^.^ ^^^ ^''^ ME MO I R. Christopher Gore was born in Boston, Mass., September 21, in the year 1758. He was descended from respectable parents, and was the youngest of several children.* He received his primary educa- tion at the public schools in Boston, and was pre- pared for college chiefly, if not entirely, at the South Latin School, under the tuition of the justly celebrat- ed Mr. Lovell, who educated for the University, and for public life, many of the best scholars, and some of the most distinguished men, in the state. At the age of thirteen, he entered Harvard College, and was among the youngest in his class ; but, young as he was, his talents were of that high order, his taste for literary pursuits so decided, and his application so judicious, that he acquired and sustained the reputa- tion of a good scholar, at a period, and under cir- cumstances, which prevented many from deriving the expected benefit from a pubhc education. For in his Junior year, the war of our Independence commenc- ed, which created confusion and disorder through- out society, and deranged the plans, and changed the pursuits of many, in every grade and profession. The college buildings being w^anted for the army stationed at Cambridge, the students were dispers- ed for several months. When Mr. Gore returned home, his father was desirous that he should leave college altogether, and enter at once upon the study of medicine, with an eminent practitioner in Boston. But he had no taste for that profession, and was re- solved, if possible, to complete his collegiate course ; and therefore repaired to Bradford, in the county of Essex, and studied under the direction, and in the * Note A. 4 Memoir of Christopher Gore. family of the Rev. Mr. Williams, afterwards profes- sor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy in Har- vard College. When the College was removed to Con- cord, he, with most of the students, repaired thith- er, and resumed and continued his studies. He was graduated in 1776, with honor, and with a character, that gave promise of future eminence in the world. Mr. Gore was deservedly popular at college ; — his manners were engaging, his disposition was in- genuous, and his conduct fair and honorable. It is saying much for the integrity of his principles, that he passed the dangerous period of a college life, pure and unstained by vice. Nothing mean, dis- graceful, or degrading was ever attached to his youth. It was this amiable character, joined to his social disposition and literary taste, that led him to form an intimacy with several students, which ripened into the strongest friendship in after years, and con- tinued to grow stronger and brighter, and to yield purer satisfaction, to the close of life.* Mr. Gore left college just at the time when the independence of our country was declared ; and, like many others, who were destined for the peaceful pur- suits of professional life, he was animated with the ardent spirit of patriotism, and for a short season joined himself with a number, who cheerfully pre- pared to endure the hardships and privations of mili- tary service, to repel an expected invasion of the enemy in Rhode Island. The invasion did not take place, and the services of those engaged to repel it, of course, were not required. Mr. Gore soon commenced the study of his pro- fession, in the office and under the direction of the late Judge Lowell, in whose family he resided while a student. That eminent jurist and excellent man soon discerned the worth of his pupil, and repaid his diligence and integrity, and his respect for himself, * Note B. Memoir of Christopher Gore. 6 by reposing in him, at all times, entire confidence, and manifesting for him the sincerest friendship. Mr. Gore was often heard to speak with the greatest re- gard of his instructer, and to impute no small share of his success in his profession, to the mutual regard subsisting between them. He had prosecuted his studies with such unremitted ardor and attention, that he was enabled to commence the practice of the law, in his native town, with an ability and confi- dence, that insured him the most flattering success. He depended upon himself alone, — he had his own fortune to make ; * and his strict attention to business, his faithful application of time and talent, that he might gain a thorough knowledge of his profession, his punctuality in the discharge of the trusts confided to him, and withal his powers of eloquence, his ease and courtesy of manners, soon secured to him, not only patronage, but an eminence in his profession rarely attained at so early an age. Mr. Gore always appeared to derive satisfaction from the recollection of his frequent sacrifices of amusements and society, which have so many allurements for the young, that he might improve all his means and advantages, to secure the great objects he had in view, — reputa- tion as a lawyer, independent support, a character for honor and integrity as a man, and the confidence and approbation of his friends. How well he ac- complished these objects, his life has proved. That Mr. Gore was highly esteemed, by his fel- low citizens, at this early period of his public ca- reer, not only for his popular talents, but especially as an upright man and a sound politician, who might be safely entrusted with the confidence and dearest interests of the people, no stronger proof can be given, than his being united with those long tried and ar- dent patriots, John Hancock and Samuel Adams, in * Note C. 6 Memoir of Chiistopher Gore. the Convention of this State, which considered and adopted the Constitution of the Federal government. In the year 1789, Mr. Gore was appointed to the important and responsible office of United States Attorney for the district of Massachusetts. He was the first, who filled this office under the Federal govern- ment ; and his being selected by President Wash- ington, who seldom, if ever, made an injudicious ap- pointment, was decisive evidence of his legal repu- tation, and of the estimation in which he was held by his fellow citizens. Owing to the excitement in this part of the country, occasioned by sympathy with the people of France, then in a state of Revo- lution, — the duties of the office to which Mr. Gore was appointed were arduous and unpleasant ; but he performed them all with great ability. And on some occasions, when the public feeling was much irritat- ed, he manifested a degree of firmness and decision, which few could equal, and which, based upon his known integrity of character, enabled him to over- come difficulties, and successfully meet opposition, which had they been ecountered with a different temper and less talent, would have produced a far different result. His character being thus established for ability, for knowledge of commercial law, and faithfulness in the discharge of public duty ; Mr. Gore was appoint- ed, by the President, one of the Commissioners un- der the fourth article of Jay's Treaty, to settle the claims of our citizens, for spoliations upon our com- merce. His commission is dated April 1, 1796. He was associated in this commission with men of distinguished worth, the Hon. William Pinkney of Maryland, and Col. Trumbull of Connecticut ; but it is no derogation from their worth or ability, to as- sign the chief place in the commission to Mr. Gore. There were many difficulties to be met and over- come, in investigating the claims which were pre- Memoir of Christopher Gore. 7 sented, which required all the experience, firmness, and perseverance, which few possessed in a greater degree than Mr. Gore, — and all the courtesy, affa- bility, and knowledge of mankind, which were his in a peculiar manner. He was alw^ays the main instru- ment of securing to our citizens large sums of money, about the validity of the claims to which, some of the commission had strong doubts. The argu- ment of Mr. Gore, in support of the claims for cap- tures under the rule of 1756, was most able and elaborate, and no doubt caused their being allowed. During the continuance of the coftimission, which was about ei2;ht vears, Mr. Gore once visited this country, on special business of his own, but shortly af- terwards returned to London. He visited the Conti- nent, and spent several months in Paris. While in Europe, Mr. Gore became acquainted with some of the most distinguished men in Great Britain ; carrying letters of introduction from Mr. Jay, he was at once admitted to the highest circles. But his own char- acter, his highly polished manners, and the uncommon ability, with which it was know'U that he executed his important commission, were the chief and suffi- cient recommendation to the notice and esteem of men, whom it is an honor to know, and who honor the country to which they belong. By such men Mr. Gore was highly esteemed, and received from them constant proofs of regard. When Mr. King, who was our minister at the Court of St. James, returned to this country in 1803, he appointed Mr. Gore charge d'affaires, ; and in this station he exhibited the same talent and fidelity, that marked all his other public proceedings. In 1804, Mr. Gore came home, and was received by his fellow citizens with every demonstration of re- spect and affectionate regard.* Upon his return to this country, Mr. Gore resum- ed the practice of his profession, which he con- * Note D. 8 Memoir of Christopher Gore. tinued with zeal, activity, and success until the year 1809. He was elected t(3 the Senate of this com- monwealth tor the county of Suffolk, in 1806 and 1807, and the following year he was chosen Repre- sentative from the town of Boston. Party politics ran high at this time, and Mr. Gore was a conspicu- ous member of the Legislature ; and, from his distin- guished worth and talents, he was naturally placed in the van of the party, whose cause he espoused and most ably maintained. No man was better qualified to take the lead in a difficult work; for, in addition to great political experience, sound judgment, and firmness of principle, he had perfect command of himself, and knew w^ell how to influence and per- suade others to an upright and honorable course. During the pohdcal year of 1809 and 1810, Mr. Gore sustained the office of chief magistrate of this commonwealth. For this high and responsible sta- tion he had no preference, — it was not of his own seeking. So far from this, it was only at the most urgent entreaties, repeatedly made, by those of his friends, whose opinion he felt bound to respect, and who thought him the most suitable to fill the chair of state at that difficult period, that he consented to be a candidate for the suffrages of the people. And in thus yielding to what he believed his duty, as a good citizen, whose talents and means of usefulness belong to the public, and should be devoted to the public service, Mr. Gore sacrificed, as he well knew he of necessity must, his private feelings, his professional pursuits, to which he was attached and which he deemed it necessary to continue, and his love of re- tirement and literary ease. But he made the sacrifice with a resolution, which he firmly maintained, to give himself wholly to the important duties of the office, and, while he retained it, to be the governor and chief magistrate of the whole state, and not of a par- Memoir of Christopher Gore. 9 ty. In pursuance of this noble object, he made him- self familiar with every subject, that related to the interests and prosperity of the commonwealth, the honor and happiness of the people.* He visited the distant parts of the state while governor, mixed with the different classes of his constituents, as occasions offered, and thus became still better qualified for the station he held. And had it not been, that the })as- sions and prejudices of men were enlisted in the cause they espoused, and that those of opposite po- litical sentiments were resolved to see and act through a prejudiced medium ; all men to whom the governor had access, who saw and heard him, would have been won by his courtesy and condescension, his open, undisguised manner towards all whom he met ; they would have been convinced, that he was not the Tory, the Monarchist, of whom they had so often read in the public vehicles of slander. But since party-spirit has been allayed, the good sense and candor of all who had any acquaintance with the character of Mr. Gore, however opposed they were to him in public life, oblige them to confess, that he discharged the duties of governor, in the most upright and faithful manner. I have heard some of his former opponents assert, that he was the best governor who had ever presided over the common- wealth ; but that fidelity to their party would not allow them to give him their support. Consistency and integrity were the prominent features of his administration ; and never did he, on any occasion, sacrifice them to private views or pop- ular feeling. His love of country, his desire to pro- mote, by all the means in his power, the prosperity and improvement of his fellow citizens, his high sense of honor, his self-respect, placed him far above the intrigues of party; he was ever indignant at the * Note E. H 10 Memoir of Christopher Gore. supposition, that he would stoop to any measure, or sanction any project, to secure popular favor, if, by so doing, he must swerve in the least from the line of the strictest integrity. At the expiration of the year for which he had been chosen governor, Mr. Gore returned to private life, and did not again resume the practice of his pro- fession. His permanent residence was in Waltham in the vicinity of Boston, where he possessed a large estate, which he highly cultivated and improved. He purchased this estate in the year 1791 and made it his summer residence, until ihe time before men- tioned, when he became a permanent inhabitant of the town.* He paid great attention to agriculture, and spared no expense in adorning his grounds, and in cultivating his fields, for his own and the public benefit. He took a lively interest in all the concerns of the town, faithfully discharged all the duties of a citizen, and secured to himself the respect and con- fidence of all with whom he had intercourse. But Mr. Gore was not permitted long to remain in private fife. In ISl^'^he was appointed by Governor Strong to the Senate of the United States, to supply a vacancy which had occurred during the rece-s of the Legislature ; which appointment was confirmed by the General Court, at its next session. It was with great reluctance that Mr. Gore consented again to engage in public life, and become interested in the jarring politics of the times. But his high regard for Governor Strong, and respect for his opinion, induced him to comply with his urgent request. There were certain measures to be adopted, or subjects to be laid before Congress, which, the Governor thought, demanded all the experience, firmness, and political wisdom of Mr. Gore, rather than any other man. In the Senate, Mr. Gore displayed his usual zeal and » Note F. Memoir of Christopher Gore. 1 1 abilties for the honor and welfare of his country. His talents and influence were highly appreciated; per- haps no one ever had more influence in that body, or was more respected by all parties. He continued in the Senate three years, when, the duties of the station becoming too arduous for his health, which had been materially injured by his exertions, he re- signed his seat, and did not again enter public life. Mr. Gore belonged to most of the literary and be- nevolent institutions in our community. He was early elected a member of the American Academy, and was President of the Massachusetts Historical Society from 1806 to 1818. To each of these soci- eties he bequeathed a valuable legacy. In 1816 he was chosen President of the Evangelical Missionary Society in Massachusetts, but resigned the office the following year, on account of ill health.* He was a member of the Middlesex Bible Society and of the Massachusetts Peace Society. He was for several years a vigilant and highly useful Fellow of Harvard College, from which Institution he received the hon- orary degree of Doctor of Laws, in 1809. And as a proof of his attachment to this seminary, and his de- sire to aid the cause of science and learning, he made the Corporation of the College his residuary legatee. The peculiar value of this bequest is its being free from all conditions, — being left to the sole direction of the governors of the College, to appro- priate it as they shall deem best for the promotion of its truest interests ; an example which it is hoped others will imitate, who may be disposed to add to the funds and prosperity of this favored seat of learn- ing. The public character of Mr. Gore may challenge the strictest scrutiny, from its commencement to its close. Few men have been caUed to higher or more * Note G. 1 2 Memoir of Christopher Gore, honorable stations in our country ; and by fewer still, if by any, has he been surpassed in the upright and faithful discharge of the arduous and responsible duties attached to those stations. As a statesman and politician, he was profound and discriminating ; the principles he adopted were formed from a deep and careful study of the constitution of his country; — they did not grow out of the state of parties, or change of circumstances, or local and sectional in- terests. Having adopted what he believed the right course in politics, he steadily pursued it, with a sin- gle eye to the welfare and honor of his country. You always knew where to find him, for he acted from principle. Political integrity was at the same time his polar star, of which he never lost sight, and his safeguard, amidst the various fluctuations and con- tending interests, which agitated, and often convulsed society. It is true, that, as a politician, he differed from many distinguished men, with whom he was as- sociated in public life, who were, perhaps, as hon- est and sincere in their opinions as he was ; but he had the unusual felicity, never to permit a difference of opinion to influence his feelings and conduct, or to view his opponents as enemies". His disposition was so benevolent, he was by nature so affable and courteous, that he maintained his opinions with- out asperity, and conciliated the good will, and se- cured the respect of many, whom he could not con- vince by argument. A virtue this, as rare as it is desirable, in a public character. As an advocate at the bar, and as a counsellor, Mr. Gore stood among the foremost of the eminent jurists, who have done honor to the State. The ease and elegance of his manners, the nobleness of his person, added to his powers of eloquence, ren- dered him a favorite and successful member of the bar, which was at the same time adorned with Par- sons, Sullivan, Ames, Dexter, and Otis. His clients Memoir of Christopher Gore. 13 justly placed unlimited confidence in his opinions and exertions in their behalf; for they knew, that whatever business he undertook received the undi- vided efforts of his intelHgent and well-stored mind; they had perfect confidence in the fairness and integ- rity, with which he conducted the business entrusted to him, and were convinced that no mean or mercenary consideration would induce him to barter his reputa- tion, or raise expectations which would not be real- ized. He was faithful, because he was industrious, in his profession. He never came into court unpre- pared to manage the cause he had undertaken. It was his uniform practice, from the commencement of his professional labors to their close, and during the whole of his poUtical life, either to sit up very late, or to rise very early in the morning, that he might fully prepare himself for the business of the following day. The company of friends, domestic society, and personal indulgence, were all sacrificed to duty, — to the business in which he was engaged. Mr. Gore's mind was of the highest order of excel- lence. He was remarkable, I think, for decision of character, yet without rashness, — his judgment was sound and accurate, and the truths he attained after the most thorough investigation, he developed in a lucid manner. His was a highly cultivated and well disciphned mind. He was an accomplished belles- lettres and classical scholar, — was familiar with the literature of the day, and found much delight in reading the works of ancient poetry and philosophy. Horace was his favorite Latin author, which he read with a critical and discriminating taste. It is to be regretted that he left so few proofs, in print, of his extensive knowledge and sound political wisdom. A few political essays, which appeared in the news- papers, and a pamphlet, pubhshed in 1822, entitled, " Remarks on the Censures of the Government of the United States, contained in the Ninth Chapter of VOL. III. THIRD SERIES. .3 1 4 Memoir of Christopher Gore. a Book entitled, 'Europe, by a Citizen of the United States,' " — are the only writings of his in print, which have come to my knowledge. These " Remarks " are an able vindication of the conduct of the admin- istrations of Washington and Adams, so far as that conduct was implicated in the censure alluded to, — and they seemed to be demanded from one, who was not only conversant with the administration of our public affairs at that time, but was vested by the gov- ernment with a high commission, to vindicate the honor of the nation, and assert and defend the claims of its injured citizens, against the pretended righis of Great Britain. Not less distinguished was Mr. Gore in his private character, as a man in all the relations of social and domestic life. In these relations it is delightful to recollect him, and reflect upon those many graces, which endeared him to his friends, which threw around him a charm that none could resist, and which imperceptibly exerted an inliuence upon all who sought his acquaintance. He had the happy tal- ent of making every one who was introduced to him, feel at ease, at home, although he were an entire stranger. To the young he was peculiarly kind and condescending ; this disposition, of course, attract- ed many within his circle, who, while delighted and improved by his discourse, cherished for him the highest respect. The kindness of his feelings and the benevolence of his demeanor were remarkable, in his attention to all classes of society ; in his familiar discourse with all whom he chanced to meet, in his daily pursuits, in his treatment of his dependents, and his attachment and fidelity to his friends. But the character of Mr. Gore is deserving of re- gard, and respect, and honorable mention, chiefly, for its moral worth, its uncommon purity and unbending integrity. He w^as an enemy to vice in every shape ; if he ever expressed indignation at the conduct of Memoir of Christopher Gore. 15 any, it was for its want of moral principle. His standard of virtue and moral rectitude was high ; for it was founded on the unerring principles of truth, as contained in the religion of Jesus Christ. In Christianity he was a firm believer ; he was a Chris- tian in the noblest sense of the word. For while he did not hesitate to avow his sentiments, and in early life attach himself to a society, to which, in the eye of the bigoted many, it was almost a reproach to be- long, he made no boast of his profession, took no pains to appear better than others, never was ilhberal or censorious towards those who chose to pursue another course to heaven. While his health per- mitted, he was a constant attendant at church, in town and in the country, and paid uniform respect to all the institutions of religion. Mr. Gore not only beUeved in Christianity, but held in high estimation and reverence the Bible, and used to recommend the study of it to young men, who were just entering life. On this subject I speak with perfect confi- dence ; for I have often heard him describe the pleas- ure he derived from reading the works of the great masters of poetry and history of ancient days; — " But," he would add, " I find no poetry superior to that in the Bible, especially in the book of Job and the Psalms of David, or from reading which, I derive purer satisfaction, — no inspiration so sublime as that which proceeded from the pen of Isaiah, and no morality to be compared with the precepts of Jesus Christ ; " observing, that whatever books he would re- commend to the young, he should advise them to prize the Bible as the most valuable, — that whatever genius or talents a young man might possess, if destitute of moral principle, or practical regard for the eternal rules of virtue, he was destitute of the only certain foundation of honorable distinction, in a moral and religious community. Sentiments similar to these, I believe he expressed, as chairman of the commit- tee, at a public examination of a class in Harvard 16 Memoir of Christopher Gore. College, while he was Governor, — sentiments ahke honorable to his head and his heart. The latter years of Mr. Gore's life were years of infirmity and sickness, and much of the time his suf- ferings were intense. Yet such was his fortitude and endurance, such the equanimity of his mind, sus- tained by reflection, philosophy, and religion, that, to a stranger, he seemed not to suffer. His noble per- son literally bent down with pain and infirmity, he would receive his friends with cheerfulness, and so exert himself to entertain them, that they left him with increased admiration of his intellectual and moral worth. Though unable to attend to his agri- cultural pursuits to which he was strongly attached, to mingle in society, or even to see company, except his intimate friends ; and though suffering hourly the severest pain, he passed much time in his study, and found alleviation from suffering by reading his favorite authors. It was dehghtful to perceive and to know, that tortured in body, his mind was still bright and clear, shone out in all its greatness and complacency, and, as it were, seemed to play in its tri- umph over corporal suffering. I have said that Mr. Gore was a Christian ; and if years of endurance of severe pains and infirmity, without the least expres- sion of murmur or complaint, — if constant exertions to render those about him pleased and happy, and the exercise of a cheerful, benevolent, and resigned disposition, — if these are evidences of a Christian temper, of true Christian fortitude and patience, then Mr. Gore had a strong claim to this exalted charac- ter; and retained it to the last hour of his hfe, which was closed with serenity, March 1, 1829, in the sixty-ninth year of his age. Well may we apply to his character these fines of the poet, which he delighted to read : " Justum ac tenacem propositi viruni Non civium ardor prava jubentium, Non vultiis ini^tantis tyranni, Monte quntit solida.'" NOTES. Christopiieu Gore's father was John Gore, a respectable me- chanic, in the town of Boston, who married Frances Pinckney, by whom he had fourteen or fifteen children. Three sons and six daughters lived to be married; the other children died in infancy. Christopher was the youngest of these sons. B. Of the many highly valued friends and associates of Mr. Gore, I shall particularly notice but two, whom he loved and valued above others, and for whom he cherished the highest regard through life, — the late Hon. Rufus King of New York, and the Rev. Dr. Freeman of Boston ; with the former, and I believe with both, his acquaintance commenced at college. The intima- cy subsisting between Mr. Gore and Mr. King, was one of the closest and purest kind. It seemed as if their thoughts and souls were one. Although in distant parts of the country, they maintained a constant correspondence, on all political sub- jects which interested them in common with their fellow citi- zens, as well as on their individual and domestic pursuits. They took no important step in public without consulting each other, and were generally decided by the opinion or advice given and received. They were together in Europe, in the public service, — they were together in the Senate of the United States, — nor were they long divided in their death. Mr. Kino- died in May 1827. Of the Rev. Dr. Freeman, who still survives to cheer and de- light a large circle of devoted friends, and to instruct, by exam- ple, an attached congregation, it may not be proper to write as his merit deserves. But, as he was the early and warm friend of Mr. Gore, their names, as their virtues, should ever be mentioned together, with the highest respect. As the firm and consistent minister of the church to which he belonged, Mr. Gore always manifested towards him the sincerest regard ; and it was no small consideration with the Pastor, that he had for a counsellor and friend, such a parishioner, in whose talents, judgment, and integrity, he could place the safest confidence. But Mr. Gore 18 Memoir of Christopher Gore. was attached to Dr. Freeman, not merely as his clergyman, but because he possessed all those traits of character, which are congenial to pure and enlightened minds. I have often heard Mr. Gore speak of his friends and of distinguished men, — but never of any as he used to speak of those to whom I have here alluded. C. Mr. Gore not only had his own fortune to make, but it devolv- ed on him, principally, after he left college, to attend to the comfort and happiness of his mother, and three unmarried sis- ters. This additional care became his, in consequence of the absence of his father, (who left Boston and repaired to Halifax, at the commencement of the Revolution, but who returned, and, in 1795, died in Boston.) By his own exertions and industry, Mr. Gore paid his college bills, after he entered on his profession, and was enabled to fulfill all the responsible duties devolving upon him, with honor to himself. In the year 1783, Mr. Gore married Rebecca, daughter of Deacon Edward Payne, of Boston. D. On his return to his native town, a public dinner was given to Mr. Gore, by his fellow citizens, in testimony of their high respect for his character, and of their entire confidence in the ability and faithfulness with which he had executed the impor- tant commission on which he was sent to London. E. In the year 1809, a successful experiment was made in Mil- ton, Massachusets, of the efficacy of Vaccination, as a preventive of that dreadful scourge of the human race, the Small Pox. Mr. Gore was much interested in the success of the experiment, and, as Governor of the State, gave his aid to all measures for effect- ing the desirable object. In testimony of their respect for the Governor, and of their gratitude for the interest and influence he had felt and exerted in the cause, the committee on vacci- nation in Milton, sent him the following card, "He is slain." " 31iUon, 25th October, 1809. " The twelve individuals, whose names are written on the back of this card, were vaccinated at the town inoculation in July last. They were tested by small-pox inoculation on the 10th inst., and discharged this day from the hospital, after oflfering to the world, in the presence of the most respectable witnesses. Memoir of Christopher Gore. 1 9 who honored Milton with their attendance on that occasion, an additional evidence of the never-failing power of that mild preventive, the cow-pock, against small-pox infection ; a blessing great, as it is singular in its kind ; whereby the hearts of man ought to be elevated in praise to the Almiuhty Giver. "AMOS HOLBROOK, Fhysirlan. OLIVER HOUGHTON, Chairman of the Committee on Vaccination.'^ On the reverse, were written these names, viz. — Samuel Alden, Joshua Briggs, Thomas Street Briggs, Benjamin Church Briggs, Martin Brigcrs, George Briggs, Charles Briggs, Catherine Bent, Susanna Bent, Mary Ann Belcher, Ruth Porter Horton, John Smith. These twelve were the only individuals qualified by the town vote, who expressed a desire of being tested, out of 337 vaccinated at the town inoculation, July, 1809. Mr. Gore did not gain inhabitancy in Waltham, merely by a residence for a time jjrescribed, or by paying taxes a certain number of years, as the law may then have been ; but, in a public town meeting, soon after he purchased his estate in Waltham, he requested to be considered and accepted as an in- habitant. By a unanimous vote of the meeting, he was then made an inhabitant, and ever after freely gave his advice and lent his aid to advance the interests and honor of the town. He attended town meeting, when important business was to be transacted, and frequently came from Boston, to put his vote into the ballot-box, on days of election, &c. G. On resigning the office of President of the Evangelical Mis- sionary Society, Mr. Gore sent to the Secretary the following letter. " Waltham, September 26, 1817. " My dear Sir, " The last year, on receiving your notification of the honor conferred on me by the Society, I was induced to accept the trust, in the hope and expectation, that returning health would enable me to perform its duties. " In this hope I have been altogether disappointed ; and howev- er painful the reflection, I have only to remedy the evil, so far as is now in ray power, by praying the Society to accept, with my grateful acknowledgments for their kindness, my resignation of the office of President, — assuring them, that nothing would have tempted me to ask their indulgence, but a conviction, that I am 20 Memoir of Christopher Gore. and shall be incapable of executing the duties of this high and respectable station. I should be quite unmindful of the obliga- tions of the trust, were I to persist in attempting to retain the honors of a place, when ill health renders me incompetent to the discharge of its calls. " Convinced, as I am, of the efficacy of religious and moral education in training youth to happiness and usefulness, and in confirming in persons of more advanced life, habits of virtue, order, and industry ; and knowing, as I do, the disinterested and benevolent conduct of the Society in promoting these views ; I pray the members to be assured of my earnest disposition to do all within my feeble powers to encourage and advance the pur- poses of their benevolent institution. " With unfeigned respect, &c. C. GORE." *• To the Secretary of ErangeUcal ^ Missionary Society.'' 3 Extract from a discourse preached to the First Congregation- al Society in Waltham, March 11, 1829, on the death of the subject of the preceding Memoir. " My hearers, it has been your and my happiness to i\now one, who lived with and among us for many years, whose enlarged and powerful mind, whose various and highly cultivated talents rendered him eminently useful in the most important stations in society ; — whose amiable and benevolent disposition made him beloved by all, of every class, who were admitted to his ac- quaintance; — whose truly honorable and upright character gained him the respect and confidence of all ; — whose virtues will long be cherished in remembrance, and in the light of whose example we may perceive the path of true honor and greatness. You have, no doubt, already anticipated the appli- cation of these remarks, to our late eminent fellow citizen and townsman, the Hon. Mr. Gore, whose recent decease has made a void in society, and in the relations of private life, which can- not easily be filled. " I deem no apology necessary for deviating from my usual practice, and taking this public notice of the death of Mr. Gore — making his life and character the subject of the present dis- course. For, as he was a man to be honored and esteemed while in life, so was he a man, in all respects, to be remembered after his death. He did not 'live to himself alone, neither will he die to himself Sure I am, that many of our fathers and friends, the contemporaries of Mr. Gore, who worshipped with him at this altar, and who, with him, are now worshippers of God in a purer, holier temple, — could their spirits mingle in the transactions of earth, would accuse me of injustice and want of respect for eminent worth, and ingratitude for repeated Memoir of Christopher Gore. 17 proofs of personal friendship and unreserved confidence, were I to withhold this feeble tribute to his memory. To those of his contemporaries, who have yet a little farther to proceed on the journey of life, it cannot be unwelcome, to be reminded of the services and worth of one, whose life was so full of instruction, and incitement to every laudable work. To the younger part of the society, who knew Mr. Gore only by report, and are strangers to his early history, it must be interesting, to attend to a brief sketch of the life, character, and services of a man, who served his country with fidelity, his friends with the sincerest ardor, and his God with the most unbending integrity." LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 012 896 fl ^f ^ y:^^'M^ -^