c;:^i»l^ Ac" •«* .-■ "* ) »1 » If' X ^ ^ -^ ** r^*.^»«».^ \ ^ ■^ «.\ xV*- LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Slielf_._.Sc2,... UNITED STATES OF A3IERIC A, Echoes Along the Shore. BY HmauDa Carp SanDetson. ,pV OF ^^''-OPYRIGHr' ^<^'^qZ OEC 271889 KANSAS CITY, MO.: HUDSON -KIMBERLY PUBLISHING CO l88q. 75 2 'u- ^4 Entered according to act of Congress, In the year 1889, By AMANDA GARY SANDERSON, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. C- TO MY DEAR LITTLE FRIENDS, MARY AND CORNELIA THACHER, this volume is respectfully dedicated by The Author. CONTENTS. o ■ Page. First Day 7 Second Day 10 Third Day 13 Fourth Day 15 Fifth Day 17 Sixth Day 21 The Morning Stars Sing Together 23 Nature's Worship 24 The First Worlc 28 The Song 30 The Noblest Work 33 Angels Sing Man's Birthday Song 36 Man Placed in The Garden 38 Sleep 40 The Marriage 43 The Commandment 46 The Seventh Day 47 The Eden Home 48 The Evening Hymn 54 The Morning Hymn 56 Contemplation 57 Musings 64 Satan , 66 The Temptation 69 The Fall 73 Sent From The Garden 77 The Little Stranger 82 Reflections Ra The Offering 87 Envy 88 Eve's Lament for Abel go The Fugative g4 Caine's Remorse q5 Man Retrograding 97 The Deluge 98 The Chosen 104 Crossing The Sea ic6 Miriam 109 The Song 1 1 1 The New Dispensation 114 Good Tidings 115 The Babe of Bethlahem 120 Water Turned to Wine 122 The Tempest 1 24 The Maniac 126 Jairus' Daughter 1 28 The Storm at Sea " 133 Divers Opinions of Christ 135 The Deaf and Dumb Man 137 The Widow's Son 1 36 Lazaras 141 Transformation of Christ 145 Going into Jerusalem 151 In The Garden 152 The Present Age 1 72 The Great Sacrifice 188 It Is Done igo The Books Opened 192 The Land of Rest 193 The Sea of Glass 201 Whence Came They 204 The Marriage Supper 208 New Jerusalem 212 FIRST DAY. Earth without form is void, chaos spreads o'er Its dim obHvious wing. No breath, no sound, No form of Hfe, voices that distant shore , But with mysterious chain forever bound, Dread silence sits upon Earth's circle crowned With shadows strange. The Firmament is quite Now indistinct ; mid the rude mass is found No symmetry of shape ; but latent light Commingle ever with the universal night. Upon the deep sits Darkness looking back To the far distance, with her dim lips sealed With silence evermore, and on the track Of ages are her foot-prints e'er concealed. In the great waters, and she wears a shield Studded with mysteries upon her breast That her strange form may never be revealed To other eyes than God's ; own waves are pressed By her soft palm down ever to perpetual rest. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. Dark clouds of mist, for aye, environ round, Like a dense covering the pulseless heart Of dormant Nature, and at times a sound From dim embryo forms doth feebly start. As centuries cleave the complex mass apart ; While down the steep declivities of space Rude fragments crumble, and the lightning darts Forth from the sultry cloud, leaving a trace Amid the gloom, when wakes the echoes from their place. Epochs have rolled their round, yet is not heard 'Mid the rude mass, no breath, no motion, save When Earth's imperfect form is lightly stirred By strange convulsions, until o'er the wave God's spirit moved, and the Infinite gave Shape to the torpid clod ; now from their place Tremulous fluids stir, and gently lave The mass of cooling rock, while the rude face Of Nature faintly glows at Beauty's soft embrace. And Chaos moves her grand dim lips apart As the rough fetters on her limbs are stirred, And from the distance stifled murmurs start. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 9 God said, "lyCt there be light "; then Darkness heard, And fled apace. At that all potent word, Light, God's first born, awoke ; her features mild Beamed in His Presence ; and all Heaven conferred. In praise, and Nature in her slumber smiled, When by the name of Day, God christened that fair child. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE, SECOND DAY. Kternity its countless grains of sand Has washed upon the shore. On every page Of Time's a record left in language grand ; Around Earth's nucleus, age after age, In silence passed, yet in its forming stage. The great frame work appears, no phase of life, E'er passed that strange abyss. The elements wage. With Nature's feebler form perpetual strife ; With tempests and with gloom the firmament is rife. And indistinct its outlines still appear, While mj'ster}' forever folds around, Like a thick vail, the yet imperfect sphere. Which ever grows more dense. The Earth is found, Still a vast watery waste, and murmurmg sound At times starts from the upheaving mass, While a vast universe is slowlv ground ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE ii Out into shape, as dim-eyed Epochs pass, On substance more distinct the line betwixt each class. The solids, from the fluids by degrees Slowly divides, as ever to and fro, The azure waves, by motion of the breeze. Are gently drawn. The seas with silvery flow, Are gathered to their place, e'er murmuring low Unto the listening Earth, with merry chime ; More, and more dense the restless vapors grow. Beneath the oft-repeated strokes of time. Which waken on the eternal shore, echoes grandly sublime. The hand of Deity marked out tne way O'er the vast waters, and the floods divide, While His commandment haste they to obey ; Deep answered deep ; then wave to wave replied, As corresponding vapors upward glide. Through the high arch, distinctly doth appear The firmament of azure, spreading wide O'er the abyss ; as the Alwise comes near, Then all the nether floods bow down themselves to hear. 12 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. Thus in progressive march the work goes on, E'er moving upward, from the dim unknown. Spheroid worlds, behold, are slowly drawn Forth into light, and age on age have flown Since the first cause ; at intervals a moan From dim embryos start, as ages mould Them slowly into shape. While on the Throne The Highest sits, noting the scene unfold Mites blooming into worlds, with energy untold. ECHOES ALOXG THE SHORE. 13 THIRD DAY. Ages have circled round, o'er the rude face Of Nature pleasant changes ever pass. The mighty floods are gathered to their place Upon the mundane sphere, and from the mass Of matter beauty springs, that will surpass All the preceding forms. The Earth appears In vestal bloom arrayed ; and spears of grass Forth from the dark loam start. Through lapse of years The great organic work toward perfection nears. Beauteous phases variegate the scene, Wide spreading lawns, and lakes, and happy hills, And sunny vales, where forests of rich green Cast their embrosial shade ; and laughing rills Meandering o'er the rocks ; yet no bird trills A lay beneath the boughs, beneath those trees No living creature sports ; but .silence fills 14 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. The unpeopled solitude, save where the Breeze Goes telling its strange thoughts unto the answering From the rude steeps, where man has never trod, Young Time smiles sweetly on the depths below, As the fair Work sings songs of praise to God ; And holy angels, who on errands go While hasting on their journeys, two and fro, Charmed by the balmy fragrance sometimes there Pause in their joy their faces all aglow. And while their wings are resting in mid air, Echoes their words repeat, " His works how ^.-ery fair!" ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE 15 FOURTH DAY Beside th e track of ages sounds are heard, As forming germs to perfect grace unfold, And the prolific mould is lightly stirred By Power Omnipotent with might untold Fair mists of woilds are beautifully rolled Out of dim mites, and latent matter springs Up into light, while the Ahvise doth mould It into graceful shape , the Most High brings Out of silence forms of ever wondrous thing. By nature prescribed law substances take Their heterogeneous form; complex divides The darkness centers round the forms opaque, While vivid rays of light, through ethers slide, To meet their kindred ray each clear beam glides, Thence swiftly upward to its glittering sphere, A radiance dispensing far and wide, Through the expanse of space, systems appear To fill the solitude with psalms of loftiest cheer. i6 ECHOES ALOXG THE SHORE. Through the vast reahns of space, still on, and on, Toward immensity let reason soar ; And still her course pursue, till she has gone Beyond the prescribed limit to explore The myriad works ; beyond are myriads more, Throughout duration, as a vivid ray Swift speeding on, she has but reached the shore Of God's Infinitude, away, away, The blazing scroll extends, through realms of endless day. Sun beyond sun, like flaming sapphires burn. And systems with their train of planets grand, A wheel within a wheel, revolving turn. The complex work, how gloriously planned : The mechanism wrought by God's own hand ; System round system moves, with humming sound, The dials of eternit)', that stand On the w^alls of immensity profound, Measuring the eternal years, as they move round and round. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. . 17 FIFTH DAY. Earth in progression still tends upward fast To nobler form. Altho' no living things Have e'er as 3-et the shore of silence passed, Yet on the hills, and dales, rich verdure springs, And foliage like the ru.stling of wings, Sway to and fro to kisses from the breeze. And some new charm each passing cycle brings, To deck the joj^ous Earth, as plants, and trees, To make the scene more grand, are added by degrees. With flower of every hue now doth abound A new, bright world, and from its trance-like sleep Nature awakes, as yet no voice, no sound, No signs of life, save in the mighty deep, 'Mong forests of dense sea weeds, strange forms creep ; Or fathoms down, 'mong rugged rocks that strew The vast inundate plain, huge monsters leap Among the cloud of waves, with sport pursue Quaint antics as they peer through curtained mists of blue. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. The submarine expanse is truly rife With yet imperfect forms, strange beings there. Dim polyps slowly waking into life With undeveloped shape, and as it were. Nurtured up thence with a kind fostering care, To a more perfect growth. There may be found The huge finned tribe, and forms minute and fair, Beneath those groves of coral gliding round ; Those caverns deep, and vast, with strange glad life abound. And a new sense of life the huge mass warms, Energy pulses through the mighty heart Of centuries untold, as various forms. From the dim land of silence slowly start Forth into being new, and bright birds dart Up from the deep ; motion of wings, and eyes. Charm the melodious waves of air apart. As living creatures from the dim realms rise. And take their glad new life, with sweet, yet strange surprise. Nature's loveliest forms complete the scene ; Birds of bright wing, and flowers of every hue, ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE i<) And sunny founts glow in the vales of green, And angels clad in garments bright and new. And moistened yet with the sweet morning dew, Down from the shining heights come softl}^ near To Eden's land, the fine, fine scene to view. In shady bowers, with voices strong and clear. Oft times they waken rapture ot the loftiest cheer. Earth, fair as the heaven land glowing With perfection most bright, And streams of pure crystal are flowing. From those hills of delight ; On the strand those clear waters are laving The sapphire rocks gleam, And the vine tree in verdure is waving On the bank of the stream. And birds of rare plumage are singing Beneath the green bowers ; The breeze from the high lands is bringing The incense of flowers ; Living green Eden's, forests are wearing. On their harps the winds play, ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE, While clouds of choice fragrance are bearing Thought gently away. Away from Earth's hills and her fountains, Where the glory beams fall ; Away from the gold of her mountains To the Author of All. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. SIXTH DAY. Earth teems with Hfe, beasts, birds, and insects each Take their own form of being, when the word To them is given ; upon the sandy beach The languid reptile crawls, or some glad bird May in the forest sing ; the air is stirred With melody, and joyous creatures glide 'Neath the dense foliage, and there is heard Harmonious sound upon the mountain side, Where 'mong the tall, green ferns the white fawns playmlly hide. Upon the verdant hills the slow kines go, And on the green sward feed ; no beast of prey Lurks in those jungles, creeping to and fro, Bent to destroy ; but the young lambkins play With the mild tiger's cub ; no danger may Disturb the peaceful brute. No hateful bird There thirsts for blood, and no sound of dismay, ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE Or jarring word those valleys ever heard ; The brute's ferocious passion sin's power had never stirred. Earth seems like a fair garden of the Lord, Where harmony prevails, and Nature's face Bears no distorted look, for there discord Was never know^n. Creatures of nobler place Think not to spurn a worm as thing more base ; Each form of being, from its Maker's hand Seems to reflect its own peculiar grace, Without an envious thought ; content lo stand Within the humble niche where it was wisely planned. Still high among the rugged peaks of time The music of sweet speech was never heard, Ivike a melodious harp to gently chime Out 'mong those grand, dim rocks, for no glad word From finite's lips those caverns ever stirred ; But the wind goes there, with its calm repeat ; Among those bowers all nature has conferred To worship God ; the waves of ether meet To offer free-will tribute at Jehovah's feet. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 23 THE MORNING STARS SING TOGETHER. Throughout immensity worlds, new and bright, Dropped radiant from their wise Workman's hand, Break forth in song; gladly from height to height, Swiftly from sun to sun, rolls around the grand Exulting strain. To every tremulous sand Goes the transcendent trill. The song sublime The moon takes up, and all the glittering band Of planets join, to swell the lofty rhyme, Waking the echoes on the distant shores of time. And the grand theme of praise is wafted down From depth to depth, until the answering hills Of Earth, with the glad strain aloud resound ; Mountain, and glade, and plain, and tuneful rills. Earth, air, and sea melodiously trills Forth a response, and every leaf that sways Sings songs to God ; the voice of rapture fills The heart of solitude with lofty praise ; All things with willing mind, that Sovereign's will obeys. 24 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE NATURE'S WORSHIP. Ps., CXLV: 10. "All thy works shall praise Thee, O Lord. • in the dim shadows of those heights profound, 'Mong the o'erhanging cliffs of time, and where No eye hath seen, Nature hath gathered round Its worshipers. Among those rude heights there All free-will offerings pour ; the groups of fair Flowers with dewy eye, on the green hills Bow down their heads in charms of fragrant prayer At the eternal shrine, and rapturous rills. From out their pebbly hearts the sweet hosanna trills. And from the hoary deep sounds out a voice, As of ten thousand cohorts rushing by On wings of living light, saying, "Rejoice, Rejoice, O Earth! and azure tinted sky, Lift up a voice to Him who rules on high !" ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 25 The storms bowed earthward, with moist Hps apart, To the green hills go murmuring^ a reply, "Praise God, praise God, with melody of heart." With rapture from the rocks the tuneful echoes start. Nature's devoted soul is wrapped in calms Of holy prayer ; upon the misty strand The Poet Willow, with its bowing palms, Goes writing sweet lines on the desert sand. Praise God! Praise God! forever is the grand Theme of the Muse ; while the meek river bowed Upon the pebbles, with uplifted hand, lyike a grave elder reads those lines aloud. While incense rises heavenward like a fragrant cloud. The floral worshipers on the green hills Their leafy censers sway ; and ranks of trees Bow their amens to praises of the rills That rise among the rocks; the rich toned breeze Breathes a response into the fluent seas, Whose minstrels are the waves; the pearl washed strand Is for the organ, with its rocks for keys. 26 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. O'er which the ocean moves its misty hand, While waves for choristers join to aid the anthems grand. And Nature's orators are cataracts Going o'er precipices with grand sound, A.nd deep toned thunders walking in the track Of clouds and storm, while on the hills are found The humble flowers and shrubs kneeling around Among the auditors. O'er glaciers there Gropes the dim mountain mists, and in profound Silence the}^ listen, as the host of fair Worshipers pour out their souls fervently in prayer. And Nature's skillful artist is the light. Painting rare beauties on the watery sheen ; The skies her easel, and th« tints most bright Are finely mingled, blue, and gold, and green. And perfectly she paints each glowing scene. The ocean's shining canvas, broad and fair. She touches gently, till the heaven serene, In all her loveliness is mirrored there She sits above and smiles at her own beauty rare. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 27 Through the deep hush that spreads o'er earth abroad Is heard a voice ! It is the lonely night Upon the mountains praying unto God. The Moon, fair priestess robed in saintly white, On the dim altar pours the sacred light, Her inspiration borrowed from the sun ; While in accord, the distant worlds unite To swell the song the morning stars begun When the Almighty hewed and laid the corner stone. Thus joyous Nature, with its various forms, Its free will offerings daily bestow. The seasons with their retinue of storms. While in the East Aurora all aglow Over the golden clouds, is bowing low. Breathing a prayer ; and vapors with their moist Brows pressed against the rocks, or shades that go 'Neath jutting cliffs, in holy frame rejoiced E'er praises unto God, by finite's lips were voiced. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. THE FIRST WORK. Whether in spirit, or inanimate Masses of matter the first work was laid Can man or angels tell ? save that God bade And quick as thought from sightless chaos came Revolving spheres; and from realm of shade Sprang into light the universal frame, And Sirius then through space sent forth its quenchless flame. The waters of eternity were stirred, Then with a spell of infinite delight, As o'er the untold limits there was heard A Voice command, and quickly then as sight The strong winged Raphael, fair as the light," Into existence sprang, while song of flame In cadence rose ; the burning seven unite In rapturous anthems to their Maker's name Who spake, and their fair ranks then into being came. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 29 And at strange intervals are voices new Joining the chorus. O'er the glowing heights Visions of untold beauty ope' to view^ Fair angel bands, with wings of .softest white, And cherub forms come trooping into sight From life's unlimited, unbounded .shore; Expansive mind unfolds, as with delight Search they the volumes of heaven's blissful lore Enraptured, as they turn the glowing pages o'er. And such a song as ne'er was heard before, Peals loud and clear along the sapphire shore They look abroad with wonder and surprise. While louder still the blissful cadence rise. 30 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. THE SONG Up from the pearly gate of day let ceaseless anthems peal To Him who formed the eye to see and gave iis hearts to feel. We worship and adore the One, Author of love and light We praise Him that our souls exist, and for the work so bright. All things were fashioned by His power, the plan was wisely laid In the unfathomable depths of dark mysterious shade ; He spake and Alcyon through space sent forth its quenchless blaze. Suns with attendant trains of worlds responded to his praise. Along the Pleiades' brilliant track his goings forth are seen ; And on the Earth where beauty wakes among the shores of green. As morning stars together sang Creation's birthday song, What tides of burning rapture moved to praise the angel throng. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE 31 From chaos dim the sun arose, most glorious and bright, While on the hills the myriad forms responded to the light On. on as far as thought can soar, the workmanship we trace, Of Him the Omnipresent One, whose breath pervades all space. In the deep ocean's tuneful surge, or petals of a flower, Is diml> manifested here, "the hidings of His power." Most wondrous in working God, there is naught too hard for Him ; In light of His perfection, lo ! the stars of heaven seem dim. From age to age new works unfold unto enraptured sight, While mind drinks draughts of knowledge in, as ether drinks the light. We love the Author more and more, the more our thoughts expand. He called forth being into life, with attributes most grand. 32 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. Beneath the throbbing Heart of Love their souls exult and glow ; They trace their pleasures to the Fount, where depths of knowledge flow. Here life's a hidden mystery, no angel ej^e can find Which form was fashioned in the depths, of uncreated mind. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 33 THE NOBLEST WORK. The tiny rush, that on its frail stem sways, Or lofty spreading oak, or lovely spray, Are moved unconscious to their Maker's praise ; Altho' as yet no intellectual ray Gleams 'mong the works of time ; into its^clay No soul of life is breathed ; still incomplete The great design appears. Tho' angels may In their high places oft in council meet. And search garth's annals o'er, and oft their plans repeat. No angel mind the mystery can span, But to perform God's mandate went abroad ; Thus ran the bright decree, " Let us make man, Our noblest work, in likeness of a God, A paramount for Earth." The dormant clod That instant trembled slightly in its place, While a delicious breath passed o'er the sod ; 34 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. Each fine curved line glowed with peculiar grace, As Beauty's fair hand moved, leaving its wondrous trace. Thus at a word a new existence woke To consciousness, whilst gloriously a ray. O'er the green hills of life divinely broke ; Then sudden light gleamed out amid the clay, Like the first dawning of the new-born day. As reason's beam is lit. Spirit and thought Are with material blent ; in the highway Of immortality, how strangely brought ; An angel, yet a worm ! How wonderfully wrought ! Work how complex ! gradation strange we find Complete in this ; in workmanship how fine ! Matter and mind, mysteriously combined ; God's image stamped in dust ; the given line 'Twixt two extremes, the Finite and Divine. The noblest work of God, how truly grand ! A prodigy of wonders, whence doth shine Perfection's seal, placed by the Alwise hand, An ever quenchless lay to life divinely fanned. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 35 Angels, thy younger brother, man, behold ! What work can with that choice design compare? What sculptor's eye on the unchiseled mould Could draw so fine a line? In form as fair And ruddy as a youth, and yet with air Of one mature in years companion meet For angels found ; one who with them may share In every joy. In manhood how complete ! In divinity arrayed, " most wondrous," they repeat. 36 ECHOES ALOXG THE SHORE ANGELS SING MAN'S BIRTHDAY SONG. By harps new tuned, what melody is made, As minstrels from the fair unclouded height • Watch as the Architrave is firmly laid ! In working whose like God ; who by His might Can mould a spirit's form divinely bright. Author of life, His finger pressed the sod, And left its print of glorious living light ; He gently breathed upon that sleeping clod, And it sprang forth to life in likeness of a God. Oblivion reigned, and awful silence filled The realm of shade, until Jehovah's word Broke the deep hush, and dormant matter thrilled ; Surprised to consciousness the cold clay heard, Charmed by the gentle pressure Jightly stirred In all the life of a God. A rapture new, Then like the note of a celestial bird The silence broke ; oblivion withdrew WTien those fine eyes wnth thought most eloquently grew ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 37 A lountain in the eternal rock is stirred, Whose happ> waters never can be still ; Upon the shores of time are echoes heard That voices waken on the dewy hill Of immortality, which e'er will fill Eternity with praise. With wonder awed, Thus heavenly songsters m amazement trill Man's birthday song, who conscious walks abroad, Rejoicing in the presence of his maker, God. 38 ECHOES ALOXG THE SHORE. MAN PLACED IN THE GARDEN. Fully developed powers then at a word, With energy divinely were inspired, And mind that instant, like a full-fledged bird Bent its proud eagle eye firmly toward The rising sun; though it had never soared Or learned as yet its noblest powers to try. The past is like the future, unexplored. And bold free thought toward the distant sky Of the far future looks, and plumes its wing to fly. And nothing but experience can teach Of nature's prescribed law ; around him all Things are both new and strange, and he may reach, Eager to grasp a bird perched on a tall Tree overhead, or for a cliff made small By intervening space, and should he go In ways of danger, or unwary fall Adown a precipice, he would not know Then the least sense of fear, or ev^en feel a throe. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 39 Calm and unruffled the clear wave of mind Courses 'mong pleasant scenes ; no sense but joy, That happy nature knows, and should he find Himseir submerged m flood, he there might toy Unharmed amid the waves ; naught can destroy The springs of life, altho' he should partake Of deadly food and nothing can annoy That peace of soul, or can misfortune wake E'er a foreboding fear, the spell of joy to break. Convoys of angels 'mong the hills and flowers. In pleasant converse thence attend man round : *' Can fervor of thy newl}' wakened powers Conceive a world more bright? Can there be found A home more fitting ? See the festooned ground, The arch of blue ; ' swiftly from earth to sky Eyes in amazement turn. What thrilling sound, What scenes ol beauty dazzle and surprise. Nor can their stammering lips to angels' form replies. 40 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. SLEEP. Fragrance from fields elysian the zephyrs bring To gladden Earth. Silence upon the deep Gathers the shadows underneath her wing, While nature rests ; angels their vigils keep, When with its subtile art, the charmer. Sleep, A spirit wins to rapturous control , Altho' an instant now might swiftly sweep Past him, or noiselessly should ages roll, It had been all the same to that enchanted soul. From that deep, peaceful slumber Adam 'woke. Startled to consciousness with the surprise, For over nature a new light had broke. In the harmonious hush eyes speak to eyes That answer back again their sweet replies. And from love's Up the sighs unbidden start ; Congenial spirits by the strongest ties Are closely, sweetly drawn. With love each heart Harmonious answer thrills lo its own counterpart. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 41 On the admirer with bewitching grace The fair one smiled ; for some time neither spake, While crimson blushes richly sweep her face ; Adam with voice subdued is first to break The awkward silence : "Pray, am I awake? Or dreaming, where some charming fairy treads On banks of flowers, with foot-faU like a flake Of stainless snow, drifting o'er mossy beds O'er which the mild star light a silvery luster sheds ? "Can e'er the summer's sunsets mildest hue Vie wnth that rosy tint?" scarcely aloud Those thoughts are breathed. Fair as a dream yet true. With angel head upon her pink palms bowed, And silken lashes, like a golden cloud, Sweeping those cheeks ; to give thy beauty praise Words are too tame. Fair rippling curls enshroud Its snowy shoulders, like a golden haze. Which magnetic beauty doth bewilder and amaze. " What can it be, this likeness of myself? But yet more fair, more beautiful , in ways As shy and timid as a bashful elf ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. Among the wild wood flowers, weaving soft rays Of sunshine 'mong her locks, which gracefully swaj's To kisses from the breeze, and secret sighs His bosom stirs, while roguish Cupid plays Tricks with the heart -, what clear, expressive eyes, Which ever to my own give back their sweet replies. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 43 THE MARRIAGE. It is the marriage morning, and Eden's lovely bowers Are trimmed and finely frescoed with nature's fairest flowers ; And every leaflet sparkles with gems of crystal dew, While on the lofty branches perch birds of gorgeous hue. The little knolls are covered with tufts of fairest green , The sun from heaven's bright chandelier casts brilliance o'er the scene. O'er flinty rocks the waters go laughing to the seas, While they repeat in accents sweet their rapture to the breeze. The Eden home is ready, exquisite to the eye ; The messengers are commg from the bright court on high, A hum of admiration is sounded far and wade. As the escort of angels bring in the blushing bride. 44 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE, The guests from worlds celestial have aow assembled there, When in God's leafy palace stands up the noble pair. The Witnesses are angels invited from abroad, And in their sight the holy rite is solemnized by God. O, what a trill of rapture goes up from sun to sun, When the ordinance divine declared those two souls one ; The flowers from leafy censers, pour incense on the air, While by the seas proud ranks of trees bow their heads as in prayer. Angels wish joy to Adam, and a long life of bliss, And the beauty by his side salute they with a kiss. Now comes the bridal presents, how lovely to behold ; Not precious gems from India, and diamonds set in gold. But what is choicer, better, bouquets of fairest flowers, Rich laden with the fragrance of Eden's balmy bowers ; No sin stain yet had gathered upon the work so fair. When with gifts fine, and grace divine, God blessed the happy pair. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 45 Now nature's choicest minstrels break forth in joyous song, While to the nuptial supper the fair guest pass along ; On the grand ocean's organ, among the coral caves, Rare melody is wakened by fingers of the waves. While sweet connubial music goes up from sea and land. As groups of graceful waters dance on the misty sand ; And every swaying zephyr join in the song sublime. When at the sweet and grand repeat began the match of time. 46 ECHOES ALOXG THE SHORE. THE COMMANDMENT. And on that day God blessed the happy pair, He who through mazes strange their feet had led Up in the way of life ; and with the care Of a kind parent watched, on that day said, "Behold a wondrous world of beauty spread Out for the joy, yet here I draw a line ; And take ye heed lest any time ye tread Beyond the prescribed bound; all shall be thine, Save this reserve I make, of one tree to be mine." "Hereby to prove thee, of each other tree That in the garden grows thou mayest partake Of all delicious fruit ; and thou art free To go and act at will. This day I make Thee a free agent. Take heed that thou break Not this command, for no restraint beside Is on thy actions laid, thy life's at stake Should thou dare disobey. In all the wide World, choose thee where thou will, thy joys are multiplied. ' ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 47 THE SEVENTH DAY. The great work is complete, on the seventh day The author rests. The beautiful design Is perfected, and with care laid away, For all eyes to admire ; naught but a fine Artisan eye could draw so fair a line On a blank canvas, ne'er was known to fall There a misguided stroke for skill divine, Perfection gave the work to curve most small ; The last stroke given is the crowning work of all. 48 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. THE EDEN HOME. Near by where tall palms cast ambrosial shade O'er clustering vines, and the fair fragrant flowers, And dewy plants, and shrubs ; these yearly made More beautiful by culture, in bright bowers. There dwells the happy pair. They spend their hours In pleasant converse or in some employ. No shade of discontent there ever lowers. Or sorrow enters to o"er-cloud their joys, Besides, no cruel fear their happiness alloys. To the fair bower the peaceful moments come And hurry by, e'er like the restless flow Of sunny streams. About their happy home, Like a bright sunbeam flitting to and fro. Among the shrubs and vines doth fair Eve go, In tenors sweet, humming some lively air, As she collects the fruits and flowers that grow Near by the garden hedge, or to prepare A sumptuous repast with a skillful woman's care. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 49 Or in their walks, charmed by some new surprise 'Mong natures fair, fair works, the one may call Sometimes attention of the other's eyes To some fine scene, a rock, or waterfall In some secluded nook ; or from some tall Still mountain eminence, where mist of snow Clouds hang in gauzy folds, admire the small Hills and calm dewy meads, spread out below The rugged mountain cliffs tinged by eve's ruddy glow. Or peaceful ocean mirroring the sky. Smiling above, or else some smoothe curved line On the aquatic shore , yon forests rise In beautiful relief. The leafy vine An unseen Hand ingeniously doth twine O'er trees and flowering shrubs, and verdant hills ; For to complete the beautiful design A charming background forms, while the sweet rills The deserts' dreary heart with sounds of rapture thrills. Or in the shadows of some lonely cliff High looking out upon the sandy shore They often sit and muse ; reflections lift 50 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. Their thoughts sublimely up ; here each rock wore By tread of centuries is rich in lore, If we could only read ; each grain of sand On which the seas their admiration pour, Bears the impression of a wondrous Hand, Too deep, too wise for mind of man to understand. Each rock if we could but discern aright, Volumes contain, and they are meant to teach Wisdom to man. We maj' perceive the bright Prints that God's hand has made plain upon each Fossil remain that strews the pebbly beach ; And mysteries embraced in every one, Altho' the mind of finites fail to reach Back where the grand chirography was done Upon the curious mass of sand and broken stone Those broken fragments thus together hurled, May be of systems crushed, and down through space Precipitantly cast, of a new world Important parts to form. In every place, In sea, or land, a thoughtful eye can trace ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 51 Lines of vast wisdom, that from age to age, Were legibly inscribed upon the face Of the frame work. We know not at what stage, Or yet what form Earth bore when that hand traced the page. A truly wondrous world, beneath the throne lyike a choice jewel hung. Revolving sand, A dainty mote, cleft from the rock unknown, And dropped in beauty from the Workman's hand, Like a choice gem, exquisite, and mo.st grand ; Bright with the print that His own finger made ; And from eternity the work was planned ; From out the dark, impenetrable shade Were its strewn atoms gathered and in order laid. Once Earth was chaos, and no light was shed O'er the deformity, but night conferred With night, where dim embryo worlds were spread Out 'neath the firmament ; but at a word Dim chaos breathed, and dormant atoms stirred Then in their slumbers, like a living soul. "Let there be light!" The powers of darkness heard. 52 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. And soon withdrew ; straightway from pole to pole, Yielded the shades of Night to young Day's sweet control. That word alone was the propelling force And the first cause, the power that holds it fast And that directs it in its way wise course. Mysterious Earth ! A gem washed from the past Eternity, whose restle.ss waters cast Upon the shores of Time ; but in what .space The work was wrought we know not ; when the last Finishing stroke was laid what perfect grace And beauty wrapped the scene in their .serene embrace. Thus they may long converse, or hand in hand, At eve's romantic hour, go forth to take A pleasant stroll upon the peaceful strand That looks out fair upon some silvery lake To listen to the noise the waters make Against the .sand ; thence in the moonlight go Home by the hills neath starry .skies that wake ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 53 Poetic thought, while the soft moonbeams throw A luster truly fine over the lillies' snow. Bright threads of sunshine with their glad day dreams Thus fancy gaily weaves, as peaceful hours Come and depart ; while fast from theme to theme The conversation turns, till the sweet bowers Among the dewy shrubs and folded flowers At a late hour is gained ; on wings of praise Their soul goes out to Him who hath with shower Of blessings strewn their pathway all their days Before the vail of sleep shrouds reasons searching rays. 54 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE, THE EVENING HYMN. We every eve' will spread our hand toward His holy hill, to God direct our cry ; He, all on earth ! help us so praise the Lord For all his goodness shown ; ye winds that sigh Around the lonely rocks breathe a reply Unto the voice of night, that on the shore In solitude bows down with moistened eye, And on this hour our hearts would also pour Forth grateful praise to him, whose name our souls adore. Praise God, Praise God ! Unite ye distant hills In songs of praise to Him, who with rich showers Waters the thirsty earth. Ye rocks and rills. Ye dews and vapors, and ye vines and flowers Lift up your voices at the vesper hours ; Ye glaciers, 'mong the solemn rocks that stand Alone whole nights upon the mountain towers E'er looking up from thence with outspread hand Tell of his might in tones most eloquently grand. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 55 Shout deep to deep, thou tuneful waterfall Break forth in songs to God, whose presence fills The holy solitude, pervading all His universe of worlds. Ye thoughtful hills In silence listen, while the joyous rills Exult with praise ; ye holy stars above Take up the song ; all nature feels the thrills Of the pulsation of the Heart of Love. Good angels cheer their dreams, when to them opes The golden morn again, with songs of bird E'er trilling out o'er Eden's dewy slopes. Strangely melodious songs of praise are heard From out the bowery halls ; and every word Is laden with the burden of a prayer ; With warbling sound the forest's heart is stirred, And the sweet zephyrs on their soft wings bear Up from the groves of earth e'er clouds of incense rare. 56 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. THE MORNING HYMN. " He kept us safely through another night, Now we awake, His goodness crowns us still ; Thanks we return to Him for life and light, And every precious gift. Thou rock and rill, Witness for us if e'er our lips be still Morning or evening offering praise to God. All earth unite in song, of glad free will ; Ye fragrant breezes waft His love abroad, While cloud and tempest oft aloud His praised laud. " Clap thy glad hands to Him thou happy flood. Who dropped thee from the hollow of His hand Like beads of pearl ; He makes his mysteries bud And to unfold ; His deep decrees were planned In silence, and like grains of singing sand, Are moving upward humming to the light ; Thus the fair works of God progress, expand ; By highest power propelled ; all things unite To show through endless years His ever glorious might. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 57 CONTEMPLATIONS When at their home, or when they walk abroad In shady nooks, or through the devvey mead; In everything trace they the Hand of God ; In every spear of grass or tinted weed That draws its life from earth, or glassy bead Of dew on flower or shrub, each drop He fills With animalcule life, and each small seed Of plant His wisdom shows, His Hand distills The odors rising from the pleasant vineclad hills. Thought how sublime the universe is spanned By arch of His perfection, loos'ly He folds Light round him like a garment, and has planned Wisely His works, and the same power that holds These in their place, with loftier grandeur mould A spirit's form high crowned with noblest thought. Mind and all animate life His word controls ; He made His angels souls, and there is naught Too hard for Him to do whose power hath all things wrought. 58 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. When through His master work with power He speaks, Or with voice more subdued, we ever find That skill displayed ; the roses on the cheeks Of health His finger paints ; He who doth bind The bands of Orion reveals His mind, Also in the small lichens His hands train Upon the rocks, things of the meanest kind His glance takes in ; He gently guides the chain Of being upward, whilst He notices each grain. His presence moves in every ray of light. And floating ethers doth His essence fill. While He all space pervades ; through depth and light His master works display a poet's skill. He writes His burning thoughts in lines that thrill ; On every painted leaf or folded flower, Among the tinted volumes of the hill, Or in the bubbling brook or vine clad bower, The author writes his thoughts in words of light and power. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 59 Where the bdellium and bright onyx gleam With beautiful effect upon the strand Of pleasant Pison, which fair crystal stream Sings sweetly on its bed of golden sand, That they may listen to the music grand. They often sit upon some mossy bed In the refreshing shade; their brows are fanned By zephyrs perfumed wing, while o'er their head, The living bowers their leaves of rich ambrosia spread. And on the sunny slopes unfolding flowers Throb to the summer breeze, and starry wings Of birds of Paradise gleam 'mong the bowers Of Eden's stately pines ; The forest rings With warbling notes, while the most beauteous things Gleam 'mong the shining foliage of the fair Green tree of life, there oft the fair one sings The tenor to some rich melodious air, Before they offer up this grateful daily prayer. "We would adore the name of Thee, who art Perfect in knowledge, and who doth bestow 6o ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. Gifts to Thy creatures ; and whose words impart The residue of life. As plants that grow Derive their life from earth, thus life doth flow From Thee to us. To Thee what offering may We render, for the untold debt we owe ? Thine is the breath we breathe, and reason's ray Is a refraction of the untold source of day. When at their happy home the fair one sings, Or stops a moment to adjust a flower, Or smooth a sunny tress, when the bright wings Of birds are folded at the evening hour, While on the hills that in the distance tower, The zephyrs rock the herbage to and fro, Wrapped in their fragrant arms from the green bower, Then clear-ej'ed memory doth softly go Back to the happy scenes of the fair long ago. Well do I recollect that lovely morn. Nor does the time seem long, when first mine eyes I oped, to this great world to look upon ; ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 61 How very fair ; imagine my surprise At that strange waking, nor could I surmise Then who I was, or what world did belong ; Why should you smile ? How could I be more wise ? Had a bright bird that instant passed along Trilling a joyous lay, I'd reached to grasp the song. " Thinking I saw the noise, and sight as sound Might to me seem ; for pray, what should I know Of nature's prescribed law, when all around Was new and strange-* The senses could not show The least distinction then, and I was so Astonished at myself , experience ne'er Had taught me this, that sight alone could flow By medium of the eye, and by the ear Sounds were conveyed to us, as since they may appear. " Yet unto me the world was then as bright As at this day, and every sound I heard Thrilled me I know not how ; with what deligh I watched the purling brook, or when a bird 62 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. The wandering waves of air with rapture stirred. Or on the beach unto the sighing sea I'd listen with delight, or when a word Fell from the angel's lips; but what thrilled me With its strange beauty most, my dearest love, was thee. *' While breezes waft the thrilling notes along, We'll aid the minstrel angels in the song." There is poetry in nature O, richer by far Than the bright angel bards ever wrote ; Its measures flow on without discord or jar. Through ether the smooth accents float. When the day train comes in, then with splendor untold The sparkling leaves of the volume unfold; The sun beams alight off" the bright steps of gold With a smile that illumines the world. The verdant clad hills with the deep meaning glows, Our hearts are oft thrilled by its power ; With the clear limpid stream sweetest euphony flows, And it floats on the breath of a flower. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 63 What melody's made when the hand of the breeze Is familiarly laid on the boughs of the trees ; The limbs are the lyre, and the leaves are the keys ; It charms us beyond our control. And when the night walks in her temple of jet, When the starrj- lamps hang in the sky, Where for ages untold the bright billows have met As they surge o'er the gold strands on high ; While reading those pages of wisdom sublime, Where worlds in their courses build loftiest rhyme. Our spirits with rapture of angels will climb Far above the bright lands of the earth. Every word of the dazzling volume above Glows with luster beyond our compare ; The sweet measures flow on, 'twas the Father of Love Who wrote those fair star pages there ; Our spirits are thrilled as we see through each line The mind of the Author triumphantly shine, Every word of the book glows with wisdom divine Far too lofty for reason to soar. 64 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE, MUSINGS. On some moss covered bank, where lofty trees, With their ambrosial curtains vail the rays Of sultry noon from sight, where the cool breeze Fans the frail fainting flowers, and genth' sways The leaves of palms, they watch the slow herds graze Upon the hills, or in some quiet place They often sit, and muse upon the ways Of Him, whose works are perfect, and they trace In every line and curve, thoughts of exceeding grace. Of the fine work He guides the mystic seams In dark obscurity; in order rolls He out of chaos dim, the dazzling beams That light the firmament. His word controls The outgoings of the morning and he holds The stars in his right hand; he spreads abroad The glorious canopy, and lightly folds ECHOES ALQXG THE SHORE. 65 The fleecy clouds beneath. The verdant sod And the fair arch above declare the praise of God. The heavens of heaven, and depths of fluent aii Show forth his power; he with sweet morning dew Waters the mountain's crest; and places the fair Springs 'mong the rocks ; He with a studious care Spread out the grand charade to creature view, And then behind the glorious work withdrew To watch the budding change, and with the night Shadows he vails his footsteps, while the new Forms are unfolding slowly to the light, The Hand that guides is all unseen to creature sight. Like happy streams the peaceful moments flow Swiftly along, and each one on its wing Bears some new joy; and often angels go Down to the sunnj- hills their songs to sing. Near the abode of man, or else to bring Some word of lofty cheer, or point the way To some exalted height, where pleasures spring Forevermore, or heavenly beings may. In sweet converse with man there tarry for a day. —h- 66 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE SATAN. From the celestial arch there fell a star ; Some of the constellations by its sway Were carried down, and pure worlds felt the jar. Then all its glorious brightness passed away As though a dazzling sun had quenched its ray In the abyss of night ! voices there were And fearful muttering sounds, that never may Again be heard, rang on the tremulous air; Death ad infinitum moved the great deep of despair. " Devil is my name," he said, " 'Tis fitting one;" Like unto me should that cognomen bear; A devil, a slanderer, for what bright son By God exalted, and whose steps lead where His Sovereign doth appoint, but on that fair Name have I cast reproach? and sought to stam His snowy robe of truth ? Feign would I tear Pure hearts with hellish glee, and mock the pain My cutting words inflict ; this is ray greatest gain. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 67 Shadows unutterable compass me around, Fearful as death itself. An awful dread Of me pervades all hearts: in me is found Embodiment of evil ; e'er is spread Dismay at my approach. The source, the head Of all disorder , I, the central soul Of darkness, am. Where e'er my feet have led Death follows near, passions beyond control Across my soul's dark deep in sweeping torrents roll. E'er from that fatal hour, the hour I fell, Fierce flames engulf me round. What way I go A constant hell I find ; my heart is hell. And from its awful center, streams of woe, Like tides of burning lava ceaseless flow; Discord and hate I sow. The only joy That now remains for spirits lost to know, If it can so be termed, is to annoy Heaven's ever perfect ones, to lay waste, and destroy. And from his awful form a shadow fell O'er stainless worlds, and darkened all the air ; As his crisped wing, scorched in the flame of hell, 68 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. He folded artfully with serpent's care, His bleared ej^es scanned the distance, planning where He best could work that ruinous design. And every subtle art was brought to bear Upon that point, and maddened by the wine That devils drink, he martialed forth his troops in line. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 6g THE TEMPTATION. Day fro-tn noontide recedes ; 'neath a tall tree Laden with luscious fruit, Eve on a bed Of moss reclined, to listen as the breeze Among the thick green branches o'er her head Wakes rich eolian sound, when darkness spread Strangely around, and o'er that pure sweet face. For the first time passes a shade of dread. As a strange object, moving down through space With revolutions oft, draws slowly near the place. On the fair scene, with a malicious frown, The arch Fiend looks; " Since I am forced to leave The realm of light behind, I will bring down Earth by my fall; for this cause I will weave A subtile web around the mind of Eve, To work my ruinous plan, for of my wile Man never knew, I therefore will deceive ; Will 'lure to ruin with fallacious smile, Will talk of life and light, and work their death the while. 70 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. And this shall be the subtile form I'll take, My wizzard shape, my demon art can mould In any likeness, I will slily make Appear in serpent's form, m}" dark wing fold From out the sight of all; with skill untold Into a reptile breathe my sultry soul, And transformed thus, I'll slily go to hold Converse with Earth ; my pride will I control To gain this end, e'en condescend in dust to roll. As though the powers of night were brought to bear Upon this point, then madly frowned the sky. As phantom shapes went hissing through the air ; And swift the storm of darkness comes more nigh. Where, where for shelter can the weak dove fly ? Nor does she feel inclined now to retrace Her steps ; a strange clairvoyance charms her ej'^e Upon a dark form creeping near the place, Moving and halting then with slow uneven pace. She seems like one transfixed, the sense of dread Is slowly vanquished, as more near, more near The fiend approaches ; all mistrust has fled ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 71 As the arch temptei whispers in her ear His vile insinuations; every fear Departs at time when there is greatest need To be afraid, and she at last can hear The wily charmer's voice, j^et takes no heed While the destroyer sows the mind with evil seed. Thus urged the artful one : "The fruit is good And much desired. It was unkind to say That ye should not partake ; 'tis wholesome food For the genie; eat and ye also ma}^ Become as wise as they ; dare disobey That unjust law ; why should a sense of dread Keep thee away ? God knows that very day Ye shall not die ! The deities are fed Upon its luscious fruit. Knowledge is thereby spread." "O, foolish one ! thou ne'er hast seen the light, Or thou couldst not refuse, for darkness flies Before its magic power; it would thy sight Make wonderfully strong; wouldst thou be wise Like to the Gods, with this anoint thine ej^es," 72 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. Thus strongly urged she of the fruit partakes; As one smote suddenly by strange surprise, She urges Adam thus, its flavor makes One's understanding quick, as when from sleep he wakes. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 73 THE FALL. Gen. 3. 6. And ■when the wojnan saw that the tree was good for food, and thus it was pleasant to the eye, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of tlie fruit tliereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her Imsband with her ; and he did eat. Both earth and sky grew strange, as form of death In dread reality that hour passed quite Before his face, so sudden that for breath He wildly gasped. But with that curse new light Was added too ; on his astonished sight, So quickly came it, he for very pain Strove to avert his face ; appalled with fright He paused an instant eager to regain His former quiet, but alas ! all, all in vain. And at that instant fell a withering blight O'er Eden's lovliest flowers ; and all things fair By the same power were touched ; with sickly light The sun looked down, and forthwith from its lair A leopard sprang, and on its way a bear It met, which fiercely growled beside its prey, 74 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE, Then sounds of awful discord rent the air, As beasts more strong in triumph bore away The weaker victim, whilst all earth in ruin lay. On that same hour a lion, the favored pet Of Adam, that oft gamboled on the shore His master near, his teeth with passion set, As that strange awful shadow passed before His master's face, sprang up with angry roar, By passion blinded, and prepared to prey On that caressing hand, athirst for gore ; Through forest jungles then the piteous bay Of beasts smote from the hills keen echoes of dismay. A seraph then, while hovering in mid air. From the far distance watched the mournful sight ; When all was o'er, went quickly up to bear Tidings unto the Throne. His robe of white Was rent in twain, his wing he sheathed in light And to the .sentinels of heaven cried, death ! His head was bowed, and from his eye a bright Tear drop in silence fell. The fair watch saith, "Death and a ruined world;" 'twas gasped in subdued breath. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 75 And hell's strong massive door that stunning shock Threw open wide, beneath the fatal stroke Earth reeling fell, like to a ponderous rock Hurled o'er a precipice in fragments broke; And on that hour the seven dire woes awoke, Driven from their slumber by that awful fall. With curses on the ones who dare invoke Heaven's righteous frown. The seas affrighted call Unto the answering Earth as change came over all. That very hour the form of Peace withdrew ; 'Mid scenes of sore confusion Adam fled, And he seclusion sought to screen from view The wild, distorted scene ; the future spread Out like a dreary waste, where error fed 'Mong the deformities. Naught could afford A solace to that one with spirit dead ; And cherubim that day, with naked sword Were sent to keep him from the garden of the Lord. Lest he put forth his hand for to partake Of the good Tree of Life, and never know Of higher joys than Earth, no power could break The lie tliat lu'Ul liiiu tlu'ii, for life \\HniUl (low On, oil torovor, ;iiul in sin wouUl i^rmv That siuil ilctoniKHl, as Ihcy lor a>c dcscciul In swift grailatioti cknvn, and oi' their whh- And gnnvth in erinie, there wonld have been no end Had not the Most Wise stoopetl in pity to defend. ECHOES ALONG Tin-. SHORE. 77 SENT FROM THli GARDEN. Tho Lord God aoiit liliu forth from tlio K'l'dtMi of Kdcn to till thu <;rouiid from wheuco he was taken. And weary wanderers they groped that day. O'er their defenseless heads storms wildly sweep; Now from their happ)- home, far, far away, They wander hand in hand, lliey talk, they weep, And oft look baek again with pathos deep ; Quite overcome at last, beside a stream. Where vines shut out the day, they woo sweet sleep To calm their anxious thoughts, while strange forms seem To glide on softly jxist, in that wild, troubled dream. For through the open corridor of time. Then Adam in a vision seemed to trace Down the uicreasnig catalogue of crime Through all the mist of years, and the disgrace That sin has called down on the fuinre race ; 78 ECHOES ALOXG THE SHORE. He keenly feels the curse, and hears the sighs That daily rise, while more, and more debased His prodigy become ; before his eyes The future, dim and strange, in long processions rise. Far down the track of ages with hoarse din, Moves on the motley host, until draws near The saddest days, and from the form of sin Strives he to turn his face. Earth is a drear And barren waste, where briers and thorns appear To mar the finest scene ; and hot tears start, And sighs unbidden come, when to the dear. Bright spot again thought turns, then a new dart Made bitter by remorse pierces his aching heart. Those sleepers waken from that mournful dream, As o'er the mountain tops the gloomy day Comes on apace, and still the sobbing stream Mid scenes of sore disorder wends its way. Chanting a solemn dirge ; and with dismay The condemned couple shrink, while darkly o'er The tempests- spread; and near the dismal bay ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 79 Of beasts ring out, the lion's fierce, angry roar Sounds through the rocky gorge ; thus on, the sad day wore. O'er all a blight had passed ; the heart of man How greatly changed ; o'er the clear searching ray Of mind a film has come ; scenes that would fan The embers of the heart once to a blaze Of holy, heavenly zeal, now fail to raise Thought above sordid care ; nor can man hold Converse with angel minds. When ofiering praise Vain thoughts come even then, since he is sold A servant unto sin, and by its power controlled. Where e'er they go, they can not flee the curse Of the law they've broken, e'er in array Their sins appear, and conscience will rehearse Their disobedience by night and day, Nor can they from that small voice turn away That to them speaks. Beside a murmuring stream, Where the dark waters sob their thoughts for aj^e, They sit and ponder , skies in mockery gleam As they rehearse once more that sad and frightful dream. So ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. Earth's caverns seemed to groan, for nature had Felt the all-stunning shock ; before mine eyes, In that mad dream, all races moved in sad Procession on ; I heard the piercing cry Of Earth's stiange panorama passing by, As nations rose, and waned, until at last Time's full consummate hour drew sadly nigh ; The hour of dissolution also passed Before my aching eyes when life's %Tave ebbed out fast. In that strange vision I beheld the day Dawn, dark, when storms were summoned from their place By just decree, and bade to sweep away The arrogancy of the fallen race ; I watched the change come o'er, until no trace Of former power remained. Ah ! what a w^ail Rang out as souls were tried ; then 3'outhful grace And forms bent down by age, with fear grew pale; Their gods were gods of clay, they saw those false hopes fail. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 8r There was atonement made ; to save the lost The Mediator came ; Earth felt the thrill As angels sang all hail; there was a cross, High lifted up on Calvary's rugged hill ; That bitter cry of anguish well might fill Heaven with amaze, whilst round that head down- bent Darkness prevailed that hour ; O, never ! till That fearful time was silence so intent ; In bliss all lips were mute, when hearts of stone were rent. Time glided past ; like specters on the shore The cycles came, and filled, e'er changing fast Till drama of Earth's sad, sad scene was o'er : The dreadful Judgment morning came at last, The mystic shadow o'er all people cast Was thus removed, and on the deeds of all The fallen race there was just sentence passed. As from their graves came forth both great and small ; The Lost and the Redeemed from ruin of the fall. 82 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE THE LITTLE STRANGER. As time brought round its changes, to Earth came A messenger sent by there the AUwise ; A gift from God ! is all that speech can frame, As Eve looked down into those deep blue eyes Most strangely startled by that sweet surprise. The Father hath this precious treasure lent ; Thanks to the Giver for the gift they said, As they looked heavenward, and more lowly bent O'er the fair stranger on the mossy bed, With perfumed sheets of rose leaves richly spread By a fond mother's care ; Ah ! it is meet To spread the finest for its sunny head; How wonderful! in hushed tones they repeat. As they feel its rosy palms, and its wee pink feet. Its lips like tiny rose leaves part unrolled, And temples fair, as water lilies rise Among the .shining waves of rippling gold ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. • 83 Or moonbeams o'er the snow, its clear blue eyes, Are deep and misty as the far off skies. Quick as a bird's wing darting to the sun, Which beauty doth bewilder and surprise ; O ! may thy little life on earth begun Be peaceful as a stream, our precious, darling one. Time ever restless m its course speds fast. Sometimes the lovely form of sweet content Hovered around, and sometimes overcast The sky appeared as the years came and went, And went and came, and other joys were lent To cheer their home among the vines and flowers ; By fallen man some happy days were spent. As on their way the golden pinioned hours, Strewed priceless blessings round the pleasant vine clad bowers. 84 ECHOES ALOXG THE SNORE, REFLECTIONS. In a snug summer bower, woven with care, Of sticks and leaves, and made secure from fear, At a late hour of eve a small group there May oft be found ; and they can often hear The bay of angry beasts distinctly clear, Ring o'er the distant hills : and the winds go Sobbing their sad complaint. As they come near The shrinking leaves of misty shrubs bend low, Whilst thought keeps going back unto the long ago. That small home group, oft of their hopes and fears. Till a late hour converse with pathos deep; "Our children know not of the joys those years Have folded to their heart, while bleak storms sweep O'er skies of their to-day, and storm winds keep Moaning upon the hills. The pale fall flowers Row down their heads all night as if to weep In sNinpathy with man, while darkness lowers, And sorrow follows in the footprints of the hours." ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 85 Beasts ot the feline kind then never felt, In those glad days, the cruel passions stirred, Or grew athirst for gore ; peacefully dwelt They near the home of man, and with the herd On the green herbage fed. No hateful bird There watched for prey, but on the fragrant seeds Of plants they fed. No note of discord stirred The soul of harmony ; of luscious weeds The harmless reptile ate, that now on gross meats feeds. All things were beautiful and docile then ; The serpent was man's pet, and seemed to show Joy at his fond caress, and at times when The voice of song like the melodious flow Of a wild bird rang out, 'twould .seem to go Into excessive joy. The things that seem Repulsive now, were fair before the woe Befell us all, ah ! like a vanished dream Are the days we lingered by fair Havilahs .stream. The day that ye transgress, 'twas rightly said That ye shall surely die. Death shall bear sway, Which we have proven, .spiritually dead 86 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. We had become when the inspiring ray Of God's own smile we lost, that very day The life divine we lost. We feel the power Of death within the soul, and whither way Now can we flee ? E'er since that fatal hour The very shades of death about our pathway lower. The happiness of that sweet Eden lost. Can never more on earth by us be found ; But ever is the spirit toss, and toss, By passion's wave, and everything around Is inharmonious, often too the sound Of discord through the leafy forest goes Out on the mournful air. The hills resound With words of strife as brothers meet as foes, And the contentious deeds, oftimes result in blows. O, to think ! when we walked in the light of the sun, And conversed every day with the glorious one ; And at eve with the angels sat down by the sea, They spake of the grandeur, and smiled so on me; But those days have departed, the waves by the shore, As we sit now and ponder, in mockery roar. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 87 THE OFFERING. Softly is turning the fair gate of day Upon its rosy hinge, serene the light Comes on the mountain side, where sweet flowers sway Censers of choice perfume from the green height Where a lone suppliant kneels; near him the bright Flame newly kindled rise from a cliff where Reclines a fair young lamb, stainless and white, For a burnt offering, while on the air, lyike breath of morning incense, ascends the voice of prayer : "Accept this offering we humbly pray, An emblem of the one who is to come, The promised Savior ; and for His dear sake Forgive us, and at last receive us home. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. ENVY. Now lowly crouched behind a clump of trees Is bleared ej^ed envy, from his hiding place He cautiously peers out ; while the soft breeze Wafts up the holy song ; malice can trace No fault or blemish on that pure young face, And from behind his screen again with care Malice looks out; much he admires the grace Of that fair noble form, as the charmed air From that fine brow doth kiss the rippling waves of hair. Again he hears the sweet melodious song, Like the low warbling of a glad free bird, It on the fragrant zephyr floats along Through open fields ; sometimes a holy word Through the thick leafy screen is plainly heard By the one lurking there while there is made Request to God. That jealous heart is stirred To envy at the sight ; into the shade Still further he retreats, of his own thoughts afraid. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 89 He's beautiful and good, in every \\B.y Superior to me; and in the sight Of God more pure, who well pleased day by day His offerings accept; would that there might Upon him from above descend a blight To spoil that holy face, which look I hate ; Would mine own arm could wield the power to smite My brother to the earth ; thus till a late Hour in that hiding place doth leering malice wait. jcp ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE, EVE'S LAMENT FOR ABEL. Eve wanders forth near at the close of day For an accustomed stroll, and heedless quite Where her steps tend; each rustling by the way Is ominous of evil, with affright She oft' starts back, but soon a strange, strange sight Meets her bewildered gaze ; red dew drops stain The herbage round ; a form there ghastly white On a moss bank reclines, for very pain She screens her face away, dreading to look again. Now Adam from the labors of the day Is passing to the Arbor on the hill, At that same moment chanced to pass that way ; " Look here," gasps Eve, "what makes the child so still? That strange look makes my very heart grow chill;" As 5'et experience had never taught Them of the power of death ; never until ECHOES ALOXG THE SHORE. qi That truly solemn hour, save but in thought Had its most fearful form to them so near been brought. " How breathlessly he sleeps! Awake, my boy, And come with us ; the hour is getting late ; Look up and smile, 'twould thrill again with joy. Thy mother's heart ; Ah! wherefore longer wait On the damp ground ? Come, let me wipe the great Damp drops from off thy brow, and gently fold Thee in my arms. Why from the cruel hate Of an own brother hide? Alas I how cold My gentle pet has grown, chill as the earth's dark mould. " Why on the damp ground longer make thy bed? My hand a bed of softest mosses long Ago prepared, with fragrant blossoms spread. Where thou might rest ; arise, and come along, The hour has come to sing the evening song, And every bird has laid its head to rest Behind its wing ; then come, it would be wrong To tarry longer here ; come with us, lest Some fiend in serpent form might come to be a guest." 92 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. Awake, she urged, fixing a look intent Upon that stony face, and the chilled form, As o'er those rigid limbs she lowly bent, Not knowing what that awful silence meant ; They chafed those icy hands, and strove to warm. When thus in words broke forth the pent-up storm. As the most dread realit}' of death Dawns on her mind, "Alas! I am undone ;" The frantic mother wildly gasped for breath, " O, speak to me ! My son, my darling son ! The idol of my heart, the little one That climbed my knee ; speak to thy mother child ! O, cruel Death ! What has that monster done? That look will drive me trul)' frantic, wild. Smile on me as thou used, my dove with eyes so mild." That crushing grief doth the poor mother pour Forth thus in plaintive words, " Alas ! how cold And hushed that heart has grown ; and sadly o'er The brow death's shadows rest. Ah? never will That manly voice, like a deep sea swell, thrill Thy mother's heart again. The light has this ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 93 Day gone out from our home ; that grave will fill The world with gloom ; thy presence how we'll miss E'er at the morning and the evening sacrifice. "And me, how can I bear this two-fold stroke ! Ah, both my sons ! an awful sense of dread Chills through my frame, that my sm should invoke Eternal wrath on this defenceless head; For my transgression makes the broad earth red With blood of innocence ; by thee I stand This hour condemned. To this my guilt has led, That thou shouldst fall, e'en by a brother s hand; How can redemption ever from the grave be planned?" "Ah ! mournful heart, why should you be afraid ? Or sorrow without hope for the dear one, For has not God to us a promise made? And will he not fulfill to send his son, That a lost race, tho' ruined and undone. Might be redeemed from sin? and him now dead Shall from the power of Death and sin be w^on. To higher, purer joy, since it was said, A righteous seed shall bruise the subtile serpent's head.' 94 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. THE FUGITIVE. Gen. 4: 16. And Cain went ont from the presence of the Lord. The golden sandaled day withdrew from sight Behind the hill, and from the dusky shore Slowly came on the tawny featured night, Like a wan, weary huntress bending o'er The silent Earth ; a slender bow she bore. And a pale star upon her silent breast In mockery shone ; while that one guilty fled Through deserts wild ; he finds no place of rest, Remorse will follow ever, an unwelcome guest. Far from his childhood home, and far from God He roams a fugitive- oppressive fear Alarms his conscience, as he goes abroad A vagabond. The penitential tear Can not for him atone, and always near A specter follows, with a noiseless tread ; Thus always day and night, and year by ^ear He's haunted by the spirit of the dead, Of dim uncertain things he is in constant dread. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE 95 CAIN'S REMORSE. A fugitive roaming from east to the west, For the souls of my feet I can never find rest; I go seeking peace over valley and hill, But the shadow I dread is upon my life still ; And water can never wash out the foul stain, For guilt is the mark that is set upon Cain. The sense of it follows wherever I go The good things of earth only hightens my woe. The sympathy dear ones would gladly impart, lyike the point of a dagger, cuts deep to the heart. My faithful companion may soothe me in vain, Her gentle caresses but adds to the pain; I shrink from the light of her beautiful eye, I evade that clear glance, tho' I may not tell why; The gentle perfume of her innocent breath To a soul stained as mine is the vapor of death. As memory looks o'er the mountain of years, 96 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. She's afFrightened, for there what a vision appears; A fond mother's anguish, a father's bowed head, Affectionate sisters bemoaning the dead. And the groans of the dj'ing comes up in my ear, Oh! hearts that are broken, oh, sighing and tears! And the stain will go down through the ocean of time, And everyone know of my shame and my crime ; My reproach shall descend to these innocent ones, The punishment visit the daughters and sons, The wife of my bosom, confiding and pure, The thought of it's more than a soul can endure. And how can I look in that innocent face. And to think it must bear e'er a father's disgrace; On me be the curse, tho' I cringe 'neath the rod. And feign would I hide from the anger of God, But the pain of remorse now has only begun, 'Twill longer endure than the light of the sun ; My soul's overwhelmed by the gloom of despair. Through the night of the grave it will follow me there. ECHOES ALOXG THE SHORE. 97 MAN RETROGRADING Unto the depth of crime a guilty race Have by transgression sank ; the fearful sound Of violence rises to God's dwelling place From off the earth. The holy one looks down Upon the evils done. There can be found None perfect now. And ever day by day Goes up a cry of blood; the earth around Is but a morgue, confusion and dismay ; For death from Adam reigns wath undiminished sway. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. THE DELUGE Rev. 16. 3 And the second nno:el poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of h dead man. And every living soul died in the sea. The second seal is opened, and the path Leading through mysteries is now made plain. The second angel pours his vial of wrath Upon the sea, and there is seen the stain Of blood upon the wave while there is slain All creatures that have life. As to and fro Walks the destroying angel, pulse of pain Moves nature's inmost heart ; and there doth go From every shore of earth the fearful cry of woe. All nature now is gently calmed to sleep Like a fair child upon its mother's breast ; There is a lull upon the mighty deep, And all the sobbing waves are laid to rest, Like mists of wings in ethers of the blest. Brightly the morning ope's, but soon is heard ECHOES ALOXG THE SHORE. 99 L,ow muttering sounds, and in the distant West The dark clouds moor. The storm begins to gird Its vivid armor on ; its heart with wrath is stirred. Toward the hills, now, at the first alarm The prudent wildly flee, and refuge seek Among the rugged cliff's; some in their arms Their fainting loved ones bear ; all hearts are weak Unearthly paleness is on every cheek. As they in frenzy flee. The frightened beasts Are grouped among the hills, and vultures shriek Among the rocks ; the storm's ire has increased, The fearful cry is heard, from West unto the East. The sky grows dark with wrath, yet while dismay Lays its pale hand on all, each one lays hold Of some loved idol ; some bear thence away Unto some refuge their much cherished gold. And to it cling until their hands wax cold As the damp clay, nor will that maddened grasp Relax in death, and the dark billows fold Around them and their god ; some wildly gasp A cherished loved one's name and shadows strive to clasp loo ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. And there are tears, and pacing to and fro, And cries of anguish on the tempests air ; And piercing signs, as those alone may know Who walk the gloomy border of despair ; Those of the hoary locks, those in the fair Morning of life, the rich, the great, the small. In common sympathy commingle there, And through that reign of terror wildly call Upon their gods of stone, and watch their earth hopes fall. The deluged hills glare strangely from afar. Sheeted with fire; and rain and pelting hail Mingle their sound with the deep thunder's jar, While from the mountain tops, and every vale Goes up the cr}-, one long continued wail, From frightened souls ; the sea prophetic sighs Of coming doom unto the answering gale, As tempests flap their dark wings through the skies, While swift the rain descends and foaming billows rise. There is a crash ; a momentary shock And Earth stops on its orbit, while its lower ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. loi Strata is broken up ; through the cleft rock The uncurbed waters burst, with fearful roar; The storm cries from above, the hoarse floods pour Up from the depth beneath ; dead bodies fill The turbid waste of water. Sea and shore Are one chaotic mass, and the floods still Increase, while dire convulsion moves the strongest hill. Earth is made void this hour of man and herds. And beasts of every kind upon the land ; Insects, and shells, and plants, and flowers, and birds Are bedded in the drifts of moving sand ; And all the ancient cities with their grand Arches and towers sink down beneath the shore; The finest works of art, from every strand This time are blotted out; the waves close o'er Vast navies of the sea, which sink to rise no more. While terror is abroad, and the night dark Visaged, and pitiless sits on the deep, Upon the gloomy waters there's an ark Reposing like a happy child asleep. Pressed to its mother's heart. The storm clouds weep 102 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. In sorrow on the ocean's heaving breast; The wind still mutters, and the deep floods keep Moving and tossing, ever with unrest. While storms are marshaled yet from East and from the West. Among the granite hills, down deep from sight Within the silence of those secret caves Pale forms are grouped ; around them a strange light E'er dimly burns; the cold and briny waves Of the swift ocean stream forever laves Those rigid limbs, and dim forms creep around, Or dormant wait among the place of graves. Within those coral caverns may be found The aged and the young, locked in a sleep profound. Over that silent host the great deep rolls Its glassy waves; o'er the grand ruin spreads The tinted billows, in deep w^atery folds: And azure drapery flows round those beds Where sleeps the ghastly forms, and strange rich threads Of sea weeds fold them round for winding sheets ; Fair wreaths of sea flowers wrap about their heads, ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 103 Like caps of white, and ever at their feet To sing their mournful requiem the waters meet. And yet the world above is hushed as death, The spent clouds in their anguish cease to weep ; All, all is silent, save the sighing breath Of zephyrs moving o'er the throbbing deep. Where the ark rests, like a sweet child asleep Peacefully dreaming on the ocean's breast. And e'er a gentle breathing seems to keep Rocking it softly to its haven of rest. Beneath the guardian care of the Wisest and the Best. And yet the days and weeks move swiftly by, And still the floods abate. The plains below, The rugged mountain cliffs at last are dry ; The clear streams find their channels, bright shrubs grow And bloom in the vale ; all creatures go Forth from the ark, while over sea and land Is seen a covenant, sealed in a bow, With bright carnation dyed, design most grand, Jlefracted by the light, and bent by God's own hand. 104 ECHOES ALOXG THE SHORE. ONE CHOSEN. Fully two thousand years of time has passed Since first the morning stars together sung The brighter better day will come at last ; Tho' the world lies in sin, and there is none Sent to redeem, yet God has chosen one Tried and found faithful, and this hope may cheer The weary waiting ones; the promised Son Will through this line and lineage appear, And the much longed for and much sighed for time is near. The night of sorrow cannot last for aye. Nor does the Lord forget ; He sends at last Help to His chosen ones, to rend away From them oppressions 3'oke, while thick and fast The plague and ruin comes to overcast The land of Egypt, and to overthrow Those who oppress. The angel hurries past Through darkest night to la}' the first born low. While upon every home is poured out the last woe. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 105 In the King's palace there is mourning now, The heart makes bitter mourning for the dead; The haughty monarch unclasps from his brow The roj'al diadem, and loosely spread Sackcloth upon his loins ; with measured tread The sentinels pass by ; in deep despair The rulers wait. The Queen bows down her head In grief too great for tears, the Princes are Mourning in all the courts, for death has entered there. Through the breadth of the land is the desolate oxy. As the angel of death through the gloom hurries by ; From palace to dungeon has rolled the dark wave, In high places he brings down their strength to the grave. Every roof tree is shaded, every heart is in pain, In every home circle the dearest is slain. Through Egypt's fair cost is the soul crushing moan. From the prince to the slave, from the cot to the throne. From the humblest flower to the pride of the crown. Their beauty is spoiled, every head is bowed down; The stroke does not spare those in priestly robes dressed, Their magicians in sorrow bow down with the rest. lo6 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. CROSSING THE SEA. With quicken'd pace near to the water side The eager people come, their guide holds o'er The wave a rod, where the deep floods divide Retreating from their place with fearful roar, The ancient rocks, rich with the gathered lore Of centuries untold, unfolds to sight. The anxious ones pass on, down, down the shore, Into the deep they come ; before the bright Cloud of God's presence moves, imparting warmth and light." Among the wonders of the hidden deep In silent awe they walked the ocean bed, Down rugged cliffs, o'er rock belts broad and steep, Onward, and onward pass with firmer tread, O'er winding walks with sea flowers richly spread, 'Neath covered arches, and the coral caves. O'er hills of topaz, where the ancient dead Of Noah's time sleep in their lowly graves, Around which forests dense, of bright green sea weed ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 107 The shore they gain ; their enemies pursue, Through mist and tempests, and through blackest night, Their way they urge, no ray of hope in view ; From out the troubled waters with aflfright They cry unto their gods for help and light : We are seeking for safety for storms are abroad, In our trouble we cry unto Ramphan our god; Around are dark waters and wild is the night, May the star of our god through the gloom give us light. Will thou deign to look down on the dangerous deep, Bid the raging storm rest and the wrathful winds sleep In time of such peril thou art powerless to save, The darkness grows denser, deeper dashes the wave. Thou fleet winged Aeolia come down to the sea, lyift lightly the waves that our horsemen may flee. From the hight of the hills hasten down to us pray. On thy wdngs bear the weight of the waters away ; Oh ! pass by in pit)', we perish, we die From the wind, the winged gods will not answer our cry." lo8 ECHOES ALOXG THE SHORE. And wilder grows the scene, the coming morn Uuvails the hidden terrors, they seek by flight To save themselves ; urge they the scared steed on \\liile there chariots are dashed on the rocky lawn. The vivid lightnings hiss about their path, And shadowy forms appear from out the cloud, As Deity looks down on them in wrath ; The augr}' floods o'er them are greatly bowed. The wrathful thunders mutter wild and loud. While the firm granite hills beneath them quake , And augiy tempests now upon the proud Defiant host in wrathful fury break. The wail sounds wildlv out as the sea monsters wake. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 109 MIRIAM. Morn looks upon the waters while the wail The breezes bear aw^ay, on the moist sand That whitely paves the beach is seen a frail And graceful form, lightly her small fair hand Moves o'er the timbrel's keys, waking the grand Triumphant nete, while near her side the fair Daughters of Judah tread the dewy strand, Each keeping time to the melodious air ; The joyous thime they chose has more of praise than prayer. "In the tempests roar the Lord's coming we hear, In the pillow of fire doth His presence appear. While the face of the foe becomes pallid with fear The Lord reigns. For the bright appearing the universe groans. The noise of his coming shakes kingdoms and thrones. no ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. " His is the battle ax, shield and the bow, The arrows are lodged in the heart of the foe, The horse and his rider the floods overflow ; The Lord reigns. His chosen the captive of Judah are free, While the foe's overwhelmed in the midst of the sea. The Lord is our refuge, in glorious might Extends He a hand for the rescue of right. All earth shall be bathed in a deluge of light; The Lord reigns. From ocean to ocean the paean note shall trill, Waking responses from mountain and hill." ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. THE SONG. The ransomed people safely on the shore Unite in songs of praise, " Now we will sing Unto the Lord, our Help ; we will adore The name of the Most High, for He is King O'er earth and sky ; may every living thing Worship His name, who fills immensity Himself pervading all ; He'll safely bring His chosen people home, while the proud be Forever overcome by the terrors of the sea " ' Jehovah is our strength, he is our song He is our God, we will extoll his name, He is a man of war; by him the strong Foe is subdued, by might he overcame The proud oppressor ; L,ord thou art the same From everlasting ; thy hand safely brought Thy people through the deep ; the foe with shame Turned back in haste to flee. Those who had sought To do thy chosen harm thy hand has brought to naught. 112 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. " Unto the name of the Most High let all His ransomed sing, For He is God, high overall, our Prophet, Priest and King ; He saved us from that cruel hand, and holy is His name, He led us safely while the foe were put to lasting shame. "At His rebuke the haughtj' ones turned back in haste to flee, When in a moment they were swept into the mighty sea. The horseman and the charioteer sank in the deep like lead, Low pillowed in the fearful depths are Egj'pt's noble dead." Proud captains and their famous host were quickly overthrown. While the Most High is a defense and a shield unto his own ; At His command we journey on, or when He bids stand still ; Thus e'er in labor, or in rest, we do His righteous will. "The Angel of the Covenant is moving near our camp, His presence through the darkness shines e'er like a burning lamp. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE 113 "In pillow of a cloud he moves, and leads us day by day, As by the light of fire b}- night he safely guides the way. Prince of the everlasting age, and Jacob's God is this, The L,ord, and Founder of the church formed in the wilderness. Until He comes we firmly go believing in His name, The head and leader of His church through ever>' age the same, Who is the only Potentate, our Prophet, Priest and King, Who to us everlasting peace, and righteousness shall bring. The Angel of the mercy seat, Jehovah is His name; From everlasting Thou art God, through endless years the same. Who by His spirit and His grace the ancient prophets spoke. Who rules and kindly governs all, His favor we invoke. He through the oracles divine to man revealed His will. And shall at the appointed time His just decree fulfill ; All mystic forms shall pass away, and fade before the True; He'll overturn and overturn till all be made anew. —8— 114 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. THE NEW DISPENSATION. The new glad era dawns, the promised day, Long looked for and long sighed for, comes at last. Old forms depart, the shadows pass away. These symbols are annulled, the darkness cast Ivong o'er the nations now is fading fast. As the new dispensation's ushered in. He who was promised in the ages past Has come to save his people from their sin. The mystic age departs, the better j-ears begin. A voice amid the lost creation cries: "lyook unto me, I am the life, the light. The righteousness, the wisdom of the wise; Strength to the weak, and to the blind am sight, Who in me trust shall not abide in night ; I am from everlasting. Him who gave His life to save the world, and by My might Conquered the power of death, hell, and the grave, And live forevermore, Omnipotent to save." ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 115 GOOD TIDINGS. On Judea's plain, a band of shepherds there Guard o'er their timid flock, serene browed night Sits on the hills, while on the realm of air Silence has breathed a charm, when sudden light Gleams in the firmament, by wings of white. The tremulous waves of ether now are stirred, And anthems ring aloud, as tho' the bright Organs of glory moved ; or every bird Of paradise sang song sweeter than earth e'er heard. Fear not, ye shepherds, for we come to bring The tidings of great joy, and to proclaim The glad news to all men, to thee a King This night is born, and Jesus called by name, A Prince, a Savior, to the world he came For to redeem the lost, and turn away Iniquity from man ; let tongues of flame Sing to the blessed one high praise for aye Much joy and peace to earth the herald angels say. U6 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. Glory and ceaseless praise " the bright ones sing, While shining myriads with tidings run From world to world. May every living thing In earth and heaven worship the only son, Ye shepherds go and find the precious one In a low manger laid; what wondrous grace Is manifested here; our God has done As was forshown in that most humble place, The mighty L,ord of heaven has manifested his face. Praise be the Most High! to man good will, All earth give praise while tongues above unite In sweet accord, and the transporting trill Of glory moves the tremulous waves of light. And the exulting song from height to height Is wafted on, remote, glad echoes start. From the shining ports of glory Comes the angel band, To the hills of earth descending Bearing tidings grand ; Down the plains of trackless ether, Bend on starry wing, ECHOES ALOXG THE SHORE 117 With glad song and sweet hosanna ! Tribute to their King. Glory in the highest, glory, Hear the bright ones say. For He comes the long expected Who shall reign for aye. See, heaven's Mighty Prince and Sovereign Cometh to His own, To the fallen bringing blessings From the Father's throne; Peace on earth to every creature, And a sweet good will, May the song of holy rapture Peal from hill to hill. See the ranks of holy angels Coming from afar, Bear they tidings of salvation Up from star to star ; IvO, Earth great ! and crowning epoch Grandly has begun. ii8 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. Ushered in with songs of praises, To the first born Son. All the shining heirs of glory, Worship and adore, May the sound of hallelujah Peal from shore to shore, He has come to Earth in pit3% Lord and Prince of all, Leaves the Father's throne to rescue Mortals from the fall. Hail the advent of His coming All ye sons of light. In the song of adoration Earth and heaven unite. The band of shining angels from the sight Of finite man make ready to depart. While that key note of joy is folded to each heart. Upon the azure vestment of the night A Star of Promise brightly dawns to view ; ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 119 Eastward it takes its course, and its clear light Falls in rich blessings on the fields of dew, So all the plains are gladdened by its hue ; The wise men ask, " Is this what one foretold, Whose eyes the Lord had opened, who saw through The vista of the future, days of old. Which bright fulfillment now our favored eyes behold." ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. THE BABE OF BETHLEHEM. The same fair light that rested on the idew Of Judah's verdant fields, serenely falls O'er sleeping Bethlehem, with fairer hue. Bathing in beaut)'- bright the humble walls, Beneath whose lowly roof, in manger small, A child reposes, while the mother, near, Keeps watching hour by hour. In the low stall The sluggish cattle feed ; devoid of fear, Trample they on the herbage, grown so brown and sear. Some Magi of the East, led by the mild Star light, have hither come; and gifts they bear, Of gold and incense, for the Holy Child. On the straw-covered walk their footsteps are Heard to approach, and now they enter where The smiling infant lies; a peaceful raj- Of light looks through the thatching o'er a fair Form sweetly pillowed on the new mown hay, The long expected one, and the Most Blessed, for aye. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 121 Here is the Lord of lords, the King of kings, Beneath this humble roof. The Wise Men, when They see Him, bow in praise, and offerings To Him present. The fond hopes of all men, Lo, here are found ! Long the prophetic pen Has pointed to this hour; Time's full-orbed Sun Has risen o'er earth; through ages that have been, Unto time's latest year, the light shall run, Earth's ever crowning age has gloriously begun. And in His day the Lord shall strike through kings, And the haughty nations be brought low At His rebuke ; and there shall living springs Of water from the house of David flow For those who thirst. This Righteous One will show Favor unto His people, and the meek Will He teach of His way, that they may know His power to save. The stray ones He wall seek. Like a good shepherd, bear in His strong arms the weak. 122 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. WATER TURNED TO WINE. The feast is ready for the waiting guests, Jesus and Mary and the Twelve are there, In festal scenes they mingle with the rest. Upon the spacious board are viands rare, And fruits the choicest, yet the hand of care On the kind hostess' brow traces a line. Mary perceives the reason and comes where Her Son is, and say low, as on His fine Features she fondly looks, "They have not any wine." The porters heed the summons, as they stand E'er ready to obey ; Jesus speaks low Yet earnestly. They bring, at his command, The water secretly ; a pleasing glow Lights up the Master's face as the drops grow, Most suddenly transformed. Unto the Guest The new sweet wine is passed. They may not know By whose skilled hand the choice, fair fruit was pressed That yielded the rich draught, the finest and the best. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 123 With joyful lip tlie cup is handed round To each and all. How say they have no wine, When thus among the wedding guests is found The matchless form of Him who is Divine, And the marked beauty of that image fine Reflects full in the cup, which grace doth fill The waters with surprise? O'er each curved line The deep blush surged until the small coy rill Became transfigured; then to each drop went the thrill. 124 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. THE TEMPEST. The hoarse winds mutter, and the dismal night Unsheaths its jetty wing. Dismay has crowned Genesaret's dark waters; crests of white Foam upward madly dash. And, tempest-bound, Is seen a little barque. The direful .sound Of thunder spreads alarm. A watery grave Threatens the mariner; wildly around The storm fiends gather. Who has strength to brave. On such an hour as this, the anger of the wave? While o'er the sea the tempests madly sweep, Within a ship, far driven from its place Of mooring, Jesus, the great Master, sleeps, Unmindful of the storm. Over His face A holy, heavenly peace its sweet lines trace. The ship's crew waken Him; in their alarm Implore His power to save. With composed grace He rises from the pillow: with a calm Look A-iews the troubled sea, whose proud waves feel the charm. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 125 Then sweetly went out on the troubled air, To the storm's heart, the gentle "Peace, be still," Hushing the clamorous cry. The clouds repair, O'er the great deep runs the transporting thrill. The bashful waves are passive to His will, The timid mist rolls back, that potent Word The sea and raging wind haste to fulfill. That gentle sound the listening tempest heard, And its deep throbbing heart with peace is softly stirred. 126 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. THE MANIAC. Within the mountain caves of Gadara, And oft among the tombs, there dwelleth one Of human form, and often in despair He cast himself against the flinty stones That from the cliff project, and there are none To calm that troubled mind ; there daj' by day He has his dwelling place. The noonday sun Burns his unshielded form, and beasts of prey May prowl around by night, and none durst pass that way. For him no song bird sings, no bright flowers bloom For over all his life has come a blight, And no fair ray of hope will e'er illume Reasons dark court ; he gropes Viithout the light Through weary days, as one bereft of sight, Seeking for rest, yet seeking it in vain. Beneath the cover of one starless night, Despair has bound him in its fettering chain. So long and cruelly, that life is utter pain. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. \Yj A tall and manly form from a moored boat, Steps on the rocky shore of Gallilee ; His unshorn locks down on his shoulders float In golden waves. On those around him, see, He looks in love ; we know that this must be Jesus, the Lord ; down the rude ledge of stone The maniac leaps; he turns as if to flee, But now to Jesus comes, "Thou art the Son, Of the Infinite God, we know thee blessed One." Jesus commands, and the dim shades of night, Like willing servants, hasten to obey As at Creation's morn ; " Let there be light," And the strange forms of darkness flee awaj-, As o'er the soul's calm waters the young day Looked forth, and mirrored there her features mild ; Into the heart's great deep, then, fell a ray Which wakened Hope, that joyous fair-browed child Who from her place looked up to heaven's clear blue and smiled. 128 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. JAIRUS' DAUGHTER. From yonder princely mansion bitter cries Are carried out upon the waves of air, For there a sudden pain has veiled all eyes; The minstrels are assembled now, and there The mourning women have come in to bear A solemn part, and streams of grief they pour In plaintive words, as if in wild despair They ring their hands, and pace the marble floor. While for the precious dead thus bitterly deplore. " There's shadows falling, fearful shadows falling, Upon the heart's great deep ;"' Thus with a sorrow that is sore appalling The minstrels wildly weep. The grave has closed upon our hope forever, Those skilled in mourning say. No angel from that gloomy portal ever Can roll the stone away. ECFrOES ALONG THE SHORE. 129 A father's heart is overcome with sadness, She was his only pride ; No other child, with fawn-like step, brought gladness To that palace home beside ; 'Tis sad to see the gloomy shadows creeping Upon the frescoed wall, 'Tis sad to see her young companions weeping, As they pass out the hall. Those little ones, in bitter anguish crying, " Will the shadow ever rise?" lyong is death's fearful night, we hear them sighing, " It is a strange surprise." Those mourning children, with their tear-stained faces, And terror on their brow, Glance timidly at the familiar places Where silence lingers now. While our own heart is aching, sadly aching To hear them sob and weep, As tho' their own were breaking, truly breaking. With a sorrow dark, and deep. —9— igo ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. We hear them say, " Her song of hght, and gladness, Is hushed forever more ;" O'er Nature's face there seems to come a sadness, Our loss all hearts deplore. The happy birds now cease their joyous singing. And fold their wings to rest. As though death's fatal arrow too was stinging, Deeply each little breast. Her cherished flowers too seem to droop and languish For her who comes no more. Into their heart there creeps a cold, dull anguish. And a silence evermore. The vine she trained unclasped its twining fingers From off the chilly walls, And in the shadow droopeth, briefly lingers Then fading, dying falls. While the winds move the silken curtairs slowly Around her silent bed ; Like anxious watchers that are bending lowly, They whisper she is dead. Jesus and his disciples have come near The place of mourning ; by the outer wall ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 131 They slowly walk ; we may distinctly hear The sweet sound of their sandals, as they fall Upon the marble steps, into the hall Silent they come ; the minstrels cease to play The organ now ; throughout the palace all Is hushed, and still as death ; their lutes they lay Aside ; Jesus beckons the multitude away. Jairus leads the Master to the place Where the dead form is laid ; as yet the pall ' Has not been settled on that lovely face;" From o'er her brow the silken tresses fall In waves of glossy jet, shading the small Ear part from view ; the eyelids fair are pressed Down as in gentle sleep, and over all There is a settled peace ; upon her breast The tiny snow v/hite hands, like fair twin lilies rest. The Lord clasps one in his, fixing his eye Full on that pure young face ; through the deep hush Is said in gentle voice, " Maiden, arise."' Those sweet words break death's spell, and a soft blush 132 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. Mantles those cheeks, fair as the ruddj^ flush Of tinted sea shells, as her mild eye meets The bright glance of the Lord. The pulses gush Warm through the heart ; with joyous lip she greets The dotingparents, who that answering smile repeats. ECHOES ALOXG THE SHORE. 133 THE STORM AT SEA. The fierce storm troops are gathering from afar Riding the swift black cloud, the winds pass o'er The foaming deep ; the rattling of their car Wakens the thunders, which with angry roar Answer to thunder ; clouds along the shore To battle rush. Their livid armor gleams Upon the storm's dark bosom, as they pour Volleys upon the waves of fiery streams ; The Titans rend the air by their appalling screams. By the unsteady glare is seen a form Walking the billowy deep, with brow all calm And all unshielded from the driving storm, The ships crew see him, and with new alarm The mariner cries out, " Fear ye no harm," A voice like music sounded o'er the deep. " For it is I." That peaceful sound can charm The troubled sea ; the billows sink to sleep, The storm clouds in their joy at once lorget to weep. 134 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. Said Peter to the Lord, " If it be Thou, Then bid me come to Thee upon the sea, Upon the dimpling waves of crystal how Proud to be able thus to walk like Thee, And feel the laughing waters bend in glee Beneath my feet ; alas, the hungry wave ! Is opening the mouth to swallow me ; O'erwhelmed I sink into a watery grave, I perish Lord, I pray reach forth thy hand to save." Unto the doubting one the Master's hand Is in compassion reached, E'er the night wore Away, the ship again is brought to land. Whither they wished. And many on the shore Come forth to greet him ; there are many more Who bring thejr sick, and lay them in the way, So that at least his shadow might fall o'er, And many cures were wrought by him this day, Forms of the world unseen his just commands obey. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 135 DIVERS OPINIONS OF CHRIST. Though clothed in the mortal form, even as God, Among men Jesus moves, majestic, grand Earth trembles at His word ; all things are awed Into obedience at His command, I'nto the maimed saith He, " Extend thy hand,'' And instantly that member was made whole. And all material things in sea or land, Or imniatenai, are at His control. The Word that calmed the sea can well transform a sonl. And oft with regal pomp the masses sought To crown the Eord , in festal halls they sung Sweet tribute to His name- "Are we not taught By inspired Writ," they ask, "that Christ shall spring Of David's lineage, whom we trust to bring Our nation out of bondage ; are ye sure This is the Christ, God's own annointed King Sent to redeem, whose Kingdom shall endure The changes of all time, most glorious and pure?" 136 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. Yet there are divers fancies, some there say- Will the Most Holy One delight to show His favors to the meek? E en deign to shed His gracious smile on those who walk the low And obscure paths of life ? Do ye well know This IS the very Christ ? Will the Allwise, Whose goodness cannot err, honor bestow Upon the poor ? or shall the day-star rise, Out of obscurity to bless and cheer all eyes ? ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 137 THE DEAF AND DUMB MAN. One they are bringing to the Master now, Whose senses are apparently locked in By some mysterious spell ; upon whose brow A vague light rests. Yet, from the strife and din That reigns without, he's free. And what of sin Could he have known, the time his spirit knelt At the e'er silent shrine? No sound can win Him from that deep repose, or voice can melt His heart e'er with charm. He joys like those ne'er felt. And those about him very little know Of that strange occupant within that wall Of finite clay, for speech has failed to show The figures passing through the curious hall Of fancy, with light tread, if shadows fall O'er reason's court. At least no joyous sound From the fair world without can ever call Forth a response of joy from that one crowned With silence evermore, where mysteries fold around. 138 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. "Be opened!" and at that all-potent word The bars fell off that strongly bolted door And sweet sounds from without the captive heard. Silence within that temple reigned no more, From reason's pane the dusty blinds were torn And sound of speech heard the astonished one ; A holy peace, as was unknown before, Thrilled through the heart and soul ; there quickly run A gentle line of light, like dawning of the sun. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 139 THE WIDOW'S SON. A large procession from the gate of Nane Are moving down the street, with measured pace, Behind a covered bier. Long is the train That follows on. In many an eye a trace Of sadness is, while to the resting place They slowly bear the dead. There's only one Mourner who follows. Down her furrowed face The tear drops course — it was her only son — The aged mother is by the sad stroke undone. This is a bitter cup for her, O, God! It was her only hope; the very last Survivor of her kin. This was the rod On which she thought to lean. Toward the past Now memory turns, while blinding tears fall fast, When looking back upon life's changeful wave. How often has the way been overcast With deepest gloom — now sadder than the grave Since God took back again the precious gift He gave. I40 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. We see approaching slowly a small band, Each with his head uncovered, as a sign Of reverence for the dead. A form more grand Than angel there is seen ; his features fine Are trul}' radiant with love divine. It is the Lord. When the pall-bearers hear His gentle voice they pause. A mild, fair line Of light is on his brow, as he comes near. Placing a gentle hand upon the resting bier. They put aside the pall from off the still, Cold, lifeless form ; Jesus bids him arise. To that hushed heart those sweet words sent a thrill. The waking dead sits up, fixing his eyes Full on the Savior's face, in mute surprise. While crimson richly mantles brow and cheek. As from the quickened soul death s shadows rise, And consciousness returns. His clear glance seeks The one familiar face, that one name softly speaks. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 141 LAZARUS. She rises hurriedly and bathes her brow And then goes out, her troubled features grow Far more composed, for she is going now To meet the Lord. She yearns to tell her woe To that sufficient Friend, for He will know Best how to soothe her grief, when the dark wave Of sorrow o'er her heart is beating so ; His word can still the storm, and He can save 'Our precious brother from destruction of the grave." Jesus, and others are yet in the place Where they first came ; and Martha has come near To where they wait ; still on her careworn face Traces of grief are seen ; " Had'st thou been here" She said unto the Master, "then our dear Brother might not have died. Death's fatal dart Would have been powerless then." A dewy tear From the kind Saviour's eye in pity starts, Showing the cherished love of that One Heart of hearts. f42 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. Mary approaches now, and with her those Who try to soothe her grief. To those who are Weeping Christ says, " Believe,"while His voice shows How much His soul is moved. He asks them where The dead is laid ; and slowly they repair To the lone place. Here nature seems to grow Silently sad ; the clifis of dark rocks wear A mournful look. The sighing breezes go Past the steep rugged hills breathing a tale of woe. The massive stone is slowly rolled away From off the silent place, while gently o'er The sleeping form there falls a slanting ray Of sunshine now, inside the narrow- door. All things remain as they were placed before. The straightened form upon the narrow bed, Beneath those icy palms, the heart no more Will joy or sorrow feel ; most softly tread, All ye who come to look once more upon the dead. To sight appears that slightly covered face, Like a design in marble made complete, The shaded outlines we can hardly trace, ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 143 While o'er the rigid form the winding sheet In snowy folds is straightened to the feet ; The icy hands upon the silent breast, Like sculpture finely cut, together meet, A life-like statue, locked in endless rest ; The snowy pillow dimples, where his head has pressed. Lift not the cover from that altered face, Think of the visage changed, those sightless eyes How deeply sunken, no familiar trace Those features bear. Now the deep, pent-up sighs Without restraint break forth in bitter cries ; Impressive scene ; this is a time when souls Through the deep waters pass. Toward the skies The Master looks, and silent converse holds With the All Father now, who light and life controls. He as in presence talks ; that earnest prayer He offers up by Deity is heard. He bids the dead, "Arise," and from Him there Goes virtue out. By that life-giving word That sleepmg soul with energy is stirred. And through the heart the quickened pulses thrill, The lamp of reason burns, and to the blurted 144 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. Eyes wonted light returns, as through the chill Limbs warmth and life revives ; he moves, or rests at will. Heart to heart in answering thrill replies, As friends remove the tight bands from their place. And look upon those features in surprise; How radiant ! How fair ! there is no trace Of death's decaj"^ uppn that ruddy face. The pure blood quickens through that healthful frame, And his limbs move with all their former grace. Most reverently they speak the Saviour's name, While thoughtfully returning by the way they came. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 145 TRANSFIGURATION OF CHRIST. On peaceful Tabor now the holy calm Of evening rests. The wild goats cease their play Among the cliffs, among the mountain charm They sweetly now repose, when in the gray Of twilight's hour four friends pursue their way Far up the rough ascent. The mountain air Exhilarates their mind, as slowly they Journey along. It seems all nature there In winning words invites souls to unite in prayer. Earth never looked upon a finer scene Than Tabor's flowery slope presents to-night ; Forests of oak, like fields of waving grain, Along the margin fair spread out to sight : Far westerly forever rolls the bright Waves of the mighty sea, and from the high Still eminence the stars, like gems of light. Dazzle, and burn, until the orient sky Is truly luminous to the beholder's eye. —in— 146 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. The mountain music mils the timid fawn Gently to sleep ; the folded flowers seem fanned By angel's passing wing, yet on, and on The four pursue their way, until they stand Upon the noble summit of the grand Old eminence. The pale moon has begun Its nightly course. Three of that little band Are Peter, James, and John, the other one Jesus of Nazareth is, Mary's beloved Son. And as they tarry there, behold ! surprise Seizes the three, as suddenly a light Shines round about. Before their wondering eyes The face of Mary's Son becomes too bright, Too radiant with heaven for finite sigh^ To steadily behold. The entire grace Of it is changed. His garb becomes as white As the fair drifted snow, while o'er the place A cloud of glory rests ; transformed appears each face. The circle of bright glory grows more broad, Two forms divine, behold from heaven appear. And talk familiar with the Son of God. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 147 But admiration soon gives place to fear, As from those sacred lips they plainly hear The words, Mount Olivet, and Calvary, Sufferings on the Cross. In accents clear Speak they of death, and they distinctly say Something pertaining to a resurrection day. While they converse transcendent glory fills The consecrated place ; light seems to run Down to the earth from the celestial hills, And a voice speaks, " This is my much loved Son, In whom I am well pleased." And every on Of the astonished three fall to the ground In sore dismay, not knowing what is done ; When they have strength to stand no man is found With them save Jesus there, and hushed is every sound. The holy land seems happy, from above The sun looks sweetly on the peaceful hill Of lovely Olivet. The gentle dove Among the swaying palms doth softly trill Forth cooing note, and all hearts feel the thrill. 148 FCHOES .il.OXC TfJF SflORE. Ana every cheek and brow are gently fanned By the sweet breath of joy; and Kedron's rill Goes babbling gaily o'er the stoiu- strand, Its cheerful song, for aye, charming the listening sand. There is the gorgeous Fane, the walls set strong About the Holy Place. O, happy sight! And groups of happy people pass along The pleasant, shady walks, while with delight Mewiory turns oft to some spot made bright By smiles of loving friends, where from the throng Is tasted purest joy, within the light. And smiles of home. Thoughts of the evening song Cheers the lone wanderer whilst journeying along. Thronged by the thoughtless multitude is one Who seems by joy unmoved. The earth and sky. And quiet grandeur of the setting sun, Wakens no thrill. With spirit's unvailed eye He views the future years. He sees one die For these upon the Cross; and sees and knows The certain fate of everj- passer-by. And of the Hoh' Place; while for their woes, Their sad and certain doom, the tear of pity flows. ECffOES ALO.W; TUi: SHORE. 149 Still further down the misty track of years Can His far-sighted vision clearly trace The fearful, solemn change, when there appears The Roman ensign in the sacred place ! Terror traces a line on every face, As at the conflagration bitter cries Are borne upon the air, when Jacob's race Perish by flame and sword, yet the deep sighs Of the afflicted ones to Heaven unheeded rise. Through time yet more remote does He behold The land that now with pleasant scenes abound A dreary waste ; the sacred place a fold For the offenseless herds. Unto the ground The mural stones are laid, and there is found No scepter and no king. In the streets, where Is flowing now on every breeze the sound Of noisy mirth, no Levites left to bear The Holy Ark of God — no Passover is there. lyong after death has passed, and time's no more, Does pity's eye behold the fearful night, Rayless and merciless, bend o'er the .shores ijo ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. Of black dispair, and there no ray of light Can ever come. Lips that laugh now are white With terror there. They might, but would not, hear Mercy's sweet call. O'er these, and that sad sight, May eyes that see through the eternal years In deep compassion shed, for them, the pitying tears. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 151 GOING INTO JERUSALEM. Down the broad street almost a countless throng Follow the Kingliest one as He doth go Into the city ; as they pass along lyOw words of admiration they bestow On the meek King of Zion. Praises flow On every breeze ; the timid ones grow bold In giving praise. Tell His beloved, lo! He's entering her gates, that He may hold With her the nuptial feast, prepared of joy untold. The multitudes of people gathered say " Let our loved Zion with glad praises ring To Him that cometh," and they pave the way Where He may go, while youthful voices sing The sweet hosanna, unto Christ their King. " Hosanna in the highest," they repeat ; The little children choicest offerings bring; Flowers into garlands wreathed, strew at His feet, Saying with one accord, " Praise unto Him is meet." i52 ECHOES ALOXG THE SHORE. IN THE GARDEN. The ebon wing of night is spread abroad Over the face of earth, and naught around Disturbs the soHtude ; nature seems awed By the strange spell that moumfullj' has crowned The passing hour. No life or motion's found Beneath the folds of night, save winds that go Piercing the shadows with their drear)' sounds, And olixe branches swaying to and fro, Like groups of mourners pressing to their hearts their woe. Except this constant rustle, all is still And voiceless as the dead ; shadows enshroud In deepest mourning Olivet's lone hill. And Kedron's waves scarce dare to sob aloud Their pent-up grief. Behind the darkest cloud Luna has veiled her face, afraid to raise A glance to earth, and ever)- flower is bowed With dewy eye, each pallid with amaze. While from the coming scene each star withdraws its ravs. ECHOES AI.OXG THE SHORE. 153 And not one silvery beam pierces the dark That can almost be felt. A woe has stirred Now, nature's inmost soul. How sadly! — Hark I What sounds were those that we distinctly heard From yonder bower, as tho' some holy word From seraph lips fell on the midnight air, With pathos deep. It is the Lord at prayer. To Gethsemanes lone mount he oft times doth repair Enter a moment this e'er sacred place, While no pure stars like angel watchers keep Guard from above. Here bowed upon their face Are found the Chosen Twelve wrapped in a deep Unconsciousness. Awake, how can ye sleep, His favored ones? Could ye not watch one hour, WTien far abroad the storms of darkness sweep. And all hell's terrors are arrayed in power Over the earth and sea, impending tempests lower. Oft' hath the Holiest tarried all night long Even till break of day in that lone place. In fervent prayer ; and even there more strong In spirit grew ; familiar, face to face With the known Father, for a guilty race 154 ECIfOES ALOXG THE SI f ORE. With agonizing plead, that God might spare Them through the merits of redeeming grace, That He might longer with their ways forbear. If those now lost in sin His holiness might share. But look again ! What an affecting sight There meets the view! The Lord of Glory bowed Upon the cold, damp ground. O, gloomy night ! Draw a dark veil around ; thou moon enshroud Thy mournful face behind the darkest cloud. And all ye stars of light withdraw in fear, For with a woe too great to breathe aloud. The Holiest heart is wrung. Ye shades draw near And witness to the pain, ye stones of hardness hear. Note ye the moan that wrings Emmanuel's breast. What pain, what woe, the Prince of Glory knows ! Lo, every nerve is to the utmost pressed By sorrow's crushing weight ! O, dreadful throes ! I^nparalleled b}' mortal's keenest woes, Whilst the Incarnate One in meekness bore The sins of all ; for this the life blood flows. Streaming in copious drops from every pore, Can there be added one p.ang to the suffering more ? ECHOES ALOXG THE SHORE. 155 Crimes of a guilty race, with crushing power Bows down that head ; well might you worlds be awed By the deep cry, "O, save me from this hour ! L,et this cup pass, if possible my God, Yet not my will, O, L/Ord ! but thine be done." And now alone, while evil is abroad. The press He treads, save that a feebler one From Glory bright appears to soothe the suffering Son. But once again, what were those sounds we heard, Which thus with discord trilled the midnight air, As tho' the powers of darkness fiercely stirred ? What means this coming band? The scene how dare They to approach ? What fiendish scowls they wear Of hellish spite ! What bitter curses loom Up from the heart's dark pit ! Their leaders bear Each one a torch that glimmers out through the gloom ; Whence came their army forth ? "Whom seek ye, tell us whom.'' 156 EC//OES ALOXG THE SHORE. " Jesus of Nazareth is whom we seek ;" One Judas leads the van, with serpent's hiss " Hail, Master ! Hail !" he cries; kisses the cheek. O, words that mock ! O. treacherous, cruel kiss! O. faithless soul ! What perfidy is this? Such gross deceit, did pure love ever know ? O, broken vow ! Ah, thou false-hearted ! wist Ye not the cup was full to overflow. That ye should seek to add more to the brimming woe. Designing one, yet Jesus calls him, " Friend, If ye seek me then let these go their way." Why should devouring wolves thus seek to rend? Why should their greedy hate delight to slay That spotless Lamb, then revel o'er their prey ? " Ye troops with armor quickly flee apace. Ye who are set in proud and bold array Fall to the ground in awe before the face Of Him ye seek, who could confine you to the place. My kingdom is not here, or we'd contend With the besieging host. The cause of right Mv faithful servants srladlv would defend ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 157 And crush the power of Satan, and of Night ; Emmanuel's crown is of design more bright Than worldly fame; that peaceful rule begun Will never cease. Not man's, or demon's spite, Can dim the glory of the Conquering One Who reigns forevermore more radiant than the sun. Altho' the;, lead him forth, 'tis not by might, Or by the force of arms. Their boasted tower Of strength how weak, how unsufficient quite To do the work of this auspicious hour ! Truly, they have the will, but not the powei He who has sovereign right unto the throne While spirits last may mock, and tempests lower, Makes the atoning .sacrifice alone, By him to fallen man is free salvation shown. While o'er Jerusalem night's shadows yet Are drawn around, within the halls of .state The nobles of the land, behold, have met In council now! Here are the lordly great, And their false witnesses before them wait For to condemn the Just. And they have brought % ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. Against Him things He knew not of; with hate The envious that faultless life have sought To rashly take a\va3% and Him they set at nought. Pilate inquires, "Art thou the Son of God?" And in the presence of the Holy One That man of worldly hopes is conscience awed. As devils may believe, he on the Son Of God likewise believes, although not won By love divine, and seeks he to release That Righteous One through fear. " What has he done That ye against Him cry?" O, when will peace Say to the heart's proud wave, thy bitter striving cease? A message is sent in this very hour From one who with the spirits of the dead Claim intercourse, with supernatural power Foresee events. She, with entreaty, said: "Tell Pilate, o'er me came a fearful dread, As in a dream I saw the Spotless Son Of God condemned to die ; then o'er me spread Horror of darkest night, to that Just One, By thy hand faithful friend, may not the deed be done.'* ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 159 Ah, faithless Peter, heard thou not the sound That three times thrilled the midnight air apart? Or, was it that sad look of the One crowned With a thorn wreath that three times pierced thy heart, Like the keen cutting of a new-formed dart ; That thou for anguish doth avert thy face From that all-searching glance, while the tears start? Or, dost thou seek through shame a darker place To find without the wall, and wouldst the past erase? "I know him not, I do not know the name," Didst thou, O faithless one, with cursing say? Unstable-minded man, this time how came Thy lips to be untrue? Ah, Peter, pray! And could thou also turn thy face away? Though all forsake, yet will not I, thou said. Could not thy heart with the lone sufferer stay, When they in mockery bowed? or didst thou dread The cup of scorning poured upon that righteous head? Or did their cruel smiting quite disarm Thee of thy trust? Did curses of the base, Heaped on thy Leader, fill thee with alarm, That thou, faint-hearted, sought to hide thy face i6o ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. From the vile ones; to shun the foul disgrace While they upon him spit? At the blows dealt To Him who stands in the accused one's place The flinty heart of adamant might melt. Grief His pure spirit bowed, as soul of man ne'er felt. Peter, unstable one, how can thou fear The ire of man? The ser\'ant, didst thou know, Is not above his Lord? Canst thou be clear Then of their spite, when the full cup of woe Those sinless lips have pressed? Or, will they show More kindness to the least? If they have said Words evil of thy Master, shouldst thou grow Fearful at heart; w^ouldst thou avert thy head From the descending stroke, or drink the gall with dread? Think, Peter, of that night upon the sea. When the fierce raging of the tempest spread Terror around! What hand was reached to thee To stay thee up? Think what an utter dread Came o'er thy heart at thoughts of that damp bed. Whose voice across the waters didst thou hear. Hushing the storm to silence of the dead? ECHOES ALOXG THE SHORE. i6i 'O, Peter, it is I; be of good cheer." Then wherefore shouldst thoii doubt, and wherefore sink with fear? Think of the days when there were seventy sent By two, and two, to preach the precious word, Who through the many towns and cities went Doing mysterious works; and all who heard Were forced to own that they had not conferred With flesh and blood, but of the Holy One They had been taught; think how thy heart was stirred With holy zeal as gracious cures were done Through thee by even Him, Jesus, the morning sun. Think of that holy night when thou wast found With Him upon the mount. Think of the bright Glory ineffable that shone around When heaven appeared to open to thy sight, And through a cloud of uncreated light A low voice spoke: "This is my own loved Son, In whom I am well pleased." Of those in white. Think of their burning words. What hast thou done. In that thou hast denied, with oath, the Holy One? —11— l62 ECHOKS .ILOXG THE SHORE. And on this night that agonizing look In Gethsemane ; the soldiers drawn in line; That cruel kiss; and then when thou partook There of the bread, and of the uumingled wine From the full cup — emblem of the divine — Body of Him ! Think thou, unstable, how A look could melt thee and thy heart refine ; Think of thy broken consecration vow, While tears course down thy cheeks, what memories waken now. Still o'er Jerusalem darkness spreads wide Its jetty wing, while down the dim streets pour The motley crowd forth in a living tide ; The cruel floods of the ungodly roar Like angry floods that smite the rocky shore In hours of wrath. By Calvary's lone hill, Lo, tens of thousands pass. Curses are borne Out on the air; a fearful gloom doth fill Earth truly with amaze, its heart has felt the chill. Yet on, and on, in frenzied rage doth pass, Along the rugged way, the gaping crowd. ECHOES ALOXG THE SHORE. 163 By the hillside surges the living mass, Enveloping its borders like a cloud. Voices are heard, and acclamations loud, All clamoring for blood. This hour the sky Over the earth in wrath is greatly bowed; As the dim shadows of the night pass by, The wind upon the shore goes uttering a Qxy. 'Tis morning, and upon the rugged hill Arrows of light descend, a vivid shower Gilding the distant slopes; yet a gloom still O'er all the land prevails, and shadows lower The day cannot disperse, when hour by hour Death's angel hovers near, as the rude gale Breaks the bruised reed, and bows to earth the flower. Behold the sun within its course grows pale. While from the troubled deep sounds out a piercing wail. Still on, and on, sweeps the ungodly mass, The uncouth soldiery with sword and spear. From hamlets rude, the inmates as they pass. Gaze out with wondering eye. The soldiers jeer, And oaths profane fall on the sinless ear i64 ECHOES ALOXG THE SHORE. Of Him who meekly walks among the crowd. They mock, they scoff, and with words insincere Worship tl:at worthy name. With voices loud Pour they contempt on Him, who is with .sorrow bowed. Upon that King of kings no vassals wail, But near, two victims with their gaunt limbs bound, And .quite bared to the sun; objects of hate; Lo, one on either side the Just is found. Yet no upbraiding look, no murmuring sound. Escapes those sinless lips. "Father forgive, May thy compassion to those foes abound, To those who now revile, I freely give My life an offering that even they may live." Up the highway the boastful Pharisee, The prince, the slave, together pass along In slow procession. Now on bended knee Hear them in mocker^^ join. The babbling throng On either side aid in derisive song. With cruel jests taunt they the Stricken One. Fainting beneath the cross. At this great wrong Call home thy raj's, thou much astonished sun, Before the last great deed of cruelty is done. ECHORS ALOXG TfFE SHORE. 165 Woe to the earth by reason of the voice Of the fifth angel that prepares to sound ! Tremble ye rocks and mountains, while the choice, Full clusters of the vine are being ground In the wine-press of wrath ! Darkness fold round Zion's fair hill, and Ariel's angels weep Over the Holy Place, with heads uncovered And hand upon the mouth, whilst o'er the deep Places of mystery the shadows strangely sweep ! Luke 2:^:45. And the sun waa darkened, and the vnil of thf temple was rent in the midst. Silence in heaven ! What means this fearful pause That's felt in bliss? So the celestial throng Around the throne in attitude that awes Heaven with amaze. While the seraphic song, Falters, and dies away on burning tongue ; Each lofty angel hath a shaft of light Bent in his hands, now as they pass along The sapphire walk, and with his robe of white Rent fearfully. Did heaven e'er witness such a sight. 1 66 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. All there have sackcloth on, and even God Himself is mute ; and every blessed head By woe is crowned; the hierarchy are awed. Far, far abroad that mournful look has spread, O'er all the plains of light. A sense of dread O'er all prevails; my God, what meaneth this ? What ails yon worlds? Is Heaven's beloved dead. That notes of woe moves every harp in bliss? What voice ye seraphim among you do )'e miss ? The stars of heaven turn pale, and down through space That meaning pause is borne, for natures heart Has felt the throe. Yon orb what canst thou trace. That thou shouldst veil thy rays and backward start From thine accustomed course, as tho' thou art Sorely dismayed at the terraqueous sphere ? Earth ! Earth ! What ails the Earth ? . What woe could part Thy stony lips ? Why tremble so with fear? What do thy listening stones on rugged Calvarj^ hear? Earth ! Earth ! Convulsing earth what has been done ? Upon thy heaving breast what guilty stain. What deep of darkness thus could veil the sun. ECirOES ALONG THE SHORE. 167 And spread dismay abroad ? Canst thou refrain To raise thy voice, O, Calvary, when pain Rends thy strong heart. That piercing cry might break The hardest rock, and rend the veil in twain ; From that One dying there a word could make The firmest mountain tremble, and the earth to shake. See ye the cross upraised ! The mocking crowd, The bleeding hands and side, that sinless head By weight of suffering so greatly bowed ! Well might yon sun of glory veil with dread Its beams in heaven, and darkness widely spread A mourning weed o'er earth and sea abroad. When mid the desolation it is said My God ! hast thou forsaken me, my God? At an Emmanuel's woe well might yon worlds be awed? Hast thou forsaken me ? Hear ye that lone Voice, that amid the lost creation cries, Eloi ! Eloi ! Unto the Father's throne That woe a.scends, and to those groans and sighs, The sympathizing Heart of L,ove replies By silence deep, while mournfully around i68 ECHOES ALOXG THE SHORE. The High and Holy One, in mute surprise Waiteth the Seven ; on the fair heights are found The bright angelic host, with sore amazement crowned. On earth a feeble band are waiting near The upraised cross. And yet more distant see The Twelve are mingling with the crowd for fear Of being slain. Ye chosen ones can ye Still have a lingering doubt who this may be Who hangs upon the cross? Ponder ye wise The strange events, all nature's moved, and we Behold the righteous dead to life arise ; B}- this know well 'tis the Eternal One who cries. " It is finished;" well might thou be amazed And smite thy breast, thou stranger greatly awed. At such a scene as this, with thine eyes raised To Him upon the tree. Far, far abroad A dimness strangely steals. The stupid clod Seems with emotion moved ; might thou exclaim That " This man truly is the Son of God." This precious truth well might thy lips proclaim Unto a d^•ing world, declare a Saviour's name. ECHOES ALOXG THE SHORE. i6c) His visage is more marred than any son Of man has been, while that his soul is made An ofTering for sin. That stricken One Was bruised, vile one, for thee ; on Him was laid Iniquities of all. B}' Him is paid The forfeit for thy sin. For thee He gave His life a ransom here, and thereby- bade Justice to sta}' its rod. E'en to the grave Has mercy reached her hand a ruined world to save. What love is this, what wondrous love is this; Ye who stand round the throne of God. well might Ye be amazed ! and eA'er^' harp in bliss Be silent here I j'e eldest sons of light This wondrous theme of dying love is quite Too deep to grasp that the Emmanuel's heart Should so o'er sinners j-earn, to leave the bright Mansions of bliss to die, thus to impart The gift of life to man. Love, Love Divine, thou art . Three days and nights the massive stone has pressed x\gainst the narrow doorway of the tomb, Where silently the hopes of ages rest, 170 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. Shrouded away within the coffined gloom. Three days and nights angels have watched o'er whom The fate of earth depends, afraid to raise Scarcely a lisp! Shall life immortal bloom For man beyond the grave? O, day of days, On which the destiny of all the living weighs. O, the momentous point! What think ye bright Watch of eternity, that fond hope will Be quenched for aye in the abyss of night ? Three days and nights a solemn pause doth fill The court of heaven, and every harp is still. Three days and nights is darkest sack-cloth spread Upon the throne, and from the shining hill The countless numbers watch, with bowed head The mighty wrestling in the valley of the dead. But hark ! a peal of rapture trills the sky ! Haste shining angels, roll away the stone. On wings more fleet than light ye bright ones fly; Bear the glad news this hour from sun to sun ; Exult thou earth and heaven, the Wrestling One, Doth over death and hell strongly prevail. KCflOES ALOXG THE SHORE. 171 Swift messengers with the glad tidings run, The dead's alive again, to men All Hail! Tremble ye Powers of Night, ye death watch set grow pale. Fall to the ground vain guards with trembling fall Before the Conquering One, speechless with fear ; Wax nerveless as the dead. Come near j-e small Frail band of mourners, come. Be of good cheer. View 5'e the place, the Master is not here. The risen Morning Star has gained its place At God's right hand, a ransomed world brought near Unto the throne, and an apostate race Brought back again to God through his atoning grace* 172 ECHOES ALOXG THE SHORE. THE PRESENT AGE. And many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased Five thousand years have rolled their rapid round Since time began its course ; the earth is fanned Now bj' more ardent gale-s. There is the sound Of voices strange, as revolutions grand Sweep o'er the earth ; both sea and solid land Are with convulsions stirred. As the sixth seal Opens on time a light o'er every strand, Like flushes of the morning gently steal. Hearts of the living ma.ss the strong vibrations feel. Did the beloved, who kept the holy day At lonely Patmos see, when from His face Tbe mystic veil was rent, far, far away Through the dim mist of years, there did He trace The changeful .scene, as the prospective race ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 173 Came and hence passed away, till the far skies Seemed dark with forms : and in that cheerless place While visions of the Holy met His eyes. Did he behold the morn of the millenium rise? Behold the shadows of the night have passed Away from every land; the prophet's eyes This in a vision saw. The darkness cast Over the nations long, like vapors rise. While o'er earth's circles, fair-browed, knowledge flies On lightning wing; science, that clear eyed one, Speaks with a mighty voice, the peaceful skies Reveal to every land a cloudless sun, And by the morning song all hearts are strongly won Night spreads o'er all the land, night long and deep, A night devoid of light ; the chill wind sighs Over the broken wall. The watchmen keep Calling unto the watch. Pray do the skies Yet change in hue ? Can not thy wakeful eyes In the far distance trace a single ray Prophetic of the morn ? The watch replies 174 FC//OKS .-I/.OXCT THE SHORE Unto the watch.. " W'e know the promised day Will sometime dawn in sight, tho" it may long delay." Now boldly forth goes all the fiends of night, While that our watchmen on the walls are few Throughout the land the foe is marching strong. O, thou upon the watch, e'er tried and true. Ye've tarried till thy locks are wet with dew. Pacing the wards all night with longing eye Fixed on the starless east ; can ye not view Yet any trace of day ? Is yet the sk> Quite veiled in midnight gloom, while sadly the winds sigh i* Over the hills of earth, scarcely a breath. From the fair heaven land lifts the drooping flowers; A gloom o'er all prevails, mournful as death. For over all the world gross darkness lowers. And revolution fiercely shakes the powers That be on earth. The moon, and ever>- star Have veiled their rays in darkness of the hours. And the earth quakes, and fearful thunders jar The nations of abroad : the sea roars from afar. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 175 How long this fearful night? Pray look once more Watchman, and tell us all that meets thy sight ; The worst we fain would know. Do the waves roar, And frightful tempests in their anger smite Against the rocks ? Say, on this two-fold night Have any changes passed? Does the same hue Enshroud the hills ? Is there no gleam of light Upon the distant mountains yet in view? Mark carefully each point, and tell us then most true. It still is night, and fierce beasts are abroad Throughout the land, and the chill night winds sigh Among the mournful pines. Men's hearts are awed At dismal sounds they hear, and many die On the dark mountains e'er their wistful eye The morning light beholds. Before our face Spreads out intensest gloom ; in all the sky As yet our much pained vision cannot trace A ray of promise to this a benighted race." Oreat signs, and fearful sights are everywhere Now to be seen, that might the heart's life chill And lips turn pale, and on the midnight air 176 ECHOES ALOXG THE SHORE. Most dismal sounds are borne, while on the hill The wolves destroy the precious sheep at will ; And many in the flames shamefully die, Others vile tortures bear, while darkness still Covers the people here, and the deep cr\- Of blood g:oes up from earth to Him who rules on high. "Tis mournful news indeed, our soul is pained At the sad thought. Yet thou most faithful say Will respite come? Will e'er the wolf be chained ? And will this fearful darkness pass away. From off" the earth ? Each moment seems a day ; The eager people long to see the light. And more, they almost faint to hear the lay Of morning birds ; say, watchman to thy sight Have any signs appeared to cheer this gloomy night ? It truly seems a change has faintly pa.ssed Altho' we dare not say. As yet the seas With storm and cloud are darkly overcast, But yet across the plains a gentle breeze Down from the green hill blows ; true, by degrees The shadows fade ; the outlines of the hills We hardlv trace, and we see men as trees ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. ijy Walking along the vale, but no bird trills A joyous note as yet; night veils the low lands still. The moments flee apace, across the east The rose blush comes ; the waking ones admire The day tides' flow ; the storm its moan has ceased. And of the watchmen some awhile retire From toil to rest, but yet the bright watch-fire Upon the mountain burns, while in their place Stands up a countless host. Behold, still higher Ascends the Morning Star, all eyes can trace Its penciling in the veiled lines of exceeding grace. The glory deepens till the distant isles Feel the transporting thrill. The watchmen see Now eye to eye, by day's effulgent smile. Thou faithful one, still found on bended knee. What are the signs of the good things to be ? " The tokens truly thrill wnth lofty cheer Our longing hearts, the captive bold and free Steps forth in the fair light, and we can hear The riven fetters fall. The promised hour draws near." —12— 178 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. The news indeed is bliss, yet once more tell Us all ye hear, and of the sights thine eyes This hour behold ; what answer? "All is well ; The shout of victory peals the beaming skies, From every shore and rock the shadows rise ; The morning birds their carols have begun In the green groves ; the herald angel flies Bearing glad news to all lands 'neath the sun." But what glad news, we ask, beneath that Shining One? What news from China doth that strong one bring ? Watchman, let not one word escape thine ear, What news we ask ? " The bells of morning ring Sweetly from ever>' vale their lofty cheer. And at this hour the morning skies are clear, Without a cloud." 'Tis truly joyous word, But praj' what else? "From every shore we hear More rapturous strains than mortals ever heard. With sweet hosanna sound all hearts are gladly stirred." What welcome tidings doth that angel bear, From India, and the islands of the sea ? From Madagascar, what good news from there ? ECHOES ALOXG THE SHORE. 179 From Ceylon, and the Friendly Isles for we For tidings greatly long, if good there be ? Upon those hills do any watchmen run Bearing glad news, " Tell us if 3'et more free Heart of the millions beat, thou shining one Standing upon the wall in full light of the sun ? A wakened world hears well the joyful sound Of the swift wheels of peace; Ceylon is fanned By heavenly gales, and India's shores abound With cooing note; in all that ransomed land The dusky host stand up with outspread hand, And eyes turned sunward now^ praising the light. From Ethiopia and Borneo the grand Song surges out ; the ransomed ones unite In song with sweet accord; Millenial dawn's in sight. Isa. '21: VI. The inornliifj- i-ometh, mid mIso the night. The morning cometh, and also the night, With dusky features, cometh on apace ; The dark sea roars, and its waves madlv smile i8o ECHOES ALOXG THE SHORE. Against the rocks. Thou watchman, with thy face Toward eternity, what visions trace? "The sky looks ominous, and every flower Is earthward bowed, while softly from their place The shadows come. The gray clouds sadly lower, Cheerless and strange around, time's solemn sunset hour. Look on the tinted fields, this hour behold ! The ripened grain bows down its modest head In the wan smile of sunset's passing gold; And the full clusters of the vine are red With wine of wrath. Justice prepares to tread The vintage out, and stains of blood are seen On girdles of the horses ; and, with dread. All hearts are faint. Earthward the high towers lean ! O, ever faithful Watch, what do these tokens mean? Ferocious beasts are creeping from the rocks In search of prey; the form of error springs Forth from its place ; the shepherds leave their flocks. To be destroyed, in search of most vain things. While 'mong the mountains dim the siren sings Men's souls to sleep. O'er all the land is found ECHOF.S .U.OXG THE S/fORE. . i8i Most fearful sights ; and Babel's ruin rings Incessantly with strange, discordant sounds ! There the vile Satyres cry, as their mates dance around. The watchmen on the wall are very sad. For what their eyes behold. The nations are Drunken, though not with wine ; they have gone mad Through strange excess, have mingled as it were Of things forbidden, more than they can bear; So that a trembling cometh over all. The coming day of vengeance will not spare The guilt}^ ones, they totter to their fall, As tho' bereft of light, bows down both great and small. O, thou upon the watch, pray look again ! And read the signs and tokens of the sky, As the last solemn moments slowly wane ; Mark ye the changes with a careful eye, As the most awful time is drawing nigh. Ah, harken well ! Can ye not plainly hear From every land the dismal battle cry. Now that Abaddon's host in line appear? All faces become pale, and all hearts faint with fear. 1 82 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. "The fiends approach, our false friends are abroad, Through all the world, are gathering on this hour,. Their hosts together to the day of God. At this time watch ; be constant on the tower ; The wily foes exalt themselves in power, While the Destroj'er goes through all the land. More ominous the skies above us lower ; Make readj^ ye who on the watch-towers stand, Have thy lamps trimmed, and the drawn sword in hand. How goes the battle now ? tell us again, Thou faithful one upon the clouded wall. Of the King's enemies, are many slain? And of our own ranks, are there some that fall, To try their faith ? Good Watchman tell us all About the fray; triumphs the Truth o'er Wrong? Is error made to bow? Do the most small. In the encounter, hourh- grow more strong ? This cruel conflict, .sa}*, shall it continue long? " Faint, yet pursuing ; ever}' heart is .sad. By reason of the raging of the foe. Perilous times have come ; exceeding mad ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 183 "With rage, the enemy, behold, doth grow, Because his time is short. Beneath his blow- Many are wounded, and grow cold at heart ; And many faint with fear as the last woe Is poured out on the earth ; many a dart Thins off our stricken ranks, few bear a faithful part." A time when souls are tried, ye feebler ones, Take heed unto thy goings lest ye may Forego thy trust when the exalted sons. Are in the furnace proven ; error bears sway And may seek now to prevent the way. By vainest hope, and many weak ones fall, On the rough places, nevermore for age To rise again, a dimness over all, The land becomes intense, to try both great and small. Thou ever faithful One, we beg thee tell Us hour by hour, about the fearful fray ; Thou valiant for the truth, while the last bell Tolls mournfully for the departing day; And Michel and his men, are in array. Contending valiantly against the wrong, 1 84 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. Do they prevail? Thou Aveary "Watchman say Does the strong foe give back? Tell us how long, Ere our Lord shall return, crowned with triumphant song? " The pleasant Mountain is laid sadl}' waste, By hands profane, our altars too, the}- tore Shamefully down, and still the foe makes haste. We hear a fiend shout mid the battle roar, Truth they have slain, and equit}- no more; Righteousness is wounded, and the sword falls From Justice's hand." Soon they prest will fiy The valiant ones ; boldly the night fiend calls, Unto our wearv Watchman waiting on the walls. Even at this hour, the patient watchman hear Some of their numbers sing in accents low and clear. It would be vain to pile up gold Upon this foreign shore, Or seek for fame, or wealth untold To leave soon evermore. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 185 The little while we here remain, What is there worth our care ? And why discomforted complain Tho' hard and coarse the fare ? We could not wish life's burden light The few short hours we roam, Or for the comforts of a night Fit up a princely dome. We need not look for scenery grand Along this beaten waj-, While through a dreary desert land We sojourn for a day. And should we e'er complaining go, Whatever ill may come, It is enough tired one to know, W>'re on our journey home. Tho' rude the storm, and rough the way, 'Twill very soon be passed, And o'er the flood the glow of day Will greet our eyes at last i86 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. Well might joy thrill us as we near The foaming river side, For naught have we to bind us here, , Our home's beyond the tide. We thank thee, patient one, for things ye tell ; Good watchman on the wall, we love to hear At this important time if aught is well. And to be warned of any danger near ; Hast thou for pilgrims any other cheer? " The prospect is not pleasing, yet we may Still hope for better things when most we fear. Truth perishes from earth, and few are thej^ Who with faith undimmed walk in the Kings highway." " From the tempest beat valley the winds never cease. To waft upward and skyward sweet whispers of peace • We are only tired pilgrims here passing along, To a country more bright and more fair we belong. Tho' our traveling suit gathers dust by the way, These toils and privations are but for a day ; Tho' sorely afflicted by poverty here We have treasures on high and the title is clear. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 187 Our father is rich, both in lands and in gold, Secure in his coffers are treasures untold ; Tho' spurned by earth children, for that should we sigh While passing along to our mansions on high ? We crave not the grandeur earth's titles may bring, Who are heirs to a crown and sons of a King. We are traveling on to our beautiful home, The friends over there will keep watch till we come. When we tread on the gold of that beautiful street We'll forget the sharp thorns that are hurting our feet. In our own Father's house we will hunger no more, For the shadow of want never passes the door : The cry of the tempest then ever shall cease, For the sigh shall be hushed on the bosom of Peace." i88 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. THE GREAT SACRIFICE. Watchman, what of the night? " Lo, in the sky! Tokens of wrath appear, all cheeks are pale As sudden winds from every quarter rise ; Earth to its center quakes, a fearful wail Goes out from every land, as crushing hail Breaks every tree ; both bond and free men pray The rocks to cover them ; to Hanionah's vale The fowls of heaven are bade without delay Unto a kingly feast; we hear a strong voice say:" *' The repast's spread, ye birds of every feather, Of hateful note from greatest to the least, Make haste and come, gather yourselves together, From north, from south, from west, and from the east. Assemble ye, and every ravenous beast ; The chiefest for the sacrifice are slain. Come every one unto the sumptuous feast. That is prepared on Armagidon's plain, Come ye of greedy kind, as time's last moments wane." ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 189 "All ye carnivorous host, with haste, with haste, Come ye and dine, who gloat beneath the sun, For of the ample supper all may taste ; Come satisfy your cravings every one. That which was spoken of, of old, is done, It is fulfilled. The broken clusters stain The wine-press of fierce wrath. Now has begun The feast of kingly meats. None need refrain, The precious wine shall be the choice blood of the slain." The battle horse doth with its rider fall Now heavily to the earth. This moment great Convulsion shakes the world, till every small Stone to its heart is rent. The hour is late. And the King's chariot will no longer wait. The waters of iniquity have rose. Unto a mighty flood. Earth meets its fate. The stars refuse to shine, and fierce wrath blows The sun out, as time comes quickly unto a close. rgo ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. IT IS DONE. Rev. 16-17. And the Seventh A-ngel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven from the throne, saying, it is done. Lo, it is done ! Swift and the vivid light, The seventh strong angel, doth his vial pour Upon the waves of air, while armor bright, Gleams in the firmament, and thunders roar. The elements dissolve. The rocks are torn. With great convulsions, while a mighty one Proclaims aloud that Time shall be no more. Voices are heard ; that fearful shock has run Through nature's palsied frame, 'tis felt from sun to sun. Through the receeding mist, of ages flown, The flaming judgment seat appears in sight, For Christ has left the mediatorial throne, And comes in wrath. The mj'riads clothed in white, Attend Him on ; from out a cloud of bright, Intensity, the vivid lightnings dart. Nature desolves at the transcendent light. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. igi Afrighted now, the heavens and earth depart, The universe is rent, unto its mighty heart. Behold the islands of the sea have fled, The sea is no more found; convulsions shake Receeding atoms, while the kindred dead, From their long dreamless sleep surprised awoke, As the last trumpets sound, deaths fetters break, A fearful quaking opens every tomb ; As the just judge comes quickly forth to take Vengeance on earth ; Lo, the vast myreads whom. Have slept for ages past, come forth to meet their doom. Come forth to judgment all ye guilty seed. Of Adam, come unto Gods bar draw near, Keep silent while the Judge aloud will read, The solemn doom of all, in words so clear. That all in heaven, and all in earth, may hear. The name of each one called. A perfect chart Of all lives are preserved. What crushing fear; What stunning anguish moves each guilty heart As they the sentence hear, "All ye accursed depart." 192 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. THE BOOKS OPENED. Lifes secret volumes carefully are brought, And opened leaf by leaf, for to be read Before assembled worlds, each impure thought Or action good or bad, and each word said For a long lifetime, now are plainly spread Out there to open view. At the court all, Nations assemble near, and with bowed head The guilty prisoners wait. Both great and small Receive theirjust reward. The screen from all lives fall. Before the open firmament with care. The books are searched, to every sentence found Within the volume, memory will bear Witness to all. In courtly splendor crowned, The saints in judgment set, while far around. The judgment Throne, lost Souls, and Demons wait To hear their doom. There scarcely is a sound To break the fearful stillness at the great Tribunal Bar, as each awaits his awful fate. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 193 THE LAND OF REST. The children of our God are bidden home From the white throne a voice cries, " It is done!" The kingdoms of this world have now become The kingdoms of our lyord, and of His son, All praise ascribe unto the Blessed One. Loud hallelujah, like the joyous sound Of many waters start ; our Christ has won All honor to Himself. The shout goes round From heart to heart, while that the kings and priests are crowned. Old things have passed away ; O, vision bright ! O, land of Rest! where the most lovely things Joyously float among the waves of light ; Out o'er the plains of ether sweetly rings Songs of celestial birds, and mist of wings, Like clouds of golden haze move to and fro. From the fair hills of sapphire living springs O'er drifts of crystal sand e'er murmuring flow Refreshing the green banks in the calm depths below. 194 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. Notes of seraphic song forever trills The minstrel band, while o'er the organ keys Fair mists of fingers glide. The happy rills The theme takes up. What lines of noble trees. In living verdure dressed, where the pure breeze Forever floats, and flowers surpassing bright There sweets unfold ; what skies, what crystal seas Where the redeemed of God walk in the light ! What spotless robes, what crowns ! O, the transporting sight ! Here friend meets friend in bliss no more to part ; Here is the source of jo}^ of all, the best ; Here hand clasps hand in love, and heart meets heart. 'Tis perfect bliss ; souls are at perfect rest, Pulses of love thrill every happy breast. Soul blend with soul, and life is sinking down In perfect peace ; hearts perfectly are blessed ; Glory meets glory on each blessed crown In rapture of the hour, each murmuring thought is drown. On that bright shore the hopes that we here miss Are found again ; no shadows ever lay ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 195 On the clear waves of life that flow through bliss No night is there, the pure light shines for aye, No sorrow felt, old things have passed away, No sighing and no tears, in that world none Say, " I am sick," but there in open day All eyes have strength to look upon the sun And see the beauty of the Blessed One. Before the great white Throne they bow the knee. And they their crowns most reverently lay by. While they adore the L,amb where e'er they see His glory manifest they holy cry. While voices and deep thunders make reply. And holy, holy the unnumbered throng In thrilling words repeat, and every eye His face beholds while the exulting song With the sweet sound of harp, the breezes waft along. "All praise be unto Him who once was slain Yet lives again and reigns forever more. To Him who has redeemed us," and again Serene and deep as the transcendent roar Of many waters, hallelujahs pours 196 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. O'er every strand and e\^ery wave of light With glory trills, while all in Heaven adore That worthy name, all honor, power and might To God and to the Lamb ascribe through ages bright. O land of peace ! O sea of shoreless love ! Through cloudless ether souls may soar and soar And freely plunge and bask and rise above In all the life of God; forevermore Drink they of fresh supplies and on the shore New pleasures find. The stream of joy they trace There to its source, and wondering adore The Glorified while in the holy place Before the consumate each cherub vails its face. O world of day ! Here soul unfettered learn The blissful lore; O city paved with light, Where cherubim far searching eyes discern The mysteries of God. No wave of night Vails with uncertainty enraptured sight Of the strong ones who nobly excell In knowledge of their God, and his own might. Expansive mind puts on ; they that blessed spell. Cry holy as the flood of glory rise and swell. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. iqy O land of bliss supreme ! where pure hearts yearn For God alone, high on the holy hill, The souls of seraphim with ardor burn Before the throne and each heart pulse doth thrill With love supreme, only their sovereign will Seek they with strong desire, and thirst to know The source divine while they go on, and still Excell in strength, In love's own smile they grow. Souls sweetly blend in love meet and together flow. Ye sentinels of light who hourly stand In the full effulgence of full consumate day. Tell us if from that beatific strand. The radience will ever pass away? Or on heaven's dial will the peaceful ray E'er backward slant? or will the risen sun E'er cast a feebler light? Celestials say Will the year ever wane, when centuries have run Their ever blissful round? " Pleasure has but begun." Note ye the joyous age, does the spring wane, While e'er the golden cycles fill their round? Ye shining host, on the celestial plain 198 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. Where green leaves wave and living springs abound, Is there decay of autumn ever found? Do chilly winds there ever blight the flov/ers, In Bulah's grove is ever heard the sound Of sighing seas? "Beneath the living bowers The light serenely shines through all the tranquil hours." When ages more have passed, then look again, Mark well the sunny epochs as they fill From the fair sky, does yet the glory wane? Doth balmy fragrance ever cease to thrill The heart of June from the eternal hill? Say do the day birds ever hush their song? Will beauty fade, or will the heart grow still Beside the stream of life, where the fair throng With hand in hand and crowned with bright bays pass along? As the celestial ones bend o'er the grand Old tomes of knowledge on the shining shore. Do those bright pupils turn with weary hand Or weary thought those glowing pages o'er As they pursue the strangely thrilling lore? ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 199 With diligence each one with gUstening eyes Unfathomed depths of mysteries explore, Each flaming volume of the starry skies, To eager minds unfolds some ever new surprise. As the class pursues the extatic course Of glories science souls can never tire While mind is reaching upward to its source. With new delight, higher and still higher. Souls there in knowledge climb, thoughts unfleshed lyre Spirits of burning sweep, immortals find On every page new beauties to admire, As from the glorious work, the light refined Flashes strange brightness on the peaceful waves of mind. In ocean of delight, souls rise and sink, And through the ages of unclouded day, At the exhaustless source of joy they drink And of the living waters there they may Quench their desires and still go on for aye. From strength to strength, as they from light to light, With free angelic ease pursue their way; 200 ECHOES ALO\G THE SHORE. Ai every step taste they of new delight As they in wisdom climb e'er putting on new might. And as the never ending ages roll Their blissful round beneath extatic sky, Unfolding joy of heart, and wealth of soul. Note the changes with a careful eye As year by year their feet ascend more high The hill of God. There yet may come a day When the most feeble may with Ralphel vie In loft)' song as they progress for aye, Mind e'er expanding as they walk the heavenly way ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. THE SEA OF GLASS Where waves of living light surge to and fro, Upon a sea of glass mingled with fire, The happy people clothed in white robes go, Each bearing in his hand a golden lyre Of sweetest sound; their fingers never tire Moving the flaming keys, and in amaze Their clear mind grasp at space as they admire The works of God, and life's pure water sways Forever to and fro with the burden of their praise. Toward infinitude they turn their eyes Where dusts of worlds like clouds of brilliant sand Before God's flaming chariot wheels arise. Which by the winds of glory e'er are fanned In shining drifts o'er the eternal strand, Toward immensity spreads out one broad Expanse of worlds, peopled with souls and planned Most wisely all, wdiile in amazement awed, The saints repeat how great, how fair thy works, O, God! 2 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. And from the grandeur of the shining shore, Down dark and steep declivities of space Thought sometimes wanders down, where they before Walked in earth's shadows dim ; in many a place Familiar forms with brows all pale they trace, And sweet sad eyes ; now memory loves to go Where the weary watcher used to pace. And shadows on the wall moved to and fro, When the heart ties were riven by Death, s relentless blow. Now see they since the veil is drawn aside ! There was no throe too great, or burden laid Too heavy on the soul, what most them tried Wrought out their greatest good ; their way was made Dark that their wanderings might thus be stayed; Had not that thorn been placed to guard the way Their feet o'er flowery places might had strayed Down in the way of death, and where the day Might never, never shed its mild, benignant ray. O'er mazes strange look they toward where lost Souls weep, and weep. Mercy called them in vain; ECHOES ALO.YG THE SHORE. 203 They might, but would not come at any cost ; Their own hands sowed the seed for every pain Their souls now feel, and riveted the chain That binds them fast. The blood-w'ashed in amaze, Veiled each in light, sing on the shining shore This angel song, " Most just and true thy ways, Thou art and wast the same. Lord, worthy of all praise." 204 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. WHENCE CAME THEY? A voice inquired, what are these clothed in white With starry crowns, who in high places stand, Like men of kingly rank ? With faces bright And radiant as the sun, and in their hand Bear they the conquering palm. Tell us the land From whence this noble line of princes came? Who martialed forth so glorious a band As- this most worthy host ? Under what name Came the}' forth bearing palms with songs of living flame? Tell us their name, and of the place from where Those white robed came, who crowned with bright bays stand In the full light of day; O, tell us ! were These dwellers upon earth? Is that the land Of their nativity ? Were their brows fanned Sweetly b}- fame ? Did the admiring throng Sing tribute to their name ? Serenely grand Were life's clear waters gently borne along By fervent summer gales, sweet as a sylvan song? ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 205 Whence came they forth ? Again we pause to hear. Whence came that army forth ; pray from what shore ? In princely courts did they their robes keep clear From earth stains there? Did some fair Goddess pour Her coffers at their feet? and could they soar above The storms of time ? Did sorrow weigh E'er on the heart? With bright skies smiling o'er Did they 'mong crystal founts and fair scenes stay Until their spirit to the sun land passed away. Whence came they forth ? Not from among the rich, Not from the princely dwellings of the great, 'Mid scenes of festal mirth ; not of those which By their proud rank are heir to high estate, At whose command both kings and kingdoms wail; Not of the royal lineage, the admired Of those who dwell on earth, but those who late And early toiled, of men the most ignored, On these worldly proud the cup of scorning poured. The poor and the ignoble, and a race Of serf were these, who now rejoicing stand Bearing the harps of God; and every face 2o6 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. By the delicious breath of joy are fanned, And with the uncrowned elders of the land Before the throne they bow, where the pure rays Of glorj' rest they ever wake the grand Angelic strain, as each head bows in praise, " How marvelous are Thy works, how just and true Thy ways ! ' ' Now safe at home, no more their feet through night Will weary grow, and nevermore will grief Veil the clear sight of those who walk in white ; Smooth tresses flow, like rippling waves of light, O'er snowy shoulders ; how surpassing fair, How strangelj' beautiful, their faces bright Now as the noonday sun ! How strange compare They with earth's pilgrims bowed beneath their weights of care. Those the redeemed from earth triumphant stand In the full light of the refulgent shore, Where flaming vespers unto life are fanned, And where Perfection's arch" is bending o'er The waves of peace ; here free immortals soar, ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 207 At the full fount they drink and ever trace Life's pure stream to its source. Forevermore All tears are wiped away from every face, For the smile of the lamb illuminates the place. 2o8 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE THE MARRIAGE SUPPER. The bells of the city with harmony ring, For this is the nuptial day of the King; The scenes of the land are most lovely and bright, There are rich mounds of sapphire and rivers of light, There are sparkling founts, and clear water jets there, And singing of birds making joyful the air, The hues of the rainbow here perfectly blend. And clouds of sweet incense forever ascend*; The trees all their banners of beauty unfurl. The walks of the garden are dusted with pearl, And flowers by the wayside are all in full bloom. The fair ranks of angels appear in full plume. The streets of the city are paved with pure gold, The archway- is lighted with splendor untold. The walls of the palace are frescoed with light. There's flowers of all climes the most fragrant and bright. ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 2og And things the most lovely, most costly, most rare, The wealth of all countries and kingdoms are there. There are palms of rare beauty and harps of fine gold, And gems of such value as never were sold ; There are choice diamond sets, precious gifts for the bride. And rubies, and topaz, and garlands beside, The mansion is lighted with splendor most grand. The guests are heaven's nobles, the flower of the land. The patriarchs, martyrs, and prophets in white. All crowned with a splendor surpassing the light ; All the saints, all the beauties, the lovely, the fair, The seraphs, heaven's poets, and prophets are there, The bright ranks of cherubim there on gemmed wing, Come in to partake of the feast of the King; "NTow all things are ready, the table is spread, There is milk there, and honey, abundance of bread. And all kind of fruit from the trepical clime. In clusters more fair than e'er ripened in time. The date and the orange and dainties divine. All hearts are made glad by the sweetly spiced wine; The elder appear, every one in their place. 2IO ECHOES ALOXC TffE SHORE. And joy like the morning illumins each face ; The children come in from the east and the west, The Bride and the Bridegroom sit down with the guest. O crowing of bliss! over peace spreads her wing, 'Tis the glorious nuptial feast of the king, The Bridegroom's arrayed now in glory most bright, To all at the feast his the joy and the light; The Bride has attire of the loveliest hue, That sparkles with gems far more clear than the dew. The pearl of great price and the bright diamond band. The pledge of affection adorns her fair hand. And the bright morning blossoms, the seal of her vow, Ivike a halo of glor}- are fresh on her brow, Her neck decked with lilies, and jewels of grace, Her garments are trimmed with the finest of lace, And richly embroidered so stainless and nice, But the purchase of these was a sum of great price. The kings at the feast, all with glory are crowned. And kindly to each the full cups hand round. Of the good things provided, there's enough and to spare, There's abundance of milk for the little ones there; ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. 211 Each one have their portion, the great and the small, The Lord of the feast pours a blessing for all, But most dear to his heart and his joy and his pride Is the fair blushing one at his own right hand side. And dearly he won this sweet beatiful rose With love for her ever his heart overflows. To him of her choice, what a rapture untold To read in her eye the pure bliss of her soul. From heart to heart there the sweet charm has gone round All voices commingle in one happy sound Till the holy spell of the supper is o'er. Now rapture is kindled more sweet than before, The minstrels appear in their brightest array, The organs of heaven they most skillfully play. The singers come each with a harp in hand, Connubial song the most sweet and the most grand. Like ebb of the ocean now rises, now falls, E'er waking new bliss, through the star-lighted halls, With song of the seraph the music will blend Forever and ever their joy has no end. AcV/C?A\s- .l/.O.VO THE SHORE. NEW JERUSALEM. The new Jerusalem, clear as the day From heaven and God descends. O \ision bright ! Fair as a bride adorned in soft array. They need no sun there for the Lamb gives light And gladness there. The nuiltitudes in white Walk in brightness and behold His face. The gates are never shut for there the night Shades never come and watclnnen never pace Those streets of finest gold, for naught defiles the place. Xo shadows there, the mourners never weep, Or sufferers count the long and weary hours, But on the shore of bliss, hope lies asleep. And joy looks upward from the rosy bower; O rapturous scene ! what walks, what fadeless flowers And crystal founts and walls of precious stone, And gates of peal. Rut there no temple towers For the most blessed and the most holy one Is the fair temple there, the life, the light, the sun. F.cimi'.s Ai.oxc 1 f/r: shore. 213 City of C/od, O the ecstatic scene! Where floods of ^lory in one living tide Flow down the streets, past banks of fadeless green, Here the blessed Lamb, walks with the trustful bride, He gently leads his darling and his pride By the clear fountains and the streams of light, While the fair minstrels follow by their side With sweetest song. The beatific height, E'er echo back the strain through all the ages bright. The flaming sapphires in the walls resound, The thrilling music from the heavenly choir. The morning stars give back the joyous sound. As .seraphim, with hands that never tire, Waken new rapture on the golden lyre. Love, love is all there theme, love to their God, The thrilling strains rise higher and still higher. Waking sweet echo on the shores abroad By the glad strain all hearts in sympathy are drawn. The cherubim in the meridian blaze Of glory sing of Him whom they adore ; The dazzling arches echo with the lays, 214 ECHOES ALONG THE SHORE. The sound is wafted on, from shore to shore Voices are heard like the transcendent roar Of many waters. O'er the waves of light To the Infinite One their free thoughts soar; With pleasure reach they up from height to height, Grasping for knowledge ever with increased delight. While the redeemed of every people crowned With gladness sing the praise of the Most High, And all the flaming myriads around The dazzling throne, to their words make reply, " High hallelujah," the unnumbered cry. As they in rapture, and in wonder gaze On Him who came to suffer, and to die, Yet lives forevermore. Through endless daj's Unto the Lamb ascribe song of triumphant praise.