can these b. live i 4. prophesy upon these b. and say, O ye dry b. 11. these b. are house of Isiael, our b. are dried Amos 9,. 1. because he burnt i. of the king of Edom 6. 10. that burneth him, to bring out the b. Zeph. 3. 3. they gnaw not the b. till the morrow Mat. 23. 27. but are within full of dead men's b. Jjiike 24. 39. for a spirit hath not flesh and b. J/w BONES. 1 Kings 13.31. when I am dead lay xnyb. beside his b. 2 Kings9.i. 18.1etnomanmove /m.? /;.sothey lethis3. Job 20. 11. his b. are full of the sin of his youth 21. 24. his b. are moistened with marrow 33. 19. the multitude of his b. with strong pain 21. and his b, that were not seen, stick out 40. 18. his b. as pieces of brass, his b. as iion Psal. 34. 20. he keepeth all his b. not one is broken 109. 18. so let it come like oil into his b. Proz;. 12. 4. makes ashamed is as rottenness in his b, Jer. 50. 17. Nebuchadnezzar hath broken his b. Eph, 5. 30. we are members of his flesh andof /«> h. Heb. 11. 22. and gave command concerning his b. My BON ES. Gen. 50. 25. ye shall carry up my b. Exod. 13. 19. 2 Sam. 19. 12. ye are my b. and iny flesh 1 Kings 13. 3LwhenI am dead,»?^ *. beside his ^. Job 4. 14. trembling made all my b. to shake 7. 1 15. my soul chooseth death rather than my b, 30. 17. my b. are pierced in me in the night 30. my skin is black, and my b. burnt with heat Psal. 6. 2. O T-ord, heal me, for my b. are vexed 22. 14. eut, 17. 18. shall write him a copy of this law in a b, 31. 24. made an end of writing this law in a b. Josh. 10. 13. written in the b. of Jasher, 2 Sam. 1, 18. 18. 9. the men dcscri' ei it into seven parts in a b. 1 Sam. 10. 25. .Samuel told, and wrote it in a h. 1 Kings 11. 41. written in the b. of acts of Solomon 2 Kinns 22. 8. Ililkiah gave the b. to Shaphan 10. Hilkiah delivered me a 3. 2 Chron, 34. 15, 18. 16. I'll bring evil, even all the words of the h. 23. 24. might perform the words written in the b. 1 Chron, 9. 1. were written in the b, of the kings 29. 29. are written in the b. of Samuel the seer 2 Chron, 9. 29. acts of Solomon in the b. of Nathan 12. 15. acts of Reho''oa!u in the b, of Shemaiah 20. .34. the arts of Jehoshaphat in the b. of Jehu 34. 16. Shaphan carried the /;. to the king 21. concerning the words of the b, that is found 24. all the curses that are written in the b. Ezra 4. 15. search may be made in b, of records Neh. 8. 5. Ezra opened the b, in the sight of all Esth, 9. 32. of Purim, and it was written in the b. Job 19. 23. oh that they were printed in a b, 31. 35. that mine adversary had written a b. Psal. 40. 7. in the volume of tliy *. Heb, 10. 7. 5Q. 8. put thou my tears, are they not in thy b. ? 69. 28. let them be blotted out of h. of the living 139. 16. in thy b. all my members were written Isa. 29. 11. as the words of a b. that is sealed 12. b. is delivered to him that is not learned 18. the deaf shall hear the words of the b. 30. 8. now go and note it in a b. that it may be 34. 16. seek ye out of the b. of the Lord, and read Jer. 30. 2. write the words 1 have spoken in a b, 32. 1 10. I wrote in the b. the evidence 12. witnesses that subscribed the /j. of the purchase 36. 2. take a roll of a b. \\ 10. read in the b. 45. 1. written the words in a b. from Jeremiah 51. 60. so Jeremiah wrote in a b. all the evil Ezek. 2. 9. and lo, a roll of a b. was therein Dan. 12. 1. every one found written in the b. 4. O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the b. Nah. 1. 1. the b. of the vision of N ahum Mai. 3. 16. a b. of remembrance was written Mat. 1.1. the b. of the generation of Jesus Luke 3. 4. as it is written in the /;. of T'saias 4. 17. there was delivered to Jesus the b. of the prophet Esaias, and when he had opened tlie b. 20. he closed the b, and gave it to the minister 20. 42. in the b. of the Psalms, Acts 1. 20. Acts 7. 42. it is written in the b. of the pr< phets Heb. 9. 19. he sprinkled the b. and the people I^ev. 1. 11. what thou seest, write in a b. 5. 1. a b. written within, on the backside sealed 2. who is worthy to open the b. and to loose seals ? 3. and no man was able to open the b. 10. 2. and he had in his hand a little b. open 8. go and take the little b. which is open 9. give me the little b. \\ 10. 1 took the little b. 20. 12. another b. was opened, the b. of life 22. 19. if any take away from the words of the b. See Covenant. BOOK of the Law. Deitt. 28. 61. every plague not written in b. of the law 29. 21. according to tlie curses in this b. of the law 30. 10. to keep his statutes written in this b. of law 31. 26. take this b. of the law and put it in the ark Josh. 1. 8. this b. of the law shall not depart out of 8. 31. written in b. of law of Moses, 2 Kings 14. 6. 2 Kijigs 22. 8. 1 have found b. of the law in the house Neh, 8. 8. so they read in the b. of the laxu distinctly Gal. 3. 10. that are written in b. of law to do them BOOK of Life. Phil. 4. 3. whose names are written in the b. of life Bev. 3. 5. I will not blot his name out of b. of 'life 13. 8. names are not written in the b. of life, 17. 8. 20. 12. another *. opened, which is the b. of life 15. was not found written in the b. of life was cast 21. 27. which are written in the Lamb's b. of life 22. 19. shall take away his part out of the b. of life BOOK of Moses. 2 Chron. 25. 4. but did as it is written in b. of Moses 35. 12. to offer as it is written in the b. of Moses Ezra 6. 18. set priests, as it is written in b. of Moses Neh. 13. 1. on that day they read in the b. of Moses Mark 12. 26. have ye not read in the b. of Moses ? This BOOK. Gen. 5. 1. this is the b. of the generation of Adam Deut. 28. 58. do all written in this b. 2 Chron. 34. 21. 29. 20. the curses that are written in this b. 27. 'S.Kings 22. 13. inquire concerning the words of this b. fathers have not hearkened to the words of this b. 23. 3. to perform the words written in this h. Jer. 25. 13. I'll bring all that is written in this b. 51. 63. when hast made an end of reading this b. John 20. 30. signs which are not written in this b. Rev. 22. 7. the sayings of the prophecy of this b. 9. of them which keep the sayings of this b. 10. seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this b. 18. heareth the words of the prophecy of this b. if any add, add to him plagues written in this b. BOR Rev. 22 i9. his part from the things written in BOOKS. {thisb. Ezra G. I I . search was made in the house of the b. Jicl. 12. 12. of making many b. there is no end Dan. 7. 10. and tl)e h. were opened. Rev. 20. 12, 9. 2. 1 underslood by b. the number of years John 21. 25. the world could not contain the h. yicts 19. 19. many brought their b. and burned them 2 Tim. 4 13. bring the b. especially the parchments Rev. 20. 12. dead judged out of tilings written in b. BOOlil. Job 27. 38. as a b. that the keeper maketh Jonah 4. 5. Jonah went and made him a b. BOOTHS. Gen. 33. 17. and Jacob made b. for his cattle + therefore the name of the place is called b. Lev. 23. 42. ye shall dwell in b. seven days 43. I made the children of Israel dwell in b. Neh. 8. 14. Israel should dwell in /;. || 16. made b. BOOTY, IKS. Num. 31. 32. b. the rest of the prey, 675,000 sheep .fer. 49. 32. and their camels shall be a b, Hab. 2. 7. thou shalt 1 e for b. unto them Zeph. 1. 13. therefore their goods shall become a*. BORDER. Gen. 'J9. 13. Zebulun his b. shall be to Zidon J-'xod. 19. 12. or touch the /;. of the mount Num.. 21. 23. not suffer Israel to pass thro' his b. 34. 8. from Dor ye shall point out your /;. 35. 26. iftheslayei shall come without the /^. Deut. 12. 20. when the Lord shall enlar£;e thy b. Josh. 22. 25. the Lord hath made Jordan a b. 24. 30. and they buried .loshua in the b. of his in- heritance in mount Ephraim, Judg. 2. 9. 2 Sam. 8. 3. smote him as he went to recover his b. 1 Kings 4. 21. and Solomon reigned over ail king- doms unto the //. of Egypt, 2 Chron. 9. 2(5. 2 Kings 3. 21. all that were able stood in the b. Psal. 78. 54. brought them to the *. of his sanctuary Prov. 15. 25. he will establish the b. of the widow Isa. 28. t 25. cast in wheat and rye in their b. .37. 24. 1 will enter into the height of his b. Jer. 31. 17. thy children come again to their i. Ezek, 11. 10. I will judge you in the b. of Israel, 11. 47. 13. this shall be the b. whereby ye inherit JoelZ. 6. might remove them from" their b. Amos \. 13. that they might enlarge their h. 6. 2. or their b. greater than your A. Chad. 7 the men have brought thee even to the b. Zeph.i 8. and magnified themselves against their 3. Mai. I 4. they shall call them the *. of wickedness 5. Lord will ba n\agnified from the b. of Israel See Kast, South. .BORDER. Exod. C5. 25. make to it a i. of an hand-breadth, make a golden crown to the *. round about Mark. 6. 56. touch, if it were but the b. of his garm. LukeS. 44. came behind, and touched b. of his garm. BORDER, Verb. Zech. 9. 2. and Hamath also shall b. thereby BORDERS. Gen. 23. 17. the trees in all the b. were made sure Exod. 16. 35. till they come to the b. of Canaan .34. 24. I will cast out nations, and enlarge thy b. Num. 20. 17. until we have passed thy d. 21. 22. 2 Kings 19. 23. I will enter the lodgings of his b. Psal. 74. 17. thou hast set the b. ot'the earth 147. 14. he maketh peace in thy b. filleth thee Isa. 15. + 5. my heart shall cry out to the b. 54. 12. 1 will make thy b. of pleasant stones Jer. 15. 13. that for all thy sins, even in all thy h. Ezek. 45. 1. this shall be holy in all the b. A.'ic. 5. 6. when he treadeth within our A. Mat. 4. 13. in the b. of 7abulon and N ephthalim BORDERS. Num. 15. .38. fringes in b. on fringe of b. a ribband 1 Kingsl. 98. they had b. and b. were between ledges 2 Kings 16. 17. Ahaz cut off the b. of the bases Cant. 1. 11. we will make the b. of gold with studs Mat. 23. 5. and enlarge the b. of their garments BORE. Exod. 21. 6. his master shall b. his ear through Nzcm. 16. 1 14. wilt thou b. out eyes of these men ? Job 40. + 24. will any *. his nose with a gin .' 41. 2. canst thou b. his iaw through with a thorn ? BORED. ' Judg. 16. +21. the Philistines *. out his eyes 2 Kings 12. 9. Jehoiada took a chest and b. a hole BORN Is taken, [1] Naturally, for being brought into the world. Gen. 30. 22. Job 1. 2. [2] Super- naturally, thus the mighty and miraculous power of God was seen in the production of Isaac, en- abling Abraham to beget, and .Sarah to conceive and bear him, when both their bodies were as dead. Gen. 17. 17. Rom. 4. 19. Heb. 11. 11. [3] Carnally, so was Ishmael born, according to the ordinary course of nature, and not by promise, as Isaac was. Gal. 4. 23, 29. [4] Spiritually, such as are regenerated and renewed by the power and grace of the Spirit of God, in the ministry of the word, and so are made like God, hy partak- ing of a divine nature, John 1. 13. I 3. 5, 6. 2 Pet. 1. 4. 1 John 3. 9. BORN again. [be *. a. John 3. 3. except a man be b. a. 5. || 7- je must 1 Pet. 1. 23. being b. again, not of corruptible seed See FiKST-BoRN, Witn'T:ss. BORN, for brought forth. Gen. 17. 17. a child b. to him 100 years old, 21. 5. 21. 7. 1 have b. him a son iii his old age 24. 15. Rebekah came, who was //. to Bethuel 29. 34. because I have b. him three sons JL .30. 20. because I have b. him six sons W 31. 43. what do to the children which they have b. .' ■? Exod. 1. 22. every son /;. ye shall cast into the river: Lev. 12. 7. this is the law of her that hath b. a male 19. 34. the stranger shall be as one b. amonsyou 23.42. all that are Israelites *. shall dwell in booths Num. 15. 29. one law for him that is b. and stranger Josh. 5. 5. b, in the wilderness had not circumcised 8. 33, as well the stranger, as he that was b. BOR Jvjdg. 13. 8. what do to the child that shall be h. 18. 29. called city after the name of Dan /;. to Isr. Ruth 4. 15. for tliy daughter-in-law hath b. him 1 Ham. 2. 5. so that the barren hath h. seven 4. 20. the women said, fear not, thou hast b. a son 2 Sam. 12. 14. the child b. to thee shall surely die 1 Kings 13. 2. a child shall be b. to the house of [David 1 Chron. 7. 21. the men of Gath b. in that land slew 20. t 6. he also was h. to the giant 22. 9. behold a son shall be b. to thee Job 3. 3. let the day perish wherein i was b. 5. 7. yet man is /;. to trouble, as sparks fly upward 11. 12. though man be b. like a wild ass's colt 15. 7. art thou the first man that was b. ? 38. 21. knowest thou it, because thou wast then b. ? P.ja/. 22. 31. shall declare to a people thatshall be 3. 58. 3. they go astray as soon as they be b. 78. 6. even the children that should be b. 87. 4. this man was /;. there, 6. || 5. that man b. Prov. 17- 17- a brother is b. for adversity Ixcl. 3. 2. a time to be b. \\ 4. 14. b. in his kingdom Ixa. 9. 6. for unto us a child is h. to us a son is given &€). 8. or shall a nation be h. at once .■' Jer. 15. 9. she that hath b. seven languisheth 10. wo is me, that thou hast b. me a'man of strife 16. 3. concerning sons and daughters b. in this place 20. 14. cursed be the day whei'ein I was b. 22. 26. where ye were not b. there shall ye die Ezek. 16. 4. in the da^- thou wast b. thy navel not cut 5. to the lothing of thy person in day thou wast b. 20. hast taken thy sons whom thou hast b. to me ' Mas. 2. 3. lest I set hei as in the day that she was b. Mat. 2. 2. whei'e is he that is b. king of the Jews i 4. Herod demanded where Christ should be b. 19. 12. there are some eunu-jhs which were so b. 20. 24. good if he had not been b, Mark 14. 21. Luke 1. 35. that holy thing that shall be b. of thee 2. 11. to you is b. this day in the city of David John 3. 4. how can a man be b. when he is old ? 5. except a man be b. of water and of the Spirit 6. that b. of fiesh is flesh, that b. of Spirit is spirit 8. so is every one that is b. of the Spirit 8. 41. they said to him, we be not b. of fornication 9. 2. master, who did sin, that he was b. blind ? .34. wast altogether b. in sins, and dost teach us ? 16. 21. for joy that a man is /;. into the world 18. 37. to this end was 1 b. and f(.r this cause Acts 2. 8. hear in our own tongue wherein we were b. 7. 20. in which time Moses was*, and was fair 18. 2. Paul found a Jew named Aquila b. in Pontus 24. a Jew named ApoUos b. at Alexandria 22. 3. I am a Jew b. in 1 arsus || 28. 1 was free b. Bom. 9. 11. for the children being not yet b. 1 Cor. 15. 8. seen of me, as of one /;. out of due time Gal. 4. 23. of bond-woman, was b. after the flesh, 29. Heb. 11. 23. by faith Moses when A. was hid 1 Pf <.2.2.asnew b. babes desire sincere milk of word 1 John 2. 29. that doth righteousness, is b. of him Rev. 12. 4. to devour the child as soon as it was b. BORN of God. John 1. 13. which were b. not of blood, but of God 1 John 3. 9. h. of God doth not commit sin, because d. 4. 7. every one that loveth is b. nf Ciod, and knoweth 5. 1. who believeth that Jesus is' Christ is b. of God 4. whatsoever is b. o/ Goo? overcometh the world 18. whcsoever is b. of Grrf sinneth not B0R:N in the house. 14. armed his trained servants b. in his house 15. 3. to me no seed, oneb. in my house is my heir 17. 32. b. in the house shall be circumcised, 13,23,27. Lev. 22. 11. b. in the pnest's house eat of his meat Eccl. 2. 7. 1 had servants b. in my hbuse BOPv-N in the land. Exod. 12. 19. no leaven, whether stranger or ^.m/awif 48. the stranger shall be as one b. in the land Lev. 24. 16. b. in land that blasphemeth put to death Num. 9. 14. one ordinance for stranger and land 15. 30. doth ought presumptuously, whether*, in I. BORN of a woman, or zvomen. Job 14. 1. man that is b. of a woman is of few days 15. 14. that is b. of a w. that he should be righteous ? 25. 4. how can he be clean that is b.of a woman ? Mat. 11. 11. among them that are b. of a 7v.Luke7.28. BORN. ■Gen. 50. 1 23. children of Machir b. on Joseph's knees Erod. 25. 14. that the ark may be b. with them 28. that the table may be b. with them Jitdff. 16. 29. the pillars on which the house was *.up Jsa. 46. 3. which are b. by me from the belly 66. 12. ye shall be b. upon her sides and be dandled Jer. 10. 5. they must be b. because they cannot go Amos 5. 26. ye have b. the tabernacle of Moloch Mark 2. 3. bringing one sick of palsy , was b. of four John 20. 15. if thou hast b. him hence tell me Acts 21. .35. so it was that he was b. of the soldiers 1 Cor. 15. 49. as we have b. the image of the earthly BORNE. Job 34. 31 . to be said to God, I have b. chastisement P.f«;/.55.12. it was not anenemy, then I could have b. 69. 7- because tor thy sake I have b. reproach Jsa. 53. 4. surely he hath b. griefs, carried sorrows La?n. 3. 28. because he hath b. it upon him 5. 7. fathers sinned, and we have b. their iniquities E^ek. 16. 58. thou hast b. thy lewdness and abomin. 32. 24. they have b. their shame, 36. 6. | 39. 26. Mat. 20. 12. which have b. burden and heat of day 23. 4. heavy burdens, grievous to be b. Luke 11. 40. Rev.. 2. 3. hast b. and hast patience, and not fainted BORROW. &o«/.3.22. every woman shalU. of neighbour, 11 .2. 22. 14. if a man b. ought, and it be hurt or die Dent. 15. 6. thou shalt lend, but shaltnot b. 28. 12. 2 Kings 4. 3.Flishasaid,go *. vessels abro., b. not few Mat. 5 42. him thatwould b. of thee, turnnotawav BORROWED. Exod. 12. 35. they b. of Egyptians jewels of silver ^ Rings (j. 5. he cried, alas, master, for it was*. Neh. 5. 4. we have *. money for the king's tribute BORROWER. Prov. 22. 7. and the *. is servant to the lender Isa. 24. 2. as with the lender, so with the *. BOT BORROWETH. Psal. 37. 21. the wicked *. and payeth notas^ain BOSOM Signifies, [1] That part of the body which in- closes the heart, Exod. 4. 6. [2] The arms, Psal. 129. 7. The son which is in the bosom of the Father, John I. 18. who is one with the Father, entirely beloved by him, and intimately acquainted with all his counsels and will. Render into their bosom, Psal. 79. 12. Punish them sensibly, so as it may come home to them, and fall heavily upon them in their own persons. He shall carry them in his bosom, Isa. 40. 11. He shall perform all the offices of a tender and faithful shepherd toward his people, carrying him- self with great wisdom, condescension, and com- passion to every one of them, according to their several capacities and infirmities. Abraham's bosom, Luke 16. 23. Lazarus was in a place of rest, where he had communion with the saints, and enjoyed the same felicity with Abraham the friend of God; and this place was heaven. Gen. 10. 5. Sarai said, I have given my maid into Emd. 4. 6. put now thy hand into thy *. 7. [thy *. Num. 11. 12.thatshouldst say, carry them in tliy *. Deut. 13. 6. if the wife of thy *. entice thee secretly 28. 54. his eye evil toward the wife of his *. 56. her eye evil toward the husband of her *. Ruth 4. 16. N aomi took the child and laid it in her *. 2 Sam. 12. 3. drank of his cup, and lay in his *. 8. I gave thee thy master's wives into thy *. 1 Kings 1. 2. a youno- virgin, let her lie in thy *. 3. 20. she arose and took my son, and laid it in her *. and laid her dead child in my *. 17. 19. Elijah took him out of her *. 22. t 35. the blood ran into the *. of the chariot Job 19. 1 27. though my reins be consumed in my *. 31. 33. by hiding mine iniquity in my *. Psal. 35. 13. my prayer returned into my own *. 74. 11. pluck thy right hand out of thy *. 79. 12. and render seven-fold into their *. 89. 50. how I do bear in my *. the reproach of all 129. 7. nor he that bindeth sheaves, his*. Prov. 5. 20. wilt thou embrace the *. of astranger.? 6. 27. can a man take fire in his *. ? 17. 23. a wicked man taketh a gift out of the *. 19. 24. a slothful manhidethhishandin*. 26. 15. 21. 14. a reward in the *. pacifieth -wrath Eccl. 7. 9. for anger resteth in the *. of fools Isa. 40. 11. he shall carry the lambs in his *. 49. 1 22. they shall bring thy sons in their *. 65. 6. will recompense, evenrecomp. into their *. 7. 1 will measure their former work into their *. Jer. 32. 18. iniquity of fathers into the *. of childr. iMm-. 2. 12. their soul was poured into mother's *. Esek. 43. t 13. *. of the altar shall be a cubit Mic. 7- 5. keep from her that lieth in thy *. Luke 6. 38. good measure men give into j'our *. 16. 22. was carried by the angels into Abraham's *. 23. seeth Abralmm, and Lazarus in his *. John 1. 18. which is in the *. of the Father 13. 23. now there was leanina on Jesus' *. a disciple BOSSES. Job 15. 26. upon the thick *. of his bucklers BOTCH. Deut. 28. 27. Lord will smite thee with the *. 35. BOTH. Gen.2. 25. were *. naked || 3. 7. the eyes of *. opened 19. 36. thus were *. the daughters of Lot with child 21. 27. and *. of them made a covenant 22. 8. so they went *. of them together 27.45.whyshould I be deprived of you *.inone day ? .31. 37. that they may judge betwixt us *. Ei-od. 22. 9. cause of*, shall come before judges II. then shall an oath of the Lord be between *. Lev. 20. 11. *. of them surely be put to death, their blood shall be upon them, 12. Deut. 22. 22. Num. 12. 5. called Aaron and Miriam, they *. came 25. 8. Phinehas went after and thrust *. through Deut. 19. 17. *. the men shall stand before the Lord 1 Sam. 2. 34. in one day they shall die *. of them 9. 26. went out *. of them, he and Samuel, abroad 20. 42. forasmuch as we have sworn *. of us Job 9. .33. any days-man that misht lay his hand on *. Prov. 17. 15. *. are abomination to the Lord, 20. 10. 20. 12. the Lord hath made even *. of them 24. 22. and who knoweth the ruin of them *. ? Eccl. 4. 3. better than *. is he that hath not been Isa. 1. 31. they shall *. burn together, none quench 7. 16. the land shall be forsaken of *. her kings Jer. 46. 12. and they are fallen *. together Ezek. 21. 19. *. twain shall come forth of one land 23. 13. then I saw that they *. took one way Mic. 7. 3. that they may do evil with *. hands Zech. 6. 13. counsel of peace shall be between 9. 1 15. they shall fill *. the bowls [them *. Mat. 15. 14. *. shall fall into the ditch, Luke 6. 39. Luke 7- 42. nothing to pay, frankly forgave them *. ActsQS.Q. nor angel nor spirit, butPharis. confess *. Eph. 2. 14. he is our peace, who hath macle *. one 16. he might reconcile *. unto C4od by the cross 2 Pet. 3. 1. in *. 1 stir up your pure minds Rev. 19. 20. *. were cast alive into the lake of fire BOTTLE Signifies, [1] A vessel to contain liquids. Gen. 21. 14. Josh. 9. 4. [2] The inhabitants of ^&vnsK\em, whom God threatened to fill with the wine of terror and astonishment for their sins, Jer. 13. 12. [3] The clouds in which the rain is kept, as in bottles, out of which God poureth it when he sees fit. Job ,38. 37. Put my tears in thy bottle, Psal. 56. 8. Regard and consider all -my troubles, which have caused so much grief to me, and deliver me from them. Gen. 21. 14. took a *. of water and gave it Hagar 15. water was spent in the *. || 19. she filled the *. Judg. 4. 19. she opened a *. of milk and covered him 1 Sam.l. 24. 11 annah took a *. of wine, brought him 10. 3. shall meet another carrying a *. of wine 16. 20. Jesse took a *. of wine and sent to Saul BOU 2 Sam. 16. 1. Ziba brought to David a *. of wine Psal. 56. 8. put thou my tears into thy *. are they not 119. 83. I am become like a *. in the smoke Isa. 30. + 14. he shall break it as the *. of potters Jer. 13. 12. every *. shall be filled with wine 19. 1. get a potter's earthen *. || 10. break the *. Ilab. 2. 15. puttest thy *. to him and makest drunken BUITLES. Josh. 9. 4. the Gibeonites took wine *. and rent 13. these *. of wine which we filled were new 1 Sam. 25. 18. Abigail took two *. of wine, five sheep Job 32. 19. iTiy belly ready to burst like new *. 38. .37. or who can stay the *. of heaven f Jer. 48. 12. shall empty his vessels, and break 6. Hos. 7. 5. the prince made him sick with *. of wine Mat. 9. 17. neither do men put new wine into old *. else the *. break, Mark 2. 22. Luke 5. 37,38. BOnOM. Exod. 15. 5. they sank into the *. as a stone 29. 12. thou shalt pour blood beside the *. of the altar. Lev. 4. 7, 18, 25, .30. I 5. 9. I 8. 15. 1 9. 9. Job 36. 30. behold, God covereth the *. of the sea Cayit. 3. 10. he made the *. thereof of gold Ezek. 36. + 4. thus saith the J^ord to hills and *. Dan. 6. 24. or ever they came at the *. of the den Amos 9. 3. tho' they be hid from my sight in the *. Jonah 2. 6. i went down to the *. of the mountains Zech. 1. 8. he stood among myrtle-trees in the *. Mat. 27. 51. vail rent from top to *. Mark 15. 38. BO II OMLESS. Rev. 9. 1. to him was given the key of the *. pit 2. he opened the *. pit, and there arose smoke 11. had a king, which is the angel of the *. pit 11. 7. the beast that ascendeth out of the *. pit 17. 8. the beast shall ascend out of the *. pit 20. 1. an angel having the key of the *. pit 3. and cast him into the *. pit, and shut him up BOUGH. Gen. 49. 22. Joseph is a fruitful *. even a fruitful *. by a well, whose branches run over the wall Judg. 9. 48. Abimelech cut down a *. from the trees 49. the people cut down every man his *. Isa. 10. 33. the Lord shall lop the *. with tenor 17. 6. two or three berries in top of uppermost *. 9. in that day his strong cities be as a forsaken *. BtJUGHS. Lev. 23. 40. *. of goodly trees, *. of thick trees Dexit. 24. 20. thou shalt not go over the *. again 2 Sam. 18. 9. the mule went under the *. of an oak Job 14. 9. and brought forth *. like a plant Psal. 80. 10. the *. were like the goodly cedar-trees 11. she sent out her *. to the sea, branches to river Cant. 7. 8. I vv'ill take hold of the *. thereof Isa. 27. 11. when the *. thereof are withered 30. + 17. till ye be left as a tree bereft of *. Esek. 17. 23. it shall bring forth *. and bear fruit 31. 3. his top was among the thick *. 14. 6. the fowls made their nests in his *. Dan. 4. 12. BOUGHT. 1 Sam. 25. 1 29. in the midst of the *. of a sling BOUGHT. Gen. 17. 12. circumcised every man-child born in house *. with his money, 13, 23, 27. Exod. 12. 44. 33. 19. Jacob *. a parcel of a field, Josh. 24. 32. 39. 1. Potiphar *. Joseph of the Ishmaelites 47. 14. Joseph Gathered money for the corn they *. 20. Joseph *. all the land of Egypt, 23. 49. .30. which Abraham *. 50. 13. Acts 7. 16. Lev. 25. 28. shall remain in the hand of him that *. it 30. shall be established for ever to him that *. it 50. he shall reckon with him that *. him 25. 51. give out of the raonej^ that he was *. for 27. 22. sanctify to the Lord a field that he b. 24. in jubilee return to him of whom it was *. Dexit. 32. 6. is not he thy father that *. thee ? Ruth 4. 9. I have *. all that was Elimelech's 2 Sam. 12. 3. one little ewe-lamb which he had *. 24. 24. so David *. the threshing-floor and oxen 1 Kings 16. 2A. Omri *. the hill Samaria of Shemer Neh. 5. 16. I continued in work, nor *. we any land Jer. 32. 9. I *. the field of Hanameel my uncle's son 43. and fields shall be *. in this land Hos. 3. 2. so 1 *. her to me for 15 pieces of silver Mat. 13. 46. he sold all that he had, and *. that field 21. 12. Jesus cast out all them that sold and *. in the temple, Mark 11. 15. iMke 19. 45. 27. 7. took counsel and *. with them potters' field t 9. whom they *. of the children of Israel Markl5. 46. Joseph *. fine linen and took him down 16. 1. had *. sweet spices to come and anoint him i?/^el4. 18. 1 have*, a piece of ground, ai:Kl go see it 19. 1 have *. five j'oke of oxen, I go to prove them 17. 28. they did eat, they drank, they *. and sold 1 Cor. 6. 20. for ye are *. with a price, 7. 23. 2 Pet. 2. 1. even denying the Lord that *. them Rev. 14. 1 4. these were *. from among men BOUND, actively. Gen. 22. 9. *. Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar 38. 28. the midwife *. on his hand a scarlet thread 42. 24. took Simeon and *. him before them Lev. 8. 7. he *. the epliod with the curious girdle 1 13. he *. bonnets on Aaron's sons Num. 30. 4. she had *. her soul, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Josh. 2. 21. she *. a scarlet line in the window Judg. 15. 13. they *. Samson with two nev,' cords 16. 8. *. with withs H 12. ropes |1 21. fettei-3 2 Kings 5. 23. he *. two talents of silver in two bajfs 17. 4. he shut up Hoshea and *. him in prison 25. 7. they *. Zedekiah with fetters of brass 2 Chron. 33. 11. *. Manasseh H 36. 6. *. Jehoiakim Prov. 30. 4. who hath *. the waters in a garment Hos. 7. 15. tho' I have *. and strenathened their arms Mat. 14. 3. H erod *. John and put in pris. Mark o.l7 . 27. 2. they had *. Jesus, Marklo. 1. John 18. 12. Litke 13. 16. this daughter whom Satan hath *. jicts 21. 11. Agabus *. his own hands and teet 22. 25. as tliey *. Paul with thongs he said, 29. 23. 12. *. themselves under a curse, 14, 21. Rev. 20. 2. he *. Satan a thousand years BOUND, rassiiely. Gen. 39. 2 \ a place where tlie king's prisoners ar- *• 40. 3. into the prison where Joseph was *. D 2 35 BOW GenAO.5. the butler and t aker which were 5. in pris. 42. 1 16. ye shall be d. in prison to prove your words 19. let one of your brethren be //. in prison N7^m. 19. 15. vessel which hath no cover //. on it Judff. 16. 6. wherewith thou miglitest be />. 10, 13. 1 Sam. 25. 29. the soul of my lord shall be *. 2 Sam. S. 34. tliy hands were not l>. nor feet Job 36. 8. and if they be A. in fetters and holden Psal. 107. 10. being *. in affliction and iron Prov. 22. 15. foolishness is />. in the heart of a child Isa. 22. 3. are h. by tlie archers, all are b. togetlier 61. 1. the opening of the prison to them that are 6. Lam. 1. 14. the yoke of my transgressions is 5. Dan. 3. 21. 6. in their coats 1| 23. fell down b. 24. did not we cast three men b. into the furnace ? Mat. 10. 19. bind on earth, be b. in heaven, 18. 18. 23. + 18. he that sweareth by the gift, he is b. Mark 15. 7. lay b. with them that made insurrection John 11. 44. b. hand and foot, his face was b. 18.24. Annas had sent him b. to Caiaphas, tl3. Acts 9. 2. that he might bring tliem 3. 21. | 22. 5. 12. 6. Peter b. with chains || 24.27. left Paul b. 20. 22. behold 1 so b. in the Spirit to Jerusalem 21. 13. 1 am ready not to be b. only, but to die liflm.7. 2. is b. by the law to her husband, 1 C()r.7.39. 1 Ciir. 7. 27. art thou b. unto a wife, seek not to be 2 Thess. 1. 3. we are /;. to thank God always, 2. 13. 2 Tim. 2. 9. but tlie word of God is not b. Heb. 13. 3. them that are in bonds, as b. with them Rev. 9. 14. loose the anuels b. in the river Euphrates BOUi^D 7oith chains. 2 Chr. 33. 1 11. Manasseh h.- \\ 36. 16. .Tehoiakim b.- Psal. 68. 6. God bringeth out those which are b. to. c. Jer. 39. 7- b. Zedekiah- 52. 11. || 40. 1. Jeremiah b.- Nak. 3. 10. all her great men were b. with chains Mark 5. 4. because he had been often b. with chains LuJceQ. 29. he was kept h. with chains, in fetters Actsll.'i^. commanded Paul to be h. with Uvochains 28.20. for hope of Israel I am b. with t\i\s chain BOUND np. Gen. 44. 30. his life is /;. ?yj in the lad's life 2 Sam. 20. 1 3. they were b. up living in widowhood QKinffs 12. + 10. which b. itp silver in bags Jsa. 1. 6. they have not been closed neither b. up Jer. 30. 13. none to plead, that thou mayest be b.vp Ezek. 30. 21. it shall not he b. np to be healed 34. 4. nor have ye b. np tliat which was broken Hos. 4. 19. the wind hath h. her up in her wings 13. 12. the iniquity of Ephraim is b. up Luke 10. 34. he /*. up his wounds, pouring in oil BOUND, Substayitive. Gen. 49. 26. to the utmost b. of the evelasting hills Job 38. 20. thou shouldest take it to the b. thereof Psal. 104. 9. to waters set a b. that they may notpass Pron. 22. 1 28. remove not the ancient b. 23. + 10. Jer. 5. 22. have placed the sand for the 1^. of the sea Eiek. 40. 1 12. the b. before the little chambers Hos. 5. 10. the princes like them that remove the b. BOUNDS. Exod. 19. 12. thou shalt seti^. to the people round 23. set b. about the mount, and sanctify it 23. 81. 1 will set thy b. fiom the Ked sea to sea of Deut. 32. 8. he set the b. of the people by number Job 14. 5. hast appointed his b. that lie cannot pass 26. 10. he hath compassed the waters M'ith b. Jsa. 10. 13. I have removed the b. of the people Acts 17. 26. hast determined the b. of their habitation BOUNTY. 1 KitiffsS. + 6. thou hast shewed to David great b. 10. 13. which Solomon gave her of his royal b. Prov. 20. 1 0. most men will proclaim their own /;. 2 Cor. 9. 5. and make up beforehand your b. that the same might be ready as a matter of b. BOUNTIFUL. Psal. 145. 1 17- the Lord is *. in all his works Prov. 22. 9. he that hath a *. eye shall be blessed Jsa. 32. 5. nor shall the churl be said to be 6. BOUN'J'TFULNESS. 2 Cor. 9. 11. being enriched in every thing to all b. BOUNTIFULLY. Psal. 13. 6. because he hath dealt b. with me 116. 7- for the Lord hath dealt /;. with thee 119. 17- tleal b. with thy servant that I may live 142. 7- for thou shalt deal *. with me 2 Cor. 9. 6. he which soweth b. shall reap b. BOW Signifies, [1] jln instrnment for shooting arrows. Gen. 27. 3. 2 Kings 9. 24. [2] The whole fur- 7iit7ire for war, Psal. 44. 6. [3] Strength, Job 29. 20. [4] The rain-how, the sign of God's covenant in the cloud, which, though naturally a sign of ram, yet by God's appointment was turned into an assurance, that there should be 710 more such overflowing rain as then had been. Gen. 9. 1.3, 14. [5] ilis promise and help, Hab. 3. 9. [6] Fa2tli and patience. Gen. 49. 24. If he turn not, he hath bent his bow, Psal. 7. 12. If he leave not his wicked course, then God hath prepared, and will speedily execute his judgments on htm. Ilis bow abode in Strength, Gen. 49. 24. His in- riocence, patietice, temperance, his faith and hope in God, continued firm, whereby he resisted and vanquished all the temptations arid difficulties he met with, so that his enemies c:uld neither defile nor destroy him. Gen. 9. 13. I do set my b. in the cloud for a token 14. that the b. shall be seen in the cloud, 16. 27. 3. take, 1 pray thee, thy quiver and thy b. •18. 22. I tookof the Amorite with my sword and/;. 49. 24. his b. abode in strength, and arms of hwnds Josh. 24. 12. but not with thy sword nor thy b. 1 Sam. 18. 4. Jonathan gave David his sword, b. 2 Sam. 1. 18. bade them teach Judah the use of the b. 22. the b. of Jonathan tui'ned not back 1 Kings 22. 3t. a certain man drew a b. at a venture ^ and smote the king of Israel, 2 Chron. 18. 33. 2 Kings 6. 22. smite those taken witli sword and b. 9. 24. Jehu drew a b. with liis full strength 13. 15. take b. and arrows, he took/;, and arrows iO. put thy hand upon the /;. he put his hand 1 Chron. 5. 18. valiant men, able to shoot with b, 36 BOW 1 Chr. 12. 2. ai-med with /;. and shooting arr. out of i. Job 29. 20. my b. was renewed in my hand Psal. 44. 6. I will not trust in my b. nor sword 46. 9. he breaketh the b. and cutteth the spear 76. 3. there brake he the arrows of the b. 78. 57. they were turned aside like a dec eitful d. Jsa. 41. 2. he gave them as stubble to his b. 60. 19. that escape to the nations that draw the b. Jer. 6. 23. they shall lay hold on b. and spear 49. 35. behold, 1 will break the h. of Elam 50. 42. they sliall hold the b. and the lance Lam. 2. 4. he hath bent his b. like an enemy Esek. 1. 28. as the appearance of the b. in the cloud 39. 3. 1 will smite thy b. out of tliy left hand Hos. 1. 5. 1 will break /;. of Israel in valley of Jezreel 7. I will not save them by b. nor by sword 2. 18. 1 will break the /;. and the sword 7.16. not to most Hiuh, they are like a deceitful A. Amos 2. 15. he thathandleth /;. not deliver himself Hab. 3. 9. thy b. was made quite naked, thy word Zech. 9. 13. when I filled the b. with i:phraim Rev. 6. 2. he that sat on the white horse had a 6. See Bend, Bent, Battle-Bow. bovv-suoj'. Gen. 21. 16. sat over-against him as it were a b. BOWS. 1 Sam. 2. 4. the b. of the mighty are broken 31. + 3. and men with b. hit him,T Chrori. 10. 3. 1 Chron. 12. 2. they were armed with /;. and could use 2 CViTOw. 14.8. army out of Pienjamin that drew ^. 26. 14. Uzziah prepared for them b. and slings i^eh. 4. 13. 1 even set the people with their /;. 16. the other half of them held both spears and It. Psal. ,37. 15. and their b. shall be broken Isa. 7. 24. with arrows and b. shall men come 13. 18. their b. shall dash young men to pieces 21. t 17. the number of b. shall be diminished Jer. 51. 56. every one of their b. is broken Ezek. 39. 9. they shall burn the/i. and the arrows BOW. Josh. 23. 7- neither make mention, nor serve, nor b. yourselves to their gods, 2 Kings I7. .35. 2 Kings 5. 18. I b. myself in the house of Rimmon Job 39. 3. they b. themselves, thev bring forth Psal. 22. 29. all that go down to the dust, shall b. 72. 9. that dwell in wilderness shall b. before him 78.t 31. wrath of G. made to A. down chosen men 144. 5. b. thy heavens, O Lord, and come down Prov. 5. 1. and *. thine ear to my understanding 14. 19. evil b. before the good, wicked at gates of Eccl. 12. 3. the strongmen shall b. themselves Alic. 6. 6. and b. myself before the high God ? Hab.'3.6. the perpetual hills did /;. his ways everlast. Eph. 3. 14. for this cause I b. my knees to the Father BOW down. Gen. 27. 29. nations b. down, mother's sons b. down 37. 10. shall 1, thy mother, and brethren b. down 49. 8. father's children shall /;. do7vn before me Exod. 11. 8. these thy servants shall b. down to me 20. 5. shalt not A. do7vn thyself to them, Deut. 5. 9. 23. 24. thou shalt not b. doxcn to their gods Lev. 26. 1. neither set up any imaire to b. down to it Judg. 2. 19. in following other gods to /;. down 2 Kings 5. 18. when I b. down in house of Rimmon 19. 16. L. b. dow7i thine ear, and hear, Psal. 86. 1. Job 31. 10. and let others b. down upon her Psal. 31. 2. b. down thine ear to me, Prov. 22. 17. 95.6. O come, let us worship and b.dowri, \e:tns kneel Isa. 10. 4. without me they b. doxcn under prisoners 46. 2. they stoop, they /;. do'CJi together, they could 49. 23. kmgs and queens shall b. doxni to thee 51. 23. have said, b. down that we may go over 58. 5. is it to b. down his head as a bulrush .'' 60. 14. they that despised thee shall /;. down 65. 12. ye shall all b. down to the slaughter Rom. 11.10. eyes darkened, b.do7cni\\&v[ back alway BOW knee. Gen. 41. 43. and they cried before him, b. the knee Isa. 45. 23. to me every knee shall b. Rom. 14. 11. Eph. 3. 14. 1 /;. my kjiee to Father of our Lord Jesus Phil. 2. 10. at the name of Jesus every kyiee shall b. BOWED. Gen. 33. 6. the handmaidens and their children b. 7. Leah also with her children b. Rachel b. 43. 26. Joseph's brethren b. themselves to him 49. 15. Issachar b. his shoulder to bear, became a Josh. 23. 16. transgressed the covenant, served other gods, and b. yourselves to them, Jvdg. 2. 12, I7. Jiidg. 5. 27. at her feet he b. where he b. he fell R7ith 2. 10. she fell on her face and /;. herself 1 Sam. 4. 19. Phinehas' wife b. herself and travailed 20. 41. David *. himself || 25. 23. Abigail b. 41. 2 Sam. 19. 14. David b. the heart of the men of Judah 22. 10. he b. heavens and came down, Psal. 18. 9. 1 Kings 1. 16. Bath-sheba b. and did obeisance, 31. 19. 18. knees which have not b. to l^aal, Royn. 11. 4. 2 Kings 1. 1 13. the third captain /;. before Elijah 2. 15. the sons of the prophets h. before Elisha 4. 37. b. herself to ground, and took up her son 2 Chron. 7. 3. b. themselves upon the pavement 29. 29. the king and all present b. themsehes Esth. 3. 2. b. to Haman 1| 5. Mordecai b. not Lam. 3. + 20. and my soul is /;. in me Mat. 27. 29. b. the knee before him, and mocked Luke 13. 11. a spirit of infirmity, and was b. BOWED down. Gen. 23. 12. Abraham b. doxun before the people 42. 6. Joseph's brethren came and h. down, 43. 28. Num. 25. 2. people did eat, and b. down to their gods Judg. 7. 6. rest of the people b. domi on their knees 2 Kings 9. t 24. Joram b. down in his chariot 2 Chr. 25. 14. set them up to be his gods, and b. do7cn Psal. .35. 14. I b. daron heavily as one that mourneth 38. 6. 1 am b. rforwi greatly, I go mourning all day 42.+ 5. why art Vnovxb.domi, O my soul r hope in God 44. 25. our soul is /;. down to the dust, our belly 57. 6. my soul is /;. donn, they have digged a pit 145. 14. raiseth up all those that be /;. down, 146. 8. Isa. 2. 11. the haughtiness of men shall be b. down 17. and the loftiness of man shall be b. down 21. 3. I was b. down at the hearing of it Luke 24. 5. they were afraid and b. dozen their faces BRA BOWED head. Gen. 24. 26. man b. his head and worshipped, 48. 43. 28. they /;. their heads and made obeisance Exod. 4. 31. then they b. their heads and worshipped, 12. 27. Neh. 8. 6. 34. 8. Moses made haste and b. his head to earth Num. 22. 31. Balaam b. his head and fell fiat on face t Balaam h. down his head, and b. himself 1 Chron. 29. 20. /;. down their heads and worshipped 2 Chr. 20. 18. Jehoshaphat b. his head to the ground 29. 30. they sang praises and h. their heads John 19. 30. Jesus h. his head and gave up the ghost BOWED //? Gen. 18. 2. Abraham b. h. 23. 7, 12. || 19. 1. Lot*, h. 33. 3. Jacob 3. himself, 47. 31. ||48. 12. Joseph h. h, Judg. 16. .30. Samson*, himself Vi\t\\A\\ his might 1 Sam. 24. 8. David stooped to Saul and b. himself 28. 14. Saul perceived it was Samuel and b. himself 2 Sam. 9. 8. Mephibosheth /;. himself to David 14. 22. Joab *. lams, to David || 33. Absalom h. hims. 18. 21. and Cushi b. himself to Joab, and ran 24. 20. Araunah b. h. before the king, 1 Chr. 21. 21. 1 Kings 1. 2.3. N athan /;. //. || 47. the king b. h. on bed 53. Adonijah came and b. hi?nself to king Solomon 2. 19. Solomon rose and b. hi7nself to his mother BOW E 111. Judg. 7. 5. every one that b. on his knees to drink Isa. 2. 9. the mean man b. \\ 46. 1. Bel b. down B0\VIN(t. Gen. 24. 52. Eliezer b. himself to the earth Job 4. + 4. thou hast strengthened the /;. knees Psal. 17. 1]. set their eyes, /;. down to the earth 62. 3. as a /;. wall shall ye be, and a tottering fence Mark 15. 19. they did spit upon him, /;. their T^nees BOWMKN. Jer. 4. 29. the city shall fiee from the noise of the b. BOWELS Signifies, [1] The entrails. Job 20. 14. Acts 1. 18.. L2] 'Ihe heart, 2 Cor. 6. 12. Philem. f, [.3] The womb. Gen. 25. 23. [4] Pity, or compassion, Isa. 63. 15. Jer. 31. 20. [5] One greatly elovedy whom a person loves as his own soul, Philem. 12. [6] Jender mercies, Psal. 25. + 6. Prov. 12. + 10. Gen. 15. 4. out of thine own b. shall be thy heir 25. 23. two manner of people shall be from thy b. 43. .30. for his b. did yearn upon his brother N7im. 5. 22. this water shall go into thy b. 2Sam.7. 12. thy seed which proceed out of thy b. 16. 11. behold my son which came forth of my b. 20. 10. Joab shed out Amasa's *. to the ground 1 Kings 3. 26. for her b. yearned upon her son 2 Chron. 21. 15. great sickness by disease of thy 6. 18. Lord smote him in his b. II 19. his b. fell out .32. 21. they that came forth of his own b. slew him Job 20. 14. yet his meat in his b. is turned .30. 27. my b. boiled, and rested not Psal. 22. 14. it is melted in the midst of my b. 25. + 6. remember, O Lord, thy b. and kindnesses 40. + S.thy law is in the midst of my b. 71. 6. art he that took me out of my mother's 6. 109. 18. let it come into his /;. like water Prov. 12. 1 10. the /;. of the wicked are cruel Cant. 5. 4. and my b. were moved for him Isa. 16. 11. my *. shall sound like an harp 48. 19. the offspring of thy b. like the gravel 49. 1. from the b. of my mother he made mention. 63. 15. where is the sounding of thy b. and mercies r Jer. 4. 19. my b. my b. I am pained at my heart 31. 20. therefore my b. are troubled for him -Law. 1.20. behold, O Lord, my /;. are troubled, 2. 11. Ezek. 3. 3. fill thy /;. with this roll 1 give thee 7. 19. not satisfy their souls, nor fill their b. Jonah 1. + 17. Jonah was in the b. of the fish L7tke 1. +78. through the b. of the mercy of our God Acts 1. 18. Judas burst, and all his b. gushed cut 2 Cor. 6. 12. ye are straitened in your own b. 7. + 15. Titus, his b. are more a.>undant Phil. 1. 8. I long after you in the b. of Christ 2. 1. if consol. in Chr. if there be any b. and merciea Col. 3. 12. put on b. of mercies, kindness, meekness, Philem. 7. the b. of the saints are refreshed by thee 12. therefore receive him that is my own b. 20. yea, brother, refresh my b. in the Lord 1 Johyi 3. 17. and shutteth up his b. of compassion BowL Nmn. 7. 85. each b. weighing seventy shekels Judg. 6. 38. and wringed the dew, a b. full of water Eccl. 12. 6. or ever the golden b. be broken Zech. 4. 2. a candlestick of gold with a b. on it 3. two olive trees, one on the right side of tiie b. BOWJ.S. Erod. 25. 29. thou shalt make b. to cover, .37. 16. Num. 4. 7. spread a cloth of blue, dishes and /;. + 14. 1 Kings7.50. b. and snuffers of pure gold, IC'/;;-. 28.17. 2 Chron. 4. + 8. Solomon made an 100 b. of gold Aynos 6. 6. that drink wine in b. but not grieved for Zech. 9. 15. shall be filled like b. as corners of altar 14. 20. the pots in the Lord's house shall be like b. BOX. 2 Kings 9. 1. take this /;. of oil in thine hand, 3. Mat. 26. 7. having an alabaster *. Mark 14. 3. Mark 14. 3. she brake the b. and poured, L7de 7. 37. BOX-TREE. Isa. 41. 19. 1 will set in the desert the pine and b. 60. 13. the glory of Lebanon shall come, the b. BOY, S. Gen. 25. 27. the b. grew, and Esau was a hunter .Toel 3. 3. they have given a b. for a harlot Zech. 8. 5. streets shall be full of*, and girls playing BOYL, or BOIL, S. Exod. 9. 9. it shall be a *. with blainson man 10. it became a *. breaking forth with blains 11. the magicians could not stand, because of the //. Lev. 13. 18. the fiesh also in which was a *. 2 Kings 20. 7. took figs and laid on the *. Isa. 30. 21. Job 2. 7. so Satan smote Job w,th sore *. BRACELET, S. Gen. 24. .30. when he saw *. on his sister's hands .38. 18. thy signet, thy *. and thystafi-", 25. E.rod. 35. 22. were willins, biouaht b. N7im. 31. 50. 2 Sam. 1. 10. the *. on his arm 1 have brought Isa. 3. 19. 1 will taKe awey the chains, *. BRA Eieh. 16. 11. and I put h. upon thine hands BRAKE. Bxod. 9. 25. the hail h. ever3' tree of the field 32. 3. the people h. off the golden ear-rings 19. he cast the tables and h. them, Deut. 9. 17. Judg. 7. 19. they b. pitchers in their hands, 20. 9. 53. cast a piece of millstone to h. his sc:ull 16. 9. b. the withs as a thread || 12. h. new ropes 1 Sam. 4. 18. Eli fell back\vard and his neck b. e Sayn. 23. 16. three mighty men b. throM Chr. 11. 18. 1 Kings 19. 11. a strong wind b. in pieces the rocks 2 Kings 11. 18. Eaal's images b. they in pieces 18. 4. b. images, b. brazen serpent Moses had made 23. 14. Josiah b. the images, 2 Chrcn. 34. 4. 2 Cliroji. 21. 17. Arabians came and h. into Judah 31. 1 5. as soon as the commandment b. forth Job 29. 1 17. I b. the jaws of the wicked 38. 8. who shut up the sea when it b. forth ? 10. and b. up for itm3' decreed place, and set bars Psal. 76. 3. there b. he the anrows of the bow 105. 16. moreover, he b. the whole staff of bread .33. he smote their vines, b. trees of their coast 106. 29. and the plague b. in upon them 107. 14. out of darkness he b. their bands in sunder 59. + 5. as if there b. out a viper Jer. 28. 10. took the yoke from Jeremiah and b. it 31. 32. my covenant they b. tho' I was a husband Ezek. 17. 16. whose oath he despised, and cov. he b. Dan. 2. 1. spirit troubled and sleep b. from him 34. smote the imas-e on his feet, and b. them, 45. 6. 24. the lions b. all their bones ni pieces 7.7- the fourth beast devoured and b. in pieces 6. 7. goat smote the ram, and b. his two horns Mat. 14. 19. he blessed and b. and save the loaves 15. .36. I 26. 26. Mark 6. 41. | 8. 6. 1 14. 22. Luke 9. 16. 1 22. 19. I 24. 30. 1 Cor. 11. 24. Mark 8. 19. when I b. the five loaves among 5000 14. 3. she b. the box, and poured it on Ids head Luke 5. 6. their net b. !| 8. 29. he b. the bands Jj/m 19. 32. the soldiers b. the legs of the first 33. and saw that he was dead, they b. not his legs BRAKE f?y-«. ■2 KingslO. 27. b. image of Baal, 2 CJir. 23. I7. 11. 18. people went and b. dozen the house of Baal 14. 13. King of Israel h. dozvn^v^\\ of Jerusalem 2 Cliron. 25. 23. I 36. 19. Jer. 39. 8. | 52. 14. 23. 7. he b. down the houses of the Sodomites 8. he b. rforrrahigh places I! 12. b. do'cn altars, 15. 2 Chron. 14. 3. Asa b. doztm images, cut down groves 26. 6. Uzziah b. down the wall of Gath 34. 4. they b. doun the altars of Baalim BRAKEST. [10. 2. Bxod. 34. 1. words in the first table thou b. Deut. Psal. 74. 13. thou b. the heads of the dragons, 14. Isa. 9. + 4. when tliou b. the yoke of his iJurden Esek. 29. 7. when they leaned on thee, thou b. BRAIMBLE, S. Jndg. 9. 14. then said all thetre sto the h. 15. the b. said, let fire come out of the b. Isa. 34. 13. nettles and b. shall come up in fortresses Luke 6. 44. nor of a i^.-bush gather they grapes BRANCH Signifies, T/te bovgk of a tree, P<:a!. 104. 12. To which are compared, [1] Jesus Christ t/ie Messiah, who was ^ born of the royal house of David, at that time when it rcas iri an afjUcted and contemptible condition, like a tree cut down, and whereof nothing is left but a stump or root under ground, Isa. 11. 1. Jer. 23. 5. Zech. 3. 8. I 6. 12. [2] Trice believers who are in- grafted into Christ the true vine ; who is the root, fountain, and head of influence, whence his people and members derive life, grace, fruitful- ness, and all good ; as fruitful branches derive continual infliience from- the vine, John 15. 5. [3] Earthly kings descejided of royal ancestors, as branches spring from the root, Ezek. I7. 3. Dan. 11. 7. [4] Children or posterity. Job 8. 16. 1 15. 32. Exod. 25. 33. a knop and a flower in one b. .37. 19. Num. 13. 23. cut dowm a b. with one cluster of grapes Job 8. 16. his b. shooteth forth in his garden 14. 7. and the tender b. thereof will not cease 15. 32. and his b. shall not be gi-een 18. 16. and above shall his b. be cut off 29. 19. and the dew lay all night upon my b. Psal. 80. 15. the b. thou madest strong for thyself Prov. 11. C8. the righteous shall flourish as a b. Isa. 4. 2. in that day shall b. of the Lord be beautiful 9. 14. the Lord will cut off b. and root in one day 11. 1. and a b. shall grow out of his roots 14. 19. thou art cast out like an abommable b. 17. 9. strong cities shall be as an uppermost (5. left 19. 15. nor vi\y work which b. or rush may do ^5. 5. the b. of terrible ones shall be brought low 60. 21. the b. of my plantinsr, the work of mv hands Jer. 23.5. I will raise to David a righteous 3. 33. 15. I will cause the b. of righteousness erow Esek. 8. 17- and lo, they put the b. to their nose 15. 2. what is the vine tree more than the b ? 17. 3. an eagle came, and took the highest b. 22. Dan. 11. 7. out ot a b. of her roots shall one stand Zech. 3. 8. I will bring forth my servant the b. 6. 12. behold the man whose name is the b. Mai. 4. 1. It shall leave them neither root nor b. Mai:. 24. 32. when his b. is yet tender, Mark 13. 28. Luke 1. 1 78. the /;. from on high hath visited John 15. 2. every b. that beareth not, b. that heareth 4. as the h. cannot bear fruit itself, except it abide 6. it he abide not in me, he is cast forth as a ^. BRANCHES. rd. They zveretwehe 971 number, a7id represented the izcelve tribes of Israel. Every loaf nmst have been of a co7i..iider- able big7iess, since they used tzco tenth deals offlmtr for each, zvhich are about six pints. Lev. 24. 5, 6, 7. They served theyn up hot cm the sabbath-day in the presence rf the I^rd, and God, in their mouth 74. t 8. they said in their hearts, let us b. them 89. 31. if they b. my statutes and keepnotmy com. 104. 1 11. the wild ussesb. their thirst 141. 5. shall be an oil which shall not b. my head (:a7it. 2. 17. until day b. and shadows flee aw ay, 4. 6 Isa. 14. 25. i will b. the Assyrian in my land 28. 24. b. the clods 1| 28. not b. it with a wheel 30. 14. b. it as the breaking of a potter's vessel .38. 13. as a lion so will he b. all my bones 42. 3. a bruised reed will he not /;. Mat. 12. 20. 58. 6. is not this the fast, that ye /;. every yoke ? Jer. 15. 12. shall iron /;. the northern iron and steel ? 16. t 7. neither shall men b. bread for them 17. + 18. b. them with a double breach 19. 10. b. the bottle, so will I /;. this people, 11. 28. 4. I will b. yoke of kin<.':of I ab>lon, 11. 1 .30. 8. 43. 13. he shall b. the images of I eth shemesh 48. 12. 1 will send wanderers and h. Moab's bottles- 49. 35. saith the Lord, ! will b. the bow of 1 lam Ezek. 4. 16. 1 will /.. the staff of bread, 5. 16. 1 14.13, 16. 38. judge thee as women that b. wedlock J BRE BRE BRE Esei. 23. 34. thou shalt b. the sherds thereof 29. 7. when they took hold of thee thou didst &. 30. 18. when I shall h. the yokes of Egypt 22. and I will i. Pharaoh's arms, 24. Ho.u 1. 5. I will b. the bow of Israel in .Tezreel 2. 18. 1 will b. the bow, the sword and battle 10.11. Judah shall plow, and .1 acob shall *. his clods Joel 2. 7. they shall march and not b. their ranks j^nwsl. 5. I will b. the bar of Damascus Mic. 3. 3. who tia3' their skin, and b. their bones Na/i. 1. 13. now will I b. his yoke from off thee Zec/t. 11. 14. that I might b. the brotherhood 3iai. 5. 19. b. one of these least commandments 9. 17. else the bottles b. and the wine runneth Acts 20. 7. the disciples came together to b. bread 21. 13. what mean ye to weep and to b. my heart ? 1 Cor. 10. 16. the bread which we b. is it not HREAK covenant. LetJl6.15. but that ye h. my r. \\ 44. 1 will not b. my c. Dent. 81. 16. this people will b. my cov. 1 made, 20. Judg. 2. 1. I said, I will never b. my cov. with you J'sal. 89. 34. my c. will 1 not b. nor alter the thing Jer. 14. 21. remember, b. not thy covenant with us 33. 20. if ye can b. my cov. of the day and night Ezek. 17. 15. shall he b. covenant and be delivered .' Zech. 11. 10. that I might *. my cov. which I made BRL.,AK down. Exod. 23. 24. quite b. d'o-m their images, Beut. 7. 5. Xet'. 14. 45. and he sliall b. doun house, the stones Devt. 12. t 3. ye shall h. down their altars Judg. 8. 9. when I come again, I will b. down tower Neh. 4. 3. if a fox go up, he shall b. down stone wall Psal. 74. 6. now they n. down the carved work Bed. 3. 3. a time to b. down and a time to build Isa. 5. 5. I will b. do'in the wall of the vineyard Jer. 31. 28. as I have watched o^er them to b. down 45. 4. that which I have built will I b. diwn E^ek. 13. 14. so will 1 b. down wall ye have daubed 16. 39. they shall b. dozen thy high places 26. 4, they shall b. down the towers of lyrus 12. and they shall b. down thy walls Hos. 10. 2. he shall b. down their altars, and spoil BRFAK/a/. my soul b. for the longing that it hath Prov. 25. 15. and a soft tongue "h. the bone Eccl. 10. 8. whoso b. an hedge, a serpent shall bite Jsa. 59. 5. which is crushed b. out into a viper Jer. 19. 11. as one*, a potter's vessel, not made whole ; 23. 29. is not my word like a hammer that h. rock ? Lam. 4. 4. children ask bread, and no man b. it Dan. 2. 40. forasmuch as iron b. in pieces all these BREAKllS'G. Gen. 32. 24. there wrestled a man till the b. of day Exod. 9. 9. shall be a boyl b. forth w th blains, 10. 22. 2. if a thief be found b. up, and be smitten Judg.T.i 15. Gideon heard the dream, and b. thereof 2 keep the watch of the house from *.up 1 Chron. 14. 11. on enemies, like b. forth of waters Job 30. 14. came upon me as a wide b. in of waters 41. 25. by reason of b. they purify themselves Psal. 144. 14. that there be no b. in nor going out Jsa. 22. 5. b. down walls, and of crying t niount. 30. 13. whose b. cometh suddenly at an instant 14. shall break it as the /;. of the potter's vessel Ezek. 16. 59. despised the oath in b. covenant, 17. 18. 21. 6. sigh, son of man, with b. of tliy loins Hos. 13. 13. not stay long in place of b. forth of chil. Luke 24. 35. he was known of them mb. of bread Johnl. + 23. without b. the law of Moses Acts 2. 42. they continued in b. of bread and prayeis 46. in the temple, h. bread from house to house Rom. 2. 23. through b. the law, dishonourest God BREAST. Exod. 29. 26. take the b. of the ram ot consecration 27. shall sanctify the b. of the wave offering Lev. 7. 30. b. may be waved, the fat with the b. 31. but the h. shall be Aaron's and his sons' 34. the wave-i^. and heave-shoulder have I taken 8. 29- Moses took the b. and waved it for an ofi'ering 10. 14. the wave-*, shall ye eat in a clean place Num.. 6. 20. is holy to the priest, with the wave-5. 18. 18. as wave-*, and right shoulder are thine Job 24. 9. they pluck the fatherless from the b. Isa. 60. 16. thou shalt suck the *. of kings Lam. 4. 3. even the sea monsters draw out the *. Dan. 2. 32. head of gold, his *. and his arms of Luke 18. 13. the publican smote upon his *. saying Johji 13. 25. he then lyina on Jesus' *. saith, 21. 20. BREASTS. Ge7i. 49. 25. bless with blessings of the *. and womb Lev. 9. 20. put fat on the *. |i 21. b. Aaron waved Job 3. 12. or why the *. that I should suck 21. 24. his *. full of milk, and his bones moistened Psal. 22. 9. make me hope when I was on mother's *. Prov. 5. 19. let her *. satisfy thee at all times Ca7it. 1. 13. he shall lie all night betwixt my *. 4. 5. thy two *. are like two young roes, 7. 3. 7. 7. 'hy *. are like to clusters of grapes 8. thy *. sh 11 be as clusters of the vine 8. 1. my brother that sucked the *. of my mother 8. we have a little sister, and she hath no b. 10. I am a wall, and my b. like towers Isa. 28. 9. are weaned from the milk drawn from *. 66. 11. be satisfied with the *. of her consolations Ezek. 16. 7. thy *. are fashioned, and hair grown 23. 3. there were their *. pressed, there they bruised 8. and they bruised the b. of her virginity 34. and thou shalt pluck off thine own *. Hos. 2. 2. put away her adulteries from betw. h«r *. 9. 14. give them a miscarrying womb and dry *. Joel 2. 16. and gather those that suck the *. Nak. 2. 7. as with voice of doves tabring on their *. Luke17>. 48. the people smote their *. and returned Iiev.\5. 6. liavins their *. sirded with golden girdles BREAST-PLATE Was a piece of embroidery of about ten inches square, of very rich luork, which the high-priest of the .TewsziJore upon, his breast, and which was set with four rows of precious stones, upon every one of rohich was engraven the name of one of the tribes of Israel : It was double, or made of two pieces folded one upon the other, like a kiyid of purse, or bag, that it might the better support the preciotis stones, and that it might receive the Urim and Thummim, Lev.^- 8. It was called the Breast-plate of .iudsment, Exod. 28. 15. be- cause from thence the Israelites were to expect and receive their^ jzidgment, and the mind of God in all those weighty and momentous matters of war and peace, wherein they consulted God for direction. Breast-plate is likewise a piece of defensive ar- mour, Rev. 9. 9. In which sense, faith and love are called Breast-plates ; 1 Thess. 5. 8. Faith is a defensive grace ; not only as it assents to the doctri?ie of the gospel as true, but also as it doth depend upon God's faithfulness and all-suffi- ciency to perform his promises, and apply them to oui souls for our support and comfort. Love, when it worketh, will dfend against the perse- cutions, afflictions, and temptations of the world. Cant. 8. 7- Slavish fear will overcome us, if we want love to defend against it, when true re- ligion is Tinder disgrace, and persecuted in the world, 1 .Tohn 4. 18. Love will defend against apostacy, and so help us to persevere to the com- ing of Christ ; and love, beiyig seated in the heart, is fitly compared to a Breast-plate that encom- passeth the heart. Exod. 15. 7 . and stones to be set in the *. 35. 9. 28. 4. shall make a *. and ephod, 15. | 39. 8. 22. thou shalt make upon the *. chains at the end 23. p:.trinas on two ends of the *. 26. | 39. 16. 28. they shall bind the *. by the rings, 39. 21. 29. Aaron shall bear the names of Israel in *. 30. put in *. of judgment the Urim, Lev. 8. 8. 1 Kings 11. t34. smote A hab between joints and b. Isa. 59. 17. he put on righteousness as a *. Eph. 6. 14. having on the *. of riahteousness 1 Thess. 5.8. putting on the*, of faith and love Rev. 9. 9. they had b. as it were *. of iron 17. having b. of fire, of jacinth, and brimstone BREATH Sig-nifies, [1] The air received and discharged by our bodies, by the dilatation and compression of the lungs, lob 9. 18. [2] The life, Psal. 146. 4. Dan. 5. 23. [3] God's powerful word, Psal. 33. 6. Isa. 11. 4. [4] His anger. Job 4. 9. Isa. 30. ,33. Gen.1. 7. God breathed into his nostrils the *. of life 6. 17. to destroy all flesh wherein is the *. of life 7. 15. entered two and two wherein is the *. of life 22. all in whose nostrils was *. of life died Josh. 11. + 11. he destroyed, there was not any *. ISam-. 11. 16. fotmdations of the world discovered at the blast of the *. of his nostrils, P.^al. 18. 15. 1 Kings 17. 17. and tliere was no *. left in him Job 4. 9. by the *. of his nostrils are they consumed 9. 18. he will not softer me to take my *. Il.t20. their hope shall be as aiMiflbf *. 12. 10. in whose hand is the *. of all mankind 15. .30. by the *. of his mouth shall he go away 17. 1. my *. is corrupt, my days are extinct 19. 17. niy *. is strange to my wife, tho' i entreated 27. 3. all the while my *. is in me, and >p. of (lod 33. 4. the *. of tlie Almighty hath given me life 34. 14. if he gather to himself his Spirit and b. .37. 10. by the *. of (^od frost is given 41. 21. his *. kindleih coals, and a flame goeth Psal. 33. 6. all of them made by the h. of his mouth 104. 29. thou takest away their *. they die 135. 17. nor is there any *. in their mouths 156. 4. his *. goeth f jrth, he returneth to earth 150. 6. let every thing that hath *. praise the Lord Eccl. 3. 19. yea, they have all one *. all is vanity Isa. 1. 11. cease trom man, whose *. is in his nostrils 11. 4. with *. of his lips will he slay the wicked 30. 28. and his *. as an overflowing stream reach 33. *. of the Lord like a stream of brimstone 33. 11. your *. as fire shall devour you 42. 5. he that giveth *. to the people upon it Jer. 10. 14. and there is no *. in them, 51. 17. Lam. 4. 20. the *. of our nostrils, the anointed of L. Ezek. 37.5. 1 v/ill cause *.to enter iirto you, shall live 6. I will cover you with skin, and put b. in 5'ou 8. there was no *. in them || 9. and say, come, O *. 10. and the *. came into them and they lived Dan. 5. 23. the God in whose hand thy *. is 10. 17. no strength, neither is there *. left in me Hab. 1. 19. there is no *. at all in midst of the image Acts 17. 25. seeing he givetii to all life and *. Jam. 1. 1 26. the body without *. is dead liev. 13. + 15. he had power to h-priest 28. 14. where we found f>. and were desired to tarry 15. when the b. heard of us, they came to meet us 21. nor any of the b. thatcame spake harm of thee Rom. 1. 13. now 1 would not have you isnorant, b. 11. 25. 1 Cor. 10. 1. I 12. 1. 1 27iess. 4. 13. 7. 1. know ye not, b. tliat the law hath dominion 8. 12. b. we are debtors, not to the ftesh, to live 29. thathe might be the tirst-bom among many b. 10. 1. b. mj' prayer to God for Isr. is, may be saved 12. 1. I beseech you therefore, b. by the mercies of God, 15. 30. 1 16. 17. 1 Cor. 1. 10. 1 16. 15. Gal. 4. 12. Heb. 13. 22. 1 10. be kindly affectioned in love of the b. 16. 14. salute the b. which are with them. Col. 4. 15. A Cor.l. 26. for ye see your calling, b. how that 2. 1. and 1, b. when I came to you, came not with 3. 1. 1, 6. could not speak to you as to spiritual 4. 6. these things, b. 1 riave in a figure transferred 7. 29. but this I say, /;. the time is short, 15. .50. 8.12. when ye sin so against the *. ye sin against Ch. 9. 5. and as the b. of the Lord and Cephas 11. 2. now I praise you, b. that ye remember me 14. 26. how is it, b. when ye come together 15. 6. after he was seen of above 500 b. at once 58. therefore my beloved, b. be stedfast. Jam. 2. 5. 16. 11. for I look for him with the b. 12. I desired him to come to you with the b. 20. all the b. greet you, PMl. 4. 21. 2 Cor. 9. 3. yet have I sent the *. lest our boasting 5. 1 thought it necessary to exhort the b. 11. 9. the b. which came from Macedonia supplied 26. I have been in perils among false b. 13.11.finally b. farewell, be perfect, of good comfort Gal. 1. 2. all b. that are with me to the churches 2. 4. because of false b. unawares brought in Epk. 6. 23. peace be to the b. and love with faith P/iil. 1. 14. many of the b. waxing confident Col. 1. 2. to the saints and faithful //. in Christ 1 T/;m.4.1. we beseech you//. 10.115. 12. 2 37/6^-^.2.1. 10. indeed ye do it towards all b. in Macedonia 5. 25. b. pray for us, 2 3. 1. 26. greet all the b. with an holy kiss 27. that this epistle be read to all the holy b. 1 Tim. 4. 6. puttiie*. in remembranceof these things 5. 1. in treat him as a father, and younger men as b. 6. 2. let them not despise them liecause they are b. Heb. 2. 11. he is not ashamed to call them //. 3.1. holy b. partakers, consider the Apostle 1 Pet. 1. 22. unto unfeigned love of the b. 3.8. be of one mind, love as /;.be pitiful, be courteous 1 Jo/tn 3. 14. from death to life, because we love b. 16. we ought to lay down our lives for the b. 3Jokn3. rejoiced greatly when J. testified of truth 5 whatsoever thou doest to the b. and to strangers 10. neither doth he himself receive the b. iJis BRETHREN. Gen. 9. 22. and Ilani told his two b. without 25. C:anaan, a servant of servants shall be to his b. 16. 12. he shall dwell in presence of his b. 25. 18. 27.37. his b. have! given to him for servants 37. 2. .loseph was feeding the flock with his b. 5. Joseph dreamed a dream and told it his b. 11. /«'**. envied him, his father observed the say ins: ,30. Reuben returned to his b. and said, child is not 38. 11. for he said, lest he die also as his b. did 44. 33. and let the lad go up with his b. 47. 12. Joseph nourished his father and his b. 49. 26. that was separate from his b. Dent. 33.^6. Exod. 1. 6. Josephdied, his b. and all that generation 2. 11. Moses went out to his b. and looked on their burdens, and spied an E^y pt. smiting one of his b. Lev. 21. 10. and he that is hiiih-priest amon? /iz.s- b. 25. 48. alter he is sold , one otitis b. may redeem him Num.Q5. 6. brought to /;w *. a Midianitish woman 27. 9. then shall ye give his inheritance to his b. Deut. 10. 9. T.evi hath no partwith hisb. 17. 20. that his heart be not lifted up above his b. 18. 7. he shall minister as all his h. the Levites do 20. 8. lest hn b. heart faint as well as his heart 24. 7. if a man be found stealing any of his b. 33. 9. nor did he acknowledge his b. nor knew 24. let Asher be blessed and acceptable to his b. Judo. 9. 5. Abimelech slew hish. beinii70 persons 26. Gaal came with his b. and v/enttb Shechem 56. which he did to his father in slaying- /iw 70 b. 11. 3. Jephthah fled from his b. and dwelt in Job J6^M 4. 10. name of the dead be not cut off from/;/.? /5. ISam. 16.13. Samuel anointed him in midst of /(?> A. 22. 1. when his b. and father's house heard it 2 Kings 9. 2. make liim rise up from among his b. 1 Chron. 4. 9. Jabez more honourable than his b. 5. 2. for Judah prevailed above his b. 7.22. Ephraim mourned, ///.(■*. came to comfort him 25. 9. with /lis b. and sons were twelve [.Vo to the end of^ the chapter.'] 2 Chr. 21 . 4. Jehnram slew all his b. with the sword F.sth. 10. 3. Mordecai the Jew was accepted olhis b. Jios. 13. 15. though he be fruitful among /;w A. Mic. 5. 3. the remnant oihts b. shall return to Israel Mat. 12. 46. his mother and his h. stood without, de- siring to speak with him, Mark?,. 3],. Lnike 8. 19. John 7. 5. for neithei- did his b. believe in him Acts 7. 13. Josf i)h was made known to his h. 23. it came into Moses' heart to visit his b. 25. for he supposed his b. would have understood 1 Car. 6. 5. not one able to judge between his b. Heb. 2. 17. it behoved him to be made like to hisb. Men and F.UEl'HREN. Acts!. 16. menandb. this scripture must be fulfilled 40 BRE Acts 2. 29. w. and h. let me freely speak to you of D. 37. Peter and rest, men and A. what shall we do ? 7. 2. and he said, men, b. and fathers, hearken 13. lo.menandb. if ve have any word of exhortation 26. men andh. children of the stock of Abraham .38. be it known to you, men and b. thro' this man 15. 7. men and b. ye. know G. made choice among us 13. James answered, men and h. hearken unto me 22. 1. men b. and fathers, hear my defence 23. 1. men andh. I have lived in all good conscience 6. men andb. 1 am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee 28. 17. men and b. tho' 1 have committed nothing My BRETHREN. Gen. 29. 4. Jacob said to them, my h. whence be ye ? 31. 37. set it here before my b. and thy brethren 37. 16. I seek my b. tell me where they feed flocks 46. 3\.my b. and father's house are come to me, 47.1. Exod. 4. 18. let me go and return to my b. in Egypt Josh. 2. 13. tliey will save alive my father and my b. 14. 8. my b. made the heart of the people melt Judg. 8. 19. Gideon said, they were my b. 19. 23. my b. 1 pray you, do not so -wickedly 1 Sam.ZO. 29. let me getaway, 1 pray, and see myb. 30. 23. then David said, ye shall not do so, my b. 2 Sam. 19. 12. ye are my b. my bones, and my flesh 1 Chr. 28. 2. David said, hear me, my h. and people Neh. 1. 2. Hanani, one of my b. came and men 4. 23. 1 nor my b. nor guard put off our clothes 5. 10. I and my h. might exact of them money . 14. I and my b. have not eaten bread of governor Job 6. 15. my b. have dealt deceitfully 19. 13. hehathputwi/i^. far from me, and acquaint. Psa.1%.19.. 1 will declare thy name Xomy b. Heb. 2.10,. 69. 8. I am become a stranger to my h. an alien 122. 8. for my b. and companions' sake, I will say Mat.l2.4l^. he said to him, who are wy A. Marks. 33. 49. behold my mother and my b. Mark 3. 34. 25. 40. ye have done it to the least of these my b. 28. 10. go tell my b. that they go into (ialilee Lnke8. 21. my b. are these which hear word of God John 20. 17. go to my b. and say to them, I ascend i^ow.9.3.myselfwereaccursea from Christ for OTA' i5. Jam. 5. 10. take myb. the prophets who have spoken 12. but above all things, my h. swear not Our BRETHREN. Gen. 31. 32. before our b. discern what is thine, take Nu7n. 20. 3. when our b. died before the l^ord Deut. 1. 28. OT. in and plant them in the mountain 16. 5. on the sixth day prepare that they i. in 23. 23. my Angel shall so before and A. thee in Ntim. 14. 31. your little ones, them will I i. in 2 Chron. 24. y. they made proclamation to h. in to the Lord the collection Moses laid on Israel 28. 13. yo, shall not b. in the captives hither Jer. 17. 2 L h. in no burden on the sabbath-day Dan. 2. 24. h. me »? before the king, and 1 will shew 5. 7. tlie king- cried to h. inihe. astrologers 9. 24. to /;. in everlasting righteousness Hag. 1. 6. ye have sown much and b. in little £,uke 5. 18. sought means to b. him in and lay him 14. 21. b. in hither the poor, the maimed and lialt 2 Pet. 2. 1. who privily //. in damnable heresies BRING out. Gen. 19. 5. b. them out to us thatwemay know, 8.12. 40. 14. make mention, and /;. me out of this house 50. 24. (iod will visit and h. you out of this land Exod. 6. 6. I will h. you out from under the burden 13. gave them a charge to b. die children of Israel out of ligypt, 26. 27. I 7. 5. 1 12. 51. Jer. 31. ;3'2. 32. 12. for mischief did he h. them out to slav them Veut.Zl. 19. lay hold and /;. himoutio the elders 22. 21. /'. out the damsel || 24. *. both out to the gate 24. 11. shall b.out the pledge abroad unto thee Josh. 6. 22. b. out thence Rahab and all she hath 10. 22. /'. out those five kings out of the cave Juo'ff. 0. 30. b. out thy son that he may die 19. 24. them I will b. out, and humble ye them Psal. 25. 17. O b. thou me out of my distresses 142. 7. b. my soul out of prison, that 1 may praise 143. 11. O Lord, *. my soul out of trouble Isa.AQ.T. to b. out the prisoners from the prison Jer. 8. ] . shall //. oui the bones of the kings ot I udah 38.23. /). out all thy wives and children toChaldeans Ezck. 11. 7. but 1 will b. you forth 07H of midst of it 20. 31. 1 will b. you out from the people, 34. 13. 41. accept you, wiien I b. you out from the people 24. 6. b. it out piece by piece, let no lot fall Amos 6. 10. tiiat burneth him to h. out the bones Acts 17. 5. sought to b. them out to the people BRING to pass. Gen. 41. 32. the dream, God will shortly b. it topass 50.20. tob. topassas atthis day, to save people alive Psal. 37. 5. trust in him, and he shall b. it to pass Jsa. 28. 21. and b. topass his act, his strange act 46. 11. 1 have spoken, I will also b. it to pass BRING up. Gen. 46. 4. and I will also surely b. thee up again Mxod. 3. 8. and to b. them up out of that land" 17. 1 have said, I will b. you up out of afliiction 33. 12. see, thou sayesttome, b. up this people Num. 14. 37. men that/5. ?/;jevil report on tlie land 20. 25. b. up Aaron and his son to mount Hor Deut.i'Z. 14. 7>.7(p an evil name on her, and say Judff. 6. 13. di I notthe Lord b. us 7ip from Egypt 1 Sam. 19. 15. b. him up in the bed, that 1 may slay 28.11. whom shall I li. up,he said,/;.meMj;; Samuel 2 Sam. 2. 3. his tnen did David b. up every man 6. 2. to b. up from thence the ark of God, 1 Kmi/s 8. 1, 4. 1 Chron. 13. 6. j 15. 3, 12, 14, 25. 2 Chron. 5. 2, 5. 1 Chron. 17. 5. since I did h. up Israel to this day Ezra 1. 11. did Sheshbazzar b. tip with them Neh. 10. 38. shall b.up tithes to the house of God Isa. 23. 4. 1 travail not, nor b. forth children, nor do I nourish up youngmen, nor b. ?(j5 virgins Jer. 27. 22. then will 1 b. them up and restore EzeJc. 16. 40. shall b. up a company against thee 23. 46. 1 will /;. up a company upon them 26. 19. wtien 1 shall b. up the deep upon thee 29. 4. will b. thee up out of the micist of thy rivers 32. 3. a company shall b. thee up in my net 37. G. I will h. up tiesii on you, and cover you Hos. 9. 12, though they b. ?/» children, I will bereave Amos 8. 10. I will b. up sackcloth upon all loins Bom. 10. 7. to b. up Christ again from the dead Eph. 6. 4. *. them up in the nurture of the Lord BRINGEHS. £ Swings 10. 5. the b. up of children sent to Jehu BRING ESI. Job 14. 3. and b. me into judgment with thee Isa. 40. 9. CJ .Terus. that b. good tidings, lift up voice ActsYl. 20. for thou b. stranae things to our ears HRINtiElH. Exo/f.6.7. whoii. you out from under the burden Xej. 11. 45. 1 am the Eordthat A. yououtof Egypt 17. 4. /). it not to tlie door of the tabernacle, 9". Deut. 8.7. the Lord /;. thee into a good land 1 Sam. 2. 6. he b. down to the grave, and b. up 7. Lord maketh poor, he*, low, and lifteth up 2 Sam. 22. 48. that b. down the people under me 49. ami that /;. me forth from mine enemies Job 12. 6. into whose hand God b. abundantly 22. he b. out to liiiht the shadow of death 19. 29. wrath b. the punishments of the sword 28. 11. the thing that is hid b. he forth to light Psql. 1. 3. that />. forth his fruit in his season 14. 7- when tlie Lord /;. back the captivity, 53. 6. 33. 10. Id. //. the counsel of the heathen to nought 37. 7. the man who b. wicked devices to pass 68. 6. he /;. out them that are bound with chains 107. 28. and b. them out of their distresses 3i). so he b. them to thvW desired haven 1.35.7- b. wind out of treasuries, ./c,-. 10.13. 151.16. Prov. 10. 31. the month ol the just A. forth wisdom 16. 31. moving his lips he b. evil to pass 18. 16, a man's gift A. him before great men 19-26 isas! n that can srtli shame, and b. reproach 20. 26. a wise king b. (he wheel ovei them 21. 27. much more when he b. it with a wicked 29. 15. but a child left, b. hismotherto shame 21- he that .'eli ately /'. u|) hisservant from a child 25. the fear of inan b. a snare, but whoso trusts 30. 33. /; forth butter, b. blood, /». forth strife 31. 14. like ships, she b. her food from afnr jEccl. 2. 6. to water the wood that /;. forth trees Jsa. 8.7- Lord b. on them the waters of the river 42 BRO Isa. Z6.5 5. down them that dwell on high,*, to dust 40. 23. that b. the princes to nothing, he makes 26. that*, out their host by number 43. 17. which *. forth the chariot and horse 54. 16. the smith that *. forth an instrument 61. 11. for as the earth *. forth her bud Jer. 4. 31. anguish of her that *. forth her first child Eiek. 29. 16. which *. iniquity to remembrance Hos. 10. 1. Israel *. forth fruit to himself Hag. 1. 11. drought on that which ground *. forth Mat. 3. 10. every tree that b. not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into fire, 7. 19. /Mie 3. 9. 7. 17. even so every good tree *. forth good fruit 12. 35. a good man out of heart *. forth good things, and an evil man *. forth evil things, Luke 6. 45. 13. 23. *. foi th some an hundred fold, some sixty 52. who *. out of his treasure things new and old 17. 1. Jesus *. them up into an high mountain Mar/c 4. 28. the earth *. forth fruit of herself LukeQ. 43. a iiood tree *. not forth corrupt fruit Johyi 12. 24. if it die, it *. forth much fruit, 15. 5. Col. 1. 6. gospel *. forth fruit, as it doth also in you Tit. 2. 11. the grace of (iod that *. salvation Heb. 1. 6. *. in the first-begotten into the world 6.7. the earth *. forth herbs meet for them Jam. 1. 15. lust *. forth sin, and sin *. forth death Hee i lUl^cs. BRINGING. Exod. 12. 42. to be muc h observed for *. them out 36. 6. so the people were restrained from b. Num. 5. 15. an offering*, iniquity to remembrance 14. 36. by *. up a slander upon the land 2 Sam. 19. 10. speak ye not of *. the king back, 43. 1 Kings 10. 22. navy *. gold and silver, 2 Chro. 9. 21. 2 Kings 1^. 12. i am *. such evil on .Icrusalem Neh. 13. 15. some on the sabbath *. in sheaves Psal. 126. 6. rejoicing. *. his shea es with him Jer. 17. 26. *. burnt offerinsis, *. sacrifices of praise Ezek. 20. 9. 1 made myself known in *. them out Dan. 9. 12. his word by *. upon us great e\ il Mat. 21. 43. to a nation *. forth the fruit thereof Mark 2. 3. *. one sick of the palsy borne of four Luke 24. 1. *. the spices which they prepared Arts 5. 16. a multitude *. sick folks Bom. 7. 23. *. me into caj)tivity to the law of sin 2 Cor. 10. 5. and *. into captivity e> ery thought Heb. 2. 10. in *. many sons unto glory to make capt. 7. 19. but the *. in of a better hope did 2 Pet. 2. 5. *. in the flood on the world of ungodly BRI M\. Gc?j. 41.3. Stood by the other kine on the*, of river Exod. 2. 3. laid the ark in flags by the river's *. 7. 15. Shalt stand by the river's *. when he comes Deut. 2. 36. from Aroer by the *. of the river Josh. 3. 8. when ye are come to the *. of .Ionian Ezek. 47. 6. he caused me return to the *. of the river BROAD. Num. 16. .38. make censers, *. plates for covering 39. make *. plates for the covering of the altar Neh. 3. 8. Uzziel and 1 lananiah repaired, and they fortified .lerusalem to the b. wall, 12. 38. 7. + 4. the city was *. in spaces, the people few Job 36. 16. removed out of the strait into a *. place Psal. 119. 96. thy conmumdinent is exceeding *. Cant. 3. 2. and in the *. ways I will seek him La. 33. 21. the Lord will be a place of *. rivers Jer. 5. 1. know and seek in the *. places thereof 51. 58. the *. walls of Habvlon shall be broken Nah. 2. 4. the chariots shall justle in the *. ways Mat.T. 13. *. is the way that leadeth to destruction 23. 5. they make *. their phylacteries and enlarge BROADER. Jol) 11. 9. the measure thereof is *. than the sea BROIDERED. Exod. 28. 4. make a robe, a *. coat, a mitre, a girdle Ezek. 16. 10. 1 clothed thee also with *. work 13. and thy raiment was of silk and *. work 18. tookest thy *. garments and coveredst them 26. 16. the princes shall put oft" their *. garments 27. 7. linen with *. work from I'gypt to be thy sail 16. they occupied in thy fairs with *. work 24. thy merchants in blue clothes and *. work 1 Tim. 2. 9. that women adorn, not with * hair BROILED. Luke 24. 42. they gave him a piece of a *. fish BROKEN. Gen. 17. 14. he hath *. my covenant, Psal. 55. 20. La. 24.5.1 .33. 8. Jer. 11. 10. Lev. 6. 28. earthen vessel wherein sodden, shall be *. 15. 12. the vessel that he touched shall be *. 21. 19. or a man that is *. footed, or *. ban.ded 20. that hath his stones *. let him not oft'ei- 22. 22. blind, *. or maimed, ye shall not ofirer, 24. 26- 13. and I have *. the bunds of your yoke 26. when 1 have *. tlie statt' of your bread Num. 15. 31. because he hath *. his commandment Judg. 5. 22. then were the horse-hoofs *. by prancings 16. 9. he brake the withs, as a thread of tow is *. 1 Sam. 2. 4. the bows of the mighty men are *. 2 Sam. 22. 35. that a bow of steel is *. Psal. 18. 34. 1 Kings 22. 48. the ships were *. at Ezion geber 1 Chron. 14. 11. God hath *. in upon mine enemies 2 Chron. 20. 37. T,ord hath *. thy works, ships *. 32. 5. also he built up all the wall that was *. Job 4. 10. the teeth of the young lions are *. 7. 5. my skin is *. and become loathsome 16. 12. I was at ease, but he hath *. me asunder 22. 9. the arms of the fatherless have been *. 24.20. and wickedness shall be *. as a tree 31. 22. and let mine arm be *. from the bone .38. 15. and the high arm shall be *. P.'-al. 3. 7. thou hast *. the teeth of the ungodly 31. 12. T am forgotten, T am like a *. vessel 34. 18. the 1 ord is nigh them of a *. heart, 51. 17. 20. he kcepeth his bones, not one of them is *. .37- 15. their bows shall be *. li 17. arms shall be *. 3B. 8. I am feeble and sore*. I have roared 44. 19. tho' thou hast*, us in the place of dragons 51.8. that the bones thou hast *. may rejoice 17. the sacrifices of ( lod nre a *. spirit, a contrite 60. + 1 . thou hast cast us ofl', thou hast *. us 2. hast made the earth to tremble, thou hast *. it BRO Psal. 69.20. reproach hath *. my heart, and Tarn full 107. 16. for he hath *. the gates of brass and bars 109. 16. that he ndght even slay the *. in htart 124. 7- the snare is *. and we are escaped 147- 3. he healeth the *. in heart, and bindeth up Frov. 6. 15. suddenly shall he be *. without remedy 11. 1 15. that is surety for astrangei j shall be sore b. 13. 1 20. a companion of fools shall be *. 15. 13. but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is b, 17. 22. but a *. spirit drieth the bones 25. 19. is like a *. tooth and a foot out of joint Lccl. 4. 12. and a threefold cord is not quickly *. 12. 6. or the golden bowd be *. or pitcher be *. La. 5. 27. nor the latchet of their shoes be *. 7. 8. within sixty-five years shall I'.phraim be b. 8. 15. many among them shall fall and be *. 9. 4. for thou hast *. the yoke of his burden 14. 5. the Lord hath *. the staft of (he wicked 29. because the rod of hijn that smote thee is *. 19. 10. they shall be *. in the purposes thereof 21. 9. all graven images he hath *. to the ground 28. 13. that they might fall backward and be *. 33. 8. he hath *. the covenant, he regardeth no man 20. nor shall any of the cords thereof be *. 36. 6. lo, thou trustest in the staft' of this *. reed 42. 1 4. he shall not fail nor be *. till he have set Jrr. 2. 13. hewed out *. cisterns that hold no water 46. the children have *. the crown of thy head 20. of
oLomon Ins b. he called not Xeh. 5. 7. you e.\.act usury every one of his b. Psal. 49. 7. none can by any means redeem his b. Isa. 3. 6. when a man shall take hold of his b. 9. 19. people be as fuel, no man shall spare hisb. 19. 2. they shall fight every one against his b. 41. 6. every one said to hi.^ b. be of good courage Jer. 13. + 14. i will dash a man against his b. 31. 34. teach no more every man'Azj- b. Hcb. 8. 11. 34. 9. tiiat none serve himself of a lew his b. 14. let ye go every man his h. an Hebrew 17. in proclaiming liberty every one to his b. Ezefc. 18. 18. because he spoiled his h. by violence 33. 30. speak e\ery one to his h. sa^dng, come Hos. 12. 3. i acob took /;/.* h. by the heel in the womb Amos 1. 11. because he did pursue his b. with sword Mic. 7. 2. they hunt every man his b. with a net Hag. 2. 22. every one by the sword of hi b. Mark 12. 19. Lvke 2o. 28. 25. having no issue, left his wife to his b. .Tohn 1. 41. he findetl. his b. Simon, an I saith to him R< m. 14. 13. or an occasion to fall in ///.* h. way 1 Thess. 4. 6. that no man defraud his b. in anyuatter Jam. 4. 11. speaketh e^il of his h. and judgeth his b. 1 John 2. 9. in the light, and hateth his h. 11. 10. he t^at loveth liis b. abideth in the light 3. 10. neither he that loveth not his b. 14. 12. not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his b. because his b. works were righteous 15. whoso hateth /;/.* b. is a murderer. 4. 20. 1 Ji'hn 4. 21. he who loveth God love his b. also 5. 16. if any see his b. sin a sin not to death IMij PHOlHKi. Gen. 4. 9. Cain said, T know not, am T my b. keeper •■ 20.5. herselfsaid,heis?«^/*. 13. 1 Kmgs^O. 32, 27. 41. Esau sai 1, then will 1 slay my h. Jacob 29. 15. Laban said to Jacob, because thou art my h. Judg. 20. 23. to battle against Eenjauun my h. 28. 2 Sam. 1. 26. distressedfor thee, my b. lonathan 13. 12. nay my h. do not frrce me, do not tliis 1 Kings 13. 30. tl^ey mourned, saying, alas my b. Psal. .35. 14. 1 behaved as thougii he had been my h. Cant. 8. 1. O that thou wert as my b. that sucked Jer. 22. 18. they shall not lament, saying, ah my b. Mat. 12. 50. same is my b. and sister, Mark 3. 35. 18. 21. Lord, how oft sh^ll my b. sin a&ainstme .' Luke 12. 13. speak to n^y b. that he divide inherit. John 11. 21. if hadst been here, my h. had not died 1 Cor. 8. 13. if meat make my b. to offend, eat no flesh 2 Cor. 2. 13. because I found not Titus my b. Cnr P1H)1HER. Gen. 37. 26. what profit is it if we slay o«r b. ? 27. for he is ciirb. and our flesh, Judg 9. 3. 42. 21. we are verily guiUy concerning our b. 43. 4. if thou wilt send our b. with us, we will go 2 Cor. 8. 22. and we have sent with them our b. Philem. 1. and i imothy ( ur b. to Philemon Thy PROi'HER. Gen. 4. 9. Lord said to Cain, where is Abel thy bf 10. the voice of thy h. blood crieth unto me 27. 40. live by thy sword, and shalt serve thyh. .38. 8. go in xdthy b. wife and raise up seed to thy b, Ixod. 4. 14. is not Aaron the Levite thy b. ? 28. 1. take to thee .Aaron thy b. and his sons Lev. 19- 17. tiiou shalt not hate thyb. in thine heart 25. 36. fear thy God that thy b. may live with thee Num. 27 . 13. A aron thy b. was gathered , Veut. 32. 50. Deut. 13. 6. if thy b. entice thee secretly, saying 15. 14. opent'iy hand wide to thy b. to thy poor 12. if thy h. an Hebrew^ be sold to thee and serve 22. 1. in any case bring them again to thy b. 3. in like "manner with all lost things of thy b. 23. 7. not abhor an Edomite, for he is thy b. 19. thou s'lnltnot lend upon usury to thy h. 2 Sam. 2. 22. how hold up my face to Joab thy b. t 13. 20. hold thy peace, my sister, he is thy b. 1 Kings 20. 33. and they said, thy b. Penhadad Job 22. 6. hast taken a pledge from thy b. for nought Psal. 50. 20. D'ousittest arid speakest against Mj/ A. Prov. 11. 10. nor go into thy b. house in calamity Obad. i(>. for thy violence against thy b. Jacob 12. shouldest not have looked on the day of thy b. Mat. 5. 23.rememberest that thy 5. bath ought against 24. firs*^ be reconciled to thy b. then offer thy gift 7.3. beholdestmote inr/(2/i5.eye,5. Luke6. 41,42. 18. 15. if rhyb. trespass, hast gained thyb. Lvke I7. 3. John 11. 23. Jesus saith, thy b. shall rise again Rom. 14. 10. but why dost tl-ou judge thy h.f or whv dost thou set at nought thy b'? Your BROIPTER. Gen. 42. 34. hrms your b. so will T deliver youy. b. 43. 3. not see my face, e.xcept your b. be with you 13. take yovr h. aiise, and go again unto the"man 45. 4. 1 am Joseph j our h. whom ye sold into Egypt Judg. 9. 18. Abimelech king, because he \syoiir b. Rev. 1. 9. John, who also am" your b. and companion PROIHERHOOD. Zech. 11. 14. might break b. between Tudah and Ts. 1 Pet. 2. 17. love the b. fear God, honour the king BROTHERLV. Amos 1. 9. they remembered not the b. covenant Rom. 12. 10. be kindly affectioned, with b. love 1 Thess. 4. 9. as touching b. love, ye need not that I Heh. 13. 1. let b. love continue 2 Pet. 1. 7. to godliness b. kindness, and to b. kindn. BROUGH r. Ge«.20. 9. hasti.onme and my kingdom a great sin 27. 20. because the Lord ttiv God b. it to me 31. .39. that torn of beasts 1 b. not to thee 43. 26. they b. him the present in their hand E.tod. 9. 19. every beast in field not b. home shall die 10. 13. Lord h. east- wind, the east-wind b. locusts 18. 26. the hard causes they b. to Moses 19. 4. how I bare you and b. you to myself Ezod. 32. 1. the man that b. us up out of Egypt, 23., 21. that thou hast b. so great a sin on theui .35. 23. they that had purple and scarlet b. them Lev. 13. 2. he shall be h. to Aaron the priest, 9. 23. 14. till ye have h. an oflering to your God 24. 11. they h. the blasphemer to >ioses Num. 6. 13. he shall be b. to the door of tabernacle 9. 13. because b. not the offering in his season 14. 3. wherefore hath the Lord b. us to this land ? 16. 10. and he hath b. thee near to him 27. 5. .Moses b. their cause before the Lord 31. 51. we have therefore b. an oblation for Lord .32. 17. till we have*, them to their place Deut. 5. 15. the Lord thy (iod b. thee out thence 26. 10. 1 have b. the first-fruits of the land 13. I have b. away the hallowed things Jo^h. 7. 14. in the inorning ye shall be b. 23. they took and b. them to loshua 24. they b. them to the valley of Achor 24. 7. 1 ord b. the sea upon them and covered them Judg. 2. 1. 1 ha^ e b. you unto the land 1 sware 16. 18. the Philistines b. money in their hand 18. 3. who b. tiiee hither - and what makest thou 1 Sam. 1 . 24. she b. 'aniuel to tiie house of the Lord 25. they slew a bidlock, and b. the child to Eli 10. 27. they despised him, and b. him no presents 21. 14. wherefi r then ha^ e ye b. him to me - 25. 35. David receive 1 what Abigail had b. him 30. 11. they found and b. an Egyptian to David 2 Sam. 1. 10. crow n and bracelet, b. them to my lord 7. 18. who am 1,0 Lord (iod r what is my house^ that thou hast b. me hitherto ' 1 Chron. if. 16. 1 Kinrs 9. 9. Lord b. on theni this evil, 2 Ckro. 7. 22. 10. 25. they b. each his present, 2 Chron. 9. 24. 17. 20. hast thou also b. evil upon the widow ? 22. .37. so the king died, and was b. to ^amaria 2 Kings 5. 20. spai ed N aaman, in not receiv. what he b. 17. 4. Hoshea A. no presents to the king of Assyria 27. carry tiiifher the priest ye b. from thence 20. 11. he b. the sliadow ten degrees backwai(i 24. 16. craftsmen tlie king b. captive to Babylon 1 Chron. 11. 19. with jeopardy of lives they b. it 14. 17. the Lord b. fear of him on all nations 2 Chr. 13. 18. the children of Israel were b. under 17.5. all ludah A. to I ehoshaphat presents 22. 9. b. Ahaziah to lehu, and when had slain 28. 5. the king of Syria h. isiael to 1 amascus 15. b. captives to lerichoto their l)rethren 32. 23. m.any b. gifts to the Lord to Jerusalem Ezra 8. 18. they b. us a man of understanding 10. 1 10. ye have b. back strange wives yell. 4. 15. fiod had b. their counsel to nought 8. 16. the people A. them and made them booths^ 9. 33. thou art just in all that is h. upon us 13. 12. Judah b tithe of corn and new^ wine Esth. 6 8. let the royal apparel be b. the king useti 9. 11. number of s'ain hi shushan b. to the king JoA4. 12. now a thing was secretly b. to me 21. 32. yet shall he be b. to the grave and tomb Psal. ,35. 4. let them be b. to confusion, 26. 45. 15. with gladness andrejoic. shall they be*. 71. 24. they are b. to shame that seek my hurt Pri^v. 6. 26. a man is *. to a piece of bread Cant. 2. 4. he *. me to the banqueting-house Isa. 15.1. Ar. h. Kir of Moab is A. to silence 23. 13. *. the land of the Chaldseans to ruin 29. 20. for the terrible one is b. to nought 43. 23. thou hast not b. small cattle to me, 24. 48. 15. yea, I have called him, 1 have*, him 53. 7. he is b. as a larnb to the slaughter 59. 16. therefore his arm b. salvation, 63. 5. 60. 11. and that their kings may be *. 62. 9. they that *. it shalldrink it in the courts Jer. 11. 19. as an ox that is b. to the slaughter 15. 8. 1 have b. on them a spoiler at noon-day .32. 42. as 1 have *. all this evil on this people 40. 3. now Lord hath h. it and done as he said E%ek. 14. 22. be comforted concerningthe evil I *. 23.8. nor left she her whoredoms b. from Egypt 29. 5. thou shalt not be b. together nor gathered 40. 4. that I might shew them, art thou b. hither 47. 3. he b. me through the waters to the andes, 4. Dan. 6. 18. nor instruments of music h. before him 7. 13. b. him near before the ancient of days 9. 14. lord watched on the evil, and b. it on us 11. 6. she be given up, and they that b. her Trlag. 1. 9. when ye h. it home 1 did blow on it ISIal. 1. 13. ye *. what was torn, and lame, and sick Mat. 10. 18. 3'e shall be h. before kings for my sake, for a test, aaainst them, Mark 13. 9- I^ke 21. 12. 12. 25. kingdom is b. to desolation, Luke 11. 17. 1-'. 11. she A. Tohn Paptis+'s head to her mother 17. 16. 1 b. him to thv disciples, could not cure him 18. 24. one was b. that owed him 10,0<'O talents 19. 13. were b. to him little children, Mark 10. 13, Zl/ar^-4. 21. a candle A. to be put under a bushel 6. 27. the king commanded his head to he A. 10. 13. the disciples rebuked those that A. them Luke 2. 22. b. him to lerusalem to present him 7. .37. a woman A. an alabaster box of ointment 10. 3t. A. him to an inn and took care of him . Jihn 7. 45. they said, why have ye not A. him.' Arts 5. 21. and sent to the prison to have them A. 9. 27. PamabasA. him to the apostles, and declared 15. .3. and being A. on their way by the < hurch 16. 16. who A. her masters gain by soothsaying 20. A. them to the magistrates, saying, those men 19. 12. from his body were A. to the sick, aprons 19. A. their books, and burned them before all men 24. Pemetrius h. nosinall gain to the craftsmen .37. ye A. hither these men. no robbers of churches 20. 12. and they A. the young man alive 21. 5. they all A. us on our way, with wives 25. 6. the nextdaj' commanded Paul to be *. 27. 24. fear not, PnuLthou inust hf A. before Cesar Ro7n. 15. 21. to be A. on mv way thither h\ you 1 Cor. 6. 12. 1 will not he A. unlerthe pow"erof any 2 Cor. 1. 16. of you to be A. on my way to Uidea 2 Tim. 1. 10. hath A. life and immortality to light 1 Pet. 1. 13. for the grace that is lo be b to j'ou 2 Pet. 2. 19. of the same is he A. in bondage 43 BRO BKOUGITT again. 'G^M.14.16. Abram h. ayain his brother Lot and ffoods 43. 12. and the mone>' that was b. again in sacks JEwrf. 10. 8. Moses and Aaron h. again to Pharaoh 15. 19. Lord b. again the waters of the sea on them TJeut. 1. 25. b. us word ag. and said, it is a good land Josh. 14. 7. 1 b. him word ag. as it was in my heart Jtivthl.Ql. the Lord hath//, me home ag. empty 1 ^Sam. 6. 21. the Philistines b. ag. ark of the Lord ■2 <. by some man, he that built BUILDEDST. Deut. 6. 10. to aive thee goodly cities thou b. not BUILDER, S, Is spoken, [1] Of such as erect ho%ises, S^c. 2 Kings 22. 6. [2] Of God, the great Architect, rvho created the heavens and the earth, and all things in them, Heb. 11. 10. [3] Of faithful ministers of the gospel, who like wise master-bxiilders ought first to lay the foundation, and then build upon it ; first to acquaint such as they have the charge of, with the fmidamentals of religion, showing them that Christ_ is tlie only way to salvation, ayid then to make their superstructure upon this founda- tion, 1 Cor. 3. 10. 1 Kings 5. 18. Solomon's and Hiram's b. did hew 2 Kings 12. 11. laid money out to the b. that wrought 22. 6. give it to carpenters and b. 2 Chr. 34. 11. " Ezra 3. 10. when /5. laid foundation of the tem])le 'Neh. 4. 5. have provoked thee to anger before the b. P. ff/.118. 22. stone which S.ref us. become head-stone, Mat. 21.^1. Markll.Vd. LukelQ.ll. Acts A.ll. 127. 1 1. they labour in vain that are b. in it Ezek. 27. 4. thy b. have perfected thy beauty 1 Cor.?,.lQ. as awisemaster-5. 1 have laifl foundation jF7e/5. 11. 10. looked for a city whose b. and maker is G. 1 Pet. 2. 7. the stone which the b. disallowed BUILDEST. Devt. 22.8. when thou 3. a new house, make battlem. Neh. 6. 6. for which cause thou b. the wall Ezek. 16. 31. in that thou b. thine eminent place Mat. 27. 40. thou that destroy est the temple and b. it in three davs, save thyself, Murk 15. 29. BtriLDETH. Josh. 6. 26. cursed he the man that b. this city- Jo* 27. 18. he b. his house as a moth, as a booth Pror. 14. 1. every wise woman b. her house, but fool. Jer. 22. 13. woe to him that b. by unrighteousness Hos. 8. 14. Israel hath forgotten Maker, h. temples Amos 9. 6. it is he that b. his stories in the heavens Ilnb. 2. 12. woe to him that b. a town with blood 1 Cor. 3. 10. 1 laid the foundation, another b. thereon BUlLDIIsG. Josh. 22. 19. but rebel not aaainst L. in b. an altar 1 Kings 3. 1 . till he made an end of 1^. his own house 6. 7. no tool of iron heard in tlie house while h. 38. so was Solomon seven jears in b. it 7. 1. Solomon was h. his own house thirteen years 2 Chron. 16. 0. the stones wherewith Faasha was b. Ezra 4. 12. b. the rebellious and the bad city Ezek. 17. 17. by b. forts to cut off many persons John2. 20. this temple was forty-six years in b. B UL Jicde 20. b. up yourselves on your most holy faith BUILDIISG, Substantive. 1 Kings 9. 1. when Solomon fin-shed b. house of L. 15. 21. he left off' b. of R amah, 2 Chron. 16. 5. 1 Chron. 28. 2. and had made ready for the b. 2 Chron. 3. 3. Solomon was instructed for the b. Ezra 5. 4. the names of the men that make this b. 6. 8. what ye shall do for the b. of this house of God Eccl. 10. 18. by much slothfulness the b. decaj'eth Ezek. 40. 5. he measurea the breadth of the b. 41. 15. 46. 23. there was a row of b. round about in them 1 Cor. 3. 9. ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's b. 2 Cor. 5. 1. we have a b. of God, an house not made Eph. 2. 21. in whom all the b. fitly framed together Heb.9.11. an high-priest by a tabernacle not of "this b. Rev. 21. 18. b. of wall was of Jasper, city pure sold BUILDIJNGS. Ma/. 24. 1. disciples came to shew him b. of temple Mark 13. 1. Master, see what b. are here, 2. BUILT. Deut. 13. 16. it shall be an heap and not be b. aaairs, 1 Kings 22. 39. the cities that Ahab b. are written 2 Chr. 14. 7. rest on every side, so they b. and pros, 20. 8. they have b. thee a sanctuary therein 26. 9. Uzziah b. towers in Jerusalem, 10. 27. 4. Jotham b. in the forests castles and towers Job 3. 14. who b. desolate places for themselves 12. 14. he breaketh down, and it cannot be b. again 22. 23. if thou return to Almighty, shalt be b. up Psal. 78. 69. he b. his sanctuary like high palaces 89. 2. I have said, mercy shall be b. up for ever Isa. 5. 2. he b. a tower in the midst of his vineyard 44. 26. saith to the cities of Judah, ye shall be b. 28. saying to Jerusalem, thou shalt be b. Jer. 12. 16.'shall they be b. in midst of my people 31. 4. thou shalt be b. O virgin of Israel .32. 31. as a provocation from the day they b. it 45. 4. that wliich 1 have b. will I break down Ezek. 16. 24. thou hast b. to thee an eminent place 25. hast b. thy high place at every head of way 26. 14. thou shalt be b. no more, saith the Lord G. Dan. 4. 30. is not this great Eabvlon I have b.? 9. 25. the street shall be b. again and the wall Zech. 8. 9. let hands be strong, that temple be b. Mat. £1. 33. dig. a wine-press, b. a tower, Markl2.1. Luke 7. 5. the centurion hath b. us a synagogue 1 Cor. 3. 14. if work abide which he liatli /;. thereon Eph. 2. 20. are b. on the foundation of the apostles Col. 2. 7. rooted and /;. in him, established in faith Heb 3. 4. but he that b. all things is God BUILT altar. Gen. 33. t20. Jacob b. an altar, El-elohe-Tsrael Exod. 17. 15. Woses b. a. 24. 4. || .32. 5. Aaron b. a. Josh. 8. .30. Joshua b. an a. \\ 22. 10. half tribe*, a. Judff. 6. 24. Gideon b. an a. \\ 21. 4. people b. an a. 1 '^am. 7. 17. Samuel b. altar \\ 14. 35. Saul b. altar 2 Sam. 24. 25. David b. an altar to the Lord 1 Kings 9. 25. Solomon ofi'ered on the altar he b. 18. 32. with stones Elisha b. altar in name of Lord 2 Kings 16. 11. Urijah the priest b. an altar BUILT altars. Num. 23. 14. Ealak b. seven altars, and offered 2 Kings 21. 4. he b. altars in the house of tlie Lord 5. b. a. for all the host of heaven, 2 Chron. 33. 5. 2 Chron. 33. 15. took av/ay a. he had b. in the mount BUILT city. Num. 21. 27. let the city of Silion be b. and prepared Josh. 19. 50. Joshua b. the city and dwelt therein Judo. 18. 28. Danites b. c. \\ 1 Kings 16. 24. Oniri b. c. 1 Chro7i. 11. 8. David b. c. round ahout from jMillo Isa. 25. 2. a palace to be no c. it shall never be b. Jer. 31. 38. days come, the c. shall be b. to the Lord Imke 4. 29. to brow of the hill whereon city was b. BUIL'l' cities. Exod. 1. 11. they b. for Pharaoh tr^Tisur e-ctties. Josh. 24. 13. I have given you cities which ye b. not 1 KingslD. 23. the cities which Asa b. are written 2 Chrcm. 8. 2. cities Huram had restored. Solomon b. 11. 5. Rehoboam b. cities for defence in Judah 14. 6. Asa b. fenced c. in Judah, the land had rest 17. 12. Jehoshaphat b. castles and cities of store 26. 6. Uzziah b. cities about Ashdod, and among 27. 4. Jotham b. cities in the mountains of Judah liu. 44. £6. saith to the cities of Judah, ye shall be b. BI'ILT house, or houses. Deut. 8. 12. when thou hast b. goodly /;. and dwelt 20. 5. Whatman is there that hath b. a new i' 1 Kings 3. 2. there was no /;. b. to the name of Lord 6. 9. Solomon b. h. 14. | 8. 13. I have b. thee an h. 8. 20. and have b. an h. for the name of the Lord 44. toward Imise I have h. 48. 2 Chron. 6. 34, .38. 11. 38. build thee a sure hou.\e, as I b. for David 1 Chr. 17. 6. saying, why have ye not b. me an /;. .^ 2 Chr. 6. 18. how much less this house I have b. :' jhnos 5. 11. ye have b. hovies of hewn stone Haa. 1. 2. the time that th-e Lord's h. should be b. Zech. 1. 16. my /;. shall be ■''. in it, saith tlie Lord BJat. 7. 24. A\i3e man b. his h. on a rock, Luke 6. 48. 26. foolish man which b. his /(. on sand, Luke 6. 49. Actsl. 47. but Solomon b. him an hoitte 1 Pet. 2. 5. ye also are b. up a spiritual /;. an holy BUILT hign places. 1 Kings 14. 23. Judah b. high p. imaaes, and groves 2 Kings 17. 9. children of Israel b. hig/i p. in cities 21. 3. Manasseh b. up aaain hinhp. 2 Chron. 33. 3. Jer. 7. 31. h. hiohp. of Tophet || i9. 5. of Baal, 32. 35. BUILT wall, or walls. 1 Kings 6. 15. Solomon b. the -walls ot house within 2 Chr. 27. 3. and on the walls of (lphel he b. much 32. 5. Hezekiah b. up the wall that was broken 33. 14. Manasseh b. a -wall without city ot David Neh. 4. 6. so *. M'e the wall H 7- 1- ^\"hen wall was h. Ezek. 13. 10. one b. up the wall, another daubed it Dan. 9. 25. the street shall be /;. again and thetiVi// Mic. 7. 11. in the dav that thy wails are to be b. BULL Sianifies, [1] The bca.^t so called. Job 21. 10. [2} Eillars in the shape ef bulls, Jer. 52. 20. [3] llicked, violent, and furious enetnies, Psal. 22. 12. [4] The eighth month of the year, which answers to our October, 1 Kings 6. 38. Job 21. 10. their b. gendereth aiad faileth not 45 BUR Isa. 51. 20. thy sons lie as a wild *. in a net JiUI-LS. Gen. 32. 15. Tarob took ten A. as a present to Fsau Psal. CC. 1?. many h. have compassed me, strong' b. .50. 1.3. will I eat flesh of//, or drink blood of goats 68. 30. rebuke the multitude of the h. Isa. 34. 7. buUo/ks with the h. shall come down Jer. 50. 11. because ye bellow as h. O destroyers 52.-20. twelve brasen /;. under the bases with calves Jieb. 9. 13. if the blood of h. and goats sanctifieth 10. 4. it is not possible blood of /;. take away sins BULLOCK. Exod. 20. 3. shah brinar them in the basket with the 7>. ll.shaltkilltheA. betore Lord, /,ez). ]. 5. I 9.18. Lev. 4. 4. hrins the h. to the door of the taliernacle Num. 15. 9. bring with the /;. ameat offering', 29- 37. Deut. 17.1. not sacrifice to f ord any h. with blemish 33. 17. his clnry is like the firstling of a />. Judg. 6. 25. take the young b. the second h. 1(S. 1 Kinax 18. 23. and let them choose one /;. 25. 33. Elijah cut h. in pieces, and laid him on wood Tsal. 50! 9. 1 will take no h. out of tliine house 69. 31. better than a /). that hath horns and hoofs Isa. 65. 25. the lion shall eat straw like the b. Jer. 31. 18. as a h. unaccustomed to the yoke HULLOCK, with sm ofering. Exod. 29. 36. offer every day a b. for a siyi offering Lev. 16. 6. shall offer his b. of the sin offering Esek. 45. 22. shall prepare a b. for a siji offering See Blodd. Yoimg BULLOCK. Lev. 4. 3. if priestsin, brins ^.young b. EzeJc. 43. 19. 14. congregation shall offer a //. b. Nvm. 15.24. 16. 3. Aaron come into holy place with a^/ '7(«(7 b. Num. 7. 15. one young b. one ram, one lamb, 21, 27, .33, 39, 45, 51, .57, 63, 6y, 75, 81. '2 Chron. 13. 9. to consecrate himself witli ■Aymng b. Ezek. 45. 18. take a ymmo b. and cleanse the sane. 46. 0. in the day of the new moon a young b. BULLOCKS. 'Num. 29. 23. on the fourth day ten b. two rams 1 Chron. 29.21. they offered a thousand h. for Israel Ezra 6. 17. they offererl at the dedication 100 b. Psal. 51. 19. then shall they offer b. on thy altar 66. 15. I will offei unto thee b. with goats Isa. 1. 11. I delight not in the blood of b. or lambs 34. 7. the b. with the bulls shall come down Jer. 46. 21. her hired men are like fatted /;. 50. 27. slay all her h. let tliem go down to slaughter Esek. 39. 18. ye shall drink the blood of £;oats, oH. Hos. 12. 11. are vanity, they sacrifice (i. inOilgal See Skvk.n. BULRUSH, ES. Exod. 2. 3. she took for hiin an ark of*, and daubed Isa. 18.2. send ambassadors by the sea in vessels oib. 58. 5. is it to bov/ down his head like a b. ? BULWARKS. Devt. 20. 20. thou shalt build b. against the city -2 Chron. 26. 15. ITzziah made engines on the b. Psal. 48. 13. mark well her A. consider her palaces Eccl. 9. 14. a great king came and built b. auainst it Isa. 26. 1. salvation will G. appoint for walls and b. BUNCH, KS, Exod. 12. 22. take a (5. of hyssop and dip it in blood '2 Sam. 16. 1. Zibamet him with 100 b. of raisins 1 C'/(r. 12.40. Zebulun brought />. of raisins and wine Isa.iQ.6. will carry their treasures upon i.of camels BUNDLE, S. Gen. 42. 35. every man's b. of money in his sack 1 Sam. 25. 29. the soul of my lord bound in b. of life Cant. 1.13. a b. of myrrh is my well-beloved to me Isa. 58. + 6. tills is the fast, to undo /;. of the yoke Amos 9. \ 6. hath founded his b. in the earth Mat. 13. .30. bind the tares in b. to burn them Acts 28. 3. when Paul had gathered a /;. of sticks BURDEN •Signifies, [1] A load, or weight of any thing, as much as a man, horse, S,c. can well carrv, 2 Kings 5. I7. .ler. 17. 27. [2] Labour and servitude, Exod. 2. 11. Psal. 81. 6. [3] A burdensome prophecy, a heavy doom, or a prophecy delivered in heavy and threatening words, Isa. 13. 1. Nah. 1. ]. [4] Affictions, crosses, care; or fears, Psal. 55. 22. [5] Imperfections, fail- ings, and injirmnies, with which persons are loaded or grieved, Gal. 6. 2. [6] Toil and fatigue. Mat. 20. 12. [7] Trilmte, or taxes, llos. 8. 10. [8] Ihe office of a magistrate, Exod. 18. 22. [9] Ihtman traditions, or strict injunctions over and above what the law requires. Mat. 23. 4. [10] 6Vre, which is the greatest slavery and burden, Psal. 38. 4. Heb. 12. 1. [11] The lading, or cargo of a ship. Acts 21. 3. The doctrine, or commands of Christ are called a burden, Mat. 11. 3i). Nothing makes them so, hut ovr corruption, 'which flows from the depra- vity of our nature ; to the unrenewed person they are a grievous burden: yet this burden is light, (1) hi comparison if the service of sin, the cove- nant of works, and the ceremonial law. f2) To them that love God, 1 Tolm 5. 3. {?,) To such as are regenerated, so far us they are renewed, Kom. 7. 22. It is liiiht to such, because, (\) The law is written in their hearts, Psal. .37. 31. ("2) They are endued with faith., Mark 9. 23. (.V) I'hey are strengthened, and enuhled by Christ, Phil. 4. 13. Exod. 18. 22. shall bear the A. with thee. Num. 11. -il. 2.3.5. theassofhiui that hateth thee lying under /5. Num. 4. 19. Aaron sliall appoint e^ich to his b. 11. 11. thou layest the //. of all tliis t)po|)I(; on me Deut. 1. 12. how can I inysf-l! ;iI'jM': tu;r >oiir ^ f 2 Sam. 15. 33. then tlioii ,s"li;di h;' :i /,- (<, nVe 19. 35. why shouldlhy serv^mi h<',a 1.-. ir, my lord ? 1 Kings n . i 2f!. leroboum rnlf r over- //. of Joseph 2 Kings':). 17. tothy si-r-'ant twoniiiles' b. of earth 8.9. I'azael brought forty caui'-is' b. to Elisha 2 Chr. 35. 3. it shall not be a b. on your shoulders Neh. 13. v.). no /;. be brought in on the sabbath Jjib 7. 20. a.s a mark, so that I am a b. to nyself Psal. .']8. 4. inicjuit. as a h. they are too liea' - form^ 55. 22. cast thy b. on the Lord, he will sus'.ain (Jiee 46 BUR Vsal. 81. 6. T removed his shoulder from the h. Eccl. 12. 5. and the grasshopper shall be a b. fsa. 9. 4. for thou hast broken the yoke of his h. 10. 27. his b. shall be taken from off thy shoulder 14. 25. his b. depart from off their shoulders 30. 27. name of the Lord, the b. thereof is heavy 46. 1. your carriages are a /;. to the weary beast Jer. 17. 21. bear no b. on the sabbath day, 22, 27. Zeph. 3. 18. to whom the reproach of it was a b. Mat. 11. 30. my yoke is easy, and my b. is light 2 1. 12. which have borne the /;. and heat of the day Acts 15. 28. seemed good to lay on you no greater />. 21. 3. for there the ship was to unlade her b. Uev. 2. 24. 1 will put upon you none other b. BUHDKN. 2 Kings 9. 25. the Lord laid this b. upon him Txa. 13. 1. the*, of Habylon which Isaiah did see 14. 28. the year king Aliaz died, was this b. 15. 1. the b. of Moab || 17- 1- the /;. of Damascus 19. 1. the*, of Layptll 23. 1. the *. of I yre 21. l.the *. of the desertof the sea, as whiil winds 11. the*, of Dumah II 13. the*, upon Arabia 22. 1. the *. of the valley of vision, what aileth 25. the *. that was upon it shall be cut off" .30. 6. the *. of the beasts of the south 46. 2. they could not deliver the *. are gone into Jer. 23. 33. what is the *. of the Lord ' what *. ? 36. the *. of the Lord shall ye mention no more 38. but sith ye say, the *. of the I ord Ezek. 12. 10. this *. concerneth the prince in .Terus. Hos. 8. 10. sorrow a little for the *. of the king of pr. Nah. ]. 1. the *. of Nineveh, the book of the vision Ilab.l. l.b. which fiabakkuk the prophet did see Zech. 9. 1. the *. of the word of the Lord in llarliach 12. 1. the *. of the word of the Lord for Israel Mai. 1. 1. the *. of the word of the Lord to Israel Gal. 6. 5. for every man shall bear his own *. BURDEN, LD. Zech. 12. 3. all that *. themselves be cut in pieces 2 Cor. 5. 4. in this tabernacle we groan being *. 8. 13. 1 mean not that others be eased, and you *. 12. 16. but be it so, I did not *. you, causht with hURDLNS. Gen. 49. 14. Issachar couching down between two *. Exod. 1. 11. task masters to afflict them with tlieir*. 2. 11. IMoses went out and looked on their *. 5. 4. the king of Eg^-ptsaid, get you to your *. 5. you make them rest from their *. 6. 6. I will bring you fnirn tlie *. of Egyptians, 7. Isum. 4. 27. ye siiall appoint to them all their*. Neh. 4. 10. the strength of the bearers of A. decayed 17. they that bare *. with other hand held a weap. 13. 15. all manner of*, brought in on tlie sabbath Isa. 58. 6. this is the fast, to undo the heavy *. Lam. 2. 14. the prophets have seen for thee false*. Amosf). 11. ye take from the poor b. of wheat ^7«^■. 23. 4. they bind heavy h. Luke 11.46. Gal. 6. 2. bear ye one another' s *. and so fulfil BURDENSOME. Zech. 12. 3. T will make lerusalem a*, stone 2 Cor. 11. 9. 1 have kept myself from beinsi *. to you 12. 13. except it be that I myself was not *. to you 14. the third "ime 1 come, 1 will not be*, to you 1 Thess. 2. 6. whin we might have been *. as apostles BUR I AT,. Eccl. 6. 3. and also that he hav ^ no *. Isa. 14. 20. thou shalt not be joined with them in*. Jer. 22. 19. he shall be buried with the *. of an ass Mat. 26. 12. poured ointment, she did it for my *. Acts 8. 2. devout men carried Stephen to his *. BURV Signifies, To inter a dead body. Gen. 23. 4. To be buried 'with Christ in baptism. Bom. 6. 4. To have communion with him in his death ayid burial. Baptism doth not only represent our mortification and death to siji, by which we have communion with Christ in his death ; but also our progress and perseverance in rnortification, by which we hare communion with him in his burial also; burial implies a continuing under death, so is mortification a continual dying to .'■in. Gen. 23. 4. that 1 may *. rny dead out of my sight 6. in choice of our sepulchres *. thy dead, 11, 15. 47. 29. *. me not, 1 pray thee, in Egypt, 49. 29. 50. 5. let me go and *. my father, 1 will come aL-ain 6. go up and *. thy father, as he made thee swear Deut. 21. 23. thou shalt in any wise *. him that day 1 Kivgsi. 31. go and fall upon loab and *. him 11. 15. when .loab was gone up to *. the slain 13. 29. the old prophet came to mourn and *. him 31. when 1 am dead, *. me in the sepulchre 14. 13. Israel sh.all mourn for him and *. him 2 Kings 9. 10. and there shall be none to *. .lezebel 34. go see now this cursed woman, and *. her 35. they went to *. her, but found only the scull Psal. 79.3. and there was none to *. tliem Jer. 7. 32. for they shall *. in '1 ophet, 19. 11. 14. 16. and they shall have none to *. them £2c/c,39.11.there shall they *.Gog and his multitude 13. yea, all the people of the land shall *. them IIos. 9. 6. Egypt gather up, Memphis shall *. them Mat. 8. 21 . suffer me to go *. my father, Luke 9. 59. 22. and let the dead *. their dead, Luke 9. 60. 27. 7- bought the potter's field to *. sti'angers in John 19. 40. as the uianner of the Jews is to *. LiUiHED. [wife Gen 25. 10. there was Abraham *. and Sarah his 49. ol. there Ihey *. Abraham and Sarah his wife, Isaac and Rebekah his wife, and there 1 *. T eah Num. 11. .34. there they *. the people that lusted 20. 1. Miriarn died there, and was*, there 33. 4. for the Egyptians *. all their first-born Veut. 10. 6. there Aaron died, and there he was *. 24. 32. the bones of loseph *. they in Shechem h'uthl. 17 where diest\, ill I die, ;ind there will be*. 2 Sam. 4. 12. they took I ., a.!.,f ish bo.sheth and *, it 21. 14. bonesof Said and !on;,thanthey *. in Zelih 1 KingslS. 31. bury me where the man of God is *.'. 8. 10. and so 1 saw tlie wicked *. J■^r. 8. 2. not be gatheied nor *. 16. 6. 1 20. 6. 1 25. 16. 4. they shall hot be lamented nor *. [33. 22. 19. he shall be *. with the burial of an ass BUR Ezek. .39. 15. setup a sign, till buriershave *. it Mat. 14. 12. his disciples took the body and *. it Luke 16. 22. the rich man also died and was *. Acts 2. 29. the patriar h I Javid is both dead and *. 5. 9. the feet of them which *. thy husband 10. c arrying her forth, *. her by her hushand Ifom.. 6. 4. we are *. with hiin by baptism into death 1 Cor. 15. 4. that he was *. and rose again third day Col. 2. 12. *. with him in baiJtism, wherein are risen I'.UKlt.l) h/m. De7ii.3i.6.he b. him in a valley, in the land of Moab 2 Sam. 2. 5. blessed be ye that have *. Saul 1 Kings 14. 18. they *. him, all Israel mourned him 2 Chron. 21. 20. they *. .lehoram in the city of David 24. 16. *. lehoiada in city of Da^id, anions kings 25. they *. him not in the sepulchres of the kings Acts 5. 6. the young men carried him out and *. hvm BURIKDin. Gen. 15. 15. and thou shalt be *. in a good old age 1 KingsZ. 10. David was *. in Vitrrs in ih^. fire, 19. .5. 21. 10. Is ebuchadnezzar shall *. this city with/. .32. 29. 1 31. 2, 22. 1 .37. 8, 10. | .38. 18. Ezek. 5. 2. *. with/;e a third part in rnidst of city 16. 41. they *. thine houses with/;Ve, 23. 47. Mat. 3. 12. he will Gather his wheat, but he will *. up the chaff with unquenchable fire, Luke 3. I7. Rev. 17. 16. shall eat her flesh, and *. her with;?re BUTVN incense. Exod .30. 1. thou shalt make an altar to *. inceme on 7. Aaron shall *. thereon sweet i7ic. every morn. 8. 1 Kitigs 13. 1. leroboaiTi stood by the altar io *. inc. 2 Kings 18. 4. the children of Lsrael did *. mc. to it 1 Chron. 23. 13. he and his sons for ever to *. inc. 2 Chron. 2. 4. 1 build an house to *. sweet incense 13. 11.*. every morninG' sweet 2'/!fe?je to the Lord 26. 16. L^zziah went into temple to *. incense, 19. 28. 25. in Judah Ahaz made high places to *. inc. BUR 2 Chr. 30. 11. my sons, Lord hath chosen you to h. in. 32. 12. worship before one altar, and h. inc. on it Je'r.l. 9. will ye steal and b. incenseto Baal ? 11. 13. 44. 17. we will b. incense to the queen of heaven JHos. 4. 13. they 6. incense upon the hills under oaks Hah. 1. 16. therefore they h. incense to their drag- Luke 1. 9. Zacharias his lot w£is to h. inc. in temple BUHTSED. Exod. 3. 2. bush h. with fire, and was not consumed 3. 1 will turn and see why the bush is not b. Dent. 9. 15. I came down, and mount h. with fire 32. + 22. a fire kindled and hath h. to lowest hell Josh. 7. 25. *. them with fire, after they stoned them 2C/irim.15. 14. Amaziah b. incense to the gods 34. 25. have forsaken me, an \ h. incense to gods Eiih~l. 12. the king was wroth, and anger b. in him Psal. 39. 3. while f was musing the fire b. Isa. 24. 6. therefore the inhabitants of the earth are 5. 42.' 25. it b. him, yet he laid it not to heart ifl/w. 2. 3. he b. against lacob like a fiaming fire John 15. 6. withered branches are gathered and b. Acts 19. 19. many brought their books and b. them Rom. 1. 27. h. in their lust one towards anotiier 1 Cor. 13. 3. and though 1 give my body to be b. Heb. 6. 8. is rejected, whose end is ioh& b. 12. 18. for ye are not come to the mount that b. Rev. 1. 15. his feet like brass, as if b. in a furnace 16. + 9. and men were b. with great heat BURNEiH. Lev. 16. 28. he that b. them shall wash his clothes and bathe his flesh in water, Nicm. 19. 8. Psal. 46. 9. he breaketh the bow and h. chariot in fire 83. 14. as the fire b. wood, and as the tlamesetteth 97. 3. a fire b. up his enemies round about Jsa. 9. 18. for w ckedness b. as the fire 44. 16. he b. part thereof in fire, he warms himself 62. 1. the salvation thereof as a lamp that b. 64. 2. as when the melting fire b. the fire causeth 65. 5. these are a smoke and fire that b. all the day 66. 3. he that b. incense, as if he blessed an idol Jer. 48. 35. cause to cease that r>. incense to his gods Joel 2. 3. a fire before them, behind them a flame b. Rev. 21. 8. shall have part in lake which b. with fire BURNING. Gen. 15. 17. a b. lamp passed between the pieces Lev. 6. 9. the fire of tlie altar shall be b. in it, 12, 13, S6. 16. 1 will appoint over you the h. asue I)eut. 28. 22. Lord shall smite thee with exti'eme b. 32. 24. they shall be devoured with b. heat Job 5. -I 7. as sons of the b. coal lift up to fly 41. 19. of his mouth go h. lamps, sparks of fire Psal. 11. t 6. on wicked he shall reign a b. tempest 140. 10. let h. coals tall upon them^cast int < fire Prov. 16. 27. in his lips there is as a b. fire 26. 21. as coals are to b. coals, and wood to fire 23. b. lips and a wicked heart are like a potsherd Isa. 30. 27. name of Lord cometh far, b. with anger 34. 9. the land thereof shall become b. pitch Jer. 20. 9. his word was in my heart as a b. fire Ezek. 1. 13. their appearance was like b. coals 21. t31. 1 will deliver into the hand of b. men Dan. 3. 6. shall be cast into micist ol aii. furnace, 11. 17. is able to deliver us from the h. furnace 20. <.o cast them into the b. ficr^ furnace, 21, 23. 26. ISebuchadnezzar came near the b. furnace 7. 9. his *hrone like flame, his wheels were as b. fire Mah. 3. 5. and h. coals went forth at his feet Luke 12. 35. let your loins be girded, and lights b. John 5. 35. John was a b. and a shining light Rev. 4.5. there were seven lamps b. before throne 8. 8. and as it were a great mountain b. with fire 10. there fell a great star /;. as it were a lamp 19. 20. they both Vere cast alive into a lake b. BULiiXlNCT. Gen. 11.+ 3. and let us burn the bricks to a b. Exod. 21. 25. b. for b. wound lor woiind, stripe for Lev. 10. 6. bewail the b. which the Lord kindled 13. 28. if the spot stay, it is a rising of the /;. Num. 11 + 3. he called the name of the place a b. Deut. 29. 23. the wole land is brimstone, salt, and b. 2 Chron. 16. 14. they made a very great b. for him 21. 19. people made no b. like the b. of his fathers Isa. 3. 24. there shall be b. instead of beauty 4. 4. purged blood of Jerusalem by the sp>iritof b. 9. 5. hut "this shall be with b. and fuel of fire 10. 16. under his glory, kindle b. like b. of fire 32. t 13. b. shall come upon all houses of joy 33. 12. the people shall be as t'le b. of lime Amos 4. 11. even as a firebrand plucked out of the b. Rev. 18. 9. when they shall see the smoke of her b. BURlSliNGS. Josh. 11. + 8. they cliased them to the b. of waters Isa. 33. 14. who shall dwell with everlastin? b. ? Jer. 34. 5. with 3. of thy fathers the former Icings BUHN iSllED. Ezek. 1. 7, they sparkled like the colour of b. brass BURN r. Gen. 38. 24. Judah said, brina: her forth, let her be b. Lev. 2. 12. but they shall not be b. on tlie altar 6. 22. meat otfering shall be wholly /;. 23. I 8. 21. 10. 16. Mioses souyht the soat, and it was b. ]Sum. 16. 39. Eleazar the priest took the brazen censers, wherewith they that were h. had offered Deut. 32. 24. shall be b. witli hunaer, and devoured 1 Sam. '2. 15. before they 6. fat, priest's servant came 2 Sam. 5. 21. David and his men b. their images lIUnffsl3.2. mens' bones shall be b. upon thee 15. 13. Asa b. her idol by the brook, 2 Chr. 15. 16. 2 Kiuffs 23. 6. he b. the grove at the brook i\idron 15. she *. the high place, and stampt it small 16. he took bones out of sepulchres and b. them 25. 9. b. the house of L. 2 Chr. 36. 19. Jer. 52. 13. Job 30. 30. and my bones are b. with heat Psal. 102. 3. my skin black, bones are b. as an hearth Prov. 6. 27. take fire, and his clothes not be b. 28. can one go on coals and his feet not be b. Jer. 2. 15. his cities are b. \\ 6. 29. the bellows are b. 36. 28. in the roll which Jehoiakim hath b. 51. 25. and I will make thee a b. mountain Ezek. 2.). 47. and all faces shall be b. therein 24. 10. kindle the fire, and let the bones be b. Joell. 19. the flame hath b. all the trees of the field BUR Amos 2. 1. because he b. the bones of king of Edom Nah. 1. 5. and the earth is h. at liis presence I Cor. 3. 15. if any man's work be b. shall suffer loss Heb. 13. 11. those beasts are b. without the camp BURN I , joined with fire. Exod. 32. 20. he b. the calf in the fire, Deut. 9. 21. Lev. 6. 30. the sin ottering shall be *. in the fire 7. 17. but the remainder of the flesh of the sacrifice on the third day shall be b. vfiVnfire, 19. 6. 20. 14. if a man take a wife and her mother, they shall be b. with fire, both he and they £1. 9. if the daughter of any priest profane herself by playing the whore, she shall be b. with fire Num. 11. 1. ih^fire of the Lord b. among them, 3. Deut. 4. 11. ye came near, the mountain b. -with fire 12. 31. their sons and daughters they b. in the fire Josh. 6. 21. they b. Jericho whhfire and all therein 7. 15. it shall be, he that is taken with the accursed thing shall be b. with fire, lie and all he hath 11. 9. loshua b. their chariots vj\i\ifire 11. and he took Hazor and h. it v/ithfire Judg. 15. 6. they b. her and her father with fire 14. the cords became as flax that was b. wii\\ fire 18. 27. they came to Laish and b. it with/;-e 1 Sam. 30. 1. the Amalekites h. Ziklag with fire 2 Sam. 23. 7. they shall be utterly b. with >>e 1 Kings 9. 16. for Pharaoh had b. Gezer with fire 16.18. Zimri h. the king's house \y\th fire 2 Kings 1.14. fire from heaven /;. up the two captains 17. 31. the Sepharvites b. their cliildren with.^re 23. 11. and b. the chariots of the sun with^re 25. 9. every great man's house b. he with^re 1 Chron. 14. 12. their gods were b. with^re 2 Chron. 28. 3. Ahaz b. his children in the. fire Neh. 1. 3. the gates thereof are h. with fire, 2. 17- Psal. 80. 16. it is b. vfiXhfire, it is cut down Isa. 1. 7. your cities are b. with ^'re 43. 2. when walkest t\\Td' fire thou shalt not be h. 64, 11. our holy and beautiful house is b. with fire Jer. 38. 17. this city shall not be b. with ^"re 23. thou shalt cause this city to be b. wiVafire 49. 2. and iier daughters shall be b. with fire 51, 32. and the reeds they have h. with fire 58. Babylon's high gates shall be h. with fire Mic. 1.7. the hires thereof shall be h. withthe fire Rev. 18. 8. she shall be utterly b. with fire bURNL inceyise. Exod. 40. 27. b. sweet inc. thereon, as commanded 1 Kings 3. 3. only Solomon b. inc. in high places 9. 25. Solomon b. inc. upon the altar before Lord 12. 33. Jeroboam offered on the altar and b. inc. 22. 43. people*, mf.2 ii'wf7J'12. 3. | 14.4. 115.4,35. 2 Kings 16.4. Ahaz b. inc. in highplaces,2C/«r.28.3,4. 2 Chron. 29. 7. put out lamps^and have not b. inc. Isa. 65. 7. which have b. inc. on the mountains Jer. 18. 15. my people have b. inc. to vanity 44. 15. men which knew that their wives had b. inc. Hos. 2, 13. the days wlierein she b. inc. to them 11. 2. they sacrificed and b. inc. to craven images BURISr OFEEIUING. Gen. 22. 7. but where is the lamb for a 5. offering? 8. my son, God will provide a lamb for a b. off. 13. he oftered him tev a. b. -offering instead of Isaac Exod. 18. 12. and Jethro took a b. offering for God 29. 18. the ram is a h. offering unto the Lord Lev. 1. 4. he shall put his hand on head of 1^. offering 4. 29. he shall slay the sin offerinff in the place of the b. offering, 33. 1 6. 25. 1 7. 2. | 14. 13. 6. 9. saying, this is the law of the A. o.tfeiing,T.2>'! . 7-8. the priest shall have the skin of the h. offering 9. 2. take tliee a ram for a b. iff. 16. 3, 5. ! 23. 18. 5. take a calt and a lamb for b. off. 12. 6. | 23. 12. Num. 7. 15. one lamb of the first j'ear for a h. of. 21, 27, 33, 39, 51, 57, 63, 69, 75, 81. Ezek 45. 15. 23. 3. stand by tliy b. offering and I will go, 15. 28. 10. this is the b. offering of every sabbath 13. for a b.-off. of a sweet savour unto the Lord 14. this is the b.-offermg of every month 29.6. besiiiethe meat-ott'ering and the daily 1^. off. Josh. 22. 26. to build us an altar not for a b. offering Judg. 13. 23. not have received a h. off. at our hands 1 Sam.. 7. lu. as -^amuel was ottering up a 6. offering 13. 12. I forced myself and ott'ered a b. tffering 2 Kings 3. 27. offered him for a b. off. en the wall 2 Chr. 7. 1. fire came down and consumed the b. off. 29. 24. the b. offering should be made for all Israel Psal. 40. 6. b. offerings hast thou not required 51. 16. for thou delightest not in b. offering 19. shalt be pleased with b.-off'. and whole b. off. Isa. 40. 16. nor the beasts thereof for a b. offering 61. 8. for I the Lord hate robbery for b. offering Ezek. 4-1. 11. they shall slay the b. off. and sacrifice 45. 17. prince shall prepare the for Israel 46. 2. the priest shall prepare the prince's b. off'. 13. thou shalt daily prepare a b. off. to the Lord Continual B U R N f O F F ER I IN G . Exod. 29. 42. a continual b. offering. Num. 28. 3. 6, 10, 15, 24, 31. I 29. 11, 16, 19, 22. Ezra 3. 5. Neh. 10. 33. Ezek. 40. 15. Offer BURNT OFFER ING, Gen. 22. 2. take 1 saac and offer him there tor a b. off. Lev. 9. 7. ao to tlie altar and offer thy b. offering Num. 28. il. in beainninas of months offer &b. off. 23. ye shall offer these besides the b. offering Judg. 11. 31. 1 will offer it up for a /;. offering 13. 16. if thou offer a b.-off. offer it to the Lord 1 Sam. 6. 14. and offered the kine for a b. offering 7. 9. ."-amuel offered a sucking lamb for a b. offering 2 Kings 0.17. will henceforth offer neither b. offeri7ig 2 Chron. 29. 27. Hezekiah commanded to offer b. off'. Job 42. 8. and offer up for yourselves a h. offering Ezek. 40. 4. h. offering the. prince shall offer in sab. BURIN t OFFER 1:NG8. Gen. 8. 20. Noah offered b. offerings on the altar Exod. 10. 25. also give us sacrifices and b. off'erings 20. 24. and shalt sacrifice tliereon thy h. offerings Num. 10. 10. blow with trumpets over your Deut. 12. 6. thither brina your b. offerings, 11,14,27. Josh. 22. 27. do the service of the Lord with b. off. 1 Sam. 15. 22. hath Lord as great deliglit in b. off. 1 Kings 3. 1.5, Solomon stood and ottered b. offerings BUT 1 X'iw^'j 8.64. middle ofcourt, there he offered 5. off. 1 Chron. 29. 21. they offered b. offerings to the Lord 2 Chron. 2. 4. behold, 1 build an house for b. off. 7. 7. brazen altar was not able to receive b. off. 29. 7. have not offered b.-off. in the holy place 34. the priests could not slay all the b. ogerings 30. 15. Levites were ashamed, brought b. off. 35. 14. sons of Aaron busied in ofi'ering 6. off. Ezra 3. 4. offered the daily b. offeri^igs by number 6. 9. that which they have need of for b. offerings Jobi.5. offered b. off e ring saccordin!} to the number 50. 8. 1 will not reprove thee for thy b. off. 66. 13. I will go into thy house with b. offerings Isa. 1. 11. I am full of the b. offerijigs of\&m.s 43. 23. nor brought me small cattle of thy b. off. 56. 7- their b. off. shall be accepted on mine altar Jer. 6. 20. your b. offerings are not acceptable 7. 21. put your b. off'erings to your sacrifices 22. spake not to your fathers concerning b. off. 17. 26. shall come from the south bringing b. off. 19. 5. to burn their sons for b. offerings to Baal Ezek. 45. 17- be the prince's part to give*, off'erings Hos. 6. 6. the knowledge of God more than b. off. Mic. 6. 6. shall i come before him with b. offerings? Mark 12. 33. to love neiahbour is more than b. off. Heb. 10. 6. in b. off. for sin thou hast had no pleasure Offer BURxN I OFFERINGS. 1 Sam. 10. 8. 1 will come down to thee to offer b. off. 2 Sam. 24. 24. nor will I offer b. offerings of that which doth cost me nothing, 1 Chron. 21.24. 1 Kings 3. 4. a thousand b. off. did Solomon ojfer 9. 25. three times a year did Solomon offer b. off. Ezra 3. 2. Jeshua builded the altar to offer b. off. Jer. 33. 18. Levites not want amaii to offer b. off. Ezek. 43. 18. in the day they make it to offer b. off. Amos 5.22.though ye offerme b. off.l will not accent BURN! SACRIFICE. Exod.?j0.9. otter no strange incense, nor b. s. thereon Lev. 1. 9. the priest shall burn all to be a b. s.3. 5. Num. 23. 6. lo, he stood by his b. s. and the princes Deut. 33. 10. shall put whole b. s. on thine altar 2 Sam. 24. 22. behold, here be oxen for b. sacrifice 1 /iTzra^j 18. 38. fire fell and consumed the*, .sacrifice 2 Kings 1 6. 15. on the great altar burn the kins-'s 5. *. Psal. 20. 3. remember thy oft'erinas, accept thv * s. BURNT SACRIFICES. 1 Chron. 23. 31. to offer all *. s. in the sabbaths 2 Chron. 13. 11. burn morning and evening *. .s-. Psal. 66. 15. I will offer to thee *. s. of faflin<^s BURNT «i;. Judp. 15. 5. the foxes *. up the shocks and com 2 Kings!. lA. fire came down, and*.?//; the two capt. Job 1. 16. the fire of God hath *. up the sheep Psal. 74. 8. they have *. ui all the synaaoguss 106. 18. fire was kindled, flame *. vp the wicked Isa. 3. + 14. for ye have *. up the vineyard 64. 11. our holy and beautiful house is *. up Jer. 9. 10. *. up that none can pass thro' them, 12. Mat. 22. 7. the king sent and *. 7ip their city 2 Pet. 3. 10. earth and works therein shall be *. up Rev. 8. 7- they were cast on the eaith, and the third part of trees was *. up and all sreen grass was *. un BURST. Job 32. 19. it is ready to *. like new bottles Prov. 3. 10. thy presses shall *. with new wine Jer. 2. 20. 1 have*, thy bands,5. 5. | 30.8. AW«. 1, 13. Mark 2. 22. else new wine doth *. bottles, Z,w/-e 5. 37. Acts 1. 18. he *. asunder in midst, bowels e ushed out BURSTING. Isa. 30, 14. not be found in th.e *. of it a sherd BUSH, ES. Exod. 3. 2. in a flame of fire in the *. Acts J. 30. 4. God called to him out of the midst of the b. Deut. 33. 16. the good-will of him that dwelt in 6. Job 30. 4. who cut up mallows by the *. for meat 7. among the *. they brayed, under the nettles l^a. 7. 19. they shall come and rest upon all *. Mark 12. 26. how in the *. God spake to him Luke 6. 44. nor of a bramble *. gatlier they grapes 20. 37. that dead are raised, l\l6ses shewed at the 5. ActsT. 35. the angel which appeared in the *. BUSHEL. 3Iat.5. 15.nor do men light a candle and put it under a *. but on a candlestick, Marki. 21. Luke 11. 33. BUSHY. Cant. 5, 11. his locks are *. and black as a raven BUSY-BODY, ll-:S. 2 Tliess. 3. 11. butsome of you are *.-*. 1 Tim. 5. 13. 1 Pet. 4. 15, but let none of you sutt'er as a b.-body BUSY, lED. 1 Kings 20, 40. as thy servant was *. here and there 2 Chron. 35 14. the sons of Aaron*, inottermg BUSINESS, Gen. 39. 11. Josepli went into house to do his *. Deut. 24. 5. nor shall he be charged with anj' *. Josh. 2. 14, our life for yours, if ye uttei not our *. 20. if thou utter this our*, we will be quit Judg. 18. 7- they had no *. with any man, 28. 1 Sam. 10. + 2. thy father hath left the *. of the asses 20. 19. didst liide thyself when the *. was in hand 21. 2. let no man know any thina of the *. 8. because the king's *. required haste 25. +2, there was anian whose *. was in Carmel 2 Chron. 13. 10. and the Levites wait on their *. 29. + 15. gathered their brethren in *. of the 1 ord 32. 31. in the *. of the ambassadors God left him Neh. 13. ,30. I appointed every man in his *. Esth. 3. 9. to them that have the charge of the *. 9. t 3. those that did the kina's *. helped the Jews Psal. 107. 23. they that do *.''in ffreat waters Prov. 18. + 1. he tiiat intermeddleth in every b 22. 29- seest thou a man diligent in his *, .'' Eccl.5. 3. a dream cometh through multitude of*. Dan. 8. 27. afterwards I rose, and did the king's*. Luke 2. 49, wist ye not I must be about Father' s * .■' Acts 6. 3. whom we may appoint over this *. Rom. 12. 11. not slothful in *. tervent in spirit 16. 2. assist her in what *. she hath need of you 1 27tess. 4, 11. that ye studv todoj-our own *, B U I . 1 Sam. 20. 3. there is *. a step between me and death 2 Kings T. 4. and if they kill us, we shall *. die 47 CAK Psal. 115. 5. mouths *. speak not ; eyes 7j. see not 6. have ears />. hear not ; noses A. smell not 7. \.ave hands />. handle not; feet />. walk not Mai. 24. 36. />. of that day and hour knoweth no man 37. A. as the days of ]N oe were, so shall the coming Mark 5. 2a. she said, if I may touch h. his clothes 1 Cor. 4. 19. 1 will know not tlie speech, b. the power 6. 11. *. ye are washed 1| 7. 10. yetnot I, *. the Lord 12. 4. /). the same Spirit || 5. f>. the same Ix)rd 6. b. it is the same God which worketh all in all 2 Cor. 2. 5. he hath not grieved me /;. in part 4. 17. our lisht affliction, which is />. for a moment Gal. 1. 12. b. by the revelation of Jesus Christ But t/ie end. See End. BUTTER. Gen. 18. 8. Abraham took />. and milk, and the calf Dciit. .32. 14. b. of kine, milk of sheep, fat ot lambs Judg. 5. 25. she broncht forth b. in a lordly disli 2 Sam. 17. 29. Earzillaibrouiihthoney and(5. for Da. Job 20. 17. shall not see the brooks of honey and b. 29. 6. when I washed my steps with b. rock poured I'sal. 55. 21. words of his mouth smoother than b. Prov. .30. 33. churning of milk bringeth forth b. Isa. 7. 15. b. and honey shall he eat, 22. • BUTLER, S. Gen. 40. 1. the b. of the king of Egypt offended 9. the chief b. told his dream to .losepii 21. he restored his chief b. to his butlership 41. 9. the chief b. said, I remember my faults BUTTOCKS. QSam. 10.4.cutoffgarmentstotheir ^. 1 Chrnn.lQ. 4. Isa. 20. 4. with b. uncovered to the shame of Egypt BUY Signifies, [1] To procure any commodity by price, 2 Sam. 24. 21. [2] To receive, by such ways and means as Grid has directed, those spiritual blessings ■which are freely offered in the gospel, even Christ and all his Imiefits, Isa. 55. 1. Kev. 3. 18. Gen. 42. 2. get you down to Egypt and /;. for us 7. said, from land of Canaan to b. food, 43. 20. 47. 19. /;. us and our land for bread, we be servants Bxod. 21. 2. if thou b. an Hebrew servant JLev. 22. 11. if the priests b. any soul with money 25. 15. after the jubilee b. of thy neighbour 44. of them shall ye b. bondmen and maids, 45. Dent. 2. 6. ye shall b. meat of them for money 28. 68. ye shall be sold, and no man shall b. you Utith 4. 4. b. it before the inhabitants, before elders 5. thou must b. it also of Ruth the Moabitess 2 Sam. 24. 21. David said, to b. the tlireshinij-tioor, and build an altar to the Lord, 24. 1 Chr. 21. 24. 2 Kings 12. 12. gave it to masons to /;. timber, 22. G. Nek. 10. 31. we would not b. it on the sabbath Isa. 55. 1. come, b. and eat, b. wine and milk Jer. 32. 7- f>. thee my field that is in Anathoth 44. men shall b. fields for money and subscribe Mat. 14. 15. may I?!, themselves victuals, Mark &. 36. 25. 9. go to them that sell, and h. for yourselves 10. while they went to b. the bridegroom came Mark 6. ,37. shall we go and b. 2(X) pennyworth ? ImIcb 9. 13. except we b. meat for all this people 22. .36. let him sell his garment and b. one John 4. 8. his disciples were gone to b. meat 6. 5. whence shall we b. bread that these may eat ? 13. 29. b. those things that we have need of 1 Cor. 7. .30. they that 1^, as tho' they possessed not Jam. 4. 13. and we will b. and sell, and get gain Bev. 3. 18. 1 counsel thee to /;. of me gold tried in fire 13. 17. no man b. or sell, save he that had the mark BUY corn. Gen. 41. 57. all countries came to Joseph to b. corn 42. 3. Joseph's brethren went down to /;. corn Nek. 5. 3. we have mortgaged our lands to b. corn BUY j»(W. Amos 8. 6. that we may b. tlie poor for silver BUY truth. Prov. 23. 23. b. the truth and sell it not, also wisdom BUYER. Prov. 20. 14. it is naught, it is naught, saith the b. Isa. 24. 2. as witli the b. so with the seller £zek. 7. 12. let not the b. rejoice, nor seller mourn BUYESr. Lev. 25. 14. and if thou sell ought, or b. oucht Ruth 4. 5. what day thou b. the'field of l^aomi BUYETIL Prov. 31. 16. she considereth a field, and b. it Mat. 13. 44. he selleth all he hath, and b. that field Rev. 18. 11. no man b. her merchandise any more BY and BY. Mat. 13. 21. when persecution, b. and b. is offended Mark 6. 25. give me b. mid b. in a charger the head lAike 17. 7. will say to him b. and h. sit down to meat 21. 9. come to pass, but the end is not b. and b. BY-WAYS. Judg. 5. 6. and the travellers walked through /;. BY-WORD. [tions Dent. 28. .37. thou shalt become a b. amon? all na- 1 Kings 9. 7- Israel shall be a I/, among all the people 2 Chron. 7. 20. make this house a proverb and a b. Job 17. 6. he hath made me a b. of the people .30. 9. and now am 1 their song, yea, 1 am tlieir b. Psal. 44. 14. thou makest us a *.' amona- the heathen Joel2. ■\ 17. why heath, should use a /;. against them ? C. CABINS. Jer. 37. 16. when Jeremiah was entered into the c. CAGK. Jer. 5. 27. as a c. is full of birds, so arc their houses full of deceit, therefore they are becotne great Rev. 18. 2. Babylon is a c. of every unclean bird CAKE, S. Exod. 12. 39. they baked unleavened c. of the dough Ixv. 7. 12. with sacrifice of thanksgiving, unleav.'c. 24. 5. take fine flour, and hake twelve r. thereof Num. 15. 20. offer up a c. of the first of your dough Judij.1. 13. and lo, ar. tumbled into host of Midian 2 >Sam. 6. 19. David dealt to every one a c. of bread 13. 6. make me a couple of r. in my sight to eat X Kings 17. 12. as the Lord livetli, I have not a c. 48 CAL 1 Kings 17. 13. make me a little c. first, and bring it 19. 6. there was a c. baken on coals, a cruse of water Jer. 7. 18. to make c. to tiie queen of heaven, -44. 19. E-iek. 4. 12. and thou shalt eat it as bai'ley c. IIos. 7. 8. Ephraim is a c. not turned iSee Figs, Uni-eavkned. CALAMITY, lES. Deut. 32. 35. for the day of their c. is at hand 2 Sam. 22. 19. prevented me in day of c. Ps. 18. 18. Job 6. 2. and my c. laid in the balances together 30. 13. they set forward my c. they have no lielper Psal. 57. 1. my refuge until these c. be overpast 141. 5. for yet my prayer also shall be in their c. Prov. 1. 26. I will laugh at your c. I will mock 6. 15. therefore his f. shall come suddenly 17. 5. he that is glad at c. shall not be unpunished 19. 13. a foolish son is the c. of his father 24. 22. for their c. shall rise suddenly 27. 10. nor go into thy brother's house in day of c. Jer. 18. 17. I will shew them the back in day of c. 46. 21. the day of their c. was come upon them 48. 16. the c. of ]\Ioab is near to come, hasteth 49. 8. for I will bring the c. of I'.sau upon hirn .32. and I will bring their c. from all sides thereof Ezek. .35. 5. hast shecf blood of Isr. in day of their c. Obad. 13. on their substance in the day of their c. CALAMUS. Exod. 30. 23. take of sweet c. 250 shekels Cmit. 4. 14. spikenard, saffron, c. and cinnamon Esek. 27. 19. c. was in the market of lyrus CALDRON. 1 Sam. 2. 14. he struck it into the pan, c. or pot Job 41. 20. goeth smoke, as out of a seething c. Ezek. 11. 3. this city is the c. and we the flesh, 7. 11. this city shall not be your c. nor ye the flesh Mic. 3. 3. they chop them as fiesh withm the c. CALDRONS. 2 Chron. 35. 13. holy offerings sold they in pots and c. Jer. 52. 18. c. also and spoo'ns took they away, 19. CALF. Gen. 18. 7. Abraham fetched a c. tender and good Exod. 32. 4. after he had made it a molten c. 20. Moses burnt c. and strawed it on the water Lev. 9. 2. take tliee a young c. for a sin offering 3. fake a c. and a lamb for a burnt-offering Deut. 9. 16. ye had sinned asainst the Lord, and had made you a molten c. N'eh. 9. 18. Psal. 106. 19. Job 21. 10. their cow calveth and casteth not her c. Psal. 29. 6. he maketh them also to skip like a c. Isa. 11. 6. the c. and the young lion together 27. 10. there shall the c. feed, and there lie down Jer. 34. 18. when they cut the c. in twain and passed Ezek. 1. 7. their feet were like the sole of a c. foot Hos. 8. 5. thy c. O Satnaria, hath cast thee off 6. the c. of Samaria shall be broken in pieces Luke 15.23. and t.rin^' hither the fatted c. and kill it 27. thy fatlier hath killed the fatted c. .30. Actsll. 41. and they made a r. in those days Rev. 4. 7- im^l the second beast was like a c. CALKEBS. Ezek. 27. 9. ancients of Gebal were in thee thy c. 27. thy c. shall fall into the midst of the seas CALL Signifies, [1] To name. Gen. 1. 5. 1 5. 2. [2] To appoint and qualify a person for some work and service, Exod. 31. 2. Isa. 22. 20. [3] To cause, by a powerful word, those things to exist, which had no being before, Rom. 4. I7. [4] To invite, zoarn, and exhort, by the dispensations of Providence, Isa. 22. 12. [5] To cause to grow, Ezek. 36. 29. [6] To invite sinners to repentance, either by the ministry of the word, hy awful dispensations of Providonce, by the motions of the Holy Spirit, or by their own consciences, Prov. 1. 24. ]\Iat. 22. If. [7] To bring persons, by the preaching of the word and effectual operation of the Spirit, to know, believe, and obey, the gospel. Bom. 8. 28, 3'). [8] To own and ackmnoledge, Ileb. 2. 11. [9] To worship. Gen. 4. 26. Acts 9. 14. [10] To pray to, Psal. 50. 15. Jonah 1. 6. [11] To appeal to, 2 Cor. 1. 23. [12] 'To proclaim, Joel 1. 14. | 2. 15. [13] To reckon, or account, Mai. 3. 15. Acts 10. 15. [14] To be, Luke 1. 32. xchere it is said of Christ, 'I hou shalt be called the Son of the Highest ; that is. Thou shalt really be, and be acknowledged, the true, eternal, and essential Son of God. Gen. 2. 19. to Adam, to see what he would c. them Exod. 2. 7- thee a nurse of the Hebrew women 20. where is he '. c. him that he may eat bread Num. 16. 12. Moses sent to c. Dathan and Abiram 22. 20. if the men c. thee, rise up and go with them Deut. 4. 7- as God is in all things we c. on hiin for 26. I c. heaven and earth to witness against you tills day, shall not pro. your days, .30. 19. I 31.28. Judg. 16. 25. c. for Samson thathe may make ussport 21. 13. they sent toe. peaceably unto theui 1 Sam. 3. 6. here am I, for thou didst c. me, 8. 16. 3. c. Jesse to the sacrifice, and 1 will shew thee 22. 11. then king sent to c. Ahimeiech the priest 2 Sam. 17. 5. then said Absalom, c. now Uushai 1 Kijigs 1 . 28. c. Bathsheba 1| 32. c. Zadok and IN athan 8. 52. hearken to them in all they c. for unto thee 17- 18. art come to me toe. my sin to remembrance .^ 18. 24. and c. ye on the name of your gods, 25. 2 Kings A. 12. Elisha said, c. this Shunammite 10. 19. c. unto me all the prophets of Baal .Tob 5. 1. c. now if there be any that will answer 13. 22. then c. thou, and I will answer, 14. 15. Psal. 4. 1. hear when I c. O God of my righteousness 3. the Lord will hear when I c. unto him 14. 4. who eat up my people, and c. not upon Lord 20. 9. save. Lord, let the king hear us v/hen we c. 49. 11. they c. their lands after their ov,'n names 77. 6. I c. to remembrance my song in the night 86. 5. and plenteous in mercy "to all that c. on thee 99. 6. Samuel among them thate. on his name 102. 2. in the day when I c. answer me speedily 145. 18. the Lord is nigh all them that <-. on him Prov. 8.4. to you, O men, I c. my voice to sons of men 9. 15. to c. passengers who go right on their ways 31. 28. her children arise, and c. her blessed CAL Isa. .3. + 12. O my people, they who c. thee blessed cause thee to err, and destroy thy paths, 9. 1 16. 5. 20. woe to them that c. evil good, and good evil 22. 12. in that day did the l-ord c. to weeping 45. 3. I the Lord wliich r. \hw. by tliy name 48.2. for they c. themselves of the holy city 13. when 1 c. to them they statu! up together 55. 6. r. ye upon him while he is near 58. 5. wilt tlu)u c. this a fast to the Lord ? 13. r. the sabbath adelifiht, holy of the Lord 65. 15. and c. Iiis servants by another name 24. it sliall come, that before they c. I will answer Jer. 9. 17. consider and c. for the mourning women .33. 3. c. unto me, and I will answer thee Lam. 2. 15. is this city men c. perfection of beauty .' IIos. 1. 4. the Lord said, c. his name Jezreel 6. God said unto him, c. her name Lo-ruhamah 9. c. his name T.o-auimi, for ye are not my people 7. 11. they c. to Egypt, they go to Assyria Joel 1. 14. sanctify a fast c. solemn assembly, 2. 15. Jonah ]. 6. O sleeper, arise, r. upon thy God Zech. 3. 10. ye shall c. every man his neighbour Mnl. 3. 15. now we c. proud happy, they that work Mat. 9. 13. I am not come to c. the rishteous, but sinners to repentance, Mark 2. Yl.'Luke 5. 32. 20. 8. c. the labourers and give them their hire 22. 3. sent his servants to c. them that were bidden 43. how then doth David in spirit c. him Lord ? 23. 9. c. no man your father upon the earth Luke 6. 46. why c. ye me Tu and do not things I say ? 14. 13. wlien thou makest a feast c. the poor John 4. 16. go c. thy husband, and come hither 13. 13. yec. me Master and Lord, and ye say welJ yicts 9. 14. to bind all that c. on thy name 19. 13. to c. over them which had evil spirits 24. 14. that after the way which they c. heresy Rom. 10. 12. same Lord is rich to all that c. on him 2 Cor. 1. 23. I c. God for a record upon my soul 2 Tim. 1.5. when 1 c. to remembrance the faith 2. 22. follow peace with them that c. on the Lord IJeb. 2. 11. he is not ashamed toe. them brethren 10. 32. butc. to remembrance the former days Jam. 5. 14. let him c. the elders of the church 1 Pet. 1. 17. if ye c. on the Father who judgeth Call on the Jiame of the Lord. Gen. 4. 26. then began men to c. upon name of the L. 1 Kings 18. 24. 1 will c. on name of L. Psal. 116. I7. 2 Kings 5. 11. he will come out and f. cm waw« o/Z. 1 Chr. 16. 8. c. upon \\\%name, Psal. 105. 1. Isa. 12. 4. JoelZ. 32. whosoever shall c. on the name of the L. shall be delivered, Acts2.2\. Rom. 10. 13. Zeph. 3. 9. that they may all c. upon name of the L. 1 Cor, 1. 2. that in every place c. on the name of L. Not CALL. Gen. 17. 15. shall not c. her name Sarai, but Sarah J7idg. 12. 1. and didst not c. us to go with thee Buth 1. 20. she said, c. me not Naomi, c. me Mara Psal. 14. 4. and they c. not upon the Lord La. 31. 2. yet he will not c. back his words .Ter. 10. 25. upon families that c. 7wt upon thy name Luke 14. 12. c. not thy friends, nor thy brethren Jolm 15. 15. henceforth I c. you not servants J\ct.i 10. 15. that c. wo< thou common, 11. 9. 28. God hath shewed me w. to c. any man common Shall, or shalt CALL. Gen. 17. 19. and thou shalt c. his name Isaac Deiit. 25. 8. then the elders of his city shall c. him 30. 1. thou shalt c. them to mind among the nations 33. 19. they shall c. the people to the mountain Job 14. 15. thou shalt c. and I will answer thee Psal. .50. 4. he shall c. to the heavens from above 72. 17. Ijlessed in him, all nations .*■//«// c. him blessed Isa. 7. 14. shall c. his name Emmanuel, Mat. 1. 23. 34. 12. they shall c. the nobles to the kingdom 41. 25. from risiiii; of sun shall he c. on my name 44.5. another .i7;a//f. himself by the nameof.Iacob 7. and who, as I, shall c. and shall declare it .•■ 55. 5. thou shalt c. a nation that thou knowest not 58. 9. th^n shalt thou c. and the Lord shall answer 60. 14. they shall c. thee the city of the Lord 18. shalt c. thy walls salvation, and gates praise 61. 6. men sliall c. you the ministers of our God 62. 12. they shall c. them the holy people, redeemed Jer. 3. 17. they shall c. Jerusalem the throne of L. 19. shalt,my father, shalt not turn away 6. 30. reprobate silver shall men c. them 7. 27. shalt c. to them, but they will not answer thee Hos. 2. 16. and thou shalt c. me no more Baali Joel 2. 32. in the remnant whom the Lord f.hallc. Amos 5. 16. they shall c. husbandman to mourning Zech. 13. 9. shall c. on my name and I will hear them Mai. 1. 4. they shallc. them the border of wickedness 3. 12. and all nations sliall c. you blessed Mat. 1. 21. thou shalt c. his name Jesus, shall save 10. 25. how much more shall c. them of household ^ LukeX. 13. and thou shalt c. his name John 48. behold, all generations shall c. me blessed Acts 2. 39. as many as the Lord our God shall c. Rom. 10. 14. how then shall they c. on him in whom Will CALL. Gen. 24. 57- we uillc. the damsel and inquire at her .30. 13. for the dauQliteis wz7/f. me blessed 1 Sam. 12. 17. I willc. unto Lord, and he shall send 2 Sam. 22. 4. I will c. on the Lord, Psal. 18. 3. Job 27. 10. will the. hypocrite always c. on God ? Psal. 55. 16. as for me, 1 will c. upon God, 86. 7 80. 18. quicken us, and v/e willc. on thy name 116. 2. therefore will I c. on him. as long as 1 Isa. 22. 20. that I willc. my servant I'liakim Jer. 1. 15. 1 willc. all the families of the north 25. 29. for 1 will c. for a sword, Ezek. 3J3. 21. Ezek. 21. 23. he will c. to remembrance the iniquity 36. 29. 1 will c. for tlie corn, and will increase it Jlcts9,4. 25. a convenient season I will c. for Rom. 9. 25. 1 willc. them, my people which were not CALL upon me. [liver Psal. 50. 15. c. upo7i me in day of trouble, I will de- 91. 15. he shall c. upon me, and 1 will answer him Prov. J . 28. shall c. upon me, but I will not answer Jer. 29. 12. shall ye c. iivon me, and I will hearken CALLED. Gen. 11. 9. therefore is the name of it c. Babel CAL Gen. 21. 17- the angel of God c. to Hagaroutofhea. 22. 11. the angel c. to Abraham out of heaven 35. 10. thy name shall not be c. any more Jacob 18. c. him Ben-oni, but his father c. him Benjamin 39. 14. she c. to the men of her house, and spake Exod. 1. 18. the king of Egypt c. for the midwives 8. 8. Phar. c. for M. 25. 1 9. 2?. | 10. 16, 24. 1 12. 31. Num. 13. 16. ikJoses c. Osheason of Nun, Jehoshua Deut. 5. 1 . Moses c. all Israel and said to them, 29. 2. 15. 2. not exact it, because it is c. the Lord's release 28. 10. shall see tlwu art c. by name of the Lord Josh. 21. t9. gave these cities here c. by name Judg. 12. 1 1. the men of Ephraim were c. together 14. 15. have j-e c. us to take what we have .' 15. 17. he cast away tlie jaw-bone, and c. the place 18. Samson was sore athirst, and c. on the Lord + 19. he c. it the well of him that c. or cried 16. 28. Samson c. to the Lord and said, O Lord 1 Satn. 9. 9. that is now c. a prophet, was c. a seer H Sa?n. 6.2. whose name is c. by the name of the Ld. 12. 28. lest I take cit3% and it be c. after my name IB. 26. the watchman c. to the porter, and said 21. 2. the king c. the Gibeonites, and said to them 1 Kings 1. 9. Adonijah c. all his brethren, 19. 25. 18. 3. Ahab c. Obadiah, who was the governor 26. they c. on the name of Baal from morning •2 Kings 4. 22. she c. to her husband and said, send me 7. 10. they came and c. to the porter of the city 1 Ckron. 4. 10. and Jabez c. on the God of Israel 13. 6. bring the ark of God, whose name is c. on it 21. 26. David c. on the Lord, he answered him JE.f^/;.2.14. came no more, exceptshe were c. byname 4. 11. who is not c, I have not been c. to come Jod 17. + 14. I have c. to corruption, my father Ps. 53. 4. eat up my people, they have not c. upon G. 79. 6. the kinsdoms that have not c. on thy name Jsa. 31 . 4. a mult, of shepherds is c. forth against him 43. 22. but thou hast not c. on me, () .lacob 48. 1. O .lacob, ye tliat are c. by the name of Israel 12. hearken unto me, O Jacob, and Israel my c. 61. 3. that they might be c. trees of righteousness Jer. 7. 32. that it shall no more be c. Tophet l,am. 1. 21. thou wilt brins day that thou hast c. ■2. 22. thou hast c. as a solemn day my terrors Exefr. 20. 29. and the name thereof is c. Bamah Dan. 5. 12. now let Daniel be c. and he will shew Mat. 1. 16. of whom was born Jesus, who is c. Christ 10. 2. the first Simon, who is c. Peter 13. 55. they said, is not his mother c. Mary ? 18. 2. and Jesus c. a little child unto him 20. 16. for many be c. but few chosen, 22. 14. 32, and Jesus stood still, and c. them, and said ■23. 8. be not ye c. liabbi, one is your IMaster, 10. 26. 14. one of the twelve c. Judas Iscariot 27. 17- or shall I release Jesus, c. Christ ? 22. Mari 10. 49. Jes" commanded him to be c. 14. 72. Peter c. to mind the word that Jesus said EuAe 1. 61. none of thy kindred is c. by this name 62. they made signs how he would have him c. 15. 19. I am no more worthy to be c. thy son, 21. 19. 15. he commanded the servants to be c. 23. 33. when come to the place that is c. Calvary Jo/m 1. 48. before that Philip c, thee 1 saw thee 4. 25. 1 know Messiah cometh, who is c. Christ 9. 11. a man c. Jesus made clay and anoint, my eyes Acts 9.11 . go into the street c. Straight, for one c. Saul 11. 26. disciples were c. Christians first at Antioch 13. 7. who c. for Barnabas and Saul, desired to hear 9. then Saul, c. Paul, tilled with the Holy Ghost 15. 17- all the Gentiles on whom my name is c. 19. 40. to be c. in question for this day's uproar 23. 6. I am c. in question by you this day, 24. 21. 18. Paul the prisoner c. and prayed me to bring Horn. 1. 1. Paul c. to be an apostle, 1 Cor. 1. 1. 6. amoneople c. 2 Chron. 10. 12. 13. 10. he returned not by the way he c. to Bethel 19. 9. he c. thither to a cave and lodged there 20. 43. the king of Israel c. heavy to Samaria 2 Kings 4. 11. it fell on a day that he c. thither 27. when she c. to the man of God to the hill 5. 15. Naaman c. and stood before Elisha 6. 23. the bands of Syria c. no more into Israel 32. but ere messenger c. tohim, he said to elders 8. 14. Hazael departed from Elisha, c. to his master 9. 11. wherefore c. this mad fellow to thee ? 10. 12. Jehu arose, departed, and c. to Samaria 21. all worshippers of Baal c. house of Baal full 17. 28. one of the priests c. and dwelt in Beth-el 19 33. by the way that he c. shall he return 24. 3. at the command of the Lord c. this on Judah 1 Chron. 4. 41. these c. in the days of Hezekiah 5. 2. Judah prevailed, of him c. the chief ruler 7. 22. Ephraim's brethren c. to comfort him 12. 1. now these ai'ethey thatc. to Dav. day by day 22. there c. to David to help him a great host 2 Chron. 11. 14. the Levites left all and c. to Judah 12. 11. the guard c. and fetched the shields 14. 14. for the fear of the Lord r. upon them 22. 1. the band of men that c. with the Arabians 24.18.wrath c. on Judah and Jerusalem for trespass 25. 20. Amaziah would not hear, for it c. of God 50 CAM 2 Chr. 30. 11. divers humbled thems. and r. to Jerus. 31. 6. and as soon as commandment c. abroad Ezra 2. 2. which c. with Zerubbabel, Mordecai 5. 5. not cause to cease till the matter c. to Darius Neh. 7.73. when seventh month c. were in their cities Esth. 1. 17. Vashti to be brought in, but she c. not 2. 13. then thus c. every maiden to the king 4. 2. Mordecai c. even before the king's gate 8. 17. whither the king's decree c. Jews had joy Job 3. •|-25. I feared a fear, and it c. upon me 25. I was not in safety, nor had rest, yet trouble c. 29. 13. the blessing of him ready to perish c. on him .30. 26. I looked for good, evil c. darkness c. Psal. 18. 6. my cry c. before me, even to his ears 27. 2. when my foes c. upon me they stu milled 78. 31. wrath of God c. upon them, and slew them 105. 19. until time that his word c. word tried them 31. he spake, and there c. divers sorts of Hies ,34. he spake, and locusts c. and caterpillars Eccl. 5. 15. to go as he c. and take nothing, 16. Isa. 20. 1. in the year that lartan c. to Ashdod 30. 4. and his ambassadors c. to Ilanes 41. 5. ends of earth were afraid, drew near and c. Jer. 7. 31. nor c. it into my mind, 19. 5. | .32. 35. 8. 15. we looked for peace, but no good c. 44. 21. incense you burnt, c. it not into his mind ? Ezek. 4. 14. nor c. there abominable flesh into mouth 17. 3. c. to Lebanon, and took the highest branch 33. 22. afore he that was escaped c. opened mouth 37. 7- the bones c. together, bone to his bone 10. breath c. into them, they lived and stood up 43. 2. the glory of God of Israel c. from the east Dan. 2. + 29. thoughts c. up into thy mind on thy bed 4. 28. all this c. on the king Nebuchadnezzar 7. 13. one like Son of Man c. with clouds of heaven 22. till the ancient of days c. and judgment given /Imos 6. 1. to whom the house of Israel c. Jonah 3. 6. for word c. to the king of Nineveh Hab. 3. 3. God c. from I'eman, arid the Holy One Hag. 1. 9. ye looked for much, and lo it c. to little 2. 16. when one c. to the press-fat to draw out Zech. 7. 12. c. a great wrath from the Lord of hosts 14. 16. of all the nations that c. against Jerusalem Mat. 2. 1. there c. wise men from the east to Jerus. 9. till it c. and stood over where the child was 3. 1. in those days c. Joiin the Baptist preaching 7. 25. and the rains descended, and the floods c. 27. 9. 1. he passed over and c. into his own city 20. a woman c. behind, touched hem of his garm. 28. come into the house, the blind men c. to Jesus 20. 28. Son of man c. not to be ministered to 21. 28. c. to the first and said, son, go work to-day 30. he c. to the second, and said likewise 32. John c. to you in tlie way of righteousness 25. 10. they went to buy, the bridegioom c. .36. 1 was in prison, and ye c. to me 26. 49. forthwith he c. to Jesus and kissed him 60. though false witnesses c. ycX found they none 28. 13. his disciples c. b^- night, and stole him away Mark 3. 8. heard what great things he did, c. to him 9. 21. how long is it ago since this c. to him .? 12. 28. one of the scribes c. and asked him 42. c. a certain poor widow threw two mites Juke 1. 57. now Elisabeth's full time c. to be deliv. 9. 34. there c. a cloud and overshadowed them 35. and there c. a voice out of the cloud, saying, 15. 17. when he c. to himself, lie said, how many 20. and he arose and c. to his father John 1. 7. the same c. to bear witness of the light 11. he c. to his owTi, and his own received him not 17. but srace and truth c. by Jesus Christ 3. 2. the same c. to Jesus by night, 7. 50. 1 19. 39. 23. and they c. and were baptized 4. 27. upon this c. his disciples, and marvelled that 10. 35. if he called gods to whom word of God c. 12. 30. the voice c. not because of me, but for you 20. 19. at evenc. Jesus, and stood in the midst Acts 8. 40. preached in al' cities, till he c. to Cesarea 9. 21. c. hither for that intent, to bring them bound 10. 45. as many as c. with Peter were astonished 11. 5. the vessel descended, and it c. even to me 23. when he c. and had seen the grace of God 19. 18. and many that believed c. and confessed 28. 21. nor brethren that c. spake any harm of thee Rom. 5. 18. judgment c. the free gift c. on all men 7. 9. when the commandment c. sin revived Q. 5- of whom, as concerning the flesh, Christ c. I Cor. 15. 21. since by man c. death, by man c. also Gal. 2. 12. for before that certain c. from James 3. 23. before faith c. we were kept under the law Eph. Q. IT. and c. and preached peace to you afar off 1 Thess. 1. 5. our gospel c. not m word only but in 1 Tim. 1. 15. that Christ c. to save sinners [power 2 Tim. 3. 11 . persecutions which c. to me at Antioch 2 Pet. 1. 17. when there c. such a voice to him 18. this voice which c. from heaven we heai^d 21. prophecy c. not in old time by the will of man 1 John 5. 6. this is he that c. by water and blood 3 John 3. when brethren c. and testified of the truth Rev. 16. 19. and great Babylon c. in remembrance See Spirit of the Lord. CAME again. Jvdg. 13. 9. angel c. agai7i to the woman as she sat 15. 19. his spirit c. again to him, 1 Sam. 30. 12. 21. 14. and Benjamin c. again at that time 1 Kings I7. 22. the soul of the child c. into him again 19. 7. the angel of the Lord c again the second time 2 Kinqsb. 14. his flesh c. again like the flesh of a child 7.8. lepers c. again, and entered into another tent Ezra 2. 1. these c. again to Judah and Jerus. Neh. 7. 6. Esth. 6. 12. Mordecai c. again to the king's gate Dan. 10. 18. c. again and touched me one likea man Zech. 4. 1. the angel c. again and waked me LnikeQ. 55. her spirit c. ag. and she arose straightway John 8. 2. and early he c. again into the temple CAME dozun. Gen. 11.5. Lord c. down to see the city and tower 15. 11. when the fowls c. down on the carcases 43. 20. O Sir, we c. down at first to buy food Exod. 19. 20. the Lord c. down upon mount Sinai 34. 29. when Moses c. down from mount Sinai Lev. 9. 22. and Aaron c. down from offering CAM Num. 11. 25. the Lord c. down in a cloud, 12. b. 14. 45. then Amalekites c. down and smote them Judg.5. 14. out of Machir c. down the governors 2 Sam. 22.10. bowed heavens and c. down, Psal. 18. y 2 Kings 1. 10. there c. down fire from heaven, 12, 14. 1 Chron. 7. 21. men of Gath c. d. to take their cattle- 2 Chron. 7. 1. made an end of praying, fire c. d. 3. Lam. 1. 9. therefore she c. down wonderfully Dan. 4. 13. an holy one c. down from heaven Mic. 1. 12. evil c. doion from the Lord to the gate Mat. 17. 9. as they c. d. from mountain, Mark 9. 9. Luke 10. 31. there c. down a certain priest that way 19. 6. he made haste and r. down and received him John 3. 13. he that c. down from heaven. Son of Man 6. .38. 1 c. d. from heaven, not lo do mine own wil'. 41. the bread which c. down from heaven, 51, 58. Acts 15. Lmen which c. down from Judea taught 21. 10. there c. down from Judea a certain prophet Rev. 20. 9. fire c. d. from God and devoured them CAME forth. Exod. 13. 8. Lord did to me when I c.f. out of Egypt Num. 11. 20. wept, saying, why c. f. out of Egypt i 12. 5. Aaron and Miriam, they both c. forth Deut. 23. 4. met you not with water when ye c. f. Josh. 9. 12. our breafi hot on day we c. forth to you Judg. 14. 14. he said to them, out of the eater c.f. meat, and out of tiie strong c. f. sweetness 2 Sam. 16. 5. Shimei c.f. and cursed as he came 11. son which c. f. of my bowels seeketh my life 1 li'iyigs 22. 21. f./. a spirit, and stood before Lord 2 Kings 2. 23. c.f. little children and mocked him 24. c. forth two she-bears and tare 42 children 21. 15. their fathers cf. out of Egypt, Je;- 7. '25. 2 Chron. 32. 21. that c. forth of his bowels Slew him Prov. 7. 15. therefore c. ^ forth to meet thee Eccl. 5. 15. as he c. forth naked, shall he return Jer. 20. 18. wherefore ;pt Amosl. 6. because they carried c. the captivity Obad. 11, in the day that strangers carried c. his Carrying CAPTIVl',. Jer. 1. 3. to the carrying away of Jerusalem c. Lead, or led, CAPTIVl',. Judg. 5. 12, lead thy captivity c. thou son of A binoam 1 Ki7igs8.4Q. inlandof their enemies who /erf them c, 2 Chron. 30. 9. compassion before them \WAileadc, Psal. 68. 18. thou hast led captivity c. Eph. 4. 8. Jer. 22. 12. die in pla aboth, 26. 13. 21. c. the man into the sepulchre of ITisha 23. neither r. he them from his presence as yet 19. 18. have c. their 2ods into the fire, Isa. .37. 19. 32. nor c. a bank asrainst it, J.^a. 37. 33. Neh. 9.26. and c. thy law behind their backs Esth. 3, 7. they c. Pur, that is, the lot, before Haman CAS Esth. 9. 24. Haman had c. Pur, that is, the lot Jcb 20. 23. God shall c. the fury of his wrath on him 27. 22. (iod shall c. upon him and not spare 29. + 17. I c. the spoil out of iiis teeth 30. 19. heiiatlic. me into the rnire and am become '10. 11. c. abroad the rage of thy wrath Psal. 55. 3. they c. iniquity on ine, and hate me 22. c. thy burden on the Lord, he shall sustain tliee 74. 7. they have c. fire into thy sanctuary 78. 49. he c. on them the fierceness of his wrath Prov. 1. 14. c. in thy lot among us, let us all have Eccl. 11. 1. c. thy bread on the waters, forshaltfind Isa. 2. 20. a man shall c. his idols to the bats 38. 17- thou hast c. all my sins behind thy back J(r. 26. 23. c. Urijah's body into the graves of people 36. 23. c. it into the fire that was on the hearth 38. 6. they c. Jeremiah into the dungeon, 9. 41. 7. Ishmael slew, and c. them into the pit Lam. 3. 53. cut off my life, and c. a stone upon me Ezek. 7. 19. they shall c. their silver in the streets 11. 16. alfho' 1 have c. them far off among heathen 23. .35. because thou hast c. me behind thy back 28. 17. I will c. thee to tiie ground. I will lay thee Dan. 3. 20 and tor. them into the fiery furnace 24. did not we c. three men bound into the fire ? 6. 24. c. them into the den of lions, their children Jonah 2. 3. for thou hadst c. me into the deep Mic. 4. 7. I will make her c. off, a strong nation 7. 19. thou wilt r. all their sins into the sea Na/i. 3. 6. I will c. abominable filth on thee Zech. 5. 8. c. it into the ephah, c. the weight 11. 13. c. it to the potter, c. them to the {Hitter Mai. 3. 11. nor vine c. her fruit before time in field HJat. 3. 10. is hewn down and c. into the fire, 7- 19. 5. 29. pluck it out and c. it from thee, 30. j 18. 8,9. 7. 6. nor c. your pearls before swine, they 15.26. children's bread, and c. it to dons, MarkT. 27. 17. 27. c. an hook, and take up fish first cometh up 18. 30. c. him into prison, till he pay tlie debt 22. 13. c. him into outer darkness, 25. 30. 27. 44. the thieves c. the same in his teeth Mark 9. 22. oft-times it hath c. him into the fire 11.7- e. their garments on him, Lvke 19. 35. 12. 4. another servant, and at him they c. stones 41. c. money into the treasury, Luke 21. 4. 43. this poor widow hath c. more in than all, 44. L7(ke 12. 5. who hath power to c. into hell, fear him 19. 43. thy enemies shall c. a trench about thee Johns. 7- let him first c. a stone at her 21. 7. Peter did c. himself into the sea Acts 12. 8. c. thy garment about thee, follow me 16. 23. they c. Paul and Silas into prison 27. 43. who could swim c. themselves first into sea 1 Cor. 7- 35. not that I may c. a snare upon you Pev. 2. 10. devil should c. some of j'ou into prison 14. who taught I'alak to c. a stumbling-block 22. I will c. her into a bed, and them that commit 4. 10. the elders c. their crowns before the throne 18. 21. like a mill-stone, and c. it into the sea CA.S1 away. Lev. 26. 44. I will not c. them away nor abhor them Judg. 15. 17. c. aaay the jaw-bone out of his hand 2 Sam. 1. 21. the shield of the mighty is c. away 2 Kings 7. 15. vessels the Syrians had c.away in haste 2 Chron. 29. 19. vessels Ahaz in his reign did c.away Job 8. 4. have c. them ajiiay for their transgression 20. behold God will note, away a perfect man Psal. 2. 3. let us c. away their cords from us 51. 11. me not away from thy presence Eccl. 3. 5. a time to c. away stones, and srather, 6. Isa. 5. 24. because they have c. away the law .30. 22. shall c. them away as amenstruous cloth 31 . 7. every man shall c. away his idols of silver 41. 9. 1 have chosen thee, and not c. thee azvay Jer. 7. 29. cut thy hair, and c. it away, O Jerusalem 33. 26. then will I c. away the seed of Jacob Ezek.l8. 31 .c.away from you all your transgressions 20. 7. c. awaye\-exy man abominations of his eyes 8. they did not c. away the abominations of eyes IIos. 9. 17. my God will c. them away, because Mat. 13. 48. eathered the good, but c. the bad away Luke 9. 25. if a man lose himself, or be c. away Pom 11. 1 . hath God c. away his people, God forbid 2. God hath not c. away his people, he foreknew Heb. 10. 35. c.not a-cay your confidence which hath CAS 1 -AWAY. 1 Cor. 9. 27. lestthat I myself should be a cast-away CASl down. Exod. 7. 10. Aaron c. down his rod |1 12. they c. down Josh. 10. 11. T-Ord c. down great stones upon them Jvdg. 6. 28. altar of Baal wasc. t/ownand the grove 1 Kings\?y. 42. Elijah c. himself rfoww on the earth 2 Chron. 25. 8. God hath power to help and c. down 12. and c. them down from the top of the rock Neh. 6. 16. they were c. down in their own eyes Job 18. 7. his own counsel shall c. him down 22. 29. when men are c. rforrw, then say, liftingup 29. 24. liaht of my countenance they c. not down 41. 9. shall not one be c. doxcn at the sight of him ? Psal. 17. 13. O Lord, disappoint him, c. him down 36. 12. they are c. down and shall not be able to rise 37- 14. bent their bow to c. d. poor and needy 24. though he fall, he shall not be utterly c. down 42. 5. why art thou c. down, O my soul, 11. | 43. 5. 6. O my God, my soul is c. down within me 56. 7- in thine anger c. dowri the people, O Lord 62. 4. consult to r. him dowji from his excellency 89. 44. thou hast c. his throne down to the grounii 102. 10. thou hast lifted me up, and c. me^down Prov. 7- 26. for she hath c. doTcnmtmy wounded Isa. 28. 2. the I Old shall c. down ^vith his hand Jer. 6. 15. time i visit, they shall bee. down, 8. m. Lam. 2. 1. c. down to the earth the beauty of Israel Ezek. 6. 4. I will c.dowji your slain before your idols 19. 1-. thy mother was c. down to the ground 31. 16. when 1 c. the Assyrian down to hell .32. 18. wail for Eaypt, and r. her rf. and daughters Dan. 7. 9. 1 beheld till the thrones were c. down 8. 7. the he-goat c. down the ram to the ground 10. it c. down some of the host, and of the stars 11. sanctuary was c. d. || 12. c. d. truth to STOuad 11. 12. he shall c. down many ten thousands CAS Mat. 4. 6. if the Son of God, c. thj'self ^. Lvkei. 9. 15. 30. c. them dmvn at Jesus' tee.t, and he healed 27. 5. he c. dow7i the pieces of silver in the temple Lide 4. 29. thej"- might c. Jesus down headlong 2 Cor. 4. 9. we are c. dozvyi, but not destroyed 7. 6. God that comtbrteth those that are c. down 2 Pet. 2. 4. but c. the angels down to hell Mev. 12. 10. the accuser of our brethren is c. down CAS'l' forth. Neh. 13. 8. 1 c. f. all the household stuff of Tobias Psal. 144. 6. c. forth lightning, and scatter them Jer. 22. 19. Jehoiakim c. forth beyond the gates Ezek. 32. 4. 1 will c. thee forth upon the open field Jios. 14. 5. he shall c. forth his roots as Lebanon Jonah 1 . 1 4. the Lord will c. forth a great wind 5. mariners c.f. the wares in ship into the sea 12. c. me f. into the sea, so shall the sea be calm 15. they took Jonah and c. him forth in o the sea 3Iar/c 7. 26. would c. forth devil out of her daughter John 15. 6. he is c. forth as a branch and withered CAST lots. Xev. 16. 8. Aaron shall c. lots on the two goats Josh. 18. 10. Joshua c. lots for them in bhiloh 1 Sam. 14. 42. c. lots between n\e and Jonathan 1 Chron. 26. 13. they c. lots as well small as great Psal. 22. 18. they part my garments and c. lots upon my vesture, Mat. 27- 35. John 19. 24. Isa. 34. 17. he hath c. the lot for them Joel 3. 3. and they have c. lots for my people Obad. 11. in the day f< reigners c. lots upon Jerus. Jonah 1. 7. come and let us c. lots that we may know Nah. 3. 10. and they c. lots for her honourable men CAST ojf. 2.Kmffs23. 27. I will c. ^^ this city Jerusalem 1 Chron. 28. 9. if forsake, he will c. thee oj/' for ever 2 Chr. 11. 14. for Jeroboam and sons had c. them oJf Job 15. 33. and shall c. off his flower as the olive Psal. 43. 2. wliy dost thou c. me off'? why go I .? 44. 9. thou hast c. off. 60. 1, 10. | 89. 38. 1 108. 11. 23. aAvake, O Lord, arise, c. us not p# for ever 71. 9. c. me not off' in the time of old age 74. i. O God, wliy hast thou c. us £i#for ever .? 77. 7. will the Lord c. off for ever .■' 94. 14. Lord will note, off' his people. Lam. 3. 31. Jer. 28. 36. I will c. Hananiah off' from the earth .31. 37. 1 will c. off the seed of Israel, 33. 24. Lam. 2. 7. the Lord hath c. offh\s altai', abhorred Hos. 8. 3. Israel hath c. off the thing that is good 5. thy calf, O Sam.aria, hath c. thee off Amos 1.11. because Edom did c. off aW pity Zech. 1 ■'. 6. shall be as though I had not c. them off Acts 22. 23. as they cried and c. (i# their clothes Rom. 13. 12. let us c. off' the works of darkness 1 Tim. 5. 12. because they have c. off'theix first faith CAST ont. Gen. 21. 10. c. out ih\s bondwoman and her son Exod. 34. 24. I will c. out the nations before thee Lev. 18. 24. nations are defiled which I c. out before you, 20. 23. Deut. 7. 1. De7U. 9. 17. I c. the two tables 07tt of my two hands Josh. 13. 12. these did ]Moses siiiite, and c. them out 2 Sam. 20. 22. they c. out Sheba's head to Joab 1 Kings 9. 7. this house will I c. out, 2 Chron. 7. 20. 21. 26. as did the Amorites, whom the Lord c. out before the children of Israel, 2 Kings 16. 3. 2 Kings 10. 25. the captains c. them out and went 17. 20. till he had c. them cut of his sight, 24. 20. 2 Chron. 13. 9. have ye not c. ojit priests of the Lord 20. 11. to come to c. us out of thy possession Neh. 1. 9. if ye turn, though they were of you c. out Job 20. 15. God shall c. them out of his belly 39. 3. they bow themselves, they c. out their sorrows Psal. 5. 10. c. them out in their transgressions 18. 42. 1 did c. them out as the dirt in the streets 44. 2. how thou didst afflict people and c. them out 60. 8. over Edom will I c. out my shoe, 108. 9. 78. 55. he c. out the heathen before them, 80. 8. Prov. 22.10. c. out the scorner.and contention go out Isa. 14. 19. but thou art c. ont of thy grave, like an 16. 2. as a wandering bird c. out of the nest 26. 19. and the earth shall c. out the dead 34. 3. their slain also shall be c. out and stink come 58. 7- that thou bring the poor that are c. out 66. 5. brethren that c. you out for my name's sake Jer.' I will c. you out of my sight, as I have c.out 9. 19. because our dwellings have c. us out 15. 1. c. them 02it of my sight, 23. 39. I 52. 3. 16. 13. therefore will 1 c. you out of this land 22. 26. I M'ill c. thee out, and thy mother that bare 36. 30. his dead body shall be c. out in the day 51. 34. ^.ebuchadnezzar hath c. me out Ezek. 16. 5. but thou wast c. out in the open field 28. 16. will c. thee as profane out of mount, of God Amos 8. 8. the land shall be c. out and drowned Mic. 2. 9. the women of my people have ye c. out ■Zeph. 3. 15. the Lord hath c. out thine enemy Zech. I. 21. to c. ont the horns of the Gentiles 9.4. the Lord will c. her out, and smite her power Mat. 5. 13. salt unsavoury to be c. < ut, Luke 14. 35. 7. 5. hypocrite, first c. out the beam, Luke 6. 42. 22. Lord, have we not in thy name c. out devils i' 8. 12. the children of the kingdcm shall be c. out 16. and he c. out the spirits with his word 31. if thou c. us out, suffer us to go into swine 9. 33. when the devil was c. out the dumb spake 10. 1. gave them power aaainst spirits to c. them out 8. heal the sick, raise the dead, c. out devils 12. 24. notf. 07/^ devils but by Peelzeb. LukeW. 18. 26. if .'-atan c. out Satan, divided against himself 28. but if 1 by the Spirit of God c. out devils 15. 17. goeth into belly, and is c. cut into draught 17. 19. why could not we c. him out ? Mark 9. 28. 21. 12. c. out all that sold, AJark 11. 15. Luke^9. 45. .39. c. him o?« of vineyard, Mark 19.8. Luke QO. 15. Jkfar^ 1.34. healed and f.OTfnnany devils, 39. | 6.13. 3. 15. and have power to heal and c. out devils 23. he said to tliem, how can Satan c. out Satan ? 16. 9. Magdalene,o«rof whom he had c. seven devils 17. in my name shall they c. out devils Xuke6. 22. c. out your name as evil, for Son of man 11. 20. if I with the finger of God c. out devils 13. 32. I c, out devils, and do cures to-day and CAT Luke 20. 12. they w^ounded him also, and c. him out John 6. 37- him that cometh I will in no wise c. out 9. 34. dost thou teach us :" and they c. him oxit 12. 31. now shall the prince of this world be c. out Acts 7. 19. so that they c. o«^ their young children 21. when Moses was c. out Pharaoh's daughter took 58. they c. Stephen out of the city and stoned him 27. 19. third day we c. out the tackling of the ship 29. c. four anchors out |l 38. c. out wheat into sea Gal. 4. .30. c. out the bondwoman and her son Rev. 12. 9. and the great dragon was c. out, the devil 15. the serpent c. out of his mouth waters, 16. Lo?-d CAST out. 1 Kings 14. 24. which the Lord c. out before children of Israel, 2 Kings 16. 3. 2 Chron. 28. 3. | 33. 2. 2 Kings 17. 8. the Lordc. out before Israel, 21. 2. Zech. 9. 4. behold, the Lord will c. her out and smite CASl up. 2 Sam. 20. 15. they c. up a bank against the city Lsa. 57. 14. c. ye up, prepare the way, 62. 10. 20. troubled sea, whose waters c. up mire anddirt Jer. 18. 15. to walk in paths, in a way not c. up 50. 26. c. her up as heaps, and destroy her utterly Lam. 2. 10. c. up dust on their heads, Ezek. 27. 30. Dan. 11. 15. king of the north shall c. up a mount CASTESl, EIH. [prayer Job 15. 4. yea, thou c. off tear and restrainest 21. 10. their cow calveth and c. not her calf Psal. 50. 17. seeing thou c. my words behind thee 73. 18. thou c. them down into destruction 88. 14. why c. thou off my soul ' why hidest face .'' 147. 6. the Lord c. the wicked down to the ground 17- he c. forth his ice like morsels, who can stand Prov. 10. 3. he c. away the substance of the wicked 19. 15. slothfulness c. into a deep sleep, an idle soul 21. 22. c. down the strength of the confidence 26.18. asamadman e. fire-brands, arrows, and death Jer. 6. 7. as a fountain so she c. out her wickedness Hos. 9.^ 14. aive them a womb that c. the fruit Mat. 9. 34. he c. outdevils, Mark^. 22. Luke 11. 15. 1 John 4. 18. no fear in love, but perfect love c. fear 3 John 10. and c. them out of the church Rev. 6. 13. even as a fig-tree c. her untimely fisrs CASn^G. 2 Sam. 8. 2. he smote Moab, c. them down to ground 1 KingsT. 37. the bases, all of them had one c. Ezra 10.1. weeping and c. himself down before house Job 6. 21. ye see my c. down, and are afraid Psal. 74. 7. by f. down dwelling-place of thy name 89. 39. and profaned his crown'by c. it to the ground Mic. 6. 14. and thy c. down shall be in midst of thee Mat. 4. 18. Peter and Andrew c. a net into the sea 27. .35. parted his garments, clots, Markl5. 24. Mark 9. 38. we saw one c. out devils, Luke 9. 49. Luke 21. 1. he saw the rich men c. their gifts into 2. he saw also a poor widow c. in two mites Rom. 11. 15. if c. away of them be the reconciling 2 Cor. 10. 5. c. down imaginations and every thing 1 Pet. 5. 7- c- all your care on him, for he careth for CASTLE. 1 Chron. 11. 5. David took c. of Zion, city of David 7. David dwelt in the c. the city of David Prov. 18. 19. their contentions are like bars of a c. Acts 21. 34. the chief captain commanded Paul to be carried into the c. 37. | 22. 24. | 23. 10. 23. 16. he went and entered into tlie c. and told Paul CASILES. Geti. 25. 16. names of Ishmael's sons by their c. Num. 31. 10. they burnt their goodly c. with fire 1 Chro7i. 6. 54. these the priests'^ c. in their coasts 27. 25. over treasures, and in c. Jehonathan 2 Chron. 17 . 12. Je.hoshaphat built in Judah c. 27. 4. Jotham in the forest built c. and towers Castor ; see Sign. CATCH. Exod. 22. 6. if fire break out and c. in thorns Judg. 21. 21. and c. you every man his wile 1 Kings 20. 33. now the men did hastily c. it 2 Kings 7 . 12. we shall c. them alive, and g CAUGLIT. Gen. 22. 13. behold, behind him a ram c. by horns 39. 12. she c. him by garment, saying, lie with me Exod. 4. 4. put forth his hand, and c. the serpent Nicm. 31. 32. rest of the prey the men of war had c. Judg. 1. 6. c. Adoni-bezek, and cut off his thumbs 8.14. c.ayoungmanof themenof Succoth, and said 15. 4. Samson" went and c. three hundred foxes 21. 23. took wives of them danced, whom they c. 1 Sam. 17. 35. I c. him by his beard and slew him 2 Sam. 2. 16. and they c. every one his fellow 18. 9. Absalom's head c. hold of the oak 1 Kings 1. 50. and Adonijah c. hold on tfie altar 2. 28. Joab c. hold on the horns of the altar 11. 30. Ahijah c. the new garment and rent it 2 Ki7igs 4. 27. the Shunammite c. ITisha by the feet 2 Chro7i. 22. 9. they c. Ahaziah and brought him Prov. 7. 13. so she c. him, and kissed him,' and said Jer. 50. 24. O Pabylon, thou art found and also c. Mat. 14. 31. Jesus c. Peter, and said unto him 21. 39. the husbandmen e. him and cast him out Mark 12. 3. they c. the servant and beat him Luke 8. 29. oftentimes it c. him, and he was bound Joh7i 21. 3. they went, and that night c. nothing Acts 6. 12. they came upon Stephen and c. him 8. 39. the Spirit of the lord c. away Philip 16. 19. they c. Paul and Silas, and drew tnem 26. 21 . for these causes the Jews c. me in the temple 27. 15. when the ship was c. we let her drive 2 Cor. 12. 2. 1 knew a man c. up to the third heaven 4. how he was cup into parad ise, and heard words 1.6. being crafty, i c you with guile 1 'Ihess. 4. 17. Me shall be c up together with them Rev. 12. 5. her child was c. up to God, to his throne C,4U , S. Exod. 29. 13. the c that is above the liver, 22. Lev. 3. 4, 10, 15. I 4. 9. I 7. 4. I 8. 16, 25. I 9. 10, 19. ha. 3. 18. the I ord will take away their c and tires Hos. 13. 8. will rend the c. of their heart and devour CAU.SE Signifies, [1] A gro7md, reason, or motive, 1 Sam. 17. 29. [2] A .ivit, action, or co7ttrover.^y, Exod. 22. 9. Isa. 1. 23. [3] .^ake, or accou7tt, 2 Cor. 7. 12. Erod. 22. 9. the c of both shall come before judges 23. 2. nor speak in a c to decline after many 3. nor shalt thou countenance a poor man in his c. 6. nor wrest the iud,>;ment of the poor in his c Nan. 16. 11. for which c. tiion and all thy company are gathered togetl er against the Lord 27. 5. Moses broucht their r. before the Lord Deut. 1. 17. the c that is too hard for you, bring Josh. 20. 4. the manslayer shall declare his c. 55 C AU 1 Sam. 17. 29. and David said, is there not a c. ? 25. 39. Lord hath pleaded the c. of my reproach 2 Sam. 13. 16. there is no c. this evil is greater than 15. 4. that hath an3^ suit ore. might come to me 1 Kings ?.. 45. maintain their c. 49, 59. 2 C/i. 6. 35, 39 11. 27. this was the c. that he lift up his hand 12. 15. for the c. was from the Lord, 2 Chr. 10. 15. 1 Chr. 21. 3. why will he be a c. of trespass to Israel i 2 Chron. 19. 10. what c. shall come of jour brethren Ezra 4. 15. for which c. this city was destroyed Neh. 6. 6. for which c. thou buddest the wall Job 5. 8. and unto God will I commit my c. 13. 18. behold now, 1 have ordered my c. 23.4. I would order rm c. before him, and fill 29. 16. the c. which t Ki.ew not, I searched out 31. 13. if I did despise the c. of my man-servant Psal. 9. 4. for thou hast maintained my c. 35. 23. awake to my c. my God and my Lord 27. let them be glad that favour my righteous c. 140. 12. 1 know that the Lord will maintain the c. Prov. 18. 17. he that is first in his own c. seems just 25. 9. debate thy c. with thy neighbour himself 29. 7. the righteous considereth the c. of the poor 31. 8. open thy mouth for the dumb in the c. Eccl. 7. 10. say not thou, what is the c. that Jsa, 1. 23. nor doth c. of the widow come to them 41. 21. produce 3'ourf. saith the Lord, bring 50. + 8. who is the master of my c. let him come 5\. 22. God that pleadeth the c. of his people Jer. 5. 28. they judge not the c. of the fatherless 11. 20. for to thee have I revealed my c. 20. 12. Lord, untotliee have I opened my c, 22. 16. he judged the r . of the poor and needy iflw. 3. 36. to subvert in a c. the Ld. approveth not 59. Lord, thou hast seen my wrong, judge my c. Jonah 1. 7- that he may know for whose c. 8. Mat. 5.32. his wife, saving for the c. of fornication 19. 3. for a man to put away his wife for every c. IjideQ. 47. declared for what c. she touched hmi 23. 22. 1 have found no c. of death in him Acts 10. 21. what is the c. wherefore ye are come ? ,13. 28. though thev found nor. of deatli in him 25. 14. Festus declared Paul's c. to the king 28. 18. because there was no c. of death in me 2 Cor. 4. 16. for which c. we faint not, but though 5. 13. or whether we be sober, it is for your c. 7. 12. I did it not for his c. that had done wrong Phil. 2. 18. for the same c. also do ye joy with me 2 Tim. 1. 12. for which c. I suffer these things Heb. 2. 11. for which c. he is not ashamed to call 1 Pet. 2. 1 23. committed his c. to him that judgeth Plead CAUSE. 1 Sam. 24. 15. the Lord be judge, and plead my c. PW. 3.5. 1. 1 43. L I 119. 154. Psal. 74. 22. arise, O God, pkad thine own c. Prov. 22. 23. for the Lord will plead their c. 23. 11. he shall plead their c. with thee 31. 9. open tliy mouth, plead the c. of poor, needy Jer. 30. 13. there is none to plead thy c. 50. .34. the Lord shall thoroughly j!;/e«(^ their c. 51. 36. behold, I will plead tiiv c. and take veng. Mic. 7. 9. until he plead my c. and execute For this CA\J9,V.. Exod. 9. 16. for this c. have I raised up Pharaoh 2 Chron. m.lQ. for this c. Hezekiah and Isaiah pray. Dan. 2. ] l.for this c. the king was ansry and furious Mat.Vi.b. for this c. shall a man leave father and mother, and cleave to wife, Mark 10. 7. Eph. 5.31. JohnVi. 27. but/or this c. came I unto tliis hour 18. 37. and for this c. came I into the world Rom. 1. 20). for this c. G. gave them up to vile affect. 13. 6. for this c. pay ye tribute also 15. 9. for this c. I will conf. to thee among the srent. 1 Co;-. 11. 30. /or this c. many are weak and sickly Eph. 3. 14. /or this c. 1 bow my knees to the Father 1 llms. 2. 13. /or this c. thank God without ceasing 2 T/iess. '2. 11. for this a. G. shall send strong delusion iTim. 1. 16. howbeit./or this c. I obtained mercy Heh. 9. 15./br this c. he is the mediator of new testa. 1 Pet. 4. C./or this c. was the gospel preach, to them Without CA'USE. Ti Sam. 19. 5. wilt thou sin, to slay David -without a c. ? Jobl.Z. thoumovedstmeto destroy him without a c. 9. 17. he multiplieth my wounds without c. Psal. 7. 4. T delivered him that :o. c. is my enemy 25. 3. let them be ashamed that transgr.-^ss 7v. c. .35. 7- w. c. they hid for me a net, digged a pit xv. c. 19. that hate me without c. 69. 4. John 15. 25. 109. 3. and they fought acainst me without a c. 11 9. 78. the proud dealt perversely with me w. a c. 161. princes have persecuted me without c. Prov. 1. 11. let us lurk for the innocent without c. 3. 30. strive not with a man w. c. if he have done 23. 29. who hath sorrow, who hath wounds, w. c. 24. 28. be not witness against neighbour without c. Isa. 52. 4. the Assyrian oppressed them -without c. .Lam. 3. 52. mine enemies chased me sore without c. Ezek. 14. 23. have not done w. c. all 1 have done Mat. 5. 22. whoso is angry with his brother w. c. CAIJSE. Gen. 7. 4. I will c. it rain on the earth forty days 45. 1. he cried, c. every man to go out from me Exod. 8. 5. c. frogs to come up on the land of Ei-ypt 21. 19. and shall c. him to be thoroughly healed Lev. 19. 29. thy daughter, to c. her to be a whore 26. 16. consume the eyes, and c. sorrow of heart Num. 8. + 7- c. a razor to pass over the Levites 16. 5. who is holy, the Lord will c. him to come Deut. 1. .38. encourage him, for he shall r. Israel to inherit k, 3. 28. I 31.7. Josh. 1. + 6. 12. IL God shall choose to c. his name to dwell 24. 4. and thou shalt not c. the land to sin which 28. 1 61. them will Lord c. to ascend till destroyed Jvdg. 6. + 11. Gideon threshed wheat to c. it flee 2 Sam 13. 13. whither shall I c. my shame to go ? 1 K ings 8. 31. an oath laid on him to c. him swear 2 Kings 19. 7- will c. him to fall by sword, Isa. 37. 7. Neh. 13. 26. him did outlandish women c. to sin Esth. 3. 13. c. to perish all the .lews, 7. + 4. I 8. 11. 5. 5. c. Ilaman make haste to do as Esther said 6. ■!■ 9. c. him to ride on horseback through the city Job 6. 24. c. me to understand wherein I have erred 56 CAU Job 6. + 27. yea, ye c. to fall upon the fatherless 34. 11. c. to every man to find according to his ways 38. 137. who cane, to lie down the bottles of heaven Psal. 10. 17. thou wilt e. thine ear to hear 67. 1. and c. his fnce to shine upon us, HO. 3, 7, 19. 76. 8. thou didst c. judgin. to be heard from heav. 90. 1 12. we may c. our hearts to come to wisdom 143. 8. c. me to hear, c. me to know the way Prov. 4. 16. sleep taken away, unless c. some to fall 19. + 18. let not thy soul spare to c. him to die 23. + 5. wilt c. thine eyes to flee on what is not ? F.ccl. 5. 6. suffer not thy mouth to c. thy flesh to sin Ca7it. 8. 13. hearken to thy voice, c. me to hear it Isa. 3. 12. they who lead thee c. thee to err, 9. 16. 27. 6. he shall c. them of Jacob to take root 28. 12. this is the rest ye may c. the weary to rest 30. 30. the Lord c. his glorious voice to be heard 42. 2. nor c. his voice to be heard in the streets 58.14. I will r. thee to ride upon the high places 61. 11. so Lord will c. righteousness to spring forth 66. 9. shall 1 bring to biith, and not c. bring forth .' Jer. 3. 12. i will not c. mine anger to fall on you 7. 3. I will c. you to dwell in this place, 7- 12. t 9. c. beasts of the field to come and devour 13. 16. give glory to the Lord before he c. darkness 15. 11. 1 will c. the enemy to entreat thee M-ell 23. 27. who think to c. my people forget thj' na. 25. + 10. I will c. to perish the voice of mirth 31. 2. even Israel, when I went to c. him to rest 9. 1 will r. them to walk by tlie rivers of waters 32. 44. 1 will c. their captivity to return, 33. 26. I-am. 3. .32. though he c. grief, yet will have com. Ezek. 20. .37. I will r. you to pass under the rod 24. 8. that it might r. fury to come to vengeance 34. 15. I will c. them to lie down, saith the Lord 36. 12. 1 will c. men to walk on you, even Israel Dan. 8. 25. he shall c. craft to prosper in his hand 9. 17. O our God, c. thy face to shine on sanctuary + 18. we fio not c. to fall our supplication 11. + 32. shall be c. to dissemble t)y flatteries Hos. 4. + 9- I will c. to return for their ways Joel 3. 11. thither c. thy mighty ones come down /imosd. 3. and c. the seat of violence to come near 8. 9. I will c. sun to go down at noon an(! darken 9. t 9. c. to move Israel among all nations Nah. 2. t 8. stand, but none shall c. them to turn Hah. 1. 3. why dost thou c. me to behold crievance ? Mat. 5. 1 29. if thy right eye c. thee to offend 6. +2. c. not a trumpet to be sounded 10. 21. children rise up against parents and c. them to be put to death, 31ark 13. 12. Luke 21. 16. jF?ow.l6.17.mark them who r. divisions and offences Col. 4. 16. c. that it be read in church of Laodiceans Cause to cease. See Ce.^se. CAU.SED. Gen. 2. 21. God c. a deep sleep to fall on Adam 20. 13. God r. me to wander from my fathers Exod. 14. 21. the Lord c. the sea to go back Num. 31. 16. these c. Israel to conunit whoredom Deut. 34. 4. this is the land, 1 have c. tiiee to see it 2 Sam. "J. 11. c. thee forest from thine enemies 22. 1 40. hast thou c. to bow, Psal. 18. f 39. . 1 Kings 2. 19. e. a seat to be set for the king's mother 2 Chr. 34. 32. he c. all present in .Terns, to stand it Ezra 1. + I.Cyrus f. a voice to pass thro' his kingdom 6. 12. the God that hath c. his name to dMell ISeh. 8. 7- Levites c. people to understand the law, 8. Esth. 5. 1 10. Haman sent and c. his friends to come 14. Haman c. the gallows to be made Job 31. 16. if 1 have c. eyes of the widow to fail Psal. 66. 12. thou hast c. men to ride ovei' our heads 78. 13. he divided the sea, and c. them to pass thro' 26. he c. an east wind to blow in the heaven 119. 49. word on wliich thou hast c. me to hope Prov. 7. 21. with fair speech she c. him to yield Isa. 6. t7. c. it to touch my mouth, and said to 19. 14. they have c. Egypt to err in every work 43. 23. I have note, thee to serve with an offering 47. t 10. thy wisdom c. thee to turn away 63. 14. the Spirit of the Lord c. him to rest Jer. 3. ■\ 18. to the land 1 c. your fathers possess 12. 1-!. which I have c. my peoi)le Israel to inherit 13. 11. I have c. to cleave to me house of Israel 29. 31. Shemaiah c. you to trust in a lie 32. 23. therefore thou hast c. all tliisevil to come 34. 11. after they c. the servants to retuni, 16. 48. 4. her little ones have c. a cry to be heard Ezek. 16. 7- 1 have c. thee to multiply as the bud 24. 13. till I have c. my fury to rest on thee 29. 18. ISiebuch. c. his army to serve against Tyrus .32. 23. which r. terror in the land,24r25, 26. Dan. 9. 21. Gabriel being e. to fly swiftly, touched Hos. 4. 12. the spirit of whoredoms c. them to err Amos 2. 4. and their lies c. them to err, after which 4. 7. 1 c. to rain on one city, I c. not to rain on Zech. 3. 4. I have c. thine iniquity to pass from thee Mai. 2. 8. ye have c. many to stumble at the law .Tohn 11. 37. have c. this man should not have died Acts 15. 3. they c. great joy to all the brethren 2 Cor. 2. 5. but if any haver, grief, hath grieved part Bev. 13. 16. call to receive amark in their right-hand CAUSES. Exod. 18. 19. that thou mayest bring c. to God 26. the hard c. they brought to Moses , Deut. 1. 16. hear the c. between your brethren Jer. 3.8. all the c. whereby backsliding Israel Ijam. 2. 14. but have seen for thee c. of banishment 3. 58. O Lord, thou hast pleaded the c. of my soul yic;.j26.21.for thesec. the Jews caught me in temple CAUSEST. Joh 30. 22. thou c. me to ride on the wind Psal. 65. 4. blessed is man thou c. approach to thee CAUSETIL Num. 5. 18. the water that c. the curse, 19, 22, 24,27. Job 12. 24. he c. them to wander in a wilderness where there is no way, Psal. 107- 40. 20. 3. the spirit of understanding c. me to answer 37. 13. he c. it to come hither for correction Psal. 104. 14. he c. the grass to grow for the cattle 135. 7. he c. vapours to ascend, Jer. 10. 13. | 51. 16. 147. 18. c. his wind to blow, and the waters flow Prov. 10. 5. is a son that c. shame, 17- 2. 1 19. 26. CEA Prov. 10. + 17. lie that refuseth reproof c. to err 17. 2. a wise servant shall rule over a son c. shame 19. 27. cease to hear the instruction that c. to err 28. 10. whoso c. righteous to go astray in evil way ]sa. 64. 2. the fire c. the waters to boil, to make Ezek. 44. 18. not gird with any thing that c. sweat Dan. 1] . -I 20. one that c. an exacter of the kingdom Mat, 5. 32. put away wife c. her to commit adultery 2 Cir. 2. 14. thanks be to God, who c. us to triumph 9. 11. which c. through us thanksgiving to (iod Rev. 13. 12. c. the earth to worship the first beast I CAUSEWAY. 1 Chron. 26. 16. lot came forth by the c. of going up 18. at Parbar westward four at the c. and two Prov. 15. 1 19. way of righteous raised up as a c Isa. 7. t 3. go up in the c. of the fuller's field CAUSIISG. 2 Kings 2. + 19. the ground c. to miscarry Cant. 7. 9. c. the lips of those asleep to speak Isa. 30. 28. a bridle in the jaws c. them to err Jer. 29. 10. in c. j'ou to return to this place 33. 12. shepherds c. their flocks to lie down Ezek. 39. + 28. know I am the Lord c. them to be led CAUSELE.SS. 1 Sam. 25. 31. either that thou hast shed blood c. Prov. 26. 2. so the curse c. shall not come CAVE, S. Grn. 19. 30. Lot dwelt in a c. he and his daughters^ 23. 17. field and r. made sure to Abraham, 20. 19. Abraham buried Sarah in the c. of the field 49. 29. bury me with my father in c. of I'.phron Josh. 10. 16. these five kings fled and hid in a c. 17. Judg. 6. 2. because of the Midianites Israel made c. ISam. 13.6. Israel dirt hide themselves in e. in rocks- 22. 1. David escaped to the c. of Adullam 24. 10. Lord delivered thee into my hand in the c. 2 Sam. 23. 13. came to David to the c. of Adullam 1 Kings 18. 4. the prophets hid by fifty in a c. 13. 19. 9. Elijah came to a c. and lodged there Isa. 2. 19. they shall go into c. for fearof the Lorri Ezek. 33. 27. they shall die that be in the c. Johrt 11 . 38. the grave, it was a e. a stone lay upon it Heb. 11. 38. they wandered in dens and c. of eartU CEASE Signifies, [1] To leave off, or give over, 1 Sam. 7. 8. Isa. 33. 1. [2] To be utterly forgotteyi, Deut. .32. 26. [.3] To be quiet, Judg. 15. 7- [4] To he -wanting, Deut. 15. 11. [5] To be removed by death, or otherwise. Lam. 5. 14. [6] Not to lean to, or depend on, Prov. 23. 4. [7] To abstain from, Psal. 37. 8. Isa. 1. 16. (ieyi. 8. 22. and day and night shall not c. Exod. 9. 29. as I am gone the thunder shall c. 23. + 5. would c. to leave thy business for him Num. 8. 25. from the age of fifty years shall c. 11. 25. seventy elders prophesied, and did not c. 17. 5. 1 will make to c. the murmurings Veut. 15. 11. the poor shall never c. out of the land .32. 26. I would make remembrance of them to c Josh. 22. 25. so make our children c. from fearing L. Jvdg. 15. 7- yet will 1 be avenged, after I wiU'c. 20. 28. shall I yet again go to battle, or shall 1 c. T 1 Sam. 7. B. c. not to cry to Lord our God for us 2 Kings 23. + 5. caused to c. the idolatrous priests 2 Chron. 16. 5. when Baasha heard it, let his work r, i-'sra4. 23. made them to c. by force and power 6. t 8. that they be not made to c. Neh. 6. 3. why should the work c. while T come i* Job 3. 17. there the wicked c. from troubling 10. 20. my days few, c. then, let me alone 14. 7. that the' tender branch thereof will not c. Psal. .37. 8. c. from anger, and forsake wrath 46. 9. he maketh wars to c. to the end of the earth 89. 44. thou hast made his glory to c. and cast 119. f 119. thou causest the wicked to c. Prov. 19- 27. c. to hear instruction that causeth to err 20. 3. it is an honour for a man to c. from strife 22. 10. cast scorner, yea strife and reproach shall c, 23. 4. labour to be rich, c. from thy wisdom Eccl. 12. 3. the grinders c. because they are few Isa. 1. 16. c. to (\o evil |1 2. 22. c. ye from man 10. 25. yet a little while and indignation shall c. 16. 10. I have made their vintage "shouting to c. 17. 3. the fortress also shall c. from Ephraini 21. 2. all the sighing thereof have I made to c. 33. 1. when thou shalt c. to spoil, shalt be spoiled Jer. 14. 17. let tears run down and let them not c. 17. 8. leaf green, nor shall c. from yielding fruit 31. .36. theii the seed of Israel sIihII c. Lam. 2. 18. let not the apple of thine eye c. Ezek. 6. 6. that you)- idols may be firoken and c. 7. 24. I will make the pomp of the strong to c. 12. 23. saith the Lord., I will make this proverb c 23. 27. thus will I make thy lewdness to c. 30. 10. 1 will make the multitude of Egypt to c. 18. the pomp of her strength shall c. 33. 28. Hos. 7. -t 4. raiser will c. from raising AmosJ. 5. O Lord God, c. by whom shall Jacob arise- Acts 13. 10. will not c. to pervert the right ways 1 Cor. 13. 8. whether they be tongues, they shall c. Eph. 1. 16. I c. not to give thanks for you Col. 1. 9. we do not c. to pray for you to be filled 2 Pet. 2. 14. having eyes that cannot c. from sin Cause to CEASE. Lev. 26. 1^ 6. 1 will cause to c. evil beasts, Ezek. 34. 25. Ru/h 4. -t 14. not caused to c. to thee a kinsman 2 Kings 23. t 5. cause to c. the idolatrous priests Ezra 4. 21. cause these men to c. city be not built 5. 5. the eye of their God on them, they could not came them to c. till matter came to Darius Neh. 4. 11. slay them and cause the work to c. Psal. 85. 4. cause thine anger toward us to c. Prov. 18. 18. the lot causeth contentions to c. Isa. 13. 11. 1 will cause the arrogancy of proud to r. .30. 11. cause the holy One of Israel to c. before us Jer. 7. ,34. cause mirth to c. from the cities of Judab 36. 29. cause to c. man and beast, Hos. 2. 11. 48. 35. 1 will ca7ise to c. in Moab him that offeretl* Ezek. 16. 41. cause thee to c. from playing harlot 23. 48. thus will I cause lewdness to c. 26. 13. I will cajise the noise of thy songs to c. 30. 13. I will cause their images to c. out of ISlopb CED Ezei:. 34. 10. cause them toe. from feeding the flock J)fin. 9. 27. he shall cause the oblation to c. 11. 18. Crtjwe the reproach ottered by him to c. Mvs. 1. 4. will c6M>e to c. kinsriom of house of Israel CEASED. Gen. 18. 11. it c. to be with Sarai after manner of ±xd. y. 33. thunders and hail c. and lain was not 34. when Pharaoh saw that the thunders c. Jos/i. 5. I'i. the manna c. en the morrow after Jitcfff. 2. It), they c. not from their own doings 5. 7. the inhabitants of villages c. they c. in Israel 1 Sam. 2. 5. and they that were hungry c. 25. 9. they spake in ihe name of David and c. Ezra 4. 24. tlien c. the work of the liouse of God Joi 32. 1. so these three men c. to answer Job Psal. 35. 15. they did tear me and c. not 77. 2. my sore ran in the night and c. not Isa. 14. 4. how hath the oppressor c. golden city c. Lam. 5. 14. the elders have c. from tlie gate 15. the 103- of our lieart is c. our dance is turned Jo?ia/i 1. 15. they took up Joniih, seac. from raging Mat. 14. .32. the wind c. il/ori 4. 39. I 6. 51. JLukc 7. 45. this woman hath not c. to kiss my feet 11. 1. as he was praying in a place, when h* c. jlctso.Ad. tliey c. not to teach and preach .lesus 20. 1. after the uproar was C.Paul called disciples .31. byspaceof three years I ,.SER,S. Lev. 10. 1. sons of Aaron took either of them c. 16. 12. he shall take a c. full of burning coals Num. 4. 14. they shall put upon it vessels, even c. 16. 6. this do, take ye c. \\ I7. every man his c. 39. Eleazar the priest took the brasen c. 1 Kings 7. 50. made c. of pure gold, 2 i'hr. 4. 22. 2 Chron. 26. 19. Uzziah had a c. in his hand to burn Ezek. 8. 11. with every man his c. in his hand Heb. 9. 4. the holiest had the golden c. and the ark Rev. 8. 3. the an^el came, having a aolden c. 5. the angel took the c. and filled it with fire CENSURE. 2 Cor. 2. t6. sufticient to such a man is thisc. CEINTURIOM, S. Mat. 8. 5. there unto him a c. beseeching him 8. c. said, Lord, i am not worthy thou shouldest 27. 54. when the c. saw the earthquake [tome Luke 7-~.c. servant, who was dear to him, was sick 23. 47. now when the c. saw what was done Acts 10. 1. Cornelius was a c. of the Italian band 22. Cornelius the c. ajust man thatfeareth God 21. 32. who immediately took c. and ran down 22. 26. when the c. heard that, he went and told 23. 17. then Paul called one of the c. to him 23. he called to him two c. sayins', make ready 24. 23. and he commanded a c. to keep Paul [band 27. 1. delivered Paul to Julius a c.of Augustus' 11. the c. believed the master more than Paul 43. c. willing to save Paul, kept them from purp. 28. 16. the c. "delivered the prisoners to the captain CEREMOlNlES. Num. 9. 3. shall keep passoveraccordingto all thee. Heb. 9. 1 1. the first covenant had also c. A Certain Man. See Man. CERTAra. E.rod. 16. 4. ye shall gather a c. rate every day Num. 16. 2. Korah rose with c. of children of Isr. Det(t. 13. 13. c. men the children of Belial are gone 25. 2. the wicked man be beaten by a c. number 2 Chron. 8. 13. after a c. rate every day offering Nth. 1. 2. Hanani came, he and c. men of Judah 4. I mourned c. days, and fasted, and prajed 11. 23. a c. portion should be for singers every day 13. 25. 1 smote c. of them, and plucked off hair Jer. 41. 5. there came c. from Shechem, from Shiloh 52. 15. the captain carried a^\ay c. of poor people Dan. 8. 27. I Daniel fainted and was sick c. days 11. 13. the king of north shall come after c. years Mat. 18.23. kingd. of lieav. likened toe. king, 22. 2. 20. 20. she and her sons desiring a c. thing of him Mark 12. 42. there came a c. poor widow, Luke 21. 2. 14. 57- arose c. and bare false witness against him Luke 5. 12. it came to pass when he was in a c. city 8. 20. told him by c. thy mother stands to see thee 10. 38. as he went into ac. village, 17. 12. 11. 27. a c. woman lifted up her\'oice and said .37. a c. Pharisee besought him to dine with him 18. 9. this parable to c. who trusted in themselves 23. 19. who for a c. sedition and for murder 24.22. c. womenalsomade us astonished, who were 24. c. of them with us went to the sepulchre Joh?i 5. 4. an angel went down at a c. season Acts 9." 19. Saul was c. days with the disciples 10. 48. they prayed Peter to tarry c. da^'s 12. 1. Herod the king to vex c. of the church 15. 24. c. which went from us have troubled us 17. 28. as c. of your own poets have said, for we Po?fi. 15. 26. to make a c. contribution for saints at Gal. 2. 12. for before that c. came from James Heb. 2. 6. but one in a c. place testified, what is man 4. 4. he spake in a c. place of 7th day on this wise 7. he limiteth a c. day, saying in David, to-day 10. 27- but a c. fearful lookingfor of judgment Jude 4. for there are c. men crept in unawares CERTAllS'. Deut. 13. 14. if it be truth, and the thing c. 17. 4. 1 Kings 2. 37. know for c. thou shalt surely die, 42. Jer. 26. 15. know for c. if ye put me to death Da?i. 2. 45. the dream isc. and interpretation sure Acts 25. 26. I have no c. thing to write to my lord 1 Cor. 4. 11. we have no c. dwellina-place 1 Tim. 6. 7. it is c. we can carry nothing out CERTAIIMLY. Gen. 18. 10. he said, I will c. return to thee 26. 28. we sawc. the Lord was with thee 43. 7- could we c. know, he would say, bring your 44. 15. wot ye not such a man as I can c. divine 50. 15. will c. requite us all the evil we did to him Exod. 3. 12. c. I will be with thee, this be a token 22. 4. if theft be c. found in his hand alive Lev. 5. 19. he hath c. trespassed against the Lord 24. 16. all the congregation shall c. stone him Josh. 9. 24. because it was c. told thy servants Judg. 14. 12. if ye can c. declare the riddle to me 1 Sam. 20. 3. thy father c. knoweth I have found 9. if I knew c. evil were detennined by my father 23. 10. c. heard that Saul will come to Keilah 25. 28. Lord will c. make my lord a sure house 1 Kingsl. 30. even so will I c. do this day 2 Kings 8. 10. go, say to him, thou mayest c. recover 2 Chr. 18. 27. IMicaiah said, if thou c. return in peace Prov. 23. 5. for riches c. make themselves wings Jer. 8. 8. we are wise, lo, c. in vain made he it 13. 12. do we not c. know every bottle be filled 25. 28. thus saith the Lord, ye shall c. drink 36. 29. king of Eabvlon shall c. destroy this land 40. 14. dost thou c.'know that Baal is sent 42. 19. know c. 1 have admonished you this day 22. c. ye shall die by the sword and by famine CHA Jer. 44. I7. c. do what thing goeth out of our mouth Lam. 2. 16. c. this is the day that we looked for Dan. 11. 10. one shall c. come and overflow, 13. Zech. 11. 1 11. poor c. knew it was word of the Lord Liike 23. 47. sayina, c. this was a righteous man CERTAINTY. Josh. 23. 13. know for c. Lord will no more drive 1 Sam. 23. 23. come ye again to me with the c. Prov. 22. 21. make known the c. of words of truth Dan. 2. 8. 1 know of c. ye would gain the time Luke 1 . 4. thou mightest know the c. of those things ^■Icts 21. 34. he could not know the c. for tumult 22. 30. because he would have known the c. why CERTIFY, lED. 2 Sam. 15. 28. till there come word from you to c. me Ezra 4. 14. therefore have we sent and c. the kinff 16. we c. the king, that if this city be built aaain 5. 10. we asked their names also to c. thee 7. 24. we c. you to impose no toll on the Levites Efth.9,.9.'l. Esther c. king thereof in I\Iordecai'sname Gal. 1. 11. 1 c. you gospel 1 preached, not after man CHAFED. 2 Sam. 17.I8. they be c. in their minds as bear robbed .CHAFF Ts the refuse of wirmowed corn, icliich is barren, light, and apt to be driven to and fro zcith the wind, Psal. 1. 4. To which are cornpared^ (1) Eahe doctrine, or mens dreams and inventions, Jer. 23. 28. C2) Lruitless plots and designs, Isa. 33. 11. (3) Hypocrites and ungodly persons , who are vile, barren, and inconstant , like chaff. Mat. 3. 12. Job 21. 18. wicked as c. that storm carrieth away Psal. 1. 4. like the c. which the wind driveth away .35. 5. let them be as c. before the wind Isa. 5. 24. as flame consumeth the c. so their root 17- 13. the nations shall be chased as the c. 29. 5. terrible ones shall be as c. that passeth away 33. 11. ye shall conceive c. and bring forth stubble 41. 15. thresh mountains, and make the hills as c. Jer. 23. 28. what is the c. to the wheat ' saith Lord Dan. 2. 35. became like the c. of the threshing floor Hos. 13. 3. as the c. which is driven with whirlwind Zeph. 2. 2. before the decree, before day pass as c. Mat. 3. 12. will burn up the c. with fire, L^de 3. 17. CHAIN Signifies, [I] Links of iron, gold, or n'lver, one within another, which were, (1) Sacred, those made by the command of God, for the breastplate worn by the high-priest, Exod. 39. 15, 17, 18. (2) Idol- atrous, such as were made for idols, or images, Isa. 40. 19. C3) Common, wherewith prisoners were chained. Acts 12. 7- [H] Bondage, or affliction. Lam. 3.7. [Ill] Severe laws for the curbing of all open impiety, 'Raw QO.l. Gen. 41. 42. gold c. about his neck, Dan. 5. 7, 16, 29. Psal. 73. 6. pride compasseth them about as a c. Cant. 4. 9. have ravished me with one c. of thy neck Lam. 3. 7. hedged me about, hath niade my c. heavy Ezek. 7. 23. make a c. land is full of bloody crimes 16. 11. I put bracelets, and a c. on thy neck ActsQ.Q. 20. for hope of Israel I am bound with thisc. Eph. 6. + 20. for which I am ambassador in a c. 2 Tim. 1. 16. Onesiphorus was not ashamed of my c. Rev. 20. 1. an angel and a great c. in his hand ~ CHAIN-WORK. 1 Kings':!. 17. wreaths of c. for chapiters of pillars CHAINS. Exod. 28. 14. fasten the wreathen c. to ouches, 24. 39. 15. they made on breast-plate c. at the ends Nnm. 31. 50. for atonement, c. and bracelets, rings Judg. 8. 26. besides the c. about their camels' neclis 1 Kings 6. 21. by the c. of gold before the oracle Psal. 149. 8. to bind their kings with c. and nobles Prov. 1. 9. instruction shall be c. about thy neck Cant. 1. 10. thy neck comely with c. of gold Isa. 3. 19. the Lord will take away thy c. 40. 19. goldsmith with gold, and casteth silver c. 45. 14. they shall come after thee in c. come over Jer. 40. 4. 1 loose thee this day from thy c. Ezek. 19. 4. they brought him with c. into Egypt 9. they put him in ward in c. and brought'him Mark 5. 3. no man could bind him, no nof with c. 4. the c. had been oft plucked asunder by him Acts 12. 7. Peters c. fell otf from his hands 2 Pet. 2. 4. to hell, delivered them into c. of darkn. JudeO. he hath reserved in everlasting c. under dark. See Bound. CHALCEDONY. Rev. 21. 19. the third foundation was a c. CHALK-STONES. Isa. 27. 9. he maketh all the stones of the altar c. CHALLENGETH. Exod. 22. 9. any lost thina another c. to be his CHAMBER Sianifies, [1] An apartment, or room in a house. Gen. 43. 30. Dan. 6. 10. [2] The clouds, Psal. 104. 13. [3] An upper room, or an apartment wherein people generally eat, where the disciples did eat thepassover, and did partake of the Lord's supper, and ichere afterwards they assembled for di- vine woiship. Acts 1. 13. 1 20. 8. The chambers of the S9uth, Job 9. 9. Those stars and constellations which are towards the southern pole ; so called, because they are for the most part hid and shut up, as chambers commonly are, from these parts of the world, and do not rise or appear to us till the beginning of summer, when they raise winds and tempests, as astronomers observe. The king hath brought me into his chambers, Cant. 1.4. Christ the King of his church has vo7tch- safed unto me most intimate and familiar fellow- ship with himself in his ordinances. Enter thou into thy chambers, Isa. 26. 20. J"/y to God by faith, prayer, and repentance, for protection, depend upm his providence, lay hold upon his promises, and make use of his attributes. He alludes to the common practice of tnen, who, when there are storms or dangers abroad, hetahe themselves to their own chambers or houses for safety : or, as some think, to that history, Exod. 57 CH A 9. 19, 20. or to that command, of not going' out of their houses, Eiod. Vl. 22. or to the like charge given to Rahab, Josh. 2. 19. •Gen. 43. 30. Joseph entered into his c. and wept Judg. 15. 1. 1 will so in to my wife into the c. 16. 9. there were liers in wait abiding in the c. 12. ■^Ham. 13. 10. bring meat into the c. that I may eat 2 Kings 4. 11. Elisha turned into the c. and lay there l. 50. but the Jews stirred up thee, men 15. 22. Judas and Silas, c. men among brethren 28. 7- ■were possessions of the c. man of the island CHIEF priest. 2 Kings "io. 18. the capt. took Seraiah the c.^^rzei-? 1 Chron. 27. 5. Benaiah a c. priest was third capt. 29. 22. and anointed Zadok to be c. priest H Chron. 19. 11. Amariahc.;?. is over you in matters 26. 20. and Azariah the c. priest looked on him CnVMY priests. Ezra 8. 24. then I separated twelve of c. oi priests 10. 5. made the c. priests and all Israel to swear Neh. 12. 7. these were c. priests in days of Joshua Mat. 16. 21. and suffer many things of the c. priests 26. 47. a multitude with staves from the c. priests 27. 12.when he was accused oi c. priests, Mark 15. 3. 41. c.pne.r/j- mocking with scribes, Mark 15. 31. 60 CHI Mark 14. 1 . c. priests sought to take him and put him to death, ,55. Mat. 26. 59. Luke 9. 22. | 22. 2. Luke 23. 23. voices of them and c. priests prevailed JohnT.'.iZ. c. priests sent officers to take hmi, 18. 3. 1 9.1 S.c.^rzfij'tvansweredjWe have no king but Cesar Acts9. 14. he hath authority from c. priests, If). 10. 22. ,30. commanded the c. p. and council to appear CHIEF prince, or princes. 1 Chron. 5. 1 2. and of Judah came the c. prince 7. 40. were children of Asher, c. oi^\e.princes Ezek. ,38. 2. Gogf. prince oi Meihech, 3. | .39. 1. Dan. 10. 13. Wichaeloneof the c . princes cama CIllEl'' singer J or singers. Neh. 12.46. in days of David were c. of the. y/w^«;-j Hah. 3. 19. to the c. singer on my instruments ClIlEFESl. 1 Sam. 2. 29. to mak yourselves fat with c. offerings 9. 22. Samuel made them sit in the c. place 21. 7. Doeg an Edomite, c. of the herd-men to Saul 2 Chr. 32^ 33. Hezekiah buried in c. of sepulchres Cant. 5. 10. my beloved is the c. among 1(),0(M) ikf«rX: 10. 44. who will bee. shall be servant of all 2 Cor. 11. 5. not a whit behind c. of apostles, 12. 11. CHIEFLY. Rom. 3. 2. c. because to them were commit, oracles Phil. 4. 22. c. they that are of Cesar's household 2 Pet. 2. 10. but c. them that walk after the Ilesh CHILD Signifies, [1] One young in years, 1 Sam. 1. 22. [2] One weak in knowledge, Isa. 10. 19. 1 C^or. 13. 11. [.3] Such as are young in grace, 1 John 2. 13. [4] Such as are humble and docile. Mat. 18. 3, 4. [5] Whatsoever is dear to a person, Jer. 15.7. Child, Children, or Sons, are taken differ- ent ways in Scripture. The descendants of a man, how remote soever they may be, are called sons, or children. For example : the children of Edom, the children of Moan, the children of Israel, 'these expressions, the children of light, the children of darkness, are used to signify those who follow light, and those who remain in darkness: the children of the kingdom, tho.fe who belong to the kingdom. Persons who are almost of age, are often called children. lor example : Joseph is called a child though he Was at least sixteen years old, Cien. .37. .30. and Benjamin of the age of above thirty, is still call- ed a little child, Oen. 44. 20. Likewise men of full age have often the name of children given them, Isa. 65. 20. 'J he child shall die an hun- dred years old ; that is, men shall die at the age of an hundred years ; there shall be no more untimely deaths seen. Ch I LDREN, or Sons 9f God. By this name angels are sometimes described, as. Job 1. 6. | 2. 1. 'J here was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord. Good men, in op- position to the wicked, are likewise called by this name ; the children of Heth's family in opposition to the race of Cain, Gen. 6. 2. Ihe sons of God saw the daughters of men. Judges and magis- trates are likewise termed chWdren of God, Psal. 82. 6. 1 have said, ye are gods; and all of you are the children of the Most Higii. In the New Testament, believers are commonly called the children of God, by virtue of their adoj'tion, and the prerogatives which Christ pur- chased for them by the merits of his death and sufferings. John 1. 12. He hath given us power to become the sons of God: and elsewhere ; see Bom. 8. 14. Gal. 3. 26. Chiluru N, or Sons of men. This name is given to the men of Cain's family, who lived before the deluge ; and in particular to the giants, those violent and corrupt men, who before the deluge had corrupted their ways, and drew down the most ter- rible eff'ects of God's anger upon the earth. After- wards the impious, the ivicked I sraelites were called the sons of men, Psal. 4. 2. O ye sons of men, how long will ye love vanity ? See Psal. 12. 1. 157.4. But very often, *y sons of men, mankind are to be understood, zoithout any odious notion, as, Psal. 8. 4. What is the son of man, that thou visitest him ? Psal. 11. 4. | 145. 12. Gen. 21.15. Hagar cast the c. under one of the shrubs 16. she said, let me not see the death of the c. ,37. 30. the c. is not, and 1, whither shall I go ^ 42. 22. spake I not, do not sin against the c. ? Exod. 2. 8. the maid went, and called thee, mother 22. 22. ye shall not afflict any fatherless c. Judg. 11. 34. Jephthah's daughter was his only c. 13. 8. and teach us what we shall do to the c. 1 Sam. 1. 25. and they brought the e. to Eli 3. 8, Eli perceived the Lord had called the e. 2 Sam. 12. 14. the e. that is born to thee shall die 15. Lord struck the e. that Uriah's wife bare 16. David therefore besought God for the e. 19. David perceived that the e. was dead 1 Kings 3. 25. he said, divide the living c. in two 14.3. heshall tell thee, whatshallbecomeofthe e. 17. 22. the soul of the e. came into him again 2 Kings 4. 31. he told him, the c. is not awaked 35. the e. sneezed, and the e. opened his eyes Prov. 23. 13. witlihold not correction from the e. Eccl. 4. 8. yea, he hath neither e. nor brother 15. with second e. that shall stand up in his stead Isa. 3. 5. the e. shall behave himself proudly 7. 16. for before the c. shall know to refuse the evil 8. 4. before the e. shall know to cry, my father 11. 8. the weaned e. put his hand on cockatrice den 65. 20. the c. shall die an hundred years old Jer. 4. 31. as of her that bringeth forth her first e. 31. 20. is Ephraim my son ? is he a pleasant c. ? 44. 7. to cutoff from you man, woman, and e. Mat. 10. 21. the father shall deliver the e. to death 17. 18. the c. was cured from that very hour 23. 15. ye make him twofold more the c. of hell Luke 1. 59. on eighth day they came to circumcise e. 66. saying, what manner of c. shall this be ? 76. thou e. shaltbe called Prophetof the Highest 80. the c. grew, and waxed strong in spirit, 2.40. CHI Luke 2. 27. when the parents brought in the c. Jesus 9. 38. Master, look on my .son, he is my only e. 42. Jesus healed e. and delivered liim to his father Juhn 4. 49. sir, come down ere my c. die 16. 21. but as soon as she is delivered of the c. Acts 4. 27. of a truth against thy holy c. Jesus 30. that signs may be done by name of thy e. Jesus 13. 10. Saul said, thou c. of the devil, thou enemy Rev. 12. 4, to devour her e. as soon as it was bom 5. her e. was caught up to God and to his throne A CHILD. Gen. 18. 13. shall I of a surety bear a c. who am old.' 44. 20. a father, and a c. of his old age, a little one Exod. 2. 2. she saw he was a goodly c. lieh. 11. 2.3. 1 Sam. 2. 18. Samuel, a c. girded with a linen ephod 1 Kings 3. 17. wast delivered of « c. with her in house 13.2. c e. shall be born tohouseof David, .losiah Job 33.25. his flesh shall be fresher than a c. Psal. 131. 2. 1 quieted myself as a ens a weaned e. Prov. 20. 11. even a c. is known by his doings 22. 6. train up a c. in tlie way he should go 15. foolishness is bound in the heart of a c. 29. 15. but a c. left to himself bringeth to shame 21. he that bringeth up his servant from a c. Eccl. 4. 13. better is a wiser, than a foolish king 10.16. woe tothee,0 land, when thy kin^isae. La. 9. 6. for to us a c. is born, to us a son is given 10. 19. trees shall be few, that a c. may write them Jer. 1.6. behold I cannot speak, for 1 am a c. 7. 20. 15. tidings, saying, a man e. is born to thee Hos. 11. 1. when Israel was a c. then I loved him Mark 9. 21. how long since this came ? he said ofae. 36. took a c. and set him in the midst, Luke 9. 47. 1 Cor. 13. 11. when 1 was ac.\ spake as « e. 1 un- derstood as « e. I thought as a c. Gal. 4. 1. T say, the heir as long as he is a e. differs not 2 Ti7n. 3. 15. from a c. hast known holy scriptures Heh. 11. 11. Sarah delivered of a e. when past age Rev, 12. 5. she brought forth a man e. who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron Little CHIIdX Gen. 47. + 12. nourish, his father's house as a little c. 1 Kings 3. 7. r. 34. this c. is set for fall and rising of many in Israel 9. 48. whoso shall receive this c. rny name, receives ffVM CHILD. Gen. 16. 11, the angel said, H agar, thou ?cri withe. 19. 36. daught. of Lot were with c. by their father 38. 24. Tamar thy daughter is with c. by whoredom 25. by the man whose these are am 1 with c. Exod. 21. 22. if men strive and hurt a woman with c. 1 6'aOT.4.19.his daughter, Phinehas' wife, vmswith c. 2 Sam. 11. 5. Bath-sheba sent and .said, I am with c. 2 Kings 8. 12. wilt rip up their women with c. 15. 16. Eccl. 11. 5. bones grow in womb of her that is with c. Isa. 26. 17. like a woman with c. that draweth near 18. we have been with c. we have been in pain 54. 1. sing, O barren, that didst not travail with c. Jer. ,30, 6, see whether a man doth travail with c. 31. 8. I will bring forth from north woman with c. Hos. 13. 16. their women with c. shall be ripped up Amosl. 13. because they ripped up the wom.t^i/^/ic. Mat. 1. 18. she was found zrith c. of the Holy Ghost 23. a virgin shall be with c. and bring forth a son 24. 19. woe to them that are tvith c. and to them give suck in those dajs, Mark 13. I7. Luke 21. 23. Luke 2. 5. to be taxed with M ary , being great with c. 1 Thess. 5. 3. as travail upon a woman with c. Rev. 12.2, and she being withe, cried, travailing! Young CHILD. 1 Sam. 1. 24. she brought him, and the e. was younff Mat. 2, 8, go and search diligently tor the young c, 13. take the young c. and his mother, and flee 14. he took the young c. and his mother by night CHILD-BEARING. 1 Tim. 2. 15. notwithstand. she shall be saved in c.-b. CHILDHOOD. 1 Sam. 12. 2. I have walked before you from my c. Job 33. + 25. his flesh shall be fresher than c. Eccl. 11. 10. for c. and youth are vanity CHILDISH. 1 Cor. 13. 11. when a man, I put away c. things CHILDLE.SS. Gen. 15. 2. what wilt thou give me, seeing I go e. ? Lev. 20. 20. they shall bear their sin, they shall die c. 1 Sam. 15. 33, Samuel said, as thy sword hath made women c. so shall thy mother be c. among women Jer. 22. 30. saitli the Lord, write you this man c. Luke 20. 30. the second took her to wife, and died c. CHILDREN. Gen. 3. 16, in sonow shalt thou bring forth c. 16. 2. it may be that I may obtain c. by her 25. 22. the c. struggled together within her 29. 1 1. Jacob came into the land of the e. of the east 30. 1. Rachael said to Jacob, give me e. or I die 33. 5. the e. which God hath given thy servant 49. 8. thy father's e. shall bow down before thee £wrf. 12.37. journeyed about 600,000 men, besidesc CHI Exod. 20.5. a jealous God, visitingthe iniquity of tlie fathers upon the <•. 34.7. A^?e. 2 KingsQ. give him always a light, and to his c. 2 Chr. 28. 3. burnt his c. in fire after the heathen 33. 6. he caused his c. to pass thro' the fire Job 5. 4. his c. are far from safety, and are crushed 17. 5. even the e3'es of his c. shall fail 20. 10. his c. shall seek to please the poor 21. 19. God layeth up his iniquity for his c. 27. 14. iihis c. be muldplied, it is for the sword Psal. 89. 30. if his c. forsake my law, and walk not 103. 13. like as a father pitieth his c. so Lord pities 109. 9. let his c. be fatherless, his wife a widow 10. let his c. be vagabonds, and beg bread Prov. 14. 26. his c. shall have a place of refuge 20. 7. the just man, his c. are blessed after him Jvfl:. 14.21. prepare slaughter for /»>c. for iniquity of 29. 23. when heseeth/jw e. in the midst of him Hos. 9. 13. but Ephraim shall bringforth his c. John 4. 12. hisc. and cattle drank thereof 1 Tltess. 2. 11. we charged you as a father doth his c. 1 Tim. 3. 4. havina hisc. in subjection with gravity CHILDREN of Israel. Gen. 50. 25. Joseph took an oath of the c. of Israel Exod. 1. 7. the e. df Israel were fruitful and increased CHI Exod. 1. 12. they were grieved because of c. of Isr. 2. 23. e. of Is. sighed |i 25. God looked on c. of Isr, 4. 31. when they heard Lord had visited c. of Isr. 6. 5. 1 have also heard the aroanina of the e. of Is, 13. to bring e. of Isr. out of Eaypt,'26, 27. 1 12. 51. 9. 4. shall nothing die of all that is the c. of Israel 12. 37. e. of Isr. journeyed about 600,000 on foot 29. 43. and there I will meet with the c. of Israel 31 . 17. it is a sign between me and e. ef Is. for ever Lev. 17- 13. whosoever he be, e. of Isr. or stranger 25. 55. for to me the e. of Isr ad are servants Num. 14. 10. glory of Lord appeared before c. of Is. Josh. 7. 12. c. (f Isr. could not stand before enemies 1 Sam. 11. 8. when numbered e. of Isr. were 300,000 2 Sam. 21. 2. the Gibeonites were not of c. of Jr. 2 Kings 17. 24. and placed them instead of e. of Is. Neh. 8. 17- to that day had not the e. of Is. done so Psal. 103. 7. he made known his acts to e. of Isr. 148. 14. even of the e. of Isr. a people near to him Isa. 27. 12. shall be gathered one by one, O ye e. of Is. Ezek. 44. 15. when c. of Jyrae/ went astray, 48. 11. Amos 2. 11. is it not even thus, O ye e. of Israel? 4. 5. this liketh you, O ye c. of Isr. saith the Lord Luke 1. 16. many of the e. of Isr. shall turn to Lord Acts 7. 23. to visit his brethren the c. of Lrael 37. this is that Moses which said to the e. of Israel 9. 15. chosen to bear my name before the c. of Isr. 10. .36. word God sent to c.of hr. preachina peace Rom. 9. 27. though numberof e. of Is. be as the sand 2 Cor. 3. 7. e. of Isr. could not behold face of Moses Heh. 11. 22. made mention of departing of e. of Is. Rev. 2. 14. to cast a stumbling- block before e.o/Jf. 7. 4. sealed 144,000 of all the tribes of the e. J of promise. Earn. 9. 8. but the c. of prom, are counted for the seed Gal. 4. 28. we. brethien, as Isaac was, are c. of p. Strange CHILDREN. 2^eh. 9. +2. Israel separated themselves from wr. c. Psal. 144. 7. rid and deliver me from strange c. 11. Sos. 5. ?• for they have begotten strange c. Their CHILDREN. Gen. 31. 43. what can T do to daughters or their c. Deut. 4. 10. and thatthej' may teach their c. 5. 29. that it miaht be well with their c. for ever 31. 13. that t/ieir c. may leam to fear the Lord Josh. 5. 7. and their c. ihem loshua ciicumcised 1 Kings 9. 2L of their c. did Solomon levy a tri bute 2 Kings 8. 12. thou wi't dash their c. and rip women 17. 31. burnt their c. in the lire to the gods 41. their c. served images as did their fathers S Chron. 2D. 13. before Lord with wives and their c. 25. \. he slevvr not their c. but did as it is written Neh. 9. 23. their c. thoumultipliedst as stars of heav. 13. 24. their c. spake half in the speech of Ashdod Job 21. 11. send their little ones, their c. dance 24. 5. the wilderness yieldeth food for their c. Fsal. 78. 4. we will not hide them from their c. 6. should arise and declare them to their c. 90. 16. and let thy glory appear to their c. 132. 12. their c. shall sit on thy throne for ever Isa. 13. 16. their c. shall be dashed to pieces before Jer. 17. 2. whilst their c. remember their altars , 18. 21. therefore deliver up their c. to the famine ' 30. 20. their c. also shall be as aforetime 32. 18. the iniquity of fathers into bosom of their c. 39. for good of them and of their c. after them 47. 3. the fathers shall not look back to their c. Jjam. 4. 10. the hands of women have sodden their c. Ezek. 20. 18. I said to their c. in the wilderness 23. 39. when they had slain their c. to idols 37. 25. they and their c. shall dwell therein Dan. 6. 24. cast them and their c. into den of lions Hos. 9. 12. tho" briQg up their c. yet I will bereave Joel 1.3. let your c. tell their c. and their c. another Mic.9..9- from their c. have ye taken away my elory Zech. 10. 7. yea, their c. shall see it and be glad 9. they shall live with t-lieir c. and turn again Acts 13- 33. God hath fulfilled the same to us their c. 1 Tim. 3. 12. the deacons rule ?/;e/rc. and houses well Tit. 2. 4. younar women to love husbands and their c. 'Thy CHILDREN. Erod. 13. 13. the tirst-born among thy c. redeem Deut. 4. 40. go well with thy c. after thee, 12. 25, 28. 6. 7. thou shalt teach tiiem diligently to thy c. 30. 2. thou and thyc. shall obey "with all thine heart Josh. 14. 9. the land be thine and thy c. for ever 1 Sam. 16. 11. Sanmel said, are here all thy c. ? 1 Kings 2. 4. \Uhy c. take heed to their way to walk 8. 25. so that thyc. take heed, 2 Chron. 6. 16. 20. 3. saith, thy wives also and thy c. are mine 2 Kings 4. 7. live thou and thy c. of the rest 10. 30. thy c. of fourth generation shall sit on throne 2 Chron. 21. 14. Lord will smite thy people and c. Job 8. 4. if thy c. have sinned against him, he cast Psal. 45. 16. instead of thy fathers shall be thy c. 73. 15. should offend against generation of thy c. 128. 3. thy c. like olive-plants round about thy table 132. 12. if thy c. will keep my covenant and test. 147. 13. he hath blessed thy c. within thee Jsa. 49. 17. thy c. shall make haste, thy destroyers 25. I will contend, and 1 will save thy c. 54. 13. and all thy c. shall be taught of the Lord, and great shall be the peace of thy c. Jer. 5.7. thy c. have forsaken me, and sworn by them 31. 17. there is hope that thy c. shall come asain 38. 23. they shall brins out thy c. to the Chaldeans Ezek. 16. 36. by blood oUhy c. thou didst give them His. 4. G. forgotten the law, I will also fofs;et thy c. Mat. 23. 37. how often would I have gathered thy c. as a hen gathereth her chickens ! Luhe 13. 34. Luke 19. 44. they shall lay thi c. within thee 2 John 4. that I found of thy c. walkina' in truth Your CHILDREN\ ^ Exod. 12. 26. when yo^a c. shall say unto you 22. 24. wives be widows, zxidyoiir c. be fatherless Lev. 25. 46. take them as inheritance for yovr c. 26. 22. said, wild beasts shall rob vou of vour c. N7im. 14. .33. your c. shall wander in the wilderness Deut. 1. 39. yovr c. shall go in thither and possess 11.2. I speak not with 2/o!/rf. who have not known 19. these my words, ye shall teach them your c. 21. that days ot your c. be multiplied in the land 29. 22. the generation to come of your c. shall say 32. 46. which ye shall command your c. to observe Jo.fh. 4. 6. when yonr c. ask their fathers, 21. 22. then ye shall let yoiir c. know, say ins, Israel 1 Iimgs9. 6. if yoiirc. turn from foUowin'o; me 1 C/iroK. 28. 8. for an inherit, to yvur c. Ezra 9. 12. Q, Chron. 30. 9. your c. shall find compassion before Psal. 115. 14. the Lord shall increase you &nAyour c. Jer. 2. 30. in vain have I smitten your c. Mat. 7- 11. to give good gifts to your c. Luke 11. 13. 12. 27. by whom do yimr c. cast them out ? Luke 23. 28. but weep for yourselves and j^07us C. rise up -and walk 20. shall send Jesus C. who was preached to j'ou 4. 10. by the name of Jes2(S C. doth this man stand 5. 42. and daily they ceased not to preach Jesns C. 8. 12. when they believed Philip preaching things concerning name of Jesus C. they were baptized .37. I believe that Jesiis C. is the Son of God 9. 34. Eneas, Jesus C. maketh thee whole, arise 10. 36. preaching peace by Jesus C. he is Lord of all 16.18. 1 command thee in the name of J. C. come out 17. 3. and that this Jesus I preach to you is C. 18. 5. Paul testified to the Jews that Jesus was C. 28. shewing by the scriptures that Jesus was C. 19. 4. that they should believe on C. Jesus Rom. 1. 1. Paula servant of Jesus C. Phil. 1. 1. 3. concerning his Son Jesus C. our Lord, of seed 6. among whom are ye the called of Jesus C. 8. I thank my God through Jes^is C. for you all 2. 16. sliall jutise the secrets of men by Jesus C. 3. 22. righteousness, which is by faith of Jesus C. 24. justified through the redemption in Jesus C. 5. 15. gift by grace, which is by one man Jesus C. 17. shall much more reign in life by one Je.^us C. 6. 3. so many as were baptized into Jems C. 8. 1. no condemnation to them that are in C. Jesus 2. the Spirit of life in C. Jesus hath made me free 16. 3. Priscilla and Aquila, mv helpers in C. Jesus 1 Cor.l. 1. Paul apostle of X C. 2 Cor. 1.1. Eph. 1. 1. 2. with all that call on the name ot Jems C. 4. for the grace of God given you by Jesus C. 30. but of him are ye in C. Jesus, who is made to 2. 2. not to know any thing, save Jestts C. crucified 4. 15. for in C. J. have I b'effotten you thro' gospel 2 Cor. 4. 6. the knowledge of God in face of J. C. 5. 18. hath reconciled us to himself by Jes^ts C. 13. 5. know ye not, how that Je.vus C. is in you CaL 2. 16. a man is justified by the faith of Jesus C. 3. 14. blessing come on the Gentiles thro' JesiLs C. 28. male nor"female, for ye aie all one in C. Jesus CHR Gal. 4. 14. ye received me as an angel, even as C. J. Eph. 2. 6. made us sit in heavenly places in C. Jesus 20. Jesus C. being the chief comer-stone Phil. 1.8. 1 long after you in the bowels of Jems C. 2. 5. mind be in you, which was also in C. Jesus 11. Jems C. is Lord, to the glory of God the F. 21. all seek not the ihmgs wliich are Jesus C. 3. 8. 1 count all loss for the excellency of C. Jesus 12. for which also 1 am apprehended of C. Jesus 4. 19. according to his riches in glory by C. Jesns Col. 2. 6. as ye iiave received C. J. so walk ye in him 1 Tim. 1. 15. that C. Jes7is came to save sinners 2. 5. mediator between God and men, man C. Jesus 6. 13. before C. J. who witnessed a good confession 2 Ti7fi. 1. 9. according to his grace given us in C. J 13. in faith and love, which is in C. Jesus Phi/em. 1. Paul a prisoner of Jtf«« C. 9. 23. Heb. 13. 8. J. C. the same 3'esterday, and for ever 1 John 1. 7. blood of Jesus C. cleanseth frim all sin 2. 1. we have an advocate, Jems C. the righteous 5. 6. this is he that came by water and blood, J. C 20. w^e are in him, even in his Son Jesus C. Lord Jesus CHRIS 1:. Acts 11. 17. as to us who believed on the L. J. C. 15. 11. thro' the grace of L. J. C. we shall be saved 16. 31. believe on the L. J. C. thoushalt be saved 20. 21. testifying faith toward our Lord Jesus C. Rom. 5. 1. we have peace with God, thro' /.. J. C 11. we also joy in God, thro" our Lord Jesns C. 6. 23. gift of God is eternal life thro' our /.. J. C. 8. 39. separate from love of God in C. Jesus our L. 13. 14. put ye onL. J. C. and make not provision 16. £0. ffiace of L.J. C. be with you, 24. 2 Cor. 13. 14. Gal. 6. 18. 2 Thess. 3. 18. Rev. 22. 21. 1 Cor. 1.7. waiting for the coming of Lord Jesus C. 8. 6. but to us one L. J. C. by whom are all things 15. 57. God giveth us the victory thro' our L. J. C. 16. 22. if any man love not the Lord Jems C. 2 Cor. 1. 2. srace and peace from God, and from the L. J. C. Gal.l. 3. Eph. 1. 2. Col. 1. 2. 8. 9. for ye know the grace of our Lord Jems C. Gal. 6. 14. glory save in the cross of our L. J. C. Eph. 1. 3. blessed be the Father of our Lord Jems C. 17. God of our L. J. C. give j'ou spirit of M'isdom 1 'Ihess. 1. 3. j'our patience of hope in our L.J. C. 2. 19. ye are our joy in presence ot our Lord J. C. 3. 13. may establish you at coming of our L. J. C. 5. 23. be preserved unto coming of our L. J. C. 2 Thess. 2. 1. we beseech you by coming of L. J. C. 16. now our i. J. C. hath given us consolation 1 Tim. 5. 21. I charge thee bef. L. J. C. 2 Tim. 4. 1. 2 Tim. 4. 22. the L.J. C. be with thy spirit, amen 2 Pet. 1. 11. an entrance into kingdom of L. J. C, 3. 18. grow in grace and in knowledge of i. J. C. In CHRIST. Acts 24. 24. heard him concerning the faith in C. Rom. 9. 1. I say the truth in C. 1 lie not, my cons. 12. 5. so we being many are one body m C. 16. 7. are of note, who also were in C. before me 9. salute Urbane, our helper in C. and Stachj's 10. salute Apelles approved in C. salute Aristo. 1 Cor. 3. 1. 1 speak to you, even as unto babes 2w C, 4. 10. we are fools, but ye are wise in C. 15. tho' ye have 10,000 instruct, in C. not many 15. 18. they that are fallen asleep in C. are perish. 19. if in this life only we have hope i7i C. 22. even so in C. shall all be made alive 2 Cor. 1. 21. he which stablisheth us with you in C. 2. 14. God vv'ho causeth us to triumph V?i C. 17. asof God, in the sight of God speak we in C 3. 14. vail untaken awaj', vail is done awav- m C. 5. 17. if any man be in C. he is a new creature 19. that God was in C. reconciling the world 20. we pray j'ou i?i C. stead, be reconciled to G. 12. 2. 1 knew a man in C. above fourteen years ago 19. we speak before God, in C. we do all thines Gal. 1. 22. unknown to the churches of JudeamC. 3. 17. the covenant confirmed before of God in C. 27. as many as have been baptized into C. Eph. 1. 3. blessed us with spiritual blessings t7i C. 10. he miiiht gather in one all things iti C. 12. should be to his glory, -who first trusted in C. 20. which he wrought in C. when he raised him 3. 6. partakers of his promise wi C. by the oospel Phil. 1. 13. so that my bonds in C. are manifest in 2. 1. if there be any consolation in C. if comfort Col. 2. 5. beholdins stedfastness of your faith in C. 1 Thess. 4. 16. and the dead in C. shall rise first 1 Tim. 2. 7. I speak the truth in C. and lie not 1 Pet. 3. 16. accuse your good conversation in C. Is CHRIST. Mat. 24. 23. if any say, lo, here is C. Mark 13. 21. Mark 12. 35. that the son of David, Luke 20. 41. Luke 2. 11. is born a Saviour which ?> C the Lord 23. 2. saying, that he himself is C. a king Jolm 7. 41. others said, this is the C. some said Acts 9. 22. Saul increased, proving this is very C. 17. 3. that this Jesus whom I preach to you is C. Rom. 8. 34. it is C. that died, yea rather risen again 1 Cor. 1. 13. is C. divided ? was Paul crucifietl for 7. 22. he that is called, being free, is C. servant 11. 3. know that the head ot every man is C. 12. 12. members being many are one body, so is C. 15. 13. if dead rise not, then is C. not risen, 16. 20. but now is C. risen from the dead, and first 2 Cor. 10. 7- if any man trust that lie is C. Gal. 2. 17. is therefore C. the minister of sin } 3. 16. but as of one, and to thy seed, which is C. Phil. 1.21. for to me to live is C. but to die is gain Col. 1. 27. which is C. in vou, the hope of glory 0/ CHRIST. Mat. 11. 2. John heard in prison the works o/C. 22. 42. what think you of' C. .' whose son is he ? Rom. 8. 9. if any man have not the Spirit ofC. .35. Mho shall separate us from the love <>/ C. ? 14.10. we shall all stand before judgment seat <»/C. 1 Cor. 1. 17. lest cross of C. be made of none effect 2. 16. but we liave the" mind of C. 6. 15. know ye not your bodies are members of C. 10. 16. cup, IS it not the conm-iuuion of blood 0/ C. the bread, is it not the communion of body ofC 11. 1. be ye followers of me, even as I also am ofC. 63 ' CHU 1 Cor. 11. 3. head of woman isman, head ofC. is God 12. 27. now ye are tlie body cf C. and members 2 Cor. 1. 5. as the sutferingsof C. abound in us 2. 10. for you forgave I it in the person of C. 15. for we are to "God a sweet savour ofC. 3. 3. ye are the epistle of C. ministered by us 4. 4. lest the liirht of the glorious gospel of C. shine 5. 14. for the Jove of C. constraineth us, because 8. 23. or our brethren, they are the glory of C. 10. 1. beseech by the meekness and ,aentleness of C. 5. bringins every thought to the obedience 0/ C. 11. 10. as the truth ofC. is in me, none shall stop 12. 9. power cf C. may rest on me, Bev. 12. 10. 13. 3. since yeseek a proof 0/ C. speakmg m me Gal. 1. 10. if pleased men, should not be serv. of C. 2. 16. that we might be justified by the faith ofC. 6. 12. lest suffer persecution for the cross ofC. Ep/i. 2. 13. ye are made nigh by the blood ofC. 3. 4. understand my knowled. in the mystery ofC. 8. should preach the unsearchable riches ofC. 19. know the love of C. which passeth knowledge 4. 7. according to the measure of the gift ofC. 5. 5. hath any inheritance in the kingdom of C. 6. 6. as servants of C. doing the will of God F/iiL 1. 10. be without offence till the day ofC. 29. for to you it is given in behalf o/C to believe 2. 16. that i may rejoice in the day ofC. .30. for the woi-k of C. he was nigh to death 3. 18. they are the enemies of the cross ofC. Col. 1. 24. fill up what is behind of afflictions ofC. 2. 2. mystery of God, and of the Father, and of C. 17. are a shadow of thinsrs, but the body is ofC. 3. 16. let the word ofC. dwell in you richly 4. 3. open to us a door, to speak the mystery of C. 2 T/iess.3. 1 5. Lord direct you into the patience ofC. 2 2Vw. 2. 19. every one that nameth the name of C. JIeh.3.1'^. for we are made partakers f/C. if we hold 9. 14. how much more blood cfC. purge conscien. 11. 26. reproach of C. greater riches than treasur. i Pet. 1. 11. what time the Spirit 0/ C. did signify 19. ye are redeemed with the precious blood (f C. 4.13. as ye are partakers ofC. sufferings, that when 14. if ye be reproached for the name of C. Rev. 20. C. they shall be priests of God and ofC, That CHRIST. John 1. 25. if be not that C. nor Elias, nor prophet 6. 69. we are sure thou art that C. the Son of God The CHRIST. 3Iat. 16. 20. saying, tell no man that he was the C. 26. 63. I adjure thee, tell whether thou be the C. Mark 8. 29. Peter saith unto him, thou art the C. 14. 61. art thou the C. the Son of the Blessed ? Jjuke 3. 15. mused of .lohn, whether he were the C. 9. 20. Peter said, thou art the C. of God 22. 67. scribes, saying, art thou the C. 7 tell us John 1. 20. but he confessed, I am not the C. 41. we have found the Messias, which is the C. 3. 28. 1 said, I am not the C. but sent before him 4. 29. see a man who told me all, is not this the C. ? 42. we know that this is indeed the C. 7. 26. 7- 41. others said, this is the C. but some said 10. 24. if thou be the C. tell us plainly 11. 27. I believe thou art the C. the Son of God 20. 31. that ye miglit believe that Jesus is the C. 1 John 2. 22. but he that denieth that.lesus is the C. 5. 1. whoso believeth Jesus is the C. is born of God With CHRIST. Horn, 6. 8. if we be deadtuith C. we shall also live 8.17. if children, then joint-heirs withC. Gal. 2. 20. 1 am crucified with C. I live, C. liveth Eph. 2. 5. God hath quickened us together zcith C. Phil. 1. 23. haeing adesire to depart and be 7:;ith C. Col. 2. 20. if ye be dead rviih C. from the world 3. 1. if ye be risen with C. seek the things above 3. ye are dead, and your life is hid uirh C. in G. Met. 20. 4. and they reigned with C. 1000 years CHRISTIAN, S. Jictsl1.26. disciples were first called c. at Antioch 26. 28. almost thou persuadest me to be a c. 1 Pet. 4. 16. yet if any man suffer as a c. not be asha. CHRISTS. Mat. 24. 24. there shall arise false c. Maril3. 22. CHRONICLES. 1 7ir«w(7.fl4. 19. rest of acts of Jeroboam are in the c. 1 Chron. 27. 24. nor number put in the account of c. Esth. 6. 1. to bring the book of the records of c. See Book. CHRYSOLITE. Kev. 21. 20. seventh foundation of the city was a c. CHRYSOPRASUS. Rev. 21. 20. tenth foundation of the city was a c. CHURCH Signifies, [1] Arehgious asscmhly selectedandcalled out of the world hy the doctrine of the gospel, to worship the trite God in Christ, according to his word, 1 Cor. 1. 2. Rev. 2. 7- [2] All the elect of God, of what nation soever, from the begin- ning to the end of the world, who make hut one body, whereof Jes7is Christ is the Head, Col. 1. 18. [3] The faithful of some one family, to- gether with such christians as were wont to as- semble with them for solemn toorship, Rom. 16 5. Col. 4. 15. Philem. 2. [4] The faithful of some one province, 2 Thess. 1. 1. [5] The go- vernors, or representatives of the church. Mat. 18. 17. Tell it to the church ; that is, to such rulers, to whom the censures of the church do of right belong, that by them it may be communi- cated to the whole society. [6] A multitude of people assembled topether, whether good or bad. Acts 19. 37. [7] The congregation of the Jews, which was formerly the church and people of God, Acts 7. 38. Mat. 16. 18. and upon this rock I will build my c. 18. 17. tell it to the c.ifhe neglectto hear the c. Acts 9.. 47. Lord added to c. daily suciish. be saved 5. 11. and great fear came on all the c. anrl as many 8. 1. was a great persecution against the c. at Jeru. 11. 26. they assembled themselves with the c. 14. 23. whenthey had ordained elders in every c. 27. when they had gathered the c. together 15. 3. being brought on their way by the c. 64> CIR Acts 15.22. it pleased elders with the whole c. to send 18. 22. when he had gone up and saluted the c. Rom. 16. 5. greet the c. that is in their house 1 Cor. 4. 17. as I teach every where, in every c. 14. 4. but he that prophesieth edifieth the c. 5. except interpret that the c. may receive edify. 23. if the c. be come together into one place 16. 19. salute you, with c. that is in their house Eph. 1. 22. gave him to be head over all to the c. 3. 10. might be known by the c. the wisdom of God 5. 24. as the c. is subject to Christ, so let wives 25. as C hrist loved the c. and gave himself for it 27. that he might present to himself a glorious c. 29. but cherisheth it, even as the Lord the c. .32. but I speak concerning Christ and the c. Phil. 3. 6. concerning zeal, persecuting the c. 4. 15. no c. communicated with me, but ye only Col. 1. 18. and he is the head of the body the c. 24. for his body's sake, which is the c. 4. 15. salute the c. wliich is in Nymphas' house 1 Tim. 5. 16. and let not the c. be charged Philem. 2. Paul a prisoner, to the c. in thy house Heb. 12. 23. to the c. of the first-born in heaven 1 Pet. 5. 13. the c. at Babylon elected saluteth you 3 Joh7i 6. borne witness of thy charity before the c. 9. 1 wrote unto c. but Diotrephesreceiveth us not In the CHURCH. Actsl. 38. this is ht that was in the c. in wilderness 13. 1. there were prophets in the c. at Antioch 1 Cor. 6. 4. to judge who are least esteemed in the c. 11. 18. first of all when ye come together nt the c. 12. 28. God hath set some in the c. first apostles 14. 19. yet iyi the c. I had rather speak five words 28. let him keep silence in the c. and speak to God 35. it is a shame for women to speak in the c. Eph. 3. 21. to him be glory in thec.hy Christ Jesus Col. 4. 16. cause it to be read in the c. of Laodicea Of the CHURCH. Acts 8. 3. as for Saul, he made havock of the c. 11. 22. tidings from Antioch came to ears 0/ Me c. 12. 1. at that time Herod vexed certain of the c. 5. prayer was made of the c. unto God for Peter 15. 4. they were received of the c. and elders 20. 17. Paul sent and called the elders of the c. Rom. 16. 1. Phebe our sister, a ser\'ant of the c. 23. Gaius mine host and of the whole c. saluteth 1 Cor. 14. 12. may excel to the edifying of the c. Eph. 5.23. even as Christ is the head of the c. Heb. 2. 12. in midst of the c. 1 will sing praise Jam. 5. 14. let him call for the elders of the c. 3 John 10. Diotrephes casteth them out of the c. Rev. 2. 1. to the angel (f the c. of Ephesus, write 8. c. in Smyrna |l "12. Pergamus 1) 18. Thyatira 3. 1. c. of Sardis || 7- Philadelphia || 14. Laodicea CHURCH of God. Acts 20. 28. feed the c. of Ood which he purchased 1 Cor. 1. 2. to the c. if God which is at Corinth 10. 32. give none offence to the c. of God 11. 22. or despise ye the c. of God and shame them 15. 9. because 1 persecuted c. of God, Gal. 1. 13. 1 Tim. 3 5. how shall he take care of the c. c/ Goif.'' CHURCHES. Acts 9.31. then had the c. rest through all Judea 15. 41. Paul went through Syria confirming thee. 16. 5. so were the c. established in the faith 19. 37. these men who are neither robbers of c. Pom. 16. 4. to whom all c. of Gentiles give thanks 16. salute one another, the c. of Christ salute vou 1 Cor. 7. 17. so let him walk, so ordain I in all c. 11 . 16. we have no such custom, neither c. of Christ 14. 33. but author of peace as in all c. of the saints 34. let your women keep silence in the c. 16. 1. as 1 have given order to c. of Galafiasodoye 19. c. of Asia salute you ; Aquila and Priscilla 2 Cor. 8. 1. of the grace bestowed on c. of Macedonia 19. but who was chosen of the c. to travel with us 23. brethren, they are the messengers of thee. 11. 8. I robbed other e. taking v/ages of them 28. cometh upon me daily tlie care of all the c. 12. 13. what is it wherein ye were inferior to c. ? Gal. 1. 22. were unknown by face to c. of Judea 1 Thess. 2. 14. ye became followers of the c. of God 2 Thess. 1. 4. so that we ourselves glory in you in c. Rev. 1. 4. John to the seven c. in Asia, grace to you 11. send it to the seven c. which are in Asia 20. the seven stars are the angels of the seven c. and the seven tandlesticks are the seven c. 2.7. he that hath an ear, let him hear what Spirit saith unto the c. 11, 17, 29. 1 3. 6, 13, 22. 23. c. know I am he which scarcheth the reins 22. 16. 1 Jesus sent to testify these things in the c. CHURL. Isa. 32. 5. nor shall the c. be said to be bountiful 7. the instruments also of the c. are evil CHURLISH. 1 Sam. 25. 3. man "Nabal was c.and evil in his doings CHURNING. Prov. 30. 33. surely the c. of milkbringeth butter CIELED. 2 Chron. 3. 5. he c. the greater house with fir-tree Jer. 22. 14. it is c. with cedar and painted with ver. Hag. 1.4. is it time for you to dwell in your c. houses? CIELING. 1 Kings 6. 15. he built walls of the house with c. Ezek. 41. + 16. over-affainst the door c. witr^ wood CINNAMON. Exod. .30. 23. take of sweet c. half so much Proi'.7.17.I have perfumed my bed with aloes andc. Cant. 4. 14. thy plants are an orch. of calamus and c. Rev. 18. 13. no man buyeth her merchandise of c CIRCLE. Prov. 8. + 27. when he set a c. on face of the depth Isa. 40. 22. it is he that sitteth on the c. of the earth CIRCUIT, S. 1 Sam. 7. 16. he went from year to year in c. to Bethel Job 22. 14. and hewalketh in the c. of heaven Psal. 19. 6. and his c. from the ends of the earth Eccl. 1. 6. wind returneth again according to his c. CIRCUMCISE. Gen. 17. 11. ye shall c. the fiesh of your foreskins Deut. 10. 16. c. therefore the foreskin of your heart 30. 6. the Lord thy God will c. thine heart CIT Josk. 5. 2. and c. again children of Israel second time 4. and this is the cause why Joshua did c. Jer. 4. 4. c. yourselves to the I^rd, and take away Luke 1. 59'on eighth day they came to c. the cliild Johnll. 22. and ye on the sabbath-day c. a man Acts 15. 5. saying, it was needful to c. them 21. 21. that they ought not to c. their children CIRCUMCISED. Gen. 17. 10. every man-child among you shall be c. 14. whose flesh is note, that soul shall be cutoff 23. and Abraham e. the flesh of their foreskin 26. in thatday Abrah. was e. and Ishmael his son 34. 15. if as we be, that every male of you be c. 24. and every male was c. Exod. 12. 48. Josh. 5. 3. Joshua c. children of Israel at the hill 7. because they had not e. them by the way t8. when the people had made an end to be e. Jer. 9. 25. will punish all e. with the uncircumcised Acts 15. 1. except ye be c. ye cannot be saved, 24. 16. 3. Paul c. 'limothy because of the Jews Rom. 4. 11. be fatherof all that believe, though note 1 Cfr. 7. 18. is any man called being e. let him not become unciicum. in uncircum. not become e. Gal. 2. 3. neither was Titus compelled to be e. 5. 2. if ye be e. Christ shall profit you nothing 6. 12. they constrain you to be e. lest they suffer 13. for they tliat are e. kept not the law Phil. 3. 5. e. the eighth day, of the stock of Israel Col. 2. 11. in whom also ye are e. with circumcision CIRCUMCISING. Josh. 5. 8. when they had done e. all the people Luke'2. 21. when eightdays acci)mplished tore, child CIRCUMCISION. This term is taken from the Latin, circumcidere, which signifies to cut all round, because thejervs, who circumcised their children, cut off the little skin or prepuce after that manner, which covers the nut of the penis, or natural part. God en- joined Abraham to use circumcision, as a sign of that covenant which he had entered into with him. Gen. 17. 10, 11, <^r- j'/iw was a sign, evidence, ayid assurayice, both of the blessing promised by that God who appointed this ordi^iance, particu- larly that he would give them Christ, the promised seed, out of the loins of Abraham, ayid in him accept of them for his peculiar people, pardon their sins, and cleanse them from their yiatural corruption, signified by the cutting off of their foreskins: and also of men's obligation to the duties required ; namely, to believe in this Mes- siah, to put off the old man, and serve him as new creatures ; jvhich is signified by his acceptance of, and submission to, the ordinance. Circumcision is likewise put for the'Se\ss,who were circumcised, as uncircumcision is put for the uncircumcised Gentiles, Gal. 2. 7, 8, 9. And for such as are spiritually circumct,<:ed, who are the triie spiritual seed of Abraham, who have the thing signified by that sign, or ceremony, and per- form that which circumcisioji was designed to en- gage unto, Phil. 3. 3. John 7. 22. Moses therefore gave unto you e. 23. if a man on the sabbath-day receive c. are ye Rom. 2. 25. for e. profiteth, if thou keep the law ; if thou break the law, thy e. is made uncircumcision 28. nor is that e. which is outward in the flesh 29. and e. is that of the heart, in tlie spirit 3. 30. one God, who shall justify the e. by faith 4. 9. cometh this blessedness then on the e. only .-' 10. how was it reckoned, when he was in c.l not in e. 1 Cor. 7. 19. e. is the keeping of the commandments Gal. 2. 9. and that they should go unto the e. 5. 6. for in Jesus Christ neither e. availeth, 6. 15. 11. and 1, brethren, iflyetpreache. why do I yet Eph. 2. 11. by that which is called the e. in the flesh Phil. 3. 3. we are the c. which worship G. in spirit Col. 2. 11. with e. without hands, by e. of Christ 3. 11. there is neither e. nor uncircum. but Chr. is Of CIRCUMCISION. Exod. 4. 26. a bloody husband art thou, because ofc. Acts 7. 8. he gave Abraham the covenant of c. 10. 45. they of c. which believed were astonished 11. 2. they that were of the c. contended with Peter Ro-m. 3. 1. whatprofit is there ofc? much every way 4. 11. he received the sisn of c. a seal of righteousn". 12. a father of c. to them who are not of the c. 15. 8. Jesus Chr. was a minister of c. for truth of G. Gal. 2. 7. as the gospel of c. was committed to Peter 8. he that wrought in Peter to apostleship of the e. Col. 4. 11 . Marcus and Justus, who are of c. sal. you TzV. 1.10. for there many unruly, especially they ofc. CIRCUM.SPECT. Exod. 23.13. in all thinas that I have said to you, be e. CIRCUMSPECTLY. Eph. 5. 15. see that ye walk e. not as fools but as wise CISTERN Signifies, [1] A vessel of lead to hold water for house- hold uses, 2 Kings 18. 31. [2] Any thing that persons put their trust in besides God, whether in idols, powerful neighbours and allies, friends, traditions, merits, 8^0. which are but broken cis- terns, Jer. 2. 13. [3] The left ventricle of the heart, Eccl. 12. 6. 2 Kings 18. 31. drink ye every one waters of his e. Prov. 5. 15. drink waters out of thine owne. Eccl. 12. 6. or the wheel broken at the e. Isa. 36. 16. drink every one the waters of his own e. CISTERNS. 2 Chron. 26. + 10. Uzziah cut out many e. Neh. 9. + 25. possessed houses full of goods and e. Jer. 2. 13. my people have hewed out c. broken e. CITY Sisnifies, [1] A walled town for people to dwell in. Josh. 6. 3. [2] The inhabitants cf cities. Gen. 35. 5. Isa. 14. 31. Jer. 26. 2. [3] The church of God upon earth. Cant. 3. 2, 3. Rev. 11. 2. [4] The church triumphant all united in glory. Rev. 21. 2. 1 22. 19. [5] Heaven, the eternal inheritance of all believers, Heb. 11. 10, 16. [6] That wherein a man puts his trust and confidence, Prov. 10. 15. Gen. 4. 17. Cain builded a c. and called it Enoch CIT CIT CIT Gen. 11. 4. let us build us a c. and a to-sver, whose top' 5. Lord came down to see the c. and the tower 8. Ld. scattered them, and they left off to build c. IS. 26. if I find in Sod. tiftj' righteous witliin tlie c. 28. wilt thou destroy all the c. for lack of live ? 24. 13. the daughters of the c. come to draw water 34. 24. hearkened all that went out of the gate of c. 25. came upon the c. boldly, and slew the males ^um. 21. 28. a tiame is gone'out from c. of Sihon 22. t .39. Balaam came to a c. of streets Devt. 2. 36. there was not one c. too strong for us 3. 4. there was not a c. we took not from them 13. 15. shalt surely smite the inhabitants of that c. 21. 3. c. next to slain man shall take a heifer, 6. Jos/i. 3. 16. on an heap very far from the c. Adam 6. 3. ye shall compass c. and go round six days, 7- 24. they burnt the c. with fire, and all therein, Deiit. 13. 16. Jos/i. 8. 8, 10. Judff. 1. 8. I 18. 27. 8. 2. lay thee an ambush for the c. behind it 17. they left the c. open, and pursued after Isr. 20. the smoke of the c. ascended up to heaven 11. 19. was not a c. made peace, save the Hivites Jos/i. 15. 13. to Caleb the c. of Arba, which r. isHeb. 19. 50. they gave Joshua the c. which he asked 20. 4. he shall stand at the entry of the gate of c. Judg. 6. 27. because he feared tlie men of the c. 8. 17. and Gideon slevv- the men of the c. 9. 45. and beat do%\Tithe c. and sowed it with salt 51. all tliej' of the c. fled, and shut it to them 20. 40. the ilame of the c. ascended up to heaven Huth 1. 19. that all the c. was moved about them 3. 11. for all the c. of my people know that thou 1 Sam. 1. 3. this man went out of c. yearly to wors. 4. 13. when the man tcld it, all tlie c. cried out 5. 11. there was a deadly destruction thro' all the c. 8. 22. Samuel said to Israel, so ye everj' man to his c. 1 Kings C2. 36'. £:ra 2. 1. Kek. 7. 6. 28. 3. Israel buried him Lu Ramah, his own c. 2 Sam. 12. 1. two men in one c. one rich, other poor 15. 2. then Absalom called, of what c. art thou ? 19. 37. 1 may die in mine own c. and be buried 20. 19. seekest to destroy' a c. and mother in Israel 1 Kings 1. 45. rejoicing, so that the c. rang again 11. 32. for Jerusalem's sake, c. 1 have choseii, 3D. 2 Kings 6. 19. neither is this the c. follow me 11. 20. the people rejoiced, and the c. was iai quiet 24. 10. the c. Jerusalem was besieged, 25. 2. 2 Chr. 15. 6. was destroyed of c. for G. did vex them 19. 5. and he set judges in the land c. by c. 30. 10. so the posts passed from c. to c. 32. 18. to trouble them that they might take the c. Kzra 4. 12. the Jews are building the rebellious c. Keh. 2. 3. wliy not sad, when tlie c. lieth waste, 5. 11. 9. Judah son of Senuah was second overthe c. Eith. 3. 15. but the c. Shushan was perplexed 8. 15. the c. of Shushan rejoiced and was elad Psal. 48. 2. the c. of the gi'eat king, ^Jat. 5. 35. 59. 6. and they go round about the c. 14. 72. 16. they of c. shall flourish like grass of earth 107. 4. they wandered, thej' found no dwell in 122. 3. Jerusalem is builded as a r . compact 127. 1. except Lord keep the c. watchmen in vain Prov. 8. 3. W isdom crieth at the entry of the c. 10. 15. rich man's wealth is his strong c. 18. 11. 31. 10. when it goeth well with the righteous, the c. rejoiceth, and shouting when wicked perish 11. by blessing of the upright the c. is exalted 16. 32. ruletli his spirit, thaii he that taketli a c. 25. 28. is like a c. broken do^vn without walls 29. 8. scornful men bring a c. into a snare £tc.'. 9. 14. there was a little c and few men in it 15. and the poor wise man delivered the c. La. 1.26. called c. of righteousness, faithful c. 21. 14. 31. howl, O gate, cr3-, O c. whole Palestina 17. 1. Damascus is taken awav' from being a c. 19. 2. shall fight c. against c. kingd. agamstkingd. 24. 10. the c. of confusion is broken down 25. 2. thou hast made of a c. an heap, to be no c. 33. 20. look on Zion, the c. of our solem.nities 60. 14. tliey shall call thee the c. of the Lord 62. 12. thou shalt be called a c. not forsaken Jer. 3. 14. I will take you one of a c. tv^■o of a tribe 4. 29. whole c. shall flee from noise of horsemen 19. 12. thus will I do, even make this c. as Tophet 25. 29. to bring evil on the c. called bj- my name 32. 24. they are come to tlie c. and the c.'is given 39. 2. the c. was broken up, men of war fled^ 52. 7. 46. 8. 1 will destroy tlie c. and the inhabitants 49. 25. how is the c. of praise not left, the c. of joy JLam. 1. 1. how doth f. sit solitary, full of people ? 2. 15. is this c. that men called perfection of beauty ? Ezei. 4 1. pourtray on it the c. even Jerusalem' 7. 23. make a chain, for the c. is full of violence 9. 1. cause them that have charge over the c. 4. go thro' the midst of c. Jerusalem, set a mark 9. land full of blood, the c. is tlJl of perverseness 10. 2. and scatter the coals of fire over the c. 27. 32. whatc. is like Tyrus in midst of the sea? 33. 21. one came to me, sajdnsr, the c. is smitten 48. 35. name of the c. shafl be, the Lord is there Dan. 9. 18. behold the c. called by thv name, 19. Hos. 6. 8. Gilead ac. of them that work iniquity Amos 4. 7. I caused to rain on one c. not on another 5. 3. the f. that went out by a thousand shall leave Mic. 6. 9. Lord's voice crieth to the c. hear the rod Hah. 2. 12. woe to him that stablisheth a c. by iniq. Zeph. 3. 1. woe to filthy and polluted, cppressinar c. Zech. 8. 3. Jerusalem shall be called ac. of truth 5. stj-eets of the c. shall be full of boys and girls 14. 2. the c. shall be taken and the houses rifled, the residue of people shall not be cut otf from the c. Mat. 5. 14. a c. that is set on a hill cannot be hid 35. nor by Jerusalem, for it is the c. of great king 8. 34. behold, the whole c. came out to meet Jesus 10. 11. into v^•hatsoever c. ye shall enter, inquire 15. than for that c. Jlarf: 6. 11. Lide 10. 12. 21. 10. all the c. was moved, saving, who is this.' 22. 7. the king sent and burnt up their c 23. .34. and persecute them from c. to c. Mark 1. 33. all the c. Mas gathered together at door 5. 14. they that fed swine fold it in c. Lxile 8. 34. iMke 2. 3. went to be taxed, every one to his own c. Ltde 7. 12. and much people of the c. was with her 19. 41. he beheld the c. and wept over it 23. 51. Joseph was of Arimathea, a c. of the Jews John 4. 39. many of that c. believed on him Acts 8. 8. and there was great joy in that c. '13. 44. came together almost the'whole c. to hear 16. 12. we were abiding m that c. certain days 17. 5. and set all the c. in an uproar and assaulted 19. 29. the whole c. was filled with confusion 21. 30. all the c. was moved, and the people ran Heb. 11. 10. he looked for a c. that hath foundations 16. for he hath prepared for them a c. 12. 22. ye aie come to the c. of the living God 13. 14. for here we have no continuing c. but seek Jam. 4. 13. we will go into such a c. buy and sell Bev. 20. 9. they vs-ent and compassed the beloved c. 21. 14. the wall of the c. had twelve foundations 18. the c. was pure gold, like to clear glass 23. the c. had no need of the sun nor nioon Bloody CITY. Eselc. 22. 2. son of man, wilt thou judge the bloody c? 24. 6. woe to the bloody c. to the pot, 9. Nah. 3. 1. Defenced CITY. Isa. 25. 2. tliou hast made of a defenced c. a ruin 27. 10. yet the defenced c. shall be desolate Jer. 1. 18. I have made thee this day a defenced c. CITY of David. 2 Sam. 5. 9. called it the c. of David. 1 Chr. 11. 7. 6. 10. would not remove the aik into c. of David 12. brought up the ar-k into the c. of David, 16. 1 Kings 2." 10. David was buried in the c. of David 3. 1. -Solomon brought her into the c. of David 8. 1. bring the ark out of c. cf David, 2 Chr. 5. 2. 11. 43. -Solomon buried in c. of D. 2 Chr. 9. 31. 14. 31. Rehoboam buried in c. ofD. 2 Chr. 12. 16. 15. 8. they buried Abijam in c. of D. 2 Chr. 14. 1. 22. 50. Jelioshaphat buried in c. ofD. 2 Chr. 21. 1. 2 Kiiigs 8. 24. Joram buried mcof D.2 Chr. 21 . 20. 9. 28. Ahaziah was buried in the c. if David 12. 21. Jehoash buried in c. of D. 2 Chron. 24. 25. 14. 20. Amaziah |1 15.7. Azariah buried in c. ofD. 15. .38. Jothan was buried in c. of D. 2 Chr. 27. 9. 16. 20. Ahaz was buried in the c. of David 2 Chron. 24. 16. they buried Jehoiada in the c. ofD. Isa. 22. 9. seen the breaches of the c. of David 29. 1. woe to Ariel, the c. wliere David dwelt Luke 2. 4. Joseph also went into the r. cf David 11. to you is bom in the c. of David a Saviour Elders with CITY. Deut. 19. 12. the elders of his c. shall fetch him 21. 6. the elders of that c. next to the slain man 20. say to the elders of his c. our son is stubborn 22. 17. spread the cloth before the elders of the c. 25. 8. then the elders of his c. shall call him Josh. 20. 4. declare his cause to the elders of that c. Judg. 8. 16. Gideon took the elders of the c. Ruth 4. 2. Boaz took ten men of the elders of the c. Ezra 10. 14. and with them the elders of ever3' c. Every CITY. Judg. 20. 48. smote as well the men of every c. 2 Rings 3. 19. J'e shall smite every fenced c. 2 Chro7i. 11. 12. in every c. Rehoboam put shields 28. 25. in every c. of Judah he made high places 31. 19. of sons of Aaron which were in every c. Jer. 4. 29. every c. shall be forsaken, not aman dwell 48. 8. and the spoiler shall come upon every c. Mat. 12. 25. and every c. divided against itself Luke 10. 1. sent them two and two into every c. Acts 15. 21. hath in every c. them that preach him 36. let us go and visit our brethren in every c. 20. 23. the Holy Ghost witnesseth )n every c. that Tit. 1. 5. that thou shouldst ordain elders in every c. Fenced CITY. 2 Kings 10. 2. with you ?i fenced c. also and armour 17. 9. from the tower of watchmen to the fe7iced c. 2 Chron. 11. 23. he dispersed of all his children thro' Judah and Benjamin unto ew^Tj fenced c. CITY of God. Psal. 46. 4. the streams shall make glad the c. cf G. 48. 1. Lord greatly to be praised in c. «/our God 8. the c. of God, God will establish it for ever 87- 3. glorious things spoken of thee, O c. of God Heh. 12". 22. ye are come to the c. o/the living God Rev. 3. 12. write on him the name of c. of my God Great CITY. Gen. 10. 12. Ashur builded Resen, same is z.greatc. Josh. 10. 2. feared, because Gibeon was a great c. Neh. 7. 4. now the c. was large and great, but people Jer. 22. 8. why hath Lord done thus to this great c. ? Jcnah 1. 2. arise, go to ISIineveh, that great c. 3. 2. 3. 3. now iS'ineveh was an exceeding great c. 4. 11. should I not spare ]Sineveh, tfiat great c. ? Rev. 11. 8. dead bodies lie in the street of the i^rea^ c. 14. 8. Eabylon fallen, that great c. 18. 10, 16, 19, 21. 16. 19. the great c. was divided into three parts 17. 18. the woman thou sawest, is that great c. 21. 10. he shewed me that great c. holy Jerusalem Holy CITY. Neh. 11. 1. cast lots to dwell in Jerusalem the holy c. 18. all the Levites of the holy c. were 284 Isa. 48. 2. they call themselves of the holy c. 52. 1. put on thy beautiful garments, O holy c. E>an. 9. 24. seventy weeks determined on thy holyc. Mat. 4. 5. the dev'il taketh him up into the holy c. 27. 53. went into the holy c. and appeared to many Rev. 11. 2. the holy c. shall they tread under foot 21 . 2. 1 John saw the holy c. coming down from God 22. 19. God shall take his part out of the holy c. In, or Into, the CITY. Gen. 19. 12. whatsoever thou hast in the c. bring De%it. 20. 14. all that is in the c. take to thyself 28. 3. blessed shalt thou be in the c. and in the field 16. cursed shalt thou be in the c. and in the field Josh. 6. 20. so that the people went irito the c. 21. they utterly destrojed all that was in the c. 8. 19. they entered into the c. and set it on fire Judg. 1. 24. shew us the entrance iiito the c. 8. 27. Gideon put the ephod in his c. in Ophrah 1 Sam. 4. 13. when the man came ijito the c. and told 2 Sam. 15. 25. carry back the ark of God into the c. 27. return i?ito the c. and your sons with you 1 Kings 13. 25. and they came and told it in the c. 1 Kin.14:. 11. that dieth of Jeroboam in the c. dogs eat 12. arise, and when th3' feet enter i7ito the c. 16. 4. that dieth of Baasha in the c. shall dogs eat 20. 30. came into the c. into an inner chamber 21. 24. that dieth of Ahab, in the c. dogs eat 2 Kings 7. 4. if we say, we will enter into the c. 12. we shall catch them, and get into the c. 20. 20. how xlezekiah brought water into the c. 25. 3. famine prevailed tn the c. there was no bread Psal. 31. 21. blessed be the Lord, forhe hath shewed me his marvellous kindness in a strong c. 55. 9. I have seen violence and strife in the c. Prov. 1. 21. in the c. ^^'isdom uttereth her words Eccl. 7. 19. than ten mighty men which are in the c. 8. 10. and the wicked were forgotten in the c. Isa. 24. 12. m the c. is left desolation and gate smitten Jer. 14. 18. if I enter into the c. then beliold sick .38. 9. like to die, for there is no more bread in the c. 52. 6. famine was sore in the c. there was no bread Lam. 1. 19. my elders gave up the ghost in the c. Ezek. 7. 15. in the c. fahiine shall devour him 9. 7. and they went forth and slew in the c. Hos. 11. 9. and I will not enter iyito the c. Joel 2. 9. they shall run to and fro in the c. on the wall Amos 3. 6. shall a trumpet be blown iri the c. shall there be evil in a c. and Lord hath not done it ? 7. 17. thy wife shall be an harlot in the c. thy sons Jonah 3. 4. and Jonah began to enter into the c. Mat. 9. 1. he passed over and came into his own c. 10. 5. into any c. of the Samaritans enter not 10. 11. and m?o whatsoever c. ya shall enter 26. 18. go into the c. to such a man, and say to him 28. 11. behold, some of the watch came into thee. Mark 14. 13. he saith, go into the c. Acts 9. 6. Luke 2. 3. all went to be taxed, every one inioidsc. 7- 37. a woman in the c. which was a sinner 18. 2. there was in a f . a judge, who feared not G. 3. there was a widow in that c. and she came 22. 10. behold, when ye are entered i7ito the c. 24. 49. but tarry ye in the c. of Jerusalem John 4. 8. his disciples were gone iyito the c. Acts 11. 5. I was in the c. of Joppa, prajlng- 14. 20. howbeit, he rose up and came into the c. 21. 29. had seen Trophimus with him ?"w the c. 24. 12. neither in the synagogues nor iji the c. '2 Cor. 11. 26. 1 have been in perils inthe\\\es^^. Rev. 22. 14. and may enter thro' the gates into the c. CITY of the Lord. Psal. 101. 8. I will destroy the wicked, that I may- cut off all the wicked doers from the c. of the Lord Isa. 60. 14. they shall call thee the c. of the Lord Out of the CITY. Gen. 44. 4. when they were gone out of the c. Eiod. 9. 29. Moses said, as soon as I am goneowr ofc. 33. and Moses -v.-ent out of the c. from Pharaoh Lev. 14. 45. he shall carry them forth out of the c. Josh. 8. 22. the other side issued out of the c. against Judg. 1. 24. the spies saw a man come out of thee. 2 Sam. 18. 3. better thou succour us oxit of the c. 20. 16. then cried a wise woman out of the c. 1 Kings 21. 13. they carried ^aboth out of the c. 2 Kings 7. 12. when they come out of the c. we shall 9. 15. Jehu said, let none escape out of the c. 1 Chron. 20. 2. he brought much spoil out of the c. 2 Chron. 33. 15. Josiah cast the idols out of the c. Job 24. 12. men groan from out of the c. the soul Jer. 39. 4. Zedekiah went out of the c. 52. 7. Ezek. 48. .30. these are the goings out of the c. Mic. 4. 10. now shalt thou go forth out of the c. Mat. 21. 17. he left them, and went out of the c. Mark 11. 19. when even was come, went out of the c. Luke 4. 29. tliey rose and thrust him o^(t of the c. 9. 5. when ye go out of that c. shake off the dust Johyi 4. 30. then they went crtt of the c. and came Acts!. 58. cast Stephen out of the c. and stoned him 14. 19. having stoned Paul, drew him otit of the c. 16. 13. and on the sabbath we went out of the c. 21. 5. they brought us, till we were out cf the c. CITY of refuge. Num. 35. 25. shall restore him to the c. of refuge 26. if come without border of the c. of refuge, 27. 28. he should have remained in the c. of refuge 32. for him that is fled to the c. of refuge Josh.Ql. 13. they gave Hebron to be a c. of refuge 21.Shechem ||27. Golan || 32. Kedesh|| 38. Ramoth 1 Chron. 6. 57. to sons of Aai-on, Hehrona. refuge This CITY. Gen. 19. 14. Lotsaid, up, for Ld. will destroy thisc. 20. behold now, this c. is near to flee unto 21. and he said, I will not overthrow this c. Josh. 6. 26. cursed be he that buildeth this c. Jericho Judg. 19. 11. come, and let us turn in unto this c. 1 Sa?n. 9. 6. there is in this c. a man of God 2 Kings 2. 19. the situation of this c. is pleasant 18. 30. this c. shall not be delivered, Isa. 36. 15. 19. 32. shall not come into thisc. ,33. Isa. ,37. 34. 34. 1 will defend this c. 20. 6. Isa. .37. 35. I 38. 6. 23.27.1 will c'AhtoS thisc. Jerusalem I have chosen 2 Chr. 71. 6. 34. thej' pray to thee towaid this c. Ezra A. 13. thatif^zV c. be builded again, 16. 15. know that this c. is a rebellious city. Neh. 13. 18. did not God bring evil upon this c. ? Jer. 6.6. this is the c. to be visited, isoppression 17. 25. Jerusalem, and thisc. shall remain forever 19. 8. I will make this c. desolate, and an hissing 11. even so will I break this people and this c. 15. I will bring upon this c. and towns all the evil 20. 5. I will deliver all the strength oUhisc. 21. 9.he that abideth in this c. shall die by tlie sword 10. 1 set my face against this c .for evil and not good 22. 8. why hath the^Lord done thus unto tins c. ? 26. 6. I will make this c. a curse to nations of earth 15. ye shall bring innocent blood on this c. 27. 17- wherefore should this c. be laid waste ? 32. 3. I will give this c. to Clialdeans, 28. I 34. 2. 31. this c. hath been to me as a provocation 33.5. for wickedness I have hid my face from this c. 34. 22. command and cause them to return to this c. 38. 17. this c. shall not be burnt with fire 23. thou shalt cause this c. to be burnt with fire 39. 16. I will bring my words on this c. for evil Ezek. 11. 2. these men give wicked counsel in this c. F 65 CIT Ezek.11.3. Mwc.isthecaldron,andwe be the flesh,7. ll.t/iis c. shall not be your caldron, nor ye the fiesli Mat. 10. 23. when they persecute you in thisc. flee Acts 18. 10. for i have much people in this c. 22. 3. 1 was brought up in this c. at feet of Gamaliel Withmit CITY. Gen. 19. 16. and the men set him without the c. Lev. 14. 40. into an unclean place without the c. 41. Num. 35. 5. ye shall measure from witJwut the c. 2 Chron. 32. 3. to stop the fountains without the c. 2?ei'.14.20. the wine-press was trodden without the c. cm 1,8. ■Gen. 19. 29. when God destroyed thee, of the plain 35. 5. ten'or of God was upon the c. round about 41. 48. Joseph laid up the food in the c. 47. 21. as for the people, he removed them to the c. Lev. 25. 32. the c. of the Levites may be redeemed Num. 13. 19. what c. they be that. they dwell in 35. 8. every one shall yive of his c. to the Levites I)eut. 2. 37. nor earnest thou to c. in the mountains 3. 12. c. thereof gave I to Keubenites and Gadites 19. abide in your c. which I have given you 6. 10. into the land to give thee great and goodly c. 19. 5. he shall flee to one of these c. and live Josh. 9. 17. Israel came to their c. on the third day 10. 19. suffer them not to enter into their c. 11. 13. as for the c. that stood still in their strength 18. 9. described it by f. into seven parts in a book Judg. 12. 7. Jephthah was buried in one of the c. of Israel set fire on all the c. they came to 21. 23. they repaired the c. and dwelt in them 1 Sam. 31. 7- the Israelites forsook the c. and fled 2 Sam. 10. 12. for the c. of our God, 1 Chron. 19. 13. 1 Kings 9. 12. Hiram came from Tyre to see thee. 13. what c. are these that thou hast given me .'' 20. 34. tlie c. my father took I will restore 1 Chron. 2. 22. J air had 23 c. in the land of Gilead 4. 31. these were their c. to the reign of David 2 Chron. 34. 6. and so did he in the c. of Manasseh Lira 3. 1. when the seventh month w-as come, and the Israelites v/ere in their c. Neh. 7. 73. Neh. 11. 1. and nine parts to dwell in other c. Job 15. 28. dwelleth in desolate c. and houses no man Psal. 9. 6. O enemy, thou hast destroyed c. Isa. 6. 11. he answered, till c. be wasted, and houses 14. 21. nor fill the face of the world with c. 19. 18. in that day shall five c. in the land of Egypt 33. 8. he hath despised the c. he regardeth no man 64. 10. thy holy c. are a wildern. Zion is a wildern. Jer. 2. 15. they made his land waste, his c. are burnt 28. according to the number of thy c. 11. 13. 13. 19. c. of south be shut up, and none shall open 20. 16. thatman be as the c. which Lord overthrew 31. 21. turn again, O virgin of Israel, to these thyc. 49.13. all the c. thereof shall be perpetual wastes 50. 32. 1 will kindle fire in hisc. it shall devour Ezek. 26. 19. like the c. that are not inhabited 30. 17. and these c. shall go into captivity 35. 9. thy c. shall not return, know that I am Lord Hos. 8.14. 1 will send fire upon his c. it shall devour 11. 6. the sword shall abide on his c. and consume Amos 4. 8. two or three c. wand, unto one for water Mic. 5. 11. and I will cut off the c. of thy land ^14. pluck up groves, so will I destroy thy c. Zeph. 3. 6. their c. are destroyed, there is no man Zech.\.Vl. myc. by prosper, shall yet spread abroad Mat. 10. 23. shall not have gone over the c. of 1 srael 11. 1. he departed to teach and preach in their c. ActslQ. 11. I persecuted them even to strange c. 2 Pet. 2. 6. turning c. of .Sodom and Gomor. to" ashes Jude 7. and c. about them in like manner an example Rev. 16.19. and the c. of the nations fell and Babylon All CITIES. Num. 21. 25. and Israel took all these c. and dwelt in c. of Amorites, Derit. 2.34. | 3. 4. .Tosh. 10. 39. 31. 10. they burnt all their c. Judg. 20. 48. Num. 35. 7- all the c. of the Levites shall be 48 c. Deut. 20. 15. thus do to all c. afar off from thee Josh. 11. 12. all tfie c. of tlie kings utterly destroy. 21. 19. all the c. of the children of Aaron were 13 c. 33. all the c. of the Gershonites were 13 c. 40. all the c. of children of Merari by lot 12 c. 41. all the c. of the Levites were 48 c. 1 Sam. 18. 6. the women came out of all c. of Israel 2 Sam. 12. 31. thus did he to all c. of the Ammon. 24. 7. they came to all the c. of the Hivites 1 Kings 22. 39. all c. Ahab built are written in book 2 Chron. 14. 14. Asa smote all the c. about Gerar Neh. 10. 37. have tithes in all the c. of our tillage Jer. 4. 26. all the c. thereof were broken down 33. 12. in allc. thereof an habitation of shepherds Hos. 13. 10. any that may save thee in all thy c. Acts 8. 40. preached in all c. till he came to Cesarea Befenced CITIES. Isa. 30.1. Sennacherib cometh aeainstthe defencedc. .37. 26. that shouldest be to lay waste the defencedc. Jer. 4. 5. assemble, let us go into the defencedc.Q.l'i. 34. 7. for these defenced c. remained of Judah Fenced CITIES. Num. .32. 17. little ones shall dwell in the fenced c. 'Deui. 3. 5. all thesec. were /ewcerf with high walls 9. 1. to possess c. fenced up to heaven, Josli. 14. 12. Josh. 10. 20. the restof them entered into /ewce^c. 2 Sam- 20. 6. lest he get him fenced c. and escape us 2 Chr. 12. 4. Shishak took the fenced c. of ludah 14. 6. Asa huilt fenced c. in Judah, land had rest 17. 2. Jehoshaphat placed forces in the fenced c. 19. 5. set judges through all thefencedc. of Judah 21. 3. Jehoshaphat save h'lssons fenced c. in Judah Jer. 5. 17. they shall impoverish thy fenced c. Dan. 11. 15. k. of the north take tiie most fenced c. Hos. 8. 14. and Judah hath multiplied fenced c. .Zeph. 1. 16. a day of an alarm against the/ewcerf c. CITIES of Judah. ■ 2 Sam. 2. 1. shall I go up to any of the c. of Judah? 2 Kings 23. 5. that burnt incense in the c. of Judah 1 Chr. 6. 57. to sons of Aaron they gave the c. of J. 2CA7-.17.7. to teach in c. of J. \\ 13. business in c. of J. 19. 5. set judges in the c. of Judah, city by city 23. 2. gather the Levites out of all the c. of Judah 31. 6. Israel in the c. of Judah brought tithes 33. 14. and put captains of war in the c. of Judah 66 C LE Neh. 11. 3. in c. of .Tud. each dwelt in his possession Psal. 69. 35. God will save Zion, and b. c. of Judah Isa. 40. 9. say to the c. of Judah, behold your God 44.26. s.nd ths.ts9.ith to c. of Judah, ytishali be built Jer. 1. 15. the families of the nortli against c. ofjud, 4. 16. give out their voice against the c. of Judah 7. 17. seest thou not what they do in the c. of Jud. 9. 11. 1 will make c. of J. desolate, 10. 22. | 34. 22. 11 . 12. tfien shall c. of Jud. go and cry to the gods 32. 44. buy fields, and take witness in the c. of J. 33. 10. without man and beast, even in the c. of J. 13. in c. of Judah shall flocks pass under the hands 44. 6. my fury and anger was kindled in c. of Jud. 21. the incense that he burnt in the c. of Judah Lam. 5. 11. they ravished the maids in the c. of Jud. Zech. 1, 12, wilt thou not have mercy on the c. of J. CLT IKS of refuge. Num. 35. 6. there shall be six c. for refuge, 13, 14. 11. ye shall appoint for you c. of refuge. Josh. 20. 2. 1 Chr. 6. 67. they gave to sons of Kohatli of c. of ref. Six CITIES. Num. ,35. 6. six c. shall ye have for refuge, 13, 15. Josh. 15. 59. in the mountains of J udah six c. CITIES with iSuburhs. Lev. 25. 34. the suburbs of tlieir c. may not be sold Num. 35. 2. shall give to Levites suburbs for the c. Josh. 21. 3. Israel gave to Levites c. and suburbs 41. the c. of Levites forty-eiaht with their suburbs CITIES with Villams. 1 Sam. 6. 18. of fenced c, and of country villages 1 Chron. 27. 25. over store-houses in c. and villages Mat. 9. 35. Jesus went about all the c. and villages teaching and preaching the Mspel, Luke 13. 22. Mark 6. 56. whithers. he entered into villages or c. CITIRS with waste. Lev. 26. 31. and I will make your c. waste, 33. Isa. 61. 4. they shall repair the waste c. desolations Jer. 4. 7. thy c. shall be laid waste without inhabitants Ezek. 6. 6. in all your dwellings your c. shall be w. 19. 7. laid w. their c. \\ 35. 4. 1 will lay thy c. w. 36. .35. -waste c. are become fenced and mhabited 38. so shall the waste c. be filled with flocks of men Amos 9. 14. and they shall build thy waste c. Your CITIES. Isa. 1. 7. your c. are burnt with fire, land desolate Jer. 40. 10. and dwell in your c. that ye iiave taken Amos'i. 6. have given cleanness of teeth in all your c. CITIZKIS!, S. Luke 15. 15. the prodigal joined himself to a c. 19. 14. his c. hated him, and sent after him Acts 21. 39. I am of 'I'arsus, a c. of no mean city Eph. 2. 19. but fellow-c. with saints and household CLAD. 1' Kings 11. 29. Jeroboam c. himself with a new ?arm. Isa. 59. 17- for clothing was c. with zeal as a cioke CLAMOROUS. Prov. 9. 19. a foolish woman is c. she is simple CLAMOUR. Eph. 4. 31. all anger and c. be put away from you Job 11. 23. men shall c. hands at him, and hiss him Psal. 47- 1. c. your hands, all ye people, shout to G. 98. 8. let floods c. their hands, lethills be joyful Isa. 55. 12. the trees of the field shall c. their hands Lam. 2. 15. all that pass by c. their hands at thee Nail. 3. 19. that bear fruit of thee shall c. their hands CLAPPED. Ezek. 25. 6. because thou hast c. thine hands CLAPPETH. Job 34. 37. he c. his hands among us, multip. words CLAPT. 2 Kings 11. 12. c. their hands, and said, God save CLAVE. [king Gen. 22. 3. Abraham c. the wood for burnt-offering Num. 16. 31. the ground c. asunder under them Judg. 15. 19. God'c. an hollow pla.ce in the jaw 1 Sam. 6. 14. they c. wood of the cart and oflered Ps. 78. 15. he c. the rocks in wilderness, Isa. 48. 21. CLAVE. Gen. 34. 3. Shechem his soul c. to Dinah, Jac. daugh. Ruth 1. 14. but Ruth c. to her mother-in-law 2 Sam. 20. 2. the men of Judah c. to their kin^ 23. 10. he smote till his hand c. to the sword 1 Kings 11. 2. Solomon c. to these in love 2 Kings 18. 6. for Hezekiah c. to Lord, departed not Neh. 10. 29. they c. to their brethren, tlieir nobles ActsYl. 34. certain men c. to Paul and believed CLAWS. Eeut. 14. 6. beast that cleaveth the cleft into two c. Dan. 4. 33. his nails were grown like birds' c. Zech. 11. 16. he shall tear their c. in pieces CLAY. Job 4. 19. much less them that dwell in houses of c. 10. 9. remember thou hast made me as the c. 13. 12. your bodies are like to bodies of c. 27. 16. though he prepare raiment as the c. 33. 6. I also am formed out of the c. 38. 14. it is turned as c. to the seal, they stand Psal. 40. 2. he brought me up out of the miry c. Isa. 29. 16. shall be esteemed as the potter's c. 41. 25. on princes, as the potter treadeth the c. 45. 9. shall the c. say to him that fashioneth it ? 64. 8. we are c. thou our potter, work of thy hand Jer. 18. 4. the vessel that he made off. was marred 6. as c. is in the potter's hand, so are ye in mine 43. 9. take great stones, hide them in the c. Dan. 2. 33. his feet part of iron, part of c. 34, 42. 35. then was the c. broken in pieces, 45. 41 . thou sawest the feet and toes part of potter's c. Nah. 3. 14. go into c. and tread the mortar Ilab. 2. 6. woe to him that ladeth himself with c. John 9. 6. he spat on the ground, made c. of spittle, and anointed the eyes of the blind man with 1 . 15. he put c. on mine eyes, I washed, and do see Rom. 9. 21. hath not the potter power over the c. ? clay-(5roujsd. 1 Kings'^. 46. cast vessels in c.-g. 2 Chron. 4. I7. CLEAN. Lev. 23. 22. thou shalt not make c. riddance in field Josh. 3. 17. the people passed c. over Jordan, 4. 1,11. Psal. 77. 8. is his mercy c. gone for ever ? his promise Isa. 24. 19. the earth is c. dissolved, is moved CLE Joel 1.7. he hath made it c. bare, and cast it away Zech. 11.17. his ann shall be c. dried up.and righteye 2 Pet. 2. 18. were c. escaped them that live in error CljlbAN, Adjective, Signifies, [1] That which is free from filth, or ceremonially pure. Lev. 10. 14. [2] One who is free from the guilt ()f sin, by the blood of Christ, Psal. 51. 7. [.3] One who is delivered from the power of sin, by sanctifying grace, John 13. 10. [4] Tliat which may be lawfully used, Luke 11. 41. |[5] Guiltless, or innocent. Acts 18. 6. [6] Cured, 2 Kings 5. 12. [7] Empty, Prov. 14. 4 The fear of the Lord is clean, Psal. 19. 9. The holy law of God, which works a due fear of God, and teaches men how to worship him, is sincere, not adulterated with any mixture of vanity, falser hood, or rice ; not requiring or allowing any wicked- ness, but cleansing from it. Gen. 7. 2. of every c. beast thou shalt take by .sevens 8. 20. iS'oah to9K of every c. beast and c. fowl .35. 2. Jacob said, be c. and change your garments Lev. 4. 12. carry the bullock unto a c. place, 6. 11. 7. 19. the flesh, all that be c. shall eat thereof 10. 10. that ye may put difference between c. and unclean, 11. 47- 1 20. 25. Ezek. 22. 26. | 44. 23. 14. tlie wave-breast eat in a c. place. Num. 19. 9. 16. 30. that ye may be c. from your sins before L. 22. 4. he shall not eat of holy things till he be c. Num. 19. 12. purify, on seventh day he shall be c. 18. a c. person shall take hyssop and dip in water Deut. 12. 15. unclean and c. may eat thereof, 15. 22. 1 Sam. 20. 26. he is not c. surely he is not c. 2 Kings 5. 10. thy flesh come again, and thou be c. 14. 12. may not I wash in them and be c. '! 13. when he saith to thee, wash and be c. Job 11. 4. for thou hast said, 1 am r. in thine eyes 14. 4. who, can bring a c. thing out of an unclean 15. 14. what is man that he should be c? 15. yea, the heavens are not c. in his sight 25. 4. how can he be c. that is born of a woman ^ 33. 9. 1 am c. without transgres. nor iniquity in me Prov. 16. 2. the ways of a man are c. in hisown eyes Eccl. 9. 2. all things come alike to the c and unclean la. 1. 16. wash ye, make you r. put away evil 28. 8. all tables full, so that there is no place c. 30. 24. oxen and young asses shall eat c. provender 52. 11. be ye c. that bare the vessels of the Lord 66. 20. bring an offering in a c. vessel to house of L. Jer. 13. 27. O Jerusalem, wilt thou not be made c. ? Ezek. 36. 25. then will 1 sprinkle c. water on you Mat. 8. 2. a leper came, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me c Mark 1. 40. Luke 5. 12. 3. I will, be thou c. Mark!. 41. Luke 5. 13. 23. 25. for ye make c. the outside, Luke 11. 39. Luke 11. 41. behold, all things are c. unto you John 13. 11. therefore said he, ye are not all c. 15. 3. now ye are c. thro' word I have spoken to you Acts 18. 0. your blood be on your own heads, 1 am c. Rev. 19. 8. she be arrayed in fine linen, c. white, 14. CLEAN hands. Job 9. 30. if I make my hands ever so c. 17. 9. he that hath c. hands shall be stronger Psal. 24. 4. he that hath c. hands and a pure heart CLEAN heart. Psal. 51. 10. create in me a c. heart, O God, renew 73. 1. God is good to Isr. and such as are of a c. h. Prov. 20. 9. who can say, I have made my heart c. ? Ji CLEAN. Lev. 13. 13. he is c, 17, .37, 39. II 40. yet is he c. 41. 15. 8. that hath the issue spit on him that is c. Num. 9. 13. a man that is c. not on a journey, 19. 9. Psal. 19. 9. fear of the Lord isc. enduring forever Prov. 14. 4. where no oxen are, the crib is c. John 13. 10. to wash his feet, but is c. every whit Pronounce CLEAN. Lev. 13. 6. the priest shall pronounce him c. 14. 7. Shall be CLEAN. Lev. 11. 36. a fountain wherein is water shall be c. 12. 8. she c. 15. 28. || 13. 56. it c. 14. 53. Num. 31. 23. 14. 9. he shall wash his flesh in water, he shall he c. 20. 1 15. 13. 1 17. 15. I 22. 7- Num. 19. 12, 19. Num. 31. 24. and ye shall be c. Ezek. .36. 25. Psal. 51. 7. purg:e me with hyssop, and 1 shall dec. CLEANNESS. 2 Sam. 22. 21. according to the c. of my hands hath the Lord recompensed me, Psal. 18. 20. 25. according to my c. in Ins eye-sight, Psal. 18. 24. A.mos 4. 6. I also have given you c. of teeth in cities CLEANSE. Exod. 29. 36. thou shalt c. the altar. Lev. 16. 19. Lev. 14. 49. shalt take to c. the house, two birds, 52. Nim. 8. 6. take the Levites and c. them 2 Chron. 29. 15. to c. the house of the Lord, 16. Neh. 13. 22. that the Levites should c. themselves Psal. 19. 12. c. thou me from secret faults 51. 2. wash me thoroughly, and c. me from my sin 119. 9. wherewith shall a young man c. his way ? Jer. 4. 11. a dry wind not to fan nor to c. 33. 8. I will c. them from iniquity, Ezek. 37.23. Ezek. 36. 25. from all your idols will I c. you 39. 12. burying, that they may c. the land, 16. 43. 20. thus shalt thou c. and purge it 45. 18. take a young bullock, and' c. the sanctuary Joel 3. 21. I will c. their blood I have not cleansed Mat. 10. 8. heal the sick, c. lepers, raise the dead 23. 26. c. first that which is within the cup 2 Cor.j.l. let us c. ourselves from all filthiness of flesh Eph. 5. 26. might c. it with the washing of water Jam. 4. 8. c. your hands, ye sinners, purify hearts 1 John 1. 9. to c. us from all rnrighteousness CLEANSED. Lev. 11. 32. be unclean until even, so shall it be c. 12. 7. she shall be c. from the issue of her blood 14. 4. to take for him that is to be c. 19, 31. 14. the ear of him that is to be c. 17, 18, 25, 28. Num. 35. 33. the land cannot be c. of the blood Josh. 22. 17. from which we are not c. till this day 2 Chron. 29. 18. we have c. all the house of the L. 30. 18. for many had not c. themselves, yet did eat 19. that prepareth his heart, though he be note. 34. 5. Josiah c. Judah and Jerusalem Neh. 13. 9. 1 commanded, and they c. the chambers CLI Neh. 13. 30. thus I c. them from all strangers Job 35. 3. what profit, it" I be c. from myosin ? Psal. 73. 13. venly 1 have c. vny heart in vain Isa. 3. t26. she bem? c. shall sit on the ground Ezek. 22. 24. thou art the land that is not c. 44. 26. after he is c. reckon to him seven days Dan. 8. 14. then shall the sanctuary be c. Joel 3. 21. cleanse their blood 1 have not c. Mat. 8. 3. immediatel}' his leprosy was c. 11. 5. the lepers are c. the deaf hear, Luke 7. 22. Mark 1. 42. the leprosy departed, and he was c. Jjuke 4. 27. none was c. save Naaman the Syrian 7. 22. the lepers c. the deaf hear, the dead raised 17. 14. that as the lepers went they were c. 17. were not ten c. but where are the nine ? Acts 10. 15. the voice spake, what G. hath c. 11. 9, CLEA^^SETH. Jb*37. 21. but the wind passeth and c. them Prov. 20. 30. blueness of a wound c. away evil 1 John 1. 7. blood of Jesus Christ c. us from all sin CLEANS SIING. ILev. 13. 7- hath been seen of tlie priest for his c. Num. fi. 9. shave his head in the daj' of his c. Mark 1. 44. go and offer for thy c. Luke 5. 14. CLEAR. Oen. 24. 8. thou shalt be c. from this my oath, 41. 44. 16. or how shall we c. ourselves ? Exod. 34.7. and that will by no means c. the guilty 2 Saw. 23. 4. as tender grass, by c. shining after rain PsaL 51. 4. mightest be c. when thou judgest EccL 3. 1 18. that they might c. God, and see Cant. 6. 10. fair as moon, cC as the sun, as an army my dwelling-place like a c. heat on herbs Amos 8. 9. 1 will darken tlie earth in a c. day Zech. 14. 6. the light shall not be c. nor dark 2 Cor. 7. 11. ye have approved yourselves to be c. Hei: 21. 11. her light was c. as crystal, 22. 1. 18. the city was pure sold like to c. glass CLEARER. Job 11. 17. thine a7ios 9. 11. and c. up the breaches thereof Luke 9. 36. they kept it c. and told no man in these Acts 27. 13. loosina thence, they sailed c. by Crete CLOSED. Gen. 2. 21. Lord c. up the flesh instead thereof 20. 18. the Lord had fast c. up all the wombs Num. 16. 33. the earth c. upon them, they perished Jiidg. 3. 22. and the fat c. upon the blade, so that he Isa. 1. 6. they have not been c. nor bound up 29. 10. for the Lord hath c. your eyes Dan. 12. 9. for the words are c. up and sealed Jonah 2. 5. the depth c. me round about, weeds wrapt Mat. 13. 15. their eyes they have c. Acts 28. 27. Luke 4. 20. he c. book, and gave it to tlie minister CLOSER. [a brother Prov. 18. 24. there is a friend that sticketh c. tlian CLOSEST. Jer. 22. 15. thou reian, because c. thyself in cedar CLOSET, S. Joel 2. 16. let the bride go out of her c. Mat. 6. 6. when thou prayest, enter into thy c. Luke 12. 3. what ye have spoken in tlie ear in c. CLOifl. Num. 4. 8. they shall spread on them a c. of scarlet 12. take instruments and put them in a c. of blue Deut. £2. 17. shall spread the c. before the elders 1 Sam. 19. 13. IMichal covered the image witli a c. 21. 9. the sword of Goliath, it is wrapt in a c. 2 Sam. 20. 12. removed Amasa, and cast a c. on him 2 Kings 8. 15. Hazael took a thick c. and dipt it Isa. 30. 22. shall cast them away as a menstruous c. Mat. 9. 16. putteth a piece of new c. Mark 2. 21. 27. 59. taken the body, he wrapped it in a linen c. Mark 14. 51. having a linen c. about his body CLOTHE. Exod. 40. 14. shalt bring his sons and c. with coats Esth. 4. 4. she sent raiment to c. Mordecai Psal. 132. 16. I will c. her priests with salvation 18. his enemies will I c. with shame, but on hims. Prov. 23. 21. drowsiness shall c. a man with rags Isa. 22. 21. 1 will c. him with thy robe and strength. 49. 18. thou shalt surely c. thee with them all 50. 3. I c. the heavens with blackness, and make Ezek. 26. 16. shall c. themselves with trembling 34. 3. ye eat the fat, and c. you with the wool Hag. 1. 6. ye c. you, but there is none warm Zech. 3. 4. I will c. thee with change of raiment Mat.Q.ZO. if God so c. grass of field , shall he not much more c. you, O ye of little faiUi ? L^ike 12. 28. CLOTHED. Gen. 3. 21. L. God made coats of skins and c. them Lev. 8. 7- IMoses c. Aaron with robe, and put ephod Judg. 6. t 34. the Spirit of the J_ord c. Gideon 1 Sam. 17. + 5. Goliath was c. with a coat of mail t 38. Saul c. David with his clothes 2 Sam. 1. 24. weep over Saul \\ ho c. you with scar. 1 Chron. 12. tl8. then the Spirit c. Amasai 21. 16. David and Isr. who were c. with sackcloth 2 Chron. 6. 41. let thy priests be c. with salvation 18. 9. the king of Isr. and Judah c. in robes sat 24. 1 20. the Spirit of God c. Zachariah 28. 15. spoil c. all that were naked among them Esth. 4. 2. none enter king's gate c. with sackcloth Job 7. 5. my flesh is c. with worms and clods 10. 11. thou hast c. me with skin and flesh 29. 14. I put on righteousness and it c. me 39. 19- hast thou c. his neck with thunder ? Psal. 35. 26. let them be c. with shame, 109. 29. 65. 13. the pastures are c. with flocks, the valleys 93. 1. Lord is c. with majesty, Lord is c. with 104. 1. thou art c. with honour and majesty 109. 18. as he c. hims. witli cursing as with garm. 132. 9. let thy priests be c. with righteousness Prov. 31. 21. for all her househ. are c. with scarlet Isa. 61. 10. he hath c. me with garments of salvation Ezek. 16. 10. I c. thee also with broidered work Dan. 5. 29. they c. Daniel with scarlet and a chain Zeph. L 8. all such as are c. with strange apparel Zech. 3. 3. Joshua was c. with filthy garments Mat. 11. 8. a man c. in soft raiment, Luke 7. 25. 25. 36. nak. and ye c. me || 4,'^. nak. and ye c. me not Mark 1. 6. John was c. with camel's hair and girdle 5. 15. they see him sittin<;, and c. Luke 8. 35. 15. 17. and they c. Jesus with purple, and platted Luke 16. 19. a certain rich man c. in purple and linen 2 Cor. 5. 2. desiring to be c. upon with our house 3. if so be that being c. we shall not be found naked 1 Pet. 5. 5. and be c. with humility, G. resists proud Rev. 3. 18. white raiment, that thou mayest be c. 10. 1. I saw another mighty angel c. with a cloud 11.3. the two witnesses shall prophesy c. in sackcl. 12. 1. there appeared a woman c. Mith the sun 19. 13. he was c. with a vesture dipt in blood CLOTHED, with linen. Ezek. 9. 2. one man among them was c. with linen 44. 17. they shall be c. with linen garments Dan. 10. 5. behold a certain man c. with linen CLO Dan. 12. 6. one said to the man c. in linen, how long Rev. 15. 6. c. in pure and white line?i, 18. 16. 1 19.14. Shall he CLOTHED. Job 8. 22. they that hate thee shall he c. with shame Ezek. 7. 27. the prince shall be c. with desolation Dan. 5. 7. read this writing, shall he c. with .scar.iet Mat. 6. 31. or wherewithal shall we he c. ? Rev. 3. 5. he that overcometh shall be c. 4. 4. CLOTHES. Gen. 49. 11 . he washed his c. in the blood of grapes Exod. 12. 34. their froughs bound up in their c. 35. 19. the c. of service to do service, 39. 1, 41. Lev. 10. 6. nor rend your c. lest ye die, 21. 10. Deut. 29. 5. your c. aie not waxen old, Neh. 9. 21. Ruth 3. t 4. lift up the c. that are at his feet 1 Sam. 19. 24. Saul stript off his c. and prophesied 1 Kings 1.1. covered k. David with r. but no heat 2 Kings 2. 12. he took hold of his ov/n c. and rent 2 Chroyi. 34. 27. thou didst rend thy c. and weep Neh. 4. 23. I nor brethren, none of us put off our c Job 9. 31. and my own c, shall abhor me 22. t 6. thou hast stripped the c. off' the naked Prov. 6. 27. take fire, and his c. not be burnt ? Ezek. 16. 39. shall strip thee also of thy c. 23. 26. Mat. 24. 18. nor let him return back to take his c. Mark5. 28. if I touch but his c. 1 shall be whole J5. 20. took off purple, and put his owna c. on him Lukel. 7. and wrapped him m swaddling c. 12. 8. 27. a man that ware no c. nor abode in any house 19. 36. as he went they spread their c. in the way 24. 12. he beheld the liuen c. laid, John 20. 5. Johi 11. 44. came bound hand and loot with grave c 19. 40. took body of Jesus, and wound it in linen c. 20. 7. the napkm not lying with the linen c. Acts 7. 58. M-itnesses laid down their c. at Saul's feet 22. 23. as they cried out and cast off their c. Rent CLOTHES. Gen. 37. 29. Reuben || 34. Jacob re7it his c. 44. 13. Joseph's brethren rewf their c. and returned Num. 14. 6. Joshua and Caleb rent their c. Josh. 7. 6. Joshua || Judg. 11. 35. Jephthah rent his c. 2 Sam. 3. 31. rent your c. gird you with sackcloth 1 Kings 1\. 7i to us as desce7iding upon the clouds, enco/npassed with all his majesty, Mat. 24. 30. Rev. 1. 7. The prophet Isaiah, speaki7ig of the conversion vj the Ge7itiles, compa/es their flocking into the church to the flight or quick motion of a cloud ; noting that they should come in great nmltitudes, and "with great speed a7id eagerness, Isa. 60. 3. St. Peter compares seducers to clouds that are carried with a tempest, 2 Pet. 2. I7. By which comparison he sets forth, ioth the incon- sta7icy of these seducers, that, like clouds drive7i with the wind, they are tossed to and fro fro/ri one doctrine to another ; and likewise their de- CLO ceitfulness, that they make a shew of what they have not, as clouds do of rain, and yet are scat- tered without yielding any. And Solomon com- pares the infirmities of old age, which arise suc- cessively one after another, to clouds returning after rain, Eccl. 12. 2. When the Israelites departed out of Egypt, God gave therri a pillar of cloud to direct them m their march. This pillar was commonly in the front of the Israelitish army ; hut when they were come to the Red sea, and the Egyptian army appeared to them, the pillar of cloud which stood before the camp of Israel, placed itself between that and the camp of the Egyptians, so that the Egyptians could rwt come near the Israelites all night, Exod. 14. 19, 20. But in the morning about break of day, seeing the cloud moving on toward the sea, and following the Israelites ruho had passed through its channel, which was left dry for them in the night time, the Egyptians resolved upon pursuing them, and were all covered with the waters of the Red sea, which returned upon them and destroyed them. This cloud continued always from that time to attend the Israelites in the wil- derness. It was clear and bright during the night, in order to give them light when it grew dark ; and in the day-time it was thick and gloomy, the better to defend them from the excessive heats of ^^e Arabian deserts, through which they performed their journey. The same cloud by its motions gave likewise the signal to the Israelites, either to encamp or to de- camp ; so that where that stayed, the people stayed till it rose again ; then they broke up their camp, and followed it till it stopped. It was called a Pillar, by reason of its form, which ruas high and elevated, as it were a pile and heap of fogs. This cloud not only enlightened the Jsraelites; but also protected them, and was a continual pledge of God's presence, power, and protection. To this the prophet Isaiah alludes, -when he says, The Lord will create upon every dwelling-place of mount Zion, and upon her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming tire by night, Isa. 4. 5. that is. That God wtnddbethe director, protector, and glory, of his church. Gen. 9. 13. I do set my bow m the c. for a token 14. that the bow shall be seen in the c. 16. Exod. 14. 20. it was a c. and darkness to them 16. 10. behold, the Klory of the L. appeared in the c. 19. 9. Lord said, lo, 1 come unto thee in a thick c. 24. 15. Moses went up, and a c. covered the mount 16. and the c. covered it six days, and seventh day God called to Moses out of the midst of the c. 18. Moses went into the midst of the c. 34. 5. the Lord descended in the c. Num. 11. 25. 40. 34. a c. covered the tent of the congregation 38. the c. of Lord was on the tabernacle by day I^v. 16. 2. I will appear in the c. on mercy-seat Num. 9. 19. when the c. tarried long on tabernacle 10. 34. the c. of the Lord was upon'them by day 1 Kings 8. 10. priests came out of holy place, the c. filled house of Lord, 2 Chron. 5. i:3. Exek. 10. 4. 18. 44. there ariseth a little c. like a man's hand Job 3. 5. that day be darkness, leta c. dwell upon it 22. 13. how God know / can he judiiethro' darkc.f' 30. 15. and my welfare passeth away as a c. 38. 9. when 1 made the c. the garment thereof Psal. 78. 14. m the day-time he led them with a c. 105. 39. he spread a c. for a coverina-, and fire to Prov. 16. 15. his favour is as a c. of the latter rain Isa. 4. 5. Lord will create on her assemblies a c. 18. 4. like a sea of dew in the heat of harvest 19. 1. behold, the Lord rideth upon a swift c. 44. 22. I have blotted out as a tliick c. thy transgres- ,' sions, andasac.thysins, return, Ihaveredeem.thee 60. 8. who are these that fiee as a f . as the doves ? Lam. 2. 1. covered the daughter of Zion with a c. 3. 44. thou hast covered thyself with a c. Ezek. 1.4. a great c. and afire infolding itself 28. as the appearance of the bow that is in the c. 8. 11. and a thick c. of incense went up 10. 4. and the house was filled witli the c. 30.18. as for her, a c. shall cover her, her daughters 32. 7. 1 will cover the sun with a c. and the moon 38. 9. thou Shalt be like a c. to cover the land, 16. 17. 5. c. overshadowed, Mark 9. 7. Luke 9. 34. behold, a voice out of the c. said, Licke 9. 35 Luke 12. 54. when ye see a c. rise out of the west £T. 27. shall see the Son of Man coming in a c. Actsl. 9. a c. received him out of their sight 1 Cor. 10. 1. all our fathers were under the c. 2. and were all baptized to Moses in the c Rev. 10. 1. a mighty angel came clothed with a c. 11. 12. they ascended up to heaven in a c. 14. 14. white c. and upon the c. one sat, 15, 16. CLOUD abode. Exod. 40. 35. because the c. abode thereon Num. 9. 17. where c. abode there pitched their tents 18. as long as c. abode they rested in the tents Morning CLOUD. Has. 6. 4. for your goodness is as a morning c. 13. 3. they shall be as the morninn c. and earlv dew Pillar of ChOUD. Exod. 13. 21. went beiore them by day in a p. of c. 22. he took not away the p. of c. by day, nor fire 14. 24. Lord looked on Egyptians ihro' pillar of c. Num. 12.5. L. came down in pillar . 8. I am e. d. to deliver and bring them uj) 19. 11. the Lord will e. down on m.ount .Sinai j\'M/w. 11. 17. I will c.d. and talk with thee there Deut. 28. 24. from heaven it shall c. down on thee Judg. 7. 24. saying, e. dozen against the Midianites 15. 12. they said, we are e. d'lwn to bind thee 1 .5aw. 6. 21. e. down and fetch the ark up to you 2.3. 11. will .Saul c. d. '! the Lord said, he will e. d 20. e. down, accordinir to the desire of thy soul 2 Kings 1. 4. thou shalt not e. d. from that bed, 6, 16. 9. thou man of God, c.. 10. when tried, I shall c. forth as gold Psal. 17. 2. let my sentence c. /. from thy presence 88. 8. I am shut up, and I cannot c. forth Feci. 7. 18. that feareth God shall c.f. of them all Isa. 11. 1. shall e. /. a rod out of the stem of Jesse 48. 1. and art e. forth outof the w^aters of Judah Jer. 4. 4. lest my fury e. forth like fire and burn .37. 5. Pharaoh's army was e. forth out of Egypt, 7. 46. 9. let mighty men c. forth, the Ethiopians 48. 45. a fire shall e. forth out of Heshbon Ezek. 21 . 19. both twain shall e. /. out of one land Dan. 3. 26. ye servants of the most high God, c.f. 9. 22. O Daniel, I am c. forth to give thee skill Joel 3. 18. a fountain shall c. forth of house of Lord Mic. 5. 2. out of thee shall c.f. that is to be ruler Zech. 2. 6. e. /. and flee from the land of the north Mat. 13. 49. angels shall c. forth and sever wicked 15. 18. c. forth from the heart, and defile the man Mark 9. 29. this kind e./<^'«/; by nothing but prayer Luke 12. 37. and will e. forth and serve them John 5. 29. shall e. forth, they that have done good 11. 43. he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, c. forth Acts 7. 7. after that they shall c. forth and ser\-e me CO:\IE hither. Gen. 15. 16. in the fourth generation shall c. hithei Judg. 16. 2. it was told Gazites, Samson is e. hither Ruth 2. 14. at meal-time e. thou hither and eat 1 Sam. 10. 22. they inquired if the man should e. /i. 16. n . we will not sit down till he e. hither 2 Sam. 14.32. c.h. that I ma\' send thee to the king 20. 16. say to Joab, c. h. that I may speak with thee 2 Kings 8. 7. told Ben-hadad, the man of G. is e. h^ Prov. 25. 7. better it be said to thee. e. up hither Dan. 3. 26. ye servants of G. e. forth and e. hither Mat. 8. 29. art thou torment us before time ? Jolm 4. 15. that 1 thirst not, neither e. h. to draw 16. Jesus saith, call thy husband and e. hither Acts 17. 6. that have turned the world are e. hither Rev. 4. 1. voice said, e. up h. 11. 12. 1 I7. 1. 1 21. 9. COME in, or into. Gen. 6. 18. thou shalt e. into the ark, and thy sons 19. 31. there is not a man in the earth to e. m to us 24. 31. and he said, e. zwthou blessed of the Lord Exod. 12. 23. I ord will not suffer destroyer to c. in 28.43. when they e. ?w unto the tabernacle Lev. 16. 26. he shall bathe his flesh, and afterward shall e. i7ito the camp, 28. Num. 19.7. 1 31. 24. Nu7n. 27. 21. and at his word they shall e. in Dent. 31. 2. I can no more go out nor c. in Josh. 14. 11. so is my strensth to go out and e. /?* 23. + 1. Joshua waxed old, andV. into days 1 Kings 1. 14. T will e. in after thee and confirm 3. 7. 1 am a child, I know not how to go out or e. in 14. 6. he said c. in thou wife of Jeroboam 15.17. he mishtnot suffer any to go out ore. in 2 Kings 4. 4. when e. in shut tfie door upon thee 11. 9. they took each his men to e. in and go out 2 Chron. 1. 10. go out and e. in before this people 16. 1. that he uiisht let none so out or e. in to .Asa 23; 6. none e. into the house of the I . save priests Neh. 2. 7. convey nie over, till I e. /k/c Judah Esth. 5. 12. Esther let no man e. in with the king 6. 5. and the kins said, let Haman e. in Psal. 24. 7. and the Kins of slory shall e. in, 9. 69. 1. for the waters are e. in unto my soul 96. 8. brinsan ofterins and e. into his courts 109. 18. so let it e. iyito his bowels like water Ca7it. 4. 16. let my beloved e. into his garden Isa. 19. 1. behold, the Lord shall c. into Egypt 23. the Assyi ian shall e. itito Eg>'pt, Egyptian 24. 10. every house shut up, thatno man e. m 6Q COM Isa. 59. 19. when the enemy shall c. in like a flood Jer. IT. 19. gate, whereby the kings of Judah c. in 51. 50. and let Jerusalem c. into your mind 51. for strangers are c. into the sanctuaries Ezei. 11. 5. I know things that c. into your mind 38. 10. at the same time shall things c. into thy mind Mic. 5. 5. when the Assyrian shall c. into our land Mat. 10. 12. when ye c. into an house, salute it 16. 27. Son of man shall c. in glory of his Father 24. 5. for many shall c. in ny name, sayine, I am Christ, and deceive many, Mai-i 13. 6. Lu/ce 21. 8. 25. 31. when the Son of man shall c. in his glory lAike 11. 33. they which c. in may see the light 12. 38. c. «» the second watch, or c. in the third 46. will c. in a day when he looketh not for him 14. 23. go out, and coiTipel them to c. in, that my 16. 28. lest they c. into this place of torment John 5. 43. 1 am c. in my Father's name, ye receive me not, if another c. in his own name ye receive 6.14. prophet that should c. /w^o the world, 11. 27. Acts 16. 15. Lydia, saying, c. into house, abide there Rom. 11. 25. till the fulness of Gentiles be c. in 1 Cor. 14. 23. there c. in those that are unlearned 24. if there c. in one that believeth not Jam. 2. 2. there c. in also a poor man in vile raiment Rev. 3. 20. 1 will c. in to him, and sup with him COME near. Gen. 12. 11. Abram was c. near to enter into Egypt 20. 4. but Abimelech had not c. near her Exod. 12. 48. then let him c. near and keep it 16. 9. say unto Israel, c. near before the Lord 28. 43. or when they c. near to the altar, 30. 20. 'Num. 16. 5. and will cause him to c. near to him 40. that no stranger c. near to offer incense Josh. 10. 24. c. near, put your feet on the necks 1 Sam. 10. 20. had caused all the tribes to c. near Psal. 32. 9. be held in, lest they c. 7iear unto thee 119. 169. let my cry c. near before thee Isa. 41. 1. let us c. near together to judgment + 21. cause to c. near your cause, saith the L. 48. 16. c. ye -near unto me, hear ye this 50. 8. who is mine adversary ? let him c. near me Ezek. 18. 6. nor hath c. near to a mcnstruous woman 40. 46. which c. near to the Lord to minister to him 44. 15. they shall c. near to me to minister to me 16. they shall c. wear to my table to minister to me JlmosQ. 3. whicli cause the seat of violence to c. near Mai. 3. 5. and I will c. near to you to judgment Znike 19.41. when he was c. near he beheld the city Acts 23.l5.and we,or he c. near, due ready to kill him COME nigh. Exod. 34. 30. but they were afraid to c. nigh him Lev. 10. 3. I will be sanctified in all that c. nigh me 21. 21. no man that hath blemish shall c. nigh. 23. Num. 18. 4. a stranger shall not c. nigh to yoii Deut. 20. 2. when ye are c. nigh, to battle, the priest JjukelO. 9. kingdom of God is c. nigh unto you, 11. COME 7iot. Exod. 19. 15. be ready, c. not at your wives 24. 2. but they shall 7iot c. nigh, nor the people Num. 14. 30. ye shall 7iot c. into the land I sware 16. 12.Dathan and Abiram said.we will not cup, 14. Deut. 23. 10. unclean shall not c. within the camp Josh. 3. 4. c. not near unto the ark, that ye may 23. 7- that ye c. not among these nations Judg. 16. 17. there hath note, a razor on mine head 2 Sam. 14. 29. Absalom sent for Joab, but he would not c. he sent the second time, he would not c. 1 Kings 13. 22. carcase not c. to sepulchre of fathers 2 Kings 19. 32. king of Assyria shall not c. into this city, r:or shoot arrow there, 33. Isa. .37. 33, 34. 2 Chron. 35. 21. Ic.not against thee this day Ezra 10. 8. whosoever would not c. within three days Neh. 13. 1. Moabite 7wt c. into congregation for ever Job 3. 6. let iinotc. into the number of the months 13. 16. for 3n hypocrite shall nut c. before him Psal. 32. 6. in floods they shall n/>t c. nigh to him 69. 27. let them note, into thy righteousness 91.7-thousands shall fall,butit shall woic.nighthee 132. 3. 1 will not c. into the tabernacle of my house Prov. 5. 8. c. not nigh the door of her house Isa. 7- 17- Lord shall bring days that have not c. 25. there shall yiot c. the fear of briars and thorns 28. 15. the overflowing scourge shall not c. to me 32. 10. vmtage shall fail, the gathering shall wo^c. 54. 14. far from terror, for it shall not c. near thee 65. 5. which say, stand by thyself, c. not near me Jer. 37. 19. saymg, the king of Babylon shall note. Ezek. 16. 16. like things shall jwt c. nor shall it be so 44. 13. they shall not c. near to me to do office Hos. 4. 15. c. not ye unto Gilgal, nor go to Beth-. 9. 4. their soul shall 7iot c. into house of the Lord Zech. 14. 18. and if the family of Etrypt c. not Mat. 22. 3. sent to call, and they would wof c. Mark 2. 4. they could not c.nigh for press, Luke 8.19. Ijuke 14. 20. 1 have married a wife, I cannot c. John 5. 24. and shall not c. into condemnation 40. ye will not c. to me that ye might have life 7. 34. where I am, thither ye cannot c. 36. 11. 56. think ye that he will not c. to the feast ? 15. 22. if I had not c. they had not iiad sin 16. 7- if I go not away, the Comforter will not c. 1 Cor. 4. 18. as thougli 1 would not c. to you COME 07it. [stance Gen. 15. 14. afterward shall c. out with great sub- 17. 6. and kings shallr, out of thee, 35. 11. 24. 13. the daughters of city c. out to draw water Ley. 16. 17- till he c. out and have made atonement Num. 11. 20. shall eat till it c. out at your nostrils 12. 4. c. ovty& three unto tabernacle of congregat. 20. 18. lest \c. out against thee with the sword 22. 5. there is a people c. out of Egypt, 11. 33. 38. Aaron died fortieth year after Israel c. out De7it. 28. 7. c. our one way, and flee seven ways Judg. 9. 15. if not, let fire c. out of the bramble 29. he said, increase thine army and c. out 1 Sam. 2. 3. let not arrogancy c. oin of your mouth 11. 3. to-morrow we willc. 07it unto thee, 10. ' 24. 14. after whom is the king of Israel c. out? 2 Sam. 16.7- c. out, c. out, thou bloody man 1 KingsC). 1. in the 480th year after Isr. were c. out 20 17. saying, there are men c. out of Samaria 70 COM 2 KinffsS. 11. he will c. o^t to me, and lay bis hand 18. 31. make an agreement and c. out, Isa. .36. 16. 19. 9. behold, he is c. out to fight against thee Psal. 14. 7- O that salvation were c. out of Zion ! 68. 31. princes shall c.out of Egypt, Ethiopia Prov. 12. 13. but the just shall c. mit of trouble Isa. 34. 3. their stink shall c. out of their carcases Nah. 1. 11. there is one c. out that imagineth evil Mat. 5. 26. by no means c. out till thou hast paid 26. .55. are ye c. out as against a thief with swords and staves to take me ? 'Mark 14. 48. Luke 22. 52. Mark 1 . 25. hold thy peace, c. out of him , Luke 4. .'35. 5. 8. said, c. out, thou unclean spirit, Luke'A. 29. John 1. 46. can any good thing c. out of iSi azareth ? 7. 41. some said, shall Christ c. out of Galilee ? /lets 16. 18. in the name of Jesus to c. out of her Pom. 11. 26. there shall c.OM^of Zion the Deliverer 2 Cor. 6. 17. wherefore c. out from among them lied. 7. 5. though they c. ow^of the loins of Abraham Rev. 16. 13. saw spirits^ of the mouth of dragon 18. 4. a voice saying, c. out of her, my people COME io pass. Exod. 4. 8. it shall c. topass if they will not believe, 9. Nmi. 11. 23. whether my word shall c. topass or not 17. 5. c. /o pa .vtiie man's rod 1 choose shall blossom Lent. 7. 12. sliall c. topass if ye heark. 11. 13. | 28. 1. 13. 2. and the sign or the wonder c. to pass Josh. 23. 14. all are c. to pass, no good thing failed Judg. 13. 12. Manoah said, let thy words c. to pass 17. when thy sayings c. topass we may do honour 21. 3. O Lord, why is this c. topass in Israel, that 1 Kings 13. 32. the saying shall surely c. topass Isa. 7. 7- it shall not stand, nor shall itc. to pass 14. 24. as I have thought, so shall itc. topass 42. 9. behold, the former things are c. to pass Jer. 17. 24. it shall c. topass if ye diligently hearken 32. 24. what thou hast spoken is c. to pass Ezek. 12. 25. the word that 1 speak shall c. topass 24. 14. I have spoken, it shall c. topass, I will do it Dan. 2. 29. maketh known to thee what shall c. to p. Hos. 1. 5. c. topass that I will break the bow of Isr. Joell. 32. c. ^o^flM that whosoever shall call on L. 1 will cause sun to go down at noon Zech. 6. 15. this shall c. to p. if ye diligently obey 7. 13. therefore it is c. to pass, that as he cried Mat. 24. 6. all these things must c. topass, end not yet Mark 11. 23. things which he saith shall c. to pass 13. 29. when ye shall see these c. to p. Luke 21. 31. Luke 2. 15. and see this thing wliich isr. to pass 21. 7, what sign when these things shall c.rd c. 1 Chr. 21. 27. L. c. the angel, he put up his sword 24. 19. the orderings as L. God of Isratl c. him Psal. 106. .34. concerning whom the Ijord c. them 133. 3. for there the Lord c. the blessing, even life Jer. 13. 5. 1 hid it by Euphrates, as the I^rd c. me Lam. 1. 37. the Lord hatJi c. concerning Jacob Acts 13. 46, 47. we turn to Gentiles, so hath the L. c. Ixird or God COjMMANDED, implicitly. Gen. 3. 11. eaten of the tree I r. not to eat, I7. Exod. 23. 15. as I c. thee in the time appointed Lev. 11. 38. in the day he c. the children of Israel 10. 1. offered strange fire which he c. them not Deut. 17. 3. hath served other gods, which 1 have not c. 18. 20. Jer. 19. 5. 1 23. 32. | 29. 23. Josh. 1. 9. have not 1 c. thee ? be strong and of cour. 7.11. transgressed my covenant I c. Judg. Z. 9.0. 13. 6. divide thou it by lot, as I have c. thee 2 Sam.'H.'l. whom I c. to feed my people, 1 Chr.VJ.6. 11. since the time that I c. judges, 1 Chr. I7. 10. 1 Kingsll. 10. had c. him concerning this thing 17. 4. 1 have c. the ravens to feed thee there 9. 1 have c. a widow woman there to sustain tJiee 1 Ch. 16. 15. be mindful of his covenant, the word which he c. to a thousand generations, Ps. 105. 8. 40. that it is written in the law, which he c. Israel P.':al. 7.6. awake to the judgment that thou hast c. 33. 9. he spake and it was done,he c. and it stood fast 111.9. hath c. his covenant for ever, holy is his name 119. 4.tfiOu hast to keep thy precepts diligently 138. thy testimonies thou hast c. are righteous 148. 5. for the Lord c. and they were created Isa. 13. 3. 1 have c. my sanctified ones, 1 have called 34. 16. for my mouth it hath c. and his spirit 45. 12. the heavens and all their host have I c. Jer. 7. 23. but this thing c. I them, obey my voice 31. which I c. them not, 19. 5. I .32. .35. 11. 8. all words of covenant which I c. them to do 17. 22. but hallow the sabbath, as I c. your fathers 50. 21. do according to all that I have c. thee Lam. 2. 17. his word that he had c. in days of old Ezek. 9. 11. I have done as thou hast c. me 24. 18. I did in the morning as I was c. 37. 10. Zech. 1. 6. my words which 1 c. did they not take Mai. 4. 4. remember the law which I c. in Horeb Luke 14. 22. Lord, it is done as thou hast c. and room Acts 10. 42. he c. us to preach to the people Moses COMMANDED. Num. 16. 47. Aaron took as Mose.v had c. and ran Dewr.3i.29.turn aside from the way I have c. you 33. 4. Moses c. us a law, even the inheritance Josh. 1 . 7. observe to do according to all Moses c. 22. 2. ye have kept all that Moses c. you 1 Chr. 15. 15. Moses c. according to word of the L. Mat. 8. 4. ofi^'erthe gift that Moses c. for a testimony Mark 1. 44. oifer for thy cleans, those things which Mo.9es c. for a tes'fimony to them, Luke 5. 14. JohnQ.5. Moses in law c. that such should be stoned COMMANDEDST. Neh.1.7. which tliou c. thy servant Moses, 8. 9. 14. thou c. them precepts, statutes, and laws Jer. 32. 23. they have done nothing that thou c. COMMANDEK. Isa. 55. 4. given him for a leader and c. to people COMMANDEST. Josh. 1. 16. all that thou c. us we will do 18. whoso will not hearken in all that thou c. Jer. 32. 23. have done nothing of all thou c. them Acts 23. 3. c. me to be smitten contrary to the law COMMANDETH. N7itn. .32. 25. thy servants will do as my lord c. Job 9. 7- God, who c. the sun, and it riseth not .36. 10. he c. that they return from iniquity .32. he covereth the light, and c. it not to shine .37. 12. that they may do whatever he c. them Psal. 107. 25. he c. and raiseth the stormy wind Lam. 3. 37. whosaith, it conieth, when Ld. c. it not .' /lmos6. 11. Lord c. and he will smite great horse Mark 1. 27. he c. the unclean spirits, Luke 4. 36. J/i/ke 8. 25. he c. the winds, and they obey him Acts 1^.30. now c. all men every where to repent COMMANDING. Gen. 49. 33. Jacob made an end of c. his sons Mat. 11. 1 . Jesus made an end of c. his disciples Acts 24. 8. c. his accusers to come to thee 1 Tim. 4. 3. c. to abstain from meats God created COMMANDMEN r. Exod. 34. .32. he gave them in c. all I/)rd had spoken Num. 15. 31. broken hisc. that soul shall be cut oif 23. 20. behold, I have received bless 27. 14. ye rebelled against iny c. in the desert Dent. 30. 11. this c. I command thee this day 1 Kings 2. 43. why hast thou not kept the c. I charged 2 Kings 18. .36. king's c. was, ans. not. La. 36. 21. 1 Chron. 12. 32. all their brethren were at their c. 28. 21. all the people will be wholly at thy c. 2 Chron. 8. 13. offering according to the c. of Moses t 14. so was the c. of David the man of God 19. 10. what cause shall come between law and c. .30. 12. one heart to do the c. of king and princes 31. 5. and as soon as the c. came abroad, Israel Ezras. 17. I sent them with c. to Iddo the chief 10. 3. of those that tremble at tlie c. oi'God Neh. 11. 23. it wastheking's c. concerning them 13. t 5. wine and oil, which was the c. of Invites Esth. 1. 12. Vashti refused to come at the king's c. 2. 20. Esther did the c. of IMordecai, like as when 3. 3. why transgressest thou the king's c. ? 9. 1. when king's c. drew nigh to be put in execution Job 23. 12. nor gone back from the c. of his lips Psal. 119. 96. but thy c. is exceeding broad 147. 15. lie sendeth forth hisc. upon earth Prov. 6. 23. the r. is a lamp, and the law is light 8. 29. that the waters should not pass hisc. 13. 13. he that feareth the c. shall be rewarded 19. 16. he thatkeepeth the c. keepeth his soul Eccl. 8. 5. whoso keepeth c. shall feel no evil thing Jer. 35. 14. but they obey their father Jonadab's c. Dan. 3. 22. because the king's c. was urgent 9. 23. the c. came forth, and I am come to shew Ilos. 5. 11. because he willingly walked after the c. Mai. 2. 1. now, O ye priests, this c. is for you 4. ye shall know that I have sent this c. to you Mat. 15. 3. why do ye transgress the c. of God ;■ 6. tims have ye made tlie c. of God of no effect 22. .36. IMaster, which is the great c. in the law .' .38. this is the first and great c. Mark 12. .30. Mark 7. 8. for laying aside the c. of God , ye hold 9. he said, full well ye reject the c. of God 12. 31. there is no other c. greater than tliese iMke 15. 29. nor transgressed I at any time thy c. 23. 56. rested the sabbath-day according to tnec. John 10. 18. this c. haVe I received of my Father 12. 49. he gave me a c. what I should say 50. 1 know that his c. is life everlasting 14. 31. as the Fatlier gave mec. even so' I do 15. 12. my c. tliat ye loVe one another, 1 John 3. 23. Acts 15. 24. to whom we gave no such c. 17. 15. receiving a c. to Silas to come to him 23. .30. and gave c. to his accusers also to say 25. 23. at Festus' c. Paul was brought forth Rom. 7- 8. but sin faking occasion by the c. 11. 9. when the c. came, sin revived, and I died 10. c. which was ordained to life, I found to death 12. and the c. is holy, and just, and good 13. that sin by c. might become exceeding sinful 13. 9. if there be any other c. it is briefly in this 16. 26. according to the c. of the everlasting God 1 Cor. 7. 6. I speak this by permission, not of c. 2 Cor. 8. 8. I speak not by c. but by occasion of Eph. 6. 2. which is the first c. with promise 1 Tim. 1. 1. bythec.of God our Saviour, Tit.l. 3, 5. the end ot the c. is charity, out of a pure heart Heb. 7. 16. who is made not after law of a carnal r. 18. there is a disannulling of the c. going before 11.22. Joseph gave c. concerning hisbones 23. Moses hid, they were not afiraid of the king's c. 2 Pet. 2. 21. to turn from holy c. deliveied to them 3. 2. mindful of c. of us the apostles of the Lord 1 John 2. 7- but an old c. which ye have heard 3. + 11. this is the c. ye heard from the beginning 23. this is his c. that we should believe on the name 4. 21. this c. have we from him, he v/ho lovetli God 2 John 4. as we have received ac. from the Father 6. this is the c. that as ye have heard from beginn. Give or given COMMANDMENT. Exod. 25. 22. things which I will give thee in c. Deut. 1. 3. the Lofd had given him in c. unto them Ezra 4.. 21. give c. to cease till another c. be given Psal. 71. 3. hast^z^ewf. tosaveme,thou my rock Isa. 23. 11. the Lord hath given c. against the city Nah. 1. 14. the Lord hath given c. concerning thee John 11. 57. given c. if any knew where he were Keep Commandment, see Keep. COMMANDMENT of the Lord. Exod. 17. 1. joum. c. of L. Num. 9. 18, 20. 1 10. 13. Num. 3. 39. Moses and Aaron numbered ate. of L. 24. 13. I cannot go beyond thi c. of L. to do good 33. 38. Aaron went up to Hor ate. o/i^rtf and died Josh. 22. 3. ye have kept charge of e. ofL. your God 1 Sam. 12. 14. and not rebel against the c. of Lord 15. ifye will not obey, but'rebel against e. of L. 13. 13. thou hast not kept the c. of Lord thy God 15. 13. Saul said, I have performed the e. of Lord 24. I have transgressed the c. of L. and thy word 2 Sam. 12. 9. wherefore hast thou despised c. of L. 2 Kings 24. 3. at the e. of Lord came this on .lud'ah 2 Chron. 29. 25. for so was e. of L. by his prophets Psal. 19. 8. the c. of L. is pure, enlightening the eyes 1 Cor. 7. 25. concerning virgins I have no e. of L. COM COM COM New COMMANDMENT. John 13. .34. a nexu c. I give unto you, that ye love 1 John 2. 7. brethren, 1 write no ytew c. anto you 8. a nezo c. I write unto you, which is true in him 2 John 5. not as though I wrote a new c. unto tliee neheUed against the COMMANDMENT. Num. 27- 14. j^e rebelled ag. my c. in the des. of Zin Deut. 1. 26. but ye rebel, ag. c. of L. your God, 43. 9. 23. then ye rebel, ag. c. of L. and believed not I^am. 1. 18. L. is riffhteous, I have rebelled ag. his c. COMMAS DME:N IS. Gen. 26. 5. because that Abraham kept my c. Exod. 15. 26. and if thou wilt give ear to his c. 34. 28. -svTote on tables the ten c. Deut. 4. 13. | 10. 4. Lev. 4. 13. have done somewhat ag. any of the c. 27- 5. 17. commit sin forbidden by the c. of the Lord 27. 34. these are the c. the Lord commanded Num. 15. 39. remember all the c. of the Lord Deut. 8. 11 . in not keeping c. which I command thee n. 13. if you shall hearken to c. 28. 13. Judg. 3. 4. 27. if ye will obey the c. of tlie T^rd yoar God 28. if S'e will not obey the c. of the Lord your G. 1 Sam. 15. 11. Saul hath not performed my c. 1 Kings 11. 34. because he hath kept my c. and stat. 14. 8. David who kept my c. and follovvred me 18. 18. in that ye have forsaken the c. of the Lord 2 Kings \~ . 16. and they left all the c. of the Lord 19. .ludah kept not the c. of the Lord their God 18. 6. but kept his c. which he commanded Moses 2 Chron. 7. 19. if j'e forsake my c. I set before you 24. 20. why ti'anssress ye the c. of the Lord ''. Ezra 9. 10. O our God, for we have forsaken thy c. 14. should we again break thy c. and join in aftin. Psal. 89. 31. if they keep not my c. then will I visit 111. 7. his w-orks are verity, all his c. are sure 112. 1. blessed is he that delight, greatly in his c. 119. 10. O let me not wander from thy c. 19. I am a stranger, hide not thy c. from m^e 35. make me to go in the path of thy c. 47. I will delight in thy c. which I have loved 66. teach me, for I have believed thy c. 73. ffive understanding, that I maj^ learn thy e. 86. all thy c. are faith. ': 151. all thy c. are truth 98. thou through thy c. hast made me wiser than 127. I love thy c. \\ 131. 1 lonsed for thy c. 143. thy c. are my delights |1 172. c. riarhteous. 166. I have done thy c. \\ 176. not forget thy c. Prov. 2. 1. if thou wilt hide my c. with 'thee 7. 1. keep my words and lay up my c. with thee 10. 8. the wise in heart will receive c. Isa. 48. 18. O that thou hadst hearkened to my c. Mat. 5. 19. whoso shall break one of these least c. 15. 9. teach, for doctrines the c. of men, Mark 7. 7. 22. 40. on these two c. hane all the law and proph. Mark 10. 19. thou knowest'the c. Luke 18. 20. 12. 29. the first of all the c. is, hear O Isr. the L. Luke 1. 6. walking in all the c. of the L. blameless John 14. 21. he tliat hath my c. and keepeth them 15. 10. if keep my c. as I have kept my Father's c. I Cor. 7. 19. 13 nothing, but keepina: the c. of God 14. 37. things I \mte you, are tlie c. of the Lord Co/. 2. 22. after the c. and doctrines of men 1 Thess. 4. 2. for ye know what c. we gave you by L. 1 John 2. 4. he that keepeth not his c. is a liar 3. 24. he that keepeth his c. dwelleth in him 2 Jolm 6. this is love, that we walk after his c. Do COMMANDMENTS. Num. 15. 40. do all my c. and be holy to your God Deut. 6. 25. obs. to do all c. 15. 5. | 28. 1, 15. | 30. 8. 1 Chron. 28. 7- if he be constant to do my c. Psal. 103. 18. those that remember his c. to do them 111. 10. understanding have they that do his c. Rev. 22. 14. blessed are they that rf.i his c. Not do COMMANDMENTS. Lev. 26. 14. but if ve will not do all these c. 15. so that ye will not do all my c. but break coven. Keep Commandments, see Keep. COMMEND Signifies, [1] To extol, or praise, 2 Cor. 3. 1. I 5. 12. L2] To commit, or give in charge, Luke 23. 46. [3] To render more illustrious and commendable, Kom. 3. 5. [4] To make or render one more acceptable, 1 Cor. 8. 8. Luke 23. 46. Father, into thy hands I c. my spirit Acts 20. 32. and now, brethren, I c. you to God Rom.Z. 5. if our unrighteousness c. righteous, of God 16. 1. 1 c. unto you Phebe our sister, a servant 2 Cor. 3. 1. do we begin again to c. ourselves ? 5. 12. for we c. not ourselves again to you 10. 12. or compare ourselves with some that c. COMMENDATION. 2 Cor. 3. 1. or need we, as some others, epistles oic? COMMEiNDED. Gen. 12. 15. the princes c. Sarai before Pharaoh Prov. 12. 8. a man shall be c. accord, to his wisdom Eccl. 8. 15. then I c. mirth, because a man hath Luke 16. 8. the Lord c. the unjust steward, because Acts 14. 23. c. them to the L. on whom they believed 2 Cor. 12. 11. I ought to have been c. of you COMMENDETH. Kom. 5. 8. but God c. his love towards us, in that 1 Cor. 8. 8. but meat c. us not to God 2 Cor. 10. 18. not he that c. is approved, but whom L. COMMENDING. 2 Cor. 4. 2. r. ourselves to every man's conscience o. 1 4. in all c. ourselves as the ministers of God COMMISSION. S. Ezra 8. 36. and they delivered the king's c. Acts 26. 12. as I went with c. from the diief priest COMMIT. Exod. 20. 14. thou shaltnot c. adultery, Deut. 5. 18. ^ ^ Mat. 5. 27. 1 19. 18. Rom. 13. 9. ^^i'.5.17. if sin, and c. any of these things forbidden 18. 26. not c. any of these abominations, .30. 29. who shall c. any of these abominations Num. 5. 6. if a man or woman c. any sin that men c. Deut. 19. 20. c. no more anv such evil among you Judg.W.^l. added to f. evil in the sight of the Lord HCkron. 21. 11. caused Jerusalem to>. fornication Job 5. 8. unto God would I c. my cause PsaL 31. 5. into thine hand I c. iny spirit 37. 5, c. thy way to the Lord, trust also in hirn Prov. 16. 3. c. thy works unto the Lord, thy thoughts 12. an abomination to kings to c. wickedness Isa. 22. 21. I will c. thy government into his hand Jer. 37. 21. c. Jeremiah to the court of prison 44. 7. why c. ye this great evil against your souls .' Ezek. 8. 17. c. abominations which they c. here 16. 43. and thou shaltnot c. this lewdness 22. 9. in the midst of thee they c. lewdness Has. 6. 9. the priests murder, they c. lewdness 7. 1. for they c. falsehood, and the thief cometh Luke 12. 48. and did c. things worthy of stripes 16. 11. who will c. to your trust the true ricnes ? John 2. 24. Jesus did not c. himself to them Rom. 1. 32. who c. such things are worthy of death 2. 2. is against them which c. such things 22. thatlibhorrest idols, dost thou c. sacrilege ? 1 Cor. 10. 8. neither let us c. fornication 1 Tim. 1. 18. this charge I c. to thee, son Timothy 2 Tim. 2. 2. the same c. thou to faithful men Jam. 2. 9. if ye have respect to persons ye c. sin 1 Pet. 4. 19. c. the keeping of their souls to him 1 John 3. 9. whoso is born of God doth not c. sin Rev. 2. 14. who taught Israel to c. fornication 20. to teach and seduce my servants to c. fomi- Hee Adultery. [cation COMMIT iniquity. 2 Sam. 7. 14. if he c. iniquity I will chasten him Job 34. 10. Almighty, that he should c. iniquity Jer. 9. 5. they weary themselves to c. iniquity Ezek. 3. 20. turn from righteousn. and c. in. 33. 13. COMMfT trespass. Lev. 5. 15. if a soul c. a trespass through ignorance Num. 5. 12. if a man's wife go aside and c. trespass 31. 16. caused Israel toe. trespass a.eainst the Lord Josh. 22.20. Achan c. a trespass in the accurs. thing COMMIT whoredom, or whored'ims. Lev. 20. 5. I will cut oflFthat c. whor. v.-ith Molech jSum. 25. 1. to c. whor. with the daughters of Moab Ezek. 16. 17. and thou didst c. whor. with images 34. whereas none folio weth thee to c. whoredom 20. 30. c. ye whoredom after their abominations ? 23. 43. will they c. w. with her, and she with them Hos. 4. 10. they shall c. whoredoms and not increase 13. therefore your daughters shall c. whor. 14. COMMITTED. Gen. 39. 8. he hath c. all that he hatli to my hand 22. the keeper c. to Joseph all the prisoners Lev. 4. 35. priest make atonement for sin lie hath c. 18. 30. these abominable customs which were c. 20. 23. they c. these things, and 1 abhorred them ^um. 15. 24. if aught be c. by ignorance Deut. 17. 5. bring forth that man or woman that c. 21. 22. if a man have c. a sin worthy of death Judg. 20. 6. they have c. folly and lewdness in Israel 1 KingsS.iJ. we have sinned, we have c. wickedn. 14. 22. they provoked him with sins, tliey c. 27. brasen shields c. he to the guard, 2 Chr. 12. 10. 1 Chr. 10. 13. Saul died for his transgression he c. Jer. 2. 13. for my people have c. two evils 5. 30. a wonderful and horrible thing is c. in land 16. 10. what is our sin that we have r. against Lord 44. 3. which they have c. to provoke to anger, 9. Ezek. 16. 26. thou hast c. fornication with Egypt 51. nor hath Samaria c. half of thy sins 18. 21. turn from all his sins he hath c. 22, 28. 20. 43. shall lothe yourselves for evils ye have c. 23. 3. they c. whoredoms in Egypt in their youth 7. thus she c. whoredoms with them 33. 16. none of the sins he c. shall be mentioned Hos. 1. 2. for the land hath c. great whoredom 4. 18. they have c. w-horedom continually Mark'ib. ~. who had c. murder in the insurrection lyuke 12. 48. and to whom men have c. much, of him John 5. 22. Father hath c. all judginent to the Son Acts 8. 3. haling men and women, c. them to prison 25. 11. if I have c. any thing worthy of death 25. had found he had c. nothing worthy of death 27. 40. they c. them.selves to the sea and loosed 28. 17- tiiough I have c. nothing against the people Rom.3. 2. because to them were c. the oracles of God 1 Cor. 9.17- dispensation of gospel is c. to me. Tit. 1.3. 10. 8. nor let us commit fomic. as some of them c. 2 Cor. 5. 19. hath c. to us the word of reconciliation 12. 21. and lasciviousness which they have c. Gal. 2. 7. gospel of the uncircumcision was c. to me as gospel of circumcision to Peter, 1 Tim. 1. 11. 1 Tim. 6. 20. O Timothy, keep what is c. to thee 2 I'im. 1. 12. he is able to keep that which I c. to him Jam. 5. 15. if he have c. sins, they shall be forgiven lPet.2.i3. c. himself to him that judgeth righteously JudelD. of all their ungodly deeds which they havec. Rev. 17. 2. with whorn kings have c. fornic. 18. 3, 9. See ABOMiNiTiONS. COMMITTED iniquity. Psal. 106.6. we have c. iniq. we have done wickedly Ezek. 33. 13. for his iniq. he hath c. he shall die, 18. Dan. 9. 5. we have c. iniquity and done foolishly COMMITTED trespass. Lev. 5. 7- bring for his trespass he c. two turtle-doves Josh. 7. 1. Israel c. a trespassin the accursed thing 22. 16. what trespass is this ye have c. against God ? 31. because ye have note, this trespass against L. Ezek. 15. 8- because they have c. a trespass, 1 will 20. 27. in that they c. a. trespass against me COMMIITE.ST, ETH,''ING. Psal. 10. 14. the poor c. himself to thee, thou helper Ezek. 8. 6. the great abominations that Israel c. here 33. 15. walk in statutes of life without c. iniquity Hos. 4. 2. by lying, killing, stealing, and c. adultery 5. 3. for now, O Ephraim, thou c. whoredom John 8. 34. whosoever c. sin is the servant of sin 1 Cor. 6. 18. but he that c. fornic. sinneth against 1 Johyi 3. 4. whoso c. sin transgresseth also the law 8. he that c. sin is of the deviCfor the devil sinneth COMMODIOUS. Acts 27. 12. the haven was not c. to winter in COMMON., By common, is meant that which is ordinary, or usual ; as a comm.on death. Num. 16. 29. a com- mon evil, Eccl. 6. 1. Sometimes that which is ceremonially unclean. Acts 11. 9. To eat with common hands, that is, without washing one's hands, Mark 7. 2. Common bread, that is, unhallowed bread, 1 Sam. 21. 4. It is .'aid. Acts 2. 44. That such as believed had all things common ; that is, as to usa, but not as to title. Moses calls a vineyard common, or profane : "What man is he that hath planted a vineyard, and hath not yet made it common r Deut. 20. + 6. If there be such an one, he may return to his house ; because the first fruits of trees and vines were reckoned unclean, or rather were con- secrated to the Lord, and the owner was not al- lowed to touch them, till after the fourth year. Lev. 19. 24, 25. See Profane. Num. 16. 29. if these men die the c. death of all men jL'ew^.20.t6. planted avineyard, and notmadeitc. 28. t 30. shall plant, and not use it as c. meat 1 Sam. 21. 4. there is no c. bread under my hand 5. the vessels holy, and the bread is in manner c. Eccl. 6. 1. there is an evil, and it is c. among mien Jer. 31. 5. the planters shall eat them as c. things Ezek. 23. 42. men of c. sort were brought Sabeans Mat. 27. 27. the soldiers took Jesus into the c. hall Mark 7. t2.the disciples eat bread with c. hands Acts 2. 44. believers had all things c. 4. 32. 5. 18. and put the apostles in the c. prison 10. 14. I have never eaten anything that is c. 11. 8. 15. what God hath cleansed call not thou c. 11. 9. 28. that I should not call anything c. or unclean Rom. 14. t 14. there is nothing c. of itself ; but to him that esteemeth any thing to be c. 1 Cor. 10. 13. no temptation taken you bate, to men Tit. 1. 4. to Titus my own son, after the c. faith Jude 3. diligence to write to you of the c. salvation COMMON people. Lev. 4. 27. if any of the c. people sin thro' ignorance Jer. 26. 23. cast his dead body into the graves of c. p. Mark 12. 37. and the c. people heard him gladly COMMON-WEALTH. Eph. 2. 12. being aliens from tire c. -wealth of Israel Commonly ; see Reported. COMMOTION, S. 2 Chron. 29. t8. Lord hath delivered them to great c. Jer. 10. 22. a great c. outof the north country Luke 21. 9. v.'hen ye hear of c. be not terrified COMMUN E. Etod.15. 22. and there I will meet and c. with thee 1 Sam. 18. 22. c. with David secretly , and say, behold 19. 3. and I will c. with my father of thee Job^. 2. if we essay to c. with thee, wilt be grieved ? Psal. 4. 4. f .with your own heart on your bed, be still 64. 5. they c. of laying snares privily, they say 77. 6. in the night I c. with mine own heart COMMUNED. Gew.23. 8. Abraham c. || 34. 6.Hamorr. withJac.8. 42. 24. Joseph c. || Judg. 9- 1. Abimelech c. 1 Sam. 9.25. Samuel c. || 25. 39. David c.with Abigail 1 Kings 10. 2. the queen of Sheba c. with Solomon of all that was in her heart, 2 Chron. 9. 1. 2 Kings 22. 14. they c. with Huldah the prophetess Eccl. 1. 16. 1 c. with mine own heart, saying, lo Dan. 1. 19. and king c. with them, none like Daniel Zech. 1. 14. the angel that c. with me said unto me Duke 6. 11. they c. what they might do to Jesus 22. 4. Judas c. to betray Jesus unto them 24. 15. that while they c. Jesus himself drew near Acts 24. 26. Felix sent and c. the oftener with Paul COMMUNICATE. Gal. 6. 6. let him that is taught c .to him that teacheth Phil. 4. 14. that ye did c. with my affliction 1 Tim. 6. 18. that they do^ood, be willing to c. Heb. 13. 16. but to do goocland to c. forget not COMMUNICATED. Gal. 2. 2. I c. to them that gospel which I preach Phil. 4. 15. no church c. with me but ye only COMMUNICATION, S. 2 Sam. 3. 17- Abner hade, with the elders of Israel 2 Kings 9. 11 . he said, ye know the man and his c. Mat. 5. 37- but let your c. be yea, yea, nay, nay Ltike 24. 17. what manner of c. are these ye have .■' 1 Cor. 15. 33. evil c. corrupt good manners Eph. 4. 29. no corrupt c. proceed outof your mouth. Col. 3. 8. Philem. 6. that e. of thy faith may become eflfectual COMMUNING. Gen. 18. 33. the Lord left c. with Abraham Exod. 31. 18. when he had made an end of c. on Sinai COMMUNION. This word signifies fellowship, concord, or agree- ment, 2 Cor. 6. 14. What communion hath light with darkness ? Such as are enlightened by the word and spirit of God can have no profitable, agreeable, or comfortable converse with such as are in darkness or ignorance. Communion is likewise taken for a sacrament, or sacred sign of our spiritual fellowship with Christ, 1 Cor. 10. 16. The cup of blessing, is it not the com- munion of the blood of Christ ? Our drinking of the wine in the cup, is a religious actioji, -ihereby and wherein Christ communicates himself and his grace to us, and we communicate our souls to him ; so that Christ, and believers in that ac- tion, have a mutual communion one with another. Believers have communion with Christ by election in him; by their kindred with his humanity; and by a participation of his Spirit. They have communion with the Father and the Son, 1 John 1. 3. They partake of all those blessings that God the Lather has promised to those that are in covenarit with him ; and also of all those privileges which Christ has purchased for his ?ncmbers ; such as, pardon, reconciliation, adop- tion, sanctification, &c. The Communion of saints : That fellowship which the saijits have with Christ, and all his benefits by faith, and among themselves by love, 1 John 1 . 3. This Communion is both active and passive ; that is, it con.<:ists both in doing good to, and re- ceiving good from, one another. There he divers sorts of it, as, (V) Eellowship in doctrine, or be- lief. Acts 2. 42. Gal. 2. 9. (2) In exhortation, Heb. 10. 24, 25. (3) In consolation, Eph. 5. 19. 73 COM 1 Thess. 4. 18. (4) In humility, or suhmi.ision, Rom. 12. 10. Eph. 5. 21. (5) I?* fo^e, Rom. 12. 10. (6) In pity, Rom. 12. 16. (7) In prayer, Eph. 6. 18, 19. (8) In helping and relieving one another. Acts 4. .32, 34, 35. 1 Cor. 10. 16. c. of the blood of Christ, c. of the body of Christ 2 Cor. 6. 14. what c. hath light with darkness ;■ 13. 14. the c. of the Holy Ghost be with you all COMPACT. Psal. 122. 3. Jerusalem is a city c. together COMPACTED. EphA.K). fromwhom whole body fitly jomed andc. COMPANY. Gen. 30. 1 11. Leah called his name Gad, a c. 32. 8. if Esau come to the one c. and smite it 21. and himself lodged that night in the c. 35. 11. a f. of nations shall be of thee, kings come Num. 16. 6. take ye censers, Korah and all his c, 16. be thou and all thy c. before the Lord 40. no stranger of}er, that he be not as Korah and c. 22. 4. now shall this c. lick up all that are round 26. 9. who strove in the c. of Korah, 27. 3. Judg. 9. 37. another c. come along by the plain 18. 23. what ails thee, thou comest with such a c. ? 1 Sam. 10. 5. thou shalt meet a c. of prophets 19. 20. they saw the c. of prophets prophesying 30. 15. canst thou brin^ me down to this c. ? 2 Kiiw 5. 15. he and all his c. came to Elisha 9. 17. hespiedthe c. of Jehu, and said, 1 see ac. 2 Chron. 24. 24. the Syrians came with a small c. Job 16. 7. thou hast made desolate all my c. 34. 8. goeth in c. with the workers of iniquity Psal. 55. 14. we walked to the house of God in c. 68. t27. the princes of Judah with their c. 30. rebuke tne c. of spearmen, the bulls, the calves 84. + 7. they go from c. to c. every one in Zion 106. 17. the earth covered the c. of Abiram 18. and a fire was kindled in their c. Prov. 24. 1 19. keep not c. with the wicked 29. 3. that keepeth c. with harlots, spendeth Cant. 1. 9. to a c. of horses in Pharaoh's chariots 6. 13. as it were the c. of two armies Ezek. 16. 40. they shall brina- up a c. against thee , 23, 46. saith the Lord, I will bring up a c. on them 32. 22. Ashur is there and all hei- c. his graves ■ 38. 7. prepare for thyself, thou and all thy c. Hos. 6. 9. so the c. of priests murder in the way Luke 2. 44. supposing him to have been in c. 6. 17. he came down and the c. of his disciples 22. when they separate you from their c. 9. 14. make them sit down by fifties in a c. 38. a man of the c. cried out, saying. Master 24. 22. a woman of our c. made us astonished Acts 4. 23. being let go, they went to their own c. 10. 28. unlawful for a man that is a Jew to keep c. 13. 22. to send chosen men of their c. to Antioch 17. 5. Jews gathered ac. and set city on an uproar 21. 8. next day we that were of Paul's c. departed Rom. 15. 24. if first I be somewhat filled with your c. 1 Cor. 5. 11. notto keep c. with a fornicator, a drunk. 2 Thess. 3.14. notethatman, and have no c. with him Hei. 12. 22. are come to an innumerable c. of anarels Mev. 18. 17. all c. in ships and sailors stood afar off Grea^ COMPANY. Gen. 50. 9. there went up with Joseph a great c. 2 Chron. 9.1. the queen of Sheba came with a (/rea^c. 20. 12. we have no might against this great c. Psal. 68. H.^rea^wasthec. of those that published Jer. 31. 8. ^ great c. shall return thither Ezek. 17. 17. nor shall Pharaoh with his great c. JohnQ. 5. saw agreat c. come to him, he saith Acts 6. 7- agreat c. of priests obedient to the faith COMPANY. 1 Cor. 5. 9. I wrote not to c. with fornicators COMPANIED. Acts!. 21. ofthese men which have A1N, EU, ING. Num. 11. 1. the people c. it displeased the Lord Judg. 21. 22. or their brethren came to us to c. Job 7. 11. I will c. in the bitterness of my soul 31. .38. that the furrows likewise thereof c. Psal. 77. 3. 1 c. and my spirit was overwhelmed 144. l4. that there be no c. in our streets Lam. 3. 39. wherefore doth a living mane. 7 a man COMPLAIN ERS. Num. 11. +1. when people were c. it displeased Lord Jude 16. these are murmurers, c. walking after lusts COMPLAINT, S. 1 Sam. 1. 16. out of abundance of my r.have T spoken Job 7. 13. when I say, my couch shall ease my c. 9. 27. if I say, I will forget my c. I will leave ofi^ 10. 1. I will leave my c. on myself, I will speak 21. 4. as for me, is my c. to man ? and if it were so 23. 2. even to-day is my c. bitter, my stroke heavier Psal. 55. 2. 1 mourn in my c. and make a noise 142. 2. I poured outmy c. before him, and trouble Acts 25. 7. laid c. against Paul, they could not prove Col. 3. 1 13. if any man have a c. against any COMPLETE. l^ev. 23. 15. ye shall count, seven sabbathsshall be c. Col. 2. 10. ye are c. in him who is the head of all 4. 12. that ye may stand c. in all the will of God COMPOSITION. Exod. 30. 32. nor make any like it after the c. 37. COMPOUND, ETH. Exod. .30. 25. an ointment c. after art of apothecary 33. whosoever c. any thing like it, or putteth any COMPREHEND. Job .37. 5. great thin^ doth he which we cannot c. Eph. 3. 18. may be able to c. with saints the breadth COMPREHENDED. Isa. 40. 12. hath c.the dust of the earth in a measure John 1. 5. light shined, and the darkness c. it not Rom. 13. 9. is briefly c. in this saying, thou shalt love CONCEAL, ED, ETH. Gen. 37. 26. if we slay our brother and c. his blood Deut. 13. 8. not spare, neither shalt thou c. him Job 6. 10. I have not c. the words of the holy One 27. 11. what is with the Almighty will I not c. 41. 12. I will note, his parts nor his proportion Psal. 40. 10. 1 have not c. thy loving-kind, and truth Prov. 11.13. he that is of a faithful spirit c. the matter 12. 23. a prudentman c. knowledge, heart of fools 25. 2. it is the glory of God to c. a thing Jer. 50. 2. declare ye, publish and c. not CONCEIT, S. Prov. 18. 11. rich man's wealth as an high wall in c. 26. 5. answer a fool, lest he be wise in his own c. 12. seest thou a man wise in his own c..'' more hope 16. sluggard is wiser in his own c. than seven men 28. 11. the rich man is wise in his own c. Rom. 11. 25. lest ye should oe wise in your own c. 12. 16. be not wise in your own c. CONCEIVE, ING. Gen. .30. 38. they should c. when they came to drink Num. 5. 28. then she shall be free, and shall c. seed Judg. 13. 3. shalt c. and bear a son, 5, 7. Luke 1. 31. Job 15. 35. they c. mischief" bring vanity, Isa. 59. 4. Psal. 51. 5. and in sin did my mother c. me Isa. 7. 14. a virgin shall c. and bear a son 33. 11. shall c. chaff l| 59. 13. c. words of falsehood Ezek. 38. + 10. thou shalt c. a mischievous purpose Heb. 11. 11. Sarah received strength to c. seecf conceived: Gen. 4. 1. Eve c. and bare Cain || 17. Cain's wife c. 16. 4. Hagar c. \\ 21. 2. Sarah c. and bare Isaac 25. 21. Eebekah his wife c. \\ 29. 32. Leah c. 33. 30. 5. Bilhah c \\ 23. Eachael c. and bare a son 39. the flocks c. 31. 10. || 38. 3. Shuah c. 4, 5. .38. 18. lamar e. || Exod. 2. 2. Jochebed c. and bare- Lev.lQ.. 2. have c. seed, and bom a man child Num. 11. 12. Moses said, have I c. all this people ? l^-S'am.1.20. Hannah c and bare a son, Samuel, 2. 21.. 2 Sam. 11. 5. Bathsheba c. sent and told David 2 Kings 4. I7. Shunamite c \\ Isa. 8. 3. prophetess c. Job 3. 3. it was said, there is a man child c Psal. 7. 14. c. mischief, brought forth falsehood Cant. .3. 4. into the chamber of her that c. me Jer. 49. 30. and hath c. a purpose against you Hos. 1. 3. Gomer which c and bare'him ' 2. 5. she that c. them hath done shamefully Mat. 1. 20. that which is c in her is of the H. Ghost Luke 1. 36. Elisabeth hath c. a son in her old age 2. 21. was so named before he was c. in womb Acts 5. 4. why hast thou c this thing in thine heart .' Rom. 9. 10. when Rebekah had c. Jam. 1. 15. when lust hath c. it brings forth sin CONCEPTION. Gen. 3. 16. 1 will greatly multiply thy sorrow and c. Ruth 4. 13 . the Lord gave her c. and she bare a son Hos. 9. 11 . their glory shall flee from the birth and c, CONCERN, ETH. Ezek. 12. 10. say to them, this burden c. the prince Acts 28. 31. teaching things which c. the L. .]. C. 2 Cor. 11. 30. glory m things which c. my infirmities CONCERNING. Gen. 19. 21. I have accepted thee c this thing Exod. 6. 8. c. which I did swear to give. Num. 14. 30. Lev. 4. 26. priest make atonem. for him c. sin, 5. 6. 6. 3. hath found what was lost, and lieth c. it Num. 10. 29. the Lord hath spoken good c. Israel 1 Kings 11. 10. had commanded him c. this thing 2 Kijigs 20. + 1. give charge c. thy house, Isa. 38. + 1. Neh. 1. 2. I asked them c. the Jews that escaped Psal. 90. 13. repent thee c. thy servants, 1.35. 14. Eccl. 7. 10. for thou dost not inquire wisely c. this Isa. 5. 1 20. woe to them that say c. evil, it is good 30.7. shall help in vain, theref. have I cried c. this- COIS Jm. 45. 11. ask me c. my sons, and c. work of hands Jer. 16. 3. thus saiththe Lord f. sons, c. daughters born in this place, c. their mothers, c. their fathers (;?. 19. c. the pillars, c. the sea, c. bases, c. vessels Ei.ek. 14. 22. shall be comforted c. evil, even c. all 21. 28. thus saith the Lord God c. the Ammonites 47. 14. c. wliich I have lifted up my hand to give Dan. 2. 18. would desire mercies of tl. c. this secret 6. 17. that purpose might not be changed c. Daniel JSIat. 16. 11. that I spake it not to you c. bread Mark 5. 16. they that saw, told also c. the swine Lnke 24. 27. he expounded the things c. himself Acts 13. 34. as c. that he raised him up from dead 28. 22. as c. this sect, we know it is spoken aaainst Rom. 9. 5. of whom as c. flesh Christ came, who is G. 11. 28. as c. the gospel, are enemies for your sake 16. 19. j'ou wise to what is good, and simple c. evil 2 Cor. 11. 21. 1 speak as c. reproach, as though weak Eph. 5. 32. but i speak c. Christ and tlie church P/iil. 4. 15. as c. giving and receiving, but ye only 1 Tim. 6. 21. some professing have erred c. the faith S Tim. 2. IB. who c. the truth have erred, saying 3. 8. men of corrupt minds, reprobates c. the faith 1 Pet. 4. 12. think it not strance c. the fiery trial See Him, Me, Thee, Thesi, Us, You. CONCISION. Beware of the concision, Phil. 3. 2. that is, such who under pretence of Tnaintaining circumcision, which is now no longer a seal of God's covenant, and so is no hetter than a mere cutting or slash- ing of the flesh, do prove destroyers and renders of the ciiurch. Joel 3. 1 14. multitudes in the valley of c. Phil. 3. 2. beware of dogs, beware of the c. COlvCLlJDK. Rom,. 3. 28. we c. a man is justified by faith without COISCLUDED. Acts 21. 25. as touching the Gentiles, we have c. Rom. 11. 32. for God hath c. them all in unbelief Gal. 3. 22, but the scripture hath c. all under sin CONCLUSION. Eccl. 12. 13. let us hear the c. of the whole matter CONCORD. 2 Cor. 6. 15. and what c. hath Christ with Belial ? CONCOURSE. Prov. 1. 21. she crieth in the chief place of c. Acts 19. 40. whereby we may give account of this c. CONCUBINE. This term in scripture signifies a wife of the se- cond rank, who zoas inferior to the matroyi, or mistress of the house. The chief wives differed from the concubines, (1) In that they were taken into fellowship with their husbands by solemn sti- pulation, and with consent and solemn rejoicing of friends. (2) They brought with them dowries to their husbands. (3) They had the govermnent of their families under and with their husbands. (4) The inheritance belonged to the children brought forth by them. Though the children of concuhhies did not inherit their father's estate, yet the father in his life-time might provide for them, and make presents to them: Thus Sarah ma^ Abraham's wife, of whom he had Isaac, the heir of all his wealth: But he had besides two concubines, namely, Hagar and Keturaji ; of these he had other children, whom he distinguished from Isaac, and made presents to them. As polygamy was sometimes practised by the patriarchs and among the Jews, either by God's permission, who could. rightly dispense with his own laws wheii and where he pleased ; or by their mistake about the lawfulness of it; as this was their practice, it was a common thing to see one, two, or many wives, in a family ; and besides these several concubines. David had seven wives, and ten cojicubines, 2 Sam. 3. 2, 3; 4, 5. 1 20. 3. So- lomon had seven hundred wives, who all lived in the quality of queens, and three hundred con- cubines ; and his wives turned away his heart, 1 Kings 11. 3. Rehoboam his son had eighteen wives, and sixty concubines, 2 Chron. 11. 21. But ever since the abrogation of polygamy by our Lord Jesus Christ, and the reduction of marriage to its primitive institution, the abuse of concu- bines has been coJidemned and forbidden among Christians. Judg. 19. 2. his c. played the whore against him 29. he laid hold on his c. and divided her 20. 4. I came into Gibeah, 1 and my c. to lodge 2 Sam. 3. 7. why hast thou gone in to my father's c. ? 21. 11. what Rizpah tiie c. of Saul had done CONCUBINES. Gen. 25. 6. to sons of the c. Abraham gave gifts 2 Sam. 5. 13. David took him more c. and wives 16. 22. Absalom went in to father's c. in sight of Isr. 19. 5. have saved thy life, and the lives of thy c. 20. 3. the king put his c. in ward and fed them 1 Kings 11. 3. and Solomon had three hundred c. 2 Chron. 11. 21. for Rehoboam took threescore c. Esth. 2. 14. to custody of Shaashgaz who kept the c. Cant. 6. 8. there are 60 queens and 80 c. and virgins 9. y&^■, the queens and the c. and they praised'her Dan. 5. 3. the king and his c. drank in them, 23. CONCUPISCENCE Signifies, [X] Sinful lusts, the depravity of our nature, or _ that original concupiscence which is the foun- tain from whence all particular lusts do flow, the furnace from which all sinful motions, as so many sparks, do continually arise, Rom. 7. t 7. Jam. 1. 14. [2] Actual motions and inclinations to sin, springing from this natural concupiscence, Rom. 7.8. Rom. 7. + 7. 1 had not known c. except law had said 8. sin wrought in me all manner of c. Col. 3. 5. mortify memibers, evil c. and covetousness 1 Thess. 4. 5. not in the lust of c. as the Gentiles CONDEMNATION Signifies, [1] A declaring guilty, or pronouncing the sentence of punishment upon any malefactor by some judge, John 8. 10. [2] That which aggravates one's sin and punishment, or that which is the reason, the evidence, and great cause CON of condemnation, John 3. 19. [3] The punish- ment itself, whereunto one is adjudged arid con- demned, 1 C:or. 11. 32. [4] A censuring other mens persons, purposes, words, or actions, either rashly, unjustly, or uncharitably, Luke 6. 37. [5] A WiTTiessing against and convicting persons of their 'wickedness and faults by the good example and conduct of others ; thus the Is inevites shall condemn the obstinate Jews, Mat. 12. 41. because the former repented at the preaching of Jonas, but the others shewed no signs of repentance, nut- withstanding our Haviour preached and did maiiy m.ighty works among them. God condemned sin in the flesh, Rom. 8. 3. He adjudged it to destruction, passed sentence upon it, and accordingly punished it by the sufferings of his Son in the flesh ; and thereby declared openly before all the world, by these sufferings of his Son, how abominable sin was to him, and how contrary to his nature. Christ, being no civil judge or magistrate, did not condemn the woman taken in adultery to a civil punishment : Neither did he acquit her, for that would have been making void the laiu of God: He only performs the office of a minister, arid speaks to her as the Mediator and Saviour of men, in calli7ig her to repentance and reformation, John 8. 10, 11. The ?nanner of passing sentence upon per sons, varied in most countries. The Jews, by a simple pro- nunciation of the sentence, as Thou iV. art just; Thou N. art guilty ; both absolved and condemn- ed them. The Romans gave sentence, by casting in tables into a certain box or urn prepared for the purpose. If they absolved any, they wrote the letter A in the table, it being the flrst letter of Absolvo ; if they condemned any, they wrote the letter C, the flrst of Condemno. Among the Grecians, condemnation was signified by giving a black stone ; Absolution by giving a white stone : To this last there seemeth to he an allu- sion. Rev. 2. 17. 'I'o him that overcometh I will give a vv'hite stone : that is, I will absolve and ac- quit him in the day of judgment. Luke 23. 40. seeing thou art in the same c. John 3. 19. this is the c. that light is come into world 5. 24. he that believeth shall not come into c. Rom. 5. 16. for the judgment was by one to c. 18. as by one, judgmentcame upon all men to c. 8. 1. there is no c. to them who are in Christ Jesus 1 Cor. 11. 34. that ye come not together to c. 2 Cor. 3. 9. if the ministration of c. be glorious 1 Tim. 3. 6. lest he fall into the c. of the devil Jam. 3. 1. knowing we shall receive the greater c. 5. 12. let your nay be nay, lest ye fall into c. Jude 4. who were of old ordained to this c. CONDEMN. Exod. 22. 9. whom the judges shall c. he shall pay Deut. 25. 1. judges may judge them, and c. the wick. Job 9. 20. if i justify myself, my mouth shall c. me 10. 2. 1 will say to G. do not c. me, shew me why 34. 17. and wilt thou c. him that is most just ? 40. 8. wilt thou c. me, that thou mayest be righte. Psal. 37. 33. not leave him, nor c. him when judged 94. 21. and they c. the innocent blood 109. 31. to save him from those that c. his soul Prov. 12. 2. a man of wicked devices will he c. Isa. 50.9. L. will help me, who is he that shall c. me? 54. 17. every tongue that shall rise ag. thee shall c. Mat. 12. 41. and shall c. it because, Luke 11. 32. 42. queen of the south shall rise up in judgment and c. it, Luke 11. 31. 20. 18. they shall c. him to death, Mark 10. .33. Luke 6. 37. c. not, and ye shall not be condemned John 3. 17. God sent not his Son to c. the world 8. 11. neither do\ c. thee, go and sin no more 2 Cor. 7. 3. 1 speak not this to c. you, for I said 1 John 3. 20. if our heart c. us, God is greater than 21. if our heart c. us not, then have we confidence CONDEMNED. 2 Chron. 36. 3. and c. the land in 100 talents of silver Job 32. 3. they found no answer, yet had c. Job Psal. 109- 7. when he shall be judged, let him be c. Amos 2. 8. drink the wine of c. in house of their god Mat. 12. 7- ye would not have c. the guiltless ,37. and by thy words tliou shalt be c. 27. 3. Judas, when he saw that he was c. repented Mark 14. 64. they all c. him to be guilty of death Lnike 24. 20. how the rulers delivered him to be c. John 3. 18. he that believeth on him is note, but he that believeth not is c. already ,because not believed 8. 10. Jesus said, woman, hath no man c. thee ? Ran. 8. 3. sending his Son, for sin c. sin in flesh 1 Cor. 11. 32. we should not bee. with the world Tit. 2. 8. sincerity, sound speech that cannot be c. 3. 11. sinneth, being c. of himself is subverted Heb. 11. 7. and ark, by the which he c. the world Ja?n. 5. 6. yehavec. andkilled just, not resist you 9. judge not one another, brethren, lest ye be c. 2 Pet. 2." 6. God c. them with an overthrow CONDEMNEST, ETH, ING. 1 Kings 8. 32. and judge thy ser\'ants, c. the wicked Job 15. 6. thine own mouth V. thee, and not I Prov. 17.15. he that c. the just, is abomination to Ld. Acts 13. 27. they have fulfilled them in c. him Rom. 2. 1. wherein judgest another tliou c. thyself 8. 34. it is God that justifieth, who is he that c. ? 14. 22. that c. not himself in that thing he alloweth CONDESCEND. Rom. 12. 16. not hish things, but c. to men of low co:mdition, S. 1 Sam.ll.Z. on this c. I will make a coven, with you Dan. 11. + 17. set his face to enter with equal c. Luke 14. 32. he sendeth and desireth c. of peace CONDUCT, ED. 2 Sam. 19. 15. Judah came to c. king over Jordan, 31. 40. all the people of Judah c. the king and Israel Acts 17. 15. they that c. Paul brought him to Athens 1 Cor. 16. 11. but c. hiin forth in peace to come to me CONDUIT. 2 Kings 18. 17. they came and stood by c. Isa. 36. 2. 20. 20. Hezekiah, how he made a pool and ac. CON Isa. 7- 3. go forth to meet Ahaz at the end of the c^ Ezek. 31. t4. sent out her c. to the trees ofthe field' ( ONFKCTION. Exod. 30. 35. shaltmake a c, after art of apothecary CON 1 ELTION ARIES. 1 Sam. 8. 13. he will take your daughters to be c. CONFEDERACY. Isa. 8. 12. say ye not, a c. to whom people say, a c^ Obad. 7. all men of thy c. brought thee to the border CONFEDERATE. Gen. 14. 13. and these were c. with Abram P.ja/. 83. 5. have consulted , they are e. against thee Isa. 7. 2. it was told, Syria is c. with Ephraim CONFERETSCE. Gal. 2. 6. for they in c. added nothing to me CONFERRED. 1 KingsX. 7. Adonijah c. with Joab and Abiathar Acts4. 15. they c.amongthems. what do to these men 25. 12. Festus, when fie had c. with the council Gal. 1. 16. immediately I c. not with flesh and blood CONFESS Signifies, [1] Publicly to 0W7i and acknowledge as his own : Thus Christ will confess the faithful in the day of judgment, Luke 12. 8. [2] lo men and profess the truths (f Christ, and to obey his commandments, and that in spite of all oppositioyt, and danger from enemies, ]\iat. 10.32. Whoso- ever shall confess me before men. [3] To utter, or speak forth the praises of God, or to give him thanks, Ileb. 13. + 15. Ofi'er to God the fruit of your lips, confessing his name ; that is, acknow- ledge his benefits, and give him thanks for theyn. [4] To oion, and lay open our sins and off'ences, either unto God, in private, or public confessions ; or to our neighbour whom we have wronged: or to some godly persons, at whose hands we look to receive comfort and spiritual instruction ; or to the whole congregation, when our fault is public, Psal. 32. 5. Mat. 3. 6. Jam. 5. 16. 1 John 1. 9. [5] To acknoiuledge acrimebefore ajudge,'So^.1. 19. [6] To own and profess the gospel of Christ, and pay obedience to it, Luke 12. 8. We are to make confession, (1) 'To God, whom we have offended^ who knows our sins, can pard'-'n us, or else will punishus if we refuse toconfess,'Ps?L\. .32. 5. Prov. 28. 13. (2) To our neighbour hurt by us, who otherwise complaining to God, shall have him to revenge his quarrel ; and thus man can and ought to forgive so much of the off^ence as is done against hiyv, if his adversary repent and confess, and seek pardon. Mat. 5. 23, 24. Luke 17. 4. (3) To the minister of God, or to some godly person, that, pitying the sinnefs case, caii and will give him spiritual advice against his sin, and pray for him, .Tob 33. 23. Confession to God is made by a man for himself^ Psal. 32. 5. A father for his children. Job 1. 5. A magistrate for those under his authority, Neh. 1. 6. And rnust be with knowledge of sin ^ Jer. 2. 23. Consideration of that which is done. Jer. 8. 6. Humiliation, 2 Chron. 7. 14. Ac cepting of punishment for sin, Lev. 26. 41. A particularizing of sins. Lev. 5. 5. 1 Sam. 12. 19. Prayer, Exod. 32. 32. And forsaking of sin, Prov. 28. 13. Lev. 5. 5. he shall c. that he hath sinned in that thing 16. 21. Aaron shall c. over live goat all the iniquit. 26. 40. if they shall c. their iniquity and fathers' Num. 5. 7- they shall c. their sins they have done 1 KingsS. .33. Isr. c.thy name andpray,2 C/^r. 6.24. 35. c. thy name and turn from sin, 2 Chron. 6. 26. Neh. 1. 6. and c, the sins of the children of Israel Job 40. 14. I will c. that thy hand can save thee Psal. 18. + 49. 1 will c. to thee among the heathen 32. 5. 1 said, I will c. my transgressions to the Lord Mat. 10. 32. whosoever shall c. me before men, him will I c. before my Father in heaven, Luke 12. 8. John 9. 22. if anj' man did c. that he was Christ 12. 42. rulers did not c.him ,lest be put out of S3'nag, Acts 23. 8. say no resurrection,but/Pharisees c. both 24. 14. this I c. that after the way they call heresy Rom. 10. 9. shalt c. with thy mouth the Lord Jesus 14. 11. every knee bow, every tongue shall c. to G. 15. 9. I will c. to thee among the Gentiles and sing Phil. 2. 11. that every tongue shall c. Jesus is Lord Jam. 5. 16. c. your faults one to another and pray 1 John 1 . 9. if we c. our sins, he is faithful to forgive 4. 15. whoso shall c. that Jesus is tiie Son of Goc. 2 John 7. who c. not that Jesus Chr. is come in flesh Rev. 3. 5. but I will c. his name before my Father CONFESSED, ETH, IWG. Esra 10. 1. when Ezra had c. weeping and casting Neh. 9. 2. Isr. stood and c. their sins, a fourth parte. Prov. 28. 13. but whoso c. and forsaketh them shall Dan. 9. 20. while c. my sin and the sin of my people Mat. 3.6. were baptized of him in Jordan .c.their sins .Tohn 1. 20. John c. that I am not the Christ Acts 19.18.many came and c.and shewed their deeds jE/e/^.ll. 13. these e. that they were strangers on earth 13. + 15. the fruit of our lips, c. to his name 1 John 4. 2. every spirit that e.Christ is come in flesh 3. every spirit that c. not that Jesus Christ is come CONFESSION. Josh. 7. 19. give glory to God and make c. to him 2 Chr. .30. 22. offering peace-ofi^erings and making c. Ezra 10. 11. now therefore make c.'to the Ld. God Dan. 9. 4. I prayed to the Ld. my God and made c. Rom. 10. 10. with the mouth c. is made to salvation 1 Tim. 6. 13. who before Pilate witnessed a good c. CONFIDENCE Sig-nifies, [1] Assurance, 2 Cor. 8. 22. [2] Bold- ness, or courageou>ness. Acts 28. 31. [3] Trzi.u.. or hope. Job 4. 6. [4] I'hat zchereiji one trust- eth, Jer. 48. 13. [5] Succour, or help, 2 Kings 18. 19. [6] Safety, or security, Ezek. 28. 26. [7] A- due resolution, 2 Cor. 10. 2. [8] A jree and hold proj'ession of Christ and the gospel, Heb. 10. 35. [9] A well-grounded pers^iasion of axidi- ence and acceptance. Eph. 3. 12. Judg. 9. 26. men of Shechcm put their c. in Ga-al 2 Kings \Q. 19. thus saith the great king of Assyria what c. is tliiswhereuithouti'ustcst r' Isa. 36.4, 75 CON Joh 4. 6. is not this thy fear, thy c. thy hope ? 18. 14. his c. shall be rooted out of his tabernacle 31. 24. if I have said to tine pold, thou art my c. Psal. 65. 5. who art the c. of all ends of the earth 118. 8. better to trust in Ld. than to put c. in man 9. better to trust in Lord than to put c. in princes Prov. 3. 26. for T.d. shall be thy c. and keep thy foot 14. 26. in the fear of the Lord is strong c. 21. 22. casteth down the strenath of the c. thereof 25. 19. c. in an unfaithful manis like a broken tooth ■Jxa. 30. 1.5. in quietn. and c. shall be your strength Jer. 48. 13. as Isr. was ashamed of Beth-el their c. Ezel. 28. 26. plant viney. they shall dwell with c. 29. 16. Eaypt shall be no more the c. of h. of Isr. Mic. 7. 5. trust not a friend, put ye not c. in a guide ActsOZ. 31. preaching the kmcrd. of God with all c. 2 Cor. 1. 15. in this c. i was minded to come before 2. 3. having c. in you all, that my joy is joy of you 7. 16. 1 rejoice that I have c. in you in all tilings 8. 22. diliaentonthe great c. which I have in you 10. 2. with that c. wherewith 1 think to be bold 11. 17. but as it were foolishly in this c. ot boast. Gal. 5. 10. I have c. in you through the Lord Ep/i. 3. 12. in whom access with c. by taith in him P/iil. 1. 25. having this c. 1 shall abide- with you all 3. 3. we rejoice in Chr. Jes. and have no c. in flesh 4. though 1 might also have c. in flesh, if any other 2 T/iess. 3. 4. weliave c. in the I,ord touching you Philem... keep commandm. Mic. 2. 5. that shall cast a cord b3' lot in the c. of L. 'Tabernacle of the CONOR P.GATION. Exod. 29. 10. bullock brought before the tab. ofc. 44. I will sanctify t. of c. || ,30. 26. anoint t. ofc. 33. 7. calU-d it the t. ofc. went out to the t. ofc. Lev. 3.8. kill it bef. t. ofc. 13. |1 4. 5. bring it to t. ofc. 10. 7. ye shall not go out from the door of t. ofc. 9. drink no wine when ye go into the tab. ofc. 16. 16. so do for t. ofc. \\ 33. atonement for t. ofc. Num. 4. 3. work of the t. of c. 23, 25, .30, 35, 39, 43. 8. 9. thou shalt bring the Levites before tab. ofc. 12. 4. Lord spake, come out ye three to tab. ofc. 14. 10. glory of the Lord appeared in the tab. ofc. 17. 4. lay up in t.ofc. \\ 18.4. keen charge of ^. ofc. 25. 6. Israel weeping before the door of tab. ofc. Deut. 31. 14. present yourselves in tabern. of the c. Josh. 18. 1. at Shiloh, and set up the tab. of c. there 1 Kings 8. 4. they brought up tab. ofc. 2 Chr. 5. 5. 2 Chro7i. 1. 3. for there was the tab. of c. of God See Door. Tent of the CONGREGATION. Exod. 39. .32. t. of c. finished |1 40. 2. set up t. oj c. 40. 22. table in t. ofc. \\ 24. candlestick in t. ofc. 26. and he put the golden altar in the tent of the c. .34. then a cloud covered the tent of the c. 35. Moses was not able to enter into the tent of c. Whole C O N GR EGA 'j; ION. Exod. 16. 2. the whole c. of Israel murmured Num.5. 7. they shall keep the charge of the w.c. Josh. 22. 18. to-morrow he will be wroth with w. c. Judg. 21. 13. the whole c. sent to speak to Benjamin 2 Chr. 6. 3. the king blessed the irhole c. of Israel Ezra 2. 64. the whole c. was 42,.360. Neh. 7. 66. Prov. 26. 26. wickedness be shewed before whole c. CON GREG ATION S. Psal. 26. 12. in the c. will I bless the Lord 68. 26. bless ye God in the c. even the Lord 74. 4. thine enemies roar in tiie midst of thy c. CONQUER. Rev. 6. 2. he went forth conquering and to c. CONQUERORS. Rom. 8. 37. in all these thinas we are more than c. CONSCIENCE Is///e testimony and secret judgment of the soul, iehich gives its approbation to actions that _ it thinks good, or reproaches itself zcith those xohich it believes to be evil: Or, it is a particular know- ledge which we have with us of our own deeds, good or evil, arising out of the general k-noro- ledge of the mind, which shows us what is good. evil; and Conscience tells us when _ done the one or the other, Rom. 2. 15. havi It is CON either, (1) Good, 1 Tim. 1. 5. And this ix called, [1] A conscience void of offence toward God and men ; which does not accuse a person for any viUJnl offence, either against God or men. Acts 24. 16. [C] A conscience bearing a person wit- ness in the Holy Ghost, that is, hy the conduct and guidance of the Holy Ghost, who cannot lie, Kom. 9. 1. [3] Pure and good, being purified hy the blood of Christ, Heb. 9. 14. 1 liiii. 3. 9. [4] Pinged from dead works ; that is, freed from that sentence of death which it receives by reason cf Sin, tleb. 9. 14. [5] A conscience not troubled with a sense of guilt, Heb. 10. 2. [6] A con- science checking and condemning penvns, when they have gone against their light, and approving and Justifying them, when they have ccmformed ■ to it, Rom. 2. 15. Or, (II) Evil, Heb. 10. 22. Tohen it is defiled with vicious habits, so that it does not perform its office aright. It is called, [1] A conscience seared with a hot iron; that is, quite eitmct and cut off', or -utterly hardened, which has lost all sense and feeling, 1 Tim. 4. 2. [2J A defiled conscience ; xchen it is blinded and perverted, so that it caimot judge of its own actions. Tit. 1. 15. _ This evil conscience is some- times quiet, sometimes stirring and troubled: It acitiseth when it should excuse, arid excuseth when it should acciise. The conscience also even of the best, is note and then erroneous and doubtful. The apostle Vaul permits the faithful to go and eat at the houses of the Gentiles, if they were invited thither, and to partake of every thing which xcas served up at their tables, without making parti- cular inquiries out of any scrupidosiiy of con- science ; asking no question for conscience' sake, 1 Cor. 10. 27, &c. But if any one says to them, this has been sacrificed to idols ; do not eat of it, says he,fr his sake who gave you this informa- tion; and likewise lest ye xnound not your own, but anothefs, conscience : Conscience, 1 say, not thine own, but of the other. //' he who gives you this notice is a Christian, and notwithstand- ing the information so giveji you forbear not to eat: he will condemn yon in his heart, or will eat of it after your example against his ozon coji- scieiice, and so the guilt of his sin will be im- puted to yvu. If he is an Heathen, who thus advertises you, arid he sees you eat of it, he will conceive a contempt for you and your religion, hi another place the same Apostle requires Christians to be submissive to secular power, not only for wrath, but also for conscience' sake, llom. 13. 5. that is, not only for fear of punishment from the m,agistrate, but more especially out of con- science of duty, both to God, zoho is the ordainer of him to that special ministry, under himself; and to the magistrate, whose due it is, in respect of his office. Eccl. 10. t20. curse not the king, no not in thy c. John 8. 9. being convicted by their own c. went out Acts 23. 1. Paul said, I have lived in all good c. 24. 16. to have a c. void of offence toward God and toward men Horn. 2.15.their c. also bearing wifness, and thoughts 9. 1. my c. bearing me witness in tlie Holy Ghost 13. 5. ye must be subject also for c. sake 1 Cor. 8. 7- for some with c. of the idol to this hour eat it, and their c. being weak is defiled 10. shall not the weak c. be emboldened to eat ? 12. but when ye wound their weak c. ye sin against Christ 10. 25. that eat, asking no question for c. sake, 27. 28. eat not, for his sake that shewed it, for c. sake 29. c. I say, not thine own, but of the other 2 Cor. 1. 12. our rejoicing is this, testimony of our c. 4. 2. commendins yourselves to every man's c. 1 Tim. 1. 5. out of a pure heart, and of a good c. 19. war a warfare, holding faith and a good c. 3. 9. holding the mystery of faitli in a pure c. 4. 2. havmg their c. seared with a hot iron 2 Tim. 1. 3. I thank God, whom I serve with c. Tit. 1. 15. but even their mind and c. is defiled Heb. 9. 9. iTQake perfect, as pertaining to the c. 14. purge c. from dead works to serve livinir God 10.2.worshipper3 should have had no more c. of sins 22. having our hearts sprinkled from an evil c. 13. 18. we trust we have a good c. in all thinss 1 Pet. 2. 19. if aman for c. toward God endure" grief 3. 16. having a good c. as they speak evil of you 21. but the answer of a good c. towards God CONSCIENCES. 2 Cor. 5. 11. i trust also are made manifest in your c. CONSECRATE. To consecrate, is to offer or devote any thing to God's worship and service. In the Old 1 estament, God ordained that all the first-borji, both of man and beast, should be consecrated, Exod. 13. 2, 12, 15. He cojisecrated the whole race of Israel par- ticularly to his worship, Exod. 19. 6. And like- wise he devoted the tribe of Levi, ajid the family of Aaron, m a more especial maimer to his service, JSTum. 1. 49. 1 3. 12. Besides these consecrations, which God thus ordained by his ozcn absolute and sovereign authority, there were others which de- peiided on the good zoill cf men, who consecrated themselves, or the things belonging to them., or the persons depending on them, to the service of God, for ever, or for a time only. Hannah, Samuel's mother, offered her son to the Lord, to serve all his life-time in the tabernacle, 1 Sam. 1. 11, 22. Some of the IS^azarites consecrated themselves to the Lord only for a certain time. Num. 6. 13. And the Hebrews sometimes devoted their fields, or cattle, to the Lord ; after which they were no longer in their poiver. Lev. 27. 28. In the New Testament all the faithful are consecrated to the Lord; they are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people, Eiod. 28. 3. c. Aaron || 41. anoint and c. Aaron's sons i-'g. 9. thou Shalt c. Aaron and his sons, 30. 30. CON Exod. 29. 35. seven days shalt thou c.them ,Ler;.8.33. 32. 29. Moses said, c. yourselves this day to the L. ISum. 6. 12. shall c. to L. the days of his separation 1 Chron. 29. 5. toe. his service tliis day to the Lord 2 Chron. 13. 9. to c. himself with a young bullock E2ek.43.Z6. purge altar, anci they shall c. themselves Mic. 4. 13. 1 will c. their uain to Lord and substance CO N SEC K A TED. Num. 3. 3. the sons of Aaron, whom he c. to minister Josh. 6. 19. vessels of brass and iron, are c. to the L. Jiidg. 17. 5. Micah c. one of his sons for his priest, 12. 1 Kings 13. 33. whosoever would, Jeroboam c. him 2 Chr. 29. 31. now ye have c. yourselves to the L. 31.6. the tithe of holy things whicli werec. to L, L'sia 3. 5. of all tlie set feasts of Lord that were c. Heb. 7. 28. maketh the Son, who is c. for evermore 10. 20. by a new and living way which he hath c. CONSECRATED. 2 Chr. 29. 33. c. tljinffs were 600 oxen, 3000 sheep CONSECRATION, S. Exod. 29. 22. shalt take of ram, for it is a ram of c. 34. if ought of the flesh of the c, remain Lev. 'J. 37. this is the law of the c. and sacrifice 8. 28. they werer. for a sweet savour to the Lord 31. eat it with the bread that is in the basket of c. 33. till the days of your c. be at an end Num. 6. 7. because the c. of his G. is upon his head 9. and he hath defiled the head of his c. CONSENT, ED, ING. Gen. 34. 15. but in this will we c. unto you 23. only let us c. to them, they will dwell with us r>ent. 13. 8. shalt not c. to him, nor hearken to him Judg. 11. 17. sent to king of Moab, but wouldnot c. 1 yvz«£?.y2(). 8. elders said, hearken not to hiir norc. 2 Kings 12. 8. the priests c. to receive no more mon. Psal. 50. 18. when sawesta thief, thou c. with him Prov. 1. 10. if sinners entice thee, c. thou not Dan.l.U. so he c. to them, and proven them ten days Luke 23. 51. the same had note, to the deed of them ActsS. Land Saul was e. to Stephen's death, 22. 20. 18. 20. desired to tarry longer with them, he c. not Bom. 1. 1 32. not only do the same, but*?, witli them 7. 16. what I would not, I c. to law that it is good 1 Tim. 6. 3. if anj' man c. not to wholesome words CONSENT. 1 Sam. 11. 7. and they came out with one c. Psal. 83. 5. they have consulted together with one c. Hos. 6.9. so the company of the priests murder by c. Zeph. 3. 9. may all call on L. to serve with one c. Luke 14. 18. all with one c. began to make excuse 1 Cor. 1.5. one another, except it be with c. for a time CONSIDER Signifies, [1] To think of, or meditate upon, 2 Tim. 2. 7. [2.] To view, mark, or observe. Lev. 13. 13. [3] To resolve, or determine, Judg. 18. 14. [4] To wojider and admire at. Job 37. 14. [5] To pity, comfort, or relieve, Psal. 41. 1. [6] To re- member, or call to mind, 1 Sam. 12. 24. Lev. 13. 13. then the priest shall c. the leprosy Deut. 4. 39. know this day and c. it in thine heart 32. 29. O that they were wise to c. their latter end Judg. 18. 14. now therefore c. what ye have to do 1 Sam. 12. 24. c. how great things hath done for you 25. 17. therefore know and c. what tliou wilt do Job 11. 11. he seeth also, will he not then c. it.' 23. 15. when I c. I am afraid of him 34. 27. turned back and would not c. of his ways 37. 14. stand still and c. the wondrous works o»'God Psal. 5. 1. c. my meditation 1| 9.13. c. my trouble 8. 3. when I c. the heavens, the work of thy fingers 13. 3. c. and hear, 45. 10. |i 25. 19. c. my enemies .37. 10. shalt diligently c. his place, it shall not be 48. 13. c. her palaces, that ye may tell it toaener. 50. 22. now c. this, ye that forget God, les1t 1 tear 64. 9. for they shall wisely c. of his doing 119- 95. but 1 will c. thy testimonies 153. f. m.ine affliction, and deliver me, I forget not 159. f. how 1 love thy precepts, quicken me,0 Lord Prov. 6. 6. go to the ant, c. her ways, and be wise 23. 1. with a ruler c. diligently whatis before thee 24. 12. doth not he that pondereth the heart c. it .' Eccl. 5. 1. for they c. not that they do evil 7. 13. c. the work of God, who can make straight 14. in prosperity be joyful, but in day of adv'er. c. Isa.1.3. Israel doth not know, my people doth not c. 5.. 12. neither c. the operation of his nands 14. 16. shall narrowly look upon thee andc. thee 18. 4. and I will c. in my dwelling-place 41. 20. that they may see, and know, and c. 43. 18. remember ye not, nor c. the things of old 52. 15. what they had not heard shall they c. Jer. 2. 10. c. and see if there be such a thing 23. 20. in the latter days ye shall c. it, 30. 24. Lam. 2. 20. O Lord, c. to whom thou hast done tliis 5. 1. O Lord, c. and behold our reproach Esek. 12. 3. it may be they will c. though they be a rebellious house Dan. 9. 23. understand the matter, and c. the vision Hos. 7. 2. they c. not in their hearts that I remember Hag. 1.5. thus saith the Lord, c. your ways. 7. 2. 15. 1 pray you, c. from this day and upward, 18. Mat.a. 28. c. the lilies of the field, Luke 12. 27. L.uke 12. 24. c. the ravens, they neither sow nor reap John 11. 50. nor f . it is expedient for us that one die Acts 15. 6. the elders came to c. of this matter 2 Tim. 2. 7- f . and the Lord give thee understanding Heb. 3. 1. brethren, c. the Apostle and High-priest 7. 4. now c. how great this man was, unto whom 10. 24. let us c. one another to provoke to love 12. 3. c. him that endured contradiction of sinners CONSIDERED, EST. 1 li ings3.11. when I <:. in morning, it was not my son 5. 8. I have c. things which thou sentest to me'for Job 1. 8. hast thou c. my servant Job ? 2. 3. Psal. 31.7. 1 will be glad, for thou hast c. my trouble Prov. 24. 32. then I'saw and c. it well Eccl. 4. 1. I c. all the oppressions that are done 4. again I c. all travail and every riaht work 9. 1. for all this I r. in my heart to declare this Jer. 33. 24. c. not what this people have spoken Dan. 7. 8. I c. the horns, and behold there came up Mat, 7. 3. c. not the beam that is in thine own eye CON Mark 6. 52. they c. not the miracle of the loaves Acts 12. 12. when Peter had c. the thing, he came Rom. 4. 19. he c. not his own body now dead CON SID KRE III, ING. Ps. 33. 15. fashion, hearts alike, he c. all their works 41.1. blessed is he that c. the poor. Lord will deliver Prov. 21. 12. righteous man c. house of the wicked t 29. but as for the upright, he c. his way 28. 22. and c. not that poverty shall come on him 29.7. the righteous c. the cause of the poor 31. 16. she c. a field, and buyeth it, plants vineyard.3 Isa. 44. 19. none c. in his heart to say, I have burnt 57. 1. none c. that the richteous is taken away Ezek. 18. 14. and c. and doth not such like, 28. Dan. 8. 5. as I was c. behold an he-goat came Gal. 6. 1. c. thyself, lest thou also be tempted Heb. 13. 7. c. the end of their conversation CONSIST, ETH. Luke 12. 15. a man's life c. not in the abundance Col. 1. 17. he is before all things, by him all things c. CONSOLAIION Is that inzvard spiritual refreshing and strengthening of the heart, by the consideration arid experience of God's gracious promises in Christ, 2 Cor. 1. 5. The Holy Ghost is the zvorker of comfort, and ia therefore called the Comforter, John 16. 7. The promises of the zvord are the grounds of coinfort, 1 L hess. 4. 18. ; ayid godly ministers and the faith- ful, are the helpers of our comfort and consola- tion. 2 Cor. 7. 6, 1. Waiting for the consolation of Israel, L.uke 2. 25. He waited for Christ to comfort them against their troubles both spiritual and outward. The P'-ophets used to comfort the people of God among the Jews, against all their sad tidings they brought them, with the prophecies of the coming and kingdom of Christ, Isa. 66. 12, 13. Hereinr Simeon shezced the truth of his piety and devo- tion, that he believed, and waited for the coming of Christ. Jer. 16. 7. nor shall men give them the cup of c. Luke 2. 25. Simeon, waiting for the c. of Israel 6. 24. woe to you rich, for ye have received your c. Acts 4. 36. which is, being interpreted, the son of c. 15. 31. which when read, they rejoiced for the c. Bom. 15. 5.the God of e. grant you to be like-minded 2 Cor. 1. 5. so our c. also aboundeth by Christ 6. afflicted, for your c. and sal. comf. for your c. 7. of sufferings, so shall ye be partakers of the c. 7. 7. but by the c. wherewith he was comforted Phil. 2.1. if there be any c. in Christ, fulfil ye my joy 2 Thess. 2. 16. who hath given us everlasting c. Philem.T. we have great joy ana c. m tny love Heb. 6. 18. we misht have a strong c. who have fied CONSOLATIONS. Job 15. 11. are the c. of God small with thee ? 21. 2. hear my speech, and let this be your c. Isa. 66. 11. and be satisfied with the breasts of her c. CONSORTED. Acts 17. 4. some of them c. with Paul and Silas CONSPIRACY. 2 Sam. 15. 12. and Absalom's c. was strong 2 Kings 12. 20. his serv. made a c. and slew Joash 14. 19. they n\ade a c. ag. Amaziah, 2 Chr. 25. 27. 15. 15. acts of Shallum and his c. which he ir.ade 30. Hoshea made a c. against Pekah 17. 4. the king of Assyria found c. in Hoshea Jer. 11. 9. a c. is found among ihe men of Tudah Ezek. 22. 25. is a e. of her prophets in midst thereof Acts 23. 13. more than forty who had made this c. CONSPIRATORS. 2 Sam. 15. 31. Ahithophe! is among c.with Absalom CONSPIRED. Gen. 37- 18. they c. against Joseph to slay him 1 Sam. 22. 8. that all of you have c. against m.e 13. why have ye c. ag. me, thou and^son of Jesse 1 Ki)igs 15. 27. Baasha son of Ahijaht-. as. Nadab 16. 9. Zim.ri c. against Elah and slew him, 16. 2 Kings 9. 14. Jehu son of Nimshi c. against Joram 10. 9. I c. against my master and sleV him 15. 10. Shallum c.against Zachariah,and smote him 25. Pekah c. against Pekahiah, and smote him 21. 23. the servants of Amon c. against him 24. slew all that c. against Amon, 2 Chr. 33. 25. 2 Chron. 24. 21. and they c. against Jehoiada 25. the servants of Joash c. against him, 26. Neh. 4. 8. c. all of them together, and come and fight Ainos 7. 10. Amos hath c. against thee in Israel CONSTANT, LY. 1 Chron. 28. 7- if he be c. to do my commandments Ezra 9. t 8. to give us a c. abode in his holy place Psal. 51. 1 10. and renew a c. spirit within me Prov. 11. 28. but the man that heareth, speaketh c. Acts 12. 15. Rhoda c. affirmed that it was even so Tit. 3. 8. these things I will that thou aflirm c. CONSTELLATIONS. 2 Kings13.\5. put down those that burnt incense to c. Isa. 13. 10, the c. thereof shall not give their light CONSTRAIN. Gal. 6. 12. they c. you to be circumcised, only lest CONSTRAINED, ETH. 2 KingsA.Q.\\-\e woman of Shunem c .him to eat bread Job 32. 18. full of matter, the spirit within me c. me Mat. 14. 22. Jesus c. his disciples, Markfi. 45. Luke 24. 29. but they c. him, saying, abide with us Acts 16. 15. Lj'dia c. us to come into her house 28. 19. I was c. to appeal to Ctesar 2 Cor. 5.14. for love of Chr. c. us, because we judge CONSTRAINT. 1 Pet. 5. 2. taking oversiaht, not by c. but willinaly CON.sULl'. Psal. 62. 4. only cast him down from excellency CONSLTLTATION. Markl5. 1. the chief priests held a c. with the elders CONSULTED. 1 Kings 12. 6. Rehoboam c. with the old men, 8. 1 Chr. 13. 1. Dav. c. \\M\ the captains of thousands 2 Chron. 20. 21. Jehoshaphat c. with the people Neh. 5. 7. I c. with myself, and rebuked the nobles Pa«/. 83. 3. they have c. against thy hidden ones 5. for the}' have c. together with one consent Ezek. 21. 21. the king of Babylon c. with images 77 CON Dan. 6. 7. all the presidents and captains c. toirether Mic. 6. 5. lemember what Halak king of Moab c. Hah. 2. 10. hast c. shame to thy house, by cutf ina off JMat. 26. 4. c. that they might take .lesiis and kill John 12. 10. chief piiests c. to put Lazarus to death COIJSULTER. Deut. 18. 11. not found among you a c. with spirits COISISULTKTH. Luke 14. 31. c. whether he be able with 10,000 to meet COIMSUME ■feignihes, [1] To waste, destroy, and h ring to rater ruin, and desolation, Exod. 32. 10. [2] To spend, or squander axuay. Jam. 4. 3. [3] To vanish moay. Job 7-9. [4] To make or cause to pass away, Psal. 78. 33. [5] 'To burn v.p, Luke 9. 54. [6] To melt away, Jer. 6. 29. [7] To crush, Esth, 9. t 24. Gen. 41. .30. and the famine shall c. the land JLxod. 33. 3. lest I c. thee in the way, 5. Lev. 26. 16. the burning ague that shall c. the eyes Heut. 5. 25. for this exeat tire will c. us 7. 16. thou shall c. all people which 1 ord God shall 28. 38. gather but little, for locust shall c. it, 42. 32. 22. afire kindled in mine anger shall c. earth Josh. 24. 20. will c. you after he hath done you good XSam.l. 33. the man of thine shall be to t'. thine eyes 2 Kings 1. 10. let fire c. thee and thy fifty, 12. Job 15. 34. fire shall c. the tabernacles ot bribery 20. 26. a fire not blown shall c. him 24. 19. drought and heat c. the snow-waters Psal. 37. 20. shall c. into smoke shall they c. away 39. 11. makest his beautv to c. away like a moth 49. 14. their beauty shall c. in the grave 78. 33. therefore their days did he c. in vanity Jfa. 7.20. and it shall aiso c. the beard 10. 18. and shall c. the glory of his forest and field 27. 10. there shall the cal'f c. the branches Jer. 49. 27. fire shall c. the palaces of Ben-liadad Lzek. 4. 17. and c. away for their iniquity 13. 13. and great hail-stones in my fury to c. it 21. 28. the sword is drawn, it is furbished to c. 22. 15. T will c. thy filtiiiness out of thee 24. 10. kindle tlie fire, c. the flesh, and spice it well 35. 12. they are desolate, they are given us to c. Dan. 2. 44. it sliall c. all these kingdoms and stand Hos. 11. 6. and the sword shall c. his branches Zeph. 1. 2. I will c. all things from off the land 3. 1 will c. man and beast, Twill c. fowls of heaven Zech. 5. 4. it shall remain in his house and c. it 14. 12. their flesh, eyes, tongue shall c. away 2 Thess. 2.8. that wicked one, whom the Lord shall c. Jam. 4. 3. ye ask that ye may c. it on your lusts CO^SliUE them. Exod. 32. 10. wrath wax hot, that I may c. them, 12. Num. 16. 21. that I may c. them in a moment, 45. Deut. 7. 22. thou mayest not c. them at once 1 Sam. 15. 1 18. destroy Amalekites till thou c. them 2 Chron. 18. 1 10. push Syria till thou c. them Neh. 9. 31. thou didst not utterly c. them Esth. 9. + 24. Ilaman had cast the lot to c. them Pial.59.13. c. th. in wrath, c. ^/i.that they may not be Jer. 8. 13. I will surely c. them, saith the Lord 14. 12. but I will c. them, by the sword and famine Ezek. 20. 13. 1 would pour fury on them to c. them Luke 9. 54. fire to come and c. them, as Elias did CONSUMED. ■Gen. 19. 15. lest thou be c. in the iniquitj'of thecity 17. escape to the mountain, lest thou be c. 31. 40. thus I was, in the day the drought c. me Exod. 3. 2. behold the bush burned, and was not c. 15. 7- sentestthy wrath, which c. them as stubble 22. 6. if the corn or the field be c. therewith Lev. 9. 24. and c. upon the altar the burnt-offering Ntim. 11.1. c. them in uttermost parts of the camp 12. 12. let her not be as one of whom flesh is half c. 16. 26. depart lest ye be c. in all their sins .35. there came out fire and c. the 250 men 21. 28. a fire is gone out, it hath c. Ar of Moab 25. 11. that I c. not the children of Israel 32. 13. till the generation that had done evil was c. Deut. 2. 16. when the men of war were c. and dead Judy. 6. 21. there rose fire out of rock and c. flesh XSam.ll.W. 1 shalloneday bee. by hand of .'-^aul 2&?w. 13. 1 39. the soul of David was c. to go forth 21. 5. the man that c. us, and devised agaiiist us 1 Kings 18. 38. then the fire of the Lord' fell and c. tlie sacrifice, and licked up the water, 2 Chr. 7. l. 2 Kings\.\Q. and fire c. him and his fifty, 12. 2 Chron. 8. 8. whom the children of Israel c. not Neh. 2. 3. the gates thereof are c. with fire, 13. Job 1. 16. the fire of God hath c. sheep and servants 4. 9. by the breath of his nostril^- are they c. 6. 17. the snow and the ice are c out of their place 7. 9. as the cloud is c. and vanisheth away 19. 27. my reins c. \\ 33. 21. his flesh is c. away Psal. 6. 7 . mme eyes c. 31 . 9. 1! 10. my bones c. 102. 3, 39. 10. I am c. by the blow of thine hand 64. +6. we are c. by that which they searched 71. 13. let them be confounded and c. that are 73. 19. thej^ are utterly c. with terrors 78. 63. fire c. their young men, maidens not given 90. 7. for we are c. by thine anger and thy wrath 104. 35. let the sinners be c. out of the earth 119. 87. they had almost c. me upon the earth 139. my zeal hath c. me, because mine enemies Prov. 5. 11. when thy flesh and thy bocly are c. 22. t8. with the rod of his anger he shall be c. Isa. 16. 4. the oppressors are c. out of the land 29. 20. scorner is c. and all that watch for iniquity 64. 7- thou iiast v. us, because of our iniquities Jer. 5. 3. hast c. them, but they refused correction 6. 29. the lead is c. || 12. 4. the beasts are c. 20. 18. that my days should be c. with shame 36. 23. till all the roll was c. in the fire on hearth 44, 18. we have been c. by sword and famine Ijam. 2. 22. tliose I swaddled hath mine enemy c. 3. 22. it is of the Lord's mercies we are not c. E^ek. 19. 12. her rods broken, fire c. them, 22. 31. 24. 11. on the coals, that the scum of it may be c. 43. 8. wherefore I have c. them in mine anger Mai. 3. 6. *:herefore the sons of Jacob are not c. Gal. 5. 15. take lieed ye be not c. one of another 78 CON Shall be CONSUMED. Num. 14. 35. in this wilderness shall they be c. 17. 13. shall die, shall we he c. with dymg r" 1 Sam. 12. 25. ye shall be c. both ye and your kin Isa. 1. 28. they that forsake the Lord shall be c. 66. 17. eating swine's Hesli, shall bee. together : they tliat ent swine's flesh shall be c. Jer. 14. 15. by famine shall those prophets be c. 16. 4. they shall be c. by the sword, 44. 12, 27. I'.zek. 5. 12. with famine shall they be c. in the midst 13.14. it shall f&U, ye shall be c. in the midst thereof 34. 29. tliey shall be no more c. with hunger 47. 12. leaf not fade, nor shall the fruit thereof Zc c. Dan. 11. 16. land which by his hand shall be c. CONSUMED, with till, qx until. Deut. 2. 15. to destroy, until they were c. Josh. 5. 6. 28. 21. pestilence cleave to thee, w«??7 he have c.ihee Josh. 10. 20. an end of slaying them till they were c. 1 Sam. 15. 18. and fight against them until they be c. 2 Sam. 22. 38. 1 have pursued my enemies, and I turned not again until 1 had c. them, Fsal. 18. .37. 1 Kings 22. 11. shall push the Syrians until thou have c. them, 2 Kings 13. 17, 19. 2 Chr. 18. 10. Ezra 9. 14. be angry with us till thou hadst c. us Jer. 9. 16. and 1 will send a sword after them till I have c. ttiem, 24. 10. 1 27. 8. 1 49. 37. CONSUMETII, ING. Dertt. 4. 24. the Lord thy G . is a c. fire, Heh. 12. 29. 9. 3. the Lord goeth over before thee as a c. fire Job 13. 28. he c. as a garment tliat is motli-eaten 22. 20. but the remnant of tliem the fire c. 31. 12. for it is a fire that c. to destruction Isa. 5. 24. as fire the stubble, and as the flame c. chaff CON SUMMATION. Dan. 9. 27. shall make it desolate, even until the c. CONSUMPTION. Lev. 26. 16. 1 will appoint over you tenor, c. Deut. 28. 22. the Loni shall smite thee with a c. Judg. 20. + 40. the wiiole c. of the city ascended up Isa. 10. 22. the c. decreed shall overflow with riglit. 23. for the Lord God of hosts shall make a c7 28. 22. for I have heard from the L. G. of hosts a c. CONTAIN. 1 Kings 8. 27- behold the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot c. thee, 2 Chron. 2. 6. | 6. 18. Esek. 45.11. batli may c. tenth part of an homer John 21. 25. the world could not c. the books written 1 Cor. 7. 9. but if they cannot c. let them marry CONTAINED, ETH, ING. Ezek. 23. .32. drink of thy sister's cup, it c. much John 2. 6. six water-pots c. 2 or 3 firkins a piece Rom. 2. 14. do by nature the things c. in the law Eph. 2. 15. havinir abolished tlie law c. in ordinances 1 Pet. 2. 6. wheref. it is c. in scriptuic, behold 1 lay CONTEMN, ED, ETH. Psal. 10. 13. wherefore do the wicked c. God ? 15. 4. in whose eyes a vile person is c. but honours 107. 11. they c. the counsel of the most High Caw^.8.7. if give his substance for love, it would be r. Isa. 16. 14. glory ofMoabshall bee. with greatmult. Ezek. 21. 10. it c. the rod of my son, as every tree 13. and what if the sword i . even the rod :■ CONTEMPT. Gen. .38. f 23. let her take it lest we become a c. Esth. 1. 18. thus shall there arise too much c. Job 12. 21. he poureth c. on princes, Psal. I07. 40. 31. 34. or did the c. of families terrify me .' Psal. 119. 22. remove from me reproach and c. 123. 3. for we are exceedingly filled withe. 4. our soul is filled with the c. of the proud Prov. 18. 3. when the wicked cometh, then cometh c. Isa. 23. 9. to bring into c. all the honourable of earth Dan. 12. 2. some shall awake to everlasting c. CONTEMPTIBLE. Mai. 1. 7- in that ye say, the table of the Lord is c. 12. even his meat is c. || 2. 9. I also made you c. 2 Cor. 10. 10. his presence is weak, his speech c. CONTEMPTUOUSLY. Psal. 31. 18. which speak c. against the righteaus CONTEND Signifies, [1] To strive, Jer. 18. 19. [2] To dispute. Acts 11. 2. [,3] To debate, or plead. Job 9. 3. | 40. 2. [4] To fight, Deut. 2. 9. [5] To reprove sharply, Neh. 13. 11. [6] To endeavour to con- vince a person of, and reclaim him from his evil way, Prov. 29. 9. [7] To punish, Amos 7. 4. Earnestly to contend for the faith, Jude 3. stre- imously to maintain and defend the apostolical doctrine, by constancy in the faith, zeal for the truth, holiness of life, mutual exhortation, prayer, suffering for the gospel, Sfc. withstanding all such heretics as would impugn and corrupt the doc- trines revealed in the gospel. Dent. 2. 9. neither c. with Moabites in battle, 24. Job 9. 3. if c. he cannot answer him one of a thousand 13. 8. will ye accept his person, and c. for God .'' Pi'ov. 28. 4. such as keep the law c. with them Eccl. 6. 10. nor may he c. with him that is mightier Isa. 49- 25. I will 'c. with them that c. with thee 50. 8. he is near that justifieth, who will c. with me? 57. 16. I will note, for ever, nor will I be wroth Jer. 12. 5. then how canst thou c. with horses ? 18. 19. hearken to voice of them that c. with me Jlmos 7. 4. behold the Lord God called to e. by fire Mic. 6. 1. hear ye, arise, e. thou before the mount Jude 3. should earnestly e. for faith deliv. to saints CONIENDED. Neh. 13. 11. then c. I with the rulers and said, I7. 25. T e. with them, and cursed them, and smote Job 31. 13. if I despised my servants when they e. Jfeut. 23. 25. come into standing c. of thy neighbour Judg. 15. 5. let foxes go into standing c. burn up st. c. CORN and wine. Gen. 27. 28. God give thee plenty of c. and wine 37. with c. and wine have 1 sustained him Deut. 7. 13. he will also bless thy c. and wine 11. 14. that mayest gather in thy c. andwine and oil 12. 17- mayest not eat tithe of thy <^. and w. 14. 23. 16. 13. after thou hast gathered in thy c. ayid wirie 18. 4. give him first-friait of thy c. and w. and oil 28. 51. which shall not leave thee c. and zv. or oil 33. 28. .lacob shall be upon aland of c. and wine S Kings 18. 32. to a land of c. and wine, Isa. 36. 17. 2 Ckron. 31. 5. Isr. brought first-fruits of c. and w. 32. 28. store-houses for increase of c. loine, and oil JVe/?. 5. 11. restore the 100th part of c. leine, and oil 10. 39. bring offering of c. of new wine, 13. 5, 12. Psal. 4. 7. than in time their c. and wine increased Lam. 2.12. say to their mothers,where is c. andwine ? Hos. 2. 8. she knew not that 1 gave her c. w. and oil 22. the earth shall hear the c. and wine and the oil 7. 14. they assemble themselves for c. and wine Joell. 19. behold, I will send you c. and w. and oil Hag. 1. 11. I called for drought on c. andnnvf wine Zech. 9. 17. c. make men cheerful, a7id w. the maids CORNER. Lev. 21. 5. shall they shave off the c. of their beard 2 ChT(m. 28. 24. he made altars in every c. of Jerus. Prov. 7. 8. passing through the street near her c. 12. she is without, and lieth in wait at every c. 21. 9. better to dwell in c. of the house-top, 25. 24. Isa. 30. 20. yet thy teachers not be removed into a c. Jer. 48. 45. a flame shall devour the c. of Moab 51. 26. they shall not take of thee a stone for a c. Ezek. 46. 21. in every r. of court there was a court A?7tos 3. 12. that dwell in Samaria in thee, of a bed Zech. 10. 4. out of him came forth the c. and nail Mat. 21. 42. the stone the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the c. Psal. 118. 22. Mark 12. 10. Luke 20. I7. Acts A. 11.1 Pet. 2. 7 Acts 26. 26. tor this thing was not done in a c. CORNER GATE. 2 Kngs 14. 13. from gate of Ephraim to the c. gate 2 Chron. 26. 9. built towers at .lerusalem at c. gate Jer. 31 . .38. city shall be built from tower to gate of c. Zech. 14. 10. land shall be inhabited to the c. oate CORNERSTONE. Joh 38. 6. or who laid the c. -stone thereof? Psal. 118. 22. is become the head stone of the c. 144. 12. that our daughters may be as c. stones Isa. 28. 16. in /ion a precious c. stone, 1 Pet. 2 6 Eph. 2. 20. Christ himself bein-r the chief c. stone corners: Exod. 25. 12. put rings in four c. of ark, two on one side, and two on the other, 26. | 27. 4. | 37. 13 27. 2. make the horns upon the four c. 38. 2. ' ' Lev. 19.9. Shalt not reap the r. of your field , 23. 22 27. ye shall not round c. of your heads nor beard Num. 24. 17. a sceptre shall smite the c. of Moab Deut. 32. 26. I said, I will scatter them into c. ISam. 14. 138. draw near, ye c. of the people Neh. 9. 22. moreover thou didst divide them into <•. Joh 1. 19. a great wind smote the four c. of the house Isa. 11. 12. srather dispersed of Judah from four c. Jer. 9- 25, 26. 1 will punish circuincised with uncir- cumcised, all that are in utterm. c. 25. 23. 1 49 32 Ezek. 7. 2. the end is come upon four c. of the land 45. 19. put blood upon the four c. of settle of altar Zeph. 3. t6. their c. are desolate, their streets waste Zech. 9. tl5. shall be filled as the c. of the altars Mat. 6. 5. they love to pray in the c. of the streets Acts 10. 11. a great sheet knit at four c. 11. 5. Pev. 7. 1. four angels standiny- on four c. of the earth CORN ET. Exod. 19. 1 13. when the c. soundeth long, come up 1 Chron. 15. 28. brought up the ark with sound ofc. Psal. 98. 6. with sound of the c. make a joyful noise 150. 1 3. praise him with the sound of the c. Dan. 3. 5. at what time ye hear the sound of c. 15 10. made decree, even man shall hear sound of c. Mos. 5. 8. blow ye the c. in Gibeah, and the trumpet Joel 2. 1 1. blow ye the c. in Zion, and sound alarm CORNETS. 2 Sam. 6. 5. David played before the Lord on c. 2 Chron. 15. 14. sware to the Lord shouting with c. CORPSE, S. 2 Kings 19.35. behold they were all dead c.Isa.Sl 36 Nah. 3. 3. there is no end of c. they stumble on c Mark 6. 29. disciples took .lohn'sc. and laid in tomb CORPULENT. Jer. 50. til. because ye are grown c. as a heifer CGRirECT. Psal. .39. 11. when thou dost c. man for iniquity 94. 10. hetliatchastiseth heathen, shall not he c ^ Prov. 29. 17. 0. thy son, and he shall give thee rest Jer. 2. 19. thine own wickedness sliall c. thee 10. 24. O L. c. me, but with judgment, not in anger 30. 11. but I will c. thee in measure, 46. 28. COiiPvECTE'D, EM J. Joh 5. 17. behold, happy is the man whom God c. Prov. 3. 12. for whom tiie Lord loveth, he c. 29. 19. a servant will not be c. by words JEIed. 12. 9. we have had fathers of our fiesh which c CORRECriON. Job .37. 13. rain to come, whether for c. or mercy Prov. 3. 11. my son, despise not nor be weary of his c. 80 COR Prov. 7. 22. he goeth as a fool to the c. of the stocks 15. 10. c. IS grievous to him that forsaketh the way + 32. he that refuseth c. despiseth his own soul 22. 15. but the rod ofc. shall drive it from him 23. 13. withhold note, from the child Jer. 2. 30. your children they received no c. 5. 3. but they have refused to receive c. 7. 28. this is a nation that receiveth not c. Hos. 5. ■I-2. thoush I have been a c. of them all Had. 1. 12. O God, thou hast established them for c. Zeph. 3. 2. she obeyerl not, she recei>. ed not c. 2 Tim. 3. 16. the scripture is profitable for c. CORRUPT Sicnifies, [11 To consume, JMat. 6. 19. [2] To de- file, or pollute, Exod. .32. 7- [31 To mar, spoil, or infect, 1 Cor. 15. 33. [4] To entice, or al- lure, 2 Cor. 11. 3. [5] To break, or make void, Mai. 2. 8. [6] To cause to dissemble, Dan. 11. t 32. [7] Vicious and unsound, wholly biassed by carnal interest and corrupt affections, 1 Tim. 6. 5. 2 Tim. 3. 8. [81 Filthy and xinsavoury, corrupt communication, 4. 29. ; that is, such communication as proceeds from corruption in the speaker, and tends to infect and corrupt the minds or manners of ike hearers. [9] Deceitful, Dan. 2. 9. Corruption sometimes signifies rottenness or putre- faction, such as our bodies are .subject to iji the grave, Psal. 16. 10. Ihou wilt not suffer thine holy One to see corruption ; 1 Cor. 15. 42. It is sown in corruption : Like seed it is laid in the earth, snhject to rottenness. It likewise signifies the infectious and poisonous jiature of sin, which spiritually wastes the soul, being contrary to that integrity and soundness in which we 'were created. Eph. 4. 22. Put off the old man which is corrupt ; that is, labour to mortify and subdue that cor- ruption of nature which has infected the whole Tnan, both soul and body, and zo'hich daily grows worse and more corru).t by the fulfilling of its lusts. The apostle Peter, .'ipeaking of seducers, says, that they are the servants of corruption, 2 Pet. 2. 19. They are slaves to their lusts, and under the power arid dominion of sin. The mozint of Olives is called the mount of corruption, 2 Kings 23. 13. because Solomon built thereon tem- ples to the gods of the Ammonites, and of the Moabites, to gratify his wives, who were natives of these nations. Gen. 6. 11. the earth also was c. before God, 12. Judg. 2. 1 19. when the judge was dead they were c. Job 17. 1. my breath is c. my days are extinct Ps. 14. 1. they are c. none doth good, 53. 1. | 73. 8. 38. 5. my wounds stink, and are c. because of folly Prov. 25. 26. as a troubled fountain and c. spring jEze^.20.44. not according to your c. doings, O Israel 23. 11. she was more c. in her inordinate love than Dan. 2. 9. ye have prepared lying and c. words Mai. 1. 14. cursed that sacrificeth to Lord a c. thing Mat. 7. 17. a c. tree bringeth forth evil fruit 18. nor can a c. tree bring good fruit, Luke 6. 43. 12. .33. or else make the tree c. and his fruit c. Eph. 4. 22. put off the old man which is c. 29. let no c. communication proceed out of mouth 1 Tim. 6. 5. perverse disputings of men ofc. minds 2 Tim. 3. 8. tliese resist the tiuth, men of c. minds CORRUPT. Deut. 4. 16. take heed lest ye c. yourselves, 25. 31. 29. after my death ye will c. yourselves Dari. 11. + 17. give him the daughter of women to c. .32. such as do wickedly shall he c. by flatteries Mai. 2. 3. behold 1 will c. your seed, spread dung Mat. 6. 19. on earth, where moth and rust doth c. 20. treasures, where neither moth nor rust doth c. 1 Cor. 15. 33. evil communications c. good manners 2 Cor. 2. 17. we are not as many that c. the word Jude 10. in those things they c. themselves Bev. 11. 1 18. shouldest destroy them that c. earth 19. 2. great whore did c. earth with her fornications CORRUPTED, ETH. Gen. 6. 12. for all flesh had c. his way upon the earth Exod. 8. 24. the land was c. by reason of the flies 32.7. Lord said to Moses, get thee down, for thy people have c. themselves, Deut. 9. 12. 1 32. 5. .Judg. 2. 19. c. themselves more tlian their fathers Eiek. 16. 47. thou wast c. more than they in ways 28. 17. thou hast c. thy wisdom by thy brightness Hos. 9. 9. havedeeplyr.thems. as in days of Gibeah Amos 1. + 11 . pursued broth, and c. his compassions Zeph. 3. 7- they rose early and c. all their doings Mal.Q.S. ye have c. the covenant of Levi, saith Lord Luke 12. 33. M'here no thief approacheth, nor moth c. 2 Cor. 7. 2. we have wronged no man, have c. no man 11. 3. lestyour minds be'c. from sim.plicity in Christ Jam. 5.1,2. 20 to ye rich men, your riches are c. CORRUPTERS. Isa. 1. 4. ah sinful nation, children that are c. Jer. 6. 28. they are brass and iron, they are all c. CORRUPTIBLE. Rom. 1. 23. changed to an image made like to c. man 1 Cor. 9. 25. now they do it to"obtain a c. crown 15. 53. for this c. must put on incorruptibn 1 Pet.l. 18. ye were not redeemed with c. things 23. being born again, not of c. seed but incorrupt. 3. 4. but let it be in that which is not c. meek spirit CORRUPTING. Dan. 11. 17. give him the dauahtei of women c. her CORRUPTION. Lev. 22. 25. because their c. is in them , and blemishes 2 Kings 23. 13. on the right hand of the mount of c. .Tob 17. 14. I have said to c. thou art my father Psal. 16. 10. not leave my soul, nor wilt thou suffer thine holy One to see c. Acts 2. 27 1 13. .35. 49. 9. that he should live for ever, and not see c. />«. 38. 17. thou hast delivered it from the pit of c. Dan. 10. 8. for my comeliness was turned in me to c. J('7iah 2. 6. yet hast thou brouaht up my life from c. Acts 2. 31 . soul not left in hell, nor his flesh did see c. 13. 34. he raised him up, no more to return to c. .36. David was laid to his fathers and saw c. .37. but he whom God raised again saw no c. Rom. Q. 21. shall be delivered from the bondage ofc. GOV 1 Cor. 15. 42. it is sown in c. raised in inconuption 50. neither doth c. inherit incorruption Gal. 6. 8. that soweti) to the flesli ; shall of flesh reap c. 2 Pet. 1. 4. escaped the c. that is in world thro' lust 2. 12. and shall utterly perisii in their own c. 19. they themselves are the servants of c. CORRUPTLY. 2 Chron. 27. 2. and the people did yet c. Neh. 1. 7. we have dealt very c. aaainst thee COS!'. 2 Sam. 19. 42. have we eaten at all of the king's c .'' 24. 24. nor offer to (t. of that which c. me nothing 1 Chr. 21. 24. nor oft'er burnt-offerings without r. Luke 14. 28. sittetii not down first, and counteth c. COSTL1N1-.S8. Rev. 18. 19. all that had ships made rich by her c. COSTLY. 1 Kings 5. 17. they brought c. stones, hewed stones 7. 9. all these were ofc. stones by the measures 10. foundation was ofc. stones, even great stones 11. and above were c. stones and cedars John 12. 3. Mary took a pound of spikenard, very r. 1 Tim. 2. 9.that women adorn thems. not with c. array COl'ES. 2 Chron. 32. 28. Hezekiah made c. for flocks COTTAGE, S. Isa. 1. 8. daugh. of Zion is left as a c. in a vineyard 24. 20. the earth shall be removed like a c. ZepA. 2. 6. the sea-coast shall be c. for shepiierds COUCH, ES. Gen. 49. 4. Ifeuben defiled it and went up to my c. JobJ. 13. 1 say, my c. sliall ease my complaint Psal. 6. 6. all night I water my c. with my tears Amos 3. 12. Israel be taken out in Damascus in a c. 6. 4. that stretch themselves upon their c. Luke 5. 19. let him down through tiling with his c. 24. arise, take up thy c. and go to thy house Acts 5. 15. they laid sick folk on beds and c. COUCH. Job 38. 40, when they c. in dens, and abide in covert COUCHED. Gen. 49. 9. Judah c. as a lion, and as an old lion Num. 24. 9. he c. he lay down as a lion, as great lion ^COUCHETH. Deut. 33. 13. for dew, and for deep that c. beneath COUCHING. Gen. 49. 14. Tssacharc. down between two burdens £ze^'.25.5.will make Ammonites a c. place for flocks COVENANT Is a mutual agreement between two or more parties. Gen. 21. 32. There is, [1] A covenant of works, the terms whereof are. Do and live ; sin and diCy Gen. 2. 17. Isa. 1. 19, 20. which covenant was broken by our first parents sinning against God, in eating the forbidden frvit, and the covenant being made with Adam as a public person, not only for himself but for his posterity, all mankind, descending from him by ordinary generation, sinned in him, and fell with him in their first trans- gression, Rom. 5. 12—20. [2] The covenant of redemption, and salvation by grace, entered into by the sacred Three, in behalf of elect sinners, on whom grace and glory were settled for ever, in Christ, their covenant-head, Psal. 89. 3, 28. Eph. 1. 3, 4. 2 Tim. 1. 9. This covenant is, (1) The fruit of the sovereign love and good will of God, John 3. 16. Col. 1. 19. C2) Sure, Isa. 55. 3. ("3) It is everlasting, Isa. 61. 8. (4) Absolute, Jer. 32. 38, 40. C5) A covenant filled with all spiritual blessings to true believers in Christ, Eph. 1. 5. (6) Called new, Heb. 8. 6, 8. not in respect of its date, it being made from everlasting, but in the manner of its dispiensation and manifestation: Not that It differed in substayice from the old, for- therein Christ was promised, his death and suffer- ings shadowed forth by the legal sacrifices ; and .mch as were saved under the Old Testament, ziere so only by faith in the blood of the IMessiah that was to come ; Gal. 4. 3. Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him for righteousness ; he believed in a special manner the promise of the covenant concernijig Christ, in whom believers of all nations should be blessed. Gen. 12. 3. But this testament or covenant is called new, in regard of the manner of its dispensation ; being ratified afresh by the blood and actzud sufferings of Christ ; being freed from those rites or ceremonies zchere- zoith it was formerly administered ; _ as it con- tains a more full and clear revelation of the ?nysteries of religion ; as it is attended with a larger measure of the gifts and graces of the Spirit ; and as it _ is never to wax old or he abo- lished. (2) For circumcision, which was the sign or seal of the old covenant. Gen. I7. 9, 13. C3) For the duties of the covenant ; Psal. 2.5. 14. He will shew them his covenant: lie will reveal to them, and make them understand the duties, and bestow upon them the blessings of the covfnant. ('4) For the laws or conditions required rf men by the covenant ; or the precepts of God, which are the testimonies: or -citncsses of God's will and of man\i duty, Psal. 25. 10. (5) For the decalogue, or ten commandments, which contain the articles rf the covenant, Deut. 4. 13. (6) For the law, leiinion, and people, of the .Tews, who were in covenant with God, Dan. 11. 28. (7) For the vow, promise, or engagement, whereby a man and woman mu- tually bind themselves to each other in marriage ; and this is called the covenant of God, Prov. 2. 17. because God is the institutor of that society and mutual obligation ; and became God is called to be the witness and judge of that solemn pro- mise and covenant, and the avenger of the trans- gressioji of it. Gen. 9. 12. thisis the token of thee. 13, I7. I IT- H- 17. 4. as for me, behold, my c. is with thee 13. my c. shall be in your flesh for an everlasting c. 14. that soul be cut off, he hath broken my c. Exod. 31. 16. keep the sabbath for a perpetual c. 34. 28. he wrote upon the tables the words of thee. Lev. 2^0. 15. ye do not my comm. but ye break my <; Num. 25. 12. behold, I give to him my c. of peace COY GOV GOV Num. 25. 13. even the c. of an everlasting priestliood Deut. 4. 13. and he declared unto you his c. 23. lest ye forget the c. of the Lord your God 31. Lord wilfnot forget the c. of thy fathers 9. 9. when I was gone to receive the tables of thee. 11. the Lord gave me the tables of the c. 15. the two tables of the c. were in my two hands 29. 1. these are the words of the c. which L. comm. 12. thou siiouhiest enter into c. with the Lord 21. according to all the carses of the c. in this book 25. because ye have forsaken the c. of the Lord 31. 20. they will provoke me, and break my c. Jndg. 2. 1. 1 said, I will never break my c. with you 1 Sam. 10. 8. hast brought thy servant into c. of Lord 1 Kings 19. 10. for Israel have forsaken thy c. 14. 20. 34. Ahab said, I will send thee away with this c. 2 Kings 13.23. because of his c. witli Abraham 23. 3. to perform words of the c. written in book and all the people stood to the c. 2 C/irmi. 34. 31. 1 C/iron. 16. 15. be ye mindful always of his c. £ C/iro7i. 15. 12. they entered into c. to seek Ld. God Ne/i. 13. 29. they have defiled the c. of priesthood Psal. 25. 14. that fear him, he will shew them his c. 44. 17. neither have we dealt falsely in thy c. 50. 16. that thou shouldest take my c. in thy mouth 55. CO. he put forth his hands, he hath broken c. 74. 20. have respect to tlie c. for dark places of earth 78. .37. heart not right, nor were thev stedfast in c. 89. 28. mercy keep and c. shall stand fast with him .34. my c. will I not break, nor alter the thing gone 39. thou hast made void the c. of thy servant 111, 5. he will ever be mindful of his c. 9. commanded his c. for ever, holy is his name Prov. 2. 17. and forgetteth the c. of her God Isa. 28. 18. your c. with death shall be disannulled 33. 8. he hath broken the c. he hath despised cities 42. 6. and give thee for a c. of the people, 49. 8. o4. 10. nor shall the c. of my peace be removed 56. 4. the eunuchs that take hold of my c. 6. 59. 21. as for me. this is my c. with them Jer. 11. 2. hear ye the words of this c. 6. 3. cursed bethemanthatobeyeth not words of c. 14. 21. remember, break not thy c. with us 22. 9. because they have forsaken the c. of the Ld. 31. 32. which my c. they brake, saith the Lord 33. 20. if you can break my c. of day and c. of night 21. then may c. be broken with David my servant 25. if my f .'be not with day and night 34. 10. the people which had entered into c. heard 18. who have not performed the words of this c. 50. 5. let us join to the Lord in a perpetual c. Ezei-. 16. 8. 1 sware and entered into a c. with thee 59. hast despised oath in breaking the c. I7. 18. 61. give them to thee for daughters, not by thy c. 17. 15. or shall he break the c. and be delivered i 16. whose oath he despised, whose c. he brake 19. my c. he hath broken, it will I recompense 20. 37. I will bring you into the bond of the c. '14. 7. they have broken ray c. because of abominat. Dan. 9. 27. shall confirm c. withmany for one week 11. 22. shall be broken, yea also the prince of thee. 28. and his heart shall be against the holy c. 30. he shall have indignation against the holy c. 32. such as do wickedly against c. shall be corrupt Sbj.l0.4.spokenwords,swearingfalselyinmakingc. ^ec/i. 11. 10. that I might break my c. 1 had made Mai. 2.4. that my c. might be with Levi saith Ld. 5. 8. ye have corrupted c. of Levi, saith Ld. of hosts 10. by profaning the c. of our fathers 14. yet she is thy companion, and the wife of thy c. ■3. 1. even messenger of the c. whom ye deliahtin j^cts 3. 25. ye are children of the c. God made with 7. 8. and he gave him the c. of circumcision Eom. 1. 31. without understanding, c. breakers 11. 27. this is my c. when I take away their sins Gal. 3. 15. though it be man's c. yet if confirmed 17. that the c. was confirmed before of God Hef). 8. 6. he is Mediator of a better c. established 7. if that first c. had been faultless, then no place 9.they continued in my c.and I regarded thetTi not 9. 1. then verily the first c. had also ordinances 4. Aaron's rod that budded, and tables of the c. See Ark, Blood, Ereak. Book 4 the COVENANT. ILxcd. 24.7. Moses took the hook of the c. and read 1 Kings 23. 2. .Tosiah read in their ears all the words of the hook of thee, found, 2 Chron. 34. .30. 21. keep the passover, as it is written in book ofc. Establish COVENANT. Gen. 6. 18. with thee will I estah. my c.and sons, 9.9. 17.7. I will gf^fl J. my c. between me and Abraham 19. e.f/ffli.c. withlsaac and his seed after him, 21. Exod. 6.4. 1 have estah. my c. with them to give land Lev. 26.9. 1 will multiply and estah. my c. with you Devt. 8. 18. that he may estah. his c. which he sware F.zek. IG. 60. 1 will estah. to thee an everlasting c. 62. I will estah. my c. with thee, thou shalt know Everlasting COVENANT. Gen. 9. 16. that I may remember the everlast. c. 17. 13. it shall be in your flesh for an everlast. c. 19. I will establish my c. with Isaac for an everl. c. Lev. 24. 8. being taken from Israel by an everlast. c. •2. Sam. 23. 5, yet he hath made with me an everl. c. 1 Ckr. 16. 17. confirmed the same to .Jacob for a law, and to Israel for a.neverlast. c. Psal: 105. 10. Isa. 24. 5. because they have broken the everlast. c. 55.3. I willmakefiter. c. with you, 61. 8. Jer. 32.40. Ezek. 37. 26. it shall be an everlast. c. with them Heh. 13. 20. through the blood of the everlast. c. Keep, keepest, keepeth, or A-e^;^ COVENANT. Gen. 17. 9. thou shalt keep my c. thou and thy seed 10. this is my c. which ye shall keep between me Ei^od. 19. 5. if ye will obey my voice and keep my c. Deut. 7. 9. he is G. faithtul God, -whokecpethc. 12. 1 KingsQ. 23. 2 Chron. 6. 14. Neh. 1. 5. I 9. .32. 29. 9. keep therefore the words of this c. and do them 33. 9. they have observed thy word, kept thy c. 1 Kings 11. 11. thou hastnot kept my c. Psal. 78. 10. Psal. 25. 10. mer. and truth to such as keep c. 103.18. 1.32. 12. if thy children will keep my c. and testim. Ezek. 17. 14. by keeping of his c. it might stand Dan. 9.4. keeping c.and mercy to them that love him Made COVENANT. Gen. 15. 18. same day the L. 7nade a c. with Abram 21. 27. Abraham and Abimelech madeti c. 32. Ezod. 34. 27. 1 have made a c. with thee and Israel Deut. 5. 2. L. our G. made a c. with us in Horeb 3. L. made not this c. with our fathers, Heh. 8. 9. 29. 1. beside the c. he made with them in Horeb 31. 16. will break my c. 1 have made with them Josh. 24. 25. Joshua made a c. with people that day 1 Sam. 18. 3. .Jonathan and David made a c. 23. 18. 20. 16. Jonathan made a c. with the house of David 1 Kings 8. 9. L. made a c. with Israel, 2 Chr. 6. 11. 21. ark wherein is c. of the L. which he made 20. 34. Ahab made a c. with Ben-hadad 2 Kings 11. 4. Jehoiada made a c. with the rulers 17. 7nade a c. between the Lord and the king 17. 15. Israel rejected his c. he made with fathers .35. with whom the L. had made ac. and charged 38. the c. made with you ye shall not forget" 23. 3. Josiah 7nade a c. before Lord, 2 Chr. 34. 31. 1 Chr. 1] . 3. David made a c. with elders in Hebron 16. 16. be ye mindful even of the c. which he made with Abraham, Neh. 9. 8. Psal. 105. 9. 2 Chron. 21. 7. because ofc. he had made with David 23. 3. all the congregation made a c.with king Joash Job 31. 1. I made a c. with mine eyes, why then Psal. 50. 5. that have 7nade a c. with me by sacrifice 89. 3. have ynade a c. with my chosen, I have sworn Isa. 28. 15. ye said, ye have made a c. with death 57. 8. enlarged thy bed, and made a c. M'ith them Jer. 11. 10. broke thee. I made with their fathers 31. .32. not accordins to the c. I made with fathers 34. 8. after Zedekiah had made a c. with people, 15. 13. saith the Lord, I made ac. with your fathers 15. ye had made a c. before me in house called 18. performed not the words of the c. ye had made Ezek. 17. 13. and made a c. with him, and taken oatli Make COVENANT. Gen. 17. 2. 1 will make my c. between me and thee 26. 28. let us make a c. with thee, 31. 44. Ezra 10. 3. Exod. 23. 32. thou shalt make no c. Dent. 7. 2. 34. 10. behold I make a c. before all thy people 12. lest thou make a c. with the inhabitants, 15. Deut. 29. 14. nor with you only do I make this c. 1 Satn. 11. 1. make a c. with us, and we will serve 2. on this condition will I make a c. with you 2 Chron. 29. 10. now it is in my heart to make a c. Neh. 9. 38. and we make a sure c. and write it Job 41. 4. will he make ac. with thee .' Jer.Zl.o^.thisis c.lvfWXmake, Heh.Q.lO. \ 10. 16. Ezek. .34. 25. 1 will m. with them ac. of peace, 37. 26. Hos. 2. 18. 1 will make a c. for them witn the beasts 12. 1. and thev do make a c. with the Assyrians 'New COVENAN r. Jer. 31. 31. 1 will make a neio c. with Isr. Heh. 8. 8. Heh. 8. 13. awew c. he hath made the first old 12. 24. and to Jesus the Mediator of the new c. Remember COVENANT. Gen. 9. 15. 1 will rem. my c. Lev. 26. 42. Ezek.16.QQ. Exod. 6. 5, 6. 1 have rememh. my c. wherefore say Lev. 26. 45. for their sakes rem. c. of their ancestors Psal. 105. 8. he hath rem. his c. for ever, 106. 45. Amos 1. 9. because they rem. not the brotherly c. Luke 1. 72. mercy promised, and to rem. his holy c. COVENANT of Salt. Lev. 2. 13. the salt of c. of thy God to be lacking Num. 18. 39. it is a c. of salt for ever before Lord 2 Chron. 13. 5. to David and his sons by a c. of salt Transgressed COVENANT. Derit. 17. 2. hath wrought in trans, his c. Josh. 7. 11. they have also transgressed my c. 15. because he t. c. of L. Judg. 2.20. 2 Kings 18.12. 23. 16. when ye have transgressed c. of the Lord Jer. .34. 18. and I will give tlie men that trans, my c. Hos. 6. 7- but they like men have transgressed the c. 8. 1. because they have trans, my c. and trespassed COVENANTED. 2 Chron. 7. 18. according as I have c. with David Hag. 2. 5. according to the word that I c. with you Mat. 16.15. they c.with him for thirty pieces of silver Luke 22. 5. were "lad, and c. to give him money COVENANTS. Rom. 9. 4. to whom pertaineth the glory and Ihe c. Gal. 4.24. these are the two c. one from mount Sinai Eph. 2. 12. and strangers from the c. of promise COVER Signifies, [1] To hide, Prov. 12. 16. [2] To clothe, 1 Sam. 28. 14. [3] To protect and defend. Psal. 91. 4. [4] To pardim, or forgive, Psal. ,32. 1. Rom. 4. 7. [5] To vail, 1 Cor. 11. 6. [6] To inclose, Exod. 29. 13. [7] Not to confess, Prov. 28. 13. Violence covereth the mouth of the wicked, Prov. 10. 6. Their violent unjust courses shall bring down God's judgments upon them whereby they shall be so convinced of their former injurious practices, that they shall have nothing to say for themselves, their mouths shall be stopped. To cover the feet, Judg. 3. 24. and 1 Sam. 24. 3. This phrase is commonly understood in both these places, cf easing nature ; because the men not wearing breeches as we do, but long coats, they did in that act cover thei^ feet. But others expound it, of composing one's self to take a little sleep or rest, as was very usual to do in the day-time in those hot countries, 2 Sam. 4. 5. and when they did so in a cool place, they used to cover their feet, as appears fro?n Ruth 3. 7. And this exposition seetns best to agree with the history in both places where this phrase is found. For the servants of Ehud staying so long for their lord, seems to imply, that they judged him gone to sleep, which might take up a consider- able time, rather than to that other ivork, which takes up hut a little time. _ Ajid if Saul was asleep in the cave, then it is not strange that he neither heard David and his men talking "/ him, nor perceived when David ctit off the skirt of his robe. Exod. 10. 5. the locusts shall c. the face of the earth 21. 33. if a man shall dia a pit and not c. it 28. 42. make linen breecnes to c. nakedness Exod. 33. 22. 1 will c. thee with my hand while 1 pass 40. 3. thou shall c. the ark with the vail Lev. 16. 13. cloud of incense may c. the mercy-seat 17. 13. pour out the blood, and c. it with dust Num. 22. 5. behold Diey c. the face of the earth Deut. 23. 13. and c. that which cometh from thee 33. 12. the Lord shall c. him all the day long 1 Sam. 24. 3. and Saul went in to c. his feet Neh. 4. 5. c. not their iniquity, let not their sin Job 16. 18. O earth, c. not thou my blood, let my cry 21. 26. shall lie down in dust, worms shall c. them 22. 11. the abundance of waters c. thee, 38. 34. 40. 22. the shady trees c. him with their shadow Psal. 91. 4. he shall c. thee with his feathers 104. 9. that they turn not again to c. the earth 109. 29. c. themselves with their own confusion 139. 11. if I say, surely the darkness shall c. me 140. 9. let the mischief of their lips c. them Isa. 11. 9. as the waters c. the sea, Hah.1. 14. 14. 11. is spread under thee, the worms c. thee 22. 17. behold, the Lord will surely c. thee 26. 21. the earth shall no more c. her slain 30. 1. that c. with a covering, but not of my Spirit 58. 7. when thou seest the naked, that thou c. him 59. 6. neither c. themselves with their works 60. 2. for behold the darkness shall c. the earth 6. the multitude of camels shall c. thee Jer. 46. 8. I will so up, and will c. the earth Ezek. 7. 18. horror shall c. them, shame on all faces 12. 6. thou shalt c. thy face that thou see not 12. he shall c. his face that he see not the ground 24. 7. poured it not on ground to c. it with dust 17. c. not thy lips, and eat not the bread of men 22. ye shall not c. your lips, nor eat bread of men 26. 10. abund. of his horses, their dust shall c. thee 19. and when great waters shall c. thee 30. 18. as for her, a cloud shall c. her and daught. 32. 7. I will c. the heaven, I will c. the sun 37. 6. 1 will c. you with skin, and put breath in you 38. 9. thou shalt belike a cloud to c. the land, 16. Hos. 2. 9. recover my fiax given to c. her nakedness 10. 8. shall say to the mountains, c. us. Luke 23. 30. Chad. 10. for thy violence shame shall c. thee Mic. 3. 7- yea, they shall all c. their lips, no answer 7. 10. and shame shall c. her that said to me Hah. 2. 17. the violence of Lebanon shall c. thee Mark 14.65. some began to spit on him and c. his face 1 Cor. 11. 7. a man ought not to c. his head 1 Pet. 4. 8. for charity shall c. the multitude of sins COVERED. Ge7i. 7. 19. the mountains were c. with waters, 20. 9. 23. they c. the nakedness of their father 24. 65. Rebekah took a vail and c. herself .38. 14. Tamar c. her with avail, satin open place Exod. 8. 6. the frogs came up and c. land of Egypt 14. 28. the waters c. the chariots and horsemen 15. 5. the depths c. them, they sank as a stone 10. the sea c. them, they sank as lead. Josh. 24. 7. 16. 13. at even the quails came up and c. the camp 24. 15. Moses went up, a cloud c. the mount, 16. 37. 9. c. with their M'ings over the mercy-seat 40. 21. the vail c. the ark of the testimony 34. a cloud c. the tent of the conpregation Lev. 13. 13. behold, if the leprosy have c. all his flesh Num. 4. 20. to see when the holy thinas are c. 9. 15. the cloud c. the tabernacle, 16^ | 16. 42. Deut. 32. 15. art waxen fat, thou art c. with fatness J7idg. 4. 18. Jael c. him with a mantle, 19. 1 Sam. 19. 13. RJichal c. the pillow with a cloth 28. 14. an old man cometh up c. with a mantle 1 Kin. 1. 1. c. king David with clothes, but no heat 8.7. cherubims c. ark, 1 Chron. 28. 18. 2 Chr. 5. 8. 1 Kings 19.1. king Hezekiah heard it, he rent his clothes, and c. himself with sackcloth, Isa. 37. 1. 2 Chr. 3. 1 6. Solomon c . house with precious stones Job 23. 17. nor c. he the darkness from my face 31. 33. if I c. my transgressions as Adam Psal 44. 15. the shame of my face hath c. me 19. tho' thou hast c. us with the shadow of death 55. + 5. are come upon me, and horror hath c. me 65. 13. the valleys also are cover with corn 68. 13. shall be as the wings of a dove c. with silver 71. 13. let them be c. witb reproach that seek 78. + 53. but the sea c. their enemies, 106. 1 11. 89. 45. glory to cease, thou hast c. him Avith shame 106. 17. the earth c. the company of Abiram 139. 13. thou hast c. me in my mother's womb Prov. 26. 23. like a potsherd c. with silver dross 26. whose hatred is c. by deceit, his wickedness Eccl. 6. 4. his name shall be c. with darkness Isa. 6. 2. with twain he c. his face, he c. his feet 22. t 17. the Lord who c. with excellent coverina- 25. +7. will destroy the covering c. over all people 29. 10. and your rulers the seers hath he c. 51. 16. I have c. thee in the shadow of my hand 61. 10. he c. me with the robe of righteousness Jer. 51. 42. she is c. with the multitude of waves Lam. 2. 1. c. the daughter of Zion with a cloud 3. 16. broken my teeth, he hath c. me with ashes 43. thou haste, with anger, and persecuted us 44. thou hast e. thyself-with a cloud, tliat prayei Ezek. 1. 11. and two wings e. their bodies, 23. 16. 8. I spread my skirt, and e. thy nakedness 10. I girded thee'with linen, I e. thee with silk 18. 7. and hath e. the naked with a aarment, 16. 24. 8. top of a rock, that her blood should not be c. 27. 7. blue and purple was that which e. thee 31. 15. I e. the deep for him, and I restrained 37. 8. the flesh came up, and skin e. them above Jonah 3. 6. the king of Nineveh e. with sackclotl: 8. let man and beast be e. with sackcloth Hah. 3. 3. God came, his glorv e. the heavens Mat. 8. 24. the ship was e. with the waves 10. 26. there is nothina e. that shall not be revealed, and hid that shall not be known, Luke 12. '.'. 1 Cor. 11. 6. if the woman be not c. let her be shoi n COWMV. Y) face. Gc7i. 38. 15. because Tamai" had c. her face Exod. 10. 15. the locusts c. the fare of whole eartl* 2 Sa?n. 19. 4. but David e. his face, and cried Esth. 7. 8. as the word went they e. Haman's/are Psal. 69. 7. because shame hatli c. my fare G 81 GOV Prov. 24. 3J. nettles had c. the face theieof Isa. 6. 2. with twain he c. his face, and with twain Jer. 51. 51. heard reproach, shame hath c. our/acej- ifea-rf COVERED. 2 .§«???. 15. 30. David and every man had his head c. Esth. 6. 12. Haman went mourning, his head c. Psal. 140. 7. hast c. my head in the day of battle Jer. 14. 3. were confounded, and c. t\\e.\T heads, 4. 1 Cor. 11. 4. every man praying:, having his //ea^^ c. C0\ EREJJ sin, o'r *2w.y. Psal. 32. 1. blessed is he whose sin is c. Rom. 4. 7- 85. 2. thou hast c. all their sins, Selah COVEREDST. .Pm/. 104. 6. thou c. it with the deep as a garment Ezek. 16. 18. tookest broidered garments and c. tliem COVERER. Nah. 2.t5. shall make haste, and c. shall be prepared CO VERES r. Dent. 22. 12. vesture, wherewith thou c. thyself Psal. 5. + 11. shout for joy, because thou c. them 104. 2. who c. thyself with light as with a garment COVEREill. Exod. 29. 13. thou shalt take all the fat that c. the inwards, 22. Lev. 3. 3, 9, 14. 1 4. 8. I 7- 3. | 9. 19. Num. 22. 11. a people which c. the face of the earth Judg. 3. 24. surely he c. his feet in his chamber Job 9. 24. he c. the faces of the judges thereof 15. 27. because he c. his face with his fatness 36. 30. behold, he c. the bottom of the sea 32. with clouds he c. light, commands not to shine Ps. 73. 6. pride as a chain, violence c. them as a gar. 84. 1 6.tlirough valley of Baca, rain also c. the pools 109. 19. be to him as the garment which c. him 147. 8. who c. the heavens with clouds, prep, rain Prov. 10. 6. violence c. the mouth of the wicked, 11. 12. love c. all sins ll 12. 16. aprudent man c. shame 17. 9. he that c. a transgression seeketh love 28. 13. he that c. his sins shall not prosper Jer. 3. 25. we lie dov/n in shame, our confosion c. us Ezek. 28. 14. thou art the anointed cherub that c. Mai. 2. 16. for one c. violence with his garment Luke 8. 16. when he lighted candle c. it with a vessel COV'ERllN'G. Gen. 8. 13. Noah removed the c. of the ark 20. 16. behold, he is to tliee a c. of the eyes Exod. 22. 27- for that is his c. raiment for his skin Lev. 13. 45. the leper shall put a c. on his upper lip Num. 19. 15. every vessel which hath no c. bound on 2 Sam^. 17. 19. woman spread a c. over well's mouth Job 22. 14. thick clouds are ac. to him, he seeth not 24. 7. that the naked have no c. in the cold 26. 6. naked before him, destruction hath no c. 31. 19. if I ha,ve seen any poor without c. Psal. 105. 39. he spread a cloud for c. and fire Ca7it. 3. 10. he made the c. of it of purple Jsa. 4. + 5. for upon all the glory shall be a c. 22. 8. and he discovered the c. of Judah f 17. who covered thee with an excellent c. 25. 7. destroy the face of the c. cast over all people 28. 20. the c. narrower than he can wrap hiins. in 30. 1. that cover with a c. but not of my Spirit 22. ye shall deiile the c. of thy graven images 50. 3. I c.othe heavens, and make sackc. their c. Ezek. 28. 13. every precious stone was thy c. sardius 1 Cor. 11. 1 10. a woman ought to have a c. 15. glory to her, for her hair is given her for a c. Hee Badgers skins. COVERING. Exod. 25. 20. c. the mercy-seat with their wings Num. 4. 5. Aaron shall take down the c. vail Ezek. 28. 16. I will destroy thee, O c. cherub Mai. 2. 13. 1 have done c. altar of the Lord with tears COVERINGS. Prov. 7. 16. decked my bed v/ith c. of tapestry 31. 22. she maketh herself c. of tapestry COVERS. Exod. 25. 29. make c. \\ 37. 16. he made his c Num. 4. 7- Pnt thereon c. to cover withal COVERT Signifies, [1] An umbrage, or shady place, 1 Sam. 25. 20. [2] A thicket for wild beasts, Job 38. 40. [3] Something made to shelter the people from the weather on the sabbath ; or some costly chair of state, wherein the kings of .Tudah used to hear the priests expound the law on the sab- hath, 2 Kings 16. 18. [4] Christ Jesus, the saints' shelter, defence, or refuge, Isa. 32. 2. 1 Sam. 25. 20. Abigail came down by c. of the hill 2 Kings 16. 18. the c. for the sabbath Ahaz took down Job 38. 40. when lions abide in the c. to lie in wait 40. 21. behemoth lieth in the c. of the reed Psal. 61. 4. I will trust in the c. of thy wines Isa. 4. 6. a tabernacle for a c. from storm and rain 16. 4. be thou a c. to them from the face of spoiler .32. 2. a man shall be a c. from the tempest Jer. 25. 38. he hath foisaken his c. as a lion COVET. This word is sometimes taken in a good sense, as in 1 Cor. 12. 31. Covet earnestly the best gifts. This covetousness is good and commendable, when spiritual blessings are earnestly desired and sought after. But most commonly it is taken in a bad sense, for an eager a7id immoderate desire after earthly things. Josh. 7. 21. Prov. 21. 26. Co- vetousness is called idolatry. Col. 3. 5. because the covetous man places that love, delight, and confiderice in riches, which are due to God alone. This siti is condemned in all sorts of persons, and is expressly forbidden by the tenth command- ment. Thou shalt not covet, Exod. 20. 1'. Such as are addicted to this sin, are hated of God, Psal. 10. 3. They are cruel and oppressive, Mic. 2. 2. The riches they are so eager in the pursuit of, prove but poison to kill them, and thus they are miserable. Job 20. 15, 16, if. Prov. l._ 19. The inordinate love of wealth does like- wise betray men to manifold si?is, and exposes them to manifold sufferings ; both from them- selves, in denying themselves the comfort of their estates ; and from others, as extortioners, thieve":, and the like, Deut. 16. 19. Eccl. 4. 8. Maf . 26 15. 1 Tim. 6. 10, cou Exod. 20. 17. thou shalt not c. thy neighbour's house, wife, nor servant, Deut. 5. 21. Rum. 7. 7. | 13. 9. Mic. 2. 2. they c. lields and take them by violence 1 Cor. 12. 31. butc. earnestly the best gifts 14. 39. c. to prophesy, and forbid not to speak COVF/IED. Josh. 7. 21. Achan said, then I c. them, took them Acts 20. 33. 1 have c. no man's silver or gold 1 Tim. 6. 10. which while some c. after they erred COVETE'lII. Prov. 21. 26. he c. greedily all the day long Dab. 2. 9. woe to Kirn that c. an evil covetousness COVETOUS. Psal. 10. 3. the wicked blesseth c. whom Ld. abhors Luke 16. 14. Pharisees who were c. heard these things 1 Cor. 5. 10. yet not altogether with the r. 11. if any brother be c. with such not to eat 6. 10. nor c. shall inherit king, of Ciod, I'ph. 5. 5. 1 Tim. 3. 3. a bishop then must not be c. 2 'J'/m. 3. 2. in the last times men shall he c. boasters 2 Pet. 2. 14. an heart exercised with c. practices COVETOUSNESS. Erod. 18. 21 . provide able men, men hating c. Psal. 119. 36. incline not my heart to c. Prov. 28. 16. he that hatethc. shall prolong his days Isa. ,57. 17. for the iniquity of his c. was I wroth Jer. 6. 13. every one is given to c. 8. 10. 22. 17. thy eyes and heart are not but for thy c. 51. 13. thine end is come, and the measure of thy c. Ezek. 33. 31. but their heart goeth after their c. Hab. 2. 9. woe to him that coveteth an evil c. Mark. 7. 22. out ot the heart proceedeth c. Luke 12. 15. he said, take heed, and beware of c. Rom. 1.29. being filled with all c. fornication 2 Crr. 9. 5. as a matter of bounty, and not of c. Epli. 5. 3. but c. let it not* be once named among you Col. 3.5. mortify your mem b. and c. which is idolatry 1 '1 hess. 2. 5. nor at any time used we a cloke of c. Heb. 13. 5. let your conversation be without <:. 2 Pet. 2. 3. thro' c. shall they make merchand. of you COULD. Gew. 27.1. when Isaac was old, so that he e. not see Exod. 8. 18. did so to bring forth lice, but c. not 1 Sam. 3. 2. Eli's eyes began to wax dim, he f. not see 1 Kings 14. 4. Ahijah c. not see his eyes were set 2 Kings 3. 26. to break to king of Kdom, butc. not 1 Chron. 21. 30. but David c. not go before it 2 Chnm. 13. 7. Rehoboam c. not withstand them Psal. 37. 36. yea, I sought him, but he c. not be found Isa. 5. 4. what c. ha\ e been done more to vineyard .-' Jer. 15. 1. my mind c. not be toward this people .Tonah 1. 13. men rowed to brinir it to land, but c. not Mark 6. 19. therefore I Jerodias had aquarrel against John, and would have killed him, but she c. not 9. 18. cast him out, and they c. not, L7ike 9. 40. 14. 8. she hath done what she c. she is come John 21. 25. the world c. not contain the books Acts 13. 39. from which ye c. not be justified by law COULD EST. Jer. 3. 5. and hast done evil things as thou r. Ezek. 16. 28. and yet thou c. not be satisfied COULTER, S. 1 Sam. 13. 20, Israel went to sharpen each his c. 21. they had a file for their c. and the forks COUNCIL. 2 Sam. 23. 1 23. David set Benaiah over his c. ilf«if. 5. 22. shall say, Raca, shall be in danger of c. 26. 59. the c. sought false witness, Mark 14. 55. Mfl:;7t 15.1. whole c. bound J es. and carried him away Luke 22. 66. the elders led Jesus into their c. John 11. 47. the chief priests gathered a c. Arts 5. 21. Acts 4. 15. had commanded them to eo out of the c. 5. 27. they brought and set them before the c. 34. then stood tTiere up one in the c. a Pharisee 41. and they departed from the c. rejoicing 6. 12. caught Stephen, and brought him to the c. 15. all in the c. looking on him, saw his face 22. 30. he commanded all their c. to appear 23. 15. ye with the c. signify to the chief captain 24. 20. any evil in me, while I stood before the c. COUNCILS. -Mffl^. 10, 17. they will deliver you up toe. M«rA 13.9. COUNSEL Signifies, [1] Advice, Prov. 20. 18. Dan. 4. 27. [21 God's purpose and decree. Acts 4. 28. [3] The directions of his word, the motions of his Spirit, and the kindness of his providence, Psal. 73. 24. [4] His will or doctrine conceriiing the way of salvation, Luke 7- 30. Acts 20. 27. [5] 'The designs, thoughts, and most secret resolutions, 1 Cor. 4. 5. Christ Jesus is c«//e(f Counsellor, Jsa. 9. 6. [1] Ow account of his infinite wisdom, Col. 2. 3. [2] On account of his willingness to instruct and give counsel to men; as also, to plead their cause be- fore his throne. Rev. 3. 18. 1 John 2. 1. Exod. 18. 19. hearken to me, I will give thee c. Num. 27- 21. before Eleazar, who shall ask c. for him 31. 16. these caused Israel thro' the c. of Balaam, to commit trespass airainst L. in the matter of Peor Deut. 32.28. are a nation void of c. nor is understand. Josh. 9. 14. asked not c. at the mouth of the Lord Judg. 20. 7. behold, give here your advice and c. 2 Sam. 15. .31. turn c. of Ahithophel into foolishness 16. 23. so was all the c. of Ahithophel with David 17. 14. the Lord defeated the good c. of Ahithophel 20. 18. saying, they shall surely ask c. at Abel 1 Kings 1. 12."let me, I pray thee, give thee c. 12. 8. forsook the c. of old men, 13. 2 Chr. 10. 8, 13. 2 Kings C). 8. king of Syria took c. with his servants 18. 20. I have c. and strength for war, Isa. 36. 5. 1 Chron. 10. 13. so Saul died for asking c. of one 2 Chron. 22. 5. Ahaziah walked after their c. 25. 16. kins said, art thou made of the king's c. ? 30. 2. the king had taken c. to keep the passover 23. the assembly took c. to keep other seven days Ezra 10. 3. according to the c. of my lord, and those 8. according to the c. of the princes and elders Neh. 4. 15. God had brouglit their c. to nought Job 5, 13. the c. of the froward is carried headlong 10. 3. and should shine upon the c. of the wicked 12. 13. wisdom and strength he hath c. and underst. COU Job 21. 10, the c. of the wicked is far Iroin nip [22. 18* 38. 2. who is this that darkeneth c. by words '. 42. 3. who is he that hideth c. without knowledge I Psal. 1. 1. that walketh not in the c. of tiie ungodly. 14. 6. you have shamed the c. of the poor 16. 7- I will bless tlie Lord, who hath given me c. 20. 4. the Lord grant thee, and fulfil all thy c. 31 . 13. while they took c. together against ine .33. 10. Lord brings the c. of the heatii. to nought 55. 14. we took sweet c. together, and walked 64. 2. hide me from the secret c. of the wicked 68. 27. the princes of Judah and their c. 73. 24. thou shalt guide me with thy c. afterward 83. 3. they have taken crafty c. against tliy peop e 106. 13. they waited not for his c. but lusted 43. but they provoked him with their c. 107. 11. they contemned the c. of the Most Hish Prov. 8. 14. c. is mine, sound wisdom, I am underst. 11. 14. where no c. is, the people fall, but in multit. 12. 15. but he that hearkeneth unto c. is wise 15. 22. without c. purposes are disappointed 19. 20. hear c. and receive instruction, that thou 20. 5. c. in the heart of man is like deep water 18. every purpose is established by c. and with 21. .30. there is no wisdom nor c. against the L, 24. 6. for by wise c. tliou shalt make thy war 27. 9. so doth the sweetness of a friend by hearty c. Isa. 5. 19. let the c. of the Holy One draw nigh 7.5. they have taken evil c. against thee, saying 11. 2. spirit of /•. and might shall rest upon him 19. 3. and I will destroy the c. of Egypt 11. the c. of counsellors of Phar. is become brutish 23. 8. who hath taken this c. against lyre .' 28. 29. from the Lord, who is wonderful in c. 29. 15. that seek deep to hide c. from the Lord 40. t 13. who being of his c. hath taught him r 14. with whom took he c. ? who instructed him ? 44. 26. and performeth the c. of his messengers Jer. 18. 18. nor shall c. perish from the wise 23. thou knowest all their c. against me to slay me 19. 7, Iwill make void c. of Judah and Jerusalem 32. 19. miglity (rod, great in c. mighty in work 38. 15. if I give tliee c. wilt not thou hearken to me c. perished from prudent r is wisd. vanished ? 30. the king of Babylon hath taken c. against yoir. Ezek. 7. 26. and c. shall perish from the ancients 11. 2. and that give wicked c. in this city 13. f 9. they shall not be in the c. of my people Dan. 2. 14. David answered with c. and wisdom Ilos. 4. 12. my people ask c. at their stocks and staff Mic. 4, 12. neither understand they his c. Zech.(). 13. thee, of peace shall be between them both' Mat. 12. 14. the Pharisees held a c. against him 27. 7. they took e. and bought the potter's field 28. 12. when they had taken e. they gave money Mark 3. 6. they took c. against Jesus, John 11. 53. Luke'2,3. 51. he had not consented to the c. of them John 18. 14. now Caiaphas was he who gave e. Acts 4. 28. what thy c. determined before to be done- 5. 33. when they heard, they took c. to slay them 38. if this e. be of men, it will come to nought 9. 23. after that the Jews took r. to kill him 27. 42. the .soldiers' c. was to kill the prisoners Eph. 1. 11. who worketh after the c. of his own will Heb. 6. 17. to shew the immutability of his c. , COUNSEL of God or Lord. Judg. 18. 5. they said, ask c. we pray thee, of God 20. 18. the children of Israel asked c. of God, 23. 1 Sam. 14. 37. Saul asked c. of God, shall I go down ? Psal. 33. 11. the e. o/the /.wrfstandeth, Prov. 19. 21. Isa. 19. 17. because of the e. of the Lord of hosts Jer. 23. 18. who hath stood in the c. of the Lord? 49. 20. therefore hear the c. of the Lord, 50. 45. Luke 7. 30. the lawyers rejected the c. of God Acts 2. 23. him delivered b.y the determinate c. of G. 20. 27, notasham-ed to declare to you all c. 2 Chron. 5. 11. the priests did not then wait b^' c. Ezra 3. U. they sung together by c. in praising Psal. 82. 5. all the foundations of earth are out of c. Jer. 8. 6. every one turned to his c. as the horse 23. 10. their c. is evil, and their force is not right Lukel. 5. Zacharias was of the c. of Abiah 8- while he executed in the order of hise. Acts 13. 25. and as John fulfilled his c. he said 16. 11. came with straight Samothracia, 21. 1. 20. 24. that I might finish m^y c. with joy 21. 7. when we had finished our c. from Tyre 1 Cor. 14. 27. or at most by three, and that by c. 1 Thess. 3. 1. that word of the Lord m>ay have free c. 2 Tim. 4. 7. 1 have finished my c. kept the faith Jam. 3. 6. the tongue setteth on fire thee, of nature Watek-Course. See Water. COURSES. Judg. 5. 20. the stars in their e. fought against Sisera 1 Chron. 23. 6. David divided the Levites into c. 2 C/JG. Gen. 1. + 20. let waters bring forth c. creature 26. let them have dominion over every c. thing 7. 14. every c. thing after his kind went into ark Lev. 5. 2. touch the carcase of unclean c. things CRU Lev. 11. 21. yet these may ye eat, of every c. thing Gen. 22. 5. or whosoever touchetn any e. thing Deut. 14. 19. every c. thing thatflieth is unclean 1 Kings 4. 33. spake of beasts, c. things, and fishes Psal. 104. 25. in the sea are c. things Innumerable 146. 10. all cattle, e. things praise the Lord Ezei-.R. 10. form ofe. thino;s pourtrayed on wall 38. 20. all c. things shall shake at my prt;sence Hos. 2. 18. 1 will make a covenant with the e. things Mic. 7. + 17. move out of their holes like e. things JJab. 1. 14. and maketh men as the e. things y]cts 10. 12. Peter saw e. things and fowls, 11. 6. Rom. 1. 23. into an image made like to c. things CREPT. Jude 4. for there are certain men c. in unawares CREW. Mat. 26. 74. 1 know not the man, and immediately the cock c. Mark 14. 68. J.nke 22. 60. Mark 14. 72. the second time the cock c. John 18. 27. CRIB. Job 39. 9. will the unicorn abide by thy c. .'' Prov. 14. 4. where no oxen are the c. is clean Isa. 1. 3. and the ass knoweth his master's c. Cried, Hee after Cry. CRIME, S. Job 31. 11. this is an heinous e. yea it is an iniquity Ezek. 7. 23. for the land is full of bloody c. and the Acts 25. 1 6. to answer concerning c. laid against him 27. and not to signify the c. laid against him CRIMSON. Some think that it is the same with scarlet ; others that it is of a deeper dye. In the Hebrew it is called I'olaliat Shani; that is, the double worm, or the worm Shani ; as if Shani were the proper natne of this worm : In the Arabic it is called, Kermes, or Karmes; whence comes the word crimson, because they maxle use of these little worms to dye this colour. 'The Kermes isasmall round shell, membranous, thin, smooth, and shining ; of a reddish brown colour, mixed with a whitish ash colour, about a quarter of an inch diameter, generally divided into two equal cavities , the greatest of which is full of a vast number of little oval eggs, very red, or vermilion ; and the smaller cavity is full of a k.rid of liquor, which is red l/kewise, and not much different /rum blood. This cod, or shell, grows upon a kind of green oak, that grows only to the height of a shrub. These shrubs are fo%uid m Palestine, m Provence, iji Languedoc, in Spain, aiid elsewhere. 'Ihey loosen these cods, or shells, from the leaves to which they are fastened, and the worms of which they are full come out of the hole made by taking them from the leaf ; they separate these little animals from the shells with a sieve, and put them together by pressing them lightly, and make them into balls of the bigtiess of a pullet's egg. 2 Chron. 2. 7. send a man cunning to work in c. 14. 3. 14. he made the vail of blue, e. and fine linen Isa. 1. 18. though your sins be red like e. they shall be Jer. 4. .30. though tiiou clothest thyself with e. CRIPPLE. Actsli. 8. being a e. from his mother's womb CRISPING-PLNS. Isa. 3. 22. Lord will take away the mantles and c. CROOK-BACKED. Lev. 21. 20. a man that is c. shall not approach CROOKED. De7it. 32. 5. they are a perverse and c. generation Judg. 5. + 6. the travellers walked through c. ways Job 26. 13. his hand hath formed the c. serpent Ps. 125. 5. as for such as turn aside to their c. waj-s Prov. 2. 15. whose ways are c. and they froward Eccl. 1. 15. what is c. cannot be made straight, 7. 13. Isa. 27. 1. shall punish Leviathan, thatc. serpent 40. 4. c. shall be made straigiit, 42. 16. Liike 3. 5. .45. 2. I will 0:0 anfl make the c. places straight 59. 8. no judgment, they have made theme, paths Lam. 3. 9. he inclosed, he iiafh made my paths c. Phil. 2. 15. the sons of God, in midst of a c. nation CROP. Lev. 1. 16. shall pluck away his c. with his feathers CROP, rerb. Ezek. 17. 22. I will c. off from the top of his twigs CROPPED. Ezek. 17. 4. he c. off the top of his young twigs CROSS. By the word cross is understood a gibbet made of two pieces of wood put across ; whether they cross with right angles at the top as a 'V,or in the mid- dle of their length like an X. The cross was the punishment of the vilest slaves, and was called a servile punishment : This punishment our Saviour underwent, Mat. 27. .35. Phil. 2.8. This penalty was so common among the Romans, that pains, afflictions, troubles, andunprosperous affairs tvere called crosses ; and the verb cruciare was used for all sorts of chastisemeyits, and pains of body and mind. See PUNISHMENT. Our Saviour says often in his gospel, that he who would be his disciple, must take up his cross and follow him. Mat. 16. 24. He must submit readily to whatsoever afflictions God lays upon him, or any suffering that befalls him, in the service of God, even to death itself. Cross is taken for the whole of Christ's sufferings, from his birth to his death, but especially those upon the tree, Eph. 2. 16. Heb. 12. 2. Ayidforthe doc- trine of the gospel ; that is, of salvation through Christ crucified, 1 Cor. 1. 18. False teachers, who pressed the observation of the law of Moses, as necessary to salvation, besides faith m Christ, are called enemies of the cross of Christ, Phil. 3. 18. because by such doctrine they did really op- pose and undermine the pOiVer and merit of Chrisfs passion, and sought to avoid persecution, which they would have been exposed to, had they preached salvation only by Christ crucified, as the apostle Paul was. Gal. 5. 11. To crucify, is not only taken for putting to death on a cross. Mat. 27. 35. but also fo~ subduing and mortifying sin; for breaking the CRO strength and suppressing the motions and breakings out of corrupt nature. Gal. 5. 24. 'I hey that are Christ's have crucified the tiesh. Christ' s death on the cress has not only merited reconciliation with God, hit is also made ef- fectual to mortify and suhdue the lusts of the fiesh. Gal. 2. 20. i am crucified with Christ. It is said of them, zvhj for some time have m,ade profession of religion, and afterwards turn apos- tates, that they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, Heh. 6. 6. that is, They she-u) them- selves to he of the same opinion with those that did crucify Christ, and would do it again, were it in their power. The apostle tells the Galatians, that Jesus Christ had been evidently set forth crucified among them. Gal. 3. 1. They had been as fully and clearly in- formed of the nature and design of Chrisfs offer- ings, as if all had been transacted in their sight. Mat. 10. 38. he that taketh not his c. Luke 14. 27. 16. 24. let him deny himself, take up his c. and follow me, Mark 8. 34. 1 10. 21. Luke 9. 23. 27. 32. tliey found Simon, him they compelled to bear his c. ]\lark\5. 9.1. Luke iS. 26. 40. saj'ing, if thou be the Son of God, come down from the c. 42. Mark 15. 30, 32. John 19. 17. he bearing his c. went forth to a place 19. Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the c. 25. there stood by the c. of Jesus his mother 31. bodies should not remain on the c. on sabbath 1 Cor. 1. 17. lest c. of Christ he m^ade of none effect 18. preaching of the c. is to them foolishness Gal. 5. 11. theii is the offence of the c. ceased 6. 12. lest they suffer persecution for the c. of Chr. 14. God forbid that I should glory, save in the c. Eph. 2. 16. reconcile both in one body by the c. Phil. 2. 8. he became obedient to the death of the c. 3. 18. that they are enemies of the c. of Christ Col. 1. 20. having made peace thro' the blood of c. 2. 14. and took it oiat of the way, nailing it to his c. Heb. 12. 2. for the joy set before him, endured the c. CROSS-WAY. Obad. 14. nor shouldest thou have stood in the c. CROUCH. 1 Sam. 2. 36. shall come and c. to him for a piece CROUCHETH. Psal. 10. 10. he c. and humbleth himself, that poor Crow, Crowing. See Cock. CROWN Is properly taken for a cap of state worn on the heads of sovereign princes, 1 Chron. 20. 2. But in a figurative sense it signifies honour, splendour, or dignity. Lam. 5. 16. Ihe crown is fallen from our head. And the apostle says of the Philip- pians, that they were his joy and crown, Phil. 4. 1. They were his honour and glory, the great ornament of his ministry, by means whereof they had been converted to Christ. It is used likewise for reward, because conquerors in the public games were crowned, 1 Cor. 9. 25. They do it to obtain a corruptible crown, but we an incorruptible : that is, the wrestlers in those games which are practised among you, contend i7i order to obtain a wreath, or garland, of flowers, herbs, or leaves, of laurel, olive, and the like ; but roe Christians strive for an inheritance incorruptible, undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for us. St. John, speaking of Christ governing the affairs of his church, says, that on his head were many crowns, Rev. 19. 12. noting his absolute sove- reignty, and many triumphs. A crown is a sigji of victory, I ! ev. 4. 4. The high-priest among the Jews wore a crown, which girt alniut his mitre, or the lower part of his bonnet, and was tied behind his head. On the forepart was a plate of gold, icith these words engraven 071 it. Ho- liness to the Lord, Exod. 28. 36. I 29. 6. New married men and women wore crowns upon their wedding-day. Cant. 3. 11. The spouse invites her companions to see king Solomon with the croxvn wherewith his mother crowned him in the day of his espousals ; and alluding ti this custom, it is said, £zek. 16. 12. that when God entered into covenant with the Jewish nation, he put a beauti- ful crown upon their head. E.rod.Q5. 25. snaltmake a golden c. to the border 29. 6. and put the holy c. upon the miire 30. 4. make golden rings to it under the c. 37. 27. 39. 30. made the plate of the c. of pure aold Lev. 8. 9. upon his forefront he put the holy c. 21. 12. the c. of the anointing oil is upon him 2 KingsU. 12. put the c. upon Joash, 2 Chr. 23. 11. Esth. 1. 11. to bring Vashti with the c. royal Job 31. S6. surely 1 would bind it as ac. tome Psal. 89. 39. thou hast profaned his c. by casting it 1.32. 18. but upon himself shall his c. flourish Prov. 4. 9. a c. of glory shall she deliver to thee 12. 4. a virtuous woman is a c. to her husband 14. 24. the c. of the wise is their riches 16. 31. the hoary head is a c. of glory if found in 17. 6. children's children are the c. of old men 27. 24. doth the c. endure to every generation ? Cant. 3. 11. go forth, behold king Solomon with c. Isa. 28. 1. woe to the c. of pride, to the drunkards 5. that day Lord of hosts shall be for a c. of aiory 62. 3. thou Shalt also be a c. of glory in the hand of Jer. 13. 18. the c. of your glory shall come down Ezek. 21. 26. remove the diadem, take oft' the c. Zech. 9. 16. they shall be as the stones of a c. lifted JoJmig. 5. Jesus wearing a c. of thorns, and purple 1 Cor. 9. 25. they do it to obtain a corruptible c. Phil. 4.1. dearly belov. and longed for, my joy and c. 1 Thess. 2. 19. for what is our hope, or c. of rejoicing 2 Tim. 4. 8. there is laid up for me a c. of righteous. Jam. 1. 12. he shall receive c. of life Lord promised 1 Pet. 5. 4. ye shall receive a c. of glory fadeth not Mev. 2. 10. faithful to death, I will give'a c. of life 3. 11. hold that fast, that no man take thy c. 6. 2. ac. given to liim, and went forth conquering CRO'WN of gold. Exod. 25. 11. thou shalt make upon it a c. of gold round about, 24. 1 30. 3. | 37. 2, 11, 12, 26. CRU Esth. 8. 15. Mordecai went out with a great c. Ufgold Psal. 21. 3. thou settest a c. of pure goldon his head CROWN, with head. Ge7t. 49. 26. they shall be on the c. of Joseph's head Deut. 33. 20. teareth the arm with the c. ot the head 2 Sam. 1. 10. I took the c. that was upon his head 12. .30. took king's c. from his head, 1 Chr. 20. 2. 14. 25. from the sole even to c. of his head. Job 2. 7. Esth. 2. 17- the king set the royal c. on her head 6. 8. the c. royal which is set upon his head Job 19. 9. he hath taken the c. from my head Isa. 3. 17. Lord will smite with a scab the c. of head Jer. 2. 16. have broken the c. of thy head 48. 45. the c. of the head of the tumultuous ones Lam. 5. 16. the c. is fallen from our head, woe to us Esek. 16. 12. 1 put a beautiful <•. on thine head Mat. 27. 29. they platted a c. of thorns, and put it on his head, Mark 15. 17. JolmlQ. 2. Rev. 12. 1. and upon her head a c. of twelve stars 14. 14. having on his head a golden c. and a sickle CKOWIN, Ferh. Psal. 5. t 12. with favour wilt thou c. him, as with CROW^ED. Psal. 8. 5. thou hast c. him with glory and honour Prov. 14. 18. the prudent are c. with knowledge Cafit. 3. 11. the crown wherewith his mother c. him Nah. 3. 17. thy c. are as locusts, and thy captains 2 Tim. 2.5. he is not c. except he strive lawfully Heb. 2. 9. we see Jesus c. with aiory and honour CROWNEDSl. Heb. 2. 7. thou c. him with glory and honour CROWNESi. Psal. 65. 11. thou c. the jear with thy goodness CROW IS KIH. Psal. 103. 4. who c. thee with loving-kindness CROWNING. Isa. 23. 8. taken counsel aaainst Tyre the c. city CROWNS. 1 Chron. 2. + 54. the c. of the house of Joab Ezek. 23. 42. which put beautiful c. on their heads Zech. 6. 11. make c. \\ 14. the c. shall be to Helem Rev. 4. 4. the elders had on their heads c. of gold 10. and they cast their c. before the throne, saying 9. 7. on the locusts' heads were c. like gold 12. 3. a red dragon havmg seven c. on his heads 13. 1. a beast rise up, having upon his horns ten c. 19. 12. and on his head were many c. CRUCIFY. Mat. 20. 19. shall deliver him to Gentiles toe. him 23.34. some of them ye shall kill, and c.and scourge 27. 31. they led him away to c. him, Mark 15. 20. 31arkl5.13. and they cried out again, c. him, 14. 27. and with him they c. two thieves, 'the one i7n. 3. 56. liast heard, hide not thine ear at mj' c. Ezek. 27. 28. the suburbs shake at the c. of pilots Zeph. 1. 10. there shall be a c. fiom the fish gate Mat. 25. 6. at midnight there was a c. made, behold Great CRY. Gen. 18. 20. because the c. of Sodom is great, 19. 13. 27. 34. Esau cried with a great and bitter c. Exod. 11. 6. there shall be a great c. through Egypt 12. 30. Pharaoh rose, there was ^ great c. In Egypt Neh. 5. 1. was great c. of the people and their ivives Acts 23. 9. when he so said, there arose a great c. Hear CRY. Exod. 22. 23. if they c. I will surely hear their c. Job 27. 9. will God hear his c. when trouble comes Psal. 61. 1. hear my c. O God, attend to my prayei 145. 19. he also will hear their c. and save thenj Jer. 20. 16. let him hear the c. in the morning Not hear CRY. Jer. 14. 12. when they fast, I will 7iot hear their c. CRIES. Jam. 5. 4. the c. of them that reaped are entered CRY, rcrb. E.rod. 5. 8. for they are idle, therefore they c. 22. 23. if thou afflict them, and thev c. unto me 32. 18. neither is it the voice of them that c. Lev. 13. 45. shall cover his upper lip, and c. unclean Judg. 10. 14. go c. to the gods ye have ciiosen 2 Sam. 19. 28. what riaht hlive t ^■et to c. to the king 2 Kings 8. 3. she went to c. for fier house and laiici 2 Chron. 20. 9. and c. in our affliction, thou wilt hear Job 30. 2l>. I r. unto thee, and thou dost not hear 24. though they c. in his destruction 35. 9. theV make the ojipressed to c. they r. out 12. there they c. but none givetli answer, because 36. 13. they c. not when hebindeth them .38. 41. when his young ones r. to God, they wander P.^al. 22. 2. I c. in the" day time, thou hearest not 27- 7. hear, O Lord, m litn 1 r. with my voice, 28. 2. 28. 1. to thee Mill \ c. O Lord, my rock, 2. 34. 17. the righteous c. and the Lord licareth H.5 CRl P*«7^^ 26. 7. Josh. 24. 7. when they c. to the I,, he put darkness 1 Sam. 7. 9. Sam. c. to L. 15. 11. || 1 Kings 17. 20. Elijah, 21. 2 KingslO. 11. Tsa. c. to L. 2 Chr. 14. 11. Asac. to L,. 2 Chr. 13. 14. they c. to L. Ps. 107. 6, 13. .Ion. 1. 14. Psal. 3. 4. 1 c. to L. with my voice, 120. 1. | 142. 1. Lam. 2. 18. their heart c. to L. O daujihter of Zion CRII^D ti'ith a loud voice. 1 Sam. 28. 12. woman at En-dor c. icith a loudvoice 2 Sam. 19. 4. David c.with loudvoice,^ Abs2L\om,my 2 Kings 18. 28. Rabshakehc. with I. v. Isa. .36. 13. Neh. 9. 4. Lev. c. with I. v. || Ezek. 11.13. Ezek. c. Mat. 27. 46. about ninth hour Jesus c. with a I. voice, 50. Mark 15. .34, 37- Luke13. 46. John 11. 43. Mark 1. 26. evil spir. c. with I. v. \\ Acts 16.28.PauI c. J\cts1.b1. Steph. ^ncmx^hc.xoithl. v. I 60. Steph.c. Pev. 6. 10. they c. with loud v. saying, how long, O 7. 2. the angel c. with a loud voice, 10. 3. 1 19. 17. 10. mult, stood before 1 s.xnb c.with a loud voice CRIED out. 1 Sam. 4. 13. all the city c. out \\ 5. 10. Ekronites emit 1 Kitigs 22. .32. Jehoshaphat c. out, 2 Chron. 38. 31. 2 Kings 4. 40. they c. out, there is death in the pot Je?'. 20. 8. I c. out, 1 cried, violence and spoil Mat. ?,. 29. behold, the spirits c. out, Luke 4. ,3"?. 14. 26. the disciples c. out for fear, Mark 6. 49. 20. 30. the blind men c. out, have mercy uponiLS Mark 1. 23. the man with an unclean spirit c. out 9. 24. the father of the child c. out, Luke 9. .38. 15. 13. and they c. out aaain, crucify him, Mat. 27. 23. LuU 23. 18. John 10. 6. Acts\^. 28. they c. out. sayins, treat is Diana, .34. 22. 23. as they c. out, and threw dust in the air 23. 6. Paul c. out in the council, 1 am a' Pharisee CRIKST, ETIf. Gen. 4. 10. the voice of thy brother's blood c. to me Exod. 14. 15. wherefore c. thou to me ' speak to 22. 27. when he c. unto me, that 1 will hear 1 Sam. 26. 14. who art thou that c. to the king ? Job 24. 12. and the soul of the wounded c. out Psal. 72. 12. he shall deliver the needy when he c. 84. 2. my heart and flesh c. out for the living God Prov. 1. 20. wisdom c. without, 8. 3. | 9. 3. 2. 3. yea, if thou c. after knowledge, and liftest Isa. 26. 17. like as a woman thatc. out in her pangs 40. 3. the voice of him that c. in the wilderness 57. 13. when thou c. lot companies deliver thee Jer. 12. 8. my heritage c. out auainst me 30. 15. why c. thou for thine aflliction ''. Mic. 6. 9. Lord's voice c. to the city, hear the rod Mat. 15. 23. send her away, for she c. after us Luke 9. 39. he suddenly c. out, and it teareth him Pom. 9. 27. Esaias also c. concerning Israel, though Jam. 5. 4. behold, the hire of the labourers c. CRYING. 1 Sam. 4. 14. when Eli heard the noise of the c. ISam. 13. 19. Tamar put ashes, and went on c. Job 39. 7- nor recardeth he the c. of the driver Prov. 19. 18. and let not thy soul spare for his c. .30. 15. the horse-leech hath two daughters c. give Isa. 22. 5. it isaday of c. to the mountains 24. 11. there is a c. for wine in the streets 65. 19. voice of c. shall be no more heard in her Jer. 48. 3. a voice of c. shall be from Horonaim Zech. 4. 7. shall bring forth the head-stone with'c. Mai. 2. 13. covering the altar of the Lord with c. Mat. 3. 3. voice of one c. in the wilderness, prepare, Markl. 3. Luke 3. 4. John 1. 23. 21. 15. and saw tiie children r. in the temple Inde 4. 41. devils c. thou art Christ, the Son of God for unclean spiritsc.cameout of many 14. 14. they ran in among the people, c. out 21 . 28. laid h-ands on him, c. out, men of Israel 36. the multitude followed, c. away with him Gal. 4. 6. Spirit into your hearts, c. Abba Father Heb. 5. 7. he offered up prayers with strong c. Rev. 21. 4. there will be no more death nor c. CRYSTAL. Jobm.V;. the gold and the c. cannot equal it Ezek. 1. 22. finnameut was as coloin- of terrible c Rev. 4. 6. there was a sea of glass like unto c. CUP Rev. 21. 11. the light of the great city was clear as c. 22. 1. a pure riverof water of life, clear as c, CUBIL Is the distance from the elbow bending inwards to the extremity 0/ the middle finger : this is called a common cubit, the cubit of a man, containing a foot and a half, or half a yard, Deut. 3. 11. There is likewise the sacred cubit, which is a full yard, and contains two common cubits. There is men- tion made of both these sorts of cubits, in 1 KinL'.s 7. 15. and 2 Chron. 3. 15. In the former the two columns of brass which were in Solomon's temple, are said to be eighteen cubits high ^ and in the Chronicles, thirty-five cubits; which is double the other. Some are of opinion, that the cubit which iSJoah made use of when he built the ark, was equal to six common cubits; they call this a geometrical cubit. Gen. 6. 16. in a c. shalt thou finish the ark above Deut. 3. 11. the breadth of it, after the c. of a man 1 Kings 7. 24. the knops compassing it, ten in a.c. 2 Chron. 4. 3. ten in a c. compassing the sea about Ezek. 43. 13. the c. is a c. and an hand-breadth Mat. 6. 27. can add one c. to his stature, Luke 12. 25. CUBITS. Gen. 6. 15. length of the ark 300 c. breadth .%c. 7. 20. fifteen c. upward did the waters prevail Exod. 25. 10. two c. and a half the length of the ark 1 .Sam. 17. 4. (joliath's height six c. and a span 1 Kings 6. 2. length of the house 60 c. breadth 20. 23. each of the cherubims \vas ten c. high 7. .38. and every laver was four c. high 2 Kings lA. 13. Jehoash brake down the wall of Je- rusalem, 400 c. 1 Chron. 25. 23. Ezra 6. 3. the height 60 c. the breadth 60 c. Esth. 5. 14. let a gallows be made fifty c. higli,t. 9. Ezek. 40. 23. he measured from L-^ate to gate 100 c. 47. the court 100c. || 43. I7. the settle 14 c. 41. 2. and the breadth of the door was ten c. 9. the thickness of the wall was five c. 43. 16. and the altar shall be twelve c. long Van. 3. 1. the height of tiie image was 60 c. Zech. 5. 2. the leuLith of the flying roll is 20 c. John 21. 8. they were from land as it were 200 c. Pev. 21.17. lie measured the wall of the city 144 c, CUCKOW. Lev. 11. 16. c. have in abomination, Deut. 14. 15. CUCUMBERS. Num. 11. 5. we remember the c. and the melons Isa. 1. 8. Zion is left as a lodge in a garden of c. Cud ; see Chew and Cheweth. CUMBERED. Luke 10. 40. Martha was c. about much serving CUMBEMETH. Luke 13. 7. cut it down, why c. it the ground ? CUMBRANCE. Deut. 1. 12. how can I myself alone bear your c? CUMMm. Isa. 28. 25. doth he not scatter the c. and cast in 27. nor is a cart-wheel turned about upon the c. but the c. is beaten out with a rod Mat. 23. 23. woe to you scribes, ye pay tithe of c. CUMIS'IISG. Gen. 25. 27. the boys grew, and Esau was a c. hunter Exod. 26. 1. with cherubims of c. work, 36. 8. 28. 15. thou shalt make the breastplate of c. work 31. 4. to devise c. works in gold and silver 3{i. 23. Aholiab ac. workman and embroiderer 39. 8. he made the breast-plate of c. work 1 Sam. 16. 16. a man who is a c. player on an harp 18. 1 have seen a son of Jesse that is c. in playing 1 Chron. 25. 7. all that were c. in songs, were 288 2 Chron. 2.7. send me a mane, to work in gold 13. I have sent a c. man of Huram my father's Psal. 58. t5. not hearken, be the charmer never so c. 137. 5. if I forget, let my riiiht hand forget her c. Prov. 19. t 25. and the simple will be c. Ca7it. 7. 1. thy joints, the work of a c. workman Isa. 3. 3. I will take away the c. artificer 40. 20. he seeketh to him a c. workman to prepare Jer. 9. 17. send for c. women that they may come 10. 9. they are all the work of c. men Dan. 1.4. children well favoured, c. in knowledge Hos. 6. + 8. G Head is a city c. for blood jE»/;.4.14. and carried about by c. craftiness, whereby CU1SII^'I^GLY. 2 Pet. 1. 16. we have not followed c. devised fables CUP. This word is taken in Scripture in a proper and in a figurative sense, hi a proper sense it signifies a material cup, which people drink out of at meals. Gen. 40.13. In the figurative senjte it is taken, (1) For the wine in the cup. 1 Cor. 11. 27. (2) For those sufferings and afflictions which God se?ids upon a person or people : To drink of this cup, signifies to undergo and endure those sufferings : Isa. .51. 17. Stand up, O Jerusalem, which hast drunk at the hand of tbe Lord the cup of his fuiy. Psal. 75. 8. In the hand of the Lord there is a cup, the dregs thereof all the wicked of the earth shall wring them out, and drink them. In these and the like passages God is compared to the mas- ter of a feast, who then used to distribute portions of meats or drinks to the several guests, as he tho7ight fit. Our Saviour prays. Mat. 26. 39. Let this cup pass from me. Let me be freed from these sufferings both in my S07il and body : And he tells his disciples, Mat. 20. 23. That they should indeed (Irink of his cup ; that w, They should taste of inward afflictions and desertions, and have their share of outicard sufferings for the gospel, as well as himself. C3) For God's blessings and favours, Psal. 23. 5. Babylon is called a golden cup, Jer. 51. 7; because of her great riches and plenty. And it is said of the woman arrayed in purple, or of the anti- christian church, that she had a golden cup in her hand, Pev. IT. 4. which may denote the en ticir/g meatis, and specious pretences, which she ■uses to allure people to idolatry, particularly by sensuality, luxury, and affluence. I will take the cup of salvation, Psal. 116. 13. 1 CUR xeill offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving nnio God. It de?wtes joy and thanf:sgivi?ig, and is a phrase taken from the common practice of the Jews in iheir thank offerings, in xohich a feast was made of the remamaer of their sacrifices, and the off'er- ers, together with the priest, did eat and drink before the Lord : and, among other rites, the master of the feast took a cvp of wine into his hand, and solemnly blessed God for it, and for the mercy which -was then acknowledged ; and then gave it to all the gnests, of -which every one did drink in his turn, 1 Chron. 16. 2, 3. To which custom it is supposed that our blessed Lord alludes iri the ijistitution of the cvp, winch also is called the cup of blessing, 1 Cor. 10. 16. #'from Seir him that passeth out 37. 11. our hope is lost, we are c. off for our parts Da'i. 4. 14. hew down the tree, c. offh'is branches 9. 26. Messiah shall bee. off, but not for himself IIvs. 4. +5. e. off thy mother | t 6. people aie c, off 8. 4. they have made itlols, that they may be e. off 10. 7- Samaria, her king is e. off as the foam, 15. Joel 1. 5. the new wine is c.r'.#'from your mouth, 9. 16. is not the meat e. off' before our eyes ■■ Amos 1. 5. I will e. off the inhabitant from Aven 8. I will c. off' the inliabitant from Ashdod 2. 3. I will e. o#the judge from the midst thereof 3. 14. the horns of the altar shall be e. off' Obad. 5. if robbers by niaht, how art thou e. off 9. every one of Esau may be c. o# by slaughter 10. and thou shalt be e. off for ever 14. nor stand to c. offthoseofhis that did escape Mic. 5. 9. and all thine enemies shall be e. off 10. horses || 11. cities || 12. witchcrafts c. off' 13. thy graven images will 1 e. off', Nah. 1. 14. Nah. 1. 15. for the wicked is utterly c. off' 2. 13. and I will c. r#thy piey from the earth 3. 15. the sworti shall e. thee off, it shall eat Hab. 3. 17. tho' the flock shall be from the fold Zeph. 1. 3. I will c. off man from off the land 4. c. o#remn. of Paal |! 11. that bear silver c. off 3. 6. I have e. off' the nations, towers are desolate 7. so their dwelling should not be e. off Zech. 5. 3. for every one that steal eth as on this side, and every one thatsweareth, shall be e. off 9- 6. 1 will e. off the pride of the Philistines 10. and I will e. o# the chariot from Ephrairn 11.8. three shepherds also 1 c. off'm one month 9. and that, that is to be e. off', let it be c. off 13. 2. I wille. off the names of idols out of land 8. two parts in the land shall be c. off and die 14. 2. the residue of the people shall not be e. off Mai. 2. 12. Lord wille. off' the man that doeth this DAM Mat. 5. 30. if thy right hand offend thee, c. it of, 18.8. Mark g. 43,45. Mark 14, 47. e. off ear, Luke 22. 50. John 18. 10, 26. ActsZT. .32. the soldiers e. (#tlie ropes of the boat Pom. n.il2. otherwise thou shalt also he 2 Cor. 11. 12. that I may e. of/ occasion from them Gal. 5. 12. I would they werec. of/' that trouble you cut' out. 2 Chron. 26. 1 10. Uzziah e. out many cisterns ./ob 33. t 6. I also am e. out of the clay Prov. 10. 31. the froward tongue shall be e. ont Dan. 2. 34. a stone was e. out without hands, 45. Rom. 11. 24. for if thou wert e. out of the olive tree CUT short. 2 K27ips 10. 32. the Lord began to e. Israel short Pom. 9. 28. will finish ande. it .yAor; in righteousness cur up. Job 30. 4. who e. vp mallows by the bushes Isa. 33. 12. as thorns e. nv shall they be burnt CUT f E.ST, Efll. Deut. 24. 19. when thou e. down thine harvest Job 28. 10. he c. out rivers among the rocks Psal. 29. +7. the voice of the Lord c. flames of fire 46. 9. he breaketh bow, and e. the spear in sunder 141. 7. as when one c. and cleaveth wood on earth Prov. 26. 6. sendeth message by fool, e. otf th^ feet Jer. 10. 3. for one c. a tree out of the forest with axe 22. 14. build chambers and e. him out windows CUTl ING. Eiod. 31.5. and in c. of stones to set them, 35. 33. Lev. 25. i 23. the land shall not be sold for e. of De7if. 24. + 1. let him write her a bill of e. off Isa. 38. 10. I said in the e. of my days, 1 shall go Jer. .30. + 23. a c. whirlwind, it shall fall with paii» Ezek. 7. + 25. c. off cometh, they shall seek peace 16. 1 3. thy e. out is of the land of Canaan Ilab. 2. 10. consulted shame by c. off many peoplt crying and e. himself with stone CUTJ1NG.S. Mark. 5. 5. tombs, crying and e. himself' Lev. ]9.28.yeshall not make any e. for dead, 21.5. Jer. 48. .37. upon all the hands shall be c. and on Jonahi. + 6. 1 went down to the e. of the mount CYMBAL. 1 Cor. 13. 1. I am become as sounding brass, or a CYMBALS. [tinkling e. 2 Sam. 6. 5. played on cornets and c. 1 Chr. 13. 8. 1 Chron. 15. 16. harps and e. sounding, 16. 42. 16. 5. but Asaph made a sound with'e. 25. 6. these were under the hands of their father for song in the house of the \jorA with e. 2 Chron. 5. 13. they lift up their voice with e. 29. 25. he set Levites in house of the Lord with c. Ezra 3. 10. the sons of Asaph with e. Neh. 12. 27. Psal. 150. 5. praise him upon loud-sounding c. CYPK ESS. Cant. 1. + 14. my beloved is to me as a cluster of e, 4. + 13. with pleasant fruits, e. with spikenard Isa. 44. 14. he taketh the e. and the oal^ D. DAGGER. Judg. 3. 16. Ehud made him a d. with two edges 2L he took the d. from his right thigh 22. that he could not draw the d. out of his belly Daily ; see after Days, DAIK lY, TIES. Gen. 49. 20. Asher shall yield royal d. Job 33. 20. and his soul abhorreth d. meat Psal. 141. 4. and let me not eat of their d. Prov. 23. 3. be not desirous of his d. for they are 6. an evil eye, neither desire thou his d. meats Hah. 1. 1 16. their portion is fat, their ineat1. 14. 6. the daughter of Herodias d. Mark 6. 22. DANCES. Exod. 15. 20. the women went after her with d. Judg. 11. .34. daughter came to meet him with d. 1 Sam. 21. 11. did they not sing of him md. 29.5. Jer. 31. 4. thou shalt go forth in the d. of them DANCING. Exod. 32. 19. hecaiTienigh, he saw the calf and d. 1 Sam. 18. 6. the m omen came out singing and d. 30. 16. were spread on all the earth, eating and d. 2 Sam. 6. 16. she saw king David d. 1 Chr. 15. 29. Psal. 30. 11. thou hast turned my mourning into d. Luke 15. 25. as he came he heard music and d. DANDLED. Isa. 66. 12. and ye shall be d. upon her knees DANGER. Mat. 5. 21. shall be in d. of the judgment 22. shall be in d. of council, in d. of hell-fire Mark 3. 29. but is in d. of eternal damnation Acts 19. 27. not onlv this our craft is in d. but temple 40. in d. to be called in question for this upioar DANGEROUS. Acts 27. 9. and when sailing was now d. because DARE. Job 41. 10. none is so fierce that d. stir him up B-om. 5. 7- for a good man some would even d. to die 15. 18. for I will not d. to speak of any thing 1 Cor. 6. 1. d. any of you go to law before the unjust ? 2 Cor. 10. 12. we d. not make ourselves of the nuinber DARK. Gen. 15. 17- when the sun went down, and it was d. Exod. 9. + .32. for the wheat and the rye were d. Lev. 13. 6. if the plague be d. 21, 26, 28, 56. Nm)i. 12. 8. speak apparently, and not in d. speeches Josh. 2. 5. when it was d. the men went out 2 Sam. 22. 12. about him d. waters, Psal. 18. 11. .Nell. 13. 19. the gates of lerusalem began to be d. Job 3. 9. let the stars of the twilight thereof be d. 12. 25. they grope in the d. without light 18. 6. the light shall be d. in his tabernacle 22. 13. can he judge through the d. cloud ? 24. IC. in the d. they dig thro' houses, which they 30. + 3. want and famine they were d. as night Psal. 35. 6. let their way be d. and slippery 49. 4. I will open my d. saying on the harp 74. 20. d. places of the earth ai'e full of cruelty 78. 2. in parables, I will utter d. sayings of old 88. 12. shall tliy wonders be known in the d. 7 105.28. he sent darkness and made it d. Prov. 1. 6. the words of the wise and their d. sayings 7. 9. in the twilight, in the black and d. night Isa. 5. + 30. it shall be d. in the destruction thereof 29. 15. and their works are in the d. and they say 45. 19. 1 have not spoken in a d. place of the earth Jer. 13. 16. your feet stumble on the d. mountains Lam. 3. 6. he hath set me in d. places, as they that Eiek. 8. 12. what the house of Israel do in the d. 32. 7. and I will make the stars thereof d. 8. the bright lights of heaven will I make d. .34. 12. have been scattered in the cloud y and d. day T)an. 8. 23. a king understanding d. sentences shall Joel 2. 10. the sun and the moon shall be d. Amos 5. 8. seek him that maketh the day d. 20. Mic. 3. 6. it shall berf. to you, the day shall be d. Zech. 14. 6. the light shall not be clear, nor d. Luke 11, 36. if thy body be light, having no part d. John 6. 17. went over the sea, and it was now d. 20. 1. Mary came early, when it was yet d. C Pet. 1. 19. as to a lit'ht that shineth in a d. place DARKEN. Amos 8. 9. and I will d. the earth in the clear day DARKLY. 1 Cor. 13. 12. for now we see through a glass d. DARKENED. Exod. \0.15. for they covered, so that the land was d. Psal. 69. 23. let their eyes be d. Rom. 11. 10. Eccl. 12. 2. while sun, moon, or the stars be not if. 3. those tliat look out of the windows be d. Isa. 5. 30. light is d. in the heavens thereof 9. 19. the land is d. \\ 13. 10. the sun d. Joel 3. 15. 24. 11. all joy is d. the mirth of the land aone Ezek. .30. 18. at Tehaphnehes the day shall be d. Zech. 11. 17. his right eye shall be utterly d. Mat. 24. 29. then shall the sun be d. Mark 13. 24. Luke 23. 45. and the sun was d. and vail was rent Rom.l. 21. and their fooKsh heart was d. Eph. 4. 18. having the understanding d. alienated Rev. 8. 12. so as the third part of them wa^ d. 9. 2. and tlie sun and the air were d. DARKENETH. ^0*38. 2. who is this thatrf. counsel bywords? Psal. 139. + 12. 3'ea, the darkness d. not from thee DARKISH. Lev. 13. 39. if the bright spots in skin be d. white DARKNESS Signifies, [1] The privation or want of natural light. Mat. 27. 45. [2] Hell, the place of eternal misery, confusiori, and horror, called outer d^irk- ness. Mat. 22. 13. [.3] Ignorance and unbelief, ■which is the want of spiritual light, .lohn 3. 19. [4] The minds of men, which, siyice the fall, are full of ignorance and error, John 1. 5. [5] A private or secret place, where but few persons are present, Mat. 10. 27. What I tell you in dark- ness ; that is, in parables, and in private^ between ourselves. [6] Great distress, perplexity, and calamity, Isa. 8. 22. Joel 2. 2. [7J Sin, or impurity, 1 John 1. 5. The land of darkness is the grave, Job 10. 21, 22. Such as sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, Psal. 107 . 10- such as are in a disconso- late and forloryi condition, shut up in. prisons, or dungeons. The children of light, .Je^m opposition to the children of darkness, means the righteous in opposition to the wicked; the faithful in oppo- sition to the incredulous and infidels, 2 Cor. 6. 14. Our Saviour calls the exercise of Sataris power, the power of darkness, Luke 22. 53. But this is your hour, and the power of dark- ness ; this is the time wherein power is given to the devil, and his instruments, to execute their designs against me. 1 he power of darkness, is likewise taken for the dominion of sin, and slaiery to the devil, under which all unre generated persons are. Col. 1. 13. Gen. 1. 2. and d. was upon the face of the deep 5. the light day, and the d. he called night 18. God set them to divide the light from the d. 15. 12. an horror of great d. fell upon Abram Exod. 10. 21. that there may be d. over Egypt 22. there was a thick d. in all Egypt three days 14. 20. it was a cloud and d. to them, but light 20. 21. and Moses drew near unto the thick d. Deut. 4. 11. the moimtain burnt with thick d. 5. 22. these words the Lord spake out of thick d. Josh. 24. 7. he putd. between you and the Egyptians 2 Sam. 22. 10. d. was under his feet, Psal.'m. 9. 12. he made d. his pavilions round about him 29. the Lord will enlighten my d. Psal. 18. 28. Job 3. 5. let d. and the shadow of death stain it 6. as for that night, let d. seize upon it 5. 14. they meet with d. in the day time 10. 22. a land of d. as d. itself, without any order 19. 8. and he hath set d. in my paths 20. 26. all d. shall be hid in his secret places 22. 11. or d. that thou canst not see 23. 17. because I was not cut off before the d. neither hath he covered the d. from my face 28. 3. he setteth an end to d. the stones of d. 34. 22. no d. where workers of iniquity may hide .37- 19. we cannot order our speech by I'eason of d. 38. 9. when 1 made thick d. a swaddling-band 19. and as for d. where is the place thereof? Psal. 18. 11. he made d. his secret place 35. t 6. let their way be d. and slipperiness 88. 18. and hast put mine acquaintance into d. 97- 2. clouds and d. are round about him 104. 20. thou makest d. and it is night 105. 28. he sent d. and xnade it dark 139. 11. if I say, surely the d. shall cover me 12. yea, the d. hideth not from thee Prov. 2. 13. leave paths to walk in the ways of d. 4. 19. the way of the wicked is as d. they know not Eccl. 6. 4. his name shall be covered with d. Isa. 5. .30. and if one look to the land, behold d. 8. 22. thej' shall look, and behold trouble and d. 45. 3. 1 will give thee the treasures of d. 47. 5. get thee into d. O daughter of Chaldeans 60. 2. for behold, the d. shall cover the earth, and gross d. the people, but Lord shall arise on thee Jer. 13. 16. before he cause d. and make gross d. Ezek. 32. 8. I will set d. upon thy land, saithLord Joel 2. 2. a day of d. of clouds and of thick d. 31. the sun shall be turned into d. Acts 2. 20. Amos 4. 13. he that maketh the morning d. Nah. 1. 8. and d. shall pursue his enemies Mat. 6. 23. thy whole body full of d. Luke 11 . 34. 8. 12. be cast out into outer cf. 22. 13. 1 25. .30. 27. 45. from sixth hour there was d. Mark 15. .33. Luke 22. 53. tliis is your hour and the power of d. 23. 44. and there was d. over all the earth Acts 33. 11. there fell on him a mist and a d. Eph. 5. 11. have no fellowship with the works of d. 6. 12. against the rulers of the d. of this vvorld Col. 1. 13. who hath delivered us from power of d. 1 Thess. 5. 5. we are not of the night nor of d. Heb. 12. 18. ye are not come to blackness and d. 2 Pet. 2. 4. and delivered them into chains of rf. 17. to whom the mist of d. is reserved for ever 1 Johyi 2. 11. because that d. hath blinded his eyes Jude 6. hath reserved in everlasting chains under d. 13. to whom is reserved the blackn. of rf. for ever Rev. 16. 10. and his kingdom was full of d. DARKNESS, with day. Job 3. 4. let that day be d. let not God regard it 15. 23. heknoweth that ihe day of d. is at hand Eccl. 11. 8- yet let him remember the days of d. Isa. 58. 10. then shall thy d. be as the noow-day Joel 2. 2. a day of rf. and gloominess, Zeph. 1. 15. Amos 5. 20. shall not the daij of the Lord be d. / In DARKNESS. Deut. 28. 29. thou shalt grope as the blind in d. 1 Sam. 2. 9. and the wicked shall be silent in d. 1 Kings 8. 12. Solomon spake, the Lord said that he would dwell in the thick d. 2 Chr. 6. 1. Job 17. 13. I have made my bed in the d. Psal. 11. + 2. they may in d. shoot at the upright 82. 5. they know not, they walk on in d. 88. 6. thou hast laid me tn d. in the deeps 91. 6. nor for the pestilence that walketh in d. 107. 10. such as sit ni d. and the shadow of death 143. 3. the enemy hath made me to dwell in d. Prov. 20. 20. his lamp sliall tie put out in obscure d. Eccl. 2. 14. but tlie fool walketh in d. 5. 17. he eattth in d. \\ 6. 4. he departeth in d. Isa. 42. 7. bring them that sit in d. out of prison-h. 49. 9. to them that are iii d. shew yourselves 59. 9. we wait for light, but we walk in d. Jer. 23. 12. their ways shall be as slippery ways in d. Dan. 2. 22. he knowetii what is in the d. and light Johns. 12. he that followeth me shall not M~d\k in d. 12. 35. for he that walketh in d. knoweth not 46. whosoever believeth me, should not abide in d. 1 Thess. 5. 4. but ye, brethren, are not in d. 1 John 1. 6. and walk in d. we lie and do not truth 2. 9. hateth his brother, is in d. even till now 11. hateth his brother, is in d. walketh in d. /.awcfo/ DARKNESS. Job 10. 21. before I go even to the lajid of d. 22. a land of d. as d. itself, and shadow of death Jer. 2. 31. have I been to Israel a land of d. 7 DARKN ESS, with light. Gen. 1. 4. and God divided the light from the d. 18. two great lights to divide the light from d Job 10. 22. a land where the light is as d. Yl. 12. the light is short because of d. 18. 18. he shall be driven from light intod. 26. 1 10. until the end of light with d. 29. 3. vvhen by his light 1 walked through d. 30. 26. when I waited for light, there came d. Psal. 112. 4. to upright there ariseth light m d. 139. 12. the d. and light are both alike to thee Eccl. 2. 13. wisdom excels as far as light excelleth d. Isa. 5. 20. that putrf. for light, and light for d. 9. 2. the people that walked in d. have seen a great lipht, upon them hath light shined, Mat. 4. 16. 42. 16. I will make d. light before them 45. 7. I form light and create d. 1 make peace .50. 10. that walketh in d. and hath no light Jer. 13. 16. while ye look for light, he make it gross d. Lam. 3. 2. he brought me into d. but not into light Amos 5. 18. the day of the Lord is d. and not light Mic. 7. 8. when 1 sit in d. the Lord shall be a light Mat. 6. 23. light in thee be d. how great is that d. ! 10. 27. what I tell in d. speak in light, Lukell. 3. Liike 1. 79. light to them that sit in d. Rom. 2. 19. 11. 35. that the light which is in thee be not d. John 1. 5. light shineth in d. d. comprehended it not 3. 19. and men loved d. rather than light 12. 35. walk while ye have light, lest d. come Acts 26. 18. and to turn them from d. to light Rom. 13. 12. cast off the works of d. put on light 1 Cor. 4. 5. to bring to light the hidden things of d. 2 Cor. 4. 6. who commanded light to shine out of d. 6. 14. what communion hath 'light with d. ? 1 Pet. 2. 9. called you out of rf. into marvellous light 1 John 1. 5. God is light, and in him is no d. at all 2. 8. d. is past, and the true light now shineth Out 0/ DARKNESS. Deut. 5. 22. when ye heard the voice out of the d. Job 12. 22. he discovereth deep things out of d. 15. 22. believeth not that he sliall \et\ivnout of d. 30. he shall not depart out of d. the flame dry up Psal. 107. 14. he brought them out ofd. and shadow Isa. 29. 18. the eyes of the blind shall see out ofd. DARLING. Psal. 22. 20. deliver my d. from power of the dog 35. 17. Lord, rescue my d. from the lions DART, S. 2 Sam. 18. 14. Joab took three d. in his hand 2 Chron. 32. 5. IJezekiah made d. and shields Job 41. 26. the spear nor the d. cannot hold 29. d. are counted as stubble, he laugheth at Prov. 7. 23. till a d. strike through his liver Joel 2. t 8. when they fall on d. not be wounded Eph. 6. 16. to quench the fiery d. of the wicked Heb. 12. 20. it shall be thrust through with a d. DASH. 2 Kings 8. 12. and thou wilt d. their cliildren Psal. 2. 9. lest d. them in pieces like a potter's vessel 91. 12. they shall bear thee up, lest thou d. thy foot against a stone, Mat. 4. 6. Luke -i. 11. Isa. 13. 18. their bows shall d. the young men Jer. 13. 14. 1 will d. them one against another DASHED. Exod. 15. 6. thy right hand, O Lord, hath d. in pieces Isa. 13. 16. their children also shall be d. in pieces before their eyes, Ilos. 13. 16. Nah. 3. 10. Hos. 10. 14. the mother was d. upon her children DASHETH. Psal. 137. 9. that d. thy little ones against the stones DATES. 2 Chron. 31. 1 5. the children of Israel brought d. DAUB, ED, ING. Exod. 2. 3. she d. tlie ark with slime and pitch Ezek. 13. 10. others d. it with untempered mortar 11. say to them which d. it, that it shall fall 12. where is the d. wherewith ye have d. it? 14. so will I break down the \\ all ye have d. 22. 28. her prophets have d. them with mortar DAUGHTER Signifies, [1] A female child. Gen. 34. 1. [2] A sinter. Gen. 34. 17. [3] A niece, or brother's daughter, Exod. 2. 21. [4] A daughter-in-la:v, or son's wi.fe, Ruth 3. 18. [5] 2 he -comen that dicell in a country. Gen. 34. 1. [6] 'The in- habitants of a city or country, both men and women, Isa. 16. 2. Mat. 21. 5. [7] Posterity, lineage, or offspring, Luke 1. 5. [8] The htngs, and other orgaJis of siiiging, called tlie daughters of music, Eccl. 12. 4. [9] The branches of trees. Gen. 49. + 22. [10] The church of God, Psal. 45. 9, 10. Cant. 5. 8. Gen. 20. 12. is d. of my father, not d. of my mother 24. 23. whose d. art thou ? tell me, I pray thee, 47. 48. to take my master's brother's d. to iiis son 34. 7. he had Mrought folly in lying with Jacob's^/. 8. soul of my son >hechem lonizef h for vour d. 17. then will we take our d. and we will be gone 19. because he had deliahtin Jacob's rf. Exod. 1. 16. but if it be a ijnnce s d. Jer. 31 . '2'1. how lona go about, backsliding d. 49. 4. 46, IQ. () d. dwelling in Egypt, turmsh thyself 48. 18. thou d. that dost inhabit Dibon, come down Esek. 14. 16. neither deliver son nor d. 18, 20. 16. 44. saying, as is the mother, so is her rf. 45. thou art thy mother's d. that loatheth 27. 1 6. the d. of the Ashurites made thy benches 44. 25. for son or d. they may dehle themselves Dan. 11.6. the king's d. of tlie south shall come 17. shall give hinithe d. of women corrupting Jios. 1.6. and she conceived again, and bare at/. Mic. 5. 1. gather thyself in troops, O d. of ti-oops 7. 6. d. riseth up against her mother, daughter-in- law against her mother, Mat. 10. .35. Luke 12. 53. Zeph. 3. 10. the d. of my dispersed shall bring M(il. 2. II. hath married the d. of a strange god Mat. 9. 22. .Tesus said, d. be of good comf. thy faith hath made thee whole, Mark 5. .34. Luke 8. 48. 10. .37. he that loveth son or d. more than me 14. 6. the d. of Herodias danced before them 15. 28. her d. was made whole from that hour Mark 7. 26. he would cast forth devil out of her d. LmkeQ. 42. he had one only d. about 12 years of age 13. 16. oughtnotthis woman, being 6?. of Abraham AcisT. 21. Pharaoh's d. took him up and nourished Heb. 11. 24. Moses refused to be son of Pharaoh's d. DA UGH i ER of Bahylon. Psal. 137. 8. d. of Bahylon, who art to be destroyed Isa. 47. 1. O d. of Bahylon, sit on the ground Jer. 50. 42. to battle against thee, O d. if Bahylon 51. 33. d. of Bahylon is like a threshing floor Zech. 2. 7. O Zion, thatdwellest with d. of Babylon DAUGHTER of the Chaldeans. Isa. 47. 1. there is no throne, O d. of the Chaldeans 5. set thee into darkness, O d. of the Chaldeans DAUGHTER of Edom. Lam. 4. 21. rejoice and be glad, O d. of Edom 22. he will visit thine iniquity, O d. of Edom DAUGH PER of Egypt. Jer. 46. 11. go into Gilead, O virgin, d. of Egypt 24. the d. of Egypt shall be confounded DAUGHl'ER of Gallim. JjcalO. 30. lift up thy voice. O d. of Gallim His OAUGHTEK. ■Gen. 29. 6. Eachael his d. cometh with the sheep Exod. 21. 7. if a man sell hiS d. to be a servant Lev. 21. 2. for his son or his d. he may be dettled Num. 27- 8. shall cause inheritance to pass to his d. , 30. 16. the statutes between the father and his d. De7U. 7. 3. nor his d. shalt thou take to thy son 18. 10. there shall not be found one that maketh his d. to pass through the tire, 2 Kiiigs 23. 10. Judg. 21 . 1. not any of us give his d. to Benjamin 1 Sam. 17. 25. king will enrich and give him his d. DAUCHIER of Jerusalem. 2 Kings 19. 21. the dauohter of Zion, the d. of Jerus. hath shaken her iiead at thee, Isa. ,37.22. Lam. 2. 13. v/hat thing shall I liken to thee, O d. ofjenisalem, O daughter of Zion, to comfort thee .? 15. they wag their head at the d. of Jerusalem Mic. 4. 8. the kingdom shall come to d. of Jerusalem Zeph. 3. 14. rejoice with all the heait, O d. of Jerus. Zech. 9. 9. shout, O d. of Jerus. thy K ing cometh DAUGHTER of Judah. Lam. 1. 15. the Lord hath trodden the d. of Judah 2. 2. he hath thrown down strong holds oid.of Judah 5. he hath increased in d. of Jvdah mourning DAUGHTER- lis' -LAW. •Gen. 38. 16. he knew not that she was his d.-in-law 24. Tamar thy d.-in-law hath played the harlot Lev. 18. 15. not uncover nakedness of thy d.-in-law 20. 12. if aman lie with his d.-mlaw both shall die lluth 1. 22. Tv aomi returned, and P uth her d.-in-law 4. 15. d.-in-lau> which loveth thee, hath born him 1 Sam. 4. 19. f/.-fw-ZawPhinehas' wife was with child Ezek. 22. 11. another lewdly defileth his d.-m-law Mic. 7. 6. for the d.-in-law riseth up against the mother-in-law. Mat. 10.35. LukeXI. 53. My D.-UGH TER. Deut. 22. 16. 1 gave my d. to this man to wife 17. these are the tokens of my d. virginity Josh. 15. 16. to him will 1 sive my d. Judg. 1. 12. Judg. 11. 35. alas, my d. thou hast brought me low 19- 24. behold, here \'s,my d. amaiden Jlutlil. 2. and she said unto her, 2:0, my d. 8. 10. he said, blessed be thou of the Lord, my d. 16. her mother said, who ait thou, my d.? 18. sit still, my d. till thou know the matter Mat. 9. 18. a ruler, saying, myd. is even now dead 15. 22. mv d. is arievously vexed with a devil Mark 5. 23. my I ittle d. lieth at the point of death DAUGHl'EI^ of 7ny people. Isa. 92. 4. becauseof the spoiling of the rf. of my p. Jer. 4. 11. adry wind toward d. of my p. not to fan 6. 14. healed the heart oi'd. (fmyp. slightly, 8. 11. 26. O d. of )iiy people, gird thee with sackcloth 8.19. b-hol I, thevoiceofthe cry of therf. of my p. 21. for hurt of d. /Z«r. Num. 25. 15. the woman was Cozbi the d. ofZur DAUGHTER.S. Gen. 6. 1. and when d. were born to them 2. the sons of God saw the d. of men, and took 6. 4. the sons of God came in unto the d. of men 19. 14. I^t spake to them which married his d. .36. both the d. of Lot with child by their father 24. 3. take not a wife of d. ot Canaan, 37. I 28. 1, 6. 13. the d. of the city came out to draw water 27. 46. weary of my life because of the d. of Heth 30. 13. happy am I , for the d. will call me blessed 31. 26. thou hast carried away my d. as captives 43. these d. are my d. \\ 50. if thou afflict my d. 34. 1 . Dinah went out to see the d. of the land 9. give your d. to us, and take our d. unto you 16. then will we give our d. to you, and take d. 49. f 22. .loseph is a bough whose d. run over Exod. 2. 16. the priest of Midian had seven d. 21. 9. he shall deal with her after the manner of d. 34. IC. their d. go a whoring after their gods Lev. 26. 29. the Hesh of your d. shall ye eat Num. 21. t 25. dwelt in Heshbon and d. thereof 26. 33. names of (/. of 7elophehad,27. \.Josk.\1l.Z. 27. 7- the d. of Zelophehad speak right 36. 10. even so did the d. of Zelophehad Deut. 23. 17. shall be no whore of the d. of Israel Judg. 3. 6. they took their d. to be their wives 21. 7. "we will not give them of our d. to wives 18. howbeit, we may not give them wives of our d. Ruth 1. 11. turn again, my d. Avhy will ye go '. 12. 13. nay, my d. it grieveth me for your sakes 1 Sam. 8. 13. take your d. to be confectionaries 2 Sam. 13. 18. were king's d. virgins apparelled Neh. 3. 12. next repaired Shallum, he and his d. 5. 5. our d. are brought into bondage already 7. 63. took one ofd. of Barzillai to wife, Ezra 2. 61. 10. .30. not give our d. to the people of the land Job 42. 15. no women were so fair as the d. of lob Psal. 45. 9. king's d. among thy honourable women 144. 12. that our d. may be as corner stones Prov. 31. 29. many d. have done virtuously, but thou Cant. 2. 2. as the lily, so is my love among the d. 6. 9. the d. saw her and blessed her, yea the queens Isa. 13. + 21. d. of the owl dwell there, 34. 1 13. 32. 9. hear my voice, ye careless d. give ear 43. 1 20. the d. of the o'wl shall honour me 60. 4. and thy d. shall be nursed at thy side Jer. 9. 20. O ye women, teach your d. wailing 29. 6. give your d. to husbands, that they may bear 49. 2. and her d. shall be burnt with fire 3. cry, ye d. of Kabbah, gird ye with sackcloth Lam. 3. 51. because of all the d. ofmy city Ezek. 13. 17. set thy face against the d. of thy peo. 16. t 31. in thy d. is thine eminent place 46. sister Samaria, and her d. ,Sodom, and her d. 49. abundance of idleness was in her and in her d. 53. when I bring back the captivity of her d. 55. when thy sister .'^odom and d. shall return 61. and I will give them unto thee for d. 23. 2. there were two women, the d. of one mother 26. 6. her d. shall be slain in the field, 8. 30. 18. and her d. shall go into captivity 32. 16. the d. of the nations shall lament her Hos. 4. 13. therefore your d. shall commit whoredom 14. 1 will not punish your d. when they commit Mic. 1. + 8. make a mourning as the d. of the owl I-uke 1. 5. and his wife was of the d. of Aaron Acts 21. 9. the same man had four d. virgins 1 Pet. 3. 6. whose d. ye are as long as ye do well DAUGHTERS of Jeru.salem. Cant. 1. 5. I am black, but comely, O d. of Jerus. 2. 7. I charge you, O d. of Jerus. 3. 5. I 5. 8. I 8. 4. 3. 10. pa,ved with love for the d. of Jerusalem 5. 16. this is my beloved, O d. of Jerusalem, Duke 23. 28. d. of Jerusalem, weep not for me DAU DAUGHTERS of Israel. Deut. 23, 17. there shall be no whore of d. of Israel Judg. 11. 40. d. of Israel went yearly to lament 2 Sam. 1. 24. ye d. of Israel, weep over Saul, who D A U Ci III ■ K RS of .fudah. P.f«/. 48.11. \kii\\Q d.of Judah be j.' lad, because 97. 8. Zion heard, and the d. of Judah rejoicect DAUCHlTEK.S-l'N-LAW. " Rvthl. 6. then she arose with her d.-tn-law, 7. 8. ^ aomi said to her two d.-irc-law, go I'eturn DAUGH I'ERS of Moab. Num. 25. 1. Jsr. committed whoredom with d. of M. Isa. 16. 2. so the d. of M. shall be at fords of Arnon DAUGHTERS of music. Eccl. 12. 4. the d. of music shall be brought low D A U(i HI ERS of the Philistives. Judg. 14. 1. Samson saw a woman of the d. of Phil. 2. 1 have seen a woriian of rf. of Phil, get her for me 2 Sam. 1. 20. publish it not lest the d. of the Phi- [listincs rejoice Ezek. 16. 27. T have delivered thee to the d. of Phil. 57. the d. of Phil, which despise thee round about DAUGHTERS 0/ Shiloh. Judg. 21. 21. if the d. of Shiloh come out to dance, catch ye every man a wife of the d. of Shiloh DAUGHTERS, joined with So7iy. Gen. 5. 4. he begat .vow.y and d. 7, 10. 13, 16. 1 11. 11. J 9. 12. thy.vwt.s and d. bring out of this place 31. 28. not suffered me to kiss my sons and d. .55. he kissed his so7is and d. and blessed them .37. .35. all his sons and d. rose to comfort hiin E.tod. 3. 22. ye shall put Ihem on your soris and d, 30. 9. with our so7is and with our d. will we go 21 . 4. and she have born him sons or d. 32. 2. ear-rings of your .wns and d. bring to me .34. 16. and thou take of their d. to thy sons Lev. 10. 14. thou, thy .ions and d. with thee, shall ?at in the holy place. Num. 18. 11, 19. Num. 21. 29. given his sons and d. into captivity 20. 33. Zelophehad had no sons, but d. Josh. YJ. 3. Deut. 12. 12. ye and your sons and d. rejoice 31. their sons and d. they have burnt in the fire, 2 Kings 17. 17. Jer. J. 31. I 32, 35. 28. 32. thy .ions and d. given to another people 41. beget sims and d. but shalt not enjoy tliem 53. thou shalt eat the Hesh of thy sons and d. 32. 19. because of provoking of his sons and d. Josh. 7. 24. they brought Achan, his .sons and d. 17. 6. d. of Manasseh had inheritance &vnongsons Judg. 3. 6. they gave their d. to their sons 12. 9. Ibzan took in thirty inxl3. 1 5. 1 sr. dwelt as yesterday and t/urd d. 20. 5. on the third d. go up to the house of T ord. 8. 1 Chron. 1 1 . 1 2. on th/i'd d. wast he that leddest out Ezra 6. 15. the house was finished on tiie third d. Esth. 5. 1. on the third d. Esther put on royal anparel Hos. 6. 2. in the third d. he will raise us up and live Mat. 16. 21. suffer, and he killed, and be raised aaain the third d. 17. 23. Luke 9. 22. 20. 19. and the third d. he shall rise airain, Mark 9. 31. I 10. 34. Luke 18. 33. | 24,7-46. 27. 64. tlie sepulchre be made sure till the tlnrdd. 91 DAY J uie 13. 32. and the third d. I shall be perfected 24. 21. to-day is the tinrdd. since all these things John 2. 1. on the third d. there was a marriage in Cana Acts 27. W. the third d. we cast out tackling ot ship 1 CVr. 15. 4. and that he rose aaain the third d. Fuvrth DAY. Gen. 1. 19. evening and morning were the/nwrtZ/t?. Num. 29. 23. on the fourth d. ten bullocks, two rams 2 Chrfu. 20. 20. on tlie fourth d. they assembled i^-'aw 8. 33. on fourth d. was silver and gold weighed Zech. 7.1. word came to Zechariah on the fourth d. F:fth DAY. Gen. 1. 23. the evening and morning were the//. 4. 4. .34. 21. on seventh d. thou shalt rest, in earing-time 35. 2. on seventh d. there shall be a holy d. to you Lev. 13. 5. the priest shall look on him the seventh d. 6, 27, 32, 34, 51. 114.39. 14. 9. the .seventh d. he shall shave it. Num. 6. 9. Num. 19. 12. on the seventh d. he shall be clean 19. on the sey-eiith d. purify himself, 31. 19. 31. 24. ye shall wash your clothes on the seventh d. Deut. 16. 8. on the seventh d. a solemn assembly Josh.d. 4. on seventh d. compass city seven times, 15. Judg. 14. 15. on seventh d. they said to Samson's wife 17. on the seventh d. he told her, because she 2 Sam. 12. 18. on the seventh d. the child died 1 KmffsiO. 29. on the seventh d. battle was joined 2 Kings 25. 8. on the seventh d. came Nebuzar-adan Esth. 1. 10. onseventh d. when Ahasuerus wasnierry Ezek. 30. 20. in the seventh d. the M'ord came 45. 20. and so do the seventh d. of the month Meb. 4. 4. he spake of the seventh d. on this wise, God did rest the seventh d. from all his works Eighth DAY. Exod. 22. 30. on the eighth d. thou shalt give it me Lev. 9. 1. on the eighth d. Moses called Aaron 12. 3. on eighth d. llesh of foreskin be circumcised 14. 10. on the eighth d. he shall take two he-lambs 23. bring two turtles on e?y;. 40. 12. 1. to possess it all the d. ye live on the earth Josh 4. + 24. that you might fear the Lord all the d. 24. 31. and Israel served the Lord all the d. of Joshua and aU the d. of the elders, J^idg. 2. 7. Judg.Q,. 18. delivered them a// the d. of thejudffe 1 Sam. 1. 11. I will give him to Lord all d. of his life 7. 13. against Philistines all the d. of Samuel 15. Samuel judged Israel all the d. of his life 1 Kings 4. 25. dwelt safely all the d. of Solomon 11. 25. Rezon was advers. all the d. of Solomon 2 Kings 1^.9.9,. Hazael oppressed Israel a// ;/ Mat. 2. 1. when Jesus was bom in thed. of I ferod 23. 30. if we had been in thed. of our fathers 24. 38. for as in the d. tliat were before the flood Mark 2. 26. into the house of God in d. of Abiathar Luke 1. 25. thus hath Lord dealt with me in the d. 4. 25. many widows were in the d. of Elias 17. 26. as in the d. of K oe || 28. in the d. of Lot Acts 5. 37- rose up Judas in the d. of the taxing 11. 28. came to pass in the d. of Claudius Cjcsar Ileh. 5. 7- who in the d. of his flesh, when he offered 1 Pet. 3. 20. long-suffer. G. waited in the d. of "Noah Rev. 10. 7- in the d. of the voice of seventh angel 11. 6. that it rain not in the d. of their prophecy In those DAYS. Gen. 6. 4. there were giants in the earth in those d. Deut. 17. 9. come to the judge in those d. 19. I7. 26. 3. go to the priest that shall be in those d. Judg. 17. 6. in those d. there was no king in Israel, 18. 1. 121.25. 20. 27. for the ark of God was there in those d. 1 Sam. 3. 1. the word of L. was precious in those d. 2 Sam. \&. 23. which he counselled in those d. 2 Kings 20. 1. in those d. was Hezekiah sick unto death, 2 Chron. 32. 24. Isa. 38. 1. Jer. 33. 16. in those d. shall Judah be saved 50. 4. in those d. Israel shall go and seek God 20. in those d. iniq. shall be' sought for, and none Joel 9. 29. in those d. will pour out niy Spirit on the servants and on the handmaids. Acts 9. 18. Mat. 24. 19. woe to them that give suck in those d. Mark 13. TJ. Luke 91. 93. Luke 1. 39. and Mary arose in those d. and went 20. 1. on one of those d. as he taught the people Acts 7. 41. they made a calf m those d. and offered Pev. 2. 13. hast not denied my faith in those d. 9. 6. in those d. shall men seek death and not find it Latter DAYS. Num. 24. 14. people do to thy people in the latter d. Deut. 4. 30. in latter d. if thou turn to the Lord 31. 29. and evil will befall you in the latter d. Jer. 23. 20. in latter d. consider it perfectly, .30. 24. 48. 47. yet will I bring again the captivity of Moab in the latter d. saith the Lord 49. .39. the captivity of Elam in the latter d. Ezek. 38. 16. come against my people in the latter d. Dan. 2. 28. maketh known what shall be in latter d. 10. 14. what shall befall thy people in the latter d. Hos. 3. 5. and shall fear the lord in the latter d. Many DAYS. Gen. 37. 34. Israel mourned for his son many d. 47. t 8. how 7nany are the d. of thy life ? Josh. 22. 3. nor left your brethren these many d. 2 Sam. 19. t34. Barzillai said to the king, how many d. are the years of my life ? 1 Kings 2. 38. Shimei dwelt at Jerusalem many d. DAY 1 Kings 3. + 1 1 . and hast not asked for thyself wawj^ AY-S'pring. Job 38. 12. caused the d.-spring to know his place Luke 1.78. whereby d.-spring from on high visited us DAY-star. 2 Pet. 1. 19. and the d.-star arise in your hearts DEACON, S. Phil. 1.1. to the saints with the bishops and d. 1 Tim. 3. 8. the rf.mustbe grave, notdouble-tongued 10. then let them use the office of a d. 13. 12. let the d. be the husbands of one wife DEAD Signifies, [1] One whose soul is separated from his body, either by a natural or violent death, Ruth 1. 8; Job 1. 19. . [2] Such as are in a state of spiritual death, being void of grace, lying under the power of sin, and as unable to do any thing that is spiritually good, or to convert and raise themselves, as a dead body is to quicken itself, Eph. 2. 1. 1 Tim. 5. 6. [3] Sxich as have no being at all, but are extinct, both body and soul ; Mat. 22. .32. God is not the God of the dead, that is, of S7ich as are fmnlly^ and irrecoverably perished, without any possibility of livirig again, as the Sadduces thought ; but he is the God of the living ; that is, of such whose souls do live and are in being, and whose bodies, tho^igh now dead, shall be made alive again. [4] Such as were like dead perso7is, as the Jews, who seemed to be lost in Babylon, of whom there was no more hope that they should return and live in their own land, than that a dead man should rise to life. Isa. 26. 19. Thy dead men shall live. [5] One very near to death, as good as dead. Gen. 20. 3. Thou art but a dead man, says God to Ahimelech : Thou deservest a present and U7itimely death; and if thou proceedest in thy intended wickedness, it shall be inflicted upon thee. [6] Dead idols or images, Isa. 8. 19. [7] Impotent or unable for generation, according to the course of nature, Rom. 4. 19. [8] Such as are decayed in grace. Rev. 3. 1. [9] Free from, sin, and the law, as to expectatioyi of eternal life thereby. Gal. 2. 19. [10] The state of the dead. Rom. 8. 11. [11] The resurrection of the dead, iCor. 15. 29. Gen. 20. 3. God said to Abim. thou art but a d. man 23. 3. and Abraham stood up from before his d. Exod. 4. 19. the men are d. which sought thy life 9. 7. there was not one of the Israelites' cattle d. 12. 30. was not a house where there was not one d. 33. the Egyptians said, we be all rf. men 14. 30. Israel saw the Egyptians d. on the shore 21. 34. and the d. beast shall be his, ,36. .35. and the d. ox also they shall divide Lev. 22. 4. toucheth any tiling unclean by the d. Num. 5. 2. and whosoever is defiled by the d. 12. 12. let her not be as one d. of whom the flesh is 16. 48. he stood between the d. and the living Deut. 25. 5. the wife of the d. not marry a stranger Judg. 3. 25. behold, their lord was fallen down d. 4. 22. when he came in, behold, Sisera lay d. 16. 30. d. Samson slew at his death were more than Ruth 1. 8. as ye have dealt with d. and with me 4. 5. to raise up name of the d. on his inheritance 1 Sam. 4. 17. thy sons Hophni and Phinehas are d. 19. that her father-in-law and husband were d. 24. 14. dost thou pursue ? after a d. dog, after a flea ? DEA 1 Sam. 31. 7. Saul and his sons were d. 1 Chr. 10. 7, iSam. 9. 8. shouldest look on such a d. doa as, I am 13. 33. to think that all the king's sons are d. 16. 9. why should this d. dog curse my lord the king 19. 28. all of my father s house were but d. men I Kings 3. 22. living mine, and the d. is thy son, 23. 13. 31. when I am d. bury me in the sepulchre 21. 15. arise, for Naboth is not alive but d. Job 1. 19. house fell on young men, and they are d. 26. 5. d. things are formed from under the waters Psal. 31. 12. I am forgotten as a rf. man out of mind 76. 6. the chariot and iiorse are cast into d. sleep 88. 5. free among the d. like slain that lie in grave 10. wilt thou slTow wonders to the d.? 106. 28. and they ate the sacrifices of the d. 115. 17. the (/.praise not the Lord, neither any 143. 3. in darkness, as those that have been longaf Ptov. 2. 18. house inclineth, and her paths unto the d. 9. 18. but fie knoweth not that the d. are there 21. 16. shall remain in the congregation of the d. Feci. 4. 2. 1 praised the d. which are already d. 9. 3. and after that they go to the d. 4. for a living dog is better than a d. lion 5. the d. know not any thing, neither have they 10. 1 . d. files cause the ointment of the apothecary Isa. 8. 19. seek to their God, for the living to the d. 14. 9. it stirreth up tlie d. for thee, the chief ones 22. 2. not slain with the sword, nor d. in battle 26. 14. they are d. shall not live, they are deceased 19. thy d. men shall live, with my d. body 59. 10. we are in desolate places as d. men Lam. 3. 6. in dark places, as they that be d. of old Ezek. 44. 25. they shall come at no d. person to defile Mat. 2. 20. are d. that sought the young child's life 8.22. follow me, and let the d. bury their «/. 9. 24. he said to them, give place, for the maid is not d. but sleepeth, Mark 5. 39. Luke 8. 52. 10. 8. heal the sick, raise the d. cast out devils 11. 5. the deaf hear, d. are raised up, Luke 7. 22. 22. 31. touching the resurr. of the d. Mark 11. 26. 32. God is not the God of the d. but of the living, Mark 12. 27. Luke 20. 38. 23. 27. but are within full of d. men's bones 28. 4. for fear the keepers became as d. men Mark 9. 26. he was as one d. many said, he is d. 15. 44. Pilate marvelled if he were already d. Luke 7. 12. behold, there was a d. man carried out 10. .30. and departed, leaving him half t?. 24. 5. said, why seek ye the living among the d. ? John 5. 21. for as the lather raiseth up the d. 25. when the d. shall hear voice of the Son of God 6. 49. your fathers did eat manna, and are d. 58. 11. 25. that believeth, tho' he were d. shall he live Acts 2. 29. the patriarch David is both d. and buried 5. 10. the young men came in and found her d. 10. 42. testify that it is he who was ordained of God to be the judge of quick and d. 2 Tim. 4. 1. 14. 19. drew him out, supposing he had been d. 20. 9. Eutychus fell down, and was taken up d. 26. 8. why incredible that God should raise the d. ^ 28. 6. have swollen or fallen down d. suddenly Rom. 4. 17. even God who quickeneth the d. 19. he considered not his own body now d. 5. 15. for if through the offence of one many be d. 6. 2. we that are d. to sin, live any longer therein i 8. if we be d. with Christ, we believe that we 11. reckon ye yourselves to be Y.A\). Mat. 14.2. .John Baptist, he is risen /row thed. Mark 9. 10. what the rising/row the d. should mean ' Luke 16. 30. nay, but if one went to them /row the d. 31. not be persuaded, thouah one rose jrom the d. 24. 46. to rise from the d. the third day, John 20. 9. Acts 10. 41. drink with him after he rose /row thed. 26. 23. be the first that should rise /row the d. Rojn. 6. 13. as those that are alive /row the d. 10. 7. that is, to bring up Christ again /ro»« the d. 95 DEA Bom. 11. 15. receiving of them be but life/rom the d. 1 Car. 15. 12. if Clir. be preached that rose from the d. Eph. 5. 14. arise from the d. Christ shall give thee Col. 1. 18. -wlio i.s'the first-born from the d. [light Bel). 11. 19. God was able to raise him //-otw ^Ae d. 13. 20. brought Agdmjrom the d. our Lord Jesus See Raised, Risen. h DEAD. Gen. 42. .38. for his brother is d. and he left, 44. 20. Dent. 25. 0. in the name of his brotiier tliat is d. Josh. 1. 2. Moses my servant is d. arise, go over Judg. 20. 5. my concubine they forced that she is d. 2 Sam. 2. 7. Saul is d. 4. 10. || 11. 21. Uriah is d. 24. 12. 18. the child is d. 19. || 13. 32. Amnon only is d. 14. 5. I am a widow and my Irusb. is d. 2 KijigsA. 1. 18. 20. no tidings because the king's son isd. 19. 10. Absalom is d. \\ 1 Kings 21. 14. Js; aboth is d. Ezek. 44. 31. priests shall not eat that isd. of itself Mat. 9. 18. my u.>ughter is d. Mark 5. 35. Lnke 8. 49. Mark 9. 26. insomuch that many said, lie is d. John 8. 52. Abraham is d. and the prophets, 53. 11. 14. then said .lesus plainly, Lazaius is d. Rom. 6. 7. for he that is d. is freed from sin 8. 10. if Christ be in you, hody is d. because of sin Gal. 2. 21. if righteous, by law, Christ is d. in vain 1 Tim. 5. 6. livelh in pleasure, is d. while she liveth Jam. 2. 17. faith, if it hath not works is d. 20. 26. for as the body without the spirit is d. so faith Was DEAD. Judg. 2. 19. when the judge was d. they returned 9. 55. when men of Israel' saw Abimelech was d. 1 Sa?n. 17. 51. Philistines saw their champion z^ajrf. 25. 39. when David heard that N abal was d. 31. 5. armour-bearer saw Saul was d. 1 Clir. 10. 5. 2 Sam. 4. 1. Saul's son heard that Abner was d. 11. 26. J^athsheba heard her husband loas d. 12. 19. David perceived that the child was d. 13. 39. comforted for Amnon, seeiim he loas d. 1 Kings 3. 21. to give my child suck, behold, it was d. 11. 21. when Hadad heard that Joab was d. 21. 15. when .lezebel heard that I^ aboth ivas d. 2 Kings 3. 5. when Ahab was d. Moab rebelled 4. 32. behold, the child was d. and laid on his bed 11. 1. Athaliah saw her son was d. 2 Chrun. 1.'2. 10. Mat. 2. 19. but when Herod was d. behold an angel Luke 7- 15. he that was d. sat up and began to speak .8. 53. laughed to scorn, knowing that she was d. 15. 24. this my son was d. and is alive aaain .32. for this thy brother was d. and is alive again John 11. 39. Martha, the sister of him that was d. 44. and he that was d. came forth bound 19. 33. saw that .lesus was d. brake not his legs Acts 25. 19. questions of one .lesus who was d. Rom. 7. 8. for without the law sin was d. Rev. 1.18. 1 am he that liveth, and zvas d. behold DEADLY. 1 Sam. 5. 11. was a d. destruction throughout city Psal.Yl. 9. deliver me from d. enemies who compass Ezek. 30. 24. with groanings of a d. wounded man Mark 16. 18. if drink d. thing, it shall not hurt them Jam. 3. 8. tongue is an unruly evil, full of rf. poison Rev. 13. 3. and his d. wound was healed, 12. DEAD NESS. Rom. 4. 19. neither yet the d. of Sarah's womb DEAF. Exod. 4. 11. or who maketh the d. or the seeing ? Lev. 19. 14. thou shalt not curse the d. nor put 1 Sam. 10. t 27. Saul was as though he had been^/. Psal. 38. 13. but 1 as a rf. man heard not, I was dumb 58. 4. they are like the d. adder that stoppeth Isa. 29. 18. in that day shall the d. hear the words S5. 5. and the ears of the d. shall be unstopped 42. 18. hear, ye d. look, ye blind, that ye may see 19. who is d. as my messenger that I sent i 43. 8. brinu- forth blind, and therf. that have ears Mic. 7. 16. their ears shall be d. shall lick the dust Mat. 11. 5. the d. hear, dead are raised, Luke 7. 22. Mark 7- 32. they brought to him one that was d. 37. he maketh the d. to hear, the dumb to speak 9. 25. thou dumb and d. spirit, come out of him DEAL. Gen. 19. 9. now will we d. worse with thee than 24.49. now if you will d. truly with my master 32. 9. Lord said, return, and I will d. well with thee .34. 31. should he d. with our sister as an hai'lot ;• Exod. 1. lu. come on, let us d. wisely with them 21. 9. d. with her after the manner of daughters 23. 11. in like manner d. with thy vineyard Lev. 19. 11. ye shall not steal, nor d. falsely, nor lie Num. 11. 15. if thou d. thus with me, kill me Deut. 7. 5. but thus shall yerf. with them, ye shall 2 Chron. 2. 3. Solomon sent to Iluram, as thou didst d. with David my father, even so d. with me Joh 42. 8. lest I d. with you after your folly Psal. 75. 4. I said to the fools, d. not foolishly 119. \l.d. bountilully with thy servant, 142. 7. 124. rf. with thy servant according to thy mercy Prov. 12. 22. but they that d. truly are his delight Isa. 26. 10. in land of uprightness he will d. unjustly 52. 13. behold, my servant shall d. prudently 58. 7- is it not to d. thy bread to the hungry ? Jer. 18. 23. d. thus with them in time of thine anger 21. 2. if so be that the Lord d. with us according E%ek. 8. 18. therefore will I also d. in fury, my eye 16. .59. I will d. with thee as thou hast done 22. 14. or hands be strong in days 1 d. with thee 2S. 25. and they shall d. furious'ly with thee 31. 11. he shall surely d. with him, I have driven Dan. 1. 13. and as thou seestrf. with thy servants 5. t 20. his mind was hardened to d. proudly 11. 7. itnd shall d. against thein and shall prevail 2 Cor. 2. 1 17. d. deceitfully with the word of God See Tkeacherously. DEAL. Exod. 29. 40, a tenth d. of flour minsled with oil, Lev. 14. 21. AVot."'15. 4. | 29. 4. Num. 28. 13. a several tenth d. 21. 29. I 29. 10, 15. Mark 7. 36. so much more a great d. they published 10. 48. he cried the more a great d. Son of David DEALS. Lev, 14. 10. the priest shall take three tenth d. of fine flour for a meat-offering, Num. 15. 9. DEA Lev. 23. 13. two tenth d. for a meat-offer. Num. 28. 9. 17. shall bring two wave-loaves of two tenth d. 24. 5. two tenth d. shall be in one cake Num. 15. 6. for a ram for a meat-offering, two tenth d. of flour, 28. 20, 28. 1 29. 3, 9, 14. 28. 20. three tenth d. to a bul lock , 28. 1 29. 3, 9, 14. DEALER. Isa. 21. 2. the treacherous d. dealeth treacherously DEALERS. Isa. 24. 16. treacherous d. have dealt treacherously DEALEST. Exod. 5. 15. wherefore d. thus with thy servants ? Isa. 33. 1. woe to thee that spoilest and d. treach. DEALETH. Judg. 18. 4. thus and thus d. Micah with me 1 Sam. 23. 22. it was told me that he d. subtilly Prov. 10. 4. he becometh poor thatrf. with slack hand 13. 16. every prudent man d. with knowledge 14. 17. he that is soon angry d. foolishly 21. 24. scorner is his name, who d. in proud wrath La. 21. 2. the treacherous dealer d. treacherously Jer. 6. 13. is given tocovetousness, from the prophet even to the priest every one d. falsely, 8. 10. Heh. 12. 7. God d. with you as sons, for what son DEALIISG, S. ier;. 6. + 2. if a soul sin, and lie to his neighbour in <^. 1 Sam. 2. 23. 1 hear of your evil d. by all this people P.y. 7. 16. his violent d. shall come down on his pate John 4. 9. the Jews have no d. with the Samaritans DEALT. Gen. 16. 6. when Sarai d. hardly with her, she fled 33. 11. because God hatii d. graciously with me 43. 6. wherefore d. ye so ill with me, as to tell Exod. 1. 20. therefore God d. well with midwives 14. 11. wherefore liast thou d. thus with us, to carry 18. 11. for in the thioL' wherein they d. proudly 21. 8. seeing he hath d. deceitfully with her Judg. 9. 16. if ye have d. well with Jerubbaal 19. if ye have d. truly, rejoice in Abimelecli lluth 1. 8. as ye have d. with the dead, and with me 20. the Almighty hath d. bitterly with me 1 Sam. 14. t33. Saul said, ye have d. treacherously 24. 18. how that thou hast d. M'ell with me 25. 31. when the Lord shall have d. well with thee 2 Sam. 6. 19. he d. among the people, 1 Chr. 16. 3. 2 Kings 12. 15. for they d. faithfully, 22. 7. 21. 6. IVlanasseh eut. 53. 13. and for the d. that coucheth beneatli Job .%. 30. and the face of the d. is frozen 41. 31. he maketh the d. to boil like a pot 32. one would think the d. to be hoary Psal. .36. 6. thy judgments are a great d. 42. 7. d. calleth to d. at noise of thy watei'-spouts 69. 15. neither let the d. swallow me up J04. 6. thou coveredst it with the d. as with garm. 107. 24. and these see his wonders in the d. Prov. 8. 28. he strengthens the fountains of the d. Isa. 44. 27. that saith to the d. be dry, I will dry 51. 10. thou not it which dried waters of great d. ? 63. 13. that led them through the d. as an horse p.zek. 26. 19. when I shall bring up the d. on thee 31. 4. the d. set him on high with ner rivers 15. I covered the d. for him, 1 restrained floods Amos'i. 4. it devoured great - man his neigh hour's wife 37- 23. nor shall they d. themselves any more 43. 7. and my name shall Israel no more d. 44. 25. shall come at no dead person to d. themselves Dan. 1. 8. would not d. himself with the king's meat . Mat. 15. 18. and they d. the man, Mark 7. 15, 23. 1 Cor. 3. 17. if any man d. the temple of God 1 Tim. ] . 10. the law is for them that d. themselves Jude 8. likewise these filthy dreamers d. the flesh DEFILED. Gen. 34. 2. Shechem lay with Dinah, and d. her 5. Jacob heard that he had d. Dinah his daughter 13. because he had d. Dinah their sister, 27. Lev. 5. 3. what uncleanness a man shall be d. with 11. 43. unclean, that ye should be d. thereby 13. 46. while the plague is in him he shall be d. 15. 32. this is the law of him that is d. by his seed 18. 24. in all these things the nations are d. 25. the land is d. 1 do visit iniquity on it, 27. 19. 31. nor seek after wizards to be d. by them 21. 1. there shall none be d. for the dead 3. for his sister a virain, for her may he be d. Num. 5. 2. put out whosoever is d. by the dead 13. and if she be d. 27. II 14. if she be not d. 28. 6. 9. and he hath d. the head of his consecration 12. days be lost, because his separation was d. 9. 6. men who were d. by the dead body of a man, 7. 19. 20. because he hath d. the sanctuary of Lord Deut. 21. 23. bury him, that thy land be notd. 22. 9. lest the fruit of thy vineyard be d. 24. 4. former husband may not take her after d. 2 Kings 23. 8. Josiah d. high places || 10. d. Topheth 1 Chron. 5. 1. forasmuch as he d. his father's bed Neh. 13. 29. because they have d. the priesthood Job 16. 15. I have d. my horn in the dust Psal. 74. 7. d. the dwelling-place of thy name, 79. 1. 106. 39. thus were they d. with their own works Isa. 24. 5. the earth is d. under inhabitants thereof 59. 3. for your hands are d. with blood, and fingers Jer. 2. 7. but when ye entered, ye d. my land 3. 9. through lightness of her whoredom she d. land 16. 18. because they have d. my land, they filled 19. 13. the houses of the kings of Judah shall be d. Ezek. 4. 13. thus shall Israel eat their d. bread 5. 11. surely because thou hast d. my sanctuary 7. 24. I will make, their holy places shall be d. 18. 6. neither hath d. his neighbour's wife, 15. 11. and hath even d. his neighbour's wife 20. 43. all your doings wherein j^e have been d. 22. 4. and hast d. thyself in thy idols, 23. 7. 11. another hath lewdly d. his daughter-in-law 23. 13. I saw that she was d. both took one way 17. the Bab3'lonians d. her with their whoredom 38. they have d. my sanctuary in the same day 28. 18. thou hast d. thy sanctuaries by thy iniqui. 36. 17. they d. it by their own way and doings 43. 8. they have d. my holy name by abominations Hos. 5.3. whoredom ofEphraim, and Isr. is 7 ffher occasions. The apostle Paul says. That such as have used the office of a deacon well, purchase to themselves a good degree, 1 Tim. 3. 13. They gain great honour, respect, and reputation. 2 KiTws 20. y. or backward ten d. 10, 11 . Isa. 38. 8. + 11. by which it had gone down in d. of Ahaz 1 Chron. 15. 18. brethren of second d. with them 17. 17- according to the state of a man of high d. Psal.f)9,. Q.menoflowrf. vanity, men of high rf. a lie Jjukey. 52. he hath exalted them of low d. 1 Tim. 3. 13. they purchase to themselves a good d. Jam. 1. 9. let brother of low d. rejoice he is exalted DELAY, ED, ETH. £xod. 22. 29. thou shalt not d. to offer the first-fruits 32. 1. the people saw that Moses d. to come down Psal. 119. 60. d. not to keep thy commandments Mat. 24. 48. my lord d. his coming, L^ike 12. 45. Acts 9. 38. that he would not d. to come to them DELAY, Substantive. Acts 25.17. without any d. I sat on the judgment-seat DELECTABLE. Isa. 44. 9. and their d. things shall not profit DELICACIES. Rev. 18. 3. the merchants are rich through her d. DELICATE. Deut. 28. 54. the d. man or woman among you, 56. Isa. 47. ] . thou shalt no more be called tender and d. Jer. 6. 2. likened Zion to a comely and d. woman Mic. 1. 16. make thee bald for thy d. children DELICATES. Jer. 51. 34. he hath filled his belly with my d. DELICATELY. 1 Sam. 15. 32. bring Agag, and Aga? came to him d. Prov. 29. 21. he that will d. the Moabites into your hand 12. 7. but d. it for the breaches of the house 18. 35. that Lord should d. Jerusalem, La. .36. 20. 22. 5. let them d. it into the hand of the workmen 2 Chron. 25. 15. who could not d. their own people 28. 11. now hear me and d. the captives again 32. 13. were gods of nations able to d. their lands ? 14. that your God should be able to d. you, I7. Ezra 7.19. those d. thou before the God of Jerusalem Job 10. 7. there is none can d. out of thy hand 22. 30. he shall d. the island of the innocent 33. 28. he will d. his soul from going into the pit P.y.6.4.soffliesniayrf./>o?w Pharaoh 21. 22. hurt a woman, so that her fruit d. from her 'Lev. 25. 41. and then shall he d. from thee "Num. 16. 26. d. from the tents of these wicked men Beut. 4. 9. take heed, lest theyrf.//o»i thy heart Judg. 7. 3. who is fearful, let him d. from Gilead 1 Sam, 15. 6. d.from the Amalekites, lest 1 destroy 2 Sam. 12.10. the sword shall never d.from thy house 20. 21. deliver Sheba, and 1 will d. from the city 1 Kings 15. 19. that he may d. from me, 2 Chr. 16.3. 2 Chr. 18. 31. and God moved them to d.from him Joh 21. 14. they say to God, d, from us, 22. I7. 28. 28. and to d. jrom evil is understanding Psal. 6. 8. d.from me, all ye workers of iniquity, Mat.l. 23. Luke 13.27. M. 14. d.from evil, and do good, 37- 27. 101. 4. a froward heart shall d. from me 119. 115. d.from me, ye evil doers, for 1 will keep 139. 19. d.fiom me therefore, ye bloody men Prov. 3. 7. fear the Lord, and d. from evil 13. 14. to d. from tlie snares of death, 14. 27- 19. but it is abomination to fools to d. from evil 15. 24. that he may d. from hell beneath 16. 6. by the fear of the Lord men d.from evil 17. the highway of the upright is to d. from evil Jsa. 14. 25. his burden d.from off their shoulders Jer. 6. 8. be instructed, lest my soul d.frotn thee 17. 13. that d.from meshall be written m the earth 31. .36. if those ordinances d. from before me 37. 9. the Chaldeans shall surely d. from us Jizek. 16. 42. my jealousy shall d. from thee Hos. 9. 12. woe also to them when 1 d. from them Mat. 25.41. d.from me ye cursed, into everlast. fire Mark 6. 10. there abide, till ye d.from that place Z^uke 5. 8. d.fromme, for 1 am a sinful man, Lord 8. 37. Gadarenes besought him to d.from. them Jicts 1. 4. that they should not d. from Jerusalem 18. 2. commanded all the Jews to d.from Rome 1 Cor. 7. 10. let notthe wife d. from her husband 2 Cor. 12. 8. 1 besought Lord that it might d.from me 1 Tim.\.\. in latter times some shall d.from the faith 2 Tim. 2. 19. that nameth Christ d.from iniquity Not DEPART. Gew. 49. 10. the sceptre shall not d. from Judah Joih. 1. 8. this book of the law shall not d. meditate Judg. 6. 18. d. not hence, 1 pray thee, till 1 come 2 Sam. 7, 15. but my mercy shall not d. from him 22. 23. as for his statutes, I did not d. from them 2 Chron. 35. 15. they might not d. from their service Joh 7. 19. how long wilt thou not d. from me ? 15. 30. he shall not d. out of darkness, the flame Psal. 55. 11, deceit and guile d. not from her streets Prov. 3. 21. let them 7iot d. from thine eyes, 4. 21. 5. 7. hear me, and d. not from words of my mouth 17. 13. evil for good, evil shall not d. from his house 22. 6. when he is old he will 7wt d. from it 27. 22. yet will not his foolishness d. from him Jsa. 54. 10. but my kindness shall not d. from thee 59.21. mycov. my Spirit, and words, shallnotd. Jer. 32.40. put my tear,that they shall not d. from me .37-9. the Chaldeans, for they shall notd. Mat. 14. 16. they need not d. give ye them to eat JLuke 4. 42. stayed him, that should not d. from them 12.59- thou sh'dlt notd. thence, till thou hast paid DEPARTED. Gen. 12. 4. so Abraham d. as the Lord had spoken 14, 12. they took Lot and d. \\ 21. 14. Hagarrf. 24. 10, Eliezer d. \\ 26. I7. Isaac d. \\ 31. 55. Laban d. 37. 17. and the man said, they are d. hence 42. 26. they laded their asses with corn, and d. 45. 24. he sent his brethren away, and they d. JSfum. 12. 9. anger of the L. was kindled, and he d. 22.7- and the elders of Moaband Midian d. Josh. 2. 21. she sent the spies away, and they d. Judg. 9. 55. d. every man to his place, 2 Sam. 6. 19. 18. 7. then the five men d. and came to Laish, 21. 19. 10. the Levite d. \\ 21. 24. Israel d. thence 1 Sam. 6.6. did they not let Israel so, and they d.? 20. 42. David d. 22. 1..'5. I| 2 Sam. 12. 15. so IN ath. d. 2 Sam. 19. 24. nor washed from the day the king d. 1 ICings 12. 5. and the people d. 2 Chron. 10. 5. 14. 17. and Jeroboam's wife arose and d. to Tirza 19. 19. Elijah d. and found Elisha, 2 Kings 1. 4. 20. 9. the messengers d. and brought word again 38. so the prophets, and waited for the king 2 Kings 5. 5. Naam. d. \\ 10. 12. Jehu arose andV. 15. 19. 36. so Sennacherib d. and went, Isa. .37. 37. 1 Chr. 16. 43. all people d. every man to his house 21. 4. wherefore Joab d. and went through Israel 2 Chr. 21. 20. Jehoram d. without being desired Psal. 105. 38. Egypt was glad when they d. 2ia. .38. 12. mine age is d. and removed from me Jer. 41. 10. Ishmaefrf. to go over to the Ammonites Lam. 1.6. from daughter of Zion all her beauty is d. Mat. 2. 9. when had heard the king, wise men d. 12. 14. Joseph and Mary arose, and d. into Egypt 4. 12. Jesus rf. 9.27. 111.1-112. 9. 14. 13. I 15.21,29. I 16. 4.1 19.15. 27.5. Judas rf. II Xw^e 1.23. Zacharias rf. to his house 102 DEP Mark 1. 35. Jesus d. 6. 46. | 8. 13. L7ike 4. 42. John 4. 3, 43. | 6. 15, 1 12. 36. Luke 5. 25. he d. to his own house, glorifying God 7. 24. when the messengers of John were d. 8. 35. the man out of whom the devils were d. 10. 30. the thieves wounded him and d. 35. on the morrow when the Samaritan d. John 5. 15. the man d. and told the .) ews it was Jesus Acts 10. 7. when the angel d. \\ 11.25. Barnabas c/. 12. 17- Peter d. \\ 13. 4. they d. to Seleucia 14.20.Paul d. II 15.39.Paul and Barnabas <^.asunder 16.40. Paul and Silasrf. |i 18.7.Paulrf.23. I 20. 1, 11. 21. 5. we d. and went our way, 8. 1 28. 10, 11. 28. 29. when he said these words, the Jews d. 2Tim. 4.10.Demas forsaken me, is d. to Thessalonica Phi/em. 15. for perhaps he therefore d. for a season Rev. 6. 14. and the heaven d. as a scroll rolled DEPARTED />-o;^«. Gen. 26. 31. they arose and d.from Isaac in peace 31. 40. thus was 1, my sleep d.from mine eyes Lxod. 19. i. they were d.f. Kephidim, l\Titd. from him 28. 15. God is d. from me, and answereth me not 16. ask of me, seeing the Lord is d.from thee 1 Kings 20. 36. as soon as thou art d. from me 2 Kings 3. 27. they d.from him to their own land 5. 19. so he d. from Elisha a little way, 8. 14. 19. 8. Sennacherib d.from Lachish, Isa. 37. 8. 2 Chron. 24. 25. and when they were d. from him EzraQ. 31- then we d. from the river of Ahava Psal. 18. 21. and have not -wickedly d. from my G. Isa. 7. 17. from the day that Ephraim rf./rw^rt Jud. Jer. 29.2. and the smiths were d.from Jerusalem .37. 5. the Chaldeans heard they d.from Jerusalem Ezek. 6.9. their whorish heart which hath d.from me 10. 18. the glory of the Lord d.from the threshold Dan. 4. 31. O king, the kingdoiu is d.from thee Hos. 10. 5. for the glory of Samaria is d. from it Mat. 15. 29. and Jesus «^. /row thence, and came 19. 1. had finished these sayings, he d.from Galilee 20.29. as they d. from J ericno, a multitude followed 24. 1. Jesus went out and d.from the temple 28. 8. they d. quickly y>ow the sepulchre Mark 1. 42. the lepiosy d. from him, LukeS. 13. Luke 1. 38. and the angel d.from Mary 4. 13. the devil d. from him for a season 9. 33. as they d.from him, Peter said to Jesus Acts 5. 41. they d.from the presence of the council 12. 10. and forthwith the angel d.from him 13. 14. they came when they had d.from Perga 15. 38. John d. from them from Pamphylia 17. .33. Paul d.from. them, 18. 1. I 19. 9. Pkil. 4. 15. 19. 12. diseases d. from them, and evil spirits went out Rev. 18. 14. and the fruits that thy soul lusted after are d.fromthee, and all things dainty are d. DEPARTED not from. 2 Sam. 22. 22. I have not d.from my G. Psal. 18. 21. 2 Kings 3. 3. he d. not therefrom, 13. 2. 10. 29. Jehu d. not fromthe sins of Jeroboam, who made Israel to sin, to wit, golden calves, 31. I 13. 6, 11. 1 14. 24. I 15. 9, 18. | I7. 22. 18. 6. Hezekiah d. not from following the Lord 2 Chr. 8. 15. d. not from commandment of the king 20. 32. Jehoshaphat d. not from the way of Asa 34. 33. they d. not from following the Lord Neh. 9. 19. the cloud d. notfromthem by day Psal. 119. 102. I have 7iot rf. /ro»i thy judgTuents Luke 2. 37. Anna d.notfrom the temp.but served God DEPARTED out. Gen. 12. 4. was75years old whenhei/. ow. 3. 12. an evil heart, in d. from the living God 11. 22. Joseph made mention of the d. of Israel DEPARTURE. Ezek. 26. 18. the isles shall be troubled at thy d. 2 Tim. 4. 6. and the time of my d. is at hand DEPEND. Job 22, t 2. doth his good success d. thereon DES DEPOSED. Dan. 5. 20. he was d. from iiis kingly throne DEPRIVED. Gen. 27. 45. why should I be d. of both in one day ( Job. 39. 17- because God hath d. her of wisdom Isa. 38. 10. I am d. of the residue of my years DEPRiVTJNG. Psal. 35. 1 12. me evil for good, to the d. of my soul DEP ill. Job 28. 14. the d. saith, it is not in me, and sea saith .38. 16. or hast thou walked in search of the d. / Psal. 33. 7- he layeth up the d. in store-houses 69. 1 2. I sink in the mire of (/. 2 Chron. 31. 1. Hezekiah utterly d. the images 32. 14. gods those nations my father utterly d. Isa. 34. 2. the Lord hath utterly d. all nations DESTTiOY^ER. Exod. 12. 23. will not suffer d. to come into houses Judg. 16. 24. hath delivered the d. of our country Job 15. 21. in prosperity the d. shall come Psal. 17- 4. I have kept me from paths of the d. Prov. 28. 24. the same is the companion of arf. Jer. 4. 7. the d. of the Gentiles is on his way 50. + 9. their arrows shall be as of a mighty d. 1 Cor. 10. 10. and were destroved of the d. Rev. 9. t 11. king over them hath his name a d. DESTROYERS. Job 33. 22. and his life draweth near to the d. Isa. 49. 17- thy d. shall go forth of thee Jer. 22. 7- and I will prepare d. against thee 50. 11. because ye rejoiced, O d. of my heritage DESTROY EST, ETH. De7it. 8. 20. as the nations which the lord d. Job 9. 22. he d. the perfect and the wicked 12. 23. he increaseth the nations, and d. then) 14. 19. and thou d. the hope of man Psal. 18. + 47. it is God that d. people under me Prov. 6. ,32. he that dotli it. d. his own soul _ 11. 9. an hypocrite with his mouth d. his neiahbour 31.3. give not thy ways to that which d. kinars £ff/. 7- 7.oppress. maketh mad, and a gift /irk 15.2a 105 DET DESTROYING. 1 Chron. 21. 12. the angel of the Lord d. thro' Israel 15. and as he was d.xhe. Lord repented him Piov. 2B. 1 24. the same is the companion of man d. Jsa. 28. 2, the Lord hath a strono one, as a rf. storm Jer. 2. 30. your sword devoured like arf. lion 13. + 14. 1 will not have mercy from d. them 51. 1. 1 will raise against Babylon a d, wind 25. I am against thee, O d. mountain, said Lord Lam. 2. 8. he hath not withdrawn his hand from d. E^ek. 9.1. every man with his d. weapon in his hand 20. 17. mine eye spared them from d. them See Utterly. DESTRUCTION. Exod. 12. + 13. plague shall not be on you for a d. Num. 21. + 3. and he called that place, utter d. 24. + 20. but his latter end shall be even to d. Deut. 7. 23. L. shall destroy them with a mighty d. : 32. 24. they shall be devoured with bitter d. i Sam. 5. 9. L. was against the city with a great d. 11. for there was a deadly d. through the city 1 Kings 20. 42. a man whom I appointed to utter d. 2 Chron. 20. t 23. one helped for the d. of another 22. 4. for they were his counsellors to his d. 7. d. of Ahaziah was of God, by coming to Joram 26. 16. when strong, his heart was lifted up to his d. Esth. 8. 6. how endure to see the d. of my kindred ? , 9. 5. the Jews smote their enemies with d. Job 5. 21. neither shalt thou be afraid of d. 22. at d. and famine thou shalt laugh 18. 12. and d. shall be ready at his side 21. 17. and how oft cometh their d. upon them ? 20. his eyes shall see his d. and he shall drink 30. the wicked is reserved to the day of d. 26. 6. hell naked before him, d. hath no covering 28. 22. d. and death say, we have heard the fame 30. 12. they raise against me the ways of their d. 24. not stretch out his hand, tho' they cry in his d. 31. 3. is not d. to the wicked ? and punishment to 12. for it is a fire that consumeth to d. 23. for d. from God was a terror to me 29. if I rejoiced at the d. of him that hated me Psal. 35. 8. let d. come upon him unawares, and his net catch himself, into that very d. let him fall 56_. 23. thou shalt bring them down to the pit of d. 78". 18. surely thou castedst them down into d. 88. 11. or thy faithfulness be declared in d. ? 90. 3. thou turnest man to d. and sayest, return ye 61. 6. nor for the d. that wasteth at noon-day 103. 4. who redeemeth thy life from d. who crowns Prov. 1. 27. when your d. cometh as a whirlwind 10. 14. but the mouth of the foolish is near d. 15. the d. of the poor is their poverty 29. d. shall be to the workers of iniquity, 21. 15. 13. 3. but he thatopeneth wide his lips shall have d. 34. 28. the want of people is the d. of the prince 15. 11. hell and d. are before the Lord 16. 18. pride goeth before d. and a haughty spirit 17. 19. and he that exalteth his gate seeketh d. 18. 7- a fool's mouth is hist?, and his lips a snare 12. before d. the heart of man is haughty 19. i- 18. and let not thy soul spare to his d. 24. 2. for their heart studieth d. and lips talk 27.20. hell andrf. are never full, so the eyes of man 31. 8. in the cause of such as are appointed to d. Jsa, 1. 28. d. of transgressors and smners together 10. 25. and mine anger shall cease in their «/. 13. 6. it shall come as a d. from the Almighty 14. 23. I will sweep Babylon with the besom of d. 15. 5. in the way they shall raise up a cry oi d. 19. 18. one shall be called the city of d. 24. 12. and the gate is smitten with d. 49. 19. the land^of thv d. shall be too narrow 51. 19. desolation and d. are come unto thee 59. 7. wasting and d. are in their paths 60. 18. d. shall no more be heard in thy borders Jer. 4. 6. I will bring from the north a great d. 6. 1, 20. d. upon d. is cried, for the land is spoiled 17. 18. and destroy them with double d. 46. 20. d. cometh, it cometh out of the north 48. 3. a voice from Horonaim, spoiling and d. 5. the enemies have heard a cry of d. 50. 22. a sound of great d. is in the land 51. 54. great d. from the land of the Chaldeans Lam.l. 11. fore shall d. before him Jsa. 26. 11. yea, the/ire of thine enem. shall d. them 33. 11. stubble, your breath as fire shall d. you Ezek. 15. 7. and another ^Ve shall d. them 23. 37. to pass for them through the fire tod. them Amos 5. 6. lest he break out like fre and d. it Nah. 3. 13. the aates open, the/sVe shall d. thy bars 15. there shall the^"/e d. thee, sword cut thee off DEW Zech. 11. 1. O Lebanon, that fire may d. thy cedars It shall DEVOUR. Job 18. 13. it shall d. the strength of his skin Isa. 10. 17. it shall bum and d. his thorns and briers Jer. 5. 14. 1 will make my words fire, it shall d.them 17. 27. 1 will kindle a fire and it shall d. the palaces of Jerusalem, and not be quenched, Amos 2. 5. 21. 14. it shall d. all tilings round about, 50. 32. Ezek. 20. 47. and it shall d. every green tree 28. 18. it shall d. and I will bring thee to ashes Hos. 8. 14. and it shall d. the palaces of Judah Amos 1. 14. it shall d. the palaces of Rabbah 2. 2. send a fire, it shall d. the palaces of Kirioth DEVOURED. Gen. 31.15. he hath sold us, and quite rf. our money 37- 20. will say, some evil beast hath d. him, 33. 41. 7. the seven thin ears d. the seven rank, 24. Lev. 10. 2. there went fire from the L. and d. them Nitm. 26. 10. what time the fire d. 250 men Deut. 31. 17. I will hide my face, they shall be d. 32. 24. they shall be d. with burning heat 2 Sam. 18. 8. the wood d. more than the sword d. 22. 9. and fire out of his mouth d. Psal. 18. 8. P.fa/.78.45. hesentdiverssortsofflieswhichrf. them 79.7. for they have d. Jacob, and laid waste his 105. 35. the locusts d. the fruit of their ground Isa. 1. 20. if rebel, ye shall be d. w.\th the sword 24. 6. therefore hath the curse d. the earth Jer. 2. 30. your sword hath d. the prophets 3. 24. for shame hath d. the labour of our fathers 8. 16. for they are come, and have d. the land 10. 25. for they have eaten up Jacob, and d. him 30. 16. all they that devour thee shall be d. 50. 7. all that found them have d. them 17. first, the king of Assyria hath d. him 51. 34. Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon d. me Lam. 4. 11. it hath d. the foundations thereof Ezek. 15. 5. how much less when the fire hath d. it 16. 20. hast sacrificed thy sons to them to be d. 19. 3. it learned to catch the prey, it d. men, 6. 14. fire is gone out, which hath d. her fruit 22. 25. like a roarin"- lion, they have d. souls 23. 25. and thy residue shall be d. by the fire 33. 27. I will give to the beasts to be d. 39. 4. Dan. 7. 7. itd. and brake in pieces, and stamped , 19. Hos. 7. 7. they are hot, and have d. their judges 9. strangers have d. his strength, he knoweth it not Joel 1. 19. for fire hath d. the pastures, 20. Amos 4. 9. your fig-trees, the palmer- worm d. them 7. 4. to contend by fire, and it d. the great deep Nah. 1. 10. they shall be d. as stubble fully dry Zeph. 1. 18. land shall be rf. by the fire of his jealousy 3. 8. all the earth shall be d. with fire of my jealousy Zech. 9. 4. and Tyrus shall be d. with fire Mat. 13. 4. fowls came and d. them, Mark 4. 4. Luke 8. 5. Luke 15. 30. this thy son who hath d. thy living Rev. 20. 9. fire came down from God and d. them DEVOURER. Mai. 3. 11. I will rebuke the d. for your sakes DEVOUREST. Ezek. 36. 13. because they say, thou land d. up men DEVOURETH. 2 Sam. 11. 25. the sword d. one as well as another Prov. 19. 28. the mouth of the wicked d. iniquity 20. 25. a snare to the man who d. that which is holy Isa. 5. 24. as fire d. stubble, and flame chaffs, Joel 2.5. Lam. 2. 3. like a flaming fire which d. round about Ezek. 15. 4. behold, the fire d. both the ends of it Joel 2. 3. a fire d. before them, behind them a flame Hab. 1. 13. the wicked d. man that is more righteous Rev. 11. 5. if any hurt them, fire d. their enemies DEVOURING. Exod. 24.17. his appearance was like d. fire on mount Psal. 52. 4. thou lovest all d. words, O tongue Isa. 29. 6. thou shalt be visited with d. fire, 30. 30. 30. 27. and his tongue is as a d. fire. 33. 14. who among us shall dwell with the d. fire ? DEVOUT. Luke 2. 25. Simeon was just and ^.waiting for consol. Acts 2. 5. there were at Jerusalem Jews, d. men 8. 2. d. men carried Stephen to his burial lament. 10. 2. Cornelius was a d. man 1| 7. a d. soldier 13. 50. but the Jews stirred up the d. women 17. 4. of the d. Greeks a great multitude believed 17. Paul disputed with the Jews and d. persons 22. 12. Ananias a d. man, according to the law DEW Is a small rai?i, which falling on the ground in the morning, doth keep it moist, and make it fruitful. In warm countries, and in places where it rains hut seldom, the night-dews supply iji some sort the want of rain. And therefore the bestowing of it is a blessing from God. Deut. 33. 13. Blessed of the Lord be Joseph's land for the dexo ; and the withholding of it is a curse : 2 Sam. 1. 21. Ye mountains of Gilboa, let there be no dew on you. Hushai compares an army sallying upon the enemy to the dew de- scending on the ground, 2 Sam. 17- 12. God promises to be as the dew unto Israel, Hos. 14. 5. Though they were as withered and dying grass, yet he would refresh and strengthen them ; By bestowing upon them his grace and Spirit, he would make them fruitful and flourishing . This comparison of God's visitation of his people to dew, is remarkable in several places of Scrip- ture. Isa. 26. 19. Thy dew is as the dew of herbs ; Or, thy dew is a bright dew, a dew of light and dawn. The prophet there speaks of the captivity of Babylon, as of a state of death : Thy dead men shall live ; but God's visitation of hts people, his favour and blessing, would recover them in some sort to life and light, would make them revive and flourish again. Heavenly doc- trine, or the word of God, is likewise compared to dew, Deut. 32. 2. My speech shall distil as the dew : My doctrine sha'l have the same effect upon your hearts, as the dew has upon the earth ; it shall make them soft, pliable, and fruitfztl. The prophet Hosea, speaking of the goodness of hypocrites, compares it to the early dew that DID soon goeth away, that is soon exhaled by the heat of the sun, Hos. 6. 4. Brotherly love, or the communion of saints, is compared to the dew which falls upon the hill of Hermon, and refreshes and makes it fruitful, Psal. 133. 3. As the drops oj dew are innumerable, and as they fall suddenly and secretly without being perceived : In allusion to these qualities of the dew, such as were converted to Christ in the earliest gospel times are compared to it, Psal. 110. 3. I hou hast the dew of thy youth. It is said. Cant. 5. 2. My head is filled witho'ea;, and my locks with the drops of the night. Christ here alludes to the custom of lovers, who often and willingly suff'er such inconveniences for their hopes and desires of enjoying their beloved, and signifies his sufferings for the church's good: elsewhere, for a, man to be wet with the dew of heaven is a sign of misery, Dan. 4. 25. So drops, or droppings, signify troubles, Amos 6. t 11. But dew and rain upon the land make it fruitful ; so is Christ by his doctrirte to his church, Deut. 32. 2. Gen. 27. 28. God give thee of the d. of heaven, 39. Exod. 16. 13. in the morning d. lay round the host 14. and when the d. that lay was gone up Num. 11. 9. when the d. fell on the camp in nisht Deut. 32. 2. my speech shall distil as rf. as small rain 33.13. blessed is Joseph's land for d. and for deep 28. also his heaven shall drop down d. Judg. 6. 37. Gideon said, if d. be on the fleece only 39. on ground let there be d. \\ 40. there was d. 2 Sam. 1. 21. let there be no d. nor rain upon you 17^ 12. we will light on him as the d. falleth 1 Rings 17.1. there shall not be d. nor rain these years Job 29. 19. the d. lay all night on my branch 38. 28. or who hath begotten the drops of d. ? Psal. 110. 3. thou hast the rf. of thy youth 133. 3. as the d. of Hermon, and as the d. that Prov. 3. 20. and the clouds drop down the d. 19. 12. but his favour is as d. upon the grass Cant. 5. 2. open to me, for my head is filled with d, Isa. 18. 4. like a cloud oid. in the heat of harvest 26. 19. for thy d. is as the d. of herbs, earth cast out Dan. 4. 15. let it be wet with the d. of heaven, 23. 25. they shall wet thee with the d. of heaven 33. and his body was wet with the d. 5. 21 . Hos. 6. 4. goodness is as early d. it goeth away, 13. 3. 14. 5. I will be as d. to Israel, he shall grow as lily Mic.5. 7. Jacob shall be as the d. from the Lord Hag. 1. 10. the heaven over you is stayed from d. Zech. 8. 12. and the heavens shall give their d. DIADEM. Job 29. 14. my judgment was as a robe and a d. Isa. 28. 5. and for a d. of beauty to residue of his peo, 62. 3. and a royal d. in the hand of thy God Ezek. 21. 26. remove the d. take off the crown DIAL. 2 Kings 20. 11. gone down in the ^.of Ahaz, Jffl.38. 8. DIAMOND. Exod. 28. 18. and the second row a d. 39. 11. Jer. 17. 1. sin of Judah is written with point of a d. Ezek. 28. 13. tlierf. the beryl, was covering of Tyi^us DID. 1 Sam. 30. + 21. David asked them how they d. 1 ZTz'w^j 11.25. besides the mischief that Hadad d. 2 Kings 18. 3. d. right according to all that David d. Neh. 2. 16. knew not whither Twent or what 1 d. Esth. 2. 11. Mordecai walked to know how Esther d. Mat. 12. 3. have ye not read what David d. ? 21. 15. when they saw wonderful things that he d. Mark 3. 8. they heard what great things he d. John 2. 23. they saw miracles which ife d. 6. 2, 14. 4. 29. who told ms all thines that ever I d. 39. 9. 26. then said they, what rf. he to thee? 15. 24. done the works which none other man d. Acts 3. 17. thro' ignorance ye d. it, as d. your rulers 26. 10. which thing I also d. in Jerusalem 2 Cor. 8. 5. and this they d. not as we hoped 1 Pet. 2. 22. who d. no sin, nor was guile found DID joined with as. Gen. 21. 1. the Lord d. to Sarah as he had spoken 43. 17. the man d. as Joseph bade, and brought men 50. 12. his sons d. to him as he commanded them Exod. 7- 6. d. as the Lord commanded, 10, 20. | 12. 28,50. I 39. 32. iez;. 8. 4. [ 16.34. | 24.23. Num. 1. 54. 1 2. 34. 1 20. 27. 27. 22. I 31. 31. Lev. 4. 20. as he d. with the bullock, 16. 15. Num. 23. 2. Balak d. as Balaam had spoken, 30. Deut. 2. 12. as Israel d. to the land of his possession 22. as he d. to children of Esau || 3. 6. as d. to Sihon Josh. 4. 18. waters flowed over banks, a.* they ^/.before 23. as the Lord your God d. to the Red sea 10. 28. d. to king of Makkedah, «* he d. to Jericho 11. 9. Joshua d. to them as the Lord bade him Judg. 6. 27. Gideon d. as the Lord said to him 15. 11. as they d. to me, so I have done to them 2 Sam. 3. 36. a.f what the kin^rf. pleased the people 5. 25. and David d. so as the Lord commanded him 1 Kingsill. 11. elders (/. a.f Jezebel had senttotheni 26. Ahab d. according as d, the Amorites 2 Kings 8. 18. Jeiioram, as d. the house of Ahab 17. 11. as d. the heathen which the Lord carried 4] . as d. their fathers, so do thej' to this day 1 Chro7i. 14. 16. David d. as God commanded iiim 2 Chr. 25. 4. d. as it is written in the law of Moses Isa. 58. 2. seek me as a nation that d. righteousness Dan. 6. 10. Daniel save thanks as he d. aforetime Mat. 1. 24. Joseph d. as the angel had bidden him 21.6. and d. aj Jesus commanded them, 26. 19. 28. 15. took money, so watch d. as they were taught Luke 9. 54. and consume them even as Elias d. Acts 3. 17. thro' ignorance ye did \tMS rf.your rulers 7. 51. ye resist H. Ghost, as your fathers d. so do ye 11. 17. God gave them the like gift, as he d. to us Heb. 4. 10. ceased from his works, as God d. fi-om his DID joined with evil. Gen. 50. 15. he will requite us tlie evil we d. him 17. forsive thy brethren, for thev d. to thee evil Judg. 2. 11. d. evil in the sight of the Lord, 3. 7, 12. I 4. 1. I 6. 1. 1 10. 6. i 13. 1. 1 Kings 14. 22. | 15. 26, 34. I 16. 7, 30. 2 KingsQ. 27. I 13. 2, 11. | 14. 24. I 15. 9, 18, 24, 28. 1 17- -• 2 Chron. 22. 4. 107 DIE 1 Kings 11. 6. Solomon d. evil in sight of the Lord 2 Kings 21. 2. Manasseh d. evil, 2 Chran. 33. 2. 23. 32. Jehoahaz d. evil \\ 37- Jehoiakim d. evil 24. 9. lehoiachim (f. ew/HlQ. Zedekiah d.evil 2 C72r. 12. 14. Rehoboam d. e. \\ .33. 22. Amon d. e. yell. 9. 28. but after they had rest, they d. evil 13. 7- understood the e. that Eliashibrf. tor lobiah Isa. 65. 12. not hear, but d. e. before mine eyes, 66. 4. 2 Tim. 4. 14. Alexander copper-smith t?. me much e. DID ?i'ot. Emd.l. 17. midwives d. not as kin? commanded 2 Kings 16. 2. Ahaz rf. n. what was rijiht, 2. Qhr. 28.1. iVe>%. 13. 18. d. not your fathers thus, and d. not our G. brms all this evil upon us and upon this city P Jer. 11. 8. commanded to do, but they d. them 7iot Jonah 3. 10. God repented of the evil, and d. itnot Mat. 13. 58. he d. not many mighty works there 25. 45. d. it not to one of these, ye d. it not to me Jo/m8. 40. ye seek to kill me, this d. not Abraham 2 Cor. 7. 12. I d. it not for his cause had done wronjr DID ^0. Gen. 6. 22. thus did Koah, as G. command, so d. he 29. 28. .Jacob d. so, and fultilled her week 42. 20. bring your youngest I Tother, and they d. so Exod. 7. 6. as the Lord commanded so d. they, 10. I 12. 28, 50. I 39, 32. I 40. 16. Num. 1. 54. 22. magicians d. so, 8. 7, 18. II 24. Lord d. so 17.6. Moses d. so, || 10. .losh. || Num.Q. 3. Aaron d. so JSJum. 36. 10. so d. the daughters of Zelophehad Josh. 6. 14. they compassed the citj', so they d. six d. 11. 15. so d. Moses command, and so d. Joshua Judg. 2. 17. they d. not so \\ 6. 40. G. d. so that night 1 Sam. 1. 7. as he d. so year by year, when she went 2. 14. so they d. in Shiloh to all the Israelites 27. 11. sod. David, and so will be his manner 1 Kings 12. .32. so d. he in Betii el, sacrificing 14. 4. Jeroboam's wife d. so, and went to .Shiloh Ezra 6. 13. w they d. \\ Ne/i. 5. 15. but so d. not I Isa. 20. 2. Isaiah d. so, walking naked and barefoot Jer. 33. 12. Jeremiah d. so \\ Ezek. 12. 7. and I d. so Mat. 9. 19. Jesus arose, and so d. his disciples Luke 6. 10. stretch forth thy hand, and he d. so 26. sod. their fathers to the false prophets John 18. 15. followed Jesus, and so d. another discip. Acts 19. 14. there were seven sons of Sceva who d. so Thus DID. Gen. 42. 25. to fill their sacks, thus d. he unto them Exod. 36. 29. thns d. he to both of them in corners 40. 16. thus d. Moses, according as Ld. commanded Num. 32. 8. thus d. your fathers when I sent them 2 Sam. 12. 31. thus d. he to all the cities of Ammon 2 Kings 16. 16. thus d. Urijah the priest, according 2 Chr. 24. 11. thus they d. day by day, and gathered 31. 20. thus d. Hezekiah throughout all Judah Neh. 13. 18. d. not your fathers thus, and did not G. Job 1. 5. sanctified them, thus d. Job continually DID.ST. Gen. 20. 6. thou d. this in the integrity of thy heart Num. 21. 34. shalt do as thou d. to .Sihon, Deut. 3.2. Josh. 8. 2. shalt do as thou d. to Jericho and her king 2 Sam. 12. 12. for thou d. it secretl3', but I will do 13. 16. is greater tlian the other that thou d. to me 1 Kings 2. 44. that thou d. to David my father 8. 18. d. well that it was in thy heart, 2 Chron. 6. 8. Neh. 9. 17. thy wonders that thou d. among tliem Psal. 39. 9. 1 was dumb, because thou d. it 44. 1. fathers told us what work thou d. in their days 137. + 8. recompenseth the deed which thou d. to us Isa. 64. 3. when d. terrible thinirsnot looked for Acts 7. 28. wilt thou kill me as "thou d. Egyptian .' DIDKACHMA Is a Gve.ek yf or A, signify i7ig a piece of money of txco drachms in value. A Didrachni was worth about fourteen-pence English ; two Didrachms, two shil- lings and fourpence, which made an Hebrew she- kel. The Jews were by the law obliged to pay every one a half shekel to the temple. It is said in Mat. 17. 24. that they that received the tribute or capitation of two drachms or half a shekel, came and demanded it of our Saviour ; and that he, having sent Peter to fish in the lake, told him, that the first fish he should take, -would have a piece of money in its mouth, of four drachms in value ; that he should take it, and give it to the re- ceivers of this tribute for both of them. DIE. See on Dead and Death. Gen. 6. 17. every thins that is in the earth shall d. 33. 13. if men over-drive them, all the flock will d. 44. 9. let him d. || 22. his father would d. 46. 30. now let me d. || 47. 29. that Israel must d. Exod. 7. 18. the fish that is in the river shall d. 9. 4. nothing shall d. that is the children's of Israel 10. 28. the day thou seest my face thou shalt d. 11. 5. all the first-born in land of Egypt shall d. 28. 4.3. when they come to the altar to minister, that they bear not iniquity, and d. lev. 22. 9. Lev. 11. 39. if any beast of which ye may eat d. 20. 20. they shall bear sin, they shall d. childless Nu7n. 4. 15. shall not touch holy thing, lest they rf. 20. when holy things are covered, lest they d. 6. 9. if any man d. very suddenly by him 14. ,35. in this wilderness, and there they shall d. 16. 29. if these d. the common death of all men 17. 13. who cometh near tabernacle shall d. 18. 22. 18. 3. not come near, neither they, nor you also d. 20. 26. strip Aaron, and he shall d. on mount Hor 23. 10. let me d. the death of the righteous 27. 8. speak, saying, if a man d. and have no son Deut. 17. 5. shaltstone them that they d.11. 21, 24. 12. that man shall d. \\ 18. 20. prophet shall a. 22. 22. both shall d. \\ 25. the man only shall d. 24. 3. if the latter husband d. \\1. that thief shall d. 25. 5. if one d. and have no children, Mark 12. 19. 31. 14. to Mosps, thy days approach that thou d. 32. 50. behold land of Canaan, and d. in the mount Judg. 16. 30. .Samson said let me d. with Philistines 1 Sam. 2. 33. all the increase of thy house shall d. 34. thy two sons, in one day they sliall d. both 14. 45. the people said to .Saul, shall Jonathan d. ? 2 Sam. 18. 3. nor if half of us d. will they care 1 KmgsU. 12. when thy feet enter city, child shall d. 108 DIE 2 Kings 20. 1. thou shalt d. and not live. La. 38. 1. 2 Chron. 25. 4. fathers not d. for the children, but every man shall d. for his own sin, Jer. 31. 30. Job 2. 9- then his wife said to him, curse God and d. 4. 21. excellency goeth away , they d. without wisd. 12. 2. ye are the people, wisdom shall d. with you 14. 8. though the stock thereof d. in the "round 14. a man d. shall he live again ? all my days wait 34. 20. in amoment shall they d. people be troubled 36. 12. if obey not, they shall d. without knowledge 14. they d. in youth, their life is among unclean Ps. 49. 10. for he seeth that wise men d. also the fool 104. 29. thou takest away their breath, they d. Prov. 10. 21. but fools d. for want of wisdom Eccl. 7. 17. why shouldest thou d. before time .' 9. 5. living know they shall d. but dead know not Isa. 22.18. aball in large country, there thou shaltrf. 51.6. they that dwell therein shall d. in like manner 12. that shouldest be afraid of a man that shall rf. 65. 20. for the child shall d. a hundred years old Jer. 11.22. I will punish them, young men shall d. by sword, their sons and daught. shall d. by fam. 16. 4. they shall d. of irnevous deaths, not lamented 6. botii the great and the small shall d. in this land 28. 16. thus saith Lord, this year thou shalt d. 34. 5. but thou shalt d. in peace, and with burnings Ezek. 18. 4. the soul that sinneth, it shall d. 20. 28. 8. thou shalt d. deaths of them that are slain 10. thou shalt d. the deaths of the uncircumcised 33. 8. that wicked man shall d. in his iniquity 27. they in the caves shall d. of the pestilence Jlmos 2. 2. Moab shall d. with tumult, with shouting 6. 9. if there be ten men in one house they shall d. 7. 11. Amos saith, Jeroboam shall d. b3' the sword 17. saith the Lord, thou shalt d. in a polluted land 9.10. the sinners of my people shall d. by the sword Zech. 11. 9. then said I, that that dieth, let it d. 13. 8. saith Lord, two parts shall be cut off and d. Mat. 15.4. honour father and mother, hethatcurseth father or mother, let him d. the death, Markl. 10. 22. 24. if a man d. having no seed, Luke 20. 28. i«/:«20..36. nor can they d. any more.equal to angels John 4. 49. he saith, sir, come down ere my child d. 11. 50. that one man d. for the people, 18. 14. 51. prophesied that Jesus should rf. for that nation 12. 24. except a com of wheat d. but if it d. it brings Rom. 5. 7. scarcely for a righteous man will one d. 1 Cor. 15. 22. for as in Adam all d. so in Christ shall .36. whatthou sowest is not quickened except it ^e should d. 19.4. Elijah requested for himself that /ig mights. 21. 10. carry out and stone him that he may d. Psal. 41. 5. when shall he d. and his name perish ? Prov. 5. 23. he shall d. without instruction, go astray 15. 10. and /;e that hateth reproof shall d. 19. 16. but he that despiseth his ways shall d. Jer. 22. 12. he shall d. whither they led him captive .38. 10. take up Jerem. out of dungeon before he d. Ezek. 3.19. if thou warn the wicked, ^e shall d. in his iniquity, 20. 1 18. 18, 24, 26. I 33. 9, 13, 18. 12. 13. he shall not see it, though he shall d. there 17. 16. in the midst of Babylon he shall d. John 12.33. signifying what death he should d. 18..32. I DIE. Gen. 19. 19- lest some evil take me, and Id. 26. 9. Isaac said, because I said, Id. for her 27. 4. that my soul may bless thee before I d. 30. 1. Pvachel said, ffive me children, or else Id. 45. 28. I will go and see hini before I d. 48. 21. Israel said to Joseph, behold, Id. 50. 5. lo. Id. \\ 24. Joseph said to his brethren Id. Deut. 4. 22. but Jmust d. in this land, I must not go Jicdg. 15. 18. now shall Id. for thirst, and fall into Ruth 1. 17. where thou diest will Id. and be buried 1 Sam. 14. 43. I did but taste, and lo, I must d. 2 Sam. 19. 37. that Jma3' d. in mine own city 1 Kings 2. .30. he said, nay, but /will d. here Job 27. 5. that I sh. justify you ; till I rf. not remove 29.18. then I said, Jshall d. in my nest and multiply Prov.SO.7. two things, deny me them not before Id. Jer. 37. 20. cause me not to return, lest Id. there Mat. 26. 35. tho' /should d. with thee, Mark 14. 31. 1 Cor. 15. 31. 1 protest by your rejoicing, Id. daily Not DIE. Gen. 42. 2. that we may live and not d. 43. 8. I 47.19. 20. so shall your words be verified, ye shall ?wtd. Exod. 21. 18. and he d. not, but keepeth his bed 28. .35. his sound shall be heard, that he d. not 30. 20. shall wash with water, that they d. not, 21. Lev. 8. ,35. keep the charge of the Lord that ye d. nat 15. 31. that they d. not. Num. 4. 19. I 17- 10. 16. 2. that he come not at all times, that he d. not 13. the cloud cover the mercy-seat, that lie d. not Num. 35. 12. that the manslayer, d. not. Josh. 20. 9. Deut. 18. 16. nor let me see this fire, that 1 d. not 33.6. let Reuben live and w.<^. let not his men be few Judg. 6. 23. peace be to thee, fear not, thou shalt not d. 1 Sam. 20. 2. 2 Sam. 12. 13. | 19. 23. Jer. .38. 24. 1 Sam. 12. 19. pray to the L. for us, that we d. Jiot 20. 14. shew me the kindnessof the L. that I d.not 2 Kings 18. 32. take you, that ye may live and notd. 2 Citron. 25. 4. fathers shall not d. for the children Psal. 118. 17. T shall not d. but live, and declare Prov. 23. 13. if thou beatest him with rod, he shall not d. Ezek. 18. 17, 21, 28. I 33. 15. JohnQ.\. 23. Isa. 51. 14. and that he should 7iot d. in the pit DIE Isa. 66. 24. their wormshall not d. nor fire quenched Jer. 11. 21. that thou d. not by our hand .34. 4. Zedekiah, thou shalt Jiot d. by the sword Ezek. 13. 19. to slay the souls that should 7wt d. Ilab. 1. 12. we shall not d. L. thou hast ordained Joh7i 6. 50. that a man may eat thereof, and not d. 21. 23. saying that tiiat disciple should 7u)t d. Surely DIE. Gen. 2. I7. thou shalt surely d. 20. 7. 1 Sam. 14. 44. I 22. 16. 1 Kings 2. 37, 42. Jer. 26. 8. Etek. 3. 18. I 33. 8, 14. 3. 4. the serpent said, ye shall not surely d. Num. 26. 65. the L. had said, they shall surely d. Judg. 13. 22. we shall surely d. because we hav e seen 1 Sam. 14. 39. tho' in Jonath. my son, he shall surely d. 20. 31. 2 Sam. 12.5. 2 Ki7Lgs8. 10. Ezek. 18. 1.3. 2 Sam. 12. 14. the child born to thee shall surely d. 2 Kings 1. 4. not come down, but shall surely d. 6, 16. To DIE. Gew. 25.32. Esau said, behold, T am at the point ^0 rf. Ex.d. 14. 11. to d. in the wilderness. Num. 21. 5. N7im. 18. t 22. come nigh, lest they bear sin to d. 35. .30. not testify against any, to cause him to d. t 31. no satisfaction for him who is faulty to d. Josh. 2. + 14. our life instead of you to d. iSam. 26. 10. L. smite him , or his day shall come to d. 16. ye are worthy to d. because ye kept not 28. 9. layesta snare for my life, to cause me to d. 2 Chron. 32. 11. to give yourselves to d. by famine Psal. 79. 11. preserve those that are appointed to d, 88. 15. I am afflicted and ready to d. from youtli Prov. 19. 1 18. soul not spare, to cause him to d. Eccl. 3. 2. a time to be born, and a time to d. Jer. 26. 11. is worthy to d. || 16. not worthy to d. 38. 9. he is like to d. for hunger in the place 26. to return to Jonathan's house to d. there Jo7iah 4.3. for it is better for me to d. than to live, 8. 8. Jonah fainted, and wished in himself to d. Luke 7. 2. the centurion's servant Mas ready to d. John 19. 7. have a law, and by our law he ought to d. Acts 21. 13. I am ready also to d. at Jerusalem 25. 11. if worthy of death I refuse not to d. 16. not the manner of Romans to deliver any ake Jer. 10. 2'i.itisnotinmanthatwalkethtorf.hissteps 1 Thess. 3. 11. our L. Jesus Christ d. our way to you 2 T'hess. 3. 5. Lord d. your hearts into the love of G. DIKECTED. Job 32. 14. he hath not d. his words against me Psal. 119. 5. O that my ways were d. to keepstat. 141. + 2. let my prayer be d. as incense, and lifting Isa. 40. 13. who hath d. the Spirit of the Lord ? DIRECTEIH. Job .37. 3. he d. it under the whole heaven Prov. 16. 9. his ways, but the Lord rf. his steps 21. 29. as for the upriaht he d. his way DlRECTIOl^. Num. 21. 18. princes judged it by d. of thelawgivej Psal. 19. t 4. their d. is gone out through the earth DIRECILY. Num. 19. 4. sprinkle blood d. before the tabernacle Ezek. 42. 12. even the way d. before the wall DIRT. Judg. 3. 22. the fat closed, and the d. came out Psal. 18. 42. 1 did cast them out as d. in the streets Isa. 57. 20. whose waters cast up mire and d. DISALLOW, ED. Num. 30. 5. because her father d. her 8. but if her husband d. her || 11. he d. her not 1 Pet. 2. 4. d. indeed of men, but chosen of God 7. the stone which the builders rf. is made head DISAlSiSUL. Job 40. 8. wilt thou also d. m3- judgment? Isa. 14. 27. Lord hath purposed who shall d. it.' Gal. 3. 17. this covenant the law cannot d. D I SA1< BULLED. Isa. 28. 18. your covenant w ith death shall be d. DISA1>CjSULLETH. Gal. 3. 15. covenant no man d. or addetli thereto DISAISI^ULLIISG. Heb. 7. 18. there is a d. of the commandment DISAPPOl^ r. Psal. 17. 13. arise. O Lord. rf. him. cast him down DISAPPOllSTED. Prov. 15. 22. witliout counsel purposes are d. DlSAPPOl^'^^:TH. Job 5. 12. he d. the devices of the crafty 109 DIS DISCERN. Discerning of spirit is one of the gifts of God, men- tioned by the apostle Paul, 1 Cor. 12. 10. It con- iists in discerning among those who say they are inspired by God, whether they are animated or in- spired by a good or evil spirit, whether they are true or false prophets. This gift was of very great im- portance, both in the Old Testament, wherein it is found that false prophets often rose up, and se- 'ducers who deceived the people ; and also in the New, in the primitive ages of the church, when supernatural gifts were common ; when the mes- senger o/ Satan was sometimes transformed into an angel of light, and false apostles, under the out- ward appearance of sheep, concealed the sentiments of ravening wolves. Wherefore the evangelist cau- tioned believers, saying. Believe not every spirit, but try the spirits, whether they be ot God, 1 John 4. 1. See in Deut. 18. 20, 21, 22. the marks which are given by God to distinguish true from false prophets. Ge«. .31.32. rf. thou what is thine with me, and take it 38. 25. she said, d. I pray thee, whose are these 2 >Sa?w.l4. 17. so is my lord the king to d. good and bad 19. .35. and can I d. between good and evil '. 1 Kings 3. 9. that I may d. between good and bad 11. thou hast asked understanding to <^. judgment £2m 3. 13. the people could not d. tlie noise of joy Job 4. 16. but 1 could not d the form thereof 6. 30. cannot my taste d. perverse things .' I,zek. 44. 23. cause them d. betw. unclean and clean Jonah 4. 11. cannot d. between right hand and left Mai. 3. IB. d. between the righteous and the wicked Mat. 16. 3. ye cane?, the face of the sky, i7<^e 12. 56. Jrleh. 5. 14. their senses exercised to d. good and evil DISCERNED, ETH. Gen. 27. 23. he d. him not, his hands were hairy 1 Kings 20. 41. and the king of Israel d. him Neh. 13. + 24. they d. not to speak in Jews' language Prov. 7. 7. I d. among the youth a young man Eccl. 8. 5. a wise man d. time and judgment Bom. 14. +23.thatrf. between meats is danmed, if eat 1 Cor. 2. 14. nor know, because they are spiritually d. i 15. he that is spiritual d. all things, yet he him- self is d. of no man, for who hath known DISCERNING. 1 Cor. 11. 29. eateth unworthily, notd. Lord's body 12. 10. to another is given d. of spirits, to another DISCERNER. Heb. 4. 12. word is a d. ot the thoughts of the heart DISCHARGE, D. 1 Kings 5. 9. and will cause them to be d. there Eccl. 8. 8. day of death, there is no d. in that war DISCIPLE. The word disciple, absolutely taken, signifies in the New Testament, a believer, a christian, a scholar, a follo-cver of Christ, or his apostles ; as in Acts 6. 1. When the number of the disciples was mul- tiplied, there arose a murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews, because their widows were neglected m the daily ministration. And in Acts 9. 1. Saul yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, that is, against the followers of Christ. The name of disciple is often set down for that of apostle ; particularly in the Gospel, Mat. 5. 1. I 8. 23. 1 10. 1. but in other places the apostles are distinguished from disciples. The apostles were chosen parttctdarly by Christ out of the number of his disciples, to be the stewards of his most secret mysteries, and the principal minis- ters for propagating and establishing the christian religion. They were twelve in number. Mat. 10. 2. Luke 6. 13. But the disciples who followed our Saviour from the beginning, and are called simply disciples, were seventy in number . The precepts and admonitiom 7vhich our Saviour gave theyn, when he sent them to preach in the cities of Judea, are recorded in Luke 10. from the beginning to verse I7. Mat. 10. 24. d. is not above his master, Luke 6. 40. 2o. enough tor the d. that he be as his master 42. whoso shall give a cup of cold water to a d. 27. 57. Joseph of Arimathea himself was Jesus' d. -fo ,^=r- 28. thou art his d. we are Moses' disciples 18. 15. and so did another d. that d. was known 16. then went out that other d. that was known 19-26. the d. standing by, whom Jesus loved 27. then saith he to that d. behold thy mother, and from that hour that d. took her to his own home 38. being a rf. but secretly, for fear of the Jews M. 2. the other d. whom Jesus loved, 21. 7, 20 .3. Peter went torth, and that other d. and came 4. the other d. did outrun Peter, and came first 8. then went in also that other d. and he saw 21- 23., this saying, that that d. should not die 24. this is the d. which testifieth these thin<'-s Acts 9. 10. there was a certain d. at Damascus 26. but they believed not that he was a d. 36. now there was at Joppa a d. named labitha 16. 1. a certain d. was there, named Timotheus 21. 16. an old d. with whom we should lodse My DISCIPLE. Jjuke 14. 26. if he hate not his life, cannot be my d. 27. whoso doth not bear his cross, cannot be my d. 33. that forsaketh not all, he cannot be my d. DISCIPLES. Mat. 9. 14. then came to him the d. of Jobn, saying 10. 1. when he had called unto him his twelve d. 11. 1. he had made an end of commanding his d 14. 26. when the d. saw him walking on the sea 17. 6. when the d. heard it, they fell on their face 19. 13. and the d. rebuked them, Mark 10. 13. 20. 17. Jesus took the twelve d. apart in the way 21. 1. Jesus sent two d. saying, go into the village 22. 16. the Pharisees sent unto him their d. 26. 26. Jesus took bread, and gave it to the d. 35. 1 will not deny thee, likewise also said the d. 56. then all the d. forsook him, and fied Mark 2. 18. why do the d. of John and of the Pha- risees fast, but thy d. fast not ? Luke 5. 33. 8. 14, now the d. had forgotten to take bread 110 DIS lAike 19. 37. the d. began to rejoice and praise G. John 3. 25. between some of John's d. and the Jews 4. 1. that Jesus baptized more d. than John 9.28. thou art his disciple, but we are Moses' d. 13. 5. he began to wash the d. feet, and to wipe them 18. 17. art not thou also one of this man's d. ? 20. 18. Mary told the d. that she had seen the Lord Acts 9. 1. Saul breathing out slaughter against the d. 26. Saul essayed to join himself to the d. 11. 26. the d. were called Christians first in Antioch 19. 1. Paul came to Ephesus, and finding certain d. 30. Paul would have entered, d. suffered him not 20.7. firstdayof week rf. came together break bread 30. men speaking, to draw away d. after them His DISCIPLES. Mat. 8. 25. his d. came and awoke him, saying 9. 19. Jesus arose and followed, and so did his d. 28. 7. go, and tell his d. he is risen from the dead 13. say ye, his d. came by niglit and stole him Mark 10. 10. in the house his d. asked him again Luke 5. .30. the Pharisees murmured against his d. 6. 20. he lifted up his eyes on his d. and said 11. 1. teacli us to pray, as John taught his d. John 2. 11. his glory, and his d. believed on him 4. 2. though Jesus himself baptized not, but his d. 27. upon this came his d. and marvelled that he 6. 3. up to a mountain, and there he sat with his d. 22. but that his d. were gone away alone 9. 27. why would ye hear it again : will ye be his d. 11. 12. then said hisd. L. if he sleep shall do well 18. 1. he went with his d. over the brook Cedron 2. for .Tesus often resorted thither with his d. 20. 26. again, Am d. were within, 1 homas with them Of his DISCIPLES. Mat. 11. 2. wTien John had heard works of Christ, he sent two of his d. Mark 11. 1. 1 14. 13. Luke 19. 29. Markl. 2. some of his d. eat with unwashen hands John 6. 66. from that time many of his d. went back 18. 19. the high priest asked Jesus of his d. 25. art not thou also one of his d. ? he denied 21. 12. none of his d. durst ask him, who art thou ? To his DISCIPLES. Mat. 14. 19. blessed, and gave the loaves to his d. Mark A. 34. he expounded all things to his d. Luke 10. 23. he turned himself to his d. and said Jo-^w21.14. third time Jesus shewed himself ^0 Aw rf. My DISCIPLES. Isa. 8. 16. bind up testimony, seal law amon? my d. Mat. 26. 18. master saith. I will keep the passbver at thy house with my d. Mark 14. 14. Luke 22. 11. John 8. 31. then are ye my d. indeed, 13. 35. 15. 8. that ye bear much fruit, so shall ye be 7ny d. Thy DISCIPLES. Mat.9.\A. why do we fast, thy d. fast not, Marka.\^. 12. 2. thy d. do that which is not lawful on sabbath 15. 2. why do thy d. transgress the tradition ? 17. 16. I brought him to tliy d. they could not cure Mark 7. 5. why walk not thy d. according to tradit. 9. 18. I sptke to thy d. to cast him out, Luke 9. 40. Luke 19. 39. tpe Pharisees said, Master, rebuke thy d. John 7. 3. that thy d. may see the works thou doest DISCIPLINE. Job 36. 10. he openeth also their ears to d. and com. DISCLOSE. Isa. 26. 21. behold, the earth also shall d. her blood DISCOMFITED. Exod. 17. 13. .Toshua d. Amalek and his people Num. 14. 45. smote and d. them, even to HoiTnali Josh. 10. 10. Lord d. them before Isr. and slew them Judg. 4. 15. the Lord d. Sisera and his chariots 8. 12. Gideon pursued them, and d. all the host ISam.T. 10. thundered on the Philistines, and d. them 2 Sam. 22. 15. lightning, and . 1. 1. who in d. manners spake in time past 2. 4. G. bearing witness with signs and d. miracles 9. 10. stood in d. washings || 13. 9. d. doctrines Jam. 1. 2. count it joy when fall intorf. temptations DIVERSITIES. 1 Cor. 12. 4. d. of gifts || 6. d. of operations 28. God hath set in the church d. of tongues DIVIDE. Gen. 1. 6. and let the firmament d. the waters 14. be lights, to d. the day from the night, 18. 49. 27. and at night he shall d. the spoil Lxod. 14. 16. stretch thy hand over the sea, and d. it 21. 35. d. the money of it, d. the dead ox 26. 33. vail shall d. between holy and most holy Lev. 1. 17. cleave it, but not d. it asunder, 5. 8. 11.4. no^ eat of them that rtl. the hoof, 7. Beut. 14. 7. Num. 31. 27. and d. the prey into two parts 33. 54. ye shall d. the land by lot, .34. 17, 18, 29. Deut. 19. 3. d. the coasts of thy land into three parts Josh. 1. 0. d. for an inheritance, 13. 6, 7. 1 18. 5. 22. 8. d. the spoil of your enemies with brethren ZSam. 19. 29. 1 said, thou and Ziba d. the land 1 Ki7igs3. il in so d. Exod. 15. 11. like thee, fearful in praises, d. w onders Num. 20. 19. I will only, without d. any thing else Deut. 9. 18. because ye sinned in d. wickedly 1 Kings 16. 19. he sinned in d. evil, 2 Kinns 21. 16. 22. 43. d. that which was right, 2 Chron. CO. 32. 1 Chron. 22. 16. arise, and be d. Lord be with thee Neh. 6.3.1 am d. a great work, 1 cannot come down Job 32. 22. in so d. my Maker would take me away Psal. 64. 9. they shall wisely consider of his d. 66. 5. he is terrible in d. toward children of men 118. 23. this is the I ord's d. it is marvellous in our eyes. Mat. 21. 42. Mark 12. 11. Jfa.56. 2. and keepeth his hand from d. any evil 58. 13. from d. thy pleasure on my holy day, and Jer. 32. + 19. great in counsel, and mighty in d. Ezek. 31. + 11. in d. he sliall do unto him Mat. 24. 46. his Lord shall find so d. Luke 12. 43. Acts 10. 38. Jesus, who went about d. goad 24. 20. if they have found any e' il d. in me Ro7n. 1 2. 20. for in so d. thou shalt heap coals of fire 2 Cor. 8. 11. now therefore perform the d. of it Eph. 6. 6. as the servants of Christ, d. the m ill 01 God from the heart 1 Tim. 4.1 d. this thou shalt save thyself and them 5. 21. observe these things, d. nothing by partiality Heb. 13. +21. d. in you what is well pleasing in sigtit Jam.1. ••■25. this man shall be blessed in his d. Well-BOllsG. Rom. 2. 7. by patient continuance in well-d. Gal. 6. 9. let us not be weary m well-d. 2 Thess.Z.XZ. 1 Pet. 2. 15. with well-d. ye may put to silence 3. ]7. for it is better that ye sufi^er for well-d. 4. 19. commit their souls unto him in well-d. as to DOINGS. Lev. 18. 3. after the d. of Egypt, and after ihed. o. Canaan, whither T bring you, shall ye not do Deut. 28. 20. because of the wickedness of th}' d. Judg. 2. 19. they ceased not ftom their own d. 1 Sctm. 25. 3. Nabal was churlish and evil in his d. 2 Chron. 17. 4. and walked not after the d. of Israel Ps. 9. 11. declare among the people his d. Isa. 12. 4. 77. 12. 1 will meditate of thy works, talk of thy d. Prov. 20. 11. even a child is known by his d. Isa. 1. 16. wash ye, put away the evil of jour d. 3. 8. because their tongue and d. are against the L. 10. for they shall eat the fruit of their d. Jer. 4. 4. lest my fury come and burn, because of the evil of your d. 21. 12. | 26. 3. 1 44. 22. 18. thy d. have procured these things to thee 7. 3. amend your ways and d. 5. 1 26. 13. 1 35. 15. 11. 18. then fhou shewedst me their d. . 17. 10. according to the fruit of his d. 21. 14. 18. 11. return, a"nd make your ways and d. good 23. 2. I will visit upon you the evil of your '^. 22. and from the evil of their d. 25. 5. z^ech. 1.4. 32. 19. to give according to the fruit of his d. Ezek. 14. 22. ye shall see their w ay and their d. 20. 43. there shall ye remember your d. and j'our 44. nor accord, to j'our wicked ways, corrupt d. 21. 24. so that in all your d. your sins do appeal 24. 14. according to thy d. shall they judge 36. 17. they defiled it by their ownVay and d. 19. and according to their rf. 1 judged "them 31. shall remember your d. that were not good Hos. 4. 9. I will punish and rew ard them their d. 5. 4. they will not frame their d. ti turn to their G. 7. 2. now their own d. have set them about 9. 15. for the wickedness of their d. I will drive 12. 2. according to his d. will he recompense Mic. 2. 7. O house of Jacob, are these his d.? 3. 4. as they have behaved themselves ill in their d. 7.13. land shall be desolate for the huit of their rf. Zeph. 3.7. but they rose early,corrupfed all their rf. 11. shalt thou not be ashamed for all thy d. ? Zech. 1. 6. according to our d. sohath dealt with us DOLEFUL. Isa. 13. 21. their houses full of d. creatures Mic. 2.4. in that day shall lament with a rf. lamentat. DOMINION Signifies, [1] Poser, N eh. g. 28. Rom. 6. 9. [2] Perso7is ruled over, Psal. 114. 2. [3] Kings and ki7igdo77is, Dan. 6. 26. 1 7- 27. [4] Aiwels, Kph. 1. 21. Col. 1. 16. [5] Magistrates, 2 Pet. 2. + 10. Jude 8. [6] The tmiversal and unli7nited autho- rity and aoveriiment of God, Psal. 72. 8. 1 145. 13. Dan. 4. 3, 22, 34.17. 14. Gen. 1. 26. have d. over the fish of the sea, 28. 27.40. and when thou shalt have the rf. shalt. bieak 37. 8. or shalt thou indeed have d. over us r Num. 24. 19. out of Jacob come he that shall ha^ e d. j7idg.o. 13. he made him have d. over the nobles 14. 4. at that time the Philistines had d. o\ er Israel 1 Kings 4. 24. Solomon had d. over all the regicn 9- 19. to build in the land of his d. 2 Chron. 8. 6. 2 Kings 20. 13. there w as nothing in his house cr in all his d. that Hezekiah shew ed not, I.^a. 39. 2. 1 Chron. 4. 22. men of Chozeba who had d. in 3Ioab 18. 3. as he went to stablish his d. by the river 2 Chron. 21. 8. the Fdomites from under Judah's d. .32. +9. Sennacherib and all his d. with him Keh. 9. 28. so that they had tiie d. over Ihem 37. also they have rf. over our bodies and cattle Job 25. 2. d. and fear are with him, he ma kef h peace ,38. 33. canst thou set the d. thereof in the earth .' Psal. 8. 6. to have d. over the w en ks of thy hands 19. 13. from sms, let them not liave d. o\ er me 49. 14. the uuright shall have d. over them 72. 8 le shall have d. also from sea to sea 103. 22. bless the Lord in all places of his d. 114. 2. Judah was his sanctuary, and Israel his d 119. 133. let not any inic^uity liave d. o\er nie 145. 13. thy rf. endureth throiigh all generations Tsa. 26. 13. other lords besides thee had d. over us I 2 115 DON Ter. 2. t 31. wherefore say my people, we have d. ? Dan. 4. 3. his d. is from generation to generation 22. thy d. reachetii to the end of the earth 34. most fligh, whose d. is an everlasting d. 7- 14. 6. 26. that in every d. of my kingdom men tremble and fear before tlie God of Daniel, and his d. shall be even unto the end 7. 6. the beast had four heads, and d. was given to it 12. the rest of the beasts had their d. taken away 14. there was g^iven him d. and glory, a kingdom 26. they shall take away his d. to consume it 27. the d. shall be given to the saints of most High 11. 3. a mighty king that shall rule with great d. 5. 4. not according to his d. which he ruled Mic. 4. 8. to thee shall it come even the first d. Z£ck. 9. 10. his d. shall be from sea to sea Mat. 20. 25. the princes of the Gentiles exercise d. Rom. 6. 9. raised, death hath no more d. over him 14. for sin shall not liave d. over you, under grace 7. 1. law hath d. over a man as long as he liveth 2 Cor. 1. 24, not that we have d. over your faith Eph.\.9.\ . above all power, might, and d. every name 1 Pet. 4. 11. that God may be glorified, to whom be praise and d. for ever and ever, 5. 11. Rev. 1. 6. 2 Pet. 2. t 10. but them that despise d. Jude 8. Jude 25. to the only wise God be d. and power DOMINIONS. Daw. 7. 27. and all d. shall serve and obey him Col. 1. 16. whether they be thrones, or d. or powers DONE. Gen. 9. 24. Noah knew what his younger son had d. 18. 21. they have d. according to theory of it 24. 66. the servant told Isaac all that he had d. 26. 29. as we have d. to thee nothing but good 29. 26. Laban said, it must not be d. in our country 34. 7. wrought folly, which ouglit not to be d. 44. 5. ye have d. evil in so doing 15. Joseph said, what deed is this ye have d. ? Exod. 1. 18. he said, why have ye d. this thing ? 2. 4. his sister stood to wit. what would be d. to him 12. 16. no manner of work shall be d. in them, save what must be eat, that only may be d. of you 13. 8. this is d. because of that the Lord did to me 18. 1. .lethro heard of all that God had d. for Moses 9. the goodness which the Lord had d. to Israel 21. 31. according to this judgment shall it be d. ,31. 1,5. six days may work be d. 35. 2. Lev. 23. .S, 39. 43. they had d. it as the Lord had commanded, even so had they d. it, and Moses blessed them Lev. 5. 17. and commit things forbidden to be d. 8. 5. the Lord commanded to be d. Dent. 26. 14. 11. 32. what vessel it be, wherein any work is d. 18. 27. these abominations have the men of land d. 24. 20. eye for eye, so shall it be d. to him again Num. 5. 7- they shall confess their sin they have d. 12. 11. wherem we have d. foolishly and sinned 15. 34. it was not declared what should be d. to him 22. 2. Balak saw all that Israel had d. to Amorites 27. 4. why should name of our fatiier be d. away .? 32. 13. all that had d. evil in sight of L. were cons. Vent. 10. 21. he is thy God that hath d. for thee 25. 9. so shall it be d. to that man will not build up 29. 24. nations say, wherefore hath the Ld. d. thus to this land ? 1 Kings 9. 8. 2 Chron. 7. 21. Josh. 10. ,32. as he had d. also to Libnah, 39. 35. he had d. to Lachish || 37. he had d. to Eglon 22. 24. if we have not rather d. it for fear of this 24. 31. had known all that he had d. for Israel Judg. 2. 10. who knew not works he had d. for Israel 3. 12. because they had d. evil in sight of the Lord 9. 16. if ye have d. truly and sincerely, and have d. to Jerubbaal accordina to deserving of his hands 24. cruelty d. to the seventy sons of .Jerubbaal 19. 30. there was no such deed d. nor seen Ruth 3. 16. told her all that the man had d. to her 1 Sam. 4. 16. and he said, what is there d. my son '' 11. 7. cometh not forth, so shall it be d. to his oxen 17. 26. what shall be d. to the man that killeth him > 27. so shall it be d. to the man that killeth him 25. .30. when the Lord shall have d. to my lord 28. 17. the Lord hath d. as he spake, Ezek. 12. 28. 2 Sam. 11. 27. thing David had d. displeased the L. 13. 12. no such thmg ought to be d. in Israel 24. 17. what have they d. ? 1 Chron. 21. 17. 1 Kinc/sS. 66. goodness the Lord hath d. for David 14. 22. above all that their fathers had d. l^- h ^^''""^ t"^*^ Jezebel all that Elijah had d. 22. 53. provoked the Lord according to all that his father had d. 2 Kings 15. 3, 9, .34. | 23. 32. 2 Ktngs 4. 13. he said, what is to be d. for thee .' 8. 4. tell me all the great things Elisha hath d. 10. 10. for the Lord hath d. that which he spake -■n -.i'^i"^ servant Elijah, Isa. .38. 15. Jer. 40. ,3. 19. 11. thou hast heard what the kings of Assyria have d to all lands, 2 Chron. 32. 13. Isa. 37. 11. nl- l^- ^S'^^use tiiey have ^/. evil, 2 Chron. 29. 6. 23. 19. all the acts that he had d. in Bethel n^iK"!^ ^^- ?6- because he had d. good in Israel 29. 36. rejoiced, for the thing was d. suddenly .32. 25. rendered not accoidintf to benefit d. to him ol. who sent to inquire of the wonder that was rf.i Ezra 6. 12. made a decree, let it be d. with speed ' 9- 1- when these things were d. the princes came ^Ji-J^- ^•, ^^^^^ ^"^^ "o such things d. as thou sayest 9. .33. we haverf. wickedly, Ps. 106.6. Dan. 9.5, 15 I • h ^- '^^ rememb. Vashti, and what she had d. k' i" ^Jordecai perceived all was d. rent his clothes o. 5. the king said, what shall be d. to the man ? 9. thus shall it be d. to the man the king honours Job 21. 31. wlio shall repay him what he hath d. '' 34. 29. whether it be d. ag. a nation or a man only Fsal. ,33. 9. he spake and it was d. he commanded 71. 19. he hath d. great things, 106. 21. | 126. 2, 3. 120. 3. what shall be d. to thee, false tongue ? i^rov 3. 30. strive not if he have d. thee no harm 4. 16. they sleep not, except they have d. mischief 1^ i^" ^- fhat which is d. is that which shall be 0 DOV 1 Sam. 12. 20. ye have d. all this wickedness 28. 18. therefore hath the Lord d. thix thing . 2 Sam. 2. 6. because ye have d. this thina: 12. 5. the man that hath d. this thing shall die 14. 20. hath th3' servant .loab d. this thing? 21. icing said, behold now, i have d. this thing 1 Kings\. 27. is ^/;w thing d. by my Lord the king ? 11. 11. Lord said, forasmuch as this is d. of thee 2 Chron. 11. 4. return, for this thing is d. of n^en Psal.T. 3. O Lord, my God, if 1 have d. this 22. 31. they shall declare that he hath d. this 51. 4. 1 have sinned, and d. tltis evil in thy sight Isa. 41. 20. that the hand of the Lord hatli d. this Ezek. 23. 38. moreover, this they have d. unto me Mai. 2. 13. this have ye d. again, covering the altar Mat. 1. 22. now all this was d. 21. 4. 1 26. 56. 13. 28. he said to them, an enemy hath d. this 21. 2L not only dothis which is d. to the fig-tree f 26. 13. this that this woman hath d. Mark 14. 9. Mark 5. 32. to see her that had d. this thing Luke 5. 6. when they had d. this they inclosed 23.41. but this man hath d. nothing amiss John 7. 31. miracles than these thism&n hath d. ? 12. 18. for they heard he had d. this miracle Acts 4. 7. by what pov.'er or name have ye d. this? 10. Id. this Vy-asd. thrice, vessel received, 11. 10. 28. 9. so when this was d. otliers also came 1 Cor, 5. 2. not mourned tliat he hath d. this deed, 3. DOOR Properly signifies the entrance into a koj/se. Gen. 19. 9. It is like-j:iie taken in a metaphorical sense: Our Saviour says, John 10. 9. I am the door ; by me if any man enter in he shall be saved. / am the only nay whereby lost sinners may come to God, and oitain salvatio7i : The only xcay of entrance and admission both into the church militant and triumphant is by me ; for none, btit stick as have a true and « lively faith in me, wrought in their soul by ?ny Spirit, can be true members of my church here, much less inem- bers (f the glorious church in heaven. It i' said, in Rev. 3. 20. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock. I stand at the door of sinners' hearts, in the gospel dispensation, inviting them to repent, and turn from their evil ways. There is likewise mention made of the door of mercy, or the time or season of grace. Mat. 25. 10. I'hey that were ready went in with him to the marriage, and the door was shut, Lzike 13. 25. When once the master of the house is risen up, and hath shutto the door, (St. By these parabolical expressiojis our Saviour intimates, that there is a determinate time, wherein sinners inust, if ever, accept of the offers of grace and salvation, which if they slip, they will not be able to obtain of God an entrance into the kingdom of heaven ; the door of ?nercy and grace, the door of heaven and glory, zvill be shut against the?n. In Acts 14. 27. ue read of the door of faith ; God had opened the door of faitli to the Gentiles ; He had caused the gospel to be preached unto them, whereby ihey were brought to believe in Christ, and to become members of his church. The apostle Paul writing to the Corinthians, and telling them of the special opportunity which God had given him of doing much good by the gospel, uses this expressio7i, A door is opened unto me, 1 Cor. 16. 9. 2 Cor. 2. 12. A7id the same apostle speaks of a door of utterance ; That God ^youId open unto us a door of utter- ance, that is, tcould afford us an opportunity, and vouchsafe ability and cotiraae, to preach the gospel. Col. 4. 3. To lie at the door; To be at the door ? To stand before the door ; are phrases denoting that a person or thing is near at hand. Gen. 4. 7. Mat. 24. .33. .lam. 5. 9. God promises to give his people, %ipon their re- pentance, Ihe valley of Achor for a door of hope, Hos. 2. 15. Achor was a valley in the territory of Jericho, and in the tribe of Benja- min, on the very entrance into the land of Ca- naan : The Israelites, fatigued and discouraged with, marching and encamping for forty years in the wilderness, arid coming to this valley, began to entertciin hopes of enjoying the promised land ; in allusion to this, God promises his people, by Hosea, that he icould give them some hegimiings of mercy and favour, as the earnests and pledges of future blessmys. Gen. 4.7. if thou dost not well, sin lieth at the d. 19. 9. they pressed, and came near to break the d. Exod. 12. 23. the Lord also will pass over the d. 21. 6. his master shall bring him to the d. Dent. 15. 17. shall thrust it throush his ear to the n. 13. 17- put her from me, bolt the d. after her 18. brought her out, and he bolted the rf. after her 2 Kings 4. lo. when he called, slie stood in the d. 9. 3. then open the d. and tlee, and tairy not Esth. 2. 21. ot those which kept the d. 6. 2. Job 31. 9. It I have laid wait at my neiffhbour's d. 34. did 1 fear, that I went not out of^the d. ? Psal. 141. 3. O Lord, keep the d. of my lips Prov. 26. 14. as the d. turneth upon his hinffes Cant. 5. 4. he put in his hand bv the hole of the d. 8. 9. if slie be a d. we will inclose her with boards Ezek. 8. 3. brought me to the d. orthe inner gate, 7 8. when I had digged in the wall, behold a d. l(t. 19. every one stood at the d. of tlie east-gate 11. 1. behold, at the ci. of the gate, twenty-five men 41. 2. the breadth ot the d. was ten cubits 46. 3. the people shall worship at the -vitliout wrath and d. DOUBLLESS. Num. 14. ,30. d. ye shall not come into the land 2 Sam. 5. 19. 1 will d. deliver the Piiilistines Psal. 126. 6. he shall d. come again, rejoicing Isa. 63. 16. d. thou art our Father, thou, O Lord 1 Cor. 9.2. if not to others, yet d. I am to you 2 Cor. 12. 1. it is not expedient for me d. to glory Phil. 3. 8. yea d. 1 count all things but loss for Christ DOVE " Is a tame bird, which by the law of Moses teas de- clared to be pwe. The law ordained that when any woman went to the temple after lying 171. she 117 DOV should offer to the Lord a lamb, a dove, or turtle, or else a pigeon, or a young turtle. Lev. 12. 6, 8. The lamb was_ offered as a burnt-offeriyig, the pigeon for a sin-offering. Or if the person could not aff'ord a lamb, then instead of it she offered two pigeons, or two turtles. The Virgin Mary, to comply with this law, offered two pigeons, or two turtles, because she was poor, Luke 2. 24. And as it was difficult for all those who came from remote places, to bring doves zuith them, the priests gave permission for the selling of these birds in the courts of that holy place, which our Saviour could 7iot e7idure J and having entered into the temple, he made a scourge, and drove out those who traded there in pigeons, jNIark 11. 15. The dove is the symbol of simplicity and inno- cency. The Holy Spirit appeared at the baptism of our Saviour m the form of a dove, Alat. 3. 16. to signify what Christ is, (1) In his own nature to them that come to him, namely, meek, harmless, loving. (2) In the execution of his office, even He by tohom the lather is pacified, and who brings the good tidings of the assuaging the deluge of lorath, as the dove did of the retiring of the waters to Noah. (3) What he is in the operations of his Spirit upon his people, that they are inade meek, harmless, and lowly as doves. Christ recommends to his disciples the wisdom of the serpent, and the harmlessness of the dove, Mat. 10. 16. The prophet Hosea com- pares the Israelites to a silly dove without heart, or understanding, Hos. 7. 11. The dove is a de- fenceless creature, without gall, or cunning, ex- posed to the pursuit of men and beasts ; which is able neither to protect itself nor its young, nor to take precaution against those who have designs upon its life and liberty. Thus the Israelites, notiuith.'itanding the chastisements with which God afflicted them, and the captivities to which he had reduced them, still relapsed into their ir- regularities, and exposed themselves again to the same calamities. The dove, xohen absent from its mate, sits solitary, and coos, or mourns; in alhision to which are these expressions, Isa. 38. 14. 1 did mourn as a dove. And chap. 59. 11. We mourn sore like doves. Nah. 2. 7. Her maids shall lead her as with the voice of doves. The spouse, or church, in the Canticles is com- pared often to a dove, by reason of her dove-like ternper and disposition, because she is chaste, ?nild, harmless, and faithful : also by reason of her dove-like condition, she being weak, and ex- posed to persecution, and given to mourning, and subject to many fears, as doves are. Cant. 2. 14. I 5. 2. It is further observed of the dove ; that the male and female love each other, and keep faithful one towards the other ; and, if any breach happen between them, they are presently reconciled, ma- nifesting the same by their embracing each other. They love meri's dwelling-houses, and to be in their company ; and, being carried from home, will return many miles to their own houses ; for which reason some make use of them to carry letters, by tying them aborit their necks, which their friends at home untie and read, and are thereby acquainted with their mind. The dove is an enemy to carrion or ordure, and feedeth upon the purest seed or grain, and loveth neatness and pure waters. It quickly forgets injuries, as the spoiling its 7iest, taking away its young, S^c. It is very fruitful, having young ones almost eve; month. Its feathers are of divers colours, whic according to the variety of its postures, and of the light shining upon it, look like silver or gold. Psalmist observes, Psal. 68. 13. It is said in 2 Kings 6. 25. that during the siege o/ Samaria, in the reign o/ Ahab, kijig o/ Israel, the famine was so great, that the fourth part of a cab of doves' dung was sold for five shekels. A cab held two pints and something over. Five shekels made about twelve shillings sterling. Some think that it is not incredible that they did really eat doves'" dimg, seeing a famine hath constrained people to eat things as improper and unfit for nourishment as this, as is implied, Isa. 36. 12. Josephus and Theodoret were of opinion, that this doves' dung was bought instead of salt. The Rabbins affirm, that it was not the dung of pigeons, but the corn in their crops, which they brought hack well filled out of the fields, whither, during the siege, they went to feed. Others sup- pose the dove's belly, her guts and inwards, to be meant here. The several species of the dove, are the -wood- pigeon, the tame pigeon, the ring-dove or tur- tle, the Picaipinima, and the St.^Thomas's pi- geon. The three first often occur in the Bible, under the names of the pigeon and turtle-dove, a7id the two last are natives of America; the Picaipinima being the grey and' black dove, rcith a white breast ; and the St. Thomas's pigeon being the Columba, with yellow legs. Ge7i. 8. 8. ISJoah sent forth a d. from him, 10. 12. 9. the d. found no rest for the sole of her foot 11. the d. came in to him in the evening 15. 9. he said to him, take aturtle-rf. Lev. 12. 6. Psal. 55. 6. Oh ! that I had wings like a d. 68. 13. ye shall be as the wings of a d. covered 74. 19. O deliver not the souPof thy turtle-f/. Cant. 1. 15. thou art fair, thou hast d. eyes, 4. 1. 2. 14. O my d. let me see thy countenance 5. 2. open to me, my sister, my love, my d. 6. 9. my d. my undefiled is but one, she is Isa. 38. 14. I did mourn as a rf. mine eyes fail Jer. 48. 28. dwell in the rock and be like the t^. Hos. 7. 11. Ephraim also is like a silly d. 11. 11. they shall tremble as a d. out of Assyria Mat. 3. 16. .lesussaw the Spirit of God descending like a d. Mark 1. 10. L^ike 3. 22. John 1. 32. DOVES. ; Kings 6. 25. the fourth part of a cab of d. dung 118 DRA Cant. 5. 12. his eyes are as tlie eyes of d. /.v«.59. 11. weroar like bears, we mourn sore like i?. 6o. 8. ttiat flee as the d. to their windows Ezek. 7. 10. they shall be like the d. of the valleys Nah. 2. 7. lead her as with the voice of d. tabering ]Mat. 10. 16. be wise as serpents, harmless as d. 21. 12. the seats of them that sold d. Mark 11. 15. John 2. 14. found in the temple those that sold d. 16. said unto them that sold d. take these hence 7w7/e-DOVES. Lev. 14. 22. he shall take two turtle-d. or pigeons Luke 2. 24. offer sacrifice of two turtle-d. or pigeons DOUGH. Exod. 8. + 3. the frogs shall come into thy d. 12. + 34. the people took their d. before it was lea- vened, their d. being bound up in their clothes 39. they baked unleavened cakes of the d. Num. 15. 20. offer a cake of the first of your d. 21. Deut. 28. t 5. blessed shall be thy basket and d. Neh. 10. 37. should bring the first-fruits of our d. Jer. 7. 18. women knead their d. to bake cakes Ezek. 44. 30. give the priests the first of your d. Hos. 7. 4. after he hath kneaded the d. till leavened DOWN. Lev. 22. 7. when the sun is d. Deut. 23. 11. Josh. 8. 29. as soon as sun was d. Josh, commanded to take the king of Ai's cai'case d. from the tree 2 Sam. 3. 35. if 1 taste aught till the sun be d. Job 1. 7. and from walking up and d. in it, 2. 2. Psal. 59. 15. let them wander up and d. for meat 109. 23. 1 am tossed up and d. as the locust Ezek. 28. 14. hast walked up and d. in midst of stones Zech. 10. 12. they shall walk up and d. in his name Acts 27. 27. as we were driven up and d. in Adria Rev. 1. 13. clothed with a garment d. to the foot DOWN-SITTliSiG. Psal. 139. 2. thou knowest my d. and up-rising DOWNWARD. 2 Kings 19. 30. shall again take root d. Isa. 37. 31. Eccl. 3. 21. the spirit of the beast that goeth d. Ezek. 1. 27. the appearance of his loins d. 8. 2. DOWRY. Gen. .30. 20. God hath endued me with a good d. .34. 12. ask me never so much d. and gift Exod. 22. 17. pay according to the d. of virgins 1 Sam. 18. 25. the king desireth not any d. DRAG. Hab. 1. 16. they burn incense to their d. DRAGS. Hab. 1. 15. tliey gather them in their d. DRAGGING. John 21. 8. came in little ship, d. the net with fishes DRAGON. This word anszvers generally to the Hebrew, Than- nim, or Thannin, which signifies a large fish, a sea-dragon. By comparing the different passages zuhere the word tannin, or tannim, is to be met with, it signifies sometimes large river or sea fishes, and at other tirnes venomous and land ser- pents, and mere particularly the crocodile and whale. Gen. 1. ?1. Job 7, 12. Isa. 34. 13. Ezek. 29. 3. I 32. 2. As to the dragons which are talked of, and are often mentioned in books, they are for the most part only old serpe7its grown with age to a pro- digious size. Some are described with wings, feet, clazus, crests, and heads of different figures. There is no question but there are wi7iged ser- pents ; ]\Ioses speaks of them under the name of Zeraph, Num. 21. 6. Real Dragons, by Solinus's account of them, have a small mouth, a7id cannot bite; or if they do, their biting is not venomous. The Egyptians call them good gejiiuses, and keep them tame in their ho7ises. But these were not the dragons spoken of by the prophets ; these were da^igerous creatures, mischievous, deadly, and wild. As serpents, dragons, and venomous beasts, hide themselves rn. uninhabited places, m the ruins of cities and iti r7ibbish ; for this reason, where there is mention of the ruin of a city, the ravaging of a province, or of a land reduced to a wilderness , it is said to be a dwelling for dragons, Isa. 13. 22. I .34.13. Jer. 9.11. This word is taken in Scripture for the devil, Rev. 12. 9. so called for his great strerigth, and bloody cruelty against the saints. It is also taken for cruel tyrants, as Pharaoh, Psal. 74. 13. Ezek. 29. 3. And for any hurtful thing , Ps. 91.13. Psal. 91. 13. the d. shalt'thou trample under foot Isa. 27. 1. he shall slay the d. that is in the sea 51. 9. that hath cut Rahab, and wounded the d. Jer. 51. 34. Nebuch. hath swallowed me up like arf. Ezek. 29. 3. Pharaoh, the great d. that lieth Rev. 12. 3. another wonder, behold, a great red d. 4. therf.stood|l7.rf.fought|'9.rf. w'ascastout, 13. 16. the flood which the d. cast out of his mouth 17. and the d. was wroth with the woman 13. 2. the d. gave him his power and his seat 4. they worshipped the d. |1 11. he spake as a d. 16. 13. like frogs came out of the mouth of the d. 20. 2. he laid hold on the d. that old serpent DRAGON-^e//. Neh. 2. 13. I went out, even before the d.-well DRAGONS. Deut. 32. 38. their wine is the poison of d. Job .30. 29. I am a brother to d. and a companion Psal. 44. 19. thou hast sore broken us in place of d. 74. 13. thou breakest the heads of d. in the waters 148. 7. praise Lord from earth, ye d. and all deeps Isa. 13. 22. and d. in their pleasant palaces 34. 13. it shall be an habitation for d. 35. 7- 43. 20. the d. and the owls shall honour me Jer. 9. 11. I will make Jerusalem a den of d. 10. 22. to make the cities of Judah a den of d. 14. 6. they snuffed up the wind like d. 49. 33. Hazor II 51. 37. Babylon a dwelling for d. Mic. 1. 8. 1 will make a wailing like the d. Mai. 1.3.1 laid his heritage waste for d. of wilderness DRAMS. 1 Chron. 29. 7. they gave of gold ten thousand d. Ezra 2. 69. they gave 61,000 d. of gold DRA Ezra 8.27. also twenty basins of gold, of a thousand^ Neh. 7.70. gave to the treasure a thousand*/, of gold 71. gave twenty thousand d. of gold, 72. DKANK. Gen. 0.21. Noahrf. of the wine and was drunken 24. 46. I d. and she made the camels drink also 27- 25. and he brought him wine, and he d. 43. t34. they rf. largely, were merry with him Num. 20. 11. the congregation d. and their beasts Deut. 32. .38. and d. the wine of their drinkofllerings 1 Sam.30.12. nor d. water three days and three nights 2 Sam. 12. 3. eat of his own meat, and rf.of hisown cup 1 Kingsl3. 19.did eat bread in his house,andrf. water 17. 6. brought bread and fiesh.and herf. of the brook Dan. 1. 5. the king appointed of the wine which he d. 8. that he would not decile himself with wine he d. 5. 1. Belshazzar d. wine before the thousand 3. his wives and his concubines d. in them 4. they d. wine, and praised the gods of gold Mark 14. 23. he gave to tliem, and they all'rf. of it Luke 17. 27. they eat, they d. they married, 28. John 4. 12. than our father Jacob who d. thereof 1 Cor. 10. 4. for they d. of that spiritual rock DRAVE. Exod. 14. 25. chariot-wheels, they d. them heavily Josh. 16. 10. they d. not out the Canaanites in Gezer 24. 12. and d. them out from before you, Judg. 6. 9. 18. the Lord d. out before us all the people Judg. 1 . 19. Judah d. out inhabitants of the mountain 1 Sam. 30. 20. which they d. before other cattle 2 Sam. 6. 3. Uzzah and Ahio d. tlie cart, 1 Chr. 13. 7. 2 Kings 16. 6. at that time Hezin rf.Jcwsft'oin Elath 18. 21. Jeroboam d. Israel from following the Ld. Acts 7. 45. whom (iod d. out before our fathers 18. 16. Gallio d. them from the judgment-seat See Drove. DRAUGH r. Mat. 15. 17. and is cast out in the d. Mark 7. 19. Luke 5. 4. launch out and let down yournets for a d. 9. for he was astonislied at the d. of the fishea DRAUGHT-HOUSE. 2 T^tw^rj 10.27. they made Baal's house a d.tothisdav DRAW. ^ Gen. 24. 44. and I will also d. for thy camels Exod. 15. 9. the enemy said, I will d. my sword Judg. 4. 6.rf.toward mount 1 abor.and take with thee 7. I will f/. to thee Sisera, captain of Jabin's army 5. + 14. out of Zehulun they that d. with the pen 9. 54. Abimelech said, d. thy sword and slay me, 1 Sam. 31. 4. 1 Chron. 10. 4. 20. .32. d. them from the city to the high-ways 2 Sam. 17. 13. we will d. that city into the river Job 21. 33. and every man shall d. after him Psal. 28. 3. d. me not away with tiie wicked Eccl. 2. 1 3. I sought to d. my flesh with wine Cant. 1. 4. d. me, we will run after thee Isa. 5. 18. woe to those d. iniq. with cords of vanity 66. 19. send those to the nations that d. the bo.v Ezek. 21. 3. I will d. my sword out of his sheath 28. 7. and strangers shall d. their swords ZO. 11. they shall d. their swords against Egj'pt .32.20. (/.her, and all her multitudes John 4. 11. thou hast nothing to d. with, well is deep 15. water that I thirst not, nor come hither to d. 6. 44. except the Father which hath sent me d. him 12. 32. if 1 be lifted up from earth, d. all men to me 21. 6. and now they were not able to d. it Acts 20. 30. xod. away disciples after them Jam. 2. 6. and d. you before the judgment-seats DRAW back. Ezek. .39. +2. I wMll d. thee back with a hook Heb. 10. 38. just shall live by faith, but if any d. hkck 39. we are not of them who d. back to perdition DRAW near. Judg. 19. 13. let us d. near to one of these cities 1 Sam. 14. 36. said the priest, let us d. near to God 38. Saul said, rf. ye 7iear hither all the chief Psal. 73. 28. it is good for me to d. near to God 107. 18. they d. near to tlie gates of death J.fa.29.13. this people d.near w ith their li ps but heart 45. 20. d. near, ye that are escaped of the nations 57. 3. d. near hither, ye sons of the sorceress Jer. 30. 21. and I will cause him to d. near to me 46. 3. order the buckler, and d. near I0 battle Ezek. 9. 1. that have charge over the city to d. near 22. 4. thou hast caused thy days to d. 7iear Joel. 3. 9. wake up, let all the men of war d. near Heb. 10. 22. let us d. near with a true heart, in full DRAW nigh. Exod. 3 5. he said, d. not nigh hither, put otF shoes Psal:&9. 18. d. 7iigh to my soul, and redeem it 119. 150. they d. nigh that follow mischief Eccl. 12. 1. nor years d. nigh when thou shalt say Isa. 5. 19. let the counsel of the holy One d. nigh, Heb. 7. 19. by the which we d. 7iigh unto God Jam. 4. 8. d. nigh to God, he will d. nigh to you DRAW out. Exod. 12. 21. d.out and take you a lamb, and kill Lev. 26. 33. I will d. 07it a sword after you Jitdg. 3. 22. he could not d. the dagger 07it of his belly Job 41. 1. canst thou d. 07it leviathan with an hook ? Psal. 35. 3. d. out also the spear, and stop the way 36. + 10. d. out at length thy loving-kindness _ 85. 5. wilt thou d. out thine anger to all generations ? Prov. 20. 5. a man of understanding will d. it out Isa. 57. 4. against whom do ye d. out the tongue ? 58. 10. if tlfou d. out thy soul to the hunary Jer. 49. 20. the least of the flock d. them out, 50. 45. Lam. 4. 3. even the sea-monsters d. out the breast Ezek. 5. 2, a third part shall scatter in the wind, and I will d. out a sword after them, 12. | 12. 14. Hag. 2. 16. when one came to d. out fifty vessels Joint 2. 8. d. out now, and bear to the governor DRAW 7ip. Job 40. 23. \»- trusteth that he can d. ?/^ Jordan DRAW joined with water. Gen. 24. 11. the time that women go out to d. w. 43. 13. and the daughters come out to d. water 20. Rebekah ran again to the well to d. water 1 Sam .9. 11. found y ounff maidens going to d. water Isa. 12. 3. with ioy shall ye d. water of wells of salv. Nah. 3. 14. d. thee waters for the siege, fortify DRE DRE DRl John 4. 7. cometh a woman of Samaria to d. water DRAWN. Exod. Q. 1 10. and she called his name d. out ^vm. 22. 23. the ass saw the angel, and his sword d. in his hand, 31. Josh. 5. 13. 1 Chron. 21. 16. Deut. 21. 3. an heit'er, which hath not d. in yoke 30. 17. but shalt be d. away, and worship gods Josh. 8. 6. till we have d. them from the city 16. they were d. away from the city, Jvdg. 20. 31. J{«?/*2. Q.drank of that which youns men have d. Job 20. 25- it is d. and cometh out of the body Psal. 37. 14. the wicked have d. out the sword 55. 21. words softer than oil yet were thej' d. swords Prov. 24. 11. to deliver them that are d. to death Isa. 21. 15. for they tied from the d. swords 28. 9. and them that are d. from the breasts Jer. 22. 19- d. and cast forth beyond the gates 31. 3. with loving-kin('.ness have 1 d. thee Lam. 2. 3. he hath d. back his right hand from £zei. 21. 5. I the Lord have rf. my sword, 28. Acts 11. 10. all were d. up again to heaven Jam. 1. 14. when he is d. away of his own lusts DRAWEI^ Deut. 29. 11. from the hewer of wood to d. of water DRAWERS. Josh. 9. 21. be d. of water to the congregation, 27. 23. and d. of water for the house of my God DRAWEIH. Deut. 25. 11. the wife of the one d. near to deliver Jydff. 19. y. now the day d. towards evening Job 24. 22. he d. also the mighty with his power .33. 22. yea liis soul d. near to the grave Pml. 10. 9. catcl) the poor when he (/. him into his net 88. 3. and mj' life d. nigh unto the grave Prov. 3. + 13. happy man that d. out understanding Isa. 26. 17. that d. near the time of her delivery Ezek. 7. 12. the time is come, the day d. near Amos 9. + 13. overtaketh him that d. forth seed Mat. 15. 8. this people d. nigh with their lips luie 21. 8. .saying, I am Christ, and the time d. near 28. then look up, for your redemption d. nigh Jam. 5. 8. for the comin Joseph out of the pit 38. 29. it came to pass, Zarah d. back his hand Exod. 2. 10. because I d. him out of the water 16. Jethro's daughters came and d. water 19. an Egyptian d. water enough for us Josh. 8. 26. for Joshua d. not his hand back Judg. 8. 10. there fell 120,(X10 men that d. sword 20. but the youth d. not his sword, for he feared Judg. 20. 2. the chief of Israel 400,000 that d. sword 15. of Benjamin numbered 26,0u0 thatd. sword 25. all these d. the sword, 35. 37. liers in wait d. themselves along, and smote 46. fell of Benjamin 25,000 that d. the sword Ruth 4. 8. buy it for thee, so he d. off his shoe 1 Sam. 7. 6. Israel gathered to Mizpeh, and d. water 17. 51. David d. Goliath's sword out of the sheath 2 Sam. 22. 17- he sent from above, he took me, he d. me out of many waters, Psal. 18. 16. 23. 16. the three mighty men d. water of the well of Bethlehem, 1 Chron. 11. 18. 24. 9. there were in Israel 800,000 that d. the sword 1 Kings 22. 34. certain man d. a bow, 2 Chr. 18. 33. 2 Kings 3. 26. king of Moab took 700 that d. sword 9. 24. Jehu d. a bow with his full strength 1 Chr. 19. 16. they sent and d. forth the Syrians 21. 5. Israel were eleven hundred thousand men that d. sword, Judah was 470,000 that d. sword 2 Chroyi. 5. 9. d. out staves of the ark, 1 Kiyigs 8. 8. 14. 8. of Benjamin that d. bows, 280,000 Jer. 38. 13. they d. up Jeremiah with cords Hos. 11. 4. 1 d. them with cords of a man Mat. 13. 48. when full, they d. to shore, Mark 6. 53. 26. 51. Peter d. his sword, Mark 14. 47. John 18. 10. Luke 23. 54. the preparation, and the sabbath d. on Johyi 2. 9. the servants which d. the water knew 21. 11. and d. the net to land full of fishes Acts 5. 37. and d. away much people after him 14. 19. stoned Paul and d. him out of the city 16. 19. and d. Paul and Silas into the market-place 27. the jailer d. his sword, and would have killed 17.6. they d. Jason and certain brethren 19. 33. they d. Alexander out of the multitude 21. 30. they took Paul and d. him out of the temple Rev. 12. 4. his tail d. the third part of the stars DREW near, or nigh. Gen. 18. 23. Abraham d. near and said, wilt thou 47, 29. the time d. nigh that Israel must die Exod. 14. 10. when Pharaoh d. ytigh Israel cried 20. 21. Moses d. near to the thick darkness Lev. 9. 5. the congregation d. yiear before the Lord Josh. 8. 11. all the people d. nigh before Ai 1 Sam. 7. 10. the Philistines d. yiear to battle 9. 18. Saul d. near to Samuel in the gate 17. 16. Goliath d. yi. morning and evening, 41, 48. 40. David d. near to Goliath the Philistine 2 Sam. 10. 13. Joab d. nigh against the Syrians 18. 25. Ahimaaz came apace and d. yiear Esth. 5. 2. Esther d.near and touched the sceptre 9. 1. the king's decree d. yiear to be put in execution Zeph. 3. 2. she trusted not, she d. not yiear to her God Mat. 21. 1. and when they d. yiigh to Jerusalem 34. when the time of the fruit d. yiear, he sent DiLke 15. 1. then d. near the publicans to hear hmi 25. elder son came, and as he d. yiigh to the house 22. 1. now the feast of unleavened bread d. nigh 47. and Judas d. near to Jesus to kiss him 24. 15. Jesus himself d. near, and went with them 28. they d. yiigh to the village where they went Acts 7. 17. when the time of the promise d. yiigh 31. as he d. near to behold it, the voice came 10. 9. as they d. yiigh to the city, Peter went 27. 27. deemed that they d. yiear some country DREWEST. Lam. 3. 57. thou d. near in the day that I called Dried. See after Dry. .DRINK. Gen. 21. 19. Hagar filled bottle, and gave the lad d. 24. 14. I will give thy camels d. also, 46. Lev. 11. 34. all d. that may be drunk in such vessel Num. 20. 8. thou shalt give the congregation d. Judg. 4. 19. she gave Sisera d. and covered hira Ezra 3.7- they gave meat and d. to them of Zidon Esth. 1. 7. they gave them d. in vessels of gold Psal. 78. 15. he gave them d. as out of great depths 102. 9. for I have mingled my d. with weeping 104. 11. they gave d. to" every beast of the field Isa. .32. 6. he will cause the d. of the thirsty to fail 43. 20. rivers, to give d. to my people, my chosen Dan. 1. + 5. the king appointed them of his d. 10. Hos. 2. 5. go after my lovers that give me my d, 4. 18. their d. is sour, they have committed Hab. 2. 15. woe to him that giveth his neighbour d. Hag. 1. 6. ye drink, but ye are not filled with d. Mat. 25. 35. I was thirsty, and ye gave me d. 37. gave thee d. \\ 42. thirsty, and ye ga\-e me no d. Jvhyi 4. 9. that thou, being a Jew, askest d. of me 6. 55. my flesh is meat indeed, mj' blood is d. indeed Rom. 12. 20. if thine enemy thirst, give him d. 14. 17. the kingdom of God is not'meat and d. 1 Cor. 10. 4. and did all drink the same spiritual d. Col. 2. 16. let no man judge you in meat or in d. Strong DRINK. Lev. 10. 9. do not drink stroyig d. when ye go in Num. 6. 3. Nazarite separate himself from strojig d. Deut. 14. 26. shalt bestow that money for strong d. 29. 6. nor have ye drunk strong d. these forty years Judg. 13. 4. Manoah's wife notdrink stroyig d. 7. 14. 1 Sayn. 1. 15. I drunk neither wine nor stroyig d. Psal. 69. + 12. 1 was the song of drinkers of strong d. Prov. 20. 1. wine is a mocEer, stroyig d. is raging 31. 4. it is not for princes to drink stroyig d.^ 6. give strong d. to him that is ready to perish Isa. 5. 11. that they may follow str. d. woe to them 22. woe to men of strensth to mingle stroyig d. 24. 9. stroyig d. shall be bitter to theni that drink it 28. 7- but they also have erred througn strong d. and they are out of the way through strong d. 29. 9. they stagger, but not with strong d. 56. 12. come ye, we will fill ourselves with strong d. Mic. 2.11. will prophesy to thee of wine and str. d. Luke 1. 15. John shall not drink wine nor stroyig d. DRlNK-r>#mX'7. Geyi. ,35. 14, Jacob poured a d. offertyig on the pillar E.rod. 29. 40. an hin of oil, and the fourth part of an hin of w ine for a d. offering. Num. 15. 5. 41. shalt do thereto according to the d. offering 30. 9. nor shall ye pour d. offering thereon Lev. 23. 13. and therf. offering shall be of Mine Num. 6. 17. the priest shall ofier also his d. o.fcring 15.7. for a d. offer, a third part of an hin of wine 119 DRI NvmA5. 10. bring for a d. offering half an bin of wine 24. his d. offering according to the manner 28. 10. besides the continual d. off'. 15, 24. | 29. 16. ha. 57. 6. to them hast thou poured a d. offering 65. 11. that furnish the d. offering to that number Joel 1. 9. the d. off. is cut off from the house ot L. 13. the d. off. is" withholden from house of God 2. 14. if he will return and leave a d. offering DRINK offerings. Lev. 23. 18. they shall be for a burnt offering with d. offerings, 37. Nvm. 6. 15. I 28. 31. | 29. 11, 18, 19, 21,24,30, 33,37,39. Num. 28. 14. their d. off. shall be half an bin of wine Deut. 32. 38. and drank the wine of their d. off'er. 1 Chr. 29. 21. offered with their d. off. 2 Chr. 29. 35. Ezra 7. 17. buv speedily meat-offerings and d. off. Psal. 16. 4. their d. offer, of blood will I not otfer Jer. 7. 18. and to pour out d. off'erings to other gods to provoke me to anger, 19. 13. 1 32. 29. 44. 17. pour out fl'. o^.toqueenofheaven, 18, 19,25. Eeek. 20. 28. there they poured out their d. offer. 45. 17. prince's part to give d. offerings in the feasts DRINK. To drink signifies to drink liquor moderately, for the satisfying of thirst, ISl um. 6. 3. Ruth 2. 9. Sometimes it signifies to drink plentifully, lihe- rally, and largely, so as to he merry, hut not to ex- cess or drunkenness : Thus it is said, Gen. 43. 34. that .Joseph's hrethren drank and were merry with him : The Hebrew word here used oftmi sig- nifies to drink to excess ; hut it is not in he sup- posed that Jacob's sons should forget themselves so far upon this occasion, as to he wanting in that de- cency and respect which they owed to one so con- siderable as Joseph, whom as yet they knew not to ■ he their hrother. And in John 2. 10. Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine ; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse ; but thou hast kept the good wine until now. It is incredible' that our Saviour waited till the guests were drunk, in order to perform the miracle which he wrought at Cana in their favour. And in 1 Cor. 11. 21. One is hungry, and another is drunken, that is. One wants, and the other abounds : The poor Christians were hungry, while the richer sort had too much, and fared liberally. To drink, in other parts of Scripture, is often taken in an odious sense, for drinking to excess, for being intoxicated with liquor: Gen. 9. 21. Noah drank of the wine, and was drunk- en, and he was uncovered in his tent. Lot's two daughters made their father df ink to excess, and both proved luith child by him. Gen. 19. 32, ,33, &c. Our Saviour says- in the gospel. If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink, John 7. 37. If any man have a desire after spiritual blessings, let him come unto me by faith, and he shall par- take largely of my refreshing grace. And he tells the woman of Samaria, John 4. 14. Whosoever drinketh of the water that 1 shall give him shall never thirst. TVhosoever partakes of the graces of the Holy Spirit, which I liave to bestow, and do offer in the gospel, he shall never desire and pursue worldly things as his chief happiness. It is said. Job 15. 16. That the wicked drinketh iniquity like water. Besides his natural prone- ness to sin, he has contracted habits and customs of sinning, so that he sinneth as readily, greedily, and delightfully, as men used to drink up water, especially in those hot countries. And Elihu says. Job 34. 7. "What man is like Job, who drinketh up scorning like water? Who with greediness and delight breaks forth into scoriiful and contemptuous expressions, not only against his friends, hut in some sort even against God himself, whom he insolently charges with rigorous dealing. Rab-shakeh says, that Hezekiah de- signed to persuade the Jews into a resolution of holding out the siege of Jerusalem, that so he might reduce them to the necessity of drinking their own urine ; that is, of exposing themselves to the utmost extremities of a siege, 2 Kings 18. 27. Solomon exhorts his disciple, Prov. 5. 15. to drink water out of his own cistern ; that is, to content himself roith the lawful pleasures of marriage, without thinking on that which was prohibited by the law. To eat and drink is used in Eccl. 5. 18. to signify peopWs enjoying them- selves, using the good things of this life liberally and decently ; and not with penuriousness, which is base and dishonourable : It is good and comely for one to eat and drink, and to enjoy the good of all his labour. It is said in Mat. 11. 18, 19. John came neither eating nor drinking; that is, he did not live in the common and ordinary manner, as other men did, hut used a mean and peculiar diet : but the Son of man came eat- ing and drinking ; using such a diet as other men did, and conversing freely and sociably with all sorts. Sennacherib says in 2 Kings 19. 24. Isa. 37. 25. I have digged and drunk strange waters, and with the sole of my feet have 1 dried up all the rivers of besieged places. I have brought water to places where there was none before, to supply my army : and I have drunk up the water belonging to the people through whose country I have marched my armies ; I have exhausted their wells and their cisterns. The prophet Jere- miah upbraids the Jews with having had re- course ?o Egypt for muddy water, to drink ; and with having addressed themselves to the Assyri- ans, that they might drink the water of their river ; that is, with having sought for the water of Nile in Egypt, and the water of Euphrates in -Assyria ; thereby describing the assistance of these two people, which the Jews sought for, Jer. 2. 18. To drink blood, signifies to he satiated with slaugh- ter, Ezek. 39. 18. Ye shall drink the blood of the princes of the earth ; ye shall put them to 120 DRI death. David refused to drink the water which the three valiant men of his army went and pro- cured for him at the hazard of their lives ; say- ing, God forbid that I should drink the blood of these men ; hut he poured it out unto the Lord, as a kind^ of drink-offering, and acknow- ledgnient of God's goodness in preserving the lives of Jiis captains in so dangerous an enterprise, 2 ham. 23. 16, 17. lo buy water to drink, and to drink water by measure, denote the utmost scarcity and extreme desolation, Lam. 5. 4. Ezek. 4. 11. God's judgments are often in scripture expressed under the notion of a cup of strong and intoxi- cating drink : and the suffering or enduring of these, is set out under the notion of drinking such a cup. See Go P. In the hand of the Lord there is a cup, and the wine is red, the dregs thereof all the wicked of the earth shall drink them, Psal. 75. 8. Thou hast made us to drink the wine of astonishment, Psal. 60. 3. Thou hast filled us with horror and astonishment, as if we had drunk some poisonous wine. Stand up, O Jerusalem, which hast drunk at the hand of the Lord the cup of his fury : Hear now this, thou afflicted and drunken, but not with wine, Isa. 51. 17, 21. I will till the kings, the priests, the prophets, and all the inhabitants of Jerusa- lem, with drunkenness, Jer. 13. 13. that is, with the wine of terror and astonishment, by reason of those grievous calamities that shall come upon them, and which will put them to their wit's end. And in Ezek. 23. 33. Thou shalt be filled with drunkenness and sorrow. See Obad. 16. Rev. 14. 10. Drink is put for, (1) The blood of Christ, John 6. 55. C2) Spiritual delight. Cant. 8. 2. (3) Af- flictions, Mat. 20. 23. (4) The wrath of God, Job 21. 20. Rev. 14. 10. (5) Greedy desire. Job 15. 16. Gen. 24. 14. let me d. 17, 45. II 18. d. my lord, 46. 30. .38. he set rods when the flocks came to d. Exod. 15. 24. people murmured, what shall we d. 32. 20. Moses made the children of Israel d. of it Lev. 10. 9. do not d. wine nor strong d. lest ye die Num. 6. 3. neither shall he d. liquor of grapes Judg. 7. 5. that boweth down on his knees to d. Ruth 2. 9. when athirst, go to the vessels and d. 2 Sam. 23. 16. three mighty men drew water, but David would not d. thereof, I7. 1 Chr. 11. 18, 19. 1 Kings I7. 4. that thou shalt d. of the brook Esth. 3. 15. the king and Haman sat down to d. 7- 1 1. the king and Haman came to d. with Esther Job 21. 20. lie shall d. tlie wrath of the A Imighty Ps. 36. 8. make them d. of the river of thy pleasures 60. 3. made us to d. the wine of astonishment 69- 21. in my thirst they gave me vinegar to d. 75. 8. the wicked of the earth shall d. them 78. 44. their rivers into blood, they could notd. 80. 5. thou gavest them tears to d. 110. 7- he shall d. of the brook in the way Prov. 4. 17. for they d. tlie wine of violence 31. 5. lest they d. and forget the law, and pervert 7. let him d. and forget his poverty Cant. 5. 1. d. yea, d. abundantly, O beloved Isa. 24. 9. strong drink bitter to them that d. it 51. 22. thou shalt no more d. it again 62. 9. they shall d. it in the courts of my holiness 65. 13. my servants shall d. but ye shall be thirsty Jer. 16. 7. ncr give the cup of consolation to d. 23. 15. and make them d. the water of gall 25. 15. cause nations, to whom 1 send thee, to d. it 16. and they shall d. and be moved, and be mad 17. then 1 took the cup, and made all nations tod. 27. d. ye, and be drunken, and spue, and fall 28. thus saith the Lord, ye shall certainly d. 35. 14. to this day they d. none, but obey father's 49. 12. they whose judgment was not to d. of the cup, shalt not go unpunished, shalt surely d. of it Enek. 4. 11. d. by measure, from time to time shalt d. 23. .32. thou shalt d. of sister's cup deep and large 34. 19. they d. that which ye have fouled Dan. 5. 2. that his concubines might d. therein Amos 4. 1. say to their masters, bring, and let us d. Obad. 16. so shall all the heathen d. continually, yea, they shall d. and shall swallow down Hab. 2. 16. d. thou, let thy foreskin be uncovered Hag. 1. 6. ye d. but ye are not filled with drink Zech. 9. 15. and they shall d. and make a noise Mat. 10. 42. whoso shall give to d. to one of these 20. 22. are ye able tod. of the cup that I shall d. of, and be baptized with the baptism .' Mark 10. 38. 23. ye shall d. indeed of my cup, Mark 10. ,39. 26. 27. he gave them the cup, sayins', d. ye all of it 29. I say, I will not d. henceforth till that day when I d. it new with you, Mark 14. 25. Luke 22. 18. 42. if cup may not pass except I d. thy will be done 27. 34. gave him vinegar to d. mingled with gall 48. one filled a spunge with vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave him to d. Mark 15. 36. Mark 16. 18. if they d. any deadly thing, not hurt John 4. 10. who it is that saith to thee, give me to d. 7. .37- if any man thirst, let him come to me and d. 18. 11. cup my father hath given me, shall I not d. ? 1 Cor. 10. 4. and did all d. the same spiritual drink 21. ye cannot d. the cup of the Lord and of devils 1 1. 25. this do, as oft as ye d. in remembrance of me 12. 13. and have been all made to d. into one spirit DRINK water, or waters. Gen. 24. 43. give me a little water of thy pitcher to d. Exod. 7. 18. shall lothe to d. water of the river, 21. 24. digged round about the river for zvater to d. 15. 23. they could not d. of the waters of Marah 17. 1. there was no water for the people to d. 6. shall come water out of it, that they may d. Num. 5. 24. cause woman to d. bitter water, 26, 27. 20. 5. neither is there any water to d. 33. 14. 17. nor will we d. of the water of the wells, 21. 22. Deut. 2. 6. buy water for money, that ye may d. 28. Judg. 4. 19. give me a little water to d. 1 am thirsty 7. 6. the rest bowed upon their knees to d. water 1 Sam. 30. 11. and they made the Egyptian d. water DRI 2 Sam. 23. 15, David said, give me to d. of the water of the well of Beth-lehem, 1 Chron. 11. 17. 1 Kings 13. 8. nor will 1 eat bread, nor d. water, 9. 17. 10. fetch a little water in a vessel that I may d. 2 Kings 3. 17. valley filled with water that ye may d. 18. 31.flf. every one Wtf^gr,? of his cistern, /?«. 36.16. Job 22. 7- thou hast not given loater to weaiy to d. Prov. 5. 15. d, waters out of tliine own cistern 25. 21. if thy enemy be thirsty, give him water to d. Jer. 2. 18. to d. the waters ot Sihor, waters of river 8. 14. Lord hath given us water of gall to d. 9. 15. Ezek. 4. 11. thou slialt d. water by measure, 16. 12. 18. son of man, d. thy water with trembling 19. they shall (f. their water with astonishment 31. 14. all their trees that d. water, 16. Dan. 1. 12. give us pulse to eat, and water to d. Amos 4. 8. wandered to d. water, were not satisfied Jonah 3. 7. let them not feed nor d. water Mark 9. 41. who shall give you a cup of water to d. John 4. 7. Jesus saith to her, give me water to d. 1 Tim. 5. 23. d. no longer water, but use a little wine DRINK, with wine. Gen. 19. 32. let us make our father d. wine, 34. 33. and they made their father d. wine, 35. Lev. 10. 9. nor d. wine when ye go into tabernacle Num. 6. 3. the Nazarite shall rf. no vinegar of wine 20. after that the Nazarite may d. wine Deut.iS.39. thou shalt plant vineyards, butshaltnot d. of the wine, nor gather the grapes, Amos 5. 11. Judg. 13. 4. Manoah's wife might a. no wine, 7, 14. 2 Sam. 16. 2. the wine, that such as be faint may d. Psal. 60. 3. hast made us d. the wine of astonishment Prov. 4. 17. for they d. the wine of violence 9- 5. and d. of the wine which 1 have mingled 31. 4. it is not for kings, O Lemuel, to d. wine Eccl. 9. 7. go and d. thy wine with a merry heart Cant. 8. 2. I would cause thee to d. of spiced wine Isa. 5. 22. woe to them that are mighty to d. wine 24. 9. they shall not d. wine with a song 62. 8. the sons of the stranger shall not d. thy wine Jer. 35. 2. go and give the Hechabites wine to d. 6. we will d. no wine, ye shall d. no wine for ever Ezek. 44. 21. neither shall any priest d. up, theoil languisheth 12. the vine is d. up || 20. rivers of water are d. up Zech. 11, 17. his arm shall be clean d. up Mark 5. 29. the fountain of her blood was d. up 11. 20. they saw the fig-tree d. up from the roots Mev. 14. 1 15. for the harvest of the earth is d. 16. 12. the water of Euphrates was d. up DRIEDST. Psal.74. 15. the flood, thou d. up mighty rivers DRIETH. Job 14. 11. and as the flood decayeth and d. up Prov. 17. 22. but a broken spirit d. the bones Nah. 1. 4. L. makes the sea dry, and d. up all rivers DRY-SHOD. Isa. 11. 15. shall smite river, and make men go d.-sh. DUE. Lev. 10. 13. because it is thy b. Sometimes it is taken for sojoumijig, Heb. 11. 9. where it is said, that Abraham dwelt in tabernacles; that is, sojourned : for he had no fixed abode in the land of Canaan. It is spoken, [1] Of God, wlio is said to dwell in the heavens, Psal. 123. 1. He hath a certain and glorious place xohere he resideth, even the highest heavens, where he is clothed with infinite power and majesty, and from whence he beholdeth and governeth this lower world and all that is in it. His gracious presence with his people on earth is signified by dwelling with them. Psal. 9. 11. Sing praises to the Lord who dwelleth in Zion : where the ark was, which was the symbol of his special and gracious presence. And in Isa. 57. 15. 1 dwell with him that is of a contrite and humble spirit. [2] Of Christ, signifying, (1) His manifestation in the fiesh. John 1. 14. The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us (2) His spiritual abode in every faithj'ul soul. Eph. 3. 17. Ihat Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith. Christ dwells in his people by his merit to justify them ; by his grace and Spirit to renew and pun jy them ; by his power to keep them ; by his wisdom to lead and instruct them ; and by Ins communion and compassion to share with them in all their troubles. [3] Of the Holy Ghost, who dwells in the soul by his gracious operations, working faith, love, and other graces therein. Kom. 8. 9. But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. [4] Of the word of God, which may be said to dwell in a person, when it is diligentlii studied, firmly believed, and carefully practised. Col. 3. 16. Let the word of God dwell richly in you in all wisdom. [5] O/ Satan, who dioells in wicked men, when he fills them with further degrees of error, malice, blasphemy, impenitence, and blindness ; thereby making them highly wicked, and worse and worse daily. Mat. 12. 45. L6J Of the godly , who are said to dwell in God, 1 John 3. 24. They have most intimate union and communion with God in Christ. Gen. 9. 27. Japhet shall d. in the tents of Shem 16. 12. he shall d. in the presence of his brethren 19. 30. Lot went up, for he feared to d. in Zoar 20. 15. behold my land, d. where it pleaseth thee £4. 3. daughters of Canaanites, amongst whom I d. 34. 10. land before you, d. and trade you therein 16. we will d. with you, and become one people 35. 1. arise, go up to Beth-el, and d. there Exod. 2. 21. JMoses was content to d. with the man 25. 8. that I may d. amongst them, 29. 46. 29. 45. I will d. amongst the children of Israel Lev. 13. 46. the unclean shall d. alone 23. 42. ye shall d. in booths, 43. Neh. 8. 14. Num. 5. 3. their camps, in the midst whereof I d. 23. 9. lo, the people shall d. alone, not be reckoned 32. 17. our little ones shall d. in fenced cities 35. 2. that they give to the Levites, cities to d. in, and suburbs round, 3. Josh. 14. 4. | 21. 2. 34. I the Lord d. among the children of Israel Deut. 12. 11. to cause his name d. there, Ezra 6. 12. 23. 16. the servant escaped shall d. with thee 33. 12. he shall d. between his shoulders Josh. 9- 7- peradventure ye d. among us, 22. 20. 6. he shall d. in that city, till he stand before 24. 13. cities ye built not, and ye d. in them • Judg. 9. 41. that Gaal should not d. in Shechem 17. 10. Micah said to the Levite, d. with me 1 Sam. 27. 5. that 1 may d. there, for why should thy servant d. in the royal city with thee ? 1 Kings fi. 13. I will rf. among the children of Israel 8. 12, he would d. in thick darkness, 2 Chr. 6. 1. 17. 9. get thee to Zarephath, and d. there 2 Kings'^. 13. she answered. Id. among mine own 17. 27. let them go and d. there, let him teach Ezra 10. t 10. ye have caused to d. strange wives, to increase "the trespass of Israel, Neh. 13. 1 23! Job 3. 5. let a cloud d. upon it, let blackness of day 11. 14. let not wickedness d. in thy tabernacle 18. 15. shall d. in his tabernacle, because none of his 30. 6. to d. in the clifts of the valleys, in caves Psal. 5. 4. neither shall evil d. with thee 15. 1. Lord, who shall d. in thy holy hill ? 16. t 9. my flesh shall d. in confidence DWE Psal. 25. 13. his soul shall rf. at ease, and seed inherit 37. 27. depart from evil, and d. for evermore 65. 4. to approach, that he may d. in thy courts 8. they also that d. in the uttermost parts of earth 68. 16. this is the hill which God desireth to d. in, yea the Lord will d. in it for ever and ever 18. that tlie Lord might d. among them 69. 35. will build Jutlah that they may d. there 72. 9. they that d. in the wilderness shall bow 78. 55. and made Israel to d. in their tents 84. 10. than to d. in the tents of wickedness 101. 6. on the faithful, that they may d. with me 107. 4. they wandered, they found no city to d. in 36. and there he maketh the hungry to d. 113. 1 5. like the Lord who exalteth himself to d. 120. 5. woe is nie, that I d. in the tents of Kedar 1.32. 14. my rest, here will I d. for I have desired it 139. 9. if 1 d. in uttermost parts of the sea 140. 13. the upright shall d, in thy presence 143. 3. he hath made me to d. in darkness Prov. 1. 33. whoso hearkeneth to me shall d. safely 8. 12. I wisdom d. with prudence and find out 21. t 7. robbery of the wicked shall d. with them 19. it is better to d. in wilderness, than with Isa. 6. 5. I d. in midst of a people of unclean lips 11. 6. the wolf also shall d. with the lamb 13. 21. owls shall d. there, satyrs shall dance there 16. 4. let mine outcasts d. with thee, Woab 23. 18. merchandise for them that d. before the Ld. 24. 6. they that d. therein are desolate 26. 5. he bringeth down them that d. on high 19. awake and sing, ye that d. in the dust .30. 19. the people shall d. in Zion at Jerusalem 32. 16. then judgment shall d. in the wilderness 18. my people d. in a peaceful habitation 33. 14. who among us shall d. with devouring fire ? who shall d. with everlasting burnings .' 16. he shall d. on high, his place of defence 24. the people that d. therein shall be forgiven 34. 11. the owl and the raven shall d. in it 40. 22. he spreadeth them out as a tent to d. in 49. 20. give place to me that 1 may d. 58. 12. shall be called the restorer of paths to d. in 65. 9. and my servants shall d. there Jer. 29. 32. Shemaiah shall not have a man to d. 31. 24. there shall d. in Judah husbandmen 35. 7. but all your days ye shall d. in tents 40. 5. and d. with him among the people 10. I w ill d. at Mizpeh to serve the Chaldeans 42. 14. we will go into Egypt, and there will we d. 44. 14. they have a desire to return to d. there 49.8. flee ye, d. deep, O inhabitants of Dedan 18. nor shall a son of man d. in it, 33. 1 50. 40. 31. which d. alone || 51. 1. that d. in midst of them Ezek. 2. 6. and thou dost d. among scorpions 16. 46. she and her daughters d. at thy left hand 43. 7. where I will d. in the midst of Israel for ever, 9. Zech. 2. 10, 11. Hos. 12. 9. I will make thee to d. in tabernacles 14. 7. they that d. under his shadow shall return Joel?,. 20. but Judah shall d. for ever, and Jerusal. Amos 3. 12. Isr. shall be taken out that d. in Samaria Mic. 4. 10. thou Shalt d. in the field, go to Babylon 7. 14. the flock which d. solitarily in the wood Nah. 3. 18. O Assyria, thy nobles shall d. in dust Hag. 1. 4. is it time to d. in your ceiled houses i Zech. 8. 4. old men and women shall d. in Jerusal. 9. 6. and a bastard shall d. in Ashdod 14. 11. shall be inhabited, and men shall d. in it Mat. 12. 45. they enter in and d. there, L^ike 11. 26. Luke 21. 35. as a snare shall it come on all them that d. on face of the whole earth, Acts I7. 26. Acts 7. 4. he removed into land wherein ye now d. 28. 16. Paul was suffered to d. by himself Rom. 8. 9. if so be the Spirit of God d. in you, 11. 1 Cor. 7. 12. and she be pleased to d. with him 2 Cor. 6. 16. as God hath said, I will d. in them Eph. 3. 17. that Christ may d. in your hearts by faith Col. 1. 19. Father that in him should all fulness i 28. 27 Mic. 7. 16. the nations shall see, their e. shall be deal Zech. 7. II . but they stopped their e. Acts 7. 57. 2 Tim. 4. 4. they shall turn away their e. from truth Thine EARS. 1 Sam. 25. + 24. let thine handmaid speak in thine e. 2 Chron. 6. 40. let thine e. be attent to the prayer Psal. 10. 17- thou wilt cause thirie e. to hear 130. 2. let thine e. be attentive to the voice Prov. 23. 12. apply thine e. to words of knowledge Isa. ,30. 21. thi7ie e. shall hear a word behind thee 49. 20. the children shall say again in thiyie e. Jer. 28. 7. hear this word that I speak in thine e. Ezek. 3. 10. and hear with thine e. 40. 4. | 44. 5. 16. 12. I put ear-rings in thiyie e. and a crown 23. 25. they shall take away thy nose and thine e. 24. 26. to cause thee to hear w"ith thine e. Your EARS. De7it. 5. 1. hear the statutes which T speak in yoitre. Job 13. 17. hear my declaration with your e. Psal. 78. 1. incline your e. to the words of my moutii Jer. 26. 11 . as ye have heard with your e. 15. Lord sent me to speak these words in youre. Mat. 13. 16. but blessed are your e. for they hear Luke A. 21. this scripture is fulfilled in youre. 9. 44. let tliese sayinss sink down in your e. EARS. Gen. 41. 5. behold, seven e. of corn came up, 22. Lev. 2. 14. shalt offer for a meat offering green e. 23. 14. not eat sreen e. till ye brine an ofttring Deut. 23. 25. mayest pluck the e. with thine hand Ruth 2. 2. let me 20 and slean e. of corn after him 2 Kings 4. 42. brouaht the man of G. full e. ot corn Job 24. 24. the wicked cut off as tops of e. of corn Isa. 17. 5. the clory of whenonereapethe. Mat. 12.1. his disciples were an hun!rered,and be-ritn to pluck the e. of com, Mark 2. 23. Luke 6. 1. See Seven. EARNEST. The apostle Paul speaks of the earnest of the 1^25 EAR Spirit, 2 Cor. 1. 22. the first-fruits of the Spirit, Rom. 8. 23 and of being sealed by the Spirit, Eph. 1. 13. These phrases signify the assurance xohich the Spirit of adoption does give believers of their inheritance in heaven. For as the first-fruits were pledges to the Jews of the ensuing crop : and as he that receives earnest, is sure to have the full sum paid him, or the full bargain made good, when the person that gives it is honest arid faith- ful : So the graces wrought in the soul by the Spirit of God, such as love, joy, peace, &ic. are pledges of that abundance and fulness vf joy and felicity, which believers shall partake of in heaven. Yet these graces and comforts which the godly enjoy here, are but first-fruits in regard of their order ; they precede the full harvest : And in regard of their quantity, they are but an handful in comparison of the whole seal and earnest: though they both imply assurance, yet they differ thus ; sealing- especially refers to the understanding ; earnest to the affections. Though the seal assures us, pet it is not part of the inheritance ; but the earnest so assures us, that it gives a part of the inheritance ; It works that joy in the heart, which is a foretaste of heaven, and which the saints are filled with there. 2 Cor. 1. 22. hath given the e. of the Spirit, 5. 5. Eph. 1. 14. which is the e. of our inheritance EARNEST. Prov. 27. + 6. but the kisses of an enemy are e. Acts 12. t5. e. prayer was made to God for him Rom. 8. 19. the e. expectation of the creature waiteth 2 Cor. 7. 7. when he told us your e. desire 8. 16. which put the same e. care into J itus Phil. 1. 20. according to my e. expectation and hope Heh. 2. 1. we ought to give the more e. heed to things EARNESTLY. Num. 22. 37. did I not e. send to thee to call thee ? 1 Sam. 20. 6. David e. asked leave of me, 28. Neh. 3. 20. Baruch e. repaired the other piece 13. t6. and after certain days I e. requested Job 7. 2. as a servant e. desireth the shadow Jer. 11. 7. fori e. protested to your fathers 31.20. 1 doe. remember him still Mic. 7. 3. they may do evil with both hands e. Luke 22. 44. being in an agony he prayed more e. 56. but a certain maid e. looked upon Peter Acts 3. 12. men of Israel, why look ye so e. on us ? 23. 1. Paule. beholding council, said, I have lived 1 Cor. 12. 31. but covet e. the best gifts 2 Cor. 5. 2. in this we SToan, e. desiring to be clothed Jam. 5. 17. 1'.lias prayed e. that it might not I'ain Jude 3. that ye should e. contend for the faith EARNETH. Hag. 1.6. he thate. wages, e. to put it in a bag EARTH, Is taken CD For that gross and terrestrial element which sustains and nourishes us. Gen. 1. 10. God called the dry land, earth. In this sense it is ■ taken in those passages, where the earth is said to yield fruit, to be barren, watered, Sgc. (2) For all that rude matter which was created in the begin- ning. Gen. 1.1. God created the heaven and the earth ; that is, the matter of all sensible beings. (3) By the earth is meant the terraqueous globe, the earth and all that it contains, men, animals, plants, metals, waters, fish, 4x. Psal. 24. 1. Tiie earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof. (4) The earth is often taken for those who inhabit it. Gen. 6. 13. 1 11. 1. The earth is filled with violence, The whole earth was of one languaae. Psal. 96. 1. Sinp- unto the Lord, all the earth. (5) Sometimes the whole earth, or all the king- doms of the earth, signifies no more than the whole empire o/Chaldea and Assyria. Ezra 1. 2. The Lord God of heaven hath given me all the king- doms of the earth. Earth is taken for Canaan, or the land of the Jews ; Rom. 9. 28. A short •work will the Lord make upon the earth. He will bring a sudden destruction upon that land and people. And in Mat. 9. 26. Mark 15. .33. Luke 4. 25. the word which is translated land, is in the Greek, earth. A man of the earth. Gen. 9. t 20. Noah was a man of the earth, a husbandman, or one who tilled the grourid. In Psal. 10. 18. the man of the eartli signifies a mortal, earthly-minded man, who was made of the dust, and must return to the dust. Earth, in the moral sense of it, is set in opposition tv heaven; things earthly and carnal, to things heavenly and spiritual. John 3. 31. He that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth : he that cometh from heaven is above all. Cut. 3. 1, 2. If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, and set not your affec- tions on things on the earth. The terrestrial man is set in opposition to the heavenly, 1 Cor. 15. 47, 48. Tlie first man is of the earth, earthy, the second man is the Lord from heaven. Adam, the first public person and head of the old covenant, was formed of the earth ; he teas mortal and cor- ruptible: But Christ, the second public person, and head of the new covenant, is of a heavenly descent, and has a divine as well as a human nature. In like manner the earthly home is set in opposition to the heavenly ; 2 Cor. 5. 1. If our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made -with hands, eternalin the heavens. If this bodily frame of nature were taken to tneces by death, there is a state of glory provided by God for the separate soul to pass unto. Gen. 1. 2. and the e was without form and void 10. and God called the dry land e. 11. and God said, let the e. brina forth grass, 24. 12. and the e. brought forth grass and herb 28. be fruitful, replenish the e. and subdue it, 9. 1. 6. 11. the e. also was corrupt before God 7. 17- and the ark was lifterl up above the e. 8. 14. in the second month was the e. dried 22. while e. remaineth, seed-time shall not cease 9. 13. for a token of a covenant between me and e. V26 EAR Gew. 10.25. in his days was the ^.divided, 1 C//r.l.l9. 18. 18. and all the nations of the e. shall be blessed in him, 22. 18.1 26. 4. | 28. 14. 27. 28. God give thee of the fatness of the e. 41. 47. in plenteous years e. brought forth handfuls Exod. Q. 22. 1 am the Lord in the midst of the e. 9. 29. tliat thou mayest know that the e. is the Lord's, Deut. 10. 14. Psal. 24. 1. 1 Cor. 10. 26. 10. 5. that one cannot be able to see the e. 15. 12. stietchest thy hand, e. swallowed ttiem 20. 24. an altar of e, thou shalt make unto me ISIum. 16. .30. if thee, open her mouth and swallow 32. and tlie e. opened her mouth and swallowed them up and their houses, 26. 10. Psal. 106. 17. 34, they said, lest thee, swallow us up also Deut. 28. 1. Lord will set thee above all nations of e. 23. the e. that is under thee shall be iron 32. 1. and hear, O e. the words of my mouth 13, he made him ride on the high places of the e. 22. afire shall consume the e. witli her increase 1 K^ia-m. 2. 8. for the pillars of the e. are the Lord's 4. 5. Israel shouted, so that the e. rang again 14. 15. they also trembled, and the e. quaked ISam.l. 2. aman came with e. on iiishead, 15. 32. 22. 8. then the e. shook and trembled, Psal. 18. 7. 1 Kings 1.40. so that the e. rent with the sound 2 Kings 5. 17- to thy servant two mules' burden of e. 1 Chron. 16. 31. and let the e. rejoice, Psal. 96. 11. 33, at the presence of the Lord, because God cometli to judffe the e. Psal. 96. 13. 1 98. 9. Eira 5. 11. the servants of the Gori of heaven and e. Neh. 9. 6. thou hast made thee. Isa. 45. 12. Job 5. 25. and thy oflFspring as tiie grass of the e. 9. 6. which shaketh the e. out of her place 24. the e. is given into the hand of the wicked 11. 9. the measure thereof is longer than the e. 12. 15. he sendeth waters and they overturn the e. 15. 19. to whom alone the e. was tsiven 16. 18. O e. cover not thou my blood, let my cry 18. 4, shall the e. be forsaken for thee ? 20. 27. and the e. shall rise up against him 22. 8. but as for the mishty man, he had the e. 24. 4. the poor of the e. hide themselves 26. 7- he hanseth the e. upon nothing 30. 6. to dwell in the caves of the e. and in rocks 8. children of base men, they were viler than the e. .34. 13. who hath given him a charge over the e. .'' 37. 17- when he quieteth the e. by the south-wind 38. 4. when I laid the foundations of the e. 18. hast thou perceived the breadth of the e. ? Psal. 2, 8. give thee the uttermost parts of the e. 10. be instructed, ye judges of the e. 10. 18. that the man of thee, may no more oppress 12. 6. pure words, as silver tried in a furnace of e. 25. 13. and his seed shall inherit the e. ,33. 5. the e. is full of the goodness of tlie Lord 14. he looketh on all the iniiabitants of the e. 37. 9. that wait on Lor 1 shall inherit the e. 11,22. 46. 2. we will not fear though the e. be removed 6. he uttered his voice, thee, melted 47.9. for the shields of the e. belong unto God 48. 2. the joy of the whole e. is mount Zion 60. 2. thou hast made the e. to tremble 63. 9. shall go into the lower parts of the e. 65. 8. that (h.ell in the uttermost parts of the e. 9. thou visitest the e. and waterest it 67. 6. then shall e. yield her increase, Ezek. 34. 27. 68. 8.. the e. shook, the heavens also dropped 32. sing unto God, ye kingdoms of the e. 71. 20. shalt bring me up from the depths of the e. 72. 6. shall come down as showers that water thee. 73. 9. and their tongue walketh through the e. 75. 3. the €. and all the inhabitants thereof are dis- solved, I bear up its pillars, Isa. 24. 19. 8. the wicked of the e. shall wring them out 76. 8. the e. feared || 77- 18. the e. trembled, 97. 4. 9. when God arose to save the meek of the e. 78. 69. like the e. which he hath established for ever 82. 8. arise, O God, judge the e. thou shalt inherit 90. 2. or ever thou hadst formed the e. 97- 1, the Lordreigneth, let thee. rejoice 99. 1. the Lord reianeth, let the e. be moved 102. 25. of old hast thou laid the foundation of the e. 104. 5. Prov. 8. 29. Isa. 48. 13. 104. 13. the e. is satisfied with the fruit of thy works 24. O Lord, the e. is full of thy riches 114.7. tremble, O e. at the presence of the Lord 115. 16. the e. hath he given to the children of men 119. 64. thee. O Lord, is full of thy mercy 90. thou hast established the e. and it abideth 147. 8. who prepareth rain for thee. 148. 13. his alory is above the e. and the heaven Prov. 3. 19. the Lord hath founded the e. Im. 24. 1. 8. 23. I was set up from everlasting, or ever e. was 26. as yet he had not made the e. nor fields 25. 3. e. for depth and heart of kings is unsearchable .30. 16. the e. that is not filled with water 21. for three things the e. is disquieted, for four Eccl. 1. 4. but the e. abideth for ever 5. 9. moreover, the profit of the e. is for all Isa. 4. 2. the fruit of the e. shall be excellent 11. 4. that smiteth the e. with the rod of his mouth 9. e. shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord 13. 13. the e. shall remove out of her place 14. 16. is this the man that made the e. to tremble ? 24. 4. the e. mourneth and fadeth away, 33. 9. 5. the e. is defiled under the inhabitants thereof 24. 19. e. is utterly broken down, thee, is dissolved 20. e. shall reel|l 26. 19. e. shall cast out the dead 26. 21. the e. also shall disclose her blood 34. 1. let thee, hear, and all that is therein 40. 22. it is he that sitteth on the circle of the e. 28. the Creator of the ends of the e. fainteth not 44. 24. that spread abroad the e. by myself 45. 8. let the e. open || 12. I have made the e. 22. look to me and be ye saved, all ends of the e. 49.13. sin»-,0 heavens, and be joyful, O e. 51. 6. look on the e. the e. shall wax old 66. 1. thus saith the Lord, the e. is my footstool 8. shall the e. be made to bring forth in one day ? Jer. 4. 23. I beheld the e. it was without form 28. for this shall the e. mourn, heavens be black EAR Jer. 6. 19. hear, O e. I will brmg evil on this peopl 10. 10. at his wrath the e. shall'tremble 22. 29. O e. e. e. hear the word of the Lord, write ye this man childless, AJic. 1, 2 46. 8, Egypt saith, I will yo up and cover the e. 49, 21. the e. is moved at the noise, 50. 46. 51, 15. he hath made the e. by his power Ezek.T. 21. 1 will give it to the wicked of thee. 9. 9. they say, the Lord hath forsaken the e. 43. 2. and the e. shined with his gloiy Hos. 2. 22. the e. shall hear the corn and the wine Joeli. 10. the e. shall quake before them Amos 8. 9. I will darken tiie e. in the clear day Jo7iah 2. 6. the e. with her bars was about me Mic. 6. 2. hear, ye strong foundations of the e. 7. 17. they shall move out like worms of the e. Nab. 1. 5. the e. is burnt up at his presence Hub. 2. 14. the e. filled with kiiowledgeof the L. 3. 3. and the e. was full of his praise 9. thou didst cleave the e. with rivers Hag. 1. 10. the e. is stayed from iier fruit Zech. 1. 10. sent to walk to and fro thro' the e. 6. 7. 4. 10. the eyes of the Lord which run thro" the e. Mai. 4. 6. lest I smite the e. with a curse Mat. 5. 5. blessed are meek, for they shall inherit e, .35. swear not by the e. it is God's footstool 13. 5. where they had not much e. Mark 4. 5. Mark 4. 28. for the e. bringeth forth fruit of herself John 3. 31.hetliatisofthe e. isearthly, and speaketh of the e. he that cometh from heaven is above all 1 Cor. 15. 47. the first man is of the e. earthy 2 Tim. 2, 20. but also vessels of wood and ot e. Heb. 6.7. thee, which drinketh in the rain 12. 26. whose voice then shook the e. but now Jam. 5. 7- waiteth for the precious fruit of the e. 18. and the e. brought forth her fruit 2 Pet. 3. 10. the e. and works therein shall be burnt up Rev. 7. 3. hurt not the e. nor sea, nor the trees 11. 4. olive trees standin;^ before the God of the e. 6. have power to smite the e. with all plagues 12. 16. the e. opened and swallowed up the flood 13. 12. causeth the e. to worship the first beast 18. 1. and the e. was lightened with his glory 19. 2. the great whore, "which did corrupt the e, 20. 11. from whose face the e. fled away ey did . come into his garden and e. his pleasant fruits ha. 4. 1. we will e. our own bread, and wear oiii- own apparel 7.15. butter and honey shall he e. that he may know 22. butter and honey shall every one e. that is left 9. 20. e. on the left hand, e. the flesh of his arm 11. 7. the lion shall e. straw like the ox, 65. 25. 30. 24. oxen and asses shall e. clean provender 37. 30. sow ye and reap, plant vineyards, and e. the fruit thereof, 65. 21. Jer. 29. 5, 28. 51. 8. and the worm shall e. them like wool 55. 1. come ye, buy and e. yea, come, buy wine 2. hearken to me, and e. that which is good 62. 9. they that have gathered it shall e. it EAT Isa. 65. 4. a people which e. swine's flesh and brotl* 13. my servants shall e. but ye sliall be hungry 22. they shall not plant and another e. Jer. 15. 16. thy words were found, and I did e. them 19. 9. shall e. every one the flesh of his friend in the siege and straitness Ezek. 2. 8. open thy mouth and e. that 1 give thee 3. 1. son of man, e. that thou findest, e. tliis roll 4. 10. e. by weight || 5. 10. fathers shall e. sons 16. 13. thou didst e. fine flour, and honey, and oil 22. 9. and in thee they e. upon the mountains 34. 3. ye e. the fat, and clothe you with the wool Dan. 4. 33. Nebuchadnezzar did e. grass as oxen Hos. 4. 10. for they shall e. and not have enough, they shall not mcrease, Mic. 6. 14. Hag. 1. 6. 9. 3. they shall e. unclean things in Assyria 4. all thate. thereof shall be polluted Arrios 6. 4. that e. the lambs out of the flock Mic. 3. 3. who also e. the flesh of my people Zech. 11. 9. let the rest e. every one of another 16. but he shall e. the flesh of the fat and tear Mat. 12. 4. how David did e. the shew-bread 14. 20. did all e. and were filled, took up frag- ments, 15. .37. MarkQ. 42. | 8. 8. Imke 9. 17. 15. 27. yet the dogs e. of the crumbs, Markl. 28. .38. they that did e. were 4000, beside wonien 26. 21. and as they did e. hesaid, Mark 14. 18, 22. 26. Jesus took bread, brake it, and said, take, e. this is my body, Mark 14.22. 1 Cor. 11.24. Mark 2. 16. when they saw him e. with publicans 6. 44. they that did e. were above 5000 men 11. 14. no man e. fruit of thee hereafter for ever 14. 12. where go and prepare that thou mayest e. the passover - 14. Luke 22. 8, 11. John 18. 28. Luke 6. 1. and did e. rubbing them in their hands 7. .36. one desired him that he would e. with him 10. 8. e. such thinas as are set before you 15. 23. kill fatted calf, let use. and be merry 24. 43. he took it, and did e. before them John 4. 31. disciples prayed him, saying. Master, «. 6. 26. because ye did e. of loaves and were filled .50. that a man may e. thereof and not die 53. except ye e. the flesh of the Son of man Acts 2. 46. they did e. their meat with gladness 11. 3. thou wentest in and didst e. with them 23. 14. we will e. nothing till we have slain Paul Rom. 14. 2. one believeth he may e. all things 23. he that doubteth is damned if he e. 1 Cor. 8. 7. for some e. it as a thing offered to an idol 8. neither if we e. are we the better, if we e. not 13. I will e. no flesh while the world standeth 10. 3. and did all e. the same spiritual meat 18. who e. of the sacrifices, partakers of the altar 25. whatsoever is sold in the shambles, that e. 27. e. asking no question for conscience sake 11. 34. if any man hunger, let him e. at home 2 'J'hess. 3. 10. if any work not, neithershould he e. 2 Tim. 2. 17. their word will e. as doth a canker Jam. 5. 3. and shall e. your flesh as it were fire Bev. 17. 16. shall e. her flesh, and burn her with fire 19. 18. that ye may e. flesh of kings and captains See Blood, Bread, Fat. EAT, with drink. Gen. 24. 54. and they did e. and drink, 26. 30. Exod. 24. 11. Jndg. 9. 27. 119. 4. Exod. 32. 6. sat down to e. and drink, 1 Cor. 10. 7. 34. 28. nor e. bread, nor drink water, Deut. 9. 9, 18. 1 Sam. 30.11. Egy ptians did e. bread andrfm«^water 2 Sam, 11. 11 . shall I go to my house to e.and drink ? 12. 3. it did e. of his meat and drink of his cup 19. 35. can thy servant taste what I e. or drink? 1 Kings 1. 25. they e. and drink before Adonijab 13. 8. I will not e. bread nor drink water, 9, 17, 22. 16. neither will I e. bread nor drink water 18. 41. Elijah said, get thee up, e. and drink 2 Kings 6. 22. set bread, that they may e. and drink 7. 8. they went into one tent and did e. and drink 18. 27. e: own dung and drink piss, Isa. .36. 12. 1 Chr. 29. 22. and did e. and drink before the Lord 2 Chron. 28. 15. and gave them to e. and to drink Ezra 10. 6. Ezra did e. no bread nor drink water Neh. 8. 10. go your way, e. the fat and drink s,-wQe.t Esth. 4. 16. fast for me, nor e. nor drink three days Job 1. 4. called sisters to e. and drink with them Prov. 23. 7. so is he, e. and rfrm^saith he to thee Eccl. 2. 24. there is nothing better than that he should e. and dri7ik, 3. 13. 1 5. 18. 1 8. 15. Cant. 5. 1. e. O friends, yea, drink abundantly Isa. 21. 5. e. drink, ye princes, anoint the shield 22. 13. behold joy and gladness, let us e.and drink, for to-morrow we shall die, 1 Cor. 15. 32. Jer. 22. 15. did not thy father e. and drink? Ezek, 25. 4. shall e. thy fruit and drink thy milk 39. 17. that ye may e. flesh and drink blood Dan. 1. 12. give us pulse to e. and water to drink Zech. 7. 6. w>ien ye did e. and when ye did drink Mat. 6. 25. what shall e. or drink, 31. Luke 12. 29 24. 49. toe. and drink with drunken, Luke 12. 45. Luke 5. .30. why do ye e. and d. with publicans ? 33. John's disciples fast, but thy disciples e. and rf, 12. 19. take thine ease, e. drink, and be merry 17. 8. and afterward thou shalt e. and drink 27. they did e. they drank, they married, 28. 22. 30. that ye may e. and drink at my table Acts 9. 9. Saul three days did neither e. nor drink 23. 12. e. nor drinkXiW they had killed Paul, 21. Rom. 14. 21. neither to e. flesh nor drink wine 1 Cor. 9. 4. have we not power to e. and to drink? 10. 31. wheth. therefore ye e. or drink, or whatever 11. 22. have ye not houses to e. and drink in '. 26. as oft as ye e. this bread and drink this cup 27. whosoever shall e. and drink unworthily 28. and so let him e. and drink of that cup He did EAT. Gen. 3. 6. Eve gave to her husband, and he dide. 25. 28. loved !■ sau, because he did e. of his venison 27. 25. he brought it near to Isaac, and he did e. 39. 6. he knew not ought, save the bread he did e. 1 Sam. .30. 11. gave the Egyptian bread, and he did e. 2 Sam. 9. 13. he dide. continually at his table 12. 20. they set bread before him, and he did e. Mark 1. 6. John did e. locusts and wild honey EAT Luke A. 1. and in those days he did e. nothing Gal. 2. 12. tor before he did e. with the Gentiles EAT not. Gen. 2. 17. but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not e. of it, 3. 1, .3. 3. 11. whereof I commanded thee wor to e. 17. 9. 4. the blood thereof shall you not e. Lev. 19. 26. Deut. 12. 16, 23, 24, 25. | 15. 23. 24.33. I will note, till I have told my errand 32. 32. the children of Israel e. not of the sinew 43. 32. the Egyptians Ta\g\\lnot e. with the Hebrews Exod. 12. 9. e. na of it raw, nor sodden at all 45. a foreiaiier shall yiot e. thereof, 29. 33. Lev. 11. 4. these shall ye not e. Deut. 14. 3, 7. 22. 4. aleperwof e. of the holy things, 6, 10, 12. 8. that torn he shall 7iot e. to defile himself Num. 11. 19. ye shall 7iut e. one day, or two days JDeut. 14. 21. ye shall not e. of any thins' that dieth of itself, shalt give it to stranger, Ezek. 44. 31. 28. 31. ox be slain, and thou shalt not e. thereof Judg. 13. 4. and e. not any unclean thins, 7, 14. 1 Sam. 1. 7. therefore she wept, and di3 not e. 9. 13. for the people will not e. till he come 28. 23. Saul refused, and said, I will not e. 2 Kings 4. 40. and they could not e. thereof 7- 2. shalt see it with thy eyes, but not e. thereof, 19. Ezra 2. 63. not e. of most holy things, Neh. 7. 65. Psal. 141. 4. and let me not e. of their dainties Prov. 23. 6. e. not bread of him that hath an evil eye Ezek. 24. 17. cover not lips, and e. not bread of men Markll. 3. Jews, except they wash, they e. not, 4. Luke 22. 16. 1 will not e. thereof, until fulfilled 1 Cor. 5. 11. with such an one no not to e. 8, 8. neither if we e. not are we the worse 10. 28. e. not, for his sake that shewed it Shall ye EAT. Exod. 12. 11. thus shallye e. it, with loins girded 15. seven days shall ye e. unleavened bread, 20. 22. 31. nor shallye e. any flesh torn of beasts Lev. 10. 14. wave brenst shall ye e. in a clean place 11. 3. cheweth the cud, that shallye e. Dejit. 14. 4, 6. 9. these shall ye e. of all that are in the waters 19. 25. in the fifth year shallye e. of the fruit 26. 29. the flesh of your daughters shall ye e. Deut. 14. 9. all that have fins and scales shallye e. Ye shall EAT. Gen. 45. 18. and ye shall e. the fat of the land Exod. 12. 11. ye shall e. it in haste, Lord's passover 18. first month at even^e shall e. unleav. bread 16. 12. saying, at evenyeshalle. flesh, and in mom. Lev. 7. 23. yc shall e. no manner of fat, 24. 26. ye shall e. no mannei- of blood, I7. 14. 10. 13. and ye shall e. it in the holy place 23. 14. yc shall e. neither bread nor parched corn 25. 12. ye shall e. the increase thereof out of the field 19. ye shall e. your fill, and dwell in safety 22. ye shall e. of the old store, 26. 10. 26. 26. and ye shall e. and not be satisfied 29. ye shall e. the flesh of your sons and daughters Num. 11. 18. the Lord will give flesh, and ye shall e. 18. 31. andj'e shall e. in every place, and households Deut. 12. 7. there ye shall e. before Lord your God 14. 11. of all clean birds j/e shall e. 1 Sam. 9. 19. go up, for 2/e.s7iffl//e. with me to-day 2 Kings 19. 29. this shall be a sign, ye shall e. this year such things as grow themselves, Isa. 37. 30. Isa. 1. 19. if obedient, ye shall e. the good of the land 61. 6. ye shall e. the riches of the Gent, in their glory Ezek. 39. 19. and ye shall e. fat till ye be full Joel. £. 26. ye shall e. in plenty, and be satisfied Luke 12. 22. take no thouaht what w shall e. nor put To EAT. Exod. 16. 8. Lord shall give you in evening flesh to e. Num. 11. 4. said, who shall jjive us flesh to e. ? 18. Deut. 12. 20. because thy soul longeth to e. flesh 18. 8. they shall have like portioiis to e. 1 Sam. 9. 13. before he go to the high place to e. 20. 24. the king sat him down to e. meat USam. 3. 35. the people came to cause David toe. 9. 10. that thy master's son may have food to e. 13. 9. poured before him, but he refused to e. 16. 2. and summer-fruit for the young men to e. 17. 29. for the people that were with him to e. 2 Kings 4. 40. so they poured out for the men to e. 2 Chron. 31 . 10. we have had enough to e. and left Neh. 9. 36. land thou gavest, to e. the fruit thereof Psal. 78. 24. and had rained manna on them to e. Prov. 23. 1. when thou sittest to e. with a ruler 25. 27. it is not good to e. much honey Eccl. 5. 19. hath given him power to e. thereof 6. 2. yet God giveth him not power to e. thereof Isa. 23. 18. shall be for them to e. sufficiently Jer. 19. 9. cause them to e. the flesh of their sons Ezek. 3. 2. and he caused me to e. that roll 3. he said, son of man, cause thy bellv to e. Dan. 4. 25. they shall make thee to e. afass, 32. 31ic.7. 1. woe is me, there is no cluster ^0 e. Hal). 1. 8. they shall flee as eagle that hasteth toe. Mat. 12. 1. they began to pluck ears of com, and toe. 4. not lawful for him to e. Mark 2. 26. Luke 6. 4. 14. 16. give ye them to e. Mark 6. 37. Luke 9. 13. 15. 20. to e. with unwashen hands defileth not 32. the multitude have nothing ^0 e. MarkQ. 1, 2. 26. 17. where wilt that we prepare to e. passover ? Mark 5. 43. that something should be aiven her to e. 6. 31. and they had no leisure so much as to e. Luke 22. 15. I liave desired to e. this passover John 4. 32. 1 have meat to e. that ye know not of 33. hath any man brouaht him aught to e. ? 6. 52. how can this man give us his flesh to e. ? Acts 27. 35. when he had broken it, he began to e. 1 Cor. 8. 10. emboldened to e. thinas offered to idols 11, 20. when ye come, this is not to e. Lord's supper 33. brethren, when ye come together to e. Heb. 13. 10. an altar whereof tliey have no riaht to e. Rev. 2. 7. will I give to e. of the tree of life in midst 14. to e. things sacrificed unto idols, 20. 17. 1 will give to e. of hidden manna, a white stone EAT up. Gen. 41. 4. the lean did e. 7ip the seven fat kine, 20. Lev. 26. 38. land of your enemies shall up Num. 24. 8. he shall e. up the nations his enemies EAT Deut. 28. 33. a nation thou knowest not shall e. up Psal. 27. 2. my enemies came on me toe. up my flesh 105. 35. did e. up all the herbs in their land Isa. 50. 9. the moth shall e. themvp, 51. 8. Jer. 5. 17. they shall e. up thine harvest and Xhy bread, e. up thy flocks, e. up thy vines and fig-trees 22. 22. the wind shall e. up all thy pastures Hos. 4. 8. they e. up the sin of my people Amos 7. 4. it devoured the deep, and did e. 7ip a part Mic. 5. t6. they shall e. up the land of Assyria Nah. 3. 15. it shall e. thee r(p like the canker- wonn Rev. 10. 9. angel said to me, take it, ande. itup EATEN. Gen. 3. 11. hast thou e. of tree whereof shouldestnot? 14. 24. save that which the young men have e. 31. 38. the rams of thy flock have I not e. 41. 21. when they had e. them up, it could not be known that the3' had e. them, but were ill-favoured Exod. 12. 46. in one house shall it bee. 13. 3. there shall no leavened bread be e. 7. 21. 28. ox shall be stoned, his flesh shall not be e. 22. 5. if a man cause a field or vineyard to be e. 29. 34. it shall not be e. because it is holj' Lev. 6. 16. it shall be e. in the holy place, 26. 1 7- 6. 23. it shall be wholly burnt, it shall not be e. 7. 19. 30. no sin offering shall be e. it shall be burnt 7. 15. shall be e. the same day it is offered, 16. 18. if the sacrifice of peace offering be e. 10. 17. why have ye not e. the sin offering t 18. ye should indeed have e. it in the holy place 19. if I had e. the sin offering to day 11. 13. they shall not be e. 41. Deut. 14. 19. 19.6. it shall be e. the same day ye offer, 22. 30. 7. and if it be e. at all on the third day Num. 28. 17. unleavened bread be e. Ezek. 45. 21. Deut. 6. 11. to give vineyards thou plantedst not, when thou shalt have e. and be full, 8. 10, 12. 12. 22. even as the roebuck and the hart is e. 20. 6. hath planted a \ ineyard, and hath not e. of it 26. 14. I have not e. thereof in my mourning 29. 6. ye have not e. bread nor drunk wine 31. 20. when they shall have e. and be filled Josh. 5. 12. after they had e. of the old com Ruths. 7- when Boaz had e. and drunk, he went 1 Sam. 14. 30. if haply the people had e. freely 28. 20. for he had e. no bread all the day 30. 12. when he had e. his spirit came aaain 2 Sam. 19. 42. have we e. at all of the king's cost ? 1 Kings 13. 22. but camest back, and hast e. bread 28. the lion had not e. the carcase, nor torn the ass Neh. 5. 14. have not e. the bread of the governor Joh 6. 6. that is unsavoury be e. without salt 31. 17. or have e. my morsel myself alone 39. if I have e. the fruits thereof without money Ps. 69. 9. for the zeal of thine house hath e. me up, and reproaches are fallen upon me, Jo/m 2. 17. 102. 9. 1 have e. ashes like bread, minaled rny drink Prov. 9. 17. and bread e. in secret is pleasant 23. 8. the morsel that thou hast e. shalt thou vomit Cant. 5. 1. I have e. my honey-comb with my honey Jfa.3.14.for ye have e.up the vineyard spoil of poor, Jer. 10. 25. they have e. up .Tacob, and devoured him 24. 2. figs which could not be e. 3. 8. I 29. I7. 31. 29. fathers have e. sour arapes, Ezek. 18. 2. Ezek. 4. 14. I have not e. that which dieth of itself 18. 6. and hath not e. upon the mountains, 15. 11. but even hath e. upon the mountains Hos. 10. 13. ye have e. the fruit of lies Joell. 4. that locust hath left, canker-worm e. 2. 25. Mat. 14. 21. and they that had e. Mark 8. 9. Luke 13. 26. we have e. and drunk in thy presence 17.8. till I have e. afterward thou shalt e. John 6. 13. which remained to them that had e. Acts 10. 10. he became hungry, and would have e. 14. Lord, 1 have never e. any thing cominon 12. 23. he was e. of worms, and gave up the ahost 20. 11. when he had broken bread and e. departed 27. 38. when they had e. enough they lightened Rev. 10. 10. as soon as I had e. it, my belly was bitter EATE"R. Judg. 14. 14. he said, out of the e. came forth meat Isa. 55. 10. that it may give bread to the e. Nah. 3. 12. they shall fall into the mouth of the e. EATERS. Prov. 23. 20. be not amona' riotous e. of flesh EATEST. Ge7i. 2. 17. in the day thou e. thou shalt surely die 1 Sam. 1. 8. then said Elkanah, why e. thou not ? 1 Kings 21.5. why spirit so sad that thou e. no bread .' EATE'IIJ. Exod. 12. 15. who e. leavened bread be cut off, 19. Lev. 7. 18. the soul that e. 20, 25, 27. 1 17. 10, 15. 19. 8. every one that e. shall bear his iniquity Num. 13. 32. a land that e. up the inhabitants 1 Sam. 14. 24. cursed be the man that e. 28. Job 5. 5. whose harvest tiie hungry e. up 21. 25. and another never e. witli pleasure 40. 15. behemoth which I made, he e. arass as an ox Psal. 106. 20. tlie similitude of an ox that e. arass Prov. 13. 25. tlie righteous e. to satisfyina" of his soul 30. 20. she e. and wipeth her moutli, and saith 31. 27. and she e. not the bread of idleness Eccl. 4. 5. the fool foldeth hands and e. his own flesh 5. 17. all his days also he e. in darkness 6. 2. but a stranger e. it, this is vanity, evil disease Isa. 28. 4. while it is yet in his hand he e. it up 29. 8. behold, he e. but awaketh, and is hunary 44.16. and with part thereof he e. flesh, roasteth 59. 5. he that e. of their eags dieth Jer. 31. 30. every man that e. the sour grape Mat. 9. 11. Pharisees said , why e. your master with publicans and sinners ? Mark 2. 16. ZwXe 15. 2. Mark 14. 18. .lesus said, verilj', one of you who e. with me, shall betray' me, John 13. 18. John 6. 54. whoso e. my flesh hatli eternal life 56. he that e. my flesh dwelleth in me, 1 in him 57. so he that e. mc, even he shall live Vy me 58. he that e. of this bread, shall live for ever Rom. 14. 2. another who is weak e. herlis 3. let not him that e. despise him that e. not 6. that e. to the Lord, thate. not, to the Lord e. not 20. it is evil for that man who e. with offence EIG Rom. 14. 23. damned if he eat, because e. not of faith 1 Cor. 9. 7- who planteth a vineyard, and e. not of fruit thereof r and e. not of the milk of the flock 11. 29. he thate. unworthily, e. damnation to hims. EATLInG. Gen. 2. 1 16. of every tree e. thou shalt eat, but ofti-ee Exod. 12. 4. take a lamb according to the number of souls, every according to his e. 16.16,18,21. Judg. 14. 9. Samson took thereof, and went on e. 1 Sam. 14. 34. sin not against the L. in e. with blood 30. 16. they were spread abroad on all the earth e. 1 Kings 1.41. A donijah's guests made an end of e. 2 Kings 4. 40. as they were e. of pottage, cried out Job 20. 23. and shall rain it upon him while he is e. Isa. 66. 17. e. swine's flesh, and the abomination AmosJ. 2. when they had made an end of e. grass Mat. 26. 26 as they were e. Jesus took bread Actsl. t 4. and e. with them, commanded them 1 Cor. 8. 4. concerning e. of things sacrificed to idols 11. 21. in e. every one taketh h'is own supper ichose certain men of merit out of all Israel, whom he appointed to have rule over the people ; some • over a thousand, others over an hundred, fifty, : and ten. They administered justice to the peo- ple ; and when any thing of greater difficulty than ordinary occurred, they referred it to Moses, Exod. 18. 1, 2, 3, 8:c. The commission given to these judges is recorded in Deut. 1. 16, 17. Afterwards, we have the particular appointment of God concerning this, l^um. 11. 11, 12, 13, &c. 130 ELD Moses, being distouraged by the continual mur- murings of the Israelites, addressed himself to God, and desired to he relieved from some part of the burden of government. 'Then the Lord said to him. Gather unto me seventy men, of the elders of Israel, whom thou knowest to be the elders of tlie people, and officers over them ; and bring them to the tabernacle of the congregation, that they may stand there with thee, /ind 1 will come down and talk with thee there ; and I will take of the spirit which is upon thee, and will put it upon them , and they shall bear the burden of the people with thee, that thou bear it not thy- self alone. These elders, which composed the Senate belonging to all the tribes in general, sat with the Leader, Judge, or King, who presided in this court. Thus we read, Deut. 27. 1. Moses, with the elders of Israel, commanded the people, saying, &c. And, afterwards, the elders of the congregation consult how to supply the remainder of the Benjamites with wives, Judg. 21. 16. And the elders of Israel gathered themselves together, and came to Samuel to liamah, 1 Sam. 8. 4. We read of these elders continually, to the time of the captivity : A^id we find them again after the return, Ezra 10. 7, 8. A pro- clamation was made tln-oughout Judah and Jer^i- salem unto all the children of the captivity, ac- cording to the counsel of the princes and elders. Besides these, there were likewise elders belonging to every several city. These elders are mentioned by ]\Ioses in the law ; where several things are re- quired to be done by the elders of the city, Eeut. 19. 12. I 21. 3, 19. Ecaz appealed to ten men of the elders of the city of Beth-lehem judah, Ruth 4. 2. And we read, after the captivity, of the elders of every city, Ezra 10. 14. The Rabbins and interpreters give the following account of courts of judicature among the Jews. (I) There were three judges in every city, who had the cognizance of lesser faults : Matters concern- ing loss, gain, and restitution, were pleaded before them. These three judges had a right only to condemn criminals to be whipt : The parties named their judges: one of the parties chose his judge J the other named a second; and these two judges took a third, with whom they decided causes. This tribunal was consulted about the intercala- tion of months. (II) There was another court composed of three and twenty judges, loho decided matters of importance, and of a more criminal nature, and their sentences were such as generally affected the lives of per- sons : no causes being brought before them, but such as deserved the penalty of death. Some say, that they could only sentence to death by the s7vord. (III) Their great council, or Sanhedrim, which con- sisted of seventy senators, and which had the cognizance of the most important affairs of state arid religion, arid of those which concerned the king, or high-priest. It was intended as a court cf appeal, if there shoiild be occasion, from any of the inferior courts. Some think that our Saviour alludes to these two last courts, when he says, Mat. 5. 22. "Whosoever is angry with his brother, without a cause, shall be in danger of the judgment; and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council ; but whosoever shall say. Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell- fire. Some interpreters suppose that our Lord proportions the punishments in the next world, according to the different sentences which were usual in the different courts of judicature at Je- rusalem. Therefore they say, the judgment means that court where the judges were three and twenty, and who could only sentence to death by the sword : The council alludes to the court where the seventy elders sat, which was the great San- hedrim, and could punish by stoning to death : And that, by hell-fire, the burning of the greatest malefactors in the valley of Hinnom is implied. As to the Sanhedrim, it was limited to the place where the ark of God stood. The Jews say, that in the time of RIoses this council was held at the door of the tabernacle of the testimony. As soon as the people were in possession of the land of promise, the Sanhedrim followed the tabernacle. It was kept successively at Gilgal, at Shiloh, a; Kirjath- jearim, at Nob, at Gibeon, in the house o/Obed- edom ; and lastly, it was settled at Jerusalem, till the Babylonish captivity. During the captivity it was kept up at Babylon. After the return from Babylon, it continued at Jerusalem, to the time of the Sicarii, or Assassins ; these were certain robbers, who appeared in Judea some time before the war of the Jews against the Romans. 'They were called ^iczxn, from Sica, a dagger; because they carried daggers secretly about them, so as not to be perceived, and mixing themselves with the multitude of people that came to the great feast at Jerusalem, they stabbed whom they thought fit ; and then were commonly the first to cry out murder, as Josephus relates. The Jews, finding that these profligate wretches, whose number increased every day, sometimes escaped ptinishment by the favour of the president, or judges, removed the Sanhedrim to Hamoth, which were certain abodes situated, as the Bab- bins say, upon the mountain of the temple. Afterwards they removed to Jamnia; thence to Jericho, to Uzzah, to Sepharvaim, to Eethsa- nim, to Sephoris, last of all to Tiberias, where they continued to the time of their utter ex- tinction. This is the account the Jews give of the Sanhedrim. What the scripture says of this court is found in Deut. 17. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. If there ai'ise a matter too hard for thee in judgment (speak- ing to the inferior magistrates^ between blood and blood, between plea and plea, and between ELD stroke and stroke, being matters of controversy within thy gates ; then slialt thou arise, and get thee up into tiie place which the I^rd thy (jod shall choose. And thou shalt come unto the priests, the Levites, and unto the judge that shall be in those days, and enquire ; and they shalj shew thee the sentence of judgment. And thou shalt do according to the sentence, which they of that place which the Loid shall choose, shall shew thee, 4r. Ey this it appears that the chief Conductor, Judge, King, Iligh-priest, or wlw- ever was at the head of their affairs, was to be the president of this court. The rest of the judges seem- to have consisted chiefly of the priests and Levites, though there were among them wise and learned men of other tribes, as is acknow- ledged by the .lewish and most other writers. In process of time, as their kings came to be idola- trous, this ordinance, among others, was neg- lected. For we find Jehoshapliat restoring it, at the same time as he did the courts iji every city,1 Chrcn. 19. 8, 9, 10, 11. In this passage we find, that, if the cause was of a spiritual or ecclesiastical nature, the High-priest was the chief judge ; if otherwise, a chief justice, who sat in behalf of the king : And, behold, Amariah, the chief-priest, is over you in all matters of the Lord ; and Zehadiah, the ruler of the house of Judah, for all the king's matters. Some think it probable, that in causes ecclesiasti- cal, the court 7vas made up of the High-priest, and the chief-priests, or HeadLi of t lie four and twenty courses only : and that in matters purely temporal, the supreme magistrate, with the princes, elders, and scribes, who were doctors of the law, either by himself, or his deputy, took cognizance. And that, where any one was accused of crimes relating to religion and slate both, the judges, in each of these faculties, sat to hear the cause. So, at the trial of our blessed Ixird, Joseph of Ari- mathea, a rich man and a counsellor, probably one of the seventy elders, was one of them who sat as judges ; but did not join in the sentence of condemnation; He consented not to the counsel and deed of them, Luke 23. 51. This council, at their return from the captivity, wa^ restored, with the rest of their commonwealth, as the prophet Ezekiel foretold it should, Ezek. 44. 23, 24. 'J he priests, the Levites, shall teach my people the difference between the unclean and the clean. And, in controversy, they shall stand in judgment; and they shall judge it ac- cording to my judgments. Some are of opinion, that the origin of the San- hedrim is by no means to be depended upon ; for the council of the seventy elders established by Moses, was not what the Jews understand by the name of Sanhedrim. Besides, say they, we can- not perceive that this establishment subsisted either under Joshua, the Judges, or the Kings. We find nothing of it after the captivity, till the time of the Maccabees. Only we are certain, that this Senate was in being in the time of our Savi- our, and when the Evangelists wrote their gospels, since they are mentioned in their writings: But then their authority was much lessened ; for after the banishment of Archelaus, the Romans, hav- ing reduced Judea into a province, assumed the power of life and death to themselves alone: So that this council could proceed no farther than to condemnation : lor execution, they were to apply to the Roman Governor. The places where the Hebrews held their courts of judicature were, generally, one of the gates of the city. See Gate. As the merits of every cause were to turn upon the evidence given; see what rules the law lays down in reference there- 7mto in Deut. 17. 6. I 19. 15. and what is said in relation to false witnesses, Deut. 19. 16, 17, 18, 19. It was likewise a part of their law, that no man should be condenmed without being brought to a fair trial, and hearing what he had to say for himself. And therefore Nicodemus says to the chief priests and Pharisees, Doth our law judge any man before it hear him, and know what he doeth '( John 7. 51. The method of proceeding in the Sanhedrim, is said to be this: They who had a mind to implead any one, applied either to the king, or the high- priest, or whosoever filled the post 0/ Chief Justice, and informed against him. Upon this, proper officers were sent to take him up ; and if occasion required, a detachment from the temple-guard went along with them. The person thus taken was ex- amined by the Justice, and then committed, either to prison, or to the custody of the officer of the guard, till his trial came on. When the court sat, those who brought the informa- tion, against the criminal, did it in these words: This man, having done so or so, is worthy to die. And they who were to defend him, answered. This man is not worthy to die ; for he has only done so or so. And when the pleadings on both sides were finished, the Judges gave their opinions singly, whether he -was guilty or not : And according to the majority of votes, one way cr the other, the culprit was acquitted or condemned. Of the manner of laying the indictment , and giving in the answer, we have an instance in the case of Jeremiah ; who was informed against for pro- phesying the destruction of both the city and. temple r/ Jerusalem, in case the Jews continued to neglect the observance of God's law, Jer. 26. 8, 9, 10, &c. See the form cf condemnation in ]\rat. 26. 65, 66. Elder, in the New Testament, is a general name, comprehending under it all such as have any ecclesiastical function, as apostles, pastors, teach- ers, or other church officers, 1 T im. 5. 17. Tit. 1. 5. The apostle Peter calls himself an elder. The elders that are among you I exhort, who also am an elder, 1 Pet. 5. 1. ELD Gen. 10. 21. Shem the brother of Japhet the e. '25. 23. the f . sliall serve the younger, R«m. y, 12. 1 Sam. 18. ]?. behold, my e. daughter Merab 1 KinffsQ. 22. ask the kingdom, he is mine e. brother Jch 15. 10. very aged men, much e. than thy father 32.4. Elihu waited, because they were e. than he JEzeit. 16. 46. tnv e. sister is Samaria, younger Sodom 2.3. 4. the nam'es of them were Aholah the e. Luke 15. 25. his e. son was in the field, heard music 1 Tim. 5. 2. intreat the e. women as mothers 1 Pet. 5. 5. ye younger, submit yourselves to the e. ELDER for nUer. 1 Tim. 5. 1. rebuke not an e. but intreathim as father 19. asainst an e. receive not an accusat. but before 1 Pet. 5. 1. the elders 1 exhort, who am also ane. 2 John 1. the e. to the elect lady and her children Jo/m 1. the e. unto well-beloved Gaius whom I love ELDERS. Oen. 50. 7. the e. of his house went up with him Lev. 4. 15. the e. of congreg. shall laj' their hands ^um. 11. 25. L. gave of the Spirit to the seventy e. Deut. 25. 7. go up to the gate to the e. and say 29. 10. ye stand before the L. your e. and officers 31. 28. gather to me all e. of j'our tribes and officers 32. j. ask thy father and e. and they will tell thee J'os'h. 24. 31. Israel served the Lord all the days of Joshua, and of e. that overlived Joshua, Judff. 2. 7. Judg. 8. 14. he described to him the e. of Succoth 1 Sam. 16. 4. e. of the town trembled at his coming 30. 26. he sent of the spoil to the e. of Judah 1 Kings. 20. 8. all the e. said to him, hearken not 21. 11. the e. did as Jezebel had sent to them 2 Kings b. 32. Elisha sat in house, and e. sat with him 10. 1. Jehu \\T0te letters and sent to e. of Jezreel 19. 2. Hezekiah sent the e. of the priests covered with sackcloth to Isaiah the prophet, Isa. 37. 2. Ezra 5. 5. the eye of their God was upon the e. 6. 14. the e. of the Jews builded and prospered 10. 8. accordina- to the counsel of the princes and e. Psal. 107. 32. praise him in the assembly of the e. Prov. 31. 23. her husband is known among the e. Lam. 1.19- my priests and e. gave up the ghbstin city 2. 10. e. of Zion sit upon the ground and keep silence 4. 16. respected not priests, favoured note. 5. 12. 5. 14. e. have ceased from gate, youngm. from music E::ek. 8. 1. and the e. of J udah sat before me Joel 1. 14. sanctify a fast, gather the e. 2. 16. Mat. 15. 2. why transgress the tradition of the e. ? 16. 21. must suffer many things of the e. 27. 12. 26. 59. the e. sousht false witness asainst Jesus 27. 20. chief priests and e. persuaded the nmltitude 41. the chief priests mocking with the e. said 28. 12. and when they were assembled with the e. Mark 7. 3. the Jews holding the t]-adition of the e. 8.31 . must suffer and be rej ected of the e. Luke 9. 22. 14. 43. with Judas a great multitude from the e. 15. 1. chief priests held a consultation with the e. Luke 22. 52. Jesus said unto the captains and e. Acts 4. 5. their rulers and e. were gathered toarether 23. they reported all that the e. had said to them 6. 12. they stiiTed up the people and the e. 11. 30. sent it to the e. by Earnabas and Saul 14. 23. when they ordained c. in every church 15. 4. they were received of the church and of the e. 6. the apostles and e. came together to consider 25. the apostles, e. and brethren, send greetiaar 16. 4. they delivered the decrees ordained of ffie e. 20. 17. he'sent and called the e. of the church 22. 5. all the estate of the e. bear me witness 24. 1. Ananias the priest descended with the e. 25. 15. about whom the e. of Jews informed me 1 Tim. 5. 17- let e. that rule well be counted worthy Tit, 1. 5. that thou shouldest ordain e. in everj' city Heh. 11. 2. by faith the e. obtained a good report Jam. 5. 14. let him call for the e. of the church 1 Pet. 5. 1. thee, which are among you, I exhort Rev. 4. 4. upon the seats I saw 24. e. sitting-, clothed 10. the 24e. fall before him, 5. 8, 14. | 31.16. ! 19.4. 5. 5. and one of the e. saith unto me, weep not 6. and lo, in the midst of the e. stood a Lam.b 11. I heard the voice of many angels about the e. 7. 11. all angels stood about the e. and four beasts 13. one of the e. ans. saying to me, what are these .' 14. 3. they sunff a new son? before the throne and e. ELD ERS, with dtp. Deut. 19. 12. the e. of his citt/ shall fetchhim thence 21. 3. e. of that f2V3' shall take and bringthe heifer 6. e. of that citi/ shall wash their hands over heifer 21. 19. shall bring their son to the e. of his (^it?/ 22. 15. bring tokens of virginity to the e. of the dtp 25. 8. the e. of his dtp shall call and speak to him Ja?A. 20. 4. shall declare his cause to e. of that dtp Jiidg. 8. 16. he took the e. of tlie dtp and thorns litit/i, 4. 2. Eoaz took ten men of the e. of the dtp Ezra 10. 14. and with them the e. of every ciiy ELDERS of Israel. Exod. 3. 16. go and gather the e. of Jwce/ together 12. 21. Moses called for all the e. of Israel 17.5. and take with thee of the e. of Israel 18. 12. the e. of Israel came to eat with Jethro 24. 1. sevfnty of the e. of Israel, 9. Nuyn. 11. 16. Deut. 27. "• • the e. of Israel commanded the people 31. 9. :Mo&es delivered this law to the e. of Israel Josh. 7. 6. the e. of Israel put dust on their heads 2 Sam. 5. 3. so all the c. of Israel came to the kino- at Hebron, 1 Kings 8. 3. 2 Chro7i. 5. 4. 17. 4. the saying pleased all the e. of Israel 15. thus did Ahithophel counsel the e. of Israel 1 Chr. 11. 3. e. of Israel came to the king to Hebron 21. 16. David and e. of Israel fell upon their faces Ezek. 14. 1. then came the e. of Israel unto me 20. 1. the e. of Israel came to inquire of the Lord Acts 4. 8. ye rulers of the people, and e. of Israel ELDERS, with j!.e<.j5/e. Exod. 19.7. Moses called for the e. oi thepeople Num. 11. 16. whom thou knowest to be e. of ih^peo. 24. ]\Ioses gathered 70 men of the e. of the people Jlut/i4. 4. buy it before the e. of my people 1 Sam. 15. 30. honour me before the e. of my people Mat. 21. 23. the e. oi'thepeople came, Luke 22. 66. 26. 47. with a multitude from e. of the people 27. 1. e. of the people took counsel against Jesus ELE Ads IZ. they stirred up the people and the e. ELDEST. Gen. 24 2.Abraham said to his e. serv^ant of his house 27. 1. Isaac called Esau his e. son, and said, my son 44. 12. and he searched, and began at the e. Num. 1 20. Reuben, Israel's e. son, 26. 5. 1 Sam. 17. 13. the three e. sons of Jesse followed, 14. 28. Eliab his e. brother heard David speak 2 Kings 3. 27. he took his e. son and offered him 2 Chron. 22. 1. for the band of men had slain all the e. Job 1. 13. drinking in their e. brother's house, 18. John 8. 9. they went out one by one, besimiine at e. ELEC'l, Or Chosen, is spoken, [1] Of Christ, zaho was chosen and set apart from eterjiitp bp God the Father to the great work of redemption and me- diation, Lsa. 42. 1. Mat. 12. 18. [2] Of good angels, uhorn God chose from among the rest to eternal life and happiness: I charge thee before the elect angels, 1 Tim. 5. 21. [3] Of the Israelites, who were God's chosen ayid pecxdiar people, Isa. 65. 9, 22. [4] Of such as are chosen bp God in Christ to eternal life and salvation . Psal. 9. 7. the L. shall e. for ever, he hath prepared his throne for judgment, 102. 12, 26. j 104. 31. . 30. 5. weeping may e. for a night, but joy cometh 72. 5. they shall tear thee as long as sun and moon e. 17. his name shall e. for ever, as long as the sun 89. 29. his seed will 1 make to e. for ever, 36. Prov. 27. 24. doth the crown e. to every generation ? Ezek. 22. 14. can thy heart e. or thy han'ds be strong? Mat. 24. 13. he that shall e. to the end, Mark 13. 13. Mark 4. I7. having no root, and soe. but for a time 2 Thess. 1. 4. in all your tribulations that ye e. 2 Tim. 2. 3. thou therefore e. hai'dness as a soldier 10. therefore I e. all things for the elects' sake 4. 3. when they will not e. sound doctrine 5. but watch thou in all things, e. afflictions Heb. 12. 7- if ye e. chastening, G. dealeth with you- 20. they could not e. what was commanded Jam. 5. 11. behold, we count them happy who e. 1 Pet. 2. 19. if a man for conscience e. grief ENDURED. Psal. 81. 15. their time should have e, forever Rom. 9. 22. if God e. with much long-suffering 2 Tim. 3. 11. hast known what persecutions I'e. Heb. 6. 15. after he had patientl3^ e. he obtained pro 10. .32. ye e. a great fight of afriictions 11. 27. for Closes e. as seeing him who is invisible 12. 2. he e. the cross |i 3. he e. such contradiction ENDURELH. Psal. 15. + 3. nor e. reproach against his neighbour 30. 5. for his anger e. but a moment, favour'is life .52. 1. the goodness of God e. continually 72. 7- abundance of peace so long as the moon e. 100. 5. and his truth e. to all generations 145. 13. thy dominion e. tlirough all aenerations Mat. 10. 22. he that e. to the end shall be saved John 6. 27. but for that meat which e. unto life 1 Cor. 13. 7. charity hopeth all things, e. all things Jam. 1. 12. blessed is the man that e. temptation ENDURETH yo;-erw. 1 Chron. 16. 34. for his mercy e. for ever, 41, 2 Chron. 5. 13. I 7. 3, 6. 1 20. 21. Ezra 3. 11. Psal. 106. 1. I 107. 1. I 118. 1, 2, ,3, 4, i 136. 1,2, 3, SiC. 1 1.38.8. Jer. 33. 11. Psal. 111. 3. his righteousness e. /or euer, 112. 3, 9. 111. 10. his praise e. forever \\ II7.2. his truths. 119. 160. every one of thy judgments e.for ever 135. 13. thy name, O 'Lord, e.for ever, thy mem. 1 Pet. 1. 25. but the word of the Lord e. for ever ENDURING. Psal. 19. 9. the fear of the Lord is clean, e. for ever 2 Cor. 1. 6. is effectual in e. the same sufferings Heb. 10. 34. have in heaven a better and e. substance ENEMY. Exod. 15. 6. thy right hand hath dashed in pieces e. 9. the e. said, I will pursue, I will overtake 23. 22. then I will be an e. to thine enemies Num. 10. 9. and if you go to war against the e. 35. 23. and was not his e.xior sought his harm Deut. 32. 27. were it not I feared the wrath of the e. 42. from the beainning of revenges upon the e. 33. 27. he shall thrust out the e. before thee Judg. 16. 23. our god hath delivered our e. into, 24. 1 Sam. 2. 32. thou shalt see an e. in my habitation 18. 29. Saul became David's e. continually 24. 19. if a man find his e. will he let him go ? 1 Kings 8. 33. when thy people be smitten down before e. because sinned ag. thee, 2 Chro7i. 6. 24. 46. if they sin, and thou deliver them to the e. 2 Chro7i. 25. 8. G. shall make thee fall before the e. Esth. 7.4. the e. could not counter\'ail the damage 6. Esther said, the e. is this wicked Haman Job 33. 10. behold, he counteth me for his e. Psal. 7. 5. let the e. persecute m3'^ soul and take it 8. 2. thou mightest still the e. and the avenger 9. 6. O thou e. destructions are come to an end 42. 9. w'liy go I mourning because of the e. ? 43. 2. 44. 10. thou makest us to" turn back from tlie e. 55. 3. I mourn, because of the voice of the e. 12. for it was not an e. that reproached me 61. 3. thou hast been a strong tower ft'om the e. 64. 1. preserve my life from fear of the e. 74. 3. even all that the e. hath done wickedly 10. shall the e. blaspheme thy name for ever ? 18. remember the e. liath reproached, O Lord 78. 42. remembered not when he delivered from c 89. 22. the e. shall not exact upon him 143. 3. for the e. hath persecuted my soul Prov. 27. 6. but the kisses of an e. are deceitful La. 59. 19. when the e. shall cou\e in like a flood 63. 10. therefore he was turned to be their c. Jer. 6. 25. the sword of thee, is on every side 15. 11. 1 will cause the c. to entreat thee well 18. 17. T will scatter them with east-wind before e. .30. 14. 1 have wounded thee with wound of an c, Layn. 1. 5. are gone into capti\ity before the e. 9. behold, foi" the e. liaih maanilied himself 16. mjr children are desolate, because e. prevailed 2. 3. he hath dra^\ n baik his hand before tlie e. 4. he hath bent liis how like an e. he stood 5. the Lord was as an c. he hath swallowed up 4. 12. that the e. should ha\e enlereil the gates Ezek. 36. 2. because the e. had said aaainstyou, aha lids. 8. 3. Israel, the e. shall pmsne him Mic. 2. 8. even of late my people is risen up as an e Nah. 3. 11. thou shalt seek stu-u'-tli iiecause off. Mat. 13. 25. his e. came, sow ed tares, went his way 28. he said unto them, an e. hath done this 39. the e. that sowed them is the devil Luke 10. 19. to tread over all the power of the e. Acts 13. 10. child of devil, thou c. of all riglitcousn. 1 Cor. 15. 26. the last c. to be destroyed is death Gal. 4. 16. am I become j'our e. because 1 tell truth ? 2 Thess. 3. 15. count him not as an e. but admonish Jam. 4. 4. a friend of the world is the e. of God Ha>^d of the ENEMY. Zei'. 26. 25. I will send the pestilence, and ye shall be delivered into the hn/ul of the e. Nek. 9.27. Ezra 8. 31 . he delivered us from tl-e ha7td of ihe e. Psal. 31. 8. hast not shut me up into hand of the e. 78. 61. he delivered hisalory into the e. hand 106.10. redeemed from the hand of thee. 107.2. 133 ENE Lam. 1.7. her people fell into the hand of thee. 2. 7. hath given into the hand of the e. the walls Mme ETSI EMY. 1 Sam. 19. 17. why nast thou sent away mine e. ? 2 Sam. 22. 18. delivered me from my e. Psal. 18. 17- 1 Kings 21.20. hast thou found me, O minee.? Job 16. 9. mine e. sharpeneth his eyes upon me 27.7. let mine e. be as wicked, and hethatriseth Psal. 7. 4. yea, 1 delivered him that is minee. 33. 2. how long shall mine e. be exalted oyer me .'' 4. lest mine e.'say, I have prevailed against him 41. 11. because mine e. doth not triumph over me Lam. 2. 22. those I swaddled hath minee. consumed Mic. 7. 8. rejoice not against me, O mine e. 10. then she that is mt7ie e. shall see it, and shame Thi7ie ENEMY. Eliod. 23. 4. if thou meet tJmie e. ox or his ass J}eict.Q&. 57. thi7ie e. shall distress thee in thy gates 1 Sain, 24. 1. deliver thine e. into thy hand, 26. 8. 28. 16. seeins? the Lord is become thine e. Q,Sam. 4, 8. behold the head of Ish-bosheth th2ne e. Job 13. 24. wherefore boldest thou me for thine e. ? Prov. 24. 17. rejoice not when thiiie e. falleth 25. 21. if thine e. hunger, give bread, Rom. 12. 20. Lam. 2. 17. hath caused thine e. to rejoice over thee Zeph. 3. 15. the Lord hath cast out thiyie e. Mat. 5. 43. it hath been said, thou shalt hate thine e. e:nemies. 1 Sam. 18. 25. to be avenged of the king's e. 20. 15. when the Lord hath cut off the e. of David 16. the Lord require it at the hand of David's e. 25. 22. so and more do God to the e. of David 30. 26. behold a present of the spoil of e. of Lord 2 Sam.. 12. 14. given occasion to e. to blaspheme 18. 32. the e. of my lord be as that young man is 2 Chr. 20. 29. Lord fought against the e. of Israel JEsth. 9. 1. the e. of the Jews hoped to have power Job 6. 23. or deliver me from the e. hand Psal. 17. 9. hide me from my deadly e. who compass 37. 20. the e. of the Lord shall be as fat of lambs 45. 5. thine arrows are sharp in heart of king's e. 78. 61 . he delivered his glory into the e. hand 127. 5. they shall speak with the e. in the gate Jer, 12. 7. have given beloved into hands of her e. 48. 5. the e. have heard a ci-y of destruction Lam. 1. 2. all her friends are become here. 5. her adversaries are the chief, her e. prosper Mic. 7. 6. a man's e. are the men of his own liouse Mom. 5. 10. if when we were e. we were reconciled 11. 28. as concerning the gospel, they are e. 1 Cor. 15. 25. till he bath put all e. under his feet Phil. 3. 18. they are the e. of the cross of Christ Col. 1. 21. were e. in your mind by wicked works 2Jw ENEMIES. Gen. 22. 17. thy seed shall possess the gate of his e. J^um. 24. 8. he shall eat up the nations his e. 32. 21. till he hath driven out his e. before him L)ei(t. 33. 7. be thou an help to him from his e. 2 Sam. 7.1. the Lord hath given him rest from his e. 18. 19. how the Lord hath avenged him of his e. 22. 1. hast delivered him out of hand of all l/ise. 1 Chron. 22. 9. 1 will give him rest from all his e. Job 19. 11. he counteth me as one of his e. Psal. 10. 5. as for all his e. he pufFeth at them 41. 2. thou wilt not deliver him to the will of his e. 68. 1. let God arise, let his e. be scattered 21. but God shall wo-ond the head of his e. 72. 9. and his e. shall lick the dust 78. 66. and he smote his e. in the hinder parts 89. 42. thou hast made all his e. to rejoice 97. 3. a fire burneth up his e. round about 112. 8. until he see his desire upon his e. 1.32. 18. his e. will I clothe with shame Prov. 16. 7. he maketh his e. to be at peace with him Jsa. 9. 11. the Lord shall join his e. together 42. 13. he shall cry, he shall prevail against his e. 59. 18. he will repay recompence to his e. 66. 6. a voice that rendereth recompence to his e. 14. his indignation be known towards hise. Jer. 44. .30. will give Pharaoh into hand of his e. Nah. 1. 2. and he reserveth wrath for his e. 8. and darkness shall pursue /»'* e. Meb. 10. 13. expecting till his e. be made his footstool Mine ENEMIES. Num. 23. 11. 1 took thee to curse mine e. 24. 10. Dent. .32. 41. I will render vengeance to mine e. 1 Sam. 2. 1. my mouth is enlarged over mine e. 14. 24. that I may be avenged on mine e. 2 Sam. 5. 20. the Lord hath broken forth upon mine e. as the breach of waters, 1 Chr. 14. 11. 22, 4. so shall 1 be saved from mine e. Psal. 18. 3. 38. 1 have pursued mine e. Psal. 18. 37. 41. hast given me the necks of mine e. Ps. 18. 40. 49. and that bringeth me forth from mine e. 1 Chr. 12. 17- if ye be come to betray me to mine e. Psal. 3. 7. save me, for thou hast smitten all mine e. 5. 8. lead me,0 Lord, because of w?wee. 6. 7- mine eye waxeth old because of all mine e. 10. let all mine e. be ashamed and sore vexed 7. 6. arise, O Lord, because of the rage of mine e. 9. 3. when mine e. are turned, they shall fall 18. 48. he delivereth me from mine e. 23. 5. thou prepares! a table in presence of mine e. 25.2. let not mine e. triumph over me, 35. 19. 19. consider mine e. for they are many 27. 2. when mine e. came upon me to eat my flesh 6. now shall mine head be lifted up above mine e. 11. lead me in a plain path, because of wme e. 12. delivermenotover to the wiilof wme e. 31. 11. T was a reproach amons all mine e. 15. deliver me from the h-dwA of mine e. 38. 19. but mi7i.e e. are lively, and they are strong 41 . 5. mine e. speak evil of me ; when shall he die 42. 10. mine e. reproach me all the day, 102. 8. 54. 5. he shall reward evil to mirie e. cut them off 7. eye hath seen his desire upon mine e. 59. lo. 56. 2. mine e. would swallow me up, they be many 9. when 1 cry, then shall w«we e. tiun back 59. 1. deliver me from mijie e. f) my God, 143. 9. 69. 4. they being mine e. wronirfuUy are mighty 18. draw nifih, deliver me because of mine e. 71. 10. mine e. speak against me, they lay wait 134 ENG Ps. 92. 11. mine eye shall see my Aeshe on minee. 119. 98. thou hast made me wiser tlian mijie e. 139. because miiie e. have forgotten thy word 157. many aie mine e. yet do I not decline 138.7- stretch forth thy hand against mine e. 139. 22. 1 hate them, 1 count them minee. 143. 12. of thy mercy cut off nmie e. and destroy Isa. 1. 24. saith the Lord, I will avenge me of mine c. Lam. 1. 21. all niijie e. have heard of my trouble 3. 52. mine e. chased me sore like a bird without Luke 19. 27- those mine e. bring hither and slay them Our ENEMIES. Exod. 1. 10. they join also to our e. and figlit Deut. 32. 31. our e. themselves being judges 1 Sam. 4. 3. it may save us out of hand of our e. 12. 10. but deliver us out of the handof owre. 2 Sa7n. 19.9. saved us out of hand of our e. Ps. 44. 7. Neh. 5. 9. because of the reproach of our e. 6. 1 . when rest of onr e. heard 1 had builded, 16. Psal. 44. 5. through thee will we push Ao\\x\our e. 60. 12. he it is shall tread down our e. 108. 13. 80. 6. and our e. laugh among themselves 136. 24. and hath redeemed us from onr e. Lam,. 3. 46. our e. have opened their mouths Luke 1. 71- that we should be saved from our e. 74. being delivered out of the hands of our e. Their ENEMIES. Exod. 32. 25. had made tiiem naked amongst their e. Lev. 26. 36. send faintness in the land of their e. 44. yet when they be in the land of their e. Josh. 7. 8. Israel turneth backs before their e. 12. 21.44. there stood not a man of ^/;e2Ve. before them, the Lord delivered all their e. into their hand 23. 1. had given rest from their e. Esth. 9. 16. Juclg. 2. 14. sold them into the iiand of their e. 18. delivered them out of hand of tlieir e. 8. 34. 2 KingslX. 14. deliver them into thehand of their e. and be a prey, 2 Chr. 6. 36. | 25. 20. Neh. 9. 27. Psal. 78. 53. but the sea overwhelmed their e. 81. 14. I should soon have subdued their e. 105. 24. and made tliem stronger than their e. 106. 11. the waters covered their e. not one was left 42. their e. oppressed them, he delivered them Jer. 15. 9. 1 will deliver to the sword before their e. 19. 1. to fall by the sword before their e. 20. 4. 9. wherewith their e. shall straiten them 20. 5. all treasures of kings of .ludah will give into hands of their e. 34. 20, 21. 1 21. 7. Ezek. 39. 23. Ezek.ti9- 27. gathered them out of their e. lands AmosQ. 4. tho' they go into captivity before their e. Zech.lQ. 5. mighty men, which tread down their e. Rev. 11. 5. if any hurt, fire devoureth their e. 12. they ascended, and their e. beheld them Thine ENEMIES. Gen. 14. 20. who delivered thijie e. into thy hand 49. 8. thy hand shall be in the neck of thine e. Exod. 23. 22. then V will be an enemy to thine e. 27- 1 will make thine e. to turn their backs to tliee Num. 10. 35. rise. Lord, let thine e. be scattered Deut. 6. 19. to cast out all thine e. from before thee 20. 1. when thou goest against thine e. 21. 10. 28. 53. wherewith thine e. sha 1 1 distress thee, 55, 57. 33. 29. thine e. shall be found liars to thee Josh. 7. 13. thou canst not stand before thine e. Judg. 5. 31. so let all thine e. perish, O Lord 11. 36. hath taken vengeance for thee of thine e. 1 Sam. 25.26. now let thine e. be as Nabal 29. the souls of thine e. shall he sling out 2 Sam. 7. 9. I have cut off all thine e. 1 Chr. I7. 8. 19. 6. in that lovest thine e. and hatest thy friends 24. 13. or flee three months before thine e. 1 Kings 3. 11. nor asked life of thine e. 2 Chr. 1. 11. 1 Chr. 91. 12. while the sword of thine e. over- taketh Psal. 8. 2. hast ordained strength because of thine e. 21. 8. thine hand shall find out all thine e. 66. 3. through thy power shall thine e. submit 68. 23. thy foot may be dipped in blood of thine e. 74. 4. thine e. roar || 83. 2. thine e. make a tumult 23. forget not the voice of thine e. the tumult 89. 10. thou hast scattered thine e. with thy arm 51. wherewith thitie e. have reproached, (J Lord 92. 9. lo, thine e. O Lord, thine e. sliall perish 110. 1. till I make thine e. thy footstool, Mat. 22. 44. M.ark 12. ,36. Luke 20. 43. Heb. 1. 13. 2. rule thou in the midst of thine e. 139. 20. and thine e. take thy name in vain Isa. 26. 11. the fire of thine e. shall devour them 62. 8. no more give thy corn to be meat for thine e. Jer. 15. 14. 1 will make thee to pass with thine e. Lam. 2. 16. thine e. have opened their mouth Dan. 4. 19. and the interpretation be to thine e. Mic. 4. 10. Lord shall redeem thee from thine e. 5. 9. and all thine e. shall be cut off + 14. pluck up groves, so will 1 destroy thine e. Nuh. 3. 13. thy gate shall be set open to thiyie e. Luke 19. 43. thine e. shall cast a trench about thee Yonr ENEMIES. Lev. 26. 7- ye shall chase ymir e. they shall fall 8. pour e. shall fall before you by the sword 16. yeshallsow in vain, for your e. shall eatit 17. and ye shall be slain beforeyour e. .37. shall have no power to stand hefoveyour e. Num. 10. 9. ye shall be saved from your e. 14. 42. be not smitten before your e. Deut. 1. 42. Deut 12. 10. he giveth you rest from all your e. 20. 3. ye approach to battle against j^o?//- e. 4. the Loi'd goeth to fight for'you againstyowr e. 28. 68. and there ye shall be sold ioyonr e. Josh. 10. 25. thus shall the Lord do toallj/owr e. 22. 8. divide the spoil of your e. with your brethren 1 Sam. 12. 11. the Lord delivered you out of hand ot your e. and ye dwelled safe, 2 Kings 17. 39. Mat. 5. 44 but I say, Xoweyoure. Luke(). 27,35. ENFLA3IE ; see Inflame. ENGAGED. Jer. 30. 21. who is this that e. his heart to approach ' EN(7lNE,_S. 2 Chron. 26. 15. Uzziah made in .Jerusalem e. Jer.&.\(). pour out thee, of shot, £ze/f. 26. + 8. .32.+ 24. behold the e. of shot, they are come Ezek. 26. 9. he shall set e, of war against thy walls ENM ENGRAFTED. Jam. 1. 21. receive with meekness the e. word EN G \< A V E. Exod. 28. 11. like a signet shalt e. the two stones Zech. 3. 9. behold, 1 will e. the graving thereof ENGRAVEN. 2 Cor. 3. 7- the ministration of death e. in stones- ENGRAVER. Exod. 28. 11. with the work of an e. in stone 35. 35. to work all manner of work of the e. .38. 23. Aholiab, of the tribe of Lan, an e. ENGRAVINGS. Exod. 28. 11. like e. of a signet, 21, 36. 1 39. 14, 30» EN.IGY. Lev. 26. ,34. the land shall e. her sabbaths, 43. Num. 36. 8. that Israel may e. inheritance of fathers Deut. 28. 41. thou shalt beget sons, but note, them Josh. 1. 15. then shall return to the land ande. it Job 7. t 7- mine eye shall no more e. gootl Eccl. 2. 1. e. pleasure, behold this also is vanity 24. heshouhl make his soul e. good, 3. 13. | 5. 18. 9. t9. e. life with the wife whom thou lovest Isa. 65. 22. mine elect shall long e. work of hands Acts 24. 2. seeing by thee we e. great quietness 1 T/m. 6. 17. (iod, who giveth us all things to e. Heb. 11. 25. than e. the pleasures of sin for a season ENJOYED. 2 Chron. 36. 21. till the land e. her sabbaths ENJOIN. Philem. 8. to e. thee that which is convenient ENJOINED. Esth. 9. 31. to confirm days of Purim as Esth. had e. Job .36. 23. who hath e. him his ways ? TIeb. 9. 20. blood of testament God hath e. to you ENLARGE. This word principally signifies the dilatation or ex- panding of the heart, which happens on occasionii of prosperity and joy, opposite to that contraction arid oppression of the heart which happens in adver- sity. Psal. 4. 1. 'I hou hast enlarged me when I was in distress. 2 Cor. 6. 11. O ye CorinthianSy our mouth is open unto you, our heart is enlarg- ed. Our mouth is open to speak freely to you, arid to communicate to you the whole will and counsel of God : Our heart is enlarged both by the love- that we have towards you, and hy the rejoicing that we have in you. 1 o enlarge is used likewise for extending one's limits, and carrying one's con- quests into a foreign country. Gen. 9. 27. God shall enlarge Japhet. God shall give him a large inheritance, and increase his posterity . Or other- wise : God shall persuade Japhet, namely, to dioell in the tents of Shem, where God dwelleth ; he .shall bring him to faith and obedience ; so that this may he a prophecy of the calling of the Gen- tiles, the posterity of .faphet. Also in Exod. 34. 24. For I will cast out the nations before thee, and enlarge thy borders. My mouth is enlarged, says Hannah, 1 Sam. 2. 1. It is opened wide to potir forth abundant praises to God ; and to give a full nnszoer to all the re- proaches of my adversaries ; whereas before it was shut through grief and confusion. Thou hast en- larged thy bed, Isa. 57. 8. Thou hast multiplied thine idols and altars. The same prophet says^. chap. 5. 14. Hell hath enlarged herself, ancl opened her mouth without measure. The grave hath opened its mouth ; it is ready to swallow up a vast jtnmber of the dead ; it desires no more than to devour, and absorb such as shall die by this famine, or otherwise. Enlargement, Heb. Respiration, Esth. 4.14. Then, shall their enlargenient arise to the Jews from another place. They were so filled with grief and terror arising from their present danger, as that they could scarce breathe, as Job speaks, Job 9. 18. lint their grtef and sorrow should be removed, and then should they have a breathing-time, a time of sweet refreshment. Geti. 9. 27. G. shall e. Japhet, he shall dwell in tents Exod. 34. 24. I will cast out nations and e. borders Deut. 12. 20. when the Lord shall e. thy border 19. 8. if the Lord e. thy coast as he hath sworn 1 Chr. 4. 10. O that wouldest bless me, and e. coast Psal. 119. 32. when thou shalt e. my heart Isa. 54. 2. e. the place of thy tent and stretch forth Ajnos 1. 13. that they might e. their border Mic. 1. 16. make bald, e. thy baldness as the eaale Mat. 23. 5. and e. the borders of their garments ENLARGED. 1 Sam. 2. 1. my mouth is e. over mine enemies 2 Sam. 22. .37. thou hast e. my steps, Psal 18. 36. Psal. 4. 1. thou hast e. me when I was in distress 25. 17. the troubles of my heart are e. O bring me Isa. 5. 14. therefore hell hath e. hers, opened mouth 57. 8. thou hast e. thy bed, and made a covenant' 60. 5. and thine heart shall fear and be e. 2 Cor. 6. 11. O ye Corinthians, our heart is e. 13. for a recompence in the same, be ye also e. 10. 15. having hope, that we shall be e. by you El^LARGETH. Deut. 33. 20. he said, blessed be he that e. Gad Job 12. 23. he e. the nations, and straiteneth them Hab. 2. 5. who e. his desire as hell, and is as death ENLARGEMENT. Esth. 4. 14. then e. shall arise from another place ENLARGING. Ezek, 41. 7. and there was an e. and a winding ENLIGHTEN. Psal. 18. 28. the Lord my God will e. my darkness ENLIGRIENI'.D. 1 Sam. 14. 27. and .lonathan's eyes were e. 29. .lob 33. 30. to be e. with the light of the living Psal. 97. 4. his lightnings e. the world, earth saw ha. 60. + 1. arise, be e. for thy liaht cometh E7}h. 1. 18. the eyes of your undei-standing being e. Heb. 6. 4. it is impossible for those who were once e. ENLIGHTENING. Psal. 19.8. commandment of Ld. ispuie, e. theeyes- ENMITY. Gen. 3. 15. 1 will pute. between thee and the woma»- Ncm. 35. 21. or in e. smite him with his hand ENQ Num. 35.22. but if he thrust him suddenly without e. Luke 23. 12. for before they were at e. betw. thems . Jt^m. 8. 7. the carnal mind is e. against God Bph. 2. 15. having abolished in his flesh the e. 16. by the cross, having slain the e. thereby Jam A. 4. the friendship of the world is e. with G. ENOUGH. Gen. 24. 25. we have straw and provender e. 33. 9. and Esau said, I have e. my brother 11. take, 1 pray, my blessina, because 1 have e. 34. 21. the land, behold it is large e. for them 45. 28. Israel said, it is e. Joseph is yet alive Exod. 9. 28. entreat the Lord, for it is e. that 36. 5. the people bring much more than e. for work Deitt. 1. 6. ye have dwelt long e. in this mount 2. 3. ye have compassed this mountain long e. Josh. 17. 16. they said, the hill is not e. for us 2 Sam. 24. 16. it is e. stay thine hand, 1 Kint/s 19. 4. 1 Chro?i. 21. 15. Mark 14. 41. iw/i-e 22. ,38. 2 Ckr. 31. 10. we have iiad e. to eat and have left J'rov. 27. 27. thou shalt have goats' milk e. for food 28. 19. he that tilleth land have plentj', but he that followeth after vain persons have poverty e. 30. 15. 3'ea, four things say not, it is e. 16. and the fire that saith not, it is e. Isa. 56. 11. greedy dogs, which can never have e, Jer. 49. 9. they will destroy till they have e. Hos. 4. 10. for they shall eat, and not have e. Obad. 5. would thej' not have stolen till they had e. Nah. 2. 12. the lion did tear e. for his whelps Hag. 1. 6. ye eat, but ye have not e. ye drink,butnot Mai. 3. 10. there shall not be room e. to receive it Mat. 10. 25. it is e. for the disciple to be as his master £5. 9. not so, lest there be note, for us and you Luke 15.17. hired servants have bread e. and to spare Acts 27 .38. when they had eaten e. lightened the ship ENQUIRE. To enquire signifies to a.^k, Acts 9. 11. Enquire in the house of Judas for one Saul of Tarsus. And Gen. 24. 57. We will call the damsel, and enquire at her mouth : JVe will ask her rtihether she he willing to depart so very soon, and V7iderstand her mind by her words or answer. Sometimes it signifies to pray, Ezek. 36. 37. And aho to examine or search narrowly into a thing. Deut. 17. 4. And if thou hast en- quired diligently, and behold it be true. Some- times it is taken for saluting a person, and ask- ing him of his welfare, 1 Chron. 18. 10. Tou sent Hadoram his son to salute king David, to ask of his welfare. B2U this word is most com- monly used for asking counsel and direction from God. Rebekah, finding the two children with vihich she was big struggling together in her womb, and giving her some uneasiness, went to enquire of the Lord, Gen. 25. 22. Either she put up ardent prayers immediately to God, that he would reveal his mind to her herein : Or she consxdted God immediately by her father Abra- ham, or by some other godly patriarch yet sur- viving, by whom God used to manifest his mind and will to others, when he thought fit. As to the different ways of consulting God under the Old Testament, see the word Oracle. Gen. 24. 57. we will call the damsel, and e. at her 25. 22. Rebekah went to e. of the Lord Lxod. 18. 15. the people come to me to e. of God Deut. 12. 30. and that thou e. not after their gods 13. 14. then shalt thou e. and make search 17. 9. thou shalt come unto the judge and e. Judg. 4. 20. when any man doth come^and e. of thee 1 Sam. 9. 9. beforetime when a man went to e. of God 22. 15. did I then begin to e. of God for him ? 28. 7- seek me a woman, that I may e. of her \Kings11.i. Jehoshaphat said, e. I pray thee, at the word of the Lord to dajs 2 Chron. 18. 4. 7. none besides, that we may e. of, 2 Chron. 18. 6. £ Kingsl. 2. go, e. of Baal-zebub the god of Ekron 3. 11. is there not here a prophet to e. by him ? 8. 8. go meet the man, and e. of the Lord by him 16. 15. the brazen altar shall be for me to e. by 22. 13. go ye, e. of the Lord for me, 2 Chr. 34. 21. 18. the king which sent you to e. 2 Chr. 34. 26. 1 Chron. 10. 13. that had a familiar spirit, to e. of it 18. 10. Tou sent to David to e. of his welfare 21. 30. David could not go before it to e. of God Ezra 7. 14. are sent to e. concerning Judah and [Jerusalem Job 8. 8. for e. I pray thee of thp former age Psal. 27- 4. beauty of the L. and to e. in his temple Eccl. 7. 10. thou dost not e. wisely concerning this Isa. 21. 12. if ye will e. e. ye, return, come Jer. 21. 2. e. 1 pray thee, of the Lord for us 37. 7. the king of Judah that sent you to e. of me Ezek. 14. 7. and cometh to a prophet to e. of him 20. 1. the elders of Israel came to e. of the Lord 3. thus saith the Lord, are ye come to e. of me ? Mat. 10. 11. e. who in it is worthy, and there abide Luke 22. 23. to e. among themselves, John 16. 19. Acts 9. 11. e. for Saul |1 25. 1 20. doubtful how to e. 19. 39. but if ye e. concerning other matters 23. 15. as though ye would e. something more, 20. 2 Cor. 8. 23. whether any do e. of Titus my partner ENQUIRED. Deut. 17. 4. thou hast heard of it, and e. diliffently Judg. 20. 27. the children of Israel e. of the l.ord 1 Sam. 10. 22. therefore they e. of the Lord further 22. 10. and he e. of the Lord for him, 13. 23. 2. therefore David e. of the Lord, 4. 130. 8. 2 Sam. 2. 1. I 5. 19, 23. | 21 . 1. 1 Chr. 14. 10, 14 28. 6. when Saul e. the Lord answered him not 2 Sam. 11. 3. David sent and e. after the woman 16. 23. as if a man had e. at the oracle of God 1 Chron. 10. 14. Saul e. not of the Lord he slew him 13. 3. for we e. not at the ark in the days of Saul Psal. 78. 34. they returned and e. early after God Ezek. 14. 3. should I be e. of at all by them ? 20. 3. as I live, saith Lord, 1 will not be e. of by you 31. shall I be e. of by you, O house of Israel ' as I live, saith Lord God, I will not be e. of by you 36. 37. I will yet for this be e. of by Israel Dan. 1. 20. in all matters that the king e. of them ENT Zeph. 1. 6. those'that have not e. for the Lord Mat. 2. 7. Herod e. of the w ise men diligently, 16. John 4. 52. then e. he the houi he began to amend 2 Cor. 8. 23. or our bretnren be e. of, are messengers 1 Pet. 1. 10. of which salvation the prophets e. ENQUIREST. Job 10. 6. that thou e. after mine iniquity and sin ENQUIRY. Prov. 20. 25. and after vows to make e. Acts 10. 17. the men had made e. for Simon's house ENRAGED. Prov. 26. 1 17- Js e. with strife belonging not to him ENRICH. 1 Sam. 17. 25. the king wiL e. him with great riches Ezek. 27. 33. thou didst e. the kings of the earth ENRICHED, 1 Cor. 1. 5. that in every thins- ye aie e. by him 2 Cor. 9. 11. being e. in every thing to all bountifuln. EN RICHES 1. Psal. 65. 9. thou great/y e. it with the river of God ENROLLED. L7tke 2. 1 1. a decree that all the world should be e. Heb. 12. t 23. church of the first-born e. in heaven ENSAMPLE. Phil. 3. 17. be followers, as ye have us for an e. 2 Thess. 3. 9- but to make ourselves an e. to you 2 Pet. 2. 6 an e. to those that should live ungodly EN SAMPLES. 1 Cor. 10 11. these things happened to them for e. 1 Thess. 1. 7. so that ye were e. to all that believe 1 Pet. 5. 3. not as lords, but being e. to the flock ENSIGN. EnsigTis are warlike banners, monuments, or tro- phies of victory. Psal. 74. 4. Thine enemies set up their ensigns for signs. And the prophet Isaiah, threatening the Israelites with an invasion, tells them. That God would lift up an ensign to the nations from far, Isa. 5. 26. He loould, by his providence, bring the Assyrians, or the Chaldeans, against the Jews ; he would, as it were, invite them to list themselves tinder his colours, as generals use to lift up their standards for the raising of armies. The same prophet says. That there shall be a root of Jewe, which shall stand for an ensign of the people, and to it shall the Gentiles seek, Isa. 11. 10. that is. That Christ the Messiah growing upon the root of Jesse, should mount up, ayid be advanced, by the preaching of the gospel, to a great height, so as to become a visible and emi- nent ensign, zohich the Gentiles, as well as the _ Jews, may discern; to whom they should repair by faith, and in 7ohom they should put their trust. Isa. 5. 26. he will lift up an e. to the nations from far 11 . 10. which shall stand for an e. to the people 12. and he shall set up an e. for the nations 18. 3. dwellers, see ye, when he liftetli up an e. 30. 17. till ye be left as an e. on an hill 31. 9. his princes shall be afraid of the e. saith L. Zech. 9. 16. as the stones of a crown lifted as an e. ENSIGNS. Psal. 74. 4. tliey set. up their e. for signs ElS'SNARE. Psal. 12. 1 5. I will set in safety from him would e. ENSNARED. Job 34. 30. hypocrite reign not, lest the people be e. ENSUE. 1 Pet. 3. 11. let him do good, seek peace, and e. it Entangle ; see Intangle. ENTER. Judg. 18. 9. not slothful to e. to possess the land E-^ek. 44. 3. prince shall e. by the porch, 46. 2, 8. Dan. 11. 17. shall also set his face to e. with strength 24. he shall e. peaceably on the fattest places Heb. 4. 6. it remaineth that some must e. therein ENTER in, or into. Gen. 12. 11. Abram was come near to e. into Egypt Erod. 40. 35. Moses was not able to e. into the^tent ISum. 4. 23. all that e. in to perform the service 5. 24. the water thatcauseth the curse shall e. iyito the woman, and become bitter, 27. Deut. 23. 8. children shall e. into the congregation 29. 12. that thou shouldest e. into covenant with L. Josh. 10. 19. suffer them not to e. into their cities 2 Sam. 22. 7. and my cry did e. into his ears 1 Kings 14. 12. when thy feet e. into city, child die 22. 30. 1 will disguise myself and e. into the battle 2 Kings 7. 4. if we e. into the city, then the famine 11. 5. a third part of you that e. m on sabbath 19. 23. and I will e. into lodgings of his borders, and into the forest of Carmel, Isa. .37. 24. 2 Chron. 23. 19. that none unclean should e. in 30. 8. e. into his sanctuary, which he sanctified Neh. 2. 8. and for the house that I shall e. into Esth. 4. 2. for none might e. into the king's gate Job 22. 4. will he e. with thee ijito judgment ? 34. 23. that he should e. m. 1~. Heb. 3. 11. they shall not e. into my rest, 18. 19. we see they could not e. because of unbelief See Kingdom. ENTRANCE. Judg. 1. 24. the}' said, shew us the e. into the city 25. when he shewed them the e. they smote it 1 Kings 18. 46. he ran before Ahab to e. of Jezreel 22. 10. the two kings sat in the e. of Samaria 2 Chron. 12. 10. that kept thee, of the kind's house Psal. 119. 130. the e. of thy words giveth light 1 Thess. 2. 1. yourselves know our e. in unto you 2 Pet. 1. 11. so an e. shall be ministered to you ENTERED. Gen. 7. 13. the self-same day e. Noah and his sons 19. 3. the angels turned in, and e. into his house 23. the sun was risen when Lote. into Zoar 43. 30. Joseph e. into his chamber and wept there- Exod. 33. 9. as Moses e. into the tabernacle Josh. 2. 3. bring the men that are e. into thj' house J2(dg. 6. 5. and they e. into the land to destroy it 9. 46. they e. into an hold of the god Berith 1 Kiyigs 1. + 1. now king David was e. into days 2 Kings 7.8. e. into another tent, and took thence 9. 31. as Jehu e. in at the gate, Jezebel said 2 Chron. 12. 11. when the king e. into the house 15. 12. they e. into a covenant to seek the Lord 27. 2. Jotham e. not into the temple of the Lord Neh. 10. 29. they e. into a curse, and into an oath Job 38. 16. hdstthou e. into the springs of the sea.' 22. hast thou e. into the ti'easures of the snow ? Jer. 2. 7. but when ye e. 3'e defiled my land 9. 21. for death is e. into our windows and palaces 34. 10. the people which had e. into covenant 37. 16. when Jeremiah was e. into the dunseon Lam. 1. 10. the heathen e. into her sanctuary 4. 12. that the enemy should have e. the gates Ezek. 2. 2. spirit e. into me when he spake, 3. 24. 16. 8. yea, I sware and e. into a covenant with the3 - 36. 20. and when they e. unto the heathen 44. 2. because the God of Israel hath e. in by it Obad. 11. in the day that foreigners e. into his gates - 13. thou shouldest not have e. into the gate Hab. 3. 16. rottenness e. into my bones, I trembled Mat. 8. 5. when Jesus was e. into Capernaum 9. 1. and he e. into a ship and passed over 12. 4. how he e. into the house of God and did oat 24. .38. day that N oah e. into the ark, Luke 17. 2?. Mark 5. 13. the unclean spirits went out ande. into- tlie swine, and were choked in the sea, Luke 8. 3S,. - 6. 56. whithersoever he e. they laid the sick Luke 1. 40. IMary e. into the house of Zacharias 7. 44. I e. thine house, thou gavest me no water 9. 34. and thev feared as they e. into the cloud 11. 52. woe to lawyers, ye e. not in yourselves 22. 3. then e. Satan into Judas, John 13.27. 10. when ye are e. the city there shall meet yoa .Tohn 4. .38. and ve are e. into their labours 18. 1. where was a garden, into the which he e. 33. then Pilate e. into the judgmentJiall Acts 9. 17. .Ananias e. and putting his hands on Saul 11. 8. nothina unclean bath e into my uiouth 135 ENT Acts 23. 10. lie e. into the castle and told Paul, went 25. 23. Agrippa was e. into the place of hearing 28. 8. to -whom Paul e. in, and prayed, and healed Horn. 5. 12. sin e. into the world || 20, tlie law e. 1 Cor. 2. 9. neither have e. into the heart of man Heh. 4. 6. they e. not in because of unbelief 10. for he that is e. into his rest, hatli ceased 6. 20. whither the forerunner is for us e. even Jes. 9. 12. he e. in once into the holy place, 24. Jam. 5. 4. are e. into the ears of the L. of sabaoth 2 Johnl. many deceivers are e. into the world Rev. 11. 11. Spirit of life from God e. into them e;n'teretii. Num. 4. 30. number every one that e. into the ser- vice to do work of the tabernacle, 35, 39, 43. 2 Chr. 31. 16. to everv one that e. house of the L. Prov. 2. 10. when wisdom e. into thine heart 17. 10. a reproof e. more into a wise man than Ezek. 21 . 14. the sword e. into their privy chambers 46. 9. he that e. in by the way of the north gate Mat. 15. 17. whatsoever e. in at the mouth, goeth into the belly, and is cast out, Markt. 18. Mark 5. 40. and e. in wheie the damsel was lying Ltike 22. 10. follow him into house wliere he e. in Joh7i 10. 1. e. not by the door into the sheepfold 2. he that e. in by the door, is the shepherd Hed. 6. 19. and which e. into that within the vail 0. 25. as the high-priest e. every year with blood ENTERIjS'G. Josh. 8. 29. cast it at the e. of the gate of the city 20. 4. shall stand at the e. of the gate of the city Judff. 9. 35. Gaal stood in the e. of the gate of city 44. Abimelech stood in the e. of the gate of city 18. 16. the 600 men of Dan stood by the e. of the gate 17. and the priest stood in the e. of the gate 1 Sam. 23. 7. by e. into a town that hath gates, bars 2 Sam. 10. 8. put the battle in array at e. in of gate 1 Kings 6. 31. for the e. of the oracle he made doors 19. 13. Elijah stood in the e. in of the cave 2 Kingsl. 3. four leprous men at the e. of the gate 10. 8. lay the heads in two heaps at e. of the gate 23. 8. that were in the e. of the gate of Joshua 2 Chr. 18. 9. kings sat at e. of the gate of Samaria Isa. 23. 1. so that there is no house, no e. in Jer. 1. 15. set thrones at the e. of tlie gates, I7. 27. Ezek. 44. 5. mark well the e. in of the house Mat. 23. 13. for ye neither go in yourselves, nor suf- fer ye them that are e. to go in, Luke 11. 52. Mark 4. 19. the lusts of other things e. in choke 7. 15. nothing without g. into him'can defile him 16. 5. e. into" the sepulchre they saw a young man iMke 19. 30. at your e. ye shall find a colt tied ActsS. 3. Saul e. into every house, and haling men 1 Thess. 1. 9. what manner ot'e. in we had to you Heb. 4. 1. a promise left us of e. into his rest See Hamath. ENTERINGS. Ezek. 26. 1 10. according to the e. of a city broken E'NTERPRISE. Job 5. 12. their hands cannot perform their e. ElSiTEKTAlN. Heb, 13. 2. be not forgetful to e. strangers ENTERTAINED. Eeb. 13. 2. for thereby some havee. angels ENTICE Signifies, [1] To persuade, or allure, Judg. 14. 15. 1 16. 5. 2 Chron. 18. 20. [2] 'i'o deceive, Jer. 20. 10. Jam. 1. 14. It is referred, (1) To Satan seducing fahe prophets, by inspiring them with lies, 2 Chron. 18. 20. (2) To a man cunningly insinuating himself into a maid's affections, in order to gain her consent to lie with him, either hy his persuasions, pro?nise of marriage, or reward, Exod. £2. IG. (3) To notorious sinners, such as thieves, robbers, murderers, or oppressors, who endeavour to allure others by fair pretences to associate themselves with them,Vxoyi . \. 10. i 16. 29. (4) To a' s own lust ayid concupiscence, which may promise him pleasure in siri, and may thus allure him to the commission of it, more than any temptation lohich he may have from without, is.m. 1.14. (5) To false and treacherous friends, the enemies of God's people, who rcatch for an advantage againit the godly ; thus Jeremiah complains, chap. 20. 10. All my familiars watched for my halting, say- ing, peradventure he will be enticed ; riamely, to 7itter something which we may lay hold on to accuse him for. (6) To the heart allured with the sight of outward objects. Job 31. 26, 27. If I beheld the "sun when it shined, and my heart hath been secretly en- ticed ; that is, inwardly moved to esteem either the sun or moon as deities, or secretly to adore or worship them. (7) To false teachers, who are said to deceive and seduce others, by enticing words, by erroneous phi- losophical notions and fancies mingled with the gospel, 1 Cor. 2. 4. Col. 2. 4. (8) To unfaithful Avives, flattering their husbands with a purpose to deceive, Judg. 14. 15. 1 16. 5. Exod. 22. 16. if a man e. a maid not betrotiied Deut. 13. 6. if thy wife e. thee secretly, saying Judg. 14. 15. e. husband, that he may declare riddle 16. 5. the lords said to Delilah, e. him and see 2 Chr. 18. 19. the Lord said, who shall e. Ahab ? 20. I wille. him |! 21. thou shalte. him and prevail Prov. 1. 10. if sinners e. thee, consent thou not ENTICED. Job 31. 27. if my heart hath been secretly e. Jer. 20. t 7. thou hast deceived me, and I was e. 10. peradventure he will be e. we shall prevail Jam. 1. 14. is tempted when drawn away and e. EN'riciyni. Prov. 16. 29. a violent man e. his neighbour 20. 1 19. meddle not with him that e. with lips ENTICING. 1 Cor. 2. 4. my preaching was not with e. words Col. 2. 4. lest any man beguile you with e. words ENTIHE. Amos 1. 1 6. carried them with an e. captivity 136 EPH Jam. 1. 4. that ye be perfect and e. wanting nothing tNTRV. 2 Kings 16. 18. k.'s e. without turned he from house 1 Chum. 9. 19- their fathers were keepers of the e. 2 Chron. 4. 22. doors of e. of the house were of gold Prov. 8.3. wisdom crieth at tlie gates, ate. of the city Jer. 38. 14. Zedekiah took Jeremiah into the third e. 43. 9. liide the stones at the e. of Pharaoh's house Ezek. 8. 5. this imai;e of iealousy in the e. ENl'JilES. Ezek. 40. 38. the chambers and e. were by the posts EN V V Is an evil affection of the heart which makes men grieve and fret at the good and prosperity of others, Psal. 73. 3. I'achel e?ivied Leah, because of her fruitfulness. Gen. 30. 1. Joseph was envied of his brethren, because his father loved him, Gen. 37. 11. The Jews envied Paul and Barnabas, be- cause they preached Christ, Acts 13. 45. Envy at the good of others, and malice, wishing them evil, as 07ie observes, is a deep pollution of spirit. This absolutely alienates men from the nature and life of Cod : fr the clearest conception we have of the T)eity is, that he is good, and does good, litis is 7iot only contrary to supernatural grace, but to natural conscience, a7id t7ir7is a man into a devil. This vice is im7nediately atte7ided with its ptinishment : The e7ivious man is his own tor- mentor. Envy slayeth the silly one, Job 5. 2. Envy is the rottenness of the bones, Prov. 14. 30. Besides, this stops the descent of divi7ie blessings, aJid tvrns the petitions of the envious into impreca- tions against themselves. The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy. Jam. 4. 5. According as spirit is taken, either for the Spirit of Chid, or for the human spirit, or yiatural corruptio7i ; the se7ise of these words may be, either, (1) The Spirit of God that dwelleth in us, teacheth us better thi7igs than strife and envy ; for it lusteth against e7ivy, that is, makes us lust against it, carries out our hearts to hate and resist it : The Greek preposition wpo?, here Englished to, often signifies against, as in Luke 20. 19. Eph. 6. 11. Or, (2) (Jur natJtral corrup- tion, excited a?id inflamed by the devil, strongly inclines us to envy, and coyisequently to other wickedness. Job 5. 2. wrath killeth, and e. slayeth the silly one Prov. 14. 30. e. is the rottenness of the bones 27. 4. but who is able to stand before e. '/ Eccl. 4. + 4. this the e. of man from his neighbour 9. 6. their love, their hatred, and e. is now perished Isa. 11. 13. the e. also of Ephraim shall depart 26. 11. they shall see and be ashamed for theu'e. Kzek. 35. 11 . I will even do according to thine e. Mat. 27. 18. for e. they delivered him, Mark 15. 10. Acts. 5. t 17. rose up, and were filled with e. 7. 9. the patriarchs moved with e. sold Joseph 13. 45. Jews filled with e. spake against those things 17. 5. the Jews which believed not, moved withe. Bom. 1. 29. full of e. murder, debate, deceit Phil. 1. 15. some indeed preach Cluist, even of e. 1 Tim. 6.4. whereof cometh e. strife, railings Tit. 3. 3. we were foolish, living in malice^and e. Jam. 4. 5. the spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to e. E"N'VY. P/-oi'.3.31.e. thou not oppressor, choose not his ways 23. 17. let not thine heart e. sinners, be in feai'of L. Isa. 11. 13. Ephraim not e. Judah, Judah not vex ENVIED. Gew. 26. 14. and the Philistines e. Isaac 30. 1. Rachel e. her sister, and said unto Jacob 37. 11. Joseph's breth. e. him, his father observed Psal. J 06. 16. they e. Moses also in the camp Eccl. 4. 4. for this a man is e. of his neighbour Ezek. 31. 9. the trees in the warden of God e. him ENVIES. 1 Pet. 2. 1. laying aside all malice, guile, and e. ENVIEST. Num. 11. 29. Moses said, e. thou for my sake ? ENVIETFI. 1 Cor. 13. 4. charity suffereth long, and e. not EIS VYING. Pom.l^. 13. let us walk honestly, not in strife and e. 1 Cor. 3. 3. whereas there is among you e. and strife Gal. 5. 26. provoking one another, e. one another Jam. 3. 14. but if ye have bitter e. and strife in hearts 16. where e. is, there is confusion, every evil work ElMVYINGS. 2 Cor. 12. 20. T fear lest there be debates, e. wraths Gal. 5. 21. the works of the flesh are e. murders ENVIOUS. Psal. ,37. 1 . nor be e. against the workers of iniquity 73. 3. for 1 was e. at the foolish, when I saw Prov. 24. 1. be not thou e. against evil men 19. fret not, neither be thou e. at the wicked ENVIROIS. Josh. 7. 9. the Canaanites shall hear and e. us round EPH AH Is an Hebrew meanire of the same capacity with the Path, co7itaini7ig ten homers. See Bath, and PloMER. Exod. 16. 36. an homer is the tenth part of an e. Lev. 5. 11. the tenth part of an e. of flour, 6. 20. 19. 36. ye shall have a juste. Ezek. 45. 10. Niim. 5. 15. the tenth partof an e. of barley-meal Judg. 6. 19. made unleavened cakes of an e. of flour B7ith 2. 17. and it was about an e. of barlej^ 1 Sam. 17. 17. take now an e. of this parched corn Isa. 5. 10. the seed of an homei' shall yield an e. £26^.45. 11. the e. and baths shall he of one measure 46. 5. and an hin of oil to an e. 7, H. AmosQ. 5. makina' thee, small, and the shekel great Zech. 5. 6. he said, this is an e. that goeth forth 8. and he cast it into the midst of the e. Sec Pakt. EPHOD Was a sort of ornament, or upper garme7it, worn by the Hebrew priests. There were two sorts of ephods, one of plain line7i for the priests, and a7iother embroidered for the high-priest. That for the high-priest was composed of gold, EPI blue, purple, crimsoii, and twisted cotton ; that is, it was a very rich compositio7i of different colours. Upon that part of the ephod, which came upon the two shoulders of the high-priest, were two large precious st07ies, upon which were engrave7i the names of the twelve tribes of Israel, upon each sto7ie six 7iames, Exod. 28. 4, 5, 6. &:c. There, where the ephod crossed the high-priest".^ breast, was a square or7iament, called the breast plate, wherei7i twelve precious stones were set, with the names cf the twelve tribes of Israel en- graved on them, one on each sto7te. "J he upper side of the breast plate was fastened by chai7is of gold to that part cf the ephod which was 07i the shoulder ; a7id the lower side of it, by blue laces, to the girdle cf the ephod ; for which purpose it had four rings of gold, at the four corners ; that hei7ig all fitly joined together, it might appear like one entire garment, Exod. 39. 21. and accordingly, the whole was sometimes called and u7iderstood by the single zoord Ephod, 1 Sam. 30. 7. lios. 3. 4. The Ephod worn by common pi tests, which was of linen only, was of the same extent and use, but neither so rich, nor so much adorned. This gar- ment was worn sometimes by those who, strictly ■ipeaking, were not priests ; as by Samuel in the tabernacle, when he was but a child, 1 Sam. 2. 18. and by David when he brought the ark fro7n the house of Obed-Edom to Jerusalem, 2 Sam. 6. 14. But, as both these were holy occasions, it is probable the Ephod was properly an holy robe ; and never worn by a7iy, but those who served in some holy employme7it. Some affirm that the Jewish kings had a right to wear the Ephod, and to co7isult the Lord by Urim arid 1 hummim. They ground their opinioyi pri7i- cipally on what is said concerning David, 1 Sam. 30. 7. when he came to y.'ikVeiS, and found tfiat the Amalekites had pillaged the city, and carried aicay his and his people's wives, he said to Abia- thar the high-priest. Bring me hither the Ephod, and Abiathar brought thither the Ephid to David. What follows verse 8. favours this opi- nioyi. And Dai7rf enquired at the Lord, saying. Shall I pursue after this troop.' And he answer' ed him. Pursue. But the generality_ of commentators are of opinion, that 7ieither David, Saul, nor Joshua, nor any other prince of Israel, dressed themselves in the high priest's Ephod, in order to consult God of them- selves, and that the passage now related signifies no more than. Put on the Ephod, and consult the Lord for me. Grotius believes, the high priest turned the Ephod, or breast plate, towardi David, that he might see with his own eyes, what God should answer to him by the stones upon the breast plate. Exod. 25. 7. stones to be set in the e. .35. 9, 27. 28. 4. they shall niake an e. and a robe, 6. 8. curious girdle of e. 27, 28. I 39. 5, 20. I^v. 8. 7. 12. put them on the shoulders of the e. 25. 15. make it after the work of the e. 39. 8. 31. shalt make the robe of the e. of blue, 39. 22. 30. 2. he made the e. of gold, blue, and purple Lev. 8. 7. he put the e. upon him, and girded him Judg. 8. 27. and Gideon made an e. thereof 17. 5. the man INIicah made an e. and teraphim 18. 14. that there is in these houses an e. and teraph, 1 Sam. 2. 18. Samuel was girded with a linen e. 28. did I choose him to wear an e. before me r 14. 3. and Ahiah the Lord's priest wearing an e. 21 . 9. the sword is wrapt in a cloth behind the e. 22. 18. Dopg slew 85 persons that did wear an e. 23. 6. Abimelech fled with an e. in his hand Q. David said, bring hither the e. 30. 7. 2 Sam. 6. 14. David danced before the Lord, and was girded with a linen e. 1 Chron. 15. 27. Hos. 3. 4. Israel shall abide many days without an e. EPLSTLE Is a letter or writing, whereby one person commu- yiicates his mind to another at a distance ; thus David communicated his mind to Joab in a letter which he sent by the hand of Uriah, 2 Sam. 11. 14. The holy ^ipostles likewise communicated to the church hy epistles the miiid and will of God, according as the Holy Spirit inspired and directed them.; which inspired ephWts make a part of the Canon of the holy Scriptures. And the whole word of God may he called his epistle, becaiise therein he has declared and revealed his mind and will to mankind. The apostle Paul writing to the Corinthians, says. Ye arc our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men. Eorasmiich as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God, not in tables of stone, but in fleshly tables of the heart, 2 Cor. 3. 2, 3. that is. You are my epistle of comme7idation ; your conversion td Christianity is a real commendatio7i of my ministry, and a demo7istration of its effi- cacy : You are written in my heart ; I have a hearty affection for you : Nor are you only taken 7iotice of by 7ne as a famous church, but all Chris- tians look upon yc7i as a church, to the planting and wateri7ig of which God hath blessed my la- bours. And it appears that ye are C7ir epistle, in that it is evident that Christ has written his law i7i your hearts, by my ministry, which was 7nade effectual to this end hy the Holy Ghost. Acts 15. '.30. they delivered the e. 23. .33. Bom. 16. 22. I J ertius who wrote this e. salute 3-ou 1 Cor. 5. 9. 1 v.rote to you in an e. not to company 2 Cor. 3.2. ve are our e. written in our hearts 3. as ye are declared to be the e. of Christ 7. 8. I perceive that the same e. made you sorry Col. 4. 16. when this e. is read amongst you, like- wise read the e. from I aodicea 1 Thess. 5. 27. this e. be read to all the bretluen 2 T^ew. 2. 15. been taught whether by wordoroure. 3. 14. if any man obey not our word by this e. 17. which is the token in every e. so 1 \\rile ERR i Pet. 3. 1. this second e. I now write unto you EPISTLES. <2 Cor. 3. 1. or need we e. of commendation to you 2 Pet. 3. 16. as also in all his e. speakina in them EQUAL. E.itfi. 3. t 8. it is not e. for the kinsr to suffer them Psal. 17. 2. thine eyes behold the things that are e. 55. 13. but it was thou, a man, mine e. my guide Proi: 26. ". the legs of the lame are not e. Isa. 40. 25. to whom then shall I be e. ? 46. 5. £ani. 2. 13. whatshall 1 thee, O virgin daughter £zel:. 18. 25. yet ye sa3', the way of the Lord is nut e. hear, is not raj- way e. / 29. 1 33. I7, 20. 29. O house of Israel, are not my ways e. ? 33. 17. but as for them, their way is not e. . Dan. 5. t 21. he made his heart e. with the beasts Mat. 20. 12. and thou hast made them e. to us Lnke9.Q. 36. for they are e. to anijels, childr. of God Johji 5. 18. making hin:self e. with God Phil. 2. 6. he thought it not robbery to be e^ with G. Ccl. 4. 1. masters, give your servants what is e. Rev. 21. 16. the breadth and heisht of the city are e. EQUAL, " Job 28. 17. the gold and the crystal cannot e. it 19. the topaz of Ethiopia shall not e. it EQUALITY. 2 Cor. 8. 14. but by an e. that there may be an e. EQUALLETH. 2 Sam. 22. 1 34. he e. my feet with hinds' feet EQUALLY. Exod. 36. 22. one board had two tenons e. distant EQUALS. Gal. 1. 14. 1 profited above many my e. in my nation EQUITY. Psal. 98. 9. he shall judge the people with e. 99. 4. thou dost esta lish e. thou executestjudgment Prov.l. 3. to receive the iusti-uction of wisdom and e. 2. 9. then shalt thou understand judgment and e. 17. 26. it is not good to strike princes for e. Peel. 2. 21. there is a man whose labour is in e. Isa. 11. 4. reprove with e. for tlie meek of the earth 56. 1 1. thus saith the Lord, keep e. and do justice 59. 14. truth is fallen in street, and e. cannot enter Mic. 3. 9. hear this, ye that pervert all e. lUal. 2. 6. he walked with me in peace and e. ERE. Exod. 1. 19. they are delivered e. the midwives come iS'^ww. 14. 11. how long will it be e. they believe me ? Job 18. 2. how long e. you make an end of words ? Jer. 47. 6. O sword, how longe. thou be quiet ? Hos. 8. 5. how long e. they attain to innocency ? JoJiJi 4. 49. Sir, come down e. my child die ERECTED. Gen. 33. 20. Jacob e. there an altar, El-Elohe Israel ERRA^vD. Gen. 24. 33. 1 will not eat till I have told mine e. Judg. 3. 19. I have a secret e. unto thee, O king 2 Kings 9.5. he said, I have an e. to thee, O capt. ERR. 2 Chron. 33. 9. so Manasseh made Judah to e. Job 5. 1 24. thou shalt visit thy habitation, and not e. Psal. 95. 10. a people that do e. in their heart 119. 21. which do e. from thy commandments 118. hast trodden them that e. from thy statutes Prov. 5. 1 19. and e. thou always in her love 10. 1 17. he that refuseth reproof, causeth to e, 14. 22. do the3' not e. that devise evil ''. 19. 27. cease to hear instruction that causeth to e. Isa. 3. 12. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to e. and destroy thy paths, 9. 16. 19. 14. and they have caused Egy'pt to e. 28. 7. they e. in vision, they sturiible in judgment .30. 28. there shall be a bridle causing themlo e. 35. 8. the wayfaring men shall not e. therein 63. 17. why hast thou made us to e. from thy ways ? Jer. 23. 13. the prophets prophesied in Baal, and caused my people Israel to e. Mic. 3. 5. Hos. 4. 12. spirit oi; whoredom hath caused them to e. ^mos 2. 4. and their lies caused them to e. Mat. 22. 29. Jesus said, ye do e. not knowing the srriptures nor power of God, Mark 12. 24, 27. Heb. 3. 10. they do always e. in their hearts Jam. 1. 16, do not e. my beloved brethren 5. 19. brethren, if any of you do e. from the truth ERRED. I.ev. 5. 18. concerning ignorance wherein he e. jSnm. 15. 22. ye have e. and not observed these com. 1 Sam. 26. 21. behold, I have e. exceedingly Job 6, 24. cause me to understand wherein I have e. 19. 4. be it indeed that I have e. mine err. remaineth Psal. 119. 110. yet I e. not from thy precepts Isa. 28. 7. but they also have e. thro' wine and thro' stronff drink, the priest and the prophet have e. 29. 24. they also that e. in spirit shall come 1 Tim. 6. 10. some coveted they have e. from the faith 21 . some protessina: have e. concerning the faith 2 Tim. 2. 18. who concerning the truth have e. ERRETH. Prov. 10. 17. but he that refuseth reproof e. E~ek. 45. 20. so shalt thou do for every one that e. ERROR Signifies, [1] A mistake, or oversight, Eccl. 5. 6. [2] lalse doctrine, zehich is not agreeable to the liord of God, 1 .lohn 4. 6. [3] Si?is of all sorts, Psal. 19. 12. Ileb. 9. 7. [4] Idols, Jer. 10. 15. [5] Sins against nature, Rom. 1. 27. [fij Xhi- faithfulness in an office, Dan. 6. 4, The error of Balaam, Jude 11. is covetousness, to tohich the persons of zehotn the apostle speaks were excessively addicted, and for the sake of filthy lucre did corrupt the dociri?ie of Christ ; as Ba- laam, ^o/- the sake of gain, tanght Balak to entice the children of Israel to commit for7ucatio7i, aJid to eat things sacrificed unto idols. Job. speaking to his friends, says, Be it indeed that I have erred, mine error remaineth with myself. Job 19. 4. If my opinion in this point be faulty and erroneous, as you pretend it is, it is likely to continue ; I see no cause from your reasojis to change my judgment. Or, if 1 have sinned, you see I suffer deeply for truj sms, and therefore deserve your pity and ESC help, rather than your reproaches, whereby you add affliction to the afflicted. Num. 35. 1 11, the slayer that killeth any by e. 2 Sam. 6. 7. anger kindled, G. smote Uzzah for his e. Job 19. 4. if erred mine e. remaineth with myself Eccl. 5. 6. neither say thou that it was an e. 10. 5. there is an evil which 1 have seen as an e. Isa. .32. 6. and to utter e. against the Lord Dan. 3, 1 29. who speak e. against God of Shadrach 4, I 27. if it may be a healing of thine e. 6.4. neither was there any e. found in him Mat. 27. 64. the last e. shall be worse than the first Rum. 1. 27. receiv ing that recompence of their e. Jam. 5. 20. conv erteth the sinner from e. of his way 2 Pet. 2, 18. were escaped from them who live in e. 3. 37. ye being led away with the e. of the wicked 1 John 4. 6. hereby know we the spirit of e. Jude 11. they have ran sreedily aiter e. of Balaam ERilORS. Ps. 19. 12. who can understand his e. ? cleanse me Jer. ]0. 15. they are vanity, the work of e. 51. 18. iieb. 9. 7. which he offered for the e. of the people ESCAPE. Gfw.19. 17. e. for thy life, e. to the mountain 20, O let me e. || 22. haste thee, e. thither 32, 8, the other company which is left shall e. Josh. 8, 22. they let none'of them remain or e. 1 Sam. Ti. 1. e. into the land of the Philistines 2 Sam. 15. 14. let US flee, for we shall not else e. 20. 6. lest Sheba get him fenced cities and e. us 1 Kings 18. 40. let none of them e. 2 Kings 9. 15. 2 Kings 10. 24. if any of the men I have brought e. 19. 31. they that e. out of mount Zion, Isa. 37, 32. 23. + 18. they let his bones e. with bones of prophet Ezra 9. 8. grace beeiishewn, to leave us a remn. to e. Esth.A. 13. think not thou shalt e. in king's house Jab 11. 20. but the wicked shall not e. theirliope fail Ps. 56. 7. shall they e. by iniquity ? cast down people 71, 2. deliver me in thy riaht. and cause me to e. 141. 10. let the wicked fall, whilst I withal e. Prov. 19. 5. he that speaketh lies shall not e. Eccl. 7. 26. whoso pleaseth God shall e. from her Isa. 20. 6. we flee for help, and how shall we e. 66. 19. I will send those that e. to the nations Jer. 11 . 11. bring evil on them shall not be able to e. 25. 35. nor the principal of the flock to e. 32. 4. Zedekiah shall not e. 34. 3. | .38. 18, 23. 42. 17. none that go into Egypt shall e. 44. 14. 44. 14. none shall return but such as shall e. 28. 3'et a small number that e. the sword 46. 6. let not the swift flee, nor miahty man e. 48. 8. the spoiler shall come, no city shall e. 50, 28, voice of them fliat flee and e. out of Babylon 29. let none thereof e. recompense her accordin°- Esek. 6. 8. may have some that shall e. the sword 9, and they that e. of you shall remember me 7. 16. they that e. shall e. and be like doves 17. 15. shall he e. that doth such things ? 18. hath done all these things, he shall note. Dan. 11. 41, but these shall e. out of his hand 42. and the land of Egypt shall not e. Joell. 3. vea, and nothina shall e. them (Jbad. 14, to cut off tho.-e of his that did e. + 17. but on mount Zion shall be they that e. Mat. 23. 33. how can ye e. the damnation of hell ? Luke 21. 36. be accounted worthy to e. these things Acts 27. 42. counsel to kill the prisoners, lest any e. Rom. 2. 3. that thou shalt e. the judgment of God ? 1 Cor. 10. 13. but will also make a way to e. 1 Thess.5.S. sudden destruction, and they shall not e. Heb. 2.3. how shall wee. if we neglect so great sal va. 12. 25. much more shall not we e. if we turn away ESCAPE. Psal. 55. 8. I would hasten my e. from the storm ESCAPED. Gen. 14. 13. there came one that had e. and told Exod. 10. 5. the locust eat the residue of what is e. Num. 21,29. hath given his sons that e. into captivity Deut. 23. 15. not deliver servant e. from his master Judg. 3. 26. and Ehud e. while they tarried 29. there e. not a man of them, 1 Sam. 30. 17. 21. 17- must be an inheritance for them that be e. 1 Sam. 14. 41. Saul and Jonath. taken, but people e. 19. 10. David fled and e. that night, 12, 18. 2 Sam. 1. 3. out of the camp of Israel am 1 e. 4. 6. and Rachab and Baanah his brother e. 1 Kings 20. 20. Ben-hadad the king e. on an horse 2 Kings 19. 30. the remnant that is~e. of Judah shall take root and bear fruit, Isa. 3~. 31. 1 Chron. 4. 43. they smote the rest that were e. 2 Chron. 16. 7. therefore is the host of Syria e. 30. 6. ancl he will return to you that are e. Ezra 9. 15. for we remain yet e. as it is this day Neh. 1. 2. 1 asked concerning the Jews that had e. Job 1. 15. 1 only am e. to tell thee, 16, 17, 19, 19, 20. and I am e. with the skin of my teeth Psal. 124. 7- our soul is e. as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers, the snare is broken and we are e. Isa. 4. 2, shall be comely for them that are e. of 1 srael 10, 20. the remnant and such as are e. of Jacob 45, 20. draw near, ye that are e. of the nations Jer. 41. 15. but Ishmael the son of Nethaniah e. 51. 50. ye that have e. remember the Lord afar off Lam. 2. 22. so that none in that day e. nor remained Ezek. 24. 27- thy mouth be opened to him that is e. 33. 21. that one that had e. came unto me, 22. John 10. 39. but he e. out of their hands Acts 27 . 44. so it came to pass, they e. all safe to land 28. 4. though he e. the sea, yet vengeance suffers not 2 Cor. 11. 33. I was let down and e. his hands Heb. 11, 34, throuffh faith e. the edge of the sword 12. 25. if they e. not who refused liim that spake 2 Pet. 1. 4. e. the corruption that is in the world 2.18.allure thro'lusts of flesh those that were cleane. 20. after they have e. the pollutions of the world ESCAPER 2 Kmgs 9. + 15. let no e. go out of the city to tell ESCAPE rii. 1 KingsW. 17- him that e. the sword of llazael shall Jehu slay; him that e, Jehu shall Elisha slay Isa. 15, 9, bring lions upon him that e. of Moab Jer. 48. 19. ask her that e. and say, what is done ? EST Ezek. 24. 26. he that e. in that day shall come to thee Amos 9. 1. he that e. of them shall not be delivered ESCAPIISG. 2 Kings 19. t 30. the e. of the house of Judah that remaineth shall again take root, Isa. 37. t 31. 2 Chr. 20. t 24. they were dead, there was not an e. Ezra 9. 14. so that there should be no remnant nor e. Isa. 4. t 2. tlie branch be comely for thee, of Isr. 37. t 32. the e. shall go forth out of mount Zion Jer. 25. t 35. and e. from the principal of the flock ESCHEW. 1 Pet. 3. 11. let him e. evil and do good, seek peace ESCHEWED, EIH. Job 1. 1. one that feared God and e. evil, 8. 1 2. 3. ESPECIALLY and .SPECIALLY. Deut. 4. 10. s. the day thou stoodest before the Lord Psal. 31. 11. a reproach e. among my neiglibours Acts 25. 26. and s. before thee, O king Agrippa £G. 3. e. because I know thee to be expert Gal. 6. 10. e. to them of the household of faith 1 Tim. 4. 10. the Saviours, of those that believe 5. 8. provide, s. for them of his own house 17. e. they who labour in word and doctrine 2 "Jim. 4. 13. the cloke bring, but e. the parchments Tit. 1. 10. deceivers, s. they of the circumcision Philem. 16. above aservant,brother beloved,j.tome ESPY. Josh. 14, 7. Closes sent me to e. out the land Jer. 48. 19. stand by way, and e. ask him thatfleeth E.'iPIED. Gen. 42. 27. he e, his money in his sack's mouth Esek. 20. 6. into a land that 1 had e. for them See Spy, Spied. ESPOUSALS. Cant. 3. 11. his mother crowned him in day of his e. Jer. 2. 2. I remember thee, the love of thine e. ESPOUSED. Espousing, or betrothing, !£as a promise of mar- riage made by tuo persons each to other, at such a distance of time afterrcards. Th:s was done either by a formal writing or contract in pre- sence of witnesses. Or without writing, by the man's giving a piece of silver to the bnde before witnesses, and saying to her, Receive this piece of silver as a pledge that at such a time you shall become my spouse. After the marriage was thus contracted, the young people had the liberty of seeing each other, which was not al- lowed them before. We read. Mat. 1. 18. that when Mary was es- poused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost. God would have his son to be born of a betrothed virgin, (1) That he might Jiot be under the re- proach of illegitimacy. (2) That his mother might not be subjected to the punishment of the judicial law. (3) That by the genealogy of Joseph, of whose kindred ^Iar>^ was, her pedi- gree might also be shewed. (4) That Christ might have a guardian in his infancy. The union of believers with Christ is expressed under the notion of a marriage, Isa. 54. 5, Hence the apostle tells the Corinthians, 1 have espoused you to one husband, that I may pre- sent you a chaste virgin to Christ, 2 Cor. 11. 2. The husband is Christ, Mat. 25. 6. The virgin bride are all true believers. The contract, or marriage-covenant , is made iji this life, in making of which faithful ministers are instrumental ; 1 have espoused you, says the apostle. But the marriage is celebrated in the other world, where believers have uninterrupted communion with God in Christ, Rev. 19. 7. 2 Sam. 3. 14. deliver me my wife Michal whom I e. Mat. 1. 18. when his mother Mary was e. to Joseph Luke 1. 27. to a virgin e. to a man named Joseph 2. 5. Joseph went to be taxed with Mary his e. wife 2 Cor, 11. 2. for I have e. you to one husband ESTABLISH and STABLISH Signifies, [1] To fix, or settle, 1 Kinas 9. 5. [2] To confirm, Kum. 30. 13. Rom. 1.^11. [3] To perform, or make good, Psal. 119. .38. [4] To ordain, or appoint, Hab. 1. 12. [5] To accom- plish and bring to a good issue, Prov. 20. 18. [6] To set up one thing in the room of another. Rom. 10. 3. [7] To ratify, Heb. 10. 9. The Lord shall establish thee an holy people unto himself, Deut. 28. 9. He shall co)ifir?n a7id establish his covenant with thee, by which he separated thee to himself as an holy and peculiar people, and shall ptiblicly own thee for such. Establish thou the work of our hands, Psal. 90. 17. that is. Direct 7ts in, and give srtccess to, all 07ir undertakings and endeavours: carry them on, by thy cojitinual aid and blessing, unto perfec- tion. Gen. 6. 18. but with thee will I e. \T\y covenant, 9. 9. 1 17. 7. Lev. 26. 9. Ezek. 16. 62. 17. 19. I will e. my covenant with him, 21. Num. 30. 13. every vow, her husband may e. it Deut. 8. 18, that he maj- e. his covenant he sware 28. 9- the L. shall e. thee an holy people to himself 29, 13. that he may e. thee to-day for a people 1 Sain. 1.23. only the L. e. his word, 2 6'a/«.7. 25. 2 Sam. 7. 12. I will setup thy seed after thee, 1 will e. his kingdom, 13. 1 Chr. I7. 11. | 22. 10. 1 28. 7. 1 Kingsl. 1 21, he set up and called the name of the right pillar, he shall e. 2 Chron. 3. + I7. 9. 5. I will c. tlie throne of thy kingdom 15. 4. to set up his son after him, and toe. Jerusalem 1 Chron. I7. 12. and 1 will s. his throne forever 18. 3. as he went to j-. his dominion by Euphrates 29. + 18. O Lord God, .f. their heart unto thee 2 Chron. ~. 18, then will Is. throne of tiiy kingdom 9. 8. because God loved Israel toe. them for ever Esth. 9. 21. to s. amona them the days of Purim Job 36. 7. yea he doth e. them forever, are exalted Psal. 7. 9. but e. the just 1| 48. 8. God Mill c. it JO. t 17. thou wilt e, the heart of tlie humble 87. 5. and the Highest himself shall e. her 89. 2. thy faitlifiilness shalt thou e. in the heavens 4. thv se"ed will 1 e. for ever, and build thy throne 137 EST Psal. 90. 17. e. thou the work of our hands, e. thou it 99. 4 thou dost e. equity, thou executest judgment 119. 38. s. thy word to thy servant, who is devoted Prov. 15. 25. he will e. the border of the widow Jsa. 9. 7. to e. it with judgment and with justice 49- 8. sive thee for a covenant to e. the earth 62.7. till he e. and make Jerusalem a praise Jer. 33. 2. the lord that formed it, to e. it Ezek. 16. fiO. I will e. an everlasting covenant Dan. 6. 7. have consulted to e. a royal statute 8. O kina:, e. the decree, and sign the writing 11. 14. shall exalt themselves to e. the vision Arnos^Ab. love the good, and e. jiidament in the gate Rom. 3. 31. do we make void :■ yea, we e. the law 10. 3. going about to e. their own righteousness 16. 25. now to him that is of power to s. you 1 Thess. 3.2. we sentlimothy our brother toe. you 13. to the end he may .y. your hearts unblameable 2 Thess. 2. 17. s. you in every good word and work 3. 3. the Lord shall .v. you, and keep you from evil Heh. 10. 9. takes away first, that he may e. second Jam. 5. 8. be ye also patient, s. your hearts 1 Pet. 5. 10. the God of all arace .*■. settle you ESTABLISHED, .STABLISHED. Gen. 9. I7. the token of the covenant which I have e. 41. 32. it is because the thing is e. by God Exod. 6. 4. I have also e, my covenant with them 15. 17. in the sauctuary wliich thy hands have e. Devt. 32. 6. hath he not made thee, and e. thee '^ 1 Sam. 3. 20. .Samuel was e. a prophet of the Lord 13. 13. now would the Lord have e. thy kingdom 20. 31. thou, shalt not be e. nor thy kingdom 2 Sam. 5. 12. David perceived that tlie Lrhad e. him 7. 26. Lord is God over Israel, let the nouse of thy servant David be e. for ever, 1 Chron. I7. 24. 1 Kings 2. 12. and his kingdom was e. greatly 24. as the Lord liveth, which hath e. me 46. the kingdom was e. in the hand of Solomon t Chron. 17. 23. let the thing be e. for ever, 24. 2 Chron. 1.9. now, O Lord God, let thy promise be e. 12. 1. when liehoboam had e. the kingdom 17. 5 the Lord s. the kingdom in his hand 25. 3. when the kinadom was e. to him, he slew 27. t 6. Jotham e. his ways before the Lord 30. 5. so they e. a decree to keep the passover Job 21. 8. their seed is e. in their sight with them 38. 1 10. when I e. my decree upon it, and set bars Psal. 24. 2. for he hath e. it upon the floods .37. 1 23. the steps of a good man are e. by the Lord 40. 2. he set my feet on a rock, and e. my goings 78. 5. he e. a testimony in Jacob, and law in Israel 69. the earth he hath e. for ever, 119. 90. 93. 1. the world is e. \\ 2. thy throne is e. of old 101. t 7. he that telleth lies shall not be e. 111. +8. his commandments are s. for ever 112. 8. his heart is e. he shall not be afraid 140. 11. let not an evil speaker be e. in the earth 148. 6. he hatli s. the waters for ever and ever Proi). 3. 19. Lord, by understand, hath e. the heavens 4. 26. ponder thy paths, and let all thy ways be e. 8. 28. when he e. the clouds above, when he 12. 3. man shall not be e. by wickedness 15. 22. in multitude of counsellors they are e. 16. 12. for the throne is e. by righteousness 20. 18. every purpose is e. by counsel, with advice 24. 3. and by understanding is an house e. 30. 4. who hath e. all the ends of the earth Isa. 7. 9. if ye will not believe, ye shall not be e. 16. 5. and in mercy shall the throne be e. 45. 18. God that made thf- ^arth, he hath e. it Jer. 10. 12. he e. the world by his wisdom, 51. 15. Dan. 4. 36. I was e. in my kingdom, and majesty Hah. 1. 12. O mishty God, thou'e. them for correct. Mat.\Q.\(S. mouth of two witnesses every word bee. Acts 16. 5. so were the churches e. in the faith Rom. 1. 11. impart some gift, to end you may bee. Col. 2. 7. built up in him, andi-. in the faith Heh. 8. 6. which wase. upon better promises 13. 9. it is good that the heart be e. with grace 2 Pet. 1.. i2. though ye be e. in the present truth Shall he ESTABLISHED. Lav. 25. 30. house shall he e. for ever, 2 ^aw. 7. 16. Deut. 19. 15. at the mouth of two or three witnesses shall the matter he e. 2 Cor. 13. 1. 1 Sam. 24. 20. the kingdom shall he e. in thine hand 2 Sam. 7. 16. thine house, thy kingdom, and thy throne, .^hall he e. for ever, 1 Kings 2. 45. X Chr. 17. 14. I will settle him in my kingdom, and his throne shall he e. for evermore, Psal. 89. 37. 2 Chr. 20. 20. believe in Lord God, so shallyebee. Joh 22. 28. thou shalt decree, and it shall he e. Psal. 89. 21. with whom my hand shall be e. 96. 10. the world shall he e. before thee , 102. 28. and their seed shall he e. before thee Prov. 12. 19. the lip of trutii shall he e. for ever 16. 3. commit thy works, and thy thoughts shall bee. 25. 5. his throne shall be e. for ever, 29. 14, Isa. 2. 2. mountain of the T^ord's house shall he e. 16. 5. and in mercy shall the throne he e. 32. t 8. and by liberal things shall he he e. 54. 14. in righteousness shalt thou he e. Jer. .30. 20. their congregation shall he e. before me Mic. 4. 1. mountain of house of the Lord shall be e. Zech. 5. 11. to build it an house, and it shall bee. ESTABLISIIETH, Num. .30. 14. he e. all her vows, or all her bonds Prov. 29. 4. the king by judgment e. the land Dan. 6. 15. no decree the king e. may be changed Hah. 2. 12. woe to him that e. a city by iniquity 2 Cor, 1. Si. now he which e. us with you in Christ ESTABLISHMENT. 2 Chron. 32. 1. after the e. Sennacherib came Psal. 89. + 14. justice and judgment are the e. of thy throne, mercy and truth before thee, 97. t 2. ESTATE, Sl'ATE. Gen. 43. 7- the man asked us straitly of our .y. 1 Chron. 17. 17. to the e. of a man of high degree 2 Chron. 24. 13. they set the house of God in his ,s'. Esth. 1. 7. according to the s. of the king 19. let the king give her royal e. to another 2. 18. gave gifts according to the s. of the king Job 22. 1 20. whereas our e. is not cut down 138 ETE Psal. 39. 5. every man at his best s. altogether vanity 1,36. 23. who remembered us in our low e. Prov. 27. 23. be diligent to know the.?, of thy flocks 28. 2. by a man of knowledge s. shall be prolonged Eccl. 1. 16. saying, lo, I am come to great e. 3. 18. concerning the e. of the sons of'men Isa. 22. 19. from thy s. shall he piiL thee down Ezek. 16. 55. Samaria sliall return tJ her former e. Da7i. 11. 7. one shall stand up in his e. 21. 20. then shall stand up in his e. arafser of taxes 38. but in his e. shall he honour the ]rod of forces Mat. 12. 45. seven other spirits entv..', the la,st ,s-. of that man is worse than the first, Luke 11. 26. I.uke 1. 48. hath regarded low e. of his handmaiden Acts 22. 5. all e. of the elders doth bear witness Rom. 12. 16, but condescend to men of low e. Phil. 2. 19. 1 may be of comfort when I know your,?. 20. like-minded, will naturally care for your s. 4. 11. learned in whatsoever s. I am to be content, Col. 4. 7. all my s. shall lychicus declare to you 8. whom I sent, that he might know your e. Jude 6. the angels which kept not their hrst e. ES I'A I ES. Ezek. 36. 11. I will settle you after your old e. Mark 6. 21. Herod made a supper to his chief e. ESTEIVM. Joh 36. 19. will he e. thy riches ? no not gold Psal. 119. 128. I e. all thy precepts to be rig-ht Isa. 53. 4. we did e. him smitten of God, aftiicted Phil. 2. 3. let each e. other better than themselves 1 Thess. 5. 13. to e. them hiahly for their work's sake 1 Pet. 2. 1 17. e. all men, love the brotherhood K.STLF-MED. Dent. 32. 15. and lightlv e. the rock of his salvation 1 Sam. 2. 30. they that desi)ise me shall be lightly e. 18. 23. seeing I am a poor man and lightly e. Job 23. 12. I have e. the words of his mouth more Prov. 17. 28. shutteth his lips is e. a man of under- standing Isa. 29.16.your turning shall be e. as the potters' clay 17. the fruitful field sliall be e. as a forest 53. 3. he was despised, and we e. him not Earn. 4. 2. how are they e. as earthen pitchers Luke 16. 15. highly e. among men, abominable to G. 1 Cor. 6. 4. set them to judce who are least e. ESTERMKIH. Joh 41. 27. he e. iron as straw, brass as rotten wood Rom. 14, 5. one e. one day above another ; another e. every day alike 14. but to him that e. any thinff to be unclean ESTEl'.MING. Heh. 11. 26. e. the reproach of Christ greater riches ESTIMATE. Lev. 27. 14. the priest shall e. it, whether it be good or bad, as the priest shall e. it, so shall it stand ESIIMATION. Lev. 5. 15. bring a ram with thy e. by shekels of silver 27. 2. the persons shall be for the Lord, by thy e. 3. thy e. shall be of the male from 20 years, 5. This word found often in this Chapter. Num. 18. 16. from a month old, according to thy e. 2 Kings 12. t 4. the money of the souls of his e. ESTIMATIONS. Lev. 27. 25. all thy e. according to the shekel ESTRANGED. Joh^Q. 13. mine acquaintance are e. from me Psal. 58. 3. the wicked are e. from the womb 78. 30. they were not e. from their lust Jer. 19. 4. because they have e. this place, and burnt Ezek. 14. 5. because the v are Me. from me thro' idols ETEKNAL. The words eternal, everlasting, for ever, are some- times taken for a long time, and are not always to he understood strictly ; for example, it is said. Gen. 17. 8. I will give to thee and to thy seed the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession. And in chap. 13. 15. I will give it to thee, and to thy seed for ever ; that is, for a long space of time. And in Gen. 49. 26. we find everlasting hills, so called to denote their antiquity, stability, and duration ; arid this expression is used to shew the long continuance and durableness of Joseph's blessing, God promises a throne to David, an eternal kingdom, a posterity that will never he extinguished ; that is, that his and his sons'' empire will be of a very long duration, 2 Sam. 7. 16. 1 Chron. 17. 14. that it will be even eternal, if hereby the kingdom of the Messiah be understood. Thus, Thou shalt be our guide from this time forth even for ever, that is, duriyig our whole life. And in many other places of Scripture, and in particular, when the word for ever is applied to the Jewish rites and pri- vileges, it commonly .signifies no more than during the standing of that commonwealth, or until the coming of the Messiah, Exod. 12. 14, 17. Num. 10. 8. Eternity, when God is the subject in question, always denotes a real eternity. Exod. 15. 18. The Lord shall reign for ever and ever. Deut. 32. 40. I lift up my hand to heaven, and say, I live for ever, Deut. 33. 27. The eternal God is thy refuge. The blessed will enjoy eternal life and happiness, and reprobates be cast into eternal fire ; the happiness of the one, and misery of the other, will never have an end, Mat. 25. 46. The Son of God is eternal in the highest sense, without beginning, -without end, 1 Tim. 1. 17. He is called a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek, Psal. 110. 4. His gospel, the everlasting gospel. Rev. lA. 6. The same gospel that was from the beginning, and besides which, there neither is, nor ever shall he, any other doctrine of salvation revealed, xohile the world endureth. The redemption which he has procured for us, is an eternal redemption, Heh. 9. 12. Its virtue is of perpetual continuance ; such as are redeemed from the guilt and punish- ment of sin, are so for ever. The Covenant, or New Testament, winch he confirmed by his blood, is an everlasting covenant, Heh. 13. 20. It is a covenant never to be changed, as the former EVE was : Everlasting life is promised in it ; and it is of eternal efficacy. The glory and reward which he hath merited for us, is an eternal weight ot glory, 2 Cor. 4. 17. Everlasting habitations, or tents, Luke 16. 9. are the habitations appointed by God in heaven for the predestinated, those chosen to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit, and belief of the truth. Deut. 33. 27. the e. G. is thy refuge, and underneath Isa. 60. 15. 1 will make thee an e. excellency Mark 3. 29- but is in danger ot e. damnation Rom. 1. 20. that are made, even his e. power and 2 Cor. 4. 17. worketh for us an e. weight of glory 18. but the things which are not seen are e. 5. 1. we have an house e. in the heavens Eph. 3. 11. according to the e. purpose in Christ 1 Tim. 1. 17. unto the Kinge. be honour and glory 2 Tim.1. 10. they may obtain salvation with e. glory Heh. 5. 9. he became the author of e. salvation 6. 2. the doctrine of baptisms, and of e. judgment 9. 12. having obtained e. redemption for us 14. who thro' tjie e. Spirit offered himself to God 15. might receive the promise of e. inheritance 1 Pet. 5. 10. G. called us unto his e. glory by Ch. Je. Jude 7. an example, suffering the vengeance of e. fire EI'KRNAL///e. Mat. 19. 16. what shall I do that I may have e. life T 25. 46. but the righteous shall go into life e. Mark 10, 17. good Master, what sliall 1 do, that I may inherit e. life ? I.uke 10. 25. 1 18, 18, 30. he shall receive in the world to come e. life John?,. 15. believeth in him should have e. life 4. 36. and gathereth fruit unto life e. 5. 39. search scriptures, for in them ye have e. life 6. 54. whoso drinketh my blood hath e. life 68. to whom shall we go ''. thou hast words of e. life 10. 28. I give unto my sheep e. life never perish 12. 25. that hateth his life, shall keep it to e. life 17. 2. he should give e. life to as many as given him 3. this is life e. that they might know thee and Son Acts 13. 48. many as were ordained to e. life believed Rom. 2. 7- to them wlio seek for glory e. life 5. 21. even so might grace reign to e. life by Jesus 6. 23. but the gift of G. is e.hfe thro' Je.sus Christ 1 Tim. 6. 12, (J man of God, lay hold on e. life, 19, Tit. 1. 2. in hope of e. life, which God promised 3. 7- be made heirs according to the hope of e. life 1 John 1. 2. e. life which was with the Father 2. 25. this is the promise he promised, even e. life 3. 15. no murderer hath e. life abiding in him 5. 11. the record that God hath given to us e. life 13. that ye may know that ye have e. life 20. this is the true God, and e. life Jude 21. looking for the mercy of Lord unto e, life ETERNITY. 1 Sam, 15. t 29. also the e. of Israel will not lie Isa. 57. 15. the high and loft3r<)ne that inhabiteth e. Jer. 10. + 10. the Lord is the true God, King of e. Mic. 5, t 2, whose goings have been from days of e. EVANGELIST, Acts21.8. we entered into the house of Philip the 2 Tim. 4, 5. but watch thou, do the work of an e. EVAN G ELI .STS. Eph, 4. 11. he gave some apostles and some e. EVEN, Gen. 19. 1. there came two anide. 7. 12. and power be unto our God for c. ayid e. 11. 15. and Christ shall reign /or e. and e. 14. 11. the smoke ascendetK /or e. and e. 19. 3. 20. 10. shall be torment, day and night /or e. ande. 22. 5. and they shall reian for e. and e. Statute for EVER. Exod. 27. 21. it shall be a statute for e. 28. 43. | 30. 21. Lev. 6. 18. | 10. 9. 1 17- 7- I 23. 14. 21, .31, 41. I 24. 3. Num. 18. 23. 29. 28. it shall be by a statute for e. Lev. 7. 34, 36» 1 10. 15. 1 16. 31. Nam. 18. 11, 19 Lev. 6. 22. it is a stattite for e. unto the Lord Nu7n. 19. 10. to the stranger for a statute for e. EVERLASTlTxG. See Significatton on Eternal. Geji. 17. 8. land of Canaan for an e. possess. 48. 4. 21. .33. the e. God, Isa. 40. 28. Bom. 16. 26. 49. 26. to the utmost bound of the e. hills Exod. 40. 15. an e. priesthood. Num. 25. 13. Lev. 16. 34. be an e. statute Dent. 33. 27. e. arms Ps. 24. 7. be lift up, ye e. doors, 9. II K'0. 5. mercy e. 112. 6. the righteous shall be in e. remen.lirance 119. 142. thy righteousness is an e. riahteous. 144. 1.39. 24. search nie, O God, and lead me in way e. 145.1.3. thykinfjdom is an c". linadrm, (kiminiou thro' alt geuerat. r>an. 4. 3. I 7. 27. 2 I\:t. 1. 11. Prov. 10. 25."but the righteous is an c. foundation Isa. 9. 6. hir ntime shall be lalled, the <'. lather 26. 4. in the I ord I rHO' ah is e. strenath 33. 14. who amona ussh: d dwell with e. burninas ? 35. 10. thev shall come .vith r. joy, 51. 11. I 61. 7. 45. 17 , with e. salvation ll .54. 8. w ith e. kindness 55. 13. for an e sian H .56. 5. an e. name, 63. 12. 60. 19. the Lord shall be unto tliee an e. light, 20> 139 EVE Jer. 10. 10. God is an e. King |1 20. 11. e. confusion 23. 40. I will brin? an e. reproach upon you .31. 3. yea 1 have loved thee with an e. love 5l! t 26. but thou shalt be e. desolations T)an. 4. 34. whose dominion is an e. doinin. 7, 14. Hah. 3. 6. the e. mountains were scattered Mat. 18. 8. to be cast into e. fire, 25, 41. 25. 40. these shall go away into e. punishment Lule IG. 9. tliey may receive you into e. habitations 2 Tliess. 1. 9. who shall be punish, with e. destruc. 2. 16. loved us, and hath given us e. consolation 1 Tim. 0. 16. to whom be honour and power e. Jude 6. the angels he hath reserved in e. chains Rev. 14. 6. having the e. gospel to preach to them 6'ee Covenant. From EVERLASTING. Ps. 41. 13. blessed be G. frame, to everlast. 106. 48. 90. 2. even from e. to everlasting thou art God 93. 2. thy throne is of old, thou a-rt from e. 103. 17. but the mercy of the Ld. is from e. to ever. Prov. 8.23. 1 was set up from e. or ever the earth was Isa. 63. 16. O Lord, thy name \s from e. Mic. 5. 2. whose goings forth have been from e. Hab. 1. 12. art thou not /iro/we. O Lord my (iod ? EVEKLA.STING life. Dan.12.2. awake, some to e. l'fe,some to ever.shame Mat. 19. 29. and shall inherit e. life Zu/ce 18. 30. and in the world to come e. life John 3. 16. whoso believeth should have e. life, 36. 4. 14. in him a well of water springing up to e. life 5.24. he thatheareth my words hath e. life 6. 27. labour for the meat which endnreth to e. life 40. every one who seeth the Son may have e. life 47. he that believeth on me hath e. life 12. 50. 1 know that his commandment is life e. Acts 13. 46. judge yourselves unworthy of e. life Bom. 6.22. beins' free from sin,ye have the end e. life 1( ;1 EVERMORE, Gnl. 6. 8. soweth to Spirit, shall of Spirit reap life e. 1 Tim. 1.16. should hereafter believe on him to life e. Deut. 28. 29. thou shalt be oppressed and spoiled e. 2 Ham. 22. 51. he sheweth mercy unto David e. 2 Kings I7. 37. ye shall obser\e to do for e. 1 Chr. 17. 14. his throne shall be established for e. Psal. 16. 11. atrighthand there are pleasures fore. 18. 50. sheweth mercy to David and bis seed fore. 37. 27. depart from evil, do good, and dwell for e. 77. 8. is mercy gone ? doth his promise fail for e. ? 86. 12. I will praise and glorify thy name for e. 89. 28. my mercy will I keep for him fore. 52. blessed be the Lord for e. amen and amen 92. 8. but thou. Lord, art most high for e. 105. 4. seek the Lord, seek his face e. 106. 31. was counted to him for righteousn. for e. 113. 2. blessed be the name of the^Lord for e. 115. 18. but we will bless the Lord for e. 121. 8. L. preserve thy going out and coming in e. 132. 12. their children shall sit upon throne for e. 133. 3. Lord coinmanded the blessing, life for e. Ezek. 37. 26. I will make a covenant'and will set my sanctuary in the midst of them for e. 28. John 6. 34. said to .1 esus, T,ord, e. give us (his bread 2 Cor. 11. 31. the Father of our Lord blessed for e. 1 Thess. 5. 16. rejoice e. pray without ceasing Heh.T. t 25. he is able also to save them e. 28. maketh the Son, who is consecrated for e. Rev, 1. 18. WHS dead, behold, 1 am alive fore. EVERY. Gen. 6. 5. e. imagination of his heart was evil 17. 10. e. man-child shall be circumcised ie».19.10. nor shalt gather e. grape of thy vineyard Ntim. 5. 2. that they put out of the camp e. leper 1 Sam. 3.18. Samuel told him e. whit, hid nothinff Psal. 119. 101. 1 have refrained from e. evil way " 104. therefore I hate e. false way, 128. Prov. 2. 9. then shalt thou understand e. good path 7. 12. now in streets, she lieth in wait at e. corner 14.l5.the simple believeth e.word, but prudent man 15. 3. the eyes of the Ld. are in e. place, beholding 20. 3. cease from strife, but e. fool will be meddling 30. 5. e.word of God is pure, he is a shield Isa. 45. 23. e. knee shall bow, e. tongue shall swear Jer. 51. 29. e. purpose of the Ld. shall be performed Ezei. 12. 23. days at hand, and the effect of e. vision Dan. 11. 36. and magnify himself above e. god Zech.12.12. the land shall mourn, e. family apart Mai. 1.11. in e. place incense be offered to my name Mat. 4. 4. but by e. word tliat proceedeth from God 19. 3. for a man to put away his wife for e. cause Markl. 45. they came to him from e. quarter Im/ce 4. .37. the fame of him went into e. place 6. 44. for e. tree is known by his own fruit Acts 2. 43. and fear came upon e. soul, wonders done 15. 21. Moses hath in e. city them that preach him llom.lA.ll. e. knee shall bow, e. tongue shall confess 1 Cor. 4. 17- as I teach e. where in e. church 2 Cor. 10. 5. bringing into captivity e. thought Eph. 1. 21. far above e. name named, Phil.''2. 9. 4. 16. e. joint supplieth, in the measure of e. part Phil.^. 21. salute e. saint in Clirist Jesus 1 Tim. 4. 4. for e. creature of God is good if received 2 Tim. 2. 21. and prepared unto e. good work Tleb. 12. l.let us lay aside e. weight, and the sin Jam. 1. 17. e. good and perfect gift is from above 1 Pet. 2. 13. submit to e. ordinance of man for Lord I John 4. 1. beloved, believe note, spirit, but try spi. See Beast, C-ity. Day, Man, RIorning, Way, Side, Thing. EVERY one. Gen. 4. 14. that e. one that findeth me shall slay me 27. 29. cursed be e. one that curseth thee, blessed JV'?/w. 16. 3. all congregation are holy, e. ojie of them Deut. 4. 4. ye are alive e. one of you this day 1 Kings 22. 28. hearken, O people, e. one of you 2 Kings 18. 31. and then eat ye e. one of his hg tree 2 Chron. .30. 18. saying, the good Lord pardon e. one Ezra 3. 5. of e. one that willingl3' offered an offering 9. 4. were assembled to me e. one that trembled Job 40.1] . behold e. one that is proud, and abase him 12. look on e. one that is proud, and bring him low Psal. 29. 9. in temple e. ojie doth speak of his glory 32. 6. for this shall e. oneihai is godly pray 140 EVI Psal. 49. + 14. grave an habitation for e. one of them 63. 11. e. owe that sweareth by him shall glory 68. 30. till e. one submit himself with silver 71. 18. and thy power to e. one that is to come 115. 8. so is c. one that trusteth in them, 135. 18. 119. 160. e. 071C of thy judgments endureth for ever 128. 1. blessed is e. 07ie that fear the Lord Eccl. 10. 3. he saith to e. one that he is a fool Cfl:w^ 4. 2. whereof e. 07ie bear twins, 6.6. Isa.1. 22. iioney shall e. one eatthat is left in the land 9. 17. for e. one is an hypocrite and an evil doer 34. 15. vultures be gathered, e. one with her mate 43.7. even e. one that is called by my name 55. 1. ho, c. one that thirsteth, come to the waters Jer. 5. 6. e. one that goeth out shall be torn in pieces 8. e. one neighed after his neighbour's wife 6. 13. for e. one is given to covetousness 20. 7. 1 am in derision daily, e. one mocketh me 25. 5. turn ye now c. one from his evil way Ezck. 7. 16. all of them mourning, e. one for iniquity 16.25. hast opened thy feet toe. o?;e tliat passed by 22. 6. behold e. one were in thee to slied blood Dan. 12. 1. e. one that be found written iu the book Joel 2. 7. they shall march e. one on his ways Zech. 5. 3. for e. one that stealeth shall be cut off Mffi". 7.8. e.o^te that asketh.receiveth, Lukell. 10. Mark'. 14. said to them, hearken tome, e.o?;eofyou LukclQ. 26. to e. one which hatli, shall be given Jolm 3. 8. so is c. one that is born of the Spirit 18. .37. e. one that is of the truth lieareth my voice Acts 2. .38. repent, and be baptized, e. owe of you 17. 27. though he be not far from e. one of us 20. 31. 1 ceased not to warn e. one night and day Rom. 14. 12. e. one shall give accountof himself to (t. 1 Cor. 7. 17. as the Lord hath called e. one, so walk Gal. 3. 10. cursed is e. one that continued! not 2 Tim. 2. 19. e. one that nameth the name of Christ 1 John A. 7. e. one that loveth is born of God Rev. 6. 11. white robes were given to e. owe of them EVERY where. 1 C/»-. 13. 2. send abroad to our brethren e. cohere Mark 16. 20. they went forth and preached e. where Luke 9. 6. preaching the gospel c. zuhere, Acts 8. 4. ActsVl. 30. commanding all men e. a)/iere to repent 28. 22. we know it is e. where spoken against 1 Cor. 4. 17. as 1 tench e. where in every church Phil. 4 . 12. e. where, and in all things instructed 1 Tim. 2. 8. 1 will therefore that men praye. where EVIDIiNCE. Jer. 32. 10. I subscribed the e. and sealed it 11. so 1 took the e. ll 12. I gave the e. to Baruch 14. this e. both which is sealed, and this 16. when T delivered the e. of the purchase Heb. 11. 1. faith is the e. of things not seen EVIDENCES. Jer. 32. 14. thus saith the Lord, take these e. 44. men shall buy fields for money and subscribe e. EVIDENT. Job 6. 28. look upon me, for it is e. to you if I lie Gal. 3. 11. that no man is justified by the law is e. Phil. 1. 28. which is to them an e. token of perdition Heb. 7. 14. it is e. our Lord sprang out of ludah 15. and it is yetiar more e. for that after INIelchis. EVIDENTLY. Acts 10. 3. Cornelius saw in a vision e. an angel Gal. 3. 1. Jesus Christ hath been e. set forth crucified EVIL. Evil IS taken for sin and wickedness : thus it is said of the wicked kings of Israel, that they did evil in the siaht of tlie Lord, the!/ transgressed his law, 1 Kings 16. 25, 30. And in Eccl. 9. 3. The heart of the sons of men is full of evil. This is criminal or moral evil. It is likeroise^ taken for afflictioyis or punishments which God inflicts upon a person or people. Job 2. 10. Shall we re- ceive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil? Isa.^b.l. I make peace and create evil. Amos 3. 6. Shall there be evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done it ? This is the evil of punishment, or penal evil. It is also taken for injuries or wrongs done by one man to another. Prov. 17. 13. Whoso rewardeth evil for good, evil shall not depart from his house. Mat. 5. 39. Hut I say unto you that ye resist not evil. It is put for dangers or calamities, Prov. 22. 3. A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself. He sees public calamities approaching , and uses all lawful means to secure himself. It is taken both for corporal and spiritual evil, of sin and suffering. Mat. 6. 13. Deliver us from evil. It is said Mat. 5. .37. Let your communication be yea, yea ; nay, nay; for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil ; that is, let your discourse be confirmed with a bare affirmation or denial only ; for whatsoever is more than these proceedeth from an evil habit, or some such principle ; and most commonly from the devil, that wicked one, who is evil in the highest degree ; who commits evil with- out ceasing ; and who practises all sorts and de- grees of it by himself and his ministers. _ The evil of sin. The internal malignity of sin, abstracted from its dreadful effects, renders it most worthy of our hatred ; for it is in its own natui'e direct enmity against God, and obscures the glory of all his attributes .• It is the violation of his majesty, who is the miniver sal Sovereign of heaven arid earth; a contrariety to his holiness, which shines forth in his laio ; a despising his goodness, the attractive to obedience ; the contempt of his omniscience, which sees every sin when it is committed ; the slighting of his terrible justice and power, as if the sinner could secure himself from his indignation ; a deriial of his truth, as if the threatenings were a vain terror to scare men from sin. Add to this the dreadful judgments and punishments which God iyiflicts upon sinners for sin, sometimes in this life, but especially the torments of hell, which are the just and full recom- pence of sin. Evil eye. Prov 23. 6. Eat not the bread of him that hath an evil eye ; thai is, af ^he env- EVI or covetous man; who secretly grtmgeth thee the meat which he sets before thee. In the same sense this phrase is used. Mat. 20. 15. Is thine eye evil because 1 am good .' Art thou envious, because I dispense my grace to others besides thyself/ Evil day or days. Prov. 15. 15. All the days of the aniicted are evil ; that is, they are tedious and uncomfortable ; he takes no content in any time or thing. Eccl. 12. 1. When the evil days come not ; that is, the time of old age, which is burdensome and calamitous in itself; and far more grievous and more terrible when it is loaded with the sad remembrance of a maris youthful follies and lusts, and with the dreadful prospect of approaching death and judgment. And in Amos 6. 3. Ye that put far away the evil day ; that is, ye that drive all thotights of approaching death and judgment out of your heads ; or else flatter yourselves as if it would never come, or at least not for a great while hence. Gen. 19. 19. lest some e. take me and 1 die 28. +8. daughters of Canaan e. in eyes of Isaac 44. 5. ye have done e. in so doing 34. lest I see the e. thatsliall come on my father 50. 20. as for you, ye thought e. against me Exod. 5. 23. since I came, lie hath done e. to people 10. 10. look to it, for c. is befoie you 21. + 8. if she be e. in the eyes of her master 32. 14. the Lord repented of the e. he thought to do to his people, 2 Sam. 24. 16. 1 Chron. 21. 15. Num. 1\. t 1. it was e. in the ears of the Lord 22. + 34. if it be e. in thine eyes, 1 will get back Deut. 19. 20. commit no more such e. among you 29. 21. the L. shall separate him to e. out of tribes 30. 15. see, I have set br'fore thee death and e. 31. 29. and e. will befall you in the latter days Josh. 24. 15. if it seem e. to you to serve the Lord Judg. 2. 15. the hand of the L. against them for e. 9. 57. the e. of the men of Sliechem did God render 20. 34. but they knew not that e. was near them 1 Sam. 20. 7. be sure thate. is determined by him 9. if I knew certainly that e. were determined 24. 11. nor is e. nor transgression in mine hand 17. me good, whereas 1 have rewarded thee e. 25. 17. for e. is determined against our master 26. they that seek e. to my lord, be as Nabal 28. e. hath not been found in thee all thy days 26. 18. what have I done .' what e. is in my hand ? 29. 6. I have not found e. in thee since thy coming 2 Sam. 3. 39. the Lord sliall reward tiie doer of e. 12. 11. behold 1 will raise up e. against thee 16. t 8. behold thee in thy e. thou bloody man 19. 7- will be worse than all the e. that befell thee 1 Kings 14. 9. but hast done e. above all before thee 16. 25. Omri wrousht e. in the eyes of the Lord 22. 23. a lying spirit in thy prophets, and the Lord hath spoken e. concerning thee, 2 Chron. 18. 22. 2 Kings 11.9.. I am bringingsuch e. on Jerusalem 22. 2t). thine eyes sliall not see all e. on this place 1 Chron. 21. + 7. it was e. in the eyes of the Lord 17. it is I that have sinned and done e. indeed 2 Chron. 20. 9. if when c. cometh on us, as the sword F.sth. 7. 7. he saw that there was e. determined 8. 6. for how can I endure to see e. to my people ? Job 1. 1. one that feared God and eschewed e. 8. I 2. 3. 5. 19. yea in seven there shall no e. touch thee 31. 29. or lift up myself when e. found him 42. 11. they comforted him over all the e. on him Psal. 5. 4. neither shall e. dwell with thee 7. 4. if I have rewarded e. to him that was at peace 15. 3. nor doth e. to his neighbour, nor taketh up 21. 11. for they intended e. against thee 23. 4. I will fear no e. for thou art with me 34. 21. e. shall slay wicked, those hate righteous 36. 4. he deviseth mischief, he abhorreth not e. 40. 14. let them be i)nt to shame that wish me e. 41. -j- 1. the Lord will deliver him in the day of e. 5. mine enemies speak e. of me || +7. devise e. 49. 5. wherefore should I fear in the days of e. ? 50. 19. thou givest thy mouth to e. and thy tonsue 54. 5. he shall reward e. unto mine enemies ~ 56. 5. all their thoughts are against me for e. 90. 15. and the years wherein we have seen e. 91. 10. there shall no e. befall thee, Jer. 23. 17. 97. 10. ye that love the Lord, hate e. 109. 20. and of them that speak e. against my soul 140. 11. e. shall hunt violent man to overthrow him Prov. 1. 16. for their feet run to e. Isa. 59. 7. 33. dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of e. 3. 29. devise not e. against thy neighbour 5. 14. I was almost in all e. in midst of congregation 11. 19. he that pursueth e. pursueth it to his death 12. 20. deceit in the heart of them that imagine e. 21. there shall no e. happen to the just 13. 21. e. pursueth sinners || 14. 22. that devise e. 16. 4. yea, even the wicked for the day of e. 27. an ungoflly man diggeth up e. fire in his lips 30. moving his lips he bringeth e. to pass 19. 23. he shall not be visited with e. 20. 8. a king scattereth away all e. with his eyes 22. say not thou, I will recompense e. wait on Lord 21. 10. the soul of the wicked desireth e. 22. 3. a prudent man foreseeth the e. 27. 12. 24. + 18. lest it be e. in the eyes of the Lord .30. 32. if thou hast thought e. lay thine hand Eccl. 2. 21. this also is vanity, and a great e. 5. 13. there is a sore e. which 1 have seen, 16. 6. e. which I have seen under the sun, 10. 5. 9. 3. this is an e. among things that are done under the sun, the heart of sons of men is full of e. 11. 2. thou knowest not what e. shall be on earth Isa. 3. 9. for they have rewarded e. to themselves 13. 11. 1 will punish the world for their e. 33. 15. and shutteth his eyes from seeing e. 45. 7. I make peace and create e. I do these things 47. 11. therefore shall e. come upon thee 56. 2. and keepeth his hand from doing any e. 57. 1. that the righteous is taken away from the e. Jer. 1. 14. out of the north an e. break forth, 6. 1. 2. 3. e. shall come upon them, saith the Lord i: 28. if they can spve thee in the time of e. EVI Jer. 4. 4. lest my fury come forth like fire, because of the e. of your doings, 23. 2. | 26. 3. | 44. 22. 5. 12. it is not he, neither ihall e. come upon us 7. 30. children of .iudah have done e. in my siaht 11. t 12. shall not save them in the time of e. + 14. I will not hear when the3' cry for their e. 15. when thou di est e. then thou rejoicest 1". hath pronounced e. against thee for e. of Israel 15. 11. will cause to entreatthce well in time of e. 17. 17. thou art my i;ope in the day of e. 18. briniion them the day ofe. and destroy them 18. 8. if that nation turn from tlieir e. I will repent of the e. 1 thought to do, id. 3, 13, 19. 1 42. 10. 11. behold, I frame e. against you and devise 19. 15. I will bring all e. that 1 have pronounced 21. 10. I set my face against this city for e. 25. .32. e. shall go forth from nation to nation 28. 8. the prophets prophesied of war and ox e. 29. 11. I think thoughts of peace, and not of ^. 32. 30. the children^of Judah have only done e. 32. because of all tliee. of the children of Israel 35. 17. 1 will bring on Judah and Jerusalem all the e. that I liave pronounced against them, 36. 31. 38. 9. these men have donee, in all they have done 44. 11. 1 will set my face ag. j'ou for e. and cut off 17. we had plenty, and were well, and saw no e. 27. I will w'atch over them for e. and not for good 29. my words shall stand against you for e. 48. 2. in Heslibon they have devised e. against it 51. 24. I will render to Babylon all e. done in Zion 60. wrote all the e. that should come on BaL)3'lon Ezek. 7. 5. an e. an only e. behold it is come 14. 22. ye shall be comforted concerning the e. Dan. 9. 14. the Lord hath watched upon the e. Joell. 13. the Lord your God repenteth him of the e. Amos 3. 6. shall there be e. in a citj', L. not done it ? 9. 10. who saj% e. shall not overtake nor prevent us Jonah 3. 10. and God repented of the e. he said, 4. 2. Mic. 1. 12. but e. came down from Lord to .1 erusalem 2. 1. woe to them that work e. upon their beds 3. behold, aaainst this family do I devise an e. 3. 11. is not the Lord among us ? no e. can come Nah. 1. 11. that imagineth e. against the Lord Hah. 1. 13. thou art of purer eyes than to behold e. I. 9. he maj' be delivered from the power of e. Zeph. 3. 15. tiiou shalt not see e. anj' more Zech. 7. 10. let none of 3'ou imagine e. 8. I7. Mai. 1. 8. 3'e offer the lame and sick, is it not e. ? 2. 17. when ye say, every one that doeth e. is good Mat. 5. 11. shall sa3' all manner of e. against you 37. whatsoever is more than these, cometh of e. 39. but 1 say unto 3'ou, thatye resistnot e. 6. 34. sufficient unto the da3' is the e. thereof 9. 4. wherefore think 3'e e. in 30ur hearts ? 27. 23. Pilate said to them, why, w^hat e. hath he done ? Alark 15. 14. Luke 23. 22. Mark 9. 3}. that can lightl3' speak e. of me Luke 6. 45. an evil man bringeth forth what is e. Jolm 3. 20. every one that doeth e. hateth the light . 5. 29. they that have done e. to the resurrection of 18. 23. if I have spoken e. bear Avitness of the e. Acts 9. 13. how much e. he hath done to thy saints 23. 9. a great cry, sa3'ing, we find no e. in this man Rom. 2. 9. anguish on every soul of man that doeth e. 7. 19. but the e. which I would not, that I do 12. 9. abhor that which is e. cleave to what is good 17. recompense to no man e. for e. provide thinas 21. be not overcome of e. overcome e. v, ith gooci 13. 4. a revenger to execute wi-ath on him doeth e. 14. 20. it is e. for that man who eateth with offence 16. 19. 1 would have you simple concerning e. 1 Cor. 13. 5. charit3' not provoked, thinkethiio e. 1 Thess. 5. 15. see that none render e. for e. to any 22. abstain from all appearance of e. 1 Tim. 6. 10. the love of money is the root of all e. Tit. 3. 2. put them in mind to speak e. of no man Ja?n. 3. 8. the tongue is an unruly e. full of poison iPet. 3. 9. not renderings, fore. 01- railing, butbless. 3 John 11. he that doeth e. hath not seen God Bring, Brong/tt EVIL. Jos/i. 23. 15. the Lord shall bring on you all e. things 2 Sam. 15. 14. lest he overtake and'hrittg e. on us~ 17^,14. that the Lord might bring e. upon Absalom 1 KiiigslA. 10. I will bring e. on the house of .Terob. 17. 20. lie s-rid, hast thou also bronghte. on wddow .^ 21. 21. behold, 1 will brijig e. upon thee 29. not bring e. in his days, but in his son's days 2 Kings 22. 16. thus saith the Lord, behold, I will bring e. upon this place, 2 Chron. 34. 24. 2 Citron. 34. 28. nor eyes see all the e. I will bring Ija. 31 .2.1 will bring e. and not call back his word "er. 4. 6. for I will bring e. from the north 6. 10. behold, I will bring e. upon this people II. 11. behold, I will bring e. upon them 23. 1 will bring e. upon the men of Anathoth 19. 3. behold, 1 will bring e. on this place, 15. 23. 12. 1 will bring e. even year of their visitation 25. 29. tor lo. I begin to bring e. on the city .35. 17. I will /;;7w,7on .Iudah e. pronounced, 36. 31. 39. 16. 1 will bring my words on this city for e. 45. 5. I will bring e. upon all liesh, saifh the Lord 6'eel)iD, Do. EVIL, .ioined with good. Geri. 2. 9. the tree of knowledge of good and e. 17. 3. 5. ye shall be as gods know'ina' good and e. "2. ' 44, 4. wherefore have ye rewarded e. for good} Deut. 1. 39. had no knowledsre between good and e. 1 Sam. 25. 21. he hath requited me e. for good 2 Sam. 19. 35. can T discern between gnod and e. ? 1 Kings 22. 8. not prophes\' g. concern. me, bute. 18. 2 Chron. 18. 7. ne\ er prophesieth good to me, but e. 17. he would not prophesy good to me, but c. Job 2. 10. shall we receive .^ocf/, and notreceive e. ? 30. 26. 1 looked for good, then e. came unto me Psal. 35. 12. the3' rewarded me e. fovgood, 109.5. 38. 20. that render e. for good are in3' adversaries 52. 3. thou lovest e. more than good, and !>'in2: Prov. 15. 3. e3-es of L. beholding the e. and the good 17. 13. whoso rewardeth e. for good, evil not depart 31. 12. she will do him good and not e. all her days Jsa. 5. 20. woe to them that call e. good, and good'e. 7. 15. ma>' know to refuse e. and choose good, 16. EVI Jer. 18. 20. shall e. be recompensed for good? 42. 6. whether it be good or e. we will obey Lord I^am. 3. 38. of most High proceecieth note, and g. Amos 5. 14. seek good and not e. that ye may live 9. 4. 1 will set mine eyes on them fore, not for good Mic. 3. 2. who hate the ^-oorf and love the e. Rom. 7.21. when 1 would dogood, e. presentwithme 9. 11. not born, neither having done good or e. Heh. 5. 14. their senses exercis-ed to fliscern^. and e. 3 Johnll. follow not what is e. but what is good See Great. From EVIL. Gen. 48. 16. the Angel who redeemed me from all e. 1 Ham. 25. 39. and hath kept his servant //'oot e. 1 Chron. 4. 10. that thou wouldest keep m.efrom e. Job 28. 28. and to depart /Vfi?« e. is understanding Psal. 34. 13. keep thy tongue/;v)?« e. lips from guile 14. depart /row e. do good, ,37.27. Prov.Z.T. 121.7. the Lord shall preserve thee from all e. Prov. 4. 27. turn not, remove thy foot from e. 13. 19. it is abonunation to fools to depart/ro/w e. 14. 16. a wise man feareth, and departeth froin e. 16. 6. by the fear of the Lord men depart //vw e. 17. the high-way of upriaht is to depart}/v/« e. Isa.59. 15. Ihat departeth.f. e. makes hims. a prey Jer. 9. 3. they proceed/, e. to evil, and knownot me 23. 22. then they should have turned tiiem from their e. wa3', and fro?n the e. of their doings 51. 64. Babvlon not rise from e. 1 will brinsr on her Mat. 6. 13. but deliver us//o/?j e. Luke 11. 4^ John 17. 15. but that thou shouldesl keep them /. e. 2 Thess. 3.3. shall stablish 3'ou, and keep 3-ou/. e. 1 Pet. 3. 10. let him refrain his tongue /row e. Put arc ay EVIL. Deut. 13. 5. put the e. asay from the midst of thee 17. 7. so thou shalt put the e. aioay from among you, 19. 19. 1 21. 21. 1 22. 21, 24. 1 24. 7. Vlpnt e. away trom Israel, 21. 22. Jndg. 20. 13. Eccl. 11. 10. and put a-xay e. from thy flesh Isa. 1. 16. wash ye, put away the e. of your doings E\' 1 L in the sight of the Lord. Num. 32. 13. had done e. in sight of L.Judg. 3. 12. Judg. 2. 11. Israel did e. in the sight of the Lord, 3. 7, 12. I 4. 1. I 6. 1. 1 10. 6. I 13. 1. 1 Kings n. 0. I 14.22.1 15. 26, .34. 1 16-7,30.122.52. 2 Kings 8. 18, 27. | 13. 2, 11. | 14. 24. I 15. 9, 18, 24. 28. I 17. 2. | 21. 2, 20. 2 Chrori. 22. 4. | .33. 2, 22. I 36. 5, 9, 12. 1 Sam. 15. 19. thoudiflste. ill the sight of the Lord 1 Kings 16. 19. in doing e. in the sight of the Lord 21. 20. sold to work e. in the sight of the Lord 2 Kings 3. 2. he wrought e. in the sight of the Lord 17. 17. sold themselves to do e. in the sight of L. 21. 16. to sin, in doing that which was e. in the sight oftheLord,1i.?^1, 37- I 24. 9, 19. 1 Chron. 2, 3. Er was e. in the sight of the Lord 2 Chr. 33. 6. he wrought much e. in the sight of _L. This EVIL. Exod. 32. 12. and repent of ?/i?i' e. against thy people 1 Sa7n. 6. 9. then he hath done us this great e. 12. 19. we have added this e. to ask a king 2Sam. 13. 16. sendingme away is greater 1 Kings 9. 9. the Lord brought on them all this e. 2 KingsQ. 33. he said, behold, this e. is of the Lord 2 Chron. 7. 22. therefore he brought this e. on them Keh. 13. 18. did not our God bring all this e. on us ' 27. shall we hearken to you to do all this great e. ? J )b 2. 11. when Job's three friends heard of this e. Psal. 51. 4. I have done this e. in th3; sight Jer. 16. 10. the L. pronounced all this e. against us 32. 23. therefore thou hast caused all t. e. on them 42. like as 1 have brought all thise. on this people 40. 2. God hath pronounced thise. on this place 44. 7- why commit ye this great e. ag. 3-our souls .' 23. therefore this e. is happened unto 30U Dan. 9. 13. it is written, all this e. is come upon us Jonah 1. 7. know for whose cause this e. is on us, 8. EVIL, Adjective. Gen. 6. 5. thoughts of his heart were only e. 8. 21. 37. 20. some e. beast hath devoured him, 33. Exod. 5. 19. Israel did see that the3' were in e. case 33. 4. people heard these e. tidings they mourned Num. 14. 27. how long bear this e. congregation.'' 20. 5. to bring us in unto this e. place Deut. 1. .35. not one of this e. generat. shall see land 6. t 22. the L. shewed signs, great and e. on Egypt 22. 14. and bring up an e. name upon her, 19. 28. 54. his eye shall bee. toward his brother 56. her e3'e shall be e. toward her husband 1 Sam. 2. 23. for 1 hear of your e. dealings 1 Kings 5. 4. there is neither advers. nor c. occui'rent Ezra 9. 13. after all that is comi on us for e. deeds Psal. 41. 8. an e. disease cleaveth fast unto him 64. 5. they encourage themselves m an e. matter 78. 49. trouble, b3- sending e. angels among them 112. 7- he shall not be afraid of e. tidings, heart lixed 140. 11. let not an e. speaker be established inearth Prov. 6. 24. to keep thee from the e. woman 14. 19. the e. bow before the good, the wicked Eccl. 5.14. but those riches perish bye. travel 6. 2. this is vanit3', and it is ane. disease 9. 12. as the fishes that are taken in an e. net Isa. 7. 5. Ephraim have taken e. counsel against thee .32. 7- the instruments also of the churl are e. Jer. 8. 3. b.y them that remain of this e. famil3' 12. 14. thus saith asainst all mine e. neighbours 13. 10. thise. people refuse to hear my words 23. 10. their coarse is e. their force not right 24. 3. e. tigs, a ery e. tiiey are so e. 8. I 29. 17. 49. 23. for the3' have heard e. tidings, faint-hearted Ezek. 5. 16. I will send on them e. arrows of famine 17. so will I send on you famine and e. beasts 6. 11. alas, for all the e. abominations of Israel .34. 25. 1 will cause tlie e. beasts to cease from land 38. 10. and thou shalt think an e. thought Hab. 2. 9. woe to him tliatcoveteth an e. covetous. Mat. 5. 45. he maketh his sim to rise on e. and good 7. 11. if ye then being e. Luke 11. 13. 18. a "ood tree cannot bring forth c. fruit 12. 34. how can ye being e. speak good things ? 39. an e. generation seeketh a sign, L^tke 11. 29. EVI Mat. 15. 19. for out of the heart proceed e. thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, Mark"}. 21. 24. 48. if that e. servant shall say in his heart Luke 6. 22. and shall cast out 3'our name as e. .35. he is kind to the unthankful and to the e. John 3. 19. loved darkness, for their deeds were e. Acts 24. 20. if they have found any e. doins in me 1 Cor. 15. 33. e. communicat. corrupt good manners Gal. 1. 4. that he might deliver us from this e. world Eph. 4. 31. let e. speaking be put away from you Phil. 3. 2. beware of, beware ofe. workers Col. 3. 5. mortify therefore e. concupiscence 1 Tim. 6. 4. whereof cometh e. surmisings Tit. 1. 12. the Cretians are e. beasts, slow bellies Heb. 10.22. your hearts sprinkled from e. conscience Jam. 2. 4. and are become judges of e. thoughts 4. 16. 3'e rejoice in boastings, all such rejoicing is e. 1 Pet. 2. 1. laying aside all'malice and e. speakings Rev. 2. 2. how thou lanstnct bear them who are e. EVIL day or days. Gen. 47. 9. few and e. have the days of my life been Prov. 15. 15. all the days of the afflicted are e. Eccl. 12. 1. in youth, while the e. days come not Amos 6. 3. ye that put far away the e. day Eph. 5. 16. redeeming the time, because days are e. 6. 13. that ye may be'able to withstand in the e. day Day of Evil • see Evil, Substa?itive. EVIL doer, or doers. Job 8. 20. neither will he help the e. doers Psal. 26. 5. 1 hated the congregation of e. doers 37. 1. fret not thyself because of e. doers 9. e. doers shall be cut oft", but those that wait on L» 94. 16. who will rise up for me against the e. doers ? 119. 115. depart from me, ye e. doers, 1 will keep Isa. 1. 4. ah, sinful nation, a seed ofe. d.ers 9. 17. every one is an hypocrite, and ane. doer 14. CO. the seed of e. doers shall never be renowned 31. 2. but will arise against the house of e. doers Jer. 20. 13. hath delivered soul of poor from e. doers 23. 14. the3' strengthen the hands of e. doers 2 Tim. 2. 9. wherein 1 suffer trouble as an e. doer 1 Pet. 2. 12. whereas they speak ag. you as e. doers 14. are sent by him for the punishment of e. doers 3. 16. whereas they speak evil of you as of e. doers 4. 15. let none of you suffer as a thief or an e. doer See Doings, Eye. EVIL heart. Gen. 8. 21. imagina. of man's heart is e. from youth Jer. 3. 17. nor walk after the imagination of e. heart 7. 24. walked in the imasination of their e. heart 14. 8. every one in imagination of their e. hearc 16. 12. every one after imagination of his e, heart 18. 12. every one do the imagination of his e. heart Heb. 3.12. lest there be in any an e. heart of unbelier EVIL num or men. Job 35. 12. none answer because of pride of e. men Psal. 10. 15. break thou the arm of the e. -man 140. 1 . deliver me, O Lord, from the e. man Prov. 2. 12. to deliver thee from way of the e. man 4. 14. and go not in the way of e. ?ne7i 12. 12. the wicked desireth the net of e. men 17. 11. an e. inan seeketh only rebellion 24. 1. be not thou envious against e. men 19. fret not th3'self because of e. men 20. for there shall be no reward to the e. man 28. 5. e. men understand not judgment 29. 6. in transgression of an e. man there is a snare Mat. 12. 35. and an e. man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things, i?/Xe6.45. 2 Tim. 3. 13. but e. men shall wax worse and worse 6ee Kkpokt EVIL spiirit or spirits. Judg. 9. 23. sent e. sp. between Abimelech and men 1 Sam. 16. 14. an e. sp. from the L. troubled him, 15. 16. when the e. spirit from God is upon thee 23. and the e. spirit departed from him 18. li'.thee. spirit from God came on Saul, 19. 9. Luke 7-21. that hour he cured man3^ of e. spirits 8. 2. woman as hich had been healed of e. spirits Acts 19. 12. and the e. spirits went out of them 13. to call over them which had e. spirits 15. the e. spirit, Jesus I know, Paul I know 16. the man in whom the e. spirit was, leaped liVIL tbing. Gen. 38. 1 10. the thing he did was e. in eyes of Lord 2 Kings 4. t41. there was no e. thing in the pot Neh. 13. 17. what e. thing is this that 3-e do r Psal. 141. 4. incline notmy heai^tto an3' e. thing Eccl. 8. 3. stand not in an e. thing, doth what pleases 5. keepeth commandment, shall feel no e. thi7ig 12. 14. every secret t/iinp, whether it be good or e. Jer. 2. 19. know that it is an e. thing and bitter Tit. 2. 8. having no e. thing to sa3' of you EVIL tilings. Josh. 23. 15. the Lord shall brinii on youall e. things Prov. 15. 28. mouth of wicketl pour'eth oute. things Jer. 3. 5. thou hast done e. things as thou couldest ]\Iat. 12. 35. an e\il man brinaeth forth e. things Mark 7. 23. all these e. things come from within Luke 16. 25. and likewise Lazarus e. things Ro/n. 1. 30. proud, boasters, inventors of e. things 1 Cor. 10. 6. we should not lust after e. things EVIL times. Psal. 37. 19. they shall not be ashamed in the e. time Eccl. 9.12. so the sons of men are snared in ane. time Amos :'.. 13. prudent keep silence, for it is an c. titne Mic. 2. 3. nor shall eo haughtily, for this time ise. EXli::^ay. 1 Kings 13. 33. .Tcroboam returned not from e. rvay Psal. 119.101 . I refrained m v feet from every e. zcay Prov. 8. 13. the fearof the Lord is to hate the e. :s;t>y 28. 10. who causeth riaiiteous to go astraj' in e. nay Jer. 18. 11. return je now e\ erv one from his e. rvap ' 25. 5. 1 26."3. 1 .35. 15. | .36. 3, " 23. 22. should haveturneo them from their e. xias Jonah 3. 8. let them turn eveiy one from his e. zva^ 10. and saw that tliev turneH from their e. nay E\"IL ways. 2 Kinns 17. 13. turn from your c. nays, Ezek. 33. 11. Ezek.'36. 31 . then shall ye remember your own e. -v. Zech. 1. 4. turn ye now from your e. tvays and doings 141 EUN EVIL work or works. Eccl. 4. 3. who hath not seen e. work that is done 8. 11. because sentence against an e. work is not John. 7. 7. I testify that the worku thereof are e. B-om. 13. 3. are not a terror to good iDorks but e. 2 Tim. 4. 18. L. shall deliver me from every e. work Jam. 3. 16. there is confusion, and every e. work 1 John 3. 12. because his own zoorks were e. EVIL, Adverb . Bxod. 5. 22. why hast thou so e. entreated people .' Deut. 26. 6. and the Egyptians e. entreated us a Chron. 7. 23. because it went e. with his house Job 24. 23 . he e. entreateth barren that beareth not John 18. 23. if I have spoken e. bear witness Acts 7. 6. they should entreat them e. 400 years 19. the same e. entreated our fathers 14. 2. their minds e. affected against the brethren 19. 9. but spake e. of that way before the m ultitude 23.5. shall not speak e. of the ruler of thy people Horn. 14. 16. let not your good be e. spoken of 1 Cor. 10. .30. why am 1 e. spoken of for that '. Jam.. 4. 11. speak not e. one of another, brethren, he that speaks e. of his brother, speaks e. of the law 1 Pet. 3. 16. that whereas they speak e. of you 17. better ye suffer for well-doing than fore, doing- 4. 4. they think it strange, speaking e. of you 14. theirpart he is e. spoken of, but on your jiart 2 Tet. 2. 2. the way of tiuth shall be e. spoken of 10. are not afraid to speak e. of dignities, Jude 8. 12. these, as natural brute beasts, speak e. of the things that they understand not, Jude 10. EVILS. Deut. 31.17. many e. and troubles shall befall them, they will say, are not these e. come upon us 18. for all the e. which they shall have wrought 21. when many e. and troubles are befallen them Psal. 40.12. innumerable e. have compassed me abt. Jer. 2. 13. for my people have committed two e. Ezek. 6. 9. shall lothe themsel es for the e. commit. 20. 43. lothe yourselves in your siglit for all your e. llos. 7. 1 1. the e. of Samaria were discovered Lnke 3. 19. for all the e. which Herod had done Jam. 1. 1 13. God cannot be tempted with e. EUINUCII •Comes from the Greek, Y.vvovxo's, which signi- fies one who guards the bed; because generally in the courts of the eastern kings the care of the beds and apartments belonging to princes and princesses was committed to them; hut chiefly of ihe princesses, who live in great confinement, re- mote from the sight and company of men. The Hebrew word Saris, signifies a real eunuch, or one deprived of his genitals: whether he be na- turally born such, or made an eunuch by manual operation. But this word, as well as the Greek Eunouchos, is in scripture taken for an officer belonging to some prince attending at his couit, and employed in the inner part of the palace, whe- ther he be really an eunuch or not. Potiphar, Pharaoh's eunuch, and Joseph's master, had a wife, (ien. 39. 1, 7. and a child too, ?/Asenath was daughter to Joseph's master, as some think, though the generality of Commentators be of the contrary opinion. God forbad his people to make eunuchs, Deut. 23. 1. He that has tliat part wounded or cut off, which is intended for the preservation of the species, shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord. Which words are dijferently explained. Some think that God here forbids eunuchs to marry with Israelites : others, that God forbids the7n to enter into his temple ; others, that he excludes them from all offices of the magistracy; and others, that God debars them simply the possession of some outward privileges belonging to the Israelites and people of the Lord. They were looked upon in the commonwealth as dry and useless wood. Isa. 56. 3. Behold 1 am a dry tree. See Dry. There were eunuchs in the courts of the kings of Judah and Israel, officers called Sarism, eunuchs. Samuel, describing to the people the manner of their king, tells them, 1 Sam. 8. 15. He will take , the tenth of your seed, and give to his officers, cr eunuchs. Some understand this properly, that he should against the command of God make some of his people eunuchs. But others think that these eunuchs, in all prohahihty, were slaves taken from some foreign people : or if they were Hebrews, the name of eunuchs, which is gi^en them, shews no more than their office and dignity. See also, 1 Kings 22. 9. 2 Kings 9. 32. 1 24. 11, 15. 1 Chron. 28. 1. Our Saviour in Mat. 19. 12. speaks of a sort of eunuchs, different from these mentioned persons, ■who have made themselves eunuchs for the kinc- aorn of heaven's sake ; that is, who, vpo?i some -ehgious motive, do abstain from marriage, and the use of all carnal pleasures ; that they may be less encumbered with the cares of the world, and may devote themselves more closely to the service of God. Gen. 37. + .36. to Potiphar an e. of Pharaoh's 2 Kings8.\6. the king appointed an e. to restore 23. + 11. the chamber of Nathan melech thee. 25. 1 19. out of the city he took an e. Jer. 52. 25. Isa. 56. 3. neither let the e. say, 1 am a dry tree Acts 8. 27. an e. had come to Jerusalem to worship 34. e. said, of whom speaks tlie prophet this .' 36. e. said, what doth hinder me to be baptized ? 39. Spirit caught Philip, that e. saw him no more EUINUCHS. : Sam. 8. + 15. will give tenth of your seed to his e. 2 Kings 9. -32. there looked out two or three e. 20. 18. thy sons take away, and they shall be e. in the palace of the king of Babylon, Isa. 39. 7. 24. + 12. Jehoiachin went out, he and his e. 1 Chron. 28. 1 1. and David assembled the e. 2 Chron. 18. 8. Ahab called for one of his e. Esth. 1. 1 12. Vashti refused to come by hand of his e. 4. t 4. Esther's maids and e. came and told it her Isa. 56. 4. saith the L. to the e. that keep my sabbath 142 EXA Jer. 29. 2. after that the e.were departed from Terus. 34. 19. e. which passed between the parts of the calf 38. 7. when Ebedmclec h one of the e. heard 41. 16. the e. whom he had brought from (7ibeon Dan. 1. 3. the king spake to the iriaster of his e. 7. to whom the prince of the e. gave names 8. Daniel requested of the prince of the e. 9. Daniel brought into favour with prince of e. 18. then the prince of the e. brought them in Mat. 19. 12. some are e. who were so born, some are made e. of men, some have made themselves e. ELFROCLYDON Is a rvind lohich bloios between the east and north. It is very dangerous, of the nature (f a whirlwind, which falls on a sudden upon ships, makes thein tack about, and sometimes causes them to founder, as Pliny observes. Acts 27. 14. there arose atempestu. wind, called c. EWE or EWES. Gen. 9.1. 28, Abraham set seven e. lambs by thems. 29. he said, what mean these seven e. lambs.' 31. 38. e. and she-goats have not cast their young .32. 14. two hundred e. and twenty rams for Esau Lev. 14. 10. take one e. lamb of the first year 22. £8. whether cow or e. ya shall not kill it 2 Sam. 12. 3. poor man had notliingsavc one e. lamb Psal. 78. 71. he took him from following the e. EX ACT. Deiit. 15.2. shall note, itof his neighbouror brother 3. of a foreigner tliou mayeste. it again Neh. 5. 7. you e. usury eveiy one of his brother 10. I likewisemight e. of them money and corn 11. restore hundredth part of money ye e. of them Psal. 89. 22. the enemy shall note, upon him Isa. 58.3. behold, in your fasts ye e. all your labours Luke 3.13. he said,e. no more than what is appointed EXACIEU. 2 Kings 15. 20. Menaliem e. the money of Israel 23. 35. Jehoiakim e. the silver and the gold EXACT El 11. Job 11. 6. G. e. of thee less than thine iniq. deserveth EXACTIOM. Neh. 10. 31. we would leave the e. of every debt exaction; s, Ezek. 45. 9. take away your e. from my people EXACIOR. Job 39. + 7. nor resardeth he tlie crying of the e. ^EXACTORS. Isa. 60. 17. 1 will also make thine e. righteousness EXALT. Exod. 15. 2. he is my father's God, and T will e. him 1 Sam. 2. 10. he shall e. tlie horn of his anointed Job 17. 4. therefore shalt thou not e- them Psal. 34. 3. and let us e. his name together .37. 34. he shall e. thee to inherit the' land 66. 7. let not the rebellious e. themselves 92. 10. but my horn shalt tliou e. like the horn 99. 5. e. ye the Lord our God, and worship, 9. 107. 32. let them e. him in the congregation 118. 28. thou art iny God, 1 will e. thee 140. 8. further not, lest the wicked e. themselves Prov. 4. 8. e. her, and she shall promote thee Isa. 13. 2. e. the voice unto them, shake the hand 14. 13. 1 will e, my throne above the stars of God 25. 1. O Lord, thou art my God, I will e. thee Ezek. 21. 26. e. him that is low, abase the high 29. 15. nor shall it e. itself any more above nations 31. 14. to the end none of the trees e. themselves Van.11.14. robbers of thy people shall e. themselves 36. the king shall e. himself above every god IJos. 11. 7. tho' the3' called, none at all would e. him Obad.4. though thou e. thyself as the eagle Mat.-2S. 12. whoso shall e. himself, shall be abased 2 Cor. 11. 20. if e. himself, if aman smite you lPeif.5.6. humble yoursel. that hemaye. indue time EXALIED. Num. 24. 7- and his kinsdom shall be e. 1 Sam. 2. 1. she said, mine horn is e. in the Lord 2 Sam. 5. 12. perceived that Lord had e. his kingdom 22. 47. the Lord liveth, and e. be the God of the rock of my salvation, Psal. 18. 46. 1 Kings 1. 5. then Adonijah e. himself, saying 14. 7. I e. thee from among the people, 16. 2. 2 Kings 19. ^-li. against whom hast thoue. thy voice and lift up thine eyes on high ? Isa. 37. 23. 1 Chr. 29. 11. and thou art e. as head above all Neh. 9.5. which is e. above all blessing and praise Job 5. 11. that those who mourn may be e. to safety 24. 24. they are e. for a little while, but are gone 36. 7. he doth establish them for ever, they are e. Psal. 12. 8. wicked walk when the vilest men are e. 13. 2. how long shall m^' enemy be e. over me .'' 21. 13. be thou e. Lord, in thine own strength 46. 10. be still and know I am God, 1 will be e. amon"- the heathen, I will be e. in tlie earth 47. 9. shieltfs of earth belong to G. he is greatly e. 57. 5. be thou e. O God, above the heavens, 11. 75. 10. but the horns of the riahteous shall be e. 89. 16. in thy righteousness shall they be e. 17. and in thy favour our horn shall be e. 19. 1 have e. one chosen out of the people 24. and in my name shall his honi be e. 97- 9. thou. Lord, arte, far above all gods 108. 5. be thou e. O God, above the heavens 112. 9. his horn shall be e. with honour 118. 16. the right hand of the Lord is e. 140. t 8. further not, let not the wicked be e. Prov. 11. 11. by the blessing of the upright city is e. Isa. 2. 2. the mountain of Lord's house shall be e. above the hills, all nations flow to it, l\Jic. 4. 1. 11. the Lord shall be e. in that day, 17. I 5. 16. 12. 4. praise Ld. make mention that his name ise. 30. 18. will be e. that he may have mercy on you 33. 5. the Lord is e. |1 10. now will 1 be e. 40. 4. every valley shall be e. every mountain low 49. 11. and my high-ways shall be e. 52. 13. behold my servant shall bee. and extolled Ezek. 17. 24. that 1 the Lord have e. the low tree 19.11. and her stature was e. among branches, 31.5. lios. 11. +7. together they e. not him 13. 1. Ephraim spake, he e. himself in Israel 6. they were filled, and their heart was e. EXA Mat. 11.2.3. Capernaum e. to heaven. I.uke\0. 15. 23. 12. e. himself be abased, that shall humble liim- self shall bee. Luke 14. 11. | 18. 14. Luke 1. 52. and he hath e. them of low degree Acts 2. .33. being by the right hand of (Jod e. 5. 31. him hath God e. with his right hand 13. 17. the Ciod of Israel e. the people in Kpypt 2 Cor. 11. 7. abasing myself that you might be e. 12. 7. lest I shoiilcf be e. above measure, 7. Phil. 2. 9. wherefore God hath highly e. hinri Jam. 1. 9. let the brother rejoice that he is e. EXALI LSI'. Exod. 9. 17. as yete. thou thyself against my people EXALiKIII. Job 36. 22. behold, God e. by his power Psal. 113. +5. Lord our God, who e. hims. to dwell 148. 14. he also e. the horn of his people Prov. 3. + 35. wise inherit glory, butshamee. fools 14. 29. he that is hasty of spirit e. folly 34. righteousness e. a nation, but sin is a reproach 17. 19- he that e. his gate seeketh destruction Luke 14. n. he thate. hims. shall be abased, 18.14. 2 Cor. 10. 5. casting down every thing thate. itself 2 Thess. 2. 4. who e. hims. above all that is called G. EXAMllSlAllOM. Acts 25. 26. that after e. had, I might have to write EXAMIME, When applied to God, denotes the particular strict notice he takes of his creatures. Psal. 26. 2. Examine mc, () Lord, and prove me ; tiy my reins and my heart, /is if the Psalmist had said. Because I may be mistaken, or he partial in my own cause, therefore I appeal to thee, and offer myself to thy trial concerning what my enemies charge me with. When applied to man, examination is either pri- vate or public. Private, when a Christian tries himself by the word of God, and by what Christ has wrought by his spirit within him, whether he he a true believer in Jesus, and has any ground to hope for salvation through his blood and righte- ousness, 2 Cor. 13. 5. Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith, prove your own selves. And this duty is especially to be per- formed before persons partake of the Lord's sup- per. 1 Cor. 11. 28. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. Let him compare his heart and life by ihe word, to see whether he he dulp qualified to 1 artake of this ordinance, in regard cf his knowledge, faith, repentarice, love, and new obedience. Public examination is, -when rulers and governors, whether civil or ecclesiastical, bring such as are suspected of unsound principles, or detected of eriormities , to a trial for the same. Thus it is said of the angel of the church of I'phesus, Eet. 2. 2. Ihou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not ; and hast found them liars. And our Saviour was examined by Pilate, though he was innocent, and the things laid to his charge were u?ijust, Luke 23. 13, 14. And the apostle Paul was ordered to be examined by/ scourging. Acts 22. 24. As to the manner of ex- amining by scourging, or putting one to the question. 5ee ow Questioin. Ezra 10. 16. sat down the first day to e. the matter Psal. 26. 2. e. me, O Lord, prove me, try my reins 1 Cor. 9. 3. mine answer to them thate. me, is this 11. 28. let a man e. himself, and so let him eat of 2 Cor. 13. 5. e. yourselves, prove your own selves EXAM lis 1 D. Luke 23. 14. behold, I have e. him before you Acts 4. 9. if we this day be e. of the good deed 12. 19. Herod e. keepers, and commanded to death 22. 24. brought, tliat he should be e. by scourging: 29. they depart, from him, who should have e. him 28. 18. when they had e. me would have let me so EXAaMIlNlNG. Acts 24. 8. by e. of whom thou mayest take knowl. EXAMPLE Is taken either for a type, instance, or precedent, for cur admonition, that we may be cautioned against the sins which others have committed, by ihe judgments which God inflicted on them, 1 Cor. 10. 11. All these things happened unto them for ensamples. Ur example is taken for a pattern Jor our imitation, a model for us to copy after. John 13. 15. I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you. And in 1 Pet. 2. 21. Christ suffered for us, leaving lis an example, that we should follow his steps. This is one of the means by which our Redeemer restores his people to holiness, namely, by exhibiting a complete pattern of it in his life upon earth. That examples have a peculiar power above the naked precept, to dispose us to ihe practice of holiness, may appear by considering, (1) That they most clearly express to us the nature of our duties in their subjects and sensible effects. Gcri- eral precepts form abstract ideas of virtue, hut in examples, virtues are made visible in all their cir- cumstances. (2) Precepts instruct us what things are our duty, but examples assure us that they are possible. When we see men like ourselves, who are united to frail flesh, and in the same condition with us, to command their passions, to overcome the greatest and most glittering temptations, we are encouraged in our spiritual warfare. (3) Ex- amples, by a secret and lively incentive, urge us to imitation. We are touched in another man- ner by the visible practice of saints, which re- proaches our defects, and obliges us to the same zeal, than by laws, though holy and good. The example of Christ is most proper to form us to holiness, it being absolutely perfect, and accomo- dated to our present state. There is rio example oj a mere man, that is to be followed without limita- tion. Be ye followers ot' me, as I am of Christ, says the great apostle, 1 Cor. 11. 1. But the example of Christ is absolutely perfect. His conversation was a living law. He was holy. EXC liarmless, undefiled, and separate from sinners, Meh. 7. 26. His example is also most accommo- daieJ to our present state. The divine nature is the supreme rule of moral perfection ; for we are commanded to be holy, as God is holy. But such is the ebicurity of our mind;, and the -iceakness of onr 7iatures, that the pattern aas too high a7id glo- rious to he expressed by its. And though ice had not strength to ascend to him, yet he had goodness io descend to ?w ; and in this present state, and in our 7ixiture. to set before tis a pattern more fitted to our capacity : Sn that the dizine attributes are sweetened in the Son of God incarnate ; and being united with the graces proper for the human na- ture, are more perceptible to our minds, and more imi table by us. 3iflM. 19. Joseph not willing to make her a public e. John 13. 15. for I have given yon an e. that ye do Rom. 15. + 5. be like minded after the e. of Christ 1 Tim. 4. 12. but be thou an e. of the believers Heb. 4. 11. lest an}' man fall after the same e. 8. 5. who serve unto the e. of heavenly things Jam. 5. 10. take the prophets for an e. of suffering- 1 Pet. 2. 21. Christ suffered for us, leaving us an e. Jude 7. set forth for an e. suffering the vengeance EXAMPLES. 1 Cor. 10. 6. now these things were our e. not to lust See Ensample, S. EXCEED. Deut. 25. 3. fort3' stripes he may give, and not e. lest if he should e. thy brother seem vile to thee Mat. 5. 20. except your righteousness e. the scrihes 2 Cor. 3. 9. ministration of riffhteousn. dotlie. in glory EXCEEDED. 1 Sam. 20. 41. and they wept, till David e. 1 Kings 10. 23. Solom. e. all kings of earth for riches Job 36. 9. sheweth their transsressions that they e. EXCEEDEST. 2 Chron. 9. 6. for thou e. the fame that I heard EXCEEDETH. 1 KingslO. 7. thy wisdom e. the fame which I heard EXCEEDIjSG. Gen. 15. 1. I am thy shield, and thye. greatreward 17. 6. 1 will make thee e. fruitful, make nations 27. 34. and Esau cried with an e. bitter cry Exod. 1. 7- the chihh'en of Israel waxed e. mighty 19. 16. and the voi, e of the trumpet e. loud -iV'«w. 14. 7. the land we passed through is e. good 1 Sam. 2. 3. talk no more so e. proudly S Sam. 8. 8. king David took e. much" brass 12. 2. the rich man had e. many flocks and herds 1 Kings 4.29. God gave Solomon wisdom e. much 7. 47. left vessels unweighed, they were e. many 1 Chr. 20. 2. he brought eTmuch spoil out of the city 22. 5. and the house njiust be e. magnitical 2 Chron. 11. 12. ancl he made the cities e. strong 14. 14. for there was e. much spoil in them 16.12. Asa diseased, until his disease waxed e. great .32. 27. Hezekiah had e. much riches and honour Ps. 21. 6. thou hast made him e. glad with thy coun. 43. 4. then will 1 go unto God my e. ioy 119. 96. but thy commandmenL is e. broad Prov. 30. 24. there be four things which are e. wise £ccl. 7. 24. that which is e. deepTwho can find it out ? Jer. 48. 29. we heard the pride of ^loab, he is «■. proud £zeA-. 9. 9. the iniquity of Israel is e. great 16. 13. thou didst eat oil, and wast e. beautiful 23. 15. e. in d3'ed attire upon their heads 37. 10. srood up upon their feet an e. great army 47. 10. as the fish of the sreat sea, e. many Dav, 3. 22. because the furnace was e. hot 6. 23. then was the Idng e. glad for him 7. 19. the fourth beast which was e. dreadful 8. 9. came foith a little horn, which waxed e. great Jonah 3. 3. nowlvineveh was an e. great city 4. 6. so .Tonah was e. glad of the gourd JUat. 2. 10. saw star, they rejoiced with e. great joy 16. Herod, when he was mocked, wase. wroth 4. 8. taketh him up into an e. high mountain 5. 12. rejoice and be e. glad, great is your reward 8. 28. met him two poss. with devils,"e. fierce 17.23. they shall kill him ; they were e. sorry £6. 22. they were e. sorrowful, and beaan to say .38. my soul is e. sorrowful, Mar/c 14.' 34. JMarl: 6. 26. the kina was e. sorry, yet for the oath 9. 3. his raiment became e. white as snow LuAe 23. 8. when Herod saw Jesus, he was e. glad Acts. 7. 20. Moses was born, and was e. fair Rom. 7. 13. that sin might become e. sinful 2 Cor. 4. 17. worketh for us an e. weiaht of glory 7- 4. I am e. joyful in all our tribulation 9.14. who long after y ou , for ^. grace of God in you Eph. 1. 19. what is the e. greatness of his power 2. 7- he might shew the e" riches of his arace 3. 20. to hun that is able to do e. abundantly 1 Tim. 1. 14. the grace of our Lord was e. abundant 1 Pet. 4. 13. that ye may be glad also with e. joy 2 Pet. 1. 4. ffiven to us e. areat and precious promises Jude 24. able to present you faultless with e. joy Rev. 16. 21. for the plague thereof was e. areat EXCEEDllSGLY. Oe?!. 7. 19. the waters prevailed e. on the earth 13. 13. but the men of Sodom were sinners e. 16. 10. the angel said, I will multiply thy seed e. 17. 2. I will make my coven, and multiply thee e. 20. 1 will multiply Ishmael e. a gi'eat nation 27. 33. and Isaac trembled very e. and said 30. 43. and Jacob increased e. 47. 27. 1 Sam. 26. 21. I have played the fool and erred e. 2 ^am. VS. 15. then Amnon hated her e. and said 2 Kiyigs 10. 4. the elders of Samaria were e. afraid 1 Chr. 29. 25. Ld. maanified Solom. e. 2 Chr. 1. 1. 2 Chr. 17. 12. Jehoshaphat waxed great e. 26.8. Uzziah strenathened himself e. JSeh. 2. 10. they heard of it, it grieved them e. £.«?//.4. 4. the queen was e. grieved, and sent raiment Job 3. 22. rejoice e. when they can find the grave Psal. 68. 3. yea, let the righteous e. rejoice 106. 14. lusted e. in the wilderness, and tempted G. 119. 167. I'ept thy testimonies, 1 love them e. 123. 3. for we aren. 2. 18. and approvest things more e. Phil. 1. 10. 1 Cor. 12. 31. yetshev? 1 unto >"ou a more e. way Heb. 1. 4. he obtained a more e. name than they 8. 6. but now hath he obtained a more e. ministry 11. 4. Abel offered lo God a more e. sacrifice 2 Pet.l, 17. there car-e a voice from the e. glory E;^CEPr. Gen. 31. 42. e. the G. at' my father had been with me 32.26. 1 will not let thee go, e. thou bless me _ 42. 15. e. your youngest brother come, 43. 3, 5. 43. 10. e. we had lingered, we had now returned 47. 26. fifth part, e. thr land of the priests only Num. 16. 13. e. thou m.->ke thyself a prince over us Deut. 32. 30. e. their 1 ock had sold them Josh.1, 12. e. you destroy accursed from amongyou 1 Sajn. 25. 34. e. thou I idst hasted to meet me 2 Sam. 3. 9. e. as the ly rd hath sworn to David 13. e. thou first bring dichal, Saul's daughter 5. 6. e. thou take awa; the blind and the lame 2 Kings 4. 24. slack not Ihy riding, e. I bid thee Esth. 2. 14. e. the king lelialited in her and called 4. 11. e. the king shall hold out the golden sceptre Psal. 127. 1. e. the Lor build the house, e. the Lord keep the city, the ivatchmen watch but in vain Prov. 4. 16. sleep' not, -. they have done mischief Isa. 1. 9. (?. the Lord h;- 1 left a remnant, Rom. 9. 29. Dan. 2. 11. none other can shew it, c. the gods 3. 28 nor worship an god, e. their own God 6. 5. e. we find it cone ■".rning the law of his God Amos 3. 3. can two wal • together, e. tliey be agreed ? Mat. 5. 20. e. 30ur righteousness exceed that of scrihes 12. 29. e. he first bind the strong man, Marl.- 3. 27. 18. 3. 1 say to you, e. ye be converted, and become 19. 9. put awav his T-ife, e. it be for fornication EXE Mat. 24. 22. and e. those days should be shortened there should no tiesh be saved, Mar/clS. 20. 26. 42. if this cup may not pass, e. I drink it, thy will Marie 7. 3. the Pharisees, e. the^- wash oft, eat not Luke 9. 13. e. we go and buy meat for this people 13. 3. e. ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish, 5. John 3. 2. can do these miracles, e. G. be with him 3. e. a man be born again, he cannot see the kingd. 5. e. a man be born of water and of the Spirit 27. can receive nothing, e. it be given from heaven 4. 48. e. ye see signs and wonders, ye will not bel. 6. 44. e. the Father who hath sent me draw him 53. e. ye eat the flesh of the Son of man 65. e. it were given unto him of my Father 12. 24. e. a corn of wheat fall into the ground 15. 4. ye cannot bear fruit, e. ye abide in me 19. 11. no power, e. it were given thee from above 20. 25. e. I shall see the prints of the nails Acts 8. 1. the^' were all scattered, e. the apostles 31. how can 1, e. some man should guide me .' 15. 1. e. ye be circumcised, ye cannot be saved 24. 21. e. it be for this one voice, that I cried 26. 29. all were such as I am, e. these bonds 27. 31. Paul said, e. these abide in ship, ye cannot Rom. 7. 7. 1 had not known lust, e. the law had said 10. 15. how shall they preach, e. they be sent 1 Co;-. 7. 5. defraud not one anoth. e. it be with consent 14. 5. that speaketh with tongues, e. he interpret 6. e. I shall speak to you eitlier by re elation 7. e. they give a distinction in the sounds 9. e. ye utter words easy to be understood 15. 36. that thou sowest is not quickened, e. it die 2Co;-. 12. 13. e. it be that 1 was not burdensome 13. 5. that Christ is in you, e. ye be reprobates ? 2 Thess. 2. 3. c. there come a falling awa^' first 2 Tim. 2. 5. he is not crowned, e. he strive lawfully' Rev. 2.5.will remove thy candlestick, e. thou repent 22. into tribulation, e. they repent of their deeds EXCEPiED. 1 Cor. 15.27. he is e. who did put all things under him EXCh'SS. Mat. 23. 25. within are full of extortion and e. Eph. 5. 18. be not drunk with wine, wherein is e. 1 Pet. 4. 3. when we walked in lusts, e. of wine 4. that ye run not with them to the same e. excha:nge. Gen. 47. 17. Joseph gave them bread in e. for horses Lev. 27. 10. then it and the e. thereof shall be holy Job 20. i 18. according to the substance of his e. 28. 17. and the e. of it shall not be for jewels PJat. 16.26. if gain world and lose his soul, wnat shall a man give in e. for his soul ? 31ari 8. 37. EXCHANGE. Ezek. 48. 14. they shall not sell of it, nor e. first-fruits EXCHANGERS. 3Iat. 25. 27. oughtest to have put my money to e. EXCLUDE. Gal. 4. 17. they would e. you, that you might affect EXCLUDED. Rom. 3. 27. where is boasting then ? it is e. EXCOMMUNICATED. Excommunication is an ecclesiastical censure, whereby they who incur the guilt of any heinous sin, are separated from the cojnmunion of the church, an(^ deprived of spiritual advantages ; that they may be brought to repentance, and others, by their example, kept from the like enormities. Mat. 18. 15, 16, I7. 1 Cor. 5. 5, 7. 2 Thess. 3. 14, 15. There are generally three sorts of Excommunica- tion, distinguished among the Jews. The first is called Niddui, that is, separation. This is the lesser Excommunication. It lasted thirty days, and separated the excommunicated persons from the use of things holy. The secojid was called Cherim, that is Anathema ; this was an aggra- vation of the first, and answers almo.'.t to our greater excommunication. It excluded a man from the synagogue, and deprived him of all civil commerce. 'The third sort of Excommunication is called Scammatha, and teas of a higher nature than the greater excommunication. It was pub- lished, as they say, by sound of four hundred trum- pets, and removed all hope of retwning to the syna- gogue. Some affirm, that the penalty of death was annexed to it. But Selden fnaintains, that these three terms, Niddui, Cherim, and Scammatha, are oftentimes synonymous, and that the Jews never had, properly speaking, more than two sorts of excommunication ; one greater the other less. Selden de .>ynedriis veterum Hebrccorum, lib. 1. cap. 7. ond 8. John 9. 1 34. dost thou teach us ? and they e. him EXCUSE. Luke 14. 18. they with one consent began to make e. John 15. + 22. now have they no e. for their sin Ro>n. 1. 20. clearly seen, sothat they are witliout e. EXCUSE. 2 Cor, 12. 19. think a-ou that we e. ourselves to vou .' EXCUSED. Luke 14. 18. I prav thee have me e. 19. EXCUSING. Rom. 2. 15. their thou.ghts accusing or else e. one an. EXECRAllON. Jer. 42. 18. and ye shall be an e. and a curse 44. 12. and they shall be an e. and a reproacli ^f/.f 23. tl2. bound themselves witli an oath of e. EX ECU IK. Exod. 12. 12. T will e. judgment on the gods of Egypt Num. 5. SO. the priest shall t'. upon her all this law 8. 11. that thcv mav e. the service of the 1 ord Deut. 10. 18. he doth e. the judgment of the widow 1 Kinos 6. 12. if thou wilt e. my judgments Psal. 119.84. when wilt thou c.iudgm. on them that 149. 7. to e. vengeance upon the heathen 9. to e. upon them the judgment written Isa. 16. 3. take counsel, c. judgment, hule outcasts Jer. 7. 5. e. judgm. between a man and his neighb. 21. 12. e. judgment in the morning, and deliver 22. 3. e. judgm. and righteousness, deli er spoiled 23. 5. brancTi shall e. judgm. and justice, .33. 15. Ezek. 5. 8. I will e. judgwents in thee, 10. 143 EXO Eze^. 5. 15. when! shall e. judgments in thee in fury 11. 9. and L will e.jiidsments among you 16. 41. they shall e.. judgments upon thee 25. 11. and I will e. judgments upon Moab 17. an EXTENDED. Ge7i. .39. + 21. but the Lord e. kindness to Joseph EzraT. 28. e. mercy to me ll 9. 9. e. mercy to us Jer. 31. t3. I have e. loving-kindness to thee EXTENDETH. Psal. 16. 2. my Lord, mj^ goodness e. not to thee EXTINCT. Job 17. 1. my days are e. the graves arc ready for me Isa. 43. 17. they are e. they are ciuenched as tow EXTINGUISH. Ezek. 32. + 7- when 1 shall e. thee, I will cover heav . EXTINGUISHED. Job 6. + 17- when it is hot, they are e. out of place Psal. .30. 1. 1 will e. thee, O Lord, hast lifted me up 68. 4. e. him that rideth upon the lieavens 145. 1. I will e. thee, my God, O King, and bless Dan. 4. 37- 1 Nebuchadnezzar e. King of heaven EXTOLLED. Psal. 06. 17- and he was e. with my tongue Isa. 52. 13. behold, my servant shall be e. EXTORTION. Ezek. 22. 12. thou hast greedily gained by e. Mat. 23. 25. but within they are full of e. EXTORTIONER. Psal. 109. 11. let the e. catch all that he hath Isa. 16. 4. thee, is at an end, the spoiler ceaseth 1 Cor. 5. 11. if any man be a drunkard, an e. EXTORTIONERS. Luke 18.11. that I am not as other men are, e. 1 Cor. 5. I0. yet not altogether with c. for then 6. 10. nor e. inherit the kingdom of God EXTREME. Deut. 28. 22. the L. shall smite thee with e. burning EXTREMITY. Job 35. 15. yet he knoweth it not in great e. EYE, The organ of sight, by which visible objects are dis- cerned. Eye, or eyes, in Scripture, are figura- tively applied to God after the manner ererf darkness from my/. Psal. 44. 15. the shame of my /. hath covered me 69. 7- for thy sake sliame hath covered my/. Prov. 24. 31. nettles had covered the f. thereof Isa. 6. 2. with twain he covered his/, and his feet Ezek. 12. 6. thou shalt cover thy/, that thou see not 12. tlie prince shall cover his /. that he see not Mark 14. 65. began to spit on him, and cover his/. FACE of the couyitry. 2 Sam. 18. 8. battle was scattered over/, of country FACE of the deep. Gen. 1. 2. darkness was upon the/, of the deep Job 38. 30. and the/, of the deep is frozen Prov. 8. 27. he set a compass on the/, of the depth ¥ ACE of the earth. Gen. 1. 29. every herb upon thef .of the earth 4. 14. thou hast driven me from the/, of the earth 6. 1. men began to multiply on the/, of the earth 7. 3. to keep seed alive on the/, o/all the earth 4. I will destroy from off the /. of the earth. Dent. 6. 15. 1 Kingslly. .34. Amos 9. 8. 8. 9. the waters were on the /. of the whole earth 11. 4. lest we be scattered on the /. of the earth 41. 56. the famine was over all the /. of the earth Exod. 32. 12. to consume them from/, of the earth 33. 16. from all people unto the/, of the earth Num. 12. 3. meek above all men on/, of the earth Deut. 7. 6. above all people on tlie /. of the earth 1 Sam. 20. 15. cutoff every one from/, of the earth 2 Sam. 14. + 7- nor remainder on the /. of the earth Psal. 104. 30. thou renewest the/, of the earth Isa. 23. 17. with all kingdoms on the/, cf the earth Jer. 8. 2. be for dung on the/, of the earth, 16. 4. 28. 16. 1 will cast thee from the/, of the earth Esek. 38. 20. all men on the /. of the earth shake Dan. 8. 5. an he-goat came on the/, of the earth Amos 5. 8. poureth them on the/, of the earth, 9. 6. Zech. 5. 3. curse thatgoeth over the/, of the earth Luke 12. 56. ye can discern the /. of the earth 21. 35. that dwell on the /. of the whole earth Acts 17. 26. to dwell on all the/, of the earth FACE to FACE. Gen. 32. 30. Peniel ; for I have seen God/, tof. Exod. 33. 11. and the Lord spake to Moses/, tof. Nim. 14. 14. that thou. Lord, art seen / tof. Deut. 5. 4. the Lord talked with you/, tof. .34. 10. like Moses, whom the Lord knew/, tof. Judg. 6. 22. because I have seen an angel /. tof. Prov. 27. 19. as in water /. answereth tof. Ezek. 20. 35. there I will plead with you /. tof. Acts 25. 16. before he have the accusers/, tof. 1 Cor. 13. 12. we see thro' a glass, but then/, tof. 2 John 12. I trust to come to you, and speak/, tof. 3 John 14. 1 trust to see thee and speak /. tof. Fell on FACE or FACES. Gen. 17. + 3. Abram/(?//owhis/. and laughed, I7. 50. 1. .Toseph fell on his father's /. and wept 18. his brethren /] ebucharine^zar fell upon his /. Mat. IT. 6. disciples || 26. 39. Jesus fell 07ihisf. Luke 5. 12. leper || 17. 16. Samaritan /e// 07jhi"s/. Rev. 11. 16. the twenty-four elders fell on their/. FACE 0/ the field. Lev. 14. + 7- living bird loose on the/, of tf^ field 2 Kings 9. 37. Jezebel as dung on the /. of the field ' Ezek. 29. t 5. thou shalt fall on the/, of the field 39. t 5. Gog shall fall on the /. of the field FACE of the gate. Ezek. 40. 15. from the/, of tlie gate of the entrance- FACE of the ground. Gen. 2. 6. a mist watered the whole /. of the ground 7. 23. destroyed, tliat was on the/, of the ground 8. 8. were abated from off the /. of tlie ground 13. and behold, the/, of the ground was dry mde, hidetk, or hid FACE. Gen. 4. 14. and from thy /. shall 1 be hid Exod. 3. 6. and Moses hidh\%f. for he was afraid Deut. 31 . 17- will hide ray/, from them, 18. 1 32. 20. Job 13. 24. wlierefore hidest thou tliy/. and boldest me for thine enemy ? Psal. 44. 24. 1 88. 14. 34. 29. when he hideth his /. who can behold .'' Psal. 10. 11. he hideth his/, he will never see it 13. 1. how long wilt thou hide thy f. from me ? 22. 24. neither hath he hid his/, from him 27. 9. hide not thy/. 69. I7. I 102. 2. 1 143. 7. 30. 1. hast made my mountain strong, thou didst hide thy/, and 1 was troubled, 104. 29. 51. 9. hide thy /. from my sins, and blot out all Isa. 8. 17. hideth his/, from the house of Jacob 50. 6. 1 hid not my/, from shame and spitting 54.8. in a little wrath I hid my f. from thee 5y. 2. your sins have hid his/, from you 64. 7. thou hast hid thy f. from us and consumed ler. 16. 17. tliy ways are not hid from my/. 33. 5. I have hid my /. from this city Ezek. 39. 23. therefore hid I my f. from them, 24. 29. noi- will I hide my /. any more from them 3iic. 3. 4. he v.'ill even hide his/, at that time Rev. 6. 16. hide us from the/, of him that sitteth FACE of the house. Ezek. 41. 14. the breadth of the/, of the house FACE of the Lord'. Gen. 19. 13. the cry great before the /. of the Lord Exod. 32. + 11. Moses entreated the/, of the Lord 1 Sam. 26. 20. let not my blood fall before/, of Lord 1 Kings 13. 6. entreat now the/, of the Lord Psal. 34. 16. the/, of the Lord is against them that do evil, to cut off from the earth, 1 Pet. 3. 12. Jer. 26. + 19. Hezekiah besought the/, of the Lord Lam. 2. 19. pour out thy heart before/, of the Lord 4. 1 16. the/, of the Lord hath divided them Luke 1. 76- thou shalt go before the f. of the Lord FACE of the porch. Ezek. 40. 15. to the /. cf the porch werfe fifty cubits 41. 25. wei'e thick planks on the/, of the porch FACE with look, looked, see, saw, <\f. and told 11. 28. and Haran died before his f Terah 27- 41. the blessing wherewith his f. blessed him 28. 7. Jacob obeyed his f. and mother, was gone 31. 53. Jacob s'S'.-'ai-e by the fear of hisf. Isaac 37. 1. in the land wherein hisf. was a stranger 2. Joseph brought to his f. their evil report 10. he Told the dream to hisf. hisf. rebuked him 11. brethren envied, but hisf. observed the saying 22. he might rid him, to deliver him to his f. 44. 22. and we said, the lad cannot leave his f. 46. 1. he offered sacrifices to the God of hisf. 29. and Joseph went up to meet Israel hisf. 47. 12. Joseph nourislied his f. and brethren 50. 10. he made a mourning for his f. seven days Exod. 6. 20. and Amram took his f.'s sister to wife 21. 15. he that smiteth hisf. shall be put to death 17. he that curseth hisf. shall die, Lev. 20. 9. Zev.19. 3. shall fear every man his mother and his f. 20. 11. man that lieth with his f.'s wife, both die 17. if a man take his f.'s dauuhter, the}' shall die 21. 2. a son of Aaron maj- be defiled for hisf. 11. the high-priest not defile himself for hisf. JN?/. 9. 56. God rendered the wickedness he did to hisf. 14. 4. hisf. knew- not that it was of the Lord 1 Sam. 14. 1. but Jonathan told not hisf. 27. heard not when hisf. charaed the people 19. 4. Jonathan spake ffood of David to his f. 20. 33. it was determined of hiif. to slay David .34. because hisf. had done him shame 2 Sam. 2. 32. Asahel buried in sepulchre of his f. 7. 14. I will be his f. and he shall be my son 10. 2. as hisf. shewed kindness to me, 1 Chr. 19. 2. 16. 22. Absalom went in to his f.'s concubines 17. 23. Ahithophel buried in the sepulchre of his f. 21^ 14. Saul buried in the sepulchre of Kish his f. 1 A mgs-. 14. hisf. was a man of Tyre, 2 Chr. 2. 14. 51. which hisf. had dedicated, 15. 15. 2 Chr. 15. 18 11. 4. not perfect, as the heart of David his f. 6. Solomon went not fully v.fter the Lord, as did David his J. 15. 11. 2 Kings 18. 3. 2 Chr. 28. 33. not as did David his f. 2 Kings 14. 3. I 16. ^ 15. 3. and he walked in all the sins of hisf. 26. isadab did evil and walked in the way of his ^ -r- -, , /--r -53, 52. 2 Kings 21. 21. 2 Kings 3. 2. Jehoram did evil, but not like his f 9. 25. I and thou rode together after Ahab hisf 13. 25. the cities taken out of the hand of his f. ' 14. 5. Amaziah, the son of Joash, slewthe servants who had slain the king his f. 2 Chron. 25. 3 21. him king instead of hisj. 23. 30, .34. lCAr.5.1. Reub. defiled //«/.V bed, birth-right given 17. 13. I will be hisf. he shall be my son, 28. G. 26. 10. not first-born, yet hisf. made him the chief 2 Chron. 3. 1. the Lord appeared to David his f. 8. 14. according to the order of David his f. 17. 3. he walked in the first ways of hisf. David 4. Jehoshaphat sought the Lord God of hisf. 20. 32. he walked in the way of Asa his f. 22. 4. his counsellors after the death of his f. 34. 2. he walked in the ways of David hisf. 3. Psal. 72, 1 17. as a son to continue his f.'s name FAT Prov. 13. 1. a wise son heareth the instruction of hisf. 15. 5. a fool riespiseth his f.'s instruction 17. 25. a foolish son is a grief to his f. 19. 13. a foolish son is the calamity of his f. 26. he that wasteth hisf. is a son causeth shame CO. 20. whoso curseth hisf. his lamp shall be put out 28. 7. a companion of riotous menshameth'/iw/. 24. whoso robbeth hisf. or mother, and saith 29. 3. wiioso loveth wisdom, rejoiceth his f. .30. 17. the ravens pick out eye that mocke'th hisf. Isa. 45. 10. woe to him that saith to hisf. what begets Ezek. 18. 14. beget a son that seeth all his f.'s sins 17. he shall not die for the iniquity of his f. 18. as for his f. because he cruelly oppiessed Ban. 5. 2. to bring the golden vessels itisf. had taken Amos 2. 7- a man and hisf. go in to the same maid Zech. 13. 3. hisf. and mother shall thrust him thro' i\Ial. 1. 6. a son honours hisf. a servant his master Mat. 10. 35. to set a man at variance against his f. 15. 5. whoso shall saj^ to hisf. it is a gift^Markl. 11. 6. and honour not hisf. or mother, he shall be free 16. 27. the Son of man shall come in the slory of Jiis F. with his ansels, iMark 8. .38. Lvkr 9. 26. 21. 31. whether of them did the will of hisf. ? Murk 9. 21. he asked his f. how long ago it "is since Luke 1. 32. Lord shall give him the throne of his f. 59. they called him after the name of his f. 62. they made signs unto his f. how to call him 67. his f. Zacharias was filled with the H. Ghost 9. 42. Jesus delivered him aaain to his f. 14. 26. if any man come to me, and hate not hisf. 15. 12. and the younger of them said to his f. ■ 20. arose and came to his f. hisf. saw him, and ran 28. therefore came hisf. and entreated him John 5. 18. because he said, that God was hisf. Acts 16. 1. son of a Jewess, but his f. was a Greek 1 Cor. 5. 1. that one should have his f.'s wife Heh. 7- 10. for he was yet in the loins of his f. Rev. 1. 6. made us kings and priests to G. and his F. 14. 1. his F.'s name written, in their foreheads See House. FATnER-2«-/aar. Gen. .38. 13. behold, thy f.-i^i-laxi- goeth to Timnath 25. when brought fortli, she went to her f.-in-la-^ Exod. 3. 1. the flock of Jethro his/.-m-/a», 4. 18. 18. 1. Closes' f. -in law, 8, 14, I7. Judg. 1. 16. I 4. 11. 27. INJoses let his f.-in-laiv depart, and he went Nvm. 10. 29. Raguel the Midianite, ISloses' f.-i?i-law Judg. 19. 4. his f.-in-ia:i' retained him, and he abode 7. when he rose to depart, bis f.-in-/aw urged him 1 Sam. 4. 19. when she heard f. -in law was dead, 21. Joh?i 18. 13. Annas was f. -in-law to Caiaphas M^ FATHER. Gen. 19. 34. behold, T lay j-esternight with mi/ f. 20. 12. she is daughter of mi/ f. not of my mother 27. 12. m^/f. peradventure will feel me, I shall 34. Esau cried, bless me, even me also, O mp f. 31. 5. the God of mpf 42. || .32. 9. Exod. 18. 4. 44. 24. when we came to tiiy servant mj/ f. 27, 30. 32. for I became surety for the lad to my f. 45. 3. doth miff, yet live ? || 9. haste to go up to mpf. 13. tell ?ni/f. ii 47. 1. mi/f. and brethren are come 48. 18. not so, mpf. for this is the first-born Dent. 26. 5. a Syrian ready to perish was ?ni/ f. Josh. 2. 13. ye will save alive w^/. and mother Judg. 9. 17. '-''Pf- fought for you, and delivered you 11. 36. mp f. if thou hast opened thy mouth 14. 16. I have not told it mi/ f. nor my mother 1 Sam. '). 5. lest m;/ f. leave caring for the asses 14. 29. Jonathan said, mi/ f. tioubled the land 18. 18. who am I, and what is my f.'s family ? ■ 19. 2. saying, Saul my f. seeketh to kill thee 3. and I will commune with my f. of tliee 20. 2. my f. will do nothing, but he will shew it me 13. Lord' be with, as he hath been with 7ny f. 22. 3. let my f. and my mother be with you 23. 17. the hand of Saul my f. shall not find thee 2 Sam. 16. 3. restore me the kingdom of my f. 19. 37. tliat I may be buried by the grave of my f. 1 Kings Q. 26. thou barest the ark of the Lord before David ))?y f. in all wherein my f. was afflicted 32. myf. David not knowing thereof 44. the wickedness that thou didst to David myf. 3. 6. thou hast shewed to David myf. great mercy 7. hast made thy servant king instead of myf. 5. 3. David my f. could not build an house 5. as the lord spake to David myf. saying 8. 17. it was in the heart of David myf. to build 24. who hast kept with thy servant David myf. 26. let my word be verified to my f. 2 Chr. 6. 16. 12. 10. thus thou shalt sav, my little finger shall be thicker than my f.'s loins, 2 Chron. 10. 10. ■' 11. myf. lade you with a heavy yoke, 2 Chr. 10. 11. 14. n?yf. chastised you with vhips, 2 Chr. 10. 14. 15. 19. league between myf. and thy f.2 Chr. 16. 3. 19. 20. let me, I pray thee, kiss myf. and mother 20. 34. the cities 7riy f. took I will restore 2 Kings 2. 12. Elisha saw it, and he cried, myf. myf. 6. 21. my f. shall I smite them ? shall I smite them ? 13. 1.4. Efisha said, myf. myf. the chai-iot of Israel 1 Chr. 28. 4. Lord chose me before all the house of myf. and amonir the sons of my f. he liked me 2 Chr. 2. 3. as thou clidst deal with myf. so deal Neh. 2. 3. the place of my f.'s sepulchres lieth waste 5. send me to the city of my f.'s sepulchres Joh 17. 14. I said to corruption, thou art my f. 34. + 36. myf. let Job be tried to the end Psal. 27. 10. when my f. and my mother forsake me 89. 26. he shall cry unto me, thou art my F. my G. Prov. i. 3. for T was my f.'s son, tender and beloved Isa. 8. 4. the child have knowledge to cry, ?ny f. Jer. 2. 27. saying to a stock, thou art myf. 3. 4. wilt thou not cry unto me. my F. f 19. 20. 15. cursed be man who brought tidings to myf. Ban. 5. 13. whom myf. brought out of Jewry Mat. 7. 21. he that doeth the will of my F. 12. 50. 8. 21. sufter me to so and bury yny f. iMke 9. 59. 10. .32. him will I confess before my F. in heaven .33. him will I also deny before mvF. in heaven 11. 27. are delivered to me of 7ny F. Luke 10. 22. 15. 13. plant my heavenly F. hath not planted 16. 17. but my F. who is in heaven revealed it FAT Mat. 18. 10. their angels behold the face of tny F. 19. it shall be done of my F. who is in heaven .35. so shall iny heavenly F. also do unto you 20. 23. for whom it is prepared of my F. 24. 36. that day knoweth no man but my F. only 25. 34. the King shall say, come ye blessed of my F. 26. 29. 1 drink it new with you in my F.'s kingdom 39 O my F. if it be possible, let this cup pass me 42. my F. if this cup may not pass, thy will be done 53. thinkest thou that 1 cannot pray to my F. ? Luke 2. 49. that 1 must be about my F.'s business 15. 17. how many hired serv. of my f. have bread ? 18. 1 will arise, and go to my f. and will say,/. 16. 27. I pray thee, send him to my f.'s house 22. 29. as my F. hath appointed unto me 24. 49. I send the promise of my F. upon you John 5. 17. ™y F- worketh hitherto, and I work 43.1 am come in my F.'s name, ye receive me not 6. 32. but my F. giveth you the true bread 65. none come to me, except it be given of my F. 8. 19. Jesus said, ye neither know me, nor my F. 28. as my F. hath taught me, i speak these things 38. I speak that which 1 have seen with my F^ 49. but 1 honour my F. and ye dishonour me 54. it is my F. that honoureth me, of whom ye say 10. 17. therefore doth my F. love me, because 18. this commandment have I received of >r/y F. 25. works i do in my F.'s name bear witness of me £9. my F. wliogave them me, is greater than all, none is able to pluck tliem out of my F.'s hand 30. I and my F. are one 32. niany good works have I shewed from my F. 37. if I do not the v\'orks of my F. believe me not 12. 26. if any serve me, him will jtiy F. honour 14. 7. if known me, should have known my F. also 12. greater works, because 1 go to my F. 16. 10. 20. at that day ye shall know that I am in viy F. 21. he that loveth me, shall be loved of my F. 23. 28. I go to the Father, my F. is greater than I 15. 1. 1 am the vine, my F. is the husbandman 8. herein is my F. glorified, that ye bear fruit 10. even as I have kept 7ny F.'s commandments 15. all that I heard of my F. 1 have made kno-\vn 23. he that hateth me, hateth my F. also, 24. 18. 11. the cwpmy F. hath given, shall I not drink it ? 20. 17. touch not, for I am iiot yet ascended to 7ny F. say to th.em, I ascend to my F. and your Father 21. as 7))y F. hath sent me, even so send I you Rev. 2. 27. even as I received of 771 y F. 3. 5. 1 will confess his nanie before my F. and angels Our FATHER. Gen. 19. 31. 07trf. is old !| 32. make onrf. drink wine 31. 1. Jacob hath taken away all that is our f. 16. 42. 13. the younsest is this day with our. f. 32. 43. 28. thy servant our f. is in good health 44. 31. biingourf. with soiTOW to the grave Num.'it'i. 3. ourf. died in the wilderness, had no sons 4. why should the name of our f. be done away ? 1 Chr. 29. 10. blessed be thou, L. God of isr. our F. Isa. 63. 16. doubtless, thou art our F. Abraham ig- norant 64. 8. O Lord, thou art our F. we are the clay Jer. 35. 6. ourf. commanded us to drink no wine 8. we have obeyed the voice of ourf. 10. Mat. 6. 9. our F. which art in heaven, Luke 11. 2 3Iark 11. 10. blessed be the kingdom of our f. David Luke 1. 73. the oath which he sware to ourf. Abrah. 3. 8. begin not to say, we have Abraham to ourf. Jolm 4. 12. art thou greater than ourf? 8. 53. Acts 7. 2. the God of glory appeared to 07irf. Ro/n. 1. 7. grace to you, and peace from God' our F. and the Lord Jesus Christ, 1 Cor. 1. 3. 2 Cor. 1. 2. 2 Thess. 1. 2. 1 Tim.. 1. 2. Philem. 3. 9. 10. conceived bj' one, even by ojir f. Isaac Gal. 1. 4. according to the will of God, and our F. Eph. 1. 2. srace be to you, and peace from G. our F and L. ,1es. Ch. Phil. 1. 2. Col. 1. 2. 1 Thess. 1. 1. Phil. 4. 20. unto God 07tr F. be glory for ever, amen 1 Thess. 1. 3. in the sight of God and our F. 3. 11. now God our F. direct our way unto you 13. may stablish you in holiness before G. oiir F. 2 Thess. 1. I.Paul unto the church in God our F. 2. 16. now God, even our F. comfort your hearts Their FATHER. Gen. 9.23. Shem and Japhet covered the nakedness of their f. and saw not the nakedness of their f. 19. 33. they made their f. drink wine that niaht 36. both Lot's daughters with child by their f. .37. 12. his brethren went to feed their f.'s i\ock Exod. 2. 16. filled troughs to water their f.'s flock 40. 15. anoint them as tiiou didst anoint ///c?> /. Num. 36. 6. to the tribe of their f. shall they marry Josh. 19. 47. after Dan their f. Judg. 18. 29. 1 Sam. 2. 25. they hearkened not to voice of their f. 10. 12. one of the same place said, who is their f. ? 1 Kiiigs 13. 11. the prophet'^ sons told their f. 1 Chr. 7. 22. Ephraim their f. mourned manv days 24. 2. Nadab and Abihu died before their f. 25. 3. under the hands of their f. Jeduthuri, 6. 2 Chron. 21. 3. their f. gave them great gifts Job 42. 15. their f. gave them inheritance Prov. 30. 11. there isa generation that curseth th.f. Jer. 16. 7. cup of consolation to drink for their f. 35. 14. Jonadab's sons obeyed t. f.'s command. 16 Ezek. 22. 10. they discovered their f.'s nakedness .' Mat. 4. 21. in a ship with Zebedee their f. 22. they left ship and their f. and followed him 13. 43. riahteous shall shine in kingdom of their f 77^^ FATHER. Gen. 12. 1. Lord said, get thee from thy f.'s house 27. 6. I heard thy f. speak to 1 sau thy brother 10. thou shalt bring it to thy f. that he eat 38. 11. Judah said, remain a widow at thy f.'s house 46. 3. I am the C^od of thy f. fear not to go down 49. 25. by the God of thyf. who shall help thee 26. the blessings of thyf. have prevailed above 50. 16. thyf. commanded before he died, saying 17. forgive the servants of the God of thyf. Exod. 20. 12. honour thy f. and thy mother that thy days may be Ions, Deut. 5. 16. Mat. 15. 4. 1 19. 19. Nu/n. 18. 2. thv brethren of the tribe of thyf. bring Beut. 6. 3. as the G od of thy f. promised thee 155 FAT Deut. 32. f). is not he thy f. that bought thee ? 7. ask t/ip f. and he will shew tliee, thv elders liuth 2. 11. how thou hast left ths/ f. and mother 1 ,'ia?)t. 20. 1. and what is my sin before t/iy f. ?^ 6. iithy f. at all miss me, then say, David asked 2 !Sam. 6. 21. the Lord which chose me before thy f. 10. ?>. thinkest thou that David doth honour thyf. that he sent comforters to thee ? 1 Chron. 19. 3. 16. 19. as 1 have served in thy f.'s presence 1 KingsW.ll. I will notdoitfor David C%/.'.9 sake 12. 4. if//2//.made yoke grievous, 10. 2 Chron. 10. 4. 15. 19. there is a league betw. my father and thyf. 20. .34. the cities which my father took from thyf. 2 Kings ?,. 1.3. aet thee to the prophets of thyf. 20. 5. thus saith the Lord, the God of David thyf. 2 Chmi. 21. 12. Im. .38. 5. 1 Chr. 28. 9. rny son, know thou the God of thy f. 2 Chr. 7. 17. if thou wilt walk before me as thy f. Job 15. 10. are aged men much elder than thy f. Prov. 1. 8. hear the instruction ot thy f. 23. 22. 6. 20. my son, keep thyf.'s commandment 23. 25. thyf. and mother shall be glad, she rejoice 27. 10. thine own and thyf.'s friend forsake not Isa. 43. 27. thy first/, hath sinned against me 58. 14. feed thee with the heritage of .lacob thy f. Jer. 12. 6. houseof t.f. dealt treacherously with thee 22. 15. did not thy f. eat, drink, and do judgment Ezek. 16. 3. thyf. was an Amorite, motlier an Hittite Dan. 5. 11. in the days of thyf. the king, 1 say thyf. 18. God gave thy f. a kingdom and glory Mat. 6. 4. tl/y F. which seeth in secret, 6, 18. 6. shut thy door, pray to thy F. who is in secret Mark 7. 10. for Moses said, honour thy f. and mo- ther, 10. 19. L-uke 18. 20. Eph. 6. 2. Luke 2. 48. thyf. and I sought thee sorrowing 15. 27. and thyf. hath killed the fatted calf Jo/m 8. 19. then said they unto him , wliere is thy f. ? Your FATHER. Gen. 31. 6. with all my power I have served your f. 7 . yourf. hath deceived me, and changed my wages 43.7. is your f. alive '! have ye another brother.'' 44. 17. as for you, get you up in peace to yourf. 45. 19. take you waggons, bring your f. and come 49. 2. sons of .lacob, hearken unto Israel your f. Jer. 35. 18. because ye obeyed Jonadab your f. Esek. 16. 45. mother an Hittite, yourf. an Amorite Mat. 5. 16. may glorifj' your F. who is in heaven 45. may be the children of your F. in heaven 48. be ye perfect, as y(mr F. in heaven is perfect 6. 1. otherwise ye have no reward oi your F. 8. your F. knoweth what things ye have need of before ye ask them, 32. Luke 12. 30. 14. if ye forgive, ^/ow heavenly F. will forgive you 15. if ye forgive not, neither will your F. forgive your trespasses, Mark 11. 25, 26. 10. 29. not one sparrow shall fall without your F. 18. 14. it is not the will oi your F. that one perish 23. 9. call no man yourf. upon the earth, for one is yo7ir F. which is in heaven Luke 6. 36. be ye merciful, as your F. also is merciful 12. .32. it is your F.'s pleasure to give you kingdom JohnQ. 38. ye do what ye have seen with yourf. 41. ye do the deeds of your f. then said they to nim 42. Jes. said, if G od were your would love me 44. 3'e are of yourf. the devil, and the lusts of yourf. ye will do, he was a murderer 20. 17. I ascend to my F. and your F. to my God FATHERS. Exod.6. 14. these are the heads of their /.j' houses, 25. Joih. 14. 1. I 19. 51. I 21. 1. 1 Chr. 8. 10, 13, 28. 10. 6. neither thy father, nor ihyf.s' father have seen 20. 5. visiting the iniquity of the /. upon the children, 34. 7. N7i7n. 14. 18. Deut. 5. 9. Deut. 24. 16. the /. shall not be put to death for the children, nor children for/. 2 Kmgs 14. 6. Jo7) 30. 1. whose/. 1 would have disdained to set Prov. 19. 14. house and riches are inheritance of/. Isa. 49. 23. kings shall be thy nursing/, and queens Jer. 6. 21. /. and .sons shall fall on them, 13. 14. 7. 18. children gather wood, /. kindle the fire 31. 29./. have eaten sour grapes, Eeek. 18. 2. 32. 18. recompensest iniquity of the /. on children 47. 3. the /. shall not look back to their children Eaek. 5. 10. the /. shall eat the sons in midst of thee Mai. 4. 6. he shall turn the heart of the/, to the children, and children to their/. Luke 1. 17. John 7. 22. not because it is of Moses, but of the /. Acts 7. 2. men, brethren, and/, hearken, 22. 1. 13. .32. the promise which was made unto the/. 22. 3. the perfect manner of the law of the /. Rom. 9. 5. whose are the/, of whom Christ came 1 Cor. 4. 15. though instructors, yet have not many/. Eph. 6. 4. /. provoke not your children. Col. 3. 21. Heb. 1. 1. God who spake in times past to the/. 12. 9. we had /. of our flesh who corrected us 2 Pet. 3. 4. since the/, fell asleep, all things continue 1 John 2. 13. 1 write unto you/, ye have known, 14. See Buried, Chief. His FATHERS. 1 KiJicfS 15. 12. he removed the idols his f. made 2 Kings 12. 18. took the things his f had dedicated 15. 9. he did what was evil as his f. iiad done 21. 22. he forsook Lord God of his f. 2 Chro7i. 21. 10. 23. .32. according to all hisf. had done, 37. | 24. 9. 2 Chron. 21. 19. no burning like the burning of /(m/. 28.25. Ahaz provoked the Lord God of his f. 30. 19. prepareth his heart to seek the God of his f. 33.12. he humbled himself before God of his f. Psal. 49. 19. he shall go to the generation of his f. 109. 14. let the iniquity of his f. be remembered Dayi. 11. 24. shall do what his f. have not done .37. neither shall he regard the God of his f. 38. and a "od whom his f. knew not shall honour Acts 13. 35. David was laid \okis f. saw corruption My FATHERS. Gen. 47.9. not attained to the years of my f. .30. 1 will lie with my f. carry me out of Egypt 48. 16. and the name of my f. be named on them 49. 29. bury me with my f. in (he cave in field Fxod. 15. 2. he is my f. God, I will exalt him 1 Kings 19. 4. for 1 am no better than my f. 21. 3. give the inheritance of my f. to thee, 4. 156 FAT 2 Kings 19. 12. have sods of the nations delivered them myf. destroyed .' 2 Chr. 32. 14. Isa. .37. 12. 2 Chr. ,32. 13. know not what 1 and myf. have done Psal. 39. 12. for 1 am a sojourner, as all my f. were Dan. 2. 23. 1 thank and praise thee, O God of myf. Acts 24. 14. so worship 1 the God of my f. Gal. 1. 14. being zealous of the traditions of my f. Our I'ATHEllS. Gen. 46. 34. till now both we and also our f. 47. 3. Num.. 20. 15. how our f. went down into Egypt Deut. 5. 3. Lord made not this covenant with ourf. 6. 23. land which he sware to ourf. 26. 3, 15. 26. 7. cried to the God of o7irf. the Lord heard Jrsh. 22. 28. the pattern of the altar (i?^r/. made 24. 17. brought ourf. out of the land of Egypt Jvdg. 6. 13. where be miracles which ourf. told of? 1 Kings 8. 57. God be with us, as he was with uurf. 58. his statutes, which he commanded our f. 2 Kings 22. 13. because flwr /. have not hearkened 1 Chron. 12. 17. the GoAofo7irf. look and rebuke it 29. 15. for we are sojourners, as were all our f. 18. O Lord God of our f. keep for ever in the thoughts of the heart of thy i)e()i)le, 2 ('hr. 20. 6. 2 Chron. 6. 31. whicii thou gavest ourf. Nch. 9. 36. 29. 6. for our f. have trespassed anFAl PIERS. Exod. 4. 5, that the God of their f. hath appeared 6. 14. heads of their f. 25. Josh. 14. 1. 1 19. 51. I 21. 1. 1 Chron. 5. 24. | 7- 2, 7- I 8. 6. I 9. 9, 13. Lev. 26. 39. in iniquity of their f. shall pine away 40. if they confess the iniquity of their f. Num. 11. 12. the land thou swarest to give to their/. 14. 23. Deut. 10. 11. 1 31. 20. Josh. 1. 6. 1 5. 6. 121.43, 44. Jer. 32. 22. Deut. 29. 25. have forsaken the covenant of their f. Josh. 4. 6. when your children ask their f.l^. 22. 14. each one a head of the house of their f. Judg. 2. 10. that generation were gathered to their f. 12. they forsook the I ord God of their f. 17. they turned out of the way their f. walked in 19. they corrupted themselves more than their f. 20. my covenant which I commanded their f. 22. if they keep way of Lord, as their f. kept it 3. 4. wich he commanded their f. by Moses 1 Kings 8. 34. and brinff them aaain to the land tliou gavestto their f. 48. 2 Chron. 6. 25, 38. 9. 9. who brought forth their f. out of Egypt 14. 15. out of the land which he gave to their f. 2 Kings 21. 8. Jer. 16. 15. 1 24. 10. 22. provoked above all that their f. had done 2 Kijigs 21 . 15. since day their f. came out of Egypt 1 Chro7i. 4. .38. the house of their f. increased greatly 5. 25. transgressed against the God of their f. 29. 20. blessed the God of their f. and bowed down 2 Chr. 7. 22. forsook God of their f. 24. 24. | 28. 6. 11. 16. came to sacrifice to the God of their f. 13. 18. they relied on the Lord God of their f. 14. 4. conmianded to seek God of their f. 15. 12. 19. 4. brought them back to the God ot their f. 20. 33. not prepared their hearts to God of their f. 30. 7. which trespassed against the God of their f. 22. making confession to the God of their f. 34. .32. according to the covenant of God of their f. FAT 2 Chr. .34. .33. fi'om following Lord the God of their f, .36. 15. God of their f. sent by his messi'ngers IVe/i. 9. 2. confessed sins and iniquities of their f. 23. into the land thou promisedst to their f. Job 8. 8. prepare thyself to the search ol their f. 15. 18. which wise men have told from iheirf. Psal. 78. 8. and might not be as their f. a stubborn 12. marvellous lliiiiL's did he in siyht of their f. 57. they dealt unlaitlilnll y like their f. Prov. 17. 6. and th" ?jl(,i , <^l children are their f. Isa. 14. 21. slaughter tor the iniquity of their f. Jer. 7. 26. they did wors'-' than their f, 9. 14. after Baalim, which their f. taught them 16. whom they nor their f. have known, 19. 4. 23. 27. as their f. have forgotten my name 31.32. 1 willmake a new covenant, not accorriingfo covenant I made with their f. 11. 10. Ileb.Q. 9. .50. 7. have sinned against Lord, the hope of //ie?>/. Fsek. 2. 3. tl.ey and their f. have transgressed 5. 10. the fathers shall eat sons, and son's eat their f. 20. 4. cause them to know abominations of //iei//. 24. their eyes \vere after their f. idols A//WS 2. 4. their lies, after which their f. walked I\]at. 4. 6. tinn the heart of the children to their f. Lv/.e 6. 23. for in like manner did their f. 26. for so did their /'. to the false prophets 'i7/,?/'PAlHf',RS. Gen. 15. 15. thou slialt ao to thy f. in peace 49. 8. thy f. children shall how down before thee Exod. 13. 5. into land which he sware to thy f. 11. Deut. 6. 10, 18. I 7. 12, l.i. I 8. 18. | 9. 5. I 13. 17. I 19. 8. I 28. 11 . 1 29. 13. 1 ,30. 20. Deut. 1. 21. go up, possess it, as tiod ot thy f. said 4. 31. nor forget the covenant of thy f. he sware .37. and because he loved thy f. 10. 15. 8. 3. humbled thee and fed thee with manna which thou knewest not, neither did thy f. know, 16. 10. 22. thyf. went into I'.l'v. ^^i(h seventy persons 12. 1. land which the God nfthyf. givetli thee 13. 6. other gods thou nor thyf. known, 28. 64. 19. 8. give the land which he promised thyf. 27. 3. 28. 36. to a nation thou nor thyf. have known 30. 5. do thee good and multiply thee above thyf. 9. rejoice over thee, as he rejoiced over thy f. 31. 16. thou shaft sleep with thyf. 2 Sam. 7. 12. 1 Kings 13. 22. shall not come to sepulchre of thy f. 2 Kings 10. 17. wfjat thy f. laid up be carried away 22. 26. 1 will gather thee to thy f. 2 Chr. 34. 28. 1 Chron. 17. H. thou must go to be with thyf. Ezra A. 15. search the book of the records of thy f. Psal. 45. 16. instead of thy f. shall be thy children Prov. 22. 28. remove not the land-mark tliy f. set Jer. 34. 5. burned with the burnings of thy f. Acts 7. 32. 1 am God of thy f. the G. of Abraham Your FATHERS. Gen. 48. 21. shall bring you to the land of your f. Exod. 3. 13. the God of your f. hath sent me, IJeut 1. 11. I 4. 1. Josh. 18. 3. 2 Chron. 28. 9. 1 29. 5. Num. .32. 8. thus did yourf. Neh. 13. 18. 14. behold ye are risen up in yourf. stead Deut. 1. 8. possess the land the LorcT sware to 2/o?/r /. .35. 1 7. P. I 8. 1. I 11. 9. 21. Judg. 2. 1. 32. 17. sacrificed to gods whom yourf. feared not Josh. 24. 2. yourf. dwelt on tlie other side the flood 6. I brouiiht yi'iir f. outof J'gypt, Egypt pursued 14. put away the gods which yourf. served 15. whether the gods which yourf. served 1 Sa?n. 12. 7. acts the Lord did to you and yourf. 8. yourf. cried, the Lord brought forth yourf. 15. the hand of the Lord against you as ag. yourf. 2 Kings I7. 13. the law which 1 commanded j^oMr/. 2 Chron. 13. 12. fight ye not ag. the God of your f. 30. 7. be not ViVeyour f. and brethren, 8. Zech.\.4. 33. 8. remove out of the land appointed for your f. Ezra 8. 28. free-will offering to the God of your f. 10. 11. make confession to the God of your f. Psal. 95. 9. when yourf. tempted me, Heb. 3. 9. Isa. 65. 7- your and the iniquities of yourf. togeth. Jer. 2. 5. what iniquity have yourf. found in me ? ^. 18. shall come to the land 1 have given io yourf. 7. 7. dwell in the land I gave toyovrf. 14. | 23. 39. i 25. 5. I 35. 15. Ezek. 20. 42. | 36. 28. | 47. 14. 22. I spake not to yourf. in the day 1 brought them 25. since the day yourf. came forth out of Egypt 11.4. which I commanded your f. 17. 22. 7- for I earnestly protested unto yourf. 16. 11. because yowr/. have forsaken me 12. done worse than your f. || 13. ye nor your f. 34. 13. I made a covenant with your f. in the day 14. but your f. hearkened not unto me 44. 3. whom they knew not, neither they nor yourf. 9. have ye forgotten the wickedness of your f. ? 10. in my statutes I set before you and yourf. 21. the incense ye, yourf. and kings, burn Ezek. 20. 18. walk ye not in the statutes of your f. 27. -inihis your f. have blasphemed me .30. are ye polluted after the manner of your f. ? 36. like as I pleaded with your f. so with you .37. 25 «hall dwell in the land wherein yowr/. dwelt Ilos. 9. 10. I saw your f. as the first ripe of fig-tree Joel 1. 2. hath this been in the days of your f. ? Zech.l.i. the Lord hath been displeased withyourf, 4. be not as your f. \\ 5. your f. where are they .' 6. did not my words take hold of your f. ? 8. 14. yihenyour f. provoked me to wrath Mai. 3. 7. from Aaysof your f. ye are gone away IMat. 23. 32. fill ye up then the measure of your f, Luke 11. 47. of prophets, and yourf. killed them 48. ye witness that ye allow the deeds of your f. John 6. 49. yourf. did eat manna and are dead 58. not as your f. did eat manna and are dead Acts 7. 51. ye resist Holy Ghostas2/owr/. did, soye 52. who of the proph. have notyour f. persecuted ? 1 Pet. 1. 18. received by tradition from your f. FATHERLESS. Exod. 22. 22. ye shall not afflict any/, child 24. your wives shall be widows, and children/. Deut. 10. 18. he doth execute the judgment of the/, and widow, Psal. 82. 3. Im. 1. 17, Job 6. 27. ye overwlielm the/, and dig a pit 22. 9. the arms of the/, have been broken 24. 3. they drive away the ass of the f. FAF Job li4. 9. they pluck the /. from the breast i;9. 12. because 1 delivered the poor and the/. 31. 17. eaten alone, and/, hath not eaten thereof 21. if 1 have lifted up my hand asainst the/. Psal. 10. 14. thou art the helper of the/. 18. to judfre the/, and the oppressed 68. 5. a father of_the/. a judge of the widows 109. 9. li*t his children bey. his wife a widow 12. nor let any favour his/, children Prov. 2.5. 10. enter not into the helds of the/. li-a. 1. 23. they judge not the f. Jer. 3. 28. 9. 17. tlie Lord shall not have mercy on their/. 10. 2. widows their prey, that they may rob the/. Jer. 49. 11. leave thy/, children, 1 will preserve we are orphans and/ our mothers widows Ezek. 22. 7. in thee have they vexed the/, and widow Hos. 14. .3. for in theetlie/'. findeth mercy Alal. 3. 5. a witness against those that oppress the / Jam. 1. 27. pure religion is to visitthe/. and widows J'ATHERLESS, with stranger. Deut. 14. 29. the stranger, and the /. and the widow shall come and eat, 24. 19, 20, 21. | 26. 12, 13. 16. 11. the stranger and/, rejoice with thee, 14. 24. 17. nor pervert judgment of stranger nor/. 27. 19. cursed that perverts judg. of w/'-^Wf/gr and /. Tsal. 94. 6. they slay the stranger -dXidi murder the/ 146. 9. the Lord preseivetli the strangers and /. Jer. 7. 6. if ye oppress not the stranger, the / and the widow, 22. 3. Zech. 7. 10. FATHOMS. Acts Ti. 28. they foimd it twenty /. aaain fifteen/. 1'ATLI>;G. Zi-a.11.6. the calf, the younc lion, and the/, together FALLINGS. 1 Sam. 15. 9. Saul spared Agag and the best ot tlie/. 2 Sam. 6. 13. David sacrificed oxen and/. Psal. 66. 15. 1 will offer to thee burnt sacrifices of/. Ezek. 39. 18. all of them/ of Bashan Mat. 22. 4. my oxen and my / are killed, all ready FATIv ESS. Gen. 27- 28. God give thee ot the /. of the earth 39. thy dwelling shall be the/, of the earth Dent. 32. 15. thou art thick and covered with /. Judg. 9. 9. the olive-tree said, should I leave my/. Job 15. 27. because he covereth his face with his/'. .36. 16. that set on thy table should be full of/. Psal. .36. 8. shall be satisfied with the /. of thy house 63. 5. my soul be satisfied as with marrow and/. 65. 11. thou crownest year, all thy paths drop/ 73. 7. eyes stand out with /. have more than wish 109. 24. knees are weak, my flesh faileth of/. Isa. 17. 4. once the/ of his flesh shall wax lean 34. 6. the sword of the Lord is made fat with/. 7. their dust shall be made fat with /. 55. 2. and let your soul delight itself in/. Jer. 31. 14. I will satiate the soul of priests with /. Rom. 11. 17. with them partakest of /. of the olive FA IS. Joel 2. 24. the /. shall overflow with wine and oil 3. 13. for the press is full, the/, overflow FATTED. 1 Kings 4. 23. ten oxen, beside harts, and/, fowl Jer. 46. 21. her hired men are like/, bullocks See Calf. FATTER, see Countenances. FATTEST. Psal. 78. 31. the wrath of God' slew the/, of them Dan. 11. 24. shall enter on /. places of the province FAULT, S. Gen. 41. 9. butler said, I remember my/. this day Jixod. 5. 16. but the/, is in thine own people Deut. 25. 2. cause to be beaten according to his/. 1 Sam. 29. 3. and I have found no/, in'him 2 Sam. 3. 8. thou chargest me this day with a/. Psal. 19. 12. cleanse thou me from secret/. 59. 4. they run and prepare without my/. Dati. 6. 4. they could find no occasion or f. in him Mat. 18. i5. it thy brother trespass, tell h'im his/. Mark T. 2. eat with unwashen hands, they found/. Zuke 23. 4. Pilate said, chief priests and people, 1 find no/, in this man, 14. John 18. 38. 1 19. 4, 6. Rom. 9. 19. thou wilt say, why doth he yet find/. ? I Cor. 6. 7- now there is utterly a/ among you Gal. 6. 1. if a man be overtaken in a/, restore him Ilel). 8. 8. for, finding/, with them, he saith, behold 9. t 14. who offered himself without f. to God Jam. 5. 16. confess your /. one to another, pray one 1 Pet. 2. 20. if when ye buffeted for your/. Hev. 14. 5. are without/ before the throne of God FAULTLESS. Ueb. 8. 7. if the first covenant had been/, then Jnde 24. him that is able to present you f. with iov FAULTY. -^ ISium.Zo. 1 31. no satisfaction for a murderer/, to die 9. Sam. 14. 13. the kin"' doth speak as one which is /. Hos. 10. 2. heart divided, now shall they be found/. FAVOUR. ■' Gen. 39. 21. gave .Joseph /. in the sight of the keeper Exod. 3. 21. iwill give this people/, in sight of the Egyptians, shall not go empty, 11. 3. | 12. 36. Deut. 28. 50. which shall not shew /. to the youno- .33. 23. he said, O Naphtali, satisfied with/. Josh. 11. 20. and that they might have no/. 1 Sam. 2. 26. Samuel was in /. with Lord and men Job 10. 12. thou hast granted me life and /'. Psal. 5. 1 2. with /. wilt compass him as with a shield 30. 5. his/, is life,weepin"- may endure for anioht 7. by thy /. thou hast made my mountain to stand 44. 3. because thou hadst a/, unto them 45. 12. even the rich sliall entreat thy/ 89. 17- in thy/, our horn shall be exalted' 106. 4. remember me witli the /. thou bearest thine 112. 5. a good man sheweth/ and lendeth 119. 58. I entreated thy/, with my whole heart Prov. 11. 27. he that seeketh good procureth/. 13. 15. good understanding giveth/. 14. 9. but among the righteous there is/. 35. the king's/ is toward a wise servant 16. 15. his/, is as a cloud of the latter rain 19. 6. many will entreat the/, of the prince 12. the king's /. is as dew upon the grass 21. 10. his neighbour findeth no/, in his eyea FEA Prov. 22. 1. loving/, rather to be chosen than silver 29. 26. many seek the ruler's /. 31. 30./. is deceitful, and beauty is vain Eccl. 9. 11. race not to swift, nor/ to men of skill Isa. 26. 10. let/ be shewed to the wicked 27. 11. he who formed them will shew them no/. 60. 10. but in my /. have 1 had mercy on thee Jer. 16. 13. a land, where I will not shew you/. 31. t9. and with/, will 1 lead them Da7i. 1. 9. God had brought Daniel into/, and love Lnke 2. 52. Jesus increased in/, with God and men Acts 2. 47. praising God, having/, with all people 7. 10. Godgave Moses/, in sight of Pharaoh 25. 3. the high priest desired /. against him Ftnd, or found, FAVOUR. Gen. 18. 3. if now 1 have fauyid f. in thy sight, 30. 27. Num. 11. 15. 1 Sam. 20. 29. Neh. 2. 5. Esth. 5. 8. I 7- 3. |8. 5. Num. 11. 11. and wherefore have 1 not found f.? Deut. 24. 1. it come to pass shufind no/, in his eyes RtUh 2. 13. let me find f. in thy sight, my lord 1 Sa?n. 16. 22. David hixXh found f. in my siglit 25. 8. let the young men Jitid f. in thy sight 2 Sam. 15. 25. if 1 siiall.AVj'//. in eyes of the Lord 1 Kings 11. 19. U Adud foimd f. in siahtof Pharaoh Prov. 3. 4. so Shalt Xhoxxfindf- in the sight of God 28. 23. s\vA.\\Ji7id more/ than he that fiattereth Cant. 8. 10. 1 was in his eyes as one ih-At fnmd f. Luke 1. 30. fear not, for thou fuimd f. with G. Actsl. 46. 'D-ay'id found f. before God, and desired Obtain, or obtained, FAVOUR. Esth. 2. 15. now Esther obtained f. 17- I 5. 2. Prov. 8. 35. whoso findeth me, shall obtain f. of Lord 12. 2. a good man obtainethf. of the Lord 18. 22. whoso findeth a wife, obtainethf. of Lord FAVOUR. 1 Sam. 29. 6. nevertheless, the lords/ thee not Psal. 35. 27. he glad, that/, my righteous cause 102. 13. the time, the set time to /'. her is come 14. for tliy servants /'. the dust thereof 109. 12. nor let any to/, his fatherless children FAVOURABLE. Judy. 21. 22. be/, unto them for our sakes Job 33. 26. shall pray, and God will be /. unto him Psal. 77. 7. will the L. cast off, and be}', no more .'' 85. 1. Lord, thou hast been/, to thy land FAVOURED. Gen. 29. 17. Rachel was beautiful and well-/". 39. 6. Joseph was well/. ||41. 2. kine well/. 18. 41. 3. out of the river ill/, kine, 4, 19, 21, 27. Prov. 21. 1 10. his neighbour is not/, in his eyes Lam. 4. 16. Lord divided them, they/, notthe elders Dan. 1. 4. children well/, and skilful in all wisdom Nah. 3. 4. the whoredoms of the well/, harlot Luke 1. 28. hail, thou art highly /. Lord with thee i'lzZ-FAVOUREDN ESS. Deut. 17. 1. any bullock wherein is any evil-f. FAVOUREST. Psal. 41. 11. by this I know that thou/, me 86. 1 2. preserve my soul, for I am one whom thou/. FAVOURETH. 2 Sam. 20. 11. he that/. Joab, let him go after Joab FEAR. Fear is a passion, implanted in nature, that causes a flight frotn an approaching evil, either real or imaginary. The fear of God is either filial or servile. The filial fear of God is a holy affec- tion, or gracious habit wrought in the soul by God, Jer. 32. 40. whereby it is inclined aiid eyiabled to obey all God's commandments , even the most difficult. Gen. 22. 12. Eccl. 12. 13. and to hate and avoid evil, IS'eh. 5. 15. Prov. 8. 13. J 16. 6. Slavish fear is the consequence of guilt ; it is a judicial impression from the sad thoughts of the provoked Majesty of heaven ; it is an alarm within, that disturbs the rest of a sinner; thus Velix jfeared. Acts 24. 25. Though this fear be in wicked men, yet, through the mercy and grace of God, it often proves a preparative to faith. Acts 2. .37. Rom. 8. 15. Fear is likewise used for the object of fear. Thus it is said, the fear of Isaac, to describe the God rvhom Isaac feared, Gen. 31. 42. Except the fear of Isaac had been with me, surely thou hadst sent me away now empty. A}id in Prov. 1. 26. I will mock when your fear cometh ; that is, the calamity you feared. God says, that he will send his fear before his peojile ; that is, a terror wrought by him, iii order to terrify and destroy the inhabitants of Canaan, Exod. 23. 27. Fear is put for the rohole -worship of God, in Psal. 34. 11. I will teach you the fear of the Lord. J will teach you the true and principal way of wor- sliipping and serving God with his acceptation, and to your own salvation. It is likewise put for the law and word of God, Psal. 19. 9. The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever. The law is so called, because it is the^object, the cause, and the riile, of the grace of holy fear. Gen. 9. 2. the/, of you shall be on every beast 31. 42. except the/, of Isaac had been with me 53. Jacob sware by the/, of his father Isaac Exod. 15. 16./. and dread shall fall upon them 23. 27. I will send my f. before thee, and destroy De7tt. 2. 25. I will put the f. of tliee on the nations 11. 25. the Lord shall lay the/, of you on the land 1 Chron. 14. 17. Lord brought/ of him on nations Ezra 3. 3. /. was on them because of the people Neh. 6. 14. think on them tiiat put me in /. 19. Esth. 8. 17. the /. of the Jews fell upon them, 9. 2. 9. 3. because the/ of Mordecai fell on them Job 3. t 25. I feared a/, and it came upon me 4. 6. is not this thy/, thy confidence, thy hope ? 14. /. came upon me and treml)ling 6. 14. he foisaketh the/, of the Almighty 9. 34. and let not his/, terrify me 15. 4. yea, thou castestoff/. and restrainest prayer 21. 9. liouses safe from/, nor rod of God on tliem 22. 10. snares round about, sudden/, troubletli thee 25. 2. dominion and/, are with liim, makes peace 39. 22. he mocketh at /". and is not affrighted Psal. 5. 7. in thy/, will 1 worship toward thy temple FEA Psal. 9. 20. put them in/. O Lord, that nations mtiv- 14. 5. there were they in great/. God is in generat, 31. 11. and I ^\as a/, to mine acquaintance 13./. was on every side, they took counsel ag. m& 48. 6. /. took hold upon them there, and pain 53. 5. there were they in /. where no /. was 64. 1. preserve my life from/, of the enemy 90. 11. according to thy/, so is tliy wrath 105. .38. for the/, of them fell upon them 119. 38. tliy servant, who is devoted to thy /. Prov. 1. 26. I will mock when your/, cometh 27. when your/cometh as desolation and destruc. 33. and shall be quiet from /. of evil 3. 25. be not afraid of sudden/ nor desolation 10. 24. the/, of the wicked shall come upon him 20. 2. the /'. of a king is as the roaring of a lion 29. 25. the /. of man bringeth a snare Cant. 3. 8. liath his sword because of/, in the night Isa. 7. 25. there shall not come the /. of briers 8. 12. neither fear ye their/, nor be afraid 13. the Lord, let him be your/, and your dread 14. 3. the Lord shall give thee rest from thy/. 21. 4. the night of pleasure be turned into /. to me 24. 17. / and the pit, and the snare are upon thee 18. that fleeth from/, shall fall, Jer. 48. 44. 29. 13. their/, toward me is taught by men 63. 17. and harrlened our heart from thy/. Jer. 2. 19. an evil thing, that my/, is not in thee 6. 25. the sword and/, is on every side, 00. JO. 20. + 3. Lord hath called thy name/, round about v30. 5. we have heard a voiL-e of/, not of peace 32. 40. but 1 will put my f. in their hearts 48. 43./. and the pit shall' be upon thee, O i\Ioab 49.5. behold, 1 will bring a/, upon thee, saith L. 24./. hath seized on Damascus, anguish and. sorr. 29. they shall cry to them,/, is on every side Lam. 3. 47./. and a snare is come upon us Ezek. 21. 1 15. /. of the sword against their sates 30. t 4. great/, shall be in Ethiopia 13. 1 will put a/, in the land of Egypt Mai. 1. 6. if 1 be a master, where is my /. ? Luke 1.12. when Zacharias saw him ,/. fell upon him 65./. came on all that dwelt round about them, 7. 16. ^im2.43. 1 5. 5,11. I 19. 17. -Kei-. 11.11. 3. 1 14. he said to the soldiers, put no man in/. Ro?n. 13. 7- render/, to whom/, is due 1 Cor. 2. 3. I was with you in weakness and in/. 2 Cor. 7. 11. what/. .' what vehement desire ! 2 Tim. 1. 7. God hath not given us the spirit off. Col. 2. 1. 1. ye knew what great/. I have for you Heb. 2. 15. and deliver them who thro'/ of death 12. 28. may serve God with reverence and godly/. 1 Pet. 1. 17. pass the time of your sojourn, here in/. 3. 15. give an answer with meekness and/. 1 John 4, 18. no/, in love, but love casteth out/. For FEAR. Deut. 28. 67- for the /. wherewith thou shalt fear Josh. 22. 24. have not rather done it for f. of thing J2idg. 9. 21. dwelt for f. of Abimelech his brother 1 Sam. 21. 10. Dav. arose, fled that day for f. of Saul 23. 26. David made haste to get away /or/ of Saul Job 22. 4. will he reprove tliee forf. of thee .■■ Isa. 31. + 8. they shall flee /)/•/. of the sword 9. lie shall pass over to his strong hold for f. Jer. 35. W.forf. of the army of the Chaldeans .37. 11. army broken up /or/, of Pharaoh's army 41. 9. which Asa had made for f. of Baasha 46. 5. for f. was round about, saith the Lord 50. 16. for f. of the oppressing sword the}' return Mai. 2. 5. for the / v.herewith he feared me Mat. 14. 26. the disciples cried out for f. 28. 4. forf. of him the keepers did shake Ltzke 21. 26. men's hearts failing them for f. John 7. 13. no man spake openly' for f. of the Jews 19. 38. a disciple, but secretly/^;-/ of the Jews 20. 19. disciples were assembled for f. of the Jews E^.ev. 18. 10. afar off for f. of her torment, 15. FEAR of God. Gen. 20. 11. surely the/ of God is not in this place 2 Sam. 23. 3. must be just, riding in the /. of God 2 Chr. 20. 29. the /. of God was on all kinadoms Neh. 5. 9. ought ye not to walk in the/, of God? 15. but so did not I, because of the/, of God Psal. 36. 1. there is no/, of God before his ej^es Rom. 3. 18. there is no/. (/ God before their eyes 2 Cor. 7. 1. perfectins holiness in the/, of God Eph. 5. 21. submitting one to another in/, of God FEA II of the Lord. 1 Sam. 11. 7. / of Lord fell on people, 2 Chr. 17. 10. 2 Chr. 14. 14. the /. of the Lord came upon them 19. 7. let the /. of the Lord be upon you, take heed 9. thus shall ye do, in the /. of the Lord, faithfully Job 28. 28. to man he said, the /. of Lord is wisdom Psal. 19. 9- the /. of Lord is clean, enduring for ever 34. 11. children, 1 ^\ill teach you the/', of the Lord 111. 10. f. of the Lord is the beginninu of \\ isdom Prov. 1.7- /■ of Ld. beginning of knowledge, 9. 10. 29. and did not choose the/, of the Lord 2. 5. then shalt thou understand the f. of the Lord 8. 13. the/ of the Lord is to hate evil 10. 27. tlie/. of the Lord prolongeth days 14. 26. in the/, of the Lord is strong confidence 27. the /'. of the Lord is a fountain of life 15. 16. better is a little with the/, of the Lord 33. the f. of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom 16. 6. by the/, of the Lord men depart from evil 19. 23. the/, of the Lord tendeth to life 22. 4. by the f. of the Lord are riches . 13. people assembled to keep /. of unl. br. 21. children of Isr. kept/, vfzml. br. seven days .35. 17./. ofu7i. b. seven days, iTsca 6.22. E,zek. 45.21. Mat. 26. 17. first day of/ ofzml. br. disciples came Mark 14.1. after two days was/, Luke 22.1. FEASr of zoeeks. Exod. .34. 22. thou shalt obs./. ofw. Deut. 16. 10. Deut. 16. 16. all thy males appear in the /. of weeks 2 Chr. 8. 13. Solomon offered burnt-otfer. in/, ofw. FEAST, ED. Job 1. 4. his sons went and/, in their houses 2 Pet. 2. 13. sporting, while they/, with you Jude 12. these are spots, when they /. with you I- EASTING. Esth. 9. 17. made it a day of/, and gladness, IB. 22. they should make them days of/, and joy Job 1. 5. when the days of their/, were gone Eccl.l. 2. of mourning, than to go to the house of/. Jer. 16. 8. thou shalt not go into the house of/. FEASTS. Lev. 23. 2. even these are my/. 4, .37, 44. Psal. 35. 16. with hj'pocritical mockers in/. Isa. 5. 12. the harp, pipe, and wine are in their/. Jer. 51. 39. in their heat I will make their/. Ezek. 45. 17 . the princes part to give offerings in /. 46. 11. in/, the meat-offering shall be an ephah Amos 8. 10. I will turn your/, into mourninsr Zech. 8. 19. shall be joy, gladness, and cheerful/. Mat. 23. 6. they love the uppermost rooms at /. and chief seats in synagog. Mark 12. 39. Lide 20. 46. Jude 12. these are spots in your f. of charity Appointed FEASTS. Isa. 1. 14. your app. f. my soul hateth, a trouble Set FEASTS. Num.29. 39. these things ye shall do in your set f. 1 Chron. 23. 31. to offer on the set f. Ezra 3. 5. 2 Chro7t. 31. 3. the king's portion tor the set f. Neh. 10. 33. we charge/J for offerings in the set f. Solemn FEASTS. Num. 15. 3. when you make offer, in your sol. f. 2 Chr. 2. 4. build an house for offering on solemn f. 8. 13. offering on solemn f. three times in a year L,am. 1. 4. because none come to the solemn f. 2. 6. he hath caused the solemn f. to be forgotten Ezek. 36. 38. as the flock of Jerusalem in solemn f. 46. 9. when people come before the Lord in sol. f. Hos. 2. 11. I will cause to cease her solem7if. 12. 9. make thee dwell as in the days of solemn f. Nah. 1. 15. O Judah, keep \k\y sol. f. perform vows Mai. 2. 3. even the dung of your solemyif. Feathered, see Fowl. FEATHERS. Lev. 1. 15. shall pluck away his crop with his f. Job 39. 13. gavest thou the goodly wings to the pea- cock ? or wings and /. to the ostrich ? Psal. 68. 13. and her/, covered with yellow gold 91. 4. shall cover thee with his / under his wings Ezek. 17. 3. an eagle long-winged, full of/. 7. Dan. 4. 33. his hairs were grown like eagle's /. FED. Gen. 30. 36. Jacob/, the rest of Laban's flock 36. 24. as he/, the asses of Zibeon his father 41. 2. and the seven kine /. in a meadow, 18. 47. 17. he/, tliem with bread for their cattle 48. 15. the God who/, me all my life long Exod. 16. 32. the bread wherewith I have /. you Deut. 8. 3. he /. thee with manna, thou kne west not 16. who/, thee in the wilderness with manna 2 Sam. 20. 3. put the concubines inward, and/, tliem 1 Kings 18. 4. he/, them with bread and water, 13. 1 Chron. 27. 29. over the herds that/, in Sharon Psal. 37. 3. trust in the Lord, verily thou shalt be/. 78.72. so lie/, them, according to his intearity 81. 16. he should have/, them with finest of wheat Isa. 1, 11. I am full of the fat of/, beasts Jer. 5.1. when I had/, them to the full, they comm. 8. they were as/, horses in the moining Ezek. 16. 19. and my honey wherewith I"/", thee 34. 3. ye eat the fat, and kill them that are/. 8. the shepherds /'. themselves, and f. not my flock Dan. 4. 12. and all flesh was/, with it 5. 21. thej'/. ]S ebuchadnezzaf with grass, like oxen Zech. 11.7. 1 took two staves, and \ f. the flock Mat.15.jl. when saw we thee hun£Ted, and/, thee ? Mark 5. 14. they that/, the swine fled, Luke 8. 34. Lifke 16. 21. desiring to be/, with crumbs that fell 1 Cor. 3. 2. 1 have/Vou with milk, not with meat FEE. Da7i. 2. t6. ye shall receive of me, gifts and /. 5. 1 17. give thy /. to another, yet I will read FEEBLE. Gen. 30. 42. when cattle were f. he put them not in Deut. 25. 18. the Amalekites smote all tliat were /. 1 Sa/n. 2.5. that hath many children, is waxen/. 2 Sa7n. 4. 1. Abner dead, Ish-bosheth's hands were/. 2 Chro7i. 28. 15. carried all the/, of them on asses Neh. 4. 2. and he said, what do these/. Jews.' J(>A4. 4. and thou hast strencthened the/, knees Psal. 38. B. I am /. and sore broken, 1 have roared 105. 37. was not one/, person amongst their tribes Prov. 30. 26. the comes are but a f. folk, vet make i.w. 16. 14. the renmant shall be very small and/. 35. 3. sti-engthen the weak hands, confirm /. knees 159 FEE Jer. 6. 24. we have heard the fame, our hands wax/. 49. 24. Damascus is waxed f. and turneth to fiee 50. 43. the king of Babylon's hands waxed /. Ezek. 7. 17. all liands shall be/. 21. 7. Zech. 12. 8. and he that is/, shall be as David 1 Cor. 12. 22. the members which seem to be more /. 1 Thess. 5. 14. brethren, comfort the/, minded Jieb. 12. 12. lift up the hands and the/, knees FEEBLER. Gen. 30. 42. so the/, were Laban's, stronger Jacob's FEEBLENESS. Jer. 47. 3. the fathers shall not look back tor/. FEED. To feed signifies to eat, to take meat or nourishment for the body, and this is common to man with the heasts. Jude 12. Feeding' themselves with- out fear. Isa. 27. 10. 'J here shall the calf feed, and there shall he lie down. It also signifies to furnish or supply others 7vith food ; ^/'?a Joseph fed the Egyptians for their cattle: that is, he gave them food arid provision for one year, for which they gave him their cattle, Gen. 47. 17- yi^nd Ag^.l■ prays that God would feed him with food convenient for him ; that he would furiiish him with food suitable to his necessities and occasions, Prov. 30. 8. But feeding, geyierally in Scripture, is taken for the business and calling of a shepherd, and com- prehe7ids all the diities belonging to that office: not only that of feeding, or providing pasture for his flock, but also of Miiding, observing, and de- fending them. In this seiise, feeding is applied, I. To God, and that (1) In respect of his church, which he riiles, defends, directs, sustains, and nou- rishes, both inwardly, by the gifts and graces of his Spirit; and outwardly, by his power and provi- dence. Gen. 48. 15. The God which fed me all my life long unto this daj'. And the Psalmist, Feed them also, and lift them up for ever, Psal. 28. y. Hence God is called a Shepherd, Psal. 23. 1. The Lord is my Shepherd : he provides for me, he brings me out of the wrong way, and guides me in the right. (2) In, respect of the un- godly, uponwhom he executes his judgments. Ezek. 34. 10. I will feed them with judgment, /hid in llos. 4. 16. Ihe Lord will feed them as a lamb in a large place; he will make them to Wander, like a lost lamb in a xuilderyiess, and scatter them jnto Assyria. (3) In respect of the creatures which receive their supplies wholly from God. Psal. 145. 15. The eyes of all wait upon thee, and thou givest them their meat in due season. Mat. 6. 26. 'Ihe fowls of the air neither sow nor reap, yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. IL To Christ. Isa. 40. 11. He shall feed his flock like a shepherd. And our Saviour says of him- self, I am the good Shepherd, John 10. 11. Christ Jesus^er/(7/-??M- all the offices of a tender and faith- ful Shepherd towards his people, carryijig himself with great wisdom, and condescension, and com- passion, to every one of them, according to their several capacities and infirmities : he feeds them by his word. Spirit, grace, fulness, redemption, ordinances, and providences. \\l. 2'() man. And then, besides the common ac- ceptation of the word, for feeding cattle, it is taken, (1) For instructing and teaching others by wholesome doctrine ; for ruling and censuring by ecclesiastical discipline, JohnSl. 15, 16. Feed my lambs : Feed my sheep. Ajid in Jer. 3. 15. I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understand- ing. C2) For ruling and governing politically. Thus kings and magistrates are compared to shep- herds, 2 Sam. 5. 2. Thou shalt feed my people Israel, Psal. 78. 71. He brought David to feed Jacob his people. £V. To the enemies of the church, whom God sometimes makes use of for the chastisement of his people. Jer. 6. 3. The Babylonian minces, with their armies, shall feed every one in his place: they shall take up their quarters in the places assigned them, and make spoil of all they can find there. V. To such as flatter themselves with vain hopes of 'help and assistance, Hos. 12. 1. Ephraim feed- eth 071 wind: the ten tribes flatter themselves with hopes of help from the Egyptians and Assy- I'ians, but they are suvporting themselves with hopes as unfit to sustain them, as the wind is to feed the body and rwurish it : they make new alli- ances and friendships, but all of them xcill prove lies to them at last, lik» the wind they feed upon. VJ. To rulers, both political fljirf ecclesiastical, w/io contrive their own ease, advantage, honour, find ambitious projects ; hut feed not their flocks ; take 710 care to supiwrt them, either with wholesome cormsel, or necessary relief, as they ought to do, ac cording to their respective offices. Ezek. 34. 2, 3. Woe to the shepherds that do feed themselves ; should not the shepherds feed the flocks ? Ye kill them that are fed ; but ye feed not the fiock. Gen. ,37. 12. his brethren went to/, their father's flock 16. tell me, I pray, where they/, their flocks 46. 32. for their trafie hath been to /. cattle Exod. 22. 5. and shall/, in another man's field 34. 3. neither let flocks/, before that mount 2 Sam. 5. 2. thou shalt/. my people Israel 7. 7- whom I commanded to/. Israel, 1 C'hr. 17. C. 1 Kings 17. 4. have commanded the ravens to/, thee Job 24. 2. they take away flocks and /. thereof 20. the worms shall/, sweetly on him Psal. 28. 9./. them, aiid lift them up for ever 49. 14. laid intiie grave, death shall/ on them 78. 71. he brought David to/. Jacob his people J'rov. 10. 21. the lips of the righteous f. many Cant. 4. 5. like two roes which/, among the lilies 6. 2. my beloved is gone to /. m the gardens Jsa. 5. 17. the lambs shall/, after their manner 11. 7. and the cow and the bear shall /. 14. 30, and the first-born of the poor shall /. 160 FEE Isa. 27. 10. there shall the calf/, and shall lie down 30. 23. thy cattle shall /. in large pastures 40. 11. he shall/, his flock as a shepherd 49. 9. they shall/ in tiie ways and high places 61. 5. and strangers sliall stand and /. your flocks 65. 25. the wolf and the lamb shall/, together Jer. 2. + 16. the children of ZSioijii /. on thy crown 3. 15. pastors who sliall/. you with knowledge 6. 3. the3' shall/, every one in his place 23. 2. against the pastors that/, my i)eople 4. 1 will set up shepherds whicli shall/, them 50. 19. Israel shall/ on Carrnel and Baslian Lam. 4. 5. they that/, delicately are desolate Ezek. 34. 2. woe to the shepherds that do/, thems. 3. ye cat the fat, but ye/, not the flock 10. neither siiall the sliepherds/. themselves 23. even my servant David shall ^^ them JJan. 11. 26. the}' that/ of his meat destro}' him Hos. 4. 16. now the Lord willy, them as a lamb 9. 2. the flour and the wine-press shall not/, them Jonah 3. 7- let them not/, nor drink water Mic. 5. 4. he shall / in the strength of the Lord Zeph. 2. 7. they shall/ thereupon, God shall visit 3. 13. they shall/, none shall make them afraid Zech. n. 9. then said 1, I will not/, you IG. the shepherd shall not/ that standeth still Mat. 2. + 6. out of thee a Governor that shall/. Liike 15. 15. he sent him to his fields to/, swine Acts 20. 28. take heed to /'. the churcii of God 1 Cor. 9. t 13. they/, of the things of the temple 13. 3. though I give all my soods to /'. tlie poor Rev. 7. 17. for the Lamb shall/. Ihem and lead them 12. C. that they should/, her there 1260 days FEED, Imyerativety. Gen. 25. 30. /. me with that same red pottage 29. 7- water ye the sheep, and go and/, tiiem 1 Kiyigs 1^1. 27. f. hun with bread and water of afflic- tion, until 1 come in peace, 2 Chr. 18. 26. Prov. .30. 8./. me with food convenient for me Cant. 1. 8./. thy kids beside the shepherds' tents 3dic. 7. 14./. thy people with thy rod, the flock Zech. 11. 4. saith Lord,/, the flock of the slaughter John 21. 15./. my lambs |1 16./. my sheej), 17. Pom. 12. 20. if thine enemy hunger,/, him 1 Pet. 5. 2. /. the flock of God which is among you I will FEED. Gen. 30. 31. I will Again f. and keep thy flock 2 Sam. 19. 33. 1 7vill f. thee with me in Jerusalem Isa. 49. 26. I willf. them that oppress tiiee 58. 14. I will f. thee with the heritage of Jacob Jer. 9. 15. I will f. them with wormwood, 23. 15. Ezek. .34. 13. I willf. them upon the mountains 14. Itoillf. them in a good pasture, on mountains 15. 1 willf. my flock, and cause them to lie down 16. Iiuillf. the fat and the strong with judgment Zech. 11. 7. I will f. the flock of slaughter, the poor FEEDER. Gew.4.+2. Abel was/, of sheep, Cain tiller of ground FEED EST. Psal. 80. 5. thou /. tiiem with the bread of tears Cant. 1. 7. tell nie where thou/, thy flock FEEDETH. Prov. 15. 14. the mouth of fools/, on foolishness 28. +7. he that/, gluttons, shameth his father Cant. 2. 16. my beloved/, among the lilies, 6. 3. i.f«.44.20.he/. on ashes, a deceived heart turned him Hos. 12. 1. Ephraim/ on windfolloweth east-wind Mat. 6. 26. yet your heavenly Father/, them Luke 12. 24. the ravens sow not, yet (iod/. tiiem 1 Cor. 9. 7. who/, a flock, and eateth not the milk FEEDING. Gen. 37. 2. .Joseph was /. his flock with his brethren Job 1. 14. the oxen v.-cre plowing, the asses/, by Ezek. 34. 10. cause them to cease from/, the flock Nail. 2. 11. where is the/, place of young' lions ? iiffl'i'.8.30.anherdofswine/. Mark5. n.Luke8.32. Luke 17. 7. which of you having a servant/, cattle Jude 12. f. thems. without fear, clouds without water FEEL. Gen. 27. 12. my father peradventure will /. me 21. come near, that I maj'/. thee, mj' son Jtidg. 16. 26. suffer me that I may /. the pillars Job 20. 20. surely he shall not/, quietness Psal. 58. 9- before your pots can/, the thorns Eccl. 8. 5. whoso keepeth comman(rm. shall/, no evil Acts 17. 27. seek the L. if haply they might/, after FEELIl^G. Eph. 4. 19. who being past/, have given themselves Heb. 4. 15. touched with the/, of our infirmities FliET. Gen. 29. 1 1. then Jacob lift up his/, and came 49. 10. nor a lawgiver from between his/, till 33. .Jacob aathercd up/, in the bed, yielded ghost Exod. 3. 5. put thy shoes from off thy/. Acts 7. 33. 11. + 8. get out, and the people that is at thy/. 12. 11. shall eat the passover with shoes on your/. Lev. 11. 21. have legs above their/, ye may eat Deut. 2. 28. only I will pass through on my /. 11. t 6. all the substance which was at their/. 28. 57. young one that cometh from between her/. 33. 3. and they sat down at thy /. every one Josh. 3. 15. the/, ofthe priests were dipped in Jordan 9. 5. old shoes, and clouted upon their/. 10. 24. put your/, on the necks of these kings 14, 9. the land wliereon thy/, have trodden Judg. 1. 1 7. having thumbs of hands and /. cut off 3. 24. surely he covereth his/, in his chamber 4. 15. so that Sisera fled away on his/. 17 . 5. 1 15. Barak was sent on his /. into the valley 27. at her/, bowed, at her/, he fell down dead Ruth 3. 4. go in, uncover his/, and lay thee down 8. he turned, and behold a woman lay at his/. 1 Sam. 2. 9. he will keep the /. of his saints 14. 13. Jonathan climbed on his hands and /. 24. 3. and Saul went in to cover his/. 25. t 27. young men that walk at the/, of my lord 42. Abigail rode with five damsels at her/. 2 Sam. 2. + 18. Asahel was light of his/, as a roe 3. 34. hands not bound, nor thy /. put into fetters 4. 4. Jonathan's son was lame of his/. 9. 3, 13. 12. they cutoff their hands and tlieir/. 19. 24. Mephibosheth had not dressed his/. FEE 2 Sam. 22. .34. maketh my/, like hinds'/, and sett^tn me upon high places, Psal. 18. .33. Hab. 3. 19 ,37. so that my f. did not slip, Psal. 18, 36. 1 Kings 2. 5. put the blood of war in shoes on his f. 14. 6. when Ahijah heard the sound of her /'. " 12. when thy/, enter the city, tlie child shall die 15. 23. Asa was diseased in his/. 2 Chron. 16. J2 2 Kings 3. + 9. no water for the cattle at tiieir/. 4. 27. -when she came, she caught him by the/. 6 32. is not the sound of his master's/, behind him t 9. 35. but they found no more of her than the/. 13. 21. dead man revived, and stood upon his/. 18. + 27. that they may drink the water of their/. 21. 8. nor make the/, of Israel move any more 1 Chron. 28. 2. then David the k inn stood on his/. Nth. 9. 21. clothes waxed not old , their/, swelled not Job 12. 5. he that is ready to slip with his/. 1.3, 27. thou puttest my/, in the stocks, 33. 11. thou scttest a print upon the heels of my/. 18. 8. for he is cast into a net by his own/. 11. terrors make afraid, and drive him to his/. 29. 15. 1 was eyes to the blind, f. was I to the lame 30. 12. the youth rise, they push away my/. 39. ■^21. his/, dig in the valley, he rejoiceth P.<,al. 22. 16. they pierced my liands .iiid my/. 25. 15. for he shall pluck my/, out of the net 31. 8. thou hast set my /. in a large room 40.2. he set mv/. on rock , and established my goings 56. 13. wilt thou not deliver my/, from fallina: r 66. 9. and suffereth not our/, to be moved 73. 2. but as for me, my /. were almost gone 74. 3. lift up thy/ to the perpetual desolations 105. 18. whose/, they hurt with fetters 115. 7. /. have they, but they walk not, nor speak 116. 8. thou hast delivered my/, from falling 119.59. I turned myf. unto thy testimonies 101. I refrained my/', from every evil way 105. thy word is a lami) to myf. a light to my patJi 122. 2. our/, shall stand within thy gates Prov. 1. 16. their/ run to evil, 6. 18. Isa. .59. 7. 4. 26. ponder the path of thy/ ways be established 5. 5. her/, go down to death, steps take hold on hell 6. 13. the wicked man speaketh with his/. 28. can one go on coals, and his/, not be burnt r 7. 11. she is loud, her/, abide not in her house 19. 2. and he that hastetli with his /'. sinneth 26. 6. cutteth ofl" the /. and drinketli damage 29. 5. a flatterer spreadeth a net for his /. Cajit. 7. 1. how beautiful are thy/, with shoes! Isa. 3. 16. and making a tinkling with their/. 18. Lord takeaway the ornaments about tlieir/. 6. 2. witii twain he covered his/, with twain did fly 7. 20. the Lord shall shave the hair of the/. 23. 7. her own/, shall carry her afar off to sojour. 26. 6. the /. of the poor shall tread it down .32. 20. that send forth the/, of the ox and ass 41. 3. by the way that he had not gone with his/. 49. 23. they shall lick up the dust of thy/. .52. 7- the/, of him that bringeth good tidings 60. 13. I will make the place of my/, glorious Jer. 13. 16. before your/, stumble on themountains 14. 10. loved to wander, have not refrained their/. 18. 22. the}' digged a pit, and hid snares for my/. .38. 22. thy/, are sunk in the mire, and are turned Lam. 1. 13. he hath s))read a net form}'/, Ezek. 1.7- and their/. Mere straight/. 2. 1. he said to me, son of man, stand upon thy/. 2. and the Spirit set me upon my/. 3. 24. 16.25. hast opened thy/, to every one that passed by 24. 17. and put on thy shoes upon thy/. 23. tires shall be on your heads, shoes on your/ 25. 6. because thou hast stamped with the /. .32. 2. thou troubledst tiie waters with thy /. 34. 18. but ye must foul the residue with your/. 19. what ye have trodden and fouled with your/, .37. 10. they lived, and stood up upon their/, Dan. 2. 33. his/, part of iron, and part clay, 42. 34. a stone smote the image upon his/. 41. thou sawest the/, and' toes part or clay 7. 7- and stamped the residue with the/, of it, 19. 10. 6. his/, like polished brass. Rev. 1. 15. I 2, 18. Nah. 1. 3. and the clouds are the dust of his/, 15. the /. of him that bringeth good tidings Zech. 14. 4. his/, shall stand upon mount of Olives Mat. 10. 14. when ye depart out of that house or city. shake off' the dust of your/. MarkQ. 11. Liike 9. 5. l5. .30. cast the lame and blind down at Jesus'/. 18. 8. rather than having two/, to be cast into lire 28. 9. they held him by the / and worshipped hiuj Luke 1. 79. to guide our/, into the way of peace 7. .38. she kissed his/, and anointed them 45. this woman hath not ceased to kiss my/. 8. 35. they found a man sitting at the/ of Jesus 41. Jairus fell down at Jesus'/, and besought hirn 10. 39. Mary, who sat at Jesus'/, heard his word 15. 22. put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his/. 24. 39. behold my hands and my/, that it is 1 40. he shewed them his hands and his/. John 11. 2. and wiped his f. with her hair, 12. 3, 12. 3. and Mary anointed the/, of Jesus 20. 12. one angel at the head, the other at the/. Acts ^.7. and immediately his/, received strength 4. 35. laid them down at the apostles'/. .37. ! 5. 2. 5. 9. the/, of them who have buried thy husDand 7. 58. they laid their clothes at a young man's/. 13. 25. shoes of his/. I am not worthy to loose 51 . they shook off the dust of their /. against them 14. 8. tliere sat at Lystra a man impotent in his/. 10. Paul said , stand upright on thy /. he leaped 16. 24. who made their/, fast in the stocks 21. 11. Agabus bound his own hands and /. 22. 3. yet brought up at the/, of Gamaliel 20. 16. but rise, and stand upon thy/. Rom.. 3. 15. their/, are swift to shed blood 10. 15. the f. of them that preach the gospel 1 Cor. 12. 21. nor head to the f. 1 have no need of you Eph.&.\5. yourf. shod with the preparation of gospel Heb. 12. 13. and make straight paths for your/. Rev. 3. 9. make them come and worship before thy/. 10. 1. anothermiffhty an2:el,his/. as pillars of lire 11. 11. the two witnesses stood upon their/, 13. 2. his/, were as/, of a bear, mouth of a lion FEL Rev. 22. 8. 1 fell down to worship before his /. At his FEEI. Exod. 4. 25. Zipporah cast the foreskin ai hisf. Judg. 4. 10. Barak went with ten thousand at hisf. Ruth 3. 14. she lay at his f. until the morning 1 Sam. 25. 24. Abigail fell at his f. and said 2 Kings 4. 37. the Voman of fthunem fell at hisf. Jisth. 8.3.Esther fell down at hisf. and besought him Hab. 3. 5. and burning toals went forth at hisf. Mat. 18. 29. his fellow-servant fell down at his f. Mark 5. 22. Jairus, when he saw him, fell at hisf. 7. 25. Syrophenician woman came, and fell at hisf. Luke 7. 38. she stood at his f. behind him weeping John 11. 32. Mary fell down at his f. saying ^crj- 5.10.Sapphira fell a? /iii/. and yielded up ghost 10.25. Cornelius met him, and teli down at tns f. JKev. 1. 17. when I saw him, I fell at hisf. as dead ly. 10. and i fell at hisf. to worship him I'EET joined w'lth sole or soles. JDeut. 11. 24. solei of > our/, tread shall be yours Jv.^h. 3. 13. as soon as soles'o'i the priests' /. 4. 18. 1 Kings 5. 3. till L. put them under the soles oihisf. 2 Kin. J 9. 24. with s. of my /. ha\ e dried, Is. 37. 25. Isa. 60. 14. shall bow down at the soles of thy ,/. Lzek. 1.7. the sole of their/, was like a calf's foot 43. 7, the place of soles of niy /. no more detiled Mai. 4. 3. wicked shall be ashes under j. of your/. Uyider FEET. Exod. 24. 10. under his/, as it were a sapphire stone 2 Ham. 22. 10. darkness wasM/jrfer his/. Psal. 18. 9. 39. yea, they are fallen ««rfe;' my/. Psal. 8. 6. thou hast put all things under his /. 1 Cor. 15. 27. Eph. 1. 22. 47. 3. he shall subdue the nations under our/. 91. 13. the dragon shalt thou trample under f. Isa. 14. 19. as acarcase trodden under f. 28. 3. drunkards of Ephraim shall be trod, under f. Lam, 3. 34. to crush U7ider his/', all prisoners Mat. 7. 6. lest they trample them under their/. horn. 16. 20. God shall bruise Satan underyoxxv f. 1 Cot. 15. 25. till he hath put all enemies uiider his/. Meb. 2. 8. for he put all in subjection WMrfe;- his/'. llev. 12. 1. clothed with the sun, moon under her /. EEEl' with wash, or washed. Gen. 18. 4. let water be fetched, and waih your/. 19. 2. turn in, tarry all night, and washy Qwxf. 24. 32. and Laban gave water to wash his /. 43. 24. gave them water, and they washed their/. Exod. 30. 19. Aaron and his sons shall wash their hands and their/, thereat, 21. | 40. 31. Judg. 19. 21. Levite and concubine uashed their/. 1 Sam. 25. 41. to wash the/, of servants of my lord 2 Sam. 11. 8. Uriah, go to thy house, wash thy/. Psal. 58. 10. shall wash bis /. in blood of the wicked Cant. 5. 3. have washed my/', how shall 1 defile them ! Luke 7.38. she began to wash his/', with teais 44. but she hath washed my/, with tears John 13. 5. he began to wash the disciples' /. 6. Peter saith to him, Lord, dost thou aiaj/i my /. ? 8. Peter saith to him , thou shalt never wash my/. 10. needeth not save to wash his/, but is clean 12. so after he had washed their /. he said to them 14. if 1 your Ld. and Master have washedyoxxx f. 1 'i'i7n. 5. 10. if she have washed the saints'/. FEIGN. 2 Sam. 14. 2. I pray/, thyself to be a mourner 1 Kiji' s 14. 5. she shall/', herself to be another wom. Luke 20.20. which should/, themselves just men FElGlS EU. 1 Sam. 21. 13. David/, himself mad in their hands 2 Sam. 22. t '^b. strangers shall yield/, obedience unto me, Psal. 18. t44. Psal.Xi. 1. to my prayer that goeth not out of/, lips 06. t 3. thine enemies shall yield/, obedience 81. 1 15. the haters of the Lord yielded/, obedience 2 Pet. 2.3. with/, words make merchandise of vou FEIGN Esr. 1 Kings 14. 6. why /. thou thyself to be another ? l\eh. 6.8. but thou /. them out of thine own heart FEIGN EDLY. Jer. 3. 10. hath turned to me but/, saith the Lord FELL. Gen. 4. 5. Cain was wroth, and his countenance /. 14. 10. the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah/. 15. 12. a deep sleep /. on Abram, and lo, an horror 25. 1 18. Ishmael/'. in the presence of his brethren 33. 4. Esau ran, and /. on his brother's neck 44. 14. Joseph's brethren/, before him on ground 45. 14. Joseph/, on benjamin's neck and wept 46. 29. Jacob/, on Joseph's neck and wept Exod. 32. 28. there/, of the people .3000 men Lev. 16. 9. the goat on which the Lord's lot/. 10.' I\um. 11. 4. the niixt multitude /. a lusting 9. the dew/, on the camp, the manna/, upon it 14.5. Moses and Aaron/. 16. 22, 45. | 20. 6. Josh. 8. 25. that all that/, that day, were 12,000 11. 7. so Joshua came and/, upon them 22. 20. and wrath/, on all the congreaation Judg. 4. 16. Sisera'shost/. on theedge'of the sword 5. 27. Sisera/. \\ 8. 10. for there/. 120,000 men 7. 13. a cake of bread smote the tent that it /. 12. 6. there/, of Ephraimites at that time 42,000 16. 30. the house/, on the lords and on the people 20. 44. and there/, of Benjamin 18,000 men 1 Aam. 4. 10. there /. of Israel 30,000 footmen 18. Eli/, from his seat backward by the gate 11. 7- the fear of the Lord /. on the people • 14. 13. the Philistines/, before Jonathan ; 19. t 24. Saul prophesied, and/, down that day 22. 18. Doeg turned, and/, upon the priests 25, 24. Abigail/, at David's feet, and said 28.20. Saul/, straightway along on the earth 29. 3. I found no fault in him since he /'. on me 30. 13. because three days agone 1 /. sick 31. 4. therefore Saul took a sword and/, upon it 5. his armour-bearer/, likewise, 1 Chr. lo. 4, 5. 2 Sam. 4.4. Mephibosheth /. and became lame 11. 17. there /. some of the people of David 13. 2. Amnon/. sick for his sister lamar 20. 8. Joab's sword/, out as he went forth 21. 9. they /. all seven together in days of harvest £2. they/, by the hand of David, 1 Chron. 20. 8. FEL 1 Kings 2. 25. Benaiah/. on Adonijah that he died 32. who/, upon two men more righteous than he 34. Benaiah/. on I oab ||46. Benaiah/. on Shimei 12. + 19. so Israel/, from the house of David 14. 1. Abijah the son of Jeroboam/, sick 17. 17. the son of the woman /. sick, it was so sore 18. 38. hre of Lord f. and consumed the sacrifice 20. 30. a wall/, on 27,tiOO men that were left 2 Kitigs 1. 13. third captain/, on knees before Elijah 2. 13. he took mantle of Elijah that/, from him 4. 8. it/, on a day Elisha passed to Shunem, 11. 18. it/, on a day the child went to tiie reapers 37. Shunammite f. at his feet and bowed herself 6. 5. the axe-head/', into the water, and he cried 6. and the man of God said, where /. it .' 7. 20. so it/, out to him, the people trode on him 25. 11. the fugitives that/, away to the king 1 Chr. 12. 19. there/, some of Manasseh to David 21. 14. and there/, of Israel 70,000 men 27. 24. because there/, wrath for it against Israel 2 Chron. 15. 9. tor they /'. to David ou1t of Israel 17. 10. the fear of Ld. /. on all kingdoms of lands 20.18. the inhabitants of Jerusalem /. before Ld. 21. 19. his bowels/, out by reason of sickness 25. 13. the soldiers of Israel/, on cities of Judah Ezra 9. 5. 1 /. on my knees and spread my hands Ji.sth. 8. 17. for the fear of the Jews/, on them, 9, 2. 9. 3. because the fear of Mordecai /. upon them Job 1. 15. the Sabeaiis /. on the asses, and took them 17 -Chaldeans/, on camels, and carried them away 19. the house /'. on young men, and they are dead Psal. 27. 2. wicked came to eat up my flesh, they /. 78. 64. their priests/, by sword, widows not lament 105. 38. for the fear of Israel/, on Egypt Jer. 39. 9. those that/, away, that/, to him, 52. 15. 46. 16. one/, upon another, and they said, arise Lam. 1.7. her people/, into the hand of ti;<'. enemy 5. 13. and the childi'en/. under the wood Ezek. 8. 1. the hand of the Lord /. upon me, 11. 5. 39. 23. so /'. they all by the sword Dan. 4. 31. there/, a voice from heaven, saying 7. 20. other which came up, before whom three/. 10. 7. but a great quaking /. upon them Jonah 1. 7. they cast lots, and the lot/', on Jonah Mat. 7. 25. the house/, not || 27. it/. Luke 6. 49. 13. 4. seed/, by the way-side, Ma/-^ 4. 4. Luke 8. 5. 5. some/, upon stony places, Mark^. 5. Luke 8. 6. 7- and some/, among thorns, 31ark4.7. Luke8.7. 8. other /'. into good ground , Mark 4. 8. Luke 8. 8. Mark 5. 22. Jairus when he saw him,/', at his feet 7. 25. Syrophenician w oman came, and/, at his feet 9. 20. he/, on the ground and wallowed foaming 14. ,35. Jesus/, on the ground and prayed Luke 1. 12. and fear/, upon Zacharias 8. 23. but as they sailed, Jesus/, asleep 10. 30. a certain man/', among thieves, .36. 13. 4. upon whom the tower in Siloam/. 15. 20. his father/', on his neck and kissed him 16. 21. crumbs which/, from the rich man's table John 18. 6. went backward and /. to the ground Acts 1. 25. from which Judas by transgression/. 26. gave forth lots, and the lot/, upon Matthias 7. 60. and when he had said this, he/, asleep 9. 4. Saul /. to the earth and heard a voice 18. there/, from his eyes as it had been scales 10. 10. Peter became hungry, and /. into a trance 44. the Holy Ghost/, on them all, 11. 15. 12. 7. the chains /. off from Peter's hands 13. 11. there/, on him a mist and a darkness 36. David/', on sleep and saw corruption 19. 17. and fear/, on all the Jews at Ephesus 20. li'. Paul went down, and/, on Eutychus 37. they all/, on Paul's neck, and kissed him 22. 7. I /. unto the ground, and heard a voice Rom. 11. 22. on them which/, severity 15. 3. reproaches of them reproached thee /. on me 1 Cor. 10. 8. and/, in one day twenty -three thous. Heb. 3. 17. whose carcases/, in the wilderness 2 Pet. 3. 4. since fathers/, asleep all things continue Rev. 1. 17. when I saw him I /. at his feet as dead 6. 13. and the stars of heaven /'. unto the earth 8. 10. and there /'. a great star from heaven 11. 11. and great fear/, on them who saw them 13. the tenth part of the city /. by earthquake 16. 2. and there/, a noisome and grievous sore 19. the city was divided, and cities of nations/. 21. there/, on men, great hail out of heaven 19. 10. and I /. at his feet to worship him See Face, Faces. FELL down. Num. 22. 27. when the ass saw the angel, she/, d. Deut. 9. 18. and I/, down before the Lord, 25. Josh. 6. 20. the people shouted, the wall/, d. flat Judg. 5. 27. where he bowed there he/. dow7i dead 19. 26. the concubine /. down at door of the house 1 Sam. 17.52. the Philistines/, down by the way 31. 1. men of Israel /'. down in Gilboa, 1 Chr. 10. 1. 2 Sam. 2. 16. so they /. down together 23. Asahel/. rfoaJw there, and clied in the place 18. 28. Ahimaaz/. down \\ 19. 18. Shimei/. down 2 Kings 1. 2. and Ahaziah /. dvwn through a lattice 1 Chr. 5. 22. there/, d. many slain, war was of G. 2 Chron. 13. I7. there/, d. of Israel 500,000 men Estli. 8.3. Esther/, down at Ahasuerus' feet Job 1. 20. Job/, d. on the ground and worshipped Psal. 107. 12. they/', rfoa/t" there was none to help jDaw. 3. 7. all nations/, d. and worshipped image 23. these three/, dowri bound in the furnace Mat. 2. 11. wise men/. down&Vid. worshipped him 18. 26. the servant therefore/, down saying, 29. Mark 3. 11. and unclean spirits/, down before him 5. 33. the woman with the issue of blood,/, down Luke 5. 8. Simon Peter/, doion at Jesus' knees 8. 28. man which had devils /. down before .) esus 41. Jairus/. down || 17. 16. the Samaritan/, d. John 11. 32. Mary/, down at his feet, saying Acts b.b. Ananias/, dowyi || 10. Sapphira/'. down 10.25. Cornelius/, down || 16. 29. jailer/, down 19. .35. the image which/, down from Jupiter 20. 9. Eutychus/. rfoa;?i from the third loft Lieh. 11. .30. by faith the walls of Jericho f. down Rev. 5. 8. elders/, d. before the Lamb. 14. 1 19. 4. FEM Rev. 22. 8. John/, down to worship before the angt FELL. 2 Kings 3. 19. and ye shall/, eyery good tree FELLED. 2 Kings 3. 25. and they /'. all the good trees FELLER. Isa. 14. 8. saying, no/, is come up against us FELLEST. 2 Sam. 3. 34. as a man before wick, men, so /. thou FELLING. 2 Kings 6. 5. as one was/, a beam, the axe-head fell FELLOES. 1 Kings 7. 33. their/, and their spokes were molten FELLOW. Gen. 19. 9. they said, this one/, came in to sojourn Exod. 2. 13. wherefore smitest thou thy /'. .** 18. tl6. and I judge between a man and his/. Judff. 7. 13. there was a man told a dream to his/. 22. the Lord set every man's sword against his/, through all the host, 1 Sam. 14. 20. ISam. 21. 15. that ye have brought this/, to play the madman ; shall this /. come into my house ? 25. 21. in vain have 1 kept all that this/, hath 29. 4. make this/', return, he may go to his place 2 Sam. 2. 16. caught every one his/, by the head 1 Kings 22. 27. put this/, in prison, 2 Chron. 18. 26. 2 Kings 9. 11. wherefore came this mad /. to thee .' Eccl. 4. 10. if they fall, one will lift up his/. Isa. 34. 14. the satyr shall cry to his/'. Jonah 1. 7. they said eveiy one to his/, cast lots Zech. 11. t 9. eat every one the flesh of his/. 13. 7. awake, O sword, against my Shepherd, and against the man that is my/', saith Lord of hosts Mat. 12. 24. this/, doth not cast out devils but by 26. 61. this/, said, I am able to destroy the temple 71. this /. was also with Jesus, Luke 22. 59.' Luke 23. 2. we found this/, perverting the nation John 9. 29. as for this/, we know not whence he is 11. 16. Didymus said to his/, disciples, let us go Acts 17. 1 18. some said, what w ill this base/, say ? 18. 13. this /'. persuadeth men to worship God 22. 22. away with such a/, from the earth 24. 5. we have found this man a pestilent/. FELL0\'^-citize7is. Eph. 2. 19. hut f.-c2ti2e7is with saints and household YELLOW -heirs. Eph. 3. 6. that the Gentiles should be f. -heirs YELLOW -helper. 2 Cor. 8. 23. Titus my f. -helper concerning you FELLOW-/;e/jBer.s-. 3 John 8. that we miaht he f. -helpers to the truth i'ELtOW-labourer. 1 Thess. 3. 2. we sent Timotheus our f- labourer Philem. 1. Paul to Philemon our /.-/ai^oMrer YELLOW -labourers. Phil. 4. 3. Clement, with other my f. -labourers Philem. 24. Marcus, Demas, Lucas, my f.- labourers YELLOW -priso7ier . Col. A. 10. Aristarchus my f. -prisoner saluteth you Philem. 23. Epaphras my f. -prisoner in Christ YELLOy^ -prisoners. Rom. 16. 7- Andronicus and Junia my f. -prisoners YELLOW -servant, or serva7its. Mat. 18. 28. found one of his/.-.serf. who owed him 29. \i\?>f. -servant fell down at his feet, saying 31. so when his f.-serva7its saw what was done 33. have had compassion on f. -servant as 1 on thee 24. 49. and shall begin to smite his f.-serva7its Col. 1. 7. ye learned of Epaphras out f. -servant 4. 7. lychicus, who is a. f. -servant in the Lord Rev. 6. 11. till theirf.-servants should be fulfilled 19. 10. see thou do it not, 1 am thy f.-serva7it, 22. 9. YELLOW-soldier. Phil. 2. 25. to send Epaphroditus my f. -soldier Philem. 2. Paul to Archippus out f. -soldier FELLOW -workers. Col. 4. 11. these only are my f. -workers to kingdom FELLOWS. Judg. 11. 37. bewail my virginity, I and my/. 18. 25. lest angry/, run on thee, and thou lose life 20. 1 11. all Israel were gathered/, as one man 2 Sam. 6.20. as one of the vain/', uncovereth himself Psal. 45. 7- "vvith oil of gladness above /. Heb. 1. 9. Isa. 44. 11. behold all his/', shall be ashamed Ezek. .37. 19. 1 will take the tribes of Israel his f. Dan. 2. 13. they sought Daniel and his/, to be slain 18. that Daniel and his/, should not perish 7. 20. whose look was more stout than his/. Zech. 3. 8. thou and thy/, that sit before thee Mat. 11. 16. like to children calling to their/. Acts 17. 5. Jews took lewd/, of the baser sort FELLOWSHIP. Lev. 6. 2. which was delivered him to keep, or in f. Ps. 94. 20. shall the throne of iniq. have /.with theer Acts 2. 42. they confin. in apostles' doctrine and /. 1 Cor. 1. 9. ye were called to the/, of his Son 10. 20. not that ye should have/, with devils 2 Cor. 6. 14. what /.hath righteousness with unright- eousness f what communion light with darkn.? 8. 4. take on us the/, of ministering to the saints Gal. 2. 9. they gave to me the right hand of r. Eph. 3. 9. to make men see what is the/, of mystery 5. 11. have no/, with unfruitful works of darkness Phil. 1. 5. for your/, in the gospel till now 2. 1. if there be any/, of the spirit, if bowels 3. 10. that 1 may know the/, of his sufferings 1 John 1. 3. that ye also may have/, with us, and truly our/, is with Father, and with Son J. C. 6. if we say that we have/, with him, and walk in 7. if we walk in light, we have/, one w ith another lELT. Gen. 27. 22. Jacob w^ent near, and Isaac/, him 31.t34. Laban/. all the tent, but found them not Exod. 10.21. over land,even darkness that may be/. Prov. 23. 35. they have beaten me, and 1 /. it not Mark 5. 29. she/, she was healed of that plague Acts 28. 5. he shook off the beast and /. no harm FEMALE. Gen. 1. 27. male and /. created he them, 5. 2 6. 19. two of every sort, they shall be male and/. 7. 2. take to thee by sevens, the male and the /'. 3. 9. there went in two and two, the male and the/. M 161 FET Cen. 7. 16. they that went in, went in male and /. Lev. 3. 1. if he offer it, whether it be male or/. 6. if his offering be of the flock, male or f. 4. 28. offering a/, without blemish, 32. | 5. 6. 12. 7. law for her that hath bom a male or/. 27.4. if it be a/, thy estimation shall be 30 shekels 5. thy estimation for the /. ten shekels, 7. 6. for the/, from a month old, three shekels Num. 5. 3. both male and/, shall ye put out Deui. 4. 16. graven image, the likeness of male or/. 7. 14. shall not be a male or/, barren among you Mai. 19. 4. made them male and/. Mark 10. 6. Gal. 3. 28. in Christ there is neither male nor/. FENCE. Ps. 62. 3. ye be as a bowing wall and a tottering/. FENCED. Job 10. 11. he hath/, me with bones and sinews 19. 8. he hath/, up my way that I cannot pass Isa. 5. 2. my beloved hath a vineyard, and he/, it FENCED. Deut. 28. 52. till thy high and/, walls come down 2 Sam. 23. 7. man that shall touch them must be/. 2 King's 3. 19. and ye shall smite every /. city 10. 2. there are with you a/, city and armour 17. 9. from the tower to the/, city, 18. 8. 19. t 24. I have dried up the rivers of /. places with the sole of my feet, Isa. 37- 125. Jsa. 2. 15. the day of the Lord on every/, wall Jer. 15. 20. 1 will make thee a/, brazen wall £zek.36. 35. the waste and ruined cities are become/. JSai. 2. t 1. 1 will set me upon the/, place FENCED cities. Num. 32. 17. our little ones shall dwell in/, ciiies Deut. 3. 5. all these cities were/, with walls 9. 1. to possess cities great and/, up to heaven Jos/i. 10. 20. the rest of them entered mto/. cities 14. 12. and that the cities were great and/. 1 Sani. 6. 18. golden mice, according to number of /. cities 2 Sam. 20. 6. pursue, lest he get/, cities and escape 2 Kings 18. 13. Sennacherib came up against all the /. cities of Judah and took them, 2 Ckr. 12. 4. 19. 25. thou shouldest be to lay waste /. cities 2 Chron. 8. 5. Solomon built/, cities with walls 12. 4. Shishak took the /. cities of Judah 14. 6. Asa built/, cities in Judah, land had rest 17. 2. Jehoshaphat placed forces in the /. cities, 19. 19. 5. he setjudgesthroughoutall/. cities of Jud. 21. 3. Jehoshaphat ffave them/, cities in Judah 33. 14. Manasseh put captains of war in /. cities Jer. 5. 17. they shall impoverish thy/, cities Ban. 11. 15. king of north shall take most/, cities Ilos. 8. 14. Judah hath multiplied/, cities Zeph. 1. 16. day of alarm against/, cities and towers FENS. Job 40. 21. Behemoth lieth in covert of reed and f. FERRET. Lev. 11. 30. the/, chameleon and lizard unclean YERKY-hoat. 2 Sam. 19. 18. there went a /.-/wa;! for king's housh. FERVENT. ActslQ. 25. Apollos, being f. in spirit, taught Rom. 12. 11./ in spirit, serving the Lord 2 Cor. 7. 7. he told us your/, mind towards me Jatn. 5. 16./. prayer of a rigliteous man avails much 1 Pet. 4. 8. above all things have/, charity 2 Pet. 3. 10. elements shall melt with/, heat, 12. FERVENTLY. Col. 4. 12. Epaphras labouring/, for you in prayers 1 Pet. 1. 22. see that ye love one another with a ^ .„ ^ T -,, JFJEfCH. [pure heart/ Oen. 18. 5. I will /. a morsel of bread and comfort 27. 9. go,/, me two kids of the goats, 13. 45. then I will send and /. thee from thence Exod. 2. 5. when saw the ark, she sent maid to/, it Num. 20. 10. must we /. water out of this rock i Deut. 19. 12. the elders shall send and /. him 24. 10. thou shall not go to/, his pled°-e, 19. 30. 4, from whence will the Lord thy God f. thee Judg. 11. 5. elders of Gilead went to/. Jephthah 20. 10. take men to/, victuals for the people li,am.A. 3. let us/, the ark of the covenant ?r 1 ; ^^y'^S^' fonie ye down, and /. it up to you nl- II- ,^. 9. 9. which was a/, of the time then present 11. 19. from whence also he received him in a/. 1 Pet. 3. 21. the like/ whereunto even baptism FIGURES. 1 Kings 6. 29. he carved with carved /. of cherubims Acts 7. 43. /. which ye made to worship them 1 Cor. 10. t 6. now these things were our/ He6. 9. 24, holy places, which are the/, of the true Eev. 26. + 1. neither shall ye set up any/, stone 1 Sam. 13. 21. yet they had a/, for the mattocks FILL, Substantive. Lev. 25. 19. and ye shall eat your/, in safety JJeut. 23. 24, then thou may est eat grapes thy/ Prov.1. 18. come, let us take our/, of love FILL, Verb. Gen. 1. 22, multiply, and/, the waters in the seas , 42. 25. Joseph commanded to/, their sacks, 44. 1. Exod. 10. 6. the locusts shall/, thy houses 16. .32. Moses said, /. an homer of it to be kept 32. t 29. Moses said, /. your hands to-day to the L. Lev. 16. +.32. the priest, he shall /. his hand 1 Sarn. 16. 1. /. thine horn with oil, and go to Jesse 1 Kings 1. + 14. I will come in and /. up thy words 18. 33./. four barrels with water, and pour it on 1 Chr. 29. !• 5. who then is willing to/, his hand .•' 2 Chron. 13. + 9. whosoever cometh to f. his hand JohQ. 21. till he/, thy mouth with laughing, and lips 15.2. should a wise man/, his belly with east-wind ? 20. 23.when he is about to/, his belly, God cast fury 23. 4. I would /. my mouth with arguments 38. 39. or/, the appetite of the young lions 41. 7. canst thou /, his skin with barbed irons ? 164 FIL Psal. 81. 10. open thy mouth wide, and I will/, it 83. 16./. tneir taces witii shame to seek thee, O L. 110. 6. he shall/, the places with the dead bodies Prov. 1. 13. we shall/, our houses with spoil 8. 21. to inherit substance, I will /. their treasures Jsa. 8. 8. his wings shall/, the breadth of thy land 14. 21, nor/, the face of the world with cities 27. 6. Isr. shall/, the face of the world with fruit 56.12. they say, we will/, ourselv. with strongdrink Jer. 13. 13. I will /. inhabitants with drunkenness 23. 24. do not I /. heaven and earth ''. saith the L. 33. 5. it is to/, them with the dead bodies of men 51.14. surely I will/, thee with men as caterpillars Ezek. 3. 3. son of man,/ thy bowels with thisioll 7. 19. shall notsatisfy their souls nor/, their bowels 9. 7. /. the courts with the slain, go ye forth 10. 2. go in,/, thine hand with coals of fire 24. 4. gather the pieces,/, it with the choice bones 30. 11. they shall/, the land with the slain 32.4. 1 will/, the beastsof the whole earth with fire 5. I will/, the valleys with thy height 35. 8. I will /. his mountains with the slain 43. + 26. they shall purge altar, and /. their hands Zeph.l.Q.whof. their masters' houses with violence Hag. 2. 7. I will/, this iiouse with glory, saith Lord Zech. 9. + 15. and they shall /. both the bowls Mat. 9. 16. for that which is put in to/, it up 15. 33. whence have bread to/, such a multitude ? 23. 32./. ye up then the measure of your fathers John 2. 7-/- the water-pots with water Rom. 15. 13. G. of hope/, you with all joy and peace E]>h. 4. 10, he ascended, that he might/, all things Col. 1.24./. up what is behind of sufferings of Christ 1 Thess. 2. 16. the Jews, to/, up their sins alway Rev. 18. 6. the cup she hath filled,/, her double FILLED. Gen. 6. 13. the earth is/, with violence through men 21, 19. Hagar went and/, the bottle with water 24. 16. Eebekah /. her pitcher and came up 26. 15. the Philistines had/, the wells with earth Exod. 1. 7. the children of Israel/, the land 2. 16. they/, the troughs to water their fiock 28. 3. whom I have/, with wisdom, 35. 35. 31. 3. I have/, him with the Spirit of God, .35. 31. 40. ,34. the glory of the Lord/, the tabernacle, .35. Deut. 26. 12. they may eat within th3' gates and be/. 31. 20. when tiiey have eaten and/, themselves Josh. 9. 13. these bottles we/, were new and are rent 1 Ki7i(/s 8. 10. the cloud/, the house of the Lord 11. glory of L./. the house, 2 Chr. 5. 14. | 7, 1, 2. 18. 35. and he/, the trench also with water 20.27. but the Syrians/, the country 2 Kings 3. 25. they cast evei y man his stone and/, it 21. 16. Manasseh /. Jerusalem with blood, 24. 4. 23. 14. Josiah /. their places with the bones of men Ezra 9. 11. which have/, it from one end to another Job 3. 15. with princes who/, their houses with silver 16. 8. and thou hast/, me with wrinkles 22. 18. yet he/, their houses with good things Psal. 38. 7. for my loins are/, with loathsome disease 71. 8. let my mouth be/, with thy praise and honour 72. 19. let the whole earth be /. with his glory 80. 9. didst cause it to take deep root, it/, the land 104. 28. thou openest thine hand, are/, with good 123. 3. for we are exceedingly/, with contempt 4. our soul is exceedingly /. with scorning Prov. 5. 10. lest strangers be/, with thy wealth 25. 16. lest thou be/, with honey and vomit it .30. 16. the earth that is not/, with water 22. and for a fool when he is /. with meat Eccl. 1. 8. nor is the ear/, with hearing 6. 3. and his soul be not/, with good 7. and yet the appetite is not/." Cant. 5. 2. open to me, my head is/, with dew Isa. 6. 1 . high and lifted up, and his train/, the temp. 21. 3. therefore are my loins/, with pain 33.5. the Lord hath/. Zion with judgment 34. 6. the sword of the Lord is /. with blood 43. 24. nor/, me with the fat of thy sacrifices 65. 20. nor an old man that hath not/, his days Jer. 15. 17. for thou hast/, me with indignation 16. 18. they/, mine inheritance with carcases 19. 4. they have/, this place with blood of innocents 41. 9. Ishmael/. the pit with them that were slain 46. 12. and thy cry hath/, the land 51. 34. he hath/, his belly with my delicates Lam. 3. 15. he hath/, me with bitterness 30. he is f. full with repioach Ezek. 8. 17". they have/, the land with violence 10. 3. and the cloud /. the inner court 11. 6. ye have/, the streets with the slain 28, 16. they /. the midst of thee with violence 36. 38. waste cities shall be/, with flocks of men 43. 5. the glory of the Lord /. the house, 44. 4. Dan. 2. 35. the stone cut out/ the whole earth Nah. 2. 12. the lion/, his holes with prey Hab. 2. 16. thou art/, with shame for glory Hag. 1. 6. ye drink, but ye are not/ with drink Zech. 9. 13. I have/, the bow with Ephraim Mat. 27. 48. one of them ran, and/, a spunge with vinegar, Mark 15. ,36. John 19. 29. Mark 2. 21. new piece that/, it up taketh from old 7- 27. Jesus said, let the children first be/. Luke 1, 53. he hath/, the hungry with good things 2. 40. Jesus waxed strong in spirit,/, with wisdom 5. 7- and they came and/, both the ships 14. 23. compel them to come, that my house be/. 15. 16. would fain have/, his belly with husks John 2. 7. and they/, them up to the brim 6. 13. they/, twelve baskets with fiagments 16. 6. I said these things, sorrow hath/, your heart Acts 2. 2. as of a rushing mighty wind, /. the house 4. 8. then Peter, /. with the Holy Ghost, said 5. 3. why hath Satan/, thine heart to lie to H. Ghost ? 28. ye have/. Jerusalem with your doctrine 9. 17. that thoumightest be/, with the Holy Ghost 13. 9. Paul,/, with the Holy Ghost, set his eyes Rom. 1. 29. being/, with all unrighteousness 15. 14. that ye also are/, with all knowledge 24. if finst 1 be somewhat/, with your company 2 Cor. 7. 4. I am /. with comfort, 1 am joyful Eph. 3. 19. might be/ with all the fulness of God FIL Eph. 5. 18, be not drunk with vyine, but/, with Kpirit Phil. 1. 1], being/, with the fruits of righteousness Col. 1. 9. might be f. with the knowledge of his will 2 Tim. 1, 4. Eliat I may be/, with joy Jam. 2. 16. depart in peace, be ye warmed and/. Rev. 8. 5, angel/, the censer with the fire of the altai 15. 1. for in them is/, up the wrath of God 18. 6. in the cup which she hath /. fill to her doubia Shall he FILLED. Erod. 16. 12. in morning ye shall be f. with bread Num. 14. 21. the earth shall be f. witli glory of L. 2 Kings 3. I7. that valley shall hef. with water Prov. J. 31, they ,*//«// /5e/. with their own devices 3. 10. so shall thy barns be f. with plenty 12. 21. but the wicked shall be f. with mischief 14. 14. the backslider shall be f. with his own ways IH. 20. with the increase of his lips shall he bef. 20, 17. afterward his mouth shall be f. with grave! 24. 4. and by knowledge shall the chambers 'Ae/. Jer. 13. 12. every bottle shall be f. with wine Ezek. 23. 33. thou shalt bef. with drunkenness 39. 20. thus ye shall be f. at my table with horses Hab. 2. 14. earth,?/ia//*e/. with knowledge of Lord Zech. 9. 15. and they shall bef. like bowls M«/. 5. 6. blessed are they that hunger, thev shall bef. Lnhe 1. 15. John shall bef. with the Holy Ghost 3. 5, every MnWey shall be f. mountain broughtlow 6. 21, blessed ye that hunger now, ye shall be f. Was FILLED, Gen. 6. 11, and the earth 7oas f. with violence 1 Kings'!. \A. and Hiram was f. with wisdom 2 Kings 3. 20. and the country was f. with water 2 Chron. 5. 13. then the house wasf. with a cloud 16. 14, the bed which wasf. with sweet odours Psal. 126. 2. then our mouth wasf. with laughter Isa. 6, 4. and the house was f. with smoke Jer. 51. 5. tho' their land wasf. with sin ag. Holy Ezek. 10. 4. and the house wasf. with the cloud Luke 1. 41, Elisabeth 7vas f. with the Holy Ghost 67. Zacharias wasf. with the Holy Ghost John 12. 3. house wasf. with the odour of ointment Acts 19. 29. the whole city wasf. with confusion Rev. 15. 8. and the temple wasf. with smoke Were FILLED. Has. 13. 6. according to their pasture so were they f. they were f. and their heart was exalted Luke 4. 28. when they heard, they weref. with wra. 5. 26. they glorified God, and were f. with fear 6. 11. they weref. with madness, and communed 8. 23. they weref. with water, and in jeopardy John(). 12. when they were f. he said, gather up 26. because ye did eat of the loaves, and -were f. Acts 2. 4. they 7vere all/, with the Holy Ghost, 4, 31. 3. 10, they were f. with wonder and amazement 5. 17. rose up, and weref. with indignation 13- 45, the Jews weref. with envy, and spake 52. disciples were/, with joy and the Holy Ghost Rev. 19. 21. all the fowls weref. with their flesh See Eat. FILLEDST Deut. 6. IJ. and houses full, which thou/, not Ezek. 27. 33, when wares went forth,/, many peop fe FlLLESl'. Ps. 17. 14, whose belly thou/, with thy hid treasure FILLEIH. Job 9. 18. but he /. me with bitterness Psal. 84. 6. the rain also /. the pools 107, 9, he/, the hungry soul with goodness 129. 7, wherewith the mower/, not his hand 147, 14, he/, thee with the finest of the wheat Eph. 1. 23. the fulness of him that/, all in all FILLET. Jer. 52. 21. a/, of twelve cubits did compass it FILLETS. Exod. 27. 10. the hooks of the pillars, and their/. shall be of silver, 11. | .38. 10, 11, 12, 17, 1<^, 36, .38. he overlaid their chapiters and/, with gold FILLETED. Exod. 27. 17. all shall be /. with silver, 38, 17. 38. 28. he overlaid their chapiters and/, them FILLING, Acts 14. 17. /• our hearts with food and gladness FILTH, Lev. 1. + 16. pluck away his crop with /. thei'eof Isa. 4. 4. when the Lord washed away the/, of Zion Nah. 3. 6. I will cast abominable /. upon thee 1 Cor. 4, 13. we are made as the/, of the world 1 Pet. 3, 21. not putting away the/, of the flesh FILTHY. Job 15. 16. how much more abomma. and/, is man f Psal. 14, 3. they are altogether become /. 53. 3, Isa. 64. 6. all our righteousnesses are as/, rags Zeph. 3. 1. woe to her that is/, and polluted Zech. 3. 3. Joshua was clothed with /, garments 4, takeaway the/, garments from him Col. 3,8. you also put off/, communicat. from mouth 1 Tim. 3. 3. no striker, not greedy of/, lucre, 8. Tit. 1. 7. not soon angry, not given to/, lucre 11. teaching things for/, lucre's sake, 1 Pet. 5. 2. 2 Pet. 2. 7. Lot vexed with/, conversation of wicked Jude 8. likewise these/, dreamers defile the flesh Rev. 22. 11. he that is/, let him be/, still FILTH INESS. 2 C/;row. 29, 5, carry out the/, out of the holy place Ezra 6, 21. had separated from the /, of the heathen 9. 11. unclean land with the/, of the people Proo. 30, 12. and yet is not washed from their/. Isa. 28. 8. for all tables are full of vomit and/. Jer. 5. +30, astonishment and/, is committed in land 23. + 14, 1 have seen/, in the prophets of Jerusalem Lam.l. 9. her/, is in her skirts, rememb, not her end Ezek. 16, 36, because thy /. was poured out 22. 15, and 1 will consume thy/ out of thee 24. 11. that the/, of it may be molten in it 13, in thy /, is lewdness : because I have purged thee, and thou wast not purged, thou shalt not be purged from thy /, 36, 25, from all your/, will I cleanse you 2 Cor.1. 1. letuscleanse ourselv. from all /. of flesh Eph. 5. 4. nor let /. be once narr;ed among you Jam. 1.21. wherefore lay apart all/.receive the word Rev. 17. 4. cup full of abominat, and/, of fornicat FIN FlNALLi. 2 Cor. 13. 11./. my brethren, larewell, Eph. 6. 10. Phil. 3. 1. 1 4. 8. 2 Thess. 3. 1. 1 Fet. 3. 8. ilND Signifies, [1] To convert, or recover a thing that was lost, Luke 15. 8, 9, 32. [2] To invent, or discover, 2 Chron. 2. 14. [3] To know experimentally, E-Oni. 4. 1. Rev. 2. 2. [4] To obtain what we want and desire of God, Mat. 7. 7. [5] To come to. Job 3. 22. [6j To understand throughly. Job 11. 7- [7] To do, or perform, Isa. 58. 13. [8] To seek. Job 33. 10. [9] 'To happen upon without seeking, Geo. 37. 15. [10] To choose and appoint, Acts 13. 22. [11] To turn to, or light 07i, Luke 4. 17. [12] To observe, }.lzX. 8. 10. To find, is used sometimes for to attack, to surprise one's enemies, to discover their ambushes. It is understood in this sense, Judg. 1. 5. Iney found Adoni-bezek in Bezek. They attacked him there. And, 1 Sam. 31. 3. according to the Hebrew, the archers belojiging to the Philistines found Saul, they attacked him. In this sense some explain that passage in Gen. 36. 24. This was that Aiiah that found the mules in the wilderness. In the Hebrew, he found the Emims. These Emims are believed to be powerful people ; Deut. 2. 10, 11. The Emims dwelt therein in times past, apeople great, and many, and tall, as the Anakims, 4r. who also were neighbojirs to the Horites here spoken of, as appears from Gen. 14. 5,6. Anah therefore found a troop of these people : he surprised, attack- ed, and defeated them. Others render the Hebrew word Jemim, which is no where else used, by waters ; that he found out some springs of water, which in those hot countries were rare and precious ; or, hot waters, some hot and medicinal springs. Others again mules, as iti our translation ; that he found out the way of the generation of mules, by the copulation of an ass and a mare. Gen. 19. 11. they wearied themselves to/, the door 32. 19. you shall speak to Esau, when you /. him Num. 32. 23. be sure your sin shall /. you out 35. 27. the revens-er of blood /. him without city Deut. 22. 25. a man/, a damsel and lie with her. 28. Judg. 17. 8. to sojourn where he could /. a place, 9. Ruth 1. 9. the L. grant ye may/, rest, eacli of you 1 Sam. 20. 21. saying, go,/, out the arrows, 36. £4. 19. if a man/, his enemy, will he let him go ? 1 Kings 18. 5. peradv. we may/, grass to save horses 2 Chron. 2. 14. to/, out every device be put to him .32. 4. why should Assyria come and/, much water' Job 23. 3. O that I knew where 1 might/, him 34. 11. cause every man to/, according- to his ways Psal. 10. 15. seek out his svickedn. till thou/. none Prov. 2. 5. thou shalt/. the knowledge of God 4. 22. my words are life to those that/, them 8. 9. they are right to them that/, knowledge 12. I /. out knowledge of witty inventions Eccl. 7. 14. a man should/, nothing for him 27. counting one by one, to/, out the account 12. 10. he sought to/, out acceptable words Cant. 5. 8. if/, my beloved, tell him 1 am sick of love Isa. 34. 14. the screech-owl shall /. a place of rest 58. 3. in the day of your fast you/, pleasure Jer. 10. 18. will distress them, that they may /. it so Lam. 1. 6. are become like harts that/, no pasture 2. 9. her prophets also/, no vision from God Dan. 6. 4. the princes sought to/, occasion against Daniel, but could/, none occasion nor fault 5. shall not/, except we /. it concerning law of G. Mat. 7. 14. strait is gate., and few there be that/, it 18.13. and if so be that he/, it, he rejoiceth more Mark 11. 13. if haply he might/, any thing thereon 13. 36. lest coming suddenly, he/, you sleeping Luke 6. 7. that they might/, an accusation atr. hfm 12. 38. and /. them so, blessed are those servants 13. 7. he said I come seeking fruit and f. none 15. 4. and go alter that which is lost, till he/, it 8. doth she not seek diligently till she /. it > John 10. 9. he shall go in and out, and /. pasture ActsT. 46. desired to/, a tabernacle forG. of Jacob 17. 27. they might feel after him and /. him 23. 9. scribes, saying, we/, no evil in this man Mom. 9. 19. thou wilt say, why doth he yet /. fault ' 2Cor.9.4.they come with me, and/, you unprepared 2 Tim. 1. 18. he may /. mercy of the L. in that day See Favour. Ca7i or caJist FIND. Gere.41.38.Phar.said,ca?iwe/.suchaoneasthisis.' Exod. 5. 11. go, get you straw where you canf. it Ezra 7. 16. all the silver and gold thou canst f. Job 3. 22. and are glad when they canf. the grave 11. 7. canst thou by searching /. out God ? canst thou/, out the Almiahty unto perfection .? Prov. 20. 6. but a faithful man who canf. ? 31.10. who canf. a virt. woman price above rubies' Eccl. 3. 11. no man canf. out the work God maketh 7. 24. that which is exceeding deep, who caw/, it? Jer. 5. 1. if ye canf. a man that seeketh truth Cannot FIND. Gen. 38. 22. he returned, and said, I cannot f. her 1 Kzngs 18. 12. if he cannot f thee, he will slay me Job 17. 10. I cannot f. one wise man amonff you 37. 23. touching Almighty, we cannot f. him out Eccl. 8. 17. a man cannot f. out the work under sun FIND grace. Gen. 32. 5. 1 may /. grace in thy siaht, Exod. 33. 13 . 33. 8. these are to/, grace in the sight of my lord 15. let me /. gr. \\ .34. 11. let me /. gr. in your eyes 47. 25. let us/, grace m the sight of my lord Ruth 2. 2. in whose sight I shall/, grace 1 Sam. 1. 18. let thy handmaid /. grace in thy siaht 2 Sam. 16. 4. that I may /. grace in thy sight, O kino- Heb. 4. 16. that we may/, gr. to help in time of nee3 Gen. 18. 26. if If. in Sodom fifty righteous in city 28. if I/, there forty-five || ,30. if If thirty there Psal. 132. 5. till //. out a place for the Lord Eccl. 7. 26. and If. more bitter than death the woman Cant. 8. 1. when I should /. thee, T would kiss thee Jer. 45. 3. 1 fainted in my sighing, and If. no rest FIN Luke 23. 4. Pilate said to the chief priests. If. no fault in this man, Joh7i 18. 38. 1 19. 4, 6. Rom. 7. 18. to perform that which is good If. not 21 . If. then a law, that when i would do good Not FIND, or FIND 7iot. Exod. 16. 25. to-day ye shall 7iot f. it in the field Lev. 12. t 8. if her hand/, not sufficiently 1 Sam. 23. 17. Saul my father shall not f. thee 2 Sam. 17. 20. had sought, and could 7wt f. tliem Prov. 1. 28. they shall seek me early, but they shall not f. ine, Hos. 5. 6. John 7. 34, 36. Eccl. 7. 28. which my soul seeketh, but I/, not Cant. 5.6. I sought him, but I could 7wt f. him Jsa. 41. 12. seek them, but shalt wo^/. them, Hos. 2.7. Dan. 6. 5. we shall notf. any occasion against Dnn. Hos. 2. 6. make a wall that she shall 7101 f. her paths Amos. 8. 12. shall run to seek the word , and noif. it Luke 5. 19. 7wt f. what way they might bring him 19. 48. could Jiotf. what they might do to Jesus Jo/m 7. 35. whither go, that we shall 7iot f. him Rom. 7. 18. how to do that which is good. If. not 2 Cor. 12. 20. 1 shall 7iotf. you such as I would Rev. 9. 6. shall men seek death, and shall 7io?/. it Shall, or Shalt FIND. Gen. 44. + 34. lest 1 see the evil th'dt shall f. my father Deut. 4. 29. if thence thou seek L. thou shalt f. him 28. 65. thou shalt f. no ease among these nations Judg. 9. 33. then mayest do as thou shalt f. occasion 1 Sam. 9. 13. ye shall f. him before he go up to eat 10. 2. there shall f. two men by Rachel's sepulchre + 7. thou shalt do as thj^ hand shall f. 2 Kings 7. t 9. if we tarry, we shall f. punishment 2 Chr. 20. 16. ye shall f. them at end of the brook 30. 9. your brethren and child, shall f. compassion Ezra 4. 15. thou shalt f. in the book of records Psal. 17. 3. thou hast tried me, and shalt f. nothing 21. 8. thy hand shall f. out all thine enemies Prov. 1. 13. we shall f. all precious substance 8. 17. they that seek me early shall f. me, Jer. 29. 13. 16. 20. that handleth matter wisely , shall f. good 19. 8. he that keepeth understanding shall f. good Eccl. 11. 1. for thou shalt f. it after many days Jer. 2. 24. in her month they shall f. lier 6. 16. ye shall f. rest to your souls. Mat. 11. 29. Hos, 12.8. in labours they shall f. none iniquity in me Mat. 7. 7. seek and ye shall f. Luke 11. 9. 10. 39. he that loseth his life for my sake shall f. it 17. 27. thou shalt f. a piece of money, that take 21. 2. ye shall f. an ass tied, and a colt, Markll.2. 22. 9. as many as ye shall f. bid to the marriage 24. 46. whencometh,.?./. sodoing, L7ckel2. .37, 43. Luke 2. 12. ye shall f. babe wrapt in s waddl. clothes 18. 8. Son of man cometli, shall he/, faith on earth ? John 21. 6. cast the net on the right side, ye shall f. Rev. 18. 14. and thou shalt f. them no more at all FINDEST. Gen. 31. 32. with whomsoever thou/, thy gods Ezek. 3. 1. eat that thou/, eat this roll, and go speak FIINDETH. Gen. 4. 14. every one that/, me shall slay me Deut. 19. 1 5. the head slippeth, and/, his neighbour Job 33.10. behold, he/, occasions against me Psal. 119. 1G2. I rejoice atword, as one that/, spoil Prov. 3. 13. happy is the man that./", wisdom 8. 35. whoso/, me,/, life, shall obtain favour of Ld. 14. 6. ascorner seeketh wisdom, and/, it not 17. 20. he that hath a froward heart, /. no good 18. 22. whoso/, a wife/, good thing, obtains favour 21. 10. his neiahbour/. no favour^in his eyes 21. he that followeth after mercy/, life and honour Eccl. 9. 10. whatsoever thy hand /. to do, do it Lam. 1. 3. she dwells among heathen, she/ no rest Hos. 14. 3. for in thee the fatherless /'. mercy HJat. 7. 8- and he that seeketh/. Luke 11. 10. 10. 39. he that/, his life shall lose it 12.43. walketh thro' dry places, seeking rest,/, none 44./. it empty, swept, and garnished, Luke 11. 25. 20. 40. he /. his disciples asleep, Mark 14. 37. John 1. 41. he first/, his own brother Simon 43. Jesus/. Philip 1|45. Philip/ Nathaneel 5. 14. afterward Jesus/, him in the temple FINDING. Gen. 4. 15. lest any /. Cain should kill him Job 9. 10. who doeth things past/ out and wonders Psal. 32. + 6. every one shall pray in a time of/. Isa. 58. 13./. thine own pleas, nor speaking words Luke 11. 24. unclean spirit seeking rest and/, none Acts 4. 21. /. nothing how they might punish them 19. 1. Paul came, and/, certain disciples, 21. 4. 21. 2. /. ship sailing over to Phenicia, went aboard Rom. 11. 33. unsearchable, and his ways past f. out Heb. 8. 8. for/, fault with saith, behold FINE. Job 28. 1. there is a place for gold where they/, it FINE. Ezra 8. 27. and two vesseis of/, copper, as gold Job 28. + 15./. gold shall not be given for wisdom Im. 19. 9. they that work in /. flax be confounded Rev. 1. 15. his feet like unto /. brass, 2. 18. FINE.^owr. Lev. 2. 1. his offering shall be of f. flour, 24. 5. 4. cakes of/, .flour mingled with oil, 5. 7- I 7. 12. 14. 10, 21. I 23. 13. Niim. 6. 15. | 7- 13, 19, 25, 31,37, 43, 49, 55,61. 18. 8. 5. 11. the tenth part of anephah of f.flo7ir, 6. 20. 1 Kings 4. 22. thirty measures of/, flour in one day 2 KingsJ. 1. measure /..;?o?«- sold for shekel, 16, 18. 1 Chr. 9.29. were appointed to oversee/, .^o?^;-, 23.29. Ezek. 16. 13. thou didst eat f. flour, honey, and oil 19. I gave thee f flour, and oil, and honey 46. 14. an hin of oil to temper with the /. flour Rev. 18. 13. none buyeth her merchandise of/. ^OT /. into the print of the nails 27. reach hitner thy f. and behold my hands FliS^GERS. 2 Sam. 21. 20. on every hand six/. 1 Chr. 20. 6. Psal. 8. 3. when consider thy heavens, work of thy /. 144. 1. the Lord, who teacheth my/, to fight Prov. 6. 13. a wicked man teacheth with his/. 7. 3. bind them on thy /. write them on thy heart Ca7it. 5. 5. and my/, with sweet-smelling myrrh Isa. 2.8. that which their ownf. have made, 17. 8. 59. 3. hands defiled with blood,"and /. with iniquity Jer. 52.21. the thickness of one pillar four/. Dan. 5. 5. came forth /. of a man's hand, aiid wrote Mat. 23. 4. they bind heavj' burdens, but they will not move them with one of their/. Luke 11. 46. MarkT. 33. and he put his /. into his e'ars and he spit FINISH. To bring to pass, fulfil, perfect. Our blessed Lord said on the cross. It is finished, John 19. 30. Qur great Redeemer, by what Ac did and suffered, performed the will of God, and the whole zcoi k which the Father gave him to do ; zihich was to obtaiyi eternal redemptio7i. He zcas the sitbstance a7id e/id of all the types, and the legal dispensa- tio7i. He co>npleted and finished righteousness, removed the cu/se, and radically completed OUT salvation. Gen. 6. 16. and in a cubit shalt thou /. it above Da7i. 9. 24. to/, transeression, and niake end of sin Zech. 4. 9. ZerubbabeTs hands shall also/, it 165 FIR Mat. 10. t 23. ye shall not/, the cities of Israel Lnke 14. 28. whether he have sufficient to/. 29. atter laid the foundation, and is notable to/, it 30. this man began to build, was not able to/. Jo/m4..34. my meat is todo his will, and/, his work 5. .36. works which the Father hath given me to/. Acts 20. 24. that 1 might/, my course with joy Rom. 9. 28. for he will/, the work, and cut short 2 Cor. 8. 6. so he would also/, inyou thesame ijrace Phil. 1. t 6. he that hath begun, will also/, it FINISHED. Gen. 2. 1. thus the heavens and the earth were/. Exod. .39. 32. thus was all the work/. 40. 3.3. Deut.Zl. 24. an end of writing, till they were/. Josh. 4. 10. the priest stood, till every thing was/. Ruth 3. 18. the man not rest, till he have/, the thing 1 Kinas 6. 9. Solomon built the house and /. it, 14, 22, 38. 2 Chron. 5. 1. I 7- H. 7. 1. Solomon/, all his house. 9. 1, 25. 2 Chr. 8. 16. 22. so was the work of the pillars/. 1 Chr. 27. 24. Joab began to number, but he/, not 28. 20. Lord not fail thee, till thou hast/, the work 2 Chr. 24. 14. and when they had/, tlie repairing 29. 28. the sinsers sang, till bumf-offering was/. 31. 7. they/, ifhe heaps in the seventh month Ezra 4. + 12. the Jews have/, the walls 5. 16. hath it been in building, and yet it is not/. 6. 14. the elders of the Jews built and /. it, 15. J^V^. 6. 15. so the wall was/, in fifty-two days Dan 5. 26. God hath numbered thy kingd. and /. it 12. 7. all these things shall bef. Mat. 13. 53. when Jesi s had/, these parables 19. 1. when Jesus had/, these sayings, 26. 1. John 17. 4. I have/, the work thou gavest me to do 19. 30. he said, it is/, and he bowed his head Acts 21.7. when we had/, our course from J yre 2 Tim. 4. 7. 1 have/, my course, I have kept the faith Hei. 4. 3. the works were/, from the foundation Jam. 1. 15. sin, when it is/, bringeth forth death Rev. 10. 7. the rnystery of God should be /. 11. 7. when witnesses shall have/, their testimony 20. 5. lived not, till the thousand years were /. FINISHEK. Heb. 12. 2. looking to Jesus, author and/, of our faith FINS. Lev. ll.g.whatever hath/ and scales eat, Det/t.14.9. 10. that hath not/, shall be an abomination, 12. FIRE Is one of the four elements, which not only affords light and heat, hut zvherehy likewise we try and purge metals. God hath often appeared in fire, ayid encompassed joith lire ; as when he shewed himself in the burning bush, and descended on mount Sinai in the midst of flames, thunderings, and lightning , Exod. 3. 2. | 19. 18. Fire is a symbol of the holiyiess and justice of God : '1 he ±.ord thy God is a consuming fire, Deut. 4. 24. He shewed himself to his prophets, Isaiah, Ezekiel, and St. John m the tnidst of fire, Isa. 6. 4. Ezek. 1. 4. Rev. 1. 14. The Psalmist de- scribes the chariot of God as all in a flame, Psal. 18. 12, 13, 14. Ayid it is said that God will appear in the midst of fire at his second coming, 2 Thess. 1. 8. Daniel says, that a fiery stream issued and came forth from before him ; noting the speedy executing of his judgments for the terror of the wicked and comfort of the godly, Dan. 7. 10. The wrath of God is compared to fire, Psal. 18. 8. and the effects of his wrath, which are war, famine, and other scourges, are described under the same idea, Psal. 66. 12. Jer. 48. 45. Our Saviour is compared to fire. Mai. 3. 2. He is like a refiner's fire, and like fuller's soap. He shall consume the wicked by his judgments, and purify those who are sincere by his doc- trine. The Holy Ghost likeioise is compared to fire. Mat. 3. 11. He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire. To verify this prediction, Jesus sent the Holy Ghost who de- scended upon his disciples in the form of tongues, or like sparks of fire, Acts 2. 3. It is the work of the Holy Spirit to enlighten, purify, and sanctify the soul, and to inflame it with love to God, and zeal for his glory. The angels them- selves, as the ministers of God, are compared to a burning fire, speedy and irresistible in the ex- ecution of his commands, Psal. 104. 4. The l^ord, or his angel, led the Israelites in their journey through the wilderness, under the form of a pil- lar of ^x^, Exod. \2,. 91. Fire from, heaven fell frequently on the victims sacrificed to the Lord, as a mark of his presence and approbation. It is thought that God in this manner expressed his acceptance of Abel's sacri- fices. Gen. 4. 4. When the Lord made a cove- nant with Abraham, a fire, like that of a fur- nace, passed through the divided pieces of the sa- crifices, and cons7imed them, Gen. 15. 17. Fire fell upon the sacrifices which Moses off'ered at the dedication of the tabernacle. Lev. 9. 24. And upon those of Manoah, Samson's father, Judg. 13. 19, 20. Upon Solomon's at the dedication of the temple, 2 Chron. 7. 1. And upon Elijah's at mount Carmel, 1 Kings 18. .38. The torments of hell are described by fire, both in the Old and Neio Testament. Moses inveiglmig against the Israelites, who rebelled against the Lord, says to them ; A fire is kindled in mine anger, and shall burn unto the lowest hell, Deut. 32. 22. Isaiah is still more express. Who among us shall dwell with the devour- ing fire ? who among us shall dwell with ever- lasting burnings.'' Isa. 33. 14. And in chap. 66. 24. Iheir worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched. Our Saviour makes use of the same similitude, to represent the punis'hment of the damned, Mark 9. 44. He likewise speaks frequently of the eternal fire prepared for the devil, his angels, and repro- bates. Mat. 25. 41, The sting and remorse of conscience is the worm that will never die : 166 F I R and the wrath of God upon their souls and bodies, the fire that shall never go out. There are like- wise who maintain; that by worm is to be under- stood a common, living, and material, not an al- legorical and figurative worm ; and by fire, a real, elementary, and material fire. Among the maintainers of this opinion are Austin, Cyprian, Chrysostom, Jerome, &c. The word of God is compared to fire, Jer. 23. 29. Is not niy word like as a fire .'' It is full of life and efficacy ; like a fire, it warms, melts, ajid heals my people, and is powerful to consume the dross, and burn up the chaff' and stubble. And the apostle says, th-at every man''s doctrine should be tried by fire, that is, by the light of the word, of what nature it is, whether it he true or false, sound ayid solid, or corrupt and frothy, 1 Cor. 3. 13. Fire is likewise taken for persecution, dissensioyi, ayid divisioyi. Luke 12. 49. I am come to send fire on the earth ; that is, Upon my coming and publishiyig the gospel, there will follow, through the devil's malice, and the corrup- tion of men, much persecutioyi to the professors thereof, and tnayiifold divisions in the world, whereby men will be tried whether they be faith- ful or not. The church of God is compared to a fire. Obad. 18. The house of Jacob shall be a fire : The church .shall subdue all her enemies. Carnal vain shifts of meyis own devising, whereby they seek to support, relieve, and comfort them- selves agaiyist the judgments denounced against them, are likeioise compared to fire, Isa. 50. 11. As are also the lies, slanders, ayid other provoking speeches of ungodly men; Prov. 16. 27. And in his lips there is a burning fire. Gen. 15. 1 17- a lamp of/, passed betw. those pieces 22.6. Abraham took/, in his hand, and a knife 7. my father, behold the /'. and the wood, but where Exod. 3. 2. and behold, the bush burned with/. 9. 23. Lord sent hail and the/, along on ground 24. there was hail, and/, mingled with tlie hail 12. 8. shall eat the fiesh in that night roast with/. 9. 19. 18. the Ld. descended upon mount Sinai in/. 22. 6. if /'. break out, and catch in thorns 32. 24. then I cast gold into/, and came this calf 40. 38. and/, was on the tabernacle by night through all their journey, Aww. 9. 16. Deut. 1. 33. Lev. 1. 7. the sons of the priest shall put/, on the altar, and lay wood in order upon the/. 8. upon the wood that is in the/. 12, I7. | 3. 5. 2. 14. shaft offer green ears of corn dried by the/. 6. 9. the/, of the altar be burning in it, 10, 12, 13. 9- 24. there came a/, out from before the Lord 10. 1. the sons of Aaron put/, in their censers 2. there went out/, from Ld. and devoured them 16. 13. he sliall put the incense upon the/. 18. 21. thou shalt not let any of th v seed pass thro'/, to Molech, Deut. 18. 10. 2 Kings I7. 17. | 23. 10. Num. 6. 18. shall take the hair, and put it in the/. IL 2. when Moses prayed the/. Mas quenched 16. 7. take ye censers, and put/, therein, 18. 37. that he take the censers, and scatter/, yonder 46. take a censer, and put/, therein from off' altar 18. 9. be thine of most holy tilings reserved from /. 21. 28. for there is a/, pone out from Ileshbon 31. 23. every thing that may aliide /. go thro' the /. Detit. 4. 11. and the mountain burnt with/. 9. 15. .36. and upon earth he shewed thee his great/. 5. 5. for ye were afraid by reason of the/. 18. 16. nor let me see this great/, any more 33. 1 2. from his right hand went a/, of law for them Josh.1. 25. all Israel burned Achan with/. Jyidg. 6. 21. and there rose up/, out of the rock 9. 15. let/, come out of bramble and devour cecfars 16. 9. as a thread of tow when it toucheth the f. 1 Kings 18. 23. lay it on wood, put no/, under, 25. 24. the God that answereth bv/. let him be God 38. then the /. of the Lord fell, 2 Chron. 7. 1, 3. 19. 12. after the earthquake a/, but the Lord was not in the J', after the/, a still small voice 9, Kings 1. 10. then let/, come down from heaven 12. and the/, of God came down from heaven 2. 11. there appeared a chariot and horses of/. 6. 17. the mountain was full of chariots of/. 16. 3. Ahaz made his son to pass through the/. 19. 18. and have cast their gods into the/. 21. 6. Manasseh made son pass thro'/. 2 Chr. 33. 6. 23. 10. no man might make his son pass thro' the/. 1 Chr. 21. 56. Lord answered him from heaven by/. 2 Chr. .35. 13. they roasted the passover with/. Neh. 2. 3. the gates thereof are consumed with /. 13. Job 1. 16. the/, of God is fallen from heaven 18. 5. and the spark of his/, shall not shine 28. 5. and under it is turned up as it were/. 41. 19. burning lamps, and sparks of/, leap out Psal. .39. 3. while I was musing the/, burned 46. 9. he bumeth the chariot in the/. 66. 12. we went through /. and througli water 68. 2. as wax melteth befoie/. so let wicked perish 74. 7. they have cast/, into thy sanctuary 78. 14. all the night with a light of/. 105. 39. 83.14. as the/, burneth the wood, and as the flame 97. 3. a/, goeth before him and burneth up enemies 105. 32. he gave hail and flaming/, in their land 118. 12. they are quenched as the/, of thorns 140. 10. let them be cast into the/, into deep pits 148. 8. /. and hail, stormy wind fulfilling his word Prov. 6. 27. can a man take/, in his bosom 16. 27. and in his lips there is as a burning/. 26. 20. where no wood is, there the/, goeth out 21. as wood isto/. so is contentious man to kindle 30. 16. the grave and the /. saith not, it is enough Isa. 9. 5. this shall be with burning and fuel of/. 18. for wickedness burneth as the /. 19. the people shall be as the fuel of the/. 10. 16. shall kindle a burning like burning of a/. 17. and the light of Israel shall be for a/. 30. 14. not be found a sherd to take /. from hearth 33. the pile thereof is/, and much wood 31. 9. saith the Lord, whose/, is in Zion 37.19. Kings of Assyria have cast their gods into/. 43. 2. when thou walkest through /. not be burnt FIR Isa. 44. 16. he burneth part thereof in the/, he warm- eth himself, and saith. aha, I have seen the/. 47.14. they shall be as stubble, the/, shall burn them 5(1. 11. w<(lk in light of your /. and in (he sparks 64. 2. as when the melting/, burneth, the /. caus- eth the waters to boil to make thy name' known 65. 5. these are a/, that burneth all the day 66. 15. for behold, the Lord will come with/. 16. for by/, will the Lord plead with all flesh 24. worm not die, neither their/, be quenched Jer. 4. 4. lest my fury come forth like/, and burn 5. 14. 1 will make my words in thy mouth/. 20. 9. his word was as a/, shut up in my bones 21.12. lest my fury go out likey. and buin,thatnone 22. 7. shall cut down cast choice cedars in the/. 29. 22. whom the king of Babylon roasted in the/. 32. 35. high places, to cause their sons to pass' the/, to Molech, Ezek. 16. 21. | 2o. 26, 31. .36. 22. and there was a)', on the hearth burning 23. Jehudi cut the roll, and cast it into the/. 48. 45. but a/, shall come forth out of Ileshbon 51. 58. the folk shall labour in vain and in the/. Lam. 2. 3. he burned against Jacob like a flaming/. 4. he bent his bow, he poured out his fury like/, Ezek. 1. 4. I looked, behold, a/, infolding itself 13. the/, was bright, and out of the/, liehtning 10. 6. saying, take/, from between the wheels 7. one cherub stretched forth his hand to the/ 21. 31. I will blow against thee in the/. 22. 21. 32.thou shalt be for fuel to/, no more remembered 22. 20. to blow/, upon it, to melt it, so gather yoij 24. 9. saith Lord, I will even make pile im f. great 12. her scum shall be in /. in filthiness is lewdness 28. 18. will bring forth a/, from the midst of thee .36. 5. in the/, of my jealousy have I spoken, 38. 19. Dan. 3. 2?. upon whose bodies the/, had no power, nor the smell of/, had passed on them 7. 9. his throne like flames, wheels like burning/. 10. 6. his face as lightning, his eyes as lamps of/. Hvs. 7. 6. in the morning it burneth as a flaming/. Joel 2. 30. blood/, and pillars of smoke, Acts 2. 19. Amos 5. 6. lest he break out like/, in house of Joseph 7.4. behold, the Lord God called to contend by f, Obad. 18. and the house of Jacob shall be a/. H'lic. 1. 4. shall be molten under him as wax before/. Nah. 1.6. fury poured out like/, rocks thrown down Hab. 2. 13. the people shall labour in the very/. Zech. 2. 5. will be unto her a wall of/, round about 3. 2. is not this a brand plucked out of the/./ 12. 6. like a hearth of/, and like torch of/, in shea! 13. 9. I will bring the third part through the/. Mai. 3. 2. he is like a refiner's /. and fuller's soap Mat. 3. 10. every tree that brinceth not forth good fruit is cast into/. 7. 19. Luke 3. 9. John 15.6. 11. baptize with Holy Ghost, and/. Luke 3. 16. 13. 42. and shall cast them into a furnace of/. 50. 17. 15. oft-times he falleth into the/. Mark 9. 22. 18. 8. rather than having two hands or two feet, to be cast into everlasting/. Mark 9. 43, 46. 25. 41. depart from me, ye cursed, into everlast./. 3Jark 9. 44. where the/, is not quenched, 45. 14. 54. and Peter warmed himself at the/. Luke 9. 54. wilt thou tliat we command /. to come .' 17. 29. the same day it rained /. and brimstone 22. 56. a maid beheld him as he sat by the/. Acts 2.3. appeared to them cloven tongues, like as/. 28. 3. when Paul had laid sticks on the/. 5. he shook off the beast into the/, felt no harm 1 Cor. 3. 13. it shall be revealed by /. and the /. sliall try every man's work, of what sort it is 15. he himself sliall be saved, yet so as by/. 2 'J'hess. 1. 8. in flaming/, taking vengeance on them Heb. 1. 7. who maketh his ministers a flame of/. 11. 34. who thro' faith quenched the violence of/. 12. 18. are not come to mount that burned with/. Jam. 3. 5. how great a matter a little /. kindleth.' 6. and the tongue is a/, a world of miquity 5. 3. and shall eat your fiesh as it were/. 1 Pet. 1. 7. than of gold, tho' it be tried with/. 2 Pet 3.7. reserved unto/, against day of judgment 12. the heavens being on/, shall be dissolved Jude 7. suffering the vengeance of eternal/. 23. others save pulling them out of the/. Rev. 3. 18. thee to buy of me gold tried in the/. 4. 5. seven lamps of/, burning befoie the throne 8. 5. the angel filled the censer with /. of the altar 7. there followed hail and/, mingled with blood 8. as it were a great mountain burning with/. 9. 17. and out of their mouths issued/. 11. 5. 18. the third part of men was killed by the/. 13. 13. he maketh/. come down from heaven 14. 18. another angel which had power over the/. 15.2. I saw asitwereaseaof glassniingled with/. 16.8. power was given him to scorch men with/. 20. y. and/, came down from God out of heaven 10. the devil was cast into lake of/, and brimstone 14. death and hell were cast into the lake off. 15. whoso not written in book of life, cast into/. 21. 8. have part in the lake which burneth with/. 6Ve Brimstone, Burn, or Burnt, Coals, Con- sume, Consuming, Devour, Devoured, Devouring, Flame, Hell, Midst, Kindle, or kindled FIRE. Exod. 22. 6. he that kindled the /. make restitution 35. 3. ye shall kindle no/, on the sabbath day De7it. 32. 22. for a/, is kindled in my anger, and shall burn to lowest hell, Jer. 15. 14. I I7. 4. 2 Sam. 22. 13. before him were coals of/, kindled Psal. 78. 21. so a/, was kindled against .lacob 106. 18. a/, was kindled in their companj- Isa. 10. 16. he shall kiyidle a burning like a/. 50. 11. behold, all ye that kindle a/ that compa.?3 Jer. 7. 18. children gathered wood, fathers ^zW/e rakiah, which is translated expan- sion, something expanded ; or firmament, some- thing firm and solid. The verb rakah, frorn whence rakiah is derived, signifies to spread metal with the hammer, to make fiat, to crush to pieces, to beat. Moses uses this word to de- scribe the gold, which was beaten in order to cover the ark and the tables of the Holy with it, Exod. 39. 3. Num. 16. ,38, .39. Isaiah, to denote the plates of gold loherewith the idols were covered, Isa. 40. 19. aJid the same prophet, and the Psalmist, to express the spreading forth of the earth, and its floating ow the waters, for this was the conception which the Hebrews had of it, Isa. 42. 5. Psal. 136. 6. This intimates, that by the word firmament, ra- kiah, the Hebrews understood the heavens, which, like a solid and immense arch (though it he soft and liquidj served as a bank and barrier between the upper and lower waters: and that the stars are set in this arch, like so many precious stones in gold and silver. Gen. 1. 17. When firma- ment is taken for the starry heaven, then by upper waters **• meant, that sea or collection of waters placed by God above all the visible hea- vena, and there reserved for ends known to him- self. If by firmament, we understand the air, called the expansion, oecause it is extended far and wide; and the firmament, because it is fixed in its proper place, from whence it caimot he moved, unless by force ; then by the superior waters are to be understood the waters in the clouds: and these may be said to be above the firmament or air, because they are above a con- siderable part of it. Gen, 1. 6. let there be a/, in midst of the waters 7. God made the/, waters under and above/. 8. and God called the/. Heaven 14. God said, let there be lights in the/. 15. 17. and God set them in the /. of heaven FIR Gen.\. 20. and fowl that may fly above in the opert/. Psal. 19. 1. and the/, sheweth his handy work 150. 1. praise him in the/, of his power Ezelc. 1. 22. the likeness of the/, v/as as crystal 25. there was a voice from tlie/. over their heads 26. above the/, was tlie likeness of a throne 10. 1. in the/; that was above thecherubims Da7i. 12. 3. wise shall shine as the brightness of/, FIR. 1 Kings 5. 8. I will do all concerning timber of/. 6. 15. he covered the floor with planks of/. Cayit. 1. 17. our beams are cedar, our rafters of/. FIR-'IREE. 1 Kings 6. 34. and the two doors were of/. 2 Chron. 3. 5. tlie greater house he ceiled with /. Isa. 41. 19. 1 will set in the desert the /. and the pine 55. 13. instead of the thorn shall come up the/. 60. 13. the/, the pine-tree, and box together Hos. 14. 8. 1 am like a green /'. II Zech. ll. 2. howl,/. FIR-TREES. 1 Kings 5. 10. so Hiram gave Solomon/. 9. 11. 2 Kings 19. 23. I will cut down tall /. Isa. .37. 24. 2 Chron. 2. 8. send me/'. || Isa. 14. 8. the/', rejoice Psal. 104. 17. as for the stork the/, are her house Ezek. 27. 5. they made thy ship-boards of/, of benir 31. 8. the/, were not like his boughs Nah. 2. 3. and the/', shall be terribly shaken FIR-WOOD. 2 Sam. 6. 5. Israel played on instruments made of /. FIRSr. This word signifies, I. Thai tohich is before another in respect of time ; and then it is a word of order, and hath a reference to the second, third, fourth, Ssc Mat. 10. 2. 'Ihe first is Simon called Peter ; that is, he was first called to be an apostle. And in 1 Cor. 15. 47. The first man is of the earth, the second is from heaven. II. That which is chief, or most excellent. Rom. 3. 2. Chiefly, be- cause unto them were conimitted the oracles of God. Chiefly, in the original, is first, and shews the quality and excellence of the privilege here mentioned. So also zw'Luke 15. 22. Bring forth the best, in Greek, the first robe. A thing or person may be said to be first, (1) Li riumber. Gen. 8. 5, 13. (2) In order, Mat. 28. 1. (.3) By cre- ation, 1 Cor. 15. 47. (4) By generation, Deut. 21. 17. (53 In dignity, Dan. 6. 2. (6) In time, Heb. 9.1. FiRST-BoRN. This word is not always to be un- derstood strictly according to the letter ; it is sometimes taken for that which is first, most ex- cellent, most distinguished in ariy tlmig. Thus it is said of Christ, Col. 1. 15. That he is the first-horn of every creature. And in Rev. 1. 5. he is called, 1 he first-begotten of the dead ; that is, begotten of the lather before any crea- ture was produced; and the first who rose from the dead by his own power. The first-born of the poor, Isa. 14. 30. signifies, the most miserable of all ihe poor ; and in Job 18. 13. The first-born of death ; that is, the most terrible of all deaths. The first-born among the Hebrews, as well as amoiig all other natioyis, enjoyed particular privileges : and as polygamy was in use with them, it was highly necessary to fix these rights. Moses regu- lates this particular in Deut. 21. 15, 16, 17. The privileges of the first-born consisted, (1) In a right to the priesthood, which, before the law, was fixed to the eldest of the family. This right continued in force only while brethren dwelt together in the same place and family ; for as soon as they were separated, and made a family apart, every one he- came the priest and head of his own house. C2) The first-born had a double portion among his brethren. This is explained two ways : Some be- lieve that half of the whole inheritance was given to^ the elder brother, and that the other half was shared in equal parts avnong the rest. But the Rabbins say, on the contrary, that the first-born for his share took twice as much as any one of his brothers. If a father left six sons, they made a division into severi equal parts ; whereof the eldest had tieo, and each of the others one. If the eldi.:*. Was dead, and had left children, his right devolved upon his children and his heirs. When God by the sword of the destroying angel had killed all the first-born of the Egyptians, Exod. 12. 29. he ordained, that all the firstborn, both of men ayid tame beasts for service, should be consecrated to him. The male children only were subject to this law. The children were offered in the temple, and their relations redeemed them, for the sum of five shekels, Exod. 13. 12, 13. Num. 18. 16. If it were a clean beast, as a calf, a lamb, or a kid, it was to be offered at the temple. It roas not to be redeemed, but it was killed ; the blood of it was sprinkled about the altar, the fat was burnt in the fire upon the altar, and the flesh was for the priest. Num. 18. 17, 18, 19. If it xvere an imclean beast, and such as they were 7iot allowed to eat, S7tch as an horse, an ass, or a camel, it was either redeemed, or something else was given in exchange for it. The firstling of an ass was redeemed by giving a lamb ; if it were 7iot redeemed, it was to be killed, Exod. 13. 13. First-Fruits. The presents were so called which the Hebrews made to God, C07isisting of part of the fruits of their harvest, to express their snbmissio7i and deperidence, and to acknowledge the sovereign dominion of God the author of all happiness. The day after the feast of the Passover they brotight a sheaf into the temple, as the first-fruits of the barley-harvest. The sheaf -was threshed m the court ; a7id of the grai7i that came out they took a full homer ; that is, about three pi7its. After it had been well wi7i7iowed, parched, a7id bruised, they .n. 14. 14. that/, slaugliter was twenty men 35. the same was the/, altar Saul built to Lord 2 Sam. 3. 13. except thou/, bring Michal Saul's dau. 19. 20. I am come the /. this day to meet my lord 43. that advice should not be/, had in bringing 23. 19. he was their captain, howbeit he attained not unto the/, three, 23. 1 Chron. 11. 21, 25. 1 Kijigs 17. 13. but make thereof a little cake/. 18. 25. and dress it/, for ye are many 20. 17. the young men of the princes went out/. 1 Chro7i. 9. 2. now the/, inhabitants that dwelt 11. 6. whosoever smiteth the Jebusites/. 16. 7. that day David delivered/ this psalm 2 Chron. 3. 3. length by cubits after the /. measure Ezra 3. 12. that had seen the glory of the/, house Esth. 1. 14. which sat the /. in the kingdom Job 15. 7. art thou the/, man that was born ? Prov. 18. 17- that is/, in his own cause seemetli just Isa. 41. 27. the/, shall say to Zion, behold them 43. 27. thy /. father hath sinned against me 60. 9. the ships of larshish/. to bring thy sons Jer. 4. 31. her that bringeth forth her/, child 16. 18. /. I will recompense their iniquity 24. 2. good figs, even like the tigs that are f. ripe 36. 28. write the words that were in the/ roll 50. 37. /. the king of Assyria hath devoured him Dan. 6. 2. Dan. was/, president, of an excellent sp. 7. 4. the/, beast was like a Hon, Rev. 4. 7. 24. and another shall be diverse from the/. 8. 21. the great horn between his eyes is the/, king 10. tl3. but lo, Michael the/, came to help me Hos. 2. 7. I will go and return to my/, husband 9.10. the/, ripe m the fig-tree at her/, time A>nos 6. 7. shall go captive with the/, that go capt. Mic. 4. 8. to thee shall come the /. dominion Nah. 3. 12. like fig-trees with the/, ripe figs Hag. 2. 3. who is left that saw house in her/', glory ? Zech. 6. 2. in the/, chariot were red horses 12. 7. the Lord shall save the tents of Judah/. Mat. 5. 24. f. be reconciled to thy brother, and come 6. 33. seek ye/, the kingdom of G. and righteousn. 7.5./. cast out the beamout of thine eye, Luke 6.42. 8. 21. me /. to go and bur\ my father, Luke 9. 59. 12. 29. except he/ bind the strong man, AJarkS.^. 45. latter state woi'se than the/. Luke 11. 26. 13. 30. gather ye together/, the tares, bind them 17. 10. that Elias must/, come, 11. AJarkQ. 12. 27. and take up the fish that/, cometh up 20. 10, but when the /. came, they supposed 21. 28. he came to the/, and said, son, go work 31. who of the twain, they say unto turn, the/. 36. he sent other servants more than the /. 22. 25. /. when married, AJark 12. 20. IMe 20. 29. 38. this is/, commandment, AJark 12. 28, 29, ,30. 23. 26. Pharisee, cleanse/, that which is within Adark 4. 28. f. the blade, then the ear, after that corn 7. 27. Jesus said to her, let the children/, be filled 9. 35. if any desire to be/, he shall be last 13. 10. and the gospel must /'. be published 16. 9. he appeared f. to jNlary i\lagdalene Luke 1.3. had perfect understanding fiom the/. 2. 2. was/, made when Cyrenius M-as governor 6. 1. on the second sabbath after the /."he went 10. 5. /. say, peace be to this house 11. 38. that he had not/, washed before dinner 14. 28. sitteth not down /. and counteth the cost 17. 25. but/ must he suffer many things 21. 9. for these things must/ come to pass Jolm 1. 41. he/, findeth his brother Simon 5. 4. whosoever/, stepped in, was made whole 8. 7. without sin, let him /. cast a stone at her 10.40. into the place where John at/, baptized 18. 13. and led him away to Annas/. 19. 32. soldiers came, and brake the legs of the/. 20. 4. the disciple came/, to the sepulchre, 8. Acts 3. 26. to you/. God sent him to bless you in 7. 12. Jacob sent out our fathers/. 11. 26. discip. were called Cliristians/. at .Antioch 12. 10. they were past the/ and second ward 13. 24. when John had/, preached baptism 46. necessarv it should^ . ha\e been spoken to you 16. t 12. Philippi the I', city of 31acedonia 26.20. but shewed/ imto them of Daina.scus 23. Christ should be ./. that should rise from dead 27. 43. should cast themselves/, into the sea Pom. 1.8. f. I thank my God through Jesus Christ 2. 9. of the Jew/, and also of tlie (ientile, 10, 167 FIR Bom. 11. 35. or who hath /. given to him ? 15. 24. if/. 1 be somewhat filled with company 1 Cor. 12. 28. /. apostles, secondarily prophets 14. 30. let the/, hold his peace 15. 3. for [ delivered/, of all that which I received 45. the/, man Adam was made a living soul 40. howbeit that was not/, which is spiritual 47- tlie /. man is of the earth, earthy 2 Cor. 8. 5. /. save their own selves to the Lord 12. for if there be /. a willing mind, it is accepted Eph. 1. 12. who/, trusted in Christ 4. 9. descended /. into the lower parts of the earth 6. 2. which is the/', conmiandment with promise 1 Thesi. 4. 16. the dead in Christ shall rise/. 2 Thess. 2. 3. except there come a falling away/. 1 Tim. 1. 16. that in me/. Christ .lesus might sliew 2. 13. for Adam was/, formed, then Eve 3. 10. let these also/, be proved, then let them use 5. 4. let them learn /. to shew piety at home 12. because they have cast off their/, faith 2 Tim. 1. 5. faith dwelt/, in thy grandmother Lois 2. 6. husbandman must be/, partaker of the fruits 4. 16. at m^' /. answer no man stood with me Tit. 3. 10. after/, and second admonition, reject Heh. 4. 6. to whom it was/', preached, entered not 5. 12. one teach you which be the/, principles 7. 2. /. being by interpretation, king of righteousn. 27. offer/, for his own sins, then for the people's 8. 7. the/, covenant. 13. | 9. 1, 15, 18. 9. 2./. tabernacle, wherein was shew-bread, 6, 8. 10. 9. he taketh away the /. that he may establish Jam. 3. 17. wisdom that is from above, is/, pure 1 Pet. A. 17. if'judgment/. begin at us, what end 2 Pet. 1. 20. knowing this/, that no prophecy, 3. 3. 1 John 4. 19. we love him, because he/', loved us Jude 6. the angels who kept not their/, estate Rev. 2. 4. because thou hast left thy/, love 5. repent, and do the/, works, else 1 will come 13. 12. he exerciseth all the power of the/, beast 20. 5. this is the/, resurrection £1. 1. the /. heaven and/, earth were passed away 19. the/, foundation was jasper, second sapphire See Day, Last. At the FIRST. Gen. 13. 4. where Abram made the altar at thef. 28. 19. the city was called Luz at thef. 43. 18. because of the money returned at the f. 20. we came down indeed at thef. to buy food Deut. 9. 18. I fell down before Lord as at thef. 25. Josh. 8. 5. when they come against us at thef. 6. they will say, they tiee before us as at the f. Judg. 18. 29. name of the city was Laish at thef. 20. 32. are smitten down before us as at the f. 2 Sam. 17. 9. some of them be overthrown at the f. 1 Kings 20. 9. all thou didst send for to thy serv. atf. 1 Chro'n. 15. 13. because ye did it not at thef. Neh. 7. 5. a register of them whidi came up at thef. Isa. 1. 26. 1 will restore thy ludges as at thef. 9. 1. when at the f. he lightly afHicted the land Jer. 7. 12. my place where 1 set my name at thef. 33. 7. and I will build them as at thef. 11. return the captivity of the land,, as at the f. Dan. 8. 1. after that which appeared 'to me at thef. John 12. 16. his disciples understood not at the f. 19. 39. which at the f. came to .lesus by night Acts 15. 14. God at thef. did visit the Gentiles 26. 4. which was at the f. among mine own nation Gal. 4. 13. I preached the gospel unto you, at thef. Heb. 2. 3. which at thef. began to be spoken by Ld. FIRST-BORN. Gen. 19. 31. the/, said to the younger, 34. 33. the/, went in, and lay with her father .37. the/, bare a son, and called his name Moab 27. 19. and .lacob said, J am Esau, thy/. ,32. 29. 26. not done to give the younger before the/. 43. 33. the /. according to his birth-right 48. 18. not so my father, for this is the/. Exod. 4. 22. saith Lord, Israel is my son, even my/. 23. behold, 1 will slay thy son, even thy/. 11. 5. all the/, in the land of Egypt shall die 12. 12. and 1 will smite all the/, in the land 29. the Lord smote all the/, in Egypt, 13. 15. 13. 2. sanctify unto ine all the/, it is mine 22. 29. the/, of thy sons shaltthou give to me .34. 20./. of thy sons shaltiedeem. Num. 18. 15. Lev. 27. + 26. /. of beasts no man shall sanctify it Num. 3. 12. instead of all the/. 41, 45. | 8. 17, 18. 13. because all the/, of Israel are mine, I hal- lowed to me all the /'. of Israel 40. number all the/, of the males of Israel 42. Moses numbered all the /. of Israel 50. of the/, of Israel took he the money 33. 4. for the I'.gyptians buried all their/. Deut. 91. 15. if the/, son be her's that was hated 17. beginning of strength, for the right of/, is his 25. 6./. which she beareth, succeed in name Josh. 6. 26. shall lay the foundation in his/. 1 Kings 16. 34. laid foundation in Abiram his/. 1 Chron. 5. 1. sons of Reuben the/, for he was the/. 26. 10. though he was not the/, yet his father 2 Chron. 21. 3. .lehoram, because he was the/. Neh. 10. .36. to bring the/, to the house of God Job 18. 13. the/, of death shall devour his strength Psal. 78. 51 . he smote all the/, in Egypt, the chief of their strength, 105. .36. I 135. 8. j 1,36. 10. 89. 27. will make him my/, higher than kings Isa. 14. .30. and the/, of the poor shall feed Jer. 31. 9. I am a father to Israel, Ephraim is my/. Mic. 6. 7- shall I give my/, for my transgression ? Zech. 12. 10. as one in bitterness for his/. Mat. 1. 25. Mary brought forth her/, son, LuJfe 2. 7. Horn. 8. 29. might be the/, among many brethren Col. 1. 15. who is the/, of every creature 18. who is the beginning, the /. from the dead Heh. 11. 28. lest he that destroyed the/, touch them 12. 23. ye are come to the church of the /. FIRSr-FRUrr, or fmits. Exud. 22. 29. not delay to offer the/, ripe frurts 23. 16. the f. -fruits of thy labour thou hast sown 19. tirstof/.-/«/?/vof thy land,. 34. 26. Deut. 26. 2. 34. 22. the feast of the f. fruits of wheat harvest Lev., 2. 12. oblation of the J. -fruits ye shall ofier 168 FIS £ev. 2. 14. the meat-offering of f. -fruits green ears 23. 10. bring a sheaf of the f. -fruits of harvest 17. they are the f. -fruits unto the Lord 20. wave them with the bread of the f. -fruits Num. 18. 12. f.-fruitsot'oil,wine,v/heAt, I have given 28. 26. in the day off. -fruits when ye offer to Lord Deut. .18. 4. the f. -fruits of thy corn, wine, and oil 26. 10. I have brought the /.-/ra2i;.y of the land 2 Kings 4. 42. and brought the man of God f. -fruits 2 Chron. 31. 5. brought in abundance the f. fruits Neh. 10. 35. bring f. -fruits of our ground, of trees 37. we should bring the f. -fruits of our dough 12. 44. appointed over chambers for f. -fruits, 13. 31. Prov.3. 9. honour the Lord with the f. -fruits Jer. 2. 3. Israel was the f. -fruits of his increase Ezek. 20. 40. there will I require the f. -fruits 44. .30. the first of all the f. -fruits of all things 48. 14. nor exchange the f. -fruits of the land Amos 6. 1 1. named the f -fruits of the nations Mic. 7. 1. my soul desired the/, ripe fruit Horn. 8. 23. which have the f. -fruits of the Spirit 11. 10. if the f. -fruit be holy, the lump is holy 16. 5. who is the f. -fruits of Achaia, 1 Cor. 16. 15. 1 Cor. 15. 20. Christ /.-/h/«.v of them that slept, 23. Jam. 1. 18. a kind of f. -fruits of his creatures Rev. 14. 4. being the f'.-fruits unto God and Lamb FlRsr mo7ith. Gen. 8. 13. in the /. month, the /. day of the month Exod. 12. 2. shall be thef. month of the year to you 18. in/, month eat unleavened bread, Lev. 23. 5. 40. 2. hrst day of/, month set up tabernacle, 17. Num. 9. 1. in the/, month keep the passover, 28. 16. 2 Chron. .35. 1. Ezra 6. 19. Ezek. 45. 21. 20. 1. came into the desert of Zin in the/, month 33. 3. departed from Rameses in the/, rnonth Josh. 4. 19. people came out of .Jordan in/, month 1 Chron. 12. 15. these went over Jordan in/, month 11. 2. the captain that served the/, month, 3. 2 Chron. 29. 3. in the/, month opened the doors of the house of the Lord 17. they began on first day off. month to sanctify and in the sixteenth day off. month made an end Ezral. 9. /. month began he to go from Babylon 8. 31. the/, month we departed from Ahava 10. 17. they made an end with them by /. month Esth. 3. 7- in the /. month they cast Pur, on the thirteenth day of the/, month Ezek. 45. 18. in the/, month take a young bullock Joel 2. 23. cause former and latter rain in/, month FIRST 2/ear. Er,od. 12. 5. your lambs shall be male of the/, year 29. 38. offer two lambs of the/, year day by day continually. Lev. 23. 19. Num. 28. 3, 9. Lev. 9. 3. take a kid of the/, year without blemish 12. 6. he shall bring a lamb of the /. year. Num. 6. 12. I 7. 15, 21, 27, 33, 39, 45, 51, 57, 63, 69, 75, 81. Ezek. 46. 13. 14. 10. take an ewe-lamb of the/, year. Num. 6. 14. 23. 12. offer an he-lamb of the/, year. Num. 6. 14. 18. ye shall offer seven lambs of thef. year without blemish, Num. 28. 11, 19, 27- I 29. 2, 8, .36. Num. 7, 17. for -o. peace-offering five lambs of the /. year, 23, 29, .35, 41, 47, 53, 59. 87. the lambs of the/, year twelve for burnt offer. 88. the lambs of the /. year sixty for a peace-otter. 15. 27. then he shall bring a she-goat or the /. year 29. 13. offer a burnt-offering, fourteen lambs of the /. year, 17, 20, 23, 20, 29, 32. 2 Chr. 29. 3. Hezekiah in the/, year of his reign .36. 22. in/, year of Cyrus, Ezra 1. 1. \ 5. 13. | 6. 3. Jer. 25. 1. that was the/, year of Nebuchadnezzar 52. 31. in the/, year of the reign of Evil-merodach Dan.l. 21. Daniel continued to the/, j/ear of Cyrus 7- 1. in the/, year of Belshazzar Daniel dreamed 9. 1. in /. year of Darius I understood by books, 2. 11. 1. in the/, year of Darius I stood to confirm FIRSILING. Exod. 13. 12. shaltset apart every/, thatcometh of a beast, the males shall be the Lord's, 34. 19. 13. every f. of an ass thou shalt redeem, ,34. 20. Lev. 27. 26. the Lord's/, no man shall sanctify it Num. 18. 15. the/, of unclean beasts shalt redeem 17. the/, of a cow, sheep, or goat, not redeem Deut. 15. 19. all the/, males sanctify to the Lord 33. 17. Joseph's glory is like the/, of a bullock FIRSTLINGS. Gen. 4. 4. Abel brought of the/, of his flock Num. 3. 41. instead of all the/, among the cattle Deut. 12. 6. ye shall bring/, of your herds and flocks 17. thou mayestnot eat within thy gates the/. 14. 23. eat the /. in the place the Lord shall choose Neh. 10. 36./. of our herds bring to the house of God FISH. Gen. 1.26. let them have dominion over/, of sea, 28. Exod. 7. 18. the/, in the river shall die, 21. Num. 11. 5. we rememb. the /'. we did eat in Egypt 22. shall all the/, of the sea be gathered together Deut. 4. 18. nor likeness of any /. in the water Neh. 13. 16. men of Tyre also, which brought/. Psal. 8. 8. thou hast put the/, under his feet 105. 29. turned waters into blood, and slew their/. La. 19. 10. all that make sluices and ponds for/. 50. 2. their/, stinketh because there is no water Ezek. 29. 4. I will cause the /'. to stick to thy scales 5. 1 will leave thee, and all the/, of thy rivers 47. 9. and there shall be a very great multitude of/. 10. their/', shall be as the/', of the great sea Jonah 1. 17. the Ld. had preparer! a great/, to swal- low up Jonah, he was in belly off. three days 2.1. Jonah prayed to the Lord out of the /'.y belly 10. Lord spake to the/, and it vomited out Jonah Mat. 7. 10. if he ask a /. will he give him a serpent ? 17. 27. cast a hook, take up the /. that first cometh Luke 24. 42. they gave him a piece of a broiled /. John 21. 9. they saw/, laid thereon, and bread 10. bring of the/, which ye have now caught 13. Jesus taketh bread, and giveth them, and/. FISH. Jer. 16. 16. will send fishers, and they shall /. them FISH-(;A IK. 2 Chr. 33. 14. Manasseh built to entering of f. -gate Neh. 3. 3. thef. gate did the sons of Hassenaah build FiV Neh. 12. 39. and I after them from above the/.-pjrt Zeph. 1. 10. the noise of a cry from the f. -gate FISII-HO(>KS. Amos 4. 2. I will take your posterity vi ith f.- hooks FISH-POOLS. Cant. 7. 4. thine eyes like the f. -pools of Heshbon FISH-SPEARS. Job 41. 7. canst thou fill his head v/ith f. -spears ? FISKERJVIEN. Luke 5. 2. but the /. were gone out of them FISHERS. Isa. 19. 8. the /. also shall mourn and lament Jer. 16. 16. behold, I will send for many/, saith Lord Ezek. 47. 10. that the/, shall stand upon it Mat. 4. 18. net into sea, for they were/. Mark 1. 16. 19. 1 will make you/, of man, Mark 1. 17. John 21. 7. Peter girt/, coat to him, for he was naked FISHES. Gen. 9. 2. the feai- of you shall be on all /. of the sea 48. t 16. let the lads grow as/, do increase 1 Kings 4. 33. he spake of creeping things and /. Job 12. 8. the/, of the sea shall declare unto thee Eccl. 9. 12. the/, that are taken in an evil net Ezek. 38. 20. so that the/ of the sea shall shake IIos. 4. 3. the/, of the sea shall be taken away Bab. 1. 14. and makest men as the/, of the sea Zeph. 1. 3. I will consume the/, of the sea Mat. 14. 17. we have here but five loaves and two/. Mark 6. 38. Luke 9. 13. John 6. 9. 15. 34. seven loaves and a few little /. Mark 8. 7, Luke 5. 6. they inclosed a great multitude of/. 9. for he was astonished at the draught off. John 21. 6. not able to draw it for multitude off. 11. Simon Peter drew net to land full of great/. 1 Cor. 15. 39. one fiesh of beasts, another of/. FISHING. John21. 3. Simon Peter saith unto them, I go a /". FISHY. 1 Sam. 5. t4. the/, part of Dagon was left to him Exod. 21. 18. and one smite another with his/. Prov. 30. 4. who hath gathered the wind in his/. ? Isa. 58. 4. and to smite with the/, of wickedness Mark 7. t 3. they wash their hands with the/. FIl. Lev. 16. 21. send him away by the hand of a/, man 1 Chron. 7. 11. /'. to go out to war and battle, 12. 8. Job .34. 18. is it/, to say to a king, thou art wicked 'i Prov. 24. 27. make it/, for thyself in the field Ezek. 15. 5. the vine was made/, for no woik Luke 9. 62. looking back, is/, for kingdom of God 14. .35. it is not/, for tiie land nor dunghill Acts 22. 22. it is not/ that he should live Col. 3. 18. wives, submit as it is/, in the Lord FITCHES. Isa. 28. 25. doth he not cast abroad the/. ? 27. the/, are not threshed, /. are beat'en out Ezek. 4. 9. take thou wheat, barley, millet, and/. FIITED. 1 Kitigs 6. 35. with gold/, upon the carved work Prov. 22. 18. they shall withal be/, in thy lips Bom. 9. 22. the vessels of wrath /. to destruction Heb. 10. t 5. but a body hast thou/, me FIITEIH. Isa. 44. 13. the carpenter /. it with planes FITJ.Y. Prov. 25. 11. a word/ spoken is like apples ot gold Cant. 5. 12. his eyes washed with milk, and/, set Eph. 2. 21. in whom all building/, framed together 4. 16. from whom whole body/, joined together FIVE. Gew. 14. 9. battle in vale of Siddim, four kings with/. 18. 28. wilt thou destroy all for lack off'/ 43. 34. Benjamin's mess was/, times so much 45. 6./. years in which no earing or harvest, 11. 22. to benjamin he gave/, changes of raiment 47. 2. he presented/, of his brethren to Pharaoh Exod. 13. t 18. but Israel went up/, in a rank 22. 1. the thief shall restore /. oxen for an ox 26. 3. other/, curtains coupled, 9. 1 .36. 10, 10. 26. make/, bars for the boards, 27. | .36. 31, 32. .37./. pillars, 36. 38. || 36. 38./. sockets of brass 27. 1. an altar/, cubits long,/, cubits broad 18. the height of the hangings/, cubits, 38. 18. 38. 1./. cubits the breadth, and/ the length Lev. 26. 8./. of you shall chase an hundred 27. 5. if thy estimation be from/, years old 6. if it be from a month old to/ years old Num. 3. 47. even take/, shekels apiece, 18. 16. 7. 17- for a sacrifice of peace-offerings, /. rams, /. goats,/, lambs, 23, 29, 35, 41, 47, 5.3. 31. 8. slew/, kings of Midian, Balaam son of Beor Josh. 1. + 14. ye shall pass marshalled by/. 10. 5./. kings of Aniorites went against Gibeon 16. these/, kings fled and hid themselves 17./. kings hid || 22. bring out the/, kings 23. they brought out these/, kings unto him 26. he slew them and handed them on /. trees 13. 3./. lords of the Philistines, Judg. 3. 3. Judg. 7. +n. he went to outside of ranks by/. 18. 2. the children of Dan sent/, men from coasts 1 Sam. 6. 4./. golden emerods,/. golden mice 16. when the/, lords of the Philistines had seen it 17. 40. David chose him/, smooth stones 21. 3. give me/, loaves of bread in my hand 25. 18. she brought/, sheep,/, measures of com 42. Abigail rode on an ass with/, damsels 2 Sam. 4. 4. Mephibosheth was /. years old when tidings came of Saul's and Jonathan's death 21. 8. but David took the/, sons of Michal 1 Kings 7. 39./. bases on the right,/, on the left side 49. candlesticks of pure gold, /. on the right side, and/, on the left, 2 Chron. 4. 7. 2 Kings 6. 25. part of cab of dove's dung sold/, pieces 7- 13. let some take /. of the horses that remain 13. 19. thou shouldest have smitten/, or six times 25. 19./. men that were in the king's presence 1 Chron. 2. 6. the sons of Zera, /. of them in all 11. 23. Benaiah slew an Egyptian/, cubits high Isa. 17. 6. four or/, in the utmost fruitful branches 19. 18. /. cities in Egypt speak lansiiaee of Canaaa 30. 17. at the rebuke of/, shall ye flee FLA Mat. 14. 17. they said to him, we have here but/. loaves and two fishes, Mark 6. 38. Luke 9. 13. 16. 9. the/, loaves of the/, thousand, Mark 9,. 19. 25. 2. /. of them were wise, and /. were foolish 15. and unto one he gave/, talents, 16. i?/iel2. 6. are not/ sparrows sold for two farthings 52. there shall be /'. in one house an. 2. 11. the gods, whose dwelling is not with/. 7. 5. they said to it, arise, devour much/. 10. 3. neither came/, nor wine in my mouth Hos.Q. 13. they sacrifice/, for sacrifices of offerings Mic. 3. 2. who pluck the/, from ofl their bones 170 FLE Zeph. 1. 17. their/, shall be poured out as dung Hag. 2. 12. if one bear holy/, in skirtof his garment Zech. 14. 12. their/, shall consume away AJat. 16. 17./. and blood hath not revealed it to thee 19. 5. shall cleave to his wife, and they twain shall be one/. 6. Mark 10. 8. 1 Cor. 6. 10. Eph. 5. 31. 24. 22. there should no/, be saved, Mark 13. 20. 26. 41. spirit willing, but/, is weak, Mark 14. 38. Fuke 24. 39. spirit hath not/, and bones, as ye see me John 1. 14. the WORD was made/, and dwelt 6. 63. the Spirit quickeneth, the./', profiteth nothing Acts 2. ,30. the seed of Dav. according to/. Rom. 1 . 3. Rom. 3. 20. there shall no/, be justified in his sight 4. 1. that Abraham as pertaining to the/, found 7. 25. but with tlie/. 1 serve the law of sin 8. 3. in that tlie law was weak through the/. God sent his own Son in the likeness of sinful/. 9. 3. for my brethren and kinsmen according to/. 5. of whom as concerning the/. Christ came 13. 14. make not provision for the/, to fulfil 1 Cor. 1. 29. that no/, should glory in his presence 15. 39. there isonej. of men, another of beasts 50. /. and blood cannot inherit the kingd. of God 2 Cor. 1. 17- do 1 purpose according to the/'. ? 4. 11. that life of .lesus be made manifest in our/. 7. 5. our/, had no rest, but we were troubled iO. 2. as if we walked according to the/. Gal. 1. 16. I conferred not with/, and blood 2. 16. by works of the law shall no/, be justified 3. 3. are ye now made perfect by the/. '/ 5. 13. use not liberty for an occasion to the/. 17./. lusteth asainst the Spirit, Spirit agamst/. 24. they that are Christ's have crucified the /'. Eph. 2. 3. we all had our conversat. in lusts of our/. 6. 5. your masters according to the/. Col. 3. 22. 12. for we wrestle not against/, and blood Heb. 2. 14. the children are partakers of/, and blood 12. 9. we had fathers of our/, who corrected us Jude 7. and going after strange /. are an example 8. likewise these filthy dreamers defile the/. 23. hating even the garment spotted by the/. Rev. 19. 18. may eat/, of captains,/, of mighty men 21. and all the fowls were filled with their/. See Eat, Kateth. _ After the FldvSH. Johns. 15. ye judge after the f. 1 judge no man Rom. 8. 1. are in Christ, who walk not after the f. 4. 5. they that are ajter the f. mind thinirs of the /. 12. not debtors to the flesh to live ajier thef. 13. for if ye live after the f. ye shall die 1 Cor. 1.26. not many wise men ff/ie;-i/ie/. are called 10. 18. behold Israel after thef. 2 Cor. 5. 16. we know no man after thef. though we have known Chr. after f. yet know him no more 10. 3. tho' walk in flesh, we do not war after thef. 11. 18. seeing that many glory after thef. I also Gal. 4. 23. Ishmael M'as born after thef. 29. 2 Pet. 2. 10. chiefly them that walk after thef. All FLESPI. Gen. 6. 12. for allf. had corrupted his way on earth 13. God said, the end ni' all f is come before me 6. 19. of allf. twoof every sort shalt thou bring in- to the ark to keep them alive, 7. 15. 7.21. allf. died that moved upon the earth 8. 17. bring forth of allf. both of fowl and cattle 9. 11. nor shall allf. be cut ofif any more, 15. 16. covenant between me and allf. on eartli, I7. Lev. 17. 14. for the life of all f. is the blood Nu?n. 8.7. let them shave all th'eir/.and wash clothes 16. 22. the God of the spirits of allf. 27. 16. 18. 15. every thing that openeth the matrix of allf. Veut. 5. 26. who of allf. heard the word of God Job 12. + 10. in whose hand is breath of allf. of man .34. 15. allf. shall perish together, man turn to dust Ps. 65.2. thou hearest pray er, to thee shall allf. come 1,36. 25. who giveth food to allf. his mercy for ever 145. 21. let allf. bless his holy name for ever Isa. 40. 5. and allf. shall see it together 6. all f. is grass, as flower of the field, 1 Pet. 1. 24. 49. 26. allf. shall know I am thy Sav. Ezek. 21. 5. 66. 16. tor by fire will the Lord plead with allf. 23. allf. shall come to worship before me, saith L. 24. they shall be an abhorring to allf. Jer. 25. 31. he will plead with allf. saith the Lord 32. 27. behold, I am the Lord the God of allf. 45.5. forbehold,! will bring evil on a// /".saith L. Ezek. 20. 48. allf. shall see that 1 have kindled it 21. 4. shall my sword go forth ag. allf. from south Dan. 4. 12. fowls dwelt, and allf. was fed of it Joel 2. 28. will pour out imy Spirit on allf. Acts 2. 17. Zech. 2. 13. be silent, O allf before the Lord Luke 3. 6. and allf. shall see the salvation of God John 17. 2. thou hast given him power over allf. 1 Cor. 15. 39. allf. is not the same flesh, one of men His FLESH. Exod. 21. 28. and his f. shall not be eaten 29. 31. and seethe hisf. in the holy place Lev. 4. 11. burn all hisf. with his head, 8. 17. 6. 10. he shall put linen breeches on hisf. 16. 4. 13. 2. shall have a rising in the skin of hisf. 3. priest look on the plague in the skin of hisf. 4. if bright spot be white in the skin of hisf. 11. it is an old leprosy in the skin of his f. 13. 14. 9. he shall his clothes, also wash hisf. in water, 15. 16. 1 16. 24, 28. Num. 19. 7. 15. 2. any man hath a running issue out of hisf. 3. whether hisf run with his issue, or be stopped 17. 16. but if he wash them not, nor bathe hisf. 22. 6. be unclean, unless he wash his f. with water 1 Kings 21. 27. Ahab put sackcloth on hisf. 2 Kings 5. 14. his f. came again, and he was clean 6. 30. behold Joram had sackcloth on hisf. Job 2. 5. touch his bone and hisf. he will curse thee 14. 22. but hisf. upon him shall have pain 31. 31. if men said not, O that we had of hisf. 33. 21. hisf. is consumed away, it cannot be seen 25. hisf. shall be fresher than a child's 41 . 23. the flakes of his f. are joined togethe Prov. 11. 17. he that is cruel troubleth hisf. Eccl. 4. 5. the fool foldeth his hands, and eateth hisf. Isa. 17. 4. the fatness of his f. shall wax lean John 6. 52. can this man give us hisf. to eat I FLE Acts 2. 31. neither his f. did see corruption Gal. 6. 8. he that soweth to his f. shall reap corrup Eph. 2. 15. having abolished in hisf. the enmity 5. 29. no man ever yet hated his own/. .30. for we are members of his body, of hisf. Col. 1. 22. now hath reconciled in the body of hisf. Heb. 5. 7. who in da^ s o\' his /. when ofl'ered prayers 10. 20. consecrated thro' vail, that is to say, htsf. In the KLI'.SII, oi- in LLESH. Gen. 17. 24. Abraham was circumcised in ihe f. 25. Ishmael circumcised in thef. of his foreskin Ezek. 44. 7. brought in uncircumcised in the f. 9. uncircumcised iyi the f. not enter the sanctuary Dan. 1.15. counten. appeared fairer and fatter inf. Bom. 2. 28. circumcision which is outwani in the f. 7. 5. for when we were in the f. the motions of sin 8. 3. and for sin condemned sin m thef. 8. they that are in the f. cannot please God 9. but ye are not in thef. but in the Spirit 1 Cor. 7. 28. such shall have trouble in thef. 2 Cor. 10. 3. though we walk iyi thef. not war after/. 12. 7- there was given to me a thorn in thef. Gal. 2. 20. life which 1 now live in thef. is by faith 6. 12. as desire to make a fair shew iyi thef. Eph. 2. 11. in time past Gentiles in the f. called the circumcision in the f. made by hands Phil. 1. 22. if I live in thef. this is the fruit of labour 24. to abide in thef. is more needful for you 3. 3. and have no confidence in the f. 4. though I might have confidence in thef. Col. 2. 1. as many as have not seen my face tn thef, 5. tho' 1 be absent in thef. I am with you in spirit 1 Tim. 3. 16. God was manifest in thef. justified Philem. 16. how much more to thee, both in the f. 1 Pet. 3. 18. Christ being put to death in thef. 4. 1. Christ hath suff'ered tor us in thef. for he that hath suftered in the f. hath ceased from sin 2. no longer live the rest of his time in thef. 6. might be judged according to men m the f. 1 John 4. 2. denieth that Christ is come in the f. 3. 2 John 7. confess not that Christ is come in thef. My FLESH. 1 6'rt:w.25. ll.shall 1 then take my bread and wy/. ? Job 4. 15. the hair of my f. stood up 6. 12. is my strength of stones :■ or is my f. brass if 7- 5. myf. is clothed with worms and dust 13. 14. wherefoie do I take myf. in my teeth ? 19. 20. my bone cleaveth to my skin, and myf. 22. why persecute, and not satisfied with myf? 26. worms destroy body , yet in myf. shall 1 see G. 21. 6. and trembling taketh hold of my f. Psal. 16. 9. my f. shall rest in hope. Acts 2. 26. 38. 3. there is no soundness in my f. 7. 63. 1. my f. longeth for thee in a dry thirsty land 73. 26. myf. faileth, but G. is my portion for evei 84. 2. my heart and myf. crieth out for God 102. +5. by groaning my bones cleave to my f, 109. 24. my knees are weak, w.y/. faileth of fatness 119. 120. my f. trembleth for fear of thee Eccl. 2. + 3. 1 sought to draw my f. with wine Jer. 51. 35. the violence done to me, and to myf. Lam. 3. 4. my f. and my skin hath he made old John 6. 51. the bread that I will give, is myf. 54. whoso eateth my f. hath eternal life, 50. 55. my f. is meat indeed, my blood drink indeed Rom. 7. 18. in my f. dwelleth no good thing 11. 14. if 1 may provoke them which are myf. Gal. 4. 14. my temptation v/hich was in my f. Col. 1. 24. of the afflictions of Christ in myf. See Bone. Of the FLESH. Exod. 12. 46. shalt not carry forth ought'ofthe f. 29. 34. if ought of thef. remain unto morning Deut. 28. 55. nor give of the f. of his children Prov. 14. ,30. a sound heart is the life of the f. Eccl. 12. 12. much study is a weariness of the f. John 1. 13. born, not of the will of the f. butof God 3. 6. that which is born of the f. is flesh Rom. 8. 5. that after flesh do mind the things oft1i«f. + 6. for the minding of the f. is death + 7. the minding of thef. is enmity against God 9. 8. that is, they which are the children of the f. 1 Cor. 5. 5. to Satan for the destruction of the f. 2 Cor. 7. 1. let us cleanse from all filthiness of' the f. Gal. 4. 13. through infirmity (f the f. 1 preached 5. 16. ye shall not fulfil the lusts of the f. 19. now the works of the f. are manifest, adultery 6. 8. that soweth to/, shall of thef. reap corruption Eph. 2. 3. walked in lusts of the f. desires of the f. Col. 2. 11. putting otT the body of sins of thef. 23. not in honour to the satisfying of the f. Heb. 9. 13. sanctifieth to the purging of the f. 1 Pet. 3. 21. not the putting away the filth of the f. 2 Pet. 2. 18. they allure through the lusts of the f. 1 John 2. 16. the lust of thef. the lust of the eyes Thy FLESH. Gen. 40. 19. the birds shall eat thy f. from off thee 1 Sam. 17. 44. I will give thy f unto fowls of the air 2 Sam. 5. 1. we are thy bone and thyf. 1 Chr. 11. 1. 2 Kings 5. 10. wash, and thy f shall come again Prov. 5. 11. mourn at last, when thyf. is consumed Eccl. 5. 6. suffer not thy mouth to cause thyf. to sin 11. 10. therefore put away evil from thy f. Isa. 58. 7. that thou hide not thyself from thyownf Ezek. 32. 5. I will lay thyf. on the mountains Your FLESH. Lev. 19. 28. ye shall not make cuttings in your f. Judg. 8. 7. then I will tear your f. with the thorns Ezek. .36. 26. 1 will take stony heart out of your f. Rom. 6. 19. because of the infirmity of your f. Gal. 6. 13. that they may glory in your f. Col. 2. 13. being dead in uncircumcision of your f. Jam. 5. 3. rust shall eat your f. as it were fire Fleshed, see Fat, Lean. Fl ESH-HOOK. 1 Sam. 2. 13. the priest's servant came with Zif.-hook 14. all that t\\ef.-hook brought up, the priest took FLESH-HOOKS. Exod. 27. 3. shalt make \\\sf. -hooks and his fire-pan.s .38. 3. he made all the vessels and the f. -hooks Num. 4. 14. put upon the purple cloth tnef. -hooks 1 Chr.28. 17. David gave pure gold foi the f. -hooks FLO 2 Chr. 4. 16. he made also tlie pots and the f. -hooks FLLSHLY. C Cor. 1. 12. that in simplicity, not with/, wisdom 3. 3. not in stone, but in /'. tables of the heart Cul. 2. 18. vainly putted up by his/, mind 1 Pst. 2. 11. beloved, abstain from /. lusts that war FLE6H-P01S. £zod. 16. 3. when we sat by the/..po^^ and did eat iLEW. 1 Sam. 14. 32. and the people/, upon the spoil 25. t 14. and our master/, upon them Isa. 6. 6. then/, one of the seraphims unto me FLIES. Exod. 8. 21. I will send swarms of/, upon thee 31. he removed the swarms of/, from Pharaoh Pal. "8. 45. he sent divers sorts of/, among them 105. 31. and there came divers sorts of/. llccl. 10.1. dead/, cause the ointment to send forth FLIEIH. Dettt. 4, 17. the likeness of any winged fowl that/. 14. 19. every creeping thing that /.Is unclean 28. 49. shall bring a nation as swift as the eagle/. Psal. 91. 5. nor for the arrow that/, by day I^ah. 3. 16. the cankerworm spoileth and/, away FLIGHI. Job 11. t 20. and/, shall perish from the wicked Isa. 52. 12. shall not go out with haste nor go by/. Jer. 46. t 5. their mighty ones are tied a/. Dan. 9. + 21. Gabriel was caused to Hy with/. Amos 2. 14. the /. shall perish from the swift Mat. 24. 20. pray /. be not in winter, Mark 13. 18. Heb. 11. 34. turned to/, the armies of the aliens ^ee Put. FLI^T. Dettt. 8. 15. brought water out of the rock of/. Job 28. + 9. he purteth forth his hand on the/'. Psal. 114. 8. turning the /. into a fountain of waters Isa. 5. 28. their horses shall be counted like/. 50. 7. therefore have I set my face like a/. Ilzek. 3. 9. harder than f. have 1 made thy forehead FLIJ; IT. Deut. 32. 13. made him to suck oil out of the /.rock FLU. Jer. 49. t 30. flee, /. greatly, O inhabitants of Hazor FLOCK. Gen. 4. 4. Abel brought of the firstlings of his/. 21. 28. Abraham set ewe-lambs of/, by themselves 27. 9. go now to the /. and fetch two good kids 29. 10. Jacob watered the/, of Laban 30. 31. I will again feed and keep thy /. 32. I will pass through all thy/, to-day 36. and Jacob fed the rest of Laban'sy. 40. Jacob did separate all the brown m the/. 31. 4. Jacob called Rachel and Leah to his/. 38. the rams of thy /. have 1 not eaten 33. 13. if men overdrive them, the/, will die 37. 2. Joseph was feeding the/, with his brethren 12. his brethren went to feed their f. 13. 38. 1". I will send ttiee a kid from the/. Exod. 2. 16. the troushs to water their father's /. 17. Moses helped, and watered their/. 19. 3. 1. Moses led the /. to tlie back-side of the desert Lev. 1. 2. bring of your offering of the herd or/. 5. 6. he shall bring a female from the/. 18. he shall bhns a ram without blemish out of the/. 6. 6. Ezra 10. 19. Ezek. 43. 23. 25. 27- 32. concemmg the tithe of the herd or of the /. Num. 15. 3. make" a sweet savour of the herd or/. Dent. 12. 21. then thou shalt kill of thy herd and/. 15. 14. thou shalt furnish him liberally out of thy /. 19. all the firstling males of thy /. shalt sanctify 16. 2. shalt sacrifice to the Lord thy God of the /. 1 Sa7n. 17. 34. a lion took a lamb out of the /. 2 Sam. 12. 4. he spared to take of his own/. 2 Chron. 35. 7- Josiah gave to the people of the /. Job 30. 1. 1 disdained to set with the dogs of my/. Cant. 1. 7. where thou makest thy/, to rest at noon 8. go thy way forth by the footsteps of the/. 4. 1. thy hair is as a/, of goats, 6. 5. 2. thy teeth are like a/, of sheep, 6. 6. Isa. 40. 11. he shall feed his f. like a shepherd 63. 11. brought them with the shepherd of his/. Jer. 13. 17. because the Lord's/, is carried captive 20. where is the /. was given thee, thy beautiful/. ? 23. 2. ye have scattered m\ /. and driven them 3. I will gather the remnant of my /. 25^34. cry and wallow, ye principal of the/. 35. nor the principal of the /. to escape 36. an howling of the principal of the /. be heard 31. 10. and keep him as a shepherd doth his/. 12. they shall sins for the voung of the/. 49. 20. least of the/, shall draw them out, 50. 45. 51. 23. will break in pieces the shepherd and his/. Ezek. 24. 5. take the choice of the f. burn the bones 34. 3. ye eat the fat, but yefeed"not the/. 6. my /. was scattered on the face of the earth 8. surely because my /. became a prey, mv/. meat 10. I will require my/. I will deliver my f. 12. as a shepherd seeketh out his/, in the day 15. I wdl feed my /. H 17. as for you, O my /. 22. therefore will 1 save my/, no more a prey 31. ye my /. the /. of my pasture, are men 36. 38. as the holy }. as the /. of Jerusalem 45. 15. ye shall otf er one lamb out of the /. Amos 6. 4. and eat the lambs out of the /. 7. 15. the Lord took me as I followed the f. Jonah 3. 7. let not herd nor/, taste any thing Mic. 2. 12. as the f. in the midst of their fold" 4. 8. thou, O tower of the /. the strong hold 7. 14. feed thy people, the/, of thine herita'^e Bah. 3. 17. tho' the/, shall be cut off from the fold Zech. 9. 16. save them as the/, of his people 10. 2. therefore thev went their way as a/. 3. for the Lord of hosts hath visited his/. 11.4. saith the Lord, will feed the /. of slaughter, 7. 7. the poor of the r. that waited on me, 11. 17. woe to the idol shepherd, that leaveth the/. Mai. 1. 14. deceiver which hath in his/, a male Mat. 26. 31. the sheep of the f. shall be scattered Luke 2. 8. keeping watch over their/, by niuht 12. 32. fearnot little f. it is your Fathef's pleasure FLO Acts 20. 28. take heed therefore to all the /. 29. grievous wolves shall enter, not sparing the /. 1 Cor ."9. 7. who feedeth a/, and eatethnot of milk ? 1 Pet. 5. 2. feed the /. of God which is among you 3. not as being lords, but being ensamples to the /. Like a FLOCK. Job 21. 11. send forth their little ones like a f. Psal. 77. 20. thou leddest thy people like a f. 78. 52. he guided them in the wilderness like af. 80. 1. thou that leadest Joseph like a f. Iu7. 41. and maketh him fanulies like a f. Ezek. 36. 37. 1 will increase them with men like af. FLOCKS. Gen. 29. 2. and lo, three /. ot sheep lying by the well, for out of that they watered the /. 3. and thither were all the /. gatliered 8. we cannot, till all the/, be gathered together 30. 38. Jacob set the rods he pilled before Ihe/. 39. and the /. conceived before the rods 40. Jacob set the faces of the /. towards the ring- straked, he put his own/, by themselves 32. 5. I have oxen, asses,/, and men-servants 7. he divided the/, and herds, and camels 37. 14. go, see whether it be well with the /. 16. tell me, I pray thee, where they feed their/. 47. 4. thy servants have no pasture for their/. 17. Joseph gave bread in exch. for horses and/. Lev. 1. 10. if his offering be of the f. of the sheep 5. 15. bring a ram without blemish out of the /. Num. 31. 9. Israel took spoil of all their/, and goods 30. thou shalt take one portion of the/. 32. 26. our wives, our/, and cattle, shall be there Deut. 7. 13. he will also bless the/, of thy sheep 28. 4. blessed shall be the /. of thy sheep 18. cursed shall be the/', of thy sheep 51. who shall not leave the /. of thy sheep Judg. 5. 16. to hear the bleatings of the/. 1 Kings 20. 27. pitched like two little/, of kids 1 Chron. 4. 39. they went to seek pasture for their/. 41. because there was pasture tor their/. 27. 31. and over the /. was Jaziz the Hagarite 2 Chron. 17. 11. the Arabians brought him/. Job 24. 2. violently take away /. and feed thereof Psal. 8. t 7. /. and oxen all under his feet 65. 13. the pastures are clothed with/. 78. 48. he gave their/, to hot thunderbolts Ca7it. 1. 7. turn aside by the/, of thy companions Isa. 17. 2. cities of Aroer are forsaken, shall be for/. .32. 14. the palaces shall be a pasture of/. 60. 7. all the /. of Kedar shall be gathered together 61. 5. and strangers shall stand and feed your/. 65. 10. Sharon shall be a fold for/, valley of Achor Jer. 6. 3. the shepherds with their/, shall come to her 10. 21. shall not prosper, all/, shall be scattered 31.24. dwell in Judah they that go forth with/. 33. 12. shepherds causing their/, to lie tiown 13. the/, shall pass agam under the rod 49. 29. their tents and /. shall they take away 50. 8. and be as the he-goats before the /. Ezek. '25. 5. Ammonites acouching-place for/. 34. 2. should not the shepherds feed the/. ? 36. 38. the waste cities shall be filled with /.of men Joel 1. 18. the/, of sheep are made desolate Mic. l.tll. inhabitant ofcountry of/, cam.e not forth 5. 8. as a young lion among the /. of sheep Zeph. 2. 6. and the sea-coast shall be folds for/. 14. /. shall lie down in the midst of ISIineveh FLOCKS with herds. Gen. 13. 5. Lot also had/, and herds, and tents 24. 35. the Lord hath given Abraham/, and herds 26. 14. Isaac had possession of/, and herds 32. 7. Jacob divided/, and herds into two bands 33. 13. the/, and herds with young are with me 45. 10. thou shalt be near me, thou7 thy/, aadherds 47. 1. my brethren, their/, and herds are come 50. 8. their/, and herds leVt they in land of Goshen Exod. 10. 9. we will go with our/, and our herds 24. only let your /. and your herds be stayed 12. 32. also take your/, and herds, and be gone 34. 3. neither let/, nor herds feed before the mount N7(m. 11. 22. shall the/, and //errf.f be slain for them Deut. 8. 13. when thy herds and thy/, multiply 12. 6. firstlings of h. and /. 17. 1 14. 23. Neh. 10. 36. 1 Sam. 30. 20. David took all the/, and the herds 2 Sam. 12. 2. rich man had exceeding many /.and /2. 2 Chn?i. 32. 29. provided possessions of/, and herds Prov. 27. 23. know thy /. look well to thy herds Jer. 3. 24. shame had devoured their/, and herds 5. 17. an ancient nation shall eat thy/, and herds Hos. 5. 6. they shall go with/, and herds to seek Ld. . FLOOD. Not only that terrible inundation is in Scripture called iiood, whereby God destroyed all 7nankind, and all the animals of the earth and air, nihich icere not in the ark built by Noah ; but likeicise all sorts of immdations or extraordinary collectioyis of waters. Thus the VssXmistspeaking of the waters of the sea, or of a river, expresses it by the word tiood, Psal. 66. 6. They went through the flood on foot. The same Psalmist sets forth extreme dangers laider the notion of a flood, Psal. 69. 15. Let not the water-flood overflow me. And the violent assaults and sudden incursions of the devil and his instruments against the church are com- pared to a flood, Isa. 59. 19. When the enemy shall come in like a flood. By floods are also signified great plenty arid abundance of spirittial and temporal blessings, Isa. 44. 3. 1 will pour floods upon the dry ground. 17. I , even I , bring a /. of water on the earth 7. 6. when the/, of waters was upon the earth 7. Noah went in, because of the waters of the/. 10. after seven days the /. was on the earth 7. 17. the f. was forty days on the earth 9. 11. nnrshall be any more a /'. to destroy the earth 28. Isoah lived after the/. 350 years 10. 1. to them were sons born after the/. 32. the nations were divided in the earth after/. Josh. 24. 2. your fathers on either side of/. 3. 14, 15. Job 14. 11. as the f. decayeth and drieVi up 22.16. whose foundation was overthrown with a/. 28. 4. the /. breaketh out from the inhabitant FLO Psal. 29. 10. the Lord sitteth upon the/, he is king 66. 6. they went thro' the/, on foot, we rejoiced 09. 15. let not the water-/, overflow me 74. 15. thou didst cleave the fountain and the/. 90. 5. fliou carriest them away as with a/. Isa. 28. 2. a strong one, which as a/, shall cast down 59. 19. the enemy shall come in like a/. Jer. 46. 7- 'who is this that cooieth up as a/. ? 8. Egypt riseth up like a/, waters are moved 47. 2. behold, waters shall be an overflowing/. Dan. 9. 26. the end thereof shall be with a/. 11. 22. with the armsof a/, shall they be overflown Amos 8.8. it shall rise up wholly as a/. 9- 5. 9. 5. and shall be drowned as by they, of Egypt Is ah. 1. 8. with an overrunning/, make an end Mat. 24. 38. in days before the /. they were eating 39. and knew not till the/, came, Luke I7. 27. L%ike 6. 48. when the/, arose the stream beat 2 Pet. 2. 5. bringing in the/, on world of ungodly Rev. 12. 15. the dragon poured out water as a/. 16. the eartli helped, and swallowed up the/. FLOOD-GAIES. Gen. 7. 1 11. ^ef. -gates of heaven were opened FLOODS. Exod. 15. 8. the/, stood upright as an heap 2 Sam. 22. 5./. of ungodly made me afraid, Ps. 18.4. Job 20. 17. he shall not see the rivers and the/. 28. 11. he bindeth the/, from overflowing Psal. 24. 2. he hath established it upon the/. 32. 6. surely in the/, of great waters not come nigh 69. 2. into deep waters, where the/, overflow ms 78. 44. and had turned their f. into blood 93. 3. the/, have lifted up, O Lord,/, have lifted uo 98. 8. let the/, clap their hands, let hills be joyful Cant. 8. 7- neither can the/, drown love La. 44. 3. for I will pour/, upon the dry ground Ezek.2>V. 15. 1 restrained the/. thereof,waters stayed Jonah 2. 3. the/, compassed me about, thy billows Mat. 7. 25. the/, came, winds blew, and beat, 27. FLOOR, Verb. 2 Chron. 34. 11. and for timber to/, the houses FLOOR, Substantive. Gen. 50. 10. they came to the threshing/, of Atad 11. when inhabitants saw mourning in/, of Atad Num. 5. 17. the priests shall take dust that is in/. 15. 20. as ye do the heave-offering of threshing/. 18. 27. as tho' it weie the corn of the threshing/. 30. be counted as the iiicrease of the threshing/. Deut. 15. 14. thou shalt furnish him out of thy/. 16. t 13. after thou hast gathered in thy/. Judg. 6. 37. I will put a fleece of wool in the/. Ruth 3. 2. he winnoweth in the threshing/. 2 Sam. 6. 6. came to Is achon's thresh./. l"C'/;r. 13. 9. 24. 18. rear an altar in the threshing /. of Araunah 21. David said, to buy the threshing/, of thee 1 Kings 6. .30. he overlaid the/, of house with gold 7. 7. with cedar from one side of the/, to the other 2 Kings 6. 27. out of the barn-/, or the wine-p)-ess ? 1 Chron. 21. 28. L. had answered in the threshing/. 2 Chron. 3. 1. prepared in threshing/, of Oman 18. t 9. they sat in a/, at the entering of the gate Isa. 21. 10. O my threshing, and the corn of my/. Jer. 51. 33. daughter of Bab. is like a threshing/. Hos. 9. 1. thou hast loved a reward on every com / 2. the/, and wine-press shall not feed them 13. 3. as the chaff' that is driven out of the/. Mic. 4. 12. shall gather them as sheaves into the/ Mat. 3. 12. he will throughly purge his/. Luke 3. VJ. FLOORS. 1 Sam. 23. 1. and they rob the threshing/. Dan. 2. .35. I'ike chaff' of the summer threshing/. Joel 2. 24. and the f. shall be full of wheat FLOTES. or FLO A IS. 1 Kings 5. 9. and 1 will convey them by sea in/, to the place thou shalt appoint me, 2 Chr. 2. Ifi. FLOURISH. Psal. 72. 7. in his days shall the righteous /. 16. they of the city shall/, like grass of the earth 92. 7. when all the workers of iniquity/. 12. the righteous shall/, like the palm-tree 13. they shall /. in the courts of our God 132. 18. but upon himself shall his crown/. Prov. 11. 28. the righteous shall /. as a branch 14. 11. the tabernacle of the upright shall /. Eccl. 12. 5. when the almond-tree' shall/. Cant. 7. 12. let us get up, let us see if the vine /. Isa. 17. IL in morning thou shalt make thy seed to/. 66. 14. your bones shall/, like an herb Ezek. 17. 24. 1 the L. have made the dry tree to/. FLOURISHED. Cant. 6. 11. I went down to see whether the vine/. Phil. 4. 10. your care of me hath f. again FLOUR ISHElFl. Psal. 90. 6. in the morning it /. and gi'oweth up 103. 15. as a flower of the field, so he/. FLOURlSHIiSG. Psal. 92. 14. in old age, they shall be fat and/. Cant. 2. t 9. he looketh forth,/, through the lattice Dan. 4. 4. I was at rest, and/, in my palace FLOW. Jb* 20. 28. his goods shall f. away in day of his wrath Psal. 147. 18. he causeth the wind blow, and waters/. Cant. 4. 16. that the spices thereof may/, out Tsa. 2. 2. and all nations shall/, unto it 48. 21. he caused waters to/, out of the rock 60. 5. then thou shalt see and /. together 64. 1. mountains might/, down at thy presence Jer. 31. 12. shall/, to" the goodness of the Lord 51.44. nations shall not/. together any more to him Joels. 18. in that day the hills shall/, with milk, and the rivers of Judah shall/, with waters 3Iic. 4. 1. the people shall/, to the mountain of L. Johnl. 38. out of his bellv shall/, living water FLOWED. Josh. 4. 18. Jordan /. over all his banks Judg. 5. + 5. the mountains/, before the Lord Isa. 64. 3. the mountains/, down at thy presence Lam. 3. 54. the waters/, over mine head, then 1 said FLOWEIH. Lev. 20. 24. a land that /. with milk and honey, A«w. 13. 27. 1 14. 8. I 16. 13. 14. Deut. 6. 3. 1 11. 9. 1 26. 15. 1 27. 3. 1 31. 20. Josh. 5. 6. I7l FOL FLOWING. Exod. 3. 8. to bring them to a land/, with milk and honey, I?. I 13. 5. 1 33. 3. Jer. 11. 5. 1 32. 22. Ezek. 20. 6, 15. Prov. 38. 4. the well-spring of wisdom as a/, brook Isa. 66. 12. the glory ot the Gentiles like a/, stream Jer. 18. 14. or shall the cold /. waters be forsaken ;• 49. 4. wherefore gloriest thou in thy/, valley .' FLOUR. Exod. 29. 2. of wheaten /. shalt thou make them Lev. 2. 2. he shall take his handful of the/. 6. 15. Num. 28. 5. and a tenth part of an ephah of/, for a meat-offering-, 20, 28. 1 29. 3, 9, 14. Judff. 6. 19. cakes of an ephah of/. 1 Sam. 1. 24. 1 Aflw 28. 24. slie took/, and kneaded it, 2 «S'a^«. 13.8. 2 -Saw. 17. 28. brought/, parched corn, and beans See Deal, Fine, FLOWER. 1 Sam. 2. 33. the increase shall die in f. of their age 1 Cor. 7. 36. if she pass/, of her age and need require FLOWER. Exod. 25. 33. with knop and/, in one branch, 37. 19. Job 14. 2. he cometh forth as a/, and is cut down 15. .33. he shall cast off his/, as the olive Psal. 103. 15. as a/, of field, so he fiourisheth Jsa. 18. 5. and the sour grape is ripening in the/. 28. 1. whose glorious beauty is a fading/. 4. 40. 6. the goodliness thereof is as the /. of the field 7./. fadeth,8. Nek. 1.4. Jam. 1. 10, 11.1 Pei. 1. 24. FLOWERS. IJOTrf. 25. 31. his/, shall be of the same, .37- 17- .37. 20. made like almonds, his knops and his/. Num. 8. 4. to the /. thereof was beaten work 1 Kings 6. 18. cedar of the house within was carved with knops and open /. 29. 32, 35. 1 7- 26, 49. £ Chr. 4. 5. like the brim of a cup with /. of lilies 21. the/, lamps, and tongs made he of gold Cant. 2. 12. the/, appear on earth, time of singing 5. 13. his cheeks are as a bed of spices, as sweet/. FLOWERS. Lev. 15.24. ifher/. be upon him, he shall be unclean 33. of her that is sick of her/, of him with issue FLUTE, S. 1 Kings 1. + 40. all people piped with/, and rejoiced P>an. 3. 5. when ye hear the sound of the/. 7. 10, 15. FLUTTERE'lH. Deut. 32. 11. as an eaale /. over her young FLUX. Acts 28. 8. the father of Publius lay sick of a/. FLY. Isa. 7. 18. the Lord shall hiss for the f. in Egypt FLY, Verb. Gen. 1. 20. and fowl that may /. above the earth 1 Sam. 15. 19. but didst/, on the spoil, and didst evil 2 Sam. 22. 11. he rode upon a cherub, and did/, and was seen on wings of the wind, Psal. 18. 10. Joh5. 7- man born to trouble as sparks/, upward 39. 26. doth the hawk/, by thy wisdom ? Psal. 18. 10. he did /. upon the wings of the wind 55. 6. for tlien would 1 /. away, and be at rest 90. 10. for it is soon cut off', and we/, away Prov. 23. 5. riches/, away as an eagle to heaven Isa. 6.2. each had six wings, and with twain he did/. 11. 14. but they shall /. upon shoulders of Philist. 60. 8. who are these that/, as a cloud, and as doves Jer. 48. 40. behold, he shall/, as an eagle Ezek. 13. 20. ye hunt the souls to make them /. Dan. 9. 21. Gab. being caused to/, swiftly, touched Hos. 9.11. their glory shall /. away like a bird Hab. 1. 8. they shall/, as the eagle thathasteth to eat Rev. 14. 6. I saw another angel/, in midst of heaven 19. 17- to all the fowls that/, in the midst of heaven See Flee, Flieth. FLYING. [thing Lev. 11. 21. these may ye eat of every/, creeping 23. but all other/, creeping things an abomination Psal. 148. 10. all cattle and /. fowl, praise the Lord Prov. 26. 2. as swallow by /. so the curse causeless Isa. 14. 29. and his fruit shall be a fiery /. serpent 30. 6. from whence come viper and fiery /. serpent 31. 5. as birds/, so will the Lord defend Jerusalem Zech. 5. 1. I looked, and behold, a/, roll, 2. Bev. 4. 7. the fourth beast was like a/, eagle 8. 13. heard an angel /. thro' the midst of heaven FOAL, S. Gen. 32. 15. Jacob took ten bulls, twenty asses, ten/. 49. 11. bmding his /. to the vine, and his ass's colt Zech. 9. 9. upon a colt the /. of an ass, Mat. 21. 5. FOAM. Hos. 10. 7. the king- of Samaria is cut off as f. FOAMETH. Mark9.1Q.f. and gnaslieth with his teeth, Lulce 9. 39. FOAMING. Mark 9. 20. he fell on the ground and wallowed,/. Jude 13, ragmg waves of sea,/, out their own shame FODDER. Job 6. 5. or loweth the ox over his f. FOES. \ Chron. 21. 12. or to be destroyed before thy/. Esth. 9. 16. the Jews slew of their/. 75,000 Psal. 27. 2. mme enemies and/, came upon me .30.1. thou hast not made my/, to rejoice over me 89.23. I will beat down his/, before his face Mat. 10. .36. aman's/. shall be they of his household Acts 2. 35. until I make thy /. thy footstool FOLD. Heb. 1. 12. as a vesture shalt thou /. them up FOLD, ^ Isa. 13. 20. shall the shepherds make their/, there 65. 10, Sharon shall be/, for flocks, valley of Achor Ezek. 34. 14. on the mountains shall their y. be Mic. 2. 12, as the fiock in the midst of their/. Hab. 3. 17. tiie flock shall be cut off from the f. Mat. 13. 8. brougi.t forth fruit, some an hundred, some sixty, some thirty/. 23. Mark 4. 8, 20. 19. 29. hath forsaken houses, shall receive 100/. Jo^wlO. 16, and other sheep 1 have, which aienotof this/, and there shall be one/, and one shepherd FOLDS. Num. 32. 24. build ye/, for your sheep, .36. Psal. 50. 9. 1 will fake no he-goats out of thy/, Ter. 23. 3. I will bring them again to their /. \7<-Z FOL Zeph. 2. 6. the sea-coast shall be/, for flocks FOLD EN. Nah. 1. 10. while they be/, together as thorns FOLD E Til. Eccl. 4. 5. the fool/, his hands together and eateth FOLDING. 1 Kings 6. 34. the two leaves of one door were/. Prov. 6. 10. a little/, of the hands to sleep, 24. 33. FOLK. Gen. 33.15. let me now leave with thee some of the/. Prov. 30. 26. the couies are but a feeble/, yet make Jer. 51. 58. the /. shall labour in fire and be weary Mark 6. 5. he laid his hands upon a few sick/. John 5. 3. in these lay a multitude of impotent/. Acts. 5.16. amultitude round about, bringing sick/. FOLLOW Signifies, [1] To come after one that goeth before, as servants come ofter their masters, 1 Sam. 25. 27. Let it be given to the young men that follow my lord, [2] To imitate, or do as another gives us an example. Mat. 16. 24. Let him take up his cross, and follow me. 1 Cor. 11. 1. Be ye followers of me, even as I am of Christ. [3] To believe and obey, John 10. 27. My sheep hear my voice, and they follow me. And in all jiassages where men aie said to fol- low strange gods, it signifies, to put trust in them, to rely upon them, aiid yield them ser- vice. 1 Kings 18. 21. If Baal be God, then follow him. Judg. 2. 12, '1 hey forsook the Lord, and follo%ved other gods. [4] To side, or take part with, 2 Sam. 2. 10, 2 Kings 11. 16. [5] To endeavour after, and pursue with great desire and diligerue. Phil. 3. 12. But 1 follow after, if that 1 may apprehend that for which I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. [6] To die with one. John 13. 36. Ihou canst not follow me now, that is, bear me company in my sufferings, and die with me. To follow the Lamb, Rev. 14. 4. These are they that follow the Lamb : that keep close to Christ in all his ordi- nances : are led by his word and Spirit, and depend upon the virtue and merit of his sacrifice alone for pardon and acceptance, arid not on, saints, or their own merits, as the followers of antichrist do. Gew.24. 8. if the woman willnot be willingto/. thee 44. 4. Joseph said, up,/, after the men Exod. 11. 8. get thee out, and people that/, thee J4.4. I will harden Pharaoh that he shall/, them 17. and the Egyptians shall/, them 21. 22. if hurt a woman, and yet no mischief/. 23. and if any mischief/, then life for life 23. 2. thou shalt not/, a multitude to do evil Beut. 16. 20. what is altogether just shalt thou/. 18. 22. if the thing/, not, nor come to pass Judg. 9. 3. their heaits inclined to/. Abimelech 1 Sam. 25. 27. it be given young men, who/, my lord 30, 21. so faint that they could not/. Dav id 2 Sam. 17, 9. among the people that/. Absalom 1 Kings 19. 20. let me kiss father, then 1 ^^ ill/, thee Psal. 38. 20. because 1 /. the thing that good is Ab. 14. the virgins her companions that/, her 94. 15. all the ui)right in heart shall/, it 119. 150. they draw nigh that/, after mischief Isa. 5. 11. that they may/, strong drink 51. 1. hearken, ye that/, after righteousness Jer. 17. 16. 1 hastened from being a pastor to /. thee 42. 16. the famine shall/, close after you Ezek. 13. 3. the prophets that/, their own spirit Hos. 2. 7. and she shall/, after her lovers 6. 3. we shall know, if we/, on to know the Lord Mat. 8. 19. Master, 1 will /. thee, Luke 9. 57 61, Mark 16, 17. these signs/, them that believe Luke 17. 23. go not after them, nor/, them 22. 49. when they about him saw what would / John 10. 5. and a stran^r will they not/. 13. 37. Peter said, Lord, why cannot 1/ thee now? ActsS. 24. all the prophets from Samuel, and that/. Rom. 14. 19. let us/', things that make for peace' 1 Cor. 14. 1./. after charity, desire spiritual gifts Phil. 3. 12. but I /. after, if that I may apprehend 1 Thess. 5. 15. but ever/, that which is good 2 Thess. 3. 7- for yoursel. know how ye ought to/, us 9. to make ourselves an ensample to you to/, us 1 Tim. 5. 24. and some men they /. after 6.11. O man of God,/, righteousness, 2 T?>/?. 2.22. Heb. 12. 14. /. peace witlT all men, and holiness 13. 7. whose faith /. considering the end 1 Pet. 1. 11. when it testified the glory that should f. 2. 21. an example, that ye should/, his steps 2 Pet. 2. 2. many shall /. their pernicious ways 3 John 1 1. /. not that which is evil, but what is good Rev. 14. 4. these are they that/, the Lamb 13. blessed are dead in Lord, that they may rest from their labours, and their works do/, them FOLLOW him. 1 Kings 18. 21. if the Lord be God,/, him Mark 5. 37. and he suffered no man to f. him 6. 1. he went out thence, and his disciples/, him Luke 22. 10./. him into the house, Mark 14. 13. John 10. 4. he goeth before, and the sheep/, him FOLLOW me. Gen. 24. 5. the worn, will not be willing to/, me, 39. Judg. 3. 28. Ehud said unto them,/, after me 8. 5. give bread, 1 pray, to the people that/, me 1 Kings 20. 10. for handfuls for the people that/, me 2 Kings 6., I will bring you to man ye seek Ps. 23. 6. goodness and mercy shall/, me all my life Mat. 4. 19. Jesus saith,/. me and 1 will make you fishers of men, 8. 22. |, 9. 9. Mark 2. 14. Luke 5. 27 . 16. 24. let him deny himself and take up his cross and /. me, Mark 8. .34. 1 10. 21. Luke 9. 23. 19. 21. sell that thou hast,/, me, Luke 18. 22. Luke 9. 59. he said,/, me, John 1. 43. I 21. 22. John 10. 27. my sheep hear my voice and /. me 12. 26. if any man will serve me, let him/, me 13. 36. thou canst not/, me now, but afterwards Acts 12. 8, cast thy garment about thee, and /, me FOLLOWED. Gere. 24. 61. Rebekah and her damsels/, the man 32.19. so commanded he all that/, the droves ISum. 32. 12. they have wholly/, the L. Deut. 1. 36. FOL Deut. 4. 3. for all the men that/. Baal-peor 11. t6. swallowed the substance which/, them Josh. 6. 8, and the ark of the covenant/, them 14, 8. but 1 wholly /. the Lord my God, 9. 14. Judg. 2. 12, they forsook the Lord antl /. other god« 9. 49. cut down his bough and/. Abimelech 1 Sam.l^. 22, they/, hard after the Philistines 17. 13. Jesse's three sons/. Saul to battle, 14. 31. 2, Philistines/, Saul, 2 Sam.l.Q. 1 Chr. 10. 2. 2 Sam. 2. 10. but the house of Judah/'. David 3. 31. and V\ng David himself/, the bier 17. 23. Ahithophel saw his counsel was not/, 20. 2, Israel/'. Sheba the son of Bichri 1 Kings 12. 20. there was none that/, house of David 16. 21. half of the people/. 1 ibni, half/. Oniri, 22, 18, 18. have forsaken the Lord, thou hast/. Baalim 20. 19. came out, and the army wliich /. them 2 Kings 3. 9. was no water for the cattle that/, them 4. 30. Elisha arose and/, her 5. 21 . so Gehazi /'. after M aaman, is all well .' 9. 27- Jehu/, after Ahaziah, and said, smite him 13. 2. Jehoahaz/. sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat 17. 15. and they/, vanity, and became vain Psal. 68. 25. the players on instruments/, after Ezek. 10. 11. whither the head looked, they/, it Arnos 7. 15. the Lord took me as 1 /. the flock many women which/', .les. from (.alilee Mark 10. 28. we left all and/, thee, Luke 18. 28. 32. were amazed, and as they/', they were afraid Luke 22. 54. they took him, and Peter/, afar off Acts\?,.\%. religious proselytes/. Paul and barnab, 16. 17. the same/. Paul and us, and cried Rom. y. 30. (Jentiles who/, not after righteousness 31. who/, after the law of righteousness 1 Cor. 10. 4. they drank of that rock that/, them 1 Tim.5.10. if she have diligently/, every good work 2 Pet. 1. 16. we havenot/'. cunningly devised fables Rev. 6. 8. his name was Ueath, and hell /. with him 8. 7. there/, hail and fire mingled with blood 14.8. and there/, another angel, saying. Babylonia 9. and the third angel /. them, saying, if any man FOLLOWED him. Num. 16. 25. Moses rose up, the elders of Isr. /, him Judg. 9. 4. hired vain and light persons who/, /im 1 Sam. 13. 7- and all the people/, him trembling 2 'Sam. 11. 8. there/. Am a mess of meat from thek, Mat.'l.W. they left their nets and/, him, Mark I.IQ. 22. they immediately left the ship and/, him 25. and there/'. Inm great multitudes of people, 8. 1. 1 12. 15. I 19. 2. 1 20. 29. Mark 2, 15. I 5. 24. Luke 23. 27. John 6. 2. 8.23. When entered, his disciples/, him, Luke2Q.^0. 9.27. two blind men/, him, ciying, and saying 26. 58. but Peter/, him afar off, Mark 14. 54. Mark 14. 51. there/', him a certain young man iMke 5. 11. they forsook all and /. him, 28. 7. 9. Jesus said to the people that/, him, not found Acts 12. 9. Peter went out and /. him and wist not Rev. 19. 14. the armies/', him on white horses FOLLOWED me. Num. 14. 24, my servant Caleb hath/, me fully .32. 11. because they have not wholly/. ?>ie 1 Kmgs 14, 8. David who/, me with all his heart Neh. 4. 23. nor the men ot the guard which /. me Mat. 19. 28. ye that/, me in the regeneration FOLLCJWKDS'l. Ruth 3. 10. thou /. not young men, poor or rich FOLLOWER. 2 Tim. 3. 1 10, hast beenadiligent/. of my doctrine FOLLOW E'HS. 1 Cor. 4. j6. have begotten you through the gospel I beseech you, be/, of me, 11. 1. Phil. 3. if. Eph. 5. 1. be ye/, of God as dear children 1 Thess. 1. 6. ye became/, of us and of the Lord 2. 14. for ye became/, of the churches of God Heb.6.'i2. be/, of them who thro' faith inherit prom. 1 Pet. 3. 13. if ye be /. of that which is good FOLLOW ETH, 2 Rings 11. 15. him that/, her be killed, 2 CAr. 23.14, Ps. 63. 8. my soul /'. hard after thee, hand upholds Prov. 12. 11. but he that/, vain persons, 28. 19. 15. 9. he loveth him that/, righteousness, 21. 21, Jsa. 1.23. every one loveth gifts and /. afterrewards Ezek. 16. 34. none/, thee to commit whoredoms Hos. 12.1. Ephraim feeds on wind,/', after east-wind Mat. 10. 38, he that taketh not up his cross and /'. roe Mark 9. 38. because he/, not us, Luke 9. 49. John 8, 12. he that/, me shall not walk in darkness FOLLOWING. Gen. 41.31. plenty not known by reason of famine f. Deut. 7. 4. they will turn away thy son from /, mo 12. 30. take heed thou be not snared by /. them Josh. 22, 16. from /. the Lord, 18. 23, 29. 1 Sam. 12. 20. 2 Kings I7. 21. 2 Chr. 25. 27. I .34. .33, Judg. 2. 19. corrupted in /. other gods to serve them Ruth 1. 16. or to return from /. after thee 1 Sam. 12. 14. if ye continue/, the Lord your God 14. 46. Saul went up from/, the Philistines 15. 11. Saul is turned back from /. me 24. 1, when Saul was returned fiom /. 2 Sam. 2. 19. Asahel turned not from /. Abner, 30. 26. bid the people return from /'. their brethren 7. 8. I took thee from/, the sheep, to be ruler over my people, 1 Chron. 17. 7- t^^al. 78. 71. 1 Ri7igs 1.7. and they/. Adonijah, helped him 9. 6. but if you shall at all turn from /. me 21. 26. Ahab did very abominably in/, idols Psal. 48. 13. that ye may tell ft to the generation/. 109. 13. in generat. /. let their name be blotted out Mark 16.20. and confirming the word with signs/. Luke 13. .33. 1 must walk to-morrow, and the day/. John 1. .38. then Jesus turned and saw them/. 43. the day/. || 6. 22. the day/.when the people saw 21. 20. Peter seeth thedisciple whom Jesus loved/. Acts 21, 1. we came the day / unto Rhodes, 18. 23. 11. and the night/, the Lord stood by him 2 Pet. 2. 15. are gone astray,/, the way of Balaam FOLLY. Gen. 34. 7, because Shechem had wrought/, in Isr Deut. 22. 21. she wrouiiht/. by playing the whore Josh. 7. 15. because Achan wrought/, in Lsraei Judg. 19. 23, nay, I pray you, do not this/. FOO Judg. 19. + 24. to this man do not the matter of this /. 20. 6. they have committed lewdness and/, in Isr. 10. according to the/, that they wrought in Isr. 1 Ham. 25. 25. JS abal is his name, and/, is with him 2 Sam. 13. 12. my brother, do not thou this/. Job 1. + 22. in alTthis Job attributed not^. to God 4. 18. behold, his angels he charged with/. 24. 12. yet God layeth not /. to them 42. 8. lest I deal with you after your/. Psal. 49. 13. this their way is their/, yet posterity 85. 8. but let them not turn again to /. I'rov. 5. 23. in the greatness of his/, he shall go astray 13. 16. but a fool layeth open his/. 14. 8. but the/, of fools is deceitful 18. the simple inherit/, but prudent are crowned 24. crown of wise is riches, foolishness of fools is/. 29. but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth/. 15. 21. /. is joy to him that is destitute of wisdom 16. 22. but the instruction of fools is /. 17. 12. let a bear meet rather than a fool in his/. 18. 13. before he heareth it, it is/, and shame to him 26. 4. answer not a fool accord, to his /. lest like him 5. ans. a fool accord, to his/, lest wise in conceit 11. as dog to vomit, so a fool returneth to his/. I^ccl. 1. 17. i gave my heart to know wisdom and/. 2. 3. I sought in my heart to lay hold on/. 12. turned to behold/. || 13. wisdom excelleth/. 7. 25. I applied to know the wickedness of/. 10. 1. so dotli a little /. him that is in reputation 6./. is setm great dignity, rich sit in low place Jsa. 9. 17. an evil doer, and every mouth speaketh /. Jer. 23. 13. 1 have seen f. in the prophets of Samar. Hos, 2. + 10. 1 will discov. her/, in sight of her lovers 2 Cot. 11. 1. ye could bear with me'a little in my/. 2 Tim. 3. 9. their/, shall be made manifest to all men FOOD. Gen. 2. 9. every tree pleasant and that is ^ood for /. 3. 6. the woman saw the tree was good tor/. 6. 21. take thou to thee of all /. that is eaten 41. 35. let them gather all/, of those good years 42. 7. come to buy/. 10. I 43. 2, 4, 20, 22. | 44. 25. 33. take /. for the famine of your households 44. 1. he commanded to fill the sacks with/. 47. 24. for your/, and for/, for your little ones Exod. 21. 10. her/, shall not be diminished Lev. 3. 11. the /. of the offering made by fire, 16. 19- 23. shall ha%'e planted all manner of trees for/. 21. t 17. not approach to otter the/, of his God 22. 7. shall eat of holy things, because it is his/. Deut. 10.18. the stranger, in giving him/, and raim. 1 Sam. 14. 24. cursed that eateth /. till evening, 28. 2 Sam. 9. 10. that thy master's son may have /. to eat 1 Kings 5. 9. my desire, in giving/, for my househ. 11. Soloin. gave Hiram wheat for/, to his househ. Nek. 9.t25. they possessed trees of/, in abundance Jo/j 23. 12. tliy words more than my necessary/. 24.5. wilderness yieldeth/. for them and children 38. 41. who provideth for the raven his/..'' 40. 20. surely the mountains bring him forth /. Psal.78. 25. man did eat angels'/, he sent them meat 104. 14. he may bring forth /. out of the earth 1,36. 25. who giveth/. to all flesh, his mercy for ever 146. 7. the Lord who giveth/. to the hungry 147. 9. he giveth to the beast his/, to young ravens l^rov. 6. 8. the ant gathereth her/, in harvest 13. 23, much /. is in the tillage of the poor 27. 27. thou shalt have goats' milk enough for thy/, 28. 3. is like a sweeping rain which leaveth no/. 30. 8. feed me with /. convenient for me 31. 14. like ships, she briiigeth her/, from afar ■ Esei. 16. 27. 1 have diminished thine ordinary /. 48. 18. the increase thereof shall be for/, to them Jlcts 14. 17. fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with /. 2 Cor. 9. 10. both minister bread for your/. 1 Tim. 6. 8. having /. and raiment, let us be content Jam. 2. 15. if naked and destitute of daily /. FOOL, Folly, Foolishness, are to he understood not only according to their natural and literal meaning, for one who'is an idiot, or a very^ weak man, arid for the discourses and yiotions of fools and mad- men ; hut in the language of Scripture, especially in the hook 0/ Proverbs, fool is the usual character of the sinner, and folly and foolishness are put for sin. Psal. 38. 5. My wounds stink, and are corrupt, because of my foolishness, my sin. Jl?id in Psal. 69. 5. O God, thou knowest my foolish- ness. Solomon sets the fool in oppositioji to the prudent man. Prov. 13. 16. Every prudent man dealeth with knowledge ; but a fool layeth open his folly. For as hy prudence a man so governs himself, and regulates his actions, as to avoid impending evils, and to obtain that good which iS swtahle to his necessities: so it is the effect of folly, not to foresee evils to prevent them, and to neglect the season of obtaining what is good. In Prov. 13. 20. Solomon opposes the fool to the wise man. He that walketh with wise men, shall • be wise ; but a companion of fools shall be de- stroyed. As It is with relation to the affairs of this life; the man of prudence and condxict in his affairs, who takes the best method of managing things to his own, his family's, and friend's, or any society's reputation, comfort, and advantage, and who minds his business more than his plea- sure, IS the wise nian; and the inconsiderate, heedless, slothful man, who neglects the principal affairs of life, or goes into improper or unlikely methods of managing them to advantage, or who minds his pleasure more thaji his business, is the fool for this world ; so it is with respect to another world: the truly wise man is he who proposes the things of God, and the everlasting interest of his immortal soul, as his highest end, and pursues them with the utmost care and dili- gence, in the way of God's appointment through Jesus Christ our only Saviour ; a?id who seeks all things else with less solicit7ide and concern, and in suhordinatioyi to thexe. And the fool, on the other hand, is he, who makes something in this world his highest end and aim, and FOO spends his chief time and care, concern and la- bour, about it, to the neglect of the infinitely higher interests of God's glory and his own soul's everlasting happiness. So that the highest folly is justly charged upon every wilful impenitent sinner. Such also are called hy the name of fools, who, though they he godly, yet have much ignorance and unbelief remainiyig in them. O fools, and slow of heart to believe, says our Saviour to the dis- ciples that were going to Emmaus, Luke 24. 25. And it is the character of all men, as they are horn possessed of natural ignorance and corrup- tion. Tit. 3. 3. We ourselves were sometimes foolish. The Apostle says, 1 Cor. 4. 10. We are fools for Christ's sake : that is, we are accounted so by the wise men of the tvorld. And in Rom. 1. 22. he says. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools : that is. While they pretended to, and boasted of, more than ordinary wisjom, their learned nien being at first usually called sophists, or wise men, though afterwards philo- sophers, they entertained and vented many gross and absurd opinions and practices, and so shewed themselves to he real fools. The same apostle says, in 1 Cor. 1. 18. Ihe preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness. The doctrine of Christ crucified, to purchase eternal salvation for believers, is by unbelievers, that judge only accord- ing to carnal reason and sense, accounted an ab- surd, ridiculous, impossible thing, and which none in their wits will believe, according to the princi- ples of their philosophy. And in 1 Cor. 2. 14. The tilings of God are foolishness to the natural man. He counts them the most foolish things in the world J he looks upon them as either trifling and irripertinent ; or as containiyig means and eyids disproportionate ; or as undesirable in comparison of what may he set up in competition with them. 1 Sam. 26. 21. behold I have played the /. and erred Psal. 14. 1. the/, hath said in his heart, 53. 1. 49. 10. likewise the /. and brutish person perish 92. 6. neither doth a/, understand this Prov. 10. 8. but a prating/, shall fall, 10. 23. it is a sport to a /. to do mischief 11. 29. the/, shall be servant to the wise of heart 12. 15. the way of a/, is right in his own eyes 16. a/. wrath is presently known, but prudent man 13. 16. Wiseman feareth, but/, layeth open his folly 14. 16. but the /. rageth and, is confident 15. 5. a/, despiseth his father's instruction 17.7- excellent speech becometh not a/. 10. areproof more than a hundred stripes into a/. 12. let a bear meet a man rather than/, in his folly 16. why is a price in hand of a/, to get wisdom .' 21. he that begetteth a/, doth it to his sorrow 28. a/, when he holdeth his peace is counted wise 18. 2. a/, hath no delight in understanding 6. /. lips enter into content. mouth calls for strokes 7. a/, mouth is his destruction, lips a snare 20. 3. but every /. will be meddling 26. 4. answer not a/. || 5. answer a/. 8. so is he that giveth honour to a/. 10. the great G. rewardeth the/, and transgressors 11. as a dog so a/', returneth to his folly 27. 3. but a/, wrath is heavier than them both 22. though thou shouldest bray a/, in a mortar 29.11./. uttereth all his mind, but a wise man keeps Eccl. 2. 14. but the /. walketh in darkness 15. as it happeneth to the/, so even to me 16. is no remembrance of wise man more than of/. 19. who knoweth whether he be wise or a/. / 4. 5. thei. foldeth his hands together, eats his flesh 5. 3. a/, voice is known by multitude of words 6. 8. for what hath the wise more than the /. ? 10. 2. at right hand, but a/, heart is at his left hand 14. /. is full of words, man cannot tell what to be Jer. 17. 11. and at his end he shall be a/. Mat. 5. 22. whosoever shall say, thou/, be in danger Lnke 12. 20. /. this night thy soul shall be required 1 Cor. 3. 18. let him become a /. that he may be wise 15. 36. thou/, that thou sowest is not quickened 2 Cor. 11. 16. 1 say again, let no man think me a/. 12. 6. tho' I would desire to glory, shall not be a/. 11. 1 am become a/, in glorying, ye compelled me As a FOOL. 2 Sam. 3. 33. David said, died Abner asaf. dieth .? Prov. 7. 22. as af. to the correction of the stocks Eccl. 2. 16. how dieth the wise man ? as the f. 2 Cor. 11. 16. if otherwise, yet as af. receive me 23. are they ministers .'' 1 speak as a f. 1 am more For a FOOL. Prov. 19. 10. delight is not seemly/or af. 24. 7. wisdomis too high /or a f. op)en3 not mouth 26. honour is not seemly /or «/. 3. a bridle for the ass, and a rod^or thef. back 30. 9.1. for af. when he is filled with meat Is a FOOL. Prov. 10. 18. he that uttereth a slander is a f. 19. 1. than he that is perverse in his lips, and is af. 28. 26. he that trusteth in his own heart is af. Eccl. 10. 3. when he that is a f. walketh, his wisdom faileth him, he saith to every one that he is af. Hos. 9. 7. the prophet is a/.the spiritual man is mad 1 Tim. 6. t 4. he is a f. and knoweth nothing Of a FOOL. Prov. 12. 15. the way of af. is right in his own eyes 17. 21. and the father of a f. hath no joy 24. the eyes of a f. are in the ends of the earth 23. 9. speak not in the ears of af. he will despise 26. 6. he that sendeth a message by the hand of a f. 12. there is more hope of a f. than of him, 29. 20. Eccl. 7. 6. as crackling of thorns, so laughter ofMe/. 10. 12. but the lips of a f. will swallow up himself FOOLS. 2 Sam. 13. 13. thou shalt be as one of the/, in Israel Job 12. 17. and lie maketh the judges /. 30. 8. they were children of /'. children of base men Psal. 75. 4. I said to the/, deal not foolishly 94. 8. and ye/, when will ye be wise '. 107. 17. /. because of their transgress, are afflicted P'oi,'.l.7. but/, despise wisdom and instruction FOO Prov. 1. 22. how long, ye/, will ye hate knowledge f 32. and the prosperity of/, shall destroy them 3. .35. but shame shall be the promotion of/. 8. 5. and ye/, be ye of an understanding heai^t 10. 21. but/, die for want of wisdom 12. 23. but the heart of/, proclaimeth foolishness 13. 19. but it is abomination to/, to depart from evil 20. but a companion of/, shall be destroyed 14. 8. folly of/, is deceit |1 9./. make a mock at sin 24. crown of wise is riches, foolishness of/, is folly 33. what is in the midst of/, is made known 15. 2. the mouth of/, poureth out foolishness 14. the mouth of/, feedeth on foolishness 16. 22. but the instruction of/, is folly 19. 29. stripes are prepared for the back of/. 26. 7. so is a parable in the mouth of/. 9. Eccl. 5. 1. more ready to hear, than give sacrifice of/. 4. he hath no pleasure in/, pay what hast vowed 7. 4. but the heart of/, is in the house of mirth 5. than for a man to hear the song of/. 9, be not hasty, for anger resteth in the bosom of/, 9. 17. more than cry of him that ruleth among/. Isa. 19. 11. surely the princes of Zoan are/. 13. 35. 8. way-faring men, tho'/. shall not err therein Mat. 23. 17. ye/, and blind, whether is greater, 19. Luke 11 40. ye/, did not he that made that without 24.25. Of. and slow of heart to believe the prophets Rom. 1, 22. professing to be wise, they became/. 1 Cor. 4. 10. we are/, for Christ's sake, ye wise in C. 2 Cor.11.19. for ye suffer/, gladly , seeing ye are wise Eph. 5. 15. see then that ye walk not as/, but as wise FOOLISH. Deut. 32. 6. do ye thus requite the L. O /. people ? 21. will provoke them with a/, nation, Rom. 10. 19. Job 2. 10. thou speakest as one of/, women speaketb 5. 2. for wrath killeth the/, man, envy slays 3. I have seen the /. taking root, but I cursed Psal. 5. 5. the /. shall not stand in thy sight 39. 8. make me not the reproach of the /. 73. 3. for I was envious at the/, when 1 saw prosp. 22. so/, was I and ignorant, 1 was as a beast 74. 18. the/, people have blasphemed thy name 22. the/', man reproacheth thee daily Prov. 9. 6. forsake the/, and live, go in way underst. 13. a/, woman is clamor, is simple, knows noth. 10. 1. but af. son is the heaviness of his mother 14. but the mouth of the/, is near destruction 14. 1. but the/, plucketh it down with her hands 3. in the mouth of the/, is a rod of pride 7. go from the presence of a/, man 15. 7. but the heart of the/, doeth not so 20. but a/, man despiseth his mother 17. 25. a. J. son is a grief to his father, and bitter. 19. 13. a/, son is the calamity of his father 21. 20. a/, man spendeth a treasure 29. 9. if a wise man contendeth with a/, man Eccl. 4. 13. better is a wise child than a/, king 7. 17- be not overmuch wicked, neither be thou/. 10. 15. labour of the /. wearieth every one 0^" them Isa. 44. 25. he maketh their knowledge /. Jer. 4. 22. for my people are/, they are sottish childr, 5. 4. I said, surely these are poor, they are/. 21. hear now this. Of. people, who see not 10. 8. but they are altogether brutish and /. Lam. 2. 14. thy proph. have seen vain and/, things Ezek. 13. 3. thus saith the Ld. woe to the/, prophets Zech. 11. 15. take the instruments of a/, sheplierd Mat. 7. 26. shall be likened unto a/, man who built 25. 2. five of the virgins were wise, and five/'. Rom. 1. 21. and their/, heart was darkened 2. 20. an instructor of the /. a teacher of babes 1 Cor. 1. 20. hath not G. made/, wisd. of this world Gal. 3. 1. O /. Galatians, who hath bewitched you ? 3. are ye so/. ? having begun in the spirit Eph. 5. 4. neither filthiness, nor/, talking 1 Tim. 6. 9. they that will be rich fall into /. lusts 2 Tim. 2. 23. but/, questions avoid. Tit. 3. 9. Tit. 3. 3. we ourselves were sometimes /. deceived 1 Pet. 2. 15. may put to silence the ignor. of/, men FOOLISHLY. Gen. 31. 28. thou hast now done/, in so doinff, in my power to hurt you, 1 Sam. 13. 13. 2 Ch~r. 16. 9. Num. 12. 11. the sin on us wherein we have done /. 2 Sam. 24. 10. I have done very /. 1 Chron. 21. 8. Jobl. 22. in all this Job sinned not, nor charged G ./. Psal.T5.4. 1 said to the fools, deal not/. Prov. 14. 17. he that is soon angry dealeth/. 30. 32. if thou hast done/, in lifting thyself 2 Cor. 11. 17. I speak it as it were /. in this boasting 21. I speak/. 1 am bold also, are they Hebrews .•" FOOLlSHiS BSS. 2 Sam. 15. 31. turn the counsel of Ahithophel into/. Psal. 38. 5. my wounds stink because of my/. 69. 5. O God, thou knowest my/, sins are not hid Prov. 12. 23. but the heart of fools proclaimeth /. 14. 24. but the/, of fools is folly 15. 2. but the mouth of fools poureth out/. 14. but the mouth of fools feedeth on /. 19. 3. the/, of man perverteth his way 22. 15. /. IS bound in the heart of a child 24. 9. the thought of/, is sin, the scorner abominat. 27. 22. yet will not his/, depart from him Eccl. 7- 25. to know the wicked, of/, and madness 10. 13. the beginning of the words of his moutli is/. Mark 7. 22. thefts, pride,/, come from within 1 Cor. 1 . 18. preaching of cross to them that perish/. 21 . it pleased God by the /. of preaching to save 23. we preach Christ crucified, to the Greeks/. 25. because the/, of God is wiser than men 2. 14. the things of the Spirit of God are/, to him 3. 19. the wisdom of this world is/, with God FOOT Is a part of the body well known. In old times it was customary to -cash the feet of strangers upon their coming off a journey. Gen. 18. 4. | 19. 2. I 24. 32. because generally they were barefoot, or wore saJidals only, which did iiot secure them from the dust or dirt. St. Paul enjoins iriguiry to he made, whether the widows who -ivere to he taken into the number of those 7vho were to be maintained by ihe church, had washed the feet of the saints ; whether the^t 173 FOO had been ready to do the meanest offices to the ser- vants of God, 1 Tim. 5. 10. Christ .Tesus, to give us an example of humility, washed the feet of his apostles ; and thereby taught them to perform all the most humble services for one another, John 13. 5. Feet, in the style of the sacred writers, often mean inclinations, affections, propensities, actions, mo- tions. Eccl. 5. 1. Keep thy foot when thou soest to the house of God. Psal. 36. 11. Let not the foot of pride come against me. And m Psal. 119. 59. 1 turned my feet unto thy testmionies. Also in Eph. 6. 15. And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace, lo be a.t any one's feet, is used for obeying, being m his ser- vice, following him. Abigail tells David, that the presents which she brought him, were for the young men that walked at his feet , for the sol- dieis who followed him, 1 Sam. 25. t 27- Moses says, Deut. 33. 3. that the Lord loved his people, and they sat down at his feet : like scholars, they heard him, they belojiged to him, they were taught and instructed in his doctrine. St. Paul says, that he was brought up at the feet of Gama- liel, Acts 22. 3. And Mary sat at our Saviour's feet, and heard his word, LuJce 10. 39. Jn Deut. 11. 10. it is said, that the land of Canaan is fiot like the land of Egypt, where thou sowedst thy seed, and wateredst it with thy foot ; that is, that Palestine is a country where the rains are not extremely rare, where_ the dews are plentiful, where thexe are many springs, rivulets, and brooks, without reckoning the river Jordan, which supply the earth with all the moisture that is necessary to its producing fruit ; whereas Egypt is a comitry where there is no river hut the ]S) ile, where it never rains, and where the lands which are not within reach to be watered by the inundations of this river, continue parched and barren. To supply this want, ditches are dug. and water distributed throughout the several villages ; the digging these ditches, and dispersing these waters, create a great deal of labour to the feet. But notwithstanding these precautions, there are many places which have no water ; and in the course of the year, the places which are nearest to the "N ile require to be watered again in an arti- ficial manner. It is done by the help of some ma- chines, which Philo describes thus : It is a wheel which a man turns with the motion of his feet, by ascending successively the several steps which are 7uithin it. But as while he is thus continually turning, he cannot keep himself up, he holds a stay in his hands, which is not movable., and this sup- ports him ; so that in this work, the hands do the office of the feet, and the feet that of the hands : since the hands which should act, are at rest ; and the feet rohich should be at rest, are in action, and give motion to the wheel. This is tvhat is meant by watering the earth with their feet. Jt is said, in -ler. 2. 25. Withhold thy foot from being unshod, and thy throat from thirst. Vo not continue to prostitute yourselves, as you have hitherto done, to strange people. He speaks to the infidel and idolatrous Jews. So likewise Ezek. 16. 25. Ihou hast opened thy feet to every one that passed by. It is a modest expression, for exposing oyie's nakedness, or going into the bed of lust. Jacob said to Laban, Gen. .30. + 30. The Lord hath blessed thee at my foot ; that is, ever since I came to you ; since my feet entered into thy house: or, by my foot; that is, by my ministry and labour, as the phrase is used, Deut. 11. 10. Xo be under any one's feet, to be a footstool to him, is a figurative way of speaking, to signify the subjection of a subject to his sovereign, of a servant to his master, Psal. 8. 6. 1 18. .38. 1 110. 1. Thou hast put all things under his feet. Mine enemies are fallen under my feet. Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine ene- mies thy footstool. To lick the dust off one's feet, Isa. 49. 23. They shall bow down to thee with their face toward the earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet. They shall highly reverence and honour thee, and shall most humbly and readily submit themselves unto thee. The expressions are borrowed from the practice of the eastern people in their prostrations and adorations, when they borved so low as to touch and kiss the ground, zvhereby they did or might seem to lick up the very dust of the ground, luhich was about or under the feet of those whom they adored. jSfakedness of feet was a sign of mourning : Forbear to cry, says God to Ezekiel, make no mourning for the dead, and put on thy shoes upon thy feef, Hzek. 24. 17. It was also a mark of respect, reve- rence, and adoration, Exod. 3. 5. Put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place where thou standest is holy ground. To wash one's foot with oil, or with butter, signifies plenty of all sorts of good things, Deut. 3i3. 24. Job 29. 6. To wash one's feet in the blood of sinners ; to take remarkable venoeance on them, to shed rivers of their A/oorf, Psal. 58. 10. A wicked man speaketh with his feet, says Solo- mon, Prov. 6. 13. He uses much gesture with his hands and feet 7ohile he is talking ; he secretly sig- nifies to his companions his intentions or desires of sofne evil towarus another person, 7vhich he is afraid or ashamed to express openly. The ancient sages blamed those who used too much gesticula- tion, and .spoke with all their members. Ezekiel reproaches the Ammonites with clapping their hands, and stamping with their feet in token of joy, upon seeing the desolation of .1 erusalem and the temple, Ezek . 25. 6. And in chap. makes the same motions the signs of grief , because of the ruin of his people. The prophet Isaiah says. Blessed are ye that sow beside all waters, that send forth thither the feet of the ox and the ass, Isa. 32. 20. 174 FOO Happy are the people that sow thetr corn upon a 'well-watered soil, who with their oxen and asses plough a fat and fruitful land; or who feed there their oien and their asses. To send out their feet, that is, to send them there, to feed them, to plough there with them. But this pas- sage may be understood mystically, and seems to respect the times of the gospel: that is, Happy are the apostles and gospel-ministers, in com- parison of those that lived before them, who shall find abiindant success of their labours in the conversio7i of multitudes unto Christ. The same prophet says, chap. 58. 13. If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy plea- sure on my Jioly day. This is taken, either properly, if thou forbear walking, or taking any unnecessary journeys on the sabbath-day : or, metaphorically, that is, if ihou keep thy mind arid affections clear, and restrain thyself from whatever 7nay profane it ; feet being often put for affections, because the mind is moved hy the affections, as the body is by the feet. Job says, that he was feet to the lame, and eyes to the blind, Job 29. 15. He led, he directed, and instructed the one, and supported the other, yhid in chap, 13. 27. he says, that God had put his feet in the stocks, and looked narrowly unto all his paths : that he had encompassed him with his judgments, so that he had no way, or possibility to escape j he was like a bird taken by the foot in a snare. Gen. 41. 44. without thee no man shall lift up his/. Exod. 12. .37. about six hundred thousand on/. 21. 24. thou Shalt give/, for/. TJeut. 19. 21. 30. 18. Shalt make a laver of brass and his f. 28. I 31. 9. I 35. 16. 1 38. 8. I 39. 39. | 40. 11. Lev. 8. 11. Lev. 13. 12. if a leprosy cover from head to/. TSum. 22. 25. the ass crushed Balaam's f. agst. wall Deut. 8. 4. nor did thy/, swell these forty years 11. 10. and wateredst it with tliy/. as a garden 25. 9. she shall loose his shoe from off his/. 29. 5. thy shoe is not waxen old upon thy /. 32. 35. to me vengean. their/, shall slide in due time .33. 24. Moses said, let Asher dip his/, in oil Josh. 1. 3. every place your/, shall tread upon 5. 15. loose thy siioe from off thy/. Joshua did so Judg. 5. 15. Barak was sent on /. to the \ alley 1 Sam. 23. + 22. and see where his/, shall be 2 Sam. 2. 18. Asahel was as light of/, as a roe 21. 20. had on every/, six toes, 1 Chron. 20. 6. 2 Kings 9. 33. Jehu trod Jezebel under/. 2 Chr. 33. 8. nor any more removed the/, of Israel Job 23. 11. my/, hath held his steps, his way I kept 28. 4. even the waters forgotten of the/. 31. 5. or if my/, hath hasted to deceit 39. 15. and forgetteth that the/, may crush them Psal. 9. 15. in the net they hid is their/, taken 26. 12. my /. standeth in an even place 36. 11. lef not the /. of pride come aaainst me 38. 16. when t'ny/. slippeth, magnify themselves 66. 6. they went thi ough the flood on /. 68. 23. that thy /. may be dipped in blood 12. his angels shafl bear thee up, lest thou dash thy/, against a stone. Mat. 4. 6. Luke 4. 11. 94. 18. 1 said niy/. slippeth, thy mercy held me up 121. 3. he will not suffer thy/, to be moved Prov. 1. 15. refrain thy/, from their path 3. 23. Shalt walk safely, and thy/, shall not sttimble 26. the Lord shall keep th.v/. from being taken 4. 27. turn not to right or left, remove thy/ from 25. 17- withdraw thy/, from th>; neighbour's house 19. confidence in unfaith. men is like/ out of joint Eccl. 5. 1 . keep thy/, when goest into house of God Isa. 14. 25. on my mountains tread him under/. 18. 7. a nation meted out and trodden under/. 20. 2. and put off thy shoe from off thy /. 26. 6. the/, shall tread it down, even or the poor 41. 2. who called the righteous man to his/. 58. 13. if thou turn away thy /. from my sabbath Jer. 2. 25. withhold thy/, from being unshod 12. 10. they have trodden my portion under/. Lam. 1. 15. Ld. hath trodden under/, mighty men Ezek. 6. 11. stamp with thy/, and say, alas 16. + 6. when trodden under/. I said to thee, live 25. + 6. because thou hast stamped with the/. 29. 11. no/, of man, no/, of beast shall pass thro' it .32. 13. neither shall the/, of man trouble them Dan. 8. 13. to give the host to be trodden under/. Amos2. 15. that is s wi M of/, shall not deliver himself Mai. 5. 13. salt unsavoury, trodden under /". of men 14. 13. the people followed him on/, out of cities 18. 8. if thy/, offend thee, cut it off, Mark 9. 45. 22. 13. bind him hand and/, cast him into darkn. Mark 6. 33. many ran a /. thither out of all cities John 11. 44. was dead came forth bound hand and/. Acis7.5. not so much as to set his/, on, yet promised 20. 13. so had appointed, minding himself to go a/. 1 Cor. 12. 15. if the/, say, because I am not the' hand Heb. 10. 29. hath trodden under/, the Son of God Rev. 1. 13. Son of man clothed with a garm. to the/. 11. 2. the holy city shall they tread under/. Sole of FOOT. Gen. 8. 9. the dove found no rest for the sole r/her/. Deut. 28. 35. L. smite thee with a botch from sole off. 56. not set sole of her f. on ground for delicateness 65. nor shall the sole of thy /. have rest [on Josh. 1. 3. every place the sole of your/, shall tread 2 Sam. 14. 25. none like Absalom, from the sole off. Job 2. 7. Job smitten with boils from sole of the ./. Isa 1. 6. from sole off. to the head no soundness Ezek. 1. 7. sole off. was like the sole 0/ a calf's/. FOOT breadth. Deut. 2.5. will not give, no not so much as /.-/5rea(//^ Left FOOT. Rev. 10. 2. and he set ins left f. upon the earth Right FOOT. Rev. 10. 2. a little book, he set his right f. on the sea See Toe. FOOTED. Lev. 11.3. whatsoever is cloven-/, that ye shall eat 7. and the swine though he be cloven-/, is unclean 91. FOR Lev. 21. 19. man that is broken/, shall not approacn ActslO. 12. all manner of four-/, beasts, 11. 6. Rom. 1. 23. image made like birds and four-/, beasts FOOTlMKN. Num. 11. 21. the people are six hundred thousand /. 1 Sam. 22. I7. Saul said to the/, slay priestsof Ld. Jer. 12. 5. if hast run with/, and they wearied thee FOO IS I KPS. Psal. 17. 5. hold up my goings that my/, slip not 77- 19. thy way is in the sea, thy /. are not known 89. 51. they reproached the/, ot thine anoin ed Cant. 1. 8. go thy way forth by the/, of the flock FOOTS 100 L. 1 Chron. 28. 2. build an house for the/, of our God 2 Chr. 9. 18. were six steps to throne with/, of gold Psal. 99. 5. worship at his/, for he is holy, 132. 7. 110. 1. sit thou at my right-hand till 1 make thine enemies thy /. Mat. 22. 44. Mark 12. 36. Luke 20.43. Acts 2. 35. Heb. 1. 13. Isa. 66. 1. heaven is my throne, and earth is my/. Acts 7. 49. iaw. 2.1. remembered not his/, inday ofhis anger Mat. 5. 35. swear not by the earth, it is his/. Heb. 10. 13. expecting till his enemies be made his/. Jam. 2. 3. say to the poor, sit here under my/. FOR. Deut. 4. 7. so nigh in all things that Ave call on him/. 2 Sam. 11. 22. shewed Davi(f all Joab had sent him/. P/oD. 28.21 . /.piece of bread that man wil 1 transgress Mat. 5. 45. f. maketh his sun to rise on evil and good 6. 7. they think to be heard/, their much speaking 25. 35./. 1 was hungry, and ye gave me meat, 42. John 1. 16. out ofhis fuln. we received grace/, grace Rom. 13. 6././. this cause j;e pay tribute also 2 Cor. 5. 1. /. we know, if this house were dissolved 13. 8./. we can do nothing against but /. the truth 2 Pet. 3. 12. looking/, the comingof theday ofGod FORASMUCH. Gen. 41. 39./. as God hath .shewed thee all this Deut. 12. 12. /. as he hath no inheritance with you Judg. 11. 36./. as the Lord hath taken vengeance 1 Sam. 20. 42./. as we have sworn both of us 2 Sam. 19. 30./. as my lord is come again in peace 1 Kings 13. 21./. as thou hast disobeyed the Lord 1 Chron. 5.1. f. as Reuben defiled his father's bed Isa. 29. 13./. as this peo.draw near with tlnpir mouth Jer. 10. 6./. as there is none like to thee, O Lord 7. /. among all wise men of nations none like thee Dan. 2.40./. as iron break, and subdu. all things Luke 19. 9. /. as he also is the son of Abraham Acts 11. 17. /. then as God gave them the like gift 17. 29./. then as we are the offspring of God 24. 10./. as 1 know that thou hast been a judge 1 Cor. 11.7-/. as he is the image and glory ofGo 14. 12./. as ye are zealous of spiritual gifts 15. 58. /. as ye know your labour is not in vain 1 Pet. 1. 18./. as ye know ye were not redeemed 4. 1./. then as Christ hath suffered for us FORBADE. De7it. 2. 37. nor unto whatsoever the Lord/, us Mat. 3. 14. but John/, him, saying, I have need Mark 9. 38. we saw one casting out devils in thy name, we/, him, because he followeth not us, Luke 9. 49. 2 Ptt. 2. 16. the ass /. the madness of the prophet FOKBARE. 1 Sam. 23. 13. Dav. escaped, and Saul/, to go forth 2 Chron. 25. 16. then the prophet/, and said, I know Jer. 41. 8. so Ishmael f. an(j slew them not FOR ifEA RANGE. Rom. 2. 4. or despisest thou the riches of his/. .'' 3. 25. for the remission of sins, through the/, of G. FORBEAR. Exod. 2?,. 5. if see his ass, and would./, to help him Deiit. 23. 22. if thoushalt/. to vow, it shall be no sin 1 Srnn. 11. + 3. /. us seven days that we may send 1 Kings 22. 6. shall 1 go, or/ ? 2 Chron. 18. 5, 14. 2 Chron. 25. 16. f. why shouldest thou be smitten r 35. 21./. thee from meddling with God Neh. 9. 30. yet many years didst thou /. them Job 16. 6. and though I /. what am I eased ,'' Prov. 24. 11. thou /. to deliver them drawn to death Jer. 40. 4. but if it seem ill to thee to come,/. Ezek. 2. 5. whether they will hear or/. 7. I 3. 11. 3. 27. and he that forbeareth, let him/. 24. 17. /. to cry, make no mourning for the dead Zech. 11. 12. I said, give me my price, if not,/. 1 Cor. 9. 6. have not we power to/, working .' 2 Cor. 12.6./. lest anyshould think of me above what 1 Thess. 3.1. wherefore when we could no longer/. 5. FORBEAKEIH. Num. 9. 13. that/, keep the passover shall be cut off Ezek. 3. 27. and he that/, let him forbear FORBEARING. Prov. ^.15. by long/, is a prince persuaded Jer. 20. 9. I was weary with/. I could no" stay Eph. 4. 2. /. one another in love. Col. 3. 13. 6. 9. masters, do the same thinas,/. threatening 2 Tim. 2. 1 24. the servant of the Lord must be/. FORBID. Num. 11. 28. Joshua said, my lord Moses, f. them 1 Sam. 24. 6. the Lorn /. I should do this thing 26. 11. Lord/. 1 should stretch forth mine hand 1 Kings 21. 3. Naboth said to Ahab. the Ld./. it me 1 Chron. 11. 19. my God /.it me, that 1 should do this MarkQ.m. but lesus said,/, him not, Luke9. 50. 10. 14. suffer little childr./. them not, Luke 18. 16. Luke 6. 29. taketh thy cloke,/. not to take coat also Acts 10. 47. Peter answered, can any /. water, that these should not be baptized r 24. 23. should/, none of his acquaintance to come 1 Cor. 14. 39. and/, not to speak with tongues Gorf FORBID. Gen. 44. 7. God f 17- Jo^h 22. 29- i 24. 16. 1 Sam. 12. 23. 1 14. 45. I 20. 2. Job 2?. 5. Luke 20. 16. Rom. 3. 4, 6, 31. I 6. 2, 15. J 7. 7, 13. I 9. 14. I 11. 1, 11. 1 Cor. 6. 15. Gal. 2. 17. I 3. 21. I 6. 14. FORBIDDEN. Lev. 5. 17. if a soul commit any of these things/. Deut. 4. 23. or the likeness of what the Lord hath /. Acts 16. 6. and were/, to preach the word m Asia FOR FORBIDDETH. 3 John 10. and /. them that would receive brethren FORBiDDIjSG. Ji,7ike 2.3. 2. and /. to give tribute to Caesar, sayin? Acts 28. 31. preaching kinsd. of G. no man/, him 1 Jhess. 2. 16./. us to speak to the Gentiles 1 Tim. 4. 3. /■. to marry, commanding to abstain FORbORlSE. [from Jer. 51. 30. mighty men of P-abylon have /. to fight FORCE. Gen. 31. 31. peradventure thou wouldest take by/. Deut. 34. 7. eye not dim, nor was his natural /. abated 1 Sam. 2. 16. shalt give it, if not, I will take it by /. Ezra 4. 23. they made them to cease by /. and power Job 30. 18. by s:reat J', of my disease, garm. changed 40. 56. and his/, is in the navel of his belly Jer. 18. 21. pour out their blood by/, of the sword 23. 10. their course is evil, and their /. is not right 48. 4 j.they stood under the shadow, because of the/. Ezek. 34. 4. with/, and cruelty have ye ruled them .35. 5. thou hast shed blood by the f. of the sword Amos 2. 14. the strong shall not strengthen his/. Mat. 11. 12. and the violent take it by/. Johnd. 15. when perceived they would take liim by/. Acts a. 10. to take Paul by/, from among them Heb. 9. 17. for a testament is of/, after men are dead FORCE. Beut. 22. 25. if the man /. her and lie with her 2 Sam. 13. 12. nay, my brother, do not/, me JE.itA.7.8.will he/', the queen also before me in house Foil C ED. Judg. 1. 34. the Ammonites /. the children of Dan 20. 5. my concubine have they /. that she is dead 1 Sam. 13. 12. 1 /. myself therefore, and offered 2 Sam. 13. 14. Amnon/. Tamar and lay with her 22. hated Amnon, because he/, his sister 1 amar 32. determined from the day that he/, his sister Prov. 7. 21. with the flattering of her lips she /. him FORCES. 2 Chr. 17. 2. Jehoshaphat placed /. in fenced cities Job 36. 19. he will not esteem all the/, of strength Jsa. 60. 5. tlie/. of the Gentiles shall come to thee 11. men may bring to thee the /. of Gentiles Jer. 40. 7. when tlie captains of the /. that were in the field, 13. I 41. 11, 13, 16. | 42. 1 , 8. I 43. 4, 5. Dan. 11. 10. and shall assemble a mult, of great/. .38. but in his estate shall he honour the God of/. Obad. 11. that strangers carried away captive his/, t 13. shouldest not have laid hands on their/, FORCIBLE. Job 6. 25. how/, right words, what arguing prove ? FORCIlSG. Devt. 20. 19. not destroy trees by/, axe against them Frov. 30. 33. so the /. of wrath brinaeth forth sti-ife FORD, S. Gen. 32. 22. Jacob passed over the/. Jabbok Josh, 2. 7. and the men pursued the spies to the/. Judff. 3. 28. Israel went and took the/, of Jordan Isa. 16. 2. the daushters of jNIoab at the/, of Arnon FORECAST, Dan. 11. 24. and he shall/, his devices, 25. FOREFATHERS. Jer. 11. 10. are turned to the iniquities of their/. 2 Tim. 1. 3. I thank God, whom I serve from my/. FOREFRONT. Dxod. 26. 9. si.K curtains in the/, of the tabernacle 28. 37. a blue lace, on the /. of the mitre it shall be Lei: 8. 9. upon his/, did he put the golden plate 1 Sam. 14. 5. /. of one rock was situate north-ward 2 ^am. 11. 15. set ye Uriah in the/, of the battle 2 Kings 16. 14. he brought the brazen altar from/. 2 C/tron. 20. 27. Jehoshaphat in the/, of them Ezefr.40. 19. from/, of lower gate to/, of inner court 47. 1. the/, of the house stood towards the east FOREHEAD. Gen. 24. + 22. the man took a jewel for the/. Exod.28. 38. the plate shall be on Aaron's/, always Eev. 13, 41. he is /.-bald, yet is he clean 42. it is a leprosy sprung up in his bald/. 43. if the rising be reddish in his bald/. + 55. whether it be in the head or/, thereof 1 Sam. 17. 49. David took astone, slang it, and smote the Philistine in his/, the stone sunk in his/. 2 Chron. 26. 1 9. the leprosy rose up in tfzziah's /, 20. and behold he was leprous in his /. Jer. 3. 3. and thou hadsta whore's/, not ashamed Ezek. 3. t 7. Israel are stiff of/, and hard of heart 8. have made thy/, strong against their foreheads 9. as an adam. harder than flint have made thy /. 16. 12. I put a jewel upon thy/, and ear-rinss in Hev. 14. 9. and receive the mark of the beast in'his/. 17. 5. and upon her/, was a name written. Mystery FOREHEADS. Ezek. 3. 8. made thy forehead strong asainst their/. 9. 4. set a mark on the/, of them that sigh and cry Hev. 7. 3. have sealed the servants of God in their/. 9. 4. which have not the seal of God in their/. 13. 16. he causeth all to receive a mark in their/. 14. 1. having his Father's name written in their/. 20. 4. nor had received his mark upon their/, 22. 4, and his name shall be in their /". FOREIGNER. Exod. 12. 45. /. and hired servant shall not eat Deut. 15. 3. of a./: thou mayest exact it again FOREIGiSERS. Obad. 11. in the day that /. entered into his gates Eph. 2. 19. ye are no more strangers and f FOREKISEW, Rom. 11. 2, G. hath not cast away people which he f FOREklNOW. •'• Rom. 8, 29. whom he did /. he also did predestinate FOR EKNO\V LEDGE. Acts 2. 23. him beins delivered by the/, of God 1 Pet. 1. 2. elect according to/, of God the Fatlier FOREMOSr. Gen. 32. I7. Jacob commanded the/, saying 33. 2. he put the handmaids and their children/. 2 Sam. 18. 27. the running of the/, is like Ahimaaz FOREORDAINED. Rom. 3. f 25. God hath/, to be a propitiation 1 Pet. I. 20. who verily was/, before tlie world FOR FOREPART. Exod. 28. 27. two riiiiis towards/, of ephod, 39. 20. 1 Kt7igs 6. 20. the oracle in the /. was twenty cubits Ezek. 42. 7. the wail on the /. of the chambers Acts 27.41. the/, of ship stuck fast and remained FOKERUISiNER. Heb. 6.20. whither the/, is for us entered, even Jesus FORESAW. Acts 2. 25. I/, the Lord always before my face FORESEETH. Prov. 22. 3. a prudent man/, the evil, 27. 12. FORESEEHsG. Gal. 3.8. the scripture/. God would justify heathen FORESEEN. Heb. 11. + 40. God bavins /. some better thing for us FOKE-SHIP. Acts 27. 30. they would have cast anchors out of/. FORESKIN. Gen. 17. 11. ye shall circumcise the flesh of your/. 14. whose flesh of his /. is not circumcised 23. and circumcised the flesh of their/. 24, 25. Exod. 4. 25. then /'ipporah cut off the/, of her son Lev. 12. 3. the flesh of his/, shall be circumcised Dent. 10.16. circumcise therefore the /. of your heart Hab. 2. 16. drink then, and let thy/, be uncovered FORESKINS. Josh. 5. 3. circumcised Israel at the hill of the/. 1 Sam. 18. 25. but an hundred/, of the Philistines 27. David brought their/, gave them to the king 2 Sam. 3. 14. which I espoused to me for an hund./. Jer.4.4, take away/, of your heart, ye men of Judah FOREST. 1 Sam. 22. 5. David came into the/, of Hareth 1 Kings 7. 2. Solomon built the house of the/. 10. 17 . put them in the house of the/. 2 Chron. 9. 16. 2 Kings 19. 23. into the/, of his Carmel, Isa. 37. 24. Neh. 2. 8. a letter to Asaph, keeper of the king's/. Psal. 50. 10. for every beast of the/, is mine 104. 20. wherein all beasts of the/, do creep forth Isa. 9. 18. and shall kindle in the thickets of the/. 10. 18. and shall consume the glory of his/. 19. the rest of the trees of his f. shall be few 21. 13. in the /. of Arabia shall ye lodge 22. 8. thou didst look to the armour of the /. 29. 17. the field shall be esteemed as a/. 32. 15. 32. 19. when it shall hail, coming down on the/. 44. 14. taketh cypress from among trees of the/. 23. break forth into singing, ye rnountains, O/. 56, 9. all ye beasts of the /. come to devour Jer. 5. 6. wherefore a lion out of/, shall slay them 10. 3. for one cutreth a tree out of/, with the axe 12. 8. mine heritase is to me as a lion in the/. 21. 14. I will kindle a fire in the /. thereof £6. 18. become as high places of the/. Mic. 3. 12. 46. 23. they shall cut down her/, saith the Lord Ezek. 15. 6. as the vine-tree among the trees of the /. 20. 46. prophesy against the/, of the south field 47. say unto the/, of the south, hear the word Hos. 2.12. 1 will make them a/, beasts shall eat them Amos 3. 4. will lion roar in the/, when hath no prey.' Mic. 5. 8. as a lion among the beasts of the /. Zech. 11. 2. the/, of the vintage is come down FORESiS. 2 Chron. 27. 4. Jotham built castles in the /. Psal. 29. 9. the voice of the Lord discovereth the/. Isa. 10. 34. he shall cut down the thickets of the/. Ezek. 39. 10. neither cut down any out of the/. FORETELL. 2 Cor. 13. 2. I/, you as \i' 1 were present sec. time FORETOLD. Mark 13. 23. take heed, beh. I have /. you all things Acts 3. 24. the proph. have likewise /. of these days FORE'WARN. Luke 12. 5. but I will/, you whom ye shall fear FOREWARNED. 1 Thess. 4. 6. as we also have /. you and testified FORFEITED. Ezra 10. 8. all his siibst. should be/, he separated FORGAT. Gen. 40.23. butler not remember Joseph, but/, him Judg. 3. 7. the children of Israel/, the Lord 1 Sam. 12. 9. and when they /. the Lord their God Psal. 78. 11. and they/, his works and his wonders 106. 13. soon f. his works || 21./. G. their Saviour Lam. 3. 17. removed far from peace, I /. prosperity Hos. 2. 13. she went after her lov. and/, me, saith L, FORGAVE, Psal. 78. 38. he/, their iniquity, destroyed them not Mat. 18. 27. he loosed him, and/, him the debt 32. O wicked servant, I /. thee all that debt Luke 7. 42. had nothing to pay, he frankly/, them 43. I suppose that he" to whom he /. most 2 Cor. 2. 10. for if 1 /. any thing to whom I /. it for your sakes /. I it in the person of Clirist Col. 3. 13. even as Christ/, you, so also do ye FORGAVEST. Ps. 32. 5. I will confess, thou /. the iniquity of my 99. 8. was G. that/. theni,tlio' tookest vengeance FORGED. Psal. 119. 69. the proud have /. a lie against me FORGERS. Job 13.4. ye are/, of lies, are all phvsicians of no vaL FORGET " Signifies, [1] To let things slip out of the memory, Deut. 4. 9. Lest thou forget the things thine eyes have seen. [2] To let God, his word, and benefits, slip out of mind : whereupon follow disobedience, neglect of God's worship, and wicked contempt of God, as a fruit and cvnseguerice of such forgetfnlness. Judg. 3. 7. The children of Israel did evil in the siuht of the Lord, and forgat the Lord their God, and served Baalim and the groves. Thus men forget God ; the wicked wholly, the godly i?i. part. [3] To cast off one, to cease to love, care, and provide for him, Psal. 77. 9. Hath God forgotten to be gracious '. Thus God for- gets the wicked: ayid the godly do sometimes think that they are thus forgotten, yet are not so. See also Isa. 49. 15. Can a woman forget her sucking child.' yea, they may for- get, yet will I not forget thee. She may cease FOR to lote her child, but I will not cease to love ana provide for thee. [4] To omit to p^iniih. Amos 8. 7. Surely I will never forget any of then- works ; I will not always defer to punish them, though it may seem 1 have forgotten. [5] Not to esteem, but to pass over a matter as unzoorthy our remembrance, Phil. 3. 13, Forgetting those things which are behind : not so much consider- ing or regarding zchat I have already done, as what I have yet further to do. Joseph called the name of his first-born, Manasseh, that is, forgetting ; for God, said he, hath made me forget all my toil, and all my father's house : he has expelled all sorrowful remembrance of my slavery i?i Egypt, and of my sujferings from my brethren, by my present comfort and glory. In Psal, 45. 10. the Psalmist speaking to the church says. Forget also thine own people, and thy fa- ther's house : he alludes to the law of matrimony , Gen. 2. 24. Thou must forget and forsake all carnal relations, as far as they hinder from Christ, and likewise all those prejudices, false persuasions, corrupt inclinations, and evil practices, which are so natural to, and even part of, thyself. Mat. 5. 29, 30. And by these words he seems tacitly to fore- tell, that even the legal worship appointed by Moses, awd delivered to them by their parents successively for mayiy generations, should be re- linquished by the believing Jews, and abolished by Christ's coming. Gen. 27. 45. till he /. that which thou hast done him 41, 51, for God hath made me /. all my toil Deztt. 4. 9. lest thou/, the things thine eyes haveseen 23. lestye/. the covenant of the Lord your God 31. th° L. will not/, the covenant of thy fathers 6. 12. beware lest thou/, the Lord, 8. 11, 14, 19. 9. 7- /• not how thou provokedst the Lord thy God 25. 19. Shalt blot out Amalek, thou shalt not/, it 1 Sam. 1. 11. if thou wilt not/, thine handmaid 2 Kings 17. 38. the covenant 1 made ye shall not/. Job 8. 13. so are the paths of all that/. God 9. 27. if I say, I will/, my complaint 11. 16. because thou shalt/. thy misery 24. 20. womb shall /. him, worm shall feed on him Psal. 9. 17. and all the nations that/. God 10. 12. arise, O Lord,/, not tlie humble 13. 1. how long wilt thou/, me, O Lord .' 45. 10. /. also thine own people, and father's house 50. 22. now consider this, ye that/. God 59. 11. slay them not, lest my people/, scatter them 74. 19. /. not the congregation of thy poor for ever 23./. not the voice of thine enemies 78. 7. that they mightnot/. the works of God 102. 4. heart smitten, so that I/, to eat my bread 103. 2. bless the Lord, and/, not all his benefits 119. 16. I will not/, thy word 83. j'et do I not/, thy statutes, 109, 141. 93. 1 will never/, thy precepts, hast quickened me 153. deliver m.e, for I do not/, thy law 176. for 1 do not/, thy commandments 137. 5. if I/, thee, O .lerusalem, let my hand/. Prov. 3. 1. my son, /. not my law, but let thy heart 4. o. get wisdom, get understanding, /. it not 31. 5. lest they drink and/, the law, and pervert 7, let him drink and /. poverty, rememb. no more Isa. 49. 15. can a woman/, her sucking child .' yea, they may /. yet will I not/, thee 54. 4. for thou shalt/. the shame of thj' youth 65. 11. j'e are they that/, my holy mountain Jer. 2. 32. can maid /. her ornaments, or bride attire ' 23. 27. who think to cause my people to/, my name 39. behold, 1, even I, will utterly/, you Layn. 5. 20. wlierefore dost thou f. us for ever.' Hos. 4. 6. forgotten the law, I will also/, thy childr. Amos 8. 7. I will never/, any of their works Heb. 6. 10. God is not unrighteous to/, your works 13. 16. to do good and communicate/, not FORGETFUL. Heb. 13. 2. be not/, to entertain strangers Jam. 1. 25. he being not a/, hearer, but a doer FORGETFULNESS. Psal. 88. 12. and thy riahteousness in the land of/ FORGETTEST. Psal, 44. 24. wherefore /. thou our affliction ? Isa. 51. 13. and/, the Lord thy Maker FORGETTEfH. Job 39. 15. and/, that the foot may crush them Psal. 9. 12. he/, not tlie cry of the humble Prov. 2. 17. and/, the covenant of her God Jam, 1. 24. he/, what manner of man he was FORGETTING. Gen. 41. +51. Joseph called the first-born,/. Phil. 3. 13./. those things which are behuid FORGIVE. Gen. 50, I7. /. I pray, the trespass of thy brethren, /. the trespass of serv. of God of thy father Exod. 10. 17./. I pray thee, my sin only this once 32. 32. yet now, if thou wilt /'. their sin Num. 30. 5. and tlie Lord shall /. her, 8, 12. Josh. 24. 19. an holy God, he will not f. your sins 1 Sam. 25. 28. 1 pray,/, the trespass of thy handmaid 1 Kings 8. 30. when hearest /". 39. 2 Chron. 6. 21, 30 34. heai, and/, the sin of" thy people Israel 36./. tlie sin of thy servants, 2 Chro7i. 6. 25.27, 39 50./. thy people that have sinned against thee 2 Chron. "J. 14. then will I hear and /. their sin Psal. 25. 18. look on my pain. and/, all m3- sins 86. 5. for thou. Lord, art good and readj' to/. La. 2. 9. the mean man boweth, therefore/, them Jer. 18. 23. /not their iniquity nor blot out their sin 31. 34. for "I will/, their iniquity, not remember sin 36. 3. that I may/, their iniquity and their sin Dan. 9. 19. O Lord hear, O Lord/. Lord hearken Amos 7. 2. I said, O Lord God,/. I beseech thee Mat. 6. 12./. us, as we/, our debtors, Luke 11. 4. 14. if ye/, men their trespasses, your Father will/. 15. if ye/, not, nor will your Father f. your 9. 6, hath poM-er to/, sin. Murk 2. 10. Luke 5. 24. 18. 21. how oft my brother sin, and 1./". iiim .' 35. if ye from your hearts/, not every one Mark2.T .v,hoceLnf. sins, butOodoniv : Lvked.Zl. 11, 25. praying, /. that your Father inav /. you 17.5 FOR Miirf: 11. 26. but if ye do not/. Father will not/. Lu/ceG. 37./. and yc shall be forgiven 37. 3. and if thy brother repent, /. him, 4. ■z3. 34. Father,/, them, they know not what they do 2 Cor. 2. 7. ye oughtrather to/, him and comfort him 10. to whom ye/, any thing, 1/. also 12. 13. I was not burdensome, /. me this wrong 1 Jo/m 1. 9. he is faithful and just to/, us our sins FORGIVEN. Gen. 4. + 13. my miquity is greater than may be /. Lev. 4. 20. make atonement, and it shall be/, them, 26. 31, 35. I 5. 10, 13, 16, 18. | 6. 7- 1 19.22. Num. 15. 25, 26, 28. Devi. 21.8. Num-li. 19. pardon, as thou hast/, from Egypt Psa. 32. 1. blessed, whose transgress, is/. Rom. 4. 7. 85. 2. thou hast/, the iniquity of thy people Isa.SS. 24. the people shall be/, their miquity Mai. 9. 2. son, be of good cheer, thy sins be/, thee, 5. Mark 2. 5, 9. -Luke 5. 20, 23. | 7- 48. 12. 31. all sin and blasphemy shall be/, but ag. H. Gh. shall not 1 e/. .32. Mar/c 3. 28. Luke 12. 10. Mark 4. 12. and their sins should be /. them Luke 6. .37. forgive, and ye shall be/. 7. 47. her many sins are/, but to whom little is/. Jets 8. 22. the tliought of thy heart may be/, thee £pk. 4. .32. as (iod for Christ's sake hath /. you Col. 2. 13. he quickened, having/, you all trespasses Jam. 5. 15. if committed sins, thc^ shall be /. him 1 Jo/in 2. 12. 1 write to you, because your sins are/. FORGlVElll. Ps. 103. 3. heals thy diseases, who/, all iniquities Jjukel. 49. they began to say, who is this/, sins also FORGIVENESS. Ps. 1.30. 4. there is/, with thee that mayest be feared Mark 3. 29. hath never/, but is in danger of hell Acts 5. 31. him hath God exalted to give/, of sins 13. 38. thro' him is preached unto you/, of sins 26. 18. to God, that they may receive/, of sins Jiph. 1.7. in wnom we have/, of sins, Col. 1. 14. FORGIVENESSES. Dan. 9. 9. to Lord our God belong mercies and /. FORGIVING. Exod. 34. 7. /• iniquity, ti^ansgression. Num. 14. 18. 4. 32. forbearina, /. one another, Col. 3. 13. FORGOT. IJeut. 24. 19. and hast/, a sheaf in the field FORGOTTEN. Gen. 41. .30. and all the plenty shall be/. Deut. 26.13. not transgressed com. nor have I/, them 31. 21. it shall not be/, out of mouths of their seed 32. 18. thou hast/. God that formed thee Job 19. 14. my familiar friends have/, me 28. 4. flood breaks out, even waters /. of the foot Psal. 9. 18. for the needy shall not afway be/. 10. 11. he hath said in his heart, God hath/. 31. 12. I am/, as a dead man out of mind 42. 9. I will say, my rock, why hast thou/, me ? 44. 17. allthisiscoineonus,yethave wenot/. thee 20. if we have/, name of our God, or stretched out 77. 9. hath G.f. to be gracious ? hath he shut mercy 119. 61. but 1 have not/, thy law 139. because mine enemies have /. thy words Eccl. 2. 16. in the days to come shall all be/. 8. 10. and the wicked were/, in the city 9. 5. for the memory of them is /. Jvff. 17. 10. thou hast/, the God of thy salvation 23. 15. that 'i'yre shall be/, seventy years 16. take an harp, thou harlot that hast been/. 44. 21. O Israel, thou shalt not be/, of me 49. 14. but Zion said, my Lord liath/ me 65. 16. because the former troubles are/. Jer. 2. .32. my people have/, me, 13. 25. 1 18. 15. 3. 21. they have/, the 1 ord their God 20. 11. their confusion shall never be/. 23. 40. 23. 27. to forget, as their fathers have /. my name 30. 14. all thy lovers have/, thee, they seek thee not 44. 9. have ye/, the wickedness of your fathers 50. 5. let us join in a covenant that shall not be /. 6. they turned away, have/, their resting-place Lam. 2. 6. Lord caused the sabbath to be /. in Zion Ezek. 22. 12. thou hast/, me, saith the Lord 23. .35. saith the Lord, because thou hast/, me Has. 4.6. seeing thou hast /'. the law of thy God 8. 14. for Israel hath /. Maker, and builds temples 13. 6. their heart exalted, therefore have/, me Mat. 16. 5. they had /. to take bread, MarkQ. 14. Luke 12. 6. and not one of them is /. before God Heh. 12. 5. and ye have/, the exhortation that speaks 2 Pet. 1. 9./. that he was purged from his old sins FORKS. 1 Sam. 13. 21. yet they had a file for the /. and axes FORM, Is taken for the figure, shape, or likeness vf a thing, .lob 4. 16. It stood still, but I could not discern the form thereof. Likewise for outward splendour, pomp, and dtgnity, Isa. 53. 2. He hatii no form nor comeliness ; no such outward splendour as the Jews expected in their Messiah. It is also taken for a draught or pattern, 2 Tim. 1. 13. Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me. Make thy discourses conform to the pattern of sound and true doctrine, wherein thou hast been instructed by tne. The apostle Paul, advertising 1 imothy of what should come to pass in the latter times, says, 2 Tim. 3. 5. That there should be men who had a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof : they should have an outward appearance and shew of religion, pretend to a right way of worshipping God ; to he the church, the only church of God; and yet not only he destitute of, hut reject and refuse the inner part, which is lively, active, and powerful to make a thorough change. It is said, Mark 16. 12. that after his resurrection, Jesus appeared in another form to two of his disciples : another form either in regard of his habit, or brightness of his countenance, or some such particular. And the apostle, speaking vf Christ, says, Phil. 2. 6. Who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God : that is. Who being the esserltial image of the Lather, and enjoying the divine 176 FOR essence and nature, with all its glory, knew that it was no usurpation in him, to account him- self equal with the Father, and carry himself upon all occasions as such. 80 by the form of God is meant his essence and nature. It fol- lows in verse 7- But made himself of no re- putation, and took upon him the form of a ser- vant, and was made in the likeness of men. Yet he emptied himself of that divine glory and majesty, by hiding it in the vail of his flesh ; and took upon him the quality and condition of a mean person, not of a glorified saint, or of some great morta.1 ; and was subject to all the frailties and infirmities of human nature, sin only excepted. Ge?i. 1. 2. the earth was without/, and void Judg. 8. 1 18. each according to the/, of a king 1 Sam. 28. 14. he said unto her, what/, is he of? 2 Sam. 14. 20. fetch about this/, of speech Joabdone Estk. 2. +7- and the maid was fair of/. Job 4. 16. but 1 could not discern tlie/. thereof Isa. 52. 14. and his/, more than the sons of men 53. 2. he hath no/, nor comeliness Jer. 4. 23. and, lo, it was without/, and void Ezek. 10. 8. there appeared the/, of a man's hand 43. 11. shew them the/, of the house and fashion Dan. 3. 19. and the/, of his visage was changed 25. the /. of the fourth is like the Son of God Mark 16. 12. appeared in another/, to two of them Rom. 1. '20. which hast/, of knowledge and of truth 6. 17. but ye have obeyed that/, of doctrine Phil. 2. 6. who being in the/, of "God, thought it no 7. but took upon him the/, of a servant 2 Tim. 1. 13. hold fast/, of sound words hast heard 3. 5. having/, of godliness, denying power thereof FORM. Isa. 45. 7. I /. the light and create darkness FORMED. Gen. 2. 7- the Lord God/, man of the dust 19. out of the ground God/, every beast of field Deut. 32. 18. and hast forgotten God that/, thee 2 Kings 19. 25. that I have/, it, Isa. ,37. 26. Job 26. 5. dead things are f. from under the water 13. his hand hath /. the crooked serpent .33. 6. behold, I also am/, out of the clay Psal. 90. 2. or ever thou hadst/. the eartii 94. 9. he that/, the eye, shall he not see ? 95. 5. the sea is his, and his hands/, the dry land Prov. 26. 10. the great God that/, all thiniis Isa. 27. 11. he that/, tliem will shew them no favour 43. 1. thus saith he that/ thee, O Israel, fear not 7. I have/, him, yea, I have made him 10. before me there was no god/, nor after me 21. thispeo. have 1/. for myself, shall shew praise 44. 2. that made thee, and /. thee from the womb 10. who hath /. a god, or molten a graven image ? 21. for thou art my servant, 1 have /. thee 24. thus saith he that/, thee from the womb 45. 18. God himself that/, the earth, he/, it 49. 5. Lord that/, me froni womb to be his servant 54. 17. no weapon/, against thee shall prosper Jer. 1. 5. before 1 /.thee in the belly, I knew thee 33. 2. the Lord that/, it to establish it AmosJ. 1. and behold, he/, grasshoppers in beginn. Rom. 9. 20. shall the thing/, say to him that f. it Gal. 4. 19. 1 travail in birth, till Christ be/, in you 1 Tim. 2. 13. for Adam was first/, then Eve FORMER. Gen. 40. 13. shalt deliver the cup after the/, manner Num. 21 . 26. had fought against the/, king of Moab Deut. 24. 4. her/, husband which sent her away Ruth 4. 7. was the manner in f. time of redeeming 1 Sam. 17. 30. people answered after the/, manner 2 Kings 1. 14. the two captains of the/, fifties 17. 34. they do after the/, manner, 40. Neh. 5. 15. the/, governors were chargeable Job 8. 8. inquire, 1 pray thee, of the /. age 30. 3. the wilderness in/, time desolate and waste Psal. 79. 8. O remember not against us/, iniquities 89. 49. where are thy f. loving-kindnesses ? Eccl. 1. 11. there is no remembrance of/, things 7. 10. that the/, days were better than these Isa. 41. 22. let them shew the /. things, 43. 9. 42. 9. behold the /. things are come to pass 43. 18. remember ye not the /. things, nor consider 46. 9. remember the/, things of old, for 1 am God 48. 3. I have declared/, thfngs from the beginning 61. 4. they shall raise up the/, desolations 65. 7. 1 will measure their/, work into their bosom 16. because the /. troubles are forgotten 17. the /. shall not be rememb. nor come to mind Jer. 5. 24. the Lord our God that giveth the /. and latter rain in his season, IIos. 6. 3. Joel2. 23. 10. 16. for he is the/, of all things, 51. 19. 34. 5. the/, kings which were before thee 36. 28. write in it all the/, words in the first ro.l Ezek. 16. 55. thy daughter shall return to/, estate Dan. 11. 13. set forth a multitude greater than the/. 29. but it shall not be as the /. or as the latter Hag. 2. 9. the glory be greater than of the /. house Zech. 1.4. the/, prophets have cried, 7. 7, 12. 8. 11. I will not be to this people as in/, days 14. 8. waters go half of them toward the /. sea Mai. 3. 4. shall be pleasant to the Lord as in/, years Acts 1. 1. the/, treatise have I made, O Theophilus Eph. 4. 22. put off concerning the/, conversation 1 Pet. 1. 14. not accordingto the/, lusts in ignorance Rev. 21. 4. for the/, thirias are passed away FORM'ETH. Amos 4. 13. for, lo, he that/, the mountains Zech. 12. 1. and /. the spirit of man within him FORNICATION. This word is taken (1) For the sin of impurity committed between unmarried per.wns. 1 Cor. 7. 2. 'lo avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. (2) For the sin of adultery, when one or both persons are married. Mat. 5. ,32. ■Whosoever putteth away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery. (3) For the sin of incest, 1 Cor. 5. 1. Such fornication as is not so much as FOR nained among the Gentiles, &c. (4) For the stn of idolatry, which is infidelity to, and forsaking, of, the true God for false gods, 2 Chron. 21. 11. Jehoram made high places in the mountains of .ludah, and caused the inhabitants of Jerusalem to commit fornication. Rev. 19. 2. He liath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication. 2 Chr.Q.\. 11. high places, caused Jerus. commit/. Isa. 23. 17. Tyre shall commit/, with kingd. of world Ezek. 16. 29. thou hast multiplied thy/, in Canaan Mat. 5. .32. saving for the cause of/. 19. 9. John 8. 41. then said they, we be not horn of/. Acts 15. 20. that they abstain from /. 29. 1 21. 25. Rom. 1. 29. being filled with all/, full of envy 1 Cor. 5. 1. that tiiere is/, among you, and such /. 6. 13. the body is not fory. but for the Lord 18. flee/. II 7- 2. nevertheless, to avoid/. 2 Cor. 12. 21 . and have not repented of their/. Gal. 5. 19. the works of tlie flesh, which are these,/. Eph. 5. 3. /. let it not be once named among you Col. 3. 5. mortify therefoie/. uncleanness 1 Thess. 4.3. will of G. that yeshould abstain from/. JudeT. Sodom and cities giving themselv. over to/. Rev. 2. 21. I gave her space to repent of her/. 9. 21. neither repented they of their/, nor tiiefts 14. 8. drink of the wine of the wrath of her/. 17. 2. have been made drunk with wine of her/. 4. a golden cup full of the filthiness of her/. t 5. Babylon the great, mother of /. and abomi- nation* 18. 3. all nations drunk with wineof wratii other/. 19. 2. wliich did corrupt the earth with her/. FORNICATIONS. Ezek. 16. 15. thou pouredst out thy /. on every one Mat. 15. 19. out of iieart proceed/, thefts, Mark!. 21. See Commit, Co.mmitted. FORNICATOR. 1 Cor. 5. n. if any that is called a brother be a/. Heb. 12. 16. lest there be any /. or profane person FORNICATORS. 1 Cor. 5. 9. I wrote to you not to company with/. 10. yet not altogetlier with the/, of this world 6. 9. nor shall/, inherit the kingdom of God FORSAKE. Deut. 31. 16. this people will/, me and break coven. 17. in that day 1 will /. them and hide my face Josh. 24. 16. God forbid we should / the Lord 20. if ye /. the Lord and serve strange gods Judg. 9. 11 . should 1 /. my sweetness and my fruit .-' 2 Kings 21. 14. 1 will/, renmant of my inheritance 1 C7;ro?i.28. 9. if thou/, him, will cast thee off for ever 2 Chron. 7. 19. if ye turn away, and /. my statutes 15. 2. but if ye/, him, he will/, you Ezra 8. 22. his wrath is against them that/, him Psal. 27. 10. when my father and mother/, me 37. 8. cease from anger and / wrath, fret not 89. .30. it his children/, my law and walk not 94. 14. neither will he/, his inheritance 119. 53. horror taken hold, because wicked /. law Prov. 3. 3. let not mercy and truth/, thee, bind tiiem 9. 6./. the foolish, and live, go in way of underst. 28. 4. they that/, the law, praise the wicked Isa. 1. 28. they that/, the Lord shall be consumed 55. 7. let wicked/, his way, unright. his thouchfs 65. 11. ye are they that/. L. forget my holy mount. Jer. 17. 13. all that/, the Lord shall be ashamed 23. 33. I will even/, you, saith the Lord, .39. 51. 9. /. her, and let us go every one to his country Lam. 5. 20. wherefoie dost thou /. us so long time f Dan. 11. ,30. with them that/, the holy covenant Jonah 2. 8. observe lying vanities,/, theirownmercv Acts 21. 21. thou teachest the Jews to/. Moses FORSAKE no^ Deut. 12. 19. take heed that thou/, not the Levite Job 20. 13. though he spare wickedness and/, itnot Psal. 38. 21./. me not, O Lord my God, 71. 9, 18. 119. 8. 1 will keep thy statutes, Of. me not utterly 1.38. 8. /. not the works of thine own hands Prov. 1. 8. and /. not the law of thy motlier, 6. 20. 4. 2. I give you good doctrine,/, ye not my law 6. /. her not and she sliall preserve thee 27. 10. thine own friend and father's friend /. not Not FORSAKE. Deut. 4. 31. he will notf. thee, .31. 6, 8. 1 Chr. 28. 20. 14. 27. and the Levite, thou shalt noif. him Josh. 1. 5. I will not fail nor/, thee, Heb. 13. 5. 1 Sam. 12. 22. L. will notf. his people, 1 Kings 6. 13. 1 Kings 8. 57. let him not leave us, nor/, us Neh. 9. 31. thou didst not consume, nor"/, them 10. 39. we will not f. the house of our God Psal. 27. 9. neither f. me, O God of my salvation Isa. 41. 17. I, the God of Israel, will notf. them 42. 16. these things will I do, and notf. them Ezek. 20. 8. nor did they /. the idols of Egypt FORSAKEN. 2 Chr. 21. 10. because he had/, the L. 24. 24. 1 28. 6. Neh. 13. 11. I said, why is the house of God /. ? Job 18. 4. shall the earth be/, for thee .' Psal. 37. 25. yet have 1 not seen the righteous/. Isa. 7. 16. the land shall be/, of both her kings 17. 2. the cities of Aroer are /. shall be for flocks 9. shall be as a/, bough, and an uppermost branch 27. 10. and the habitation shall be/, and left .32. 14. because the palaces shall be/, city left 54. 6. the Lord hath called thee as a woman/. 62. 4. thou shalt no more be termed/. Jer. 4. 29. every city shall be/, ro man dwell therein 18. 14. shall cold waters from another place be/. ? Ezek. 36. 4. thus saith the Lord to the cities/. Amos 5. 2. the virgin of Israel is/, on her land Zeph. 2. 4. for Gaza shall be/, and Ashkelon desolate Have, hast, hath FORSAKEN. Deut. 28. 20. thy doings, whereby thou hast f. me 29. 25. because they have f. the Lord, Judg. 10. 10. Judg. 6. 13. but now the Lord hath f. us 10. 13. yet ye have /. me, and served other gods 1 Sam. 8. 8. the worKS wherewith they have f. me 12. 10. we have sinned, because we hate f. the L. 1 Kings 11. 33. because that they have f. me 18. 18. ye have f. the commandments of the Lord 1 9. 10. for Israel have /. thy covenant, 14. FOR 2 Kinffs 22. 17. because they have f. me and burnt incense to gods, 2 Chr. 3-1. 25. Jer. 16. 11. 1 19. 4. 2 V/iion. 12. 5. ye /laref. me, and [ have left you 13. 11. we keep charge of the L. but ye havef. him 24. 20. because ye have J. the Lord, he hathf. you 29. 6. for fathers have done evil, and have f. him Ezra 9. 10. for we have f. thy commandments Job 20. 19. because he hath oppressed and/, the poor Psal. 22. 1. my God, my (jod, why hast thou /. me? Mat. 27. 46. i\iark 15. 34. 71. 11. tliey take counsel, saying, God hat/if.hiai ha. 1. 4. they havef. the L. and provoked Holy One 54.7. for a small moment have 1 /. thee, Isa. 49. 14. Jer. 1. 16. havef. me, burnt incense to other gods 2. 13. they havef. me the fountain of living waters 17. in that thou hast f. the Lord thy God, 19. 5. 7. how shall 1 pardon thee .' thy child, havef. me 19. thou shalt answer, like as ye havef. me 9. 13. the Lord saith, because they havef. my law 19. are confounded, because ye have f. the land 12. 7. I havef. my house, 1 have left my heritage 15. 6. thou /laitf. me, saith the Lord 17. 13. they havef. the fountain of living waters 22. 9. because they havef. the covenant of God 25. .38. he hathf. his covert as the lion Ezei. 8. 12. the Lord hathf. the earth, 9. 9. Mat. 19. 27. we havef. all and followed thee 29. every one that /lath f. houses or brettiren 2 Tu/i. 4. 10. Uemas hath f. me, having loved world 2 Pei. 2. 15. which havef. tlie riaht way, gone astray Not FORSAKlilS. 2 Chron. 13. 10. but as for us, the Lord is our God, we have iiot f. him, priests minister to the Lord Ezra 9. 9. yet God hath not f. us in our bondage Psal. 9. 10. thou hast 7iotf. them that seek tliee Isa. 62. 12. shall be called, sought out, a city 7iotf. Jer. 51. 5. Isr. hath not been/, nor J udah of his God 2 Cor. 4. 9. we are persecuted, but iiotf. cast down FORbAKElH. Job 6. 14. but he /. the fear of the Almighty Psal. .37. 28. for the L,ord/. not his saints 40. + 12. more than my hairs, therefore heart/, me Prov. 2. 17. from her who/, the guide of her youth 15. 10. correction grievous to him that /. the way 28. 13. whoso confesseth and /. shall have mercy Luke 14. 33. whoso /. not all that he hath cannot FORSAivilSG. Isa. 6. 12. until there be a great/, in the land Heb. 10. 25. not/, theasseriib. of ourselves together I'ORSOOK. Beiit. 32. 15. then he/. God that made him Judg. 2. 12. and they/, the Lord God, 13. I 10. 6. 1 ^am. 31. 7. they/, their cities and tied, 1 Chr. 10. 7. 1 Kings 9. 9. because thej-/. the Lord their God 12. 8. but Kehoboam/. the counsel of old men, and consulted with youna men, 13. 2 Chr. 10. 8, 13. 2 Kings 21. 22. Amon/. the God of his fathers 9,Chron.T. 22. they/, the God of their fathers 12. 1. Rehoboam J. law of the Lord and Israel with him Psal. 78. 60. he /. the tabernacle of Shiloh 119. 87. consumed me, but I/, not thy precepts Isa. 58. 2. that/, not the ordinance of God Jer. H.5. the hind calved in the held and/, it Mat. 26. 56. disciples/, him and fled, Markl^.50. Mark 1. 18. they/, their nets and followed him Lnke 5. 11. they/, all and followed him 2 Tim. 4. 16. none stood with me, all men/, me Heb. 11 . 27. by faith Moses/. Egypt, for he endured FORSOOKE.'Sr. Nek. 9. 17. art a God slow to anger, and/, them not 19- thou in thy mercies/, them not in wilderness FORSWEAR. Mat. 5. 33. thou shalt not/, thys. but perform oaths FORI, S. Q.Sam.5. 9. so David dwelt in the/, thecity of Dav. 2 Kings 25. 1. they built/, ag. .lerus. Jer. 52. 4. Isa. 25. 12. high /. of thy walls shall he bring down 29. 3. and I will raise/, against thee 32. 14. the/, and towers sliall be for dens for ever Ezek.A. 1. and built a/, against it, 21. 22. 1 26. 8. 17- 17. and building/, to cut off many persons 21. 22. was the divination for Jerus. to build a/. 26. 8. and he shall make a/, against thee 33. 27. and they that be in the/, shall die Dan. 11. 19. shall turn toward the f . of his own land FORIH. l^eh. 4. 16. from that time/, my servants wrought 13. 21. from that time/, came they no more Psal. 113. 2. blessed be the name of the Lord, from this time/, and for ever, 115. 18. 1 121. 8. Jer. 49. 5. ye shall be driven out every man right/. Mat. 16. 21. from that time /. began .lesus to shew 22. 46. nor durst from that day /. ask him questions John 11. 53. from that day/, they took counsel FORTHWITH. Ezra 6. 8. that/, expences be given to these men Mat. 13. 5./. sprung up, because no deepn. of earth 26. 49. he/, came to Jesus, and said, hail. Master Mark 1. 29- and/, when come out of the synaaogue 43. he straitly charged him, and/, sent him away 5. 13. and/. Jesus gave the unclean spirits leave John 19. 34. and/, came thereout blood and water Acts 9. 18. he received sight/, and arose, and was , , baptized 12. 10. and/, the angel departed from him 21. 30. they drew Paul out, and/, doors were shut FOR lY. Gen. 18.29. he spake again, peradventure there shall be /. found ; he said, 1 will not do it for/ sake Exod. 26. 19. thoushaltmake/. sockets of silver 21. and their/, sockets of silver, 36. 24, 26. Judg. 12. 14. Abdonhad/. sons and thirty dangh. 2 Kings?,.^.%o Hazael went and took/.camels'burd. i>!eh. 5. 15. the governors had taken/, shekels Acts 23. 13. more than/, made this conspiracy, 21. FORTY baths. 1 AlWj7.38.made ten contained/, batlu FORTY cubits. 1 Kings 6. 17. the house before it was/, cuhits long Ezek. 41. 2. he measured the length thereof/, cubks 46. 22. there were courts joined of/, cubits FOR See Days. FORTY kine. Gen. 32. 15./. kine, ten bulls, a present to Esau FORI Y stripes. Deut. 25. 3. /. str, he may give him, and not exceed 2 Cor. 11. 24. of the Jews 1 received/, str. save one FORiY years. Gen. 15. 20. Isaac was/. 2^. when betook Rebekah 26, 34. Esau /'. years when he took to wife J udith Exod. 16. 35. Israel did eat manna/, y. ISeh. 9. 21. Num. 14. 33. shall wander in wildern./. y. 32. 13. 34. ye shall bear your iniquities/, years Deut. 2. 7- he knoweth tliy walking these/, years 8. 2. the way which God led \h^e. f. years, 29. 5. 4. neither did thy foot swell these /. years Josh. 5. 6. Israel walked/, years in the wilderness 14. 7. /. years old was 1 when Moses sent me Judg. 3. 11. the land had rest/. years,b. 31. 1 8. 28. 13. 1. Israel into the hand of Philisthies/. years 1 Ham. 4. 18. Eli had judged Israel/', years 2 Sam. 2. 10. Ish-bosheth /. y. old when he began 5. 4. David reigned/, years, 1 Kings 2. 11. 15. 7; after/, years Absalom said to the king 1 Kings 11. 42. time Solomon reigned was/, years 2 Kings 12. 1. Jehoash reigned/, years in Jeiusal^m 2 Chron. 24. 1. Joash reigned/, years in Jerusalem Psal. 95. 10. f. y. was 1 grieved with this generation Ezek. 29. 11. nor shall it be inhdbited/. years 12. and her cities shall be desolate/, years 13. at the end of/, y. I will gatiier the Egyptians Amos 2. 10. 1 led you. f. years in the wilderness 5. 25. ye offered sacritices/. years, Acts 7. 42. Acts 4. 22. for the man healed was above/, y. old 7. 23. Moses was/, y. old, he visited his brethren 30. when/', y. expired, there appeared an angel 36. had shewed wonders in the wilderness/, y. 13. 18. the time of/, y. suffered he their manners 21. God gave them .baul by space of/', years Heb. 3. 9. when your fathers saw my w orks/. years 17. but with whom was he grieved/, years'! FORl'Y^-ONE years. 1 Kings 14. 21. Rehoboam was f.-one years old when he began to reign, 2 Chron. 12. 13. 15. 10. Asa leigned/.-owe years in Jerusalem 2 Kings. 14. 23. Joroboam reigned/.-owe y. Samaria FORIY- two. Num. 35. 6. to cities of refuge zAAf.-two cities 2 Kings 2. 24. two bears tare /. and two children 10. 14. Jehu took them alive, even/, and /wo men 2 Chr. 9.1. 1. f.-two years old Ahaz. when he began Ezra 2. 24. the children of Azmaveth /. and two Neh. 7. 28. the men of Beth-azmaveth/. and two Rev. 11. 2. holy city they tread f.-two months 13.5. powerwas given him to continue f.-two months FORiY-FOUR. 1 Chron. 5. 18. of Reuben and Gad, 44,760 FORIY-FIVE. Gen. 18. 28. if I fmd.f.-five, I will not destroy it Josh. 14. 10. Lord kept me alive these, f. -five years lKingsT.3. upon the beams that lay on f. -Jive pillars FORTY -SIX. John 2. 20. f.-six years was this temple in building iORTY-ElGHT. Num. 35. 7. cities of 'Levitesf. -eight. Josh. 21. 41. FORTY-INIJNE. Lev. 25. 8. the space shall be to thee/.-wme years iORlY thovsayid. Num. 1. 33. those numbered of the tribe of Ephraim were/, tlmusand five hundred, 2. 19. I 26. 18. Josh. 4. 13. about/, thousand prepared for war Judg. 5. 8. was a shield or spear seen among/, thous. 1 :Sam. 10. 18. Dav. slew/, t. horsem. 1 Chr. 19. 18. 1 Kings 4. 26. Solo. had/, thousand stalls of horses 1 Chron. 12. 36. of Asher expert in war/, thousand FORTY^-OISJE thousand. Num. 1. 41. of Asher were/, and one thousand, 2. 28. FORTY-TWO thousand. Judg. 12. 6. there fell of Ephraim ites/.-/»o thous. Ezra 2. 64. whole congrega. was 42,360, Neh. 7. 66. FORTY-THREE thousand. Num. 26. 7. families of the Reubenites was 43,730 FORTY-FOUR thousand. 1 Chr. 5. 18. the children of Reuben were 44,760 An hundred FORTY'^-FOUU thousajid. See Hundred. FORTY-FIVE thousand. Num. 1. 25. that were numbered of Gad 45,650 26. 41. that were numbered of Benjamin 45,600 50. of ISlaphtali were numbered 45,400 FORI Y-SIX thousand. Num. 1. 21. of Reuben were 46,500, 2. 11. FORTIETH. Num. .33. .38. Aaron died there in the/, year after Deut. 1. 3. in the/, year Moses spake to Israel 1 Chr. 26. 31. in the/, year of the reign of David 2 Chr. 16. 13. Asa died in one and/, year of his reign FORTIFY. Judg. 9. 31. and behold, they /. the city against thee Neh. 4. 2. will these feeble Jews/, themselves .' Isa. 22.10. houses have ye broken down to/, the wall Jer. 51. 53. tho' she should /. height of her strength Nah. 1. 1. watch the way,/, thy power mightily 3. 14. draw thee waters for siese,/. thy strongholds FORTIFIED. 2 Chron. 11. 11. Rehoboam/. the strong holds 26. 9. Uzziah built towers and /. them Neh. 3. 8. they/. Jerusalem to the broad wall ik/2c. 7.12. in that day he shall come from the/, cities FORTRESS, ES. 2 Sam. 11. 1. the Lord is my rock and my /. Psal. 18. 2. 131. 3.1 71. 3.1 91. 2. I 144. 2. Prov. 12. 1 12. wicked desireth the /. of evil men Isa. 17. 3. the/, also shall cease from Ephraim 25. 12. the/, of the high fort shall he bring down 34. 13. nettles and brambles come up in the/. Jer. 6. 27. I iiave set thee for a/, among my people 10. 17. gather thy wares, O inhabitant of the/. 16. 19. O Lord, my /. in the day of affliction Dan. 11. 7. enter into the /. of tiie king of the north 10. shall he return and be stirred up even to his /. t 39. thus shall he do in the f. of munitions B.OS. 10. 14 and all thy «<«.21. + 17. giving double portion ot'al I/', with him 22. 3. with what thou hast/', shall do likewise 14. when I came to her I /'. her not a maid, 17. 27. he/, her in the field, and the damsel cried 24. 1. because he hath/, some uncleanness in lier 32. 10. he/, him in a desert land, he led bun about Josh.1. 22. the pursuers sought, but/, them not 10. 17. live kings are/, hid inacaveat ^Nlakkedah Judg. 1. 5. they /. Adoni-bezek and fought ag. him 14.18. if not plowed with heifer, not/, out my riddle 15. 15, and he/, a new jaw-bone of an ass" 21. 12. and they/, four hundred young virgins l^V7w.9. 4. passed thro' Shalisha. but they/', not asses 11. they /. youna maidens soma to draw water 20. as for thine asses they are/. JO. 2, 16. 12. 5. is witness ye have not /. ought in my hand 13. 19. now there was no smith/, in Israel 22. no sword nor spear/, in hand of the people 25. 28. and evil hath not been /'. w ith thee 29, 3. Ihave/. no fault in him", since he fell to me 30, 11, and they/, an Fgvptian in the held 31, 8,/. Saul and his thre"e sons fallen in (iilhoa 2 Sam. 7.27. therefore thy servcUit /'. in his heart to pray this prater to thee, 1 Lhnn. 17. 25. 1 Kings 7. 47. nor w as t'-.e weight of the brass /'. out 11. 29. Ihe prophet Aiiijah /. Tlerotoam in the way 13. 28. he went and f. his carcase cast in the way 18. 10, he took an oath tliat they /, thee not 19. 19. Elijah departed thence and/. Elisha 20. 36. behold, a lion /. him and slew him N 177 FOU lK'2w^.f21.20.hastthou/.me,Om.enemy!'have/.thee 2 Kingsl. 17. they sought Elijah, but/, him not 9. + 21. they/. Jehu in the portion of Naboth 35. they /'. no more of her than the skull 22. 8. I/, the book of the law in house of the Lord 25. 19. he took sixty men that were/, in the city 1 Chron. 4. 40. they /. fat pasture and good 29. 8. they with whom precious stones were/. 2 Vhron. 19. 3. there are ,s:ood things/, in thee Ezra 2. 62. sought their register among those reckon- ed by genealogy, but they were not/. Neh. 7. 64. 8. 15. and 1 /. there none of the sons of Levi Neh. 5. 8. then they /. nothing to answer 8. 14. they /. written in the law of Lord by Moses Esth. 4. + 16. gather all the .lews/, in Shushan Job 28. 13. nor is wisdom/, in the land of the living 81. +25. if 1 rejoiced because my hand/, much 29. or lift up myself when evil/, mine enemy 32. 3. wrath kindled, because they had/, no answer 13. lest ye should say, we have /. out wisdom 33. 24. deliver from the pit, I have/, a ransom 42. 15. no women/, so fair as the daughters of Job Psal. 69. 20. I looked for comforters, but/, none 76. 5. none of the men of might have/, their hands 84. 3. yea, sparrow hath/, an house, and swallow 89. 20. 1 have/. David my servant, I anointed him 107. 4. they wandered and/, no city to dwell in 116. +3. I/, trouble and sonow, pains of hell/, me 119. + 143. trouble and anguish have /. me 132. 6. we /. it in the fields of the wood Prov.7. 15. to seek thy face, and I have/, thee 24. 14. so shall wisdom be when thou hast/, it 25. 16. hast thou/, honey f eat so much as is sufficient Eccl. 7. 27. behold, this have 1/ saith the preacher 28. one man among a thousand have i /. but a woman among all those have 1 not/. 29. this only have I /. that God made man upright Cant. 3. 1. 1 sought him, but I /. him not, 2. 3. the watchmen/, me, to whom 1 said, 5. 7. 4. but 1 /. him whom my soul loveth Isa. 10. 10. as my hand hath /. kingdoms of idols 14. my hand hath /. the riches of the people 22. 3. ail that are /. in thee are bound together 24. + 22. after many days shall they be /. wanting 57. 10. thou hast/, the life of thine hand 65. 1. 1 am /. of them that sought me not Jer. 2. 5. what iniquity have your fathers /. in me .'' 34. in thy skirts is /. the blood of poor innocents 5. 26. for among my people are f. wicked men 14. 3. they came to the pits and /. no water 15. 16. thy words were.^'. and I did eat them 23. 11. in my house have I /. their wickedness 41. 8. ten men were/, that said, slay us not 50.7. all that/ them have devoured them Lam. 2. 16. this is the day , we have/, we have seen Ezek. 22. 30. I sought for a man, but 1 /. none Da7i.5. 12. an excellent spirit was/, in Daniel 27. thou art weighed, and art/, wanting 6. 4. nor was there any fault/, in Daniel 11. these men/. Daniel praymg before his God .^os. 9. 10. I/. Israel like grapes in the wilderness 12. 4. he /. him in Eeth-el, and there spake with us 8. Ephraim said, 1 have/, me out substance 14. 8. 1 am like a tree, from me is thy fruit/. Jonah 1. 3. he/ a ship for Tarshish, so he paid fare Mic. l.'iS. the transgressions of Israel were/, in thee Mat. 2. 8. when ye have/, him bring me word 8. 10. 1 have not/, so great faith in Israel, i?de 7. 9. 13. 44. which when a man hath/, he hideth it 46. when he had/, one pearl of great price 18. 28. and /. one of his fellow-servants who owed 20. 6. he went out and/, others standing idle 21. 19. /. nothing thereon, -Mark 11. 13. Luke 13. 6. 22. 10. they gathered all as many as they /. 26. 43. he/, them asleep, Mark 14. 40. Luie 22. 45. 60. sought witnesses, yet/, they none, Mark 14.55. 27. 32. they/, a man of Cyrene, Simon by name Mark 1. .37. when they had /. him, they said to him 7. 2. some ate with defiled hands, they /. fault 30. when she was come, she/, the devil gone out 11.4. they/ the colt tied by the door without Luke 2. 16. they/, the babe lying in a manger 46. after three days they /. him in the temple 4. 17. he/ the place where it was written 7. 10. they returning/, the servant whole 8. 35. they/, man clothed and in his right mind 15. 5. when he hath/, the sheep, he layeth it 6. rejoice, for 1 have/, my sheep which was lost 9. when she hath/, the piece, she calleth friends 17. 18. are not any / that returned to give glory 19. 32. they/, even as he had said to them, 22. 13. 23. 2. we /■. this fellow perverting the nation 14. behold, 1 have/ no fault in this man 24. 2. and they /. the stone rolled away 3. they/, not the body of the Lord Jesus 23. when they /. not his body, they came, saying 33. and they /. the eleven gathered together John 1. 41. and saith, we have / the Messias, 45. 2. 14. Jesus / in the temple those that sold oxen Acts 5. 10. the young men came in, and /. her dead 22. when the officers /. them not in the prison 7. 11. and our fathers/, no sustenance 9. 2. that if he/, any of this way, whether men 10. 27. Peter/, many that were come together 12. 19. Herod sought for Peter, and/, hfm not 13. 6. they/, a certain sorcerer, a false prophet 22. I have /. David, a man after mine own heart 17. 23. I /. an altar with this inscription 24. 5. we have/, this man a pestilent fellow 20. if they have / any evil doing in me 25. 25. If. he hath done nothing worthy of death 28. 14. we came to Puteoli, where we/, brethren Mom. 4. 1. what Abraham our father hath /. 7. 10. wiiich was ordained to life, I/, to be to death 1 Cor. 15. 15. yea, we are/, false witnesses of God 2 Cor. 2. 13. because I /. not Titus my brother Gal. 2. 17- "we ourselves also are/ sinners Phil. 2. 8. and being/ in fashion as a man 1 7'im. 3. 10. use the office, being/, blameless 2 Tim. 1. 17. Onesiphorus sought me and/, me He/>. 12. 17. for he/, no place of repentance I Pet. 1. 7. that your faith might be/, to praise 17b FOU 2 John 4. 1/ of thy children walking in truth Hev^ 2. 2. thou hast tried them, and hast/, them liars 3. 2. I have not/, thy works perfect before God 12. 8. nor was their piace/. any more in heaven 16. 20. and the mountains were not/. Be FOUlSiD. Gen. 18. 29. peradventure there shall be forty /. 44. 9. with whomsoever of thy servants it be/. Exod. 12. 19. seven days no lea v. shall bef. in houses 21. 16. thatstealeth a man, if he he f. in his hand 22. 2. if a thief be f. breaking up, 7. 4. if the theft be certainly /. in ids hand Deut. 22. 28. if a man lie with her, and they bef. 1 !Sam. 10. 21. they sought him, he could not be f. 2 Sam. 17. 12. shall come" on him where he sliall bef. 1 Kings 1. 52. if wickedness bef. in him he shall die 1 Chron. 28. 9. if seek him, will bef. of thee, but if forsake him will cast off" for ever, 2 Chron. 15. 2. Job 20. 8. he shall fly away, and shall not bef. 28. 12. but where shall wisdom bef.? Psal. 32. 6. shallpray in time when thou mayestie/. 36. 2. till his iniquity bef. to be hateful 37. 36. I sought him, but he could not be f. Prov. 6. 31. if he be f. he shall restore seven-fold 16. .31. if it bef. in the way of righteousness 30. 6. lest he reprove thee and thou bef. a liar 10. lest he curse thee, and thou be f. guilty Isa. .30. 14. there shall not bef. a sherd to take fire 35. 9. no lion, nor any beast shall be f. thereon 51. 3. joy and gladness shall bef. therein 55. 6. seek ye the Lord wliile he may be f. Jer. 29. 14. 1 will bef. of you, saith the Lord 50. CO. sins of Judah be sought for, shall not be f. Ezek. 26. 21. yetshalt thou never be f. again Dan. 11. 19. ne shall stumble and fall, and not be f. 12. 1. every one that shall /;«/. written in the book Hos. 10. 2. now shall they bef. faulty Zeph. 3. 13. nor a deceitful tongue be f. in mouth Zech. 10. 10. and place shall not bef. for them Acts 5. 39. lest ye bef. to fight against God 1 Cor. 4. 2. it is required that a steward bef. faithful 2 Cor. 5. 3. if clothed, we shall not bef. naked 11. 12. wherein glory, they may bef. even as we 12. 20. that I shall bef. such as ye would not Phil. 3. 9. bef. in him, not having my own righteous. 2 Pet. 3. 14. that ye may bef. of him iir peace Rev. 18. 21. the city of Babylon bef. no more at all 22. no craftsman shall bef. any more in thee See Favour. FOUND (/race. G^n. 6. 8. Noah /. grace in the eyes of the Lord 19. 19. thy servant hath /. grace in thy sight 33. 10. if I h&vef.g. in thy sight, 47. 29. I 50. 4. 39. 4. Joseph/, grace in his sight, he served him Exod. 33. 12. thou hast also/, grace in my sight, 17. 13. if I \\z.\& f. grace in thy sight, considej- this nation thy people, 34. 9. Jvdg. 6. 17- 1 Sam. 27. 5. 16. how known that I and thy people have/, g. ? Num. .32. 5. if we have/, grace in thy sight Rnth 2. 10. why have I /. grace in thine eyes ? 1 Sam. 20. 3. thy father knoweth I have /. grace 2 Sam. 14. 22. tl"o' servant knoweth 1 have/ grace Jer. 31. 2. the people/ grace in the wilderness Is FOUND. Gen. 44. 10. he with whom it is f. be my servant, 16. Deut. 20. 11. people that is f. shall be tributaries 1 Kings 14. 13. in him there is f. some good thing 2 Kings Z9.. 13. this book that isf. 2 Chron. 34. 21. Ezra 4. 19. it is f. this city hath been rebellious Job 19. 28. seeing the root of the matter is f. Prov. 10. 13. in the lips of him wisdom is f. Isa. 13. 15. every one that w/. shall be thrust thro' 37. + 4. lift up thy prayer for remnant that isf. 65. 8. as the new wine is f. in tlie cluster Jer. 2. 26. as the thief is ashamed when he is f. 34. in thy skirts is f. the blood of innocents 11. 9. a conspiracy isf. among the men of Judah Da7i. 5. 12. excellent wisdom is f. in thee, 14. Hos. 14. 8. I am like a tree, from me is thy fruit/. Luke 15. 24. this my son was lost and isf. 32. 2 Cor. 7- 14. our boasting I made isf. a truth Was FOUND. Gen. 44. 12. the cup was f. in Benjamin's sack 47. 14. Joseph gathered the money th-At7vas f. Exod. 35. 23. every man with whom was f. purple 24. every man with whom was f. shittim-wood Jvdg. 20. + 48. smote with the sword all that wasf. 1 Sam.. 13. 22. with Saul and Jonathan there wasf. 2 Kings 12. 10. high priest told the money that 7vasf. 20. 13. shewed all that wasf. in treasury, Isa. 39. 2. 22. 9. gathered the money that wasf. 2 Chr. 34. 17. 23. 2. read book which wasf. 2 Chron. 34. 30. 2 Chron. 15. 4. sought him, he was f. of them, 15. 21. 17. carried away the substance that wasf. Ezra 6. 2. diere was f. at Achmetha a roll Eccl. 9. 15. there was f. in it a poor wise man Jer. 48. 27. was 1 sr a derision ? was he/, am . thieves ? Ezek. 28. 15. perfect till iniquity wasf. in thee Dan. 1. 19. among all none was f. like Daniel 2. 35. iron, clay broken, no place was f. for them 5. 11. like the wisdom of the gods was f. in him 6. 22. because before him innocency was f. in me Mat. 1. 18. she wasf. with child of the Holy Ghost Luke 9. 36. when voice was past, Jesus was f. alone Acts 8. 40. but Philip wasf. at Azotus, he preached Rom. 10. 20. I was f. of them that sought me not 1 Pet. 2. 22. neither was guile/, in his mouth Rev. 5. 4. no man was f. worthy to open the book 14. 5. and in their mouth was f. no guile 18. 24. in her was f. the blood of the prophets 20. 11. and there was f. no place for them Was not FOUND. Mai. 2. 6. and iniquity was not f. in his lips Heb. 11. 5. Enoch was not f. because God translated Rev. 20. 15. whoso was not f. written in book of life FOUNDATION Is the ground-work, or lowest part, of a building, which supports the other parts ; as the founda- tion of a house, of a castle, of a fort, tower, Sfc. Christ Jesus, both in the Old and New Testament, is called a Foundation, Isa. 28. 16. Behold, 1 lay in Zion for a foundation, a stone, FOU a tried stone, a precious corner-stone, a sure foundation. Christ is the foundation on which the church is built ; the foundation of all the hopes, and comfort, and happiness, of the people oj God ; the foundation of the covenant of grace made with the church, and of all the promises contained therein; he is a sure foundation, on whom, hit people may securely rest ; one who u ill 7iot fail them, nor deceive them ; and he is . 17- the settle shall be/^ cubits long Mat. 1. 17- from Abraham to David /. froin David to carrying to Babylon/, to Christ/, generations 2 Cor. 12. 2. I knew a man above/, years ago Gal. 2, 1. then /. years after I went up to Jerusalem FOURi'EExN' thousand. Job 42. 12. Job had/, z/i. sheep, and 6,000 camels FOURTEEN thousand seven hundred. Num. 16. 49. that died in plague were /. th, seven h. FOURTEEiNTH. Gen. 14. 5. in the/, year came Chedorlaomer 2 Kings 18. 13. in the/, year of Hezekiah, Isa. 36. 1. 1 Chron. 24. 13. the /'. lot came forth to Jeshebeab 25. 21. the/, lot came forth to Mattithiah Ezek. 40. 1. in the/, year after the city was smitten Acts 27. 27. but when the/, night was come See Day. FOURTH. Gen. Q. 14. and the/, river is Euphrates 15. 16. in/, generation thej' shall come hither Exod. 20. 5. visiting iniquity of fathers to the /. generation, 34. 7. Num. 14. 18. Deut. 5. 9. 28. 20. and the/, row shall be a beryl, .39. 13. Lev. 19. 24. in the/, year the fruit shall be holy Josh. 19. 17. the/, lot came out to Issachar 2 Sam. 3.4. David's/, son, Adonijah, 1 Chron. 3.2. 2 Kings 10. 30. thy children off. generation, 15. 12, Ezek. 10. 14. the/, had the face of an eagle Dan. 2. 40. the/, kingdom shall be strong as iron 3. 25. the form of the /. is like the Son of God 7. 7- behold, a/, beast dreadful and strong 19. then I would know the truth of the /."beast 23. the/, beast shall be the/, kingdom on earti. 11. 2. the/, shall be far richer than they all Zech. 6. 3. in the/, chariot \vere grisled horses Mat. 14. 25. Jesus came in the/', watch of the night Rev. 4. 7. the/, beast was like a flying eagle 6. 7- when he had opened the /. seal, f heard 8. 12. the/, angel sounded, the sun was smitten 16. 8. the /. angel poured out his vial on the sun 21. 19. the third, a chalcedony ; the f. an emerald See Day, IMonth, Part. FOVRTH year. 1 Kings 6. 1 . in the /. year of Solomon's reign over Israel he began to build, 37. 2 Chron. 3. 2. 22.41. Jehoshaphat began to reign in/, y. of Ahab 2 Kiyigs 18. 9. in the /. year of H ezekiah Shalmane- ser came up against Samaria and besieged it Jer. 25. 1. word came to .lerem. in/, yearof Jehoiak. 28. 1. in the/, year of Zedekiah, Hananiah spake 36. 1. in the/, year of Jehoiakim this word came to Jeremiah from the Lord, 45. 1. I -46. 2. ^51. 59. commanded Seraiah in/, year of Zedekiah Zech. 7. 1. in/, year of Darius w ord came to Zechar. FOWL. Gen. 1. 26. let them have dominion over the /. 28. 2. 19. out of the ground God formed every /. of air 7. 23. the/, of the heaven was destroyed 8. 17.bring forth of all flesh, of/, of cattle 9. 2. the tear of you shall be on every/, of the air 10. behold, I establish my covenant with the/'. Lev. 7. 26. eat no blood, whetlier of f. or beast 11. 46. this is the law of the beasts a'nd/. Deut. 4. 17. the likeness of any winged /. in the air Job 28. 7. there is a path which no/, knoweth Psal. 8. 8. to have dominion over the/, of the air 148. 10. beasts and flving/. praise the Lord Jer. 9. 10. the/, of the" heavens and beast are fled Ezek. 17. 23. and under it shall dwell all/. 39. 17. son of man, speak to every feathered /. 44. 31 . priest shall not eat any thing torn,/, or bea.sE Dan. 7. 6. had on the back of it four wings of a/. FOWLS. Gen. 7. 3. take off. also of the air by sevens 15. 11. when the f. came down on the carcases Lev. 1. 14. if the "burnt-sacrifice to Lord be off. 11. 13. these/, ye shall have in abomination Deut. 14. 20. but of all clean/, ye may eat 28. 26. thy carcase shall be meat to all/, of the air N 2 179 FOX 1 Sam. 17. 44. T will give thy flesh to the/. 46. 1 Kings 4. .33. Solomon spake of beasts and of/. 14. 11. that dieth in fields, /. eat, 16. 4. | 21. 24. J\^e/2.5.18. also/, were prepared for me, store of wine Job 12. 7. ask the/, and they shall tell thee Psal. 50. 11. I know all the/, of the mountains 78. 27. he raineil /. like as the sand of tiie sea lia. 18. 6. they shall be left to the/, of the moun- tains, and the/, shall summer upon them Dan. 4. 14. let tlie/. get from his branches Mat. 6. 26. the/, thev sow not, neither reap 13. 4. the/, devoured "the seed, Ad ark ^.4. Luke Q. 5. Mark 4. 32. that/, may lodge under it, Li/ke 13. 19. Luke 12. 24. how much more are ye better than/. Jicts 10. 12. a sheet wherein were/. 11. 6. Rev. 19. 17. an angel cried to all the/, that fly 21. and all the/, were filled with their llesh FO vV [,S of the heaven. Joh 28. + 21. kept close from the /. of the heaven 35. 11. who maketh us wiser than the/, of heaven Psal. 79. 2. bodies of thy servants meat to/, ofheav. 104. 12. by them the/, of hen. have their habitation Jer. 7. 33. the carcases of this people shall be meat for the/, of the heaven, 16. 4. | 19. 7- I 31. 20. 15. 3. 1 will appoint the/, of the heaven to destroy Ezek. 29. 5. given Fharaoh for meat to/, of heaven 31. 6. the/, of heaven made their nests in Assyria 13. on his ruin shall all the/, of heaven remain 32. 4. will cause all /. of heaven to remain on thee 38. 20. the/ of heaven sliall shake at my presence l)a7i. 2. ,38. the/, of Iieaten given to N ebuchadnezz. Hos. 2. 18. made a covenant for them with/, of h. 4. 3. every one shall languish with /. of heaven 7. 12. I will bring them down as the/, of heaven Zeph. 1. 3. 1 will consume the f. of the heaven Luke 13. 19. the/, of heaven lodged in the branches ]Fl>\VT,t:R. Psal. 91. 3. he shall deliver thee from snare of the/. Vrov. 6. 5. deliver as a bird fiom the hand of the /. tlos. 9. 8. but the proph. is a snare of a/, in his ways FOWLL^KS. Pjff/. 124. 7. our soul is escaped out ofthe snare of/. Jer. 5. t26. my people pry, as/, lie in wait le pry, FOX, In Greek, Alopex, hi Hebrew, Shual : It is a creature very well k7ww7i, and very remarkable, principaUy for its cunning. 'Ihere is mention made of it in several places of the Scripiiire. Our Saviour calls Herod the tetrarch 0/ Galilee, fox, signifying thereby his craft, and the refine- ments of his policy, Luke 13. .32. And to give an idea of his own extreme poverty, he says, '1 he foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of man hath not wheie to lay his head, Lvke 9. 58. Mzekiel compares the false prophets with foxes. Ezek. 13. 4. 1 hy prophets are like the foxes in the deserts : whether it was his design to heighten their cunning and hypocrisy in imitating the true prophets, and so coveriyig themselves with sheep's clothing, though they xiicre ravening wolves ; or whether he intended to shew, that these false prophets, instead of supporting Jerusalem, endeavoured only to destroy it, by undermining its walls, atid shaking its founda- tions, as foxes undermine the ground to make ho es for themselves. In the same sense, seducers and false teachers are compared to foxes. Cant. 2. 15. Take us the foxes that spoil the vines. It is said, in Judg. 15. 4, 5. that Samson took three hundred foxes, which he tied two and two together by the tails, and that having fastened a firebrand in the middle of the cord'^which bound them so together, he let them loose among th' crops of standi7ig corti belonging to the Philis- tines, md they burnt them. From the fields they went into the olive yards, and burnt them like- wise. Some infidels are much scandalized at this history, and pretend it incredible that Samson could muster up so great a number of foxes. But to this it is replied, that foxes are very common in this country ; which is proved from, scripture, and the testimony of travellers. Solomon m his Song says, that the little foxes spoiled the vines, Cajit. 2. 15. Jeremiah says, that the foxes walk upon the mountain of Zion, which is desolate, Lam. 5. 18. There are some provinces and cities m Palestine which take their name from foxes, doubtless by reason of the great number of these mnmals thereabouts. For example : the land of Shual, or the fox, 1 Sam. 13. I7. Hazar-shual, the fox's habitation, a city 0^ Judah, or Simeon, Josh. 15. 28. I 19. 3. Eelon says, that in Palestine, particularly about Cassarea, there is a kiyid of creature between a wolf and a fox, 7vhich so abounds there, that some- times troops of two or three hundred of them are to be seen. M. Morizon, who has travelled in this lountry, says, that foxes swarm there, and that there are very great numbers of them in the hedges and rums of huildijigs. Besides, Samson being so eminent a person, and the judge of Is- rael, might have employed abundance of people to catch this great number of foxes, and they might have provided them some time before for his pur- pose. A'or can it at all perplex any marts reason or faith, if it be allowed, that the God who made the world, and by his singular providence watched over Israel, and intended them deliverance at this time, could easily dispose things so that they might be taken. No animal was fitter for his design, especially when coupled together in this manner ; for a fox runs very swiftly, hut uses a great many turn- ings and windings, not going straight on, but Tunning sometimes on one side, sometimes 071 an- other, so that zvhile one dragged one way, and another another way, they spread the fire over all the fields ofthe Philistines, and could not easily get into the woods, or holes in the rocks, where their fire brands had been extinguished, and Sam- son's stratagem rendered i7ieffectual. Many things are said concerning the craft and 180 FRE subtilty of foxes. They lay their dung in the entrance of the badger's den, and by that means obtain it for their own use. They fright the rrolves, who are their enemies, from their dens, by laying the herb sea onion at the mouth of them. They dig holes for themselves, but then they leave several outlets, that if the huntsman lays Ids snare at one, they may escape at the other. When sick, they eat the gum of pine trees, whereby they are not only cured, but their days lengthened. It is said, that whe7i they are pursued by hunters, they make urine on their tails, and strike them upon the dog's faces. Some having been taken i7i a gin by the leg, have hit it off, and so escaped; others have feigned themselves dead, till they have been taken ovt, and then have run away. Beiiig hungry, they feign themselves dead, on whom the fowls lighting for prey, they snatch a7id devour them. Many other things are storied of their cunni7ig. Neh. 4. 3. a/, shall break down their stone wall Luke 13. 32. go and tell that/. I cast out devils FOXES. Judg. 15. 4. Samson caught three hundred/. Psal. 63. 10. they shall be a portion for f. Cant. 2. 15. take the/, the little/, that spoil the vines Lam. 5. 18. Zion is desolate, the/, walk upon it Ezek. 13. 4. thy prophets are like/, in the deserts Mat. 8.20. f. have holes, the birds nests, Luke 9. 58. FKAGMEINTS. Mat. 14. 20. they took up the /. twelve baskets full, Mark 6. 43. L7de 9. 17- John 6. 13. Mark 8. 19. how many baskets full of/. ? 20. John 6. 12. gather up /. that remain, nothing be lost FRAIL. Psal. 39. 4. that I may know how/. I am FRAME. Psal. 103. 14. he knoweth our/, he remembereth Jer. 7. + 18. to make cakes to the/, of heaven 44. 1 17. to burn incense to the/, of heaven Ezek. 40. 2. by which was as the/, of a city on south FRAMES. Jer. 18. 1 3. behold, he wrought a work on the /. FRAME, l^erb. Judg. 12. 6. for he could hot/, to pronounce it right Jer. 18. 11. behold, 1 /. evil against you and devise Hos. 5. 4. they will not/, their doirms to turn to God FRAMED. Isa. 29. 16. shall the thing/, say to him that/, it ? J''ph. 2. 21. in whom all the building/, groweth to Heb. 11. 3. the worlds were /. by the word of God FRAMEIH. Psal. 50. 19. thy mouth to evil, thy tongue/, deceit 94.20. throne of iniquity,/, mischief by a law FRAISKINCEMSK. Exod. .30. 34. take these spices with pure /. i:ez;.2.1. put/, thereon, 15. 1 5.11. I 2\.l. Num. 5.15. 2. he shall take the oil with all the/, thereof 16. the priest shall burn the oil with all/. 6. 15. 1 Chro7i. 9. 29. some were appointed to oversee the/. Neh. 13. 5. where they laid the/, and vessels 9. thither broui;ht 1 the vessels and the/. Ca7it. 3. 6. who is this that comes perfumed with/. ? 4. 6. till day break, I will get me to the hill of/. 14. calamus, cinnamon, with all trees of /. Mat. 2. 11. they presented to him gifts, gold,/. Rev. 18. 13. no man buyeth their/, wine and oil FRANKLY. Luke 7. 42. nothing to pay, he /. forgave them both FRAUD. Psal. 10. 7. his mouth is full of cursing and/. Isa. 30. 1 12. wherefore because ye trust in /. Jam. 5. 4. hire by you, kept back by /. crieth FRAY. Beut. 28. 26. no man shall /. them away, Jer. 7. 33. Zech. 1. 21. but these are come to/, them FRECKLED. Lev. 13. 39. it is a/, spot that groweth in the skin FREE. Exod. 21. 2. an Hebrew servant, in the seventh year he shall go out / Deut. 15. 12. Jer. 34. 9, 14. 5. if the servant shall say, I will not go out/. 11. then shall she go out/, without money 26. he shall let hiiri go/, for his eye's sake 27. he shall let him go/, for his tooth's sake Lev. 19. 20. not be put to death because not/. Nim. 5. 19. be thou/, from this bitter water 28. if the woman be not defiled, she shall be/. De7it. 15. 13. and when thou sendest him out/. 18. not seem hard when thou sendest him/. 24. 5. but he shall be /. at home one year 1 Sam. 17. 25. make his father's house/, in Israel 1 Ki7igs 15. 1 22. Asa made a proclam. none was/. 1 Chr. 9. 33. the singers, who remaining were/. 2 Chr. 26. t21. Uzziah dwelt in a/, house 29. 31. and as many as were of/, heart offered Job 3. 19. and the servant is/, from his master ,39. 5. who hath sent out the wild ass/. ? Psal. 51. 12. and uphold nie with thy/. Spirit 88. 5. /. among the dead, like slain in the grave 105. 20. the king loosed him, and let him go/. Isa. 58. 6. and to let the oppressed go/. Jer. 34. 9. each man should let his servant go/. 11. caused them whom they let go/, to return Mat. 15.6. and honour not his lather, he shall be/. 17. 26. Jesus saith, then are the children/. M«//5-7.11.if amansay,itis Corhan, he shall be/. JohnQ.m. and the truth shall make you/. 33. how sayest thou, ye shall be made/. 36. if Son shall make you/, ye shall be/, mdeed Acts 22.28. and Paul said, but I was/, born Rom. 5. 15. not as the offence, so also is the/, gift 16. but the/ gift is of many offences to justificat. 18. even so the /. gift came upon all men to justif. 6. 18. beins then made/, from sin, 22. 20. servants of sin ye were/, from righteousness 7. 3. if her husband be dead, she is /. Irom that law 8. 2. the Spirit of life made me/, from death 1 Cor."!. 21. but if thou may est be made/, use it t22. he that is called in the Lord is made/. 9. 1. am 1 not an apostle r am I not/. ? 19. though I be /. from ail men, yet a servant FRI 1 Cor. 12. 13. baptiz. by one Spirit whether bond or/. Gal. 3.28. there is neither bond nor/. Col. .3. 11. 4. 26. but Jerusalem which is above, is/. 31. not children of the bond-woman, but ofthe/. 5. 1. the liberty wherewith Chiist hath made us/. Eph. 6. 8. shall receive of Lord, whether bond or j'^ 2 Thess. 3. 1. pray that the word may have/, course 1 Pet. 2. 16. as/, and not using your liberty Rev. 13. 16. causeth all,^'. and bond, to rec. mark 19. 18. ye may eat the fiesh of both bond and/. FREED. Josh. 9. 23. and there shall none of you be/. Rom. 6. 7< for he that is dead is/, from sin FREEDOM. Lev. 19. 20. lieth with a woman, not/, given her Ezek, 27. f 20. Dedan thy merchant in clothes of/. Acts 22. 28. with a great sum obtained I this/. FREELY. Gen. 2. 16. of every tree thou mayest/. eat Num. 11. 5. we remember the fish we did eat/. 1 Sam. 14. 3'.). if the people had eaten/, to-day Ezra 2. 68. some of tlie chief fathers offered/. 7. 15. which the king hath offered /. to God Psal. 54. 6. I will/, sacrifice to thee, O Lord Hos. 14. 4. heal their backsliding, 1 will love them/. Mat. 10. 8./. ye have received,/, give Acts 2. 29. nien and brethren, let me /. speak 26. 26. the king knoweth, before whom I speak/. Rom. 3. 24. being justified/, by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus 8. 32. will with him also/, give us all things 1 Cor. 2. 12. might know the things/, given us 2 Cor. 11. 7. have preached the gospelof God/. Rev. 21. 6. I will give ofthe fountain of life/. 22. 17. and whosoever will let him take/. FREEMAN. 1 Cor. 7. 22. he that is called, is the Lord's/. Rev. 6. 15. every bondman and /. hid themselves FREE offerings. Exod. 36. 3. brought/, off'erinrs every morning Amos 4.5. proclaim and publish the/, offerings FREyUENf. Prov. 27. + 6. but the kisses of an enemy are/. 2 Cor. 11. 23. in prisons more,/ in deaths oft FREE-WILL. Ezra 7. 13. of their f. will to go up to Jerusalem FREE-WILL offering. Lev. 22. 21. who ofi'erethf.-w. off. it shall be perfect 23. a bullock thou mayest offer for a f.-will off. Num.. 15. 3. when ye will make saaificein/.-w. off. Deut. 16. 10. keep feast, with a tribute oi' f.-will off, 23. 2:i. a. f.-will off'er. shalt thou keep and perform Ezra 1. 4. help him with beasts besides/.-wzV/ off'er. 3. 5. that willingly offered a/.-w. off. to the Lord 7. 16. all the silver thou canst find with/.-a-i// off. 8. 28. the silver and gold are a. f.-will off. to Lord FRE E-\V 1 LL off'er i7igs. Lev. 22. 18. who will offer oblation {'or f.-will off. 23. ,38. and beside all yo\xr f.-w. off. Num. 29. 39. Deut. 12. 6. thither shall ye bring your f.-will off. 17. mayest not eat within thy gates thy f.-w. off. 2 Chron. 31. 14. Kore was over f.-will off'er. of God Psal. 119. 108. accept the/.-a)?7/()#'er. of my mouth FREEWOMAN. Gal. 4. 22. had two sons, by bond-maid, and by a/. 23. but he ofthe/. was by promise 30. shall not be heir with the son of the/. 31. we are not children of bond-woman, but of/. FRESH. N/m. 11. 8. taste of manna M'as as the taste of/, oil Job 29. 20. my glorv was /. in me, my bow renewed Psal. 92. 10. 1 shall be anointed with/, oil Jam. 3. 12. no fountain can yield salt water and/. FRESHER. Job 33. 25. his flesh shall be/, than a child's FRET. Lev. 13. 55. shalt bum it in the fire, it is/, inward FRET. 1 Sam. 1. 6. also provoked her to make her/. Psal. 37. 1. /. not thyself, 7, 8. Prov. 24. 19. Isa. 8. 21. when they be hungry, they shall/. FRETTED. Ezek. 16. 43. but thou hast/, me in these things FREITETH. Prov. 19. 3. and his heart/, against the Lord FRETTING. Lev. 13. 51. the plague isa/. leprosy, 52. j 14. 44. FRIED. Lev. 7. 12. cakes mingled with oil of flour/. 1 Chr. 23. 29. Levites'to wait about that which is/. FRIEND Is taken for one whom we love and esteem above others, to whom we impart our minds more fa- miliarly than to others ; and that from a confi- dence of his i7itegrity, and good will towards us ; tlms Jonathan and David were mutually friends. Solomon in his book of Proverbs gives the qualities of a true friend. Prov. 17. 17- A friend loveth at all times ; 7iot 07ily in prosperity, hut also in adversity. Chap. 18. 24. There is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother ; he is rnore hearty in the performance of all friendly offices. He reproves and rebukes when he sees any tlmig amiss. Prov. 27. 6. Faithful are the wounds of a friend; his sharpest reproofs proceed from an up- right, and truly loving and faithful soul. He is kywwnby his good and faithful counsel, as well as by his seaso7iable rebukes. Prov 27- 9. Ointment and perfume rejoice the heart : so doth the sweet- ne-ss of a man's friend by hearty counsel ; by such counsel as comes from his very heart and soul, and is the language of his most inward and serious thoitghts. The company and con- versation of a friend is refreshing and revivi7ig to a person, icho when alo7ie is sad, and dull, a7id 7mactive. Prov. 27. 17. Iron sharpeneth iron, so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. By friend is mea7it also the favourite of a prince. Hu§hai was the friend, the favourite, of David. 2 Sam. 15. .37. Zebud, the son o/lSathan, was Solomon's /reewrf, 1 Rings 4. 5. And Ahuzzath FRI was the particulai friend of Abimelech king of Gerar, Gen. 26. 26. The friend of God. This title is principally given to Abraham, as in 2 Chron. 20. 7- Art not thou our (od, who gavest this land to the seed of Abraham thy friend for ever:' And in Isa. 41. 8. But thou, hrael, art the seed of Abraham my friend. The apostle James likeivise makes men- tion of this. Jam. 2. 23. And the scripture was fuitilled, which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed to him for righteousness ; and he was called tlie friend of God. This title is given him not 07ily because _ God frequently ap- peared to him, conversed familiarly with him, and revealed secrets to him. Gen. 18. 17. Shall 1 hide from Abraham that thing which 1 do r But also because he entered into a covenant of perpetual friendship, both with him and his seed. Gen. 12. 2, 3. 1 17. 2, 4, 7- and especially because lie renewed the covenant with him, upon the sacrificing of his son Isaac, and confirmed it by an oath, and thereby admitted him to a nearer degree of friendship and communion. Gen. 22. 16, 17, &c. And it is upoii this trial of Abraham's obedience, namely, the offering up of Ms son, that the apostle James quotes the passage, where Abraham is called the friend of ' God, Jam. 2. 21, 22, 23. Our Saviour calls his apostles friends, John 15. 15. But I have called you friends ; he adds the reason of it, for all things that 1 have heard of my Father, I have made known unto you. As men used to communicate their counsels and their whole mind to their friends, especially in things which are of any concern, or may be of any advantage for them to hiow and under st a7id ; so I have revealed to you whatsoever is necessary for your instruction, office, comfort, and salvation. And this title is not peculiar to the apostles only, but is common viith them to all true believers. Cant. 5. 1. Eat, O friends. The friend of the bridegroom, is the bride-man ; he who does the honours of the wedding, and leads his friend's spouse to the nuptial bed. John the Baptist, with respect to Christ aiid his church, was the friend of the Bridegroom ; by his preach- ing he prepared the people of the Jevfsfor Christ, John 3. 29. Friend is a word of ordinary salutation, whether to friend or foe. He is called friend who had not on a wedding garment. Mat. 22. 12. And our Saviour calls Judas the traitor, friend. Mat. 26. 50. Some are of opinion that this title is given to the guest by an irony or antiphrasis, meaning the contrary to what the word importeth ; or that he is called so, because he appeared to others to be Christ's friend, or was so in his own esteem and account, though falsely, being an hypocrite. HoiDever, this being spoken in the person of him who made the feast, it is generally taken for an usual compella- tion ; and that Christ, following the like courteous custom of appellation, ajidfriendly greeting, didso salute Judas, which yet left a sting behind it in his conscience, who knew himself to be the reverse of what he was called. The name of friend is like- wise given to a neighbour. Luke 11. 5. Which of you shall have a friend, and shall go unto him at midnight, and say, friend, lend me three loaves '( Gen. 38. 20. Judah sent the kid by the hand of his/. JExod.53. 11. God spake to ]\Ioses as a man to his/. Deut. 13. 6. or if thy wife or/, entice thee secretly Jridg. 14. 20. to companion whom he used as his/. 2 Sam. 13. 3. Amnon had a/, his name was Jonadab 15. 37. Hushai, David's/, came into city, 16. 16. 16. 7- Absalom said to Hushai, is this thy kind- ness to thy/. .=' why wentest thou not w ith thy/. ? 1 Ki7igs 4. 5. Zabud was principal officer, king's/. 2 Chr. 20. 7. gavest to the seed of Abraham thy/. Job 6. 14. to him afflicted pity be shewed from his/. 27. and ye dig a pit for your/. 16. + 21. O that one might plead for a man with God, as a man pleadeth for his/. .' Ps. 35. 14. as though he had been my/, or brother 41. 9. my familiar/, hath lifted up his heel ag. me 88. 18. lover and / hast thou put far from me Prov. 6. 1. my son, if thou be surety for thy/. 3. when in the hand of thy /. make sure thy/. 17. 17./. loveth at all times, brother born for adver. 18. and becometh surety in the presence of his^'. 18. 24. a/, that sticketh closer than a brother 19. 6. every man is a /. to him that giveth gifts 22. 11. for grace of his lips, the king shall be his/. 27. 6. faithful are the wounds of a/. 9. so doth sweetness of man's/, by hearty counsel 10. thine own/, and father's/, forsake not 14. he that blesseth his/, with a loud voice 17. a man sharpeneth the countenance of his/. Cant. 5. 16. this IS my beloved, this is my/. O daugh. Isa. 41. 8. thou art the seed of Abraham my/. Jer. 3. + 20. surely as a wife departeth from her/. 6. 21. the neighbour and his/, shall perish 19. 9. shall eat every one iiesh of his/, in the siege Bos. 3. 1. beloved other/, yet an adulteress Mtc. 7. 5. trust ye not in a/, put not confidence Mat. 11. 19. behold a/, of publicans, Luke 7. 34. 20. 13. he answered,/. I do thee no wrong 22. 12. he saith to him,/, how earnest thou hither ' 26. 50. Jesus said,/, wherefore art thou come ? Luke 11. 5. which of you shall have a/, and shall go at midnight and say,/, lend me three loaves 6. for a/, of mine in his journey is come to me 8. though he will not give him because he is his/. 14. 10. he that bade thee may say,/, go up hioher John 3. 29. the /. of the bridesroom rejoiceth " 11.11. he saith, our f. Lazarus sleepeth 19. 12. if thou let this man go, art not Cesar's /. Acts 12. 20. and having made Blastus their/. Jam. 2. 23. Abraham was called the/, of God 4.4. will bea/. of the world, is the enemy of God FRIENDLY. Judg. 19. 3. the Levite went to speak/, to her Ruth 2. 13. thou hast spoken /. to thine handmaid FRO Prov. 18.24. that hath friends, must shew himself/. Hos,2,il'i. 1 will bring her, and speak/, to her FRIENDS. 1 Sam. .30.26. David sent of the spoil to his/. 2 Sam. 3. 8. which do shew kindness to Saul's/. 19. 6. thou lovest thine enemies, and hatest thy/. 1 Kings 16. 11. Zimri left him not one of his/. Esth. 5. 10. Haman sent and called for his/. 14. then said his wife and all his/, to hiin 6. 13. Haman told his wife and/, every thing Job 2. 11. when Job's three /'. heard of this evil 16. 20. my/, scorn me, but mine eye poureth tears 17. 5. he that speaketh flattery to his /. 19. 14. my familiar/, have forgotten me 19. all my inward /. abhorred me 21. have pity on me, have pity on me, O ye /. 32. 3. Elihu's wrath was kindled against his/. 42. 7. Lord's wrath kindled against Eliphaz and/. 10. the Lord turned when he prayed for his/. Psal. 38. 11. my /. stand aloof from my sore Prov. 14. 20. the poor is hated, the rich hath many /. 16. 28. a whisperer separateth chief/. 17. 9. he that repeateth a matter, separateth/ 18. 24. that hath/, mustshew himself friendly 19. 4. wealth maketh many/, but poor separated 7. how much more do his/, go far from him Cant. 5. 1. eat, O /. drink, yea, drink abundantly Jer. 20. 4. 1 will make thee a terror to thy /. 6. thoushalt be buried there, thou and all thy /. 38. 22. women shall say, thy/, have set thee on Lam. 1. 2. all her/, have dealt treacherously Zech. 13. 6. I was wounded in the house of my /. Mark 3. 21. when his /. heard of it, they went out 5. 19. Jesus saith to him, go home to thy/. LukeH. 6. the centurion sent/, to him, saying 12. 4. my /. be not afraid of them that kill the^body 14. 12. when thou makest a dinner, call not thy /. 15.6. he calleth together his/, saying, rejoice 9. she calleth her/, and neighbours, saying 29. that 1 might make merry with my/. 16. 9. make to yourselves/, of the mammon 21. 16. ye shall be betrayed by parents and/. 23. 12. the same day Pilate and Herod were made/. John 15. 13. that a man lay down his life for his/. 14. ye are my /. if ye do what I command you 15. not servants, but 1 have called you/. Acts 10. 24. Cornelius called together his/. 19. 31. certain which were his/, sent to him 27. 3. Julius gave him liberty to go to his/. Rom, 16. t 10. them which are of Aristobulus's/. t 11. greet the/, of Narcissus in the Lord 3 John 14. our/, salute thee, greet the/, by name FRIENDSHIP. Prov. 22. 24. make no/, with an angry man Jam. 4. 4. the/, of the world is enmity with God FRINGE, S. Num. 15. 38. bid them make/, put on/, a ribband 39. it shall be to you for a/ that ye may look Deut. 22. 12. make thee /. on the four quarters FROGS. Exod. 8. 2. T will smite all thy borders with /. 7. the magicians brought up/ on the land Psal. 78. 45. he sent/, which destroyed them 105. 30. and the land brought forth /. Rev. 16. 13. I saw three unclean spirits like/. To and FRO. Gen. 8. 7- he sent a raven, which went to and f. Exod. 29. t 24. shake to and f. a wave-offering 2 Kings 4.35. Elisha walked in the house to and f. Jobl. 7. Satan said, from going to andf. in earth, 2. 2. 7. 4. I am full of tossings to andf. to the dawning 13. 25. wilt thou break^a leaf driven to andf.? Psal. 107. 27. they reel to andf. and stagger Prov. 21. 6. is a vanity tossed to and f. of them Isa.ZA. 20. earth shall reel to aw^/. like a drunkard 33. 4. as the running to andf. of locusts shall run 49. 21. a captive, and removing to and f. Ezek.Tl. 19. Dan also and .lavan going to andf. Zech. 1. 10. Lord sent to walk to and f. through earth 11. we have walked to and f. through the'earth 6. 7. that they might walk to and f. through the eai-th, so they walked to andf. through the earth Eph. 4. 14. be no more children tossed to andf. See Run. FROM. 1 Sam. 6. 5. his hand/, off you, and/, off your land Mat. 4. 25. then followed him multitudes/. Deca- polis,/. Jerusalem,/. Judea,/. beyond Jordan FRONF. 2 Sam. 10. 9. Joab saw /. of the battle against him 2 Chron. 3. 4. the porch in the /. of the house FRONTIERS. Esek. 25. 9. from his cities which are on his /. FRONTLETS. These were square pieces of hard calfs skin, in- cluding four pieces of parchment, upon which the Jews wrote four passages of the law, and bound them with strings on their foreheads. The four passages which they zorote are those: On the first piece of parchment, Exod. 13. from verse 2. to 10. On the second, Exod. 13. from verse 11. to 16. On the third, Deut. 6. from verse 4. to 9. And on the fourth, Deut. 11. from verse 13. to 21. Opinions are much divided whether the use of frontlets, and other phylacteries, 70as ordained by Moses, as an observance to which the Jews zvere obliged, and such as required a literal compliance, so t/iat the Hebrews have at all times worn them j or have been obliged to wear them. They who believe the use of them to be rigorously binding, ground their persuasion on the text of IMoses, which speaks of it in a positive manner, as of other precepts of the law ; he requires that the commandme7its of God should be for a sign on their hands, and as frontlets between their eyes. Dent. 6. 8. But the generality of interpreters on the contrary maintain, that the precepts of Moses rehich men- tion these writings 07/ the doors, the signs upon their hands, and frontlets het:cee7i their eyes, should be taken m a ficiurative and allegorical se?ise ; as meaning that they should be very care- FRU ful to preserve the remembrance of God's law, and observe his commands ; that they should always have them before them, a7id never forget them. It is certain that before the Babylonish captivity, not the least footsteps of them were to he .seen in the history of the Jews. The prophets never in- veighed against the omission or 7ieglect of this prac- tice ; nor was there eier any question concerning them in the reformation of manners at any time proposed amo7ig the old Hebrews. Exod. 13. 16. it shall be for/, between thine eyes Deut. 6. 8. shall be as/, between thine eyes, 11. 18. FROSl. Gen. 31. 40. drought consumed by day,/ by night Exod. 16. 14. rourTd thing, as small as the hoar/. Job ,37. 30. by the breath of God/, is given 38. 29. the/, of heaven, who hath gendered it ? Psal. 78. 47. destroy eth their sycamore trees with/. 147. 16. he scattereth the hoar /. like ashes Jer. 36. 30. Jehoiakim's body cast out to the/. FROWARD. Deut. 32. 20. for they are a verv /. generation 2 Sam. 22. 27. with the pure thou wilt shew thyself pure, with the f. shew thyself/. 18. 26. Job 5. 13. the counse'l of the /. is carried headlong Psal. 101. 4. a/, heart shall depart from me Prov. 2. 12. from the man that speaketh /. things 15. ways are crooked, and they /. in their paths 3. 32. for the/, is abomination to the Lord 4. 24. put away from thee a/, mouth 6. 12. the wicked walketh with a/, mouth 8. 8. there is nothing/, or perverse in them 13. the evil way, and the/, mouth do 1 hate 10. 31. but the /. tongue shall be cut out 11. 20. of a/, heart, are abomination to the Lord 10. 28. a/, man soweth strife, whisperer separateth 30. he shutteth his eyes to devise/, things 17. 20. he that hath a/, heart, findeth no good 21. 8. the way of a man is/, and strange 22. 5. thorns and snares are in the wayof the f. 1 Pet. 2. 18. servants be subject to masters, to the/. FKOWARDLY. Isa. 57. 17. he went on/, in the way of his heart FROWARDNESS. Prov. 2. 14. who delight in the/, of the wicked 4. + 24. put away from thee/, of mouth 6. 14./. is in his heart, he deviseth mischief 10. 32. the mouth of the wicked speaketh/. FROWNED. 1 Sam. 3. tl3. his sons made vile, he/, not on them FROZEN. Job 38. 30. and the face of the deep is/. FRurr Is the product of the earth, trees, plants, Sfc. Deut, 28. 4. Blessed shall be ihe fruit of thy ground and cattle. '1 he fruit of the boo^- signifies chil- dren. Deut. 28. 4. Blessed shall be the fruit of thy body. Psal. 132. 11. Of the fidt of thy body will I set upon tliy throne. Ey fruit 2s sometimes meant reward. Prov. 1. 31. 1 hey shall eat of the fruit of their own way ; They shall receive the reward of their bad conduct, and pu- nishments answerable to their sins. The fruit of the lips is the sacrifice of praise or thanksgiv- ing, Heb. 13. 15. The fruit of the righteous, that is, the counsel, example, insmiction, and reproof of the righteous, is a tree of life ; is a mea7is of much good, both temporal and eternal, a7id that not only to himself hut to others also, Prov. 11. 30. Solomon says in Prov. 12. 14. A man shall be satisfied with good by ihe fruit of his mouth ; that is, he shall receive abundant blessings from God as the reward of that good he has done by his pious and profitable discourses. I will punish the fruit of the stout heart of the king of As- syria. Isa. 10. 12. I will punish him foi his insolent discourses against me. Fruits meet for repentance, are such holy lives and conversations as may manifest the reality and sincerity of re- pe7itance. Mat. 3. 8. The fruits of the Spirit are those gracious habits which the Holy Spirit of God produces in those in whom he dwelleth and worketh, with those acts which flow from them as naturally as the tree produces its fruit. The apostle e7iumerates these fruits in Gal. 5. 22, 23. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, both to God, a7id our neighbours ; joy, or a delight z'w God, arising from a sense of our i7iterest in him ; peace xeith Go., q^iietude of co7iscience, a7id a peaceable disposition towards men, as opposed to strife, varia7ice, emulation, Sic. ; long suffering, patieritly hearing and for- giving many provocations and i7ijuries ; this is opposed to a hasti7iess to reue7ige ; gentleness, or an affable7iess, and easiness to be entreated, when a7iy o7ie has wro7iged us: goodness, kindness, friendliness, or readiness to do good to others; faith, or faithfulness, to speak notlmig but the truth, and to peiform all our engagements ; meekness, forbearance of passio7i, rash anger, and hastiness of spirit ; a7id temperance, or a curbing of all carnal desires, a7id a sparing use pf all sensual delights. The apostle m Eph. 5. 9. comprehends the fruits of the sa7ictifying Spirit in these three thi/igs, (1) Goodness, which is that qitality or disposi- tion which is contrary to malice a7id wicked7iess ; or it may mean be7iignity and bounty. (2) Right- eousness, which is opposed to injustice, whereby one becomes hurtful to another, through deceit, coveto7tsness, oppression, and viole7ice. (3) Truth, which is opposed to errors, lies, heresies, hypo- crisy, both in co)nmo7i affairs, and also in mat- ters of religion. The fronts of righteousness are stich good w&rks and holy actio/is as spri7ig from a gracious frame of heart. Phil. 1. 11. Being filled with the fruits of righteousness. Fruit is taken fc a charitable contribution, i.hich is the fruit c effect of faith and love. Rom. 15. 28. When 1 have sealed unto them this fruit ; when T have safely delivered this contribution, tl'hen fruit 181 FRU is spoken of good men, then it is to he understood of the fruits or works of holiness and righteous- ness: But when of evil men, then are meant the fruits of sin. immorality, and wickedness : This is our Saviour s doctrine. Mat. 7. 16, 17, 18. First- fruits, See First. Uncircumcised fruit, or impure, whereof there is mention in Lev. 19. 23. is the fruit /o/- the three first years of a tree newly planted; it was reputed unclean, and no 07ie was permitted to eat of i.t in all this time. In the fourth year it was offered to the Lord : after which it was common, and gene- rally eaten. Various reasons are assigned for this precept, as, (1) Because the first-fruits were_ to he offered to God, who required the best ; but in this time the fruit roas not come to perfection. (2) It was serviceable to the trees themselves, which grew the better and faster, being early stript of those fruits, which otherwise would have derived to them- selves, and drawn away much of the strength from the root and tree. (3) It tended to the advantage of men, both because the fruit was then waterish, indigestible, and unwholesome, and because here- by men were taught to bridle their appetites, a lesson of great use and absolute necessity in a godly life. Gen. 1. 29. 1 have given you every tree wlierein is /. 4. 3. Cain brouj>ht of tlie/. of the ground 30. 2. hath withheld from thee tlie /. of the womb Eaod. 21. 22. so that her/, depart from her Lev. 19. 23. ye shall count the /. uncircumcised 24. in the tonrth year the/, shall be holy 23. t 40. take on first day the/', of goodly trees 25. 3. six years thou shalt gather in the/'. 27. 30. the tithe of the/, is the Lord's, it is holy Num. 13. 26. they shewed them the /. of the land 27. we came to the land, and this is the /. of it Deut. 1. 25. they took of the/, in their hands 7. 13. he will also bless the/, of thy land 22. 9. lest/, of thy seed,/, of thy vineyard be defiled 26. 2. thou shalt take of the first of all the/. 28. 4. blessed shall be the /. of thy body and ground 11. make thee plenteous in/, of thy body, ,30. 9. 18. cursed siialt be thef. of thy body and of land 40. for thine olive shall cast his/. 42, all thy trees and/, shall the locust consume Judg. 9- 11. should I forsake my sweetness -And f.? 2 Sam. 16. 2. summer/, for the young men to eat Ps. 21. 10. their/, shalt thou destroy from the earth 58. + 11. verily there is/, for the righteous 72. 16. the/, thereof shall shake like Lebanon 104. 13. the eartii is satisfied with/, of thy works 105. 35. the locusts devoured tiie /. of their ground 127. 3. the/, of the womb is his reward 132. 11. of/, of thy body will I set on thy throne Prov. 8. 19. my/, is better than fine gold 10. 16. the/, of the wicked tendeth to sin 11. 30. the/, of the rigiiteous is a tree of life 12. 14. a man is satisfied by the /. of his mouth 18. 20. shall be satisfied with the/, of his mouth 31. 16. with the f. of her hand she planteth 31. give her of the/, of her hands Cant. 2. 3. and his/, was sweet to my taste 8. 12. those thatkec'p the/, thereof two hundred Isa. 3. 10. they shall eat the /. of their doings 4. 2. the/, of the earth shall be excellent 10. 12. I will punish the/, of the stout heart 13.18. they shall have no pity on the/, of the womb 14. 29. his/, sliall be a fiery flying serpent 27. 6. and fill the face of the world with /. 9. this is all the/, to take away his sin 28. 4. as the hasty /. before the summer 57. 19. I create the /. of the lips, peace, peace 65. 21. shall plant vineyards, and eat/, of them Jer. 6. 19. I will bring the/, of their thoughts 7. 20. my fury shall be on tlie /'. of the ground 11. 16. a green olive-tree, fair, and of coodly /. 19. let us destroy the tree with the/, thereof 17. 10. according to/, of his doings, 21. 14. | Eaek. 17. 9. cut off the/, thereof that it wit 19. ither 19. 12. and the east-wind dried up her/. 14. fire is gone which hath devoured her/. 25. 4. they shall eat thy/, and drink thy milk 36. 30. I will multiply the /'. of the tree 47. 12. nor shall the/, thereof be consumed Daw.4.12. the leaves fair and the/, thereof much, 21. 14. he cried, and said thus, scatter his /. Hos. 9. + 14. give them a womb that casteth the/. 10. 13. ye have eaten the /. of lies 14. 8. I like a green fir-tree, from me isthy /. found Amos 2. 9. I destroyed his/, from above 6. 12. have turned/, of rigiiteousness into hemlock 7. 14. 1 was an herdman, a gatherer of sycamore /. 8. 1. and behold a basket of summer/. -2. Mic. 6. 7. shall 1 give/, of body for sin of my soul ? 7. 13. the land desolate, for the/, of their doings Hah. 3. 17. neither shall/, be in their vines Hag. 1. 10. the earth is stayed from her/. Zech. 8. 12. seed prosperous, the vine shall give Mai. 1. 12. the table is polluted, and the/, thereof 3. 11. nor shall your vine cast her/, before time Mat. 12. 33. make tree good, and his /'. good, tree corrupt, /. corrupt, for the tree is known by his/. 21. 19. he said, let no/, grow on thee for ever 34. when the time of the/, drew near he sent 26. 29. I will not drink of /. of the vine, till I drink it new in Father's kingdom, Mark. 14. 25. Mark 12. 2. might receive the/, of the vineyard Luke 1. 42. and blessed is the/, of \hy womb 13. 6. he sought/, thereon, and found none 7. behold, 1 come seeking /'. on this fig-tree 20. 10. that they should give him of the /. Johii 4. .36. and gathereth /. to life eternal Jicts 2. 30. of the/, of his loins he would raise Bom. 1. 13. that 1 might have some/, among you 6. 21. what/, had ye then in those things whereof 22. being free, ye have your/, unto holiness 15. 28. when I have sealed to them this/. Gal. 5. 22. but the/, of the Spirit is love, joy, peace Eph. 5. 9. the f. of the .Spirit is in all goodness Phil. 1. 22. if 1 live, this is the/, of my labour 382 FRU P/«'/.4. 17.1 desire/.that may abound toyour account Bleb. 13. 15. by him let us offer the /. of our lips Jam. 3. 18. the/, of righteousness is sown in peace 5. 7. the husbandman waiteth for the precious/. Jude 12. trees whose/, withereth, without/. See E.\'r. Bear, or beareth FRUIT. 2 Kivffs 19. 30. shall hear f. upward, Isa. 37. 31. Exek.- 17. 8. in a good soil, that it might bear f. 23. in the height of Israel it shall bear f. Hos. 9. 16. their root is dried up, they shall hear no f. Joell. 22. be not afraid, the tree beareth her/. Mat. 13. 23. in good ground, is he who beareth f. Luke 8. 8. other fell on good ground, and bare f. 13. 9. if it bear f. well,, if not, cut it down John 15. 2. every branch in me that beareth not /. every branch that beareth f. he purgeth it 4. as the branch cannot bear f. of itself, except it 8. that ye bearmnchf. so shall yo be my disciples Bring, bringeth, or brought forth F]{UIT. Lev. 25. 21 . it shall bring forth f. for three years Num. 13. 20. and bring of the/', of the land Neh. 10. 35. to bring the/, of all trees, 37. Psal. 1. 3. that bringeth /i3?7/i /. in his season 92. 14. they shall still bring forth f. in old age Cant. 8. 11. every one for the/, was to bring silver Jer. 12. 2. the wicked grow, they bring forth f. Ezek. 36. 11. they shall increase, and bring forth f. 47. 12. it shall bring forth new/, for meat Hos. 10. 1. Israel bringeth forth f. to himself Mat. 3. 10. bring, not forth good/. 7. 19. Luke 3. 9. 7. 17. every good tree bringeth forth good/. 18. a good tree cannot bring forth evil/. 13. 26. but when the blade brought forth f. Mark 4. 20. such as hear the word and bring forth f. 28. for the earth bringeth forth f. of herself LtikeH. 14. and bring no f. to perfection 15. they keep it and bring forth f. with patience John 12. 24. it it die, it bringeth forth much/. 15. 2. purgeth it, that it may bring forth more/. 5. abideth in me, the same bringeth forth nmch/. 16. I ordained that you should bring forth f. Rom. 7. 4. that we should bring forth f. to God 5. motions did work to bring forth f. unto death Col. ] . 6. the gospel bringeth forth f. in you Jam. 5. 18. Elijah prayed, the earth brought forth f. See First-Fruit. FKUIT-TREES. Neh. 9. 25. and possessed f. -trees in abundance Yield, yieldeth, yielding FRUIT. Gen. 1. 11. and the fruit-tree yielding f. 12. Lev. 25. 19. and the land shall yield her/'. 26. 4. the trees of the field shall yield their/. Beut. 11. 17. and that the land yield not her/. Prov. 12. 12. the root of the righteous yieldeth f. Jer. 17. 8. neither shall cease from yielding f. Ezek. 34. 27. the tree of the field shall yield her/. 36. 8. and yield your f. to my people Israel Mark 4. 7. the thorns choked it, it yielded no f. 8. other fell on good ground and did yield f. Heb. 12. 11. yieldeth peaceable /. of righteousness Rev. 22. 2. the tree yielded her/, every month FRUITFUL. Gen. 1. 22. God blessed them, saying, be /. and multiply, 28. 1 8. 17- 1 9. 7. 1 35. 11. 17. 6. and I will make thee exceeding/. 20. I will make Ishmael/. || 48. 4. make .Jacob/. 26. 22. God hath made room for us, we shall be/. 28. 3. God Almighty bless thee, and make thee/. 41. +52. called him/, for God caused me to be/. 49. 22. .Joseph is a/, bough, even a/, bough ETod. 1. 7- and the children of Israel weie/. Lev. 26. 9. I will make you /. and multiply you 2 Chr. 26. + 10. Uzziah had husbandmen m /. fields Psal. 107-34. he turneth a/, land into barrenness 128. 3. thy wife shall be as a/, vine 148. 9- mountains and /. trees, praise the Lord Isa. 5. 1. my beloved hath a vineyard in a/, hill 17. 6. four or five in the outmost/, branches thereof 32. 12. they shall lament for the /. vine Jer. 4. 26. lo, the/, place was a wilderness 23. 3. and they shall be /. and increase Ezek. 19. 10. she was/, and full of branches Hos. 13. 15. though he be /. an east wind shall come Acts 14. 17- and gave us rain and /. seasons Col.1.10. being/, in every good work, and increasing See Field. FRUITS. Gen. 43. 11. take of the best/, in the land in vessels Exod. 22. 29. not delay to offer the first of thy ripe /. 23. 10. six years shalt gather in the/, thereof' Lev. 25. 15. according to the years of the /. 16. 22. till her/, come in, eat of the old store 26. 20. neither shall the trees yield their/. Deut. .33. 14. for precious/, brought forth by the sun 2 Sam. 9. 10. thou and thy sons shall brmg in /. 2 Kings 8. 6. restore to her all the/, of the field 19. 29. plant vineyards, and eat the/, thereof Job 31. 39. if I have eaten the/, without money P.f. 107.. 37. sow fields, which may yield/.of increase Eccl. 2. 5. I planted trees of all kind of/. Cant. 4.13. the plants are an orchard with pleasant/. 16. let my beloved eat his pleasant/. 6. 11. I went down to see the/, of the valley 7. 13. at our gates are all manner of pleasant/. Isa. 33. 9. Bashan and Carmel shake off their/. Lam. 4. 9. pine away for want of the /. of the earth Mai. 3. 11. he shall not destroy the/, of your ground Mat. 3. 8. bring/, meet for repentance, Luke 3. 8. 7. 16. ye shall know them by their/. 20. 21. 34. that they might receive the/ of it 41. who shall render him the /. in their seasons 43. kingdom given to a nation bringing forth / Luke 12. 17. I have no room where to bestow my/. 18. and there will I bestow all my /. 2 C'ir. 9. 10. increase the /. of your righteousness Phil. 1. 11. filled with the/, of righteousness 2 Tim. 2. 6. the husbandman first partaker of the /. Jam. 3. 17. wisdom from above is full of good /'. Rev. 18. 14./. thy soul lusted after departed from 22. 2. the tree of life bure twelve manner of/. See First, FUL Summer FRUITS. 2 Sam. 16. 1. Zibawith an himdred oi summer f. Isa. 16. 9. thy summer f. and harvest are fallen Jer. 40. 10. but gather ye wine and summer f. 12. .Tews gathered wine and summer f. very much 48. 32. the spoiler is fallen on thy summer f. Mic. 7. 1. as when they gathered the summer f. FRUSTRAIE. Ezra 4. 5. and hired counsellors to/, their purpose Psal. 33. + 10. Lord maketh/. counsel of heathen MarkT. + 9. full well ye/, the commandment of God Gal. 2. 21. 1 do not /'. the grace of God FRt/sTKAlElIL Isa. 44. 25. that/, the tokens of the liars FRYIING-PAN. Lev. 2. 7- if oblation be a meat-otfering in the /. 7. 9. all that is dressed in the /. shall be the priest's FUEL. Isa. 9. 5. this shall be with burning and/, of fire 19. the people shall be as the/, of the fire Ezek. 15. 4. the vine-tree is cast into the fire for/. 6. 21. 32. thou Shalt be for/, to the fire FUGUIVE. Gen. 4. 12. a/", and a vagabond shalt thou be 14. 1 shall be a/, and a vagabond in the earth FUGITIVES. Judg. 12. 4. ye Gileadites are/, of Ephraim 2 Kings 25. 11. and the/, that fell awny to the king Isa. 15. 5. shall cry for Moab, his/, shall flee to Zoar Ezek. 17. 21. all his/', shall fall by thesword FULFIL. Gen. 29. 27./. her week, and we will give thee this Exod. 5. 13. /. your works, your daily task 2.'?. 26. the number of thy days I will/. /■. the worclof 1 Chr. 22. 13. if thou takest heed to/, statutes of L, 1 Kings 2. 27. that he might/', the word of the Lord 2 Chron. 36.21. to/, threescore and ten years Job 39- 2. canst thou number months that they /. ? Ps. 20. 4. the Lord grant thee to/, all thy counsel 5. the Lord/, all thy petitions 145. 19. he will/, the desire of them that fear him Mat. 3. 15. it becometh us to/, all righteousness 5. 17. I am not come to destroy, but to/. Acts 13. 22. found David, who shall / all my will Rom. 2. 27. uncircumcision, if it/, the law 13. 14. for the flesh, to/, the lusts thereof Gal. 5. 16. ye shall not /'. the lusts of the flesh 6. 2. bear burdens, and so/, the law of ( hrist Eph. 4. + 10. ascended that he might/, all things Phil. 2. 2./. ye my joy, that ye be like-mindecl Col. 1. 25. is given tx) me, to/, the word of God 4. 17. take heed thou/, the ministry, 2 Tm. 4. + 5. 2 Thess. 1. 11./. all the good pleasure of his will Jam. 2. 8. if ye /. the royal law, ye do well Rev. 17. 17. for God put in their hearts to/, his will FULFILLED. Gen. 25. 24. when her days to be delivered were/. 29. 21. give me my wife, for my days are/. 50. 3. forty days were/, for so are/, the clays Exod. 5. 14. wherefore have ye not/, your task ? 7. 25. seven days/, after Lord hath smitten river Lev. 12. 4. till the days of purification be/. 6. Num. 6. 13. when the days of his separation are/. .32. 1 11. because they have not/, after me Deut. 1. + 36. Caleb hath /. to go after me 1 Sam. 18. + 26. and the days were not/ 2 Sam. T. 12. when days be/, and thou shalt sleep 14. 22. in that the king/, the request of servant 1 Kings 8. 15. and hath with his hand/, it 24. and hast/, it with thy hand, 2 Chron. 6. 15. 11. + 6. Solomon/, not after the Lord, as David 2 Chr. 6.4. the Lord hath/, that which he spake Ezra 1. 1. that the word of the Lord might be/ Job 36. 17. thou hast/, the judgment of the wickea Jer. 44. 25. ye and your wives have/, with voui hand Lam. 2. 17- he hath /. his word he had commanded 4. 18. our days are /. for our end is come Ezek. 5. 2. when the days of the siege are/. Dan. 4. 33. the same hour was the thing/. 10.3. till three whole weeks were /. Mat. 1. 22. that it might be/. 2. 15, 23. 1 8. 17. 1 12. 17. 1 13. 35. 1 21. 4. I 27. .35. John 12. ,38. | 15. 25. 1 17. 12. 1 18. 9, 32. | 19. 24, 28, ,36, 2. 17. then was/, that which was spoken, 27. 9. 5. 18, shall in no wise pass from the law till all be/. 13. 14. in them is /'. the prophecy of Esaias 24. 34. shall not pass till all these things be /. Mark 1. 15. the time is /. kingd. of God is at hand 13. 4. what sign when all these things shall be/. ? Luke 1.20. my words which shall be/, in their season 2. 43. when they had/, the days, they returned 21. 22. that all things which are written may be /. 24. until the times of the Gentiles be/. 22. 16. not eat till it be /. in the kingdom of God 24. 44. all things must be /. spoken by Moses John 3. 29. this my joy therefore is/. 17. 13. they might have my joy/ in themselves Acts 3. 18. what God had shewed, he hath so/. 9. 23. after many days were/. ,Iews took counsel 12. 25. Paul and Barnabas/, their ministry 13. 25. and as .lohn/. his course, he said 27. they have/, them in condemning him 29. when they had/, all that was written of him 33. God hath/, the same to us their children 14. 26. to grace of God for the work which they /. Rom. 8. 4. the righteousness of law might be f. in us 13. 8. he that loveth another hath /. the law 2 Cor. 10. 6. when your obedience is /. Gal. 5. 14. the law is/, in one word, even in this Rev. 6. 11. tillkillingof their brethren should be/. 15. 8. till the seven plagues of seven angels were /. 17. 17. till the words of God shall be/. 20. 3. should deceive no more, till 1000 years be /. See Scripture. FULFILLIISIG. Psal. 148. 8. fire, hail, stormy wind/, his word Rom. 13. 10. therefore love is the/, of the law Eph. 2. 3./. the desires of the flesh and of the mind FULL Signifies, [1] Satisfied with. Isaiah 1. 11. 1 am full of the burnt offerings of rams. [2] That FUL which is perfect, complete, and which wants no- thing. 2 John 8. That we receive a full reward ; that whole portion of glory which God hath pro- 7nised to diligent, persevering Christians. [3] Such as are proud, and puffed up with a high conceit of their own sufficiency and worth, so as they feel no need of Christ. Luke 6. Co. Woe unto you that are full. [4] One enabled both to conceive and bring forth. 1 Sam. 2. 5. Full of years, one who had lived long enough, as long as he desired. Gen. 25. 8. Full of faith, and of the Holy Ghost, that is, endued loith a plentiful measure of faith, and of the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit, Acts 6. 5. Ihe fulness of time, is the time wherein the Messiah appeared, which was appointed by God, promised to the fathers, foretold by the prophets, expected by the Jews themselves, and earnestly longed for by all the faithful; the fulness of this time, is when that time was fully come. Gal. 4. 4. When the ful- ness of the time was come, God sent his Son. 'i he fulness of God, is such a measure of per- fection as God hath appointed to every one of the elect through Christ. Eph. 3. 19. That ye might be filled with all the fulness of God ; that is, until you arrive at the highest degree of the knowledge and enjoyment of God, and immediate influence from him. and an entire conformity to him. The fulness of Christ, is the infinite treasures of grace and mercy with zohich he loas filled. John 1. 16. Of his fulness have all we received. And whereas men are said to be fiiled with the Holy Ghost, as John the Baptist, L^ike 1. 15. and Stephen, Acts 6. 5. This differs from the fulness of Christ iyi these three respects, CI) Grace and the Spirit he in others by participation ; as the moon hath her light from the sun, rivers their laaters from the fountain, and the eye its sight from the soul ; but in Christ they be originally, naturally, and of himself. (2) In Christ they be infinite and above measure, John 3. .34. But in the saints by measure, according to the gifts of God, Eph. 4. 16. The moon is full of light, but the SU71 is more full j rivei's are full of waters, but the sea mors full. (3) The saints cannot com- municate their graces to others ; whereas the gifts of the Spirit be in Christ as an head avid foun- tain, to impart them to his members. John 1. l^d. We have received of his fulness. It is said. Col. 2. 9. Ihat the fulness of the Godhead dwells in Christ bodily; that is. The whole nature and attributes of God are in Christ, and that really, essentially, or substantially, and also personally, by nearest union, as the soul dwells iyi the body, so that the same person who is man, is God also. The church is called the fulness of Christ, Eph. 1. 23. It is the church which makes him a com- plete and perfect Head, and without which he would account himself but empty and maimed, as it were ; for though he has a natural a7id personal fulness, as God; yet as Mediator, he is not full and complete without his mystical body, (as a king is not complete without his subjects,) but receives an outward, relative, and mystical fulness from nis members. And then the church does mayiifest and set forth his fulness, serving as anempty vessel for him to fill and to shew his fulness in ; and this he does, by bringiiig every member to his full stature; by dispersing all variety of gifts 'and graces among them ; and by bringing them all to heaven at last, so that not one shall be wanting. How much more their fulness ! Rom. 11. 12. If the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gen- tiles ; how much more their fulness < If the falling away of the i%viS,from being God's people, through their rejecting the gospel, and the small number of believers among them, was the occasion of God's manifesting his abundant grace in the conversion of the Gentiles, and spreading the know- ledge of Christ all the world over ; how much more shall a general conversion of the Jews, towards the end of the world, confirm the faith of the believing Gentiles, and also be a means to convert those of them that do not yet believe, all over the world? Gen. 15. 16. the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet/. 25. 8. Abraham an old man, and/, of years 35. 29. Isaac bein?^ old and/, of days, died 41. 1. at the end of two/, years, Pharaoh dreamed 7- the thin ears devoured tlie seven/, ears, 22. 43. 21. every man's money in his sack./, weight Exod. 8. 21. the houses shall be/, of swarms of flies 16. 33. and put an homer/, of manna therein 22. 3. for he should make/, restitution Lev. 2. 14. Shalt offer even corn beaten out of/, ears 16. 12. censer/, of coals, hands/ of incense 19. 29. and the land became /. of wickedness 25. 29. within a/, year may he redeem it 30. if not redeemed in a/, year, then the house Num. 7. 13. both of them were/, of fine tlour, 19, 25, 31, 37, 43. 49, 55, 61, 07, 73, 79. 14. one spoon ot ten shekels/, of incense, 20, 26, .32, 38, 44, 50, 56, 62, 68, 74, 80, 86. 22. 18. if Balak give me house/, of silver, 24. 13. Deut. 6. 11. and houses/, of all good things, when thou shalt have eaten and be/. 8. 10, 12. 11.15. will send grass, that thou may est eat and be/ 21. 13. she shall bewail her father a/, month 33. 23. Naphtali/. with the blessina' of tlie Lord 34. 9. Joshua was/ ot the Spirit of wisdom Judg. 6. 38. wringed the dew, a bowl/, of water 16. 27. now the house was/, of men and women Buth 1. 21. I went out/, and the Lord hath brought 2. 12. and a/, reward be given thee of the Lonl 1 Sam. 2. 5. they that were/ hired out themselves 18. 27. they gave them in /. tale to the king 27, 7. David dwelt in country of Philist. a/, year 2 Sam. 8. 2. and with one/, line to keep alive 1 Kings I7. 1 15. she and her house did eat a/, year 2 Kings 3. 16. make this valley/, of ditches" F UL 2 Kings 4. 6. when vessels were/, she said to hei son 6. 17. behold, the mountain was /. of horses 7. 15. and lo, all the way was/, of garments 10. 21. house of Baal was/, fiom one end to another 1 Chron. 21. 22. shall grant it me for the/, price 24. nay, but I will verily buy it for a/, price 23. 1. when David was old and /. of days, 29. 28. Esth. 3. 5. then was Haman/. of wratli 5. 9. he was/, of indignation against Mordecai Job 5. 26. thou shalt come to thy grave in a/, age 7. 4. I am /. of tossings to and fi o to dawning of day 10. 15. I am/ of confusion, see mine affliction 11. 2. an-d should a man/, of talk be justified .'' 14. 1. man is of few days and / of trouble 20. 11. his bones are/, of the sins of his youth 21. 23. one dieth in his/, strength, being at ease 24. his breasts are/, of milk, his bones moistened 32. 18. I am/, of matter, the Spirit constraineth me 36. 16. that on thy table should be /. of fatness 42. 17. so Job died, being old and/, of days Psal. 17. 14. they are/, of children, and leave rest 69.- 20. hath broken my heart, 1 am/ of heaviness 73. 10. waters of a/, cup are wrung out to them 74. 20. dark places are/, of habitations of cruelty 78. 25. man did eat angels' food, sent meat to tlie/. 104. 16. the trees of the Lord are/, of sap 127. 5. happy that hath his quiver/, of them 144. 13. that our gainers may be/ affording store Prov. 17. 1. than an house/, of sacrifices with strife 25. t 17- lest he be/, of thee, and hate thee 27. 7. the/ soul loatheth an honey-comb 20. hell and destruction are never/. 30. 9. lest I be/, and deny thee, and say, who is L.? Eccl. 1. 7. run into the sea, yet the sea is not/. 8. all things are /, of labour, man cannot utter 4. 6. than both hands/ with travail and vexation 11. 3. if the clouds be/ of rain, they empty Isa. 1. 11. I am/, of the burnt offerings of rams 15. I will not hear, yoar hands are/, of blood 21. the faithful city, it was/, of judgment 11. 9. the earth shall be /. of knowledge of the Ld. 13. 21. their houses shall be/, of doleful creatures 15. 9. the waters of Dimon shall be/, of blood 22. 2./. of stirs || 7. valleys shall be /. of chariots 25. 6. a feast of fat things, a feast/, of marrow 28. 8. for all tables are /. of vomit and filthiness 30. 27. his lips are/, of indignation, and his tongue 51. 20. they are / of the fury of the Lord Jer. 4. 12. af. wind from those places shall come 5. 7- when I had fed them to the /. they committed 6. 11. therefore I am/, of the fury of the Lord 28. 3. within two/, years will I bring, 11. 35. 5. 1 set before the Rechabites pots/, of wine Lam. 1.1. how city sit solitary that was/, of peop. 3. 30. he is filled/, with reproach Esek. 1. 18. and their wings were /. of eyes 10. 4. court was/, of the brightness of Lord's glory 12. the wheels were/, of eyes round about 17. 3. a great eagle with wings/, of feathers 19. 10. she was fruitful and/, of branches 28.12. the sum,/, of wisdom, and perfect in beauty 32. 6. and the rivers shall be /. of thee 37. 1. in midst of the valley which was /. of bones 39. 19. ye shall eat fat till ye be /. and drink blood Dan. 3. 19. then was ISlebuchadnezzar / of fury 8. 23. when the transgressors are come to the/. 10. 2. in those days Daniel mourned three/, weeks Joel 2. 24. the floors shall be/, of wheat Aiic. 3. 8. but truly I am /. of power by the Spirit 6. 12. the rich men thereof are/, of violence Hab. 3. 3. and the earth was/, of his praise Zech. 8. 5. the sti-eets shall be /. of boys and cirls Mat. 6. 22. thy body shall be/, of light, Lukell. 36. 13. 48. which when it was/, they drew to shore 14. 20. of fragments twelve baskets/. Mark 6. 43. 15. 37. they took up that was left seven baskets/. 23. 25. but within are/, of extortion and excess 27. but within are/, of dead men's bones 28. within ye are/, of hypocrisy and iniquity Mark 7. 9./. well ye reject commandment of God 15. 36. one ran and filled a spunge/. of vinegar Luke 1. 57. now Elizab./. time came to be deliver. 4. 1. Jesus being/, of the Holy Ghost, was led 5. 12. behold a man/ of leprosy, fell on his face 6. 25. woe unto you that are/, ye shall hunger 16. 20. Lazarus was laid at his gate/, of soi-es Johnl. 14. and dwelt among us,/, of grace and truth 7. 8. I go not up, for my time is not yet/, come 15. 11. ai:i that your joy might be /. 16. 24. 19. 29. there was set a vessel/, of vinegar Acts 2. 13. others said, these men are /. of new wine 28. shalt make me/, of joy with thy countenance 6. 3. look ye out men/, of the Holy Ghost 5. Stephen / of faith and the H. Ghost, 8. I 7. 55. 7. 23. when Moses was/, forty years old 9. 36. Dorcas/, of sood works and alms deeds 11. 24. Barnabas/, of the Holy Ghost and faith 13. 10. and said, 0/ of all subtilty and mischief 19. 28. they were/, of wrath, and cried out Bom. 1. 29. being/, of envy, murder, debate, deceit 15. 14. I am persuad. that ye also are /. of goodu. 1 Cor. 4. 8. now ye are f. now ye are rich Phil. 2. 26. for he lonaed and was/, of heaviness 4. 12. I am instructed to be/, and to be hungry 18. but 1 have all, and abound, I am /. 2 Tim. 4. 5. make /. proof of thy ministry Heb. 5. 14. but strong meat to them that are of/, age Jam. 3. 8. tongue an unruly evil,/, of deadly poison 17. wisdom from above is pure, f. ot mercy 1 Pet. 1, 8. ye rej. with joy unspea"k. and/, of glory 2 Pet. 2. 14. eyes f. of adultery, not cease from sin IJohn 1. 4. we write to you, that your joy may be/. 2 John 8. but that we receive a/, reward 12. speak face to face, that our joy may be /. Bev. 4. 6. there were four beasts/, of eyes, 8. 5. 8. having every one golden vials /. of odours 15. 7. seven aolden vials /'. of the wiath of God 16. 10. and his kinudom was /. of darkness 17. 3. 1 saw a woman /. of names of blasphemy 4. a golden cup/ of abominations and filthiness 21. 9. the seven vials/, of the seven last plagues See Assurance, Comtassion. FUR Is FULL. 2 Kings 4. 4, thou shalt set aside that which isf. Psal. 10. 7. his mouth isf. of cursing. Bom. 3. 14 26. 10. and their right hand isf. of bribes 29. 4. the voice of the Lord isf. of majesty 33. 5. the earth isf. of the goodness of the Lord 48. 10. thy right hand isf. of righteousness 65. 9. with the river of God, which isf. of water 75. 8. and the wine is red, it isf. of mixture 88. 3. my soul isf. of troubles, and mj' life 104. 24. O Lord, the earth isf. of thy riches 119. 64. the earth, O Lord, isf. of thy mercy Eccl. 9. 3. the heart of the sons of men isf. of evil 10. 14. a fool isf. of words, man not tell what to ba Isa. 2. 7. their land isf. of silver, isf. of horses 8. their land also isf of idols, they worship 6. 3. holy is Lord, the whole earth is f. of his glory Jer. 5. 27. as acaffe isf. of birds, houses full of deceit 6. 11. tlie aged, with him that isf. of days 23. 10. for the land isf. of adulterers Ezek. 7. 23. land isf. of crimes, city isf. of violence 9. 9. land isf. of blood, city isf. of perverseness Joel 3. 13. for the press isf. the fats overflow Amos 2. 13. a cart is pressed, that isf. of sheaves Nah. 3. 1. it is all/, of lies and robberies Luke 11. 34. body isf. of light, isf. of darkness 39. but your inward part is f. of ravening To the FULL. Exod. 16. 3. when we sat and did eat bread to ihe f. 8. when L. shall give in the morn, bread to the f. Lev. 26. 5. ye shall eat your bread to the f. FULLER, S. 2 Kings 18. 17- they came and stood in the high- way of the/, field, Isa. 7. 3. I 36. 2. Mai. 3. 2. he is like a refiner's fire, and /. soap MarkQ. 3. so as no/ on earth can white them FULLY. Num. 14. 24. but Caleb that followed me/. Ruth 2. 11. Boaz said, it hath/, been shewed me 1 Kings 11. 6. Solomon went not/, after the Lord Eccl. 8. 11. the heart of sons of men is/, set to do evil Jer. 12. + 6. yea, they cried after thee/. Nah. 1. 10. they shall be devoured as stubble,/, dry Acts 2. 1. when tlie day of Pentecost was/, come Rom. 4. 21. being /. persuaded, that what he pro- mised 14. 5. let every man be/, persuad. in his own mind 15. 19. I have/, preached the gospel of Christ Col. 1. 1 25. made a minister/, to preach the word 2 Ti?n. 3. 10. thou hast/, known my doctrine 4. 17. thatb^' me the preaching might be/, known Bev. 14. 18. thrust in thy sickle, grapes are/, ripe FULNESS. Gen. 48. +19. his seed become a f. of nations Exod. 22. + 29. thou shalt not delay to offer thy/. Num. 18. 27. reckoned as the /. of the wine-press Deut. 22. + 9. lest the/, of thy seed be defiled 33. 16. precious things of the earth, and /. thereot 1 Sam. 28. + 20. Saul fell with the/, of his stature 1 Chron. 16. 32. let the sea roar, and the /. therea Psal. 96. 11. I 98.7. Job 20. 22. in/, of sufficiency shall be in straits Psal. 16. 11. in thy presence is/, of joy 24. 1. earth is the Lord's, and its/. 1 Cor. 10. 26, 28. 50. 12. the world is mine, and/, thereof, 89. 11. Isa. 6. + 3. his glory is the /. of the whole earth 8. T 8. the/ of the breadth of thy land shall be the stretching out of his wings, O Immanuel 34. + 1. let the earth hear, and the/ thereof 42. + 10. ye that go down to sea, and the / thereof Jer. 8. + 16. have devoured the land and/, thereof 47. + 2. waters shall overflow the land and/, thereof Ezek. 16. 49. iniquity of sister Sodom, / of bread 12. +19. land was desolate, and the/ 19.7-1 30. + 12. Amos 6.+ 8. I will deliver up city, and the/, thereof Mic. 1. + 2. hearken, O earth, and the/, thereof Johnl. 16. of his/, have we received grace for grace Bom. 11 . 12. how much more their /. ? 25. till the/ of the Gentiles be came in 15. 29. I shall come in the /. of the gospel of Christ Gal. 4. 4. when the/, of the time was come Eph. 1. 10. that in the f. of times he might gather 23. the f. of him that filleth all in all 3. 19. that ye might be filled with all the/, of God 4. 13. we come to the stature of the /. of Christ Col. 1. 19. pleased Father, in him should all/, dwell 2. 9. in him dwelleth the /. of the Godhead bodily FUNDAMENT. Judg. 3. + 22. not draw dagger, it came out at the /. FURBISH. Jer. 46. 4. f. the spears, put on the brigandines FURBISHED. Ezek. 21. 9. a sword is sharpened, and also/. 10. 11. given to be /. || 28. sword /. to consume FURY. Gen. 27. 44. tarry, till thy brother's/, turn away Lev. 26. 28. I wi'll walk contrary to you in/. Job 20. 23. God shall cast the/, of his wi ath on him Isa. 27. 4. /. is not in me, who would set briers 34. 2. and his/, is upon all their armies 51. 13. hast feared because of the/, of tne oppres- sor ; and where is the/, of the oppressor .' 17. O Jerusalem, which hast drunk cup of his/. 20. as wild bull, they are full of the/, of the Lord 22. even the dregs of cup of my/, no more drink 59. 18. he will repay/ to his adversaries 63. 3. fori will trample them in my/. 5. my arm brought salvation, my/, it upheld me 6. and I will make them drunk in my/. 66. 15. Lord will come to render his anger with /. Jer. 4. 4. lest my/, come forth like fire, and bum 6. 11. therefore 1 am full of the /.of the Lord 21. 5. I will fight against you in /. and wrath 12. lest my /."go out like fire, and burn 23. IQ. a whirlwind is gone forth in /. 30. 23. 25. 15. take the wine-cup of this/, at my hand .32.31. thiscitv hath been a provocation of my/. 33. 5. whom fhave slain in mine anger and/. .36. 7. great is the f.the Lord hath pronounced Lam. A. 11. the Lord hath accomplished his f. Ezek. 5. 13. I will cause my /. to rest on them, they shall know when 1 have accomplished my/ I8rs FUR Eze/c.5. 15. wlien I shall execute judgments in/. 6. 1'-'. thus will 1 accomplish my f. on them 8. 18. therefore will 1 deal in/, my eye not spare 13. 13. 1 will rend with a stormy wind in my/. 16. .%. 1 will give thee blood in/, and jealousy 42. so will I make my/, towards thee to rest ly, 12. but she was plucked up in my/, castdown 20. 33. with/, poured out will 1 rule over you 21. 17. and 1 win cause my/, to rest 22. 20. so will 1 gather you in mine anger and/. 24. 8. that it might cause /. to come up to vengeance 13. not purged, till I have caused my/, to rest 25. 14. they shall do in Edom according to my /. 36. 6. 1 have spoken in my jealousy and in my/. 38. 18. that my/, shall come up in my face Daw. 3. 13. Nebuchadnezzar in his/, commanded 19. then was Nebuchadnezzar full of/. 8. 6. and he ran unto him in the/, of his power 9.16. let thy /. be tuined away from thy city .1 erus. 11. 44. he shall go forth with great/, to destroy TMic. 5. 15. 1 will execute/, on the heathen NaA. 1. 1 2. the Lord revengeth, that hath/. Zec/i.8. 2. 1 was jealous for her with great/. >iee Pour, Poured. FUIllOU.S. Prov. 22. 24. with a/, man thou shalt not go 29. 22. a/, man aboundeth in transgression Eze/c. 5. 15. execute juJ.gment in/, rebukes, 25. 17. Van. 2. 12. ^Nebuchadnezzar the king was very/. Na/t. 1.2. the Lord revengeth, and is/. FURIOUSLY. 2 Kings9.Z0. like the driving of Jehu, he driveth/. "" ' "" "- ' they shall deal " '' " FURLO>JGS. Ezek.Z^. 25. and they shall deal/, with thee JUike 24. 13. Emmaus was from Jerusalem sixty/. Johnd. 19. haii ro.vetl about five and twenty/. 11. 18. Fethany nigh Jerusalem about fifteen/. Bev. 14. 20. blood came out by the space of 16i)0/. 21. 16. he measured the city with reed, 12,000 /'. FURNACE Signifies, [1] A fire-place for melting gold and other metal.s, Prov. 17. ?,. \ 27. 21. [2] A place of crvel bondage and oppression; such was Egypt '/- of ''er plantation 10. It shall wither in the/ where it grew Hos 10. 4. judgment as hemlock in the /.of the field 10. when shall bind themselves in their two/. 12. 11. their altars as heaps in the/, of the fields FUR'iliER. Num. <11. 26. angel went/, and stood in narrow place Deut. 20. 8. officers shall speak / to the people 1 -Saw. 10. 22. they inquired of the Lord/. Job .38. 11. hitherto shalt thou come, but no/. 40. 5. yea, twice, but I will proceed no f. Eccl. 8. 17./. though a wise man think to "know it 12. 12./. by these, my son, be admonished Mat. 26. .39. he went a little/, and tell on his face 65. saying, what/, need have we of witnesses ? ... , Mark U.m. Luke Z2.1l. Mark 1. 19. when ne had gone a little/, thence 5. ,35. why froublest thou the Master any/. ? Luke 24. 28. he made as tho' he would have gone /. Acts 4. 17. that it spread no / among the people 21. when had/ threatened them, they let them go 12. 3. Herod proceeded /. to take Peter also 21. 28./. he brought Greeks also into the temple 24. 4. that I be not/, tedious unto thee 27.28. they had gone a little/, they sounded 2 lim. 3. 9. but they .shall OToceed no/. 184 GAL Heh, 7. 11. what/, need another priest should rise FURIHER, Verb. Psal. 140. 8. O Lord,/, not his wicked device FURl HERANCE. Phil. 1. 12. the things which happened unto me have fallen out rather unto the /. of the gospel 25. shall abide with you foiyour/. and joy of faith FUR I HE RED. Ezra 8. 36. they /. the people and the house of God FURTHERMORE. Exod. 4. 6. Lord said/, to Moses, put thine hand Ezek. 8. 6. Lord said /. to Ezekiel, son of man G. GADDEST. Jer. 2. 36. why g. thou about to change thy way ? GAIN. Judg.5. 19. the kings of Canaan took no amson in the a. Ruth 4. 11. people in the g. said, we are witnesses 1 Sam. 9- IB. Saul drew near to Samuel in the g. 2 Sam. 3. 27. Joab took Abner aside in the g. 19. 8. king sat in the g. they told all the people 2 Kings 7. 1. two measures for a shekel in theg. 18. 20. the people trod on him in the g. and he died Esth. 2. 19. Mordecai sat in the king's g. 21. 5. 9. when Haman saw him in the king's g. Job 5. 4. his children are crustied in the g. 31. 21. when I saw my help in the g. Psal. 69. 12. they that sit in theg. speak against me 127. 5. but they shall speak with the enemies ing, Prov. 11. 22. nor oppress the afHicted zn the g. 24. 7. he openeth not his mouth in the g. Isa. 29. 21. lay a snare for him that reproveth jw^-. Jer. 7. 2. stand in the g. of the Lord's house 17. 19. stand in the g. of the children of the people 37. 13. when he was in the g. of Benjamin 38. 7- the king then sitting zw the g. of Benjamin 39. 3. all the princes of Babylon sat in the q. Dan. 1. 49. but Daniel sat in the g. of the king Amos 5. 10. they hate him that rebuketh in the g. 12. they turn aside the poor in the g. 15. hate evil, and establish judgment in the g. Old GATE. Neh. 3. 6. the oldg. repaired Jehoiadasonof Paseah 12. 39. the priests went above the oldg. and fish-gate Prison G A r E. Neh. 12. 39. and they stood still in \h.& prison-g . Sheep-GAV'tl. Neh. 12. 39. they went even unto the sheep-g. John5. t 2. by the sheep-g. there is a pool Valley-GA]:^. 2 Chron. 26. 9. Uzziah built towers at the valley-g. Neh. 2. 13. and I went out by the g. of the valley 15. and 1 entered by the g. of the valley 3. 13. the valley g. repaired Hanun IVater-GAYV.. Neh. 3. 26. Nethinims dwelt over against water-g. 8. 1. gathered into the street before the rM/er-^?. 3. he read in the law before the uater-g. 16. made booths in the street of the water-g. 12. 37. priests went even to the water-g. eastward GATES. Deut. 12. 12. rejoice, ye and Levite, within your g. Josh. 6. 26. in his youngest soia set up 17. 1 [\ings\6.34. Judq. 5. 8. chose new aods, then was war in the g. 5. 11. the people of the Lord shall go to the g. 2 Chroyi. 31. 2. ilezekiah appointed to praise in the^. Neh. 1. 3. the g. are burnt with fire, 2. 3, 13, 17. 7. 3. let not the g. of Jerusalem be open-sd 12, .30. the priests and Levites purified the^'. 13. 19. some of my servants set I at the g. 22. 1 commanded the Levites to keep the g, Psal. 9. 14. may shew forth thy praise in the g. 24. 7. lift up your heads, O ye g. and be ye lift up, 9. 87. 2. the Lord loveth the g. of Zion. more than 100. 4. enter into his ^7. with thanksgiving 107. 16. for he hatli broken tlie g. of brass 185 GAT Psal. 118. 19. open to me the (/. of righteousness Prov. 1. 21. wisdom crieth in the openings of (/. 8. 3. 8. 34. that heareth me, watchins daily at my ff. 14. 19. the wicked at tlie ff. of tiie righteous 31. 23. her husband is known in the (/. 31. let her own works praise her in the ff. Cant. 7. 13. at our ^r. are all manner of pleasant fruits lia. 3. 2G. and her (/. sliall lament and mourn 13. 2. they may go into the ff. of the nobles 26. 2. open yetheg. that the righteous may enter 38. 10. 1 shall so to the sf. of the grave 45. 1. to open before him the two-leaved ff. 2. 1 will break in pieces the ff. of brass 62. 10. go thro', go thro' the ff. prepare the way Jer. 7. 2 hear, ye that enter in at the ff. 1?. 20. i 22. 2. 14. 2. .Tudah mourneth, and the g. languish 15. 7. I will fan them with a fan in ff. of the land 17. 19. go and stand in all the ff. of Jerusalem 21. bear no burden on the sabbath by the g. 24. 25. then shall there enter into the ff. 22. 4. 27. 1 will kindle a fire in the g. o.t Jerusalem 22. 19. shall be drawn and cast forth beyond the <;. Lam. 1. 4. Zion's e people favour, 12. 36. 14. 20. the cloud g. light by night to these Num. 11. 25. Ld. took of the Spirit, and fir. to seventy Deut. 22. 16. I y. my daughter to this man to wife Josh. 19. 50. they ff. him the city which he asked 21. 43. the Lord g. to Israel all the land 44. the Lord g. them rest, 2 Chron. 15. 15. 1 20. .30. J^tdg. 6. 9. I drave them out, and g. you their land Ruth 4. 13. the Lord fir. her conception, and she bare 1 Sam. 10. 9. God fir. to Saul another heart 2 Sam. 12. 8. and I g. thee thy master's house 1 Kings 4. 29. the Lord fir. Solomon wisdom, 5. 12. 2 Kijigs 13. 5. and the Lord fir. Israel a saviour 1 Chron. 25. 5. God fir. to Heman fourteen sons 2 Chron. 32. 24. and God g. Hezekiah a sign Neh. 8. 8. read in book of the law, and o-. the sense Job 1. 21. Lord g. and the Lord hath taken away 42. 10. God (7. Job twice as much as he had before Psai. 18. 13. and the Highest g. his voice 68. 11. the Ld. g. the word, great was the company 69. 21. they g. me also gall, they ff. me vinegar 78. 29. for \\^g. them their own desire, 106. 15. Eccl. 12.7. the spirit shall return to God that ^. it Isa. 42. 24. who g. Jacob for a spoil, and Israel 43. 3. I g. Egypt for thy ransom, Seba for thee 50. 6. I fir. my back to the smiters, and my cheeks Jer. 1. + 5. 1 fir. thee a prophet to the nations Ezek. 16. 19. my meat also which 1 fir. thee 20. 11. I g. them my statutes, and shewed them 12. moreover also, I g. them my sabbaths 25. I g. them also statutes that were not good Dan. 1, 17. God g. these four children knowledge 6. 10. Daniel prayed andr/. thanks before God Hos. 2. 8. for she did not know that I g. her corn 13. 11. I fir, thee a king in mine anger Amos 2. 12, ye fir. the Nazarites wine to drink Mai. 2, 5, 1 g. my covenant to Levi of life Mat. 10. 1. Jesus g. them power against unclean spirits to cast them out, Mark 6. 7- Luke 9. 1 GEN GEN GEN Mat. 14. 19. he brake and ff. the loaves to his dis- ciples, 15. :<6. I 26. 16. Mark 6. 41. | 8. 6. | 14. 22. Ltde 9. 16. | 22. 19. 21.23. who^. thee author, r aiarill.m.LvkeQO. 2. 25. 35. ye ^.. me meat, ye ff. me drink, took me in 42. ye ff. me no meat, and ye ff. me no drink JLute 15. 16. with husks, and no man ff. unto him Jo/m 1. 12. to them (7. he power to become sons of G. 3. 16. God so loved world that he ff. his only &on 6. 31. he ff. them bread from heaven to eat 10. 29. my Fath. who ff. them me is greater than all 14. 31. as the Father (/. me commandment, so I do Acts 2. 4. to speak as the Spirit ff. them utterance 7. 5. and he ff. them no inheritance in it 10. God ^. J osepli favour and wisdom before Pha. 10. 2. Cornelius ff. much alms to the people 11. 17. as God ff. them the like gift as he did tons 12. 23. smote him, because he^. not God the glory 13. 21. afterward God (7. them Saul forty years 14. 17. lie did good, and ff. us rain from heaven 15. 24. to whom weo. no such commandment 26. 10. when put to death, I ff. my voice ag. them Horn. 2. 28. God ff. them over to a reprobate mind 1 Cor. 3. 5. ev^n as the Lord ff. to every man 6. ApoUos watered, but God^r. the increase 2 Cor. 8. 5. but first ff. their own selves to the Lord Gal. 1. 4. who ff. himself for our sins. Tit. 2. 14. 2. 20. who loved me, and ff. himself for me 3. 18. but God ff. it to Abraham by piomise Ep/t. 1. 22. and ff. him to be head over all things 4. 8. he led captivity captive and^. gifts to men 11. and he ff. some apostles ; some prophets 5. 25. Christ loved the church, and ^. himself for it 1 1/iess. 4. 2. ye know w hat commandment we ^.you 1 Tim. 2.6. vihoff. himself a ransom for all Heb. 12. 9. who corrected us, we (7. them reverence Jarti. 5. 18. he pra3'ed, and the heavens g. rain 1 John 3. 23. love one anotlier, as he^. us conmiand. 5. 10. he believeth not the record God ff. of his Son Mev. 1. 1. the revelation of Jes. Christ which Crodff. 2. 21. I g. her space to repent of her fornication 13. 2. the dragon g. him his power and his seat, 4. GAVE up. Gen. 25. 8. Abraham^, up the ghost and died 17. ]shmaell|35.29. and Isaacs-. 2^p ghost and died 2 Sam. 24. 9. Joab ff. up the sum of the number 2 Chr. 30. 7. who(7. them ?/^ to desolation, as ye see Psal, 78. 48. he ff. up their cattle also to the hail . 81. 12. I ff. them up to their own hearts' lust I^ayn. 1. 19. niy elders fi'. up the ghost in the city Mark 15. 37. Jesus cried with a loud voice, and^. up the ghost, 39. Luke 23. 46. John 19. 30. Acts 5. 5. Ananias g. up the ghost || 12. 23. Herod 7. 42. God g. them up to worship the host of heaven Horn. 1. 24. God also g. them %ip to uncleanness 26. for this cause God g. them up to vile affections B.ev. 20. 13. the sea g. up the dead that were in it GAVEST. Gen. 3. 12. the woman whom thou g. to be with me 1 KingsQ. 34. the land which thou ff. to their fathers, 40, 48. 2 Chron. 6. 25, 31, 38. Neh. 9. 35. Neh. 9. 7. thou ff. him the name of Abraham 13. thou (7. them right judgments, true laws 15. g. them bread from heaven for their hunger 20. thou g. also thy good Spirit, g. water for thirst 22. thou g. them kingdoms and nations 27. thou f7. them saviours who saved them Jo& 39. 13. g. thou the goodly wings to the peacocks ? Psal. 21. 4. he asked life of thee ; thou (7. it him 74. 14. thou ff. him to be meat to the people Luke 7. 44. thou £>. me no water for my feet 45. thou^. me no kiss, but this woman not ceased 15. 29. yet thou never ff. me a kid, to make merry John 17. 4, I have linislied work thou ff. me to do '■ "SRaniiested to the men whom thou ff. me out of «Lt world, thine they were, and thou g. them me 8. 1 have given them the words which thou£/. me 12. those that thou ff. me I have kept, none lost 22. the glory which thou ^. me, I have given 18. 9. of them whom thou g. me have I lost none GAY. Jam. 2. 3. respect to him that weareth ff. clothing GAZE. Exod. 19. 21. lestthey break thro' to the Lord to g. GAZING. JVa/2. 3. 6. and I will set thee as a ff. stock Acts 1. 11. why stand yeff. up into heaven ? Heb. 10. 33. partly whilst ye were made a.ff. stock GENDER. Lev. 19. 19. shalt not let cattle g. with diverse kinds £ Tim. 2. 23. knowinff that they do ff. strifes GENDERED, ETH. Job 21, 10. their bull g. and faileth not .38. 29. the hoary frost of heaven, who hath g. it? Gal. 4. 24. from mount Sinai, which g. to bondage GENEALOGY Comes from the Greek zvoi'd Genealogia, zehich sig- nifies a list of our ancestors, a description of the stock, lineage, or pedigree of any person or family . The common Hebrew expression for it w Scpher toledoth, Liber generationis. T/^e Hebrews zz^e^-e very careful in preservinff their genealogies ; and perhaps there never teas any tiation more circtim, spect in this poiyit than that of the Jews. At thii day we find genealogies in their sacred toritings, carried on for above three thousand five hundred years ; and in the Evangelists we have the ge- nealogy 0/ Jesus Christ deduced for four thousand years^, from Adam to Joseph or Mary, Luke 3. 23, &-C. The Jews were very exact in their genealogies, partly from their own choice and interest, that they might preserve the distinctions of the several tribes and families, which was ne cessary both to make out their claims or titles to offices or inheritances which miffht belong to them hy death, or otherwise; a7id to ffovern them selves thereby in the matter of marriages, and some other things, wherein the practice of some laws required the knoioledge of these things : It is observed in Ezra 2. 62. that such priests at were not able to prod%tce an exact genealogy oj their families, were not ptrmieted to exccise their functions : This their exactness was likewise ordered by the special providence of God, that so it might be certainly known of what tribe and family the Messiah was born. Josephus says, that they had in Ms nation an unmterrupted succession of priests for two thou- sand years. He adds, that the priests were par- ticularly careful to preserve their genealogies, and that not only in Judea, but also in Ba- bylon and Egypt : and wherever they were, they never married below themselves, and had exact genealogical tables prepared from those authentic monuments which were kept at Jerusalem, and to which they had recourse upon occasion : that in all their wars, persecutions, and public cala- mities, they always were particularly diligejit in securing those monuments, and to renew them from time to time. ISlotwithstanding , since the war which the Eomans carried on against the Jews, about thirty years after the death of our Saviour, aud since their entire dispersion in the reigti of Adrian, the i&vis have lost their ancient genealogies; and perhaps there is not one of those who say they are of the sacerdotal race, that is able to pro- duce any authentic proofs of his genealogy. J prom says, that the Jews are so versed in the reading of their books, and know so perfectly the genealogies, which are there set forth, that they can repeat all the names from Abraham to Zerubbabel, as easily as they can pronounce their own. St. Paul seems to condemn the af- fectation of knowing old genealogies : he looks upon them to be useless and vain, as in reality they are, when they serve only for ostentation, arid -not for edification: This study was of great use before the Messiah came, that it 7night be known distinctly of what tribe and family he was born ; but he being come, this study is iniin, though still the Jews are addicted to it. The genealogies set down by Ezra and Nehemiah, in some particulars vary: The reason whereof is assigned by Dr. Prideaux in these terms. " For the true settling of these genealogies," says he, "search was made by Nehemiah for the old registers, and having among them found the register of the genealogies of those who came up at first from Babylon with Zerubbabel and Joshua; he settled this matter according to it, adding such as afterwards came up, and expung- ing others, whose families were extinguished : and this hath catised the difference that is between the accounts which we^ have of these genealogies in Ezra and Nehemiah. Lor in the second chapter of Ezra, we have the old register made hy Zerub- babel ; and in the seventh of Nehemiah, fi-om the sixth verse, rae have a copy of it as settled by Nehemiah, with the alterations that are now mentioned.'' Prideaux's Connection, Part I. Book VI. 1 Chron. 5. 1. and the ff. is not to be reckoned after the birth-right Ezra 2. 62. these sought their g. Neh. 7. 64. 8. 1. this is the g. of them that went up with me Neh. 7. 5. 1 found a register of the g. which came up GENEALOGIES. 1 Chron. 9. 1. so all Israel were reckoned by g. 2 Chr. 12. 15. the book of Shemaiah concerning g. 31. 19. to give portions to all reckoned by g. 1 Tim. 1. 4. give no heed to fables and endless g. Tit. 3. 9. avoid foolish questions, ^c. and contentions GENERAL. 1 Chron. 27. .34. the g. of the king's army was Joab Heb. 12.23. to cr. assembly and church of first-born GENERALLY. 2 Sam. 17. 11. I counsel that Israel be g. gathered Jer. 48. 38. be lamentation ^r. on house-tops of Moab GENERATION. This word is used for the history and genealogy of any man. For example: Ihis is the book of the generations of Adam, Gen. 5. 1. This is the history of Adam's creation, and that of his posterity. These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth. Gen. 2. 4. This is a recital of the creation of heaven and earth. And in Mat. 1. 1. The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the Son of Bavid. _ This is the genealogy of Jesus Christ, and the history of his life, death, and resurrection. Lt is likeioise taken for perso?is or people who live in some one age. Heb. 3. 10. I was grieved with that generation; with those men that came out of Egypt, and re- belled against me in the wilderness. Mat. 24. 34. Ihis generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. All who are at present living, shall not be dead, when this shall come to pass. There are some at this day living, who shall be witnesses of the evils which L have foretold shall befall the Jews. The men of this generation, the men who are now alive, Lnike 11. 31. O faitii- less and perverse generation ! Luke 9- 41. And, save yourselves from this untoward o^neration, from, these perverse men. Acts 2. 40. To genera- tion and generation, denotes future ages, Psal. 33. t 11. Who shall declare his generation ? Isa. 53. 8. Who can declare or number the Mes- siah's spiritual seed, the number of those zeho shall believe iji him,, and be converted to him by the preaching of the gospel? .Generation is also taken for men of like quality and disposition, though neither of one place nor age. Psal. 14. 5. God is in the geneiation of the righteous. The ancients sometimes coniputed by generations, and the Scripture follou's frequently this method. Gen. 15. 16.150. 23. In the fourth generatinn thv descendants shall come hither again. Joseph saw Ephrainis children of the third generation. A bastard shall 7iot enter into the congregation even to his tenth generation, Ec^a. 23. 2. By some of the ancients a generation was fixed at an hundred years, by ethers at an hundred and ten, by others at thirty-three, thirty, five-and- twenty, and even at twenty years. So .hat theie Was nothijig uniform and settled in this matter. Only it is remarked, that the continuance of yene- ratihus is so much longer, as it comes nearer to the more ancient times. Gen. 7. 1. thee have I seen righteous in this g. Exod. 1. 6. Joseph died, and all that g. 17. 16. will ha^e war with Amalek from g. to g. Num. .32. 13. till that g. was consumed, Deut. 2. 14. Deut. 1. .35. not one of this evil^'.. shall see that land 23. 2. a bastard shall not enter even to his tenth g. 3. an Ammonite lo tenth g. shall not enter 8. Edomite and Egypt, in the third g. shall enter 29. 22. so that the g. to come shall rise up and say 32. 5. they are a perverse and crooked g. 20. t 7. consider the years of g. and g. Judg. 2. 10. all that g. were gathered to their fathers, and tliere arose another g. after them Esth. 9. 28. these days sliall be rememb. in every g. Psal. 10. t 6. 1 shall not be moved to g. and g. 12. 7. thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this*/, for ever 14. 5. for God is in the g. of the righteous 22. .30. it shall be accounted to the Lord for a g. 24. 6. this is the g. of them tiiat seek him 48. 13. that ye may tell it to the g. following 49. 19. he shall go to the g. of his fathers 71. 18. till I have shewed thy strengrh to this ^. 73. 15. 1 should oifend ag. the g. of thy children 77. + 8. doth his promise fail to g. and g. ? 78. 4, shewing to the g. to come the praises of Ld. 6. that the g. to come might know them 8. might not be a stubborn and rebellious g. 95. 10 forty years grieved with thisg. Heb. 3. 10. 102. 18. this sliall be written for the g. to come 109. 13. in g. following let their name be blotted out 112. 2. the g. of the upright shall be blessed 145. 4. one (7. shall praise thy works to another Prov. 27. 24. doth the crown endure to e^ery g.? 30. 11. there is Kg. that curseth their father 12. there is a£>. that are pure in their own eyes 13. -d. ff. lofty II 14. a ff. whose teeth are swords Eccl. 1. 4. one ff. passeth away, another g. cometh Isa. 13. 20. not dwelt in from g. to g. Jer. 50. 39. 34. 10. from g. to g. it shall lie waste 17. from (7. to g. thej' shall dwell therein 51. 8. but my salvation shall be from g. to g. 53. 8. who shall declare his g. ? Acts 8. 33. Jer. 2. 31. O g. see ye the word of the Lord 7. 29. the Lord hath rejected X\\eg. of his wratli Lam. 5. 19. thy throne, O L. remains from g. tog. Dan. 4. 3. and his dominion is from g. to g. 34. Joel 1. 3. and let their children tell another g. 3. 20. Jerusalem shall dwell from g. to g. Mat. 1. l.the book of the g. of Jesus Christ 3. 7- O g. of vipers, 12. .34 1 23. 33. Luke 3. 7. 11. 16. whereto shall I liken this g. Luke 7. 31. 12. 39. an evil and adulterous g. seeketh after a sign, 16. 4. MarkZ. 12. Lzike 11. 29 41. shall rise in judgment with this 6'. Luke 11. .32. 42. queen of the south rise up with g. Luke 11. 31. 45. even so shall it be also to this wicked g. 17. 17- O perverse ir. Mark 9. 19. Luf,e 9. 41. 23. 36. all these things shall come on this a. 24.34. this (7. sh, 11 not pass, Mark 13. 30. iw^e 21.32. Mark 8. 38. shall be ashamed of me in this sinful 5-. Luke 1. 50. his mercy is on them from g. to g. 11. 30. so shall the Son of man be to this g. 50. the blood of the prophets required of this ^7. 51. 16. 8. children of this w orld in their g. are wiser 17. 25. the Son of man must be rejected of this g. Acts 2. 40. save you from this untoward g. 13. 36. David, after he had served his own ^r. 1 Pet. 2. 9. ye are a chosen g. a royal priesthood See FouETH. GENERATIONS. Gen. 2. 4. these are the g. of the heavens and earth 5. l.the fir. of Adam || 6. 9. the ^r. of Noah, 10. 1. 6. 9. Noah was a just man, and perfect in his p. 9. 12. of the covenant I make for perpetual g. 11. 10. these are the (7. of Shem || 27. g. of Terah 17. 7. covenant between me and thy seed in their ^. 9. thou and thy seed after thee in their g. 12. every man-child in your g. must be circum- cised 25. 12. these are the g. of Ishmael, 13. 1 Chr. 1. 29. 19. these are t\\eg. of Isaac || 36. 1. the (7. of Esau, 0. .37.2. these are the .9. of Jacob, Joseph 17 yeai's old Exod. 3. 15. and this is my memorial unto all g. 6. 16. the sons of Levi according to their g. 19. 12. 14. a feast to the Lord throughout j'our^r. 17. ye shall observe this day in your g. 42. a niaht to be much observed by Isr. in their g. 16. .32. fill an homer to be kept for your g. 33. 27. 21. it shall be a statute for ever to their a. 30. 21. Lev. 3. 17. 1 6. 18. 17- 36. | 10. 9. 1 17- 7- 123, 14, 21, 31, 41. 29. 42. a contin. burnt-offering throughout your g. 30. 8. burn incense 1| 31. oil throushout your^. 31. 13. my sabbaths a sign throughout j-our g. 16. 40. 15. an everlasting priesthood through their g. Lev. 21. 17. of thy seed in their 17. that hath blemish 23. 43. your (/. may know that 1 made Israel dwell 24. 3. a statute for ever in g. Num. 10. 8. 1 18. 23. Deut. 7- 9. Lord keepeth covenant to a thousand^. .32. 7. consider the years of manj' g. Josh. 22. 27. a witness betsveen you and our g. 28. when they should say to our <7. in time to come Jnd(/. 3. 2. the g. of Israel might teach them war Ruth 4. 18. now these are the ~g. of Pharez 1 Chro7i. 16. 15. of his covenant, the word which he commanded to a thousantl (7. Psal. 105. 8. Job 42. 16. Job saw his sons' sons, even four (7. Psal. .33. II. the thoughts of his heart to a.\\ g. 45. 17. make thv name to be remembered in all ff. 49. 11. their dw ellinu-places continue to all g. 61 . 6. thou wilt prolong the king's years as niany^. 72. 5. thev shall fear thee throughout all g. 79. 13. V e w ill shew forth thy praise to all g. 85. 5. wilt thou draw out thine anger to all g.? 80. 1. I will make known tliv faithfulness to «11 s 4. and I will build up thy throne to all g. 187 GEN GET GIA Psal.90. 1 . thou hast been our dwellinsf-place in all^. 100. 5. and his truth endureth to alf ^. 102. 12. and thy remembrance unto ail {/■ 24. tliy years are throughout all ff. 100.31. was counted to him tor rinhteous. to all ff. 119. 90. thy faithfulness is unto all //. 135. 1.3. and thy memorial throughout all ff. 145. 13. and thy dominion tliroughout all ff. 146. 10. tliy God, O Zion, shall reign to all ff. Jsn. 41. 4. calling the g. from the beginning 51. 9. awake, O arm of the Ld. as in the (/.of old 58. 12. slialt raise up the foundations of many g. 60. 15. I will make tliee a joy of many ff. 61. 4. they shall repair the (Jesolations of many g. Joel 2. 2. even to tlie years of many g. Mat. 1.17. the ff. from Abraham to David are 14 i/. Luke 1. 48. behold, all g. shall call me blessed Col. 1. 26. mystery hath been hid from ages and g. GENTILE. The Hebrews call the Gentiles ^^^ the general name of Goiim, which signifies the nations that have not received the faith, or law of God. All who are not Jews, and circumcised, are comprised under the word Goiim. Before Christ, tite door to life and justification was opened to the world hy the belief only and profession of the Jewish religion. Those who were converted, and embraced Judaism, they called Proselytes. Since the preaching of the {/ospel, the true religion is not confined to ayiy one nation and country, only, as heretofore. God, who had promised by his prophets to call the Gentiles to the faith, with a superabundance of grace, has executed this promise : So that the christian church is composed of scarcely any other beside Gentile converts ; and ^/ie Jews, who were too proud of their particular privileges, for the most part have been abandoned to their reprobated sense of things, arid have disowned Jesus Christ their Messiah and iiedeemer, for whom, for so many ages, they wished so impatiently. The apostle Paul generally comprehends the Gen- tiles under the 7iame 0/ Greeks, Rom. 1. 16. Jew and Greek signify Jew and Gentile. See also Rom. 2. 9, 10. 13. 9. 1 10. 12. 1 Cor. 1. 22, 24. Gal. 3. 28. And St. Luke, in the Acts, expressed himself in the same manner. Acts 11, 20. 1 18. 4. St. Paul is commonly called the Apostle of the Gentiles, or the Greeks, 1 Tim. 2. 7- because he was principally sent to idolatrous people, to preach Christ to them ; whereas St. Peter, and the other apostles, preached more generally to the Jews ; for which reason they are called the apostles of the cir- cumcision. Gal. 2. 7. Ihe gospel of the uncir- cumcision was committed unto me, as the gos- pel of the circumcision was unto Peter. The old prophets declared in a very particular man- ner the calling of the Gentiles. Jacob foretold, that when ShUoh, or the Messiah should come, to him should the gathcrmg of the people be ; that is, the Gentiles should yield obedience to Christ, and acknowledge him for their Lord and Savioxir . And how sincerely and heartily the ancient and godly Jews desired the conversion of the Gentiles, may appear from the prayer which Solomon ad- dresses to God after the dedication of the temple which he had built. 1 Kings 8. 41, 42, 43. When the stranger shall come and pray towards this ho7ise, hear thou in heaven, that all people of the earth may know thy name, to fear thee as thy people Lrael. The Psalmist says, that the Lord shall give the Gentiles to the Messiah for an inker ita7i.ce. Psal. 2. 8. 'J'hat the kinas of Tar- shish and of the isles shall bring presents ; the kings oi'Sheba and Seha sliall offer gifts ; yea, all kings shall fall down before him, 10,11. And in Psal. 87. 4. I will make mention of Egypt and Babylon, to them that know me : be- hold, Philistia and Tyre, with Ethinpia : this man was born there. Isaiah abounds with prophecies of the like nature ; see isa.2.2, 3,4. | 11.10. 1 42.1,6. In the New 'Testament we see the Gentiles came sometimes to Jerusalem to worship God there. Some of these arriving there a little before the death of our Saviour, addressed themselves to Philip, de- sirmg him to shew them Jesus, John 12. 20, Sgc. Philip told Andrew, and both of them informed Jesus ; who anszoered them, 1 he hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified ; that i.s. Do the Gentiles seek me? why, the time approaches wherein I shall be glorified by their conversion, and owning of me ; but I must die first, like a grain of corn, and from thence will spriiig up a plentiful crop among the Gentiles. Queen Can- dace's eunuch, who came to Jerusalem, was like- wise a Gentile, as several affirm. Acts 8. 27. Mark 7. t 26. the woman was a ^. a Syrophenician Horn. 2. 9. of the Jew first, and also of the g. 10. GElSillLES. Gen. 10. 5. by these the isles of the g. were divided Judg. 4. 2. Sisera dwelt in Harosheth of the g. Isa. 11. 10. a root of Jesse, to it shall the g. seek 42. 1. he shall bring judgment to the ^. ik/a;' \o ]8 6. for a light to g. 49. 6. Luke 2. 32. Acts 13. 47. 49. 22. behold, I will lift up mine hand to the g. 54. 3. and thy seed shall inherit the g. s and //. a snare Eccl. 3. 6. there i.-j a time to g. and a time to lose Cant. 4. 6. 1 will g. me to the mountains of mynh 7. 12. let usg. up early to the vineyards and see if Jer. 5. 5. I will g. me to great men, and will speak 19. 1. and g. a potter's earthen bottle 46. 4. harness the horses, and i/. u\), ye horsemen 48. 9. give wings to Moab, that it may g. away iaw. 3. 7. he hath hedged me alwut, 1 cannot f/. out Ezek, 22. 27. to destroy souls, tog. dishonest gain Dan. 4. 14. let the beast.« g. away from under it Zeph. 3. 19. I will g. th" 1 praise from every land Mat. 10. 1 9.^.neithergoidnorsilverin your purses 14. 22. constr. them to g. into ship, Mark 6. 45. Luke 9. 12. that tiiey may lodge and^. victuals Acts 27. 43. cast themselves into sea, and g. to land 2 Cor. 2. 11. lestSatanshouldp. the advantage of us Jam. 4. 13. continue there, buy, sell, and^^. gain GEl' thee. Gen. 12. 1. g. thee out of thy country, Acts'! . 3. 22. 2. he said, g. thee into the land of Moriah 31. 13. g. thee out from this land, and return Exod. 7. 15. g. thee to Pharaoh in the morning 10. 28. g. thee from me, take heed to thyself 11 . 8. (/. thee out, and all the people that follow thee 19. 24. Lord said to Moses, away, g. thee down and tliou shalt come up, ,32.7. Deut. 9. 12. Num. 27- 12. ^. thee to mount Abarim, Deut. 32. 49. Deut. 3. 27. g. thee up to the top of Pisgah 17- 8. g. thee up to the place the Lord shall choose Josh. 7. 10. g. thee up, wheiefore liest thou thus .' 17. 15. then g. thee up to the wood country Judg. 7. 9. arise, (7. thee down unto the host Ruth 3. 3. wash thyself, 4^. thee down to the floor 4. + 11. g. thee riches in Ephratah, and be famous 1 Sam. 22. 5. depart, g. thee into the land of .1 udah 1 Kijigs 1. 13. go, £7. thee in to king David, and say 2. 26. g. thee to Anathoth to thine own fields 14. 2. g. thee to Shiloh, behold there is Aliijah 12. arise therefore, g. thee to thine own house 17. 3. g. thee hence || 9. g. thee to Zarephath 18. 41. Elijah said, g. thee up, eat and drink 44. g. thee down, that the rain stop thee not 2 Kiyigs 3. 13. g. thee to the prophets of thy father Neh. 9. 10. so didst thou g. thee a name as this day Isa. 22. 15. g. thee to this treasurer, to Shebnah 30. 22. thou shalt say unto if, g. thee hence 40. 9. O 7Aon,g. thee up into the high mountain 47. 5. sit thou silent, and g. thee into darkness Jer. 13, 1. g. thee a linen girdle, put it on thy loins Ezek. 3. 4. son of man, a.8. 14. be fora*?. to the inhabitants of Jerusalem Amos 3. 5. can a bird fall in a snare where no (/. is .' GIKD. Gen. 3. + 7. made themselves things to g. about Exod. 29. 5. a. him with the curious girdle, 9. Judg. 3. 16. Ehud did g. his dagger under raiment 1 Sam. 25. 13. g. ye on every man his swora 2 Kings 3. t 21. that were able to g. themselves Psal. 45. 3. g. thy sword on thy thigh, O most Jiff. 8. 9. (;■. yourselves, and ye shall be broken Ezek. 44. 18. not g. with what causeth sweat Joel 1. 13. g. yourselves, and lament, ye jjriests /,7o, get thee a linen g. put it on thy loins 10. this peo|)Ie shall be as this g. good for nothing Mat. 3. 4. John had a leathern g. Mark 1. 6. ^c^.v 21. 11. took Paul's ,9. man thatowneth this (7. Rev. 1. 13. girt about the paps with a golden g. GIKDLKS. Exod. 28. 40. thou shalt make for Aaron's sons g. 29. 9. and thou shalt gird Aaron and sons with g. Lev. 8. 13. Moses did gird Aaron's sons with g. Prov. 31. 24. she delivereth g. to the merchant Ezek. 23. 15. the images of Chaldeans girded with g. Dan. 5. t 6. that the gr. of his loins were loosed Rev. 15. 6. seven aneels girded with golden g. GIRL, S. Joel 3. 3. they have sold a g. for wine to drink" Zech. 8. 5. streets of city shall be full of boys and a. GIRT. 1 Sam. 2. 4. they that stumbled are g. with strength 2 Kings 1. 8. he was g. with a girdle of leather John 21. 7. Simon Peter g. his fisher's coat to him Eph. 6. 14. stand, having your loins g. with truth Rev. 1. 13. g. about the paps with a golden girdle GrniTii. This IS the title prefixed to Psalms 8, 81, and 84. The cojijectures of interpreters are vanons concern- ing this word. Some think it signifies a sort of musical instrument, or tune to which they were set ; others, that the hyynns of this kind icere invented in the city of Gath ; others, that Gittith signifies wine-presses, and that the Psalms with this title were sung after the vintage ; others that if wine- presses were meant by it, it should he Gitteth ; and that Gittith signifies a woman of Gath ; aiid that these Psalms were given to the class of young women, or songstresses of Gath, to be sung by them. Dr. Hammond thinks that the Psalms with this title were all set to the same tune, a?id made on Goliath the Gittite. GIVE. Gen. 15. 2. what wilt g. me, seeing I go childless ? 23. 11. the field I g. thee, and the cave therein 28. 22. of all thou shalt g. me, I will g. the tenth 29. 19. better 1 g. her thee, than g. her to another 34. 10. then will we g. our daughters to you Exod. 10.25. thou must .(7. us also sacrifices 22. 17. if her father utterly refuse to g. her to him .30. on the eighth day thou shalt g. it me .30. 12. then they shall g. every man a ransom 13. this they shall g. every one half a shekel JSum. 3. 9. thou shalt g. the Levites unto Aaron 11. 4. they said, who shall g. us flesh to eat r 18. 22. 18. if Balak would >aboth 1 Chr. 22. 9. I willg. him rest, Iwillg. peace to Isr. 2 ( 'hr. 1 . 12. / will g. thee riches, wealth, honour Psal. 31). 12. O Loid, Iwillg. thanks to thee 57. 7- I will sing and g. praise, 108. 1. Prov. 3. 28. tomorrow I will g. when thou hast it Isa. 3. 4. I will g. them children to be princes 41. 27. shall say to Zion, behold, and I will g. to Jerusalem one that bringeth good tidings 42. 6. Iwillg. thee for covenant of the people, 49. 8. 45. 3. 1 will g. thee the treasures of ciarkness 49. 6. I will g. thee for a light to the Gentiles 56. 5. I will g. them an everlasting name Jer. 3. 15. Iicill g. pastors according to my heart 9. 15. I will g. them wafers of gall to drink 14. 13. I will g. you assured peace in this land 15. t4. Iwillg. them for a removing into kingdoms 17. 3. I will g. thy substance to the spoil 24. 7. I will g. them an heart to know me .32. .39. I will g. them one heart, Ezek. 11. 19. 34. 18. I will g. the men that have transgressed Ezek. 7. 21. J will g. it into the hand of strangers 11. 17. and I will g. you the land of Israel 16. 38. I will g. thee blood in fury, and jealousy 39. / will also g. thee into their hand 61. I will g. them to thee for daughters 21. 27. he come whose right it is, I will g. it him 23. 46. I will (1- them to be removed and spoiled 29. 19. I will g. land of Egypt to Is'ebuchadnezzar 21. I will g. thee the opening of the mouth 36. 26. and I will g. you an heart of flesh Hos. 2. 15. I will g. her vineyards from thence Mat. 11. 28. come unto me, and I will g. you rest 16. 19. I will g. to thee the keys of the kingdoni 20. 4. and whatsoever is right, / will g. you 14. / will g. to this last even as unto thee Mark 6. 22. ask what thou wilt, I will g. it thee Luke 21. 15. for I will g. you a mouth and wisdom John 6. 51. I am living bread, the bread / will g. is my flesh, which Iwillg. for the lifeof the world Acts 13. 34. 1 will g. you tne suie mercies of David Heb. 8. + 10. I will g. my laws into their mind Rev. 2. 10. be faithful, 1 willg. thee a crown of life 17. I will g. him a white stone and a new name 23. Iwillg. to every one according to your works 28. and 1 will g. him the morning star 11. 3. and I will g. power to my two witnesses 21. 6. Iwillg. to him that is athirst water of life Will I GIVY,. Gen. 12. 7. to thy seed will Ig. this land, 13. 15. I 24. 7. 1 28. 13. I .35. 12. Exod. .32. 13. | ,33. 1. Deut. 1. 36. save Caleb, to him will I g. the land 39. they shall go in thither, to them will I g. it Josh. 15. 16. to him 7oill I g. Achsah, Jiidg. 1. 12. 1 Sam. 9. 8. that will I g. to the man of God to tell 18. 17. my daughter Merab, her will I g. thee 1 Chr. 16. 18. to thee will Ig. land, Psal. 105. 11. Psal. 18. 49. therefore zeill I g. thanks to thee Ca7it. 7. 12. there will I g. thee my loves Isa. 43. 4. therefore will I g. men for thee 56. 5. to them will I g. in mine house a place Jer. 24. 8. so will I g. Zedekiah king of .ludah 45, 5. thy life will I g. to thee for a prey Ezek. 15. 6. so will Ig. inhabitants of J erusalem 36. 26. new heart also a'z7/ i ^r. you, and new spirit Hag. 2. 9. and in this place will I g. peace Mat. 4. 9. devil said, all these thin;^s mil Ig. thee Luke 4. 6. all this power will Ig. thee, and glory Rev. 2. 7. to him that overcometh will I g. 17, 26. Lord G]^E. Exod. 12. 25. when ye come to the land which X. will g. you, Lev. 14. .34. | 23. 10. | 25. 2. Nzim. 15. 2. 16. 8. when the Lord shall g. you flesh to eat Num. 11. 18. therefore the Lord will g. you flesh 14. 8. if the Lord delight in us, he will g. it us 22. 13. the Lord refuseth to g. me leave to go 34. 13. the Lo7d commanded to g. the nine fribes 36. 2. the Lord commanded to g. the land by lot Deut. 1. 25. it is a good land the Lord doth g. 28. 65. the Lord shall g. thee a trembling heart Jo.y/i. 9. 24. the Lorrf commanded Moses to (/.the land 17. 4. the Lord commanded to g. us inheritance 21. 2. the Lord commanded to g. us cities Ruth 4. 12. which the L. shall g. thee of this woman 1 Kings 15. 4. the Lordhis God did (7. him a lamp 2 Chron. 25. 9. the Lord is able to g. thee much Psal. 29. 11. the Lord will g. strength to his people 84. 11. the Lord -willg. grace and glory 85. 12. the Lord shall g. that which is good Isa. 7. 14, the Lord himself shall g. you a sign GIV Tsa. 14. 3. the Lnrd shall g- thee rest from sorrow 30. CO. though the Lordg. j'ou bread of adversity Zech. 10. 1. the Lord shall g. them showers of rain LukeX. 32. £orrf shall ^. him the throne of his Fatlier 2 I'im. 1. 16. Lord g. mercy to house of Onesipliorus Not GIVE, or GIVE wo?. Ge«.30. 31 . Jacobsaid, thou shalt Jiotg. me anj'thing E.rod. 5. 10. 1 will noi g. you straw, go, get straw 30. 15. the rich shall 7iot g. more, poor 7wt g. less Lev. 25. 37. thou shalt not g. thy money on usury Deut. 2. 5. I will 7tot g. you of their land, 9, 19. 7- 3. thy daughter thou shalt 7iotg. to his son 28. 55. he will 7iot g. of the flesh of his children Judg. 21.1. shall 7iot any of us g. his daught. to Benj. 7. we have sworn we will 7iot g. therri wives 1 Sar?i. 30. 22. we will 7iotg. them ought of the spoil 1 Ki7igi- 21. 4. 1 will 7iot g. inheritance of my fathers Ezra 4. + 13. then will they 7iut g. toll, tribute 9. 12. g. not your daughters. Nek. 10. 30. 1 13. 25. Psa/. 132. 4. 1 will 7iot g. sleep to mine eyes Prov. 6. 4. g. not sleep to thSie eyes, nor slumber 31. 3. g. 7iot thy strength unto women Ecch 7. + 21. g. 7iot thy heart unto all words Jfa. 13. 10. constellations shall 7iot g. their light 42. 8. my glory will I 7iot g. to another, 48. 11. 62. 8. I will no more g. thy corn to enemies Jer. 18. 18. let us not g. heed to any of his words 26. 24. not g. Jeremiah into the hand of tlie people Ezek. .32. 7. I will cover sun with a cloud, the moon shall 7wt g. her light, Mat. 24. 29. Mark 13. 24. Dan. 11. 21. to whom 7iot g. honour of kingdom Has. 5. + 4. notg. their doings to turn to the Lord Joel 2. 17. g. not thine heritage to reproach Mat. 7. 6. g. not that which is holy to the dogs Mark 12. 15. shall we g. or shall we 7iot g. ? Eph. 4. 27. 7ieither g. place to the devil Jam, 2. 16. and g. 7wt those things they need GIVE thatiks. 2 Sam. 22. .%. I will.<7. tha7iks to thee, Psal. 18. 49. 1 Chro7i. 16. 8. o. thanks to the Lord, call upon his name, Psal. 105. 1. | 106. 1. 1 I07. 1. I 118. 1,29. I 136. 1, 3. 35. save us, O God of our salvation, that we may g. thanks to thy holy name, Psal. 106. 47. 41. who were expressed by name, to g. thanks 25. 3. sons of Jedutliun with a harp to g. thanks 2 Chr. 31. 2. Hezekiah appointed Levites to g. th. Psal. 6. 5. in the grave who shall g. thee thanks 30. 4. sing to Lord, ye saints of his, and g. thanks at the remembrance of his holiness, 97. 12. 12. O Lord, I will g. thanks to thee for ever 35. 18. I will g.thajiks in the great congregation 42. + 5. I shall g. tha7iks for help of countenance 75. 1. to thee, O God, do we g. tha7iks, dog. iha7iks 79. 13. so we thy people will 17. thee thanks 92. 1. it is a good thing to g. thanks to the Lord 106. 47. save us to g. thanks to thy holy name 119. 62. at midnight I will rise to g. thanks 122. 4. whither the tribes go up tog. thanks 136. 2. O g. thanks unto the God of gods 26. O g. thanks unto the God of heaven 140. 13. righteous shall g. thanks to thj' name Rom. 16. 4. to whom not only I g. thanks 1 Cor. 10. 30. for that for which I g. tha7iks Eph. 1. 16. I cease not to g. thanks for you CV/. 1. 3, we g. thanks to God and the Father 1 Thess, 1. 2. we g. thanks to God always for you 5. 18. in every things/. tha7iks, this is the will of God 2 Thess. 2. 13. we are bonndio g.tha7iksior you Rev. 11. 17. we g. thee thanks, Lord God Almightv GIVEm;7. ' De7it. 23. 14. Lord walketh to g. up thine enem. 31. 5. 1 KingsX^. 16. he shall g. Isr. np, because of sins JohZ. 11. why did not I g. 7/^ the ehost? 13. 19. if I hold my tongue, I shall g. -up the ghost J^. 43. 6. 1 will say to north, g. up, and to south Hos. 11. 8. how shall I g. thee 7ip, Ephraim ? Mic. 5. 3. therefore will he g. them 7(p 6. 14. that which thou deliverest will Ig. up GIVEN. Gew. 21. 7. Sarah should have q. children suck Lev. 20. 3. because he hath g. his seed to Molech Num. 18. 6. they are g. as a srift for the Lord De7Lt. 12. 15. ascordinsto the blessing 5'. 16. 17. Ruth 2. 12. a full reward be g. thee of the Lord \Sam.9.. t 32. wealth which God would have £r. Isr. 2 Sam. 4. 10. who thought I would have $r. a reward 12. 8. 1 would have g. thee such and such tliinas 18. n. I would have g. thee ten shekels of silver 19. 42. or hath the king a. us any gift ? \ ¥,1^^^ ^3- 5- ^'^e sign which the man of G. had g. \yAr.Jl9. 14. and of thine own have we g. thee tsra 6. 9. let it be g. them day by day without fail t.sth. 3. 11. the silver is (7. to thee, the people also 7. 3. let my life be ^. me at my petition and people L P' '^Y' light g. to him that is in misery ? 23. why IS light g. to a man whose way is hid ? 15. 19. to whom alone the earth was g. Psal. 79. 2. dead bodies of thy servts. g. to be meat 112. 9. he hath g. to the poor, 2 Cor. 9. 9. 115. 16. the earth hath he g. to the children of men Prov. 19. 17. that which he hath 9-. will he pay him Eccl. 8.8. nor wickedn. deliver those that are g. to it 12. 11. which are g. from one shepherd ha. 9. 6. for to us a Child is born, to us a Son is y g. him a double portion of all he hath Ruth 1. 6. Lord visited his people in g. them bread 1 Kings 5. 9. shalt accomplish my desire, in <7. food 2 Chr. 6. 23. by g. him according to righteousness Job 11. 20. their hope he as the .17. up of tiie ghost Mat. 24. 38. were marryins' and g. in marriage Acts 8. 9. g. out that himself was some great one 15. 8. g. them the Holy Gliost, as he did to us Ro7n. 4. 20. was strong in faith, JESS. Num. 10. 10. in the day of your g. ye shall blow Deut. 28. 47. servedst not the Lord with g. of heart 2 i>am. 6. 12. Davul brought up the ark with g. 1 Chron. 16. 27. strength and 9. are in his placo 29. 22. and did eat and drink thatday with great a. 2 Chron. 29. 30. and they sang praises with g. 30. 21. Israelkept feast of unleavened bread wither. 23. and they kept other seven days with g. I^eh. 8. 17. and there was very great ^. 12. 27. Levites, to keep the dedication withg. Esth. 8. 16. the .Tews had light, and g. and joy, 17. 9. 17- they made it a day of feasting and g. 18. 19. Psal. 4. 7- thou hast put g. in my heart more than 30. 11. and thou hast girded me with g 43. t 4. 1 will go to God ibeg. of my joy 45. 7. hath anointed thee with oil oi g. tieh. 1 9 15. with g. and rejoicing shall they be brought 51. 8. make me to hear joy and g. that the bones 97. 11. and g. IS sown for the uprisht in heart 100. 2. serve the 1 ord with g. come with singing 105. 43. he brought forth his chosen with g. 106. 5. that 1 may rejoice in the*;, of thy nation Prov. 10. 28. the hope of the riahteous shall be g. Cant. 3. 11. and in the day of the.<;'. of his heart Isa. 16. 10. joy and g. is taken away out of the field 22. l.S. and, behold, joy and g. slaying oxen 30. 29. ye shall have a song and q. of heart 35. 10. they shall obtain joy and g. 51. 11. 51, 3. joy and g. shall be found therein Jer.1. 34. cease voice of mirth and^. 16. 9. 1 25. 10. 192 GLO Jer. 31 .7. sing with (7. for .Tacob, shout among nations 33. 11. there shall be heard a voice of joy and g. 48. 33. joy and g. taken from the plentiful field Joel 1. 16. joy and g. from the house of our God Zech. 8. 19. shall be to house of Judah joy and g. Mark 4. 16. who immediately receive it with g. Luke 1. 14. Shalt have joy and g. and many rejoice Acts 9.. 46. did eat their meat with g. of heart 12. 14. she opened not the gate for g. but ran 14. 17. filling our hearts with food and g. Phil. 2. 29. receive him in the Lord with all g. GLAS.S. 1 Cor. 13. 12. for now we see through a g. darkly 2 Cor. 3. 18. with open face, beholding as in a g. Jam. 1.23. a man beholding his natural face in ng. Rev. 4. 6. there was a sea of ^. like unto crystal 15. 2. and 1 saw a sea oi g. mimjled with fire 21. 18. the city was pure gold, like clear g. 21. GLASSES. Isa. 3. 23. the Lord will take away the g. and vails See Looking. GLEAl^J. Lev. 19. 10. thou shalt not ad.-i5. Mic. 7. 1. I am as the grape g. of the vintage GLEDE. Deut. 14. 13. ye shall not eat the g. kite, vulture GLISTERING. 1 Chron. 29. 2. now 1 have prepared g. stones Joh 20. 25. the g. sword cometn out of his gall Luke 9. 29. and his raiment was white and g. GLITTER, ING. Dent. 32. 41. if 1 whet my g. sword I will render Joh 39. 23. the g. spear rattleth against him Ezek. 21. 10. it is furbished that it may g. 28. it is furbished to consume, because of the g. Nah. 3. 3. the horseman lifteth up the g. spear Hah. 3. 11. they went at the shining of thy g. spear GLOOMINESS. Joel 2. 1. a day of darkness and g. Zeph. 1. 15. GLORIFY. To glorify, signifies to make glorious, Eom. 8. 30. Whom he justified, them he also glorified. TIms God glorifies the elect, hy adorning them 7inth gifts and graces in this zvorld, and hy bringing them to the full possession of glory and blessedness in the other world. When man is said to glorify Cod, it is nut to he understood as if he could add any thing to God's essential glory : hut ice may he said to glorify God, when we acknowledge him to he glorious, and ascribe to him the glory of every excellency lohether of nature or grace, and confess that he is worthy to receive honour, glory, might, and majesty. Rev. 4. 11. When we confess that all the glory, gifts, and dignity which we have above other men, are given us of God, 1 Chron. 29. 11, 12. When we are willing to abase ourselves in the acknowledgment of our own vileness, that God may he magnified in any of his attributes or ordinances hy it, Jer. 13. 16. Mai. 2. 2. When we believe God's promises, and wait for the performance of them, thcugh we see no means likely for their accomplishment , Rom. 4. 20. When we publicly acknowledge true religion, or any special truth of God, wheii it is generally opposed, Luke 23. 47. When we suffer j'or God, 1 Pet. 4. 16. When on the sabbath we devote ourselves only to the service of God, Isa. 58. 13. When we give thanks to God for benefits, or de- liverances, Psal. 113. 4. Luke I7. 18. When we love, praise, admire, and esteem Christ above all, John 1. 14. 111. 4. God the Father is glorified in Christ the Mediator by his obedience unto death, and thereby consum- mating the work of man's redemption, which tends so much to the advancement of the justice, wisdom, mercy, and holiness of God : but Christ the Son is glorified of the Father, as touchiyig his human nature, by sustaining it against the gates of hell in his agony and passion on the cross ; by manifestly owning him to he his Son ; hy er ahling hirn. to triumph over his and his people enemies, in his resurrection, ascension, and ex- altation to his Father's right hand. John 17. 1. Father, glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee. Psal. 22. 23. all ye theseed of Jacobs, him and fear 50. 15. 1 will deliver thee, and thou shalt g. me 86. 9. all nations shall come and g. thy name 12. and 1 will g. thy name for evermore La. 24. 15. wherefore g. ye the Lord in the fires 25. 3. therefore sliall the strong people g. thee 60. 7. and I will g. the house of my glory Jer. 30. 19. I will multiply, 1 will also g. them Mat. 5. 16. g. your Father which is in heaven John 12. 28. Father,^, thy name ; I will g. it 13. 32. God shall also g. him in himself 16. 14. he shall g. me ; for he shall receive of mine 17. 1. g. thy Son, that thy Son also may g. thee 5. now, O Father, g. me with thine own self 21 . 19. signifying by what death he should g. God Rom. 15. 6. ye may with one mind and mouth (7. God 9. that the Gentiles might. 17. God for his mercy 1 Cor.Q.IO.g.G.m body and spirit which are God's 2 Cor. 9. 13. g. God for your professed subjection 1 Pet. 2. 12. may g. God in the day of visitation 4. 16. but let him g. God on this behalf Rev. 15. 4. who shall not fear thee, and g. thy name ? GLORIFIED. Lev. 10. 3. before all the people I will be g. GLO Isa. 26. 15. thou hast increased nation, thou art g. 44. 23. for the Lord hath g. himself in Israel 49. 3. art my Servant, O Jsr. in wiiom I will be^. 55. 5. the Holy One of Isr. he hathj7. thee, 6l). 9. 60, 21. the work of my hands, that I may be g. 61. 3. the planting of the Lord that he might be fl- 66. 5. your biethr.n said, let the Lord beg. Eiek. 28. 22. 1 will he g. in the midst of thee .39. 13. be a renown in the day that I shall be g. Dan. 5. 23. and the God in whose hand thy breath is, and whose wre all thy ways, hast thou iiot g. Hag. 1. 8. I will take pleasure m it, and be g. Mat. 9. S.m'dr\'eUea, and g.G.Mark2.12.Luke5.Q6. 15. 31. and they g. the God of Israel Luke 4. 15. he taught in synagogues, beings/, of all 7. 16. there came fear on all, and they g. God 13. 13. and she v/as made straight, undg. God 17.15. the leper jr. (iod ||23. 47. the centurion jr. G. Johnl. 39. It. Ghost not given, because Jesus notjr. 11. 4. that the Son of God might be g. thereby 12. 16. but when Jes. was fir. then rememberecl they 23. the hour is come the Son of man should be g. 28. 1 have both <7. it, and will glorify it again 13. 31. now is the Son of man g. God is g. in him .32. if God beg. in him, God shall glorify liini 14. 13. that the Father' may be g. in the Son 15. 8. herein is my Father g. that ye bear fruit 17. 4. 1 havefif. thee on earth, I have finished 10. and thine are mine, and 1 am g. in them Acts 3. 13. the God of our fathers hath g. his Son 4. 21. for all men^. God for what was done 11. 18. they held their peace, and g. God, saying 13. 48. Gentiles heard this, they «. word of Lord 21. 20. they of Jerusalem g. the Lord, and said Rom. 1. 21. they knew God, they g. him not as God 8. 17. if we suffer with him, that we may be also jr. 30. and whom he justified, them he also jr. Gal. 1. 24. and they g. God in me 2 I'hess. 1. 10. when he shall come to be ^. in saints 12. that the name of Jesus may be jr. in you 3. 1. that the word of the Lord may be jr. Heh. 5. 5. so Christ jr vjot himself to be high-priest 1 Pet. 4. 11. God in ah things may be jr. thro' Jesu» 14. is evil spoken of, but on your part he is g. Rev. 18. 7. how much she hath g. herself GLORIFIEIH, ING. Psal. 50. 23. whoso offereth praise jr. me Luke 2. 20. the shepherds returned, jr. God 5. 25. he departed to his own house, jr. God 18. 43. the blind man followed him, jr. God GLORY Is taken for worldly splendour and magnificence ^ which make kings glorious before men. Mat. 6. 29. Solorrion in all his glory, in all his lustre, and in his richest ornaments, was not so beautiful as a lily. Thus riches, authority, sumptuous buildings and garments, which men are ready to praise, and which make their possessors glorious before men, are called in Scripture glory. Psal. 49. 16. When the glory of his house is increased. By glory is meant the tongue, which is that peculiar excel- lency, wherein chiefly, except reason, man sur- passes all other creatures, Psal. 16. 9. My heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: My tongue breaks out into holy hoaUings and praii'es. So in Psal. 108. 1. I will sing and give praise, even with my glpry. '1 he glory of the king of As- syria, is his splendid princes, brave captains, valiant commanders, and powerful arrriies, which would make a gallant shew, and wherein he would glory, and boast exceedingly. Isa. 8. 7. I he Lord bringeth upon them the king of Assyria, and all his glory. Glory is put for the ark of the cove- nant, which was a glorious type and assurance of God's presence, and the great safeguard and orna- ment of Israel, which they could glory in above all other nations. 1 Sam. 4. 21. Ihe glory is de- parted from Israel. Rom. 9. 4. To whom per- taineth the glory. Glory is put for the church, which God makes glo- rious, not only in his own eyes, but even iti. the eyes of the world. Isa. 4. 5. Upon all the glory shall be a defence : %ipon all holy assemblies of sincere Christians. It is put for grace, 2 Cor. 3. 18. We are changed into the same image, from glory to glory ; growing from one degiee of glo- rious grace to another, till it come to its perfection in eternal glory . 2he apostle callsman the image and glory of God, and for this reason he ought not to cover his head ; that is. Since God would have the male sex to he a kind of representation of his glory, majesty, and power, a man ought not, by hiding his face, wherein these things are most conspicuous, to conceal the glory of God .<.hining in him. David calls God his glory, Psal. 3. 3. 1 hou art my glory ; thou art the Author of that royal dignity to which I am advanced : or, thou art the matter of my glorying, thou hast formerly given, and wilt further give, me occasion of glorying or boasting of thy power and favcmr to me. Glory is taken for the unspeakable blessed- ness, joy, and felicity of the saints in heaven. Psal. 73. 24. Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterwards receive me to glory. God promises to he to his church a wall of fire round about, and the glory in the midst, Zech. 2. 5. that he would protect his church, and that his presence and powei should make her glorious. It is put for the presence of God, Psal. 63. 2. H hen the Israelites forsook God in the rviiderness, they changed their gloiy into the similitude of an ox that eateth grass, Psal. 106. 20. '1 hey changed their glory ; that is, their God, ivho was indeed their glory, into the golden image of an ox or calf, .loshua speaking to Arhan snys. Give alory to God, Josh. 7. 19. Confess the truth, and ascribe unto God the glory of his omniscience in knowing thy .sin, and of his justice in punishing thee according to thy desert. When God thought fit to call his servant Moses to himself, he di- rected him to go up to mount Abarim, and die GLO there. Num. 27. 12, &c. Moses hereupon de- sired of G od that he would provide a man who should be set over the multitude. The Lord therefore com- manded him to take Joshua, the son of Is un, say- ijig. He is a man who is tilled with the Spirit, lay thine hand upon him, and give him a cnarge in the presence of the multitude, and put some of thine honour, m Hebrew, of thy glory or splendour, upon him. The question is, what glory this was, zihich Moses comtnunicated to Joshua. Onkelos, and some of the Kabbins, are of opinion, that Moses imparted to him some of that lustre which appeared vpo7i his countenance , after the conversa- tion which he had been admitted to zvith God. Moses, they say, shined like the sun, and Joshua like the moon : this was a weak and borrowed brightness. But it is to be understood of that authority, and empire, whereof he stood in need for the government of the people. Moses laid his hands on him, and by tfits ceremony appointed him for his successor in the conduct of the Israelites : He gave him Ms orders and instructions, that he might acquit himselfwithhonour in this employment. The glory of God. JVloses earnestly hegged of God to shew him his glory. Exod. 33. 18. I beseech thee, shew me thy glory ; that is, the highest manifestation of thy divine glory that I am capable of; or that glorious shape, which, together with an human voice, thou hast noio assumed. The heavens declare the glory of God, T?sal. 19. 1. The visible heaven: afford matter and occasion, in respect of their vast extent, glorious furniture, and powerful influences, to acknowledge and admire the glorious being, infinite power, wisdom, and goodness of God. The glory of the Lord hath tilled the house of the Lord ;. that is, the cloud, zvhich was an usual token of God's glorious pre- sence, 1 Kings 8. 11. Christ i-ff^i' to Martha, John 11. 40. If thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God ; that is, an admirable in- stance of the divine power, in raising thy dead brother. The miracles which our Saviour wrought, 7nanifested his glory, or his divine power, John 2. 11. The glory of the Lord shall be revealed, Isa. 40. 5. that is, the glorious power and goodness of God shall be manifested in the deliverance of the Jews from Babylon, but more especially in the redemption of all nations by our Lord J esus Christ. Whether ye eat or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God, 1 Cor. 10. 31. that is, let the glory and honour cf God be habitually and really the chief end of all your actions. Gen. 31. 1. of our fathers hath he gotten all this g. Exod. 28. 2. make garments for Aaron for g. 40. 1 Sam. 2. 8. to make them inherit the throne of ^. 4. 21. the g. is departed from Israel, 22. + 21. where is the .9. 7 there is no g. 1 Chr. 22. 5. house for Lord must be oi g. and fame 29. 11. thine is greatness, power, and 5;. Mat. 6. 13. Esth. 5. 11. Hainan told of the g. of his riches Job 39. 20. the g. of his nosti'lls is terrible 40. 10. and arraj' thyself with g. and beauty Psal. 24. 7. and the King of g. shall come in, 9. 10. who is this King oi g. ? the Lord is King 29. 3. the God oi g. ihundereth. Lord on waters 49. 16. when the g. of his house is increased 73. 24. thou shalt afterward receive me to g. 79. 9. help us, O God, for the g. of thy name 85. 9- that g. may dwell in our land 89. 17. for thou art the g. of their strength 106. 20. they changed their g. into similitude 145. 11. speak of the g. of thy kingdom 149. 5. let the saints be joyful in g. Prov. 3. .35. the wise shall inherit (7. 17. 6. the g. of children are their fathers 20. 29. the g. of young men is their strength 25. t 6. set not out thy g. in presence of the king 27. so for men to search their own g. is not g. 28. 12. when the righteous men rejoice there is g. Isa. 2. 10. hide thee for the g. of his majesty, 19. 21. 4. t 2. branch of the Lord shall be beauty and g. 5. for upon all the g. shall be a defence 5. 1 13. and their g. are men of famine 14. their g. and pomp sh.all descend unto it 10. 3. and where v\'ill ye leave your g. ? 12. I will punish the g. of his high looks 18. and shall consume the g. of iiis forest 11. 1 10. a root of Jesse, his rest shall be g. 13. 19. Babylon the.r/. of kingd. shall be as Sodom 14. 18. all of them lie in g. each in his house 16. 14. the g. of Moab shall be contemned 17. 3. they shall be as the g. of the children of Isr. 4. that the g. of Jacob shall be made thin 20. 5. they shall be ashamed of Esrypt their a. 21. 16. and all the g. of Kedar shall fkil 22. 24. shall hang on him g. of his Father's house 23. 9. hath purposed to stain the pride of all g. 24. 16. we heard songs, even g. to the righteous t23. there shall be^. before his ancients 35. 2. the g. of Lebanon shall be given to it 61. 6. in their g. ye shall boast yourselves 66. 11. be delighted with the abundance of her g. 12. the g. of the Gentiles as a flowing stream Jer. 2. 11. but my people have changed their (7. 13. 11. that they might be to me for a g. 18. shall come down, even the crown of your a Ezek. 20. 6. which is tlie g. of all lands, 15. 24. 25. when I take from them the joy of their g. 95. 9. I will open the g. of the country 26. 20. I shall set g. in the land of the living 31. 18. to whom art thou thus like in g. ? Dan. 2. ,37. God hath given thee power and g."^. 14. 4. 36. the g. of my kingflom returned to me 11. 39. shall acknowledge, and increase with g. Hos. 4. 7. 1 will change their g. into shame 9. 11. ;is for Ephraim, their g. shall fly away 10. 5. the priests that rejoiced for the g. thereof Mic. 1. 15. he shall come to Adullam the g. of Isr. Nah. 2. 9. there is none end of the store and g. Hab. 2. 16. thou art fllled with shame for g. Mag. 2. 3. who saw this house in her first a. ? 7. 1 will fill this house with ff. saith tlic Lord GLO Hag. 2. 9.g. of this latter house greater than of form. Zedi. 2. 5. I will be the g. in the midst of her 8. after the g. hath he sent me to the nations 6. 13. he shall build temple, he shall bear the g. 11. 3. their g. is spoiled, a voice of roaring of lions 12. 7- ff- of the house of David, g. of Jerusalem Mat. 4. 8. kingdoms of the world, and g. of them 6. 2. sound trumpet, that they may have^f. of men 16. 27. shall comeinthe;/. of his Father, Mark8.38. 24, 30. they shall see the Son of Man coming with power and great r. 6. 1. dare vou ffo to law before the unjust ? 10. 27. if any bid a-ou and ye be disposed to;;o 16. 4. if it be meet that I O'' also, they shall (ji\ 2 for. o. 5. exhort the bretnren that they i/o before P/di. 2. 23. as 1 shall see how it will ffo witli me Jam. 4. 13. we will ^o into such a city and buy See Fkee. GO aside. JVmw. 5. 12. if any man's wife ffo aside and commit Deut. 28. 14. thou shalt not go aside from words Jer. 15. 5. who shall go aside to ask how thou dost Acts 4. 15. when they commanded themio go aside (tO astray. Deut. 22. 1. thou shalt not see brother's ox go astray Fsal. 58. 3. they.w a.^tray as soon as they be born Prov. 5. 23. in sreatness of his folly he shall X7'.i astray 7 . 25. decline not to her ways-^-o not astro:/ into path 28. 10. whoso causeth thiy-igliteous to go astray Jer. 50. 6. their shepherds caused them"tOf7(ifl.>7w^/ Esei: 14. 11. house of Israel nia3'(7()nomoreai^/-flj^ GO a:cay. Excd. 8. 28. onl3^30u shall not. 00 very far auay Deiit. 15. 13. thou shalt not let him go a:: ay empty 16. if he say, 1 will not (zo «afli/from thee 1 Saifi. 15. 27- as Samuel turned about to go a-.say 24. 19. find his enemy, will he let him goaxoay? Job 4. 21. doth not their excellency w ai.ay ? 15. 3,1. by breath of his nioutli sliall he go away Jer. 51. 5x). vethat escaped the sword, go anay Hos. 5. 14. 1, even I , will tear and.w auay Mat. 8. 31. suffer us to go auay into the su ine 25. 46. these go aray into everlastin? punishment Jonti 6. 67. then said .Tesus will ye also go auay ? 14. 2S. ye have heard how I said, I go aziay, 16. 7. CtO his -day. - Judg. 10. 27. her lord rose up and went to go ms k'. GO their nay. John 18. 8. if ye seek me, let these go tJietr nay (tO t/iy xay. i into Egypt 43. 5. if thou wilt not send him, we wilfnot go d. 44. 26. we cannot go do-un, then will we godoun 46. 3. fear not, .lacob, to go do;:.?i into Esrypt Exod. 19. 21. Lord said, go dozin, charge flie people JS'nm. 16. 30. and they go dozin quick into the pit Dtut. 24. 15. nor shall the sun go dozai on his hire Josh. 10. 13. sun hasted not to go dozen about a day Judg. 7. 10. if thou fear to go dozen, go with Pluirah 1 Sam. 10. 8. thoa s\\aitgo doun before me to Gilsal 14. 36. let us go dorm after Philistines by niahf 23. A. go dozen to Keilah, I will deliver Philistines 26. 6. who will go dozni with me to Saul .' 29. 4. let him not go dozen with us to battle 2 iani. 11. 8. David said, go dozen to thv house 10. why didst thou not co dozen to thine house ? 15. 20. should 1 this day make thee go u p and dozen 1 Aings 21. 18. go dozen to meet Ahab kins of Israel 2 Rings 1. 15. go doze7i with him, be not afraid 20. 10. for the shadow to go dozen ten desrees 2 Chron. 20. 16. to-morrow go dozen asainst him J.'b 21. 13. in a moment 00 do:en to tlie srave Psai. 22. 29. all that /70 dozen to the dusf shall bow 28. 1. I become like them tliat go dozm to the pit 55. 15. and let them (70 dozen quick into hell 107. 23. they that go dozen to the sea in ships 115. 17. neither any that go dozen into silence 143. 7. lest I be like them that go dozen to the pit ProL-. 5. 5. her feet go do:e7i to death, her steps take Isa. 14. 19. tlwu art cast out, as those that go dorcTt .30. 2. woe to them that walk to go d. to Egypt, 31. 1. 38. 18. they that /71) dozen into pit cannot" iiope 60. 20. sun shall not go dozen nor moon withdraw Jer. 50. 27. let them go dozen to the slaughter E::ek. 24. 1 16. neither shall thy teacs go^dozen 26. 11. and thy strong garrisons shall f^o dozeti 20. when I shall set thee with then) that 00 dotcTi to the pit, 31. 14. | 32. 18, 24, 25," 29, 30. 47. 8. these waters go dozen into the desert Amos 6. 2. then go dozen to Gath of the Philistines 8. 9. I will cause the sun to go do-en at noon 31ic. 3. 6. the sun shall go dozen over the prophets Mark 13. 15. let him thatis on house-top not (/o dozen GO Acts 25. 5. which are able to go dou'?i with me Evh. 4. 26. let not tlie sun go dozen on your wrath GO forth. Gen. 8. 16. go forth of the ark, thou and tliy wife 42. 15. not go forth hence, except brother come Lev. 14. 3. the priest shall go forth of the camp Nn/n. 1. 3. all able logo forth to wai^, 2 Chr. 25. 5. Deut. 23. 12. thou shalt liave a place to go forth 1 Sam. 23. 13. and he forbare to go forth 2 Sam. 11. 1. at time when kings go forth to battle 18. 2. I will surely go forth witii vou mj'self 19. 7. it thou go not forth, there will not tarry 1 Kings (I. 36. and go not forth thence any whither 22. 22. he said, 1 v/ill go forth : go forth and do so 2 Kings 9. 15. if it be your minds, let none go forth 19. 31. out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant they tliat escape out of mount Zion, Isa. 37. 32. J^b 24. 5. as wild asses go they forth to their work Psai. 78. 52. he made his own people to go forth 108. 11. wilt not thou go forth with our hosts ? Prov. 25. 8. go not forth hastily to strive, lest thou 30. 27. have no king, yet 170 they forth by bands Cant. 3. 11. go forth, O ye daughters of Zion 7. 11. come, let us go forth into the villages Isa. 2. 3. out of Zion shall (/o/f'/Y/j the law,''M/(7.4.2. 42. 1,". the Lord shall co'forth as a miahtv man 48. 20. g.^fc-th of I'abylon, flee ye, Jer. "50. 8. 49. 9. tiiat thou n\aye>t say to prisoners, go forth 17. the>- that made thee waste shall go forth 62. 1. till the righteousness thereof go forth Jer. 6. 25. ao not forth into the field, nor walk 11. til. they shidl not be able to go forth 14. 18. it I ^.1 forth into the held, then the slain 15. 1. let them go forth \\ 2. whither shall we go f. ? 25. 32. evil shall go forth from nation to nation 31.4. O Israel, thou s\\a[t go forth in the dances 39. the measuring-line shall yet go forth 38. 17. it thou wiltV<'/<"'^/' to the king of Babylon 18. but if thou v^'^t not go forth to the princes, 21. 43. 12, he shall go forth from thence in peace E%ek. 12. 4. goforih'-ds they that go forth into capt. 12. pnnce go' forth \\ 21.4". my sword shall go forth 30. 9. in that day messengers shall go forth 46. 8. and he shall go forth by tlie way thereof 9. but he shall go )'orth over against it Dan. 11. 44. he shall go forth with great fury Joe! 2. 16. let tlie bridegr. go jorih of his chamber Hab. 1.4. and judgment doth never go forth Zech. 6. 5. these are the four spirits which go forth 6. black horses go forth into the north country 14.3. then shall the Lord go forth and fight Mai. 4. 2. ye shall go forth and arow up as calves Mat. 24. 26. behold, he is in the desert, go not forth Acts 16. 3. him would Paul have to go forth Heb. 13. 13. let us go forth to him without the camp Rev. 16. 14. tlie spii^its of devils which go forth GO forzeard. Exod. 14. 15. speak to Israel that they go forzeard Num. 2. 24. they shall gofoneard in the third rank 2 l\ings 20. 9. shall shadow go forzeard ten degrees ? Job 23. 8. behold, I goforzeard',\)\it he is not there GO in, or into, or riot GO in. Gen. 11.^1. from L^^r, to^^o iyito land of Canaan, 12. 5. Exod. 30. 20. when go iiiio tabernacle, shall Mash 32. 27. go in and out from gate to gate thro' camp Lev. 10. 9. do not drink wine, when 3'e go into tabeni. 14. 36. empt\- the fjonse, before the priest go in 21. 11. neither shall he go in to any dead body 23. only he shall not go in to the vail or near altar Isum. 4. 19. Aaron and his sons shall f^o in and ap. 20. but tliey shall not go in to see when holy things 8. 15. and after that shall the Levites go in 27. 17- which may go out, andffo in before them 32. 9. that they should not go into the land Deut 1. 37. thou also shalt not go in thither, 4. 21. 38. but Joshua son of Kun he shall go in thither 4. 1. that 3'e may live, and go in and possess, 8. 1. 6. 18. that thou mayest (70 in and po.ssess, 10. 11. 11. 8. tliat 3'e ma3' be strong, and go in and possess 24. 10. not go into his house to fetch his pledge Jvdg. 19. 15. thev' turned aside to go in and lodge Ritth 3.4. thou shalt ^1) in, and uncover his feet 2 Sam. 11. 11. shall 1 then^'o into mine house to eat ? 1 I\ingsl3. 8. I will not go in, nor eat with thee 16. I ina3' not return, nor go in with thee 17. 12. may <7(' in, and dress it forme and my son 2 A7/J.OT 9.2. look out Jehu, andf^o in, make him arise 10. 25. go i}i and sla3' tliem, let none come forth 2 Chro7i. 18. 24. thou shalt go iiito an inner chamber 23. 6. they that minister of the Levites shall go in JSeh. 6. 11. who is there as I am would go into the temple to save his life .'' I will not go in Esth. 2. 15. when Esther's turn was come to go in 4. 8. and to charsze her that she should go m 16. and so will 1 go in unto the king, if I perish 5. 14. then go thou in merril3' imto the king Job 34. 1 23. he should go iyito judgment with God Psai. 26. 4. nor will I go »» witli dissemblers 118. 19. open the gates, I will go in to them 119. 35. make me go in path of th3- commandment 132. 7. we will go i>ito his tabernac'le and worship. Prov. 27. 10. nor go into thy brother's house Isa. 2. 19. the3' shall go into the holes of the rocks Jer. 4. 5. and "let us go irito the defenced cities 36. 5. I cannot go into the house of the Lord 42. 14. no, but we will go into the land of Egypt 19. the Lord hath said,{;o ye not into Egypt EzeA . 7. + 17. all knees shall go i7ito water, 21. 1 7. 46. 10. the prince when thev go «« shall go in Nah. 3. 14. go i/ito clay, and tread the mortar Zech. 6. 10. go into house of Josiah son of Zephaniah Mat. 2. 20. take the young child, and go into Isr. 7. 13. and many the"re be tliat <7(» ifi thereat 20. 4. go ijito the vineyard, and the3' went, 7. 21.2. fro jwro village over-againstyou, Ljtke 19. 30. 31. harlots go into kingdom of God before 3-ou 22.9. go into the high-wa3S, as inan3- as 3e find, bid 23. 13. ye neither .cro in, nor suffer "others to ^170 in 26. 18.i7(' into the cit3-, to such a man, ilJaik 14. 13. 31ark6. 36. that they may go into the counti-y, 8. 26. nor go into the town, nor tell it to any 16. 15. go i/ito all the world, preacli the gospel GO Lvke 8. 51. he suffered no man to go in, save Peter 15. 28. and he was angr3-, and would not go in Johyi 10. 9. he shall go i7i and out, and find pasture Acts 1.11. shall so come, as ye see him go i7itohea\en Rev. 17.8. the beast was, is not, shallow i7ito perdition See Captivity. GO i>i. Gen.16.2. Saraisaid, I pray thee, (7c n* unto my maid 19. 34. make him drink wine, and go thou in 30. 3. behold my maid Bilhah,£rt) in unto her 38. 8. go in unto thy brother's wife, and marry her DeJU. 21. 13. after that thou shalt go in unto her 22. 13. if take a wife, and go m unto her, hate her 25. 5. lier husband's brother shall go in unto her Josh. 23. 12. make marriages, and go in unto them Judg. 15. 1 . I will go in to my wife into the chamber 2 Sam. 16. 21. go munto thy father's concubines 1 Kings 11. 2. 3'e shall not go iyi to them, noi' tliey Esek. 23. 44. went to her as the3' go in to a woman Amos 2. 7. a man and his father fro 2« to same maid GO in peace. Ge7i. 15. 15. thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace Exod. 4. 18. Jetliro said to Moses, go in peace 18. 23. this people shall goto their place in peace Jvdg. 18. 6. the priest said to Danites, go in peace 1 Sa/n. 1. 17. Eli said to Hannah, go in peace 20. 42. Jonathan said to David, (70 in peace 25. 35. David said to Abigail, go up i)i peace 29. 7- Achish said to David, go m peace 2 Sfim. 15. 9. the king said to Absalom, f7o iyipeace 1 Ki7igs 2. 6. let not his hoary head go down in peace 2 Kings 5. 19. Elishasaid to ^Naaman, go in peace Isa. 57. t 2. he shall go in peace, they shall rest 31ark 5. .34. go in peace, and be whole of thy plague Luke 7-50. faith hath saved thee, go i7i peace, 8. 48. Acts 15. 33. they were let go in peace from brethren Let lis GO. Gen. 37. 17- I heard them say, let 7ts go to Dothan Exod. 3. 18. now let vsgo three days' journey, 5. 3. 5. 8. therefore they say, let vs (/osacrifice, I7. 13. 15. when Pharaoh would hardly let us go Dent. 13. 2. let us go after other gods, 6. 13. 1 Sam. 9. 9. thus he spake, let vs go to the seer, 10. 11. 14. let 2(s go to Gilgal, and renew the kingdom 14. 1. let vs go over to the Philistines' garrison, 6. 2 Ki7igs 6. 2. let us go to J ordan, take thence a beam Psal. 122. 1. let 7is go into the house of the Lord Isa. 2. 3. let ics go up to the mountain of the Lord Jer. 4. 5. let us go into the defenced cities 6. 5. let tis go b3' night, and destroy her palaces 35. 11. let 7is goto Jerusalem for fear of Chaldeans 46. 16. arise, let vs go again to our own people 51. 9. let us go, every one to his own country Zech. 8. 21. let vs go to pray before the Lord Mark 1. 38. he said, let its go into the next towns 14. 42. rise up, let us go, he that betra3'eth is at hand Licke 2. 15. let vs go to Bethlehem, see this thing Joh7i 11. 7. then saith he, let vs go to Judea again 15. let vs go to him || 16. let zts go that we may die 14. 31. even so I do ; arise, let 71s go hence Acts 15. 36. let vs go again, and visit our brethren Heb fi. 1. let us go on to perfection, not layingagain I zvtll GO. Gen. 13. 9. Izcill go to the riaht, I zeill go to the left 24. 58. wilt thou ao with this man ? I zeill go 33. 12. let us go, I will go before thee, Isa. 45. 2. 45. 28. m3' son is alive, 1 zeill go see him before I die iS>w. 20. 19. I zeill only go through on my feet 23. 3. stand by th3' burnt -offering, and I zeill go Dent. 2. 27. 1 zeill go along by the high-way^ Jzidg. 1.3. I zeill go likewise with thee into thy lot 4. 8. if thou wilt go with me, then zeill I go 9. and she said, I zeill surel3' <7(> with thee 16. 20. I zeill go out as at other times before Riith 1. 16. Ruth said, whither thou goest, Izcill go 2 Kings 6. 3. go with servant, he answered, I zeill go 2 Chron. 18. 29. he said, I zeill go to the battle Psal. 43. 4. then zeill I go to the altar of God 66. 13. J K77/ (70 into thy house with burnt-offering 71. 16. I zeill go in the strength of the Lord God 118. 19. open the gates of righteousness, I zeill go in Jer. 2. 25. I loved strangers, after them I zeill go Ezek. 38. 11. I zeill go to them that are at rest Hos. 2. 5. for she said, I zeill go after m3- lovers 7. 1 zeill go and return to m3- first husband 5. 15. J zeill go to my place, till they seek my face Mic. 1. 8. I will wail, I zeill go stript and naked Zech. 8. 21. go to seek the Lord ; 1 zeill go also Mat. 26.32. J zeill go before into Galilee, 3Jarkl-i.£8. Li,Ke 15. 18. I zeill arise and go to my father Acts 18. 6. henceforth Izeillgo to the Gentiles GO near. Deut. 5. 27. ffo near, and hear all the Lord says 2 Sa/n. 1. 15. David said, ao 7iear, and fall on him Job SI. 37. as a prince would I go near unto him Acts 8. 29. go near, join th3-self"to this chariot GO ?iot, or 7iot GO. Erod. 33. 15. if thy presence go not with me J\>iw. 10. 30. Hobab said, I will 7iot go, but depart 20. 20. and he said, thou shalt 7iot go throuah 22. 12. God said to Balaam, shalt 7j;>//70 with them 18. I ca7mot go beyond the word of Lord, 24. 13. Deut. 3. 27. thou shalt vot go over this Jordan 6. 14. ye shall 7j. go after otlier gods, 1 A7?/<7.v 11. 10. 15. 16. if he sa3', I will 7wt go awa3' from thee 24. 19. thou shalt 7wt go aa:aln to fetch it .32. 52. but thou shalt 7iot "go thither to the land Josh. 8. 4. go 7iot far from tlie city, but be ready Judg. 4. 8. if thou wilt ?i(ir<70 with me, I Mill /totgo 7. 4. I say, this shall not go, the same shall 7iot go 20. 8. Me" Mill 7tot any of us <7oto his tent Ruth 3. 17. go not em"pty to tli3' mother-in law 1 Sa>n. 17. 39. David said, I caiatotgo Mith these 29. 8. that 1 mav 7wt go fight ag. enemies of the king 2 Sam. 13. 25. let 7iot all go, howbeit he Mould 7iot go 2 Ki7igs 2. 18. he sain, did I not say to yow, go 7iot ? . 1 Chron. 21. 30. but David could )tot go before it 2 Chron. 25. 13. soldiers that should jwt go to battle Prov. 4. 13. take hold of instruction, let her 7iot go 14. and .(70 7ivt into the Ma3-of evil men 22. 24. with a furious man thou shalt ?«'^ .<70 Isa. 52. 12. for ye sliall 7tot go out Mith haste o 2 195 GO Jer. 10. 5. they must be borne, because they cannot go 16. 8. thou snalt not go into the liouse ot feastinjj- 25. 6. go not atter other sods to serve them, ,35. lo. 27. 18. that the vessels left go not to Babylon 43. 2. go not into Egypt to sojourn there, 42. 19. 49. 12. thou shaltwo?f/(? unpunished, but drink of it 4. 18. hunt steps, that we cannot go in our str. Ilzeh. 42. 14. when the priests enter, h\\A\not go out 3Iat. 10. 5. go not into the way ot the Gentiles Luke 10. 7. .9" wo^ from house to liouse 17. 23. see here or there, ^/o not after tliem, 21. 8. GO over. Dent. 3. 25. I pray thee let me go over and see land 28. Joshua shall go over before the people, 31. 3. 4. 14. land whither ye ^/.j over, 2(3. | 31. 13. | 32. 47. 22. 1 must not^o over .Jordan, ye shall (70 over 24. 20. thou shalt not go over the boughs again 30. 13. who shall go over sea for us and bring it? 31. 3. the Lord thy God will go over before thee 34. 4. but thou shalt not^'o over thither Josh. 1. 2. therefore arise, go over this Jordan Judg. 12. 5. the Ephraimites said, let me go over 1 Sam. 14. l.come, let us ^0 oue/' to the Philistines, 6. 30. 10. so faint, they could not go over the brook 2 Sam.. 16. 9. let me go over and take off his head 19. 37. thy servant Chimham, let him go over Isa. 8. 7. he shall come and go over all his banks 11. 15. he shall make men go over dry-shod 51. 23. which said, bow down, that we may go over 54. 9. the waters of Noah should no more go over Jer. 41. 10. Ishmael depart, to go over to Ammonites JLuke 8. 22. let us go over to the other side GO 07U. Gen. 9. 10. from all that go out of the ark 24. 11. the time that women go out to draw water 45. 1. he cried, cause every man to go out from me Exod. 6. 11. that he let children of Israel go out 8. 29. behold, I go out from thee, I will entreat 11. 8. after tliat 1 will go out, and he went out 10. he would not let the children of Israel go out 12. 22. none of you shall g. 0. at the door of house 16. 4. people shall ^. o. and gather a rate every day 29. let no man go out of his place on seventh day 21. 2. in the seventh year he shall go out free 3. if he came in by himself, shal I. r/o«(^ by himself; if married, his wife shall go out with him 4. her master's, and he shall go out by himself 5. if the servant say, I will not go cut free 7. a maid-servant not go out as men-servants do 11. then shall she go out free without money Zev. 6. 13. the fire on the altar shall never go out 8. 33. shall not go out of tabernacle in seven days 10. 7. ye shall not go out at the door, lest ye die 14. .38. then the priest shall go out of the house 15. 16. if any man's seed of copulation go out 16. 18. he shall go out to the altar before the Lord 21. 12. nor shall lie go out of the sanctuary 25. 28. and in the jubilee it shall go out, 31, 33. 30. itshall notgoout injubil. II 54. he shall go out Deut.2i. 5. taken a wife, he shall not go out to war 28. 25. thou slialt go out one way, tlee seven ways Jos/i. 2. 19. who shall go cut, his blood be on his Judg. 9. 38. go out, I pray now, and fight with them 16. 20. he said, I will go out as at other times 20. 28. shall I yet again g. o. to battle ag. Benjamin Jxuth 2. 22. it is good thou go out with his maidens 1 Sam. 19. 3. 1 will go out and stand beside my father 20. 11. come, let us go out into the field 28. 1. Achish said, thou shalt 5-0 out with me 2 Sam. 5. 24. then the Lord sliall go out before thee 21. 17. thou shalt .170 no more 07it with us to battle 1 Kings 15. 17. that he might not suffer any to go out, or come in to Asa, 2 Chron. 16. 1. 20. 31. put ropes on heads, and go out to the king 1 Qhron. 20. 1. at the time kings go out to battle 2 Chron. 18. 21. go out and be a lying spirit, ^ro out 20. 17. fear not, to-morrow go out against them 26. 18. go cut of sanctuary, for thou iiast trespassed 20. yea, himself hasted also to go out Job 15. 13. lettest such worcls go out of thy mouth Psal. 60. 10. which didst not^o out with our armies 109. t 7. when he is judged, let him go out guilty Frov. 22. 10. cast out the scorner, contention ^rti ot<; i-«/. 8. 3. be not hasty to go out of his sight Isa. 52. 11. depart ye, go ye o^u from thence 12. ye shall not go out with haste or by flight .'55. 12. ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth Jer. 21 . 12. lest my fury go out like fire and burn 51. 45. my people, go ye out of the midst of her Ezek. 15. 7. they shall go out from one fire 44. 3. the prince shall go cut the same way 46. 9. etitereth by north, shall go out by south-gate Amos\. 3. and ye shall go out at the breaches Zech. 14. 8. that living waters .90 cut from Jerusalem Mat. 25.6. bridegroom cometh, (70 ye 0M< to meet him Luke 9. 5. when ye go out of the city shake off dust 14. 21. go out quickly into the streets and lanes 23. go out into the highways and hedges 1 Cor. 5. 10. then must ye needs ^70 cut of the world Heh. 11. 8. Abraham, when he was called \.ogo out Rev. 3. 12. he that overcometli, shall 170 no more out 20. 8. and shall go out to deceive the nations GO to. Gen. 11 . 3. go to, let us make brick, and burn them 4. go to, let us build || 7. .170 to, let us confound Eccl. 2. 1. go to now, I will prove thee with mirtli Isa. 5. 5. go to, I will tell you what I will do Jam. 4. 13. go to now, ye that say, to-day , or to-mor. 5. 1. go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl GO 7iv. Gen. 35. 1. arise, go up to Bethel, dwell there, 3. 44. 33. and let the lad go up with his brethren 34. how shall I go up to my father ? 45. 9. 50. 6. Pharaoh said, go up and l)ury thy father Exod. 8. 3. frogs shall go up and come into thy house 19. 12. fake heed ye. go not ?<;; into the mount 20. 26. nor shalt thou go up by steps to my altar 24. 2. neither shall the people go up with him 32. 30. ye have sinned a great sin, I will go up 33. 1. depart and go up, thou and the people 3. for I will not go up in the midst of thee 34. 24. not desire thy land, when thou shalt go up 196 GOE Lev. 19. 16. shaltnot (7<'«i' and down as a tale-bearer Num. 13, 30. let us go up at once and possess it 31. we be not able to go up against this people 14. 40. lo, we be here, and will go up, Deut. 1.41. 42. go not up || 44. but they presumed to go up Deut. 25. 7. let his brother's wife go up to the gate .31). 12. who shall goiLp for us to lieaven, and bring Josh. 7. 3. let not all go up, let 3l)00 men go vp 22. 33. did not intend to go up ag. them in battle J7idg. 1. 1. who shall go up for us to fight them ? 2. tlie Lord said, Judah shall go up, 20. 18. 2. 1. an angel said, I made you go up out of Egypt 9. t 9- should igo up and down for other trees i 11. 37. that 1 may go up and down on the mountains 18. 9. arise, that we may go up against them 20. 9. we will go up by lot against Gibeah 18. which of us shall (70 up first to battle ? 23. shall I go up again ? || 28. go up against him 1 Sam. 1.22. 1 will not i/o?<;j till the child be weaned 6. 9. if it go up by the way of his own coast 20. and to whom sliall he go vp from us .' 9. 13. ye shall find him before he go up to eat 14. Samuel came to go up to the high place, 19. 14. 9; if they say, tarry, we will not go up 10. if they say, come up unto us, we will go up 2 Sam. 2. 1. David said, shall 1 go up to any of the cities of Judah ? the Lord said, go up to IJebron 5. 19. shall I go up against the Pliilistines \ 15. 20. should 1 make thee go up and down with us ? 19. 34. how long have 1 to live, that I should go up 24. 18. go up, rear an altar in floor, 1 Chr. 21. 18. 1 Kings 12. 24. ye shall not go up, 2 Chron. 11. 4. 27. if this people go up to do sacrifice at Jerusal. 28. it is too much for you to go up to Jerusaleni 18. 43. go up, look towards the sea, and he went 22. 6. go up, for the Lord shall deliver it into tlie hand of the king, 12. 2 Chron. 18. 11, 14. 20. may go up and fall at Ramoth, 2 Chr. 18. 19. 2 Kings 1. 3. go up, meet the messengers of the king 2. 23. go up thou bald-head, go up tliou. bald-head 3. 7. wilt thou go up with me against Moab ? 8. and he said, which \vay shall we go up 12. 17. llazael set his face to go up to Jerusalem 18.25. Lord said, <70 7^;j against the land, Isa. .36.10. 20. 5. on third day tliou shalt go up to the house 8. what the sign that 1 shall r/o up? Isa. 38. 22. 22. 4. go up to Ililkiah high-priest to sum silver 1 Chr. 14. 10. shall I go up || 14. go notup after them 2 Chron. 18. 5. shall we go up to llamoth-irilead .'' 36. 23. God be with him, let him go up, Ezra 1. 3. Ezra 7. 9. he began to go up from Babylon 13. all which are minded to go up go with me Neh. 4. 3. if a fox go up he shall even break down Psal. 104. 8. they go up by the mountains^ 132. 3. surely 1 will wot go up into my bed Cajit. 6. 6. as aflock of sheep tWaXgoup from washing 7. 8. I said, I will go up to the palm-tree Isa. 2. 3. let us go up to mountain of Lord, Mic. 4. 2. 7. 6. let us go up against .ludah and vex it 15. 5. with weeping shall they go itup 21. 2. go up, O Elam, || 34. 10. the smoke shall go up 35. 9. nor any ravenous beast shall c/o up there 36. 10. go up against this land, and destroy it Jer. 5. \0.go ye up upon her walls and destroy 6. 4. arise, and let us go upsX noon, woe unto us 21. 2. that ISebuchadnezzar may go up from us 22. 20. go up to Lebanon, and cry, lift up thy voice 31. 6. let us go up to Zion, to the Lord our God 46. 8. he saith, I will go up and cover the earth 11. go xip into Gilead, and take balm, O virgin 48. 5. continual weeping shall go up 49. 28. go up to Kedar, and spoil men of the east 50. 21. goup against the land of Merathaim Ezek. 38.1 1. I wil 1 go up to land of unwalled villages 40. 26. there were seven steps to go iip to it Hos. 4. 15. neither go up to Beth-aven, nor swear Hag. 1. 8. go up to the mountain, and bring wood Zech. 14. 16. go up from year to year to worship Mat. 20. 18. we go up to Jerusalem, Son of man shall be betrayed, Mark 10. 33. Luke 18. 31. Luke 14. 10. he may say to thee, friend, (70 up highei' John 7. 8. go ye 7ip to this feast, I go not up yet Acts 15. 2. go up to Jerusalem about this question 21. 4. that Paul should not go tip to Jerusalem 12. we besought him not to go up to Jerusalem 25. 9. wilt thou go up to Jerusalem and be judged .' GO .35. his sound shall be heard when he v. in Lev. 11. 21. these ye may eat that^^. on all four 14. 46. he that ^. into the house shall be unclean 15. 32. law ot him whose seed g. from iiim, 22. 4. 16. 17. none in the tabernacle when he (/. in 22. 3. who g. to holy things having uncl'eanness 27. 21. th€ field, when it g. out injubilee, be holy Num. 5. 29. this is the law, when a wife g. aside Vent. 1. 31). the Lord which g. before shall fight 9. 3. thy God is he that (7. over before you 19. 5. as when amHXig. into wood with bis neiglib. 20. 4. the Lord your God is he that t/. with you 23. 9. when the host (7. forth against thy enemies 24. 13. deliver the pledge when the sun g. down Judg. 5. 31. be as the sun when he g. forth in might 1 Sum. 22. 14. as David \vhog. at thy bidding 30. 24. as his part is tliat^. down to the battle 2 Kings 5. 18. my master .(7. to house of Kimmon 11. 8. be with the king as he g. out, 2 Chron. 23. 7» Ezra 5. 8. this work g. fast on and prospereth Jol) 7. 9. that (7. down to grave come up no more 9. 11. lo, he (7. by me, and 1 see him not 16. t 6. and though 1 forbear, v/hatg. from me 34. 8. when.!/, in company with workers of iniquity .37. 2. hear the sound that g. out of his mouth 39. 21. he g. on to meet the aimed men Psal. 17. 1. prayer thntg. notout of feigned lips 41. G. wlien he ,'i. Israel worsliipped the r/. of Moabites 18. 27- he is a g. either talkimr, or pursuing 2 Kinffsl. 2. Baal-zebub the g^of Ekron, 3, 6, 16. 19. 37. worshipping in the house of N isroch his 17. smote with sword, 2 Chr. 32. 21. La. 37. 38. Psal. 16. 4. sorrows multiplied , hasten after other g. Isa. 44. 10. who hath formed ag. or molten image,.'' 15. he maketh a g. and worshippeth it, 17, 45. 20. and that pray to a g. that cannot save 46. 6. he maketh it a^r. they fall down, they worship Da7i. 1. 2. he carried the vessels into house of his g. 4. 8. Belteshazzar according to the name cfmyg. 11. ,36. and magnify himself above every g. Amos 5.16. thestar of 3'0ur/7. ye made, Acts^.^Z, 8. 14. that swear, and say, thy g. O Dan, liveth Jonah 1. 5. the mariners cried, every man to his g. Mic. 4. 5. all people will walk in the name of his ^7. Hab. 1. 11. imputing this his power to his g. Acts 12. 22. it is the voice of a g. not of a man Any GOD. E.rod. 22. 20. that sacrifice to any g. save the Lord 2 &WV. 7.22. nor is there «w^G. beside, XChr. 17. 20. Dan. 3. 28. that they might not worsh. any g. except 6. 7. who shall ask a petition of any g. or man, 12. 11. 37. neither shall he regard ajiy g. Other GOD. Exod. .34. 14. thou shalt worship no other g. Dan. 3. 29. because there is no other g. can deliver 1 Cor. 8. 4. there is none other g. but one. Strange GOD. De^it. 32. 12. there was no strange g. with them Psal. 44. 20. stretched out our hands to a strange g. 81. 9. no strange g. be in thee, nor vforsh. strayige g. I.m. 43. 12. when there was no strange g. among them Dan. 11. 39. thus shall he do with a strange g. GOD. This is one of the names which we give to that eternal, infinite, and incomprehensible Being, the Creator of all things, who preserves and governs every thing by his almighty power and wisdom, and is the only object of our worship. The He- brews give to God generally the name of Jeho- vah, he who exists of himself, and gives being and existence to others : this is a name ineffable atid mysterious, which denotes the eternity, im- mutability, and i7idependence of God, and the infallible certainty of his word and prornises. The import of this name is opened and predicated of Christ, in Kev. 1. 4, 8. The Hebrews had such a leneratimi for this holy name, that they never pronounced it, but instead of it made use of that of Adonai, zohich signifies properly My Lords, in the phiral number : and of Elohi, Eloi, or Elohim. They likewise called him El, zchich signifies Strong; or Shaddai, whereby may be meant one who is self-sufificient : or, according to another pronunciation, the Destroyer, the porver- ful One ; or Elion, the most High, or El-sabaoth, the God of Hosts ; or Ja, God. This name Jehovah, m the Hebrew, consists of four letters, as for the most part it doth in all languages. Thus among tjte Persians the name is Eopu/ among the Arabians, Alia; amo7ig the Assyrians, Adad ; among the TEgyptians, Qo3v9. or Qevti ; with the Grecians, Geor ; the Latins, Deus ; the French, Dieu : the Spaniards, Dios ; the Italians, Idio ; and with the Germans, Gott. Hereof some give this reason, that the mimber of four is a perfect number, and .ro hereby the perfection of God is noted. Others say, that God is he who created all things, consisting of four elemeiits. GOD God declared to Moses, that he was not hiotcn by the name Jehovah to Abraham, Isaac, a?i(/ Ja- cob ; and yet God is called by the name Jehovah, iyi Gen. 15. 7. 1 26. 24. This is not to be under- stood of the name, but of the thing signified by that name. For that denotes all his perfections, and, anwng others, the constaiicy and immuta- bility of his nature and will, aiid the infallible certainty of his word and promises. Aiid, thmqh this was believed by Abraham, Isaac, and Ja- cob ; yet God had not given any actual being to Ids promises for their deliverance, by the ac- complishment of them : for they only saw the pro- mises afar off. This expression may likewise he understood comparatively ; they knew this hut darkly and imperfectly , which was now to he made known mfire clearly and fully. God is taken, I. Properly ; and that either essen- tially, for tlie whole Trinity, Isa. 40. 28. John 4. 24. Or, personally, (1) For the Father, Eph. 1. 3. (2) The Son, John 1. 1. (3) For the Holy Ghost, Acts 5. 3, 4. II. Improperly, CI) Far an idol, or false and imaginary god, Exod. 22. 20. Judg. 11. 24. C2) For princes, marjistrates, and judges, Exod, 22. 28. Psal. 82. 1, 6. (3; For the ark of God. Thus, when the ark came into the camp of the Israelites, the Philistines said, God is come into their camp ; this name they give to the ark, as they used to do to the images of their false gods, 1 Sam. 4. 7. The Lord tells Moses, Exod. 7- 1. See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: Thou shalt represent my person, and act like God, by requiring his obedience to thy commands, and by punishing his disobedience with such punish- meiits as none but God can inflict ; to -which end, thou shalt have my omnipotent assistance. Satan is called the god of this world, 2 Cor. 4. 4. he- cause he rules over the greatest part of the world, and they are his servants and slaves. St. Paul, in Phil. 3. 19. speaks of some that make their belly their god ; that is, who mind nothing but the satisfaction of their fleshly appetites. ( -i od forbid , is a strong form of denial, with a lothing of lohat IS objected, Rom. 3. 31. 1 9. 14. In the original it is. Let it not be. Geji. 16. 13. called name of Lord, thou G. seest me ,17. 7- to be a G. to thee and thy seed after thee 31. 13. 1 am the G. of Beth-el, where thou vowedst 42. 28. what is this that G. hath done to us .' 45. 8. it was not 3'ou that sent me hither, but G. 48. 21. behold, I die, but G. shall be with you Exod. 6.7-1 will take you to me, and be to you a G. 18. 19. give thee counsel, and G. shall be with thee Num. 23. 23. said of Jacob, what hath G. wrought 't 24. 23. alas, who shall live when G. doth this'? Deut. 4. 7. what nation which hath G. so nigh t 29. 13. that he may be to thee a G. as he said 1 Sam. 3. 17. G. do so and more also, 14. 44. | 25. 22. 2 Sam. 3. 9, 35. 1 19. 13. 1 Kings 2. 23. 2 Kings 6. 31. 17. 46. all may know that there is a G. in Israel 22. 3. till I know what G. will do forme 2 cSVzw. 22. 32. who is G. save the Ld. '. Ps. 18. 31. 1 Kings 18. 21. if the Lord be G. follow him 39. the Lord, he is the G. the Lord, he is the G. 2 Kings 19. 15. thou art the G. even thou alone 2 Chr. 20. 6. O Lord G. art not thou G. in heaven .■' Ezra 1. 3. his G. be with him, he is the G. Neh. 9. 17. art a G. readv to pardon, slow to anaer Job 22. 13. say est, how do'th G . know ? Psal. 73. 11 . Ps. 5. 4. art not a G. that hast pleasure in wickedn. 52. 7. the man that made not G. his strength 86. 10. thou art great, thou art G. alone, La. 3". 16. Isa. 12. 2. behold, G. is my salvation, I will tiust 44. 8. is there a G. besides me ? yea, there is no G. 45. 22. look unto me, I am G. there is none else 46. 9. I am G. there is none else, none like me Jer. 31. 33. 1 will be their G. they my people, 32. ,38. Ezek. 28. 2. hast said, I am a god, I sit in seat of G . 9. but thou shalt be a man, and no g. Hos. 8. 6. workman made it, therefore it is not G. 11. 9. for 1 am G. and not man, the holy One Mic. 7. 18. who is a G. like to thee, that pardons ATat. 1. 23. name Immanuel, which is G. witli us 6. 24. ye cannot serve G. and mammon, Luke 16. 13. 19. 17. there is none good but one, that is G. Mark 10, 18. Luke IS. 19. Mark 12. 32. there is one G. and none othei- but h& Jolm 1. 1. the Word was with G. and W ord was G. 3. 2. can do miracles, except G. be with him 8. 41. they said, we have one Father, even G. 42. for 1 proceeded forth, and came from G. 17. 3. they might know thee, the only true G. Acts 2. 22. by wonders, which G. did by him 5. 29. we ought to obey G. rather than men 7. 9. patriarchs sold Joseph, but G. was with hi;n 10. 34. 1 perceive G. is no respecter of pei'sons Rom. 3. 4. let G. be true, and every man a liar 8. 31. if G. be for us, who can be asainst us ? 15. 5. now the G . of patience and coiisolation 1 Cor. 8. 6. to us there is but one G. the Father 15. 28. that G. may be all in all 2 Cor. 1. 21. he which hath anointed ns, is G. 4. 4. the g. of this w^orld hath blinded minds 13. 11. G. of love and peace shall be witli you 2 Thess.2.4. above all calleil G. so that he as G. 1 Tim. 3. 16. G. was manifest in the flesh Tit. 1. 16. they profess that tliev know G. Heb. 3. 4. but he tliat built all tilings is G. 4. 10. ceased from his works, as G. did from his 8. 10. 1 will be to them a ( ; . they to me a people 1 John. 1. 5. G. is light, in him is no darkness at all 4. 12. no man hath seen G . at any time Rev. 21. 3. and G. himself shall be with them 4. G. shall wipe awav all tears 7. I w ill be his G. and he shall be r.iy son Aoainst GOO. Gen. 39. 9. how do this wickedness, and sin^.^. G. ? Num. 21. 5. the people spake ag. G. Psal. 78. 19. 1 Chron. 5.25. and thev tiansaressed against G. 2 Chron. 32. 19. spake against the G. of .lorusalem 197 GOD joh 15. 13. thou turnest thy spirit against G. 25. for he stretcheth out his hand against G. 34. 37. he multiplieth his words against G. Dan. 3. 29. wiiich speak amiss ag. G. of Shadrach 11. 36. speak marvellous things ag. G, of gods Mos. 13. 16. she hath rebelled against her G. Acts 5. 39. lest ye be found to fight against G. 6. 11. he bath spoken blasphemous words «ii'. G. 23. 9. let us not fight against G. Rom. 8. 7. the carnal mind is enmity against G. 9. 20. who art thou that repliest against G . ? Rev. 13. 6. opened his mouth in blasphemy ag. G. 8ee Almighty. Before GOD. Gen. 6. 11. the earth was corrupt lefore G. Exod. 18. 12. eat bread with Moses' father before G. Josh. 24. 1. they presented themselves before G. Judg. 21. 2. the people abode till even before G. 1 C/iron. 13. 8. David and all Isr. played before G. 10. and there Uzza died before G. 10. 1. they offered burntsacrifices before G. 2 Chr. 33. 12. Manasseh humbled himself before G. 34. 2?. .'(osiah's heart was humbled before G. Ezra 7. 19. deliver before the G. of Jerusalem Job 15. 4. yea, thou restrainest prayer before G. Psal. 42. 2. when shall I appear before G. ? 56. 13. may walk before G. in light of living 61. 7. he sliall abide before G. for ever 68. 3. let the righteous rejoice before G. 84. 7. every one in /ion appeareth before G. Eccl..2. 26. give to him that is good before G. 5. 2. heart hasty to utter any thing before G. 8. 13. because he feareth not before G. Dan. 2. t 18. v/ould desire mercies from before G. 6. 10. gave thanks before his G. as aforetime 11. found him making supplication before G. 26. that men tremble before the G. of Daniel Duhe 1. 6. they were both righteous before G. 12. 6. not one of them is forgotten before G. 24. 19. a prophet mighty in deed and word bef. G. Acts 7. 46. who found favour before G. 10. 4. thine arms are come for a memorial befoj-e G. .33. we are all here present before G. to hear 23. 1. 1 lived in all good conscience before G. Rom. 2. 13. not hearers of law are just before G. , 3. 19. the world may become guilty before G, 4. 2. hath whereof to glory, but not befo?-e G. 14. 22. hast thou faith f have it to thyself before G. 2 Cor. 12. 19. we speak before G. in Christ Gal. 1. 20. behold, before G. I lie not 1 Tbess. 3. 13. he may establish your hearts bef. G. 1 Tim. 5. 4. that is good and acceptable befo7-e G. 21. I charge thee before G. 2 Tim. 4. 3. Jam. 1. 27. pure religion and undefiled before G. Rev. 3. 2. not found thy works perfect before G. 9. 13. a voice from the horns of the altar before G. 12. 10. which accused them bef. G. day and night 16. 19. Babylon came in remembiance before G. 20. 12. I saw dead, small and great, stand bef. G. •See Called, Chosen, Commanued. Eternal GOD. Deut. 33. 27. the eternal G. is thy refuge Everlasting GOD. Gen. 21. 33. Abraham called on name oi ever. G. Isa. 40. 28. the ever. G. fainteth not, nor is weary Rom. 16. 26. according to commandment of ever. G. 3ee Father, Fear, Forbid, Gave, Glorify. H/gh GOD. Geii. 14. 18. was priest of the most high G. Heb. 7. 1. 19. blessed be Abraham of the most high G. 20. blessed be the most high G. which delivered 22. I have lift up my hand to the most high G. Psal. 57. 2. I will cry unto G. most high, unto G. 78. 35. G. was their rock, the high G. their Redeem. 56. they tempted and provoked the most high G. Dan. 3. 26. servants of most high G. come forth 4. 2. shew the wonders the high G. hath wrought 5. 18. high G. gave ]S1 ebuchadnezzar a kingdom 21. till he knew that the most high G. ruled Mic. 6. 6. and bow myself before the most high G. Mark 5. 7. thou Son of the most h?gh G. Luke 8. 28. Acts 16. 17. these men are servants of most high G. Holy GOD. Josh. 24. 19. he is an holy G. he is a jealous God 1 Sam. 6. 20. who is able to stand before this holy G. ? Psal. 99. 9. for the Lord our G. is holy Isa. 5. 16. G. that is holy shall be sanctified in right. GOD of heaven. 2 Chron. 36. 23. all kingdoms of the earth hath the Lord G. of heaven given me, Ezra 1. 2. Ezra 5. 11. we are the servants of the G. of heaven 12. our fathers have pi'ovoked the G. of heaven 6. 9. for burnt-offerings of tlie G. of heaven, 10. 7. 12. a scribe of the law of the G. of heaven, 21. 23. whatever is commanded by the G. of heaven Neh. 1. 4. I fasted and prayed before the G. of h. 2. 4. so I prayed to the G. of heaveyi, and said Psal. 136. 26. O give thanks to the G. of heaven Dan. 2. 18. they would desire mercies of G. of h. 19. then Daniel blessed the G. of heaven 44. the G. of heaveyi shall set up a kingdom Jo7iah 1. 9. 1 fear the Lord, the G. of heaven Rev. 11. 13. the remnant gave glory to G. of hea. 16. 11. and they blasphemed the G. of heaven GOD of hosts. Psal. 80. 7. turn us again, O G. of hosts, 19. 14. return, we beseech thee, O G. of hosts Amos 5. 27. saith Lord, whose nameis the G. of hosts See Lord God. GOD is. Gen. 21. 22. G. is with thee in all that thou doest 31. 50. see, G. is witness betwixt me and thee Exod. 20. 20. fear not, for G. is come to prove you Nnm. 23. 19. G. is not a man, that he should lie Deut. 3. 24. what G. is there in heaven who can do f ,33. 27. the eternal G. is thy refuge, and underneath Josh. 24. 19. our holy G. is a jealous God, JS'ah. 1. 2. 1 Sam.. 4. 7. G. is come into the camp, woe unto us 10. 7. for G. is come with tliee, 1 Chron. 17. 2. 28. 15. G. is departed from me, he ans^^ ereth not 2 Sa?n. 22. .33. G. is my strength and pov/er i Chro7i. 14. 15. G. is gone forth before thee to smite 198 GOD 2 Chr. 13. 12. G. himself w with us for our captain Job 33. 12. i answer thee, G. is greater than man 36. 5. behold, G. is mighty and despiseth not any 26. behold, G. is great, and we know him not Psal. 7. 11. G. is anjiTif with tlie wicked every day 1(). 4. G. is not in all his tlioughts, not seek after G. 14. 5. for G. ism the generation of the righteous 33. 12. blessed nation, whose G. is Lord, 144. 15. 46.1. G. M our refuge and strength, 62. 8. 5. G. is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved 47 . 5. G. is gone up with a shout || 7. for (y . is K ing 48. 3. G. eV known in her palaces for a refuge 50. 6. for G. M judge himself, Selah,75. 7. 54. 4. behold, G. is iny helper. Lord is with them 56. 9. turn back ; this 1 know, for G. is for me 59. 9. 1 will wait, for G. is my defence, 17- 62. 7- in G. is my salvation and glory, Isa. 12. 2. 68.5. a father of tlie fatherless «i G. in his habitation 73. 1. truly G. is good to Israel, even to such as are 26. G . is strength of my heart, and portion for ever 74. 12. G. is my King of old, working salvation 89. 7. G. is greatly to be feared in tiie assembly 116. 5. gracious is the Lord, our G. is merciful 118. 27. G. is the Lord tliathath shewed us light Eccl. 5. 2. for G. is in heaven, and tlion on earth Isa. 5. 16. G. that is holy shall be sanctified in right. 8. 10. for G. is with us || 45. 14. surely G. is in thee Zech. 8. 23. we have heard that G. is with you AJat. 3. 9. G. is able of these stones to raise, jL?(/f-e 3.8. 22. 32. G. is not God of the dead, but of the living John 3. 33. hath set to his seal that G. is true 4. 24. G. is a Spirit || 13. 31. G. is glorified in him Acts 10. 34. G. is no respecter of persons Rom. 1. 9. for G. is my witness, whom I serve 11. 23. for G. is able to graff them in again 14. 4. for G. is able to make him stand 1 Cor. 1. 9. G. is faithful, by whom ye were called 10. 13. G. is faithful who will not suffer you 14. 25. and report that G. is in you of a truth 33. G. is not author of confusion, but of peace 2 Cor. 1.18. as G. is true, our word was notyea, nay 9. 8. G. is able to make all grace abound to you Gal. 3. 20. but G. ts onejl 6. 7. G. isnot mocked Eph. 2. 4. but G. who is iich in mercy quickened us Phil. 1.8. G. is my record, how greatly 1 long after 3. 19- for many walk, whose g. is their belly 1 Thess. 2. 5. nor cloke of covetousness, G. is witness Heb. 6. 10. G. is not unright. to forget your work 11. 16. G. is not ashamed to be called their God 12. 29. for oui G. is a consuming fire 13. 16. for with such sacrifices G. is well pleased 1 John 1. 5. G. is light || 4. 8. for G. is love, 16. 3. 20. G. is greater than our heart, knows all things GOD 0/ Israel. Exod. 24. 10. thej' went up, and saw the G. of Isr. Num. 16. 9. the G. of Israel hath separated you Josh. 7. 19. to give glory to the G. of Isr. 1 Sam. 6. 5. 13. 33. the G. of Israel was their inheritance 22. 16. what trespass ye committed ag. G. of Israel 24. what have ye to do with the G. of Israeli' 24. 23. incline your heart to the G. of Israel Judg. 11 . 23. G. of Israel dispossessed the Amorites liuih 2. 12. a full reward be given thee of G. of Isr. ISam.l.n. the G. o/Jsrae/ grant thy petition 5. 11. send away the ark of the G. of Israel iKin. 8. 23. L. G. of Isr. no G. like thee, 2 Chr. 6. 14. 14. 13. some good thing toward the G. of Israel 1 Chron. 4. 10. Jabez called on the G. of Israel 17. 24. the Lord of hosts is the G. of Israel 2 Chron. 15. 13. who would not seek the G. of Isr. ? EzraT. 15. have freely offered to the G. of Israel 9. 4. trembled at the words of the G. of Israel Ps. 41. 13. blessed be the L. G. of Isr. from everlast. to everlasting, 72. 18. 1 106. 48. Luke 1. 68. Isa. 41. 17. 1 the G. of Zsrae/ will not forsake them 45. 3. 1 which call thee by name, am G. of Israel 48. 2. they stay themselves on the G. of Israel Ezek. 8. 4. the glory of the G. of Israel was there Mat. 15. 31. the multitude glorified the G. of Israel Living GOD. Deut. 5. 26. that heard the voice of the living G. Josh. 3. 10. hereby know the living G. is among you 1 Sam. 17. 26. should defy the armies oi' living G. 36. 2 Kings 19. 4. whom the king of Assyria hath sent to reproach the living G. 16. Isa. 37. 4, 17. Psal. 42. 2. my soul thirsteth for God, the livi?ig G. 84. 2. my heart and flesh crieth out for livi?ig G. Jer. 10. 10. he is the living G. an everlasting Ring 23. 36. have perverted the M'ords of the livtng G. Dan. 6. 26. he is the living G. and stedfast forever Hos. 1. 10. shall be said, ye are sons of the living G. Mat. 16. 16. art Christ, Son of living G. John 6. 69. 26. 63. I adjure thee by the living G. tell us ActslA. 15. turn froin these vanities to the living G. Rom. 9. 26. the3' shall be called children of /mw^' G. 2 Cor. 3. 3. but with the Spirit of the living G. 6. 16. for ye are the temple of the living G. 1 Thess. 1. 9. from idols to serve liviyig and true G. 1 Tim. 3. 15. which is the church of the living G. 4. 10. because we trust in the living G. 6. 17. Heb. 3. 12. an evil heart in departing from living G. 9. 14. purge your conscience to serve the living G. 10. 31. it is fearful to fall into hands of living G. 12. 22. ye are come to Zion, the city of living G. Rev. 7. 2. angel having the seal of the living G. Lord GOD, Lord his GOD, Lord my, Lord our, their, your GOD. See these in the divisions of the word Lord. Merciful GOD. ' Exod. ,34. 6. the Lord, the Lord G. mercifid, gracious Deut. 4. 31. the Lord thy God is a merciful G. 2 Chr. .30. 9. Lord your G. is merciful if ye turn Neh. 9. 31. thou art a gracious and merciful G. Psal. 116. 5. gracious is the Lord, our G. is merciful Jonah 4. 2. 1 knew that thou art a G. merciful Mighty GOD. Gew.49.24. bow abode by \\'a\\(\?, of mighty G.of .Jac. Deut. 7. 21. Lord is among you, a mighty G. 10. I7. ISeh. 9. 32. now therefore our God, the mighty G. Job 36. 5. beiiold, G. is mighty, and despiseth notany Psal. 50. 1. the mighty G. the Lord hath spoken 132. 2. how he vowed to the mighty G. of Jacob GOD Psal. 1.32. 5. till \ find an habitation m. G. of .lacob- Is/i. 9. 6. liis n,ime shall (»■ called the mighty G. 10 l-'l. the ri'iiiiiiint shall return to the mighty G. Jer. :V2. 18. mifjily G. the I ord of hosts is his name Hub. 1. 12. O mighty ( , . thou hast stablislied them My (;()D. C'cn. 28.21. Jacob said, tlien shall the Ld. be my G. Exod. 15. 2. be is 'ii,y ( , . my father's G. \ will exalt lluth 1. 16. thy people be in v people, thy God my G. 2 Sam. 22. 7. 1 cried to n/y ' : . he heard, Psal. 18. 6. 22. and have notdeparled from ruy G. Psal. 18. 21. 30. by my G. 1 have iea|)e(! (jver a wall, Fs. 18. 29.. I' Chr. 28. 20. foi' C!od, even ///y G. will be with thee 2 Chr. 18. 13. what ?/iy G. saith, that will 1 speak Neh. 5. 19. think upon me, /,;y G. for good, 13.31. 13. 14. remember me, my G. concerning this, 22. Psal. '■11.1. mi/ G. v.y G . why hast thou foi'sakennie? why so far from helping me t Mat. 27. 46. 10. thou art my G . fiom luy iiiotlier's Itelly 31. 14. 1 trusted in thee, i baid, thou art my G. 38. 21. O my G. be not lar lioui me. 71. 12. 89. 26. he shall cry, thou art my Father, my G. 104. 33. 1 will siriH praises to my G. 146. 2. 118. 28. thou art -my G. and I will praise thee 145. 1. 1 Mill extol thee, viy G. O King, and bless Prov. 30. 9. and take the name of my G. in vain Isa. 7. 13. but will ye weary my G. also J" 40. 17. my judgment is passed over from my G. 44. 17. he saith, deliver me, for thou art my G. 61. 10. ray soul shall be joyful in tny G. Dan. 0.22. my G. hathsent his angel, hath shut lions' Jiw. 2.23.they shall say, thou art wj/ G. Zec/i. 13.9- 8. 2. Israel shall cry to me, my G. we know thee 9. 17. 't/iy G. will cast them away, not hearken Mic. 7. 7. 1 will wait, for ?ny G. will hear me John 2( 1. 17. and say, I ascend to my G. and your G. 28. Thomas answered and said, my L. and mp G. Rom. 1.8. 1 thank my G. through Jesus ( hrist, for you all, 1 Cor. 1. 4. 1 14. ]8. Phil. 1. 3. Phtlem. 4. 2 Cor. 12. 21. lest when 1 come, my G. will humble Phil. 4. 19- my G. shall sujjply all your need Rev. 3. 12. I will write on him the name of ^^^^ G. See Lord my God. No GOD. Deut. 32. 39. T, even I am he, there is no G. with me 1 Rings 8. 23. there is no G. like thee, 2 Chr. 6. 14. 2 Kings 1. 16. is it because there is yio G. in Israel ? 5. 15. now 1 know there is no G. in all the earth 2 Chron. 32. 15. no G. of any nation able to deliver Psal. 14. 1. the fool hath said, theie is no G. 53. 1. Isa. 43. 10. before me there was yio G. formed 44. 0. besides me there is no G. 8. 1 45. 5, 14, 21. Ezek. 28. 9. but thou shalt be a man, and yio G. ■ Hos. 13. 4. and thou shalt know 710 G. but me O GOD. Num. 12. 13. heal her now, G G. I beseech thee Judg. 16. 28. strengthen me, only this once, U G. Psal. 4. 1. hear me, U G. of my righteousness 25. 22. redeem Israel, O G. out of "all his troubles- 51. 14. deliver me from blood-guiltiness, O G. 56. 12. thy vows are upon me, O G. I will render Isa. 64. 4. nor hath the eye seen, U G. besides thee Heb. 10. 7. 1 said, lo, 1 come to do thy will, U G. 9. Of GOD. Exod. 9. t 28. entreat there be no more voices of G. 1 Sam. 14. + 15. so it was a trembling of G. 2 Chr. 10. 15. hearkened not, for the cause was of G. 25. 20. Amaziah would not hear, for it came 0/ G. Psal. 7. 10. my defence is of G. who saveth upright Isa. 29. + 1. woe to the lion of G. add year to year 53. 4. we did esteem him smitten ofG. and afflicted Mat. 16. 23. savourest not things of G. Marks. .3.3. John 1. 13. born not of the will of man, but of G. 6. 46. he which is of G. hath seen the Father 7. 17. shall know of doctrine whether it be of G. 8. 47. he that is of G. heareth : ye are not of G. 9. 16. thismanisnotfi/'G. 11.33. if he were note/ G.. 12. 43. loved the praise of men more than of G. Acts 5. 39. if it be of G. ye cannot overthrow it Rom. 2. 29. Avhose praise is not of men, but of G., 9. 16. but of G. that sheweth mercy 13. 1. no power but of G. powers ordained of G. 1 Cor. 1. .30. who of G. is made unto us wisdom 6. 19. which ye have of G. ye are not your own 11. 12. but all things are of G. 2 Cor. 5. 18. 2 Cor. 2.17. butaso/G. in the sight o/G. speak we 3. 5. we are not sufficient, our sufficiency is of G. Phil. 1. 28. but to you of salvation, and that of G. 3. 9. the righteousness which is of G. by faith Heb. 5. 4. he that was called of G. as was Aaron 1 John 3. 10. doeth not righteousness, is not of G. 4. 1. beloved, try the spirits whether they are of G. 3. confesseth not that Christ is come, is not of G. 6. we are of G. \\ 5. 19. we know that we are of G. 3 John 11. follow good, he that doeth good is of G. G. See Lord their God. Thy GOD. Lev. 19. 14. thou shalt fear thy G. 25. 17, 36, 43. Deiet. 10. 21. he is thy praise, and he is thy G. 26. 17- hast avouched this day the Ld. to be thy G. Huth 1. 16. thy people my people, thy G. mj- God 2 A7.'i^.fl9. 10. let not Mi'G. deceive thee, Ifa.37. 10. 1 Chr. 12. 18. peace to thee, for thy G. helpeth thee £ Chr. 9. 8. because thy G. loved Isr. made thee king Ezra'. 14. according to law of M^^ G. in thy hand 25. after the wisdom of thy G. laws of thy G. Nek. 9. 18. this is thy G. that brought thee up Ps. 42.3.continually saj' to me, where is thy G. ? 10. 45. 7. God, thy G. hath anointed thee, Heb. 1. 9. 50. 7. hear, O Israel, I am God, even thy G. 68. 28. thy G. hath commanded thy strength 147. 12. praise the Lord, praise thy G. O /ion Jsa. 41. 10. be not dismaj'ed, fori am thy G. 51. 20. they are full of the rebuke of thy G. 52.7. that saith to Zion, thy G. reisneth 60. 19. Lord shall be a liaht, and tfy G. thy glory 62. 5. so shall thy G. rejoice over thee Dan. 6. 16. thy G. whom tliou ^ervest will deliver 20. is thy G. whom thou serves! continually able ? 10. 12. and to chasten thyself before thy G. Hos. 4. 6. thou hast forgotten the law of ///^^ G. 9. 1. thou hast gone a whoring from thy G. 12. 6. turn thou to thy G. and wait on thy G. Amos 4. 12. prepare to meet thy G. O Israel Jonah 1. 6. O sleeper, ai'ise, call upon thy G. Mic. 6. 8. and to walk humblj' with thy G. See Lord thy God. To, or wito GOD. Gen. 40. 8. do not interpretations belong to G. ? Exod. 2. 23. they cried, and their cry came up to G. Lev. 21. 7. for he is holy u7ito\\\% G. Dent. 32. 17.sac. to devils not fo G. 1 Cor. 10. 20. .33. 26. there is none like to the G. of Jeshurun Judff. 13.5. shall be a ^Nazarite tmto G. 7. j 16. 17. 1 Sam. 10. 3. shall meet the three men goms up to G. 1 C/tron.^d.Si. for every matter pertaining to G. Joh 22. 2. can a man be profitable to G. ? 34. 31. sureb^ it is meet to be said vnto G. I have Psal.fA. 11. 1 have heard, power belongeth to G. 68. 20. to G. the Lord belong the issues from death 31. Ethiopia shall stretch her hands to G. 73. 28. it is good for me to draw near to G. 11. 1. 1 cried to G. even to G. with my voice Eccl. 12. 7. and the spirit shall return mito G. Isa. 58. 2. they take delight in approaching to G. Lam. 3. 41. let us lift up our heart with hands to G. Mat. 22. 21. render unto G. the things which are God's, il/a;-,?: 12. 177iM^-e20. 25. Jt)/ml3. 3. that he was come from God, went to G. Acts 4. 19. to hearken to you more than u7ito G. 5. 4. thou hast not lied unto men, but unto G. 26. 18. to turn them from power of Satan 7mto G. 20. turn to G. and do works meet for repentance Mom. 6. 10. he liveth mito G. \\ 11. but alive unto G. 13. yield yourselves 7/w!'o G. as alive from dead 7- 4. that we should bring forth fruit unto G. 12. 1. present your bodies a livina sacrifice unto G. 14. 12. every one give account of himself ro G. 1 Cor. 14. 2. speaktth not unto men but u?ito G. 15.24. he shall have delivered up kinadom to G. Phil. 4. 20. now v7ito G. and our Father be glory Heh.l.lo. he is able to save them that come7m?() G. 11. 6. he that cometh to G. must believe that he is 12. 23. but ye are come to G. the ludge of all Jam. 4. 7- submit yourselves therefore "io G. 1 P^^.3.18.Christ once suffered, miffht bring us ^0 G. 4. 6. but live according to G. in the Spirit Rev. 5. 9. thou hast redeemed us to G. by thy blood 12. 5. her child was caught up mito G. to his throne 14. 4. being the first-fruits unto G. and the Lamb See True. With GOD. Gen. 5. 22. Enoch walked zoith G. and was not, 24. 6. 9. Noah walked || 32. 28. .lacobhath power re. G. Exod. 19. 17. Closes brought people to meet roith G. 1 Sam. 14. 45. he hath wrougiit roith G. this day £ Sam. 23. 5. althouah my house ne not so with G. 2 Chron. .35. 21. forbear from meddling ?."?>/« G. Job 9. 2. how should man be just xoith G. 7 GOD Job 13. 3. and I desire to reason -oith G. 16. 21. O that one might plead for a man nithG. 25. 4. how then can a man be justified ruith G. ? 27. 13. this the portion of a wicked man ziith G. 34. 9. that he should delight himself rciih G. 23. that he sliould enter into judg-ment roith G. 37. 22. roith G. is terrible majesty Psal. 78. 8. whose spirit is not stedfast roith G. Hos. 11. 12. but .Tudah yet ruleth roith G. 12. 3. Jacob by his strenath had power roith G. Mat. 19. 26. with men this is impossible, but roith G. all thinas possible, Mark 10. 27. Ltde 1. 37. i IH. 27. Lide 1. 30. for thou hast found favour roith G. 2. 52. Jesus increased in tav oar roith G. and man Jo/m 1.1. the Word was roith G. the Word was God 5. 18. making himself equal roith G. Phil. 2. 6. Rom. 2. 11. tiiere is no respect of persons roith G. 5. 1. being justified by faith, we have peace roith G. 9. 14. is there unrighteousn. roith G. '{ God forbid 1 Cor. 3. 9. we are labourers together roith G. 19: the wisdom of this world is foolishness roith G . 7. 24. let every man therein abide roith C. 2 Thess. 1 . 6. arighteous thing roith G. to recompense Jam. 4. 4. the friendship of world is enmity roith G. 1 Pet. 2. 20. take patiently , this is acceptable zoith G. Would God, see Would. Four GOD. Gen. 43. 23. your G. hath given you treasure in sacks Exod. 8. 25. go ye, sacrifice to your G. in the land Lev. 11. 45. Lord that bringeth you out of Egj-pt to be your G. 22. 33. I 25. 38. Nu7n^\5. 41. 26. 12. 1 will be your G. and ye shall be my people, Jer. 7. 23. | 11. 4. 1 30. 22. Ezek. 36. 28. AwOT. 10. 10. be to j'ou a memorial before yo7ir G. 15. 40. do my commandments, be holy to your G. Josh. 24. 27. stone be witness, lest ye deny yo7ir G. 1 i^a-m. 10. 19. ye have this day rejected your G. 2 Chron. 32. 14. that your G. should deliver you 15. how much less shall your G. deliver you ? Ezra 4. 2. let ns build, for we seek your G. as ye do Isa. .35. 4. yo'ur G. will come with vengeance 40. 1. comfort ye my people, saith your G. 9. say to the cities of Judah, behold your G. 59.2. iniquities separated between you ^.ndyourG. Ezek. .34. 31. I am your G. saith the Lord God Dau. 2. 47. of a truth it is, your G. is a God of gods Hos. 1. 9. ye are not my people, I will not be your G. Johji 8. 54. of whom ye say that he is yo7ir G. 20. 17. I ascend to my God and your G. See Lord yojir God. GODDESS. 1 Ki7igs 11.5. Solom. went after the g. of Zidonians 33. they have worshipped Ashtoreth, the g. Acts 19. 27. the temple ot greats?. Diana be despised 35. Ephesians are worshippers of the g. Diana 37. nor yet blasphemers of your w. GODHEAD. Acts 17. 29. nor think that the g. is like to gold Royn. 1. 20. even his eternal power and g. Col. 2. 9. in him dwelleth the fulness of the g. bodily GODLY. Psal. 4. 3. the Lord hath set apart him that is g. 12. 1. help, Lord, for the g. man ceaseth .32. 6. for this shall every one that is g. pray Mic. 7. 1 2. the g. man is {perished out of the earth Mai. 2. 15. that he might seek a g. seed 2 Cor. 1. 12. in g. sincerity had our conversation 7. 9. we wei-e made sorry after -Ag. manner, 11. 10. for g. sorrow worketh repentance 11. 2. I am jealous over you with q. jealousy 2 Tim. 3. 12. all that will live g. in C'hrist, suffer Tit. 2. 12. that ye should live g. in this world Heh. 12. 28. let us serve God with rever. and g. fear 2 Pet. 2. 9. the Lord knoweth how to deliver the g. 3 John 6. if thou bring forward after a g. sort GODLINESS. Isa. 51 . -fl. and men of g. are taken away 1 Tim. 2. 2. that we maj' lead a quiet life in all g. 10. which becometh women professing g. 3. 16. great is the mystery of g. God in the flesh 4. 7. and exercise thyself rather unto g. 8. but g. is profitable unto all thines 6. 3. to the doctrine which is according to g. 5. corrupt men, supposing that gain is g. 6. but g. with contentment is great gain 11. follow after righteousness, g. faith, love 2 Tim. 3. 5. having a form of g. but denying power Tit. 1.1. acknowledging the truth which is after ^. 2 Pet. 1. 3. all things that pertain to life and g. 6. add to patience g. to g. brotherly kindness, 7- 3. 11. what manner of persons ought to be in all «r. GOD-W^ARD. Exod. 18. 19. God with thee, be thou for people to G. 2 Cor. 3. 4. such trust have we through C'hrist to G. 1 Thess. 1. 8. your faith to G. is spread abroad GODS. Gen. 3. 5. ye shall be asg. knowing good and evil 31. 30. yet wherefore hast thou stolen my g. ? Exod. 12. 12. against all g. of Egypt I will execute 20. 23. shalt not make with meV- of silver or gold 22. 28. thou shalt not revile the g. nor curse ruler 23. 24. thou slialf not bow down to their g. .32. shalt make no covenant with them nor their g. 32. 1. up, make usg. to go before us, 23. Actsl. 40. 4. these be thy g. O Israel, which brought, 8. 31. INIoses said, they have made them " peace, even from^)'. 104. 28. thou openest hsind, they are filled w ith g. 1U6. 5. that I may see the g. of thy chosen 122. 9. because of house of Lord 1 will seekttiy^. 128. 5. shalt see the g. of Jerusalem all thy life Prov. 3. 27. withhold not n. 17. 7. the counsel is not g. at this time Psal. 36. 4. setteth himself in a way that is not g. Prov. 16. 29. leadethhim into way that is not g. 17. 26. also to punish the just is not g. 18. 5. is 7Wt g. to accept the person of the wicked 19. 2. that the soul be without knowledge is wo^<7. 20. 23. and a false balance is not g. 24. 23. not g. to have respect of persons, 28. 21. 25. 27. it is not g. to eat much honey Jsa. 65. 2. which walketh in a way that is not g. Ezek. 18. 18. and did that which is not g. among 20. 25. I gave them statutes that were not g. 36. 31. remember your doings that were not g. Mat. 19. 10. if the case be so, it is 7iot g. to marry Acts 15. .38. Paul thougiit not g. to take him with 1 Cor. 5. 6. your glorying is not g. know ye not 8eem, seemed, seemeth GOOD. Josh. 9. 25. as it seemeth g. to thee to do unto us, do, Judg. 10. 15. 1 Sayn. 14. 36, 40. Ezra 7. 18. Esth. 3. 11. Jer. 26. 14. | 40. 4. Judg. 19. 24. do to them what seemeth g. unto you 1 Sam. 1. 23. do what seemeth g. 3. 18. | 11.10. | 24.4. 2 Sam. 3. 19. Abner spake all seemed g. to Israel 10. 12. the Lord do that seemeth \\\mg. 15. 26. 19. .37. do to Chimham what shall seemg. 38. ■ 24. 22. take and offer up what seemeth g. unto him 1 Kmgs 21. 2. if it seem g. to thee, Jer. 40. 4. 1 Chron. 13. «. if it seem g. to you, let us send Ezra 5. 17. if it seemg. to the king, Esth. 5. 4. Jer. 18. 4. as seemed g. to the potter to make it Mat. 11, 26. so it seemed g. insight, Luke 10. 21. Luke 1 . 3. it seemed g. to me, having perfect undeis. Acts 15. 25. it seemed g. unto us, being assembled 28. W. seemed g. to the Holy Ghost and to us GOOD with thinq. Exod. 18. 17. the thing that thou doest is not g. Deut. 26. 11. thou shalt rejoice in every g. tlting Josh. 21. 45. there failed not aught of any g. thing 1 Sam. 26. 16. this thing is not g. thou hast done 1 Kings 14. 13. in him there is found some g. thing 2Tungs 8. 9. Eazael tookof every (/. thing oittamas. Psal. 31. 10. that seek Lord not want any g. thing 38. 20. because 1 follow the thing that g. is 84. 11. no^. thiyig will he withhold from them 92. 1. It IS a g. thing to give thanks unto the Lord Prov. 18. 22. whoso findeth a wife, findeth ag. thing Jer. .33. 14. I will perform g. thing I have promised Hos. 8. 3. Israel hath cast off the thing that is g. Mat. 19. 16. what f/. Mmr; shall I do to inherit life ? John 1. 46. can any g. tlnng come out of iSlazareth ? Pom-. 7. 18. that is in my flesh, dwellethnog'. thing Gal. 4. 18. good to be zealously affected inag. thing Eph. 4. 28. working with his hands thing which is g. 6. 8. knowmg that what g. thing any man doeth 2 lim. 1. 14. that^. «/«>«(/ committed unto thee, keep Philem. 6. by acknowledging every g. thing in you Ileb. 13. 9. It is a g. thing the heart be established GO(JD things. Deut. 6. 11. to give thee houses full of all g. things Josh. 23. 14. not one failed of all the g. things 15. that as all g. things are come upon you 2 A7w<7.i- 25. 1 28. he spake //. f. with him, Jer. 52.t .32. 2 Chron. 12. 12 in .ludah there were g. things 19. 3. in lehoshaphat there are g. things found Job 22. 18. yet he lillcd their houses with g. things Ps. U)3. 5. who satisfieth thy mouth with g. things Prov. 28. 10. the upright shall have g. things Jer. 5. 25. your sins have withholden g. things 12. f 6. believe not, though they speak g. things Mat. 7. Jl. give g. things to them that ask him ? 12. 34. how can ye being evil speak g. things? 35. a good man bringeth fortli//. things Luke 1. 53. he bath hlled the hungry with^'. things 202 GOO Luke 16. 25. in thy life-time receivedst thy ^r. things Rom. 10. 15. and bring glad tidings of .(7. things Gal. 6. 6. communicate unto him ni all g. things Tit. 2. 3. tiie aged women be teachers of ^. things 3. 8. these tknigs are g. and prolitable unto men Fteh. 9. 11. Christ being an high-priest of//, things 10. 1. the law having a shadow of g. things to come (iOOO tidings. 2 Sam. 4. 10. thinking to have brought g. tidings 18. 27. a good man, and conicth with^^. tidings 1 Kings 1. 42. a valiant man, and bringest^-. tidings 2 Kingsl. 9. this day is a day of <7. tidings Isa. 40. 9. O Zion, that bringest g. tidings 41. 27. I will give .Jerusalem one that bringeth g. t. 52. 7. the feet of him that bringeth g. tidings 61. 1, he hath anointed me to preach g. tidings Nah. 1. 15. behold feet of him who bringeth g. tid. Luke 2. 10. I bi-ing you g. tiding.^ of great joy 1 Thess. 3. 6. brought us^^. tidings of your faith H^as GOOD. Gen. 1. 4. God saw that it was g. 10, 12, 18,21, 25. 31. God saw every thing, behold it xoas very g. 3. 6. the woman saw that the tree icasg. for food 40. 16. the baker saw the interpretation was g. 41. .37. thnig wasg. in eyes of Pharaoh, 45. + 16. 49. 15. Issachar saw that rest was . and the land Josh. 22. t .30. it toas g. in the eyes of Phinehas 1 Sam. 15. 9. Saul and people spared all th&twasg. 2 Chron. 14. 2. Asa did that which was g. and right 31.20. Hezekiah wrought that which was g. Neh. 2. 18. the hand of my God which 7oasg. Eccl. 2. 3. till 1 might see what rz^ai- that ^7. for sons GOOD understanding. 1 Sam. 25. 3. Abigail was a womnnoig. understand. Psal. 111. 10. g. und. have all that do his command. Prov. 3. 4. so Shalt thou find favour and g. underst. 13. 15. g. understanding giveth favour GOOD'?w/rX'. Neh. 2. 18. strengthen their hands for this g. work Mat. 26. 10. she hath wrought a ; have seduced the g. of Egypt Dan. 2. 48. the king made Daniel chief of the g. Zech. 12. 5. the g. of Judah shall say in their heart 6. I will make the g. of Judah like a hearth Mat. 10. 18. ye shall be brought before (7. and kings Gal. 4. 2. but the heir is under tutors and g. till 1 Pet. 2. 14. submit yourselves to g. as sent by him GOURD. In Hebrew, Kikajon. This word is found in Jonah 4. 6. xcherethe Septnagint translate it KoXoKwOri- Jerom tises Hedera, Ivy; as also does Aquila. Jerom acknowledges, that the word Ivy does not answer the signification of the Hebrew Kikajon ; but as he could not find aJiy Latin words proper to express it, he chose rather to set down Hedera, than to leave Kikajon, which might be taken for a monstrous animal in the Indies, or mountains of Boeotia. ELis account 0/ Kikajon is this: It is a shrub which grows in the sandy places of Pales- tiyie ; and increases so suddenly, that within few days it comes to a considerable height. The leaves of it are large, and like those almost of ihe vine. it is supported by its trunk without being upheld by any thing else, and furnishes a very agreeable shade under the thickness of its leaves. Modern interpreters almost all agree that the Hebrew Kikajon .signifies ihe Palma Christi, or Ricinus, zw Egyptian called Kiki, and in Greek, Selicy- prion. It is a plant like a lily, the leaves whereof are smooth, scattered here and there, and spotted with black spots. Dioscorides says, that there is a sort of it which grows large like a tree, and as high as a fig-tree. The leaves of it are like those of the plurn-tree ; though broader, smoother, and blacker. The branches and truyik of it are hollow like a reed. Some think, that Jonah speaks of this last species. "Wild gourd, in Hebrew, Pekaah. This is a plant which produces leaves and branches much like garden cucumbers, which creep upoyi the earth, and are divided into several branches. Its fruit is of the size and figure of an orange. It is of a light, white substance, if you pare off the rind ; and so bitter to the taste, that it has been called the gall of the earth. Mention is made of this plant in 2 Kings 4. 39. Jonah 4. 6. God prepared a g. Jonah glad of the g. 7. a worm smote the g. that it withered 10. thou hast had pity on the g. for which hast not GOURDS. 1 Eijigs 6. + IS. cedar of the house carved with g. Wild GOURDS. 2 Kings 4. 39. one gathered joild g. his lap full GRACE Is taken (1) For the free and eternal love and favour of God, xehich is the spritig and source of all the bejiefits which we receive from him. Rom. 11. 6. And if by grace, then it is no more of works. 2 Tim. 1. 9- Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, according to his own purpose and grace. This free and unmerited love of God is the original mover in our salva- tion, and hath no cause above it to excite or draw it forth, but merely arises from his orrri will. It was this inercy or love of God that found out redemption for ??iayikitid : God so loved the world, GRA that he gave his only-begotten Son Co die tor us, Johti 3. 16. Ayid what could his love give more than the life of his Son? (2j Grace is taken for the free imputation of Christ's rightei.usness, by the merit whereof true believers become righteous in the sight of God. Rom. 5. 20. Where sin- abounded grace did much more abound. (3) For the work of the Spirit, renewing the soul after the image of God, arid continually guiding and strengthening the believer to obey his will, to re- sist and mortify sin, and to overcome it. Rom. 6. 14. Ye are not under the law, but under grace. 2 Cor. 12. 9. My grace is sufficient for thee. (4) For that excellent and blessed state of reconciliation, friendship, and favour with God, which God graciously bestows upon his people, Rom. 5. 2. By whom also we have access by faith, into this grace wherein we stand. (5) For the free love, favour, and bounty of Christ- 2 Cor. 8. 9. Ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. (6) For the doctrine of the gospel, zvMch ^ proceeds from the grace of God, and wherein his grace is offered and bestowed upon all penitent believers. 1 Pet. 5. 12. J his is the true grace of God wherein ye stand ; the true and only doctrine of the gospel. (7) For a liberal and charitable disposition, wrought in the heart by the grace of God. 2 Cor. 8. 7- As ye abound in every thing, see that ye abound in this grace also. (8) For spiritual instruction and edifica- tion. Eph. 4. 29. Ihat your communicatiou may minister grace to the hearers ; that it may he a means of so?ne spiritual advantage to them. (9) Grace is taken for the office of apostleship, which was given of grace, together with ability and other qualifications necessary for the faithful discharge of that office. Rom. 15. 15. I have written the more boldly to you, because of the grace that is given me of God. Eph. 3. 8. To me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach, &c. (10) For the free and undeserved Inve and favour of God, and a lively sense thereof in the soul ; this, the apostle wishes to be continued zcith and in- creased in the Romans, Pom. 1. 7. (11) For the love and fear of God diuelling in the heart ; or, for the assistayice of divine grace. 2 Cor. 1. 12. By the grace of God, we have had our con- versation in the world. (12) For faith, patience, and other graces that eyiable to bear, and sup- port under sufferings, 2 Pet. 3. 18. Phil. 1. 7, Ye all are partakers of my grace. (13) For eternal life, or final salvation, which God wilt graciously bestow upon his people, at the appear- iyig of Christ, at the day of judgmeyit. 1 Pet. 1. 13. 1 he grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. (14) For some- thing acceptable, beautiful, and graceful. Prov. 4. 9. She shall give to thine head an ornament of grace; a beautiftd ornament. (15) For favour or friendship with yyieyi. Joseph found grace in the sight of Pctiphar, Gen. 39. 4. See Save. Ezra 9. 8. for a little space g. hath been shewed Esth. 2. 17. Esther obtained g. in his .siaht Psal. 45. 2. g. is poured into lips, G. hath anointed 84. 11. the Lord is a sun, he will give g. and glory Prov. 1. 9. they shall be an ornament of g. to head 3. 22. so shall they be life and g. to thy neck 34. but he giveth g. to the lowly, Jayn. 4. 6. 4. 9. shall give to thine head an ornament ofg. 22. 11. for the g. of his lips the king be his friend Eccl. 10. t 12. words of a wise man's mouth are g, Zech. 4. 7. w'ith shoutings, crying, g. g. unto it 12. 10. 1 will pourtiie Spirito'f (7. and supplications John 1. 14. begotten of Father, full of g. and truth 16. of his fulness we have all received, g. for g. 17. but g. and truth came by Jesus Christ Acts 4. 33. and great g. was on them all 14. 3. which gave testimony to the word of his g. 18. 27. helped them which had believed through^, 20. 32. 1 commend you to tiie word of his g. Pom. 1. 5. by whom we received g. and apostleship 7. g. and peace to you from God our Father, 1 Cor. 1. 3. 2 Cor. 1. 2. Gal. 1. 3. Eph. 1. 2. Phil. 1. 2. Col. 1. 2. 1 Thess. 1. 1. 2 Thess. 1. 2. Philem. 3. 3. 24. beingjustified freely by his (7- through redem. 4. 4. the reward is not reckoned off?, buf of debt 16. it is of faith, that it might be by g. 5. 2. we have access into this g. wherein we stand 17. much more they who receive abundance of <7- 20. where sin abounded g. did much more abound 21. even so might (7. reigTi through righteousness 6. 1. shall we continue in sin, that g. maj' abound ? 14. under (7. j| 15. shall we sin, because under 5-. .i' 11. 5. a remnant according to the election of g. 6. and if by g. then it is no more of works 12. 3. for I say, throu«gh the ^7. given unto me 6. gifts differing according to the g. given to us 15. 15. because of the g. given to me of God 1 Cor. 10. 30. for if 1 byg. be a partaker, why 15. 10. his g. bestowed upon me was not in vain 2 Cor. 1. t 15. that ye might have a second g. 4. 15. abundant (7- might redound to glory of God 8. 6. so he would alsofinisli in you the same g. also 7. see that ye abound in this;/, also 19. who was chosen to travel with us with this g. 9. 8. and God is able to make all g. abound to you 12. 9. he said, my g. is suthcient for tiiee Gal. 1. 6. remo\ed from him who called you tog. 15. when it pleased Ciod, who called me by hisgr. 2. 9. when James perceived the /'. liiven to me 5. 4. justified by the law, ye are fallen from a-. Eph. 1. 6. to the praise of the glory of his g. 7. forgiveness, according to the riches ot his g. 2. 5. by g. ye are saved through faith, 8. 7. he minht shew the eNceeding riches of his g. 3. 8. to me the least of all saints is this .(7. given 4. 7. but unto every one of us is i;i\en r- 29. that it mav minister a. to the hearers 6. 24. g. be with all that love our Lord Jesus Phil. 1. 7. ye all are partakers of my g. 5203 GRA Ck>l. 3. 16. singing with g. in your hearts to the Lord 4. 0. let speech be alway with g. seasoned with salt 18. (/■ be with you, 2 Tim. 4. £2. Tit. 3. 15. IJe^. 13. 25. 2 Thess. 2. 16. hath given us good hope through g. 1 Tim. 1.9.. g. mercy, and peace from G. our Father and our L. J . Chr. 2 Tim. 1. 2. T?;;. ] . 4. 2 Jolm 3. 14. the g. of our Lord was exceeding abundant 6. 21. g. be with thee. Amen 2 Tiw. 1. 9. who called us according to his g. 2. 1. be strong in the g. that is in Christ Jesus Tit. 3. 7. beingjustitied by his g. we should be heirs Meb. 4. 16. let us come boldly to the throne of g. 10. 29. and hath done despite to the Spirit of (/. 12. 28. let us have g. to serve God acceptably 13. 9. it is good the heart be established with g. Jam. 1. 11. the g. of the fashion of it perisheth 4. 6. he giveth moreg'. giveth .vith the residue thereof he maketh his g. irn. 45. 20. that set up tlie wood of their g. image 48. 5. and my (7. image hath commanded them Jer. 10. 14. founder confounded by g. image, 51. I7. ISah. 1. 14. I will cut off the g. and molten image Hab. 2. 18. what profiteth the g. image? GRAVEN images. Deut. 7. 5. ye shall burn their jr. images with fire, 25. 12. 3. ye shall hew down the ord,i3thef7. power and glory 2 Chr. 9. 6. one half o'i g. of thy wisdom not shewed 24. 27- and the g. of the burdens laid upon him Keh. 13. 22. spare me according to g. of thy mercy Esth. 10. 2. the declaration of the g. of Mordecai Psal. 66. 3. by g. of thy power enemies submit to 71. 21. thou shalt increase my g. and comfort me 79. 11. according to the g. of thy power, preserve 145. 3. his g. is unsearchable |! 6. 1 declare thy g. 150. 2. praise him accordinsr to his excellent g. Prov. 5. 23. in the g. of his folly lie shall go astray Isa. 40.26. he calleth by name, by g. of his might 57. 10. thou art wearied in the<7. of thy way 63. 1. travelling in the (7. of his strength Jer. 13. 22. for g. of iniquity thy skirts discovered Ezek. 31. 2. whom art thou like in thy g. 7 7. thus was he fair in his g. in his branches TDan. 4. 22. thy g. is grown and reacheth to heaven 7. 27- the g. of the kingdom shall be given to saints Eph. 1. 19. what is the exceedini; g. of his power GREAVES." 1 Sam. 17. 6. Goliath had 9. of brass upon hisleirs grei:dy. Psal. 17, 12. like as a lion tliat is g. of his prey Prov. 1. 19. 30 is every one that is g. of gain GRI Prov. 15. 11. he that is a. of gain troublefhhis nouse 11. they are <7. clogs, can never have enough 1 Tim. 3. 3. notg. of filthy lucre, but patient, 8. GREEDILY. Prov, 21. 26. he coveteth g. all the daj- long Ezek. 22. 12. thou hast (?. gained of ihy neighbours Jude 11. the\' ran g. after the error of Balaam GREEDINESS. Eph. 4. 19. given over to work all unclean, with g. GREEK. Jjuke 23. 38. superscription written in G. John\9.1Q. Acts 11. 37. chief captain said, canst thou speak G. Rev. !:». 11. but in G. tongue hath his name Apollyon GREEKS. [meat Gen. 1. 30. to beast I have given every a. herb for 9. 3. as the g. herb havel given you all things 30. 37. Jacob took rods oi g. poplar and hazel Exod. 10. 15. there remained not an\ g. thing in trees Lev. 2. 14. offer for thy first-fruits g. ears of corn £3. 14. eat no g. ears, tillyeliave brought an offer. Judg. 16. 7. if they bind me vitli seven" .9. ■sviths 8. then they brought to her seven a. withs S Kings 19. -6. inhabit, were as ^. herbs, Isa. 37- 27- Esth. 1. 6. where were white, g. and blue hangings Job 8. 16. he is g. before the sun. branch shooteth^' 15. 32. and his branch shall not be g. 39. 8. the wild ass searcheth after every g. thing Psal. 23. 2. he maketh me lie down in g. pastures 37. 2. and they shall wither as ther/. herb 35. I have seen wicked spread, like a g. bay-tree 92. tl4. in old age they shall be fat and g. Cant. 1. 16. thou art fair, also our bed is g. 2. 13. the fig-tree putteth forth her g. figs Isa. 15. (3. the grass faileth, there is no g. thing Jer. 11. 16. the Lord called thy name, a g. olive 17. 8. as ti^ee spreadeth her roots, leaf shall be g. Hos. 14. 8. 1 am like a g. fir-tree, from me thy Amos 7. t 1. he formed g. wonns in the beginning Mark 6. 39. sit down by companies on the 'g. grass Rev. 8. 7. hail and fire, and all g. grass was burnt up 9. 4. were commanded not to hurt an\' g. thing GREEIS tree. Deut. 12. 2. nations served goils under every g. tree 1 Kings lA. 23. images und.everj' g. t. 2 Kings V(. 10. 2 Kings 16. 4. Asa sacr. und. every g. t. 2 Chr. 28. 4. Ps. 52. 8. I am like a g. olive-tree in house of God Isa. 57. 5. intiaming yourselves under every g. tree Jer. 2. 20. when under everj'gr. ?ree thou wanderest 3. 6. under every g. tree, there played the harlot 13. hast scattered thy ways under every g. tree Ezek. 6. 13. thy slain shall be under e ery g. tree 17. 24. know that I have dried up the (7. tree 20. 47. it shall devour every g. tree and drj' tree Luke 13. 31. if they do these things in a^. tree GRELN trees. Jer. 17. 2. whilst children remember groves by a. tr. GREENISH. Lev. 13.49. if the plague he a. in the gaiment 14. 37. if plague be with hollow strakes g. or red GREENNESS. Job 8. 12. whilst it is yet in his g. and not cut GREET. 1 Sam. 15. 5. go to Nabal and?, him in my name Rom. 16. 3.f7. Priscilla and Aquila helpers in C. J. 5. g. church || 6. g. ^Mary who bestowed labour 8. g. Amplias ii 11. g. the household of Narcissus 1 Cor. 16. CO. all the brethren g. you, Phil. 4. 21. 20. g. ye one another, 2 Cor. 13. 12. 1 Pet. 5. 14. Col. 4. 14. Luke the physician and Demas g. you J Tbess. 5. 16. g. the brethren with an holy" kiss Tit. 3. 15. g. them that love us in the faith 2 Johl 13. the children of thy elect sister g. thee 3 Jy/m 14. peace be to thee, (7. the friends by name GREETETH. 2 Tim. 4. 21. Eubulus g. thee, Pudens, and Linus GREETING, S. Mat. 23. 7. g. in markets, Luke 11. 43. 1 20. 46. Acts 15. 23. apostles, elders, and brethren, send g. 23. 26. Claudius Lysias to Felix seudeth g. Jam. 1. 1. to the twelve tribes scattered abroad, c. GREW. Ge?i. 2. 5. the Lord made every herb before it g. 19.25. he overthrew that which £>. upon the ground 21.8. Isaac i?. 26. 13. |1 21. 20. Ishmael a. 2o. 27. boys <7. II 47. 27. Israel^, and multiplied Eirod. 1. 12. the more thev afflicted, more they g. 2. 10. Moses g. \\ Judges 11. 2. his wife's sons (7. up Jvdg. 13. 24. Samson g. and the Lord blessed him 1 6a?n. 1. 21. the child Samuel <7. before the Lord, 26 2 Sam. 5. 10. and David went on and g. great 12. 3. It g. up together with him , did eat of his meat Ezek. 17. 6. it <7. and became a spreading vine JJan.-i. 11. the tree<7. and was strong, if reached Jo»a/i 1. 1 11. the sea ^r. more and more tempestuous Mark 4. i. and the thorns g. up and choked it 5. 2b. was nothing bettered, but rather^, worse J^ukel. 80. child g. and waxed strong in spirit, 2. 40. p. 19. and it^. and waxed a great tree Acts 7. 17. the people g. and multiplied in Egv'pt 12.24. but the word of God ,9. and multiplied 19. 20. so mightily g. the word of God and prevailed GREY -/i07md. Prov. 30. 31. four comely in going, a g.-hmnd GRI EF, S. Gen 26. .35. which were a^. unto Isaac and Rebekah 1 bam. 1. 16. out of the abundance oig. have I spoken 25. 31. this shall be no ^7. to thee, or offence of heart 2 Chrm. 6. 29. when every one shall know his own a Job 1. 13. they saw tliat his g. was \ ery great 6. 2. oh that my g. were thoroughly weiglied t 3. therefore I want words fo'express myf^. 16.5. the moving of Uiy lips should assuage your g. 6. though 1 speak, my g. is not assuaged Psal. 6. 7. my eye is consumed because of (7. 31.9. 31. 10. my life is spent with g. my yeais with sigh. 69. 26. they talk to g. of those tho'u hast wounded 139. + 24. see if there be an^- way of g. in me 147. t 3. he healeth and bindeth up their g. Pror. 17. 25. a foolish son is a g. to his father Eccl. 1. 18. for in much wisdom is much g. 2. 23. for all his days are sorrows, and his travail g. Isa. 1, 1 13. it is g. even tlie solemn meeting GRI Isa. 17. 11. the harvest shall be a heap in day of g^ 53. 3. a man of sorrows, and acquainted with g, 4. he hath borne our p. and carried our sorrows 10. it pleased Ld. to bruise him, he put him to g. Jer. 6. 7- before me continually is g. and wounds 10. 19. I said, truly this is a g. and I must bear it 45. 3. for the Lord hath added g. to my sorrow Lam. 3. 32. tho' he causey?, he will have compassion Ezek. 32. t 9. I will provoke many people to g. Jona/i 4. 6. a gourd, a shadow to deliver him from g, 2 Cor. 1. 5. it' any caused g. he hath not grieved me Heb, 13. 17. may do it with joy and not" with g. 1 Pet. 2. 19. for conscience tow ard God endure g. GR1E\ ANCE. Hab. 1. 3. why dost thou cause me to behold g. ? t 13. tliou art of purer eves than to look on g. GhlKVE. 1 Sam. 1. 33. the man shall be to g. thine heart 2 Kings 3. 1 19. he shall g. every good piece of land 1 C/tr. 4. 10. keep from evil, that it may not g. me Psal. 78. 40. how oft did they g. him in the desert r Lam. 3. 33. doth not willingly (7. the children of men Lj)/i. 4. 30. g. not the Hol\~ >piritof God, whereby GRIEVED. Gen. 6. 6. and it repented the Lord that he had made man on tlie earth, and it g. him at his heart 34. 7. .Jacob's sons heard and were g. and wroth 45. 5. now be not g. that ye sold me hither 49. 23. the arches have sorely g. him, and shot E.rcd. 1. 12. and they were g. because of Israel V£7(t. 15.10. shall not heg. when tliou givest unto him Jt/dg. 10. 16. ids soul was g. for the misery of Israel 1 ^«/«. 1. 8. w hy vveepest thou r why is thy heart ^r. .!" 15. 11. it g. i-amuel, and he cried unto the Lord 20. 3. let not Jonathan know this lest he be <7. 34. Jonathan arose, for he was g. for David .30. 6. because the soul of all the people was g. 1 Sam. 19. 2. heard how the king was g. for hfs son -^eb. 1. 10. it^. them exceedingly, that there was 13. 8. it g. me sore, and 1 cast forth all the stuff Est/i. 4. 4. then was the queen exceedingly g. Job 4. 2. if we assay to commune, wilt thou be g. ? 30. 25. was not my soul g. for the poor .' Psal. 73. 21. thus my heart "was g. I was pricked 'io. 10. forty years was I g. with this generation 112. 10. the wicked shall see it, and be g. 119. 158. 1 beheld the transgressors and was g. 139. 21. am not 1 g. with tliose that rise up ag. thee Isa. 54. 6. the L. called thee as a woman i?. inspirit 57. 10. therefore thou wast not g. Jer. 5. 3. thou hast stricken them, they have not g. Dan. 7. 15. 1 Dan. was .w. in spirit in midst of body 11. 30. therefore he shall be g. and return Amos 6. 6. fi ey are not g. for the affliction of Joseph Mark 3. 5. being g. for the hai-dness of their hearts 10. 22. he went away g. for he had great posses- sions John 21. 17. Peter was g. because he said third time Acts 4. 2. being g. that they taught the people 9. t .38. that he would not be .^."to come to them 16. 18. Paul being f7. said to the spirit, come out i?cw. 14. 15. if thy brother be g. with X\\y meat 2 Cor. 2. 4. 1 wrote not that ye should be g. 5. caused grief, he hath not 5'. me, but in part Ilei. 3. 10. wherefore 1 was g. with that generation 17. but with whom was he g. forty years i GRIEVEIH. Ruth 1. 13. for it g. me much for your sakes Prov. 26. 15. it g. him to bring it again to his mouth GRIEVING. Ezek. 28. 24. shall be no more a g. thorn unto Israel GRIEVOUS. Gen. 12. 10. for the tamine was g. in the land 18. 20. Lord said, because their sin is ver3' g. 21. 11. the thing was very g. in Abraham's sight 12. God said, let it not be g. in thj' sight 41. 31. for the famine shall be very g. 50. 11. this is a g. mourning to the Egyptians Lxod. 8. 24. there came a g. s\\ arm of'liies 9. 3. a g. murrain || 18. to rain a very g. hail, 24. 10. 14. locusts were very g. before were no such 1 Kingsl. 8. Shimei, who cursed me with z.g. curse 12. 4. make the g. service lighter, 2 Chron. 10. 4. Psal. 10. 5. his ways always^?, judgment outofsight 31. 18. which speak g. things against the righteous Prov. 15. 1. but g. words stir u]) anger 10. correction is g. unto him that fofsaketh the way Eccl. 1. 17. wrrk w rought under the sun is g. to me Isa. 15. 4. his life shall be g. unto him 21. 2. a g. vision is declared unto me Jer. 6. 28. they are all g. revolters, walking with 10. 19. woe is me for my hurt, my woundis g. 14. 17. virgin of my people broken with a g. blow 16. 4. they shall die of <7. deaths, not he buried 23. 19. a g. whirlwind shall fall on the wicked .30. 12. bruise incurable, thy wound is g. Nab. 3. 19. Mat. 23. 4. bind heavy burdens and i?. Luke 11. 46. Acts 10. 29. shall g. wolves enter in among you 25.7. Jews laid many g. complaints against Paul Phtl. 3. 1. to me indeed is not g. but for you safe Heb. 12. 11. no chastening seems joyous, but g. 1 John 5. 3. and his commandments are not g. Rev. 16. 2. a g. sore on men that had mark of beast GRIEVOUSLY. Isa. 9. 1. and afterward did more g. afflict her Jer. 23. 19. it shall fall g. on the head of the wicked Lam.l. 8. J erusal . hath g. sinned , therefore removed 20. my heart is tu>ned, for I have g. rebelled Ezek. 14. 13. w hen land sinneth by trespassing g. Mic. 1. + 9. she is g. sick of her wounds Mat. 8. 6. g. tormented |l 15. 22. daughter (7. vexed GRIEVdUSNESS. Isa. 10. 1. that write g. which they have prescribed 21. 15. for thej- fled from the g. of war GRIND. Jvdg. 16. 21. Samson did g. in the prison-house Job 31. 10. then let my wife g. unto another Eccl. 12. + 3. the grinders cease because they g. little Isa. 3. 15. what mean ye to g. the faces of the poor .' 47. 2. take millstones and g. meal, uncover locks Lam. 5. 13. tliey took the young men Xog. Mat. Ii.. 44. it w ill g. him to powder, Lu'ks 20 18. GRO GRINDERS. Job 29. + 17- I brake the g. of the wicked Eccl. 12. 3. the g. cease, because they are few GRINDING. Eccl. 12. 4. when the sound of the g. is low Mat. 24. 41. two women g. at the mill, Luke 17. 35. GRIN. Job 18. 9. iheg. shall take him by the heel GRINS. Psal. 140. 5. thej' spread a net, they set g. for me 141. 9. keep me from the g. of the workers of iniq. See Gin. GRISLED. Gen. 31. 10. the rams wei e speckled and g. 12. Zech. 6. 3. in the fourth thaiuot were g. horses 6. the g. go forth toward the south country GROAN. Job 24. 12. men g. from out of the city Jer. 51. 52. thro' all her land the wounded shall g. Ezek. 30. 24. Pharaoh shall g. before him Joell. 18. how do the beasts $>. hertls have no pasture Rom. 8. 23. we ourselves ^7. within ourselves 2 Cor. 5. 1. in this we g. desiring to be clothed upon 4. we in this tabernacle do g. being burdened GROANED. John 11. 33. he g. in spirit, and was troubled GROAN EiH. Rc/n. 8. 22. we know that the whole creation or. GROANING, S. Erod. 2. 24. God heard their ^. and remembered 6. 5. I hare heard the g. of Israel, Acts 7. .34. Judg. 2. 18. it repented the Lord because of their g. Job 23. 2. my stroke is heavier than my g. Psal. 6. 6. 1 am weary with a. all the night 38. 9. and mv' g. is not hid from thee 102. 5. b3- reason of my ^. bones cleave to my skin 20. to hear the g. of the prisoner, to loose those Ezek. 30. 24. with the g. of a deadly-wounded man Rom. 8. 26. for us with g. that cannot be uttered GROANING. John 11. 38. Jesus (7. in himself, cometh to the grave GROPE, ETU. Deut. 28. 29. thou shalt g. at noon as the blind g. Job r/ 14. they g. in noon-da^' as in the night 12. 25. they g. in the dark without light Isa. 59. 10. vi-eg. for the ^^all like the blind, we a. GROSS. Isa. 60. 2. and g. darkness shall cover the people Jer. 13. 16. while look for light, make itg. darkness Mat. 13. 15. people's heart is waxed g. Acts 28. 27. GROVE. Gen. 21. 33. Abraham planted a g. in Beer-sheba Deut. 16. 21. thou shalt not plant a ^. near the altar Judg. 6. 25. and cut down the g. that is by it 28. the g. was cut down that was by it 1 Saj?i. 11. 1 6. Saul abode under a ^. in a high place 1 Kings 15. 13. because she had made an idol in a g. 1 Chron. 15. 16. 16. 33. Ahab made a g. and did more to provoke G. 2 Kings 13. 6. there remained the g. in Samaria 17- 16. Israel made ag. and served Faal 21. 3. Manasseh reared up altars, and made a g. 23. 4. to bring out the vessels made for the g. 6. he brought out the g. from house of the Lord 15. Josiah burnt the high place and the g. GRO^ ES. Exod. 34. 13. ye shall cut down their g, Deut. J. 5. Deut. 12. 3. ye shall burn their g. with fire Judg. 3. 7. forgat Lord, and served g. 2 Chr. 24. 18. 1 Kings 14. 15. shall root up Israel out of this good land, because they have made their ^. 23. built them 5^. on every high hill, 2 Kingsl^. 10, 18. 19. the prophetsof tlie i7. four hundred 2 Kings 18. 4. Ilezek. cut down g. and brake serp. 23. 14. Josiah cut dow n the g. 2 Chron. 34. 3, 4. 2 Chr. 14. 3. Asa brake images, and cut down the (7. 17. 6. Jehoshaphat took away the g. out of Judab 19. 3. in that thou hast taken a\\a3' the ^7. 31. 1. all Israel that were present cut down the g. 33. 3. Manasseh made^. || 19. where he set up g. 34. 3. Josiah began to purge Judah from the^;. 7. when he had" broken down the altars and the^. Isa. 17. 8. neither shall he respect the g. or images 27. 9. the <7. and the images shall not stand up" Jer. 17. 2. whilst chiklren "remember altars ancl ^. 3Iic. 5. 14. 1 will pluck up thy (7. out of midstof thee GROUND. Exod. 32. 20. he^. the calf to powder, De7it. 9. 21. Num. 11. 8. the people//, the manna in mills GROUND corn. 2 Sam. 17. 19. spread g. corn on the well's mouth GROUND. Gen. 2. 5. and there was not a man to till the g. 7. the Lord God formed man of the dust of thef'. 19. out of the g. the Lord formed everj- beast 3. 17. he said, cursed is the g. for thj' sake 4. 2. Abel a keeper of sheep, but Cain a tiller of ^. 10. thy brother s l.lood crieth to me from the g, 5. 29- because of the g. the I ord hath cursed 8. 21. 1 will not again curse tlie g. any more 18. 2. Abram bowed himself toward the g. 19. 1. Lot bowed himself with his face toward g, Exod. 3. 5. where thou standest is holy g. Aiis 7. 33. 8. 21. g. whereon thev are shall he full of flies Num. 16. 31. the n. clave asunder under tliem Deut. 28. 4. blessed shall be the fruit of thy g. 11. Judg. 4 21. Jael fastened the nail into the g. 1 Sam. 8. 12. he will set tliem to ear his??, and reap 26. 7. his spear stuck in the o. at his bolser 2 Sam. 23. 11. v\ here was a piece of (7. full of lentiles 12. he stood in the midst of the f.ami defended it 2 Kingsl. 19. but tlie water is naught, and g. barren 9. 26. now take him and cast him into the plat ot g. 1 Chr. 11. 13. w here was a parcel of <7. full of barley 2 Chr. 4. 17. the king did i ast them in the i lay g. Neh. 10. 35. and to bring the first fruits vlow g. 37. and bring the tithes of our g. to the l.evites Jcb 5. 6. noi- doth tjouble .spring out of fl.e g, 14. 8. and though the sto; k thei ecf die in the g. 13. 10. the sna)"i; is laid for in the g. .38. 27. tosatisfv the desolate and wastes. 39. 24. he swallows the g. with fierceness and rage 207 GRO Psal. 105. 35. locusts devoured the fruit of their g. 107. 33. he turnetli the water springs into dry 'j- 35. and he turneth dry g. into water-springs Isa. 28. 24. doth he open and break clods ot his g.? 29. 4. and thou shall speak out of the g. 30. 23. seed that thou shalt sow the g. withal 24. oxen and young asses tliat ear the g. shall eat 35. 7. and the parched g. shall become a pool 51. 23. and thou hast laid thy body as the g. Jer.4:, 3. break up your fallow g. Has. 10. J2. 7. 20. my fury shall be poured on the fruit of the g. 14. 4. because the g. is chapt, there was no rain Lam. 2. 2. lier gates are sunk into the g. Bzek. 12. 6. cover thy face, thou see not the g. 12. 41. 16. ceiled from the g. up to the windows Dan. 8. 5. an he-goat came, and touched not the g. 18. Daniel's face was towards the .«. l(». y, 15. Hos. 2. 18. make covenant with them for tilings of g. Zech. 8. 12. and the g. shall gi\'e her increase Mai. 3. 11. he shall not destroy tlie fruits of your g. Mat. 13. 8. but other fell into good g. Lvhe 8. 8. 23. he that received seed into good g. Luke 8. 15. Mark\. 26. as if a man should cast seed into the//. Ljuke 12. 16. the.fl'.of a certain rich man brought forth 13. 7. cut it down, why cumbereth it the //. / 14. 18. said, 1 have bought a piece of g. 19. 44. they shall lay thee even with the g. John 4. 5. near the parcel of ^7. .lacob gave .Joseph 12. 24. except a corn of wheat fall into the^. 8ee DiiY, Face. On or upon the GROUND. Gen. 38. 9. he spilled it on the g. lest lie should give 44. 14. Joseph's brethren fell before him on theg. Exod.i. 3. cast the rod on the g. he cast ito/i the g. 9. 23. thunder, and the fire ran along vpon the g. 14. 16. Israel shall go o?j dry jr. through the sea, 22. 16. 14. as small as the hoar frost on the g. T>eut. 15. 23. pour tlie blood upon the g. as water 22. 6. if a bird's nest chance to be on the g. 28. 56. woman that would not set her foot upon g. Judg. 6. 39. and upon all the g. let there be dew 40. and there was dew upon all the g. ISam. 14. 25. and tiiere was honey upon theg. 32. the people slew oxen and calves on the g. 20. 31. as long as the son of .Tesse livetli on the g. 2 Sam. 14. 14. for we aie as water spilt on the g. 17. 12. shall lighten him as dew falleth on the g. £ Kings 13. 18. he said, smite upon theg. he smote Job 1. 20. .lob fell upon the g. and worshipped 2. 13. they sat down with him upon theg. seven days 16. 13. he poureth out my gall w^^tm the g. Jsa. 3. 26. she being desolate shall sit on the g. 47. 1. O daughter of Babylon, sit on the g. Jer. 25. ,33. they shall be dung upon the g. 27. 5. I have made man and beast vpon the g. Lam. 2. 10. the elders of daught. of Zion sit on theg. 21. young and old lie on the g. in the streets Lzek. 24. 7. she poured it xiaUipoyi the g. to cover it 26. 16. then all the princes shall sit iipon the g. Mat. 15. 35. the multitude to sit on the g. Marks. 6. Mark 4.5. some fell ow stony . 9. it had not earth, 16. 8. and other fell on good g. 20. Luke 8.8, 15. 9. 20. he fell 071 the g. and wallowed foaming 14. 35. he went forward, and fell ong. and prayed Johns. 6. he Mrote 07i the g. 8. || 9. 6. he spat on theg. To or 7mto the GROUND. Gen. 3, 19. till thou return unto the g. for out of it 33. 3. .Jacob bowed himself to the g. seven times Judg. 13. 20. Manoah and his wife fell to the g. 20. 21. Benjamin destroyed to theg. 22,000 men 25. and destroyed to the g. of Israel 18,000 men Ruth 2. 10. Kuth bowed and fell to theg. 1 Sam. 3. 19. let none of his words fall to the g. 5. 4. Dagon was fallen on his face to the g. 14. 45. shall not one hair of his head fall to the g. 20. 41. David arose and fell on his face to the g. 25. 23. Abigail bowed to the g. before David 28. 14. Saul stooped with his face to the g. 2 Sam. 2. 22. wherefore should 1 smite thee to the g.? 8. 2. he smote Moab, casting him down to the g. 14. 4. woman of Tekoah fell on her face to the g. 22. .Joab fell to theg. \\ .33. Absalom bowed to theg. 18. 11. why didst not thou sinite him to the g.? 2a 10. .Joab shed out Amasa's bowels ^0 the g. 1 linigsl. 23. Nathan bowed to theg. before the king 2 Kmgs 2. 15. sons of the prophets bowed to theg. 4. 37, woman of Shunam bowed herself to the g. 1 Chron. 21. 21. Oman bowed to the g. to David 2 Chron. 1 . 3. all Israel bowed with their faces to g. 20. 18. .lehoshaphat bowed with his face to the g. I^eh 8. 6. worshipped Lord with their faces to theg. fsai. 74.7. the dwelhng-place of thy name to the g. 89. 39. profaned his crown, by casting it to the g. 44. thou hast cast his throne down to the g. 143. 3. he hath smitten my life down to the g. 147. 6. he casteth the wicked down to the g. Jsa. 14. 12. how art thou cut down to the g. .' 21. 9. Babylon's images he hath broken to the g. ~p- \~- y-^y, 'ow, brmg to the g. even to the dust 26. 5. the lottycity he layeth even to theg. Jer. 14.2. her gates languish, are black to theg. Lam. 2. 2. hath brought strongholds of Judah eut. 32. 25. the suckling also with man of gray /;. Ruth 4. 1 15. he shall be a nourisherof thy gray /;. Psal. 40. 12. are more than the /;. of my head, 69.',4. 71. 1 18. now to gray /;. O God, forsake me not ' Isa. 46. 4. and even to hoar /;. will I carry you Dan. 4. 33. till /;.were grown like eagle's feathers H0S.I. 9- gray /;. are here and there upon him Mat. 10. .30. the /;. of our head numbered, Luke 12. 7. Luke 7. 38. did wipe them with /;. of her head, 44. Rev. 1. 14. his head and /;. were white like wool HAIRY. Gen. 25. 25. the first red, all over like an /;. garment 27. 11. Esau is an /;. man |1 23. his hands were /;. 2 Kings 1. 8. Elijah was an /;. man, and girt with Psal. 68. 21. the A. scalp of such a one as goeth on HALE. Luke 12. 58. lest the adversary /;. thee to the judge HALING. Acts 8. 3, Saul /;. men and women, committed them HALF. Exod. 24. 6. Moses took /;. the blood, /;. he sprinkled 30. 23. take thou of sweet cinnamon /;. so much Lev. 6. 20. /;. of it in the morning, and /;. at night Num. 12. 12. of whom the flesh is /;. consumed " 31. 29. take it of their /;. and give it to Eleazar Josh. 8. 33. /;. of them over against mount Kbal 1 Sam, 14. 14. within as it were an /;. acre of land 2 Sam. 10. 4. Hanun shaved off one /;. of their beards 18. 3. nor if /;. of us die, will they care for us 19. 40. /;. the people of Israel conducted David 1 Kings 3. 25. give /;. of the child to one, /;. to other 10.7. and behold, the /;. was not told, 2 Chr. 9. 6. 13. 8. if thou wilt give me /;. thine house, I will not 16. 21. //. of the people followed Tibni, /;. Omri Neh. 3. 9. the ruler of the /;. part of Jerusalem, 12. 16. /;. part of Bethzur || 17 . h. of Keilah, 18. 13. 24. children spake /;. in the speech of Ashdod Esth. 5. 3. to the h. of the kingdom, 7. 2. Mark 6. 23. Psal. 55. 23. bloody men shall not live /;. their days Ezek. 16. 51. nor hath Samaria committed /;. thy sins La7i. 12.7. be for time, times, and an/;. Rez'. 12. 14. Hos. 3. 2. I bought her for /;. an homer of barley Zech. 14. 2. /;. of the city shall go into captivity 4. /;. of mount toward the south 1| 8. /;. toward sea Luke 10. 30. and departed, leaving him /;. dead 19. 8. behold, the /;. of my goods I give to the poor Rev. 8. 1. was silence about space of /;. an hour 11. 9. shall see dead bodies three days and an /;. 11. See Shekel, Hin, Tribe. HALL. Mat. 27. 27. the soldiers took Jesus into common /;. Mark 15. 16. tlie soldiers led him away to the /;. Luke 22. 55. had kindled a fire in the niidst of the /;. See Judgment. HAN HALLOW, Exod. 28. .38. which the children of Israel shall n. 29. 1. /;. thein to minister to me in priest's office Lev. 22. 2. in those things which they /;. to me, 3. .32. I will be hallowed, I am the Lord who /;. you 25. 10. shall /;. the fiftieth year, proclaim liberty Nwn. 6. 11. and he shall /;. his head that same day 1 KingsS.Qi. same day did king/;, court, 2 C'/;r. 7.7. Jer. 17. 22. but /;. ye the sabbath-day, 24. 2?. Ezek. 20. 20. and /;. my sabbaths, they shall be a sign 44. 24. they shall keep laws and /;. my sabbaths HALLOWED. Exod. 20. 11. Ld. blessed the sabbath-day and /;. it 29. 21. Aaron shall be /;. and his garments Lev. 12. 4. she shall touch no /;. thing, nor come 19. 8. because he hath profaned the /;. thing of L. 22. 32. 1 will be /;. among the children of Israel Nicm. 3. 13. 1 /;.unto me all the first-born in Israel 5. 10. and every man's /;. things shall be his 16. 37. take up'the censers, for they are /;. .38. 18. 8. of all the /;. things 1 have given unto thee 29. even the /;. part thereof out of it Deut. 26. 13. I have brought away the /;. things 1 Sam. 21. 4. is no common, but there is /;. bread 6. so Ahimelech the priest gave him /;. bread 1 Kirtgs 9. 3. I have /;. this house thou hast built, 7. 2 Kings 12. 18. Jehoash took all the /;. thinas 2 Chron. 36. 14. polluted the house of L. he had /;. Mat. 6. 9. h. be thy name, Luke 11. 2. HALT. Mat. 18. 8. is better to enter into life /;. Mark 9. 45. Luke 14. 21. bring in hither the /;. and the blind John 5. 3. of /;. waiting for the moving of the water HALT. To halt, to he lame on both sides. With this Elijah reproaches the Israelites of the ten tribes, 1 Kings 18. 21. How long halt ye between two opinions ? They did not adore God with a pure and unmixed ziorsliip, but were for reconciling the worship of God with that of idols. God says, I will assemble her that halteth, and her that is driven out, Mic. 4. 6. That is, I will restore my people of the Jews, though nozv in a weak, banished, ajjUcted condition, to their former privileges, and plant them in their own country ; I will determine such of them to return, who seem unresolved whether to go or not. The Psalmist says, that his enemies rejoiced to see him, halt, Psal. 35. 15. But in mine adversity, Heb. halting, they rejoiced. When I was in great danger of falling into trouble ; when I had any sickness, or ill success in my affairs. And iji Jer. 20. 10. All my familiars watched for my halting : They lay in wait to take me tripping in any thing, if they could, that they might give mine adversaries any advantage against me. 1 Kings 18.21. how long /;. ye between two opinions? Psal. 38. 17. am ready to /;. my sorrow is before me HALTED. Gen. 32. 31. as Jacob passed, he /;. upon his thigh Mic. 4. 7. I will make her that /;. a remnant HALTErn. Mic. 4. 6. in that day I will assemble her that /;. Zeph. 3. 19. behold at that time I wiU save her that/;. HALTING.. Jer. 20. 10. all my familiars watched for my /;. HAMMER. Judg. 4. 21. then Jael took an h. in her hand 5. 26. with /;. she smote Sisera, smote off his head 1 Kings &. 7. was neither /;. nor axe heard in house Isa. 41. 7. and he that smootheth with the h. Jer. 23. 29. like a /;. that breaketh rock in pieces 50. 23. how is the /;. of whole earth cut asunder Nah. 2. t 1. the /;. is come up before thy face HAMMERS. Psal. 74. 6. break down the carved work with /;. Isa. 44. 12. the smith fashioneth it with /;. Jer. 10. 4. they fasten it with nails and with /;. HAND Is apart of the body well k7iown. By hand, is some times understood the vengeance of God exercised vpon any one ; 1 Sam. 5. 6, 7. The hand of the Lord was heavy upon them of Ashdod, after they had taken the ark, and had been told that it should continue to oppress them, till they should send it back with presents. To pour water on any one's hands, signifies to serve him. Thus Elisha is said to have pouredwater mt Elijah's hands, thereby meaning that he was his servant, 2 Kings 3. 11. To wash one's liands, denoted that the person was innocent of manslaughter , tvheri the imirderer was not known, Deut. 21. 6, 7-. Pilate tuashed his hands. Mat. 27. 24. to denote his being in7ioce?tt of what zcas reqiiired of him, whe7i he proceeded to condernri Jesus, in xchom he found notlmig to deserve S7icha se7ite7ice. Some think that Pilate, living a7no7ig the Jews, had learned this rite fro/n them ; but others are of opinion, that it was a ceremo7iy used i7i protestations of innocency a77iong other people as xoell as the Jews. To kiss one's hand, is an act of adoration. Job 31. 27. If I beheld the sun when itshined, and my mouth hath kissed my hand. _ To fill one's hand, sigyiifies to put 07ie in possession of the priesthood, to enter hi/n in the e7ijoy7ne7i,t of the sacerdotal dig7iiiy ; because in this cere/iwn'y the parts of the victi/n which were to be offered were p7U into the 7iew priest's ha7id. Exod. 28. 41. Thou shalt consecrate them ; in Hebrew, fill their hand. See also Judg. 17. 5, 12. 1 Kings 13. .33. To lean upon anyone's hand, is a 7nark offa7/iiti- arity a7id s^tperiority. The king of Israel had one of his confidents vpon whom he leaned, 2 Kings 7. 2, 17. Arid in like 7nanner the king of Syria lea7i- ed 071 IS! aaman, when he iverit up to the temple of his god Rimmon, 2 Kings 5. 18. To lift up one's hand, is a way of tah7ig an oath m 7ise with all 7iatio7is, Gen. 14. 22. I have lifted up mine hands unto the Lord. It rcas likewise a posture used in praying for a blessing 7ipo7i the people. Lev. 9. 22. Aaron lifted up p 209 HAN his hands towards the people, and blessed them. To lift up the hand against one, is to rebel against him. 2 Sam. 2u. 21. 8heba hath lit'ted up his liand against tiing David. To give one's hand, signifies to grant peace, to swear friendship, to promise all security, to make alliance. 2 Kings 10. 15. Je/m said to Jehonadab, Is thine heart right, as my heart is with thy heart.' If it be, give me thine hand; and he gave liim liis hand. The Jews sag, they icere obliged to give the hand to the Egyptians and Assyrians, that they might procure bread: that is, to siuiender to them, to make an alltance with them, that they might he enabled to subsist, that in their extreme necessity they might preserve their lives. Others think that by this phrase is meant, that the Jews were glad to labour with their hands, and work for them, in order to pro- cure the necessaries (f life. Lam. 5. C. Right hand. The right liand denotes power , strength. The scripture generally imputes to God's right hand all the effects of his omnipotence. Exod. 15. 6. Thy right hand, O Lord, is become glo- rious in power; thy right hand, O Lord, hath dashed in pieces the enemy. See Psal. 1?. 7. | 20. 6. I 44. .3. To sit down on the right hand of God, The Son of God is often represented as sitting at the right hand of his heavenly Father. Psal. 110. 1. 'Ihe Lord said to my Lord, sit thou at my right hand. Thou' hast done thy work vpo7i earth, now take possession of that sovereign kingdom and glory ; which by right helongeth to thee ; do thou rule with authority and honour, as thou art Mediator. The right hand conmonly denotes the svtith, as the left hand denotes the north. For the Hebrews speak of the quarters of the world in respect of themselves, having their faces turned toraards the east, their backs to the west, their right^hands_^o the south, and their left to the north. Thus Ke- dem, which signifies before, stands also for the east ; and Achor, which signifies behind, marks out the west ; Jamin, ower, Prov. 3. 27. [3] His help, 2 Kings 15. 19. [4] Possession, 1 Kings 11. 31. [^J^Advice, 2 Sam. 14. 19. [6] Tyranny, Exod, 18. 9. [7] Work, Acts 20. 34. Gen. 9. 2. into your h. are they delivered 39. 6. he left ail that he had in Joseph's /;. 44. 17. but the man in whose h. the cup is found Exod. 6. 1. with a strong/*, shall he drive them out 13. 3. by strengtii of h. Lord brouglit out 14. 8. Israel went out with an high h. Num. 33. 3. 16. stretch out thine h. over the sea t 31. Israel saw that great h. Lord did on Egypt 17. 1 16. the h. upon the throne of (he Lord 19. 13. there shall nota /(. touch it, but he shall 21. 24. /(. for h. foot for foot, Deut. 19. 21. 28. t 41. anoint them, and fill their h. 29. t 9. 34. 29. two tables of the testimony in Moses' h. 38. 15. on this h. and that h. were hangings Lev. 12. t 8. if her /;. find not sufficiency, tiren 25. 28. remain in the h. of iiim that bought it Num. 15. + 30. soul that doeth ought with an high h. 35. 1 17. if he smite him with the stone of the A. Deut. 13. 9. afterwards the h. of all the people 25. 12. tliou Shalt cut off her h. pity her not .32. t 36. repent, when he seeth tneir h. is gone Josh. 2. 19. his blood on our head if any h. on him Judg. 1. .35. the h. of the liouseof Joseph prevailed 4. 9. the Lord shall sell Sisera into h. of a woman 35. 18. now fall into the h. of the uncircumcised 17. t 5. Micah filled the h. of oneof his sons 20. 48. Isr. smote all that came to h. of Benjamin 1 Sam. 12. 3. of whose h. have I received any bribe .' 13. 22. nor spear found in the /(. of any of Israel 17. 50. there was no sword in the /i. of David 20. 19. didst hide thyself when the business was in /(. 22. 17. because their /(. also is with David 2 Sam. 13. 5. that 1 may see, and eat it at her h. 6. 14. 19. is not ths h. of Joab with thee in all this.^ 21. 20. had on every h. six fingers, 1 Chron. 20. 6. 24. 14. let me not fall into //. of men, 1 Chr. 21. 13. 1 Kings 2. 46. kingdom established in //. of Solomon 13. 6. and the king's h. was restored again 18. 44. there ariseth a cloud like a man's //. 22. 6. they said, go up, for the Lord shall deliver it into the king's /;. 12, 15. 2 Chron. 28. 5. 2 Kings 7-2. lord on whose h. the kinor leaned, I7. 13. 5. went out from under the //. of the Syrians 19. 1 26. inhabitants were short of h. Isa. 37. + 27. 1 Chr. 29. t 24. sons of Dav. gave h. under Solom. 2 Chron. 12. 5. hath Lord left you in h. of Shishak Ezra 7. 9. according to good k. of his God on him 9. 2. the h. of princes have been chief in trespass Job 9. 24. earth is given into tiie h. of the wicked 12. 6. into whose h. God bringeth abundantly 10. in whose h. is tlie soul of every living thing 20. 22. every/;, of the wicked shall come on him 21. 16. lo, their good is not in their h. 34. 20. the mighty sliall be taken away without h. .37.7. he sealeth up the A. of every man; Psal. 31. 8. thou hast notshut me into /;. of enemy 36. 11. letnot the h. of the wicked remove me 71.4. deliv. me out of h. of wicked, 82. 4. I 97- 10. 123. 2. as eyes of servants look to the/;, of masters 127. 4. as arrows are in the /(. of a mighty man 149. 6. let a two-edged sword be in their h. Prov. 6. 3. when thou art come into h. of thy friend 10. 4. he becometh poor that dealeth with a slack h. but the h. of the diligent maketh rich 11. 21. tho' h. join /(.wicked not unpunished, 16. 5. 12. 24. the h. of the diligent shall bear rule 17. 16. why a price in /;. of a fool to get wisdom ? 26. 9. as a thorn goeth up into the h. of adrunkard Eccl. 4. 1 1. on the /;.of their oppressors was power Isa. 10. 5. the staff in their h. is my indignation 13. 2. shake the h. that they may go mto the gates 14. 26. and this is the /;. that is stretched out 19. 4. I will give over into the h. of a cruel lord 28. 2. Ld. shall cast down to the earth with the h. Jer. 12. 7. have given dearly belov. into/;, of ene. 18. 4. vessel was marred in the /;. of the potter 6. as clay in the potter's h. so are ye in mine 21. 5. with an outstretched h. I will fight ag. you 26. 24. the /;. of Ahikam was with Jeremiah, not to give him into h. of people to put him to death 50. 15. shout agst. her round, she hath given her h. Lam. 5. 6. we have given the h. to the Egyptians 12. princes are hansed up by then- h. Ezek. 2. 9. an h. was sent me, and lo, a roll 8. 3. and he put forth the form of an h. 10. 8. 16. 49. nor cfid she strengthen the h. of tlie needy 21. t 14. prophesy, and smite h. to /;. together 24. 1 say, ye shall be taken with the h. 28. 9. be no god in the h. of him that slayeth thee 34. 10. behold, I will require my Hock at their //. 37. 19. take the stick which is in the h. of Ephraim 40. 5. and in the man's /;. a measuring reed Dan. 5. 5. there came forth the fingers of a man's h. 23. God, in whose A. thy breath is, hast notglonf. 8. 25. but he shall be broken without h. 10. 10. behold, an h. touched me, which set me HAN Joels. 8. sell sons and daughters into //. of Judah Mic.2. 1. because it is in the power of their h. Zsch. 4. 10. shall see plummet in h. of Zeruhbabel Mat. 8. 15. he touched her /(. || 22. 13. bind him h. Mark 3. 1. aman who had a withered h. 3. Luke 6.8. 14. 41. the Son of man is betrayed into/;, of sinners Luke 1.1. as many have taken in h. to set forth 74. being delivered out of tiie h. of our enemies 22. 21. the h. of him that betrayeth me is w ith me John 10. 39. but he escaped out of their h. 11. 44. that was dead came forth, bound //. and foot Acts 12. 17. Peter beckoning to tliem with the //. 1 Cor. 12. 15. because 1 am not the h. I am not body 2 1 . eye cannot say to the h. 1 have no need of thee Gal. 3. 19. ordained by angels in the h. of a mediator Pev. 10. 8. take little book open in h. of the angel 17- 4. the woman, having a golden cup in her /«. 19. 2. hath avenged the blood of serv ants at her /». At HAND, or at the UA'b.D. Gen. 9. 5. at the h. of every beast 1 will require it, at the h. of man, at the h. of man's brother 27. 41. the days of mourning for my father are at h. 33. 19. field Jacob bought at h. of child, of 11 amor Deut. 15. 9. saying, the year is at h. 32. 35. for the day of their calamity is at h. 1 Sam. 9. 8. I have here at h. fourth part of a shekel 20. 16. let Lord require it at h. of Davit! 's enemies 2 Kings 9.7- may avenge blood at the h. of Jezebel Neh. 11. 24. Pethahiah was at the kind's h. in all Isa. 13. 6. day of Lord is at h. Joel 1. 15. Zeph. 1. ^ Jer. 23. 23. am 1 a (iod at h. and not a God atar off ? Ezek. 12.23. the days nr&ath. and effect of vision 33. 6. but his blood will I require at watchman's h. 36. 8. and j'ield fruit, for they are at h. to come Joel 2. 1. the day of the Lord come.'h, it is nigh ath. Mat. 3. 2. kingdom of heaven is at h. 4. 17. "| 10. 7. 26. 18. my time is at h. || 45. the hour is at h. 46. he is at h. that doth betray me, Mark 14. 42. Mark 1. 15. kingdom of God is at h. Luke 21. 31. Luke 21. .30. that summer is now nigh at h. John'2. 13. and the Jews' passover was at h. 11.55. 7. 2. now the Jews' feast of tabernacles was at h. 19. 42. for the sepulchre was nigh at h. Pom. 13. 12. the night is far spent, tlie day is at lu. Phil. 4. 5. let moderation be known, the Lord is ath, 2 Thess. 2. 2. as that the day of Christ is at h. 2 Tim. 4. 6. the time of my departure is at h. 1 Pet. 4. 7- the end of all things is at h. be ye sober Rev. 1. 3. for the time is at h. 22. 10. By the HAIS D. Exod. 4. 13. send by h. of him whom thou wilt send 38. 21. sum of tabernacle counted by h. of Ithamar Lev. 8. 36. which Lord commanded byh. of Moses, 10. 11. 1 26. 46. Num. 4. 37, 45, 49. | 9. 23. 1 10. 13. 1 15. 23. I 16. 40. | 27. 23. | 36. 13. Josh. 14. 2. | 20. 2. | 21. 2, 8. I 22. 9. Judg. 3. 4. 1 Kings 8. 53, 56. 2 Chron. 33. 8. 1 35. 6. Neh. 9. 14. Psal. 77. 20. 16. 21. send him away by the h. of a fit man J(,sh. 20. 9. not die by the h. of the avenger of blood Judg. 16. 26. Samson said to lad that held by the h. 1 Sam. 18.25. make Dav. fall by the h. of Philistines- 27. 1. 1 shall one day perish by the h. of Saul Q.Sam. 3.18. 1^^ Me/;, of my servant David I will save 10. 2. David sent to comfort him by h. of servants . 11. 14. David w rote a letter, sent it by h. of Uriah 12. 25. he sent by the h. of Kathan the prophet 21. 22. they fell by the h. of David, 1 Chr. 20. 8. 1 Kings 2. 25. Solomon sent by the h. of Benaiah 14. 18. which he spake by the h. of his serv. Ahjjah 16. 7- also by the h. of Jehu came word of the Lord 2 Kings 14. 25. w hich he spake by the h. of Jonah 27. he saved them by the h. of Jeroboam 2 Chr. 10. 15. word which he spake by h. of Aliijah 12. 7- not pour out wrath by the h. of Shishak Ezra 1. 8. bring out vessels by the h. of Mithredath 8. 33. the vessels weighed by the h. of Meremoth Job 8. t20. nor will he take ungodly by the h. Prov. 16. 6. that sendeth a message by h. of a fool Isa. 51. 18. nor any that taketh her by the h. Jer. 27. 3. send yokes by the h. of the messengers 3] . 32. in the day I took them by the h. Heh. 8. 9. Ezek. 25. 14. my vengeance on Edom by h. of Israel 30. 12. I will lay the land waste by h. of strangers Flos. 12. + 10. used similitudes by the h. of prophets Mat. 9. 25. he went in and took her by the h. Mark 1. 31. 1 5. 41. Luke 8. 54. Mark 8. 23. he took the blind man by h. and led him 9. 27. Jesus took him that was possessed by the h. Acts 7. 35. send to be a deliverer hy h. of the angel. 9. 8. he saw no man, but they led him by the h. 13. 11. he went seeking some to lead him by the h. Col. 4. 18. the salutation by the h. of me, Paul See Chaldeans, Enemy. HAIS! D joined with enemies. 1 Sam. 4. 3. the ark of the covenant may save us out of the h. of our enemies, 12. 10. 2 Sam. 3. 18. 12. 11. deliv. you out of h. of e, 2 Kings I7. 39. 2 Sam. 18. + 19. Lord judged him from h. of enemies 19. 9. the king saved us out of the h. of our enemies 2 Kings 21. 14. I will deliver them into the h. of their enemies, 2 Chron. 25. 20. Neh. 9. 27. Neh. 9. 28. leftest thou them in h. of their enemies Ps. 31. 15. deliver me from the A. of mine enemies Jer. 20. 5. I will give this city into the h. of their enemies, 21. 7- I 34. 20, 21. Ezek. 39. 23. 44. 30. I will give Pharaoh into h. of his enemies Mic. 4. 10. redeem thee from the h. of thy enemies Luke 1 . 74. delivered out of the h. of our enemies From the HAND. Gen. 32. 11. deliver me from h. of my brother Esau Deut. 7. 8. L. redeemecl you/ro»j the h. of Pharaoh Judg. 8. 22. thou hast delivered us from h. of ]\Iidian 1 ,Sam. 25. 39. pleaded my reproach/7-ow h. of Is abal Job 5. 15. he saveth the -poor from the h. of mighty 6. 23. or redeem me from the h. of the mighty Ps. 22. t. 20. deliver my d&iMng from h. of the dog 49. + 15. God will redeem my soul from h. of gi-ave 89.48. deliver his sou\ from the h. of the .arave 106. 10. he saved them from the h. of him that hated them, and redeemed them from h. of the enemy HAN Ps. 144. 7. deliver me from h. of strange children, 11. Prov. 6. 5. deliver thyself as a roe from h. of hunter Jer. 20. 13. he hath delivered poor from h. of evil 31. 11. t'rom h. of him that was stronger than he JDayi. 6. t 27. delivered Daniel from h. of the lions Hos.Vi. 1 14. 1 will ransom them/row h. of the grave Luke 1. 71. be saved //ow the h. of all that hate us HAJSD oj God. 1 Sam. 5. 11. h. of God was heavy on them of Ashdod 2 Chr. 30. 12. h. of God was to give them one heart Ezra 7. 9. according to the good'/i. of God, Nek. 2. 8. 8. 18. by good /;. of God upon us, they brought us 22. h. of God is upon all them for good that seek 31. the h. of (jod is upon us, and he delivered us Neh. 2. 18. then I told them of the h. of God on me Job 2. 10. shall we receive good at the h. of God f 19. 21. have pity on me, h. of (jod hath touched me 27. n. I will teach you by the h. of God Eccl. 2. 24. this I saw that it was from the h. of God 9. 1. the wise and their works are in the h. of God Isa. 62. 3. Shalt be aroyal diadem in h. of thy God Mark 16. 19. into heaven, and sat on riaht h. of God, Bom. 8. .34. Col. 3. 1. He5. 10. n.'l Pet. 3.22. Acts 2. 33. being by the right h. of God exalted 7. 55. saw Jesus standing on the right h. of God, 56. 1 Pet. 5. 6. humble yourselves under the/i. of God His 1-lAlS'D. Gen. 3. 22. lest he put forth his h. and take tree of life 16. 12. his h. will be against every man, and every man's hand asainst him 19. 16. while he lingered, men laid hold on his h. 24. 10. all the goods of his master were in hish. 32. 13. Jacob took of that which came to his h. 39. 3. Lord made all that he did prosper in hish. 41. 42. Pharaoh took the ring off his h. and put it Excd. 4. 4. he put forth his h. it became a rod in his h. 6. when he took it out, his h. was leprous as snow 20. Moses took the rod of God in his h. 8. 6. Aaron stretched out his h. over the waters, 17. 10. 22. Moses stretched forth his h. toward heaven ,17. 11. when Moses held up hts h. let down his h. 21. 13. but God delivered him into his h. 16. if found in his h. || 20. he die under hish. 22. 4. if the theft be certainly found in his h. alive 8. to see whether he hath put his h. to goods, 11. 24. 11. on the nobles of Israel he laid not his h. 32. 15. two tables of testimony were in his h. 34. 4. Lev. 1. 4. he shall put/«y h.on head of burnt-offering 5. 1 7- if his h. cannot reach to sufficiency of a lamb 16. 1 32. the priest whom he shall fill Ms h. Num. 5. 18. priest shall have in his h. bitter water 6. 21. besides that that his h. shall get 21. 26. and had taken all his land out of his h. ' 22. 23. his sword drawn in his h. 31. 1 Chr. 21. 16. 25. 1. Phinehas took a javelin in his h. and went Dent. 19. 5. his h. fetcheth a stroke with the axe Josh. 5. 13. a man with his sword drawn in his h. 8. 26. Joshua drew not his h back till destroyed 20. 5. shall not deliver the slayer up into his h. Judg. 6. 21. put forth the end ot the staff in his h. 7. 14. into his h. hath God delivered JUidian 1 Sam. 6. 3. known why his h.\% notremov. from you 9. that it is not his h. that smote us, but chance 14. 26. but no man put his h. to his mouth 27. but Jonathan put his h. to his mouth 16. 16. that he shall play with his h. thou be well 23. took an harp and played with hish. 18. 10. 17. 40. David took his statf and his sling in his h. SI. with the head of the Philistine in His h. 19. 5. he put his life in his h. and slew the Philistine 23. 16. and Jonathan strengthened his h. in God 2 Sam. 6. 6. Uzzah ■pxithis h. to ark, 1 Chr. 13. 10. 1 Kiyigs 8. 15. and hath with his h. fulfilled it 11. 34. nor take the whole kingdom out of his h. 13. 4. his h. which he put forthligainst him dried up 2 Kings 5. 11. call on J^d. and strike his h. over place 10, 15. he gave him. his h. took him up in chariot 11. 8. ye shall compass the king every man with his weapons in his h. 11. 2 Chron. 23. 7. 14. 5. the kingdom was confirmed in his h. 15. 19. hisir.might be with him to confirm kingdom 18. 21. on which if a man lean will go into his h. 19. 19. 1 beseech thee, save us out oihis h. 1 Chr. 28. 19. made me understand by his h. on me 29. f 5. who is willing to fill his h. this day ? 2 Chron. 26. 19. Uzziah had a censer in his h. .36. 17. he gave them all into his h. Neh. 6. 5. sent his servant with open letter in his h. Job 6. 9. he would let loose his h. and cut jne off 15. 23. the day of darkness is ready at his h. 25. tor he stretcl.eth out his h. against God 26. 13. hish. hath formed the crooked serpent 27. 22. he would fain flee out of his h. 28. 9. he putteth forth his h. upon the rock Psal. .37. 24. the Lord nphohleth him with his h. 33. the Lord will not leave him in hish. 78. 42. they remembered not his h. nor the day 89. 25. 1 wdl set/iw h. also in the sea, and riahthand 90. 4. m his h. are th-e deep places of the earth 7. sheep of /!2^ h. to-day if ye will hear his voice 106. 26. therefore he lifted up his h. aaainst them 129. 7. wherewith the mower filleth not his h. Prov. 7. + 20. hath taken a bag of money in his h. 19. 24. a slothful man hideth his h. 26. 15. Eccl. 5. 14. begets a son, and nothing is in his h. ■ 15. nothing which he may carry away in hish. Cant. 5. 4. my beloved put inhis h. byholeof door Jsa. 5. 25. his anger not turned away, but his h. is stretched out still, 9. 12, 17, 21. 1 10. 4. | 14. 27. 10. 32. he shall shake his h. against mount Zion 11. 11. Lord shall set his h. again the second time 15. and he shall shake his h. over the river 22. 21. I will commit thy government into his h. 28. 4. while it is yet in his h. he eateth it up 31. 3. when the Lord shall stretch out his h. 37. 20. therefore, O Lord, save us from hish. 40. 12. who measured waters in hollow of his h. 44. 5. another shall subscribe with his h. to Lord 49. 2. in the shadow of his h. hath he hid me 53. 10. the pleasure of Lord shall prosper mhis h. 56. 2. and keepeth his h. from doing any evil Jer. 2J. 8. till 1 have consumed them by his h HAN Lam. 1. 14. yoke of my transgression bound by h. h. 2. 8. he hath not withdrawn his h. from destroying 3. 3. he turneth his h. against me all the day Ezek, 8. 11 . even every man with his censer in his h. 9. 1. every man with his destroying weapon in h. h. 17. 18. despiseth oath, when lo, he had given his k. .30. 22. I will cause the sword to fall out of his h. 24. and I will put my sword in his h. 46. 7. for lambs according as his h. shall attain unto Para. 4. 35. none can staj' h.h. or say ,wliat doest thou? 8. 4. neither any that could deliver out of his h. 7. 25. he shall cause craft to prosper in his h. 11. 11. but the multitude shall be given into his h. 41. but these shall escape out of/;, h. even Edom Has. 7. 5. he stretched out his h. with scoi'ners 12. 7. the balances of deceit are in his h. Hah. 3. 4. he had horns coming out of his h. Zeph. 2. 15. passeth her shall hiss and wag his h. Zech. 8. 4. every man with staff in his h. for'very age 14. 13. his h. rise up ag. the hand of his neighbour Mat. 3. 12. whose fan is in his h. Luke 3. I7. 26. 23. he that dippeth his h. with me in the dish Mark?,. 5. and his h. was restored whole, Luke 6. 10. 7. 32. they beseech him to put his h. upon him Lide 9. 62. no man having put his h. to the plough 1.5. 22. put a ring on his h. and shoes on his feet John 3. 35. and hath aiven all things into his h. 18. 22. an officer struck him with the palm of his h. how God by his h. would deliver them 28. 3. a viper fastened on his h. |1 4. hang on his h. Lev. 6. 5. he that sat had a pair of balances in his h. 10. 2. and he had in his h. a little book open 14. 9. receive his mark in his forehead, or in his h. 14. having golden crown, and in h. h. sharp sickle 20. 1. an anael came with a great chain in his h. WA^VTof the Lord, or Lord's HAlS'D. Exod. 9. 3. the /;. of the Ijord is upon thy cattle 16. 3. would to God we had died by /;. of the Lord Num. 11.23. said to I\Ioses, is Lord's h.^\2,xfiA short? Deut. 2. 15. /(. of the L. was against them to destroy Josh. 4. 24. all people know that h. of Lor is mighty 22. 31. ye have delivered Israel out of h. of the L. Judg. 2. 15. the h. of the Lord was ag. them for evil Ruth 1. 13. the h. of the Lord is gone out against me 1 Sam. 5. 6. h. of L. was heavy on them of Ashdod 9. h. of L. was against the city with destruction 7. 13. the h. of the Lord was against the Philistines 12. 15. then shall the h. of the Lord be against you e Sam. 24. 14. let us fall into h. of L. 1 Chr. 21. 13. 1 Kings 18. 46. the h. of the Lord was on Elijah 2 Kings 3. 15. that the h. of L. came upon Elisha EzraT. 6. king granted according to h. of L. on him Job 12. 9. h. of Lord hath wrought this, Isa. 40. 20. Psal. 75. 8. in the h. of the Lord there is a cup Prov. 21. 1. king's heart is in the/;, of the Lord Isa. 19. 16. because of the shaking of the h. of Lord 25. 10. in this mountain shall the /;. of the L. rest 40. 2. she hath received of the Lord's h. double 51. 17. hast drunk at /;. of Lord the cup of his fury 59. 1. Lord's h. isnot shortened, that it cannot save 62. 3. thou Shalt be a crown of glory in /;. of Lord 66. 14. /;. of Lord shall be known toward servants Jer. 25. 17. then took I the cup at the Lord's h. 51. 7. Babylon hath been a golden cup in Lord's h. Ezek. 1. 3. the /;. of the Lord was there upon him 3.14.the/i.o/Mei.. wasuponme,22. 1 8.1. | 37.1. 33. 22. the h. of the Lord vvas on me in the evening 40. 1. the self-same day the /;. of Lord was with him Luke 1. 66. and the /;. of the Lord was with him Acts 11. 21. the /;. of the Lord was with them 13. 11. behold, the /;. of the L^ord is upon thee See Lay, or Laid. Left HAND. Gen. 13. 9. if thou wilt take left h. I will go to right 14. 15. Hobah which is on left h. of Damascus 24. 49. that I may turn to the right h. or to the left 48. 13. Joseph took Ephraim in his right hand to- ward Israel's left h. and Manasseh in his left h. 14. Israel laid his left h. upon Manasseh's head Exod. 14. 22. waters a wall on the right /;. and left Lev. 14. 15. pour the oil into his own left h. 27. Num. 20. 17. we will not turn to the right /;. nor to the left, Deut. 2. 27. j 5. .32. I 17. 11, 20. I 28. 14. 22. 20. no way to turn eitlier to right /;. or left Josh. 1. 7. turn not from it to right h. or to left, that thou mayest prosper, 23. 6. 1 Sam. 6. 12. Prov. 4. 27. Judg. 3. 21. Ehud put fortli left h. and took dagger 7. 20. the companies held lamps in their left h. 16. 29. Samson took hold of other pillar with left h. 2 Sam. 2. 19. he turned not to left h. from following 14. 19. none can turn to the right /;. or to the left 16. 6. all the mighty men were on right /;. and left 1 Ki7igs 22. 19. host of heaven on his left h. 2 Chr. 18. 18. 2 Kings 11. 1. Josia'h turned not to the right /;. or left 23. 8. which were on a man's left h. at the gate 1 Chr. 6. 44. the sons of Merari stood on the left h. 12. 2. they could use both right h. and left in hurl. 2 Chr. 3. 17. he called name of that on left h. Boaz 4. 6. and he put five on the left h. to wash in them 7. five candlesticks on the right, five on the left h. Neh. 8. 4. Ezraon pulpit, on his left h. stood Pedaiah Jdb 23. 9. on left h. he doth work, not behold him Prov. 3. 16. and in her left h. riches and honour Eccl. 10. 2. but a fool's heart is at his left h. Cant. 1. 6. left h. is under my head, right embraces 8. 3. his left h. under my head, right embrace me Isa. 9. 20. he shall eat on left h. and not be satisfied ."^0. 21. ears hear a word, when ye turn to the left h. 54. 3. thou Shalt break forth on the riglit /;. and left Ezek. 16. 46. her daughters dwell at thy left h. 21. 16. 20 thee either on the riuht /;. or on the left 39. 3. Twill smite thy bow out of thy left h. Dan. 12. 7. when he held up his left'h. to heaven Jonah 4. 11. cannot discern between right /;. and left Zech. 12. 6. shall dev. all people on right /;. and left Mat. 6. 3. let not left h. know what thy riahtdoeth 20. 21. one on riaht /;. other on left, Mark 10. 37. 23. to sit on right /;. and left not nnne, Mark 10. 40. 25. 33. he shall set sheep on his right h. goats on left 41. he shall say to them on left h. depart from me HAN Mat. 27. 38. were two thieves, one crucified on righfe" /;. other on the left, Mark 15. «7. Luke 23. 33. Acts 21. 3. we left Cyprus on the itft h. and sailed 2 Cor. 6. ?• armour of righteousn. on right /;. and left See Lift hand or hands. Mighty liA^V). Exod. 3. 19. will notlet you go, no not with mighty h,. 32. 11. people thou broughtest forth with mighty h. Deut. 3. 24. hast began to shew servant thy mighty h. 4. 3-1. assayed to take him a nation by a mighty h. 5. 15. God brought thee out of Egypt by amighty h. 6. 21. 17. 8, 19. 1 9. 26. 1 11. 2. | 26. 8. 1 34. 12. 2 Chr. 6. .32. stranger that is come for thy mighty h. Ezek. 20. 33. with a mighty h. will 1 rule over you .34. and 1 will bring you out with a mighty h. Dan. 9. 15. broughtyou out of Egypt with mighty h. 1 Pet. 5. 6. humble yourselves under mighty h. of G. Mine and my HAND. Gen. 14. 22. 1 have lifted up miiie h. unto the Lord 21. 30. seven ewe-lainbs shalt thou take of my h. 31. 29. it is in the power of my h. to do you hurt .39. I bear loss, of my h. didst thou require it 33. 10. 1 pray thee, receive my present at my h. 42. 37. deliver him into my h. I will bring him thee 43. 9. I'llbesurety,of wy /;. shalt thou require him Exod. 7. 17. I'll smite with the rod that is in mijie h. 15. 9. my h. shall destroy them || 17. 9. rod inmine h. 33. 22. 1 will cover thee with my h. while I pass 23. I will take away mine h. and thou shalt see Num.l'i.1. ifthou wilt deliver this people into w^^/i. 22. 29. 1 would there were a sword in mine h. Deut. 8.17. might oimy h. hath gotten me this wealth 10. 3. went up, having the two tables in mine h. 32. 39. nor and deliver out of 7ny h. Isa. 43. J3. 40. 1 lift up my h. to heav. and sa3% 1 live for evei 41, and if mine h. take hold on judgment Judg. 6. 30. if thou wilt save Israel by 'my h. 37. 7. 2. lest vaunt, saying, miyie own h. hath saved me 8. 7. when Lord hath delivered Zeba into 7nine h 9. 29. would to God this people were under myh. 12. 3. and the Lord delivered them into my h. 17. 3. dedicated the silver to the Lord from myh. 1 Sam.. 12. 5. that ye have not found ought in my h. 17. 46. Lord will deliver thee this day into minek^ 18. 17. Saul said, let not mine h. be upon him 21. 4. there is no common bread under mine h. 23. 7. God hath delivered him into viine h. 24. 6. to stretch mine h. against Lord's anointed 11. see skirt in mine h.iio transgression in 7n. h. 12. but mine h. shall not be upon thee, 13. 26. 18. what have 1 done .'' what evil is in mine h. ? 23. Lord delivered thee into my h. to-day, 24. 10. 28. 21. 1 have put my life in my h. and hearkened 2 Sam. 3. 12. jny h. shall be with thee to bring Israel 5. 19. wilt thou deliver the Philistines into mine h.? I will doubtless deliver, 1 Chron. 14. 10 18. 12. yet not put forth mine h. against Absalom 1 Kings 13. 6. that my h. may be restored me again 2 Kingso. 18. he leaneth on my h. in house of Rinim. 18. 34. have they delivered Samaria out of 7ny h. ? .35. have delivered their country out of 7ny h. that the L. should deliver Jerusalem out of mine h. 1 Chr. 22. 18. given inhabitants of land into my h. 1 Chr. 32. 15. shall G. deliver you out of my h. ? I7. Job 13. 14. wherefore do I put my life in mineh. ? 29. 20. and my bow was renewed in my h. 31. 25. rejoiced because 7nine h. had gotten much 27. or my mouth hath kissed 7ny h. .33. 7. neither shall 7ny h. be heavy upon thee Psal. 11. + 2. my h. ran in the night, and ceased noii 81. 14. and turned my h. against their enemies 89. 21. with whom myh. shall be established 119. 109. my soul is continually in my h. Prov. 1. 24. 1 have sti'etched out my h. none regarded Isa. 1.25. 1 will turn my h. upon me and purge dross 10. 10. as 7ny h. hath found the kingdoms of idols 13. by the strength of my h. I have done it 14. my h. hath found as a nest the riches of people 36. 19. have they delivered Samaria out of my h. ? 20. that L. should deliver Jerusalem out of w^' h. 48. 13. 7ni7ie h. also hath laid foundation of earth 50. 2. is my h. shortened || 11. this ye have of tny h. 51. 16. have covered thee in the shadow of 7nine h. 66. 2. all those hath mine h. made. Acts 7. 50. Jer. 6. 12. I will stietch out my h. 15. 6. 1 bi. 15. 16. 21. will cause them to know mine h. and might 18. 6. so are ye in miyie h. O house of Israel 25. 15. take the winecup of this fury at myh. Ezek. 6. 14. so will 1 stretch out 7ny h. upon them 12. 7. in the even I digged thro' the wall with 7Tty h^ 13. 9. 7nine h. shall be upon prophets that see vanity 20. 5. 1 lifted up mine h. say ina, I am the Lord your God, 6. 23, 28, 42. 1 36. 7. I 44. 12. | 47. 14. 22. 1 withdrew my h. and wrought for name's sake 22. 13. 1 have smitten tniyie h. at thy dishonest gain .37. 19. one stick, and they shall be one in 7nineh. Hos. 2. 10. none shall deliver her out of mine h. Amos 1. 8. I will tarn mine h. aaainst Ekron 9. 2. tho' into hell, thence shall 7irine h. take them Zech. 2. 9. behold, I will shake mine h. on them 13. 7. I will turn mine h. upon the little ones Jolm 10. 28. nor shall any pluck them out of 7ny h. 29. none is able to pluck them out oimy Father's^. 20. 25. except I shall thrust my h. into his side 1 Cor. 16.21. the salutation of me Paul with mine own /;. the grace of Lord J. C. 2 Thess. 3. 17. Gal. 6. 11. 1 have written widi 7ny h. Philem. 19. Our HAND. Gen. 37. 27. let not 07/;- /;. beonhim,heisourbrotlier 43. 21. and we have brought it again in ourh. Num. 31. + 49. taken sum of men of war under «7^r A. Deut. 31.11 ■ lest adversaiies should say, ovrh. is liiah Jitdt/. 16.23. our sod hath delivered Sams, into ourh.. 1 Sa/n. 14. 10. L.^hath dt-liv. them into ourh. 30.28. Jer. 11. 21. prophesv not, tiiat thou die not hyour h.. 2 Cor. 10. 16. to boast in thinas made ready to otirh. Out of HAN D. or out of the HA N D. Gen. 48. 22. wliich I took out of the h. ot Amorite Exod. 2. 19. Eavptian delivered us out of h. ofshep. 3. 8. to deliverthem out ofh. of Egyptians, 14. 30. Ntim. 5. 25. take jealousy-bftering out y/ woman's A» p 2 211 HAN Num. 11. 15. if thus, kill me, I pray thee, ottt ofk. 35. 25. deliver him out of h. of the aveng. of blood Josh. 9. 26. deliver them oiit of the h. of Israel Jiidg. 2. 16. judges which delivered them om< of the h. 6. 9. I delivered you out of the h. of Egyptians 13. 5. deliver Israel out of the h. of the Philistines 1 Sam. 4. 8. who shall deliv. us out ofk. of these gods^ 17. 37. L. will deliver me out of h. of this Philistine ZSam. 12.7. I delivered thee ow< 0/ /i. of Saul, 22. 1. 23. 21. plucked the spear out of the Egyptian's h. 1 Kings 11. 12. will rend king, out ofh. of .Solom. 31. • 22. 3. we take it not out of h. of the king of .Syria 2 Kings 13. 25. took again out of h. of Ben-hadad 20. 6. out of h. of the king of Assyria, Isa. .38. 6. Psal.ll.^. deliver me ont of the h.ot the wicked 82. 4. rid them out of the h. of the wicked 97. 10. he delivereth them out of h. of the wicked Jer. 15. 21. 1 will deliver thee out of h. ot tlie wicked 21. 12. him spoiled out of h. of the oppressor, 22. 3. 32. 4. not escape out of h. of Chaldeans, 38. 18, 23. Lam, 5. 8. none doth deliver us out c/ their h. Zech. 11. 6. out o/' their /;. I will not deliver them John 10.39. to take him, but he escaped out t)/' their h. Acts 12. il. deliver me out of the h. of Herod Rev. 8. 4. ascended before G. o?<n. 5. 18. put the offering of memorial in her h. 6. 19. and shall put them on the //. of the Nazarite Deut. 4. 28. there ye shall serve gods, the work of men's //. 27. 15. 2 Kings 19. 18. 2 Chr. 32. 19. 9. 15. the tables of the covenant were in my two//. 17 . 1 cast them out of my two //. and brake them HAN Devi. 17. 7. the h. of witnesses shall be first on him 31. 29. to provoke him through the work of your It. Jiulg. C. 11. he delivered them into /;. of the spoilers b. is. into/i. of Midianites 1| 10. 7- into h. of Philist. 8. 0. are h. of Zeba and Zalniunna in thy hand .' 15. 34. delivered them out oi h. of ene.m. 1 Sam. 14. 48. 18. 10. for God hath given Laish into youi- h. 19. 27. and her h. were upon the threshold 1 Sam. 30. 15. nor deliver me into h. of my master 2 Sam. 2. 7. let your h. be strong, Zech. 8. 9, 13. 16. 21. then the n. of all with thee sliall be strong 21. 9. delivered them into the h. of the Gibeonites 23. 6. because they cannot be taken with h. 1 Kinns 10. 1 19. there were h. on seat, 2 Chr. 9. 1 18. 14. 27. into the h. of the guard, 2 Chron. 12. 10. 2 Kings 3. 11. who poured water on the /(, of Elijah 9. 35. they found the skull and the palms of her //. 10. 24. the men whom 1 brought into your h. 1 CLron. 25. 2. sons of AsaRli under the /;. of Asaph 3. under the /;. of .ledutlum ii 6. h. of their father £ Chron. 15. 7- be strong, let not your /;. be weak 23. t 18. was ordained by the h. of David, 29. t27. Ezra 4. 4. weakened the h. of the people of Judah Job 4. 3. thou hast strengthened the weak /;. 5. t 20. redeem in war from the h. of the sword 16. 11. God hath turned me into the A. of the wicked 17. 3. who is he that will strike h. with me ? 9. that hath clean h. shall be stronger and stronger Psal. 24. 4. who shall ascend '. he that hath clean h. 26. 10. in whose h. is nuschief |1 47. 1. clap your A. .58. 2. ye weigh the violence of your h. in the earth 63. t 10. make him run out by the h. of the sword 68. 31. Ethiopia shall stretch out her /;. imto God 115. 4. idols, the work of men's h. 135. 15. Is. 37. 19. 7. they have h. but handle not, feet, but walk not 134. 2. lift up your //. in the sanctuary, and bless L. 140. 4. keep me, O Lord, from the h. of the wicked Prov. 6. 10. a little folding of the /;. to sleep, 24. 33. 17. Ld. doth hate the h. that shed innocent blood 12. 14. therecompence of man's h. be renrlered him 14. 1. the foolish plucketh it down with her /;. 17. 18. a man striketh h. and becometli surety 22. 26. be not thou one of them that strike h. 30. 28. spider taketh hold with her h. is in palaces 31. 13. and she worketh willingly with her h. 19. she layeth her h. to the spindle, her /;. hold 20. yea, she reacheth forth her h. to the needy 31. give her of tlie fruit of her h. and let her works Eccl. 4. 6. than both h. full with travel and vexation 7. 26. her h. are as bands || 10. 18. the idleness of h. Cant. 7. 1. the work of the h. of a cunning workman Isa. 1. 15. when ye spread forth your/;. 1 will hide my eyes from you ; your h. are full of blood 2. 8. they worship the work of their own h. 13. 7. therefore shall all h. be faint, and heart melt 31. 7. idols which your own k. have made to you 33. + 21. the Lord will be a place broad of h. 35. 3. stiengthen ye the weak h. and confirm knees 45. 9. or shall thy work say, he hath no h. 59. 3. h. are defiled with blood, fingers with iniquity Jer. 4. 31. that spreadeth her h. saying, woe is me 10. 3. a tree, the work of the h. of the workman 9. and of the /;. of the foundei", blue and purple 19. 7. cause them to fall by k. that seek their lives 21. 4. will turn back weapons that are in your h. 23. 14. they strengthen also the h. of evil doers, that none return from wickedness, Esek. 13. 22. 25. 6. provoke me not with the works of your h. 7. 33. 13. shall pass under /;. of him thattelleth them 38. 4. he weakeneth h. of men of war, k. of people 48. 37. upon all the h. shall be cuttings Lam. 1. 17. Zion spreadeth her h. none to comfort 4. 2. how esteemed as the work of h. of the potter ! 6. that was overthrown, and no k. stayed on her 10. k. of pitiful women have sodden their childi'en Ezek. 7. 17. all h. shall be feeble, 21. 7. 35. T 5. hast shed blood of Israel by /;. of the sword Dan. 2. 34. till a stone was cut out without h. 45. Mic. 7.3. that they may do evil with both k. earnestly l^ah. 3. 19. all shall clap the h. over thee Hag. 2. 17. in all labour of your /;. I smote you Zech. 4. 9. the k. of Zerubbabel laid the foundation Mat. 15. 20. to eat with unwashen h. Mark 7. 2, 5. 17. 22. the Son of man shall be betrayed into the h. of men, 26. 45. Mark 9. 31. Luke 9. 44. 18. 8. having two h. to be cast into fire, Mark 9. 43. MarklA. 58. temple made with h. another without h. Luke 22. 53. ye stretched forth no /;. against me 24. 7. must be delivered into the h. of'sinful men Acts 2. 23. by wicked h. have crucified and slain 5. 12. by h. of the apostles were wonders wrought 48. dwelleth not in temples made with k. 17. 24. 8. 18. that through laying on of the apostles' /;. 11. 30. sent to elders by the h. of Barnabas and Saul 17. 25. neither is worshipped with men's h. 19. 26. that they be no gods which are made with h. 20. 34. that these h. have ministered to my necessit. 21. 11. shall deliver him into the /;. of the Gentiles 2 tor. 5. 1. we have an house not made with h. Eph. 2. 11. the circumcision in flesh made by h. Col. 2. 11. with the circumcision made without h. 1 1 hess. 4. 11. tiiat ye study to work with your own h. 1 Ti7n.9.. 8. men pray every where lifting up holy h. 4. 14. by laying on of A. of the presbytery, lieh. 6. 2. Meh. 9. 11. by a greater tabernacle not with h. 24. Christ not entered into holy place made with /< 10. 31. fearful to fall into the h. of the livino- God 12. 12. wherefore lift up the /(. which hang down Jam. 4. 8. cleanse your h. ye sinners, purify your See Clap. His HANDS. Oew. 27. 23. his h. were hairy |1 48. 14. guiding hish. Exod. 17. 12. and Aaron and Hur stayed up his h 32. 19. and Moses cast the tables out of Itis h. Lev, 7. 30. his own h. shall bring the offering' 15. 11. and hath not rinsed his h. in water 16. 12. his h. full of sweet incense beaten small 21. Aaron shall lay both his k. on head of live g. "Num. 24. 10. and Balak smote his h. together Veut. 33. 7- let his h. be sufficient for iiim 11. bless, Lord, and accept the work oi his h. 34. 9. for Moses had laid his h. upon Joshua HAN Judg. 9. 16. done according to the deserving oUiis h. t 24. who strengthened his h. to kill liis Orcthren 1 Sam. 5. 4. both the pahns of his h. were cut off" 14. 13. Jonathan climbed up on his h. and his feet 23. 16. Jonathan went and strengthened his h. in G. 2 HamA. 1. when Saul's son heard, hish. were feeble 1 Kim/sQ. 22. Solomon stood and spread forth his h. toward heaven, 38. 54. 2 Chron. 6. 12, 13, 29. 16. 7. in provoking him with the workof ^w/i. 2 Kings A. 34. he went up and put his h. upon his h. 5. 20. hath spared N aaman in not receiving a.t hish. 13. 16. Elishaput his h. upon the kins's hands 2 Chron. 6. 4. who hath with his h. fulfilled that iS^e/i. 4. 17- with one of his h, wrought in the work Job 1. 10. thou hast blessed the work of his h. 5. 18. he woundeth, and his h. make whole 20. 10. and Msh. shall restore their goods 34. 19. fwr tiiey all are the works of his h. 37- for lie clappeth his h. amongst us Psal. 9. 16. the wick, is snared in the work of his'h. 28. 5. they regard not the operation oi his h. 78. 72. he guided them by the skilfulness of /iw h. 81. 6. hu- h. were delivered from the pots 95. 5. the sea is his, and his h. formed dry laud 111. 7. the works of his h. are verity and judgment Erov. 21. 25. for his h. refuse to labour Eccl. 4. 5. the fool foldeth his h. together Ca7it. 5. 14. his h. are as gold rings'set with beryl Isa. 3. 11. the reward oi his h. shall be given him 5. 12. nor consider the operation of his h. 17.8. he shall not look to altars, the work of his h. 25. 11. 1-j. shall spread forth his h. in midst of them, as he that swimmeth spreadeth hish. to swim 33. 15. that shaketh his h. from holding bribes Jer. 30. 6. why see every maa with his h. on his loins r 50. 43. king heard the report, his h. waxed feeble Hab. 3. 10. the deep lifted up his h. on high Zech. 4. 9. his h. shall also finish the house Mat. 19. 13. should put /iw/?. on them, ilia/A- 10. 16. 27. 24. he washed his h. before the multitude Mark 6. 2. such mighty works are wrought by his h. 8. 23. when he had put his h. on his eyes, 25. Lvke 24. 40. shewed them his h. and feet, JohnW. 20. 50. and he lifted up his h. and blessed them John 13. 3. the Lath, had given all things into his h. 20. 25. except I see in hish. the print of the nails Acts 9. 17. putting his h. on him, said, brother Saul 12. 1. Werod stretch, forth his h. to vex the church 7. and his chains fell off from his h. 2 Cor. 11. 33. was let down by a wall, and escap. hish. Eph. 4. 28. working with his h. thing that is good See Lay, Laid. Mine HANDS, my HANDS. Gen. 20. 5. in innocency of 7ny h. have I done this 31. 42. God hath seen the labour of my h. Exod. 9. 29. I will spread abroad 7nyh. Ezra 9.5. Judg. 12. 3. I put my life in my h. and passed over 2 Sam. 11. 21. accord, toclean. ofmy /;. Ps, 18. 20,24. 35. he teacheth w(^ /;. to war, Ps. 18. 34. | 144. 1. 1 Chr. 12. 17. seeing there is no wrong in mine h. Neh.6. 9. now, therefore, O God, stre'ngthen my h. Job 9. 30. and if 1 make my h. never so clean 16. 17. not for any injustice in mine h. 31. 7. and if any blot hath cleaved to mine h. Psal. 7. 3. O Lord, if there be iniquity in niy h, 22. 16. they pierced my h. and my feet 26. 6. 1 will wash w(. /^. in innocency, so will loom. 28. 2. when 1 lift up ?ny h. toward thy holy oracle 63. 4. 1 will lift up 7ny h. in thy name 73. 13. in vain I have washed my h. in innocency 88. 9. 1 have stretched out my h. unto tliee 119. 48. w?^ h. will I lift to thy commandments 141. 2. lifting upof ;;/2/ h. as the evening sacrifice 143. 6. I stretch forth my h. to thee, my soul Eccl. 2. 11. on all the works that my h. had wrought Cant. 5. 5. I rose, and 7ny h. dropped with myrrh Isa. 19. 25. blessed be Assyria the work of my h. 29. 23. when he seeth the work of mine h. in thee 45. 11. ask me concerning the work of my h. 12. even m^ h. have stretched out the heavens 49. 16. 1 have graven thee on the palms of my h. 60. 21. thy people also the work oi 7ny h. 65. 2. 1 have spread out my h. all day to rebellious Ezek. 21. 17. I will also smite mineh. togetlier Dan. 3. 15. who is God to deliver you out of wi^/ /;.'' 10. 10. an hand which set me on the palms of my h. Luke 24.39. behold my h. and my feet, John 20. 27. Jolm 13. 9. not feet only, but also tny h. and head Rom. 10. 21. all day 1 have stretched forth my h. 2 Tim. 1. 6. the gift in thee by putting on of my h. 07^r HANDS. Gen. 5. 29. shall comfort us concerning toil of o?(r h. 43. 22. other money have we brought in our h. Deut. 3. 3. G. deliver, into our h. Og king of Eashan 21. 7. shall say, our h. have not shed this blood Josh. 2. 24. L. hath delivered intoo7/r A. alltheland J7idg. 13. 23. not received a meat-offering at o?«- /(. 16. 24. our G. hath delivered into onr h. our enemy 1 Sam. 17. 47. and he will give you info ojir h. Psal. 44. 20. or stretched out otir h. to a strange god 90. 17. establish thou the work of o? HANDS. Gen. 37. 21. he delivered him out of their h. 22. Exod. 29. 10. shall put their h. on head of the bullock 15. shall put their h. on the head of the ram, 19. 25. thou shalt receive them oi their h. Lev. 8. 28. 'Num. 8. 10. Israel sliall put their h. on the Levites 12. the Levites shall lay their h. on the bullock Deut. 1. 25. they brought of fruit of land in their h. 21. 6. the elders shall wash their h. over the iieifer J7idg. 7. 2. too many to give Midianites into their h. 12. 2. ye delivered me not out of their h. 2 .Sam. 4. 12. and they cutoff their h. and their feet 2A'm. 11. 12. they clapped i/it'/r/«. said, G.savekinir 22. 17. that they might provoke me to anger with all the works of their h. 2 Chron. 34. 25. HAN Ezra 1.6. strengthened their h. with vessels of silver 5. 8. work goeth fast on and prospereth in their h. 6. 22. to strengthen their h. in the work of the house 10. 19. they gave their h. that they -svould put away Neh. 2. 18. so they strengthened their h. for the work 6. 9. their h. shall be weakened from the work 9. 24. gavest them into their h. with their kings Job 5. 12. t/ieir h. cannot perform their enterprise 30. 2. whereto miuht strength of their h. profit me? Psal. 28. 4. give them after the work of their h. 76. 5. the men of might have not founi their h. 91. 12. the angels shall bear thee up in their h. 125. 3. lest righteous put forth their h. to iniquity Isa. 25. 11 . pride, together with the i,poi\^oi their h. 59. 6. and the act of violence is in their h. (ib. 22. mine elect shall enjoy the work of ^/;ez> h. Jer. 1. 16. worshipped the works of their own h. 5. + 31. the priests take into their h. by their means 25. 14. accord, to the works of their h. La7n. 3. 64. 32. .30. provoked to anger with works of their h. Lam. 1. 14. the Lord ba~th delivered me into their h. 2. t 20. women eat children swaddled with their h. Ezek. 10. 12. their h. and winas full of eyes round 23. 37. committed adultery, blood is in their h. 45. 43. t 26. they shall purge altar anrl fill their h. Jo7iah 3. 8. turn from the violence that is in their h. Hag. 2. 14. so is every work of their h. unclean Mat.\.(i. with th. h. they sh. bear thee \\p,Luke 4.11. 15. 2. they wash not their h. when they eat bread 26. 67. smote with palms of their h. Mark 14. 65. Mark 7. 3. Jews, except they wash their h. eat not Luke 6. 1. and did eat, rubburg them in their h. Johi 19. 3. and they smote him with their h. Acts 7. 41. they rejoiced in the \\orks of their h. J4.3. granted signs and wonders to be done by th. h. Rev. 7. 9. with white robes, and palms in their h. 9. 20. yet repented not of the works of their h. 20. 4. nor had received his mark in their h. Thine or thy HANDS. Exod. 15. 17- in sanctuary which thy h. have estab. Deut. 16. 15. the Lord shall bless thee in all works of thine h. therefore shalt surely rejoice, 24. 19. Judg. 7. 11. afterward shall thine h. be strengthened iSam. 3.34. thy h. were not bound, nor feetin fetters Job 10. 3. is it good to despise the work of thine h. ? 8. thine h. have made and fashioned me together 14. 15. thou wilt have desire to the work of thijie h. 22. 30. and it is delivered by pureness of thine h. Psal. 8.6. tohavedominionover the worksofi/?2//i. 92. 4. I will triumph in the works of thy h. 102. 25. and the heavens are the work of thy h. 119.73. thy h. have made me and fashioned me 128. 2. for thou shalt eat the labour of thine h. 138. 8. forsake not the works of thine own h. 143. 5. 1 meditate, I muse on the work of thy h. 144. + 7. send tidyie h. from above, rid me, deliv. me Ercl.5. 6. why should G. destroy the work of th. h. Jer. 2. .37. thou shalt go forth , and th. h. on thy head Lam. 2. 19- lift up thy h. for the life of thy children Ezek. 21. 14. prophesy and smite thine h. togetlier 22. 14. can thine h. be strong in the day that I deal ? Mic. 5. 13. shalt no more worship the work of th. h. Zeph. 3. 16. and to Zion, let not thine h. be slack Zech. 13. 6. what are these wounds in thine h. f Luke12,. 46. Father, into thy h. I commend my spirit John 21. 18. thou shalt stretch forth thy h. Heb. 1. 10. the heavens are the works of thine h. 2. 7. thou didst set him over the works of thy h. Yi.K^V)-staves. Ezek. 39. 9. and shall burn the h.-staves and spears U A'^D-weapon. Num. 35. 18. or if he smite him with a h.-weapon HAND-wr/r/w^r. Col. 2. 14. blotting out the h.-xcriting of OTdim.a.ces HANG. Gen. 40. 19. Pharaoh shall h. thee on a tree Num. 25. 4. /;. them before the Lord against the sun Deut. 21. 22. and if thou h. him on a tiee, his body 28. 66. and thy life shall h. in doubt before thee 2 Sam. 21. 6. and we will /;. them up unto the Lord Esth. 6. 4. to speak to the king to h. Mordecai 7. 9. then the king said, /(. him thereon Cant. 4. 4. whereon tliere /;. a thousand bucklers Isa. 22. 24. they shall h. upon him all the glory Lam. 2. 10. the virgins of .lerusalem //.their heads Ezek. 15. 3. will men take pin to h. any vessel thereon ? Mat. 22. 40. on these two /;. all tlie law and prophets Acts 28. 4. sa^v the venomous beast /;. on his hand Heb. 12. 12. lift up hands h. down and feeble knees HANGED. Gen. 40. 22. but >e h. the chief baker, 41. 13. Deut. 21. 23. for he that is /;. is accursed of God. Josh. 8. 29. and the king of Ai he /;. on a tree 10. 26. the five kings //. he on five trees 2 Sam. 4. 12. T^echab and Baanah h. over the pool 17. 23. Ahithophel /;. himself |l 18. 10. Absalom h. 21. 9. the seven sons of .Saul h. they in the hill Ezra 6. 11. and being set up, let him be /(. thereon Esth. 2. 23. the two chamberlains were /;. on a tree 7. 10. they h. Haman || 9. 14. they //. his ten sons Psal. 137. 2. we h. our harps on the willows Lam. 5. 12. princes are /;. up by their hands Ezek. 27. 10. they /;. the shield and helmet in thee 11. they /«.their shields upon thv walls round about Mat. 18. 6. it were better for liim that a millstone were //. about his neck, Mark 9. 42. Luke\7.2. 27. 5. Judas departed, and went and h. iiimself Luke 19. t 48. all the people /;. on iiim to hear bim 23. 39. one of the thieves who were /;. railed on him Acts 5. 30. whom ye slew and h. on a tree, iO. 39. HANGEIH. Job 26. 7- and he h. the earth upon nothing Gal. 3. 13. cursed is everv one that h. on a tree HANGING. Josh. 10. 26. they were /(. on trees till the evening ILANGING. Exod. 26. 36. thou shalt make an h. for door of tent .37. thou shalt make for the //. five pillars 27. 16. /(. for court gate, .38. 18. 1 .39.40. | 40. 8,38. 35. 15. the h. for tlie door at the entering in of the tabernacle, 36. 37. 1 39. 38. 1 40. 5, 28. 213 HAR HANGINGS. Bxod. 27. 9. h. of an hundred cubits, 11 | 38. 9, 11. 12. there shall be /i. of fifty cubits, 38. 12. 14. the h. on either side of gate, 15. 1 .38. 14, 15. 35. 17. the /«. of court, his pillars and their sockets, .38. 9, 16, 18. I 39. 40. Num. 3. .36. | 4. 26. 5 Kings 23. 7. where women wo\e h. for the g-rove £«.fastened with cords of lin. and purp. HAP. Mutli 2. 3. and her h. was to light on Boaz' field HAPLY. 1 Sam. 14. 30. it h. the people had eaten freely Mark 11. 13. if h. he might find any fruit thereon Luke 14. 29. lest /;. after he hjvd laid the foundation Acts 5. 39. lest h. ye be found to tight against God 17. 27. \fh. they might feel after him and find him 2 Cor. 9. 4. lest/«. if they of Macedonia come with me HAPPLN. 1 Bam. 28. 10. no punishment h. to thee for this thing Prov. 12. 21. there shall no evil h, to the just Isa. 41. 22. and let them shew us what shall k. Mark 10. 32. began to tell what thing should him HAPPENED. Ruth 2. 1 3. her hap h. to light on Boaz' field 1 Sam. 6. 9. it was a chance that h. to us 2 Sam. 1.6. as I h. by chance upon mount Gilboa 20. 1. and there h. to be there a man of Belial Estk. 4. 7. Mordecai told him of all that had h. Jer. 44. 23. therefore this evil is h. to you at this day Luke 24. 14. they talked of all things tliat had h. Acts 3. 10. were filled with wonder at that which h. Jiom. 11. 25. that blindness in part is /(. to Israel 1 Cor. 10. 11. now all tilings h. to them for ensamples Phil. 1. 12. the things which h. to me Viave fallen 1 Pet. 4. 12. as though some strange thing h. to you 2 Pet. 2. 22. it is h. to them according to the proverb HAPPEN ETH. Mccl. 2. 14. I perceived that one event h. them all 15. I said, as it h. to the fool, so it h. even to me 8. 14. there be just men, wicked men to whom it h. 9. 11. but time and chance h. to them all HAPPY. Gen. 30. 13. h. am I, for daughters will call me bless. + 13. and Leah called his'name Asher, h. Deut. 33. 29. Ii. art thou, O Isr. who is like to thee ? 1 Kings 10. 8. h. thy men, /;. thy servants, 2 Ckr. 9. 7. Job 5. 17- /i- is the man whom God correcteth Psal. 127. 5. /^. man who hath quiver full of them 128. 2. h. shalt thou be, it shall be well with thee 1.37.8. k. shall he be that rewardeth thee, 9. 144. 15. It. is that people that is in such a case, yea k. is that people whose God is the Lord 146. 5. h. is he that hath God of Jacob for his help Prov. 3. 13. h. is the man that findeth wisdom 18. and h. is every one that retaineth her 14. 21. /i. is he that hath mercy on the poor 16. 20. and whoso trust eth in the Lord, k. is he 28. 14. k. is the man that fearetli alway 29. 18. but he that keepeth the law, k. is he Jer. 12. 1. why are they k. that deal treacherously ? Mai. 3. 15. and now we call the proud /i. John 13. 17. if ye know these things, h. if do them Acts 26. 2. 1 think myself h. king Agrippa Rom, 14.22. h. is he that condemneth not himself Jam. 5. 11. behold, we count them h. who endure 1 Pet. 3. 14. if ye suffer for righteousness' sake, h. ye 4. 14. if reproached for name of Christ, h. are ye HAPPIER. 1 Cor. 7. 40. but she is h. if she so abide, after my HARD Is taken for difficult, sad, or sorrowful, cruel, au- stere, 4c. Pharaoh overwhelmed the Israelites with hard bondage, with cruel and insupportable slavery, Exod. 1. 14. The sons of Zeruiah are too hard for ine ; they are too powerful, they treat me with insolence, with unseasonable cru- elty, 2 Sam. 3. 39. Joseph spake hard things •with his brethren ; he spake roughly, or harshly to them. Gen. 42. + 7. The hard, or difficult causes they brought to Moses, Exod. 18. 26. Thou art not sent unto a people of an hard language, of an unintelligible language : that is, they will need no interpreter to understand thee, neither wilt thou, to understand them. Hannah said to Eli, 1 am a woman of a sorrowful spirit, Heb. hard of spirit. I know thee that thou art an hard man, a severe, austeie, rigorous, and churlish man. Mat. 25. 24. Solomon says, that the way of transgressors is hard, or rough, it is offensive and hateful to God and men, as rough ways are to a traveller. Or, he is fierce, intractable, and incorrigible in his sinful course, Prov. 13. 15. .'When God is said to harden the heart, it is not to he understood as if God did properly and posi- tively make men's hearts hard, but only privately, either by denying to them, or xoithdr awing from them that grace, which alone can make the hearts of men soft, flexible, and pliable to the divine •will ; as the sun hardens the clay hy drawing out of it that moisture which made it soft ; or by ex- posing them to those temptations of the world, or the devil, which meeting with a corrupt heart, are apt to harden it. Gen. 18. 14. is any thing too h. for the Lord ? 35. 16. Rachel travailed, and had h. labour, I7. 42. i 7- .Joseph spake /(. things with them, +,30. Exod. 1. 14. they made their lives bitter with h. bond. 18. 26. the h. causes they brought unto Moses Deut. 1. 17. cause that is too h. you bring it to me 15. 18. it shall not seem h. to thee when thou send. 17. 8. if there arise matter too /;. for thee in judg. 26. 6. Egyptians afflicted and laid on h. bondage Judg. 4. + 24. the hand of Israel was h. against .Tabin 1 Sam. 1,, my lord, I am a woman A. of spirit 2. + 3. let not h, come out of your mouth 2 Sam. 3. 39. the sons of Zeruiah be too h. for me 13. 2. Amnon thought it /(. to do any thing to her 1 Kings 10. 1. to prove with h. questions, 2 Chr. 9. 1. 14. + 6. for I am sent to tliee with h. tidings 2 Kings 2. 10. he said, thou hast asked a /(.thing lod .30. + 25. did not I weep for him was h. of day :* 214 HAR Job 41. 24. as h. as a piece of the netber millstone Psal.Sl.i 18. let the lying lips, which speak a /(.thing 60. 3. thou hast shewed thy people h. things 88. 7. thy wrath liethA. on me, thou heist afflicted 94. 4. how long shall the wicked speak h. tilings ! Pi-ov. 13. 15. but the way of transgressors is /;. Tsa. 14. 3. Lord shall give thee rest from h. bondage 21. + 2. a /;. vision is declared unto me Jer. 32. I7. and there is nothing too h. for thee 27. 1 am Ld. is there any thing too h. tor me .' Esek. 2. + 4. for they are children h. of face 3. 5. thou art not sent to a people of h. language, 6. Dan. 5. 12. and shewing //. sentences, were found Mat. 25. 24. Lord, I knew that thou art an h. man Mark 10. 24. how h. for them trust in riches to enter John 6. 60. this is an h. saying, who can hear it:* Jets 9. 5. it is h. for thee to kick ag. pricks, 26. 14. Heb. 5. 11. many things to say, and h. to be uttered 2 Pet. 3. 16. in which are things h. to be understood Jude 15. to convince all ungodly of their h. speeches HARD. Lev. 3. 9. the rump shall take off h. by the back-bone Judg. 9. 52. Abimelech went h. to the door of tower 20. 45. Israel pursued h. after Benjamin to Gideon ISam. 14. 22. followed /(. after Philistines in battle 31. 2. the Philistines followed h. upon Saul, and upon his sons, 2 Sam. 1. 6. 1 Chr. 10. 2. 1 Kingsll. 1. Naboth had a vineyard h. by the pal. 1 Chr. 19. 4. cut off garments h. by their buttocks Psal. 63. 8. my soul followeth h. after thee Jonah 1. 13.themenrovved bring ittothe land Acts 18. 7. whose house joined h. to the synagogue HARDEN. Exod. 4. 21. T will h. Pharaoh's heart, 7. 3. 1 14. 4. 14. 17. I will h. the hearts of the Egyptians Deut. 15. 7. shalt not h. thy heart, nor shut thy hand Josh. 11. 20. it was of the Lord to h. their hearts 1 Sam. 6. 6. wherefore then do ye h. your hearts 'i 2 Chr. 30. i 8. h not your necks as your fathers Job 6. 10. yea, I would /;. myself in sorrow Psal. 95. 8. h. not your hearts, Heb. 3. 8, 15. 1 4. 7. HARDENED. Exod.7. 13. Lord/i. Pharaoh's heart, he hearkened not to them, 9. 12. | 10. 1, 20, 27. 1 11. 10. I 14. 8. 14. Pharaoh's heart is h. \\ 22. was h. 8. 19. i 9.7,35. 8. 15. he h. his heart and hearkened not, 32. I 9. 34. Deut. 2.30. the Lord thy G. h. his spirit and heart 1 Sam. 6. 6. as Egyptians and Phar. h. their hearts 2 Kings 17 . 14. tliey/;. tlieir necks like to their fath. 2 Chr. 36. 13. Zedekiah/i. heart from turning to L. Neh. 9. 16. they and our fathers A. their necks, 17,29. Job 9. 4. who hath h. himself ag. him and prospered 39. 16. she is A. against her young ones, as notliers Isa. 63. 17. why hast thou h. our heart from thy fear .' Jer. 7. 26. they hearkened not, but h. their neck 19. 15. have h. their necks not to hear my words Dan. 5. 20. but when his mind was/;, in pride Mark 6. 52. they consider, not, for their heart was //. 8. 17. perceive ye not .' have ye your heart yet h. ? John 12. 40. he hath blind, their eyes, h. their heart Acts 19. 9. but when divers were h. and believed not ii'oOT. 11. + 7. election obtained it, and rest were/;. Heb. 3. 13. lest any of you be A. thro' deceitfulness HARDEN ETH. Prov. 21 . 29. a wicked man //. his face, but he directs 28. 14. he that A. his heart shall fall into mischief 29. 1. he that being often reproved h. his neck Rom. 9.18. mercj' on whom he will, whom he will /;. YiA\\V)-hearted. Ezek. 3. 7. all the house of Israel are h.-hearted HARDER. Prov. 18. 19. brother offended A. to be won than city Jer. 5. 3. they have made their faces h. than a rock Ezek. 3. 9. h. than flint have I made tiiy forehead HARDLY. Gen. 16. 6. when Sarai dealt h. with her she fled Exod. 13. 15. and when Pharaoh would h. let us go Isa. 8. 21. shall pass thro' it n. bestead and hungry Mat. 19. 23. I say that rich man shall A. enter iiito the kingdom of God, Mark 10. 23. Luke J8. 24. Luke 9. 39. a spir. taketh him, h. depart, from him Acts 27. 8. h. passing it, we came to the fair havens HARDNESS. Job .38. 38. when dust groweth into h. clods cleave Psal.%l.\\9.. I gave tiiem up to the /;. of their hearts Mat. 19. 8. because of/;, of your hearts, Mark 10. 5. Mark 3. 5. he being grieved for the h. of their hearts 16. 14. he upbraided' tliem with their/;, of heart P\.om. 2. 5. but after thy /;. and impenitent heart 11. + 25. not ignorantthat /;. in part happen, to Isr. 2 2'm. 2. 3. endure h. as a good soldier of J es. Chr. HARE. Lev. 11. 6. the /;. is unclean to you, Deut. 14. 7- tIARLOT Is taken for whore or prostitute, Prov. 29. 3. Also for. one who forsakes the true God and his pure worship, to follow idols and false gods. Isa. 1. 21. How is the faithful city become an harlot ! that is, like an harlot, leaving God her husband, to cleave to false gods. By harlots may also be understood the most infamous and scandalous sin- ners, Mat. 21. 31. Publicans and harlots go into the kingdom of heaven before you. Rahab who received into her house and concealed the spies sent by .loshua to z-iew the c«j/o/ Jericho, is called a7i harlot. 'I'he tiebrew text, Josh. 2. 1. calls her Zona, which St. Jerom and many others understand of a woman of an ill life. The Septuagint render it by Tropvn, as also the apostle Faul' in Heb. 11. 31. A?id James, Jam. 2. 25. Some think that she was only an hostess or inn-keeper ; and that this is the true signifi- cation of the original word. Had she been a woman of ill fame, say they, would Salmon, a prince of the tribe of Judah, and one of our Saviour's ancestors, have taken her to wife, or could he have done it by the law ? Besides, the spies of Joshua, would hardly have gone to lodge with a prostitute, a common harlot, they who 7vere charged with so nice and dangerous a com- mission. HAR Gen. 34. 31. should deal with our sister as with h. f 38. 15. Judah saw her, he thought her to be an a! 24. 'I'amar thy daughter-in-law hath played h. Lev. 21. 14. the high-priest shall not take an /;. . Joi/^. 2.1. spies came into an /i.'j house named Hahab C. 17. only Rahab the /;. shall live, and all with her Judg. 11. 1. now Jephthaii was tlie son of an //. 16. 1. Samson saw there an /;. and went in unto her Prov. 7. 10. a woman met him with attire of an h. Isa. 1 . 21. how is the faithful city become an h. ! 23. 15. after seventy years shall lyre sing as an a. 16. take an harp, thou //. that hast been forgotten Jer. 2. 20. when thou wanderest, playing the h. 3. 1. thou hast played the//, with manylovers 6. under every gr. tree, and there hath played /;. 8. .ludah feared not, but went and played /;. also Ezek. 16. 15. playedstthe /;. because of thv renown 16. playedst //. thereon || 28. played /;. with them 31. hast not been as an /;. || 35. U /;. hear the word 41. 1 will cause thee to cease from playing the h. 23. 5. Aholah played the h. when she was mine 19. the days wherein she had played the h. 44. as they go in unto a woman that playeth the k, Hos. 2. 5. tor their mother hath played the /;. 3. 3. I .said unto her, thou shalt not play the h. 4. 15. tho' Israel play the /;. let not .Judah offend Joel 3.3. they have given a boy for a /;. yhnos 7. 17. thy wife shall be an /;. in the city Mic. 1. 7. they shall return to the hire of an h. Nah. 3.4. the whoredoms of the well-favoured /;, 1 Cor. 6. 15. shall I make them the members of an /;..? 16. that he who is joined to an /;. is one liody Heb. 11. 31. by faith the h. Rahab perished not Jam. 2.25. was not Rahab the/;, justified by works ' HARLOTS. 1 Kings 3. 16. there came two women /;. to the king Prov. 29. 3. that keepeth company with h. spendetn Jer. 5.7. they assemble by troops in /;. houses Hos. 4. 14. separated with whores, sacrifice with /;. Mat. 21. 31 . publicans and /;. go into kingdom of G. .32. but the publicans and the /;. believed him Luke 15. .30. who hath devoured thy living with /;. Rev. 17.5. mystery, Babylon the great,mother of A HARM. Gen. 31. 52. shalt not pass over this pillar to me forh. Lev. 5. 16. shall make amends for /;. he hath done Njim. 35. 23. was not his enemy, nor sought his h. 1 Sam. 26. 21. return, I will no more do thee k. 2 Sam. 20. 6. now shall Sheba do more /;. than A bsal. 2 Kings 4. 41. and there was no /;. in the pot 1 Chr. 16. 22. do my prophets no /;. Psal. 105. 15. Prov. 3. ,30. stiive not, if he have done thee no h. Jer. 39. 12. look well to him, and do him no h. Acts 16. 28. do thy self no /;. ||27. 21. gained this h. 28. 5. he felt no /;. |1 6. saw no /;. || 21. spake any h. HARM. 1 Pet. 3. 13. who will h. you, if followers of good ? HARMLESS. Mat. 10. 16. be wise as serpents, and h. as doves Rom. 16. + 19. would have you /;. concerning evi' Phil. 2. 15. that ye may be /;. the sons of Go'd Heb. 7. 26. is holy, /;. undefil. separate from sinners HARNESS, Substantive. 1 Kings 20. 11. let not him girdeth on /;. boast hims. 22. 34. between joints of his /;. 2 Chron. 18. 33. 2 Chr. 9. 24. they brought every man h. and spices HARNESS, Verb. Jer. 46. 4. h. the horses, and get up, ye horsemen HARNE.SSED. Exod. 13. 18. Israel went up /;. out of land of Egypt HARP. Gen. 4. 21. Jubal was father of them that handle h. 31.27. might have sent thee away with tabr. and h. 1 Sam. 10. 5. meet a company of prophets with a h. 16. 16. a man who is a cunning player on an /;. - 23. David took an h. and played with his hand 1 Chr. 15. 3. six piophesied with a /;. to give thanks Job 9,1. 12. they take the timbrel and A. and rejoice .30. 31. my h. also is turned to mourning, and organ Psal. 33. 2. praise the Lord with the /;. 150. 3. 43. 4. yea, on the h. will 1 praise thee, O my God 49. 4. I will open my dark saying upon the h. 57. 8. awake psaltery and /;. 1 will awake, 108. 2. 71. 22. sing with /;. 92. 3. 1 98. 5. 1 147. 7. 1 149. .3. 81. 2. bring hither the pleasant /;. with the psaltery Isa. 5. 12. the /;. and the viol are in their feasts 16. 11. my bowels shall sound like an h. for Moab 23. 16. take an /;. || 24. 8. the joy of the /;. ceaseth Dan. 3. 5. at sound of the /;. fall down, 7, 10, 15. 1 Cor. 14. 7. whether pipe or k. except they give HARPS. 2 Sam.C). 5. David and all Isr. played oh /;. and com., 1 Kings 10. 12. the king made of the almug-trees h Psal. 1.37. 2. we hanged our h. upon the willows Isa. 30. 32. it shall be with tablets and h. Ezek. 26. 13. the sound of thy /;. shall be no more Rev. 5. 8. having every one of them h. and vials 14. 2. harping with their h. \\ 15. 2. the h. of God See Cymbal. HARPED. 1 Cor. 14. 7- how shall be known what is piped or /2. HARPERS. Rev. 14. 2. 1 heard the voice of/;, harping with harps 18. 22. the voice of /;. shall be heard no more at all HARROW. Job 39. 10. or will he /;. the valleys after thee ? HARROWS. iSam. 12. .Sl.heputthem under saws and /;. of iron 1 Chr. 20. 3. and cut them with saws and /;. of iron HART. De?(;f.l2. 15. may eatfleshasoftheA. 14.5. 1 15.22. Psal. 42. 1. as the h. panteth after the water-brooks Isa. 35. 6. then shall the lame man leap as an h. See Young. HARTS. 1 Kings 4. 23. ten fat oxen, besides /;. and roe-bucks Lam. 1.6. her princes become like /;. without pasture HARVEST Is the time of reaping corn and other frmts of the gflrt/;. Gen. 8. 22. It is taken for a seasonable and proper time for business. Prov. 10. 5. He that sleepeth in harvest, is a son that causeth HAS HAT HAT shame. He that neglecteth and misimproveth the proper seasons and opportunities of doi?ig good to himself and to others, cameth sha?ne both to himself for his folly, and the poverty and irtisery which follows thereupon ; and also to his parents, to uhose negligent or evil education such things are often, and sometimes justly imputed. Harvest is put for a people whote sins are ripe for judgment. Joel 3. 13. Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe : Vut down these sinners that are ripe for judgment. The time of Babylon's harvest shall come : the time when she shall be cut doKu, Jer. 51. 33. Our Saviour, in the parable of the sower, calls the end of the world, or the day of judgment, the harvest, Mat. 13. 3!?. Then God will . separate the tares from the nheat, the wicked from ilie godly. In Mat. 9. 36, 37. Christ, seeing mul- titudes comijig to hear him, said to his disciples. The harvest truly is plenteous ; many are willing to receive instruction. This was spoken at the feast of 'Tabernacles, which was in harvest. Gen. 8. 22. wliile earth remaineth h. shall not cease 30. 14. Reuben went in dajs of Y%^beat-A. 45. 6. in tive years shall neither be earing nor h. Exod. £3. 16. thou slialt keep tlie feast of h. 34. 22. 34. 21. in eariny-time and in //. tliou slialt rest Lev. 19. 9. when ye reap h. 23. 10, 22. Derit. 24. 19. 25. 5. wiiat grows of its own accord of/?, not reap lijithl. 22. caine to Beth-lehem in besin. ofbarfey-/?. 2. 21. tarry with my maidens till end of h. 23. 1 Sam. 6. 13. men of Betli-shiemesh reaping their /z. 8. 12. and lie ^^ ill set tliem to reap his h. 12. 17. is it not wheat-/;, to-day, 1 will call to Ld. 2 Sam. 21.9. were pur to death in h. in barley-/;. 10. spread it for her from beginning of barley-A. Job 5. 5. %vhose h. the hungry eateth up and taketh it Prov. 6. 8. the ant gathereth her food in the h. 10. 5. he that sleepeth in h. causeth shame 2C. 1. as rain in h. so honour is not seemly for a fool 2sa. 9. 3. they joy before thee accordina to joy in h. 16. 9. for the shoutingfor thy /(. is fallen 17. 11. but the h. shall be a lieap in the day of grief 18. 4. and like a cloud of dew in the heat of h. 5. for afore the /(. when the bud is perfect 23. 3. the h. of the river is her revenue Jer. 5. 17. they shall eat up tliine /(. and thy bread 24. he reserveth to us the appointed w-eeks of h. 8. 20. the /;. is past.summer is ended, we not saved Hos. 6. 11. O Judah, he hath set an h. for thee Joel 1. 11. because the h. of the field is perislied 3. 13. put in the sickle, for the h. is ripe, come Jimosi. 7. when there were yet three months to h. Mat. 9. 37. the /;. is plenteous, the labourers are few 38. pray ye the Lord of the h. to send, Luke 10. 2. 13. 30. let both grow together until h. in time of h. 39. the /;. is end of the world, reapers the angels ]Uark4. 29. put in the sickle because h. is come L.uke 10. 2. he said unto them, the h. truly is creat John 4, 35. tlien cometh h. the fields are white to h. Rev. 14. 15. time is come, for the /;. of earth is ripe HARVEST-OTflw. Isa. 17. 5. it shall be as when the h. \. 5. or if my footbath /?. to deceit Psal. 48. 5. they were troubled and h. awaj-, 104. 7. Acts Id. 16. Paul h. to be at Jerusalem at Pentecost LIASTEN. 1 Kings 22. 9. h. hither Micaiah the son of Imlah 2 Chron. 24. 5. and see that ye /?. the matter Psal. 16. 4. sorrows multiplied /?. after another god 55. 8. I would/?, my escape from the windy storm Ecd. 2. 25. or who else can /?. hereunto more than I .•" Isa. 5. 19. let him /?. lus work that we may see it 60. 22. I the Lord will h. it in his time Jer. 1. 12. I will h. my word to perform it HASrElSED, EIH. Gen. 18. 6. Abraham h. into the tent unto Sarah 19. 15. angels /?. Lot, saying, arise, take thy wife 2 Chron. 24. 5. howbeit the Levites /?. it not Esth. 3. 15. posts went out, being /?. by king, 8. 14. Isa. 51. 14. the captive e.xile /?. to be loosed Jer. YI. 16. 1 have not h. from being a pastor HASTEIH. Job 9. 26. as the eagle that /?. to the prey 40. 23. behold, he drinketh up a river, and /?. not Prov. 7. 23. as a bird h. to snare, and knowetli not 19. 2. and he that /?. with his feet sinneth 28.22, he that h. to be rich, hath an evil eye Eccl. 1. 5. the sun h. to the place where he arose Jer. 48. 16. the affliction of Moab/?. fast Hab. 1. 8. they shall fly as the eagle that /?. to eat Zeph. 1. 14. the great day of the Lord h. greatly HASTILY. Gen. 41.14. they brought Joseph /?. out of dungeon Judg. 2. 23. left nations without driving them out/?. 9.54. Abimelech called /?. unto his armour-bearer 1 Sam. 4. 14. and the man came in /?. and told Eli 1 Kings 20. 33. the men did /?. caj:ch it, and they said Prov. 20. 21. an inheritance may be gotten h. 25. 8. go not forth h. to strive, lest thou know not John 11. 31. when Jews saw Mary that she rose h. HASTING. Isa. 16. 5. seeking judgment, and /?. righteousness 2 Pet. 3. 12. and /?. unto the coming of day of the L. HASTY. Prov. 14. 29. but he that is /?. of spirit exalteth folly 21. 5. but of every one that is /?. onlj' to want 29. 20. seest thou a man that is h. in his words Eccl. 5. 2. let not thy heart be /?. to utter before G. 7. 9. be not /?. in thy spirit to be angry 8. 3. be not too /?. to go out of his sight Isa. 28. 4. as the h. fruit before the summer 32. t 4. the heart of the /?. shall understand 35. -1-4. say to them tiiat are of It. heart, be strong Dan. 2. 15. why is the decree so /?. fiom the king ? Hah. 1. 6. the Chaldeans, that bitter and h. nation HAiCH. Isa. 34. 15. owl shall /?. and gather under her shad. 59. 5. they h. cockatrice-egss, weave spiders' web HATCH ETH. Jer. 17.11. as partridee sitteth on eggs and /?. not HATE. To hate, is not ahvays to be -understood rigorously. It frequently signifies no more than a lesser degree of love. Deut. 21. 15. If a man have two wives, one beloved, and anpther hated ; that is, less be- loved. Thus our Saviour say^, that he who would follow him, must hate father and mother; that is, should love them less than Christ, less than his omi salvation ; he ought not to prefer them to God. Solomon says, that he that spareth his rod, hateth his son, Prov. 13. 24. Fathers often spare their children out of an excessive love to them ; but this is not a proper instance of affection, to forbear correcting them ; their fond affection is as pernicious to their childreri, as other meri's hatred could be ; they keep back from them what xcould do them good. There is a malicious hatred of the persons of men, not of their sins ; thus Ahab hated the Lord's prophet Micaiah, 1 Kings 9.2. 8. And wicked men do thus hate the righteous. Psal. .34. 21. They that hate the righteous shall be de- solate. There is also anhatred of the sins of men, not of their persons ; thus the righteous hate even the garment spotted with corruption, Jude 23. What I hate, that do I, Rom. 7. 15. The godly hate sin. because it is a breach of God's laxo. Gen. 24. 60. let seed possess aate of those that /?. 50. 15. they said, Joseph will peradventure /?.us Lev. 19. 17. thou slialt not /?. thy brother in heart 26. 17. they that /?. you shall reign over j'ou Nu?n. 10. 35. let them that /?. thee'flee before thee Dent. 7. 10. and repayeth them that h. him to face 15. he will lay them upon them that /?. thee, .30. 7. 19. 11. if any man /?. his neighbour and lie in wait 22. 13. if take a wife, and go in unto her and /?. her 24. 3.if the latter husband 7?. her and write a bill 33. 11. smite through the loins of them that /?. him 2 Chr. ]9. 2. and love them that h. the Lord ? Job 8. 22. that/?, thee shall he clothed with shame Psal. 21. 8. thy hand shall find those that /?. thee 34. 21. they that/?, the righteous shall be desolate Psal. 44. 10. they which /?. us spoil for thems. 68. 1. let them also that /?. him flee before mm 83. 2. they that /?. thee have lifted up the head 89. 23. and I will plague them that /?. him 97- 10. ye that love the Lord h. evil 105. 25. he turned their heart to /?. his people 129. 5. let them be turned back that /?. Zion Prov. 1. 22. how long, fools, will yc /?. knowledge 6. 16. these six doth the Lord h. a proud look 8. 13. fear of the Lord is to /?. evil ; pride do I /?. 9. 8. reprove not a scorner, lest he /?. thee 19. 7- fill the brethren of the poor do /?. him 25. 17. lest he be weary of thee, and so /?. thee 29. 10. the blood-thirsty /?. the upright Eccl. 3. 8. a time to love and a time to /?. Esek. 16. 27. delivered unto will of them that /?. thea Dan. 4. 19. the dream be to them that /?. thee Amos 5. 10. they /?. him that rebuketh in the gate 15. /?. the evil, and love the good, establish judgm. Mic. 3. 2. who /?. the good, and love evil, who pluck Mat. 5. 43. been said,Tove thy neighbour, /?. eneray 44. do good to them that /?. you^ Luke 6. 27. 6. 24. either lie will h. the one, Luke 16. 13. 24. 10. and shall betray and shall /?. one another Luke 1. 71. saved from the hand of all that /?. us 6. 22. blessed are ye when men shall /?. you 14. 26. and h. not his father, and mother, and wife John 7. 7. the world cannot h. you, buf me it hateth 15. 18. marvel not if the world /?. you, 1 John 3. 13. Rev. 17. 16. the ten horns, these shall h. the whore I HATE. 1 Knigs22.8. there is one man, Ih. him, 2 Chr. 18. 7. Psal. 101. 3. Ih. the work of them that turn aside 119. 104. therefore J/?, every false way, 128. 113. Ih. vain thoughts || 163. Ih. and abhor lying 139. 21. do not I h. them, O Lord, that hate thee ? 22. yea, I /?. tliem witii perfect hatred Prov. 8. 13. the evil way and froward mouth do Ih. Isa. 61. 8. I h. robbfery for burnt-offering Jer. 44. 4. do not this abominable thing that I h. Amos 5. 21. I h. I despise your feast-days 6. 8. I h. his palaces, therefore will I deliver citv Zech. 8. 17. for all these are things that 1 /?. saith I. Rom. 7. 15. but what I h. that do I Rev. 2. 6. the deeds of the N icolaitanes I h. 15. HAIE me. Gen. 26. 27. why come ye to me, seeing ye /?. me? Exod. 20. 5. visiting iniquity to the third and fourth generation of tliem that /?. me, Deut. 5. 9. Deut. 32. 41. and I will reward them that /?. me Judg. 11. 7. do not ye h. me ? 11 14. 16. thou dost /?. ma 2 Sam. 22. 41. destroy them that h. me, Ps. 18. 40. Psal. 9. 13. trouble which I suffer of them that h. me 25. 19. and the3' /?. me with cruel hatred 35. 19. let them wink that /?. ?ne without a cause 38. 19. they that /?. me wrongfully are many, 69. 4. 41. 7. all that /?. me v.diisper together against me 55. 3. they cast iniquity upon me, in wrath h. me 69. 14. let me be delivered from them that h. me 86. 17. that they which /?. ?ne may see it 118. 7. I shall see my desire upon them Prov. 8. 30. all they that /?. me love death HATED. Gen. 27. 41. Esau /?. Jacob, because of the blessing 29. 31. the L. saw Leah was /?. H 33. that I was h. .37. 4. his brethren /?. .Joseph yet the more, 5, 8. 49. 23. tlie archers shot at him and /?. him Dent. 1. 27. and said, because the Lord /?. us, 9. 28. 4. 42. /?. him not in times past, 19. 4, 6. Josh. 20. 5. 21. 15. another /?. || 16. before the son of the h. 17. shall acknowledge the son of /?. for first-bom Judff. 15. 2. I thought that thou hadst utterly h. her 2 Sa?n. 5. 8. the lanie and blind that are /?. of David's 13. 15. Amnon /?. Tamar |1 22. Absalom /?. Amnon 22. 18. he delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them that /?. me, Psal. 18. I7. E.^th. 9. 1. the Jews had rule over them that /?. them 5. did what they would unto those that /?. them Job 31. 29. at the destruction of him that /?, me Psal. 26. 5. I have h. the congregation of evil doers 31. 6. 1 have /?. them that regard lying vanities 44. 7. thou hast put them to shame that /?. us 55. 12. neither was it he that /?. me, that did magnify 106. 10. he saved them from him that /?. them 41. and they that h. them ruled over them Prov. 1. 29. they /?. knowledge, and did not choose 5. 12. and say, how have I /?. instruction 14. 17. and a man of wicked devices is /?. 20. the poor is /?. even of his own neighbour Eccl. 2. 17. therefore I /?. life 1| 18. I /?. labour Isa. 60. 15. whereas thou hast been forsaken and /?. 66. 5. brethren that k. you said. Lord be glorified Jer. 12. 8. therefore have I h. mine heritase Ezek. 16. 37- I will gather all them that thou hast h. 35. 6. sith thou hast not /?. blood, blood pursue Hos. 9. 15. for there I /?. them for wickedn. of doings Mai. 1.3. I loved Jacob, and h. Esau, Rom. 9. 13. Mat. 10. 22. ye shall be /?. Mark 13. 13. Luke 21. 17. 24. 9- ye shall be h. of all nations for my name Luke 19. 14. his citizens /?. him, and sent a message John 15. 18. ye know that it h. me before it /?. you 24. have both seen and h. both me and my Father 25. written in their law, they ^. me without a causa 17. 14. world hath /?. them, because not of world Eph. 5. 29. no man ever yet /?. his own flesh Heb. 1. 9. thou hast loved riahteousn, and /?. iniquitj' HATEFUL. Psal. 36. 2. until his iniquity be found to be /?. Tit. 3. 3. we were /?. and hatino- one another Rev. 18. 2. a case of every unclean and h. bird HATEFULLY. Esek. 23. 29. and they shall deal with thee A. HATERS. Psal. 81. 15. the /?. of Lord should have submitted Rom. 1. 30. backbiters, /?. of God, despiteful HATES r. 2 Sam. 19. 6. lovest thine enemies, and h. thy friends Psal. 5. 5. thou /?. all workers of iniquity 45. 7. thou lovest righteousness, and h. wickedness 50. 17. thou /?. instruction, and castest my words Ezek. 23. 28. deliver thee into liand whom th.ou h. Rev. 2. 6. thou h. the deeds of the Nicolaitanea 215 HAT HATETH. i^jxod. 23. 5. if see the ass ot him that h. thee lying Deut. 7. 10. Lord not be slack to hiin that h. him 12. 31. every abomination he h. have they done 16. 22. nor set up any image -which the Lord h. 22. 16. I ffave my daughter unto this man, he h. her Job 16. 9. he teareth me in his wrath, who h. me 34. 17. shall even he that h. rijiht, govern? Psal. 11. 3. him that loveth violence, his soul h. 120. 6. my soul long dwelt with him that /;. peace Prov. 11. 15. and he" that h. suretyship is sure 12. 1. but he tliat h. reproof is brutish l."i. 5. a rinhteous man /;. lying, but a wicked man 24. he that spareth his rod //."liis son 15. 10. and he tliat k. reproof shall die 27. but he that li. gifts shall live £6. 24. he that h. dissemblcth with his lips 28. a lying tongue h. tliose that are afllicted £8. 16. lie that h. covetousness shall prolong days 29. 24. whoso is partner witli a thief h. his own soul Isa. 1. 14. and your appointed feasts my soul /i. J\Jal. 2. 16. the Lord saith, that he h. putting away Jo/m 3. 20. every one that doetli evil /i. the liglit 7. 7. but me the world //. because 1 testify of it 12. 25. lie that k. his life tn this world sliall keep it 15. 19. ye are not of world, therefore world /i. you 23. he that A. me /;. my lather also 1 John 2. 9. lie tliat /(. his brother is in darkness, 11. .3. 15. whosoever /;. his brother is a murderer 4. 20. if say, 1 love God, and h. his brother, is a liar HATING. Exod. 18. 21. provide men of truth, h. covetousness Tit. 3. 3. in times past hateful, and h. one another Jude 23. h. even the garment spotted by the flesh HAIH. Gen. 24. 36. and unto him h. he giv. all that he /t. Lev. 22. 5. whatsoever uncleanness he h. 27. 28. no devoted thing of all he h. shall be sold Num. 23. 22. he h. the strengtlf of an unicorn, 24. 8. 27. 4. why name done away because lie /(. no son Deut. 21. 16. his sons to inherit that which he h. 17. the first-born a double porlion of all he h. Josh. 6. 22. bring out thence woman and all she h. 7. 15. he shall be burnt with fire, he and all he /(. 1 Sam. 15. 22. h. Lord as great delight in oflerings ? 2 Kings 4. 2. thine handmaid h. not any thing in iTou. 14. verily she /(. no child, her husband is old Job 1. 10. hedge about all he k. \\ 11. touch all he h. 12. behold, all that he h. is in thy power 2. 4. all that a man h. will he give for his life 5. 16. so the poor h. hope || 38. 28. li. rain a father ? JPsal. 37. 16. a little that a righteous man /;. is better 109. 11. let the extortioner catch all that he /;. 127. 5. happy is the man h. his quiver full of them 146. 5. happy he that h. God of .lacob for his help Prov. 12. 9. he that is despised and /j. a servant is bet. 13. 4. the sluggard desireth, and h. nothing 7. there is tliat maketh himself rich, yet /?. nothing 16. 22. understanding is life unto him who h. it 17. 8. a precious stone in eves of him that h. it 19. 23. and he that /;. it shall abide satisfied 23. 29. who h. woe ■■ who /(.sorrow '. who /;. wounds ? Ecci. 4. 8. yea, be h. neither child nor brother 10. for he /;. not another to help him up 6. 8. for what h. the wise more than the fool? 8. 8. neither h. he power in the day of death Cant. 8.8. we have a little sister, and she /;. no breasts Isa. 29. 8. behold he is faint, and his soul /;. appetite 45. 9. he h. no hands i| 50. 10. and h. no light 53. 2. he h. no form nor comeliness, when see him 55. 1. he that/j. nornonej', come ye, buy and eat Jer, 23. 28. prophet that h. a dream , let him tell, and he that h. my word, let him speak my word 49. 1. Ii. Israel no sons ? h. he no heir? why then 27«/. 1.1 4. cursed be deceiver which /i. in flock a male Mat. 8. 20. h. not where to lay head, Ljike 9. 58. 11. 15. he that h. ears to hear, let him hear, 13. 9, 43. Mark A. 9. Lvke 8. 8. I 14. .35. Rev. 2. 7. 18. nor eating, nor drinking, tiiey say he /;. adevil 13. 12. whosoever h. to him shall be given, and more abundance; who A. not, from him shall betaken that he h. 25. 29. Mark A. 25. Luke 8. 18. I 19. 26. 44. selleth all that he /;. and buyeth that field 56. whence It. this man these things ? Mark 6. 2. Mark 3. 22. he h. Beelzebub, and casteth out devils 30. because they said, he h. an unclean spirit Lukel. 33. and ye say, he h. a devil, John 10. 20. 12. 44. he will make him ruler over all that he li. 14. 33. that forsaketh not all that he li. cannot be 20. 24. whose superscription h. it ? they said Cesar's 22. .36. he that li. a purse, he that h. iio sword 24. 39. a spirit h. not flesh and bones, as ye see me John 3. 29. he that //. the bride, is the bririegroom 36. believeth h. everlasting life, 5. 24. | 6. 47, 54. 5. 26. as the Father h. life in himself, so h. given 12. 48. h. one judgeth him, the word 1 have spoken ,14. 21. he that h. my commandm. and keepeth them 30. the prince of this world h. nothing in me 15. 13. greater love h. no man than this, that a man 16. 15. all things that the Father h. are mine 19. 11. delivered thee unto me, h. the greater sin Rom. .3. 1. what advantage then h. the .Jew ? 4. 2. if justified by works, he /;. whereof to glory 9. 21. /;. not the potter power over the clay ? 1 Cor. 7. 4. the wife /(. not power of her own body 7. but every man h. his proper °ift of God 14. 26. every one of you h. a psalm, h. adoctrine S Cor. 6. 14. what fellowship /;. righteousness with unright. ? what communion /;. light with darkn. ? 15. what concord /;. Christ? || l6.7i. temple of G. 8. 12. it is accepted according to that a man h. Gal. 4. 27. for the desolate h. more children than she Ej)h. 5. 5. nor idolater h. any inheritance in kingdom Phil. 3. 4. if any thinketh he //. whereof may trust lieb. 3. 3. the builder/;, more honour than the house 7. 24. this man h. an unchani;eable priesthood 10. 35. confidence, which h. recompense of reward Jam. 2. 14. though a man say he h. faith, not works 1 John 2. 23. who denieth Son, same h. not Father 3. 3. every man that/(. this hope in him purilieth 15. ye know that no murderer h. eternal life 17. whoso h. this world's good, and seeth brother 216 HAV 1 John 4. 16. we have bel. the love that God /;. to us 18. there is no fear in love, because fear h. torm. 5. 10. he that believeth on Sou of G . /(. the witness 12. he that h. the Son /;. life, /(. not Son //. not life 2 John 9. whoso abideth not in doctrine of Christ /i. not God, that abideth h. both the lather and Son liev. 3. 7. that A. key of David opens, no man shuts 12.6. wildern. whereshe A.a place prepared of G. 12. because he knowetii that he //. but a short time 17. 7. beast which /(.the seven heads and ten horns 9. and here is the mind which h. wisdom 20. 6. on such the second death /;. no power HA IKED. Gen. 26. t21. they digged another well, called it A. Sum. .35. 20. if he thrust him of //. or hurl at him 2 6arn. 13. 15. h. wherewitli he hated her greater Psal. 25. 19. and they hate me with cruel h. 109. 3. they compassed me about with /;. 5. they have rewarded me h. for my love 139. 22. 1 hate them with perfect li. I count them Prov. 10. 12. /'. stirs up s-trifcs, love covers all sins 18. he that hideth h. with lying lips, is a fool 15. 17. better than a stalled ox, and /(. therewith 26. 26. whose h. is covered by deceit, his wickedn. 9. 1. no man knoweth either love or h. 6. their love, their h. and envy is now perished Ezek. 25. 15. vengeance to destroy it for the old /;. 35. 5. because thou hast had a perpetual h. 11.1 will do according to envy hast used out of h. Plos. 9. 7. for multitudeof iniquity, and for great A. 8. but the prophet is/i. intlie house of his God Gal. 5. 20. w itchcraft, h. the works of the llesh HATS. Da7i. 3. 21. men were bound in their hosen and h. HAUGHTY- . 2 Sam. 22. 28. thine eyes are upon h. to bring down Psal. 131. 1. Lord, my heart is not A. nor eyes lofty Prov. 6.1 17. the Lord hateth h. eyes, a lying tongue 16. 18. and a h. spirit goeth before a fall 18. 12. before destruction the heart of man is h. 21. 24. proud and //. scorner is his name ha. 3. 16. because the daughters of /ion are /;. 10. 33. high hewn down, and h. shall be humbled 24. 4. the h. people of the earth do languish hzek. 16. 50. were h. before nie, 1 took them away Zejih. 3. 11. nomore be //. because of holy mountain HAUGHllLY. Mic. 2. 3. neither shall ye go /;. this time, is evil HAUGlllliNESS. Prov. 21. + 4. the /;. of eyes and a proud heart is sin Zia.2.11. h. of men shall be bowed down, L. exalted 17. and the h. of men shall be made low 13. 11. and I will lay low the h. of the terrible 16. 6. we heard of the //. of Moab, Jer. 48. 29. HAUNT. 1 Sam. 23. 22. go and see his place where his h. is HAUNT. 1 Sam. .30. 31. where David and men were wont to h. Ezek. 26. I7. cause their terror to be on all that h. it HAVE. Gen. 11. 6. the Lord said, they h. all one language 43. 7. /j. ye another brother ? ||44. \9.h. ye a father? 46. .32. and they have brought all that they h. Exod. 20. 3. thou slialtA. no other gods, Deut. 5. J. Lev. 7. 7. priest that maketh at oneiinent shall h. it,8. 10. every meat-ofl'ering the sons of Aaron sliall h. 19. .36. a just epiiali and a just hin shall ye h. 22. 13. priest's daughter /i. no child, Aum. 27. 8, 9. N7cm. 11.13. whence should I/;, flesh to give unto all 22. .38. /(. I now any power at all to say anything' 25.13. covenant of peace he and 35. 8. from them that h. many, them that h. few Dent. 5. 26. who hath heard voice of God, as we h.? Josh. 2. 13. ye will save alive father and all they h. 17. 18. though they It. iron chariots and be strong 22. 24. what h. yoii to do \\ ith Lord God of Israel? Judg. 14. 15. h. ye called us to take that we h. ? 18. 24. ye h. taken my gods, and what h. I more ? Ruth 1. 12. turn again, for 1 am too old to h. an hus- band, if i should h. an husband also tonight 1 Sam. B. 19. but we will h. a king over us 9. 7- there is not a present to bring ; what //. we? 15. 3. go and utterly destroy all that they h. IB. 8. what can he h. more but the kingdom ? 21. 15. h. I need of madmen, that ye h. brought? 2 'bam. 13. 9. Amnon said, h. out all men Irom me 15. 36. they h. there with them their two sons 16. 10. what A. I todo withyou,yesonsofZeruiah? 18.18. 1 A. no son to keep my name in remembrance 19. 28. what right A. I yet to cry any more to king ? 34. Barzillai said unto king, how long A. 1 to live? 43. Israel said, we A. ten parts in the king \KingsQ.1\i. A. thou respect unto prayer of thy serv. 12. 16. saying, what portion A. we in David 17. 12. I A. not a cake, but an handful of meal 20. 4. my lord, O kinu', 1 am thine, and all 1 A. 21. 2. that 1 may A. if for a garden of herbs 22. 17. Israel scattered as sheep that A. no shepherd 2 Kings 11. 15. A. her forth without, 2 Chr. 23. 14. 20.9. Isaiah said,tliis sign shalt thou A. of the L. 2 Chron. 1. 12. nor shall any after thee A. the like 16. 9. from henceforth thou shalt A. wars .35. 21. what A. I to do with thee, king of Judah? 23. he said, h. me away, for I am sore wounded ISieh. 5. 5. other men A. our lands and vineyards Job 3. 9. let it look for liaht but A. none 6. 8. O that I might A. my request, that God would 10. then shouhfl yet A. comfort, yea, I would 21. 15. what profit should we A. if pray unto him? .30. 13. they mar my path, they A. no helper 35. 3. what profit shall I A. if be cleansed trom sin ? Psal. 2.4. the Lord shall A. them in derision 14. 4. h. workers of iniquity no knowledge/ 53. 4. 16. 6. in pleasant places, 1 A. a goodly heritage 35. 25. let them not say, ah, so would we A. it 73. 25. whom h. lin heaven but thee ' none upon 104. .33. 1 will sing to my God while I A. my being 111. 10. a good understanding A all they that do 115. 5. they A. mouths ; eyes A. they, but see not 6. they A. ears ; noses A. they, 7- 1 135. 16, 17. 119. 42. so shall I A. wherewith to answer him 165. great peace A. they which love thy law HAV Ps. \ 46. 2. sinGf pr. unto my G. while I h. any being 149. ■^. this honour A. ail his saints, i)raise Lorrl Prov. 1. 14. cast in thy lot, let us all A. one purse 20. 4. tile slug, shall Ijeg in harvest, and /*. notiiing 29. 21. shall A. him become his son at the length 30. 2. and i A. not the understanding of a man 3. nor A. I tiie knowledge of the lloiy Keel. 3. 19. yea, they A. ail one breath, sothat a man 7. 12. that wisdom giveth life to them that A. it 9. 5. neither A. they any more a reward 6. neither A. they any more j)ortion for ever Cant. 8. 8. we h. a little sister and she hath no breasts 12. thou, O Solomon, must A. a thousand lia. 5. 13. are gone, because they A. no knowledge 23. 12. pass over, there also shalt thou A. no rest 16. 1. we A. a strong city, salvation \\ ill G. appoint 30. 29. ye shall A. a song as in the night when a holy 43. 8. bring the blind that A. eyes, dtath that A. ears 45. 21. A. not I the Lord ? there is no G . beside nie 24. say, in the L. A. I righteousi>e,-s and strength ' 49.20. the children which thou s.;alt A. shall say 5o. 2. is my hand shortened r A. 1 no power todeliv.? 11. this A. of my hand, ye shall lie down in sorrow 52. 5. therefore what A. 1 here, saith the Lord 56. 11. are greedy dogs, wiiich can never A. enough 61. 7. for your shame you shall A. double Jer. 5. 21. which A. eyes and see not, which h. ears 31. my people love to A. it so, what will ye do in 12. 12. sword of L. devour, no flesh shall A. peace 16. 2. neither shalt A. sons nordaugh. in this place 23. 17. the Lord hath said,^e shall A. peace, 29.7. 35. 7- ye shall not plant vmeyard. nor A. any 36. 30. he shall A. none to sit upon throne of David .38. 2. he shall h. his life for a prey , and shall live 44. 14. to the which they A. a desire to return 49. 9. they will destroy till they A. enough 31. the nation which /;. neither gates nor bars Lam. 3. 21. this I recall to my mind,theref. A. I hope Ezek. 5. 11. neither will i A. pity, 7. 4. 18.18. 1 9.10. 9. 5. let not your eye spare, neither A. ye pity 18. 23. A. I any pleasure that the wicked die r .32. 1 A. no pleasure in the death of him, 33. 11. 21. 25. when iniquity shall A. an end, 29. E)a7i. 2. 30. for any wisdom that I A. more than any 3. 25. I see four men loose, and they A. no hurt 5. 7. shall A. a chain of gold about his neck, 16. 6. 2. and the king should A. no dania"e ilos. 10. 3. for now they shall say we A. no king Aiic. 3. 6. night shall be unto you, ye siiall not A. vis, Zeph. 2. 10. this shall they A. for their pride llag. 1. 6. ye eat, but ye A. not enough ; ye drink Mai. 2. 10. A. we not all one father ? hath not God Mat. 3. 9. we A. Abraham to our father, LukeZ.Q. 5. 40. take thy coat, let him A. tliy cloak also 46. if love them who love j'ou w hat reward A. ye ? 6. 2. verily 1 say, they A. their reward, 5, 16. 8. 20. the foxes A. ho-les, birds A. nests, Luke9.5Q. 29. what A. we do with thee, .Jesus, thou Son of God ? iharkl.U. Luke 4. 34. 13. 12. and he shall A. more abundance, 25. 29. 14. 4. it is not lawful for thee to A. her, Mark 6. 18. 15. 33. whence should we h. so much bi'ead in wild, 34. how many loaves A. ye ? Mark 6. .38. 1 8. 5. 17. 20. if A. faith as a gram of mustard, 21. 21. 19. 16. what shall I do, that I may h. eternal life ? 27. followed thee, what shall we A. therefore ? 26. 11. ye A. the poor always with you, but me ye A. not always, Mark 14. 7. John 12. 8. 65. what further need A. we of witnesses ? 27. 19. A. nothing to do with that just man 43. let him deliver him now, if he will A. him Mark 2. I7. the whole A. no need of the physician 19. as long as they h. the bridegroom with them/ 4. 23. if any man A. ears to hear, 7. 16. liev.'ili. 9. 40. why are ye so fearful, how is it ye A. no faith? 8 .16. saying, it is because we A. no bread 9. 50. A. salt in yourselves, A. peace one with anoth, 10. 21 . thou shalt /<. treasure in heaven, Luke 18. 22. 11. 23. but shall believe, shall A. whatsoev. he saith 24. believe ye receive them, and ye shall A. them Luke 6. 32. who love you, what thank A. ye ? .33, .34. 8. 18. from him be taken what he seemeth to A. 11. 5. which of you shall A. a friend, and shall go 41. but rather give alms of such things as ye A. 12. 4. and after that A. no more that they can do 24. which neither A. store-house nor barn 33. sell that ye A. and give alms, provide bags 14. 18. must go and see it, I pray A. me excused, 19, 15. 31. thou art ever with me, all that I A. is thine 19. 14. we will not A. this man to reign over us 22. 31. Satan hath desired to A. j'ou, that he may 24. 17. what communications ye A. one to another ? 39. spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me A. 41. he said, A. ye here any meat .'' Jnhn 21. 5. John 2. 3. the mother of .lesus said, they A. no wine 4. woman, w hat A. 1 to do with thee ? 3. 15. should not perish, but A. everlast. life, 16. 4. 17. the woman answered and said, I A. nohusb. 5. 26. he hath given the Son to A. life in himselt .38. and ye A. not his word abiding in you 42. 1 know that ye A. not the love of God in you 6. 40. believeth on him may A. everlasting life 53. except ye eat his flesh, ye A. no life in you 8. 6. temptinsr, that they might A. to accuse" him 12. he that followeth me, shall A. the light of life 41. A. one fatlier, even God |1 49. 1 A. not a devil 9. 41. if ye were blind, ye should A. no sin 10. 10. I am come that they might A. life and more 16. other sheep I A. w hich are not of this fold 12. 35. walk while ye A. light, lest darkness, 36. 16. 33. that in me ye might A. peace, in the world ye shall A. tribulation, 1 A. overcome the wcild 18. 39. but ye A. a custom that 1 should release one 19. 7. w'e A. a law || 15. we A. no king but Cesar 20.31. that believing ye might A. life thro' Jesus jJctso. 6. silver and gold A. I none, but such as 1 A. 9. 6. he said, Lord, what wilt thou A. me to do ? 17. 28. in him we live, move, and A. our being 19. 25. know that by this craft we A. our wealth 21. 23. we A. four men which A. a vow Pom. 2. 14. when the Gentiles, which A. not the law 6. 22. ye A. your fruit unto holiness, the end life HAV HE HEA Mom. 8. 9. now if any man It. not Spirit of Christ 9. 9. this time 1 ^\ ill come, and Sara shall /i. ason 12. 4. and all members /i. not the same otiice 14. £C. hast thou faith .' //. to thyself before God 15. 1". 1 /i. whereof I may slory through Christ 1 Cor. Q. 16. but we h. tlie mind of Christ 4. 11. are naked, and /(. no certain dwellinsr-place 15. though instructors, yet A. ye not many fathers 5. 1. that one sliould h. his father's wife 6. 19. HolyGh. which is in you, whicliye /;.of G. 7.2. to avoid fornication, leteverj^man/i. his own wife, let every woman A. her own h.:5band 28. yet such shall /i. trouble in the flesh 29. tliey that/i. wives be as tho' they had none 32. I would /i. you without carefulness 40. I think also that I /;. the Spirit of God 8. 1. we know, that we all h'. knov^letige 9. 4. /i. we not power to eat and drinker 5, 6. 11. 14. if a man /;. long hair, it is a shame to him 15. if a woman//, long hair, it is a glory to her 16. we /;. no such custom, nor the churches of G. 22. what, h. ye not houses to eat and drink in ? 12. 21. eye not say to hand, I /;. no need of thee 30. h. all the gifts of healing r do all interpret ? 13. 1. //. not charity, 1 am become soundinsj brass 2. thoudi I h. all faith and /(. net charity ,^"3. 15. 31. by your rejoicinar which I /(.Christ Jesus 34. for some /;. not the knowledse of God 2 Cor. 3. 4. such trust h. we thro" Christ to God-ward 4. 1. seeing we h. this ministry, we faint not 8. 11. a performance out of that which ye //. £ph. 4. 28. he may /i. to give to him that needeth 5. 11. A. no fellowship with the unfruitful works Phil. 1. 7. I /i. you in my heart ii 4. 18. but I //. all CoL 1. 4. and love which ye /;. to all tlie saints 2. 1. ye knew what great conflict. 1 /i. for you 3. 13. if any man /;. a quarrel against any 4. 1. knowing that ye also /;. a ZVlaster in heaven 1 Thess. 2. 14. ye suff'ered, as they h. of the Jews 2 Thess. 3. 2. pray for us, for all men h. not faith 9. not because we h. not power, but to make 1 Tim. C. 4. who will/;, all men to be saved Heb. 4. 13. the eyes of him with whom we h. to do 14. seeing then that we /;. a great high-priest 5. 14. by reason of use h. their senses exercised 6. 19. which hope we h. as an anchor of the soul 8. 1. we h. such an High-Priest, set on right-hand 3. that this man //. sornewhat also to offer 10. 34. that ye. h. in heaven a better substance 13. 5. be content with such things as ye h. 10. we /;. an altar whereof they^/i. no right to eat 14. here /;. we no continuing city, we seek one Jam. 1. 4. but let patience h. her" perfect work 2. 1. h. not faith of Christ with respect of persons 14. and h. not works, can faith save him .■' 1". even so faith, if it h. not works, is dead 18. a man may say, thou hast faith, and I k. works 3. 14.ifye /(. bitter envy, and strife in j'our hearts 4. 2. ye lust and /;. not, ye desire to //. ye fight and wai-, yet ye /;. not, because velisk not 1 Tet. 4. 8. above all things h. fenent charity 2 Pet. 1. 19- we h. a more sure word of prophecy 2. 14. an heart they /;. exercised with covetousiiess 1 John \. 8. if we say , we /;. no sin, deceive ourselv. 2. 1. we h. an Advocate with the Father, Jesus 20. but ye h. an unction from the Holy One 4. 21. and this commandment/;, we from him 5. 13. that ye may know that ye h. eternal life 14. this is the confidence that we h. in him 15. know we /;. the petitions we desired of him 3 John\. I h. no greater joy than to hear that my 9. Diotrephes, who loveth to h. the pre-eminence Rev. 1. 18. 1 h. the keys of hell and of death 2. 4. yet 1 /;. somewhat against thee, 14, 20. 10. and ye shall h. tribulation ten davs 24. to you, and to as many as h. not this doctrine 25. but what ye h. already, hold fast till I come 9. 4. which h. not the seal of God in their foreh. 12.17- and h. the testimony of Jesus Christ 14. 11. they h. no rest da j' "nor night who worship 17. 13. these /(. one mind, and give their power 19. 10. of brethren that /;. the testimony of Jesus 21. 8. liars shall h. their part in the lake that burns 22. 14. that they may h. right to the tree of life ^ee CoMFAssio.v, Dominion. H.AVIjSG. Lev. 7. 20. h. hisuncleanness upon him, 22. 3. 20. 18. /;. her sickness \\ 22. 22. h. a wen or s.arvv Isum. 24. 4. into a trance, but h. his eves open, io. Ruth 1. 13. would ye stay for them from /;. husbands 1 Chron. 21. 16. /;. a drawn sword in his hand -Chron. 11. 12. /;. Judah and Benjamin on his side Esth. 6. 12. mpurning, and /;. his head covered Pror. 6. 7- which h. no suide, overseer, or ruler E'-ek. 38. 11. and /(. neither bars nor gates Jlic. 1. 11. pass ye away, h. thy shame-naked Zech. 9. 9. thy km5-f 7. 8. 9. 36. were as sheep h. no shepherd, Mark 6. 34. 18. 8. rather than /;. two hands or two feet 9. rather than /;. two eyes to be cast, Mark 9. 43. 22. 12. how camest, not h. a wedding-irarment ' 24. if a mau die, h. no children, Lid'e 20. 28. 25. and /,. no issue, left his wife to his bi'other 26. 7. woman /;. an alabaster box, Mark 14. 3. Mark 8. 1. and h. nothins to eat, Jesus called 18. h. eyes, see ye not ? h. ears, hear ve not ' 11. 13. a fig-tree h. leaves || 12. 6. /;. one son Lrike 8. 43. woman h. an issue of blood twelve years 15. 4. what man of you /;. an hundred sheep .' 8. either what woman /;. ten pieces of silver ? 17. 7- but which of you //. a servant ploushine John 7. 15. how knows he letters, /;. never learned.' 18. 10. then Simeon Peter h. a sword drew it Act.i 4. 37. //. land, sold it, and brought the money 22. 12. h. a good report of the Jews who dwelt 24. 22. h. more perfect knowledge of that way Rom. 2. 1!. /(. not the law.aie a law to thems'elves 12. 6. h. then gifts difte ring accord, to grace given 1 Cor. 6. 1 . /i. a matter airainst another, so to law 7. 37- he that standeth stedfast h. no necessity 2 Cor. 4. 13. we h. the same spirit of faith, as written 6. 10. as h. nothing, and yet possessing all thinsrs 7. 1. h. therefore these promises, beloved, cleanse 9.8. ye always /i. all sutflciency in all thinas 10. 6. h. in a readiness to revenue all disobedience 15. but /i. hope, when your faith is increased Eph.2. 12. /i. no hope |i 5. 27. not /;. spotor %vrinkle 6. 14. h. your loins girt about with truth P/ul. 1. 23. h. a desire to depart, and be with Christ 25. h. this confidence H .30. h. the same conflict 2. 2. h. same love !i 3. 9. not h. my own righteousn. Co/. 1.20. /;. made peace' the blood of his cross 2. 19. h. nourishment ministered, and knit together 1 Tim. 3. 4. h. his chil. in subjection with all aravity 4. 8. /i. the promise of the life that now is"" 5. 12. h. damnation, because they have cast ofi^ 6. 8. and h. food and raiment, let us be content 2 Tim. 2. 19./'. this seal, the Lord knoweth his 3. 5. k. a form of godliness, but denying the power 4. 3. they shall heap teachers, /(. itching ears Tit. 1. 6.'h. faithful children, not accused of riot 1 Pet. 2. 12. //. conversation honest amony Gentiles 3. 16. h. a good conscience, they may be ashamed 2 Pet. 2. l-L/i. eyes full of adult, that cannot cea^e Jude 19. these be sensual, h. not the Spirit Rev. 5. 6. k. seven horns |l 8. k. every one harps 7. 2. I saw an angel, h. the seal of the living God 8. 3. h. a golden censer || 9. 17. h. breast-plates 12. 3. h. seven heads || 12. /;. great wrath 14. 0. h. the everlasting gospel to preach to them 15. 2. h. the harps of God || 17. 4. h. a golden cup 18. 1. h. great power 1| 20. 1. h. the key of the pit 21. 11. the holy Jerusalem, k. the glory of God HAVEN. Gen. 49. 13. Zebul. shall dwell at the A. an /i. of ships Psal.WJ. 30. he bringetli them to their desired h. Acts 27. 12. k. not commodious, an /i. of Crete Fair HAVENS. Acts 27. 8. came to a place which is called the /. h. HAVOCK. Acts 8. 3. as for Saul, he made k. of the church HAVvK. Lev. 11. 16. h. had in abomination, Devt. 14. 15. Jo& 39. 26. dotli the /;. fly by thy wisdom ? HAY. Prov. 27. 25. the k. appeareth and tender glass Lsa. 15. 6. the h. is v.-ithered away , the grass faileth 1 Cor. 3. 12. w^ho buildeth on this foundation, A. HAZEL. Gen. 30. 37- Jacob took him rods of k. and chesnut HE. Gen. 3. 16. and he shall rule over thee 6. 3. not always strive with man, for ke is flesh 44. 10. ke with whom it is found shall be my serv^ant 48. 19. younger brother shall be greater than ke 49. 8. art he whom thy brethren shall praise Exod. 4. 16. ke shall be "thy spokesman to the people, and ke shall be to thee instead of a mouth 9- 34. and hardened his heart, ho and his servants 35. 34. ke hath put in his heart that he may teach both he and Aholiab of the tribe of Dan Lev. 7. 33. ke among the sons of Aaron that offereth 25. 54. shall go out in jubilee, he and his children Xiim. 24. 9. and cursed is he that curseth thee Deut. 3. 1. came, he and all his people to battle 8. 18. it is he that giveth power to get wealth 27. 16. cursed be he. 60 to ike end^of tke ckapter 31. 6. ke that doth go with thee, ke will not fail, 8. 32. 6. isnotAe thy Father that hath bought thee ? 39. 1, even T am he, and there is no God witli me, lsa. 41. 4. I 43. 10, 13. | 46. 4. I 48. 12. Josh. 23. 3. L. your G. is he that fought for you, 10. Jiidg. 10. 18. what man is ke will begin to fight.' 1 >>am. 4. 16. I am he that came out of the army 9. 2. there was not a goodlier person than ke 16. 12. this is he \\ 25. 25. as his name is so is he 1 Kings 1. 32. who fell on two men better than ke 17- 15. she and he and her house did eat many days 18. 17. art thou he that troubleth Israel .' 2 A'/?/(7i-18. 22. is not that /le whose places, Isa.o&.l. 2 Chron. 29. 3. he in first year of reign opened doors Job 9. 24. if not, where, and who is he? 13. 19. who is he that will plead with me ? 14. 10. man dieth, and where is he ? 20. 7. lsa. 63. 11. Psal. 22. 9. thou art he that took me out of the womb 60. 12. he it is shall ti-ead down enemies, 108. 13. 68. 20. ke that is our God is the God of salvation 100. 3. he is God, it is he that hath made us 144. 10. it is Jie that giveth salvation to kinsrs Prov. 16. 20. that ti-usteth in L. happy is he, 29. 18. Eccl. 5. 8. he that is higher than the highest regard. 6. 3. l say that an untimely birth is better than he lsa. 40. 22. it is he sitteth on the circle of the earth 51. 12. 1, even I, am he that comforteth vou, 52. 6. John 18. 5, 6, 8. Rev. 1. 18. 1 2. 23. Jer. 5. 12. have belied the Lord, and said, it is not Ae 14. 22. art not thou he, O Lord our God 38. 5. the king is not he that can do any thing 48. 26. and he also shall be in derision Esek. 38. 17. art thou he of whom I have spoken ? Hab. 1. 13. the man that is more righteous than he Mat. 2. 2. where is he that is born king of the Jews ? 3.-3. this is he that was spoken of by the prophet 11. 3. art thou he that should come ''.Luke'(. 19, 20. 12. 30. ke that is not with me is asrainst me, and he that gathereth not with me, Luke 11. 23. 22. 42. what think ve of Christ .' whose son is he ? 24. 26. he is in the desert, he is in the secret chamb. 26. 48. the same is he, hold him fast, Mark 14. 44. Mark 12. .32. and there is none other but he Luke 10. 22. ke to whom the Son will reveal him 11. 7. and he from within shall answer and say 20. 2. who is he that gave thee this authority .' 22. 27. he that sitteth at meat, or he that serveth 24. 6. they said, he is not here, but is risen 21. we trusted he siiould have redeemed Israel Johyi 1. 15. tliis was he of whom I spake, 30. 4. 26. Jesus saith. I that speak to tliee, am he 7. 11. where is /;g .i" II 25. is not this Ae they seek to k.? 8.24. if v-e believe not that I am he, ye shall die 28. then shall ye know tiiat I am he 9. 8. they said, is not tliis he that sat and begged ? John 9. 9. some said, this is he, but he said, T am hi 36. who is ke, Ld. || 37. Ag that talketh with thee 13. 19. 1 tell you that ye may believe that 1 am he Acts 3. 10. they knew it was he \\ ho sat for alms 7. 38. this is he that was in the church in wildern. 9. 21. is not this he that destroyed them who called 10. 21. Peter said, 1 am he whom ye seek 42. he that was ordained of God to be the judge 13. 25. whom think ye that I am ? I am not he Ro7n. 2. 28. /;eis not a Jew that is one outwardly 29. but he is a Jew that is one inwardly 14. 18. ke that in these things serveth Christ 1 Cor. 10. 22. are we stronger than ke 7 2 Cor. 10. 7. of himself think tliis again, that as he is Christ's, even so are we Christ's 1 Thess. 5.1\. faithful is/;e thatcallethyou,willdoit 2 Thess. 2. 7- he who letteth, will let till he be taken Heb. 12.7. what son is he the father chasteneth not .' 10. but/;«for our profit, that we might be partak. 1 Vet. 1. 15. as he which hath called you is holy 1 John 1. 7. if we walk in light, as he is in the light 2.28. when he shall appear, we may liave confidence 3. 7. is righteous, even as he is righteous 24. dwelleth in him, and he in him, 4. 15. 4. 4. greater is he that is in you, than he in world 17. because as he is so are we in this world 5. 12. he that hath the Son, hath life; and he that hath not the Sen of God, hath not life 3 John 11. follow not evil, he that doeth good is of God ; /(fi that doeth evil hath not seen God Rev. 20. 6. holy is A« that hath part in first resurrec. 22. 11. he that is unjust, he that is filthy See Blessed, Did, Saith. HEAD. The head is the uppermost and chief part of thehody. Lt is sometimes taken for the whole waii. Prov. 10. 6. Blessings are upon the head of the just, that is, upon their persons. And God says of the wicked, 1 will recompense their way upon their head, Ezek. 9. 10. It is taken also for tke life. Dan. 1. 10. Ye shall make me endanger mj' head to the king. It also sigyiifies a ckief or capital city. lsa. 7. 8. The head of Syria is Damascus. Lt denotes a chief or principal member in any so- ciety, lsa. 9. 14, 15. The Lord will cut otf from Lsrael head and tail. The ancient and honour- able, he is the head. It is said. Gen. 3. 15. The seed of the shall bruise the serpent's head ; that is, Christ Jesus, the blessed seed of tke woman, shall overthrow the power, policy, and works of the devil. Head is taken for one that hath ride aiid pre-eminence over others. Thus God is the head of Christ, as Mediator ; froyn him he derives all his dignity and autkority : Christ is the only spiritual head of Ms church, both in respect of eminence and iyijluance ; he communicates life , motioyi,ayid streyigth to every- believer: also the husband is the head of his wife, because by God's ordinance he is to rule over her. Gen. 3. 16. Also in regard of pre-eyninence of sex, 1 Pet. 3. 7. and excelleyicy of kyivwledge, 1 Cor. 14. 35. The apostle mentions this subordination of perso?is in 1 Cor. 11. 3. But I would have 3"0u know, that the head of every man is Christ: and the head of the woman is the man ; and the head of Christ is God. The river in Paradise was divided into four heads, ifito four springs, four branches. Gen. 2. 10. The stone which the builders rejected, was made the head of the corner, Psal. 118. 22. it mas the first iyi the angle, whether it were disposed at the top of that angle to adorn and cro-vn it, or at tke bottom to support it. Tkis iyi the New Testament is applied to Christ, who is the streyigth and beauty of the church, to unite the several parts thereof, namely, both Jews arid Gentiles, together. Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads, Psal. 66. 12. Thou hast given us masters who use us like slaves, yea, like beasts to carry their burdens. The Lord shall make thee the head, and not the tail, Deut. 28. 13. Thou shall be always ynaster, ayid never iyi subjection. Head is taken sometimes for poison, because the He- brew word Kosch, z::hich signifies head, sigyiifies likewise poison. Job 20. 16. He shall suck the poi- son, or head of asps. In times of mourning, they covered their heads, they cut and plucked off their hair ; I will bring baldness upon every head, .ffli/.? the prophet, speakiyig of calamitous times, Amos 8. 10. On the contraiy, iyi prosperity they ayioiyited their heads xvith sweet oils. Eccl. 9. 8. Let thy head lack no ointment. To shake the head atone, is a gesture of contempt and iyisvlt. Psal. 22. 7- They shoot out the lip, they shake the head. Gen. 3. 15. it shall bruise thv h. thou bruise his heel 40. 13. yet Pharaoh shall lift up thy /(. 19. 49. 26. blessings shall be on tlie h. of Joseph, and on the top of the h. of him, Deut. 33. 16. Erod. 29. 10. Aaron and his sons shall put their hands upon h. of the bullock. Lev. 4. 4. 1 8. 14. 15. put hands on/;, of the ram, 19. Lev. 8. 18, 22. Lev. 1. 4. shall put hand on the /;. of burnt-oflering 3. 2. shall lay his hand on the /;. of hisoftering 4. 29. lay his hand on the /;. of sin-off"ering, 33. 13. 44. he is leprous, his plague is in his h. 45. his clothes shall be rent, and his /;. bare 21. 5. they shall not make baldness on their /;. 10. shall not uncover his h. nor rend his clothes Nuyyi. 5. 18. the priest shall uncover the woman's /;. 6. 5. there shall no razor come on the Nazarite's A. 7. the consecration of his God is on his /;. 9. then he shall shave his h. 18. Deut. 21. 12. 11. and he shall hallow his A. that same day Josh. 2. 19. his blood be on his /;. blood on our /;. Judg. 5. 20. she smote ofl^'Sisera's/;. when she had 13. 5. Shalt bear a son, no razorshall come on his A. 1 Sa/n. 17. 57. Goliath's /;. II 31. 9. cut olf Saul's A. 25. .39. the wickedness of ^'abal'on his own/;. 28. 2. 1 will make thee keeper of my /;. forever 2 Sayn. 1. 2. a man came, and earth upon his A. 15. 32. 16. thy blood be upon thy /;. 1 Kings ^. .'17. 3. 8. A'bnerwas wroth, and said, am I a dog's h * 217 HEA ■2 Sam, 3.29. let it rest on /;. of Joab, on his house 16. y. let me go over, and take off his h. 2 Kings 2.3. take thy master from thy A. today, 5. 4. 19. and he said unto his father, my h. my h. 6. 31. if the h. of Elisha shaii stand on him 32. son of a murderer sent to take away my /;. 19. 21. the virgin despised thee, thedaughterof Je- rusalem hath shaken lier h. at thee, Lsa. 37- 22. 25. 27. did lift up the h.of Jehoiachin, Jer. 52. 31. ■2 Chron. 6. 23- by recompensing his way on his h. Ezra 9. 6. our iniquities are increased over our h. Nell. 4. 4. and turn their reproach on their own h. Esth. 9. 25. his device should return on his own /;. Job 1. 20. ,!ob arose, shaved his h. and fell down 10. 15. if righteous, yet will I not lift up my h. 16. 4. and 1 coidd shake my A. at you Psal. 3. 3. my glory and the litter up of mine h. 7. 16. his mischief shall return on his own h. ' 22. 7. they shoot out the lip, they shake the h. ' 23. 5. thou anointest my h. with oil, cup runneth 27. 6. now shall my /(. be lifted up above enemies .38. 4. mine iniquities are gone over mine h. 44. 14. a shaking of the li. among the people 60. 7. Ephraim is the strength of my /;. 108. 8. ■68. 21. God shall wound the h. of his enemies S3. 2. they tliat hate thee have lift up the h. 110. 7. therefore shall he lift up the h. 140. y. as for the /;. of those that compass me 141. 5. be an oil, which shall not break my h. Prov. 10. 6. blessings are on the h. of the just 11. 26. blessing on the h. of him which selleth corn 25. 22. Shalt heap coals of hre on his /i. Rom. 12. 20. Eccl. 2. 14. the wise man's eyes are in his h. ■Cant. 2. 6. his left hand is under my h. 8. 3. 5. 2. my h. is filled with dew, my locks with drops 11. his h. as most fine gold 1| 7. 5. thy /;. as Carmel Ixa. 1. 5. the whole h. is sick and the heart faint 51. 11. everlasting ioy shall be on their h. 58. 5. is it to bow down his/;, as a bulrush? 59. 17. he put on an helmet of salvation on his A. Jer. 2. .37. go forth, and thine hands on thy h. 9. 1. O that my h. were waters, mine eyes tears 23. 19. fall grievously on the h. of wicked, 30. 23. Ezek. y. 10. recompense their way on their h. 29. 18. every h. was made bald, shoulder peeled Dan. 2. 38. O king, thou art this h. of gold Joel 3. 4. return your recompense on your h. 7. Amos 2. 7. that pant after dust on the h. of the poor 8. 10. and 1 will bring baldness on every h. 9. 1. he said, cut them in the /;. all of them 2,ech. 1. 21. so that no man did lift up his h. 6. 11. then set the crowns on the h. of Joshua Mat. 5. .36. neither shaltthou swear by thy h. ; 27. 30. and they smote him on the /;. Mark 15. 19. Mark 6. 24. she said, the /(. of Joim the Baptist Luke 7. 46. my h. with oil thou didst not anoint John 13. 9. not feet only, but also my hands and h. 1 Cor. 11. 4. his h. covered, dishonoureth his h. 10. the woman ought to have power on her h. 12. 21. the h. to the feet, I have no need of you Eph. 1. 22. put all things under his feet, and gave him as h. to the church, 4. 15. Col. 1. 18. Col. 2. 19. not holding the h. from which the body i^ez;.19.12.eyes flame of fire, and his h. many crowns ^ee Beard, Bald, Bow, Bowed, Cover, Covered, Crown. ^:re-liEAD. Deut. 19. 5. and the axe-/t. slippeth from the helve '2 Kings 6. 5. axe-h. fell into the water, and he cried Bed's-HEAD. Gen. 47. 31. Israel bowed himself on the bed's-h. Spear" s-l\\LAV>. 1 Sam. 17. 7. s.-h. weighed 600 shekels, 2 Sam. 21.16. HEAD-i/o«e. Psal. 118. 22. is become the h.-stone of the corner ■Zech. 4. 7. bring forth the h.-stone with shoutings ilEAD of the corner. Mat. 21. 42. is become the h. of the corner, Mark 12. 10. Luke 20. 17. Acts 4. 11. 1 Pet. 2. 7- HEAD, for h-uler, Govertior. Num. 17. 3. one rod shall be for the h. of the house 25. 15. he was A. over a people of a chief house Deut. 28. 13. Lord will make thee the h. not the tail 44. he shall be the h. and thou shalt be the tail J'osh. 22. 14. each one an h. of house of their fathers Judff. 10. 18. he .shall be h. over all Gilead, 11. 8. 11.9. shall i be your k.? \\ 11. the people made him h. 1 Sam. 15. 17. wast thou not made the h. of Israel.-' 2 Sam. 22. 44. thou hast kept me to be h. Psal. 18. 43. 1 Chron. 11. + 6. who smiteth Jebusites, shall be A. 29. 11. and thou art exalted as h. above all Isa.l.Q. /(.of Damascus is Rezin, h. of Samaria, 9. 0. 14. Lord will cut off from Israel h. and tail 15. the ancient and Honourable, he is the h. 19. 15. nor work which h. or tail, or rush, may do Jer. 22. 6. thou art Gilead to me, h. of Lebanon JLos. 1. 11. they shall appoint themselves one h. Hab. 3. 13. woundestthe A. out of house of wicked 14. thou diilst strike through the A. of his villaaes 1 Cor. 11. 3. that the A. of every man is Christ, the"A. of the woman is the man, the A. of Christ is God Eph. 5. 23. the husband is the A. of the wife, even as Christ is A. of the church, and Saviour of body -Col. 2.10. wh.o is the A. of all principality and power HEAD, for Tov, Chief. Psal. 1.37. t 6. prefer Jerusalem before A. of my joy Jsa. 28. 1. which are on the A. of fat valleys, 4. 51. 20. they lie at the A. of all the streets Ezek. 16. 25. built high places at h. of the way 21. 19. choose it at the A. of the way to the city 21. king of Babylon stood at the A. of two ways HEAD, with hair or hairs. Lev. IS. 40. the man whose AazV is fallen off his A. 41. 14. y. the leper shall shave all his hair off his A. N?im. 6. 5. let the locks of the hair of his A. grow 18. and shalt take the hair of A. of his separation Judff. 16. 22. the hair of his A. be?an to grow again 1 Sam. 14.45.notan Aazrof his A shall fall to groimd 2 Sam. 14. 26. weighed hair of his A. at 200 shekels Ezra 9. 3. 1 plucked off the hair of rny A. and beard Psal. 40. 12. they are more than hairx of my A. 69. 4. ■Cant. 7. 5. and "the hair of thine A. like purple 218 HEA Dan. 3. 27. nor was an bairof their A. singed 7. 9. the hair of his A. like the pure wool Mat. 10.30. Afli^ofyour A. are numbered, LukelZ.1. Luke 7. 38. did wipe them with hairs of her A. 44. 21. 18. there shall not an hair of your A. perish Acts 27. 34. not an hair fall from the A. of any Rev. 1. 14. his A. and his hairs were white like wool Hoary HEAL). Lev. 19. 32. thou shalt rise before the hoary A. HEADHAND.S. lsa. 3. 20. Lord will take away the A. and tablets HEADY. 2 Tim. 3 4. for men shall be A. high-minded HEADLONG. . Job 5. 13. the counsel of the froward is carried h. Luke 4. 29. that they miiiht cast him down A. Acts 1. 18. and fallin2- A. he burst asunder in midst llEAUS, Gen. 43. 28. they bowed down their A. Exo 1. 4. 31. Lev. 10. 6. uncover not your A. lest ye die Josh, 7. 6. and put dust upon their A. Job 2. 12. Judg. 8. 28. so that they lifted up their A. no more 9. 57. all the evil did God render upon their A. 1 Sam. 29. 4. should it not be with the A. of these 1 Kings 20. 31. let us, 1 pray, put ropes on our A. 32. put ropes on their h. and came to the king 2 Kings 10. 6. take ye the A. of your master's sons 8. they have brought the A. of the king's sons 1 Chron. 12. t 19. he will fall to Saul on our h. Psal. 24. 7. lift up your A. O ye gates, and be lift, 9. 66. 12. thou hast caused men to ride over our A. 74. 13. thou brakest the A. of the dragons in waters 14. thou brakest the A. of leviathan in pieces 109. 25. they looked on me, they shaked their A. lsa. 15. 2. on all their A. shall be baldness 35. 10. to Zion songs, and everlasting joy on their A. Jer. 14. 3. they were ashamed and covered their A. 4. plowmen were ashamed, they covered their h. Ezek. 7. 18. and baldness shall be on all their A. 11.21. 1 will recompense their way on their A. 22.31. 32. 27. thev laid their swords under their A. 44. 18. shall have linen bonnets on their A. 20. nor shall they shave, they shall poll their A. Mat. 27. 39. reviled, wagging then- A. Mark 15. 29. Luke 21. 28. then look up, and lift up youi- A. Acts 18. 6. he said, your blood be upon your own A. Rev. 9. 7. and on their A. v/ere as it were crowns 19. their tails were like to serpents, and had A. 13. 1. I saw a beast having seven A and on his A. 3. I saw one of his A. as it were wounded to death 17. 9. the seven A. are seven mountains, on which 18. 19. they cast dust on their A. and cried, alas ! HEADS, for Governors. Exod. 18. 25. and made them A. over the people Ishcm. 1. 16. they were A. of thousands in Israel 25. 4. take all the A. of the people and bang them Josh. 22. 21. Reuben and Gad answered the A. 23. 2. Joshua called for their A. and for their judges 1 Chron. 12. .32. the A. of Israel were two hundred 2 Chron. 5. 2. Solomon assembled all the A. to bring 28. 12. certain cf the A. of Ephraim stood up Psal. 110. 6. shall wound the A. overmany countries lsa. 29. + 10. the prophets and A. hath he covered Mic. 3. 1. hear, O A. of Jacob, and princes of Isr. 9. 11. A. thereof judge for reward, and priests teach See Fathers. HEAL. Num. 12. 13. A. her now, O God, I beseech thee Deut. 32. 39. I kill and make alive, I wound, I A. 2 Kings 20. 5. I will A. thee, and add to thy days 8. what shall be the sign that the L. will A. me .' 2 Chr. 7. 14. I will forgive their sin, and will A. land Psal. 6. 2. O Lord, h. me, for my bones are vexed 41. 4. A. my soul, for I have sinned against thee 60. 2. A. the breaches thereof, for it shaketh Eccl. 3. 3. a time to kill, and a time to A. Jsa. 19. 22. shall smite and A. it, and he shall A. them 57. 18. 1 have seen his ways, and will A. him, J9. Jer. 3. 22. return, and I will A. your backslidings 17. 14. A. me, O Lord, and I shall be healed 30. 17. I will A. thee of thy wounds, saith the L. Lam. 2. 13. for thy breach is great, who can A. thee ? Hos. 5. 13. yet could he not A. you, nor cure you 6. 1. let us return, he hath torn, and will A. us 14. 4. I will A. their backslidings, I will love freely Zech. 11. 16. he shall not A. that that is broken Mat. 8. 7. Jesus saith, 1 will come and A. him 10. 1. to A. all manner of sickness, Mark 3. 15. 8. A. the sick, cleanse the lepers, Luke 9. 2. 1 10. 9. 12. 10. is it lawful to A. on sabbath-day ? Luke 14. 3. 13. 15. I should h. them, John 12. 40. ActsQs. 27. Mark 3. 2. whether he would A. on sabbath, Luke 6. 7. Luke 4. 18. he hath sent me to A. the broken-hearted 23. ye will surely say, physician, A. thyself 5. 17. the power of the Lord was present to A. them 7. 3. beseeching that he would come and A. hisserv. John 4. 47. that he would come down and A. his son Acts 4. 30. by stretchinir forth thine hand to A. HEALED. Gen. 20. 17. God A. Abimelech and his wife Exod. 21. 19. he shall cause him to be thoroughly A. Lev. 13. 18. the bile is A. || .37. the scall is A. 14. 3. and if the plague of leprosy be A. 48. Deut.i8. 27. with itch, whereof thou canst not be A. 1 Sam. 6. 3. return an offering, then he shall be A. 2 Kings 2. 21 . have A. the waters || 22. waters were A. 8. 29. king Joram went to be A. in Jezreel 9. 15. Jofam was returned to be A. 2 Chron. 22. 6. 2 Chron. .30. 20. the L. hearkened and A. the people Psal. 30. 2. I cried to thee, and thou hast A. me 107. 20. he sent his word, and A. them Ixa. 6. 10. lest they see, and convert, and be A. 53. 5. he was bruised, and with his stripes we are A. Jer. 6. 14. they have A. the hurt sliahtly, 8. IE 15. 18. my wound incurable, which refuseth to be A. 17. 14. heal me, O Lord, and 1 shall be A. 51.8. howl for her, take balm, if so be she may be A. 9. we would have A. Babylon, but she is not A. Ezek. 30. 21 . and lo, it shall not be bound up to be A. 34. 4. neither have ye A. that which was sick 47. 8. brouaht forth into sea, the waters shall be A. 9. 11. and the marishes thereof shall not be A. HEA Has. 7. 1. when 1 would have A. Tsr. then iniquity 11. 3. but they knew not that 1 A. them .Wat. 4. 24. those that had the palsy, and he A. them 8. 8. speak, and my servant shall be A. L^ike 7. 7. 12. 15. multitudes followed him, he A. them, 14.14, Mark 5. 23. that she may be A. and she shall live Luke 8. 43. had spent all, nor could be A. of any 13. 14. therefore conifc and be A. and not on sabbath 17. 15. when he saw that he was A. turned back 22. 51. and he foucheti his f,ar, and A. him John 5. 1 i. he that was A. wist not who it was Acts 4. 14. and beholding the man who was A, 5. 16. and they were A. every one 14. 9. and perceiving that he had faith to be A. 28. 8. Paul prayed, and A. the father of Publius Deb. 12. 13. beoutof the way,butletitrather be A. Jani. 5. 16. pray one for another, that ye may be A. 1 Pet. 2. 24. by whose stripes ye were A. Rev. 13. 3. and his deadly wound was A. 12. HEALER. lsa. 3. 7- shall swear, saying, I will not be an A. ilEALELH. Exod. 15. 26. for I am the Lord that A. thee Psal. 103. 3. bless the Lord who A. all thy diseases 147. 3. he A. the broken in heart, and bindeth up La. 30. 26. and he A. the stroke of their wound H LA LI IN G , Substantive. 2 Chron. 2i. + 13. and the A. went up upon the work .36. t 16, wrath of Lord arose, till there was no A. Prov. 15. t 4. the A. of a tongue is a tree of life Jer. 14. 19. there is no A. for us, the time of A. J)an. 4. t 27. ifit may be an A. of thy error iV"«A.3.19.there is no A. of thy bruise, wound grievous Mai. 4. 2. shall Sun of right. arise with A. in his wings Luke 9. 11. and he healed them that had need of A. yicts 4. 22. on whom this miracle of A. was shewed 1 Cor. 12. 9. is given to another the gift of A. 28. .30. have all the gifts of A. .'' do all interpret f Rev. 22. 2. leaves of the tree were for A. of nations HEALING. Jer. ,30. 13. none to plead, thou hast no A. medicines Mat. 4. 23. went about A. all manner of sickness Liike 9. 6. preachingthe gospel, and A. every where Acts 10. 38. A. all that were oppressed of the devil HEA LI 11. Gen. 45. 28. our father is in good A. he is yet alive 2 Sam. 20. 9. Joab said, art thou in A. my brother ? Psal. 38. + 3. neither is there any A. in my bones 42. 11. who is the A. of my countenance, 43. 5. 67. 2. thy saving A. may be known among all nations Prov. 3. i',. it shall be A. to thy navel and marrow 4. 22. for they are A. to all their flesh 12. 18. but the tonyiie of the wise is A. 13. 17. but a faithful ambassador is A. 16. 24. sweet to the soul, and A. to the bones I.^a. 58. 8. thy A. shall spring forth speedily Jer. 8. 15. looked for a time of A. behold trouble 22. why is not the A. of my people recovered ! .30. 17. for I will restore A. unto thee, and heal thee 33. 6. behold, 1 will bring it A. and cure Acts 27. 34. take some meat, for this is for your A. 3 Jo/m 2. mayest be in A. as thy soul prospereth Hl'^AP, Substantive. Gen. 31. 46. they made a A. and did eat on the A. 52. this A. be witness, and this pillar be witness Exod. 15. 8. waters gathered, the floods stood upright as an A. Josh. 3. 13, 16. Psal. 33. 7. I 78. 13. Dent. 13. 16. shall bean A. forever, nor built anain Josh. 7. 26. they raised overhim a§:reatA. of stones 8. 28. Joshua burnt Ai, and made it an A. for ever 29. raise on the king of Ai a great A. of stones 11. 1 13. the cities that stood still on their A. Judg. 15. + 16. with the jaw-bone of an ass, an k, Ruth 3. 7. to lie down at the end of the A. of corn 2 Sam. 18. 17. they laid \ ery great A. on Absalom Job 21. + 32. yet shall he watch in the A. .30. t 24. he will not stretch out his hand to the k. Prov. 26. + 8. that putteth a precious stone in an A. Cant. 7. 2. thy belly is like an A. of wheat set about lsa. 17. 1. Damascus shall bearuinous A. 11. harvest shall bean A. in the day of grief 25. 2. for thou hast made of a ci'y an A. Jer. 30. 18. the city shall be builded on herown A. 49. 2. and Rabbah shall be a desolate A. Mic. 1. 6. will make Samaria as an A. of the field H«i^. 3.15. didst walk through the A. of great waters Hag. 2. 16. when one came to an A. of 20measures HEAP. Deut. .32. 23. T will A. mischiefs upon them Job 16. 4. 1 could A. up words against you 27. 16. though he A. up silver as the dust 36. 13. but the hypocrites in heart A. up wrath Prov. 25. 22. thou shalt A. coals of fire, iT:o»?.12.20. Eccl. 2. 26. to sinner he giveth to gather and to A. up Ezek. 24. 10. A. on wood, kindle the fire, consume Hab. 1. 10. for they shall A. dust and take it 2 2 m. 4, 3. A. to themselves teachers, having itching HEAPED. Zech.9. 3. Tyrus A.up silver as the dust.and fine gold Jam. 5. 3. ye have A. treasure together for last days HEAPELH." Psal. 39. 6. he A. up riches, and knoweth not who Hab. 2. 5. and he A. unto him all people HEAPS. Exod. 8. 14. they gathered them together on A. Judg. 15. 16. with the jaw-bone of an ass, A. on A. 2 Kings 10. 8. lay ye them in two A. at entering in 19. 25. to lay waste fenced cities into ruinous A. 2 <^'Ar. 3L 6. they brought tithe, and laid them by A. 7- in the third month they be^an to lay the A. 8. when the princes came and saw the A. Neh. 4. 2. \vill they revive the stones out of the A. Job 1.5. 28. in houses which are ready to become A. Psal. 79. 1. they have laid Jerusahjjn on A. Jer. 9. n. and I will make Jerusalem A. 26.18. 31. 21. set thee up way marks, make thee high A. 50.26.cast Babylon up as A. and destroy her utterly 51. ,37. and Babylon shall become A. Hos. 12. 11. their altars are as A. in the furrows Mic. 3. 12. and Jerusalem shall become A. HEAK Signifies, (I) To receive a voice or sound by the ear HEA HEA HEA £ Sam. 15. 10. (2) To grant or anszcer our prayer. Psal. 116. 1. I love the Lord be- cause he hath heard my voice. It is often used in this teyise, in the Psalms atid elsezuhere. And God is said not to hear, uheii he does not grant one''s de- sires. .)ohn 9. 31. We know that God heareth not sinners. (3) To listen to God's xcord only with the ont-card sense of the ear. ]\!at. 13. 19. When any one heareth the word of the kinadom, and under- standeth it not. Thus all wicked men who are uithin the church do hear the word ; they hear the sound of the words, but then tlyey have not so much as a notional knowledge of thtse things, or else re- gard them not, never consider, or lay them to heart. (4) To yield a willing assent in our minds to the word of God, with a firm purpose to obey it. .John 8. 47. Pie that is of t^od, heareth God's word ; he believes and obeys it. So in John 10. 27. JMy sheep hear my voice, and follow me. It is used often in this sense. Deut. 1. 43. 1 spake unto you, and ye Avould not hear ; ye would not obey me. 1 Sam. 24. 9. Wherefore hearest thou mens words ;■ Why believest thou what 7inne enemies say against tne? So in Mat. 17. 5. ihis is my beloved Son, hear him ; believe and obey him. (.5) To learn, John 8. 2G, 40. 1 speak to the world those things which 1 have heard of him ; those things which he hath taught me, which he hath communicated to me. (6) To approve of, and embrace, 1 John 4. 5. Ihey speak of the world, and the world heareth them ; these seducers and false teachers preach such doc- trines as may gratify and comply with the corrupt affections of wvrldly men ;andthey greedily hearken ' to, approve and embrace such doctrines. (7) I'o judge and detennine. 2 Sam. 15. 3. Ihy matters are good and right, but there is no man deputed of the king to hear thee ; to determine thy cause 7vith justice and equity. Gen. 21. 6. so that all that k. will laugh with me 23. 6. h. us, my lord, thou art a mighty prince JExod. 19. 9. tha't the people may h. when I speak 32. 18. but the noise of them that sing do I h. JSlum. 16. 8. h. 1 pray you, ye sons of Levi 23. 18. rise up, Balak, and h. hearken unto me 30. 4. and her father h. Jier vow and her bond Deut. 1. 16. h. the causes between your brethren 4. 10. and I will make them h. my words 5. 1. h. Israel the statutes and judaments, 6. 3. | 9. 1. 1 20. 3. Isa. 48. L Mark 12. 29. 27. and /(. all that the Lord our God doth say 12. 28. h. all these words which I command tliee 13. 12. if thou Shalt //. say in one of tlij' cities 30. 12. bring it, that we may h. it and do it, 13 . 31. 12. that they may h. and fear Ld. 13. Jcr. 6. 10. Josh. 3. 9. h. the words of the Lord your God 6. 5. when ye h. the sound of the trumpet, the people shall shout, Neh. 4. 20. Dan. 3. 5, 15. Judg. 5. 3. h. O ye kings, give ear, O ye princes 16. why abodest, to h. the bleatings of the flocks ? 14. 13. put forth thy riddle, that Ave may h. it 1 Sam. 2. 23. for I /;. of your evil dealings by all 24. nay, my sons, it is no good report that 1 h. 15. 14. and the lowing of the oxen which I h. 16. 2. hov.' can I go ? if Saul h. it, he will kill me 25. 24. h. the words of thy handmaid, 2 Sam. 20, 17. 26. 19. let my lord the king h. words of his servant 2 Sam. 14. + 17. so is my lord the kina to h. good 15. 3. the) e is no man deputed of the king to ''h. thee 10. as soon as ye /(. the sound of the trumpet 35. that wliat thing soever thou shalt h. 36. ye shall send to me every thing that ye /;. 17. 5. and let us h. likewise what Hushai saith 20. 16. a wise woman cried out of the city, /;. h. 22^45. soon as they h. shall be obedient, Fs. 18. 44. 1 Kings 3. + 11. asked understanding to /?. judgment 4. 34. to h. the wisdom of Solomon, 10. 8^ 24. 2 Chron. 9. 7, 23. Mat. 12. 42. Luke 11. 31. 8. 30. then h. thou in heaven and foraive, 32, 34, 36, 39, 43,45, 49. 2 Chron. 6. 21. 18.26. they called on Baal, saying, O Baal, h. us ■2 Kings 7. 6. made the host to /;. a noise of chariots 18. 28. k. the word of the great king, Isa. 36. 13. 19. 16. h. the words of Sennacherib, Isa. 37. 17. 1 Chr. 14. 15. when thou shalt /;. a sound of going JVe/j. 1. 6. that thou mayest h. the prayer of servant 4. 4. h. O our G. for we are despised, turn reproach , 8. 2. and all that could h. with understanding Job 5. 27. /'. it, and know thou it for thy good 13. 17. h. diligently my speech with ears, 21. 2. 27. 9. will God //. his cry ? || 34. 2. h my words 42. 4. h. I beseech thee, and 1 will speak Psal. 4. 1. have mercy upon me, /;. my prayer, O God, 39. 12. 1 54. 2. I 84. 8. 1 102. 1. | 143. 1. 20. 1. the Lord h. thee in the day of trouble 9. save. Lord, let the king /;. us when we call 27. 7- h. O Lord, when I cry with my voice 30. 10. h. O Lord, and have mercy upon me 49. 1. h tins, all ye people, give ear, all inhabitants 50. 7. /'. O my people, and I will speak, 81. 8. 51 . 8. make me to h. joy and gladness, that the bones 59. 7. swords m lips, for who, say they , doth h. ? 61. 1. h. my cry, (J God, attend to my prayer 66. 16. come, and h. all ye tliat fear God 102. 20. //. groaning of tlie prisoner, to loose those 138. 4. when they h. the wortis of thy mouth 143. 8. cause me to /;. tliy loving-kindness in morn. Prov. 1. 8. my son, /;. the instruction of thy father 4. 1. h. ye children, the instruction of a father 10. h. O my son, and receive my sayinas, 19. "^0.' 8. 6. h. for I will speak of excellent "things 33, h. instruction, and be wise, refuse it not 19. 27. cease to /;. instruction that causeth to err 22. 17. bow thine ear, h. the wortis of the wise 23. 19. h. thou, my son, be wise, and guide thy heart Eccl. 5. 1. and be more ready to h. than to g'ive 7. 5. it is better to h. the rebuke of the wise 12. 13. let us h. the conclusion of tiie matter Cant. 8. 13. hearken to thy voice, cause me to h. it Jsa. 1. 2. h. O heavens, and give ear, O earth 6. 9. h. ye indeed, but understantl not, Mark A. 12. 18. 3. and when he bloweth a trumpet, /;. ye 33. 13. h. ye that are afar off what 1 liave done Isa. .34. 1. let the earth k. and all that is therein 42. 18. h. ye deaf || 23. who will h. for time to come 4.3. 9. or let them h. and say, it is truth 48. 14. all ye, assemble yourselves and h. 16. h. ye this, 1 have not spoken in secret 55. 3. h. and your soul shall live, John 5. 25. Jer. 4. 21. shall 1 h. the sound of the trumpet ? 6. 18. therefore h. ye nations || 19. h. O earth 11. 2. h. ye the words of this covenant, 6. 10. foiefathers who refused to h. 13. 10. 13. 15. h. ye, give ear, for the Lord hath spoken 18. 2. then 1 will cause thee to h. my words 23.22. and liad caused my people to h. my words 38. 25. if the princes h. that 1 have talked 49. 20. therefore h. the counsel of the Ld. 50. 45. Lam. 1. 18. h. I pray you, all people, and behold Ezek. 2. 8. h. what 1 say |1 3. I7. /'. at my mouth 33. 7. 3.'27. he that heareth, let him h. he that forbears 13. 19. by yourlyina tomy people, that A. your lies 33. 30. h. what is the word that cometh forth 31. they h. thy words, but will not do them, .32. Dan. 9. 17. O God, h. the prayer of thy servant 19. O Lord, h. O Lord, forgive, hearken, and do Hos. 5. 1. h. ye this, O priests, and hearken, give ear Joel 1. 2. /i. this, ye old men, and give ear, all inhabit. y^OTo.? 3.1./;. this wd.L.hathspoken, 4.1. | 5.1. 1 8.4. 3Iic. 1. 2. h. all ye people, hearken, O earth 3. 1. I said, h. 1 pray you, O lieads of Jacob, 9. 6. 2. h. ye, O mountains || 9. h. ye the rod and him Nak. 3. 19. all that h. the bruit of thee shall clap Zech. 7. 12. lest they should h. the law and words Mat. 11. 4. shew John the things which ye /;. and 5. lame walk, and deaf/;. Mark 7. 37. Lukel. 22. 13. 17. to h. those things that ye h. Luke 10. 24. 15. 10. he said to the multitude h. and understand 17. 5. this is my beloved Son, /(. him, Mark 9. 7. 18. 17. he neglect to h. them, to h. the church ilia:r,i4. I8.aresuchas/i.theword,20. ZwXe8.12,13. 24. take heed what ye h. you that h. more given Luke 5. 1. pressed on him to h. the word of God 15. multitudes came together to h. and be healed 6. 17- which came to h. him, and to be healed 27. I say to you which /(. love your enemies 8. 18. take heed therefore how ye /;. whoever hath 21. are these which h. the word and do it, 11. 28. 9. 9. but who is this of whom I h. such things ? 15. 1 . then drew near publicans and sinn. to k. him 16. 2. be said, how is it that I h. this of thee ? 29. they have Tyloses and proph. let them h. them 18. 6. Lord said, h. what the unjust judge saith 19. 48. the people were very attentive to/(. him 21. 38. came to him in the temple for to h. him John 5, 30. as I h. I judge |1 6. 60. who can h. it ? 7. 51. aoth our law judge a man before it /;. him 9. 27. wherefore would ye /;. it again 10. 3. the sheep h. his voice, and he calleth by name 12. 47- if any man h. my words, and believe not 14. 24. and the word which ye h. is not mine Acts 9.. 8. how h. we every man in our own tongue 33. hath shed forth this, which ye now see and7«. 10. 22. to send for thee, and to h. words of thee 33. to h. all things that are commanded thee 13. 7. and desired to h. the word of God 44. the whole city came together to h. the word 15. 7. Gentiles by my mouth should h. the word 17. 21. either to tell or to h. some new thing 19. 26. ye. h. Paul hath turned away much people 22. 1. h. ye my defence which 1 make now to you 24. 4. that thou wouldest /;. us of thy clemency 25. 22. Agrippa said, 1 would h. the man myself 28. 22. but we desire to /;. what thou thinkest 1 Cor. 11. 18. 1 h. there be divisions among you Phil. 1. 27. or else be absent, 1 may /;. of your affairs 2 Thess. 3. 11. we h. that some walk disorderly 1 Tim. 4. 16. shalt save thy self and them that h. thee 2 Tim.A. 17. and that all the Gentiles might A. Jam. 1. 19. let every one be swift to h. slow to speak 1 John 5. 15. we know that he h. us, what we ask 3 John 4. than to h. my children walk in truth Rea. 1. 3. blessed that h. words of this prophecy 9. 20. which neither can see, nor h. nor walk See Ear, Ears, Voice. HEAR me. Exod. 6. 12. how then shall Pharaoh h. me ? 1 Kings '\%. 37. h. me, O Lord h. me, that this people 1 Chron. 28. 2. h. me, my brethren, and my people 2 Chron. 13. 4. h. me, thou Jeroboam, and all Israel 15. 2. h. me, Asa H 20. 20. and he said, h. me, O Judah 29. 5. h. me, ye Levites, sanctify now yourselves Job 15. 17. 1 will shew thee, /(. me, 1 will declare 31. 35. O that one would h. me, my desire is Psal. 4. 1. h. vie when Icall, O G. ofmy righteousn. 13. 3. consider, and h. me, O Lord my God 17. 6. I called upon thee, for thou wilt /;. me 38. 16. for I said, h. me, lest they should rejoice 155. 2. attend unto me, and h. 7ite, I mourn 60. 5. save with thy right-hand, and h. me 69. 13. O God, in the multitude of thy mercy h. me 17. for I am in trouble, /;. me speedily, 143. 7- Mic. 7. 7. 1 will wait for God, my God will h. me Acts 26. 3. wherefore 1 beseech thee to /;. me 29. but also all that h. me, were such as I am 1 Cor. 14. 21. yet for all that will they not //. me HEAH not, or 7Wt HEA"R. Deut. 28. 1 49. whose tongue tliou shalt not h. 30. 17. so thou vi\\tnot h. but worship other gods 1 Sam. 8. 18. the Lord will 7wt h. you in that day Job 30. 20. 1 cry unto thee, and thou dost not h. me! 35. 13. surely God will not h. vanity, nor regard it Psal. 66. 18. if 1 regard iniquity. Lord will not h. me 94. 9. he that planted the ear, shall he not h.? Isa. 1.15. when make many prayers, 1 will not h. Jer. 7. 16. I 11. 14. | 14. 12. Lzek. 8. 18. A7nos5. 23. 30. 9. children that will not h. the law ot the Lord 59. 1. neither his ear heavy that it cannot h. 2. he will not h. \\ 65. 12. when 1 spake ye did noth. 66. 4. when 1 spake, thev did not h. Zech. 1. 4. Jer.5.21. have ears and /(.?«'?, i;sf^.l2.2. Mark^.VQ. 13. 17. but if ve will not h. 22. 5. Mai. 2. 2. 17.23. thatthey miahtwc///. 19. 15. Zech. 7. 11, 22. 21. 1 spake, but" thou saidst, I will not h. Dan. 5. 23. thou hast praised the gods of silver, which see 7iot, nor h. nor know, Rev. 9. 20. Mic. 3. 4. shall cry to Lord, but he will not h. them Hab. 1. 2. how long shall 1 cry, and thou wilt not h. Mat. 10. 14. not receive you, wor h. your words 18. 16. if he will nut h. thee, then take one or two Luke 16. 31. if they h. not Moses and the prophets John 8. 43. even because ye cannot h. my word 47. ye therefore h. them not, because not of God 9. 27. he answered, I told you, and ye did not h. 10. 8. are robbers, but the sheep did not h. them Acts 3. 23. every soul which will not h. be destroy. 1 Cor. 14. 21. yet for all that will they nut h. me Gal. 4. 21. ye under the law, do ye not h. the law Would 7wt HEAR. Gen. 42. 21. when he besought us, we would not h. 22. do not sin against the child, ye would not h. Exod. 7. 16. behold, hitherto, thou wouldest not h. Deut. 1. 43. Israel would not h. 3. 26. 2 Kings 17. 14. 2 Kings 14. 11. Amaziah wouldnot h. 2 Chr. £5. "0. 18. 12. Israel would not h. Neh. 9. 29. Zech. 7. 13. Isa. 28. 12. this is the refreshing, yet they wouldnot h. Jer. 13. 11. might be for praise, they ze. n. h. 29. 19. 36. 25. he would not h. || Zech. 7. 13. 1 would not h. HEAR now, or now HEAR. Num. 12. 6. and he said, h. now my words, 20. 10. 1 Sam. 22. 7. then Saul said, h. now, ye Eenjamites 12. h. now, thou son of Ahitub, he answered Job 13. 6. h. no-jj my reasoning, and hearken Prov. 5. 7- li. me now, therefore, O ye cliildren Isa. 7. 13. and he said, h. yenow, O house of David 44. 1. yet now h. O Jacob my servant, and Israel 47. 8. /;. now, thou that art given to pleasures 51. 21. therefore, h. 7iow this, thou aftiicted Jer. 5. 21. therefore, h. now this, O foolish people 28. 15. h. now Hananiah || Zech. 3. 8. h. now, O Josh. .37. 20. h. now, 1 pray thee, O my lord the king Mic. 6. 1. h. ye now what the Lord saith, arise Acts 2. 33. shed forth this which ye now see and h. Phil. 1. 30. which ye saw in me, and now h. to be m Shall HEAR. Exod. 15. 14. the people shall h. and be afraid, Deut. 13. 11. 117. 13. 119. 20. 121. 21. Num. 14. 13. Moses said, then the Egypt, shall h. it Deut. 1. 17. ye shall h. small as well as great 2. 25. who shall h. report of thee, and shall tiemble 4. 6. which shall h. all these statutes and say Josh. 7. 9. the inhabitants of the land shall h. of it Judg. 7. 11. and thou shalt h. what they say 2 Sam. 16. 21. Israel shall h. that thou art abhorred 1 Kings 8. 42. for they shall k. of thy great name 2 Ki7igs 19. 7- and he shall h. a rumour, Isa. 37. 7. Job 22. 27- shalt make prayer to him, he shall h. Psal. 34. 2. the humble shall h. thereof, and be glad 55. 17. 1 will pray and cry, and he shall /;. my voice 19. God shall h. and afHict them, even he that 92. 11. mine ears shall h. desire of the wicked 141. 6. they shall h. my words, for they are sv.-eet Isa. 29. 18. in that day shall the deaf h. the words 30. 19. when he shall h. it he will answer thee 21. thine ears shall h. a word behind thee Jer. .33. 9. which shall h. all the good that I do Hos. 2. 21. and the heaven shall h. the earth 22. the earth shall h. the corn and the wine Mat. 13. 14. by hearing, ye shall h. Acts 28. 26. 18. 15. if he shall h. thee thou hast gained thy 24. 6. ye shall h. of wars, Mark 13. 7- Luke 21. 9. John 5. 25. the dead shall h. voice of the Son of God 16. 13. whatsoever he shall h. that shall he speak Acts 3. 22. him shall ye h. in all things, 7. .37. 25. 22. to-morrow, said he, thou shalt h. him Pom. 10. 14. how shall they /;. without a preacher Will HEAR. Exod. 20. 19. speak with us, we willh. Deut. 5. 27. 22. 23. if they cry, I will surely h. their cry, 27. Num. 9. 8. I will h. what the Lord will command 2 Sam. 14. 16. king will h. to deliver his handmaid 2 Kings 19. 4. it may be thy God willh. the words 2 Chr. 7. 14. then will I /(. from heaven, Ps. 20. 6. 20. 9. then thou zoilt h. and help, Psal. 38. 15. Psal. 4. 3. the Lord will h. \\ 17. 6. thou wilt h. me 85. 8. I will h. what God the Lord will speak 145. 19. he also will h. their cry, and save them Prov. 1. 5. wise man will h. and increase learning Isa. 41. 17. the Lord will h. them, and not forsake 65. 24. while they are yet speaking, I will h. Jer. 36. 3. it may be the house of .ludah will h. Ezek. 2. 5. whether they zcill h. or forbear, 7. | 3. 11. Hos. 2. 21. I will h. the heavens, they the earth Mic. 7. 7. I will wait for God, my God zvill h. me Zech. 10. 6. 1 am their God and will h. them, 13. 9. Acts 17. 32. we will h. thee again of this matter 21. 22. for they will h. that thou art come 23. 35. I will h. thee, when thy accusers are come 28. 28. salvation is sent to the Gentiles, they willh. HEAR the zvord of the Lord. 1 Kings 22. 19. h. therefore the zvord of the Lord, 2 Chr. 18. 18. Jer. 29. 20. | 42. 15. Amos 7. 16. 2 Kings 7. 1. then Elisha said h. ye the zrord of the Lord, Jer. 17. 20. 121. 11. 20. 16. Isaiah said to Hezekiah, /;. word of Lord, all m thy house be carried to Babylon, Isa. 39. 5. Isa. 1. 10. h. word of the Lord, ye rulers of Sodom 28. 14. h. the word of the Lord, ye scornful men 66. 5. /). word of Lord, ye that tremble at his Mord Jer. 2. 4. h. zvord of Lord, O house of Jacob, 10. 1. 7. 2. h. the zvord of the Lord, all ye of Judah 9. 20. yet /(. the word of the Lord, O ye women 19. 3. /i. zvord of Lord, O kings of Judah, 22. 2. 22. 29. O earth, earth, /;. the zvord of the Lord 31. 10. /;. the word of the Lord, O ve nations 34. 4. yet h. word of Lord, O Zedekiah king of Jud. 44. 24. /;. the word of the Lord, all Judah, 16. Ezek. 6. 3. ye mountains of Israel, /;. the zvord of the Lord, I will bring a sword on you, 36. 1, 4. 13. 2. say to prophets //. ye the zvord of the Lord 16. .35. wherefore, O harlot, /j. the zvord of the Lord 20. 47. forest of the south, h. the zvord of the Lord 25. 3. say to Ammonites, /;. the zvord of the Lord 34. 7. ye sheplierds, h. the word of the Lord, 9. 37. 4. say, O ye dry bones, //. the zvord of the Lord Hos. 4. 1. /*. word oj'the Lord, ye children of Israei 219 HEA Amos7. 16. Amaziah, h. thou the word of the Lord HEARD. Gen. 16. 11. because the Lord hath h. tliy affliction 21. 26. neither yet //. 1 of it, but to-day 29. 33. because the Lord hath h. that 1 was hated A5. 2. .loseph wept aloud, and the Egyptians /i. Exod. 2. 24. God h. their groaning, and remembered 16. U. for he hath /;. you'rmurmurinss 23. 13. neither let it be h. out of thy mouth 28. 35. his sound shall be h. when he goeth in and 33. 4. when the people h. these evil tidiuss Leu. 21. 14. let all that h. him lay their hands Num. 11. 1. the people complained, the Lord h. it 12. 2. Miriam spake against Moses, the Lord h. it 14. 14. they have /(. thou art among this people 15. the nations which have h. the fame of thee 30. 7. held his peace at her the day he h. it, 14. Jy.v/«. y. 16. they /;. that they were their neighbours 1 :Sam. 7. 9. Samuel cried, and the Lord h. him 23. 11. will Saul come, as thy servant hath h. ? 'l Kings!. 11. hast not h. that Adonijah doth reign 6. 7. nor was any tool of iron /;. in tlie house 10. 7. the half not told me, thy wisdom and prospe- rity exceedeth the fame which I h. '2 C/ir. 9. 6. 2 Kin(/s 19. 25. hast thou not/i. long ago, I.m. 37. 26. 2 C/ir. 5. 13. make one sound to be h. in praising 33. 13. he was entreated and /i. his supplications Lira 3. 13. people shouted, the noise wash, afar JS'e/i. 12. 43. the joy of .Jerusalem /i. even afar off Jo/> 15. 8. hast thou k. the secret of (iod r 19. 7- 1 cry put of wrong, but 1 am not h. 26. 14. but how little a portion is /i. of him 29. 11. wiien the ear h. me, then it blessed me Pfal. 6. 9. the Lord hath h. my supplication 10. 17. thou hast /(. tlie desire of the humble 22. 21. save mc, for thou hast/j. me from the horns 24. but when he cried he h. ,34. G. 1 40. 1. 1 120. 1. .34. 4. 1 sought the Lord, and he /(. me, and deliv. .38. 13. but I as a deaf man A. not, I was dumb 61. 5. thou, O Ct. hast //. my vows, thou hast given 66. 19. verily God hath h. me, he hath attended 76. 8. cause judgment to be k. from iieaven 78. 21. therefore''the Lord h. this and was wroth 59. when God h. this, was wroth, and abhorred 81. 5. where I //. a language that 1 understood not 97- 8. Zion h. and was glad, and .ludah rejoiced 106.44. he regarded their affliction, when lie /i. 118. 21. for thou hast//, me, and art my salvation 132. 6. lo, we A. of it at Ephratah, we found it Prov. 21. 13. he shall cry himself, but not be h. Jia. 10. 30. cause it to be h. unto Laish, O Anathoth 40. 21. have ye not //. '! hath it not been told you ? 28. hast thou not /;. everlasting God fainteth not ? 48. 6. thou hast h. see all this, will not ye declare ? 52. 15. which they had not A. shall they consider 60. 18. violence shall no more be /;. in thy land 64. 4. men have not h. what he hath prepared 65. 19. the voice of weeping shall be no more h. 66. 8. who hath //. such a thing, who hath seen ? 19. to the islesafarofi', that have not/(. my fame Jer. 4. 19. because thou hast/;, sound of trumpet 6. 7. she casteth out wickedness, spoil is h. in her 7. 13. I spake unto you, rising early, but ye //.not 8. 6. I hearkened and h. but they spake not aright 18. 13. ask the heathen, who hath h. such things 22. let cry be h. from houses when shalt bring 25. 36. an howling of the flock shall be h. 26. 11. for he hath prophesied as ye have h. 34. 10. h. every one should let his man-servant go .35. 17. 1 have spoken, but they have not//. 46. 12. the nations liave h. of thy shame 50. 46. and the cry is h. among the nations 51. 46- a rumour that shall be h. in the land Lam. 1 21. they have h. that I sigh, (here is none . 3. 61. thou hast h. their reproach, O Lord Eee/c. 19. 4. the nations h. of him, he was taken 26. 13. the sound of thy harps shall be no more h. 33. 5. he h. the sound of the trumpet, and took Dafi. 12. 8. and I h. but I understood not Bos. 7. 12. chastise tliem, as their congrega. hath /i. JonahZ. 2. 1 cried unto the Lord, and he h. me Mic. 5. 15. in fury, such as they have not h. Bab, 3. 16. when 1 A. my belly trembled Ma/. 3. 16. and the Lord hearkened and A. it Mat. 5. 21. ye have A. it was said, 27, 3.3, .38, 43. C. 7. they shall be /;. for their much speakina' 13. 17. ye hear, and have not A. them, Lv/ce 10. 24. ;i5. 12. wereotfended after they A. this saying 22. 7- when the king A. thereof, he was wroth 26. 65. ye have A. his blasphemy, Mark 14. 64. Mark 4. 15. but when they have A. Satan cometh 14. 11. and when they A. it they were glad Lu/ce 1. 13. feeunot, thy prayer is A. Acts 10. 31. 12. 3. what ye have spoken, shall be A. in the light 20. 16. when they /;. it. they said, God forbid JoAn 3. 32. what he hath A. that he testitieth 6. 45. every man that hath /;. of the Lather 8. 6. wrote on the ground, as tho' he A. them not 9. .32. smce the world began was it not A. 11. 41. Lather, I thank thee that thou hast A. me 18. 21. ask them which A. me, what I have said 21. 7. when Simon Peter A. ttiat it was the Lord Jlcts 1. 4. wait tor the promise ye have A. of me 2. .37. when they A. this, they were pricked in heart 4. 4. many of them which A. the word believed 5. 5. fear came on all them that A. these things 13. 48. when the Gentiles A. this they were glad 14. 9. the same A. Paul speak, who beholding 16. 14, a woman which worshipped God, A. us 25. sang praises to (iod, and the prisoners A. them 19. 5. when they h. this, they were baptized 22. 15. shalt witness of what thou hast seen and /;. 24. 24. k. him concerning the faith in Christ Mom. 10. 14. in him of whom they have not/;. 18. but 1 say, have they not A./ yes, verily 15. 21. they that have not A. shall understand 1 Cor. 2. 9. eye hath not seen, nor ear /;. neither Gai. 1. 13. for ye have A. of my conversation LpA. 1. 13. after that ye A. the word of truth 15. after I A. of your faith in the Lord Jesus 4. 21. if so be ye have A. him and been taught PAil. 2. 26. that ye had h. that he had beeo sick 220 HEA Phil. 4. 9. those things ye have /;. and seen in me, do Col. 1. 4. since we//, of your faith in Christ 6. since day ye A. of it, and knew the jjrace of G. 9. since day we A. it, do not cease to pray for you 2 Tim. 2. 2. things thou hast A. of me, commit to Beb. 2. 3. was confirmed to us by them that A. him 3. 16. for some when they had A. did provoke 4. 2. not being mixed with faith in them that /;. 5.7. offer, up fjrayers, and was A. in that he feared Jam. 5. 11. ye have A. of the patience of .lob 1 JoAn 2. 18. ye /;. that antichrist shall come, 4. 3. 24. have A. from the beginning, 3. 11. 2 John 6. Mev. 3. 3. remember therefore how thou hast A. 5. 13. and all that are in them /;. I , saying 7. 4. I A. the number of them which were sealed 9. 16. and 1 A. the number of the liorsemen 16. 5. and I A. the angel of the waters say 18. 22. the voice of trumi)eters shall be A. no more 23. the voice of bride shall more in thee 22. 8. I saw these things, and /;. them, when 1 A. I have liEAKD. Gen. 17. 20. and as for Ishmael 1 Aave h. thee 41. 15. 1 have dreamed a dream, I Aave A. say of thee thou canst inte)-p. dreams. Dun. 5. 14, 16. 42. 2. I Aave A. that there is corn in Egypt Exod. 3.7. 1 Aave A. their cry || 6. 5. 1 A. A. firoaning 16. 12. I Aave A. the murmuring, l^tim. 11. 27. Deut. 5.28. I have h. the voice of your words 1 Sam. 25. 1. now I Aave A. that thou hast shearers 1 Kings 2. 42. the word tiiat I Aave A. is good 9. 3. I Aave A. thy prayer tliou hast made before me, 2 Kivys 20. 5. 2 CAron. 7. 12. 38. 5. 2 Kinqs 19. 20. that^vhich thou hast prayed I. A. A. 22. 19. /also Aave h. thee, saith L. 2 CAr. .34. 27. Job 16.2. 1 have A. many such things, miserable com. 20. 3. I Aave A. the check of my reproach 42. 5. I Aave A. of thee by the hearing of the ear Psal. 31. 13. for I Aave A. the slander of many 62. 11. twice I Aave A. this, power belongeth to G. Isa. 21. 10. that which I Aave It. of Lord of hosts 28. 22. / Aave A. from the Lord a consumption 49. 8. in an acceptable time Aave I A.l Cor. 6. 2. Jer. 23. 25. I Aave A. what the prophets said 31. 18. / /iflw /i. Ej)hraim bemoaning himself thus 42. 4. I have A. yon, behold, 1 will pray unto the L, 49. 14. 1 Aave A. a rumour from the Lord Ezek. 35. 12. know I Aave A. all thy blasphemies Ilos. 14. 8. I Aave A. him and observed him Jlab. 3. 2. O L. I Aave A. thy speech, and was afraid ZepA. 2. 8. L Aave h. the reproach of Moab John 8. 26. I ppeak those things 1 Aave A. of him 40. told you t/.e truth, whicii 1 Aave A. of God 15. 15. all things that 1 have A. of my Lather Acts 7. 34. I Aave A. their groaninir, and am come 9. 13. Lord 1 Aave A. by many of this man, how HEARD, joined with vmce. Gen. 3. 8. they h. voice ot the J^. walking in garden 10. I A. thy voice, and was afraid, because naked 21. 17. God A. the voice of the lad, the angel called 30. 6. God hath A. my voice, and given me a son 39. 15. when he A. that I lifted up my voice h'mn. 7. 89. then he A. the voice of one speaking 20. 16. we cried, he /(. our voice, and sent an angel De7it. 1. 34. the Lord /;. the voice of your words 4. 12. saw no similitude, only he /;. a voice 33. hear r;. of God as thou hast/;. and live, 5. 26. 5. 23. ye /(. the voice out of the midst of darkness 24. we have //. his voice out of the midst of the fire 28. and the Lord h. the voice of your words 26. 7. we cried, the Lord /;. our voice, and looked Jiidg. 18. 25. let not thy voice be h. among us 1 6'(7W. 1. 13. her lips moved, her voice was not h. 1 Kings 17. 22. the Lord h. tlie voice of 1 lijah 2 CAron. 30. 27. their voice was /;. prayer came up Job 4. 16. there was silence, i. A. a voice, saying 33. 8. 1 have A. the voice of thy words, saying .37. 4. he will not stay them when his voice is A. Psal. 3. 4. 1 cried to the L. with my voice, he A. me 6. 8. the Lord hath h. the voice of my weeping 18. 6. 1 called, he h. my voice out of his temple 19. 3. there is no speech where their wzce is not A. 28. 6. because he hath A. the voice of my sup[)lica. 66. 8. and make the voice of his praise to be A. 116. 1 . 1 love the Lord, because he hath h. my voice Cant. 2. 12. the voice of the turtle is h. in our land Isa. 6. 8. also I A. the voice of the Lord, saying 15. 4. their voice shall be A. even unto Jahaiz . .30. 30. Lord shall cause his glorious voice to be/;. 42. 2. nor cause his voice to be A. in the street 58. 4. not fast, to make your voice be A. on high 65. 19. voice of weeping shall no more be A. in her Jer. 3. 21. a voice was /;. upon the hi^h places 4. 31. I have A. a voice as of a woman in travail 9. 19. for a voice of wailing is /(. out of Zion .30. 5. we have/i. a voice of trembling, of fear 31. 15. a voice was A. in Kamah, Mat. 2. 18. Lam. 3. 56. thou hast A. my voice, hide not thine ear Ezek. 1. 28. and I A. a voice of one that spake 3. 12. 1 A. behind me a voice of great rushing 19. 9. that his voice should no more be A. 27. 30. and shall cause their voice to be A. ag. thee Dan. 8. 16. 1 A. a man's voice between the banks 10. 9. yet A. I the voice of his words, when 1 A. NaA. 2. 13. voice of thy messengers no more be /;. JoAn 5. 37. ye have neither A. his voice at any time Acts 9.4. A. a. voice, saying, Saul, Saul, 22.7. 1 26.14. 11.7- I /'. a voice saying to me, arise, slay and eat 22. 9. they A. not the voice of him that spake Beb. 12. 19. which voice thay that h. entreated 2 Pet. 1. 18. the voice which came from heaven we A. Bev. 1. 10. I A. a great voice, 16. 1. 1 19. 1. 1 21. 3. 4. 1. the first voice I A. was as it were of atrumpet .5. 11. I beheld, and A. the voice of many angels 6. 6. I A. a voice in the midst of the four beasts 7. I A. a voice of the fourth beast say, come and see 9. 13. I /(. a voice from the four horns of the altar 10. 4. 1 A. a voice from heaven, 8. 1 14. 2, 13. | 18. 4. 12. 10. and I A. a loud voice, saying in heaven 14. 2. I A. the voice of harpers harping with harps 19. 6. 1 h. as it were the voice of a great multitude We have HEARD. JosA. 2. 10. zve Aave A. how the Lord dried Red sea HEA JosA. 2. 11. soon as roe Aad A. these things hearts melt 9. 9. we Aaveh. the fame of him, and all he did 2 Sam. 7. 22. there is none like thee according to all 7ve Aave A. with our ears, 1 CAr. 17. 20. 1 Ktngs 20. 31. we Aave A. kings of Isr. are merciful Job 23. 22. we Aave A. the fame thereof, Jer. 6. 24. Psal. 44. 1. we Aave A. with our ears, our fathers told 48. 8. as we Aave A. so have we seen in city of Lord 78. 3. dark sayings which we Aave A. and known Isa. 16. fi. we Aave A. of pi ide of Moab, Jer. 48. 29. 24. 16. we Aave h. songs, glory to the righteous Jer. .30. 5. we Aave A. a voice of trembling, of fear 51. 51. confounded, because we Aave A. reproach Chad. 1. we Aave A. a rumour from the Lord ZecA. 8. 23. for we Aave A. that God is with you Alark 14. 58. we Aave A. him say, 1 will destroy Lvke 4. 23. whatever we Aave A. done in Ca]jernauni 22. 71. ?i-'e ourselves Aave A. of his own njouth John 4. 42. wC' believe, we Aave h. him ourselves 12. 31. we Aave A. out of the law that Christ abideth Acts 4. 20. we cannot but speak things we Aave h 6. 11. we Aave A. him speak blasphemous words 14. we Aave A. him say, this .lesus shall destroy 15. 24. we Aave A. that certain have troubled you 19.2. Jig //«ie not /(. whetherthere beany HolyGh. Beb. 2. 1. to give heed to things which we Aave A. 1 Jolin 1. 1. that which we Aave A. and seen, 3. 5. this is the message which we Aave A. of him 11E/\K D, joined with word or words. Gen. 24. 30. and when he /;. the -uwrds of Rebekah 52. when Abraham's servant /;. their words 27. 34. and when Esau A. the words of his father 31. 1. Jacob/;, thezyorrfj of Laban'ssons, saying .39. 19. when his master /i. the words of his wife Nu)n. 24. 4. he hath said, which A. wordsoi GoA, 16. JosA. 22. .30. when heads of Isr. A. words of Reuben 24. 27. for It hath A. all tlie tvurdso^ the Lord Judg. 9. 30. when Zebul //. the words of Gaal 1 Sam. 8. 21. Samuel //. all the words of the people 17. 11. Saul and Israel /;. Goliath's words 23. accord, to the same words, and David A. them 31. when the words v^em A. whiph David spake 1 Kings 2. 42. the word that I have h. is good 5. 7. when Hiram A. Solomon's wordshe. rejoiced 21. 27. when AhabA. those words, rent his clothes 2 Ktngs 6. 30. when the kin? /(. words of the womarj 19. 6. be not afraid oi words t\\on hast A. Isa. .37. 6 22. 11. when the king had /(. the words of book of law, he rent his clothes, 18. 2 CAr. .34. 19. 2 CAron. 15. 8. Asa A. these words, he took courage' NeA. 1. 4. A. these words, 1 sat down and wept 5.6. and I was angry when I A. these words 8. 9. the people weiJt, when they h. words oi th^\B.vj Job 33. 8. 1 have h. the voice of thy words, saying Eccl. 9. 16. the ])oor man's words are not A. 17. the ri»;Y/.v(if wise men are /;. in quiet Jsa. .37. 4. willreprovetlieriwi: 18. 27- and he said, h. all ye people 20. 15. h. ye, all J udah, and ye inhabitants of Jeru. Joh 13. 6. and h. to the pleadings of my lips 32. 10. h. to me, 33. 31. |1 33. 1. h. to all my words 34. 10. h. unto me, ye men of understanding 34. let a wise man //. || .3*. 14. /;. to this, O Job Psal. 34. 11. h. 1 will teach you 1145. 10. /;. C) daUght. Prov. 7. 24. /;. to me, therefore, O children, 8. 32. Isa. 28. 23. hear my^ voice, h. and hear my speech 34. 1. come near, ye nations, h. ye people, 49. 1. 46. 3. h. to me, O house of Jacob, 48. 12. Has. 5. 1. 12. h. to me, stout-hearted, are far from righteous. 51. 1. h. to me, ye that follow after righteousness 4. h. unto me, my people, give ear, O my nation 7. h. to me, ye that know righteousness 55. 2. /;. diligently unto me, eat that which is good Jer. 6. 17. .saying, h. to the sound of the trumpet HEA X)a».9.19. OLord.A. anddo ; defernot, Gray God Mic. 1. 2. h. O earth, and all that therein is Mark 7. 14. he said, h. tome, every one of you Acts 2. 14. ye men of J udah, h. to my words 7. 2. he said, men, brethren, and fathers, h. J5. 13. saying, men and brethren, h. to me Jam. 2. 5. /;. my beloved brethren, hath not God iiee Voice. HEARKEN not, or 7wt HEARKEN. Gen. 34. I7. if ye will 7iot h. to be circumcised Lxod. 7. 4. Pharaoh shall not h. to you, 22. | 11. 9. Lev. 26. 14. but if ye will not h. to me, 18, 21, 27. Detit. 13. 3. thou shalt not h. to that dreamer 8. 7iot h. unto him, nor shall thine eye pity him 17. 12. the man that will not h. to the priest 18. 19. that whosoever will not h. to my words 21. 18. when chastened, he will not h. to them 23. 5. Lord would noi h. to Balaam, Josh. 24. 10. Josh. 1. 18. and will not h. to thy words in all Judg. 2. 17. yet they would not h. to their judges 11. 17. the king of Edom would 7iot h. thereto 19. 25. the men of Gibeah would not h. to him 20. 13. the children of Benjamin would iwt h. 1 Kings 20. 8. elders said, A. not to him, nor consent 2 Kings 17.40. did 710th. butdid after their maimer 18. 31. h. not to Ilezekiah, Isa. .36. 16. 2 Chr. 10. 16. king Rehoboam would not /i.tothem 33. 10. and the Lord spake, but they woxAdnoth. Job 33. 33. if not h. hold thy peace, 1 shall teach thee Psal. 58. 5. who will not h. to the voice of charmers 81. 11. but my people would yiot h. to my voice Jer. 6. 10. their ear is uncircumcised, they cannot h. 17. but tliey said, we will not h. 44. 16. 7. 27. thou shall speak, they will noth. unto thee 11. Jl. tho' they cry to me, I will not h. to them 16. 12. after evil heart, that they may not h. to me 17. 27. if ye will 7wt h. to me, 26. 4. Ezek. 20. 39. 23. 16. li. not to prophets, 2-7. 9, 14, 16,17. 1 29. 8. 38. 15. if 1 give counsel, wilt thou not h. to me.-' Ezek. 3. 7- 'w< /'• to thee, for they will not h. to me 20. 8. they rebelled, and would nut h. unto me Plos. 9. 17. because they did not h. to him, Zech. 1. 4. HEARKENED. Gen. 23. 16. Abraham h. to Ephron, and weighed 30. 17. God h. to Leah || 22. God h. to Rachel .34. 24. to Hamor h. all that went out of the gate 39. 10. that Joseph h. not to her, to lie by her Exod. 6. 9. but they/;, not to Moses, 16. 20. 12. the children of Israel have not h. tome 7. 13. Pharaoh h. not to them, 8. 15, 19. I 9. 12. Lent. 9. 19. Lord h. to me at that time, 10. 10. 18. 14. these nations h. to observers of times 34. 9. Israel h. to Joshua as to Moses, Josh. 1. 17. Judg. 11. 28. king of Ammonites /(. not to Jephthah 1 Sam. 28. 21. tlie woman of Endor/i. to Saul's words iKings 12. 15. king h. notto people, 16. 2 Chr. 10. 15. 24. they /;. therefore to the word of the Lord 15. 20. Ben-hadad h. to king Asa, 2 Chron. 16. 4. 2 Kijigs 13. 4. and the Lord h. to Jehoahaz 16. 9. the king of Assyria //. to Asa £0. 13. Hezekiah the messengers from Babylon 21. 9. Judah h. not to the law, Manasseh seduced 22. 13. our fathers h. not to the words of the book 2 Chr. 24. I7. then Joash h. to the princes of Judah 25. 16. Amaziah h. not to the prophet's counsel 30. 20. Lord /(. to Hezekiah, and healed the people 35. 22. Josiah /;. not to Pharaoh-necho Ne-h. 9. 16. our fathers dealt proudly, and h. not to thy conmiandments, 29, 34. Jer. 34. 14. Esth. 3. 4. now when Mordecai h. not to them Psal. 81. 13. O that my people had h. to me La. 21. 7- and he h. diligently with much heed 48. 18. O that thou hadst //. to my commandments Jer. 6. 19. they have not h. to my word, 7. 24, 26. 1 £5. 3, 4, 7. I 26. 5. 1 29. 19. 1 32. 33. | 34. 17. 1.35. 14, 15, 16. 1 36. 31. 1 44.5. .37. 14. Irijah, h. notto Jeremiah, so he took him y.zek. 3. 6. had 1 sent, they would have A. to thee Dan. 9. 6. neither have we /;. to thy servants Mai. 3. 16. the Lord h. and heard it, Jer. 8. 6. ^<;^*27.21. Paul said, sirs, ye should have A. to me See Voice. HEARKEN EDST. Deut. 28. 45. because thou /;. not to voice of the L. HEARKEN ETH. Prov. 1. 33. but whoso A. to me shall dwell safely 12. 15. but he that h. to counsel is wise HEARKENING. Psal. 103. 20. ye angels h. to the voice of his word HEART. The Hebrews look upon the heart as the source of ziit, understanding, love, courage, grief, and plea- sure. Hence are derived many zoays of speaking. An honest and good heart ; that is, a heart stu- dious of holiness, being prepared by the Spirit of God, to entertain the word with due affections, dis- positio7is, and resolutions. Luke 8. 15". JVe read of a broken heart, a clean heart, an evil heart, a har- dened heart, a liberal heart, a heart that does an act of kindness , freely , voluntarily , with generosity. To incline the heart to God ; to beseech him to change our stony hearts into hearts of liesh ; to love with all one's heart, &c. '1 o turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the chil- dren to their fathers, Mai. 4. 6. that is, to caitse them to be perfectly reconciled, a7id that they should be of the same mind. Let no man's lieart fail ; let 710 ma7i he discouraged, 1 Sam. 17. 32. To want heart, sometimes de7iotes to want 7mder- standi7ig and prudence. Hos. 7. U- Ephraim is like a silly dove, withoutheart ; they call to Egypt, they go to Assyria. They have 710 judgme7it or u7i- dersta7iding of the right way, to free themselves from their troubles, which is see7i i7i their seeki7igto Egy pt a7id Assyria. O fools and slow of heart, ig7W'a7it me7i witlumt insight a7id %mdersta7iding, Luk? 24. 25. '1 his people's heart is waxed gross , lest they should understand with their heart. Mat. 13. 15. Tlieir heart is stupijied, so as to be destitute of U7iderstandi7ig ; they resist the light, and reject all impressio7is of truth. The prophets prophesy out of their own heaits, Ezek. 13. 2. They pro- HEA phesy according to their own inclinations a7id affec- tions, and what their own imaginations suggest to them, without a7iy warrant from God. 1 o lay any thing to heart, to set one's heart on any thing ; that is, to remeirtber it, to apply oneself to it, to have it at heart. No man layethittoheart, no 07ie conceryis himself about it, Jer. 12. 11. The heart dilates with joy, contracts with sad7tess, breaks with sorrow, grows fat, and hardens in prosperity ; it resists truth; God opens it, pre- pares and t7irns it as he pleases. 1 o steal one's heart is cw expression in Gen. 31. t 20. Jacob stole away the heart of Labaji ; that is, he went away without his knowledge ayid corae7it. 'I he heart melts, U7ider discouragemeyit ; the heart forsakes one, under terror ; the heart is desolate, in amazemeiit ; the heart is fluctuating, i7i doubt. 1 o speak to one's heart, to comfort him, to say pleasi7ig a7id ajfecti7ig thbigs to him. By the heart likewise the middle of any thing is mea7it: Tyre is in the heart of the seas, m the midst of the seas, Ezek. 27. 4. \\ e will not fear, though the mountains be carried into the heart, or midst of the sea, Psal. 46. 2. As Jo7ia.s was three days and three nights in the whale's belly ; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth, m the grave. Mat. 12. 40. Gen. 31t 20. Jacob stole away the h. of Laban 34. + 3. Shechem spake to the h. of Dinah 45. 26. Jacob's h. fainted, for he believed them not Exod. 23. 9. for ye know the h. of a stranger 28. 30. they shall be on Aaron's h. when he goeth in 35. 5. whoso is of a willing h. let him bring it 35. them hath he filled with wisdom of A. iejy. 26. 16. shall consume e3'es, cause sorrow of A. Is'um. 32.7. wherefore discourage ye the //.of Israel .' 9. they discouraged the h. of the children of lsr„ Deut. 5. 29. O that there were such an h. in them 28. 28. Lord shall smite with astonishment of /;. 47. thou servedst not the Lord with gladness of A. 65. the Lord shall give thee there a trembLng h. 29.4. the Lord hath not given you a A. to perceive Josh. 14.8. they made the h. of the people melt Judg. 5. 15. for divisions were great thoughts oi h. 16. for divisions there were great searchings of /(. 18. 20. the priest's h. was glad, he took the ephod 1 Sam. 1. 13. now Hannah, she spake in her h. 4. t 20. she answered not, nor set her h. to it 10. 9. it was so tliat God gave him another h. 16. 7. but the Lord looketh on the h. 17. 32. Dav.said, let no man's h. fail because of him 24. 5. David's h. smote him, because he cut off 25. 31. shall be no grief, nor offence of A. to my Id. 36. and Nabal's h. was merry within him 2 Sam. 6. 16. she despised him in h. 1 Chron. 15.29. 13. 28. when Amnon's h. is merry with wine 14. 1. that the king's h. v,as toward Absalom 18. 14. Joab thrust darts through the h. of Absal. 19. 1 7. go forth and speak to h. of thy servants 14. he bowed the k. of all the men of Judah 1 Kings 2>. 9. give thy servant an understanding h. 12. 1 have given thee an understanding h. 4. 29. G. gave Solomon wisdom and largeness oih. 8. 17. it was in the h. of David, 2 Chron. 6. 7. 66. people went to tents glad of h. 2 Chron. 7. 10. 10. 2. communed of all was in her h. 2 Chron. 9. 1 11. 4. perfect, as was the h. of David his father 12. 27. then shall the /;. of this people turn 2 Ki7igs 6. 11. the h. of king of Assyria was troubled 12. 4. that cometh into any man's /;. 2 Chr.1