MlW*aM|MMMMMBMMaMB| (LINE BREEDS entific Line Breeding of Big Type Polands Class. Book CojpgtoNl CQEXRIGHT DEPOSffi >CI.A5I5089 LINE BREEDING Scientific Line Breeding of Big Type Polands A Comprehensive Treatise of Breeding and Mating, with Pedigree Diagrams snowing this great and only correct System or Breeding Big Type Polands for test results. Tbis book will put you furtber abead in breeding knowledge tban many breeders bave acquired in a lifetime A. R. FOX, PUBLISHER, IRVING, IOWA PRICE $2.00 PER COPY Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded PREFACE r O YOU KNOW what is the matter with the breeding of 999 herds out of 1000 — too much promiscuous crossing of different blood lines. The average herd has from 3 to 5 herd boars, no two of them bred alike. Result : A lack of uniformity, a lot of pedigrees tracing every place and nowhere in particular, blood lines so mixed up that they do not appeal to the constructive breeder, nor to the average breeder, for he already has the same kind of a con- glomeration. For greatest success you must get away from this crossing proposition. Line breeding is the logical conclusion, the sure road to success and the live wire breeders who adopt this system and get in on the ground floor, are the boys that will be selling the high priced hogs of the future. Instead of crossing until the blood of the most noted of our great boars has practically been lost, why not line breed and preserve and intensify the blood of these great boars, the real cornerstones of the breed, working for the greatest improvement and everlasting benefit of our great breed of Big Type Polands, the greatest money maker and pork producer of all breeds of hogs on earth. This little book shows you how and will put you farther ahead in the breeding business than many breeders attain in a lifetime. This system can be used with equal success with other breeds of swine, cattle, sheep, etc. , MAR 31 1913 LINE BREEDING |N PUTTING this book before the breeders of Big Type Poland Chinas, more especially the new members of the fraternity, I do so believing that it AVill fill a long felt want for reliable information on the mating of our great breed of hogs. Also that the next great improvement in the breed will be found in herds where this system has been adopted. In studying this system there may be questions arise upon which the student may wish further information. I will be only too glad to furnish same to the best of my ability to any pur- chaser of this little Big Type book, upon receiving inquiry with stamp enclosed. I have antici- pated some of the questions that may arise. About the first question that would bother the student would be, why do' you advocate the use of grandsons instead of sons of some of the noted boars in starting this system of breeding? First, Will say one hardly knows where to place a boar until he is dead. Second, While a popular boar is living his sons are in such demand that it would bankrupt the ordinary individual to buy the individuals good enough to establish a superior strain. Third, grandsons and granddaughters are ahead of sons and daughters as in- dividuals and breeders and any great improvement in a breed usually comes through grandsons, great grandsons, granddaughters and great granddaughters. This is a fact known by most stu- dents of breeding, whether breeders of cattle, hogs, or horses. Many breeders do not attempt to explain the above fact. It is a very simple proposition, however, when you consider in hogs there may be 500 to 1000 grandsons to every son. Selection is one of the main points. If your selection of the individuals to build your strains is faulty, then no system of breeding on earth will get you where you want to land. A whole lot easier to select outstanding individuals from 10,000 grandsons than 100 or 200 sons. If it isn't, then you are starting with the wrong blood lines. You want the blood that will breed on, and by selection and preserving and intensifying the blood of the outstanding sires of the breed that do breed on, must the next great improvement of the breed come. The above isn't theory alone. I was one of the pioneer breeders of Big Type Poland Chinas. Bought my first of the noted P. Mouw, sons and daughters of old Chief Price, 61861. I was the first to> use the term Big Type in connection with Poland Chinas, which term, I believe, has done about as much as any one little thing that ever happened for the Poland Chinas. In my breeding operations of some years back I line bred to old Chief Tec 2d, through his grandsons, and I got results, so this system of breeding is no new thing to me. I know what I am talking about. I am also using this system at the present time in founding a new herd. Read testimonial from Dawsons regarding my system of breeding. They say we have extend- ed his breeding back to first days of record and in studying out the system of his breeding he has to be big and must be a transmitter of size. Now we will turn to the pedigree diagrams on the following pages. Note that pedigree No. 1 and o are of a grandson and granddaughter of Chief Price 61861. I have used him to illustrate the system ; start with any boar you wish to. You could use a daughter in place of a granddaugh- ter if you wish. Now in the ten generations following we have used five grandsons of old Chief Price 61861. It wouldn't be necessary to use this many but it isn't a detriment, although three or four would do very well. Please note every animal produced from these matings is a great grandson or granddaughter of the noted animal you are line breeding from. From each of these matings you must produce some outstanding individuals. The best females are to be bred as a rule back to one of the original grandsons, and occasionally you may wish to use a male from one of the matings, which can be done, on sows from any of the other matings. A great many variations and innumerable different matings can be made without going out of your own herd for either boars or sows. I think it would be - useless for me to say much more along this line, because when you have your blood lines established, you have the system pretty well learned and will want to do your own thinking and experimenting. I will not say anything about the impor- tant part of feeding, as you can get the benefits of the experiments of many first class feeders through the swine papers. There are, however, many points that could be mentioned in regard to selection of the foundation of your herd. You must have size and quality if you want to produce size and quality. One or two points I would mention in selecting a boar. Never use a boar that hasn't a good back, and a decent head and ears. He must have good feet, must stand on them right and he must have heavy bone, not less than eleven inch bone for a matured boar. Old Chief Price had over twelve inch bone. The sows should also have heavy bone and stand well on their feet. However, a sow don't have to be a show animal to be a good producer, but the boar, you can't get them too good. He ought to have as much size, bone and quality as it is possible to get, and of the right type. After studying this system of breeding you will find that it isn't necessary to introduce any new blood at all. However, it can be done as an experiment, usually with best results through the dams, keeping the male line unbroken. Trusting that this little book will give you a large measure of success with our great Big Type Poland Chinas I am respectfully yours, A. R. FOX TESTIMONIAL Endicott, Nebr., March ist, 1908 Mr. A. R. Fox, Elberon, Iowa. Dear Sir: — The pig arrived and have him filled up, and he has had a very critical examina- tion by the majority of us expansion breeders in the close vicinity. I think quite a lot of him and can put him over 1100 lbs. and 11 inch bone. Had he a little more finish with his size he would be a world victor. But if he will transmit as his pedigree and the looks of him suggest, I would rather he be as he is. There is a world of use before him. I believe in all the pig is better than the majority of us expected. We did not expect a show pig. I am not disappointed. A breeder of great individual points is the best and he promises these, and I think he has struck the right company. I have extended his pedigree back to first days of record and I find his breeding is very ac- ceptable to us. And in studying out the system of his breeding I find he has to be big and should be a transmitter of size and I am glad we have him. Yours truly, H. C. DAWSON & SONS PEDIGREES OF HERD BOARS USED IN FOLLOWING MATINGS No. 1 / _,, . . „ . , ( Chief Price 61861 ( Chief Price 2d < _ ) ( Orange Maid BIG PRICE < ) ( Longiellow 2d ( Bi S Mo11 ^ j Molly Jones No. 2 CHIEF PRICE 3d. Chief Price 2d. . . . Orange Maid 4th. Chief Price 61861 Longfellow Maid Standard Chief Big Standard No. 3 JUMBO PRICE Mammoth Price Lady IXL Chief Price 61861 Mammoth Maid Chief IXL. Jumbo Maid No. 4 CHIEF AGAIN PRICE. Chief Price 2d Big Molly Chief Price 61861 Orange Maid Longfellow 2d Molly Jones No. 5 LONG PRICE 2d. f Chief Price 6ii Long Price < [ Jones Maid Big Jones Big Susa Molly Jones No. 6 BOB PRICE Bigf Price. Miss Jumbo Price. Chief Price 2d Big Molly Jumbo Price Big Lady Price 4th. f Chief Price 61861 1 Orange Maid J Longfellow 2d { Molly Jones Mammoth Price Lady IXL. Big Price Big Lady Price 3d No. BIG PRICE Chief Price 2d. Big Molly Chief Price 61861 Orange Maid Longfellow 2d Molly Jones No. BIG MAID Long Price Molly Jones Chief Price 61J Jones Maid Big Jones Big Susa No. 1 PRICE'S MAID .. Big Price Big Maid _,..,„. , ( Chief Price 61861 Chief Price 2d ] ( Orange Maid ( Longfellow 2d Big Molly ].. ,f _ & J I Molly Jones I Chief Price 61861 Long Price ] T M . , ( Jones Maid ( Big Jones Molly Jones •{ _. „ J ( Big Susa No. 2 Chief Price 3d. PRICE'S BIG MAID. Big Price Price's Maid\ Big Maid f Chief Price 2d j Chief Price 61861 . I ( Longfellow Maid < (.Orange Maid 4th..... j Standard Chief j Big Standard f Chief Price 2d \ Chief Price 6l86r I ( Orange Maid t,- ht ,, i Longfellow 2d L Big Molly j f ( Molly Jones r T ( Chief Price 61861 Long Price -j _ _, . , I & ( Jones Maid I ,, ,, T i Big Jones l Moll ^° neS JBigSusa No. 3 BIG LADY PRICE. Jumbo Price Price's Big- Maid Mammoth Price \ Chief Price 61861 ( Mammoth Maid LadylXL, f Chief IXL. I Jumbo Maid Chief Price 3d f Chief Price 2d ( Orange Maid 4th Price's Maid { Bi S Price [ Big Maid No. 4 Chief Again Price. BIG LADY PRICE 2d Big Lady Price nu- t -a ■ j I Chief Price 61861 Chief Price 2d -j ( Orange Maid Big Molly j Longfellow 2d I Molly Jones Jumbo Price f Mammoth Price 1 Lady IXL. ™ • , t,. „ ., I Chief Price 3d Price's Big Maid \ „ . , ., .? s Price's Maid No. 5 Long Price 2d . BIG LADY PRICE 3d .Big Lady Price 2d. T „ . ( Chief Price 61861 Long Price 1 ( Jones Maid Molly Jones ( Big Jones ( Big Susa nu- c a ■ td • i Chief Price 2d Chief Again Price ....■{ i Big Molly T , f Jumbo Price Lady Jumbo „. , _. ,, .. J I Price's Big Maid No. 6 ' Big Price BIG LADY PRICE 4th , Big Lady Price 3d. Chief Price 2d { Chief Price 6l861 I Orange Maid Big Molly \ Longfellow 2d I Molly Jones Long Price 2d i Lon ? Price ( Molly Jones t>;„ t a -d ■ j i Chief Again Price Big Lady Price 2d ] _,. T ° _ . ( Big Lady Pnce No. 7 BIG LADY PRICE 5th Chief Price 3d. Big Lady Price 4th. Chief Price 2d. f Chief Price 61861 { Longfellow Maid _ ,. ., ., f Standard Chief Orange Maid 4th \ (. Big Standard Big Price Big Lady Price 3d Chief Price 2d Big Molly Long Price 2d Big Lady Price 2d No. 8 'Jumbo Price BIG LADY PRICE 6th J .Big Lady Price 5th. Mammoth Price i Chief Price 6l86j ( Mammoth Maid LadylXL ( Chief IXL. ( Jumbo Maid Chief Price 3d { Chief Price 2d { Orange Maid 4th Lady Price 4 th... \ Bi S Price Big Lady Price 3d No. 9 matin£"NoT8." This mating- "traces 8"times to Old Chief Chief Price 2d Mating No. 9. Sire a son of Big Price. See No, 1 To a daughter of Jumbo' Price, see : __ tvt_ o imT:„ m ,*;^ tr,r« « times to Old Chief Price 61861. Chief Price 61861 BOB PRICE Price - Big Maid Orange Maid I Longfellow 2d Big Molly .... T 5 J ( Molly Jones Long Price j Molly Jones Chief Price 61861 ones Maid Big Jones Big Susa MISS JUMBO PRICE Mammoth Price Jumbo Price Big Lady Price 4th.. Lady IXL. Big Lady Price 3d. Chief Price 61861 Mammoth Maid \ Chief IXL. I Jumbo Maid \ Chief Price 2d e (Big Molly ( Big Price ( Big Lady Price 2d In a sale offering a few animals bred according to experimental matings No. i, No. 2, No. 3 would furnish variety to the offering and would appeal to buyers wanting an animal strong in the blood lines represented. EXPERIMENTAL MATING NO. 1 Chief Price 61861 CHIEF PRICE 2d 82669. ( Surprise 157238 A^.„^M.Tn .1 ^ I Chief Price 61861 ORANGE MAID 4th 232960 J „ . , , ( Orange Maid 2d 1 The above diagram illustrates breeding a daughter of Chief Price 61861 to a son of Chief Price 61861. I made this mating once. The result was the largest, biggest boned litter I ever saw. Unfortunately I lost Orange Maid 4th when litter was about a week old and was unable to develop the pigs as they should have been. The above mating would be inbreeding. EXPERIMENTAL MATING NO. 2 Grand Chief 3d CHIEF PRICE 61861.. Price s Maid 162260 ( Chief Price 61861 ORANGE MAID 4th j Surprise x 57238 The above mating illustrates breeding a sow back to her sire. Any breeder owning a great boar should breed one or two of his best daughters back to him as an experiment, if nothing more. One of the best Belgian stallions I ever owned was bred this way. Have bred Belgian horses this way with wonderful results myself. This would be called the closest form of inbreed- ing and naturally could not be followed further than first mating for best results. EXPERIMENTAL MATING NO. 3 Grand Chief 3d 2813 CHIEF PRICE 61861 . . Price s Maid' 162560 f Wonder 2d 8841 WONDER GIRL 4 th 298224 { 0range Maid 4th 232960 The above mating - would illustrate breeding a boar to his granddaughter. As a rule this mating should prove very successful if the individuals throughout the pedigree are first class. The pedigree blank pages in the back part of this book are not intended to take the place of the regular private Herd Register, but will be found very convenient to record your different line bred-matings. MEMORANDA Date of breeding, date of farrow, number in litter, number of each sc x can be kept here or other information. Pedigree can be written for any pig of the litter from these pages. MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA DETUSKING NIPPERS I want to sell every reader of this book a pair of my Detusking Nippers, the fin- est tool on the market for this purpose, the result of experience. Detusk every little pig at birth with these nippers; prevents sore noses and mouths of the pigs and saves the sows' teats. This tool does the work right, two tusks at one nip, does not shatter or loosen the tusks in pig's jaw. Leaves no sharp points, does a slick and smooth job every time. Absolutely the best tool to be had for this purpose. PRICE $1.00 PER PAIR POSTPAID And Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded.