TT 360 .L6 Copy 1 A KEY TO PRACTICAL SIGN WRITING BY A. D. LESTER CHICAGO, ILL. THE LIBRARY OF J CONGRESS, Two Copies Received FEB HI 1903 _ Copyngnt xriir-. lis. CUSS a^ Entry XXc. No COPY B. TT 3 * W®% This key gives a general symmetrical proportion of letters pertaining to sign writ- ing. The measurements are governed by width of strokes. The Stroke System is the best system known to the profession. Any letter that can be divided can be described by this system and even flourishes or scrolls can be laid out in this manner, so that with a knowledge of measurements a form of letter can be made, no matter how intricate its curve or how del- icate its lines. '^jyjigtited by A.«'Crj LESTER, 1903 039 The Standard Roman Letter. Width, 4 J/? strokes; upper spur extends down i 1-3 strokes ; lower spur extends up, 1 2-3 strokes. HIGHER CASE. Height of this letter, 4 strokes. The following is the scale : A Width, 5 strokes ; horizontal line, 1 y^ strokes above base line. B Width, 4 strokes; horizontal center line 2]/^ strokes above base line. c per P, 1 D Width, 4 strokes. E Width, 4 strokes; spur, 1 1-3 strokes; horizontal center line, 21-3 strokes above base line and extends to the right \y 2 strokes. F Width, 4 strokes; horizontal center line, 21-3 strokes above base line. G • Width, 4J/2 strokes; lower part extends 21-3 strokes above base line. H Width, 4 strokes; horizontal center line, 21-3 strokes above base line. I Width, i stroke. J Width, 4 strokes ; curve extends upward to center of letter. K Width, 4 strokes; fine line intersects vertical stroke, 1)4 strokes above base line, and oblique stroke intersects fine line 21-3 strokes above base line. L Width, 4 strokes ; spur, 1 Yi strokes. M Width, 5 strokes ; point strikes center at base. N Width, 3^2 strokes. O Width, 4^/2 strokes. p Width, 4 strokes; horizontal fine line intersects vertical stroke 1 2-3 strokes above base line. Q Width, 4^4 strokes ; tail extends 2-3 or 1 y 2 strokes below base line. R Width, 4 strokes ; horizontal center line, 2 strokes above base line, tail intersects center line 1 1-3 strokes to the right of vertical stroke. S Width, 4 strokes; center part reaches top within 1 1-3 strokes ; the right spur extends ^4 stroke to the left of general space, and the left spur vertical with upper curve of letter. T Width, 434 strokes. u Width, 3^2 strokes; this letter takes an upper curve from base line on either side of 1 stroke, and forms a point a little beyond vertical strokes. V Width, \Yz strokes. ■ ' w Width, 6]/ 2 strokes; between points at base, 3 strokes. x Width at top, 4 strokes ; at base, 4 2-3 strokes. Y Width, 5 strokes ; fine line intersects vertical stroke at center. z Width at top, 4 strokes ; at base, 4*4 strokes. & Width at top, 3 strokes ; lower part, 5 strokes ; upper space occupies iy 2 strokes in height; top of curved terminus, 2% strokes above base line. The line forming a spur is a perfect arc of a quarter of a circle. The end of the spur should be the same width as the hair line of the letter. All curved letters should extends a little above and below the lines to make them appear as large as the square letters. All pointed letters, A, N, V and W, should extend beyond the line a trifle to appear as large as the others. Spacing between the letters should appears equal in the general construction. The Standard Roman Letter. LOWER CASE. Height, 3M5 strokes. Width, 4 strokes. Center fine line intersects vertical stroke \ 2 /z strokes above base line. b Height, 5 strokes; body 3^$ strokes. Width 4 strokes. Cen- ter fine line intersects vertical stroke just below 4th line. Height, 3^ strokes. Width, 4 strokes. Upper curve ter- minates 2 strokes above base line. Lower curve, 1 Yt> strokes above base line. d Same as b but reversed. e Height, 3^3 strokes. Width, 4 strokes. Horizontal center line i 2 A strokes above base line. Height, 5 strokes. Width of horizontal bar, 2^ strokes. Curve terminates 1 Yi strokes below upper line and is one stroke to the right of vertical stroke. g Height, above base line 3^ strokes; below base line. 3 strokes. Width, 4 strokes. Space between upper and lower parts, y 2 stroke. Iyittle ornament at top extends to within % stroke of upper line. h Height, 5 strokes; body, 3^ strokes. Width, 4 strokes. i Height, 2> J A strokes. Top of dot, 5 strokes. Width, one stroke. J Height, 3J/3 strokes above base line; 3 strokes below. Ex- treme width below base line, 3J-3 strokes. Height, 5 strokes; body, 3^3 strokes. Width, 4 strokes. Fine line intersects vertical stroke 1 % strokes above base line. Oblique stroke intersects fine line 2 strokes above base line. Height, 5 strokes. m Height, 3^3 strokes. Width, 6 strokes. Fine line intersects vertical strokes just below 4th line. n Height, 3^ strokes. Width, 4 strokes. O Height, 3^3 strokes. Width, 4^ strokes. P Height, 3^3 strokes above base line; 3 strokes below. Upper fine line intersects vertical stroke just below 4th line. Q Same as p but reversed. r Height, 3^3 strokes. Width, 4 strokes. S Height, 3V3 strokes. Width, 4 strokes. t Height, 5 strokes. Cross-bar extends %' stroke each side of vertical stroke. U Height, 3J-3 strokes. Width, 4 strokes. V Height, 3*3 strokes. Width, 5 strokes. W Height, 3^ strokes. Width at top, 7 strokes. Between points at base, 3 strokes. Height, 3*<3 strokes. Width at top, 4 strokes; at base, 47. strokes. y Height, 3}i strokes above base line; below base line, 2)4 strokes. Width, 4 strokes. Fine line and heavy stroke intersect one stroke above base line. Z Height, i> J A strokes. Width, 4 strokes. The Standard Roman Figures. Height of these figures, 4 strokes. 1 Width, one stroke. 2 Width, 4 strokes. The cyma or wave extends a little beyond the crescent at the left. Upper terminus extends below top line iYz strokes. 3 Width at top, 4 strokes. Width at base, 4^ strokes. Hor- izontal center line, 2^3 strokes above base line. Upper terminus same as 2. 4 Width, 4.3/I strokes froni point to point. Horizontal fine line extends 2^ strokes to the left and 1% strokes to the right of vertical stroke and is 1 V 2 strokes above base line. Width, 4}( strokes. Upper fine line at center, 2}4 strokes above base line. Terminus of lower fine line, 1 % strokes above base line. The center is directly under the vertical, line above. Width, 4 strokes. Center fine line intersects heavy stroke 2 strokes above base line. 7 Width at top, 3^ strokes. Center of base is vertical with center of top. 8 Width at top, 33-5 strokes; at base, 4 1-5 strokes. The thickest part of fine line is }4 width of heavy stroke. 9 This figure is a reversed 6 except that the lower part extends out the full width of the letter at the left. Outer circle is a perfect arc. Full Block Letter. HIGHER CASE. Height, five strokes. A Width, five strokes; horizontal bar one and one-half strokes above base line ; spurs extend one-half stroke on each side pf oblique strokes. B Width, five strokes ; horizontal bar in center. C Width, five strokes ; upper spur extends down from top one and two-thirds strokes and lower spur upward from base line two strokes. D Width, five strokes. E Width, five strokes ; center bar, one and one-half strokes long; upper spur descends one and one-half strokes from top line; lower spur rises one and one-half strokes above base line. F Width; five strokes. G Width, five strokes ; upper spur extends down one and one- half strokes from top, the same as C ; lower terminus at center of letter. H Width, five strokes, spurs, one-half stroke. I Width, one stroke; spurs, one-half stroke. J Width, five strokes; the lower terminus of J is carried up to the second stroke above base line. K Width, five strokes ; upper oblique line intersects vertical stroke one and one-half strokes above base line and the lower oblique stroke joins upper stroke two and one-half strokes above base line.. 9 L Width, five strokes; the lower terminus rises two strokes above base line. M Width, six strokes. Width, five strokes. Width, five strokes. Width, five strokes. N O P Q Width, five strokes ; tail descends one stroke below base line. R Width, five strokes; tail sets in toward center one-half stroke. S Width, five strokes. Width, five strokes. Width, five strokes. Width, five strokes. T U V w kes ; x Width at top, seven strokes ; width between points at base, two strokes. Width, five strokes. Y Width, five strokes; oblique strokes intersect vertical stroke two strokes above base line. z Width, five strokes. & Width at top, four strokes ; lower portion projects to the left one-half stroke and to the right, one stroke. The general space between the block letters is two strokes. 10 Full Block Letter. LOWER CASE. a Height, five strokes ; width, three strokes ; spur at base line, one-half stroke. b Main height, eight strokes ; body, five strokes ; width, three strokes; spur at base line, one-half stroke. C Height, five strokes ; width, three strokes. d Main heights, eight strokes ; body, five strokes ; width, three strokes. e Height, five strokes; width, three strokes; horizontal bar in center. f Height, eight strokes ; horizontal bar, two strokes. g Height above base line, five strokes ; below base line, four strokes ; width, three strokes. h Main height, eight strokes ; body, five strokes ; width, three strokes. i Height, five strokes, with dot three strokes above; width, one stroke. J Height above base line, five strokes; below base line, three strokes, dot same as i ; lower extremity curves two strokes to the left. k Main height, eight strokes ; body, five strokes ; width, three and one-half strokes; upper oblique stroke intersects vertical stroke one and one-half strokes above base line and lower obli- que stroke intersezts upper two strokes above base line. 11 Height, eight strokes ; width, one stroke. m Height, five strokes ; width, five strokes ; one spur left of top and three spurs at base line. n Height, five strokes ; width, three strokes ; spurs same as m. O Height, five strokes ; width, three strokes. P Height, five strokes above base line, three below ; width, three strokes. q Same as p, but reversed. r Height, five strokes; width, three strokes. Height, five strokes ; width, three strokes. Height, seven strokes ; width, two strokes ; the cross bar extends one stroke each side of vertical stroke.. U Height, five strokes ; width, three strokes. V Height, five strokes; width, four strokes at top. W Height, five strokes ; width, six strokes at top ; between points at base, two strokes. X Height, five strokes ; width, four strokes. y Height, five strokes above base line, three strokes below ; width at top, four and one-half strokes. Z Height, five strokes ; width, three strokes. 12 Full Block Figures. Height of these figures, 5 strokes. 1 Width, 1 stroke; spurs extend V? stroke. 2 Width, 5 strokes; spurs ^ stroke. 3 Width. 5 strokes. Upper and lower spurs extend toward center 1^ strokes; center bar, 2 strokes. 4 Width, 6 strokes. Center bar 1 y 2 strokes above base line. 5 Width, 5 strokes. Upper spur extends downward 1 y 2 strokes; lower spur upward i}4 strokes. Center bar at center. 6 Width, 5 strokes. Spur extends downward \]/ 2 strokes. 7 Width at top, 5 strokes; at base 3 strokes. 8 Width, 5 strokes. Width, 5 strokes. 9 13 Egyptian Block Letter. HIGHER CASE. Height of these letters, 5 strokes. A Width, 5 strokes; center bar 1 stroke above base line. B Width, 4^ strokes; center bar in center. C Width, 4^ strokes. D Width, 4 strokes. E Width, 4 strokes; center bar, 1 % strokes. F Width, 4 strokes; center bar, 1 1 / 2 strokes. G Width, 4 strokes. H Width, 4 strokes; center bar 2V2, strokes above base line. I Width, 1 stroke. J Width, 4 strokes; curve extends upward 2 strokes above base line. K Width, 4 strokes. Upper oblique stroke intersects vertical stroke \-/z strokes above base line; lower oblique stroke intersects upper, 2^ strokes above base line. L Width, yA strokes. M Width, 5 strokes. N Width, 4 strokes. 14 o Width, 4^ strokes. P Width, 4 strokes; center bar \-/i strokes above base line. Q Width, 4^ strokes. Tail extends i stroke below base line. R Width, 4 strokes. Center bar same as P. S Width, 4 strokes. Width, 4^ strokes. Width, 4 strokes. Width, 5 strokes. Width, 6 strokes. Width, 4^ strokes. Width, 5 strokes. T U V W X Y Z Width at top. 4 strokes; at base, 4^ strokes. & Width at top, 3^3 strokes; at base, 5^ strokes. 15 Egyptian Block Letter. LOWER CASE. a Height, 5 strokes. Width, 4 strokes. b Height, 8 strokes; body, 5 strokes. Width, 4 strokes. C Height, 5 strokes Width, 4^2 strokes. d Height, 8 strokes; body, 5 strokes. Width, 4 strokes. e Height, 5 strokes. Width. 4^2 strokes. f Height, 8 strokes. Horizontal bar 1 stroke above top line. g Height above base line, 5 strokes; below, 2 or 3 strokes. h Height, 8 strokes; body, 5 strokes. Width, 4 strokes. i Height, 5 strokes, J Height above base line, 5 strokes; below, 2 or 3 strokes. k Height, 8 strokes; body 5 strokes. Width, 4 strokes. I Height, 8 strokes. m Height, 5 strokes. Width, 5 strokes. n Height, 5 strokes. Width, 4 strokes. 16 o Height, 5 strokes. Width, 4^ strokes. P Height above base line, 5 strokes; below, 3 strokes. Width, 4 strokes. q Height above base line, 5 strokes; below, 3 strokes. r Height, 5 strokes. Width, 4 strokes. S Height, 5 strokes. Width, 4 strokes. t Height, 8 strokes. Width, 1 stroke. Cross-bar 4 strokes above base line. U Height, 5 strokes. Width, 4 strokes. V Height, 5 strokes. Width, 5 strokes. W Height, 5 strokes. Width, 6% strokes. X Height, 5 strokes. Width, \ x / 2 strokes. y Height above base line, 5 strokes; below, 3 strokes. Width, 5 strokes. Z Height, 5 strokes. Width, 4 strokes. 17 Egyptian Block Figures. Height of these figures, 5 strokes. 1 Width, i stroke. 2 Width, 4^3 strokes. 3 Width, 4^ strokes. 4 Width, 5 strokes. 5 Width, \Y2 strokes. 6 Width, 4^ strokes. 7 Width, 4 strokes. 8 Width, 4 strokes. 9 Width, 4 strokes. Heavy Ornamental Block Letter HIGHER CASE. Height, three strokes ; all horizontal lines excepting in E, T, L, U, Z and & are two-thirds of a stroke in width ; in these letters thev are a full stroke. A Width, three strokes; horizontal bar one-third of a stroke- above base line.. B Width, three strokes ; bar in center. c Width, three strokes.. D Width, three strokes.. E Width, three and one-third strokes. F Width, two and two-thirds of a stroke. . G Width, three strokes ; center horizontal stroke extends to right of main body of letter two-thirds of a stroke. H Width, three strokes ; right vertical stroke extends one stroke above top line. I Width, one stroke. J Width, three strokes ; the curve at the left is within one stroke of top line. K Width, three strokes; the upper oblique stroke intersects the vertical stroke two-thirds of a stroke above base line and the lower oblique stroke intersects upper oblique stroke one and one-fourth strokes above base line and extends below base line two-thirds of a stroke. L Widen, two and two-thirds of a stroke. 19 M Wiikln-, three and two-thirds of a stroke. N Width, three strokes. O Width, iliree strokes. P Width, three and one-third of a stroke. Q Width, three and one-third strokes; tail, two-thirds of a ftroke below base line. R Width, three strokes ; tail extends below base line one-third of a stroke. s Width, three strokes ; extends two-thirds of a stroke above top "line. T Width, three strokes ; spur extending a little beyond. V Width, two and two-thirds strokes; circle extends two- thirds of a stroke above base line. V Width, three strokes ; right oblique stroke extends above top line one-third of a stroke. w Width at top, four strokes ; width at base between points, two and two-thirds strokes. X Width at top, two and two-thirds strokes; width at base, three strokes. Y Width at top, three strokes. z Width, at top two and two-thirds strokes ; width, at base four strokes. & Width, upper part two and two-thirds strokes; width, at base four strokes. 20 Heavy Ornamental Block Figures. Height, three strokes. 1 Width, one stroke. 2 Width, three strokes. 3 Width, three strokes. 4 Width, three and two-thirds strokes. 5 Width, three strokes, extending below base line one-third of a stroke. 6 Width, three strokes ; top extends above base line. 7 Width, two and two-thirds strokes ; lower part extends below base line two-thirds of a stroke. 8 Width, upper part three strokes ; lower part one-third of a stroke wider than upper. 9 A reversed six. 21 French Roman Letter. Height, two and one-half strokes. A Width, three and one-half strokes ; center fine line, two- thirds of a stroke above base line. B Width of upper part, three strokes; width of lower part, three and one-half strokes; center fine line, one and one-half strokes above base line. C Width of upper part, three strokes; width of lower part, four strokes ; the center part is one stroke above base line. D Width, three and one-half strokes. r E Width of upper part, three strokes; width of lower part, three and one-half strokes ; center fine line, one and four fifths strokes above base line. F Width, three strokes; center fine line, one and four-fifths strobes above base line. G Width, three and one-half strokes; heavy stroke extends one and four-fifths above base line. H Width, three strokes; center fine line, one and four-fifths strokes above base line. J Width, three and one-half strokes ; curve extends one and one-half strokes above base line. K Width, three and three-fourths strokes; oblique stroke intersects vertical stroke one stroke above base line and extends above upper line one-half stroke; oblique heavy stroke inter- sects fine line one and one-third strokes above base line. L Width, three and one-half strokes ; curve, one and one-half strokes above base line. 22 Width, five strokes ; center point finishes with a little orna- ment. N Width, three strokes. o Width, three and one-half strokes. p Width, three and one-half strokes ; lower fine line, two- thirds of a stroke above base line. Q Width, three and one-half strokes ; wave line, three strokes long. R Width of upper part, three and one-half strokes ; width of lower part, four and one-half strokes ; fine line, one stroke above base line. s Width of upper part, three strokes ; width of center, three and one-half strokes ; width at base, four strokes. T Width, four strokes. u Width, three strokes. V Width, three and one-half strokes.. w Width at top, five strokes ; width at base between points, two and one-half strokes. x Width at top, three strokes ; width at base, four strokes. Y Width at top, four strokes ; fine line intersects heavy stroke one and one-half strokes above base line and extends above up- per line one-half stroke. z Width upper part, three and one-half strokes; width lower part, four and one-fourth strokes ; height of terminal, one and one -fourth strokes above base line. & Width of tcp, three strokes; at base, five strokes; cyrna, one and one-half strokes above base line. 23 Railroad Block Letter. Height, one and one-half strokes ; all fine lines one-eighth height of alphabet. A Width, four strokes ; horizontal fine line, one-half of a stroke above base line ; length of spurs, one-half of a stroke. B Width, three and one-half strokes; horizontal center bar an equal distance between top and bottom lines ; length of spur, three-fifths of a stroke. c Width, three and one-half strokes ; upper and lower ends, one-half of a stroke high. D Width, three and one-half strokes ; length of spurs, three- fifth s*of a stroke. E Width, three and one-half strokes; length of horizontal center bar, four-fifths of a stroke; upper and lower ends, one- half of a stroke high ; length of spurs, three-fifths of a stroke. F Width, three and one-half strokes; length of horizontal center bar, four-fifths of a stroke; upper right end extends down to center bar ; length of spurs, three-fifths of a stroke. G Width, three and one-half strokes ; length of center bar spurs, three-fifths of a stroke; height of upper right end, one- half of a stroke. H Width, three and one-half strokes ; length of spurs, three- fifths of a stroke. J Width, three and one-half strokes ; left lower part reaches center bar ; length of spurs, three-fifths of a stroke. K Width, four strokes ; upper oblique stroke intersects verti- cal stroke, two-fifths of a stroke above base line; lower oblique stroke intersects upper oblique stroke at center bar. 24 L Width, three and one-half strokes; lower right end of letter reaches center ; length of spurs, three-fifths of a stroke. M Width, five strokes ; oblique lines meet at base line an equal distance between spurs ; length of spurs, three-fifths of a stroke. N Width, three and one-half strokes; length of spurs, three- fifths of a stroke. o Width, three and one-half strokes. P Width, three and one-half strokes; horizontal fine line at center. Q Width, three and one-half strokes ; tail of same width as fine lines and on an angle of about one hundred and ten degrees. R Width, three and one-half strokes; fine line at center; tail, one-half of a stroke left of upper right vertical stroke ; length of lower right spur, one stroke; other spurs, three-fifths of a stroke. s Width, three and one-half strokes ; upper right and lower left ends, one-half stroke in height. T Width, four and one-half strokes ; upper ends extend one- half stroke downward ; length of spurs, three-fifths of a stroke. V Width, three and one-half strokes ; length of spurs, three- fifths of a stroke. v Width, four and one-half strokes; length of spurs, three- fifths of a stroke. w Width, five strokes ; length of the four center spurs, one- half of a stroke, that of the two outside ones, three-fifths of a stroke. 25 X Width, five strokes ; oblique lines cross at center ; length of spurs, one-half of a stroke. Y Width, five strokes; oblique lines meet just below center line ; length of spurs, three-fifths of a stroke. z Width, four strokes. & Width, four strokes; upper part is one-third of a stroke narrower on each side than lower part ; length of spurs, three- fifths of a stroke. All letters without spurs should be separated by a spacf: of one stroke, and where spurs meet allow space between body of letters of two strokes. 26 World's Fair Letter. Height of letters, three strokes; general width, three > strokes. Width of fine line, one-half width of stroke. LESTER SERIES. HIGHER CASE. Height, four strokes ; general width, four strokes. LESTER SERIES. LOWER CASE. Height of all letters, except b, d, f, g, h, j, k, 1, p, q, t and y, are four strokes ; b, d, f, h, j, k, 1 and t are six strokes above base line, g and j one and one-half strokes below base line and p, q, and y two strokes below. All letters except i and v are four strokes wide and v is three and one-half strokes. 27' LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 963 934