SEE INSIDE 0F> ■BF 1311 I.J5 B8 ■Copy 1 A HlSTO RY TRUE OF Jesus the Christ, BEING A Detailed Account of the Manner of his Birth, . AND OF All that he Did and Suffered up to the Time of his Crucifixion. Dictated by Himself. BOSTON: W. F. BROWN & CO., PRINTERS, No. so BROMFIELD STREET. I8 74 . It is earnestly requested of all to whom this pamphlet is gratuitously sent, that each shall acknowledge its receipt by a letter directed to G. C. Briggs, Albion Hotel, No. I Beacon Street, Boston, Mass., and expressing .whether or not they desire that those pamphlets which are to follow it, which will continue and complete the life of Jesus, and which may be five or six in number equal to 500 or 600 pages, shall be sent to them, as without this acknowledgment no other pamphlet will be forwarded. As each pamphlet will be of value, as forming part of a whole volume, it is asked that if any one receiving the first number should not wish to receive those that are to follow it, they will be so good as to re-mail the first No., directed to G. C. Briggs, Albion Hotel, No. 1 Beacon Street, Boston. NOTICE. A few more copies of this pamphlet, as also those that are to follow it, can be had, and will be mailed, on application by letter directed to G. C. Briggs, Albion Hotel, No. 1 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass., by remitting at the same time the cost of publication and postage, which is fifty-five cents for each No. 1 1 True History OF Jesus the Christ BEING A Detailed Account of the Manner of his Birth, AND OF All that he Did and Suffered up to the Time of his Crucifixion. Dictated by Himself. BOSTON: W. F. BROWN & CO., PRINTERS, No. 50 BROMFIELD STREET. 1874. INTRODUCTION. The circumstances under which the revelations contained in this pamphlet, and in those that are to follow it were given, may be described as follows : The writer, who may be more properly termed the amanuensis, being under treatment for illness by what is called a medium or clairvoyant, from time to time received through him communica- tions purporting to come from many different historical personages, some of whom had lived many centuries since, thus in the Middle Ages, and down to the present time, comprising details of their lives upon earth, and of their experiences after death. The communi- cations were given by the medium whilst in a state of trance. The spirit or intelligence speaking through him, always being the same, and relating what was stated to be told to him, as coming from each of the different spirits, as Constantine, Richard Hid, Alexan- der the Vlth, Confucius, &c. The medium had had simply a com- mon school education obtained at a country school previous to the age of fourteen, but as he stated, and as certainly appeared, had no knowledge of history ; so that even the names of most of those that the communications purported to come from, were unknown to him. e.g. He said he had seen the name of Lucretia Borgia on a play bill, (he did not say opera,) and knew nothing apparently of her history. As is common, the medium was entirely unconscious of what he had said during his trance, and manifested always a desire to hear and know what had been said by himself. The writer may be said to be of rather a skeptical turn of mind, and 4 Life of Jesus the Christ. has endeavored from time to time, by cross-questioning, and close observation, to determine if by possibility, the medium had, or could have a knowledge of historical matters, which were given. e.g., the cross seen by Constantine, and other things which are familiar to readers of history and which were related by the medium, but of which he in the normal state knew nothing. The communications which were received, were so many, and so vari- ous, and comprised so many facts in history, and also descriptions of the state, condition and punishment after death, of those who are known in history as great criminals, (which certainly may be said to exceed in variety and ingenuity, the descriptions given by Dante ;) that on simply natural grounds, as we understand the laws of nature, it seems very difficult to account for them. The revela- tion must have come from the medium, who professed and so far as can be ascertained, is and was entirely ignorant of the matter related, or from the mind of the writer unconsciously ; or from some other and outside intelligence. Probably there may have been many other cases of a similar character, which the experience of other investigators may show. But it may be presumed that there are none which have given so important revelations as are now to be described. During the time whilst the communications which have been mentioned were being given, it was stated that Jesus Christ was present, and from him were received revelations and directions which were consistent with the knowledge # that we have of him from the Scriptures. After a time, it was stated as coming from him, that he would give through the medium, a narrative of his life, from the time of his birth to the time of his crucifixion. The conditions on which it was promised to be given were, that the writer should write it out, and that it be subjected to his supervision, and should then be published at the writer's expense, and that a limited number of copies should be distributed gratis to persons of independent minds who would favor reform, and to public libraries, and that the re- mainder of the edition should be disposed of at the cost of publica- , tion, anonymously. Introduction. 5 The writer accepted these conditions, and this pamphlet, and those that are to follow it, will be what has been given through the medium, as coming directly from Jesus Christ. It is probable, and natural, that the revelations will be looked upon by many readers with incredulity. It will be admitted however, that the gravity and importance of them are such, that no amount of authority which could be possible, would add to the probability of their truth, any more than that the insignificance of the channel through which they come, would detract from it. The tree must be judged by its fruit, and if the statements and doctrines contained in this, and the series of pamphlets or tracts which are to follow it, agree, and uphold the doctrines taught in the New Testament, it may at least be supposed to come from a high and good source. The fact that the name of the writer, and that of the communicator or medium, is not to be made public, and that neither of them are to receive either profit or fame from the writings, but that on the contrary, a very considerable expense is incurred by their publication, will show that at any rate the object is a disinterested one. The whole of these matters are so strange and new, that some explanation may be needed to understand allusions, and portions of addresses that appear. It was stated through the medium, that within the last fifteen or twenty years only, have communications subsisted be- tween the planets of our solar system, with each other, and with the sun of our system, and also with other suns, not only suns in what we call the milky-way, with Sirius and others, but with great suns as far beyond the milky-way as that is from us. And these suns described as being fifty, sixty, seventy-five, and eighty-five times larger than our sun, and increasing in size up to sixteen to seventy- six thousand times the size of our sun. As a rule, the inhabitants of the larger planets and suns, are described as being large also, some- what in proportion to the size of the planet or sun to which they be- long, e.g. Men of Jupiter are said to be ten feet in height, of our sun twelve feet, of Sirius about the same, of suns in the milky-way fourteen feet, and the great suns beyond, fifteen and sixteen up to twenty feet, whilst those of earth in the same proportion are six feet. 6 Life of Jesus the Christ. It will be shown in the revelations which are to follow, that at about the same time that our Saviour appeared upon the earth, Christs were also sent to other suns and planets, some of the very largest suns receiving a number of Christs, each corresponding somewhat in proportion to its size, some of the great suns having ten, and others fifteen and twenty-five Christs, whilst Mercury and Venus, and all of our system, had each one. Although in some cases the large suns also had but one Christ. But it was conceded by all, that Jesus Christ was the superior to all, and the great object of the visits made to the earth by the Christs and rulers and their followers from the different suns and planets, was to learn from him secrets, which had been hid from the foundation of the world, and of their worlds. The entrance or approach of Jesus was described in the begin- ning, as coming, preceded by the Apostles, and surrounded by chil- dren strewing flowers in his path, and singing hymns, and followed by the prophets, and patriarchs, and others. Always coming in from the north west, and proceeding down what appeared an inclined plane. Electricians, as they were termed, who acted as police, having first prepared a circle of fire, or rather of electricity, around the medium, having but one guarded entrance, through which none could pass but those having a certain degree of virtue. Outside of this circle were gathered a multitude of the lower spirits, who were attracted by the hope of seeing and hearing Jesus, and a long line of the lower spirits, outside of the circle, some three or four, even eleven hours previous to the time of meeting, stationed themselves kneeling on each side of the path that he was expected to take, hoping to receive from him a blessing, and that he might place his hand upon their heads as he passed along. And on the inside of the circle, on each side of the pathway, were kneeling figures, all desirous of receiving the blessing. His countenance and person were described as shedding forth light surpassing that of the sun. At the beginning the number of spirits was represented at from fifty to sixty thousand inside and outside of the circle, but as the Christs and rulers from other planets and suns appeared in the pro- Introduction. 7 cession the numbers fast increased, and as the Christs from other planets and suns came, they were described as always being near to Jesus, (the light from them being inferior,) they also as they passed along blessing the kneeling multitude that lined the passage to the point where Jesus was to speak. As the revelations con- tinued, great additions of numbers occurred, so that at the time that this introduction is written, the procession which came in was estimated at two hundred thousand, those already within the circle at two hundred thousand, and outside one hundred and fifty thou- sand, making upwards of half a million of spirits inside, and outside of the circle, and now at the date of this publication twenty-five hundred millions. As the procession approached, it was described as being attended by two bands of music, that were brought by the Christs and rulers of two of the great suns far beyond the milky-way, and the music was reported as far superior to any that our system produced. Later the musicians were numbered by thou- sands. At the commencement of the revelations, notes were taken only of the portion that was intended for the inhabitants of earth. But as the interest of the portion particularly addressed to the spiritual auditors deepened, it was proposed that notes should also be taken of the parts more directly addressed to them. Whence it will be observed, that after a time, each session is divided into the opening, the continuation, and the closing ; the first and last of which are more or less directed to the audience of spirits, the pre- face that contains these having been written later. It may well be asked, if these revelations are true' and necessary to the world, why were they not brought forward before ? And what reason have we to believe in them now ? It is alleged, that although communications have existed in a greater or less degree always between the spiritual and mortal world, that the means or medium by which they could be made, has not been reliable. Suppose an individual to have the peculiar organization to fit him or her to convey the ideas of the spiritual world to the mortal. It appears that there is no law to prevent the evil, as well as the 8 Life of Jesus the Christ. good spiritual existences, to take possession of him or her. This being the case, it will be seen that it would follow that all kinds of contradictory assertions and statements would be made ; spirits assuming to be Shakespeare, Byron, Webster, even Jesus himself, would occupy the medium, and give forth utterances which all can see could never have originated from these sources. And thence, as has become the case, most of the communications are looked upon by people of sense and judgment as unworthy of notice. The peculiar conditions of this medium or communicator, are claimed to be, that having been born with an organization singu- larly fitted for the object, he was some twenty years since against his will compelled to act in obedience to the determination of cer- tain high spiritual personages. These in number twelve, constantly kept around him a guard, and this guard being composed of virtuous and therefore powerful spirits, were enabled usually to exclude, and keep at bay, attempts that might be made by the lower and vicious spirits to control him, (although in more than one instance evil spirits managed to control him.) But this only happened acci- dently, and generally he was only under the supervision and control of the good. It is stated that some five or six years since, Jesus announced his intention of giving through this communicator (the name which he gives to him,) the narrative of his life. And a number of persons were examined for the purpose of selecting one proper to act as an amanuensis, and the writer was finally determined upon. So that it is claimed that until this time, that there had been no opportunity when Jesus could safely give a narrative of his life and his teachings to mankind. Note. — The original title composed by the writer was " Narrative of the History of Jesus Christ, purported to be Dictated by Himself," which was altered by his direction to the title which appears. PREFACE In the extreme distance in the far north-west is seen descending an inclined plane, the procession. As it approaches, first is seen a band of two hundred musicians from one of the great suns, followed by many thousands of the Patri- archs, Prophets and others that have been eminent for virtue, and by many hundreds of children strewing flowers in the path of Jesus, who is accompanied by the Christs from the Suns and Planets that are here. Jesus is described as emitting light from his face and person that illuminates the whole surrounding space. These are followed by the apostles, and then another great band of music, and then a great multitude, not only from this Earth, but from the Suns and Planets, and intermingled are other bands of music, and they sing, " The worlds are all receiving light, are all receiving light." Jesus in opening says : "Revelations are being delivered to all of the worlds, and suns, and planets in space, and are giving great joy to millions of people. For God is shewing Himself in all His works to all of His children. Through the movements of the Heavenly bodies, and through the manifestations of ponderous bodies upon the earth, laws which have hitherto been unknown and unexplained, will be made manifest. For I would have all know Him, then will they truly love Him. They shall find that there are no mysteries in His Godliness ; all are as simple as the alphabetical character to the little child, when its meaning is understood. So shall all mysteries become simple and true in the souls of the children of men wherein He has revealed Himself by various types and char- acters upon the earth, so that they can walk therein and talk with Him upon every question and every subject concerning their inward nature, and he will unfold the answers to their souls in his book of laws, that they can worship Him throughout time in the earthly character, and throughout eternity in the spiritual being, and for this purpose would I give words to them this morning, which shall be as dew-drops of silver, that their souls shall become brightened for the more spiritual state of being. And I would cordially greet the visitors from the suns in the spirit of friendship, love, and truth, that all may have a spiritual feast together." As a preface to the revelations that are to follow, Jesus says, " In speaking of myself, from the first principles of my birthright to (ix) io Life of Jesus the Christ. the present time, which has been so long obscured in the mysteries of the past, so as to cause grave doubts and dissensions among the Christian churches touching my birth, by the overshadowing by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, my mother, and my lawful na- tivity. It has been my wish for many hundred years, to give to the people inhabiting the earth, something regarding myself, informing mankind how this birth took place, and proving a positive law for it — also, why I was endowed with the superior powers that I pos- sessed, and why I received the wonderful revelations from the Heavens, and expanded spiritual conceptions of men and things, which were expressed in the deep words of truth and wisdom that flowed through my mouth to teach the people, through which so many followed me independent of the priests or rulers. u Also, I wished all men to know, that there are no miracles in creation, that everything is done through natural and Divine law. There are no mysteries of creation, or of Godliness ; man only needs to realize the many mighty manifestations of his Heavenly Father to himself, to become quickened in spirit, which will unfold the senses of the body in its normal state, through which he may handle, and see perfectly the thoughts and workings of all souls that he comes in contact with, and the movements of all spiritual life in the many varieties and forms of matter. " It has been essential in all time, for the good and advancement of mankind at large, that God should manifest Himself and come nearer to His people, and prior to my own coming and advent, (that is of the Christ) into the world, sages, wise men and prophets had appeared in different seasons of time, in different nations, to proclaim strange things to the people, and they continued to pre- pare the way for these many developments, that all things should work together for good, although diversified as they were in differ- ent worlds, by many classes of people, by many languages spoken, and by great variety of phenomena and manifestation through mind and in matter, each in its own order and time, having its due weight and bearing to the nation it was manifest in, and to the people that all of the revelations came to enlighten. For in all of the different Preface. i i eras of time, from the animal man up to the intellectual and spirit- ual man, there existed great need of reformation from the darkened and mythological states, and transitory periods of time, to unfold his life and character, and the grand purposes for which he existed. " Consequently all of the seers, soothsayers and prophets, became stepping stones to lead man up into the Divine temple, to know- God and to worship Him, in spirit and in truth. Also to pro- phesy of the coming of one more spiritually advanced than they, and to prepare the minds of men to receive him. "The announcement of the approach of such an one as Jesus, that is myself, endowed with the christ power, who would act as a medi- ator between the souls of men and their Father, God, who should have great power, so that apparently the laws of nature were sub- ject to me, and that of gravity appeared to be obedient to my will, and also with fine spiritual influence to heal souls and bodies, created great consternation among the rulers of the land in which I was to appear ; they fearing that I would destroy their power and rule." CONCLUSION FIRST DAY. "There is a time and season for all things, and each and every mind must be prepared for the coming of each event of life. "Everything in the manifestations of God, He presents to His children in some form or type of language, and in so simple a manner, printed, spoken or heard, that the fool that runs therein shall not fail to gather some of its thought, and all may learn if they will the importance of its lesson to every day's doing, and may each and all fill up their measures full to the brim with spiritual happiness, that they shall love the bounteous giver that has done all for them so well. And my own wish is, that the perceptive knowledge which his children may bring, may enable them to understand the index He has created, that may reflect the index of nature corresponding to it, that they shall be able to determine for every day's working life, that their measure may be complete. "Visitors from suns, worlds and planets, who have gathered here in our vast assembly this morning, to exchange thought, and to i2 Life of Jesus the Christ. gather new dew-drops of life to strengthen them for still greater research into what was formerly called the Divine Providences of God, now to their spiritual understanding being made simple and plain, may all the thoughts uttered within the soul, be truth and love for all, and that will be prayer indeed. Amen. My spiritual blessing I give to all." They sing, "Behold the Angels to earth are coming down." OPENING SECOND DAY. Jesus says, "Every morning brings forth blossoms of truth ; for all souls need to be fed, and fresh particles of food must be given every day ; that of yesterday will not answer for to-day, for souls must grow strong by development of the inward nature, to be prepared for every day that opens. You do not get the noonday at first, but gradually the sun increases its strength of light and heat upon the earth, that all may by degrees be invigorated by its power. So must truth unfold by little, until its recipients have gathered and eaten of the full and strong parts of it, for the mind must take it up well, and the soul digest it, that it may not mistake its purposes. So in this opening morning it required those particles of truth to feed the multitude ; and those who have come from the far distant worlds can absorb much, and it is my wish that the breezes freighted with inspiration and life, may waft over and around them, and be so fully manifest, that they shall return home laden with the sweetness of its truth. And may the spiritual Father who dwells throughout the mighty Heavens, so bless them each and all. And I give my blessing to all." In continuation of Preface, Jesus says, "A proposal was offered or made to me, through carnal men (who came privately to me), who were some of the leading men among the Jews, as also promi- nent persons of other nationalities and religions, and who all joined in desiring me to become their leader and ruler, perceiving that I had great power with the people, and could by my influence induce them to follow and to obey me. They held out to me great promises to induce me to accept their leadership. But I told them all, that the kingdom that I came to assist in setting up in this world, was not Preface. i 3 to be bought or sold, as mammon, but to be a living spiritual kingdom. If I accepted their offers, I must deny the spiritual call- ing and my birthright, which was spiritual, and must be ruled by the passions and thoughts of men, as others had been before me. "To obey the spiritual inspiration, was to be denied the society of men at large, and of the priests and rulers, and to be set at naught by their laws as a fool and a madman. "The people being forbidden to harbor or assist me, the priests and rulers, supposing that they could destroy the influence which I had exercised over the people at large. But the influence of the Holy Spirit from the Heavenly Father, which is all powerful to sustain life, was given to me freely, to be dispensed to the world without money and without price. "And the fields were to be the temples in which the multitudes were to meet, there to gather true inspiration in the free air of Heaven ; and upon the shore of the sea, God moving upon the waters as upon the land. These plans and places, and those similar to them, being where my life-moving powers were to be exercised for the higher good of mankind. "I must go in the poor traveller's garb, with no herald to announce my approach ; but the great spiritual forces that were in and around me, which those that were hungering and thirsting for righteousness felt and saw, and so followed me in multitudes, and were fed and received the flowing dew of Heaven, as the water of life, which was given to them freely through me. I, standing as a mediator between my Father and them, teaching them how to un- fold the real and true life, and bringing immortality to light, until the priests and rulers, fearing the power which I displayed, were determined to destroy, because they could not rule me. But I had fulfilled the mission given to me to the letter of the law. They could kill the body, but the soul was ascending, immortal ; and in the departure from the body by being crucified, I made more con- verts than ever in my life in the body. For my precepts lived with time, and will ever shine brightly on its pages ; and the example that I left still is manifest, as the power of God to govern through 14 Life of Jesus the Christ. the soul, His children. As I told them all before my departure, and many times repeated it, "they that love me, feed my sheep." For if they fulfill the law as I have done, overcoming all of the condi- tions of the outward and passional man, they shall do as I have done before them, and even greater things shall they do. For there is no bound to the spirit of the great Heavenly Father to any one and all who will serve Him in the spirit, by overcoming the world, and living in the soul. Then can they walk and talk with Him throughout all their time, and for this purpose have I given these words, and narrative of myself, and mission on the earth more than 1800 years ago. Jesus the Christ, son of Joseph and Mary, born and endowed with the spirit of the Heavenly Father ! " CONCLUSION SECOND DAY. Jesus says, "'As little children only,' can man enter the true state of the kingdom of Heaven. And they do not need to be born out of their bodies to realize it. "But they must ascend the spiral staircase within themselves, and pause at every organ of the body as they pass it in the ascent, question its authority, and know of its power to give life. "For the body of man is a mighty temple, and every organ of the body has its good and bad office ; and the worst passage of the ascent is through the animal kingdom, where millions are allowed to rest, and enjoy its vain pleasures, and ascend no higher, until they become spirits out of the body. Whilst others ascending through the animal kingdom to the intellectual, there rest, with the letters of the law, satisfied with the exchanging of thought, and eloquent words spoken. And they only awake to the sense of the prize that they have lost, when they are sent out of their bodies. And the reason why so few reach the summit of the spiritual king- dom, and enjoy the spiritual feasts of reason, and an overshadowing of immortal life in upon the soul, is, First, the difficulty of overcom- ing the passional state ; so many and so varied are the attractions to hold them, so many snares to entice them, and hold them fast, that but few arrive to the intellectual. "Thousands are wearied with the journey, and they are willing to Preface. i 5 rest, and there partake of the shadow, for the real substance is still higher, and is not governed by thought uttered by man. For there they can become rulers and teachers in the outward form and sem- blance of man, gain riches, and command men, and love themselves, (through approbativeness and self esteem) have fine garments, and become noted as men. This was the stage that the rich young man that came to me to know how he should be saved, was in. But when told that to ascend to the highest and sublime state of life, he must throw aside his magnificent garments, and refuse the flattery of the world, and the pursuit of power, and distribute his riches among the poor, he pre- ferred to enjoy the present. Men refuse to obey the divine law, which is the ascending power, with an eye single to self, and with their souls in darkness, live to mammon, and ascend no higher. So that only now and then, a real spirit traveller becoming a little child, reaches the summit, and is crowned with the glory of God and its righteousness. Such become true mediators and revealers of spirit life. And may all of you who are within the sound of my voice this morning, who have gathered together from all the varied planes of spirit progress, and from the mighty distant suns, and their planetary worlds, and from all of the worlds of life that I be- hold here, realize the words of spirit truth that I have given to you; carrying deep conviction to your souls, that to be spiritual,y good, you must be true in all things. Then will you make progress toward that spiritual rest which is prepared for all that know and do our Heavenly Father's will. I give my spiritual blessing to all. They all sing "Morning light is breaking, and darkness disap- pears." CREATION AND RE-INCARNATION OF MAN. This planet of Earth was created so many ages since, that the mind of man can hardly conceive it. The six thousand years which chronologists give to it, is hardly a moment on the dial plate of time. The commencement of animal life was of the simplest form, being merely a cell ; in process of time another cell became attached to it, and then a third, and so on, and as the number of cells increased, the power of adding to their number also increased, until one of the lower forms of the reptile was produced. Then came the fishes, the birds, and last the quadrupeds. To complete these different stages of animal life, the lapse of many ages were required. After a great length of time, certain species of the ape, having assumed or acquired an erect vertebrae, the frontal regions of the cranium began to swell, and to form a connexion with the back brain, and then the Great Creator quickened the spirit or principle of life which there existed in common with all animals, and sent into it, and made it an immortal soul, which can never die, and whose destiny through all eternity, having within it the knowledge of good and evil, must depend upon itself The birds also in the progress of the ages, certain of them by slow gradations changed their conformation ; the legs filling out, and the feet gradually lessening and elongating, the bodies finally assumed the erect vertebrae, and other changes conforming, into them was breathed by the almighty power the divine essence, which made from the unreasoning and only instinctive principles of life, a being capable of becoming what man is, or may become. The rep- tiles, and many if not all other animals, have by gradual develop- ment become represented in man. The striking likenesses which Creation and Re-Incarnation of Man. 17 may be observed more or less distinctly among men to the different animals and birds, may serve to illustrate this. The incarnation, or quickening of the principle of life into im- mortal spirits of developed animals, birds and reptiles, continued to the extent of many millions, until the law was fulfilled ; occupying many ages, and the lapse of time has been so exceedingly great, that it may be doubtful if any fossil remains of the partially devel- oped animals, &c, can be discovered, although in the earlier strata it is possible that they may yet be found. When the law had become fulfilled, as those animals, &c, which had been incarnated produced offspring, and themselves in the course of nature departed from life upon earth, the offspring were again incarnated by the souls of those who had left their mortal bodies upon the earth, and they in turn leaving offspring which were again incarnated by the souls of those which had departed, and so this process has been and is continued. About one half of those that are born into the world, being incar- nated by the souls of those that had lived upon this, or upon some other planet, and the other part, being newly created, come from the great Father and Creator of all. The soul of the human being, whether it had pre-existed, or came fresh from the hand of God, has before it the choice of good and of evil ; to be good it is necessary to have the power to be evil, and the discipline of life here upon earth, or in any other planet or world, is fixed and intended to so cultivate it, that it may be fitted for a higher state of existence. If the soul which enters into the body of the child, had been created without the power of being evil, it would be merely a passive instrument ; but in the providence of God, and by his law, all must attain happiness only by resisting the temptations which life offers to do evil, and by learning above all things first to love Him, and to obey his law. After the incarnation of the animals, &c, as reason and intellect began to work, the vocal organs at first expressed sounds without meaning, but soon those sounds were made to apply to things, and to action, and thus gradually grew up language ; and as the incar- 1 8 Life of Jesus the Christ. nated animals were widely spread over a great extent of country, and originating in different climates and conditions, the languages were diversified, although as proved by some writers, certain words signifying force, &c, are similar, shewing the natural expression of those ideas. The attempt to build a tower to reach to Heaven, as described in the Scriptures, was made, but the diversity of language existed be- fore the commencement, and was one chief cause of misunderstand- ing, and prevented the prosecution of the project. In the course of the ages many of the spirits of the incarnated animals in all of the worlds, had by the discipline of re-incarnation gradually ascended in the scale of being, and had become spirits of light, approaching towards Heaven, when in an evil hour, ambition to rise above the law, and to become superior to it, induced many millions to revolt against the law of the Creator ; when a wave of electricity at once passed over them, and they fell from their high estate by their own gravity, which the great sin they had committed attached to them, and they descended down to the surface of the suns and planets from whence they came ; and many of the worst were sent back and again entered into the bodies of the species of those animals from whence their ancestors first emerged ; others were sent into the lower circles of the first sphere, there suffering the torments of the damned. In the ages that have passed, those condemned spirits have gradually emerged, and now there are none remaining, inhabiting the bodies of animals, but many are still in the first sphere, suffering hunger and thirst, and nakedness, with more or less of punishment, and are part of those mentioned by Jesus, as spirits in prison, whilst others have risen and inhabit some of them the higher spheres. The description by Milton, with the exception of Satan, gives some idea of the fate of the rebellious spirits. Re-incarnation or the return of the souls that have lived upon this or some other planet or world, occurs as follows : — When the spirit leaves the body, it takes its place in the spiritual world according to the deeds done upon earth, which have been the fruit of the Creation and Re-Incarnation of Man. 19 condition of the soul, and its relation and nearness to the Great Father of all. The great majority, about ninety in an hundred, entering into the first sphere, the lower circles of which, (those nearest the earth,) being places of punishment ; some of incon- ceivable torment, are inhabited by great criminals, each higher circle being more endurable. The seventh circle of the first sphere, where most of those who leave this earth first find themselves, is a state of beggary, partly covered by a few rags, tormented with hunger and thirst, they are constantly employed in endeavoring to procure food. In the second sphere, the spirit is allowed to work, in the first circle sixteen hours of the twenty-four, mostly in agri- culture. In the higher circles, less work and a better condition. In the third sphere, still improved, and so on through the circles of the different spheres, up to the seventh sphere, after which the spirit enters into celestial life. The spirit having taken its place, which its course of life on earth has caused, it may and does usually make progress upward, and when it reaches the fourth sphere, it can never be incarnated to go back to earth, but at any lower point, it is liable to be sent back to earth or to some other planet, and at some moment when its time to leave the spirit life has arrived ; its spiritual body is cast off, and the soul drawn by an attraction which it cannot control, again enters into the embrio of a child that is to be born. It is thus again brought into the world, again to go through the discipline to which a life on earth subjects it. No remembrance of the life that has been passed through on earth, or of its experience in the spiritual world, exists, the law pre- cluding it. It is only when the glorified spirit arrives at its home in the celestial Heaven, that memory revives of all its past history, and spread out before it is the record of all that it has enjoyed and suffered, in the many changes that it has passed through. Jesus says that the one half of the souls that are born into the world, which are newly created, are those which form the good and the best portion of mankind ; that without this new infusion, the re-incarnated would fall back into darkness, and also that the in- habitants of the different planets, were animated by the souls of 20 Life of Jesus the Christ. those spirits which had fallen, in consequence of their rebellion against the law of the creator, but whose condition had been im- proved by the discipline received by many re-incarnations, that notwithstanding this improvement, the evil attendant upon their crimes, so imbued them, that without direct assistance from Heaven, they would deteriorate and become like the inhabitants of earth in the days of Noah. To assist them to rise upward, good men were inspired from above, to teach them, to show to them the evil of sin, and the beauty of holiness. Those peculiar instances of virtue, and that knowledge of an hereafter which have appeared upon the earth in the old time, such as the prophets to the Jews, Socrates and Plato to the Greeks, Confucius and Zoroaster in the east, and others, were divinely inspired, and served to prevent mankind from sinking lower, and assisted them to rise toward Heaven. The teachings of these good men having given a certain importance and authority to those who succeeded them in instructing the people, the importance thus attained was made use of for the acquisition of wealth and power for themselves ; and thus again the people were led from the worship of the true God, to that of idols of wood and of stone, and to objects of nature, such as the sun and some even of animals. Even after the christian revelation, the evil tendency of the fallen spirits is shown, in the corruption which appeared in the christian church ; men evil in their lives, assumed authority, as coming from Christ to forgive sins, and to sell this forgiveness for money, assum- ing that without their permission none could enter Heaven. About one thousand years since, a great change was made in the incarnation of the embrios of all children that were born into the world. Up to this time, all had been re-incarnated by the souls, de- scendants of those spirits which had rebelled against the law of the Creator, and as has been stated a few of the best had been inspired by Heaven, to prevent the downward tendency of the great masses of the people. But now at that time, a new creation took place, and about one half of all that were born, were newly created, and came fresh from the hand of God. This creation of a new soul, is an ex- Creation and Re-Incarnation of Man. 21 pression of the will of the Most High, which is thrown off and iden- tified in the particular individual embrio. The creation of new souls introduced a better element upon earth, but, notwithstanding their late divine origin, the aspect of the world shows that the great ma- jority even of these newly created souls, choose the evil rather than the good. But this fact by no means can impugn the wisdom and goodness of God. Had he created these souls incapable of evil, they would have been only of the quality of inert matter, as wood or stone. But being made for immortality, to fit them for Heaven they must achieve and work out their own salvation ; good and evil lies before them, if they embrace the latter, it is only by long and continued suffering, and trial, and discipline, that they can work up to join the blessed and the happy. Note. — This paper on the creation and re-incarnation of man was written some two or three years since, (sometime before any mention of re-incarnation had been made public from other sources,) and composed by the writer, the facts having been obtained in answer to questions propounded in part, and the rest were vol- untary statements made by Jesus. After it was written, it was read, and approved by Jesus. What follows was dictated by him, and is mostly in his language. From the time when the opening, continuation, and closing commences, the language is almost verbatim as dictated. True History of Jesus the Christ, Dictated by Himself. The condition of mankind upon the earth, as well as upon the other planets, and suns, and worlds, had become such, that there was a necessity for special revelations from Heaven. The populations of all the worlds were fast sinking back into the state described as existing in the days of Noah upon the earth. To prevent further deterioration in all of the worlds, special messengers were sent from heaven to each of them, all at about the same time of the advent of our Saviour upon this earth. The inhabitants of the earth being de- scended from some of the more hardened and presump- tuous of the fallen spirits, were in a lower condition, and required a Saviour endowed with greater power, and more receptive of the Holy Spirit than the inhabitants of other worlds who were descended also from fallen spirits, but whose natures were not so hardened and rebellious, and who could be recalled to the path to Heaven by messen- gers endowed with less power, and whose power for receiv- ing the Holy Spirit was inferior to that of Jesus Christ, 24 Life of Jesus the Christ. and thence it was said of him " Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess," &c. The laws which were made by the Supreme Creator for the government of all worlds, are immutable, and not one jot or one tittle of them can pass away or be dispensed with. One of those laws, that one controlling the procrea- tion of man, made the physical, mental, moral and spiritual condition of the parents at the time of conception, to affect all of those conditions in the offspring, so that the state of the mind of either, and of both parents would modify the character in all these particulars of the child that might be born — and however good and elevated might be the parents as compared with other inhabitants of the earth, (as men and women exist here,) there could be found none that had not some taint of earthliness, some germ of evil, which existing in them would manifest itself, and be trans- mitted to the offspring. Thence, no mortal man and wo- man in the normal state in which they live upon this earth could be the parents of a perfect being (such as Jesus Christ,) unless the condition of the law of the trans- mission of the qualities of both parents, particularly the moral and spiritual condition, which existed at the time of conception, could be modified. In order that this might be accomplished, Joseph, (a just and good man,) espoused, and to be married to Mary, also good and pure, were thrown into the unconscious spiritual or trance state, and whilst in this condition, without the knowledge of either of them, such connexion as was nec- essary, took place, and at this time, the Holy Spirit over- shadowed them, and thence no thoughts or feelings that were earthly, or connected with the earth, could be trans- Life of Jesus the Christ. 25 mitted to the offspring; but only the Spiritual and the Heavenly. Had this spiritual or trance state, which precludes any action of the mind and feelings not existed, the child would in accordance with the law have inherited more or less of the imperfections common to humanity. But the peculiar conditions attendant upon his conception, imbued him from thai: moment with the influences of the Holy Spirit, and nothing evil could affect him. His parents were born in Nazareth, and removed for a time to Bethlehem in Judea, then returned to Nazareth, but were obliged to go to Beth- lehem, to be taxed. They were betrothed to be married, and Joseph, his father, learning that his espoused wife was about to become a mother, had determined to put her away pri- vately (to avoid scandal,) but was warned by an angel (that he saw in a vision,) that his intended wife was pure and good, and that he should complete the contract of mar- riage and live with her, and in obedience to the Heavenly Vision, he returned with her to Bethlehem and stopped at an inn which was crowded with guests. The time had come when the child was to be born, and they had no better place for the confinement of Mary than a barn or stable in which cattle were kept ; and after the birth of Jesus, he was laid in a stall or manger, and in the adjoining stall an ox was feeding. After the birth of Jesus a halo of light was seen around his head, and of course attracted much attention, and pro- duced great wonder in the minds of his parents and their friends. At this time, some shepherds who were attending to their flocks on the hills near Jerusalem, observed a light in the firmament, and heard a voice saying, " Fear not, behold 26 Life of Jesus the Christ. I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people, for unto you is born this day a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." They were told to go at once, and fol- low the direction which a light resembling a star, that appeared above them should take. They immediately left their flocks and herds in the charge of others, and taking with them presents, followed the guidance of the star, and continued their journey and came to the manger where the young child lay, and saw it with the halo of light around its head. Mary its mother, related to them that an angel had appeared to her and said that the child would be born, and that he would produce a great change in the con- dition and welfare of the world. And Joseph told them that when he discovered that his espoused wife was to be- come a mother, having had no connexion with him, he was about to put her away; but was warned by an angel that it was well, and that he must not put her away, but that he should live with her. After the Shepherds had thus spoken with Joseph and Mary, and had made to them the offerings which they had brought, they took their leave of them and returned to their homes. The communication with the inhabitants of earth, by spiritual intelligence, by means of dreams and visions, were more common, and more reliable, than has since existed. There have always been certain individuals or classes of in- dividuals upon the earth, endowed with peculiar magnetic and electrical conditions, which allowed them to come en rapport, or in communication easily with spiritual exist- ences, or intelligences. Sometimes, or rather in one age, the form of communication assumed one aspect, as that of inspiration by the prophets — at another, by Seers, Life of Jesus the Christ. 27 through dreams and visions, and latterly, by means of mediums. The impressibility, so to speak, in different individuals, existed, and could be made the vehicle of the thoughts, desires and wishes of evil, as well as of good, spiritual exis- tences ; thence we hear of false prophets, of seers through dreams, visions unreliable, and latterly, certainly of medi- ums, assuming to represent the souls, thoughts, and char- acter of individuals, which to the apprehension of the most common intellect were entirely inconsistent. It may well be asked, how are the false to be distinguished from the true ? And the answer is the same, as in the days of the prophets, and since that time, that by their fruits ye shall know them. What is consistent, just and true, will sooner or later be known, acknowledged and separated from that which is the reverse. The occupation of shepherds (which was a very common one in judea, as well as in the country east of it, and also in that which laid towards Egypt,) being one that left each individual much alone, and if by constitution, nervous and magnetic, or electrical condition, any one should be fitted to receive from the spiritual world communications, the condition of the employment, rendered him peculiarly open to receive impressions from the unseen world. Thence, many of that employment became prophets and seers, and about the time of the birth of Jesus, certain shepherds who had that receptive power, living in the vicinity of Egypt, journeyed into Syria, and there met others from that coun- try, and one or two from Persia who were similarly endowed, there being six or eight in number in all, and these having been warned by dreams or visions of the birth of a child of 28 Life of Jesus the Christ. wonderful qualities and powers, and that he might be dis- covered by observing and following the direction of a light, that resembled a star, were in that way led to the city of Bethlehem. As they passed through the city of Jerusalem, Herod the King having heard that a wonderful child would be born, that it was said " would be King of the Jews," and that these seers were seeking him, became alarmed, and desired them when they had found him to return and report to him. The seers following the guidance of the star, found the child lying in a manger, with its parents attending him, and presented to them the gifts which they had brought with them, of gold, frankincense and myrrh. To the seers, the parents of Jesus repeated what they had already sard to the shepherds who first visited them. But these last visitants, having taken their leave, returned to their homes by another way than the one by which they came, having been warned by a vision, or dream, not to inform Herod. The shepherds or seers not having returned to report to Herod, who finding that he had been deceived, became very much alarmed, and gave orders that all children (within certain districts) that were less than two years of age, should be destroyed ; hoping thereby to make sure of the death of the wonderful child that he had heard of, and whom he feared might supplant him in his authority. But Joseph was warned by an Angel of the Lord, in a dream, to flee with the child and its mother into Egypt. He accordingly obeyed the direction of the vision, and remained in Egypt until the death of Herod. During his stay there, he as opportunity offered, worked at his trade of a carpenter, but much of his time was occu- pied in attending upon the mother and child. The extra- Life of Jesus the Christ. 29 ordinary appearance and character of the child, excited the interest and sympathy of the people who knew them, and they contributed of their substance, to the support of the family. Upon the death of Herod, Joseph was again di- rected by an angel, whom he saw in a vision, to return to Bethlehem. But fearing still for the child, he determined to stop at Nazareth, which was a place in very bad repute, inhabited by many vile and wicked people ; and in that respect, undesirable as a residence. He, however, obtained employment at his trade of carpenter, and there remained. When Jesus his son had attained the age of five years, he displayed extraordinary faculties ; which as this became known, caused many people to come and converse with him. He talked with them upon subjects requiring the exercise of strong mental powers. He told his visitors about themselves, seeing through them, and relating to them their own experiences ; so that many of them loved Him, and many feared Him. At the age of six, he increased in his powers of percep- tion. He addressed strangers by their names, and related to them incidents of their past lives, and the condition of things, and circumstances around them, and warned them to repent, and to cease to do evil. His spiritual vision, and the power of hearing spirits converse, was opened to him, and he could see angels, and hear them talk and sing. At the age of seven, he saw and conversed still more with angels, and would mix with little children, and play with them, and relate to them what the angels said. And he would go to the market place with his mother, and the people that he met there, would talk with him, and question him, and he would answer in such a manner, that they 3