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Nevertheless I feel satisfied that those who have worked with the former '' Manual" will quickly become familiar with the working of this new " Manual." You will find that each grade has its separate work, as also each term, each lesson being assigned for one week's work. The lessons in Physical Training in this manual are specially arranged for use in our schools, and each lesson is complete in itself. If the entire lesson is given each day, we will exercise all parts of the body, which will tend to a symmetrical development in . strength, agility and grace. All exercises and lessons in this work are explained in as simple and concise terms as possible. The few changed or new terms will readily be understood by those familiar with the former manual. The terms used in this manual were duly considered and selected and the exercises carefully arranged according to the laws of education. I herewith wish to express my thanks to Carl Ziegler, M. D., \^ Superintendent of Physical Training of the Public Schools of Cin- cinnati, Ohio, for friendly suggestions. Our hearts being in the work we will find that the science of true physical culture aims at the harmonious and uniform development of body and soul achieved through " Work in the garb of pleasured ANTON LEIBOLD, Columbus, Ohio, July 1899. «f»j/ Place hands on shoulders. Bend knees. Arms forw. Bendkneestep forw. Arms downw. Bend trunk forw. Arms circle upw*. Bend trunk baekw. Cross-touchstep forw. Arms upw. Bend trunk backw. Bendkneestep forw. Arms to thrust. Lunge forw. Thrust arms diagonally. Lunge forw. Left arm in semi-circle upw. , Right hand on L Shoulder. Bend trunk obi. backw. R. Cross-touchstep forw. R. See Lesson 7, Exercise 6, Eighth Grade, II Term. INDEX. Page Preface • 3 Illustrations 4-5 Special Points for Teachers 7 Remarks on First Term 11 First Grade, First Term 11 Second Grade, Third Grade, Fourth Grade, Fifth Grade, Sixth Grade, Seventh Grade Eighth Grade, 19 . . , 26 33 40 49 56 64 Remarks on Second Term 71 First Grade, Second Term 71 Second Grade, '' 76 Third Grade, "- 80 Fourth Grade, " 85 Fifth Grade, '' 90 Sixth Grade, " 95 Seventh Grade, '' 101. Eighth Grade, '' 106 Remarks on Third Term ; 113 First and Second Grades, Third Term 113 Third and Fourth Grades, Third Term 115 Fifth and Sixth Grades, Third Term 117 Seventh and Eighth Grades, Third Term 119 SPECIAL POINTS FOR TEACHERS. 1. Proper commanding. Plain and earnest explanation of exercises given in a manner which will interest pupils so that they obey the orders with a good will, is a point worth studying for every teacher. The voice should only be loud enough so that the farthest pupil in the class can dis- tinctly understand the teacher. It is never the loud command of a teacher, but the distinct and decided command with a proper accent which will have the proper effect. Prompt response will invariably follow such com- mand, which result will also have a wholesome effect on the disciplinary habit of pupils. 2. Thoroughness, i. e. the teacher should be familiar with her lesson before the gymnastic period, so that she will not feel compelled to consult the book for every command. The latter is a grave mistake, as it not only causes the loss of valuable time, but also lowers the pupil's confidence m the teacher's knowledge and ability. The teacher being able to instruct at the proper time without the constant aid of a manual, will also feel her- self more free and independent, and will be ready to arouse interest and enthusiasm in the pupil. 3. To master the body is what is necessary for the pupil to learn. For that purpose it is necessary that every movement be executed vigorously and gracefully. When calling for an arm or leg exercise, the remaining parts of the body should be kept in a firm and quiet position,. 4. Clothing. Pupils should never exercise unless wraps, overshoes, and overcoats are removed. They should also be impressed with the nec- essity of loosely fitting clothes during exercise, which will assist a healthy circulation of the blood. 5. Pure air. If you exercise indoors ventilate the room well before beginning to exercise. Do not allow any draft whatever to strike pupils. The temperature indoors should be about 60° — 65° Fahrenheit during exercise. 6. Where to exercise. The lessons in this manual are arranged with the view in mind that the regular school-room will be used in most places for this work. Wherever possible it is advisable to use the hallway or a vacant room, thus giving more space and a healthful change of air. 7. Duration of time. The first exercise of each lesson should be in common time, after that the rapidity of movements should increase, while the last exercise should again be of moderate force. 8. Arrangement of Class. Every gymnastic period should begin and close as laid out in Lesson 1 of I Grade. 9. Fundamental position should open and close every lesson. 10. Commands. There are four, viz., Command of Caution. Expla- nation, Execution, and Discontinuation. a. The command of Caution is first given, and is spoken distinctly in the word — Attention! b. Command of Explanation is then given and explains the position or movement to be executed, and is given slowly and well articulated so as to be well understood by all pupils. c. Command of Execution is given after a moment's pause, suffi- cient time for the pupils to think what to do. It is given in a sharp and de- cided tone, and consists of the word — Begin! 8 SPECIAL POINTS FOR TEACHERS. d. In marching we use the execution command "March!" in male or mixed classes; in female classes, exclusively, we use the command -Walk!" e. Command to cease exercise, in general, consists m one woid. and is spoken firmly and decisively — Halt! Previous to the command "Halt!" we caution pupils by the word "Class — in the following order: — The exercises consisting of two move- ments you will count — 1 — 2 — 1 — 2, etc., at the moment you intend to stop you will command: Class (1) — Halt! (2) or if the exercise consist of four counts you will give the command of discontinuation 1 — 2 — Class (3) — Halt! (4). In marching exercises, you will caution pupils by giving the word Class — (on the L. foot) and when the L. foot comes to the front again — Halt! Then pupils will take the closing step with the R. foot. Notice will be taken that all pupils begin to exercise at the same moment, and continue exercising until another command is given. Be- fore the execution command is given, if necessary the teacher, or leaders of a class, will explain by going through the movements of the exercise, beginning with the right Arm or Foot, when the class must begin with the left Arm or Foot, so as not to confuse the class. Sometimes it is more ad- visable, instead of going through the movements, to explain a second time. In order to have all pupils exercise simultaneously, the teacher should mark time; either count aloud or beat with your hands or forepart of right foot, or what will msure still better attention, by moving hand from right to left or up and down, in this way guiding the movements. You may also I)eat time with a hard instrument on the table. n. Ventilation. If you have to ventilate your room by opening windows then do so by opening the upper windows and at least one lower window, the moment you start the first exercise; close your windows again before pupil? lake their seat. 12. Breathing exercise should be taught only in the milder season, when windows can be opened. It should be given after each lesson, as it will slacken the increased action of the heart caused by vigorous exercise, and so leave the pupil in a normal condition to resume his studies. Our marching exercises will also have a similar effect. Breathing exercises have also the effect to enlarge chest and lungs. Breathing exercises should consist of a long and deep inspiration through the nostrils so as to expand the chest in all its parts. Here an example exercise: a. Position — Stand! b. Inhale and exhale through nostrils, each in five counts; teacher counting aloud in slow time. Repeat several times. c. Inhale in five counts and exhale in one count through nostrils or mouth. If through mouth the lips should only be opened slightly. (It is always advisable while inhaling that teacher should slowly raise one hand, and while exhaling also lower hand according to the time.) d. In grammar grades you can combine the breathing with arm inovements, i. e.. with raising arms slowly outward which will bring into play the accessory muscles of respiration. In these grades you can also attempt to count from 1 — 10 while inhaling and from 1 — 5 or 1 — 10 while exhaling. SPECIAL POINTS FOR TEACHERS. 9 13. Pure air being one of the most important necessities for the health of man, we should not forget that we need more pure air during bodily exercise than during rest. Active and systematic breathing being also a bodily exercise, the necessity of pure air during that time explains itself. 14, Adapting of time to movements. In some exercises the intervals between the movements must be longer than in others. All head and trunk movements will and should take more time to finish properly than arm movements; in the latter movements we can move very rapidly. If arm and trunk (or head) movements are combined we will accept the duration of time from the trunk exercises. If arm movements and lunges are combined we will accept the duration of time from the lunging exer- cise. 15. Exercise how often in succession is a matter which must be left to the judgment of the teacher, for what would be tiresome to one class would probably hardly afifect another class. But we can say that while arm exercises may be repeated from 8 — 12 times in succession, leg exer- cises about 8 times, trunk and head exercises should not be repeated of- tener than 6 times in succession. 16. Exercise positions by word of command; especially every new ex- ercise, then move in time, rythm. 17. Music. If you have an instrument available, such accompani- ment will add interest to the exercises. 18. In warm days during early fall and in spring we often place two counts on every movement in gymnastics, so that the class would execute their movements on the odd counts and remain in a fixed position on the even counts. Thus an exercise of two movements would demand four counts, and an exercise of four movements would demand eight counts. While the class will and should exercise as vigorously as ever, this placing two counts on every movement allows a longer duration of time before the second movement follows the first movement; so there will be no danger whatever of overheating pupils. This mode of conducting free-gymnas- tics allows also a pleasant combination with marching exercises, which latter exercises will be used more freely during the spring ..rm than at any other time of the year. Example: — Straighten arm four times. 8 counts — March forw. 8 counts — Begin! or: — Bend trunk forwd. and straighten arms downw. four times, 8 counts — March forw. 8 counts — Begin! You will find that the class can and will move with ease and pleas- ure from free-gymnastics to marching exercises without any jar or in- terruption. 19. Explanations of Positions and Exercises. We found it of advan- tage to give all explanations for the different movements as we proceeded in the work. So you will find the explanations of how to thrust arms in II Grade, Lesson 6. For touchstep you find the explanation in III Grade, Lesson 4; for bendkneestep in IV Grade Lesson 3, etc. This involves the expectation that every teacher is thoroughly familiar with the lower grade's work, before attempting the work in a higher grade. ORDER OF EXERCISES. a. The lesson should begin with a familiar exercise. b. Open and close the lesson in a mild form, the vigorous work to come between these two points. IQ SPECIAL POINTS FOR TEACHERS. c. In general the order should be: 1. Such arm exercises that will stimulate the blood circulation in the chest, or a familiar and lively marching exercise. 2. Trunk exercises should then follow. 3. Head, and arm or leg exercises. 4. Arm and leg exercises. 5. Close every lesson with a leg exercise, or if you did not open the instruction with a march, close with same. 6. In the spring and fall term we often close our lesson with a breath- ing exercise. ABBREVIATIONS USED. L.— Left. R.— Right. Upw. — Upward. Inw. — Inward. Downw. — Downward. Outw. — Outward, away from the center of the body. Forw. — Forward. Backw. — Backward. Sidw. — Sideward, toward one side of the body. Obi.- — Obliquely, as: Obi. forw. up. that is midway between forw. and upw. Or: Obi. outw. up. that is midway between outw. and upw. Pos. — Position, respective: Fundamental position. Overh. — Overhead, while body is erect, arms are directed upw., above the head. Strt. pos. — Starting position; the position taken for the execution of an exercise, such as "Hands on hips" or "Arms to thrust," etc. The term "Return" is also used freely instead of: Starting position. FIRST TERM. ALL GRADES. In the beginning of this term we must remember that pupils are re- turning from their summer vacation; consequently we find that during the vacation months, pupils in general, lower grade as well as higher grade pupils, have lost to some extent the familiarity with the exercises and work. For that reason it is advisable in the first few weeks to repeat every exercise first as a position a few times before moving in time, or rythm; thus the different movements and parts will better impress them- selves in their working order on the pupil's mind. Rising and seating, see Lesson 1, in I Grade; Fundamental and Resting positions, see Lesson 2, in I Grade, forms the opening and closing of every gymnastic period in every grade, and if the teacher in the beginning of the term will insist that all these movements in their details will be excuted correctly, she will not only save herself unnecessary corrections in the future, but it will also have a wholesome influence on all pupils to do only the best work. Thus we begin our work in a milder form, and by the time the cool season sets in, we find pupils will cheerfully do more good and active work. I GRADK. I TERM. LESSON U (This lesson will open and close all lessons of all grades.) a. To arrange. Attention! Pupils sit erect, placing hands in lap or on desk. Gymnastics! Pupils clear their desk, change seats for smallest and best pupils in front, tallest and poorer pupils in rear, girls for one and boys for next aisle; now sit erect, hands in small of back, heels locked, eyes to the front. One! Pupils move to R. (or L.) end of seat, placing R. (or L.) foot in middle of aisle, hands on desk. Two! Pupils rise with a slight pressure of hands on the desk and place L. (or R.) foot beside R. (or L.) foot in the middle of aisle in "Po- sition." The rear pupils should be instructed to always move far enough back (without expecting special words) so that he or she can move in the differ- ent exercises without touching anyone. In certain cases, where school- room is crowded, it is advisable to have the class execute Mj, or ^^ turn L. or R. before beginning trunk movements or arms forward. Another 12 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. plan is that the alternate aisles take one step forw. before beginning to exercise. b. Resuming seats. Be seated: One! Pupils be seated on R. (or L.) end of seat, hands on desk, L. (or R.) foot placed below desk. Two! Pupils move in middle of seat, lock heels and fold arms back- ward. Those that changed seats in the beginning will now resume their former seats. LESSON 2. (See Lesson 1 How to Arrange and Dismiss Class.) FUNDAMENTAL AND RESTING POSITIONS. L Attention! Position — Stand! In this, the "Fundamental Posi- tion,'^ heels and knees are locked, tip of feet turned outward, so that the feet will form a right angle. Legs and body are kept straight and erect, the body inclining a little torward, its weight bearing principally upon the forepart of the feet. Shoulders lowered and thrown backward, while the arms hang down by the sides, knuckles of hands slightly in front. The head is held erect, and the eyes look straight to the front, when not di- rected to the teacher. The mouth is closed, and breathing should in all cases be done through the nostrils. The "Position" should be free from all restraint. In order to be brief and concise in our future lessons we will use for "Fundamental Position," the term "Position — Stand!" 2. To Rest — Stand! Clasp hands backward, and place left foot about six inches forward, while the left knee bends so that the weight of the body will rest largely on the right foot. (All positions except the "To Rest" are starting positions.) Repeat above two Positions several times. Changing from the rest- ing to the fundamental position, the change of position must be carried out vigorously and quickly. This change can also be done by counting: 1 — 2, etc. Right here we will again remark, that the different positions are not taken before the execution command Stand! is given; bear this always in mind. 3. Position — Stand! 4. Clap hands in front — Clap! (Lower arms are raised and hands clap croswise in front of chest.) Hands — Down! 5. Clap hands in front and lower quickly in one movement — Clap! 6. Raise arms forw. — Raise! (Arms on level with shoulders, knuckles up, and hands shoulder- width apart.) Arms — Down! 7. Raise arms forw. — Raise! Close and open hands — Close! — Open! — Arms — Down ! 8. Hands on hips— Place!— Down!— Place! — Down! — Place! (The hands are so placed that the palms rest upon hips, fingers closed and pointed forw., thumbs backw., shoulders and elbows well back.) MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 13 y. Bend trunk forw. — Bend! Straighten trunk — Straighten! (This is a bending at the hips, body moving forw., with back and legs straight to a greater or lesser angle; the face should be directed forw.) 10. Turn head to the L. — Turn! — Front! — Turn! — Front! Same, to the R, Hands — Down! (Be careful not to move shoulders, and move head slowly.) 11. Raise arms forw. overh. — Raise! (Arms straightened, hands shoulder-width apart and knuckles turned outward, fingers closed and straightened upward.) Arms — Down! 12. March around the room — March! (The first aisle on the R. (or L.) to begin, next aisle follow, then from the rear up to their aisles and seats. Continue several times. Do not expect to keep step in this grade.) LESSON 3, 1. Repeat fundamental and resting positions. Position — Stand ! 2. Raise arms forw. overh. — Raise! — Close and open hands — Close! — Open! — Arms — Down! 3. Hands on hips — Place! Hands — Down! — Place! — Down! 4. Raise shoulders — Raise! — Down! — (Raising is a shrugging of shoulders a little exaggerated. The shoulders move up and down in a straight line, the rest of body should not participate in the movement, especially not the head.) 5. Raise arms forw. — Raise! Clap hands (once) — Clap! — Clap! — Clap! — Clap! Arms — Down! 6. Hands on hips — Place! — Bend trunk forw. — Bend! — Straighten! — Bend! — Straighten! Hands — Down! 7. March around the room — March! (See Lesson 2, exercise 12.) 8. Raise arms forw. overh.' — Raise! — Clap hands (once) — Clap! Clap ! — Clap ! — Arms — Down ! 9. Close feet (bring toes together) — Close! — Open! — Close! — Open! (Raise forepart of feet while moving.) 10. Turn head to the L. — Turn! — Front! — Turn! — Front! — Same to the R. 11. Hands backw. — Grasp! — Hands — Down! — Grasp! — Down! (The hands are grasped behind, elbows extended, and shoulders well back.) 12. March around the room — March! Teacher beating time by clap- ping hands. 14 MANIIAI. OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. LESSON 4. Position — Stand! 1. Clap hands overh. (once) — Clap! — Down! — Clap! — Down! (Elbows will bend slightly and hands clap crosswise.) 2. Arms forw. — Raise! — Bend hands down and up — Down! — Up! — Down ! — Up ! — Arms— Down ! 3. Grasp hands backw.-^Grasp! — Turn heels outw. — Turn! — To- gether! — Turn! — Together! (In turning heels, always raise slightly on toes during the movement.) 4. Arms forw. overh. — Raise! — (Palm inw.) Bend hands inw. and outw.— Inw. ! — Outw.! — In! — Out! Arms — Down! 5. Hands on hips — Place! — Bend trunk forw. — Bend! — Straighten! — Bend ! — Straighten ! — Hands — Down ! 6. Hands on hips — Place! — Bend trunk backw. — Bend! — Straighten! — etc. Hands — Down! (The bending backward is similar to forward, except that the angle is greater; the back should form a curve; the head maintains its relative position; the face turned toward the ceiling. The legs should be straight and together. Bend but slightly at first and increase gradually.) 7. Bend head backw. — Berd! — Raise! etc. (Move head backward slowly until face is turned toward the ceiling.) 8. Bend head forw. — Bend! — Raise! etc. (Move head forward so that chin will rest on chest.) 9. Hands on hips — Place! — Raise heels — Raise! — Down! etc. (When raising both heels the legs are perfectly straight and together, the feet remaining at right angles to each other; the body should be raised as high as possible and should not sway forward, and when heels are lowered, they must come down slowly and gently, without noise, and the body must not move backward.) 10. Clap hands in front (once) — Clap! — On hips — Place! etc. 11. Clap hands in front twice quickly — Clap! — On hips — Place! etc. 12. The even aisles (alternates) about — Face! (turning on their heels to the opposite direction) — Through the aisles to your L. — March! (Each aisle following the one nearest to their left.) Front — Face! LESSON 5* This week lesson should constitute a review of the foregoing Avork. LESSON 6. In the foregoing lessons all instruction was to be given by "word of command'' without attempting rhythm, while from now on we will attempt mainly to move in rhythm, bv count, give the command — "In time"— Begin! 1—2— 1—2 etc. 1. Position— S' and I' (1)— To Rest— Stand! (2)— In time— Beein!— 1— . 2— 1—2— 1—2— Class (1)— Halt! (2.) MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 15 (When intending to discontinue, caution the class on count 1 by giving the command "Class" and on count 2 give command ''Halt," em- phasizing the last command.) 2. Raise arms forw. — 1! Down^ — 2! Begin! 1 — 2 — 1 — 2 etc. 3. Raise arms forw. overh. — 1! — Down — 2! Begin! — 1 — 2 etc. 4. Hands on hips — Place! Bend knees — 1! — Straighten — 2! Begin! 1—2 etc. (The knees bent to an obtuse angle in primary grades, the body re- maining perfectly erect, feet firmly on floor.) 5. Bend trunk forw. — 1! — Straighten — 2! Begin! 1 — 2 etc. 6. Bend trunk backw. — 1! Straighten — 2! Begin! 1 — 2 etc. 7. Clap hands in front twice quickly — 1! — On hips — 2! Begin! 1 — • 2— etc. 8. Clap hands in front twice quickly, and replace on hips in one count — 1! — Begin! 1 — 1 — 1 etc. 9. Raise heels— 1!— Down— 2!— Begin! 1—2 etc. 10. Close feet (bringing toes together) — 1! — Open — 2! Begin! 1 — 2 etc. 11. Bend knees and clap hands in front — 1! — Back to position — 2! Begin! 1—2 etc. 12. Grasp hands backw. — Grasp! Even aisles about — Face! Through the aisles to your left with clapping hands — March! (Teacher and pupils clapping hands on each first step. Have it un- derstood the class is to stop when the pupils come to their seats the first or second time.) Front — Face! LESSON 7. It is of course understood that every lesson is to begin with the "Fundamental Position." 1. Raise arms outw. — 1! — Down — 2! Begin! 1 — 2! Class (1) — Halt! (2.) (Arms to be straight and level with shoulders, knuckles turned up- ward.) 2. Raise arms outw. — Raise! — Shake the hands — Begin! — Class — Halt ! — Arms — Down ! 3. Hands on hips — Place! Bend trunk sidew. L. — 1! Straighten — 2! Begin! 4. Same to the R. — Hands— Down! (Trunk to be bent directly sideways, head in line with neck and back, legs together and straight, while feet stand firmly with locked heels upon the floor.) 5. Raise shoulders and place hands under same — 1! Down — 2! Be- gin. (In "Hands under shoulders" the arms are raised outw.. so that the elbows are on a level with shoulders, the forearm and Avrist curved so that the hands are in the axilla (arm pit.) The shoulders are ahvays raised vvith the exercise.) 6. Raise heels and clap hands in front — 1! Return — 2! Begin! 16 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 7. Arms outw. — Raise! Swing arms up and down (flying move- ment)— Begin! (Move slowly in the beginning, then increase in rapidity, then again move slowly.) — Arms — Down! 8. Turn head to the L.— 1! Front— 2! Begin! 9. Same R. Begin! (Head should turn as far as possible to desired direction.) 10. Arms backw. — Fold! Raise (flex) L. lower leg backw. — 1! Down — 2! Begin! (Keep knees together in raising lower leg.) 11. Same with R. leg — Begin! Arms — Down! 12. Grasp hands backw. — Grasp! Repeat "March" from last Les- son, while counting 1, 2, 3, 4, pupils clap hands on the first of each four counts. LESSON 8. 1. Raise arms outw. with snapping fingers — 1! Down — 2! Begin! 1—2! 2. Raise arms outw. overh. — 1! — Down — 2! Begin! 3. Hands backw. — Grasp! — Bend head sidew. L. — 1! Raise — 2! Be- gin! 4. Same to the R. ! Begin! Hands — Down! (Move as close as possible toward the corresponding shoulder.) 5. Raise arms outw. overh. with clapping hands (overhead) — 1! Down — 2! Begin! 6. Arms backw. — Fold! (The arms are folded behind the back, the hand grasping the oppo- site arm.) Bend trunk sidw. L. — 1! Straighten — 2! Begin! 7. Same to the R. — Begin! 8. Hands on shoulders — 1! Down — 2! Begin! (Fingers slightly touching shoulders, hands open, while elbows are perfectly level with shoulders, and thrown, back as far as possible.) 9. Hands on shoulders — Place! Clap hands in front — 1! Place on shoulders — 2! Begin! Hands — Down! 10. Hands backw. — Grasp! Raise L. lower leg backw. — 1! Down — 2! Begin! 11. Same with R. lower leg — Begin! 12. Repeat "March" from last Lesson. LESSON 9. 1. Clap hands in front (elbows bent) and quickly place hands on shoulders — 1 ! Down — 2! Begin! 1 — 2! 2. Place hands on shoulders — Place! Clap hands in front and quickly replace in one count — Begin! Hands — Down! 3. Hands on hips — Place! Bend trunk forw. — 1! Straighten — 2! Begin! (See that the chest is well raised and the back straight.) MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 17 4. Arms backw. — Fold! Raise L. leg forw — 1! Lower leg — 2! Begin! (The foot should be raised about twelve (12) inches from the floor, knee straight, toes pointing down.) 5. Same with R. leg — Begin! 6. Fold arms forw. — 1! Fold arms backw. — 2! Begin! Arms — Down! 7. Hands on hips — Place! To hop (on toes) — Begin! (This is a light jump, executed solely on toes, with a correspending slight bend and straightening of knee joints. Body held perfectly erect and mouth tightly closed. The rate should be about 80 hops in a min- ute. The class should be divided in two (2) divisions, one division hopping while the other division beats time with clapping hands in front. After hopping about 20 times the divisions will change exercise. Be cautious not to continue the exercise too long, as it is a vigorous move- ment and causes quick circulaton of the blood.) 8. Grasp hands backw. — Grasp! Even aisles about — face! March through the aisles to your left and clap hands four counts, then march four counts without clapping — March! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4! 1 — 2 — 3^t! 9. Hands on hips — Place! Bend trunk forw. — 1! Straighten — 2! Begin! 10. Same backw. — Begin! 11. Hands on shoulders — 1! On hips — 2! Begin! 12. Bend knees — 1! Straighten — 2! Begin! Hands — Down! LESSON ta This week's lesson should constitute a review of the foregoing four lessons. LESSON tU 1. Arms outw. — Raise! Arms circle overh. — 1! Lower arms to first pos. — 2! Begin! 1 — 2! Arms — Down! 2. Arms outw. — Raise! Arms circle in front — 1! Arms outw. — 2! Begin! Arms — Down! (In circling the arms are curved, the closed fingers of one hand touch the closed fingers of the other hand.) 3. Hands backw. — Grasp! Bend head backw. — 1! Raise — 2! Begin! 4. Same forw. — Begin! 5. Bend trunk backward and clap hands in ffont — 1! — Straighten — 2! Begin! 6. Same forw. without clapping hands — Begin! Hands — Down! 7. Raise arms forw. overh. and clap hands overh. — 1! Lower arms —2! Begin! 8. Raise arms outw. overh. and clap hands overh. — 1! Lower arms —2! Begin! 9. Hands on hips — Place! Turn head L. — 1! Front— 2! Begin! 10. Same R.— Begin! 11. Raise heels and place hands on hips — 1! — Position — 2! Begin! 12. Close feet — 1! Turn toes out — 2! Begin! 18 MANUAL OB^ PHYSICAL CULTURE. LESSON 12. 1. Hands on hips — Place! Even aisles about — Face! Through the aisles to your left — March! Now while class is marching give com- mand — Heels — up! that means to walk on toes, then change command to — Heels — Down! that is common walk. — at the second or fourth round command — Class — Halt! Front — Face! 2. Fold arms forw. — Fold! Fold arms backw. — 1! Fold forw. — 2! Begin! 1 — 2! Arms — Down! 3. Raise arms in front to R. angle — Raise! (Arms on a level with shoulders and L. hand near R. elbow, and R. hand near L. elbow.) Circle arms forw. — Begin! (Or use the com- mand: "The mill is moving slow-ly, the mill is moving faster, still faster, and again the mill is moving slow-ly, and now the mill stops. In ac- cordance with this command move one lower arm around the other lower arm.) 4. Bend trunk backw. and fold arms forw. — 1! Position — 2! Begin! 5. Bend head backw. and fold arms forw. — 1! Position — 2! Begin! 6. Raise arms forw. and clap hands — 1! Down — 2! Begin! 7. Hands on hips — Place! To hop (on toes)- — Begin! (Follow suggestion from Lesson 9.) — Hands — Down! 8. Raise arms forw. — 1! Down — 2! Begin! 9. Raise shoulders and place hands under same — 1! Down — 2! Be- gin! 10. Raise L. leg forw.— 1! .Down — 2! Begin! 11. Same R. — Begin! 12. Repeat '"March" from above. LESSON 13. 1. Clap hands in front twice quickly — 1! Lower — 2! Begin! 1 — 2! 2. Raise arms forw. — Raise! Clap hands overh. twice quickly — 1! Lower arms in forw. pos. — 2! Begin! Arms — Down! 3. Rise on toes and raise lower arms in front to clapping pos. (hands crosswise and elbows bent) — Rise! Rock on toes and clap hands (beat- ing time) — Begin! (Teacher count aloud from 1 — 8 or from 1 — 16, stop exercise a moment and repeat again — Arms and heels — Down! 4. Arms outw. — Raise! Move arms up and down (flying move- ment) — Begin! 1 — 2 — 1 — 2 (rapidly)! Arms — Down! 5. Hands backw. — Grasp! Close feet — 1! Turn toes out — 2! Begin! 6. Turn trunk L. — 1! Front — 2! Begin! 7. Turn trunk R. — 1! Front — 2! Begin! (In turning trunk. % turn, keep legs straight, heels locked, feet firmly on floor.) 8. Clap hands in front twice (elbows bent) and quickly place hands on shoulders — 1! Hands backw. grasp — 2! Begin! MAN U AT. OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 19 9. Arms forw. — Raise! Raise L. lower leg backw. — 1! Down — 2! Begin! 10. Same with R. leg — Begin! 11. Arms backw. — Fold! Raise heels and place hands on shoulders — 1! Return — 2! Begin! 12. Grasp hands backw. — Grasp! Even aisles about — Face! Through the aisles to your L. and clap hands on the first count of each four counts— March! 1—2—3—4! The same, but clap hands on the first of each eight counts — March! 1_2— 3— 4— 5— 6— 7— 8 ! Review during the last few weeks. II GRADE. I TERM. LESSON i. 1. Pos.— Stand! To rest — Stand! In time — Begin! 1 — 2 — 1 — 2 — Class (1)— Halt! (2.) 2. Raise arms forw. — Raise! Clap hands twice — Begin! 1 — 2 etc. Arms — Down ! 8. Hands on shoulders — 1! Hands down — 2! Begin! 4. Hands backw.— Grasp! March around room, and clap hands on the first of each four counts — March! 1 — 2 — 8 — 4. (The first aisle on the R. or L. to begin, next aisle to follow, then from the rear up to their aisles, and seats. Continue several times. Aim to keep step and time, beginning with L. foot.) 5. Bend trunk forw.— 1! Straighten — 2! Begin! 6. Bend trunk backw. and clap hands in front — 1! Return — 2! Begin! 7. Bend trunk forw. and touch toes with fingers — 1! Return — 2! Begin. (In bending trunk keep knees perfectly straight.) 8. Raise arms forw. and clap hands twice — 1! Down — 2! Begin I 9 .Hands on shoulders — 1! Down — 2! Begin! 10. Hands backw. — Grasp! Bend knees — 1! Straighten — 2! Be- gin! 11. Raise heels and place hands on shoulders— 1! Return — 2! Be- gin! 12. Repeat "March" from this lesson, with or without clapping hands. 20 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE LESSON 2, 1. Pos. — Stand! To rest — Stand! Pos. with clapping hands — Stand! — (At the moment of resuming fundamental position we quickly clap hands in front of chest and immediately drop same.) 2 Mark time — March! 1 — 2, etc. Marking time (march on place) indi- cates a sham walk, where pupils raise left and right foot forward alter- nately. Tip of foot must invariably be straightened downward while rais- ing foot. When foot is placed on the floor left ball of foot strike floor first Class — Halt! Teacher should give command of Halt when left foot is raised, then pupils will close heels after raising right foot once more; the closing step is always taken with the right foot. In marking time the arms should hang quietly at the sides. While the movements should be noiseless, they should at the same time be combined with energy and elasticity. Call the attention of your class frequently to a proper and erect po- sition of body in marching. In marking time we call special attention to position of body (fundamental position.) Drill daily in "Marking time" the first few weeks. 3. Clap hands overh. — 1! Down — 2! Begin! 1 — 2! etc. 4. Clap hands overh. twice (in quick succession) — 1! Down — 2! Begin! 5. Hands on hips — Place! Turn head L. — 1! Front — 2! Begin! 6. Same R. — Begin! (Turn head far enough to look over your L. or R. shoulder without moving shoulders.) 7. Bend trunk sidw. L. — 1-! Straighten — 2! Begin! 8. Same R. — Begin! Hands — Down! 9. Arms outw. — Raise! Swing arms up and down (flying motion)— Begin! 1 — 2 etc. (rapidly) — Arms — Down! 10. Arms forw. — Raise! Raise L. leg forw. — 1! Down — 2! Begin! 11. Same with R. leg — Begin! Arms — Down! 12. Mark time — March! (See exercise 2 in this lesson.) LESSON 3. 1. Pos. — Stand! To rest — Stand! With clapping hands, position — Stand! (Repeat several times.) 2. Raise arms forw. — 1! Down — 2! Begin! 1 — 2! 3. Raise arms forw. overh. — 1! Down- — 2! Begin! 4. Hands on hips with clapping — Place! Bend head backw. — 1! Raise — 2! Begin! 5. Same forv/. — Begin! 6. Bend trunk backw. and fold arms forw. — 1! Return — 2! Begin! 7. Bend trunk forw. and touch toes with fingers — 1! Return — 2! Begin! Hands — Down! 8. Raise arms outw. — 1! Down — 2! Begin! (Arms to be straight and on a level with shoulders, and knuckles of hands turned upward. In lowering arms no noise whatever should be noticed.) MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 21 9. Raise arms outw. overh. — 1! Down — 2! Begin! 10. Raise heels and place hands under shoulder — 1! (Read explanation about "hands under shoulder" in lesson 7, I Grade.) 11. Hands on hips — Place! Raise L. heel — 1! Lower L, heel and immediately raise R. heel — 2! Begin! Hands — Down! (While raising one heel, the leg is bent at the knee; the heel is raised from the floor as high as possible; the toes remain in place and the foot should not be turned.) 12. Mark time, and clap hands on the first of each four counts — March! 1—2—3—4 etc. LESSON 4, 1. Pos. with clapping hands (in front) — 1! To rest — 2! Begin! 1—2—1—2! 2. Hands on hips — Place! Straighten arms forw. — 1! On hips — 2! Begin! (Arms must be perfectly straightened, and level with shoulders, knuckles upward, while hands are shoulder-width apart, and fingers closed. Straighten to the desired direction on 1, and place hands on hips at 2.) 3. Straighten arms outw. — 1! On hips — 2! Begin! (In straightening outward Arms come in line with shoulder-blades on a level with shoulders, chest well expanded.) 4. Hands backw. — Grasp! Bend head sidw. L. — V. Raise — 2! Be- gin! 5. Same R. — Begin! 6. Turn trunk to the L. — 1! Front — 2! Begin! 7. Same to the R. — Begin! (Turning (twisting) trunk is about % of a turn from the hip-joints. Pay particular attention that the legs are kept straight, heels locked, and feet to stand firmly on floor.) Hands — Down! 8. Hands on hips — Place! Straighten arms upw. — 1! On hips — 2! Begin! 9. Same downw. — Begin! (In straightening arms upw., straight over head, knuckles of hands are turned outw, and hands shoulder-width apart. In straightening downw., knuckles of hands are turned forw., hands placed at the side of the body.) 10. Raise L. lower leg backw. and place hands on shoulders — 1! Re- turn — 2! Begin! 11. Same with R. leg — Begin! 12. Mark time and clap hands in front on every L. step — March! LESSON 5. In every following lesson the first exercise of one of the foregoing four lessons should open every lesson. 1. Hands on hips — Place! Straighten arms forw. and clap hands — 1! On hips— 2! Begin! 1—2! 22 MANUAT^ OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 2. Straighten arms outw. and snap fingers — 1! On hips — 2! Begin! Hands — Down! 3. Raise L. arm forw. — 1! Lower L. arm and immediately raise R. arm forw. — 2! Begin! 4. Same, but forw. overh. — Begin! 5. Hands on hips — Place! Raise L. heel — 1! Down — 2i Begin! 6. Same R. — Begin! 7. Bend trunk backw. (slightly) and clap hands in front — 1! Bend trunk forw. and place hands on hips — 2! Begin! Hands — Down! 8. Raise L. arm outw. — 1! Lower L. arm and immediately raise R. arm outw. — 2! Begin! 9. Same but outw. overh. — Begin! (Be careful in this exercise that body is held perfectly steady and straight.) 10. Hands backw. — Grasp! Bend head backw. — 1! Bend head forw. —2! Begin! (Move slowly in this exercise and do not repeat too often in suc- cession.) 11. Bend knees and fold arms forw. — 1! Straighten knees and grasp hands backw. — 2! Begin! Hands — Down! 12. Mark time— March! (Pupils should now be able to keep in step.) LESSON 6. 1. Arms to thrust — Bend! Thrust arms forw. — 1! Bend — 2! Be- gin! 1 — 2! (When thrusting arms in any direction they naturally make a half turn; for instance, if we thrust forw., the knuckles will turn upw. ; if we thrust outw., we have the same result. In thrusting upw. the knuck- les come backw.; in thrusting down., knuckles come forw.) 2. Thrust arms outw. — 1! Bend — 2! Begin! Arms — Down! 3. Mark time — March! March once around the room — March! Mark time— March! 4. Hands on shoulders — Place! Bend trunk sidw. L. — 1! Straight- en — 2! Begin! Hands — Down! 5. Hands on shoulders — Place! Bend trunk sidw. R. — 1! Straight- en — 2! Begin! Hands — Down! 6. Arms to thrust — Bend! Thrust arms upw. — 1! Bend — 2! Begin! 7. Thrust arms downw. — 1! Bend — 2! Begin! Arms — Down! 8. Fold arms backw. — Fold! Turn head L. — 1! Front — 2! Begin! 9. Turn head R.—l! Front— 2! Begin! 10. Bend knees and place hands on shoulders— 1! Return — 2! Be- gin! Arms — Down! 11. Raise heels and clap hands overh. — 1! Down — 2! Begin! 12. Mark time and clap hands (in front) on 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, of eight counts — March! MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CI:LTURE. 23 LESSON 7. 1. Mark time — March! Forward from the R. aisle around the room. (Every next aisle following, thence from rear up to their aisle and seats.) — March! Continue several times around room, but pupils should now move in step and time in the "march" from place as well as in the "march" on place. After reaching their seats pupils should mark time.) 2. Raise arms in front to R. angle — Raise! (Arms on a level with shoulders and L. hand near R. elbow, and R. hand near L. elbow.) Cir- cle arms forw. — Begin! (The mill, see lesson 12, Grade I.) Arms — Down! 3. Arms outw. and heels — Raise! Flying movement. (Arms and heels down and up.) — Begin! 1 — 2 etc. (count rapidly.) Pos. — Standi 4. Hands on hips — Place! Turn trunk L. — II Front — 2! Begin! 5. Same R. — Begin! G. Hands on shoulders — Place! Straighten arms forwj — 1! On shoulders — 2! Begin! 7. Straighten arms outw. — 1! On shoulders — 2! Begin! (In straightening forw. arms should be perfectly straight and level with shoulders, knuckles upw., and hands shoulder-width apart. Outw. also on a level with shoulders and in a straight line with shoulder-blades, knuckles turned upw., chest expanded.) 8. Hands backw. — Grasp! Raise L. leg sidew. L. — 1! Down — 2! Begin! 9. Same with R. leg — Begin! (Foot about 12 inches above floor, knees straight, toes down.) 10. Hands on shoulders — Place! Straighten arms upw. — 1! On shoulders — 2! Begin! (Also with clapping hands overhead.) 11. Straighten arms downw. — 1! On shoulders — 2! Begin! (When straightening upw. hands to be shoulder-width apart and knuckles turned outw. In straightening downw., knuckles turned forw. and hands lowered at the side of the body.) 12. Bend knees and clap hands — 1! Return — 2! Begin! Hands — Dowm! 18. j\Iark time four counts and one step forw., halting on the 6th count. Repeat with one step backw. — March! LESSON 8. 1. Hands on hips — Place! Straighten arms forw. and clap hands — 1! On hips— 2! Begin! 1—2—1—2 etc. 2. Straighten L. arm forw. — 1 ! Place L. hand on hip and straighten R. arm forw. — 2! Begin! (Be careful that pupils will not turn trunk.) 3. Straighten L. arm outw. — 1! Place L. hand on hip and straighten R. arm outw. — 2! Begin! Hands — Down! 4. Hands on hips — Place! Bend trunk forw. — 1! Straighten — 2! Begin! (Chest should be well raised and the back straight, face to the front.) 24 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE 5. Bend trunk backw. — 1! Straighten — 2! Begin! (Face turned to ceiling.) Hands backw. — Grasp! 6. Bend head backw. and place hands on shoulders — 1! Return — 2! Begin! 7. Bend head forw. — 1! Raise — 2! Begin! 8. Hands on hips — Place! Straighten L. arm upw. — 1! Place L. hand on hip and straighten R. arm up w. — 2! Begin! 9. Straighten L. arm downw. — 1! Place L. hand on hip and straight- en R. arm downw. — 2! Begin! 10. Close feet — 1! Turn toes outw. — 2! Begin! Hands — Down! 11. Raise heels and place hands on shoulders — 1! Down — 2! Begin! 12. Mark time four counts and march forw. three steps, halting at the eighth count. About — Face! Repeat! LESSON 9. 1. Arms to forw. strike — Raise! (Hands closed to form fist, knuckles outw. and arms bent to an acute angle, elbows to the front and level with the shoulders.) Strike arms forw. — 1! Return — 2! Begin! 1 — 2! (The movement consists of a quick and forcible extension of the forearm upon the arm, without any movement of the latter. Knuckles are turned outw.) 2. Strike L. arm forw. — 1! Return and strike R. arm forw. — 2! Be- gin! Arms — Down! 3. Fold arms backw. — Fold! Raise L. knee forw. — 1! Down — -2! Begin! 4. Same, but R. knee — Begin! (The knee is raised forw. on a level with the hip, the thigh being at R. angles to the body above and to the leg below. Ankle extended and toes pointing downw. In lowering leg', ball of foot should touch floor first.) 5. Arms to outw. strike — Raise! (Same as "hands on shoulders," but hands form fist and knuckles of hands are turned backw.) Strike arms outw. — 1 ! Return — 2 ! B egin ! 6. Strike L. arm outw. — 1! Return and strike R. arm outw. — 2! Begin ! Arms — Down ! 7. Turn trunk L. and place hands on shoulders — 1! Pos. — 2! Begin! 8. Same R. — Begin! . 9. Bend trunk forw. and place hands on hips — 1! Pos. — 2! Begin! 10. Bend head backw. and raise arms circle upw. (eyes in line with hands)— 1! Pos.— 2! Begin! 11. Hands backw. — Grasp! Bend head forw. — 1! Raise — 2! Begin! 12. Raise heels— 1! Down— 2! Begin! 13. Mark time, and on the first of four counts, left face — March! LESSON \0. 1. Mark time and clap hands four counts, then four counts without clapping— March! 1—2—3—4! 1—2—3—4! 2. Arms to thrust — Bend! Thrust arms forw. — 1! Bend — 2! Begin! 1—2-1-2! MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 25 3. Thrust L. arm outw. — 1! Bend L. arm and thrust R. arm outw. — 2! Begin! Arms — Down! 4. Bend trunk sidw. L. and place hands on shoulders — 1! Position — 2! Begin! 5. Same R. — Begin! 6. Bend trunk forw. and touch floor (with fingers) — 1! Straighten —2! Begin! 7. Arms to thrust — Bend! Thrust L. arm upw. — 1! Bend L. arm and thrust R. arm upw. — 2! Begin! 8. Same downw. — Begin! 9. Raise L. leg forw. and place hands on shoulders — 1! Down — 2! Begin! 10. Same with R. leg — Begin! 11. Raise heels and clap hands overh. — 1! Down — 2! Begin! 12. Even aisles about — Face! Mark time — March! Follow aisles to your L., forw. — March! After reaching starting place — Mark time — March I LESSON tU 1. Mark time and R. face on the last of four counts — March! 2. Swing arms forw. — 1! Backw. downw. — 2! Begin! (At count one the arms are brought on a level with shoulders, and on count two they swing backw. as far as possible. Knuckles turned outw. Exercise with vigor and keep arms straight in the elbow-joints. Legs to be kept firmly together and trunk steady and upright.) (Add clapping hands forward or backward.) 3. Swing arms forw. overh. — 1! Forw., down and backw. — 2! Be- gin! (Knuckles turned outw. You can add: — with clapping hands overh. or backw., or: — both.) 4. Raise arms outw. — Raise! Turn head L. — 1! Front — 2! Begin! 5. Same R. — Begin! Arms — Down! 6. Bend head backw. — 1! Raise — 2! Begin! 7. Swing arms outw. overh. and clap iTands overh. — 1! Swing arms outw. downw. and clap hands backw. — 2! Begin! 8. Bend trunk forw. and touch floor with hands — 1! Position — 2! Begin! 9. Raise shoulders and place hands under shoulders — 1! Position —2! Begin! 10. Raise L. knee forw. and place hands on shoulders — 1! Down^ — 2! Begin! 11. Same with R. knee — Begin! 12. Hands on hips — Place! Bend knees — 1! Straighten — 2! Begin! Hands — Down ! LESSON n. 1. Even rows about — Face! Mark time and clap hands on the first of eight counts — March! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4 — 5—6 — 7 — 8. March forw. eight counts, clapping hands on first count, and following rows to your left — March! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4 — 5 — 6 — 7 — 8. Continue the two exercises until reach- ing starting place, when class again will "Mark time." Front — Face! 26 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 2. Hands on shoulders — Place! Straighten arms forw. — 1! On shoulders— 2! Begin! 1—2—1—2! 3. Straighten L. arm outw. — 1! L. hand on shoulder and straighten R. arm outw.— 2! Begin! 1—2—1—2! Hands— Down! 4. Bend trunk sidw. L. and fold arms backw. — 1! Position — 2! Begin! 5. Same R. — Begin! 6. Move shoulders forw. — 1! Backw. — 2! Begin! (Force them in both directions as far as possible, keeping them on the same level.) 7. Hands on shoulders — Place! Straighten L. arm upw. — 1! L. hand on shoulder and straighten R. arm upw. — 2! Begin! 8. Same, but downw. — Begin! Hands — Down! 9. Bend knees and place hands on shoulders — 1! Position — 2! Be- gin! Hands backw. — Grasp! 10. Raise L. foot in front of R. knee — 1! Down — 2! Begin! (The outside of the L. foot is placed against R. knee.) 11. Same R. — Begin! 12. Repeat "Marching exercise" of this lesson. Review during the last few weeks. Ill GRADK. I TERM. LESSON i. 1. Raise arms forw. — 1! Down— 2! Begin! 1 — 2! 2. Same, but overh.^— Begin! 3. Raise L. arm forw. overh. — 1! Lower L. arm and raise R. arm forw. overh. — 2! Begin! 4. Raise L. leg forw. and fold arm.s forw. — 1! Pes. — 2! Begin! 5. Same, but R. leg — Begin! 6. Bend trunk forw. and place hands on hips — 1! Pos. — 2! Begin! , 7. Same, but bend backw. — Begin! 8. Raise arms outw. — 1! Down — 2! Begin! 9. Same, but outw. overh. — 1! Down — 2! Begin! 10. Same as 9, but quickly clapping hands overhead once — 1! Down —2! Begin! (Later clap hands twice in rapid succession overhead in one count.) 11. Raise heels and clap hands overh. — 1! Down: — 2! Begin! 12. Mark time four counts and one step forw., halting on the 6th count — March! Repeat with one step backw. MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 27 LESSON 2. 1. Raise arms forward — 1! Down— 2! Forw. overh. — 3! Down' — 4! Begin! (The same, but clap hands once on first count.) 1 — 2 — 3 — 4 etc. 2. Raise L. leg forw. and arms forw. — 1! Down — 2! Raise R. leg forw. and arms forw. — 3! Down— 4! Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4 etc. 3. Hands on hips — Place! Bend trunk forw. — 1! Straighten — 2! Bend backw. — 3! Straighten- — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 4. Bend trunk forw. and touch floor (with hands) — 1! Pos. — 2! Begin! 5. Raise L. arm outw. — 1 ! Lower L. arm and raise R. arm outw. — 2! Begin! 6. Same, but arms outw. overh. — Begin! 7. Bend head backw. and place hands on shoulders — 1! Pos. — 2! Bend head forw. and fold arms backw. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 8. Arms backw. — Fold! Raise left lower L. backw. — 1! Down — 2! Raise R. lower leg backw. — 3! Down — 4! Begin! Arms — Down! 9. Raise arms forw. overh. — 1! Down — 2! Raise arms outw. overh. —3! Down— 4! Begin! (You can clap hands overhead on counts 1 or 3 — or on counts 1 and 3.) 10. Hands backw. — Grasp! Raise heels — 1! Down — 2! Bend knees — 3! Straighten — 4! Begin! 11. Mark time four counts; march forw. four counts; mark time four counts; march backw. four counts — March! (In 16 counts, on counts 4, 8, 12 and 16. the R. foot is to be placed beside the L. foot.) LESSON 3. 1. Hands on shoulders — Place! Straighten arms outw. — 1! On shoulders — 2! Straighten upw. — 3! On shoulders — 4! Begin!! — 2 — 3 — 4! 2. Straighten L. arm outw. — 1! Left hand on shoulder and straight- en R. arm outw. — 2! Begin! 3. Hands on hips — Place! Bend trunk sidw. L. — 1! Straighten — 2! Bend R.— 3! Straighten— 4! Begin! 4. Hands behind head — Place! While raising arms outw.. bend them so that the hands will be behind the head, the fingers of one hand inter- locked with those of the other at the base of the skull. The elbows are in line with the shoulders and the head well back and pressed against the hands.) Turn trunk L.—l ! Front— 2! Turn R.— 3! Front— 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 5. Hands on shoulders — Place! Straighten arms forw. — 1! On shoulders — 2! Straighten outw. — 3! On shoulders — 4! Begin! 6. Straighten arms upw. — 1! On shoulders — 2! Straighten downw. — 3! On shoulders — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 7. Hands on shoulders — Place! Straighten L. arm upw. — 1! L. hand on shoulder and straighten R. arm upw. — 2! Begin! Hands — Down! 8. Turn head L. and place hands on shoulders — 1! Pos. — 2! Turn head R. and hands on shoulders — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 9. Raise heels and clap hands overhead — 1! Position — 2! Bend knees and clap hands in front — 3! Position — 4! Begin! 28 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 10. Hands backw. — Grasp! Raise L. heel — 1! Down — 2! Right heel —3! Down— 4! Begin! 11. Mark time four counts, march forw. with clapping hands four counts, mark time four counts, and march backw. to place in four counts with clapping hands — March! (See March in Lesson 2.) LESSON 4. 1. Arms to outw. strike — Raise! Strike arms outw. — 1! Return^ — 2! Begin! 1—2! 2. Strike L. arm outw. — 1! Return L. arm and strike R. arm outw. — 2! Begin! Arms — Down! 3. Hands backw. — Grasp! Touchstep forw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Touchstep forw. R. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! (The leg is moved in the direction indicated, the ankle well extended and the toes placed on the floor; the foot retains the same relative posi- tion, i. e., at a right angle to the other. This holds good in all exercises in which one foot is moved away from the other. A fault to be particularly- guarded against in this exercise is the moving of the body either forw. or backw. and especially downw., i. e., a tilting upward of the hip on the side of the body on which is the leg that remains in place and carries the entire weight of the body, no weight being placed upon the foot that moves.) 4. Touchstep forw. L. and raise arms forw. — 1! Pos. — 2! Touchstep forw. R. and raise arms forw. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4! 5. Hands behind head — Place! Bend trunk sidw. L. — 1! Straighten ■ — 2! Sidw. R. — 3! Straighten — 4! Begin! Hands backw. — Grasp! 6. Bend head backw. — 1! Raise — 2! Bend forw. — 3! Raise — 4! Begin! 7. Arms to outw. strike — Raise! Strike L. arm outw. — 1! Re- turn — 2! Right arm — 3! Return^ — 4! Begin! 8. Strike arms outw. — Begin! 1 — 2 — 1 — 2 etc. Hands backw. — Grasp ! 9. Touchstep sidw. L.— 1! Return— 2! Sidw. R.— 3! Return— 4! Begin! 10. Mark time and clap hands on 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 of eight counts — March! LESSON 5* 1. Arms to forw. strike' — Raise! Strike forw. — 1! Return — 2! Be- gin! 1—2! etc. 2. Strike L. arm forw. — 1! Return — 2! R. arm forw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 3. Arms backw. — Fold! Raise L. foot in front of R. knee — 1! Down — 2! R. foot in front of L. knee — 3! Down — 4! Begin! Arms — Down! 4. Hands on hips — Place! Turn trunk L. — 1! Front — 2! Turn R. —3! Front — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 5. Arms to forw. strike — Raise! Strike forw. — 1! Return — 2! Be- gin! Move arms to outw. strike — Move! 6. Strike arms outw. — 1! Return — 2! Begin! Arms — Down! 7. Hands on hips — Place! Bend trunk forw. and touch floor with hands — 1! Return — 2! Begin! 8. Bend head sidw. L.— 1! Raise— 2! Bend R.— 3! Raise— 4! Be- gin! MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 29 9. Arms to forw. strike — Raise! Strike arms forw. — 1! Return — 2\ Move arms to outw. strike — 3! Move to forw. strike — 4! Begin! Arms — Down! 10. Raise heels and place hands on shoulders — 1! Pos. — 2! Bend knees and place hands on shoulders — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Hands — Down ! 11. Even aisles about — Face! Mark time — March! Through the aisles to your L. (Follow rows to your L.) — March! Mark time — March! LESSON 6. 1. Arms to thrust — Bend! Thrust arms forw. — 1! Bend — 2! Thrust outw.— 3! Bend— 4! Begin! 1—2—3—4! 2. Thrust arms upw. — 1! Bend — 2! Thrust downw. — 3! Bend^ — 4! Begin! 3. Fold arms backw. — Fold! Bend trunk forw. — 1! Straighten — 2! Bend backw. — 3! Straighten — 4! Begin! 4. Turn trunk L.— 1! Front— 2! Turn R.— 3! Front— 4! Begin! Arms — Down! 5. Arms to thrust — Bend! Thrust arms forw. and raise L. leg forw. — 1! Return — 2! Thrust arms forw. and raise R. leg forw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 6. Thrust arms upw. — 1! Bend — 2! Thrust arms forw. — 3! Bend — 4! Begin! 7. Raise shoulders upw. — 1! Down — 2! Begin! 8. Move shoulders forw. — 1! Backw. — 2! Begin! 9. Hands behind head — Place! Raise heels — 1! Down — 2! Bend knees — 3! Straighten — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 10. Raise L. foot in front of R. knee and bend arms to thrust — 1! Pos. — 2! Raise R. foot in front of L. knee and bend arms to thrust — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 11. Mark time — March! Even aisles L. about in four counts — Face! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4! Forward to your L., following rows to your L. — March! Mark time — March! Even aisles about — Face! LESSON 7. 1. Swing arms forw. — 1! Downw. backw. — 2! Forward overh. — 3! Downw. backw. (through front direction) — 4! Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4! 2. Arms forw. — Raise! Swing arms outw. — 1! Forward — 2! Downw. backw. — 3! Forward — 4! Begin! 3. Arms backw.— Fold! Turn head L.— 1! Front— 2! Right— 3! Front — 4! Begin! 4. Hands on shoulders — Place! Raise L. knee forw. — 1! Down — 2! Right knee — 3! Down— 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 5. Swing arms outw. overh. and clap hands — 1! Swing arms outw. downw. and clap hands backw. — 2! Begin! 6. Repeat exercise 5 — then swing arms forw. overh. — 3! Swing arms forw. downw. and backw. — 4! Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4 etc. 7. Hands backw. — Grasp! Bend head backw. — 1! Raise — 2! Bend forw. — 3! Raise — 4! Begin! 8. Hands behind head — Place! Bend trunk sidw. L. — 1! Straighten —2! Right— 3! Straighten— 4! Begin! 30 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 9. Arms backw. — Fold I Raise L. lower leg backw. — 1! Down — 2! Right lower leg — 3! Down — 4! Begin! Arms — Down! 10. March forw. four counts — Mark time and L. about-face! (V2 turn) in four counts — March forw. four counts — Mark time and L. about- face in four counts — March! (16 counts.) LESSON 8. 1. Handb on hips — Place! Straighten arms upw. — 1! On hips — 2! Outw.— 3! On hips— 4! Begin! 1—2—3—4! 2 Straighten L. arm upw. — 1! On hip and right arm upw. — 2!- Begin! 3. Straighten L. arm outw. — 1! On hip and R. arm outw. — 2! Begin! 4. Hands behind head — Place! Raise L. lower leg backw. — 1! Down — 2! R. lower leg — 3! Down — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 5. Turn head L. and raise arms outw. — 1! Pos. — 2! Turn head R. and raise arms outw. — 3! Pos — 4! Begin! 6. Hands on hips — Place! Straighten arms forw. — 1! On hips — 2! Straighten arms downw. — 3! Hands on hips — 4! Begin! 7. Straighten arms upw. — 1! On hips — 2! Straighten downw. — 3! On hips — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 8. Move shoulders forw. — 1! Move shoulders . backw. — 2! Begin! 9. Hands on hips — Place! Turn trunk L. — 1! Front — 2! Right — 3! Front— 4! Begin! 10. Hands behind head — Place! Raise L. leg forw. — 1! Down — 2! Right leg — 3! Down — 4! Begin! 11. Mark time four counts, — four counts forw., — mark time with L. about face in four counts — four- counts forw. — mark time with L. about- face in four counts — mark time four counts — March! (24 counts.) LESSON 9. 1. Raise arms forw.- — 1! Down — 2! Forw. overh. — 3! Down — 4! Begin! 1—2—3—4! 2. Raise L. arm forw. overh.— 1! Down — 2! R. arm — 3! Down — 4! Begin! 3. Raise L. leg sidw. and arms outw. — 1! Down — 2! Right leg sidw. and arms outw. — 3! Down — 4! Begin! 4. Hands on hips — Place! Bend trunk forw., clap hands and quickly touch toes — 1! Straighten — 2! Bend trunk backw. — 3! Straighten — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 5. Raise arms outw. — 1! Down — 2! Outw. overh. — 3! Down — 4! Begin! (In raising overhead you may clap hands.) 6. Raise L. arm outw. overh. — 1! Down — 2! R. arm — 3! Down — 4! Begin! 7. Fold arms backw. — Fold! Bend head backw. — 1! Raise-^2! Head forw. — 3! Raise — 4! Begin! 8. Raise L. arm outw. overh. and touchstep sidw. T.. — 1! Pos. — 2! Raise R. arm outw. overh. and touchstep sidw. R. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 9. Raise L. arm forw. overh. and touchstep forw. L. — 1! Pos — 2! Raise R. arm forw. overh. and touchstep forw. R. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 10. Hands on hips — Place! Raise heels — 1! Down — 2! Bend knees — 3! Straighten — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 11. March as in last lesson. MANUAL OF PHYKICAL CULTURJB. 31 LESSON W. 1. Hands on shoulders — Place! Straighten arms forw. — 1! On shoulders— 2! Outw.— 3! On shoulders— 4! Begin! 1—2—3—4! 2. Straighten arm upw. — 1! On shoulders — 2! Downw. backw. (obi.) — 3! On shoulders— 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 3. Touchstep sidw. L. and place hands on shoulders — 1! Pos. — 2! Touchstep sidw. R. and place hands on shoulders — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 4. Hands behind head — Place! Turn trunk L. — 1! Front — 2! Turn R— 3! Front— 4! Begin! Hands— Down! 5. Hands backw. — Grasp! Bend head sidw. L. — 1! Raise — 2! Sidw. R.— 3! Raise— 4! Begin! 6. Hands on shoulders — Place! Straighten arms outw. — 1! On shoulders — 2! Upw. — 3! On shoulders — 4! Begin! 7. Raise L. heel and straighten arms upw. — 1! Return — 2! Raise R. heel and straighten arms upw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 8. Fold arms backw. — Fold! Bend trunk forw. — 1! Straighten — 2! Bend backw. — 3! Straighten — 4! Begin! Arms — Down! 9. Raise L. foot in front of R. knee and place hands on shoulders — 1! Down — 2! R. foot in front of L. knee and hands on shoulders — 3! Down — 4! Begin! 10. Boys left-about — Face! Through the aisles forw. — March! (There being eight aisles in the class, counting from the R., (teach- er's left) aisles 1, 3, 5, 7, are occupied by girls; aisles 2, 4, 6, 8, by boys. After command "March," boys follow aisles nearest to their left (girl's), while girls follow the aisles nearest to their R. (boy's), with the exception that the first (1) aisle in the room, left to teacher, will pass the teacher's desk in front or rear, and move down the last aisle (8), right to teacher; all follow alike and stop when they reach their starting point. Elasticity in movement should predominate.) LESSON U. 1. Hands on hips — Place! Straighten arms upw. — 1! On hips — 2! Straighten forw.— 3! On hips— 4! Begin! 1—2—3—4! 2. Straighten arms downw. — 1! On hips — 2! Straighten outw. — 3! On hips — 4! Begin! 3. Bend trunk sidw. L.—l! Straighten— 2! Sidw. R.— 3! Straight- en — 4! Begin! 4. Hands backw. — Grasp! Bend head backw. — 1! Raise — 2! Forw. —3! Raise— 4! Begin! 5. Hands on hips — Place! Straighten L. arm upw. — 1! L. hand on hip and R. arm upw. — 2! Begin! 6. Straighten L. arm outw. — 1! L. hand on hip and R. arm outw. —2! Begin! 7. Hands on shoulders — Place! Touchstep sidw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Touchstep sidw. R. 3! Return — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 8. Hands on hips — Place! Straighten L. arm upw. and raise L. heel — 1! L. hand on hip and lower L. heel, straighten R. arm upw. and raise R. heel— 2! Begin! 9. Straighten arm upw. — 1! On hips — 2! Straighten downw. — 3! On hips — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 10. Bend knees and raise arms forw. — 1! Pos. — 2! Raise heels and clap hands overh. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 32 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 11. Mark time — March! Boys L. about-face in. four counts — March! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4. Through the aisles forw. — March! (See march in last les- son.) LESSON J 2. 1. Raise arms forw. — 1! Down — 2! Raise outw. — 3! Down — 4! Begin! 1—2—8—4! 2. Raise arms forw. overh. — 1! Down — 2! Raise outw. overh. — 3! Down — 4! Begin! (You can also clap hands overh.) 3. Hands behind head — Place! Raise L. lower leg backw. — 1! Down — 2! Raise R. lower leg backw. — 3! Down — 4! Begin! Arms — Down! 4. Raise arms forw. and clap hands — 1! Down — 2! Raise outw. overh. — 3! Down — 4! Begin! 5. Raise arms outw. and snap fingers — 1! Down — 2! Raise forw. overh. — 3! Down — 4! Begin! 6. Hands on hips — Place! Bend trunk forw. and touch toes (with hands) — 1! Straighten — 2! Bend backw. and fold arms forw. — 8 Straighten — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 7. Raise arms forw. overh. and clap hands — 1! Down^ — 2! Raise arms forw. — 3! Down — 4! Begin! 8. Raise arms out. overh. and clap hands — 1! Down — 1! Raise arms outw. — 3! Down — 4! Begin! (In exercise 7 and 8 you can also clap hands twice overhead in rapid succession; in one count.) 9. Raise L. knee forw. and hands on shoulders — 1! Down — 2! Raise R. knee forw. and hands on shoulders — 3! Down — 4! Begin! 10. Mark time four counts and clap hands, march forw. four counts, mark time four counts and clap hands, march backw. four counts and halt — March! (16 counts.) LESSON J3, 1. Arms to thrust — Bend! Thrust arms forw. — 1! Bend — 2! Thrust OLitw.— 3! Bend— 4! Begin! 1— 2— 3--4! 2. Thrust arms upw. — 1! Bend — 2! Thrust downw. — 3! Bend — 4! Begin! Arms — Down! 3. Touchstep forw. L. and place hands on shoulders — 1! Pos. — 2! Touchstep forw. R. and place hands on shoulders — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 4. Place hands behind head— Place! Turn trunk L. — 1! Front — 2! Turn trunk R. — 3! Front — 4! Begin! 5. Hands on hips — Place! Bend trunk forw. and touch floor (with hands) — 1! Straighten — 2! Bend backw. — 3! Straighten — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 6. Arms to thrust — Bend! Thrust arms forw. — 1! Bend — 2! Thrust arms upw. — 3! Bend — 4! Begin! 7. Hands on hips — Place! Bend head backw. — 1! Raise — 2! Bend forw. — 3! Raise — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 8. Arms to thrust — Bend! Thrust arms upw. and raise L. heel — 1! Return — 2! Thrust arms upw. and raise R. heel — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Arms — Down! 9. Raise L. knee and arms forw. — 1! Pos. — 2! Raise R. knee and arms forw. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 10. March as in last lesson. MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 33 LESSON J4* 1. Arms to outw. strike — Raise! Strike arms outw. — 1! Return — 2! Begin! 1—2! 2. Strike L. arm outw.— 1! Return— 2! R. arm— 3! Return — 4! Begin! Arms — Down! 3. Hands on hips — Place! Bend trunk backw. and place hands on shoulders — 1! Return — 2! Bend trunk forw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 4. Turn head L.—l ! Front— 2! Turn R.— 3! Front— 4! Begin! 5. Hands behind head' — Place! Bend trunk sidw. L. — 1! Straighten — 2! Bend sidw. R. — 3! Straighten — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 6. Arms to outw. strike — Raise! Strike arm.s outw. and touchstep sidw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Strike arms outw. and touchstep sidw. R. — 3! Return — 4 ! B egin 1 7. Strike L. arms outw. — 1 ! Return L. arm and strike R. arm outw — 2! Begin! Arms — Down! 8. Raise L. leg sidw. and fold arms backw. — 1! Down — 2! Raise R, leg sidw. and fold arms backw. — 3! Down — 4! Begin! 9. Hands backw. — Grasp! Raise heels — 1! Down — 2! Bend knees 3! Straighten^-4! Begin! 10. Mark time four counts, L. about-face (% turn) in four counts — • March! (8 counts.) Repeat. IV GRADK. I TERM. LESSON L 1. Raise arms forw. — 1! Down — 2! Raise outw. — 3! Down — 4! Begin! 1—2—3—4! 2. Raise arms forw. overh. — 1! Down — 2! Outw. overh. — 3! Down — 4! Begin! (You can also clap hands overh.) 3. Hands on hips — Place! Raise L. lower leg backw. — 1! Down — 2! Right lower leg backw. — 3! Down — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 4. Raise arms forw. and clap hands — 1! Down — 2! Forwj overh. (without clapping) — 3! Down — 4! Begin! 5. Raise arms outw. — 1! Down — 2! Outw. overh. — 3! Down — 4! Begin! 6. Hands on hips — Place! Bend trunk forw. and touch toes (with hands) — 1! Return — 2! Bend backw. and fold arms forw. — 3! Straighten — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 7. Raise arms forw. overh. — 1! Down — 2! Raise arms outw. — 3! Down — 4! Begin! 8. Raise arms outw. overh. — 1! Down — 2! Raise arms forw. — 3! Down — 4! Begin! 9. Raise L. knee forw. and place hands on shoulders — 1! Pos. — 2! Raise R. knee forw. and place hands on shoulders — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 10. Mark time eight counts — March! Repeat. 34 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. LESSON 2, 1. Arms to thrust — Bend! Thrust arms forw. — 1! Bend^2! Be- gin! 1—2! 2. Thrust arms outw. — 1! Bend — 2! Begin! 3. Exercises 1 and 2 alternately in four counts — Begin! Arms — Down ! 4. Hands on hips — Place! Bend trunk forw. and touch floor (with finger-tips) — 1! Straighten^ — 2! Bend backw. — 3! Straighten — 4! Begin! 5. Hands behind head — Place! Turn trunk L. — 1! Front — 2! Turn trunk R. — 3! Front — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 6. Arms to thrust — Bend! Touchstep forw. L. and thrust arms upw. — 1! Return — 2! Touchstep forw. R. and thrust arms upw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 7. Thrust arm upw. — 1! Bend — 2! Thrust downw. — 3! Bend — 4! Begin! Arms — Down! 8. Hands on hips — Place! Bend head backw. — 1! Raise — 2! Bend forw. — 3! Raise — 4! Begin! 9. Arms to thrust — Bend! Raise L. heel and thrust arms upw. — 1! Return — 2! Raise R. heel and thrust arms upw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 10. Raise L, knee forw. and thrust arms forw. — 1! Return — 2! Raise R. knee forw. and thrust arms forw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 11. Mark time four counts, L. about-face (^^ turn) in four counts — March! (8 counts.) Repeat. LESSON 3* 1. Raise arms forw. twice, four counts — raise L. leg forw. once, two counts (in all six counts) — Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4 — 5 — 6 etc. 2. Raise arms forw. overh. twice, four counts, — raise R. leg forw. once, two counts, — in all six counts — Begin! 3. Raise arms and L. leg forw. twice, four counts, — raise R. leg and fold arms forw. once, two counts — Begin! (In all 6 counts.) Same, but raise R. leg first twice — Begin! 4. Hands on hips — Place! Bend trunk forw. twice, four counts — bend trunk backw. once, two counts — Begin! (In all 6 counts.) Hands — Down! 5. Raise arms outw. overh. twice, four counts — raise heels once, two counts, — in all six counts — Begin! 6.. Raise arms outw. twice, four counts,— Bend knees once, two counts, — in all six counts — Begin! 7. Hands on hips — Place! Bendkneestep forw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Bendkneestep forw. R. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! (This differs from touchstep only in that the knee of the leg which remains in place is bent to a right angle, and the whole foot is placed upon the floor instead of only the toes. Weight of body resting on stationary leg entirely.) Hands — Down! 8. Hands backw. — Grasp! Bendkneestep forw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Same R. — 3! Return^ — 4! Raise arms forw. overh. — 5! Grasp hands backw. — 6! Begin! 9. Bend head backw. once, two counts, — raise heels twice, four counts, (in all six counts) — Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4 — 5 — 6 etc. 10. March as in last lesson, but R. about-face. MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 35 LESSON 4. 1. Hands on shoulders — Place! Straighten arms upw. — 1! On shoulders — 2! Downw. — 3! On shoulders — 4! Begin! 1 — 2 — 3—4! Hands — Down! 2. Hands on shoulders — Place! Straighten L. arm upw. and R. arm downw. — 1! On shoulders — 2! Begin! 3. Straighten L. arm downw. and R. arm upw. — 1! On shoulders — 2! — Begin! Hands — Down! 4. Hands behind head — Place! Bend trunk sidw. L. — 1! Straighten — 2! Right — 3! Straighten — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 5. Raise arms outw. — Raise! Turn head L. — 1! Front — 2! Right — 3! Front — 4! Begin! Arms — Down! 6. Hands on shoulders — Place! Straighten arms forw. — 1! On shoulders — 2! Straighten outw. — 3! On shoulders — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 7. Hands on shoulders — Place! Straighten L, arm forw. and R. arm outw. — 1! On shoulders — 2! Begin! 8. Same, but L. arm outw. and R. arm forw. — Begin! 9. Hands backw. — Grasp! Stride pos. L. foot forw. — Place! Bend L. knee— 1! Straighten — 2! Begin! (Move the leg in the direction in- dicated, allowing the body to move with the foot, and place the latter about 20 inches from the other, firmly upon the floor; the weight of the body must be equally divided.) 10. Feet change place — 1 — 2! — Same as 9, bending R. knee — Begin! Pos. — Stand! 11. Mark time — March! Boys L. about-face in four counts — March! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4! Through the aisles forw. — March! (See march in lesson 10. Ill grade.) LESSON 5. 1. Arms to outw. strike. — Raise! Strike arms outw. — 1! Return — 2! Begin! 1—2! 2. Strike L. arm outw. and touchstep sidw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Same R. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Arms Down! 3. Touchstep forw. L. — 1! Pos. — 2! Raise arms forw. overh. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 4. Same, but touchstep forw. R. — Begin! 5. Touchstep forw. L. and raise arras forw. overh. — 1! Pos. — 2! Begin! C. Same, but touchstep R. — Begin! 7. Arms backw. — Fold! Bend trunk sidw. L. — 1! Straighten — 2! Right — 3! Straighten — 4! Begin! Arms — Down! 8. Hands on hips — Place! Bend trunk forw. — 1! Straighten — 2! Backw. — 3! Straighten — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 9. Arms to outw. strike — Raise! Strike arms outw. and touchstep sidw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Same, but touchstep R. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 10. Hands backw. — Grasp!. Raise heels and bend head backw. — 1! Return — 2! Bend knees and bend head forw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 11. Bendkneestep sidw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Same R. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 36 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. LESSON 6. 1. Arms to forw. strike — Raise! Strike arms forw. twice, four counts — bend knees once, two counts — Begin! 1 — 2 — 3—4 — 5 — 6 etc. 2. Arms to outw. strike — Move! Strike arms outw. twice — Raise heels, once — Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4 — 5 — 6 etc. Arms— Down! 3. Hands behind head — Place! Raise heels twice — Bend knees once —Begin! Hands^ — Down! 4. Arms to outw. strike^ — Raise! Strike arms outw. twice — Bend trunk forw. once — Begin! 5. Move arms to forw strike — Move! Strike arms forw. twice — Bend trunk backw once — Begin! Arms — Down! 6. Fold arms backw. — Fold! Turn trunk L. — 1! Front — 2! Turn R.— 3! Front — 4! Bend trunk forw.— 5! Straighten— 6! Begin! 7. Arms to outw. strike — Raise! Strike L. arms outw. — 1! Return — 2! Strike R. arm outw. — 3! Return — 4! Strike both arms outw. — 5! Return — 6! Begin! 8. Bendkneestep sidw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Bendkneestep sidw. R. — 3! Return — 4! Strike arms outw. — 5! Return — 6! Begin! Arms — Down! 9. Fold arms backw. — Fold! Bendkneestep forw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Bendkneestep forw. R. — 3! Return — 4! Raise heels — 5! Down — 6! Begin! 10. Mark time — March! Even aisles L. about-face in four counts — March! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4! Rows forw. to your L. — March! Mark time — March! Even aisles L. about-face in four counts — March! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4! LESSON 1. 1. Arms to thrust — Bend! Thrust arms forw. — 1! Bend — 2! Thrust outw.— 3! Bend— 4! Begin! 1—2—3—4! 2. Thrust L. arm forw. and R. arm outw. — 1! Bend — 2! Begin! 3. Same, but R. arm forw. and L. arm outw. — Begin! Arms — Down! 4. Arms backw. — Fold! Bend trunk forw. — 1! Straighten — 2! Bend backw. — 3! Straighten — 4! Begin! Arms — Down! 5. Raise L. leg forw. and bend arms to thrust — 1! Pos. — 2! Raise R .leg sidew. and arms to thrust — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 6. Same, but L. leg sidw. on count 1, and R. leg forw. on count 3 — Begin! 7. Arms to thrust — Bend! Thrust arms upw. — 1! Bend — 2! Outw. —3! Bend— 4! Begin! 8. Thrust L. arm upw. and R. arm outw. — 1! Bend — 2! Begin! 9. Thrust L. arm outw. and R. arm upw. — 1! Bend — 2! Begin! Arms — Down! 10. Hands on shoulders — Place! Bend head backw. — 1! Raise — 2! Forw. — 3! Raise — 4! Begin! 11. Arms backw.— Fold! Stride Pos. outw. L. R. (both feet sidw.) — Place! 1 — 2! (Both feet are moved away from each other in quick succession, each about 10 inches length.) Bend L. knee— 1! Straighten —2! Bend R. knee— 3! Straighten— 4! Begin! Pos.— Stand! 1—2! (Before exercising stride pos. outw. the class should either execute L. face. Va, turn, or raise their respective seats in two counts.) MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 37 LESSON 8. 1. Swing arms forw. overh. and raise heels — 1! Arms forw. down backw. and lower heels — 2! Begin! (You can also' clap hands overh.) 1_2_1_2! 2. Arms forw. — Raise! Swing arms outw. and bend knees — 1! Re- turn — 2! Begin! Arms — Down! 3. Turn trunk L. and raise arms forw. — 1! Pos. — 2! Same R. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 4. Stride pos. outw. L. R. and grasp hands backw. — Place! 1 — 2! Bend L. knee — 1! Straighten — 2! Raise arms outw. overh. — 3! Grasp hands backw. — 4! Begin! 5. Same, but bend R. knee — Begin! Pos. — Stand! 1 — 2! 6. Arms backw.— Fold! Turn head L.— 1! Front— 2! Right— 3! Front — 4! Begin! Arms — Down! 7. Stride pos. outw. L. R. and grasp hands backw. — Place! 1 — 2! Bend L. knee and raise arms outw. overh. — 1! Return — 2! Same, bending R. knee— 3! Return-^! Begin! Pos.— Stand! 1—2! 8. Bend trunk forw. and touch floor (with hands) — 1! Return — 2! Bend trunk backw. and fold arms forw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 9. [Hands behind head — Place! Raise L. knee forw. — 1! Downi — 21 Right knee — 3! Down — 4! Begin! Hands' — Down! 10. March forw. four counts, mark time and L. about-face (^^ turn) in four counts, March forw. four counts, mark time and L. about-face in four counts — March! (16 counts.) LESSON 9. 1. Hands on hips — Place! Straighten arms upw. — 1! On hips — 2! Straighten forw.— 3! On hips— 4! Begin! 1—2—3—4! 2. Straighten arms upw. twice^ — Bend trunk forw. once — Begin! 1 — 2—3—4—5—6! 3. Straighten arms forw. twice — Bend trunk backw. once — Begin! 1—2—3—4—5—6. 4. Arms in circle overh. — Raise! Bend trunk sidw. L. — 1! Straight- en— 2! Bend R.— 3! .Straighten— 4! Begin! Arms— Down! 5. Hands on hips — Place! Bendkneestep forw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Bendkneestep forw. R. — 3! Return — 4! Straighten arms forw. — 5! Hands on hips — 6! Begin! 6. Bend head sidw. L. — 1! Raise — 2! Same R. — 3! Raise — 4' Straighten arms upw. — 5! Hands on hips — 6! Begin! 7. Raise L. foot in front of R. knee — 1! Down — 2! Same .R — 3! Down^-4! Straighten arms outw. — 5! Hands on hips — 6! Begin! Hands — Down! 8. Hands on hips — Place! Straighten arms downw. twice, four counts — Straighten arms upw. once, two counts — Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4 — 5—6! 9. Straighten arms upw. twice, four counts — Bend knees once, two counts — Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4 — 5 — 6. 10. Raise heels twice, four counts — Bend knees once, two counts — Begin! 1—2—3—4—5—6! Hands— Down! 38 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. LESSON la 1. Raise arms forw. — 1! Down — 2! Forw. overh. — 3! Down — i! Begin! 1—2—3—4! 2. Raise L. arm forw. and R. arm forw. overh. — 1! Down — 2! Begin! 3. Same, but L. arm forw. overh. and R. arm forw. — Begin! 4. Raise L. knee forw. and arms forw. — 1! Pos. — 2! Same, but raise R. knee forw. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 5. Hands behind head — Place! Bend trunk forw. — 1! Straighten — 2! Backw. — 3! Straighten — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 6. Bend head backw. and raise arms upw. (hands on line with face — 1! Pos.— 2! Begin! 7. Bend head forw. and raise arms backw. — 1! Pos. — 2! Begin! 8. Raise L. arm forw^ and R. arms outw. — 1\ Down — 2! Begin! 9. Same, but L. arm outw. and R. arm forw. — Begin! 10. Touchstep iorw. L. and raise arms forw. overh. — 1! Pos. — 2! Same, but touchstep forw. R. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 11. Mark time, four counts — Four counts forw. — Mark time with L. about-face in four counts — Four counts forw. — Mark time with L. about- face in four counts — Mark time four counts — March! (24 counts.) LESSON U. 1. Hands on shoulders — Place! Straighten arms forw. — 1! On shoulders— 2! Outw.— 3! On shoulders — 4! Begin! 1—2—3—4! etc. Hands — Down! 2. Hands on shoulders — Place! Straighten arms upw. and raise heels— 1! Return— 2! Begin! 3. Straighten arms forw. and bend knees — 1! Return — 2! Begin! 4. Exercise No. 2 and 3 alternately in four counts — Begin! 5. Hands on hips — Place! Turn trunk L. — 1! Front — 2! Turn R. —3! Front— 4! Begin! 6. Hands on shoulders — Place! Bendkneestep sidw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Straighten arms outw^ — 3! Hands on shoulders — 4! Begin! 7. Same, but bendkneestep sidw. R. — Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4! Hands — Down! 8. Bend trunk sidw. L. and place hands on shoulders — 1! Pos. — 2! Same bending R. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 9. Hands on shoulders — Place! Raise L. knee forw. and straighten arms. forw. — 1! Returri — 2! Same, but raise R. knee — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 10. Arms backw. — Fold! Bendkneestep sidw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Bendkneestep sidw. R. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! LESSON n. 1. Hands on hips — Place! Straighten arms upw. twice — Straighten arms forw. once — Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4 — 5 — 6! 2. Straighten arms upw. twice — Bend trunk sidw. L.. once — Begin! 3. Straighten arms forw. twice— Bend trunk sidw. R. once — Begin! 4. Hands behind head — Place! Raise heels twice — Bend knees once — Begin! Hands — Down! 1 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 39 5. Hands behind head — Place! Bend trunk forw. twice — Bend trunk backw. once — Begin! Hands — Down! 6. Hands on hips — Place! Turn head L. — 1! Front — 2! Turn R. — 3! Front — 4! Straighten arms outw. — 5! Hands on hips — 6! Begin! 7. Straighten arms upw. twice — L. face {V4 turn) once — Begin! (Continue this exercise four times, which brings you back to the front.) 8. Same, but turn to the R. — Begin! (In 7 and 8 place 4 counts on arm exercises and 2 counts on the ^A turn.) 9. Raise L. foot in front of R. knee — 1! Down — 2! Raise R. foot in front of L. knee — 3! Down — 4! Straighten arms upw. — 5! Hands on Hips — 6! Begin! Hands — Down! 10. Mark time four counts and clap hands — march forw. four counts- mark time four counts and clap hands — March backw. four counts and halt — March! (16 counts.) LESSON 13. 1. Arms to thrust — Bend! Thrust arms forw. — 1! Bend — 2! Thrust upw.— 3! Bend-^! Begin! 1—2—3—4! 2. Thrust L. arm forw. and R. arm upw. — 1! Bend — 2! Begin! 3. Same, but L. arm upw. and R. arm forw. — Begin! 4. Hands on hips — Place! Bend trunk forw. — 1! Straighten — 2! Turn trunk L. — 3! Front — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 5. Hands behind head — Place! Bend trunk backw. — 1! Straighten — 2! Turn trunk R. — 3! Front — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 6. Arms to thrust — Bend! Thrust L. arm forw. and R. arm outw. — 1! Bend— 2! Begin! 7. Same, but L. arm outw. and R. arm forw. — Begin! Arms — Down! 8. Arms backw. — Fold! Bend head backw. — 1! Raise — 2! Turn head L.— 3! Front— 4! Begin! 9. Bend head forw.— 1 ! Raise— 2! Turn head R.— 3! Front— 4! B egin ! ArmS' — D own ! 10. Bendkneestep forw. L. and bend arms to thrust — 1! Pos. — 2! Bendkneestep sidw. R. and bend arms to thrust — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 11. Same, but first bendkneestep sidw. L., then forw. R. — Begin! LESSON i4. 1. Raise arms forw. — 1! Down — 2! Raise arms outw. — 3! Down — 4! Begin! 1—2—3—4! 2. Raise arms forw. and touchstep forw. L.-^l! Pos. — 2! Raise arms forw. and touchstep forw. R. — 3! Pos.^4! Begin! 3. Raise arms outw. and touchstep sidw. L. — 1! Pos. — 2! Raise arms outw .and touchstep sidw. R. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 4. Hands behind head — Place! Bend trunk sidw. L. — 1! Straighten —2! Bend sidw. R.— 3! Straighten— 4! Begin! Hands— Down! 5. Bend trunk backw. and raise i^rms forw. upw. (in line with face) — 1! Pos. — 2! Bend trunk forw. and tiiwh. floor (with finger-tips) — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 40 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. (Change the exercise by clapping hands in raising arms upw. or clap hands backw. in bending trunk forw,) 6. Raise L. knee forw. — Raise! Raise arms forw. and straighten L. leg forw. — 1! Raise knee and arms down — 2! Begin! 1 — 2! Leg; — Down! 7. Same, but R. leg. (In straightening the leg forw. the knee straightens and the foot comes about 12 inches above the floor.) 8. Raise arms forw. overh. and raise heels — 1! Pes. — 2! Raise arms forw. and bend knees — 3! Pes. — 4! Begin! (For a change, clap hands overh. while raising arms overh.) 9. Stride pos. outw. L. R. and grasp hands backw.^ — Place! 1 — 2! Bend L. knee and raise arms outw. — 1! Return — 2! Bend R. knee and raise arms outw. overh. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Pos. — Stand! 1 — 2! 10. Mark time four counts, march forw. four counts, mark time four counts, march backw. four counts and halt — March! (16 counts.) You may clap hands on the first of each four counts. Repeat! V GRADK I TERM. LESSON U 1. Raise arms forw. — 1! Down — 2! Forw. overh. — 3! Down^ — 4! Begin! 1—2—3—4! 2. Raise arms forw. and touchstep forw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Arms forw. overh. and touchstep forw. R. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 3. Raise arms outw. and touchstep sidw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Arms outw. overh. and touchstep sidw. R.^^! Return — 4! Begin! 4. Fold arms backw. — Fold! Bend trunk forw. and touchstep backw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Bend trunk backw. and touchstep forw. L. — 3! Re- turn — 4! Begin! Same, but touchstep R. — Begin! Arms — Down! 5. Turn trunk L. and raise arms forw. — 1! Return^ — 2! Turn trunk R. and raise arms forw. — -3! Return — 4! Begin! 6. Raise arms backw. (obi.) and touchstep backw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Raise arms forw. overh. and touchstep forw. L. — 3! Return — 4! Be- gin! Same, but touchstep R. — Begin! 7. Raise arms sidw. L. and touchstep sidw. L. — 1! Return^ — 2! Raise arms sidw. R. and touchstep sidw. R. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! (In raising arms sidw. L. both arms move in that direction, R. arm bends in the elbow-joint, R. hand near L. shoulder, both arms on a level with shoulders. In moving to the R. the L. arm will bend.) 8. Raise arms forw. upw. and bend head backw. — 1! Return — 2! Raise arms backw (obi.) and bend head forw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 9. Hands backw. — Grasp! Touchstep sidw. L. — 1! Return' — 2! Bendkneestep sidw. L, — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Same to the R. — Begin! 10. Mark time eight counts, march forw. eight counts, mark time eight counts, march backw. eight counts — March! Repeat! (Before beginning exercise 10 the class should walk backw. a few steps.) MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 41 LESSON 2. 1. Hands on hips — Place! Straighten arms upw. — 1! On hips — 2! Straighten forw.— 3! On hips— 4! Begin! 1—2—3—4! 2. Straighten arms upw. and raise heels — 1! Return — 2! Straighten arms forw. and bend knees — 3! Return — 4! Begin! (From this grade on upw. bending knees is to be executed to a R. angle, a deep bend, heels raised so weight of body rests on the forepart of feet, body erect.) 3. Straighten arms outw. and bendkneestep sidw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Same, but bendkneestep sidw. R. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 4. Hands behind head — Place! Bend trunk forw. — 1! Straighten — 2! Bend backw. — 3! Straighten — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 5. Hands behind head— Place! Turn trunk L.— 1! Front— 2! Turn R. — 3! Front — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 6. Hands on hips — Place! Straighten arms forw. and bendkneestep forw. L. — ^1! Return— 2! Same, but bendkneestep forw. R. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 7. Straighten arms upw. and bendkneestep backw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Same, but bendkneestep backw. R. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 8. Hands backw. — Grasp! Bendkneestep sidw. L. and turn head L. —1! Return— 2! Same to the R.— 3! Return-^! Begin! 9. Hands on hips — Place! Straighten arms forw. and bendkneestep forw. L, — 1! Return — 2! Straighten arm.s outw. and bendkneestep sidw. L. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Same, but bendkneestep R. — Begin! 10. Touchstep sidw. L. and clap hands overh. — 1! Return^ — 2! Bend- kneestep sidw. L. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Same, but touchstep and bendkneestep R. — Begin! Hands — Down! LESSON 3. 1. Arms to thrust — Bend! Thrust arms forw. — 1! Bend — 2! Thrust outw.— 3! Bend— 4! Begin! 1—2—3—4! 2. Thrust arms upw. — 1! Bend — 2! Thrust outw. — 3! Bend — 4! Begin! 8. Bend trunk backw. and thrust arms upw. — 1! Return — 2! Bend trunk forw. and touch floor (with open hand) — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Arms — Down! 4. Arms to thrust — Bend! Bend trunk sidw. L. and thrust arms outw. — 1! Return — 2! Bend trunk sidw. R. and thrust arms outw — 3! Return — 4! Begin! (In thrusting arms outw. they are to be on a level with shoulders.) 5. Stride pos. L. foot forw. — Place! Thrust arms forw. and bend L. knee — 1! Return — 2! Thrust arms outw. and bend R. (rear) knee — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 6. Feet change place — 1 — ^2! Same as exercise 5, but bend R. knee on count 1, and L. knee on count 3 — Begin! Pos. — Stand! 7. Arms to thrust— Bend! Stride pos. outw. L. R.— Place! 1—2! Bend L. knee and thrust arms outw. — 1! Return — 2! Same, but bend R. knee— 3! Return — 4! Begin! 8. As exercise 7, but thrust arms upw. — Begin! Pos. — Stand! 1 — 2! 42 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 9. Arms to thrust — Bend! Stride pos. outw. L. R. — Place! 1 — 2! One-fourth turn L. (left-face) on heels, bend L. knee and thrust arms forw. — 1! Return to front — 2! Same R. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Pos. — Stand! 1 — 2! (Before beginning this exercise raise seats, or execute Vi turn.) 10. See march in lesson 1, add clapping hands on the first of eight counts, LESSON 4. 1. Raise arms and L. leg forw. — 1! Down — 2! Arms and R. leg forw.— 3! Down— 4! Begin! 1—2—3—4! 2. Same, but bend stationary leg — Begin! 8. Raise arms forw. overh., raise L. leg forw. and bend R. (station- ary) leg — 1! Return — 2! Raise arms forw. overh., raise R. leg forw. and bend L. leg — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 4. Hands behind head — Place! Bend trunk obi. backw., L. and R. — Begin! 1—2—3—4! Hands— Down! (In bending obliquely backw. L. turn trunk first to the R., thence bend backw. L. on count — 1! Straighten trunk and turn to the front on count— 2! similar to the R. 3—4!) 5. Hands behind head — Place! Bend trunk obi. forw., L. and R. — Begin! 1—2—3—4! Hands— Down! (In bending obliquely forw. L. turn trunk first L. then bend forw. on count — 1! straighten trunk and turn to the front on count — 2! similar to the R. 3—4!) 6. Raise arms forw. overh. and raise heels — 1! Down — 2! Raise arms outw. overh. and raise heels — 3! Down — 4! Begin! 7. Same, but bend knees, in'stead of raising heels — Begin! 1 — 2 — 3—4! 8. One-fourth turn L. (L. face) and raise arms forw. overh. — 1! Arms down — 2! L. face and raise arms forw. overh. — 3! Arms down — 4! Repeat movement one — 5! Arms down — 6! Repeat movement one — 7! Arms down — 8! Begin! (Count 7 brings class back to front.) 9. Same, but one-fourth turn R. and raise arms forward — Begin! 10. Arms backw. — Fold! Raise L. leg sidw. and bend R. leg — 1! Re- turn — 2! Same to the R., but bend L. leg — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Arms — Down! LESSON 5. 1. Hands on shoulders — Place! Straighten arms backw. downw. (obi.) and raise L. leg backw. — 1! Return — 2\ Same, but R. leg backw. —3! Return— 4! Begin! 1—2—8—4! Hands— Down! 2. Hands on shoulders and raise L. knee forw. — Place! Straighten arms and L. leg forw. — 1! Return — 2! Straighten arms and L. leg outw. 8! Return — 4! Begin! Hands and leg — Down! 3. Same, but while R. knee is raised straighten R. leg — Begin! Hands and leg — Down! 4. Hands on shoulders — Place! Turn trunk L. and straighten arms forw. — 1! Return — 2! Turn trunk R. and straighten arms forw. — 81 Return — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 43 5. Same, but straighten arms outw. — Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4! (While trunk executes Vs of a turn arms are to be on a straight line with shoulders, chest well expanded.) Hands — Down! 6. Hands on shoulders — Place! Bend trunk obi. forw. L. and fold arms forw. — 1! Return — 2! Same, but bend trunk obi. forw. R. — 3! Re- turn — ! Begin! Hands — Down! 7. Hands on shoulders — Place! Bend trunk obi. backw. L. and straighten arms upw. — 1! Return — 2! Same, but bend trunk obi. backw. R.— 3! Return — 4! Begin! Hands— Down! (In straightening arms same are to be in line with face.) 8. Hands on shoulders — Place! Straighten arms overh. and raise heels — 1! Return — 2! Straighten arms forw. and bend knees — 3! Re- turn — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 9. Hands on shoulders — Place! Straighten arms outw. and raise heels — 1! Return — 2! Straighten arms outw. and bend knees — 3! Re- turn — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 10. a. Close rows (aisles) forw. — March! (The front pupil of each aisle moves forw. as far as possible, so those in front can form a straight line, each pupil close up within about 12 inches of the one in front, and then stop.) h. L, — Face! Walk sidw. L. to your starting places — March! c. L. — Face! Close rows forw. — March! (Now last pupil of each aisle will walk forw. and form a straight line while rest will close up as in "a."> d. L. — Face! Walk sidw. as in b. — Front — Face! Repeat the march, but begin with Mark lime — March! and always after reaching the closing point in a, b, c, and d, mark time. Class — Halt! LESSON 6. 1. Hands on' hips — Place! Straighten arms forw. and touchstep forw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Same, but touchstep forw. R. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 1—2—3—4! 2. Straighten arms outw. and touchstep sidw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Same, but touchstep sidw. R. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 3. Straighten arms forw. and touchstep forw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Straighten arms forw. and lunge forw. L. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Same, but touchstep and lunge forw. R. — Begin! (In the lunge tTie foot advances in the desired direction about 20 inches, and is placed firmly on floor; ball of foot touching floor first, at the same moment the advancing leg is bent so the knee projects beyond the toes; the body moves in the same direction. The stationary leg is kept perfectly straight and foot is not moved or raised in the least. Toes are turned outward. The exercise should be done quietly and with ease. In bringing the advanced leg back to its starting point, pay particular attention that the stationary leg be kept perfectly straight, knee of that leg should not bend in the least.) 4. Straighten arms outw. and touchstep sidw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Straighten arms outw. and lunge sidw. L. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Same, but touchstep and lunge sidw. R. — Begin! Hands — Down! 5. Hands on hips — Place! Bend trunk forw. and touch floor with finger-tips — 1! Return — 2! Bend trunk backw. and straighten arms upw. —3 ! R eturn— 4 1 B egin ! 44 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 6. Bend trunk sidw. L. and straighten arms outw. — 1! Return — 2! Same ,but bend trunk to the R. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! (In this exercise be careful that arms move in a straight line with shoulders.) 7. Hands behind head — Place! Raise heels — 1! Down — 2! Bend knees — 3! Straighten — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 8. Hands behind head — Place! Turn trunk L. — 1! Front — 2! Turn R.— 8! Front— 4! Begin! Hands— Down! 9. Hands on hips — Place! Bend head backw. and straighten arms upw. (in front of face) — 1! Return — 2! Bend head forw. and straighten arms backw. downw. obi. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 10. Raise heels — 1! Down — 2! Lunge backw. L. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Same, but lunge backw. R. — Begin! LESSON 7. 1. Arms to thrust — Bend! One-fourth turn L. (L. face) and thrust arms forw. — 1! Bend arms — 2! Repeat movement one — 3! Bend arms — 4! Repeat movement one — 5! Bend arms — 6! Repeat movement one — 7! Bend arms — 8! Begin! (Count 7 brings class back to front.) 2. Same, but one-fourth turn R. and thrust arms upw. — Begin! 3. Thrust arms upw. twice — lunge backw. L. once — lunge backw. R. once — Begin! (In eight counts.) 4. Thrust arms outw. twice — Bend trunk sidw. L. and touchstep. sidw. L. once — Bend trunk sidw. R. and touchstep sidw. R. once — Begin! 1—2—3—4—5—6—7—8 etc. 5. Thrust arms forw. and raise L. leg forw. — 1! Return — 2! Same, but raise R. leg forw. — 3! Return — 4! Bend trunk forw. and place hands on shoulders twice (from 5— 8)— Begin! 1—2—3—4—5—6—7—8. 6. Thrust arms outw. and 'raise L. leg sidw. — 1! Return — 2! Same, but raise R. leg sidw. — 3! Return — 4! Bend trunk backw. and place hands on shoulders twice (from 5 — 8) — Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4 — 5 — 6 —7—8. 7. Thrust arms upw. and raise L. leg backw. — 1! Return — 2! Same, but raise R. leg backw.— 3! Return — 4! Thrust arms downw. backw. twice (from 5 — 8) — Begin! 8. Thrust arms backw. downw. (obi.) and raise L. leg backw. — 1! Return — 2! Thrust arms backw. downw. and raise R. leg backw. — 3! Re- turn — 4! Raise heels twice (from 5 — 8) — Begin! Arms — Down! 9. "March" from lesson 5. LESSON 8, 1. Arms to forw. strike — Raise! Strike arms forw. — 1! Return — ^2! Move elbows outw. — 3! Move elbows forw. — 4! Begin! 1 — 2 — 8 — 4 Arms — Down! 2. Arms to outw. strike — Raise! Strike arms outw. and turn head L.— 1! Return— 2! Same, but turn head R.— 3! Return— 4! Begin! Arms — Down! 3. Arms to outw. strike — Raise! Strike arms outw. and bendknee- step sidw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Same, but bendkneestep sidw. R.— 3! Re- turn — 4! Begin! Arms — Down! 4. Arms to forw. strike — Raise! Strike arms forw. and bendknee- step backw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Same, but bendkneestep backw. R.^^! Return — 4! Begin! Arms — Down! MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE 45 5. Hands backw. — Grasp! Bendkneestep forw. L. and bend trunk forw. — 1! Return — 2! Bendkneestep forw. R. and bend trunk forw. —3! Return— 4! Begin! 6. Place hands behind head and raise L. leg backw. — 1! Pos. — 2\ Same, but raise R. leg backw. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 7. Place hands behind head and raise L. lower leg backw.— 1! Pos. —2! Same, but raise R. lower leg backw. — 3! Pos.--4! Begin! 8. Arms to outw. strike — Raise! Turn trunk L. and strike arms outw. — 1! Return — 2! Turn trunk R. and strike arms outw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Arms — Down! 9. Arms to outw. strike. — Raise! Bendkneestep sidw, L. strike L. arm sidw. and place R. arm in small of back — 1! Return — 2! Bendknee- step sidw. R. strike R, arm sidw. and place L. arm in small of back — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Arms — Down! 10. Arms backw. — Fold! Touchstep backw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Bendkneestep backw. L. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Same, but touchstep and bendkneestep R. — Begin! Arms — Down! LESSON 9. 1. Hands on hips and L. knee forw. — Place! Straighten arms and L. leg forw. — 1! Return — 2! Straighten arms and L. leg outw. — 3! Re- turn— 4! Begin! 1—2—3—4! Leg— Down! 2. Raise R. knee forw. — Raise! Same, but straighten arms and R. leg — Begin! Leg — Down! 3. Raise L. knee forw. — Raise! Straighten arms and L. leg forw. — 1! Return — 2! Straighten arms upw. and L. leg backw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Leg — Down! 4. Raise R. knee forw. — Raise! Same, but straighten arms and R. leg — Begin! Hands and leg — Down! 5. Arms backw. — Fold! Bend trunk obi. forw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Bend trunk obi. forw. R. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 6. Bend trunk obi. backw. L.— 1! Return— 2! Same, obi. R.— 3! Return — 4! Begin! Arms — Down! 7. Hands on hips and stride pos. L. foot forw. — Place! Straighten arms forw. and bend L. knee — 1! Return — 2! Straighten arms upw. and bend R. (rear) knee — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 8. Feet change place — 1 — 2! Same as exercise 7. but bend R. knee on count 1, and L. knee on count 3 — Begin! Pos. — Stand! 9. Hands on hips and stride pos. outw. L. R. — Place! 1 — 2! Bend L. knee and straighten arms outw. — 1! Return — 2! Bend R. knee and straighten arms upw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Pos. — Stand! 1 — 2! 10. Mark time eight counts and one-fourth turn L. (L. face) in the last four counts — March sidw. L. eight counts — March sidw. R. eight counts — Mark time eight counts and one-fourth turn R. (R. face) in the last four counts— March! (In all 32 counts.) LESSON 10. 1. One-fourth turn L. (L. face) and raise arms forw. — 1! Arms down — 2! One-fourth turn L. and raise arms forw. — 3! Arms down — 4! Repeat movement one — 5! Arms down — 6! Repeat movement one — 7! Arms down— 8! Begin! 1—2—3—4—5—6—7—8! 2. Same as exercise 1, but one-fourth turn R. and raise arms forw. overh. — Begin! 46 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 3. Raise arms and L. leg forw. — 1! Pos.— 2! Same, but R. leg forw. —3! Pos.— 4! Begin! 4. Raise arms outw. overh. and L. leg sidw. — 1! Pos. — 2! Same, but R. leg sidw.— 3! Pos.— 4! Begin! 5. Raise arms forw. overh. and L. leg backw. — 1! Pos.— 2! Same, but R. leg backw.— 3! Pos.— 4! Begin! 6. Stride pos. L. foot forw. — Place! Hands behind head and bend trunk forw. — 1! Re.urn — 2! Hands behind head and bend trunk backw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Feet change place — 1 — 2! Same, but bend R. knee first— Begin! Pos.— Stand! 1—2! 7. Stride pes. outw. L. R. — Place! 1—2! Place hands behind head and bend trunk sidw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Hands behind head and bend trunk sidw. R.— 3! Return— 4! Begin! Pos.— Stand! 1—2! 8. Raise arms forw. overh. and raise heels — 1! Arms down and bend knees — 2! Raise arms forw. overh. and raise heels — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 9. Bend trunk forw. and touch floor with finger-tips— 1! Pos. — 2! Bend trunk backw. and raise arms forw. upw. — 3! Pos.— 4! Begin! (In raising arms forw. upw., vertical, hands are in line with face.) 10. Hands backw. — Grasp! Raise L. leg backw. — 1! Down — 2! Bend knees — 3! Straighten — 4! Begin! 11. Raise R. leg backw. — 1! Down — 2! Raise heels — 3! Down — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! LESSON n, 1. Hands on shoulders — Place! Touchstep forw. L. and straighten arms forw. — 1! Return — 2! Lunge forw. L. and straighten arms forw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4! .Same, but touchstep and lunge R. — Begin! 2. Touchstep sidw. L. and straighten arms outw. — 1! Return — 2! Lunge sidw. L. and straighten arms outw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Same, but touchstep and lunge R. 3. Arms backw. — Fold! Stride backw. L. and bend head backw. — 1! Return — 2! Stride forw. R. and bend head forw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! (In stride move the one foot in the desired direction about 20 inches.) Same, but stride backw. R. first and on count 3 forw. L. Arms — Down! 4. Hands on shoulders — Place! Touchstep backw. L. and straighten arms upw. — 1! Return — 2! Lunge backw. L. and straighten arms upw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Same, but touchstep and lunge R. 5. Bend trunk sidw. L. and straighten arms outw. — 1! Return — 2! Bend trunk sidw. R. and straighten arms outw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 6. Turn trunk L. and place hands on shoulders — 1! Pos. — 2! Turn trunk R. and place hands on shoulders — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 7. Hands on shoulders — Place! Touchstep forw. L. and straighten arms upw. — 1! Return — 2! Touchstep sidw. L. and straighten arms outw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! The same, but touchstep R. 8. Raise L. foot in front of R. knee and straighten arms outw. — 1! Return — 2! Same, but R. foot in front of L. knee — 3! Return — 4! Be- gin! Hands — Down! 9. Hands on shoulders — Place! Raise L. lower leg backw. and straighten arms upw. — 1! Return — 2! Same, but R. lower leg backw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! I MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 47 10. Mark time eight counts (begin with R. foot) and one-fourth turn R. (R. face) in the last four counts — March sidw. R. eight counts — March sidw. L. eight counts — Mark time eight counts and one-fourth turn L. (L. face) in the last four counts — March! (In all 32 counts.) LESSON t2. 1. Hands on hips — Place! Straighten arms forw. and bendkneestep forw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Straighten arms forw. and bendkneestep forw. R.— 3! Return— 4! Begin! 1—2—3—4! 2. Straighten arms outw. and bendkneestep sidw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Same, but bendkneestep sidw. R. — 8! Return — 4! Begin! 3. Straighten arms backw. downw. (obi.) and bendkneestep backw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Straighten arms backw. downw. and bendkneestep backw. R. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 4. Place hands behind head and bend trunk obi. forw. L. — 1! Pos. — 2! Same, but bend trunk obi. forw. R. — 8! Pos. — 4! Begin! 5. Place hands behind head and bend trunk obi. backw. L. — 1! Pos. — 2! Same, but bend trunk obi backw. R. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 6. Hands on hips — Place! Straighten arms outw. and turn head L. — 1! Return— 2! Same, but turn head R.— 3! Return^! Begin! 7. Straighten arms upw. and bendkneestep backw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Same, but R. leg backw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 8. Straighten arms outw. and bendkneestep forw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Same, but R. leg forw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 9. Arms backw. — Fold! Bendkneestep sidw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Bend knees — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 10. Bendkneestep sidw. R. — 1! Return — 2! Raise heels — 8! Return — 4! Begin! Arms — Down! LESSON t3. 1. Arms to thrust — Bend! One-fourth turn L. (L. face) and thrust arms forw. — 1! Bend arms — 2! Same as first movement — 3! Bend arms —4! Same as first movement — 5! Bend arms — 6! Same as first move- ment — 7! Bend arms — 8! Begin! 2. One-fourth turn R. and thrust arms upw. — 1! Bend arms — 2! Same as first movement — 3! Bend arms — 4! Same as first movement — 5! Bend arms — 6! Same as first movement — 7! Bend arms — 8! Begin! 3. Arms backw. — Fold! Stride sidw. L. and turn head L. — 1! Re- turn — 2! Stride sidw. R. and turn head R. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Arms — Down! 4. Arms to thrust and stride pos. L. foot forw. — Place! Bend knees and thrust arms forw. — 1! Return — 2! Begin! Feet change place — 1 — 2! Repeat first exercise — Begin! Pos. — Stand! (While bending both knees the rear knee will always nearly touch the floor, both feet rise on toes.) 5. Arms to thrust and stride pos. L. foot forw. — Place! Raise heels and thrust arms upw. — 1! Return — 2! Begin! Feet change place — 1 — 2! Repeat raising heels and thrusting arms — Begin! Pos. — Stand! 48 MANUAL t)b- PHYSICAL crLTURK. d. Anns to thrust — Bend! Bend trunk obi. backw. L. and thrust amis upw. — II Return — '21 Bend trunk obi. backw. R. and thrust arms upw. — 3! Return — il Begin! (In thrusting arms upw. they are to be in a vertical line with face.) 7. Bend trunk obi. I'orw. L. and fold arms lorw. — 1! Return — 2! Same, but obi. forvv. R. — 3! Return — i! Begin! Arms — Down! 8. Arms to thrust — Bend! Raise L. knee forw. — Raise! Thrust arms forw and straighten L. leg forw. — II Return — "21 Thrust arms outw. and straighten L. leg sidw. — 31 Return — t! Begin! L. leg downw. and raise R. knee forw. — Change! Same exercise as before in four counts — Begin! Leg — Down I 9. Raise L. knee forw. — Raise! Thrust arms forw. and straighten L. leg forw. — 1! Return — 2! Thrust arms upw. and straighten L. leg backw. downw. — 31 Return — 4! Begin! L. leg down and raise R. knee forw. — Change! Same exercise as before in four counts — Begin! Leg — Down! 10. (In this exercise the class should first advance a few steps and front pupils of aisles form a straight line.) — !Mark time and L. about-face (Vq turn) in eight counts — March fonv. eight counts — L. about-face in eight counts — March forw. eight counts — March! (32 counts in all.) (In the above exercise we placed eight counts on the one-half turn, that would be exactly four counts on each one-fourth turn.) LESSON 14. 1. Raise arms forw. overh. and touchstep forw. L. — II Pos. — 21 Raise arms forw. and touchstep forvv. R. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 1 — 2 2. Raise arms forvv. and bendkneestep forw. L. — II Pos. — 2! Same. but bendkneestep forw. R. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 3. Raise arms sidw. L. and bendkneestep sidw. L. — 1! Pos. — ^2! Raise arms sidw. R. and bendkneestep sidw. R.— -3! Pos. — 4! Begin! (In raising arms sidw. L. the R. arm is bent so R. hand is placed near L. shoulder: same holds good to the opposite direction. L. hand near R. shoulder. Both arms are to be on a level with shoulders.) 4. Hands behind head — Place! Turn tnmk L. — II Front — 2! Turn R.— 3! Front— 4! Begin! Hands— Down! 5. Hands behind head — Place! Raise heels — II Bend knees — 2! Straighten knees (remaining on tiptoe) — 31 Heels down — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 6. Raise arms outw. and bend trunk sidw. L. — II Pos. — 2! Same. but bend tnmk sidw. R.— 3! Pos. — 41 Begin! 7. Bend trunk backw. and raise arms forw. upw. — 1! Pos. — 2! Bend trunk forw. and touch floor (with finger-tips) — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 8. Bendkneestep backw. L, bend head backw. and raise arms fonv. upw. — II Pos. — 2! Same, but bendkneestep backw. R. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 9. Bendkneestep forw. L. ber.d head forw. and fold arms backw. — 1! Pos. — 2! Same, but bendkneestep forw. R. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 10. Arms backw.— Fold! Touchstep backw. L.— 1! Return— 2! Bendkneestep backw. L. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Same, but touchstep and bendkneestep backw. R. — Begin! Arms! Down! MANUAL (JP^ PHYSICAL Cl.'LTUKK. 49 VI GRADE. I TERM. LESSON t. 1. Raise arms and L. leg forw. — 1! Pos. — 2! Raise arms and R. leg forw.— 3! Pos.— 4! Begin! 1—2—3—4! 2. Raise arms outw. overh. and L. leg sidw. — 1! Pos. — 2! Raise arms outw. overh. and R. leg sidw. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 3. Hands on hips — Place! Bend trunk sidw. L. — 1! Straighten — 2! Bend sidw. R. — 3! Straighten — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 4. Turn trunk L. and raise arms forw. — 1! Pos. — 2! Same, but turn trunk R.— 3! Pos.— 4! Begin! 5. Raise arms forw. overh. and bend head backw. — 1! Pos. — 2! Raise arms backw. and bend head forw. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 6. Raise arms forw. in circle overh. and raise heels — 1! Bend knees and arms down — 2! Arms in circle overh. and raise heels — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 7. Raise arms forw. overh. and L. leg backw. — 1! Pos. — 2! Same, but raise R. leg backw. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 8. Raise arms outw. overh. and L. leg forw. crosswise — 1! Pos. — 2! Same, but raise R. leg forw. crosswise — 3! Pos. — 4' Begin! (In this leg exercise one leg moves in front of the other leg. ) 9. See "March" in Lesson 1, V Grade. LESSON 2, 1. Hands on hips — Place! Straighten arms fonv. and touchstep forw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Straighten arms upw. and touchstep backw. L. —3! Return-4! Begin! 1—2—3—4! Same, but touchstep R.— Begin! 2. Straighten arms forw. and touchstep forw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Bend trunk sidw. L. and straighten arms outw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Same, but touchstep forw, R. and bend trunk sidw. R. — Begin! Hands — Down! 3. Place hands behind head and bend trunk forw. — 1! Pos. — 2! Hands behind head and bend trunk backw. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 4. Hands on hips — Place! Straighten arms outw. touchstep sidw. L. and turn head L. — 1! Return — 2! Straighten arms upw. and touchstep forw. L. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 5. Straighten arms outw. touchstep sidw. R. and turn head R. — 1! Return — 2! Straighten arms backw. downw. (obi.) and touchstep backw. R.— 3! Return— 4! Begin! 6. Bend trunk backw. and straighten arms upw. — 1! Return — 2! Stride forw. L. and straighten arms forw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 7. Bend trunk forw. and straighten arms downw. — 1! Return — 2! Stride forw. R. and straighten arms forw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 8. Hands backw. — Grasp! Touchstep backw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Bendkneestep backw. L. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Same, but touchstep. backw .and bendkneestep backw. R. Hands — Down! 50 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURK. LESSON 3. 1. Arms to thrust and stride pos. L. foot forw. — Place! Thrust arms forw. and bend L. knee — 1! Return — 2! Thrust arms upw. and bend R. (rear) knee— 3! Return— 4! Begin! 1—2—3—4! 2. Feet change place (R. foot forw.) — 1 — 2! Thrust arms forw. and bend R. knee — 1! Return — 2! Thrust arms upw. and bend L. (rear) knee — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Pos. — Stand! 3. Arms to thrust — Bend! Thrust arms outw. and touchstep sidw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Bend trunk forw. and fold arms backw. — 3! Re- turn — 4! Begin I 4. Thrust arms outw. and touchstep sidw. R. — l! Return — 2! Bend trunk backw. and thrust arms upw.— 3! Return — 4! Begin! 5. Stride pos. outw. L. R. — Place! 1 — 2! Thrust arms outw. and bend L. knee — 1! Return — 2! Bend trunk sidw. L. and thrust arms outw. 3! Return— 4! Begin! Pos.— Stand! 1—2! 6. Stride pos. outw. L. R. and bend arms to thrust — Place! 1 — 2! Thrust arms outw. and bend R. knee — 1! Return — 2! Bend trunk sidw. R. and thrust arms outw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Pos. — Stand! 1 — 2! 7. Arms to thrust and stride pos. L. foot forw. — Place! Thrust arms upw. and raise heels — 1! Return — 2! Thrust arms outw. and bend knees (both) — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 8. Feet change place (R. foot forw.) — 1 — 2! Repeat exercise 7. Pos. —Stand! 9. "March" as in lesson 1. LESSON 4, 1. Raise arms and L. leg forw. and bend R. knee — 1! Pos — 2t Raise arms and R. leg forw. and bend L. knee — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 1—2—3—4! 2. Raise arms and L. leg forw. and bend R. knee — 1! Pos. — 2\ Lunge forw. L. and raise arms forw. overh. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 3. Raise arms and R. leg forw. and bend L. knee — 1! Pos. — 2! Lunge forw. R. and raise arms forw. overh. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 4. Bend trunk obi. backw. L. place hands behind head and touch- step obi. forw. R. — 1! Pos. — 2! Bend trunk obi. backw. R. place hands behind head and touchstep obi. forw. L. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! (In touchstep obliquely forw. the desired foot moves midway between forw. and sidw. pos.) 5. Raise arms and L. leg backw. and bend R. knee — 1! Pos. — 2! Lunge backw. L. and raise arms forw. overh. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but raise R. leg backw. and lunge bacwk. R. — Begin! 6. Raise arms and L. leg sidw. L., turn head L.. and bend R. knee — 1! Pos. — 2! Lunge sidw. L. and raise arms outw. overh. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but raise R. leg, turn head R. and lunge to the R. — Begin! 7. Bend trunk obi. forw. L. place hands behind head and touchstep obi. backw. R. — 1! Pos. — 2! Same, but obi. forw. R. and touchstep obi. backw. L. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! (In touchstep obliquely backw. the de- sired foot moves midway between sidw. and backw. pos.) 8. Raise arms outw. and L. knee forw. — 1! Pos. — 2! Touchstep forw. R. and arms forw. overh. — 3! Pes. — 4! Begin! 9. Hands on hips — Place! Raise R. knee forw. — 1! Down — ^2t Touchstep forw. L. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 51 LESSON 5. 1. Hands on shoulders — Place! Straighten arms forw. and raise L. leg forw. — 1! Return — 2! Straighten arms forw. and bendkneestep forw. L.— 3! Return— 4! Begin! 1—2—3—4! 2. Same, but raise R. leg forw. and bendkneestep forw. R. — Begin! 1—2—3—4! Hands— Down! 3. Hands on shoulders — Place! Straighten arms upw. and raise L. leg backw. — 1! Return — 2! Bendkneestep backw. L, bend trunk forw. and straighten arms downw. (finger-tips touching floor) — 3! Re- turn — 4! Begin! 4. Same, but R. leg backw. and bendkneestep backw. R. — Begin! 1_2— 3— 4! Hands— Down! 5. Hands on shoulders — Place! Straighten arms outw. and raise L. leg sidw. — 1! Return — 2! Turn trunk L. straighten arms outw. and bendkneestep sidw. L. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 6. Same, but raise R. leg sidw. turn trunk R. and bendkneestep sidw. R.— Begin! 1—2—3—4! Hands— Down! 7. Raise arms outw. and L. knee forw. — Raise! Straighten L. leg forw. — 1! Raise L. knee — 2! Straighten L. leg sidw. — 3! Raise L. knee — 4! Straighten L. leg backw. — 5! Raise L. knee — 6! Begin! Pos. — Stand! Repeat above exercise, but have R. knee raised and arms outw. — Begin! Pos. — Stand! (Caution pupils not to move with a jerk, but move steady.) 8. ''March" see lesson 5 in V Grade. LESSON 6. 1. Hands on hips — Place! Straighten arms forw. and touchstep forw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Lunge forw. L. and straighten arms upw. — 8! Return — 4! Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4! Same, but touchstep and lunge forw. R.— Begin! 2. Straighten arms backw. downw. and touchstep backw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Lunge backw. L. and straighten arms upw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Same, but touchstep and lunge backw. R. — Begin! 3. Arms circle overh. — Raise! Turn trunk L. — 1! Front — 2! Turn R.— 3! Front— 4! Begin! Arms- Down! 4. Hands on hips — Place! Straighten arms outw. and touchstep sidw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Lunge sidw. L., bend trunk sidw. R., raise L. arm semi-circle overh. and turn head R. (facing R. foot) — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 5. Straighten arms outw. and touchstep sidw. R. — 1! Return — 2! Lunge sidw. R., bend trunk sidw. L., raise R. arm semi-circle overh. and turn head L. (facing L. foot) — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 6. Stride pos. L. foot forw. and place hands behind head — Place. Bend trunk forw. — 1! Straighten trunk — 2! Bend backw. — 3! Straighten — 4! Begin! 7. Feet change place (R. foot forw.) — 1 — 2! Lower arms on one and place hands behind head on two. Repeat exercise 6 — Begin! Pos. —Stand! 52 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 8. Hands on hips — Place! Straighten arms upw. and raise heels — 1! Return — 2! Lunge backw. L. and straighten arms backw. downw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 9. Bend knees — 1! Straighten — 2! Lunge backw. R. — 3! Return > — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! LESSON 7. 1. Arms to thrust — Bend! One-fourth turn L. (L. face) bend knees and thrust arms forw. — 1! Straighten knees and bend arms to thrust — 2! Same as first movement — 3! Same as second movement — 4! Same as first — 5! Same as second — 6! As first — 7! As second — 8! Begin! 1 — 2 _3_4_5_6— 7— 8! 2. One-fourth turn R. (R. face) raise heels and thrust arms upw. — 1! Heels down and bend arms to thrust — 2! Continue until you come back to front on count eight — Begin! 3. Turn trunk L. and thrust arms forw. — 1! Return — 2! Turn trunk R. and thrust arms forw. — 3! Return — 4! Lunge forw. L. and fold arms backw. — 5! Return — 6! Lunge forw. R. and fold arms backw. — 7! Return — 8! Begin! Arms — Down! 4. Arms to thrust — Bend! Lunge backw. L. and thrust arms upw. — 1! Return — 2! Lunge backw. R. and thrust arms upw. — 3! Return— 4! Touchstep sidw. L. and thrust arms outw. — 5! Return — 6! Touchstep sidw. R. and thrust arms outw. — 7! Return — 8! B,egin! 5. Lunge sidw. L. and thrust arms forw. — 1! Return — 2! Lunge sidw. R. and thrust arms forw. — 3! Return — 4! Touchstep backw. L. and thrust arms downw. backw. — 5! Return — 6! Touchstep backw. R. and thrust arms downw. backw. — 7! Return — 8! Begin! 6. Bend trunk obi. forw. L. and place hands on hips — 1! Return — 2! Bend trunk obi. forw. R. and place hands on hips — 3! Return — 4! Raise heels and thrust arms upw. — 5! Return — 6! Raise heels and thrust arms upw. — 7! Return — 8! Begin! 7. Bend trunk obi. backw. L. and thrust arms upw. (in front or face) — 1! Return — 2! Bend trunk obi. backw. R. and thrust arms upw. — 3! Return — 4! Bend knees and fold arms backw. — 5! Return — 6! Bend knees and fold arms backw. — 7! Return — 8! Begin! Arms — Down! 8. "March" as in lesson 5. LESSON 8. 1. Arms to outw. strike — Raise! Strike arms outw. and bendknee- step sidw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Strike arms outw. and bendkneestep sidw. R.— ^! Return— 4! Begin! 1—2—3—4! Arms— Down! 2. Arms to outw. strike — Raise! Bend trunk sidw. L. and strike arms outw. — 1! Return — 2! Bendkneestep sidw. L. and strike arms outw. —3! Return— 4! Begin! 3. Same, but bend trunk sidw. R. and bendkneestep sidw. R. — Be- gin! Arms — Down! 4. Place hands behind head and raise L. lower leg backw. — 1! Pos. — 2! Same, but raise R. lower leg backw. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 5. Place hands behind head and raise L. knee forw. — 1! Pos. — 2! Same, but raise R. knee forw. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! I MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 53 6. Raise arms in front for outw. strike — Raise! (L. hand in front of L. half of chest, and R. hand in front of R. half of chest, knuckles of hands turned upw., arms on a level with shoulders.) Strike arms outw. and bendkneestep backw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Same, but bendkneestep backw. R. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Arms — Down! 7. Raise arms in front for outw. strike — Raise! Strike arms outw. and bendkneestep sidw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Strike arms outw. and bend- kneestep sidw. R. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Arms — Down! 8. Arms backw. — Fold! Bendkneestep forw. L. crosswise — 1! Re- turn- — 2! Bendkneestep forw. R. crosswise — 3! Return — 4! Begin! (In crosswise the one foot moves in front of the other foot.) Arms — Down! LESSON 9. 1. Hands on hips — Place! Straighten arms forw. and touchstep forw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Same, but touchstep forw. R. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 1—2—3—4! 2. One-fourth turn L. (L. face) touchstep forw. L, and straighten arms forw. — 1! L. foot beside R. and hands on hips — 2! One-fourth turn L. bend trunk forw. and straighten arms downw. — 5\ Straighten trunk and hands on hips — 4! Same as one — 5! Same as two — 6! Same as three— 7! Same as four— 8! Begin! 1—2— 3— 4— 5— 6—7— 8 ! 3. One-fourth turn R. touchstep forw. R. and straighten arms forw. — 1! R. foot beside L. and hands on hips — 2! One-fourth turn R. bend trunk backw. and straighten arms upw. — 3! Straighten trunk and hand"* on hips— 4! Continue from 5 to 8— Begin! ; 1—2—3—4—5—6—7—8! 4. Touchstep sidw. L. bend trunk sidw. L. and straighten arms outw. — 1! Return — 2! Touchstep sidw. R. bend trunk sidw. R. and straighten arms outw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! (In this exercise the entire weight of body rests on the stationary leg.) 5. One-fourth turn L. touchstep sidw. L. bend trunk sidw. L. and straighten arms outw. — 1! Straighten trunk, replace hands and L. foot — 2! One-fourth turn L., raise heels and straighten arms upw. — 3! Heels down and hands on hips — 4! Continue from 5 — 8 — Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4 — • 5—6—7—8! 6. One-fourth turn R. touchstep sidw. R. bend trunk sidw. R. and straighten arms outw. — 1! Straighten trunk, replace hands and R. foot — 2! One-fourth turn R. bend knees and straighten arms forw. — 3! Straighten knees and hands on hips — 4! Continue from 5 — 8 — Begin! 1—2—3—4—5—6—7—5 ! Hands— Down ! 7. Hands on hips — Place! Raise heels and straighten arms upw. — 1! Bend knees and fold arms backw. — 2! Raise heels and straighten arms upw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! ("Return" stands for "Hands on hips and heels down.") 8. "March" as in lesson 9, V. Grade. LESSON to. 1. Raise arms and L. leg forw. and bend R. knee — 1! Pos. — 2! Raise arms outw. L. leg sidw. and bend R. knee — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4! Same, but raise R. leg and bend L. knee — Begin! 1 — 2 — 3—4! 64 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 2. Raise arms and L. leg forw. and bend R. knee — 1! Pos. — 2! Bend trunk obi. backw. L. and raise arms upw. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but raise R. leg, bending L. knee, and bend trunk obi. backw. R. — Begin! 3. Bend trunk obi, forw. L. and fold arms forw. — 1! Pos. — 2! Bend trunk obi. forw. R. and fold arms forw. — 8! Pos.— 4! Begin! 4. Stride pos. L. foot forw. and place hands behind head — Place! Bend trunk backw. — 1! Straighten — 2! Bend trunk forw. and bend L. knee — 3! Straighten — 4! Begin. 5. Feet change place — 1 — 2! (Lower arms at 1 and place hands behind head at 2.) As exercise 4, but bend R. knee — Begin! Pos. — Stand! 6. Place hands on shoulders, raise L. leg backw. and bend R .knee — 1! Pos. — 2! Lunge forw. L. and raise arms forw. overh. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but raise R. leg backw., bending L. knee and lunge forw. R.— Begin! 7. Turn trunk L. raise arms forw. and touchstep forw. L. — 1! Pos. — 2! Raise arms outw. overh. raise L. leg sidw. and bend R. knee — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but turn trunk R., touchstep R. and raise R. leg, bending L. knee — Begin! 8. Arms backw. — Fold! Raise L. lower leg backw. — 1! Down — 2! Raise L. leg forw. and bend R. knee — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Same, but raise R. leg — Begin! Hands — Down! LESSON tU 1. Hands on shoulders — Place! Straighten arms forw. and lunge forw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Same, but lunge forw. R. — 3! Return — 4! Be- gin! 1—2—3—4! 2. Straighten arms upw. and lunge backw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Bend trunk forw. and straighten arms downw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 3. Hands on shoulders — Place! Straighten arms upw. and lunge backw. R. — 1! Return — 2! Bend trunk backw. and straighten arms upw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 4. Hands on shoulders^ — Place! Straighten arms forw. and lunge sidw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Raise heels and straighten arms upw. — 3! Re- turn — 4! Begin! 5. Straighten arms forw. and lunge sidw. R. — 1! Return — 2! Bend knees and straighten arms outw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 6. Hands on shoulders — Place! Straighten arms diagonally and lunge sidw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Straighten arms diagonally and lunge sidw. R. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! (In lunge sidw. L. the L. arm comes midway between the sidw. and upw. position and the R. arm comes mid- way between the sidw. and downw. position, and lowered arm is always parallel with the corresponding leg. Head should always move in the direction of uj)per hand.) Hands — Down! 7. Stride pos. outw. L. R. and place hands on shoulders — Place! 1 — 2! Bend L. knee, bend trunk sidw. R. and straighten arms outw. — 1! Return — 2! Bend R. knee, bend trunk sidw. L. and straighten arms outw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Pos. — Stand! 1 — 2! (In straightening arms outw. they are to be on a level with shoulders, that brings one arm in an upw. and the other arm in a downw. position.) 8. "March" as in lesson 11, V Grade. MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 55 LESSON J 2. 1. Hands on hips — Place! Straighten arms upw. and bendkneestep forw. L. — 1! Return— 2! Straighten arms upw. and bendkneestep forw. R.— 3! Return— 4! Begin! 1—2—3—4! 2. Straighten arms outw. and bendkneestep sidw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Straighten arms upw. and raise L. knee forw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Same, but bendkneestep R. on first count, and raise R. knee on third count — Begin! 3. Straighten arms backw. downw. (obi.) and bendkneestep backw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Straighten arms upw. and raise L. lower leg backw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Same, but bendkneestep R. on first count and raise R. lower leg on third count — Begin! 4. Bend trunk obi. backw. L. and straighten arms upw. — 1! Return — 2! Bend trunk obi. backw. R. and straighten arms upw. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 5. Bend trunk obi. forw. L. and fold arms forw. — 1! Return (with hands on hips) — 2! Bend trunk obi. forw. R. and fold arms forw — 3! Return — 4 !Begin! Hands — Down! 6. Stride pos. L. foot forw. — Place! Place hands behind head and raise heels — 1! Return — 2! Place hands behind head and bend knees (both)— 3! Return— 4! Begin! 7. Feet change place (R. foot forw.) — 1 — 2! Repeat exercise 6 — Begin! Pos. — Stand! 8. Hands on hips — Place! Straighten arms diagonally and bend- kneestep backw. L. — 1! Return^ — 2! Straighten arms diagonally and bend- kneestep backw. R. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! (In the bendkneestep backw. L., the L. arm is straightened backw. downw. obi. and the R. arm obi. forw. upw., i. e., the R. arm midway between forw. and upw. position. Head should always move in the direction of upper hand.) 9. Fold arms backw. — Fold! Bendkneestep sidw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Bendkneestep sidw. R. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Arms — Down! LESSON J3. 1. Arms to thrust — Bend! Thrust arms forw. and stride forw. L. (L. foot forw.") — 1! Return- — 2! Thrust arms forw. and stride forw. R. — 3! Return— 4 ! Begin! 1—2—3—4 ! 2. Thrust arms outw. and stride sidw. L. and turn head L. — 1! Re- turn — 2! Thrust arms upw. and lunge sidw. R. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 3. Thrust arms outw., stride sidw. R. and turn head R. — 1! Return — 2! Thrust arms upw. and lunge sidw. L. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Arms — Down! 4. Bend trunk obi. backw. L., thrust arms upw. and touchstep obi. forw. R. — 1! Return — 2! Bend trunk obi. backw. R.. thrust arms upw. and touchstep obi. forw. L. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Arms — Down! 5. Bend trunk obi. forw. L. and place hands on hips — 1! Pos. — 2! Bend trunk obi. forw. R. and place hands on hips — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 6. Arms to thrust — Bend! Thrust arms forw. and stride forw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Turn trunk L. and thrust arms outw. — 3! Return — 4! Be- gin! Same, but stride R. on the first count and turn trunk R. on the third count — Begin! 56 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 7. Thrust arms outw. and stride backw. L, — 1! Return — 2! Thrust arms upw. and lunge forw. L. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! 8. Thrust arms upw. and stride backw. R. — 1! Return — 2! Thrust arms outw. and lunge forw. R. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Arms — Downl V. "March," as in lesson 13, V Grade. LESSON H. 1. Raise arms forw, and touchstep forw. L. — 1! Pos. — 2! Raise arms forw. overh. and bendkneestep forw. L. — 8! Pos. — 4! Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4! Same, but touchstep and bendkneestep forw. R. — Begin! 2. Raise arms outw. and bendkneestep sidw. L. — 1! Pos. — 2! Raise arms outw. in circle overhead (fingers meet), bend trunk sidw. L. and touchstep sidw. L. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 3. Raise arms outw. and bendkneestep sidw. R. — 1 ! Pos. — 2 ! Raise arms outw. in circle overh., bend trunk sidw. R. and touchstep sidw. R. —8! Pos.— 4! Begin! 4. Stride pos. L. foot forw. — Place! Place hands behind head, bend trunk forw. and bend L. knee — 1! Return — 2! Raise heels and place hands behind head^-3! Return — 4! Begin! 5. Feet change place (R. foot forw.) — 1 — 2! Place hands behind head and bend trunk backw. — 1! Return — 2! Bend knees (both) and place hands behind head — 3! Return — 4! Pos. — Stand! 6. Raise arms forw. overh. and bendkneestep backw. L. — 1! Pos. — ^2! Raise arms outw. overh. and bendkneestep sidw. L. — 3! Pos. — 4! Be- gin! Same, but bendkneestep R. — Begin! 7. Raise arms sidw. L. and bendkneestep sidw. L. — 1! Pos. — 2! Raise arms sidw .R. and bendkneestep sidw. R. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 8. Raise arms forw. overh. and touchstep backw. L. — 1! Pos. — 2! Place hands on hips and bendkneestep backw. L. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 9. Hands on hips — Place! Touchstep backw. R. — 1! Return — 2! Bendkneestep backw. R. — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! VII GRADK. I TERM. LESSON i. 1. Raise arms forw. — 1! Swing outw. — 2! Swing forw. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 1—2—3-4! 2. Raise arms forw. — 1! Raise overh. and touchstep forw. L. — ^2! Arms forw. and closestep L. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but touchstep R.— Begin! 3. Raise arms outw. — 1! Raise arms overh. and raise heels — 21 Lower arms to first movement and lower heels — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 4. Raise arms forw. — 1! Swing outw. and bend knees — 2! Arms forw. and straighten knees — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 57 5. Raise arms forw. — 1! Bend trunk forw. (arms down) — 2! Straighten trunk (arms forw.) — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 6. Raise arms outw. — 1! Bend trunk backw. — 2! Straighten trunk —3! Pos.— 4! Begin! 7. Raise arms forw. — 1! Swing arms sidw. L. and touchstep sidw. L. — 2! Arms forw. and closestep L. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but swing arms sidw. R. and touchstep sidw. R. — Begin! 8. Mark time eight counts — One-fourth turn L. continued eight counts (two counts on each V^ turn), while marking time — One-fourth turn R. continued eight counts, while marking time — Mark time eight counts — March! (In all 32 counts.) LESSON 2. 1. Raise arms forw. — 1! Raise arms overh. and raise L. leg forw. — 2! Arms forw. and leg down — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4! Same, but raise R. leg forw. — Begin! 2. Raise arms forw. overh. — 1! Turn trunk L. — 2! Front — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but turn trunk R. — Begin! 3. Raise arms outw. — 1! Swing arms forw. downw. while bending trunk forw. — 2! Arms outw. and straighten trunk — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 4. Raise arms forw. — 1! Bend trunk backw. and fold arms backw. — 2! Straighten trunk and arms forw. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 5. Raise arms outw. — 1! Arms cverh. and raise L. leg sidw. — 2! Return to first movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but raise R. leg sidw. — Begin! 6. Raise arms outw. — 1! Bend trunk sidw. L. — 2! Straighten trunk — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but bend trunk sidw. R. — Begin! 7. Raise arms outw, — 1! Raise L. leg backw. and place hands be- hind head — 2! Return to first movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but raise R. leg backw. — Begin! 8. Raise arms forw. — 1! Fold arms forw. and bendkneestep forw. L. — 2! Return to first movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but bend- kneestep forw. R. — Begin! 9. Arms backw. — Fold! Bendkneestep sidw. L. — 1! Raise L. leg forw. — 2! Bendkneestep sidw. L. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but bend- kneestep R. and raise R. leg — Begin! 10. "March" from lesson 1. LESSON 3. 1. Hands on hips — 1! Straighten arms forw. and bendkneestep forw. L. — 2! Return to first movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 1—2 — 3 — 4! Same, but bendkneestep forw. R. — Begin! 2. Hands on hips and touchstep sidw. L. — 1! Straighten arms outw. and bendkneestep sidw. L. — 2! Return to first movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but touchstep and bendkneestep R. — Begin! 3. Hands on hips and bend trunk forw. — 1! Bend backw. — 2! Bend forw. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 4. Hands on hips — 1! Straighten arms upw. and raise heels — 2! Return to first movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but straighten arms outw. — Begin! 5. Hands on hips and bend trunk sidw. L. — 1! Bend trunk sidw. R. — 2! Bend sidw. L. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but begin with bending trunk sidw. R. — Begin! 58 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 6. Hands on hips and bendkneestep sidw. L. — 1! Change bent leg and straighten arms oiitw. — 2! Return to first movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! ("Change bent leg" means to straighten the one which is in a bent position and at the same moment bend the other knee.) Same, but begin with the bendkneestep sidw. R. — Begin! 7. Hands on hips and touchstep forw. L. — 1! Straighten arms upw. and bendkneestep forw. L. — 2! Return to first movement — 3! Pos.— 4! Begin! Same, but touchstep and bendkneestep R. — Begin! 8. March in lines. Mark time — March! Lines forw. to the L. — March! — i. e., the front pupil of each aisle marches forward out of the aisle, then turns Vl turn to the L. and marches forw. to the L. side of room (R. of teacher) at the corner repeat one-fourth turn L. and march down along the L. side of room; at the corner repeat one-fourth turn L., march forward along rear of room, turn to the front, march forw., last aisle pupils marching up first aisle and first aisle pupils marching up the last aisle. Repeat once more and have pupils of each aisle march to their own aisle. When not marching forw. have class to mark time. Pay at- tention that each line when coming to the front, and before stepping up from the rear, will perform the Y4 turn simultaneously. LESSON 4, 1. Raise arms forw. — 1! Swing arms outw. and stride sidw. L. (L. foot) — 2! Return to first movement — 3! Pos.— 4! Begin! 1 — 2—3—4! Same, but stride sidw. R. — Begin! 2. Raise arms forw. — 1! Raise arms overh. and stride forw. L. — 2! Return to first movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but stride forw. R.— Begin! 3. Fold arms backw. and bend trunk obi. forw. L. — 1! Straighten trunk and bend obi. backw. L. — 2! Bend obi. forw. L. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but bend trunk obi. R. — Begin! 4. Raise arms forw. and stride pos. forw. L. — 1! Swing arms outw. and bend L .knee — 2! Return to first movement — ^3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but stride pos. R. and bend R. knee — Begin! 5. Raise arms sidw. L. and stride pos. sidw. L. — 1! Raise arms overh. and bend L. knee — 2! Return to first movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same to the R. — Begin! 6. Place hands behind head and bend trunk sidw. L. — 1! Trunk sidw. R. — 2! Trunk sidw. L. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but begin to bend trunk sidw. R. — Begin! 7. Raise arms outw. — 1! Arms overh. and raise heels — 2! Return to first movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 8. Fold arms backw. and stride pos. backw. L. — 1! Bend L. knee — 2! Straighten L. knee — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! (In the last movement you return L. leg while lowering arms.) Same, but stride pos. backw. R. and bend R. knee — Begin! 9. "March" from lesson 3. LESSON 5. 1. Hands on hips and touchstep forw. L. — 1! Lunge forw. L. and straighten arms forw. — 2! Return to first movement— 3! Pos. — 4! Be- gin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4! Same, but touchstep and lunge R. — Begin! 2. Hands on hips and touchstep sidw. L. — 1! Lunge sidw. L. and straighten arms outw. — 2! Return to first movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Be- gin! Same, but touchstep and lunge sidw. R. — Begin! I MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. C9 3. Hands on hips — 1! Bend trunk forw. and straighten arms downw. ■ — 2! Return to first movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin I Same, but bend trunk backw. and straighten arms upw. — Begin! 4. Hands on hips and touchstep backw. L. — II Lunge backw. L. and straighten arms upw. — 2! Return to first movement — 3! Pos. — i! Begin! Same, but touchstep and lunge R. — Begin! 5. As exercise 4, but straighten arms backw. downw. in the second movement — Begin ! 6. Hands on hips — 1! Turn trunk L. and straighten arms forw. — 2! Return to first movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but turn trunk R. — Begin! 7. Hands on hips and touchstep forw. L. — 1! Lunge backw. L. and straighten arms outw. — 2! Return to first movemen: — 3! Pos. — 1! Begin! Same, but touchstep and lunge R. — Begin! 8. Hands on hips and touchstep sidw. L. — 1! Closestep L. and straighten arms upw — .2! Return to first movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Be- gin! Same, but touchstep R. — Begin! 9. (In this exercise the class should first advance a few steps and front pupils of aisles form a straight line.) — Mark time and L. about-face (Vz turn in eight counts — ^larch forw. eight counts — L. about-face in eight counts — March forw. eight counts — ^Nlarch! (32 counts.) (In the above exercise we placed eight counts on the one-half turn, that would be exactly four counts on each V^ turn.) LESSON 6. 1. Raise arms forw. and bendkneestep forw. L. — 1! Raise arms overh. and closestep L. — 2! Arms forw. and bendkneestep forw. L. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4! Same, but bendkneestep R. — Begin! 2. Raise arms outw. and bendkneestep sidw. L. — 1 ! Arms overh. and closestep L. — 2! Arms outw. and bendkneestep sidw. L. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but bendkneestep R. — Begin! 3. Raise arms outw. and bend trunk backw. — 1! Hands behind head and bend trunk. forw. — 2! Return to first movement — 3! Pos. — V. Begin! 4. Arms downw. and bend trunk forw. — 1! Hands behind head and bend trunk backw. — 2! Return to first movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 5. Raise arms backw. downw. and bendkneestep backw. L. — 1! Arms forw. overh. and closestep L. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but bendkneestep R. — Begin! 6. Raise arms outw. in circle overh. and bend trunk sidw. L. — 1! Straighten trunk and lower arms in outw. pos. — 2! Arms in circle overh. and bend trunk sidw. R. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! ♦ 7. Raise arms forw. and bendkneestep forw. L. — 1! Arms overh. and lunge forw. L. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — i! Begin! Same, but bendkneestep and lunge R. — Begin! 8. Arms backw. — Fold! Bendkneestep sidw. L. — 1! Lunge sidw, L. — 2! First movement — 3! Return — 4! Begin! Same, but bendkneestep and lunge — R. — Begin! 60 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURK LESSON 7. 1. Arms to thrust — 1! Thrust arms upw. and raise heels — 2! First movement— 3! Pos.— 4! Begin! 1—2—3—4! 2. Arms to thrust — 1! Thrust arms forw. and bend knees — 2! First movement — 3! Pos'. — 4! Begin! 3. Arms to thrust and bend trunk obi. forw. L. — 1 ! Straighten trunk and thrust arms outw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but bend trunk obi. R. — Begin! 4. Arms to thrust and raise L. leg forw. — 1 ! Lower leg, thrust arms upw. and raise heels — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 5. Arms to thrust and raise R. leg forw. — 1 ! Lower leg, thrust arms outw. and bend knees — 2! First movement — 3! Pos.— 4! Begin! 6. Arms to thrust and stride pos, forw. L. — 1! Bend trunk obi. backw. L. and thrust arms upw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but stride pos. forw. R. and bend trunk obi. backw. R. — Begin! 7. Arms to thrust — 1! Touchstep sidw. L., bend trunk sidw. L. and thrust arms outw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but touchstep sidw. R. and bend trunk sidw. R. — Begin! 8. Arms to thrust and touchstep forw. L. — 1! Raise L. leg backw., bend R. knee and thrust arms upw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but touchstep forw. R., raise R. leg backw. and bend L. knee — Begin! 9. "March" see lesson 5. LESSON 8. 1. Hands on shoulders and raise L. knee forw. — 1! Straighten arms and L. leg forw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4! Same, but raise R. knee forw. and straighten R. leg — Begin! 2. Same as exercise 1, but straighten arms outw. and leg sidw. — Begin! 3. Hands on hips, stride pos. forw. L. and bend trunk forw. — 1! Bend trunk backw. and place hands behind head — 2! Bend trunk forw. and hands on hips — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! (On count four, while straight- ening trunk, you lower hands and place the L. foot beside the R. foot.) 4. Stride pos. forw. R., bend trunk backw. and hands on hips — .1! Bend trunk forw. and place hands behind head — 2! Bend trunk backw. and hands on hips — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 5. Hands on shoulders and raise L. knee forw. — 1! Straighten arms upw. and L. leg backw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but raise R. knee forw. and straighten R. leg — Begin! 6. Hands on shoulders — 1! Turn trunk L., touchstep sidw. L. and straighten arms outw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but turn trunk R. and touchstep sidw. R. — Begin! 7. Hands on shoulders and touchstep backw. L. — 1! Straighten arms upw. and closestep L. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 8. Hands on shoulders and touchstep backw. R. — 1! Straighten arms outw. and closestep R. — 21 First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 9. Arms backw. — Fold! Raise L. knee forw. — 1! Straighten L. leg forw. — 2! Raise L. knee forw. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but R. knee — Begin! MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 61 LESSON 9. 1. Raise arms forw. and stride pos. forw. L. — 1! Raise arms overh. and raise heels — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 1—2 — 3 — 4! Same, but stride pos. forw. R. — Begin! 2. Raise arms forw. and stride pos. forw. L. — 1! Swing arms outw. and bend knees (both) — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but stride pos. forw. R. — Begin! 3. Raise arms forw. and stride pos. forw. L. — 1 ; Bend trunk backw. and raise arms circle upw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but stride pos. forw. R. — Begin! 4. Raise arms forw. and stride pos. backw. L. — 1! Bend trunk forw. and fold arms forw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but stride pos. backw. R. — Begin! 5. Raise arms outw. and stride pos. sidw. L. — 1! Bend trunk sidw. L. and arms circle overh. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but stride pos. and bend trunk sidw. R. — Begin! 6. Raise arms forw. and stride pos. sidw. L. — 1! Swing arms outw. and bend L. knee — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but stride pos. sidw. R. and bend R. knee — Begin! 7. Raise arms outw. and stride pos. sidw. L. — 1! Closestep L., raise heels and arms overh. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but stride pos. sidw. R. Begin! 8. "March," see lesson 5. Divide the class first into two divisions, the first division march forw. 4 steps and mark time from 5 — 8, while the second division will turn L. about-face in 4 counts and then march forw. from 5 — 8 — March! After these preparatory movements begin the "March" from lesson 5. LESSON \0. 1. Hands on hips — 1! Straighten arms forw, and touchstep forw. L.— 2! First movement— 3! Pos.— 4! Begin! 1—2—3—4! Same, but touchstep forw. R, — Begin! 2. As exercise 1, but arms outw. and touchstep sidw, — Begin! 3. As exercise 1, but arms upw. and touchstep backw, — Begin! 4. Hands on hips — 1! Bend trunk forw. and straighten arms downw, — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 5. Hands on hips — 1! Bend trunk backw. and straighten arms upw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 6. Hands behind head and raise heels— 1! Bend knees — 2! Raise heels — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 7. Hands on hips — 1! Turn trunk L. and straighten arms forw. — 2! First movement (turn to front) — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but turn trunk R. — Begin! 8. Hands on hips-^1! Raise heels and straighten arms upw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 9. Hands on hips — Place! Touchstep forw. L. — 1! Closestep L. and bend knees — 2! Straighten knees and touchstep forw. L. — 3! Start- ing pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but touchstep forw. R. — Begin! 62 MANUAL OF I'HVSiCAL CULTURE. LESSON iU 1. Arms to thrust and touchstep forw. L. — 1! Closestep and thrust arms forw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4! Same, but touchstep R. — Begin! 2. As exercise 1, but arms outw. and touchstep sidw. — Begin! 3. As exercise 1, but arms upw. and touchstep backw. — Begin! 4. Arms to thrust and bend trunk obi. forw. L. — 1! Bend trunk obi. backw. L. and thrust arms upw. — 2! First movement— 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but trunk obi. forw. R. and obi. backw. R. — Begin! 5. Arms to thrust and bendkneestep forw. L. — 1! Closestep and thrust arms forw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but bendkneestep forw. R. — Begin! 6. Arms to thrust — 1! Bend trunk sidw. L. and thrust arms outw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but bend trunk sidw. R. — Begin! 7. Arms to thrust and touchstep sidw. L. — 1! Closestep L. and thrust arms upw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but touchstep sidw. R. — Begin! 8. "March"; see lesson 9. LESSON \2. 1. Hands on shoulders— Place! Touchstep forw. L. — ]! Lunge forw. L. and straighten arms forw.— 2! First movement (hands on shoulders and touchstep) — 3! • Starting pos. — 4! Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4! Same, but touchstep and lunge R. — Begin! (Starting pos. indicates that hands should be placed on shoulders in this exercise.) Hands — Down! 2. Hands on shoulders — Place! Touchstep backw. L. — 1! Lunge backw. L. and straighten arms upw. — 2! First movement — 3! Starting pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but touchstep and lunge R. — Begin! Hands — Down! 3. Stride pos. forw. L. and hands behind head — 1! Bend trunk forw. — 2! Straighten trunk — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but stride pos. forw. R.— Begin! 4. Stride pos. backw. L. and hands behind head — 1! Bend trunk backw. — 2! Straighten trunk — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but stride pos. backw. R. — Begin! 5. Hands on shoulders — Place! Touchstep sidw. L. — 1! Lunge sidw. L. and straighten arms outw. — 2! First movement — 3! Starting pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but touchstep and lunge R. — Begin! Hands — Down! 6. Stride pos. sidw. L. and place hands behind head — 1! Bend trunk sidw. L. — 2! Straighten trunk — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but stride pos. sidw. R. and bend trunk sidw. R. — Begin! 7. Hands on shoulders — Place! Raise heels — 1! Lunge sidw. L. and straighten arms upw. — 2! First movement — 3! Starting position — 4! Begin! Same, but lunge sidw. R. — Begin! 8. Hands backw. — Grasp! Raise heels — 1! Bend knees — 2! Raise heels — 3! Starting pos. — 4! Begin! MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 63 LESSON 13. 1. Raise arms to forw. strike — 1! Strike arms forw. and raise L. leg forw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4! Same, but raise R .leg forw. — Begin! 2. Raise arms to forw. strike — 1! Strike arms forw. and bendknee- step forw. L. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but bendkneestep R. — Begin! 3. Hands on hips and bend trunk forw. — 1! Bend trunk backw. and straighten arms upw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 4. Raise arms to outw. strike — 1! Strike arms outw. and raise L. leg sidw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos.^4! Begin! Same, but raise R. leg sidw. — Begin! 5. Raise arms to outw. strike — 1! Strike arms outw. and bend- kneestep sidw. L. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but bendkneestep sidw. R. — Begin! 6. Raise arms in front for outw. strike— 1! (L. hand in front of L. half of chest and R. hand in front of R. half of chest, arms on a level with shoulders.) Turn trunk L. and strike arms outw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but turn trunk R. — Begin! 7. Raise arms to forw. strike^ — 1! Strike arms forw. and bendknee- step backw. L. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but bendkneestep backw. R. — Begin! 8. "March"; see lesson 5. (For this drill arrange class in the follow- ing order: — Odd numbered aisles march forw. four counts and mark time from 5 — 8, while even numbered aisles will turn L. about-face in four counts and then march forw. from 5 — 8 — March!) After these prepara- tory movements, begin the "March" from Lesson 5. LESSON 14. 1. Stride pos. L. foot forw. — Place! Hands on shoulders — 1! Straighten arms outw. and bend L. knee — 2! First movement — 3! Start- ing pos. — 4! Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4! Same, but bend R. (rear) knee- Begin! 2. Feet change place — 1 — 2! Hands on shoulders — 1! Straighten arms upw. and bend R. knee^ — 2! First movement — 3! Starting pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but bend L. knee — Begin! Pos. — Stand! 3. Hands on shoulders — 1! Bend trunk forw. and straighten arms downw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 4. Hands on shoulders — 1! Bend trunk backw. and straighten arms upw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 5. Stride pos. forw. L. — Place! Hands behind head and raise heels —1! Bend knees (both) — 2! Straighten knees and raise heels — 3! Start- ing pos. — 4! Begin! 6. Feet change place — 1 — 2! Repeat exercise 5 in four counts — Begin! Pos. — Stand! 7. Stride pos. outw. L. R. — Place! 1 — 2! Hands on shoulders — 1! Bend trunk sidw. L. and straighten arms outw. — 2! First movement — 3! Starting pos. — 41 Begm! Same, but bend trunk sidw. R. — Begin! Pos. —Stand! 1—2! 64 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 8. Stride pos. outw. L. R. — Place! 1 — 2! Hands on shoulders — 1! Bend L. knee and straighten arms diagonally (L, arm obi. sidw. up and R. arm obi. sidw. down, head moved in direction of upper hand) — 2! First movement — 3! Starting pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but reversed, i. e., bend R. knee and arms diagonally — Begin! Pos. — Stand! 1 — ^2! 9. "March" from last lessson. VIII GRADE, I TERM. LESSON U 1. Raise arms forw. — 1! Swing outw. — 2! Swing forw. — 3! Pos. —4! Begin! 1—2—8—4! 2. Raise arms forw. and touchstep forw. L. — 1! Swing arms outw. and touchstep sidw. L. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but touchstep R. — Begin! 3. Raise arms forw. overh. and touchstep forw. L. — 1! Swing arms forw. down backw. and touchstep backw. L. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but touchstep R. — Begin! 4. Raise arms forw. — 1! Bend trunk forw. and swing arms downw. backw. — 2! Straighten trunk and arms forw. — 3! Arms down — 4! Be- gin! 5. Raise arms outw. — 1 ! B.end trunk backw. and raise arms upw- (in front of face) — 2! Straighten trunk and arms outw. — 3! Arms down --4! Begin! 6. Raise arms forw. overh. and raise heels — 1! Lower arms forw. and bend knees — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 7. Raise arms forw. — 1! Swing arms outw. and turn trunk L. — 2! First movement — 3! Arms down — 4! Begin! Same, but turn trunk R. — Begin! 8. Raise arms sidw. L. and touchstep sidw. L. — 1! Raise arms overh. and raise L. leg forw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 9. "March"; see lesson 1 in VII Grade. LESSON 2. 1. Raise arms forw. and touchstep forw. L. — 1! Swing arms outw. and raise L. leg sidw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 1 — 2 3 — 4! Same, but touchstep R. and Raise R. leg — Begin! 2. Raise arms forw. and touchstep forw. L. — 1! Arms overh. and raise L. leg backw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but touchstep R. and raise R, leg — Begin! 3. Hands behind head and bend trunk forw. — 1! Bend trunk backw. —2! Bend forw.— 3! Pos.— 4! Begin! 4. Raise arms forw. and L. leg forw. — 1! Arms sidw. L. and bend- kneestep sidw. L. — 2! First movement— 3! Pos.— 4! Begin! Same, but raise R. leg and bendkneestep R. and arms sidw. R. — Begin! 5. Raise arms forw. overh. and L. leg forw. — 1! Fold arms backw. and bendkneestep backw. L. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos.— 4! Be- gin! Same, but raise R. leg and bendkneestep R. — Begin! MANUAL OK PHYSK^.AL CULTIJUB 65 6. Raise arms outw. — 1! Bend trunk sidw. L. and arms circle overh. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but bend trunk sidw. R.— Begin! 7. Raise arms outw. and L. leg sidw. — 1! Arms overh. and bend- kneestep forw. L. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but raise R. leg sidw. and bendkneestep forw. R. — Begin! 8. Raise arms forw. and L. leg forw. — 1! Arms overh. and L. leg backw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but raise R. leg — Begin! 9. "March" from lesson 1. LESSON 3, 1. Hands on hips and touchstep sidw. L. — 1! Straighten arms outw. and bendkneestep sidw. L. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 1—2—3—4! Same R.— Begin! 2. Hands on hips and touchstep forw. L. — 1! Straighten arms forw. and bendkneestep forw. L. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but touchstep and bendkneestep R. — Begin! 3. Hands on hips and touchstep forw. L. — 1! Bend trunk backw. and straighten arms upw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but touchstep R. — Begin! 4. Hands on hips and touchstep backw. L. — 1! Bend trunk forw. and straighten arms downw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but touchstep R.— Begin! 5. Hands on hips and bendkneestep sidw. L. — 1! Closestep L. raise heels and straighten arms upw.-^2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Be- gin! Same, but bendkneestep R. — Begin! 6. Hands on hips and touchstep sidw. L. — 1! Bend trunk sidw. L. and raise arms circle overh. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but touchstep sidw. R. and bend trunk sidw. R. — Begin! 7. Hands on hips and touchstep backw. L. — 1! Straighten arms backw. downw. (obi.) and bendkneestep backw. L. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but touchstep and bendkneestep R. — Begin! 8. "March" from lesson 3, VH Grade. LESSON 4. 1. Raise arms forw. and stride pos. forw. L. — 1! Swing arms outw. and bend L. knee — 2! Straighten L. knee and arms forw. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4! Same, but stride pos. forw. R. and bend R. knee — Begin! 2. Raise arms forw. and stride pos. backw. L. — 1! Arms overh. and bend L. knee — 2! Arms forw. and straighten L. knee — 3! Pos. — 4! Be- gin! Same, but stride pos. R. and bend R. knee — Begin! 3. Raise arms outw. and stride pos. sidw. L. — 1! Raise arms overh. and bend L. knee — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but stride pos. R. and bend R. knee — Begin! 4. Stride pos. forw. L. and hands on hips — Place! Bend trunk obi. forw. L. — 1! Straighten and bend obi. backw. L. — 2! First movement — 3! Straighten — 4! Begin! 5. Feet change place (R. foot forw. and L. foot backw.) — 1 — 2! Bend trunk obi. forw. R. — 1^ Straighten and bend obi. backw. R. — 2! First movement — 3! Straighten — 4! Begin! Pos. — Stand! 66 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTtJRJB. G. Raise arms outw. and stride pos. forw. L. — 1! Raise arms overh. and raise heels — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but stride pos. forw. R.— Begin! 7. Place hands behind head and stride pos. outw. L. R. — Place! 1 — 2! Bend trunk sidw. L.— 1! Sidw. R.— 2! Sidw. L.— 3! Straighten— 4! Begin! Same, but begin to bend sidw. R. first — Begin! Pos. — Stand! 1—2! 8. Stride pos forw. L. — Place! Raise arms forw. and raise heels — 1! Arms circle overh. and bend knees — 2! First movement — 3! Arms and heels down — 4! Begin! Feet change place (R, foot forw. and L. foot backw.) — 1 — 2! Repeat raising heel and bending knees^Begin! Pos. — Stand! 9. "March" from lesson 3. LESSON 5. 1. Hands on hips — Place! Straighten arms forw. and touchstep forw. L. — 1! Raise arms circle overh. and lunge forw. L. — 2! First movement — 8! Strt. pos. — 4! (Strt. pos. means that L. foot is placed beside R. foot and hands on hips.) Begin! Same, but touchstep and lunge R. — Begin! 2. Straighten arms outw. and touchstep sidw. L. — 1! Arms circle overh. and lunge sidw. L. — 2! First movement — 3! Strt. pos. — 4! Be- gin! Same, but touchstep and lunge R. — Begin! 3. Straighten arms forw. and touchstep backw. L. — 1! Bend trunk forw. and lower arms downw. — 2! First movement — 3! Strt. pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but touchstep backw. R. — Begin! 4. Straighten arms downw. backw. and touchstep forw. L. — 1! Bend trunk backw. and raise arms forw. upw.^2! First movement — 3! Strt. pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but touchstep forw. R. — Begin! 5. Straighten arms downw. backw. and touchstep backw. L. — 1! Arms forw. circle overh. and lunge backw. L. — 2! First movement — 3! Strt. pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but touchstep and lunge R. — Begin! 6. Straighten arms overh. and touchstep forw. L. — 1! Lower arms outw. and turn trunk R. — 2! Raise arms overh. and turn trunk front — 3! Strt. pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but touchstep R. and turn trunk L. — Begin! 7. Straighten arms overh. and cross-touchstep forw. L.— 1! Fold arms backw. and lunge sidw. L. — 2! First movement — 3! Strt. pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but cross-touchstep forw. R. and lunge sidw. R. — Begin! 8. "March" from lesson 5, VII Grade. LESSON 6* 1. Raise arms forw. and bendkneestep forw. L. — 1! Arms forw. overh. and lunge forw. L. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos.— 4! Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4! Same, but bendkneestep and lunge R. — Begin! 2. Raise arms outw. and bendkneestep sidw. L. — 1! Arms circle overh. and lunge sidw. L. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but bendkneestep and lunge R. — Begin! 3. Hands on hips and bend trunk forw. — 1! Hands behind head and bend trunk backw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 4." Raise arms outw. and bend trunk backw. — 1! Hands behind head and bend trunk forw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 5. Raise arms backw. downw. and bendkneestep backw. L. — 1! Raise arms forw. overh. and lunge backw. L. — 2! First movement — 8! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but bendkneestep and lunge R. — Begin! MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CIJLTURK. 67 (). Rase arms ontw. and lendkneestep sidw. L. — 1! Arms circle overh. and bend trunk sidw. L. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Be- gin! Same, but bendkneestep and bend trunk sidw. R. — Begin! 7. Raise arms sidw. L. and bendkneestep sidw. L. — 1! Raise arms overh. closestep and raise heels — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Be- gin! Same, but arms sidw. R. and bendkneestep sidw. R. — Begin! 8. Hands on hips — Place! Raise heels — 1! Lower heels and bend- kneestep backw. L. — 2! Closestep and raise heels — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but bendkneestep backw. R. — Begin! LESSON 7. 1. Arms to thrust and raise L. leg forw. — 1! Closestep L., raise heels and thrust arms upw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos.--4! Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4! Same, but raise R. leg forw. — Begin! 2. Arms to thrust and raise L. leg sidw. — 1! Closestep L., bend knees and thrust arms forw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but raise R. leg sidw. — Begin! 3. Arms to thrust and raise L. leg backw. — 1! Closestep L. bend trunk obi. forw. L. and fold arms backw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but raise R. leg and bend trunk obi. R. — Begin! 4. Arms to thrust and raise L. leg forw. — 1! Closestep L. bend trunk obi. backw. L. and thrust arms upw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but raise R. leg and bend trunk obi. R. — Begin! 5. Arms to thrust and raise L. leg forw. crosswise — 1! Lower L. leg, stride forw. L,, thrust . "^March" as last lesson. LESSON 5. 1. Stride pos. forw. L. and raise arms forw. — 1! Bend L. knee and raise arms overh. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4 etc. Same, but stride forw. R. 2. Stride pos. forw. L. and raise arms forw. — 1! One-fourth turn R. on heels, bend R. knee and swing arms sidw. R. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but stride forw. R., ^/4 turn L. 3. Stride pos. backw. L. and raise arms outw. — 1! Bend trunk backw. and raise arms upw^ — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same, but stride backw. R. 4. Stride pos. forw. L. and raise arms forw. overh. — 1! Swing arms downw. backw. and bend trunk forw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same, but stride forw. R. 5. Stride pos. forw. L. and raise arms outw. — 1! One-fourth turn R., on heels, bend R. knee and raise arms overh. — 2! Turn to front to first movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same, but stride forw. R. and turn L. 6. Stride pos. outw. L. and raise arms forw. — 1! Bend trunk sidw. L, and swing arms outw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same, but stride pos. R. and bend trunk sidw. R. 7. Stride pos. forw. L. and raise arms forw. — 1! Raise heels and raise arms overh. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same, but stride pos. forw. R. 8. Stride pos. forw. L. and raise arms forw. overh. — 1! Bend knees (both) and lower arms in outw. position — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same, but stride forw. R. 9. "March"; see lesson 9, VII grade, I term. LESSON 6, 1. Raise arms to forw. strike and touchstep forw. L. — 1! Strike forw. and bendkneestep iorw. L. — 2! First movement— 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 1 — 2 — 3—4 etc. Same, but touchstep and bendkneestep R. 2. Raise arms to forw. strike and touchstep forw. L. — 1! Strike arms forw^ and bendkneestep backw. L. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but touchstep and bendkneestep R. 3. Raise arms forw. overh. and touchstep forw. L. — 1! Place hands behind head and bend trunk backw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same, but touchstep R. 4. Raise arms outw. and touchstep backw. L. — 1! Place hands be- hind head and bend trunk forw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same, but touchstep R. 5. Raise arms to outw. strike and bendkneestep sidw. L. — 1! Close- step L. and strike arms outw. — 2! First movement— 3! Pos. — 4! Same, but bendkneestep sidw. R. (J. Bendkneestep sidw. L. and place hands behind head — 1! Change bent leg (straighten R. leg and bend L. leg) and bend trunk sidw. R. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same, but begin with bendknee- step R. 7. Raise arms in front to outw. strike (hands in front of chest) and touchstep forw. L. — 1! Bendkneestep backw. L. and strike arms outw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same, with R. leg. 8. Even numbered aisles exercise No. 6, while odd numbered aisles exercise No. 7, in four counts, then reverse. 9. "March'" as last lesson. 104 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. LESSON 1. 1. Hands on hips and raise L. knee forw. — 1! Straighten arms and L. leg forw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pes. — 4! Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4 etc. Same, with R. leg. 2. Same, but straighten arms and leg outw. in four counts. Begin! 3. Same, but straighten arms upw. and leg backw. 4. Hands on hips and raise heels — 1! Heels down, bend trunk forw. and straighten arms downw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! 5. Same, but bend trunk backw. and straighten arms upw. 6. Hands on hips and raise heels — 1! Lower heels, bend trunk sidw. L. and straighten arms outw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same, but bend trunk sidw. R. 7. Hands on hips and raise L. knee forw. — 1! Straighten L. leg sidw. and arms diagonally — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same, but R. leg and arms diagonally. 8. Hands on hips and raise L. knee forw. — 1! Straighten L. leg backw. and arms diagonally — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same, but R. leg and arms diagonally. 9. "March"; see lesson 13, VH grade, I term. LESSON 8. 1. Hands on shoulders and raise L. leg backw. — 1! Lunge forw. L. and straighten arms forw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Hands on shoulders and raise R. leg backw. — 5! Lunge forw. R. and straighten arms forw. — 6! As fifth movement — 7! Pos. — 8! Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4 — 5—6—7—8, etc. 2. Hands on shoulders and raise L. leg forw. — 1! Lunge back. L. and straighten arms upw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos.— 4! Same from 5 — 8 with R. leg — Begin! 3. Hands on shoulders and lunge forw. L. — 1! Bend trunk forw. and straighten arms downw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same from 5 — 8 with lunging R. 4. Hands on shoulders and lunge back. L. — 1! Bend trunk back, and straighten arms upw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same from 5 — 8 with lunging R. 5. Hands on shoulders and lunge sidw. L. — 1! Change bent leg (straighten L. leg and bend R. leg) and straighten arms diagonally, head moved in direction of upper R. hand — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same from 5 — 8 with lunging sidw. R. 6. Hands on shoulders and lunge forw. L. — 1! Turn trunk R., straighten arms upw. and bend head backw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same from 6 — 8, lunging forw. R. and turn trunk L. 7. Hands on shoulders — Place! Raise L. leg forw. crosswise and bend R. knee — 1! Lunge sidw. L. and straighten arms outw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos.— 4! Same, but raise R. leg and lunge sidw. R. from 6 — 8. Hands — Down! 8. Hands on shoulders — Place! Even numbered aisles exercise No. 7, while odd numbered aisles will exercise in the following order: — Lunge sidw. L. and straighten arms outw. — 1! Hands on shoulders and raise L. leg forw. crosswise, bend R. knee — 2! Lunge sidw. L. and straighten arms outw. — 3! Pos. — 4! Same from 5 — 8, but begin to lunge sidw. R. Hands — Down! 9. "March" as last lesson. MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 105 LESSON 9. 1. Raise arms outw. and stride pos, sidw. L. — 1! Raise arms upw. and raise heels — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4 etc. Same, but stride pos. sidw. R. 2. Raise arms forw. and stride pos. forw. L. — 1! Swing arms outw. and bend knees (both) — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but stride pos. forw. R. 3. Raise arms forw. overh. and stride pos. forw. L. — 1 ! Place hands behind head and bend trunk obi. forw. R. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same, but stride forw. R. and trunk obi. forw. L. 4. Raise arms forw. overh. and stride pos. backw. L. — 1! Place hands behind head and bend trunk obi. backv/. R. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same, but stride backw. R. and bend trunk obi. backw. L. 5. Stride pos. forw. L. — Place! Raise arms forw. overh. and raise heels — 1! Lower arms forw. and bend knees (both) — 2! First movement — 3! Strt. pos. — 4! Feet change place — 1 — 2! and repeat same exercise. Pos.— Stand ! 6. Stride pos. sidw. L. and raise arms outw. — 1! Place hands behind head and bend trunk sidw. L. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same, but stride pos. sidw. R. and bend trunk sidw. R. 7. Stride pos. backw. L. — Place! Raise arms outw. and bend knees — 1! Raise arms overh. and raise heels — 2! Arms outw. and bend knees — 3! Strt. pos. — 4! Feet change place — 1 — 2! and repeat same exercise. 8. As exercise No. 7, but even numbered aisles begin with bending knees, while odd numbered aisles begin with raising heels. Pos. — Stand! 9. "March"; see lesson 10, III grade, I term. LESSON J a 1. Hands on hips and bendkneestep forw. L. — 1! Lunge forw. L. and straighten arms forw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same, with bendkneestep and lunge R. from 5 — 8 — Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4 — 5 — 6 —7—8 etc. 2. Hands on hips and bendkneestep sidw. L. — 1! Lunge sidw. L. and straighten arms outw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same, with bendkneestep and lunge R. from 5 — 8 — Begin! 3. Hands on hips and raise heels — 1! Lower heels, bend trunk forw. and straighten arms downw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Hands on hips and raise heels — 5! Lower heels, bend trunk backw. and straight- en arms upw. — 6! As fifth movement — 7! Pos. — 8! 4. Hands on hips and bend knees — 1! Straighten knees, bend trunk backw. and straighten arms upw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Hands on hips and bend knees— 5! Straighten knees, bend trunk forw. and straighten arms downw. — 6! As fifth movement — 7! Pos. — 8! 5. Even numbered aisles exercise No. 3, while odd numbered aisles exercise No. 4. Reverse the exercise. 6. Hands on hips and bendkneestep backw. L. — 1! Lunge backw. L. and straighten arms upw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same, with bendkneestep and lunge R. from 5 — 8. 7. Hands on hips and raise heels — 1! Lower heels, turn trunk L. and straighten arms outw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same, but turn trunk to the R. from 5 — 8. 8. Hands on hips — Place! Lunge sidw. L. and straighten arms diagonally (head moved in direction of upper L. hand) — 1! Change posi- tion, by straightening L. leg, bend R. leg and change arm position, R. arm up. — 2! Change to first position — 3! Strt. pos. — 4! Same, with lunging sidw. R. from 5 — 8. 9. "March" as last lesson. 106 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE VIII GRADK. II TERM. LESSON. L 1. Hands on hips and touchstep forw. L. — 1! Straighten arms forw. and bendkneestep forw. L. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4 etc. Same, but touchstep and bendkneestep R. 2. Hands on hips and touchstep forw. L. — 1! Straighten arms upw. and bendkneestep backw. L. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but touchstep and bendkneestep R. • 3. Hands on hips and stride pos. forw. L. — 1! Bend L. knee, bend trunk forw. and straighten arms downw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. ■ — 4! Same, but stride pos. forw. R. 4. Hands on hips and stride pos. backw. L. — 1! Bend L. (rear) knee, bend trunk backw. and straighten arms upw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos.— 4! Same, but stride pos. backw. R. 5. Hand on hips and touchstep forw. L. crosswise — 1! Straighten arms outw. and bendkneestep sidw. L. — 2! First movement— 3! Pos. — 4! Same, but touchstep and bendkneestep R. 6. Hands on hips and stridt pos, sidw. L. — 1! Bend L. knee, bend trunk sidw. L. and straighten arms outw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same, but stride pos. sidw. R. and bend trunk sidw. R. 7. Hands on hips — Place! Straighten arms upw. and bendkneestep sidw. L. — 1! Lower arms to diagonal position (head moves in direction of upper L. hand), change bent leg (straighten R. and bend L. leg) — 2! First movement — 3! Strt. pos. — '4\ Same, but begin with the bendknee- step sidw. R. 8. As exercise No. 7, but even numbered aisles begin with the bend- kneestep sidw. L. and odd numbered aisles begin with the bendkneestep sidw. R. 9. "March"; see lesson 3, VII grade, I term. LESSON 2. 1. Raise arms forw. overh. and touchstep forw. L. — 1! Swing arms forw. downw. backw. (obi.) and lunge backw. L. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4 etc. Same, but touchstep and lunge R. 2. Cross-touchstep forw. L. and raise arms forw.— 1! Lunge sidw. L. and swing arms outw. diagonally, head moved in direction of L. hand — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but cross-touchstep and lunge R. 3. Raise arms forw. overh. and stride pos. forw. L. — 1! Place hands behind head and bend trunk forw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same, but stride pos. forw. R. 4. Raise arms outw. overh. and stride pos. backw. L. — 1! Place hands behind head and bend trunk backw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same,* but stride pos. backw. R. 5. Touchstep backw. L. and raise arms backw. — 1! Lunge forw. L. and raise arms forw. overh. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same, but touchstep and lunge R. MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURK. 107 6. Raise arms outw. and stride pos. sidw. L. — 1! Place hands behind head, bend L. knee and bend trunk sidw. R. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same, but stride pos. sidw. R. and trunk sidw L. 7. Lunge forw. L. and raise arms forw. — 1! One-fourth turn R. (turn on heels), change bent leg and swing arms outw. diagonally, head moved in direction of upper R. hand — 2! First movement (with Vi turn L. to the front) — 3! Pos. — 4! Same, but begin with the lunge forw. R. 8. As exercise No. 7, but even numbered aisles begin with the lunge L, and odd numbered aisles begin with the lunge R. 9. "March" as last lesson. LESSON 3. 1. Arms to thrust — Bend! Thrust arms forw. and raise L. leg forw. — 1! Swing arms outw. and bendkneestep sidw. L. — 2! First movement — 3! Strt. pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but begin with R. leg. 2. Thrust arms downw. backw. obi. and raise L. leg forw. — 1! Raise arms forw. overh. and bendkneestep backw. L. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same, but begin v/ith R. leg. Arms — Down! 3. Arms to thrust — Bend! Raise heels and thrust arms outw. — 1 Lower heels, bend trunk forw. and lower arms — 2! Return to first move- ment — 3! Sirt. pos. — 4! 4. Bend knees and thrust arms downw. backw.^ — 1! Straighten knees, bend trunk backw. and raise arras forw. upw. — 2! Return to first movement — 3! Strt. pos. — 4! Arms- — Down! 5. Arms to thrust — Bend! Raise heels and thrust arms upw. — 1! Lower heels, bendkneestep backw. L. and lower arms diagonally, facing your R. upper hand — 2! First movement — 3! Strt. pos. — 4! Same, but bendkneestep backw. R. Arms — Down! 6. Raise arms outw. and bendkneestep sidw. L. — 1! Change bent leg. bend trunk sidew. R.. R. hand on hip and L. arm in semi-circle overh., face in line with R. foot — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same, but reversed, beginning with the bendkneestep sidw. R. 7. Arms to thrust— Bend! Raise L. leg backw. and thrust arms upw. — 1! Bendkneestep sidw. L. and lower arms outw. — 2! First move- ment — 3! Strt. pos. — 4! Same, but begin with R. leg. 8. "March"; see lesson 5, VII grade, I term. LESSON 4. 1. Hands on shoulders — Place! Straighten arms forw. and bendknee- step forw. L. — 1! Arms overh. and lunge forw. L. — 2! First movement — 3! Strt. pos. — 4! Begin! 1 — 2 — 3—4 etc. Same, but bendkneestep R. and lunge R. 2. Straighten arms outw. and bendkneestep sidw. L. — 1! Arms overh. and lunge sidw. L. — 2! First movement — 3! Strt. pos. — 4! Same, but bendkneestep R. and lunge R. 3. Hands behind head — Place! Bend trunk obi. forw. L. — 1! Bend trunk obi. backw. R. — 2! First movement — 3! Strt. pos. — 4! 108 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 4. Same, but bend obi. forw. R. and backw. L. Hands — Down! 5. Hands on shoulders — Place! Bendkneestep backw. L. and straighten arms downw. backw. — 1! Lunge backw. L. and arms forw. overh. — 2! First movement — 3! Strt. pos. — 4! Same, with R. leg. 6. Hands behind head — Place! Bend trunk sidw. L. — 1! Bend sidw. R. — 2! First movement — 3! Strt. pos. — 4! Same, but begin bending sidw. R. Hands — Down! 7. Hands on shoulders — Place! Bendkneestep sidw. L. and straighten arms sidw. L. — 1 ! Lunge sidw. L. and swing ^rms, on a level with shoulders, sidw. R. — 2! First movement — 3! Strt. pos. — 4! Same, but begin with bendkneestep and arms sidw. R. 8. As exercise 7, but even numbered aisles begin with the first move- ment, the bendkneestep, and the odd numbered aisles begin with the sec- ond movement, the lunge, in four counts. 9. "March" as last lesson. LESSON 5. 1. Hands on hips — Place! Lunge forw. L. and straighten arms forw. — II Change bent leg (straighten L. and leg and bend R. leg), and arms in circle overh. — 2! First movement — 3! Strt. pos. — 4! Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4 etc. Same, but begin with lunge forw. R. 2. Lunge sidw. L. and straighten arms outw. — 1! Change bent leg and arms in circle overh. — 2! First movement — 3! Strt. pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but lunge sidw. R. 3. Lunge forw. L. and straighten arms forw. — 1! One-fourth turn R. on heels, change bent leg, benti trunk forw. and fold arms backw. — 2! First movement (straighten and turn to front) — 3! Strt. pos. — 4! Same, but lunge forw. R. and ^^ turn to the L. 4. Lunge backw. L. and straighten arms outw. — 1! One-fourth turn L., turn on heels, change bent leg, bend trunk backw. and raise arms circle in upw. (arms in front of face) — 2! First movement (straighten and turn to front) — 3! Strt. pos. — 4! Same, but lunge backw. R, and 1/4 turn R. 5. Even numbered aisles exercise No. 3, while odd numbered aisles exercise No. 4, in four counts. Reverse exercise. Hands — Down! 6. Hands on hips — Place! Raise heels and straighten arms upw. — 1! Lower heels, lunge forw. L. and lower arms diagonally, turn trunk R., head moved in direction of upper hand (the left) — 2! Back to first move- ment- — 3! Strt. pos. — 4! Same, but lunge forw. R. 7. Lunge sidw. L. and straighten arms outw. — 1! Change bent leg, bend trunk sidw. L., place L. hand on hips and raise R. arm in semi-circle overh., turn head facing your L. foot — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same, but lunge sidw. R. and bend trunk sidw. R. 8. Lunge forw. L. and straighten arms diagonally (L, arm up) — 1! One-half turn R., on heels (right about face), change bent leg and arms diagonally (R. arm up) — 2! One-half turn L. to first movement — 3! Strt. pos. — 4! Same, but begin to lunge forw. R. 9. "March"; see lesson 9, VH grade, I term. MANUAL OF PHYSICAL, CULTURE. 109 LESSON 6. 1. Raise arms to forw strike and raise heels — 1! Lower heels, lunge forw. L. and strike arms forw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4 etc. Same, but lunge R. 2. Raise arms to outw. strike and bend knees — 1! Straighten knees, lunge backw. L. and strike arms outw. — 2! First movement — 31 Pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but lunge backw, R. 3. Raise arms in front for outw, strike and raise heels — 1! Lower heels, lunge sidw, L. and strike arms outw. and turn head L. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same, but lunge R. and turn head R. 4. Hands on shoulders — Place! Straighten arms forw. and bend- kneestep forw. L. — 1! Bend trunk backw. — 2! First movement — 3! Strt. pos. — 4! Same, but bendkneestep R. Hands — Down! 5. Hands on shoulders — Place! Straighten arms upw. and bendknee- step backw. L. — 1! Bend trunk forw. (arms will be alongside head) — 2! First movement — 3! Strt. pos. — 4! Same, but bendkneestep R. Hands — Down! 6. Hands on shoulders and raise heels — 1! Lunge sidw. L. and straighten arms diagonally (head moves in direction of upper hand, the L.) — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same, but lunge R. 7. Hands on shoulders — Place! Straighten arms upw. and bend- kneestep sidw. L. — 1! Bend trunk sidw. L. — 2! First movement — 3! Strt. pos. — 4! Same, but bendkneestep R. and bend trunk sidw. R. Hands — Down! 8. Hands on shoulders and bend knees — 1! Straighten knees, lunge forw. L. bend trunk forw. slightly and straighten arms diagonally (face in direction with upper hand, the L.) — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same, but lunge R. 9. As exercise 8, but even numbered aisles begin with bending knees, while odd numbered aisles begin with the lunge forw. 10. "March" as last lesson. LESSON 7. 1. Raise arms forw. and touchstep forw. L. — 1! Arms overh. and lunge backw. L. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Arms forw. and touchstep forw. R. — 5! Arms overh. and lunge backw. R. — 6! Fifth movement— 7! Pos.— 8! Begin! 1—2—3—4—5—6—7—8, etc. 2. Raise arms outw. and cross-touchstep forw. L. — 1! Arms upw., lunge sidw. L. and bend head backw. — 2! First movement— 3! Pos. — 4! The same, with R. leg, from 5 — 8 — Begin! 3. Place hands behind head and bend trunk obi. forw. L. — 1! Straighten trunk and raise heels — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! The same, but bend trunk obi. forw. R., from 5 — 8. 4. Place hands behind head and bend trunk obi. backw. L. — 1! Straighten trunk and bend knees — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! The same, but bend trunk obi. backw. R., from 5 — 8. 5. Raise arms forw. overh. and lunge sidw. L. — 1 ! Arms outw. and touchstep sidw. L. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos.— 4! The same, but lunge R. and touchstep sidw. R., from 5 — 8. 110 iMANUAJL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 6. Raise arms cutw. and lunge sidw. L. — 1! Cross-touchstep forw. L., bend trunk obi. backw. L., L. hand on R. shoulder and R. arm in semi-circle overh. (face directed toward R. hand) — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! The same in reversed order, beginning with the lunge sidw. R., from 5 — 8. (Repeat this exercise several times as a position before moving in time, rhythm.) 7. Place hands behind head and bend trunk sidw. L. — 1! Straighten trunk and raise heels — 2! "First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same, but bend trunk sidw. R., from 5 — 8. 8. Lunge forw. L. and raise arms diagonally (face in straight line with upper hand, the L.. trunk .urned slightly to the R.) — 1! Cross-touch- step forw. L. and arms overh. — 2! Firs" movement— 3! Pos. — 4! Same, but lunge and touchstep R.. from 5 — 8. 9. "March"'; see lesson 13, VII grade, 1 term. LESSON 8. 1. Arms to thrust — Bend! Thrust arms forw. and raise L. leg forw. — 1! Arms sidw. L. and bendkneestep sidw. L. — 2! First movement — 3! Strt pos. — 4! Thrust arms forw. and raise R. leg forw. — 5! Arms sidw, R. and bendkneestep sidw. R. — 6! Fifth movement — 7! Strt. pos. — 8! Begin! 1—2—3—4—5—6—7—8 etc. 2. Thrust arms upw. and raise L. leg crosswise forw. L. — 1! Arms outw., lowered, and bendkneestep sidw. L. — 2! First movement — 3! Strt. pos. — 4! Same, but raise R. leg and bendkneestep R., from 5 — 8 — Begin! Arms — Down! 3. Arms to thrust and stride pos. forw. L. — 1! Bend trunk forw. and thrust arms downw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos.^4! Same, but stride forw. R., from 5 — 8. 4. Arms to thrust and stride pos. backw. L. — 1! Bend trunk backw. and thrust arms upw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same, but stride pos. backw. R., from 5 — 8. 5. Arms to thrust — Bend! Thrust arms outw. and raise L. leg sidw. — 1! Arms overh. and bendkneestep backw. L. — 2! First movement — 3! Strt. pos. — 4! Same, but raise R. leg and bendkneestep R., from 5 — 8. 6. Arms to thrust and stride pos. sidw. L. — 1 ! Turn trunk L. and thrust arms outw. — 2! First movement — 3! Pos. — 4! Same, but stride pos. R. and turn trunk R., from 5 — 8. 7. Arms to thrust — Bend! Thrust arms upw. and raise L. leg backw. — 1! Arms diagonally and bendkneestep sidw. L., head turned in direction of upper hand, the R. — 2! First movement — 3! Strt. pos. — 4! Same, but raise R. leg and bendkneestep R., from 5 — 8. 8. As exercise No. 7, but even numbered aisles begin with L. leg, while odd numbered aisles begin with R. leg. 9. "March" as last lesson. LESSON 9. In this lesson and in the following lesson, 10, it is advisable to allow the duration of time between the different movements to be somewhat longer than in the foregoing lesson, so that the class will fix every move- ment well and pose correctly. To effect this, place two counts on every movement, counting in the usual time, but placing stress on the odd counts. That would place 12, instead of 6 counts, on every exercise. MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. HI For holidays, "Washington's Birthday" or "Arbor Day," lesson 9 can easily be arranged to give a pleasant and impressive idea of the work. Arrange in the following order: — a. Exercise No. 1, simultaneously. b. Exercise No. 2, all the even numbered aisles, and exercise No. 3 all the odd numbered aisles, then reverse. c. Exercise No. 4, all the even numbered aisles, and exercise No. 5 all the odd numbered aisles, then reverse. d. Exercise No. 1, simultaneously. If the drill should be accom- panied by music, then it would be well to allow a pause of 12 counts after each one or two exercises. In the beginning the music should play four measures before the drill begins. This suggestion applies also to leson 10 if arranged for a similar purpose. 1. Hands on shoulders and stride pos. forw. L. — 1! Raise heels and straighten arms upw. — 2! Lower heels, bend R. leg (rear) and arms outw. — 3! Raise heels and arms upw. — 4! Lower heels to stride pos. and hands on shoulders — 5! Pos. — 6! Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4—5 — 6 etc. Same, but begin with the stride pos. forw. R. 2. Hands on shoulders and stride pos. forw. L. — 1! Raise heels and straighten arms outw. — 2! Lower heels, bend L. leg, bend trunk forw. and arms downw. — 3! Straighten trunk and leg, raise heels and arms outw. — 4! Lower heels to stride pos. and hands on shoulders — 5! Pos. — 6! Begin! Same, but begin with the stride pos. forw. R. 3. Hands on shoulder and stride pos. backw. L. — 1! Bend knees (both) and straighten arms forw. — 2! Straighten knees, bend trunk backw., bend^ ing R. knee (rear) and arms upw. — 3! Second movement — 4! First movement — 5! Pos. — 6! Same, but begin with the stride pos. backw. R. 4. Hands on shoulders and stride pos. sidw. L. — 1! Raise heels and straighten arms upw. — 2! Lower heels, bend trunk sidw. L., bend R. knee and arms lowered outw. (on a level with shoulders) — 3! Second movement — 4! First movement — 5! Pos. — 6! Same, but begin with the stride pos .sidw. R. and bending trunk sidw. R. 5. Hands on shoulders and stride pos. forw. L. — 1! Raise heels and arms outw. — 2! Arms upw. and bend knees — 3! Second movement — 4! First movement — 5! Pos. — 6! Same, but begin with the stride pos. backw. R. 6. "March"; see lesson 10, III grade. I term. LESSON iO. In conducting this lesson follow suggestions from the foregoing lesson. If you desire to present this lesson on some holiday, arrange this lesson in the following order: — a. Exercise No. 1, simultaneously. b. Exercise No. 2, even numbered aisles begin with L. leg, and odd numbered aisles begin with R. leg; then reverse. c. Exercise No. 3, even numbered aisles begin L., odd numbered aisles begin R.; then reverse. d. Exercise No. 4, even aisles L., odd aisles R. ; then reverse. e. Exercise No. 5, even aisles L., odd aisles R. ; then reverse. /. Exercise No. 1, simultaneously. 112 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 1. Touchstep forw. L. and hands on hips — 1! Lunge forw. L. and straighten arms forw. — 2! Touchstep backw. L. and arms circle overh. — 3! Lunge forw. L. and arms forw. — 4! Touchstep forw. L. and hands on hips— 5! Pos.— 6! Begin! 1—2—3—4—5—6 etc. Same, but with R. leg. 2. Touchstep backw. L. and hands on hips — 1! Lunge forw. L., straighten arms diagonally, trunk turned slightly R., head moved in direction of upper L. hand — 2! Change bent leg, bend trunk backw. and arms in circle upw. — 3! Second movement — 4! First movement — 5! Pos. — 6! Begin! Same, but begin with the R. leg. 3. Touchstep forw. L. and hands on hips — 1! Lunge backw. L. and arms in circle overh. — 2! One-fourth turn L. (turn on heels), change bent leg, bend trunk forw. and fold arms forw. — 3! Second movement — 4! First movement — 5! Pos. — 6! Same, but begin with R. leg, and one- fourth turn R. 4. Cross-touchstep forw. L. and hands on hips — 1! Lunge sidw. L. and straighten arms diagonally, head turned in direction of upper hand, the L. — 2! Change bent leg, bend trunk sidw. L., R. arm in semi-circle overh., L. hand on hip and head turned in direction of L. foot — 3! Sec- ond movement — 4! First movement — 5! Pos. — 6! Same, but begin with R. leg, and bend trunk sidw. R. 5. Cross-touchstep forw. L. and hands on hips — 1! Lunge forw. L. and straighten arms outw. — 2! One-fourth turn R. (turn on heels), change bent leg and arms in circle overh. — 3! Second movement — 4! First movement — 5! Pos. — 6! Same, but begin with the R. leg, and the one- fourth turn to your L. 6. "March" as last lesson. THIRD "TERM. ALL GRADES. This term's work will consist mainly of review work from the fore- going terms, which work will be assigned to the teachers according to conditions, by the Supervisor of Physical Training. The new ideas herein represented are in accordance with the warm weather. The first idea is: — a. Place two counts on every movement, that would be for an exer- cise of two movements — 4 counts, for an exercise of four movements — 8 counts, emphasizing the odd numbers, that would be the moment of ac- tivity. Of course this does not refer to marching exercises which will be conducted in the usual time and count. The above mode of conducting the work will not be carried on in the two lower grades. h. The other idea is, combining the free-gymnastics with marching exercises, either in unlimited or limited time. In the so-called limited time, placing two counts on every movement in free-gymnastics, will bring these exercises in proper rhythm with the marching exercises. Read under the heading of "Special Points for Teachers" "In Warm Days," Page— 9. rf 1 We have prepared four original lessons for the last few weeks in this term for each two grades combined. The command — "Begin," which is given in the first two exercises of each lesson, should without fail be used throughout the lessons. I AND II GRADES. IN TERM. Review work from foregoing terms, in the first part of this term. LESSON U 1. Even numbered aisles about — Face! Raise arms forw. — 1! Down -2! Begin! 1—2—1—2 etc. 2. Clap hands overh. — 1! Down — 2! Begin! 3. Aisles forw. to your L. — March! (After marching for about 8 — 16 steps, command: Class — Halt!) 4. Bend trunk forw. and touch floor with finger-tips — 1! Straighten -2! 5. Bend trunk backw. and fold arms forw. — 1! Straighten — 2! 6. Forw. to your L. — March! (See exercise 3.) 114 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CUJ/rURE. 7. Raise arms forw. overh. — 1! Down — 2! 8. Place hands on shoulders with clapping— 1! Down — 2! 9. Hands on hips — Place! Bend knees — 1! Straighten — 2! 10. Raise heels with clapping hands in fron' — 1! Down — 2! 11. L. leg forw. — Raise! (Toes should point downw.) Bend L. foot (toes up) — 1! Straighten L. foot (toes down) — 2! Leg — Down! Same, but R. foot. 12. Forw. to your L. and stop when you get to your seats — March! LESSON 2. 1. "March"; see lesson 10, I term, III grade. 2. After marching forw. about 16 counts in above drill give command to stop. — Hands on hips — Place! Straighten arms forw. — 1! On hips —2! Begin! 1—2—1—2 etc. 3. Straighten arms upw. — 1! On hips — 2! Begin! 4. March through the aisles — March! (After 16 steps command) — Class— Halt! 5. Bend trunk sidw. L. — 1! Straighten — 2! Same, but bend R. 6. March through the aisles and clap hands on the first count of each four counts — March! (After the 12th or 16th step, stop.) 7. Place hands on shoulders — 1! On hips — 2! 8. Straighten arms downw.— 1! On hips — 2! 9. March through the aisles — March! (Now while class is marching give command — Heels — Up! That means to walk on toes, then change command to — Heels — Down! That is, common walk.) Class — Halt! 10. Bend head backw. — 1! Raise — 2! Same, but forw. 11. Straighten arms upw. and clap hands overh. — 1! On hips — 2! Hands — Down! 12. March through the aisles to your seats — March! LESSON 3. 1. Even aisles (boys) L. about — Face! (See march in last lesson. — March always about 16 steps, then command — Halt! and take up next exercise.) Forw. through the aisles — March! 2. Clap hands twice and place on shoulders quickly — 1! Hands down— 2! Begin! 1—2—1—2 etc. 3. Raise arms in circle overh. and raise heels — 1! Down — 2! Begin! 4. Raise shoulders and place hands under same — 1! Down — 2! 5. Forw. through the aisles with clapping hands four counts, and four counts without clapping hands — March! (Teacher should emphasize the first four counts and also clap hands; the last four counts the teacher should count softly.) 6. Hands on hips — Place! Bend trunk forw. and clap hands in front — 1! Straighten— 2! 7. Bend trunk backw. and clap hands in front — 1! Straighten — 2! Hands — Down! 8. March through the ^lisles with clapping hands four counts, and four counts without clapping hands — March! 9. Raise arms forw. and bend knees — 1! Pos. — 2! 10. Raise arms forw. overh. — 1! Down — 2! 11. "March" the same as exercise 8, but to their seats and stop. MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. II5 LESSON 4. 1. Even aisles L. about — Face! (March as in last lesson.) 2. Arms forw.— Fold! Fold arms backw. — 1! Fold arms forw. — 2! Begin! 1 — 2 — 1 — 2 etc. ArmS' — Down! 3. Hands on shoulders — 1! Down — 2! Begin! 4. Forw. through the aisles — March! Heels — Up! Heels — Down! (See exercise 9, in Lesson 2.) 5. Hands on shoulders — Place! Straighten arms forw. — 1! On shoulders — 2!, 6. Straighten arms downw. — 1! On shoulders — 2! Hands — Down! 7. March through the aisles as in exercise 4 — March! 8. Move shoulders forw. — 1! Backw. — 2! 9. Hands on hips — Place! Raise L. leg forw. — 1! Down — 2! Same, but R. leg. 10. Bend knees and clap hands in front — 1! Return — 2! 11. Hands on shoulders — Place! Straighten arms upw. — 1! On shoulders — 2! Hands — Down! 12. "March" as in lesson 3, exercise 5. — To your seats — March! Ill AND IV GRADES. Ill TERM. LESSON U Review work from foregoing terms in the first part of this term. 1. Even numbered aisles about — Face! (See lesson 5, IH grade, I term.) Mark time — March! Aisles, forw. to your L. — March! Class — Halt — ! (In general, march for about 16 counts.) 2. Hands on hips — Place! Straighten arms forw. and clap hands — 1! On hips — 2! Straighten arms outw. — 3! On hips — 4! Begin! 1 — 2 —3—4 etc. 3. Straighten arms upw. — 1! On hips — 2! Straighten downw. backw. — 3! On hips — 4! Begin! Hands — Down! 4. Forw. — March! Class — Halt! 5. Hands on hips — Place! Raise heels and clap hands overh. — 1! Return — 2! Bend knees — 3! Straighten — 4! 6. Straighten L. arm upw. — 1 ! L. hand on hip and straighten R. arm upw. — 2! 7. Forw. — March! 8. Bend trunk backw. and clap hands in front — 1! Return— 2! Bend trunk forw. — 3! Straighten — 4! 9. Straighten arms upw. — 1! On hips — 2! Straighten outw. — 31 On hips — 4! 10. Forw.— March! 11. Raise L. leg forw. — 1! Down — 2! R. leg forw. — 3! Down — 4! 12. Forw. to your seats — March! 116 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE^. LESSON 2, See "March" in lesson 7, III grade, I term. 1. (Give the entire march, 16 counts.) Forw. — March! 2. Raise arms forw. overh. and clap hands — 1! Down — 2! Raise arms forw. — 3! Down — 4! Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4 etc. 3. Raise L. arm forw. overh. — 1! L. arm down and raise R. arm forw. overh. — 2! Begin! 4. (Give the first half of the march, 8 counts.) Forw. — March! Class facing the opposite direction. 5. Hands on hips — Place! Bend trunk sidw. L.^1! Straighten — 2! Bend R. — 3! Straighten — 4! Hands — Down! 6. Place hands on shoulders with a quick clap — 1! Down — 2! Raise arms forw. overh. — 3! Down — 4! 7. Give the last half of the march, 8 counts. Forw. — March! Class facing front. 8. Arms backw. — Fold! Raise L. knee forw. — 1! Down — 2! R. knee forw. — 3! Down — 4! Arms — Down! 9. Raise L. arm outw. overh. — 1! L. arm downw. and raise R. arm outw. overh. — 2! 10. The entire march, in 16 counts. Forw. — March! 11. Raise L. arm forw. overh. — 1! Down — 2! Raise R. arm forw. overh.- — 3! Down — 4! Raise both arms forw. overh. — 5! Down — 6! 12. Hands on hips — Place! Touchstep forw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Touchstep forw. R. — 3! Return — 4! LESSON 3* 1. Hands on hips with clapping — Place! Arms forw. — Straighten! Hands on shoulders — Place! Arms forw. — Straighten! Arms to thrust — Bend! Arms downw. backw. — Thrust! Hands on shoulders — Place! L. arm outw. — Straighten! L. hand on shoulder and R. arm outw. — Change ! — Change ! — Change ! — Change ! Arms — Down ! 2. Hands on shoulders with clapping — Place! Straighten arms upw. — 1! On shoulders — 2! Straighten downw. backw. — 3! On shoulders — 4! Begin! 1—2—3 — 4 etc. Hands — Down! 3. See "March," lesson 12, III grade, I term. March!— Repeat! 4. Hands on shoulders and touchstep sidw. L. — 1! Pos. — 2! Hands on shoulders and touchstep sidw. R. — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 5. Turn trunk L. and place hands on shoulders — 1! Pos. — 2! Turn R. and place hands on shoulders — 3! Pos. — 4! 6. Repeat March! 7. Hands on shoulders — Place! Straighten arms forw. and touch- step forw. L. — 1! Return — 2! Straighten forw. and touchstep forw. R. —3! Return— 4! 8. Straighten arms upw. and raise heels — 1! Return — 2! Fold arms forw. and bend knees — 3! Return — 4! Hands — Down! 9. Arms forw. — Raise! Arms outw. — Swing! Hands on shoulders — Place! On hips — Place! Hands — Down! 10. Repeat March! MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. II7 LESSON 4, 1. "March." See lesson 10, III grade, I term. March forw. eight counts with clapping hands — March forw. eight counts — March! (Repeat every exercise several times in succession.) 2. Raise arms forw. overh. and raise heels, four times, eight counts — March forw. eight counts — Begin! 3. Raise arms forw. and bend knees, four times, eight counts — March forw. eight counts. 4. Fold arms forw. and bend trunk forw., four times, eight counts — March forw. eight counts. 5. Bend trunk backw. and raise arms upw., four times, eight counts — March forw. eight counts. 6. Raise arms forw. and L. lower leg backw., raise arms forw. and R, lower leg backw., four times, eight counts — March forw. eight counts. 7. Raise arms forw. overh. and L. lower leg backw., raise arms forw. overh. and R. lower leg backw., four times, eight counts — March forw. eight counts. 8. Raise arms forw. and raise heels, four times, eight counts — March forw. eight counts. 9. Fold arms forw. and bend knees, four times, eight counts — March forw. eight counts. 10. March forw. to your seats. The above order of conducting the v/ork is what we call limited time. — Unlimited time we would term when the class is called to halt at any mo- ment the teacher chooses, regardless of whether the class has been execut- ing the march 8 or 20 steps, or the free-gymnastic movements 4 or 12 times. It should be understood that the teacher should also make use of conducting the exercises in unlimited time. V AND VI GRADES. ill TERM. Review work from foregoing terms, in the first part of this term. LESSON \. 1. "March"; see lesson 5, V grade, I term. Forw,. — March! After class has finished second part of this march, and returned to their starting place in b. Class — Halt! 2. Raise arms forw. overh. and raise heels — 1! Pos. — 2! Raise arms forw. and bend knees — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 1 — 2 — 3 — 4 etc. 3. Lunge sidw. L. and hands on shoulders — 1! Pos. — 2! Lunge sidw. R. and hands on shoulders — 3! Pos. — 4! Begin! 4. Finish the march until class faces front at end of the fourth part, in d.— March! 6. Bend trunk backw. and raise arms upw. — 1! Pos. — 2! Bend trunk forw. and place hands on hips — 3! Pos. — 4! 118 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 6. Raise arms oiitw. overh. and raise heels — 1! Pos. — 2! Bend knees and raise arms outw. — 3! Pos. — 4! 7. March as in exercise No. 1 — Forwd. — March! 8. Touchstep sidw. L. and raise arms forw. overh. — 1! Pos. — 2! Lunge sidw. L. and hands on shoulders — 3! Pos, — 4! 9. Touchstep sidw. R. and raise arms forw. — 1! Pos. — 2! Lunge sidw. R. and hands on shoulders — 3! Pos. — 4! 10. March as in exercise No. 4 — March! LESSON 2. 1. The class should first advance the few necessary steps as in "March," see lesson 13, V grade, I term. Hands on hips — Place! Straighten arms forw. and bendkneestep forw. L. — 1 — 2! Return — 3 — 4! Straighten arms forw. and bendkneestep forw. R. — 5—6! Return — 7 — 8! Repeat from 9 — 16! 2. Mark time and L. about face, 8 counts — March forw. 8 counts in all 16 counts — March! 3. Hands behind head and bend trunk sidw. L. — Return — Hands behind head and bend trunk sidw. R. — Return — (Two counts on each movement.) Repeat! 16 counts. 4. Mark time and L. about face, in 8 counts — March forw. 8 counts —March! 5. Straighten arms outw. and bendkneestep sidw. L. — Return — Straighten arms outw. and bendkneestep sidw. R. — Return — (Two counts on each movement.) Repeat! 16 counts. 6. March as in exercise No.- 2 — March! 7. Sraighten arms upw. and raise L. leg backw. — Return — Straighten arms downw. backw. and bendkneestep backw. L. — Return — Straighten arms upw. and raise R. leg backw. — Return — Straighten arms downw. backw. and bendkneestep backw. R. — Return — (Two counts on each movement.) 16 counts. 8. March as in exercise No. 4 — March! LESSON 3. 1. "March"; see lesson 10, III grade, I term. Forw. — March! After marching forw. for about 16 or 20 steps command, Class — Halt! 2. Repeat exercise No. 1. lesson 1, II term, VI grade. 3. Repeat exercise No. 2, from same lesson, term and grade. 4. Forw. — March ! 5. Repeat exercise No. 3, lesson 1, II term, VI grade. 6. Repeat exercise No. 4, from same lesson, term and grade. ' 7. Forw.— March! 8. Repeat exercise No. 6, from lesson 1, II term, VI grade. 9. Forw. to your seats — March! Mark time — March! Class — Halt! MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. 119 LESSON 4. 1. ''March"; see lesson 10, III grade, I term. March forw. 16 counts, (the 16th count should always be the closing step.) 2. Raise arms forw. overh. and touchstep forw. L. — Return — Raise arms iorw. and lunge forw. L. — Return — Raise arms forw. overh. and touchstep forw. R. — Return — Raise arms forw. and lunge forwj R. — Re- turn — (Two counts on each movement.) 16 counts. 3. Continue exercises No. 1 and 2 several times in successive order before stopping class; teacher should always count in each part from 1 — 16, emphasizing always counts 1 and 16. 4. March as in exercise No. 1. for 16 counts. 5. Bend trunk obi. backw. L. and arms in circle upw. — Return — Bend trunk obi. backw. R. and arms in circle upw. — Return — Bend trunk obi. forw. L. and fold arms backw. — Return — Bend trunk obi. forw. R. and fold arms backw. — Return — (Two counts on each movement.) 16 counts. 6. Continue exercises No. 4 and 5 in the same order as in exercise No. 3. 7. March as in exercise No. 1, for 16 counts. 8. Raise arms forw. overh. and touchstep backw. L. — Return — Raise arms in circle overh. and lunge backw. L. — Return — Raise arms forw. overh. and touchstep backw. R. — Return — Raise arms in circle overh. and lunge backw. R. — Return— (Two counts in each movement.) 16 counts. 9. Continue exercises No, 7 and 8 in the same order as in exercise No. 3. 10. To your seats — March! ]\Iark time — March! While the exercises in lesson 3 are arranged in unlimited order, class may be called to stop at any time; lesson 4 is arranged in limited or- der, which order can easily be accompanied by music which will make the lesson so much more attractive to pupils. VII AND VIII GRADES. Ill TERM Review work from ^'oregoing terms, in the first part of this term. LESSON L 1. ""March"; see lesson 10, III grade. I term. Forw. — March! After continuing the march for about 16 to 20 steps, command. Class — Halt! 2. Hands on hips — Place! Bendkneestep forw. L. and straighten arms forw.— 1! Closestep L. and raise arms overh. — 2! First movement — 3! Strt. pos. — 4! Begin! Same, but bendkneestep R. 3. '"March" as in exercise No. 1. 4. Bendkneestep backw. L. and straighten arms upw. — 1! Closestep L. and arms forw. — 2! First movement — 3! Strt. pos. — 4! Same, but bendkneestep R. 120 MANUAL OP PHYSICAL CULTURE. 5. "March" as in exercise No. 1. 6. Hands behind head and stride pos. forw. L. — 1! Bend trunk forw. — 2! First movement — 3! Strt. pos,--4! Feet change place — 1 — 2! Re- peat same exercise. 7. Hands behind head and stride pos. backw. L. — 1! Bend trunk backw. — 2! First movement — 3! Strt. pos. — 4! Feet change place — 1 — 2! Repeat same exercise. 8. "March" as in exercise No. 1. 9. Bendkneestep backw. L. and straighten arms downw. backw. (obi.) — 1! Bendkneestep forw. L. and arms forw. — 2! First movement — 3! Strt. pos. — 4! Same, but bendkneestep R. Hands — Down! 10. Forw. to your seats — March! Mark time — March! Class — Halt! LESSON 2. 1. "March"; see lesson 10, III grade, I term. March forw. 16 counts (the 16th count should always be the closing step.) 2. Touchstep forw. L. and place hands on shoulders — Lunge forw. L. and straighten arms obi. forw. up — First movement — Pos. — Touchstep forw. R. and hands on shoulders — Lunge forw. R. and straighten arms obi. forw. up — Touchstep forw. R. and hands on shoulders — Pos. — (Two counts on each movement.) 16 counts. 3. Continue exercises No. 1 and 2 in successive order several times before stopping class; teacher should always count in each part from 1 to 16, emphasizing always counts 1 and 16. 4. "March" as in exercise No. 1 for 16 counts. 5. Hands on hips and bend trunk obi. forw. L. — Bend trunk obi. backw. R. and straighten arms upw. — First movement — Pos. — Hands on hips and bend trunk obi. forw. R. — Bend trunk obi. backw. L. and straighten arms upw.- — Hands on hips and bend trunk obi. forw. R. — Pos. — (Two counts on each movement.) 16 counts. 6. Continue exercises No. 4 and 5 in the same order as in exercise No. 3. 7. "March" as in exercise No. 1 fcr 16 counts. 8. Touchstep backw. L. and hands on shoulders — Lunge backw. L. and straighten arms upw. — First movement — Pos. — The same, but touch- step and lunge R. — (Two counts on each movement.) 16 counts. 9. Continue exercises No. 7 and 8 in the same order as in exercise No. 3. 10. Forw. to your seats — March! Mark time — March! Class — Halt! While the exercises in lesson 1 are arranged in unlimited order, class may be called to stop at the will of teacher. Lesson 2 is arranged in limited order, which order can easily be accompanied by music, which will make the lesson so much more attractive to pupils. The following ex- ample lessons, 3 and 4, will also be arranged in limited time: — LESSON 3* "March"; see lesson 5, VII grade, I term. The march consists of 82 steps, counts, so we divide this drill into First part, 16 counts, and Sec- ond part, 16 counts, in all, 32 counts.— The 16th count should always be the closing step in the "First part" as also in the "Second part." MANUAL OF PHYSICAL (!UI/rURE. 121 a. Stride' pos. torw. L. and hands on hips— Bend L. knee and straighten arms forw. — First movement— Pos. — The same, but stride pos. forvv. R. and bend R. knee. ..- (Two counts on each movement.) 16 counts. 1. First part of march 16 counts Exercise a 16 Second part' of march •. 16 "' Exercise a 16 Continued in successive order 64 counts b. Stride pos. sidw. L. and arms in circle overh. — Bend trunk sidw. L.^First movement — Pos.^^-^Stride pos. sidw. R. and arms circle overh. — Bend trunk sidw. R. — Straighten trunk— Pcs; — 16" counts. 2. First part of march. 16- counts Exercise b 16 Second part of march 16 Exercise b 16 Continued 64 counts c. Stride pos. backw. L. and hands on hips — Bend L. knee and straighten arms upw.— ^First movement — Pos. — Stride pos. backw. R. and hands on hips — Bend R. knee and straighten arms downw. backw. — Stride pos.: backw. R. and hands on hips — Pos. — (Two counts on each move- ment.) 16 counts. 8. First part of march 16 counts Exercise c 16 Second part of march 16 '' Exercise c 16 " Continued ()4 counts d. Stride pos. forw. L. and hands on hips — Bend knees (both) and straighten arms obi. forw. upw. — First movement — Pos.— Stride pos. forw. R. and hands on hips — Raise heels and straighten arms upw. — Lower heels to stride. pos. forw. R. and hands on hips — Pos. — (Two counts on each movement.)- 16 -counts. ■■ '. 4. First part of march 16 counts Exercise d 16 Second part of march 16 Exercise d 16 Continued 64 counts LESSON 4. "March.'" This march is a continuation of the one from the forego- ing lesson, only the class is arranged in a different order, before attempt- ing the march. For proper explanation see lesson 13, VII grade. I term. The class being prepared, we execute the "First part" of this march, then the selected exercise, "Second part" of march, and repeat the selected exercist. each 16 counts. I 122 MANUAL OF PHYSICAL CITLTITRE. a. Raise L. leg forw. and hands on shoulders — Bendkneestep backw. L. and straighten arms upw. — First movement— Pes. — Raise R. leg forw. and hands on shoulders — Bendkneestep backw. R. and straighten arms upw. — Raise R. leg forw. and hands on shoulders — Pos. — (Two counts on each movenaent.) 16 counts. 1. First part of march 16 counts Exercise a 16 Second part of march 16 Exercise a ^ 16 Continued 64 counts b. Touchstep backw. L. and arms forw. in circle overh. — Hands on hips and bend trunk forw. — First movement — Pos. — Touchstep forw. R. and arms outw. — Bend trunk backw. and arms in circle upw. — Touchstep forw. R. and arms outw. — Pos. — (Two counts on each move- ment.) 16 counts. 2. First part of march 16 counts Exercise b. 16 Second part of march , 16 " Exercise b 16 " Continued 64 counts e. Raise L. leg forw. crosswise and arms forw. overh. — Bendkneestep sidw. L. and arms sidw. L. — First movement — Pos. — Raise R. leg forw. crosswise and arms forw, overh. — Bendkneestep sidw. R. and arms sidw. R.— Raise R. leg forw. crosswise and arms forw. overh. — Pos. — (Two counts on each movement.) 16 counts. 8. First part of march •. 16 counts Exercise c '. 16 Second part of march 16 " Exercise f 16 " Continued ■. 64 counts d. Touchstep backw. L. and arms circle overh. — Lunge forw. L. and arms diagonally, trunk turned slightly to the R., head moved backw. so face will come in line with upper hand, the L. — First movement — Pos. — The same, but touchstep and lunge R. — (Two counts on each movement.) 16 counts. 4. First part of march 16 counts Exercise d 16 " Second part of march 16 '' Exercise d 16 *' Continued 64 counts MANUAL OF Physical Culture FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS ARRANGED BY ANTON IvEIBOLD Supcfvisor of Physical Training;, Public Schools Columbus, Ohio TT V / •^0^ <^^. ^<-^\ , N C^ "^^ •"oo^ A ~° .^-^ ^'t •^'^ V ^ "> ^ , „ -C . " « X " \ ^ \L ^ ^ t> -i a»* -^ 1 o » _o5S>c\ O X^^c. xO<^<, A T~ ,T :. -5 ^'^ A * s ^ ^0- -O .^^" "^-^. ' * . o. ^0- s : .^„ 1 -^^ ?: A'^''^ -. "o ;? o o. \^%^^^ ^^ ^ « . ^ "^ , \ V v^ •^T^ :? >: ''o^ s~~ '^ ^ t s *i jO- Y o ^ *^^, \/ S