- 7 )8 OCTOBER 25th, 1774 \a^ \ ^ ■^ ^"^^"y*^ 1 ^ r ^ ^ AN INCIDENT IN NORTH CAROLINA CONNECTED WITH BRITISH TAXATION By RICHARD DILLARD, A. M., M. D. Formerly a member of the North Carolina Historical Commission '■ National recollection is the foundation of national character." Edward Everett. I '■■• -A SPECIAL EXPOSITION EDITION. In August, 1892, I published in the Magazine of American History the first account of the "Edenton Tea=Party." The article was so well received, and awakened such interest among students of history, that I was induced to publish it privately in 1898 : It was again republis'ied by the "North Carclina Booklet," in 1901, and now at the urgent requests of friends it greets the public with its fourth edition. Al! ri?hls reserved. PRKSIDENT OF THE EDENTON TEA-PARTY OF 1774. [From a portrait in the "Old Cupola Douse."] PROEM. THE religious votaries of the Maldivean Isles, at certaiii timeS; commit to the mercy of the wind and waves little boats laden with rich lined flowers, delicate per- fumes, and sweet-scented woods of their native isles, hoping to receive in return rich rewards for the sacrifice ; though I have no flowers of rhetoric to offer, no measured lines, no burn- ing incense from the Muses' shrine, 'tis thus I consign this bit of native history rudderless to the tide, trusting some friendly Avave may bear it safely on: Hoping also like Ruth in tin; fields of the wealthy Boaz, to glean, and bind together a few handfuls. which other and abler reapers have carelessl}'', or on purpose let fall. HERE is in Afghanistan, according to Eastern tra- dition, a miracnlons history plant, which records upon its broad Inxurions leaves whatever happens each day in its immediate vicinity; There are no inaecnracies and misstatements of the press, no partiality or partizan writers, no incongruity of conflicting records, but like the polished waters around which it flourishes, it faithfully mirrors the environing objects. Unfortunately in this country there is no such gift by Nature, no historic Genii, but there is, I believe, a movement on foot to condense, preserve, and separate true and legitimate history from th(5 ordinary records of the press. The ancients were especially particular that their records should be exact, even the works of the historian Liv>', barely escaped ainiihilation at the liandss of the infamous Caligula, for their alleged historical inaccura- cies. As history is but the story of the past, then posterity demands a truthful and unbiased narration of the facts; "Truth comes to us from the past, as gold is washed down from the mountains of Sierra Nevada, in minute but precious particles, and intermixed with infinite alloy, the debris of cen- turies." It is sufficient for us to preserve facts as they hap- pen, the succeeding generations will give them their proper coloring. Tacitus, apiu-ei'iating the value of history to mankind, wrote, nearly twenty centuries ago, that its chief object was "to rescue virtuous actions from the oblivion, to which the want of records would consign them." Even in this practical, speculative age there seems to be a tendency all over our country to exhume from oblivion the events and traditions of our past. This growing revereiu^e for American history is an evidence of increasing national intelli- gence, pride and dignity. Uufortunately for North Carolina, many of her most beautiful traditions liave ])een allowed to pass utuioticed, and her glorions deeds regarded as mere ephemera to perish with the actors. The establishment of a chair of history at the state university, and the organization of the historical society will do much to develop and preserve our vast and valuable historic material. We must confess, and with mortification and chagrin, that in order to study any subject connected with state history intelligently, we have been obliged in the past to refer not only to the historical so- cieties of other states, but even to the libraries of Europe. It is the object of this paper to bring into light an excep- tionally interesting and patriotic incident in North Carolina, hitherto only casually noticed by one state historian- A stranger coming to Edenton twenty-five years ago was shown an old- fashioned, long wooden house fronting directly on the beautiful court-house green ; this historic house has since yielded to the ruthless hand of modern vandalism. It was the residence of !lMrs. Elizal^eth King, and under its roof fifty-one patrioti'j; ladies* (and not fifty-four as stated erroneously by Wheeler) met October 25th, 1774, and passed resolutions commending the action of the provincial congress. They also declared they would not conform "to that Pernicious Custom of Drinking Tea, or that the aforesaid Ladys would not promote ye wear of any manufacture from England" until the tax was repealed. Wheeler, in alluding to this incident and to the stormy days closely preceding the Revolution, in his second volume says : "The patriotism of the men was even exceeded by that of the women. By some strange freak of circumstance, many years ago. there was found at Gibraltar a beautiful picture done in skillful style, enameled on glass, of a 'meeting of the ladies of Edenton destroying the tea, (their favorite beverage) when it was taxed by the English parliament.' This picture was procured by some of the officers of our navy, and was sent to Edenton. where I saw it in 1830." This is not only erroneous, but Mr. Wheeler has also mis- quoted the reference to the meeting in the American Archives, and there has been considerable other misinformation afloat regarding it, all of which I shall endeavor to set aright. The *As the population Avas sparse, it is very probable that fifty-one names comprised most of the ladies living in and around Edenton then. following is the correct notice copied direct from the American Archives, and occupies just twelve lines: "Association Signe^ w •^ w '-H tf JO o •^ a s V3 ^i Lj o ■TS Hii ■X OS 'S i-i R. o z ? u N ^ o < s '"LoxDON Queen ISquake," January 31, 177.). Dear I^hothek: I see by tlie iiewsjmper the Edenton ladies have signalized themselves by their protest against tea drinking. The name of Johnston 1 see among otliers; are any of my sister's relations patriotic heroines? Is there a female eongi-ess at Edenton too? I hope not, for we Englishmen are afraid of the male congress, but if the ladies, who have ever since the Amazonian era been esteemed the most formidable enemies; if they, I say, should attack us, the most fatal consequence is to be dreaded. So dextrous in the handling of a darf, each wound they give is mortal; whilst we, so unhappily formed by nature, the more wc strive to conquer them, the more we are conquered. The Edenton ladies, conscious, I suppose, of this superiority on their side, by a former experi- ence, are Avilling I imagine, to crush us into atoms by their omnipotency; the only security on oiu- side to prevent the impending ruin, that I can perceive, is the probability that there are but few places in America which possess so mtich female artillery as Edenton. Pray let me know all the particulars when you favor me with a letter. Your most affectionate friend and brother, ARTHUR IREDELL. '' The society of Edenton at this period was charming in its refinement and cnltnre; it was at one time the colonial capita],, and social rival of Williamsburg, Virginia, Edenton then had five hundred inhabitants. Tts galaxy of distinguished patriots, both men and women, would shine resplendent in any country or in any age, Tlie tea-jsarty then, as now, was one of the most fashionable modes of entertaining. The English Avere essentially a tea-drinking nation, and consequently tea became the most universal drink of the colonies. Dr. Johnson declared that "with tea he amused the evening, with tea solaced the midnight, and with tea welcomed the morning," Dickens him- self frequently refers to these tea-drinkings. At a meetint;- of the Brick Lane Branch of the ITnited Grand Junction Ebe- nezer Temperance Association, the ladies draid\ tea to such an alarming extent, that the Pickwickian ]\Ir, Weller could not help from remarking out loud, in spite of Sam's protests, and nudgings — "There's a young 'ooman on the next foi-m but one, as has drunk nine breakfast cups and a half; and she's a swelling wisibly before my Avery eyes," Coffee was not intro- duced in Enrope until much Intel-, the first cup having been drunk by Louis XIV, of France at a cost of twenty-nine dol- lars per pound. The princijial variety of tea used l\v the colo- nies was the Bohea. or black tea. and canu' from India. It was *Life and Corrcsiiondcncc of .lames hcdcll, vol. 1, page 2.">0, of the purest quality, the art of sophisticatiou and adul- teration being unknown at that day. The feeling of ease and comfort inspired by an elegant cup of tea, as well as the exhil- aration of the mental faculties which it produces, made it a necessary assistant to break the stiffness of those old-fashioned parties. It contains an active principle thine, which, taken in considerable quantity, produces a species of intoxication. For- eigners who visit China, where tea is served upon almost every occasion, become frequently tea-drunk. The method of preparing tea by our ancestors was essentially that of the wealthy class in China. The tea was brought upon the table in decorated china tea-caddies, some of which are still in existence, along with an urn of boiling water. The tea leaves were then placed in the cup of every guest, the cup filled with hot water, and the saucer inverted over it for a few minutes to retain the aroma. The tea-pot was only used then by the rather bourgeoisie. Social life was never more enjoyed than then, there was an abandon and freedom of manner, united with an open-hearted hospitality, of which we know nothing at this day, when social restrictions restrict also social pleas- ures. Col. Edward Buncoml^e but crystalized, and formulated the most universal feeling of this section, when he inscribed, ia unmistakable lines upon his front gate the euphonious distich : "Welcome aU To Buncombe Hall."^' There were quiltings, and cotillion parties, and tea-parties without number, the gentlemen would often go great distances on horseback, with their sweethearts riding behind them, and attend these gatherings. If the night was cold, blazing fires of lightwood crackled to receive them, and huge bowls of spicy apple-toddy mellowed to enliven and cheer, later in the evening tea would invariably be served, which no one would be so unfashionable as to refuse. An old lady informer! me that her grandmother had a medical friend, who would always drink fourteen cups of tea. *Buncombe Hall stood in Washington Co., and was the seat of a generous hospitality. The mantel from its banquet hall is now in the Courthouse at Asheville, the county seat of Biuicombe. Under its inHnoiU'C eonversatioii ciiliNciicd. and wit sparlded. After tea the ladies would g-ossip. and spin, and reel, while the gentlemen would retire to diseuss the political issues of the day, the policy of Lord North in rei^ard to the American colo- nies, or the nnjnst tax which Avas al)out to lie placed ni)on tea, or perhaps one wonki read aloud a recent speech hy i\lr. Pitt, from an English newspaper, which he had been so fortunate to obtain from some incoming- ship: All along this would be punctuated by puffs of tobacco smoke from their long-stennned pipes. They were as iu)tional aliout their tobacco as they were about their tea. the method of preparing and using the weed, was to cure it in the sun, cut it upon a maple log, keep it in a lilly pot, which was a jar of white earth, and to litiht the pipe with a splinter of juniper, or with a coal of tire, in a pair of silver tongs made for that purpose. The incidents connected with this particular tea-party are es]»ecially interesting, as they come to us through the blu^ mist of a century. We can easily imagine how they sat around in their low-necked, short-waisted gowns, and after they had gossiped sufificiently, "it Avas resolved that those who couk' spin, ought to be employed in that way. and those who could not should reel. AVhen the time arrived for drinking tea, Bohea, and Hyperion were provided, and every one of the ladies judiciously rejected the poisonous Bohea, and unani- mously and to their very great honor, preferred the balsamic TIy])erion" which was nothing more than the dried leaves of the raspberry vine, a drink, in the writer's opinion, more vik^ even than the much vaunted Yupon. The picture of this patriotic party, incorrectly alluded to hy Wheeler, has a strange and unique history, and I give it as I have received it from the lady into whose possession the picture has fallen. Tiieutenant William T. ]\luse, a United States naval officer, who became conspicuous during the civil war, and whose mother was a Miss Blount of Edenton. while on a cruise in the ^fediterranean stopped at Vovt Mahon on the island of Minorca, and accidentally saw hanging in a barber's shop there a picture, representing the Edenton tt^a- party of 1774. It was jjurchased, and brought by him to 10 Edenton in 1880. I have this date from an old Bible beariuo; the date of his return from the cruise. It was first placed ou exhibition in the court-house, and the representation of the characters was so distinct that many of the ladies were easily recognized. It then found a resting place in the old tailor shop of Joseph ^Manning, ancestor of Chief Justice Manning of Louisiana, and finally in a cracked condition, was intrusted to the care of a lady. During the confusion of refugeeing incident to the civil war, it was by some misadventure broken in three pieces. It is a painting upon glass, twelve by fourteen inches. Upon one of the pieces is the declaration set forth by the ladies, that they would drink no tea, nor wear any stuffs of British manu- facture. Upon another is the picture of the lady, who pre- sided upon that occasion. She is seated at a table with a pen in her hand, her maid Amelia standing behind her chair. This maid lived for many years after this incident, and is still remembered by some of the oldest citizens. By a singular coincidence her granddaughter is still living upon the very same lot where the tea-party was held. Upon the third frag- ment of this picture in plain letters is written, "the Town of Edenton." It is not known how the picture of this party was obtained, or how it found its way to Port Mahon, or even into the barber shop. The printer's name in the corner of the picture is said to have been the same one, who printed the cel- ebrated letters of Junius in the reign of George III. Pictures have immortalized many events in' history, and it is very probable that but for this one, the pleasing little inci- dent would have been lost or forgotten. The defense of Cham- pigny, by the "Garde Mobile," could never have been so immortalized in prose or rhyme, as by the brush of Edouard Detaille. The Confederate etchings by Dr. A. J. Volck, spoke volumes and were so severe, that he was confined in Fort McHenry prison, and the political cartoons by John Tanniei of the London Puncli ])roduced a profound sensation. "Porte Crayon;" (General Strother), in his interesting article on Edenton and the surroundings, written for Harper's Magazine in 1857, says, "It is to be regretted that Porte Crayon did 11 not get a sight of tliis })aiiitiiig, that the world might have heard more of it, and that the patriotism of the Ladies oi Edenton miglit have been blazoned beside that of the men oi Boston, who have fignred in so many l)ad woodcuts." None of the names of the fifty-one ladies present at this party have been preserved in history, but I have succeeded in rescuing five of them from the local traditions. Mrs. Penelope Barker. Avhose picture appears here, was the president of this party. She was no advocate of celibacy, having been married first to a ]Mr. Hodgson, then to a Mr. Craven, and lastly to i\Ir. Bar- ker, w^hom she survived. At a casual glance one might easily mistake her portrait for that of Lady Washington. She was one of those lofty. intrepid, high-born women peculiarly fitted by nature to lead . fear formed no part of her composition. Her face bears the expression of sternness without harshness, which a chea]) novelist would describe as hauteur. She Avas a brilliant con- versationalist, and a society leader of her day. !Mr. Thomas Barker,* her husband, was a gifted lawyer and had for his pupil at one time the distinguished Governor, Samuel Johnston. The attachment of Gov. Johnston for Mr. Barker was so great, that in after years he had him and his more illustrious wife interred in his private graveyard on his beautiful estate Hayes, where a mossy slab marks their last resting-place. Mr. Barker was detained for some time in London during the Revolution, and while there his wife was called upon to show some of that pluck, and courage she had evinced at the tea-party. Being informed by a servant that some British soldiers were taking her carriage horses from her stables, she snatched her husband's sword from the wall, went out and with a single blow severed the reins in the officer's hands, and drove her horses back into the stables. The British officer declared, that for such exhibition of bravery, she should be allowed to keep her horses, and she was never afterwards molested. IMrs. Barker's residence stood n])on the site now occupied by the Woodard Hotel. Mrs. Sarah Valentine was also one of the signers, her i)or- trait is still in the possession of her descendants, and her *A portrait of Thomas Barker by Sir .loslnia lieynolds. graces tlio Hayes library. There is also a line portrait of iiiiii, probably by Sully, in the Cupola house. 12 house is still standing on lower end of Main St. Mrs. Eliza- beth King was another signer, and it was at her house as before mentioned, that the party was held. She was the wife of Thomas King, a prominent merchant of the town. The Miss Johnston referred to in the Iredell letter was undoubtedly Miss Isabella, a sister of Governor Johnston. She was engaged to Joseph Ilewes, a signer of the Declaration of Independence from North Carolina and died just before her marriage was consummated. Hewes, who was a man of great wealth and refinement, soon followed her broken-hearted to the grave. Mrs. Winifred Wiggins Hoskins, was another signer, and lived in the country near Edenton, she was the wife of Richard Hoskins, a fearless And zealous patriot: joining the American army at the first sound to arms, he served with signal bravery and courage until its close. During his absence, his wife man- aged the entire farming interest with prudence and profit. When they were married, they came down the Roanoke river in an open boat, crossed the Albemarle sound, and landed at Edenton. He then took his bride behind him on a pillion to his farm called Paradise* by a bridle path, there being no public roads in that direction then. Her wedding dress was spun and woven from flax grown upon her father's farm in Halifax county. So delicate and smooth was the warp, that when she was preparing it for the loom, she passed the entire chain through her gold ring. The art of household produc- tion probably reached its greatest perfection about this time. All connection with the mother country was severed, and the colonists thrown upon their own resources. It was indispen- sable to every lady's education that she should know how to spin, sew, and weave. The spider-like fineness of their yarns, the exquisite beauty of their needlework, and the lacy filminess of the woven fabrics which their nimble fingers wrought, are the envy and admiration of the present age. From the Na- poleonic standpoint Mrs. Hoskins was the greatest of them all. having given eight sons, and eight daughters to her country. T extract the folloAving from the first volume (1877) of the IMagazine of American History. "The fine pasturage and great number of wild bees in that vieinity sug- gested the name. It literally flowed with milk and honey. 13 FROM THE OIL PAINTING PRESENTED BY DR. R. DILLAKl) TO I HE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. "Revohitionai y C'aiicatine. 1 send a description of a caricature tliat may interest collectors. It is a mezzotint, fourteen by ten inches, entitled A Society of Patriotic Ladies, at Edenton, in North Carolina. London. Printed for R. Sayer & J. Bennett, No. 53 in Fleet Street, as the Act directs 25 jMarch, 1775, Plate V. A group of fifteen figures are around or near a table in a room. A female at the table with a gavel is evidently a man, probably meant for Lord North. A lady, with pen in hand is being kissed by a gentleman. Another lady, standing, is writing on a large circular, which can be read, 'We the Ladys of Edenton do hereby solemnly engage not to conform to that Pernicious Custom of Drinking Tea, or that we the aforesaid Ladys will not laromote ye wear of any manufacture from England, until such time that all Acts which tend to enslave this our Native Coimtry shall be repealed.' The other figures are not close around the table, and are emptying tea-caddies or looking on. A child and dog are under the table. Compare Bancroft's L'nited States, Vol. VII, p 282. J. C. B." It will be remembered that Lord North, referred to in the description, was prime minister of Engiand at that time, and the Stamp Act. which included a great many articles, had been relieved upon everything except tea; this made him especiall\' odious to the ladies of the Colonies. The dissolute, and impe- cunious King was cartooned at this time as a hopeless pauper, thrusting both hands down to the bottom of his empty pockets, in search of his last guinea. The taxation of the Colonies became a necessity, which grew out of his extravagances. A writer in alluding, to the activity and zeal of the women of the Revolution says, "In the lives of those high-mettled dames of the olden time, the daughters, wives, and mothers of men, the earnest inquirer might find much to elucidate that befogged question of the present day, what are the rights of women ? ' ' And now my task is ended, let history distill in her great alembic whatever is valuable from these pages for posterity. The Edenton Tea-Party is no longer a legend, or myth in North Carolina history, and writers of history are beginning to call attention to it as one of those important events lead- ing up to the American Revolution. On the site of the house where it was held has been placed a Revolutionary cannon sur- mounted by an heroic bronze colonial tea-pot, upon which is inscribed: "On this spot stood the residence of Mrs. Elizabeth King, in which the Ladies of Edenton met Oct. 25th, 1774. to protest against the tax on tea. ' ' The North Carolina Daughters of the Revolution also, labor- ing assiduously through their publication, "The Booklet," have raised a handsome sum for the erection of an appropriate memorial at some suitable place, not yet determined upon. Since the last publication of this pamphlet, Mr. R. T. Haines Halsey, a broker and litterateur of Wall Street, while pursu- ing his historical investigations abroad, found in the British Museum the old newspaper containing the list of the signers of the "Edenton Tea-Party Resolution," and the reader is respectfully referred to his interesting book published by the Grolier Club, entitled "The Boston Port Bill as Pictured by a Contemporary Boston Cartoonist." "Beverly Hall," Edenton, N. C, April 20th, 1907. K O g « LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011 699 973 Burke i- Gregory, I'riiit. Norfolk LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011699 973 1 Hollinger pH 8^ Mill Run F03-2245