DR. H. GROSS' COMPARATIVE MATERIA MEDICA EDITED BY CONSTAMTNE HERING. for on your choice depend both safety and health. SHAKESPEARE. V % C- PHILADELPHIA: F. E. BGEEICKE. NEW YORK: WILLIAM RADDE. LONDON: H. TURNER & CO. 1 8 6 7. V Entered according to Act of Consress, in the, year 1866, by F. E. BCERTCKE, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Kino & Batro, Printers, G07San.som Street, Philadelphia, Pa. INTRODUCTION, BY E. H. GROSS. In comparison to that which is not known, the knowledge of all physicians in this world is certainly small. But we should never be able to enlarge upon the existing basis, did we deny, as do the skeptics upon principle, the general certainty of cogni- tion in medical science, or, to speak practically, the reliability of experience in the medical art* True, there are many trifles connected with the demeanor of the physician, either winning or destroying confidence, without the observance of which even the most dis- tinguished experience and ability cannot captivate the public. Such a boon is usually somewhat dependent upon innate individuality, though sometimes acquired or developed. It would be unjust to denounce bluntly the use of these outward expedients by the cheap name of "charlatanry;" they deserve this designation only when not based upon a solid, scientific foundation, — a foundation which, however, cannot be present, or at least not apparent, where skepticism is raised to a dogma ; or, where no connection has yet been found between theory and practice. But to return : in accordance with his experience, every physician cures as best he is able. In this respect we are in favor of the widest toleration, claiming the same for our- selves. No one is justified in marking out purely arbitrary paths in science, because these are mutually opposed as much as are anarchy and rational liberty. Hohenheirn's doctrine did not become the common property of all physicians, because it was enveloped by a mysterious obscurity. t \ Homoeopathy has no such fate to fear since she has a widely diffused "Press" as an ally. — Great, but not insurmountable, are the difficulties which, until now, have prevented her universal recognition and practical application. In so far as these difficulties lie in the Materia Medica, which, indeed, to the novice appears a chaos, I hope to remove them in a great measure by the present work. Our treasury of remedies has grown so much, both extensively and intensibly, that the publication of further provings of new remedies seems only exceptionally desirable. * Every practitioner who derives his support from the patronage of the pubic will admit that this "Experience" is his greatest ally and at the same time his best passport to confidence on the part of society. M. f Mohenheim — more generally known and slandered under the name Paracehits — did not do this him- self; it was done by his followers and the editors of his writings. With them it was a kind of fashion to puff up everything by surrounding it with clouds of mysteriousness. Exactly as in ©ur age crinolines are worn, disgusting to every man of the slightest cultivation of taste. C.Hg. t Often, in past ages, has medical truth, departing from the paths marked out by the dogmatism of the schools after briefly glimmering before the vision of those who refused to seize upon it, vanished into oblivion. M. iv INTRODUCTION. On the other hand, the proving of (old) remedies on ourselves is indispensable to self- instruction. — But we would have to confine ourselves to the treatment of only some particularly acute diseases, in order to be able to move within the small circle of* our own personal proving. I mean, that it is impossible to have proved on ourselves all the remedies at our disposal for the treatment of chronic diseases. It is therefore necessary to find and smooth a path which, without being arbitrary, shall be correct, and by which we may discover and appropriate, without much difficulty, the results of the hitherto known provings. I believe I have taken this path by exhibiting the differential DIAGNOSIS of such remedies as are similar in their effects. Fichte (the father) has already observed, that every honest work leads the author beyond his original purpose. When I undertook this work, I had no idea of the wide reach of its results, because it has incidentally yielded the following: A. The characteristic effects of such remedies as are herein compared; what is want- ing in one diagnosis is found in others. The differential points delineate the character of the effects of the medicine as distinctly as microscopic objects appear under polarized light. This predominating character of the remedy must be useful even to the gener- alizing- physician, for whom, in fact, this book has not been written; and who, since he will never fully make use of it by earnest study, is therefore also not competent to judge it. B. Irrefragable proof is herein furnished that, in their fullest compass, the collective effects of a remedy agree with each other, under physiological laws, and that they have therefore their own intrinsic physiological explanation, by which at once all theoretical elaborations of single remedies become for the future unnecessary, and again, through which even those who hitherto hare been strangers to Homoeopathy may convince them- selves, without further exertion, of Nature's truth in regard to "physiological" provings of remedies. The most important principle for testing the genuineness of every proving of a remedy is thereby also produced. Further, this work will help to preserve for all time the results of the labors of the first half century of Homoeopathy, as well as give new life to the study of remedies, inas- much as thus far very little has been done to enable the medical profession to find its way through our Materia Medica, and thereby to liberate itself from indolent Scepticism and to make use of our treasure of remedies by individualizing in practice. That of which "Xon-Homceopaths " have accused us as triviality, they will find herein in a desirable lapidary style. In fact, it is also a sort of generalization, but one which does not extinguish the effective character of the object; for one can easily conceive that every agent is distinguished from another by definite traits. All physicians tak? more or less notice of a relation of medical effects; particularly so the friends of Doctor Bademacher (the founder of a peculiar medical school in 1845), as well as the followers of the so-called "specific" healing art; — but the discovery of modalities, of conditions under which an agent discloses its specific powers, is thus far exclusively the merit of the homceopathicians.f Whosoever maintains that these mo- * It is certain that one succeeds better with a feio well-known remedies than with many whereof he knows little. But the practitioner who strives to reduce the number of his remedies more and more must necessarily generalize, — whereas, a true follower of individualizing homoeopathy, commencing his practice with but a few articles, gradually learns the application of more and more. R.H.Gr. t Homoeopathy urges the difference of effects in separate remedies, and knows, therefore, no sur- legate. R.H.Gr. INTRODUCTION. v dalities are of trifling' moment, proclaims indirectly the whole doctrine of Hahnemann to be charlatanism. To those who work in our field, the diagnosis of remedies, as it is before us, will help to designate more minutely the separate modalities of effects, because one of them frequently conditions the other. (Compare China — Ferr.; Carb. an. — Calc, and others.) Wherever in such respects the new provings differ from the old ones, the cause will be found in the more massive and crude form of the drugs employed in the former ; (which, being more subject to alternative phenomena, are therefore less characteristic. M.) Those who reject all repertories and similar works as an obstacle to a collective and unitary comprehension of the features of a disease, natural or artificial, can be refuted by the unitary physiological character which any single remedy shows in such a collection of its separate symptoms. The misunderstood so-called symptomatic treatment of dis- eases in Homoeopathy is thereby once for all justified, because it combats with the total character of the remedy the total features of the disease. The study of this work, which may always be more entertaining than a calculation of logarithms, ought, with eqiral perseverance, to be gone through with; the more so as it is more satisfactory than that of mere repertories, since in the latter the symptoms of remedies must of necessity be analyzed, whilst here they are synthetically compiled. Our diagnosis must also have the preference to a repertory with beginners, who, although not familiar with it, can nevertheless always find in a moment the matter searched for. To the skeptics I will yet observe that the statements in this book are mostly known to every practised Homceopathician, but not always present to his mind ; it would require a prodigious memory ; and further, that the doubt about authenticity may be cleared up by the internal evidence of truth, recognizable by every competent judge. These com- parisons can be looked upon as the first step towards a mathematical method of elabor- ating the Materia Medica, which was first suggested by Const. Hering, and which is at the same time a statistical one. The diagnostics of one remedy offer here a supplement and correction to another,* and also show one and the same remedy in different lights. They are based, not upon mere abstractions, new stand-points, and the like, out upon provings and clinical observations, i.e. upon facts of medicine according to Nature's laws, and are gained by the rules of the art of observation ; and it is interesting to follow up the laws of Nature which reflect themselves in these facts. We quote only a few of the most prominent: Sexual passion, often combined with jealousy, is intimately related on the one hand to cruelty, on the other to affected devoutness. In anger and sexual passion the secre- tion of saliva is increased ; in a paroxysm of fear diminished. The remedies in which hunger is predominant, produce an increased salivary secretion, and often a delicate taste (Camph., China, Coffea), while with a diminished saliva the appetite is wanting. In Aconit.', Chamom., China, Coff., we find predominantly a delicate sense of smell ; and, correspondingly, never dryness of the nose, which would make a delicate smell impossible. Those drugs which cause appetite fer beer, as well as those which generally cause scentless flatus, are at the same time remedies for the liver. The position of those sleeping with the arms crossed over the head usually indicates * In such a work it can hardly be otherwise than that some errata shall remain unnoticed. R.H.Gr. ti INTRODUCTION. liver complaint, and our remedies, the symptoms of which have been observed as con- taining such a position, have in fact a decided relation to the liver. The condition " compression of teeth " is identical with that of pressure in general, as well as with the lying on the painful side. Such analogies are everywhere illustrated. Thus, there is an analogy between the influence of stooping, retention of breath, expiration, retraction of abdomen, tension of abdomical muscles, of tightness of clothing around the hips, as well as bodily exertion. While standing, the body is not completely at rest, but offers quite the same passive resistance as while riding in a carriage, particularly if on rough roads; — therefore, the analogous influence of both conditions. Wine is usually analogous to the effects of warm diet ; vinegar and vegetable acids to cold diet. Those remedies the complaints of which are ameliorated by eructations have mostly also amelioration when the stomach is empty. If the thirsty drink little at a time, there is either an instinctive repugnance to fluids, or the thirsty one has already experienced that drink is hurtful to him. Dryness of the tongue indicates an affection of the brain ; this we find confirmed by those of our provings in which dryness of tongue predominantly occurs. Under Arsenic is found an inclination for the use of alcoholic drinks and aversion to sweets, and correspondingly also an irritable, malicious temper; — on the other hand there is, under Rhus, inclination for sweets and aversion to alcoholic drinks, and cor- respondingly a depressed mood. We find under China, Lachesis, Acid, fluor. and Acid, sulphuric, appetite for spirituous liquors, and correspondingly mental excitement, ecstasies, &c. ; under Mercury and Saba- dilla (aversion to wine, but) appetite for beer, which produces sluggishness of thought, and, corresponding with it, stupidity. (Compare the different influences of wine and beer under the head of Camph., Apis.) Mental excitement (ecstasy) is usually combined with insensibility of disposition, while a sensitive disposition is not un frequently combined with a depression of intellect.* In imbecile persons (as well as in children whose faculties are not yet roused) the pupils are mostly dilated (and often the urine pale) ; in insanity they are contracted. In mania-a-potu we find certain optical illusions, while mental disturbances produced by venereal excesses are connected with hallucinations of hearing and smell. These rela- tions are a true copy of the corresponding remedies in our medical treasury; particularly is there an augmented sexual desire wherever hallucinations of smell have been observed. It is evident that by the sense of smell (fragrancy) sexual desires are excited; and it is known that even the development of scent in the blossoms accompanies the sexual pro- cess of plants — that the development of the vocal organs is coincident with puberty — and that the free singing-bird suspends its song as soon as the sexual desire has been gratified. In clear-sightedness the pupils are predominantly dilated and the optical illusions appear in bright colors ; in dim-sightedness in dark colors. The remedies which have a specific direction to the hard palate act at the same time on the inner nose and inner ear (second branch of the Xerv. trigem.) ; on the other hand, * Analogously, we frequently find, during predominating polar currents of air, a diminished irrita- bility of the nervous system and a vascular erethism (Mexico, Hungary), while during an equatorial direction of winds there is nervous erethism with synchronous torpor of the vascular system. R.H.Gr. INTRODUCTION. v;i those remedies which act principally on the soft palate generally affect at the same time the external ear and external nose (connection of the Nerv. facial, with the Nerv. lingual.) Persons inclined to constipation are usually of an irritable and vexatious disposition ; and those who have a strong inclination to diarrhoea are commonly anxious and sad. Such medicines as produce (and cure) painless diarrhoea are also remedies for internal haemorrhages. Remedies which augment the secretion of urine also usually increase thirst, reduce sexual desire, produce a depressed disposition of mind (and often weak-mindedness), while with increased sexual desire there is generally combined a diminished urinary secre- tion, and mostly also disposition to constipation. Ant. cr., Apis, Aur., Camph., Canth., Carb. veg., China, Colch., Con., Dig., Dulc, Iod., Mez., N. vom., Op., Plumb., Puis., Ruta, Staph., &c. Women menstruating abundantly have usually strong sexual desires, and vice versa. Leucorrhcea, in women who menstruate profusely, is frequently of marked consistency, while it is fluid in such as have their periods rarely with a scanty flow. It is but rarely that we find in our provings a fluent coryza at night, because every fluent coryza is apt to cease during sleep and by the warmth of the bed. In the so-called narcotics, dry coryza predominates over fluent coryza, and dry cough over the moist. Those few narcotics which have coryza more frequently of a fluent nature, and a moist cough, have also oftener diarrhoea than constipation. Precordial anguish is often one of the first symptoms of insanity; while an anxious feeling in the head or in the hypochondriac regions is rarely followed by insanity. (Our experience with the remedies corresponds to this observation. C.Hg.) The remedies which create a cold breath are also capable of producing moist respiratory rales, while with a hot breath they are usually dry. If a remedy produces moist respiratory rales it is nearly always also capable of exciting cough with expectoration. If the latter be not the case, then the cough is either wanting, as in cholera (Colch., Cupr.), or else the matter which is loosened by the cough is swal- lowed (Caust.), — or lastly, the secretion is not raised on account of the half-paralyzed state of the lungs (oedema, emphysema, &c. — Colch., Cupr., Ipec, Op., Antim. tartar.) If a remedy has chill on one side of the body and heat on the other, the chill is always on the side on which the respective remedy is also otherwise predominant ; on the other hand, the heat (and mostly also the perspiration) on the opposite side. It appears, therefore, that the chill is more characteristic of the remedy than the heat, which is rather the reaction. Those remedies which, in moderate doses, produce no nausea, have the character of constitutional non-irritability; the same is true of those where itching of the skin is never, or only rarely, changed by scratching. Compare Colch., Helleb., Iod., Ipec, Op., Stramon. Arsenic has the character of constitutional non-irritability, and, with it, predominant complaints in internal parts ; we find, therefore, in this remedy the feeling of numbness or insensibility to be in internal or suffering parts ; on the other hand, sensibility ^to the touch, &c.) almost exclusively on external parts. Such remedies as act specifically on the fore part of the arm (predominantly on flexion) affect mostly also the flexors and adductors of the lower extremities. The muscles of the upper and fore-arm are, as regards gymnastics, in reciprocal relation vni INTRODUCTION. to each other. By this only we can explain why the proved medicines, which act spe- cifically on the. upper arm, leave the fore-arm almost untouched, and vice versa. Whenever a remedy acts predominantly on the interior or posterior side of the thigh, it acts also on the sole of the foot (Nerv. sciatic.); and if it acts predominantly on the exterior and anterior side of the thigh, it does so also on the dorsum of the foot, (Nerv. crural.) But, as a general rule, the whole course of the nerve is not attacked at one and the same time, nor in one and the same prover, but sometimes one and then again another part of the course and distribution of such nerve. In this respect the contrast of the calf to the shin seems to make an exception, in so far as such remedies as affect the anterior and exterior sides of the thigh and the dorsum of the foot are often also specific for the calf. The explanation of this seeming anomaly is clear in the fact that the anterior plane of the tibia is not covered with muscles and cannot, therefore, contain any large branches of nerves.* From what has been said it is apparent that we can judge of the purity of the provings by the physiological coincidence of their symptoms. If a thoroughly proved medicine contains contradictory symptoms, is has either been proved by different observers with different doses, or one of the two observations is erroneous, and it was no effect of the remedy. Of course we do not speak, here of the so-called "alternative symptoms," therefore not of the agreement and disagreement of symptoms contained in one and the same relation of effects, but in regard to the different directions or drift which the effects of medicines take. These diagnoses of remedies maybe objected to on the ground that by further provings many of the antitheses may lose force ; this may certainly be possible, but it will not occur often, because most of the modalities have already been eon firmed by manifold cures. All individualizing physicians, whether they call themselves homoeopaths or otherwise, can use these diagnoses to advantage, provided they are acquainted with the range of the symptoms of the remedies referred to.f Without such knowledge they are of course useless ; I have therefore no fear that my work will be abused by the ignorant. Undoubtedly, diseases are also cured by physicians who pay no regard to modalities of symptoms, because they find it too inconvenient to individualize. They declare, with- out having ever applied the high potencies scientifically, such cures attained by the latter as spontaneous, simply because such high dilutions have proved ineffectual in their gener- alizing applications. Their success is explained by the habitual exhibition of massive doses which frequently force the disease to accept the symptoms of the applied remedy and to change the conditions under which its symptoms appeared before the use of the medicine. — Nature has her peculiar means of defence against every sort of attack, to wit, reaction; but to heal <; surely, quickly and mildly" cannot be expected with massive doses. J It is therefore dangerous to use the reports of cures of such homoeopathic physicians, because such cures, frequently followed not according to, but in spite of, the modalities of symptoms of the remedy in question, i. e. they followed antipathic ally. Even * And the sciatic nerve, in its final distribution, supplies the calf and shin, and also the sole and dorsum of foot. M. t Those who wish to have the most important symptoms of very nearly all the best proved remedies are referred to the Text-Book of Materia Medica by Adolphus Lippe. Published by A. J. Tafel, No. 48 North yth Street, Philadelphia. Now completed. O.Hg. I Still Jess, what is the most important : permanently ! never done by massive doses. C.Hg. INTRODUCTION 33 if we consider it from the stand-point of the materialists, the application of massive doses is not contradictory, because the lower dilutions of our remedies are (not always, but generally) too large a dose for a homoeopathic, and too small a dose for an antipathic effect. Medicines which have improved a sickness by traditional doses have not been prescribed accurately according to the law of similars, else they would have made the state of the patient worse instead of better. When the law of Nature, as it has lately been laid down by Grauvogl in harmony with Hahnemann's doctrines, shall have once been universally acknowledged, then the latter can be no more pushed aside as antiquated (although truth never grows old) by those who, out of selfishness, abuse the name of homoeopathy by applying it to the extremest eclectic empiricism. It is easy for any one to flatter himself with the assump- tion that he is a great genius if he rejects, as prejudice and delusion, all such phenomena as, not being plain upon the surface, cannot be immediately taken hold of. A physician of this category, particularly if he considers his practice merely as a lucrative business, fares very well, and it is not necessary for him to oppose the opinion of the masses. — The roughly naturalizing physician ignores contradictions and difficulties; he who bases his proceedings upon science solves the first and conquers the last, benefits always and injures never. Withal, there remains this advantage in Homoeopathy, that the learned and the ignorant, the honest worker and the indolent, can all participate in its blessings. Homoeopathy is that individualizing healing art which, like all her true disciples, seeks to exclude more and more all accident and chance. The generalizing physicians, who concede a large part of their success in healing to chance, just save to themselves the appearance of being scientific by their rampant skepticism; and greatly do they need this appearance, because with those chances they open the door to routinism as well as to charlatanry ; they move therefore, provided they know better, on immoral ground. The diagnoses not found in this work, such as Mercurius and Sepia (Mercurius and Stannum), Pulsat. and Silicea, Camph. and Ipec, &c, can be made up in the mean time by the comparison of those given. Of Gelseminum nitidum and Glonoin there follows only a sample, the diagnosis from Belladonna.* Whenever the medical effects of these remedies shall have been more verified, then will Gelsem. have to be compared with Arsen., Puis., Yeratr., &c, and Glonoin, with Aconit., Camph., Digit., Op., &c. One of the difficulties of the present work consisted in its limits. In order not to make it too extensive, and thereby unpractical, I was obliged to select from the pharmaco- dynamic affinities the most interesting and practically most important antitheses, and to generally leave out such symptoms as both have in common. In order to confine myself to the diagnosis, I usually had to leave all such symptoms of remedies uncon- sidered as were based upon single observations, and I have gained thereby in clearness and general survey. I acknowledge thankfully that, without Boenninghausen's previous efforts, my labors would have been above the power of a single individual. Bcenninghausen's diagnosis of Calcarea and Causticum (Allg.h. Ztg. 63, p. 86 seq.) encouraged me to persevere in what I had reluctantly begun. No intelligent person can reproach me with having trodden in Bcenninghausen's footsteps, since in what he has done no one will be able to rival, much less surpass him. The antitheses of remedies which have thus far been incompletely proved, or only rarely applied, and the symptoms of which could therefore have received but little con- * Dr. J. C. Morgan has added a comparison of Gelseminum and Aconitum. C.IIg. x INTRODUCTION. firmation in practice, are of course but meagre and uninteresting. This is one of the reasons why these diagnoses must for the present remain incomplete; but it is left to a succeeding generation to correct what is doubtful, and to complete what is deficient. What there is yet to do, in this respect, will become partially obvious when we observe that, in spite of all provings and counter-provings, the modalities of symptoms of some efficient and often used remedies, as Bellad., Bryon., Arnica, &c, have remained com- paratively uncertain. I hope that this work will, by all, be — not lauded, but — what would be to me the most acceptable acknowledgment — used; used even by those whose approbation would be of no benefit to a book of this kind. If it exposes to many a reader his own deficiency of knowledge, it is at the same time ready to fill up any such gap with fidelity and dis- cretion. The difference of the principal polychrest-remedies are partly familiar to all, but had to be referred to for completeness' sake. It is true that the so-called naturally related or cognate remedies are not quite suit- able as successive or alternate* remedies, but I could not omit them entirely, as the object of these pages is to facilitate the differential diagnosis of (also such) remedies, and because, as Hemng has already shown, such remedies are especially diagnosed by the conditions under which their symptoms are either improved or aggravated. — Compare Carbo anim. et veg., Sulph. and Hep., Ant. crud. and Tart, emet, Phosph. and Acid. Phosph., &c, &c. * The last appearing symptoms always being the most important (Hahnemann, Chron. Diseases, p. 171 ; Hahnemannean Monthly, vol. 1, n. 1, p. 7), for instance, after a medicine ceases to improve a case, the reappearing symptoms, or still more so the new symptoms, become the principal indicative in the next selection ; we are never able to decide a priori what will be the next medicine suitable in a given case. Close observation, however, had shown to Hahnemann himself, and to many of his followers, that after certain medicines (for instance Calcarea) certain others (for instance Lycopodium) are oftener indicated and follow each other well ; hence the very important doctrine of successive remedies sprung up, i- e. there are some medicines which may often be given with peculiarly good results after each other. Of course never without consulting the changed state of the case, as we never know, and never can know, how a case may have become altered, and never know beforehand what medicine will be the next indicated. In some cases (spoken of in the Organon, § 169 & 170) where two medicines appear to correspond to a case, one of them to one group, the other to another group, we may suggest that after the one has been given and overcame one part of the complex of symptoms, the other might be given next to overcome the others. — This may be sometimes the case, but it may also not ; the chances are equal. We have first to see, inquire, and observe, as Hahnemann urges in \ 170, before we decide. There are cases where, after such an indicated succession, the first medicine of the two appears to be indicated again, the symptoms having so changed, or the former group of symptoms indicating; it being returned, and after it the second again, for the same reason, neither of the two being fully indicated, only both seem to cover the case. Such cases have been the offspring of the doctrine of alternate medicines. Both together being out of question as, then, they ought to have been proved together. After a certain succession has been of a good effect more than once, it may be considered excusable to suppose a repetition might be of a similar good result, but never have we the slightest excuse to suppose such a thing a priori. As an example of the worst kind we may mention the alternation of Aconit. and Belladonna in scarlet fever, which has proved to be the most absurd and most injurious in innumerable cases, because Aconit. rarely, if ever, is indicated in scarlet fever, even not in the begin- ning, when it may lessen the fever, and the fever being of course beneficial, spoil the case. Belladonna and Rhus have been really indicated in scarlet fever and have been given one after the other, and in many cases with benefit alternately ; but since we know when to give Calcarea or when Ammonium, we do not depend any more on such miserable makeshifts. Alternation is thus among true Homceo- pathicians to be understood as Hahnemann understood it, and never to be decided on a priori. C.Hg. INTRODUCTION. xi It is self-evident that many of the modalities mentioned are to be understood merely as prevailing and predominant, which would not exclude solitary deviations ; for it is well known that, with several remedies (Nux vom., Rhus, Sil., Staph.), the complaints in the scalp constitute an exception to the other circumstances, partly in regard to the time of aggravation, and partly as to the predominant influence of warmth of bed. — • Under Argent, Coloc, Rhus, &c, we find a contrast between trunk and extremities in so far as the complaints are at one time increased by extension, at another diminished by the same circumstance. — In Argent, and Sulph. the pains in the joints differ frequently from the muscular pains by the varied influence of rest and warmth of bed. — Aconit., of which most of the (inflammatory, congestive, catarrhal) symptoms are aggravated by a warm room (and by wine), has, on the other hand, the rheumatic pains ameliorated under the same conditions, while they are worse in cold open air.— As a general thing, congestive complaints are nearly always better in open air, even with remedies whose other symptoms are aggravated by cold free atmosphere. However, see: Chamom. and Nux vom. In the separate comparisons are to be found not only what the one remedy has opposite to the other, but also what the one has in preference, or much oftener than the other, or when the same symptoms appear under different conditions. The relative differences I have tried to designate partly by their expression and partly by different type; — it lies, in fact, in the character of comparative observations, that the prominent type here used can have only a relative significance, not an absolute one: as in Bonninghausen's books. Where single words are not marked by different type, the sequence of different conditions is sometimes pointed out by the position of the words ; if, for instance, under Rhus there is, "after rising from a seat," aggravation or amelioration, then the former refers to the commencement of the motion, the latter to its continuance. These general statements are intended for the comprehension of all the variety of complaints answering to a remedy, never for one and the same case; otherwise it could not be explained why under one remedy sometimes two quite opposite symptoms have been mentioned; as for instance under Merc, "itching, better or worse by scratching." Wherever in any one diagnosis some headings have been omitted, it was because no notable phenomena had been observed under that heading, or only such as belonged to both remedies. It should be understood, also, that on account of the general character of these notes, for instance, the term "aggravation" embraces all predisposing and exciting influences. It is, therefore, needless to explain in particular that, for instance, under Sulphuric acid the "aggravation by the use of brandy" refers to the consequences of a deleterious, habitual use of this beverage, while "amelioration after the use of wine," in the same remedy, signifies that it is simply a palliation of the symptoms produced by the medicine. As a general thing, the amelioration of symptoms by the respective influences (motion, exertion, &c.) means that these influences are of a moderate degree; for example, Rhus has: "better on moderate pressure," on the other hand "worse on deep pressure," — Ars., Bell., Cham., Rhus, t., "better from warmth of room," but "worse near a fire or hot stove," — Cannab., Ipec, Thuya, "better in the room," but "worse when the same is too warm." I need scarcely remark that no extreme inferences should be drawn from the statements in these diagnoses; to explain: if Pulsatilla has many complaints "better after eating," xii INTRODUCTION. while Bryonia many "better with an empty stomach," it is not to be concluded that aggravation after eating does not occur in both remedies. In order to gain in compass of expression, I have worded the time of aggravation or remission of symptoms in such a manner that conclusions can be drawn from either as to the other. If, for instance, Calcarea has "remission before midnight," we know that during any other time of the night or day aggravations occur, which, however, need evidently not be present in every corresponding case of disease. We can, thence, also surmise the extent of tune of the remission and aggravation, respectively, to which the different symptoms of a remedy are subject On the other hand, we do not include, in the time of general remission or aggravation, attacks of chills, fevers, &c, nor sleepless- ness, which often predominate just at the period when most of the other symptoms of a remedy show a remission, and vice versa. With a similar brevity I have stated the relation of thirst to the different stages of febrile attacks. The expression of "rarely" or "very rarely" presupposes the cor- responding symptom in the opposite remedy to occur frequently. — The "want of physical irritability" and "increased irritability" refer always to the (at the time present) material conditions of the entire individual constitution. It is therefore not to be under- stood that these phrases correspond with "over-sensitiveness," or "insensibility," or "feeling of numbness" (comp. Fluor, Merc, Staph.), wdiich latter refer only to the con- dition of single or several nerve-branches, and which designates only the peripheral rela- tion to external irritations. During a peripheral numbness or insensibility the central sensitiveness of some separate nervous trunks may be heightened, as we find it to be the case in many neuralgic affections. (Compare the note to Camph., Veratr.) Dryness of skin is not placed in antithesis to sweat, which is mostly found in the same remedy, but to disposition to sweat or sweating easily, in so far as both occur in feverless con- ditions. The difference between nervous and sanguineous apoplexy is of little- value to the pathologist, but remains important in relation to its phenomena and in therapeutics. With the remarks on the coagulability of the blood it will have to be remembered that the same often depends on the dose and repetition of the drug, according to which it varies. Wherever bright and dark hasmorrhages are differently stated, it refers also to the menses I suppose there is no vindication needed for having placed the influences of the moon* and sun in contrast, as it is known that the influences of either exclude those of the other more or less, and, for instance, that a thunder-storm is not likely to occur while the moon is above the horizon. Besides, there are but few remedies which represent the influences of both equally. It is true that the electrometer has scarcely been used, thus far, in the provings of remedies, the state of the atmosphere during a thunder-storm being only a phenomenon of dynamic electricity, measurable by the galvanometer. * Fome doctors get into a condemnation fit if they see the "moon" mentioned in a medical work. With the most miserable superficiality they call it a superstition. But aggravations of symptoms, apparently synchronous with certain phases of the moon, have been observed and, indeed, noted by observers like Hahnemann himself, Boenninghausen, and a few others. And they proceeded with such care that only from a very few medicines, about five per cent, of the whole number, such observations exist, and that is all that has been collected during the time of half a century! It is very cheap to sneer at it. But such " critics" have no right to call an easy process of this kind " reasoning." C.Hg. INTRODUCTION. xin It may not be superfluous to remark that the wordings "first right, then left" and "first left, then right," also "from above doivnivard" and "from below upward" are applied according to the maxim of Contraria contrariis, by virtue of the law of inverse directions.* The diagonal "upper right, lower left" implies in man and quadrupeds the stronger, while " upper left, lower right" signifies the weaker power. These formulae are charac- teristic and important, because they contain, by implication, the principle of motion; while we mean, by a simple "right or left," no reference to rest or motion of the body. The expression "inner ear" includes the middle portion, i.e. Tympanum and Eu- stachian tube. Several remedies have the excretion of urine increased, or also diminished. Such an increased excretion is due, either to excessive doses of the medecine (Aeon., Coloc, Op., Sassap., Sulph), or to a spasmodic or paralytic state inherent in the symptoms of the remedy (Op., Bell., Canth., Hyosc, Strain.); or else the diminished excretion is con- ditioned by a simultaneous (watery) diarrhoea (Yeratr., Phosph. acid., Arsenic). With Arsenic the stages of fever are also of various influence, as the excretion of urine during the chill is more copious than during the hot and sweating stage. — Besides, the asser- tions in regard to the urinary seeretion may suffer modification by considering the presence of a local disease of the urinary organs. Whenever, in the appendix, under the term "while urinating" the locality of the sensation is not stated, it is understood to mean the urethra. Where simply the word "expectoration" is used, we understand always an "expec- toration by coughing." — "Expectoration rare" or "constant" refers not to the time of day (which is usually mentioned in connection with it), but to the statistic relation of the expectoration to the cough of the respective drug. It has concerned me more, as a general thing, to express the relative statistic significance of a symptom objectively, than to make sharp antitheses. I am well aware that the allusions to antidotal symptoms are by no means exhausted, because every remedy which bears a symptomatic affinity to another one — i. e. which is similar in its form of symptoms, that is to say, which is alike in many and opposed in some action? — may also be its antidote; but I did not wish to let the opportunity pass of giving the reader an inducement to interesting comparisons. — At any rate, antidotes are effectually found only by the law of similars ; and I wish to observe on this occasion that cases of chronic poisoning can frequently be recognized only by the aid of Homoeo- pathy. A few words on the disputed primary and secondary effects of medicines Even though this conception be problematic (relative), still it is of importance; for should we drop such a distinction of effects entirely we would be obliged to admit all characteristic symptoms of a remedy to be capable of perversion to the contrary, such as contraction * Compare note to Amnion, and Bell., and others. The formula "R. «fe *L." or "L. s ^R." has been given only in ei^ht of our comparisons, with such medicines only where it was considered sufficiently corroberated. More about it will be given in the Journals and in the "Analytical Thera- peutics." The formula " Upper right, lower left," or " Upper left, lower right " in the effects of a drug has to be exactly alike in the case, but the formula "right" or "left" is rarely to be considered exclusive : it may be the opposite side in the case, if only sufficiently similar otherwise ; the formula " risrht to left" or "left to right," if it is a true characteristic of the drug, ought to be the opposite with the patient. C.Hg. xiv INTRODUCTION. of pupil to dilation, ecstasy to dullness of mind, &c, which would be, to say the least, a venturous boldness. This distinction can be justified indirectly by Grauvogl's funda- mental laws, in which it is affirmed that abstraction of water produces cold (on the other hand, supply of water — heat). Xow, in accordance with this fact, all water-abstracting remedies produce first cold and then heat; at least, among the salts there is not one which has first heat and then cold. I would like to know what else this heat, following cold, could be, but a secondary effect ; for it cannot be proved that abstraction of water produces heat just as well as cold. This is evidently no ground for striking out the "heat," following cold, from the register of symptoms, but we simply take note of the fact that it appeared after the cold (chill). It is of course necessary to note, with the pathogenic symptoms, the dose which has been used ; or else one would, like Hahnemann, have to confine oneself to a narrower scale of doses in provings and to experiment only with molecular quantities ; because, if we take into account not only these, but also large and even poisonous doses, the result would be indefinite ; but if, on the contrary, we follow the wise and measured path which Hahnemann has prescribed, then the relation of primary to secondarv effects will be con- fined to a narrow limit, and it will be apparent how the inevitable characteristics of medical effects rest on just such a difference. PH^RMA-CEUTIC^L KEY Added by C.Hg. Aconitum— Tincture of the herb of Aconitum Napellus Stoerk, now A. Stdrkianum, Rei- chenb. (Hayne XII. t. 15, Schkuhr t. 145 ; Reichenbach t. 71; Ratzeburg Aconitum Cammarum t. 39. The root is stronger, and the seed the most uniform in strength ; the symptoms of the herb, root and seed have not been separated, not even those of somewhat different species. Agaricus— A trituration of part of the cap of the Agaricus muscarius L., Amanita Per- soon according to Hahnemann, or the tinc- ture of the whole mushroom. Alumina — A trituration of the Sesqui oxide of Aluminum Al 2 3 prepared from natural alum according to Hahnemann. Ammonium carbonicum — The trituration of Sesqui carbonate of Ammonia 2H 4 NO, 3 C0 2 prepared from the Sal ammoniac of the shops, according to Hahnemann. Ammonium muriaticum — The trituration of the Chloride of Ammonium H 4 N, Ci 2 , puri- fied according to Hahnemann. Anacardium — The trituration of the drug im- ported from the East-Indies, the seed of the Semecarpus Anacardium. Antimonium crudum — A trituration of the mineral, the native Tersulphide of Anti- mony, taking the purest kind, according to Hahnemann. Antimonium tartaricum — Trituration or solu- tion of the old chemical preparation called Tartar emetic, Tartarus stibiatus, Anti- monii and Potassse tartras. Apis— A solution in alcohol of the poison of the common honey-bee, Apis mellifica; a tincture of bees is an imperfect prepara- tion, a trituration is the most objection- able. Argentum— A trituration of the foil of the metal (Ag.) was used by Hahnemann; much better is ihe precipitate of the pure metal in the form of a fine dust. Argentum nitricum — A trituration or solu- tion of Nitrate of silver, Ag.O, N0 5 . Arnica — The tincture of the fresh root, ac- cording to Hahnemann, and not of the dried flowers of Arnica montana, a plant growing on high dry meadows in northern Europe, on mountains, or the A l3 ^ of mid- dle Europe. The flowers almost always contain the eggs or pupas of the Atherix maculatus, an insect of similar properties with Canthar. Arsenicum— A solution in boiling water of the Arsenious acid A 5 3 , the Arsenicum album of the shops. Later the trituration has been preferred. Asa foetida— A trituration or tincture of the drug, a gum-resin of the Ferula Asa foetida, a plant found on the mountains of Persia. Aurum -A trituration of the foil or the leaf- gold (aurum foliatum) of the shops, later the pure metal (Au) precipitated in the form of the finest dust. Baryta — A trituration of the Carbonate of Baryta, BaO, C0 2 , prepared from the Chlo- ride of barium, according to Hahnemann. Belladonna — A tincture of the juice of the leaves of Atropa Belladonna, a plant of the (calcareous) mountains of middle Eu- rope. The tincture of the berries, from which most poisonings have been ob- served, is sometimes preferable. Borax — A trituration of the Biborate of Soda of the shops Na O, 2 B0 3 +- 10 HO. Bromium— A solution in pure water of the Bromine (Br.), prepared by the chemists ft om sea-water, saline springs, etc. Bryonia — The tincture of the root of Bryonia alba, a plant of northern or middle Europe, growing in bushes along fences, near cul- tivated soil. Calcarea— A trituration of the whitest de- posite in the middle of broken oyster- shells, mostly Carbonate of lime CaO, C0 2 , according to Hahnemann. Camphora — An alcoholic solution of the Cam- phora of the shops, a solid volatile oil ob- tained by distillation from the Laurus camphora, a tree of the East-Indies. Cannabis — A tincture of the juice of the hemp- plant, Cannabis sativa, cultivated all over the world. The Cannabis Indica, the in- spissated juice of the same plant, prepared in the East, is always impure. Cantharides -The tincture of the Spanish fly, Lytta vesicatoria, of the shops, obtained from southern Europe ; substitutes act sim- ilarly, but not the same as Canth. Capsicum— The tincture of the dry fruit of Capsicum annuum, the Cayenne pepper of the shops, best obtained from Africa. Carbo animalis— A trituration of animal char- coal, prepared according to Hahnemann from a piece of thick neat's leather. Carbo vegetabilis — A trituration of the vege- table char-coal, prepared, according to XV XVI PHARMACEUTICAL KEY. Hahnemann, from the wood of the Betula alba ; some provers used the wood of the Fauns sylvatica. Causticum — According to Hahnemann : A very peculiar product of the distillation of slaked lime and bisulphate of potash, not acknowledged by the chemists of our day, but of a very marked chemical and dy- namical effect. No spectrum has been ob- tained as vet, Chamomilla— The tincture of the flowers and tops of Matricaria Chamomilla, a European plant, growing as a weed on cultivated soil. China— The tincture or trituration of the bark of Cinchona condaminea, or other species, imported from Peru; the China regia or Cinchona rubra of the shops. Cicuta— The tincture of the root of Cicuta virom. growing in swampy places in north- ern Europe. Cina - The tincture of a drug imported from Palestine; the dry tops and flowers (not seeds) of Artemisia glomerata ; the Santo- nicum barbaricum of the shops, or Artemi- sia Vahliana, the Santonicum levanticum of the shops. Clematis - The tincture of the leaves of Cle- matis erecta, a plant of the middle and southern part of Europe. Cocculus —The tincture of the dried fruits of Cocculus lacunosus ( Menispermum ;, a shrub found on the rocky shores of the Molukian islands, the Cocculus Indicus of the shops. Coffea— The trituration or tincture of the un- roastecl coffee, the dry seeds of Coffea Ara- bica, cultivated in the tropics. Colchicum — The tincture of the cormus of Colchicum autumnale, a plant growing on meadow-grounds in middle Europe. Seed preferable. Colocynthis— A tincture or trituration of the dry fruit of Cucumis Colocynthis, a plant of the Levant. Conium — The tincture of the herb of Conium maculatum, a plant growing near roads and in waste places of middle and southern Europe. Cuprum -The trituration of the metal (Cu.) precipitated by galvanism in the form of the finest dust. Cyclamen— The tincture of the root of Cycla- men Euvopamm, a plant found on the moun- tains of middle and southern Europe. digitalis— Tincture of the tops and leaves of Digitalis purpurea, a plant on the moun- tains of southern and western Europe ; found also in America. Drosera— A tincture of the whole plant, Dro- sera rotundifoUa, growing in the swamps of Europe ; also in N. America. Dulcamara — A tincture of the stipites of Sola- rium Dulcamara, a European plant, grow- ing on the banks of creek? and rivulets ; also in N. America. Euphrasia— A tincture of the whole plant, Euphrasia officinalis, found on dry mea- dows and pastures of northern Europe. Ferrum — The original provings having been made with a solution of the acetate of iron, Hahnemann substituted afterwards a tritu- ration of the finest filings of iron as pure as it was to be had, (Fe.) The Philadel- phia Provers' Union used a powder of metallic iron prepared from the pure oxide by heating, passing a current of hydrogen over it until reduced. Fluor, acid.— The solution in water of the fluohydric acid (HF.) in phials turned out of fluor spar. Gelseminum — The tincture of the root of Gel- seminum nitidum, Michaux or Gelseminum sempervirens P. , a climbing shrub of the southern states of N. America. Glonoinum — Glycerine C 6 H 3 6 , acted on by Nitric acid, undergoing the same pro- cess which changes cotton into Pyroxyline (gun cotton), whereby the three equiv- alents of hydrogen are replaced by three of nitrous acid ; becomes an explosive oil, which ought to be dissolved in alcohol to prevent explosion or decomposition. The name Gl-O-NO ine is formed accord- ing to the custom of the chemists (viz : Al- dehyde) and the manner of the Eahbins for divisions of the Old Testament. Graphites — A trituration of the mineral called black lead, graphite or plumbago, a slightly ferruginous carbon. (C.) Helleborus— The tincture of the root of Helle- borus niger, a plant of the Alpine woods of southern Europe. Hepar sulphuris calcareum — The trituration of a chemical compound of Calcium and Sulphur. Calcium sulphuratum Ca S. Ac- cording to the usual simple preparation adopted by Hahnemann, it contains to 3 Ca S one Ca O, SO 3 ; to prepare it in a different way, would give an essentially differing preparation. Hyoscyamus — Tincture of the herb of Hyos- cyamus niger, growing in all Europe, par- ticularly about church-yards. Ignatia — Tincture or trituration of the seed of Ignatia amara, a climbing shrub on the Philippine islands of the East. Iodium — Alcoholic solution of Iodine, a so- called element of the chemists (I), pre- pared from saline springs or sea plants ; some prefer a trituration. Ipecacuanha — Tincture or trituration of the Ipecac of the shops, the dried root of Ce- phaelis Ipecacuanha, imported from Brazil. Kali carbonicum — The trituration of Carbo- nate of Potash of the shops, KO, C0 2 . According to Hahnemann that prepared from common Tartar or Cream of Tartar, a bitartrate of Potash, is preferable to all others. Kali bichromicum — Trituration of the Bi- chromate of Potash of the shops, KO, 2 Cr0 3 . Kreosot — Alcoholic or watery solution of a peculiar combination formed by dry distil- lation of wood, prepared according to Rei- chenbach, its discoverer, differing, accord- ing to Miller (Elements of Chemistry, PHARMACEUTICAL KEY. XVII p. in, page 553), from the Carbolic or Plienic aciii, which often passes for it. Lachesis— Trituration of the poison of the Trigonocephalies Lachesis, a snake only found in the interior of South America. Lycopodium — Trituration of the pollen-like sporules (seed) of Lycopodium clavatum, a fern in the higher European woods ; here, in Michigan. Magnesia carbonica — Trituration of the car- bonate of Magnesia, prepared according to Hahnemann's prescription ; 4 Mg O, 3 C0 2 + 4 Aqu. Magnesia muriatica — The trituration of the chloride of Magnesium, Mg CI, HO, pre- pared according to Hahnemann. Mercurius — The trituration of the pure metal (Hg) or of Mercurius solubilis Hahne- mann! Mezereum — The tincture of the bark of Daphne Mezereum, a shrub of northern and middle Europe. Moschus— The tincture or trituration of the Musk of the shops, imported from Asia : the dried contents of a sac found near the genitals of the Moschus moschiferus, an animal of the deer-tribe. Mur. acid ; acidum muriaticum — The watery solution of the chloro-hydric acid (hydro- chloric, muriatic acid). (HC1.) Natrum carbonicum — The trituration of the Carbonate of Soda, Na O, C0 2 + 10 HO, prepared from the soda of the shops, ac- cording to Hahnemann's directions. Natrum muriaticum— The trituration of the Chloride of Sodium, Na CI, the common table-salt, purified according to Hahne- mann's directions. Nitr. ac. ; acidum nitricum — The solution of the Nitric acid N0 5 , the aqua fortis of the chemists, prepared according to Hahne- mann's directions. Nitrum— Trituration of the Nitrate of Potash KO, N0 5 . The nitre or saltpeter of the shops, purified according to Hahnemann's directions. Nuz moschata — The trituration of the seed of the Myristica moschata, a tree cultivated at its home, the Moluccan islands; the common nutmeg of the shops. Nuz vomica — Trituration or tincture of the seed of Strychnos Nux vomica, a tree of the East Indies, the vomit-nut of the Opium — The dried juice of the Papaver som- niferum, cultivated at its home, the Le- vant, and imported from the Mediterra- nean, particularly from Smyrna ; all other kinds are objectionable. Petroleum— The trituration of mineral oil, a natural combination of Carbon and Hy- drogen, C 5 H 5 . Only the purest trans- parent product of the depth ought to be taken, but neither the Seneca oil nor the Barbadian tar, nor any other substitute, nor that which has been purified, distilled, or altered by the chemists. Phosphorus — The trituration of the vitreous, wax-like form of this elementary body (P) 2 has been used by Hahnemann for proving3 as well as cures, and as during the tritura- tion a part of the Phosphorus unites with Oxygen, an alcoholic solution has been substituted ; also the solution in ether. Experiments on the healthy, with other forms, particularly with the red arnor- phorus, might settle the question of the proper way of preparing it. Phosph. acid. ; acidum phosphoricum — The trituration or watery solution of the glacial phosphoric acid, pyrophosphoric acid P0 5 , 2HO, prepared from bones according to Hahnemann's direction. Platina— The trituration of the metal (PI.) precipitated in the form of dust, either ac- cording to the method of Stapf, the first who introduced these fine metallic precipi- tates, or according to later methods. Plumbum— The solution or trituration of the acetate of lead. The sugar of lead of the shops was at first proved and used ; later the trituration of the finest powder of the pure metal (Pb.) has been preferred by some. Pulsatilla— The tincture of the upper part of the flowering herb Pulsatilla pratensis, a plant found on sunny hills and plains in middle and northern Europe. Rheum— The trituration or tincture of the rhubarb of the shops, a dried root of the Rheum australe, or other species, im- ported from the interior of Asia; the so- called " Russian" is preferable. Rhododendron — The tincture or trituration of the dried leaves and flowers of the Rhododendron chrysanthemum, imported from Siberia and Kamtschatka. Rhus— The tincture of the juice of the leaves of Rhus toxicodendron, or the variety called Rhus radicans (poison-ivy), a shrub of North America. Ruta— The tincture of the juice of the herb of Ruta graveolens (rue), growing on sunny, rocky soil in southern Europe, and cultivated in gardens. Sabadilla— The tincture or trituration of the seed of the Veratrum Sabadilla, growing in swampy woods of Mexico. The semen sabadillae of the shops is generally very impure and mixed with parts of the flowers of other plants. Sabina — The tincture of the leaves and tops of the Juniperus Sabina, the Savin, a tree of shady mountains in middle and southern Europe; cultivated. Sambucus— The tincture of the flowers and leaves— or, separately, a tincture of the bark— of the Sambucus nigra (Elder), on moist places all over Europe ; cultivated. The Sambucus Canadensis of this country cannot be substituted, differing essentially in its effects. Sassaparilla— The tincture or trituration of the dried root of a Smilax, the species not being known with certainty ; but it is not the Sassaparilla of the southern states. Hahnemann used the root imported from Hayti, very likely the same as that im- XVIII PHARMACEUTICAL KEY. ported from Essequibo. The common drug of the shops from Honduras seems not to be the same, and is very much inferior in its effects. If the drug be genuine, chew- ing must cause a great nausea in the fau- ces, extending upwards and remaining a long while. Secale corn utum— The tincture or trituration of the Ergot of the shops, a morbid altera- tion of the grains of Secale cereale, fre- quently seen in damp summers. Whether it is a cryptogami c growth, or whether an insect causes it or follows it, is unsettled. Sepia— The trituration of the dried juice con- tained in a bladder of the cuttle fish, Sepia officinalis, of the Mediterranean, imported from Rome. It is the poison of this mol- lusk which benumbs the small fish. Silicea — The trituration of the Silica, the oxide of Silicon or Silicic acid (Si 3 ), prepared, according to Hahnemann, from crystals of pure quartz. Spigelia— The tincture of the dried herb of the Spigelia anthelmia, a plant of the West ■ Indies and South America. The Spigelia Marilandica, the pink root of the shops, cannot be substituted. Spongia — The tincture or trituration of the toasted common sponge of the shops, im- ported from the Mediterranean ; the dried and washed-out solid body of a zoophyte, Spongia officinalis. Hahnemann used for his provings and cures the best sponge carefully roasted like coffee until brown and (friable) not burnt to a coal. Stannum— The trituration of tin, (Sn.) Hah- nemann used tin-foil of the purest kind, as the precipitates were not then known and had first to be invented by the Homceo- pathicians, but the latter preparations are decidedly better. Staphisagria — The tincture or trituration of the seed of Delphinium Staphisagria, a plant of desolate places in southern Europe. Stramonium — The tincture of the leaves and unopened flowers of Datura Stramonium, a native of Asia, now spread all over the world, growing on waste places. Tinc- ture of the seed is preferable. Sulphur — The trituration of the flowers of Sul- phur of the shops, prepared according to Hahnemann ; one of the different forms of this elementary body, (S.) The milk of Sulphur seems to differ somewhat. Also the solution in Alcohol called by Hahne- mann Tinctura sulphuris. Sulph. ac; acidum sulphuricum — The solu- tion in water of the Sulphuric acid SO3 ; the oil of Vitriol of the shops. Thuya — The tincture of the tops of the branches of Thuya occidentalism a North American tree, the American arbor-vitse, cultivated in Europe. Valeriana— The tincture of the dried root of Valeriana officinalis, a plant of Europe, growing in damp shady and in dry sunny places; the plant from the latter location ought to be preferred. Veratrum — The tincture of the dried root of Veratrum album, a plant of moist meadows of the Alps; the white Hellebore of the shops. Zincum — The trituration of pure metallic zinc, an elementary body (Zn), formerly pre- pared from the filings, now of the precipi- tates in the form of dust. REMAEKS BY THE EDITOE. Dr. R. H. Gross worked at his differential comparisons a great many years. When he had taken up a pair of "related" medicines, i. e. such as had a predominating simi- larity in their effects, or such as might be indicated in the same or similar diseases, he considered it a matter of complete indifference which one be placed on the left column of the page and which on the right-hand column. The two columns were to him like a pair of scales. He did not pay any attention to the doctrine of groups, the least of all to Teste's notions. After the collection was made, he arranged them alphabetically. The Index of this translation has been arranged exactly in the same way, and the reader can find at a glance what is contained in the book. To compare all our proved medicines with each other, (if we calculate that there are about three hundred, more or less proved and applied), and to compare, respectively, each one with the other, would require about 50,000 diagnoses ! But, of course, the greatest number of them, if worked out, would be useless in practice and a burden to our literature. Still a beginning had to be made in order to find out which are useful and which not, and to know which comparisons we had to make only in our own mind (as we do in other natural sciences.) This is our great aim, and to come nearer to it the work of Gross is a stepping-stone, a transition. As a selection had to be made, it seems that Dr. Gross took Aconitum and Pulsatilla on the one hand, and Sulphur and Ar- senicum on the other, and added gradually what he considered next to most important. Here are about five hundred comparisons of one hundred of our most generally used drugs. Another similar volume, as a continuation of this present one, is ready if wanted by the profession, and that would satisfy all the demands of theory as well as of practice for the rest of this age Such a result is certainly encouraging, since, although we are still a decided minority among physicians, we have proved already nearly all the elements of chemistry and about one-hundredth part of all that is offered by nature ! This gigantic work had to be done by a few slandered men, within fifty years. It is by far more than any other natural science can boast to have accomplished in so short a time, and, as our increase in number is equally satisfactory, our sons and grandsons may reach the climax. In advising how to use this book, we will address the students first and the prac- titioners next. The student of Materia Medica has now a better chance than he ever had before to become familiar with the very essence of our knowledge of drugs. The bewildering awe XIX xx REMARKS BY THE EDITOR. overcoming every one entering into our dominion disappears with every step forward, if lie takes Gross as his leader. Begin by first studying one medicine. Read what is given in the Text-Book of Dr. Lippe, or any other Extract you have on hand, and, immediately after it, its different comparisons, and you will at once get a clearer idea of its character. Of this you will convince yourself by reading, for a second time, what is given in the Text-Book. The first impression the newcomers heretofore received was the perplexing similarity in our collection of symptoms, and it often led to the very absurd remark, particularly with our opponents, that the different drugs acted all alike, and had nearly all the same symptoms over and again. Here now, through Gross, the query will be reversed, and some will ask, "Where is the similarity?" Only here and there a few hints have been given regarding the similarity of the compared drugs, and, if more is required, refer to the Repertories; look to the Materia Medica itself, even to the Extracts; examine the Therapeutical Works, and you will find concordances enough. The book is furthermore of the greatest value to show the necessity of a true, sharp indiuidualisation, and will enable you to learn whether your examination of the sick has been imperfect. You may often return to the sick-bed and examine again and closer after having consulted the Comparative Materia Medica. TJie practitioner may consult our work every day, at least in all cases where he is not perfectly certain in his choice. It may happen, and, indeed, often will happen, that we cannot at once decide between two medicines, and then we can go to find the very same remedies compared in the book ; such a case requires no further advice, a single glance will decide the most important questions and save a great deal of time, except in some cases where a further, and better, and more complete examination will be required ; but even in such cases we obtain instruction from the book, and a good advice into the bar- gain. If only one of the two drugs we have in view appears in the book, we have to look over such other comparisons as come nearest, or, what is very important, over com- parisons with such drugs as either were the last given in the case, or had been given, with good result, to the same individual before ; or else compare with a medicine which '•rules the day," i. e. corresponds to the predominating genius epidemicus If both medicines are to be found in the book, but not compared, for instance Mercurius and Stannum, look to the index, and you will find that each of them is compared with Pul- satilla and with Sulphur. Study both, and you cannot fail finding the advice you wish. If it happens that we are undecided about several different medicines, we have to look over several comparisons. If neither of them is among the first hundred in the book, there is nothing else to be done than to make the wanted comparison yourself, and find out, at the same time, what a great undertaking it is to make one such comparison only, which, we sincerely hope, will impress upon you the importance to send in your subscrip- tion for a second volume, and not to forget to promote, as much as you can, the sale of this book ; for a continuation of it will, as a matter of course, never appear if it does not meet with a ready sale. The order in the arrangement of symptoms, which our author has adopted for satis- factory reasons, is only partly Hahnemann's plan. He commences with generalities REMARKS BY THE EDITOR. xxi mostly looked for by the practitioner, and the symptoms of the skin, with those of fever, following next. These are then divided from the other symptoms by means of a rule. Below this rule the symptoms of the mind were placed first, head next, and so on, ac- cording to Hahnemann's plan. A third division is again formed by another rule; it contains the Aggravations and Remissions during the day, and all other modalities and conditions. The fourth division points out the contrast of such conditions which are predominant in one remedy and the reverse in the other : one of the most difficult, but also most useful parts of the whole comparison. Here it is where we hope to obtain many additional corroborating, or, if necessary, correcting remarks by the practitioners. According to the author every comparison had to fill a page, arranged in strictly alphabetical order, which is of great advantage in consulting the book. As a few of his comparisons could be printed together on one page, without disturbing the order, it was concluded to give others two pages, provided they could be arranged in such a way as to place them invariably opposite each other. Additions were also made to some of them, extending the limits adopted by Dr. Gross, in order to make them still more in- structive for beginners. There are eight such two-page medicines : Aconitum and Coffea — Bryonia and Pul- satilla — Coffea and Pulsatilla — Cuprum and Ferrum — Cyclamen and Pulsatilla — Rheum and Chamomilla — Rheum and ]S"ux vomica — Veratrum and Belladonna. Thus twelve of our polychrests are more fully compared : nine times with one, twice with two, once with three others. Beginners may find it very useful in learning by them what great practical use all such comparisons have, particularly if they are able to add observations of cured cases of their own, and know, as the Germans say, how to read ''between the lines." The translation has been made with the greatest care and the best intentions for utmost accuracy, trying, with due piety towards the author, to render his peculiarities and his own variations. The edition and revision has absorbed all the spare hours of a whole year. Some incongruities of language have undoubtedly slipped our notice. All remarks about such will be thankfully received, ackowledged, and made use of. The editor begs to be excused, in particular, for some Germanisms, most of which, it is hoped, will not hinder the use of the book ; a few of them might even be permanently adopted, like the word "proving," and others. "Fever," in the German language, means the whole attack in all its three stages. Eastwind, in middle Europe, is a landwmd, and, consequently, had to be translated by "Westwind," and vice versa. Technical terms have been preferred whenever the author preferred them; otherwise they have not had the sole sweep as in other books, but the true, clear anglo-saxon was put in its place. For instance: "sweat" is generally used instead of the mock-modest "perspiration;" "bellyache" has taken the place of its real meaning; "unpdinful," philosophically (as used by Locke), is to be distinguished from "painless," and has been regularly used where it ought to have the preference. Several other expressions, not of daily use in the newspapers, have been preferred after a cautious consultation with American and German scholars. xxn REMARKS BY THE EDITOR. AhiHdgments had to be resorted to so as to make the work less extensive and expensive. They will not puzzle the reader if he consults the opposite line or other places where there was space to spell the word out in its full length. "Pred., Predom., Predominantly," is explained by the author in his introduction ; it always means that the respective medicine has the respective symptom or modality far more than its oppo- site and is therefore to be preferred if the same is the case with the patient; but it is not to be used exclusively, i. e. the opposite may also come in use, being not a contra-indica- tion, provided there are enough of other characteristics besides to confirm the choice. R. %$ >L. and L. » > R. means that some symptoms, with the pr overs, have been observed to go from the right side to the left, or vice versa It has been supposed that in cases to be cured by such a drug the "drift" with the sick ought to be the reverse. Observations of this kind ought not to be lost, but carefully collected and communicated, as they may lead us to a greater certainty, in theory and practice, much more than any other proposed exclusive rule ever has done. "We cannot omit, at the close of this great undertaking, to express our thanks to all who aided us, as without such aid it would have been impossible for Editor and Publisher to succeed. The first thing requisite was to have the manuscript, as left by the author, copied in more legible German. This was done, with the greatest exactness and in an incredibly short time, by Doctor L. Knabe. To mention all who aided in the collection of a Glossarium, and in the translation of the text according to it, is inadmissible ; but we say, with our thanks, that the trans- lation of the Introduction — a most difficult task — was done by Dr. R. Koch, and a careful revision was made by Dr. Morgan. The Pharmaceutical Key was revised by Dr. Zumbrock. The whole Appendix has been translated by Dr. Conrad Wessel- hceft. The very interesting observations regarding cures of horses, in our work, have been translated with the aid of Mr. Tegtmeyer of this city, a veterinary surgeon and a true Homagopathician. Numerous additions by our Colleagues have been duly credited. Finally our particular thanks are due to Mr. John H. Schwacke, who superintended the setting in type of a manuscript which would have been refused in most all other Printing offices, as the execution, according to the plan of the Author, offered such uncommon difficulties, that it required great skill, experience and ingenuity to overcome them. We ought to likewise mention the compositors, and thank them for their skill, their patience, and the great interest they have taken in the correct and tasteful typical arrangement of the work. PHILADELPHIA, October 18th, 1866. Constantine Hering. LIST OF TUB COMPAEED REMEDIES. To facilitate the understanding and use of this list, we premise that each remedy found in the left-hand column has for its opposite the respective heading under which it appears, leaving, of course, a blank in the right-hand column to indicate where the respective heading comes in. ACONITITM. ANTIMON. TART. Apis. Antimon. crud. Arnica. Ipecacuanha. Belladonna. Opium. Bryonia. Pulsatilla. Cantharides. Rhus. Chamoniilla. Veratrum. China. Coffea. APIS. Gelseminuni. Ignatia. Aconitum. Nux vomica. Arsenicum. Opium. Belladonna. Phosphor. Camphora. Pulsatilla. Cantharides. Rhus. Colchicum. Sepia. Lachesis. Veratrum. Phosphor. Pulsatilla. AGARICUS. Rhus. Sepia. Nux vomica. Sulphur. Thuya. ALUMINA. ARGENTTTM. Calcarea. Lycopodium. Mercurius. Natr. mur. Pulsatilla. Plumbum. Sepia. Silicea. ARGEI AMMON. CARB. Kali bichrom Bellad. Natr. mur. Pulsatilla. .tirom. Phosphor. Thuya. AMMON. MURIAT. ARNICA. Arsenicum. Aconitum. Phosphor Belladonna. Pulsatilla. China. Ipecacuanha. ANACARDIUM. Kux vomica. Pulsatilla. Belladonna. Rhus. Pulsatilla. Veratrum. ANTIMON. CRUD. ARSENICUM. Antimon. tart. Ammonium muriat. Pulsatilla. Apis. Sulphur. Aurum. XXIII XXIV LIST OF THE COMPARED REMEDIES. ARSENICUM. I JELLADONNA. Belladonna. Aconitum. Calcarea. Ainmon. carb. Carbo anim. Anacard. Carbo veget. Apis. Caiisticum. Arnica. Chamomilla. Arsenicum. Cliina. Aurum. Cuprum. Bryonia. Digitalis. Calcarea. Ferrum. Cantharides. Helleborus. Carbo anim. Hcpar s. c. Carbo veget. Iodium. Chamomilla. Ipecacuanha. China. Kali bichrom. Cicuta. Kali carb. Coffea. Kreosot. Colchicum. Lachesis. Colocynthis. Lycopodium. Conium. Muriat. acid. Cuprum. Natr. mur. Digitalis. Nux vomica. Dulcamara. Opium. Gelsemiuum. Petroleum. Glonoinum. Phosphor. Helleborus. Pbosph. acid. Hepar s. c. Pulsatilla. Hyoscyamus. Rhus. Lachesis. Sambucus. Mercurius. Secale. Mezereum. Sepia. Moschus. Silicea. Nitrum. Staphisagria. Nux vomica. Sulphur. Opium. Thuya. Phosphorus. Yeratrum. Phosph. acid. Pulsatilla. ASA FCEJTIDA. Secale c. Rhus. Calcarea. Sepia. Mercurius. Spigelia. Phosphor. Stramonium. Pulsatilla. Sulphur. Silicea. Veratrum. AURUM. BORAX. Arsenicum. Nux vomica. Belladonna. Calcarea. BROM. Lycopodium. Ammon. c. Mercurius. Hepar s. c. Nitr. acid. Iodium. Phosphor. Spongia. Platina. Pulsatilla. BRYONIA. Rhus. Aconitum. Sepia. Belladonna. Silicea. Lycopodium. Sulphur. Muriat. acid. Nux vomica. BARYTA. Phosphor. Pulsatilla, Calcarea. Rhododendron Phosphor. Rhus. Pulsatilla. Spongia. Silicea. Sulphur. Veratrum. Sulphur. LIST OF THE COMPAEED EEMEDIES. xxv CALCARSA. CARBO ANIM. Alumina. Carbo veget. Arsenicum. Graphites. Asa foatida. Phosphor. Aurum. Pulsatilla. Baryta. Sepia. Belladonna. Carbo anim. Sulphur. Carbo veget. Causticum. China. Arsenicum. CARBO VEGET. Cina. Belladonna. Ferrum. Cuprum. Carbo anim. Calcarea. Fluor, acid. China. Graphites. Ferrum. Ipecacuanha. Graphites. Kreosotum. Lycopodium. Lycopodium. Mercurius. Magnesia c. Nux vomica. Magnesia mur. Phosphor. Mercurius. Pulsatilla. Natrum carb. Sepia. Natr. mur. Sulphur. Nitr. acid. Nux vomica. CAUSTICUM. Petroleum. Arsenicum. Phosphor. Calcarea. Pulsatilla. Clematis. Rhus. Lachesis. Sassaparilla. Phosphor. Sepia. Pulsatilla. Silicea. Rhus. Sulphur. Sepia. Zincum. Sulphur. CAMPHORA, CHAMOMILLA. Apis. Aconitum. Cantharides. Arsenicum. Opium. Belladonna. Veratrum. Coffea. Cocculus CANNABIS. Ignatia. Cantharides. Mercurius. Nux vomica. Euphrasia. Pulsatilla. Opium. Rheum. Pulsatilla. Sambucus. Thuya. ( CANTHARIDES. CHINA., Aconitum. Aconitum. Apis. Belladonna. C amphora. Cannabis. Arnica. Arsenicum. Belladonna. Calcarea. Lycopodium. Carbo veg. Cina. CAPSICUM. Digitalis. Ferrum. Nux vomica. Helleborus. Pulsatilla. Ipecacuanha. Lachesis. CARBO ANIM. Mercurius. Natr. muriat. Arsenicum. Nux vomica. Belladonna. Phosphor, acid Calcarea. Pulsatilla. XXVI LIST OF THE COMPARED REMEDIES. CHINA. CUPRUM. Sepia. Arsenicum. Sulphur. Veratrum. Belladonna. Calcarea. Cocculus. CICUTA. Ferrum. Belladonna. Mercurius. Pulsatilla. Ignatia. Sulphur. Nux vomica. Pulsatilla. Veratrum. CYCLAMEN. CINA. Pulsatilla. China. Calcarea. Ignatia. Spigelia. Nux vomica. DIGITALIS. Pulsatilla. Arsenicum. Belladonna. CLEMATIS. China. Mercurius. Nux vomica. Pulsatilla. Causticum. Sulphur. Thuya. Sulphur. DROSERA. COCCULUS. Ipecacuanha. Chamomilla. Nux vomica. Cuprum. Pulsatilla. Ignatia. Sulphur. Nux vomica. Phosphor. Pulsatilla. DULCAMARA. Rhus. Belladonna. Lycopodium. COFFEA. Mercurius. Aconitum. Rhus. Belladonna. Sepia, Chamomilla. Sulphur. Colocynthis. Ignatia. Nux vomica. EUPHRASIA. Pulsatilla. Cannabis. Nux vomica. COLCHICUM. Phosphor. Pulsatilla. Apis. Sulphur. Belladonna. Nux vomica. Pulsatilla. Rhus. Sepia. Arsenicum. FERRUM. Carbo veget. Calcarea. China. COLOCYNTHIS. Cuprum. CofFea. Belladonna. Iodium. Lvcopodium. ISux vomica. Pulsatilla. Pulsatilla. Sulphur. Staphisagria. FLUOR. ACID. CONIUM. Calcarea. Bellad. Nitr. acid. Nux vomica. Pulsatilla. Pulsatilla. Silicea. Sulphur. Sulphur. LIST OF THE COMPARED REMEDIES. XXVII GELSEMINUM. IODIUM. Aconitum. Hepar s. c. Belladonna. Mercurius. Sulphur. GLONOINUM. IPECACUANHA. Belladonna. Arnica. Antim. tart. GRAPHITES. Arsenicum. Carbo anim. Calcarea. Calcarea. China. Carbo veget. Drosera. Lycopodiuru. Natr. carbon. Nux vomica. Pulsatilla. Petroleum. Yeratrum. Sepia. Silicea. KALI EICHROMICUM. Sulphur. Argent, nitric. HELLEBORUS. Arsenicum. Mercurius. Arsenicum. Natr. muriat Belladonna. Nitric, acid. China. Pulsatilla. Lachesis. Pulsatilla. KALI CARBON. Yeratrum. Arsenicum. EEPAR S. C. Lycopodium. Nitr. acid. Arsenicum. Bromum. Iodium. Belladonna. Lachesis. Mercurius. Phosphor. Pulsatilla. Sepia. Sulphur. Silicea. KREOSOTUM. Spongia. Sulphur. Zincum. Calcarea. Arsenicum. Nux vomica. Sulphur. EYOSCYAMUS. Belladonna. Nux vomica. LACHESIS. Pulsatilla. Apis. Stramonium. Arsenicum. Belladonna. A conitum. IGNATIA. Causticum. China. Helleborus. Chamom Cicuta. Cina. Hepar. s. c. Lycopodium. Mercurius. Cocculus. Phosphorus. Coffea. Phosph. acid Nux vomica. Pulsatilla. Phosphor, acid. Rhus. Pulsatilla. Rhus. Sulphur. Zincum. Alumina. LYCOPODIUM. Valeriana. Arsenicum. Aurum. Bryonia. IODIUM. Calcarea. Arsenicum. Cantharid. Bromum. Carbo veg. Ferram. Dulcamara. XXVIII LIST OF THE COM] !>ARED REM EDIES. LYCOPODIUM. MEZEREUM. Ferrum. Pulsatilla. Graphites. Rhus. Kali carbon. Laehesis. Thuya Magn. mnriat Muriat. acid. K at rum. Petroleum. Phosphor. Belladonna. MOSCHUS. Phosphorus. Phosph. acid. MURL Platina. Plumbum. Arsenicum. Pulsatilla. Bryonia. Sepia. Lycopodium. Silicea. Pulsatilla. Stannnm. Staphisagria. NATR. CARBON. Sulphur. Graphites. Calcarea. MAGNESIA CARB. Lycopodium. Calcarea. Katr. mnriat. Phosphor. Pulsat. Phosphorus. Pulsatilla. Sepia. Sepia. Silicea. Sulphur. MAGN. MURIAT. Alumina. NATR. MURIAT. Calcarea. Argent, nitr. Lycopodium. Arsenicum. Phosphor. Calcarea. Pulsatilla. China. Sepia. Kali bichrom Natr. carb. Argentum. Asa foetida. Aurum. MERCURIUS, Phosphorus. Sepia. Sulphur. Thuya. Belladonna Calcarea. NITR. ACID. Carbo veget. / Aurum. Chamom. Calcarea. China. Fluor, ao. Clematis. Kali bichrom . Cuprum. Kali carb. Dulcamara. Mercurius. Hepar. Mezereum. Iodium. Petroleum. Kali bichrom. Pulsatilla. Laehesis. Sepia. Mezereum. Sulphur. Nitr. acid. Thuya. Opium. Sassaparilla. Pulsatilla. NITRUM. Staphisagria. Belladonna. Sulphur. Phosphor. Thuya. Rhus. Zincum. MEZEREUM. Sepia, Sulphur. Belladonna. NUX MOSCKATA. Mercurius. Nnx vorrica. Nitr. acid. Pulsatilla. Phosphor. Rhus. LIST OF THE COMPARED REMEDIES. XXIX NUX VOMICA. Aconitum. Agaricus. Aurum. Baryta. Arnica. Belladonna. Arsenicum. Bryonia. Belladonna. Calcarea. Borax. Carbo anim. Bryonia. Carbo veget. Calcarea. Causticum. Capsicum. Cocculus. Carbo Yeget. Euphrasia. Chamom. Kali carb. China. Lachesis. Cicuta. Lycopodium. Cina. Magn. carb. Coccul. Magn. mur. Coffea. Mezereum. Colchicum. Moschus. Colocynth. Natr. carb. Conium. Natr. muriat. Digitalis. Nitrum. Drosera. Nux vomica. Euphrasia. Phosph. acid. Hyoscyamus. Pulsatilla. Ignatia. Rhus. Ipecacuanha. Spongia. Kreosot. Sulphur. Nux mosch. Sulph. acid. Phosphorus. Thuya. Pulsatilla Rheum. Rhus. PHOSPHOR. ACID. Sabad. Arsenicum. Staphisagria. Belladonna. Sulphur. China. Valeriana. Ignatia. Veratrum. Lachesis. Lycopodium. Aconitum. OPIUM. Phosphor. Pulsatilla. Sepia. Sulphur. Antim. tart. Arsenicum. Belladonna. Camphor. PLATINA. Cannabis. Aurum. Mercurius. Plumbum. Lycopodium, Pulsatilla. Stramonium. Rhus. Veratrum. Sepia. PETROLEUM. PLUMBUM. Arsenicum. Alumina. Calcarea. Lycopodium. Graphites. Opium. Lycopod. Pulsatilla. Nitric, acid. Stramon. Sepia. Sulphur.. Sulphur. Thuya. Aconitum. PULSATILLA. PHOSPHORUS. Ammon. mur. Aconitum. Anacard. Ammonium c Antim. crud. Ammon. mur Antim. tart. Apis. Apis. Arsenicum. Argentum. Asa fcetida. Argent, nitr. PHOSPHORUS. XXX LIST OF THE COMPARED REMEDIES. PULSATILLA. RHODODENDRON. Arnica. Bryonia. Arsenicum. Pulsatilla. Asa feet. Rhus. Aurum. Baryta. Belladonna. RHUS. Bryonia. Aconitum. Calcarea. Ant. tart. Cannabis. Apis. Capsicum. Arnica. Carbo anim. Arsenicum. Carbo veg. Aurum. Causticum. Belladonna. C ha mom. Bryonia. China. Calcarea. Cicuta. Causticum. Cina. Cocculus. Cocculus. Colchicum. Coffea. Dulcamara . Colchicum. Ignatia. Colocynth. Lachesis. Conium. Mezereum. Cuprum. Nitrum. Cyclamen. Nux mosch. Digitalis. ISTux vomica. D ro sera. Phosphor. Euphrasia. Platina. Ferrum. Pulsatilla. Fluor, acid. Rhododendron. Helleborus. Sabadilla. Hyoscyamus. Sambucus. Ignatia. Sepia. Ipecacuanha. Silicea. Kali bichrom. Sulphur. Kali carbon. Veratrum. Lachesis. Lycopodium. RUTA. Magnesia c. Pulsatilla. Magn. mur. Sulphur. Mercurius. Mezereum. Muriat. acid. SABADILLA. Natr. carb. Nux vomica. Nitr. acid. Pulsatilla. Nux mosch Rhus. Nux vomica. Phosphor. Phosphor, acid. SAMBUCUS Platina. Arsenicum. Plumbum. Chamomilla. Rhodod. Rhus. Rhus. Ruta. Sabad. SASSAFARILLA. Sepia. Calcarea. Spigelia. Mercurius. Spongia. Stannum. SECALE. O. Staphisagria. Stramonium. Sulphur. Sulph. acid. Thuya. Arsenicum Belladonna. Veratrum. Zincum. SEPIA. Aconitum. RHEUM. Apis. Chamomilla. Argentum. Nux vomica. Arsenicum. LIST OF THE COMPARED REMEDIES. XXXI SEPIA. STAPHISAGRIA. Aurum. Belladonna. Lycopodium. Calcarea. Mercurius. Carbo anini. Nux vomica. Carbo veget. Pulsatilla. Causticum. Sulphur. China. Thuya. Colchicum. Dulcamara. Kali carb. Graphites. STRAMONIUM. Lycopodium. Belladonna. Magnesia c. Hyoscyamus. Magnesia mur. Opium. Katrum carb. Plumbum. ISatr. mur. Pulsatilla. Nitr. acid. Nitrum. Petroleum. Phosph. acid. . SULPHUR. Platina. Antim. crud. Pulsatilla. Apis. Rhus. Arsenicum. Silicea. Aurum. Sulph. acid. Sulphur. Baryta. Belladonna. Zincum. Bryonia. Calcarea. SILICEA. Carbo anim. Alumina. Carbo veget. Arsenicum. Causticum. Asa foetida. China. Aurum. Clematis. Baryta. Conium. Calcarea. Cuprum. Fluor, acid. Digitalis. Graphites. Drosera. Hepar s. c. Dulcamara. Lycopodium Euphrasia. Magnesia. Ferrum. Rhus. Fluor, acid. Sepia. Sulphur. Hepar s. c. Ignatia. Graphites. SPIG-ELIA. Iodium. Cyclamen. Belladonna. Pulsatilla. Kali carb. Kreosotum. Lycopodium. Mercurius. Natr. carb. SPONGIA. Natr. muriat. Bromium. Nitr. acid. Bryonia. Nitrum. Hepar s. c. Nux vomica. Phosphor. Petroleum. Pulsatilla. Phosphor. Phosph. acid. Plumbum. STANNUM. Pulsatilla. Lycopodium. Rhus. Pulsatilla. Ruta. Sulphur. Sepia. Silicea. Stannum. STA Staphisagria. Arsenicum. Sulphur, acid. Colocynthis. Thuya. XXXII LIST OF THE COMPARED REMEDIES. SULPHUR. Valeriana. Ignatia. Veratrum. Nux vomica. Zincum. Sulphur. VERATRUM. SULPHUR ACID. Aconitum. Antim. tart. Phosphor. Arnica. Pulsatilla. Arsenicum. Sepia. Belladonna. Sulphur. Camphora. China. Bryonia. THUYA. Cuprum. Helleborus. Apis. Argent, nitric Arsenicum. Ipecacuanha. Opium. Nux vomica. Cannabis. Rhus. Clematis. Secale. Mercurius. Sulphur, Mezereum. Natr. mur. ZINCUM. Nitr. acid. Calcarea. Petroleum. Hepar s. c. Pulsatilla. Phosphor. Ignatia. Mercurius. Pulsatilla. Stapbisagria • Sepia. Sulphur. Sulphur. VALERIANA. Aconitum. Apis. Complaints (tension, etc.) predominate in Complaints (tension, etc.) predominate in internal parts. external parts. Complaints predominate on the soft palate, Complaints predominate on the roof of in the liver and on the patella. mouth, in the spleen and in the hollow of the knee. The part affected is hot — Thirst .... The part affected is chilled — Thirst seems to be wanting only during the sweat. Chills in streaks Burning in small spots, (subjective heat.) Fear of loss of reason • Fear of apoplexy. Fear and sadness predominant— Despair of Eccentric cheerfulness or hopelessness — recovery — Anxious feeling in the prge- Wavering inconsistency — Jealousy — cordia. Anxious feeling in the head. Ecstasies — Fancies Dullness of mind. Ailments following fear Ailments following jealousy or hearing bad news. Saliva predominantly diminished .... Saliva predominantly increased. Inguinal hernia, small and of recent origin. Inguinal hernia, large and of long standing. Infrequent discharge of urine Frequent discharge of urine. Catamenia too late Catamenia generally too soon. Increase of milk Decrease of milk. Cough, especially in the evening and after Cough awakens from the first sleep before midnight; expectoration very seldom; midnight, and ceases as soon as the least morning and during day. particle is loosened which is swallowed. With Horses : Inflammation of brain ; put- With Horses : Inflammation of brain ; runs ting the head firmly against the wall. the head furiously against the wall. Remission during the day and before mid- Remission of complaints during the day. night. Worse when looking down Worse when looking fixedly at any object. Predomin. worse -— - — --^^— -^^- " — -^. Predomin. better When rising from bed, from cold, and when assuming an erect position. Predomin. better — — — — — ""^- — — --^ Predomin. worse From warmth, on expiration, after rising from bed, and also when sitting down. 1 Aconitum. Arnica. Complaints (tension) predominate in in- ternal parts. Numbness in the suffering (gouty) limbs . Itching, generally unchanged by scratching. Perspiration of the parts lain on ... . Heat with inclination to uncover . . . . Thirst during all stages Sleeplessness predominant after midnight . Complaints predominate in upper part of chest and in the palms of hands. Complaints (tension) predominate in ex- ternal parts. Sensation of deadness in the bruised parts. Itching lessened or unchanged by scratching. Coldness, sometimes confined to the parts lain on. Heat, with aversion to uncover. Thirst sometimes wanting during heat and sweat; constant during and before the chill. Sleeplessness prevailing before midnight. Complaints predominate in lower part of chest and on the back of hands. Fear of loss of reason Ailments following fright or vexation with fright, fear or anger. Xausea in oesophagus, stomach or throat . Urine seldom and scanty, only exceptionally copious. Catamenia generally too late .... Expectoration seldom; in the morning and during the day. Fear of apoplexy. Ailments following fright or anger. Xausea in the stomach. Urine seldom and scanty, only exceptionally frequent. Catamenia generally too soon. Expectoration seldom; is loosened during the day and evening and is generally swallowed. Remission during the day and before mid- Remission during the day and after mid- night, night. More frequently benefited than harmed by Worse from spirituous liquors, wine. Better with head lying high Better in a horizontal position. Better lying on the back Better lying on the side or back. Better when lying on the unpainful side . Better when lying on the painful or on the unpainful side. Worse when riding Worse after riding. Prevalently worse -— -— ^- — — -^ Prevalently better When swallowing, after lying down, in bed, being wrapt np and when opening the eyes. Predomin. better ^—"" »* ^^ — ^~-_ Predomin. worse When walking in the open air *, being uncovered and when closing the eyes. The open air, without reference to the influence of motion, predominantly causes Improvement with both remedies. Aconitum. Belladonna. Left side, especially the lower left and upper Right side, especially the lower right and right, upper left. Arterial system dominant Yenous system dominant. Pulse sometimes accelerated, sometimes re- Pulse sometimes large, sometimes small. tarded. The suffering parts are hot The suffering parts are often cold. Cold creeping upwards Cold creeping downwards. Thirst during all stages Thirst not frequent during the chill ; gen- erally not constant. Heat, or perspiration, with inclination to Heat or perspiration, with aversion to un- uncover. cover. Sleeplessness predominant after midnight . Sleeplessness before midnight Complaints predominate on the soft palate Complaints predominate on the roof of and on the fore-arm. mouth and on the upper arm. Ecstasies Mental dullness more frequent than ecstasies Sensibility of disposition Predominant insensibility of disposition. Pear of loss of reason Fear of poisoning or apoplexy. Ailments following fright, or vexation with Ailments following fright, anger, mortifica- fright, with fear, or with vehemence. tion or vexation. Pupils first contracted, then dilated . . . Pupils first dilated, then contracted. Aversion to light, particularly sunlight . . Aversion to light, particularly candlelight. Nausea in oesophagus or stomach. . . . Nausea in the throat or abdomen. Retention of urine more frequent than in- Involuntary discharge of urine more fre- continence. quent than retention. Catamenia generally too late Catamenia prevalently too soon. Voice tremulous Voice often nasal or raised. Predominantly loud respiration. Predominantly low respiration ; only some- times the expiration blowing. Remission during the day and before mid- Remission during the forenoon and after night. midnight. More frequently improved than aggrava- Prevalently aggravated by spirituous liq- ted by wine. uors. Worse when standing Predominantly better when standing. Better when lying on the back, worse when Better when lying on the side or back. lying on the side. Better when lying on the unpainful side . . Better when lying on the painful or on the unpainful side. "Worse when looking down Worse when looking sideways or at running water. Predomin. worse - " ■*■— -^^ — -— ■ mm -*-^ Fredomin. better When stooping and sitting bent forward, after lying down, in bed, being wrapped up, from change of position, in the room *, and when opening the eyes. Predomin. better -— — -» — . ^^ — " — ^ Predomin. worse When sitting erect, from being uncovered, when walking in the open air, when closing the eyes. * This aggravation in the room has particular reference to congestive and catarrhal complaints of Aconitum, while the opposite is the case with its rheumatic pains. Aconitum. Bryonia. I>ft side. Dark hair Right side. Light hair. Constriction of internal parts Constriction of external parts Complaints predominant on upper lip, in Complaints predominant on the under lip. upper part of chest and on fore-arm. in lower part of chest and on the upper arm. Itching, unchanged by scratching .... Itching, lessened or unchanged by scratch- ing. Heat on the suffering part Cold or Heat on the suffering part. Sensation of coldness in the veins. . . . Burning in the veins. Perspiration increased after stool .... Perspiration lessened after stool. Thirst during all stages of the fever. . . Thirst not constant, but predominant. Sleeplessness prevalent after midnight . ! Sleeplessness prevalent before midnight. Optical illusions, black or in dark colors . Optical illusions in bright or prismatic colors. Smell acute, sensitive Loss of smell. Nausea in the throat, oesophagus, or sto- jS'ausea in the abdomen, not often in sto- mach, mach, nor in the oesophagus. Urine infrequent and scanty, only exception- Urine frequent, but scanty, only exception- ally copious. ally copious. Voice tremulous Voice nasal or raised. Respiration quick and superficial .... Respiration quick and deep, but without motion of the ribs. Expectoration infrequent; in the morning Expectoration not constant; in the morning and during the day. and evening, more rarely during the day. Remission during the day and before mid- Remission of complaints during the day. night, Worse when opening, better when closing Worse (better) when opening or when clos- the eyes. ing the eyes. Worse when assuming an erect position. . Worse or better when assuming an erect position. Worse when lying on the painful, better Most frequently better when lying on the when lying on the unpainful side. painful, worse when lying on the unpain- ful side. Worse from touch Worse or better from touch. Worse when growing cold and in cold Worse (better) when growing cold and in weather, better when growing warm or cold weather, or when growing warm and in warm air. in warm air. Predomin. worse — - — " *•* ^^ — — ■ ■"■ -^-^ Predomin. better When standing, after lying down, in bed, and from the warmth of the bed. Predomin. better ^— ~ ->^-- — — — "~ ~— ^ Predomin. worse After arising from bed, from washing and moistening the diseased part, and when walking in the open air. Aconitum. Cantharides. Predominantly left side, tension in internal Right side, tension in external parts, parts. Complaints predominate on the soft palate Complaints predominant on the roof of and on fore-arm. - mouth and on upper arm. Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis . . Paralysis— No apoplexy. Paralysis frequently one-sided Paralysis generally of both sides. Itching, generally unchanged by scratching. Itching better or worse after scratching. Dryness of skin Disposed to perspire easily. Chills creeping upwards Chills creeping downwards. Heat with thirst and inclination to uncover. Heat with thirst and aversion to uncover. Thirst during all stages Thirst during heat, not during chill ; often between the cold and hot stage. Sadness — Maliciousness — Absent-minded- Amativeness — Rage with convulsions, ex- ness — Ecstasies. cited by touching the throat or by the sight of water. Xausea in throat, oesophagus or stomach . Nausea in the stomach. Vomiting slime Vomiting of food. Catamenia retarded ; oftener scanty than Catamenia generally too soon and too pro- profuse; suppressed. fuse. Breathing generally audible Breathing inaudible. Remission during the day and before mid- Remission in the morning and evening, un- night. * til midnight. Worse or better from pressure Better from pressure. Better when lying on the back ; worse lying Worse (better) when lying on the back or on the side. on the side. Better or worse after drinking wine . . . Better from spirituous liquors. Predomin. worse --— — ~~*** -^^ —=■*** ""' ' ■^ Predomin. better In the room, after lying down =*, in bed, from the warmth of the bed, from being wrapt up, and while standing. Predomin. better -—■ — **— -^^ — **"-—" ' . Predomin. wor§e In the open air and while walking in the open air, after arising from bed, from nncovering, from wash- ing and moistening the suffering part. * This aggravation in the room is less applicable to the rheumatic than to the congestive and catarrhal complaints of Aconite. Aconitum. Chamomilla. Dark hair Light hair. Skin and muscles rigid Skin and muscles lax. Numb sensation predominant in internal Sensitiveness in internal parts. parts. Apoplexy— Paralysis No apoplexy— Very rarely paralysis. Convulsions of children, with heat, starting Spasms of children, during dentition with- and single twitches out fever. Pulse generally quick, full and hard . . . Pulse generally quickened, small and tense. Ecstasies Serious mood and wrapt in thought — Men- tal dullness. Nausea in throat, oesophagus or stomach . Nausea in stomach. Galactorrhoea, with increased secretion of Galactorrhoea, with decreased or spoiled milk milk. and consequent complaints of infants. Nasal secretion thick Nasal secretion watery. Catarrh worse in-doors • . Catarrh better in-doors, worse in open air. K emission during the day and before mid- Remission during the day and after mid- night, night. Worse when growing cold; better when Better (worse) when growing cold or when growing warm. growing warm *. Worse from wrapping up ; better from being Better (worse) from wrapping up or being uncovered. uncovered. Predominantly better after rising from bed. Worse or better after rising from bed. While assuming an erect position, almost Better or worse while assuming an erect always aggravated. position. Worse or better after drinking .... Worse after drinking. Predomin. worse -— — ■* ■ ^ — — — - — Predomin. better From cold, but also in the room, when sitting bent forward, lying on the side, particularly lying on the painful side, from change of position, while opening the eyes, and on an empty stomach. Predomin. better — - — — » -* XSs »- — — ■"* "-"-*- Predomin. worse From warmth f, out of doors, while sitting erect, lying on the back or on the unpainful side, when closing the eyes, from washing and moistening the suffering part, and after breakfast. * Both remedies have aggravations predominant in cold weather; improvement in warm air. t This amelioration of Aconite symptoms out of doors is particularly applicable to congestive and catarrhal complaints, wnile the opposite is often the case with rheumatic complaints. Aconitum. China, Most frequently aversion to motion . . . Itching, unchanged by scratching .... Complaints predominant on the lower jaw, in the upper part of chest, in the liver and on the fore-arm. Sanguineous apoplexy . Pulse quick, hard and full Thirst constant during all stages Sleeplessness prevailing after midnight Inclination to motion. Itching, relieved by scratching. Complaints predominant on upper jaw, in lower part of chest, in the spleen (more frequently than in the liver) and on the upper arm. Nervous apoplexy. Pulse quick, hard, but small; more quiet after meals. Thirst is constant only during perspiration, but also between the chill and heat, and between the heat and sweat and before the chill. Sleeplessness before midnight. Sensitiveness of disposition— Irritability — Insensibility of disposition predominant — Boldness. Indifference — Diffidence — Amativeness. Perspiration on the head, better out of Perspiration on the head, particularly while doors. walking out of doors. Eyes protruding Eyes most frequently sunken. Saliva generally diminished Saliva increased. Nausea in the throat, oesophagus and sto- Nausea in the throat or stomach. mach. Catamenia too late — diminished .... Catamenia too soon and profuse. Nasal secretion thick Nasal secretion watery. Breath oftener hot than cold Breath cold. Cough and expectoration not frequent; in Expectoration not constant ; during the day the morning and during the day. and evening. Remission during the day and before mid- night. Worse during inspiration and when taking a deep breath ; better during expiration. Prevalently worse when assuming an erect position. Prevalently worse when rising from bed. . Prevalently worse when rising from a seat . Worse from wrapping up ; better from being uncovered. Better when lying on the unpainful side . . More frequently better than worse after wine. Remission in the afternoon and evening. Most frequeutly better during inspiration and breathing deeply ; thus worse during expiration. Better or worse when assuming an erect position. Better or worse when rising from bed. Better or worse when rising from a seat. Better or worse from wrapping up and from being uncovered. Better when lying on the painful or on the unpainful side. Worse after spirituous liquors. Predomin. worse Predomin. belter After sleeping,* in the room,f in dry weather, bending the diseased part backwards, and lying on the left side. Predomin. better Predomin. worse After perspiring, while walking out of doors, during hot weather, from washing with cold water, while sitting, during expiration, and lying on right side. * But yet. "on awaking," China has aggravation at least quite as often as amelioration— the first on awaking alter b^ing disturbed from sleep, the latter after sufficient sleep, f Compare the note to Aeon, and Canthar. Aconitum Coffea t. >^ -V R. * L,. Pain pressing from within outward . . Pains steady or in attacks, with short inter- missions; intolerable, most violent; rest- lessness, with agony even to furious de- spair, fainting fits ; coincident with inflam- matory symptoms. Lameness; H.Gr. Paralysis of limbs . . Day and night, continuous pains in the joints, worse from the least motion, with swell- ing and exceeding sensibility to the touch. Complaints in joints; rending, shooting, cramp-like or cracking; loss of power. f Pulse changed; frequent, full and hard, or quick and irregular; intermitting. H.Gr. Chills creeping upward; heat, with thirst; thirst constant during all stages. Feels cold or hot in the suffering part ; when hot or sweating, likes to be uncovered. In red miliary fever : Increasing restlessness, agonizing anxiety and heat of body. Measles : Dry, barking cough ; painful hoarseness; eyes red; cannot bear light ; jerks of left leg or 1. arm, or grinding of teeth; restless moaning and lamenting; lying in a comatose state. Sleeplessness, more after midnight; from fear, fright or anxiety; with fear of the future; sometimes in consumptives. Anxious dreams (with mental exertion*) . Foreboding of death, predicting the day . Clairvoyance, perception of distant things. Easily frightened and startled by things out- side of himself, particularly by noise. Tossing himself about, the limbs, head, etc. Dejection — Hopelessness — Fretfulness — Malice — Absent-mindedness — Fancies. Answers only with Yes or No Weakness of memory predom Threatenings of apoplexy; burning pain in the brain; pressing, contracting pain above root of nose, red eyes, face red and puffed, pulse hard, either full and strong or small and quick. Crackling (crepitation) in temples, forehead and nose; worse towards evening and from motion ; better from sitting. Headache from talking Aversion to noise ; it startles him .... Pains pressing from without inward. Pains remit or increase; often in attacks, with longer intermissions; seem to be exquisite, insufferable ; patients are be- side themselves, whining, crying, anxious; with other nervous symptoms.* Great motor agility.* Ischias (rending, shooting) or N. cruralis in attacks, inc. by walk'g; rel. by pressure, ex- cept on foramen ; worse aftern. and night.* No pain in joints.* Pulse, if changed, more frequent, but less vig- orous, even small and infirm. Grauvogl.* Chills creeping downw. ; heat without thirst ; no thirst during chill, constant after the heat and during the sweat. Affected parts sensitive to warmth or cold air : cannot bearuncover'g.* In the same : Increasing pains in head and throat, combined with a dispos. to weep.* Measles: Frequent, short, and dry cough, hoarse when crying; skin and all senses over-sensitive; spasmodic motions, trem- bling, grinding of teeth; over-wakeful- ness, with heat and sweat in face. Sleepl; children want to play; before and at midnight; from being kept awake, or after typhoid fevers* Pleasant dreams (even merry.*) Fear of death during the suffering.* Yivicl imagination, ecstatic or sentimental.* Slight passive motions (rocking, etc.) startle him; are perceived as enormous.* Throws things about, away, down, etc.* Joyousness ; ailments after excessive joy or disappointed love ; easy comprehension. Answer short, not disposed to talk, or endless volubility when describing his ailments.* Memory active. Threatenings of apoplexy ; over-excited, exalted ; talkativeness ; full of fear, pangs of conscience, discouraged, complaining, aversion to the open air, sleepless, con- vulsive grinding of teeth.* Crackling noise, synchronous with the pulse, in one side of the head ; worse in the morn- ing and out of doors, better within doors.* Congest, fr. talking ; headache fr. thinking.* Aversion to noise; it hurts him.* t It seems in all organs surrounded by serous membranes the capillaries are injected, reddening their surface, with, shooting, piercing pains, an over-action of th^ir function to rarify the air. On the other hand, Coffea promotes the change of matter in bones; hence, as a dietetic, is injurious to children, palliative in old age.* Aconitum Coffea. (Continued.) Nose bleeds, blood bright red, coagulating, with feverish heat, eyes injected; parti- cularly during the climacteric years. Excessive hunger and thirst, but eats slowly. Diarrhoea, from getting wet ; slimy, bloody, with violent pains in bowels; tenesmus also between the discharges, the hypo- chondriac regions are sore to the touch. Urine infrequent and scanty, only excep- tionally copious — (Scrotum drawn up.) Catamenia oftener scanty than profuse . . During pregnancy, and particularly in child- bed, foreboding of death. Violent labor-pains, following in rapid suc- cession, partic. with a large child (head seems immovable), contractions insuffi- cient, pains overwhelming; shrieking; red, sweating face ; th irsty. f Childbed-fever after suppression of lochia, mammae lax, no milk ; dry, hot skin, hard, frequent pulse; or tensive, contracted; fearful, wild, staring, glittering eyes, dry tongue, great thirst, inflated abdomen, sensitive to the slightest touch. Larynx sensitive to the touch; voice croak- ing; cough whistling, barking, hollow. Cough ; always taking cold ; worse after drinking, troublesome all the evening, but particularly after midnight ; shooting pain also in side, hypochondria, back and small of back, or with a suffocating feeHng. Palpitation of heart, sometimes intermitting, or with difficult respiration, great anxiety. Nose bleeds, with heaviness of head, exal- tation preventing sleep ; as in nervous, irritable persons.* Eating and drinking hastily.* Diarrhoea from too much thought and care about domestic affairs ; watery, painless, very weakening, with over-sensibility and great irritability.* Urinating too often, rather copious — (Scro- tum relaxed.*) Catamenia too profuse. During parturition or the afterpains, ex- treme fear of death. * Labor-pains unbearable, ineffectual ; con- stant whining, crying, lamenting; violent moving of limbs; head hot, red; face puffed, eyes glittering ; complete despair, great fear of death* Childbed-fever from mental excitement ; fre- quent crawling with feverish warmth; tongue moist, no thirst; delirium, talking with open eyes, eyes shining, violent ab- dominal pains, with over-sensitiveness; despair; sleeplessness.* Larynx as if covered with a dry phlegm.* Cough ; single, sudden shocks, quickly fol- low'g each other; from irritation in throat, phlegm in back part of throat, with dim- ness before the eyes, dur'g even'g and mid- night, when falling asleep or soon after.* Palpitation of heart violent, irregular, with trembling of limbs.* Remission during the day (except the fore- noon**) and evening. Warmth lessens the pains, particularly warm air; coldness aggravates. Complementary to Arnica, partic. after hurts. Remission in the forenoon and midnight, (except the cough .*) In distressing toothache the only relief is obtained by holding the coldest water or ice in the mouth.* J Complementary to Colocynthis in pains.* Predomin. worse While standing, and also in the room.; H.Gr. Predomin. better -When assuming an erect position.* Predomin. better — - — ■» -^^ — — — " ■*"■"" Predomin. worse While walking out of doors, and when sitting down. H.Gr.— Children from being rocked or moved about.* N.B. All that is marked with * has been added by C.Hg. t This observation was made by Dr. W. Wesselhoft, 1835. Even resolute, enduring women, who had born several children, tossed about in agony. Coffea was first given by Dr. Kallenbach, in eases of excessive paius. without a perceptible cause; frequent, weak, empty pulse; great pain in small of back, in nervous women, who got into a stab of over-excitement or hysteric sensibility, who wished to be killed. The fear of cleat n, as a characteristic, wa* dis- covered by Dr. Jager. The same in afterpains, particularly with primipara?, or after a mole.* + For this observation of Dr. Blair, of Ohio, we have to thank Dr. Hale, of Chicago, who confirmed and communicated it afterwards ; also Dr. Fanning (H. Rev. 5,161 and 214.) In all cases potences, even 200th were giveu. § Compare note to Aconit. and Cantharides. ** Dr. J. C. Morgan. Aconitum. Plethora — Sanguineous apoplexy. . . . Thirst during all stages of the fever . . . Complaints predominant on the upper lip, on soft palate, in the liver, on the fore- arm, and in the hip -joint. Itching, unchanged by scratching .... Sleeplessness predominant after midnight. Ignatia. Anasmia — Nervous apoplexy. Thirst only during cold stage. Complaints predominant on the under lip, on the roof of mouth, in the spleen (more frequently than in the liver), on the upper arm and in the shoulder-joint. Itching, relieved or changing place by scratching. Sleeplessness before midnight. Maliciousness— Ecstasies Gentleness — Mental dullness — Rarely un- consciousness. Ailments after ra^e Ailments after shame, mortification, hear- ing bad news, grief, jealousy or disap- pointed love. Saliva predominantly decreased .... Saliva increased. Appetite for wine or brandy Aversion to wine or brandy. Urine infrequent and scanty, only exception- Urine too often and copious ; pale. ally copious; dark. Retention of Urine more frequent than in- Involuntary discharge of urine. continence. Catamenia too late — Milk increased — Ga- Catamenia too soon — Milk decreased. lactorrhcea. Expectoration infrequent; in the morning Expectoration infrequent ; in the evening. and during the day. Remission during the day and before mid- Remission of complaints before midnight, night. Worse during pregnancy Worse or better during pregnancy. Worse when assuming an erect position. . Better or worse when assuming an erect position. Worse when rising from bed Better or worse when rising from bed. Better after rising from bed Worse or better after rising from bed. Worse or better after drinking .... Worse after drinking. Worse from bodily exertion More frequently improved than aggravated by bodily exertion. Predomin. worse Predomin. better During respiration, particularly inspiration and taking a deep breath, drawing in the abdominal muscles*, when rising from a seat, lilting the affected limb, change of position, lying on the painful side, and when swallowing f, in the room and sitting bent forward. Predomin. better Predomin. worse Between breathing and during expiration, when letting the diseased limb hang down, when lying on the unpainful side, out of doors j, and when sitting erect. * Corresponding to this, Ignat. has aggravation from pu^ng np the abdomen. t Corresponding to this, lgnat. has aggravation when not swallowing. Besides this, we find with Ignat. aggravation when swallowing liquids. X Compare note to Aconite and Cantharides. AconStum Nux vomica, Prevalent left side Prevalent right side. Heat on the diseased part Heat, with inclination to uncover. . . . Thirst during all stages of the fever . . . Complaints predominant on the soft palate and on the patella. Perspiration on the suffering side. Heat, with aversion to uncover. Thirst most frequently during the chill, and also between the heat and sweat. Complaints predominant on the roof of mouth and in the hollow of knee. Ecstasies Mental dullness — Amativeness — Ailments after being insulted, indignation, grief, disappointed love or jealousy. Predominant dimness of sight Predominant clearness of sight. Optical illusions in black or dark colors. . Optical illusions in bright colors. Saliva predominantly diminished .... Saliva most frequently increased. Desire for beer Desire or aversion to beer. Nausea in the throat, oesophagus or sto- Nausea in stomach or oesophagus. mach. Urine dark Urine generally pale. Catamenia too late, generally diminished . Catamenia too soon or too profuse. Recent, small inguinal hernia, also with Inguinal hernia, particularly when large and bitter vomiting. of long duration, also with sour vomiting. Nasal secretion thick Nasal secretion watery. Expectoration infrequent; in the morning Expectoration not constant; in the morn- and during the day. ing, during the day and evening. Remission during the day and before mid- Remission in the evening, until midnight. night. Prevalently better after rising from bed . . Worse or better after rising from bed. Worse when stooping Better or worse when stooping. Worse when swallowing Better or worse when swallowing. Worse while standing Better or worse while standing. Worse while in a perspiration Worse or better while in a perspiration. Prevalently better when lying on the back, Worse or better when lying on the back, worse lying on the side. better or worse lying on the side. Better when lying on the unpainful side . Better when lying on the unpainful or on the painful side. Most frequently aggravated by bending the Most frequently improved by bending the diseased part backwards. diseased part backwards. Worse from the heat of the sun .... Worse in snowy air. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In the room, after lying down, in bed, from warmth of the bed *, lying on the left side, being -wrapt up, aud when standing. Predomin. better Predomin. worse Out of doors f , when walking in the open air, lying on right side, from uncovering, and during expiration %. * It is only exceptionally that we find an aggravation with Nux vomica from the warmth of the bed. f Compare note to Aconitum and Cantharides. % Corresponding to this we find aggravation during inspiration with Aconitum. Aconitum. Opium. Left side. Dark hair Bight side. Light hair. Oversensitiveness*— Increased irritability . Predominantly no pain— Want of bodily irritability. Thirst during all stages of the fever. . . Thirst almost only between the heat and sweat. The pulse is sometimes accelerated, some- Pulse sometimes large, sometimes small, times retarded, in the same person. in the same person. Apoplexy with staring eyes, hot head, cold Apoplexy with somnolency (snoring), half- extremities, and paralysis of the left side closed eyes, heat with sweat, and para- of the body. lysis of the right side of the body. Pulse quick and hard Pulse full and slow Sleeplessness more frequent than somno- Somnolency more frequent than sleepless- lency. ness. Anxious dreams Dreams predominantly pleasant. Sensibility of disposition Insensibility of disposition. Sadness — Despondency — Irritable mood— Joyousness — Indifference — Gentleness- Peevishness — Maliciousness. Ailments after shame or excessive joy. Memory oftener weakened than active . . Memory oftener active than weakened. Acute, sensitive smell . . . • . . . Loss of smell. Complaints on the upper lip Complaints on the under lip. Grinding the teeth — Trismus Lameness of jaw more frequent than grind- ing the teeth or trismus. Nausea, particularly in oesophagus or sto- Nausea very rare, mach. Catamenia predominantly too scanty. . . Catamenia too profuse. Respiration most frequently quick . . ■ Respiration most frequently slow. Expectoration infrequent; in the morning Expectoration infrequent; during the day. and during the day. Remission during the day and before mid- Remission during the day and evening. night. More frequently improved than aggravated More frequently aggravated than improved by wine. by wine. Worse when looking down Worse when looking sideways. Predomin. worse — — u - u —~~-__--^-~— ^— «—■ ' — -^_ Predomin. better From cold and during cold weather, when opening the eyes, and from sitting bent forward. Predomin. better — — * ^^- — — ■ — Predomin. worse From warmth and in warm air, when closing the eyes, while sitting, particularly sitting erect. But yet a sensation of numbness, particularly in internal parts, occurs with both remedies. Aconitum. Phosphor. Leftside. Often indicated with children . Right side. Often indicated with old people. Sensation of numbness predominant in in- Sensitiveness in internal and numbness in ternal and generally also in external parts. external parts *. Complaints predominant in the upper lip Complaints predominant in the under lip and in the patella. and in the hollow of the knee. Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis . . Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy. Itching, unchanged by scratching. . . . Itching more frequently relieved than ag- gravated by scratching. Sensation of coldness in the veins. . . . Burning in the veins. Constant thirst Constant want of thirst. Sleeplessness predominant after midnight . Sleeplessness before midnight. Sensibility of disposition Insensibility or sensibility of disposition. Mood sad and desponding — Malice — Rarely Mood changeable, joyous or despondent; amativeness. indifferent ; haughty ; ailments after grief. Memory oftener weak than active. . . . Memory oftener active than weak. Eyes protruding Eyes sunken. Nausea in throat, oesophagus or stomach . Nausea in stomach. Urine infrequent and scanty Urine frequent, but scanty. Retention of urine more frequent than in- Involuntary discharge of urine. continence. Catamenia too late, diminished, but of long Catamenia prevalently too soon ; profuse duration. or scanty, of long or short duration. Expectoration infrequent Expectoration not constant. Remission during the day and before mid- Remission of complaints after midnight. night. Worse while in a perspiration Worse or better while in a perspiration. Prevalently worse in bed Worse or better in bed f . Worse when lying on the side, better when Most frequently ameliorated when lying on lying on the back. the side, aggravated when lying on the back. Worse during and after sleep Worse or better during sleep ; better after sleep, except the siesta. Prevalently better after rising from bed . . Worse or better after rising from bed. Worse while standing Predominantly better while standing. Worse from mental exertion Worse or better from mental exertion. Worse from riding More frequently aggravated than improved by riding. Most frequently aggravated after drinking . Most frequently better after drinking. Worse (better) from cold or warm diet . . Worse from warm and better from cold diet. Better or worse from wine Better from wine. Predomin. worse -— " TO5aaa ***- — -"\ _*=**="*"*— -^ Predomin. better During dry weather, from sweet-meats, from the touch, when lifting or resting the diseased limb, when standing, and after sleep. Predomin. better ■— — ' " ,u * aa -»»^— ^~^— . "" nwn "° ■ — ^ PredomiD worse During wet weather, from washing with cold water, after perspiring, during expiration, and letting the diseased limb hang down. * We find over-sensitiveness to pain with both remedies. f The warmth of the bed aggravates with both remedies. Aconitum Pulsatilla Left side, particularly lower left and upper right sicle. Sanguineous apoplexy — Thirst during all stages of the fever. Pulse often quicker than the beat of heart, rarely the opposite ; most frequently quick, full, and hard. Itching generally unchanged by scratching. Sleeplessness predominant after midnight . Complaints predominant on the upper lip, on the soft palate, in xhe upper part of chest, on the fore-arm, in the paim of hand, on the patella. Bight side, particularly loiver right and upper left side. Nervous apoplexy — Thirst only during and before the heat, more rarely after the heat Pulse frequently suppressed, with strong beat of heart ; generally quick, small and weak. Itching changed or aggravated by scratching. Sleeplessness before midnight. Complaints predominant on the under lip, on the roof of the mouth, in the lower part of chest, on the upper arm, on the back of hand, and in the hollow of the knee. Maliciousness — Irritable mood .... Good-naturedness — Gentleness — Indiffer- ence — Embarrassment — Amativeness — Greediness. Ailments following fright, anger or vexa- Ailments following mortification, grief or tion, with vehemence. excessive joy. Ecstasies Sometimes weakness of reasoning powers. Eyes protruding Eyes sunken. Pupils most frequently dilated Pupils most frequently contracted. Optical illusions in black or dark colors. . Optical illusions in bright colors. Acute, sensitive smell . ...... Predominant loss of smell. Saliva predominantly decreased .... Saliva most frequently increased. Nausea in oesophagus or stomach, less Nausea in throat, stomach, or abdomen. frequently in throat. Retention of urine more frequent than in- Incontinence more frequent than retention continence. of urine. Catamenia frequently of too long duration. Catamenia most frequently of too short du- ration. Cough generally dry Cough most frequently with expectoration. Aggravation from evening until morning. Aggravation from noon until midnight. Better in the dark Better or worse in the dark. Worse while in a perspiration, better after it. Worse during and after perspiring. 'Worse when swallowing Worse or better when swallowing. Better from eructation Most frequently aggravated by eructation. Worse or better from cold (resp. warm) Predominantly better from cold and worse diet. from warm diet. Worse when rising from bed Better or worse when rising from bed. Worse when rising from a seat .... Worse or better when rising from a seat. Better when sitting down Worse or better when sitting down. Worse or better from motion (resp. rest.) . Worse when resting and in the beginning of motion, better during continued and moderate motion. Worse when looking down Worse when looking up. Prevalently worse - — "*^ -^- — — -^ Prevalently better From cold, growing cold, during cold dry weather, when opening the eves, on inspiration, from tying the clothes tight, from bodily exertion, when lifting or resting the diseased limb on something, when lying on the painful side, and when rising from bed. Predomln. better — - ~ s --*^. ^^ — , — — -~^_ Predomin. worse From warmth, from growing warm, in warm, moist air, when closing the eves, on expiration, from loosening the clothes, when sitting, letting tbe diseased limb hang down, and when lying on the un- painful side, after perspiration, and from eructation. Aconitum. Rhus. Left side; particularly lower left, upper right side — Dark hair. Complaints (tension) predominant in in- ternal parts. Over-sensitiveness to pain * Itching unchanged by scratching . . Torpor of the left side of the body . Pulse generally quick, full, hard . . Heat on the suffering part .... Heat, with inclination to uncover . . Thirst during all stages of the fever . Sleeplessness predominant after midnight Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis Mood peevish, irritable, malicious . Fear of loss of reason Absentmindedness — Ecstasies . . . Complaints predominant on the soft palate, in the upper part of chest, and in the palms of the hands. Acute, sensitive smell Saliva predominantly decreased .... Desire for wine or brandy Recent and small inguinal hernia .... Urine infrequent and scanty, only exception- ally copious ; dark ; red sediment. Retention of urine more frequent than in- continence. Catamenia too late and diminished . . . Expectoration infrequent; in the morning and during the day. Bight side, particularly lower right, upper left side — Light hair. Complaints (tension) predominant in ex- ternal parts. Insensibility and sensation of numbness pre- dominant. Itching relieved by scratching. " Gone to sleep" of the right side of body. Pulse irregular, generally quick, faint, weak or soft. Cold perspiration on the diseased part. Heat, with aversion to uncover. Thirst not constant. Sleeplessness predominant before midnight. Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy. Mood almost exclusively depressed, dejected. Fear of being poisoned. Difficult comprehension. Complaints predominant on the roof of the mouth, in the lower part of chest, and on the back of the hand. Loss of smell. Saliva most frequently increased. Aversion to wine. Inguinal hernia, especially old and large ones, with flatulent distention. Urine frequent and copious; pale; white sediment. Involuntary discharge of urine predomin- ant. Catamenia too soon and profuse. Expectoration not constant ; in the morn- ing. Remission during the day and before mid- Remission of complaints during the day. night. "Worse in bed Better in bed (warmth) or (rest) worse f . Prevalently better after rising from bed. . Worse or better after rising from bed. Worse on rising; from a seat Worse or better on rising from a seat. Worse or better when sitting down. Most frequently better when stretching out the diseased limb. Worse in the beginning of motion and during rest, better during continuous moderate motion. Worse from cold, better from warm diet. Worse from snowy air. Predomin. feettei up, lying on the side, especially lying on the painful side, from being overheated, and when stretching out the diseased limb. Predomin. belter --—" —'■■—* — . ^^ — ^***— - — ^ Predomin. worse During wet weather, out of doors, from uncovering, lying on the back, lying on the nnpainful side, when Sitting, from washing with cold water and moistening the diseased part, and when drawing up the diseased limb. * Yet we find "sensation of numbness predominant in internal parts 1 ' with Aconitum, "sensitiveness predominant in external parts" with Rhus. •f With Rhus we also find aggravation from the warmth of the bed ; but these cases are not at all frequent. Predominantly better when sitting down . Worse when stretching out the diseased limb. Worse or better from motion (resp. rest.) . Worse or better from cold (resp. warm) diet. Worse from the heat of the sun .... Predomin. worse During dry weather, in the room, from wrappin Aconitum. Veratrum. I,. & V R. R- » ► ** £e# side, particularly lower left and up- Plight side, particularly lower right and per right side. upper left side. Dark hair Light hair. Skin and muscles rigid Skin and muscles lax. Apoplexv more frequent than paralysis . . Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy. Pulse changed, quick, large, hard", some- Pulse changed in quality and strength, gen- times irregular, intermitting or quicker erally slower, even slower than the pulsa- than the pulsation of the heart, (rarely tion of the heart, sometimes irregular or the opposite). intermitting, often imperceptible. Chills creeping upwards Chills creeping downwards. Thirst constant Thirst not constant. Sleeplessness prevalent after midnight . . Sleeplessness prevalent before midnight Fear of loss of reason Fear of being poisoned or of apoplexy. Fretfulness Haughtiness — Amativeness — Consequences of grief. Ecstasies Insanity. Eyes protruding Eyes most frequently sunken. Pupils most frequently dilated Pupils most frequently contracted. Optical illusions in black or dark colors . . Optical illusions in bright colors. Acute, sensitive smell , Loss of smell. » Nausea in oesophagus or stomach, rarely in Nausea in the stomach. the throat. Expectoration infrequent; in the morning Expectoration not constant; during the and during the day. day. Complaints predominant on fore-arm . . Complaints predominant on upper arm. Remission during the day and before mid- Remission of complaints during the day night, and evening. ©■ In bed, predominantly worse In bed, worse or better. Worse when rising from bed When rising from bed, better or worse. Prevalently better after rising from bed . After rising from bed, worse or better. Worse when rising from a seat When rising from a seat, better or worse. Better or worse from motion (resp. rest.) . Predominantly better when moving, worse during rest. Worse on inspiration, better on expiration. Worse on inspiration or on expiration. Predominantly worse when growing cold; When growing cold, better or worse; when predominantly better when growing warm. growing warm, better or worse. Better or worse from cold (resp. warm) diet. Worse from cold, better from warm diet. Worse in dry, cold weather Worse in damp, cold weather. Predomin. worse — - — ^ -^^ — — — -" — ~— ^ Predomin. better In dry -weather, when ascending, when sitting down, and while sitting. Predomin. better — ■■*■ ^^ ^ — — Predomin. worse In wet weather and when descending. N. B. As a general rule, Veratrum has not the over-sensitiveness to pain of the Aconit-patient. Agaricus, Mux vomica. Left side. — Light hair. Skin and muscles Bight side. — Dark hair. Skin and muscles lax. rigid. Complaints predominate (cold, sensation as Complaints predominate (cold, sensation as of a plug &c.) in external parts. of a plug &c.) in internal parts. Obesity — Pain pressing inward .... Emaciation — Pain pressing outward. Clonic spasms predominant Tonic spasms predominant. Apoplexy. Pulse at times intermitting the 10 — 30th Pulse at times intermitting the 4 — 5th beat; beat ; very unequal. oftener quick, full and hard. Thirst rather rare ; particularly no thirst Thirst mostly during chill and between the during chill. fever and sweat. Perspiration often only on the front part Perspiration often only on^ the back part of the body. of the body. Partial chill on the upper part of body . . Partial chill on lower part of body. Silly merriness — Taciturnity Sadness — Loquacity. Complaints in consequence of anger . . Consequences of anger, fright, mortification, grief, disappointed love and jealousy, and also of vexation with fright, fear, indig- nation or vehemence. Mental excitability and ecstacies .... Difficult comprehension — Absent-minded- ness — Fancies. Short-sightedness — Dim-sightedness . . . Far-sightedness — Predominant clear-sight edness. Optical illusions in dark colors .... Optical illusions in bright colors. Very rarely nausea Nausea, particularly in the stomach. Diarrhoea Predomin. costiveness. Fluent coryza Dry coryza, oftener ; especially in the open air. Fluent coryza, on the contrary, in doors. Cough generally with expectoration . . . Cough often dry, but sometimes with ex- pectoration. Complaints most frequent on the shin . . Complaints predom. on the calf of the leg. Aggravation in the morning and after- Remission of complaints evening till mid- noon, night. Worse on awakening On awakening better or worse. More frequently aggravated than improved More frequently improved than aggravated by pressure. by pressure. Predominantly aggravated by eructations. Most frequently better after eructation. Worse when stooping More frequently improved than aggravated by stooping. Better or worse from spirituous liquors. , Almost always aggravated by spirituous liquors. After stool better or worse Worse after stool. Predomin. worse -- — ** -^^ — ~— ^ Predomin. belter In wet weather, dining rest, when standing, sitting, and lying, when closing the eyes, and on inspiration. Predomin. better Predomin worse In dry weather, when walking, and generally from motion, when opening the eyes and on expiration. 2 Alumina. Calcarea. Upper left, lower right side Upper right, lower left side. Complaints chiefly in exterior parts . . . Complaints particularly in internal parts. Inclination for the open air Aversion to the open air. Heat right side Heat of the left side. Pulse often unchanged Pulse changed, trembling— Apoplexy. First chill, then heat First heat, then chill. Thirst seldom— Perspiration abating when Thirst constant, except during the chill— walking out of doors. Perspiration increased when walking out of doors. Seriousness — Changeable mood .... Sadness or silly merriness — Irritable mood — Amativeness— Hopelessness — Fancies — Imbecility — Consequences of vexation with fear or fright ; of hearing disagree- able news. During sleep, lying on the side .... During sleep, lying on the back with the arms over the head — sometimes lying on the belly. Complaints from carrying on the back . . Complaints from carrying on the head. Complaints oftener on the external than Complaints oftener on internal than exter- internal ear. nal ear. Urine pale, copious Urine dark, too frequent. Catamenia too soon, scanty, of short dura- Catamenia predom. too soon, too profuse, tion. of long duration. Leucorrhcea acrid Leucorrhcea mild. Sexual desire lessened, and still erections. Sexual desire increased, but impotent. Complaints from pollutions Complaints predominant from coition. Complaints on outside of thigh .... Complaints prevalent on the inner side of thigh. Cough generally dry Cough oftener loose. Aggravation of symptoms during the day. Remission before midnight. Better while eating Often better after eating. Ailments after poisoning with lead . . . Ailments after abuse of Mercury or Cin- chona, from Phosphor, Digitalis or Nitric acid. Predomin. worse --— -^- -"^ — * m ^ Predomin. better In the room, when resting, when standing, sitting or lying, in dry weather, and when lying on the right side. Predomin. better — — ■*-» -***». — — —■* ^ Predomin. worse Out of doors, when in motion, in wet weather, from washing, from moistening the diseased part, when swallowing, in the evening twilight, and lying on the left side. Alumina. Lycopodium. Upper left, lower right side Upper right, lower left side. "When asleep, lying on the side— Paralysis When asleep, lying on the back — Paralysis more frequent one-sided. more frequent of both sides. Jerks in the muscles or joints Jerks in internal parts. Pulse full and somewhat accelerated ; often Pulse accelerated only after meals and in unchanged. . the evening. One-sided heat, predom. right side . . . One-sided heat, predom. left side. Thirst seldom Thirst is wanting only during the chill. Seriousness Gentleness — Depression — Distrustfulness — Irritable mood — Haughtiness — Absent- mindedness — Fancies — Delirium — In- sanity — Imbecility — A poplexy — Conse- quences of fright, rage, grief, mortifica- tion, or of vexation with vehemence, fear, or of reserved displeasure. Complaints chiefly on the external ear and Complaints particularly on the internal ear on the under lip. and on the upper lip. Urine too copious Urine frequent, but scanty. Catamenia too soon and of too short dura- Catamenia too late and of too long dura- tion, tion. Audible respiration, and cough generally Respiration generally with moist sound; dry. therefore cough with expectoration, the latter particularly in the morning and evening. Complaints on the outside of thigh . . . Complaints on the inner side of thigh. Aggravation of symptoms in fore- and Remission of complaints after midnight afternoon. and in forenoon. Better when swallowing, particularly when Worse when swallowing, swallowing saliva or liquids ; while swal- lowing solids is sometimes inconvenient. Predomin. worse — — — *■—■—- -^^ — * am ~^~-~- Predomin. better On an empty stomach, when ascending, when stooping. Predomin. better ■ • — -^ s - — — -^ Predomin. worse After breakfast, while eating, when descending, from the tonch and pressure, from washing and from moistening the diseased part. Alumina. Natr. mur. Throbbing in internal parts— Paralysis, par- ticularly of extensors. Complaints predom. on wrist, on the back part of thigh, and on the patella. Pulse full and somewhat accelerated; often unchanged. Throbbing in external parts — Paralysis, par- ticularly of the flexors. Complaints predom. on ankle, on the front part of thigh, and in the hollow of the knee. Pulse very irregular ; sometimes quick and weak, sometimes full and slow. Thirst seldom Thirst during the fever and apyrexia. Seriousness — Irritability — Fear — Very seldom unconsciousness — No delirium. Apoplexy has not yet been observed. . . Complaints chiefly on the external ear, on the lower teeth, and on the back part of the thigh. Catamenia too soon and of too short dura- tion. Fluent coryza — Upper part of the chest . Expectoration, not confined to any par- ticular time. Indifference — Sadness or cheerfulness — Amativeness — Irritable mood — Absent- mindedness — Imbecility — Consequences of fright, anger, vexation, mortification, or reserved displeasure. Apoplexy. Complaints particularly on the internal ear, on the upper teeth, and on the front part of the thigh. Catamenia too late and too long. Dry coryza — Lower part of the chest. Expectoration particularly in the morning. Aggravation of symptoms during the Remission of day. Better when walking out-doors ; cold can- not be borne well, nor a warm room. Better when swallowing, particularly swal- lowing saliva and liquids; while swallow- ing solids is sometimes inconvenient. "Worse from the pressure of the hat . . . Worse from cold, better from warm diet . Lead-diseases complaints in the after- noon. Improved by sitting still in mild, open air ; feeling better where it is cool than where it is warm, and in warm rooms. Worse when swallowing, particularly when swallowing liquids. Better from tying the clothes tight. Better sometimes from cold, sometimes from warm diet. China-cachexy. Predomin. worse Predomin. better On an empty stomach, when dancinsr, after lying down, while resting, standing;, sitting, lyin< stretching out the diseased limb, and lying on the right side. bed, Predomin. better Predomin. worse After breakfast, while eatinar, after rising from bed, from motion, from drawing up the diseased limb, from the touch and pressure, and from lying on the left side. Alumina. Plumbum. Upper left, lower right side Upper right, lower left side. Complaints chiefly in external parts, (burn- Complaints particularly in internal parts, ing, etc.) (burning, etc.) Inclination for the open air Aversion to the open air. Distention of the veins Throbbing in the veins. Pulse often unchanged ; generally full and Pulse very unequal ; most frequently slow, somewhat accelerated. small and contracted. Heat descending Heat ascending. Thirst seldom Thirst constant. Sleeplessness predom. — Lying on the side Somnolence predom. — Lying on belly. during sleep. Complaints from bodily exertion .... Complaints from mental exertion. Paralysis often one-sided ; painless . . . Often paraplegia; predom. painful — Apo- plexy. Fear — Irritability — changeable mood . . Gentleness — Distrust — Delirium — Imbe- cility. Far-sightedness . Short-sightedness. Urine increased Urine decreased. Catamenia and sexual desire decreased . . Catamenia and sexual desire increased. Pollutions Prostratorrhcea. Nasal secretion thick Nasal secretion watery. Saliva increased Saliva generally lessened. Cough generally dry Cough generally with expectoration. Complaints on the outer side of the thigh, Complaints on the inner side of the thigh, on the leg, on the fore- arm and sole of on thigh, upper arm, and on the top of the foot. the foot. Aggravation of symptoms during the Remission of complaints in the forenoon, day. Predomin. worse — * Predomin. better When resting, standing, from the use of spirituous* liquors, and from bodily exertion. Predomin. better --— — — ^^ — — -«-, Predomin. worse From motion, while walking, and in the (evening) twilight. * Lead-colic ia relatively prevented by alcoholic drinks ; Alumina sometimes cures it. Alumina. Silicea. Upper left, lower right side — Want of Upper right, lower left side — Increased bodily irritability. irritability. Aversion to motion — Inclination for open Inclination for motion — Aversion to the air. open air. Pulse often unchanged; generally full and Pulse changed; most frequently accelerated, somewhat accelerated. hard, small or imperceptible. Thirst seldom Thirst particularly duraig the heat. Paralysis oftener one-sided Paralysis oftener of both sizes — Apoplexy. Itching relieved by scratching Itching unchanged or aggravated by scratch- ing. Predom. humid eruptions Predom. dry eruptions. Fear — Seriousness — Changeable mood. Gentleness — Depression — Indifference — Amativeness — Fancies. Complaints predom. on the under lip and Complaints predom. on the upper lip and on the upper part of chest. on the lower part of chest. Urine increased in quantity Urine too frequent. Fluent coryza predom Coryza more frequently dry than fluent. Cough generally dry Cough generally loose. Sexual desire decreased Sexual desire increased. Catamenia too soon and short Catamenia predom. too late and of long duration. Remission of complaints from evening till Remission of complaints before midnight, morning. Lead-diseases Ailments after abuse of Sulphur or Mercury, and from the sting of insects. Predomin. worse — — — —■ ^ — "— -^ Predomin. better On an empty stomach, in the room, when dancing, letting the diseased limb hang down, and lying on the right side. Predomin. better -— ■ ■*> "^ — — -~ Predomin. worse After breakfast, when swallowing, in the open air. from washing, from moistening, rubbing, lifting the diseased limb or resting it on something, and lying on left side. Ammon. carb. Belladonna, Hemorrhages of dark blood Hemorrhages of bright-red blood. Sweat on lower part of body Partial sweat on the upper part of body. Sleeplessness predom. after midnight . . Sleeplessness before midnight. /Seriousness Change of mood, sometimes gay and silly, sometimes sad, distrustful, or irritable and malicious. Ailments after fear, fright, rage, vexation or mortification. Imbecility — 1 nsanity. Apoplexy or Paralysis not yet observed . Apoplexy and Paralysis. Shortsightedness Far-sightedness. Painful diarrhoea Painless diarrhoea. Catamenia too late, scanty, of short dura- Catamenia too soon, profuse and long. tion. Complaints in lower part of chest . . , Expectoration not constant; — in the morn- ing and during the day. Complaints in upper part of chest. Expectoration not constant; — from morn- ing till evening. Remission of complaints in the forenoon Remission of complaints in the forenoon and at night. and after midnight. Worse from bending the diseased part Worse when bending the diseased part to backward. one side. Worse during new moon Worse during full moon. Worse .while sitting and from eructation . Generally better when sitting (particularly when bending forward) and from eructa- tion. Predomin. worse Predomin. tSetter In wet weather, when letting the diseased limb hang down, when stooping, sitting, and from eructation. Predomin. better —- ■ — •*. -"^- — — ■— -^ Predomin. worse In dry weather, when lifting or resting the diseased limb on anything. N. B. The effects of both remedies principally begin on the right side, extending afterwards to the left, and both are only effective when the complaint of the patient develops in the opposite direction. For instance : the hardness of hearing, which indicates Amnion, carb., is cured more effectually by it, when the complaint began on the left side and extended or threatened to extend to the right side ; — inflam- mations of the ears or earache, indicating Belladonna, are more certainly cured by it, when they appeared first on the left then on the right side. C.Hg. Ammon. carb. Phosphor. Itching lessened by scratching Itching lessened or increased by scratching. Pulse quick, hard and tense Pulse various, irregular ; sometimes inter- mitting. Chill increased in the open air, lessened in Chill less in the open air than in a warm a warm room. room. Sweat increased when eating Sweat lessened when eating. Sleeplessness after midnight Sleeplessness before midnight "Weak memory Memory active. Seriousness — Absent-mindedness .... Changing mood, sometimes gay, sometimes sad, sometimes irritable. — Haughtiness — Amativeness. Mental excitability — Ecstasies — Insanity. Neither Apoplexy nor Paralysis .... Apoplexy — Paralysis. Sweat, particularly around the joints . . Sweat, particularly on one side; — vesicles around the joints. Optical illusions, particularly in white and Optical illusions, particularly in black, in in bright colors. dark (or in prismatic) colors. Appetite for sweets Aversion to sweets. Complaints predom. in the spleen . . . Complaints predom. in the liver. Costiveness on account of hardness of the Costiveness on account of inactivity of in- faeces. testines. Diarrhoea painful Diarrhoea oftener painless than painful. Urine with a whitish sediment Urine with white, yellow or red sediment. Catamenia too late Catamenia oftener too soon than too late. Sexual desire decreased Sexual desire increased. Xasal secretion watery Nasal secretion thick or viscous. Expectoration seldom . Expectoration not constant. Coughing up dark blood Coughing up bright red blood. Remission of complaints, in the night and Remission after midnight, forenoon. Worse during sleep During sleep generally worse, but often also better; still greater improvement after sleep *, with exception of the siesta. Worse during new moon Worse before a thunder-storm. Ailments from sting of insects Ailments after abuse of salt or of Iod. Predomin. worse ^ -^ ^\ — ■ — ^ Predomin. better In wet weather, in the open airf, and when sitting. Predomin. better — - ^- ^^ — _ Predomin. worse In dry weather, in the room, from the warmth of the bed, when turning over in bed, from pressure J, and assuming an erect position. * This amelioration of Phosphor-complaint3 results undoubtedly from sufficient sleep, for ' ' on awakening " in general Phosphor has aggravation quite as often as amelioration. t When walking in the open air, Phosphor has sometimes improvement, and sometimes aggravation, but the latter is a consequence of the motion. X Ammon. has an exception here in the case of pressure from tight clothes. Ammon. mur. Arsenic. Tension or constriction in external parts . Tension or constriction in internal parts. Very rarely paralysis Paralysis. Complaints predom. on fore-arm and in the Complaints predom. on upper arm and in hollow of the elbow. the hollow of the knee. Pulse unaltered, and, when changed, con- Pulse changed, irregular, small, soft, quick, tinuously accelerated. trembling, or imperceptible. Sweat on lower part of body Chill on lower part of body. Heat, with thirst * Heat, with desire for drink, without thirst f . Chill or coldness increased after getting out Chill, etc., lessened after getting out of bed. of bed. Sweat increased by motion Sweat lessened by motion. Sleeplessness before midnight Sleeplessness predom. after midnight. Dreams of water, traveling, sickness, ani- Dreams of fire or thunder-storms, of vexa- mals, falling, shooting, etc. tion or dead persons. Fretfulness Pear — Despondency — Irritability— Malice — Greediness. Ko delirium Delirium — Consequences of fear, fright or vexation. Saliva increased Saliva diminished. Cough: expectoration not constant; in the Expectoration predom., but not constant; night and morning. during the day. Remission of complaints in the afternoon . Remission during the day and before mid- night. Aggravation almost always on awakening . Better or worse on awakening ; better after sufficient sleep. When assuming an upright position, almost When assuming an upright position, more always aggrav. frequently improved than aggrav. After rising from bed, almost always ag- After rising from bed, more frequently im- grav. proved than aggrav. Better or worse when stretching out the Worse when stretching out the diseased diseased limb. limb. Better or worse when swallowing. . . . Worse when swallowing. Most frequently better after stool. . . . Most frequently aggrav. after stool. Predomin. worse -- — — - ^ -■ " ~. Predomin. better When sitting down, when descending, when standing, when bending the diseased part, and on an empty stomach. Predomin. better -— — """**■*• ^^ — *■— ~^-^ Predomin. worse When rising from a seat, when ascending, after lying down, during sleep, from rubbing, on expiration, and after breakfast. N. B. Although insensibility is a constitutional characteristic of Arsenic, still we find over-sensitive- ness to pain, with this remedy, a symptom not yet observed with Ammon. mur. * Amra. mur. has more thirst between the cold and hot stage and between hot and sweating stage, also after tweat, than during hot stage. It is similar with Arsen., but the latter has more thirst before the chill than Anrni. mur. t The patient drinks often, but little at a time. Ammon. mur. Gnawing sensation in internal parts . . . Very rarely paralysis Complaints predominate in the lower eye- lids and in the spleen. Pulse often unchanged ; generally continu- ously accelerated. Heat, with thirst — Perspiration, without thirst *. Dreams of water, traveling, animals, of fall- ing, shooting, etc. Phosphor. Gnawing sensation in external parts. Paralysis — Apoplexy. Complaints predominate in the upper eye- lids and in the liver. Pulse generally accelerated, full, and hard; irregular; often intermitting. Predom. lack of thirst. Dreams of fire, quarrels and vexation, of dead persons, of the business of the day, or erotic, historical dreams, or with men- tal exertion. Neither joyousness, haughtiness, amative ness, nor delirium, have yet been ob served. Mood changing — Fancies — Ecstasies — In- sanity — Ailments after fright, anger or vexation. During fevers, often uncon- sciousness or delirium. Painful diarrhoea Diarrhoea most frequently painless. Expectoration during the night and in the Expectoration in the morning and during morning. the day. Remission of complaints in the afternoon . Improvement oftener than aggrav. after stool. Better in bed After getting out of bed, almost always aggrav. Predom. aggrav. on an empty stomach ; but also nearly always after eating; must often eat a little, but not enough to satisfy the hunger. From light (in the dark) worse or better. Remission after midnight. Worse after stool. In bed (warmth of bed), worse or (rest) better. After getting out of bed, better or worse. On an empty stomach, predom. better; after eating, worse or better ; particularly better after a satisfying meal. Worse from light ; better in the dark. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In the open air f, in the twilight, when resting, standing, sitting and lying, particularly lyin? on ri°-ht 6ide, lifting or resting the diseased limb on anything, "when descending, and from drinking wine. & Predomin. better Predomin. worse In the room, when moving +, when walking, lying on the left side, letting the diseased limb hanjr down ascending, from external pressure, washing and moistening the suffering part, and while getting out N.B. The over-sensitiveness to pain, of the Phosphor-patient, does not occur with Amm. mur. * Compare note to preceding diagnosis of Amm. mur. and Arsen. t ^. he !! " walkin 9 in * he °P en air -" Amm. mur. has predom improvement ; Phosphor aggravation or improvement t The "improvement from motion," wh,ch sometimes occurs with Phosphor, seems to refer only to > painTn IS joints. Amnnon. mur. Pulsatilla. Aversion to the open air Desire for the open air. Pulse generally unaltered, but when changed, Pulse most frequently quick, small continuously accelerated. weak, particularly in the evening. Sweat on lower part of body Chill on lower part of body. Thirst not constant; thirst during hot stage. Thirst only during hot stage. Sweat, without thirst * and Mood irritable, malicious — Neither uncon- sciousness nor delirium — No apoplexy. Optical illusions in dark colors Catamenia too soon and profuse .... Expectoration night and morning . . . Complaints predom. in fore-arm and in the palm of the hand. Mood changing : gentle, sad, greedy — Apo- plexy — Rarely delirium or unconscious- ness — Ailments after excessive joy, fright or vexation with fright, dread or fear. Optical illusions in bright colors. Catamenia too late and scanty, rarely pro- fuse; suppressed. Expectoration, morning and during the day. Complaints predom. in upper arm and on the back of the hand. Remission of complaints in the after- noon. Worse or better from light Worse when taking a deep breath . . . Predom. worse when lying on the back; better when lying on the side. Nearly always aggrav. after rising from bed. Better when bending or moving the dis- eased part. Aggravation afternoon and evening, after sunset, till midnight. Worse from light ; better in the dark. Better or worse when taking a deep breath. Most frequently better when lying on the back ; worse when lying on the side. Improved oftener than aggrav. after rising from bed. Better or worse when bending or moving the diseased part. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In the open air f, on inspiration, lifting or resting the diseased limb, lying on the right side, lying on the painful side, and after rising from bed. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In the room, on expiration, letting the diseased limb hang down, lying on left side, lying on the nnpainful side, after lying down generally, in bed, during sleep, and from rubbing the diseased part. N. B. Amm. mur. has not the over-sensitiveness to pain of the Pulsatilla-patient. * Amm. mur., like China, has the most thirst between the different stages of the fever ; Pulsatilla also has much thirst between the chill and heat, but less between the heat and sweat, and noue at all after the sweating stage, t From "walking in the open air," both remedies have predom. improvement. Anacardium. Belladonna. Left side — Complaints of external parts predoin. Emaciation— Painless eruptions .... Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy . . Complaints predoin. in the spleen, on the fore-arm, in the hollow of the elbow. Pulse often unchanged, generally accele- rated. Thirst, particularly during the heat . . . Right side — Complaints of internal pans predom. Obesity — Painful eruptions. Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis. Complaints predom. in the liver, on the upper arm, and in the hollow of the knee. Pulse quick or slow, sometimes trembling or irregular. Thirst most rare during chill. Imbecility of will — Maliciousness. C.Hg. Waywardness — Lacrymosity. C.Hg. The mental symptoms have the character Mood changing — Fancies — Mental dull- of dull insusceptibility more exclusively ness, but also ecstasies, than those of Belladonna — No Ecstasies. Consequences of fright or mortification . . Consequences of fright, anger, mortifica- tion, or of vexation with dread, fear, or vehemence. Eyes sunken Eyes protruding. Pupils generally contracted Pupils more frequently dilated than con- tracted. Diarrhoea predom. painful Diarrhoea predom. painless. Voice hoarse or deep Yoice hoarse or raised. Expectoration seldom ; during the day . . Expectoration seldom ; in the morning, dur- ing the day or in the evening. Remission after midnight and during the Remission after midnight and in fore- day. noon. Worse when assuming an erect position . AYhen assuming an erect position, generally worse, sometimes better. Worse when bending the diseased part . . Better or worse when bending the diseased part. Better or worse from touch Almost always aggrav. by touch. Predomin. worse Predomin. belter From warmth, in the room, bending the suffering part backwards, boring with the finger (in the ear or nose), and when turning in bed. Predomin. better -— — -» - . — --^- — — -~. Predomin. worse From cold, in the open air, in the sunshine, when eating, and from weeping. N.B. Anacardium rarely has the over-sensitiveness to pain of the Belladonna-patient, Belladonna rarely the numb sensation in the suffering parts so frequent with Anacardium. Anacardium. Pulsatilla. Left side — Want of bodily irritability* . Right side. — Increased irritability. Complaints predom. in external parts . . Complaints predom. in internal parts. Pains pressing inward Pain pressing outward. Complains predom. in the inner nose, in Complaints predom. on the external nose, upper part of chest, in the spleen, on in lower part of chest, in the liver, on fore-arm, in palms of hands, and on the upper-arm, back of the hand, and of the top of the foot, sole of the foot. Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy . . Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis. Itching aggrav., or ameliorated, or chang- Itching, aggrav. or unchanged by scratch- ing its location, by scratching. ing. Painless eruptions Painful eruptions. Pulse often unchanged, generally acceler- Pulse changed, intermitting, &c, generally ated. quick, small, and weak. Thirst most frequent during the heat . . Thirst, almost only during the hot stage of the fever, and between the cold and hot stages ; less frequently after the hot stage. One-sided heat ; left side One-sided heat ; right side. Chill increased in the open air. — Sweat Chill lessened in the open air. — Sweat in- lessened while eating. creased while eating. Insensibility of disposition Sensitiveness of disposition. Maliciousness— Excited mood Goodnature — Gentleness — Calm sadness — Greediness. Consequences of fright Consequ. of fright, excessive joy, grief, mor- tification, and of vexat. with fear or fright. Imbecility — Insanity Absent-mindedness — Melancholy. Memory weak or active Weakness of memory. Optical illusions in dark colors .... Optical illusions in bright colors. Urine frequent, but scanty Urine infrequent and scanty. Dry coryza Fluent coryza, (sometimes only one-sided,) more frequent than dry coryza. Expectoration infrequent ; during the day. Expectoration predom., but not constant; in the morning and during the day. Aggravation in the morning and evening Aggravation in the afternoon and evening until midnight. till midnight. Worse after sleep After sleep worse or better. Worse when assuming an erect position . When assuming an erect position, worse or better. Better when sitting down When sitting down, worse or better. Worse when rising from a seat .... When rising from a seat, worse or better. Better or worse from the touch .... Worse from the touch. Most frequently improved by pressure . . Worse or better from pressure. Rubbing and scratching generally aggrav- Worse from rubbing and scratching. ates, but sometimes improves. Worse from moving the diseased part . . Better or worse fr. moving the diseased part. Worse when bending the diseased part . . Bett. or worse when bend'g the diseased part. Worse when swallowing Worse or better when swallowing. Worse after meals After meals worse, but sometimes better. Better while eating; worse afterwards . Better while drinking ; worse afterwards. Predomin. worse " - — . --"^ — "" — -^ Predomin. better While moving, walking, lifting the diseased limb, during inspiration, lying on the painful side, and when sitting erect. Predomin. better - — -"" -— -^ - — ■ — *"■ """" — — Predomin. worse During rest, after lying down, in bed, when lying, sitting, and standing, particularly -when lying on the unpainful side, sitting bent forward, stooping, letting the diseased limb hang down, during expiration, when eating, and in sunshine. * Hence Anacard. has not the overseusitiveness to pain of the Pulsatilla patient. Antimon. crud. Antimon. tartar. Oversensitiveness predora* Haemorrhages of dark blood predom. . . Pulse often unchanged, sometimes slow, sometimes quick. Thirst not constant Sleeplessness f, particularly after midnight. Pleasant dreams predom Insensibility, sensation of numbness (not want of irritability). Haemorrhages of bright red blood. Pulse changed too quick or too slow, or both in alternation or intermitting. No thirst during the chill, is not constant during the hot stage, but between the hot and sweating stage. Sleeplessness particularly before midnight. Anxious dreams predom. Sentimental mood (particularly in the moon- Changeable mood — Dullness of mind. light). Mental excitability (ecstasies) or stupor . Unconsciousness. Delirium — Amativeness Consequences of disappointed love . . . Consequences of anger or vexation. Pressing or tearing in external parts . . Pressing or tearing in internal parts. Bitter vomit Predom. sour vomit. Dry coryza Fluent coryza. Expectoration seldom; — in the morning Expectoration not constant; in the morn- and evening. ing and during the day. Remission undecided Remission during the day. Ailments from Arsenic or the sting of in- Ailments after the abuse of China, sects. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From -washing or moistening the diseased part, when stooping, from cold diet, eructations, and when stretching out the diseased limb. Predomin. better -- — *"- "^ — " ^ Predomin. worse When drawing up the diseased limb, sitting down, and from warm diet. * We find in both remedies, sensitiveness predom. "in internal parts." t It is well known that both remedies have somnolency more frequently than sleeplessness. Antimon. crud Pulsatilla. Left side predom.; particularly the loiuer Bight side; particularly lower right and left and upper right side. upper left side. Pulse often unchanged ; very unequal . . Pulse generally quick ; small and weak. Sleeplessness after midnight Sleeplessness before midnight. Mood sentimental, (particularly in the moon- Mood changing; fear; irritability; calm light.) sadness of gentle dispositions ; greediness. Mental excitability — Ecstasies — Imbecility Absent-mindedness — Melancholy — Uncon- — Consequences of disappointed love. sciousness — Ailments from fright, joy, mortification, grief, or from vexation with dread or fear. Complaints oftener on the inner than ex- Complaints oftener on the external than ternal nose. inner nose. Complaints of the upper lip predom. . . Complaints of the under lip predom. Thirst not* constant. Thirst almost only during the fever, but sometimes before the chill, between chill and fever, and between fever and sweat. Heat increased by motion Heat abated by motion. Disgust for food Ravenous hunger. Urine frequent, but scanty Urine infrequent and scanty, often with in- efficient urging to urinate. Catamenia too profuse, or suppressed by Catamenia oftener too weak than profuse : having been over-heated. suppressed from getting wet feet, with painful, vain urging to urinate. Dry coryza Fluent coryza (particularly of the right side) more frequent than stoppage of nose. Irritation to cough is felt in abdomen . . Irritation for cough is felt in pit of sto- mach. Raue. Cough generally dry; when there is expec- Cough, most frequently with expectoration, toration, it appears particularly in the which is loosened in the morning and morning. during the day. Aggravation of symptoms at all times of Aggravation from noon till midnight. the day and night. Complaints predom. in upper part of chest. Complaints predom. in lower part of chest. Complaints from moonlight Complaints before a thunder-storm. Ailments from sting of insects, or from Ailments from copper-vapors, Sulphur or Arsenic. Cinchona. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From vinegar and sonr things in general, from cold diet and drinking -water, from bathing and washing, from moistening the diseased part, uncovering, lilting or stretching out the diseased part, lying on the painful side, and from pressure. Predomin. better Predomin. worse From warm diet, rubbing and scratching, wrapping up warm, from letting the diseased limb hang down as well as drawing it up, and when lying on the unpainful side. Antimon. crud. Sulphur. Inclination for the open air Aversion to the open air. Painful eruptions — External parts turn Painless eruptions — Parts naturally red black. grow white. No paralysis of the limbs Paralysis of the limbs. Pulse often unchanged ; very unequal . . Pulse often accelerated and hard, sometimes intermitting or imperceptible. Chill increased in the warm room .... Chill abating in the warm room. Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover . Heat or sweat, with inclination to uncover. Thirst not constant Thirst mostly during heat; during the chill most frequently no thirst. Somnolence predom Sleeplessness predom., particularly before midnight. Mood distrustful; sentimental, particularly Mood changing; serious, solemn, indif- in the moonlight; amorous. ferent, gentle, depressed, vexed and irri- tated. Consequences of disappointed love . . . Consequences of hearing bad news, shame, mortification, or of vexation with fright or fear. Mental excitability — Ecstasies Difficult comprehension — Absent-minded- ness — Fancies — Mental dullness — In- sanity — Unconsciousness. Imbecility more frequent than insanity . . Insanity more frequent than imbecility. Saliva predom. increased Saliva most frequently lessened. Bitter vomit Predom. sour vomit. Urine frequent, but scanty Urine frequent, but scanty ; sometimes, however, profuse. Sediment red Sediment white or red. Expectoration; in the morning .... Expectoration not constant; in the morn- ing and during the day, more rarely at night. Eemission of complaints undecided . . . Remission in the afternoon and before midnight. Predom. better after rising from bed . . Worse or better after rising from bed. Worse from eructation Almost always improved by eructation. Worse from the heat of the sun .... Worse from snowy air. Ailments from sting of insects, or from Ailments from abuse of metallic prepara- Arsenic. tions: Nitric acid, Jod., Sepia, Rhus, or Cinchona. Predomin. worse — ■ — — ■ -^- — -^-^ Predomin. better From eructation, external pressure, and from uncovering. Predomin. better -- — " -— — * ^\ — — ■ ■— -^ Predomin. worse From wrapping up, and from walking in the open air*. N. B. We very rarely find with Sulphur the over-sensitiveness to pain of the Antimon. -patient ; on the other hand, Antimony has not the sensation of numbness in suffering parts of the Sulphur-patient. * Both remedies generally have improvement of complaints ' in the open air:" the Antimony complaints are aggrav. by the heat of stoves, and Sulphur symptoms are predominantly improved by it, while tne latter are aggravated in crowded rooms. Antimon. tart. Pulsatilla. Predom. left side, particularly lower left Right side, particularly lower right and and upper right side. upper left side. Haemorrhages bright-red — Disposition to Haemorrhages dark — Dryness of the skin. perspire easily. Perspiration on the suffering part . . . Heat on the suffering part. During all stages of the fever: pulse quick, Pulse accelerated, small and weak, — rarely full, strong; at times trembling when it slow. abates, often slow and weak. Thirst between hot and sweating stage . . Thirst, particularly between chill and heat ; not so often between heat and sweat. Heat increased by motion Heat abated by motion. Pressure-pains from outside inward . . . Pressing from inside outward. Hypochondriasis, with inclin. to violence . Hypochondriasis with calm sadness. Hopelessness — Indolence Changing mood — Fear — Indifference. Mental dulness — Imbecility Hastiness — Calm sadness of gentle disposi- tions — Distrust — Amativeness — Greedi- ness. No delirium Absent-mindedness — Fancies — Melanch- oly. Consequences of vexation Consequences of fright, joy, mortification, grief, or of vexation with fear or reserved displeasure. Diphtheritis with plastic exudations . . Catarrhal croup in the fauces. Respiration with great rattling of mucus . Respiration generally without rattling of mucus, but with a dry sound. Short gasping inspirations and long slow Difficult expiration, expirations. Toice hollow . Yoice hoarse and rough. Expectoration in the morning Expectoration in the morning and during the day. No thirst Thirst only during the heat. Sour vomit predom Oftener bitter than sour vomit. Remission during the day Remission from midnight until noon. Worse while perspiring ; — after perspira- Worse during and after perspiration, tion rather better than worse. Predomin. worse -- " ■*— "^ -— " * 0mt Predomin. better From motion, and when lying on the painful side. Predomin. better - -- -^s- — "— ^ Predomin. worse When resting, standing, lying on the painful side, from rubbing, eructation, when stooping* and after perspiring. N. B. With Antimon. tart, we rarely find the numb feeling in suffering parts that is so frequently found with Pulsatilla. * Both remedies have aggrav. as well as amelioration from " assuming an erect position.' 1 Antimon. tart. Rhus, Left side, particularly loicer left and upper right side. Complaints (pressing, tension, tearing, &c.) predom in internal parts. Pain pressing inward — Oligasmie .... Predom. somnolence — Pulse predom. strong. Only during the heat sometimes thirst and between the heat and perspiration. Heat increased by motion Rarely Apoplexy — No Paralysis of the limbs. Bight side, partic. loiuer right and upper left side. Complaints (pressing, tension, tearing, &c.) predom. in external parts. Pain pressing outward — Most frequently plethora. Predom. Sleeplessness — Pulse pred. weak. Thirst not constant. Heat lessened by motion. Paralysis — Apoplexy. Hopelessness — Consequences of anger . . Fear — Dejectedness. Consequences of vexa- tion with dread or fear. Mental dulness Difficult comprehension — Fancies — Uncon- sciousness. Nausea in stomach or abdomen, less fre- Xausea in oesophagus or stomach, less fre- quently in the throat. quently in the throat. Urine scanty ; predom. dark Urine often and copious ; — pale. Respiration with a moist sound .... Respiration with dry sound. Worse when rising from bed After rising from bed almost always better. Predom. worse when sitting dow Worse when rising from a seat Better after rising from a seat Worse in bed Worse after drinking . . . Ailments from Baryt. and Sepia Worse or better when rising from bed. After rising from bed worse or better. Better or worse when sitting down. Worse or better when rising from a seat. Better or worse after rising from a seat. Better or worse in bed. Worse or better after drinking. Ailments from Bryonia, Rhododendron or Antimon. tart. Predomin. worse --— — —*--«- "\ — — c! - J "" -— -^ Predomin. better Prom warmth and in warm air, from warm diet, motion *, when walking, and during expiration. Predomin. better Predomin. worse From cold, growing cold and in cold weather, from cold diet, when resting, standing, during inspiration from eructation, when stooping and rising, and from washing and moistening the diseased part. N. B. We rarely find the numb sensation in the suffering parts so frequently occuring in Rhus, with Antimon. tart. * Both remedies have aggrav. in the beginning of motion. Antimon. tartar. Veratrum. Left side, particularly loiver left and upper Bight side, particularly lower right and right side. upper lejt side. Crawling or tearing in internal parts . . Crawling or tearing in external parts. Rarely apoplexy Paralysis of the limbs. Pulse'accelerated, full and strong . . . . Pulse irregular ; most frequently slow, small and weak. Only during and after the heat sometimes Thirst not constant. thirst. Hopelessness Joyousness or dejection — Haughtiness — Ir- ritable, malicious mood. Consequences of vexation Consequences of fright, anger, grief, or of vexation with dread or fear. Mental dullness — Imbecility Mental-excitability, rarely dullness —Absent- mindedness — Fancies — Insanity predom. Saliva predom. increased Saliva oftener lessened than increased. Nausea in stomach or abdomen, less often Nausea in stomach, in the throat. Predom. sour vomit Predom. bitter vomit. Urine decreased Urine decreased or increased. Fluent coryza predom Pry coryza predom. Expectoration not constant; in the morn- Expectoration not constant ; chiefly during ing. the day. Aggravation from evening until morning. Aggravation night and morning. Almost always aggravated in bed .... Worse or better in bed. "Worse also when rising from bed .... Better or worse when rising from bed. After rising from bed, nearly always better. After rising from bed, worse or better. Worse when rising from a seat Better or worse when rising from a seat. Ailments from Baryta or Sepia .... Ailments from Ferrum, Arsenic, or Cinchona. Predomin. worse >-— ■ — u — a — --'"^ ■ — » — " ""' — ~-^ Predomin. better In -warm air, from -warm diet, drinking milk, sitting bent forward, from motion *, and while walking. Predomin. better --- — — ■. -^N — — --^ Predomin. worse In cold weather, from cold diet, drinking cold water, sitting erect, while resting, standing, stooping, and assuming an erect position. N. B. We rarely find in Antimon. tart, the nnmb sensation in suffering parts not infrequent with Veratrum. * Both remedies have aggravation when beginning to move. Apis. Arsenic. Left side predom Right side. Bodily irritability Want of bodily irritability. Haemorrhages dark Haemorrhages bright-red. Bodies of the poisoned decompose rapidly . Bodies of the poisoned decompose very slowly. Complaints predom. in external parts . . Complaints predom. in internal parts. Apoplexy oftener than paralysis; — the lat- Paralysis (generally of both sides) oftener ter generally only one-sided. than apoplexy. Predom. somnolence Predom. sleeplessness. Pulse most frequently accelerated and full . Pulse very quick, small and weak. Heat generally with thirst and inclination Heat generally without thirst and with aver- to uncover, the latter is agreeable. sion to uncover ; improv. by wrapping up. Dropsy without thirst Dropsy with unquenchable thirst. Eccentric mirth or hopelessness — Fickle inconsistency — Jealousv — Absent-mind- edness — Dread of apoplexy. Consequences of fright, hearing bad news, rage, vexation or jealousy. Anxious feeling in the head Complaints predom. on the upper eye-lids and on the external ear. Saliva increased Thirst seems wanting only during the sweat. Urine frequent, but scanty; only excep- tionally copious. Cough with difficult expectoration, which wakens the patient before midnight; ceases as soon as the least particle is loosened. Melancholy — Greediness. Consequences of grief, fright, or of vexa- tion with dread, fear, reserved displeasure, or vehemence. Anxious feeling in the praecordia. Complaints on the lower eye-lids and on the inner ear. Saliva diminished. Thirst, particularly during sweat and before and after the attack. Urine scanty (with diarrhoea) or copious. Expectoration not constant; is loosened only during the day. Remission of complaints during the day . Remission during the day and before mid- night. Worse or better from pressure .... Better from pressure. After sleep oftener aggrav. than amelior- After sleep better, that is, after sufficient ated. sleep ; but on awaking generally aggrava- tion quite as often as improvement. Worse from light, better in the dark . . Worse (better) from light or in the dark. Ailments from the sting of insects (or Iod.). Ailments from Plumbum, Strychnine, Cin- chona, Digitalis (Iod), Phosphor. Predomln. worse Predomin. belter From wrapping up, warmth and warmth of the bed, in warm rooms, when moving, partic. moving the suffering part, and after sleep. Predomin better Predomin. worse From uncovering, from cold*, spirituous liquors, after perspiration, and when assuming an erect position. * Both remedies have aggravations in cold weather. Apis. Belladonna. Left side Bight side. Complaints of external parts predom. . . Complaints of inner parts predom. Inclination for open air — Emaciation . . Disinclination to open air — Obesity. Chills on the suffering* part Coldness on the suffering part. Chill with thirst Chill without thirst. Heat with inclination to uncover ; the latter Heat with aversion to uncover, and is agreeable. proved by wrapping up warm. Perspiration increased in the room . . . Perspiration diminished in the room Rarely paralysis Paralysis. Sensitiveness of disposition With children stiffening of the body on being touched or moved (with inflamma- tion of the brain). Blood taken from the veins is black, vis- cous, does not coagulate. Horses kick, and show inclination to run off. Unsteadiness — Jealousy — Consequences of hearing bad news. Anxious feeling in the head Complaints predom. in the spleen, and on the inner side of thigh. Thirst is wanting only during sweat . . . Appetite for sour things Milk diminished with nursing women . . Insensibility of disposition predom. With children stiffening of the body during attacks of spasmodic coughs. The blood is most frequently bright and coagulates quickly, is therefore often al- ready coagulated when discharged. Horses stare and have a restless look ; re- fuse to have their front-feet examined, or to be mounted ; overturn themselves. Changing mood — Distrust — Fancies — In- sanity. Anx. feeling in the region of the heart. Complaints predom. in the liver and on the outer side of thigh. Thirst most rare during the chill. Aversion to sour things. Milk most frequently increased. Remission of complaints during the day . Worse or better from pressure .... Better when assuming an erect position . Remission after midnight and in the fore- noon. Better from pressure. Worse or better when assuming an erect position. Predomin. worse Predomin. better After lying down, in bed, from warmth, when stooping, sitting down ; as also from holding the breath, warmth of the bed,, and wrapping up. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In the open air, from cold, from washing, and from wet applications, when rising from bed, and from uncovering. Apis. Cantharides. Left side predom Right side predom. Skin and muscles rigid Skin and muscles lax. Complaints predom. in external parts . . Complaints predom. in internal parts. Dryness of skiu Disposition to sweat, (perspires easily.) Blood does not coagulate (after being Blood coagulates quickly. pricked with a needle, etc.) Heat, with inclination to uncover, with or Heat, with aversion to uncover and with without thirst. thirst; rarely with aversion to drink. No thirst during the sweat Thirst is wanting only during the chill, but appears between the cold and hot stage and during the heat. Somnolence Sleeplessness, particularly after midnight. Apoplexy; rarely paralysis ; the latter gen- Paralysis generally of both sides, (para- erally one-sided, (hemiplegia.) plegia.) Jealousy — Absent-mindedness — Imbecility. Consequences of rage, vexation, or hearing bad news. Complaints predom. on the upper eyelids, on the inner side of the thigh, in the hollow of the knee. The patient drinks often, but little at a time. Urine frequent, but scanty; only exception- ally copious. Sexual desire increased or diminished . . Amativeness — Fancies — Insanity. Complaints on the lower eyelids, on the outer side of the thigh, and in the hol- low of the elbow. The patient does not drink often, but much at a time. Urine infrequent and scanty ; only exception- ally (with paralysis) copious. Sexual desire increased. Remission of complaints during the day . Remission of complaints in the morning and evening, until midnight. Worse or better from pressure Ameliorated by pressure. Predomin. worse ^ — ■— ^< — ■ -^ Predomin. better From -warmth, in warm rooms, after lying down, and when growing warm in bed. Predomin. better — , ~ , ™ ,,,,, * ,, »*—__^-''~^_—— —"■—■■ "~~~-^--^ Predomin worse In the open air, from cold, from washing with cold water and moistening the suffering part. Apis Lachesis. Complaints (burning, etc.) predom. in ex- ternal parts. Complaints predom. left side, excepting the genitals. Inclination for open air . . . . Skin and muscles rigid — Gangrene Suppurations do not occur . . . Pulse predom. accelerated and full Heat, with (or without) thirst and inclina- tion to uncover. Thirst is generally wanting only during per- spiration. Chill increased in the warm room . . . . Somnolence predom. — Anxious dreams . . Complaints (burning, etc.) predom. in in- ternal parts. Complaints predom. right side, excepting the genitals. Aversion to open air (predom.) Skin and muscles lax — Sphacelus. Suppuration, particularly in internal parts. Pulse unequal; generally quick, small, and weak; often alternating with full and strong beats. Heat, without thirst, and with aversion to uncover. Thirst is wanting during the chill, and not frequent during the heat, but appears before the chill. Chill lessened in the warm room. Sleeplessness predom. — Dreams generally pleasant. Cheerfulness or despondency — Indifference — Difficulty of thinking - Imbecility. Ailments from rage or vexation with fright. Complaints predom. on the upper eyelids and in the spleen. Catamenia too soon Coryza, dry in the morning, fluent in the evening. Respiration prevalently quick Cough wakes the patient before midnight, and ceases as soon as the least particle is loosened, which is swallowed. Difficulty of breathing, particularly when bent forward (and when leaning back.) Cheerfulness — Distrust — Easy comprehen- sion — Mental excitability — Insanity. Ailments from disappointed love or grief. Complaints predom. on the lower eyelids and in the liver. Catamenia too soon or too late. Fluent coryza predom. Respiration prevalently slow. Expectoration in the morning and during the day. Difficulty of breathing less when sitting bent forward. Remission of complaints during the day . Aggravation from noon until midnight. Poisoning by contagious Anthrax or Jodine. Ailments from abuse of Mercury. Predomin. worse Predomin. belter In a warm room, from motion, shaking the head, after rising from a seat, when swallowing food * s in cold weather, and during inspiration. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In the open air, when holding the suffering part bent, when assuming an erect positiou, and when rising from bed. N. B. The over-sensitiveness to pain of the Apis-patient is found only very rarely with Lachesis. * When swallowing drink, both remedies have predom. aggrav. ; Lachesis also when swallowing saliva. Apis. Phosphor. Leftside — Dark hemorrhages Right side — Bright-red hemorrhages. Complaints (sensitiveness, etc.) predom. in Complaints (sensitiveness, etc.) predom. in external parts. internal parts. Apoplexia sanguinea — Apoplexia serosa . Apoplexia nervosa. Rarely paralysis of the limbs Apoplexy less frequent than paralysis. Pulse more equal than with Phosphor . . Want of thirst seemingly only during the Want of thirst. sweating stage. Complaints predom. on the upper lip, on Complaints predom. on the lower lip, on the pylorus, and in the spleen. the cardia, and in the liver. Anxious feeling in the head Anxious feeling in the prsecordia. Sensitiveness of disposition — Loquacity — Insensibility or sensitiveness of disposition — Fear of apoplexy. Taciturnity — Fear of loss of reason. Consequences of hearing bad news, or of Consequences of grief. (?) jealousy. Absent-mindedness — Difficulty in think- Fancies — Mental excitability — Ecstasies- — ing — mental dullness — Imbecility. Insanity. Pupils most frequently dilated Pupils generally contracted. Vomiting of bile Most frequently sour vomit. Retention of urine Involuntary discharge of urine. Cough, with difficulty to raise, awakens be- Expectoration not constant; in the morn- fore midnight, and ceases as soon as the ing and during the day. least particle is loosened, which is swal- lowed. Beating of heart and pulse intermittent . . Palpitation of the heart, with equal, gen- erally accelerated beating. Milk diminished Milk most frequently increased. Remission of complaints during the day . Remission after midnight. Worse when awaking and after rising from Better or worse when awaking and after bed. rising from bed. Worse in bed Worse or better * in bed. Ailments from sting of insects, poisoning by Ailments from abuse of table-salt. contagious Anthrax, or abuse of Cinchona. Predomin. worse -— — ^^ — ■— ^ Predomin. better From warmth, when lifting up the diseased limb, after sleep f, when sitting down, leaning back, and from the touch. Predomin. better "— -^ ->^ — — — ^ Predomin. worse From cold, when letting the diseased limb hang down, after perspiration, from cold applications, when assuming an erect position, and rising from bed. * The warmth of the bed aggravates with both remedies. t After the siesta, Phosphor also has aggravation; the same on awaking when roused from sleep: therefore better after sufficient sleep. r> , IS. Left side — Inclination to wash with cold water. Complaints predom. on external parts . . Complaints most frequent on exterior ear, on the upper lip, and in the spleen. Apoplexia sanguinea — Apoplexia serosa — Blood coagulates slow. Pulse most frequently accelerated and full . Thirst seems to be wanting only during the sweat. Chill increased by motion Chill on the suffering part ISettlerash all over the body, except the feet. Pulsatilla. Right side — Disinclination to wash with cold water. Complaints predom. in internal parts. Complaints most frequent in the inner ear, on the under lip, and in the liver. Apoplexia nervosa — Blood coagulates quickly. Pulse most frequently quick, small and weak. Want of thirst — Thirst only during the heat and before and after the chill, rarely after the heat. Chill lessened by motion. Heat on the suffering part. Eruption all over the body, except the face. Overstrained merriness — Fickle unsteadi- ness—Excitability and irascibility (more Predom. lacrymose mood — Gentleness Distrust — Greediness — Amativeness. rarely dejection) — Jealousy. Anxious feeling in the head Consequences of rage, jealousy, or hearing bad news. Imbecility Horses kick, and show an inclination to run off. Anxious feeling in the prsecordia. Consequences of excessive joy, grief, mor- tification, or vexation with dread or fear. Melancholy. Horses sensitive to the touch, particularly on the ears, and, therefore, cannot be bridled. Pupils most frequently dilated . ... Pupils most frequently contracted. Diarrhoea (with exception of dysentery) Diarrhoea most frequently painful. generally painless. Urine frequent, but scanty; only exception- Urine infrequent and scanty — Incontinence ally copious — Retention of urine. more frequent than retention of urine. Cough, with difficulty to raise, awakens be- Expectoration predom., but not constant; fore midnight and ceases as soon as the in the morning and during the day. least particle is loosened, which is swal- lowed. Milk diminished Milk most frequently increased. Remission of complaints during the day . Remission from midnight until noon. Worse on awaking Worse or better on awaking. Worse after rising from bed Better or worse after rising from bed Worse when sitting down Worse or better when sitting clown. Worse when rising from a seat .... Worse or better when rising from a seat. Worse after rising from a seat .... Better or worse after rising from a seat. Worse from moving the diseased limb . . Better or worse when moving the diseased limb. Worse when swallowing, particularly food Worse or better when swallowing, par- and drink. ticularly worse when swallowing saliva. Better when assuming an erect position . . Worse or better when assuming an erect position. Fredomin. worse — - — •"«^_____^-^_— -—^. Predomin. bettei From bodily exertion, while moving, lifting the diseased limb, in cold weather, from drinking cold water* from vinegar, and from sour things generally, during inspiration and after rising from bed or a seat. Predomin. better --— — — — .— «-"^»- — --^. Predomin. worse During rest, when letting the diseased limb hang down, in warm air, and from drinking wine. * Drinking-water ameliorates the already existing Pulsatilla complaints; on the other hand, new complaints frequently arise in consequence of cold drink, which Pulsatilla cures. Apis. Rhus, L.. & ► R. R. M ► !<• Particularly affections of the ovaries, and Eruptions and pain from r. to 1. C.Hg. eruptions go from 1. to r. Left side predoni Right side predom. Sensitiveness to pain predom Insensibility or sensation of numbness pre- dom. * Hemorrhages dark — Blood incoagulable . Haemorrhages light-colored, serous — Blood coagulates easily. Inclination for open air Aversion to the open air. Cutting pain in internal parts Cutting pain in external parts. Burning, with piercing pain Burning pain, with itching. Pulse most frequently accelerated and full . Pulse irregular ; generally accelerated, faint, weak and soft. Heat, with inclination to uncover .... Heat, with aversion to uncover, which ag- grav. ; while wrapping up, ameliorates. Chill on the suffering part Sweat on the suffering part. Thirst seems to be wanting only during sweat. Thirst not constant. Somnolence predom Sleeplessness predom. Overstrained gaiety — Fickle unsteadiness — Dejection. Irritable and irascible mood ; more rarely dejection — Jealousy. Fear of apoplexy Fear of being poisoned. Consequences of fright, rage, vexation, jea- Consequences of vexation with fear. lousy, or of hearing bad news. Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis . . Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy. Diarrhoea (with the exception of dysentery) Diarrhoea most frequently painful. predom. painless. Secretion of urine oftener diminished than Secretion of urine increased; urine pale, increased, but yet urinating oftener than frequently copious. usual ; urine dark. Retention of urine Involuntary discharge of urine. Respiratio abdomalis Respiratio thoracica. Cough, with difficulty to raise, awakens be- Expectoration not constant; is raised chiefly fore midnight and ceases as soon as the in the morning. least particle is loosened which is swal- lowed. Milk diminished Milk most frequently increased. Worse when swallowing food, and par- Worse when swallowing food and saliva. ticularly drink. Worse from the heat of the sun. Worse in snowy air. Predomin. worse ^— "■' -^. — — " -■— ^. Predomin. better From wrapping up, warmth, warmth of the bed f, and in warm rooms, also from motion %. Predomin. toeJter -— r- *— . --^- — — — -^ Predomin. worse From uncovering, from cold and washing with cold water, in the open air, from eructation, spirituous liquors, during rest, and when assuming an erect position. * Yet we find, with Rhus as well as with Apis, "sensitiveness of external parts." t We also find aggrav. in bed. with Rhus, probably more as a consequence of rest than of the warmth of the bed- clothes; this applies chiefly to the sculp. % Rhus has aggrav. during rest and in the beginning of motion, amelioration during continued moderate (not exerting, motion. Apis. Sepia. Itching, relieved by scratching .... Itching aggrav. by scratching. Inclination for open air and washing with Aversion to open air and washing with cold cold water. water. Phlebitis Distention of the veins — Throbbing in the veins. Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis; Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy; the latter generally one-sided. generally of both sides. Pulse most frequently accelerated and full . Pulse is accelerated, partic. by vexation and motion ; at night quick and full ; during the day slow. Chill on the suffering parts Sweat on the diseased parts. Morbid merriness — Fickle unsteadiness — Mood serious, sad, irritable — Avarice — Delirium. Fancies. Pupils most frequently dilated Pupils contracted. Puffiness around (under) the eyes, and pre- Puffiness above the eyes, and predom. on dom. on the upper lip. the underlip. Complaints predom. on pylorus, in the Complaints predom. on the cardia, in the spleen, and in the hollow of the knee. liver, and in the hollow of the elbow. Retention of urine; discharge often, but Discharge of urine involuntary; too sel- scanty, sometimes copious. dom. Catamenia too soon Catamenia generally too late. Sexual desire too strong; less frequently Sexual desire changeable, with less potency. too weak, the latter more with women. Eespiratio abdominalis Respiratio thoracica. Cough wakens before midnight, and ceases Expectoration not constant; is loosened in as soon as the least particle is loosened, the night and morning, and is generally which is swallowed. swallowed. Remission of complaints in the fore- and Remission in the afternoon. afternoon. Worse from bodily exertion Much oftener amelioration than aggrava- tion by exertion ; on the other hand ag- gravation by mental exertion. CHg. Better in the open air, worse in a warm Sometimes better, and sometimes worse out room. doors, particularly in cold open air. Worse when swallowing warm drink or Worse when swallowing food. food. Better after sweating Worse during and after sweat. Worse from being over-hurried .... Worse when idle. Worse in the heat of the sun Worse in snowy air. Predomin. worse — —— -^- — — — * B ** I&U ^ Predomin. better From warmth, wrapping up, after* sleep, from motion, partic. moving the diseased part, from bodily exertion, sitting down as well as rising from a seat. Predomin. better - — ' TOn " a »»«-- ^^ r — >=**■ ■"■"" ^ Predomin worse From cold, uncovering, during rest, and from scratching and rubbing. * Here the improvement of the Sepia symptoms is, no doubt, in consequence of sufficient sleep ; for iu general on awaking this remedy has aggravation at least quite as often as amelioration. Argent. Mercur. Pressing or pinching pain in external parts. Pressing or pinching pain in internal parts. Pain pressing inwards Pain pressing outwards. Inclination for the open air Aversion to the open air. No Apoplexy Apoplexy. Pulse often unchanged; accelerated in the Pulse irregular; generally full andaccele- evenino- after lying down; slow in the rated; quick at night, slow during the morning. day. Coldness on small spots Sweat on small spots. Want of thirst, particularly during the hot Thirst during all stages of the fever, but stage of the fever. not constant. Fear of apoplexy, particularly with palpita- tion of the heart. Fear of loss of reason — Consequences of mortification — Unconsciousness. Itching, unchanged by scratching . . . Itching, relieved or aggrav. by scratching. Complaints predom. in lower part of chest, Complaints predom. in the upper part of on the front side of the thigh, on the pa- chest, the back part of thigh, in the hol- tella, and on the calf of the leg. low of the knee, and on the shin. Most frequently hunger Most frequently loss of appetite. Expectoration almost constant ; during day Expectoration not constant; during the and evening. day. Remission evening and night Worse when swallowing Ailments from abuse of Mercury Remission of complaints during the day. Worse or better when swallowing; par- ticularly worse when swallowing saliva or liquids. Ailments from the sting of insects, Sulphur, Calcarea, or Cinchona; also from Arsenic or Copper vapors. Predomin. worse Predomin. better During rest, while* lying clown, sitting, and standing, particularly when lying on the back, sitting bent forward, leaning against anything, when descending, in doors, and from smoking. Predomin. better Predomin. worse During motion, while walking, lying on the side, assuming an erect position, ascending, and in the open air. * Both remedies have aggravation "in hed." Argent. Left side; particularly lower left, upper right side. Complaints (pinching pain, etc.) predom. in external parts. Pain pressing inwards Itching, unchanged by scratching .... Pains increase gradually and disappear sud- denly. C oin plaints predom. on external ear, soft palate, and on the patella. No apoplexy Pulse accelerated in the evening, after lying down. Sweat sometimes only on the front part of the body. Want of thirst, even during the heat . . Pulsatilla. Right side ; particularly lower right, upper left side. Complaints (pinching pain, etc.) predom. in internal parts. Pain pressing outwards. Itching, aggrav. or unchanged by scratching. Pains come on suddenly and disappear gra- dually. Complaints most frequently in the inner ear, on the roof of the mouth, and in the hollow of the knee. Apoplexy. Pulse generally small, weak, and quick, par- tic, in the evening ; slower in the morning. Sweat sometimes only on the back part of the body. Thirst only during the hot stage of the fever, before and after the chill, and after the hot stage. Fear of apoplexy, particularly with palpi- Consequences of excessive joy, of fright, tation of the heart. grief, mortification, or of vexation with fear, fright, dread, reserved displeasure. Neither unconsciousness nor delirium . . Unconsciousness — Delirium. Urine often and copious Urine infrequent and scanty. Expectoration almost constant; during the Expectoration predom., but not constant; day and evening. in the morning and during the day. Remission of complaints in the evening and night. Worse when lying on the back, better when lying on the side. Better while and after rising from bed, and after rising from a seat. Worse when swallowing Worse when drawing a deep breath . . . Worse when looking at running water . . Remission from midnight till noon. More frequently aggrav. by lying on the side than the back; often improved by the latter position. Better or worse while and after rising from bed, or from a seat. Worse or better when swallowing. Better or worse when drawing a deep breath. Worse when looking up. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From cold, uncovering, when lying on the painful side, when lifting, resting on anything, stretching out or bending the diseased limb sideways, as well as when running, and from pressure. Predomin. better Predomin. worse From warmth, wrapping up, when lying on the unpainfal side ; when letting the diseased limb hang down, or when drawing it up. N.B. Argent, lacks the over-sensitiveness to pain as well as the sensation of numbness in the suffering parts which characterizes Pulsatilla. Argent. Sepia. Inclination for open air Pain pressing inwards Rending pain in internal, pinching pain in external parts. Itching, generally unchanged by scratch- ing. Pulse accelerated in the evening, after lying down ; slow in the morning. Want of thirst, even during the hot stage of the fever. Aversion to the open air. Pain pressing outwards. Tearing pain in external, pinching pain in internal parts. Itching aggravated by scratching — Apo- plexy. Pulse quick and full at night ; slow during the day. Thirst is constant only during the chill, and is entirely wanting during sweat. Fear of apoplexy, particularly with palpi- tation of heart. Vacancy of mind, but only with vertigo or headache. Most frequently hunger Discharge of urine too often and copious . Expectoration nearly constant ; during the day and evening. Complaints predom. on the front part of the thigh. Consequences of vexation with fear. Vacancy of mind and thoughtlessness, with desire to work. C.Hg. Most frequently want of appetite. Discharge of urine too seldom. Expectoration predom., but not constant; is loosened particularly in the night and morning, and is generally swallowed. Complaints predom. on the back part of the thigh. Remission evening and night Predom. worse after lying down and in bed. Better while and after rising from bed . . Better when risino: from a seat. Predom. better during expiration, worse during inspiration. Predom. better when walking in the open air. Worse when walking fast or running . . Worse when looking at running water . . Remission of complaints in the afternoon. Better or worse after lying down and in bed. Worse or better while and after rising from bed. Worse or better when rising from a seat. Most frequently aggrav. during expiration, and then better during inspiration. Worse or better when walking in the open air. Better or worse when walking fast or run- ning. Worse when looking up or over a large sur- face. Predomin. worse — — " " «— — --^ ^■*""" — -^ Predomin. better While lying on the painful side, descending, sitting down, or when assuming an erect position. Predomin. better — *- ^^ — — "■"""" - Predomin. worse When lying on the unpainful side, when ascending, and from rubbing. N.B. Argent, lacks the over-sensitiveness to pain of the Sepia-patient. Argent nttr. Kali biehrom Tpper left, lower right side Upper right, lower left side. Complaints predom. in internal parts . . Complaints predom. in external parts. Pain pressing inwards Pain pressing outwards. Paralysis — Sensation of numbness in ex- Sensitiveness in external parts, ternal parts. Gloomy, dull; wishes to do nothing . . . Scrupulousness — Want of self-confidence . Inclination to motion Want of thirst Dry cough (without expectoration.) . . . Collection of viscous, thick mucus in the choanas and in the throat, compels to gag and retch ; small greasy, round lumps of mucus in the larynx, which are re- moved by light coughs. Pustulous ecthyma — Erysipelas .... Aversion to all occupation, but without laziness. Indifferent, or low-spirited after the least annoyance. C.Hg. Aversion to motion — Inclination to lie down. Thirst. Expectoration is not constant. Mucus so viscid that it draws out like a long thread from the gullet and throat ; continually a troublesome retching and cough. C.Hg. Measles — Ulcers. C.Hc Aggravation of symptoms after midnight, in the morning and afternoon. General feeling better in the open air, par- ticularly catarrhs (eyes, stomach), while vertigo and headache are aggrav. in the open air. Chill from being uncovered ; wrapping up causes a smothered feeling. Worse after vomiting Squeamishness in the stomach, improved by eating; but acute pains in the stomach aggrav. by eating. Aggravation in the morning and at noon. General feeling better out-doors, particu- larly vertigo improved while walking in the open air; chilliness and complaints of the stomach are aggravated in the open air. Uncovering aggravates ; wrapping up ame- liorates. Better after vomiting *. The gastric pains are diminished by eating ; the rheumatic pains are increased or re- newed by it. * It is true that -with K bichr. an eruption breaks out in the face after vomiting, but in reference to the general state this must be regarded as an improvement quite as much as the breaking out of eruptions in hot weather. The subjective symptoms are aggravated in cold weather. Argent, nitr. Left side Complaints predom. in internal parts . . Want of feeling and sensation of numbness in external parts. Inclination for motion — Aversion to the open air |. Awaking too early Generally awaking too late Natrum mur. Right side. Complaints predom. in external parts. Want of feeling and numbness in internal parts *. Aversion to motion — Inclination for the open air, Reserve — Sadness Loquacity — Cheerfulness or sadness. Fear of apoplexy Fear of loss of reason. Apoplexy has not yet been observed . . . Unconsciousness — Delirium — Apoplexy. Yertigo, inclining to fall sideways . . . Yertigo, inclining to fall forwards. Complaints predom. on the upper eyelids . Complaints predom. on the lower eyelids. Want of thirst * . . Thirst during the fever and when there is no fever. Urine frequent and scanty Urine frequent and generally copious. Remission of complaints in the forenoon and evening, till midnight. Complaints from the pressure of the clothes J. Chill from being uncovered; but difficult respiration is increased by being wrapped up. Worse from cold, better from warm diet . Better from wine Worse while drinking. Nausea, lessened by sour things .... Worse from opening or spreading out the hands. Remission in the afternoon. Often improved by tying the clothes tight. Uncovering aggravates — Wrapping up ame- liorates. Better sometimes from cold, sometimes from warm diet. Worse from spirituous liquors. Worse after drinking. Sour things disagree with the patient. Worse when closing the hands. * With Natr. mur. we also find sensitiveness in internal and external parts. f Yet the catarrhal complaints of Arg. nitr. are improved in the open air. % But yet the headache of Arg. nitr. is ameliorated by tying something tightly around the head, by the pressure of the hat, etc. Argent, nitr. Pulsatilla. Predom. left side of the body Complaints predom. on the right Inclination for motion Aversion to motion. Aversion to the open air Inclination for the open air. Pressing pain from outside inward . . . Pressing from inside outward. Itching, aggrav. by scratching Itching unchanged or aggra v. by scratching Heat without thirst Heat with thirst. Embarrassment — Scrupulousness —Lack of Boldness (or embarrassment; precipitancy, self-confidence. rashness. C.Hg.). Yertigo inclining to fall sideways .... Yertigo inclining to fall backwards — Apo- plexy. Farsightedness Shortsightedness. Want of thirst Thirst only during the heat*. The stream of urine spreads asunder. . . The stream of urine thin. Urine often, but scanty Urine infrequent and scanty. Sexual desire diminished — Impotence . . Sexual desire increased. Cough without expectoration Expectoration not constant ; in the morn- ing and during the day. Complaints predominate on /ore-arm . . Complaints predom. on upper-&vm. Emaciation, particularly of the legs . . . Emaciation, particularly of the suffering parts. Aggravation in the afternoon, after mid- Aggravation in the afternoon and after night and in the morning. sunset until midnight. Aggravation when drinking (difficult res- Aggravation after drinking, piration). Predomin. worse _-— — --»__^^^^_ —- -»«»*» uM,1 ' ,,ll — — Predomin. better From motion, when lifting the diseased limb, from tying the clothes tight, and from cold diet. Predomin. better Predomin. worse During rest, while standing, from scratching and rubbing, letting the diseased limb hang down, lying on a cold cushion, from warm diet, drinking wine, and loosening the clothes. * Puis, has thirst, (which is not constant even during the heat,) more between the stages of the fever, that is, before and after the chill, and after the heat. Arnica. Belladonna. Left side — Complaints predom. in external Right side — Complaints predom. in internal parts. parts. Inclination for motion and open air . . . Aversion to motion* and open air. Complaints predom. in the lower part of Complains predom. in the upper part of the chest, and on the inner side of the the chest, and on the outer side of thigh. thigh. When the pulse grows slow, it is weak . . When the pulse grows slow, it is strong. Cold on the side lain on Sweat on the side lain on. Thirst constant, particularly during chill . Thirst most rare during chill. Weak memory Memory very active or very weak. Ailments from fright or anger Consequences of fright, anger, mortification, or of vexation with fright, dread, fear or vehemence. Pupils oftener contracted than dilated . . Pupils oftener dilated than contracted. Shortsightedness Farsightedness. Appetite for sour things Aversion to sour things. Nausea in the stomach Nausea in the throat or in the abdomen ; less frequently in the stomach. Foetid flatus Scentless flatus. Yoice deep Voice raised. Audible respiration predom Respiration predom. low. Expectoration infrequent ; is loosened dur- Expectoration infrequent ; in the morning, ing the day and evening; is generally during the day or evening. swallowed. Remission after midnight and during the Remission after midnight and in the fore- day, noon. Worse during increase of moon . . , . Worse during full moon. Better in a horizontal position Predom. better with the head lying high. Worse when assuming an erect position . Worse or better when assuming an erect position. Worse when leaning against anything . . Worse or better when leaning against any- thing, particularly better when leaning against something hard (and from lying on something hard). Worse when bending the diseased part . . Better or worse when bending the diseased part. Worse or better when moving the diseased Worse when moving the diseased part, part. Ailments from charcoal vapors .... Ailments from poisoning with contagions Anthrax, Iodine, Plumbum, or abuse of Mercury. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In doors, from stooping, and lying with the heat high. Predomin. better — — "*•* -"^ — .— — — — \. Predomin. worse In the open airf, when swallowing, and in a horizontal position. * We also find inclination for motion in single or suffering parts with Belladonna, t Both remedies have aggrav. "when walking in the open air." Arnica. China. Inflammation and other complaints predom. Inflammation and other complaints predom. in external parts. in internal parts. Tearing pain upwards Tearing pain generally downwards. Inclination for the open air Aversion to the open air. Complaints from charcoal vapors .... Complaints from mercurial vapors. Itching, relieved or unchanged by scratching. Itching, relieved by scratching. Pulse most frequently accelerated; hard Pnlse quick, hard, but small; more quiet and full. after meals. Coldness sometimes confined to the side Sweat on the side lain on. lain on. Heat on upper part of body (lower part cold.) Sweat on the upper part of body. Partial sweat on the front part of body . . Partial sweat on the back part of body. Thirst constant only during the chill . . . Thirst constant only during sweat*. Congestion predom. to the eyes .... Congestion of blood to the ears. During sleep, lying with head low . . . During sleep, sitting posture. Complaints predom. on the lower jaw and Complaints predom. on the upper jaw and teeth, on the back part of thigh, and in teeth, on the front side of the thigh, and the hollow of the elbow. in the hollow of the knee. Consequences of fright or anger .... Consequences of vexation. Unconsciousness Rarely unconsciousness in fevers. Eyes protruding Eyes generally sunken. Saliva generally diminished Saliva increased. Nausea in the stomach Nausea in the throat or stomach. Afterpains return when suckling the child . Cough, with bloody expectoration when suckling the child. Inspiration quick, expiration slow . . . Inspiration slow, expiration quick. Expectoration infrequent; is generally swal- Expectoration not constant, lowed. Remission after midnight and during the Remission of complaints in the afternoon day. and evening. Worse when perspiring Worse, particularly after perspiring. Worse when closing eyes, better when open- When closing the eyes (or opening them\ ing them. better or worse. Better in a horizontal position Better when lying with the head high. Better or worse when lying on the painful Predom. worse when lying on the painful, (or unpainful) side. better when lying on the unpainful side. Worse on awaking Worse or better on awaking. Worse when assuming an erect position . Better or worse when assuming an erect position. Worse when bending the diseased limb . . Better or worse when bending the diseased limb. Predom. worse after meals Worse or better after meals. Worse on inspiration, better on expira- Most frequently better on inspiration, worse tion. on expiration. Worse when taking a deep breath . . . Improved oftener than aggrav. when taking a deep breath. Worse from sleeping too long Worse from being awake all night. Predomin. worse ^ — —""■- -^^ — ""■"" --^ Predomin. better In the room, from warm applications, from uncovering the head, lying on the left side and with the head high. Predomin. better -—-"■" — "^ — — --^ - Predomin. worse In the open air f , when wrapping up the head, after lying down, in bed, when sitting, when swallowing, from eructation, lying on the right side, and in a horizontal position, or with the head low. * Cinchona has thirst more frequently before and between the different stages of fever. f Both remedies have aggrav. '■ when walking out-doors ;" it appears, therefore., to be caused more by motion than by the open air. Arnica. Left side. — Muscles predoin. rigid — Dark hair. Increased irritability — Inclination for the open air. Inflammation and other complaints predom. in external parts. Ailments from charcoal vapors .... Itching, relieved or unchanged by scratch- ing. Pulse unequal; most frequently quick, full, and hard. Chill increased by drinking Predom. external chill, with int :rnal heat. Heat of the upper part of body; colduess of lower part of body. Thirst constant only daring the chill. . . Ipecacuanha. Right side. — Muscles lax — Light hair. "Want of bodily irritation — Aversion to the open air. Inflammation and other complaints predom. in internal parts. Ailments from Arsenic or copper vapors. Itching, unchanged by scratching. Pulse very much accelerated, but weak. Chill moderated by drinking. Predom. internul chill, with external heat. Upper part of body cold. Thirst not constant. Ailments from fright or anger Ailments from vexation and reserved dis- pleasure. Fancies ~No delirium — Very rarely unconsciousness in fevers. Paralysis Yery rarely paralysis. Eves protruding Eyes sunken. Optical illusions in dark colors Optical illusions in bright colors. Urine scanty and infrequent; sometimes Urine scanty. frequent. Labor-pains, weak or ceasing Spasmodic labor-pains. Expectoration infrequent; is loosened dur- Expectoration infrequent; in the morning ing the day and evening, and is generally and during the day. swallowed. Complaints predom. on the back of the Complaints predom. in the palms of the hand hands. Remission during the day and after mid- Remission of complaints during the day. night. Better when lying on the back or on the Better when lying on the back; worse when side. lying on the side. Worse on awaking Worse or better on awaking. Better after sufficient sleep. Agprrav. oftener than improved after sleep. Better after sleep. Better in the open air*; worse in the Predom. worse in the open air; better in room. the room, if it is not too warm. Worse after sleeping too long Worse from being awake all night. Predoniin. worse _^- ' ^ ^\. — " — ^_ Predomin. better When closing the eyes, from cold, after drinking, after sleeping, and in the room. Predomin. better ~-~- " " *— ^ — -^- — . — — ■■" -— ^ Predomin. worse When opening the eyes, from warmth, after rising from bed, and in the open air. * Both remedies have aggrav-. '• when walking in the open air ;" therefore, motion decides in this case. Arnica. Nux vomica. Leftside; partic. upper left and lower Bu/htside; partic. upper right and lower right . 'left. Inclination for motion and open air . . . Aversion to motion and open air. Complaints (sensation of cold, pinching, Complaints (sensation of cold, pinching, &c.) &c.) predom. in external parts — Cold, predom. in internal parts — Cold on the left side. right side of the body. Pulse sometimes intermitting the 7th beat. Pulse sometimes intermit, the 4th or 5th beat. Thirst constant only during the chill . . Thirst mostly during the chill, and between the heat and sweat. Perspiration on front part of body . . . Perspiration on back part of body. Ailments from charcoal vapors .... Ailments from Arsenic or copper vapors. Compl. predom. in the hollow of the elbow. Complaints predom. in hollow of the knee. Paralysis predom. in the arms Paralysis predom. in the legs. With horses compl. partic. pastern joints . With horses, complains partic. of the hocks. Sleeplessness before midnight Sleeplessness predom. after midnight. Xo malice, &c Maliciousness— Amativeness. Ailments from fright or anger Ailments from fright, anger, mortification, grief, disappointed love, jealousy, or from vexation with fright, dread, fear, indig- nation, or vehemence. Short-sightedness — Dim-sightedness . . . Far-sightedness — Pred. clear-sightedness. Optical illusions in dark colors .... Optical illusions in bright colors. Saliva predom. diminished Saliva most frequently increased. Appetite for sour things Predom. aversion to sour things. Diarrhoea predom Constipation predom. Expectoration infrequent ; is loosened dur- Expectoration not constant; in the morn- ing day and evening, and is generally ing, during the day and evening, swallowed. Aggravation in the morning and evening Remission of complaints in the evening until midnight. until midnight. Better in a horizontal position .... Better lying with the head high. After sleep most frequently aggravation . After sleep most frequently amelioration. Worse on awaking On awaking better or worse*. Worse after drinking After drinking worse or better. Better when swallowing When swallowing worse or better. Better from eructation Worse or better from eructation. Worse or better when moving the diseased Worse when moving the diseased part. part. Worse from being overhurried Worse when idle, or fr. being overhurried f. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In the room, lying with the head hitjh, lying on the left side, when closing: the eyes, lifting; or restim the diseased limb on anything, on inspiration, on expiration, eating, and after sleep. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In the open air J, lying in an horizontal position, or with the head low, lying on the right side, when opening the eyes, letting the diseased limb hang down, on expiration $. * Improvements of Nux. vom. complaints here follow after sufficient sleep ; for after sleeping too long, this remedy also has aggravation ; on being roused from sleep pred. aggravation. t This is only apparently a contradiction, and arises from the common cause ofth* same mental disposition, t Both remedies have aggravation " when tonlking in the open air," and when moving. § Both remedies have aggravation when respiriag deeply. Arnica. Pulsatilla. Left side, even cokln. and other fever eompl. Right side, even chill, coldness, heat, &c. Upper left, lower right side — Inclination Upper right, loicer left side — Aversion to for motion. motion. Complaints (pinching paiu &c.) predom. in Complaints (pinching pain, &c.) predom. m external parts. internal parts. Ailments frequently on the external ear, Complaints frequent in the inner ear and on the upper lip. on the underlip. Dropsy of intern al parts Dropsy predom. in external parts. Paralysis, generally painful Paralysis generally painless. Prevents suppuration Cures suppuration. Ailments from charcoal vapors .... Ailments from copper or mercurial vapors. With horses: Spasmodic ischurie with hot With horses: Spasmodic ischurie with cold hoofs, and the excrements in small balls. feet and the excrements in large balls. Itching, unchanged or reliev'd by scratching. Itching, unchanged or aggrav. by scratching. Pulse often more frequent than the beat of Pulse often suppressed, with strong beat of the heart; inequal; generally quick, full the heart; generally quick, but small and and hard. weak. Thirst constant only during the chill— Per- Thirst only during the hot stage of fever — spiration on the front s ; de of body. Perspiration on the back part of body. During sleep prefers to lie with the head During sleep prefers to lie with the back low or horizontal. high ; often throws the arms over the head ; sometimes lying on the belly. Irritable mood— Fear of apoplexy . . . Gentleness — Calm sadness — Peevishness — Boldness — Distrust— Greediness. A ilments from fright or anger Ailments from excessive joy, fright, grief, mortification, or from vexation with fright, dread, fear, or reserved displeasure. Eyes protruding Eyes sunken. Optical illusions in dark colors .... Optical illusion in bright colors. Saliva predom. diminished Saliva most frequently increased. Predom. loss of appetite Most frequently hunger. Nausea in the stomach Xausea in the throat, stomach and abdomen. Generally retention of urine from exertion. Incontinentia urinse from exertion. Catamenia too soon Catamenia too late. Expectoration infrequent; during day and Expectoration predom., but not constant; evening; is generally swallowed. in the morning and during the day. Remiss, during the day and after midnight. Remission from midnight until noon. Worse when assuming an erect position, Worse or better when assuming an erect and when rising from a seat. position, and from rising from a seat. When swallowing almost always improved. When swallowing worse or better. Better from eructation Worse or better from eructation. Worse when taking a deep breath . . . Better or worse when respiring deeply. Most frequently aggravated when moving Most frequently improved when moving the the part. diseased part. Worse when bending the diseased part . . Bett. or worse wh. bending the diseased part. '"Complaints after bodily exertion . . . . Complaints more aft. mental exertion. C.Hg. Predomm. worse -—- - —. -^~^ ——"*"' —— ^ Predomin. better From cold, uncovering, on inspiration, when moving, walking, running, walking in the open air *, from bodily exertion, when stretching:, lifting, or resting the diseased limb on anything, lying with the head high, from weeping, and after drinking cold water f. Predomin better "■"■"" 1 — - — -""^ — -" m ~ m ~~—~— Predomin worse From warmth, wrapping up, on expiration, during rest, after lying down, in bed, when lying, sitting, and standing, drawing up the diseased limb, or letting it hang down, lying with the head low, or in a horizontal position, and from rubbing and scratching. N.B. Arnica has not the sensation of numbness in suffering parts, which is not infrequ. with Pulsatilla * Both remedies have amelioration "in the open air," aggravation in the room, t Compare note to Apis and Pulsatilla. Arnica. Rhus, Left side— Dark hair Inclination for open air — Cutting pain in- ternally. Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis . . With Horses : Hydrocephalus, with a stub- born posture. Painful ulcers Pulse most frequently quick, full, and hard. Heat on the upper part of body, (lower part cold.) Thirst constant only during the chill . . . Right side — Light hair. Aversion to open air — Cutting pain in ex- ternal parts. Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy. With Horses : Hydrocephalus, with jerkings of the head. Painless ulcers. Pulse generally accelerated, but weak, faint, and soft. Chill or heat on upper part of body. Thirst not constant. In Typhus: Thinks is well; putrid breath, In Typhus: Complains of great weakness (and stool); yellow-greenish spots as or violent pain in the limbs ; stools smell- large as the tip of a finger on the skin, ing like carion ; small red spots, disap- like those appearing after death; are un- pearing when pressed; rarely ecchymosis changed by pressure. or violet spots of the size of an inch. C.Hg. Irritable mood — Fear of apoplexy . . . Low-spirited — Fear of being poisoned. Absent-mindedness — Ailments from fright Ailments from vexation with fear, or anger. Discharge of blood from the ear .... Discharge of pus from the ears. Saliva predom. diminished Saliva most frequently increased. Desire for spirituous liquors Aversion to wine. Nausea in the stomach Nausea in oesophagus or stomach, less fre- quently in the throat. Urine scanty and infrequent ; in some cases Urine frequent and copious; sediment frequent urging ; sediment generally red. white. Expectoration infrequent; is loosened dur- Expectoration not constant; during the ing the day and evening, and is generally day. swallowed. Complaints predom. in the hollow of the Complaints predom. in the hollow of the elbow, and on the soles of the feet. knee, and on the top of the foot. Remission during the day and after midnight. Worse when leaning against anything . . More frequently aggravated than amelio- rated by moving the diseased part. Worse when bending the diseased part . , Predom. worse after meals Worse after drinking . . Remission of complaints during the day. Worse or better when leaning against any- thing; particularly better when leaning against anything hard, and from pressure. More frequently ameliorated than aggra- vated by moving the diseased part. Worse or better when bending the diseased part. Worse or better after meals. Worse or better after drinking. Predomin. worse — — -— ' Ba *»*^. ^\ — -— «*"" " Predomin. better In the room, during continuous moderate motion, when walking*, and when stretching out the dis- eased limb. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In the open airf, during rest, after lying down, when lying, sitting and standing, when drawing up the diseased limb, and from eructation. N.B. Rhus has not the over-sensitiveness to pain that the Arnica-patient has ; on the other hand. Arnica has not the sensation of numbness in the suffering parts which is not infrequent with Rhus. * Both remedies have aggravation from walking fast, and running, aud from exertion in general, f "When walking in the open air," Arnica has preval. aggravation; Khus pr.doni. amelioration; therefore motion and not the open air, must decide the choice. Arnica. Veratrum Left side. — Dark hair — Muscles predom. rigid. Rending pain upwards — Painful paralysis . Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis . . Complaints (pinching pain, etc.) predom. in external parts. Congestion of blood predom. to the ex- tremities. Pulse most frequently accelerated, full, and hard; sometimes quicker than the beat of the heart. Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover . Dry heat predom., particularly on the upper part of the body. Thirst predom., but constant only during the chill. Right side. — Light hair — Muscles predom. lax. Rending pain downwards — Painless para- lysis. Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy. Complaints (pinching pain, etc.) predom. in internal parts. Congestion of blood to the head. Pulse most frequently slow, small, and weak ; even slower than the beat of the heart; often imperceptible. Heat or sweat, with inclination to uncover. Sweat predom., particularly on the upper part of body. Thirst not constant. Fear of apoplexy Fear of being poisoned, or of apoplexy — Cheerfulness or dejection — Amativeness — Haughtiness — Malice. Consequences of fright or anger .... Consequences of fright, anger, grief or of vexation with dread or fear. Mental excitability Ecstasies or mental dullness— Insanity. Hot spots on the top of the head .... Cold spots on the top of the head. Eyes protruding Eyes most frequently sunken. Optical illusions in dark colors Optical illusions in bright colors. Urine scanty and infrequent ; sometimes Urine infrequent and scanty ; but sometimes frequent urgency. copious. Labor-pains weak or ceasing Spasmodic labor-pains. Expectoration infrequent; is loosened dur- Expectoration not constant; during the ing the day and evening, and is generally day. swallowed. Remission during the day and after mid- Remission during the day and evening. night. Worse when growing cold; better when Worse or better when growing cold (or growing warm. warm.) Predom. better in bed Worse or better in bed. Predom. worse after eating Worse or better after eating. Worse from being overhurried Worse when idle. Predomin. worse ^-— — — . -^- — — -^ Predomin. better From being uncovered, from motion, while walking, and when ascending. Predomin. better — -^ — — --^ Predomin. worse From wrapping up, during rest, after lying down, while lying, sitting and standing, when descending, and when swallowing. N.B. Arnica has not the sensation of numbness in suffering parts which we often find with Veratrum ; the latter generally has not the over-sensitiveness to pain of the Arnica-patient. But, notwith- standing this, both remedies have the predom. characteristic of increased constitutional irritability. Arsenic. Belladonna. Itching, aggrav. by scratching — Eruptions Itching, unchanged or relieved by scratch* generally dry. ing — Eruptions humid. Emaciation — Paralysis after neuralgia, with Obesity — Nervous lameness, also after apo- atrophy of muscles — Rarely apoplexy. plexy — Apoplexy. Ulcers, with much discharge or proud flesh. Ulcers, with little discharge of pus. Haemorrhages; blood coagulates slowly. . Haemorrhages; blood coagulates quickly. Pulse predom. weak ........ Pulse predom. strong. Sleeplessness predom. after midnight . . Sleeplessness before midnight. Fear of being alone— Sensitiveness of dis- Love of being alone — Predom. insensibility position. of disposition. Satiety of life, with fear of death; also with Satiety of life, with longing for death; also inclination to stab himself. with inclination to throw himself out of the window. Greediness — Mental dullness Changing mood — Distrust — Amativeness. In nervous conditions, unconsciousness is Absent-mindedness — Fancies — Mental ex- never so complete as with Belladonna. citability and ecstasy, or mental dullness. Consequences of grief and sorrow . . . Consequences of mortification or anger. Weakness of memory Memory active or very weak. Desire to drink without thirst Thirst, with aversion to drink. Pulse weak — Partial sweat on lower or Pulse predom. strong — Partial sweat on back part of body. upper or front part of body. Appetite for milk, coffee, beer, sour things. Aversion to milk, coffee, beer, or sour things. Unconquerable desire for brandy .... Unconquerable desire for the acid of lemons. CHg. Nausea predom. in the throat Nausea in the throat or abdomen. Fetid flatus . . . ; Scentless flatus. Fluent coryza Dry coryza. Respiration audible — Yoice trembling . . Respiration predom. low — Voice nasal or raised. Cough most frequently with expectoration ; Cough predom. dry; when there is expec- expectoration only during the day. toration, it appears in the morning, dur- ing the day and evening. Milk diminished Milk generally increased. Complaints predom. on the inner side of Complaints predom. on the outer side of the thigh and on the calf. thigh and on the shin. Aggravation evening and after midnight — Remission of complaints after midnight and Remiss, before midnight and during day. during forenoon. Worse in the Fall Worse in the Spring. Ailments from Strychnine or Digitalis . . Ailments from the sting of insects, or from abuse of Mercury. Ailments from sleeping on damp ground . Ailments from sleeping in the sun or in the moonlight. Worse, especially when swallowing food . Worse, especially when swallowing drink. Predomin. worse -— — — — »—^ -^^ — — — ■-> Predomin. better During rest, after lying down, while lying, standing and sitting, particularly sitting bent forward, from cold diet*, after sweat, and when turning in bed. Predomin. better ^- — " — ■ -^^ — — — — -^ Predomin. worse From motion, afterf sleep, from washing, sitting erect, from warm diet. * From drinking cold water Bellad. also has aggrav., because one of its effects is that of swallowing drink. f The improvement of the Arsen. symptoms here follow after sufficient sleep ; for on awaking (when roused) from sleep, this remedy has aggrav. oftener than improvement. In this respect N. vom., Phosphor., Pulsat., Sepia, Cinchona, and lpec. are very similar. Arsenic. Calcarea. Muscles (and skin) rigid Skin and muscles lax. Itching, aggravated by scratching . . . Itching, lessened or aggrav. by scratching. Eruption predom. on the upper lip . . . Eruption predom. on the under lip. Ulcers even with the surface ; sometimes with Deep ulcers (pred. with scanty discharge.) proud flesh (pred. with copious discharge.) C.Hg. Swollen glands, cold Swollen glands, hot. Emaciation, particularly of the feet, and Obesity (particul. with children and young atrophy of the tips of the fingers. people) or emaciation, partic. of the face — Swelling of the tips of the fingers. Pulse small and weak Pulse predom. full. During heat desire for drink, without thirst, Heat, with thirst and inclination to un- and with aversion to uncover. cover. First chill, then heat First heat, then chill. Chill lessened after rising from bed . . . Chill increased after rising from bed. Perspiration lessened when walking in the Perspiration increased when walking in the open air. open air. Sleeplessness predom. after midnight . . Sleeplessness predom. before midnight. Rarely apoplexy Apoplexy. Hopelessness — Malice — Insanity — Loqua- Sadness — Amativeness — Fancies — Taci- city. turnity. Consequences of grief, sorrow, reserved dis- Ailments from hearing bad news. pleasure, and of vexation with vehemence. Numb sensation of the teeth Sensitiveness of the teeth. C.Hg. Most frequently loss of appetite .... Most frequently hunger. Desire for coffee Aversion to coffee. Thirst mostly during the sweat .... Thirst during all stages of the fever. Nausea in the throat Nausea in the stomach. Urine scanty (with diarrhoea) or copious . Urine too frequent. Acrid leucorrhcea Mild leucorrhoea. Voice trembling Voice strange, singing, or nasal. Expectoration only during the day . . . Expectoration in the morning and during the day. Spinal complaints, with gressus gallinaeus . Spinal complaints, with gressus vaccinus. Complaints predom. on upper arm, and in Complaints predom. on the fore-arm, and the hollow of the knee. on the patella. Paralysis of the legs predom Paralysis of the arms predom. Remission before midnight and during the Remission before midnight. day. Ailments from poisoning by contagious An- Ailments from abuse of Mercury, Nitric thrax., Jodine, Lead, Strychnine (or acid, or Phosphor. Phosphor.) Predomin. worse -*. -^ — — -^ Predomin. better la dry weather, from the touch, during rest, when standing, sitting and lying, particularly lyinc: on the back, when lifting up or resting the diseased limb on anything, from uncovering, after breakfast and from rubbing and scratching. Predomin. better ^— ^^ — " ■— ^ Predomin. worse In wet weather, from washing and moistening the diseased limb, or when letting it hang down, when moving generally and particularly the painful limb, from wrapping up' warm and from the warmth of the bed, irom lying on the side, after"* sleep, on an eruptv stomach. * Compare note to diagnosis of Arsenic and Belladonna. Arsenic. Rending or piercing pain upwards . . Cutaneous eruptions, most frequently dry Flat ulcers, with copious discharge . . Burning sensation of scares .... Partial sweat on lower part of body. . . Least thirst during chill, most with sweat . Sweat less when and after rising from bed, and lessened by motion. Sleeplessness, particularly after midnight; therefore, awaking too early. Complaints predom. on the pylorus and on the leg. Carb. veget Rending or piercing pain downwards. Eruptions most frequently humid. Deep ulcers, with scanty discharge. Scares burn ; become painful on change of weather; break open. &Hg. Partial sweat on upper part of body. Thirst is constant only during the chill. Sweat increased when and after rising from bed, and by motion. Sleeplessness before midnight ; awaking too late. Complaints predom. on the cardia and on the thigh. Weakness of reasoning powers .... Saliva decreased Predom. loss of appetite Appetite for milk Diarrhoea predom. ; is generally painless . Urine scanty (with diarrhoea), or copious (during the cold stage of fever.) Expectoration predom., but not constant; during the day. Bad effects of putrid animal matter, par- ticularly when changed by disease (pus, etc.) ; from inhalation, or from contact with wounds. Consequences of sausage-poison .... Fancies — Excited imagination. Saliva increased. Predom. hunger. Aversion to milk. Costiveness predom. ; when there is diar- rhoea, it is generally painful. Urine infrequent and scanty. Expectoration rather infrequent; in the morning. Bad effects of putrid vegetable matter ; from inhalation or contact with wounds. OHg. Ailments from putrid fish*. Remis. before midnight and during the Aggrav. more during than after the sweat. Worse after lying down ; but in bed (rest) worse or (warmth) better. Worse or better on awaking .... Better after sleep, that is after sufficient sleep Worse in cold, better in warm weather . Worse in dry, better in moist air . . . Worse in the Autumn Worse (better) from light or in the da,rk Predomin. worse C.Hg. Remis. after midnight and in the afternoon. Aggrav., particularly after the sweat. Better after lying down ; but worse in bed and from the warmth of the bed. Worse on awaking. Worse after sleeping. Better or worse in cold (resp. warm) air. Worse or better in dry (resp. wet) air. Worse in the Spring. Better from light, worse in the dark. Predomin. better When growing cold, from uncovering, cold diet, after lying down, during rest, while sitting, particularly sitting bent forward. Predomin. better -— -~ — "■■■"■■'— «■ -""^ — — **-*— ^ -^ Predomin. worse When growing warm, from wrapping up, warm diet, coffeef, after a satisfying meal, from the warmth of the bed, after sleeping;, from motion, when rising from bed, after rising fmm a seat, when assuming an erect position, from external pressure, riding, washing and moistening the diseased part. N.B. The turning pain which both remedies have, and both more in the night, predom. in Arsenic in the stomach and abdomen ; and in Carb. veg. in the chest, while coughing ; Ave find it in Arsenic predom. in external parts and the skin ; in Carb. veg. internally ; however, Arsen. has a burning sensation in all the veins, and Carb. veg. sometimes externally, as for instance on the umbilicus. Arsen. has burning pain in the eyes, on the external ear, on the tongue, in the mouth, throat, pit of the stomach, the loins, bladder, urethra, breast-bone, the third finger; Carb. veg. has it in the head, on the ear-lap, cheeks, roof of mouth, fauces, in the neck, on the back, shoulders, upper arm, elbow, fore-arm, thigh, knee, and soles of the feet. C.Hg. * Both remedies cured the bad effects from drinking ice-water, because these are similar to those of putrid matter. C.Bg. t Probably only because coffee is generally drunk warm This remark is applicable also to Caustlcam, Phosphor, Sepia; le-s to Belladonna, Pulsatilla, and Mercury because narcotics, in general, are a simile to coffee, and Mercury symptoms are quite as often aggrav. by cold as by warm diet. Arsenic. Causticum. Upper left, lower right side Dpper right, lower left side. Complaints (sensat. of cold, heaviness, &c.) Complaints (cold, heaviness) predom. in ex- predom. in internal parts. terual parts. Itching aggrav. by scratching Itching lessened or aggrav. by scratching. Discharge" from ulcers predom. too copious. Discharge from ulcers predom. too scanty. Pulse quick, small, weak, intermitting; Pulse often unchanged; quicker in the quicker in the morning, slower in the evening, slower in the morning. evening. First heat, then sweat First chill, then sweat. Least thirst during the chill; most during Predom. want of thirst; partic. during the sweat ; besides this, thirst before and after chill and sweat, the fever, and between the chill and heat. Chill increased by drinking and in bed . . Chill lessened by drinking and in bed. Sweat lessened by motion and walking in Sweat increased by motion and walking in the open air. the open air. Paralysis, particularly of the Extensores . Paralysis, particularly of the Flexores. Want of reserve Taciturnity. Malice — Greediness — Delirium — Mental Distrust — Haughtiness — Absent-minded- dullness — Imbecility — Insanity. ness — Fancies. Consequences of dread or fear Ailments from mortification or disapp. love. Insensibility of internal parts Sensitiveness in internal parts. Eruption around the eyes Eruption in the eye-brows. Horizontal half-sight Perpendicular half-sight. Thirst, unquenchable by drinking; desire Thirst easily quenched ; thirst with aversion for drink without thirst. to drink. TJrine scanty (with diarrhoea), or copious Urine frequent, but scanty, (during the cold stage of fever.) Sexual desire increased Sexual desire decreased. Catamenia too soon and too copious . . Catamenia too late and scanty. Cough most frequently with expectoration. Cough most frequently dry. Expectoration only during the day . . . Expectoration is loosened from evening till morning ; rarely during the day ; is generally swallow r ed. Complaints predom. on upper arm and on Complaints predom. on /ore-arm and on the sole of the foot. the top of the foot. Vesicles containing blood on the tips of the Warts on the tips of the fingers, fingers; ulcerous scabs under the nails. Aggravation in the evening, after mid- Aggravation in the evening, during the night, and in the morning. night and morning. Remiss, during the day and before midnight. Remission during the day. Worse from drinking cold water, generally Better from drinking cold water, in the open also in cold open air, from running and air, from running and bodily exertion ; bodily exertion. in some cases worse from exertion. Worse from eating bread More frequently improved than aggravated after eating bread. Better from warm diet Worse from warm diet. Belter when standing and when crouching Worse when standing and when crouching down. down. Worse (better) from the light or in the dark. Worse from the light ; better in the dark. Ailments from (China) (Plumbum) Vera- Ailments from (China) (Plumbum) Asa feet., tram, Strychnine, Ipecacuanha, Lachesis, Euphrasia, or Colocynthis. Carb. veg., Graphites, Phosphor, Digi- talis, Iodine, or contagious Anthrax. N.B. Although Arsen. has the characteristic of constitutional irritability, yet we also find over- sensitiveness to pain with this remedy, which Causticum has not. Arsenic. Chamomilla. Sight side — Predom. want of irritability . Muscles rigid, (skin the same.) .... Gnawing', sensation of weight, etc., in ex- ternal parts. Often er indicated with old people than children. Blood coagulates slowly or not at all . . Pulse very quick, small and weak, or inter- mitting. Partial sweat on the lower part of body . Chill or sweat lessened after rising from bed. Sweat lessened by motion Sweat often disappears while falling asleep, often on awaking. Heat, with desire for drink without thirst ; least thirst during the chill, most during sweat. Itching aggrav. by scratching Left side — Increased bodily irritability. Skin and muscles lax. Gnawing, sensation of weight, etc., in in- ternal parts. Often indicated with children and women. Blood coagulates quickly. Pulse accelerated, small, but tensive. Partial sweat on upper part of body. Chill or sweat increased after rising from bed. Sweat increased by motion. Sweat often disappears on awaking. Heat (chill or sweat), with thirst. Itching unchanged by scratching, rarely ag- gravated. Loquacity — Imbecility — Insanity .... Children do not want to be spoken to . . Consequences of grief and sorrow, or of vexation with reserved displeasure. Complaints predom. on the lower eyelids and on the upper lip. Nausea in the throat Expectoration predom. with the cough, but not constant. Taciturnity — Seriousness — Absent-minded- ness. Children do not want to be touched. C.Hg. Consequences of anger, or of vexation with vehemence. Complaints predom. on the upper eyelids and on the under lip. Nausea in the stomach. Expectoration rather infrequent. Aggravation in the evening and night, particularly after midnight. Better when moving the diseased limb . . Predom. worse during and after sweat . . Better from drinking coffee Worse or better after stool Ailments from contagious Anthrax, Jodine, Plumbum, Phosph., Strychnine, Digitalis, Ipecacuanha. Worse (better) from light or in the dark . Children sometimes feel easier when carried about very quickly. Aggravation in the evening and night, particularly before midnight. More frequently aggrav. than ameliorated when moving the diseased limb. Worse during sweat ; better after it. Worse or better after drinking coffee. Better after stool. Ailments from Coffea, Colocynth, Ignatia, Nux vorn., Pulsatilla, or Valeriana. Worse from light, better in the dark. Children feel easier when carried about slowly. C.Hg. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From cold and cold diet, when lying on the painful side, sitting, particularly sitting bent forward, on expiration, change of position, and after perspiring. Predomin. better Predomin. worse From warmth and from warmth of the bed, warm diet, washing and moistening the diseased part, after* sleep, lying on the unpainful side, sitting erect, and on inspiration. Compare note to Arsen. and Bellad. Arsenic, China. Generally aversion to motion Eight side predom. — Muscles (and skin) rigid. Want of irritability — Rarely apoplexy . . Itching increased by rubbing and scratching. Cold swelling of the glands — Diseases of the bones. Rending pain, upwards Sphacelus more frequent than gangrene . Pulse very quick, small and weak ; quicker in the morning, slower in the evening . Partial sweat on lower part of body . . . Distention of the veins of the feet . . . Heat, with desire for drink without thirst (see Arsen., Puis.). Thirst is wanting during the chill ; but ap- pears between chill and heat, and during the sweat. Sweat lessened by motion and walking in the open air. Sleeplessness preval. after midnight . . . Inclination for motion. Left side — Skin and muscles lax. Increased bodily irritability — Apoplexy. Itching lessened by rubbing and scratching. Hot, painful swelling of the glands — Dis- eases of the periosteum. Rending pain downwards. Gangrene. Pulse quick, small, but hard; more quiet after meals. Sweat on upper part of body. Distention of the veins of the hands. Heat most frequently without thirst. Thirst during the chill, but not constant; appears particularly between the different stages of the fever, and during sweat. Sweat increased by motion and walking in the open air. Sleeplessness before midnight. Loquacity — Sensitiveness of disposition — Fear — Greediness. Taciturnity — Predom. insensibility of dispo- sition — Amativeness — Absent-minded- ness—Fancies. Mental dullness — Imbecility — Insanity . . Mental excitability— Rarely delirium. Consequences of fright, grief, or of vexa- Ailments from vexation. tion with dread, fear, reserved displeasure, or with vehemence. Loss of taste Delicate taste. Desire for warm food Aversion to warm food. Aversion to sweets Inclination for sweets. Nausea in the throat Nausea in the throat or stomach. Urine scanty (with diarrhoea) or copious . Urine infrequent and scanty. Deep, quick inspiration, and difficult, inter- Difficult inspiration, and quick, blowing ex- rupted expiration. piration. Expectoration predom. with the cough, but Expectoration not constant; during the not constant ; during the day. day and evening. With Horses: Swelling of the fore-feet; With Horses: Swelling of fore-legs above predominating ailments of the hoof or the knee. the cleft of the hoof. Remis. during the day and before midnight. Remission in the afternoon and evening. Uncovering aggravates, wrapping up am- Uncovering ameliorates quite as often as it eliorates. aggravates. Worse from uncovering the head; better Better from uncovering the head, worse from wrapping it up. from wrapping it up. Washing and moistening improves oftener Moisture aggravates. than aggravates. Improved oftener than aggr. in wet weather. Worse in wet weather. Improved quite as often as aggravated by Aggravation by vomiting, and also after vomiting; likewise after passing urine. passing urine. Better from the warmth of the bed . . . Generally worse from the warmth of the bed. Predom. better from motion Predom. worse from motion. Ailm. from contag. Anthr., Digit., Phosph., Ailments from abuse of Sulphur or Mer- Strychn., Plumb, or abuse of Cinchona. cury, and from helleborus niger. Worse (better) from the light or in the dark. Worse from the light; better in the dark. Arsenic. Ferrum. Predom. right side; particularly loicer right Predom. left side; particularly lower left and upper left side. and upper right side. Want of irritability Increased bodily irritability. Skin and muscles rigid Skin and muscles lax. Blood coagulates slowly, or not at all . . Blood coagulates quickly. Rending and piercing pain upwards . . . Rending and piercing pain downwards. Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy . . Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis. Pulse quick, small and weak Pulse fall and hard. Heat, with aversion to uncover .... Heat, with inclination to uncover. Heat increased by motion Heat abating when moving. Chill without thirst Chill with thirst. Fear — Dejection — Indifference — Malice — Changing mood; sadness or cheerfulness; Greediness. particularly cheerful one evening, sad the next — Haughtiness. Insensibility — Delirium — Imbecility — In- Fear of apoplexy — Rarely delirium. sanity. Ailments from fright, grief, or from vexa- Ailments from anger. tion with dread, fear, reserved displeasure or vehemence. Yertigo when walking over an open space. Yertigo when walking over water. Complaints predom. on the lower eyelids . Complaints predom. on the upper eyelids. Catamenia too soon Catamenia predom. too late. Desire for sour things Loathing sour things. Difficult, interrupted expiration, with deep Difficult inspiration. inspiration. Expectoration predom., but not constant; Expectoration almost constant ; only in the only during the day. morning. Straining the eyes aggravates Straining the eyes improves oftener than aggravates. Spirituous liquors aggravates Improved by wine, except such as are termed: acid wines*. Quite as often better as worse in bedf . . Generally worse in bed. Predomin. worse ' v, »>~**^_^^~^_^~>>~ mtMi " — ^ Predomin. better In dry weather, when lying on the back, from drinking cold water, from cold diet generally, being un- covered, from bodily exertion, after breakfast, from exerting the mind or the eyes. Predomin. better -—- — u ^— ■ ^^ — ■ — — — - Predomin worse In wet weather, when lying on the side, from warm diet, wrapping up, when standing, and on an empty stomach. N.B. Are antidotes to each other, and follow each other well. C.Hg. * Ferrum also cures matna-a-potu in conformable cases ; but this is caused nmch less frequently by wine than beer or brandy. H.Gr. Even beer does not, if used without alternating it with alcoholic drinks. C.Hg. t The warmth of the bed generally improves, while the rest in bed aggravates. Arsenic, Hepar. s. c, Anosmie predom. — Tension in inward parts. Complaints predom. on the lower eyelids, in the inner ear, on the lower part of leg, and on the sole of the foot. Cutaneous eruptions, generally dry . . . Ulcers even with the surface, with copious discharge of a carion-like odor; some- times proud flesh. Cold glandular swellings Pulse very quick, small and weak . . . Pulse frequent in the morning, slow in the evening. Sweat less while and after getting out of bed; moderated by motion and walking in the open air. Least thirst during the chill, most during sweat ; appears also before and after the heat and after the chill. Plethora predom. — Tension in external parts. Complaints predom. on the upper eyelids, on the external ear, on the thigh, and on the instep. Eruptions humid. Deep ulcers, generally with scanty discharge ; also with an odor like rotten eggs. the Hot glandular swellings. Pulse accelerated, full and hard. Pulse frequent at night, slow during day. Sweat increases while and after getting out of bed, by motion and walking in the open air. Thirst predom., but not constant. Fear — Indifference — Malice — Greediness — Reserve — Very rarely unconsciousness. Want of reserve. Imbecility more frequent than insanity . . Insanity — Apoplexy. Saliva generally decreased Saliva predom. increased. Urine scanty (with diarrhoea) or copious Urine not often and scanty. (during the chill.) Sexual desire increased Sexual desire diminished. Involuntary seminal emissions Discharge of succus prostraticus. Fluent coryza . Dry coryza. Generally expectoration ; during the day . Cough generally dry — Expectoration in the morning and during the day. Remission during the day and before mid- night. Better or worse after urinating .... Predom. worse during and after sweat . . . Worse or better on awaking; better after sufficient sleep. Worse or better from light (in the dark.) . Worse from chewing tobacco Worse while talking Ailments from contagious Anthrax, Plum- bum, Phosph., Strychnine, Cinchona, Di- gitalis, or Ipecacuanha. Remission of complaints in the afternoon. Worse after passing urine. Better after the sweat. Worse on awaking ; worse after sleep. Worse from light ; better in the dark. Predom. better from smoking. Better or worse while talking. Ailments from Mercury and other metals, Xitric acid, Silicea, or Belladonna. Predomin. worse ^- — " Predomin. better During rest, after lying down, while lying down, after perspiring, and after breakfast. Predomin. better Predomin. worse From motion, when walking, when ridinsr, on an empty stomach, when rising from bed, after sleepiner, from drinking coffee, from eructation, from biting, from pressure, and when leaning against anything. Arsenic. lod. Upper left, lower right side Upper right, lower left side. Muscles and skin rigid Skin and muscles lax. Diseases of the bones Diseases of the periosteum. Itching, aggravated by scratching . . . Itching, unchanged by scratching. Generally dry eruptions Eruptions predom. humid. Scars burn Scars itch, break open, or pimples break out on them. Tension, sensation of heaviness, etc., in in- Tension, heaviness, etc., in external parts. ternal parts. C.Hg. Pulse very quick, small and weak .... Pulse accelerated ; at the same time large and hard, or weak and like a thread. Heat, with aversion of being uncovered . Heat, with inclination for being uncovered. Chill on lower part of body Sweat on lower part of body. Least thirst during chill, most during sweat ; Thirst, particularly during the sweat. appears also before and after the fever and between the chill and heat ; during the hot stage desire for drink without thirst. Perspiration lessened by motion .... Perspiration increased by motion. Restlessness and haste Phlegmatic temperament. Fear — Irritability — Malice — Greediness — Changing mood; rarely delirium. Imbecility — Insanity. Ailments from fright, grief, or vexation with No unconsciousness. dread, fear, reserved displeasure, or with vehemence. Saliva decreased Saliva predom. increased. Generally want of appetite Predom. hunger. Aversion to meat Desire for meat. Urine scanty (with diarrhoea or hot stage Urine scanty. of fever) or frequent and copious (during chill.) Voice trembling Voice nasal or deep. Difficult, interrupted expiration .... Undulating inspiration. Expectoration predom., but not constant; Expectoration rather constant ; in the even - during the day. ing. Spinal complaints, with gressus gallinaecus. Spinal complaints, with gressus vaccinus. With Horses: Emaciation, with want of With Horses: Emaciation, although the appetite, rather aversion to food. animal takes more than sufficient food. Remission during the day and before mid- Remission in the forenoon and before mid- night, night. Ailments from contagious Anthrax, Iodine, Ailments from Arsenicum, Mercurius, Cal- Plumbum, Digitalis, Phosphor, Ipecac, carea or Argentum nitricum. Strychnine, or from abuse of Cinchona. Predomin. worse -— - — -» ■ ^^ — — *- — , Predomin. better In cold weather, from cold and being uncovered, during rest*, after lying down, when sitting still, particularly when sitting bent forward, and after breakfast. Predomin. better - — — ■— ■ --^- — — —^ Predomin. worse In warm air, from warmth, warmth of the bed, and wrapping up, from motion, when assuming an erect position, on an empty stomach, and from external pressure. N.B. Follow each other well, sometimes in alternation. Dr. G. Bute. * Both remedies have improvement of symptoms " when standing.'''' There is no complete rest for the human body. 5 Arsenic. Ipecacuanha. Muscles rigid — Rarely apoplexy .... Muscles lax — Rarely paralysis. Angeinie Plethora. Itching aggravated by scratching . . . Itching unchanged by scratching. Pus predom. copious Pus scanty. C.Hg. Partial chill or sweat on the lower part of Partial cold or sweat on upper part of body. body. Chill increased by drinking and in the open Chill lessened by drinking and in the open air. air. Perspiration lessened by motion .... Perspiration increased by motion. Least thirst during the chill, most during Thirst not constant. Delirium — Unconsciousness (in the fever.) . Very rarely unconsciousness or delirium. Loquacity Taciturnity. A bluish circle around the cornea .... A red circle around the cornea. Aversion to sweets Appetite for sweets. Nausea in the throat Nausea in the throat, rarely in the abdomen. Urine scanty (with diarrhoea) or copious . Urine scanty. Fluent coryza Dry coryza. Cough most frequently with expectoration ; Cough predom. dry; expectoration in the during the day. morning and during the day. Remission during the day and "before mid- Remission during the day. night. Worse ^better) from light, or in the dark . Worse from light, particularly candle-light ; better in the dark. Better or worse when stooping .... Worse when stooping. Ailments from contagious Anthrax, Iodine, Ailments from Arsenic or Copper vapors, Plumbum, Digitalis, Strychnine, Ipecac, from Arnica or Opium. or Phosphor. Predomin. worse — — —-. — -o*. — — — -^ Predomin. better From cold, during* rest, while lying, when closing the eyes, lying on the back, on expiration, and after drinking. 'Predomin. better — — »» ^^ — — ~~^_ Predomin. worse From warmth, while moving, while walking, when bending the diseased limb, when opening the eyes, lying on the side, from the warmth of thebed, drinking coffee, when biting, and when sitting down. N.B. Ipecacuanha and Lachesis lack the sensation of numbness in suffering parts which is frequent with Arsenic. Both remedies have predom. improvement '■'■while standing. Arsenic. Lachesis. Want of bodily irritability— Skin and mus- Increased irritability — Skin and muscles eles rigid. lax. Ansemie predom. — Often indicated with men Plethora — Is often indicated with women and old people. and children. Sensation of numbness in internal parts . . Sensitiveness of internal parts*. Tension in internal parts Tension predom. in external parts. Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy . . Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis. . Paralysis with atrophy of the muscles; gen- Nervous lameness, originating in central erally painless. organs ; generally painful. Eruptions most frequently dry Eruptions humid. Ulcers predom., with copious discharge . . Ulcers, sometimes with scanty discharge. Old scars burn Old scars burn, break open, bleed. C.Hg • Chill or sweat, lessened after rising from Chill or sweat, increased after rising from bed. bed. Sleeplessness predom. after midnight . . . Sleeplessness predom. before midnight. Fear of being alone Likes to be alone. Satiety of life, with fear of death .... Satiety of life, with longing for death. Dejection — Indifference — Greediness. . . Distrust — Haughtiness — Amativeness — Jealousy. Difficult comprehension — Mental dullness . Easy comprehension — Mental excitability. Imbecility more frequent than insanity . . Insanity more frequent than imbecility. Consequences of grief, or vexation with Consequences of jealousy or disappointed dread, fear, reserved displeasure, or with love. vehemence. Desire for drink, without thirst .... Thirst, with disgust for drink. Urine scanty (with diarrhoea) or copious Urine too frequent. (during the chill.) Catamenia predom. too copious and of long Catamenia predom. too scanty and of short duration. duration. Respiration quick Respiration slow. Yoice trembling — Cough most frequently Yoice nasal — Cough generally dry; when with expectoration; expectoration only there is expectoration, it is loosened in during the day. the morning and during the day, but is generally swallowed. Complaints predom. on the calf of the leg . Complaints predom. on the shin. Aggravation, particularly in the evening Aggravation in the afternoon and evening, and after midnight. till midnight. Worse in dry (cold) weather Worse in wet weather. Worse in the Winter and Autumn . . . Worse in the Summer and Spring. Worse (better) from light or in the dark . Worse from light, better in the dark. Worse from touch, better from pressure . Worse from touch and pressure. Ailments from contagious Anthrax, Iodine, Ailments from the sting of insects, or from Plumb., Digitalis, Phosph., Strychnine, abuse of Mercury. or Ipecac. Fredomin. worse -^ — **" -^^ — ~-^ Predomin. better In dry weather, from cold diet, and after breakfast. Predomin. better ^- — * u *^- **^ — *"" ^^ Predomin. worse In wet weather, from warm diet, on an empty stomach, afterf sleep, while and after rising from bed, from holding the diseased limb bent, and from pressure. * Both remedies have sensitiveness oftener than insensibility in external parts, t Compare note to Arsenic, Belladonna. Arsenic. Lycopodium. Muscles rigid Muscles lax. Rending and piercing pain upwards. . . Rending, and piercing pain downwards. Upper left, lower right side — Rarely apo- Upper right, lower left side — Apoplexy. plexy. Complaints predora. on the lower eye-lids, Complaints predom. on the upper eye-lids and on the upper-arm. and on the fore-arm. Erysipelas around the joints Perspiration around the joints. Eruptions most frequently dry Eruptions most frequently humid. Pulse quick, small, weak, or intermitting . Pulse somewhat accelerated after eating, and in the evening. 'Pulse quick in the morning, slow in the Pulse quick in the evening, slow in the evening. morning. Chill on the lower part of the body . . . Cold shudders on the upper part of the body. Heat with aversion to uncover, and desire Heat with inclination to uncover, and thirst. for drink without thirst. More thirst before than after the fever . . Thirst continues after the sweat. Want of reserve — Greediness Taciturnity — Changing mood — Gentleness — Amativeness— Haughtiness — Distrust — Absent-mindedness — Fancies. Sleeplessness predom. after midnight . . Sleeplessness predom. before midnight. Desire for coffee and bread, particularly rye Aversion to coffee and bread, particularly bread. rye bread. Aversion to sweets A ppetite for sweets. Nausea in the throat — Desire for drink Nausea in the stomach — Thirst with disgust without thirst. for drink. Fetid flatus. Diarrhoea predom Predom. scentless flatus and constipation. Urine scanty (with diarrhoea) or copious . Urine frequent, but scanty. Incontinence oftener than retention of urine. Retent. of urine oftener than incontinence. Catamenia predom. too soon Catamenia predom. too late. Fluent coryza Coryza dry oftener than fluent. Cough with predom. but not constant ex- Expectorat. almost constant; in the morn- pectoration ; during the day. ing and evening. Remission during the day and before mid- Remission in the forenoon and after mid- night, night. Worse when growing cold and in cold Woive or better when growing cold, and weather, better when growing warm and in cold weather ; likewise when growing in warm air. warm and in warm air. Better from the warmth of the bed . . . Worse or better from the warmth of the bed. Worse or better on awaking, that is, better Worse on awakening and after sleeping, after sufficient sleep. Worse when alone ; better in company . . Worse or bett. when alone (or in company.) Worse in the autumn Worse in the spring. Predomin. worse .- Predomin. better In dry weather, from cold, in cool open air, from being uncovered, lying on the back, when sitting bent forward, when ascending, when closing the eyes, and on expiration =*. Predomin. better ' Predomin. worse In wet weather, from warmth, in warm rooms, from wrapping up, lying on the side, after sleep, when sitting erect, when deseendinsr, when opening the eyes, from drinking coffee, after a satisfying meal, when standing or leaning on anything, from pressure, and from washing, moistening, or bending the diseased part. * Both remedies have aggrav. when respiring deeply. Arsenic. Natr. mur. Complaints predom. in internal parts . . Complaints predom. in external parts. Paralysis, partic. of the extensors . . . Paralysis, partic. of the flexores. Rarely apoplexy Apoplexy. Dry skin — Eruptions most frequently diy — Perspires easily — Eruptions most frequently Scars burn. humid — Scars become painful, redden. Pulse generally very quick, small and weak. Pulse very irregular; sometimes quick and weak, sometimes full and slow. Sweat lessened after getting out of bed, and Sweat increased after getting out of bed when moving. and when moving. Fear — Dejection — Hopelessness — Greedi- Changing mood — Amativeness — Absent- ness — Insanity. mindedness. Consequences of grief and sorrow . . . Ailments from anger or mortification. Fear of being* alone Likes to be alone. Sleeplessness, partic. after midnight, there- Sleeplessness before midnight, and awaking fore awaking too early. too late. Horizontal half-sight Perpendicular half-sight. Saliva decreased Saliva increased. Complaints pred. on the roof of the mouth. Complaints predom. on the soft palate. Most thirst during the sweating stage of Thirst during all stages of the fever and fever*. during the apyrexia. Desire for drink without thirst Thirst with disgust for drink. Appetite for coffee or rye bread .... Aversion to coffee or rye bread. Aversion to farinaceous food Appetite for farinaceous food. Nausea in the throat Nausea in the stomach. Urine scanty (with diarrhoea), or copious Urine too frequent, (partic. during the chill). Catamenia predom. too soon Catamenia predom. too late. Fluent coryza Dry coryza. Cough most frequently with expectoration, Cough predom. dry; when there is expec- which generally appears only during the toration, it is loosened only in the morn- day, ing. Remission of complaints, during the day Remission of complaints in the afternoon. and before midnight. Aggrav. of many symptoms in the Winter Aggrav. of many symptoms in the Summer and Autumn. and Spring. Improvement after rising from a seat . . After rising from a seat, quite as often aggravated as improved. Better from loosening the clothes .... Predom. better from tying the clothes tight. Predomin. worse -- — ■-■— — -^^ -* "" — ■-. Predomin. better From cold, in cold open air, during rest, after lying down, while lying and sitting, lying on the back, during and after perspiration, and when stretching out the diseased limb. Predomin. better ^— — -^- — " "—- - Predomin. worse From warmth, and warmth of the bed, in a warm room, from motion, from riding, when bending the diseased part, lying on the side, from pressure, a satisfying meal, washing, moistening, after catamenia, and when drawing up the diseased limb. N.B. Natr. mur. has not the oversensitiveness to pain often found with Arsenic. * Arsen. also has thirst before and after the chill and after the sweat, but not during the chill ; during heat, desire without thirst. Arsenic. Mux vomica. Upper left, lower right side Upper right, lower left side. Want of irritability Increased bodily irritability. Insensibility of single parts predom . . . Sensitiveness of single parts predom. Paralysis, with atrophy of the muscles . . Lameness, nervous (central); Apoplexy. Predom. clonic spasms ; sleep after sweat. Pr. tonic spasms; sleep betw. chill and heat. Scars burn — Warts Scars are sore to the touch — Corns. C.Hg. Pulse soft — Chill without thirst ; most thirst Pulse hard — Most thirst during the chill; during sweat and between chill and heat. thirst between heat and sweat. Partial sweat on the lower part of body . Sweat on upper part of body. Chill lessened after getting out of bed . . Chill increased after getting out of bed. Heat is increased when or after awaking . Heat lessened when and after awaking. Sweat less, by motion and walking out-doors. Sweat incr. by motion and walking out-doors. Greediness — Imbecility — Insanity. Amativeness. Absent-mindedness. Fancies. Consequences of vexation with grief and Consequences of anger, mortification, or of reserved displeasure. vexation with indignation ; likewise of disappointed love or jealousy. Toothache makes him angry Toothache drives to despair. C.Hg. Dini-sightedness Predom. clear-sightedness. Saliva predom. diminished Saliva most frequently increased. Desire for drink, without thirst .... Thirst, with disgust for drink. Appetite for coffee, bread, particularly rye- Aversion to coffee, bread, particularly rye- bread, or for sour things and beer. bread, and to sour things — Inclination for or aversion to beer. Aversion to fatty things and sweets . . . Appetite for fatty things or sweets. Nausea in the throat Nausea in stomach, rarely in oesophagus. Diseases on the pylorus Diseases of the cardia. Diarrhoea predom. ; is generally painless . Costiveness ; when diarrhoea, it is painful. Urine scanty (with diarrhoea) or copious . Urine infrequent and scanty. Fluent coryza Most frequently dry coryza, partic. out- doors ; in the room fluent. Difficult, interrupted expiration .... Difficult inspiration. Respiration mostly with a moist sound . . Respiration with a dry sound. Cough generally with expectoration . . . Cough generally dry. Expectoration generally only during the day. Expect, in the morning and during the day. Milk decreased Milk increased. Distention of the veins of the feet . . . Distention of the veins of the hands. Complaints predom. on the upper arm . . Complaints predom. on the /ore-arm. Complaints after violent bodily exertion. . Com pi. after much mental exertion. C.Hg. With Horses: Hip-shot from inflamma- With Horses: Hip-shot or lame in the tion of the kidneys, standing crooked, back from inflammation of the kidneys, legs drawn together. with legs spread far apart. Remission of complaints during the day Remission in the evening and before mid- and before midnight. night. Worse (better) from light or in the dark . Worse from light, better in the dark. Ailments from Strychnine, Digitalis, or from Ailments from Arsenic or copper vapors, contagious Anthrax. or from Sulphur. Predomin. worse ^-- — — - -^^ ^— — -^ Predomin. better During rest, after lying down, while lying and sitting.* Predomin. better . *» -""^ — -" *" -. Predomin. worse When moving, particularly moving or bending the diseased part, when walking, getting out of bed,f and from drinking coffee. * Both remedies have improvement when sitting erect and standing t Both remedies have sometimes improvement, sometimes aggravation after getting out of bed. Arsenic. Muscles rigid Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy . Bodies of the poisoned withstand decom- position. Complaints predom. on the upper lip and upper arm. Pulse predominantly quick, small and weak. Partial sweat on lower part of body . . . Talkativeness during sweat Least thirst during the chill, most during sweat. Thirst between chill and heat, and before and after the fever. Opium Muscles lax. Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis. Bodies of the poisoned decompose rapidly. Complaints predom. on under lip and fore- arm. Pulse very different; full and slow, with snoring respiration ; quick and hard, with heat and quick respiration. Sweat on upper part of body. Dislikes to talk during the sweat. C.Hg. Want of thirst. Thirst almost only between heat and sweat. Dejection and despondency — Malicious- ness. Mental dullness — Barely unconsciousness . Weak memory Ailments from grief or vexation. Diarrhoea predom Urine scanty (with diarrhoea) or copious — Incontinence more frequent than reten- tion of urine. Expectoration predom., but not constant . Indifference — Gentleness — Amativeness — Mood bold, rarely peevish or irritable. Ecstasies or mental dullness — Fancies. Memory active or weak. Ailments from excessive joy, from rage, shame, or vexation with fright. Constipation predom. Urine infrequent and scanty ; copious only after strong doses— Retention of urine more frequent than incontinence. Expectoration infrequent. Remission during the day and before mid- Remission during the day and evening. night. Worse or better from light (resp. in the Worse from light, better in the dark. dark.) Worse in bed (rest) or better* (warmth.) . Worse in bed and from the warmth of the bed. Better or worse when assuming an erect Worse when assuming an erect position. position. Better or worse after getting out of bed . Better after getting out of bed. Worse or better on awaking ; that is, better On awaking and after sleep most frequently after sufficient sleep. aggrav. Ailments from contagious Anthrax, Iodine, Ailments from charcoal vapors (or Mer- or abuse of Cinchona, from Phosphor, or cury.) Ipecac. Predomin. worse — ■ — ■—■■»*» "^> — — -—""■"" ^ Predomin. better From cold and growing cold, in cold weather, in cool out-door air, from being uncovered, after the sweat, when lying on the back, when sitting bent forward, and from rubbing and scratching. Predomin. better Predomin. worse From warmth and growing warm, in warm air, in a warm room, from wrapping up, after sleep, lying on the side, when sitting and standing, from riding, and when moving the suffering part.f N.B. Although both remedies have the character of constitutional want of irritability, yet we often find over-sensitiveness to pain with Arsenic ; predom. painlessness on the other hand with Opium. We find " sensation of numbness in internal parts" with both remedies. * Both remedies have agsravation "after lying down." •f Both remed.es have predom. improvement from motion in general. Arsenic. Petroleum. Tension or constriction in internal parts . Ulcers predom. with too much discharge . Pulse very quick, small and weak ; or inter- mitting; quicker in the morning, slower in the evening. Least thirst during the chill, most during the sweat *. Drinks often, but little at a time during the heat. Tension or constriction in external parts. Ulcers with scanty discharge. Pulse made stronger, full, and accelerated by every motion. Thirst only during the heat. Mood indifferent ; hopeless ; peevish ; mali- cious — Greediness — Sitt'g lost in thought — Insanity. Most frequently loss of appetite .... Diarrhoea most frequently painless . . . Urine scanty (with diarrhoea) or copious, (partic. during chill.) Sexual desire increased. Catamenia predom. too soon and copious . Fluent coryza Cough generally with expectoration . . . Mental excitability — Absent-mindedness. Most frequently hunger f. Diarrhoea predom. painful. Urine often, but scanty. Sexual desire predom. decreased. Catamenia predom. too late and scanty. Dry coryza. Cough predom. dry. Remission during the day and before mid- Remission during the day and after mid ■ night. night. "Worse or better from light, (or in the dark.) Worse from light ; better in the dark. Worse or better on awaking, that is, better Worse on awaking. after sufficient sleep. Better or worse after getting out of bed . Better after getting out of bed. Predomin. worse -— — — -""^ — - ■ — Predomin. better In dry weather, during rest, after lying down, while sitting, when alone, — and after breakfast. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In wet weather, from motion, while -walking and standing, after sleep, when getting: ont of bed, on an empty stomach, from biting, when bending the diseased part, when riding, and in company. * Besides this, Arsenic has thirst before and after the chill, and after the sweat. t The Petroleum hunger is a greedy appetite, insatiable at dinner, or ravenous hunger that causes nausea, awakes the patient at night from sleep; Arsenic also cures when the patient has great hunger not in accordance with other symp- toms. C.Hg. Arsenic. Upper left, lower right side. Want of bodily irritability, (torp. weakn.) Gnawing in internal parts, insensibility, or sensation of numbness in internal parts. Sensitiveness of external parts .... Itching aggrav. by scratching Cold swelling of the glands — Scars burn . Paralysis with atrophy of the muscles . . Erysipelas around the joints Distention of the veins of the feet . . . Emaciation, partic. of the feet and atrophy of the tips of the fingers. Pulse generally small and weak .... Heat with aversion to uncover .... Chill lessened after getting out of bed . . During the day chill, at night sweat . . . Chill on lower, sweat on back part of body. Sweat disappears during sleep or on awak'g. Talkativeness during sweat Most thirst during sweat, least during chill. Sleepless aft. ruidn't, th'fore awak'g too early. Phosphor. Upper right, lower left side. Increased irritability, (irritable weakness.) Gnawing in external parts — Sensation of numbness in external parts. Sensitiveness of internal parts. Itching lessened or aggrav. by scratching. Hot swelling of the glands — Contraction in the scars; they break open, bleed. Paralysis seems nervous (central) Apoplexy. Vesicles in groups around the joints. Distention of the veins of the hands. Emaciation of the hands. Pulse generally full and hard. Heat with inclination to uncover. Chill incr. aft. get. out of bed, (& by motion.) In the morning cold, in the evening heat. Sweat on the lower front part of body. Sweat disappears on awaking. Dislikes to talk dur'g the sweat, stage. CHg. Want of thirst. Sleepless bef. midn't, th'fore awak'g too late. Sensitiveness of disposition Hopelessness — Malice — Greediness — Men- tal dullness. Loquacity — Weakness of memory . . . Ailments from vexation with dread, fear or reserved mortification. Ailm. from lead or abuse of China, fr. Ipec. Changed expression of the face .... Complaints of inner ear, lower eye-lids, pylorus, upper lip, and calf of the \eg. Appetite f. coffee, or bread, partic. rye bread. Xausea in throat — Fetid flatus .... Urine scanty (with diarrhoea) or copious . Expectoration predom., but not constant; during the day. Milk decreased Idiopathic heart-disease ; skin-diseases d°. Spine-disease with gressus gallinaceus . . Bodies of the poisoned withstand decompos. Insensibil. of disp. oftenerthan sensitiveness. Changing mood — Amativeness — Haugh- tiness — Mental excitability — Ecstacies. Taciturnity — Active memory. Consequences of rage or vexation with fright. Ailments from abuse of common salt. Color of the face changes often. CHg. Complaints of external ear, upper eye-lids, under lip, cardia, and shin. Aversion to coffee and rye bread. Nausea in stomach Scentless flatus. Urine frequent, but scanty. Expectoration not constant; in the morn- ing and during the day. Milk most frequently increased. Symptomatic heart-disease ; skin-diseases d°. Spine-disease with gressus vaccinus. Bodies of the poisoned decompose rapidly. (and Remission after midnight. Wind-colic, worse when lying down, growing warm in bed.) Worse while drinking, better after drinking -Warm diet aggrav., cold diet improves. CHg Remis. before midnight and during the day. Wind-colic better when lying down, (and growing warm in bed.) Worse from cold drink ; from cold diet in general; better from warm. Worse in Winter Worse in Summer. Predomin. worse — — " " TO ""*-"-*~^__--^\ - —*«— — -^ Predomin better In dry weather, in the open air, during rest, partic. when sitting, in the evening twilight, from being uncovered, drinking cold water, cold diet, after drinking in general, from the touch and from rubbing, and lifting up the diseased limb. Predomin. better -- — — - ■■»u*^. _^^ — — ■*"' -— --. Predomin. worse In wet weather, in a warm room, from motion, from letting the diseased limb han-r down, or from washing or moistening it, from wrapping up, and growing warm in bed, from warm diet, from riding, and after stool iike diarrhoea. Arsenic. Pulsatilla. Want of irritability Cold swelling of the glands Itching aggrav. by scratching. — Warts . . Pulse quick in the morn'g, slower in the ev'g. Sensation of cold in internal parts . . . Cold or sweat on the diseased part . . . Sweat often disappears on falling asleep, often on awaking. Chill increased out doors; heat by exercise. Least thirst during chill, most dur'g sweat ; drinks often, but little during the heat; cold water does not agree with him. Blood coagulates slowly Sleeplessness, • partic. after midnight, and awaking too early. With Horses : Yerminous colic ; the upper lip is drawn up. Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy . . Paralysis with atrophy of the muscles . . Increased irritability. Hot, painful swelling of the glands. Itch. aggr. or nnchang'd by scratch'g.-Corns. Pulse slow in the morn'g, quicker in the ev'g. Sensation of cold in external parts. Heat on the diseased part. Sweat often disappears on awaking. Chill less'd out doors, heat less'd by exercise. Thirst only during the heat; cold water agrees well with the patient. Discharged blood coagulates rapidly. Sleeplessness before midnight, and awaking too late. With Horses: Colic; the mouth is wide open. Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis. Nervous lameness from central organs. Dread of loneliness— Loquacity— Malicious- ness — Irritable mood. Ailments from vexation with grief, reserved displeasure, or vehemence. Burning itching on the head, in the evening, when undressing, and growing cold. Complaints predom. on the upper lip . . Saliva predom. decreased Food tastes as though salted too little . . Most frequently loss of appetifce .... Appetite for milk Nausea in throat Diarrhoea most frequently painless . . . Unine scanty (with diarrhoea) or copious . Catamenia too soon, profuse, of long durat'n. Expectoration during the day Milk decreased Likes to be alone — Taciturnity — Goodna- turedness — Calm sadness. Ailments from vexation with fright, from mortification or excessive joy. Biting, pierc'gitch'g on head, partic. even 'gs, when undress'g, & wh. grow'gwarm in bed. Complaints predom. on the under lip. Saliva generally increased, i'ood tastes too salty. Most frequently hunger. Aversion to milk. > ausea in throat, stomach, or abdomen. Diarrhoea most frequently painful. Urine infrequent and scanty. Cat. pred. too late, scanty, & of short durat'n. Expectoration in the morn. & during the day. Milk most frequently increased. Aggravation in the evening and at night, partic. after midnight and in the morning. Children want to be carried about, quickly. Predom. better when getting out of bed . Worse when rising from a seat Better after rising from a seat Worse when swallowing .... Better from eructation .... Better or worse after passing urine Complaints from violent bodily exertion Aggravation from noon till midnight. Child'n want to be carried but slowly. C.Hg. When getting out of bed, better or worse. Worse or better when rising from a seat. After rising from a seat better or worse. When swallowing better or worse. Worse or better from eructation. Worse after passing urine. Complaints more after mental than bodily exertion. C.Hg. Predomin. worse ' "— — — -__^^_— — * — ^ Predomin. better In cold dry weather, in cool open air, from cold, growing cold, and being uncovered, drinking cold water, and cold diet in general, vegetable diet, vinegar, acids in general, from walking fast, run- ning, and exertion in general, tightening the clothes, lying on the back, lying on the painful side, and stretching out the diseased limb. Predomin. better — -^^ ^~^~ — -^ Predomin. worse In warm and moist air, in a warm room, from warmth, growing warm, wrapping up, and warmth of bed, from warm diet, eructation, drinking coffee, from biting, while standing^ loosening the clothes, lying on the side, lying on the unpainful side, and when drawing up the diseased limb. Arsenic. Rhus. Complaints (pressing, gnawing, tension, cut- Complaints (pressing, gnawing, tension, cut- ting, &c.) predom. in internal parts. ting, &c.) predom. in external parts. Diseh'd blood coagul. either not, or slowly. Discharged blood coagulates rapidly. Itching increased by scratching .... Itching lessened by scratching. Erysipelas around the joints Itching around the joints. Eruptions generally dry Eruptions generally humid. Flat ulcers, sometimes with proud flesh . Deep ulcers. Cold swelling of the glands Hot painful swelling of the glands. Paralysis with atrophy of the muscles . . Nervous lameness — Apoplexy. Distention of the veins of the feet . . . Distention of the veins of the hands. Heat increased by exercise, abating after Heat abated by exercise, increased by drink- drinking coffee. in-g coffee. Pulse sometimes suppressed, with strong Pulse sometimes quicker than the beating beat of the heart. of the heart. Chill on lower part of body — Partial sweat Chill on upper part of body — Sweat on front on back of body. of body. Least thirst during chill, most during sweat. Thirst not constant. Sleeplessness predom. after midnight ; awak- Sleeplessness pred. before midnight ; awak- ing too early. ing too late. Mood irritable, malicious — Greediness — Mood dejected — Fear of being poisoned — Dread of loneliness— Conseq. of vexation Fancies — Love of loneliness, with reserved displeasure or vehemence. Saliva predom. decreased Saliva most frequently increased. Desire for brandy Aversion to wine. Aversion to sweets Appetite for sweets. Nausea in throat Nausea in oesophagus or in stomach. Diarrhoea, generally painless Diarrhoea predom painful. Urine scanty (with diarrhoea') or copious . Urine often and copious. Difficult, interrupted expiration .... Difficult inspiration. Exp. pred., but not constant; dur'gtheday. Expectoration infrequent; in the morning. Milk decreased Milk most frequently increased. Compl'ts pred. on upper arm & sole of foot. Complaints pred. on fore-arm & top of foot. Remis. during the day and before midnight. Remission of complaints during day. Worse or better from light fin the dark.) . Worse from light, better in the dark. Improved by warmth of bed Better or worse from warmth of bed. On awaking worse or better, that is, better Worse on awaking— Most frequently aggr. after sufficient sleep. after sleep. Better or worse when assuming an erect Almost always aggrav. when assuming an position. erect position. Almost alw. improv'd whengett'g out of bed. Worse or better when getting out of bed. Worse when rising from a seat .... Oftener aggrav. than improved when rising from a seat. Better after rising from a seat .... Worse or better after rising from a seat. Better when bending the diseased part . . Aggrav. oftener than improved when bend- ing the diseased part. Worse after drinking After drinking worse or better. Aggrav. oftener than improved after stool. Improved oftener than aggrav. after stool. Worse when looking up Worse when looking down. Predomin. worse — — — "" """ "" —"*■—»— "^ — — — "~" -~~- Predomin. better In dry weather, lying on the painful side, stretching out the diseased limb, from rubbing and scratching, after sweat, on expiration after breakfast. Predomin. better -— — "* "*« ^^^ — — '"" "--^. Predomin. worse In wet weather, lying on the un painful side, drawing up the diseased limb, when washing and moisten- ing it, standing, after sleep, on an empty stomach, drinking coffee, and from eructation. N.B. Ehus has not the oversensitiveness to pain, so often found with Arsenic. Arsenic SecaSe cornutum Is often indicated with childless women . . Intermitting of accelerated pulse .... Partial sweat on back or lower part of body. Retards the decomposition of the poisoned. Sensation of coldness predom. in internal parts. Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover . Least thirst daring chill, most during sweat. Sensitiveness of skin Is often indicated with women who have many children. Intermitting of retarded pulse. Sweat on front or upper part of body. Hastens decomposition. Sensation of coldness predom. in external parts. Heat or sweat, with inclination to uncover. Thirst during all stages of the fever. Insensibility of the skin. C.Hg. Sensitiveness of disposition — Restlessness and haste — Fear — Consequences of grief and sorrow, or of vexation with vehe- mence. Most frequently loss of appetite .... Nausea in throat "Urine scanty (with diarrhoea) or copious — Incontinence more frequent than retention of urine. Sleeplessness predom Spine-disease, with gressus gallinaceus . . Complaints predom. on upper arm. Insensibility of disposition — Indolence — Fancies— Very rarely unconsciousness. Predom. hunger. Very rarely Nausea. Urine infrequent and scanty — Predom. re- tention of urine. Somnolence predom. Spine-disease, with gressus vaccinas. Complaints predom. on fore-arm. Aggravation in the evening, after mid- Aggravation, nocturnal. night, and in the morning. Remission during the day and before mid- Remission from morning till evening. night. Better after getting out of bed. Better or worse after getting out of bed Predomin. worse Predomin. better From cold, growing cold, uncovering, and in cold weather, during rest, after lying down, while lying and sitting*, lying on the painful side, while sweating, from rubbing and scratching, and when stretching w out the'diseased limb. Predomin. better Predomin. worse From warmthf and warmth of bed, when growing warm, wrapping up, and in warm air, from exercise, walking, lying on the unpainful side, and from drawing up or bending the diseased limb. N.B. Although both remedies hare the character of constitutional want of irritability, yet we often find with Arsenic over-sensitiveness to pain, while Secale has " unpainfulness" predom. Both remedies sometimes have "sensitiveness of external parts." * Both remedies have improvement "ichen standing." t In Secale, external warmth aggravates, particularly the pain of ulcers and in the limbs. CHj?. Arsenic. Sepia. Rending pain upwards — Complaints of in- Rending pain downwards — Complaints of ternal parts preclom. external parts predom. Sleeplessness predom. after midnight. . . Sleeplessness predom. before midnight. Pulse quick in the morning, slow in the Pulse quick at night, slow during the day. evening. Least thirst during chill, most during sweat. Want of thirst, particularly during the sweat — Thirst only during chill.* Partial sweat on lower part of body . . . Partial sweat on upper part of body. First chill, then heat First heat, then chill. Dread of loneliness Likes to be alone. Obstinacy — Malice — Delirium Imbecility of the will — Absent-minded- ness — Fancies. Ailments from grief Ailments from rage. No Apoplexy Apoplexy. Swelling under the eyes Swelling above the eyes. Eruptions, etc., on the upper lip . . . . Eruptions, etc., on the under lip. Appetite for bread, particularly rye-bread ; Aversion to bread and milk, and also milk. Diseases of the pylorus Diseases of the cardia. Leucorrhcea, thick Leucorrhcea, watery. Expectoration during the day Expectoration is loosened at night and in the morning, and is swallowed. Complaints preclom. on upper arm and in Complaints predom. on fore-arm and in hollow of the knee. hollow of the elbow. Complaints from violent bodily exertion . Better after bodily exertion, but worse after mental exertion. C.Hg. Remission during day and before midnight. Remission of complaints in afternoon. Worse or better from light (or in the dark.) Worse from light, better in the dark. Worse in cold weather, better in warm air . Worse or better in cold (or warm) air. Worse after lying down Worse or better after lying down. Better from warmth of bed Better or worse from warmth of bed. Worse when rising from a seat Better or worse when rising from a seat. Worse from exertion, walking fast, run- Improved oftener than aggravated by exer- ning. tion, etc. Worse from chewing tobacco Predom. better from smoking. Better or worse after passing urine . . . Worse after passing urine. Worse in the Autumn Worse in the Spring. Predomin. worse " ' **" -""^ — " '"" — " — "^ Predomin. belter When quite alone, closing the eyes, lying on the painful side, when turning in bed, drinking cold water, from cold diet in general, and after breakfast. (After bodily exertion. C. Hg.) Predomin. better - ■— -""^ — — »'"""■"" -^ Predomin. worse In company, when opening the eyes, lying on the unpainful side, drinking coffee, from warm diet gen- erally, after eating till satisfied, when biting, from pressure in general, leaning backwards, when washing, moistening or bending the diseased part, when standing, riding, from eructation, and on an empty stomach. * Both remedies have thirst before and after the chill. Arsenic. SiSicea, Upper left, lower right side — Want of bodily irritability. Muscles rigid — Rending pain upwards . . Complaints (constriction &c.) predom. in internal parts. Ulcers, discharge predom. too copious . . Scars burn Pulse very quick, small, and weak ; inter- mitting. Pulse quick in the morning, slow in evening. Partial sweat on lower part of body . . Distention of the veins of the feet . . . Least thirst during chill, most during sweat. Itching aggrav. by scratching Dreams of fire, thunderstorms, dead per- sons, misfortunes, embarrassments, &c. Upper right, lower left side — Increased bodily irritability. Muscles lax — Rending pain downwards. Complaints (constriction, &c.) predom. in external parts. Ulcers, discharge predom. too scanty. C.Hg. Scars become painful, break open. C.Hg. Pulse quick and small, but hard. Pulse quick at night, slow during day. Partial sweat on upper part of body. Distention of veins of the hands. Thirst predom. Itching, aggr. or unchanged by scratching. Dreams of water, sickness, thieves, business of the day, also erotic dreams, &c. Fear — Malice— Greediness — Irritability — Gentleness — Amativeness — Absent-minded- Delirium, ness — Fancies. Ailments from fright or grief, or from vexa- Yery rarely unconsciousness — Apoplexy, tion with vehemence. Complaints of lower eyelids, and inner ear Complaints of upper eyelids and generally predom. of external ear predom. Secretion of saliva decreased Saliva increased. Nausea in throat Nausea in stomach, less frequently in ab- domen. Diarrhoea predom Costiveness predom. Urine scanty (with diarrhoea) or copious . Urine too frequent. Catamenia predom. too soon .... Catamenia oftener too late than too soon. Fluent coryza Coryza dry oftener than fluent. Expectoration, predom., but not constant. Expectoration almost constant. Remission during day and before midnight. Worse or better, from light, (or in the dark.) Worse or better on awaking, that is, better after sufficient sleep. Worse during rest ; better when exercising. Better or worse when assuming an erect position. Worse after drinking Worse in the Autumn Ailments from contagions Anthrax, Iodine, Plumbum, Digitalis, Phosphor., Ipecac, Strychnine, or abuse of Cinchona. Remission of complaints before midnight. Worse from light, better in the dark. Worse on awaking and after sleep. Worse or better when exercising, (resp.rest.) Better when assuming an erect position. Worse or better after drinking. Worse in the spring. Ailments from sting of insects, or abuse of Sulphur or Mercury. Predomin. better Predomin worse After eating till satisfied, from biting, pressure in general ; from washing, moistening or bending tlie diseased limb, when standing and riding, getting out of bed and after sleep. Arsenic. Staphssagria. Want of irritability — Complaints (gnawing, Bodily irritability — Complaints (gnawing, throbbing, sensation of cold &c.) predom. throbbing, cold sensation, &c.) predom. in internal parts. in external parts. Trembling of external parts Internal trembling, trembling sensation. Pain in the limbs jump'g from place to place. Stationary pain in the limbs. Rending piercing pain in the muscles . . Rending piercing pain, partic. in the joints. Itching, aggrav. by scratching Itching, aggrav. or locality changed by scratching. Erysipelas around the joints Crusty eruption around the joints. Paraplegia Hemiplegia. Chill increased out doors Chill abating out doors. Heat with aversion to being uncovered, and Heat with inclination to uncover, and with desire for drink without thirst. thirst. Thirst, partic. during sweat* . . . . . Want of thirst, partic. during the chill and sweat ; more thirst during the heat. Loquacity — Mood irritable and malicious — Taciturnity — Mood indifferent — Amative- Avarice — Delirium — Insanity. ness — Fancies. Ailments from fright or vexation, with fear. Ailments from the misbehavior of others, or from shame, disappointed love, mortifica- tion or indignation. Losing the hair on front part of head . . Losing hair on back part or sides of the head. Complaints predom. on lower eyelids and Complaints predom. on upper eyelids and on upper arm. on fore arm. Saliva predom. decreased, therefore most Saliva predom. increased, therefore predom. frequently want of appetite. hunger. Diarrhoea more frequent than constipation. Costiveness predom. Urine scanty (with diarrhoea) or copious . Urine often, but scanty. Involuntary seminal emissions Predom. discharge of succ. prostat. Catamenia predom. too soon & too copious. Catamenia too late and too scanty. Voice trembling — Expectoration not con- Yoice nasal — Expectoration almost con- stant ; during the day. stant; is loosened partic. at night and generally swallowed. Remis. during the day and before midnight. Remission uncertain. Worse when swallowing food Better or worse when swallowing, partic. worse when swallowing drink. Ailments from contagious Anthrax, Iodine, Ailments from abuse of Mercury and from Plumbum, Digitalis, Phosphor., Ipecac, Colocynth. Strychnine, or abuse of Cinchona. Predomin. worse — - — "■—«"» ""^ — ** ~---^ Predomin. better In dry weather, during rest, after lying down, while sitting, particularly sitting bent forward, and after breakfast. Predomin. better *~~ — ' — • ~-^» — ^^ Predomin. worse In wet weather, from motion, particularly moving the suffering part, when walking and riding, getting out of bed, after sleep, on an empty stomach, from washing and moistening tbe diseased part, sitting erect, from presssure, and generally also after passing urine. * Both remedies have no thirst during the chill. Arsenic. Sulphur. Right side — Insensibil. of intern, parts pred. Left side— Sensitiven. of intern, parts pred. Rending pain upwards — Itching aggrav. by Rending pain downwards — Itching lessened scratching. by scratching. Ervs : pelas around the joints Itching, erysip., or vesicles around the joints. Cold swelling of the glands Hot, but gener'y painless swelling of glands. Chill or sweat on lower part of body . . Heat or sweat on lower part of body. Heat or sweat with avers, to being uncover'd. Heat or sweat with inclination to uncover. Most thirst during sweat Most thirst during the hot stage. Pulse quick, small, and weak Pulse accelerated, but full and hard. Chill lessened after getting out of bed . . Chill increased after getting out of bed Sweat lessened by motion Sweat increased by motion. Sleeplessness, partic. after midnight, awak- Sleeplessness before midnight ; awaking too ing too early. late. Malice — Hopelessness— Greediness . . . Gentleness — Sadness — Changing mood — Absent-mindedness — Fancies. Ailments from grief, fright, or from vexa- Ailments from shame, hearing bad news, tion with reserved displeasure. mortification, or vexation with fright. Compl'ts of lower eyelids & upper arm pred. Compl'ts of upper eyelids & fore arm pred. Appetite for milk & bread, part, rye bread. Aversion to milk or bread, partic. rye bread. Appetite for beer and spirituous liquors . Inclination or avers, to beer & spirit. liquors. Nausea in throat Nausea in stomach, rarely in throat. Urine scanty (with diarrhoea) or copious, Urine often, but scanty ; sometimes copious, partic. with chill. that is, after large doses. Expectoration predom. but not constant; Expectoration not constant; in the morn- during day. ing and during day, rarely at night. Remission during day and before midnight. Remission after and before midnight. Worse when alone, better in company . . Most frequently better when alone, worse in company. Worse or better from light, (or in the dark.) Almost alw's worse fr. light, bett. in the dark. Worse when looking up Worse when looking down, partic. at run- ning water. Worse when lying on back, better when Most frequently better when lying on the lying on the side. back, worse when lying on the side. Worse or better on awaking, that is, better Worse on awaking, and after sleep. after sufficient sleep. Worse in cold weather, better in warm air. In cold (resp. warm) air, better or worse. Worse when growing cold, better when When growing cold (resp. warm) better or growing warm. worse. Better when standing Worse from standing a long time ; but bet- ter when standing still after exercise. Almost always improved when moving the Most frequently aggrav. by moving the dis- diseased part, eased part. Worse when stretching out the diseased Generally aggravated by stretching out the limb. limb, sometimes improved. Predom. better on an empty stomach . . Worse or better on an empty stomach. Worse in the Autumn Worse in Spring. Predomin. worse -— - — - -^^ ^^ Predomin. better In dry weather, in cool open air, from cold, uncovering, rubbing and scratching, lying on back, and being alone. Predomin. better ^— -^ — - Predomin. worse In wet weather, in warm rooms*, from warmth, wrapping up, warmth of bed, after sleep, lying: on side, standing, riding, when washing, moistening or bending the diseased part, biting, drinking coffee, eating till satisfied, and in company. N. B. We rarely find with Sulph. the oversensitiveness to pain of the Arsenic-patient. * Yet Sulphur, like Arsen., sometimes has improvement from warmth of stove. Arsenic, Veratrum Want of bodily irritability — Rending pain upwards. Skin and muscles rigid Ulcers, with copious discharge, sometimes proud flesh— (Warts.) Sleep in a half-sitting posture Sleeplessness, particularly after midnight; therefore, awaking too early. Pulse very much accelerated, small and weak. Sweat lessened by motion . . Talkative during sweating stage Internal sensation of coldness* Heat, with aversion to uncover Heat, then sweat Thirst, particularly during sweating stage of fevers. Thirst with the pain Bodily irritability — Rending pain down- wards. Skin and muscles generally lax. Ulcers, with scanty discharge — (Corns.) C.Hg. Sleep, lying with head bent backwards. Sleeplessness before midnight ; awaking too late, from a deep, stupefying morning-nap. Pulse irregular ; most frequently slow, small and weak. Sweat increased by motion. Dislikes to talk during sweat. C.Hg. Sensation of cold predom. external. Heat, with inclination to uncover. Chill, then sweat. Thirst not constant. Want of thirst with the pain. Wrapt in thought — Want of reserve — Avarice — Mental dullness and imbe- cility more frequent than insanity — Rarely Apoplexy. Complaints predom. on lower eyelids . . Desire for drink, without thirst .... Xausea in throat Intussusception with pains in abdomen, in- creased by motion; sensitive to pressure. Urine scanty (with diarrhoea) or copious, (particularly during the chill.) Fluent coryza Cough, generally with expectoration . . . Being beside one's self — Taciturnity — Dis- trust — Gladness or sadness — Amative- ness — Absent-mindedness — Mental ex- citability more frequent than mental dull- ness — Fancies — Insanity — Apoplexy. Complaints predom. on upper eyelids. Thirst, with disgust for drink. Nausea in stomach. Intussusception with anxiety, forcing to pace the room, pressing abdomen with hands. C.Hg. Urine infrequent and scanty, only excep- tionally copious. Predom. dry coryza. Cough, generally dry. Remission during the day and before mid- Remission during day and evening, night. Worse (better) from light or in the dark . Ailments from Iodine, Plumb., Strychn., Di- gitalis, Phosph., Ipecac, or contagious Anthrax. Worse from light, better in the dark. Ailments from Iron or Arsenic. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In dry weather, from being uncovered, generally also after sweating, from ascending, drinking milk, and after salt food. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In wet weather, from wrapping up, warmth of bed, afterf sufficient sleep, when standing, and when descending:. * Chill, with synchronous or alternative heat, is found with both remedies. •f On awaking, when disturbed from sleep, Arsenic has aggravation. Asa foet. Calcarea Left side Inclination for open air — Pain pressing out- ward. Pain predom. piercing outward .... Itching, lessened or unchanged by scratch- ing. Ulcers, discharge too copious Pulse often unchang:d; unequal; generally very much accelerated, but small. No chill — Want of thirst Coma predom. ; when sleeplessness, it is predom. after midnight. Right side. Aversion to open air — Pain pressing in- ward. Piercing outward or inward. Itching, lessened or aggravated by scratch- ing. Ulcers,- discharge scanty or copious. C.Hg. Pulse quick and full, often trembling. Thirst. Sleeplessness predom., particularly before midnight. Changing mood — Neither unconsciousness, delirium, apoplexy, nor paralysis have as yet been observed. Diseases of the spleen predom Urine of an ammoniacal smell Cough predominantly dry; expectoration during day. Complaints predom. on upper arm and on front side of thigh. Mood fearful ; silly or despondent ; irritable ; amorous — Fancies — Imbecility — Conse- quences of hearing bad news and of vexa- tion with fright, dread, or fear. Diseases of liver predom. Urine re-acting acid. Cough generally with expectoration; in the morning and during day. Complaints predom. on fore-arm and on back part of thigh. Aggravation afternoon and evening, more Remission of complaints before midnight. rarely after midnight. Most frequently aggrav. after lying down . Most frequently improved after lying down. Better after getting out of bed .... Worse or better* after getting out of bed. Worse from bodily exertion Less frequently improved than aggrav. by exertion ; partic. worse from exertion on an empty stomach. Ailments from Pulsatilla or abuse of Mer- Ailments from Phosphor, Digitalis, Cin- cury. chona, Mercury, or Xitri acidum. Predomin. worse ^— — ■— -^^ . — ~~. Predomin. better During rest, when standing, sitting and lying, in-doors, and on expiration. Predomin. better -- — »—^—- ^~^ **-" "" — --. Predomin. worse From exercise, walking, ont of doors, on inspiration, and after stool. * Here, motion decides in the first case, and the cessation of warmth of bed in the second. Asa feet. IVSercur. Inclination for open air — Rending pain up- wards. Sore pain in internal parts Discharge from ulcers too copious . . . Coma predom.; when there is sleeplessness, it is predom. after midnight. Pulse often unchanged j small Want of thirst . . . . , Complaints predom. on under-lip, spleen, upper-arm, on front side of thigh, and on patella. Aversion to open air — Rending pain down- wards. Sore pain in external parts. Suppuration too copious, or too scanty. C.Hg. Sleeplessness predom., partic. before mid- night. Pulse changed in quality and strength, generally accelerated and full. Thirst predom. Complaints predom. on upper -lip, liver, fore-arm, back part of thigh, on tip of elbow, and in hollow of knee. Changing mood — No unconsciousness — Mood fearful, dejected, irritable, malicious, No apoplexy. amorous — Absent-mindedness — Fancies — Imbecility — Consequences of mortifica- tion. Appetite for wine Aversion to wine, but appetite for beer. Urine smelling like ammoniac Urine smelling sour. Catamenia too soon Catamenia too late. Milk increased Milk diminished or spoiled. Aggravation afternoon, evening, and after midnight. Itching, lessened by scratching . . . . Worse when swallowing Better or worse on inspiration .... Better when assuming an erect position Ailments from Pulsatilla or Mercury . Aggravation from evening till morning. Itching lessened or aggrav. by scratching. Better or worse when swallowing, partic. worse when swallowing saliva and drink. Worse on inspiration. When assuming an erect position worse or better. Ailments from sting of insects, Arsenic- vapors, Cinchona or Sulphur, and from copper vapors. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In the room, during rest, when lying, standing, and sitting, partic. sitting bent forwards, and on expiration. Predomin. better Predomin. worse Out of doors, and when walking out doors, from exercise in general ; sitting erect, from the touch, rubbing and scratching ; on an empty stomach, after stool, and on inspiration. Asa feet. Phosphor. Left side— Obesity Coma predom.; when there is sleeplessness, it occurs particularly after midnight. Itching, lessened by scratching .... Ulcers discharge too copiously .... Complaints predom. in the spleen on front side of thigh, on patella, and top of foot. Pulse often unchanged; generally quick and small. Right side — Emaciation more frequent than obesity ; the latter only of single internal parts. Sleeplessness before midnight, or Coma. Itching often er lessened than aggravated by scratching. Discharge of ulcers too copious, rarely scanty, or they bleed too much. C.Hg. Complaints predom. in the liver, on back part of thigh, in hollow of knee, and sole of foot. Pulse changed in quality and strenght, generally accelerated, full, and hard. Mood changeable Mood changing, cheerful or sad and fear- ful; indifferent or irritable; amorous; haughty, &c. — Ailments from anger, vexation, (or grief.) fright, Mental excitability- Insanity. Unconsciousness, delirium, apoplexy, and paralysis have not yet been observed. Painful diarrhoea Diarrhoea predom. painless Expectoration infrequent ; during day . . Expectoration not constant and during day. Ecstacies — Fancies — in morning Aggravation ofternoon, evening, and after Remission of complaints after midnight, midnight. Worse in bed* In bed (rest) better or f warmth) worse. Better after getting out of bed .... Worse or better after getting out of bed. Better when walking out doors f . . . . When walking out doors (air) better or (exercise) worse. Ailments from Pulsatilla or Mercury . . Ailments from Iodine or abuse of salt. Predomin worse Predomin. better During rest, -when standing, sitting, and lying, after sleep i, after eating till satisfied, after drinking, partic. beer, and on an empty stomach. Predomin. better Predomin. worse During motion, \ "when walking, assuming an erect position, after stool, and after breakfast. N. B. Asa f. has not the oversensitiveness to pain of the Phosphor-patient. * Asa f. sometimes has improvement, sometimes aggrav. "after lying down." f Both remedies have predom. improvement '"out of doors." + To this Phosphor has, as an exception, aggi-av. after the siesta ; the improvement of the Phosphor-symptoms follows after sufficient sleep, and not after being roused from sleep. § An "improvement by motion.*' which sometimes occurs with Phosphor, seems to refer exclusively to pain in the joints, is therefore an improvement by moving the suffering part. Asa foet. Pulsatilla. Left side predom. — Itching, lessened by Right side — Itching, aggravated or un- scratching. changed by scratching. Burning or pressing piercing pain in the Rending, piercing pain in muscles and muscles. joints. Sensitive ulcers, with copious greenish, fetid, Sensitive ulcers, with much yellow or milky viscid, or thin, ichorous pus — Ulcers grow pus, which sometimes causes soreness. black. Diseases of the bones even to necrosis . . Diseases of the bones even to caries. Pulse often unchanged . Pulse changed, intermitting, etc. ; quick in evening, slow in morning. Xo chill Want of thirst, particularly heat without Thirst only during heat, and even then not thirst. constant*. Sleeplessness after midnight Sleeplessness before- midnight. Changing mood Calm sadness of gentle dispositions — Fear — Fretfulness — Distrust — Greediness — Amativeness — Absent-mindedness — Fan- cies — Unconsciousness — Delirium. Apoplexy not observed as yet Diseases of spleen predom Disease of liver predom. Catamenia too soon Catamenia too late. Expectoration infrequent ; during day . . Expectoration predom., but not constant; in the morning and during the day. Complaints of patella and top of foot pre- Complaints of hollow of knee and sole of dom. the foot predom. Aggravation afternoon, evening and after Aggravation afternoon and evening, after midnight. sunset, until midnight. Better when assuming an erect position . . Worse or better when assuming an erect position. Better after getting out of bed, or rising Generally better, sometimes worse, after from a seat. risiug from bed or a seat. Worse when swallowing Worse or better when swallowing. Better after stool Better or worse after stool. Ailments from pulsatilla Ailm. from Chamomilla, Cinchona, Sulph., Sulphuric acid, from Copper vapors, or Cantharides. Worse after sleep Worse or better after sleep. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From bodily exertion. Predomin. better Predomin. worse From the touchf , and from rubbing and scratching. N.B. Asa foet. has neither the pain jumping from place to place, nor the over-sensitiveness to pain of Pulsatilla. * Besides this, Pulsatilla has thirst before and after the chill, and between the hot and sweating stage. f Except the edges of carious ulcers, they are exceedingly sensitive to the slightest touch. C.Hg. Asa feet. Silicea. Left side — Inclination for open air . . . Right side — Aversion to open air. Constriction in internal parts Constriction in external parts. Rending pain upwards Rending pain downwards. Itching, lessened by scratching .... Itching, aggrav. or unchanged by scratch- ing. Discharge of ulcers too copious .... Suppuration scanty or copious. C.Hg. Pulse often unchanged ; generally quick and Pulse quick and small, but hard ; sometimes small. imperceptible. Want of thirst Thirst predom. % Coma predom Sleeplessness. Mood changeable Mood dejected; indifferent; gentle; amorous, Apoplexy or paralysis not yet observed . Absent-mindedness — Fancies. Complaints predominant on the under lip . Complaints predom. on upper lip. Saliva predominantly decreased .... Saliva increased. Generally diarrhoea Generally constipation. Catamenia too soon Catamenia oftener too late than too soon. Fluent coryza Coryza dry oftener than fluent. Cough predominantly dry Cough predom. with expectoration. Complaints predominant on shoulder-joint, Complaints predominant on hip-joint, fore- upper arm, front side of thigh, and on arm, back part of thigh, and on calf of shin. leg. Aggravation afternoon, evening, and after Remission of complaints before midnight. midnight — (Remiss, morning, forenoon, and before midnight.) Worse in bed In bed (warmth) better or (rest) worse. Better after getting out of bed .... Worse or better after getting out of bed. Worse after drinking Worse or better after drinking. Worse from exertion, walking fast, and Worse or better from bodily exertion, etc. running. Ailments from Pulsatilla Ailments from Sulphur. Predomin. wor§e — — — "■"■■•^ -"^ -— -^ Predomin. better In the room, and on an empty stomach. Predomin. better — . -^- — — ^ Predomin. worse Out of doors, when walking out-doors, from touch*, rubbing and scratching, and after breakfast. N.B. Asa foet. has not the over-sensitiveness to pain which characterizes Silicea. * Compare f to Asa and Pulsatilla. Aurum. Arsenic. Increased bodily irritability Want of bodily irritability. Complaints predom. in external parts . . Complaints predoin. in internal parts. Plethora Anaemia. Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis . . Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy Gnawing sensation in external parts. . . Gnawing sensation in internal parts. Swollen glands painful Swollen glands cold. Itching unchanged by scratching .... Itching aggrav. by scratching. Deep ulcers Flat ulcers. Dropsy, with clear, gold-colored urine . . Dropsy with turbid urine. Satiety of life, with longing for death, partic. Satiety of life, with fear of death, partic. at in the evening — Taciturnity — Sanguine night — Want of reserve — Choleric tem- temperament. perament. Mood changeable — Distrust — Consequen- Mood indifferent ; predom. malicious. ces of disappointed love, contradiction or anger. Active memory predom Weak memory — Unconsciousness. Insanity more frequent than imbecility . . Imbecility more frequent than insanity. Hunger predom Generally loss of appetite. Urine infrequent and scanty Urine scanty (with diarrhoea) or copious. Catamenia too late Catamenia too soon. Yoice often nasal Voice often trembling. Cough predom. dry — Expectoration morn- Cough generally with expectoration, during ing and evening. day. Complaints predom. on thigh, on outer side Complaints predom. on leg, on inner side of tigh, and top of foot. of thigh and on sole of foot. Remission during day and evening till Remission during day and before mid- midnight, night. Predom. worse in bed* In bed (rest) worse or (warmth) better. Improved oftener than aggrav. when closing When closing the eyes oftener aggrav. than the eyes. improved. When opening the eyes aggrav. oftener When opening the eyes improved oftener than improved. than aggravated. Worse on awaking Worse or better on awaking, that is, better after sufficient sleep. Better when assuming an erect position. . Better or worse when assuming an erect position. Better after getting out of bed .... Better or worse after getting out of bed. Better or worse when rising from a seat . Worse when rising from a seat. Better or worse when talking Worse when talking. Ailments from abuse of Mercury .... Ailments from abuse of Cinchona, Iodine, Plumb., Digital., Strychnine, Phosphor., Ipecac, or contagious Anthrax. Predomin. worse ,-— — -— ■«^__~-^- — ^ Predomin. better In wet weather, from drinking coffee, standing, and riding, bending the diseased limb, in the room, and alter sleep. Predomin. better UUI -"-— -""^ — — ■*" — ^ Predomin. worse In dry weather t, while eating, and out of doors. * Warmth of bed improves, with both remedies. t Cold weather aggrav., warm air improves with both remedies. Aurum. Belladonna. Complaints of external parts preclom. . . Complaints of internal parts predom. Inclination for open air — Often indicated Aversion to open air — Often indicated with with old people. children and young women. Pulse accelerated, but small Pulse generally quick, full, hard, and tense. Want of thirst predom., partic. during the Least thirst during the chill. chill. Very rarely paralysis — Sleeplessness after Paralysis — Sleeplessness before midnight. midnight. Sensitiveness of disposition Insensibility of disposition predom. Does nothing but ask questions .... Cannot express thoughts without first say- ing something foolish. Unconsciousness not yet observed . . . Indifference — Mental excitability or mental dullness. Ailments from disappointed love, contra- Ailments from vexation with fright, diction, or vexation with reserved dis- pleasure. Pupils most frequently contracted . . . Pupils most frequently dilated. Discharge of fetid pus from ears .... Predom. discharge of blood from ears. Fetid flatus Scentless flatus. Catamenia too late Catamenia too soon. Fluent coryza predom Dry coryza predom. Expectoration rather infrequent; morning Expectoration infrequent ; morning, during and evening. day, and evening. Milk decreased Milk most frequently increased. Complaints predom. on top of foot . . . Complaints predom. on sole of foot. Remission during day and evening till Remission after midnight and fore noon. midnight. Better when assuming an erect position . Worse or better when assuming an erect position. When getting up from a seat, better or Worse when getting up from a seat. worse. Worse when bending the diseased part, When bending the part, (partic. inwards or partic. bending it inwards. backwards,) better or (sideways) worse. Oftener improved than aggrav. when eating. Oftener aggrav. than improved when eating. Worse from drinking wine Better or worse from drinking wine. Predomin. worse ^- — — — — ^^ - «" ■' — ^. Predomin. better When opening the eyes, in wet weather, in the room, during; rest, after lying down in bed *, lying, sit- ting, and standing:, when sitting down, stooping, bending the diseased part inwards, and stretch- ing out the diseased limb. Predomin. better — —• - --\ — ^^ Predomin. worse When closing the eyes, in dry t weather, out of doors, and walking out doors, from motion, particularly moving the diseased part, when assuming an erect position, getting out of bed, drawing up the diseased limb, and when walking. * The Anrum-syinptoms are improved quite as oftea as aggrav. by warmth of bed. t Both remedies have aggrav. in cold weather. Aurum. Calcarea. Increased bodily irritability Complaints predom. in external parts . . Inclination for open air — Often indicated with old people. Itching, unchanged by scratching .... Sleeplessness after midnight Pulse accelerated, but small Chill, without thirst, (want of thirst predom.) Sweat or heat, with aversion to uncover . Want of bodily irritability. Complaints predom. in internal parts. Aversion to open air — Often indicated with children and young women, rarely old people. Itching, oftener improved than aggravated by scratching. Sleeplessness predom. before midnight. Pulse quick, full, often trembling. Chill, with thirst, (thirst predom.) Sweat or heat, with inclination to uncover. Satiety of life, with longing for death — Satiety of life, with fear of death — Ama- Mood changing — Distrust. tiveness. Ailments from disappointed love, or from Ailments from hearing bad news, or from fright, anger, contradiction, mortification, vexation with fright. or vexation with vehemence or reserved displeasure. Active memory predom Weakness of memory. Insanity more frequent than imbecility . . Imbecility more frequent than insanity. Pupils contracted Pupils dilated. Optical illusions generally in bright colors . Optical illusions in black or dark colors. Appetite for coffee Predom. aversion to coffee. Urine infrequent and scanty; retention of Urine too often; involuntary discharge of urine. urine. Complaints from pollutions Complaints predom. after coition. Catamenia too late Catamenia generally too soon. Expectoration rather infrequent; morning Expectoration predom., but not constant; and evening. morning and during day. Spine disease, with gressus gallinaceus . . Spine disease, with gressus vaccinus. Complaints predom. on thigh, particularly Complaints predom. on leg and on inner on outer and front side of thigh. and back part of thigh. Remis. during day and even'g, till midnight. Remission before midnight. Improved quite as often as aggravated by Worse from warmth of bed. warmth of bed. Better after getting out of bed Worse or better after getting out of bed. Worse when hungry Worse after a satisfying meal. Worse from exertion, walking fast, run- Exertion aggravates oftener than improves ; ning, etc. particularly worse from exertion on an empty stomach. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From uncovering, in the room, daring rest, after lying down, from sitting down, when lying, sitting, and standing. Predomin. better Predomin. worse From wrapping np, ont of doors, and walking ont-doors, from motion, walking, getting ont of bed, pressure, when eating, and after stool. N.B. We rarely find the over-sensitiveness to pain of Aurum with Calcarea ; rarely with Aurum the sensation of numbness in suffering parts which is often found with Calcarea. Aurum. Lycopodium Rending pain upwards — Pain pressing in- Rending pain downwards — Pain pressing wards. outwards. Rarely paralysis Paralysis predominant. Sleeplessness after midnight Sleeplessness before midnight. Pulse quick, but small Pulse accelerated only after eating and in the evening; slower in the morning. Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover . Heat or sweat, with inclination to uncover. "Want of thirst predominant, particularly Thirst predominant, even after sweat, but during chill. none during chill. Satiety of life, particularly in the evening, Satiety of life, particularly in the morning, with longing for death — Ailments from in bed — Malice — Haughtiness — Greedi- disappointed love, or from contradiction. ness — Amativeness — Absent-mindedness — Unconsciousness. Active memory predominant Weakness of memory. Eyes protruding — Pupils contracted . . . Eyes sunken — Pupils dilated. Optical illusions in bright colors .... Optical illusions in dark colors. Horizontal half-sight Perpendicular half-sight. Appetite for coffee Aversion to coffee. Fetid flatus Scentless flatus predominant. Urine infrequent and scanty Urine often, but scanty. Cough predominantly dry Cough generally with expectoration. Complaints predominant on thigh, particu- Complaints predominant on leg and on inner larly on outer and front side of it. and back part of thigh. Remission during day and evening, till midnight. "Worse when growing cold, and in cold weather; better when growing warm, and in warm air. "Worse when hungry Better when assuming an erect position. . Better when getting out of bed .... Worse when sitting down Remission after midnight and during fore- noon. Better or worse when growing cold and in cold weather, (or growing warm and in warm air.) Worse after a satisfactory meal. Worse or better when assuming an erect position. Worse or better when getting out of bed. Better or worse when sitting down. Predomin. worse ^ — - , "*^- ~^<, «- —^ Predomin. better From cold, being uncovered, ascending, and when stooping. Predomin. better -— «. -^^ — ""' "--»^. Predomin. worse From warmth, wrapping up, descending, when eating, and from external pressure. N.B. The sensation of numbness in the suffering parts, characteristic of Lycopodium, is rarely found with Aurum. Aururn. ercur. Inclination for open air — Often indicated with old people. Rending pain upwards — Pain pressing in- wards. Itching unchanged by scratching . . . Sleeplessness after midnight .... Pulse accelerated and small .... Chill lessened after getting out of bed . Chill without thirst — Want of thirst predom Aversion to open air — Often indicated with children and women. Rending pain downwards — Pain pressing outwards. Itching lessened or aggrav. by scratching. Sleeplessness preval. before midnight. Pulse generally accelerated and full. Chill increased after getting out of bed. Chill with thirst — Thirst predom., but not constant. Mood changing — Cheerfulness or despon- Dejection — Malice — Amativeness — Abserrt- dency — Distrust — Ailments from grief, mindedness — Yery rarely delirium, disappointed love, contradiction, anger, or from vexation with reserved displea- sure, fear or vehemence. Active memory predom Weakness of memory. Insanity more frequent than imbecility . . Imbecility more frequent than insanity. Pupils contracted — Optical illusions pre- Pupils dilated — Optical illusions in dark dom. in bright colors. colors. Hunger predom Generally loss of appetite. Appetite for wine Aversion to wine ; but appetite for beer. Urine infrequent and scanty — Retention of Urine often and copious — Incontinence, urine. Nasal secretion thick Nasal secretion generally watery. Expectoration morning and evening . . . Expectoration during day. Complaints predom. on the outer and lower Complaints predom. on the inner and back side of thigh. part of thigh. Remission during day and evening till mid- Remission of complaints during day. night. Worse when growing cold ; better when Better or worse when growing cold, (resp. growing warm. warm.) Better or worse from warmth of bed . . Worse from warmth of bed. Ailments from abuse of Mercury .... Ailments from Arsenic or copper vapors, from Calcarea or Sulphur ; abuse of Cin- chona or sting of insects. Predomin„ worse --— — -> -"^« — ■**-"" — -. Predomin. better In doors, during rest, when standing, sitting, and lying. Predomin. better Predomin. worse Out of doors, walking out doors, from motion generally, partic. moving diseased limb, from external pressure, and after stool. N.B. We rarely find the oversensitiveness to pain of the Anrum-patient with Mercurins. although both remedies bear the character of increased constitutional irritability. Au rum NJtr. acid. Increased irritability Sore pain in external parts Rending pain in internal parts .... Inclination for open air — Painful swelling of the glands. Itching unchanged by scratching .... Pulse accelerated, but small "Want of thirst predom., particularly during the chill. Want of bodily irritability. Sore pain in internal parts. Pending pain in external parts. Aversion to open air — Painless swelling of the glands. Itching rather improved by scratching. Pulse very unequal and irregular, double, intermitting. Thirst is wanting during chill, and is not constant during heat. Satiety of life with longing for death . . Satiety of life with fear of death. Mood changing, cheerful or despondent; Malice — Unconsciousness. irritable ; no unconsciousness. Ailments from grief or disappointed love, Ailments from mental excitement in general. fright, anger, contradiction, mortification, or vexation with dread, fear, reserved displeasure, or vehemence. Apoplexy Apoplexy not yet observed. Optical illusions predom. in bright colors . Optical illusions in dark colors. Hunger predom "Want of appetite predom. Retention of urine Involuntary discharge of urine. Sexual desire increased Sexual desire predom. decreased. Erections with desire Erections without desire — Impotency. Catamenia too late Catamenia predom. too soon. Expectoration infrequent; morning and Expectoration not constant; morning and evening. during day. Complaints predom. on outer side of thigh. Complaints predom. on inner side of thigh. Remission during day and evening till Remission of complaints during forenoon. midnight. Worse in cold weather, better in warm air. Oftener improv. than aggr. in cold weather. Oftener aggrav. than improved in warm air Worse after drinking Worse or better after drinking. When rising from a seat better or worse . Worse when rising from a seat. Ailments from abuse of Mercury .... Ailments from Mercur., Calc, or Digitalis. Predomin. worse .— • — ■ ■* -^^ — — «=* w,u " — -^ Predomin. better In doors, during rest, in * bed, when sitting down, being uncovered, when stooping, and riding. Predomin. better Predomin. worse Out doors and when walking out doors, when walking, and from exercise generally, from wrapping up, when assuming an erect position, when and after getting out of bed, when eating, after stool, and from pressure. N.B. The oversensiveness to pain of Anrum is rarely found with Nitr. acid. — This is quite in accord- ance with the constitutional character of both remedies. * Aurum and Nitric acid both have predom. improvement from warmth of bed. Aurum. Phosphor. Complaints (sensitiveness, etc.) predom. in Complaints (sensitiveness, etc.) predom. in external parts. internal parts. Pain pressing inwards — Apoplexia san- Pain pressing outwards — Apoplexia ner- guinea. vosa. Rarely paralysis Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy. Sleeplessness after midnight; awaking too Sleeplessness before midnight ; awaking too early. late. Distention of veins of feet Distention of veins of hands. Pulse accelerated, but small Pulse varying ; most frequently quick, full, and hard. Chill, lessened after getting out of bed . . Chill, increased after getting out of bed. Heat or sweat, with aversion to being un- Heat or sweat, with inclination to uncover. covered. Hopelessness — Distrust Indifference — Haughtiness — Amativeness. Hypochondriasis, with longing for death . Hypochondriasis, with sensual frenzy, de- structive rage, bloodthirstiness, hypo- crisy; also with the idea of hanging or standing high. Ailments from disappointed love, mortifica- Ecstasies — Unconsciousness — Ailments tion, contradiction, or vexation with re- from vexation with fright, served displeasure. Eyes protruding — Optical illusions generally Eyes sunken — Optical illusions in black or in bright colors. rainbow colors. Appetite for coffee Aversion to coffee. Eetid flatus Generally scentless flatus. Urine infrequent and scanty — Retention of Urine frequent, but scanty — Incontinence. urine. Catamenia too late Catamenia generally too soon. Milk decreased Milk generally increased. Yoice often nasal Voice often trembling or hissing. Expectoration infrequent; morning and Expectoration not constant; in the mom- evening, ing and during day. Spine disease, with gressus gallinaceus . . Spine disease, with gressus vaccinus. Complaints predom. on thigh, particularly Complaints predom. on leg and on back on front side of it and on top of foot. part of thigh and on sole of foot. Aggrav. nocturnal; partic. after midnight Remission of complaints after midnight. and in the morning. Generally improved by warmth of bed . . Generally aggravated by warmth of bed. Worse on awaking Worse or better on awaking; partic. worse after the siesta ; better after sufficient sleep. Better after getting out of bed .... Better or worse after getting out of bed. Oftener improved than aggravated when Almost always aggravated when rising from rising from a seat. a seat. Better from eructation Worso or better from eructation. Worse from mental exertion Worse or better from mental exertion. Ailments from abuse of Mercury .... Ailments from abuse of table-salt or Iodine. Predomin. worse —- ~~" -"^ -**" * — — Predomin. better From being uncovered, during rest, when sitting down, when sitting, standing, and lying, from the touch, drinking wine, after drinking in general, and after sleep. Predomin. better ^- — — ^ — , — ^\ — — ° ■ — ^ Predomin. worse From wrapping up, from exercise and when walking, assuming an erect position, when getting out of bed, from pressure, and after stool. Aurum Platina. Apoplexy— Paralysis Neither apoplexy nor paralysis has yet been observed. Plethora— Heat, with aversion to being un- Anaemie — Heat, with inclination to un- covered, cover. Want of thirst predom., particularly during Thirst predom., particularly during heat, chill. Satietv of life, with (taciturnity and) long- Satiety of life, with (taciturnity and) fear ing'for death. of death — Amativeness — Changing mood. Ailments from disappointed love, or vexa- Ailments from shame or indignation, tion with vehemence. Mental dullness Mental excitability — Unconsciousness. Active memory predominant Weakness of memory. Hunger predominant Generally loss of appetite. Cataraenia too late and scanty .... Catamenia too soon and profuse. Expectoration rather infrequent .... No expectoration with the cough. Complaints predom. on front side of thigh. Complaints predom. on back part of thigh. Aggravation night, particularly after mid- night and in the morning* Worse in bed; yet oftener improved than aggravated by warmth of bed. Ailments from abuse of Mercury .... Aggravation after midnight and in the evening. Worse in bed and from warmth of bed. Ailments from abuse of Plumbum. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From cold, growing cold, and being uncovered. Predomin. better Predomin. worse From warmth, growing warm, from wrapping up, when assuming an erect position, when moving the diseased part, from external pressure, and after stool. N.B. Although both remedies have the character of increased constitutional irritability, yet Platina has not the over-sensitiveness to pain of Aurum. On the other hand, Aurum- very rarely has the sen- sation of numbness in suffering parts which is frequent with Platina. * Aurum is very decidedly predom. in the morning, Platina in the evening. Aurum has decidedly more headache in the morning, which lasts until 3 o'clock P. M., or till evening; also the swelling of cheeks, lips, and particularly of the nose, only in the morning ; on the other hand swelling of throat in the evening, 6 till 11 o'clock. Platina, on the con- trary, has decidedly more headache in the evening, from afternoon 4 until evening 10 o'clock; burning heat of the face and redness, with quivering before the eyes, from 5 till 9 o'clock; particularly also increase of mental symptoms in the evening, before going to bed. Only gastric symptoms in the morning, and in consequence displeasure, ill humor, etc. C.Hg. Alarum. Pulsatilla. Apoplexia sanguinea — Often indicated with old people. Complaints of external parts predom. . . Pain pressing inwards Itching, unchanged by scratching .... Sleeplessness after midnight ; awaking too early. Apoplexia nervosa — Often indicated with children and women. Complaints of internal parts predom. Pain pressing outward Itching, aggr. or unchanged by scratching. Sleeplessness before midnight ; awaking too late. Satiety of life with longing for death — Satiety of life with fear of death — Indif- Mood cheerful or sad; irritable. ference — Calm sadness of gentle disposi- tions — Amativeness — Greediness. Ailments from disappointed love, contradic- Ailments from excessive joy or from vexa- tion, anger, or vexation with vehemence. tion with fright — Absent-mindedness — Unconsciousness. Eyes protruding Eyes sunken. Complaints on the outside of the gums . . Complaints on the inside of gums. Appetite for milk Aversion to milk. Retention of urine Incontinence more frequent than retention of urine. Cough preval. dry Cough generally with expectoration. Expectoration morning and evening . . . Expectoration morning and during day. Milk decreased Milk most frequently increased. Complaints predom. on palm of hand, thigh, Complaints predom. on back of hand, leg, and top of foot. and sole of foot. Remission during day and evening till midnight. Generally improved by the warmth of bed . Worse on awaking Better when assuming an erect position . Almost always improved when getting out of bed. Better after getting out of bed .... Predom. worse when sitting down . . . Better after rising from a seat Better from moving the diseased part . . Worse when bending the diseased part . . Better from pressure Aggravation afternoon and evening till midnight. Almost always aggrav. by warmth of bed. Worse or better on awaking. Worse or better when assuming an erect position. When getting out of bed, generally better, sometimes worse. Better or worse after getting out of bed. Better or worse when sitting down. Better or worse after rising from a seat. Better or worse from moving the part. Better or worse when bending the part. Worse or better from pressure. Predomin. worse Predomin. better On opening the eyes, from cold, growing cold, and in cold weather, being uncovered, stretching ont the diseased limb, when walking fast, running, and from bodily exertion in general. Predomin. better Predomin. worse On closing the eyes, from warmth, growing warm, and in warm air, wrapping np, when eating, from eructation, and when drawing up tbe diseased limb. N.B. With Aurum we rarely find the sensation of numbness in the suffering parts, so frequent with Pulsatilla. Aurum. Rhus. Inclination for open air — Yery rarely par- alysis. Pain pressing inward — Rending pain in in- ternal parts. Sleeplessness after midnight; awaking too early. Itching, unchanged by scratching . . . Distention of veins of feet — Congestion of blood to ears. Want of thirst during cold stage .... Aversion to open air — Paralysis. Pain pressing outward — Rending pain in external parts. Sleeplessness predom. before midnight — Awaking too late. Itching improved by scratching. Distention of veins of hands — Congestion to eyes. Thirst not constant. Satiety of life with longing for death— Cheer- Satiety of life with fear of death — Pre- fnlness or dejection — Irritability — Dis- dom. sadness, dejection — Unconscious- trust — Ailments from grief, disappointed ness. love, mortification, anger, or vexation with reserved displeasure or vehemence. Active memory predom Weakness of memory. Pupils contracted Pupils dilated. Hunger predom Loss of appetite predom. Urine infrequent and scanty— Retention of Urine frequent and copious — Incontinence, urine. Catamenia too late Catamenia predom. too soon. Milk decreased Milk generally increased. Expectoration infrequent Expectoration not constant. Complaints predom. in palm of hands, and Complaints predom. on back of hands, and on front side of thigh. on back part of thigh. Dropsy with clear, gold-colored urine . . Dropsy with turbid urine. Remission during day and evening till midnight. Predom. better on and after getting out of bed, and after rising from a seat. Worse when moving the diseased part . . Worse when bending the diseased limb . . Worse after drinking Remission of complaints during clay. Worse or better on and after getting out of bed, and after rising from a seat. Generally better, sometimes worse when moving the part. Worse or better when bending the diseased limb. Worse or better after drinking. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In doors, and when stretching out the diseased limb. Predomin. better — — — ■— ■ ^^ — *" -— — — -^ Predomin. worse Out doors *, when drawing up the diseased limb, assuming an erect position, and from eructation. N.B. Rhus has not the oversensitiveness to pain of Aurum. On the other hand, Aurum very rarely has the sensation of numbness in suffering parts, frequent with Rhus. Both remedies have improvement "when walking out doors," therefore motion decides here. Aurum. Sepia. Inclination for open air — Pain pressing in- Aversion to open air — Pain pressing out- wards, wards. Rending pain upwards — Rending pain in Rending pain downwards — Rending pain internal parts. in external parts. Itching, unchauged by scratching . . . Itching, aggravated by scratching. Painful swelling of glands Painless swelling of glands. Pulse accelerated, but small Pulse is accelerated, particularly by vexa- tion and exercise ; quick and full at night, slow during day. Want of thirst predominant during chill . Want of thirst predominant, particularly during sweat — Thirst only during chill. Very rarely paralysis Paralysis. Complaints predominant on front side of Complaints predominant on back part of thigh. thigh. Taciturnity — Cheerfulness or dejection — Loquacity — Predominant sadness — Indif- Distrust — Delirium. ference — Avarice — Absent-mindedness — Imbecility — Unconsciousness. Does nothing but ask questions .... Says something else than he intended. Active memory predominant Weakness of memory. Generally optical illusions in bright colors . Optical illusions in dark colors. Discharge of fetid pus from ears .... Predominant discharge of blood from ears. Hunger predominant Generally loss of appetite. Appetite for milk Aversion to milk. Jaundice, with pain in liver and pit of sto- Jaundice, with pain in liver, mach, greenish-brown urine, bad breath, and putrid taste. Retention of urine Involuntary discharge of urine. Nasal secretion thick Nasal secretion watery. Expectoration infrequent ; morning and Expectoration predominant, but not con- evening, stant; is loosened night and morning, and generally swallowed. Remission during day and evening, till Remission of complaints afternoon. midnight. Almost always aggrav.* after lying down . Better or worse after lying down. Worse on awaking Worse or better on awaking; that is, better after sufficient sleep. Better on and after getting out of bed . . Generally better, sometimes worse, on and after getting out of bed. Worse from exertion, walking fast, run- Oftener improved than aggravated by exer- ning, etc. tion. Worse when hungry Worse after a satisfying meal. Worse in cold weather, better in warm air . Worse or better in cold (resp. warm) air. Predomin. worse -— — -""^ — — — -^ Predomin. better In wet weather, when Bitting down, and after sleep. Predomin. better -— " — ■— - — - > *>- — — — -. Predomin, worse In dry weather, from pressure, when eating, from eructation, and after stool. * Both remedies have improvement ol'tener than aggravation from warmth of bed. 1 Aurum. SHscea. Inclination for open air — Often indicated Aversion to open air — Often indicated with with old people. children. Constriction in inward parts — Pain pressing Constriction in external parts — Pain press- inwards, ing outwards. Rending pain upwards — Apoplexia san- Rending pain downwards — Apoplexia ner- guinea — Very rarely paralysis. vosa — Paralysis. Itching, unchanged by scratching . . . Itching, aggrav. or unchanged by scratch- ing. Distention of veins of feet Distention of veins of hands. Want of thirst predominant, particularly Thirst predominant, particularly during heat, during chill. Pulse quick and small Pulse quick, small, but hard ; irregular. Mood irritable ; distrustful; fearful; cheer- Mood gentle; indifferent; dejected; amo- ful or sad. rous. Active memory predominant — Delirium — "Weakness of memory. Insanity. Optical illusions generally in bright colors . Optical illusions in black or dark colors. Hunger predominant Generally loss of appetite. Urine infrequent and scanty — Retention of Urine often, but scanty — Incontinence. urine. Coryza predominantly fluent Coryza dry oftener than fluent. Cough predominantly dry — Expectoration Cough predominantly loose — Expectoration morning and evening. during day. Complaints predominant in palm of hand, Complaints predominant on back of hand, on thigh, and particularly on front side leg, and on back part of thigh. of thigh. Remission during day, evening and before Remission of complaints before midnight, midnight. Better after getting out of bed .... Worse or better after getting out of bed. Better or worse when rising from a seat . Worse when rising from a seat. Worse from exertion, walking fast, run- Worse or better from exertion, etc. ning, etc. Worse when blowing the nose .... Worse when blowing the nose ; but better afterwards. Worse after drinking Worse or better after drinking. Worse when hungry Worse after a satisfying meal. Ailments from abuse of Mercury . . . Ailments from Mercury, Sulphur, or sting of insects. Predomin. worse — — -» --"*->* — — -^ Predomin. better In wet weather, in-doors, and when sitting down. Predomin. better ■— ^^ — — — --^. Predomin. worse In dry weather, ont-doors and walking ont-doors, when getting ont of bed, when eating, and from external pressure. N.B. Aumm very rarely has the sensation of numbness in suffering parts, which is quite frequent. with Silicea. Aurum. Sulphur. Increased bodily irritability Inclination for open air — Pain pressing in- wards. Rending pain, upw'ds. — Itching unchanged by scratching. Tainful eruptions Painful swelling of glands Pulse quick, but small Chill lessened after getting out of bed . . Heat with aversion to being uncovered . . Want of thirst predom., partic. during chill. Sleeplessness aft. midn't ; awak'g too early. Want of bodily irritability. Aversion to open air — Pain pressing out- ward. Rending pain downwards — Itching lessened by scratching. Painless eruptions. Painless but hot swelling of glands. Pulse accelerated, full and hard. Chill increased after getting out of bed. Heat with inclination to uncover. Thirst predom., mostly during heat. Sleeplessness before midn't ; awak'g too late. Mood cheerful or sad — Distrust .... Ailments from disappointed love, grief, con- tradiction, anger, or from vexation with reserved displeasure. Does nothing but ask questions .... Active memory predom Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis . . Eyes protruding — Complaints predom. on inner angle of the eye. Optical illusions predom. in bright colors . Complaints predom. on upper gum . Hunger predom. — Appetite for milk Urine infrequent and scanty . . . Nasal secretion thick Expectoration infrequent ; morning & ev en- Complaints predom. on outer and front side of thigh and on top of foot. External parts become black Mood sad and despondent ; indifferent. Ailments from hearing bad news, from shame or vexation with fright. Repeats words spoken to him, on account of difficult comphehension. Weakness of memory. Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy. Eyes generally sunken — Complaints pre- dom. on external angle of eye. Optical illusions in dark colors. Complaints predom. on lower gum. Generally loss of appetite — Avers'n to milk. Urine often and scanty; but sometimes Nasal secretion watery. [copious. Expectoration not constant; morning and during day, less frequent at night. Complaints frequent on inner and back part of thigh, and on sole of foot. Red parts grow white. Remis. during day & evening till midnight. Worse when hungry Worse when growing cold, and in cold weather ; better when growing warm, and in warm air. Most frequently improved by warmth of bed. Better when assuming an erect position . Better after getting out of bed . . . . Better or worse when rising from a seat . Better when moving the diseased part . . Ailments from abuse of Mercury .... before midnight. Remission afternoon and Worse after a satisfying meal. Better or worse when growing cold, (resp. warm,) and in cold (resp. warm) weather. Most frequently aggrav. by warmth of bed. Aggrav. oftener than improved when assum- ing an erect position. Worse or better after getting out of bed. Worse when rising from a seat. Oftener aggrav. than improved when moving the diseased part. Ailments from metallic remedies in general, from Nitric acid, Iodine, Sepia, Rhus. and Cinchona. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From cold, and from being uncovered. Predomin. better Predomin. worse From warmth, wrapping up, and when walking out doors *. N.B. The oversensitiveness to pain, peculiar to Aurum, is very rarely found with Sulphur. * Both remedies have predom. improvement fiv>m being out doors, while Sniphur-complaiuts are nggravatod in a crowded room, the warmth of a stove also improves complaints of both remedies. Baryt. Calc. Itching aggravated by scratch in g Left side, partic. upper left, lower right side. Complaints predom. in exterior parts . . Is oftener indicated with old people, partic. when they are fat than with children. Rending pain downwards Inclination for open air When asleep, lying on the side— Apoplexia nervosa. Pulse generally accelerated, but weak . . . First chill, then heat Thirst, partic. during chill ...... Sweat stinking, often only on one side . . Itching improved oftener than aggrav. by scratching. Bight side, partic. upper right, lower left side. Complaints predom. in internal parts. Is often indicated with children and young people, partic. when they are fat. Rending pain upwards. Sensitiveness and aversion to open air. When asleep, lying on back with arms over the head, or on belly — Apoplexia sangui- ne a. Pulse quick and full, often trembling. First heat, then chill. Only during chill, sometimes want of thirst. Sweat sticky, coloring, or bloody; sweat often confined to front side of body. Distrust — Absent-mindedness — No deli- Pupils immoveable — Optical illusions gener- ally in bright colors. Complaints oftener on external than inner ear. Complaints on external nose Eruption on upper lip Complaints on lower teeth and lower jaw. Delicate taste — Generally loss of appetite . Waterbrash, improved by sweets .... Sexual desire lessened Catamenia scanty and of long duration . . Voice hoarse, deep, or weak Cough, partic. in the evening till midnight —Expectoration chiefly during the even- ing. Embarrassment — Amativeness — Delirium — Ailments from embarrasment. hearing bad news, and from vexation with fright, dread, or fear. Pupils dilated — Optical illusions in black or dark colors. Complains oftener in inner than on exter- nal ear. Complaints of the inner oftener than ex- ternal nose. Eruption predom. on under lip. Complaints predom. on upper teeth and upper jaw. Loss of taste — Generally hunger. Waterbrash aggrav. by sweets. Sexual desire increased. Catamenia profuse and of long duration. Yoice hoarse, or singing, nasal, or weak. Cough, partic. in evening, night, and morn- ing — Expectoration, morning and during day. Remission 7 during day and evening Worse when looking sidewavs . . Remission before midnight. Worse when looking up or down. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In doors, when lifting the diseased limb, lying on painful side, when sitting, assuming an erect position, and from rubbing and scratching. Predomin. better Predomin. worse Out doors, and when exercising out doors, letting the diseased limb hang down, lying on unpainful side, and from warmth of bed. N.B. We rarely find the oversensitiveness of Baryt. to pain with Calc. On the other hand, Baryt. has not the sensation of numbness in suffering parts, not infrequent with Calc. Baryt. SDhor. Itching, aggravated by scratching . . . Itching, oftener lessened than aggravated by scratching. Complaints (sensitiveness, etc.) predominant Complaints (sensitiveness, etc.) predominant in external parts. in internal parts. Left side ; particularly upper left, lower Bight side ; particularly upper right, lower right side. left side. Thirst Want of thirst. Pulse generally accelerated, but weak . . Pulse varying ; generally quick, full, and hard; irregular; sometimes intermitting. Sweat or chill on left side Sweat or chill on right side. Chill lessened in a warm room .... Chill increased in a warm room. Sweat increased while eating Sweat abating while eating. Hopelessness — Distrust Mood changing; glad or dejected; indif- ferent; haughty; amorous; ailments from fright, anger, (grief,) or from vexation with vehemence. 2so delirium — Absent-mindedness — Mental Delirium — Mental excitability — Ecstasies — dullness — Weak memory. Predominantly active memory. Complaints predominant on external angle Complaints predominant on inner angle of of eye. eye. Optical illusions in bright colors .... Optical illusions in black or prismatic colors. Complaints on upper lip Complaints on under lip. Urine often and copious Urine often, but scanty. Sexual desire decreased Sexual desire increased. Expectoration predominant ; evening . . Expectoration not constant ; morning and during day. Remission during day and evening . . . Worse in company, better when alone . . Better or worse from light (or in the dark.) Worse on awaking Predominantly worse after getting out of bed. Predominantly worse after meals, particu- larly after a satisfying meal. Worse when swallowing food or saliva . . Remission of complaints after midnight. Better or worse in company (or alone.) Worse from light, better in the dark. Better or worse on awaking ; particularly worse after the siesta. Better or worse after getting out of bed. Worse or better after meals, particularly better after a satisfying meal. Worse when swallowing food, partic. drink. Predomin. worse Predomin. better After a satisfying meal, but also on an empty stomach, when sitting, lifting the diseased limb, after sleep from the touch, from rubbing and scratching. Predomin. better — " ■*• -^~^- — — -*■""- -^ Predomin. woi'se After breakfast, after stool, from warmth of bed, and letting the diseased limb hang down. N.B. Baryt. has not the sensation of numbness in suffering parts of Phosphorus. Baryt. Pulsat. Left side* — Complaints of external parts Bight side— Complaints of internal parts predom. predominant. Itching, aggravated by scratching . . . Itching, aggrav. or unchanged by scratch'g. Ulcers, with scanty discharge Ulcers, with copious discharge. Local chill on upper part of body . . . Local chill on lower part of body. Chill, sweat, etc., predominant on left side . Chill, heat, sweat, predominant on right side. Chill increased by exercise, lessened in warm Chill lessened by exercise, increased in a room. warm room. Thirst, particularly during chill .... Want of thirst ; thirst only during heat. f Loquacity — Irritable mood — Xo delirium . Taciturnity — Gentleness — Ailments from excessive joy, fright, grief, mortification, or vexation with fright, dread or fear. Paralysis Rarely paralysis Complaints predominant on external angle Complaints predominant in inner angle of of eye, external ear, upper lip, on external eye, inner ear, on lower lip, on inner side side of gums, and in upper part of chest. of gums, and in lower part of chest. When asleep, lying on the side .... When asleep, lying on back, often with the arms over the head. Generally loss of appetite Generally hunger. Urine frequent and copious Urine infrequent and scanty. Sexual desire decreased Sexual desire increased. Catamenia scanty, of long duration . . . Catamenia scanty and of short duration. Expectoration, particularly in evening . . Expectoration morning and during day. , Aggravation night and morning . . . Aggravation from noon till midnight. Worse on awaking Worse or better on awaking. Predominantly worse after getting out of bed. Worse or better after getting out of bed. Better after rising from a seat Better or worse after rising from a seat. Predominantly better when sitting down . Worse or better when sitting down. Worse when bending the diseased part . . Better or worse when bending the diseased part. Worse from pressure Better or worse from pressure. Worse when swallowing ..*.... Worse or better when swallowing. Worse when looking sideways Worse when looking upwards. Predomin. worse - "" ■"-*■*- — -^"^ ^***^ — ^ Predomin. better From cold, from growing cold, and in cold weather, from motion, walking, stretching out, or lifting up diseased limb, washing or moistening the suffering part, lying on painful side, after getting out of bed and from pressure. Predomin. better ^~- — L -^^.^ — m -^ Predomin worse From warmth, from warmth of bed, from growing warm and in warm air, during rest, after lying down, while lying, when drawing up the diseased limb or letting it hang down, and when lying on the unpainful side. N.B. Baryt. has not the sensation of numbness in suffering parts frequent with Pulsatilla. * The formula "upper left, lower right side" applies to both remedies, but ap; ears, as will be noticed, in a different .uiner in tli<( local fever-symptoms. I Besides this, Pulsatilla has thirst before and after chill and between heat and sweat. Baryt. SiSicea. Left side; particularly upper left, lower R ight side; particularly upper right, lower right side. left side. Inclination for open air Aversion to open air. Constriction in internal parts Constriction in external parts. Itching, aggravated by scratching . . . Itching, aggrav. or unchanged by scratch- ing. Complaints predominant on external angle Complaints predominant in inner angle of of eye, on external nose, and in upper eye, in inner nose, and in lower part of part of chest. chest. Pulse generally accelerated and weak . . Pulse quick, small, but hard. Thirst, particularly during chill .... Thirst, particularly during heat. Chill lessened in warm room Chill increased in warm room. Mood irritable; distrustful — Unconscious- Gentleness — Indifference — "Very rarely un- ness. consciousness. Optical illusions, generally in bright colors. Optical illusions, in black or dark colors. Sexual desire too weak Sexual desire too strong. Coryza predominantly fluent Coryza, dry oftener than fluent. Expectoration, particularly in evening . . Expectoration during day. Remission during day and evening . . . Remission of complaints before midnight. Worse or better from light (or in the dark.) Worse from light, better in the dark. Better or worse from eructation .... Predominantly better from eructation. Worse when blowing nose Worse when blowing nose, but better after- wards. Worse when looking sideways Worse when looking upwards Predomin. worse -— -*- «^- — — ^ Predomin. better In wet weather, in-doors, in company, on an empty stomach, from warm diet, when assuming an erect position, and from exercise. Predomin better -*■*- — — -^"^ — ' — -^ Predomin. worse In dry weather, out-doors, when alone, after breakfast, from cold diet, respiring deeply, and during rest. N.B. Baryt. has not the sensation of numbness in suffering parts frequent with Silicea. Baryt. Sulphur. Inclination for open air— Itching, aggra- Aversion to open air— Itching, lessened by rated by scratching. scratching. Pulse generally accelerated and weak . . Pulse quick, full, and hard. Thirst, particularly during chill .... Thirst, particularly during heat; generally want of thirst during chill. Apoplexy Rarely apoplexy. Distrust— No delirium Mood changing ; gentle ; indifferent— De- lirium — Ailments from embarrassment, hearing bad news, from fright, mortifica- tion, or from vexation with fright, dread, or fear. Optical illusions, in bright colors .... Optical illusions, in dark colors. Complaints generally on external ear and Complaints generally in inner ear and on on upper gum. lower gum. Urine frequent and copious Urine frequent and scanty ; sometimes also copious, that is, after quantitative doses. Catamenia generally of long duration . . Catamenia generally of short duration. Expectoration predominant, particularly in Expectoration not constant ; morning and evening. during day ; less frequent at night. Remission during day and evening . . . Remission afternoon and before midnight. Better or worse from light (resp. in the Predominantly worse from light, better in dark.) the dark. Worse when growing cold and in cold Better or worse from growing cold and in weather ; better when growing warm cold weather, (from growing warm and and in warm air. in warm air.) Worse in-doors*, better in the open air . Better or worse in-doors, (resp. in the open air.) Better or worse from eructation. Almost always improved by eructation. "Worse when looking sideways Worse when looking down, particularly at running water. Predomin. worse — -— ~~ ~~ ——"--. -^ — «=-"**' — -^_ Predomin. better From cold, from warm diet, scratching, from external pressure, and from exercise. Predomin. better - — - — — — - x " v -> — — ■ ** UJ " Predomin. worse From warmth, from warmth of bed, cold diet, after lying down, and during rest generally. N.B. We rarely find the over-sensitiveness to pain peculiar to Baryt. with Sulphur ; on the other hand, Baryt. lacks the sensation of numbness in suffering parts frequent with Sulphur. * Yet we also find "improvement by warmth of stove" with Baryt. (as with Sulphur), while Sulphur-complaints are aggravated in a crowded room. Belladonna, Bryonia Upper left, lower right side — Dark hair . Upper right, lower left side — Light hair. Obesity predom Emaciation predom. Rending pain upwards Rending pain downwards. Constriction in internal parts Constriction in external parts. Humid eruptions — Induration of the eel- Dry eruptions — Suppuration of the cellular hilar tissue tissue. Cold on diseased part Chill or heat on diseased part. Sweat lessened in doors Sweat increased in doors. Thirst very rare during chill Thirst predom., but not constant. Changeable mood — Cheerfulness or dejec- Predom. peevishness] sadness. tion — Indifference — Distrust — Malice. Memory very active or very weak . . . Weak memory. Vertigo inclining to fall sideways (left side) Vertigo, inclining to fall backwards. or backwards. Aversion to light, partic. candle light . . Aversion to light, partic. sun light. Eruption on upper lip Eruption on under lip. Drinks often, but little at a time .... Drinks rarely, but a great deal at a time. Predom. aversion to sour things .... Appetite for sour things. Nausea in throat or abdomen, rarely in Nausea in stomach or abdomen, rarely in stomach. oesophagus. Scentless flatus Fetid flatus. Diarrhoea generally painless Diarrhoea generally painful. Expectoration infrequent ; morning, during Expectoration not constant; morning and day, evening. evening, more rare during day. Complaints predom. in upper part of chest, Complaints predom. in lower part of chest, and on shin. and in calf of leg. "With Cows : Painful swelling of the udder. With Cows : Painless swelling of the udder. Remission of complaints after midnight and in forenoon. Worse in cold weather and when growing cold. Better when letting the diseased limb hang down. Oftener improved than aggrav. by bending diseased limb. Worse during full moon Remission fore and afternoon. In cold weather and when growing cold, sometimes better, sometimes worse. When letting the diseased limb hang down, sometimes worse, sometimes better. Worse when bending diseased limb. Worse before a thunder storm. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In the twilight, and when sitting erect. Predomin. better Predomin. worse From stooping and sitting hent forward, bending the head back, when stretching ont the diseased limb, and from change of position. Belladonna. CaScarea. Upper left, lower right side — Dark hair. Upper right, lower left side — Light hair. Muscles rigid — Apoplexy more frequent Muscles lax — Paralysis more frequent than than paralysis. apoplexy. Complaints predom. on lower jaw, on upper Complaints predom. on upper jaw, on fore arm, and on external side of thigh. arm, and on inner side of thigh. Heat with aversion to uncover .... Heat with inclination to uncover. Thirst not constant, very rare during chill. Thirst almost constant during all stages of the fever, only sometimes it is wanting, during chill. Eruptions generally humid Eruptions generally dry. Durii.g sleep often lying with head on arm. When asleep, often the arms above the head. Generally insensibility of disposition. . . Sensitiveness of disposition. Satiety of life with longing for death . . Satiety of life with fear of death. Fear of being poisoned or of apoplexy . . Fear of loss of reason. Mood changing; distrustful; malicious. Ecstacy or mental dullness — Insanity or Imbecility. imbecility. Ailments from fright, anger, mortification, Ailments from hearing bad news. or from vexation with vehemence. Memory active or weak Weak memory. Headache, better during catamenia, from Headache worse during catamenia, from pressure, tying something tightly around pressure, or tying something tight around it, and wrapping up ; worse from warmth. it, & from wrapping up, better fr. warmth. Eruption on upper lip Eruption predom. on under lip. Predom. aversion to sour things .... Appetite for sour things. Kausea in throat or abdomen, rarely in Nausea in stomach. stomach. Inguinal hernia small, recent, with spasmodic Inguinal hernia lax, apt to be incarcerated, incarceration and difficulty to be reduced. (fr. cough, &c.,) but also easily reduceable. Respiration predom. low Respiration loud. Expectoration infrequent ; morning, during Expectoration not constant; morning and day, evening. during day, rarely in evening. Remission after midnight and in forenoon. Remission of complaints before midnight. Worse from light ; better in the dark . . Worse or better from light, (in the dark.) Almost always worse when closing the eyes, Better or worse when closing (resp. open- better when opening them. ing) the eyes. Worse when looking sideways Worse when looking upward or downward. Worse or better from wine Worse from spirituous liquor. Worse or better when assuming an erect Better when assuming an erect position, position. Aim. always improved aft. gett'g out of bed. Worse or better after getting out of bed. Worse when rising from a seat .... Worse or better when rising from a seat. Worse from walking fast, running, &c. . . Oftener aggrav. than improved by running, &c, partic. worse from exertion on an empty stomach. Worse from heat of sun Worse in snowy air. Predomin. worse — — "' «* — <-**^ — ^-»-** E " ~^-^ Predomin. bettor In dry weather, from being uncovered, from the touch, when drawing up, lifting or resting the diseased limb on something. Predomin. better — - -- — . -"^ — —**""■ — — Predomin. worse In wet weatber, from wrapping up in bed, from pressure, when stooping, bending the diseased part backward, when stretching out the suffering limb, or letting it hang down, and when boring with the finger in ear or nose. N.B. We rarely find the oversensitiveness of Bellad. to pain with Calcarea,— with Bellad. rarely the sensation of numbness in suffering parts, frequent with Calc. Belladonna Cantharid Aversion to exercise — Obesity predomi- nant. Crawling sensation in external parts. . . Bending pain upwards— Apoplexy pre- Inclination for exercise — Emaciation dominant. Crawling sensation in internal parts. Rending pain downwards — No apoplexy. Ulcers, with scanty discharge Ulcers, with copious discharge. Changing mood — Cheerfulness or dejection ; Indifference; distrust; malice. Sleeplessness before midnight. When the pulse grows slow, it is full and strong. Heat descending Thirst not constant; most rare during chill ; but appears before the chill, and also after sweat. Drinks often, but little at a time .... Nausea in throat or abdomen, rarely in sto- mach. Coryza* predominantly dry Yoice nasal Expectoration from morning till evening . Complaints predominant in hollow of knee, in shin, and in sole of foot. Amativeness. Sleeplessness after midnight. When the pulse grows slow, it is weak. Heat predominantly ascending. No thirst during chill; but appears after chill and during heat. Drinks seldom, but much at a time. Nausea in stomach. Coryza predominantly fluent. Yoice trembling. Expectoration in evening. Complaints predominant in hollow of elbow, in calf of leg, and in the instep. Remission of complaints after midnight and Remission of complaints morning and even- during forenoon. ing, till midnight. Worse while sweating Better after sweating. Predomin. better Predomin. worse After getting out of bed, and when stooping. Only during the sweating stage of fever fluent coryza is predominant with Belladonna. Belladonna. China. Right side predominant — Obesity . . . Aversion to exercise*; Apoplexiasanguinea Rending pain upwards Pulse generally full (large) . . . . Sweat on front or right side of body . Sweat sometimes general, with exception of the head. Thirst not constant ; most rare during the chill. Left side — Emaciation. Inclination for exercise — Apoplexia nervosa. Rending pain downwards Pulse predominantly small Sweat on back of body, or only on left side. Sweat sometimes general, with exception of the feet. Thirst mostly during sweat; besides this, particularly between the several stages. Changing mood — Fear; Distrust; Dejec- Sadness.? tion or cheerfulness. Scheming. C.Hg. Mental dullness oftener than mental excit- Rarely unconsciousness or delirium in fevers. ability. Consequences of fright, anger, or mortifica- Ecstasies. tion. Vertigo, inclining to fall sideways (left side) Vertigo, inclining to fall backwards. or backwards. Pupils dilated first, then contracted . . . Pupils first contracted, then dilated. Far-sightedness Short-sightedness. Eyes protruding Eyes generally sunken. Complaints predominant in inner angle of Complaints predominant in external angle eye, on lower jaw, in upper part of chest, of eye, on upper jaw, in lower part of in the liver, and on the shin. chest, in spleen (oftener than in liver,) and on calf of leg. Predominant aversion to sour things . . Appetite for sour things. Nausea in throat or abdomen ; rarely in JSausea in throat or stomach. stomach. Scentless flatus Fetid flatus. Lochia suppressed Lochia continue bloody too long. Voice hoarse or raised Voice hoarse or deep. Respiration predominantly low ... . Respiration generally loud. Expectoration infrequent ; morning, during Expectoration not constant; during day, and evening. and evening. day Remission forenoon and after midnight . Aggravation in the Spring Worse during sleep; generally also after sleep. Worse during sweat, predominantly better after it. Ailments from abuse of Cinchona, Plumb., sting of insects, or contagious Anthrax. Remission afternoon and evening. Aggravation in the Autumn. Worse during sleep, better after sleep ; that is, after sufficient sleep ; for awaking from sleep, when roused, is generally followed by aggravation. Worse after the sweat. Ailments from abuse of Sulphur or of Calc. Predomin. worse -— - — , * l **« ^s =*=**=*" — ^ Predomin. belter In dry weather, when uncovering the head, sitting erect, drawing up the diseased limb, lying on left side, and after sleep. Predomin. better — ■* -^^ — ' ' — -^. Predomin. worse In wet weather, from wrapping up the head, when sitting, particularly sitting and leaning forward, stretching out the diseased limb, in bed, lying; on back, when stooping^ bending the head back- wards, lying on the right side, and after the sweat. * Belladonna also has inclination for constant motion in single or in the suffering parts. Belladonna Consum. Dark hair — Jerking pain in external parts . Light hair — Jerking pain in internal parts. Painful swelling of the glands Painless swelling of the glands. Pulse generally quick, full, hard, and tense. Pulse very irregular ; generally slow and large ; now and then with small and quick beats. Partial sweat on upper part of body . . Sweat on lower part of body. Thirst most rare during chill; not constant. Want of thirst. Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis . . Paralysis (painless) more frequent than apo- plexy. Silly merriness or sadness — Mood distrust- Mood sad; serious — Very rarely delirium. ful, irritable, malicious. Ailments from fright, anger, mortifica- Ailments from grief. tion, etc. Memory active or weak Weak memory. Yertigo, inclining to fall backwards or side- Vertigo, inclining to fall sideways. ways. Desire for bread— Aversion to coffee . . Aversion to bread— Appetite for coffee. Catamenia too soon, profuse, and of long Catamenia too late, scanty, and of short duration. duration. Expectoration infrequent; morning, during Expectoration infrequent; is loosened only day, evening. during day, and is swallowed. Complaints predominant on upper arm . . Complaints predominant on fore-arm. Remission after midnight and in forenoon. Remission of complaints in forenoon. Better (resp. worse) when lying on back or Better when lying on back, worse lying on side. side. Worse or better when assuming an erect Almost always aggravated when assuming position. an erect position. Worse when getting out of bed .... Worse or better when getting out of bed. Worse (resp. better) when ascending or Better when ascending, worse when de- descending, seen ding. Oftener aggravated than improved by wine Oftener improved than aggravated by wine, and other spirituous liquors. etc. Worse from heat of sun Worse in snowy air. Predomin. wor§e ^ " "■—»*•« ^~^ — ^****** a ~~~ ^-^ Predomin. better In the sun, in dry weather, from warm diet, particularly when moving the diseased part, when walking, and closing the eyes. Predomin. better — * — .' — -^^~ -*■ — — Predomin. worse In wet weather, from cold diet*, during rest, when standing, sitting or lying, from change of position, bending the diseased part backwards, and when opening the eyes. N.B. We rarely find the sensation of numbness in suffering parts of Conium with Belladonna. * When drinking cold water, Belladonna also has aggravation, because one of its effects is that swallowing jl it ids inconveniences. Belladonna Cuprum Right side ; particularly loicer right, tipper left side. Dark hair — Muscles rigid Aversion to exercise* Crawling sensation or bruised pain in ex- ternal parts. Apoplexia sanguinea — Paralysis often one- sided. Complaints predominant in upper part of chest, on upper arm, in hollow of knee, and on shin. Humid eruptions Pulse generally full and accelerated . . . Left side; particularly lower left, upper right side. Light hair — Muscles lax. Inclination for exercise. Crawling sensation or bruised pain in in- ternal parts. Apoplexia nervosa — Paralysis generally of both sides. Complaints predominant in lower part of chest, on fore-arm, in hollow of elbow, and on calf of leg. Dry, cutaneous eruptions. Pulse generally weak and slow. Fear of being poisoned, or of apoplexy . Distrust — Cheerfulness or sadness . . . Fancies — Cannot express a thought, with- out first saying something foolish. Ailments from anger or mortification . . Consequences of being very much over- heated, or taking cold. Vertigo, inclining to fall backwards or side- ways. Eyes protruding. Catamenia too soon Voice low Expectoration in morning, during day, even- ing. Fear of loss of reason. Cheerfulness predominant. Speaking words that one did not intend to say. Ailments from hearing bad news. Consequences of violent exertion, with mental excitement. CHg. Vertigo, inclining to fall forwards. Eyes generally sunken. Catamenia too late. Voice low or stronger than usual. Expectoration, with the cough in the morn- ing. Remiss, after midnight and in forenoon . Worse during full moon Toothache better when eating, worse after- wards. Better (or worse) when lying on back or side. Worse or better when assuming an erect position. Worse (or better) when ascending, or when descending. Worse when looking sideways Ailments from abuse of Cinchona or Mer- cury, from Plumbum, Iodine, sting of in- sects, or contagious Anthrax. Remission of complaints during day. Worse during and after new moon. Complaints improved by drinking, worse afterwards. Worse when lying on back, better when lying on side. Worse when assuming an erect position. Worse when ascending; better when de- scending. Worse when looking upwards. Ailments from Calc. Predomin. worse Fredomin. better In dry weather, and white sweating. Predomin. better ^^— "^ — -^ Predomin worse In wet weather, from pressure, when stooping, when bending the diseased part backwards, and when turning in bed. * With Belladonna there sometimes occurs inclination for exercise in single or suffer ng parts. Belladonna. Hyoscyamus. "Tpp. left, lower r. side— Hair gener'ly dark. Upper right, lower left side — Light hair. Skin and muscles rigid — Apopl. sanguinea. Skin and muscles lax — Apoplexia nervosa. Complaints of internal parts predom. . Complaints of external parts predom. Crawling sensation in external parts . . . Crawling sensation in internal parts. Paralysis generally painful — Eruptions, d°. Paralysis generally painless — Eruptions d°. Generally increased beats of pulse . . . The number of puls's decreases at first. C.Hg. When the pulse becomes slow, it is full . . When the pulse becomes slow, it is small. Sweat on upper part of body Sweat on lower part of body. Heat descending — Humid eruptions . . . Heat ascending — Dry eruptions. Thirst not constant, most rare during chill. Thirst is wanting only during chill. Dejection, Indifference, Absent-mindedness. Haughtiness — Amativeness — Jealousy. Ailments from mortification. (Spasms in Ailments from grief or jealousy. consequence of vexation. C.Hg.) . . . Headache increased by exercise, partic. ag- Headache improved by walking. C.Hg. gravated out doors. The pupil of diseased eye is larger than that The pupil of the suffering eye is more con- of the healthy one. tracted. Dimsightedness more frequent than clear- Clearsightedness more frequent than dim- sightedness — Farsightedness. sightedness — Shortsightedness more fre- quent than farsightedness. When the pupils are dilated, staring look, When the pupils are dilated, eyes sunken, eyes lusterless, dull, glazed. staring and lustrous. C.Hg. Angles of the eyes painful when touched . Rending pain in angles of eyes, disappear- ing by touch. d°. Sense of smell generally too sensitive . . Sense of smell weak or entirely lost. d°. More pain in lower part of belly .... More complaints in upper belly. d°. Too great irritability of the urethra . . . Paralysis of the bladder. d°. Indifference to sexual desire Excessive sexual desire. d°. Milk predom. increased Secretion of milk decreased. Catamenia predom. too soon Catamenia too late. Expectoration not often, sometimes only Expectoration not often, only sometimes in during day ; in the morning and not in the morning ; on the other hand chiefly dur- even'g, or in the ev'g & not in the morn'g. ing day. Respiration predom. low Respiration loud. Compl'ts predom. on upper arm & on shin. Compl'ts pred. in fore arm & on calf of lug. Tension and stiffness in hip and knee . . Cramp in calf of leg and of the toes. C.Hg. Rending pain in sole of foot, with stitches Rending pain in sole of foot, generally dur- when walking. ing rest, disappearing when walking, ap- pearing again when sitting down. C.Hg. With Horses: Amaurosis with eyes red- With Horses: Amaurosis with winking of dened and constant restlessness. eyes and carrying the head high. With Horses : Founder with dragging of With Horses : Inflammation of brain with the hind legs. wavering on the common. Remission forenoon and after midnight . Remission of complaints during day. All compl'ts worse in afternoon 3 or 4 o'cl. Symptoms are worst in evening. C.Hg Worse, partic. from candle light .... Worse, partic. from day light. Better when lying, and in bed Worse wh. lying, but better fr. warmth of bed. Worse when getting out of bed; better Better when getting out of bed ; wo?'se af- afterwards. terwards. Predomin. worse - — - — — • ^"^ -— ""* "*-— . „ Fredomin. better From external pressure, sitting bent forward, holding- the diseased part bent, when lying and after getting out of bed. Predomin. better --— " — -— -^> — ■— -" "■" — ■— ^ Predomin. worse When getting out of bed, and when sitting erect. Belladonna, Lachesis. Blood coagulates easily Blood incoagulable. Dark hair— Muscles rigid Light hair — Muscles lax— Very rarely para- lysis. Anxious dreams Tleasant dreams. Most frequently insensibility of disposition. Sensitiveness of disposition. Changing mood — Hopelessness — Sadness. Haughtiness — Ainativeness. Hasty deliration — Merry talkativeness . . Mania for relation, but one word often leads Ailments from anger, vexation, mortifica- into the midst of another story. C.Hg. tion. Ailments from jealousy. Difficult comprehension; mental dullness Comprehends easily ; mental excitability. or mental excitability. Memory very active or very weak . . . Weak memory — Tery rarely unconscious- ness. Pulse most frequently quick, full, hard and Pulse very unequal ; generally quick, but tense. small and weak, often alternating with full and hard beats. Cold shudders or heat descending . . . Cold shudders or heat ascending. Thirst not constant, most rare during chill. Ko thirst during chill, is not frequent dur- ing heat. Sweat lessened when and after getting out Sweat increased when and after getting out of bed. of bed. Farsightedness Shortsightedness. Aversion to beer and to sour things . . . Appetite for beer or sour things. Scentless flatus Fetid flatus. Catamenia too profuse and of long duration. Catamenia too scanty and of short duration. Coryza predom. * dry Coryza preclom. fluent. Expectoration from morning till evening . Expectoration, which is generally swal- lowed, is loosened, in morning and dur- ing day. Remission after midnight and in forenoon. Worse during sleep, generally also after- wards. Worse when swallowing and after drinking. Complaints predom. after meals .... Worse in dry, cold weather; better in damp and warm air. Worse during full moon Aggravation afternoon and evening till midnight. Predom. better during sleep, but worse af- terwards. Quite as often improved as aggrav. when swallowing and after drinking. Complaints predom. before meals. C.Hg. Better in dry, cold weather; worse in damp cold or warm air. Worse before a thunder storm. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In dry cold weather, from exercise, shaking the head, respiring deeply, drinking coffee, and when drawing up the diseased limb. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In damp, warm air, during rest, when sitting and lying, when stretching out the diseased limb, when holding the suffering part bent, from change'of "position, from external pressure, and from eruc- tation. N.B. We rarely find the oversensitiveness to pain of theBalladonna-patient, with Lach. N.B. Both remedies have great sensitiveness around the throat, even to the touch of the bed-clothos. C.Hg. * Fluent coryza is preval. only during the sweating stage of fever with Beilad. Belladonna. Mercur. Dark hair — Muscles rigid Light hair — Muscles lax. Rending pain upwards — Induration of eel- Rending pain downwards — Suppuration of hilar tissue. cellular tissue. Complaints predominant oil roof of mouth, Complaints predominant on soft palate, on on upper arm, in hollow of elbow, on pa- fore-arm, on tip of elbow, and on inner tella, and on outer side of thigh. side of thigh. TThen the pulse becomes slow, it is full . . When the pulse becomes slow, it is weak. Thirst constaut; more before than during Thirst predominant during all stages of the the chill. fever, but not constant. Dreams of fire, etc Dreams of water, etc. Fear of being poisoned, or of apoplexy . Fear of loss of reason. Silly merriness or dejection — Distrust . . Seriousness. Love of being alone Fear of being alone. Tries to get out of the bed Tries to run out of the house. C.Hg. Mental excitability or dullness .... Mental dullness. Ailments from fright, anger, or vexation . Ailments from emotion in general. Memory active or weak Weak memory. Toothache, with sleepiness Toothache, with sleeplessness. Nausea in throat or abdomen, rarely in sto- Nausea in oesophagus or stomach, rarely in mach. throat. Catamenia too soon Catamenia too late. Milk most frequently increased .... Milk decreased or spoiled. Coryza predominantly dry Coryza fluent oftener than dry. Expectoration infrequent ; morning, during Expectoration not constant ; during day. day, evening. Remission after midnight and in forenoon. Remission of complaints during day.* Worse in Spring Worse in Autumn. Better (resp. worse) when lying on back or Better when lying on back ; worse when on side. lying on side. Worse when growing cold, better when When growing cold, worse or (after warmth growing warm. of bed) better. Better from cold, worse from warm diet . Worse from cold or warm diet; when warm diet aggravates, cold diet improves. Sugar lessens burning sensation in the Desire for sweets, but worse after partaking throat, water does not. of them. Worse or better from wine Worse from drinking wine. Almost always aggravated when swallow- Better or worse when swallowing; particu- ing. larly worse when swallow'g saliva or drink. Worse or better when leaning against any- Better when leaning against anything. thing; particularly better when leaning ag'st something hard (and from pressure.) Ailments from Mercurius, Plumbum, Iodine, Ailments from Arsenic or Copper vapors. or contagious Anthrax. from Sulphur or Calc. Predomin. worse -- — ' ""■■"■i***^ a. .^ ^as-***— ■ _ Fredomin. better In dry weather, and from smoking. Predomin better - — — -'-"**. -^"^ — — —— ' — - — Predomin. worse In wet weather, from pressure, when stooping, when holding the breath, and when turning in bed. N.B. Although Mercurius has the character of increased constitutional irritability, yet we rarely find the over-sensitiveness to pain peculiar to Belladonna with this remedy. * Except toothache, which sometimes rages all day and ceases at night. C.Hg. Belladonna IVSezereum Bight side; particularly lower right, upper Left side; particularly lower left, upper left side. right side. Dark hair — A. version to open air. . . . Light hair — Inclination for open air. Crawling sensation, or jerking pain in ex- Crawling sensation, or jerking pain in in- ternal parts. ternal parts. Apoplexy — Obesity — Swelling of suffering No apoplexy — Emaciation, particularly of parts. suffering parts. Ulcers, with scanty discharge Ulcers, with copious discharge. Complaints predominant on lower jaw, Complaints predominant on upper jaw, up- lower teeth, and in upper part of chest. per teeth, and in lower part of chest. Sleeplessness before midnight Sleeplessness predominant after midnight. Pulse changed Pulse changed very little. Thirst not constant; most rare during chill, Thirst, particularly during chill, often after sweat and before the chill. Chill increased out-doors Chill lessened out-doors. Likes to be alone — Restlessness and haste . Aversion to being alone — Indolence and phlegma. Memory active or weak Weak memory. Sensation like drunkenness; worse after Sensation of drunkenness; better after eating. meals. Eruption on upper lip Eruption on under lip. Aversion to fatty food Appetite for bacon. >»' ausea in throat or abdomen ; rarely in Nausea in throat or stomach. stomach. Voice often nasal Yoice failing or interrupted. Expectoration infrequent ; morning, during Expectoration infrequent ; morning. day, and evening. Remission after midnight and in forenoon. Better or worse when bending the diseased part. Oftener aggravated than improved when eating. Worse from warm diet; better from cold diet. Worse or better from wine Ailments from sting of insects, contagious Anthrax, or abuse of Cinchona, Plumb., or from Iodine. Remission after midnight and during day. Worse when bending the diseased part. Almost always improved when eating. Better from warm or cold diet; when better from cold diet, warm diet aggravates. Worse from drinking wine. Ailments from poisoning by Phosphor.* Predomin. worse Predomin. better Out-doors, when growing coldf, when sucking the gnms, when swallowing*, and when drawing up the suffering limb. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In-doors, when growing warm, after lying down, while lying, in bed, from pressure, and when stretching out or bending the diseased part backwards. * Both remedies are nseful agninst fie consequences of abuse of Mercurius. t This refers particularly to comulaints already existing and caused either by disease or medicine ; with both remedies cold favors the production of new complaints. ' % BelladonDa has aggravation, particularly when swallowing drink; Merzereum aggrav. when swallowing saliva. Belladonna. Moschus. Plethora predom. — Apoplexia sanguinea — Paralysis. Trembling with convulsive shocks, or of the hands and feet, with sudden screams. Fainting: fits from standing* Sleeplessness with strong desire for sleep . Heat or sweat with aversion to being un- covered. Thirst not constant, rare during chill ; more frequent before chill and after sweat. Delirium ; seeing animals, particularly black ones, or spectres. Ansemie — Apoplexia nervosa — Xo para- lysis of the limbs. Yiolent trembling, shaking without chill, so that the bed is shaken; at the same time screaming she must die. C.Hg. Fainting fits when rising, accompanied by vertigo and vomiting followed by head- ache, or itching over the whole body. Sleeplessness with nervous erethism. C.Hg. Heat or sweat with inclination for being uncovered. Want of thirst predom. Delirium ; supposes himself three times in bed, once again on each side. C.Hg. Cheerfulness or dejection — Distrust — Irrit- Amativeness more frequent than with Bel- ability — Malice. ladonna. Hypochondriasis of women with Erethism. Hypochondriasis with a tensive, tonic-spas- modic state — Hysterismus virilis. C.Hg. Memory active or weak Weak memory. Disgust for coffee Desire for coffee without milk. C.Hg. Xausea in throat or abdomen, rarely in Nausea in stomach, stomach. Sexual indifference Excited sexual desire. C.Hg. Complaints predom. in upper part of chest Complaints predom. in lower part of chest and on upper arm. and on fore arm. Remission after midnight and in forenoon. Increases (in potencies) the sensibility to cold damp air. Better when lying down, partic. on some- thing hard. Better (resp. worse) when lying on painful or un painful side. Great weakness, noticeable mostly when standing and moving. Remission morning and forenoon. Diminishes the insensibility to potentized medicines. C.Hg. The part lain on, pains as though sprained or broken. C.H*— ~ -— ^ Predomin. better From lying on the left side, after sleeping i, from washing and moistening the diseased part, when sitting erect, from warm diet, and when swallowing drink. Predomin. better -— — " ■"-— . -"^ -****-* 1 " "--— Predomin. worse From lying on right side, when turning in bed, sitting bent forward, and from cold diet. $ * In delirium tremens both remedies have great restlessness, which does not permit the patient to remain in any one place ; vertigo, trembling, bitter taste, disgust for meat, pain in the stomach, and other symptoms; therefore the one has often been given when the other should have been, and thus the cure was retarded. C.Hg. t Tiipsp symptoms are not opposites here, but are both caused by the same state of mind : impatience. % We find however with Nux vom., complaints after sleeping- too long. —The improvement of Nux vom. complaints follow only after efficient sleep ; when roused the complaints are aggravated. § Bellad. also has aggrav. from drinking cold water, because it has difficulty in swallowing drink. Belladonna. Opium. Dark hair — Heat, with aversion to being Light hair — Heat, with inclination for being uncovered. uncovered. Pulse generally quick, full, hard, and tense. Pulse varying; full and slow, with snoring respiration; quick and hard, with heat and quick respiration. Thirst not constant; most rare during chill, Want of thirst; thirst almost only between more frequent before chill. heat and sweat. Anxious dreams Dreams predominantly pleasant .... Complaints predominant on upper lip and Complaints predominant on under lip and on upper arm. on fore-arm. Merry or dejected and despondent . . . Cheerfulness and boldness — Gentleness or rage. Mood distrustful, peevish, irritable, mali- Imbecility of will, as though annihilated, cious. H.Gr. C.Hg. Difficult comprehension — Cannot express a Easy or difficult comprehension — Says no- thought, without first saying something thing but "yes." foolish. Ailments from mortification Ailments from excessive joy, or from shame.* Nausea in throat or abdomen, rarely in sto- Very rarely nausea, mach. Scentless flatus predominant Fetid flatus. Respiration predominantly low .... Respiration predominantly loud. Expectoration infrequent ; morning, during Expectoration infrequent ; during day. day, evening. Remission after midnight and in forenoon. Remission during day and evening. Better (resp. worse) when lying on back, Better when lying on back, worse when or on side. tying on side. Worse or better when assuming an erect Worse when assuming an erect position. position. Ailments from Mercurius, Iodine or abuse Ailments from charcoal vapors, Strychnine, of Cinchona, from sting of insects or or Digitalis. contagious Anthrax. Predomin. worse ^-^ — - — — -^^. — — —- ^ Predomin. better In the open air, from being uncovered, from cold, from growing cold, and in cold weather, from motion,t when walking, and from drinking coffee. Predomin. better ' """"-*■ -"^ -* "■ " ' — -^ Predomin. worse In-doors, from wrapping up, from warmth, from growing warm, and in warm air, during rest, after lying down, in bed, when lying, sitting, and standing. N.B. Predominant painlessness characterizes the effects of Opium, and over-sensitiveness to pain Bella- donna. Yet with Belladonna, whose constitutional character is rather vascillatiug, we also hud sensation of numbness, probably only in parts that were painful at first. * Both remedies have aggravation " token moving the. diseased part." t Opium also lias epileptic fits from fear or fright, or after bitter reproaches. O.ng. Belladonna. Phosphor. Upper left, lower right side— Obesity . . Upper right, lower left side — Emaciation — Fat only in single internal parts. Often indicat. with children a. young women. Often indicated with old people. Haemorrhages — Blood coagulates easily . Haemorrhages — Blood uncoagulable, or- coagulates slowly. Apoplexia sanguinea — Apoplexy more fre- Apoplexia nervosa — Paralysis more fre- quent than paralysis. quent than apoplexy. Paralysis often only one-sided Paralysis generally of both sides. Humid cutaneous eruptions Dry eruptions. Pulse equal Pulse unequal. Heat or sweat, with aversion to being un- Heat or sweat, with inclination for being covered. uncovered. Heatdescend'g; sweat on upper part of body. H. ascend'g* ; sweat on lower part of body. Thirst not constant; rare during chill ; more Almost constant want of thirst, frequent before chill and after sweat. Chill increased out-doors; heat and sweat Chill lessened out-doors; heat and sweat lessened in-doors. increased in-doors. Love of being alone Fear of being alone. Fear of apoplexy or of being poisoned . . Fear of apoplexy or of loss of reason. Distrust Haughtiness — Amativeness (more than Bel.) Mental excitability or dullness Mental excitability predominant. Spasms, partic. in the side not paralysed . Spasms, particularly in the paralysed side. Hydrocephalus acutus Hydrocephaloid. Eyes protruding — Pupils most frequently Eyes sunken — Pupils generally contracted — dilated — Far-sightedness. Short-sightedness. Complaints predominant on upper lip . . Complaints predominant on under lip . . Tongue and pituitary membrane of the Tongue and pituitary membrane of mouth mouth red. most frequently white. Aversion to sour things ; appetite for salt fish. Appetite for sour things; aversion to salt fish. Xausea in throat or abdomen, rarely stomach. Nausea in stomach. Voice raised or nasal Voice trembling or hissing. Expectoration infrequent; morning, during Expectoration not constant; morning and day, and evening. during day. PvEMIssion after midnight and in forenoon. Remission of complaints after midnight. "Worse during full moon Worse before a thunder-storm. Predominantly better in bed Worse or better in bed. Better (or worse) when lying on the pain- Worse when lying on painful side, better ful or on unpainful side. when lying on unpainful side. Worse during sleep Worse or better during sleep. Predomin. worse on awaking from sleep . Better or worse on awaking, particularly worse after the siesta. Generally improved after getting out of bed. Worse or better after getting out of bed. Worse dur'g sweat, generally better after it. Dur'g sweat better or worse, worse after it. Worse or better from wine Better from drinking wine. Ailments from Mercurius, from abuse of Ailments from abuse of table-salt. Cinchona, or from animal poisons. Predomin. worse ^— — -— — ~__-^-— — — B-1 *" — ->. Predomin. belter During twilight, in dry weather, out of doors, from being uncovered, after drinking, from drinking cold water, from drinking beer, from the touch, when sitting erect, when lifting or resting the diseased limb on anything, when drawing up the diseased limb, and after sleep. Predomin. better -~-—" ~'~~-*"--— -< s »>. — — ' "* ' " ' — ^ Predomin. worse In wet weather, in-doors, from wrapping up, from pressure, when sittiug bent forward, letting the dis- eased limb hang down, when stretching it out, when bending the suffering part backwards, from change of position, and after sweat. * Belladonna has chills creeping up the back and down the front of body. Phosphor has heat the same. CHg. Belladonna. Phosph. acid. Aversion * to exercise — Obesity .... Inclination for exercise— Emaciation. Rending pain upwards — Apoplexy . . . Rending pain downwards — No apoplexy. Painful swelling of glands Painless swelling of glands. Ulcers with scanty discharge Ulcers with copious discharge. Pulse generally quick, full, hard, and tense. Pulse generally quick, small, and weak ; in general irregular. Thirst not constant, rare during chill, more Thirst infrequent, almost only during sweat ; frequent before chill and after sweat. is wanting during chill. Sweat on front part of body Sweat on back part of body. Complaints predom. on lower jaw and lower Complaints predom. on upper jaw and upper teeth, on roof of mouth in upper part of teeth on soft palate, in lower part of chest, chest, on upper arm, in hollow of elbow, on fore arm and on tip of elbow. and on patella. Mood changing ■ distrustful Mood very rarely irritable or malicious. Memory active or weak Weak memory. Mental excitability — Ecstacies — Insanity . Mental dullness — Imbecility. Ailments from fright, anger, or from vexa- Ailments from grief, disappointed love, and tion with fright, fear, or vehemence. jealousy, shame, or from vexation with reserved displeasure. Vertigo inclining to fall backwards or side- Vertigo inclining to fall backwards or for- ways. wards. Eyes protruding — Farsightedness Eruption on upper lip Gums and mucous membrane of mouth red Nausea in throat or abd'n, rarely in stom'ch Milk most frequently increased Eyes sunken — Shortsightedness. Eruption on under lip. Gums & mucous membrane of mouth white. Nausea in throat, rarely in stomach. Milk decreased or spoiled. Expectoration infrequent ; morning, during Expectoration with the cough almost con- day, evening. siant; morning. Remission forenoon and after midnight. Remission afternoon and before midnight. Better (resp. worse^ when lying on the pain- Worse when lying on painful side, better ful or unpainful side. when lying on unpainful side. Almost always improved after getting out Worse or better after getting out of bed. of bed. Predom. worse when growing cold, better Better or worse when growing cold, (resp. when growing warm. warm.) Worse from heat of sun Worse in snowy air. Predomin. worse — - — ■— — . ->*<. — — — --. Predomin. better Out of doors, and when walking out doors, from exercise generally, when walking, moving the diseased part, when lifting the suffering limb, when eating and swallowing f. Predomin. better —---"" "— ■ ^^- — ■ — mm ->*. Predomin. worse In doors, during rest, after lying down, in bed, and from warmth of bed. when lying, sitting, and standing, when letting the diseased limb hang down, and when stooping. N.B. Oversensitiveness to pain is frequent with Bellad., infrequent with Phosph. ac. * Bellad. sometimes has inclination for continual motion in single or suffering: rarts. f Bellad. has aggrav. when swallowing drink; Phosph. ac, aggrav. when swallowing food. Belladonna. Pulsatilla. Aversion to open air — Apoplexia sanguinea . Inclination for open air — Apoplexia nervosa. No suppuration ; ulcers with scanty discharge. Suppuration ; ulcers with copious discharge. Coldness of the painful part Heat of the painful part. Pulse predominantly strong Pulse predominantly weak ; sometimes imper- ceptible. Sweat on front part of body Sweat often confined to back part of body. Sweat increased after sleep Sweat lessened after sleep. Sweat, sometimes only in bed Sometimes much sweat, except in bed, when it appears only on falling asleep, and disap- pears on awaking. Sweat all over body, except the head . . . Sweat only on head. Thirst remaining after the sweat Thirst between the different stages, particularly between chill and heat. The hands often under the head during sleep . The arms often above the head during sleep. Satiety of life, with longing for death . . Mood cheerful or sad ; irritable ; malicious Consequences of anger Memory active or weak Vertigo, inclining to fall sideways (left side) or backwards. Growing black before the eyes when rising after lying. Far-sightedness — Eyes protruding .... Pupils oftener dilated than contracted . . . Swelling, etc., predominant on upper lip . . Desire for milk — Avers, to beer and sour things. Hiccough, with eructation at the same time . Scentless flatus — Diarrhoea predom. painless . Catam. too soon, profuse, of long duration . . Spasmodic labor-pains, with heat, rigidity and contraction of the os tincae, or with inclusion of some parts of the child. Dry coryza (except during sweating stage of fever.) Respiration predominantly low Expectoration infrequent ; morning, during day and evening. Upper part of chest predominant The horse has a restless eye, stares, does not allow the forefeet to be examined, refuses to be mounted, overturns himself. Satiety of life, with fear of death. Disposition good-natured, but bold ; calm sad- ness of gentle dispositions — Amativeness — Greediness. Consequences of grief. Weak memory. Vertigo, inclining to fall backwards. Growing black before the eyes while lying. Short-sightedness — Eyes sunken. Pupils oftener contracted than dilated. Swelling, etc., predominant on under lip. Avers, to milk — Appet. for beer or sour things. Hicc, alternat'g with paroxysms of suffocation. Fetid flatus — Diarrhoea generally painful. Catam. too late, scanty, of short duration. Deficient labor-pains, with relaxed and open os tineas, somnolence, etc., or spasmodic labor-pains, with the same concomitants. Coryza fluent (particularly right side) oftener than dry. Respiration loud. Expectoration predominant, but not constant; morning and during day. Lower part of chest predominant. The horse is sensitive to the touch, particularly on the ears, and, therefore, cannot be bri- dled. Remission after midnight and in forenoon . Worse during sweat, better afterwards . . "Worse during full moon and from exertion. Worse, particularly when swallowing drink Remission from midnight till noon. Worse during and after sweat. Worse before a thunder-storm — Oftener im. proved than aggravated by bodily exertion. Worse when swallowing saliva. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In dry weather, out-doors, from cold, from growing cold, from being uncovered, from exercise, bending the suffering part sideways, lying on pain'ul side, from washing or moistening the diseased part, from weeping, from sour things, and when sitting erect. Predomin. better Predomin. "worse In wet weather, in-doors, from warmth, from growing warm, wrapping up, during rest, when standing. Bitting, and lying, particularly when sitting bent forward, when lying on unpainful side, bending the diseased part backwards, from change of position, picking the teeth, and after sweat. Belladonna. Rhus, Complaints of internal parts predominant . . Complaints of external parts predominant. Aversion to motion — Dark hair Inclination for motion — Light hair. Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis . . . Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy. Ulcers, with scanty discharge Ulcers, with copious discharge ; partic. on the dropsical legs spontaneous disch. of water. Cold on painful part Sweat on suffering side. Pulse predominantly strong — Sweat right side. Pulse predominantly weak — Sweat left side. Thirst rare dur'g chill — Heat lessened in-doors. Thirst not constant — Heat increased in-doors. Mood cheerful or sad ; indifferent ; peevish ; Dejection. irritable ; malicious ; distrustful. Satiety of life, with longing for death . . . Satiety of life, with fear of death. Memory active or weak Weak memory. Yertigo, inclining to fall backwards or side- Vertigo, inclining to fall backwards or for- ways (left side.) wards. Horses: Water on the brain, with a staring look. Horses: Water on the brain,with jerk'g of head. Complaints predomin. in upper part of chest, Complaints predominant in lower part of chest, on upper arm, shin, and on sole of foot. on fore-arm, calf of leg, and top of foot. Nausea in throat or abdomen, rarely in sto- Nausea in oesophagus or stomach, rarely in mach. throat. Diarrhoea predominantly painless Diarrhoea generally painful. Urine oftener dark than pale Urine pale. Coryza predominantly dry (except during the Fluent coryza. sweating stage of fever.) Respiration predominantly low Respiration loud. Expectoration infrequent; morning, during Expectoration not constant ; morning. day, evening. Remission after midnight and during forenoon. Remission of complaints during day. Worse during full moon Worse during increase of moon. Better in bed and from warmth of bed . . . Oftener improved than aggravated in bed and by warmth of bed. Better (worse) when lying on back or side . . Worse when lying on back, better lying on side. Better (worse) when lying on painful or un- Better when lying on painful side, worse when painful side. lying on unpainful side. Worse or better when assum. an erect position. Generally worse when assum. an erect position. Worse when getting out of bed Better or worse when getting out of bed. Almost always impr. after getting out of bed. Worse or better after getting out of bed. Worse or better after sweat Better after sweat. Worse after drinking Worse or better after drinking. Worse after stool Better or worse after stool. Better when sitting down Worse or better when sitting down. Ailments from sleep'g in the sun or moonlight. Ailments from sleeping on damp ground. Worse when swallowing, particularly drink . Worse when swallowing food and swall. saliva. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In dry weather, when moving, walking, moving the diseased part, and when walking in the open air,* from warm diet, when sitting erect, and after breakfast. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In wet weather, during rest, after lying down, when lying, sitting, and standing, from coldt diet, when sitting bent forward, when stooping, bending the diseased'part backwards, from change of posi- tion, from eructation, and before breakfast. N.B. Khus has not the over-sensitiveness to pain of Belladonna ; Belladonna has not the sensation of numbness in suffering parts. * Here motion decides; for hoth remedies have aggrav. in the open air generally, improvement of complaints in-doors f Belladonna also has aggrav. from drinking cold water, because of difficulty in swallowing drink. Belladonna. Stramonium. Right side predom. — Generally dark hair . Left side — Generally light hair. Obesity — Apoplexia sanguinea .... Emaciation — Apoplexia nervosa. Paralysis often painful, one-sided ...» Paralysis generally painless & of both sides. Painful eruptions Painless eruptions. Pulse sometimes intermittent and slow with Pulse sometimes double and very quick with quick respiration. quiet respiration. When the pulse becomes slow, it is full . . "When the pulse becomes slow, it is weak. Thirst very rare during chill, often before Thirst during heat and sweat and between chill and continues after sweat. both stages ; none during chill. Drinks often, but little at a time .... Drinks seldom, but much at a time. Inflammation of brain with aggrav. when Inflammation of brain with improvement lying down. when lyiug, involuntary movements of the head and frequ't raising of middle of body. Love of being alone Fear of being alone. Fear of being poisoned or of apoplexy — Fear of loss of reason — Haughtiness — Distrust — Ailments from anger. Amativeness — Ailm. fr. hearing bad news. Memory very active or very weak. Weak memory. Farsightedness Shortsightedness. Painful jerking of single muscles of the face. Painless jerking of single muscles of the face. Complaints predom. on roof of mouth and Complaints predom. on soft palate, and on on upper arm. fore-arm. Aversion to sour things Appetite for sour things *. Scentless flatus Fetid flatus. Urine oftener dark than pale — Incontinence Urine pale — Retention of urine more fre- more frequent than retention of urine. quent than involuntary discharge. Catamenia predom. too soon Catamenia predom. too late. Puerperal convulsions with congestions to Puerperal convulsions with copious sweat- the head. ing. Lippe. Respiration predom. low Respiration loud. Horses stare and have a restless look ; re- Horses : Uneasy with the least noise, likes fuse to have their fore-feet examined or to run off, bites and kicks with very quick to be mounted ; overturn themselves. motions. Remission after midnight and in forenoon. Aggrav. night and morning — Remission during day and evening. Worse from light, partic. candle light . . Improved quite as often as aggrav. by light ; worse partic. from sun-light. Worse in Spring Worse in the Autumn. Predomin. worse ■ — . ^~^ — — ^ Predomin. better From sour things, lying on left side, and when lying on painful side. Predomin. better - -*^_^\-_— . — ^ Predomin. worse When stooping, from external pressure, lying on right side, and when lying on unpainful side. N.B. Stram. has not the oversensitiveness to pain of Bellad. in accordance with the predom. charac- teristic of constitutional want of irritability, which is peculiar to Stramon. H.Gr. Except with paronychia? and other suppurations where on the contrary the greatest sensitiveness to rain indicates Stramon. C.Hg. * Acids are not antidotes in cases of poisoning with Bellad., but are antidotal to poisoning with Stramon. C.Hg. Belladonna. Sulphur. Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis . . . Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy. Paralysis oftener one-sided — Rending pain up- Paralysis oftener both sides — Rending pain wards. downwards. External parts become black Red parts become white. Humid eruptions Eruptions generally dry. Painful swelling of glands Painless swelling of glands. Sweat sometimes only on front part of body . Sweat sometimes only on back part of body. Sweat right side — Cold shudders, or heat *de- Sweat left side — Cold shudders, or heat ascend- scending. ing. Sweat often general, with exception of head . Heat sometimes general, with except, of head. Sweat increased after sleep Sweat lessened after sleep. Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover . . Heat or sweat, with inclination to uncover. Generally insensibility of disposition . . . Sensitiveness of disposition. Silly merriness — Distrust — Malice .... Seriousness. Cannot express a thought without first saying Says something different from what was in- something foolish. tended, or repeats all the words spoken to him on account of difficult comprehension. Ecstasies — Memory active or weak .... Ailm. from hearing bad news — Weak memory. Periodical vertigo every morning; ceases after Vertigo, with nose-bleeding. CHg. copious nose-bleeding. Hot spots on the head A cold spot on the head. Eyes protruding — Complaints on inner angle Eyes generally sunken — Complaints predomi- of eye — Pupils generally dilated — Far- nant on external angle of eye — Pupils gen- sightedness. erally contracted — Short-sightedness. Nausea in throat or abdom., rarely in stomach. Nausea, partic. in stomach, rarely in throat. Scentless flatus Fetid flatus. Voice hoarse or raised Voice hoarse or deeper than usual. Respiration predominantly low Respiration predominantly loud. Expectoration infrequent; morning, during Expectoration not constant ; morning and dur- day, evening. ing day, less frequently at night. Milk generally increased Milk decreased. Complaints predominant on upper arm, on Complaints predominant on fore-arm, on inner outer side of thigh, and on shin. side of thigh, and on calf of leg. Remission after midnight and in forenoon . . Worse from heat of sun Worse in the open air, better in-doors . . . Worse when growing cold and in cold weather, better when growing warm and in warm air. Almost always improv. after gett'g out of bed. Worse when resting the diseased limb on any- thing. Better or worse when bend'g the diseased part Predom. imp. when stretch'g the diseased limb Worse when moving the diseased part . Almost always aggravated by the touch Worse when looking sideways .... Worse when swallowing drink .... Ailments from Iodine or from animal poisons, from Ferrum, Plumbum, Cuprum, Platina, Aconitum, or Hyoscyam. Predomin. wor§e Remission before midnight and in afternoon. Worse in snowy air. Better (resp. worse) in the open air or in-doors.* Better or worse when growing cold and in cold weather (growing warm and in warm air.) Worse or better after getting out of bed. Oftener improved than aggravated when rest- ing the limb on anything. Worse when bending the suffering part. Mostly aggrav. when stretching out the limb. Worse or better when moving diseased part. Worse or better from the touch. Worse when looking downwards. Worse when swall. dry food and on swall. saliva. Ailments from abuse of metallic substances, from Iod., Cinchona, Rhus, Nitr. acid., or Sepia. Predomin. better In dry weather, from cold, being uncovered, when getting out of bed, when drawing up the diseased limb, when sitting erect, and from warm diet. Predomin. better — °™ BBa * la *«' -^^- «*- a °*""~ ± " ^_ Predomin. worse In wet weather, from warmth and warmth of bedt, from wrapping up, after lying down, when lyin. Predomin. better In wet weather, when lying on left side, when rising from a seat, and when swallowing. Predomin. better — —- -"*^- — ^. Predomin. worse In dry weather, when lying on right side, from rubbing and scratching, and from bodily exertion. N.B. It seems, Brom. has not the sensation of numbness in suffering parts that we find with Spong. Bryonia. Sensitiveness in internal parts Complaints predom. on external ear, on underlip, in lower part of chest, on upper- arm, and on front part of thigh. Erysipelas or oedema around the joints . Cutaneous eruptions generally dry . . Pulse quick at night, slow during the day Heat or cold, partic. in right side of body Burning sensation in the veins . . . . Thirst predom., but not constant; drinks much at a time. urn Insensibility or sensation of numbness in external parts. Complaints predom. in inner ear, on upper lip, in upper part of chest, on fore-arm, and on back part of thigh. Sweat around the joints. Eruptions generally humid. Pulse quick in the even'g, slow in the morn'g. Heat or chill, partic. in left side. Sensation of coldness in the veins. Thirst is wanting only during chill ; drinks little at a time. Irritable mood — Dejection Rarely sensation of numbness in the suffer- ing parts. Yertigo inclining to fall backwards . . . Optical illusions in bright or prismat. colors. Nausea, partic. in abdomen, less frequently in stomach or oesophagus. Fetid flatus Diarrhoea generally painful Catamenia too soon or too late .... Oozing out of milk, secret'n gen'ly increased. Gentleness — Cheerfulness or dejection. Sensation of numbness in the suffering parts very frequent. Yertigo inclining to fall forward. Optical illusions in dark colors. Nausea in stomach. Predom. scentless flatus. Diarrhoea painless. Catamenia too late. Oozing out of milk, secretion scanty. Remission of complaints during day . . Worse before a thunder-storm Worse from light, partic. sun light . . . Almost always improved in bed and from warmth of bed. Worse or better from change of position . Worse when getting out of bed or rising from a seat. Better or worse when opening the eyes, (or closing them.) Better or worse after drinking .... Worse or better from eructation . ... Worse or better from the touch .... Worse or better when walking bent forward. Remis. after midnight and during forenoon. Worse during new moon. Worse from light, partic. candle-light. Worse or better in bed and from warmth of bed. Worse from change of position. Worse or better when getting out of bed or rising from a seat. Worse when opening the eyes, better when closing them. Worse after drinking. Better from eructation. Almost always aggrav. by the touch. Better when walking bent forward. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In dry weather, from cold, in the open air during continued motion, when walking, after getting out of bed or rising from a seat, when lifting up diseased limb, when ascending, when stooping, lying on the unpainful side, from needle-work, and from warm diet. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In wet weather, from warmth * in doors, during rest, after lying down, while lying, sitting, and stand- ing, lying on painful side, when letting the diseased limb hang down, when descending, from pressure, from cold diet, drinking cold water, and after stool. * Both remedies have aggrav. of symptoms as often as improvement, when growing cold and in cold weather, (respect, growing warm and in warm weather.) Bryonia. Light hair — Clonic spasms .... Painless ulcers Sleeplessness prevalent before midnight Pulse quick at night, slow during day One-sided heat ; right side .... Chill or heat on diseased part . . . Chill after sleep — Heat lessened after stool Thirst predominant, but not constant ; drinks seldom, but much at a time. Greasy, sour-smelling sweat during sleep, particularly towards morn'g; worse when eating, from the least movement, in cold air, and when the other complaints are aggravated ; better during rest. Nux vom. Dark hair — Tonic spasms predominant. Ulcers oftener painful than painless. Sleeplessness prevalent after midnight. Pulse quick in morning, slower in evening. One-sided heat ; left side. Sweat on diseased side. Chill less, after sleep — Heat incr. after stool. Most thirst during chill; drinks often, but little at a time. Fetid sweat on one side of head and face, which feel cold, with decrease of pain, fear, aversion to being uncovered, partic. aft. midn. & towards morn'g ; better from wash'g and when sitt'g still in a warm room. Taciturnity Complaints from anger, in the evening . . Vertigo, inclining to fall backwards . . . Appetite for sour things — Aversion to greasy food. Nausea in abdomen Desire for beer After vomiting sensation as if the stomach were distended. Urine dark ; often but scanty ; only excep- tionally copious. Expect. morrCg and even'g, rarely dur'g day. Complaints predominant on upper arm . Hardness in groups of muscles affected by neuralgia. Horses: Walk stiff from lameness of joints. Loquacity — Amativeness. Complaints from anger, in the morning. Yert., inclin'g to fall sideways or backwards. Aversion to sour things predominant — In- clination for greasy food. Nausea in stomach. Inclination for or aversion to beer. After vomiting continued stretching. [Compare Appendix.] Urine generally pale ; infrequent and scanty. Expectoration from morning till evening. Complaints predominant on fore-arm. Tetanic tension of single muscles. Horses : Walk stiff from lameness of muscles. Remission of complaints during day . . Worse in the evening (but some symptoms better in the evemng-tivilight.) Worse when stretching out or bending the diseased limb; also when walking bent forward ; better when assuming an erect position. Generally worse from washing with cold water, but improved by warm baths. Sometimes worse, sometimes better from the touch, from growing cold and in cold weather. Complaints after bodily exertion. Remission evening till midnight. Worse in the morning. Worse when drawing up the diseased limb ; better when stretching out the diseased limb, when walking bent forward, often also when stooping.* Oftener improved than aggravated by wash- ing. Worse from the touch, growing cold and in cold weather. Complaints after mental exertion. C.Hg. Predomin. worse Predomin. better After sleept, while lying on side, particularly on nnpainful side, when walking bent forward, from stretching out the diseased limb, and from warm diet. Predomin. better Predomin. worse After stool, when lying on back or on painful side, when drawing up the diseased limb, from cold diet, and on an empty stomach. * " Aggravations, when assuming an erect position" and "when stooping,'" are found with both remedies, t <: After sleeping too long." Nux vom. has aggravation ; on awaking (when roused) from sleep, quite as often agera- vation as improvement. It is evident from this, that improvement only' follows after sufficient, but not too long sleep. Bryonia. Phosphor. Light hair — Erysipelas or oedema around Dark hair — Yesicles around the joints. the joints. Itching, lessened or unchanged by scratch- Itching lessened oftener than aggrav. by ing. scratching. Pulse more equal than with Phosphor. . . Pulse sometimes double. Thirst predom Want of thirst preclom. Nervous fever with pain in limbs .... Painless nervous fever. Chill after sleep — Heat or chill lessened Chill less after sleep — Heat or chill increased while sitting. while sitting. Sweat lessened after stool Sweat increased after stool. Dejection — Despondency* Cheerfulness or dejection — Indifference — Haughtiness. Weak memory Pred. active memory. Optical illusions in bright or prismat. colors. Optical illusions in black or prismatic colors. Nausea in abdomen Nausea in stomach. Preclom. bitter vomit Generally sour vomit. Fetid flatus — Constipation predom.; when Scentless flatus — Generally painless diar- there is diarrhoea, it is generally painful. rhcea. Catamenia too profuse Catamenia too profuse or scanty. Voice often raised or nasal Yoice often trembling or hissing. Expectoration not constant; morning and Expectoration not constant; morning and evening, less frequently during day. during day. Complaints predom. on front side of thigh Complaints predom. on back part of thigh and on calf of leg. and on shin. Remission of complaints during day . . Remission after midnight. Better in bed Worse or better in bed. Most frequently worse when lying on side, Generally better when lying on side, worse better when lying on back when lying on back. Generally worse when lying on unpainful Generally better when lying on unpainful side, better when lying on painful side. side, worse when lying on painful side. Worse or better from change of position. Worse from change of position. Worse during sleep Worse or better during sleep. Generally aggrav. after sleep Gen'ly improv. after sleep ; but worse after the siesta, and on being roused from sleep. Worse or better when assuming an erect Almost always aggrav. when assuming an position. erect position. Predom. worse after getting out of bed . . Worse or better after getting out of bed. Worse or better from touch Almost always improved by the touch. Generally improved by pressure .... Generally aggrav. by pressure. Better from rubbing and scratching . . . Better or worse from rubbing & scratching. Almost always aggrav. after eating, partic. Worse or better after eating, partic. better after a satisfying meal. after a satisfying meal. Worse or better after drinking .... Almost always improved after drinking. Ailm'ts from abuse of Mercury or Cinchona. Ailments from Iod or table salt Predomin. worse — — -"'V- — " — »-^ Predomin. better In dry weather, in the open air f , when lifting up diseased limb, and after a satisfying meal. Predomin. better --— — "^**- -^^ — — tmam — -^ Predomin. worse In wet weather, in doors, from warmth of bed, when letting the diseased limb hang down, after perspiration, and after stool. N.B. The sensation of numbness in suffering parts, frequent with Phosph. is rarely found with Bryonia. * Peevish, irritable mood, is found with both remedies and is predom. with Bvyonia. t Pho.-ph. has aggrav. ^in consequence of the motion) as well as improvement '• token walking out doors." 9 Bryonia. Pulsatilla. Light hair Park hair. Bonnighansen.* Upper right, lower left sidef Upper left, lower right side. Aversion to open air Inclination for open air. Oftener indicated amongst old people . . Oftener indicated amongst children.* Itching, unchanged or lessened by scratch- Itching, unchanged or aggrav. by scratch- ing, ing. Predominant redness of diseased parts . . Predominant blueness of diseased parts.* Pressing pain, more from inside outward . Pressing, crowding pain, more from out- side inward.* A great deal of bursting pain A great deal of contracting, labor-like pain.* Pain piercing, compressive; rarely jerking. Pain as though drawn up with a jerk, then loosened.* Spasmodic complaints ; starting, twitching Heaviness ; numbness ; sensation of empti- of the limbs. ness or hollowness.* Fixed, acute rheumatism, aggravated by Wandering, acute rheumatism, worse during motion — Travels slowly from joint to rest and in the beginning of motion — Pain joint. changing suddenly from joint to joint.* Stitches in all the serous membranes . . . Pain dragging, jerking, twinging, and jump- ing from place to place.* Inflammation; more of internal parts, with More inflammation of external parts, with burning, dryness, avidity, heat of internal festering pain, suppurating pain, bruised parts. pain.* Jaundice Chlorosis.* Pulse frequent, full, hard, and tense; fre- Pulse generally quick, small, and weak; quent at night, slower during day. frequent at night, slow in the morning. Chill increased by exercise ; sweat after Chill lessened by exercise ; sweat lessened awaking and when walking out-doors. after awaking and when walking out of doors. Chill and heat in diseased part .... Heat in diseased part. More coldness than chilliness . . . . More chilliness than coldness.* Chills with the heat Chills with the pains.* Thirst predominant, but not constant . . Want of thirst, particularly during chill; thirst only during heat. Drinks seldom, but much at a time . . . When thirsty drinks often, but little at a time. Peevish irritability. (Hahnemann.*) — An- Disposition gentle, but bold ; chang'g mood ; xious disposition, with fear of want of calm, tearful sadness, indifference, distrust, subsistence. H. Hartlaub.* avarice, amativeness, absent-mindedness. With nocturnal heat, restlessness, fear — With nocturnal heat, restlessness, fear — Peevish, refractory. Lachrymose, resigned.* Ailments from anger, or from vexation with Ailments from grief, from vexation with vehemence. fright, from excessive joy. Headache predominant in forehead; into Headache more in the back of head; to the eyes, and down into face. back of neck and shoulders.* Complaints predominant on external ear, in Complaints most frequent in inner ear, on inner nose, and in palms of hands. external nose, and on back of hand. Stitches, more in the hips Stitches, more in shoulders.* Tongue viscous, bilious Tongue white.* Hard swelling of spleen ; rattling, from mo- Stitches in the region of liver, particularly tion. H. Hartlaub.* when walking.* Nausea in abdomen Nausea in throat and stomach, or abdomen. Vomit, watery, bitter Vomit, sour.* Generally constipation Generally diarrhoea. Urination frequent but scanty; only excep- Urine infrequent and scanty. tionally copious. Bryonia. Pulsatilla. (Continued.) Catamenia too profuse and of long duration. Cat. predom. too scanty and of too short dur. When menses do not appear, bleeding from When menses do not appear, general nervous ear and nose. complaints.* Milk too plentiful Milk too scanty.* Dry coryza Fluent coryza (partic. right side) oftener than dry coryza. Respiration predom. with moist sound . . Respiration predom. with dry sound. Expectoration brown, like liver; or, in com- Expectoration greenish or yellow.* plaints of liver, yellow. Expectoration morning and evening, less Expectoration morning and during day. frequently during day. More sleepiness during day More sleepiness in evening.* Children dislike to be carried Children wish to be carried, but slowly.* In horses: Dung in small balls (hard) — Al- In horses: Dung inlarge balls (soft) — Alter- ternate lameness and swelling of the hock- nate lamen. chang'g from one foot to an- joins, especially if the feet swell while at other at short intervals, worse when be- rest. ginning to move. During distemper, swelling and coldness of During distemper, swelling and coldness ot the feet, especially of the hind feet. the feet, especially of the fore-feet Remission of complaints during day . . Remission from midnight till noon. Better in the evening-twilight Worse in the evening-twilight. Worse evening and night Worse afternoon and evening.* Some compl. better on an empty stomach . Some complaints improved after eating.J A great many symptoms directly after din- Afternoon symptoms increase toward even- ner and during the first half of afternoon. ing.* Nocturnal symptoms, some after nine o'clock, Nocturnal symptoms almost all before mid- some after midnight. night.* Better from loosening the clothes .... Predom. better from tightening the clothes. Cabbage, potatoes, and other vegetables, Fat (pork), and particularly such animal partic. the nitrogenized, disagree. food which is non-nitrogenized, disagree.* Predomin. worse -— — '""™ u ****- -^^ —— ■"■■""^ — — — -^ Predomin. better In dry weather, from exercise and bodily exertion, when washing and moistening the diseased limb, and when stretching it out. Predomin better -—- ■ — -~--«__^^^^^___--««* BB, * J " - — -^ Predomin. worse In cloudy or wet weather, during rest, in bed, after perspiring, and from rubbing and scratching. N.B. The sensation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Pulsatilla is very rarely found with Bryonia. N.B. Both remedies meet in gastric and rheumatic affections, and in swellings of the knee ; Bryonia is more effectual in gout ; Pulsatilla is preferable in hemorrhoids ; Bryon. acts more on the arteries and articular synovial membranes, Pulsatilla more on the veins. (H. Hartlaub.) Bryonia more on the functions of the eye, Pulsatilla more on the organic parts of the eye ; Bryonia alone has the buccal eruption, Pulsatilla the earache ; Bryonia has more swelling of the feet, Pulsatilla of the face ; Pulsatilla has many changes of taste, while Bryonia has only the bitter taste with liver- complaints ; the inflammations of the eye are drier, more rheumatic or gouty with Bryonia, with Pulsatilla humid, catarrhal, scrofulous ; on the heart, testicles, and ovaries, Pulsatilla acts almost alone.* (Bryonia more on the pericardium. J. C. Morgan.) N.B. • added by C.Hg. t Bot h remedies have pains in joints, in the upper right, lower left side, hut these pains are very different. Bryonia has more chill right side, and more pain left side ; Pulsatilla has sweat on upper right and lower left side.* % "Aggravation after eating" is found with both remedies. Bryonia. Rhododendron. Lower left, upper right side ... . Upper left, lower right side. Complaints of internal parts predom. — Pain Complaints of external parts predorn.— Pain pressing outwards. pressing inwards. Increased bodily irritability — Aversion to Want of bodily irritability — Inclination for open air. open air. Plethora — Hot swelling of glands . . . Ansemie — Cold swelling of glands. Apoplexy No apoplexy. Pulse accelerated, full, hard, and tense, some- Pulse often unchanged ; generally slow and times intermitting. weak. Thirst predom., but not constant .... Thirst is almost always wanting. Sleeplessness preval. before midnight . . Sleeplessness after midnight. Anxious dreams Pleasant dreams. Complaints predom'. in the liver .... Complaints predom. in spleen. Diarrhoea generally painful Diarrhoea painless. Expectoration not constant; morning and Expectoration infrequent ; night, less in the evening, less frequently during day. evening and morning. Complaints predom. on upper arm and calf Complaints predom. on fore-arm and shin. of leg. Remission of complaints during day . . Remis. during day and before midnight. Worse or better from the touch .... Worse from the touch. Worse or better from growing cold and in Worse from growing cold & in cold weather ; cold weather, (or growing warm and in better when growing warm and in warm warm air.) air. Worse when eating Worse or better when eating. Predom. worse from warm diet, better from Predom. worse from cold diet and drinking cold diet and drinking cold water. cold water; sometimes however worse also from warm diet. Predomin. worse — ■ —*^__^-^-_— ■ •* — — -^ Predomin. better r weather, out doors, during continued i stretching out, washing or moistening rising from a seat, and after breakfast. In dry weather, out doors, during continued exercise, when walking, when ascending, when moving, stretching out, washing or moistening the diseased limb, after sleep, after getting out of bed or T»icir»rr fi«n ni o coof onH oftor hroolrfocf Predomin. better **• — ""^ — ' — ■»-, Predomin. worse In wet weather, in doors, during rest, after lying down, in bed,* when lying, sitting:, and standing, when descending, when drawing up diseased limb, on an empty stomach,' and alter stool. N.B. In accordance with the character of constitutional want of irritability, which is peculiar to Rhodod., this remedy lacks the oversensitiveness to pain of the Bryonia-patient. * The painful symptoms of Rhododed. are also often improved by warmth of bed. Bryonia. Rhus. Upper right, lower left side — Complaints Upper left, lower right side — Complaints (pressing, cutting pain, &c.) predom. in (pressing, cutting pain, &c.) predom. in internal parts. external parts. Itching, unchanged or improv. by scratch'g. Itching, improved by scratching. Eruptions generally dry Eruptions generally humid. Erysipelas around the joints Itching of the skin on the outer side of joints. Eruption predom. on under lip ... . Eruption preclom. on upper lip. .Pulse quick, full, hard, and tense .... Pulse generally accelerated, weak and soft. Chill or heat on diseased part Sweat on suffering side. Coldness of right side Coldness of left side. Heat, then chill — Thirst predom. and drinks Chill, then heat — Thirst not constant, drinks. much at a time. little at a time. Chill lessened by drinking — Chill or heat Chill increased by drinking. lessened when sitting. Chill or heat increased when sitting. Peevishness — Ailm. fr. anger, mortification, Sadness and dejection — Ailments from vexa- or of vexation with fear or vehemence. tion with fear. Tertigo inclining to fall backwards . . . Yertigo inclining to fall forwards or back- Desire for spirituous liquors Aversion to spirituous liquors*. [wards. Nausea in abdomen, less frequently in stom- Nausea in oesophagus or stomach, less fre- ach or oesophagus. quently in throat. Incarceration of a hernia after eating cold Incarceration of hernia from falling, over- fruit, straining, or fr. taking cold by moisture, with meteorism. paralysis, or typhoid in- flammation of an intestine. Costiveness predom Diarrhoea. Urine dark; often, but scanty; only excep- Urine pale; often and copious. tionally copious. Pred. dry coryza — Abdominal respiration Respiration pred. with moist sound . . Expector. morn. & even., rarely during day Complaints of inner nose predom. . . Catamenia too soon or too late . . . Eluent coryza — Thoracic respiration. Respiration with dry sound. Expectoration chiefly in morning. Complaints of external oftener than of inner Catamenia too soon. [nor.e. Complaints predom. on upper arm, in palm Complaints predom. on fore-arm, on b^ck of hand, and on front part of thigh. of hand, and on back part of thigh. Aggrav. of symptoms, partic. of the fever Aggravation, partic. of the fever and pain and pain in limbs, in the evening; but in limbs, in the morning; but some symp- some sympt. better in the even'g twilight. toms worse in the evening twilight. Worse before a thunder storm Worse during increase of moon. Generally better when growing cold, worse Worse when growing cold ; better when when growing warm. growing warm. Predomin. worse —~— — *"-*"■ --^S — — - — --, Predomin. better In dry weather, during continued (moderate) exercise, when walking bent forward, from bending the head back, when lying on side, from warm diet, after breakfast, when growing warm, and when stretching^out the suffering limb. Predomin. better ----"" "-"-«- -""^ — osBto - _ -. Predomin. worse In cloudy and wet weather, during rest, when standing, sitting, lying, partic. lying on back, when drawing up the suffering limb, from cold diet, on an empty stomach, when growing cold, and in the evening twilight. N.B. Rhus lacks the oversensitiveness of the Bryonia-patient to pain. — Bryonia rarely has the sensa- tion of numbness in the suffering parts, peculiar to Rhus N.B. Both remedies have complaints after bodily exertion, H.Gr. ; Rhus also after moderate exercise.— Rhus has many complaints when commencing to walk, which cease after continued motion. — Bryon. has complaints while walking. C.Hg. * Both have a desire for malt-liquors ; particularly Bryonia ; beer agrees with Bryonia, disagrees -with Rhus, except in some cases -when it palliates the sufferings, for inst. intolerable throbbing in the pit of stomach, but only for a very short time. C.Hg. Bryonia Sulphur. Bight side ; partic. upper right, lower left side. Increased bodily irritability — Pinching pain in internal parts. External parts become black Itching, unchang'd or lessen'd by scratching. Chill predora. right side — Thirst predom., but not constant; drinks seldom, but much at a time. Chill increased in a warm room — Sweat after sleep. Erysipelas or oedema around the joints . . Complaints predom. on external ear, in lower part of chest, on upper arm, and on front part of thigh. Left side; partic. upper left, lower right side. Want of bodily irritability— Pinching pain in external parts. Red parts become white. Itching, lessened by scratching. Chill predom. left side— Thirst most during heat ; during chill most frequently want of thirst — Drinks often, but little at a time. Chill lessened in a warm room — Sweat les- sened after sleep. Itching, erysipelas, or vesicles around the joints. Complaints predom. in inner ear, in upper part of chest, on fore-arm, and on back part of thigh. Mood irritable. Mood changing; serious, solemn; indif- ferent ; gentle or irritable. Ailments from anger or from vexation with Ailments from shame or from vexation with vehemence. fright — Absent-mindedness — Insanity — Imbecility. Optical illusions in bright colors .... Optical illusions in dark colors. Eruption on lower lip Eruption predom. on upper lip. ^Nausea in abdomen, less frequently in stom- Nausea in stomach, rarely in throat. ach or in oesophagus. Predom. bitter vomit Generally sour vomit. Catamenia too profuse and of long duration. Cat. generally scanty and of short duration. Milk generally increased Milk decreased. Voice hoarse or raised more than usual . Voice hoarse or deeper than usual. Expectoration morning and evening, rarely Expectoration morning and during day, less during day. frequently at night. Remission of complaints during day Predom. worse out doors, better in doors Almost always improved after stool . . Almost always improved after sweat . . Worse in an extended position . . . Generally worse after getting out of bed Predom. better on an empty stomach . Worse or better after drinking . . . Worse or better from eructation . . . Worse when stooping , Remission evening and before midnight. Better or worse * out doors, (or in doors.) Worse or better after stool. Oftener aggrav. than improved after sweat. Better in an extended position. Worse or better after getting out of bed. Worse or better on an empty stomach. Almost always aggrav. after drinking. Almost always improved by eructation. Worse or better when stooping. Predomln. worse Predomin. better In dry weather, from cold, from warm diet, during continued f motion, after rising from seat, and in an extended position, Predomin. better Predomin. worse In cloudy or wet weather, from warmth % and warmth of bed, from cold diet, during rest, after lying down, while lying, sitting, and standing, in a contracted position, and after sweat. * Sulphur-complaints are improved by warmth of stove, aggravated in a crowded room, t Both remedies have predom. aggrav. from bodily exertion, and when moving the diseased part. J When growing cold and in cold weather, (respectively when growing warm and in warm air,) both remedies have aggrav. quite as often as improvement. Calcarea. Causticum. L.. » — ** R. R. » ► I-. C.Hg. * Complaints (sensation of fullness, &c) pre- Complaints (sensation of fullness, &c.) pre- dom. in internal parts. dom. in external parts. Light hair — Skin and muscles lax ... Dark hair— Muscles rigid. Haemorrhages bright red Haemorrhages dark. Pulse full and accelerated, often trembling. Pulse often unchanged, only towards even- ing somewhat irritable. Chill increased in bed — Sweat less in doors. Chill less in bed — Sweat increased in doors. Thirst with fever, which is aggrav. by drink- Want of thirst ; in fevers when there is thirst, ing cold water. it is easily quenched by drinking water. Cheerfulness or dejection — Amativeness — Dejection — Distrust — Haughtiness — Ab- Imbecility more frequent than insanity — sent-mindedness — Melancholy — Apo- Apoplexy— Ailments from vexation with plexy not yet observed — Ailments from fear or fright. fright, mortification, grief, or from dis- appointed love. Itching, lessened oftener than aggrav. by Itching aggrav. oftener than lessened by scratching. scratching. Yertigo inclining to fall backwards or side- Yertigo, inclining to fall forwards or side- ways, ways. Emaciation of face Emaciation of feet. Complaints of inner oftener than of external Complaints of external oftener than of inner nose ; complaints pred. on upper jaw and nose ; complaints predom. on lower jaw upper teeth, and in upper part of chest. and lower teeth, and in lower part of chest. Sour vomiting of food Watery vomit. Urine too often Urine often, but scanty. Catamenia too soon and too profuse . . . Catamenia too late and scanty. Catamenia day and night Catamenia only during day, intermitting at Sexual desire increased Sexual desire decreased. [night. C.Hg. Mild leucorrhcea Acrid leucorrhcea. Kasal secretion thick, often with bad odor. Nasal secretion watery. Expectoration partic. morning and during Cough generally dry. When there is expec- day. toration, it is loosened from evening till morning, but is generally swallowed. Pain in chest when bending the arm back . Pain in the back, when bend'g the arm back. Aggravation after midnight and in morn- Aggravation from evening till morning, ing, also during full moon. also during new moon. Remission before midnight Remission during day. Worse after a satisfying meal Worse when hungry. Oftener aggrav. than improved by exertion. Oftener improved than aggrav. by exertion. Predomin. worse -— — -*■—— -^^ — *-*" * s ™ a ~ **^. Predomin. better In wet weather, from washing and drinking cold water f, from continued motion J, from stretching and twisting, from pressure, lying on side, and on an empty stomach, (comp. Sep. and Silic. C.Hg.) Predomin. better ' ■^■*»^^ i ___ _^-^_^ ■■■* — ■ Predomin. worse In dry weather, from rubbing the suffering part, during rest, from change of position, lying on back, and after breakfast. N.B. This comparison is principally based by H.Gr. on a treatise of Boennincrhansen in A. h. Z. vol. 63, p 86, who published it to instruct some ignorant wiseacres who objected to our Causti- cum, because we do not know what it is, according to the theories of the chemistry of our day. But we can prepare it, can use it and heal the sick with it according to its symptoms, and it is one of our most valuable instruments. Twenty years ago the chemists discovered Ozon, twenty years hence they may tell us, what Hahnemann's Causticum is ; why should we wait for that and let the sick suffer ? C.Hg. * In the chest only Calcarea acts decidedly 1. tor., in mouth and teeth Calc. has more symptoms on right side: in belly and womb, Calc. 1. s., Caust. r. s.; in hypochondria both r. s., in chest and limbs both more 1. s. C.Hg, f Even in epilepsy and cramp in stomach. C.Hg. j When connected with exertion, the reverse is the case. C.Hg. Calcarea China. Predom. right side ; partic. upper right, Left side ; part, upper left, lower right lower left side. side. Light hair — Want of bodily irritability . . Dark hair — Increased bodily irritability. Haemorrhages bright red — Apoplexia san- Haemorrhages dark — Apoplexia nervosa — guinea ; but paralysis more frequent than Oftener indicated with apoplexy than apoplexy. paralysis. Rending pain upwards Rending pain downwards. Itching, generally lessened by scratching, Itching, lessened by scratching. but often also aggrav. "Deep ulcers predom Flat ulcers. Pulse full and accelerated, often trembling. Pulse quick, hard, but small; quieter after eating; irregular, sometimes intermitting. Thirst almost constant Thirst partic. before and between the dif- ferent stages of fever. Sweat often only on front part of body . . Sweat often only on back part of body. First heat, then chill First chill, then heat. Heat or sweat increased after meals . . . Heat or sweat abating after meals. Mood silly or dejected — Ailments from hearing bad news — Mental dullness. Vertigo, inclining to fall sideways or back- wards. Compl. of inner oftener than of external ear. Loss of smell and taste Complaints predom. in inner nose, in liver, in upper part of chest, on fore-arm, and on back part of thigh. Dislike for coffee Xausea in stomach Urine too often ; sediment generally whitish. Nasal secretion thick — Breath hot . . . Expectoration predom., but not constant; partic. in the morning and during day. Swelling of or pain in the breasts before the catamenia. Dejection — Yery rarely unconsciousness — Mental excitability. Vertigo, inclining to fall backwards. Complaints of external ear. Acute smell and taste. Complaints predom. on external nose, in spleen, (oftener than liver,) in lower part of chest, on upper arm, and on front part of thigh. Appetite for coffee, also for roasted coffee beans. Nausea in throat or stomach. Urine infrequent and scanty; sediment generally reddish. Nasal secretion watery — Breath cold. Expectoration not constant; during day and evening. Swelling of the breasts with suppressed catamenia. Remission of complaints before midnight . Remission afternoon and evening. Ailments from Phosphor., Digitalis or abuse Ailments from abuse of Sulphur, from Iod- of Cinchona. ine, or Calc. Some symptoms better on expiration . . Some symptoms better on inspiration. Complaints from sleeping too long. Compl'ts from having been awake at night Predomin. worse — — ' """""■ -^ v - — -"" -— - Predomin. better Lying on left side, lying -with head high, after sleep, on an empty stomach, and from pressure. Predomin. better * — — — -*^ — * **" ^ Predomin. worse Lying on back, in a horizontal (with head low) position, in general after lying down*, lying on right side, after breakfast, and when sitting. N.B. With Calc. we seldom find the oversensitiveness to pain of Cinchona, with Cinchona seldom the sensation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Calc. * Warmth of bed often aggrav with both remedies. Calcarea. Cuprum. Predom. right side — Hemorrhages bright- Leftside — Hemorrhages dark — Apoplexia red — Apoplexia sanguinea. nervosa. Bruised pain in external parts Bruised pain in internal parts. Itching, lessened or aggravated by scratch- Itching, unchanged by scratching. ing. Pulse accelerated and full, often trembling . Pulse generally slow and weak. Clonic spasms during chill Clonic spasms during heat or sweat. Chill increased after meals Chill lessened after meals. Silly merriness or sadness — Peevish, irritable mood — Imbecility more frequent than in- sanity. Vertigo, inclining to fall backwards or side- ways. Complaints oftener in inner than on ex- ternal ear. Complaints predominant on upper jaw and in upper part of chest. ^Nausea in stomach Predominantly sour vomit Urine too often — Incontinence — Sediment generally white. Catamenia generally too soon and profuse . Breath hot — Cough generally with expec- toration. Expectoration in morning and during day . Merriness — Maliciousness — Insanity oftener than imbecility. Yertigo, inclining to fall forwards. Complaints predominant on external ear. Complaints predominant on lower jaw and in lower part of chest. Nausea in throat, stomach or abdomen. Bitter vomit. Urine infrequent and scanty — Retention of urine — Sediment reddish. Catamenia too late ; oftener too scanty than too profuse. Breath cold — Cough generally without ex- pectoration. Expectoration only in morning. Remission before midnight Remission during day. Affections of stomach and intestines, worse Affections of stomach and intestines, better from drinking cold water. from drinking cold water. Aggrav. of symptoms during full moon . . Aggrav. during new moon. Worse from sleeping too long Worse from having been awake at night. Predomin. worse Predomin. belter When lying on side, when letting diseased limb hang down, on inspiration, from drinking cold water, from tying the clothes tight, from warmth of bed, and during sweat. Predomin. better Predomin. worse When lying on back, from lifting up diseased limb, on expiration, from the touch, and from loosening the clothes. N.B. Calcarea rarely has the over-sensitiveness to pain of Cuprum, Cuprum rarely the sensation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Calcarea. Calcarea. Fluor, acid. Muscles lax — Predom. morbid nervous irri- Muscles rigid— Predom. morbid depression tability (in torpid constitutions.) of nervous system (in sensitive constitu- tions.) Diseases of the bones, particularly of the Diseases of the bones, particularly of the end of joints. cylindrical bones. Spasms — Chill— Vertigo No spasms — No chill — No vertigo. Apoplexy — Pain pressing inwards . . . Pain pressing outwards. Mania-a-potu Dropsy of drunkards. Pulse quick and full, often trembling . . Pulse accelerated only by motion. Heat increased by washing Heat abated by washing. Sweat increased after eating, less in-doors . Sweat less after meals, increased in-doors. Mood is better in the evening than during Mood better in morning than evening, day. Fear — Silly merriness or dejection . . . Excessive hilarity- Hopelessness — Fear of loss of reason — Fear of apoplexy. Fancies — Delirium. Complaints predominant in external angle Complaints predominant in inner angle of of eye, on fore-arm, back of hand, and eye, on upper arm, in palm of hand, and on patella. on tip of elbow. Oftener indicated with children than with Complaints of old age, also premature old old people. age in consequence of syphilitic mercurial dyscrasy. With Children : Large head and open Atrophy of brain, sutures. In the evening, in bed, when closing the In the evening, in bed : Becomes wide- eyes: Palpitation of heart, roaring in awake again and cannot sleep because of ears, jerks in the head, and fanciful ima- thought. In the morning, on awaking ginations. In the morning, on awaking : from a short sleep : Feels as though he Feeling as though one had not had enough had slept all night. sleep. Diarrhoea generally painless Diarrhoea painful. Urine sour Urine alkaline. Leucorrhcea mild Leucorrhoea acrid. Collection of mucus in larynx Dryness in larynx and trachea. Cough generally with expectoration . . . Cough dry. Remission of complaints before midnight . Remission morning and before midnight. Worse from sleeping too long Worse from being awake at night. Worse during and after sweat Better while perspiring. Ailments from Phosph., Digitalis, Mercu- Ailments from Silicea. rius, or Cinchona. Predomin. worse ^- — " — ■ •^ s -» — --^ Predomin. better While perspiring, from washing with cold water, from tightening the clothes, and from boring with the finger (in ear or nose.) Predomin. better —- ~^- — — -, Predomin. worse From loosening the clothes. Calcarea. Ipecacuanha. Pain pressing inwards Pain pressing outwards. Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy . . Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis. Itching, lessened oftener than aggravated Itching, unchanged by scratching. by scratching. Pulse accelerated and full, often trembling . Pulse very much accelerated, but often im- percepible. First heat, then chill First chill, then heat. Sweat less in-doors Sweat increased in-doors. Thirst during all stages of the fever . . . Thirst not constant. Fear — Hopelessness — Amativeness . . . No fear, etc. Ailments from hearing bad news — De- Ailments from emotion generally — Very lirium — Fancies — Imbecility. rarely unconsciousness. Optical illusions, particularly in dark colors. Optical illusions in bright colors. Generally hunger Loss of appetite predominant. Tomit, sour oftener than bitter .... Yomit, bitter oftener than sour. Urine too often ; Sediment generally whitish. Urine scanty ; Sediment generally reddish. Expectoration predom. with cough, but not Expectoration infrequent ; morning. constant ; morning and during day. Remission of complaints before midnight . Remission during day. Worse or better in bed . Better in bed. Predominantly worse on awaking and after Better after sufficient sleep ; but worse when sleep. roused from sleep. Worse or better from light (resp. in the dark.) Worse from light, better in the dark. Worse or better when opening (resp. clos- Worse when opening the eyes ; better when ing) the eyes. closing them. Worse from sleeping too long Worse from wakefulness at night. Worse or better after getting out of bed . Worse after getting out of bed. When growing cold, worse or (from warmth Better when growing cold; worse when of bed) better; likewise when growing growing warm. warm. Worse or better from exertion .... Worse from bodily exertion. Worse or better when bending diseased part. Worse when bending diseased part. Worse after stool Worse or better after stool. Ailments from Phosphor, Mercurius, Sulph. Ailments from Arsenic or Copper vapors, acid, or Digitalis. from Nux vom., Arnica, or Opium. Predomin. worse — — — ■*■— . ~^^ — — -— Predomin. better In wet weather, from cold, after perspiring, after drinking, in bed, and after sleep. Predomin. better — -^^ — —-->. Predomin. worse In dry weather, from warmth, from the touch, and when sitting down. N.B. Ipecacuanha has not the sensation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Calcarea ; Calcarea, on the other hand, seldom has the over-sensitiveness to pain of Ipecacuanha ; still both remedies have the character of constitutional want of irritability. Calcarea. Kreosot. Right side — Want of bodily irritability Constriction in internal parts . . . Is often indicated with young women Haemorrhages, blood light-red- Paralysis. Cutaneous eruptions generally dry . . Pulse full and accelerated, often trembling Chill (heat and sweat) with thirst . . Heat or sweat, with inclination to uncover Left side — Increased bodily irritability. Constriction in external parts. Often indicated with old women. Haemorrhages, dark — Paralysis has not been observed. Eruptions generally humid. Pulse small and weak, with strong ebullition of blood. Chill, without thirst ; (heat, with thirst.) Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover. Ailments from vexation with fear or fright ; also from hearing bad news. Affections of the inner oftener than the ex- ternal ear. Eruption predominant on under lip . . . Urine acid — Sediment generally white . . Sexual desire too strong Leucorrhcea mild Expectoration not constant; morning and during day. Ailments from emotion in general. Affections of external ear. Eruption on under lip. Urine alkaline — Sediment generally reddish. Sexual desire predominantly weak. Leucorrhcea predominantly acrid. Expectoration not constant; morning and evening. Remission of complaints before midnight . Remission forenoon and evening. Worse or better from cold (resp. warm) Worse from cold diet; better from warm diet. diet. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From •wrapping up, on awaking, and after sleep, when letting diseased limb hang down, from pressure, and after stool. Predomin. better Predomin "worse From uncovering, when assuming an erect position, when lifting up diseased limb, from the touch, and when sitting down. N.B. With Kreosot we seldom find the sensation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Calcarea. This is quite in accordance with the constitutional character of both remedies. N.B. To spell what Reichenbach, the discoverer, named Kreosot with a C is an old-fogyish imitation of the middle ages ; to spell it Kreasot is doing violence to the spirit of the Greek language (comp. kreophagia) and copying British snobism. C.Hg. Calcarea Lycopodium. Aversion to open air Inclination for open air, oftener than aver- sion to it. Haemorrhages, blood bright red — Pain pres- Hcemorrhages, blood dark — Pain pressing sing inwards — Rending pain upwards. outward — Rending pain downwards. Dry iteh Humid itch. Complaints of glands worse in morning. . Complaints of glands worse in evening. Often indicated with young women . . . Often indicated with old women. Pulse full and accelerated, often trembling. Pulse accelerated somewhat only after eat- ing and in the evening. Burning sensation in veins Sensation of coldness in veins. Chill increased after getting out of bed . . Chill less after getting out of bed. Thirst during all the stages of the fever . . Thirst is wanting only during chill. Imbecility oftener than insanity .... Insanity oftener than imbecility — Changing mood ; gentle ; distrustful ; avaricious ; haughty ; malicious — Absent-mindedness. Ailments from vexation with fright and Ailments from fright, anger, mortification, from hearing bad news. or fr. vexation with reserved displeasure. During the erethic stage of acute affections Diseases of brain with somnolence. of the brain. Vertigo, inclining to fall backwards or side- Vertigo inclining to fall forwards. w r ays. Complaints predom. on under lip, and on Complaints predom. on upper lip, and in patella. hollow of knee. Appetite for bread Aversion to bread, partic. rye bread. Urine too often — Incontinence predom. . Urine often, but scanty — Retention of urine oftener than incontinence. Urinal sediment generally whitish . . Urinal sediment red (sandy) or whitish. Caiamenia generally too soon Catamenia generally too late. Leucorrhcea mild Leucorrhcea predom. acrid. Milk increased* Milk decreased. Expectoration predom., but not constant; Expectoration almost constant; morning morning and during day. and evening. Remission before midnight Remission after midnight and in forenoon. Worse after sweat Oftener improved than aggrav. after sweat. Better after lying down, but the pain in Worse after lying down, but the pain in joints worse from warmth of bed. joints better from warmth of bed. Better when resting the diseased limb on Worse when resting diseased limb on some- something, worse when letting it hang thing, but sometimes also worse when down. letting it hang down. Better when assuming an erect position . Worse or better when assuming an erect position. Worse when looking up or down .... Worse when looking at any thing which turns. Predomin. w©r§e --- — ■***■■ — -— -~^- — ** """ — — Predomin. better From cold, out doors, from continued (moderate) motion, (when stooping,) and on an empty stomach. Predomin. better -^-— — — — •*■*—»*»«, _--\ — — — *»— J "' " ■ — ^ Predomin. worse From warmth, in doors, during rest, while standing, from the touch, when resting the diseased limb on any thing, and after breakfast. N.B. We seldom find the oversensitiveness of Lycopodium to pain, with Calcarea. * When milk is decreased, Calcarea is indicated only then, when there is no inflammability of the breast. Calcarea. Mercur. Lower left, upper right side — Want of Upper left, lower right side — Increased bodily irritability. bodily irritability. Pain pressing inward — Rending pain up- Pain pressing outward — Rending pain wards. downwards. Heat or sweat, with inclination to uncover . Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover. Thirst constant Thirst predominant, but not constant. Dreams of fire, quarrel, sickness, dead per- Dreams of water, falling, shooting, and mis- sons, fortunes. Silly merriness or sadness Seriousness — Despondency — Malice. Ailments from hearing bad news, mortifica- Ailments from emotion in general. tion, or from vexation with fear or fright. Delirium. Rarely delirium — Absent-mindedness. Complaints more frequent in inner than on Complaints more frequent on external than external nose. in inner nose. Nasal secretion thick Nasal secretion watery. Eruption predominant on under lip . . . Eruption on upper lip. Complaints predominant on upper jaw~and Complaints predominant on lower jaw and upper teeth, and on roof of mouth. lower teeth, and on soft palate. Generally hunger Generally loss of appetite. Appetite for spirituous liquors .... Aversion to wine ; but appetite for beer. Nausea in stomach Nausea in oesophagus or stomach. Yomit oftener sour than bitter .... Bitter vomit. Predominant complaints after coition . . Complaints in consequence of pollutions. Catamenia most frequently too soon . . . Catamenia too late. Leucorrhoea mild Leucorrhcea acrid. Expectoration predominant, but not con- Expectoration not constant ; during day. stant; morning and during day. Complaints predominant on patella . . . Complaints predominant on tip of elbow, and in hollow of knee. Sweat of feet stinking Sweat of feet scentless. Remission before midnight Remission of complaints during day. Worse or better from light (resp. in the Worse from light, better in the dark. dark.) Better when assuming an erect position . Worse or betterwhen assum. an erectposit'n. Worse or better after getting out of bed . Better after getting out of bed. Worse when eating, and when swallowing . Better or worse when eat'g or swallow'g, par- tic, worse when swallow'g saliva and drink. Oftener aggrav. than improv. by smoking . Better from smoking. Better or worse when moving the part . . Worse when moving diseased part. Worse or betterwhen bending diseased part. Worse when bending diseased part. Better when sitting down Worse or better when sitting down. Ailments from Mercurius, Phosph., or Di- Ailments from Calc, Sulph.,from Arsen. or gitalis. Copper vapors, and from sting of insects. Predomin. worse — — "^__^^ ** n *" -^^ Fredomin. better From wrapping up, when letting diseased limb hangdown, lyingon left side, .and lying on unpainful side. Predomin. better -* — . . *» -^ — — •**■■■ — ^ Predomin. worse From uncovering, when lifting up diseased limb, lying on right side, lying on painful side, and from the touch. NJ3. With Mercurius we seldom find the sensation of numbness in suffering parts frequent with Calc, in accordance with the constitutional character of both remedies. Calcarea. Natr. mur. Eruptions generally dry Eruptions generally humid. Complaints predominant in internal parts . Complaints predominant in external parts- Light hair — Skin and muscles lax . . . Dark hair— Skin and muscles rigid. Lower left, upper right side Upper left, lower right side. Aversion to open air Generally inclination for open air. Oftener indicated with children and young Often indicated with old people, particularly women than with old people. with old women. Emaciation of the face Emaciation of the feet. Epilepsy, with unconsciousness .... Epilepsy, with full consciousness. Pulse full and accelerated Pulse very irregular, intermitt'g ; sometimes frequent and weak, somet. full and slow. Heat, then chill Chill, then heat. Heat or sweat, with inclination to uncover. Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover. Thirst during all stages of the fever . . . Thirst during the fever and apyrexy. Aversion to washing with cold water . . Inclination for washing with cold water. Eear — Delirium — Fancies Changing mood; indifferent; malicious- Absent-mindedness. Ailments from vexation with fright, and Ailments from fright, anger, mortification, from hearing bad news. or of vexation with reserved displeasure. Vertigo, inclination to fall backwards or Vertigo, inclining to fall forward, sideways. Complaints predominant in inner nose, on Compl. predom. on external nose, on soft roof of mouth, in upper part of chest, palate, in lower part of chest, on front on back of thigh, and on patella. side of thigh, and in hollow of knee. Generally hunger Generally want of appetite. Appetite for bread Generally avers, to bread, partic. rye-bread. Cramp in stomach, lessened by loosening Cramp in stomach, better from tightening the clothes. the clothes. Urine acid, generally with white sediment . Urine alcaline, with red sediment. Catamenia generally too soon — Leucorrhoea Catamenia too late — Leucorrhcea predomi- mild. nantly acrid. Sexual desire increased or strong . . . Sexual desire decreased or weak. Palpitation of heart, with even, strong beats, Palpitation of heart, with irregular, inter- particularly in evening, in bed. mitting beats. Expectoration predominant, but not con- Expectoration very seldom, and then only stant; morning and during day. in morning. Paralysis prevalent in arms. Paralysis prevalent in legs. Remission of complaints before midnight. Remission afternoon. Better* when lying in a horizontal position, Better when lying with bead high. or with head low. Better when assuming an erect position . . Worse or better when assum'g an erect posit. Predomin. worse — ■ — "■^**. ^ — — ■ — ^ Predomin. better On an empty stomach, ont-doors, from washing with cold water, from wrapping np, and from tight clothes. Predomin better --- — "" 5Ba -» ^ — ** ■"■ — -^ Predomin. worse After breakfast, in-doors, from nncovering, from loosening the clothes and from the tonch. * Lying down of itself improves in both remedies. Warmth, of bed aggravates in both. Calcarea. Nitr. acid. Upper right, lower left side — Light hair . Upper left, lower right side — Dark hair. Skin and muscles lax Skin and muscles rigid. Haemorrhages light red — Eruptions gener- Hcemorrhages dark — Eruptions humid. ally dry. Cures warts, lipomas, &c, by suppuration. Causes atrophy of warts. Emaciation of face Emaciation of feet. Epilepsy with unconsciousness Epilepsy with full consciousness. Oftener indicated with children and young Often indicated with old people, partic. old women than with old people. women. Pulse accelerated, full, often trembling . . Pulse very unequal, double, intermitting. Thirst during all stages of fever .... Thirst is wanting during chill; is not con- stant during; heat. Hopelessness— Amativeness — Imbecility . Malice. Ailments from vexation with fright, dread Ailments from emotion in general — Yery or fear, and from hearing bad news. rarely apoplexy or paralysis. Complains preclom. on under lip ... . Complaints predom. on upper lip. Appetite for bread Aversion to bread. Urine too often; acid, generally with red Urine scanty; oftener alcaline than acid, sediment. with white or red sediment. Leucorrhcea mild Leucorrhcea acrid. Impotence with increased sexual desire . . Erections with less desire and potence. Cough generally loose . , Cough generally dry. Remission of complaints before midnight . Remission forenoon. Better after lying down, but worse from Worse after lying down, but better from warmth of bed. warmth of bed. Ailments from Phosphor, or abuse of Cin- Ailments from Calcarea. chona, also from Nitr. acid. Predomln. worse Predomin. better In cold weather, from stooping, from riding, after sweat, from use of spirituous liquors, before breakfast and from -warmth of bed. Predomin. better ""*>** — — --^ Predomin. worse In warm air, when assuming an erect position, from the touch, after breakfast, and after lying down. N.B. Nitric acid lacks the sensation of numbness in suffering parts, frequent with Calc. Both remedies, however, have the character of constitutional want of irritability. Calcarea. Nux vomica. Light hair — Skin and muscles lax Dark hair — Skin and muscles rigid. Want of bodily irritab. — Pain press'g inwards. Increased bodily irritab. — Pain pressing out- Epilepsy with unconsciousness Epilepsy with full consciousness. [ward. Paralysis, generally of legs Paralysis, predom of arms. Apopl. sang. — Haemorrhages, blood light red. Apoplex. nervosa — Hoemorrhages, blood dark. Heat or sweat with inclination to uncover . . Heat or sweat with aversion to uncover. Sweat, partic. on front of body — Thirst pred. Sweat, parict. on back of body — Thirst, partic. during chill. Chill or heat after sleep — Heat while sitting. Chill or heat less during sleep — Heat lessened while sitting. Sleeplessness preval. before midnight . . . Sleeplessness preval. after midnight. Taciturnity — Cheerfullness or dejection . . Loquacity — Sadness — Malice. Ailments from hearing bad news, and from Ailm. from contradiction, anger, fright, morti- vexation with fright. fication, grief, disappointed love, jealousy, or fr. vexation with indignation or vehemence. Sweat on head, partic. on back part, in evening, Fetid sweat on one side of head and face, which from the least motion, increased in cold air, is cold, after midnight and in morning, with when having cold feet; better when sitting fear and abatement of pain; better from still in a warm room. washing and when sitting still in warm room. Optical illusions in black or dark colors . . Optical illusions in bright colors. Dimsightedness Clear-sightedness predom. Compl. predom. on upper jaw and upper teeth. Compl. predom. om lower jaw and lower teeth. Generally hunger — Appetite for bread or sour Generally loss of appetite — Aversion to bread, things. partic. rye bread, and to sour things. Desire for beer Inclination for or aversion to beer. Urine too often predom. dark ; sediment gener- Urine infrequent and scanty ; generally pale ; ally white — Urinal stream small. sediment reddish — Urinal stream large. Complaints predom. after coition Complaints predom. after pollutions. Nasal secretion thick Nasal secretion watery. Cough generally loose — Expectoration morn- Cough generally dry — Expectoration morning, ing and during day. during day and evening. Old, large inguinal hernia, easily reducible . Old, large inguin. hernia difficult to be reduced. Complaints predom. on patella Complaints predom. in hollow of knee. Remission of complaints before midnight . . Remission evening till midnight. Worse or better from light (resp. in the dark.) Worse from light, better in the dark. Worse when lying on side, better when lying Generally better when lying on side, worse on back. when lying on back. Worse when lying on unpainful side, better Worse (resp. better) when lying on painful or when lying on painful side. on unpainful side. Predom. worse on awaking and after sleep . Better after sufficient and not too long sleep ; but worse when roused from sleep. Oftener improved than aggrav. after breakfast. Oftener aggrav. than improved after breakfast. Worse when eating Oftener improv. than aggrav. when eating. Worse or better from cold (resp. warm) diet . Pred. worse fr. cold diet ; better fr. warm diet. Worse when swallowing and when sneezing . Worse or better when swallowing or sneezing. Worse or better when rising from a seat . . Worse when rising from a seat. Worse or better from exertion, running, &c. Worse from exertion, running, &c. Worse when stooping Oftener improv. than aggrav. when stooping. "Worse or better when moving diseased part . Worse when moving diseased part. Worse when bending back or stretching out Oftener improv. than aggrav. when bending diseased part. backwards or stretching out diseased part. Better when drawing up diseased part . . . Oftener aggrav. than improv. when drawing up diseased limb. Worse after drinking ... • • • • . Worse or better after drinking. Predomin. worse — - "^ — — ■ "^ ---— Predomin. belter In wet weather, from wrapping up, in bed*, and fr. warmth of bed, lying with the head high, and lying on left side, after sweat, on inspiration, from pressure, and fr. washing or moistening diseased part. Predomin. better — "—- -^^ -*"" "" ""-*---. Predomin. worse In dry weather, when uncovering, when assuming; an erect position, in a horizontal position, lying on right side, on expiration, and from the touch. * Both remedies have predom. improvement after lying down and while lying down generally. 10 Calcarea. Phosphor. Light hair— Skin and muscles lax . . . Dark hair — Skin and muscles rigid. Oftener indicated with children and young Often indicated with old people. women than with old people. Diseases of bones, partic. of the epiphyses. Diseases of bones, partic. of the diaphyses. Emaciation of face — Apoplexia sanguinea. Emaciation of hands — Apoplexia nervosa. Pain pressing inwards Pain pressing outwards. Epilepsy, with unconsciousness .... Epilepsy, with full consciousness Pulse full and accelerated, but equal . . . Pulse varying; irregular, sometimes inter- mitt'g ; most frequently quick, full & hard. Heat one-sided — Left side Heat one-sided— Right side. Chill after sleep Chill less after sleep. Heat lessened after breakfast Heat iucreased after breakfast. Sweat more when eating; less in-doors. . Sweat less when eating; increased in-doors. First heat, then chill — Thirst constant . . First chill, then heat — Want of thirst const't. Loquacity — Hopelessness ...*.. Taciturnity— Changing mood — Indifference — Haughtiness. Mental dullness — Imbecility Mental excitability — Insanity. Ailments from vexation with dread or fear, Ailments from anger, fright, or from vexa- and from hearing bad news. tion with vehemence. "Weak memory Active memory. Pupils dilated Pupils contracted. Complaints of inner oftener than of external Complaints of external oftener than of inner ear; complaints predominant on upper ear; complaints predominant on lower jaw and on patella. jaw and in hollow of knee. Appetite for bread Aversion to bread Urine too often; smelling sour, generally Urine often, but scanty; sometimes sour, with white sediment. but oftener smelling like Ammoniac, with white, yellow, or reddish sediment. Leucorrhcea mild Leucorrhcea acrid. Voice singing or nasal Voice trembling or hissing. Expectoration predom., but not constant . Expectoration not constant. Remission before midnight Remission of complaints after midnight. Worse in cold, wet weather Worse before or during thunder-storm. Worse or better from warm diet .... Always aggravated by warm diet. Worse during full or new moon .... Worse before thunder-storm. Ailments from Phosph., Mercur., Cinchona, Ailments from Iodine or from abuse of Digitalis, or Nitr. acid. table-salt. Predomin. worse ^ -*-^_^\- _— — — -^ Predomin. better In the open air, and when walking ont-doors, when stooping, lying on side, in the evening twilight, after sleep,* on an empty stomach, but also after a satisfying meal, from sweets, coffee, wine, and drinking cold water. Predomin. better — «■ -"^ — — -. Predomin. worse In warm room, from assuming an erect position, lying on back, from change of position, and after breakfast. N.B. Calcarea rarely has the over-sensitiveness of Phosph. to pain. * As an exception, Phosph. has aggravation after the siesta, and likewise after being roused from sleep. Calcarea. Pulsatilla. Lower left, upper right side — Pain pressing Upper left, lower right side — Pain pressing inwards. outward. Want of bodily susceptibility — Aversion to Increased susceptibility — Inclination for open open air. air. Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy . . . Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis. Hemorrhages, blood light red — Apoplexia Haemorrhages, blood dark — Apoplexia ner- sanguinea. vosa. Itching, oftener improved than aggravated by Itching, aggrav. or unchanged by scratching. scratching. Pulse preval. full Pulse predom. small and weak; sometimes imperceptible. Chill with thirst — Thirst constant • • • • Chill without thirst — Thirst only during hot Heat 1. s.— Heat first, then chill Heat r. s. — Chill first, then heat, [stage. Sweat, partic. on front of body Sweat, partic. on back part of body. Heat increased after washing; sweat when Heat lessened by washing — Sweat lessened walking out doors. when walking out doors. Mood silly or despondent; embarrassed; irri- Mood changeable — Calm sadness — Gentleness table. * Boldness — Avarice — Distrust. Ailments from hearing bad news Ailments from excessive joy, fright, grief, mor- tification. Imbecility oftener than insanity Absent-mindedness — Melancholy. Vertigo, inclining to fall sideways or back- Yertigo, inclining to fall backwards, partic. in wards, partic. in the morning. the evening. Pupils generally dilated — Optical illusions in Pupils most frequently contracted — Optical black or dark colors. illusions in bright colors. Stye on right eye Stye on left eye. C.Hg. Internal nasal compl'ts oftener than external. External nasal compl'ts oftener than internal. Complaints predom. on upper jaw and upper Complaints predom. on lower jaw and lower teeth, and on outer side of gums. teeth, and on inner side of gums. Food tastes as though salted too little • . . Food tastes too salty. Appetite for bread Aversion to bread. Nausea in stomach Nausea in throat, stomach, or abdomen. Predom. sour vomit Vomit, oftener bitter than sour. Urine too often ; sour; sediment whitish . . Ur. seldom & scanty ; alkaline; sedim. reddish. Catamenia most frequently too soon, profuse, Catamenia most frequently too late, scanty and and of long duration. of short duration. Complaints predom. in upper part of chest . Complaints predom. in lower part of chest. Complaints predom. from coition Complaints after pollutions. Complaints predom. on fore-arm and patella . Complaints predom. on upper arm and in hol- low of knee. Remission of complaints before midnight . . Remission from midnight till noon. Worse (resp. better) when opening the eyes, Better when opening the eyes ; worse when or when closing them. closing them. Better when assuming an erect position . . Worse or bett. when assum'g an erect posit'n. Worse when getting out of bed Impr. oftener than aggr. when gett'g out of bed. Aggrav. oftener than improv. by exertion . . Irnprov. oftener than aggrav. by exertion. Better when sitting down Worse or better when sitting down. Worse or better from smoking Worse from smoking. Worse when swallowing, and after stool . . Better or worse when swallow'g & after stool. Worse or better from pressure Better or worse from pressure. Generally improved by rubbing and scratching. Worse from rubbing and scratching. Worse during full or new moon Worse before a thunder-storm. Predomin. worse ^— — ' Predomin. better In the open air ; from cold and in cold weather ; from drinking cold -water ; during continued motion ; when walking ; from exertion ; when stretching out ; bending sideways ; washing or moistening the diseased limb ; on inspiration ; when lying with head high ; from tightening "the clothes and from pressure. Predomin. better ^~~ ***■ -^^ — -^^. Predomin. worse Indoors; from warmth and in warm air; during rest; after lying down ; while lying, sitting, and standing ; in a horizontal position ; from change of position ; from the touch ;"wtien drawing up diseased limb ; on expiration ; from loosening the clothes, and from rubbing and scratching. N.B. We rarely find the oversensitiveness to pain of Pulsatilla with Calcarea. Calcarea. Rhus. Upper right, lower left side Upper left, lower right side. Complaints predora. in internal parts . . Complaints predom. in external parts. Eruptions generally dry „ . . . . . . Eruptions generally humid. Skin and muscles lax Skin and muscles rigid. Pain pressing inwards, partic. also in the Pain pressing outwards, partic. also in the glands. glands. Cures warts, lipomae, &c, by suppuration. Causes atrophy of warts. Pulse rapid and full Pulse irregular ; generally rapid, but weak, faint and soft, sometimes imperceptible and intermitting. First heat, then chill First chill, then heat. Heat or sweat with inclination to uncover. Heat or sweat with aversion to uncover. Thirst during all stages of the fever . . . Thirst not constant. Mood silly or sadj irritable Dejection. Fear of loss of reason . , Fear of being poisoned. Vertigo, inclining to fall sideways or back- Yertigo, inclining to fall forwards or back- wards, wards. Eruption predom. on underlip Eruption on upper lip. Internal oftener than external nasal com- External oftener than internal nasal com- plaints; compl. predom. on upper jaw plaints; compl. predom. on lower jaw and and upper teeth, in upper part of chest; lower teeth, in lower part of chest; most most frequently on sole of foot. frequently on top of foot. Generally hunger — Desire for wine . . . Predom. loss of appetite — Aversion to wine. Nausea in stomach Nausea in oesophagus or stomach, less fre- quently in throat. Diarrhoea generally painless Diarrhoea generally painful. Inguinal hernia easily reducible .... Inguinal hernia difficult to reduce. Urinal stream small; urine dark — Sediment Urinal stream spread; urine pale — Sedi- white, less frequently reddish. ment white. Impotence with increased sexual desire . . Erections (with desire to urinate. C.Hg.) Cough generally loose — Expectoration in Cough, generally dry — Expectoration, par- morning and during day. ticularly in the morning. "Worse after mental exertion Consequences of bodily exertion. C.Hg. Remission before midnight ...... Remission of complaints during clay. Worse after passing urine, and during and Worse before passing urine and while after sweating sweating, better after the sweat. Worse after a satisfying meal Worse when hungry. Predomin. worse "**•— -^"^ — — -^ Predomin. belter When lying on side ; when stretching out or when letting diseased limh hang down; dnring continued. (moderate) motion: from wrapping up and warmth of bed*; from pressure; from boring with finger (in ear or nose) and after sweat. Predomin. better — • — •*• -*"•*-» -— —- — Predomin. worse When lying on back; when drawing up, lifting or resting diseased limb on anything; during rest; after lying down, when standing and sitting; fronTbeing uncovered ; change of position, and from the touch. * We find aggrav. by warmth of bed rarely only with Rhus (and N. vom.). Calcarea Sepia. Light hair — Skin and muscles lax . . . Complaints of internal parts predom. . . Rending pain upwards — Pain pressing in- wards. Hemorrhages : blood light red .... Itching, improved oftener than aggrav. by- scratching. Pulse frequent and full - Chill increased after getting out of bed . . Thirst constant, only sometimes absent dur- ing chill. Dark hair— Skin and muscles rigid. Complaints of external parts predom. Rending pain downwards — Pain pressing outwards. Haemorrhages : blood dark. Itching, always aggrav. by scratching. Pulse, accelerated partic. by vexation and motion ; frequent and full, and then often intermitting at night, slower during day. Chill lessened after getting out of bed. Want of thirst; only during chill there is thirst. Taciturnity — Fear of losing one's reason . Loquacity — Fear of apoplexy. Silly merriness or dejection — Amorousness. Seriousness — Despondency — Indifference — Absent-mindedness. Delirium . , Insanity. Pupils dilated Pupils contracted. Kose - bleeding during the (too copious) Nose-bleeding with suppressed or too scanty menses menses, or during pregnancy. C.Hg. Generally hunger — Appetite for bread . . Generally loss of appetite — Aversion to Predom. sour vomiting Predom. bitter vomiting. [bread. Urinary sediment generally whitish — Fre- Urinary sediment red or whitish — Passing quent passing of urine. urine too seldom. Catamenia generally too soon — Leucorrhcea Catamenia generally too late — Leucorrhcea mild. acrid. Nasal secretion thick Nasal secretion watery. Expectoration in the morning and during Expectoration is loosened at night and in day. the morning ; is swallowed. Complaints predom. on patella .... Complaints predom. on tip of elbow. Remission of complaints before midnight. Aggrav. oftener during full moon than dur- Remission afternoon. Aggravation during new moon. Worse in cold weather, better in warm air. Worse from warmth of bed Worse or better fr. light (resp. in the dark.) Predom. worse on awaking and after sleep. Worse when getting out of bed ; worse or better after getting out of bed. Aggrav. oftener than improv. by smoking. Worse or better when bending the part . Aggrav. oftener than improv. by exertion. Better or worse in cold (rsp. warm) weather. Better or worse from warmth of bed. Worse from light ; better in the dark. Better after sufficient sleep, but worse on awaking when roused from sloep. Improved oftener than aggrav. during and after getting out of bed. Improved oftener than aggrav. by smoking. Worse when bending diseased part. Improved oftener than aggrav. by exertion. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In wet weather ; when walking in the open air; from walking and exercise in general; from bodily exertion; on inspiration; from warmth of bed; from wrapping up ; lying on side ; after sleep; when getting out of bed ; from drinking cold water, (and from smoking.) Predomin. better Predomin. worse In dry weather ; during rest ; when lying, sitting, and standing ; on expiration ; from uncovering, lying on back, and from scratching. N.B. We very rarely find the oversensitiveness of Sepia to pain with Calcarea ; with Sepia rarely the sensation of numbness in suffering pans peculiar to Calc. Calcarea. Silicea. Apoplexia sanguinea Apoplexia nervosa. Complaints (constriction, etc.^) predominant Compl. (constriction, etc.) predom. in ex- in internal parts — Want of irritability. ternal parts — Increased bodily irritability. Obesity or emaciation Emaciation. Rending pain upwards Rending pain downwards. Pain pressing inwards Pain pressing outwards. Itching, improved or aggrav. by scratch'g. Itching, unchanged or aggrav. by scratch'g. Pulse frequent and full, often trembling. . Pulse frequent, hard, but small; often irre- gular. Sweat on front of body Sweat often confined to back part of body. Heat, with inclination for uncovering . . Heat, with aversion to uncovering. Dreams of dead people, fire, quarrel, dis- Dreams of thieves, water, business, etc. pute, etc. Sleeplessness prevalent before midnight . . Sleeplessness prevalent after midnight. Fear — Cheerfulness or dejection — Irritable Indifference — Gentleness — Dejection — Ab- mood — Delirium. sent-mindedness. Vertigo, inclining to fall backwards or side- "Vertigo, inclining to fall forwards. ways. Pupils dilated — Complaints predominant on Pupils contracted — Complaints predom. on external angle of eye. inner angle of eye. Complaints generally in inner ear .... Complaints generally on external ear. Eruption predominant on under lip . . . Eruption on upper lip. Complaints predominant on upper jaw, on Complaints predominant on lower jaw, on upper teeth, and in upper part of chest. lower teeth, and in lower part of chest. Generally hunger Loss of appetite predominant. Vomit oftener sour than bitter .... Bitter vomit. Stool generally like diarrhoea Stool generally costive. Urinary sediment generally whitish, seldom Urinary sediment reddish or yellow. reddish. Catamenia generally too soon Catamenia generally too late. Leucorrhcea mild Leucorrhcea acrid. Expectoration predominant, but not con- Expectoration rather constant; only during stant ; morning and during day. day. Kumbnesss of fingers Heat in fingers. Worse in wet, cold weather Worse in cold, dry air. Worse from cold or warm diet .... Worse from cold diet, better from warm diet. Worse when blowing the nose Better after blowing the nose. Ailments from Phosph., Digitalis, or abuse Ailments from sting of insects, or from of Cinchona, also from Nitric acid. abuse of Sulphur. Predomin. worse — - — -*^___~-''~^__^-i - — Predomin. better In wet weather, when lying on side, when letting suffering limb hang down, from wrapping up, in bed, during continued moderate motion, and on an empty stomach. Predomin. better ■*■ -^- — --^ Predomin. worse In dry weather, when lying on back, when lifting up or resting suffering limb on anything, from uncovering, from the touch, during rest, after breakfast, and from scratching." N.B. Over-sensitiveness to pain is very rarely found with Calc, but more frequently with Silicea. Calcarea. Sulphur. Eight side ; partic. upper right, lower left side. Left side ; partic. upper left, lower right side *. Rending pain upwards — Fain pressing in- Rending pain downwards — Pain pressing out- wards, wards. Haemorrhages, blood light red — Apoplexy . . Haemorrhages, blood dark — Rarely apoplexy. Itching, improved oftener than aggravated by Itching, almost always improved by scratching. scratching. Eruptions better in the open air Eruptions worse in the open air. C.Hg. Cures warts &c. by suppuration Causes atrophy of warts, &c. Pulse sometimes trembling Pulse semetimes intermitting. Sweat, partic. anteriorly Sweat, partic. posteriorly. Thirst constant during all stages of the fever. Thirst mostly during heat; generally absence of thirst during chill. Silly merriness or despondency — Amorous- Mood changing; serious, solemn, sad, gentle ness. indifferent. Consequences of hearing bad news — Imbecility Consequences of shame or mortification — In- predom. sanity predom. Pupils generally dilated Pupils generally contracted. Complaints predom. on lower eye-lids . . . Complaints predom. on upper eye-lids. Eruption predom. on under-lip Eruption predom. on upper lip. Complaints predom. on upper gum .... Complaints predom. on lower gum. Generally hunger Generally loss of appetite. Appetite for bread and for spirituous liquors. Aversion to bread, partic. rye bread — Inclina- tion or aversion to beer and spirit, liquors. Catamenia generally too soon, profuse and Catamenia generally too late, scanty, and of long. short duration. Leucorrhcea mild Leucorrhcea acrid. Nasal secretion thick Nasal secretion watery. Expectoration predom., but not constant . . Expectoration not constant. Remission of complaints before midnight . . Remission evening and before midnight. "Worse during full moon or new moon . . . Worse during full moon, or before a thunder- storm. Predom. worse out doors ; better in doors . . Better (resp. worse) out doors or in doors f. "Worse when growing cold and in cold weather ; "Worse or better when growing cold and in cold better when growing warm and in warm air. weather, resp. growing warm or in warm air. Better (resp. worse) from warm or cold diet . Predom. worse from cold diet, better from warm diet. Worse or better after eating Worse after eating. Worse or better from smoking Worse from smoking. Worse when stooping Worse or better when stooping. Better when assuming an erect position . . Aggrav. oftener than improved when assuming an erect position. Better when sitting down Better or worse when sitting down. Aggrav. oftener than improved when rising Worse when rising from a seat. from a seat. Worse, after mental exertion, than aft. bodily. Worse after bodily exertion more than after mental exertion. C.Hg. Better from being touched • . Aggrav. oftener than improved by the touch. Worse or better when bending the part . . Worse when bending diseased part. Ailments from Phosphor, or Digitalis . . . Ailments from abuse of metallic medicines, &c. Worse when looking up or down Worse when looking down. Fredomin. worse _- ■■■■■" — -^ Predomin. better During continued motion ; when getting out of bed ; lying with head high ; when letting diseased limb hang down ; from pressure ; after stool, and from boring with linger (in ear or nose). Fredomin. better -—- — - — -"'* v *- — — >-. Predomin. worse During rest; when standing, sitting, and lying ; in horizontal position, or with head low ; when lifting up diseased limb ; from change of position ; when assuming an erect position, and from being touched. * In rare single cases, the formula "upper right, lower left side " can also he applied to Sulphur. f Sulphur-complaints are improved hy warmth of stove; aggrav. in a crowded room. Calcarea Zincum. Bight side — Light hair Complaints (constriction, etc.) predominant in internal parts. Rending pain upwards — Apoplexy . . . Hydrocephalus Itching, lessened oftener than aggravated by scratching. Pulse frequent and full, often trembling . Thirst constant .... Sweat increased while eating Left side — Dark hair. Complaints (constriction, etc.) predominant in external parts. Rending pain downwards — No apoplexy. Hydrocephaloid. C.Hg. Itching, generally lessened by scratching, but often also unchanged, or appearing in another place. Pulse small and frequent in evening ; slower in morning and during day; sometimes intermitting. Thirst not constant. Sweat lessened while eating. Silly merriness or fear and despondency . Ailments from hearing bad news .... Solicitude concerning bodily welfare . . . Unconsciousness — Fancies — Imbecility . . Vertigo, inclining to fall backwards or side- ways. Optical illusions in black or in dark colors . Eruption predominant on under lip . . . Urine generally dark ; sediment white, less frequently red. Catam. too profuse and generally too soon. Larynx and trachea filled with mucus . . Expectoration predominant, but not con- stant ; morning and during day. Complaints predominantly in upper part of chest, on inner side of thigh, and on sole of foot. Mood changing ; cheerful; indifferent. Ailments from fright. Solicitude concern'g spiritual welfare. CHg. Absent-mindedness. Vertigo, inclining to fall sideways (left side.) Optical illusions in bright colors. Eruption on upper lip. Urine predominantly pale ; sediment yellow. Catam. predom. scanty and gener'y too late. Larynx and trachea dry. Expectoration almost constant ; morning. Complaints predominant in lower part of chest, orf outer side of thigh, and on top of foot. Remission of complaints before midnight . Worse when looking up or down . . . . Worse or better when bend'g diseased limb. Aggrav. oftener than improved by exertion, (particularly mental exertion.) C.Hg. Ailments from Phosph., Mercurius, Xitr. acid, Cinchona, or Digitalis. Aggravation afternoon and evening, less frequently at night. Worse when looking upwards. Worse when bending diseased limb, Worse from bodily exertion. Ailments from Baryta. Predomin. worse Fredomin. better Out-doors, when getting: out of bed, when stretching out diseased limb, from pressure, when swallowing and eating, from tight clothes, from boring with finger (in ear or nose), and before breakfast. Predomin. better In-doors, after lying down, when drawing up diseased limb, when assumin loosening the clothes, and after breakfast. Predomin. worse g an erect position, from N.B. Although both remedies have the predominant character of constitutional irritability, yet we often find with Zinc (very rarely with Calcarea) over-sensitiveness to pain ; on the other hnnd. the sensation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Calcarea is very rarely found with Ziuc. Camphora. Apis. Complaints (burning, pressing, etc.) pre- Complaints (burning, pressing, etc.) in ex- dominant in internal parts. ternal parts. Want of irritability — Muscles lax . . , Increased irritability — Muscles rigid. Aversion to open air — Apoplexia nervosa . Inclination for open air — Apoplexia san- guine a. Ko paralysis of limbs . . Paralysis of limbs. Pnlse predominantly slow, small, and weak. Pulse accelerated and predominantly large. Congestion of blood to ears . . e . . Congestion of blood to eyes. Want of thirst predominant Thirst seems to be wanting only during sweat. Chill lessened in warm room ..... Chill increased in warm room. Heat, without thirst, with aversion to un- Heat, with thirst and inclination to un- cover, cover. Mental excitability Eccentric merriness — Fickleness — Ailments from hearing bad news, from vexation, anger or jealonsy. Predominant insanity Absent-mindedness — Mental dullness — Pre- dominant imbecility. Pupils contracted — Clear-sightedness . . Pupils generally dilated — Dim-sightedness. Very rarely nausea . . * Nausea. Predominantly sour vomit s Bitter vomit. Urine infrequent and scanty Urine often, and at the same time generally less than usual. Palpitation of heart, with regular, but gen- Beating of heart and pulse often intermit- erally slow beats. ting. Complaints predominant on patella . . . Complaints predominant in hollow of knee. Aggravation afternoon and night . . . Aggravation from evening till morning. Ailments, partic. from abuse of Cantharides, Ailments from sting of musquitoes, from from Copper vapors, or Squilla. contagious Anthrax, Iodine, or from abuse of Cinchona. Predomin. worse -— - — — -~-~-"^- --— ». Predomin. better In the open air, from cold,* from uncovering, and from drinking wine. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In-doors, from warmth, from wrapping up, after lying down, in bed, and from warmth of bed, from drinking beer, and from drinking cold water. * Both remedies have aggravation in cold weather. Camph. Want of bodily irritability — Apoplexy In afebrile diseases dryness of skin . Predoin. want of thirst Cantharid. Increased irritability — Paralysis. Inclination to sweat and perspiring easily. Thirst is wanting during chill, but appears after chill and in heat. Mental excitability Amorousness — Fancies. Eyes sunken Eyes protruding. Acute taste Loss of taste. Very rarely Xausea [Nausea, partic. in stomach. Stream of urine thin Stream of urine spread. Urine seldom and scanty Urine seldom and scanty, but with paralytic affections copious and often. Complaints predom. on fore-arm, on inner Complaints predom. on upper arm, on outer side of thigh, and on foot. side of thigh, and on hand. Aggravation afternoon and night Better from rubbing and scratching when Aggrav. after midnight and during day. Better or worse from scratching, &c. Worse when lying on side ; better when Better (resp. worse) when lying on side or lying on back. on back. Worse after stool Better or worse after stool. Predomin. worse ,-— — **^ ^- — ^-^ Predomin. better When closing the eyes ; from pressure, and from drinking wine. Predomin. better Predomin. worse When opening eyes, and from drinking cold water. Camphora. Opium. Trembling sensation in internal parts— Apo- Trembling of external parts — Apoplexia plexia nervosa predominant. sanguinea. Ko paralysis of the limbs Paralysis of the limbs. Pulse slow, small, weak, often impercepti- Pulse variable ; full and slow with snoring ble. respiration; quick and hard, with heat and quick, anxious respiration. Coldness predominant — Heat or sweat, with Heat predominant — Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover inclination to uncover. Sadness — Mental excitability — Insanity . Cheerfulness — Ecstasies or mental dull- ness — Gentleness — Boldness — Fancies — Ailments from shame, fright, anger, vexa- tion, or joy — Imbecility more frequent than insanity. Eyes sunken — Pupils contracted .... Eyes protruding — Pupils dilated. Clear-sightedness Dim-sightedness. Saliva increased — Acute taste Saliva decreased — Loss of taste. Predominantly sour vomit Predominantly bitter vomit. Cholera asiatica, first stage; sudden cold- Cholera asiatica, second typhoid stage, or ness, etc. after too much camphor. Yery rarely costiveness — Diarrhoea pre- Predominant costiveness ; when there is dominantly painless. diarrhoea, it is also painless.* Urine seldom and scanty Urine seldom and scanty, but sometimes (with paralysis) copious. Aggravation afternoon and night . . . Aggravation night and morning. Worse from sunlight Worse from candle-light. Worse after sleep Generally worse, rarely better after sleep. Worse from drinking wine Worse or better from wine. Better or worse from smoking .... Worse from smoking. Ailments from Cantharides, Scilla, or Cop- Ailments from Charcoal vapor, Digitalis, per vapors. Strychnine, or Plumb. Predomin. worse — — — ""^ — — , ->-^ Predomin. better From cold, growing cold and in cold weather, out-doors f, from uncovering, when moving J, when sitting bent forward, from pressure, and from drinking coffee. Predomin. better — — ""V- — — ->»». Predomin. worse From warmth, from growing warm, and in warm air, in-doors, from wrapping up, during rest, after lying down, in bed and from warmth of bed, when lying, standing, and sitting, "particularly sitting erect, and when assuming an erect position. N.B. Camph. has over sensitiveness to pain, Opium predominant painlessness. Camph. sometimes has sensation of numbness, but less frequently than Opium. * Both remedies have costiveness a great deal, and with retention of urine or infrequent, scanty discharge of urine With Camph. it seems to be more the inactivity of the kidneys, with Opium of the rectum. C.Hg. •j- With Camphor, as with most other remedies, as in nearly all other cases, congestive compl. axe iuiprov. out of doors % Both remedies have aggravation "when moving painful part." Camph. Veratr. aib. Want of bodily irritability — Trembling sen- Increased irritability — Trembling of ex- sation in internal parts. ternal parts. Pulse more regular Pulse not so regular. Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover . Heat or sweat, with inclination to uncover. Predominant want of thirst — Desire for Thirst more frequent than want of thirst — drink without thirst. Thirst with aversion to drink. No paralysis of the limbs Paralysis of limbs. Sadness — Rarely rage — Mental excita- Cheerfulness or dejection — Fear — Haughti- bility — Insanity not so frequent as with ness — Ailments from grief, anger, or from Yeratrum. vexation with fear — Absentmindedness — Fancies — Ecstasies or mental dullness — Insanity more frequent than imbecility. Saliva predominantly increased — Acute Saliva generally decreased — Loss of taste, taste. Very rarely nausea Nausea in stomach, which, however, is often wanting when vomiting. Sour vomit Predominantly bitter vomit. Urine seldom and scanty Urine seldom and scanty, or copious. Labor-pains weak or ceasing Spasmodic labor-pains. Cough, without expectoration Cough, generally with expectoration. Complaints predominant on fore-arm . . Complaints predominant on upper arm. Aggravation afternoon and night . . . Aggravation night and morning. Generally aggravated by pressure . . . Generally improved by pressure. Predominantly better in bed Worse or better in bed. "Worse when growing cold, better when Worse or better when growing cold (resp. growing warm. growing warm.) Wors3 after meals Better or worse after meals. Worse after stool Worse or better after stool. Ailments from Cantharides, Scilla, or Cop- Ailments from abuse of Cinchona, Iron, or per vapors. Arsenic. Predomin. worse - — -^ — — Predomin. better Out of doors, from uncovering, when moving, when walking, from sitting bent forward, and from pressure. Predomin better - — ■ — """"" ———-"-*__— ^*^-_- — ■"■"""^ "~~" — --- Predomin. worse In-doors, from wrapping up, during rest, after lying down, when lying:, standing, and sitting, partie. sitting erect, when assuming an erect position, from warmth of bed, from drinking cold water and beer. N.B. Camph. has not the sensation of numbness in suffering parts frequent with Veratrum ; on the other hand, Veratrum rarely has the over-sensitiveness to pain which Camph has. This seems in contradiction to the constitutional character of each remedy ; but compare preface. Cannabis. Cantharides. Complaints (quivering, tension, sore pain, etc.) predominant in internal parts. Complaints predominant on upper eyelids, in lower part of chest, on feet, on the thighs, particularly on front part of thighs. In diseases without fever, dryness of skin ; with fever, dry heat. Pulse slow and weak, (small and soft) . . Thirst, particularly during chill .... Complaints (quivering, tension, sore pain, etc.) predominant in external parts. Complaints predominant on lower eyelids, in upper part of chest, on hands, on legs, and on back part of thighs. In afebrile states, easy perspiration ; in febrile diseases, sweat. Pulse variable; generally quick, full, and hard. Thirst is wanting during chill, but appears fter chill and during heat. Seriousness — Cheerfulness — Irritability — Mood irritable — Amativeness — Raving de- Absentmindedness — Mental excitability — lirium — Insanity. Ecstasies — Clairvoyance. Heart-diseases Spasms — Paralysis of the nervous system. Diseases of the mucous membranes of the Diseases of the mucous membranes, of the sexual and respiratory organs. uropoetic and digestive organs. Urine often, but scanty Urine infrequent and scanty; only excep- tionally copious. Incontinence oftener than retention of urine. Retention of urine oftener than inconti- nence. Changeable sexual desire Increased (violent) sexual desire. Dry coryza — Stoppage of nose — Respira- Fluent coryza — Running of nose — Respira- tion loud. tion low. Cough generally with expectoration 3 . . Cough generally dry. Aggravation forenoon and night . . Remission of symptoms morning and even- ing, till midnight. Predomin. worse — **■ — . — >^ —*""'" — — "— — Predomin. better From -warmth, on expiration, from eructation, and by external pressure. Predomin. better ^— "" **- -^ — — — — -^ Predomin. worse From cold, -washing with cold water, on inspiration, and from stooping . Cannabis. Euphrasia. Eight side — Pinching pain in internal Left side — Pinching pain in external parts. parts. Pulse changed ; small, weak, slow, inter- Pulse unchanged. mitting, etc. Awaking too early Awaking too late. Paralysis No paralysis observed as yet. Seriousness or cheerfulness — Madness — Indifference. Ecstasies — Absent-mindedness — Deli- rium. Optical illusions in bright colors .... Optical illusions in black or in dark colors. Urine often, but scanty Urine often and copious. Dry coryza Fluent coryza Expectoration predominant; evening; is Expectoration predominant; morning, generally swallowed. Complaints predominant in lower part of Complaints predominant in upper part of chest. chest. Remission morning, afternoon, evening . Remission of complaints during day. Worse or better out-doors ; better or worse Better out-doors ; worse in-doors. in-doors. Worse when awaking from sleep .... Aggravated oftener than improved after sleep. Almost always improved after meals . . Worse or better after meals. .Worse from the touch Better or worse from the touch. Predomin. worse -— -" — •*__ -^ — — ---. Predomin. better Out-doors, from exercise, when walking, on expiration, and from eructation. Predomin. better ^-— — -^^ -"■ — -*- Predomin. worse In-doors during rest, after lying down, while lying, in hed, while sitting and standing, on inspiration, and when stooping. N.B. Euphrasia has not the over-sensitiveness to pain wbich is found with Cannabis. Cannabis. Opium Lower left, upper right side — Dark hair. "Upper left, lower right side — Light hair. Inclination for open air . . .... Aversion to open air. Sensation of heaviness in external parts . Sensation of heaviness in internal parts. Pulse slow and weak . . Pulse variable ; full and slow with snoring respiration; quick and hard, with heat and quick anxious respiration. Thirst, partic. during cold stage .... Want of thirst predom. Sleeplessness predom., partic. after mid- Somnolence predom. — When there is sleep- night, lessness, it appears before midnight. "No apoplexy observed yet Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis. Cheerfulness or peevishness — Ecstacies — Gentleness — Boldness — Hilarity — Indif- Rarely insensibility. ference — Ecstacies or mental dullness. Pupils generally contracted Pupils generally dilated. [Nausea in stomach, rarely in throat . . . Yery rarely nausea. Urine often, but scanty .... . . Urine infrequent and scanty, or (with para- lysis) copious. Stream of urine spread Stream of urine retarded and interrupted on ace. of spasm of neck of bladder. Incontinence more frequent than retention Retention of urine more frequent than in- of urine. continence. Sexual desire changing • Sexual desire strong. Respiration predom. with dry sound . . Respiration generally with moist sound. Cough generally with expectoration — Ex- Cough generally dry — Expectoration dur- pectoration in evening ; is generally swal- ing day. lowed. Remission morning, afternoon, and even- ing. Aggrav. oftener than improved in the open air. Improved oftener than aggrav. in doors Worse or better when assuming an erect position. Worse or better after getting out of bed . Almost always improved after meals . . Remission of complaints during day and evening. Improved oftener than aggrav. in the open air. Aggrav. oftener than improved in doors. Worse when assuming erect position. Better after getting out of bed. Worse after meals* Predomin. worse ^- — ^» — -^- — — ^ Predomin. better In the open air ; from motion*; when walking, on expiration; from ernctation, and from pressure. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In doors ; during rest ; after lying down ■ in bed ; when lying, sitting and standing ; on inspiration ; after meals, and when stooping. N.B. Opium has predom. painlessness ; therefore it lacks the oversensitiveness to pain, which we find with Cannabis. * Both remedies have aggrav. when moving diseased part. Cannabis. Pulsatilla. Upper right, lower left side — Inclination Upper left, lower right side — Aversion to for motion. motion. Quivering sensation in internal parts — Pa- Quivering sensation in external parts — ralysis. Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis. Sleeplessness after midnight; awaking too Sleeplessness before midnight — Awaking early. too late. Chill with thirst— Pulse preval. slow . . Chill without thirst; thirst only during heat — Pulse accelerated. Chill increased in the open air Chill lessened in the open air. Want of reserve — Cheerfulness — Madness Taciturnity — Calm sadness of gentle dispo- — Ecstacies — Clairvoyances — Rarely un- sitions — Anxiousness — Distrust — Ava- consciousness. rice — Boldness— Indifference. Complaints predom. on external ear . . . Oral complaints internal oftener than ex- ternal. Nausea in stomach, less frequently in throat. Nausea in throat, stomach, or abdomen. First vomiting, then hunger First ravenous hunger, eating greedily, — afterwards vomiting. Complaints of spleen predom Liver complaint predom. Costiveness predom Diarrhoea predom. Stream of urine spread Stream of urine thin. Urine often, but scanty Urine infrequent and scanty. Sexual desire changing Sexual desire increased. Scrotum contracted Scrotum relaxed. C.Hg. Dry coryza Fluent coryza more frequ. than dry coryza. Expectoration predom.; evening. . . . Expectoration predom., but not constant; £ and during day. Complaints predom. on patella .... Complaints predom. in hollow of knee. Aggravation night and forenoon . . . Aggravation from noon till midnight. Worse from pressure Better or worse from pressure. Worse when moving diseased part . . . Better or worse when moving diseased part. Better when bending diseased limb . . . Worse or better when bending the limb. Worse (resp. better) when lying on painful Better when lying on painful side ; worse or on unpainful side. when lying on unpainful side. Worse before breakfast Better or worse before breakfast. Almost always improved after meals . . . Worse or better after meals. Worse from eructation Aggrav. oftener than improv. by eructation. Predomin. worse ~- — ^— ^^ — -^^. Predomin. better Out of doors ; from motion ; when -walking, running, and from bodily exertion ; when stretching out diseased limb ; from pressure, and from sour things. Predomin. better — * — -^- — —^ Predomin. worse In doors; during rest; after lying down ; in bed ; when lying, sitting and standing; when drawing up diseased limb ; when stooping, and after meals. F.B. With Cannabis we rarely find the sensation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Pulsatilla. Cannabis. Bight side; particularly upper right, lower left side. Dark hair — Inclination for exercise and open air. Tension or sore pain in internal parts . . Thirst, particularly during chill .... Chill, with thirst — No apoplexy Pulse slow and weak .... Thuya. Left side; particularly upper left, lower right side. Light hair — Aversion to exercise and open air. Tension or sore pain in external parts. Thirst is wanting during chill; generally appears during heat ; is not constant dur- ing sweat. Chill, generally without thirst — Apoplexy. Pulse slow and weak in morning; quick and full in evening. Want of reserve — Fear of apoplexy . . Cheerfulness or peevishness — Rarely men- tal dullness — Delirium. Complaints predominant on external ear, in lower part of chest, and on patella. Taciturnity — Fear of loss of reason. Peevishness and dejection — Haughtiness — Mental dullness — Rarely delirium. Complaints predominant in inner ear, in upper part of chest, and in hollow of knee. Urine often, but scanty Urine often and copious. Aggravation forenoon and night Worse when turning in bed . . Worse when awaking from sleep • Worse when moving diseased part Worse or better from scratching , Remission forenoon and before midnight. Worse or better when turning in bed. Worse or better after sleep. Better or worse when moving the diseased part. Better from scratching. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From motion, when walking, from tonch and from pressure, on an empty stomach, and from eructation. Predomin. better - — - _.■*■ — -"•^ — — Predomin. worse During rest, in bed, when lying, sitting, and standing, from washing, after breakfast, after meals, and when stooping. 11 Cantharides. Lycopodium. Sensitiveness in internal parts Numbness in internal parts. Lancinating pain from without inwardly — Lancinating pain from within outwardly — Stitches upwards. Stitches downwards. Sleeplessness prevalent after midnight . . Sleeplessness prevalent before midnight. Pulse generally quick, full, and hard . . . Pulse somewhat accelerated only in the evening and after meals. Heat, with aversion to uncover .... Heat, with inclination to uncover. Chill increased after getting out of bed . . Chill lessened after getting out of bed. Predom. external chill, with internal heat . Predom. internal chill, with external heat. Thirst; drinking much at a time .... Thirst; drinking little at a time. Apoplexy not observed as yet Apoplexy. Loquacity Taciturnity. Solicitude concerning bodily welfare . . . Solicitude concerning spiritual welfare. CHg. Complaints predominant on lower eyelids, Complaints predominant on upper eyelids, on upper lip, on upper arm, and on outer on under lip, on fore-arm, and on inner side of thigh. side of thigh. Eyes protruding Eyes sunken. Styes, right side Styes, left side. CHg. Pain in belly abating after stool .... Pain in belly worse after stool. "Urine infrequent and scanty, but sometimes Urine frequent, but scanty — Sediment red (with paralysis) copious — Sediment red. (sandy) or whitish. Catamenia too soon Catamenia too late. Expectoration infrequent; evening . . . Expector. almost constant; morn 'g&even'g. Aggravation night, particularly after mid- Remission after midnight and in /ore- night and during day. noon. Better in bed and from warmth of bed. Worse or better in bed & fr. warmth of bed. Letter (resp. worse) lying on side or back. Worse lying on side, better lying on back Better when assuming an erect position . . Worse or better when assum'g an erect posit. Better when sitting down Worse or better when sitting down. Better after sweat . . Worse or better after sweat. Worse from growing cold, better from grow- Better or worse from growing cold (resp. ing warm. growing warm.) Worse when uncovering; better when wrap- Generally better from uncovering*; worse ping up. from wrapping up. Worse from weeping Better or w r orse from weeping. Better or worse after stool Worse after stool. Predomin. worse -— — -* — -^^- — —-^ Predomin. better In the open air and when walking ont-doors, from cold, from motion, from walking, after getting ont of bed, when stooping, when closing the eyes, and from weeping. Predomin. better ^-— -^^_^^-^_— — .. Predomin. worse In-doors, from warmth, dnring rest, after lying down, while lying, sitting, and standing, from pressure, when opening the eyes, and from drinking wine and other spirituous liquors. N.B. In accordance with the character of increased susceptibility, which is peculiar to Cantharides, this remedy lacks the sensation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Lycop. N.B. Dr. Ludlam, on diphtheria, calls our attention to Cantharides in cases where the patient has urinary difficulties, too copious or difficult micturition, the urine containing shreds or casts of the uiiniferous tubuli, shows extreme prostration, sinking, death-like turns, particularly if there appears a rash upon the 6kin or under (shining through) the epidermis. As Lycop. also has the urinary difficulty and according to Dr Raue (Lecture on Diphtheria), the latter is indicated when the fauces have a darkish hue, worse on the right side, which is not unsimilar to Cantharides, we may be able to decide by Ludlam's other characteristics, or by the following of Dr. Raue, for Lycop. (worse from swallowing warm drinks, has to breathe through the mouth, or dilates the nostrils with every inspiration, the child is naughty, cross, kicks, awaking from a nap) ; but in cases where such symptoms are not given, we may use the differential comparison with advantage. Also look to Lachesis or Apis. C.Hg. * Deviations can be explained by the various influences which warmth of bed has on the Lycopod. complaints. The Bame can be said of the varied influences which growing cold has on Lycopod. symptoms. Capsicum. Nux vomica. Preval. left side — Upper left, lower right Biqht side — Upper right, lower lefi side, side. Light hair — Want of bodily irritability . Phlegmatic temperament — Obesity . . Skin and mnscles lax Inclination for open air Pulse often unchanged ; very irregular . Thirst is wanting only during sweat . Dark hair — Increased irritability. Sanguine, choleric temperament — Emacia- tion. Skin and muscles rigid. Aversion to open air. Pulse generally hard, full and accelerated, partic. during heat. Thirst most frequent during chill, also be- fore and after the fever, and between heat and sweat. Changing mood — Gentleness — Phlegma— Apoplexy or paralysis not observed as yet. Bursting headache, in evening, better from lying with head high. Dim-sightedness Pupils most frequently contracted, partic. during cold stage. Chill or sweat lessened when walking out of doors. Heat or sweat lessened by motion . . . Complaints predom. on external ear . • . Appetite for coffee — Diarrhoea . . . . Sexual desire weak Respiration slow Expectoration infrequent j partic. in morn- ing. Dejection — Irritable mood — Amorousness — Absent-mindedness — Fancies. Bursting headache, in morning, partic. with mental exertion, better when sitting still in warm room. Predom. clear-sightedness. Pupils almost always dilated. Chill or sweat increased when walking out of doors. Heat or sweat increased by motion. Complaints predom. in inner ear. Aversion to coffee — Predom. costiveness. Sexual desire strong. Respirat'n more frequently quick than slow. Expectoration not constant j from morning till evening. Remission during day and before midnight. Remission evening till midnight. Improved quite as often as aggrav. after Worse after stool, stool. Predomin. worse Predomin. better During rest; in bed; after lying down; while lying, sitting, standing; lying on left side and from pressure. Predomin. better Predomin. worse During continued motion; when walking out doors*; when stepping heavily ; after rising from seat, and when lying on right side. N.B. In accordance with the constitutional character of each remedy, we very rarely find the over- sensitiveness to pain of the Nux vom. patient with Capsicum. * The improvement of the Capsicum-symptoms, when walking out doors, must be attributed more to motion than to open air. Capsicum Pulsatilla. Preval. left side — Want of irritability . . Skin lax — Pulse unchanged Itching lessened or aggrav. by scratching. Sleeplessness after midnight ; awaking too early. Pulse often unchanged ; very irregular . . First sweat, then heat Thirst predom., but not constant; is want- ing during sweat. Eight side — Increased bodily irritability. Skin rigid— Pulse changed, intermitting. &c. Itching unchanged or aggr. by scratching. Sleeplessness before midnight; therefore awaking too late. Pulse generally accelerated, small and weak, sometimes imperceptible. First heat, then sweat. Predom. want of thirst, partic. during chill; thirst appears more before and between the different stages of the fever. Phlegma — Indolence — Malice. — Apoplexy and paralysis not observed as yet. Sanguine temperament — Disposition gentle, but bold — Good-naturedness —Indiffer- ence — Distrust — Avarice — Calm sadness — Amorousness — Absent-mindedness — Fancies. Home-sickness with redness of cheeks and Sits sleepily in a place and refuses to move sleepiness. from it, (face pale.) C.Hg. Complaints predom. on external ear; on Ear-complaints internal oftener than exter- fore-arm, and on thigh. nal ; complaints predom on upper arm and on leg. Nausea in stomach Nausea in throat, stomach, or abdomen. Retention of urine predom Incontinence oftener than retention of urine. Sexual desire weak Sexual desire strong. Respiration slow Respiration quick. Expectoration infrequent; partic. in the Expectoration predom., but not constant; morning. in morning and during day. Remission during day and before mid- Remission from midnight till noon. night. Better while eating; worse afterwards . . Better while drinking, worse afterwards. Predomin. worse Predomin. better Out doors ; from cold, and in cold weather ; when lying on unpainful side ; from tightening the clothes*, and from pressure. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In doors ; from warmth, and in warm air ; when lying on unpainful side j while eating, and from walking heavily. N.B. Capsicum lacks the sensation of numbness in suffering parts, peculiar to Pulsatilla ; on the other hand Caps, very rarely has the oversensitiveness to pain of Pulsat. * Yet we also find "Sensation of clothes being unbearable " with Pulsatilla. Carbo animal. Arsenic. Tension in external parts, bruised pain in Tension in internal parts, bruised pain in internal parts. external parts. Paralysis not yet observed Paralysis of limbs. Disposition to sweat and perspiring easily. In sickness without fever, dryness of skin. Humid eruptions Eruptions generally dry. Stinging pain in scars . Burning pain in scars. C.Hg. Hot swelling of glands Cold swelling of glands. Pulse accelerated and irritable, partic. to- Pulse very quick, small and weak, or inter- wards evening ; slower in morn'g, quicker mitting ; quicker in morning, slower in in evening. evening. Chill while eating or after the meals . . . Chills lessen after eating — With the chill more hunger than thirst. C.Hg. Thirst partic. durirg heat Least thirst during chill, most during sweat. Sweat increased after sleep, during motion, Sweat abating after sleep, during motion, and when walking out doors. and when walking out doors. Sleeplessness before midnight Sleeplessness preval. after midnight. Mood changing — Cheerfulness predom. — Mood despondent; indifferent; peevish; ir- Ailments from mortification. ritable ; malicious ; greedy — ■ Ailments from grief, fright, or from vexation with dread, fear, reserved displeasure or vehe- mence. TJrine copious Urine scanty (with diarrhoea) or copious. Predom. dry coryza Predom. fluent coryza. Complaints predom. on fore-arm, on top of Complaints predom. on upper arm, on sole foot, and on thigh. of foot, and on leg. Worse (rsp. better) in wet or in dry weather. Predom. worse in dry weather, better in wet weather. Worse on awaking Better after sufficient sleep ; but worse on awaking when roused. Worse on assuming an erect position . . Better or worse when assuming an erect position. Improved oftener than aggr. when stooping. Aggrav. oftener than improved by stooping. Better after getting out of bed .... Better or worse after getting out of bed. Better or worse from scratching .... Worse from scratching. Predomin. worse . — . ^ — ****. Predomin. better Prom motion ; when walking; when getting out of bed; lying on side; after sleep; before breakfast; in company ; from pressure, and when drawing up diseased limb. Predomin. better >- — *- -^^ — "*-» Predomin. worse During rest ; after lying down ; while lying and sitting; lying on back; after breakfast ; when alone; after drinking, and when stretching out diseased limb. N.B. Although both remedies have the character of constitutional want of irritability, yet we find oversensitiveness to pain frequently with Arsenic, very rarely with Carbo animal. N.B. The characteristic appearance of symptoms with Carbo anim. after sliaving, particularly in the region of the nervus trigeminus, is an oversensitiveness not very rare. C.Hg. Carb. anim. Bellad. Bruised pain in internal parts Bruised pain in external parts Apoplexy or paralysis not yet observed . Complaints predominant on fore-arm, on tip of elbow, on inner side of thigh, and on top of foot. Thirst, particularly during heat .... Apoplexy — Paralysis. Complaints predominant on upper arm, in hollow of elbow, on patella, on outer side of thigh, and on sole of foot. Thirst not constant ; most rare during chill; thirst before and after the fever. Cheerfulness . . . Ailments from grief Sensitive disposition Expectoration not constant; during day Mood cheerful or sad; indifferent; peevish; irritable; malicious; distrustful. Ailments from anger, fright, mortification, or from vexation with dread, fear, fright, or vehemence — Absentmindedness — Fan- cies — Unconsciousness — Delirium — Ec- stasies or mental dullness — Insanity. Generally insensitiveness of disposition. Expectoration infrequent ; morning, during day, evening. Remission during day and before mid- night. "Worse (resp. better) in dry or in wet weather. "Worse when lying on side, better when lying on back. Worse when lying on painful side, better when lying on unpainful side. "Worse when assuming an erect position . Generally aggravated before breakfast . . Worse from spirituous liquors Remission after midnight and in forenoon. Worse in dry weather ; predominantly better in wet weather. Better (resp. worse) when lying on side or on back. Better (resp. worse) when lying on painful or on unpainful side. Worse or better when assuming an erect position. Better before breakfast. Worse or better from spirituous liquors. Predomin. worse -— - — *— . ->**« — ~— — Predomin. better In the dark, in bed, from external pressure, and on an empty stomach. Predomin. better Predomin. worse From light, after drinking, and after breakfast. N.B. "With Carb. anim., whose predominant characteristic is want of susceptibility, -we rarely find the over-sensitiveness to pain peculiar to Belladonna. On the other hand, Belladonna rarely has the sensation of numbness in suffering parts of Carb. anim. Carb. anim. Calc. Braised pain in internal parts Braised puin in external parts. Apoplexia or paralysis not yet observed . Apoplexy — Paralysis. Humid eruptions Eruptions generally dry. Chill while eating, or after the meals . . With the chill more thirst than hunger, dig. Complaints predominant on tip of elbow Complaints predominant on patella and on and on thigh. leg. Mood changing; cheerful Silly merriness or sadness — Mood despon- dent ; peevish ; irritable ; amorous. Ailments from grief or mortification . . . Ailments from hearing bad news, or from vexation with dread, fear, or fright — De- lirium—Fancies — Mental dullness. Urine copious — Sexual desire too weak . . Urine too frequent — Sexual desire generally too strong. Complaints after pollutions Predominant complaints after coition. Nasal secretion watery Nasal secretion thick Expectoration not constant ; during day . Expectoration predominant, but not con- stant; morning and evening. Remission during day and before mid- Remission of complaints before midnight. night. Worse (resp. better) in dry or in wet Better in dry weather, worse in wet weather. weather. Worse when closing the eyes ; better when Worse (resp. better) when closing the eyes, opening them. or when opening them. Predominantly worse in the dark; better Worse or better from light (resp. in the from light. dark.) Almost always improved after getting out Worse or better after getting out of bed.* of bed. Worse when rising from a seat .... Worse or better when rising from a seat. Worse from smoking Worse or better from smoking. Predomin. worse — — * — *> — » —— -—-^ Predomin. better "When lying on painful side, from uncovering, when drawing up diseased limb, when assuming an erect position, and from the touch. Predomin better — - — -^*^ — — ~-~ Predomin. worse When lying on unpainful side, from wrapping up, when stretching out diseased limb, when stooping, and after drinking. * This may be traced back to tbe different influences which rest and warmth of bed have on Calcarea complaints; the first improves, the latter aggravates. Carb. anim. Carb. veg. Tension or piercing pain in external parts. Tension or piercing pain in internal parts. Apoplexy or paralysis not yet observed . . Apoplexy— Paralysis. Stinging in the scars Scars burn-, pain when weather changes; break open. C.Hg. Pulse irritated and accelerated, particularly Pulse, weak, faint, unequal, or intermitting towards evening. Heat, with aversion to uncover .... Heat, with inclination to uncover. Thirst, particularly during heat .... Want of thirst predominant; thirst pre- valent only during chill. Mood changing ; cheerful — Ailments from Mood irritable — Excited imagination — Un- grief or mortification. consciousness — Delirium. Far-sightedness Short-sightedness. Painless diarrhoea Painful diarrhoea. Secretion of urine profuse Urine scanty. Sexual desire weak, decreased . . . . . Sexual desire strong, increased. Expectoration not constant; during day . Expectoration not constant; morning. Complaints predominant on fore-arm and on Complaints predominant on upper arm and top of foot. on sole of foot. Remission during day and before mid- [Remission afternoon and after midnight. night. Almost always improved after getting out "Worse or better after getting out of bed. of bed. Worse from growing cold; better from Better or worse* from growing cold (warm.) growing warm. Worse after stool Worse or better after stool Worse from drinking cold water .... Better from cold diet; worse from warm diet. Predomin. worse ^- ^- -^ — . Preclomin. better When uncovered, when assuming an erect position, when drawing jp diseased limb, and on an empty stomach. Predomin. better — - — — ■ "^ — — -— -^ Predomin. 'worse From wrapping np, when stooping, stretching out diseased limb, when lying, after breakfast, and after drinking. * The lessening of Carb. veg. symptoms, when growing cold, are without doubt attributable to the aggravation by warmth of bed and hot rooms. Carb. anim. Graphit. Complaints (ulcerative pain, bruised pain, Complaints (ulcerative pain, bruised pain, etc.) predominant in internal parts. etc.) predominant in internal parts. Painful tension in external parts .... Tensive pain in internal parts. Paralysis not yet observed Paralysis of limbs. Stinging in scars Burning of scars, break open. C.Hg. Pulse irritated and accelerated, particularly Pulse full and hard, but not perceptibly ac- towards evening. celerated. Thirst, particularly during heat .... Want of thirst, particularly during heat. Chill increases after drinking Chill lessens after drinking. C.Hg. Mood predominantly cheerful — Ailments Mood sad; despondent; peevish; amorous; from mortification. Absent-mindedness — Secretion of urine copious Urine scanty. Complaints after pollutions Complaints after coition. Catamenia too soon and too profuse . . Catamenia too late and too scanty. Respiration with moist sound ..... Respiration with dry sound. Expectoration not constant; during day . Expectoration predominant; during day and" evening. Complaints predominant on top of foot . Complaints predominant on sole of foot. Remission during day and before mid- Remission of complaints during day. night. Almost always improved after getting out Worse or better after getting out of bed. of bed. Predominantly worse from growing cold; Worse or better* from growing cold (warm.) better from growing warm. Almost always aggravated after eating . • Worse or better after eating. Predomin. worse - — *» -^ — ~~~-~ Predomin. better Out-doors, f in the dark, when drawing up diseased limb, before breakfast, when swallowing, from drinking wine, and from pressure. Predomin. better — ■ — — ""*• — -*** Predomin. worse In-doors, irom light, when stretching ont diseased limb, after breakfast, and when stooping. N.B. We very rarely find the over-sensitiveness to pain with Carb. anim. which belongs to Graphit, whose constitutional character, on the whole, is undecided. * Graphit-complaints are sometimes improved, sometimes aggravated by warmth of bed also. t Both remedies have predominant aggravation when " walking out-doors; therefore the influence of open air is not decisive here, but the effect of motion. Carb. anim. Phosphor. Ulcerative pain in internal parts Ulcerative pain in external parts. Apoplexy or paralysis not observed as yet . Apoplexy — Paralysis. Stinging in scars Pinching, contraction in scars; they break open and bleed. C.Hg. Humid eruptions Dry eruptions. Disposition to sweat Dryness of skin predom. Chill lessened in warm room Chill increased in warm room. Chill while eating or after meals Chill lessened after eating; with the chill more hunger than thirst. C.Hg. Sweat increased when eating Sweat lessened when eating. Pulse irritated & accelerated, part, in evening. Pulse different, irregular ; sometimes inter- mitting. Thirst, partic. during heat Want of thirst almost constant. Cheerfulness Mood cheerful or dejected; indifferent, irri- table ; amorous. Ailments from mortification (or grief.) . . . Ailments from anger, fright, or from vexation with vehemence, (or from grief) — Uncon- sciousness — Delirium — Ecstacies — Fancies — Insanity. Pupils dilated — Far-sightedness Pupils generally contracted — Short-sighted- Urine copious Urine often, but scanty. [ness. Sexual desire decreased, weak Sexual desire increased, strong. Catamenia predom. profuse Catamenia profuse or weak. Nasal secretion watery Nasal secretion thick or viscid. Expectoration not constant ; during day . . Expectoration not constant ; morning and dur- ing day. Complaints predom. on tip of elbow, on thigh Complaints predom. in hollow of elbow, on leg and on top of foot. and on sole of foot. Remission during day and before midnight . Remission of complaints after midnight. Worse in cold weather, better in warm air. . Worse (resp. better) in cold or in warm air Worse (resp. better) in dry or wet weather . Predom. better in dry weather, worse in wet weather. Worse in company ; better when alone . . . Better (resp. worse) in company or when alone. Worse when closing eyes ; better when open- Better (resp. worse) when closing eyes, or when ing them. opening them. Worse lying on side, better when lying on Generally better when lying on side, worse back. when lying on back. Worse from uncovering; better when wrap- Generally better from uncovering, worse from ping up. wrapping up. Worse on awaking Better after sufficient sleep ; but worse on awaking when roused and after the siesta. Almost always better after getting out of bed. Worse or better 45 " after getting out of bed. Almost always aggrav. after meals, partic. Worse or better after meals, partic. after worse after eating bread. eating bread. Worse from pressure Aggrav. oftener than improved by pressure. Predomln. worse -— — - — . -^^^^- -^ Predomin. better In the open airt, in the dark, -when lying on side, from uncovering, from touch, when drawing up diseased limb, on an empty stomach, from drinking wine, drinking cold water, and after sleep. Predomin. better -- ^ — ^ Predomln. worse In doors, from light, lying on back, wrapping up, when stretching out diseased limb, and after breakfast. N.B. "We very rarely find the oversensitiveness of Phosphor, to pain with Carbo anim. * This difference can be traced to the predominantly different influence which rest and warmth of bed have on Ph osph or-com pi ai nts. t "Wfiile walking out doors" Phosph. complaints are quite as often improved as aggravated; — if the latter is the case, motion, and not the open air, decides. Carb. anim. Pulsatilla. Want of bodily susceptibility — Aversion to open air. Paralysis or apoplexy not yet observed . . Disposition to sweat and slight perspiration. Chill while eating or after the. meals . . . Chill lessened in warm room Thirst partie. during heat Sweat increased after sleep and when walk- ing: out doors. Increased susceptibility — Inclination for open air. Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis. Dryness of skin in sickness without fever. With the chill hunger and thirst. C.Hg. Chill increased in warm room. Want of thirst predom., partie. during chill ; thirst before & between the differ, stages. Sweat less after sleep ; abating when walk- ing out doors. Mood predom. cheerful Ko unconsciousness or delirium Pupils dilated — Far-sightedness Diarrhoea predom. painless . . Urine copious Sexual desire decreased, weak Catamenia too soon and profuse Dry coryza Respiration with moist sound Expectoration not constant ; during day . Complaints predom. on fore-arm, on tip of elbow, on thigh and top of foot. Mood lachrymose, sad ; gentle ; indifferent ; bold; avaricious; distrustful — Amorous- ness — Ailments fr. excessive joy, fr. fright, or fr. vexation with dread, fear, or fright. Absent-mindedn. — Fancies — Unconsciousn. Pup. gen'ly contracted — Short-sightedness. Diarrhoea generally painful. Urine infrequent and scanty. Sexual desire increased, strong. Catamenia too late and generally scanty. Fluent coryza (partie. r. s.) more frequent than dry coryza. Respiration predom. with dry sound. Expectoration predom., but not constant; morning and during day. Complaints predom. on upper arm, in hol- low of elbow, on leg and on sole of foot. Remission during day and before midnight. Generally worse in the dark, better from light. Worse when lying on side; better when lying on back. Worse on awaking Worse when assuming an erect position Aggrav. oftener than improved when get- ting out of bed. Almost alw. improv. after gett'g out of bed. Better when sitting down . . . Worse when rising from seat . . Worse from pressure Better or worse from scratching Almost always aggrav. after meals Worse when swallowing ; also after stool . f Worse when drawing a deep breath . . . Worse (resp. better) in wet or dry weather Remission from midnight till noon. Generally better in the dark, worse from light. Worse (resp. better) when lying on side or on back. Worse or better after sleep. Worse or better when assuming an erect position. Improved oftener than aggrav. when getting out of bed. Better or worse after getting out of bed. Worse or better when sitting down. Worse or better when rising from seat. Better or worse from pressure. Worse from scratching. Worse or better after meals. Better or worse wh. swallow'g, & after stool. Better or worse when drawing a deep breath. Worse in wet weather, better in dry weather. Predomin. worse — — - — ■— ^^ — -. Predomin. belter In the open air, and when walking out doors ; from cold, from growing cold, and in cold weather ; from uncovering, from motion, while walking, on inspiration ; when lying on painful side, drinking cold water ; from pressure, and when getting out of bed. Predomin. Predomin. better — ■ — —• ^^ — — rreaomin. worse In doors : from warmth, from growing warm, and in warm air ; from wrapping up ; during rest ; when lying, sitting, and standing ; on expiration ; when lying on unpainful side ; after drinking, and when stooping. N.B. The oversensitiveness of Pulsat. to pain is rarely found with Carbo anim. Carb. anim. Complaints (ulcerative pain, etc.) predom. in internal parts. Hot swelling of glands Apoplexy or paralysis not yet observed . Pulse irritated and accelerated in evening, slow in morning. Thirst, particularly during heat .... Sepia Complaints (ulcerative pain, etc.) predom. in external parts. Painless swelling of glands. Apoplexy — Paralysis of limbs. Pulse quick and full at night, slower during day. Predominant want of thirst ; thirst constant only during chill. Mood changing; predominantly cheerful. Mood sad; despondent; serious; indif- ferent; peevish; irritable; greedy. Ailments from grief or mortification — !N"o Ailments from vexation with fear — Absent- unconsciousness, mindedness — Fancies — Mental dullness — Insanity. Pupils dilated Pupils contracted. Sexual desire weak Sexual desire changing. Catamenia too soon Catamenia oftener too late than too soon. Respiration with moist sound ..... Respiration predom. with dry sound. Expectoration not constant; during day . Expectoration predominant, but not con- stant; is loosened night and morning, and is generally swallowed. Remission during day and before midnight. "Worse (resp. better) in wet or dry weather. Worse in cold weather ; better in warm air. "Worse when walking out-doors .... Worse when closing eyes, better when open- ing them. Almost always aggravated in bed . . • Worse on awaking Generally aggrav. when getting out of bed. Worse when rising from seat Better or worse from scratching . . . . Almost always aggravated after meals . . Remission of complaints in afternoon. Generally better in wet weather, worse in dry weather. Worse or better in cold (resp. warm) air. Better or worse when walking out-doors. Predominantly better when closing eyes, worse when opening them. Better or worse in bed and from warmth of bed. Better after sufficient sleep ; but worse on awaking when roused. Geenerally improv. when getting out of bed. Better or worse when rising from seat. Worse from scratching. Worse or better after meals. Predomin. worse — ""— -*-^__--'*^_-— — — -~-^. Predomin. better From motion, when walking, when assuming an erect position, when drawing up diseased limb, when lying on side, lying on painful side, from drinking cold water, in the dark, after sleep, and after getting out of bed. Predomin. better Predomin. worse During rest, when lying, sitting and standing, when stooping, when stretching out diseased limb, when lying on back, lying on unpainful side, after drinking, and from light. N.B. With Carb. anim. we rarely find the over-sensitiveness of Sepia to pain ; rarely with Sepia the sensation of numbness in suffering parts which belongs to Carb. anim Both remedies have mere sensitiveness (to the touch, etc.) The first is caused by the character of constitutional want of irritability, which is predominant with Carb. anim. Carb. anim. Sulphur. Pinching: pain in internal parts .... Pinching pain in external parts. Apoplexy or paralysis not yet observed . . Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy. Humid eruption Eruptions generally dry. Pulse irritated and accelerated, particularly Pulse frequent night and morning; slower towards evening; slower in the morning. during day and evening. Sweat increased after sleep Sweat lessened after sleep. Heat, particularly on upper part of body . Heat on lower part of body, or general, with exception of head. Mood cheerful Mood serious ; solemn ; gentle ; sad and dejected; indifferent; peevish; irritable. Ailments from grief Ailments from shame, or from vexation with dread, fear, or fright — Absent-minded- ness — Fancies — D elirium — Mental dull- ness — Insanity. Pupils dilated — Par-sightedness .... Pupils generally contracted — Predom. short- sightedness. Urine increased Urine often, but scanty ; sometimes copious. Catamenia too soon and profuse .... Catamenia generally too late and scanty. Expectoration not constant ; during day. Expectoration not constant ; morning and during day ; less frequent at night. Complaints predominant on tip of elbow Complaints predominant in hollow of elbow, and on top of foot. on patella, and on sole of foot. Remission dur'g day and before midnight. Remission afternoon and before midnight. Worse (resp. better) in wet or dry weather. Predom. worse in wet weather, better in dry weather. Worse from grow'g cold and in cold weather, Better (resp. worse) when grow'g cold and better when grow'g warm and in warm air. in cold air, or when growing warm and in warm air. Worse in the open air, better in-doors . . Better or worse* out-doors (resp. in-doors). Worse in bed Worse or better in bed. Generally improved after gett'g out of bed. Worse or better after getting out of bed. Worse when assuming an erect position . Aggravated oftener than improved when assuming an erect position. Better when stretching out diseased limb . Aggravated oftener than improved when stretching out diseased limb. Worse from the touch Aggrav. oftener than improv. by the touch. Predominantly worse before breakfast, better Better or worse before breakfast; better or afterwards. worse after breakfast. Worse from drinking cold water .... Aggravated oftener than improved by drink- ing cold water. Worse after stool Better or worse after stool. Predomin. worse j-— — —» -**'** — — — **««. Predomin. better In the dark, from cold, from uncovering, from motion, when drawing up diseased limb, and from pressure. Predomin. better '**-~ — *- -*\ — — ^ Predomin. worse From light, from warmth, wrapping up, during rest, when lying and standing,! when stretching out diseased limb, and after drinking. * Sulphur-complaints are improved by warmth of stove, and aggravated in a crowded room. ■f Sulphur-complaints are aggravated by continued standing; bat are improved by standing still after motion. Carb. veg. Bellad. Predominant want of bodily irritability. • Increased irritability or want of irritabil Often indicated with old people .... Often indie, with child'n and young women. Rending or lancinating pain downwards . Rending or lancinating pain upwards. Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy . . Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis. Suppuration or gangrene of cellular tissue. Scleroma neonatorum. Emaciation of diseased part . . » . . Swelling of diseased part. Pulse weak Pulse predominantly strong. Heat or sweat, with inclination to uncover. Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover. Predominant want of thirst; thirst preval. Thirst not constant; most rare during chill only during chill. Sweat more when and after gett'g out of bed. Sweat less, when and after gett'g out of bed. Sensitive disposition Predominant insensibility of disposition. Silly behavior Mood changing; cheerful or sad; indifferent; peevish; distrustful; malicious. Excited imagination Absent-mindedness — Mental excitability or dullness. Weakness of memory Memory active or weak. Short-sightedness . Ear-sightedness. Erequent complaints on upper jaw . . . Erequent complaints on lower jaw. Appetite for sour things Aversion to sour things. Eetid, humid warm flatus Scentless flatus. Costiveness predominant; when diarrhoea Painless diarrhoea. occurs, it is generally painful. Expectoration not constant ; morning. Expectoration infrequent ; morning, during day, evening. Complaints predominant in lower part of Complaints predominant in upper part of chest, in shoulder-joint, on inner side of chest, in hip-joint, on outer side of thigh, thigh, and on calf of leg. and on shin. Remission after midnight and in afternoon. Remission after midnight and in forenoon. Worse (resp. better) in wet or dry weather. Predominantly better in wet weather, worse in dry weather. Worse (resp. better) in cold or warm air . Worse in cold air, better in warm air. Worse when lying on side, better when lying Better (resp. worse) when lying on side or on back. . on back. Worse or better after getting out of bed . Mostly improved after getting out of bed. Worse when looking upwards Worse when looking sideways. Better when assuming an erect position . Worse or better when assum'g an erect pos. Worse when stooping Better or worse when stooping. Better when leaning against anything . . When leaning against anything worse or (if it is hard) better. Worse from spirituous liquors .... Worse or better from spirituous liquors. Improved by eructation Worse or better from eructation. Worse when swallowing food Worse, particularly when swallowing drink. Predomin. worse -^ — -^ — — ^ Predomin. better In the dark, in bed and from warmth of bed, from wrapping np, from change of position, when lying or standing, when bending diseased part backwards, when stretching out suffering limb, and from pressure. Predomin. better --- — ** ^^ — - ^ Predomin. worse From light, when growing cold, from uncovering, and when drawing up diseased limb. N.B. The over-sensitiveness of Belladonna to pain is very rarely found with Carb. veg. ; the sensation of numbness in suffering parts, belonging to Carb. veg., rarely with Belladonna. Tet mere sensi- tiveness (to the touch) is found with both remedies ; also sensation of numbness generally with Belladonna, (particularly in parts painful before.) Carb. veg. Calc. Often indicated with old people .... Indicated oftener with children than old people. Park hair — Muscles rigid Light hair — Muscles lax. Rending pain downwards Rending pain upwards. Very rarely apoplexy — Humid itch . . . Apoplexy — Dry itch. Pulse weak, unequal, intermitting . . . Pulse full and accelerated, often trembling. Chill while eating, or after meals .... Hunger with the chill. CHg Heat of only one side ; right side . . . Heat of only one side ; left side. First chill, then heat First heat, then chill. Thirst only during cold stage Thirst constant dur'g ail stages of the fever, only sometimes wanting during chill. Fear of apoplexy — Silly behavior . . . Fear of loss of reason — Silly merriness or de- spondency — Peevishness — Amorousness. Excited imagination Imbecility Xasal complaints external Nasal compl. internal oftener than external. Eruption on upper lip Eruption predominant on under lip. Predominant aversion to salt things . . . Appetite for salt things. Diarrhoea generally painful Diarrhoea generally painless. Urine infrequent and scanty ; alkaline . . Urine too often ; acid. Complaints after pollutions Predominant complaints after coition. Leucorrhcea acrid Leucorrhoea mild. Breath cold — Cough generally dry . . . Breath hot — Cough generally with expector. Expectoration in morning Expectoration morning and during day. Complaints predominant in lower part of Complaints predominant in upper part of chest, on upper arm, and on thigh. chest, on fore-arm, and on leg. Remission after midnight and in afternoon. Remission oi complaints before midnight Better (resp. worse) in wet or dry weather. Worse in damp air, better in dry air. Worse or better in cold (resp. warm) air . Worse in cold weather, better in warm air. Worse in the evening air Worse from exertion on an empty stomach. Worse in the dark, better from light. . . Worse or better from light (resp. in the dark.) Worse when looking upwards Worse when looking up or downwards. Worse after breakfast Aggravated more frequently before break- fast than after it. Worse after meals Better or worse after meals. Better from cold diet, worse from warm . Worse from drinking cold water. Worse or better after stool Worse after stool. Worse when rising from seat Worse or better when rising from seat. Ailments from (Mercurius, Cinchona, Alco- Ailments from (Mercurius, Cinchona, Alco- hol, or) Lachesis. hoi) Nitr acid., Phosph., or Digitalis. Predomin. worse ^ — — -^ Predomin. better "When growing warm, after rising from a seat, from the touch, and after breakfast. Predomin. better ~- — —^ — — >^ — ~^^ Predomin. worse When growing cold, and on an empty stomach. Carb. veg. China. Aversion to exercise Inclination for exercise. Want of bodily irritability — Hemorrhages, Increased irritability — Hcemorrhages, dark bright-red blood. blood. Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy . . Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis. Stitches downwards Stitches upwards. Deep ulcers wiih scanty discharge . . . Shallow ulcers, with copious, ichorous dis- Distention of veins of feet Distention of veins of hands. [charge. Predom. internal chill with external heat . Predom. external chill with internal heat. Chill while eating and after the meals . . More hunger than thirst with the chill. C.Hg. Thirst only during cold stage Thirst constant only during sweat, appears partic. before and between the different stages. Pulse weak, unequal Pulse small, but hard and quick ; more quiet after meals ; irregular. Sweat increased after meals Sweat lessened after meals. Sensitive disposition - Fear — Silly merri- Predom. insensibility of disposition — Mood ness. sad; indifferent; peevish; amorous. Ailments from fright or fear Ailments from vexation — Absent-minded- ness — Rarely unconsciousness. Complaints predom. in inner angle of eye . Complaints predom. in external angle of eye. Costiveness predom. — Diarrhoea generally Diarrhoea predom., generally painless, painful. Expectoration not constant ; morning . . Expectoration not constant; during day and evening. Complaints predom. on shoulder joint, on Complaints predom. in hip joint, in ankle, wrist, and on back part of thigh. and on front side of thigh. Remis. after midnight and in the afternoon. Remission afternoon and evening. Better (resp. worse) in wet or dry weather. Worse in wet weather; bett. in dry weather. Worse (resp. better) in cold or warm air . Worse in cold air; better in warm air. Worse from wrapping up ; better from un- Worse (resp. better) from wrapping up, or covering. from uncovering. Worse from lying on side, better when lying Aggrav. oftener than improved when lying on back. on back. Worse after sleep Better after sufficient sleep ; worse on awak- ing when roused. Worse when getting out of bed .... Worse or better when getting out of bed. Worse or better after getting out of bed . Better after getting out of bed. Worse when rising from seat Worse or better when rising from a seat. Worse after meals Worse or better after meals. Worse or better after stool Worse after stool. Worse in the Spring Worse in the Autumn. Predomin. worse _ ^ -\__ ^- — — — — — ^^ Predomin. better In the dark, when growing warm, when sitting: erect, when bending diseased part backwards, after rising from a seat, from pressure, and when eating. Predomin. better -— ""— "- — . -^\ — - - — Predomin. worse From light, when growing cold ; when sitting:, partic. bent forwards ; when leaning against something, and from eructation. N.B. In accordance with the constitutional character of each remedy, we very rarely find with Carb. ves:. the oversensitiveness of Cinchona to pain, — rarely with Cinchona the sensation of numb- ness in suffering parts, which belongs to Carb. ve°:. However, mere sensitiveness (to the touch. &c.) is found with both remedies, — and with Cinchona also general numb seusation, (partic. in parts which were before painful.) Carb. veg. Ferrum. Want of bodily irritability — Muscles rigid. Increased irritability — Muscles lax. External parts become black Red parts become white. Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy . . Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis. Pulse weak, unequal Pulse full and hard. Thirst only during chill Thirst, partic during chill. Chill while eating or after the meals . . . Chill better after eating. C.Hg. Sweat increased after meals Sweat lessened after meals. Mood anxious Changeable mood ; also alternating cheerful one evening, sad the next — Haughtiness. Excited imagination — Unconsciousness — Rarely delirium. Fancies. Predom. hunger Generally loss of appetite. Appetite for sour things Aversion to sour things. Costiveness predom. — Diarrhoea generally Diarrhoea predom. ; painless. painful. Catamenia too soon Catamenia preval. too late. Labor pains weak or ceasing Spasmodic labor pains. Respiration with moist sound Respiration predom. with dry sound. Breath cold — Expectoration not constant. Breath hot — Expectoration predom. with the cough. Complaints predom. in wrist and on thigh. Complaints predom. on ankle and on leg. Remission afternoon and after midnight . Remission during day and before midnight. Better (resp. worse) in wet or dry weather. Worse in wet weather, better in dry weather. Better (resp. worse) in cold or warm air . Worse in cold air, better in warm air. Worse or better after getting out of bed . Better after getting out of bed. Worse or better when swallowing . . . Worse when swallowing. Predomin. worse - — — -^^ — — -. Predomin. better When getting out of bed, after breakfast, from drinking wine *, when ascending, from exerting the mind or the eyes, after rising from a seat, when sitting erect, and from exercise. Predomin. better - -» -^^ — -^ Predomin. worse After lying down, when growing cold, when descending; when sitting, partic. sitting bent forward ; on an empty stomach, and during rest. N.B. In accordance with the constitutional character of each remedy, we very rarely find the over- sensitiveness of Ferrum to pain, with Carb. veg. — Both remedies sometimes have mere sensi- tiveness, (to the touch, &c.) * Wine improves Ferrum-complaints only, when it is not acid ; on the other hand we find agexav. with Ferrnra from drinking beer. In corresponding cases Ferrum cures mania-a-potu J however this is rarely caused by WiU3, most fre- quently by beer and brandy. Comp. note Ars. and Ferr. 12 Carb. veg. Craphit. Lancinating pain in internal parts Consequences of being overheated- tation of heart, without anxiety. Pulse weak, unequal, intermitting -Palpi- Thirst only during chill Heat, with inclination to uncover .... Loosing the hair, particularly on back part of head. Lancinating pain in external parts. Consequences of taking cold — Palpitation of heart, with anxiety. Pulse often unchanged ; generally full and hard, but not perceptibly accelerated. Want of thirst, particularly during heat. Heat, with aversion to uncover. Loosing the hair, particularly on top and sides of head, and from the whiskers. Mood irritable — Rarely amorousness — Un- Mood changing; peevish; sad; dejected — consciousness — Fancies — Excited imagi- Absent-mindedness — No delirium, nation. External nasal complaints — Complaints Nasal complaints internal oftener than ex- predominant on upper jaw and on upper ternal — Complaints predominant on lower arm. jaw and on fore-arm. Painful diarrhoea Painless diarrhoea. Urine alkaline Urine generally acid. Complaints from pollutions Complaints from coition. Catamenia too soon and too profuse . . Catamenia too late and too scanty. Leucorrhoea thick Leucorrhcea watery. Rattling of mucus Respiration with dry sound. Expectoration not constant; morning . . Expectoration predominant; during day and evening;. Remission afternoon and after midnight . Remission of complaints during day. Worse from riding Better while riding, worse afterwards. Worse after a satisfying meal Worse when hungry. Predomin. worse Predomin. better Out-doors, from wrapping up, from warm diet, from riding, from pressure, in the dark, when lying, after rising from a seat, after sweat, and from drinking wine. Predomin. better — — — "^ — -^^_ Predomin. worse In-doors,* from uncovering, from cold diet, after vomiting, from light, and while sitting. N.B. In accordance with the character of want of irritability belonging to Carb xe* we verv nmiv find over-sensitiveness to pain, which is peculiar to Graphit. with this remedy. 7 * We also find aggravation in-doors with Carb. veg., that is when the room is too warm. Carb. veg. Haemorrhages ; blood light-red . . Dark hair — Muscles rigid .... Lancinating pain in internal parts . Reaction ceases after fruitless efforts Sensitiveness* in internal parts . . Lycopod. Hemorrhages; blood dark. Light hair — Muscles lax. Lancinating pain in external parts. Exhaustion after acute fevers. Sensation of numbness in internal parts. Silly merriness — Rarely amorousness — Very rarely delirium — Excited imagination — Yery rarely apoplexy. Pulse weak, unequal, intermitting — Heat right side. Thirst only during cold stage of fever . . Sweat increased when and after getting out of bed. Flatus predominantly fetid, humid, warm . Diarrhoea, when it appears, painful . . . Urine infrequent and scanty Incontinentia urinse predominant . . , Catamenia too soon Cough generall dry Expectoration in Complaints predominant in lower part of chest, on upper arm, on wrist, and on thigh. Seriousness— Gentleness— Cheerfulness or dejection — Peevishness — Dejection — Dis- trust — Malice — Greediness — Haughti- ness — Change of moods — Absentminded- ness — Mental dullness — Insanity. Pulse somewhat accelerated only in evening and after meals — Heat left side.f Thirst is wanting only during chill. Sweat lessened when and after getting out of bed, Flatus predominantly scentless. Diarrhoea, when it appears, painless. Urine often, but scanty. Retention of urine more frequent than in- continence. Catamenia too late. Cough generally with expectoration, which is loosened, particularly in morning and evening. Complaints predominant in upper part of chest, on fore-arm, on ankle, and on leg. Remission after midnight and in the after- Remission after midnight and in the fore- noon. noon. Worse sometimes in wet, sometimes in dry Worse in wet weather, better in dry air. weather. Worse from warmth of bed Better or worse from warmth of bed. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In the open air, from cold, from warm diet, after rising from a seat, when sitting bent forward, when stooping, after sweat, during exercise, and in the dark. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In-doors, from warmth and restj, from cold diet, when sitting, particularly sitting erect, after lying down, and from light. * Carb. veg. also has sensitiveness predominant in external parts, Lycopodium generally has sensation of numbness ; yet we find oversensitiveness to pain much more prominant with Lycopodium than with Carb. veg., in accordance with the prevailing characteristic of want of irritability peculiar to Carb. veg. ; the sensation of numbness generally appears in the painful parts, predominantly after paroxysms of acute pain. Both remedies have sensitiveness to the touch. t Lycopodium has chill as well as heat on one side only — the left side— thus deviating in this from the predominant side of its other symptoms. X Yet we also find aggrav. after exercise, and improvement during continued moderate exercise, with Carb. veg. Carb. veg. Mercur. Dark hair Light hair. Wart of bodily irritability — Muscles rigid. Increased irritability — Muscles lax. Often indicated with old people — Very Often indicated with children — Very rarely rarely apoplexy. paralysis. Humid itch— Thirst only during chill . . Dry itch — Thirst during all stages. Pulse weak, unequal Pulse irregular, gen'ly full and accelerated. Heat of only one side, r. s One-sided heat, left side. Chill lessened in warm room — Sweat in- Chill increased in warm room — Sweat creased when or after getting out of bed. abates while and after getting out of bed. Silly merriness — Fear of apoplexy —Ex- Seriousness — Fear of loss of reason. — Des- cited imagination. pondency — Peevishness — Malice — Ab- sent-mindedness — Imbecility. Complaints predom. on upper jaw . . . Complaints predom. on lower jaw. Hunger predom Generally loss of appetite. Aversion to milk Appetite for milk. Costiveness more frequent than diarrhoea . Diarrhoea more frequent than costiveness. Urine infrequent and scanty; smelling like Urine often and copious ; smelling acid, ammoniacum. Catamenia too soon Catamenia too late. Expectoration in morning Expectoration during day. Complaints predom. in lower part of chest, Complaints predom. in upper part of chest, on upper arm and on calf of leg. on fore-arm and shin. Remission after midnight and in the after- Remission of complaints during day. noon. Better (resp. worse) in wet or dry weather. Worse in wet weather ; better in dry weather. Better (resp. worse) in cold or warm air . Worse in cold air ; better in warm air *. Worse from wrapping up ; better from un- From wrapping up, (resp. uncovering;) covering. better or worse f . Worse or better after getting out of bed . Better after getting out of bed. Almost always aggrav. when eating . . . Better or worse when eating. Worse from warm diet; better from cold Worse from cold or warm diet. diet. Worse or better after stool Worse after stool. Worse in the Spring Worse in the Autumn. Ailments from abuse of Mercury .... Ailments from sting of insects, Arsenic or Copper vapors, Sulph. or Calc. Predomin. worse . — — __— -^- — — ~-*=-^. Predomin. better In the dark, while lying J, after rising from a seat, and after breakfast. Predomin. better -—- * — "" ~ "^ — --- Predomin. worse From light, and on an empty stomach. N.B. The sensation of numbness in sufFering parts belonging to Carb. veg. is rarely found with Mercur. * Bith remedies undecided as regards "growing cold " and " growing warm." f This difference can be traced back to the different influence which warmth of bed and other warmth has on ilercurial- complaints. j We also find improvement of complaints with Carb. veg "after lying down.'" Carb. veg. Nux vom. YTnut of bodily irritability — Haemorrhages, Increase of irritability — Haemorrhages, bright-red blood. blood dark. Clonic spasms— Yery rarely apoplexy . . Tonic spasms predom. — Apoplexy. Sleeplessness preval. before midnight . . Sleeplessness preval. after midnight. One-sided chill predom. 1. s.; heat pred. r. s. One-sided chill predom. r. s.; heat pred. 1. s. Distention of veins of feet Distention of veins of hands. Thirst only during cold stage — Pulse weak, Thirst mostly during cold stage — Pulse unequal. generally full, hard, and accelerated. Chill while eating and after the meals . . Hunger with the chill. C.Hg. Very rarely amorousness Dejection — Peevishness — Malice. Excited imagination Absent-mindedn. — Weak reasoning powers. Short-sightedness . . Far-sightedness. Complaints predom. on upper jaw . . . Complaints predom. on lower jaw. Hunger predom. Generally loss of appetite. Appetite for sour things — Aversion to fat Predom. aversion to sour things — Appetite things. for rich (fat) dishes. Trine generally dark Urine generally pale. Respiration with moist sound — Breath cold. Respiration with dry sound — Breath hot. Expectoration in morning Expectoration in morning, during day, and evening. Complaints predom. in upper arm and on Complaints predom. on fore-arm and on wrist. ankle. Remis. after midnight and in the afternoon. Remission evening till midnight. Better (resp. worse) in wet or dry weather. Predom. better in wet weather, worse in dry weather. Worse from washing and moistening . . Improv. oftener than aggr. by washing, &c. Better (resp. worse) in cold or warm air . Worse in cold weather ; better in warm air. Worse in the evening air Better in the night air (congestion to head.) Worse when lying on side ; better when Generally better when lying on side, worse lying on back. when lying on back. Worse after sleep Better after sufficient and not too long sleep ; worse on awaking when roused. Worse from pressure Better or worse from pressure. Worse when stooping Better or worse when stooping. Worse when sneezing Worse or better when sneezing. Better from eructation Worse or better from eructation. Worse or better after stool Worse after stool. Ailments from abuse of Mercur Ailm. from Arsenic or Copper vapors, from Sulph., Calc, Phosph., Iodine, or Plumb. Bad effects fr. stale fish, decayed vegetables. Bad effects fr. spices, ginger, onions. C.Hg. Predomin. worse — — . — -"^ — — — ^ Predomin. better In the dark, when growing 1 -warm, from warmth of bed, from wrapping up, from warm diet, when eatinsr, wben sitting erect, when lying, after sweat, when stretching out suffering limb, when bending diseased part backwards, when lying on side, after sleep, from washing and moistening diseased part, and from pressure. Predomin. better -— — ^ — --"^ — "-— -^ Predomin. worse From light, when growing: cold, from uncoveriner, from cold diet, when sitting: bent forward, when drawing up diseased limb, when lying on back, and when assuming an erect position. N.B. In accordance with the constitutional character of each remedy, we very rarely find tbe over- sensitiveness of Nux vom. to pain with Carb. veg., — rarely with Nux vom. the sensation of numbness in suffering parts, which belongs to Carb. veg. Mere sensitiveness (to touch, .fee.) however, we find with both remedies. Carb. veg. Phosph. Eruptions generally humid — Scars burn, Eruptions generally dry — In scars pinching painful with change of weather, break contraction, break open and bleed. C.Hg. open One-sided chill, predominantly left side . . One-sided chill, predominantly right side. Partial sweat on lower part of body. Distention of veins of hands. Chill or sweat increased in (warm) room. Chill with hunger, and lessened by eating something. C.Hg. Sweat increased when eating Sweat abating when eating. Thirst only during cold stage of fever — Want of thirst — Pulse most frequently quick, Pulse weak. full, and hard ; unequal. "Want of bodily irritability Increased irritability or want of irritabil. Local sweat on upper part of body Distention of veins of feet Chill or sweat lessened in (warm) room Chill while eating or after meals . . . Sensitive disposition Disposition insensible or sensitive. Fear of apoplexy — Yery rarely amorous- Pear of apoplexy or of loss of reason — ness. Mood changing, cheerful or sad and de- jected; indifferent; peevish; haughty. Weak memory Active memory — Insanity. Complaints predominant on upper jaw and Complaints predominant on lower jaw and upper lip. lower lip. Fetid flatus Hot, scentless flatus. Costiveness predominant; when diarrhoea Diarrhoea predominant ; generally painless. occurs, it is generally painful. Urine infrequent and scanty Urine often, but scanty. Leucorrhcea greenish Leucorrh. (or nasal secretion) ochre-yellow. Labor-pains weak or ceasing Labor too painful. Breath cold — Expectoration in the morning. Breath hot — Expect, monrg and dur'g day. Cumpl. predom. on thigh and calf of leg . Complaints predominant on leg and shin. Remission after midnight and in afternoon. Remission of complaints after midnight. Worse in the evening air Worse in the evening twilight. Better (resp. worse) in wet or ary weather. Predominantly worse in wet weather, better in dry weather. Worse in bed Worse or better in bed. Worse when lying on side, better when lying Generally better when lying on side, worse on back. when lying on back. Worse after sleep Better after sufficient sleep, but worse on awak'g when roused, and after the siesta. Worse from pressure Worse or better from pressure. Worse after meals Worse or better after meals. Better from eructation Worse or better from eructation. Worse or better after stool Worse after stool. Predomin. worse -— —»*-__— ^^-_— — ^ Predomin. better When growing warm, out-doors,* in the dark, when sitting erect, after rising from a seat, from the touch, alter a satisfying meal, after drinking, when lying on side, and after sleep. Predomin. better - — — ■*■ ^\__— — -—, Predomin. worse When growing cold, in-doors, from light, when sitting bent forward, and when lying on back. N.B. The over-sensitiveness of Phosph. to pain is very rarely found with Carb. veg. * "When walking out-doors," Phosphor-complaints are aggravated quite as often as improved. In the first case it is exercise, and not open air, which aggravates. Carb. veg. Want of bodily irritability— Often indicated with old people. Haemorrhages, bright-red blood — Ulcers with scanty discharge of pus. Thirst only during cold stage — Pulse weak, unequal. Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy . . . Complaints predom. on upper jaw, on upper lip, and on thigh. Pulsat. Increased irritability — Often indicated with children. Haemorrhages, dark blood — Ulc'rs with copious suppuration. Thirst is wanting during chill — Pulse gene- rally quick, small, and weak. Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis. Complains predom. on lower jaw, on lower lip, and on leg. Mood irritable; silly, merry; rarely dejected Mood changing; — gentle; sad; indifferent; or peevish; rarely amorous. bold; greedy; distrustful; amorous. — Ail- ments from excessive joy, grief, fright, or vexation. Excited imagination Absent-mindedness. Costiveness predom Diarrhoea predom Catamenia too soon and profuse Catamenia generally too late and scanty. Coryza dry oftener than fluent Coryza fluent oftener than dry. Cough generally dry — Expectoration in morn- Expectoration predom., but not constant; ing— Battling of mucus. morning and during day — Respiration gene- rally with dry sound. Remission after midnight and in the afternoon. Remission from midnight till noon. Better (resp. worse) in wet or dry weather. . Worse in wet weather, better in dry weather. Worse or better in cold weather; letter or Better in cold weather ; worse in warm air. worse in warm air. Worse in the dark, better from light . . . Generally better in the dark, worse in the light. " Worse after sleep Worse or better after sleep. Worse when getting out of bed Improved oftener than aggrav. when getting out of bed. Better when sitting down Worse or better when sitting down. Worse when sitting erect ; better when sitting Generally better when sitting erect, worse bent forward. when bending forward. Worse when rising from a seat Worse or better when rising from a seat. Predom. worse after rising from a seat . . . Generally better after rising from a seat. Better when assuming an erect position . . Worse or better when assuming an erect posi- tion. Worse from pressure Better or worse from pressure. Worse after meals Worse or better after meals. Predom. worse after stool Improved oftener than aggrav. after stool. Better from loosening the clothes Predom. better from tying clothes tight. Predomln. worse Predomin. better In cold weather, from cold*, out doors and when walking out doors ; from washing, moisten in 2:, or stretching; out diseased part; from weeping;, from pressure, tightening the clothes, from exercise ; when getting out of bed, when sitting erect ; after rising from a seat, after stool, and in the dark. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In warm air, from warmth, in doors, when sitting, after t lying; down, when drawing up diseased limb, from eructation, during rest i;, from loosening the clothes, when sitting bent forward, and from light. N.B. We rarety find the oversensitiveness of Pulsat. to pain with Carb. veg. — Mere sensitiveness (to touch, &c.) is found with both remedies. * Both remedies have predom. improvement " when growing cold," and aggrav. of compl. "when growing worm." f When lying, in hed, from warmth of bed, and from wrapping up. both remedies have predom. asrgrav. of symptom-*. % Yet we also find with Carb. veg. (as with Pulsat.) aggrav. after exercise, and improvement during continued, moderate exercise. Carb. veg. Sepia. Haemorrhages, bright -red blood — Rarely Hcemorrhages, dark blood — Apoplexy, apoplexy. Eruptions generally humid Eruptions generally dry. Pulse weak Pulse frequent and full at night, slow during day ; accelerated by vexation and exercise. Chill first, then heat Heat first, then chill. Mood silly; rarely dejected or peevish . . Mood serious; sad; indifferent — Greedi- ness — Ailments from vexation with fear — Absent-mindedness. Delirium — Excited imagination .... Insanity — Imbecility. Short-sightedness Far-sightedness. Eruption on upper lip Eruption on under-lip. Hunger predom Generally loss of appetite. Predom. aversion to salt things .... Appetite for salt things. Catamenia too soon Catamenia oftener too late than too soon. Leucorrhcea, — thick Leucorrhcea watery. Rattling of mucus Respiration predom. with dry sound. Cough generally dry; expector in morning. Cough generally with expectoration, which is loosened at night and in the morning, and is generally swallowed. Complaints predom. on upper arm . . . Complaints predom. on fore-arm. Remis. after midnight and in the afternoon. Remission of complaints in the afternoon. Better (resp. worse) in dry or wet weather. Predom. better in wet weather, worse in dry weather. Worse when walking out doors ; but also Better or worse when walking out doors ; worse in overheated rooms. worse in a crowded room. Predom. better after lying down .... Worse or better after lying down. Almost always aggrav. in bed Better or worse in bed. Worse after sleep Better after sufficient sleep ; worse on awak- ing when roused from sleep. Worse when getting out of bed .... Improv. oftener than aggrav. when getting out of bed. Aggrav. oftener than improv. after getting Improv. oftener than aggrav. after getting out of bed. out of bed. Worse after meals * Worse or better after meals. Worse when rising from a seat .... Worse or better when rising from a seat. Predomin. worse ^ — ^^ — — -^ Predomin. better In the dark, when growing warm, from wrapping up, from warmth of bed, lying on side, when turning in bed, after sleep, when and after getting out of bed, from exercise, after breakfast, when sitting erect, and after rising from a seat. Predomin. better — ■ -» ^^ — -^ Predomin. worse From light, when growing cold f, from uncovering, lying on back; when sitting, part, when sitting bent forward; when leaning against something, from eructation, during rest J, and on an empty stomach. N B. With Carb. veg. we rarely find the oversensitiveness of Sepia to pain, and with Sepia rarely the sensation of numbness in suffering parts, belonging to Carb. veg. — Mere sensitiveness (to touch) is found with both remedies. * Both remedies have agerrav. after a satisfying meal. t Both remedies have predom. aggrav. form cold, improv. from warmth — in cold (resp. warm) weather improv. quite as often as agirrav. of symptoms. X Yet we also find aggrav. with Carh. veg. after exercise, and improvement during continued moderate exercise. Carb. veg. Sulphur. Haemorrhages, bright-red blood — Pinching Haemorrhages, dark blood — Pinching pain pain in internal parts. in external parts. External parts grow black Red parts become white. Eruptions generally humid Eruptions generally dry. Pulse weak and unequal Pulse full, hard, and accelerated. Thirst only during cold stage of fever . . Generally want of thirst during chill — Most during heat. Yellow fever Asiatic cholera. CHg. Mood foolishly merry ; rarely depressed or Mood serious, solemn; changing; sad; peevish.* gentle; indifferent — Absentmindedness — Insanity — I mbecility. Hot spots on the head Cold spot on the head. Complaints predom. in inner angle of eye. Complaints predom. in external angle of eye. Saliva predominantly increased .... Saliva generally decreased. Hunger predominant , , Generally loss of appetite. "Urine infrequent and scanty; with odor- Urine often, but scanty ; but sometimes (only like ammoniac. after strong doses of Sulph.) copious ; acid. Catamenia too soon and profuse .... Catamenia generally too late and scanty. Expectoration in the morning Expectoration in the morning and during day ; less frequent at night. Complaints predominant in lower part of Complaints predominant in upper part of chest and on upper arm. chest and on fore-arm. Remission afternoon and after midnight • Remission afternoon and before midnight. Better (resp. worse) in wet or dry weather. Worse in wet weather, better in dry weather. Worse out-doors, better in-doors; but worse Better or worse out-doors (resp. in-doors), in overheated rooms. particularly worse in crowded rooms. Worse when turning in bed Worse or better when turning in bed. Predominantly worse after breakfast . . Improved quite as often as aggravated after breakfast. Worse when stooping Better or worse when stooping. Better when assuming an erect position . Aggravated oftener than improved when assuming an erect position. Worse when looking upwards ...» Worse when looking down. Worse from touch Aggravated oftener than improved by the touch. Aggravation oftener than improvement after Aggravated quite as often as improved after stool. stool. Predomin. worse ■ — -^__^^^_^_- _ Predomin. better In the dark, from cold, from warm diet, when getting out of bed, when sitting erect, after rising from a seat, from pressure, and from exercise. Predomin. better — ^^ — — -^ Predomin. worse From light, warmth, cold diet, after lying down,1 during rest, when sitting bent forward, and when assuming an erect position. N.B. Of all our medicines Carbo vegetabilis is, according to its symptoms, the most similar to the characteristic symptoms of yellow fever, as much so as Sulphur corresponds to the characteristics of Asiatic cholera. Hence each remedy respectively, when it can be given in time, is best given in the first symptoms of these epidemics, in order to reduce each case at least to a milder form — an immense advantage. It is worthy of note that charcoal would put an end to the spreading of yellow fever, if the excrements of each patient, and every corpse, were covered by coarse charcoal powder ; but whether the internal use of it will prevent the disease with individuals has not vet been ascertained. Sulphur prevents Choi, asiat. with individuals, if the finest powder, called milk of Sulphur, is put into the stockings, so as to come in contact with the soles of the feet ; a pinch a day is sufficient to cause a gentle pouring out of sulphurated hydrogen through the pores of the skin, all over the body, blackening bright silver. But whether the substance which carries the disease is destroyed by it, has not been ascertained yet. CHg. * Irritable mood occurs with both remedies. f We find aggravation predominant with both remedies "while lying." Causticum. Clematis. Right side— Dark hair — Skin and muscles Left side — Light hair — Skin and muscles rigid. lax. Paralysis of limbs Paralysis not yet observed. Itching, relieved or aggravated by scratch- Itching, unchanged by scratching. ing. Pulse somewhat irritated only towards even- Pulse excited, with throbbing in the veins. ing, on account of ebullition of blood. Thirstlessness Thirst. Chill lessened in a warm room Chill increased in a warm room. Dejection — Distrust — Haughtiness — Ail- Irritable mood — Contrit'n of spirit — Jlome- ments from fright, mortification, grief, or sickness — Ailments from home-sickness disappointed love. or contrition of spirit. Absent-mindedn. — Fancies — Unconscious- Difficulty in thinking, ness. Catamenia too late Catamenia too soon. Expectoration not constant ; is loosened in Expectoration quite seldom, the evening, night, and morning ; is gen- erally swallowed. Complaints generally on top of foot. . . Complaints on sole of foot. Aggravation evening, night, morning. . Aggravation night and morning. Remission during the day Remission during day and evening. Better or worse from warmth of bed . . Worse from warmth of bed, yet often better in bed. Worse when closing the eyes, better when Better (resp. worse) when closing or when opening them. opening the eyes. Improved oftener than aggravated by wash- Worse from washing and moistening dis- ing and moistening diseased part. eased part. Improved oftener than aggravated by eating Worse from eating bread. bread. Worse after stool Better or worse after stool. Ailments from Plumbum or abuse of Cin- Ailments from abuse of Mercury. choua, from Asa feet., Euphrasia or Colo- cynthis. Predomin. worse _-— ■ — —■ — ^_ ^^_- ■ — Predomin. better In dry weather, during rest, when standing,* and after breakfast. Predomin. better ^-— -*^. — ^"^ — ■— -^ Predomin. worse In wet weather, from motion, when walking, but also when lying, from touch, on an empty stomach, from eating bread, and from washing and moistening diseased part. N.B. Clematis lacks the sensation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Causticum. * The symptoms of Clematis are improved by standing still after motion, but are aggravated when standing "for any length of lime." Compare Sulphur. s> j Causticum. Lachesis. Upper right. lower left side — Dark hair . . Upper left, lower right side — Light hair. Muscles rigid Muscles lax. Complaints (heaviness, &c.) predom. in exter- Complaints (heaviness, &c.) predom. in internal nal parts. parts. Eruptions dry or humid Eruption predom. humid. Apoplexy not yet observed Apoplexy. Paralysis, often of both sides (paraplegie) . . Paralysis generally only one-sided. Pulse generally unchanged, only towards even- Pulse changed in strength and quality, gene- ing somewhat accelerated on account of or- rally small, weak, accelerated, and irregular, gasm of blood. sometimes intermitting or trembling. Heat descending Heat ascending. External chill with internal heat predom. . . Internal chill with external heat predom. "Want of thirst No thirst during chill, but before chill ; is not constant during the hot stage. Sweat increased while eating, lessened when Sweat lessened while eating, increased when getting out of bed. getting out of bed. Lying on the side dur'g sleep — Anx's dreams. Lying on back during sleep — Pleasant dreams. Mood depressed ; taciturn; peevish .... Mood serene; loquacious; irritable ; amorous. Ailments from fright, mortification, grief, or Ailments from fright or jealousy. disappointed love. Cloudiness of mind — Melancholy . • . . . Comprehending easily (quickly) ; mental ex- citement—Ecstasies. Very rarely delirium or insanity ..... Very rarely absent-mindedness or unconscious- Far-sightedness Short-sightedness. [ness. Nasal-complaints predom. external .... Nasal complaint predom. internal. Urine often, but scanty Urine too often. Sexual desire too weak Sexual desire too strong. Catamenia of too long duration and generally Catamenia of too short duration ; at the same too late. time too soon or too late. Expectoration not constant ; is loosened even- Expectoration infrequent; is loosened morning ing, night and morning ; must generally be and during day, and in some cases is swal- swallowed. lowed. Aggravation evening, night, morning ; remis- Worse from noon till midnight ; better from sion during day. midnigt till noon, (except in the morning on awaking.) CHg. Worse during new moon, less frequently dur- Worse before a thunder-storm, ing a thunderstorm. Worse in snowy air Worse from heat of sun (sun-stroke). Worse on inspiration and on expiration . . Better on inspiration. Worse after sleep Worse or better after sleep. Worse when eating and swallowing .... When eating and swallowing improved oftener than aggravated. Almost always aggravated after meals . . . Better or worse after meals. Worse after drinking Better or worse after drinking. Worse from spirituous liquors Better or worse from spirituous liquors. Generally better when lying on painful side, Worse when lying on painful side, better when worse when lying on unpainful side. lying on unpainful side. Predomin. worse ^— — . — ->^ — -^^ Predomin. better In dry, cold weather ; in doors, when lying on back, when letting diseased limb hang down, when bending suffering part backwards, after breakfast, after pollutions, from shaking the head, when lying on unpainful side, on inspiration, and when swallowing and eating. Predomin. better ~— ""*- -^^ — ^-^ Predomin. worse In damp and warm air, out doors*, while lying f, lying on side, when lifting up diseased limb, from bodily exertion, on an empty stomach, from the touch, and from pressure. N.B. Lachesis lacks the sensation of numbness in suffering parts which is often found with Canst.; — on the other hand, sensitiveness (to touch, <&c.) is predom. with Lachesis — overseusitiveness to pain it has less frequently. * Both remedies have predom. aggrav. when walking out doors. •f Both remedies have predom. improv. in bed. Causticum Phosphor. Complaints (pinching pain, &c.) predom. in Complaints (pinching pain, &c.) predom. in external parts. internal parts. Gnawing sensation in internal parts — Haemor- Gnawing pain in external parts — Haemor- rhages &c. dark blood. rhages, bright-red blood. Emaciation of feet : distention of veins of feet. Emaciation of hands ; distent, of veins of hands. Numbness, partic. in suffering parts. . . . Sensation of numbness in suffering parts, or in distant parts. Itching, aggravated oftener than lessened by Itching, lessened oftener than aggravated by scratching. scratching. Eruptions humid or dry Eruptions almost always dry. Ailments from abuse of Plumb, or Cinchona, Ailments from Iodine or Natr. mur. from Asa fcetida, Euphrasia or Colocynth. Ulcers, also fistulous ones, or after burns, with Ulcers painless, or with piercing, festering throbbing and burning pain and watery pus. pain, with viscous pus. Diseases of bones, partic. of Epiphyses . . . Diseases of bones, partic. of Diaphyses. Pulse often unchanged — Varicosities . . . Pulse accelerated, irregular, often intermitting. Chill lessened in bed and in warm room, in- Chill increased in bed, and in warm room, creased out doors. lessened out doors. Sweat increased when eating Sweat lessened when eating. Net-like appearance of capillaries — Chill pre- Chill r. s. — Throbbing in veins; distention of dom. 1. s. veins. — Congestions. Heat descending Heat ascending. Epilepsy with loss of consciousness .... Epilepsy with full consciousness. Painfuf paralysis Painless paralysis. Phlegmatic temperament Sanguine choleric temperament. Sensitive disposition — Mood despondent, very Insensibility or sensitiveness of disposition — rarely irritable — Very rarely delirium — Ab- Chang'gmood; indifferent; irritable; cheer- sent-mindedness — Weak memory — Melan- ful ; despondent. — Very rarely distrust — choly — Ailments from mortification or dis- Amativeness — Irritable excitability— Ecsta- appointed love. cies — Predom. active memory — Insanity — Ailments from anger or from vexation with fright or vehemence. Far-sightednoss Short-sightedness. Appetite for beer Aversion to beer. Thirst with disgust for drink Desire for drink without thirst. Sexual desire weak — Catamenia scanty. . . Sexual desire strong — Catamenia increased or Nasal secretion watery Nasal secretion thick. [scanty. Expectoration with putrid or greasy taste, is Expectoration with salty, sour or sweetish generally swallowed, loosened at night, morn- (and putrid) taste, loosened morning and ing and evening. during day. Complaints most frequent in inner ear and on Complaints most frequent on external ear, and instep. on sole of foot. Remission of complaints during day .... Remission after midnight. Worse in dry weather, better in damp air . . Aggrav. more frequ. in wet than dry weather. Washing improves in most cases Washing aggravates in most cases. Worse during new moon, less frequently during Worse before thunder-storm. thunder-storm. Improved oftener than aggrav. by exertion . Worse from bodily exertion. Predomln. worse Predomin. better In dry weather; during rest when standing and sitting, particularly when sitting erect; from rubbing, and after sleep*. Predomin. better ^ — — ^\ — — --, Predomin. worse In wet weather, from continued moderate motion f, from sitting bent forward, from pressure, and from washing and moistening suffering part. N.B. Caust. has not the oversensitiveness of Phosph. to pain. * Exceptionally Phosph. has aggrav. after sleeping in the afternoon; on awaking (when roused) from sleep, it has aggrav. qir.te as often as improvement, therefore the latter follows only after sufficient sleep. t Both remedies have aggrav. when hetriDning to move ; an "improvement dnring motion" which occurs with Phos- phor, seems to refer exclusively to pain in joints, therefore to suffering part when moved. Causticum. Pulsatilla. Upper right, lower left side Upper left, lower right side. Complaints (pinching pain, etc.) predominant Complaints (pinching pain, etc.) predominant in external parts ; sensitiveness predominant in internal parts; sensitiveness to touch in in internal parts. external parts. Apoplexy not yet observed Apoplexy. Paralysis, generally painful Paralysis of rare occurrence and painless. Itching, lessened or aggravated by scratching. Itching, aggravat'd or unchang'd by scratch'g. When'asleep lying on side When asleep lying on back, often with arms thrown over the head. Pulse generally unchanged Pulse changed, sometimes intermitting; gen- erally quick, small, weak. Chill or sweat on suffering part — Chill pre- Heat on suffering part— Chill predominantly dominantly left side. right side. Chill lessened in bed and in warm room; in- Chill increased in bed and in warm room; creased out-doors. lessened out-doors. Sweat increased when walking out-doors . . Sweat lessened when walking out-doors. Want of thirst Thirst very rarely during chill. Hopelessness Mood changing; indifferent; bold; greedy; amorous — Calm sadness of gentle disposit's. Ailments from disappointed love Ailments from vexation or excessive joy — Delirium. Yertigo, inclining to fall forwards or sideways. Yertigo, inclining to fall backwards. Far-sightedness — Optical illusions in dark Short-sightedness — Optical illusions in bright colors. colors. Sour vomit "Vomit bitter oftener than sour. Urine often, but scanty Urine infrequent and scanty. Sexual desire decreased Sexual desire increased. Catamenia of long duration Catamenia of short duration. Respiration with moist sound Respiration prevalent with dry sound. Cough generally dry — Expectorat. is loosened Cough generally with expectoration — Expec- even'g, night & morn'g, & is mostly swallow. toration morning and during day. Complaints predominant on fore-arm & instep. Compl. predom. on upper arm and sole of foot. Aggravation from evening till morning . . Aggravation from noon till midnight. Worse dur'g new moon, less frequently dur'g Worse before thunder-storm, thunder-storm. Better in bed Generally aggravated in bed. Better or worse from warmth of bed . . . Worse from warmth of bed. Worse after sleep Worse or better after sleep. Worse after meals Worse or better after meals. Worse when swallowing Worse or better when swallowing. Generally improved by eating bread . . . Worse from bread. Worse after stool Better or worse after stool. Worse after bodily exertion Aggravated by mental oftener than by bodily exertion. O.Hg. Worse when moving diseased limb .... Better or worse when moving diseased limb. Almost always improved when sitting down . Worse or better when sitting down. Almost always aggrav. when ris'g from a seat. Worse or better when rising from a seal. Better after rising from a seat Better or worse after rising from a seat. Worse on inspiration and expiration . . . Worse on expiration; better on inspiration. Predomin. worse — - - — —■ ^*^- — ——■*■" ~----, Predomin. belter In dry weather, from cold, from growing cold and in cold weather, when walking out-doors*, lying on "back, lying on left side, when stretching out diseased limb, from vinegar and sour thing's, from tying clothes tight, after stool, and when moving suffering part. Predomin. better ^- ■"— ^— . — ->**< — ■— -^ Predomin worse In wet weather, from warmth, from growing warm and in warm air, lying on (right) side, when lying generally, drawing up diseased limb, from the touch, loosening the clothes, and from eating bread. N.B. Causticum has not the over-sensitiveness of Pulsatilla. * Both remedies have improvement of complaints out-doors generally. Causticum. Rhus. Upper right, lower left side — Dark hair . . Upper left, lower right side — Light hair. Gnawing pain, or sensitiveness in intern, parts. Gnawing pain or sensitiveness in extern, parts. Apoplexy not yet observed Apoplexy. Itching aggrav. or lessened by scratching . . Itching, lessened by scratching. Haemorrhages, dark blood — Painful ulcers . Haemor., bright-red blood — Painless ulcers. Cures moles, varices, and cystic tumors by Causes atrophy of warts — Eruptions generally suppuration — Eruptions dry or humid . . humid. When asleep lying on side When asleep lying on back, sometimes on belly. Pulse often unchanged Pulse quick, small, soft, sometimes trembling, irregular or intermitting. Chill, coldness, &c, chiefly on left side . . . Coldness of right side predom *. Heat on back part of body Heat on front part, coldness on back part of Distention of veins of feet Distention of veins of hands. [body. Congestion to ears Congestion to eyes. Chill lessened by drinking Chill increased by drinking. Heat abated by drinking water Heat increased by drinking water. Chill on diseased part — Want of thirst predom. Sweat on diseased part — Thirst not constant. Peevishness — Distrust — Absent-mindedness . Ailments from fright, mortification, grief, dis- appointed love. Vertigo inclining to fall forwards or sideways. Appetite for beer — Aversion to sweets . . . Urine often, but scanty Sexual desire and potency diminished . . . Catamenia too late and scanty Nasal secretion watery — Respirat. with moist sound. Expectoration is loosened from evening till morninsr; is swallowed. Sadness and despondency — Delirium. Ailments from vexation with fear. Yert., inclining to fall forewards or backwards. Aversion to spirituous liquors — Appetite for Urine often and copious, i [sweets. Erections. Catamenia too soon and profuse. Nasal secretion thick — Respiration with dry sound. Expectoration in the morning. Worse during new moon Worse during increase of moon. Almost always improved f in bed .... Worse or better in bed. Almost always aggrav. after meals .... Worse or better after meals. Improved oftener than aggrav. by exertion . Worse from bodily exertion. Worse when moving diseased part .... Improved oftener than aggrav. by moving the part. Almost always improved when sitting down . Worse or better when sitting down. Almost always aggrav. when rising from a seat. Worse or better when rising from a seat. Better after rising from a seat Worse or better after rising from a seat. Worse on in- and expiration Worse on inspiration ; better on expiration. Worse after stool Improved oftener than aggrav. after stool. Worse when looking upwards Worse when looking down. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In dry weather, in doors, but also when walking out doors, when stretching out diseased limb, when letting it hang down, from warm diet, after breakfast, after stool, and when moving suffering part. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In wet weather, out doors, when drawing up diseased limb, when lifting; it up or resting it on anything, when washing or moistening suffering part, from cold diet, and drinking cold, water, from eating bread, when lying, from touch*, and on an empty stomach. * All other one-sidpd complaints "Rhas as well as Canst, has predom. on r. s. On the other hand we find- Bleep of the whole left side with Caust., while with Rhus the same symptom appears on r. 3. f With both remedies we find improvement oftener than aggrav. from warmth of bed. J The complaints of both remedies are predom. improved by pressure. going to Causticum. Sepia. Sensitiveness predominant in internal parts. Sensitiveness predom. in external parts.* Rending pain upwards — Lancinating pain Rending pain downwards — Lancinating from without inwards. pain from within outwards. Itching, lessened or aggravated by scratch- Itching, always aggravated by scratching. ing. After the itch transparent blisters, which After itch corroding blisters full of dis- leave a clean, sore spot on skin, after they colored matter, confluent, generally humid, burst, on which new blisters soon appear. and with bad odor ; when these blisters burst, they leave an impure ulcer. Warts disappear by suppuration .... Warts become atrophic. Pulse irritated and accelerated in evening, Pulse quick and full at night, slow during slow in morning. day. Heat descending Heat ascending. "Want of thirst Thirst constant only during chill. Taciturnity — Mood distrustful — very rarely Loquacity — Seriousness — Indifference — irritable. Greediness — Insanity — Imbecility. Ailments from fright, grief, or mortification. Ailments from vexation with fear. Apoplexy not yet observed Apoplexy. Discharge of moisture or fetid pus from the Discharge chiefly of blood from the ears, ears. Sour vomit Predominantly bitter vomit. Discharge of urine too often and scanty . Discharge of urine too seldom. Sexual desire weak Sexual desire changing, with diminished potency. Catamenia too scanty Catamenia too profuse or too scanty. Respiration with moist sound Respiration predominant with dry sound. Cough, particularly evening till midnight; Cough, particularly forenoon and evening, most frequently dry; expectoration is till midnight; generally with expectora- loosened from evening till morning, and tion, which is loosened night and morn- is generally swallowed. ing and generally swallowed. Remission of complaints during day . . Remission of complaints afternoon. Worse when hungry Worse after a satisfying meal. Complaints predominant on patella . . . Complaints predominant on tip of elbow. Ailments from Plumbum, Asa feet., Eupras. Ailments from Sulphur or from sting of or Colocynth. insects. Predomin. -worse - — — ' •>» -"^ — — ^ Predomin. better From moving suffering parts, and after breakfast. Predomin. better - — " ■*■ ^^> -•"" ~"^^ Predomin. worse From touch or external pressure, from washing, on an empty stomach, and after eating bread. * This corresponds to the twofold influence of touch and external pressure. On tbe other hand, Causticum lacks th* over-sensitiveness of Sepia to pain, and Sepia generally the sensation of numbness in suffering parts belonging to Canst Causticurn. Sulphur. Bight side ; particularly upper right, loicer Left side ; particularly upper left, lower left side. right side. Bending pain upwards — Lancinating pain Rending pain downwards — Lancinating from without inwards. pain from within outwards. Itching, aggravated or lessened by scratch- Itching, almost always lessened by scratch- ing; seldom unchanged. ing. Painful ulcers Painless ulcers. Puise often unchanged; only towards even- Pulse generally quick, full, and hard; ac- ing somewhat irritated and accelerated; celerated, particularly night and morn'gj slow in morning. slower during day and evening. Descending heat Ascending heat. Heat on painful part Coldness on painful parts. Predom. external chill, with internal heat.* Pr^dom. internal chill, with external heat. Chill lessened in bed Chill increased in bed'. Want of thirst predominant Thirst, mostly during heat. Cures moles, cystic tumors, etc., by suppu- Causes atrophy of warts, ration and forming scabs. Distrust — Rarely irritable rnood .... Mood changing; serious; solemn; gentle; indifferent. Ailments from fright, grief, disappointed Ailm.rr. shame or vexation with fright, dread love. or fear — Delirium— Imbecility — Insanity. Complaints predominant on inner angle of Complaints predominant on external angle eye — Far-sightedness. of eye — Short-sightedness. Saliva generally increased Saliva generally decreased. Desire for beer Des. for or avers, to beer & spirituous liquor. Urine often, but scanty Urine often and scanty, sometimes (after strong doses) copious. Catamenia of too long duration .... Catamenia generally of short duration. Spasmodic labor-pains Labor-pains weak or ceasing. Expectoration is loosened evening, night, Expectoration morning and during day; and morning; it is generally swallowed. less frequently at night. rvEMissiON of complaints during day . . Remission afternoon and before midnight. "Worse during new moon Worse during full moon. Almost always improved in bed .... Worse or better in bed. Generally improved by warmth of bed . Generally aggravated by warmth of bed. Predominantly worse when lying on back, Worse (resp. better) when lying on side or better when lying on side. on back. Worse when turning in bed Worse or better when turning in bed. Better before breakfast, worse afterwards. W. or b. on empty stom. (resp. after breakf t). Worse when hungry Worse after a satisfying meal. Worse after stool Better or worse after stool. Almost always improved by the touch. . Aggravated oftener than improved by touch. Improved oftener than aggrav. by washing. Almost always aggravated by washing. Worse from moving diseased part . . . Worse or better from mov'g diseased part. Improv'd oftener than aggravated byexert'n. Worse from bodily exertion. Worse when looking upwards Worse when looking down. "Worse from grow'g cold & in cold air, better Better or worse from grow'g cold & in cold when grow'g warm and in warm air. weather (resp. grow'g warm & in warm air). Predomin. worse --— ~— ^^ — ■ — ^- Predomin. belter In dry weather, from cold, from warm diet, lying on right side, and when letting diseased limb hang down. Predomin. better .— "■— ^\ — — --^ Predomin. worse In wet weather, from warmth, from cold diet and from drinking cold water, from eating bread, when lying, lyina: on left side, when lilting up diseased limb, in bed and irom warmth of bed, from touch, and from bodily exertion. * This relation corresponds exactly to the influence of cold, and of warm diet, on the one hand, and that of warmth and of cold diet on the other hand. Chamomilla. Belladonna. Left side— Light hair— Skin & muscles lax. Right side— Dark hair— Skin & mnscl. rigid. Inclination for motion — No apoplexy . . Aversion to motion* — Apoplexy. Yery rarely paralysis Paralysis. Pulse accelerated and tense, but small . . Pulse generally quick, tense, full, and hard. Sweat only on head Sweat general, except on head. Sweat increased when and after getting out Sweat lessened, when and after getting out of bed. of bed. Thirst constant Thirst not constant ; most rarely dur'g chill. Sensitive disposition Generally insensibility of disposition. Seriousness— Sadness— Rarely distrust . . Mood changing; foolishly merry or sad; malicious. Mental dullness — Yery rarely delirium . . Mental excitability or dullness — Fancies — Insanity. Pupils contracted, (first contracted, then Pupils generally dilated, (first dilated, then dilated.) contracted.) Complaints predom. on under-lip .... Complaints predom. on upper lip.^ Appetite for sour things — Nausea in stom- Aversion to sour things — Nausea in throat, ach. or abdomen, less frequently in stomach. Hot, fetid flatus Scentless flatus. Respiration loud — Yoice hoarse or deep . Respiration predom. low — Yoice hoarse or Expectoration during day Expectoration never at night. [raised. The milk runs from the breast ; it is dimin- The milk runs from the breast and is gene- ished or spoiled. rally increased. Inguinal hernia easily reducible . . . Inguinal hernia, small, recent, difficult to Complaints predom. on calf of leg . . . Complaints predom. on shin. [reduce. Aggrav. evening & night, partic. bef. midn. Remis. after midnight and in the forenoon. Better or worse when growing cold (resp. Worse from growing cold, better from grow- growing warm.) ing warm. Better or worse from uncovering (resp. Worse from uncovering, better from wrap- wrapping up.) ping up. Better after sweat Worse or better after sweat. Worse when lying on back, better when Better (resp. worse) when lying on back or lying on side. side. Better when lying on painful side, worse Worse (resp. better) when lying on painful when lying on unpainful side. or on unpainful side. Worse or better after getting out of bed . Almost always improved after getting out Better or worse from coffee Worse from drinking coffee. [of bed. Worse when swallowing food Worse, partic. when swallowing drink. Worse or better from pressure .... Predom. better from pressure. Worse from eructation . Improved oftener than aggr. by eructation. Worse or better when moving diseased part. Worse when moving diseased part. Almost always improved when bending dis- Better or worse when bending diseased eased part. part. Ailments from Coffea, Colocynth., Ignat., Ailments from animal poisons, Cinchona, Nux vom., Pulsat., Yaleriana. Iodine, Mercur., or Plumb. Predomin. worse _^------ - ~"™^" , »--««^_---'-^^_-----^ Predomin. better From warmth, during rest, when standing, after lying down, while lying:, in hed, and from warmth of bed, when stooping, when stretching out diseased limb, and from eructation. Predomin. better — — -— . -^^ — -— -^. Predomin. worse From cold, from exercise, when walking, when drawing up diseased limb, from drinking cold water f , and after stool. * We also find inclination for motion in single or suffering parts with Belladonna. f From cold diet in general, both remedies have predom. improvement of complaints; — from warm diet predom. aggravation. Comp. complaints concomitant to swallowing. 13 Chamomilla. Cocculus. Left side — Inclination for exercise— Gnaw- Right side— Aversion to exercise — Gnawing ing sensation in external parts. sensation in internal parts. Very rarely paralysis — Xo apoplexy, . . Paralysis— Apoplexy. Congestion to head Congestion to feet. Chill lessened in warm room Chill increased in warm room. Heat increased in bed Heat lessened in bed. Thirst constant in fevers Predom. want of thirst — Thirst only some- times during hot stage. Pulse often unequal Pulse often imperceptible. Taciturnity — Irritable mood Loquacity — Gentleness. Ailments from anger, mortification, or from Ailments from vexation with reserved dis- vexation with vehemence. pleasure. Delirium Fancies — Insanity. Appetite for sour things— Aversion to beer. Aversion to sour things — Desire for or aversion to beer. Aggravation evening and night, partic. Remission night and forenoon. before midnight. Worse from warmth of bed Worse or better from warmth of bed. Worse (resp. better) from wrapping up, or Worse from uncovering; better from wrap- from uncovering phrg up. Better or worse from drinking coffee . . Worse from drinking coffee. Worse from eructation Better or worse from eructation. Better or worse when assuming an erect Worse when assuming an erect position. position. Worse or better when moving diseased part. Worse when moving diseased part. Worse or better from pressure .... Better from pressure. Predomin. worse — •«*- ^ """ — --^ Predomin. better During rest, while lying, in bed, from warmth, and from warm diet. Predomin. better — -—■" ■— ^ -' ---*. Predomin. worse From exercise, when walking, -when bendins: suffering part, from cold*, from drinking cold water, after stool, and from change of position. N.B. With Chamomilla we rarely find the sensation of numbness in suffering parts, peculiar to Cocculus. * Both remedies have predom. aggravation, when growing cold, and in cold weather, — improvement of symptoms when growing warm, and in warni air. Chamomilla. Inclination for exercise— Gnawing sensation in external parts. Itching (aggravated or) unctfd by scratch- ing. Painful ulcers, also with proud flesh . . . Xo apoplexy— Yery rarely paralysis . . Pulse quick and tense, but small .... Chill or sweat, increased after getting out of bed. Chill often confined to front part of body . Thirst during all stages of the fever . . Ignatia Aversion to exercise — Gnawing sensation in internal parts. Itching, lessened or changed to another place by scratching. Painless ulcers. Apoplexy — Paralysis. Pulse generally accelerated, full, and hard, with throbbing in veins. Chill or sweat, lessened after getting out of bed. Chill often only on back part of body. Thirst only during chill and after sweat. Seriousness — Dejection — Vexation, with Mood changing; cheerful or sad and de- paroxysrns of rage. spondent — Reserved mortification — Gen- tleness — Amativeness — Boldness. Ailments from anger, or from vexation with Ailments from hearing bad news, from shame, vehemence. grief, disappointed love, and jealousy, or from vexation with reserved displeasure. Unconsciousness Fancies — Insanity. Catamenia increased Catamenia too scanty. Inspiration quick; expiration slow . . . Inspiration slow; expiration quick. Expectoration during day Expectoration in the evening, rarely in the morning-. Aggravation evening and night, particu- larly before midnight. When growing cold (resp. growing warm) better or worse. Worse (resp. better) from uncovering or wrapping up. Worse when lying on back, better when lying on side. Worse when getting out of bed .... Better or worse from drinking coffee . . Almost always aggravated when eating . Worse when swallowing food Remission of complaints before midnight. Predominantly worse when growing cold, better when growing warm. Generally bett:r from uncovering, worse from wrapping up. Generally better when lying on back, worse when lying on side. Better or worse when getting out of bed. Worse from drinking coffee. Improv. oftener than aggrav. when eating. Worse when swallowing drink. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From warmth, from warm diet, when swallowing, after breakfast, during and after meals, from eructa- tion, on inspiration, when taking a deep breath, from weeping, when rising from a seat, 'when lifting up or stretching out diseased limb, and when closing the eyes. Predomin. better Predomin. worse From cold,* from cold diet, from drinking cold water, on an empty stomach, after stool, on expiration, after sweat, when letting diseased limb hang down or when drawing it up, when bending suffering part, particularly when bending it backwards, and when opening the eyes. Both remedies have predominant aggravation in cold weather, improvement in warm air. Chamomilla. Mercurius. Inclination for exercise — Haemorrhages; Aversion to exercise— Haemorrhages; blood blood dark. bright-red. Apoplexy not yet observed Apoplexy. Itching, (aggrav. or) unchang'd by scratch'g. Itching, aggravate or improved by scratch'g. Pake accelerated, small and tense . . . Pulse generally full and accelerated. One-sided heat, right side ...... One-sided heat, left side. Partial sweat on head Sweat general, except head. Congestion to eyes Congestion to ears. Chill lessened in warm room Chill increased in warm room. Sweat increased when and after getting out Sweat lessened when and after getting out of bed. of bed. Irascibility Malice — Amorousness — Yery rarely delir'm. Ailm's from anger or vexat'n with vehemence. Ailments from insults — Fancies. Pupils contracted Pupils dilated. Nasal complaints predominantly internal . Kasal compl. external oftener than internal. Toothache during sweating stage . . . Sweat with toothache ; chill after it. C.Hg. Complaints on under lip Complaints on upper lip. Nausea in stomach Nausea in oesophagus or stomach. Catamenia too soon and profuse . . . C. too late; at the same time scanty or profuse. Expectoration infrequent Expectoration not constant. Complaints predominant on calf of leg . Complaints predominant on shin. Aggravation evening and night, particu- Aggravation from evening till morning. larly before midnight. Generally worse in dry weather, better in Better in dry weather, worse in wet weather. wet weather. Letter (resp. worse) from uncovering or Generally worse from uncovering, better wrapping up. from wrapping up. Worse when lying on back, better when Generally better when lying on back, worse lying on side. when lying on side. "Worse or better after getting out of bed. Better after getting out of bed. "Worse when eating and swallowing, par- Better or worse when eat'g & swallow'g, par- ticularly when swallowing food. tic. worse when swallow'g saliva & drink. Predominantly worse from warm diet, better Worse from cold or warm diet ; in the latter from cold diet. case bettered by cold diet.* Better or worse from coffee Worse from drinking coffee. "Worse when blowing nose Worse when blowing nose, better afterw. Better or worse from pressure .... Predominantly worse from pressure. Worse or better when moving the part . Worse when moving diseased part. Ailments from Coffea, Colocynth., Ignatia, Ailments from sting of insects, Arsenic or Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, or Valeriana. Copper vapors, from Sulphur, Calcarea, or abuse of Cinchona. Predomin. worse . ""'.■», ^^ — ^ Predomin. better In dry weather, during rest, when standing and lyingt, lying on nnpainful side, and after breakfast. Predomin. better -— — -"" — " *"* Predomin. worse In wet weather, from exercise, when walking, when lying on painful side, before breakfast, from drinking cold water, after sweat, after stool, when bending diseased part, and from change of position. N.B. We rarely find the over-sensitiveness of Chamom. to pain with Mercurius, although the character of increased constitutional irritability belongs to both. * The improvement sometimes found with Mercurius, hy cold diet, refers exclusively to food, as cold drinks always aggravate the symptoms of this remedy, (in. consequence of characteristic aggravation when swallowing drink. | We find the complaints of both remedies predominantly aggravated when in bed and from warmth of bed. Chamom. Nux vom. rredom. left- side Skin and muscles lax. Right side— Skin and muscles rigid. Hair light— -Inclination for exercise — Child Hair dark — Aversion to exercise; inclina- desires to be carried. tion to lie down. Epilepsy with loss of consciousness . . . Epilepsy with full consciousness. Secretions predom. increased* Secretions pred. diminished or suppressed. Pulse quick and tense, but small, often very Pulse generally frequent, full and hard, some- unequal, times intermitting. Thirst constant Thirst, mostly during chill, but also before and after the attack of fever, and between heat and sweat. Sweat increased during sleep Sweat lessened during sleep. Sleep after sweat Sleep between chill and heat. One-sided chill predom. 1. s., heat pred. r. s. One-sided chill predom. r. s., heat pred. 1. s. No apoplexy — Rarely paralysis .... Apoplexy — Paralysis. Taciturnity — Seriousness — Indifference . . Loquacity — Amorousness — Maliciousness. Yery rarely delirium ■ . Delirium — Fancies. Complaints after vexation with anger in After vexation with anger in the moraine. evening. C.Hg. Sensitiveness of internal parts Generally sensitiveness of external parts. Throbbing, generally one-sided headache, Hemorrhoidal congestion to head worse worse from night air, better from warm from motion, bettered by night air and applications and from walking about in cold applications. the room. Pupils contracted Pupils dilated. Appetite for sour things — Cramp in stom- Predom. aversion to sour things — Cramp ach, generally improved by coffee. in stomach, which is aggrav. by coffee. Aversion to beer Desire for or aversion to beer. Inguinal hernia, easily reduced .... Inguinal hernia difficult to reduce. Diarrhoea — Sediment of urine yellow . . Constipation — Sediment of urine reddish. Expectoration during day Expector. morning, during day and evening. Milk decreased Milk increased. Aggravation evening and night, partic. Remission of complaints evening till mid- before midnight. night. Worse from eructation and from warmth Generally improv. by eructation and warmth of bed. of bed. Worse after sleep Better after sleep, when it is not of too long duration, but yet sufficient — On awaking, when roused, aggrav. Predomln. worse — . — -^"^ ■— " '— - — ^ Predomin. better From warmth and warmth of bed, from warm diet, when sitting erect, when lyinar, partic. when lving on unpainful side, during rest in general, after sleep, from washing or moistening diseased partf , and when lifting up or stretching out suffering limb. Predomin. better - — *—. ^ — **"" Predomin. worse From cold % and cold diet, from sittinsr bent forward, when lyino: on painful side, when letting diseased limb hang down, bending or drawing it up, when walking, from motion generally, ij also on expiration after stool, after sweat, and from change of position. * Excepting 1 the secretion of milk. — with N. vom. it is true, we also find the secretions of the mucous membrane some- times increased, but then they are always not "ripened," no deciding crisis. f Chamomilla has aggrav. by wet cold applications, improv. by warm ditto. t Both remedies have aggrav. in cold weather, the same while sweating. § Yet Chamom. has aggrav. ofteuer than improv. while moving the diseased part. Chamom. Pulsat. Chill and other complaints predom. left side. Chill and other compl'ts predom. right side. Aversion to open air — Inclination for exer- Inclination for open air — Aversion to exer- cise, cise. Chill lessened in warm room Chill increased in warm room. Pulse quick, small, but tense ; very often Pulse frequent, small, and weak ; sometimes unequal. intermitting or imperceptible. Thirst constant Predom. lack of thirst, partic. during chill — Thirst especially before and between the different stages. Chill increased out doors ; sweat when and Chill less out doors ; sweat abating when after getting out of bed. and after getting out of bed. Fixed, acute rheumatism without swelling . Peregrinating acute rheumatism in joints with swelling. Pain, partic. at night, during sweat, better Pain at night, either exclusively during after sweat. sweat, or during and after sweat. Sensitiveness of internal parts Generally sensitiveness of external parts. Quarrelsome peevishness Lachrymose mood and calm sadness of gentle dispositions — Changing mood; greedi- ness; distrust; boldness; amorousness — Fancies. Ailments from anger, or from vexation with Ailments from joy, grief, or from vexation vehemence. wdth reserved displeasure. Children easier when carried about . . . Childr. want to be carried about, but slowly. Xa-al complaints internal; complaints pre- Xasal complaints external oftener than inter- dom. in palm of hand. nal complaints ; predom. on back of hand. Acute smell Loss of smell, or weak smell predom. Loss of appetite predom Generally hunger. Nausea in stomach Nausea in throat, stomach or abdomen. Sediment of urine yellow Sediment of urine reddish. Catamenia too soon and too profuse . . Catam. too late, and generally too scanty. Milk decreased ,. Milk generally increased. Expectoration during day .... . . Expectoration in morning and during day. Aggravation evening and night, partic. Aggravation from noon until midnight; before midnight; after sunrise, and in after sunset, and in wet cold weather. dry cold weather. Some compl'ts better on an empty stomach. Some complaints better after eating. Ailments from Coffea, Colocynth., Ignatia, Ailments from Copper- vapors, Mercury, N. voru. Sulphur, or abuse of Cinchona. Predomin. worse _^ — ^^_^^^__^. ^-^ Predomin. better In dry weather, while walking out doors, from wet cold applications, from weeping, and when lifting up diseased limb. Predomin. better ^- — ■ "■ •*. ^\ — — -^ Predomin. worse In wet weather, in warm room, (from warm applications.) from change of position, from bending the head back, when letting diseased limb hang down, and after sweat. K.B. We rarely find the sensation of numbness in suffering parts, peculiar to Pulsat., with Chamom. China. Cina. Upper left, lower right side Upper right, lower left side. Complaints predominant in internal parts . Complaints predominant in external parts. Itching in external parts Itching in internal parts. Itching, lessened by scratching .... Itching, unchanged or lessened by scratch- ing. Stitches from within outwards Stitches from without inwards. Pulse unequal, intermitting Pulse often unchanged. Thirst not constant; it is most conspicuous Thirst predominant before and during chill, before and between the different stages, not constant during heat. also during and after sweat. Chill lessened in warm room ...... Chill increased in warm room. Apoplexy or paralysis Neither apoplexy nor paralysis has yet been observed. Ulcers with copious discharge Ulcers with scanty discharge. Complaints predominant on upper jaw and Complaints predominant on lower jaw and in lower part of chest. in upper part of chest. Optical illusions in black or dark colors . Optical illusions in bright colors. Acute taste Loss of taste. Expectoration during day and evening . . Expectoration in evening. Remission afternoon and evening „ Pressure improves; touch aggravates Worse when swallowing food . . . Worse or better from shaking head . Worse from light, particularly sunlight Remission during day and evening. Worse from touch and pressure. Worse when swallowing drink. Bettered by shaking head. Worse from light, particularly candle-light. Ailments from Iodine, Mercurius, Sulph., Ailments from Capsicum or abuse of Mer- Calcarea, or Yeratrum. cury. Predomin. worse —■ *- ^^ — m "--^. Predomin. belter From cold, lying on back, after lying down, in bed, after breakfast, after stool, and while moving. Predomin. better "— ^- — "* — -^ Predomin. worse From warmth, lying on side, after sleep*, after getting ont of bed, on an empty stomach, from deep respiration, during rest, and from pressure. * The improvement of Cinchona-complaints follows exclusively after sufficient sleep ; for on awaking, when roused from bleep, we find these complaints aggravated quite as often as improved. China. Ferrum. Upper left, lower right side — Piercing pain Upper right, lower left side — Piercing pain upwards. downwards. Haemorrhages, blood dark, coagulates Haemorrhages; blood light-colored ; coagu- neither easily nor entirely. (Comp. Apis.) lates easily. External parts grow black Red parts grow white. Ulcers very ichorous, also somewhat in- Ulcers impure, pale, cedematous. flammatory (and very sensitive). Pulse small, quick, and hard ; more quiet Pulse full and hard. after meals ; irregular. Sweat on upper part of body Sweat often confined to lower part of body. Sweat increased while speaking .... Sweat lessened while speaking. Distention of veins of hands Distention of veins of feet. Mood indifferent ; peevish ; sad ; hopeless — Cheerfulness or dejection ; particularly also Amorousness — Absent-mindedness. alternating cheerful one evening, sad the next. Mental excitement — Fancies Changing mood — Rarely delirium. Ailments from vexation — Apoplexia ner- Ailments from anger — Apoplexia san- vosa. guinea. Nocturnal blindness At night, capability to see in the dark, with hysteric persons. Aversion to warm food Inclination for warm food. Appetite for sour things . Aversion to sour things. Impotence . . Sterility. Catamenia too soon and too profuse . . Catamenia generally too late, but profuse. Predominant labor-pains weak or ceasing , Spasmodic labor-pains. Breath cold — Expectoration not constant; Breath hot — Expectoration rather constant; during day and evening. in the morning. Pituitous consumption of drunkards . . . Consumption in consequence of erethic chlo- rosis. Moving suffering part aggravates or im* Always improved by moving suffer 'g part. proves. Better or worse from eating meat . . . Worse from eating meat. Worse or better from letting diseased limb Better from letting diseased limb hang hang down. down. Worse aftei vomiting Better or worse after vomiting. Remission afternoon and evening . . , Ailments from Sulphur, Calcarea, Mercu- rius, Yeratrum or Coffea. Remission during day and before mid- night. Ailments from abuse of Cinchona or Ar- senic. Predomin. worse -**- -^^ -^ — ^ Predomin better After breakfast, from mental and bodily exertion, when leaning against anything, lying on back, from drinking wine % and while moving Predomin. better — - — "— — . -"^ — *""" "-— <, Predomin. worse After sleep, on an empty stomach, from bending diseased part backwards, and during rest. N.B. The aggravation of Cinchona-complaints, when lying on back, is apparently contradicted by two recentf cures (one of prolaps. uteri, and the other of Empyema). However, we cannot attach great importance to these cases, as lying on belly became unbearable on account of mechanical conditions. Neither can we attach importance to another cure with Cinchona, where bending the head back (when lying on belly) relieved relatively, because only in this way the patient could avoid lying on back, and also avoid the aggrav. caused by enveloping the head (with the bedding). # Wine improves Ferrum-com plaints only when it is not acid. China. Helleb. Suppurative pain in external parts . . . Increased irritability Apoplexy — Paralysis, painful Itching, lessened by scratching — Painful ulcers. Pulse frequent, small and hard; more quiet after meals; irregular, sometimes inter- mitting. Chill first, then heat Thirst most prominent during sweat, and before and between the different stages. Chill increased out doors Sleeplessness, part, before midnight . . . Suppurative pain in internal parts. Want of bodily (constitutional) irritability. Very rarely paralysis, and then painless. Itching, unchanged by scratching — Pain- less ulcers. Pulse generally slow, small and weak. Heat first, then chill. Want of thirst constant Chill lessened out doors. Somnolence predom. Mood peevish; irritable — Amorousness — Mood gentle — Distrust — Ailments from Ailments from vexation. grief, mortification, or from vexation with reserved displeasure. Ment. excitability — Rarely unconsciousness. Mental dullness — Imbecility External parts become black Red parts become white. Compl'ts predom. on external angle of eye. Complaints predom. on inner angle of eye. Tootaehe during the sweat Toothache during the chill. C.Hg. Nausea in throat or stomach Nausea in stomach. Spleen affected oftener than liver .... Liver complaint, partic. after abuse of Cin- chona. Urine infrequent and scanty Urine often, but scanty. Expectoration not constant Cough without expectoration. Remission afternoon and evening . . . Better (resp. worse) from uncovering or wrapping up. Better after sufficient sleep; but worse on awaking when roused. Worse (resp. better) when opening or when closing the eyes. Better after getting out of bed .... Generally worse on expiration, better when inspiring. Better or worse when respiring deeply . . Ailments from Helleborus, Iodine, Sulphur, Calcar., or abuse of Mercurius. Remission of complaints during day. Worse from uncovering; bettered by wrap- ping up. Predom. better after sleep. Better when opening eyes; worse when closing them. Worse or better after getting out of bed. Better on expiration, worse on inspiration. Worse when respiring deeply. Ailments from abuse of Cinchona. Predomin. worse -— — " **»^ ^ — —■*-"" — -^ Predomin. belter Out doors * 9 while sitting, and after the sweat. Predomin. "better - — ~ -^"^ — ~^^. Predomin. worse In doors, when sitting down, and when bending diseased part backwards. N.B. "We very rarely find the oversensitiveness of Cinchona to pain with Helleborus. * We find Helleborus-com plaints (like those of Cinchona) also aggrav. " ichen walking out doors." In this case there fore the iufluence of motion must decide and not that of the open air. China. Ipecac. Left side predom. — Increased bodily irri- Eight side —Want of irritability, tability. Dark hair — Ilasmorrhages — Blood dark . Generally Anaemie Itching lessened by scratching .... Pulse frequent, small and hard, more quiet after meals; irregular, sometimes inter- mitting. Thirst most prominent before, between and after the different stages of fever. Chill increased out doors, lessened in a warm room. Sweat lessened in doors Chill increased by drinking External chill with internal heat .... Sweat on upper part of body, (which how- ever is sometimes also confined to lower part of body.) Light hair — Ha3mor., blood bright-red. Plethora. Itching, unchanged by scratching. Pulse very much accelerated, but often im- perceptible. Thirst not constant. Chill lessened out doors, increased in a warm room. Sweat increased in doors. Chill lessened by drinking. Internal chill with external heat. Coldness of upper part of body. Amorousness — Absent-mindedness — Men- Rarely sadness or dejection — Ailments from tal excitement — Fancies — Delirium — anger, mortification, or from vexation Ailments from vexation. with indignation. Paralysis Yery rarely paralysis. Ailments from Mercurial vapors .... Ailments from Copper or Arsenic vapors. Complaints from light, partic. sun-light. . Complaints from light, partic. candle-light. Optical illusions, partic. in black or in dark Optical illusions in bright colors. colors. Acute, sensitive smell Loss of smell. Acute taste Loss of taste. Nausea in throat or stomach Nausea in stomach, rarely in abdomen. Vomit is sour oftener than bitter .... Yomit is bitter, oftener than sour. Labor-pains predom. weak or ceasing . . Spasmodic labor-pains. Expectoration not constant; during day Expectoration infrequent; morning and and evening. during day. Remission afternoon and evening . . . Worse in the Autumn ; in wet cold weather. Worse, partic. after sweat Better in doors Better when sitting down, but worse whlie sitting. Ailments from Mercury, Iodine, Sulphur. . Calc, Helleborus, or Coffea. Remission of complaints during day. Worse in winter, and in dry weather. Worse during sweat. Better in doors, but worse if the room is too warm. Worse when sitting down, but better while sitting. Ailments from Copper vapors, Arnica, or Opium. Predomin. worse -- — ■— ■ -^^ — " -^ Predomin. better In wet weather, from cold, lying on bacTi, lying on right side, while sitting, and after drinking. Predomin. better — — ■— ■ — . -^ .— ■* u '^™ — -^ Predomin. worse In dry weather j from warmth ; lying on side, partic. on left side, and when sitting down. China Lachesis. Left side predominant — Dark hair - Incli- nation for exercise. Ulcerative pain in external parts — Apo- plexia nervosa. Itching in external parts — Blood coagulates easily. Ulcers with copious discharge Predominant external chill, with internal heat. Pulse frequent, small, but hard ; more quiet after meals. Sweat less when and after getting out of bed. Thirst most prominent before, between and after the different stages. Dreams predominantly unpleasant . , • Bight side— Light hair — Predominant aver- sion to exercise. Ulcerative pain in internal parts — Apoplexia sanguinea. Itching in internal parts — Blood uncoa- gulable. Ulcers with scanty discharge. Predom. internal chill, with external heat. Pulse frequent, small and weak ; often alter- nating with full and strong beats. Sweat incr. when & after gett'g out of bed. Thirst not during, but before chill; not fre- quent during heat. Dreams generally pleasant. Taciturnity Loquacity. Mood indifferent; peevish; sad; despondent. Cheerfulness — Distrust. Difficulty in comprehend'g — Rarely delirium. Easy comprehension — Insanity. Ailments from vexation Ailments from fright or jealousy. 2s"asal affections predominantly external . Nasal affections predominantly internal. Spleen is affected oftener than liver . . . Liver complaints predominant. Urine infrequent and scanty Urine too often. Catamenia too strong and of long duration. Catamenia generally scanty and of short duration. Expectoration not constant; during day and Expectoration infrequent; is loosened in evening. the morn'g and dur'g day ; is swallowed Remission of complaints afternoon and evening. Worse in the Fall, in wet and foggy weather, and also during increase of moon. Worse after drinking Aggravated oftener than improved by shak- ing head. Ailments from Iodine, Sulph., Calcarea, Teratrum or Coffea. Aggravation afternoon and evening till midnight. Worse in the Spring, in wet weather, and before thunder-storm. Better or worse after drinking. Bettered by shaking head. Ailments from abuse of Cinchona, or from sting of insects. Predomin. worse -— — -*-___-^^~ — -"* ---^ Predomin. better From motion, in bed, during sleep, after breakfast, and from wrapping up tbe bead. Predomin. better Predomin. worse During rest, after sleep*, after getting out of bed, on an empty stomacb, from uncovering tbe bead, and from external pressure. N.B. Witb Lacbesis we rarely find tbe over-sensitiveness to pain of Cincbona. Mere sensitiveness to toucb is found witb botb remedies. * The improvement of Cinchona-symptoms follows exclusive'y after sufficient sleep; for on awaking (when roused) fruin sleep, we find these symptoms aggravated at least quite as ofteu. China. Mercur. Dark hair — Inclination for exercise . . . Itching, lessened by scratching .... Ailments from Mercurial vapors . . . . Pulse small, hard, and accelerated; more quiet after meals. Chill lessened in warm room Sweat sometimes general, with excep. of feet. Sweat often only on back part of body . . Thirst is often wanting* Haemorrhages, blood dark — When asleep lying on back. Light hair — Aversion to exercise. Iching, lessened or aggrav. by scratching. Ailments from Copper or Arsenic vapors. Pulse generally full and accelerated. Chill increased in warm room. Sw. somet's general, with except'n of head Sweat often only on front part of body. Thirst predom. during all stages of fever. Haemorrhages, blood bright-red — When asleep lying on side. Mental excitability — Ailments from vexa- Mental dullness — Seriousness — Ailments tion. from offences. Delirium Yery rarely delirium. Paralysis Yery rarely paralysis. Eyes predom. sunken, rarely protruding . Eyes protruding. Complaints generally on upper jaw . . . Complaints predominant on lower jaw. Toothache during sweating stage of fever . T. dur. chill; with the toothache sweat. Cllg. Acute taste Loss of taste. Inclination for sweets Aversion to sweets. Desire for spirituous liquors Aversion to wine ; but appetite for beer. Kausea in throat or stomach .... N. in oesophagus or stomach, rarely in throat. Yomit is sour oftener than bitter . . . Bitter vomit. Spleen is affected oftener than liver . . Liver-complaints predominant. Diarrhoea generally painless Diarrhoea predominantly painful. Urine infrequent and scanty Urine often and copious. Catamenia too soon and profuse . . . C. too late, at the same time scanty or prof. Expectoration during day and evening . Expectoration during day. Complaints predominant in lower part of Complaints predominant in upper part of chest, on upper arm, on patella, and on chest, on fore-arm, on tip of elbow, and front part of thigh. on back part of thigh. Remission afternoon and evening . . . Generally better on inspirat'n, worse on exp. Better or worse when respiring deeply . Generally worse when lying on back, better when lying on side. Better (resp. worse) from uncovering or wrapping up. Predominantly worse from growing cold; improved when growing warm. Better or worse when moving the part . Remission of complaints during day. Worse on inspiration, better on expiration. Worse when respiring deeply. Predominantly better when lying on back, worse when lying on side. Generally worse from uncovering, bettered by wrapping up. Worse or better from growing cold (resp. growing warm). Worse when moving diseased part. Predomin. worse — -*■ ^ — — " --^ Predomin. better When standing, when sitting, particularly sitting bent forward, and from smoking. Predomin. better Predomin. worse When sitting erect, and from pressure. N.B. With Mcrcurius we rarely find the over-sensitiveness of Cinchona to pain. But mere sensitiveness (to touch, etc.) is found with both remedies, as both also have the character of increased con- stitutional irritability. * Compare diagnosis of Cinchona : Lacliesi.-. China, Natr. mur. Left side predominant — Muscles oftener lax than rigid. Complaints predominant in internal parts . Inclination for exercise; aversion to open air. Apoplexy oftener than paralysis .... Pulse frequent, small, but hard ; more quiet after meals. Distention of veins of hands Sweat lessened after getting out of bed and after meals. External chill, with internal heat .... Thirst is often wanting* Eight side — Muscles rigid. Complaints predominant in external parts. Aversion to exercise — Inclination for open air. Paralysis oftener than apoplexy. Pulse sometimes frequent and weak, some- times full ana slow. Distention of veins of feet. Sweat increased after getting out of bed and after meals. Internal chill, with external heat. Thirst during and between the attacks of fever. Dejection — Rarely malice — Mental excit- ability — Fancies — Rarely unconscious- ness — Ailments from vexation. Vertigo, inclining to fall backwards . . . Complaints oftener on external than in inner ear. Acute, sensitive smell and taste .... Appetite for coffee, or roasted coffee-beans. Nausea in throat or stomach Urine infrequent and scanty ... Catamenia too soon and too profuse . . . Kasal secretion watery — Breath cold Expectoration not and evening. constant; during day Changing mood — Cheerfulness or dejection — Mental dullness — Ailments from anger, fright, mortification, or from vexation with reserved displeasure. Yertigo, inclining to fall forwards. Complaints oftener in inner than on external ear. Loss of smell — Loss of taste. Disgust for coffee. Nausea in stomach. Urine too often. Catamenia too late, at the same time scanty or profuse. Nasal secretion thick — Breath hot. Expectoration infrequent ; in mosning. Aggravation in the Fall Aggravation in the Spring. Predomin. worse Predomin. belter Out-doors, from cold, after lying down, while standing and sitting;, in bed, particularly when lyins: or. back, when stretching out diseased limb, after sweat, from tying clothes tight, and lying od right side. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In-doors, from warmth, when respiring deeply, from external pressure, lying on side, particularly left side, and from loosening the clothes. N.B. Natr. mur. lacks the over-sensitiveness of Cinchona to pain. On the other hand, we but rarely find the sensation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Natr. mur. with Cinchona. Mere sensitiveness (to the touch, etc.) is met with in both remedies. * With Cinchona thirst is most prominent in the transition from chill to heat, and from heat to sweat, also after the streac-stage of the fever and before the chill. China. Mux vom. Left side predominant, particularly upper Bight side, particularly upper right, lower left, lower right side. left side. Muscles frequently lax — Lancinating pain Muscles rigid — Lancinating pain from with- outwards. out inwards. Pulse frequent, hard, but small; more quiet Pulse quick, hard, and full, particularly dur- after meals ; irregular. ing hot stage of fever. Cold or sweat of left side Cold or sweat of right side. Thirst appears mostly during sweat . . . Thirst appears mostly during chill. More sweat during sleep — Heat or sweat Sweat lessened during sleep — Heat or sweat lessened after meals. increased after meals. Sleeplessness before midnight Sleeplessness prevalent after midnight. Inclination for exercise Aversion to exercise. Insensibility of disposition predominant . Great sensibility. Rarely fear — Rarely malice — Rarely uncon- Mental dullness. sciousness or delirium — Ecstasies. Ailments from vexation Ailments from fright, anger, mortification, grief, disappointed love or jealousy, and from vexation with fright, dread, fear, in- dignation or vehemence. Vertigo, inclining to fall backwards . . . Vertigo, inclining to fall sideways or backw. Headache better when opening eyes . . . Headache worse when opening the eyes. Dim-sightedness — Short-sightedness. . . Predom. clear-sightedness — Far-sightedn's. Optical illusions in black or in dark colors. Optical illusions in bright colors. Complaints generally on upper jaw . . . Complaints predominant on lower jaw. Spleen affected oftener than liver .... Liver diseased pftener than spleen. Complaints predominant on upper arm . . Complaints predominant on fore-arm. Acute taste predominant Loss of taste predominant. Appetite for coffee or for sour things . . Predom. aversion to coffee or sour things. Aversion to fat things Appetite for fat things. Nausea in throat or stomach Nausea in stomach, rarely in oesophagus. Diarrhoea predominant; generally painless. Costiveness — When diarrhoea occurs, it is painful. Urinal stream small— Breath cold . . . Urinal stream large — Breath hot. Expectoration during day and evening . . Expector. morn'g, during day and evening. Swelling of breasts instead of catameuia . Swelling of the breasts with each attack of neuralgia uteri. Ailments from Mercurial vapors .... Ailm. from Arsen., Lead or Copper vapors. Ulcers with copious discharge Ulcers with scanty discharge. Remission afternoon and evening . . . Remission of compl. evening till midnight. Better on an empty stomach Worse or better on an empty stomach. Predominantly better from external pressure. Generally improved by pressure. Better or worse from bend'g diseased limb. Worse when bending diseased limb. Worse after the sweat Worse during sweat, predom. better after it. Worse in wet cold weather Worse in dry cold weather. Better from warm applications Better from cold applications. Predomin. worse ' — > ^- — — -^ Predomin. better tn wet weather, from wrapping: up head, from stretching out suffering; limb, from washing; it with cold water or moistening it, after lying down, in bed, when standing and sitting, and after sweat. Predomin. better — -»«^-_-^^__— Predomin. worse In dry weather, from uncovering the head, from drawing up diseased limb, and from deep respiration. China. Phosph. acid. Increased irritability — Hot, painful swelling Want of bodily irritability — Painless swell- of glands. ing of glands. Pulse frequent, small, but bard; more quiet Pulse generally frequent, small and weak; after meals. more rarely full and strong. Coldness left side One-sided coldness, predominant right side. Thirst most frequent dur'g sweat, also befo re, Want of thirst predominant; almost con- between and after the different stages. stant during chill. Sweat lessened after meals Sweat increased after meals. Apoplexy No apoplexy. Mood irritable — Amorousness Ecstasies — Rarely unconsiousness (except in fainting spells). Vertigo, inclining to fall backwards" . . . Compl. predom. on external corner of eye . Saliva increased— Aversion to warm food . Urine infrequent and scanty Sexual desire predominantly strong , . . Expectoration not constant ; during day and evening. Complaints predominant on upper arm, on patella, on front part of thigh, and on calf of leg*. Mood very rarely irritable. Mental dullness. Vertigo, inclin'g to fall forwards or backw. Compl. predom. on inner corner of eye. Sal. generally deer. — Desire for warm food. Urine often and copious ; sometimes scanty. Sexual desire diminished, weak. Expectoration rather constant; morning. Complaints predominant on fore-arm, on tip of elbow, on back part of thigh, and on shin. Remission afternoon and evening . . . Predominantly worse from growing cold, better from growing warm. Better (resp. worse) from uncovering or wrapping up. Worse or better. when, getting out of bed . Better after getting out of bed . . . . Worse or better when rising from a seat . Worse or better when moving diseased part. Remission afternoon and before midnight. Better (resp. worse) from growing cold or warm. Worse from uncovering, better from wrap- ping up. Worse when getting out of bed. After getting out of bed worse or better. Worse when rising from a seat. Better when moving diseased part. Worse or better after meals Worse after meals. Ailments from Veratrum, Iodine, Calcarea, Ailments from Lachesis. Sulph., or Coffea. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In wet weather, in the open air, when walking out-doors, from exercise, when swallowing, and from change of position. Predomin. better -- — —"■■■■■■•^ — ^^ ^*&<* *— — Predomin. worse In dry weather, in-doors, and during rest. N.B. Over-sensitivene3s to pain is frequent with Cinchona, infrequent with Phosph. acid. China. Pulsat. Complaints (cold, heat, sweat, &c.) predom. left side. Inclination for exercise — Painful paralysis Itching, lessened by scratching" Pulse frequent, small, but hard ; irregular . . Chill increased by exercise and in the open air, lessened in warm room. Heat or sweat, increased when walking out doors. Sweat sometimes general, with exception of feet. Thirst is often wanting* Complaints (cold, heat, sweat, &c.) predom. right side. Aversion to exercise — Painless paralysis. Itching, unchanged or aggrav. by scratching. Pulse generally accelerated, small and weak, sometimes imperceptible. Chill lessened by exercise and in the open air, increased in warm room. Heat or sweat lessened when walking out doors. Coldness sometimes general, with exception of feet. Thirst only during hot stage of fever; is always wanting during chill. Generally insensibility of disposition . . . Sensitive disposition — Changing moods. Bashfulness — Earely fear Boldness — Distrust — Greediness — Barely irri- tability. Rarely unconsciousness — Mental excitability. Mental dullness. Ailments from vexation Ailments from fright, excessive joy, grief, mor- tification, or from vexation with fright, dread or fear. Optical illusions in black or in dark colors . Optical illusions in bright colors. Complaints pred. in external corner of eye, on Complaints predom. in inner corner of eye, in external ear, on upper jaw, and of the spleen. inner ear, on lower jaw, and of liver. Acute smell Predom. loss of smell. Subjective cadaverous smell Objective stench from nose ; subjective frag- rant odors, or smell of inveterate catarrh. Acute taste Loss of taste. Appetite for sweets Appetite for sour and refreshing things. Nausea in throat or stomach N"ausea in throat, stomach, or abdomen. Vomit is sour oftener than bitter Vomit is bitter oftener than sour. Diarrhoea generally painless Diarrhoea generally painful. Catamenia too soon, profuse and of long dura- Catamenia too late, of short duration and tion. predom. scanty. Lochial discharge remains bloody too long . Lochias suppressed. Expectoration during day and evening . . . Expectoration morning and during day. Remission afternoon and evening .... Aggrav. afternoon and evening till midnight. Worse from washing Generally bettered by washing and moistening. "Worse or better from uncovering .... Better from uncovering; worse from wrapping Worse during increase of moon Worse before thunder-storm. [up. Predomin. worse Predomin. better Out doors, by cold, when lying on painful side, from tying the clothes tight, when bending the head sideways, from exertion (bodily); from partaking of sour things, from exercise, lying on right side, when stretching out diseased limb, and from washing and moistening suffering part. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In warm room, from warmth in general, when lyin°; on unpainful side, or on a cold pillow, when drawing up diseased limb, when eating, during rest, lying on left side, from loosening the clothes, and from rubbing and scratching. N.B. With Cinchona we very rarely find the sensation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Pulsatilla. * Thirst is most prominent during transition from chill to heat, from heat to sweat, also a/tT the sweating stage cf fever ; Pulsat. also has thirst during the intervals, panic, between chill and hot stage, but not after aweat. China. Sulphur. Increased irritability — Ulcerative pain in ex- Want of bodily irritability — Ulcerative pain in ternal parts. internal parts. Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis . . Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy. Paralysis, eruptions and ulcers painful . . Paralysis, eruptions and ulcers painless. External parts become black Eed parts become white. Pulse frequent, hard, but small ; irregular . Pulse quick, hard and full. External chill with internal heat Internal chill with external heat. Sweat lessened after meals Sweat increased after meals. Thirst is wanting only sometimes during chill*. Thirst mostly during heat ; during chill want of thirst is predom. Toothache during the sweat Toothache during the chill. C.Hg. Generally insensibility of disposition — Rarely Sensitiveness of disposition — Changing mood — fear. Gentleness — Amorousness rarely observed. Ailments from vexation Ailments from shame, mortification, or vexa- tion with fright, dread or fear. Mental excitability — Rarely delirium . . . Mental dullness — Imbecility — Insanity. Complaints predom. on external ear, in lower Complaints predom. in inner ear, in upper part part of chest, on upper arm, and on front of chest, on fore-arm, and on back part of part of thigh, thigh. Diseases of the periosteum predom Diseases of bones predom. Subjective cadaverous smell Objective stench from nose predom. Secretion of saliva predom. increased . . . Saliva generally diminished. Delicate taste Loss of taste. Urine infrequent and scanty — Sediment gene- Urine often, but scanty ; yet sometimes copious rally red. — Sediment oftener white than red. Catamenia too soon, profuse and of long dura- Catamenia generally too late, scanty and of tion. short duration. Expectoration during day and evening . . . Expectoration morning and during day, less frequently at night. Remission afternoon and evening .... Remission afternoon and before midnight. Worse dur'g increase of moon ; in the Autumn. Worse during full moon ; in the Spring. Pred. worse fr. growing cold & in cold weather ; Better or worse from growing cold and in cold better from growing warm and in warm air. air, (resp. growing warm and in warm air.) Worse in the open air, better in doors . . . Bett. (resp. worse) in the open air or in doorsf. Worse (resp. better) from uncovering or wrap- Predom. better from uncovering, worse from ping up. wrapping up. Generally worse when lying on back ; better Generally better when lying on back, worse when lying on side. when lying on side. Better when lying with head high ; worse when Oftener improved when lying with head high, lying low. than low. Better after sufficient sleep ; worse on awaking Worse after sleep. when roused from sleep. Better after getting out of bed Worse or better after getting out of bed. Pred. better before breakf.; worse afterwards. Worse or better before (resp. after) breakfast. Worse or better after meals Worse after meals. Worse after stool Better or worse after stool. Better or worse from biting Worse from biting. Worse from touch Aggrav. oftener than improved by touch. Worse or better when bending the part . . Worse when bending diseased part. Worse or better when rising from a seat . . Worse when rising from a seat. Worse from being awake at night .... Worse from sleeping too long. Predomin. worse -— — -— . -"^- — "*-*-> Predomin. better From cold, when moving, from eructation, and when lying on right side. Predomin. better -— . •^ v - — —-^ Predomin worse From warmth, during rest, when bending diseased part backwards, when lying on left side, after sleep, and when clenching the teeth. N.B. We very rarely find the oversensitiveness of Cinchona to pain with Sulph.. rarely with Cinchona the sensation of numbness in the suffering parts peculiar to Sulphur. — Both remedies have sen- sitiveness to touch. * Thirst is most prominent after the different stages of the fever. ■f Sulphur-symptoms are improved by warmth of stove, aggravated in crowded rooms, (when among many people.) 14 China. Veratrum. Left side — Dark hair Right side — Light hair. Ulcerative pain in external parts .... Ulcerative pain in internal parts. Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis . . Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy. Paralysis painful Paralysis painless. Ulcers with copious discharge Ulcers with scanty discharge. Pulse frequent, small, and hard ; more quiet Pulse generally slow, small, and weak ; some- after meals. times slower than beating of heart. Thirst often wanting * Thirst not constant. Sadness and dejection — Embarrassment — Cheerfulness or dejection — Boldness — Bis- Jn difference — Rarely fear — Malice — trust — Ailments from fright, anger, grief, Haughtiness — Ailments from vexation — or from vexation with dread or fear — Wrapt in thought. Being beside one's self. Mental excitability — Rarely unconscious- Ecstasies or mental dullness — Insanity, ness — Rarely delirium. Optical illusions in black or in dark colors. Optical illusions in bright colors. Acute, sensitive sense of smell Loss of smell. Complaints predom. on outside of nose, on Complaints predom. on inside of nose, on upper jaw, and on upper teeth. lower jaw, and lower teeth. With the sweat toothache With the toothache sweat. C.Hg. Secretion of saliva predom. increased . . Saliva generally diminished. Acute taste Loss of taste. Yomit sour oftener than bitter .... Yomit predom. bitter. Spleen is affected oftener than liver . . „ Liver complaints predom. Catamenia too soon — Labor pains weak or Catamenia too soon or too late — Spasmo- ceasing. die labor pains. Lochial discharge bloody too long . . . Lochial discharge suppressed. Expectoration during day and evening . . Expectoration during day. Complaints predom. in lower part of chest, Complaints predom. in upper part of chest, and on front part of thigh. and on back part of thigh. Remission afternoon and evening . . . Remission during day and evening. Worse from growing cold ; better from From growing cold (resp. growing warm) growing warm. better or worse. Worse (resp. better) from uncovering or Bettered by uncovering; worse from wrap- wrapping up. ping up. Worse in bedf Worse or better in bed. Generally worse when lying on back, better Better when lying on back, worse when when lying on side. lying on side. Better after sufficient sleep ; but worse on Worse after sleep, awaking when roused from sleep. Better after getting out of bed .... Worse or better after getting out of bed. Bett. or worse wh. assum'g an erect position. Worse when assuming an erect position. Generally improved when eating . . . Worse when eating. Worse after stool Worse or better after stool. Worse from being awake at night . . . Worse from sleeping too long. Predomin. worse ^- — — — — — » ^-__^^^-_— ■ — • ■^~"— -^ Predomin. better Out doors, during motion, when ascending, when sitting bent forward, when bending back the head> from eructation, and after sweat. Predomin. better -—■ — * Predomin. worse In doors, during rest, when descending, wh. sitting down, wh. sitting erect, after sleep, and while eating. N.B. Although both remedies have the predom. character of increased irritability, yet with Veratrum we rarely find the oversensitiveness of Cinchona to pain, — rarely with Cinchona the sensation of numbness in suffering parts, which belongs to Veratr. Mere sensitiveness (to touch, &c.) is found with both remedies. * The thirst is most intense after each stage of the fever, and also before the chill and during sweat. ■f Both remedies have predom. aggrav. of complaints from warmth of hed. Cicuta. Belladonna. Apoplexy or paralysis not yet observed . Apoplexy — Paralysis. Skin hardening, callous Skin chafed; sore. C.Hg. Ulcers with copious discharge Ulcers with scanty discharge. C.Hg. Pulse slow, weak, trembling Pulse generally quick, full and hard. Thirst Thirst not constant ; most rare during chill ; appears also before and after the attack of fever. Sensitive disposition — Gentleness — Tmpul- Insensibility of disposition predom — Mood sive (sanguine) temperament — Predom. irritable; changeable; cheerful or de- cheerfulness — Anxious feeling in head. jected — Anxious feeling around the heart. Rarely delirium Mental excitability or dullness. Ailments from hearing bad news .... Ailments from fright, anger, mortification, or from vexation with fright, dread, fear, or vehemence. Yertigo, inclining to fall forwards . . . Yertigo inclining to fall backwards or side- ways (left side). Pupils generally contracted Pupils generally dilated. Eyes generally sunken Eyes protruding. Catamenia too late and scanty Catamenia too soon and profuse. Eclampsia parturentium with a cold face; Eclampsia parturentium with congestion to eyes half closed. the head, red face, and wild look. C.Hg. Fluent coryza predom Dry coryza predom. Cough predom. with expectoration . . . Cough generally without expectoration. Complaints predom. in lower part of chest, Complaints predom. in upper part of chest, and on fore- arm. and on upper arm. With Horses : Lockjaw, carries the head With Horses : Lockjaw, carrying the neck high and straightened out. very high, keeping the head more in. Remission forenoon and evening. . . . Remission after midnight and forenoon. Worse when bending diseased part . . • Better or worse when bending diseased part. Worse when eating Worse or better when eating. Worse in the Fall Worse in the Spring. Predomin. "worse ^ "■ ^- -^^ — —^ Predomin. better In doors *, when opening the eyes, when stooping, when sitting bent forward, and when bending back the head. Predomin. better - — ■ — — w *>*^ ^v — — ^ Predomin. worse Out doors, when closing the eyes, and when sitting erect. N.B. Cicuta lacks the oversensitiveness of Bellad. to pain— Mere sensitiveness (to tonch, &e.) is found with Bellad. oftenest in external parts, with Cicuta exclusively in internal parts. * Yet we also find complaints improved t>7 -warmth of stove, with Cicuta, Cicuta. Ignatia. Itching, lessened by scratching .... Itching, lessened or changed to another place by scratching. Skin hardening, callous Skin chafed, sore. C.Hg. Discharge of ulcers copious Discharge of ulcers scanty. C.Hg. Apoplexy or paralysis have not yet been Apoplexy — Paralysis, observed. Pulse slow and weak Pulse generally accelerated, full and hard. Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover . Heat or sweat, with inclination to uncover. Thirst Thirst only during chill and after sweat. Predominant cheerfulness — Gentleness, but impulsive (sanguine) temperament — Rage — Distrust. Anxious feeling in head— Unconsciousness. Complaints predominant on external ear, on upper lip, and on fore-arm. Desire for wine or brandy - . . Urine infrequent, but copious . , Retention of urine or incontinence Catamenia too late and scanty. . Cough generally with expectoration Spine-disease, with gressus vaccinus Predominant sadness — Gentle disposition — Indifference — Mood changing ; bold; ir- ritable — Amorousness — Consequences of shame, reserved mortification, grief, or disappointed love. Anxious feeling in prcecordia. Complaints predominant on inner ear, under lip, and upper arm. Aversion to wine or brandy. Urine often and copious. Incontinence. Catamenia predom. too soon, but scanty. Cough generally without expectoration. Spine-disease, with gressus gallinaceus. Remission forenoon and evening . . . , Remission of complaints before midnight. Worse from bodily exertion Improved much oftener than aggravated by exertion. Worse when stooping Better or worse when stooping. Almost always aggravated when assuming Better or worse when assuming an erect an erect position. position. Worse on inspiration and expiration - . Better on inspiration ; worse on expiration. Worse when eating Improved oftener than aggravated when eating. Worse from uncovering ; better from wrap- Generally better from uncovering; worse ping up. from wrapping up. Ailments from Opium Ailments from Coffea, Chamomilla, Nnx vom., Pulsatilla, or Zink. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In-doors% when sitting bent forward, when rising from a seat, when lifting or resting diseased limb on anything, when swallowing, while and after eating, and from uncovering. Predomin. better Predomin. worse Out-doors, when sitting erect, when standing, after lying down, while lying, in bed, from warmth of bed, when letting diseased limb hang down, and from wrapping up. N.B. Cicuta lacks the over-sensitiveness to pain of Ignat. * Yet we also find improvement from warmth of store with Cicnta; with Ignat. also aggravation in hot room. Cicuta. Nux vomica. Want of irritability Increased irritability. Epilepsy with unconsciousness — Thirst after Epilepsy with full consciousness — Thirst the spasms; not in all the stages of the mostly during chill. fever observed yet. Pulse slow and weak ; tremulous. . . . Pulse generally accelerated, full and hard, particularly during heat. Sweat increased during sleep — Skin harden- Sweat lessened during sleep — Skin chafed, ing, callous — Pus copious. getting sore — Pus scanty. C.Hg. Apoplexy or paralysis has not yet been ob- Apoplexy — Paralysis. served. Predominant cheerfulness — Gentleness — Mood anxious; sad; peevish; irritable; Distrust— In rare cases malice — Anxious irascible ; malicious — Amorousness — feeling in head — Solicitude concerning Precipitation — Anxious feeling in prae- the future. cordia — Solicitude concerning the pre- sent. C.Hg. Ailments from hearing bad news .... Consequences of fright, anger, mortifica- tion, grief, disappointed love, jealousy, or from vexation with fright, fear, indigna- tion, or vehemence. Vertigo, inclining to fall forwards . . . Vertigo, inclining to fall backwards or side- ways. Urine infrequent, but copious .... Urine infrequent and scanty. Catamenia too late and scauty Catamenia too soon and profuse. Fluent coryza Dry coryza most frequent, particularly in the open air ; on the other hand, fluent coryza in-doors. Respiration prevalently slow Respiration is oftener quick than slow. Cough generally with expectoration . . . Cough generally without expectoration. Remission forenoon and evening .... Remission evening till midnight. Improved by warmth of bed Improved oftener than aggrav. by warmth of bed. "Worse after drinking Worse or better after drinking. Worse when stooping Better or worse when stooping. Predomin. worse ^-— ■*- ^ — — -~. Predomin. better In-doors*, when eating, and when lifting up diseased limb, or resting it on anything. Predomin. better -— - — — • -^* v » — — -^ Predomin. worse Out-doors, and when letting diseased limb hang down. N.B. Cicuta lacks the over-sensitiveness to pain of Nux vom. Mere sensitiveness (to touch, etc.) is most frequent in external parts with Nux vom. ; with Cicuta it is exclusively in internal pans. * Yet we also find with Cicuta (as with Nux vom.) improvement by warmth of stove. Cicuta. Pulsatilla. Want of irritability Increased irritability. Itching, lessened by scratching .... Itching, aggrav. or unchanged by scratch'g. Skin hard, callous Skin chafed, sore. C.Hg. Thirst not yet observed with the fever — Thirst only during hot stage of fever*-Pulse Pulse slow, weak, and trembling. generally quick, small, and weak. Chill lessened in warm room Chill increased in warm room. Heat lessened in bed Heat increased in bed. Cheerfulness — Gentleness — Impulsive (san- Lacrymose sadness of gentle dispositions — guine; temperament — Rage. Mood changing; anxious; ready to take offence ; indifferent ; peevish ; bold — Amorousness — Avarice — Precipitation. Anxious feeling in head Feeling of anxiety in praecordia. Ailments from hearing bad news .... Consequences of excessive joy, of fright, grief, mortification, or from vexation with fright, dread, or fear. Insanity Melancholy. Vertigo, inclining to fall forwards . . . Vertigo, inclining to fall backwards. Complaints predominant on external ear, on Complaints predominant in inner ear, on inside of nose, on upper lip, on fore-arm, outside of nose, on lower lip, on upper and on thigh. arm, and on leg. Generally loss of appetite Generally hunger. Urine infrequent, but copious Urine infrequent and scanty. Respiration prevalently slow Respiration quick. Expectoration predominant with the cough. Expectoration predom., but not constant. Remission forenoon and evening . . Predominantly better in bed . . . Worse on awaking Worse on expiration and inspiration Worse from bodily exertion Remission from midnight till noon. Much oftener aggrav. than improved in bed. Worse or better after sleep. Predom. better on inspir., worse on expirat. Improved oftener than aggrav. by exertion. Worse from moving or bending diseased Better or worse from moving or bending part. diseased part. Better when sitting down Worse or better when sitting down. Worse when rising from a seat; better after- Worse or better when and after rising wards. from a seat. Almost always aggravated when assuming Worse or better when assuming an erect an erect position. position. Worse when swallowing Worse or better when swallowing. Predomin. worse ^ — ■» — . -^^ — ~-^ Predomin. better From cold, from growing cold and in cold weather, from uncovering, from motion, while walking, from exertion, when lifting up diseased limb or resting it on anything, and when opening the eyes. Predomin. better — "■* — . — ~^^~ — — — «^. Predomin. worse From warmth, from growing warm and in warm air, from wrapping up, during rest, after lying down, while lying, sitting and standing, from warmth of bed, when letting diseased limb hang down, when closing eyes, and from rubbing and scratching. N.B. Cicuta lacks the over-sensitiveness of Pulsatilla to pain, generally also the sensation of numbness in suffering parts belonging to Pulsatilla. Mere sensitiveness (to touch, etc.) is found, with Pulsatilla, predominantly in external parts, with Cicuta exclusively in internal parts. * Besides this, Pulsatilla has thirst before and after chiU, also between heat and sweat. Cina. Calcarea. Left side predominant — Dark hair . . . Right side — Light hair. Complaints predominant in external parts . Complaints predominant in internal parts. Rending pain downwards Rending pain upwards. Epilepsy, with rigidity and full conscious- Epilepsy, with unconsciousness, ness. Pulse often unchanged; generally quick and Pulse changed, sometimes trembling; gene- hard, but small. rally frequent and full. First chill, then heat First heat, then chill. Thirst during and before chill ; not constant Thirst almost constant; during chill it is during heat. Optical illusions in bright colors .... Optical illusions in black. Complaints predominant on lower jaw . . Complaints predominant on upper jaw. Cough generally dry — Expectoration in Cough generally with expectoration — Ex- evening, pectoration morning and during day. Remission during day and evening . . . Remission of complaints before midnight. Worse from pressure Better or worse from pressure. Worse from resting diseased limb on any- Better from lifting up, or resting diseased thing. limb on anything; worse when letting it hang down. Ailments from Capsicum (or Cinchona). . Ailments from Mercurius, Phosph., Digi- talis, Nitric acid, (or Cinchona). Predomin. worse -*- — ■"•**—. -"^- — - 1 **" ——--. Predomin. better From warmth, during rest, when standing and sitting:, from the touch, and when resting diseased limb on anything. Predomin. better ~-^~" * — -"^ — "-~-^. Predomin. worse From cold, from motion, shaking the head, in bed, and after stool. N.B. With Calcarea we very rarely find the over-sensitiveness to pain belonging: to Cina, with Cina rarely the sensation of numbness in suiiering parts frequent with Calcarea. Cina. Ignatia. Complaints (pinching pain, &c.) predom. in Complaints (pinching pain, &c.) predom. external parts. in internal parts. Epilepsy with full consciousness .... Epilepsy with unconsciousness. Apoplexy or paralysis has not yet been ob- Apoplexy — Paralysis — served. Pulse often unchanged; generally quick, Pulse generally accelerated, large, hard; hard, but small. very changeable. Thirst during and before chill; not constant Thirst only during chill and after sweat. during heat. Chill increased in warm room Chill abating in warm room. Itching, lessened or unchanged by scratch- Itching lessened or changed to another ing. place by scratching. Hunger predom Generally loss of appetite. Catamenia too soon and profuse .... Catamenia too soon, but scanty. Expectoration not constant Expectoration infrequent. Complaints predom. on the hand .... Complaints predom. on foot. Remission during day and evening . . . Remission of complaints before midnight. "Worse from bodily exertion Improved oftener than aggrav. by exertion. "Worse when assuming an erect position . Better or worse when assuming an erect position. Worse when and after getting out of bed . Better or worse when and after getting out of bed. Predom. worse on in- and expiration . . Better on inspiration, worse on expiration. Worse from acid wine Better from partaking of sour things. Ailments from Capsicum or abuse of Cin- Ailments from Coffea, Chamom., N. vom., chona. Pulsat., or Zinc. Predomin. worse --. ^"^ — — -. Predomin. better From warmth, growing warm, and in warm room, when lying on painful side, when resting upon anything, or stretching out diseased limb, from-pressure, when respiring deeply, when swallowing, after meals, and from change of position. Predomin. better - — — — ■— "^ — — -■— Predomin. worse From cold*, and from growing cold, after lying down, while lying, in bed, lying on unpainful side, when drawing up diseased limb, when moving suffering part, and after stool. * Both remedies have predom. aggravation in cold weather, — improvement in warm air. Cina. N. vomica. Zeft side — Complaints (pinching pain, &c.) Bight side — Complaints (pinching pain, &c.) predom. in external parts. predom. in internal parts. Apoplexy or paralysis has not yet been Apoplexy — Paralysis. observed. Pnlse often unchanged; generally quick, Pulse changed in quality and strength, gene- hard, but small. rally hard, full and quick ; sometimes in- termitting. Chill on upper part of body Coldness on lower part of body. Thirst during and before chill; not con- Most thirst during chill, but also before stant during heat. and after the attack of fever, and between heat and sweat. Heat increased after sleep Heat lessened after sleep. Pim-sightedness Clear-sightedness predom. Hunger predom Generally loss of appetite. Appetite for bread Aversion to bread, partic. rye-bread. Fluent coryza Coryza dry oftener than fluent, partic. out doors, — on the other hand fluent coryza in doors. Expectoration with the cough in evening . Expector. morning, during day, evening. Remission during day and evening . . . Remission evening till midnight. "Worse from light, partic. candle-light. . . Worse from light, partic. day-light. Worse after sleep Better after sufficient and not too long sleep; but worse on awaking when roused from sleep. Worse when swallowing, partic. drink . . Worse or better when swallowing, partic. food and saliva; often better when swal- lowing drink. Worse from acid wine Worse from spirits, partic. from wine con- taining lead. Worse when sneezing Worse or better from sneezing. Worse from pressure Improv. oftener than aggrav. by pressure. Predom. worse after getting out of bed . . Better or worse after getting out of bed. Ailments from Capsicum Ailments from Arsenic or Copper vapors, from Sulph., Calc, Iodine, or Plumbum. Predomin. worse .— — - — . ^V — — — . Predomin. better From warmth, and growing warm, from warmth of bed, and warmth of stove*", during rest; when sitting:, partic. sitting erect ; when lying on side, when resting suffering part on anything, when stretching it out, or bending it backwards ; after sleep, and when swallowing drink. Predomin. better -- *■- — ~-^- — Predomin. worse From cold f, and from growing cold ; from motion, walking ; when moving suffering part, when sitting bent forward, lying on back, when drawing up diseased limb, when shaking the head, and after 6tool. * Both remedies have predom. improvement in doors, and generally aggrav. in the open air. f In cold weather both remedies have predom. aggrav., in warm air uuprov. Cina. Pulsatilla. Left side; partic. lower L, upper r. .?. . . Bight side; partic. lower r., upper I. s. Complaints (pinching pain, &c.j predom. in Complaints (pinching pain, &c.) predom. in external parts. internal parts. Aversion to open air Inclination for open air. Itching lessen'd or unchang'd by scratching. Itching, aggr. or unchanged by scratching. Pulse often unchanged; generally quick, Pulse changed, sometimes intermitting; small, but hard. generally quick, small, weak. Chill on upper part of body Chill on lower part of body, heat on upper part. Thirst during and before chill; not con- Want of thirst predom., partic. during chill ; stant during heat. — thirst, partic. before and between the different stages. Apoplexy or paralysis not yet observed. . Apoplexy — Paralysis. Pupils generally dilated . Pupils generally contracted. Appetite for bread ... .... Aversion to bread. Catamenia too soon and profuse .... Catamenia too late and generally scanty. Cough generally dry; expectoration in Cough generally loose; expectoration morn- evening, ing and during day. Complaints predom. in upper part of chest. Complaints predom. in lower part of chest. Aggravation night and morning . . . Aggravation from noon till midnight. Worse after sleep Worse or better after sleep. Worse when and after getting out of bed . Letter or worse when and after getting out of bed. Better after rising from a seat Better or worse after rising from a seat. Children want to be carried about . . . Childr. want to be carried, but slowly. C.Hg. Worse when assuming an erect position. . Worse or better when assuming an erect position. Better when moving diseased part . . . Better or worse when moving diseased part. Almost always aggravated by pressure . . Better or worse from pressure. Worse on in- and expiration Better on inspiration ; worse on expiration. Worse when respiring deeply Better or worse when respiring deeply. Worse when swallowing, partic. worse when Worse or better when swallowing, partic. swallowing drink. worse when swallowing saliva. Worse from drinking quickly Worse from eating quickly. Worse from acid wine Better from eating sour things. Better after stool Better or worse after stool. Ailments from Capsicum Ailments from Copper vapors, Iron, Platina, Strannum, Tartar, emet., Mercurius, Sul- phur, Sulphuric acid, Chamom., Iguatia. or Sabadilla. Predomin. worse — <***+ — — -^ Predomin. better la cold weather, out doors, lying on right side, or lying on painful side, wheD sitting erect, when resting diseased limb on anything, or when stretching it out ; from bodily exertion, from shaking the head, and from pressure. Predomin. better " "■— -"^ — ~— -^ Predomin worse In warm air, in doors*, lying on left side, or lying on unpainful side, when sitting bent forward, when drawing up diseased limb, after lying down, while lying, in bed, and from rubbing and scratching. N.B. With Cina we rarely find the sensation of numbness in suffering parts, peculiar to Pulsatilla. * In warm room both remedies have aggrav., when wilking out doors hoth pre 'oin. improvement of complaints ; — in the latter case, not the influence of the open air, but that of motion decides for Cina. Clematis. IVSercur. Itching unchanged (or lessened) by scratch- Itching, aggrav. or lessened by scratching. ing. Eruptions generally humid Eruptions generally dry. Skin hardened, callous Skin chafed, sore. C.Hg. Apoplexy not yet observed Apoplexy. Pulse unchanged; excited Pulse changed in quality and strength, gene- rally full and accelerated ; sometimes irre- gular or imperceptible. One-sided heat, right side One-sided heat, left side. Thirst; partic. during hot stage .... Thirst during all stages. Cheerfulness or sadness — Home-sickness — Seriousness — Dejection — Home-sickness or Gentleness. desire to travel — Malice — Amorousness. Easy or difficult comprehension .... Difficult comprehension — Absent-minded- ness — Mental dullness — Unconsciousness. Complaints predom. on lower lip ... . Complaints predom. on upper lip. With the toothache anxiety and sweat . # With the toothache sweat and chill after it. CHg. Urine often, but scanty Urine frequent and copious. Sexual desire predom. weak Sexual desire strong. Catamenia too soon Catamenia too late. Complaints predom. in hollow of elbow . . Complaints predom. on tip of elbow and in hollow of knee. Aggravation night and morning . . . Generally worse in doors, bett. out doors*. Worse during continued standing; but bet- ter when standing still after motion. Better or worse from drinking cold water . Ailments from abuse of Mercur Aggravation from evening till morning. Generally better in doors, worse out doors. Predom. better while standing. Worse from drinking cold water. Ailments from Arsenic or Copper vapors, from Sulph., Calc, abuse of Cinchona, or from sting of insects. Predomin. worse ^-— ■ ^ — " -^ Predomin. better "While lying down, and from smoking Predomin. better -^- -*- ^> *■— " ^-~ Predomin. worse During and after sweat, and from pressure. * Both remedies have aggrav. when walking out doors; with. Clematis therefore the influence of the open air doeo net dec.de, bat that of motion. Clematis. Cutting pain predominant in external parts. Paralysis not yet observed . . Itching, unchanged by scratching Skin hardened, callous . . . Painful eruptions and ulcers . Pulse often unchanged; excited Heat, with aversion to uncover Thirst, particularly during heat Sulphur Chill increased in warm room Cutting pain predominant in internal parts. Paralysis of limbs. Itching, lessened by scratching. Skin chafed, sore. C.IIg Painless eruptions and ulcers. Pulse changed; generally full, hard, and accelerated, sometimes imperceptible or intermitting. Heat, with inclination to uncover. Thirst mostly during heat, most rare dur- ing chill; sometimes appears before the chill. Chill abating in warm room. Mood cheerful or sad — Home-sickness Complaints predominant in inner angle of eye, and on under lip. With the toothache anxious sweat . . . Catamenia too soon Catamenia generally too late, Expectoration infrequent Expectoration not constant. Mood changing; serious, solemn, dejected; Delirium — Fancies — Insanity — Imbe- cility. Complaints predominant on external angle of eye, and on upper lip. With the toothache chill. C.H°r. Remission during day and evening . . . Remission afternoon and before midnight. Predominantly worse out-doors ; better in- Better (worse) out-doors or in-doors ; par- doors, ticularly better from warmth of stove, worse in crowded room. Worse in cold weather, better in warm air . In cold (resp. warm) air better or worse. Better after sweat Worse or better after sweat. Worse from warmth of bed .... Aggravated oftener than improved by warmth of bed. Better when lying with head high . . . Oftener improved in an elevated than in a low position. Worse when stooping Better or worse when stooping. Worse when moving diseased part . . . Worse or better when moving the part. Worse from touch Worse or better from touch. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From cold, from uncovering, and from exercise. Predomin. better ^- "" ^ . Predomin. worso From warmth, from wrapping up, during rest*, and during and after the sweat. * Both remedies have predominant aggravation while lying down. Clematis. Thuya. Itching, unchanged "by scratching, rarely lessened by it. Hot, painful swelling of glands .... Pus scanty Apoplexy or paralysis not yet observed . Awaking too late Pulse often unchanged: excited . . . . Heat, with aversion to uncover Thirst, particularly during heat Itching, lessened by scratching. Cold, painless swelling of glands Pus copious. C.Hg. Paralysis — Apoplexy. Awaking too early. Pulse changed, sometimes irregular; slow and weak in morning, accelerated and full in evening. Heat, with inclination to uncover. Thirst is wanting during chill, is constant during hot stage, not constant during sweat. Contrition of spirit — Home-sickness . . Seriousness— Haughtiness— Excited imagi- nation — Imbecility. Complaints predominant on lower lip and Complaints predominant on upper lip and sole of foot. on instep. Urine frequent, but scanty Urine frequent and copious. Sexual desire prevalently weak .... Sexual desire prevalently strong. Cough predominantly dry Cough predominantly with expectoration. Remission during day and evening . . . Remission forenoon and before midnight. Complaints from the sunshine Complaints from the moonlight. Better during and after sweat Worse while perspiring, better afterwards. Worse on awaking Worse or better after sleep. Worse before breakfast Generally better before breakfast. Worse or better from drinking cold water . Better from drinking cold water. Worse when moving diseased part . . . Better or worse from moving diseased part. Worse during continued standing; but bet- Predominantly worse while standing, ter when standing still after motion. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From cold, from uncovering:, but also in-doors*, from motion, when walking, bending the head back. lying on right side, from touch, and after stool. Predomin. better — — — ■- ^ — — ■— ■" ^-— ■ Predomin. worse From warmth, wrapping up, out-doors, during rest, in bedf, lying on left side, and during sweat. * On the other hand, Thuya-symptoms are aggravated in rooms that are too warm. f Both remedies have aggravation while lying and from warmth of bed. Cocculus. Bight side — Inflammation of internal parts. Pain piercing outwards; in glands pressing inwards. Itching, unchanged by scratching. . • . Pulse small and spasmodic often impercep- tible. While eating chilly Predom. want of thirst, partic during chill. Chill increased in warm room Heat or sweat with aversion to uncover . Ignatia. Left side — Inflammation of external parts. Pain piercing inwards ; in glands pressing outwards. Itching lessened or place changed by scratching. Pulse generally quick, full, hard, with throb- bing in veins ; very changeable. Chill better after eating. C.Hg. Thirst only during chill, and after sweat. Chill lessened in warm room. Heat or sweat with inclination to uncover. Loquacity — Seriousness — Sadness — Gen- Taciturnity — Cheerfulness or sadness — tleness. Mood changing; gentle or irritable — Amorousness. Ailments from want of sleep, from care, Ailments from hearing bad news, fr. shame, mental or bodily excitement. C.Hg. . mortification, disap love or jealousy. Unconsciousness Delirium. Saliva predom. decreased Saliva prerlom. increased Aversion to sour things Appetite for sour things. Yomit predom. sour Yomit is bitter oftener than sour. Complaints predom. in liver Spleen affected oftener than liver. Complaints predom. in kidneys .... Complaints predom. in bladder. Urine frequent, but scanty Urine often and copious. Catamenia too late or too soon .... Catamenia too soon. B emission night, and forenoon .... Worse or better from growing cold, and in cold air, (resp. growing warm, and in warm air.) Worse or better from warmth of bed . . Worse when getting out of bed .... Better after getting out of bed .... Worse from bodily exertion Worse when stooping and when assuming an erect position. Almost always aggrav while eating . . . Worse or better from eructation .... Ailments from Ignatia or Cuprum . . . Remission of complaints before midnight. Predom. worse from growing cold, and in cold weather ; better from growing warm, and in warm air. Worse from warmth of bed. Better or worse when getting out of bed. Better or worse after getting out of bed. Improv. oftener than aggrav. by exertion. Better or worse when assuming an erect position, and when stooping. Better or worse while eating. Better from eructation. Ailments from Coffea, Pulsatilla, or Zinc. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From uncovering, when lying; on back, when rising from a seat, when lifting: np diseased limb, when swallowing *, during and afcer meals, and lrom change of position. Predomin. better Predomin. worse From wrapping np, when lying on side, while lyinsr. in bed, when standing, when letting diseased limb hang down, before breakfast, and after sweat. N.B. "With Ignatia we rarely find the sensation of numbness in suffering parts belonging to Cocculus. • Cocculus, worse when swallowing saliva, and Ignatia, worse when swallowing drink. Cocculus. Nux vom. Light hair — Skin and muscles lax . . . Dark hair — Skin and muscles rigid. Crawling sensation in internal parts — Pain Crawling sensation in external parts — Pain pressing inwards. pressing outwards. Painless cutaneous eruptions Painful eruptions. Pulse small and spasmodic Pulse generally quick, full, and hard ; some- times intermitting. Partial sweat on front part of body . . . Partial sweat on back part of body. While eating chilly During chill hunger. C.Hg. "Want of thirst predom.; partic. during chill. Thirst predom ; most during cold stage *. Desire for drink without thirst .... Thirst with aversion to drink. Gentleness — Indifference Mood irritable ; irascible; malicious — Amo- rousness. Ailments from vexation with reserved dis- Ailm. from disappointed love and jealousy, pleasure. from mortification, anger, or from vexa- tion with indignation or vehemence. No delirium Delirium with the chill, with the fever or sweat. Pupils generally contracted — Optical illu- Pupils generally dilated — Optical illusions sions in black or in dark colors. in bright colors. Saliva predom. decreased Saliva generally increased. Urine frequent, but scanty Urine infrequent and scanty. When diarrhoea appears, it is painless . . When diarrhoea appears, it is painful. Catamenia scanty, at the same time too Catamenia too soon and profuse. late or too soon. Expectoration tolerably infrequent . . . Expectoration not constant. Complaints predom. on upper arm . . • Complains predom. on fore-arm. "Remission night and forenoon .... Remission evening till midnight. From growing cold, and in cold weather, Worse from growing cold, and in cold (resp. growing warm, and in warm air,) weather; better from growing warm, and worse or better. m warm air. Aggrav. oftener than improv. by warmth Improved much oftener than aggrav. by of bed. warmth of bed. Predom. worse after sleep Better after sufficien sleep ; but worse on awaking when roused. Worse after drinking Worse or better after drinking. Worse when stooping Better or worse when stooping. Better from pressure Better or worse from pressure. Ailments from Nux vom. or Ignatia . . . Ailments from Cocculus, Arsenic vapors, Iodine, Phosphor., Sulphur, Calcar., Cin- chona, Coffea, Pulsat., Stramon., Plum- bum, or Colchicum, Predomln. worse — - — u, "-*—»« -**" s ^ — — ■*■ --^. Predomin. better When sitting erect, when lifting diseased limb, while eating, and after sleep. Predomin. better ■ — — ■ * ^ — Predomin. worse When sitting bent forward, ana when letting diseased limb hang down. N.B. With N. vom. we rarely find the sensation of numbness of suffering parts, peculiar to Cocculus. — Sensitiveness (to touch,) N. vom. has predom. in external parts, Cocculus exclusively in internal parts. vom. also has thirst before the chill, between heat and sweat, and after sweat stage. Cocculus. Phosphor. Light hair — Skin and muscles lax .... Dark hair — Skin and muscles rigid. Often indicated with children and women . . Often indicated with old people. Pain pressing inwards — Gnawing pain in inter- Pain pressing outwards — Gnawing pain in ex- nal parts. ternal parts. Painless cutaneous eruptions Painful eruptions. Pulse small and spasmodic, often impercep- Pulse generally quick, full & hard; irregular; tible. often intermitting. While eating chilly During chill hunger. C.Hg. Heat with aversion to uncover Heat with inclination to uncover. Want of thirst predom., partic. during chill . Want of thirst constant during all stages. Heat or chill lessened in bed; chill increased Heat or chill increased in bed; chill lessened out-doors and by drinking. out doors and by drinking. Loquacity — Gentleness — Sadness — Hopeless- Taciturnity — Mood changing ; cheerful or sad ; ness. ' irritable ; haughty — Amorousness. Ailments from vexation with fear or reserved Ailments from anger, or from vexation with displeasure. fright or vehemence. Weakness of memory — Absent-mindedness — Active memory pred. — Ecstacies — Delirium. Mental dullness. Eyes protruding Eyes generally sunken. Aversion to sour things — Desire for or aver- Appetite for sour things — Aversion to beer. sion to beer. Fetid flatus Scentless flatus. Costiveness most frequent Diarrhoea most frequent. (Disposition to soft stools. C.Hg.) Catamenia scanty Catamenia profuse or scanty. Cough generally dry Cough either with expectoration or dry. Complaints predom. on thigh Complaints predom. on leg. Remission night and forenoon Remission of complaints after midnight. Worse while perspiring Worse or better while perspiring. Worse or better when growing cold, (resp. Predom. worse when growing cold ; better growing warm.) when growing warm. Predom. better in bed * Worse or better in bed. Worse from uncovering; better from wrap- Generally better from uncovering; worse from ping up. wrapping up. Predom. worse after sleep ....... Better after sufficient sleep; but worse after the siesta, and on awaking when roused from sleep. Worse after meals Worse or better after meals. Worse when stooping Better or worse when stooping. Worse when swallowing saliva m . . • • Worse when swallowing food, and partic. when swallowing drink. Better from pressure Aggravated oftener than improv. by pressure. Ailments from Chamom., Ignatia, Nux vom., Ailm. from Iodine or from abuse of table-salt. or Copper. Predomin. worse -— - — ■— "^ -^ Predomin. better Out-doors, when sitting: erect, when lifting diseased limb, from the touch, after drinking, from cold diet, and from drinking cold water ; from spirituous liquors, after sleep, and from uncovering. Predomin. better . """ "" "" "■"■''■'■— «^_— -^" v -— — — -""■"■■" — """ Predomin. worse In-doors*, when sitting bent forward, when letting diseased limb hang down, after the sweat, from warm diet, in bed, and from wrapping up. N.B. From the decided aggravation in rooms filled with people, it is evident that the open air alone effects the improv. with the Phosph. patieut ; the improvement in-doors and the improvement out-doors is partly an alternating effect, — partly the improved symptoms differ essentially in kind. C.Hg. * Both remedies have predom. aggravation from warmth of hed. f Phosph. also has aggrav., partic. in crovjded rooms. When walking out-doors, this remedy has imr>rov. of com- plaints quite as often as aggrav., by which we see that in the latter case motion decides and not the influence of the open air. Cocculus. Pulsatilla. Aversion to open air — Pain pressing inwards. Inclinat. for open air — Pain pressing outwards. Sensitiveness of internal parts Generally sensitiveness of external parts. Paralysis — Painless eruptions Rarely paralysis — Painful eruptions. Sweat or coldness on suffering side .... Heat on suffering part. Pulse small and spasmodic Pulse generally quick, small, and weak. Chill predom. on back part of body ; sweat on Chill on front part of body ; sweat on back front part. part of body. While eating chilly During chill hunger. C.Hg. Heat or chill less'd in bed; chill incr. out-doors. Heat or chill worse in bed; chill less, out-doors. Loquacity — Gentleness — Seriousness — No Taciturnity — Mood changing; gentle, but bold delirium. —Avarice — Distrust — Amorousness. Ailments from vexation with reserved dis- Ailments from excessive joy, mortification, or pleasure. from vexation with fright. Optical illusions in black or in dark colors . Optical illusions in bright colors. Eyes protruding Eyes sunken. Nasal complaints predominantly internal . . Nasal compl. external, oftener than internal. Nose-bleeding during pregnancy or with he- Nose-bleeding with suppressed or scanty cata- morrhoidal disposition. menia. C.Hg. Saliva predom. decreased Saliva generally increased. Generally loss of appetite Generally hunger. Aversion to sour things — Desire for or aver- Appetite for sour things and beer. sion to beer. Food tastes as though salted too little . . . Food tastes too salty. Vomit sour, oftener than bitter Vomit bitter oftener than sour. Generally constipation — When diarrhoea ap- Generally diarrhoea which is oftenest painful. pears, it is painless. Cough generally dry Cough generally with expectoration. Urine frequent, but scanty Urine infrequent and scanty. Catamenia too late or too soon Catamenia too late. Complaints predom. in kidneys, and on thigh. Complaints predom. in bladder, and on leg. Aggkavation morning, afternoon, evening. . Aggravation from noon till midnight. "Worse (resp. better) from growing cold and in Better from growing cold and in cold weather; cold air, or when grow'g warm & in warm air. worse when growing warm and in warm air. Worse from uncovering ; better from wrap- Generally better from uncovering, worse from ping up. wrapping up. Better after the sweat Almost always aggrav. after the sweat. Predom. better in bed Generally worse in bed. From warmth of bed worse or better . . . Worse from warmth of bed. Worse when lying on back ; better when lying Generally better when lying on back, worse on side. when lying on side. Worse when getting out of bed Better or worse when getting out of bed. Better after getting out of bed Better or worse after getting out of bed. Worse when rising from a seat Worse or better when rising from a seat. Better after rising from a seat Better or worse after rising from a seat. Worse when stooping and when assuming an Worse or better when stooping, and when as- erect position. suming an erect position. Better when sitting down Worse or better when sitting down. Worse when sitting erect ; better when sitting Generally better when sitting erect ; worse bent forward. when sitting bent forward. Worse when moving or bending diseased part. Better or worse when moving or bending dis- Better from pressure Worse or better frem pressure. [eased part. Better before breakfast Worse or better before breakfast. Worse after meals Worse or better after meals. W r orse after stool Better or worse after stool. Predomin. worse ^— — — — -^- — — ~^-^ Predomin. better Out-doors, and wben walking out-doors; from cold, from cold diet, and drinking cold water; from uncovering, when getting out of bed, lying on back, when sitting erect, when bending diseased limb sideways, when lifting suffering limb, from exercise, when walking, walking fast^ running ; from bodily exertion generally, and after stool. Predomin. better — - — »- ^^ — ' — -^ Predomin worse In-doors, from warmth, and warm diet ; from wrapping up, when lyimr on side, sitting bent forward, when letting suffering limb hang down, during rest, standing & lying, in bed, and after the sweat. 15 Cocculus. Rhus. Skin and muscles lax — Aversion to exercise. Skin and muscles rigid — Inclin. for exercise. Complaints (sensitiveness, gnawing, pressing Complaints (sensitiveness, etc. ) predominant pain) predominantly internal. in external parts. Pain pressing inwards — Anaemie .... Pain press'g outwards — Generally plethora. Itching, unchanged by scratching. . . . Itch'g, less, by scratch'g, rarely unchanged. Dry eruptions Eruptions generally humid. Paralysis, particularly after spasms . . . Par., partic. after apoplexy or pain in joints. Pulse small and spasmodic Pulse irregular; generally accelerated, weak, faint, and soft. Chills while eating Chills lessened after eating C.IIg. Heat lessened in bed Heat increased in bed. Want of thirst predominant Thirst not constant. Mood indifferent — Absent-mindedness — In- sanity. Conseq. of vexat'n with reserv'd displeasure. Pupils generally contracted Xasal complaints predominantly internal; nose-bleeding with hemorrhoids. Saliva predominantly decreased .... Aversion to beer or desire for it ... . Nausea in stom., rarely in throat or abdomen. Costiveness predom. — Diarrhoea painless . Urine frequent, but scanty Catamenia too scanty ; at the same time too late or too soon. Expectoration rather infrequent . . . . Complaints predominant on upper arm . . Dejection of spirits more predominant than with Cocculus. Delirium. Pupils dilated. Nas. compl. extern, oftener than intern.; nose- bleed'g in place of hemorrhoid, disch. CHg. Saliva generally increased. Desire for beer. Naus. in oesoph. or stom., rarely in throat. Diarrhoea predominant ; generally painful. Urine frequent and copious. Catamenia profuse and generally too soon. Expectoration not constant. Complaints predominant on fore-arm. Remission night and forenoon . Worse when getting out of bed . Better after getting out of bed . Better when sitting down . . . Worse when rising from a seat . Better after rising from a seat . Worse from moving or bending diseased part. Worse when walking out-doors .... Worse (resp. better) from grow'g cold and in cold weather, or from growing warm and in warm air. Worse after eating or drinking . . . . Better or worse from eructation .... Worse after stool Worse when swallowing saliva .... Remission of complaints during day. Better or worse w r hen getting out of bed. Worse or better after getting out of bed. Worse or better when sitting down. Worse or better when rising from a seat. Worse or better after rising from a seat. Better or worse from moving or bending diseased part. Better or worse* when exercis'g out-doors. Worse when growing cold und in cold weather; better from growing warm and in warm air. Worse or better after eat'g, also aft'r drink'g. Worse from eructation. Better or worse after stool. Worse when swallow'g saliva & swall. food. Predomin. better Predomin. worse — From exercise, when walking, when sitting erect, after breakfast, and after stool. Predomin. worse Predomin. better -— — — ~ ' rreaomm. worse During rest, when standing and lying, when sitting bent forward, from biting (clenching the teeth), and on an empty stomach. on an empty stomach. N.B. Rhus lacks the over-sensitiveness of Cocculus to pam. * Here the influence of motion, and Dot that of open air, decides in the first case ; for out-doors generally both remedies have predom. aggravation, in-doors predom. improvement. Coffea. Belladonna. From up downwards — Inclination for motion. Bruised pain in internal parts Ischias (rending, shooting,) or neuralgia cru- ralis, increased by walking, relieved by pres- sure, except on foramen ; worse afternoon and night. Sleepless before and about mid-night; from over-excitement, feeling wide awake, with the fever, partic. during the sweat. Pulse, if changed, more frequent, but less vigorous, even small and infirm. Grauvogl. Thirst rather infrequent during heat, almost constant after heat and during sweat. Measles : frequent short and dry cough, hoarse when crying; skin and all senses over-sensi- tive; spasmodic motions, trembling; with heat and sweat in the face. From down upwards — Aversion to motion.* Bruised pain in external parts. Ischias in the hip joint, violent at night, com- pels to change position ; sensitive to touch, even of the clothing, or in thigh, bearable only when the limb is hanging down. O.Hg. Sleepless before midnight, with great desire to sleep, imagines that something is entrusted to his care; fear, fright. C.Hg. Pulse changed in frequency, strength and qual- ity, sometimes trembling or irregular. Thirst not constant, most rare during chill, often before the chill, and after the sweat. Measles : Dry cough, with weeping ; thirst ; difficult swallowing; hoarse crying on ac- count of pain in throat ; hot burning skin, violent contraction of fingers & toes. O.Hg. Ailments from excessive joy, or from disap- pointed love. Sensitive disposition Memory very active — Easy comprehension — Mental excitability. Delirium tremens: unsteady running about, imagines that he is not at home, with tremb- ling of hands ; small, frequent pulse, (120) . Threatening of apoplexy: over-excited, ex- alted, talkative, full of fear, pangs of con- science, aversion to open air, sleepless, con- vulsive grinding of teeth. Nose-bleeding with heaviness of the head, and ill-humor. Compl. predom. on soft palate — Fetid flatus . Metrorhagia, large black lumps, worse from every motion, violent pain in the groins, fever, bright-red face; in the greatest des- pair, believes herself dying. Threatening abortion or labor-pains, exces- sively painful, with fear of death. Childbed-fever with great excitability, tremb- ling of hands. Spasmus glottidis, starts from sleep with short inhalation, or gasping with wheezing, cold sweat, blue face, worse when put into the bath. Mood changing; indifferent, peevish, distrust- ful, malicious f — Ailments fr. mortification. Generally insensibility of disposition. Memory active or weak — Difficult comprehen- sion — Mental excitability or dullness. Delirium tremens : walking busily about, un- dertaking many things, rush of blood to head, chill & heat. Cmp. Bell.— Nux. C.Hg. Threat of apoplexy, disposition irritable, shuns motion, inclined to sleep, fulness in the head, giddiness, reddened eyes, sensible to light, noise and touch. C.Hg. Vertigo in the morning ends with bleeding of nose. C.Hg. Compl. pred. on roof of mouth — Scentl. flatus. Metrorhagia, blood coagulated, dark or red or changing, with bearing-down, restless, dis- likes to lie on back, bruised pain in small of back, sacrum as if broken, face pale, suflfer'g, thirst and chilliness, part, in the back. C.Hg. Threatening abortion or false labor-pains with headache and redness of face. C.Hg. Childbed-fever with gr. anxiety, despair of re- covery ; or mov'g the hands in the air. C.Hg. Spasmus glottidis, with convulsions or a croup- like cough; wheezing inspiration, without expiration, or imperceptible respiration, and apparently no pulse. C.Hg. Remission forenoon and evening till midnight. Worse (resp. better) from uncovering or wrap- ping up. Worse from spirituous liquors Worse when bending diseased part .... Worse when bending diseased part backwards or forwards. Remission forenoon and after midnight. Worse from uncovering; better from wrap- ping up. Worse or better from spirituous liquors. Better or worse when bending diseased part. Worse when bending diseased part sideways better when bending it backwards. Predomin. worse - - *- -^^ — ■— ^ Predomin. better When growing warm, in bed, when opening the eyes, when sitting down, when stooping, when holding diseased part bent, when bending it backwards, and from scratching. Predomin. better ^- — -^ -^- ^* * '" — ~^. Predomin. worse "When growing cold,J when closing the eyes, and after stool. * Belladonna sometimes also has inclination for motion in single or suffering parts. f " Cheerfulness " is found with both remedies. j Both remedies have predom. aggrav. from cold generally, improvement from warmth. Coffea. Chamomilla. Mnscles rigid — Dark hair Sensitiveness in external parts With the pain — the patient seems beside him- self. Ischias or neuralgia cruralis increased by walk- ing; is worse afternoon and night; relieved by pressure, except on foramen. Apoplexy — Paralysis Threatenings of apoplexy: over-excited, exal- ted, talkative, full of fear, pangs of con- science, discouraged, complaining, aversion to the open air, sleepless, convulsive grind- ing of teeth. Convulsions of teething children with grinding of teeth. &c. Pulse, if changed, more frequent, less vigorous, even small and infirm. Grauvogl. Thirst only before and during sweat .... Measles with frequent, short, and dry cough . Sleepless more before midnight, with awaking; with the hot, partic. the sweating stage. Muscles lax — Light hair. Sensitiveness in internal parts. Pain seems to be unbearable. C.Hg. Ischias nervosa. — left side, drawing pain from hip to knee, or from tuber ischii to soles of feet, worse at night, in bed ; screaming aloud even when slightly moved; sensation of numbness after the pain. C.Hg. Tery rarely paralysis — No apoplexy. Threatenings of apoplexy with women in child- bed ; heaviness and beating; tearing pain in head, one-sided from the head into the jaws ; hot sweat on the head, partic. the scalp ; with fainting spells or convulsions. C.Hg. Convulsions of teething children ; one cheek red, the other pale ; smiling in sleep. C.Hg. Pulse quick, small and tense ; unequal. Thirst constant in fevers. After measles : short, dry cough. C.Hg. Sleepless all night, anxiety drives him out of bed ; sleepless dur. all stages of fever C.Hg. Loquacity — CJieerfulness or dejection — Being Taciturnity — Mood sad; peevish; serious — beside one's self. Wrapt in thought. Ailments from excessive joy or from disap- Consequences of mortification, pointed love. Easy comprehension — Mental excitability . . Difficult comprehension — Mental dullness — Unconsciousness. Congestions to head while talking .... Yertigo while talking. C.Hg. Pupils dilated Pupils contracted. Hunger predom Loss of appetite predom. Diarrhoea from too much thought and care Diarrhoea from vexation, from taking cold, about domestic affairs; watery, painless, during dentition, bilious, slimy, smelling sour, very weakening with over-sensibilitv and or like rotten eggs, yellowish, greenish cur- great irritability. died ; with cutting pain ; great sensibility, restlessness, crying; peevishness. C.Hg. Metrorrhagie : large black lumps worse from Metrorrhagie, dark coagulated, in sadden at- every motion, with violent pain in groins and tacks, coldness of limbs, partic. feet ; thirst ; fear of death. worse when lying on back, violent, contract- ing labor-like pains from the sacrum into abdomen. C.Hg. Intermitting palpitation of heart Palpitation of heart in uniform beats. Cough without expectoration Cough dry, rarely with expectoration. Complaints predom. on shin Complaints predom. on call of leg. Aggravation afternoon, night, (partic. after Aggravation evening and night, partic. before midnight.) and morning. midnight. Better after getting out of bed Worse or better after getting out of bed. Childr. at times cannot bear to be carried about. Children feel better when carried about. C.Hg. Worse when moving diseased part .... Worse or better when moving diseased part. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From cold, when opening: the eyes, from motion, when walking, when sitting down, when bending the suffering part, when drawing up diseased limb, and on expiration. Predomin. better Predomin. worse From warmth ; when closing the eyes, during rest, when standing, when lying*, and when stretching out diseased limb. * Both remedies have predom. aggrav. in bid. Coffea. Sensitiveness of external parts — Over-sensi- tiveness. Dryness of skin, but not in febrile diseases . Apoplexy Pulse, if changed, more frequent, but less vigorous, even small and infirm. Grauvogl. No thirst until before and during the sweating stage. Sleeplessn. fr. overexcitement of body or mind. Colocynthis. Sensitiveness in internal parts — Sensation oi numbness.* Disposition to sweat and perspiring easily. Apoplexy not yet observed. Pulse changed in frequency and strength; gen- erally hard, full, and quick. Predominant want of thirst. Sleeplessness after vexation. C.Hg. Loquacity — Predomin. cheerfulness — Rarely amorousness — Sanguine choleric tempara- ment — Ailments from excessive joy, fright, disappointed love, and from vexation with fright or vehemence. Easy comprehension — Mental excitability . . Complaints predominant on soft palate, on back part of thigh, and on shin. Aversion to coffee Diarrhoea predominantly painless .... Chronic disposit'n to watery, painless diarrhoea, from too much care with household affairs. Urine too frequent (and copious) Expectoration not yet observed Ischias or neuralgia cruralis, in attacks ; rend- ing, shooting increased by walking, relieved by pressure, except on foramen ; worse after- noon and night; restless and sleepless at night. Mood taciturn ; hypochondriacal ; averse — Choleric temperament — Affected by misfor- tune, even that of others — Ailments from shame, grief, mortification, and from vexa- tion with indignation. Distaste for mental labor — Heaviness in the head. Complaints predominant on roof of mouth, on front part of thigh, and on calf of leg. Appetite for coffee. Diarrhoea predominantly painful. Chronic diarrhoea, watery, w r ith pain inside of abdomen; in the morning. C.Hg. Urine decreased or increased. Expectoration rather infrequent. Ischias postica, right side ; shooting pain in sacral region ; must lie in one position ; ag- gravated by every motion; stitching, cut- ting pain from hip to knee or ankles, or like a flash of lightning from sacrum to heel, with thirst for water, worse in the evening and at night; numb and as if dead during remission. C.Hof. forenoon and evening, till mid- Remission night and morning. Remission night. Better after getting out of bed . . Worse from cold ; better from warmth Worse when walking out-doors . . Worse when stooping Worse or better when stooping. Ailments from Chamom., Colocynthis, Ignatia, Ailments from Causticum. or Nux vomica. Better or worse after getting out of bed. Better (resp. worse) from cold or warmth. Worse or betterf when walking out-doors. Predomin. worse — — — — — --^ - ^ — -— Predomin. better From exercise, when walking, when holding diseased part bent, and from scratching. Predomin. better Predomin. worse During rest, while standing,! and while lying down.; * Colocynthis lacks the over-sensitiveness of Coffea to pain. f In the latter case the motion, and not the influence of the open air, decides for Colocynthis ; for, in general, b*.nh remedies have aggravation out-doors. J Yet we also riud "improvement" with Colocynthis "when standing still after exeidsa." § Both remedies have predominant aggravation "in bed." Coffea. Ignatia. Inclination for exercise Aversion to exercise. Sleepless more before and soon after midnight ; Sleeplessness during the evening and before wide awake ; during the hot stage, partic. midnight ; from ebullition of blood ; with during the sweat; also after typhoid fevers. starting when falling asleep; inward rest- lessness, thirst, fever with anxiety from 2 to 5 A. M., sleep with the heat so light that he hears very distant noises. Threatenings of apoplexy, with congestion to Threatenings of apoplexy ; head feels empty, head. Comp. Aeon. — Coffea. face is pale.* Convulsions of teething children with grinding Convulsion during dentition with frothing at of teeth, &c, after over-excitement, the mouth, kicking with the legs; or with children after having been punished ; after fear or fright. Pulse is changed, more frequent, less vigorous, Pulse changed, generally accelerated, large even small and infirm. Grauvogl. and hard ; unequal. Generally dislikes to be uncovered .... Likes to be uncovered during the hot or sweat- ing stage. C.Hg. Thirst only before and during sweat .... Thirst only during chill and after sweat. Being beside one's self — Predom. cheerfulness Wrapt in thought — Predom. sadness — Mood Loquacity — Mood irritable — Rarely amor- changing; gentle, indifferent, peevish, bold, ousness. — Taciturnity. Ailments from excessive joy, anger, or from Ailments from shame, grief, jealousy, morti- vexation with vehemence. f fixation, hearing bad news, or from vexation with fear or reserved displeasure. Memory active — Easy comprehension — Mental Memory weak — Diffic. comprehension — Mental excitement — Rarely fancies. dullness — Absent-mindedness — Insanity. Congestion to head while talking Congestion to head fr. being spoken to. C.Hg. Predom. acute and sensitive hearing. . . . Difficulty of hearing or deafness. Complaints predom. on soft palate .... Complaints predom. on roof of mouth. Hunger predom Generally loss of appetite. Eat hastily Drink hastily — before spasms of childr. C.Hg. Diarrhoea painless, all day, from too much care Diarrh. painless, with rumbling noise of wind, about domestic affairs. — worse in the night and from fright with great timidity. C.Hg. Catamenia too profuse and of long duration . Catamenia scanty but of long duration. Metrorhagia; — comp. Coffea — Bellad. . . Metrorhagia from chamomile-tea. C.Hg. Expectoration not yet observed Expectoration infrequent. Complaints predom. on shin Complaints generally on calf of leg. Ischias in attacks, rending and shooting ; worse Ischias, — intermitting, chronic ; better in Sum- afternoon and night. Comp. Coffea — Aeon., mer, worse in Winter, — beating as though etc. it would burst the hip joint, accompanied by chilliness with thirst, flushes of heat, par- ticularly in the face, without thirst. C.Hg. Remission forenoon and evening till midnight. Remission of complaints before midnight. Worse during and after meals Impr. oftener than aggr. during & after meals. Worse from bodily exertion Improv. oftener than aggr. by bodily exertion. Worse after sleep Worse or better after sleep. Better after getting out of bed AVorse or better after getting out of bed. Ailments from Nux vom., Colocynth., &c. . . Ailments from Tabacum, Digitalis, or Zinc. Predomin. worse -— ■ — *-> ^^ — — -^ Predomin. better ' "When lifting up diseased limb, from uncovering the head, from rubbing and scratching, when swal- lowing, and during and after meals. Predomin. hrMer -— — -^"^ — -^ Predomin. worse When letting diseased limb hang down, from wrapping up the head, when standing and lying J, and alter stool. N.B. In spite of the great similarity of many symptoms, these remedies are rarely antidotes to each other, they even act injuriously when given the one after the other; the head symptoms of both follow the same direction, — from right to left. — Comp. Aeon. — Coffea. * Consequences of disappointed love appear with both remedies. t B >th remedies have predom agzrav. in bed. X Both remedies may prevent apoplexy with nervous persons, with the same s<*n-ibility to no'se, the same aggravation from spirituous Liquors, &c, aud the cases may only be distinguished by the pecuiiariues of the mind, of the pul*p. -»r li*v fcWf, or oiuert) unmanned ubovo. C.Hg. Coffea. Nux vom. From up, downwards — Inclinat'n fer exercise. From down, upwards — Aversion to exercise. Sensitiveness of skin Sensitiveness, but sometimes insensibility of skin. C.Hg. Sleepless until midnight or after midnight with Sleepless before and partic. after midnight, feeling wide awake during the heat, parti- fidgety; restlessness in lower limbs during cularly the sweat. heat, sometimes with sweat. C.Hg. Pulse, if changed, more frequent, but less vig- Pulse changed in frequency and strength, gene- orous, even small and infirm. Grauvogl. rally hard, full and quick. Thirst is mostly before and during sweat . . Thirst mostly during chill, also before chill, and before and after sweat. Cheerfullness more frequent than sadness* — Mood sad, anxious, peevish ; malicious. Rarely amorousness. Consequences of excessive joy Ailments from grief, jealousy, or mortification. Easy comprehension — Mental excitability — Difficult comprehension — Mental dullness — Rarely fancies. Absent-mindedness — Unconsciousness. Delirium tremens, unsteady running about, Delirium tremens, fear, sees people, heat and imagines that he is not at home, trembling sweat, vomiting. Comp. Bellad. — N. vom. of hands. Comp. Aconit. — Coffea. C. Hg. Threatenings of apoplexy; talkativeness; con- Threatenings of apoplexy, biting together of vulsive grinding of teeth. jaws, tongue heavy. C.Hg. Headache aggrav. after sleep Headache better after sleep. Toothache with lachrymose mood .... Toothache with desperate mood. C.Hg. Complaints predom. on soft palate .... Complaints predom. on roof of mouth. Acute taste Predom. loss of taste. Hunger predom Generally loss of appetite. Diarrhoea predom. painless Constipation pred. — When diarrhoea occurs, it is painful and scanty. Diarrhoea, watery, painless, very weakening, Diarrhoea lumpy, with slime and blood, violent with over-sensibility; from too much care. bellyache, with freq. urging to stool. C.Hg. Urine predom. too often and copious . . . Urine predom. too infrequent and scanty. Metrorrhagia, large black lumps, worse from Metrorrhagia, dark, coagulated ; worse from motion ; with violent pains in groin and fear motion, bearing down in abdomen ; as if the of death. navel were drawn in — weeps about every thing. C.Hg. Cough without expectoration Expectoration not constant. Complaints predom. on shin Complaints generally on calf of leg. Ischias or neuralgia cruralis, rending, shooting Ischias, from toes to hip upwards, or from the pains and attacks, increased by walking, trochanter to hollow of knee, worse at night, relieved by pressure, except on foramen ; aggrav. very much by every motion or when worse afternoon and night. lifted ; much worse when pressing to stoolf . C.Hg. Remission forenoon and evening till midnight. REMission evening till midnight. Worse when overhurried Worse when idle or when overhurried.J Worse after sleep Better after sufficient and not too long sleep; but worse on awaking when roused fr. sleep. Better after getting out of bed Worse or better after getting out of bed. Worse when stooping Better or worse when stooping. Worse when swallowing Worse or better when swallowing. Ailments from Nux vom., or Colocynthis . . Ailments from Arsenic or Copper vapors, from Sulph., Calc, Phosph., Iodine, Plumb., or abuse of Cinchona. Predomin. worse - — ■ — *— - -^ — . Predomin. better When lifting up or bending diseased limb backwards, from rubbing and scratching, in bed, when sitting down, when eating, and after sleep. Predomin. better -— — ~ ■— ■^ v * — — **. Predomin. worse When letting diseased limb hang down, and after stool. * Tellurium (156) has the same extending from the sacrum downwards to the thigh, according to symptom;: of Drs. Kitchen and Rau, and Dr. Bauer's cure, (243.) C.H^ f "Irritable mood " is found with both remedies. j These are only apparently opposites, and both arise from the mutual source of the same impatient disposition. Coffea. Pulsat. Shunning open air Longing for open air. Inclination for exercise Aversion to exercise. With the pain, the patient seems beside With the pain, chilliness, difficult breathing, himself. pale face. C.Hg. Sleeplessness more after midnight; without Sleeplessness more before midnight, with any complaint during the fever, partic. anxiety as if he had committed a crime, during the sweat. ebullition of blood, rush of ideas or one single idea; a melody, &c, occupies the mind ; — during all stages of the fever. C.Hg. Awaking too early Awaking too late. Pulse, if changed, more frequent, less vigor- Pulse changed, generally frequent, small, ous, even small and infirm. Grauvogl. and weak. Chill increased by exercise Chill lessened by exercise. Thirst, partic. during sweat* ..... Want of thirst predom. With the measles, frequent, short, and dry With the measles frequent, short, dry cough cough, over-sensitiveness and spasmodic with piercing pain in chest, dry mouth ; motions. no thirst; ears aching. C.Hg. Cheerfulness more frequent than sadness . Calm, lachrymose sadness. Being beside one's self Being wrapt in thought. Loquacity Taciturnity. Mood irritable — Rarely amorousness . . Mood gentle, but bold ; changing, indif- ferent, peevish, greedy; distrustful. Ailments from disappointed love, anger, or Ailments from mortification borne without from vexation with vehemence.f complaint, sorrow, or from vexation with fear. Memory active Weakness of memory — Absent-mindedness. Barely fancies Delirium. Crackling noise in the head, synchronous Crackling noise in the head, synchronous with the pulse, in one side of the head, with the pulse, when moving the head, partic. in the morning and in the open or while walking; worse in the evening, air, better within doors. and better in the open air ; worse within doors. Pupils dilated Pupils generally contracted. Acute and sensitive hearing predom. . . Hardness of hearing; deafness. Nasal complaints predom, internal . . . Nasal complaints external, oftener than in- ternal. Acute, sensitive smell and taste .... Predom. loss of smell ; loss of taste. Nose bleeding with heaviness of the head, Nose bleeding with suppressed catamenia. and ill-humor. C.Hg. Complaints predom. on soft palate . . . Complaints predom. on hard palate. Painless diarrhaea Diarrhoea generally painful. Diarrhoea from too much care Diarrhoea, after getting the feet wet, slimy, whitish. Urine frequent and copious Urine infrequent and scanty. Catamenia too profuse and of long duration. Catamenia too scanty and of short duration. Catamenia only during the evening . . . Catamenia only during the day, while walk- ing. C.Hg. * Coffea has much thirst between heat and sweat, Pulsat. still more between chill and heat. ■f Ailmeuts from excessive joy occur with both remedies. Coffea. Pu!sat. (Continued.) Metrorbagia, large black lumps, worse from Metrorhagia, blood coagulated ; ceasing and every motion; violent pain in groins; returning; worse during the evening and fear of death. night with labor-like pains, sudden out- cries, fainting. C.Hg Labor-pains ceasing with complaining lo- Labor -pains ceasing, with coldness and quacity and fear of death. somnolence. Cough without expectoration Cough generally with expectoration. Ischias, neuralgia cruralis in attacks; worse Ischias, left side, along the nerve, forces to from motion, relieved by pressure, except change position; every motion aggrav.; on foramen. anxiousness even to weeping ; the greater the pain, the greater the chilliness ; — no thirst with it; worse at night. C.Hg. [Remission forenoon and evening till mid- Aggravation afternoon and evening till night. midnight. Worse after sleep . Worse or better after sleep. Better after getting out of bed .... Better or worse after getting out of bed. Worse when sitting down Better or worse when sitting down. Worse when moving diseased limb . . . Better or worse when moving the limb. Worse when bending diseased part, partic. Better when bending diseased part (side- when bending it backwards or forwards. ways) or (backwards) worse. Worse when swallowing Worse or better when swallowing. Better after stool Better or worse after stool. Children, at times cannot bear to be carried Children desire to be carried about, but about. slowly. C.Hg. Predomin. worse - — — ■— * ^^ — — ■* -*-— Predomin. better From cold, out-doors and when walking out-doors, from exercise, when walking, from bodily exertion ; when lifting, or holding diseased limb bent ; when opening the eyes, and from tying the clothes tight. Predomin. better -— — — ^ . — ^ Predomin worse From warmth, in-doors, during rest ; while standing, sitting, and lying;* when letting diseased limb hang down, when closing eyes, and from loosening the clothes. N.B. With Coffea we very rarely find the sensation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Pulsat. * Both remedies have prcdoxa. aggrav. in bed. Colchicum. Apis. Sight side— Complaints (burning, heat, etc.) Left side — Complaints (burning, heat, etc.) predominant in internal parts. predominant in external parts. Pulse sometimes trembling Pulse sometimes intermitting. Heat, with aversion to uncover .... Heat, with inclination to uncover. Thirst seems to be wanting only during Thirst seems to be wanting only during chill. sweat. Rarely despondency* Mood hopeless; indifferent; irritable. Ailments from grief or the misbehavior of Ailments from fright, jealousy, anger, from others. hearing bad news, or from vexation with fright. Anxious feeling in praecordia Anxious feeling in head. Rarely absent-mindedness — Rarely deli- Absent-mindedness — Delirium. rium. Paralysis — No apoplexy Apoplexy — Rarely paralysis. Complaints predominant on lower eyelids, Complaints predominant on upper eyelids, and on inner ear. and on external ear. Acute hearing predominant Hardness of hearing; deafness. Diarrhoea prevalently painful Diarrhoea ( except dysentery ) prevalently painless. Catamenia too scanty Catamenia too profuse or too scanty. Expectoration rather infrequent; morning Cough, wakens before midnight and ceases and during day. as soon as anything is loosened, which is swallowed. Remission morning and forenoon . . . Remission of complaints during day. Better (resp. worse) in cold or warm air . Worse in cold weather ; better in warm air. Worse from getting wet through .... Worse from getting wet through ; but pre- valently better from washing with cold water and moistening suffering part. Predomin. worse ~~ *- — . ^^ ,. ^. Predomin. better From uncovering, when assuming an erect position, and when sitting erect. Predomin. better -— —» — >^v. — — --^ Fredomin. worse From wrapping up, when stooping and sitting bent forward, in bed, after sleep, after getting out of bed, and on inspiration. N.B. In gouty complaints and erysipelas these remedies concur: Colchicum acts on the healthy, prin- cipally, from right to left, and was given, in many cases, with most decidedly good effect, when the gout commenced on the left and extended or threatened to extend to the right side ; Apis, which acts in the opposite direction, (L. to R. Erysipelas of the face, complaints in ovaries, etc) may have a more curative influence in gout, if the pain commenced and predominates on the right side, going from there to the left ; this has been proved in diseases of the ovaries, but in gout it has not yet been ascertained. C.Hg. * "Cheerfulness" is found with both remedies. Colchicum. Belladonna. Upper right, lower left side — Paralysis . . Upper left, lower right side — Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis. Often indicated with old people • • . . Often indicated with children and young women. Cold shudders or heat ascending .... Cold shudder or heat descending. Thirst seems to be wanting only during chill. Thirst not constant ; most rare during chill ; appears also before and after the attack of fever. Sensitiveness of disposition Generally insensibility of disposition. Mood rarely peevish or despondent . . . Mood changing; indifferent; irritable; ma- licious; distrustful. Ailments from grief or from misbehavior Ailments from fright, anger, mortification, of others. or from vexation with fright, dread, fear, or vehemence. Rarely absent-mindedness, unconsciousness, Fancies — Insanity, or delirium. Weakness of memory Memory active or very weak. Painful diarrhoea Painless diarrhoea. Catamenia too soon, but scanty .... Catamenia too soon and profuse. During delivery incarceration of placenta . During delivery inclusion of some parts of the child. C.Hg. Fluent coryza Predom. dry coryza. Voice hoarse or deeper than usual . . . Voice hoarse or raised. Expectoration infrequent ; morning and Expectoration infrequent; morning, during during day. day and evening. Remission morning and forenoon . . . Remission after midnight and forenoon. Better (resp. worse) in cold weather or in Worse in cold weather; better in warm air. warm air. Worse when lying on painful side, better Better (resp. worse) when lying on painful when lying on unpainful side. or on unpainful side. Worse when assuming an erect position . Worse or better when assuming an erect position. Worse when looking upwards Worse when looking sideways. Improv. oftener than aggrav when respir- Worse when respiring deeply. ing deeply. Worse when eating Worse or better when eating. Worse in the Fall % . Worse in the Spring. Predomin. worse .-— ■ — ■ Fredomin. better In wet weather, from warmth, when growing warm, indoors, when opening the eyes, when bending the head back, and from pressure. Predomin. better •— -""^ — — -s-< Predomin. worse In dry weather, from cold, when growing cold, out-doors*, after sleep, after stool, and when closing the eyes. N.B. With Bellad. we very rarely find the sensation of numbness in suffering parts belonging to Colch. * Both remedies have predom. aggrav. when walking out-doors; therefore the influence of mo:ion t and not that of the open air, here decides for Colch. Colchicum. Mux vom. Pulse sometimes trembling; beating of heart Pulse sometimes intermitting the 4 to 5th the same. beat. Intermitting of retarded pulse Intermitting of small, accelerated pulse. Thirst seems to be wanting only during chill. Most thirst during chill. Apoplexy not yet observed Apoplexy. Mood cheerful or sad . • Mood sad, irritable, — malicious — Amorous- ness. Ailments from the misbehavior of others * . Consequences of fright, anger, mortification, disappointed love, jealousy, or from vexa- tion with fright, dread, fear, indignation, or vehemence. Rarely absent-mindedness — Rarely uncon- Fancies, sciousness or delirium. Cataracta Amaurosis. Appetite for coffee — Aversion to fat food — Aversion to coffee — Appetite for fat food — Generally diarrhoea Generally constipation. Sediment of urine whitish Sediment of urine reddish. Catamenia too soon and scanty .... Catamenia too soon and profuse. Fluent coryza Coryza generally dry, partic. out-doors ; in- doors ; on the other hand it is fluent. Breath cold Breath hot. Respiration with moist sound Respiration with dry sound. Expectoration infrequent; morning and Expectoration not constant; morning, dur- during day. ing day, and evening. Remission morning and forenoon . . . Remission evening till midnight. Better (resp. worse) in cold or warm air . Worse in cold weather ; better in warm air. Better or worse when respiring deeply . . Worse when respiring deeply. Worse from getting wet through .... Generally improved by washing and moist- ening. Worse when swallowing Worse or better when swallowing. Better from eructation Better or worse from eructation. Worse when assuming an erect position . . Worse or better when assuming an erect position. Better when stooping Better or worse when stooping. Predom. worse when lying on side; better Generally better when lying on side, worse when lying on back. when lying on back. Predomin. worse -— ■ — ^_^~^_ —» ^ Fredomin. better In wet weather, from warmth, and when growing warm, in-doors. and from warmth of stove, when lying on left side, when sitting erect, when lifting diseased limb, from pressure, and while eating. Predomin. better — — -^-___— — -"""-^ _ Predomin. worse In dry weather, from cold, and when growing; cold, out-doors. t when lvins: on right side, when sitting 'bent forward, when letting diseased limb hang down, after stool, and when respiring deeply. N.B. "With N. vom. we rarely find the sensation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Colchicum. * Ailments from grief are faun d with both rerrrnMps. t Both remedies have pred >ra. azgrav. when walking out-doors; therefore the influence of motion and not that of the open air, here decides for Colchicum. Colchicum. Pulsat. Upper right, lower left side— Paralysis . . Upper left, lower right side — Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis. Often indicated with old people .... Often indicated with children. During sleep lying on side When asleep, lying on back, often the hands above the head. Pulse generally frequent, full, and hard . . Pulse generally frequent, but small & weak, sometimes imperceptible. Chili increased by exercise, lessened when Chill lessened by exercise, increased when sitting and after sleep. sitting and after sleep. Thirst seems to be wanting only during Thirst only during hot stage, chill. Mood cheerful or dejected Mood changing ; anxious ; sad ; gentle ; indifferent; peevish; greedy; distrustful; bold — Amorousness. Ailments from the misbehavior of others . Ailments from excessive joy, fright, morti- fication, or from vexation with fright, dread or fear. Rarely absent-mindedness ; rarely delirium. Fancies. Pupils predom. dilated Pupils generally contracted. Predom. acute or sensitive hearing . . . Hardness of hearing; deafness. Acute sensitive sense of smell Predom. loss of smell. Nasal complaints predom. internal . . . Nasal compl. external, oftener than internal. Complaints predom. on upper lip .... Complaints predom. on under lip. Predom. loss of appetite Generally hunger. Sediment of urine whitish Sediment red. Catamenia too soon Catamenia too late. Respiration with moist sound Respiration prevalent with dry sound. Cough generally without expectoration . . Cough generally with expectoration. Complaints generally on instep .... Complaints generally on sole of foot. Remission morning and forenoon . . . Remission from midnight till noon. Worse from getting wet through .... Better from washing and moistening; but worse after getting the feet wet. Better (resp. worse) in cold or warm air . Better in cold weather ; worse in warm air. Improved oftener than aggrav. after sleep . Aggrav. oftener than improv. after sleep. Worse when swallowing Worse or better when swallowing. Better after stool Better or worse after stool. Worse when assuming an erect position . Worse or better when assuming an erect position. Worse fr. moving or bending diseased part. Better or worse from bending the diseased part. Predomin. worse ^— — *^^__^^^^__^. — ^ Predomin. better When walking in the open air,* from uncovering:, when lying on painful side, when sitting erect, from exercise ; from walking, running, and bodily exertion ; when lifting diseased limb, when opening the eyes, when bending the head sideways, and from pressure. Predomin. better --— — "*-«- ^"^- — — —"" -— -^ Predomin. worse From wrapping up, when lying; on unpainful side, when sitting bent forward, when stooping, during rest; when standing, sitting:, and lying; in bed, when letting diseased limb hang down, when closing the eyes, from eructation, and after sleep. * Here the influence of motion decides for Colch., and not the influence of the open air; — for out of doors generally both remedies have predom. improvement. Colchicum. Rhus. Upper right, lower left side — Over-sensi- tiveness. Complaints predom. in internal parts . . Itching, unchanged by scratching . . . . Itching or pinkish redness around the joints. During sleep lying on side Apoplexy not yet observed .... Pulse generally frequent, full, and hard Chill lessened while sitting Tipper left, lower right side — Predom. sen- sation of numbness.* Complaints predom. in external parts. Itching improved by scratching. Itching around the joints. During sleep lying on back. Apoplexy. Pulse irregular; generally accelerated, weak and soft. Chill increased while sitting. Mood cheerful, or sad Ailments from grief or fr. the misdemeanor of others. Rarely unconsciousness .... Predom. acute or sensitive hearing Acute, sensitive smell Nasal complaints predom. internal Urine dark, oftener than pale; scanty Catamenia too soon and scanty . Respiration with moist sound . . Expectoration rather infrequent; morning and during day. Complaints generally on sole of foot . . . Mood anxious, dejected. Ailments from vexation with fear. Fancies. Hardness of hearing; deafness. Loss of smell. Nasal compl. external oftener than internal. Urine pale ; often and copious. Catamenia too soon and profuse. Respiration with dry sound. Expectoration not constant ; partic. in the morning. Complaints generally on instep. Remission morning and forenoon . . . Remission of complaints during day. Better (resp. worse) in cold or warm weather. Worse in cold weather ; better in warm air. Almost always improv. in bed Better or worse in bed. Worse when moving diseased part, and Better or worse from moving or bending when bending it. diseased part. Better or worse from change of position • Worse from change of position when lying or standing. Worse when looking upwards Worse when looking down. Better or worse when respiring deeply . . Worse when respiring deeply. Worse after drinking Worse or better after drinking. Better after stool Better or worse after stool. Aggravation very often, after mental exer- Decidedly worse after bodily exertion. tion. C.Hg. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From warmth and growing warm, in doors, from warmth of stove, when lying on side, lying on pain- ful side, from exercise; when walking, partic. walking in the open air;t when bending the head back, on expiration, from pressure, and when sitting erect. Predomin. better Predomin. worse From cold, and from growing cold, in the open air, when lying on back, lying on nnpainful side, during rest; when lying, standing, and sitting, partic. when sitting bent forward; when stooping, on inspiration, when respiring deeply, and after sleep. * Yet we also find with Rhus "sensitiveness of external parts," and with both remedies sensation of numbness in PuftVring parts: — but Rhus lacks the over-sensitiveness of Colch. to pain. f Here the influence of motion, and not that of the open air, decides for both remedies. Colchicum. Complaints predom. in internal parts — Rending pain upwards. Apoplexy not yet observed — Erysipelas, smooth. Itching, unchanged by scratching, rarely lessened. Intermitting of retarded pulse Pulse generally frequent, full, and hard . . Heat with thirst Thirst seems to be wanting only during chill. Sepia. Complaints predom. in external parts — Rending pain downwards. Apoplexy— Erysipelas generally pustulous Itching, aggrav. by scratching. Intermitting of accelerated pulse. Pulse frequent and full, at night, slower during day ; accelerated by vexation and motion. Heat without thirst. Predom. want of thirst j thirst is constant only during chilL Mood eheerful or sad ; rarely irritable . . Ailments from grief or from the misbehavior of others. Rarely absent-mindedness . . Pupils generally dilated . . . Predom. acute, sensitive hearing Complaints predom. on upper lip Sediment of urine white . . . Catamenia too soon and scanty Respiration with moist sound . Expectoration infrequent; morning during day. and Mood serious, dejected, anxious, indifferent, peevish — Avarice. Consequences of fright, anger, and partic. of vexation with fear. Fancies — Mental dullness — Insanity. Pupils contracted. Hardness of hearing; deafness. Complaints predom. on under lip. Sediment red or whitish. Catamenia generally too late and profuse. Respiration preval. with dry sound. Expectoration predom., but not constant; is loosened night and morning, and is generally swallowed. Remission morning and forenoon . . . Remission of complaints in afternoon. Predom. better in bed Worse or better in bed. Worse from bodily exertion Improv. oftener than aggrav. by exertion. Better on inspiration * Worse or better on inspiration. W^orse in the Fall ......... Worse in the Spring. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In wet weather, from warmth, and when growing warm ; lying on side, partic. lying on painful side ; from motion, when walking, when moving diseased part, when sitting erect, when assuming an erect position, when bending the head sideways, and while smoking. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In dry weather, from cold, and when growing cold, t when lying on hack, lying on unpainful side, during rest ; when lying, standing, and sitting, partic. when sitting bent forward; when stooping, from eructation, and after stool. N.B. We rarely find the sensation of numbness in suffering parts, peculiar to Colch., with Sepia. * Both remedies have predom. aggrav. on expiration. •f In cold (resp. warm) weather, both remedies have aggrav. quite as often as improvement. Colocynth. Upper right, lower left side — Inclination for motion. Very rarely paralysis — Epilepsy with rigid- ity. Sweat, which disappears when moving . . Partial sweat on lower part of body . . . Want of thirst predom Desire for drink without thirst .... Be I lad. Upper left, lower right side — Aversion to motion. * Paralysis — Apoplexy — Epilepsy with con- vulsions. Sweat, increased by motion. Sweat on upper part of body. Thirst not constant ; rarely during chill ; ap- pears often before chill, and after sweat. Thirst with aversion to drink. Sensitiveness of disposition — Hypochon- driacal mood. Generally insensibility of disposition — Mood changing; cheerful or dejected; indif- ferent; distrustful. Ailments from fright, or from vexation with fright, dread, fear, or vehemence. Ailments from shame, grief, and from vexa tion with indignation or reserved dis pleasure. Yery rarely delirium or insanity .... Absent-mindedness — Unconsciousness — Fancies — Mental excitability (ecstasies) or dullness. Eyes sunken Eyes protruding. With the toothache pain in eyes .... With the toothache pain in the ear. C.Hg. Appetite for coffee Aversion to coffee. Painful diarrhoea Painless diarrhoea. False labor-pains extending into the thighs. False labor-pains with headache and red face. Lippe. Coxarthrocace, in the 2d or 3d stage . . Coxarthrocace in the 1st stage. f C.Hg. Complaints predom. on calf of leg and on Compl. predom. on shin and sole of foot. instep. E emission night and morning Remission after midnight and forenoon. Worse when lying on back, better when Better (resp. worse) when lying on back or lying on side. on side. Better when lying on painful side . . . Better (resp. worse) when lying on painful Worse when lying on unpainful side ... or on unpainful side. Worse from drinking wine Worse or better from wine. Generally improved by coffee Worse from drinking coffee. Ailments from Causticum Ailm. from Aeon., Hyosc, Mercur., Plumb., Cinchona, from sting of insects, or from contagious anthrax. Predomin. worse — — -^ — — "--*. Predomin. better During rest, after lying down, while lying, in bed, while standing,t when stooping, and from cold diet.J Predomin. better Predomin. worse From motion, when walking, and running ; ? from warm diet, but also from drinking cold water;** from coffee, and from smoking. N.B. Coloc. has not the over-sensitiveness to pain of Bellad. H.Gr. But the neuralsdes of Coloc. are of a much more violent kind ; with Bellad. there is more a general over-sensitiveness to all rain, which almost always appears in frequent, short attacks. " C.Hg. * We also find inclination for motion in single or suffering parts with Bellad. f Both right side, partic. Coloc, while Stramon., according to Dr. Jeanes. cures it only on the left side. Silicea and Calcarea seem also to have a more curative effect on the left side in this complaint. C.lig. + Yet we also find improv. when standing still after moving, with Colocynth. § B»llad. has aggrav. from drinking cold water, because one of its effects is to render the swallowing of drink difficult. ** We also find aggrav. through physical exertion, with Colocynth. Colocynthis. Nux vomica. Inclination for exercise — Throbbing sensa- Aversion to exercise — Throbbing sensation tion predominant in external parts. in internal parts. Very rarely paralysis — No apoplexy . . . Apoplexy — Paralysis. Distention of veins of feet Distention of veins of hands. One-sided heat, right side One-sided heat, left side. Sweat on lower part of body Sweat on upper part of body. Sweat, which disappears when moving . . Sweat, increased by the least movement. Predominant want of thirst — Desire for Most thirst during chill — Thirst with aver- drink without thirst. sion to drink. Being affected by misfortune, even that of Fear — Loquacity. others* — Taciturnity. Ailments from shame or from vexation with Consequences of fright, disappointed love reserved displeasure. or jealousy, and from vexation with fright, dread, fear or vehemence. Tery rarely delirium Absent-mindedness — Unconsciousness — Fancies. Complaints predominant on external ear . Complaints predominant on inner ear. Toothache with feverish heat Toothache with break'g out of sweat. CHg. Toothache extends to the eye Toothache extends to the ear. CHg. Appetite for coffee Aversion to coffee. Bellyache better after stool Bellyache worse after stool. Urine scanty or copious - Sediment white Urine infrequent and scanty — Sediment or reddish. reddish. Expectoration infrequent Expectoration not constant. Complaints predominant on patella . . . Complaints predominant in hollow of knee. Remission night and morning Remission evening till midnight. Better (resp. worse) from cold and growing Worse from cold and growing cold, better cold, or from warmth and growing warm. from warmth and growing warm. Worse when lying on back, better when Generally aggravated when lying on back, lying on side. better when lying on side. Better when lying on painful side, worse Generally worse when lying on painful side, when lying on un painful side. better when lying on unpainful side. Better or worse from exertion Worse from bodily exertion. Predominantly worse when stooping . . . Better or worse when stooping. Generally improved by coffee Worse from drinking coffee. Worse or better after stool Worse after stool. Predomin. worse . — — "*"^ , *^» -^^ — '" --^ Predomin. better During rest, when standing, after lying: down, while lying, in bed, from warmth of stove,t when sitting erect, when lifting diseased limb. Predomin. better -—— ~ "" — -^ — > "' ~-^ Predomin. worse From exercise, when walking, when sitting bent forward, when letting diseased limb hang down from coffee, drinking cold water, and smoking. N.B. Colocynthis lacks the over-sensitiveness to pain which Nnx vomica seems to have. * Hypochondriacal (despondent or irritable) mood is found with both remedies. t In-doors generally both remedies have predominant improvement ; aggravation out-doors. 16 Colocynthis. Pulsatilla. Upper right, lower left side— No apoplexy. Upper left, lower right side— Apoplexy. Inclination for exercise — Aversion to open Aversion to exercise — Inclination for open air. air. Idiopathic neuralgia Symptomatic neuralgia. Pulse generally full and hard Pulse generally accelerated, but small and weak ; sometimes imperceptible. Choleric temperament Sanguine phlegmatic temperament — Mood changing; anxious; gentle; indifferent; bold ; distrustful - Greediness. Ailments from anger, shame, or from vexa- Ailments from fright, excessive joy, or from tion with indignation or reserved dis- vexation with fright, dread, or fear. pleasure. Rarely unconsciousness or delirium . . . Absent-mindedness — Unconsciousness — Fancies. Complaints predominant on external ear . Complaints generally of inner ear. Want of thirst . Thirst only during hot stage. Bellyache better after stool Bellyache after stool. Urine diminished or increased — Sediment Urine infrequent and scanty — Sediment red white or red — Predom. retention of urine. — Incontinence more freq. than retent'n. Catamenia prevalently too soon and pro- Catam. too late and generally too scanty. fuse. Cough generally dry Cough generally with expectoration. Complaints predominant on patella and in- Complaints generally in hollow of knee and step. on sole of foot. Remission night and morning .... Remission from midnight till noon. Ailments from lead vapors Ailments from Copper or Mercurial vapors. Worse when lying on back, better when Generally better when lying on back, worse lying on side. when lying on side. Worse (resp. better) from cold and growing Better from cold and growing cold, worse cold, or from warmth and growing warm. from warmth and growing warm. Worse or better after stool Better or worse after stool. Ailments from Causticum or Plumbum . . Ailments from Copper vapors, Sulph., Nitric acid, Ferrum, Merc, Platina, Chamom., Cinchona, Colch., Ignatia, or Canthar. Fredomin. worse ■- ^^ — *"* -. Predomin. better In the open air, in cold weather, from cold* diet, sour things, when sitting erect, when lifting diseased limb, when lying on back, and after stool. Predomin. better — — — "^ ■** —" "* — — ^. Predomin. worse In-doors, in warm air, from warm diet, from coffee and smoking, when sitting, when sitting bent for- ward, when letting diseased limb hang down, when lying on side, after sweat, from rubbing and scratching. N.B. Colocynthis lacks the over-sensitiveness of Pulsatilla to pain, generally also the sensation of numb- ness in suffering parts peculiar to Pulsatilla. On the other hand, we find mere sensitiveness (to touch, etc.) with both remedies, with Pulsat. predom. in external and with Coloc. in internal parts. * At the same time -we also find with Colocynthis (as with Pulsatilla) improvement from drinking cold water. Conium. Nux vomica. Upper loft, lower right side — Light hair . . Upper right, lower left side — Dark hair. Want of bodily irritability — Pinching pain iu Increased irritability — Pinching pain in in- external parts. ternal parts. Coniine paralyses the motoric nerves by the Strychnine paralyses the motoric nerves di- intermediation of the blood. rectly, without the intermediation of the blood. Painless ulcers and swelling of glands . . . Painful ulcers and swelling of glands. Pulse generally large and slow, with now and Pulse generally accelerated, full, and hard, then small and quick beats. particularly during hot stage. Partial sweat on lower part of body . . . Sweat on upper part of body. Sweat increased during sleep ; heat after Sweat lessened during sleep ; heat lessened sleep. after sleep. Want of thirst Thirst particularly during cold stage. Insensibility of disposition Sensitiveness. Mood serious ; indifferent — Rarelv delirium . Mood irritable; malicious — Absentmindedness. Solicitude concerning the future Solicitude concerning the present. C.Hg. Vertigo, inclining to fall sideways .... "Vert., inclin'g to fall backwards or sideways. Dim-sight edness predominant Clear-sightedness predominant. Optical illusions in dark or prismatic colors . Optical illusions in bright colors. Appetite for coffee Aversion to coffee. When diarrhoea occurs, it is painless . . . When diarrhoea occurs, it is painful. Urine oftener diminished than increased . . Urine infrequent and scanty. Sediment white or grey Sediment reddish. Catamenia predominantly too late, scanty and Catamenia too soon, profuse, and of long du- of short duration. - ration. Expectoration infrequent; during day; is gen- Expectoration not constant ; morning, during erally swallowed. day, evening. Palpitation after drinking Palpitation after dinner. C.Hg. Complaints predominant on patella .... Complaints predominant in hollow of knee. Eemission of complaints forenoon. Remission evening till midnight. Worse when lying on side, better when lying Generally better when lying on side, worse on back. lying on back. Worse after sleep Better after sufficient and not too long sleep ; but worse on awaking when roused. Worse or better when getting out of bed . . Worse when getting out of bed. Worse when swallowing Worse or better when swallowing. Worse after drinking. Worse or better after drinking. Better or worse after stool Worse after stool. Worse when sneezing Worse or better when sneezing. Better or worse from touch Worse from touch. Better from pressure Better or worse from pressure. Worse or better* when walking out-doors . . Worse when walking out-doors. Predomin. worse — -^^ — ■ ^ Predomin. better In wet weather, from washing, moistening, lifting, resting against anything, or stretching out diseased limb, when bending suffering part backwards, from scratching and rubbing, when sitting erect, when descending, during rest, when standing, sitting and lying, f after sweat, after sleep, and while eating. Predomin. better — — - — «-»-__-^^-__^-«— "' — ^ Predomin. worse In dry weather, when letting diseased limb hang down or when drawing it up, when sitting bent forward, when ascending, from motion, partic. moving diseased part, when walking, and in the sunshine. N.B. With Nux vom. we rarely find the sensation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Con. * In the latter case the influence of motion, and not of the open air, here decides for Con. ; for out-doors generally both remedies have predominant aggravation ; improvement in-doors. t Both remedies have predominant improvement of complaints in bed. Conium. Pulsat. Want of bodily irritability — Often indicated with old people. Aversion to open air— Pinching pain in exter- nal parts. Itching increased by scratching Wounds, partic. with injury of glands . . . Cold, painless swelling of glands Pulse generally large and slow, with now and then small and quick beats. "Want of thirst constant Chill increased by exercise, and out-doors, better in warm room. Heat lessened in-doors— Sweat lessened in bed. Increased irritability — Often indicated with children. Inclination for open air — Pinching pain in in- ternal parts. Itching, aggrav. or unchanged by scratching. Wounds, partic. with injury of bones. Hot, painful swelling of glands. Pulse predom. weak, small and accelerated ; sometimes intermitting. Want of thirst, constant during chill. Chill lessened by exercise and out-doors, in- creased in warm room. Heat increased in-doors — Sweat increased or disappearing, in bed. Insensibility of disposition Mood serious — Very rarely delirium .... Vertigo, inclining to fall sideways .... Staggering when walking out-doors .... Pupils dilated Optic, illusions pred. in dark orprismat. colors. Complaints predom. on upper lip . . . . Predom. loss of appetite — Cold (scentl.) flatus. When diarrhoea occurs, it is predom. painless. Urine diminished oftener than increased — Sedi- ment white or grey. Expectoration infrequent ; during day ; — is swallowed. Palpitations after drinking Compl. pred. in upper part of chest, on fore- arm, in the palm of hand, and on patella. Sensitiveness of disposition. Gentleness — Distrust — Absent-mindedness. Vertigo, inclining to fall backwards. Stauger'g. disappears when walking out-doors. Pupils generally contracted. Optical illusions in bright colors. Complaints predom. on under lip. Generally hunger — Hot, fetid flatus. Piarrhcea generally painful. Urine infrequent and scanty — Sediment red- dish. Expectoration predom., but not constant; morning and during day. Palpitations after dinner. C.Hg. Compl. pred. in lower part of chest, on upper arm, on back of hand, and in hollow of knee. PvEMission of complaints forenoon .... Remission from midnight till noon. Worse or better* when walking out-doors . Better when walking out-doors. Worse or better during sleep Worse during sleep. Worse after sleep Worse or better after sleep. Aggrav. oftener than improv. when getting Improv. oftener than aggrav. when getting out of bed. out of bed. Better when sitting down Worse or better when sitting down. Worse when sitting erect ; better when sitting Generally better w T hen sitting erect ; worse bent forward. when sitting bent forward. Worse when rising from a seat Worse or better when getting out of bed. Better after rising from a seat Better or worse after rising from a seat. Almost always aggrav. when assuming an erect Better or worse when assuming an erect post- position. Almost alw's improv. by moving diseased part Worse when bending diseased part . Better or worse from touch . . . Better from pressure Worse when looking sideways Worse when swallowing Almost always aggrav. after meals . Generally better after spirituous liquors Predomin. worse tion. Better or worse when moving diseased part, Better or worse when bending diseased part. Worse from the touch. Better or worse from pressure. Worse when looking upwards. Worse or better when swallowing. TT T o?*se or better after meals. Worse from spirituous liquors. Predomin. better In cold weather, from cold, from growing cold, and from cold diet; out-doors, from uncovering, from washing, moistening, lifting, resting on anythino;, or stretching out diseased limb; from boclhy exertion, when opening the eyes, when getting out of bed, and when sitting erect. Predomin. better — — — » — ^_^^~ ,^« — ^ Predomin. worse In warm air, from warmth, warmth of stove, from growing warm, and from warm diet ; in-doors, t from wrapping up, when letting diseased limb han- — " -^ Predomin. better From cold, from uncovering:, when sitting erect, when resting diseased limb on anything, when descending, when getting out of bed, on expiration, and from scratching. Predomin. better -— - - — — ^~^- — -- Predomin. worse From warmth and warmth of bed, from wrapping up, when sitting bent forward, when ascending, on inspiration, in the sunshine, from spirituous liquors, and when moving the suffering part. N.B. With Sulph. we very rarely find the over-sensitiveness of Con. to pain. * Sulphur acts principally on the nipples, (itching, soreness, bleeding - ,) it affects the mammary glands inflamraa- torily. and in consequence may diminish the secretion ; conium causes atrophia of mamma; and diminishes the milk even in cows, it often removes hardenings in the mammae, even of a scirrhous kind, and in some cases has afterwards bronsht on galactorrhoea. C.Hg. f In general when lying both remedies have predom. aggravation. j The symptoms of both remedies are improved by warmth of stove, aggrav. in crowded rooms. Cuprum. Arsenic. Predom. left side ; particularly lower left, up- Right side; particularly lower right, upper per right side. left side. Hemorrhages, blood dark— Muscles lax . . Hemorrhage blood bright-red— Muscles rigid. Nervous paralysis — Apoplexy Paralysis, with atrophy of muscles — Earely apoplexy. Bruised pain in internal parts Bruised pain in external parts. Itching, unchanged by scratching .... Itching, aggravated by scratching. Ulcers, with scauty discharge Ulcers, with copious discharge. Predominant somnolence Predominant sleeplessness. Pulse generally slow and weak Pulse generally accelerated and weak; some- times intermitting ; quick in morning, slower in evening. Clonic spasms during heat or sweat. . . . Clonic spasms during chill. Thirst during hot and sweating stage, which Least thirst during chill, most during sweat ; cold water" relieves. at the same time, drink'g cold water aggrav. Mood predominantly cheerful Mood depressed; peevish; indifferent; greedy. Ailments from hearing bad news Ailments from grief, or from vexation with vehemence. Barely mental dullness . . Unconsciousness more rare than with Cuprum. Insanity more frequent than imbecility . . . Imbecility more frequent than insanity. Complaints predominant on external ear . . Complaints predom. of inner ear. Saliva preval. increased Saliva predominantly diminished. Hunger predominant Generally loss of appetite. Nausea in throat, stomach, or abdomen . . Nausea, particularly in throat. Urine infrequent and scanty Urine scanty (with diarrhoea) or copious. Retention of urine Incontinence more frequent than retention. Catamenia too late Catamenia preval. too soon. Predom. dry coryza Fluent coryza. Slow inspiration, and quick expiration . . . Deep, quick inspiration, and difficult, inter- rupted expiration. Expectoration infrequent; morning . . . . Expectoration predominant, but not constant ; during day. Complaints predominant on fore-arm and in Complaints predominant on upper arm. hollow of elbow. Vesicles filled with water on tips of fingers . Vesicles filled with blood on tips of fingers ; ulcers and scabs under nails. Remission of complaints during day "Worse from light, better in the dark Better in bed* "Worse when stooping and when rising "Worse when bending diseased part Remission during day and before midnight. "Worse (better) from light or in the dark. In bed (rest) worse or (warmth) better. ' Better or worse when stoop'g and when ris'g. Better when bend'g the part or hold'g it bent. Consequences of the greatest mental exertions Consequences of much bodily exertion, long and emotions. marches, partic. going up hill. C. Her. Ailments from Aurum or Mercurius .... Ailments from contagious Anthrax, Iodine, Plumb., Cinchona, Strychn., Ipec, Veratr., Lachcsis, Carb. veg., Graphit., Phosphor. Predomin. worse ., "^ — -^ Predomin. better In wet weather, from exercise, when walking, when sitting erect, from warm diet, from pressure, and when bending suffering part. Predomin. better - - — ^^ — --^ Predomin. worse In dry weather, during rest, after lying down, while lyinsr, when sitting bent forward, from cold diet, from drinking coffee, alter meals, when respiring deeply, from tightening the clothes, and when perspiring. N.B. With Cuprum we rarely find the sensation of numbness in suffering parts belonging to Arsenic. * The complaints of both remedies are improved by warmth of bed. Cuprum. Cocculus. Left side — Inclination for exercise . . . Might side— Aversion to exercise. Inflammation of external parts ; insensibility Inflammation or sensitiveness of internal of internal parts.* parts; insensibility of external parts. Painful cutaneous eruptions . . . . . Painless eruptions. Warts Corns. C.Hg. Pulse generally slow and weak .... Pulse generally small and spasmodic, often imperceptible. Chill lessened by drinking Chill increased by drinking. Thirst Want of thirst predominating. Joking — Cheerfulness — Malice .... Seriousness — Dejection — Peevishness — In- difference- Gentleness. Ailments from hearing bad news .... Ailments from grief, or from vexation with reserved displeasure. Delirium — Rarely fancies Absent-mindedness. Eyes generally sunken Eyes protruding. Pupils dilated— Cataracta Pupils generally contracted — Amaurosis. Saliva generally increased Saliva predom. diminished. Bitter vomit Predom. sour vomit. Predominant diarrhoea Generally constipation. Urine infrequent and scanty — Retention of Urine often, but scanty — Involuntary dis- urine. charge of urine. Catamenia too late Catamenia too soon or too late. Respiration with moist sound Respiration preval. with dry sound. Complaints predominant on fore-arm and Complaints predominant on upper arm and leg. on thigh. Remission of complaints during day . . Remission night and forenoon. Better from warmth of bed Worse or better from warmth of bed. Ailments from Aurum or Mercurius . . . Ailments from Cuprum, Nux vom., Ignatia, or Chamom. Predomin. worse ^- --^ — * "— ^ Predomin. better From pressure, and from warm diet. Predomin. better ^—~ ^ ■ — — "" Predomin. worse While perspiring, from cold diet, and after meals. * Over-«easitiveness to pain is found with both remedies, on the other hand " sensation of nuinbiieas in suffering parts chiefly with (JoccUi.us. Cuprum. Ferrum. R. » V Ii. t. H > R-* Light hair Park hair. Congestion to internal parts; feels as if the Congestion to external parts; as if the blood was stagnated. blood was agitated.* Petechias Varices.* Hemorrhages, dark Haemorrhages, light blood. Apoplexia nervosa Apoplexia sanguinea. Paralysis of central origin ; generally on Consecutive paralysis ; generally one-sided. both sides. Reactive spasms more frequent than para- Paralysis more frequent than spasms. lysis. Great mobility Nervous excitability.* Involuntary or convulsive motions . . . Desire to move.* Sudden attacks of neuralgia in the involun- Gradually increasing neuralgia in the volun- tary muscles, with active congestions. tary muscles ; worst during rest or on beginning to move; without or with pas- sive congestion. In the bones soreness, pressure, tearing, In the bones less hardness, disposed to rending, as if broken. soften, to bend; fractures slowly uniting.* Glands swollen, aching, and as if bruised . Glands swollen, with rending, tearing pains.* Bruised pain internally Bruised pain in external parts. External parts grow black Red parts become white. Dropsy in consequence of organic diseases. Dropsy in consequence of oligemia. Skin dough-like, soft or without elasticity . Over-sensitiveness of skin.* Torpid (nervous) chlorosis, particularly clur- Erethic chlorosis, particularly during cold ing hot weather, or after abuse of Iron. weather. Skin bluish or shrunken Skin pale, yellowish, sallow, dirty, withered, flabby, or viscous.* Eruptions squamous, shilfery or itch-like, or No eruptions, only yellow or brown spots, pimply. sore to the touch.* Pulse predominantly slow, small, and weak. Pulse full and hard. Thirst, particularly during heat and sweat . Thirst, particularly during chill. Fear of loss of reason — Anxiousness — Fear of apoplexy — Mood changing; irri- Maliciousness. table; alternating; cheerful one evening, sad the next. Ailments from hearing bad news, from fright, Ailments from anger. or from fear with vexation. Insensibility — Insanity Delirium more infrequent than with Cu- prum. Pupils predominantly dilated — Cataract. . Pupils predominantly contracted — Amau- rosis. Inclination for cold dishes Inclination for warm dishes. Nausea in throat, stomach, and abdomen . Seldom nausea.* Yomiting; bilious, or slimy, or watery, or Vomiting; sour, or bloody, or of worms.* fetid.* Diarrhoea with pains, seldom painless, often Painless diarrhoea, often after the meals; green, frothy, streaked with blood. of undigested food; sometimes acrid.* Haemorrhoids, with moderate, but long-last- Haemorrhoids, with copious bleeding, or ing bleeding. _ oozing of ichor.* Anus very sensitive to touch; tickling as Anus itching; tearing pains with itching of ascarides. and gnawing; prolapsus.* Urine generally dark (with acid.) . . . Urine alkaline. Retention of urine Involuntary urination. Inflammation of glans penis Painfulness of vagina.* Cuprum. Ferrum. (Continued.) Catamenia oftener too scanty, than profuse. "With the catamenia asthma; the blood is viscous. Sexual desire excited in women, lessened in men* — Impotence. Promoting conception; produces abortion in large doses. Scrofulous and scirrhous swelling in the uterus or the mammae, with pains. Leucorrhcea not observed even with uterine diseases. Cold in the head fluent or stopped up, with sleepy gaping. Breath cold — Eespiration with moist sound. Hespiration unequal, slow or frequent pant- ing, or quick with rattling in the chest. Congestive asthma, improved when lying down. Cough generally without expectoration, Tor with sputa of a metallic taste, or tough dark blood.*) Cough better from drinking cold water, worse from eating. Inflammation of lungs with redness of roof of mouth, cold, moist skin, sour sweats, simultaneous bronchitis or pleuritis, and sudden attacks of suffocation. Idiopathic heart disease, acute or chronic . Predom. compl. on fore arm and hand, falso in elbow, finger, point of finger, hollow of knee, ankle joint, instep, sole of foot.) Catamenia preval. profuse. Before the catamenia, laborlike pains, the blood watery or in lumps.* Sexual desire excited in men, lessened in women* — Sterility. Impeding conception; insensibility during coition : prevents abortion in potencies.* Pains below the uterus, dryness of vagina, pains in os tineas on lying ; bear'g clown.* Leucorrhoea mild, milky ; or itching, sharp, with soreness.* Cold in the head, with bloody, puruloid, greenish, whey-like, slimy, sharp disch.* Breath hot— Respir'n pred. with dry sound. Respiration anxious, loud without rattling, except in children.* Asthma after loss of fluids, or after itch, partic. in winter and at night, worse when lying on back and in horizontal position, bettered by moderate exertion of the body, and by uncovering the chest. C'gh gener'y with expector., (of sweetish or putrid taste, or streaked with blood, sour- ish, bilious, or of bright blood coaguPd.*) Cough excited by drinking, often improved by eating. Inflammation of lungs with roof of mouth white; dry skin and gradually increasing oppression. Consecutive heart disease with characteris- tics of chlorosis. Predom. complaints on upper arm and foot, (also in shoulders, shoulder joint, hip joint, knee, and toes.*) Remission of complaints during day . . Remis. during day and before midnight f. Worse from exerting the eyes Generally better fr. exerting the eye-sight. Ailments from Aurum Ailments from Arsenic, Iodine, or China. Worse from spirituous liquors Better from wine, when not acid, but worse from drinking beer. J Predomin. worse ^------■-"■"■'■■■"'■■■■•■•^^ Predomin better From continued motion, partic. of the suffering part ; or in the head, hy sudden exertion of the mind, or the body, 2 when walking fast and running ; when ascending ; when sitting erect ; when lying on back ; and from uncovering. Predomin. toefter During rest; when standing; after lying down bent forward ; when lying on N.B. All that is marked Predomin. worse when lying; in bed; when descending; when sitting from wrapping up ; and during sweat. has been added by C.H£ f With Cuprum the symptoms occurring between midnight and noon are more numerous than those occurring between noon and midnight, in the proportion of two to one ; with Ferrum the inverse proportion obtains.* % In suitable cases Ferrum cures delirium tremens ; however the latter is generally caused by beer or brandy ; rarely by wine. Compare note * to Ars. and Ferr. § Cuprum relieves the effects of violent mental exertion, or emotion, with bodily exertion and want of sleep : while Ferrum cures a great many effects of continued bodily exertion, (similar to Arsen.) At the same time Ferrum has improv. from mental exertioa.* Cuprum. Upper right, lower left side — Haemorrhages, blood dark. Gnawing pain, sensation of crawling and numbness in internal parts.* Itching, unchanged by scratching. . . . Inclination for motion — Paralysis . . . Pulse generally slow, small, and weak . . Thirst, particularly during heat and sweat . Clonic spasms during heat and sweat . Somnolence predominant Mercur. Upper left, lower right side — Haemorrhages, blood light-red. Sensation of gnawing, crawling, and numb- ness in external parts. Itching, improv. or aggrav. by scratching. Aversion to motion — Very rarely paralysis. Pulse irregular, generally full & accelerated. Thirst almost constant during all stages. Clonic spasms during chill. Sleeplessness predominant. Joking — Mood generally cheerful; rarely peevish. Ailments from fright or hearing bad news . Insanity oftener than imbecility .... Seriousness — Dejection — Amorousness — Absent-mindedness — Rarely delirium. Ailments from mortification. Imbecility oftener than insanity. Eyes generally sunken Eyes protruding. Complaints predominant on roof of mouth. Complaints predominant on soft palate. Nausea in throat, stomach, or abdomen . . Nausea in oesophagus or in stomach, more rarely in throat. Diarrhoea generally painless Diarrhoea preval. painful. Urine infrequent and scanty — Retention of Urine too often and copious — Incontinence. urine. Dry corvza Coryza fluent oftener than dry. Expectoration infrequent; morning. . . Expectoration not constant; during day. Complaints predominant in lower part of Complaints predominant in upper part of chest, in hollow of elbow, and on calf of chest, on tip of elbow, in hollow of knee, leg. and on shin. Worse when swallowing Better or worse when swallowing, partic. worse when swallowing saliva or drink. Better from cold diet, worse from warm Worse or better from cold diet, worse from diet. warm diet. Worse from growing cold, better from grow- Better (resp. worse) from growing cold or ing warm. warm. Worse when lying on back, better when Generally better when lying on back, worse lying on side. when lying on side. Sugar acts as an antidote to poisonous Aversion to sugar and aggravation from it. doses. C.Hg. Predomin. worse Predomin. beiter While sitting, and when lying on back. Predomin. better Predomin. worse When lying on side, in bed and from warmth of bed, while sweating, on inspiration, when taking a deep breath, and from drinking cold water. * Although Mercnr. lias the constitutional character of increased irritability, it seems to lack the over-sensitiveness of Cuprum to paiu. Mere sensitiveness ^to touch, etc.) is found with boih remedies. Cuprum. Pulsat. Left side; partic. lower I., upper r. s. . Right side; partic. lower r., upper 1. s. Inclination for motion— Paralysis generally Aversion to motion — Paralysis generally of both sides. one-sided. Itching, unchanged by scratching . . . Itching, aggr. or unchanged by scratching. Warts Corns. C.Hg. Ulcers with scanty discharge Ulcers with copious discharge. Pulse predom. small, weak and slow . . . Pulse generally small, weak, but accelerated ; sometimes intermitting. Chill lessened after meals Chill increased after meals. Thirst . . Want of thirst ; thirst only during hot stage. Mood cheerful; malicious; rarely peevish . Calm, lachrymose sadness of gentle dispo- sitions — Mood good-natured ; changing; indifferent ; bold — Amorousness. Ailments from hearing bad news .... Ailments from reserved mortification, grief, or fr. excessive joy — "Distrust — Avarice. Insanity Absent-mindedness — Melancholy. Vertigo, inclining to fall forwards . . . Vertigo, inclining to fall backwards. Pupils dilated Pupils generally contracted. Complaints predom. on external ear . . . Complaints generally of inner ear. Diarrhoea generally painless Diarrhoea generally painful. Retention of urine Incontinence more frequent than retention. Catamenia of too long duration .... Catamenia of too short duration. Dry coryza Coryza fluent oftener than dry. Voice stronger than usual or low .... Voice low. Respiration with moist sound Respiration predom. with dry sound. Expectoration infrequent; morning . . . Expectoration predom., but not constant; morning and during day. Complaints predom. on fore-arm .... Complaints predom. on upper arm. Aggravation from evening till morning . Worse during and after new moon . . . Worse when lying on back, better when lying on side. Worse from uncovering, better from wrap- ping up. Worse when stooping and when rising . . Better after rising from a seat . . Worse when bending diseased part Better when taking a deep breath Worse when swallowing . . Worse after stool Aggravation from noon till midnight. Worse before a thunder-storm. Generally better when lying on back ; worse when lying on side. Generally better from uncovering; worse from wrapping up. Worse or better when stooping and when rising. Better or worse after rising from a seat. Worse or better when bending dis Q ased part, partic. better when bending it side- ways or holding it bent. Better or worse when taking a deep breath. Worse or better when swallowing. Better or worse after stool. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From uncovering, when growing cold, from motion, when walking, walking fast, running ; from bodily exertion generally ; when liftinsr diseased limb, when sitting erect, when lying on painful side, or on back ; from pressure, and from weeping. Predomin. better Predomin. worse From wrapping up, when growing warm, during rest, while standing, after lying down, while lying, in bed, and from warmth of bed ; when letting diseased limb hang down, when sitting bent forward, when lying on unpainful side, and lying on side generally, and during sweat. N.B. With Cuprum we rarely find the sensation of numbness in suffering parts, peculiar to Pulsatilla. Cuprum. Sulphur. Upper ri--__— -— "— "— ""— "—*-^. Predomin. better When bending diseased part backwards, when bending head back, and when sitting bent forward. Predomin. better - — ■ — ""*' — Predomin. worse From weeping, when swallowing, from bodily exertion, walking fast, running, and when sitting erect. Digitalis China. Tpper right, lower left side Aversion to motion — Inclination for open air. Light hair — Inflammation of external parts. Very rarely paralysis Pulse slow, but accelerated, full, and hard, by every motion. Internal chill with external heat predom. . Thirst during heat, not during sweat . . With drunkards congestion of blood to head and heart. Upper left, lower right side. Inclination for motion — Aversion to open air. Dark hair — Inflammation of internal parts. Paralysis of limbs. Pulse quick, small, and hard; more quiet after meals. External chill with internal heat predom. Thirst most prominent during sweat, and before, between, and after the different stages." With drunkards, weak sight, liver com- plaint, dropsy, or consumption. Sensitive disposition Insensibility of disposition predom. Mood cheerful or dejected Mood sad and despondent. Ecstacies or incapacity for thought — In- Mental excitability — Absent-mindedness — sanity. Fancies. Optical illusions in bright or prismat. colors. Optical illusions in black or in dark colors. Nausea in stomach Nausea in the throat or stomach. Catamenia predom. too late and scanty . . Catamenia too soon and profuse. Voice hoarse, or raised and shrieking . . Voice hoarse, or deep and low. Expectoration evening, less in morning . . Expectoration during day and evening. Remission night and forenoon .... Worse when lying on side, better when lying on back. Worse when lying on left side ; better when lying on right side. Worse when sweating Worse after sleep Worse or better after getting out of bed . Worse when moving or bending diseased part. Worse when shaking the head Generally better when swallowing . . . Worse after meals Better on inspiration ; worse on expiration. Remission afternoon and evening. Generally better when lying on side ; worse when lying on back. Generally better when lying on left side; worse when lying on right side. Generally aggravated after sweat. Better after sufficient sleep ; but worse on awaking when roused. Better after getting out of bed. Better or worse when moving and bending diseased part. Worse or better from shaking the head. Generally worse when swallowing. Worse or better after meals. Better or worse on in- and expiration. Predomin. worse — — ■ -^ — . — — -^ Predomin. better When lying on side, partic. on left side ; when bending diseased parts backwards, and after sleep. Predomin. better Predomin. worse When lying on back, lying on right side, after lying down, in bed, when turning in bed, when swal- lowing, from eructation, from weeping, walking fast, running, and bodily exertion generally. Digitalis. Nux vom. Left side— Skin and mnscles lax .... Right side— Skin and muscles rigid. Light hair — Desire for open air . . . . Dark hair— Aversion to open air. Pulse predom. slow, partic. slower in morn- Pulse predom. frequent, partic. in the morn- ing, more frequent at night; or intermit- ins:, and slow in the evening, or inter- ting the 3rd, 5th or 7th beat; accelerated, mitting the 4th, 5th beat; full and hard, full, and hard, by every motion. partic. during hot stage. Thirst during heat, not during sweat . . Thirst mostly during chill; also frequent before chill, before heat and sweat, and after sweat. Coldness, left side Coldness — right side. Mood cheerful or dejected— Solicitude con- Mood sad — Solicitude concerning the cerning the future. present. CHg. Distrust — Rage Amorousness — Malice. Rarely delirium Absent - mindedness — Fancies — Uncon- sciousness. Dim-sightedness Clearsightedness predom. Complaints predom. on external ear, and Complaints predom. in inner ear, and on on soft palate. roof of mouth. Appetite for sour things and for beer . . Predom. aversion to sour things — ■■ Desire for or aversion to beer. Diarrhoea predom Constipation predom. Catamenia too scanty and predom. too late. Catamenia too soon and profuse. Respiration retarded . . . ... Respir. accelerated oftener than retarded. Expectoration evening, less morning. . . Expector. morning, during day, evening. Complaints predom. on shin Complaints predom. on calf of leg. R emission night and forenoon .... Remission evening till midnight. "Worse when lying on side; better when Generally better when lying on side ; worse lying on back. when lying on back. "Worse after sleep , . Better after sufficient & not too long wsleep ; but worse on awaking when roused. Better or' worse when getting out of bed . Worse when getting out of bed. Better before breakfast, worse afterwards . "Worse (resp. better) before or after break- fast. Improv. oftener than aggrav. when swal- Aggrav. oftener than improv. when swal- lowing, lowing. "Worse after drinking Worse or better after drinking. Better from eructation Better or worse from eructation. Better or worse when assuming an erect Almost always aggrav. when assuming an position. erect position. "Worse when bending diseased part back- Generally better when bending diseased wards. part backwards. Better or worse in the open air, (resp. in- "Worse in the open air, better in doors, doors.) Predomin. worse -- — ^^ — — ^ Predomin. better When closing the eyes, lying on left side, after sleep, and when bending diseased part backwards. Predomin. better ^- —— - — ^ — -^ Predomin worse When opening the eyes, lying on right side, when respiring deeply, from bodily exertion, when turning in bed, aud when swallowing. Digitalis. Pulsatilla. Left side; partic. lower left, upper right Right side; partic. lower right, upper left tide. side. Discharged blood coagulates slowly or not Discharged blood coagulates easily. at all. Pulse slow, but accelerated, full and hard, Pulse generally accelerated, small, and weak ; by every motion. sometimes imperceptible. Cold, heat, &c, often confined to left side . Cold, heat, &c, often confined to right side. Thirst during heat, not during sweat . . Want of thirst predom., but constant only during chill. Mood cheerful or despondent — Rage . . Calm sadness of mild dispositions — Mood changing; boldness; greediness — Amor- ousness. Ment. excitability or incapacity for thought. Absent-mindedness ; sometimes mental dul- ness — Fancies. Rarely unconsciousness Insensibility. Complaints predom. on external ear, and Complaints generally in inner ear, and on on soft palate. roof of mouth. Loss of appetite predom Generally hunger. Nausea in stomach Nausea in throat, stomach, or abdomen. Coryza dry oftener than fluent Coryza fluent oftener than dry. Toice hoarse or screeching, rarely failing . Voice hoarse or low. Respiration slow Respiration quick. Expectoration not constant; evenings, less Expectoration predom., but not constant; mornings. morning and during day. Aggravation chiefly in the morning, also Aggravation from noon till midnight, afternoon and evening. Worse when moving or bending diseased Better or worse when moving and bending part. diseased part. Generally improved when standing . . . Worse when standing. Better when sitting down Worse or better when sitting down. Better after rising from a seat Better or worse after rising from a seat. Worse when lying on side, better when lying Generally worse when lying on side, better on back. when lying on back. Worse after sleep Aggrav. oftener than improv. after sleep.* Worse after breakfast Generally better after breakfast. Improved oftener than aggrav. when swal- Aggravated oftener than improv. when swal- lowing, lowing. Worse from cold diet Generally better from cold diet. Better from eructation Worse or better from eructation. Worse after meals Worse or better after meals. Worse after stool Better or worse after stool. Predomin. worse *- -"~^~ — — -. Predomin. better From cold, from growing: cold, and in cold weather ; from cold diet, when walking out-doors, from motion generally ; lying on side, partic. on painful side. Predomin. better -— — — — . -^- — — -~^ Predomin. worse From warmth, from growing warm, and in warm air ; in bed, during rest, after lvins: down ; while lyinsr, partic. on back, or on unpainf ul side ; when turning in bed, when standing; from scratching:, and from eructation. K.B. We very rarely find the sensation of numbness in suffering parts belonging to Pulsat. with DiLrit. * The aggrav. after sleep is only a supposition of Bocuninghauson, because Pulsat. has m:iuy troublesome symptoms interrupting sleep ; the lessening of sweat after awaking from sleep, is characteristic of Tulsat. dig. Digitalis. Sulphur. Upper right, lower left, side Upper left, lower right side. Sensation of numbness* in internal parts . Sensitiveness in internal parts. Desire for open air Aversion to open air. Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis . . Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy. External parts grow black Red parts grow white. Pulse slow, but accelerated, full and hard, Pulse accelerated, full, and hard; partic. by every motion ; partic. slow in morning, quick night and morning, slower during and quicker at night. day and evening. Thirst during heat, not during sweat . . Th. not constant, except perhaps dur'g sweat. Dreams of water, falling, vexation, etc. . . Dreams of fire, vexat., misfortunes, also merry dreams or about business of the day. Mood distrustful — Rage Mood changing ; serious; gentle. Solicitude concerning the future .... Solicitude concerning the present. C.Hg. Rarely delirium Absent-mindedness — Fancies — Uncon- sciousness. Desire for beer Desire for or aversion to beer and spirituous liquors. Urine infrequent and scanty Urine often, but scanty; sometimes (after strong doses) copious. Yoice hoarse or raised and screeching, less Voice hoarse or deep and low. frequently failing. Respiration slow Respiration quick. Expectoration in the evening, less in the Expectoration morning and during day, less morning. frequently at night. Complaints predominant in lower part of Compl. predom. in upper part of chest, on chest, on front part of thigh and on shin. back part of thigh, and on calf of leg. Remission night and forenoon .... Worse from grow'g cold & in cold weather, better from grow'g warm and in warm air. "Worse when lying on side, better when ly- ing on back. Better on an empty stomach; worse after breakfast. Improv. oft ener than aggrav. when swallow. "Worse after stool Better chang'g position while ly'g or stand'g. Improv. oftenerthan aggrav. when assuming an erect position. Better (resp. worse) when stretching out or drawing up diseased limb. Predominant better in bed Worse from touch. . . . Remission afternoon and before midnight. Bett. (resp. worse) fr. grow'g cold & in cold weather, or fr. grow'g warm in warm air. Generally worse when lying on side, better when lying on back Worse (resp. better) on an empty stomach, or after breakfast. Aggrav. oftenerthan improv. when swallow. Better or worse after stool. Worse or better from change of position. Aggrav. oftener than improv. when assum- ing an erect position. Almost always aggrav. by stretching out the limb, improved when drawing it up. Worse or better in bed. Worse or better from touch. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From cold, from motion, and on expiration. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From warmth, during rest, when standing,! after lying down, while lying, in bed, also from bodily exertion, when walking fast, and running, on inspiration, from change of positioo, when assum- ing an erect position, when swallowing. * Digitalis has over-sensitiveness to pain, oftener than Sulphur — Sulphur has sensation of numbness in suffering parts oftener than Digital**, t When standing still after (fatiguing) motion, Sulphur also has improvement. Drosera. Ipecacuanha. Complaints (cutting pain, etc.) predominant Complaints (cutting pain, etc.) predominant in external parts. in internal parts. Itching, lessened by scratching . . , . Itching, unchanged by scratching. Pulse unchanged Pulse changed, generally small and accele- rated, sometimes imperceptible. Heat of upper part of body Coldness of upper part of body. Thirst is generally wanting during chill, but Thirst not constant. appears after chill and during heat, also during sweat. Apoplexy not yet observed Apoplexy. Mood more depressed than with Ipecac — Mood dejected Distrust. Pupils generally contracted Pupils dilated. (Jatarnenia too late and scanty ...... Catamenia too soon and profuse. Fluent coryza predominant Dry coryza. Expectoration not constant; particularly in Expectoration infrequent; morning and dur- the morning. ing day. Complaints predominant on thigh and on Complaints predominant on leg and on calf shin. of leg. Remission during day and before mid- Remission of complaints during day. night. Worse after sleep . Better or worse after sleep. Worse after drinking Improved oftener than aggravated after drinking. Predomin. worse ^ — — ^ --^ Predomin. better During rest, when standing, sitting and lying, in bed, on expiration, and after drinking. Predomin. better — — ■*■ ""^ — *-^ Predomin. worse From motion, when walking, after getting out of bed, on inspiration,- when sitting down, and from touch. N.B. Drosera lacks the over-sensitiveness of Ipecacuanha to pain, which is only apparently in contra- diction to its character of want of irritability. Explained in preface. * When respiring deeply, both remedies have predominant aggravation Drosera. Nux vomica. ■&> Complaints (pressure, throbbing, cutting Complaints (pressure, throbbing pain, etc.) predominant in external parts. pain, etc.) predominant in internal parts. Crawling sensation in internal parts— Hae- Crawling sensation in external parts — Hae- morrhages, blood light-red. morrhages, blood dark. Pulse unchanged Pulse changed; generally hard, full, quick, sometimes intermitting. One-sided chill or coldness, predom. left side. One-sided chill or coldn., predom. right side. Sweat sometimes only on front part of body. Sweat often only on back part of body. Thirst does not appear until after the cold Most thirst during chill, besides this before stage. the chill, before and after the sweating stage. No apoplexy — Yery rarely paralysis . . . Apoplexy — Paralysis. Mood distrustful Dejection — Mood irritable ; malicious — Amorousness. Anxious feeling in hypochondria .... Anxious feeling in prsecoidia. Pupils generally contracted Pupils generally dilated. Diarrhoea predominant Constipation predominant. Catamenia too late and scanty Catamenia too soon and profuse. Coryza predominantly fluent Coryza generally dry, partic. in the open air ; in-doors, on the other hand, it is fluent. Respiration prevalently slow Respiration quick oftener than slow. Expectoration in the morning Expectoration in the morning and during day. Complaints predominant in hollow of elbow Complaints predominant in hollow of knee and on shin. and on calf of leg. Remission during day and before mid- Remission evening till midnight, night. Worse when perspiring Worse or better when perspiring. "Worse when lying on painful side, better Generally as with Drosera, but often also when lying on unpainful side. the opposite. Worse after sleep Better after sufficient and not too long sleep, but worse on awaking when roused from sleep. Better after getting out of bed .... Worse or better after getting out of bed. Worse when stooping Better or worse when stooping. Worse after drinking Worse or better after drinking. Worse when sneezing Worse or better from sneezing. Aggravated oftener than improved by pres- Improved oftener than aggravated by pres- sure, sure. Predomin. worse ^ — ■*- -*"^ — --^ Predomin. better From warmth, growing warm and in warm air. in bed, during rest, after lying down, while lying, sitting and standing, when lifting diseased limb, from pressure, and after sleep. Predomin. better ~— ■*— -^^, —-^ Predomin. worse ag cold and in cold weather, from motion, when walking, from t< diseased limb hang down, and from cold diet. N.B. Drosera lacks the over-sensitiveness of Nux vomica to pain. From cold, growing cold and in cold weather, from motion, when walking, from touch, when letting diseased limb hang down, and from cold diet. Drosera. Pulsatilla. Hemorrhages, blood light-red .... Complaints predominant in external parts Itching, generally lessened by scratching Sleeplessness after midnight Pulse unchanged .... One-sided coldness, predom. left side* Partial sweat on front part of body . Thirst does not appear till after chill Haemorrhages, blood dark — Apoplexy. Complaints predominant in internal parts. Itch'g, unchang'd or aggravat'd by scratch- ing. Sleeplessness before midnight. Pulse changed, sometimes intermitting ; gen- erally frequent, small, and weak. One-sided coldness, predom. right side. Partial sweat on back part of body. Want of thirst predominant, but constant only during chill — Thirst frequently ap- pears before and after chill, less fre- quently between heat and sweat. Mood irritable; irascible . . . . Anxious feeling in the hypochondria. Far-sightedness Respirat. slow; predom. with moist sound. Expectoration not constant; morning . . Complaints predominant on thigh . • . Mood indifferent — Calm sadness of gentle dispositions. Anxious feeling in praecordia — Unconscious- ness — Delirium. Short-sightedness. Respirat'n quick ; predom. with dry sound. Expectoration predominant, but not con- stant; morning and during day. Complaints generally on leg. Remission during day and before mid- night. Worse after sleep Better after getting out of bed . . Worse when rising from a seat . . Better after rising from a seat . . Worse when stooping and when rising Worse when bending diseased part . Worse after meals Worse after stool Remission from midnight till noon. Worse or better after sieep. Better or worse after getting out of bed. Worse or better when rising from a seat. Better or worse after rising from a seat. Better or worse when stooping. Better or worse when bending diseased part, partic. when holding it bent or bending it sideways ; worse when bend- ing it backwards. Worse or better after meals. Better or worse after stool. Predomin. worse Predomin. better Out-doors, when lying on painful side, when lifting diseased limb, when walking fast and running, from bodily exertion generally, from vinegar and sour things, from pressure, and alter stool. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In-doors, when lying on unpainful side, when letting diseased limb hang down, from touch, and from scratching. N.B. Drosera lacks both the over-sensitiveness of Pulsatilla to pain and the sensation of numbness in suffering parts. * All other symptoms predom. on right side, like Pulsatilla. Drosera Sulphur. Bight side — Cutting or ulcerative pain in external parts. Epilepsy, with rigidity — Haemorrhages, blood, light-red. Pulse unchanged — No apoplexy — Very rarely paralysis. Ileat often confined to upper part of body. Sweat on front part of body Thirst does not appear until after the chill. Left side — Cutting and ulcerative pain in internal parts. Epilepsy, generally with convulsions — Ha3- morrjiages, blood dark. Pulse changed, generally full, hard, and ac- celerated, sometimes intermitting or im- perceptible. Heat on lower part of body or general, with exception of head. Sweat on back part of body. Thirst greater during heat, but most con- stant during sweat. Mood not so depressed as with Sulphur — Mood depressed; indifferent; serious; gentle Distrust — Anxious feeling in hypochon- or irritable — Anxious feeling in prsecor- dria. dia. Far-sightedness Short-sightedness predominant. Saliva increased Saliva generally diminished. Bitter vomit Yomit sour oftener than bitter. Respiration predominantly slow .... Kespiration quick. Voice deep, hollow, without resonance . . Voice deep. Expectoration in the morning Expectoration in the morning and during day, less frequently at night. Complaints predominant on shin . . . Complaints predominant on calf of leg. Remission during day and before midnight. Remission afternoon and before midnight. Worse when alone, better in company . . Generally better when alone, worse in comp. Worse in the open air, better in-doors . . Better (resp. worse) in the open air or in- doors; partic. worse in crowded rooms, but better from warmth of stove. Better from growing cold and in cold Worse (resp. better) from growing cold and weather, worse from growing warm and in cold weather, or from growing warm in warm air. and in warm air. Worse in bed and when turning in bed . . Worse or better in bed, the same when turning in bed. Better after getting out of bed . . . . Worse or better after getting out of bed. Worse when stooping and when rising . . Worse or better when stooping and when rising. Worse or better when stretching out dis- Generally aggrav. when stretching out dis- eased limb and when drawing it up. eased limb, improv. when drawing it up. Worse when sitting Worse or better when sitting. Worse after drinking Worse or better after drinking. Worse after stool Better or worse after stool. Worse from sneezing Worse or better from sneezing. Improv. oftener than aggravated by touch. Aggrav. oftener than improved by touch. Aggrav. oftener than improv. by pressure . Improv. oftener than aggrav. by pressure. Predomin. worse -— ' -^ ^^ — ~^_ Predomin. better From pressure, on expiration, when holding the breath, when alone. Predomin. better — ■"■»■• **«K — — — _ Predomin. worse From the touch, on inspiration, from cold diet, and when in company. N.B. Drosera lacks the sensation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Sulph. Dulcamara. Belladonna. Left side ; partic. lower left, upper right Right side ; partic. lower right, upper left side. side. Ernatiation — No apoplexy Obesity — Apoplexy. Generally dry eruptions — Skin callous . . Humid erupt, predom. — Skin chafed. C.Hg. Painless swelling of glands Painful swelling of glands. Sleeplessness after midnight Sleeplessness before midnight. Pulse tense, hard, but small, partic. at night. P. generally tense, hard and accel., but full. Partial sweat on back part of body . . . Partial sweat on front part of body. Thirst pred. during chill, rare during heat. Thirst not constant; most rare during chill; often before chill and after sweat. Hunger with dislike for food Thirst, with disgust for drink. Vomiting of drink Vomiting of food. Complaints of spleen predom Liver complaints predominant. Inflammation of intestines predom. . . . Inflammation of throat predominant. C.Hg. Fetid flatus Scentless flatus. Diarrhoea preval. painful Diarrhoea generally painless. Catamenia too late and scanty .... Catamenia too soon and profuse. Milk diminished Milk increased. Catarrh on the chest Nasal catarrh. C Hg. Cough generally with expectoration . . . Cough generally without expectoration. Remission forenoon and before midnight . Remission forenoon and after midnight. Worse during waning moon Worse during full moon. Worse or better when growing cold (resp. Predominantly worse when growing cold, growing warm). better when growing warm. Worse or better from warmth of bed . . Better from warmth of bed. Better or worse when getting out of bed . Worse when getting out of bed. Better or worse after getting out of bed . Almost always improved after getting out of bed. Worse or better when stretching out dis- Predom. better when stretching out dis- eased limb and when drawing it up. eased limb, worse when drawing it up. Worse or better while speaking .... Worse when speaking. Generally better after stool Worse after stool. Ailments from abuse of Cuprum .... Ailments from Mercur., Iodine, Plumb., Cinchona, and from sting of insects or contagious Anthrax. Similarity of symptoms more with Stan- Similarity of symptoms more with Mer- num. curius. CHg. Predomin. worse — — — ' — . -^^ — ^ Predomin. better In wet weather, during rest, after lying down, in bed, when lying, sitting and standing, when stooping and sitting bent forward, and when bending diseased part backwards. Predomin. better . *— >^< — — --^l Predomin. worse In dry weather, from motion, when moving suffering part, when walking, when walking out-doors, when sitting erect, when rising from a seat, when getting out of bed, and after stool. N.B. Dulcamara, whose constitutional character is want of irritability, lacks the over-sensitiveness of Belladonna to pain. N.B. Both remedies have a great many symptoms worse when sitting, and both pain in the joints worse during rest. C.Hg:. Dulcamara. Lycopodium. Left side— Dark hair— Muscles rigid . . Right side - Light hair— Muscles lax. Sensitiveness iu internal parts Sensitiveness in external parts ; sensation of numbness in internal parts. Pain pressing inwards— Rending pain up- Pain pressing outwards — Rending pain wards. downwards. Haemorrh., blood light-red— No apoplexy. Haemorrhages, blood dark — Apoplexy. Pulse small, hard, and tense, particularly at Pulse somewhat accelerated only in the even- night; frequeut at night, slow during ing and after meals ; frequent in the even- day, ing, slow in the morning. Thirst predominant during chill; rare dur- Thirst predominant; is wanting only dur'g ing heat. chill ; often appears after the sweat. Skin callous, hardening . Skin predom. chafed and sore. C.Hg. Eruptions generally dry Eruptions generally humid. Sleeplessness after midnight Sleeplessness preval. before midnight. Imbecility more frequent than insanity . . Insanity more frequent than imbecility. Vomiting of drink Vomiting of food. Bitter vomit Vomit sour oftener than bitter. Complaints of spleen predominant — Fetid Liver complaints predominant — Flatus pre- flatus. dominantly scentless. Diarrhoea preval. painful Painless diarrhoea. Urine scanty; sediment red Urine often, but scanty; sediment red (sandy) er whitish. Incontinence more frequent than retention Retention of urine more frequent than in- of urine. continence. Catamenia generally of too short duration. Catamenia generally of too long duration. Complaints predom. on front side of thigh. Complaints predom. on back part of thigh. Bemtssion forenoon and before midnight . Remission forenoon and after midnight. "Worse during waning moon "Worse during new moon. Worse in cold weather ; better in warm air. Better (resp. worse) in cold weather or in warm air. "Worse during sweat Worse or better when perspiring. Worse or better after getting out of bed . Almost always better after gett'g out of bed. Better when rising from a seat .... Worse or better when rising from a seat. Worse or better when stretching out dis- Predom. worse when stretching out diseased eased limb, or when drawing it up. limb, better when drawing it up. Worse when stooping Generally improved when stooping. Worse when sitting bent forward, better Generally better when sitting bent forward, when sitting erect. worse when sitting erect. Worse from bend'g diseased part backwards. Worse when bend'g diseased part sideways. Worse or better from talking Worse from talking. Generally improved after stool .... Generally aggravated after stool. Ailments from abuse of Cuprum .... Ailments from abuse of Mercurius. Predomin. worse - ^^ -^- — — . Predomin. better From cold, lying on back, when stooping and sitting bent forward, and on expiration. Predomin. better •- -^*^ — -^-^ Predomin. worse From warmth, lying on side, when sitting erect, from pressure, after stool, and when rising from a seat. N.B. Dulcamora lacks the over-sensitiveness of Lycopodium to pain, and generally also the sensation of numbness in suffering parts. Dulcamara. Mercurius. Upper right, lower left side — Dark hair— Upper left, lower right side — Light hair — Muscles rigid. Muscles lax. Want of bodily irritability Increased bodily irritability. Pain pressing inwards — Rending pain up- Pain pressing outwards — Rending pain wards. downwards. No apoplexy Rarely paralysis. Skin callous, hardening Skin chafed and sore. C.Hg. Painless swelling of glands Hot swelling of glands. Pulse small, hard, and tense, particularly at Pulse irregular; generally full and accele- -night. rated ; sometimes trembl'g or intermitt'g. Partial sweat on back of body .... Partial sweat on front of body. Thirst predominant during chill ; quite rare Thirst predominant in all stages, but not during heat. constant. Sleeplessness after midnight Sleeplessness prevalent before midnight. Delirium Rarely delirium. Yomiting of drink Yomiting of food. Complaints of spleen predominant . . . Liver complaint predominant. Urine predominantly pale ; scanty . . . Urine dark; often and copious. Dry coryza Coryza fluent oftener than dry. Cough generally with expectoration . . . Expectoration not constant. Complaints predominant on front part of Complaints predominant on back part of thigh. thigh. Remission forenoon and before midnight . Remission of complaints during day. Aggravation in the Spring Aggravation in the Fall. Better or worse from warmth of bed . . Worse from warmth of bed. Worse when lying on back, better when Generally better when lying on back, worse lying on side. when lying on side. Worse or better after getting out of bed . Better after getting out of bed. Better when rising from a seat .... Worse or better when rising from a seat. Worse when swallowing Worse or better when swallowing (saliva or fluids). Worse during and after meals Worse or better during and after meals. Generally improved after stool .... Worse after stool. Worse or better from talking Worse from talking. Predomin. worse -— — — ■— -^ — — -^. Predomin. better During rest, when standing, sitting and lying, when sitting bent forward, when lying on back, and on expiration. Predomin. better — — — — -^- — "' — Predomin. worse From motion, when moving diseased part, when walking, when walking out-doors, from pressure, after stool, when sitting erect, and when lying on side. Dulcamara. Rhus. Left side predominant, particularly lower left, upper right side. Dark hair — Aversion to motion .... Complaints (sensitiveness, tension, etc.) pre- dominant in internal parts. Pain pressing inward Apoplexy not yet observed Eruptions generally dry Painful ulcers, with scanty discharge . . Painless swelling of glands Pulse sometimes slower than beating of heart ; generally small, hard, and tense. Partial sweat on back of body .... Thirst predominant during chill, tolerably rare during heat. Sleeplessness after midnight; awaking too early. RigM side, particularly lower right, upper left side. Light hair — Inclination for motion. Complaints (sensitiveness, tension, etc.) pre- dominantly in external parts.* Pain pressing outwards. Apoplexy. Eruptions generally humid. Painless ulcers, with much suppuration, par- ticularly on the oedematic legs, with steady spontaneous discharge of the water. Hot, painful swelling of glands. Pulse sometimes oftener than beating of heart; generally frequent, soft, and full. Partial sweat on front of body. Thirst not constant. Sleeplessness prevalent before midnight; awaking too late. Mood irritable Mood anxious, depressed — Ailments from vexation with fear. Urine scanty — Sediment red Urine too often and copious — Sedim. white. Catamenia too late and scanty, generally Catamenia too soon, profuse, and of long also of too short duration. duration. Milk diminished Milk generally increased. Dry coryza Eluent coryza. Cough with expectoration Cough generally dry. Complaints predominant in upper part of Complaints predominant in lower part of chest, in palm of hand, and on front part chest, on back of hand, and on back part of thigh. of thigh. Re:uission forenoon and before midnight. Worse during waning moon Worse (resp. better) when growing cold or warm. Aggravated oftener than improved in bed . Worse or better when stretching out dis- eased limb and when drawing it up. Better when moving diseased part . . . Worse when bending diseased part . . . Better while and after rising from a seat . Worse after meals . . . Worse or better from talking Remission of complaints during day. Worse during increase of moon. Worse when growing cold; better when growing warm. Improved oftener than aggravated in bed. Predom. better when stretching out diseased limb, worse when drawing it up. Better or worse when moving diseased part. Worse or better when bend'g diseased part. Worse or better while and after rising from a seat. Worse or better after meals. Worse from talking. Predomin. worse Predomin. better On expiration. * Sensation of numbness, chiefly in the suffering parts, is often found with Rhus., rarely with Dulcamara, t This difference of Rhus, can be traced back to another, according to which complaints are aggrava:edin the beginning of motion, but improved by continued motion. Dulcamara. Sepia. Sensitiveness and other compl. predom. in Sensitiveness and other compl. predom. in internal parts.* external parts. Skin callous Skin callous or chafed. C.Hg. Pain pressing inward — Pain rending up- Pain pressing outward — Pain rending wards. downwards. Hemorrhages, blood light-red — No apo- Haemorrhages, blood dark — Apoplexy. plexy. Pulse small, hard, and tense, partic. at night. Pulse quick and full, and then often inter- mitting at night, slow during day — Pulse accelerated, partic. by vexation & motion. Thirst predom. during chill; tolerably rare Want of thirst predom. ; thirst is constant during heat. only during chill. Sleeplessness after midnight Sleeplessness preval. before midnight. Delirium Fancies. Pupils dilated Pupils contracted. Mucous vomit — Vomiting of drink . . . Predom. vomiting of food.f Affections of spleen predom Liver compl. predom. Discharge of urine often, but scanty . . . Discharge of urine too seldom. Urine preval. pale Urine dark. Catamenia too scanty, generally also of too Catamenia of too long duration, generally short duration. also too profuse. Expector. tolerably constant Expector. predom., but not constant. Compl. predom. on front part of thigh . . Compl. predom. on back part of thigh. Remission forenoon and before midnight. Remission of complaints in the afternoon. Worse during waning moon Worse during new moon. Worse in cold weather, better in warm air. Better (resp. worse) in cold weather or in warm air. Better (resp. worse) when growing cold or Predom. worse when growing cold, better warm. when growing warm. Worse when perspiring Worse or better when perspiring. Almost always improv. when walking in the Worse or better when walking in the open open air. air. Worse on awaking Better after sufficient sleep ; but worse on awaking, when roused from sleep. Better when rising from a seat .... Worse or better when rising from a seat. Worse or better when stretching out dis- Worse when stretching out diseased limb ; — eased limb and when drawing it up. better when drawing it up. Worse or better while talking .... Worse while talking. Worse after meals Worse or better after meals. Fredomin. worse . """ — ■—■"■»——_■ -* — ' " — ^ Predomin. better During wet weather, from dancing, and after sleep. Predomin. better *— . ^^ — *^ Predomin. worse In dry weather, from pressure, and after stool. * In accordance with its constitutional wants of irritability, Dulcamara lacks the over-sensitiveness of the Sepia-patient to pain. ■f We find vomiting of bile with both remedies. Dulcamara. Sulphur. Upper right, lower left side — Haemorrhages, Upper left, lower right side — Haemor- blood light-red. rhages, blood dark. Pain pressing inward — Pain rending up- Pain pressing outward — Pain rending wards. downwards. Skin callous, hard Skin predom. chafed and sore. C.Hg. Painful ulcers Painless ulcers. Sleeplessness after midnight — Awaking too Sleeplessness before midnight — Awaking early. too late. Pulse small, hard, and tense, partic. at night; Pulse full, hard and accelerated, sometimes frequent at night, slow during day. *" intermitting; frequent night and morning, slower during day and evening. Chill increased in warm room Chill abating in warm room. Thirst predom. during chill j more rare Thirst greatest during hot stage, but most during heat. constant during sweating stage. Solicitude concerning the future .... Solicitude concerning the present. C.Hg. Imbecility more frequent than insanity . . Insanity more frequent than imbecility — Delirium Fancies. Pupils dilated Pupils contracted. Saliva generally increased ...... Saliva generally diminished. Vomiting of bile Vomit sour oftener than bitter. Vomiting drink. * Vomiting food. Bellyache better after stool . . - . . . Bellyache worse after stool. Urine scanty Urine often, but scanty; sometimes (after massive doses) copious. Oppression worse when stooping . . . Oppression predom. better when stooping. Expectoration almost constant .... Expectoration not constant. Compl. predom. on front part of thigh . . Compl. predom. on back part of thigh. Remission forenoon and before midnight. Remission afternoon and before midnight. Worse during waning moon Worse during full moon. Worse during cold weather, better in warm Better (resp. worse) in cold weather or in air. warm air. Worse when lying on back, better when Generally worse when lying on side. lying on side. Worse when sitting Better or worse when sitting. Worse when stooping Better or worse when stooping. Worse from the touch Worse or better from the touch. Better when moving diseased part . . . Worse or better when moving the part. Worse or better when stretching out dis- Predom. worse when stretching out diseased eased limb, and from drawing it up. limb ; better when drawing it up. Worse or better while talking . , • • Worse from talking. Generally improved after stool ♦ . . . Worse or better after stool. Ailments from Cuprum Ailments from abuse of metals generally, and from abuse of Cinchona, &c. Predomin. worse ^— — ' ^ Fredomin. better From cold, and when lying on back. Predomin. better ^— ' ■*■ -^ — Predomin. worse From warmtb, when lying on side, when rising from a seat, and when walking in the open air. N.B. With Dulc. we very rarely find the sensation of numbness in suffering parts belonging to Sulph. Euphrasia. N. vomica. Left side — Neither apoplexy nor para- Bight side — Apoplexy — Paralysis, lysis. Complaints (cramping, pinching, &c.) pre- Complaints (cramping, pinching pain, etc.) dominant in external parts. predominant in external parts. Warts Corns. C.Hg. Pulse unchanged Pulse changed in frequency and strength; generally hard, full, and quick. Sweat often confined to front part of body. Sweat often confined to back part of body. Thirst has very rarely been observed . . Thirst greatest during chill, also often be- tween hot and sweating stage, before the cold, and after sweating stage. Sweat increased during sleep Sweat lessened during sleep. Pupils contracted — Short-sightedness — Pupils dilated — Far-sightedness — Preclom. Dimsightedness. clearsightedness. Optical illusions black, or in dark colors. Optical illusions predominant in light colors. Urine too often and copious Urine infrequent and scanty. Catameiiia too scanty, of short duration and Catamenia too profuse, of long duration and late. too soon. Fluent coryza Coryza generally dry, partic. in the open air ; in-doors, on the other hand, it is fluent. Cough predominant with expectoration . . Cough generally dry. Expectoration in the morning Expector. morning, during day, evening. Cough only during day, not at night . . Cough evening and morning. C.Hg. Remission of complaints during day . . Remission evening till midnight. Predominant worse after sleep .... Better after sufficient and not too long sleep, but worse on awaking when roused. Better after getting out of bed .... Worse or better after getting out of bed. Worse when stooping Better or worse when stooping. Better or worse from touch Worse from touch. Generally worse on inspiration, better on Generally better on inspiration, worse on expiration. expiration. Predomin. worse —■ -"> — "" -— ^ Predomin. better During rest, in bed, after lying down, while lyins:, sitting, and standing, on inspiration in-doors,* and after sleep. Predomin. better - — — ""■*" -""* — —■■■ --^. Predomin. worse From motion, when walking, on expiration, in the open air, from drinking cold water, and from coffee. N.B. Euphrasia lacks the over-sensitiveness of the N. vomica-patient to pain. * In single cases we also find the symptoms of Euphrasia improved in-doors. 18 Euphrasia. Phosphor. Left side — Neither apoplexy nor paralysis. Right side — Paralysis — Apoplexy. Complaints (cramping, pinching pain, etc.) Complaints (cramping, pinching pain, etc.) predominant in external parts. in internal parts. Pulse unchanged Pulse differs, irregular, generally accelerated, full and hard ; sometimes intermitting. Heat descending Heat ascending. Sleeplessness prevalent after midnight . . Sleeplessness before midnight. Weakness of memory Memory predominant active. Urine too often and copious Urine often but scanty. Catamenia too late, weak, and of short du- Catamenia too soon, profuse, and long du- ration, ration, or too late, scanty and of short du- ration. Expectoration rather constant; morning. Expectoration not constant; morning and during day. Complaints predominant on front part of Complaints predominant on back part of thigh, and on calf of leg. thigh and on shiu. pE^nssiox of complaints during day . . Pemisston after midnight. Worse in bed Worse or better in bed. Predominant worse after sleep .... Better after sufficient sleep, but worse on awaking when roused and after the siesta. Better after getting out of bed .... Worse or better after getting out of bed. Worse when stooping Better or worse when stooping. Better while riding Generally worse while riding. Worse or better from touch Almost always improved by touch Worse after meals Worse or better after meals, particularly better after a satisfying meal. Better from eructation Worse or better from eructation. Predomin. worse —--"■ ■*=-*-. — -^^. — " " — --^ Predomin. better During rest, when standing, sitting and lying, and after sleep. Predomin. better ^ ■* — ^v «*"*" -^-^ Predomin. worse From motion*, -when walking, when riding, and from washing and moistening diseased part. N.B. Euphrasia lacks the over-sensitiveness of the Phosphor-patient to pain, and generally also the sen- sation of numbness in suffering parts. * The " improvement by motion," which sometimes occurs with Phosphor, seems to be exclusively conf.ned to pain in joiuts, therefore it is an improvement, when moving suffering part. Euphrasia. Pulsatilla. Left side, particularly lower left, upper Right side, particularly lower right, upper right side. left side. Complaints (cramping, pinching pain, etc.) Complaints (cramping, pinching pain, etc.) predominant in external parts. predominant in internal parts. Warts Corns. C.Hg. Pulse unchanged Pulse changed, sometimes intermitting ; gen- erally frequent, small, faint. Sweat often confined to front part of body. Sweat often confined to back part of body. Thirst very rarely observed Want of thirst predominant, but constant only during chill ; thirst often before and after chill, less frequently between heat and sweat. Sleeplessness prevalent after midnight . . Sleeplessness before midnight. Apoplexy or paralysis not yet observed . Apoplexy — Paralysis. Optical illusions predominantly black, or in dark colors. Nasal complaints predominantly internal . Constipation predominant Urine too often and copious Expectoration almost constant; morning . Complaints predominant in upper part of chest. Optical illusions in bright colors. Nasal complaints external oftener than in- ternal. Generally diarrhoea. Urine not often enough and scanty. Expectoration predominant, but not con- stant; morning and during day. Complaints predominant in lower part of chest. Aggravation from evening till morning Better or worse from touch . Worse after meals Better from eructation . . . Better after getting out of bed Worse when rising from a seat Better after rising from a seat Worse when looking into distance Aggravation from noon till midnight. Worse from touch. Worse or better after meals. Worse or better from eructation. Better or worse after getting out of bed. Better or worse when rising from a seat. Better or worse after rising from a seat. Worse when looking upwards. Predomin. worse Predomin. better When opening the eyes, on inspiration, from bodily exertion, running, etc., and when bending diseased part sideways. Predomin. better — — ~~ — •^ v - «- Predomin. worse "When closing the eyes, from drinking coffee, and from eructation. N.B. Euphrasia lacks the over-sensitiveness of the Pulsatilla-patient to pain, and generally also tic sensation of numbness in suffering parts. Euphrasia. Sulphur. Tipper right, lower left side Upper left, lower right side. Paralysis not yet observed Paralysis. Pulse unchanged Pulse generally hard, full, and accelerated; sometimes intermitting or imperceptible. Heat descending Heat ascending. Sweat often confined to front part of body. Sweat often confined to back part of body. Thirst rarely observed Thirst greatest during heat, but most con- stant during sweat. Sleeplessness predominant after midnight . Sleeplessness prevalent before midnight. Complaints predominant on inner angle of Complaints predominant on external angle eye. of eye. Urine too often and copious Urine often, but scanty; sometimes (after strong doses) copious. Expectoration nearly constant , morning . Expectoration not constant; morning and during day, less frequently at night. Complaints predominant on front part of Complaints predominant on back part of thigh. thigh. Remission of complaints during day . . Remission of complaints afternoon and before midnight. Worse while sitting Better or worse while sitting. "Worse in bed Worse or better in bed. Better after getting out of bed .... Worse or better after getting out of bed. Worse when stooping Better or worse when stooping. Better from eructation Almost always improved by eructation. Predomin. better ^—— ""^- -^ — """" l " " ""^-^ Predomin. worse From coffee, from drinking cold water, from washing and moistening diseased part, and when riding. N.B. With Euphrasia we very rarely find the numb sensation in suffering parts peculiar to Sulph. Ferrum. Calcarea Left side predominant — Increased irrita- bility. Dark hair — Pain rending downwards . . Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis . . Pulse full and hard ; sometimes intermitting. Thirst, particularly during chill .... Chill, lessened after getting out of bed . . Sweat, lessened while talking and after meals. Bight side predominant — Want of bodily irritability. Light hair— Pain rending upwards. Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy. Pulse full and accelerated; often trembling. Thirst is wanting only sometimes during chill. Chill, increased after getting out of bed. Sweat, increased when talking and after meals. Changing mood; particularly merry one Silly merriment or dejection — Peevishness — evening, sad the next — Haughtiness — Fear — Hopelessness — Amorousness — Yehemence — Quarrelsomeness — Pear of Fear of loss of reason — Unconscious- apoplexy, ness — Fancies — Imbecility. Ailments from anger Consequences of vexation with fright or fear, or of hearing bad news. Generally loss of appetite Generally hunger. Aversion for sour things Appetite for sour things. "Urine alkaline Urine sour. Catamenia predominantly too late . . . Catamenia in most cases too soon. Expectoration predominant ; is loosened Expectoration predominant, but not con- only in the morning, particularly when stant; is loosened in the morning and moving. during day. Complaints predominant on upper arm . . Complaints predominant on fore-arm. Worse when ascending. Remission before midnight and during Remission of complaints before midnight. day. Better when ascending, worse when de- scending. Better from wine, when it is not acid* . . Consequences of bodily exertion, of long marches, while moderate mental exertion improves. Ailments from Iodine or Arsenic . Worse from spirituous liquors. Mental exertion aggravates much more than bodily exertion. C.Hg. Ailments from Phosph., Digitalis, or Nitric acid. Predomin. worse Predomin. better When lifting diseased limb, after lying down, while sitting and standing, when assuming an erect posi- tion, from the touch, and when descending. Predomin. better Predomin. worse When letting the diseased limb hang down, after getting out of bed, after rising from a seat, when straining the eyes, when writing, (mental exertion), and when ascending. N.B. We very rarely find the over-sensitiveness of Ferrum to pain with Calcarea ; this is quite in accordance with the constitutional character of both remedies. * Yet Ferrum as well as Calcarea will cure delirium tremens in conformable cases, which, however, is caused by alco- holic drinks oftener tban by wine. Ferrum. lod Left, side — Dark hair — Increased irrita- bility. Apoplexy — Aversion to open air .... Tension in internal, rending pain in external parts. Warts Pulse full and hard; sometimes intermit- Thirst, particularly during chill Sweat, lessened when speaking Bight side* — Light hairf — TVant of irrita- bility. Very rarely paralysis — Inclination for open air. Tension in external, rending pain predora. in internal parts. Corns. C.Hg. Pulse different; generally quick, full, and hard, particularly accelerated by every motion. Thirst, particularly during sweat. Sweat, increased while speaking. Alternating cheerful one evening, dejected the next — Haughtiness Quarrelsome- ness — Consequences of anger. Temperament sanguine choleric . Generally loss of appetite . . . Aversion to meat Predominant sterility Catamenia prevalently too late . Respiration predom. with dry sound Expectoration in the morning . . Complaints predom. on ankle . . Cheerfulness or depression of spirits - Fear — Gentleness — Consequences of amor- ousness. Temperament phlegmatic. Hunger predominant. Inclination for meat. Predominant impotence. Catamenia prevalently too soon. Kespiration predom. with moist sound. Expectoration in the evening. Complaints predominant on wrist. PvEMissioN during day and before mid- Remission forenoon and before midnight. night. Worse while perspiring Worse after perspiring. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In the open air, from cold and in cold weather, during: rest, while standing and sitting, particularly when sitting bent forward, after lying down, % and when lying on side. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In-^oors, from warmth and in warm air, from motion, running and bodily exertion, when sitting erect, and when lying on back. N.B. With Iodine we very rarely find the over-sensitiveness of Ferrum to pain, and rarely also the numb sensation in suffering parts. * Ferrnm as well as Iodium seem to have the direction of symptoms from left to right side. C.Hg. f According to Boeninghausen. Bat Iodium corresponds much more to the complaints of persons with black eyes and dark hair, while Bromium much oftener is indicated with blue eyes and light hair. C.Hg. + Both remedies have aggravation in bed, but with Ferrum this is more a consequence of rest, with Iodine of warmth of bed. Ferrum. Lycopodium. Left side — Dark hair — Inclinat. for motion. Right side -^-Light hair — Aversion to motion. Haemorrhages, blood light-red — Fain in the Haemorrhages, blood dark— Pain arises on parts lain on. the side not lain on. Merriness predominant; also alternating Mood cheerful or sad; anxious; serious; merry one evening, sad the next. peevish ; distrustful ; malicious ; avari- cious; amorous. Vehemence — Quarrelsomeness Unconsciousness — Absent-mindedness — Fancies — Insanity — Imbecility. Pulse full & hard ; sometimes intermitting. Pulse accelerated somewhat only in the evening and after meals. Thirst, particularly during chill .... Thirst is wanting only during chill, often appears after sweat. Capability of hysteric patients to see at night Nocturnal blindness. in the dark. Diarrhoea predominant Costiveness predominant. Involuntary discharge of urine predom. . . Retent. of urine more freq. than incontinence. Respiration preval. with dry sound . . . Respiration preval. with moist sound. Expectoration in the morning Expectoration morning and evening. Complaints predominant on upper arm . . Complaints predominant on fore-arm. Remission during day and before midnight Remission forenoon and after midnight. Worse when looking at running water . . Worse when look'g at anyth'g turn'g round. Almost always aggrav. in bed Worse or better in bed. Aim. always improv. when gett'g out of bed. Worse or better when getting out of bed. Better when sitting down Better or worse when sitting down. Worse when rising from a seat .... Worse or better when rising from a seat. Worse when sitting bent forward; better Generally better when sitting bent forward, when sitting erect. worse when sitting erect. Worse when stooping Generally better when stooping. Almost always aggrav. when assuming an Better or worse when assuming an erect po- erect position., sition. Worse when descend'g ; bett. when ascend'g. Generally as with Ferr. ; somet's the oppos. Worse when bend'g diseas'd part backwards. Pred. worse when bend diseas'd part sidew's. Better or worse when stretching out dis- Worse when stretching out diseased limb ; eased limb, and when drawing it up. better when drawing it up. Worse when lifting diseased limb, better Generally better when lifting diseased limb, when letting it hang down. worse when letting it hang down. Better or worse after meals Predominant worse after meals. Worse or better after drinking .... Worse after drinking. Better from wine, when it is not acid . . Worse from drinking wine. Better or worse from smoking ..... Worse from smoking. Worse or better from talking Worse from talking. Worse growing cold, better growing warm. Bett. (resp. worse) fr. grow'g cold or w^arm. Worse in cold weather ; better in warm air. Better (resp; worse) in cold weather or in warm air. Predomin. worse — — — --^y- — -*-. Predomin. better From cold, on an empty stomach, from warm diet,* out-doors, and when walking out-doors, when stooping, and setting bent forward, when lilting diseased limb, and when closing the eyes. Predomin. better - — — ■ "^ — — ^ Predomin. worse From warmth, after breakfast, from cold diet, after meals, in-doors, when sitting erect, when letting diseased limb hang down ; when opening the eyes, from drinking wine, from mental exertion, reading and writing, from straining the eyes, and from bodily exertion, walking fast, running, etc. * With Lycopodium the formula "internal chill with external heat" corresponds to the improvement from cold, and from warm diet, while the formula " external chill with internal heat" is more applicable to Ferrum. Ferrum. Pulsatilla. Left side; part, lower left, upper right Right side; partic. lower right, upper left side. side. Inclination for motion — Aversion to open Aversion to motion — Inclination for open air. air. Warts Corns. C.Hg. Haemorrhages, blood light-red — Apoplexia Haemorrhages, blood dark — Apoplexia ner- sanguinea. vosa. Pulse full and hard Pulse generally frequent, small, and weak. Thirst, partic. during chill Want of thirst predom., but constant only during chill; thirst, partic. before and after chill ; less frequently between heat and sweat. Alternating, cheerful one evening, sad the Fear — Calm, lachrymose sadness of mild next — Haughtiness — Irritability — Vehe- dispositions — Indifference — Distrust — mence. Peevishness — Boldness — Avarice — Amorousness. Ailments from anger Consequences of excessive joy, fright, grief, mortification, or of vexation with fright, dread or fear — Unconsciousness — Ab- sent-mindedness — Fancies. Faculty of hysterical patients to see at night Nocturnal blindness, in the dark. Styes on upper lids Styes on upper and lower lids. C.Hg. Generally loss of appetite Generally hunger. Aversion to sour things Appetite for sour things. Vomit sour Vomit, bitter oftener than sour. Diarrhoea painless Diarrhoea generally painful. Catamenia generally too profuse and of Catamenia too scanty and of short duration, long* duration. Expectoration predom.; morning. . . . Expectoration predom. ; morning and dur- ing day. Worse after midnight, morning and evening. Worse afternoon, evening, and before mid- night. Worse after cousrhing Worse while coughing. Worse after bodily exertion Often aggrav. by mental exertion. C.Hg. Better from wine when it is not acid, but Worse from spirituous liquors, mostly from worse from beer. brandy. Worse after sleep . Worse or better after sleep. Predomin. worse - — ""^ — » Predomin. better Out-doors, in cold weather, from growing cold, from washing and moistening diseased part, and from sour things. Predomin. better -— — — ** -^^ -— ~-^- Predomin. worse In-doors, on warm days, from growing warm, and from drinking wine. * Bun; remedied, given in X° after Catainenia, brought it on again. C.Hg. Ferrum. Sulphur. Upper right, lower left side — Increased ifnta- Upper left, lower right side — Want of bodily bility. irritability. Painful ulcers — Efem orrkages, blood light-red. Painless ulcers — Haemorrhages, blood dark. Ferrum aggravates syphilis, like the Sulphates. Sulphur acts curatively on syphilis compli- cated with psora. Chill, lessened after getting out of bed . . . More chill after getting out of bed. Sweat often confined to lower part of body . Sweat often confined to upper part of body. Sweat lessened after meals and when talking. Sweat increased after meals and when talking. Thirst, particularly during chill Thirst greatest during heat, but most constant during sweat. Mood predominantly cheerful ; also alternating Mood anxious; indifferent; despondent; sad; merry one evening, sad the next ; haughty ; gentle ; serious and solemn ; peevish, vehement; quarrelsome. Ailments from anger Ailments from hearing bad news, from shame, mortification, or from vexation with fright, dread, or fear — Unconsciousness — Absent- mindedness — Fancies — Insanity — Imbe- cility. Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis • . Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy. Appetite for bread Aversion to bread, particularly to rye-bread. Urine alkaline — Spasmodic labor-pains. . . Urine sour — Labor-pains weak or ceasing. Catamenia too profuse and of long duration ; Catamenia generally too scanty and of short watery. duration; blood dark. Expectoration predominant ; morning . . . Expectoration not constant ; morning and dur- ing day, less frequently at night. Complaints predominant on upper arm . . . Complaints predominant on fore-arm. Remission during day and before midnight . Remission afternoon and before midnight. "Worse from growing cold and in cold weather, Better (resp. worse) fr. grow'g cold & in cold better when growing warm and in warm air. weather, or fr. grow'g warm & in warm air. Worse out-doors, better in-doors Better (resp. worse) out-doors or in-doors. Almost always aggravated in bed .... Worse or better in bed. Worse when lying on side, better when lying Generally as with Ferrum, but often the oppo- on back. site. Worse when turning in bed, and from change Worse or better from change of position. of position when lying or standing. Better after getting out of bed Worse or better after getting out of bed. Worse on an empty stomach, better after break- Better (resp. worse) on an empty stomach or fast. after breakfast. Better from wine when it is not acid . . . Predominantly worse from wine. Better or worse after meals Worse after meals. Better or worse from smoking Worse from smoking. Worse when looking up Worse when looking down. Worse when stooping Worse or better when stooping. Better when sitting down Better or worse when sitting down. Predominantly worse when sitting .... Better or worse when sitting. Worse or better when stretching out diseased Predominantly worse when stretching out dis- limb or when drawing it up. eased limb, better when drawing it up. Better when moving diseased part .... Worse or better when moving diseased part. Worse from the touch ........ Worse or better from the touch. Worse or better when speaking Worse from speaking. Ailments from Iodine and Arsenic .... Ailments from abuse of metals. Predomin. worse - - ■— « -"^ — ' *~~ — --. Predomin. better From cold, from warm diet, and when descending. Predomin. better — -^_--^*^-— . _— -*■— — -^ Predomin. worse From warmth, from cold diet, Avhen ascending, from drinking wine, straining the eyes, reading and writing, from mental or bodily exertion, when walking fast and running. N.B. We very rarely find the over-sensitiveness of Ferrum to pain with Sulphur. Fluor, acid. Nitr. acid. Right side— Irritability increased .... Left side — Want of irritability. Pain pressing outward Pain pressing inward. Dry cutaneous eruptions Humid eruptions. Scars redden and itch Scars hurt with changes of weather ; break open. C.Hg. Fulse somewhat accelerated only by mo- Pulse unequal; double; intermitting, tion. Sweat, lessened after meals Sweat, increased after meals. Neither vertigo, chill, nor spasms .... Chill — Very rarely paralysis. Moodiness in the evening Moodiness in the morning — Distrust — Mali- ciousness. No delirium Unconsciousness. In the morning, on awaking from short In the morning, on awaking, feels as though sleep, he feels as though he had slept all he had not slept enough, night. Sensation of warmth in the teeth .... Sensation of coldness in the teeth. Thirst Thirst is wanting during chill and is not constant during heat ; (often in the morn- ing on awaking.) C.Hg. Hunger predominant Loss of appetite predominant. Diarrhoea painful Diarrhoea preval. painless. Urine too often Urine scanty. Erections predominant, with strong sexual Erections with weak sexual desire, desire. No expectoration with cough Expectoration with cough not constant. Complaints predominant on upper arm and Complaints predominant on fore-arm and on tip of elbow. on patella. Remission morning and before midnight . Remission of complaints in forenoon. Oppression of chest, better when bending Oppression of chest, worse when bending back. back. Worse while riding * . . Better while riding, worse afterwards. Better or worse after urinating .... Worse after urinating. Ailments from Silicea Ailments from Calcarea or Digitalis. Predomin. worse *-*- — » -^^ — ^ Predomin. better When riding, from crossing the limbs, during rest, and when lying on unpainful side. Predomin. better — - — — . ^ — — -»- Predomin. worse "When lying on painful side, when moving, when perspiring, and from washing with cold water. Fluor, acid. Pulsat. Often indicated with old people .... Often indicated with children and women. Paralysis more frequent than with Pulsatilla. Apoplexy. Itching, lessened by scratching .... Itching unchanged or aggrav. by scratching. Pulse somewhat accelerated only by motion. Pulse generally frequent, small, and weak ; sometimes intermitting or imperceptible. Sweat on suffering part Heat on diseased part. One-sided sweat, left side One-sided sweat, right side. Thirst Want of thirst predom., but constant only during chill ; often thirst before and after chill, less frequently between heat & sweat. Heat increased by motion Heat abating when moving. Fixed ^ain in limbs Pain in limbs, leaping from place to place. Sensation of going to sleep of side not Sensation of going to sleep of side lain on. lain on. Inclination for washing with cold water* . Aversion to washing with cold water. Cheerfulness — Irritability Calm sadness of mild dispositions. Neither vertigo, chill, nor spasms .... Consequences of suppressed vexation — Un- consciousness. Delirium Urine too often Urine infrequent and scanty. Cough without expectoration Cough generally with expectoration. Expectoration mornings and during day. Complaints predominant on inside of nose, Nasal complaints external, oftener than in- on tip of elbow, on the inside of hands & ternal ; complaints predominant in hollow fingers, and on instep, also in upper part of elbow, on back of hand, and generally of chest. on sole of foot ; also in lower part of chest. Dryness in larynx and trachea Accumulation of mucus in larynx & trachea. Difficult respiration, better when lying bent Difficult respiration, worse when lying with backwards. head low. Remission mornings and before midnight. Remission from midnight till noon. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From walking in the open air,f from bodily exertion, from stretching out diseased limb, from acids, and from pressure. Predomin. better --—■ — ■— — — --^ — —^ Predomin. worse In-doors, during sweat, from rubbing and scratching, and when drawing up diseased limb. N.B. Fluor, acid seems to lack the over-sensitiveness of Pulsat. to pain. * With both remedies complaints are prevalently improved by washing. f Only the exertion of walking aggrav., enduring the coldest, weather as well as tropical hea* extraordinarily well, is characteristic for Fluor, acid. C. Hg. Fluor, acid. Silicea. Upper left, lower right side — Muscles rigid. Upper right, lower left side — Muscles lax. Insensibility — Often indicated with old Over-sensitiveness — often indicated with people. children. Scars redden and itch Scars painful, break open. ^ C. Hg. Ulcers, worse from warmth, better from cold. Ulcers, better from warmth, worse from cold. Discharge from ulcers very copious. . . . Discharge scanty or copious. C.Hg. Atrophy of brain In children, large head and open sutures. Pricking itching-, lessened by rubbing, brush- Pricking itching, worse from scratching, ing, etc., more on warm days. sometimes unchanged, more in cold weather. Apoplexy not yet observed Yertigo — Chill — Spasms. Pulse somewhat accelerated only by motion. Pulse quick, small, and hard ; often irre- gular. Sweat increased in-doors, abating after Sweat abating in-doors, increased after meals. meals. Heat with inclination to uncover .... Heat with aversion to uncover. Sweat on diseased part Coldness on suffering part. Irritable mood Dejection — Gentleness — Amorousness. Meutal excitability Unable to think — Fancies. Forgetfulness every evening, on the other Forgetfulness every morning. hand, good memory in the morning. Toothache, worse from cold drink; or im- Toothache worse from warm diet. proved, until the water becomes warm in the mouth. Hunger predominant Want of appetite predominant. Diarrhoea — Bellyache after stool .... Constipation more frequent than diarrhoea — Remission of bellyache after stool. Expectoration not yet observed .... Expectoration predominant; during day. Compl. predom. in upper part of chest, on Compl. predom. in lower part of chest, on upper arm, on surface of hands and on fore-arm, back of hand and on sole of top of foot. foot. Lameness of upper limbs Lameness of lower limbs. C.Hg. Remission mornings and before midnight. Remission before midnight. Pain, better during sweat Pain, ivorse after sweat. Worse in wet-cold weather Worse in dry-cold weather. Worse from bodily exertion Better or worse from bodily exertion. Some symptoms worse in-doors, others out- Worse out-doors; better in-doors. doors. Predomin. better -- — !" ■* *^ -" -*^ Predomin. worse In dry weather, from uncovering, from cold, washing with cold water, when lying on painful side, and from rubbing and scratching. Predomin. worse .. '** ^^_^. ^ Predomin. better In wet weather, from wrapping up, from warmth, and when lying on unpainful side. Fluor, acid. Sulphur. Bight side predom. — Increased irritability. Left side — Want of irritability. Ulcers painful Ulcers, painless, itching. Sensation of going to sleep of side not Sensation of going to sleep of side lain on. lain on. Pulse somewhat accelerated only by motion. Pulse quick, full, and hard ; sometimes in- termitting. Sweat on suffering part Coldness on suffering part. Heat lessened by washing Heat increased by washing. Sweat lessened after meals ...... Sweat increased after meals. Heat on upper part of body Heat on lower part of body, or general, with exception of head. Thirst ' Thirst greatest during hot stage, but most constant during sweating stage. In the evening in bed loss of sleepiness by In the evening, in bed, when closing eyes, crowding of thoughts. stupefaction and torpor. In the morning on awaking from short In the morning on awaking, feeling of not sleep, it seems to him as though he had having had sufficient sleep. slept all night. Cheerfulness Sadness — Hopelessness — Fear — Solemn, serious mood — Gentleness. Alternation of active and weak memory . Weakness of memory — Unconsciousness — ■ Delirium — Fancies — Insanity. Atrophy of brain In children large head and open sutures. Sensation of heaviness in the teeth . . . Sensation of looseness of teeth. C.Hg. Complaints predominant on inner angle of Compl. predom. on external angle of eye, eye, on upper arm, on tip of elbow, and on fore-arm, in hollow of elbow, patella on top of foot. and sole of foot. Hunger predominant Generally want of appetite. Desire for wine Inclination or aversion for beer and spirit- uous liquors. Urine alkaline Urine sour. Dryness in larynx and trachea Larynx and trachea filled with mucus. Cough dry Cough either loose or dry. Remission mornings and before midnight. Remission afternoon and before midnight. Worse after stool Better or worse after stool. Worse in the open air Better or worse in the open air. Better during sweat Worse during and after sweat. Worse from being awake at night . . . Worse from sleeping too long. Predomin. worse ^ —■ -^ ^<. — — --^ Predomin. better From external pressure, and when lying on unpainful side. Predomin. better - — »- "^» — '" *— -^ Predomin. worse During sweat, from washing with cold water, bending diseased part backwards, and when lying on painful side. N.B. Fluor, acid seems to lack the numb sensation in suffering parts peculiar to Sulphur. Gelseminum. Aconitum. Haemorrhages, crimson blood, in drops. . . Hoemorrh., licrht-red blood ; brief ; in streams. Muscles relaxed, inaction of motory nerves . Muscles rigid, inaction of sensitive nerves.* Slow pulse predom.; is accelerated'by moving Quick pulse pred.; acceler. mostly by emotions the body, lessened after lying down. or coughing, or wh: lying, part, on left side.* Pulse omitting every 10th beat; during the During three beats of pulse the point of heart interval double beat of heart. B. Fincke.f touches wall of chest only once. Pereira.J Chills moderate ; heat severe — Tendency to re- Kigors ; inflammatory heat — Tendency to con- mit or intermit — Skin hot and dry in gastric tinuation — Skin hot & dry, with agony, toss- and nervous fevers — Profuse sweat relieves ing about; in inflammatory fevers* — Pro- in gastric fevers — Tendency to sleep in fever. fuse sweat relieves in rheumatic fevers.* Wakening from sleep by headache or colic . Wakening from sleep by nightmare.* Supersensitive; languid Anxious; restless. Cannot follow an idea for any length of time. Ideas haunt him, cannot sret rid of them.* Gr't irritability, does not wish to be spoken to. Gr't anguish or sadness, likes to be spoken to.* Short, sharp cries in teething . . . . . . Anxious lamentations. Solicitude about the present* — Fear of falling. Solicitude about the future* — Fear of death. Complaints after hearing bad news. part, diar- Complaints following fright or vexation with rhcea. chilliness, threatening abortion. &c. fear, vehemence, rage, or anger.* Ailm. fr. fright & fear following immediately. Ailments from fright or fear following later * Vertigo during chill or while walking ... V. during fever or when gettiug up from seat.* Head too light (Tilde) or too heavy; the latter Head too heavy, worse after moving.* disappears after urinating (Hale). Headache, every step aggravates .... Headache, sunlight or least noise aggravates.* Head feels too big Forehead feels too full. Fulln'ss, princip. in sinciput, heavin. in occiput. Heaviness in sinciput, fulln. in the whole hend. Aversion to light, partic. candle-light . . . Aversion or desire to light, partic. sunlight.* Sight of distant objects confused Sight dazzled by light. Lateral oscillation of eye-balls Distorted appearance of the eyes. Eyes heavy and suffused Eyes reddened ; lachrymation. Face crimson, w. fev.; leaden palen'ss w. pains. Cheeks uneqally red, or red, hot, and bloated. Face pale, with sickness and faintness from Face red while lying, turns pale, with faint- seeing wounded persons. ness. from assuming an erect position.* Expression of suffering — Lips crimson . . . Expression of terror or of apathy — Lips livid. Toothache in decayed teeth — Foul taste . . Toothache in sound teeth — Bitter taste. Pharynx feels as if filled up — Paral. dysphagia. Pharynx feels dry. — Urging to swallow.* Moderate thirst — Vomiting of ingesta . . . Viol. th. pred. — Vomit, of mucus. blood or bile. Windy wandering colic Great tenderness of abdomen; stitchiug pains. Curdled, or tea-green, or yellow stools . . . Stools like chopped herbs, or black, or watery. Congestions in chest; labored, painf. breath'g. Cong, in chest, stitches, rattling, short breath. Aching in the back and extremities .... Pain in back and extremities as if bruised. Aggrav. pred. afternoon, or all m^rht, or all day. Aggravation pred. forenoon and after midnight. Apr. ab-t noon, fr. 11—3 o'cl. P.M. W.P.Wesselh. Remission all day.* Worse from warmth of bed Better when growing warm ; from warmth in Better from warm drink Better from cold drink.* [general.* Worse in the open air (pains) Better in the open air (nervous symptoms).* Worse in damp weather, before a thunder-storm, Worse in dry weather, during clear weather and S.E. wind.* dry winds, N.W wind.* Better when sitting (headache) Better when'sittine: still (rheumatism).* Worse when looking sideways Worse when looking downwards.* Worse after breakfast . . Worse before breakfast.* Wine asrirravates, partic. headache ; also smoking Desire for wine, and it betters ; worse fr. smoking (headache). (palpitation).* Predomin. worse ■ ' . **^ — — ^ Predomin. better From warm coverings, after sleeping, in the afternoon. J. CM.; after breakfast, walking in open air, and drinking wine.* Predomin. better .— -— —- ^\^__— — -^ Predomin. worse By gentle motion, when erect, from pressure, J. C. M.; after urinating and after sleep.* N.B. Aconit. lacks the dullness and giddinesss accompanying the pains of Gelseminum, while Gelse- minum has not the thirst and red face as a concomitant of pains like Aconit.* t Omission of the pulse after ten to twenty beats has been observed thus far only from Agaric,. Laches., Oxal. ac ; a double beat of tbe heart during this omission only with Gelsem.* X Aconit. may be indicated by pulsus dicrotus, but not the Gelseminum.* N.B. Communicated by Dr. J. C. Morgan as a contribution to this work, * added by C.Hg. Celseminum. Belladonna. Upper right, lower left side predom. — From above downwards. Pulse accelerated with the pains . . . . Fever all night; all day; more in afternoon. M. With the sweat great relief of all symptoms. Itching of skin preventing early sleep ; other- wise more sleepless after midnight. Delirious while falling asleep Upper left, lower right side — Rush of blood upwards. Pulse accelerated or retarded with the pains. Fever predom. afternoon, but especially in the evening. CHg. With the sweat many mental and bodily symptoms appear. C.IIg. Sleeplessness, preval. especially before mid- night. Dreams immediately as soon as he falls asleep. C.Hg. Sensitive disposition ; irritability ; does not like to be spoken to or to speak ; dejected ; out of humor: indolent — Mental dullness. Predom. insensibility of disposition ; cheer- fullness or dejection; loquacity or taci- turnity — Predom. hastiness in all move- ments * — Ecstacies or mental dullness. Cataleptic immobility with dilated pupils, Unconsciousness, also with stupefaction and closed eyes ; but conscious of all that loss of sight, dilated pupils and delirium. transpires. M. Ailments from hearing bad and exciting Ailments from fright, anger, mortification, news ; chilliness (upper r. s.) headache, or from vexation with fright, fear or threatening of diarrhoea. vehemence. Muscular pairis, (especially in back, thighs, Pain, partic. before midnight and when and calves, M.) better by gentle motions, moving ; generally better by the warmth worse fr. warmth.of bed & after midnight. of the bed. Sensation in the head of lightness — of ver- Heaviness of head. tigo — (of bigness, M.) Headache increases with the sun ; abates Remission of complaints after midnight and during first hours of afternoon and first in the forenoon — -Aggravation (during after midnight ; — better after sleep. M. and) after sleep. M. Nocturnal sore pain in eyes Pain in eyes predom. in day time. Dim and confused or double outlines ap- Aggrav. when looking at near objects. parent in distant objects. M. Crimson hue of the cheeks Scarlet redness of the face. M. Soon gets enough while eating .... Want of feeling satisfied when eating. Cramp in stomach better by riding . . . Complaints aggrav. by concussion. Gastr. oppres., worse by pressure of clothes. Complaints predom. improved by pressure. Bland fluent coryza Predom. dry coryza. Pains (in occiput, M.) and nape of neck Pains in nape of neck better by lying on worse when lying, H.Gr. — with the head back — Predom. improvement by lying low, better when on high pillows, with down; worse (illusions) on closing the the eyes closed. M. eyes. M. Complaints predom. in fore-arm and calf . Complaints predom. in upper arm and shin. Complains caused by thunder-storm . . . Aggrav. during full moon. Worse or (nausea, trembl'g) bett. in op. air. Predom. worse in open air, better in doors. Predomin. worse _^~ °^™ Kanc ^^^^-^-^^-^^^^ Bamvm — Predomin. better During rest f and from warmth of bed, also when looking at distant objects. Predomin. better — — - — ""' -— — -^^- — — a**-— 1 "" — -> ^ Predomin. worse From (gentle) motion, from turning (shaking) the head and after sleep, from concussion and when looking at near objects. N.B. All that is marked M. has been added by Dr. J. C. Morgan. * Yet we also find aversion to motion and work with Bellad. f Gelseminum has amelioration of the muscular pains and headache during perfect rest in certain positions, relaxing muscles. M. Glonoin. Belladonna, Left side predominant — Paraplegia . . . The more frequent the pulse, the more vio- lent the headache. Pulse sometimes double (compare Digit.) or intermitting. Walking up and down at night on account of headache. Anxious feeling in pit of stomach with pain there. Yawning and inclination to bend head and spine backwards. Right side — Hemiplegia. The pulse is retarded quite as often as accel- erated or unchanged with the pain. Pulse sometimes intermitting. Running about at night because of insane fear. Anxious feeling around the heart. Yawning and stretching. Weak memory Yertigo when stepping out-doors .... Yertigo or cramping in the back of the neck when bending head back. Coldness, sometimes general with exception of head. Throbbing in head from back to front part. Headache worse after lying down and when stooping, and in damp weather, better after sufficient sleep, out-doors, and after vomiting. In megrim one sees everything half light and half dark. Faceache, worse from warmth of bed . . Under-lip feels swollen Nausea, better during sweat . . . • . Respiration (partic. expiration) accelerated. Palpitation of heart, ceases after getting up from lying, and when walking about. Coldness of the hands Memory active or weak. Yertigo, better when stepping out-doors. Complaints better when bendiug head back. Sweat, sometimes general with exception of head. Beating in head from front to back and to sides. Headache generally better after lying down, and when stooping; generally agg rav. in dry weather; worse after sleep, out- doors and by vomiting. Double sight. Faceache, better from warmth of bed. Swelling and sensation as of swelling of the lips, particularly upper lip. Complaints worse during sweat, better after it. Respiration either accelerated or retarded ; particularly often quick inspiration and slow expiration. Palpitation of heart worse when moving. Heat or coldness of hands. Complaints better after drinking water . . Walking* eases pain in limbs and palpi- tation of heart. Worse when and after drinking. Walking, motion in general, aggrav. all symptoms. Predomln. better Predomin. worse In dry weather, in cold open air, from uncovering,! particularly uncovering the head, from drinking coffee, after sleep, after vomiting, during motion and sweat. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In wet weather, in-doors, from wrapping up, partic. wrapping up head, when bending the head back, when stooping, after lying down, when holding the breath, from warmth of bed, and during rest. * Other symptoms of Glon. like those of Bell, grow worse from motion, better during rest. t Only the sensation of coldness of Glon. is increased by uncovering. Graphit. Calcarea. Complaints predom. in external parts . . # Complaints predom. in internal parts. Pain pressing outward — Pain rending down- Pain pressing inward — Pain rending upwards. wards. Eruptions generally humid Eruptions generally dry. Pulse full and hard, but not perceptibly ac- Pulse full and accelerated, often trembling. celerated. Heat or sweat with aversion to uncover . . Heat or sweat with inclination to uncover. First chill, then heat First heat, then chill. Want of thirst, partic. during heat .... Thirst is wanting only sometimes during chill. Dreams of water, embarrassment, misfortunes, Dreams of fire, sickness, vexation, and quar. &c; also dreams that exert the mind. rel, also phantastic ones. Mood changing; sad and despondent . . . Dejection or silly merriness. Ailments from grief Ailm. from hearing bad news, or from vexa- tion with fright, dread or fear. Neither fancies, unconsciousness, nor delirium. Insanity — Imbecility. Yertigo, inclining to fall forward .... Yertigo, inclining to fall backwards or side- ways. Complaints predom. on inner angle of eye. . Complaints predom. on external angle of eye. Optical illusions in bright colors Optical illusions black or in dark colors. Acute smell predom Loss of smell. Eruption on upper lip Eruption predom. on under lip. Complaints predom. on lower jaw and lower Complaints predom. on upper jaw and upper teeth, on inside of gums and in hollow of teeth, on outside of gums, and on patella. knee. Urine scanty Urine too often. Catamenia too scanty, of short duration, and Catamenia too profuse, of long duration, and late. generally too soon. Nasal secretion watery Nasal secretion thick. Expectoration almost constant; during day Expector. predom., but not constant, mornings and evening. and during day. Eemission of complaints during day .... Kemission before midnight. Worse or better from warmth of bed . . . Worse from warmth of bed. Worse when hungry Worse after a satisfying meal. Generally better when swallowing .... Worse when swallowing. Generally better after drinking Worse after drinking. Worse from washing or moistening .... Worse or better* from moistening. Worse from cold diet; better from warm diet. Worse (resp. better) from cold or warm diet. Worse while perspiring Worse or better when perspiring, Worse when looking up Worse when looking up or down. Worse from light ; better in the dark . . . Better (resp. worse) from light or in the dark. Worse from sneezing • Worse or better from sneezing. Fredoniin. worse — •— """ ' """-— -^- — * """"' Predomin. better In-doors, when lying on painful side, from uncoveriner, from the touch, when sitting, when lifting or resting diseased limb on anything, and after breakfast. Predomin. better — — •— — — -^ s - — — Predomin. worse Out-doors, f when lying on unpainful side, from wrapping up, from pressure, after sweat, when* riding, when letting diseased limb hang down, before breakfast, when swallowing, from spirituous liquors, and after drinking. N.B. "With Calcarea, which bears the character of want of irritability, we very rarely find the over- sensitiveness to pain peculiar to Graphit. * "Improvement by moistening " we only find with the abdominal inflammation of Calcarea, t "W/ien walking out-doors" both remedies have predoin. aggrav.J therefore, the influence of the open air is not decisive for Graph., but that of motion. X "After riding " the complaints of Graph, are aggrav. 19 Graphit. Natr. carb. Trembling sensation in internal parts . . Trembling of external parts. Discharge from ulcers copious or scanty . Discharge from ulcers copious. C.Hg. Pulse full and hard, but accelerated only Pulse frequent at night, slow during day. somewhat in the morning. Want of thirst, particularly during heat . Thirst predominant, but generally not until after chill. Chill increased after meals Chill lessened after meals. Mood changing; sad Mood glad or dull ; serious; irritable; ma- licious — Avarice. Ailments from grief ........ Ailments from vexation with fright— Imbe- cility — Insanity. Optical illusions in bright colors .... Optical illusions in dark colors. Nasal complaints predom. internal . . . Nasal complaints predom. external. Sour vomit Predom. bitter vomit. Constipation predominant — When diarrhoea Painful diarrhoea predominant, occurs, it is preval. painless. Urine scanty Urine too often and copious. Cataraenia too late and scanty Catamenia too soon and profuse. Leucorrhcea watery Leucorrhcea thick. Nasal secretion watery Nasal secretion thick. Expectoration during day and evening . . Expectoration morning and evening. Remission of complaints during day . . Remission before midnight. Worse when hungry Worse after a satisfying meal. Worse after stool Worse or better after stool. Worse or better from growing cold (resp. Predom. worse from growing cold, better growing warm). from growing warm. Worse after sleep Worse or better after sleep. Worse or better after getting out of bed . Predom. better after getting out of bed. Worse when rising from a seat .... Better or worse when rising from a seat. Worse from straining the eyes Better or worse from straining the eyes. Worse during sweat Better or worse when sweating. Ailments from Arsenic Ailments from abuse of Cinchona. Predomin. worse -■ "" u ""-«-^ ^ — — --^ Predomin. better From motion, when walking, when getting ont of hed, from the tonch, and in-doors. Predomin. better .-— — ■*-^_-- x ^ - Predomin. worse During rest, after lying down, when lying and standing, ont-doors, from spirituous liquors, after drinking, and after sweat. N.B. Natr. carb. lacks the sensation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Graphit. Graphit Petroleum. Sensitiveness or tension in internal parts . Sensitiveness or tension in external parts. Eruptions generally humid — Itch humid . Eruptions dry or humid — Dry itch. Pulse full and hard, but not perceptibly ac- Pulse slow during rest, but stronger, full celerated, except in the morning. and accelerated by every motion, partic. in the evening. Want of thirst, particularly during heat . Thirst during heat, but not during chill. Chill increased after meals, lessened in the Chill lessened after meals, increased in the open air. open air. Sweat often confined to the front part of Sweat often confined to the back part of body. body. Mood changing — Amorousness .... Mood malicious — Mental dullness. Ailments from grief Ailments from fright, or from vexation with fright. Nasal complaints internal, and complaints Nasal complaints external, and complaints on inside of gums predom. on exterior of gums predom. Burning sensation in the teeth Sensation of coldness in the teeth. C.Hg. Sour vomit Predom. bitter vomit. Diarrhoea quite rare, and, when it occurs, Diarrhoea generally painful. painless. Urine scanty Urine too often, but scanty. Catamenia too late and scanty Catamenia too late and scanty, or too soon and profuse. Respiration with dry sound Respiration predom. with moist sound. Expectoration almost constant; during day Expectoration infrequent j during day. and evening. Aggravation from evening till morning . Aggravation morning and evening till midnight. Worse during full moon Worse before thunder-storm. Worse (resp. better) from growing cold or Predom. worse from growing cold, better warm. from growing warm. Worse or better after getting out of bed . Better after getting out of bed. Worse when stretching out diseased limb, Worse or better when stretching out the better when drawing it up. limb and when drawing it up. Worse from touch Worse or better from touch. Worse from straining the eyes Worse or better from straining the eyes. Generally better when swallowing and Worse when swallowing and after drinking, after drinking, but particularly worse partic. worse when swallowing food. when swallowing saliva. Predomin. worse ^ ' ' — ^^ — ~-^ Predomin. better When sitting, in-doors, and after breakfast. Predomin. better .-—-"" "— -"^ — •— *— — -— -^^ Predomin. worse When standing and riding, out-doors, before breakfast, when swallowing, after drinking, particularly spirituous liquors, and after sweat. Graphit. Silicea. Sensitiveness of internal parts; crawling Sensitiveness of external parts; crawling sensation in external parts. sensation in internal parts. Eruptions generally humid— Humid itch . Eruptions generally dry — Dry itch. Scars burn, break open Scars sore to the touch, break open. C.Hg. Distention of veins of feet Distention of veins of hands. Pulse full and hard, but not perceptibly Pulse small, hard, and quick, often irregular; accelerated, except mornings. quick at night, slow during day. Want of thirst, partic. during heat . . . Thirst predom., partic. during heat. Sweat often confined to front part of body. Sweat often confined to back part of body. Chill lessened in the open air Chill increased in the open air. Rarely paralysis— No apoplexy .... Paralysis— Apoplexy. Mood changing Gentleness — Fancies. Optical illusions in bright colors .... Optical illusions in black or in dark colors. Complaints of inner ear predom Complaints of external ear most frequent. Predom. acute smell Loss of smell. Hunger predom Generally loss of appetite. Sour vomit Bitter vomit. Belly-ache after stool Remission of belly-ache after stool. Urine scanty — Sediment whitish .... Urine too often — Sedim. reddish or yellow. Catamenia too late and scanty Catamenia generally too late and scanty, but often also too soon and profuse. Hard scars, remaining after mammary ab- Hard-edged fistulous ulcers, remaining after scesses, are absorbed. Guernsey. mammary abscesses. W. Gross. Expectoration during day and evening . . Expectoration during day. Complaints predom. on shoulder joint . . Complaints predom. on hip joint. Remission of complaints during day . . Remission before midnight. "Worse (resp. better) from growing cold or Predom. worse from growing cold ; better warm. from growing warm. Worse from washing and moistening dis- Worse or better from washing. eased part. Worse in bed Better or worse in bed. Worse or better from warmth of bed . . Better from warmth of bed. Worse when hungry Worse after a satisfying meal. Better or worse after meals Almost always aggrav. after meals. Improv. oftener than aggrav. after drinking. Aggrav. oftener than improv. after drinking. Worse or better from weeping Worse from weeping. Worse from bodily exertion Worse or better from exertion. Ailments from Arsenic Ailments from Sulph., Mercur., or from sting of insects. Predomin. worse -^ ^^ — ■ ~-^ Predomin. better In-doors, in bed and from warmth of bed; also during continued motion. Predomin. better ~~ -—— . -^ — — --- Predomin. worse Out-doors,* when lying, when riding, after perspiring, from pressure, when swallowing, after drinking, partic. spirituous liquors, and during rest. * " When walking out-doors" both remedies have predom. aggrav.; therefore the influence of motion, and not that of the open air, must decide for Graphit. Helleb. nig. Arsenic. Muscles lax — Gnawing pain in external parts. Muscles rigid— Gnawing pain in intern, parts. Itching, unchanged by scratching .... Itching, aggrav. by scratching. Humia eruptions .... Eruptions generally dry. Loosing hair from the eye-brows and pudenda. Loosing hair from the head, partic. the an- terior part. C.Hg. "Very rarely paralysis of limbs ..... Paralysis. Pulse slow^ small, and weak Pulse very much accelerated, small, and weak ; sometimes intermitting. Pulse often slower than beating of heart . . Pulse suppressed, with strong beating of heart. "Want of thirst predom Least thirst during chill, most during sweat ; patient drinks often, but little at a time during heat. First heat, then chill First chill, then heat. Chill increased after getting out of bed . . Chill lessened after getting out of bed. Insensibility of disposition Sensitive disposition. Distrust Mood anxious, peevish, irritable, malicious — Avariciousness. Absent-mindedness — Fancies Delirium — Insanity.* Complaints of external ear predom. . . . Complaints of inner ear predom. Thirst with disgust for drink Desire for drink without thirst. Generally hunger Generally loss of appetite. Nausea, partic. in the stomach Nausea, partic. in the throat. Urine often, but scanty Urine scanty (with diarrhoea) or copious. Retention of urine Incontinence oftener than retention of urine, f Respiration slow Respiration quick. Cough, without expectoration Cough generally with expectoration. Complaints predom. on thigh Complaints predom. on leg. Vesicles around the joints Erysipelas around the joints. Remission of complaints during day .... Remission during day and before midnight. Generally better during sleep Worse during sleep. Better after sleep Better after sufficient sleep; but worse on awaking when roused. Worse in bed In bed (warmth) better or (rest) worse. Worse or better when getting out of bed . . Almost alw. improv. when getting out of bed. Better after perspiring Worse or better after perspiring. Worse (resp. better) on an empty stomach, or Predom. better on an empty stomach; worse after breakfast. after breakfast. Worse after stool Worse or better after stool. Worse or better from pressure Predom. improv. by pressure. Worse from light, better in the dark . . . Worse (resp. better) from light or in the dark. Predomln. worse ■ — " — -^ — Predomin. better In a warm room, in company, from warm diet, from warmth of bed, from motion, when walking, when sitting down, when bending diseased limb, and when biting. Predomin. better >- — ■— -^^ — —--^ Predomin. worse Out - doors, f when alone, from cold diet, during; rest, when sitting and lying, during sleep, and after sweat. N.B Helleb. very rarely has the over-sensitiveness to pain which Ars. often has. * "Imbecility" is found with both remedies. t " When walking out-doors," Helleb. has — chiefly in consequence of motion — predominately aggravation. Helleb. nigr. Belladonna. An semi e .... Plethora predominant. Skin and muscles lax— Inclination for open Skin and muscles rigid -Aversion to open air. air. Painless cutaneous eruptions Painful eruptions. Pulse slow, small, and weak Pulse generally quick, full, hard, and tense. Chill, lessened out-doors Chill, increased out-doors. Sweat, lessened after sleep Sweat, increased after sleep. Want of thirst Thirst not constant; quite rare during chill; often before chill, and after sweat. Calm sadness Mood cheerful or sad; changing; anxious; peevish ; irritable ; malicious. Ailments from grief, or from vexation with Ailments from fright, anger, mortification, reserved displeasure. or from vexation with fright, fear, or vehemence. Weakness of memory • . Memory active or weak. Mental dullness— No delirium Ecstasies or mental dullness — Delirium — Insanity. No apoplexy — Very rarely paralysis . . . Apoplexy — Paralysis of limbs. Nausea in stomach, less frequently in ab- Nausea in throat or abdomen, less frequently domen. in stomach. Red parts become white External parts become black. P emission of complaints during day . Worse from light, particularly daylight . Generally better during sleep . . . Better or worse when getting out of bed Better or worse after getting out of bed Worse when bending diseased part . . Worse or better from pressure. Better after sweat Remission forenoon and afternoon. Worse from light, particularly candle-light Worse during sleep. Worse when getting out of bed. Almost always improved after getting out of bed. Worse or better when bending diseased part, particularly worse when bending it sideways; better when bending it inwards or backwards, and when holding it bent. Predom. better from pressure. Worse or better after sweat. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In-doors, in bed and from warmth of bed, when sitting down, when stooping, and when bending diseased part backwards. Predomin. better Predomin. worse Out-doors,* during sleep, and on awaking. N.B. With Helleb. we very rarely find the over-sensitiveness of Belladonna to pain ; mere sensitiveness (to touch, etc.), on the other hand, is found with " both" remedies. * "When walking ont-doors," both remedies have predominant aggravation ; therefore, it is chiefly the influence of motion which must decide for Uelleb. Helleb. nigr. Pulsatilla. Constitutional want of irritability . . . Pain pressing inwards — No apoplexy . . Itching-, unchanged by scratching . . . Painless cutaneous eruptions Pulse often slower than beating of heart; generally slow Chill increased by motion, lessened in warm room. Heat lessened during sleep Want of thirst constant Increased irritability. Pain pressing outwards — Apoplexy. Itching, aggrav. or unchanged by scratching. Painful eruptions. Pulse sometimes suppressed with strong beat- ing of heart ; generally quick. Chill lessened by motion, increased in warm room. Heat increased during sleep. Want of thirst predom., but constant only during chill. Insensibility of disposition Sensitive disposit. — Mood changing; anxious; peevish — Boldness — Avarice — Amorous- ness. Ailments from vexation with reserved dis- Ailments from excessive joy, fright, mortifica- pleasure. tion, or from vexation with fright, dread, or fear — Delirium. Pupils predom. dilated Pupils generally contracted. Complaints predom. on external ear, and on Complaints on inner ear and under lip predom. upper lip. Appetite for bread Aversion to bread. Nausea in stomach, less frequently in abdomen. Nausea in throat, stomach, or abdomen. Diarrhoea predom. painless Diarrhoea generally painful. Urine often, but scanty Urine seldom and scanty. Retention of urine Incontinence more frequent than retention of urine. Respiration slow — Cough dry Respiration quick — Cough generally with ex- pectoration. Complaints predom. on thigh Complaints predom. on leg. Aggravation from evening till morning . . Aggravation from noon till midnight. Worse when respiring deeply Better or worse when respiring deeply. Worse when swallowing Better or worse when swallowing, partic. worse when swallowing saliva. TV orse after stool Better or worse after stool. Better after sweat Worse or better after sweat. Better after sleep Wor.se or better after sleep. Worse from uncovering; better from wrap- Generally better from uncovering, worse from ping up. wrapping up. Worse when bending diseased part .... Better or worse when bending diseased part, partic. better when bending it sideways, or when holding it bent. Worse when sitting down Worse or better when sitting down. .Better after rising from a seat Better or worse after rising from a seat. Predomin. worse Predomin. better Fiom cold, from growing cold and in cold weather, from uncovering, motion, walking, when walking out-doors,* from bodily exertion, after stool, and on inspiration. Predomin. better Predomin. worse From warmth, growing warm and in warm air, from wrapping up, during rest, when standing, sit- ting and lying,! during and after sleep, after sweat, and on expiration. N.J3. The over-sensitiveness of Pulsat. to pain is very rarely found with Helleb.— Mere sensitiveness (to touch, &c), on the other hand, is found with both remedies. * Both remedies hare predom. improv. of complaints "out-doors, asrsjrav. in-do^rs. f The symptoms of both remedies are predom. aggrav. " in bed " and "from warmth of bed." HeNeb. nig. Veratr. alb. Want of bodily irritability predominant. . Increased bodily irritability. No apoplexy -~ Very rarely paralysis. . . Apoplexy — Paralysis. Epilepsy, with consciousness Epilepsy, generally with loss of conscious- ness. Humid, painless eruptions — Painless ulcers. Dry, painful eruptions— Painful ulcers. Pulse regular Pulse irregular, sometimes intermitting. Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover . Heat or sweat, with inclination to uncover. Chill increased after getting out of bed . Chill lessened after getting out of bed. First heat, then chill First chill, then heat. Want of thirst constant Thirst not constant; least thirst during sweat. Insensibility of disposition Sensitive disposition. Calm sadness — Indifference Cheerfulness or dejection — Fear — Mali- ciousness — Irritability — Amorousness. Ailments from vexation with reserved dis- Ailments from fright, anger, grief, or from pleasure. vexation with dread or fear. Xo delirium — Difficult comprehension — Delirium— Easy or difficult comprehens'n — Mental dullness — Imbecility. Rarely mental dullness — Ecstasies — In- sanity. Melancholy, with apathy and stupor . . . Melancholy with lamentation and discon- solateness. Pupils predominantly dilated Pupils generally contracted. Saliva generally increased Saliva generally diminished. Trine often, but scanty Urine seldom and scanty; only exceptionally copious. Respiration slow — Cough dry Respiration quick — Expectoration not con- stant. Complaints predom. on thigh Complaints predom. on leg. Remission of complaints during day . . Predom. worse from growing cold, better from growing warm. Better or worse when assuming an erect position. Better after rising from a seat Worse or better from pressure .... Worse after stool Remission during clay and evening. Better (resp. worse) from growing cold or from growing warm. Worse when assuming an erect position. Better or worse after rising from a seat. Generally improved by pressure. Worse or better after stool. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From uncovering, from warm diet, from motion, when walking, when ascending, and when ben dim diseased part backwards/ Predomin. better Predomin. worse From wrapping up, from cold diet, during rest, when standing sitting and lying, when descending during sleep, and on awaking. Hepar s. c. Belladonna. Light hair — Emaciation Dark hair — Obesity. Barely apoplexy or paralysis Apoplexy — Paralysis. Sweat increased when and after getting out of Sweat lessened when and after getting out of bed. bed. Sensitive disposition Insensibility of disposition predominant. Dejection Cheerfulness or dejection — Indifference. Ailments of vexation with vehemence . . . Consequences of anger, mortification, or from vexation with fear or vehemence. "Weak memory Memory active or weak. Barely fancies Insensibility — Ecstasies or mental dullness. Complaints predominant in external angle of Complaints predominant in inner angle of eye. eye. Short-sightedness — Objects appear too light Far-sightedness — Objects appear too light in in dark parts of the room. the candle-light. Mucus or fetid pus discharges from the ears . Discharge chiefly of blood from the ears. Appetite for sour things Aversion to sour things. Fetid flatus Scentless flatus. Discharge of succus prostaticus, particularly Pollutions predominant. with stool and after urinating. Expectoration not constant ; in morning and Expectoration infrequent ; morning, during during day. day, evening. Complaints predominant on fore-arm, on tip of Complaints predominant on upper arm, in hol- elbow, on inner side of thigh, and on top of low of elbow, on patella, on outside of thigh, foot. and on sole of foot. Bemission of complaints afternoon .... Bemission forenoon and after midnight. Worse when lying on painful side, better when Better (resp. worse) when lying on painful or lying on unpainful side. on unpainful side. Generally better when lifting diseased limb Worse when lifting diseased limb and when and when resting it on anything, worse when resting it on anything, better when letting letting it hang down. it hang down. Worse when leaning against anything . . . When leaning against anything worse or (against anything hard) better. Better after sweat Worse or better after perspiring. Worse or better from speaking Worse from speaking. Worse when eating or swallowing .... Worse or better when eat'g or when swallow'g. Worse when swallowing food and saliva . . Worse when swallowing, partic. drink. Worse from spirituous liquors Worse or better from spirituous liquors. Worse from eructation Generally better from eructation. Worse or better after stool Worse after stool. Almost always improved by smoking . . . Worse from smoking. Ailments from sleeping on damp ground . . Ailments from sleeping in the sun or moon- light. Predomin. worse - — — ' '"" uuu ***— — --"^ — «*•" — ■ — Predomin. better On an empty stomach, from cold diet, when stretching out diseased limb or letting it hang down, after getting out of bed, when stooping, from eructation, from pressure, and when turning in bed. Predomin. better - — "" *■"■ -""^ — '"" -^ Predomin. worse After breakfast, from warm diet,* when drawing up diseased limb, lifting or resting it on anything, and from smoking. N.B. Both remedies have the symptoms of drinking eagerly, hastily; Bellad. with trembling haste. CHg. * Yet we also find "aggravation by drinking cold water" with Belladonna; this is on account of the difficulty of "swallowing drink." Hepar s. c. Lachesis. Heat, with thirst - Heat generally without tliirst. Thirst predominant, but not constant; least Thirst before chill, but not during chill ; not thirst during chill. very frequent during heat. Barely apoplexy Apoplexy. — Pulse hard full, and accelerated Pulse small, weak, and accelerated; often alternating with full and strong beats, gen- erally very unequal. Anxious dreams Pleasant dreams. Reserve— Mood changing; depressed . . . Loquacity — Cheerfulness — Haughtiness — Amorousness — Distrust. Ailments from vexation with vehemence . . Ailments from jealousy. Difficult comprehension Easy comprehension— Ecstasies. Complaints predominant on upper eyelids . . Complaints predominant on lower eyelids. Mucous vomit Vomiting of food. Urine seldom and scanty Urine too often. Sexual desire too weak Sexual desire too strong. Catamenia too soon and profuse Catamenia too scanty, at the same time too late or too soon. Dry coryza predominant Fluent coryza predominant. Expectoration not constant with the cough . Expectoration infrequent. Remission of complaints afternoon .... Remission from midnight till noon. Worse in cold weather ; better in warm air . Generally better in cold weather, worse in warm air. Worse when lying on painful side, better when Better (resp. worse) when lying on painful or lying on unpainful side. unpainful side. Worse during sleep and on awaking. . . . Worse or better during sleep and on awaking. Worse when stooping Better or worse when stooping. Better or worse when assuming an erect posi- Worse when assuming an erect position. tion. Better after rising from a seat Better or worse after rising from a seat. Worse when swallowing, particularly when Better or worse when swallowing, particularly swallowing saliva and food. worse when swallowing saliva and drink. Worse during and after meals Better or worse during and after meals. Worse after drinking Worse or better after drinking. Worse from spirituous liquors Better or worse from spirituous liquors. "Worse from eructation Worse or better from eructation. Worse or better from speaking Worse from speaking. Worse from sneezing Worse or better when sneezing. Ailments from Silicea or Metals, (Iod or Iodate Ailments from abuse of Cinchona, or from of Potassium. C.Hg.) sting of insects. (Mercurius. C.Hg.) Predomin. worse Predomin. better In cold dry weather, from cold diet, from motion, when walking, shakin 2: the head, respiring deeply, when letting diseased limb hang down, from drinking coffee, when swallowing food, and when stooping. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In warm and damp air, from warm diet, during rest, when standing and lying, when lifting diseased limb, and when smoking. N.B. Lachesis has the predominant characteristic of increased constitutional irritability; Hepar s. c. 3 on the other hand, at least in chronic complaints, prevalent want of irritability. Hepar s. c. Mercur. Humid cutaneous eruptions Eruptions generally dry. Rarely apoplexy Apoplexy. Thirst predom., but not constant; most Thirst almost constant during all stages of rare during chill. the fever. Chill lessened in warm room Chill increased in warm room. Sweat increased when and after getting out Sweat lessened when and after getting out of bed, abating when speaking. of bed; increased when speaking. Congestion of blood to eyes ..... Congestion of blood to ears.^ Dreams of fire, sickness, quarrel, or business Dreams of water, thieves, animals, shooting, of the day. and misfortunes. Ailments from fright, or from vexation with Seriousness — Amorousness— Ailments from vehemence. mortification. Scrofulous inflammation of eyes, of a torpid Scrofulous inflammation of eyes of an erethic character. character. Optical illusions in red colors Optical illusions in green colors. C.Hg. Desire for wine or brandy Aversion to wine or brandy; but appetite for beer. Urine too seldom and scanty Urine too often and copious. Sexual desire too weak Sexual desire too strong. Discharge of succus prostaticus .... Pollutions. Catamenia predom. too soon and profuse . Catamenia too late ; at the same time scanty or profuse. Dry coryza predom Coryza fluent oftener than dry. Expectoration morning and during day . Expectoration during day. B emission of complaints in the afternoon . Remission during day. Worse when getting out of bed .... Better or worse when getting out of bed. Worse or better after getting out of bed . Better after getting out of bed. Worse or better when sitting Almost always improv. when sitting. Generally better when bending diseased Worse when bending diseased part, part. Better from scratching Worse or better from scratching. Worse when blowing nose Worse when blowing nose ; but better after- wards. Worse or better from speaking .... Worse from speaking. Worse from growing cold ; better from Better (resp. worse) from growing cold or growing warm. warm. Worse from cold, better from warm diet . Worse or better from cold diet, and in the latter case, worse from warm diet. Worse when swallowing Better or worse when swallowing, partic. worse when swallowing saliva and drink. Worse during and after meals Worse or better during and after meals. Worse or better after stool ...... Worse after stool. Predomin. worse -—- — ' Predomin. better In dry "weather, after getting out of bed, when leaning against anything, when letting diseased limb hang down, and when swallowing food. Predomin. better -- — — ^^ — t0mm — ---. Predomin. worse In wet weather, in bed and from warmth of bed, after perspiration, when lifting diseased limb, and when bending suffering part. Hepar s. c. Predominantly upper left, lower right side. In chronic complaints predom. want of irrit- ability ; in recent cases, on the other hand, often great irritability. Constriction in inward parts Crawling sensation in external parts . . . Hnmid cutaneous eruptions Ulcers, also lardaceous, with thick pus . . Pulse accelerated, hard and full; sometimes intermitting. Congestion of blood to eyes Thirst predom., but not constant ; most rare during chill. Chill lessened in warm room Dreams anxious, partic. of falling, fire, quar- rel, &c. Silicea. Predom. upper right, lower left side. Increased bodily irritability. Constriction in external parts. Crawling sensation in inward parts. Dry eruptions. Ulcers with watery herpetic discharge, some- times with proud flesh, or local sensation of coldness. Pulse quick, hard, but small; often irre- gular. Congestion of blood to ears. Thirst predom., partic. during hot stage. Chill increased in warm room. Dreams sometimes anxious (of water, ani- mals, thieves, ghosts), sometimes pleasant, erotic, imaginative. Mood irritable, malicious Consequences of fright, or of vexation with vehemence. Delirium — Fancies rarely Compl. predom. on external angle of eye . Short-sightedness — Pupils dilated . . . Vomiting of mucus Urine seldom and scanty ; sediment whitish. Sexual desire lessened or weak .... Catamenia too soon and too profuse . . (In fevers) finger seem like dead .... Mood indifferent, gentle ; amorous. Consequences of vexation — Apoplexy and paralysis much more freq. than with Hep. Fancies. Complaints predom. on inner angle of eye. Far-sightedness — Pupils contracted. Vomiting predom. of food or drink. Urine too often — Sedim. reddish or yellow. Sexual desire increased or strong. Catamenia generally too late and scanty. (In fevers) heat in fingers. Remission of complaints afternoon . . . Some symptoms aggrav. by weeping . . Worse when moving ; better during rest, when lying,* and standing. Worte when opening the mouth .... "\Vorse or better when assuming an erect position. "Worse after drinking Better or worse when speaking .... Ailments from Silicea or Metals, from Xitric acid, Iodine, Arsenic, or Belladonna. Remission before midnight. Aggrav. by weeping or laughing. Worse when idle, and in the beginning of motion ; better during continued moderate motion. Worse when opening or closing the mouth. Better when assuming an erect position. Better or worse after drinking. Worse when speaking. Ailments from Sulphur or the sting of in- sects, H.Gr.; the most important in all complaints following vaccination. C.Hg. Predomin. worse ^-— ■ *V. — ■— ^ Predomin. better From motion, eructation, and on an empty stomach. Predomin better -^-— ^*- -^ — ^^ Predomin. worse During rest, after sweat, from scratching and rubbing, from smoking, and after breakfast. * With both remedies the warmth of the bed improves. Hepar s. c. Spongia. Predominant want of irritation (torpor) in Predominantly increased bodily irritability. chronic diseases ; in recent cases, on the contrary, often increased irritability. Aversion to open air Inclination for open air. Chill lessened in warm room Chill increased in warm room. Anxious dreams Pleasant dreams. Mood depressed ; irritable ; malicious . . Cheerfulness — No insanity. Congestion of blood to eyes Congestion of blood to ears. Saliva increased Saliva diminished. Croup, with deep, rough, barking cough ; Croup, with piping, crowing, very dry with hoarseness or aphony with slight sounding cough, rough, crowing cry, suffocating spasms ; respiration not with- and sensitiveness of the larynx to the out rattling of mucus. touch. Cough, excited by cold diet and when Cough, improved by eating and drinking; lying. worse when sitting erect, from motion and exertion. Expectoration in morning and during day . When there is expectoration, it is only in morning. Remission of complaints in afternoon. Aggravation afternoon and night, partic. before midnight. Worse after singing Worse while singing. Worse when swallowing Better when swallowing, worse when not swallowing. Worse when lying with head low, better Better in horizontal position, with head hierh. Predomin. worse -— ■ * — ^ Ja "—— — -^- — — — - a * E "™" -^ Predomin. better With head lying low, out-doors, and when eating and swallowing. Predomin. better Predomin. worse With head lying high, in-doors, when growing warm in bed, from smoking, from bending suffering part, from, bending head backwards, and from rubbing and scratching. Hepar s. c. Sulphur. Eruptions humid Eruptions generally dry. Painful eruptions and d° ulcers .... Painful eruptions and d° ulcers. Heat or sweat with aversion to uncover . Heat or sweat with inclination to uncover. Sweat lessened when speaking Sweat increased when speaking. Mood malicious Mood changing; serious, indifferent, gentle. Fancies much more seldom than with Sulph. Unconsciousness. _ Ailments from fright, or from vexation with Ailments from mortification, hearing bad vehemence. ° Dews > or from vexation with dread or fear ; more rarely from anger. Very rarelv paralysis Paralysis. _ Complaints predom. on external ear, on tip Complaints predom. m inner ear, in hollow of elbow, and on top of foot of elbow, on patella, and on sole of foot, Eves protruding— Pupils dilated .... Eyes generally sunken— Pupils contracted. Saliva predom. increased Saliva generally diminished. Appetite for spirituous liquors .... Inclination for or aversion to beer and spirit- uous liquors. Vomit predom. on bile Yomit sour oftener than bitter. Urine infrequent and scanty Ur. often & scanty, but sometimes copious. Sediment of urine white Sediment whitish or reddish. Catamenia too soon and profuse .... Catamenia generally too late and scanty. Remission of complaints afternoon . . . Re:\iission afternoon and before midnight. Worse when moving ; better during rest . Worse in the beginning of motion, from walking fast and running, better during continued moderate motion. Worse when turning in bed Worse or better when turning in bed. Worse on an empty stomach Better or worse on an empty stomach. Worse after singing Worse while singing. Worse out-doors,* better in-doors . . . Better or worse out-doors; worse in-doors, if the room is crowded, but better from warmth of stove. Better or worse when talking Worse when speaking. Predomin. worse — — ■ — - -~^ — — -^ Predomin. better In dry weather, from cold,± uncovering, ernctation, from external pressure, and when moving. Predomin. better - — — ~^ s +* — — . Predomin. worse Tn damp weather, from warmth, wrapping np, after lying down, while lyins:, from warmth of hed, after sweat, from smoking, when standing, when bending suffering part, and during rest. N.B. With Sulph. we rarely find the over-sensitiveness of Hepar s. c. to pain, — rarely with Hepar s. c. the sensation of numbness of suffering parts peculiar to Sulph. * Both remedies have aegrav. "when walking orct-doors." t We find aggrav. "from cold weather " with both remedies,— with Sulph. also " from hot weather." Hepar s. c. Zincum. Light hair— Constriction in internal parts . Dark hair — Constriction in external parts. Rarely paralysis Paralysis of limbs. Hydrocephalus Hydrocephaloid. C.Hg. Pulse accelerated, full, and hard; frequent Pulse small and frequent in evening, slower at night, slow during day. in the morning and during day. Mood dejected; malicious Mood cheerful; indifferent; changing — Amorousness. Optical illusions dark or in red colors — Optical illusions bright; principally green, Cataract. or blue, or yellow — Amaurosis. Mucous vomit Vomiting predom. of food. Urine almost always dark— Sediment whit- Urine predom. pale — Sediment yellow. ish. Sexual desire too weak Sexual desire too strong. "Discharge of succus prostaticus predom. . Pollutions predominant. Scrotum relaxed Scrotum contracted. C.Hg. Catamenia too soon and profuse .... Catam. predom. too late and scanty. Cough generally without expectoration . . Cough generally with expectoration. Expectoration morning and during day . Expectoration partic. mornings. Complaints predominant on tip of elbow, Complaints predominant in hollow of elbow, on hip-joint, on thigh, partic. on the inner on patella, on shoulder-joint, on leg, and side of thigh. on outer side of thigh. Remission of complaints in the afternoon . Aggravation afternoon and evening, rarely at night. Worse or better after getting out of bed . Better after getting out of bed. Worse or better when assuming an erect Worse when assuming an erect position. position. Better or worse when sitting Predom. worse when sitting. Almost always aggravated when stretching Better when stretching out diseased limb, out diseased limb, better when drawing worse when drawing it up. it up. Almost always aggravated by touch . . . Better or worse from touch. Worse when swallowing Generally better when swallowing. Worse from eructation Worse or better from eructation. Worse or better after stool Worse after stool. Ailments from Silicea or Metals, from Nitr. Ailments from Baryt. acid, Arsenic, Iodine, or Belladonna. Predomin. wor§e — "" »* ^ -— ■ Predomin. better In dry weather, out-doors, when closing the eyes, when and after getting out of bed, when stretching out diseased limb, from pressure, on an empty stomach ; but also when eating, when swallowing, from cold diet, when blowing the nose, and when tying the clothes tight around the hips. Predomin. better —-- — ■— . -"^ — --»^ Predomin. worse In wet weather, in-doors, when opening the eyes, after lying down, in bed, when standing, when drawing up diseased limb, when bending diseased part, after breakfast, from warm diet, and from loosen- ing the clothes. Hyoscyamus. Nux vomica. Light hair— Skin and muscles lax ... Dark hair— Skin and muscles rigid. Complaints (pinching, &c.) predom. in ex- Complaints (pinching pain, &c.) predom. in ternal parts. internal parts. Crawling sensation in internal parts — Obe- Crawling sensation in external parts — Ema- sitv. ciation. Want of bodily irritability Increased bodily irritability. Painless eruptions and ulcers Painful eruptions and ulcers. Painless paralysis, partic. of one side only . Paral. generally of both sides (paraplegia). Haemorrhages* blood light-red Haemorrhages, blood dark. Epilepsv with unconsciousness Epilepsy with full consciousness. Partial sweat on lower part of body . . . Partial sweat on upper part of body. Sweat increased during sleep Sweat lessened during sleep. Thirst is wanting only during cold stage . Thirst greatest during chill. Insensibility of disposition Sensitiveness. Cheerfulness— Changing mood— Distrust . Sadness — Peevishness — Irascibility. Consequences of jealousy oftener than with Ailments from mortification or contradic- Xux vora. tion. Mental dullness Mental dullness much more rare. Hunger predom Generally loss of appetite. Diarrhoea, painless Costiveness — When there is diarrhoea, it is painful. Catamenia too late and profuse .... Catamenia too soon and profuse. Expectoration infrequent; during day . . Expectoration not constant; morning, dur- ing day. evening. Complaints predom. on wrist Complaints predom. on ankle. Remission of complaints during day . . Remission evening till midnight. Worse after sleep Better after sufficient and not too long sleep ; but worse on awaking when the sleep is interrupted. Predom. worse after getting out of bed . . Worse or better after getting out of bed. Better on an empty stomach (before break- Worse or better on an empty stomach, fast). Worse when swallowing drink Worse or better when swallowing; partic. worse when swallowing food or swallow- ing saliva. Worse after drinking Worse or better after drinking. Worse when perspiring Worse or better when perspiring. Worse when bending diseased part . . . Worse or better wh. bending diseased part. Generally improv. when assuming an erect Almost always aggrav. when assuming an position. erect position. Ailments from Belladonna Ailments from Arsenic or Copper vapors, from Sulph., Calc, Phosph., Iodine, Pe- troleum, Graphit, from Coffea, Cocculus, Colchicum, Digitalis, Pulsatilla, Stramo- nium, or Lachesis. Complaints following inhalation of ether . Complaints following the use ox aromatics, ginger, onions, &c. C.Hg. Predomin. worse -— *^ -^ , Predomin. better After lying down, when lying generally, partic. in a bent posture, after sleep, and when swallowing drink. Predomin. better -^ — ^ Predomin. worse When assuming an erect position, in extended posture, when getting out of bed, from drinking coffee, and from smokin£. Hyoscyamus. Pulsatilla. Complaints (pinching pain, etc.) predominant Complaints (pinching pain, etc.) predominant in external parts. in internal parts. Want of bodily irritability — Painless erupt's . Increased irritability — Painful eruptions. Haemorrhages, blood light-red Haemorrhages, blood dark. Pulse generally quick, full, hard, strong . . Pulse generally frequent, but small and weak. Heat abating in bed Heat increased in bed. Thirst generally wanting only during cold Want of thirst predominant, but constant only stage. during chill. Insensibility of disposition Sensitive disposition. Mood irritable ; malicious ; haughty . . . . Calm sadness of mild dispositions — Indiffer- ence — Peevishness — Boldness — Avarice. Ailments from (fright, grief, vexation) anger, Ailments from (fright, grief, vexation) exces- disappointed love or jealousy. sive joy or from mortification. Memory active or weak — Mental dullness . . Weak memory — Mental dullness more rarely. Eyes protruding — Pupils predom. dilated — Eyes sunken — Pupils generally contracted — • Clear-sightedness more frequent than dim- Dim-sightedness. sightedness. Nasal complaints predom. internal .... Nasal compl. external oftener than internal. Painless diarrhoea „ . . Diarrhoea generally painful. Catamenia predom. profuse Catamenia predom. scanty. Expectoration infrequent ; during day . . . Expectoration predominant, but not constant ; morning and during day. Complaints predom. on fore-arm and thigh . Complaints predom. on upper arm and on leg Aggravat. from evening till morning . . . Aggravat. from noon till midnight. Worse when looking upwards or sideways . . Worse when looking upwards. Better after perspiring Generally worse after perspiring. Worse from uncovering, better from wrap- Generally better from uncovering, worse from ping up. wrapping up. Worse after sleep Worse or better after sleep. Generally worse after getting out of bed . . Generally improved after getting out of bed. Generally improved when stooping .... Generally aggravated when stooping. Worse when bending diseased part .... Better or worse when bending diseased part, partic. better when bending it sideways; worse when bending it back. Worse when swallowing drink Worse or better when swallowing, particularly worse when swallowing saliva. Worse after meals Worse or better after meals. Worse after stool Better or worse after stool. Ailments from Plumbum Ailments from Copper vapors, and from Sulph., Mercur., or Cinchona, etc. Predomin. worse ^- "*— -^^ — -— ~^^ Predomin. better Out-doors, from cold, growing cold and in cold weather, from drinking cold water, uncovering, lyin? in bent posture, when lying on painful side, " after" getting out of bed, from walking fastTand from bodily exertion generally, from pressure, and after stool. Predomin. better -- — ■*—». -^ . — — ■— -^ Predomin. worse In-doors, from warmth, from growing warm and in warm air, from drinking coffee and smokinsr from wrapping up, after sweat, in extended position, when lying on unpainful side, in bed generally when sitting, and when stooping. N.B. Pulsatilla has numb 6ensation in suffering parts oftener than Hyoscyamus. Hyoscyamus. Crawling sensation in internal parts Parched skin -Obesity. Painless paralysis, generally of one side Haemorrhages, blood light-red . . . , Pulse generally regular Thirst is wanting only during chill . . Stramonium. Crawling sensation in external parts — Perspires easily — Emaciation. Painless paralysis, generally of both sides. Haemorrhages, blood dark. Pulse very irregular, sometimes trembling. Thirst, as with Hyosc. ; but often also between heat and sweat. Aversion to light and company .... Fear of being poisoned Ailments from anger, grief, or disappointed love. Memory very active or weak Delirium tremens or convulsions with un- consciousness and with aversion to light and company. Clear-sightedness oftener than dim-sighted- ness. Optical illusions in bright colors .... Objects predominant appear too large . % Puerperal convulsions with grinding of teeth. Secretion of milk diminished Expectoration infrequent . Horse refuses to be mounted Inclination for light and company. Fear of loss of reason. Ailments from hearing bad news. Weak memory. Delirium tremens or convulsions with full consciousness and desire for light and company. Dim-sightedness. Optic, illusions in dark or prismatic colors. Objects appear too small. Puerperal convulsions with copious sweat'g. Lippe. Secretion of milk increased. Expectoration not yet observed. Horse getting restless from every noise, in- clining to runoff, biting & attacking with great agility. Remission of complaints during clay Ailments from heat of sun .... Worse from light; better in the dark Worse in company ; better when alone Worse or better from pressure . . Worse when lying on painful side, better when lying on unpainful side. Generally better when getting out of bed. Predominant worse after getting out of bed. Better or worse when stooping, and when assuming an erect position. Ailments from Belladonna or Plumbum . . Remission during day and evening. Improvement of complaints in sun-light. Better or worse fr. light (resp. in the dark.) Generally bett. in comp., worse when alone. Worse from pressure. Generally better when liyng on painful side, worse when lying on unpainful side. Worse when getting out of bed. Worse or better after getting out of bed. Worse when stooping, and when assuming an erect position. Ailments from Mercurius or Plumbum. Predomin. worse -^ — " — —» ^^^-~^_^— -~^ Predomin. better In the sun, in company, after lying down, while lying, partic. when lying on painful side, & after stool. Predomin. better Predomin. worse "When alone, when getting out of bed, when lying on unpainful side, when stooping, & when assuming an erect position. N.B. Stramonium lacks the over-sensitiveness to pain of Hyoscyamus. Ignatia. Mux vomica. Predom. left side*— Sanguine temperament . Eight side— Sanguine choleric temperament. Painless ulcers and swelling of glands . . . Painful ulcers and swelling of glands. Pulse very changeable! Pulse sometimes intermitting or imperceptible. Coldness, easily overcome by external warmth. Coldness, which cannot be overcome by ex- ternal warmth. C.Hg. Chill, lessened after getting out of bed and Chill, increased after getting out of bed and after meals. after meals. Thirst only during chill . . . Heat, with inclination to uncovei Heat, lessened while eating . Sweat, lessened by exertion . Sleeplessness before midnight . Sleepless after depressing emotions Thirst greatest during chill. Heat, with aversion to uncover. Heat, increased while eating. Sweat, partic. when exerting the body. Sleeplessness predom. after midnight. Sleepless after exertions of mind. C.Hg. Mood changing ; anxious ; capricious . . . Mood peevish ; irascible. Taciturnity Loquacity — Unconsciousness. Ailments from mortification, grief, and disap- Ailments from outbursts of passion, partic. in pointed love. the morning. Epilepsy with unconsciousness Epilepsy with full consciousness. Appetite for sour things — Aversion to wine Aversion to sour things — Desire for brandy and brandy. Diarrhoea predominant Constipation predominant. Urine often and copious Urine seldom and scanty. Sexual desire weak Sexual desire strong. Catamenia too soon and scanty (or pro- Cat. too soon and profuse (or scanty. C.Hg.) fuse. C.Hg.) Expectoration in the evening Expectoration morning and during day. Remission of complaints before midnight . . Remission evening till midnight. Worse from inflating the belly Worse from drawing in the belly. Worse when not swallowing and when swal- Worse when swallowing, partic. when swallow- lowing liquids ; better when swallowing food. ing food and saliva ; often better when swal- lowing (drink). Often worse when lying, particularly aggrav. Better when lying, partic. on side ; aggrav. by lying on side oftener than on back, which by lying on back. f-Hg. latter position often improves. Antidote to Zink Aggravates the symptoms of Zink. C.Hg. Predomin. worse <--"■ — —■ ""^ ■— — ^. Predomin. better From wrapping up, after lying down, in bed, partic. when lying on unpainful side, "between" respira- tion, when lying on left side, and when swallowing drink. Predomin. better — ""^^-^^^^-^v. — —■ — Predomin. worse From uncovering, after rising from seat, (when lying on painful side), from deep respiration, from drawing in the belly, from bodily exertion,! and generally after eating, particularly sour things, when lying on right side and from change of posture, wheu swallowing food. * According to Bonninghausen ; but it is quite undecided. According to the value and number of the symptoms the Bides are alike with both remedies; N. vom. perhaps upper left, lower right side; Ignat perhaps upper right, lower le»t side. In the head, Ignat. has symptoms going from right to left; in the chest, from left to right. C.Hg. t The predom. condition of the pulse is the same with both remedies. + The improvement with Ignat. is predom. caused by bodily exertion; yet we sometimes find aggrav. from exertion with this remedy. H.Gr. — Both remedies have consequences of too great mental exertion. C.Hg. Ignatia, Over-sensitiveness to pain Upper right, lower left side — Aversion to mo- tion. Tension in internal parts ; inflammation in ex- ternal parts. Pain piercing inwards — Apoplexy . . . . Pulse very changeable ; generally quick, full, and hard. Internal chill with external heat* predom. Cold feet and hot hands Heat or sweat pred. with inclinat. to uncover. Thirst only during cold stage, and after sweat. Phosph. acid. Painlessness predom. Upper left, lower right side — Inclination for motion. Tension in external parts ; inflammation in in- ternal parts. Pain piercing outwards — No apoplexy. Pulse irregular, intermitting; generally fre- quent, but small and weak. External chill with internal heat predom. Cold hands and warm feet. Heat or sweat with aversion to uncover. Want of thirst predom.; no thirst during chill, rare during heat, & preval. only dur'g sweat. Sensitive disposition and acute feeling — Mood changing; bold — Amorousness. Ailments from hearing bad news, fright, or from vexation with fear. H.Gr. Incapacity for thought in the evening — In- sanity. Complaints predom. on external angle of eye, in inner ear, on inside of nose, and on roof of mouth. Secretion of saliva increased Aversion to warm food Aversion to spirituous liquors or milk . . . Appetite for bread, partic. rye bread . . . Generally bitter vomit, less frequently sour vomit. Predom. emission of succus prostaticus . . Catamenia too soon, but scanty Voice trembling Expectoration seldom ; evenings Frequent complaints on upper arm and on calf of leg;. Insensibility of disposition (and of body). Ailments from grief and sorrow, or homesick- ness, or disappointed love, partic. with drow- siness, night-sweats towards morning, ema- ciation. C.Hg. Incapacity for thought in the morning — Un- consciousness. Complaints frequent on inner angle of eye, on external ear, on outside of nose, and on soft palate. Saliva predom. diminished. Inclination for warm food. Appetite for wine, beer, or milk. Aversion to bread. Sour vomit. Pollutions more frequent than prostatorrhcea. Catamenia too soon and profuse. Voice nasal. Expector. almost constant ; partic. mornings. Complaints predom. on fore-arm and on shin. Remission of complaints before midnight . . Remission afternoon and before midnight. Better from scratching Worse or better from scratching. Generally worse from wrapping up; better Better from wrapping up, worse from un- from uncovering. covering. Generally better when lying on painful side ; Worse when lying on painful side, better when worse when lying on unpainful side. lying on unpainful side. Better or worse when getting out of bed . . Worse when getting out of bed. Better or worse when stooping, & when rising. Predom. worse when stooping and when rising. Better or worse from exertion Worse from bodily exertion. Worse from straining the eyes Better or worse from straining the eyes. Worse when swallowing drink Worse when swallowing food. Ailments from Coffea, Chamom., Pulsatilla, Ailments from Lachesis. Nux vomica, or Zinc. Predomin. worse Predomin. better Out-doors, when lying on unpainful side, from wrapping up, when opening the eyes, before breakfast, from cold diet,t and when moving diseased part. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In-doors, when lying on painful side, from uncovering, when closing eyes, after breakfast, from warm diet, vinegar and acids ; after meals, and when rising from a seat. * Therefore worse from wrapping np and from cold diet, &c. Comp. Zincum— Sulphur. t Yet we find "aggrav. from drinking cold water " with both remedied. Ignatia. Pulsatilla. Tredom. left side; partic. lower left and Right side; partic. lower right, upper left upper right. side. Aversion to open air • • Inclination for open air. Itching, lessened or locality changed by Itching, aggrav. or unchanged by scratch- rubbing and scratching ing. Painless swelling of glands ...... Painful, hot, swelling of glands. Pulse very changeable; generally quick, Pulse predom. accelerated, but small and full, and hard; sometimes frequent in weak, partic. frequent in evening, slower morning, slower during day or evening. in the morning ; sometimes intermitting or imperceptible. Chill increased out-doors, lessened in warm Chill, lessened out-cloors, increased in warm room and after meals. room and after meals. Heat often general, with exception of feet. Coldness often general, with except, of feet. Partial chill on back of body Partial chill on front part of body. Thirst only during chill Want of thirst predom., but constant only during chill. Sleepless after depressing emotions . . . Sleepless after eating too much. C.IIg. Mood depressed or cheerful Sadness — Distrust —Avarice. Fear of loneliness Love's to be alone. Ailments from (fright, vexation, grief) Ailments from (fright, vexation, grief) ex- shame, hearing bad news, disappointed cessive joy — Unconsciousness, love or jealousy. Compl. predom. on external angle of eye, Compl. predom. in inner angle of eye, on in inside of nose, in spleen, and in palms outside of nose, in liver, and on back of of hands. hand. Generally want of appetite Generally hunger. Desire for rye-bread Disgust for rye-bread. In drunkards, aversion to spirituous liquors. Inclination for spirituous liquors. Urine often and copious Urine infrequent and scanty. Catamenia too soon and of long duration . Catam. pred. too late and of short duration. Milk diminished Milk generally increased. Expector. infrequent; only in the evening Expectoration predom., but not constant; when cough is worse. morning and during day. Remission of complaints before midnight. Aggrav. afternoon, even'g & bef. midnight. Worse dur'g passive mot. (rid'gj & after it. Better during active motion, worse after it. Worse when hold'g diseased parts together. Better when lying in bent posture. "Worse when swallowing drink Worse when swallowing saliva. Better when respiring deeply Worse or better when respiring deeply. Ailments from Pulsatilla, Coflea,Nux vomica Ailments from Ignatia, Bellad., Cinchona, or Zink. Colchicum, Cantharides, Sabad., Argent., Mercur., Platina, Ferrrum, Stannum, Sulph., Sulph. acid, and Tartar, emetic. Predomin. worse — u**,^ ^- — — - Predomin. better Out-doors, from cold, in cold weather, from cold diet, when opening the eyes, and from tying the clothes tight. Predomin. better ^ — ' — — -""^ — ' — -»-. Predomin. worse [n-doors, from warmth, in warm air, from warm diet, when closing the eyes, when lying, when sit:in°: bent forward, from change of posture, eructation, loosening the clothes, and from rubbing and scratching. N.B. Ignatia has the numb sensation in suffering parts less frequently than Pulsatilla. Ignatia. Rhus. Left side, partic. lower left, upper right side. Complaints (tension, etc.) predom. in internal parts. Aversion to motion — Haemorrhages, blood dark. Apoplexy oftener than paralysis Itching, lessen'd or locality chang'd by scratch- ing. Painless swelling of glands Pulse very changeable ; generally quick, full, hard. Chill lessened after meals— Sweat lessened by exertion. Heat or sweat, with inclination to uncover . Thirst only during cold stage Right side, part, lower right, upper left side. Complaints (tension, etc.) predom. in external parts. Inclination for motion — Haemorrhages, blood light-red. Paralysis oftener than apoplexy. Itching, lessened (or unchanged) by scratch- ing. Painful, hot swelling of glands. Pulse irregular ; generally accelerated, but faint and soft; sometimes intermitting. Chill increased after meals — Sweat by exer- tion. Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover. Thirst not constant. Aversion to being alone Inclination for being alone. Fear of loss of reason Fear of being poisoned. Mood changing ; cheerful or depressed ; gentle ; Mood hopeless — Rarely amorousness — Earely indifferent: bold. absent-mindedness — Insensibility. Nasal complaints internal Nasal complaints external oftener than intern. Eruption on under lip Eruption on upper lip. Catamenia too scanty— Milk diminished v . . Catamenia profuse— Milk generally increased. Expectoration infrequent; evening .... Expectoration not constant •; moraine 1 . Complaints predom. on upper arm and palm Complaints predom. on fore-arm and back of of hand. hand. Remission of complaints before midnight . . Predom. worse in bed and from warmth of bed. Generally worse when lying on side, better when lying on back. Better or worse from exertion Worse from moving or bending diseased part. Generally better when lifting diseased limb or resting it on anything ; worse when letting it hang down. Better or worse when assuming an erect posi- tion. Better when and after rising from a seat . . Almost always improved after meals . . . "Worse after drinking Predom. worse after stool Often worse after mental exertion .... Remission during day. Better or worse in bed and from warmth of bed. Better when lying on side ; worse when lying on back. Worse from bodily exertion. Better or worse from moving and bending dis- eased part. Worse when lifting diseased limb or when resting it on anything ; better when letting it hang down. Almost always aggravated when assuming an erect position. Worse or better when and after rising from a seat. Worse or better after meals. Worse or better after drinking. Generally better after stool. Worse after bodily exertion. C.Hg. Predomin. worse Predomin. better On expiration, from wrapping up, after sweat, when lying on side, when sitting erect, when moving suffering part, when letting diseased limb hang down, and after stool. Predomin. better Predomin. worse On inspiration and when respiring deeply, from uncovering, when lying on back, when sitting bent forward, from washing with cold water and moistening the suffering part, when lifting or resting diseased limb on anything, from change of posture when lying or standing, when swallowing,* and from eructation. N.B. Rhus lacks the over-sensitiveness of Ignatia to pain • on the other hand. Ignatia rarely has the numb sensation in suffering parts peculiar to Rhus. * But worse when swallowing drink. Rhus worse when swallowing food and saliva. Ignatia. Sulphur. Upper right, lower left side — Pain piercing Upper left, lower right side — Pain piercing inwards. outwards. Ulcerative pain in external parts ; pinching Ulcerative pain in internal parts ; pinching pain in internal parts. pain in external parts. External parts become black Red parts become white — Rarely over-sensi- tiveness. Itching, lessened or locality changed by Itching, lessened by scratching — Wantofirrit- scratching. ability predom. Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis . . Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy. In the morning on awaking concussion of the Concussions or starting up, on falling asleep. body, (on falling asleep, starting up.) Chill lessened after getting out of bed . . . Chill increased after getting out of bed. Heat general, with exception of feet . . . Heat general, with exception of the head. Sweat lessened by bodily exertion .... Sweat increased by exertion. Thirst only during cold stage — Pulse very Th. mostly during heat ; during chill generally changeable. want of thirst — Pulse sometimes intermitt'g. Mood depressed or cheerful — Boldness. . . Depression — Embarrassment — Rarely amor- ousness. Ailments from hearing bad news, from shame, Ailments from anger or vexation with vehe- grief, disappointed love or jealousy, and mence. from vexation with reserved displeasure. Eruption on lower lip Eruption predom. on upper lip. Saliva predom. increased Saliva generally diminished. Appetite for bread, partic. rye bread . . . Dislike for bread, partic. rye bread. Dislike for wine and brandy Appetite or dislike for wine and spirituous Yomit bitter oftener than sour Yomit sour oftener than bitter. [liquors. Urine too often and copious Urine often, but scanty. Catamenia too soon and of long duration . . Catam. generally too late & of short duration. Expectoration seldom ; evening Expectoration not constant; morning and during day, less at night. Complaints predom. on upper arm .... Complaints predom. on fore-arm. Remission of complaints before midnight . . Aggravation afternoon and before midnight. Predom. worse in the open air, better in doors. Bett. or worse in the open air (resp. in-doors), partic. better from warmth of stove, but worse in crowded rooms. Predom. worse from cold and in cold weather, Better (resp. worse) fr. growing cold & in cold better from growing warm and in warm air. weather, or fr. growing warm & in warm air. Worse after perspiring , Worse or better after perspiring. Predom. worse in bed Worse or better in bed. Better from change of position when lying or Worse or better from change of position. standing. Worse or better when getting out of bed . . Better when getting out of bed. Predom. worse when opening the eyes ; better Better or worse when opening the eyes and when closing them. when closing them. Worse on an empty stomach ; better after Better or worse on an empty stomach (resp. breakfast. after breakfast). Better from eructation Better or worse from eructation. Almost alw. improv. by taking a deep breath. Worse or better when taking a deep breath. Better from weeping Worse or better from weeping. Worse from touch Worse or better from touch. Worse from moving the diseased part . . . Worse or better from moving the part. Better or worse from exertion Almost always aggrav. by bodily exertion. Worse after drinking Worse or better after drinking. Predomin. worse -- — — ^^ — ■ — — " "^-^ Predomin. better From cold, on expiration, when sitting erect, wh. letting diseased limb hang down, or wh. drawing it up. Predomin. better -— -— "" *— — — --'^---— — --~-^. Predomin. worse From warmth, on inspiration, when sitting bent forward, when lifting diseased limb, and when stretch- ing it out, from washing the suffering part with cold water, or moistening it, when rising from a seat, from vinegar and sour things, when swallowing,* and after meals. * Yet Ignat. has aggrav. when swallowing drink ; Sulph., on the other hand, has aggr. -when swallowing food & saliva. Ignatia. Zincum. Complaints (constriction, &c.) predom. in Complaints (constriction, &c.) predom in internal parts. external parts. Hemorrhages, blood dark — Apoplexy . Hosmorrh., blood light-red — No apoplexy. External parts become black Red parts become white. Pain in glands, pressing outward .... Pain in glands, inward pressing. Itching, lessened or locality changed by Itching lessened or locality changed by scratching. scratching, or unchanged. Pulse very changeable; frequent in morn- Pulse sometimes intermitting; small and ing, slower during day and evening. frequent in morning, & slower during day. Congestion of blood to head Congestion of blood to feet. Thirst only during chill Often want of thirst during chill. Chill lessened after meals Chill increased after meals. Internal chill with external heat predom. . External chill with internal heat predom. Sweat often confined to upper part of body. Sweat often confined to lower part of body. Mood anxious ; depressed or cheerful — Mood cheerful. Boldness. Ailments from shame, reserved grief or dis- Ailments from vexation. appointed love. Absent-mindedness — Fancies No fancies. Eruption on under lip Eruption on upper lip. Diarrhoea predom Constipation. Emission of succus prostaticus predom. . Pollutions predom. Catamenia too soon Catamenia generally too late, less frequently too soon. Fluent coryza predom Dry coryza predom. Expectoration infrequent; partic. in the Expectoration almost constant; partic. in evening. the morning. Complaints predom. on upper arm . . . Complaints predom. on fore-arm. Remission of complaints before midnight . Aggravation afternoon and evening. Worse from touch Worse or better from touch. Better or worse when sitting Predom. worse when sitting. Predom. worse when lying Better or worse when lying. Worse or better when and after getting out Better when and after getting out of bed. of bed. Better or worse when assuming an erect Worse from assuming an erect posture. position. Better or worse from exertion .... Worse from bodily exertion. Ailments from Zinc, Coffea, Chamom., Nux Ailments from Baryt. vomica or Pulsatilla Worse when swallowing drink Worse when swallowing food.* Predomin. worse —- — ' . -^^. —— ' --^ Predomin. better Out-doors, before breakfast, from drinking cold water and from cold diet, when swallowing drink and tying clothes tight. Predomin. better *— — "■- — . ^ ^ — ^-^ Predomin. worse In-doors, after breakfast, after meals, from warm diet, from eructation, from drawing in the belly, from washing and moistening the suffering part with cold water, — when swallowing food and loosening the clothes. * Geuerally both remedies Lave improvement of complaints wlieii swallowing. lodium. Hepar s. c. Upper right, lower left side Upper left, lower right side. Inclination for open air Aversion to open air. Diseases of the periosteum oftener than of Diseases of the bones. the bones. 'Heat or sweat, with inclination to uncover. Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover. Chill increased in warm room Chill abating in warm room. Sweat increased when speaking, abating Sweat abating when speaking, increased when and after getting out of bed. when and after getting out of bed. Thirst, particularly during sweat .... Thirst predominant, but not constant; most rare during chill. Cheerfulness more frequent than dejection — Mood dejected. Mood rarely irritable or peevish ; chang'g. Phlegm a Restlessness and haste— -Insanity. Eyes sunken Eyes protruding. Optical illusions in brio-ht colors .... Optical illusions in dark colors. Coryza fluent oftener than dry Coryza oftener dry than fluent. Expectoration almost constant; evening; Cough generally dry — Expectoration morn- tasting saltish, sweetish, or putrid. ing and during day; tasting sweetish or sour. Yomiting predom. of food Mucous vomit. Urine pale — Sexual desire strong. . . . Urine dark — Sexual desire weak. Complaints predom. on wrist Complaints predom. on ankle. Remission forenoon and before midnight . Remission of complaints afternoon. Worse when swallowing food and drink . "Worse when swallowing food and saliva. Worse when drinking Worse after drinking. Better on inspiration, worse on expiration. Worse when respiring, particularly when respiring deeply. Worse when speaking Better or worse when speaking. Ailments from Mercurius, Arsenic, Nitrate Ailments from Calcarea or abuse of Metals, of Silver, Calcarea. Arsenic, Nitric acid, Iodine, or Bella- donna. Predomin. worse - — - — — — . ^^ — — -»^ Predomin. better In-doors, from wrapping it up, from warmth, warmth of bed, after sweaty and from smoking. Predomin. better -— — "*— -^ ^^ — — --^ Predomin. worse Out-doors, from uncovering, from cold, growing cold, in (dry) cold weather, after getting out of bed, from eructation, on inspiration and deep respiration. N.B. Over-sensitiveness to pain is often found with Hepar s. c, hardly ever with Iodine. Iodine. Mercur. Upper right, lower left side — Want of irri- tability. Inclination for open air — No apoplexy . . Humid eruptions Itching, unchanged by scratching . . . Gnawing pain in internal parts .... Sleeplessness after midnight Pulse accelerated, mostly by every motion ; at the same time oftener large and hard, than weak and threadlike. Chill lessened after getting out of bed . . Thirst, particularly during sweat .... Upper left, lower right side — Increased bodily irritability. Aversion to open air — Apoplexy. Eruptions generally dry. Itching, lessened or aggrav. by scratching. Gnawing pain in external parts. Sleeplessness prevalent before midnight. Pulse irregular, sometimes intermitting; it is oftener accelerated and full, than slow and faint. Chill increased after getting out of bed. Thirst predoni. during all stages, but not constant. Mood cheerful or depressed; rarely irritable. Mood dejected ; peevish; malicious. Barely fancies Absent-mindedness — Unconsciousness. Atrophy of brain In children large head and unclosed suiures, with precocious mental development. Eyes sunken* Eyes protruding. Optical illusions in bright colors .... Optical illusions in dark colors. Hunger predominant Generally want of appetite. Appetite for meat Aversion to meat. Desire for wine or brandy Aversion to wine or brandy, but appetite for beer. Urine predominant pale; scanty; smelling Urine dark; frequent and copious, having like ammoniac. sour smell. Catamenia too soon and profuse .... Catamenia too late ; at the same time scanty or profuse. Expectoration almost constant; evenings . Expectoration not constant; during day. Complaints predom. in lower part of chest. Complaints predoni. in upper part of chest. Remission foren oon and before midnight. Ailments from Mercurius, Argent, nitricum, Arsenic or Calcarea. Worse when lying on back, better when lying on side. Worse from wrapping up, better from un- covering. Better when growing cold Worse when swallowing drink and food Remission of complaints during day. Ailments from Arsenic or Copper vapors, Aurura, Sulph., Antimon., Coffea, Lache- sis, Bell., Opium, Valeriana, Cinchona, Dulcamara or Mezereum. Generally better when lying on back, worse when lying on side. Generally better from wrapping up, worse from uncovering. Better or worse when growing cold. Worse when swallowing drink and saliva. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In warm air, in-doors, from wrapping up, when lying on back, on expiration from smoking, and when swallowing food. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In cold weather, out-doors, from uncovering, when lying on side, on inspiration, and from sweets. * From emaciation, the loss of fat arouod the eye-halls; hut in some cases the eye-balls protrude as if enlarged »fter ahnse of Iodine, particularly where mercurial preparations had also been given. Hepar is the principal antidote iu tucn cases. C.Hg. r r lodium. Sulphur. Eight side, partic. upper right, lower left side. Left side, partic. upper left, lower right side. Inclination for open air — Very rarely paralys. Aversion to open air — Paralysis. Dry gangrsena — Humid eruptions .... Gangrsena humida — Eruptions generally dry. Itching, unchanged by scratching .... Itching, lessened by scratching. Diseases of the periosteum predominant . . Diseases of the bones. Painful swelling of glands Painless, but generally hot swelling of glands. Pulse accelerated, partic. by every motion ; Pulse quick, full, and hard ; sometimes inter- at the same time large and hard oftener mitting. than weak and thread-like. Sweat on lower part of body Heat on lower part of body; sweat above. Chill worse in warm room, lessened after get- Chill lessened in warm room, increased after ting out of bed and after meals. getting out of bed and after meals. Sleeplessness after midnight Sleeplessness before midnight. Mood oftener happy than depressed ; rarely Mood anxious ; serious ; solemn ; sad ; indif- peevish or irritable. ferent ; peevish ; irritable. Very rarely fancies Absent-mindedness — Insanity. Atrophy of brain In children, large head and open sutures. Optical illusions in bright colors Optical illusions in dark colors. Saliva predom. increased Saliva generally diminished. Hunger predominant Generally loss of appetite. Appetite for meat or spirituous liquors . . Aversion to meat; inclination for or aversion to spirituous liquors.* Urine smelling like Ammoniac Urine having sour smell. Catamenia too soon and profuse Catamenia generally too late and scanty. Expectoration almost constant ; evening . . Expectoration not constant ; morning and during day ; more rare at night. Complaints predominant in lower part of chest. Complaints predom. in upper part of chest. Remission forenoon and before midnight . . Remission afternoon and before midnight. "Worse in-doors; better out-doorsf .... Better (resp. worse) in-doors or out of doors. AVorse in warm air; better in cold weather . Better (resp. worse) in warm or cold air. Better when growing cold ; worse when grow- Better (resp. worse) when growing cold or ing warm. warm. Worse after sweat Worse or better after sweat. Almost always aggravated in bed .... Worse or better in bed. Worse from warmth of bed Worse or better from warmth of bed. Worse when lying on back, better when lying Generally better when lying on back, worse on side. when lying on side. Better after getting out of bed Worse or better after getting out of bed. Worse when moving diseased part .... Worse or better when moving diseased part. Worse from being touched Worse or better from being touched. Worse when fastmg ; better after breakfast . Better (resp. worse) on an empty stomach; predom. worse after breakfast. Worse when hungry; better after a satisfying Worse after a satisfying meai. meal. Improved oftener than aggrav. after meals . Worse after meals. Worse after stool Worse or better after stool. Worse from weeping Worse or better from weeping. Worse when swallowing food and drink . . Worse when swallowing food and saliva. Predomin. worse -— — ^- ^ — — —- -. Predomin. better On expiration, from motion, when sitting erect, when lyiDg on back, and from pressure. Predomin. better Predomin. worse On inspiration, during rest, when standing, after lying down, while lying, partic. on side, when sitting bent forward, after meals, partic. after a satisfying meal, and from sweets. * With immoderate wine-drinkers a disgust for wine sometimes follows the administration of Sulphur \Haknenntnii) ; in some cases it creates an irresistable desire for alcoholic drinks even with boys, C.Hg. f Both remedies have predominant aggravation " when walking out-doors." Ipecacuanha. Antimon. tartar. Sighi side— Want of bodily irritability . . Left side — Increased irritability. Pain pressing outwards — Skin parched . . Pain pressing inwards — Disposition to sweat. Apoplexy Plethora Very rarely apoplexy— Ansemie. Sleeplessness Somnolence predominant. Pulse very much accelerated, but often im- Pulse quick, full, and strong, sometimes perceptible. trembling ; very much accelerated by every motion; when the fever abates, it is often slow and imperceptible. Thirst not constant Thirst only sometimes during heat and be- tween heat and sweat. Thirst predom. during chill Want of thirst during chill. Chill moderated by drinking Chill increased by drinking. Mood peevish ; irritable Mood despondent — Boldness — Mental dull- ness. Nausea predominant in stomach, less fre- Nausea in stomach or abdomen, rarely in quently in abdomen. throat. Vomit bitter oftener than sour .... Yomit predom. sour. Difficult expiration Short, gasping inspiration, and long, sigh- ing expiration. Expectoration infrequent Expectoration not constant. Worse or better on awaking Worse on awaking. Worse after getting out of bed .... Almost always improved after getting out of bed. Worse when stooping Almost always improved when stooping. Generally better after drinking .... Worse after drinking. Ailments from Tartar emetic, Ferrum, Cu- Ailments from Baryt. or Sepia, prum, Arsenic, Alumina, Arnica, Cin- chona, Dulcamara, or Opium. Predomin. worse — — ** "^ — — _ Predomin. better In dry weather, after getting ont of bed, when stooping, and on inspiration. Predomin. better — ■*■ -^ — ^ Predomin. worse In wet weather, when lying and sitting, after drinking, and on inspiration. N.B. Apparently in contradiction to the constitutional character of both remedies, -^e find over- sensitiveness to pain less lrequently with Antimon. tart, than with Ipecacuanha. Compare preface. Ipecacuanha. Mux vomica. Want of bodily irritability — Light hair. . Increased irritability — Dark hair. Skin and muscles lax — Haemorrhages, blood Skin and muscles rigid — Haemorrhages, light-red. blood dark. Epilepsy, with loss of consciousness . . . Epilepsy, with full consciousness. Pulse very much accelerated, but often im- Pulse generally quick, full, and hard ; some- perceptible, times intermitting or imperceptible. Chill lessened out-doors Chill increased out-doors. Chill lessened after drinking Chill predom. worse after drinking, dig. Heat increased in-doors Heat lessened in-doors. Coldness on upper part of body .... Coldness on lower part of body. Taciturnity Loquacity — Fear — Malice — Amorous- ness — Absent-mindedness — Fancies — Delirium. Very rarely paralysis Paralysis of limbs. Aversion to bacon Appetite for fatty things. Inguinal hernia, easily reduced .... Inguinal hernia, difficult to reduce. Diarrhoea predominant; generally pain- Constipation predominant; when diarrhoea less. occurs, it is painful Urine dark Urine generally pale. [Respiration with moist sound ..... Respiration with dry sound. Expectoration very infrequent; morning Expectoration not constant ; from morning and during day. till evening. Aggravation from evening till morning . Aggravation after midnight, morning and dnring day. Remission during day Remission evening till midnight.* Although better in-doors, worse when the Better in warm room, room is too warm. Better after drinking . Worse or better after drinking. Worse from light, partic. candle-light . . Worse from light, partic. daylight. Ailments from Alum., Antimon. tart ; Per- Ailments from Calcarea, Sulphur, Phosphor, rum, Arnica, or Opium. Iodine, Plumbum, Graphites, Petroleum, Lachesis, Coffea, Chamomilla, Pulsatilla, Cocculus, Colchicum, Digitalis, Stramo- nium. Predomin. worse — -— ««— ^ ^^. — ' Predomin. better When sitting down, and when lying on side.f Predomin. better — ■— ' — " Ja »-«»*» < — -"^ — *""■" ^ Predomin. worse When lying on back.f * Nux vomica "fevers" also occur in the "evening," but, as a rule, " not" in the forenoon, when other Kux vomica complaints are predominant. t With Nux vomica there is also an aggrav. when lying on side and improv. when lying on hack, but much more seldom than the reverse Ipecacuanha. PulsaliTa. Want of bodily irritability — Aversion to Increased irritability —Inclination for open open air. air. Haemorrhages, blood light-red — Upper Hemorrhages, blood predom. dark — Upper right, lower left Hide. left, lower right side. Dropsy predominant in external parts. Itching, aggrav. or unchanged by scratch'g. Very rarely muscular spasms. Coldness, part, of feet or right side. Sweat often smells musty or like musk. Thirst not constant, but predominant during Want of thirst predominant, but constant chill. only during chill. Chill moderated by drinking Chill increased by drinking. C.Hj. Dropsy predominant in internal parts Itching, unchanged by scratching . . No affection of glands, & very rarely of bones Coldness, partic. of upper part of body . Sweat smells sour Dejection less prominent than with Pulsa- Fear — Indifference — Gentleness — Amor- tilla. ousness — Rarely irritability — Boldness — Avarice — Distrust. Rarely unconsciousness or delirium . . . Absent-mindedness - Fancies. Pupils predominant dilated Pupils generally contracted. Want of appetite predominant .... Generally hunger. Nausea predominant in stomach, less fre- Nausea in throat, stomach or abdomen, quently in abdomen. Qualmishness after eating what disagrees Qualmishness after eating what disagrees with the stomach, and of use when the with the stomach, and of use while the stomach is empty again. stomach still contains the food. Yomiting, first water, then food Vomiting, first food then water. DiarrhcEa predominant painless .... Diarrhoea generally painful. Catamenia too soon and profuse .... Catamenia too late and predom. scanty. Dry coryza Coryza fluent, partic. right side, oftener than dry. Voice hollow Voice hoarse or aphony. Respiration quick, or slow, and sighing . Respiration quick or unequal. Rattling of mucus Respiration with dry sound. Expectoration infrequent; morning . . . Expector. predom. ; morning & during day. Complaints predominant in palm of hand . Complaints predominant on back of hand. Aggravation from evening till morning . Aggravation from noon till midnight. Worse in dry-cold weather Worse in wet-cold or warm air. Worse from bodily exertion Worse from mental exertion ; oftener im- prov. than aggrav. by bodily exertion. Worse during sweat, better after it . . Worse during and after sweat Worse when lying on side, better when Sometimes better when lying on side and lying on back. sometimes when lying on back. Predomin. worse ""* * — * — --. ^ Predomin. better In dry weather, out-doors, when opening the eyes, on inspiration, from motion, & from bodily exertion. Predomin. better ^- — ^ ^ - Predomin. worse In wet weather, in-doors*, when closing the eyes, on expiration, during rest, when standing, sitting, and lying, after drinking, and after sweat. N.B. Ipecac, seems to lack the sensation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Pulsatilla. * However, in too hot a room Ipecacuanha also has aggravation. Ipecacuanha. Veratrum. Upper right, lower left side — Want of irrit- Upper left, lower right side — Bodily irrita- ability. bility increased. Rending pain or dropsy in internal parts . Rending pain or dropsy in external parts. Pulse very much accelerated Pulse irregular ; generally slow, small, and weak; sometimes slower than beating of heart. Thirst not constant, but very predom. dur- Thirst predom., but not constant, most rare ing chOl. during sweat. Chill moderated by drinking Chill increased by drinking. Very rarely paralysis - Paralysis. Wrapt in thought Being besides one's self. Very rarely haughtiness Cheerfulness or dejection — Distrust — Fear — Malice — Amorousness ; very rarely peevishness — Absent-mindedness — Fan- cies — Delirium — Insanity. Pupils predom. dilated Pupils generally contracted. Saliva generally increased Saliva generally diminished. Urine scanty Urine seldom & scanty; sometimes copious. Catamenia too soon Catamenia too soon or too late. Expectoration; morning and during day . Expector. not constant; partic. during day. Ke:mission of complaints during day . . Remission during day and evening. Better (resp. worse) in cold or warm air . Worse in cold weather ; better in warm air. Worse when growing warm; better when Better (resp. worse) when growing cold or growing cold. warm. Worse or better on awaking Worse on awaking. Worse after getting out of bed .... Worse or better after getting out of bed. Predom. worse on inspiration, bettor on ex- Predom. worse on in- and expiration. piration. Worse after meals Worse or better after meals. Generally better after drinking .... Worse after drinking. Worse from being awake at night . . . Worse from sleeping too long. Predomin. worse -— — "■— ■ — ■ "^ — — — -, Predomin. better In dry weather, out-doors, but also from warmth of stove, from motion, and when walking. Predomin. better - — "^ — — ■ — ■-, Predomin. worse In wet weather, in-doors, during rest, when standing:, sitting;, and lying, after drinking, particularly drinking cold water. N.B. Apparently in contradiction to the constitutional character of both remedies, we find over- sensitiveness to pain oftener with Ipecac, than with Veratr. — Comp. preface* Kali bichrom. Arsenic. Complaints predom. in external parts . . . Complaints predom. in internal parts. First right, then left side First left, then right side. Deep ulcers — Periostitis Shallow ulcers — Inflammation of periosteum. Thirst predom Thirst occurs mostly during sweat, and least during chill. Taciturnity Loquacity oftener than taciturnity. Misanthropy Fear of being alone oftener than misanthropy. Saliva increased Saliva diminished. Complaints predom. on soft palate .... Complaints predom. on roof of mouth. Diphtheria, fauces with ulcers, deep eating in, Diphtheria, ulcers extending to the roof of tongue coated thick yellow, edges red and mouth ; tongue white ; nose watering ; the full of small, painful ulcers; nose discharg- characteristic restlessness, thirst & aggrav. ing tough, stringy phlegm; swelling of par- after midnight; hoarse cough with restless- otid glands with pain in ears ; croup-like ness after midnight, with putrid diarrhoea, cough ; eruption like measles— Sensation of disposed to nettle-rash — Sensation of a hair a hair on the root of the tongue. in the throat. Lippe. Urine scanty Urine scanty (with diarrhoea) or copious. Voice nasal •> . Voice trembling. Aggravation morning and noon Aggravation from evening till morning, par- ticularly after midnight. Generally aggrav. by motion Generally improv. by motion. Better after lying down Worse after lying down. Worse when getting out of bed Better when getting out of bed ; worse or bet- ter after getting out of bed. "Worse on inspiration Often worse on expiration. Consequences of immoderate drinking of malt- Consequences of immoderate drinking of spirit- liquors. Lippe. uous liquors. Wahle. Ailments from Arsenic vapors or Mercurius. Ailments from contagious Anthrax, Plumb., Iod., Cinchona, Digit., Strychnine, Phosph. Kali bichrom Mercurius. Muscles rigid Muscles lax. Deep ulcers Ulcers shallow oftener than deep. Nasal complaints predom. internal .... Nasal compl. external oftener than internal. Complaints predom. in lower part of chest . Complaints predom. in upper part of chest. Urine scanty Urine often and copious. Emission of succus prostaticus (with the stool). Pollutions. Catamenia too soon Catamenia too late. Expectoration viscid Expectoration sharp and acrid. Aggravation morning and noon Aggravation from evening till morning. Improved by running of nose, nose-bleed, and Aggravated by loss of animal fluids, soft stooL Worse Better From smoking. Better Worse From Vomitini Kali bichrom. Natr. mur. Light Lair Dark hair. Pain in the limbs shifting from place to place. Fixed pain in limbs. Internal nasal complaints predom. — Compl. External nasal complaints predom. — Corn- on lower teeth. plaints on upper teeth. Neither unconsciousness nor delirium . . . Unconsciousness — Delirium. Diphtheria— Pain in the ear extending to the Diphtheria — Swelling of submaxillory gland- ; swelled parotid glands and to the head; tongue like a map, marked with red lines; tongue coated yellow, especially at the root ; burning in throat ; dryness in the throat with pricking in the tonsils and scraping with thirst after abuse of nitrate of silver. Raue. stitches in the throat ; burning in the throat ; after abuse of lod. of Mercury. Lippe. Vomiting of viscous mucus Vomiting of food oftener than mucus. Urine scanty — Sediment whitish Urine too often — Sediment reddish. Catamenia too soon ... Catamenia predom. too late. Eluent coryza — Nasal secretion watery or vis- Dry coryza — Nasal secretion thick. cous, or in hard lumps. Expectoration not constant Expectoration infrequent. Aggravation morning and noon Remission of complaints afternoon. Ailments from Arsenic vapors or Mercurius. Ailments from abuse of Cinchona. Predomin. worse — — ■ -^"n. ■— "■"" — -^ Predomin. better From coid, from cold* diet, and when sitting down. Predomin. better ^— -—- " — — ^_^-^-__— — — ■ — — . Predomin. worse From warmth, and after getting out of bed. Kali bichrom. Nitr. acid. Light hair — Itching aggrav. by scratching . Dark hair — Itching, relieved by scratching. Complaints predom. on lower teeth, on soft Complaints predom. on upper teeth, on roof palate and in lower part of chest. of mouth, and in upper part of chest. Thirst predom.. Thirst predom., except during chill. Diphtheria — Ulcers, deep eating in the fauces Diphtheria — Ulcers in the mouth with stinging and on the palate, phagedenous; tough, as from splinters ; corroding discharge from stringy discharge from the nose ; swelling the nose ; swelling of parotid glands. Raue. of parotid glands. Lippe. Bleeding fr. the nose, blood thick & dark-red ; Bleeding from the nose, blood acid like vinegar ; pulse irregular, small, contracted. Lippe. intermitting pulse. Lippe. Vomiting of viscous mucus Vomiting of food. Urinal sediment whitish Urinal sediment reddish or whitish. Expectoration not constant Expect, not constant ; morning & during day. Pain in chest predom. right side Pain in chest predom. left side. Aggravation morning and noon Remission forenoon. Ailments from Mercurius or Arsenic vapors. Ailments from Mercnr., Calcar., or Digitalis. Worse when swallowing saliva Worse when swallowing food. Predomin. worse — - — !*■ -"^ — -" ^-^ Predomin. better In cold weather, when stooping, when sitting down, in the side not lain on, and from scratching. Predomin. better "— - XSs ^- — *"" "—-»!. Predomin. worse In warm air, after getting out of bed, and in the side lain on. * Natr. mur. lias also sometimes improv. from warm diet. 21 Kali bichrom. Pulsatilla. Complaints predom. in external parts . . . Complaints predom. in internal part Complaints from Arsenic vapors Complaints from Copper vapors. Pains appear and disappear suddenly, or in- Pains appear suddenly and disapp. gradually. crease and decrease gradually. Pains attack first one part, then re-appear in Pains (rheumatic) shift from one place to an- another. other without an intermission.* Aversion to bodily and mental exertion . . Pesire to walk slowly, and relief from it.* Ulcers: overlapping edsres, a red areola around, a Ulcers: swollen red surroundings, bleed easily, and hard bottom with a blackish spot in the middle. suppurate profusely.* Moderately cold air is felt very unpleasantly . Desire for the open air, and amelioration in the cold, open air.* Thirst predom "Want of thirst predom. Headache, better when lying down .... Headache, worse when lying down. Photophobia by daylight, not by candle-light. Photoph. by candle-light, not by dim daylight. Flow of water from the eyes with burning Lachrymation in the cold, open air and in the when opening them. wind.* Pustules on the cornea Obscuration of the cornea.* Stitches in the (left) ear, extending into the Stitches and tearing with inflamm., swelling, neck, head. heat & redness of the intern. & extern, ear.* The nose feels too heavy The nose feels sore internally and externally. Complaints of inner nose predom Nasal compl. external oftener than internal. Watery discharge from the nose with great sensi- Green fetid discharge.* tiveness and ulceration of the nostrils. Hard, plug-like masses (klinkers) causing pain Chronic coryza with yellow-green discharge from when removed. nose. Bad smell from the nose Subjective smell like old catarrh.* Great dryness of mouth and lips, momentarily The mouth feels dry, clammy, compelling him to relieved by drinking. moisten it at times. Tongue dry, and heavily coated in the morning . Tongue coated yellow (white) and is covered with tough mucus. Tongue coated at the root and with a heavy yel- Tongue feels in the middle as if burned.* low felt. Tongue red, smooth glossy (in dysentery) . . . Tongue feels dry, clammy, without thirst.* Throat and soft palate dark-red copper color . . Inflammation of the throat with veins distended.* Complaints predom. on soft palate Complaints predom. on roof of mouth. Burning in the throat Sore feeling, stinging in the throat.* Inflammation & ulceration of the palate & tonsils. Tough mucus in the throat, esp. in the morning.* Thirst with tongue and mouth dry Thirstlessness with moist tongue.* Vomiting of sour substances Vomiting of bile.* Vomiting of food after breakfast Vomit, of food after each meal, esp. in the evening. Watery diarrhoea followed by tenesmus (morn- Watery diarrhoea preceded by rumbling in the ing). abdomen (night).* Urinal sediment whitish Urinal sediment red. Emission of succus prostat. (with the stool) . Pollutions. Catamenia too soon Catamenia too late. Hoarseness (evening) Hoarseness when speaking aloud.* Loud rattling cough with nausea and expecto- Cough with expectoration of much bitter, ration dragging to the feet in strings. yellow, green, or blood-streaked mucus.* Expectoration not constant, stringy. . . . Expectoration predom., but not constant. Like a heavy load laying on chest (when Constriction of chest, (when awaking from awaking from sleep). sleep.)* Stitches under the sternum through to the back. Stitches in the chest.* Sensation of coldness in the region of the heart. Burning sensation in the region of the heart. Aggravation morning and noon AcxGravation from noon till midnight. Better from running of nose, nose-bleed, soft Worse from loss of fluids, stools, (sometimes from vomiting). Predomin. worse ^-— ' ^^ . Predomin. better In cold weather, from cold, from cold diet, from motion, from bodily exertion, when lifting diseased limb, and on inspiration. Predomin. better . ^s — ■ — _ Predomin. worse In warm air, from warmth, during rest, when letting diseased limb hang down, and on expiration. N.B. Kali bichrom. seems to lack both the over-sensitiveness of Pulsatilla to pain and the sensation of numbness in suffering parts. N.B. * added by Dr. A. Lippe, wo first used Kali bichr. in measles. Kali carb. Arsenic. Complaints (gnawing pain, etc.) predomin. Complaints (gnawing pain, etc.) predomin. in external parts. in internal parts. Pain rending downwards — Pred. plethora. Pain rending upwards — Predom. anaemic Humid eruptions Eruptions generally dry. Ulcers, dicsharge rather copiously . . . Discharge pred. cop's., rarely scanty. C.IIg In the scars tension, pressing, rending . . In scars burning. C.Hg. Dreams of water, thieves, ghosts, diseases Dreams of fire, thunder-storm (dead per- (dead people, misfortunes), also erotic, sons & misfortunes), vexation, embarrass- imaginative, and phantastic dreams ment, etc. Pulse very different ; often slow and weak ; Pulse generally frequent, small, and weak. often frequent and hard. Partial sweat on upper part of body . . . Sweat on lower part of body. Sweat increased by motion Sweat lessened by motion. Thirst predominant, except perhaps during Least thirst during chill, most during sweat ; chill. drinks often, but little at a time during heat. Absent-mindedness Indifference — Irritability — Maliciousness — Avarice — Imbecility — Insanity. Ailments from hearing bad news .... Ailm. from vexat'n with fear or vehemence. Complaints predominant on upper eyelids. Complaints predominant on lower eyelids. Aversion to bread, particularly rye-bread . Appetite for bread, particularly rye-bread. Appetite for sweets Aversion to sweats. Xausea in stomach Nausea, particularly in throat. Constipation predominant Diarrhoea predominant. Urine often but scanty Urine scanty (with diarrhoea) or copious. Catam. too scanty, but of long duration . Catam. too profuse and of long duration. Coryza dry oftener than fluent .... Fluent coryza. Expectoration is loosened in morning and Expectoration during day. during day, and is generally swallowed. Complaints predominant in hollow of elbow Complaints predominant in hollow of knee and on shin. and on calf of leg. Worse after sweating Worse or better after sweating. Better or worse from warmth of bed . . Better from warmth of bed. "Worse after sleep Better after sufficient sleep ; but worse on awaking when roused from sleep. Worse when getting out of bed .... Almost always improv. when getting out of bed. Worse from light, better in the dark . . Better (resp. worse) from light or in the dark. Worse when stooping ; predom. better when Better or worse when stooping and when assuming an erect position. assuming an erect position. Better or worse from eructation .... Better from eructation. Worse after stool Worse or better after stool. Predomin. worse . — ""* — ■— -^ Predomin. better In wet weather, from washing and moistening diseased part, when bending it, from pressure, when lying on side, partic. on unpainful side, when getting out of bed, alter sleep, when sitting down, when riding, and from warm diet. Predomin. better --— ~ — - — *^- — -^~ Predomin. worse Tu dry weather, when lying on back, or on painful side, from scratching and rubbing, when riding on horseback, and from cold diet. Kali carb. Lycopodium. Dark hair — Muscles rigid — Crackling in Light hair — Muscles lax — Crackling in the internal parts. joints. Spasms with full consciousness .... Spasms with unconsciousness. Pulse very different, often more frequent in Pulse somewhat accelerated only after meals the morning, slower in evening; rarely and in the evening, partic. frequent in reversed ; often unequal, irregular, inter- the evening, slow in the morning. mitting ; also slow and weak, or acceler- ated and hard ; trembling. One-sided heat, right side One-sided heat, left side. Mood sad Mood changing; cheerful or depressed; serious ; gentle or irritable ; haughty ; malicious ; miserly ; distrustful. Solicitude concerning bodily welfare . . Solicitude concern'g spiritual welfare. C.Hg. Ailments from hearing bad news .... Ailments from anger. Very rarely fancies Imbecility — Insanity. Apoplexy not yet observed Apoplexy. Compl. predom. on external angle of eye, Compl. predom. on inner angle of eye, on on outside of nose, on upper lip, in lower inside of nose, on under- lip, in upper pait part of chest, and on upper arm. of chest, and on fore-arm. Urinary sediment reddish Urinary sediment red (sandy) or whitish. Respiration predominant with dry sound . Respiration predom. with moist sound. Expectoration not constant \ morning and Expectoration almost constant; morning during day. and evening. Remission of complaints during day and Remission forenoon and after midnight. before midnight. "Worse in cold weather, better in warm air. Better (resp. worse) in cold or warm air. "Worse from growing cold, better from Better (resp. worse) from growing cold or growing warm. warm. "Worse after perspiring Better or worse after perspiring. Better or worse after getting out of bed . Almost always improved after getting out of bed. Worse when hungry "Worse after a satisfying meal. Better or worse from eructation .... Better from eructation. Worse from sneezing Worse or better when sneezing. Worse from needle-work and the like . . Better when knitting. Worse when alone, better when in company. Better (resp. worse) when alone or in comp. Worse after stool Worse or better after stool. Fredomin. worse Predomin. better When lying on unpainful side, when lifting diseased limb, from cold, from warm diet, and from doing needle-work. Fredomin better Predomin. worse When lying on painful side, when letting diseased limb hang down, from warmth, in warm rooms, and from cold diet. Kali carb. Nitr, acid. "Ulcerative pain in external parts .... Ulcerative pain in internal parts. Crackling in internal parts Crackling of joints. In the scars tension, pressing, and rending. Scars get sore, break open. Bending pain downwards Rending pain upwards. One-sided heat, right side One-sided heat, left side. C.Hg. Peevishness not so frequent as with Nitr. acid. Absent-mindedness more frequent than with Nitr. acid. Complaints predom. on upper eyelids, on outside of nose, on upper arm, in hollow of elbow, on shin, and in lower part of chest. Urine hot, but often scanty ; sediment red- dish. Catamenia too scanty, at the same time too late or too soon. Sexual desire preval. strong Respiration generally with dry sound . . Expectoration not constant; is generally swallowed; morning and during day; less frequent in the evening. Pleuro-Pneumonia, with dry, suppressed cough, when the stitching pain continues or returns. Distrust — Maliciousness. Rarely paralysis. Complaints predom. on lower eyelids, on inside of nose, on fore-arm, in hollow of knee, on calf of leg, and in upper part of chest. Urine cold or hot; scanty; sediment red or white. Catamenia too profuse and too soon. Sexual desire weak. Respiration preval. with moist sound. Expectoration not constant; morning and during day. Pleuro-Pneumonia, with copious greenish, blood-streaked expectoration, when the fever increases and the stitrhing pain disappears; in old, emaciated, choleric people. Remission during day and before mid- Remission of complaints in the forenoon. night. Worse when riding Better when riding, worse afterwards. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In cold weather, after perspiring, when stooping, when sitting down, when lying on unpainful side,* and when riding. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In warm air, when assuming an erect position, when leaning against anything, and when lying on the painful side. N.B. Nitr. acid, lacks the sensation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Kali carb. * In rare cases we also find aggraration with. Kali carb. when lying on painful side, and improvement when lying on unpainful side. Kali carb. Phosphor. Complaints (sensitiveness, etc.) predominant Complaints (sensitiveness, etc.) predom. in in external parts. internal parts. Crackling: in internal parts Crackling of joints. Humid eruptions Dry (symptomatic) eruptions. Ulcers discharge copiously Ulcers, discharge copious or scanty. C.Hg. Scars : tension, pressing, tearing .... Scars : pinching contraction ; break open ; bleed. C.Hg. Partial sweat on upper part of body . . Partial sweat on lower part of body. Thirst predominant, except during chill . Want of thirst constant during all stages. Chill increased out-doors, sweat also while Chill lessened out-doors — Sweat lessened eating. while eating. Complaints predom. on external angle of Complaints predom. in inner angle of eye, eye, on upper jaw and upper lip, and in on lower jaw, on under lip, and in upper lower part of chest. part of chest. Dreams of water, thieves, ghosts, misfor- Dreams of fire, misfortunes, diseases, of dead tunes, diseases, dead people, erotic and people, embarrassment, quarrel and vexa- sentimental dreams. tion, erotic, or concerning the business of the day, historical, or mentally exerting dreams. Mood sad Mood cheerful or depressed ; changing ; in- different; irritable; haughty. Ailments from vexation with reserved dis- Ailments from anger or vexation with vehe- pleasure, and from hearing bad news. mence. Weak memory Memory active — Rarely absent-mindedness. Yery rarely fancies Ecstasies — Insanity. Apoplexy not yet observed Apoplexy. Appetite for sweets Aversion to sweets. Constipation predominant Diarrhoea predominant; painless. Catamenia too scanty Catamenia too profuse or scanty. Sputa generally swallowed Sputa are expectorated. Remission during day and before mid- Remission of complaints after midnight. night. Worse when alone, better when in company. Better or worse from warmth of bed. Worse (better) when lying on right or on left side. Worse during sleep Worse on awaking from sleep Worse when eating, partic. bread . . . Better (resp. worse) when alone or in comp. Predom. worse from warmth of bed. Better when lying on right side, worse when lying on left side. Worse or better during sleep. Better after sufficient sleep ; but worse on awaking when roused and after the siesta. Worse or better when eating ; partic. eating bread. Predomin. worse Predomin. better "When lying on side, particularly lying on unpainful side, when sitting down, when sitting erect and standing, when lifting diseased limb or when resting it on anything, and after sleep. Predomin. better Predomin. worse When lying on back or on painful side, when sitting: bent forward, when assuming an erect position, when letting diseased limb hang down, and in warm rooms. Kali carb. Pulsatilla. Want of bodily Irritability — Compl. predom. Increased irritability — Complaints predom. in external parts. in internal parts. Crackling in internal parts — Boring pain Crackl'g of joints— Bor'g pain from within from without inwards. outwards. Aversion to open air Inclination for open air. Pulse very different ; often frequent in the Pulse generally frequent, small, and weak ; morning, slower in the evening, rarely slow in the morning, frequent in the even- the reverse ; often unequal, irregular or ing ; sometimes imperceptible. trembling; often slow and weak, often also accelerated and hard. Heat on lower part of body Heat on upper part of body. Thirst predominant ; but is often wanting Want of thirst predominant, but constant during chill. only during chill. Chill increased out-doors Chill abated out-doors. Itching, relieved by scratching Itch'g, unchanged or aggrav. by scratch'g. Aversion to being alone Desire to be alone. Tery rarely fancies Mood changing; indifferent; gentle; bold; distrustful — Parsimony. Ailments from hearing bad news .... Ailments from excessive joy. Paralysis — No apoplexy Apoplexy— Yery rarely paralysis. Compl. predom. on external angle of eye, Compl. predom. in inner angle of eye, on on upper lip, upper jaw, & upper teeth. under lip, lower jaw, and lower teeth. Swelling of upper lip predominant . . . Swelling of under lip predominant. Nausea in stomach Nausea in throat, stomach, and abdomen. Constipation predominant Diarrhoea predominant. Urine too often, but scanty Urine infrequent and scanty. Catamenia too scanty, but of long duration. Catam. too scanty and of short duration. Coryza dry oftener than fluent .... Coryza fluent (partic. right side) oftener than dry. Sputa are swallowed Sputa are expectorated. Remission during day and before midnight. Remission from midnight till noon. Worse from exertion, walking fast, etc. . . Improv. oftener than aggrav. by exertion. "Worse when taking a deep breath . . . Better or worse when taking a deep breath. Worse after stool Better or worse after stool. Better or worse from warmth of bed . . Worse from warmth of bed. Worse (better) when lying on right or left Better when lying on right side, worse when side. lying on left side. Worse after sleep Worse or better after sleep. Worse (better) when opening or closing the Better when opening, worse when closing eyes. the eyes. Almost always improved when rising (from Worse or better when rising. a stooping posture). Better or worse from being touched. Worse from touch. Predomin. worse — — ^__-^ v ^— _— — — -^ Predomin. better From cold, growing cold and in cold weather, on inspiration, when sitting erect, when lifting diseased limb or resting it on anything, when washing, moistening, or bending suffering part sideways, from pressure, after stool, and from bodily exertion. Predomin. better - — •— — -^^ — — --^ Predomin. worse From warmth, growing warm and in warm air, on expiration, when sitting: bent forward, when letting diseased limb hang down, from sweets, in warm rooms, and from rubbing and scratching. Kali carb. Sepia. Spasms w'th full consciousness .... Spasms with unconsciousness. Itching of skin, relieved by scratching . . Itching, aggrav. by scratching. Eruptions humid . . Erupfotis generally dry. Ulcers, discharge copious Ulcers, discharge very copious or scanty. C.Hg Pulse very different ; sometimes frequent in Pulse accelerated, partic. by vexation and the morning, slower in the evening j rarely motion; frequent at night, slow during reversed. the day. Heat with thirst Heat without thirst. Thirst predom. ; but during chill want of Want of thirst j only during chill thirst is thirst is predominant. constant. Fear of being alone ........ Desire to be alone — Mood indifferent ; apathetic ; serious ; irritable — Avarice. ■ Consequences of grief — Self-willed . . . Consequences of anger. Delirium Insanity — Imbecility. Very rarely fancies Apoplexy. Swelling, or eruption on upper lip predom. Swelling or eruption on under lip predem. Com pi. predom. on upper arm & on shin . Compl. predom. on fore-arm and on calf. Discharge of urine too often, but scanty . Discharge of urine not often enough. Urinal sediment reddish Urinal sediment red or whitish. Catamenia scanty Catamenia profuse oftener than scanty. False labor-pains too weak or spasmodic ; Spasmodic labor too weak or with over- originating in the small of back, and ex- sensitiveness ; the os uteri is swollen and tending to the uterus with bearing down. indurated, resists dilatation, and with pain along the spine. Lippe. After-pains most in sacral region, drawing After-pains with backache. Lippe. down and pressing on the genitals. Cough, partic. at night (after midnight) and Cough, partic. forenoon and evening till dry in evening and night, in the morning midnight ; dry during day, in the morn- and during day with expectoration, which ing (evening) and at night, with expec- is generally swallowed. toration, which is generally swallowed. Remission during day and before midnight. Remission of complaints in the afternoon Worse in cold weather, partic. when it is Better or worse in cold weather, but preval. wet and cold. worse in dry cold weather. Worse after sleep Better or worse after sleep. Worse when hungry Worse after a satisfying meal. Worse from bodily exertion Improv. oftener than aggrav. by exertion. Predomin. worse ^ " ^^ -^ ^ Predomin. better In wet weather, when alone, when moving, running, from bodily exertion generally, when sitting down, when sitting erect, when lying on side, and after breakfast. Predomin. better *- "*■ Predomin. worse In dry weather, in company, during rest, when sitting bent forward, when lying on back, when leaning against anything, from riding on horseback, on an empty stomach, from rubbing and scratching. Kali carb. Sulphur. Over-sensitiveness* — Crackling in internal Insensibility — Numb sensation — Crackling parts. of joints. Pinching- pain in internal parts; ulcerative Pinching pain in external parts; ulcerative pain in external parts. ' pain in internal parts. Cutaneous eruptions humid Eruptions generally dry. Complaints predominant in lower part of Complaints predominant in upper part of chest, on upper arm, and on shin. chest, on fore-arm, and on calf of leg. Pulse different; sometimes frequent in the Pulse quick, full, hard; partic. frequent morning, slower at night ; rarely reversed. night and morning; slower during day and evening. Dreams of water, thieves, ghosts, diseases, Dreams of fire, vexation, business of the or very phantastical. day, or merry. Rarely fancies Mood chang'g; indifferent; gentle; serious; irritable — Insanity — Imbecility. Solicitude concerning the future .... Solicitude concerning the present. C.Hg. Ailments from grief or fright Ailments from mortification, shame ; less frequently from anger. Saliva generally iucreased Saliva generally diminished. Urinal sediment red Urinal sediment white oftener than red. Catamenia of long duration Catamenia generally of too short duration. Cough, loose in morning and during day — Expectoration in the morning and during Sputa are swallowed. the day; sometimes also at night. Remission of complaints during day and Remission afternoon and before midnight, before midnight. l O J Worse in cold, better in warm air . . . Better (worse) in cold weather or in warm air. Worse from growing cold, better from grow- Better (worse) when growing cold or warm. ing warm. Predom. better in warm room Worse in crowded room, but better from warmth of stove. Worse after perspiring Worse or better after perspiring. Better or worse from warmth of bed . . Almost always aggrav. by warmth of bed. Worse when turning in bed Worse or better when turning in bed. Better (resp. worse) when stretching out Worse when stretching out diseased limb ; or when drawing up diseased limb. better when drawing it up. When rising (from stooping posture) almost Aggravated oftener than improved when always improved. rising. Worse when looking into the light . . . Worse when looking at running water. Worse when hungry Worse after a satisfying meal. Worse after stool Worse or better after stool. Predomin. worse - *- -^^- — « Predomin. better From cold, from warm diet, when alone, when sitting down, when sitting erect, when lying on unpainful side, also from external pressure. Predomin. better — — — — ^"^ — -»-. Predomin. worse From warmth, from cold diet, when in company, when sitting bent forward, when assuming an erect position, when lying on painful side, and from sweets. * This is not in contradiction to the constitutional want of irritability. Compare preface. Kreosot. Arsenic. Left side — Bodily irritability increased . Tension or constriction in external parts Stitches downwards — Apoplexy . . . Sleeplessness preval. before midnight Eruptions generally humid Thirst during heat, none during chill . Pdght side — Want of bodily irritability. Tension or constriction in internal parts. Stitches upwards — Paralysis — Rarely apo- plexy. Sleeplessness preval. after midnight. Eruption generally dry. Least thirst during chill, most during sweat ; desire for drink without thirst, during heat — Frequently thirst before chill, less frequently after it, and after sweat. According to observations up to the present Mood anxious, indifferent, irritable, mali- time, the symptoms of mind and disposi- cious — Avarice — Unconsciousness— De- tion are only such as Arsenic also has. lirium — Insanity. Complaints generally on external ear . . Complaints of inner ear predom. Constipation predom Diarrhoea predom. Urine too often and copious Urine scanty (with diarrhoea) or copious. Sexual desire preval. weak Sexual desire too strong. Dry coryza predom Fluent coryza. Expectoration morning and evening . . . Expectoration partic. during day. Complaints predom. on fore-arm, on elbow- Complaints predom. on upper arm, on knee, joint, and on shin. and on calf of leg. Remission forenoon and evening. Better or worse from scratching . Better after stool Worse after urination .... Generally improved on expiration Remiss, during day and before midnight. Worse from scratching. Worse or better after stool. Better or worse after urinating. Generally aggrav. on expiration. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From motion, when walking, when sitting down, when sittiug erect, when lying on side, and from washing or bathing with cold water. Predomin. better Predomin. worse During rest, after lying down, while lying, when sitting bent forward, when lying on bach, and on expiration. N.B. Kreosot seems to lack the over-sensitiveness of Arsenic to pain, and generally also the sensa- tion of numbness in suffering parts. — This relation is only apparently in contradiction with the constitutional character of each remedy j comp. preface. Kreosot. Nux vomica. Left side — Inclination for motion . . . Bight side — Aversion to motion. Pain pressing inward Pain pressing outward. Apoplexia sanguinea — No paralysis . . . Apoplexia nervosa — Paralysis. Pulse small and weak, with violent ebullition Pulse generally quick, full, hard, partic. of blood. during hot stage of fever ; sometimes in- termitting. Thirst during heat, worse during chill . . Most thirst during chill, also between heat and sweat, and before and after the fever attack. Chill increased while sitting, lessened by Chill lessened while sitting, increased by motion. motion. Sleeplessness preval. before midnight . . Sleeplessness preval. after midnight. Peevishness not so constant as with Nux Fear ; irritability ; maliciousness ; amorous- vomica. ness. Very rarely absent-mindedness Unconsciousness — Delirium. Ailments from emotion generally .... Ailments from anger, fright, grief, dis- appointed love, and jealousy ; from mor- tification, and from vexation with fright, dread, fear, indignation or vehemence. Dim-sightedness Clear-sightedness predominant. Complaints generally on external ear, on Complaints generally on inner ear, on lower upper jaw, and on shin. jaw, and on calf. Diarrhoea infrequent and painless .... Diarrhoea infrequent and painful. Urine too often and copious Urine infrequent and scanty. Sexual desire too weak Sexual desire too strong. Nasal secretion thick Nasal secretion watery. Cough generally with expectoration ; morn- Cough generally without expector. ; morn- ing and evening. ing, during day, evening. Remission forenoon and evening .... Remission evening till midnight. Worse when lying on side, better when Generally better when lying on side, worse lying on back. when lying on back. Better (resp. worse) when lying on right Worse when lying on right side, better when or left side. lying on left side. Worse or better when getting out of bed . Worse when getting out of bed. Better after getting out of bed .... Worse or better after getting out of bed. Worse from washing and bathing with cold Generally better from washing and moisten- water. ing with cold water. Better from pressure Better or worse from pressure. Worse when swallowing Worse or better when swallowing. Worse when stooping Better or worse when stooping. Predomin. worse _ — — ^ — ■ - — Predomin. better On inspiration,* when lying on side, when sitting down, when sitting erect, when lifting diseased limb, and from washing with cold water. Predomin. better -~- — " — -^ — -. Predomin. worse On expiration, when lying on back, after stool, when sitting bent forward, and when letting diseased limb hang down. N.B. Although both remedies have the characteristic of increased irritability, still Kerosot. seems to lack the over-sensitiveness- of the Nux vomica-patients to pain. * Booth remedies have aggrav. of complaints when taking a deep breath. Kreosot Sulphur. Increased irritability — Pain pressing in- ward. Apoplexy Eruptions generally humid Painful ulcers Pulse mall and weak, with violent ebullition of blood. Thirst during heat, none during chill . . TTeat or sweat, with aversion to uncover . The pains are spreading to remote parts . "Want of bodily irritability — Pain pressing outward. Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy. Eruptions generally dry. Painless ulcers. Pulse quick, full, and hard, sometimes inter- mitting. Thirst appears already before the chill ; is most prominent during hot stage. Heat or sweat, with inclination to uncover. The pains are excited by niov'g remote parts. Peevishness and depression less frequent than with Sulph. — Rarely irritability. Neither unconsciousness nor delirium . . Ailments from emotion generally .... Eyes protruding Complaints generally on external ear . . Subjective putrid smell Xasal secretion thick Complaints predominant on upper gum Urine too often and copious ; smelling am- moniacal. Sediment red oftener than white .... Catamenia too soon, profuse, and of long duration. Expectoration predom., but not constant ; morning and evening. Complaints predominant on shin • . . . Mood serious ; indifferent; changing, gentle or irritable. Absent-mindedness — Insanity. Ailments from shame, mortification, or from vexation with fright, dread or fear. Eyes generally sunken. Complaints of inner ear predominant. Objective stench from nose predom. Nasal secretion predom. watery. Complaints predominant on lower gum. Urine often, but scanty; but sometimes copious ; sour. Sediment white oftener than red. Catamenia generally too late, scanty, and of short duration. Expectoration not constant; morning and during day, less frequent at night. Complaints predominant on calf of leg. Remission forenoon and evening .... Remission afternoon and before midnight. Worse from growing cold & in cold weather, Better (resp. worse) from growing cold and better from growing warm and in warm in cold weather, or from growing warm air. and in warm air. Worse when turning in bed Worse or better when turning in bed. Worse from touch Worse or better from touch. Better after stool Worse or better after stooL Predomin. worse ^— ■ ^^ /N ^. — - — ^ Predomin. better From cold, from uncovering, from motion, when sitting down, and when sitting erect. Predomin. better Predomin. worse From warmth, from wrapping np, during rest, after lying down, while lying, when standing, when sit- ting bent forward, and after sleep. 2s .B. We rarely find the sensation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Sulph. with Kreosot. Lachesis. Helleborus. Increased constitutional irritability predom. Want of constitutional irritability predom. Upper left, lower right side Lower left, upper right side. Aversion to open air — Apoplexy .... Inclination for open air — No apoplexy. Epilepsy with unconsciousness .... Epilepsy with full consciousness. External parts become black Red parts become white. Painful eruptions — Painful ulcers, some- Painless eruptions and ulcers, times with proud flesh. Pulse accelerated, small, and weak; often Pulse generally slow, small, and weak, alternating with full and strong beats; un- equal and intermitting. First chill, then heat First heat, then chill. Want of thirst predom.; that is thirst be- Constant want of thirst. fore, but not during the chill; during heat it is not frequent. Sweat increased when and after getting out Sweat lessened when getting out of bed. of bed. Sleeplessness Somnolence predominant. Sensitive disposition — Mood predominantly Insensibility of disposition — Indifference cheerful; irritable; malicious; haughty — ■ and dejection predominant. Amorousness. Ailments from fright, disappointed love, or Ailments from mortification, or from vexa- jealousy. tion with reserved displeasure. Easy comprehension — Ecstasies — Rarely Difficult comprehension — Mental dullness — absentmindedness, fancies, or unconscious- No delirium. ness. Insanity Imbecility. Want of appetite predominant .... Generally hunger. Urine too often Urine often, but scanty. Rarely expectoration with the cough . . Cough always dry (without expectoration). Remission from midnight till noon . . . Remission during day. Worse when getting out of bed .... Better or worse when getting out of bed. Worse from pressure Better or worse from pressure. Better when swallowing or worse (when Worse when swallowing. swallowing saliva or drink). Predomin. worse — — ^^- — — ■ — ^ Predomin. belter Out doors,* in warm air, after sleep, during rest, when standing, sitting and lying. Predomin. better — ™" —. ^ — -^ Predomin. worse In-doors and from warmth of stove, in cold weather, in bed, from motion and when walking, on inspira- tion and from deep respiration, when stooping, when shaking head, and when bending diseased part backwards. * "When walking out-doors" both remedies have predominant aggravation; therefore the influence of motion, and not that of the open air, decides for Helleborus. Lachesis. Lycopodium. Upper left, lower right side— Often indicated Upper right, lower left side— Often indicated with young women . with old women. Paralysis generally of one side and painful . Paral. often of both sides ; generally painless. Sensitiveness of internal and external parts . Insensibility or numb sensation in internal parts ; sensitiveness in external parts. Ulcers better from warmth, worse from cold . Ulcers worse from warmth, better from cold. Pulse frequent, small, and weak ; often alter- Pulse somewhat accelerated only after meals ; nating with 'full and strong beats; often partic. frequent in the evening, slow in the trembling, unequal, or intermitting. morning. Sweat lessened while eating Sweat increased while eating. Heat, without thirst and with aversion to un- Heat, with thirst and inclination to uncover. cover. Want of thirst predom. ; thirst partic. before Thirst predominant even after sweat. chill. Pleasant dreams Anxious dreams. Loquacity — Mood cheerful ; rarely peevish . Taciturnity — Mood changing ; depressed or cheerful ; serious ; gentle — Avarice. Ailments from disappointed love or jealousy. Ailments from anger, vexation, mortification, or grief. Easy comprehension — Mental excitability — Difficult comprehension— Mental dullness. Rarely absent-mindedness, fancies, or un- consciousness. Complaints predominant on lower eyelids . . Complaints predominant on upper eyelids. Urine too often Urine often, but scanty. Catamenia generally scanty; of short dura- Catam. generally of too long duration; at the tion. same time scanty or profuse. With scanty catam., bleeding from the anus — At the time of the suppressed catam. the Instead of suppressed catam., toothache. breasts fill with milk. C.Hg. Respiration preval. slow Quick respiration. Expectoration infrequent ; morning and dur- Expectoration tolerably constant ; morning ing day. and evening. Remission from midnight till noon .... Remission after midnight and in the forenoon. Worse when getting out of bed or rising from Worse or better when rising from bed or from a seat. a seat. Worse or better after rising from a seat . . Better after rising from a seat. Worse from light, partic. from sunlight . . Worse from light, partic. from candle-light. Worse from heat of sun Worse in snowy air. Worse before thunder-storm Worse during new moon. Better when swallowing, or worse (swallowing Worse when swallowing. saliva and drink). Generally improved when eating Generally aggravated while eating. Better or worse after meals Almost always aggravated after meals. Worse or better from spirituous liquors . . Worse from spirituous liquors. Worse or better from eructation Better from eructation. Predomin. worse -— — *^ -^^ — — -^ Predomin. hetter Out-doors and when walking out-doors, from cold, from uncovering, after getting out of bed, before breakfast, from warm diet,* when ascending, and when" lifting diseased limb. Predomin. better — — —• - — , ^^- — -^-^ Predomin. worse In-docrs and from warmth of stove, from warmth in general, from wrapping up, during sleep, after breakfast, from cold diet, when descending, when letting diseased limb hang down, when bending suffering part backwards, on inspiration and deep respiration, and after pollutions. N.B. Lachesis lacks the sensation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Lycopodium, often also the over-sensitiveness of the latter to pain. Mere sensitiveness, on the other hand, (to the touch, etc.) is found with both remedies. * In " Diphtheria," where both are of the greatest importance, the choice often decides for Lachesis by swallowing saliva; not food; for Lycop., if worse when swallowing warm drinks (Raue); Lachesis has more exsudative patches on the tonsils, particularly on the left side ; Lycop. a darkish hue on the fauces, partic. right side : with both the patients are worse after sleep, with Lachesis particularly in the morning, with Lvcop. when awaking after every nap, (children are cross, naughty, kick about). Other characteristics of Lachesis are over-sensibility of throat to the touch, or croup- like symptoms; of Lycop. the breathing through the mouth, or dilatation of nostrils with every inspiration, or parotid swellings, etc. C.Hg. Lachesis. Mercur. Haemorrhages, blood dark Haemorrhages, blood pale. Blood incoagulable Blood coagulates easily. Humid, cutaneous eruptions Eruptions most frequently dry. Scars redden, hurt, burn, break open, and Scars redden. CJJg. bleed. Pulse accelerated, small, and weak, often Pulse generally accelerated and full. alternating with full and strong beats. Want of thirst constant during chill, pred. Thirst almost constant during all stages. during heat; often thirst before the chill. Chill abated in warm room Chill increased in warm room. Sweat increased when and after getting out Sweat abated when and after getting out of bed, lessened while eating. of bed, increased while eating. "When asleep lying on back When asleep lying on side. Loquacity — Mood cheerful, rarely peevish. Taciturnity — Mood serious; dejected. Ailments fr. disappointed love or jealousy. Ailments from mortification. Easy comprehension — Mental excitability . Difficult comprehension — Mental dullness. Rarely absent-mindedness, fancies, or un- Rarely delirium. consciousness. Insanity more frequent than imbecility . . Imbecility more frequent than insanity. Paralysis Very rarely paralysis. Nasal complaints predom. internal . . . Nasal compl. external oftener than internal. Desire for spirituous liquors Aversion to wine; but appetite for beer. Urine smells like ammoniac Urine smells sour. Catamenia too soon or late ; generally too Catamenia too late ; scanty and of short scanty. duration, or profuse and of long duration . Instead of suppressed catamenia, toothache. Instead of catam., milk in the breasts. C.Hg. Respiration predom. slow Respiration preval. quick. Expectoration infrequent; morning and Expectoration not constant; during day. during day. Aggravation from noon till midnight . . Aggravation from evening till morning. Ailments from Mercurial vapors .... Ailments from Copper or Arsenic vapors, and from Calc. or Sulph. Worse in the Spring Worse in the Fall. Worse or better after sleep Worse after sleep. Predomin. worse ^ ■*■ -"^ — — -^ Predomin. better In warm air, during rest, when standing, sitting, and lying ; after getting out of bed, and from smoking. Predomin. better - — ~~ ■—•■. ^- — ' -**<. Predomin. worse In cold weather, from motion, when walking:, from shaking head, on inspiration and deep respiration, when stooping, in bed during sleep, after pollutions, and lYoni drinking cold water. Lachesis. Phosphor. Often indicated with women and children . Upper left, lower right side — Light hair . Moscles lax — Haemorrhages of dark blood Apoplexia sanguinea* — Ulcerative pain in in ternal parts. Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis Paralysis generally paiuful Epilepsy -with unconsciousness .... Black spots on the skin Eruptions irenerally humid Scars break open and bleed after reddcnin and burning. Pulse predom. small and weak .... Heat, with aversion to uncover .... Want of thirst predom., mostly during chill thirst before the chill. Awaking too early Often indicated with old people." Upper right, lower left side — Dark hair. Muscles rigid — Hoemorrh. of light-red blood." Apoplexia nervosa — Ulcerative pain in exter- nal parts. Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy. Paralysis generally painless. Epilepsy with full consciousness. White spots on the skin. Eruptions generally dry. Scars break open and bleed after a pinching contraction. C.Hg. Pulse predom. full and hard. Heat, with inclination to uncover. Want of thirst constant during all stages. Awaking too late. Desire to be alone — Loquacity Disposition sensitive Cheerfulness — Consequences of disappointed love or jealousy — Barely peevishness. "Weakness of memory Headache better from warmth ; worse from touch or pressure. Complaints predom. on lower eyelids . . . Desire for beer Flatus passing with difficulty Urine too often Catameuia generally scanty and of short dura- tion. Instead of catamenia, toothache Nasal secretion watery . . . Voice nasal — Kespiration slow Cough almost always dry Fear of being alone — Eeserve. Disposition insensible or sensitive. Changing mood — Cheerfulness or melancholy — Consequences of anger or vexation with vehemence — Indifference. Active memory. Headache, worse from warmth, better from touch and pressure. Complaints predom. on upper eyelids. Aversion to beer. Flatus passing easily, generally scentless, often Urine often, but scanty. [hot. Catamenia profuse or scanty, of too long or short duration. Catamenia suppressed and milk in the breasts. CHg. Nasal secretion thick and viscid. Voice trembling or hissing — Eespiration pre- domin. quick. Cough sometimes dry, sometimes with expec- toration. Remission from midnight till noon .... Remission of complaints after midnight. Oftener improv. than aggrav. by swallowing; Worse when swallowing food and drink. but worse partic. when swallowing saliva and drink. Generally worse in warm air; better in cold Predom. aggrav. in cold weather, predom. weather. better in warm air. Wo rse after sleep Better after sleep, with exception of siesta; worse on awaking when roused. Ailments from abuse of Cinchona or Mercur. Ailments from abuse of table-salt or Iod. Predomin. worse - ' ^^ — ^-^ Fredomin. better In warm air, out-doors, from uncovering, during rest, when standing: and sitting, partic. sitting erect; on an empty stomach, from the touch,| and after sleep. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In cold weather, in-doors, from wrapping up, from motion, shaking head, sitting bent forward, and after breakfast. N.B. Lachesis lacks the sensation of numbness in suffering parts, peculiar to Phosphor.; the over- sensitiveness of the latter to pain is also found less frequently with Lachesis. * Much ofteaer in formerly so-called Apoplexia nervosa, partic. after excessive mental excitement, and when it is precursory or preparatory to softening of the hruin, when Phosphor, acid, or Amnion, carb. are of the greatest advantage after it. C-Hg# | Yet we also find an aggrav. with Phosphor, "from soft touch." Lachesis. Phosphor, acid. Skin and muscles lax— Increased irrita- Skin and muscles rigid — Want of bodily bility. irritability. Aversion to motion* Inclination for motion. Painful ulcers, with scanty discharge . . . Painless ulcers, with copious discharge. Paralysis generally of one side and painful. Paralysis generally of one side and painless. Apoplexy . . , Apoplexy not yet observed. Pulse intermitting every tenth beat, or later Pulse intermitting one to two beats. up to the thirtieth beat. Internal chill, with external heat predom. . External chill, with internal heat predom. Thirst often only be/ore chill Thirst generally only during sweat. Sensitive disposition— Loquacity .... Insensibility of disposition — Taciturnity. Cheerfulness — Haughtiness — Distrust . . Dejection or cheerfulness. Rarely peevishness Mood indifferent ; rarely irritable. Ailments from fright Ailments from shame, disappointed love, grief, mortification, or from vexation with reserved displeasure. Easy comprehension — Mental excitement . Difficult comprehension — Mental dullness. Rarely unconsciousness (except in fainting Unconsciousness, spells, epilepsy, etc.) Insanity • . . . Imbecility. Nasal complaints predom. internal . . . Nasal complaints predom. internal. Urine too often Urine frequent and copious ; sometimes scanty. Sexual desire increased ; too strong . * . Sexual desire decreased ; too weak. Catamenia too soon or late ; at the same Catamenia too soon and too profuse, time predom. scanty and of short dura- tion. Expectoration tolerably infrequent; morn- Expectoration tolerably constant; morn- ing and during day. ing. Aggravation from noon till midnight . • Aggravation evening and from midnight till noon. Worse from heat of sun Worse in snowy air. Almost always aggravated after getting out Better or worse after getting out of bed. of bed. Better or worse after rising from a seat . Better after rising from a seat. Better or worse after meals Worse after meals. Better or worse when swallowing, partic. Predom. better when swallowing, partic. worse when swallowing saliva or when when swallowing saliva and when drink- drinking, ing; but worse when swallowing food. Predomin. worse - — - — -"^ — ~— -^ Predomin. better In warm air, in wet weather, ont-doors and when walking out-doors, before breakfast, from pressure, when changing posture, when lying or standing, and when lifting diseased limb. Predomin. better -— ■ — "— ■— ^^ — — --. Predomin. worse In cold, dry weather, in-doors, after breakfast, when letting diseased limb hang down, when stooping, in bed, during sleep, after pollutions, and from drinking cold water. * Yet there is generally an improvement with both remedies from motion. 22 Lachesis Pulsatilla. Blood uncoagulable Blood coagulates easily. Apoplexia sanguinea* — Paralysis generally Apoplexia nervosa— Paralysis generally pain- painful. less. Ulcers with scanty discharge, sometimes proud Ulcers with copious discharge; worse from flesh ; better from warmth, worse from cold. warmth, better from cold. Warts Corns. C.Hg. Pulse irregular Pulse rather equal. Thirst, often only before the chill .... Thirst often only before and after the chill, and worse between heat and sweat. Awaking too early Awaking too late. Satiety of life, with longing for death . . . Mood 'cheerful, haughty; irritable, malicious, jealous ; rarely peevish. Repugnance of women to marry Ailments from disappointed love or jealousy. Mental excitability — Insanity Rarely absent-mindedness, fancies or uncon- sciousness. Nasal complaints predom. internal Want of appetite predom. . . . Painless diarrhoea Urine too often Catamenia too soon or too late . Respiration preval. slow . . . Cough, generally without expectoration Complaints generally on palm of hand . Satiety of life with fear of death. Mood changing ; gentle ; bold ; despondent and anxious; indifferent; good-natured — Calm sadness of mild dispositions — Parsimony. Aversion of men to women. Ailments from excessive joy, from grief, mor- tification, or vexation. Mental dullness — Melancholy. Unconsciousness, &c. Nasal compl. external oftener than internal. Generally hunger. Piarrhcea generally painful. Urine seldom and scanty. Catamenia too late. Respiration quick. Cough generally with expectoration. Complaints predom. on back of hand. Better or worse during sleep Worse during sleep. Worse when and after getting out of bed . . Better or worse when & after gett'g out of bed. Worse when rising from a seat Worse or better when rising from a seat. Worse when rising (from a stooping posture). Worse or better when rising. Better when taking a deep breath .... Better or worse when taking a deep breath. Worse or better from sneezing Worse from sneezing. Worse from bodily exertion . „ . . . . Improv. oftener than aggrav. by exertion. Worse from pressure Better or worse from pressure. Generally improv. when eating Almost always aggrav. when eating. Worse or better from spirituous liquors . . Worse from spirituous liquors. Worse after stool Better or worse after stool. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From cold and growing cold, out-doors and when walking out-doors, from uncovering, lying on right side, when lying on painful side, when sitting erect, when holding suffering part bent, when stretching out or lifting diseased limb, from weeping, from tying: clothes tisrht, from pressure, from vinegar and sour things, after stool, when and after getting out of bed, and from bodily exertion. Predomin. better Predomin. worse From warmth and growing warm, in-doors and from warmth of stove, from wrapping up, in bed, lying on left side, ""-hen lying on nnpainful side, wben stooping and sitting bent forward, when bending diseased part backwards, when drawing up suffering limb or letting it hang down, from loosening the clothes, when eating, partic. fruit ; after pollutions, and from shaking the head. N.B. Lachesis lacks the sensation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Pulsat., often also the over-sensitiveness of Puis, to pain. Mere sensitiveness (to touch &c), on the other hand, is found with both remedies. See note to Lachesis— Phosphor. Lycopodium. Graphites. Sensitiveness in external parts Sensitiveness in internal parts — No apo- plexy. Haemorrhages, blood dark ...... Haemorrhages, blood light-red. Sweat around the joints Skin chopped around the joints. Swelling of suffering parts Emaciation of suffering parts. Pulse somewhat accelerated only in the Pulse full and hard, but somewhat accelerated evening and after meals; frequent in the only in the morn'g; frequent in the morn- evening, slow in the morning. ing, slow during day or evening. Thirst is wanting only during chill . . . Want of thirst, partic. during heat. Thirst, with disgust for drink Desire for drink, without thirst. Internal chill, with external heat predom. . External chill, with internal heat. Heat or sweat, with inclination to uncover. Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover. Bejectedness or cheerfulness— Gentleness — Sadness — Despondency. Seriousness — Distrust — Haughtiness — Avarice — Maliciousness. Mental dullness — Imbecility — Insanity . . Neither unconsciousness, delirium, nor fan- cies. Consequences of grief, mortification, vexa- Ailments from grief (or fright). tion, anger, (or fright). Optical illusions in black or in dark colors . Optical illusions in bright colors. Scentless flatus predominant Fetid flatus. Urine often, but scanty Urine scanty. Urinal sediment red (sandy) or whitish . . Urinal sediment whitish. Catamenia generally of too long duration ; Catamenia of too long duration and scanty. at the same time profuse or scanty. With suppressed catamenia, milk in the With suppressed catamenia, bleeding from breasts. anus. CHg. Respiration with moist sound Respiration with dry sound. Difficult respiration better in bed .... Difficult respiration worse in bed. Expectoration morning and evening . . . Expectoration during day and evening. Remission after midnight and in the fore- Remission of complaints during day. noon. Worse during new moon Worse during full moon. Worse when riding Better while riding, worse afterwards. Worse after a satisfying meal Worse when hungry. Predomin. worse ^ — "***■ ^^ — ■ --^ Predomin. better From warmth, from wrapping up, when letting diseased limb hang down, during rest, when standing, sitting aDd lying, from pressure, from drinking wine, and when riding. Predomin. better — *- ^ — ■ — -^ Predomin. worse. From cold, from uncovering, when lifting up diseased limb, when moving, and when stooping. Lycopodium. Phosphor. Light hair — Skin and muscles lax . . . Dark hair — Skin and muscles rigid. Haemorrhages, blood dark — Apoplexia Haemorrhages, blood light-red — Apoplexia sail guinea. nervosa. Sensitiveness of external parts .... Sensitiveness of internal parts. Sweat around the joints — Eruptions gen- Yesicles around the joints — Eruptions erally humid. generally dry. Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis . . Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy. Spasms with unconsciousness Spasms with full consciousness* Distention of veins of feet Distention of veins of hands. Pulse somewhat accelerated only after meals Pulse generally quick, full, and hard ; regu- and in the evening. lar ; sometimes intermitting. Sensation of coldness in the veins . . . Burning in the veins. Heat, then chill — Thirst wanting only dur- Chill, then heat— Want of thirst constant. ing chill. Chill or heat, predominant left side . . . Chill or heat, predominant right side. Chill lessened after getting out of bed . . Chill increased after getting out of bed. Sweat increased during meals . . . . . Sweat lessened during meals. Sensitive disposition — Gentleness — Serious- Insensibility or sensitiveness of disposition. ness. Sadness (predom.) or cheerfulness . . . Cheerfulness or hypochondric mood.* Depressed mood and timidity . . ... Hypochondria with peevish irritability. Consequences of mortification or of vexation Ailments from vexation with fright. with reserved displeasure. Weak memory — Mental dullness up to im- Active memory — Mental excitement — Ec- becility. stasies. Pupils dilated Pupils contracted. Complaints generally in inner ear, and pre- Complaints generally on external ear, and dominant on under lip. predominant on upper lip. Appetite for sweets Aversion to sweets. Constipation predominant Diarrhoea predominant. Retention of urine more frequent than in- Involuntary discharge of urine. continence. Catamenia predominant too'late .... Catamenia generally too soon. Expectoration almost constant; particularly Expectoration not constant; morning and morning and evening. during the day. Milk diminished, but often running from the Running out of the milk ; the quantity gen- breast, erally increased. [Remission after midnight and in forenoon. Remission of compl. after midnight. Better after eructation W f orse or better after eructation. Worse or better after stool Better after stool. Worse during new moon Worse before a thunder-storm. Predomin. worse — - — — -^\-_— — ■— -^_ Predomin. better During rest, when standing and sitting, partic. sitting erect, from warmth, from cold diet, from beer, coffee or wine, alter drinking in general, from eating a satisfying meal, after sleep, | from touch, % and when lying on side. Predomin. better — **» -^ — — -^ Predomin. worse During continued moderate motion,? partic. of the diseased limb, when sitting bent forward, from cold,** from warm diet, after sweating, when lying on back, and from needle-work. * A sudden change of mood is found with both remedies. t Yet Phosph. has aggravation as well as improvement "on awaking." + We also find aggrav. '■'from soft touch" with Phosphor. § In the beginning of motion and when walking fast both remedies have aggrav. ** Growing cold and cold weather (as well as warmth) exert a very varied influence on the symptoms of Lye ; Phosphor-symptoms, on the other hand, are preval. aggrav. by growing cold and in cold weather, and improv. by grow ing warm and in warm air. Lycopodium. Phosph. acid. Upper right, lower left side — Muscles lax . Upper left, lower right side— Muscles rigid. Ayersion to motion Desire for motion. Pulse somewhat accelerated only in the Pulse generally frequent, small, and weak ; evening and after meals. irregular, intermitting. Heat, with thirst and inclination to un- Heat, without thirst and with aversion to cover. uncover. Thirst is wanting only during chill . . . Want of thirst predominant j thirst almost only during sweat. Anxious dreams Pleasant dreams predom. Sensitive disposition Insensibility of disposition. Distrust — Malice — Haughtiness — Amor- Mood rarely irritable, ousness — Insanity. Consequences of (grief, mortification), fright, Ailments from (grief, mortification), shame, anger, or from vexation with fear or vehe- disappointed love, or jealousy, mence. Apoplexy Yery rarely paralysis. Paralysis often of both sides Paralysis generally of one side. Yertigo, inclining to fall forwards . • . Yertigo, inclining to fall forwards or back- wards. Complaints generally in inner ear, on upper Complaints generally on external ear and lip ; also predom. on upper eyelids, in on under lip ; also predom. on lower eye- upper part of chest, in hollow of elbow, lids, in lower part of chest, on tip of on inner side of thigh, and on calf of elbow, on external side of thigh, and on leg. shin. Nausea in stomach — Costiveness .... Nausea partic. in throat — Diarrhoea. Urine often, but scanty Urine often and copious ; only exceptionally scanty. Retention of urine oftener than inconti- Involuntary discharge of urine predom. nence. Catamenia too late ; at the same time scanty Catamenia too soon and profuse. or profuse. Expectoration morning and evening ; with Expectoration in the morning, hooping-cough, however, there is expecto- ration in the morning and during day. Remission forenoon and after midnight . Remission afternoon and before midnight. Worse while and after passing urine . . Worse before and while passing urine. Worse from change of posture , • • . Improved oftener than aggravat'd by change of posture. Predomin. worse -— — — ^ — -^ Predomin. better In wet weather, from cold diet, on inspiration, from wrapping up, from pressure, and when swallowing. Predomin. better — — —» — -*^ — --. Predomin. worse In dry weather, from warm diet, on expiration, from uncovering, when stooping, and " after*' sweat. N.B. Over-sensitiveness to pain is frequent with Lycopodium, rare with Phosph. acid. Lycopodium. Upper right, lower left side— Chill or heat on left side. Cold shudders on upper part of body . . . Thirst often after sweat Apoplexia sanguinea — Paralysis Pulsatilla. Upper right, lower left side — Chill or heat on right side of body. Chill on lower part of body ; heat on upper part Thirst often before the chill. [of body. Apoplexia nervosa — Rarely paralysis. Sadness or cheerfulness — Haughtiness — Mood Mood sad, quiet, gentle; rarely irritable; in- irritable; malicious. different— Boldness. Ailments from anger and from vexation with Ailments from excessive joy and from vexa- vehemence or reserved displeasure. tion with fright. Vertigo, inclining to fall forwards .... Vertigo, inclining to fall backwards. Pupils dilated Pupils generally contracted. Optical illusions in dark colors Optical illusions in bright colors. Nausea in stomach Nausea in throat, stomach, or abdomen. Sour vomit predom Vomit is bitter oftener than sour. Scentless flatus predom Hot, fetid flatus. Constipat.; when diarrh. occurs, it is painless. Diarrhoea predom., generally painful. Urine often, but scanty Urine seldom and scanty. Urinal sediment red (sandy) or whitish . . Urinal sediment reddish. Retent, of urine more freq. than incontinence. Incontinence more freq. than retent. of urine. Catamenia generally of too long duration . . Catamenia of too short duration. Emission of scantily secreted milk .... Emission of milk, the secretion of which is generally increased. Corvza dry oftener than fluent Coryza fluent (right side) oftener than dry. Respiration preval. with moist sound . . . Respiration predom. with dry sound. Expector. nearly constant; morning & even'g. Expector. not constant; morn. & during day. Complaints predom. in upper part of chest, on Complaints predom. in lower part of chest, on fore-arm, in palm of hand, on inside of nose, upper arm, on back of hand, on outside of and on upper lip. nose and on under lip. With Horses : Swelling of the hind-legs . . With Horses : swelling of the front-legs. Remission after midnight and in the forenoon. Remiss, aft. midnight, in the morn. & forenoon. Worse during new moon Worse before a thunder-storm. Better (worse) in cold or warm air .... Better in cold weather, worse in warm air. Better (worse) when growing cold or warm . Bett. wh. grow'g cold, worse wh. grow'g warm. Worse from bodily exertion Generally improv. by exertion. Better or worse while and after perspiring . Worse while and after perspiring. Better or worse in bed and fr. warmth of bed. Aim. alw. aggrav. in bed & fr. warmth of bed. Worse after sleep Worse or better after sleep. Worse from pressure Better or worse from pressure. Better when moving diseased part .... Better or worse when moving the part. Better after rising from a seat Better or worse after rising from a seat. Worse when swallowing Better when swallowing, or worse (when swal- lowing saliva) ; in the first case often worse after swallowing. Better from eructation , . . Worse or better from eructation. Worse or better from sneezing Worse from sneezing. Worse when taking a deep breath .... Better or worse when taking a deep breath. Better or worse from weeping Better from weeping. Worse when looking at anything which turns. Worse when looking up. Predomin. worse Predomin. better When lying in a contracted posture, lying on painful side, when sitting: erect, when stretching out dis- eased limb, on bending it sideways, washing or moistening suffering; part, tying: clothes tight, on inspiration, when opening: the eyes, from drinking cold water and from cold diet in general, from bodily exertion and pressure. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In extended posture, lying on unpainful side, when sitting bent forward, drawing: up diseased limb, loosening the clothes, on expiration, when closing the eyes, from warm diet, from eructation, and when stooping. Lycopodium. Sepia. Light hair — Skin and muscles lax .... Dark hair — Skin and muscles rigid. Eruptions generally humid Eruptions generally dry. Pulse somewhat accelerated only in the even- Pulse frequent and full at night, slow during ing aud after meals, slow in the morning. day; is accelerated, partic. by vexation and motion. Thirst is wanting only during chill, frequently Want of thirst predom.; thirst is constant only appears after sweat. during chill, and frequently appears also before and after chill. Heat with thirst Heat without thirst. Taciturnity Loquacity. Mood dull or cheerful, gentle ; amorous ; Dejection of spirits. haughty ; distrustful, malicious. Delirium No delirium. Ailments from grief, mortification, or from Ailments from disappointed love, or vexation vexation with reserved displeasure. with fright. Pupils dilated Pupils contracted Complaints predom. on upper lip .... Complaints predom. on under lip. Vomit sour oftener than bitter Bitter vomit predom. Scentless flatus — Urine too often, but scanty. Fetid flatus — Discharge of urine too infrequent. Retention of urine oftener than incontinence. Incontinentia? urinae predom. Catamenia scanty oftener than profuse . . . Catamenia profuse oftener than scanty. Eespiratien preval. with moist sound . . . Respiration preval. with dry sound. Expectoration nearly constant; morning and Expectoration predom., but not constant; is evening. loosened night and morning, and generally swallowed. Toothache with the cough Cough with the toothache. C.Hg. Remission after midnight and forenoon . . Remission of complaints afternoon. Worse (better) when alone or in company. . Better when alone, worse when in company. Worse during new moon Worse before a thunder-storm. Better (worse) from growing cold or warm . Predom. worse from growing cold ; better when growing warm. Better or worse after sweat Worse after sweat. Worse (better) when lying on right or left side. Better when lying on right side, worse when lying on left side. Worse after sleep Better after sufficient sleep, but worse on awaking when roused from sleep. Worse or better when sneezing Worse when sneezing. Worse on inspiration and deep respiration . Better or worse on inspiration and deep respi- ration. Worse or better when rising (after stooping). Almost always improv. when rising. Worse or better when sitting down .... Better when sitting down. Worse from bodily exertion Generally improv. by exertion. Worse when looking at anything which turns. Worse when looking u|p, or over a large surface. Predomin. worse - — "" ■—- -^^ — — >*. Predomin. better From warmth, wrapping up, in wet weather, from drinking cold water and from cold diet in general, when lying on side, partic. on painful side ; when turning in bed, after sleep, when sitting erect, when descending, from bodily exertion, and after breakfast. Predomin. better ~- — — -^ — — — Predomin. worse From cold, from uncovering, in dry weather, from warm diet, when lying on back or on unpainful side, when sitting bent forward, when kneeling, when ascending, when stooping, on expiration, ou an empty stomach, and from eructation. N.B. With Sepia we very rarely find the sensation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Lycop. Lycopodium. Apoplexia sanguinea Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis . . Aversion to motion — Eruptions predominantly humid. Ulcers worse from warmth, better from cold . Pulse somewhat accelerated only after meals and in the evening; slow in the morning. Distention of veins of feet Heat, with inclination to uncover .... Silicea. Apoplexia nervosa. Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy. Inclination for motion — Eruptions predom. dry. Ulcers better from warmth, worse from cold. Pulse generally small, hard, and quick, partic. frequent at night, slower during the day. Distention of veins of hands. Heat, with aversion to uncover. Mood sad or cheerful; serious; haughty; Dejection — No delirium — No insanity. malicious ; parsimonious ; distrustful. Pupils dilated Pupils contracted. Complaints generally in inner ear, in palm of Complaints generally on external ear, on back hand, and in upper part of chest. of hand, and in lower part of chest. Yomit sour oftener than bitter ; mucous . . Bitter vomit — Vomiting food oftener than mucus. Bellyache after stool • Eemission of bellyache after stool. Urine often, but scanty Urine too often. Urinal sediment red (sandy) or whitish . . . Urinal sediment reddish or yellowish. Retention of urine more frequent than in- Incontinentia uringe predom. continence. Respiration preval. with moist sound . . . Respiration with dry sound. Expectoration morning and evening .... Expectoration during day. In fevers: hands and fingers become like dead. Heat in the fingers (in fevers). Remission after midnight and forenoon . . Remission before midnight. Aggravation during new moon Aggravation more frequent during full moon than new moon. Worse (better) in warm or cold air . . . . Better in warm air, worse in cold weather. "Worse (better) when growing warm or cold Predom. better when growing warm; worse when growing cold. Better or worse after perspiring Worse after perspiring. Worse or better from warmth of bed . . . Better from warmth of bed. Worse (better) when lying on right or left Better when lying on right side, worse when side. lying on left side. AVorse or better when getting out of bed . . Worse when getting out of bed. Almost always improved after getting out of Worse or better after getting out of bed. bed. Better or worse when sitting down .... Better when sitting down. Worse or better when rising from a seat . . Worse when rising from a seat. Worse or better when rising (after stooping). Better when rising. Worse from bodily exertion Worse or better from exertion. Worse or better when riding on horseback . Worse when riding on horseback. Worse after drinking Worse or better after drinking. Better or worse from weeping Worse from weeping. Worse when looking at anything which turns. Worse when looking up. Worse (better) when alone or in company. . Worse when alone; better in company. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In wet weather, from warmth, from wrapping up, in-doors and from warmth of stove, when lying on side, when letting diseased limb hang down, and when descending. Predomin. better - — — -«»^__-^\-_— — -» — Predomin. worse ih dry weather, from cold, from uncovering, out-doors and when walking out-doors, when bins: on back, when lifting diseased limb, when ascending, when stooping, from needle-work, and from weeping. Lyco podium. Sight side; partic. upper rigid, lower left side. Sensation of numbness predominant ; sensi- tiveness only external. Pinching pain in internal parts — Eruptions predominantly humid. Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis . . Pulse somewhat accelerated only after meals and in the evening; slow in the morning. Thirst is wanting only during chill ; often appears after sweat Chill lessened after getting out of bed . . Sulphur. Left side, part, upper left, lower rigid side. Sensitiveness predom ; sensation of numb- ness only external. Pinching pain in external parts — Eruptions generally dry. Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy. Pulse quick, full, & hard, partic. accelerated night & morn'g, slower dur'g day & even'g. Thirst predomin., but not constant ; often appears already before chill. Chill increased after getting out of bed. Dejection or cheerfulness — Haughtiness — Maliciousness — Miserliness — Distrust. Ailments from grief or vexation with reserved displeasure. Pupils dilated Complaints predom. in inner angle of eye . Swelling of under lip predominant . . . Scentless flatus Catamenia of too long duration .... With suppressed Catamenia, milk in breasts. Expectoration almost constant; morning and evening. Sweat around the joints Mood despondent — Rarely amorousness. Ailments from shame or vexation with fright, rarely from anger* Pupils contracted. Compl. predom. on external angle of eye. Swelling of upper lip predom. Fetid flatus. Catam. generally of short duration. With suppr. hsemorrhoidal tumors. C.Hg. Expector. not constant; morning and dur- ing day, less frequent at night. Itch'g, erysipelas or vesicles around thejoints. Remission forenoon and after midnight . Worse during new moon Worse or better when perspiring .... Better or worse from warmth of bed . . Almost always improv. after getting out of bed. Worse or better when sitting down . . . Worse or better when rising from a seat . Worse from change of posture .... Better when moving diseased part . . Worse when looking at anything which turns. Generally improv. by weeping Remission afternoon & before midnight. Worse during full moon. Worse when perspiring. Generally aggrav. by warmth of bed. Worse or better after getting out of bed. Almost always improv. when sitting down. Worse when rising from a seat. Worse or better from change of posture. Worse or better when mov'g diseased part. Worse from looking at running water and from looking down in general. Predominant aggrav. by weeping. Predomin. worse - --^-— - -^ — — •». ^ Predomin. better "When sitting erect, when descending, when letting diseased limb hang down, and from pressure. Predomin. better Predomin. worse When sitting bent forward, when ascending, when lifting diseased limb, from warmth of bed, from weeping, and needle-work. N.B. With Sulph., whose predom. characteristic is want of irritability, we very rarely find the over- sensitiveness of Lycopodium to pain. On the other hand, mere sensitiveness (to touch, etc.) is found with both remedies. Magnesia carb. Calcarea. Leftside predora.— Inclination for open air. Bight side — Aversion to open air. Haemorrhages, blood dark — Neither apo- Hsemorrh., blood light-red — Apoplexy — plexy nor paralysis. Paralysis. Epilepsy with fulf consciousness .... Epilepsy with unconsciousness. Pulse generally unchanged; only at night Pulse different, sometimes trembling; gen- somewhat accelerated. erally full and quick. Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover . Heat or sweat, with inclination to uncover. One-sided heat, right side — First chill, then One-sided heat, left side — First heat, then heat. chill. Want of thirst predominant, partic. during Thirst predominant; only during chill it is heat. sometimes wanting. Ulcers, with scanty discharge Ulcers, with much pus — Caries. Warts become atrophic Warts removed by suppuration and forming of crusts. Compl. predom. in inner angle of eye, on Compl. predom. in external angle of eye, on upper lip, on lower jaw and lower teeth, under lip, upper jaw and upper teeth, in lower part of chest, on front part of in upper part of chest, ou back part of thigh, and in hollow of knee. thigh, and on patella. Generally desire for meats Disgust for meat. Sexual desire weak Sexual desire strong. Catameniatoo late, scanty, of short duration. Catamenia predominantly too soon, profuse, and of long duration. Nasal secretion watery Nasal secretion thick, often of a bad odor. Expectoration predominant Expectoration predom., but not constant. Heat in the fingers (in fever) (In fever) fingers become as though dead. Aggravation evening and night, partic. Remission before midnight. after midnight. Predomin. worse — — "■''■— — ^^ — — "- — Predomin. better During rest 3 after lying down,* when lying on painfulf side, when sitting down, when sitting and standing, in-doors, and from uncovering. Predomin. better - ' — -^^ — — -^ Predomin. worse From motion, when lying on unpainful side, out-doors, from wrapping up, from anything wet, washing and moistening diseased part, j and from drinking cold water. N.B. Magnesia seems to lack the sensation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Calcarea ; on the other hand, the over-sensitiveness of Magnesia to pain is only rarely found with Calcarea. * Both remedies have aggrav. from warmth of bed. •f With Calcarea we sometimes find, though less frequently, aggrav. by lyins: on painful side, and improv. by lying on unpainful side. J Calcarea has an exception to this in case of Enteritis, which are improved by cold applications. Magn. c. Phosphor. Left side— Light hair — Skin and muscles Right side — Dark hair — Skin and muscles lax. rigid. Often indicated with children Often indicated with old people. Inclination for motion — Haemorrhages, Aversion to motion — Haemorrhages, blood blood dark. light-red. Apoplexy or paralysis not yet observed . . Apoplexy, and more frequently paralysis. Pulse generally unchanged, only at night Pulse very different; irregular, intermitting; somewhat accelerated. generally accelerated, and at the same time oftener full and hard than small and weak. Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover . Heat or sweat, with inclination to uncover. Causes atrophy of warts Cures warts, etc., by suppuration. Complaints predominant on lower eyelids, Complaints predominant on upper eyelids, on upper lip, in lower part of chest, and on lower lip, in upper part of chest, and on front part of thigh. on back part of thigh. Appetite for bread, particularly bread and Aversion to bread predominant, butter, predominant. Sexual desire too weak Sexual desire preval. strong. Catamenia predominantly too late, scanty, Catamenia predominantly too soon; at the and of short duration. same time too profuse and of long dura- tion, or too scanty and of short duration. Nasal secretion watery . Nasal secretion thick or viscid. Expectoration predom. with the cough . . Expectoration not constant. Aggravation evening and night, partic. Remission of complaints after midnight, after midnight. Worse during sleep Worse or better during sleep. Worse on awaking from sleep Better after sufficient sleep, but worse on awaking when roused and after the siesta. Better or worse when getting out of bed . Worse when getting out of bed Worse when riding Worse or better when riding. Worse in company, better when alone . . Better (worse) in company or when alone. Predomin. worse ■— ■ ^"^ — --^ Predomin. better From uncovering (partic. the head), during rest, when sitting down, when standing, sitting and lying, when lifting or drawing up diseased limb, from touch, and after sleep. Predomin. better - — • - ■*■ ^^ — -~ Predomin. worse From wrapping up (partic. the head), from motion, when walking, when rising from seat, when rising (after stooping), when letting diseased limb hang down or when stretching it out, from washing and moistening, and from warmth of stove.* * Both, remedies have predom. aggravation "in-doors" in general, and improvement of symptoms in the open air. Magn. c. Left side, particularly lower left, upper right side. Want of bodily irritability— Inclination for motion. Itching, lessened by scratching. . . . Cutaneous eruptions predominantly dry . . Ulcers, with scanty discharge Awaking too early Pulse often unchanged; only at night some- what accelerated; frequent at night, slow during day. Pulsatilla. Right side, particularly lower right, upper left side. Increased irritability — Aversion to motion (which, however, improves). Itching, unchanged or aggrav. by scratch'g. Eruptions rather humid. Ulcers, with copious discharge. Awaking too late. Pulse accelerated, small, and weak; frequent in the evening, slow in the morning ; some- times intermitting or imperceptible. Optical illusions in black or dark colors. . Complaints predominant on upper lip . . Appetite for bread, partic. bread and butter, predominant. Diarrhoea predominantly painless . . . Dry coryza Cough, generally with expectoration . . . Complaints predominant in palm of hand . (In fevers) heat in the fingers Optical illusions in bright colors. Complaints predominant on under lip. Aversion to bread, partic. rye-bread, pre- dominant. Diarrhoea generally painful. Coryza fluent (partic. right side) oftener than dry. Cough, with expectoration oftener than without it. Complaints predominant on back of hand. (In fevers) fingers become as though dead. Aggravation evening and after midnight. Aggravation from noon till midnight. Worse on awaking from sleep Worse or better after sleep. Predominantly worse from pressure . . . Generally improved by pressure. Generally worse from moving the part . . Generally improved by moving diseased part. Worse when bending diseased part . . . Better or worse when bend'g diseased part. Worse when sitting down Better or worse when sitting down. Better when rising from a seat .... Better or worse when rising from a seat. Better after rising from a seat .... Better or worse after rising from a seat. Worse (better) from cold or warm diet . . Better from cold diet; worse from warm diet. Better from eructation Worse or better from eructation. Worse after stool , . . . Better or worse after stool. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From cold, growing cold and in cold weather, from uncovering, from pressure, from moving diseased part, when lilting diseased limb, when lying on painful side, and alter stool. Predomin. better Predomin. worse From warmth, warmth of stove,* crowing warm and in warm air, from wrapping up, letting diseased limb hang down, lying on unpainful side, and from rubbing and scratching. * Bath remedies have predominant aggravation "in-doors" in general, and improvem. of symptoms in the open air. Magn. c. Sepia. Light hair — Skin and muscles lax . . . Dark hair — Skin and muscles rigid. Pinching pain in internal parts — Kending Pinching pain in external parts — Rending pain upwards. pain downwards. Inclination for open air Aversion to open air. Epilepsy, with full consciousness .... Epilepsy, with unconsciousness. Itching, generally lessened by scratching . Itching, aggravated by scratching. Complaints predominant on upper lip, in Complaints predom. on under lip, in hollow hollow of knee, and on front part of thigh. of elbow, and on back part of thigh. Apoplexy or paralysis not yet observed. . Apoplexy — Paralysis. Pulse generally unchanged Pulse accelerated, partic. by vexation and motion ; sometimes intermitting. First chill, then heat First heat, then chill. Want of thirst predominant ..... Thirst only during chill. Chill lessened in the open air Chill increased in the open air. Appetite for bread, partic. bread and butter, Aversion to bread and meat, predom. ; also for meat. Burning sensation in the teeth Cold sensation in teeth. C.Hg. Sexual desire lessened Sexual desire generally lessened, but even when increased, less ability. Catamenia too scanty and of short dura- Catamenia lasting too long; at the same tion. time profuse or scanty. Expectoration predominant; morning and Expectoration predominant, but not con- during day. stant ; is' loosened night and morning, and generally swallowed. (In fevers) heat in the fingers (In fevers) fingers become as though dead. Aggravation evening and night, partic. Remission of complaints afternoon. after midnight. Worse in cold weather; better in warm Better (worse) in cold weather or in warm air. air. Worse from warmth of bed Better or worse from warmth of bed. Worse on awaking from sleep Better after sufficient sleep ; but worse on awaking when roused from sleep. Better when rising from a seat .... Worse or better when rising from a seat. Predomin. worse ^- — " -^- — " --. Predomin. better In wet weather, from warmth of bed, when turning in bed, when lying on painful side, after sleep, when drawing up. diseased limb, when moving suffering part, when sitting down, and from smoking. Predomin. better -^-^ -— — ^^- — -~-^. Predomin. worse In dry weather, from warmth of stove, when lying on unpainful side, when stretching out diseased limb, from washing and moistening suffering part, from scratching, and from eructation. Magn. c. Silicea. Left side — Rending pain upwards . . . Eight side — Rending pain downwards. Pinching pain in internal parts, constriction Pinching pain in external parts, constriction the same. the same. Want of bodily irritability — Inclination for Increased irritability — Aversion to open open air. air. Epilepsy, with full consciousness .... Epilepsy, with unconsciousness. Itching, lessened by scratching .... Itching, unchanged or aggrav. by scratch- ing. Causes atrophy of warts Cures warts, etc., by suppuration. Apoplexy or paralysis not yet observed . Apoplexy, and oftener paralysis. Pulse unchanged Pulse changed, generally accelerated, hard. small, or imperceptible. Chill lessened out-doors Chill increased out-doors. Want of thirst predominant Thirst predominant. Complaints predominant on lower eyelids, in palm of hand, and on front part of thigh. Appetite for meat predominant .... Mucous vomit predominant Sexual desire too weak Catamenia of short duration and scanty . Expectoration morning and during day . (In fevers) heat in the fingers .... Complaints predominant on upper eyelids, on back of hand, and on back part of thigh. Aversion to meat. Vomiting of food predominant. Sexual desire too strong. Catamenia lasting too long; at the same time profuse or scanty. Expectoration during day. (In fevers) blue finger-nails. Aggravation evening and night, partic. Remission of complaints before midnight. after midnight. Worse when getting out of bed .... Better or worse when getting out of bed. Predomin. worse -— — ■■— ^- — — — . Predomin. better In wet weather, in-doors, in company, from warmth of bed, and when sitting down. Predomin. better Predomin. worse Id dry weather, out-doors and when walking ont-doors, when alone, when rising from a seat, from scratching, and from washing and moistening diseased part. Magn. mur. Calcarea. Upper left, lower right side — Inclination Upper right, lower left side — Aversion to for open air. open air. Itching, generally unchanged by scratching. Itching, improved oftener than aggravated by scratching. Pulse generally unchanged Pulse changed, sometimes trembling ; gen- erally quick and full. Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover . Heat or sweat, with inclination to uncover. Chill lessened in bed . Chill increased in bed. Thirst constant Only sometimes during chill want of thirst. Complaints predominant on upper lip and Complaints generally on under lip and sole on top of foot. of foot. Loss of appetite predominant ..... Generally hunger. Erections . Impotence, with increased sexual desire. Catamenia predominantly too scanty and of Catamenia predominantly too profuse and short duration. . of long duration. Nasal secretion watery Nasal secretion thick. Expectoration not constant; during day . Expectoration predominant, but not con- stant; morning and during day. Remission of complaints during day . . Worse from light ; better in the dark . „ Almost always aggravated when closing the eyes, better when opening them. Worse when lying on right side; better when lying on left side. Worse from being awake at night . • • Better from moving diseased part . • . Remission before midnight. Better (worse) from light or in the dark. Better (worse) when opening or when clos- ing eyes. Generally better when lying on right side: worse when lying on left side. Worse from sleeping too long. Worse or better from moving the part Predomin. worse Predomin. better In-doors, during rest, after lying down, when lying, sitting and standing, partic. when lying on painful or on right side, but also when lifting diseased limb, when rising (from stooping), from touch, and from uncovering. Predomin. better Predomin. worse Out-doors and when walking out-doors, when walking and from motion in general, when lying on nn- painful or on left side, when letting diseased limb hang down, from pressure/ wrapping up, after sweat, and in bed. N.B. With Magn. mur. we rarely find the sensation of numbness in suffering part6 peculiar to Calc. Magn. mur. Lycopodium. Upper left, lower right side Upper right, lower left side. Inclination for motion Aversion to motion, (which, however, im- proves). Pulse generally unchanged Pulse somewhat accelerated only in the evening and after meals. Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover . Chill lessened in bed Thirst during all stages of the fever . . . Catamenia predominantly of too short dura- tion and scanty; at the same time too soon or too late. Fluent coryza more frequent than stoppage of nose. Expectoration not constant; during day . Heat or sweat, with inclination to uncover. Chill increased in bed. Thirst is wanting only during chill. Catamenia of too long duration; at the same time scanty or profuse; generally too late. Stoppage of nose more frequent than fluent coryza. Expectoration almost constant; morning and eveninp*. Aggravation from evening till morning . "Worse in cold weather, better in warm air . Worse when growing cold, better when growing warm. Better after sweating Predominantly better in bed . . Worse (better) when lying on back or side. Worse or better after sleep . . . Worse from being awake at night Worse when getting out of bed . Worse when rising from stooping Worse when riding on horseback . Worse (better) from warm or cold diet Worse after stool on Aggravation morning and from noon till midnight. Better (worse) in cold weather or in warm air. Better (worse) when growing cold or warm. Better or worse after sweating. Worse or better in bed. Predominantly better when lying on back, worse when lying on side. Worse after sleep. Worse from sleeping too long. Better or worse when getting out of bed. Better or worse when rising. Worse or better when riding on horseback. Better from warm, worse from cold diet. Worse or better after stool. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From oold, uncovering, in extended posture, after getting ont of bed, before breakfast, when closing the eyes, when ascending, when lilting diseased limb, when stooping, and from needle-work. Predomin. better Predomin. worse From warmth, wrapping np, in contracted posture, after breakfast, when opening the eyes, when descending, letting diseased limb hang down, and from external pressure. N.B. With Magn. mur. we rarely find the over-sensitiveness of Lycopod. to pain, and rarely also the sensation of numbness of suffering parts. Mere sensitiveness (to touch, etc.), on the other hand, occurs with both remedies. Magn. mur. Phosphor. Upper left, lower right side — Inclination Upper right, lower left side — Aversion to for motion. motion. Itching unchanged, rarely lessened by Itching, lessened oftener than aggrav. by scratching. scratching. Apoplexy or paralysis not yet observed . Apoplexy, and still oftener paralysis. Pulse generally unchanged, only a little Pulse accelerated, often irregular, intermit- accelerated. ting ; oftener full & hard than small & faint. Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover . Heat, etc., withpredom. inclinat'n to uncov. Chill lessened in bed Chill increased in bed. Sweat increased when eating Sweat lessened when eating. Thirst during all stages of the fever . . . Want of thirst during all stages of the fever. Compl. predom. on upper lip, upper jaw, Compl. predom. on lower lip, jaw, & teeth, upper teeth, and on top of foot. also on sole of foot. Appetite for sweets Aversion to sweets. Catamenia too scanty Catamenia too profuse or too scanty. Labor-pains weak or ceasing Labor-pains spasmodic, too painful. Nasal secretion watery Nasal secretion thick. Expectoration during day Expectoration morning and during day. Remission of complaints during day . , Remission after midnight. Worse in cold weather ; better in warm air. Worse (better) in cold weather or in warm air. Worse when growing cold; better when Worse (better) when growing cold or warm. growing warm. Worse (better) from cold or warm diet . Better from cold diet,* worse from warm diet. Better from eructation Worse or better from eructation. Worse during and after meals, partic. worse Worse or better during and after meals, after a satisfying meal. partic. better after a satisfying meal. Worse during sleep Worse or better during sleep. Predominantly worse when closing eyes, Better (worse) when closing or opening the better when opening them. eyes. Better or worse when sneezing .... Worse when sneezing. Worse from mental exertion Better or worse from mental exertion. Improv. by moving diseased park. . . ' . Worse or better from moving diseased part. Predomin. worse _—- — »-*^^^^_^— -^ Predomin. better During rest, when standing, sitting and lying, partic. lying on right side, when lifting diseased limb or resting it on anything, when uncovering, from touch, and after a satisfying meal. Predomin. better .— ■■"-—» ""*»*■. — — «-. Predomin. worse From motion, when walking, lying on left side, letting diseased limb hang down, from wrapping up, from pressure, and after sweat. N.B. The over-sensitiveness of Phosphor to pain, as well as sensation of numbness in suffering parts, are both rarely found with Magn. mur. * Drinking cold water alleviates Phosphor-gastrosis only until the water has become warm in the stomach. 23 Magn. mur. Pulsatilla. Inclination for motion Aversion to mot'n (which, however, improv.) Itch'g, unchanged or lessened by scratch'g. Itch'g, unchanged or aggrav. by scratch'g. Pulse unchanged . Pulse changed, sometimes intermitting, gen- erally frequent, small, weak. Chill lessened in bed Chill increased in bed. Thirst during all stages of fever .... Want of thirst predom., but constant only during chill. Compl. predom. on upper lip, upper jaw, Compl. predom. on lower lip, lower jaw, and upper teeth, on outside of gum, and and lower teeth, on inner side of gum, & on top of foot. on sole of foot. Paralysis or apoplexy not yet observed . Paralysis, and still oftener apoplexy. Predominant loss of appetite Generally hunger. Nausea in stomach Nausea in throat, stomach or abdomen. Catamenia too soon or too late .... Catamenia too late. Expectoration not constant ; morning . . Expectoration predom., but not constant ; morning and during day. Remission of complaints during day . . Remission from midnight till noon. Better from pressure Better or worse from pressure. Worse when stooping and when rising . Worse or better when stooping and when rising. Better from moving diseased part . . . Better or worse from moving the part. Worse when getting out of bed .... Better or worse when getting out of bed. Predominantly worse after gett'g out of bed. Better or worse after getting out of bed. Better after rising from a seat Better or worse after rising from a seat. Better or worse when sneezing .... Worse when sneezing. Worse when swallowing Worse or better when swallowing. Worse (better) from cold or warm diet . . Better from cold, worse from warm diet. Worse after meals Worse or better after meals. Better from eructation Worse or better from eructation. Worse after stool Better or worse after stool. Predomin. worse — *- ^^ — ^ Predomin. better From cold, growing cold and in cold weather, from uncovering, lying on right side or on painful side, when lifting diseased limb or resting it on anything, from tying the clothes tight, when and after getting out of bed, and on inspiration. Predomin. better - — -» ^-^— *~'~~ m —" ""— ■ ^ Predomin. worse From warmth, growing warm and in warm air, from wrapping up, lying on left side or on unpainful side, when letting diseased limb hang down, from loosening the clothes, in bed, after perspiring, and from eructation. N.B. We rarely find the over-sensitiveness of Pulsatilla to pain with Magn. mur., rarely also the sensation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Pulsatilla. Mere sensitiveness ito touch, etc.), on the other hand, occurs with both remedies. Magn. mur. Sepia. Inclination for open air Aversion to open air. Itching unchanged, less frequently relieved Itching aggrav. by scratching. by scratching. Pulse generally unchanged, only a little ac- Pulse accelerated, partic. by vexation and eelerated. motion; unequal, trembling; quick and full, also intermitting, at night; slow during day. Chill lessened in the open air Chill increased in the open air. Heat with thirst . . Heat without thirst Thirst during all stages of the fever . . • Want of thirst; only during chill thirst is constant. Apoplexy or paralysis not yet observed . Apoplexy, and still oftener paralysis. Taciturnity Loquacity— Unconsciousness. Complaints predom. on upper lip .... Complaints predom. on under lip. Erections Impotence, with changing sexual desire. Catamenia too scanty and of too short dura- Catamenia lasting too long ; at the same tion. time too profuse or too scanty. Expectoration not constant ; during day . Expectoration predom., but not constant; is loosened, partic. at night and in morn- ing, and is generally swallowed. Remission of complaints during day . . Remission afternoon. Worse in cold weather; better in warm air. Better (worse) in cold weather or in warm air. Worse after lying down Worse or better after lying down. Predom. better in bed Worse or better in bed. Worse (better) when lying on side or on Predom. better when lying on side ; worse back. when lying on back. Predom. worse when and after getting out Better or worse when and after getting out of bed. of bed. Worse (better) from cold or warm diet . . Predom. better from cold, worse from warm diet. Worse after meals Worse or better after meals. Better or worse from sneezing .... Worse from sneezing. Predomin. worse - —- ~^< — — ^<. Predomin. better When lying on right or on painful side, when closing; the eyes, when rising (after stooping), when and after getting out of bed. Predomin. better ^- — -^^ — . Predomin. worse When lying on left or on unpainful side, when opening the eyes, after sweat, from pressure, from clenching the teeth, and from eructation. N.B. The over-sensitiveness of Sepia to pain is very rarely found with Ma°*n. mur. — Mere sensitive- ness (to touch &c), on the other hand, is found with both remedies^ Mercurius. Nitr. acid. Light hair— Skin and muscles lax . . . Dark hair— Skin and muscles rigid. Increased irritability — Pain pressing out- Want of bodily irritability — Pain pressing wards. inwards. Rending pain, downwards — Eruptions gen- Bending pain upwards— Eruptions humid. erallv dry. Scars redden Scars hurt with change of weather; break open. C.Hg. Sore pain in external parts Sore pain in internal parts. Hot swelling of glands Painless (cold) swelling of glands. Pulse generally full and accelerated ; some- Pulse more irregular than with Mercurius. times imperceptible or trembling. Sweat smelling sour and mouldy .... Sweat smelling sour or like urine. Thirst predom. during all stages of fever . Thirst is wanting during chill. Often indicated with children and women . Often indicated with old people. Loosing of hair, partic. on fore-head and Loosing of hair, part, on top of head. temples. Mood serious — Amorousness Distrust. Ailments after mortification Ailments after mental excitement in general. Absent-mindedn. — Imbecility — Apoplexy . Very rarely apoplexy. Nasal complaints external oftener than in- Internal nasal complaints predom. — Com- ternal; complaints predom. on lower jaw, plaints frequent also on upper jaw, roof soft palate, tip of elbow, and on shin. of mouth, patella, and on calf of leg. Aversion to greasy food Appetite for fatty things. Nausea in oesophagus or stomach .... Nausea, principally in stomach. Diarrhoea predom. painful Diarrhoea predom. painless. Urine often and copious; hot; smelling Urine scanty; cold or hot; generally smell- sour (comp. sweat). ing like ammoniac (comp. sweat). Sexual desire too strong Sexual desire too weak. Catamenia too late ; blood light-red . . . Catamenia too soon ; blood dark. Expectoration during day Expectoration morning and during day. Sweating of feet scentless Sweating of feet fetid. Remission of complaints during day . . Remission forenoon. Worse during and after sweat .... Worse during sweat, better after it. Worse when swallowing saliva and drink ; Worse when swallowing food. frequently improv. when swallowing food. Ailments from Sulph., Antimon., Cuprum, Ailments from Mercur., Calcarea, or Digi- Aurum, Lachesis, Coffea, Cinchona, Bel- talis. lad., Op., Valer., Dulc, Mezer. Predomin. worse - — ~~ ~ — *■— < ^"^ — ^^ Predomin. better In cold weather,* in warm bed, when stooping, and after perspiring. Predomin. better — — -^ — — ^_ Predomin. worse In warm air, after getting out of bed, when leaning against anything, and when swallowing food * Cold and warmth in general sometimes cause improvement and sometimes aggravation. Mercurius. Opium. Increased bodily irritability Want of bodily irritability. Sensitiveness predominant in internal parts ; Insensibility (numbness) in internal and ex- insensibility (numbness) in external parts. ternal parts. Sleeplessness predominant Somnolence predominant. Heat, with aversion to uncover Heat, with inclination to uncover. Thirst predominant, but not constant . . . Want of thirst ; thirst almost only between heat and sweat. Very rarely paralysis Paralysis. Taciturnity — Mood despondent, embarrassed, Loquacity — Mood cheerful ; gentle ; indiffer- fretful ; irritable ; malicious. ent — Boldness — Eage. Ailments from mortification Ailments from joy, fright, fear, vexation, or anger. Difficult comprehension — Weak memory— Easy or difficult comprehension — Memory Mental dullness. oftener active than weakened — Ecstasies or mental dullness. Complaints predominant on upper lip . . . Complaints predominant on under lip. Secretion of saliva increased* Saliva diminished. Aversion to wine, but appetite for beer . . . Desire for spirituous liquors. Nausea, partic. in stomach and oesophagus . Yery rarely nausea. Diarrhoea predominantly painful Constipation ; when diarrhoea occurs, it is painless. Urine often and copious Urine infrequent and scanty ; sometimes copi- ous. Incontinentia urinse predominant Eetention of urine oftener than incontinence. With Horses, from overexertion, profuse urina- With Horses, from overexertion, retention of tion. urine. Catamenia too scanty or too profuse . . . Catamenia too profuse. Coryza fluent oftener than dry Dry coryza. Kespiration predominantly quick Kespiration generally slow. Eemission of complaints during day .... Worse (better) from cold and growing cold, or warmth and growing warm. Worse during and after sweat. Better when swallowing, or worse (when swal- lowing saliva and drink). Worse from spirituous liquors Worse after stool Better or worse when assuming an erect posi- tion. Ailments from Copper or Arsenic vapors, from abuse of Cinchona, Calcarea, or Sulphur.f Eemission during day and evening. Better from cold and growing cold, worse from warmth and growing warm. Worse during sweat, better after it. Worse when swallowing. Worse or better from spirituous liquors. Worse or better after stool. Worse when rising from stooping. Ailments from Mercurius, Plumb., Strychnine, or Digitalis. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In cold weather, from uncovering, out-doors, from motion, when walking, from pressure, in contracted posture, from drinking coffee, after urinating, and after sweat. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In warm air, from wrapping up, in-doors, during rest, when standing, sitting and lying, partic. in extended posture, and from smoking. * This is to be understood cum grano salis ; for in molecular doses, Mercurius causes dryness of the mouth. t Compare the preceding diagnosis Mercur. and Nitr. acid. Mercurius. Pulsatilla. Aversion to open air— Sweat on front part of Inclination for open air — Sweat on back part body. of body. Heat left side— Coldness or sweat on suffering Heat right side— Heat on suffering part. part. Thirst during all stages of the fever .... Want of thirst predom., but constant only during chill. Sweat general, with exception of feet . . . Sweat only on head. Pulse irregular, generally full and accelerated; Pulse accelerated, small, and weak; quick in quick at night, slow during day. the evening, slow in the morning. Itching relieved or aggravated by scratching. Itching unchanged or aggrav. by scratching. Lying on side during sleep When asleep, lying on back, the arms over the head (or lying on belly). Dreads being alone — Mood irritable; mali- Desire to be alone— Mood good-natured, indif- cious — Embarrassment. ferent ; distrustful — Avarice — Boldness. Ailments from mortification — Earely delirium. Ailments from excessive joy, fright, grief, mor- tification, or vexation. Pupils dilated— Optic, illusions in dark colors. Pupils generally contracted — Optical illusions in bright colors. Styes on upper eyelid ........ Styes on upper and lower eyelids. C.Hg. Eyes protruding .... Eyes sunken. Swelling of upper lip predom Swelling of lower lip predom. Complaints predom. on soft palate, in upper Complaints predom. on roof of mouth, in lower part of chest, on tip of elbow, fore-arm, and part of chest, in hollow of elbow, on upper palm of hand. arm, and on back of hands. Generally loss of appetite Generally hunger. Aversion to wine and brandy, but appetite for Appetite for wine, brandy, or beer; but aver- beer and for milk sion to milk. Nausea in cesophag. or stom., rarely in throat. Nausea in throat, stomach, or abdomen. Urine smelling sour ; often and copious . . Ur. smelling like ammoniac ; infreq. & scanty. Catamenia too scanty and of short duration, Catamenia too scanty and of short duration; or profuse and of long duration ; blood light- blood dark — Milk generally increased, red, serous — Milk diminished. Expectoration not constant; during day . . Expectoration predom., but not constant; morning and during day. Aggravation from evening till morning . . Aggravation from noon till midnight. Worse (better) when growing cold or warm . Better when growing cold ; worse when grow- Worse after sweat Worse or better after sweat. [ing warm. AVorse on awaking from sleep Worse or better after sleep. Better after rising from bed or a seat . . . Better or worse after rising from bed or a seat. Worse from moving diseased part .... Better or worse from moving diseased part. Generally worse from pressure Generally improv. by pressure. Worse or better when eating Almost always aggrav. when eating. AVorse from cold or from warm diet; when the Better from cold, worse from warm diet, latter aggravates, better from cold diet. Worse after stool Better or worse after stool. Worse while blowing nose, but bett. afterw. Worse when blowing nose. AVorse when taking a deep breath .... Better or worse when taking a deep breath. Predomin. worse - — *- -^"^ — — — ^ Predomin. better In cold weather, out-doors and when walking; out-doors, on inspiration, from uncovering, from washing and moistening sntferins: part, from drinking cold water,* from sour things, pressure, tying the clothes tight, when lying on risrht or on painful side, when sitting erect, from motion, when walking, when lifting or stretching out diseased limb, from bodily exertion, and after stool. Predomin. better — ^-> — — ^. Predomin. worse In warm air, in-doors, on expiration, from wrapping up, loosening the clothes, when lying on left or on unpainful side, when sitting bent forward, during rest, when standing, sitting and lying, when letting diseased limb hang down, or when drawing it up. N.B. With Mercurius we find the over-sensitiveness of Pulsatilla to pain quite as rarely as sensation of numbness in suffering parts.— Mere sensitiveness (to touch, <&c), on the other hand, is found with both remedies. * On the other hand, Pulsatilla cures complaints which appear some time after, but are caused by taking a cold drink when overheated. Mercurius. Staphisagria. Light hair — Skin and muscles lax . . . Dark hair — Skin and muscles rigid. Pain pressing outward — Trembling of the Pain pressing inward— Internal trembling > limbs — Apoplexy. trembling sensation. Itching, lessened or aggrav. by scratching. Itching, aggrav. by scratching, or appears in another place. Painful eruptions — Dry itch Painless eruptions — Humid itch. Erysipelas around the joints Crusts around the joints. A pressure outward in the glands . . . Painful pressing inward in the glands. Pulse irregular, generally full & accelerated. Pulse small and accelerated. Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover . Heat or sweat, with inclination to uncover.* Sweat smelling sour or mouldy .... Sweat smelling like rotten eggs. Thirst predominant, but not constant . . Want of thirst predom., except during heat. Mood irritable; malicious — Absent-minded- Indifference. ness. Ailments from mortification Ailments from mortification, misbehavior of others, shame, grief, disappointed love, or vexation with indignation or reserved displeasure. Styes on upper eyelid Styes on upper and lower lids. C.Hg. Eyes protruding Eyes sunken. Generally loss of appetite Hunger predominant. Aversion to wine — Appetite for beer . . Desire for wine or brandy. Nausea in oesophagus or stomach, rarely in Nausea in throat, less frequently in ceso- throat. phagus or abdomen. Diarrhoea Constipation predominant. Urine often and copious Urine often, but scanty. Catamenia profuse or scanty Catamenia scanty. Nasal secretion watery Nasal secretion thick. Expectoration not constant ; during day . Expector. predom.; is loosened at night, and is generally swallowed. Compl. predom. on tip of elbow and on shin. Compl. predom. on patella & in calf of leg. Remission during day.f Remission undecided. J "Worse from light ; better in the dark . . Better (worse) from light or in the dark. Worse from bodily exertion W orse from bodily exertion, and still more from mental exertion. Ailments from Sulph., Antimon., Cuprum, Ailments from Mercurius or Thuya. Aurum, Lachesis, Cinchona, Coffea, Bel- ladonna, Opium, Valer., Dulcam., Mezer. Predomin. worse — — -^» ^^ — -^. Predomin. better On inspiration, and in contracted posture. • Predomin. better — — ^. ^^ — -^ Predomin. worse On expiration, and in extended posture. * However, the symptoms of Staphisagria are aggrav. as often as improv. by uncovering, resp. wrapping up. t Mercury also has a peculiar toothache, which torments all day. but ceases at night. C.Hg. + Staphisagria has its gastric symptoms, nausea, pressure in stomach, pain in abdomen, and diarrhoea only in the morning ; its colic, morning and evening, not in the night. Other pains the samo ; only the headache, evening, night or morning, and the toothache, night and morning. The cough commences in the morning, increases during forenoon aud noon, and continues during the evening. The itching somewhat in the morning, mostly in the evening ; the alcers are most painful in the evening. The chili only appears at all parts of the day, the heat night & morning, the sweat only at night. To one symptom in the forenoon there are three in the afternoon, seven in the eveniug, live at n : g':it, und ten in the morning. C.Hg. Mercurius. Sulphur. Increased irritability — Pinching pain in inter- "Want of bodily irritability — Pinching pain in nal parts. external parts. Itching relieved or aggrav. by scratching . • Itching relieved by scratching. Painful eruptions Painless eruptions. Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis . . Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy. Heat or sweat with aversion to uncover . . Heat or sweat with inclination to uncover. Sweat on front part of body —Pulse irregular, Sweat on back of body— Pulse quick, full, and trembling, imperceptible. hard. Chill increased in warm room Chill abating in warm room. Dreams of water, thieves, animals, shooting, &c. Dreams of fire, vexation, also imaginative, merry or mentally exciting dreams. Mood malicious Mood changing; gentle; indifferent. Ailments from mortification Ailments from shame, mortification, or vexa- tion with fright or fear ; less frequently after anger. Imbecility oftener than insanity Insanity oftener than imbecility. Pupils dilated — Eyes protruding Pupils contracted — Eyes generally sunken. Secretion of saliva increased ...... Saliva generally diminished. Aversion to wine or brandy, but appetite for Predom. appetite for (wine or) brandy, but beer and for milk. avers, to milk ; desire for or avers, to beer. Vomiting bile Vomit is sour oftener than bitter. Nausea in oesophagus or stomach .... Nausea in stomach. Urine too often and copious Urine often, but scanty ; sometimes copious. Expectoration during day Expectoration morning and during day ; less frequent at night. Complaints predom. on tip of elbow and on Complaints predom? in hollow of elbow, on shin. patella, and on calf of leg. Remission of complaints during day .... Remission afternoon and before midnight. Worse in the Fall Worse in the Spring. Almost always worse in cold weather, better Better (worse) in cold weather or in warm air. in warm air. Predom. worse out-doors, better in-doors ; but Predom. better out-dors, worse in-doors, par- worse from warmth of stove. ticularly worse in room filled with people, but better from warmth of stove. Worse when turning in bed Worse or better when turning in bed. Better after getting out of bed. Worse or better after getting out of bed. Worse or better when rising from a seat . . Worse when rising from a seat. Worse when moving diseased part .... Worse or better when moving the part. Worse from touch Worse or better from touch. Worse after sweat Worse or better after sweat. Worse when swallowing drink* Worse when swallowing food (dry). Worse from cold or warm diet; in the latter Better from cold diet; worse from warm diet, case better from cold diet. Worse from spirituous liquors Worse or better from spirituous liquors. Better or worse after meals Worse after meals. Worse after drinking Worse or better after drinking. Worse after stool Worse or better after stool. Worse when sneezing Worse or better when sneezing. Worse when taking a deep breath .... Better or worse when taking a deep breath. Worse when looking into light Worse when looking at running water. Predomin. worse ^- — "^^-^ — — -^ Predomin. better Out-doors, but also from warmth of stove, from uncovering, lying on ri°:ht side, when sitting erect, from motion, when walking, from holding the breath, and from pressure. Predomin. better -— —^>_^^^_^. — ^ Predomin. worse In-doors, from wrapping up. lying: on left sidp. whpn sitting bent forward, during rest, when standing and lying, from smoking and when swallowing food. * Both remedies have predom. aggrav. when swallowing saliva ; Mercurius often has improv. when swallowing food. Mercurius. Thuya. Sensitiveness in internal parts .... Insensibility or sensation of numbness in in- ternal parts. Itching, relieved or worse from scratching. Itching, relieved by scratching. Scars redden In the scars stinging. C.Hg. Hot swelling of glands Cold swelling of glands. Erysipelas around the joints (Edema around the joints. Involuntary motions, which can be mo- Involuntary motions, aggrav. by trying to mentarily suppressed by volition. suppress them. Pulse irregular, generally full and acceler- Pulse slow and weak in morning, acceler- ated ; slow during day, quick at night. ated and full in evening. Congestion of blood to ears Congestion of blood to eyes. Chill, with thirst — Heat, with aversion to Chill, without thirst — Heat, with inclination uncover. to uncover. Chill during day, heat at night .... Heat dur'g forenoon, chilliness in afternoon. Thirst predominant, but not constant . . Thirst wanting during chill ; is preclom. dur- ing heat, not constant during sweat. Clonic spasms during chill Clonic spasms during heat or sweat. Sweat increased when walking out-doors . Sweat lessened when walking out-doors. Dreads being alone Desire to be alone — Haughtiness. Ailments from mortification Ailments from vexation or anger — Very rarely unconsciousness. Imbecility Ecstasies or imbecility. Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis . . Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy. Complaints predominant on lower jaw and Compl. most frequent on upper jaw, and on tip of elbow. predom. in hollow of elbow & on patella. Pupils dilated Pupils generally contracted. Saliva increased* Saliva generally diminished. Aversion to wine Desire for wine. Diarrhoea Constipation. Catam. too late ; at the same time scanty Catamenia predominantly too soon and too or profuse. scanty. Expectoration not constant ; during day . Expectoration almost constant ; evening. Aggravations from evening till morning . Aggravations, partic. afternoon & after midnight, also in mornings & evenings. Remission of complaints during day . . Remission forenoon and before midnight. Worse during and after sweat .... Worse during sweat, better after it. Ailments from Arsenic or Copper vapors, Ailments from abuse of Mercurius or Iodine. Calcarea, Cinchona, or the sting of insects. Predomin. worse — ■ — ■ *— -^S — ' — «-> Predomin. better "When moving, when walking, from touch, from scratching & from pressure, from drinking cold water, alter stool, and after sweat. Predomin. better ^-— ■**■ -^^ — ~~~** ^ Predomin. worse During rest, when lying and sitting, generally also when standing, and from smoking. # Compare note to diagnosis of Mercisrius and Opium. Mezereum. IVJercurius. Upper riprht, lower left side — Inclination Upper left, lower right side — Aversion to for open air. open air. Crawling sensation or jerking pain in in- Crawling sensation or jerking pain in ex- ternal parts. ternal parts. Emaciation of suffering parts Swelling of suffering parts. Tearing stitching in the muscles .... Tearing stitching in the joints. Eruptions generally humid Eruptions generally dry. Itching, aggrav. by scratching, or changed Itching, aggrav. or lessened by scratching. to another place. Vesicular erysipelas — Softnesss of skin . . Erysipelas, with smooth skin — Hardness of skin. In the scars, a stinging Scars redden. C.Hg. Sleeplessness preval. after midnight . . . Sleeplessness preval. before midnight. Pulse often unchanged ; full and hard ; ac- Pulse changed, accelerated ; sometimes ir- celerated in the evening; sometimes fre- regular, trembling, or imperceptible; fre- quent in morning, slow in the evening. quent at night, slow during day. Chill lessened out-doors Chill increased out-doors. Thirst, partic. during cold stage .... Thirst predominant during all stages, but not constant. Joyousness or dejection — Boldness . . . Dejection of spirits — Seriousness — Mali- ciousness — Amorousness — Embarrassm't. No fancies Apoplexy. Complaints predominant on upper jaw, Complaints predominant on lower jaw, upper teeth, roof of mouth, in lower lower teeth, on soft palate, in upper part part of chest, on upper arm, and on the of chest, on fore-arm, and on inner side outer side of thigh. of thigh. Nasal complaints internal oftener than ex- Nasal complaints external oftener than in- ternal, ternal. Swelling or breaking out of under lip pre- Swelling or breaking out of upper lip pre- dominant, dominant. Appetite for coffee, wine, bacon .... Aversion to coffee, greasy (fat) dishes, and wine ; but appetite for beer. Urine often, but scanty Urine often and copious. Catamenia too soon Catamenia too late. Lack of voice, failing, interrupted . . . Lack of voice, not clear or trembling. Expectoration infrequent; morning . . . Expectoration not constant; during day. Remission during day and after midnight. Remission during day. Ailments from Phosphorus, Mercurius, or Ailments from Sulphur., Antimon., Cupr., Nitric, acid. Aurum, Lachesis, Bell., Cinchona, Opium, Coffea, Valeriana, Mezereum, or Dulcam. Predomin. worse ^ - — ^__--^^>.^^- ^ Predomin. better In-doors, when closing mouth and when keeping it closed. Predomin. better — "■—-*. — -""^ — — -. Predomin. worse Out-doors, when opening mouth and keeping it open, and when stooping. Mezereum. Nitric acid. Upper right, lower left side— Light hair . Inclination for open air — Emaciation, par- ticularly of the face. Cutting pains in external parts .... Pain pressing outwards Vesicular erysipelas — Itching, aggrav. or changed to another place by scratching. Stinging in scars Pulse often unchanged ; generally full and hard ; frequent in evening, slow in the morning ; less often the opposite. Chill lessened out-doors Thirst, particularly during chill k . . . Anxious dreams predom. ...... Complaints predom. in lower part of chest, on upper arm, on elbow-joint, on outer side of thigh, and on shin. Upper left, lower right side — Dark hair. Aversion to open air — Emaciation, partic. of feet. Cutting pains in internal parts. Pain pressing inwards. Erysipelas with smooth skin — Itching less- ened by scratching. Scars, sensitive to changes of weather, break open. C.Hg. Pulse unequal, dicrotus, &c. Chill increased out-doors. Thirst is wanting during chill. Pleasant dreams predom. Complaints predom. in upper part of chest, on fore-arm, on knee-joint, on inner side of thigh, and on calf of leg. Joyousness or dejection — Boldness Swelling of under lip predom. . . Vomiting, principally slime . . . Urine often, but scanty ; hot . . Urinal sediment reddish .... Sexual desire increased, strong Expectoration infrequent ; morning Dejection of spirits — Malice — Delirium. Swelling of upper lip predom. Vomiting, principally food. Urine scanty ; cold or hot. Urinal sediment red or white. Sexual desire diminished, weak. Expectoration not constant j morning and during day. Remission during day and after midnight. Remission of complaints forenoon. Ailments from Nitric acid, or Phosphor. . Ailments from Calcar. or Digitalis. Worse from drinking beer Worse or better from spirituous liquors. Better or worse when swallowing, partic. Worse or better when swallowing, partic. worse when swallowing saliva. worse when swallowing food. Predomin. worse Predomin. better On an empty stomach, when not swallowing, in cold weather,* in-doors, from warmth of bed, and from rubbing and scratching. Predomin. better Predomin. worse After breakfast, during and after meals, when swallowing food, in warm air, out of doors, and when sucking with the tongue. * Cold and warm in general sometimes cause improvement, sometimes aggravation. Mezereum. Phosphor. Left side predominant - Light hair . . . Bight side predom.— Dark hair. Emaciation, partic. of the face and suffering Emaciation, partic. of the hands — Swelling parts. of suffering parts. Cutting pain in external parts Cutting pain in internal parts. Twitching pain in internal parts .... Twitching pain in external parts. Itching in external parts — Skin soft . . . Itching in internal parts — Skin rough. Scars sting Scars break open or bleed. C.Hg. Itching, aggrav. or changed to another Itching, lessened or aggrav. by scratching, place by scratching. Humid eruptions predominant Dry eruptions predom. Compl. predom. in inner ear, on lower lip, Compl. generally on external ear, on uppei upper jaw and upper teeth, and in lower lip, on lower jaw and lower teeth, and in part of chest. upper part of chest. Sleeplessness after midnight ; awak'g early. Sleeplessness before midnight & awak'g late. Pulse often unchanged ; generally full and Pulse accelerated, unequal, often intermit- hard, ting. Chill or heat descending Chill or heat ascending. One-sided heat, left side One-sided heat, right side. Thirst, particularly during chill .... "Want of thirst. Boldness — Rarely indifference Mood changing ; haughty; amorous. Mental dullness Delirium — Fancies — Mental excitability i — Ecstasies. Imbecility — Weakness of memory . . . Insanity — Active memory. Very rarely paralysis Apoplexy. Headache better from stooping .... Headache worse from stooping. C.Hg. Pupils predominantly dilated Pupils predom. contracted. Yomit predominantly bitter Yomit predom. sour. Toothache, better with mouth open & from Toothache, worse when opening mouth and drawing in the air. drawing in air. Nasal secretion watery Nasal secretion thick. Voice failing, interrupted Yoice trembling or hissing. Expectoration infrequent ; morning. . . Expector. not constant; morn 'g&dur'g day. Remission during day and after midnight. Remission of compl. after midnight. Ailments from Mercurius, Nitric, acid., or Ailments from Iodine or abuse of table-salt. Phosphor. Worse when alone ; better in company . . Better (worse) when alone or in company. Predomin. worse -- — ' Predomin. better "When sitting erect, when lifting or drawing up diseased limb, from rubbing, on an empty stomach, after drinking, partic. drinking wine, from sweets, and when growing warm. Predomin. better — r"^ — — ^ Predomin. worse When sitting bent forward, when letting diseased limb hang down, when swallowing,* when growing cold, and after breakfast. N.B. Over-sensitiveness to pain as well as sensation of numbness in suffering parts is found much oftener with Phosphor, than with Mezereum. * Mezer., however, has aggrav. when swallowing saliva ; Phosph. has aggrav. when swallowing food, and partic. drink. Mezereum. Pulsatilla. Left side, part, lower left , upper right side . Itching, aggrav. or changed to another place by scratching. Vesicular erysipelas Pulse often unchanged; generally full and hard. One-sided heat, left side Thirst, partic. during chill Sleeplessness after midnight — Awaking too early. No apoplexy — Phlegmatic temperament . . Right side, partic. lower right, upper left side. Itching, aggrav. or unchanged by scratching. Erysipelas with smooth skin. Pulse generally frequent, small, and weak ; sometimes imperceptible. One-sided heat, right side. Want of thirst, partic. during chill. Sleeplessness after midnight — Awaking too late. Apoplexy — Sanguine phlegmat. temperament. Dreads being alone Desires to be alone. Mood cheerful or sad Mood changing; good-natured — Calm sadness of mild dispositions — Amorousn. — Avarice. Earely unconsciousness Fancies — Delirium. Complaints of nose, generally internal ; com- Complaints of nose, generally external ; com- plaints on upper jaw, on upper teeth. . . plaints on lower jaw, on lower teeth. Appetite for bacon Aversion to fatty (greasy) food. Urine often, but scanty Urine infrequent and scanty. Catamenia too soon and of long duration . . Catamenia too late and of short duration. Larynx and trachea dry Larynx and trachea filled with mucus. Expectoration infrequent ; morning. . . . Expectoration predom., but not constant; morning and during day. Aggrav. morning and evening till midnight Better (worse) in wet or dry weather Worse from bodily exertion . . Worse when taking a deep breath Worse from tying the clothes tight Generally worse from pressure Worse when bending diseased part Worse on awaking from sleep Worse when getting out of bed . Better after rising from a seat Predom. better when swallowing . Better from eructation .... Almost always aggrav. after stool Aggrav. afternoon and evening till midnight. Worse in wet weather ; better in dry weather. Improv. oftener than aggrav. by exertion. Better or worse when taking a deep breath. Generally improv. by tying clothes tight. Generally better from pressure. Better or worse when bending the part. Worse or better after sleep. Better or worse when getting out of bed. Better or worse after rising from a seat. Worse or better when swallowing. Worse or better from eructation. Better or worse after stool. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From cold and in cold weather,* from motion and when walking, from washing and moistening dis- eased part, when lifting or stretching out diseased part, when sitting erect, on inspiration, from pressure, from tying the clothes tight, when lying on painful side, after stool, when closing the mouth, when getting out of bed, and from bodily exertion. Predomin. better Predomin. worse From warmth and in warm air, during rest, when standing:, sitting and lying, when letting diseased limb hang down or drawing it up, when stooping and sitting bent forward, from loosening the clothes, lying on unpainful side, when opening the mouth, when swallowing, during and after meals, and from eructation. N.B. We rarely find either the sensitiveness of Pulsatilla to pain, or the sensation of numbness of suffering parts, with Mezereum. * Both remedies have predom. improv. "when growing cold," aggrav. "when growing warm. 1 IVIezereum. Rhus. Left side, partic. lower left, upper rigid side. Right side, partic. lower right, upper left side. Inclination for open air — Aversion to motion. Aversion to open air — Inclination for motion. Emaciation of diseased parts Swelling of diseased parts. The whole left side goes to sleep .... The right side goes to sleep. Very rarely paralysis— No apoplexy . . . Paralysis of limbs — Apoplexy. Softness of skin Hardness of skin with thickening of the same. Painful ulcers Painless ulcers. Itching, aggrav. or changed to another place Itching relieved by scratching. by scratching. Sleeplessness after midnight — Awaking too Sleeplessness preval. before midnight — Awak- early. ing too late. Pulse often unchanged; generally full and Pulse generally quick, small and weak, often hard. irregular, sometimes imperceptible or trem- bling. Chill lessened out-doors Chill increased out-doors. Thirst, partic. during cold stage of fever . . Thirst not constant. Dreads being alone — Mood sad or cheerful; irritable — Boldness. Nasal complaints internal oftener than ex- ternal. Swelling of lower lip or an eruption predom. Complaints predom. on upper jaw and upper teeth. Sensation in the teeth as if lifted up , The tartar on teeth becomes rough . Desire for wine Urine often, but scanty; sediment red Nasal secretion watery Expectoration infrequent .... Complaints predom. on upper arm, shin, and sole of foot. Desires to be alone — Dejection of spirits pre- domin. — Fancies — Delirium. Nasal complaints external oftener than in- ternal. Swelling of upper lip predom., or herpes la- bialis. Complaints predom. on lower jaw and lower teeth. Sensation in the teeth as if drawn in. C.Hg. Crusty caries of the teeth. Aversion to wine. Urine often and copious ; sediment white. Nasal secretion thick. Expectoration not constant. Complaints predom. on fore-arm, calf of leg, and top of foot. Remission after midnight and during day . . Eemission of complaints during day. Better (worse) in wet or in dry weather . . Worse in wet, better in dry weather. Worse or better from washing and moistening. Worse from washing and moistening. Predom. worse in bed Better or worse in bed. Worse when getting out of bed Worse or better when getting out of bed. Better after rising from a seat Worse or better after rising from a seat. Better or worse when assuming an erect posi- Almost always aggrav. when rising (from tion. stooping). Worse when bending diseased part .... Worse or better when bending the part. Better while eating Worse or better when eating. Better from warm or cold diet, and in the lat- Predom. worse from cold, better from warm ter case worse from warm diet. diet. Worse after drinking Worse or better after drinking. Almost always aggrav. after stool , . . . Better or worse after stool. Ailments from Phosphor, or Nitric, acid. . . Ailments from Bryonia, Ranunculus, Rhodo- dendron, or Tartarus emeticus. Predomln. worse Predomin. better In-doors and from warmth of stove, when growing warm, from pressure, when lying on painful side, when sitting erect, from motion, when walking, when stretching out diseased limb, when closing the mouth, after stool, and from rubbing and scratching. Predomln. better - — ^ ^~. — — ~— —-_ « * — -^-^ Predomin. worse 0nt ' d0 Z S nZl G LTJ!} n?: C ° l u> ^S on nnpainfnl side, when sitting bent forward, during rest when l^S when opining the mouth, storing! ^ Mezereum. Thuya. Upper right, lower left side — Inclination Upper left, lower right side — Aversion to for open air. open air. Ko apoplexy Apoplexy. Internal inflammations — Twitch'g pains pre- External inflammations — Twitch'g pains dominant in internal parts. predom. in external parts. Diseases in the middle part of cylindrical Pains, partic. in the middle (thickest part) bones. of muscles. Softness of skin . Hardness and thickening of skin. Stinging in the scars Stinging and digging in s<;ars. C.Hg. Itching, aggrav. or changed to another Itching, relieved by scratching. place by scratching. Pulse often unchanged Pulse changed, unequal. Chill lessened out-doors Chill increased out-doors. Thirst, particularly during chill .... Thirst is wanting during chill, is predom. during heat, not constant during sweat. Weakness of reasoning powers Pupils predominantly dilated .... Teeth decay on the side, above the gums Secretion of saliva almost always increased. Yomit bitter-sour Urine scanty Erections with sexual inclination. . . . . Catamenia too soon and profuse . . . . Mental excitability (ecstasies) or weakness of reasoning powers. Pupils predom. contracted. Painful affection of the roots of teeth inside of the gums, with healthy crown of tooth ; loosening, decaying from the side, and falling out. Saliva generally diminished. Yomit fatty, like oil. Urine copious and often. Erections with aversion. Catam. too scanty and of short duration. Aggravations morning and evening till Aggravations morning, afternoon, even- midnight, ing, and after midnight. Better when swallowing, worse when not Worse when swallowing, swallowing. Better when sitting, partic. when sitting bent Worse when sitting, forward. Ailments from Nitric, acid, or Phosphor. • Ailments from Iodine or Sulph. Worse from spirituous liquors Worse or better from spirituous liquors. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From motion,* when lifting diseased limb, when. closing the month, in-doors,f from cold, on an empty stomach, after stool, from touch and pressure, and from rubbing and scratching Predomin. better Predomin. worse During rest, when sitting and standing, letting diseased limb hang down, when opening the mouth, out-doors, from warmth, when stooping, and after breakfast. * When moving diseased Hmb or when bending it, Thuya sometimes has improv. and sometimes aggrav. t We alao find aggrav. with Thuya ia the room, that is when it is to warm. Moschus. Phosphor. Cramping pain in external parts — Pain Cramping pain in internal parts — Pain pressing inwards. pressing outwards. Complaints predominant in lower part of Complaints most frequent in upper part of chest and in thigh. chest and ou le g- Itching, relieved by scratching Itching, lessened oftener than aggrav. by scratching. Ana?mie Plethora more frequent than anaemic Apoplexy'more frequent than paralysis . . Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy. Pulse very full and accelerated ; but some- Pulse various, different, unequal, irregular, times imperceptible. intermitting ; generally frequent, at the same time full & hard oftener than small and faint. Chill or heat descending Chill or heat ascending. Respiration preval. slow Respiration generally accelerated. Expectoration not yet observed .... Expector. not constant with the cough. Remission morning and forenoon . . . Remission of complaints after midnight. Worse from touch Almost always improv. by touch. Better from moving diseased part . . . Better or worse from moving the part. Better when rising (from stooping) . . . Almost always aggrav. when assuming an erect position. Worse in bed Worse or better in bed. Worse during sweat Worse or better during sweat. Worse during sleep Worse or better during sleep. Worse on awaking from sleep Better after sufficient sleep, but worse on awaking when roused from sleep & after the siesta. Better after getting out of bed ..... Worse or better after getting out of bed. Better from eructation Worse or better from eructation. Predomin. worse — — — *^^__^-\~_-^- — — Predomin. better Out-doors, during rest, when standing, sitting and lying, partic. when sitting erect, lying on side, from touch, and after sleep. Predomin. better —— — ■— ■ '^ — — -»«. Predomin. worse In-doors and from warmth of stove, hut also when walking,* out-doors, from motion, when walking, sitting bent forward, lying on back, from warmth of bed, and when rising (after stooping). * It is evident from the foregoing, that, in this case, it is not the influence of the open air which improv. or aggrav., but that of motion. Muriat. acid. Arsenic. Left side, particularly lower left, upper right side. Complaints (throbbing, etc.) predominant in external parts. Bruised pain in internal Darts Paralysis generally of one side .... Itching, generally relieved by scratching . Deep ulcers Somnolence predominant; when sleepless- ness occurs, it is preval. before midnight. Pulse slow and weak; partic. slow during day, more frequent at night. Heat or sweat, with inclination to uncover. Want of thirst; only sometimes thirst dur- ing chill. Taciturnity during the sweat Right side, particularly lower right, upper left side. Complaints (throbbing, etc.) predominant in internal parts. Bruised pain in external parts. Paralysis generally of both sides. Itching, aggravated by scratching. Superficial ulcers, often with proud flesh. Sleeplessness predominant, particularly after midnight. Pulse very much accelerated, small, and weak; partic. frequent in the morning, slower in evening. Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover. Least thirst during chill, most during sweat ; during heat drinks often, but little at a time. Loquacity during the sweat. CHg. Mental excitability or dullness — Uncon- Mood despondent ; irritable ; malicious — sciousness — Taciturnity. Avarice — Mental dullness — Insanity — Rarely unconsciousness — Talkativeness predom. Perpendicular half-sight Horizontal half-sight. Hunger predominant Generally loss of appetite. Urine too often and copious Urine scanty (with diarrhoea) or copious. Sexual desire too weak Sexual desire too strong. Coryza predominantly dry Fluent coryza. Expectoration infrequent ; morning and Expectoration predominant, but not con- evening, stant ; during day. Complaints predominant on thigh • • . Complaints predominant on leg. Aggravation aftern'n & before midnight . Worse from light, better in the dark . . Better (worse) when growing cold or warm. Predominantly worse in bed Worse on awaking from sleep Worse or better from washing, etc. . . . Better (worse) when stretching out diseased limb or when drawing it up. Worse when rising (from stooping) . , # Remission during day and before midnight. Better (worse) from light or in the dark. Worse on grow'g cold, bett. on grow'g warm. Worse in bed (rest) or (warmth) better. Better after sufficient sleep, but worse on awaking when roused from sleep. Predom. better from washing and moisten- ing diseased part. Worse when stretching out the limb, better when drawing it up. Better or worse when assum'g an erect posit. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In wet weather, from warmth of bed, wrapping up the head, and after sleep. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In dry weather, from uncovering the head, when sneezing, from touch, and from rubbing and scratching. N.B. Mur. acid, lacks the sensitiveness of Arsenic to touch, and generally also to pain, as well as the sensation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Arsenic. Muriat. acid. Left side — Want of bodily irritability . Complaints predominant in external parts Paralysis generally one-sided , Itching, relieved by scratching, Painful ulcers Pulse slow and weak . . . Bryonia. Want of thirst; only sometimes thirst dur- JRigJit side — Increased bodily irritability. Complaints predominant in internal parts — Apoplexy. Paralysis generally of both sides. Itching, relieved or unchanged by scratch'g. Painless ulcers. Pulse quick, full, hard, and tense. Thirst predominant, but not constant. ing chill. Mood indifferent Mood irritable ; despondent. Rarely fancies — Ecstasies or mental dull- Fancies — Mental excitability. ness. Diarrhoea predominant Constipation predominant. Urine pale ; too often and copious . . . Urine dark ; often, but scanty ; sometimes copious. Catamenia too soon Catamenia too soon or too late. Respiration with dry sound Respiration preval. with moist sound. Expectoration infrequent; morning and Expectoration not constant; morning and evening. evening; sometimes also during day. Aggravation afternoon and before mid- night. Worse in cold weather; better in warm air. Worse on awaking from sleep. Better or worse from stooping . . . . Worse from assuming an erect position . . Better or worse when bending the part . . Worse (better) when stretching out dis- eased limb or when drawing it up. Almost always improved by touch . . . Better after drinking , Aggravation evening, night, and morn'g. Worse (better) in cold weather or in warm air. Aggravated oftener than improved after sleep. Worse from stooping. Worse or better from assuming an erect position. Worse when bending diseased part. Worse when stretching out diseased limb, better when drawing it up. Worse or better from touch. Worse or better after drinking. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In wet weather, from drinking cold water, from cold diet in general, after stool, during rest, after lying down, when lying and sitting, in bed and from warmth of bed, when lying on painful side. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In dry weather, from warm diet, from motion, when walking and from moving diseased part, after setting out of bed or rising from a seat, when lying on unpainful side, froni touch, from stooping, and from sneezing. N.B. Mur. acid lacks the sensitiveness of Bryonia to touch, and generally also to pain. Muriat. acid. Left side — Xo apoplexy — Paralysis gen- erally one-sided. Compl. predom. in lower part of chest, in thigh, partic. on front part of it. Pulse slow and weak ; sometimes intermit- ting ; slow during day, more frequent at night. Thirst only sometimes during chill . . . Lycopodium. Bight side — Apoplexy — Paralysis often of both sides. Compl. predom. in upper part of chest, on leg, and on back part of thigh. Pulse somewhat accelerated only in the even- ing and after meals ; frequent in the even- ing, slow in morning Thirst is wanting only during chill Mood indifferent Mood sad or cheerful ; serious ; irritable ; malicious ; haughty — Amorousness — Avarice — Distrust. Rarely fancies — Ecstasies or mental dullness. Absent-mindedness — Fancies — Mental dull- ness. Imbecility Insanity more frequent than imbecility. Pupils contracted— Compl. predom. on ex- Pupils dilated— Compl. predom. in inner ternal angle of eye. angle of eye. Diarrhoea Constipation. Urine too often and copious . ... . . Urine often, but scanty. Incontinence predominant Retention of urine more frequent than in- continence. Catamenia too soon and profuse .... Catamenia too late ; at the same time too scanty or profuse. Respiration with dry sound Respiration preval. with moist sound. Expectoration infrequent Expectoration almost constant. Aggravation afternoon & before midnight. Aggravation morning and from noon till midnight. Worse in cold weather, better in warm air. Bett. (worse) in cold weather or in warm air. Better or worse from washing, etc. . . . Worse from washing and moistening dis- eased part. Better or worse from bending the part . . Worse from bending diseased part. Better (worse) when stretching out diseased Worse when stretching out diseased limb, limb or when drawing it up. better when drawing it up. Better when sitting down Worse or better when sitting down. Worse when rising from a seat .... Worse or better when rising from a seat. Worse when rising (from stooping) . . . Worse or better when rising. Worse after stool Worse or better after stool. Worse when perspiring ....... Better or worse when perspiring. Better when sneezing Worse or better when sneezing. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From cold, out-doors, and when ascending Predomin. better ^—- — ■*■ — , — -^~^~ — — ■ «^. Predomin. worse From warmth, in-doors, when descending, when standing, from touch and pressure, when sneezing. N.B. Mur. acid, almost always lacks the sensitiveness of Lycopod. to touch or to pain, and also the sensation of numbness in suffering parts. Muriat. acid. Pulsatilla. Left side, partic. lower left, upper right Right side ; partic. lower right, upper left side. side. Complaints predominant in external parts. Compl predom. in internal parts. Want of bodily irritability — Aversion to Increase of irritability — Inclination for open air. open air. Apoplexy not yet observed Apoplexy. Itching, generally lessened by scratching . Itching, unchanged or aggrav. by scratching. Pulse slow and weak, only at night some- Pulse frequent, small, and weak; frequent what accelerated. in the evening, slower during the day. Want of thirst; only sometimes during cold Want of thirst predom., but constant only stage there is thirst. during chill. Awaking too early Awaking too late. Yery rarely imaginations — Ecstasies or Imaginations — Absent-mindedness — Men- mental dullness. tal dullness. Imbecility Melancholy. Compl. predom. on outer angle of eye . . Compl. predom. on inner angle of eye. Secretion of saliva predom. diminished . . Saliva generally increased. Urine too often and copious Urine not often enough and scanty. Sexual desire too weak Sexual desire too strong. Dry coryza Coryza fluent (partic. right side) oftener than dry. Expector. infrequent; morning & evening. Expector. predom., but not constant ; morn- ing and during day. Complaints predominant on thigh . . . Compl. predom. on leg. Aggravation afternoon & before midnight. Aggravation afternoon and evening till midnight. Worse (better) when growing cold or warm. Better when growing cold ; worse when growing warm. Worse on awaking from sleep Worse or better after sleep. Worse from bodily exertion Generally improv. by exertion. Worse when rising (from stooping) . . . Worse or better when rising. Better when sitting down Worse or better when sitting down. Worse when rising from a seat .... Worse or better when rising from a seat. Better after rising from a seat Better or worse after rising from a seat. Better from moving diseased part . . . Better or worse from moving the part. Worse (better) w^hen stretching out diseased Predom. better when stretching out diseased limb or when drawing it lip. limb, worse when drawing it up. Worse or better from washing, etc. . . ♦ Predom. better from washing & moistening diseased limb. Worse after meals Worse or better after meals. Worse after stool Better or worse after stool. Predomin. worse -— — "— '^^___-— -^^ Predomin. better From cold and in cold weather, out-doors, from drinking cold water and from cold diet generally, when lying on painful side, after stool, and from bodily exertion. Predomin. better .- — " —- »_- -^-^_— ---^. Predomin. worse From warmth and in warm air, in-doors, from warm diet, when lying on unpainful side, when standing, when stooping, when sneezing, from touch, and from rubbing and scratching. N.B. Mur. acid, almost always lacks the over-sensitiveness of Pulsatilla to pain or touch, and the sen- sation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Pulsatilla. Natr. carb. Calcarea. Complaints of external parts predom. . . Complaints of internal parts predom. Xo apoplexy — Very rarely paralysis . . . Apoplexy — Paralysis. Complaints predom. on outside of nose, on Frequent complaints on inside of nose, on lower jaw, on lower teeth, on lower grim, upper jaw, upper teeth, and on upper in lower part of chest, and in hollow of gum, in upper part of chest, and on pa- knee, tella. Itching relieved by scratching Itching relieved or aggrav. by scratching. Pulse generally unchanged; only at night Pulse changed, sometimes trembling, gener- somewhat irritated. ally quick and full. One-sided heat, right side One-sided heat, left side. First chill, then heat First heat, then chill. Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover . Heat or sweat, with inclination to uncover. Heat or chill lessened after meals .... Heat or chill increased after meals. During sleep lying on side During sleep, lying on back, generally the hands over the head ; or lying on belly. Dread of apoplexy Dread of loss of reason. Joyousness or dejection — Seriousness — Sadness or silly merriment. Avarice — Maliciousness. Rarely unconsciousness Illusions— Delirium. Eruption on upper lip Eruptions predom. on lower lip. Yomit predom. bitter Vomit predom. sour. Diarrhoea painful Diarrhoea generally painless. Expectoration almost constant; morning Expectoration predom., but not constant; and evening. morning and during day. Worse during full moon or before a thunder- Worse during full or during new moon. storm. Worse from light ; better in the dark . . Better (worse) from light or in the dark. Better or worse when straining the sight . Worse when straining the sight. Worse from bodily exertion Worse or better from exertion. Predom. better after getting out of bed . . Worse or better after getting out of bed. Worse from sneezing Worse or better from sneezing. Worse on in- and expiration Worse on inspiration ; better on expiration. Better from smoking Worse or better from smoking. Better or worse when swallowing. . . . Worse when swallowing. Better or worse after stool Worse after stool. Worse or better when perspiring .... Almost always aggrav. when perspiring. Predomin. worse -- — — — . --"^ — — -■-<«. Predomin. better From uncovering, during rest, after lying down, when lying:, sitting and standing; also when lifting diseased limb, and after breakfast.* Predomin. better — *■ — . ^^ — -^» Predomin. worse From wrapping up, from motion, when walking, when letting diseased limb hang down, when and after getting out of bed, before breakfast, from smoking, from pressure, from boring in ears and nose with the finger, and from mental exertion. N.B. Natr. carb. lacks the sensation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Calcaf. • on the other hand, the over-sensitiveness of Natr. carb. to pain is very rarely found with Calcarea. * Both remedies have aggrav. af. er a satisfying meal. Natr. carb. Lycopodium. Sensitiveness predominant in internal parts . Insensibility or sensation of numbness in in- ternal parts. No apoplexy — Rarely paralysis Apoplexy — Paralysis. Pulse irritated and accelerated at night, slow Pulse somewhat accelerated only in the even- during day.' ing and after meals, slow in the morning. Thirst often between chill and heat .... Thirst frequently after the sweat. Heat or chill right side Heat or chill left side. Heat or chill less after meals Heat or chill increased after meals. Chill lessened in bed Chill increased in bed. Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover . . Heat or sweat, with inclination to uncover. Mood rarely irritable ; rarely distrustful . . Mood gentle or irritable — Distrust. Solicitude concerning bodily welfare . . . Solicitude concerning spiritual welfare. C.Hg. Ailments from vexation with fright .... Ailments from vexation with vehemence. Rarely absent-mindedness — Rarely uncon- sciousness. Illusions — Delirium. Imbecility more frequent than insanity . . . Insanity more frequent than imbecility. During sleep lying on side During sleep lying on back. Nasal complaints predom. external .... Nasal complaints predom. internal. Yomit predom. bitter Yomit sour, oftener than bitter. Fetid flatus Scentless flatus predom. Painful diarrhoea Painless diarrhoea. Urine too often and copious Urine often, but scanty. Catamenia too soon and profuse Catamenia too late ; at the same time scanty or profuse. Coryza fluent oftener than dry Stoppage of nose more frequent than fluent coryza. Complaints predominant in lower part of chest. Complaints predominant in upper part of chest. Remission of complaints before midnight . . Remission after midnight and forenoon* Worse during full moon, and before a thunder- Worse during new moon. storm. Worse from light, partic. sunlight .... Worse from light, partic. candle-light. ■ Worse in cold weather, better in warm air . . Better (worse) in cold weather or in warm air. Predom. worse when growing cold, better Generally better when growing cold, worse when growing warm. when growing warm. Worse after perspiring Better or worse after perspiring. Predom. worse in bed and from warmth of bed. Better or worse in bed and from warmth of bed. Worse or better after sleep Worse after sleep. Better when getting out of bed Worse or better when getting out of bed. Better when rising (from stooping) .... Worse or better when rising. Better when sitting down ....... Worse or better when sitting down. Better or worse when swallowing Worse when swallowing. Better from eating bread Worse from bread, partic. rye-bread. Better or worse after meals Almost almost aggravated after meals. Worse when sneezing Worse or better when sneezing. Worse on inspiration and expiration . . . Worse on inspiration, better on expiration. Worse when riding on horseback .... Worse or better when riding on horseback. Better when alone, worse when in company . Worse (better) when alone or in company. Better or worse from straining the sight . . Worse from straining the sight. Predomin. worse ^— — "— — ^- — — — ^ Predomin. better From cold and when growing cold, in the open air, from uncovering, lying on left side, when ascending, when lifting diseased limb, and when stooping. Predomin, better -— "■»■■ -'"^ — "- -^. Predomin. worse From warmth and when growing warm, in-doors, from wrapping up, lying on right side, when de- scending, when letting diseased limb hang down, from touch and pressure, from eating bread, 6moking, and from mental exertion. Natr. carb. Natr. mur. Upper right, lower left side — Inflammation Upper left, lower right side — Inflammation of external parts. of internal parts. Aversion to open air — Skin & muscles lax. Inclinat'n for open air — Skin & muscles rigid. Dryness of skin — Often indie, with children. Perspir'g easily — Oft. indie, with old people. No apoplexy — Yery rarely paralysis . . Apoplexy — Paralysis. Compl. predom. on upper eyelids, on lower Compl. predom. on lower eyelids, on upper jaw, lower teeth, lower gums, and on back jaw, upper teeth, on upper gums, and in of hands. palm of hands. Pulse generally unchanged Pulse unequal, irregular, intermitting, some- times trembling. Thirst predom., bu.t generally not until after Thirst during the attack of fever, and also the chill. when there is no fever. Chill lessened in bed and after meals . . Chill increased in bed and after meals. Fear of apoplexy Fear of loss of reason. Mood joyous or serious ; anxious; despon- Mood changing ; indifferent; sad; irritable. dent ; peevish — Avarice. Ailments from excessive joy, grief, or vexa- Ailm. from fright, anger, mortific, orvexat'n tion with fright. with reserved displeasure — Delirium. Hunger predominant Loss of appetite predominant. Catamenia predom. too soon and profuse . Catam. too late ; at the same time scanty or profuse. Fluent coryza morefreq. than stopp. of nose. Stoppage of nose predom. Expector. almost constant; morn'g &even'g. Expector. infrequent; morning. Palpitation of heart equal ...... Palpitation of heart, with intermitting beats of heart and pulse. Remission of compl. before midnight . . Remission afternoon. "Worse when in company ; better when alone. Better (worse) when in company or alone. Worse or better after sleep Worse on awaking from sleep. Worse from wash'g and moisten'g the part. Worse or better from washing, etc. Worse after perspiring Better or worse after perspiring. Predom. worse from growing cold, better Better (worse) from growing cold or warm. from growing warm. Worse from cold, better from warm diet . Better (worse) from cold or warm diet. Better or worse when swallowing . . . Worse when swallowing. Better or worse after meals Worse after meals. Worse after drinking Worse or better after drinking. Better or worse after stool Predom. worse after stool. Better or worse when straining the sight . Worse when straining the sight. Worse from speaking Worse or better from speaking. Worse or better when writing .... Worse when writing. Worse when stooping; better when rising. Worse or better when stoop'g& when rising. Worse or better when rising from a seat . Worse when rising from a seat. Better after rising from a seat . . . . . Worse or better after rising from a seat. Predomin. worse "" — . ^^ — — -^ Predomin. better From cold, out of doors, during rest, after lying down, when lying, sitting and standing, & after sweat. Predomin. better —■ "^ — — — Predomin. worse From warmth, in-doors, from motion, when walking, when and after getting out of bed, from mental exertion, from touch and pressure, from eating bread, and smoking. N.B. Natr. mur. lacks the over-sensitiveness of Natr. carb. to pain. — Natr. carb. has not the sensation of numbness in s tillering parts peculiar to Natr. mm*. Natr. carb. Phosphor. Complaints predom. in external parts . . . Complaints predom. in internal parts. Skin and muscles lax — Often indicated with Skin and muscles rigid— Often indicated with children. old people. > No apoplexy— Very rarely paralysis . . . Apoplexy— Paralysis. Jtching, relieved by scratching Itching, lessened or aggrav. by scratching. Pulse ^generally unchanged; only at night Pulse accelerated, irregular ; intermitting. somewhat accelerated. Heat descending Heat ascending. Chill or heat lessened after meals . . . . Chill or heat increased after meals. Sweat increased during meals Sweat lessened during meals. Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover . . Heat or sweat, with inclination to uncover. Thirst, but generally not until after the chill. Want of thirst during all stages of the fever. Fear of apoplexy Fear of loss of reason or apoplexy. Mood serious— Avarice Mood indifferent— Haughtiness. Ailments from excessive joy Ailments from fright or anger. Difficult comprehension— Mental dullness . . Easy or difficult comprehension— Mental ex- citability predom. Earely unconsciousness— Imbecility . . . Unconsciousness — Delirium — Fancies — In- sanity. Pnmls dilated Pupils contracted. "Bad objective smell from nose Putrid subjective smell predom. unplainta predom. on upper lip .... Complaints predom. on under lip. Appetite for sweets and for beer Aversion to sweets and to beer. Vomit predom. bitter Vomit predom. sour. Fetid flatus Scentless, often hot flatus. Painful diarrhoea Generally painless diarrhoea. Urine smells sour ; too often and copious . . Urine smells like ammoniac ; often, but scanty. Catamenia too profuse Catamenia profuse or scanty. _ Labor-pains weak or ceasing Labor-pains spasmodic, too painful. Expectoration almost constant; morning and Expectoration not constant ; morning and dur- evening. ing day. Complaints predom. in lower part of chest Complaints most frequent in upper part of and on back of hand. chest, and in palms of hands. Remission of complaints before midnight . . Remission after midnight. Ailments from abuse of Cinchona .... Ailments from Iodine or Natr. mur. "Worse when in company ; better when alone . Better (worse) when in company or when alone. Worse when sleeping "Worse or better when sleeping. Predom. better after getting out of bed . . Worse or better after getting out of bed. Better or worse when rising from a seat . . Almost always aggr. when rising from a seat. Worse from washing and moistening the part. TTor.se or better from washing, &c. Worse when stooping Better or worse when stooping. Worse or better when writing Worse when writing. Better or worse when straining the sight . . Worse when straining the sight. Better or worse when swallowing .... Almost always aggrav. when swallowing. Better from eructation Worse or better from eructation. Better or worse after stool Worse after stool. Predomin. worse — ■ — . — ^^ -— — -^ Predomin. better Out of doors, from uncovering, during rest, when standing, sitting and lyina:, when lying on side, when lifting diseased limb, from cold diet, drinking cold water, from spirituous liquors, from sweets, after a satisfying meal, and after drinking. Predomin. worse ^- ' . ^-\ ^^ Predomin. better In-doors, from wrapping up, from motion,* when walking, lying on back, when letting diseased limb hang down, from warm diet, from eating bread, smoking, exerting the mind, when rising (from stooping), and from pressure. * Both remedies generally have improv. when moving diseased part. Natr. carb. Pulsatilla. Aversion to open air — Upper right, lower left side. Complaints predominant in external parts. Compl. predom. on upper lip, on outside of gums, and on fore-arm. Apoplexy not yet observed Itching lessened, rarely aggrav. by scratch'g. During sleep lying on side Pulse often unchanged ; irritated & acceler- ated at night, slow during the day. Chill lessened in bed and after meals . . Thirst predom. ; is wanting only during cold stage. Inclination for open air — Upper left, lower right side. Compl. predom. in internal parts. Compl. predom. on under lip, on inside of gums, and on upper arm. Apoplexy. Itching, unchanged or aggrav. by scratch'g. During sleep lying on back, generally the hands over the head. Pulse generally accelerated, small, & weak ; frequent in the evening, slow in the morn- ing; sometiii esintermitt. & imperceptible. Chill increased in bed and after meals. Want of thirst predom., particularly during chill. Mood cheerful or despondent; serious; malicious. Rarely unconsciousness Pupils dilated — Optical illusions in dark colors. Nausea in stomach Urine smells sour; too often and copious . Catamenia too soon and profuse .... Expectoration tolerably constant ; morning and evening. Mood changing ; indifferent; calm, achry- mose sadness of mild dispositions. Fancies — Delirium. Pupils generally contracted ; Optical illu- sions in bright colors. Nausea in throat, stomach, or abdomen. Urine smells like ammoniac ; too seldom & scanty. Catam. too late and generally scanty. Expectoration predom., but not constant; morning and during day. Remission of complaints before midnight. Remission from midnight till noon. Better or worse when straining the sight . Worse when straining the sight. Worse when writing, or better (from mental Worse when writing, exertiou). Better or worse during sweat Worse during sweat. Worse after sweat Worse or better after sweat. Better when getting out of bed .... Better or worse when getting out of bed. Better when sitting down Better when sitting down (motion) or (from change of posture) worse. Better after rising from a seat Better or worse after rising from a seat. Worse when stooping ; better when rising. Worse or better when stoop'g & when ris'g. Generally better after meals. Generally worse after meals. Worse when taking a deep breath . . . Better or worse from taking a deep breath. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From cold, growing cold and in cold weather, out-doors, from uncovering, from washing and moistening diseased part, when lifting the suffering limb, from bodily exertion, drinking cold water, and from cold diet in general. Predomin. better Predomin. worse From warmth, growing warm and in warm air, in-doors, from wrapping up, letting diseased limb hang down, from mental exertion, from warm diet, eating bread, after eating generally, from eructatiou, smoking, touch, and from rubbing and scratching. Natr. carb Sepia Skin and muscles lax— No apoplexy . „ Skin and muscles rigid— Apoplexy. Yery rarely paralysis— Itching, relieved by Paralysis— Itching, aggrav. by scratching. scratching. Pulse generally unchanged Pulse accelerated, particularly by vexation and motion. Heat descending Heat ascending. First chill, then heat First heat, then chill. Heat lessened by mental exertion and after Heat increased by mental exertion and after meals. meals. Heat with thirst Heat without thirst — Want of thirst gen- erally. Thirst is wanting only during chill . . . Thirst is constant only during chill. Mood cheerful or despondent — Amorous ness. Ailments from vexation with fright . Pupils dilated — Short-sightedness . Bad objective smell from nose . . . Eruption on upper lip .... Toothache lessened by smoking . . Hunger predominant — Urine too often and copious. Catamenia too soon — Leucorrhcea thick . Nasal secretion thick Expectoration almost and evening. Complaints predominant in hollow of knee. Mood sad; indifferent. Ailments from vexation with fear — Fancies. Pupils contracted — Far-sightedness. Putrid objective smell predominant. Eruption on under lip. Toothache increased by smooking. C.IIg. Generally loss of appetite — Discharge of urine too seldom. Catamenia generally too late — Watery leu- corrhcea. Nasal secretion watery. Expectoration predominant, but not con- stant; is loosened night and morning, and is generally swallowed. Complaints predominant in hollow of elbow. Remission before midnight Remission afternoon. Worse during full moon Worse during new moon. Worse in cold weather, better in warm air. Better (worse) in cold weather or warm air. Better when getting out of bed . . . Better or worse when getting out of bed. Worse or better when writing .... Worse when writing. Worse from bodily exertion Improved oftener than aggrav. by exertion. Better or worse when swallowing . . . Worse when swallowing. Generally better after meals .... Generally worse after meals.* Predomin. worse Predomin better In wet weather, from bodily exertion, lying on side, drinking cold water and from cold diet generally, after breakfast. Predomin. better - — ■ ^--^— — ^^_^- ^ Predomin. worse In dry weather, from mental exertion, lying; on back, before breakfast, but also after meals, partic. from warm diet and eating bread, from eructation, touch and pressure, and from rubbing and scratching. * Both remedies have aggravation after a satisfying meal. Natr. carb. Suiohur. Right side, partic. upper right, lower left Left side, partic. upper left, lower right side. side. Over-sensitiveness predom Loss of feeling or sensation of numbness predom. Ulcerative pain in external parts — Pinching Ulcerative pain in internal parts — Pinching pain in internal parts. pain in external parts. Pulse generally unchanged Pulse generally hard and accelerated ; some- times intermitting or imperceptible. Heat descending Heat ascending. Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover . Heat or sweat, with inclination to uncover. Chill lessened after meals Chill increased after meals. Boldness— Malice — Avarice Embarrassment — Gentleness. Mood cheerful or despondent Mood serious, solemn; sad; indifferent — Fancies — Delirium. Imbecility more frequent than insanity . . Insanity more frequent than imbecility. Pupils dilated Pupils contracted. Saliva generally increased Saliva generally diminished. Hunger predom Generally loss of appetite. Appetite for beer Desire or aversion for beer and spirituous liquors. Vomiting of bile predom Yomit sour oftener than bitter. Urine too often and copious Urine often, but scanty ; sometimes copious. Catamenia too soon and profuse .... Catamenia generally too late and scanty. ISTasal secretion thick Nasal secretion watery. Expectoration almost constant; morning Expectoration not constant; morning and and evening. during day ; rarely at night. Complaints predom. in lower part of chest. Complaints predom. in upper part of chest. Remission of complaints before midnight . Remission afternoon and before midnight. Generally worse when growing cold and Generally better when growing cold and in cold weather; better when growing in cold weather; worse when growing warm and in warm air. warm and in warm air. "Worse or better during sweat Almost always aggrav. during sweat. Better after sweat Worse or better after sweat. Worse or better after sleep Worse after sleep. Predom. better after getting out of bed . Worse or better after getting out of bed. Better or worse when rising from a seat . Worse when rising from a seat. Better when rising (from stooping) . . . Worse or better when rising. Generally better from touch Generally worse from touch. Better or worse when straining the sight «, Worse when straining the sight. Worse from sneezing Worse or better from sneezing. Better or worse after meals Worse after meals. Worse after drinking Worse or better after drinking. Predomin. worse -— — ■*— ^^ — ~"^-^ Predomin. better From cold, growing cold and in cold weather, out-doors, and from uncovering. Predomin. better -— ** -""^- — * OBa ^ " -^ Predomin. worse From warmth, growing warm and in warm air, in-doors,* from wrapping up, after sweat, from touch, from moving diseased limb, when rising (from stooping), after meals, partic. after eatiug bread, from smoking, and from mental exertion. N.B. Natr. carb. lacks the sensation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Sulph. The latter generally has not the over-sensitiveness of Natr. carb. to pain. * Both, remedies have aggrav. in hot, crowded rooms; Sulphur has improv. from warmth of stove. Natr. mur. Phosphor. Upper left, lower right side— Complaints pre- Upper right, lower left side — Complaints pre- domin. in external parts. domin. in internal parts. Complaints predom. on lower eyelids, on upper Complaints predom. on upper eyelids, on lower jaw and upper teeth, on inside of ear, lower jaw and lower teeth, on outside of ear, upper part ol chest, on front surface of thigh, and part of chest, on back part of thigh, and on on calf of leg. shin. Paralysis with muscular atrophy — Humid Nervous paralysis — Dry (symptomatic) erup- eruptions. tions. Scars redden and hurt Scars break open and bleed. C.Hg. Heat or sweat with aversion to uncover . . Heat or sweat with inclination to uncover. Sweat increased during meals Sweat abated during meals. Thirst during and without fever Want of thirst during all stages. Predisposition to sweat (sweating easily) . . Dryness of skin predom. Distentions of veins of feet Distention of veins of hands. Desires to be alone Dreads being alone. Mood sad oftener than joyous* Mood joyous oftener than sad. f "Weak memory — Weakness of will — Mental Active memory — Mental excitability — Ecsta- dullness — Imbecility. sies — Fancies — Insanity. Appetite for farinaceous food Aversion to farinaceous food. Urine too often (and copious) — Leucorrhcea Urine often, but scanty — Leucorrhcea or nasal greenish. secretion yellow, like ochre. Catamenia too late and of long duration . . Catam. pred. too soon ; too long or too short. Labor-pains weak or ceasing Labor-pains too painful. Expectoration seldom; morning Expector. not constant; morn. & during day. Beating of heart and pulse intermitting . . Palpit. of heart with equal, accelerated beats. Remission of complaints afternoon . . . . Ailments from abuse of Cinchona . . . . Aggrav. during the full moon, rarely with a thunder-storm. Generally better during and after sweat Worse during and on awaking from sleep Worse or better when turning in bed . Generally worse after getting out of bed Predom. worse when stooping . . . Worse or better when assuming an erect posit Worse (bett.) when sitting erect or bent forw Worse from moving diseased part ... Worse (better) when lifting diseased limb, or when letting it hang down Worse or better from exertion Worse vrhen looking at anything white . . . Worse or better when speaking Worse when swallowing, during and after meals, partic. when eating bread. Worse (better) from cold or warm diet. . . Generally aggrav. after drinking . . . . Worse or better after stool , Worse or better when turning in bed . . . Remission after midnight. Ailments from Iodine or Natr. mur. Aggrav. before a thunder-storm or during a storm. Generally worse during and after sweat. Worse or better during, bett. aft. sufic. sleep. % Worse when turning in bed. Better or worse after getting out of bed. Better or worse when stooping. Aim. alw. aggrav. when assum. an erect posit. Bett. wh. sitt. erect, worse wh. sitt. bent forw. Better or worse from moving the part. Predom. better when lifting diseased limb ; worse when letting it hang down. Worse from bodily exertion. Worse when looking into light, or at shining Worse when speaking. [things. Worse or better when swallowing, during and after meals, and from eating bread. Better from cold, worse from warm diet. Generally better after drinking. Worse after stool. Worse from change (when lying or standing). Predomln. worse Predomin. better From uncovering, but also from warmth, from spirituous liquors, after a satisfying meal, after drinking:, when lying on the side, when lifting or drawing up diseased limb, loosening the clothes, when leaning back, from touch, during the evening twilight, and after sleep.. Predomin. better --— — —■ ^\~_— —— ^"" """— — -^ Predomin. worse From wrapping up, but also from cold, during and after sweat, when lying on back, stretching out dis- eased limb or letting it hang down, and from tying the clothes tight. N.B. Natr. mur. lacks the over-sensitiveness of Phosph. to pain. * Comp. " Mind and Ailments " in Natr. miir. — Sppia. t The same with Phosphor. Comp. Amm. mur., or Asa feet., or Baryt. — Phosphor., &c. X Comp. "Sleep "in f to Phosph. — Sulph. Natr. mur. Sepia. Inclination for open air — Spasms with con- Aversion to open air — Spasms with uncon- sciousness, sciousness. Thirst during the fever and when there is no Want of thirst ; thirst is only constant during fever. chill. First chill, then heat First heat, then chill. Fear of loss of reason Mood changing ; sad or joyous — Malice — Amorousness. Ailments from mortification or vexation with reserved displeasure — Delirium. Complaints predominant on upper lip, in hol- low of knee, and on front surface of thigh. Often indicated with old people Eruptions generally humid Urinal sediment red — Urine too often, but scanty. Leucorrhcea thick — Nasal secretion the same. Expectoration infrequent; morning. . . . Fear of apoplexy. Mood serious ; sad and despondent — Avarice. Ailments in consequence of disappointed love or vexation with fear — Fancies — Insanity. Complaints predominant on lower lip, in hol- low of elbow, and on back part of thigh. Often indicated with women. Eruptions generally dry. Urinal sediment red or white — Discharge of urine too seldom. Leucorrhcea watery — Nasal secret'n the same. Expectoration predominant, but not constant ; is loosened night and morning, and generally swallowed. "Worse during full moon Worse during new moon. Worse (better) when alone or in company. . Better when alone; worse when in company. Worse when looking at anything white . . . Worse when looking over a large surface. Worse when taking a deep breath .... Worse or better when taking a deep breath. Better or worse from washing, etc Almost always aggrav. by wash'g & moisten'g. Better or worse from growing cold .... Almost always aggrav. when growing cold. Worse (better) from cold or warm diet . . . Predominantly better from cold diet, worse from warm diet. Worse after meals Worse or better after meals. Worse or better after drinking Worse after drinking. Better from eructation Almost always aggravated by eructation. Worse or better when turning in bed . . . Better when turning in bed. Worse when awaking from sleep Better after sufficient sleep, but worse on awaking when roused from sleep. Generally worse when and after getting out of Generally better when and after getting out bed. of bed. Worse (better) when sitting erect or bent for- Better when sitting erect; worse when sitting ward. bent forward. W T orse when rising from a seat Worse or better when rising from a seat. Worse or better after rising from a seat . . Better after rising from a seat. Worse or better when assum'g an erect posit'n. Almost always improv. on assum. an erect pos. Predom. worse when bending diseased part Predominantly worse when bending the part sideways. backwards. Predominantly worse when swallowing drink. Worse when swallowing food. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From warmth and from growing warm,* lying on side, partic. lying on painful side, when turning in bed, when and after getting out of bed, after breakfast, from motion, from moving diseased p;irt, when walking, from bodily exertion, when rising (from stooping), when drawing up diseased limb, and from loosening the clothes. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From cold and when growing cold, when lying on back or when lying on unpainful side, during and after sweat, "before" breakfast, from eructation, during rest, after lying down, when lying, sitting and standing, when stretching out diseased limb, and from tying the clothes tight. N.B. Natr. mur. lacks the over-sensitiveness of Sepia to pain, whereas the latter generally lacks the sensation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Natr. mur. Mere sensitiveness to touch, etc.* on the other hand, is found with both remedies. * Both remedies have predominant improvement in the open air, aggravation in-doors. Natr. mur. Bight side — Inclination for open air . . . Ulcerative pain in external parts; pinching pain in internal parts. Coinpl. predom. on lower eyelids, on upper gums, in lower part of chest, and on front surface of thigh. Eruption predominantly humid .... Pulse very irregular, sometimes trembling. Heat on upper part of body Heat, with aversion to uncover .... Thirst during the fever and when there is none. Sulphur. Left side — Aversion to open air. Ulcerative pain in internal parts ; pinching pain in external parts. Compl. predom. on upper eyelids, on lower gums, in upper part of chest, and on back part of thigh. Eruption generally dry. P. quick, full, hard; but sometimes imperc. Heat on lower part of body, or general, with exception of head. Heat, with inclination to uncover. Thirst mostly during heat; generally want of thirst during chill. Mood sad or joyous ; malicious .... Mood serious, solemn or enthusiastic ; sad; despondent ; gentle. Ailments from vexation with reserved dis- Ailm. from shame, hear'g bad news, or vexa- pleasure. tion with fright, less frequently fr. anger. Imbecility Insanity more frequent than imbecility. Secretion of saliva increased ..... Saliva generally diminished. Urine alkaline ; sediment red . ... Urine sour ; sediment white oftener than red. Urine too often and generally increased . Urine often, but scanty ; sometimes copious. Catamenia of too long duration .... Catam. generally of short duration. Kasal secretio}- thick Nasal secretion watery. Expectoration infrequent ; morning . . . Expector. not constant ; morning and dur- ing day, less frequently at night. Remission of complaints afternoon . . . Predom. worse in cold weather, better in warm air. Generally better in bed* Worse when looking at anything white . . Worse from sneezing Worse when taking a deep breath . . . Worse (better) when sitting erect or bent forward. Better when bending the body towards the painful side, rredom. worse when swallowing drink . . Better on an empty stomach ; worse after breakfast. Better or worse from coffee Worse (better) from cold or warm diet . Pi-edom. worse after stool Worse from moving diseased part . . . Remission afternoon and before midnight. Generally better in cold weather, worse in warm nir. Generally worse in bed. Worse when looking down. Worse or better from sneezing. Worse or better when taking a deep breath. Predom. better when sitting erect, worse when sitting bent forward. Worse when bending the body towards the painful side. Worse or better when swallowing, partic. worse when swallowing food and saliva. Worse (better) before or after breakfast. Worse from drinking coffee. Predom. worse fr. cold, bett. fr. warm diet. Worse or better after stool. Worse or better from moving the part. Predomin. worse _ - ^^_^^. -^j Predomin. better In cold weather, from uncovering, from motion, when walking, when getting out of bed, from pressure and when drawing up diseased limb, from loosening the clothes. Predomin. better *-~ — ' — -^. — ~^~^ — ^^ Predomin. worse In warm air, from wrapping up, during rest, after lying down, when lyins:. sitting and standing, when stretching out diseased limb, in bed,* during and after sweat, (drinking cold water), and from tying the clothes tight. * The symptoms of both remedies are aggrav. by warmth of bed. Natr. mur. Thuya. Right side — Dark hair — Muscles rig-id . . Often indicated with old people — Internal inflammations. Inclination oftener than aversion to open air. Spasms with full consciousness Complaints predom. on upper gums and in lower part of chest. Pulsating in external parts Scars redden and hurt Pulse very irregular; sometimes more fre- quent at night than during the day. Congestion of blood to ears Chill with thirst — First chill, then heat . . Heat with aversion to uncover .... Thirst during fever and when there is none. Sweat increased when and after getting out of bed. Awaking; too late gum and C. Hff. Left side — Light hair — Muscles lax. Often indicated with children — External inflammations predom. Aversion to open air. Spasms with unconsciousness. Complaints predom. on lower upper part of chest. Pulsating in internal parts. In scars stinging and digging. Pulse slow and weak in the morning, accel- erated and full in the evening. Congestion of blood to eyes. Chill without thirst — First heat, then chill. Heat with inclination to uncover. Thirt is wanting during chill, predom. dur- ing heat, not constant during sweat. Sweat abated when and after getting out of bed. Awaking too soon. Talkativeness — Chanson g mood — Amative- ness. Weak reasoning powers Headache : like a nail driven in, on left side. Things appear too large . ..... Saliva increased Catamenia too late, of long duration, at the same time scanty or profuse. Cough generally dry; expectoration in morning. Reserve — Haughtiness — Rarely amorous- ness. Mental excitability or weakness of reason- ing powers — Rarely unconsciousness — Fancies. Headache: like a nail driven in ,on right side. CHg. Things appear too small. Saliva generally diminished. Catamenia too soon, at the same time too scanty and of short duration. Cough predom. loose ; expectoration par- ticularly in the evening. Remission of complaints afternoon — Ag- gravation partic. morning. Worse when bending diseased part . . • Generally better out-doors Generally better during and after sweat . Predom. better from tying the clothes tight. Predom. worse when swallowing drink . . Ailments from abuse of Cinchona . . . . Worse when looking at distant things . . Remission forenoon and before midnight — Aggravation partic. afternoon and after midnight. Improv. oftener than aggrav. by bending diseased part. Aggrav. oftener than improv. out-doors. Worse during sweat; better afterwards. Better from loosening the clothes. Worse when swallowing saliva. Ailments from Sulph., Mercur., or Iodine. Worse when looking at anything which is near. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From motion, when walking, when drawing up diseased limb, from uncovering, from touch, pressure, after stool, and from loosening the clothes. Predomin. better Predomin. worse During rest, when standing, sittinsr, lyins', in bed, wben stretching out diseased limb, from wrapping up, when perspiring, and from tying the clothes tight. Nitr. acid. Petroleum. Left side — Ulcerative pain in internal parts. Right side— Ulcerative pain in extern'l parts. Stitching pain going outwards— Very rarely Stitching pain going inwards— Paralysis of paralysis. limbs. Dryness of skin — Ulcers, with copious dis- Perspiring easily — Ulcers, with scanty dis- charge, charge. Dark hair — Eruptions humid Light hair— Eruptions dry or humid. Complaints predominant on inside of nose, Complaints predominant on outside of nose, on upper gum, and in the kidneys. on lower gum, and in the bladder. Pulse very irregular; dicrotous; intermit- Pulse slow during rest, but stronger, full, ting. and accelerated when moving. Pleasant dreams predominant Anxious dreams predominant. Peevishness — Distrust — Maliciousness — Ailments from vexation with fright — No Ailments from emotions generally — Un- delirium. consciousness — Delirium. Loss of appetite predominant .... Hunger predominant. Appetite for fatty things Aversion to fatty things. Diarrhoea predominantly painless .... Diarrhoea painful. Urine scanty , . Urine often, but scanty. Catamenia profuse and too soon .... Catamenia scanty and generally too late. Expectoration not constant; morning and Expectoration infrequent ; during day. during day. Remission of complaints forenoon. . . . Aggravation morning and evening, till midnight. Better (worse) from cold or warmth . . Worse from cold, better from warmth. Worse in hot rooms Better from warmth of stove. "Worse or better from spirituous liquors . Worse from spirituous liquors. Worse or better after drinking .... Worse after drinking. Worse from touch . Worse or better from touch. Worse when straining the sight .... Worse or better from straining the sight. Predomin. worse -— ■ ■"— — -^ v - — ~-— -, Predomin. better In warm air, in a warm room,* after getting out of bed, after breakfast, and when assuming an erect position. Predomin. better -— - — — « -""^ — — -— Predomin. worse In cold weather,! in bed, after sweat, on an empty stomach, when stooping, and when riding. N.B. With Nitr. acid., whose predominant characteristic is want of irritability, we very rarely find the over-sensitiveness of Petroleum to pain. * Both remedies have predominant improvement "in-doors M generally, aggravation ont-doors. ■f Both, remedies have predominant aggravation "when growing cold/' improvement when growing warm Nitr. acid. Pulsatilla. Left side — Aversion to open air — Want of Right side — Inclination for open air — In- bodily irritability. creased irritability. Pain pressing inwards — Very rarely apoplexy. Pain pressing outwards — Apoplexy. Painless swelling of glands — Often indicated Painful swelling of glands — Often indicated with old people. with women and children. Awaking too early Awaking too late. Pulse very irregular — Heat left side . . . Pulse generally quick, small and weak; some- times imperceptible — Heat right side. Mood irritable ; malicious Mood changing; good-natured; calm sadness of mild dispositions ; indifference ; boldness ; amorousness ; avarice. Ailments from emotions in general .... Ailments from excessive joy, fright, grief, mor- tification, or vexation with fear. Complaints predom. on inside of nose, on upper Complaints predom. on outside of nose, on lip, upper jaw and upper teeth, on outside lower lip, lower jaw and lower teeth, on of gums, in upper part of chest, in the kid- inner side of gums, in lower part of chest, neys, and on fore-arm. in the bladder, and on upper arm. Optical illusions in dark colors Optical illusions in bright colors. Loss of appetite predom Generally hunger. Appetite for fatty things Predom. aversion to fatty things. Nausea, partic. in stomach, less frequently in Nausea in throat, stomach, or abdomen, the throat. Diarrhoea predom. painless Diarrhoea generally painful. Urinal sediment white or reddish .... Urinal sediment red. Sexual desire preval. weak Sexual desire too strong. Catamenia too soon and profuse Catamenia predom. too late and scanty. Milk diminished Milk generally increased. Stoppage of nose oftener than fluent coryza . Fluent coryza (partic. right side) oftener than stoppage of nose. Respiration predom. with moist sound . . . Respiration preval. with dry sound. Expectoration not constant Expectoration predom., but not constant. Remission of complaints forenoon .... Remission from midnight till noon. Worse (better) from cold or warmth . . . Better from cold ; worse from warmth. "Worse on awaking from sleep Worse or better after sleep. Predom. worse when and after getting out of Generally better when and after getting out bed. of bed. Worse when rising from a seat Worse or better when getting up from a seat. Better after rising from a seat Better or worse after rising from a seat. Better when stooping; worse when rising . . Worse or better when stooping & when rising. Worse when bending diseased part .... Worse or better when bending the part. Worse from pressure Generally better from pressure. Worse from drinking fast . Worse from eating fast. Worse or better from spirituous liquors . . Worse from spirituous liquors. Worse or better after drinking Worse after drinking. Worse after stool Better or worse after stool. Predom. worse when swallowing, partic. when Worse or better when swallowing, part, worse swallowing food. when swallowing saliva. Predomin. worse ^—~ — — —-^. -^^ — ~-^. Predomin. better When growing cold* and from cold diet, after stool, from washing and moistening suffering part, when lifting diseased limb, from motion, when walking, out-doors and when walking out-doors, ou inspiration, from bodily exertion, when lying on painful side, when and after getting out of bed, from pressure, and from weeping. Predomin. better "" -*» ^~ «- ~^^_ Predomin. worse When growing warm and from warm diet, after sweat, when letting; diseased limb bans: down, during rest, when lying, in bed and from warmth of bed, in-doors,f when lying on unpaintul side, when stooping, from eructation, and from rubbing and scratching. N.B. Nitr. acid, lacks the sensation of numbness in suffering parts, generally also the over-sensitive- ness of Puis, to pain. Mere sensitiveness (to touch, &c), however, is found with both remedies. * JJ->th remedies hav a predom. imnrov u in cold weather," aggrav. in warm air. f Both remedies have aggrav. "i/i hot rooms." 25 Nitr. acid. Sepia. Itching, relieved by scratching .... Itching, aggrav. by scratching. Ulcerative pain in internal parts .... Ulcerative pain in external parts. Tain pressing inwards Pain pressing outwards. Rending pain upwards Rending pain downwards. Sensation of softness in hard parts . . . Sensation of hardness in soft parts. Eruptions humid Eruptions generally dry. Erysipelas with smooth skin — Ulcers with Erysipelas generally vesicular — Ulcers with watery pus. viscid pus. Epilepsy with full consciousness .... Epilepsy with unconsciousness. Compl. predom. in the kidneys, in hollow Compl. predom. in the bladder, in hollow of knee, and on patella of elbow, and on tip of elbow. Pulse very irregular Pulse quick & full at night, slow dur'g day; accelerated by vexation and motion. Thirst only during heat, none during chill. Want of thirst, also during the hot stage — Only during chill thirst is constant Distrust — Maliciousness — Obstinacy — Seriousness — Indifference — Avarice — Rarely absent-mindedness — Very rarely Weakness of will — Insanity — Imbe- fancies. cility — Xo delirium. Ailments from emotions in general . . . Ailments in consequence of anger, fright, or vexation with heat. Very rarely apoplexy Paralysis. Short-sightedness Far-sightedness. Yellow around the eyes Yellow around nose and mouth. Upper lip swollen or an eruption on it . . Under lip swollen or an eruption on it. Appetite for fatty things Aversion to fatty things. Urine cold or hot Urine hot. Sexual desire weak Sexual desire changing. Respiration prevalently with moist sound. Respiration predom. with dry sound. Expectoration not constant) morning and Expector predom., but not constant; is during day. loosened partic. night and morning, and generally swallowed. Remission of complaints forenoon . . . Remission afternoon. Ailments from Calcarea or Digitalis . . . Ailments from Sulph. or Cinchona.* Predomin. worse -^— ""—• ^^. ^^ -^ — -^ Predomin. better In wet weather, when assuming an erect position, from active motion, when walking, partic. walking out-doors, from bodily exertion, and after breakfast. Predomin. better -— *-* -^ ^ — ^^ Predomin. worse In dry weather, when stooping, during rest, after sweat,t from eructation, from passive motion (riding), when crossing the limbs, on an empty stomach, and from rubbing and scratching. N.B. Nitr. acid, very rarely has the over-sensitiveness of Sepia to pain, although sensitiveness to touch is common to both remedies. * Both remedies are of service against the consequences of abuse of Mercury, t Both remedies generally have aggrav. while perspiring. Nitr. acid. Sulphur. Pain pressing inwards — Rending pain np- Pain pressing outwards — Rending pain wards. downwards. Humid cutaneous eruptions Eruptions predom. dry— Paralysis. Pulse very irregular Pulse accelerated, full, and hard ; but some- times imperceptible. Sweat on suffering part Cold on suffering part. Thirst is wanting during chill Thirst predom., but not constant. Awaking too soon .. Awaking too late. Mood distrustful ; malicious Mood changing; gentle; indifferent; seri- ous — Imbecility— Insanity. Ailments from emotions generally . . . Ailments from shame, mortification, hearing bad news, or vexation with fright, dread or fear, less frequently after anger. Compl. predom. on under eyelids and on Compl. predom. on lower eyelids and on upper gum. lower gum. Appetite for fatty food Aversion to fatty food. Urine smelling sour or ammoniacal . . . Urine sour; often, but scanty; sometimes (after material doses) copious. Catamenia too soon and profuse .... Catam. generally too late and scanty. Remission of complaints forenoon . . . Remission afternoon and before midnight. Ailments from (Mercurius) Calc, or Digi- Ailments from Nitr. acid., Metals, Sepia, talis. Iodine, Cinchona, or Rhus. Predom. worse when growing cold ; better Generally better when growing cold ; worse when growing warm. when growing warm. Worse (better,) from cold or warmth . . Predom. better fr. cold, worse fr. warmth. * Worse before a thunder-storm .... Worse during full moon, before or during a thunder-storm. Worse when turning in bed Worse or better when turning in bed Predom. worse after getting out of bed . Better or worse after getting out of bed. Better on an empty stomach ; worse after Worse (better) on an empty stomach or breakfast. after breakfast. Worse or better after meals Worse after meals. Worse after stool Worse or better after stool. Worse when sneezing Worse or better when sneezing. Worse from weeping Worse or better from weeping Predom. better when stooping; worse when Worse or better when stooping and when rising. rising. Worse from touch Worse or better from touch. Predomin. worse — - — "****^ — -"^ — — ~-*^. Predomin. better When growing cold, out-doors, from motion, when walking, when getting ont of bed, & from pressure. Predomin. better -— -r — ^ — -^ Predomin. worse Vv'hen growing warm, in-doors,t during rest, when lying, in bed and from warmth of bed, after per- spiring, when stooping, and when riding. * Both remedies generally have improv. of symptoms in cold weather, aggrav. in warm air. t Both remedies have aggrav. in hot, crowded rooms; with Sulph. we also find improv. hy warmth of stove. Nitr. acid Dark hair — Muscles rigid ...... Pain pressing inwards — Sore pain in- ternally. In scars pain when the weather changes; break open. Spasms with full consciousness .... Pulse more irregular than with Thuya . . Congestion of blood to ears . . Sweat on parts covered or lain on Complaints predominant on inside of nose, on upper gum, and on the hip-joint. Light hair — Muscles lax. Pain pressing outwards — Sore pain in ex- ternal parts. In scars stinging and digging. C.Hg. Spasms with unconsciousness. Pulse slow and weak in the morning, ac- celerated and full at night. Congestion of blood to eyes. Sweat on parts uncovered, with dry heat of parts covered — Sweat general, with ex- ception of parts lain on. Complaints predominant on outside of nose, on lower gum, and on shoulder-joint. Distrust . # Yery rarely absent-mindedness .... Urine scanty ; cold or hot ; sediment red or white. Sexual desire decreased Catamenia profuse Respiration prevalently with moist sound . Expectoration not constant; morning and during day. Seriousness — Haughtiness — Yery rarely de- lirium. Yery rarely unconsciousness — Insanity — Imbecility. Urine copious and often; hot; urinal sedi- ment reddish. Sexual desire increased. Catamenia scanty. Respiration with dry sound. Expectoration constant; particularly in the evening. Remission of complaints forenoon . . . Pest in general improves; but yet worse after lying down.* Better while riding, worse after riding . Worse when swallowing food Throbbing in veins wine.f Ailments from Mercur., Calc, or Digitalis better from drinking Remission forenoon and before midnight. Rest in general aggravates ; but yet better after lying down. Worse when riding. Worse when swallowing saliva. Complaints from spirituous liquors. Ailments from Mercur. ; Sulph., or Iod. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From touch, from pressure, from washing:, when bending diseased part backwards, when walking, from motion in general, but also after lying down and after stool. Predomin. better - -^_^^^,^^. — -^ Predomin. worse During rest, from warmth of bed, when stooping, and when riding. * It is the change from an upright posture alone which causes this aggrav. with Nitr. acid., and improv. with Thuya. •f The inflammation of kidneys common to Nitr. acid., on the contrary, is aggravated by spirituous liquors. Nitrum. Belladonna. Upper right, lower left side — Very rarely Upper left, lower right side — Apoplexy. paralysis. Internal trembling ; trembling sensation. Trembling of external parts. Complaints predominant in upper jaw and Complaints predominant in lower jaw and upper teeth, on soft palate and in the lower teeth, on roof of mouth and in the spleen. liver. Sleeplessness after midnight Sleeplessness before midnight. Thirst only during chill Thirst not constant; most rare during chill; often before and after the attack of fever. Chill lessened in bed Chill increased in bed. Sensitive disposition Generally insensibility of disposition. Complaints in abdomen worse when holding Complaints in abdomen better when holding the breath. the breath. Urine copious ; pale Urine generally scanty ; dark oftener than pale. Cough particularly in the morning . . . Cough particularly in the evening and at night. Expectoration in the morning and evening. Expectoration from morning till evening. Remission forenoon and before midnight . Remission forenoon and after midnight. Worse during wet cold weather .... Worse during dry cold weather. Better when and after getting out of bed. Worse when getting out of bed, better afterwards. Predomin. worse '. — — — Xs ^ — "--««. . Predomin. better In wet weather, from cold* diet, when letting diseased limb hang down, during rest, when standing, lying, in bed, when sitting, partic. sitting bent forward, and when stooping. Predomin. better — — •— ""^ — " »*. Predomin. worse In dry weather, from warm diet, when lifting diseased limb, when moving, when sitting erect, and when getting out of bed. N.B. Nitrum lacks the over-seusitiveness of Belladonna to pain. * Belladonna has a'so aggravation from "drinking cold water," because one of its symptoms ^more prominently than with Nitrum) is: "Swallowing of drink is troublesome." Nitrum. Cramping pain in external parts . . . No apoplexy — Very rarely paralysis . . Itching, relieved by scratching . Pulse full, hard, and accelerated .... Thirst predoni. only during chill .... Chill lessened in bed Sleeplessness after midnight j awaking too early. Phosphor. Cramping pain in internal parts. Apoplexy — Paralysis. Itching, relieved or aggrav. by scratching. Pulse various; irregular, intermitting. Want of thirst during all stages. Chill increased in bed. Sleeplessness before midnight 3 awaking too late. Complaints predom. in upper jaw, upper Compl. predom. in lower jaw, lower teeth, teeth, and in spleen. and in liver. Trine too often and copious Urine often, but scanty. Catamenia too profuse Catam. too profuse or too scanty. [Nasal secretion watery Nasal secretion thick or viscid, often yellow, like ochre. Expectoration quite infrequent; morning Expector. not constant j morning and dur- and evening. ing day. Remission forenoon and before midnight . Remission of complaints after midnight. "Worse during full moon "Worse before a thunder-storm or during a storm. Worse when perspiring . Worse or better when perspiring. Worse (better) when lying on painful or on Predom. worse when lying on painful, better unpainful side. when lying on unpainful side. Worse during sleep . Worse or better during sleep. Worse when awaking from sleep .... Better after sufficient sleep, but worse on awaking, when roused & after the siesta. Predom. better after getting out of bed . Worse or better after getting out of bed. Worse when stooping Better or worse when stooping. Worse or better when assuming an erect Almost always aggrav. when assuming an position. erect position. Worse from touch Almost always improv. by the touch. Worse during and after meals Worse or better during and after meals. Worse after drinking Almost always improv. after drinking. Predomin. worse Fredomin. better Out-doors, during rest, -when standing, lying* and sitting, partic. sitting erect, from cold diet, after drinking, lrom the touch, and after sleep. Predomin. better *■» ~^^ — — »>. Predomin. worse In-doors,t from motion, -when walking, when sitting bent forward, from warm diet, from change of posture, (when lying or standing), when getting out of bed, after perspiring, and when riding. N.B. Nitrum lacks the over-sensitiveness of Phosphor, to pain, & generally also the sensation of numb- ness in suffering parts peculiar to Phosphor. * The symptoms of both remedies are predom. aggrav. "in bed." t Both remedies have predom. aggrav. " in hut rovm." Nitrum. Rhus. lower left side Upper left, lower righi utting pain in internal parts . Tension or cutting pai No apoplexy — Very rarely paralysis . . Apoplexy — Paralysis. Upper right, lower left side Upper left, lower right side. Tension or cutting pain in internal parts . Tension or cutting pain in external parts. Compl. predom. on inside of nose, on upper Compl. predom. on outside of nose, on lower jaw and upper teeth, and on upper arm. jaw, lower teeth, and on fore-arm. Sleeplessness after midnight ; awaking too Sleeplessness predomin. before midnight; early. awaking too late. Thirst only during chill Thirst not constant. Pulse sometimes slower than beating of Pulse sometimes quicker than beating of heart ; generally full, hard, & accelerated. heart ; irregular ; generally frequent, but faint and soft. Nasal secretion watery Nasal secretion thick. Respiratio abdominalis Respiratio thoracica. Expectoration quite infreqent ; morning & Expectoration not constant; oft en er in the evening. morning than in the evening. Remission forenoon and before midnight . Remission of compl. during day. Worse during full moon Worse during increase of moon. Predominantly worse in bed Generally better in bed. Worse (better) when lying on painful or on Predom. better when lying on painful side, unpainful side. worse when lying on unpainful side. Better when getting out of bed .... Worse or better when getting out of bed. Predom. better after getting out of bed . Worse or better after gating out of bed. Better when sitting down Worse or better when sitting down. Worse when rising from a seat .... Worse or better when rising from a seat. Better after rising from a seat Worse or better after rising from a seat. Worse when stooping Worse or better when stooping. Worse or better when assuming an erect Almost always aggrav. when assuming an position. erect position. Worse or better from pressure .... Predom. better from pressure. W T orse after eating and drinking .... Worse or better after eating and drinking. Worse after stool Better or worse after stool. Worse when swallowing drink . . . . Worse when swallowing food and when swallowing saliva. Predomin. worse ^ — *— ■ -^ — — -^. Predomin. better From warmth of stove, in bed, when stretching out diseased limb or letting it hang down, when sitting erect, after breakfast, and after stool. Predomin. better -- — ■*■*- ""^ — — ■— . Predomin. worse From change of position, after getting out of bed, when drawing up or lifting diseased limb, when sit- ting bent forward, before breakfast, and when riding. N.B. We very rarely find the sensation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Rhus with Nitrum. Nitrum. Sepia. Haemorrhages, blood light-red— Very rarely Haemorrhages, blood dark— Paralysis. paralvsis. Apoplexy not vet observed Apoplexy. Complaints predominant in spleen, kidneys, Complaints predominant in liver, bladder, upper arm. fore-arm. Itching, relieved by scratching Itching, aggravated by scratching. Pulse accelerated, fall, and hard; slow in Pulse accelerated, partic. by vexation and the morning, frequent in the afternoon motion ; frequent and full at night, also and evening. intermitting; slow during the day. First chill, then heat First heat, then chill. Sleeplessness preval. after midnight . . . Sleeplessness preval. before midnight. Xo unconsciousness — Delirium .... Vomiting predominantly slimy . . . . Urine predominantly pale ; too often and copious. Catamenia too soon Respiratio abdominalis Expectoration quite seldom ; morning and evening. Absent-mindedness — Fancies — Mental dull- ness — Insanity. Vomiting chiefly food. Urine dark — Discharge of urine too sel- dom. Catamenia generally too late. Respiratio thoracica. Expectoration predominant, but not con- stant; is loosened night and morning and generally swallowed. Remission forenoon and before midnight . Remission of complaints afternoon. \S orse during full moon Worse during new moon. "Worse while perspiring Worse or better while perspiring. Worse on awaking from sleep Better after sufficient sleep; but worse on awaking when roused. Better when getting out of bed .... Better or worse when getting out of bed. Worse or better when assuming an erect Predominantly better when assuming an position. erect position. Worse from bodily exertion General ty better from exertion. Predominantly worse on inspiration, better Generally better on inspiration, worse on on expiration. expiration. Better or worse from pressure Almost always aggravated by pressure. Worse after meals Worse or better after meals. "Worse when swallowing drink .... Worse when swallowing food. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In wet weather, when lying on painful side, when sitting erect, from bodily exertion, on inspiration, from cold diet, alter breakfast, and after sleep. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In dry weather, when lying on nnpainful side, when sitting bent forward, after sweat, on expiration, from warm diet, on an empty stomach, and from rubbing and scratching. N.B. Nitrum lacks the over-sensitiveness of Sepia to pain. Nitrum. Right side, particularly upper right, lower left side. Ulcerative pain in external parts .... Haemorrhages, blood bright-red — Very rarely paralysis. Pulse slow in the morning, frequent in after- noon and evening. Chill lessened in bed Sweat predominant on front part of body. Thirst only during chill Sleeplessness after midnight; awaking too early. Sulphur. Left side, particularly upper left, lower right side. Ulcerative pain in internal parts. Hemorrhages, blood dark — Paralysis. Pulse frequent in the night and morning, slower during day and evening. Chill increased in bed. Sweat predominant on back part of body. Thirst mostly during heat ; generally want of thirst during chill. Sleeplessness before midnight \ awaking too late. Hot spots on the head A cold spot on the head. Urine too often and copious Urine often, but scanty ; sometimes (after strong doses) copious. Catamenia too soon, profuse, and of long duration. Expectoration quite infrequent .... Complaints predominant on upper arm . . Catamenia generally too late, scanty and of short duration. Expectoration not constant. Complaints predominant on fore-arm. Remission forenoon and before midnight . Remission afternoon and before midnight. Better after perspiring Worse or better after perspiring. Worse when lying on painful side, better Better (worse) when lying on painful or when lying on unpainful side. on unpainful side. Better when lying with the head high . . Better when lying with head high or in a horizontal position. Better from change of posture, (when lying Better or worse from change of posture. or standing). Predom. better after getting out of bed . Better or worse after getting out of bed. Better on an empty stomach ; worse after Worse (better) on an empty stomach or breakfast. after breakfast. Worse when swallowing drink .... Worse or better when swallowing, partic. worse when swallowing food and saliva. Worse after drinking Worse or better after drinking. W^orse after stool Worse or better after stool. Worse when taking a deep breath . . Worse or better when taking a deep breath. Worse when stooping Worse or better when stooping. Worse from touch Worse or better from touch. Worse or better from pressure . . . Predominantly better from pressure. Predomin. worse ^ — . ^^ — — -^ Predomin. better From cold, out-doors, when lying on back, when sitting erect, when letting diseased limb hang down, and when holding the breath. Predomin. better Predomin. worse From warmth, in-doors* when lying on side, when sitting bent forward, when lifting diseased limb, when ridiDg, and after sweat. N.B. Nitrum i*y" rarely has the sensation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Sulphur. * Both remedies have aggravation "in a hot room;" Sulphnr. has improvement from warmth of stove. Nux moschata. Nux vomica. Upper left, lower right side — Want of bodily irritability. With the pains (headache, toothache, etc.), drowsiness. Dropsy of external parts ; trembling in in- ternal parts. Dryness of skin — Yery rarely paralysis . Predom. somnolence — Sleep after sweat . Pulse somewhat accelerated as from ebulli- tion of blood ; sometimes trembling. Want of thirst during all stages of the fever. Upper right, lower left side — Increased irritability. With the pains, hot feeling; sometimes sweat, anxiousness, great weakness. C.Hg. Dropsy of internal parts; trembling of ex- ternal parts. Dryness of skin or perspiring easily — Paralysis. Sleeplessness — Sleep between chill & heat. Pulse generally quick, full, & hard ; some- times intermitting or imperceptible. Thirst, mostly dur'g chill ; oft. before & after the attack of fever & betw. heat & sweat. Mood cheerful ; serious — Melancholy . . Mood depressed; irritated; passionate; malicious; anxious — Ailments in conse- quence of fits of rage, partic.in the morn'g. Over-estimating time and distance . . . Often makes mistakes in speaking or in writing — Fancies. Difficult comprehension Rarely mental dullness. Sensitiveness of the scalp in wet weather, Sensitiveness of scalp, partic. to the wind, to the touch, and when lain on; improv. cold, and touch, after lying down; better by warmth. from warmth and external pressure. Desire for drink without thirst .... Thirst with aversion to drink. Hunger predominant Generally loss of appetite. Diarrhoea predominant, painless .... Constipation ; when diarrhoea occurs, it is painful. Urine dark Urine generally light-colored. Respiration predominantly slow; rattling. Respiration generally quick; audible, with- out rattling of mucus. Expector. quite constant ; morning . . . Expector. not constant; morning, during day or evening. Remission morning and afternoon . . . W T orse (better) when growing cold or warm. Worse when lying on painful side, better when lying on unpainful side. Worse after sleep Predom. better after getting out of bed . Better on an empty stomach ; worse after breakfast. Worse when eating , Worse when stooping ; better when rising. ■Generally worse from warmth of bed . . Predomin. worse Remission evening till midnight. Worse when growing cold ; better when growing warm.* Worse (better) when lying on painful side or when lying on unpainful side. Better after sufficient & not too long sleep ; but worse on awaking when roused. Worse or better after getting out of bed. Worse (better) when fasting or after break- fast. Generally better when eating. Belter or worse when stooping ; almost always aggrav. when rising. Predom. better from warmth of bed. Predomin. toetter In wet weather, from washing and moistening diseased part, when sitting erect, but also when stooping, on inspiration,! when eating, from warmth of bed, and alter sleep. Predomin. better — ^^. -^~^ -^— - — -^ Predomin. worse In dry weather, when sitting bent forward, but also when rising from stooping, and on expiration. * Both remedies have aggrav. from cold and in cold weather, predom. improv. from warmth and in warm air. | Both remedies have aggrav. of coiupl. when taking a deep breath. Nux moschata, Pulsatilla. Want of bodily irritability With the pains (headache, toothache, etc.), drowsiness. Aversion to open air Pulse somewhat accelerated; sometimes trembling. Chill increased out-doors, lessened in warm room. Want of thirst dur'g all stages of the fever. Increased irritability. With the pains chilliness ; sometimes heat or sweat, disposition to weep, weakness. C.Hg. Inclination for open air. Pulse predom. frequent, small, and weak, sometimes intermitting or imperceptible. Chill lessened out-doors, increased in warm room. Want of thirst predom. ; but constant only during chill. Cheerfulness more frequent than melancholy. Calm sadness of mild dispositions — Mood indifferent ; peevish — Boldness — Ava- rice — Distrust. Over-estimating time and distance . . . Omitting letters when writing. Rarely delirium — Imbecility Fancies — Melancholy — Rarely mental dull- ness. Saliva generally decreased Saliva generally increased. Catamenia too soon and profuse .... Catamenia too late and generally scanty. Stoppage of nose Fluent coryza (partic. right side) more fre- quent than stoppage of nose. Respiration predom. slow; rattling . . . Respiration quick; preval. dry — Audible respiration. Expectoration quite constant; murning . Expector. predom., but not constant; morn- ing and during day. Aggravation forenoon, evening, and night. Aggravation from noon till midnight. Worse (better) when growing cold or warm. Better when growing cold ; worse when growing warm. Worse after sleep Worse or better after sleep. Worse after meals Worse or better after meals. Worse after stool Better or worse after stool. Worse when stooping; better when rising. Worse or better when stooping and when rising. Worse when taking a deep breath . . . Better or worse when taking a deep breath. Worse or better from warmth of bed . • Worse from warmth of bed. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From cold and in cold weather, from uncovering, from washing and moistening diseased part, out-doors and when walking out-doors, from motion, when walking, from bodily exertion, on inspiration, when sitting erect, when lying on painful side, from drinking cold water and from cold diet gen- erally, and after stool. Predomin. better Predomin. worse From warmth and in warm air, from wrapping up, in-doors and from warmth of stove, during rest, when sitting, lying, in bed, on expiration, when lying on unpainful side, from warm diet, and when rising from stooping. Nux moschata. Rhus. I. 9 ► R. R. 3H ► I*. C.Hg. Cornpl. (cutting pain, etc.) predom. in in- Compl. (cutting pain, etc.) predom. in ex- ternal parts. ternal parts. With the pains (headache, toothache, etc.), With the pains chilliness or feverish heat, drowsiness. anxiety, sadness, dejection. C.Hg. Rarely paralysis Paralysis of limbs. Somnolence predominant Sleeplessness. Pulse somewhat accelerated, as fromebulli- Pulse irregular ; generally frequent, faint, & tion of blood. soft; intermitting or imperceptible. Want of thirst constant — Desire for drink Thirst not constant; thirst with aversion to without thirst. drink. Mood changing; joyous or melancholy . Fear; sadness. Rarely delirium— Fancies Rarely mental dullness. Sensitiveness of the scalp in wet weather, Sensitiveness of scalp, partic. in the side not to the touch, and when lain on ; better lain on & when growing warm in bed, to from warmth. the touch, & when strok'g back the hair. Sensation of a loose tooth as if pushed out Sensation as if the teeth were drawn in. fr. the shaking in going up or down stairs. C.Hg. Saliva generally decreased Saliva generally increased. Hunger predominant Loss of appetite predom. Painless diarrhoea Diarrhoea generally painful. Urine dark ; scanty Urine pale ; too often and copious. Impotency and sterility Erections. Menstrual blood generally dark .... Menstrual blood light-colored. Stoppage of nose Fluent coryza. Respiration predominantly slow; rattling. Respiration quick; with dry sound. Expectoration quite constant Expectoration infrequent. Remission morning and afternoon . . . Remission of complaints during day. Worse or better from warmth of bed . . Better or worse from warmth of bed. Predom. better after getting out of bed . Worse or better after getting out of bed. Worse when stooping ; better when rising. Almost always aggrav. when stooping and when rising. Worse or better from pressure .... Predom. better from pressure. Worse after meals Worse or better after meals. Worse after stool Better or worse after stool. Worse (better) when growing warm or cold. Better when growing warm, worse when growing cold. Predomin. worse - ^__^^^_ — — — Predomin. better From motion, when walking, walking out-doors,* when sitting erect, when lying on painful side, after breakfast, and after stool. Predomin. better — ^^ — — ; — ^ Predomin. worse During rest, when Bitting and lying, when sitting bent forward, when lying on nnpainful side, after get- ting out of bed, on an empty stomach, and when rising from stooping. N.B. Rhus lacks the over-sensitiveness of Nux moschata to pain, although sensitiveness to the touch is common to both remedies. * Tloro the influence of motion decides for Rhus and not that of the open air ; for out-doors in general both remedies have aggrav. Mux vom. Phosphor. Hemorrhages, blood dark — Scars aching Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover* . Heat 1. s. — Sweat on upp. or back part of body Thirst predom.; mostly during- cold stage. Chill and heat lessened when sitting . . Sweat increased when eating Sleeplessness preval. alter midnight . . . Hgemorrh., blood light — Scars bleed. C.IIg. Heat or sweat, with inclination to uncover. Heat r. s. — Sweat on lower or front part of Want of thirst. [body. Chill and heat increased when sitting. Sweat lessened when eating. Sleeplessness before midnight. Loquacity — Sensitiveness Taciturnity — Scnsitiv. or insensibil. of dispo3. Mood depressed ; irascible; malicious . . . Mood changing; cheerful or depressed.* Solicitude concerning the present .... Solicitude concerning the future. CHcr. Difficult comprehension — Mental dullness — Easy or difficult comprehension — Mental ex- Absent-mindedness, citability and active memory predom. Pupils generally dilated — Far-sightedness. . Pup. generally contracted — Short-sightedness. Clear-sightedn. — Optic, illus. in bright colors. Dim-sightedness — Opt. ill us. in dark or prism. Complaints predom. in inner ear Compl. generally on external ear. [colors. Gums and palate red Gums and palate generally pale. Costiveness predom.; diarrhoea painful . . . Diarrhoea predom. painless. Predom. aversion to sour things — Desire for, Appetite for sour things — Aversion to beer, or aversion to beer. Fetid flatus Flatus scentless; passing easily; hot; loud. Urine rare and scanty ........ Urine often, but scanty. Catamenia too profuse and of long duration . Cat. the same, or scanty and of short duration. Nasal secretion watery Nasal secret, thick or viscid, sometimes yellow Complaints predom. on calf of leg .... Complaints predom. on shin. [like ochre. Remission evening till midnight Remission of complaints after midnight. Ailments from Arsenic, Plumb., Cuprum. . Ailments from Iodine or Natr. mur. Better from cold applications Better from warm applications. Generally better from pressure Generally worse from pressure. Generally worse when drawing up diseased Better when drawing up diseased limb ; worse limb, better when stretching it out. when stretching it out. Predom. better in bed and from warmth of bed. Worse or better in bed and fr. warmth of bed. Worse (better) when lying on painful, or on Worse when lying on painful side ; better unpainful side. when lying on unpainful side. Worse during sleep Worse or better during sleep. Worse after sleeping a long time Worse after the siesta. Better (worse) while fasting or after breakfast. Pred. better while fasting, worse aft. breakfast. Predom. better when eating Generally worse when eating. Almost always aggrav. after meals .... Worse or better after meals. Worse from drinking coffee Worse or better from coffee. Generally worse after drinking Predom. better after drinking. Generally better from eructation .... Generally worse from eructation. Better (worse) wh. opening or closing mouth. Worse when opening, bett. wh. closing mouth. Pred. worse opening, better closing the eyes . Better (worse) wh. opening or closing the eyes. Worse from shaking the head Worse or better from shaking the head. Worse or better from sneezing Worse from sneezing. Worse when swallowing food and saliva . . Worse when swallowing food and part, drink. Predomin. worse Predomin. better Id dry weather, out-doors, from uncovering, from touch, when moving diseased part, when drawing np suffering limb, when lying on right side, from drinking cold water, from cold diet in general, from beer and spirituous liquors, after a satisfying meal, and after drinking. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In wet weather, in-doors and from warmth of stove, from wrapping: up, from pressure, from washing and moistening diseased part, when stretching out the Buffering limb, when lyinsr on left side. when eating, partic. from warm diet ; from eructation, after perspiring, in bed and from warmth of bed, and when swallowing drink. * Pulse with Fux vom. more equal than with Phosphorus. ■f- Ailments from indignation, mortification, disappointed love, or jealousy, have beeu relieved byNnxvoro.; ail- ments in consequence of rage, irritable vehemence, or fright, have been relieved by Phosphor, as well as Nux vom. Nux vom. Pulsatilla. Upper right, lower left side — Aversion to open air. Dropsy, or cold sensation in internal parts Secretions of mucous membranes and ulcers generally decreased or suppressed.* Plethora abdominalis, with congestion to the head. Fixed, acute rheumatism Tonic spasms — Tetanic affections of single muscles. Paralysis generally of both sides Compl. predom. on fore-arm and palm of hand. Pulse generally quick, full, and hard, partic. during hot stage ; frequent in the morning, slow in the evening. Heat left side— Sweat on diseased side . . . Thirst during chill, before and after sweatf . Sleeplessness after midnight Upper left, lower right side — Inclination for open air. Dropsy, or cold sensation in external parts. Secretions of mucous membranes and ulcers generally increased. Complaints from suppression of catamenia and other discharges, generally after wet feet. Shifting rheumatism in the joints. Rheumatic stiffness of limbs — Hardness of the neuralgic portion of muscles. Paral. generally one-sided ; of rare occurence. Compl. pred. on upper arm, & on back of hand. Pulse generally frequent, small, and weak ; fre- quent in the evening, slow in the morning. One-sided heat, right side — Heat on diseased Want of thirst during chill.'f [part. Sleeplessness before midnight. Sanguine choleric temperament — Malicious. Loquacity — Peevishness and irascibility . Ailm. in consequence of contradiction, aneer, indignation, disappointed love, or jealousy. Vertigo, inclin. to fall sideways or backwards. Far-sightedness — Pupils predom. dilated . . Generally things look too light Food has a sour after-taste — No appetite . . Desire for beer or aversion to it Predom. aversion to sour things A liking for fatty food, which disagrees . . Nausea in stomach, less frequently in swallow. Vomiting, first water, then food Constipation predom. — Strong urinal stream . "With Horses : Excrements in small balls . . Catam. too soon, profuse, and of long duration. Painless stagnation of milk, from not sucking the child. Generally stoppage of nose, partic. out-doors ; fluent in-doors. Cough generally dry — Expectoration morning, during day, or evening. Sanguine temperament — Good-naturedness. Taciturnity — Lachrymose sadness of mild dis- positions — Changing mood — Indifference — Boldness — Avarice — Distrust. Ailments in consequence of excessive joy. Vertigo, inclining to fall backwards. Short-sightedness — Pupils gener. contracted. Dim-sightedness. Food has a bitter after-taste — Hunger. Desire for beer. Appetite for sour things. Aversion to fatty food (also disagreeing). Nausea in throat, stomach or abdomen. Vomiting, food first, then water. Diarrhoea predom. — Small urinal stream. With Horses : Excrements in large balls. Cat. gener. too late, scanty & of short durat'n. While nursing, the breasts swell and ache as if the milk rushed in. C.Hg. Fluent coryza (partic. r. s.) oftener than stop- page ; fluent out-doors, stopped in-doors. Cough generally loose — Expectoration morn- ing and during day. J Aggravation of symptoms after midnight, in the morning after sunrise, and during day. Ailments in consequence of dry cold, partic. from taking cold in the head, or from sitting on cold stones. Worse during sweat, better after it ... . Better while eating ; worse afterwards . . . Aggravation afternoon and evening, after sun- set until midnight. Ailm. in consequ. of taking cold in the head or feet during wet (cold or warm) weather, Worse during and after the sweat. Better when drinking ; worse afterwards. Predomin. worse Predomin. better Out-doors, from cold, uncovering, motion, bodily exertion, when opening the eyes, change of posture, tying the clothes tight, from drinking cold water, from cold diet generally, and from sour things (vinegar). Predomin. better Predomin. worse In-doors, from warmth, wrapping up, during; rest, when standing, sitting: and lying, when closing the eyes, after sleep, when bending diseased part backwards, from warm diet, and after perspiring. * When the secretion of mucns is increased with Nnx vom., it is watery and not critical. t Cotnp. Capsicum— Nnx vomica, and Anacard— Pulsatilla. J Expectoration with Pulsat. sometimes putrid, sweet, sour, oftener salty, greasy, or tasting like old catarrh. Nux vom. Rhus. Upper right, lower left side — Park hair . . Haemorrhages, blood dark — Aversion to mo- tion. Complaints of internal parts (pressure, cutting pain, etc.) predom. Painful ulcers — Sweat on right side . . . Sweat often confined to back part of body — Coldness on lower part of body. Pulse predom. full and hard — Sleep between chill and heat. Chill or heat lessened when sitting .... Heat increased by motion, lessened in-doors . Sweat lessened during sleep Thirst mostly during "chill Bruised pain in side lain on, or in that not lain on. Sleeplessness prevalent after midnight . . . When intoxicated by wine : Sleep with droop- ing chin. Upper left, lower right side — Light hair. Haemorrhages, blood bright-red — Inclination for motion. Complaints of external parts predominant. Painless ulcers — Sweat on left side. Sweat often confined to front part of body — Chill on upper part of body. Pulse predom. weak and soft — Sleep after sweat. Chill or heat increased when sitting. Heat lessened by motion, increased in-doors. Sweat increased during sleep. Thirst not constant. Braised pain in side not lain on. Sleeplessness preval. before midnight. When intoxicated by beer: Sleep with head bent backwards and open mouth. Mood irritable, irascible, flying into a passion. Mood sad, dejected. Absent-mindedness Rarely peevishness — "Very rarely amorousness. Vertigo, inclin'g to fall sideways or backwards. Vertigo, inclin'g to fall forward or backwards. Stupefying headache, in the morning, in the Stupefying headache with buzzing; in the morn- sun, when walking out-doors ; better in-doors ing, when sitting or lying ; worse in the cold ; and in bed. better from motion and external warmth. Sensitiveness of scalp, partic. to the wind, Sensitiveness (and swelling) of the scalp, partic. cold, touch ; worse after lying down ; better in side not lain on ; when grow'g warm in bed, from pressure and warmth. to the touch, and when strok'g back the hair. Generally things look too light Dim-sightedness. Desire for wine, etc Aversion to wine. Desire for beer or aversion to it Desire for beer. Inguinal hernia, partic. large, of long standing. Inguinal hernia, partic. small, of recent origin. Constipation predominant Diarrhoea predominant. Urine seldom & scanty — Urinal stream strong. U. often & copious — Urin'l stream spreads out. Urinal sediment reddish Urinal sediment white. Generally stoppage of nose, partic. out-doors, Fluent coryza. while in-doors the coryza is fluent. Nasal secretion watery Nasal secretion thick. Expectoration from morning till evening . . Expectoration in the morning. Ailments in consequence of taking cold in dry Ailments in consequence of being wet through weather. when the body was overheated. Ailments in consequence of mental exertion . Ailments in consequence of bodily exertion. C.Hg. Remission evening till midnight Remission of complaints during day. Worse after sunrise Some symptoms worse after sunset. Generally better on an empty stomach, worse Predominantly worse on an empty stomach, after breakfast. better after breakfast. Predomin. worse Predomin. better When moving, after stool, and in dry weather. Predomin. better — *» "" ■■— ^^ — — ^^ Predomin. worse During rest, when standing, sitting and lying, in wet weather, from washing, and from wet applications. N.B. With Nux vom. we rarely find the sensation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Rhn-. Predomin. worse From cold, grow'g cold & in cold weather, out-doors, fr. uncover'g, fr. motion, walk'g, & fr. pressure. N.B. Both are antidotes to Mercurius and Plumbum, partic. wh ;n the effects are long-lasting.* | Compare Delirium tremens : Hyoscyamus — Stramoa. * Added by C.IIg. Opium. Veratrum. Want of bodily irritability — Painless ulcers. Increased irritability — Painful ulcers. Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis , . Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy. Paralysis oftener one-sided Paralysis oftener of both sides. Pulse slow and full, or quick and hard . Pulse irregular; generally slow, small, and weak; sometimes trembling. Heat more frequent than cold — Want of Coldness predominant — Thirst not constant; thirst. rare during sweat. Insensibility of disposition Sensitive disposition. Loquacity — Mood cheerful; indifferent; Taciturnity — Mood cheerful or sad; mali- rarely irritable or distrustful. cious. Ailments from (fright, anger, vexation) ex- Ailments from (fright, anger, vexation, or) cessive joy or shame. grief. Active memory predominant Weak memory. Imbecility more frequent than insanity . . Insanity more frequent than imbecility. With Horses : Sleepy staggers .... With Horses : Mad staggers (raving). Eyes protruding — Pupils predominantly Pupils predominantly contracted — Eyes gen- dilated, erally sunken. Very rarely nausea Nausea in stomach, which, however, is often wanting when vomiting. Costiveness predominant Diarrhoea predominant. Constipation, panic, with corpulent, even- Constipation (or diarrhoea) with lean, cho- tempered, good-humored children and leric, or melancholy persons, women. Respiration generally slow Pvespiration quick. Expectoration infrequent Expectoration not constant. Complaints predominant on fore-arm . . Complaints predominant on upper arm. Ailments from Xux vom., Tartar emetic, Ailments from Cinchona, Eerrum, or Arsenic Mercurius, Lead or Charcoal vapors. vapors. Worse from warmth, better from cold . . Better (worse) from warmth or cold. Worse from warmth of stove Better or worse from warmth of stove. Worse when growing warm ; better when Better (worse) when growing warm or cold. growing cold. Worse in bed* Worse or better in bed. Better after getting out of bed .... Better or worse after getting out of bed. Worse or better from spirituous liquors . Worse from spirituous liquors. Worse after eating Worse or better after eating. Predominantly worse on inspiration, better Predominantly worse on inspiration and ex- on expiration. piration. Predomin. worse -- — — . — -^< — — ^ Predomin. better In warm air, from warmth of stove,| when ascending, and from drinking milk. Predomin. better - — ■ — ^.^ "— -^ Predomin. worse In cold weather, when descending, and from drinking cold water. * Both remedies have predominant aggravation from "warmth" of bed. f Both remedies have predominant aggravation in-doors, improvement of complaints out-doors. Petroleum. Calcarea. Constriction in external parts Pulse slow during rest, but accelerated, full, and stronger by every motion. Chill lessened after meals Sweat often confined to back part of body. Chill without thirst ; heat with thirst . . First chill, then heat Apoplexy not yet observed Complaints predom. in inner angle of eye, on outside of nose, on upper lip, on lower gum, and in hollow of knee. Constriction in internal parts. Pulse quick and full; sometimes trembling. Chill increased after meals. Sweat often only on front part of body. Thirst during all stages of the fever. First heat, then chill. Apoplexy. Complaints predom. in external angle of eye, on inside of nose, on under lip, on upper gum, and on patella. Mood dejected ; undecided; malicious . . Mood depressed or silly ; peevish — Amor- ousness. Cannot get rid of the same idea, in conver- Is obliged to think the same idea during the sation. whole night. C.Hg. Neither unconsciousness nor delirium . . Fancies. Pid not know where she was in the street . Complete loss of memory. C.Hg. Vertigo, inclining to fall forwards . . . Vertigo, inclining to fall backwards or side- ways. Predom. bitter vomit Vomit sour oftener than bitter. Painful diarrhoea Generally painless diarrhoea. Urine often, but scanty Urine too often. Sexual desire too weak — Erections, without Sexual desire too strong — Impotence, with desire for coition. desire for coition. Catamenia generally too scanty and too late. Catamenia profuse and predom. too soon. Expectoration infrequent; during day . . Expectoration predom., but not constant; morning and during day. Remission after midnight and during day. Remission of complaints before midnight. Worse before a thunder-storm, less fre- Worse during full moon. quently during full moon. Worse from light; better in the dark . . Worse (better) from light or in the dark. Worse when straining the sight .... Worse or better when straining the sight. Worse when looking up Worse when looking up or down. Worse on awaking from sleep Worse or better after sleep. Better after getting out of bed Worse or better after getting out of bed. Worse when rising from a seat .... Worse or better when rising from a seat. Better (worse) when stretching out diseased Worse when stretching out the limb, better limb, or when drawing it up. when drawing it up. Worse or better from touch Better from touch. Worse from smoking Worse or better from smoking. Predomin. worse ^- ^^ — ■— -^ Predomin. better In a horizontal position, when lying; on painful side, from change of posture, when lying or standing, when lifting diseased limb, when standing, and from warmth of stove!* Predomin. better ^ **■ — -^^. — ■"" ^ Predomin. worse Lying with head high, lying on nnpainful side, when bending the body backwards, and when letting diseased limb hang down. N.B. Calcarea rarely has the over-sensitiveness of Petroleum to pain. The latter rarely has the sen- sation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Calcarea. * Both remedies have predom. improv. " in-door tff" in general, aggrav. of symptoms in the open air. Petroleum. Lycopodium. Piercing pain inwards — Hemorrhages, Pain piercing outwards — Haemorrhages, blood pale. blood dark. Dry itch— No apoplexy . . Humid itch— Apoplexy. Pulse slow (luring- rest, but accelerated, full, Pulse somewhat accelerated only in the and stronger by every motion. morning and after meals. Chill lessened after meals Chill increased after meals. Dejection Neither unconsciousn., delirium nor fancies. Did nor know where she was in the street . Ailments from vexation with fright Nasal complaints predominantly external Bitter vomit predominant . . Painful diarrhoea predominant Involuntary discharge of urine Scrotum contracted .... Catamenia predom. too scanty Expectoration infrequent ; during Mood depress, or cheerf. ; chang'g ; gentle.; serious; peevish; haughty; amorous. Parsimony — Distrust. Cannot remember the meaning of the single letters; imitates in writing, without knowing the signification. C.Hg. Ailments in consequence of anger, mortifi- cation, grief or vexation with reserved displeasure, fear or vehemence. Nasal compl. predom. internal. Vomit sour oftener than bitter. Painless diarrhoea predom. Retent. of urine more freq. than incontinence. Scrotum relaxed. C.Hg. Catam. too scanty or too profuse. Expector. nearly constant; morn'g & even'g. Aggravation morning and evening till mid- Aggravation morning and from noon till night. midnight. Better when alone ; worse in company . . Worse (better) when alone or in company. Worse before a thunder-storm, during a Worse during new moon. storm or during full moon. Predom. worse during cold weather, better Better (worse) in cold weather or in warm in warm air. air. Predom. worse when growing cold, better Better (worse) when growing cold or when when growing warm. growing warm. Worse after perspiring Better or worse after perspiring, Predom. worse in bed Bett. or worse in bed & from warmth of bed. Worse when getting out of bed or rising Worse or better when getting out of bed or from a seat. rising from a seat. Better when sitting down Worse or better when sitting down. Worse when stooping Better or worse when stooping. Better when assuming an erect position . Worse or bett. wh. assum'g an erect posit'n. Better (worse) when stretching out diseased Worse when stretching out diseased limb; limb or when drawing it up. better when drawing it up. Better or worse from touch Almost always aggrav. by the touch. "Worse when looking up Worse when looking at anything revolv'g.* Worse or better when straining the sight . Worse when straining the sight. Worse after stool ......... Worse or better after stool. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From cold, motion, walking, when moving suffering part, when lifting diseased limb, when ascendins out-doors and when walking out-doors, when stooping, and on an empty stomach. Predomin. better .--— "*-*--^_---'^---____-- -—-^ Predomin. worse From warmth, during rest, after lying down, when lying and sitting, when letting diseased limb han: down, when descending, in-doors, from warmth of stove, and after breakfast. * When walking on streets newly paved with bricks, on plaid carpets, when quick j passing picket fences. CMg. Petroleum Light hair — Hemorrhages, blood light-red. No apoplexy— Pressing pain inwards . . Pulse slow during rest, but accelerated by every motion j becoming full and strong. Chill without thirst : heat with thirst . . Sepia. Dark hair — Haemorrhages, blood dark. Apoplexy — Pressing pain outwards. Pulse often irregular or trembling ; quick and full, also intermitt'g, at night ; dur'g day accelerated only by vexat'n or mot'n. Want of thirst predom. ; thirst appears dur'g chill & often also before & after the chill. Indecision — Malice ...... Ailments from vexation with fright Pupils dilated . Complaints predom. on upper lip . . . Hunger predominant — Urine too often, but scanty. Sexual desire lessened — Erections without desire. Catamenia predominantly scanty .... Respiration predom with moist sound . . Expectoration infrequent j during day . . Mood indiffer. ; serious ; peevish — Avarice. Ailments from shame or vexation with fear, rarely after fits of rage. Fancies— Insanity— Unconsciousness. Pupils contracted. Compl. predom. on under lip. Generally loss of appetite— Urine not often enough. Sexual desire changeable, with feeble ability. Catam. generally profuse, oft. also too scanty. Respiration predom. with dry sound. Expector. predom, but not constant; is loosened partic, night and morning, and generally swallowed. Remission after midnight & dur'g the day. Remission of complaints afternoon. Worse in cold weather, better in warm air. Worse (better) in cold weather orin warm air. Worse before a thunder-storm or during a Worse during new moon. storm, and during full moon. Worse when looking up Worse when looking over a large surface. Worse or better when straining the sight . Worse when straining the sight. Predominantly worse from bodily exertion. Improv. oftener than aggrav. by exertion. Worse out-doors, better in-doors .... Better (worse) out-doors or in-doors. Worse from smoking Better or worse from smoking. Better from eructation Almost always aggrav. Predominantly worse in bed Worse or better in bed. Worse on awaking from sleep Better after sufficient sleep, but worse on awaking when roused. Worse when getting out of bed .... Better or worse when getting out of bed. Better after getting out of bed .... Better or worse after get.ing out of bed. Worse when rising from a seat .... Worse or better when rising from a seat. Better (worse) when stretching out diseased Worse when stretching out diseased limb j limb, or when drawing it up. better when drawing it up. Better or worse from touch Almost always aggrav. by touch. Predcmin. worse Predomin. better In wet weather, when lyinsr on painful side, when turning in hed, after sleep, when getting out of bed. from motion, when walking, when moving diseased part, from bodily exertion, and from smoking. Predomin. better Predomin. vrorse In dry weather, when lying on unpainful side, during rest, when sitting & lying, from warmth of stove, and lrom eructation. Petroleum. Sulphur. Right side — Ulcerative pain in external parts, Left side — Ulcerative pain in internal, pinch pinching pain in internal par s — Piercing iug pain in external parts — Piercing pain pain inwards. outwards. Haemorrhages, blood light-red Haemorrhages, blood dark. Painful eruptions and ulcers Painless eruptions and ulcers. Pulse accelerated only by motion, becoming Pulse frequent, full, and hard ; sometimes in- full and strong. termitting or imperceptible. Chill without thirst ; heat with thirst . . . Thirst, mostly during heat ; during chill gen- erally want of thirst. Chill lessened after meals Chill increased after meals. Excitability — Maliciousness Being wrapt in thought — Mood changing; gentle ; indifferent ; serious ; peevish. No memory for what is around or present. . No memory for what recently transpired. CHg. Ailments from (vexation or) fright .... Ailments from (vexation) mortification, less frequently from anger or fright. Neither unconsciousness, delirium, nor fancies. Unconsciousness, delirium, and fancies. Imbecility (more freq. than insanity. CHg.) Insanity more frequent than imbecility. Pupils dilated — Compl. predom. in inner angle Pupils contracted — Complaints predom. in ex- of eye. temal angle of eye. Hunger predominant Generally loss of appetite. Desire for beer Desire for or aversion to beer & spirituous liquors. Yomit predominantly bilious Vomit sour oftener than bitter. Scrotum contracted Scrotum relaxed. C.Hg. Expectoration infrequent j during day . . . Expector. not constant ; morning and during day, less frequently at night. Remission during day and after midnight . . Remission afternoon and before midnight. Worse when in company, better when alone . Worse (better) when in company or alone. Worse in cold weather, better in warm air . Better (worse) in cold weather or in warm air. Predom. worse when growing cold, better Better (worse) when growing cold or warm. when growing warm. Worse after perspiring Worse or better after perspiring. Worse out-doors, better in-doors . . . . . Predom. better out-doors ; worse particularly in hot, crowded rooms.* Worse when moving diseased part .... AVorse or better when moving diseased part. Better or worse from touch Predom. worse from touch. Better (worse) when stretching out diseased Predom. worse when stretching out diseased part, or when drawing it up. part, better when drawing it up. Better when sitting down Better or worse when sitting down. AVorse when stooping, better when rising . Worse or better when stooping & when rising. AVorse from change of posture (when lying or Worse or better from change of posture. standing). Worse when looking up Worse looking down, partic. at runn'g water. AVorse when swallowing Worse or better when swallowing. Predom. worse on an empty stomach, better Better (worse) on an empty stomach or after after breakfast. breakfast. Worse or better after meals Worse after meals. AVorse after drinking . . Worse or better after drinking. Worse after stool AVorse or better after stool. Predomin. worse ^- — -^^ — — -^ Predomin. better From cold, out-doors, from motion, when walking. Predomin. better --— — — -^"^ — -—-^ Predomin. worse From warmth, in-doors,* dur'g rest, after lying down, when lying & sitt'g, & when lying after stoop'g. N.B. Sulph. rarely has the over-sensitiveness of Petrol, to pain ; the latter rarely has sensation of numb- ness in suffering parts. * Both remedies have improv. of symptoms "from warmth of stove." Petroleum. Thuya. Bight side — Constriction in external parts . Left side — Constriction in internal parts. Pulse slow during rest, but accelerated by Pulse slow and weak in the morning ; ac- every motion, full and strong. celerated and full in the evening. Congestion of blood to the ears .... Congestion of blood to the eyes. First chill, then heat First heat, then chill. Small-pox when developing imperfectly, the Small-pox, during their first development, pustules drying up. or pustules begin to fill up. Indecision — Weak reasoning powers . . . Seriousness — Haughtiness — A bsentmfnded- ness - Day-dreaming — Mentally quick, or weak reasoning powers. Pupils dilated Pupils contracted. Hunger predominant Loss of appetite predominant. Complaints predominant in the bladder . Complaints predominant in the kidneys. Urine often, but scanty; sediment white Urine too often and copious — Urinal sedi- or red. ment reddish. Sexual desire generally too weak .... Sexual desire prevalently strong. Catamenia predominantly too late . . . Catamenia prevalently too soon. Respiration generally with moist sound . . Respiration with dry sound. Expectoration infrequent ; during day . . Expectoration nearly constant; evening. Complaints predominant on sole of foot . Complaints predominant on top of foot. Remission during day and after midnight . Remission forenoon and before midnight. Worse in cold weather, better in warm air . Rett, (worse) in cold weather or in warm air. Worse when growing cold, better when Retter (worse) when growing cold or warm. growing warm. Worse on awaking from sleep Worse or better after sleep. Retter after getting out of bed . A . . Worse or better after getting out of bed. Worse when turning in bed Worse or better when turning in bed. Worse or better after eating Worse after eating. Worse after stool Better or worse after stool. Worse or better from touch Predominantly better from touch. Worse from moving diseased part . . . Retter or worse from moving the part. Predom. worse when bending diseased part. Better or worse when bending the part. Retter (worse) when stretching out diseased Predom. worse when stretching out the limb, or when drawing it up. limb, better when drawing it up. Worse or better when straining the sight . Worse when straining the sight. Worse when swallowing food Worse when swallowing saliva. Predomin. worse ^ — -— -^^ — ^-^. Predomin. better From cold, after sweat, from motion, when walking, when lifting diseased limb, when bending suffering part, on an empty stomach, and after stool. Predomin. better ""*■ -^ — - ^ Predomin. worse From warmth, partic. warmth of stove, during rest, wlren sitting andlying, when letting diseased limb hang down, and after breakfast. N.B. We very rarely find the over-sensitiveness of Petroleum to pain with Thuya. Phosphor. Pulsat. Upper right, lower left side — Haemorrhages, Upper left, lower right side — Haemorrhages, blood pale— Blood uncoagulable. blood dark, coagulated. Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy — Often Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis — Is indicated with old people. often indicated with children and women. Itching, lessen, oftener than aggr. by scratch'g. Itching, aggrav. or unchanged by scratching. Eruptions almost always dry — Wounds with Humid eruptions — Wounds with injury of injury of glands. bones. Pulse differs; irregular; quick, and at the Pulse generally frequent, small, and weak, same time generally full and hard. sometimes imperceptible. Sweat lessened during meals Sweat increased during meals. Sweat on lower or on front part of body — Want Chill on lower, sweat on back part of body — of thirst during all stages. Want of thirst only during chill. Compl. most frequent on external ear, on upper Compl. most frequ. in inner ear, on lower lip, lip, upper part of chest, & in palms of hands. - in lower part of chest, and on back of hand. Apathy with occasional fits of passion . . . Apathy with lachrymosity. Disposition insensible or sensitive. Sensitive disposition. Dreads beiug alone — Cheerfulness or dejec- Desire to be alone — Sadness — Gentleness — tion — Haughtiness — Irritability. Boldness — Avarice. Ailments from anger or vexation with vehe- Ailments from excessive joy, mortification, or mence. vexation with fear. Mental excitability — Active memory predom. Mental dullness — Weak memory. Insanity Melancholy. Stupefying headache, part, in the morning and Stupef. headache, part, in the even'g, in-doors, when moving ; bett. when lying & in cool air. & when lying ; better wh. walking in cool air. Optical illusions in dark or prismatic colors . Optical illusions in light colors. Growing black before the eyes when rising Growing black before the eyes while lying after lying. down. Putrid subjective smell predom Objective stench fr. nose ; subjective pleasant odor, or like an old catarrh. Aversion to herrings (salt-fish) Appetite for herrings. Nausea in stomach Nausea in throat, stomach, or abdomen. Pred. sour vomit — Pred. scentless, hot flatus. "Vomit bitter oftener than sour — Hot, fetid Diarrhoea generally painless .... . Diarrhoea generally painful. [flatus. Urine often, but scanty Urine not often enough and scanty. Catamenia predom. too soon ; at the same time Catamenia too late, of short duration, and profuse and of long duration, or too scanty generally too scanty. and of short duration. Expectoration not constant Expectoration predom., but not constant. Remission of complaints after midnight . . Remission from midnight till noon. Ailments from abuse of Todium or table-salt. Ailm. from Sulphur, Sulph. ac, Ferr., Plat., Worse or better while perspiring .... Worse while perspiring. [Stann., Argent. Worse or better during sleep Worse during sleep. Worse (better) when opening or closing eyes. Better when opening, worse closing eyes. Worse looking into light or at shining things. Worse when looking up. Worse when getting out of bed Better or worse when getting out of bed. Almost always improv. when sitting down . . Worse or better when sitting down. Worse wh. rising fr. a seat ; bett. afterwards. Worse or better when and after rising. Better or worse when stooping Predom. worse when stooping. Aim. alw. aggr. when assum'g an erect posit'n. Worse or better when assum. an erect posit'n. Worse or better from eating bread .... Worse from eating bread. Worse after stool Better or worse after stool. Worse when swallowing food and drink . . Worse when swallowing saliva ; often better when swallowing food, &c. Predomin. worse - ■*■ — . ^^ — -^-^. Predomin. belter From cold, from growing cold and in cold weather, from motion, when walking, when stretching out diseased limb, from bodily exertion, walking fast and ruuuing, from tying the clothes tight, when lyiusr on back or on painful side, from pressure, from washing or moistening suffering part, from 6our things, from vegetable diet, after stool, and when getting out of bed. Predomin. better - — ■* ^^ — " '■ — -^ Predomin. worse From warmth, from growing warm and in warm air, during rest, when standing:, sitting and lying, when drawing up diseased limb, from loosening the clothes, when lying on side, partic. when lying on unpainful side; from touch, from sweet things, from beer and spirituous liquors, after drinking in general, also after sleep, during twilight, from rubbing and scratching. Phosphor. Sulphur. Bight side, partic. upper right, lower left side. Left side, partic. upper left, lower right side. Ulcerative pain, or sensation as of a plug in Ulcerative pain, or sensation as of a plug in external, pinching pain in internal parts. internal, pinching pain in external parts. Hemorrhages, blood pale — Vesicles around Haemorrhages, blood dark — Itching, erysipelas the joints. or vesicles around the joints. Pulse'differs ; irregular Pulse quick, full, and hard. Sweat right s., on front or lower part of body. Sweat left s., on back or upper part of body. Itching lessened or aggrav. by scratching . . Itching almost always relieved by scratching. Sweaton lower part of body Heat on lower, sweat on upper part of body. Sweat often confined to front part of body . Sweat often only on back part of body. Chill increased in a warm room Chill abating in a warm room. Want of thirst during all stages Thirst mostly during heat; during chill gener- ally want of thirst. Cures warts, &c, by suppuration . . . Causes atrophy of warts. Complaints predom. in inner angle of eye, on Compl. pred. in external angle of eye, in inner external ear, on under lip, on shin. ear, on upper lip, and on the calf of leg. Disposition insensible or sensitive .... Sensitive disposition. Solicitude concerning the future Solicitude concerning the present. C.Hg. Joyousuess or dejection — Haughtiness. . . Mood sad; serious and solemn; gentle. Ailments from fright, anger (grief), or vexa- Ailments from mortification, hearing bad news, tion with vehemence. or vexation with fear, less fr. fright or anger. Easy or difficult comprehension Difficult comprehension predom. Mental excitability & active memory predom. Mental dullness — Weak memory. Hydrocephaloid of children Hydrocephalus acutus in children. C.Hg. Stye on lower lid . Stye on upper lid. C.Hg. Putrid subjective smell predom Objective stench from nose predom. Aversion to beer Desire for, or aversion to beer & spir. liquors. Predom. scentless flatus Fetid flatus. Urine often sour; smells often like Ammoniac. Urine acid. Catamenia predom. too soon Catamenia generally too late. Catam. suppressed, with milk in the breasts . Catamenia suppressed, with hemorrhoidal tu- Labor-pains too painful Labor-pains weak or ceasing. [mors. C.Hg. Milk generally increased Milk decreased. Nasal secretion thick or viscid Nasal secretion watery. Eemission of complaints after midnight . . Ailments from Ioclium or table-salt .... Generally worse when alone, bett. in company. Predom. worse when growing cold and in cold weather, better when growing warm and in warm air. Worse when sneezing, after perspiring, and from change of posture. Worse or better while perspiring, during sleep, after eating, partic. eating bread, and from eructation. Worse after stool Almost always improv. by touch "Worse looking into light or at shining things. Worse when swallowing food and drink . . Remission afternoon and before midnight. Ailments fr. metals or abuse of Cinchona, &c. Generally better when alone, worse in comp. Better (worse) when growing cold and in cold weather, or when grow'g warm & in warm air. Worse or better when sneezing, after spiring, and from change of posture, perspiring, during sleep, Worse while per- after eating, from eating bread, and from eructa- tion. Worse or better after stool. Worse or better from touch. Worse looking down, partic. at running water. Worse when swallowing food and saliva. Predomin. worse ——- -^- — -*->. Predomin. better From cold, but also from warmth of stove,* from warm diet, when alone, when lying on back, from motion, when walking, when getting out of bed, when letting diseased limb hang down, and from pressure. Predomin. better - — ■ — ■—- -^^ ** -— -^ Predomin. worse From warmth, from drinking cold water, from cold diet generally, when in company, when lyinir on side, during rest, when standing, sitting and lying, after t sleep, when lilting diseased limb, from touch, after drinking, from sweets, from beer and spirituous liquors. N.B. With Sulphur we very rarelv find the over-sensitiveness of Phospbor. to pain. * Both remedies have aggrav. of symptoms in hot crowded rooms. ■f Phosphor, also has an aggrav. after the siesta and on awaking when roused. Phosph. acid. Arsenic. Tension in external parts — Haemorrhages, blood dark. Paralysis generally one-sided No putrid fever Sweat on upper part of body, sensation of heat on lower part. Taciturnity, partic. during the sweating stage. Sweat increased when walking out-doors . Cold hands and warm feet Want of thirst predominant; thirst appears almost only during sweat. Complaints predominant on external ear, on soft palate, on fore-arm, on the outer side of thigh, and on shin. parts — Haemorrhages Tension in internal blood pale. Paralysis often of both sides. Putrid fever. Sweat or chill on lower part of body. Talkativeness during the sweat. C.Hg. Sweat lessened when walking out-doors. Cold feet and hot hands. Least thirst during chill, most during sweat. Complaints predominant in inner ear, on roof of mouth, on upper arm. on inner side of thigh, and on the calf of leg. Insensibility of disposition — Taciturnity — Sensitive disposition — Loquacity — Mood irrit- Mood gentle; less frequently irritated. able; malicious — Avarice. Ailments from shame, mortification, disap- Ailments from fright or vexation with fear or pointed love or jealousy. vehemence. Fancies . . Insanity. Eruption on under lip Eruption on upper lip. Dislike to bread Appetite for bread, partic. rye-bread. Urine too frequent and copious ; less frequently Urine scanty (with diarrhoea) or copious, scanty. Sexual desire feeble, even with erections . . Great sexual desire. Voice nasal Voice trembling. Expectoration nearly constant; morning . . Expectoration not constant ; during day. Remission - afternoon and before midnight . . Worse (better) from cold and when growing cold, or from .varmth and when grow'g warm. Generally worse in-doors and from warmth of stove, better out-doors. Worse during and after sweat . . . Predominantly worse after sleep . . . Predominantly worse in bed .... Worse when rising from stooping . . Better or worse when swallowing . . Worse after stool and after urinating . Worse or better when straining the sight Worse from light, better in the dark . Remission during day and before midnight. Worse from cold and when grow'g cold, better from warmth and when growing warm.* Generally better in-doors and from warmth of stove, worse out-doors. Worse or better during and after sweat. Better after sufficient sleep, but worse on awaking when roused. Better in bed (w r armth) or (rest) worse. Better or worse when rising. Worse when swallowing. Worse or better after stool and after urinating. Worse when straining the sight. Worse (better) from light or in the dark. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In-doors and from warmth of stove, from warmth of bed, warm diet, when standing and sitting erect, ■when letting diseased limb nana: down, when bending suffering part, after sleep, when getting oufc of bed, and when rising from stooping. Predomin. better - — - — — - — -**** — — -~-^ Predomin. worse Out-doors, when swallowing and eating, from cold diet.t when sitting bent forward, when lifting dis- eased limb, and from change of posture. * Both remedies have predominant aggravation in cold -weather, improvement in warm air. (But in cholerine it has been observed that Phosph. acid, is indicated more decidedly as soon as the weather becomes hot, while Veratrutu cor- responds to cholerine during cooler dnys, although this remedy is generally indicated after dry land-winds. C.Hg.) •f Both remedies have aggravation from drinking cold water. Phosphor, acid. Phosphor. Upper 1., lower r. side — Inclinat. for motion. Upper r., lower 1. side — Aversion to motion. Depression and exhaustion Alternat'nof oppos. states; more vivid react'n. Generally no pain Congest'n of blood to upp. parts; acute pains. Frequent aggrav. by depressing emotions . Agrav., partic. by external impressions, odors, thunder-storms, change of weather. Hemorrhages, blood dark Hemorrhages, blood light-red. Painless (cold) swelling of glands . . . Hot swelling of glands. Diseases of the periosteum Diseases of the bones (diaphyses). Wounds with injury of the bones . . . Wounds with injury of the glands. Emaciation, particularly of the feet . . . Emaciation, particularly of the hands. Somnolence Sleepin. dur'g day & nocturnal restlessness. Sensation of heat on lower part, sweat on Sweat on lower part and front of body, back of body. Heat, with aversion to uncover .... Heat, with inclination to uncover. Pulse generally frequent, small, and weak . P. generally frequent or quick, full, & hard. Thirst almost only during sweat .... Constant want of thirst. Eruptions, particularly on parts not covered. Erupt's (petechias), partic. on parts covered. Complaints predom. on lower eyelids, on Complaints preclom. on upper eyelids, on upper jaw and upper teeth, in lower part lower jaw and lower teeth, in upper part of chest, and on tip of elbow. of chest, and in the hollow of elbow. Kerv. fevers with depress'n — No putrid fever. Erethic typhus— Pneumo-typh. — Putr.fev'r. Dejection predominant Taciturn indifference ; cross ; lachrymose . Mood gentle; very rarely irritable . . . Ailments from shame, mortification, disap- pointed love or jealousy, and from vexa- tion with reserved displeasure. Difficult comprehension — Mental dullness — Imbecility. Eyes sunken, lustreless — Pupils mostly dilat. Stye on upper lid Repugnance for sour things — Appetite for milk or beer. Nausea in throat, less frequent in stomach . Urine oft. & copious, only exception'y scanty. Not much sex. des. — Erect's without salacity. Catamenia profuse — Milk scanty or spoiled. Voice nasal — Cough partic. in the morn'g (with expectoration) and in the evening (without expectoration). Joyousness (predom.) or melancholy. Irritable disposition; irascibility. Chang'g mood — Haughtiness — Amorousn. Ailments in consequence of fright, anger, or vexation with vehemence. Easy or difficult comprehension — Mental excitability — Ecstasies — Insanity — Yery rarely imbecility. E. protrud., bright — Pupils mostly contract. Stye on lower lid. C.Hg. Appetite for sour things — Aversion to milk or beer. Nausea in stomach. Urine often, but scanty. Incr. sex. desire— Erect's with strong desire. Catam. profuse or scanty — Milk increased. Y. trembl'g or hiss'g — Cough partic. in the even'g & dur'g night, & then dry ; in the morn'g & during day with expectoration. Remission afternoon and before midnight . Worse before and when passing urine . . Improved oftener than aggrav. by change of posture. Ailments from Lachesis • Ailm. from abuse of table-salt or Iodium. Remission of complaints after midnight. Worse when and after passing urine. Worse from change of posture. Predomin. worse — ■*- -""^ — — — . Predomin. belter After* sleep, during rest, when standing and sitting, in dry weather, from drinking cold water, and from uncovering. Predomin. better — - — — -^"^» — — ^ Predomin. worse From motion, from change of posture (when lying or standing), in wet weather, & from wrapping up. * On awaking, when roused from sleep, Phosphorus has aggravation ; the same after the siesta. Phosphor, acid. Pulsatilla. Inclination for motion — Shuns the open air . Aversion to motion — Inclination for open air. Want of bodily irritability — Painless swelling Increased irritability — Painful, hot swelling of of glands. glands. No apoplexy Apoplexy. Sweat increased when walking out-dors . . Sweat lessened when walking out-doors. Sensation of heat on lower part of body — Heat on upper part of body; chill on lower Pulse more irregular than with Pulsat. part. Pulse affected by coffee and tea Pulse affected by beer and coffee. C.Hg. Thirst almost only during sweat Want of thirst predom., but constant only during chill. Complaints most frequent on external ear, on Complaints predom. on inner ear, on lower upper jaw. upper teeth, on soft palate, on jaw, lower teeth, on roof of mouth, on upper fore-arm, and on tip of elbow. arm, and in the hollow of elbow. Disposition insensible Disposition sensitive. Ailm. from (grief, mortification) disappointed Ailments from (grief, mortification) excessive love or jealousy, from shame or vexation joy, fright or vexation with dread or fear. with reserved displeasure. Imbecility Melancholy. Yertigo, inclin'g to fall forwards or backwards. Vertigo, inclining to fall backwards. Pupils predom. dilated Pupils generally contracted. Appetite for milk Aversion to milk. Nausea, partic. in throat, less freq, in stomach. Nausea in throat, stomach or abdomen. Sour vomit .... Vomit bitter oftener than sour. Diarrhoea painless Diarrhoea generally painful. Urine too often and copious ; less freq. scanty Urine not often enough and scanty. Sexual desire weak — Erections without desire. Sexual desire strong — Erections with desire. Catamenia too soon and too profuse . . . Catamenia too late, and generally too scanty. Milk decreased Milk generally increased. Expectoration nearly constant ; morning . . Expect, not constant ; morning & during day. Aggravation from midnight till noon, and in Aggravation from noon till midnight. the evening. Worse (better) from cold and growing cold, Better from cold & when growing cold ; worse or from warmth and when growing warm. from warmth and when growing warm. Worse when assuming an erect position, and Worse or better when assuming an erect posi- when rising from a seat. tion and when rising from a seat. Better after rising from a seat Worse or tetter after rising from a seat. AY orse when getting out of bed Better or worse when getting out of bed. Worse or better after getting out of bed . . Generally improved after getting out of bed. Predom. better when sitting down .... Better or worse when sitting down. Worse when sitting erect, better when sitting Generally better when sitting erect, worse bent forward. when sitting bent forward. Generally better from change of posture, when Generally worse from change of posture. lying or standing. Better when moving diseased part .... Better or worse when moving the part. Worse when bending diseased part .... Better or worse when bending the part. Worse from bodily exertion, running, &c. . . Tredom. improv. by exertion. Worse or better when straining the sight . . Worse when straining the sight. Predom. better when eating Almost always aggrav. by eating. Worse after eating Worse or better after eating. Worse from drinking cold water Generally better from drinking cold water Predom. better when swallowing .... Generally worse when swallowing. Worse after stool Better or worse after stool. Predomin. worse ^- — — « >^*> — -^^ Predomin. better In cold dry weather, from uncovering, when lying on painful side, when sitting erect, when getting out of bed, from bodily exertion, after meals, after eating sour things, from drinking cold water.* after stool, and from tying the clothes tight. Predomin. better -— — -^■^__-^"^^^^- — " .. Predomin. worse In warm and moist air, from wrapping up, when lying on unpainful side, when sitting bent forward, from change of posture (lying or standing), when swallowing f and eating, and from loosening the clothes. * Both remedies have improv. from cold diet in general, and aggrav. of complaints from warm diet. t Phosphor, has: worse when swallowing food; Pulsat. : worse when swallowing saliva. Phosph. acid. Complaints predom. in internal parts . . No apoplexy — Paralysis generally one-sided First chill, then heat Thirst almost only during sweat .... Pulse generally frequent, small and weak . Sepia. Pulse affected by coffee and tea Complaints predom. in external parts. Apoplexy — Paralysis generally of both sides. First heat, then chill. Thirst constant only dur'g cold stage of fever.* Pulse frequent and full at night; during day accelerated only by vexation or motion ; sometimes trembling. , Pulse affected by drinking beer. CHg. Taciturnity — Gentleness Ailments from disappointed love or jealousy, from shame, mortification, grief, or vexation with reserved displeasure. Imbecility Hair hanging down like flax, but greasy . . Pupils generally dilated — Short-sightedness . Complaints most frequent on external ear . . Appetite for milk — Sour vomit Urine predom. pale ; too often and copious . Sexual desire weak — Erection without desire. Catamenia too soon Expectoration almost constant ; morning . . Loquacity — Irritable mood — Avarice. Ailments from vexation with fear ; less fre- quently after anger or disappointed, love. Complaints predom. on shin. Insanity or imbecility — No delirium. Hair tangled. Pupils contracted — Far-sightedness. Complaints most frequent in internal ear. Aversion too milk — Predom. bitter vomit. Urine predom. dark — Discharge of urine too seldom. Sexual desire changeable — Ability feeble even with inclination. Catam. generally too late. Expector. not constant; is loosened, partic. night and morning, and generally swallowed. Compl. generally on calf of leg. Bemtsston afternoon and before midnight . . Eemtssion of compl. afternoon. Worse in cold weather, better in warm air . Worse (better) in cold weather or in warm air. Worse (better) from cold and when growing Predom. worse from cold & when growing cold, cold, or from warmth and when grow'g warm. better from warmth and when grow'g warm. Worse when perspiring and after meals . . Worse or better when perspiring & after meals. Worse or better ween straining the sight . . Worse when straining the sight. Worse from bodily exertion Better or worse from exertion. Worse when closing the eyes, better when Better (worse) when closing or when opening opening them. the eyes. Predom. worse after sleep Better after sufficient sleep, but worse on awaking when roused. Worse when getting out of bed Worse or letter when getting out of bed. Worse or better after getting out of bed . . Predom. better after getting out of bed. Worse when rising from a seat Worse or better when rising from a seat. Better when eating ; worse afterwards . . . Better when drinking, worse afteriuards. Predomin. worse ^-—~ — — »- ^^ — — ^ Predomin. better From -warmth of bed, after sleep, when lyina; on painful side, when sitting erect, when rising from stoop. ing, from bodily exertion, after breakfast, from drinking cold water,! and when geitiug out of bed. Predomin. better Predomin. worse When lying on unpainful side, when sitting bent forward, from pressure, on an empty stomach, when swallowing and eating. N.B. Over-sensitiveness to pain is much more frequent with Sepia than with Phosph. acid. * Want of thirst is predom. with both remedies. f Boih remedies have predom. improv. from cold diet in general, aggrav. from warm diet. Phosphor, acid. Sulphur. External parts become black — Pinching pain Red parts become white — Pinching pain in in internal parts. external parts. Compl. predom. on lower eyelids, in inner Compl. predom. on upper eyelids, in external angle of eye. on external ear, in lower part angle of eye, in inner ear, in upper part of of "chest, on tip of elbow, on outer side of chest, in hollow of elbow, on patella, on inner thigh, and on shin. side of thigh, and on the calf. Paralysis generally one-sided Paralysis often of both sides. Pulse" generally frequent, small, and weak ; Pulse quick, full, and hard, irregular. External chill, with internal heat Internal chill, with external heat. Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover . . Heat or sweat, with inclination to uncover. Cold hands and warm feet Hot hands and cold feet. "Want of thirst predom., except during sweat. Thirst predom., but not constant. Insensibility of disposition — Mood rarely Sensitive disposition — Mood changing. irritable. Ailments from disappointed love or jealousy. Ailments from vexation with fright or fearj from grief, shame, or vexation with reserved less frequently from anger. displeasure. Faculty of thinking is weak in the morning . Faculty of thinking is weak in the evening — Rarely unconsciousness. Imbecility Insanity more frequent than imbecility. Hair too greasy, like flax; easily turns grey . Hair too dry. Pupils generally dilated Pupils generally contracted. Eruption on lower lip Eruption on upper lip. Desire for beer and spirituous liquors . . . Desire for or aversion to beer and spirituous liquors. Appetite for milk — Xausea in throat . . . Aversion to milk — Xausea in stomach. Urine too often and copious; less frequently Urine often, but scanty; copious only after scanty. large doses. Catamenia too soon and profuse Catam. generally too late and scanty. Expectoration almost constant ; morning . . Expector. not constant ; morning and during day, less frequently at nigbt. Remission before midnight Remission" before midnight, but much less im- portant than the remission of Phosph. acid, symptoms. "Worse in cold weather, better in warm air . Better (worse) in cold weather or in warm air. Worse (better) from cold or from warmth . . Predom. better from cold, worse from warmth. Predom. worse on expiration Predom. worse on inspiration. Worse when looking into the light .... W. when look'g down, partic. at runn'g water. Worse in warm rooms ..." Better from warmth of stove; but worse in hot, crowded rooms. "Worse when assuming an erect position and Worse or better when assuming an erect po- after sweat. sition and after sweat. Generally better from change of posture Generally worse from change of posture. (lying or standing). Better when nioviup; diseased part .... Worse or better when moving diseased part. Better on an empty stomach, worse after "Worse (better) on an emyty stomach or after breakfast. breakfast. Predom. better when eating "Worse or better when eating. "Worse after stool "Worse or better after stool. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In dry weather, from uncovering, -when setting out of bed, when sitting erect, when letting diseased limb hang down, and from warm diet. Predomin. better — —■ . ^\ — — -~ Predomin. worse In wet weather, from wrapping up,* when sitting bent forward, when lifting diseased limb, from cold diet,| when swallowing, and from change of posture (wheD lying or standing). * Both remedies have predom. aggrav. from warmth of hed. f Both remedies have aggrav. of symptoms from drinking cold water. Platina. Park hair — Skin and muscles rigid Pains pressing- inwards .... Neither apoplexy nor paralysis . Spasms with full consciousness . Sleeplessness after midnight . . Pulse small and weak, often trembling External chill, with internal heat . . Thirst, particularly during heat . . Pains increase gradually, and decrease iu in like manner. Lycopodium. Light hair — SMn and muscles lax. Pain pressing outwards. A poplexy — Paralysis . Spasms with unconsciousness. Sleeplessness prevalent before midnight, Pulse somewhat accelerated only in the evening and after meals. Internal chill, with external heat. Thirst is wanting only during chill. Pains appear suddenly, and disappear in like manner. Joyous or dejected ; haughty; malicious . Ailments from shame, indignation, or vexa- tion with fright. Mental excitability — Ecstasies Complaints predominant in the spleen , . Catamenia too soon and profuse . . . . Xo expectoration with the cough, Gentlen. or irritability — Distrust — Avarice. Ailments from grief or vexation with re- served displeasure. Mental dullness predominant — Imbecility. Complaints predominant in the liver. Catamenia too late ; at the same time scanty or profuse. Expectoration almost constant; morning and evening. Aggravation evening and (after mid- Aggravation morning and from noon till night). midnight. Worse when growing warm and in warm Better (worse) when growing warm and in air, better when growing cold and in cold warm air, or when growing cold and in weather. cold weather. "Worse when looking up Worse when looking at anything revolv- ing.* Worse when stooping Better or worse when stooping. Worse when assuming an erect position, in Worse or better when assuming an erect bed, and from warmth of bed. position, in bed, and from warmth of bed. Almost always improved when getting out Worse or better when getting out of bed of bed or rising from a seat. or rising from a seat. Better when sitting down Worse or better when sitting down. Better or worse when eating Predominantly worse when eating. Worse after stool Worse or better after stool. Predomin. worse -— — *— - /N ^- — — Predomin. better In the shade or dark, on an empty stomach, when ascending, and when stoopirjg. Predomin. toettfer ^ — ^» — — - ~-^. Predomin. worse From light, after breakfast, when descending, when rising from a seat, and after sleep. N.B. Platina lacks the over-sensitiveness of Lycopodium to pain. * Compare note to diagnosis of Petroleum and Lycopodium. 27 Platina. Pulsatilla. Complaints of external parts predominant . Complaints of internal parts predominant. Consequences of poisoning by lead . . . Ailments from Copper vapors — Apo- plexy — Paralysis. Pains pressing inwajds Pains pressing outwards. Insensibility of skin Sensitiveness of skin. C.Hg. Ulcers with scanty discharge Ulcers with copious discharge of pus. Pain increases and decreases gradually . . P. appears suddenly, and disapp. gradually. Sleeplessness after midnight Sleeplessness before midnight. Awaking too soon Awaking too late. Pulse sometimes trembling Pulse sometimes intermitting ; generally accelerated. One-sided heat, left side One-sided heat, right side. C<>ld on suffering part Heat on suffering part. Thirst, particularly during heat .... Want of thirst predominant, but is con- stant only during chill. Chill increased in the open air Chill abated in the open air. Complaints of upper lip, spleen, upper part Complaints of under lip, liver, lower part of chest, and fore-arm predominant. of chest, and upper arm predominant. Joyonsness or dejection — Haughtiness — Calm sadness of mild dispositions — Indif- Maliciousness. ference — Boldness — Good-naturedness — Avarice — Distrust. Mental excitability — Ecstasies— Insanity . Mental dullness — Melancholy. Ailments from shame, anger, or vexation Ailments from excessive joy, grief, or vexa- with indignation. tion with reserved displeasure. Mania from onanism M. from suppressed menstruat'n. Grauvogl. Disturbed state of mind, also religious, with Melancholy, from suppressed catamenia or taciturnity, haughtiness, voluptiousness, other secretions, with lachrymose sad- and cruelty. ness.* Convulsions, particularly during catamenia, Convulsions after suppressed catamenia. or better during catam. Generally loss of appetite Predominantly hunger. Constipation predominant— When diarrhoea Diarrhoea predominant; generally painful. occurs, it is painless. Catamenia too soon and too profuse . . . Catamenia too late and generally too scanty. •Cough without expectoration ..... Expectoration predominant, but not con- stant ; morning and during day. Aggravation particularly evening and after Aggravation from noon till midnight, midnight. Worse on an empty stomach Sometimes better, but oftaner aggravated after eating. Better after sleep Aggrav. oftener than improved after sleep. Wurse after passive motion (riding) . . Worse after active motion. Ailments from Plumbum Ailments from Cuprum, Mercur., Snlph., etc. Predomin. worse — - — - — — ^__--^-— — - —--^ Predomin. bolter On inspiration, when opening the eyes, when stretching out diseased limb, when lying on painful side, and from pressure. TPredomin. tietter -— *-»^^-^^-^— ^< — -. Predomin. worse On expiration,! when closing the eyes, when drawing up diseased limb, when lying on unpainful side, from rubbing and scratching, from light and the sun, from eructation, and after sleep. N.B. Platina lacks the over-sensitiveness of Pulsatilla to pain. * Satiety of life, and at the same time dread of death, is found with hoth remedies. | Pulsatilla has improvement as well as aggravation when "takiDg a deep breath." Platina. Rhus Inclination for open air — Pain pressing Aversion to open air — Pain pressing out- inwards, wards. Ansemie Generally plethora. Dark hair — Haemorrhages, blood dark . . Light hair — Haemorrhages, blood pale. Pain increases and decreases gradually . . Pain appears suddenly & disapp. gradually. Insensibility of skin Sensitiveness of skin. C.Hg. Ulcers, with scanty discharge Ulcers, with copious discharge, partic. on dropsical legs, with constant discharge of the water. Pulse more regular than with Rhus . . . Pulse not so regular as with Platina. Sleeplessness after midnight — Awaking too Sleeplessness more before midnight — Awak- early. ing too late. Heat or sweat, with inclination to uncover. Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover. Thirst, partic. during hot stage .... Thirst not constant. Mood changing; cheerful or depressed; malicious — Haughtiness. Mental excitability — Ecstasies — Insanity . Apoplexy or paralysis not yet observed . Costiveness predom. ; when diarrhoea occurs, it is painless. There is no expectoration with the cough . Compl. predom. in upper part of chest . . Mood sad & despondent; rarely peevish — Rarely amorousness. Mental dullness — Rarely insanity. Apoplexy — Paralysis. Diarrhoea generally painful. Expector. not constant ; morning. Compl. predom. in lower part of chest. Aggravation evening and after midnight. Aggravation evening, night, and morning. Worse when looking up Worse when looking down. Predom. better from light and in the sun ; Worse from light ; better in the dark. worse in the shade. Worse in bed Better or worse in bed. Generally better after sleep Generally worse after sleep. Generally worse when lying on side; better Better when lying on side; worse when when lying on back. lying on back. Predom. bett. when k after gett'g out of bed. Worse or bett. when & after gett'g out of bed. Better when sitting down Worse or better when sitting down. Predom. better when rising from a seat . Worse or better when rising from a seat. Better after rising from a seat .... Worse or better after rising from a seat. Worse when moving diseased part . . . Better or worse when moving the part. Worse when bending diseased part . . . Worse or better when bending the part. W r orse after eating Worse or better after eating. Worse after stool Better or worse after stool. Consequences of mental exertion .... Consequences of bodily exertion. C.Hg. Ailments in consequence of poisoning with Ailments from Bryonia, Ranunculus, Rbo- Plumbum. dodendron, Tart, emet., etc. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From warmth, from growing w^frm and in warm air, in-doors and from warmth of stove, in bed, when lying on painful side, lying on the side in general, when stretching out diseased limb or letting it hang down, when moving suffering part, from wrapping up, from pressure, after stool, in the shade, resp. in the dark. Predomin. better Predomin. worse From cold, from growing cold and in cold weather, out-doors,* after sleep, when lying on unpainful side, when lying on back, when drawing or lifting up diseased limb, from uncovering, when ris- ing from a seat, from eructation, and from light. * When "walking out-doors" Rhus also has irnprov., principally in consequence of the motion. Platina. Inclination for open air — Pain pressing inwards. Spasms with full consciousness .... Neither apoplexy nor paralysis .... Sleeplessness after midnight Pulse small and weak j more regular than with Sepia. Cold on suffering part Thirst, partic. during the hot stage of fever. Sepia, Aversion to open air — Pain pressing out- : wards. Spasms with unconsciousness. Apoplexy — Paralysis. Sleeplessness preval. before midnight. Pulse quick and full, also intermitting, at night ; during the day accelerated only by vexation and motion. Sweat on diseased part. Want of thirst ; but during the chill thirst usually appears. Taciturnity — Moodalternat. ; cheerfulorde- Loquacity — Mood sad and despondent; m- press'd ; haughty; malicious — Amorousn. different; irritable — Avarice. Haughty contempt of one's family . . . Indifference towards one's family. C.Hg. Ailments from shame or mortification . . Ailments from disappointed love, vexation. Mania from onanism Mania from profuse menstruation. Grauvogl. Mental excitability ; ecstasies ; insanity . Mental dullness — Imbecility or insanity — No delirium. Short-sightedness Far-sightedness. Compl. predom. on upper lip, in the spleen. Compl. predom. on lower lip & in the liver. Urine predominantly pale Urine predom. dark. Sterility — Catamenia too soon .... Impotence — Catam. generally too late. No expectoration with the cough . . . . Expector. predom., but not constant; is loosened night & morn'g, & is generally swallowed. ■ Remission morning, during day, and before midnight. Predom. better from light and in the sun ; worse in the shade. Better in cold weather, worse in warm air. Worse when lying down and in bed . . . Almost always improv. when and after get- ting out of bed. Predom. better when rising from a seat . Worse from bodily exertion Worse on inspiration, better on expiration. Better or worse when eating .... Worse after eating Costiveness from travelling in cars . . Ailments from poisoning with Plumbum Remission of complaints afternoon. Worse from light ; better in the dark. Worse (bett.) in cold weather or in warm air. Worse or better when lying clown & in bed. Better or worse when & after getting out of bed. Worse or better when rising from a seat. Improv. often er than aggrav. by exertion.* Generally better on inspiration, worse on expiration. Worse when eating. Worse or better after eating. While travelling in cars headache, nausea, anxiousness, fainting. C.Hg. Ailm fr. abuse of Sulph., Mereur., or Cinch. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From warmth and when growing warm, from warmth of bed, from wrapping up, when turning in bed, when lying on side, partic. lying on painful side, when rising from stooping, when moving dis- eased part, from bodily exertion, on inspiration, and in the shade, resp. in the dark. Predomin. better —- --— ^^_-^^~^_^. — -^ Predomin. worse From cold and when growing cold, from uncovering, when lying on back or when lying on uupainful side, on expiration, from light, and from rubbing and scratching. N.B. Platina lacks the over-sensitiveness of Sepia to pain ; the latter almost always lacks the sensation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Platina. * Bah remedies have headache very much increased by the least motion. C.Hg. Plumbum. Lycopodium. Park hair — Skin & muscles predom. rigid, Light hair — Skin and muscles lax. Pain piercing inwards — Stitches in internal Pain piercing outwards — Stitches in external parts. parts. Compl. predom. on outside of nose, on lower Compl. predom. on inside of nose, on upper gum, on upper arm, and thigh. gum, on fore-arm, and on leg. The whole left side as if "gone to sleep" . The whole right side "gone to sleep." Paralysis more frequent than apoplexy . . Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis. Painful paralysis predominant Painless paralysis. Pulse generally slow, small, compressed ; Pulse somewhat accelerated only in the more irregular than with Lycop. ; some- evening and after meals. times intermitting. Thirst constant Thirst is wanting only during chill. Harely dejection — Rarely amorousness . . Mood changing; peevish; irritable; mali- cious — Avarice — Haughtiness* Xo fancies — Rarely unconsciousness . . . Absent-mindedness — Fancies. Imbecility more frequent than insanity . . Insanity more frequent than imbecility. Appetite for bread Aversion to bread, partic. to rye-bread. Vomiting bile Yomit sour oftener than bitter* Urine not often enough and scanty , . . Urine too often, but scanty. Prostatorrhcea Seminal emissions predom. Catamenia too soon . . ' Catamenia too late. Fluent coryza predominant Coryza dry oftener than fluent. Remission of complaints forenoon . . . Remission after midnight and forenoon. Worse when in company ; better when alone. Worse (better) when in company or alone. Worse when looking up Worse wh. look'g at anyth'g which revolves. Worse (better) when ascending or de- Predom. better when ascending, worse when scending. descending. Worse when stooping and when rising . . Better or worse when stooping ; worse or better when rising. Worse when sneezing Worse or better when sneezing. Worse when perspiring and in bed . . . Worse or better when perspiring; the same when in bed. Brandy is a relative preventive of lead-colic. Complaints from spirituous liquors. Worse or better from eructation .... Better from eructation. Generally better after stool Generally worse after stool. Better in cloudy weather Worse in wet weather. Better from exertion, tension of the ab- Worse from exertion, drawing in the ab- dominal muscles, etc. domen, etc. Predomin. worse -— — -^ — — -«. Predomin. better From motion, when walking, when sitting bent forward, when stooping, from eructation, in extended posture, and before breakfast. Predomin. better — — ■— ^- — — " ^ "- — Predomin. worse During rest, when standing, sitting erect, when lying, in contracted posture, after breakfast, from touch & pressure, from brandy, with a cold in the head, in cloudy weather & from bodily exert'n, after stool. N.B. Plumbum lacks the sensation of numbness in suffering parts, which is frequent with Lycopodium. Plumbum. Pulsatilla. Upper right, lower left side— Aversion to Upper left, lower right side— Inclination open air. t for open air. _ Paralysis (particularly of extensores) much Apoplexy oftener than paralysis, oftener than apoplexy. . * . Painful paralys— Painless swell'g of glands. Painless paralysis— Painful swell'g of glands. Itching relieved by sratching Itch'g, unchanged or aggrav. by scratch'g. Insensibility of skin Sensitiveness of skin. C.Hg. Pulse very different; unequal; generally Pulse predom. frequent, small, and weak ; slow small, and compressed. sometimes imperceptible. Cold on suffering part Heat on suffering part. Partial sweat on front part of body . . . Partial sweat on back of body. Chill increased by motion & in the open air. Chill, lessened by motion & m the open air. Thirst constant Want of thirst predom., but is constant only during chill. Rarely dejectedness— Rarely amorousness. Mood changing; indifferent; peevish — Boldness — Avarice. Rarely unconsciousness — Imbecility more Absent-mindedness — Fancies — Melancholy. frequent than insanity. Subjective putrid smell Objective stench from nose, or subjective pleasant odor, or smell of old catarrh. Saliva generally diminished ...... Saliva generally increased. Appetite for bread — Constipation predom. Aversion to bread— Diarrhoea predom. ^ Retention of urine Incontinence oftener than retention of urine. Remission of colic after stool Bellyache after stool. Catamenia too soon and generally profuse. Catam. too late and generally scanty. Milk decreased Milk generally increased. Expectoration almost constant .... Expectoration not constant. Complaints predom. on thigh Complaints predom. on leg. Remission of complaints forenoon . . . Remission from midnight till noon. Better with fluent coryza Worse with cold in head. Worse when taking a deep breath . . . Better or worse when taking a deep breath. Worse when stooping and when rising . . Worse or better when stoop'g & when ris'g. Worse or better when getting out of bed . Better or worse when getting out of bed. Better after rising from bed or a seat . . Better or worse after ris'g fr bed or a seat. Worse when bending suffering part . . Better or worse when bend'g suffer'g part. Worse when stretching out diseased limb, Generally better when stretching out dis- better when drawing it up. eased limb, worse when drawing it up. Worse when swallowing Worst or better when swallowing ; in the latter case worse after swallowing.* Worse after eating Worse or better after eating. Lead-colic is relatively prevented by alco- Compl. from brandy and other spirituous holic drinks. liquors. Predomin. worse — - — — — . -^^ ^- Predomin. better From motion, when walking, on inspiration, when bending suffering part sideways, when stretching out diseased limb, from cold diet. Predomin. better "— -^^ — ~^— Predomin. worse Dunn remedies have predom. ag^rav. in-doors generally and improv. of complaints in the open air. f Boih remedies have predom. aggrav. in led generaUy. Rhododendron. Rhus. Desire for open air — Pains press'g inwards. A ^ers'n to open air — Pains press'g outwards. Pains also in the bones, in small spots; Pains chiefly in the joints; spreading a radiating from place to place. great deal ; cramping pains. C.Hg. No apoplexy — Very rarely paralysis . . Apoplexy — Paralysis of limbs. Cold swelling of glands Hot, painful swelling of glands. Sleeplessness after midnight ; awaking too Sleeplessness predomin. before midnight ; early. awaking too late. Pleasant dreams predom Anxious dreams. Pulse often unchanged ; slow and weak . Pulse generally small, weak, often weak & accelerated, often irregular, sometimes intermitting or trembling. Heat on upper part of body — Congestion Chill or heat on upper part of body — Con- of blood to the ears. gestion to the eyes. Thirst is generally wanting Thirst not constant. Compl. predom. on lower lip and on shin . Compl. predom. on upper lip & on calf of leg. Painless diarrhoea Diarrhoea mostly painful. Urine greenish Urine whitish, muddy. C.Hg. Sexual desire lessened at first, later increased. Erections at night, towards morning. C.Hg. Coryza oftener dry than fluent .... Fluent coryza. Expector. rather seldom ; partic. at night. Expector. not const. ; partic. in the morn'g. Remission during day and before midnight. Remission of complaints during day. Aggrav. before a thunder-storm .... Aggrav. during increasing moon. Worse or Letter in bed . Better or worse in bed. Worse when getting out of bed; almost Better or worse when getting out of bed; always improv. afterwards. worse or better afterwards. After the least exercise, great dejection and Pains relieved after moving. C.Hg. painful weariness. Worse when rising from a seat; better Worse or better when rising from a seat ; afterwards. better or worse afterwards. Better when sitting down Better or worse when sitting down. Better when moving diseased part, worse Better or worse when moving the part, when bending it. worse or better when bending it. Pains on moving during the transition from Pains worse when reposing after motion. rest to motion. C.Hg. Worse after eating and drinking .... Worse or better after eating and drinking. Better or worse from eructation .... Worse from eructation. Worse after stool Better or worse after stool. Predomin. worse — ** -^- — — — " -^ Predomin. belter In-doors, in bed, when lying on painful side, when descending, from warm diet, and after stool. Predomin. better - ' — -"^ — — — -^ Predomin. worse In the open air,* after getting out of bed, when lying on unpainful side, when ascending, from cold diet, after sleep, irom washing and moistening suffering part. N.B. With both remedies the compl. of the limbs extend from the right to the left side, both have desire for motion with the pain, the patient cannot let the limb rest, and motion improv. somewhat; both have pain after taking cold, Rhus alone after gett'g wet through • Rhus alone also has compl. after over-lifting and spraining; ; Rhododendron alone, on the other hand, aggrav. of all com- plaints, even dysentery before a thunder-storm. C.Hg. * Both remedies have predom. improv. when walking in the open air. Rhus, Lachesis. Blood coagulates easily Muscles rigid — Desire for motion .... Haemorrhages, blood bright-red — Pale or scarlet-red swellings Painless ulcers with copious discharge*. . Cutting pain in external parts Anxious dreams — Awaking late .... Pulse pred.. affected by beer (brandy, coffee). Thirst not constant Complaints predom. on outside of nose, on back of hand, and on calf of leg. Blood incoagulable. Muscles lax — Disinclination for motion. Hsemorrk., blood dark-red — Blueisb black swellings, (dark-blue blisters. C.Hg.) Painful ulcers with scanty discharge. Cutting pains in internal parts. Pleasant dreams — Awaking too early. Pulse pred. affected by wine & brandy. C.TTg. Want of thirst predom. ; thirst particularly before the cold stage. Complaints predom. on the inside nose, in palm of haud, and on shin. Sadness — Dejection — Very rarely amorous- ness. Difficult comprehension ; rarely dullness Mania very seldom Ailments from vexation with dread or fear Satiety of life with fear of death . . . Dislike for wine ; but appetite for beer . Aggrav. by spirituous drinks .... Diphtheria : awaking frequently, rising and complaining of pain in the throat ; during sleep, bloody saliva runs out of the mouth ; parotid or other glands swollen ; trans- parent jelly-like discharges with or after the stool. Raue. Diarrhoea generally painful Cat am. too profuse and of long duration. With suppressed menstruation, milk in the breasts. Cheerfulness — Irritability — Malice — Dis- trust. Haughtiness — Easy comprehension — Men- tal excitability— Ecstasies. Unconsciousness or fancies very seldom. Ailm. from fright, disapp. love or jealousy. Satiety of life with longing for death. Generally desire for wine. Spirituous drinks aggrav. the complaints ; in cases of poisoning, however, (bite of snake) they improve. Diphtheria: worse after sleep, partic. in the morning ; exsudative patches on the ton- sils, particularly left side ; cannot bear the throat to be touched ; small, soft or thin, very offensive stools. C.Hg. Diarrhoea painless. Catam. of too short duration and generally too scanty. With suppressed menstrua- tion, toothache, or menstruation scanty and bleeding from anus. C.Hg. Xasal secretion thick Nasal secretion watery. Respiration frequent and deep Respiration slow (with apoplexy it is blow- Cough, partic. in the evening till midnight. Expector. not constant, partic. in the morn. ing\ puffing. C.Hg.) Cough loosens in the morning & during day. Exp. rather seldom, is generally swallowed. Aggravation from evening till morning . Worse during increasing moon .... Predom worse when swallowing, partic. swallowing saliva and food ; often better, however, when swallowing drink, if it is not cold. Worse in snowy air Predomin. worse From coid diet, from coffee, during sleep, f when taking a deep breath, from shaking the head, and when lying on unpainful side. Predomin. better ^ ■ . <^> . — " -^^ Predomin. worse From warm diet, from moderate pressure, when lying on the painful side. N.B. Rhus never has over-sensitiveness to pain, which sometimes occurs with Lachesis ; the latter never has sensation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Rhus. Sensitiveness to touch, however, is louud with both remedies, (partic. with Lach. C.Hg.) * Partic. ou dropsical le^s, with spontaneous, constant discharge of " the water," (the same as in Lycopod C.He.) t Aggrav. as well as improv. occur with both remedies "after sleep," but yet aggrav. pred., (part, with Lach. C.Hg.) Aggravation from noon till midnight. Worse before a thunder-storm. Better or worse when swallowing, partic. worse when swallowing saliva and drink ; often better, however, when swallowing solid food. Worse from heat of sun. Predomin. better Rhus. Phosphor. Upper left, lower right side — Light hair — Upper right, lower left side — Dark hair — Desire for motion. Dislikes moving. Sensitiveness or cutting pain in external parts. Sensitiveness or cutting pain in internal parts. Itching around the joints — Itching relieved Yesicles around the joints — Itching lessened by scratching. or aggrav. by scratching. Eruptions (idiopathic) mostly humid . . . Eruptions (symptomatic) generally dry. Wounds, partic. with straining of muscles . . Wounds, partic. with injury of glands. Haemorrhages, blood coagulated already or Haemorrhages, blood incoagulable or coagulat- coaguiating quickly. ing imperfectly. Causes atrophy of warts Cures warts by suppuration. Sweat, left side — Pulse mostly weak and soft. Sweat, right side - Pulse mostly full and hard. Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover . . Heat or sweat, with desire to uncover. Typhoid fevers, with pain in limbs — Thirst not Typhoid fevers, without pain — Want of thirst constant. constant. Chill increased in the open air & by drinking. Chill lessened in the open air and by drinking. Fear of being poisoned Fear of apoplexy or loss of reason. Mood sad or despondent Mood changing; cheerful or melancholy. Ailments from vexation with dread or fear . Ailm. fr. fright, ansrer. or vexation with vehem. Weakness of memory — Diffic. comprehension. Active memory — Easy or diffic. comprehens'n. Mental dullness — After a fall on the head Mental excitability ; ecstasies — Insanity. periodical mental confusion. Compl. predom. on upper lip, in lower part of Compl. predom. on under lip. in upper part of chest, on calf of leg, on back of hand and chest, on shin, in palm of hand, and on sole top of foot. of foot. Pupils predom. dilated — Styes on lower lid . Pup. pred. contract'd — Stye onupp. lid. C.Hg. Objective stench from nose — Appetite for Putrid subjective odor— Aversion to sweets — sweets — Nausea in oesophagus or stomach. Nausea in stomach. Diarrhoea mostly painful Diarrhoea mostly painless. Urine too often and copious — Urinal sediment Urine often, but scanty — Sediment ivliite. yel- white. lowish or reddish. Catamenia too soon, profuse, and of long dura- Catam. too soon, profuse, and of long duration, tion. or too late, scanty, and of short duration. Respiratio thoracica — Expectoration not con- Respiratio abdominalis — Expectoration not stant, partic. in the morning. constant ; morning and during day. Remission of complaints during day .... Remission after midnight. Worse during increasing moon Worse before a thunder-storm. Worse when looking down Worse when looking at shining objects. Worse during sleep; afterwards; worse or Worse or better during sleep — Better after better when getting out of bed, and when suffic. sleep; worse on awaking when roused, rising from a seat and after it. or after siesta, or when getting out of bed, and when rising from a seat ; better after it. Better or worse when sitting down; leaning Almost always improv. sitting down; leaning against something. back. Worse from shaking the head or stooping . . Worse or bett. when shaking the head or stoop- AVorse or better when bending the part . . Worse when bending diseased part. [ing. Generally better from moderate pressure . . Generally worse from pressure. Better or worse when eating; w. eating bread Worse or bett. wh. eating; b. or w. fr. bread ; or drinking coffee; w. or b. after drinking; w. or b. fr. coffee; alw. bett. after drinking; w. when swallowing food and saliva; worse w. wh. swallowing food & part, drink; worse from eructation ; bett. or worse after stool. or better from eructation ; worse after stool. Predomin. worse <— ~ —" ' ""^- — — •* — — ^ Predomin. better In the open air, " from uncovering," from toueh. during rest, when standing, sitting, lying ; when lvino: on unpainful side, when drawing up, lifting, or resting diseased limb on something; after sleep, on an empty stomach, from drinking cold water and from cold diet in general, from beer and spirituous liquors, after drinking generally. Predomin. better - — -" *■■**» — -""^ — — — >>_. Predomin. worse In-doors and from heat of stove, in bed, from warmth of bed, if from wrapping up," from moderate pressure, from motion, when walking, when lying on painful side, when stretching out diseased limb or letting it hang down, from being overheated, alter persp ring, after breakfast, from warm diet, and after stool. N.B. Rhus lacks the over-sensitiveness of Phosphor to pain. Rhus. Sepia. Light hair— Haemorrhages, blood light-red . Nervous paralysis — Itching, relieved by scratching. Eruptions mostly humid — Skin hardened . . Hot. painful swelling of glands Pulse generally frequent, faint, & weak ; some- times trembling. First chill, then heat— Heat abated by motion. Thirst not constant Heat on front part, coldness on back part of body. "With the chill or the sweat aching of the teeth. Dark hair — Haemorrhages, blood dark. Paralysis with atrophy of muscles — Itching, aggrav. by scratching. Eruptions mostly dry — Skin chafed. C.Hg. Painless swelling of glands. Pulse frequent and full at night, during day accelerated only by vexation or motion. First heat, then chill — Heat increas'dby mot'n. Thirstlessness predom. — Only during chill thirst is frequent. Heat on back part of body. Toothache mostly during the hot stage. C.Hg. Fear of being poisoned Fear of apoplexy. Delirium Indifference — Irritability — Avarice. Pupils dilated— Swelling under the eyes . . Pupils contracted— Swelling above the eyes. Objective stench from the nose Subjective putrid odor predom. Swelling or breaking out of upper lip predom. Swelling or breaking out of under lip predom. Aversion to wine ; appetite for beer . . . Appetite for wine or brandy. Urine too often and copious— Sediment white. Disch. of ur. too seldom— Sedim. red or whitish. Catam. too soon — Milk mostly increased . . Catam. mostly too late— Milk diminished. Nasal secretion thick— Cough generally dry — Nasal secretion watery or viscid— Cough qen- Expectoration not constant, partic. in the trolly with expectoration; loosened night momma*, and morning, and generally swallowed. Complaints predom. on patella and hollow of Compl. predom on tip of elbow and in hollow knee. of elbow. Remission of complaints during day .... "Worse during increasing moon "Worse in cold weather ; better in warm air . Worse when looking down Predom. worse in the open air, better in-doors. Generally better in bed Predom. worse after sleep Worse or better when getting out of bed and after it ; when rising from a seat & after it. Better or worse when sitting down .... Better or worse when leaning back against something. Worse or better when bending diseased part Worse from exertion, running, dancing, etc. "Worse when taking a deep breath . Worse when hungry Better or worse when eating . . . Wurse or better after drinking . . Better or worse after stool .... Remission afternoon. Worse during new moon or in sultry air. Worse (better) in cold weather or in warm air. Worse when looking up or over a large surface. Better (worse) in the open air or in-doors. Generally worse in bed. Better after sufficient sleep, but worse on awaking when roused. Better or worse when getting out of bed and after it ; when ris'g from a seat ; better after it. Better when sitting down. Worse when leaning back against something. Worse when bending diseased part. Predom. better from bodily exertion. Better or worse when taking a deep breath. Worse after a satisfying meal. , Worse when eating. Worse after drinking. Worse or better after stool. Predomin. worse -— — _— ^^ — --^ Predomin. better In wet weather, from bodily exertion, on inspiration, after sleep, after getting out of bed, when assum- ing an erect position, from stooping, when drawing up diseased limb, from change of posture, when lyins: or standing, from drinking cold water, from cold diet generally, after drinking, and from smoking. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In dry weather, on expiration, in bed, when stretching out diseased limb, from warm diet, after stool, after perspiring, from moderate pressure, when bending back the head, from rubbing & scratch'^-. K.B. Rhus lacks the over-sensi.iveness of Fepia to pain ; Sepia generally has not the sensation of numb- ne s in s ; tiering parts peculiar to Rhus. But mere sensitiveness to the touch appears witb both remedies. Rhus. Silicea. Upper left, lower right side — Skin & muscles Upper right, lower left side — Skin & muscles rigid. lax. Itching, relieved by scratching Itching, aggrav. or unchanged by scratching. Painless ulcers . . . Painful ulcers. Wounds, partic. with straining of muscles . . Wounds, partic. with injury of the glands or bones. Causes atrophy of warts Cures warts, cystic tumors, etc., by suppurat'n. Eruptions mostly humid Eruptions mostly dry. Sleeplessness prcdom. before midnight . . c Sleeplessness predom. after midnight.. Heat increased in-doors Heat abated in-doors. Sweat often only on front part of body . . Sweat often only on back part of body. Pulse predom. soft (and accelerated) . . . Pulse predom. hard (and accelerated). Pulse predom. affected by drinking brandy, Pulse affected by drinking wine. CHg. beer, or coffee. Thirst not constant Thirst constant in fevers. Congestion of blood to eyes predom. . . . Congestion to ears predom. Mood sad & depressed — Yery rarely amorous- Mood gentle ; indifferent ; despondent ; peev- ness. ish. Unconsciousness — Delirium Earely unconsciousness — No delirium. Tertigo, inclin'g to fall backwards or forwards. Vertigo, inclining to fall forwards.' Painful sensitiveness of the scalp (with swell- Sensitiveness of the scalp to pressure, partic. ing), partic. in the side not lain on. when in the side lain on, when growing warm m growing warm in bed, to the touch, and when bed, and when scratching, after which there brushing back the hair. is a burning pain. Pupils dilated Pupils contracted. Xasal compl. external oftener than internal . Nasal compl. internal oftener than external. Nausea in oesophagus or stomach, less fre- Nausea, partic. in stomach, less frequently in quently in throat. abdomen. Diarrhoea predom. — Urinal sediment white . Costiveness predom. — Urinal sediment reddish or yellow. Catamenia too soon and profuse Catam. generally retarded and scanty. Fluent eoryza Stoppage of nose oftener than fluent coryza. Expector. not constant; partic. in the morn'g. Expector. nearly constant; during day. Compl. generally on top of foot Compl. generally on sole of foot. Remission of complaints during day . . . Remission before midnight. "Worse during increasing moon Worse during/^// moon, new moon, or before a thunder-storm. Worse in wet weather, better in dry weather. Generally better in wet weather, worse in dry weather. Worse from washing and moistening suffering Worse or better from washing, etc., the dis- part, eased part. Worse when looking down Worse when looking up. Generally worse when opening, better when Generally better when opening, worse when closing the mouth. closing the mouth. Better or worse from warmth of stove . . . Better from warmth of bed. Worse or better when getting out of bed . . Worse when rising from bed. Worse or better when rising from a seat ; Worse when rising from a seat ; better after- worse or better afterwards. wards. Better or worse when sitting down .... Better when sitting down. Worse or better when bending diseased part. Worse when bending diseased part. Worse from bodily exertion Worse or better from exertion. Worse when hungry Worse after a satisfying meal. Better or worse after stool Worse after stool. Predomin. worse — — — "" — — ■— . ^< — — ^ --^ Predomin. better In wet weather, when lying on unpainful side, when drawing up diseased limb, when rising from stoop- ing, on an empty stomach, and from eructation. Predomin. better ■— —■ — -^ — ^^^ Predomin. worse In dry weather, when lying on painful side, when stretching out diseased limb, wheu Avalkiuu- in the open air,* after breakfast, after stool, from moderate pressure, after perspir'g, fr. rubb'g & scratch'*. N.B. Khus lacks the over-sensitiveness of Silicea to pain. But mere sensitiveness (to touch, etc.) ap- pears with both remedies. * Both remedies have aggrav. predom. in the open air generally, and improv. in-doors. Rhus. Eight side — Cutting pain in external parts — Haemorrhages, blood pale. Eruptions generally humid — Skin disposed to harden. Itching around the joints Sweat on suffering side Pulse predominantly soft and weak .... Chill or heat on upper part of body . . . Sweat sometimes general, with exception of the head. Sweat sometimes only on front part of body . Chill predom. right side Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover . . Sulphur. Leftside — Cutting pain in internal parts — Haemorrhages, blood dark. Eruptions generally dry — Skin inclines to chafe. C.Hg. Itch'g, erysipelas or vesicles around the joints. Coldness on diseased part. Pulse predom. hard and full. Sweat on upper part of body. Heat sometimes general, with exception of the head. Sweat sometimes only on back part of body. Chill predom. left side. Heat or sweat, with inclination to uncover. Rarely peevishness— Rarely mania . . . Pupils dilated — Stye on lower lid . . . Saliva predominantly increased .... Sensation as if the teeth were drawn in . Dislike for wine — Appetite for beer . . . Urine too often and copious — Sediment white Catamenia too soon and profuse and of long duration — During suppressed menstruation milk in the breasts. C.Hg. — Milk generally increased. Nasal secretion thick — Expectoration, partic. in the morning. Frequent compl. in lower part of chest and on top of foot. Mood changing; irritable; solemn — Insanity. Pupils contracted — Stye on upper lid. C.Hg. Saliva generally diminished. As if the teeth were pulled out. C-Hg. Appetite or disk for beer & spirituous liquors. Urine often, but scanty — S. white or reddish. Catamenia generally too late, scanty, and of short duration — During suppressed menstru- ation haeniorrhoidal tumors.. C.Hg. — Milk diminished. Nasal secretion watery — Expector. morning and during day, less frequently at night. Compl. predom. in upper part of chest and on sole of foot. Remission of complaints during day . . . AVorse during iucrease of moon Predom. worse from growing cold and in cold weather ; better when growing warm and in warm air. Worse in the open air, better in-doors . . . Better after perspiring Generally better in bed & from warmth of bed. Worse when lying on back, better when lying on side. Worse or better when getting out of bed, when rising from a seat, and afterwards. AVorse or better when sitting down .... AVorse when rising from stooping, from change of posture, when lying or stand'g, from sneez- ing, when tak'g a deep breath, & from touch. Better or worse when moving diseased part . Petter when bending the head backwards . . Worse when hungry, on an empty stomach ; better after breakfast ; worse or better after meals ; better or worse after stool. Remission afternoon and before midnight. AVorse during full moon and in sultry air. Better (worse) when growing cold and in cold weather, or when growing warm and in warm air. Better in the open air, worse in-doors (partic. in crowded rooms*). Worse or better after perspiring. Generally worse in bed & from warmth of bed. Generally better when lying on back, worse when lying on side. Better when getting out of bed; worse when rising from a seat, afterwards better. Predom. better when sitting down. Worse or better when rising, from change of posture, when sneezing, when taking a deep breath, and from touch. Worse or better when moving the part. AVorse or bett. wh. bend'g the head backwards. AVorse after a satisfying meal ; better (worse) on an empty stomach or after breakfast; worse after meals ; worse or bett. after stool. Predomin. worse --— ^ — ^^ — — ^_ Predomin. better In the open air, from cold, from uncovering:, in extended posture, when lying on back or when lying on unpainful side, when drawing up diseased limb, and from eructation. Predomin. better — ^\ — ^ Predomin. worse In-doors,* from warmth and from warmth of bed, from wrapping: np, in contracted posture, when lving ^ on side, paitic. when lying on painful side, when stretching out diseased limb, & alter perspiring. * The symptoms of both remedies are improv. by heat of stove. Ruta, Pulsatilla. Zef side, partic. lower left, upper right side. Right side, partic. lower right, upper left side. Complaints predom. in external parts . . . Complaints predom. in internal parts. Aversion to open air — Inclination for motion. Inclination for open air — Aversion to motion. Paralysis— No apoplexy Apoplexy— Paralysis rather infrequent; gen- erally painless and one-sided. In periost. burning, gnawing, tension ; in bones In periost. scraping, tingling, tickling ; in bones pressing, piercing, digging, as if broken; jerking, boring pain.* CHg. slow hardening after fractures. Jaundice from liver complaints Skin pale, rarely yellowish. CHg. Itching, generally relieved by scratching . . Itching, aggrav. or unchanged by scratching. Copious discharge of ulcers Ulcers; sometimes scanty discharge. CHg. Pulse somewhat accelerated, but only during Pulse generally frequent, small, and weak ; heat. sometimes intermitting; accelerated in the evening, slow in the morning. Chill (as well as other symptoms) appear par- Chill (as well as other symptoms), partic. on ticularly on lei't side of body. right side of body. Thirst commonly wanting only during heat . Want of thirst predom., but is constant only during chill. Optical illusions in dark colors Optical illusions in bright colors. Complaints mostly on external ear, and on Complaints mostly on inner ear, and on inner outside of gums. side of gums. Inclined to bring the tongue sideways between Tongue too large and too broad. CHg. the molar teeth. Loss of appetite predom Generally hunger. Nausea, part, in stomach, less freq. in abdom'n. Nausea in throat, stomach, or abdomen. Stool like sheep dung Stool soft, slimy. CHg. Expectoration rather constant; evening . . Expect, not constant; morning & during day. Wrist giving way when lifting something heavy. Wrist and hand cannot hold anything. CHg. Complaints predom. on thigh Complaints predom. on leg. Weariness, giving way in the knees when going Soft, shining white swelling of knee ; weariness, up and down stairs. tearing pain, jerks. CHg. Antidote to Mercurius ........ Antidote to Sulphur and Ferrum. CHg. Aggravation of complaints afternoon . . . Aggravation from noon till midnight. Worse when looking into the distance . . . Worse when looking up. Better after sufficient sleep; but worse on Worse or better after sleep. awaking when roused from sleep. Worse when getting out of bed Better or worse when getting out of bed. Worse when rising from a seat; better after- Worse or better when rising from a seat; wards. ter or worse afterwards. Predom. better when sitting down .... Worse or better when sitting down. Mostly better when standing Worse when standing. Worse when moving diseased part .... Better or worse when moving the part. Worse when bending it Better or worse when bending it. Predom. worse from pressure Generally better from pressure. Worse after eating Worse or better after eating. Worse after stool Better or worse after stool. bet' Predomin. worse Predomin. better In the open air, from cold, from growing cold and in cold weather, when lying on painful side, when getting out of bed, when stretching out diseased limb, when moving suffering part, from' bodily exertion, from pressure, after eating, after stool, and after expectoration. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In-doors, from warmth, growing warm and in warm air, when lyin- — — — ■" ^ Predomin. worse From motion, partic. when moving the suffering part ; when walking, when sitting bent forward, when lying on back, when rising, wh. getting out of bed, on expiration, when swallowing, & after eating. N.B. The over-sensitiveness of Nux vom. to pain is very rarely found with Sabadilla. * Sabadilla has the most thirst between chill and heat, N. vomica and others have it more between heat and s\ve:it. Sabadilla. Pulsatilla. Very rarely apoplexy— No paralysis . . . Apoplexy— Paralysis. Complaints most frequent on external ear, in- Complaints most frequent in inner ear. on out- side of nose, upper lip and on fore-arm. side of nose, on under lip, and upper arm. Pulse small, but somewhat spasmodic . . . Pulse predom. frequent, small, and weak; sometimes intermitting or imperceptible. Pulse affected by wine Pulse affected by beer or coffee. U.Hg. Partial sweat on front of body Partial sweat on back of body. Chill lessened after eating "and in a warm Chill increased after eating and in a warm room. room. Want of thirst predom Want of thirst predom., but is constant only during the chill. Easy or difficult comprehension — Imbecility. Appetite for milk — Aversion to sour things . Dislike for wine, but appetite for beer . . . Sexual desire too weak — Menstrual blood light-red. Expectoration seldom ; during day .... Heat in the fingers (during fever) .... Difficult comprehension — Absent-mindedness — Unconsciousness — Melancholy. Aversion to milk — Appetite for sour things. Desire for spirituous liquors. Sexual desire too strong — Menstrual blood dark. Expectoration predom., but not constant; morning and durino- day. Fingers are like dead (during fever). Aggravation forenoon and night .... Aggravation afternoon and evening after sun- set until midnight. Worse during full or new moon Worse in sultry weather or before a storm. Worse after sleep Worse or better after sleep. AVorse from change of posture when lying or Worse or better from change of posture. standing. Fetter when getting out of bed Better or worse when getting" out of bed. AVorse when rising from a seat ; better after- Worse or better when rising from a seat, better ivards. or worse afterwards. Better when sitting down Better or worse when sitting down. Generally worse when sitting erect; better Generally better when sitting erect; worse when bending forward. when bending forward. Better when assuming an erect position . . Worse or better when assuming an erect posi- tion. Generally worse on inspiration, better on ex- Generally better on inspiration ; worse on ex- piration, piration. AVorse when taking a deep breath .... Better or worse when taking a deep breath. Predom. worse from pressure Generally better from pressure. Better or worse when swallowing .... Worse or better when swallowing. AVorse on an empty stomach ; better after AA r orse (better) on an empty stomach or after breakfast. breakfast, Almost always improv. after eating .... Worse or better after eating. Better from eructation Worse or better from eructation. TTorse or better after stool Better or worse after stool. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In cold dry weather, from cold and when growing cold, from uncovering, in the open air and when walking in the open air, from bodily exertion, on inspiration, when sitting erect, when lying on the painful side, from pressure, and from sour things. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In warm and damp air, from warmth and when Growing warm, in bed and from warmth of bed, from wrapping up, in-doors and from warmth of stove, on expiration, when sitting bent forward, when lying on the unpainful side, after perspiring, when swallowing, while and after eating, from eructation, and from rubbing and scratching. N.B. We very rarely find the over-sensitiveness of Pulsatilla to pain with Sabadilla ; it also lacks the sensation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Pulsatilla. Sabadilla, Rhus. Muscles lax— Pressure or sore pain in in- Muscles rigid — Pressure or sore pain in ex- ternal parts. ternal parts. No paralysis — Very rarely apoplexy • • Paralysis — Apoplexy. Pleasant dreams predora Anxious dreams. Pulse small, but somewhat spasmodic • • Pulse irregular; generally frequent, faint, and soft ; sometimes intermitting or im- perceptible. Pulse affected by wine Pulse affected by beer, alcohol, coffee ; fever increased. C.Hg. Sweat only on the head Sweat general, with exception of head. Want of thirst almost constant .... Thirst not constant. Thirst often between chill and heat . . . Thirst often already before the chill. Chill lessened after eating Chill increased after eating*. Ailments from fright — Easy or difficult Ailments from vexation with fear — Difficult comprehension — Imbecility. comprehension — Unconsciousness — Men- tal confusion after a fall on the head. Compl. of inner nose Nasal compl. external oftener than internal. Constipation of bowels most frequent • . Diarrhoea predom. Urine too scanty Urine too often and copious. Weak sexual desire Erections. Catam. too late, scanty, & of short durat'n. Catam. too soon, profuse, & of long durat'n. Expector. seldom ; during day . . . . Expect, not constant; partic. in the morn' g. Compl. predom. on sole of foot .... Compl. generally on top of foot. Aggrav. forenoon and before midnight. - Aggrav. from evening after sunset until Better in clamp and warm air Worse during full or new moon .... Worse when looking upward, better when looking down. Better when getting out of bed .... Worse when rising from a seat; better afterwards. Better when sitting down Generally worse when sitting erect, better when bending forwards. Better when leaning back against something. Better in dry, warm air. Worse during increase of moon. Worse when looking down. Worse or better when getting out of bed. Worse or better when and after rising from a seat. Better or worse when sitting down. Generally better when sitting erect, worse when bending forwards. Worse or better when leaning against something. Better when eating; almost always improv. Worse or better when eating; worse or afterwards. better afterwards. Worse after drinking Worse or better after drinking. Worse or better after stool Better or worse after stool. Worse after mental exertion Wore after bodily exertion. CHg. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In dry weather, when walking in the open air,* when lying on the side, partic. the painful side, from pressure, and when sitting erect. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In wet weather, when lying on the hack or on unpainful side, when s'.tting bent forward, when assuming an erect position, when looking down, when swallowing, after meals, from eruetatiou, from washing and moistening the diseased part. N.B. Sabadilla lacks the sensation of numhness in suffering parts which Rhus has. * Both, remedies have aggrav. predom. out-doors, improv. in-doors. Sambucus. Arsenic. Cutting pain in external parts — Apoplexia Cutting pain in internal parts — Apoplexia sanuuinea. serosa — Paralysis. Pulse generally very frequent and small ; often Pulse frequent, small, and weak; sometimes also slow and full. trembling or imperceptible. Creeping chills and sweat in alternation . . Creeping chills and heat in alternation.* Sweat appears early and very copious ; sweat Sweat often long after the fever and rarely also after other attacks. very copious.* Hot sweatf Cold sweat predom., also viscous, sour.* Partial sweat on upper part of body (partic. Sweat on lower part of body (and on back face*) or general, with exception of head. parts, occiput, neck, etc.*) Sweat predominant night and morning . . > . Sweat predom. evening and night.* Sweat before sleep, ^lessened ivhen falling Sweat increased before fall'g asleep, when fall'g asleep, disappears during sleep, increased asleep, when first asleep, part, during sleep; after awaking and still more after getting lessened after awaken'g & better after gett'g out of bed, on the whole more when awake. out of bed; walking in the open air.* Cannot bear uncovering during the sweat . . Indifference to being covered or not.* Sweat predominant during motion, when lying, S. predom. after mot'n ; better out-doors, when with or after the stool. sitt'g, while eat'g, and after eat'g or drink'g.* Sweat from anxiety Anxiety with the sweat.* With the sweat : Timidity, delirium . . . . With the sweat : Indifference or despair. With the sweat: Face sometimes bluish-red, AVith the sweat: Face pale or red, nausea, predom. want of appetite, no thirst, stop- bitter vomit, constant thirst, nose running, page of nose, cough predom. with expecto- cough predom. with expectoration, fingers ration, hands blue and cold, feet cold. like dead, swelling of feet.* Inability to sweat Sweat too easily, or has been checked.* AVant of thirst constant Prinks often, but little at a time. Thirst, with disgust for drink Desire for drink, without thirst. Itching, relieved or unchanged by scratching. Itching, aggravated by scratching. Nausea in stomach or abdomen Nausea, partic. in the throat. Increased secretion of urine Urine scanty (with diarrhoea) or copious. Pry coryza Fluent coryza. Cough mostly dry, but often also with expect. Expect, predom., but not constant ; dur'g day. Expectoration is yellow after Pneumonia . . Expectoration is yellow after catarrh.* Complaints predom. on fore-arm Complaints predominant on upper arm. Remission morning and during day .... Remission of complaints during day and be- fore midnight. Worse while sweating, better afterwards . . Worse or better during and after sweat. Predom. worse in bed Better in bed (warmth) or (rest) w r orse. JVorse or better during sleep Worse during sleep. AVorse fr. change of posture (ly'g or stand'g). AA'orse or better from change of posture. AVorse or better when getting out of bed; Almost always improv. when getting out of better afterwards. bed ; better or worse afterwards. Worse when stooping, better when rising . . Better or worse when stoop'g and when ris'g. Ailments from abuse of Arsenic Ailments from abuse of Cinchona, etc. Worse from light, better in the dark . . . Worse (better) from light or in the dark. Predomin. worse - —■ -^^ — -— Predomin. better From pressure, when bending the suffering part, when leaning against something, when standing, when sitting down. Predomin. better "*■ ^^ — — ~^^ Predomin. worse When rising from a seat, after sweat, from rubbing and scratching. N.B. Over-sensitiveness to pain, which frequently occurs with Arsenic, has not yet been observed with Sambucus. | Sambucus and Arsenic are both indicated in the so-called ' 'Sudor an glicus ;" both have fevers with "copious sweats," with both the sweat is better during motion, worse during rest, panic, in bed and "on awaking," worse when coughing ; with both the concomitant complaints are: Unconsciousness, bodily restlessness; anxious, oppressed or short breathing; excessive weakness, etc. But the differences between these remedies are by far more essential, and to give both in alter- nation would be to depend on accidental cures.* * added by C.Hg. Sambucus. Chamomilla. Dropsy— Apoplexy— Delirium without fever . No dropsy — Delirium during the hot stage. Pulse generally very frequent. Comp. the next. Pulse quick, small, and tense. Sweatlessened during sleep Sweat increased during sleep. Sweat general, with exception of the head . Sweat often confined to the head. Sweat while awake ; disappearing on falling Sweat during sleep, disappearing on awaking, asleep. Want of thirst constant Thirst during all stages. Pupils dilated Pupils contracted. Nasal complaints external Nasal complaints predom. internal. Hoarseness with hollow voice Hoarseness with roughness or loss of voice. Cough, partic. about midnight Cough day & night ; but often better dur. day. Expectoration with sweetish or putrid taste . Expector. with bitter, putrid, or sour taste. Aggravation evening and night, partic. after Aggravation evening and night, partic. be midnight. fore midnight. Worse from uncovering, better fr. wrapping up. Worse (resp. better) from uncovering or wrap- Worse from pressure Better or worse from pressure. [ping up. Better from moving diseased part .... Generally aggrav. by moving diseased part. Ailments from Arsenic Ailments from Alumina or Borax. Predomin. worse " ' "— *- -~^*^ -^ "^-^ Predomin. better From cold,* when sitting bent forward, when lying on painful side, and from change of posture. Predomin. better ^— — ' " 1 " aE *--^ — ^\ — — " ■— -^ Predomin. worse From warmth, when sitting erect, lying on unpainful side, and from rubbing and scratching. N.B. The over -sensitiveness of Chamomilla to pain seems to be wanting with Sambucus. Sambuc. Rhus. Paralysis not yet observed Paralysis of limbs. Sleeplessness predom. after midnight . . . Sleeplessness predom. before midnight. Pleasant dreams Anxious dreams. Pulse generally very frequent & small ; some- Pulse generally accelerated, weak, faint, and times slow and full, sometimes intermitting. soft; sometimes trembling or imperceptible. Sweat lessened on falling asleep & during sleep. Sweat increased on falling asleep & dur. sleep. Want of thirst constant Thirst not constant. Nausea in stomach or abdomen Nausea in oesophagus or stomach. Milk diminished — Dry coryza Secretion increased — Fluent coryza. Aggravation evening and night, partic. after Aggravation evening after sunset, night and midnight. morning. Predom. worse in bed Better or worse in bed. Worse or better dur'g sleep ; bett. after sleep. Worse during and after sleep. Better after getting out of bed, when and after Worse or better after getting out of bed, when rising from a seat, and worse when sitting rising from a seat; better or worse after- down. wards, and when sitting down. Worse when leaning against something, partic. Worse or better when leaning against some- against a sharp edge. thing, partic. better when leaning against something hard. Worse when bending diseased part and after Worse or better when bending the part and meals. after meals. Predomin. worse - — — — ■ ^"^ — — ■*, Predomin. better In bed, when lying on painful side, and from pressure. Predomin. better — - — — -*^- — — — -_ Predomin. worse After getting out of bed, when lying on unpainful sin back or on lying on the side. side. Better when lying on painful, worse when Worse (better) when lying on painful or lying on unpainful side. on unpainful side. Worse when bending diseased part . . . Better or worse when bending the part. Predomin. worse Fredomin. better From warmth, from growing warm ami in warm air, from wrapping up, in bed, when lying on right side, and when sitting bent forward. Predomin. better Predomin. worse From cold, from growing cold and in cold weather, from uncovering, but also when perspiring when lying on left side, and when sitting erect. N.B. Secale lacks the over-sensitiveness of Belladonna to pain ; but Belladonna only verv rarelv has the sensation of numbness in suffering parts peculiar to Secale. Both remedies have sensitiveness to the touch. H.Gr. * Compare Arsenicum— Belladonna. f When nausea appears with Secale corn., it is in the stomach or oesophagus. rJr^T^^ , Dr ' ^ tens \ the Secal ^as decidedly of great use in pains of the sacrum, with a hearing dowu as if the £!X.nnfvii^f i '■ ™ s . e 4P when moving; as Belladonna has exactly the same symptoms, the decision can be made only by the characteristic differences given above, or the cure is merely an " accidental one." C Hg Secale corn. Veratrum. "Want of bodily irritability — Very rarely apo- Increased irritability — Apoplexy, plexy. Painless eruptions and ulcers Painful eruptions and ulcers. Insensibility of skin Sensitiveness of skin.* Pry heat predom. — Pulse often unchanged . Sweat predom. — Pulse sometimes trembling. Beer increases the pulse Beer lessens the fever.* Thirst constant Thirst predom., but not constant ; most rare during sweat. Barely unconsciousness — Imbecility oftener Insanity oftener than imbecility. than insanity. Pupils generally dilated Pupils generally contracted. Hard of hearing after the cholera .... Bard of hear'g, with (subjective) hear'g music or bells.* Nose-bleeding: the blood is dark, runs con- Nose-bleeding : paleface, cold skin, or small, tinually, with great prostration, and a small, slow, intermitting pulse • in nervous persons, thread-like pulse ; in old people or drunkards. subject to spasmodic complaints.* Yery rarely nausea Nausea in stomach ; vomiting without it. Violent starting (jerking) of the body before Painful contraction of the belly while vomit- and while vomiting bile. ing.* Lumps and welts in the abdomen, in affections Here & there hard knobs in the belly in colics.* of the uterus. Cholerine, with more retching than vomiting. Clxolerine, with more vomiting than retching, chiefly with loud noises in the belly. & less frequently rumbling in the intestines.* Cholera Asiatica, with great collapsus and Cholera Asiatica, with very rapid loss of falling away of the whole body ; face sunken, strength; face icy cold, disfigured, bluish, distorted, partic. the mouth ; crawling sensa- lips withered, bluish-black — Trismus.* tion as of ants. Cramps, with crawling sensation in the limbs, Cramps, partic. in the calves.* & partic. spasms, with the fingers spread out. In cholera Asiatica, vain urging to urinate . Urging, with or without retention of urine.* Urine pale Urine dark. Catamenia too soon — (Metrorhagia*) . . . Catam. too soon or too late. — (Menostasia*). Cough, with expectoration Expector. not constant; during day. Complaints predom. on fore-arm Compl. predom. on upper arm. Bemission from morning till evening. Bemission during day and in the evening. Worse from warmth and when growing warm,f Better (worse) from warmth and when grow'g better from cold and when growing cold. warm, or from cold and when growing cold. Better after getting out of bed Worse or better after getting out of bed. Worse when bending diseased part .... Better or worse when bending the part. Worse after eating, also after stool .... Worse or better after eating, the same after stool. Predomin. worse — — T ^^ — ** — ■ — Predomin. better In warm air, when lying on the back or on unpainful side, when drawing up diseased limb, when walk- ing, and from motion generally. Predomin. better ~— r — ' — ■ -'" Sv -— — — — -^ Predomin. worse In cold weather, when lying on side, partic. when lying on painful side, when stretching out diseased limb, during rest, after lying down, when sitting & standing, and when perspiring .% f "Warm drinks, however, improve the cold feeling in the stomach, with Secale as well as many of the Veratrum com- plaints; the warmth of the bed aggravates pain in the limbs with both remedies.* + This agrees fully with the predominance of dry heat as a symptom of Secale, & the heat with sweat of the Veratrum. * added by C.Hg. Sepia. Aconitum. Aversion to open air— Compl. predom. in ex- Inclination for open air— Compl. predom. in ternal parts. internal parts. Itching, aggrav. by scratching — Vesicular Itching, unchanged by scratching — Erysipelas erysipelas. with smooth skin. Painless swelling of glands— Sweat on diseased Painful, hot swelling of glands— Heat on dis- parts, eased parts. Pulse frequent and full at night, during the Pulse generally quick, full, and hard; but day accelerated only by vexation or motion ; sometimes imperceptible, sometimes trembling. Want of thirst; only dur'g chill thirst is usual. Thirst during all stages of the fever. First heat, then chill First chill, then heat. Fear of apoplexy Fear of loss of reason. Mood serious; indifferent — Avarice. . . . Mood malicious — Delirium. Mental dullness Ecstasies. Nose-bleeding with pregnant or haemorrhoidal Nose-bleeding with copious menstruation. persons. C.Hg. Complaints predom. on lower lip Compl. predom. on upper lip. "Vomiting food Yomiting mucus or worms. Urinal sediment reddish or white — Incon- Urinal sediment red — Ketention oftener than tinence predom. incontinence. Catamenia generally too profuse Catam. generally too scanty. Milk diminished Milk increased — Galactorrhea. Nasal secretion generally watery .... Nasal secretion thick. Expectoration predom., but not constant ; is Expectoration very rare ; morning and during loosened night and morning; is swallowed. day. Complaints predom. .on tip of elbow . . . Compl. predom. on patella. Bemission of complaints afternoon .... Remission during day and before midnight. Ailments from Sulph., or abuse of Mercurius Ailments from Sepia, Sulph., Chamom., Coffea, or Cinchona. N. vom., Yeratr., or Petroleum. "Worse in snowy air Worse from the heat of the sun. Worse (better) in. cold or in warm air . . . Worse in cold weather, better in warm air. Worse (better) in the open air or in-doors . Pred. worse in-doors, better in warm, open air.* Better or worse from warmth of bed . . . Worse from warmth of bed. Worse or bett. dur'g sweat, worse afterwards. Worse while sweating, better afterwards. Better after sufficient sleep, but worse on Worse after sleep. awaking when roused from sleep. Better or worse when getting out of bed . . Worse when getting out of bed. Worse or better when rising from a seat . . Worse when rising from a seat. Worse when look'g up or over a large surface. Worse when looking down. Generally better on inspiration, worse on ex- Worse on inspiration, better on expiration. piration. Better or worse when taking a deep breath . Worse when taking a deep breath. Better or worse from exertion .... . Worse from bodily exertion. Predom. worse during rest, better when mov- Better (worse) during rest or when moving, ing, partic. the diseased part. partic. the diseased part. Worse when bending the suffering part . . Better or worse when bending the part. Worse or better after meals Better or worse after meals. Better from drinking cold water Worse or better from drinking cold water. Almost always aggrav. by eructation . . . Better from eructation. Worse or better after stool Better or worse after stool. Predomin. worse .-— . ~--^___ — ■ -— ^ Predomin. better On expiration, from uncovering, from washing and moistening diseased part, when lying on the back or on unpainful side, " after" sweat, when sitting, and from eructation. Predomin. worse Predomin. better On inspiration, from wrapping up, when lying on the side, partic. on the painful side, from warmth of bed, when turning iu bed, after sleep, when getting out of bed, when assuming an erect position, from bodily exertion, and from smoking. * Compare note to Aconit. — Bellad. Sepia. Belladonna. Complaints predom. in external parts — Rend- Complaints predom. in internal parts — Rend- ing pain downwards. ing pain upwards. Paralysis with atrophy, generally of both sides. Nervous paralysis, often one-sided. Emaciation — Painless* swelling of glands . . Obesity — Painful swelling of glands. Eruptions generally dry Humid eruptions. Heat ascending — Sweat on suffering part . . Head descending — Coldness on suffering part. Want of thirst; only dur. chill generally thirst. Thirst most rare during chill. Mood serious ; sad and despondent .... Mood varying; silly — Cheerfulness or deject'n. Weak memory — Mental dullness — Weakness Memory active or weak — Ecstacies or dull- of will. ness. Pupils contracted Pupils generally dilated. Eruption on under lip Eruption on upper lip. Appetite for sour things — Fetid flatus . . . Aversion to sour things* — Scentless flatus. Catamenia generally too late — Menstrual Catamenia too soon; blood generally light- blood dark. colored. Os tincae swollen, with hardness Os tincse swollen, with heat. Lippe. Secretion of milk diminished . . ... Milk generally increased. Fluent coryza of left side . . .... Fluent coryza of right side. f Respiration loud — Expectoration predom., Respiration predom. low — Expectoration sel- but not constant; is loosened, partic. night dom with the cough; morning, during day, and morning; is swallowed. evening. Complaints frequent on tip of elbow, in hollow Complaints frequent on patella, in hollow of of elbow, on fore-arm, and on calf. knee, on upper arm, and on shin. Aggravation from evening till the next morn- Aggravation morning and noon till midnight. ing and during forenoon. Worse during new moon and in snowy air . . Worse during full moon and from heat of sun. Worse (better) in cold or in warm air . . . Worse in cold weather ; better in warm air. Worse or better after lying down and in bed. Almost always improv. after lying down and in bed. Predom. worse lying on back, better on side. Better (worse) when lying on back or side. Predom. better lying on painful, worse on un- Better (worse) when lying on painful or on painful side. unpainful side. Better after sufficient sleep; but worse on Predom. worse after sleep. awaking when roused from sleep. Better or worse when and after getting out of Worse when getting out of bed ; amost always bed, and when rising from a seat. improv. afterwards & when rising from seat. Worse when leaning back Worse or better leaning against something, partic. better against something hard. Worse when bending the diseased part . . . Better or worse bending diseased part. Worse when idle Worse from being overhurried. Worse after sweating Worse during sweat. Better (worse) in the open air or in-doors . . Predom. worse in the open air, better in-doors, Worse when looking up, or over a large sur- Worse when looking sideways or at running face. water. Worse when ascending; better descending . Better (worse) when ascending or descending. Worse when eating Worse after eating. Better when drinking; worse afterwards . . Better (toothache) while eating; worse after- wards. Complaints while swallowing food .... Complaints, partic. while swallowing drink. Predomin. worse ^- — ** ^- "*-^ Predomin. better During rest, after lying down, in bed, when lying, standing and sitting, partic. sitting bent forward ; when stooping, when stretching out diseased limb, when binding the suffering part, partic. when bending the part or head backwards ; when opening the eyes, on an empty stomach, from eructa- tion, from pressure (from rubbing and scratching). Predomin. better — — ^\ — --^ Predomin. worse When walking, from motion, partic. moving the suffering part ; from bodily exertion, when sitting erect, when rising from stooping, when drawing up diseased limb, when closing the eyes, after sleep, when getting out of bed, after breakfast, and from drinking cold water 4 * With the exception of desire for acid of lemons. Comp. Arsenic — Belladonna, t Moreover Bellad. has predom. dry coryza, which also is not rare with Sepia. X Both remedies have predom. improv. from cold diet iu general, airgrav. from warm diet; but when drinking, the difficulty 0/ swallowing drink peculiar to Bellad. must be taken into consideration. Sepia. China. Complaints predom. in external parts . . . Itching, aggrav. by scratching — Painless swell- ing of the glands. Pulse frequent & full at night, during the day accelerated only by vexation or motion; sometimes trembling. Pulse altered by beer First heat, then chill— Heat increas'd aft. eat'g. Sweat sometimes general, with except'n of head. Thirst only during chill and before & after it. Compl. predom. in internal parts. Itching, unchanged by scratching — Painful, hot swelling of glands. Pulse quick and hard, but small; quieter after eating. Pulse altered by alcohol, coffee, partic. tea. C.He. First chill, then heat — Heat lessened aft. eat'g. Sweat sometimes general, with except'n of feet. Thirst most prominent before and after the different stages of the fever. Loquacity— Serious mood Taciturnity— Amorousness. Ailments from vexation with fear, less fre- Ailments from vexation. quently from fright, anger, or disappointed love. Mental dullness — Imbecility — Insanity. . . Mental excitability — Delirium. Compl. most frequent in inside of ear, in liver, Compl. most frequent on outside of ear, in on fore-arm, on tip and in hollow of elbow, spleen, on upper arm, on patella & in hollow and on back part of thigh. of knee, and on front part of thigh. Far-sightedness Short-sightedness. Loss of taste — Predom. bitter vomit . . . Delicate taste — Yomit oftener sour than bitter. Urinal sediment red or white Urinal sediment red. Catamenia generally too late Catamenia too soon. Expectoration predom., but not constant; is Expector. not constant; during day & evening. loosen, night & morn'g & generally swailow'd. Remission of complaints afternoon .... Ailments from (Sulph., Mercurius, or) abuse of Cinchona, and from sting of insects. Spring diseases Worse during new moon and before a thunder- storm. Better (worse) in the open air or in-doors . . "Worse (better) in cold or warm air . . . . Better or worse from warmth of bed . . . Generally better when wrapping up the head, worse when uncovering it. Better or worse when and after getting out of bed. Almost always improved when rising . . . Better or worse from exertion Almost always improv. when moving diseased part, worse when bending it. Worse from shaking the head Generally worse when opening, better when closing the eyes. Worse when grinding the teeth Worse when eating, partic. eating meat . . Remission afternoon and evening. Ailm. fr. (Sulph., Mercur.) Ferrum, Cuprum, Aurum, Arsenic, Asa feet., Ipecac, Heliebor., and Veratrum. Autumnal diseases. Worse during increase of moon. Worse in the open air, better in-doors. Worse in cold weather, better in warm air. Worse from warmth of bed. Worse from wrapping up the w r hen uncovering it. Worse or better when getting better afterwards. Worse or better when rising. Worse from bodily exertion. Worse or better when moving the part and when bending it. Worse or better from shaking the head. Better (worse) when opening or when closing the eyes. Better or worse from biting. Better or worse when eating ; worse or better from meat. head, better out of bed, Predomin. worse Predomin. better In dry weather, from uncovering; the head, when lyin°: on the left or on the unpainful side, during rest " generally, when bending back the suffering part, on an empty stomach, when eating, from rubb'g and scratching. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In wet weather, from wrapping up the head, lyinsr on ric:ht or on painful side, from warmth of bed, when turning in bed, from motion, from bodily exeriion, after breakfast, and from smoking. Sepia. Graphites Hemorrhages, blood dark — Apoplexy . . Sensitiveness of external parts .... Fainting spells in crowded rooms . . . The diseased parts are swollen .... Eruptions generally dry Pulse frequent and full at night, during day accelerated only by vexation or motion ; sometimes trembling or intermitting; generally irregular. First heat, then chill Thirst only during chill & before & after it. Chill, increased in the open air .... Haemorrh., blood light-red — No apoplexy. Sensitiveness of internal parts. Fainting spells in the open air. The diseased parts are emaciated. Eruptions generally humid. Pulse full and hard, but only in the morn- ing somewhat accelerated. First chill, then heat. Want of thirst, partic. during hot stage. Chill, lessened in the open air. Mood serious — Ailments from vexation with fear. Solicitude concerning bodily welfare Fancies — Imbecility — Insanity . Optical illusions in dark colors . Eruption on under lip ... . Coldness in the teeth Generally loss of appetite . . . Vomit predominantly bitter . . Urinal sediment reddish or whitish Catamenia of too long duration and erally profuse. Expector. predom., but not constant; is loosened night and morning & generally swallowed. Coropl. predom. in hollow of elbow . . . gen Mood changing — Amorousness — Ailments from grief. Solicitude concern 'g spiritual welfare. C.Hg. No unconsciousness. Optical illusions in bright colors. Eruption on upper lip. Burning in the teeth. C.IIg. Generally hunger. Sour vomit. Urinal sediment predom. whitish. Catamenia of too short duration & scanty. Expector. almost constant ; during day and in the evening. Complaints predom. in patella. Remission afternoon Ailments from Sulph., Mercurius, or abuse of Cinchona, also from sting of insects. Worse during new moon Worse (better) in cold or warm air . . . Almost always worse when growing cold, better when growing warm. Better or worse from warmth of bed . . Better after sufficient sleep, but worse when roused from sleep. Better or worse when getting out of bed . Better or worse when rising from a seat . Better or worse when taking a deep breath. Worse when swallowing and after drinking. Worse after a satisfying meal Remission during day. Ailments from abuse of Arsenic. Worse during full moon. Worse in cold weather ; better in warm air Worse (better) when growing cold or warm. Worse or better from warmth of bed. Worse after sleep. Worse when getting out of bed. Worse when rising from a seat. Worse when taking a deep breath. Better or worse when swallowing and after drinking. Worse when hungry. Predomin. worse —-*- — ■ 1Jt,fc »- ^^ — — --^ Predomin. better During rest, when standing 1 , when lying on unpainful side, when riding, from pressure, after perspir'< on an empty stomach, when swallowing, from warm diet, from spirituous liquors, after drinkim and from eructation. Predomin. better Predomin. worse From motion, when walking, when lying on painful side, when turning in bed, after sleep, when getfc'g out of bed, alter breakfast, from cold diet. Sepia. Silicea. Dark hair— Muscles rigid Light hair — Muscles lax. Itching, aggrav. by scratching Itch'g, unchanged or aggrav. by scratch'g. Vesicular erysipelas Erysipelas with smooth skin. Confluent small-pox. G.Bute Convulsions, abscesses or other suppurat's; eruptions, &c, after vaccination. C. Hg. Painless swelling of glands Painful swelling of glands. Sleeplessness preval. before midnight . . Sleeplessness preval. after midnight. Pulse accelerated, part, by vexation or mo- Pulse generally quick, hard, but small. tion ; sometimes trembling or intermitting. Pulse altered by beer Pulse altered by wine. C.Hg. Sweat often general, with exception of head. Sweat often confined to head. Sweat on suffering part — Hands and fingers Coldness on suffering part — Heat in the become like dead. fingers. Want of thirst ; only during cold stage Thirst, part, during hot & sweating stages. there generally is thirst. Compl. predom. in inner ear and in hollow Compl. generally on external ear and in of elbow. hollow of knee. Seriousness — Irritable mood Gentleness — Amorousness. Insanity — Imbecility Very rarely mental dullness. Solicitude concerning bodily welfare . . . Solicitude concern'g spiritual welfare. C.Hg. Painful sensitiveness of the roots of the Sensitiveness of the scalp to the touch and hair, in the evening, partic. on the side to pressure, partic. in the evening, when not lain on, when touched, during cold growing warm in bed, and of the side north- winds; burn'g sensat'n after scratch- lain on; burning sensation after scratch- ing, ing. Eruption on under lip Eruption on upper lip. Discharge of urine too seldom — Sore pain Discharge of urine too often — Remission in belly after stool. of bellyache after stool. Urinal sediment red or white Urinal sediment red or yellow. Sexual desire changing, with impotence . Sexual desire generally increased. Catam. generally profuse Catam. generally too scanty. Expector. predom., but not constant; is Expector. almost constant 3 during day. loosened night and morning and gener- ally swallowed. Remission during afternoon Remission before midnight. Worse about the time of the new moon . Worse during new moon, and still oftener during full moon. Improved oftener than aggravated when Worse when lying on painful side, better lying on painful side. when lying on unpainful side. Almost always improved by motion . . • Improved by continued moderate motion, but aggrav. by change of position. Improv. oftener than aggravated by bodily Aggrav. oftener than improved by bodily exertion. exertion. Improved as often as aggrav. by walking Worse in the open air; better in-doors. in the open air; but always worse in crowded rooms. Predomin. worse — ■ "^■^■^-.^ — ->*^. Fredomin. better In company, after warm diet, on an empty stomach and in the side not lain on, therefore when lying on unpainful side. Predomin. better «- " — -^^ — ■ — — < Predomin. worse From bodily exertion,* when alone, after cold diet, from smoking, after breakfast, and in the side lain on, therefore when lying on painful side. * .both remedies have aggrav. after mental exertioa. C.Hg. Sepia. Sulphur. Ulcerative pain in external parts — Pinching Ulcerative pain in internal, pinching pain in pain in internal parts. external parts. Over-sensitiveness — Apoplexy Insensibility — Very rarely apoplexy. Painful eruptions and ulcers Painless eruptions and ulcers. Itching, aggrav. by scratching Itching, predom. lessened by scratching. Sweat on diseased part Coldness on diseased part. Sweat, somet. general, with exception of head. Heat, often general, with exception of head. Chill lessened after getting out of bed . . . Chill increased after getting out of bed. Thirstlessness ; during chill generally thirst . Thirst, mostly during hot stage ; during the cold stage generally thirstless. Irritable mood — No delirium M. changing; gentle or irritable — Delirium. Far-sightedness — Stye on lower lid ... . Short-sightedn. pred. — Stye on upp. lid. C.Hg. Putrid subjective odor predom Objective stench from nose predom. Swelling or eruption on under lip predom. . Swelling or eruption on upper lip predom. Sensation of weight in teeth Sensation of looseness in the teeth. C.Hg. Desire for spirituous liquors Desire or dislike for beer & spirituous liquors. Predom. bitter vomit Vomit sour oftener than bitter. Catam. of too long durat'n & gener'ly profuse. Cat. generally of too short duration & scanty. Expectoration predom., but not constant; is Expector. not constant; morning and during loosened, part, night & morn.; is swallowed. day, less frequently at night. Complaints predom. on tip of elbow . . . Complaints predom. on patella. Remission of complaints in the afternoon . . Remission afternoon and before midnight. Worse during new moon and when idle . . Worse during full moon & when overhurried.* Better or worse from exertion Predom. worse from bodily exertion. Aim. alw. improv. wh. moving diseased part.f Worse or better when moving diseased part. Almost always aggrav. by the touch . . . Worse or better from the touch. Worse when stooping, almost always improv. Better or worse when stooping; worse or bet- when rising. ter when rising. Worse when growing cold ; better when grow- Better (worse) when growing cold or warm, ing warm. Worse after sweat Worse or better after sweat. Setter or worse from warmth of bed . . . Predom. worse from warmth of bed. Predom. worse lying on back ; better on side. Generally better lying on back, worse on side. Better when turning in bed Worse or better when turning in bed. Better after sufficient sleep ; worse when Worse after sleep, roused from insufficient sleep. Better or worse getting out of bed .... Better when getting out of bed. Better or worse when rising from a seat . . Worse when rising from a seat. Predom. worse on an empty stomach ; better Better (worse) on an empty stomach or after after breakfast. breakfast. Worse wh. eating; worse or bett afterwards. Bett. or worse wh. eating; worse afterwards. Predom. worse after stooi and urinating . . Worse or better after stool or urinating. Worse when looking up or over a large sur- Worse when looking down, partic. at running face. water. Worse when sneezing Worse or better from sneezing. Predomin. worse - — "- ^ v - — 7-^. Predomin. better In dry weather, from cold, from uncovering, when lying on back or on unpainful side, from scratching, from pressure, " on expiration," from warm diet, from eructation. Predomin. better ^ — ■— -^V — ""-—■. Predomin. worse In wet weather, from warmth, from wrapping up, when lying on side, partic. on painful side ; from warmth of bed, after sleep, when turning in bed, "on inspiration," from drinking cold water and from cold diet generally, from smoking, when rising from stooping, when moving diseased part, from bodily exertion. N.B. Sulph. rarely has the over-sensitiveness of Sepia to pain ; the latter rarely the sensation of numb- ness in suffering parts peculiar to Sulph. — Both remedies have mere sensitiveness to touch. * The complaints, -when idle (Sepia) and from being overhurried (Sulphur), are only different expressions of the same Impatient mental state. t Pains in thigh driving out of bed and to walk about "without relief" in Sepia, "with relief" in Sulphur (and Arsenic). C.Hg. Silicea. Sulphur. Right side, partic. upper right, lower left side. Left side, partic. upper left, lower right side. Over-sensitiveness Increased bodily irrita- Insensibility or sensation of numbness — Want bility. °f bodily irritability. Painful eruptions, ulcers, or swelling of glands. Painless eruptions, ulcers, or swell'g of glands. Cures wens or other tumors by suppuration . Generally causes atrophy of warts. Itching, as-grav. or unchanged by scratching. Itching, lessened by scratching. Sleeplessness prevalent after midnight . . . Sleeplessness preval. before midnight. Dreams of water, thieves, ghosts, business, Dreams of fire, misfortunes, also merry, men- diseases, or historical. tally exerting dreams, etc. Pulse irregular ; Generally quick, hard, & small. Pulse quick, hard, and full; sometimes inter- mitting or imperceptible. Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover . . Heat or sweat, with inclination to uncover. Apoplexy "^ery rarely apoplexy. Amorousness Changing mood. Faculty to think, weak ; improved in the even- Faculty to think, weak, partic. in the evening ; ino-. better in the morning. Compl. generally in inner angle of eye, on ex- Compl. generally in external angle of eye, in ternal ear, and in lower part of chest. inner ear, and in upper part of chest. Far-sightedness — Saliva predom. increased . Short-sightedn. — Saliva generally diminished. Bitter vomit — Bellyache better after stool . Vomit sour oftener than bitter — Bellyache after stool. Urinal sediment yellow or red Urinal sediment white or red. Catamenia generally of too long duration . . Catamenia generally of too short duration. Expectoration almost constant ; during day . Expector. not constant ; morning and during day, less frequently at night. Remission of complaints before midnight . . Remission afternoon and before midnight. Ailments from Sulphur, or Mercurius . . . Ailm. from Mercurius & other metals, Nitric. acid., Iodine, Sepia, Cinchona, Rhus. Worse when idle Worse from being over-hurried. Worse when alone, better when in company . Generally bett. when alone, worse in company. Worse when growing cold and in cold weather, Better (worse) when growing cold and in cold better when growing warm and in warm air. weather, or when grow'g warm & in warm air. Worse in the open air, better in-doors. Generally better in the open air, worse in-doora (partic. in crowded rooms*). Worse after sweat Worse or better after sweat. Worse during full or new moon Worse during full moon. Predom. worse when lying on back, better Genralj batter T\hen lying on back, worse when lying on side. when lying on side. Worse from change of posture when lying or Worse or better from change of posture. standing. Worse when stooping, better when rising . ► Worse or better when stooping & when rising. Worse when looking up Worse when looking down, partic. at running water. Worse from weeping, also after drinking . . Worse or better fr. weep'g, also after drink'g. Better on an empty stomach ,worse after break- Worse (better) on an empty stomach or after fast. breakfast. Better (worse) when opening or when closing Worse when opening, better when closing the the mouth. mouth. Worse or better from exertion Almost always worse from bodily exertion, running, etc. r Worse when taking a deep breath .... Worse or better when taking a deep breath. Worse from the touch Worse or better from the touch. Predomin. worse ■— *"* — - Predomin. better In dry weather, in the open air, from cold, from uncovering, when alone, when lying on back, when gett'g out of bed, when resting the diseased limb on something, from pressure, and from rubb'g and scratching. Predomin. better — ■ — — -^» — --^ Predomin. worse In wet weather, in-doors,* from warmth, from wrapping up, in company, when lying on side, from warmth of bed, and when rising from stooping. * Both remedies have improv. of complaints from warmth of stove. Spigelia. Belladonna. Left side, partic. lower left, upper right side. Light liair — Oompl. predom. in external parts. Internal trembling sensation — No apoplexy . Complaints predom. on eyelids Compl. generally on upper jaw, in the spleen, in lower part of chest, on fore-arm, in hollow of elbow, on the calf and on top of foot. Pulse slow and strong, more frequent in the evening; irregular; sometimes trembling. Heat or sweat, with inclination to uncover . Thirstless ; during heat sometimes thirst . . Right side, partic. lower right, upper left side. Dark hair — Compl. predom. in internal parts. Trembling of external parts — Apoplexy. Complaints predom. in the angles of the eye. Complaints generally in lower jaw, liver, upper part of chest, on upper arm, in hollow of knee, on shin and sole of foot. Pulse generally frequent or quick, full, hard and tense. Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover. Thirst most rare during chill. Weak memory Memory very active or weak. Easily irritated or offended ; cannot bear to All the senses over-sensitive or complete apa- see pointy things ; rarely indifferent. thy. C.Hg. Sensitive hearing in neuralgia Over-sensit. to light pred. in neuralgia. C.Hg. Stammering or" looking cross-eyed in ab- Stammering or speechless in diseases of brain dominal diseases. or spine. O.Hg. Eyelids lame, relaxed, have to be lifted up Eyelids heavy; they fall down or tremble; with the fingers, or paralytic stiffness. quivering or spasms, and ectropium. C.Hg. Eyes gummy all day Lids stick together in the morning. C.Hg. Desire or dislike for beer . . .... Dislike for beer. Expectoration rather infrequent .... Expectoration very infrequent j morning, dur- ing day, evening. Remission of complaints after midnight . . Ailments from abuse of Mercurius .... Better or worse from washing and moistening the part. Worse or bett. in bed ; worse fr. warmth of bed. Generally worse when lying on right side, bet- ter on left. Worse when lying on painful, better when lying on unpainful side. Worse or better after getting out of bed . . Predom. worse when stooping; better when rising. Worse when ascending, bett. when descending. Worse when bending the diseased part . . Almost always improv. while eating ; predom. better after meals. Worse from spirituous liquors Better or worse from smoking Worse looking upwards, downw., or sideways. Remission after midnight and in the forenoon. Ailm. from Mercur., Platina, Cuprum, Plum- bum, Ferrum, or from sting of insects. Worse from washing, &c, the diseased part. Better in bed and from warmth of bed. Better when lying on right side, worse when lying on left. Better (worse) when lying on painful or on unpainful side. Aim. always improv. after getting out of bed. Better or worse when stooping ; worse or bet- ter when rising. Better (worse) when ascending or descending. Better or worse when bending the part. Worse or better while eating; worse after meals. Worse or better from spirituous liquors. Worse from smoking. Worse looking sideways or at running water. Predomin. wor§e Predomin. better In wet weather, when growing warm, from wrapping up, in bed and " from warmth of bed," when lying on right side, when bending diseased part, when stooping, when stretching out suffering limb, when opening the eyes, when holding the breath, when fasting, and from^cold diet* (or sweets, C.Hg.) Predomin. better Predomin. worse In dry weather, when growing cold, from uncovering, also during sweating: stage, when lyins; on left side, when rising from stoopimr, when drawing up suffering part, when closing the* e3-es, alter breakfast, during and after meals, from warm diet, after drinking, and after stool. * Belladonna, as well as Spigelia, has aggravation predom. from driuki that "swallowing fluids " is difficult; with Spigelia we find i. »wx uim, u ng cold water, because it is peculiar to Bellad. more complaints when swallowing saliva. Spigelia. Pulsatilla. Left side, partic. lower left, upper right side. Eight side, partic. lower right, upper left side. Complaints (pinching pain, &c.) predom. in Complaints (pinching pain, &c.) predom. in external parts. internal parts. Dropsy of internal parts — Aversion to the Dropsy of external parts — Desire for the open open air. air. Itching, aggrav. or unchanged, or lessened by Itching, aggrav. or unchanged, but never re- scratching, lieved by scratching. Complaints generally on upper jaw, upper lip, Complaints generally on lower jaw, lower lip, in the spleen, fore-arm, palm of hand, patella, in the liver, upper arm, back of hand, hol- thigh. and top of foot. low of knee, leg, and on sole of foot. No apoplexy Apoplexy. Pulse generally strong, but slow; irregular; Pulse generally weak, but accelerated ; some- trembling, times intermitting or imperceptible. Pulse often quicker than beating of heart . . Pulse often suppressed, with strong beating of heart. Thirst appears only sometimes during hot Want of thirst predom., but constant only stage. during cold stage. Irritable mood — Barely unconsciousness . . Gentleness — Good-naturedness — Delirium. Pain like a sore in the head, evenings, when Pain like a sore in the head, under the same stooping and when moving the eyes ; better conditions as Spigelia, but better when wheu lying with head high, from pressure walking in the open air. and when laying the hand on it ; worse when walking in the open air. Pupils dilated — Far-sightedness Pup. generally contracted— Short-sightedness. Appetite for spirituous liquors ; desire or aver- Desire for beer and spirituous liquors. sion to beer. Urine too often and copious — Sediment white. Urine too seldom and scanty— Sediment red. Expectoration rather rare Expectoration predom., but not constant. Palpitation of heart with trembling beats . . Palpitation of heart with equal beats, rarely with intermissions. Aggrav., partic. from morning till midnight . Aggravation from noon till midnight. "Worse from bodily exertion Generally better from exertion, running, &c. Worse after perspiring ........ Worse or better after perspiring. Generally worse when lying on right side ; Predom. better when lying on right side ; better when lying on left side. worse when lying on left side. Almost always iraprov. when sitting down . Worse or better when sitting down. Worse when looking sideways, up, or down . Worse when looking up. Predom. better after eating Worse or better after eating. Better or worse from smoking Worse from smoking. Almost always improv. after stool .... Better or worse after stool. Worse when assuming an erect position . . Better or worse when assuming an erect posi- tion. Worse when getting out of bed ; worse or Better or worse when and after getting out better afterwards. of bed. Almost always aggrav. when rising from a Wo rse or better when rising from a seat; bet- seat; better afterwards. ter or worse afterwards. Worse when moving the part; worse when Better or worse when moving diseased part; bending it. worse or better when bending it. Worse or better from washing and moistening Predom. better from washing and moistening the part. diseased part. Predomln. worse -- ■*■ — __— -'~ N ---_— -—-^ Predomin. better From cold and in cold weather, in the open air and when walking out-doors, from motion, when walk- ing, from bodily exertion, when lying on right or on painful side, when getting out of bed, when opening the eyes, when bendina; suffering part sideways, when stretching out diseased limb, when 6itting erect, from drinking cold water and from cold diet in general, when moving suffering part. Predomln. better — — »^_^-^^^_^ . Predomln. worse From warmth and in warm air, in-doors, during rest, after lying down, when standing and lying, parti- cularly lying on left or on unpainful side, when closing the eyes, when drawing up diseased limb, when sitting bent forward, while and after eating, after drinking, from warm diet, and when per- spiring. N.B. Spigelia lacks the numb feeling in suffering parts peculiar to Pulsatilla. Spongia. Bryonia. Desire for open air Rending pain upwards Complaints predominant in external parts — Constriction in internal parts. Compl. predominant on upper jaw, fore- arm, on tip of elbow, and on shin. Itching, unchanged or aggrav., or locality changed by scratching. Pleasant dreams predominant jN"o apoplexy — ]N"o paralysis Aversion to the open air. Rending pain downwards. Compl. predom. in internal parts — Con- striction in external parts. Compl. predom. on lower jaw, on upper arm, on patella, and on calf. Itching, unchanged or relieved by scratch- ing. Anxious dreams. Apoplexy — Paralysis. Cheerfulness — Satiety of life Dejection — Despondency — Irritability. Tery rarely fancies or delirium .... Unconsciousness. Catamenia too soon Catamenia too soon or retarded. Yoice interrupted Voice nasal. Respiration predom. with dry sound . . Respiration predom. with moist sound. Cough generally dry, sometimes with ex- Expectoration not constant; morning and pectoration, which is loosened in the evening, less frequently during the day. morning and swallowed. Aggravation afternoon and night, partic. before midnight. Worse during full moon Worse in cold weather, better in warm air . Worse when closing the eyes, better when opening them. Worse when lying on painful side, better when lying on unpainful side. Better or worse when stooping, worse when rising. Worse from eructation Aggravation from evening till morning, Worse in sultry air or during a storm. Worse (better) in cold weather or in warm air. Worse (better) when closing or when open- ing the eyes. Generally better when lying on painful, worse when lying on unpainful side. Worse when stooping, worse or better when rising. Better or worse from eructation. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In contracted posture, when lying: on right or on painful side, when lying generally, from warmth of bed, when sitting, particularly when sitting erect, when sitting down, after stool, from external pressure, from rubbing and scratching. Predomin. better Predomin. worse In extended posture/when lying on left or on unpainful side, when sitting bent forward, when and after rising from a seat, when walking out-doors, when swallowing and eating. N.B. Spongia lacks the over-sensitiveness to pain which often occurs with Bryonia. Both remedies have sensitiveness to the touch. Spongia. Light "hair — Skin and muscles lax . . . Complaints predominant in external parts . Often indicated with children and women . Complaints generally in external angle of eye, in upper jaw, on tip of elbow, in the thigh, partic. in front part of it. Itching, aggravated or locality changed, or unchanged, by scratching. When asleep, lying in a horizontal position or with head low. Pulse more equal than with Phosphorus . Thirst predominant Neither apoplexy nor paralysis .... Phosphorus. Park hair — Skin and muscles rigid. Compl. predom. in internal parts. Often indicated with old people. Complaints generally in inner angle of eye, in lower jaw, hollow of elbow, and in thigh, partic. in back part of it. Itching, lessened or aggravated by scratch- ing. When asleep, often a sitting posture. Pulse irregular, sometimes intermitting. Want of thirst. Apoplexy — Paralysis. Difficult comprehens'n — Mental dullness — No unconsciousness — Rarely delirium or fancies. Eyes protruding oftener than sunken . • Appetite for beer, or dislike for it . . . Urinal sediment white or yellow .... Voice interrupted Respiration predom. slow Cough generally dry; expectoration not constant, is loosened in the morning and swallowed. Easy or difficult comprehension — Mental excitability — Ecstasies — Insanity. Eyes sunken. Dislike for beer. Urinal sediment white, yellow, or red. Yoice trembling or hissing. Respiration generally quick. Expectoration not constant; morning and during the day. Remission from midnight till noon and in Remission after midnight. the evening. Worse (better) when growing cold or Worse when growing cold, better when warm. growing warm. Worse when perspiring Worse or better when perspiring. Better or worse in bed Worse or better in bed. Generally worse when lying on side, better Generally better when lying on side, worse when lying on back. when lying on back. Worse after sleep Better after sufficient sleep, but worse on awaking when roused and after the siesta. Worse when closing, better when opening Better (worse) when closing or when open- the eyes. ing the eyes. Predom. worse after getting out of bed . Worse or better after getting out of bed. Predom. better while eating, worse after- Worse or better while and after eating. wards. Worse from eructation Worse or better from eructation. Worse during full moon ....... Worse in sultry weather or dur'g a storm. Predomin. worse Predomin. better In dry weather, when lying on side, partic. on "right" side, when sitting down, while sitting, partic. sitting erect, after sleep, lying with head high, from touch, from rubbing and scratching. Predomin. better Predomin. worse Tn wet weather, when lying on hack or on "left" side, when rising from a seat, when sitting bent for- ward, in bed, in a horizontal position or with head low, after perspiring, and alter swallowing and eating. N.B. Spongia lacks the over-sensitiveness of Phosphorus to pain. Spongia. Pulsatilla. Complaints predom. in external parts . . Compl. preclom. in internal parts— Apo- plexy — Paralysis. Dropsy in the cavities of the body . . . Anasarca. Itching, aggrav. or unchanged, or locality Itching, aggravated or unchanged by changed by scratching. scratching. Ulcers, with scanty discharge Ulcers, with copious discharge. When asleep, horizontal position with head When asleep, lying on the back, the arms bent back. above the head, or sitting posture. Pulse quick, full, and hard Pulse generally frequent, small, and weak ; sometimes intermitting. Thirst predom., but rarely dur'g cold stage. Thirstlessn. predom., always dur'g cold stage. Cheerfulness predom. — Stubbornness . . Calm sadness of mild disposit'ns — Distrust — Avarice — Chang'g mood — Gentleness — Amorousness. Yery rarely fancies — Rarely delirium . . Absent-mindedness — Unconsciousness. Compl. generally in external angle of eye, Compl. generally in inner angle of eye, on on outside of ear, upper jaw, tip of elbow, inside of ear, lower jaw, in hollow of fore-arm, and on thigh. elbow, on upper arm, and on leg. Eyes protruding often er than sunken . . Eyes sunken. Saliva predominantly diminished .... Saliva generally increased. Dislike for beer oftener than appetite for it. Thirst for beer. Constipation predominant Diarrhoea predominant. Urinal sediment white or yellow .... Urinal sediment red. Catamenia too soon Catamenia too late. Dry coryza predominant Coryza fluent oftener than dry. Respiration predominantly slow .... Respiration predominantly quick. Yoice, as with Pulsatilla, but sometimes Yoice failing or rough and hoarse, without resonance, hollow, interrupted. Cough generally dry Cough generally with expectoration. Expector. is generally swallowed, is loosened Expector. morning and during the day, is in the morning, and is like the coryza, like the nasal secretion, thick mucus or viscous or hardened. like pus, yellow, and of a bad odor. Aggravation afternoon & before midnight. Aggravation afternoon and evening, after sunset till midnight. Worse in dry cold weather Worse in wet cold or warm weather. Worse when moving Better during continued moderate motion. Better in a horizontal posture .... Better when lying with head high. Worse while perspiring, better afterwards. Worse while and after perspiring. Better while swallowing, worse when not Worse or better when swallowing, swallowing. Predomin. worse *-* ^ -- — ' -r^ Predomin. better In dry weather, from cold, when lying on painful side, from tying the clothes tight, on inspirat'n, from bodily exertion, when sitting erect, when holding diseased limb bent, when bending the head side- ways, from pressure, when lying with the head high, and from motion. Predomin. better ■— -^- — ^ Predomin. worse In wet weather, from warmth, when lying on unpainful side, from loosening the clothes, on expiration during rest, when standing, when sitting bent forward, in bed,* in a horizontal position, & after perspiring. N.B. Spongia lacks the over-sensitiveness of Pulsat. to pain. Both remedies have sensitiveness to touch, * Both, remedies have aggravations from warmth of bed. Stannum. Lycopodium. Left side, partic. upper left, lower right Right side, partic. upper right, lower aide. left side. Dark hair — Sensitiveness (internal or ex- Light hair — Numb sensation (internal or ternal). external). Apoplexy not yet observed Apoplexy. ltchino- or pinching pain in internal parts . Itching or pinching pain in external parts. Dry eruptions Eruptions generally humid. Compl. generally on lower lip, in the spleen, Compl. generally on upper lip, in the liver, on upper arm, on tip of elbow. on fore-arm, and in hollow of elbow. Pulse quick and small Pulse somewhat accelerated only after eat- ing and in the evening. External chill with internal heat .... Internal chill with external heat. Thirst, partic. between hot and sweating Thirst is wanting only dnring chill, and re- state, mains after the sweatiug stage. Mood very rarely peevish or irritable . . Mood changing; serious; haughty; mali- cious — Avarice — Distrust. No delirium — Rarely unconsciousness — Absent-mindedness — Insanity more frequent Imbecility. than imbecility. Pupils contracted Pupils dilated. Nausea in throat, less frequently in stomach Nausea in stomach, or abdomen. Urine scanty Urine often, but scanty. Catam. too soon and profuse — Leucorrhoea Catam. too late; scanty or profuse — Leu- mild, corrhcea predom. acrid. Expector. predom, but not constant; part. Expector. nearly constant; morning and during day and evening. evening. Remiss, after midnight and during the day Remiss, after midnight and in the forenoon. Worse from weeping Better or worse from weeping. Better when alone ; worse when in company. Worse (better) when alone or in company. Almost always aggrav. in bed Better or worse in bed. Generally worse when lying on left side, Generally better when lying on left, worse better when lying on right side. when lying on right side. Predom. worse when getting out of bed . Better or worse when getting out of bed. Worse (better) when drawing up diseased Better when drawing up diseased limb, limb or when stretching it out. worse when stretching it out. Worse when perspiring Better or worse when perspiring. Better or worse from exertion Worse from bodily exertion. Worse when stooping Generally better when stooping. Worse after stool . Worse or better after stool. Predomin. worse — — , --^ — ~^^. Predomin. better When lying on left side, when stooping and when sitting bent forward, when lifting diseased limb, when ascending, on expiration, from weeping, and from eructation. Predomin. better ^ ■»» -^^ — -^ Predomin. worse "When lyina; on right side, when sitting erect, when letting diseased limb hana: down, when descending? on inspiration and when taking a deep breath, when swallowing and eating, and from pressure. N.B. Stannum lacks the over-sensitiveness of Lycopodium to pain. Stannum. Sulphur. Desire for open air Aversion to the open air. Pulse frequent and small Pulse quick, full, and hard ; sometimes in- termitting or imperceptible. External chill with internal heat Thirst, partic. between hot and stages. Compl. predom. on lower lip, on arm, and on tip of elbow. chill upper Internal chill with external heat. Thirst mostly during heat; during generally want of thirst. Compl. predom. on upper lip, on fore-arm, and in hollow of elbow. Yery rarely irritable mood Mood changing, indifferent, serious, and solemn. No delirium— Imbecility Absent-mindedness — Insanity — Yery rarely imbecility. Generally hunger Generally want of appetite. Aversion to beer Desire for or aversion to beer and spiritu- ous liquors. Nausea in throat, less frequently in sto- Nausea in stomach, less frequently in throat, mach or abdomen. Urine too scanty Urine often, but scanty. Catam. too soon and profuse Catam. generally retarded and scanty. Spasmodic labor-pains — Leucorrhoea mild. Weak or ceasing labor-pains — Leueorrhcea acrid. Nasal secretion thick Nasal secretion watery. Yoice hoarse or raised Yoice hoarse or deep. Expector. predom., but not constant; partic. Expect, not constant; morning and during during the day and evening. the day, less frequently at night. Aggrav. morning and evening till midnight. Aggrav. from midnight till noon and in the evening. Worse when lying on side, better when Generally worse when lying on the side, lying on back. better when lying on back. Predom. worse when getting out of bed ; Better when getting out of bed, better or better afterwards. worse afterwards. Better when moving diseased part . . . Worse or better when moving the part. Worse (better) when stretching out diseased Almost always aggrav. when stretching out limb or when drawing it up. the limb, improved by drawing it up. Worse when blowing the nose, but better Worse when blowing the nose. afterwards. Better when taking a deep breath • . ♦ Worse or better when taking a deep breath. Better or worse from bodily exertion. . . Almost always aggrav. by exertion, run- ning, &c. Worse when stooping; worse or better Worse or better when stooping and when when rising. rising. Worse from touch, from weeping, and after Worse or better from touch, from weeping, urinating. and after urinating. Worse when swallowing drink Worse when swallowing dry food and when swallowing saliva. Better while eating Worse or better while eating. Worse after stool Worse or better after stool. Worse from eructation ....... Almost always improved by eructation. Predomin. worse --— — - — -^- — ^^ Predomin. better On expiration, when getting out of bed, and from eructation. Predomin. better — ■ - — — — - — -^*** — ---~. Predomin. worse On inspiration, when moving diseased part, and when swallowing. 30 Staphisagria. Upper left, lower right side — Pain pressing inwards. Sensitiveness or inflammation of external parts. Dryness of the skin Complaints generally on inside of ear, in the bladder, on back part of thigh, and on sole of foot. Pulse frequent & small, sometimes trembl'g. Thirst is predom. only during hot stage . Colocynthis. Upper right, lower left side — Pain pressing outwards. Sensitiveness or inflammation of internal parts. Generally disposition to sweat. Complaints generally on outside of ear, in the kidneys, on front part of thigh, and on top of foot. Pulse generally frequent, full, and hard. Want of thirst predominant. Indifference — Ailments from (shame, grief, mortification, or from vexation with in- dignation or reserved displeasure) mis- behavior of others, or from disappointed love. Fancies — Imbecility Bellyache worse after stool and passing urine. Urine often, but scanty Catamenia retarded and scanty .... Expectoration nearly constant ; is loosened partic. at night; is swallowed. Ailments from (shame, grief, mortification, or from vexation with indignation or re- served displeasure) anger. Insanity. Bellyache abated after stool. Urine diminished or increased. Catamenia too soon and profuse. Expectoration quite seldom. Aggravations appear at all times of the Aggravations during the day and even- day and night* ing. Gen erally worse from cold. ... . Gen erally better from cold. Worse or better when growing cold . . . Better when growing cold. Better or worse 1 in bed Almost always aggravated in bed. Worse from touch Better or worse from touch. Worse from pressure Better or worse from pressure. Worse or better when leaning against some- Better when leaning against something, but thing. worse afterwards. Worse when smoking Better or worse from smoking. Worse after stool Better or worse after stool. Worse after urinating Worse or better after urinating. Ailments from Mercurius or Thuya . . . Ailments from Causticum. Predomin. worse Predomin. better From motion, from pressure, from cold, wben lying on painful side, after perspiring, from smoking, from eructation, from rubbing and scratching. Predomin. better Predomin worse During rest, after tying down, when standing; and lying, from warmth, in bed, when lying on un- painful side. N.B. The main characteristic of Colocynthis is that it produces cramp-like pains in internal and ex- ternal parts; tonic spasms with jamminer, pressive pains, and in such is Staphisagria its main antidote. Hahnemann.— Causticum, Colocynthis, and staphisagria are nearly related, and often one, after its effects cease, will indicate the other, finishing remedy. C.Hg. They may all be followed by Sepia, our great * Compare note % to Mercurius — Staphisagria. Staphisagria. Upper left, lower right side — Anaemia . . . Dark hair — Skin and muscles rigid .... Pain pressing inwards — Pinching pain in in- ternal parts. No apoplexy — Paralysis generally one-sided. Scabs around the joints Pleasant dreams predominant Pulse frequent & small, sometimes trembling. Want of thirst predom. ; only during hot stage there is more thirst. Lycopodium. Upp. right, low. leftside — Plethora or anaemia. Light hair — Skin and muscles lax. Pain pressing outwards — Pinching pain in ex- ternal parts. Apoplexy — Paralysis often of both sides. Sweat around the joints. Unpleasant dreams predominant. Pulse somewhat accelerated only in the even- ing and after eating. Thirst is wanting only during chill, & remains after the fever attack. Mood sad, rarely distrustful Mood changing; sad or cheerful ; gentle or irritable ; haughty ; malicious — Greediness. Earely unconsciousness — No delirium . . . Unconsciousness — Delirium — Absent-minded- ness. Ailments from the misbehavior of others, from Ailments from fright, anger, or from vexation shame, disappointed love, or from vexation with fear or vehemence. with indignation. Swelling of upper lip predominant .... Swelling of lower lip predom. Nausea in throat — Hot fetid flatus .... Nausea in the stomach — Scentless flatus pred. Discharge of succus prostaticus predominant, Pollutions predominant. partic. with the stool. Catamenia too scanty Catamenia too scanty or too profuse. Fluent coryza predominant Coryza dry oftener than fluent. Expector. is loosened at night and swallowed. Expector. morning and evening. Complaints predom. in lower part of chest . Compl. predom. in upper part of chest. Trembling beating of the heart Equal palpitation of the heart. Complaints predom. on wrist Compl. predom. on ankle. Emission undecided Worse in cold weather, better in warm air . Worse (better) from uncovering or from wrap- ping up. Worse while and after perspiring .... Worse (better) from light or in the dark . . Worse when getting out of bed ; vjorse or better afterwards. Potter when sitting down Worse when rising from a seat, when sneezing, and after stool. Better or worse when stooping; worse when rising. Worse or better when washing, etc., the part. W r orse or better when swallowing .... Worse or better when eating Worse when gaping, but better afterwards . Remission after midnight and in the forenoon. Better (worse) in cold weather or in warm air. Predom. better from uncovering, worse from wrapping up. Worse or better while and after perspiring. Generally worse from light, better in the dark. Worse or better when getting out of bed; almost always improved afterwards. Worse or better when sitting down. Worse or better when rising from a seat, when sneezing, and after stool. Predom. better when stooping; worse or better when rising. Worse from wash'g & moisten'g diseased part. Worse when swallowing. Almost always aggravated when eating. Worse when gaping. Predoniin. worse * ' -^ — —- ^ Predomin. better From cold, in the open air & when walking out-doors, from motion, partic. moving diseased part, when walking, when ascending, on expiration, when closing the eyes, when fasting, from eructation and in extended posture. Predomin. Predomin. better - — — ^ Predomin. worse From warmth, in-doors, during rest, after lying down, when lvin°:, sitting and standing, when descend- ing, on inspiration, when taking a deep breath, when opening the eyes, after breakfast in con- tracted posture, and when resting diseased limh on eomething. Staphisagria. Nux vomica. Upper left, lower right predominant . . . Complaints (pulsating, sensation of cold, etc.) predominant in external parts — Internal trembling sensation. Pain pressing inwards Paralysis generally one-sided Painless eruptions Pulse frequent & small ; sometimes trembling. Heat or sweat, with inclination to uncover . Chill increased after sleep, lessened by motion and out-doors. Want of thirst ; only during hot stage thirst is predominant. Upper right, lower left. Complaints (pulsating, sensation of cold, etc.) predom. in internal parts — Trembling of external parts. Pain pressing outwards. Paralysis generally of both sides — Apoplexy. Painful eruptions. P. generally full & hard ; sometim. intermitt'g. Heat or sweat, with aversion to uncover. Chill lessened after sleep, increased by motion and out-doors. Thirst mostly dur'g chill, but also between heat & sweat, and before & after the whole attack. Hypochondria, with apathy and exhaustion . Hypoch., withdisconsolateness & over-sensitiv. Suppressed irritability Outbursts of anger — Malice. Changing mood — Taciturnity Loquacity. Ailm. fr. the misbehavior of others & fr. shame. Ailm. fr. fright, jealousy, anger, & contradict'n. Rarely unconsciousness Absent-mindedness— Delirium. Dim-sightedness — Optical illusions in black, Predom. seeing objects too clearly — Optical dark colors. illusions in bright colors. Face peaked and hollow-eyed — Gums white . Features puny, earthy-colored, yellowish, or red & puffed up — Gums & inner mouth red. Hunger predominant Generally loss of appetite. Appetite for bread Aversion to bread, partic. rye-bread. Nausea in throat; less frequently in stomach Nausea, partic. in the stomach ; less frequently or abdomen. in oesophagus. Horses: Ischuria, with the flanks drawn in Horses : Spasmodic colic, with the flanks drawn and dung in large balls. in and dung in small, dry balls or black, covered with mucus. Urine often, but scanty ; dark oftener than light. IT. seldom & scanty ; generally light-colored. Urinal stream thin Urinal streams large. Catamenia too late and scanty Catam. too soon and profuse. Fluent coryza predom. — Secretion thick or Generally stoppage of nose, partic. out-doors ; viscid. but in-doors fluentcoryza — Secretion watery. Expector. quite constant; at night; is gen- Expectoration not constant; in the morning, erally swallowed. during day and evening. Trembling beating of the heart Beating of heart equal ; rarely intermitting. Complaints predom. on wrist Compl. predom. on ankle. Remission of complaints undecided* . Worse when gaping; better afterwards Worse after perspiring Worse when swallowing drink . Better (worse) from light or in the dark Remission evening till midnight. Worse while and after gaping. Worse while perspiring, better afterwards. Worse when swallowing food and saliva. Worse from light ; better in the dark. Predomin. worse Predomin. better When sitting erect, in wet weather, from washing & moistening diseased part, from pressure, after sleep, f after perspiring, when swallowing drink, and when stretching out diseased limb. Predomin. better - — — — > ^~^- — -—». Predomin. worse When sitting bent forward, in dry weather, when drawing up diseased limb, and after gaping. * Compare note t to Mercnrias — Staphisagria. t After sleeping too long Nux vomica has aggravation ; likewise on awaking when roused from sleep ; it has improve- ment only after sufficient, but not too long sleep. Staphisagria. Pulsatilla. Aversion to the open air — Complaints of ex- Desire for open air — Complaints of internal ternal parts predom. parts predom. No apoplexy — Pain pressing inwards . . . Apoplexy — Pain pressing outwards. Itching, aggravated or the locality changed by Itching, aggravated or unchanged by scratch- scratching, ing. Painless eruptions — Awaking too soon . . . Painful eruptions — Awaking too late. Pulse sometimes trembling Pulse sometimes intermitting or imperceptible. Want of thi st predominant, but constant only during chill. Thirst is predominant only during hot stage . Th. partic. before & betw. the different stages. Rarely distrust Mood changing; gentle — Boldness — Avarice. Rarely unconsciousness — Imbecility. . . . Absent-mindedness — Melancholy — Delirium. Ailments fr. disappointed love, and fr. vexa- Ailments from joy, fright, or vexation with tion with indignat'n or reserved displeasure. fear or dread. Optical illusions in black or in dark colors . Optical illusions in bright colors. Pupils dilated Pupils generally contracted. Nasal complaints generally internal .... Nasal complaints generally external. Swelling of upper lip predominant .... Swelling of lower lip predominant. Appetite for milk Dislike for milk. Urine often, but scanty Urine seldom and scanty. Trembling beating of heart Palpitation of heart with equal, less frequently with intermitting beats. Expectoration quite constant; is loosened at Expectoration predominant, but not constant ; night; is swallowed. in the morning and during the day. Complaints predominant on fore-arm . . . Complaints predominant on upper arm. The horse does not allow any one to approach The horse is sensitive to touch, especially on him while he eats his feed. the ears ; does resist being bridled. Aggravation at all times of the day or night. Aggravation from noon till midnight. "Worse (better) when growing cold or growing Better when growing cold, worse when grow- warm. ing warm. Worse (better) from uncover'g or from wrap- Predominantly better from uncovering, worse ping up. from wrapping up. Better or worse in bed Predominantly worse in bed. Worse when turning in bed, after sleep, after Worse or better from change of posture, after perspiring, and from eructation. sleep, after perspiring, and from eructation. Worse when getting out of bed ; worse or Better or worse when and after getting out of better afterwards. bed. Worse when rising from a seat; better after- Worse or better when ris'g from a seat; better wards. or worse afterwards. Worse when sitting down Better or worse when sitting down. Better or worse when stooping Predom. worse when stooping. Better when assuming an erect position and Worse or better when assuming an erect posi- when taking a deep breath. tion and when taking a deep breath. Worse when moving diseased part and from Better or worse when moving the part and exertion. from exertion. Worse when bending diseased part .... Better or worse from bending the part. Worse from pressure and after stool . . . Better or worse from pressure and after stool. Worse on an empty stomach, better after break- Worse (better) on an empty stomach or alter fast. breakfast. Better or worse when eating; worse after- Almost always aggravated when eating; wo.se wards. or better afterwards. Worse when gaping; better afterwards . . Worse when gaping. Worse when swallowing drink ..... Worse when swallowing saliva. Predomin. worse -—— ■*— -"^ — ■ -^ Predomin. better From cold and hi cold weather, in the open air and when walking out-doors, from motion, partic. when moving diseased part, when walking, while and after getting out of bed, from bodily exertion, when stretching out diseased limb, when bending the suffering part sideways, when sitting erect, when lying on painful side, from pressure, from eating sour things, after stool, and from washing and moistening diseased part. Predomin. better -— — — '">• — — —""""' ---. Predomin. worse From warmth and in warm air, in-doors, during rest, after lyinsi; down, in bed. when standing, sitting and lying, partic. when sitting bent forward, when lying on uupaimul side, and when drawing up diseased limb. Staphisagria. Sulphur. Hight side — Increased bodily irritability . . Left side — Want of bodily irritability. Pain pressing inwards — Pinching pain in in- Pain pressing outwards — Pinching pain in ex- ternal parts. ternal parts. Paralvsis generally one-sided Paralysis generally of both sides. Itch'g, aggrav. or locality chang'd by scratch'g. Itch'g, almost always improved by scratching. Scabs around the joints— Itch predom. humid. Itching, erysipelas, or vesicles around the joints — Itch predom. dry. Awakinsr too earlv Awaking too late. Pulse frequent, small; often trembling . . Pulse generally frequent, sometimes full and hard; intermitting or imperceptible. "Want of thirst, except hot stage .... Thirst predom., but not constant. Chill increased in a warm room Chill abated in a warm room. Solicitude concerning the future Solicitude concerning the present. C.Hg. Amorousness Mood changing ; gentle or irritable ; rarely amorousness. Ailments from the misbehavior of others, Ailments from hearing bad news, shame, or shame, grief, disappointed love, indignation, vexation with fright, dread or fear ; less fre- vexation with reserved displeasure. quently from anger. No delirium — Imbecility Absent-mindedn. — Insanity oft. th. imbecility. Pupils dilated Pupils contracted. Compl. predom. on inside of gums — Gums white. Compl. on outside of gums — Gums red. Teeth : sensation as if pressed in .... Teeth: sensation as if drawn out. C.IIg. Saliva predominantly increased Saliva generally diminished. Hunger predominant Generally loss of appetite. Appetite for bread or milk Aversion to bread, partic. rye-bread, & to milk. Desire for spirituous liquors Desire for or aversion to beer and spirituous liquors. Nausea, partic. in throat Nausea in the stomach. Urine often, but scanty Urine often, but scanty. Nasal secretion thick or viscid Nasal secretion watery. Expector. nearly constant ; is loosened, partic. Expector. not constant; in the morning and at night, and swallowed. during the day, less frequently at night. Compl. predom. in lower part of chest . . Compl. predom. in upper part of chest. Trembling beating of heart Palpitation of heart, with accelerated, some- times intermitting beats. Remission of complaints undecided .... Remission afternoon and before midnight. Ailments from Mercurius or Thuya .... Ailments from Mercurius and other metals, from Nitric, acid., Iodine. Sepia, Cinchona, or Rhus. Worse in cold weather; better in warm air . Better (worse) in cold weather or in warm air. Worse in the open air ; better in-doors . . . Generally bett. in the open air, worse in-doors, psr ic. in crowded rooms.* AVorse or better from warmth of bed & when Almost always worse from warmth of bed & swallowing and eating. when swallowing and eating. Better or worse when biting Worse when clenching the teeth. AVorse when swallowing drink Worse when swallowing dry food and saliva. Worse on an empty stomach, better after Better (worse) on an empty stomach or after breakfast. breakfast. Worse after stool Worse or better after stool. AVorse when gaping, but better aftenvardsf . Worse when gaping. Predomin. worse ^— ' -^ — -^ ~^ Predomin. better In the open air, from cold, but also from warmth of stove, on expiration, from motion, when -retting out of bed, when sitting erect, from pressure, from rubbing & scratching, and from eructation. Fredomiu. better --— ^^ , -^ Predomin. worse In-doors, from warmth, on inspiration, during rest, after Ivins: down, in bed, when lvine;, standing and sitting, partic. sitting bent forward. * Still we find " improvement from warmth of Move" wiih Sulphur t Utaphis. has: Worse when turning in b-d, after pempiiia?, when sneezing from tonch, when mo vine diseased part, when assuming an erect position, and after passing urine. — Sulphur: " Worse or" better under the same conditions. Staphisagria. Thuya. Eight side predominant — Dark hair . . . Left side — Light hair. Muscles rigid Muscles lax. Anremia Plethora. Itching of the skin, aggrav. or locality Itching, lessened by scratching, changed by scratching. Scabs around the joints Oedema around the joints. Paralysis generally one-sided Apoplexy — Paralysis often of both sides. Pain pressing inwards Pain pressing outwards. Pulse frequent and small, often trembling . Pulse slow and weak in the morning, ac- celerated and full in the evening. Congestion of blood to the ears .... Congestion of blood to the eyes. Want of thirst is constant during sweating Thirst is not constant during sweating and cold stages. stage * Chill lessened in the open air Chill increased in the open air. Complaints generally on inside of nose, on Complaints generally on outside of nose, lower jaw, on inside of gums, in lower on upper jaw, on outside of gums, in up- part of chest, in the bladder, on the per part of chest, in the kidneys, on the hands, and on the soles of the feet. feet, and on the instep. Pleasant dreams predominant Anxious dreams predominant. Amorousness — Weakness of mental facul- Rarely amorousness — Excitability and ecsta- ties. sies, or weakness. Eyes predominantly sunken Eyes protruding. Pupils dilated — Objects appear too large . Pup. contracted — Objects appear too small. Saliva predominantly increased .... Saliva generally diminished. Hunger predominant Loss of appetite predominant. Urine often, but scanty Urine often and copious. Catamenia too late and scanty Catamenia predom. too soon and scanty. Expectoration predominant; is loosened Expectoration predominant j in the evening. partic. at night and generally swallowed. Remission undecided. — Comp. Morcurius — Remission in the forenoon and before mid- Staphisagria. night. Many symptoms, except those on the scalp, Many symptoms, excepting tho«e of the are aggravated by cold, improved by skin, are aggravated by warmth and warmth. growing warm, and improved by cold. Consequences of taking cold, also after get- Consequences of being overheated. ting warm out-doors. Better in a warm room Better in-doors, but worse when the room is too warm. Better when resting on diseased limb . . Worse when rest'g on diseased limb or lett'g it hang down, better when lifting it. Worse when swallowing drink .... Worse when swallowing saliva. Worse when rising Worse when stooping. "Worse from touch and pressure .... Generally improved by touch and pressure. Ailments from Mercurius or Thuya . . . Ailm. from Mercur., Sulphur or Iodine. Predomin. worse -— — *— ■ '" s - — — "— --^ Predomin. better From cold, from motion, on an empty stomach, after stool, after perspiring, from washing or moistening diseased part, from rubbing and scratching, " from touch and pressure." Predomin. hett. — — ^_ Predomin. better In-doors, when drawing up diseased limb, when sitting and standing, and when swallowing food. Predomin. better ^ — — *—- ^*^ ^-— " .. Predomin. worse In the open air, when stretching out diseased limb, from change of position, from pressure when swal- lowing, partic. when swallowing drink, therefore from drinking cold water. N.B. We very rarely find the over-sensitiveness of Zinc with Mereur. ; apparently in contradiction to the constitutional character of both remedies ; but compare the preface. Zinc. Pulsatilla. Lft side— Want of bodily irritability . . . Eight side — Increased irritability. Pain pressing inwards — Haemorrhages, blood Pain pressing outwards — Haemorrhages, blood light-red. dark. Compl. predom. in external parts, dropsy in Compl. predom. in internal parts, dropsy in internal parts. external parts. Paralysis of the limbs — No apoplexy . . . Apoplexy more frequent than paralysis. Dry eruptions • . . . Humid eruptions. Itching, relieved, or locality changed, or un- Itching, aggrav. or unchanged by scratching. changed by scratching. Sweat on lower part of body Chill on lower part of body. Pulse more irregular than with Pulsatilla . . Pulse irregular, but less so than with Zinc. Wine affects the pulse Beer or Coffee affects the pulse. C.Hg. Chill, increas'd in the open air — Sweat, lessened Chill, lessened in the open air — Sweat, iu- when eating. creased when eating. Compl. generally on inside of nose, on upper Compl. generally on outside of nose, on lower lip, on fore-arm, on patella and instep. lip, on upper arm, in hollow of knee, and on sole of foot. Mood cheerful ; irritable Calm, lachrymose sadness — Distrust — Bold- ness — Avarice. Mental excitability Mental dullness — Absent-mindedness — Fancies — Unconsciousness. Vertigo, inclining to fall sideways (left side) . Vertigo, inclining to fall backwards, less fre- quently sideways or forwards. Stupefying headache in the morning . . . Stupefying headache in the evening. Generally costiveness ; when diarrhoea occurs, Generally painful diarrhoea, it is generally painless. Urinal sediment yellow Urinal sediment red. Scrotum contracted Scrotum relaxed. C.Hg. Catamehia more copious during the night . Catam. only dur'g the day while walk'g. C.Hg. Dry coryza predominant Coryza fluent oftener than dry. Diminished secretion of milk Milk generally increased. Larynx dry Larynx full of mucus. Expectoration quite constant ; partic. in the Expector. predom., but not constant; morning morning. and during day. Aggravation afternoon and evening . . . Aggravation from noon till midnight. Worse from exertion, running, etc Better or worse from bodily exert'n (but worse, on the other hand, fr. mental exert'n. C.Hg.) Worse on inspiration and expiration . . . Better on inspiration, worse on expiration. Worse in bed and after sleep Worse or better in bed and after sleep. Better when and after getting out of bed, and Better or worse when and after getting out of after rising from a seat. bed, etc. Worse when sitting erect, better when sitting Generally better when sitting, worse when bent forward. sitting bent forward. Better or worse when lying and from touch . Worse when lying and from touch. Worse when moving or bending diseased part. Better or worse whenmov'g or beud'g the part. Generally better when swallowing .... Generally worse when swallowing. Worse when swallowing food Worse when swallowing saliva. Better on an empty stomach; worse after Worse (better) on an empty stomach or after breakfast. breakfast. Worse after eating Worse or better after eating, Better when eating ; worse afterwards . . . Better when drinking ; worse afterwards. Bellyache ceases after stool ■ Bellyache after stool. Predomin. worse -— "" " "~ "^^* , ^-^_— -^^~-_— — — -^™ - —~~ — ---. Predomin. better From cold, from growing cold & in cold weather, from washing & moistening the suffering part, when opening the eyes, when sitting erect, from bodily exertion, running, etc., and after stool. Predomin. better *- -^^ — — -- Predomin. worse From warmth, from growing warm & in warm air, when blowing the nose, when closing the eyes, when sittin., or instead of Mens. — Rush of blood to the head, with throbbing and tearing pains. GRAPHITES. B. tit. — Loathing and pains in abdomen. D. St. — Straining and burning in anus. A. St. — Distension, uneasiness, and pinching in abdomen. B. Ur. — Cutting straining in ureters. D. Ur. — Tickling in urethra ; — pain in coccyx. A. Ur. — Burning in meatus urinarius. B. Mens. — Itching of vulva. D. Mens. — Labor-like pains in abdomen and back ; excoriation about vulva ; pains in varicose veins, strangury, haemorrhage from anus ; — eructation ; nausea, with weakness and trembling ; vomiting ; — headache and toothache ; — obscured vision ; — erysipelas of one cheek ; — oppression and pressure in the chest ; — coryza, with fever and cough ; — palpitation ; — pains, numbness or formication in the limbs ; swelling of the feet ; — aggravation of the condition of present ulcers. A. Mens. — Cutting pain in abdomen and diarrhoea ; — chills. D. Cgh. — Thoracic pains, heat of the head and coryza. HELLEBORE'S NIGER. B. St. — Abdominal pain. D. St. — Cutting stinging in rectum upwards; nausea and abdominal pain. A. St. — Burning biting in anus. D. Cgh. — Tension in region of the spleen. HEPAR S. C. B. St. — Pinching in the abdomen. J). St. — Abdominal pain, straining, pressing, rumbling, and nauseous feeling in ab- domen ; — succus prostaticus ; — heat in hands and cheeks ; — inclination to lie down. A. St. — Sore pain in anus and sanious secretion; — tympanitis; — obstruction of the nose. D. Ur. — Burning, cutting, and soreness; — in the right shoulder-blade feeling as if some- thing were running or creeping. A. Ur. — Succus prostaticus. B. Mens. — Constricting headache. D. Mens. — Itching of the vulva. D. Cgh. — Stitches, burning, and swelling in the throat; burning in chest and stomach; catching of breath; — nausea, retching, vomiting; — reverberation in the head, throbbing in the forehead and temples; — dullness; — sneezing; — chills; — anxiety and bending backwards of the body in lying. HYOSCYAMUS. D. St. — Pain in anus; flatulency. A. St. — Tiredness. D. Mens. — Labor-like abdominal pains; headache and toothache; lockjaw; — stiffness of joints ; — convulsive trembling ; — cramps ; — delirium ; nausea ; perspiration ; flow of urine. B. Mens. — Labor-like abdominal pains ; — much loud laughing ; — hysterical spasms. D. Cgh. — Loss of breath j stitches in the head; soreness in abdominal muscles, vomiting of mucus. 503 APPENDIX. IGNATIA. B. St. — Cutting abdominal pains. D st — Flatus ; soreness of rectum and prolapse of the same ; — succus prostaticus ; — erections. A. St. — Contraction of anus; pressing in rectum; painful piles; — lassitude. D. Ur. — Burning, biting, soreness. D. 31ens. — Constricting abdominal pains; backache; vomiting; — pains, heat, and heavi- ness in the head; palpitation, anxiety, raving; — lassitude approaching faintness. J), Cgh. — Xauseous feeling in epigastrium; concussions in hypogastriuin; pain in penis; convulsions. IODINE. D.St. — Abdominal pains; — bearing down in genitai organs; — painful pressure on the crown of the head. A. St. — Burning in anus; — soreness in rectum; — pressing in hypogastrium. B. Mens. — Uprising of heat, with palpitation; tension and swelling in the throat; — abdominal pains. D. Mens. — Pains in back and ovaries; lassitude; coughing up of blood. A Mens. — Palpitation. D. Cgh. — Tickling and burning pain in throat ; oppression, pressing, burning and stitches in the chest; — rattling; — anxiety; — nausea. IPECACUANHA. B. St. — Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting. D. St. — Abdominal pain, uneasiness in abdomen, nausea, vomiting, lassitude, coldness, paleness of face. A. St. — Tenesmus; lassitude; twitching of face. J). JJr. — Burning in urethra; — pains in back and epigastrium. D. Cgh. — Sore pain in the chest; paroxysms of suffocation, with rigidity of the body; — painful concussions (shocks) in stomach and head; pains in epigastrium and um- bilical region; — bleeding from mouth and nose; — nausea, retching, vomiting; — perspiration of forehead; blueness of face; jarring of the body; — loss of con- sciousness and falling down ; inflammation of the throat. KALI CARB. B. St. — Stitches in anus; — abdominal pains; — anxiety. D. St. — Pinching abdominal pain, painful straining extending into genitals; — cramps of the stomach, nausea, eructation ; rigors and watery vomiting, with staggering and shaking of hands and feet; — then anxiety, general heat, and remission of ab- dominal pains; — paleness of the face; — piles. a.. St. — Burning and biting sore pain in anus ; — pressure in abdomen. D. Ur. — Burning. A. Ur. — Burning, renewed desire to pass water; dribbling; — succus prostaticus. B. Mens. — Rigors, trembling, cramp-like sensation in abdomen ; — heat, thirst, and noc- turnal restlessness; — increased sexual desire; itching of vulva. D. Mens. — Pain in back, loins and abdomen, pain in head, ears and teeth ; — itching of the skin, nettle-rash ; — lassitude, sleepiness ; restless, dreamful sleep ; foul taste in the mouth, eructation, nausea, vomiting, distension and rumbling in abdomen ; — excoriation between the legs; — coryza A. Mens. — Cutting abdominal pains; — coldness in the back in the evening, and after midnight awaking with a cramp-like pain and coldness in stomach. D. Cgh. — Scratching and stinging in throat and chest; pain in abdomen and in hgemor- rhoidal tumors; stitches in rectum; nausea, retching, vomiting; asthma; sparks before the eyes. APPENDIX. 509 KALI BICHROMICUM. B. St. — Abdominal pains ; — erections. D. St. — Burning and straining in anus; succus prostraticus ; — gnawing about the navel, pain in the region of the spleen ; metallic taste in the mouth ; offensive breath ; confusion in the head. A. St. — Remission of complaints ; — tenesmus ; — burning soreness or drawing in the anu3 with nausea. B. Ur. — Pain in coccyx, extending into urethra. D. Ur. — Burning in fossa naviculars or in balbus of the urethra;— backache. A. Ur. — Transient stitches in urethra ; — burning, particul. in the anterior and posterior part of urethra. D. Mens. — Febrile conditions, nausea, vertigo and headache. D. Cgh. — Bloody taste in the mouth ; nausea; ulcerative pain in the throat; pressure in sternum and in larynx, extending into os hyoides ; burning pain in sternum, extending into the shoulders; — heaviness, sensitiveness and pains in the chest; palpitation and rattling (in the throat) ; pains in the sides and loins, alleviated by pressure. KREOSOTUM. B. ^.—Flatulency. While straining at stool — The pains pass from the lumber vertebrae into the right groin and hip-joint. D. St. — Pressure towards the genitals; — thirst; — paleness of the face. B. Ur. — Discharge of fluor albus. D. Ur. — Burning in the vulva. B. Mens. — Hardness of hearing; foamy eructation or vomiting of mucus ; bloatedness ; griping about the navel ; burning in the back; leucorrhcea ; — excitement and restlessness. D. Men s. —Hardness of hearing; rushing sound in the ears; humming and pressing outwards in the head ; stitches in the side, cutting pain in abdomen, borborygmi, flatus, diarrhoea, chills ; sweat on chest and back. A. Mens. — Labor-like abdominal cramps; — constricting pain in vagina, followed by fluor albus. D. Cgh — Scratching in the throat, stitches and bruised pain in the chest, asthma, jarring of the abdomen, retching, discharge of urine ; chills and heat; sleeoiness. LACKESIS. _g. St. — Rumbling in abdomen ; — cramp-like pains in anus and rectum. D. St. — Burning in anus; — cramp-like pain in abdomen ; — coldness; thirst. ^. St. — Extension of rectum ; painful hcemorrhoidal tumors ; — thirst. B. Ur. — Renewed desire and discharge of urine. B. Mens. — Leucorrhcea; — cutting abdominal pains; — pressing gastralgia ; — eructa- tions ; cramps of the chest ; — nose-bleed, vertigo, headache. D. Mens. — Ovarian pain ; — labor-like pains in abdomen, loins, and back ; — discharge of blood or mucus from the anus ; — throbbing in the head, toothache. A. Meris. — Diarrhoea. D. Cgh. — Tension in the head ; — pains in epigastrium, abdomen and anus; — burning in chest;— ulcerative pain above and along the ribs ; —stitches inchest; — running of water from the mouth ; vomiting discharge of urine. LYCOPODIUM. D. St. — Biting or burning in anus, burning and stinging in rectum, pain in back as if broken, bursting pain in abdomen, pain in the stomach, headache, rushing in the ears. 510 APPENDIX A.St — Burning in rectum; constriction in perineum; ineffectual straining, distension, rolling, and cramp-like pain in hypogastrium, tiredness, particularly in the thighs — heat and pressure in the thighs, — heat and pressure in the head. D. Ur. — Soreness; — burning in urethra and glans; — jammed feeling in perineum; cutting pain in abdomen. A. Ur. — Crawling burning in urethra and bladder. B. Mens. — Pain in abdomen; — melancholy, delirium with weeping; dilated pupils, rigors with discomfort and uneasiness, distension, coldness and heaviness of the feet. D Mens. — Pain in abdomen, back, and loins; itching of vulva; nausea, acid in the mouth; — headache, tiredness and faintness; — swelling of the feet. A. Mens. — Leucorrhcea ; — stitches in the head. D. Cgh. — Jerking in the teeth ; stitches in the throat, soreness in the chest, asthma and rattling, jarring of the chest and temples, pains in the head, gastric region, and sides of abdomen; — gaping; — palpitation, heat, irritable temper. MAGNESIA CARB. B. St. — Abdominal pain and diffusion of heat over the body. A. St. — Tiredness. D St. — Tearing in rectum, extending into abdomen. D. Ur. — Burning and soreness. A Ur. — Burning; — pinching below the navel, extending into loins and left hip. B. Mens. — Labor-like pains in abdomen and back ; voracious appetite ; pain in stomach, nausea and eructation. D. Mens. — Pain, heaviness, and heat in the head, — eyes are dull, dry, burning, and the lids stick together in the morning ; — stopped coryza, chilliness, paleness of the face; — flat taste and accumulation of water in the mouth ; want of appetite; nausea ; pains in abdomen and back, diarrhoea and trembling in the legs, lassitude and perspiration. A. Mens.— Backache; — leucorrhcea. D. Cgh. — Scratching in the throat ; burning and cutting in the chest. MAGNESIA MUR. B. St. — Pinching pain in abdomen. D. St, — Burning and soreness in anus ; — pain in haemorrhoidal tumors. A. St.— Itching, burning and soreness in anus; — renewed desire to stool and discharge of mucus ; — borborygmi, pain in abdomen, drawing in the loins ; nausea and accumulation of water in the mouth. D. Ur. — Burning; — erections. A. Ur. — Burning. B. Mens. — Excitement. I). Mens. — Pain in abdomen, back, and thighs ; lassitude ; — gaping. D. Cgh. — Burning, soreness, or ulcerative pain in chest. MERCURIUS. B St. — Cutting, pinching, or twisting pain in abdomen ; — rigor, anxiety, and trembling. D St. — Burning in anus ; piles ; — eructation, nausea, faintness ; colic ; heat, perspiration. A St.— Exhaustion; rigors; discharge of blood, tenesmus, prolapse of rectum, and trembling. B. Ur. — Pressing in genital organs. A. Ur.— Burning and stinging. 1). Ur. — Biting, burning, cutting, stinging; — nausea. B Mens. — Heat, with excitement of circulation and congestion to the head ; — cramps. D. Mens. — Dryness, redness and burning of the tongue, salty taste in the mouth ; dull- ness of the teeth; discolored swollen gums; — anxiousness; weariness of life - ; inclination to commit murder. APPENDIX. 511 A. 3Iens. — Leucorrhcea. D. Cgh. — Stitches in occiput, chest, back, and scapula; — epistaxis; — offensive breath; — nausea, retching, vomiting; — secessus. MEZBREUM. B. St. — Creeping in the anus as if caused by worms; — abdominal pains; urgent desire to go to stool; — lassitude, rigors, chills, thirst. D. St. — Prolapse of anus. A. St. — Alleviation ; — biting in anus and creeping as if from worms ; — soreness and in- carceration of prolapsed rectum ; tenesmus, straining, and colic ; — itching of inner surface of prepuce; — lassitude, rigors, chills, thirst. D. Ur. — Burning, biting or soreness in anterior extremity of urethra; — pressure in ab- dominal ring, better on bending the knee. A. Ur. — Cutting; — secretion of drops of blood. D. Cgh — Exhaustion, perspiration, anxiety, paleness, chills; — salivation, retching or scratching in the throat as if something sweet were sticking there ; vomiting of food; scratching in lower part of sternum, and stitches in right frontal pro- tuberance j — stitches in the side ; — sore pain in the chest ; tightness across the chest. MOSCHUS. B. St. — Humbling and straining. D. St. — Pressing in anus, cutting pain in abdomen, drawing in of the stomach. D. St. — Painful drawing in hypogastrium. MURIATIC. ACID. D. St. — Rumbling, rolling and straining, cutting pain and nauseous feeling in abdomen ; flatus; — cutting in anus; — constriction, burning and stinging in rectum; — sore- ness in anus and rectum. A. St. — Burning in anus. D. TJr. — Burning and cutting. A. Ur. — Straining in urethra; — stinging biting in orifice. D. Mens. — Colic; — dejection of spirits. D. Cgh. — Catching of breath; — burning in the throat; — scratching, soreness, bruised feeling and bursting pain in the chest j — rolling in the chest. NATRUM CARB. B. St. — Cutting in abdomen and back; pinching abdominal pain and clawing in anus with chills. D. St. — Cutting in anus and rectum; succus prostaticus; bearing down towards the genitals. A. St. — Burning in rectum, burning and biting in anus. D. Ur. — Burning, soreness, stinging; — succus prostaticus. A. Ur.— Dribbling. B. Mens. — Leucorrhcea ; cutting in hypogastrium ; — headache and stiffness m the nape of the neck. D. Mens. — Distension with colic and diarrhoea; backache ;— tearing and bruised pain in the hips; — tearing and throbbing in the head ; — tearing and stitches in various places ; — tired feeling with nausea ;— shaking chills at night. D. Cgh. — Soreness in the chest, hoarseness, coryza, burning heat, particularly in the hands and soles of feet; — night-sweat; — bruised feeling ; —loss of appe- tite and nausea. 512 APPENDIX NATRUM MUR. B. St. — Pressure upon the bladder and rectum; contraction in urethra and rectum; — cutting abdominal pain ; soreness in hypogastrium. D. St. — Scratching and burning in rectum; labor-like abdominal pains, relieved by pres- sure; — succus prostaticus. A. St. — Burning, tearing and itching about the anus ; — pinching abdominal pain and in- effectual straining; — stupefaction, nausea, vertigo. B. TJr. — Contraction in urethra and rectum. D. TJr. — Biting, burning; — pressing in hypogastrium. B. Mens. — Burning, cutting, tearing; — sore burning in vagina; leucorrhcea; — contrac- tion in hypogastrium. B. Mens. — Anxiousness, melancholy or irritability; — stitches from the loins into uterus; headache, lassitude, and trembling ; twitching of eyelids ; pressing headache ; scraping faceache ; — toothache. A. Mens. — Dryness of vagina and aversion towards coition; — leucorrhcea; milky urine; colic ; diarrhoea ; difficult respiration, palpitation, accelerated pulse, dullness, stinging and cutting in the head, paleness ; twitching before falling asleep. D. Cgh. — Pain in the head, throat, trachea, chest, testicle, spermatic cord ; cutting and stinging in the chest ; catching of breath ; retching, vomiting of food ; shocks in hypogastrium ; shocks and bursting pain in the head ; discharge of leucorrhcea. NITRIC. ACID. B. Sf. — Colic. D. St. — Spasmodic contraction of the anus ; — biting or tearing pain in rectum ; — sting- ing, cutting and straining in anus and rectum ; piles. A. St. — Burning in anus; scratching and stinging in anus and rectum; — succus prosta- ticus ; — ineffectual straining at stool ; — colic, nausea, lassitude, anxiousness and indisposition. B. TJr. — Cutting pain in abdomen. D. TJr. — Cutting, burning, soreness or sore pain in urethra; — stitches in the bladder; — rigors. A. TJr. — Burning, renewed desire ; discharge of mucus. B. and D. Mens. — Bruised pain in the limbs. D Mens. — Labor-like pains in abdomen and back ; — eructation ; — palpitation, heat, anxiety and trembling ; tiredness ; — burning in the eyes ; — toothache and swelling of the gums. D. Cgh. — Battling; — sneezing; pains in the head, chest, upper abdomen, hypochondria and kness ; — stitches in throat, chest, back, and rectum. NITRUM. B. St. — Pinching about the navel ; pain in abdomen and back ; — stitches in anus and groins. D. St. — Swelling of anal piles or protrusion of rectum; — stitches in vulva; — thirst; cold feet. A. St. — Burning and soreness in anus ; discharge of blood. B. TJr. — Burning and biting in urethra, burning at the orifice, itching in the glans ; — soreness about the prepuce, stitches in the prostate. At the end of TJr. — Burning. D. Mens. — Thirst, — sensitiveness in the stomach and collection of water in the mouth ; pain in abdomen and back; — burning in right groin; — tiredness and pains in the legs. B. Cgh.— Scratching and burning extending up into the throat ;— cutting and feeling of looseness in the chest, or tension and constriction ; — heat and pressing pain behind the sternum, afterwards sore pain and mucous rattling in that place ; — backache;- palpitation; redness of the face; headache. APPENDIX. 513 NUX MOSCHATA. D. St. — Stitches in anus; — acrid feeling in rectum; — painful constriction in anus and rectum; — pressing in hypogastriura ; — distended feeling; — sleepiness. A. St. — Painful constriction in anus and rectum ; — feeling as if more evacuations were to take place ; — sleepiness. D. Ur. — Burning and cutting. D. Jlens. — Lassitude, headache, pressing in stomach with running of water from the mouth; — pain in the liver; — straining in hypogastrium and drawing pain in the limbs. D. Cgh. — Sore pain in trachea ; rawness in the chest ; catching of breath; — sleepiness. NUX VOMICA. B. St. — Pressing in rectum; — backache; — griping in upper abdomen. During straining at stool — Increased pressure in the stomach. D. St. — Stitching and constriction in rectum; colic. A. St.— Stinging, biting, soreness or burning excoriated feeling in anus; — ineffectual straining; abdominal pain. B. Ur.— Pressing in the bladder; pain in the neck of the bladder; — stinging in the urethra. D. Ur.— Burning in the urethra or neck of the bladder. A. Ur. — Soreness and pain in meatus urinarius ; — pressing in the neck of the bladder. B. Hens. — Pain in abdomen and back. D. Mens. — Pains in back, abdomen and limbs; headache; — lassitude, particularly after stool; — in the morning attacks of faintness; vertigo; pressing and burning in the stomach ; — chills. J). Cgh. — Sharp pain in the pit of the throat; — sore pain in the chest; — rattling; par- oxysms of suffocation; — nausea, retching, vomiting; — retraction of testicles; — bluish-red color of the face; — heat, pain in the head and limbs; — bursting pain in the head; — epistaxis; — pain as if bruised in hypochondria and upper abdomen. OPIUM. B. St.— Aching in abdomen and stomach; nausea; rush of blood to the head. D. Ur. — Cutting in urethra, and feeling as if the passage to the bladder were closed. J), Cgh. — Retching, vomiting ; cough alternates with gaping. PETROLEUM. B. St. — Abdominal ache. D. St. — Ascarides ; foul eructations. A. St. — Ravenous appetite, loathing, distension; — staggering & darkness before the eyes. B. Ur. — Pressure upon the bladder. D. Ur. — Burning and itching in urethra; — burning and cutting in the neck of the bladder A. Ur. — Dribbling. B. Mens. — Heat, throbbing and pressing in the head; boiling (waving) in epigastrium, abdominal pains. D. Mens. — Abdominal pains; tearing in the thigh; sensitive places on the lower legs; — heat in the hands and soles of the feet; — singing and roaring in the ears; — lassi- tude and exhaustion. D. Cgh. — Dryness ef the throat; — pain in the sternum and inguinal hernia; — nausea. PHOSPHORUS. B. St. — Chills and heat; thirst for cold drinks; — flatulency; colic; contraction and stitches in rectum. D. St. — Chills; — cold sweat; — itching, creeping and soreness in rectum; — piles; — pain, extending from coccyx through the spine into the crown of the head. 33 514 APPENDIX. A. St. — Soreness and scratching in anus; — pressing in rectum; — tenesmus and burning in anus and rectum, with burning desire to urinate ; extrusion of painful piles, discharge of acrid mucus; erections; retching or sour vomiting; — thirst, lassitude, vertigo, and fainting. D. TJr. — Burning and soreness; — discharge of mucus, with pain in perineum. A. TJr. — Stitches in penis; biting in glans; — lassitude. B.Mens. — Much weeping; swelling of the gums;— desire to urinate; leucorrhcea; bleed- ing of present ulcers. D. Mens — Pains in the ovary, abdomen, back, and limbs; — headache and toothache; — stinging itching of the skin, particularly about the haemorrhoids ; — leucorrhcea; — cramps in the calves; — rolling in abdomen ; — nausea and vomiting; — gaping, relaxation, dullness ; — chills, heat, cold perspiration on the forehead. A. Mens. — Leucorrhcea ; — exhaustion and blue circles around the eyes. D. Cgh. — Hoarseness; — roughness, burning and stitches in the throat, and a sensation as if a piece of flesh were to be thrown up ; — pain in the chest, alleviated by pres- sure ; — hoarseness, burning, scraping, and soreness in the chest; — pressing or stinging in epigastrium ; — stitches in the hypochondria or rectum ; colic ; seces- sus ; — stitches or bursting pain in the head ; — trembling ; — night-sweat. PHOSPHORIC ACID. B. St.— Flatulency. D. St. — Piles ; colic ; cutting in urethra. A. St. — Biting in anus; — tearing down and tenesmus in rectum. B. TJr. — Cutting and ineffectual straining to urinate; — anxiety and restlessness D. TJr. — Cutting, burning, and heat in urethra. At the end of TJr. — Heavy pressure of hypogastrium. B. Mens. — Leucorrhcea. D. Mens. — Pains in the liver. A. Mens. — Leucorrhcea, with itching. D. Cgh. — Pain in the chest. FLATINA. B. St. — Straining in anus D. St. — Burning and pressing in rectum; — attacks of fainting. A. St. — Straining and stinging in anus, with spasmodic contraction of nates toward the spine; — itching in rectum; — pain and sensation of weakness about the navel; — rigors, particularly about the upper part of body. A. TJr. — Rigors. B. Mens. — Labor-like abdominal pains ; downward pressure. At the beginning of Mens. — Pinching and bearing down in hypogastrium; — headache; depression of spirits ; — restlessness; weeping; spasms (or also intermissions of the usual spasms during menstruation). A. Mens. — Lassitude. D. Cgh. — Spasms. PLUMBUM. ; B. St.— Colic. D. St. — Pain in abdomen ; burning in anus. A. St. — Cessation of colic. J), JJr. — Burning. A. (Jr. — Burning in urethra ; abdominal pains. PULSATILLA B. St. — Movement in abdomen ; — headache. D. St. — Burning and cutting in rectum; — pain in abdomen, back, and head; — eructation, nausea ; attacks of faintness, shaking chills. A. St. — Sore pain in anus; pressing, stinging, and cutting in rectum ; colic; pressing in epigastrium ; stiffness of the neck j backache j chills, particularly in the back. APPENDIX. 515 B. Ur. — Burning in urethra ; pressing in the bladder; colicky pains. D. Ur. — Burning, cutting, stinging; — discharge of acrid mucous stools, with sensation of weakness in the loins. D. Ur. — Burning; — pressing and creeping in the glans or meatus ur. ; — spasmodic pain of the neck of the bladder, extending into thighs. At the end of Ur. — Dropping of blood. B. Mens. — Leucorrhoea; desire to urinate; spasms of the stomach, also with running of water from the mouth, or vomiting; — pain in abdomen, liver, back; — asthma; — stitches in the sides; — vertigo and eructation ; — chills, gaping and stretching; — convulsions. D. Mens. — Labor-like pains in abdomen and back; — ineffectual straining at stool; spasms of the stomach ; nausea and vomiting ; — running of water from the mouth at night; stitches in the chest; — sick headache, obscured vision ; — toothache; — chills and paleness of the face ; — sadness and weeping ; — convulsions. In the beginning and at the end of Mens.— Headache or toothache. A. Mens. — Leucorrhoea; difficult respiration. D. Cgh. — Dryness, sensation of being swollen, constriction, and feeling like that caused by sulphurous vapors in the throat; — hoarseness; — catching of the breath; — palpitation ; — stitches in the side ; — shocks and bruised painfulness in abdomen ; — ■ concussions of the body; — turning of the stomach, retching and vomiting of mucus, bile, or food ; — ■ spasms of the stomach ; cutting in the region of the spleen ; — pains in the head, back, lumbar region, shoulder and arms ; — epistaxis ; — perspiration j gaping. RHEUM. B. St. — Anxiousness; cutting pain in abdomen and ineffectual straining to urinate. D. St. — Cutting and constricting, pinching in abdomen; lassitude, rigors, paleness. A.St. — Ineffectual straining ; colic; perspiration; thirst. RHODODENDRON. B. St. — Ineffectual straining. D. St. — Sensation of weakness in stomach and nausea. A. St. — Sensation of emptiness in abdomen, afterwards pinching. B. and D. Ur. — Burning. A.. Ur. — Burning, dribbling, rigors. At beginning of Mens. — Febrile excitement and headache. D. aud A. Mens. — Toothache. D. Cgh. — Hoarseness in the throatj — oppression and pressing in lumbar vertebrae ;— pressure in epigastrium. RHUS TOX. B. St. — Burning in rectum; pinching in abdomen; coxalgia; nausea; shortness of breath. D. St. — Jamming in anus; — burning urine; — pains in head, abdomen and limbs; — epistaxis ; — coldness. A. St. — Permission of abdominal pains; — tenesmus. B. Ur. — Stitches in bladder; — erections. I). Ur. — Biting; — burning at the root of urethra; — eructation. A. Ur. — Biting in urethra. B. Mens. — Labor-like pains. D. Cgh. — Bloody taste in the mouth; dryness and bitterness in the throat;— asthma : — tension and loathing (uneasiness) in the chest; stitches in the side; jarring of the chest; — concussion and shocks in the head; — pains in the hips and lower limbs; — ■ anxiety; — gastralgia; vomiting of food. 516 APPENDIX. RUTA. B. St. — Xausea in abdomen ; — ineffectual straining, also with prolapse of rectum. D. St. — Prolapse of rectum. B. Ur. — Urgent desire to urinate. D. Ur. — Burning in the organs of parturition. A. Ur. — Continued desire to pass urine; sensation of fullness and fluctuation in the bladder j pressure upon the neck of the bladder ; — burning in the organs of par- turition. A. Mens. — Leucorrhcea. D. Cgh. — Scratching aud sensation of weakness in the chest after expectoration; — reversed action of the stomach SABADILLA. B. St. — Rolling, flatus, pinching in abdomen; drawing in spermatic cords; burning in anus ; — shuddering. A. St. — Burning in abdomen. B. Ur. — Burning and straining in urethra. J). Ur. — Burning. A. insufficient urination — Increased desire to urinate. B. Mens. — Painful (bearing down) pressure downwards. D. Cgh. — Shortness of breath, pains in the chest, stitches in the chest and crown of the head; spasms of the stomach, vomiting; tears; heat and perspiration. SAMBUCUS NIGRA. D. Cgh. — Hoarseness, catching of the breath, stitches in the sides; straining to urinate; vomiting of food; — bloateclness of the face; — chills alternating with heat; — local perspiration with cool skin. SASSAPARILLA D. St. — Cutting, rolling and working in abdomen; — flatus; — corroding acridity, with tearing and cutting in rectum ; pressing in epigastrium ; — attacks of faintness. A. St. — Straining, jamming and burning in anus. I). Ur. — Scratching, burning and cutting in urethra. A. Ur. — Burning and itching tearing about the glans down to the root of the penis. B. Mens. — Desire to urinate; — itching eruption on the forehead, with burning and moisture after friction. D. Mens. — Griping in epigastrium; pinching in abdomen; pain in the thighs. At the commencement of Mens. — Desire to urinate, acridity and sore pain in genitals. D. Cgh. — Roughness in the throat; — headache. SBCALE CORN. B. St. — Pain in abdomen and back. D. St. — Colic; — failing of strength; heat; — coldness of the ears. A. St. — Renewed desire; — lassitude ; — heat, thirst; contortion of the face J). Ur. — Burning in urethra. B. Mens. — Aggravation of all complaints. D. Mens. — Pain in abdomen, back, and loins; — paleness, coldness of the limbs, cold perspiration ; — cramps. SEPIA. B. St. — Chilliness ; nausea ; colic ; perspiration. I). St. — Chilliness ; — contraction in abdomen and anus; — piles; — prolapse of rectum ; — APPENDIX. 517 snccus prostaticus; stitches in genitals; — perspiration; — bearing down in the organs of parturition. A. St. — Discharge of bloody slime ; — tension in anus ; sensation of emptiness and sore- ness in abdomen; — tension in epigastrium, with oppression; — sensation of hard- ness in the back; — headache. J). TJr. — Biting and soreness. A. TJr. — Succus prostaticus. B. Mens. — Burning excoriation and swelling about the vulva; — sensation of distension of genitals ; — leucorrhcea ; — soreness about the perineum ; — pain in abdomen, with faintness; — incarceration of flatus; — spasms of the stomach; foul odor and taste in the mouth ; — rigors. D. Mens. — Depression of spirits, lassitude ; sleeplessness, febrile action, darkness before the eyes; pains in the stomach, abdomen, groins, head, teeth, and limbs; foul taste and odor from the mouth; — coughing up of blood. D. Cgh. — Sore pain in the throat; hoarseness, burning, pressing, stinging, scraping, and emptiness in the chest; pain in sternum; — stitches in back and sides of abdomen; nausea and retching; — asthma; vomiting of food or bile; — pain in epi- gastrium, stitches in abdomen ; — sneezing. SILICEA. D. St. — Itching and stinging in rectum; piles; succus prostaticus. A. St. — Remission of abdominal pains ; — pressing and burning in anus ; burning in pre- puce; eructation. J), Jjr. — Burning and soreness in urethra ; — pressure in the bladder j — Itching of vulva. A. TJr. — Involuntary discharge of urine. B. Mens. — Pressing pain in forehead ; — diarrhoea or constipation. D. Mens. — Cold feet, pain in abdomen, burning and soreness about vulva; eruption on the inside of thighs; — drawing between the shoulders, paronychia; — chlorosis; — melancholic anxiety and weariness of life. A- Mens. — Bloody mucous discharge from vagina. j), Cgh. — Pressing, scratching, soreness or bruised pain in the chest; catching of the breath ; — vomiting. SPIGELIA. B. St. — Flatulency, colic. D. St. — Pinching pain in abdomen, coldness, faintness ; — headache j — bruised pain of the ribs. A. St. — Ineffectual straining ; — pressing shocks in the forehead. J). Jjr. — Burning in urethra ; — pressure upon the bladder. D. Cgh. — Sore pain in the chest ; headache. SPONGIA. B. St. — Snarling noises in abdomen ; — stitches in anus. D. St. — Straining and sore pain in anus ; — pressing in the lumbar region ; — flatulency. B. Mens. — Backache, afterwards palpitation. D. Mens. — Drawing in the legs. j>. Cgh. Hoarseness, roughness in the throat; pain in trachea and chest; burning, rawness, sore pain and contraction in the chest ; paroxysms of sutibeation ; con- tortions of the face ; pressure in hypochondria ; — perspiration. STANNUM. B. St. — Motion, pinching and distension in abdomen. D &c— Cutting in anus ;— drawing from the back through the thighs ;— rigors. 518 APPENDIX. A. St. — Discharge of mucus; — sore pain, excoriation and stinging in anus; pressing in rectum ; burning pain in region of liver. D. Ur. — Burning in urethra. A. Ur. — Pressing in urethra and neck of bladder, with a feeling as if more urine were to come. B. Mens. — Anxiety and melancholy; — pain like a blow in os zygomaticum. D. Mens. — Improvement of mental condition. D. % Ggh. — Expectoration j soreness and stitches in the chest ; — oppression ; sore pain in trachea ; colic. STAPHISAGRIA. B. St. — Digging and cutting in abdomen. D. St. — Much flatus ; succus prostaticus ; chills about the head. A. St. — Straining, jamming, contused pain and excoriating soreness in rectum; increased cutting pain in abdomen. D. Ur. — Burning and cutting in urethra ; — burning in neck of bladder ; — pressure upon the bladder ; — ineffectual straining at stool ; — erections. A. Ur. — Increased cutting; — pain like dislocation (or sprain) behind the os pubis ; — colic. D. Cgh. — Collection of water in the mouth ; — excoriation and tearing pain in the throat ; pain like ulceration behind the sternum ;— pains in an inguinal hernia j — discharge of urine. STRAMONIUM. B. St. — Twisting in the bowels. D. St. — Colic, distension of abdomen, rolling in abdomen; — vomiting; paleness D. Ur. — Rolling in abdomen ; rigors. D. Mens. — Talkativeness ; — voluptuous odor of body. A. Mens. — Sobbing and whining ; erysipelas of the left cheek. D. Cgh. — Palpitation, anxiety ; constriction of the chest ; — convulsions. SULPHUR. B. St. — Eructation; pinching in abdomen and flatus, causing pain in anus; — itching. straining, cutting and sensation like prolapsus in anus ; — pains in the bladder. D. St. — Burning, sore pain and excoriating cutting in anus; — burning, pressing, cutting and prolapse of rectum ; — piles ; — succus prostaticus ; — cutting in urethra ; — pains in abdomen and head ; — accumulation of water in the mouth ; — nausea, vomiting; — catching of breath; — palpitation; congestions to the head; — chills, particularly about the lower part of body ; — heat ; — perspiration. A. St. — Discharge of blood ; — sensitiveness, contraction, burning and sensation of sore- ness and prolapse of anus ; — straining, jamming and throbbing in rectum ; pressing and stinging in anus and rectum ; — succus prostaticus; — cramp-like pains in glans and in the angle of lower jaw ; — cramp-like twitching about the orifices of the ears ; — bruised pain and pinching in abdomen; — chills and lassitude ; — thirst. B. Ur. — Cutting pain in abdomen; — impatience. J). Ur. — Burning in urethra; — feeling as if there were an obstruction about the neck of the bladder ; stitches in neck of bladder and anus ; — voluptuous pressure extending into anus ; — itching of vulva ; pains in back and limbs. A. Ur. — Dribbling of blood ; — succus prostaticus ; — cutting and stinging in urethra ; — straining in the bladder; — anxiousness and discomfort. B. Mens. — Leucorrhoea ; — itching of vulva ; — lumbar pains ; — cramp in splenic region ; restlessness and anxiety; — epistaxis ; — headache and toothache; — heart-burn; — cough in the evening in bed ; — night-sweat. D. Mens. — Irritability; — day-sleepiness; — congestion to the head ; — pressure in the forehead j — vertigo; excitement of circulation; palpitation; epistaxis; sore APPENDIX. 519 throat; — lassitude and heaviness of the feet; — pressure in epigastrium ; — labor- like pains of abdomen and back, with heat and chills and ineffectual straining of stool. A. Mens. — Leucorrhcea; — itching about the nose. JJ. Cgh. — Hoarseness; — soreness in trachea; — constriction of air-passages; — sensation as if the lungs come in contact with the back; — pressing, tension, cramp-like pain, cutting, stinging, soreness and bursting pain in the chest; — pain in the chest; — pain in the sternum; — jarring of the chest and abdomen ; — reverberation in the crown of the head ; —bursting pain in the head, relieved by pressure, during cough; — cervical pain, epistaxis, palpitation; rattling; — retching and vomiting; paleness and cold hands ; — sleeplessness and night-sweats; hypochondriac pains ; pains in abdomen, back, lips, and legs; — secessus j convulsions. SULPHURIC ACID.1 B. St. — Stitches in anus. D. St. — Burning and tearing pain in rectum; pinching in hypochondria; rolling in bowels and flatus. A. St. — Sensation of emptiness and bruised feeling in abdomen. D. Ur. — Burning, cutting ; — pinching in abdomen. A. Ur. — Bearing down in genitals and loins ; — pinching in abdomen. B. 3Iens. — Nightmare. D. 3Iens. — Stitches in abdomen and vagina ; — thirst and dry tongue. A. Hens. — Increased sexual desire. D. Cgh. — Pain as if caused by a blow in the edge of the right orbit. THUYA. B. St. — Pressing in hypogastrium ; — erections ; succus prostaticus. D. ££.— Painful contraction of anus; — piles; — succus prostaticus; — backache; rawness and sore pain in rectum ; flatus. A. St. — Burning and drawing in of anus ; — weariness ; — drippling of blood. D. Ur.— Itching, cutting, or excoriating burning, particularly in the fossa navicularis; — biting, itching, soreness of vulva. A. Ur. — Burning; — dribbling. B. Mens. - Excitement and pulsation of arteries, heat of the head, headache and tooth- ache, labor-like abdominal pains, tenesmus and faintness; — much perspiration. D. Mens. — Tiredness, palpitation, spasmodic weeping; — restlessness in the legs; — retching, pressing in the stomach, distension, pain in abdomen and back; bearing down out of the genital organs ; — burning in the varicose veins of genitals, sen- sitiveness and swelling of the breast; — general coldness. A. Mens. — Tiredness ; rush of blood upwards ;• toothache ; sleeplessness ; nightmare. D. Cgh. — Scratching, burning and constricted feeling in the throat; stitches in the sides; running of water from the mouth ; vomiting ; whistling respiration. VALERIANA. A. St. — Tenesmus. D. Ur. — Prolapse of rectum. VERATRUM ALBUM. 1 B. St. — Chilliness, anxiousness, nausea, vomiting; colic; weakness in hypogastrium like faintness. D.St. — Chills and shivering; anxiety, nausea, vomiting ; colic, tiredness, approaching faintness ; burning in anus and cold perspiration on forehead. A. St. — Improvement of cervical pains ; — squalmishness in epigastrium ; nausea, vomit- ing ; — colic ; — fainting. D. Ur. — Burning. 520 APPENDIX A. Ur. — Stitches in meatus urinarius. B. Mens. — Vertigo and perspiration; — epistaxis; — nausea;— diarrhoea. D. Mens. — Disturbance of the mind; — gnashing of the teeth and bluish color of the face; — headache ; roaring in the ears; — diarrhoea, thirst; — pains in the limbs. A. Mens. — Backache. D. Cgh. — Pains in the chest, oppression, rattling, danger of suffocation with blueness of the face ; — collection of saliva; — slimy or watery vomiting ; — discharge of urine; — stitches, extending out of abdominal ring; — pains in spermatic cord or in inguinal hernia; — headache. ZINCUM. B. St.— Protracted tenesmus ; — colic. Z). St. — Pressing, rolling, burning and stinging in anus; — pressing, rolling and pains in abdomen; — succus prostaticus ; — vertigo and roaring in the ears. A. St. — Cessation of abdominal pains; — increased tenesmus, with burning in anus; — vertigo and roaring in the ears. B. and dur. Ur. — Burning in urethra. A. Ur. — Burning and bleeding from urethra ; — renewed desire to urinate. D. Mens. — Indisposition, chilliness; headache and toothache; ophthalmia; — oppression, caused by the clothes in the epigastrium ; — cramps in hypogastrium ; — scalding urine ; — drawing in the knees; heaviness in the feet; — lassitude in hand and feet. A. Mens. — Discharge of bloody mucus, which causes itching of the vulva. D. Cgh. — Stitches in head and chest;— heaviness, burning, soreness, or bursting pain in the chest, and after expectoration a feeling of hollowness or coldness in the chest. 15 H 813° LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 00025T74A27 1 m