(A MEMORIAL) VTU ,%^i46 RY J BytfieL&t .WM & I io = d. LIBRARY 0£ CONGRESS, Chap.'. right S(k_ ShclliiS5_S L3 L'MTED STATES OF AMERICA. "^be Xaurel TOreatb" 'N (A MEMORIAL.) r tr $. ©rieinal t. By the Late MELVYN B. MILLER. t(9* ^* t^* "^* ^* •(?* (^* To Melvyn in Heaven, this little book Of her own poems is dedicated. Sweet Spirit ; unto thee, This little book I here present ; Thou wert God's gift to me, Not given only lent. Thine own dear little verse ; Thy Poems sweet and rare To the cold world I now disperse Guard them with angel care. — Mama. PREFACE. MELVYN B. MILLER "entered into rest" November 30, 1898, in the 21st year of her age; what she might have been with her rare talents anc 1 pure lovely nature, is only conjecture. To what she was, we, her friends, who knew and loved her, add our loving testimony, one of the sweetest, brightest blossoms, ever smitten by the ruthless hand of death ; I do not intend at present to give a resume of her life; the task is too painful. I have been actuated in my choice for a title to this book, by a message coming to me through her cousin, a bril- liant clairvoyant of Chicago. I will quote the words of her cousin: "On December 13, 1898, Melvyn entered my room bearing a laurel wreath, she wrote 'Mama to Melvyn.' Thinking I had inisunder- stood her, and that she meant, 'Melvyn to Mama,' for I know the power of the spirits to brinsf about on the earth plane certain issues, I questioned her. Is it not 'Melvyn to Mama?' 'No,' she re- plied, 'Mama to Melvyn, Mama will have Melvyn's works pub- lished.' " I give this as her cousin sent it to me; but at that time I did not know that I could have her little writings published. I beg the critics to spare this little book: to remember how young the writer was, when called upon to lay down her pen, and go up higher; had her life been prolonged, she might have done work worthy of criticism, but now 'tis finished. She sleeps without one thought of care, < Beneath the blossoming clover; Her presence sweet, her talents rare, Her life's dear dream is over. FLORENCE WELCH MILLER. Baltimore. April 12th, 1899. MELVYN B MILLER'S VISION. My darling- Melvyn had be