\04 Gass \^104 BookiAZLpa. GPO i / 12i cts . single. $ 1.00, for 10 copies. HISTORICAL NOTICES OF CONNECTICUT; Publislied under the patronage of the CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. •**. =►••> Net; CONTAINING mMM'^wQmm, IN 1 @ 4: O Settlements ; Purchase — Indian Deed ; Originai. Proprietors and settlers ; Organization — Town Officers — Town Book — Prices of Labor ■ Strangers — Shade Trees ; Original Streets — Names and Locations; Original House Lots ; Locations of First Settle»s ; Genealogies of Families. BY WILLIAM S. PORTER, "^ f Member Connecticut Historical Society. HARTFORD, APRIL, 1842. ELIHU GEER's press. li Sheets Periodical. -] HISTORICAL NOTICES OF HARTFORD. After ihe settlements of Plymouth and Massachu- setts Bay, the violent persecution of" the Puritans in England, made great numbers look towards America as the only safe retreat from the impending storm. In 1630, Rev. Thomas Hooker, a man of great y/ learning and abilities and a famous preacher, at Chelmsford, Essex, Englnnd, was silenced for non- con tormity. To escape fines and imprisonment, he fled to Holland. He was held in such high and uni- versal esteem among his acquaintance, that forty- seven ministers in his vicinity, and all conformists, petitioned the bishop of London in his favor. They witnessed for Mr. Hooker, that they esteemed him, and knew him "to be, for doctrine orthodox, for life and conversation honest, for disposition peaceable, and no wise turbulent or fictions." However, as he was a non-conformist, no personal or acquired excel- lencies, no testimonials of his good conduct, nor pra3'ers of his friends, could save him from prosecu- tion nnd deposition. He was so esteemed as a preacher, that not only iiis own people, but others from all parts of the country, flocked to hear him. The noble earl of Warwick,' though he resided at a / great distance from Chelmsf(>rd, was so delighted with his public performances, that he frequently attended them. Great numbers who attended his ministry, and experienced its salutary effects, were willing to emigrate to any part of the world, to enjoy the happiness of such a pastor. 1 2 HARTFORD. No sooner, therefore, was Mr. Hooker driven from them, than they turned their eyes towards New Eng- land. They hoped that if comfortable settlements could be made in this part of America, they might obtain him for their pastor. Therefore in 1632, a large body of them came over, and settled at New- town, since called Cambridge, in Massachusetts. Those who before had arrived and commenced a settlement at Weymouth, all removed to Newtown and settled with their brethren. The}'' had expressed their earnest desires to Mr. Hooker, ihat he would come over into New England and take the pastoi^al charge of them. At their desire he left Holland, and having obtained Mr. Samuel Stone, a lecturer at Towcester, Northamptonshire, for an assistant in the ministry, took his passage for New England, and arrived in Boston, September 4th, 1633. •' With him came the famous Mr. John Cotton, Mr. John Haynes, afterwards governor of Connecticut, Mr. Goflj and two hundred other passengers of im- portance to the colony..- Mr. Hooker proceeded to Newtown, where he i'ound himself in the midst of a joyful and afifeclionate people, and was himself filled with joy. He embraced them wilh open arms, say- ing in the language of the apostle, " Now I live, if ye stand fast in the Lord." He was soon chosen pastor and Mr. Stone teacher. The church was gathered at Newtown, October ] 1th ; and after solemn fasting and prayer, the pastor and teacher were ordained to their respective olliccs. This was the pious band who afterwards transported themselves in their associated capacity to Hartford, which they first named Newtown. Jn 1634, by the continued emigration to New Eng- land, the people at Watertown, Dorchester and New- town began to be much straitened ; and receiving from those who had been to Connecticut, intelligence of the excellent meadows upon the river, they deter- mined to remove thither, and once more brave the dangers and hardships of making settlements in a dreary wilderness. This occasioned great excitement SETTLEMENT. 3 and opposition in MassacbuseUs. But after a pro- tracted discussion, the General Court, in 1G35, finally granted permission to remove thither. A comraence- ment ot the settlement was made in 1635. Their sufferin2:s and trials while on their journey through tlie wilderness, and during the long and severe winter which folhnved, are well known. In 1G36, Mr. Hooker, and Mr. Stone, and a company of one hundred men, women and children, took their departure from Cam- bridge, and traveled more than a hundred miles, througli a hideous and trackless wilderness to Hart- ford. They had no guide but their compass ; and made their way over mountains, through swamps, thickets and rivers, which were passable with great difficulty. They had no cover but the heavens, and no lodgings but such as nature afforded them. They drove with them one hundred and sixty head of cattle, and subsisted by the way on the milk of their cows. Mrs. Hooker was borne through the wilderness on a litter. The people generally carried their packs, arms and some utensils. They were nearly a fortnight on their journey. This adventure was the more remark- able, as many of this company were persons of figure, who in England had lived in honor, affluence and delicacy, and were strangers to fatigue and danger. Gov. Haynes and some others did not appear in the colony until 1637. PURCHASE OF HARTFORD. The Indian name of Hartford was Suckiage. The settlers first named it Newtown from the place of their residence in Massachusetts ; but in February, 1637, ihey gave it the present name of Hartford. The place was originally purchased by Mr. Stone, Mr. William Goodwin and others, for the proprietors, of Sunckquasson, the Indian chief and proprietor of the soil. The original treaty was lost or carried away, and was renewed by his heirs and successors in 1670. The following is a true copy from the records : HARTFORD. INDIAN TREATY. "Whereas our predecessor Sunckquasson, sachem of Suckinge, ahas Harlford, did about the yeare six- teen hundred thirty six, by a writeing under his hand, pass over unto Mr. Samuel Stone and Mr. Wm. Goodwin, in the behalfe of" the present proprietors and owners of the lands belonging to the township of Hartford, all that part of his country from a tree marked N. F. which is the divident between Hartfcrd and Wethersfield — we say from the albarsayd tree on the south, till it meet with Windsor bounds on the north, and from the great river on tlie east, the whole bredth to run into the wilderness towards the w^est full six miles, which is to the place where Hartford and Farmington bounds meet; which grant of Sunck- quasson, as occasion hath been, w-as by him renewed to the honoured John Haines, Esqr. and other the first magistrates of this place, and enlarged to the wesL- • ward so far as his country went; which enlargement as well as his former grant was made in presence of many of the natives of the place and English inhabit- ants ; and severall yeares after, about the time of the planting of Farmington in the yeare one thousand six hundred and forty, in a writeing made between the English and Pethus the sachem or gentleman of" that place, there is a full mention of the albarsayd Sunck- quasson his grant of his country to the magistrates of this place, which grant we are privy too ; and we being the onely successors of Sunckquasson and pro- prietors (before the forementioned sale) of the lands belonging to the township of Hartford on the west side of the great river, being desired to confirm and pass over all our right and interest in the albarsayd lands to the present possessors of them, they infbrme- ing us that those writeings made by Sunckquasson before recited are at present out of the way, knowing what our predecessor hath done, and what considera- tion he hath received for the same, — INDIAN TREATY. 5 We, Masseeckcup and William squa in behalf of ourselves and Wawarme the sister and oncly heire of Sunckquasson, and Keepequam, Seacutt, Jack Spiner, Currecoinbe, Wehassatuck squa and Scacunck squa, the onely inhabitants that are surviveing of the afoar- sayd lands, doe by these presents ovvne, acknowledge and declare, that Sunckquasson whoe was the sachem of Suckiage alias Hart-lord, and grand proprietor of the lands adjacent, did with the consent of those of us whoe were of age to declare our consent, and with the consent of the rest of the inhabitants of this place, about the year 1G36, pass over unto Mr. Samuel Stone and Mr. Wm. Goodwine, in behalfe and for the use of themselves and their company, all the land from Wethersfield bounds on the south, to Windsor bounds on the north, and the whole bredth from Conecticutt river on the east six large miles into the wilderness on the west, which sayd grant was afterwards upon further consideration renewed and enlarged by the sayd Sunckquasson, upon the desire of the honoured Mr. Haines and the rest of the magistrates of this place : but we being informed that on the removeall of some of the gentlemen afoarmentioned, the papers and writeings before specifyed are out of the way, and haveing now received of Mr. .Samuel Willys, Capt. John Tallcott, Mr. John AUyn and Mr. James Richards, a farther grattification of near the value the land was esteemed at before the English came into these parts — to prevent all farther trouble between ourselves and the inhabitants of Hartford, we the sayd Masseeckcup, Wm squa as afoarsayd, and Sea- cutt, Keepequam, Jack Spiner, Carrecotnbe, Wehas- satuck squa and Seacunck squa, upon the considera- tion forementioned, by these presents have and doe fully, clearly and absolutely give, grant, bargain, sell, ahen, enfeoffe and confirme unto Mr. Samuel Willys, Capt. John Tallcott, Mr. John AUyn, and Mr. Jjmes Richards, in behalfe of the rest of the proprietors of the land belonging to the township of Hartford, their heires and assignes forever, all that parcell of land from a tree marked N. F. being a boundary between 1* 6 HARTFORD. Wethersfield and Hartford on the soulh, to Windsor bounds on the north, and the Avhole hiedth of land from Wethersfield to Windsor bounds from the great river on the east to runn into the wilderness westward full six miles, which is to the place where Hartl'ord and Farminujton bounds meet, — To have and to hold all the afoarsayd parcell of land as it is bounded, with all the meadowes, pastures,- wnodes, underwood, stones, quarries, brookes, ponds, rivers, profitts, comodities and appurtenances whatsoever belonging thereto, unto the sayd Mr. Samuel Willys, Capt. John Tallcott, IVIr. James Hichards and Mr. John Allyn, in behalie of themsehes and iherest of ihe inhabitants of the towne of Hartford, whoe are stated proprietors in the undivided lands, their heires and assignes, to the onely proper use and behoofeofihe sayd Mr. Samuel Wil!ys, Ca})t. John Tallcott, Mr. John"x\llyn and Mr. James Richards as afoarsayd, iheir heires and assignes forever; and the sayd Massecup and Wm squa in behalf of themselves and Wawarme the sister of Sunckquasson and Seacutt, Keepequam, Jack Spiner, Currecombe, Wchassatuck squa, and Secunck squa, doe covenant to and with the sayd Mr. Samuel Willys, Mr. John Talcoit, Mr. James Richards and Mr. John Allyn, that after and next unto the afoarsayd Sunck- quasson, they the said Masseeckcup, Wm squa, Seacutt, Keepequam, &c. ha\e onely full power, good right, and lawfuU authority to grant, bargain, sell and convey all and singular the before hereby granted or mentioned to be granted premises with their and every of their appurtenances, unto the sayd Mr. Samuel Willys, Mr. John Tallcott, Mr. John Allyn and Mr. James Richards as afoarsayd, their heires and assignes forever, and that thev the sayd Mr. Samuel Willys, Mr. John Tallcott,^ Mr. .John Allyn and Mr. James Richards, and the rest of the proprie- tors of the undivided lands within the bounds of the township of Hartford, iheir heires and assignes, shall and may by force and vertne of these presents, from time to time and all times forever hereafter, lawfully have, receive and take the rents issues and profitts INDIAN TREATV. 7 thereof to their owne proper use and beliooffe forever, without any lett, suit, trouble or disturbance whatso- ever otthe heires of Sunckquasson or of us the sayd Massecuji, Wm Squa, Seacutt, Keepequam, Jack Spiner, CuiTecombe, Wehassatuck squa, and Sea- cunck scjua, our heires or assignes, or of any other person or persons whatsoever clayming by, from or under us or any of us or by our meanes, act, consent, priority or procurement, and that free and clear and freely and clearW acquitted, exonerated and dis- charged or otherwise from time to time, well and sufficiently saved and kept harmless by the sa\'d Massecup, William — squa, Seacutt and Keepequam, &c. dieir heires, executors and administrators from all former and other grants, guilts, bargains, sales, titles, trembles, demands, and incumbrances whatso- ever had, made, committed, suilered or done by the afoarsayd ^lassccup, WiUiam squa, Keepequam, Sea- cutt, &c. ^^In witness whereof, they have signed, sealed and delivered this writeing with their own hands, this fitih of July, one thousand six hundred and seventy. Signed, sealed and delivered Masseeckcup, his mark, t,. s. in presence of Seacutt, his mark, i,. s. ArramamaU, his mark, Jack Spiner, his mark, l. s. 7T/«77rtr/w//?, his mark, Seacuwck squa's mark, l. s. N'schci^oi, his mark, Currecombe, his mark, l. s. jl//wH(/«//rt, his mark, Kekpeuuam, his maik, i,. s. IFr/ix/?.-?, his mark, Wit.mam squa's mark, l. s. Will. Waihworlh, Wehassatuck squa's mark, i,. s. John Addams, Nesacaneu gives consent to this John Slric/.iand, grant and bargain, as hewitness- Giks Hamlin. cth by subscribing Nesacanett, his mark, l. s. The original marks or signatures of the Indians are singular and grotesque. Some represent implements of war, some wild beasts, &c. S HARTFORD. ^ORIGINAL PROPRIETORS AND SETTLERS. The following list of names is found in connection with two divisions of lands distributed to the sq,id pro- prietors, in the proportions of the number or numbers ^ annexed to each. The orthography is that of John Allyn who transcribed the names from the old Town Book on to the Records in 1665. The true orthogra- phy will be found on the subsequent pages. John Allyn's entry is as follows : "The proprietors of the undivided lands in Hart- ford, with each of their proportions in one division as foUoweth, according to \vhich pioportions they payd for the purchass of sayd lands :" [The ' Mr.' prefixed to the names was a high honor, and was only bestowed on clergymen and men of the highest distinction.] —Mr. John Haines, 200, William Lewis, 40, 38, Mr. George Willis, 200, WiUiam Spencer, 30, 40, Mr. Edward Hopkins, 120, William Andrewes, 33, 30, Mr. Thomas Wells, 100, Steven Heart, 40, Mr. John Webster, 100, Bartholomew Greene, for- Mr. Thomas Hooker, SO, feited and settled by the Mr. Samuel Stone, 40, town on -Mr. Wm. Goodwine, 50, John Crow, 40, 20, Mr. Wm. Whittinge, 100, John Moodey, 40, Mr. Mathew Allyn", 110, Jhomas Standley, 42, Mr. John Tallcott, 90, ^ jTimothy Standley, 36, 32, James Olmsteed, 75,70, Edward Stebbing, 2S, 24, William Westwood, SO, Andrew Bacon, 2S, William Pantrey, 85, SO, John Bernard, 24, Andrew Warner, 84, Gregory Winterton, 28, \ John Steele, 50, 48, Samuel Wakeman, 35, 30, Nathaniel Wardc, 56, 60, William Gibbons, 22, 20, John White, 50, John Pratt, 26, ^ William Wadsworth, 52, Richard Goodman, 26, Thomas Hosmore, 58, 60, Nathaniel EUy, 20, 18, Thomas Scott, 42, William Ruscoe, 35, 32, PROPRIETORS AND SETTLERS. James Ensigne, 24, John Hopkins, 2G, 24, \/ George Steele, 26, Steven Post, 30, 2^, '^ Thomas Jucld, 2-5, 20, I'homas Birchwood, 26, John Clarke, 2S, 22, Thomas Bull, 14, 12, George Slocking, 20, William Heyden, 14, Nicholas Clarke, 13, 12,^' Thomns Stanton, 16, 14, Thomas Hales, 10, Zachary Field, 10, Mathew Marvin, 30, 2S, , -Thomas Roote, 8, 6, William Bailer, 23, "William Parker, 13, 12, Thomas Lord, 28, v Seth Grant, 14, John Skinner, 22, 10, William Pratt, 8, 6, John Stone» removed or -Samuel Hales, 8, died, and left to John Marsh, 24, 12, Richard Lord, IS, Richard Webb, 30, John Maynard; 14, William Kellsey, 16, Richard Olmsteed, 10, 8, John Baysey, 14. Joseph Easton, 10, \Thomas Selden, 6, Francis Andrews, 10, 12, Richard Church, 20, 12, Jeramy Addams, 30, this William Hide, 20, 18, ,/ includes the share of Richard Wrisley, 8, KSam. Greenhill, deceased, William Holton, 12, rRobertDaye, 14, X- Robert Bartlett, 8, K Thomas Spencer, 15, 14, Edward Elmer, 14, 12, Nathaniel Richards, 26, Jonathan Tnce,died in Bos- Richard Lyman, 30, Joseph Mygatt, 20, W^illiam Blumfield, 16. Richard Butter, 16, George Graves, 24, Arthur Smith, 14, ^William Hill, 20, Thomas Olcok, 32, 8, James Coale, 12, 10, John Arnold, 16, ton, and his right settled by ihe town on John Cullick, 58, 30, John Willcox, 36, 13, John Higginson, 12, not a settler, Clement Chapling, 20, Dorothy Chester, probably did not settle in Hartford, Or soon removed. There was another large class of original settlers, who were not original purchasers. They had shares m some of the undivided lands, by votes of the original proprietors, according to the proportions indicated bv the figures annexed to their names. Mr. Allyn's entry is as Ibllows : 10 HAllTFORD. "The names of such inhabitants as were granted lotts to have onely at the towne's courtcsie, with llbtrt y to fetch woodc and keepe swine or cowes on the Common." 6, 4, N John Brunson, 10, 3, '~ John Warner, 6, William Cornwell, 8, Thomas Woodford, S John Biddell, 6, 4, Ralph Keylor, 6, - — -Thomas Lord, Jun. John Hallaway, 6, Nathaniel Kellog, 6, Thomas Barnes, G, t^ichard Se^anore, John Purcasse, 6, William Philhps, 8, 6, Nicholas Disbroe, 6, Benjamin Burre, G, Hosea Goodwin, 10, G, Robert Wade, G, 4, John Olmsteed, 4, 3, Benjamin Munn, 8, Daniel Garwood, G, John Hall, G, John Morrice, S, 6, Nathaniel Barding, 6, John Ginnings, G, G, Paul Pecke, 8, George Hubbard, 6, Thomas Blisse, G, Thomas Blisse, Jun. 4, "^ Edward Lay, G, Thomas Gridley, 6, John Sables, G, John Pierce, 4, 3, Giles Smith, 8, Richard Watts, 8, G, William Westley, 8, G, Thomas Richards, 8, Henry Walkeley, G, 4, James Walkeley, 4, Thomas Upson, 4 Widdoe Belts, 4, Thomas Bunce, 13, WiUiam Watts, 4. In addition to the above, the following persons had been owners of lots previous to 1G39, and had either sold them, or forfeited them to the town, by not settling or removing, contrary to the conditions of their grant. Thomas Beale, 3, Thomas Fisher, John Friend, Thomas Goodfellow, Thomas Hongerfortt, Reynold Marvin, Thomas Munson, Abram Pratt, Samuel Whitehead. The names of subsequent settlers we shall give in future numbers. ORGANIZATION OF THE TOWIST. 11 ORGANIZATION OF THE TOWN. No sooner had llie first settlers arrived in 16'35, n/ than they united themselves in a corporate capacity ; or perhaps continued the previous organization which thev had in Massachusetts. The Ibllowino- are the V first votes on record : " Hartford, 1635." " It is ordered, that whoesoever hath a lott granted in this towne, and removes frotn the same to dwell, within fower years after the granting of such lotts, then the sayd lott or lotts is to returne unto the hands of the towne agayne, they paying for the worth of the , - labor done upon it: or if any person shall desire to sell liis lott or lotts within that t^me, they shall first ofl(?r the same unto the towne, whoe shall either give ^ the worth of the labor done upon it, or else have liberty to sell it to any other fhat the towne shall approve of, for the same value: and for default thereon, to return to the towne. "It is ordered, that for anny tyme hereafter, untill it bee rcstreyned, the towne shall have liberty to lay out any highwayes through any men's ground, if it be found needfull, provided they give the party \ resonable satisfaction. " It is ordered, that whoesoever doth not improve his house lott, by building upon it in twelve months after it is granted, then sayd lott to returne to the towne agayne. "Upon these three condycions, all the land that is given in the towne, is granted upon." The next order required every householder to have xa ladder or tree to reach within two feet of the top of the house. " It is ordered that there shall be a guard of men to attend with their arms fixed, and 2 shote of powder and shott at least, upon every publique meet- -/ ino; for rclis^ious use, with two seriants to oversee the ' i-.-yx. -^f V ,,^iue- ^ ^ti^^dcj^:!^ ^i-iC^', ,^^- L-.^ t 12 ^'^ HARTRORD. same, and keepeouL one of them sentenall every meet- ing ; and the sayd guard to be ^r^e from wardin^s and to have seats provided near the meetino-hou%e door; and the senants to repayre to the magistrate fbr a warrant lor due execution thereof." \. fJZ"" ^T'^' ^", '"^■"■"^'^ "^^°^^^« of t«^^'n votes, . &c. were kept until l(i39, when the above orders appear to have been recorded. From that time for- ward, the records are regular and pretty full and complete. They appear To have bee^n kept by the townsmen themselves, and not by the Resrister or the legalofficerwhomadetheentriesoflandsand any other important matters which he was instructed to record. 1 he entries on the Town Book are in a great variety ot hand writing, more like a memorandum book than an authorized record. The book is much worn and N* defaced, and much of the writing obliterated, or torn or worn off the edoes. O The original orgnnizalion of the town Avas purely democratic ; all were not only permitted but required , to take a part in all public proceedinos. The only \ limitation resulted from the fundamental principle of their oigamzation, that no one could reside amon- them who had not been admitted an inhabitant; and no one coukl be admitted an inhabitant, except by a public vote of the freemen ^ ^ Towjf Officers. The first town officers were constables and townsmen. The constables were representatives of the executive power, and as such were greatly feared and reverenced. The townsmen had similar powers to those of our select-men. The following were their duties, as they were voted at a general meeting, January 1, 1638, or 1639 as we now reckon, they commencing their year in March. "January 1, 1638." "It IS agreed that the townsmen for the time bein- shall have the power of the whole town, to ord-n- the common occasions of the town, except in the cases loilowino:. TOWN OFFICERS. 13 1. Tliat lliey receive no new inhabitant into the ^ town without ap{)iol)ation of the body. 2. That they make no levies except it be for charges expended or to be expended about guarding or order- ino" ofi' cattle. 3. That they neither give nor grant any lands be- longing to the town, except an acre or two at most, to any inhabitant, and that in case of present necessity. 4. That they do not alter any highway already / settled and laid out. 5. Although they may, according to the liberty given them by the body, at a public meeting, call out the persons and cattle belonging to any inhabitant for the service of the whole, and increase the wages of .y any above the ordinary rates allowed in the town, as the}' shall see just cause, provided they exceed not ^^ 6d. a. day to any, 3^et they shall not require, by virtue of said order, the cattle of any to be employed in any service belono^inix to the whole, without the liberties of the town, except they undertake in the name of the body to return the cattle so employed in safety to the owner, besides a reasonable allowance for the hire of the same. 6. The townsmen shall not be longer than fourteen ^ days at most, without a set and joint meeting of them altogether, to consider of and order the occasions of the town committed to them, and to agree upon a time or times to call the body together to consult, and con- clude of other cases that shall occur, not left within their power; and if an}^ of them fail to meet at the time appointed, he shall not refuse to pay two shillings six pence for every such defiult. 7. No one townsman slall require the service of any person or cattle, without the knowledge and con- V sent r>/ some of the rest." The preceding are all the votes of the town preserved on record previous to the fall of 1G39 ; during which year, the governnicmt of Connecticut was constituted'/ and organized, and an act passed by them, authorizing the towns to organize themselves in a corporate capa- city, and requiring them to choose registers and enter 2 14 HARTFORD. their lands and record important votes. From this time the records are regular and full. At the first regular meeting of the town, November 16, 1639, John Steele was chosen register or town clerk, which office he held until 1651, when he removed to Farmington. Some of the doings at this annual meeting are as follows : " At a general meeting of the whole town, the 23d of December, 1639, ♦' There was then chosen to order the affairs of the town for one year, William West wood, Wilham Spencer, Nathaniel Ward, John Moody. There was also chosen constables, Nathaniel Ely, Thomas Hos- mer. " It was then ordered as follows : 1. That the said townsmen should have the same power that those had the year before. 2. That they should be exempted from training, watchings and wardings. 3. That they should have liberty to choose two men for either side of the river, who shall attend them in such things as they appoint about the town affairs, and be at a public charge." At a meeting in February following, "Arthur Smith and Thomas Woodford were then chosen to attend the townsmen in such things as they appoint, and their principal work to be as l(:)lloweth : 1. To view the fences about common field so often as they shall be appointed by the townsmen, and to have 3d. an hour for the time they spend about the same. And if either of them find any [down or broken,] they shall sufficiently mend up the same, and shall have 4d. an hour for all the time they spend about the same, to be paid by the parties whose pales they mend. 2. To view the common fields so often as they shall be appointed by the tov.-nsmen, and to have 3d. an hour for the same ; and if they or either of them take any cattle or swine in the same, then to do their best to bring them to the pound, either by themselves or any help they shall need ; and shall have 3d. an TOW>r OFFICERS. 15 liour for himself and the help he shall need, and 2d. a head for the same, to be paid by the parties which own the cattle or swine : also if at any other times, they or either of them see or know of any beast or swine, in any common corn field, on this side the great river, they shall do their best to pound them, and shall have for their pounding a piece, also they shall take for the damage which the cattle or swine shall do, before they shall be released, or pay it them- selves, and shall repay the same to the parties who hath been [the sufferers] according to an order for that [purpose."] 3. [The old record is here so mutilated and partly torn off, that their next duty cannot be learned.] 4. [This duty appears to relate to giving notice of meetings.] 5. To do their best to search into the breach of any such order as shall be given them in charge by the townsmen, and to return truth of the same so near as they can, and to have 3d. an hour for the same. 6. Whosoever elsn shall at any time bring any cattle or swine to the pound, they shall severally attend to help pound the same, and shall receive the pay due to the party for pounding, according to an order for that purpose, and for the damage which shall be done by them, and shall repay it to the several persons, and shall have 2d. a head for themselves. 7. They shall give notice to the parties whose corn or grass the damage is done in, that so the}^ may have it prized according to an order for that purpose. 8. They shall do any other special public service which is within their power to do, being required by the townsmen — as to warn men to public, employment, or to gather some particular rates or the like ; and to have 3d. an hour for the same." The following are the orders referred to a.bove : " It is ordered that whatsoever damage is done in any man's corn or meadow by any cattle or swine, it shall be prized by two indiffisrent men, and the owner of the cattle or swine shall pay for the damage, and '^^ for the time which is spent in viewing. 16 HAKTFOUD. " It is also ordered, that whosoever finds any cattle or swine in any corn field, and brings them to the pound, shall have 2d. a head for the same ; and if the premium be httle, by reason of the small number, then to be farther recompensed according to their desert, to be set down by the townsmen. V " It is further ordered , that all common fences about ' corn fields, shall be sufficiently made up as shall be iudged by two men, before the 2d of April if the flood do not hinder, and also set a stake with the two first / letters of their name on the further side from the town, upon the forfeiture of 2s. by the rod, 12d. a stake, and 6d. a week, so long as it shall remain so, and pay double for mending the pales if they do not. " It is further ordered, that whosoever breaks open the pound, or shall use any unlawful means to take his beast or swine, or shall oppose any that shall be driving them to the pound, shall forfeit for every such fault IQs. and be otherwise dealt withal as the nature of the offence shall require." V I'rices of Labor. The prices of labor were regu- lated by votes of the town. After speaking of some public officers, it is added : " Nor any day laborer above ISd. in the winter, and \ 2s. in the summer, except planting time, and then not , above 2s. 6d. a day ; and theJ.nii^rior sort under : also / for draft cattle, not above 14d. a pair a day th(^best, in winter, and ISd. in the summer, and the inferior sort under, to be ranked in the several sorts by the town : and for the cart, if four cattle or above, 6d. a day ; if but three, then 4d. a day ; but if but two, then 3d. a day. And the winter to be accounted from the first of November to the first of March, and the planting time from the 15th April to the 15tli July. Also, all day laborers,which work without doors, i n the winter shall work nine hours for one day ; and in the summer, eleven hours; and the draft to work eight hours from the fifteenth of May to the first of November, and six hours from the fi'rst of November to the fifteenth of May. ■**:" STRANGERS. 17 " And whosoever takes any work by the great, / when it is ended, if either party have cause to com- plain, he may make the case known to the townsmen; and it" they judge either party to have oppressed the other in the work, to have it viewed by indifferent men, and to compel the parties to stand to the arbiter- ment. " Also, no man shall take above 4s. 6d. for sawing of boards, and 5s. 6d. for slit work, the timber being squared and laid at the pit; nor above Sd. a C. for riving six loot pales or clapboards, and 6d. a C. for three foot: nor above 7s. for boards, and 2s. Gd. lor three foot clapboards; and 3s. 6d. for six foot pales, and 4s. 6d. lor six foot clapboards : and whosoever gives or takes more, directly or indirectly, shall for- teit for every time os. [Sawing was then done by hand. A pit was dug in the ground, in which one of the sawmen stood, over whom the timber to be sawed was placed on a frame, on which stood the other sawman.] " Also, whosoever sells any commodity, and takes unreasonable fair or work in men's necessity, shall be liable to be fined by the townsmen, according to the offense." Entertaining Strangers. " It is further or- dered, that whosoever entertains any person or family in his house which is not admitted an inhabitant in the town, above one month, without leave from the town, shall discharge the town from any cost or trouble that may come thereby, and be liable to be called in question for the same." Shade Trees. "It is further ordered, that whoso- ever hath any trees planted upon any lot which was given him for planting ground, and they be prejudicial to those which lie next, he shall fall the same ; or if he either neglect or refuse, he who lies next may do it, and to be either paid in [money] the worth of the same work, or in work again. Jf the party be not able to do it presently, then the townsmen have power to give him some time for the [same.]" 2* 18 HARTFORD. The follo\ving orders were passed in Jan. 1G39, [1640.] Meetings. "It is ordered that every inhabitant which hath not freedom from the whole to be absent, shall make his personal appearance at every general meeting of the whole town, having sufficient warn- ing ; and whosoever fails to appear at the time and place appointed, shall pny six pence for every such default: but if he shall have a lawful excuse, it shall be repaid him again : or whosoever departs away from the meeting before it be ended, without liberty from the whole, shall pay the like [fine]. "It is ordered that there shall be a set meeting of all the townsmen together, the first Thursday in every month, by nine of the clock in the forenoon, that so if any inhabitant have any business with them, he may repair unto them: and whosoever of them do not meet at the place and time set, to forfeit two shiUings six pence for every such fault. "It is ordered, that hereafter no order to stand in force, until it hath been published at some general meeting, or sent from house to house. To that end, whensoever the townsmen shall give notice to stay after lecture, whosoever shall neglect so to do, shall be liable for the breach of any order as if he staid and heard the same." The town kept a survcyor''s chain for the use of the inhabitants, subject to the following regulation : — "It is ordered, that whosoever borrows the town chain, shall pay two pence a day for every day they keep the same, and pay for mending it, if it be broken in their use." ORIGINAL LAYING OUT OF THE TOWN. The original town plot occupied ncarlj- the same space as the present city. The central part was di- vided into house lots, called two acres each, and dis- tributed among the original purchasers ; and on the borders of these were half acre house lots granted to STREETS. 19 Other settlers. The names and locations of the ori- ginal streets are given below. The present names of the streets are prefixed in brackets. [Main, north of the bridge.] "lload from the Con- tinel Hill to the Palisado." [Front.] " Little River to North Meadow." [State, to Front.] " Meeting House to Little Mead- ow." [Kilbonrn.] " Road to the Ferry." Another "Road to the River," extended from Front street to the Connecticut river, between State street and Potters' lane ; and another "In the Little Meadow," extended north and south froiii the above to Kilbourn street ; both which were subsequently closed. "Road to the Neck," and " to the Soldiers Field," lay on the west side of the North Meadow creek, and probably extended to Windsor ; an- other " Road to the Neck," on which Matthew AUyn's house lot lay, extended from the bend in the present Village street, bearing a little west of north, oi)liqnely to and over the hill, which has been entirely closed within a few years. [Burr.] " Centinel Hill to the Cow Pasture." [Trumbull] " Centinel Hill to Seth Grant's house." [Pearl.] "Meeting House to the Mill." This street originally extended to the front of the pres- ent jail, then turned south to the river, and con- tinued northwesterly on the bank of the river to the mill which stood near the foot of West Pearl street ; thence continued nearly the same course, up the hill and onward in front of the Asylum to the Commons, and was called the " Road from the Mill to the Country." [The street commonly called Work-house lane, was laid out about A. D. 1725; and was the only new street laid out in the limits of the present city, from the setilemcnt of the town to the close of the Revolu- tion and the incorporation of the city.] [High, north of Church street.] "Cow Pasture to Mr. Allen's land." 20 HARTFORD. {School and Mill] " Highway by the Little river." [Sheldon.] " Highway by Little river." [Part of Bliss, Elm, '&c.] "Mill to the South Meadow." N [Bliss.] " George Steele's to Mill." [Washington.] "George .Steele's to Great Swamp." [Buckingham, as it was, Charter, &c.] " George Steele's to South Meadow." [Charter.] " Giles Smith's to Wm. Gibbons's." [Main, south of bridge.] " Town" or "Bridge" or " Moody's to Wethersfield ;" also "Road to the Ox Pasture." [Cole.] " Koad to Wethersfield," " to Ox Pasture," " Wm. Hill's to Ox Pasture," and parts of it were called, " Wm. Gibbons's to Thomas Judd's" and " Thomas Hosmer's to Country." [Meadow lane.] " Road to the Indians' land." N [Oil Mill lane.] " Road from George Steele's lo Thomas Richards's," or "John Biddell's."— Another east and west highway lay south of this, probably where Russ's lane now is ; which met another " Road from Holton's to Savell's," or " to John Bar- nard's land," that extended south from the riv- er west of the College lot, in the rear of the present house lots, now closed. LOCATIONS OF THE ORIGINAL PROPRIE- TORS, AND SETTLERS. The most dislinG:uished families among the first settlers, were located on the east side of Cole street ; on the two sides of the Little river, and on Main street in front of the State House, and south to the river. For the convenience of future reference, I shall di- vide these house lots info tiers on each side of the river, and number the several lots, as follows: — On the North Side, the 1st Tier lies on the north side of Little river, and is numbered 1 to 4, from Front to Main street. HOUSE LOTS. 21 2d Tier lies on the north side of Little river, and is numbered 5 to S, west from Main street. 3;Z J'lcr lies on the east side of Main street, and is numbered 9, 10, from the 1st Tier to the original Meeting House yard. 4:th Tier lies on the west side of Front street, and is numbered 11 to 13, from 1st Tier to Statb street. bth Tier lies on the west side of Front street, and is numbered 14 to 21, from State to Village street. Q)th Tier lies on the east side of Main street, and is numbered 22 to 2S, from the original Meeting House lotto Villao'e street. Ith Tier lies between Main and Trumbull streets, and is numbered 29 to 34, from Pearl to Burr street. 8th Tier lies on the west side of Trumbull street, and is numbered 35 to 43, from Burr street to the river. 9th Tier lies on the east side of Mill or Trumbull street, and is numbered 44 to 46, south from Pearl street. lOtIt Tier lies on the west side of Main street, and is numbered 47 to 49, south from Pearl street. ll^A Tier lay on a street now closed, which extended from Village street to the Neck, and is numbered 50 to 54, North from Village street, and 55 on the West side of the street. I2th Tier lies on the east side of Burr street; and is numbered 56 to 70, northerly from Village street. 13^/t Tier lies on the west side of Burr street and Al- bany turnpike, and is numbered 71 to 76, north- erly from Trumbull street. lith Tier lies on Tower hill, and is numbered 77 to 80, from the Little river northward. On the South Side, the 1st Tier lies east pf Cole street, and is numbered 1 to 7, from the Little river, south. 2d Tier commences at the junction of Main and Cole streets, and extends north to Charter street, numbered S to IL '3d Tier lies between Charter and Sheldon streets, and is numbered 12 to 16, from Cole to Main street. 1, 22 HARTFORD. Ath Tier lies between Elm and old Buckingham streets, and is numbered 17 to 2G from Main to Bliss street. 5th Tier lies on the south side of old Backingham street, and is numbered 21 to 36 from Main to Washington street. Qth Tier lies on the west side of Bliss street, and is numbered 37 to 41, from the south end of the street to the river. Ith Tier lies north of Elm street, and is numbered 42 to 46, East from Bliss street. Sth Tier hes on the west side of West street, and is numbered 47 to 51, south from Oil Mill lane to Russ's lane. 9/!A Tier lies on the west side of West street, and is numbered 52 to 56, south from the lane. lOth 2'/er lay on a north and south street, west of Tier 8th, now closed, numbered 57 to 59, south from Oil Mill lane. 11th Tier hiy west of the above street, now closed, and is numbered 60 to 63, south from Oil Mill lane. The original proprietors of the above lots, and the settlers on them, are given below. The original pro- prietors who did not settle on their respective lots, or who deceased or removed from town before 1640, are included in brackets. North Side. [Richard Webb,] John Haynes, Thomas Hooker, Samuel Stone, Wm. Goodwin, Thomas Standley, Thomas Loril, Richard Lord, Joim Steele, 10 Clement Chaplain, 11 James Olmsted, 12 Wm. Pantry, 13 Thomas Scott, •14 Edward Stebbins, 1 ~1 2 3 -^ -5 -6 --.-7 ^9 1 3 4 5 South Side. Edward Hopkins, John 'White, Wm. Gibl)ons, Wm. Whiting, John Webster, T- 6 Thomas Welles, V7 Thomas Hosmer, 8 James Cole, 9 Thomas Judd, 10 George Wyllys, wl2 Wm. Hills, 13 Samuel Wakeman, ^14 Andrew Warner, 15 Nathaniel Ward, HOUSE LOTS. 23 "^15 16 16 17 IS 18 -19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 29 30 30, 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 40 .41 42 43 44 47 47 48 49 50 51 ' 52 55 67 Timolhy Stfiudley, [John Stone,] John Marsh, Win. Butler, [John Barnard,] [^fatthew Allen,] Wm. Westwood, -^ [Stephen Hart,] Alatthew Marvin, Riehard Goodman, Wm. Lewis, John Talcotl, Edward Elmer, Nathaniel Ely, llobert Dayr' '^"^ Wm. Kelsey, [Edward Hopkins,] Thomas Olcott, [John Haynes,] 31, John Pratt, \ John Maynard, Riehard Webb, Dorothy Chester, Thomas Hale, Thomas Birchwood, John Clark, Wm. Parker, Wm. Ruscoe, Wm. Wads worth, Thomas Stanton, Nathaniel Riehards, Seth Grant, [Samuel Whitehead,] Richard Lord, John Skinner, Richard Olmsted, Nicholas Clarke, Matthew Allen, Wm. Hayden, Stephen Hart, Thomas Spencer, 16 17 18 19 20 21 o-:) 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 45 45 47 56 57 63 Andrew Bacon, Samuel Greenhill, Gregory Wolterton, John ]>arnard, Arthur Smilh, George Graves, James Ensign, Jeremy Adams, Joseph Easton, John Baysee, Richard JButler, John Moody, Wm. Hyde, John Arnold, Richard Lyman, Thomas Bull, [Even Davie,] Stephen Post, George Stocking, George Steele, Joseph Mygatt, Wm. Blumfield, [John Friend,] John Wilcock, WiUiam Andrews, John Hopkins, [Jonathan Lice, for- feited and granted to] John CuUick, WiUiam Holton, Richard Rizley, Thomas Selden, Robert Bartlctt, Y \ V 24 HARTFORD. r- 6S Richard Church, 69 Zachariah Field, 60 Thomas Root, 62 Samuel Hale, 65 Wm. Pratt, 77 Wm. Spencer, The following are the house lots of those first set tiers, who were not the original proprietors. North Side. 8 Thomas Lord, Jun., IS Thomas Woodford, 36 Ozias Goodwin, 45 John Bidden, 46 Mary Betts, \ 53 John Bronson, 54 William Cornwell, South Side. 11 Giles Smith, 28 Thomas Gridley, 40 Ralph Keeler, 48 Paul Peck, 49 Henry Walkley, 50 Richard Watts, 51 William Watts, 56 [Thos. Fisher, forfeit.]52 William Westley, 56 John Hallaway, 61 Benjamin Munn, 63 Benjamin Burr, 64 John Warner, 66 Nicholas Ginninffi \y 53 Edward Lay, 54 John Olmsted, 5C John Pierce, 58 Thomas Bhss, 59 Thomas Bliss, Jun., 60 Thomas Bunce, 61 John Savell, 62 Thomas Richards. 67 John Pierce, 67 Robert Wade, 68 Daniel Gappad, 69 Nicholas Disbro, -^,70 Richard Seymor, 71 John Purchas, 72 William Phillips, 72 Nat. Kellogg, 74 Thomas Hungerford, 75 Thomas Barnes, 76 Thomas Upson, 77 [John Hall,] 78 John Morricc, 79 Nathaniel Barding, 80 .John Ginnings, Thus it appears that on the first of Jan. 1640, there were nearly 150 families settled on so many house lots in Hartford, which must have contained 600 or 800 people. The inhabitants on the North and South sides of the Little river, constituted, in many respects, two distinct communities, from the first settlement of the town. I GENEALOGY AND BIOGRAPHY OF THE FIUST SETTLERS OF HARTFORD. ¥-■ Note. — The namos of heads of families are printed in small capitals, and t'losc of their children immediately follow. The numbers at the left hand refer to the succeeding heads of families, and to the corres- ponding: notices. The dates preceding- and following the names denote the times of birth and death, m. stands for married, d., died, and b., born. 1 Jeremy was in Cam- bridge, Mass., in 1632, and an original proprietor and settler of Hartford. He married Rebekah, the widow of Samuel Green- hill, and came into pos- session of the Greenhill estate, by entering into a bond to pay over a stipu- lated sum to the two mi- nor children when of age. He sold his house lot to Thomns Catlin, and removed to the Greenhill house, on the west side of Main street, next south of the bridge. But about 1651, he purchased the John Steele lot, on the east side of Main street, about half way from the bridge to the State house, \vhere he kept tavern many years. He was an active man of some note, and received the appointment of harbor- master from the General Court. He became em- barrassed, and the colony came into possession of his house and lot; which were redeemed in 1635 by his grandson Z;^chary Santbrd. He died in 1633. 2 Ann, married Robert Sanford. 3 1 1 ADAMS, Jeremy, 2 Ann, 3 John 1669, 5 Elenor, 3 1643 Samuel. 6 John, 7 165S Rebekah, 8 60 Abigail, 4 62 Sarah, 9 61 Jeremy, 10 66 John, 11 63 Jonathan, 12 70 HARTFORD. 3 John diod young, and his- descendants became scattered. Jerenjv lived in Hunlinolon, L. I. John lived in Great Eirs,' Harbor, N. J., and had a son Jo- nas in Trenton, in 1753. 4 Elenor marrietl Natlianlel Willott. BAYSEY, .loHN, an original proprietor and set- tler. His liouse lot was No. 25, between Bucking- ham now College and Ehii Streets. He was by trade a weaver, tie died in 1371 and his wife Eliz- abeth in 1673. tie hnd no s< ns ; his daughters were, Lydia, m. John Baker, Mary, m. Sarrmel Burr, Elizabeth, b. 1645, m. Paul Peck. John Baker had a son, and Samuel Burr a grand- son, named Baysey, to preserve tiie name. CHAPLAIIN, Clement, was elder of tlie church in Wethersfield, and probably never resided in Hart- ford, though he was one of the original purchasers. He was admitted freeman in Camliridge, in 1635, and elected representative in Massachusetts, in 1636. In 1637, he was a member ot" the Committee of the Colony of Connecticut, and chosen Treasurer. He also represented Wethersfield in the General Court in 164-2 and 1643, when he died. 1 CHURCH, Richard, 1 Richard was an ori- ginal proprietor and set- tler, and lived on the east side of Buir Street. He removed to Hadley. 2 John m. Sarah dau^h- ter otiiichard Beckley of New Haven in 1657. 3 Richard of Colches- ter may have had other children. 4 Sarah m. George Knight, and Samuel Hub- bard?. 5 John m. Abigail Cad- well in 1699. 6 Mary m. Standish. 2 John, 1691. 2 John, 3 Richard 1730, 4 Sarah, 5 John 1735, 6 Mary, 7 Rulh, 8 Samuel 1719, 9 1673 x\nn. 10 74 Elizabeth, 11 76 Joseph, 12 79 Dehverance, 3 Richard, Colchester, 13 James 1751. 5 John, Mr. 14 1701 John, GENEALOGY. J 5 1703 Caleb 17G0, 16 4 Al)ig:iil, 17 6 Mury 1GG7, IS S Joseph, 19 10 Daniel. 6 Samuel, 20 1699 Joseph, 21 Samuel, 22 Ebenezer, 23 Elizabeth, 24 Sarah. 13 James, East Hartford, 1724 Joseph, James, Mary, 25 26 27 28 29 15 30 31 32 1728 Abigail, 30 Jerusha. Caleb, .''George, 1754 Asher, .^Russell 1778. 25 Joseph, 8 Samuel married wd. Elizabeth CI uk in 1710, his seeond wife. 9 Ann m. Benj. Cleve- land, Cnnterlniry. 10 Elizabeth m. Jona. Clark. 11 Jos. probably had no chiklren. 12 Deliverance lived in Westfield. 13 James from Col- chester owned slaves and an estate in Bedford, Mass., and had a fvmily of note. He married Ab- igail, daughter of Caleb Standley, Esq. in 1722. 19 Daniel lived in New- Hart foixl. 2L Samuel lived in Bethlehem. 22 Ebenezer, Norwalk. 33 Joseph 1777. 23 Elizabeth m. Henry Bass, Windham. 24 Sarah m. John Paine, Plainfield. 26 James oraduated at Yale 1756. 28 Abigail m. Wni. Pitkin. 33 Joseph, Jan. graduated at Yale, 1768. He left no children. His wife Mary m. Wm. Imlay. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CROW, John, Mr. John 1667, J^sther, 1646 Sarah, 49 Anna, 50 Elizabeth 1727, (daughter,) Marv, 1 John Crow became possessed, by vote of the town, of theorio'inal riGfht of Bartholomew Greene, wliich was forfeited by his removal from thetown. This, together with the property of Elder Wm. Nathaniel 1695, Goodwin, whose daiigh- Daniel 1693. ter and only child Eliza- 9 Nathaniel, E. Hart, beth he married, render- 11 1685 Eliz. in 1710, ed Mr. Crow the greatest 4 HARTFORD. 12 16S7 John 1714, landholder m Hartford. 13 94 Deborah. He was one of the first 12 John, East Hartford, settlers in East Hartford^ 14 1711 Nathaniel. but afterwards removed 14 Nathaniel, to Had ley, and died in 15 Nathaniel. 1GS5. His surviving sons in Hartford became extravagant and dissipated, and squandered the propert}' ; but the daughters married some of the first men of Connecticut, and on the riv- er in Massachusetts, whose descendants are numer- ous. 2 John was a weahhy West India merchant, and had an establishment in Fairfield. He died at sea without children. 3 Esther m. Giles Hamlin, Esq. of Middletown. 8 Mary m. Samuel Partridge of Hatfield. 6 Eliz. m. (I) William Warren, who died in 16S9 ; and (2) Phineas Willson a wealthy merchant from Dublin. On his death in 1691, she continued her husband's business, and became the most extensive banker in the state. She was accustomed to loan money on mortgage, not only to citizens of Hartford, but in the adjacent towns. Her daughters married some of the first men in New England. 4, 5 and 7 m. Thomas Dickinson, Noah Coleman^ and Daniel \\ hite of Hatfield. 9 Nathaniel's widow^,Deborah, m. Andrew Warner of Windham, and died in 1697. 10 Daniel left a widow but no children. 11 Elizabeth m. Daniel Dickinson. 12 John left a widow Hannah, and an only child. CULLICK, John, Capt. one of the most noted men in the colony, had, by vote of the town, conferred on him the estate assigned to Jon a. Ince. He lived on the north side of Elm street. He married Elizabeth, dau"hter of Hon. George Fenwick in 1648. He represented Hartford in the General Court from 1644 to 47, when he was chosen assistant and secretary of state, which offices he filled for ten years. He was one of the commissioners to the united colonies from 1652 to 54. He removed to and died in Boston in 1663, and GENEALOGY. 5 Gen. John Leverett possessed his estate in Hartford. His children were, — 10.1:9 .John, graduated at Harvard College in 1G6S. 52 Elizil)eth m. Bcnj. Batten, Boston. DISBllO, Nicholas, an original settli'r, lived near the north end ot" Burr Street. He was born IG12 ; m. Mary Bronson in 1640, and Elizaheih, widow of Tliw;iite Strickland after 1009. He died in 1GS:'3 and left t()ur daughters, Daughter ui. Oljadiah Spencer, Daughicr ni. Samuel E2:gleston, 1G46 Ph. -be? m- J!)hn Kelsey, 1G49 Abigail? m. Robert Flood. Mr. Spencer had a son Disbro, to perpetuate the name. ELY, Nathaniel, an original proprietor and set- tler, was in C unljridge in 1G3-5. His liouse lot, where the nf)rrh church stands, he sold to J )ha Talcott, Esq. and became one otthe leatlers in the settlement of Noiwalk. He alterwaids lenioved to S,)rin(i;ielc'. GOODWIN, Wm, Elder, was admitted a freeman in Cambridge in 1G32, and was a mem!)er of the first General Court of Massachusetts. He was at first one of the most prominent men in the colony of Con- necticut. He was very active in the original |)ur- chase of Hirtfird of the Indians; and likewise in the purchase of Farmlngton, and of the region inclu- ding Hadlev and the acHaccnt towns. He was rulinof Elder in llev. ]Mr. Hooker's church ; but left it at the tim^ of the dissentions in that church, and remov . GENEALOGY. 35 1699 Jerusha, 36 1701 Elisha 1725, 37 3 Mary, 38 5 Richard 1710, 39 7 Elizabeth, 40 9 Epaphras, 41 1:2 Ichabod. 21 William, E. Haddam, 42 Wilham, 43 Mary, 44 Hannah, 45 Sarah, 46 Hepsibah, 47 Mehetabel, 4S Susatinn. 23 Jonathan, Colcliester. 24 Nathan, E. Haddam. 26 John, Hebron, 49 Dehght, 50 1736 Jane, 51 39 John. 36 Elisha, 52 1725 J. Hay nes 1796." 38 Richard, Welhersfield 53 1725 Ehzabeth, died, 54 27 Elisha 1727, 55 28EHshal729, 56 29 \hnh, died, 57 31 Richard, died, 58 34 Mary, 59 36 S'l. Wvllvs, d, 69 37 George 1765. 40 Epaphras, Colchester, 61 1731 Epaph. 1738, 62 1744 Saml. Phillips, 63 Hope, in. Jones, 52 John Haynes, 64 Elisha, 65 1747 Marv 1743, 66 J.H:iynesl834, 67 Richard 1766, ters, Dorothy m. a Phelps, Hannah m. Stephen Kell- sey, and IMargaret. 7 Juhn in. Adrean Baye, and removed to Appomatox, Va. before 1648. (See p. U.) S Amy m. John Gil- bert in 161:7. 9 m. Thomas Stanton. 13 Richard m. Mary Haynes, was lost at sea in 16S5, and lett an im- mense estate to his child and widow who m. Dr. ThoTias Hooker in 16S6. ^ The invenlory of his es- tate amounted to six thou- sand pounds, and with the exception of that of James Richards, Esq. it was the greatest of any man who had died in Hartford. He was an eminent man, and many years represented Hart- ford in the General Court. 14 Sarah m. Rev. Jos. Haynes. 16 William m. Sarah Shayler, who at his death m. Samuel [ngram. 17 and 18 resided in Saybrook. William may have had other children. 19 Richard m. Abigail d. of Wm. Warren. Her mother Eliz. was after- wards Mrs. Eliz. Wilson. Mrs. Lord m. Rev. Tim. Woodbridge, and died 10 HARTFOftDi 68 Frpflerick, very aged in 1153. Mr. 69 Willi;iin, Jjord left a gre;irer estate ^0 Mary, than his filher, ineluding 71 Hellen, eight negroes [they were 72 Eiiziheth, never cnlled slaves.] 73 Abigail. 21 William left a wid- 60 George, Mcrelrint, ow Hannnh. 74 1761 Daniel 176J, 24 Nathaniel left a 75 Dan. Edwards widow Hannah. [1763, 26 John rennoved from 76 George 1777, Glastenbury to Hebron. 64 John Havnks, 28 Benj imin, Kev. Dr. 77 John, graduated at Yale in 1714, 78 Emilv. and was pastor of the chureh in Norwieh from 1717 to his death in 17S4. 29 Hez(;kiah, Rev. graduated at Yale in 1717, and was pastor of the ehurch in Griswold from 1720 to 61. He died in 1763. 30 lliehard represented Lyme in the Legislature from 1719 to 1748, and 31 Andrew represented Lyme from 1733 to 43. 85 Jerusha m. John Whiting. 36 Elisha graduated at Yale in 1718, and m. Mary d. of John H lynes, Esq, and the only survivor of the Haynes family in this eountry. He gave the chureh a silver cup. His widow m. Roswell Saltonsiall of Branford ; and Rev. Pres. Clap. 37 Mary m. Joseph Pitkin, Esq. 38 Richard graduated at Yale in 1724, and m. Ruth Wyll3^s in 1725. At his death, she married a field- ing. 39 Elizabeth, advanced in life, m. John Curtiss, New Haven. 40 Epaphras, Esq, graduated at Yale in 1729, and married Hope d, of Capt. George Phillips of Middle- town. Ht; represented Colchester in the Legislature from 1743 to 5. 41 Ichabod, graduated at Yale in 1729, and settled in Colchester. 44 Hannah m. J )seph Crouch. 46 Hepzibah ni. John Shepperson. GENEALOGY. It 52 John ir. gnidiinted at Y;ilf> In 1745, nnd m. Ra- chel Kiiowles. lie lived on the Lord corner, and had a large estate bordering on Front street and tiie Little river, and in olher j)arlso["the lown. 53 Mary ni. Ch;irles Caldwell, who on the death of George Lord, Jan. inherited all the estate boih of her father, and of Hon. Daniel Edwards. 60 George, a merchant in. Sarah only child of Hon. Daniel Edwards. They both died and left their pro])erty to their only child, who was to have a colle- giate education. 66 li'icljaid was blown up in a school house. 71 Hellen m. Asa Allen. 72 Elizabeth m. Joshua Hathawa}^, Rome, N. Y. 73 Abioail m. David Porter. 76 George Lord inherited immense wealth, and was by his friends, in consequence of his froward- ncss, [)laced under the care of Rev. Mr. Whitman; but his vices soon terminated his life, and his whole estate reverted to his aunt, Mary Caldwell, which was soon wasted by prodigality. " A coov of a letter from Mr. John Lord, to his cousin, Mr. Rich. Lord. Ajxuniitixe, the ^QtliofFeh. 1663. ^^ Lovi/ig Cousin, — Yours by Mr. Parker came to hand, wherein I nnderst md that you are not sattisfyed with the pi'oposilions that J made to you. If you were acquaint with Virginia as well as 1, you would not thinke that getting in of debts in such remote partes of the countrey is soe easy a matter : but to avoyde all future trouble betwixt soe neer relations as we are, I shall be content to paye you (9000 lb) of tobaccoe the next yeare, if tobaccoe be made, or as sone as pos- sible may be. I should have complyed with my for- mer engagement the last yeare, but that tobaccoe was not made. Of all the time that I have knowne Vir- ginia, 1 never sawe the like. Cousin, I hope to see you here next yeare, and then doubt not but a fayre complyance: but however it shall not be my faulte, if we doe not agree ; because I would not trouble the spirits of so neer relations as our mothers. And, 12 HARTFORD. cousin, if you are not too much discouraged in Vir- ginia trade, pray bring or send me ten or twelve bushels of your best winter wheat for seed, (for lam going to be a good husband, and get good bread and beare,) and fower or five bushels of the best bnreley, and I shall endeavoure to make you good and honest sattisfaction. " I shall not enlarge, being in great haste. But my duly to my mother and love to all my freinds in gen- erall. I have sent your mother a small percell of sweet-sented tobaccoe ; I would have sent more, but it was inconvenient for Mr. J*arker to convay it to his vessell, and a small tokt.n to your sisters, but that I was disapojmted, not els. But your loveing unckell to command to my power. Superscribed Ji hn Lord." " These to his loveing cousin, Mr. Richard Lord, at his house at Hartford, in New England, l*resent." [The word " cousin" in ancient records, means what we now designate by "nephew" or " neice."] MARVIN : There appears to have been a family of brothers and sisters of this name, among the first settlers of Hartford : — 1 Mathew, an original proprietor and settler, lived on the corner of Village and Front streets. His dauo^hter, Lvdia in 1648, and Rachel in 1649, were born in Hartford. He was among the pioneers in the settlement of Norwalk, which he represented in the General Court in 1654. Mathew, probably his son, represented that town in 1694 and 97; Samuel in 1718; and John in 17-34 and 38. 2 Renold, an original settler, removed to Say- brook before 1639, where he died in 1662, leaving two children, Reinold and Mary. Reinold represented Lyme in the General Court from 1670 to 1676 ; and he or his son, Capt. Reinold, sometimes spelled Reignold, represented Lyme from 1701 to 172S. Samuel represented Lyme in 1711 and 1722. 3 Hannah m. Francis Barnard in 1644. 4 Mary m. Richard Bushnell of Saybrook in 1648. 5 Sarah m. Wm. Goodridge of Wethersfield in 1648. The present number is designed as the commencement of a series, to be continued Monthly, or as often as practicable. Twelve pages in each number will be occupied with geneological notices of families. Each num- ber will be sold separately ; yet, Subscriptions will be received, and the numbers forwarded as far as advance payment is made. Orders may be sent to WM. S. PORTER, care of Tyler & Porter, No. 6 Asylum street, Hartford. Any geneological notices of the descendants of the first Settlers, forwarded as above, will confer a favor. The genealogy of any partic- ular family will be inserted, and 50 copies of that number will be furnished for ^5.00. The history of any Town will be published, whenever suitable documents are furnished, and Subscriptions pledged to pay the Printer's bills. WILLIAM S. PORTER, COUNTY SURVEYOR. Orders may be left at the Town Clerk's Office, Hartford, or at his residence in Far- mington. r t> 12A cts. single. $ 100, for 10 copies. HISTORICAL NOTICES OF CONNECTICUT Published under the patronage ofttie CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. K0. 2; CONTAINING Al WEST HARTFORD. "■®— •^— ®- DivisjoNS OF THE TowN — Names of Locations — Commons - Town Roads ; Burying Grouvd — Graves — Sexton — Town Crier ; Settlers in Hartford from 1640 to 1700 ; Proprietors Votes ; WEST DIVISION. Proprietor's Lots — Higipways ; First Settlers &. Locations; Genealogies. BY WILLIAM S. PORTER, Member Connecticut Historical Society HARTFORD, JUNE, 1842. ELIHU GEER S PRESS. li Sheets Periodical. — ^ V >' GENEALOGY. 13 BARDING, Nathaniel, an original proprietor and settler of Hartford, had his house lot on Lord's hill. His second wife was Abigail the widow of Wm. Andrews. He died in 1674, leaving no sons, but a daughter Sarah, who m. Thomas Spencer, who had a grand- son Nat. Barding Spencer to perpetuate the name. BARTLETT, Robert, an original proprietor and settler of Hartford, lived on the west side of a street running south from the rear of the College ground, now closed. He early removed to Northampton v/ in 1655. He had a daughter, *^^*-*-^,« '^■. Deborah born in 1645. " ' ' i.^"'- -~^ ■ • BIRCHWOOD, (Birchard,) Thomas, an original proprietor and settler of Hartford, lived on the west side of Trumbull street. He removed to Saybrook, which town he represented in the General Court in 1650 and 51. Thomas Bircher, probably the same man, was admitted a freeman in Mass. in 1637. His daughter ? Sarah, m. Bartholomew Barnard in 1647, who in- herited part of his real estate in Hartford. BLISS, Thomas, Sen. and Jun., original settlers of Hartford, had adjoining house lots on the east side of the street west of West street, now closed ; which they sold in 1650, and removed to Springfield. BLLTMFIELD, William, an original proprietor and settler of Hartford, lived on Bliss street north of the College lot. He was admitted a freeman in Mass. in 1635. • He sold out as early as 1644, and removed, perhaps to New Jersey. ELY, Nat., [continued,] represented Norwalk in the General Court in 1656. HIGGINSON, John, [corrected,] was among the first settlers of Hartford, though he appears not to have had a house lot. He was, I suppose, a school- NoTE. — The names of heads of families are printed in small capitals, and those of their children immediately follow. The numbers at the left hand refer to the succeeding heads of families, and to the corres- ponding notices. The dates preceding and following the names denote the times of birth and death, m. stands for married, d., died, and b., born. 3 14 HARTFORD. master in Hartford, and may have occasionally " stepped into the pulpit." By his early removal, he fjtt-jt«- lost most of his interest in the town. His wife sold some property in 1638. He was the son of Rev. Francis Higginson of Salem, b. 1616, and came with his father to this countr}^ in 1629. He was a preach- er in 1637, and officiated some tim.e as chaplain at Saybrook fort. He removed in 1611 to Guilford ; and to Salem, Mass. in 1659, where he was ordained in 1660. He died in 1708 a2;ed 92, havino: been a minister of the gospel 72 years, leaving a son John. ■ ' <^ -^ 1 HOOKER, Thomas, 1 Thomas, Rev., was 2 John, born at Marfield, Lei- 3 Samuel, 1697, cestershire, in England, 4 Sarah, about 1586, and was edu- 5 Joanna, 1646, cated at Cambridge, Eng- 6 Mary. land. He left a widow 3 Samuel, Rev. Susanna. 7 1659 Thomas, 2 John, Rev. returned j 8 61 Samuel, 1730, to England to be married, ^ 9 63 IVilliam, 1GS9, wdiere he remained against 10 65 Joh7i, 1746, his father's will, and set- 11 66 James, tied in Masevvorth, Bucks. 12 68 Roger, ]698, 3 Samuel, Rev. gradu- 13 71 Nathaniel, 1711, ated at Harvard in 1653, 14 73 Mary, and was pastor of the 15 75 Hczekiah, 1686, church in Farmington, 16 78 Daniel, 1742, from 1655 to his death. 17 81 Sarah. From him most or all the Hookers of New England, are descended. He m. Mary Willett of Swansea. His second wife Susanna m. Rev. Stephen Buckingham, of Norwalk. 4 Sarah m. Rev. John Wilson, of Medford. 5 Joanna m. Rev. Thomas Shepard of Cam- bridge, as his second wife. 6 Mary m. Rev. Roger Newton, of Farmington and Milford. 7 Thomas, Dr. m. Mary, widow of Richard Lord, in 1686, and resided in Hartford, where he died with- out children, and gave his estate to his nephew, Thomas. GENEALOGY. 15 8 Samuel m. INIehetabel Hamlin of Middletown ill 1687, who d. in Hartford in 1749. 9 William, merchant, lived on the Zenas Cowles corner in Farmington. His widow Susanna m. John Blackleach, a noted merchant. 10 John, Esq. was one of the most substantial men in the colony. He represented Farmington in the General Court from 1699 to 1723, during which time he was clerk three sessions, and speaker six sessions. In 1723 he was chosen assistant, which office he held eleven years, during eight of which he was .judge of the Superior Court. He m. Abigail Standley in 16S7, who d. in 1743. 11 James, Esq. represented Guilford in the Gen- eral Court from 1702 to 1723. 12 Roger died in Hartford without issue. 13 Nathaniel, merchant, lived and traded south of the centre church in Hartford, on the north half of the Standley lot, which he inherited by his wife Mary Standley, whom he m. in 1698. On his death she m. John Austin also a merchant. He represented Hartford in the General Court from 1709 to his death. 14 Mary m. Rev. James Pierpont, New Haven, in 1698. 16 Daniel, graduated at Harvard, and was the first tutor in Yale College. He was a i^hysician, though invited to preach as a candidate in Farming- ton. He lived in Wethersfield, where he probably died, though his descendants hved in West Hartford. He m. Sarah Standley of Hartford, in 1706. 17 Sarah m. Stephen Buckingham, of Norwalk. 1 PANTRY, William, 1 William was in Cam- 2 Jolm, 1653. bridge in 1634, and ad- 2 John, _ mitted a freeman in 1635. 3 Mary, unmar. He was one of the weal- 4 Hannah, 1675, thiest of the original pro- 5 1650 Jo/m, 1736, a. 86 prietors and settlers of 5 John, Hartford. He lived on 6 John, 1713, the west side of Front 7 1678 Abigail, street, between State st, 16 HARTFOKD. 8 Hannah, and the Little river. He 9 1692 RebcJcah, 1775. died early, leaving his 6 John, Hadley, property to his son. 10 1712 Abigail, 1765. 2 John left a widow Hannah, who m. Thomas Welles, Esq. in 1654. She died in 1683, and left considerable estate. 5 John was for many years superannuated, and at his death left to his children and grand-children an immense estate, including a pasture of 25 acres, on the east side of Front street. 6 John removed to Hadley, where he died. His widow Mary removed to Farmington, with her only child Abigail. 7 Abigail married Richard Goodman, who inher- ited the west part of the Pantry farm in West Hart- ford, on which the meeting house now stands and westward, where his son Timothy lived. From her are descended most of the Goodmans in this vicinity. 8 Hannah married Hezekiah Goodwin, who named his son, John Pantry, to perpetuate the name. She inherited a great estate in East Hartford, and in Pantry's pasture. 9 Rebekah married Nathaniel Jones, ni 1713, who had sons Pantry and John Pantry. She also inherited property in East Hartford, and in the pasture east of Front street. 10 Abigail married John, the son of Rev. Samuel Whitman, in Farmington, in 1736. They removed to the eastern part of the Pantry farm in West Hart- ford, now in the possession of her descendant Samuel Whitman, through which the turnpike road to Farm- ington runs. PARKER, William, an original proprietor and settler, removed to Saybrook, which both he and his son deacon WilHam, represented in the General Court. His house lot on the west side of Trumbull street, he sold to William Adams. POST, Stephen, an original proprietor and settler, sold out his house lot on the south side of Bucking- ham street, to Thomas Gridley, about 1649, and re- moved to Saybrook. GENEALOGY. 17 1 PRATT. John, 2 John, 1690 ? 3 Daniel, 1690. 2 John, 4 UiS? Hannah, 5 61 John, 1746, 6 64 Elizabeth, 7 6S Sarah, 1753, S 71 Joseph, 9 77 i?«//i, 10 80 Siisan?iah, 11 83 Jonathan, 1755. 3 Daniel, 12 Da7«'c/, 1704, 13 Hannah, 14 Elizabeth, 15 , Sarah, 16 1671 i?«6AeZ, 17 Mary, before [1702, 18 {daughter,) 1702 19 £srAer. 1702. 5 John, 20 1687 John, in 1746, 21 William, 1753, 22 Hannah, 23 Esther. 11 Jonathan, Tanner, 24 Daniel, Glasten- [bury, 25 Moses, 26 Jonatlian, 27 E/ia&, 1709, 28 Aaron, 29 Elizabeth, 30 Jerusha, 31 Mary, 32 Hcpzibah. 12 Daniel, 33 1693 Elizabeth, 34 95 Hannah, 1696, 2* 1 John was an original proprietor and settler of some note. He owned two adjoining house lots on the west side of Main street, one of which he purchased of Gov.Haynes, which extended north from Asyhun street to the 4th church, some of which is now in possession of his descendants. From hira, Pratt street derives its name. He represented Hartford in the first Gen- eral Court in 1639, and several 5rears afterwards. He died about 1686 at an advanced age. 2 John left a widow Hepsibah, who married John Sadd. She died 1712. 3 Daniel. The follow- ing is an extract from the close of his v/ill. ' ' I have great reason and I do heartily desire to bless God for the good agree- ment and love that I h-ave lived to see amongst my children, as well as their tenderness towards my- self, which God will re- ward ; so now I desire to commit them to that God that hath cared for me all my days, commanding them to love, fear and serve him, who will be their God, as he hath been 18 HARTFORD. 35 97 Daniel, died their father's God." [young, 4 Hannah m. Garvad Elisha, Somers, Spencer in 1680. Hannah 36 37 Rebecca, 176S. 20 John, Jr. 38 17U Susanna,'\nllS9 39 17 Ozias, 1788, 40 18 Ruth, 41 John, 1754, 42 Hannah, 43 Sarah, 44 Elizabeth, 45 1734 Isaac, Goshen. Joseph m. a daughter 5 John m. iiannaa Sand ford. 7 Sarah in 1690 m Timothy Phelps, Wind- sor, who removed to Hart ford. 8 of John Marsh 9 Ruth m. Wilterton Merrill in 1702. 10 Susanna m. Daniel Merrill in 1698. 11 Jonathan was a tan- ner. He lived in Glas- tenbury, but died in Hart- ford. His second wife Mary he left a widow in Glastenbury. His sons 21 William, 46 Zcchariah, 47 ? Esther, 1767, 48 1736 William, 49 42 Joseph, 50 Martha, 51 39 Susanna, 52 Mabel. lived in East Hartford. 12 Daniel m. Elizabeth Lea in 1692, who after his death m. John Sheldon in 1708. 13 Hannah m. Daniel ? Clark. 14 Elizabeth m. Nat. Goodwin. 16 Rachel m. John Skinner in 1694. 17 Mary m. a Sandford. 20 John, Jr. m. Hannah Norton of Farmiugton in 1713. He died before his father 21 William lived in front of State House square near Asylum street, and died before his lather. He married Amy Pinney, who survived him, and had the charge of his property. She died in 1772. 22 Hannah m. Isaac Porter, of Windsor, in 1727. 23 Esther m. Jos. Talcott, son of the governor, in 1727. 29 Ehz. m. Wm. Moulbe, (Maltby.) 30 Jerusha m. Roberts. 83 Ehz. m. Deac. Isaac Sheldon in 1717. 36 Elisha m. Sarah Burnham in 1726. 37 Rebecca m. Marsh. GENEALOGY. 19 38 Susanna m. Marsh. 40 Ruth m. Pahner. 41 John, Capt. was a merchant, and probably died unmarried. 42 Hannah m. John Watson. 43 Sarah m. Wm, Cole of Southington or Wolcott. 44 Ehz. m. Dickinson. 50 Martha m. Samuel Drake. 51 Susanna m. Thomas Sloan. 52 Mabel m. Mathew Webster. PRATT, William, an original proprietor and set- tler, supposed to be brother of John, lived on the east side of Burr street, and sold about 1645 to Mathew Beckwith, and removed to Saybrook, which he repre- sented in the General Court from 1666 to 76. He married Elizabeth, d. of John Clark of Milford. His son John of Saybrook, was born in Hartford in 1645. Nathaniel and William Pratt subsequently represented Saybrook in the General Court. SCOTT, Thomas, was one of the original proprie- tors and settlers of Hartford. His house lot v/as No. 13, on Front street, south side of State street, and ex- tended west to State square. He died in 1643, leav- ing widow Ann, who in 1614 married Thomas Ford. He left children. Thomas died soon after his father without issue. Mary m. Robert Porter in 1644. Sarah m. John Standley in 1645. Elizabeth m. John Loomis in 1648. Robert Porter, John Standley, and John Loomis, were among the first settlers of Farmington, and lived on adjoining house lots, which must have been a source of great comfort to them in that then new set- tlement. The descendants of Robert Porter are numerous, among whom are Rev. Dr. Porter of Farmington, the late David Porter of Hartford, &c. John Standley represented Farmington many years in the General Court : his descendants are numerous, among whom are the Stanleys of Berlin. John Loomis removed to Windsor, and several years rep- resented that town in the General Court. 20 HARTFORD. 1 STANDLEY, Thomas, 1 Thomas was an ori- 2 Nathoniel, 1712 ginal owner and settler, 3 (daughter,) removed to and died in 2 Nathaniel, Esq. Hadley, in 1659. His 4 1664 Nathamcl, 1665 houselot extended from the 5 69 Sarah, 16S9, centre church to the Little 6 71 Joseph, 1676, river. His only son was 7 74 Hannah, 16S1, 2 Nathaniel m. in 1659 8 77 Mary, Sarah, the daughter of 9 81 Siisanna, 16S3, James Boosey, one of the 10 83 Nathaniel, 1755 first men in Wethersfield. 10Nathaniel,Co1. &Esq. He was a man of wealth 11 1707 Nathaniel, and influence, and repre- 12 9 Sarah, sented Hartford in the 13 llJoseph, 1712, General Court from 1678 14 13 Augustus, 1770, to 1689, when he was 15 15 Anna, 1722, chosen assistant, which 16 17 Susanna, office he held to his death 17 19 Abigail, in 1712. 18 21 Mary, 1722, 3 Married in Hadley. 19 23 Joseph, 1723, 8 Mary m. in 1698 20 William, 1786, Nat. the son of Rev. Sam. 14 Augustus, W.Hartford Hooker of Farmington, to 21 Allyn, 1774, whom her father gave tlie 22 John, 1789, north half of his home lot, 23 Roswell, where he lived and traded 24 James, as a merchant. He rep- 25 Judah, resented Hartford in the 26 1748 Luaj, died. General Court from 1709 27 1752 FredericJc, to his death in 1711. In 28 58 Whiting, 1713, she married John 29 62 Lewis, 1777. Austin, a merchant of note. Her children by her first husband were, Mary who died single ; Alice who m. Samuel Howard ; Sarah who m. Hon. Daniel Edwards ; Abigail who m. Rev. Dr. Benj. Lord of Norwich ; and Rev. Nathaniel, the minister of West Hartford : and by her second hus- band, John who d. young ; and Mary, who m. John Ellery. 10 Nathaniel was a man of wealth, energy and dis- tinction. He m. in 1706 Anna, the daughter of Jos. GENEALOGY. 21 Whiting, Esq. and grand-daughter of Col. John Allyn. He was annually chosen an assistant from 1725 to 1748. His estate was invoiced at .£3000. 11 Nat. grad. at Yale in 1726. He married and removed to Windsor, where his father established him in business ; but he became a worthless spend- thrift, and had a conservator placed over him to take ^^ care of his property, in 1757, between which time and 1773 he died, probably without children. His wddow Mary died insolvent, in 1797. 12 Sarah m. Andrew Burr, Esq. of Fairfield, who W'as an assistant from 1746 to 63. 14 Augustus lived on the Standley lot, at the south end of West Hartford, w^here he died, leaving a small estate. It Avas the custom, in ancient times, to give each son a trade. Hence, to show the value he set upon a trade, he says in his will : — " Whereas, my ^ sons Allyn and John have neither of them learned any trade, I therefore give to each of them the sum of twenty-five pound lawful money, or the value thereof, more than any of the rest of my sons." 16 Susanna m. Aaron Day of New Haven. 17 Abigail m. Rev. Elnathan Whitman. 20 William died without cbildi-en. In his will he presented the south church a silver tankard. He gave his niece, Eliz. Whitman, a twelve acre lot on the west side of Hoo- river. He oave his sister Abi- gail, wife of Rev. Elnathan Whitman, all his personal estate, and the use of his real estate during her life. At her decease, he gave the use of all his large estate, except the above twelve acres, forever, unto the South Society in Hartford. It is now most or all of it leased for 999 years. STEBBINS, Edward, Deac. was one of the most prominent and influential proprietors and settlers of Hartford. His house lot was on F|pnt street, north side of State street, and extended west to what was then the public square, now Dorr street. He was admitted a freeman in Cambridge in 1634, and re- moved to Hartford as early as 1636. He represented Hartford in the General Court at various times, froni 02 HARTFORD. the organization of the government in 1639 to 10-50. His sister Edatha married Robert Day, and on the death of Mr, Day in 1648, he had the care of the three children and the property. On the decease of Gov. Hopkins, Mr. Stebbins was one of the trustees to dispose of his estate. He was a man in whom the j^eople ever placed great confidence. He died in 166r3, and his widow Frances died in 1673. They had no sons. Their daughters were : Manj,m. Edward? Gaylord, whose children were Joseph, Benjamin, Joanna and Mary. m. John Chester, near London, England, whose chiklrenxwere John and Samson. Elizabeth m':'Thomas Cadwell. Lijdla m. Deac. John Willson. Mr. Cadwell had a son Edward' and Deac. Will- son a son Stebbins, to perpetuate the name. WAKEMAN, Samuel, an original proprietor and settler of Hartford, was a freeman in Cambridge in 1632, and a representative in Mass. in 1635. He was drowned in 1645, and his widow m. Nat. Willett. His children, — Ezbo/i removed to Fairfield, Grace m. John Kelly, Elizabeth m. Joseph Arnold, Hannah m. Hackelton. The Court settled the estate on Nat. Willett, on condition that he should pay the son forty pounds when he arrived at 20 years of age ; and each of the daughters 20 pounds, when 18 years of age. WESTWOOD, William, was born in 1607. He was one of the wealthiest and most prominent of the first settlers and proprietors of Harttbrd. His house lot was on the west side of Front street where Morgan street crosses it. He was a member of the upper house in the fiA General Court in 1636 : and repre- sented Hartfora in the Court from 1642 to 1656, when he removed to Hadley, where he died. His only child Sarah, m. Aaron Cook of Hadley, whose son Aaron inherited Mr. Westwood's property in Hart- ford. GENEALOGY. 23 WHITEHEAD, Samuel, original owner of the Lord corner, removed to New Haven, where he died in 1G90. WYLLYS. Few names among the settlers of New England are more conspicuous in the heraldry of England than that of Wyllys, or Willis, as it is there spelled. They trace their ancestry back to the times of Henry Vlll., when Richard flourished at Napton. The family mansion was at Fenny Compton in War- wickshire. Before removing to New England, Mr. Wyll3'S sent over Wm. Gibbons, his steward, to ex- plore and niake purcliases if he found any desirable residence. He purchased for his employer several house lots, which constituted the Wyllys place, where the charter oak now stands. 1 George, 1645, 2 Gc eorge, u Ileste?', 4 Amy, 5 1632 Samuel, 6 Samuel, Esq., 6 1 George Wyllys, Esq. appears in Harttbrd in 1709. 7 8 8 9 10 11 1-2 1038, and in 1639 he was chosen assistant, which office he held until his death. In 1641 he was chosen deputy governor, and in 1642, governor. 1672 Hezekiah, 1741. 2 George remained Hezekiah, Secretary, the family mansion Mcrnj, Mclntabel, 1704 A' wM, 8 Elizabeth, 9 George, 1709, 10 George, 1796, 13 13 Mabel, 14 14 Samticl, 1732. 12 George, Secretary. 15 1738 Samuel, 1823, 16 44 William, 17 18 19 20 21 at in Fenny Compton. 3 Hester m. Capt. Harding, in 1645. 4 Amy m. John Pyn- chon of Springfield, in 1645. 5 Samuel, Esq. was born in England ; gradua- ted at Harvard in 1653, 54 Jolm Falsgrove* and the next year, at the [>Q> George, died, early age of 21, was clect- Hezekiali, 1827, ed an assistant, to which 50 Susanna, office he was annually 42 Mary. elected until 1684. He 15 Samuel, Gen. & Sec. was again elected, after 22 1777 Oliver St. John, the government of And- 24 HARTFORD. 23 1781 Mary Wood- ross, from 16S9 to 1692, [bridge, and again in 169S, making 24 84 Samuel Hobart, 36 years during which he 25 90 William Alfred, held this high office. He 19 Hezekiah, Col. was also 4 years commis- 26 1786 Amelia, sioner to the congress of 27 SI George, 1S22, the New England colonies. 28 89 Charlotte Eliz., He m. Ruth the daughter 29 90 Harold, of Gov. Haynes. 30 91 John Palsgrove, 7 Mehitabel m. (1) Dan- 31 93 Ferdinand. iel Russell of Charles- town ; (2) Rev. Isaac Foster in 1679, who died in 1684 leavmg one child Ann; and (3) Rev. Tim. Wood- bridge. 8 Hez. m. Eliz. d. of Rev. Jer. Hobart in 1702. He was Secretary of State, from 1711 to 1734. 9 Ruth m. Richard Lord in 1724, and after his death, Belding. 12 George Wyllys m. Mary, the daughter of Rev. Timothy Woodbridge. He was Secretary of State from 1735 to 1795, 61 years. 13 Mabel m. Samuel Talcott, a man of great wealth, and son of the governor. 15 Samuel, General, m. Ruth Stoughton in 1777. He was Secretary of State from 1796 to 1S09, when Thomns Day was chosen assistant Secretary. 1 Wilham died unmarried. 19 Hez. m. Amelia Trumble in 1785. 20 Susanna m. Jed. Strong, of Litchfield. 21 Mary m Pomeroy. 22 Oliver, S. J., died a vagabond in 1839. 23 Mary W. m. John M. Gannett. 24 and 25 Sam. H. and Wm. A. probably died unmarried. 26 Ameha m. Asher Adams of Charlestown. 27 George left a widow but no children. 28 Charlotte E. probably died unmarried. 29 Harold is supposed to have died in a distant land. 30 John P. was killed in the western army, under St. Clair. -^ DIVISIONS OF THE TOWN. 25 With some slight exceptions, the lands on the Nortli and on the South side were divided among the propri- etors on those sides respectively. The line of division commenced at the mouth of the Little river, which it followed to the union of Hog and Woods rivers, and then up the latter to the bend, thence on the south side of the Knowles' farm, and onward to the West Division. The same line was continued on the east side of the Great river. DIVISIONS OF THE TOWN. On the arrival of the first settlers in Hartford, they probably found the Little Meadow, the North and South Meadows, and the Meadow on the East side, already cleared and under cultivation by the Indians, consisting of meadow and corn land. For many years after the settlement, Indians continued to reside near the house in the South Meadow, at the south end of the Island on the East side, and at the north end of the East Hartford Meadow. These meadows were divi- ded among the original proprietors, for meadow and plow lots : and other portions of the town west of these were also distributed among the original proprietors, and by their grant to other settlers, for wood and pas- ture. The Divisions together with the Names of Locations were as follow : — On the NORTH side, I. Little Meadow lay on the east side of Front street, between the Little river and the North Meadow bridge. It was divided, among the proprietors on both sides, into 66 lots of various sizes from 30 square rods to 4 acres ; 25 of these lots lay on the north side of the Road to the Landing, and the rest on the south side. Gov. Haynes purchased the lots next to the Little river, which descended to his heirs as far as John Haynes Lord. The lots between Gov. Haynes's and the old Ferry street, were mostly purchased by 3 26 HARTFORD. Jolin Pantry, and descended to his heirs in the Jones family. Wm. Westwood purchased a large part of the lots north of the ferry, which were inherited by his grandson, Aaron Cook. The south-east angle of the Little Meadow, including 3 acres, was claimed and occupied by the Dutch, and hence is called the Dutch Point. At the north end of the Little Meadow was a two acre lot, called the Cow Yard, which was afterwards granted to Richard Olmsted, in exchange for a part of his house lot that was taken for a burying- yard. At the south-west corner of the Meadow, was a landing place, near the public crossing place from the North to the South side ; and another landing place at the foot of old Ferry street. At the latter place per- mission was granted by the town to build several w^are houses, on the public land. Since the first settlement of Hartford, the river has made great inroads on the Little Meadow. Then, the little river or creek running from the North Meadow, emptied into the Great river at the landing place and ferry, and a strip of land on the east side of it extended from the landing to the North Meadow bridge. IL Soldiers' Field, an appellation given to a tract containing about 1 5 acres, lay on the west side of the North Meadow creek, about a quarter of a mile north of the N. M. bridge. The lots were chiefly 1-4 th of an acre each, and perhaps were granted to soldiers enoaged in some Inclian war. There is a tradition, however, that it was once an Indian camp ground, and Indian implements of war have been found on the premises. The original owners all lived on the North side, and were few or none of them original proprietors of the town.' III. North Meadow extended from the bridge to Windsor, and from the Great river to the creek which separated it from the Neck lots. The lots ex- tended from east to west the whole width, and most of them included both meadow and swamp. To each proprietor on the north side, there was granted two lots, a large one at the upper end of the meadow, DIVISIONS. 27 and a smaller one at the lower end. About SOO acres were thus distributed. IV. Neck extended as at present from the town to Windsor, and from the Meadow swamp to the hills, and included about 400 acres. Each proprietor in the Neck had two lots, one at the upper, and the other at the lower end, as in the North Meadow lots. V. Cow Pasture lay west of the present Windsor road, and north of the Albany turnpike. It contained about 1,000 acres, and was held in common by the original proprietors on the North side. After a few years, however, it was divided among the owners. It was bounded north by common or undivided land, east by the Neck, south by the Highway to the Com- mons, which separated it from the West field, Ventu- rers' field, and Pine field, and west by the Little Ox Pasture. VI. Little Ox Pasture lay west of the Cow Pasture, and on both sides of the road leadino: north from the Albany turnpike. It contained about 200 acres, and was divided into 19 lots, var^ang from two- to 20 acres. It was bounded north by common land, east by the Cow Pasture, south by the highway from the Cow Pasture to the Country, separating it from the Pine field and Middle Ox Pasture, and west by common land, afterwards called the Blue Hill lots. VII. West Field lay west of the town lots, and contained about 100 acres. It extended north to the Albany turnpike, through the east part of which High street now runs. At the north end of it, lay the house lots of Thomas Upson, Renold Marvin, Thomas Barnes, &c. There was once a road which led across it to the Brick-hill, about 40 rods north of Church street. On the south lay Mr. Allen's ten acre swamp lot, which extended south to Asylum street, on both sides of Brick-hill swamp brook. On the west lay the Brick-hill and the Venturers' field. VIII. Brick-hill was the bank which is east of the present work house, and north-west of Bull's gar- den, and contained originally 6 1-2 acres. It had a road leading to it from the town. 28 HARTFORD. IX. Venturers' Field lay north of the Brick-hill on both sides of a road from the Cow Pasture, and extended to the Albany turnpike. It contained about 35 acres, and was distributed among ten or twelve owners. X. Pine Field consisted of about 25 small lots, of 50 acres in all, and extended from the highway in front of the Asylum, north to the Albany turnpike. The north-west corner was against the road leading north into the Little Ox Pasture. Through it ran an east and west highway from the Brick-hill to the river, perhaps the present road in front of the work- house. Another road ran across the east part of it, from the Cow Pasture to the Old Ox Pasture. XI. Old Ox Pasture lay west of the house lots on Lord's hill, between the highway in front of the Asylum and the Little river. It originally contained about 100 acres, and belonged to Gov. Haynes, Mr. Hooker and Mr. Stone : but the name was after- wards applied to all the tract south of said road to the river, embracing 500 acres. It belonged to the larger land proprietors. A north and south highway ran across it and the Middle Ox Pasture, from the Little river to the Blue hills. XII. Middle Ox Pasture extended from the Pine field west to the river, on the north side of the road leading past the Asylum, and contained about 100 acres. XIII. Blue Hills lay north of the Albany turn- pike, west of the Little Ox Pasture, and extended on both sides of the Granby turnpike, north to the Com- mons. XIV. Bridge Field lay on the west side of Woods' river, and extended from the dividing line on the south side of the Knowles' farm, uorth to the road leading west from Gurney's bridge, and west to the north and south highway, and contained about two hundred acres. Most of the lands in these divisions, except the three last and part of the Xlth, were distributed to the proprietors before 1640. Subsequently the lands DIVISIONS. 29 between the Cow Pasture and Little Ox Pasture, on the south, and Windsor bounds on the north, were dis- tributed. The rest of the lands west to the West Division was held in common until after 1750. On the SOUTH side, the proprietors were not so inventive in coining names for locaUties. I. South Meadow was the same as at present, embracing all east of the upland ridge. There was very little regularity in the laying out of the lots. After larger proprietors, or perhaps all the original purchasers had their lots laid out, the rest appears to have been taken up by pitches. That is, some half dozen individuals would associate, and take up an in- sulated spot susceptible of tillage, or a swamp, and divide it among themselves. In this way, irregular nooks and corners were left, which may have since been added to the adjoining lots, and given them their present irregular shape. To parts of the South Meadow were given specific names. There were the, Great Swamp, Wet Swamp, Dead Swamp, Pool, Indians' Land, Dutch- men's Land, Ward's Swamp, Olmsted's Swamp, Haynes's Swamp, 3d and 4th Divisions, two or three 40 Acre lots, and two or three 5 Acre lots, and some 10 Acre lots, owned each by several proprie- tors; there was also a Cow Pasture. Gov. Haynes, Mr. Hooker, Mr. Stone, and Mr. Goodwin had lots in the South Meadow, with the South side proprietors. In all there appears to have been about 900 acres dis- tributed. II. Ox Pasture consisted of large lots belonging to the larger proprietors, and extended from the South Meadow on the east, across Wethersfield lane, west to a north and south line running on the east side of the burying ground ; and from the house lots on the north, to swamp lands on the south, and contained about 450 acres. It was afterwards ex- tended to Wethersfield line, which made an addition of 250 acres. When the Farmington road was laid out, it cut off" the north-west corner, lying west of the South Green. 3* 30 HARTFORD. Poke Hill was a name afterwards given indefi- nitely to lots on the west side of Wethersfield lane, south of the original Ox Pasture. III. A tier of Upland lots lay between the Ox Pas- ture on the east, and the highway to the Great Swamp, now the south part of Washington street, and the lane leading south from the Retreat, on the west ; and extended from the house lots on the north, to the Great Swamp on the south. It contained about 200 acres. Most of these lots were small, and many of them subsequently used as house lots. Great Swamp included all the low land in the south part of the town on both sides and east of the New Haven turnpike. The lots were generally lai-gc, and belonged to the Ox Pasture and Rocky hill tiers of lots. The swamp contained about 400 acres. V. Rocky Hill lots were bounded west on the highway on Rocky hill and onward to Wethersfield line, and east on the highway to the Great Swamp and the swamp lots, and extended from Baker's lane to Wethersfield hne. There were 38 lots, vaiying in size from 3 to 60 acres, including in all 600 acres. On many of them buildings were soon erected. In fact, one of the first houses erected out of the town, was on the Skinner place near Wethersfield line. Zachery's lane and the Farmington road crossed this tier of lots. VI. A tier of 17 small lots, granted to non-proprie- tors, lay between Baker's lane and the road to West Hartford, containing in all about 50 acres. VII. A tier of wood lots lay between the road to West Hartford and the Little river, west of the small house lots, which contained about 100 acres. VIII. A tier of 13 large lots lay on the west side OF Rocky Hill, and extended west to the river, and south to the Farmington road, embracing 400 acres. IX. A tier of large lots lay on the west side of the road from Rocky hill to Wethersfield, and extended west to the highway on the east side of Cedar Moun- tain. It contained nearly 300 acres, of which the Wyllys lot included one half. NAMES OF LOCATIONS 31 X. Lots were granted on the westside of Hog river, in the bend between it and Woods' river. Commons extended from Wethersfield to Windsor, and from the west side of the lots enumerated above, to the West Division, and was forever set apart by the proprietors for public use, for pasture and the cut- ting of wood. In what manner this pledge was vio- lated, and the Commons divided, will be the subject of future remark. West Division was originally laid out to all the proprietors by lot, without regard to North and South sides. The lots were at first one and a half miles long; but by encroachment on the Commons, were considerably extended. The manner of laying out will be given below. East Side of the Great river, or Hocanum, was a tier of lots, divided among the original proprietors before 1640, and ex ended from Weth- ersfield, [Glastonbury,] to Windsor, [East Windsor,] and from the river to the Main street, with the excep- tion of Indian reservations. The North and South sides had their respective portions. The first purchase on the East side extended three miles from the river ; and the subsequent purchase from Joshua extended five miles further, to the bounds of Bolton. In this latter purchase is the town of Man- chester. Particulars will be given in subsequent pages. The following are the names of some specific loca- tions : — Centinel Hill was at the junction of Main, Trumbull and Burr streets, and probably covered an acre or more of ground, on one side of which was the pound ; hence it was sometimes called Pound hill. It was a hill from which the community were accustomed to carry away earth, until prohibited by a vote of the town. It was doubtless a place where Gentries were stationed to watch the city, and give alarms from danger. When such guards were no 32 HARTFORD. longer necessary, the hill may have been leveled to fill up adjacent low grounds. Palis ADO was on the Little river where Main street now crosses it. There is no evidence that it was a fortification. Probably it was only a defence against danger on the high banks of the river, before any bridge was built. Meeting-house Yard included not only the pres- ent State square, but extended north and south so as to include about twice the present area. In the north- east corner of the yard stood the gaol or prison, and in the south-east corner was the market place. Ox Pasture Hill included the building lots on the east side of the Old Ox Pasture, now called Lord's hill. Mill Lot included two acres where the present gaol stands, together with the flat and bed of the river west of it. The main channel of the river was then under the South bank, and the flat was an island. Wolf Pound was a name given to a lot or two on the east side and about the middle of Washington street. TOWN ROADS. The roads not before particularly described, were as follow : — The Road to Windsor, at first, either passed through the North Meadow, or lay on the bank in the Neck adjacent to the meadow swamp. Next, it probably passed up on the east side the Neck to the Soldiers' Field, and then crossed to the west side, on the borders of the upland. Afterwards it appears to have run from the northwest angle of Village street, obliquely to and over the hill, to the west side of the Neck. It was many years before the present road was located. Road to Wethersfield has always been in its present location through the Ox Pasture. Road to Farmington was very early laid out, commencing at the South Green, and running ob- liquely across the corner of the Ox Pasture, and • • / BURYING YARD. 33 across the upland and Rocky hill lots to the top of the hill, thence onward across the lots under the hill to the Commons near Cedar mountain ; thence across the Commons, the road has ever been varying. But throush the West Division, the location of the road has ever been the same. Road to the River, or to the Commons, on the South side, was a continuation of Baker's lane ; which was afterwards continued across the Commons, and called the "John Seymour road." The road has since been changed, and connected with the present West Hartford road, on the north side of the small tier of lots. Road from the Mill to the Country ran from the Little river over the hill and in front of the Asylum, to the Bridge Field and the Commons ; more recently called the Gurney's road. Cow Pasture to the Country, afterwards "to the West Division," and "to Simsbury" was the same as the present Albany turnpike. Other i*oads connecting with the two last, are speci- fied in the preceding pages. On the South side, Zachery's lane, and the high- ways on and under Rocky Hill, were original high- ways. Road to the Great Swamp, or Washington street and the lane in continuation running south from the Retreat, after a turn to the east, was after- wards continued to Wethersfield line. >^BURYING YARD. " The 11th of January, 1640," [1641.] " It is further ordered, that the Burying-place is ap- • pointed to be parcel of Richard Olmsted's lot ; and for satisfaction to Richard Olmsted for the said Bury- ing-place, and the fencing about it, he is to have a parcel of ground lying at the North Meadow gate, [the Cow-yard] containing about an acre and half of ground ; and the said Richard Olmsted is to remove Mr. Allen's fence, and set it by the highway against 34 HARTFORD. the said ground, and to inclose the end of said parcel of ground, tliat it safeguard the long meadow. The said Richard Ohnsted is to have part of John Skin- ner's lot, on which the said John Skinner's house stands ; and the said John Skinner is to remove his dwelling house ; and John Skinner is to have for the same, 3 acres of upland, and for the exchange of ground, is to have 3 acres more ; which 6 acres is to be laid out in the Cow Pasture or Ox Pasture. Richard Olmsted is to trans-sill his house that stands upon the Burying- place, and then the town is to re- move it to the lot the said Richard Olmsted receives of John Skinner." [John Skinner gave up all his \' front on Main street, and had another house lot on Lord's Hill.] *' At a meeting of the town, February the 22, 1651." " There was an agreement between the town and Richard Lord : He is to have the use of the burying place, to put in horses and calves ; he to make and maintain the fence about it, that belongeth unto it, until the town shall desire to take it into their own hand; and then they are to give a year's warning: and if he desire to leave it, he is also to give the like warning." [The rest of the vote relates to condi- tions of the final surrender to the town : but the record is so much torn and gone, that the particulars cannot be made out.] " September 29, 1664." - " This writing witnesseth an agreement between Richard Lord of Hartford, and the Townsmen re- specting the burying-yard : " The said Richard doth covenant, promise and engage to and with the said townsmen, that there shall be a sufficient pale fence set up round about the said burying ground, — that is to say, so much of the said fence as doth properly belong to the burying yard, and the fence next the highway, — -the pales and post heads to be handsomely sharped, and the said fence set up straight, and the pales set even by a line at the tops, and this to be done at or before the 25th of October next ensuing the date hereof. The said GRAVES. 35 Richard is to feed off the grass with horses and calves, according to the former agreement.^ He is at no time to suffer hogs to come into the said bury- ing yard, nor to fodder cattle in it. The said Rich- ard is also to red ace the divident fence between his said orchard and the burying yard to its ancient bounds. All this to be done according to this agree- ment, nnd so maintained during the whole term that the said Richard shall improve the said burying-yard. And upon the breach of this agreement, or any part of it, he shall forfeit all the cost and labor upon it, to the town. — By pale fence, we intend only the fence against the highway, and the divident fence between his orchard and the said burying-yard." " To which agreement, these parties have subscribed, Robert Webster,") Richard Lord." James Steele, John Gilbert, [ Daniel Pratt, J y Townsmen. « 3 March 1640." "An order concerning Graves." " It is ordered that Thomas Woodford shall attend the making of graves for any corpses deceased : and that no corpse shall be laid less than four foot deep ; nor that be above four years old, shall be laid less than five foot deep ; nor that be above ten, shall be laid less than six foot deep. " He shall receive for giving notice by ringing the bell, making the grave, and keeping of it in seemly , repair, so that it may be known in future time, — when such graves have been made for the lesser sort, v/ 2s. 6d., for the middle sort, 3s., and for the higher sort, 3s. 6d." Town Crier. " It is further ordered, that if any person hath lost anything that he desireth should be cried in a public meeting, he shall pay for crying of it 2d. to Thomas Woodford, to be paid before it be cried : and the crier shall have a book of the things that he crieth." ^-n/ 36 HARTFORD. SETTLERS IN HARTFORD, Between 1640 and 1700, together with the date when there names first aj)pear ; and their places of residence. Inhabitants were admitted in this form, — "At a meeting &c. 1661. It was agreed, and by vote of the town concluded, that Joseph Fitch is ac- cepted an inhabitant of the town of Hartford." Or in 1715, "Horace Howard was then admitted an inhabitant of this town." April 1664, "The town voted that they would not receive Martin Moore an inhabitant of this town." William Adams, 1650, Trumbull street, lot 39. Nicholas Ackley, 1655, Trumbull street, lot 42. Edward Andrews, 1655, East Hartford. Thomas Atkins, 1682, East Hartford. Jonathan Ashley, 16S2, north end. "William Alderman, 1694. • William Ayres, 1651, Burr, lot 61. George Ash, 1682, East Hartford ? Charles Barnard, 1681, Elm street, lot 42. Richard Blanchard, 1682, East Hartford. John Baker, 1667, Baker's lane. Stephen Brace, 1673, Charter street, lot 13. Bartholomew Barnard, 1647, Main St., lot 33 and 34 Francis Barnard, 1644, corner of Main and Charter. Mr. John Blackleach, 1660, comer of Main and Arch. Thomas Blackley, 1650, East Hartford. John Bayley, 1655. Mr. Andrew Belcher, 1670, Main street, lot 10. Mathew Beckwith, 1645, Trumbull street, lot 65. Benjamin Beven, 1687, East Hartford. Andrew Benton, 1664, Wethersfield lane. Robert Bell, 1682. Thomas Bennett, 1682. Thomas Bird, 1645, Wethersfield lane. John Bigelow, 1669, C ooper lane, lot 52. Jonathan Bigelow, 1677, Wethersfield lane. SETTT.KRS. .am. David Bishop, 16S5, Neck. Richard Billings, 1650, Elm north side. _ L->i-^ Rev Mr. Thomas Buckingham, 1G9G, Buckmgham .V Thomas Burnham, 1650, corn. State and Mam. Peter Busarre, 1646, Mill street. VViUiam Buckland, 16SS, East Hartford. Joshua Carter, 1692, Rocky hill. Thomas Cathn, 1646, Elm, lots 23 and 24. Thomas Cadwell, 1652, Front and State. Richard Case, 1669, East Hartford. Isaac Cakebread, 16S0, Elm street, north side. John Camp, 1672, Wethersfield lane. Christopher Crow, 1655, north end. Joseph CoUier, 1668, Pine field. Sarah Crook, 1672, East Hartford. Aaron Cook, 1686, Front, lot 19. Timothy Cowles, 1695, East Hartford. John Coal, 1655, Wethersfield lane. Thomas Dickinson, 1682, Main, lot 23. Philip Davis, 1651, Main and Charter. Stephen Davis, 1655, East Hartford. William Davenport, 1696, Main, part 10. Even Davey, 1681, South side. John Dix, 1674, East Hartford. Alexander Douglass, 1676, Neck. Josiah Dibble, 1693, East Hartford. Jacob Demmon, 1696. William Edwards, 1646, north side State square. John Emerson, 1688. Texhall Endsworth, 1682, Front, lot 18. Gilbert Foresith, 1682. Rev. Isaac Foster, 1682, Main, part 10. Richard Fellows, 1646, Elm, lot 26. Thomas Ford, 1649, Trumbull, lot 42. James Forbs, 1658, East Hartford. Mr. Joseph Fitch, 1655, Main, lot 22. i/Lamrock Flowers, 1686, West Hartford. Peter Grant, 1677, Wethersfield lane. Edward Crannis, 1655, Bliss and Elm. Samuel Gains, 1667, East Hartford. Mr. Georo-e Gardner, 1673, Arch, lot 3. 4 38 HARTFORD. Joseph Garrett, 1694. Walter Grev, 1655. Nathaniel Greensmith, 1655, Farmington road. Mr. Jonathan Gilbeit. 1646, Cole and Charter, after- John Gilbert, 164S, Pearl, s. side, [wards Main, 1. 10. Henry Grihmes or Graham, 1 G62, Wethersfield lane. Richard Gilman, 1 672, south side. James Gordion, 1682. Jasper Gnnn, 1646, Pearl, south side* Joseph Gillet, 1694, West Hartford. Thomas Hancock, 1692, from Farmington. Wilham Harris, 16S2. Benjamin Harbor, 1 644, South side, lot 58. Henry Hayward or Howard, 1663, from Wethersfield, James Hannisonsor Henderson, S. side. [Elm, 1. 19. John Hawke, 1683. Thomas Hill, J 685 from Middletown, Elm and Bliss. Barnabas Hinsdale, 1693, Rocky hill. Isaac Hinsdale, 1697, West Hartford. Robert Howard, 1683, millei'. Wilham Hulberd, 1647, Main and State. Pater Hogan, 1657, Dutchman. Thomas Huxly, 1668, Neck. Thomas Humphreys, 1682. Arthur Henbcrry, 1680. John Ingersoll, 1655. ^acob Johnson, 1674, Elm and Bliss. Samuel Kecherell, 1645, Mill street. John Kell}^ 1655, south side. Thomas Xilborne, 1677, East Hartford. George Knight, 1674, Neck Joseph Keeney, 1693, East Hartford. Richard Keeney, 1698, East Hartford. Thomas King, 1688, Bliss, west side. John Kirby, ]646. Nathaniel Kimberly, 1660, from New Haven. John Langton, 1655. Gabriel Linch, 1656, south side. William Loveridge, 1659, Charter, lot 14. Thomas Long, 1668, near the Mil;, lot 41. Thomas Loveman, 1682. SETTLERS. 39 Simon Lobdell, 1655.-'' Jonathan Loomis, 16S5, Neck ? Thomas Mason, 1G50, east side, State square. John Mason, 1678, Buckingham, lot 30. Joel Marshall, 1682, Commons. Thomas Marshall, 1668, Wethersfield lane. Josiah Marshfield, 1687. John Merrill, 1657, Elm, lot 18. Nathan Messenger, 1688. John Meekins, 1672, East Hartford. John Mitchell, 1655, south side State square. Bryant Mogshe, 1655. Martin Moore, 1682, colored. Philip More, 1693, East Hartford. William Morton, 1657, to Windsor. Thomas Morgan, 1692, West Hartford- Michael Mudge, 1646. Rev. Roger Newton, 1646, to Farraington. Joseph Nash, 1660, Elm and Bliss. Seaborn, Siborne or Cyprian Nichols, 1664, Cole St. 1. 4. John Norton, 1659, Mill street. Adam Nichols, 1655, pauper. James Northam, 1655. Edmund O'Neil, 1682, East Hartford ? William Parsons, 1685. William Partridge, 1644, Cole and Charter. John Perry, 1682. Timothy Phelps, 1692, Main, lot 23. Mr. William Pitkin, 1660, to East Hartford. Thomas Porter, 1646, West-field. John Plumb, 1665, South side. Robert Reeve, 1655, Neck. Mr. James Richards, 1663, Cole and Md. lane. Samuel Robertson, 1665, Neck. Hugh Roe, 1661, Elm and Bliss. John Roberts, 1682. William Roberts, 1698, East Hartford. Andrew Roby, 1691. Jonathan Richardson, 1697. Mr. John Russell, 1650. John Sparks, 1694. 40 HARTFORD. Robert Sandford, 1655, Burr, lots 61 and 62. Nathaniel Sandford, 1655, Wethersfield lane. Andrew Sandford, 1651, Burr, lot 74. John Sad, 1674, Elm, Bliss and river. Samuel Sedgwick, 1694, West Hartford. Garrad Speck, 1665, Burr, lot 71. Michael Spencer, 1645, Mill street. John Stedman, 1651, Mill street. Andrew Stephens, 16S2. John Shepard, 1670, Cooper lane, lot 50^ Joseph Smith, 1655, Cole and Sheldon. Richard Smith, 1651, Main, part 16. Simon Smith, 1655, to West Hartford. Thomas Swetman, 1682. Samson Shore, 1649, Trumbull, lot 42. Robert Shirley, 1679, Charter and Cole. Thwaite Strickland, 1647, Neck? George Sexton, 1698, Neck. John Sumner, 1695. Thomas Trill, 1682, East Hartford. Thomas Thomson, 1644. Thomas Tomlinson, 1665, Neck. Thomas Thornton, 1677, Elm, lot 20. John Tillotson, 1675 ? Lord's Hill. John TuUer, 1682. John Turner, 1675, Elm, lot 45. Mr. Varlett, 1656. Thomas Vigers, 1678. John Waite, 1665. William Warren, 1664, Sheldon and Main, to East Mr. Eliezer Waye, 1666, Main and Arch. [Hartford. Bevil Waters, 1668, Wethersfield lane. John Webb, 1648, Trumbull, lot 42. Samuel Wheeler, 1687. Thomas Whaples, 1653, Wethersfield lane ? John Watson, 1646, South Main, lot 9. Nathaniel Willett, 1645, Charter, lot 13. William Williams, 1650, Burr, lot 68. Mr. Phineas Wilson, 1675, Mill st. Obadiah Wood, 16S1, East Hartford. John Wilson, 1679, State and Front, north side. 1 PROPRIETORS. . 41 Gov. John Winthrop, from New London. George Wright, 161)4. William Worthington, 1695, Main, lot 10. Rev. Timothy Woodbridge, 1635, Main and Arch. Josiah WiUard, 1658. John and Thomas Whitmore, 1646. John Wyard, 1670, Wethcrsfield lane. PROCEEDINGS OF PROPRIETORS. *' At a meeting of the proprietors of the undivided land in Hartford, the Oth day of February, 1671 " It was agreed by the proprietors, that a rate often pounds shall be raised upon the proprietors mentioned on the other side [see names on pages S and 9,] to be raised upon every man, according as his propri- ety and those he stands for shall give it, according to the rule entered in the Town Book for division of lands. "It is also agreed, that when any of the undivided lands shall be laid out, every proprietor for himself, and those he stands for, shall receive his proportion of what lands shall be agreed to be laid out, accord- ing to the rule for division of lands agreed upon, and entered in the town book, dated 3d January, 1639, [40]., of which this on the other side [see pages 8 and 9,] is a copy of the proportion. " At the same meeting, the proprietors desired Mr. Willys, Capt, John Tallcott, Mr. James Richards, and Mr. John Allyn, to make the rate of ten pounds, to pay for our purchase of the undivided lands." The heading of the proprietors list is — " The proprietors of the undivided lands in Hart- ford, with each of their proportions in one division, as followeth, according to which proportion they paid for the purchase of the said lands." WEST DIVISION. " At a public meeting, Jan. 30, 1672 [3], of the proprietors, these votes passed : — 4* 42 HARTFOJRD. " The proprietors voted, that part of the undivided lands should be divided to the proprietors, at the west end of the bounds. " The proprietors voted, that there should be a mile and half of the WEST END of the bounds laid out and divided amongst the proprietors, the whole length of the bounds. " The proprietors voted, that from that mile and half, which is to be laid out as aforesaid, when suffi- cient highways are laid out to the lots already granted to be laid out, that land next the town not laid out shall be and remain a COMMON FOREVER, for the use and benefit of the inhabitants of Hartford." "Lut. Rob't Webster, Mr. Nichols, Ens. Olmsted, -V Nalh. Standly, Mr. Steele and Nath. Ruscoe,_or any three of them, were chosen a committee to view the lands, and size, equahze, and lay out the same to the proprietors, according to their just proportion, and state needful highways in the same." " The lots benig drawn, fell as followeth : — «' A bill of the quantity and breadth of the last divis- ^^ion of land next to Farmington bounds. The breadth of each lot is set down in the first column, the number of acres in the second, as they were laid out by the committee, November 1674. The order of the lots is in the margent. Beginning at Wmdsor bounds : . . [Names of original proprietors are in itahcs.J Highway next to Windsor bounds, 4 rods wide. 1 Caleb Standly, son of Timothy, 2 Thomas Butler, W. Butler's and Z. Field's, 3 Tho. Lone, John Wilcox's, East end, 25 4 John Mcush, West end. 80 153| [Tliese 4 lots in one.] 5 Mrs. Hannah Wells, widow of Thomas, 50 150 G Stephen Hopkins, son of John, 12 36 7 Mr. John AUyn, son of Matheiv and E. ^ Elmer's, 62^ 187^ 8 Mr. William Andrews, 15 45 9 Wm. and Sam. Spencer, W. Spencer's and W. Pratt's, 23 69 WEST DIVISION. 43 10 11 12 12 1-3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Hartford School, half A. Warner^ s, E. end 21, W. end 25, Deac. Hich. Butler, [Edward Slcbbins, in laying out, omitted by mistake, see 70 below. The num- bers below altered from the original,] Robert Sandford, Samuel Hale's, Mr. Wm Wcstivood, John Pratt, Tho. and Sam. Olcott, sons of Thomas, T. Hale's, W. Heydcn's, TV Parker's, John Skinner, Mr. Siborn Nichols, Mr. Wm. TVhiting's, Mr. Barth. Barnard, R. Webb's, T. Bircliwood's, Higginson's and /. Clark's, Joseph Easton, Paid Peck, Jeremy Adams, Highway, John Cole, son o^ James, Nath. Ruscoe, Win. Ruscoe's, Mr. Joseph Haynes, son of John, Wid. Lord, else John Gilbert, widow of Thomas, end 25, west E. jNIr. John White, Se];j. Thomas Spencer, Wm. Leivis, Sen. Mr. Samuel Stone, Islv. Wm. Goodwin, Mr. John Whiting, Nat. Ward's, Mr. Sam. Hooker, son of Rev. Thomas, John Stedman, Rich. Olmsted's, Mrs. Sam. Willys, son of George, Jolin Baysey, Nath. Bacon, Andrew Bacon^s, Nath. Willett, Sam. Wakeman's, Nicholas Clark, Mr. Richard Lord, Thomas Cadwell, Thomas Scott's, Mr. Tho. Hosmer, else Mr. J. Whiting, Mr. John Pantry, son of William, 23 8 5 5 8 16 8 6 16 29 7 20 20 21 30 69 24 4 12 40 120 13 39 90 66 15 48 144 45 135 15 24 48 18 48 80 240 14i 43i 81 21 60 60 63 90 40| 122 4 12 75 225 7 14 15 6 9 21 30 21 42 45 18 27 63 90 40 120 44 HARTFORD. 43 Samuel Andrews, Thomas Stantoii's 7 21 44 Mr. James Richards, JV. Gibbons' s^ \ E. HoioTiins'' s Qxidi \ Andrew Warner'' s, 64 192 45 John Watson, Thomas Judd's, 10 30 46 John Watson, Thomas Selden^s, 3 9 47 Nicholas Olmsted, son of James, 35| 106^ 48 Deac. George Graves, and JVm. Hyde's^ 23 69 Highway, 8 N/ 49 Maj. John Talcott, son of John, John /Steele's, N. Ehfs, and \ M. Marvin's, 91 273 50 Deac. Joseph Mygatt, W. Blumjield's, 21 63 51 David Ensign and Jos. Easton, Jun., and N. Richards's, 25 75 52 Nath. Barding, Seth Grant's, 7 21 53 William Hills, 10 30 54 Arthur Smith, 6 18 55 John Merrills, Gregory Wilterton's, 14 42 56 John Church, son of Richard, and T. Root's, 9 27 57 William Kellsey, 8 24 58 Lt. Rob. Webster, son of John, 51 153 59 Thomas Catlin, R. Lyman's, 17 51 "^ 60 [James Steele, in laying out, omitted by mistake. See 69 below.] 60 Samuel Moody, son of Jo/<;?, 20 60 61 Mr. John Wadsworth, son of Wm. and St. Hart's, 49i 148^ 62 Mr. John Crow, 10 30 63 George Stocking, 10 30 64 Thos.Bunce,ofSam.Gridley, ^.Pos.^'s, 12 36 65 Nath. Standly, son of Thomas, and i M. Marvi?i's, 28 84 66 Lt. Thomas Bull, son of Thomas, J. luce, and \ E. Hopkins, 36 108 67 Henry Hay ward, John Barnard's,^, end 47, W. end 11, length 183, J^\ ^""^ Farmington Road, eight rods wide, \l^?^^ 68 John Day, son oi Robert, and J. Maynard's, rN/ 69 James Steele, so\i of George, \ JHQ Edwar-d Stebbi?is{:a.nd | Edward Hoj)kins's, ^71 Daniel Arnold, son of Johi, WEST DIVISION. 45 72 Richard Goodman. [For these 5 lots, see below.] " At a meeting of the proprietors of the undivided lands in Hartford January, 3d, 1677, [8]." " The proprietors voted that the committee who laid out the long lots, should show the owners their lots, and that they should be paid for the same after the rate of 2s. 6d. per 100 acres. " It was also voted, that the piece of land lying next Wethersfield bounds, and is an overplus after the lots are laid out, shall be laid out in five tiers of lots ; the middle tier of lots shall be 20 acre lots, the tier next the town Commons 10 acre lots, the others 15 acre lots ; and those to whom the lots shall be given, are not to sell them before they are fenced in and im- proved. "It was voted that Capt. Olmsted, Mr. Nichols, and Ens. Standly should grant those lots to such of the town of Hartford as they shall see in need of the same, and as they judge it may be advantageous." " The lots on the south side Fnrmington highwa^^, being divided into Jive tiers of lots : First lot beo-in- ning at Hartford Commons and the highway aforesaid. The lots lie successively to Wethersfield bounds/' south from highway. First Division. 1 [6S] John Day, rds. breadth, 64 length 80 acres 32 2 Capt. Thomas Watts, 21 3 Andrew Benton, 21 4 iVndrew Benton, Jun. 21 5 Robert Shirley, 21 6 Wilham Goodwin, 21 7 Joseph Collier, 21 8 Alexander Douglass, 21 9 Jhn. Wyard, to Weth. bounds 24 Second Tier, bounds east on First Tier. vl [69] James Steele, from Farmington highway, 80 2 John Searaor, 30 3 Thomas Clark, 30 4 Joseph Garrad, 30 80 lOi 80 lOi 80 lOi 80 lOi SO 10^ so lOi 80 lOi SO 12 Tier 90 45 90 17 90 17 90 17 .— — " — J-iO k 8 46 HARTFORD. 6 John Bigelow, 30 90 17 6 Paul Peck, to Wethersfield bounds, 18 Third Tier, east on four rod highway. 1 [70] John Willson, from Stebbins, 64 100 40 2 [71] PhiHp Davis of Arnold, 40 100 25 3 John Cole, 25 100 15f 4 Joseph Smith, " 25 100 * ISf- 5 Joseph Smith, Jun. 25 100 151^ "^ 6 Samuel Steele, 25 100 15 7 John Shepherd, to Wethersfield bds. 100 17 Fourth Tier. 1 [70] Edward Cadwell, from Stebbins 64 100 40 2 John Mitchell, 2S 100 17i 3 John Mason, 28 100 17i- 4 Richard Gilman, 28 100 17^ 5 Obadiah Spencer, 28 100 17^ 6 John Hally, 28 100 17^ Fifth Tier, east on four rod highway. 1 Richard Goodman, east end 82 wer^'end 46 100 40 2 John Skinner, 32 100 20 3 John Camp, 32 100 20 4 Thomas Burr, to Wethersfield bounds, 20 Samuel Robinson, west end 42, east end to point, length 103, acres 13|^, butting west on Farmington bounds, on the north side of Farmington road. ^ All the proprietors named on pages S and 9, or their representatives, had lots, except Francis Andrews and William Holton. Besides the proprietors, lots were granted by special vote to 27 residents in town, as an encouragement to settlers. The proprietors shares were drawn by lot. Next to Windsor bounds was a 4 rod highway. Adjoining this were lots 1, 2, 3, and 4. No. 2 ad- joined Farmington, then No. 4, next No. 1, and No. 3 next the Commons. The succeeding lots from No. 5 to No. Q>Q^ were each a mile and a half long, extending from Farmington Hi' • , WEST DIVISION. 4:7 line to the Commons, and were one tW as many rods wide as they contamed acres. No. 66 l^at^ecl south partly on the old Farmington road. No. 67 was nearly a triangular piece, bounded by No. 66, the Commons and Farmington road. Wntl^Prs- The lots south of the Farmmgton road to Wethers field town line, were divided into five tiers, by north and south lines. The lots "^xt tojarmmgton road were granted to proprietors, and the remainder were o-rantecl to other residents in town. High Ways in West Division. Next Windsor bounds was a four rod highway, part of which still remains, and part has been exchanged for a more convenient road. -, i • t. ,rr,.r thp Between lots 21 and 22 was an 8 rod highway, the ea^t end of which constitutes part of the present Al- banyTurnpike road. But after Abel Merrill purchas ed lots 19; 20, and 21, by vote of the town, he was permitted to locate it on the nonh side of hu= land, (where it now is), provided he made half the fence on the north side of it. . i j u- i.^m^r Between lots 48 and 49 was an eight rod highway, which still remains. , • i The old Farmington road, eight rods wide, remains where originally located, or rather where the traveled path was before the division was made. . The hiohway from the Farmington road to iNewing- ton, between the second and third tiers of south lots, remains as located, except a bend made by exchange of lands, to avoid a hill. . The highway from Farmington road to New 13iit- ain, between the fourth and fifth tiers, has been ex- changed, and ..ow passes diagonally across the filth tier 1 The hio-hway called West Hartford Street was lo- cated abSut 1(384 by the proprietors. The vote was that it should pass thre^ugh near the cen re of tbe lot.. Every man was left to his own choice where it shou cross his land. The houses appear to have been built **^ HARTFORD. on the ridge and the road made from house to house. 1 he town afterwards voted that the highway should be SIX rods wide. "^ By concurrent vote of the adjoining proprietors, a bghway four rods wide, one half in each town, was located on the bounds of Hartford and Farminotr extending from Windsor to Wethersfield, or t? the J armington road. ^r.f^o}^'^'' 11^ ^^l?^^7^l """^ ™"' ^h^O"gh the centre of lot 34, or the Wyllys lot. r,.Ti^^-:l''^%T''''''"'S,^'''' turnpike road runs on the north side of lot 42, the Pantry lot, as far as the river, then bears a little south diagonally through the wesi part of said lot. Settlements in West Division. mJ^.^J''^ P"^'^^^^se, with a view to settlement, in West Hartford, was made by Thomas Hosmer, for his son Stephen, in 1679, about half a mile north of the meeting house. John Merrill began his purchas- es in the same vicinity in 16S3. The purchase had reterence to a mill, immediately erected where the present mill stands, at the expense of Mr Hos- mer,_ though probably Mr. Merrill was actively enga- ged in the work from the first. Mr. Hosmer deeded Mr. Merrill one third of the saw mill and 60 acres of land in 16S5. Mills are ever regarded amona the hrst essentials of a new settlement. BetweeS this time and 1730, the Hosmers and Merrills purchased all the land between the Hooker lot south of the mill, and the present highway running west from the inter- section of the Albany turnpike road with the street, embracing mall 600 acres, (with the exceptien of the Haynes lot ) mcluding lots 19 to 23,25 to 31 and 33. l.ot 19, John Easlonsold to Abel Merrills in 1719 most of which was in 1730 converted into a hioh- way. ^ ]^T ^