4 O s^^\ '"M^/ /'\ ^'^^/ y^\ '"^WS ^<^^^\ V s "^^^ '> A- «^ - . « o^ •^/'V^! V .•i- •'■ > -V^^VH-/ •\^% •->^.y^/ ,V v. "* •-.Vli*?'*' tlk^ M? l# «V •^ \0 Price 13 Cents. $10 per Hundred, GUANO. A T U E A T 1 8 E ON TBI HISTORY, ECONOMY AS A MANURE, AND MODES OF APPLYING PERUVIAN GUANO, IN THE CULTURE OF THE VARIOUS CROPS OF THE FARM AND THE GARDEN. ** Guano, though no »aint, works many niirrclr><.'' Perwtnan Proverb. BOSTON: rrBLISHED RY C. L. HARTLEn', A^ent of th»' Pwn\n8n fiovenimont. IC llRnAII STItr.KT. 1 X i;ii . GUANO. A T 11 1; A r 1 s E ON Tin: 111ST01!Y, ECONOMY AS A MANUKE, AND modEkS of applying PERUVIAN GUANO, IN Tin: CTLTURi-: of Tin: VAiuors ciioi'S OF TIIK FAini AND I'lli: C AIM) FN. ** Uiiuno, thoiigl) no saint, works many iniracU's.'' JWiii'ian Proverb. \ HOST () N : Pl'BLISIIKI) UV C. I.. r.AUTT.FTT, Ageut of tlio Ptnivian GovemiueDl, 10 Rroad Strekt, 1 H i: II . > •4 , Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1860, by C . L . B A R T L E T T , In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. Steam Press of C. C. P. Moody. Xj' GUANO. Guano has been severely tested by extended and repeated -xperiments, and the result has been to establish its reputation, not only as one of the most powerful, liut as one of the most economical manures. When properly applied, it has seldom or never failed to produce the most satisfactory crops, and if in- stances of failure have occurred, they may be traced directly, cither to some other than Peruvian guano, or to a want of proper knowledge of its properties, or to a lack of judgment in the application. It is the object of this Treatise to gi\e a few practical sug- gestions on the use of guano, and the results of actual trials under a great variety of circumstances and upon a great variety of crops and soils. Before entering upon more practical points, however, it will not be out of place to say a few words of the origin and history of this article. It is but little more than twenty years since the first cargo of guano left the coast of Peru to enter the ports of Great Britain as an article of commerce. The first consignment was made to a mercantile firm of Liverpool, Messrs. Myers 004 tons. Before the close of 1844, no less than 20000 tons were im- ported into that country from the coast of Peru, to say nothing of the many thousand tons which came from the Ichaboe and 4 STATISTICS OF GUANO. other guaiio islands at that time discovered. In 1855 no less than 210,000 tons were sold in England, being an increase of twenty per cent, on the consumption of 1854. wliich was at least twenty per cent, over tliat of l&5o. And what vvas most re- markable is the fact that this enormous increase of its con- sumption took place in the face of a rise in the price from forty-five, to sixty-five and seventy dollars per ton. From 1841, the commencement of the extraction of guano to any extent from the Chincha Islands, to the end of 1856, the quantity removed from these islands amounted to the enor- mous figure of 1,967,079 tons, of which 1,626,405 tons had been actually sold for use, 23,885 tons had been damaged, and 316,789 tons were still in the market. The aggregate amount of sales in this time was $100,268,519 75. During the year 1857 no less than 472,965 tons were extracted, and during the first half of 1858, ending June 30th, 169,580 tons. From the commencement of 1851, to the end of 1858, there were imported into the United States and used, no less than 673,412 tons. These statistics arc gathered mainly from the most reliable source, no less than the official report of the Peruvian government itself. According to the estimate of Liebig, one of the most cele- brated of living chemists, verified by actual experiment, 1 cwt. of good Peruvian guano assumes, with piojier application, the form of at least 8 cwt. of wheat. If this estimaie is correct, what a vast amount of himian food, and a vast increase of pop- idation the importations of guano represent ! Humboldt is commonly said to have Ijcen the first to make known to Europe in 1804, the existence of vast deposits of the excrements of fish-eating sea fovds on the islands of the Pacific, though the existence and ])ropertics of these excrements were fully described in one of the many works of Garcilasso de la Yega, published in Lisbon in 1609. The inhabitants of Peru and Chili had used them under the name of huano, changed by the Spaniards to g-iiano, for many centuries, and so much were they prized during the reign of the Incas, that the killing of sea fowl during the breeding season was punished by death. The deposits of these Inrds, therefore, GCANO OF THE CIllNCHA ISLANDS. 5 must have been continued comparatively undisturbed for many ages, since tht'y are found in some places on the islands to the depth of from 50 or ♦)() to 200 feet, while, according to Hum- boldt, during a period of ^]00 years, a layer of less tlian half an inch in thickness had hoi.Mi added. The best Peruvian guano is found on the Chincha Islands lying almut tm miles offthc coast of Peru. These islands are three in numl)cr, about half a mile apart, in a line from north to soufli, each being al)out five or six miles in circumference. They are formed of jwrphyritic or granitic rock thrown up at an early period by volcanic action, and are covered with guano in horizontal layers or strata of from throe to eight or ten ijiches in thickness, the dej»th varying greatly in different parts from three or four feet to two or three hundred. Tliesc layers vary in color from white and dark gray to red or brownish bufi'. The white is newly deposited and continues to increase by gradual accrciions from vast llocks of cormorants, cranes, flam- ingoes, gulls, gannets and other sea fowl. The gray is inter- mediate, lying below the white, and the red has been longest deposited anil deepest bui'iL-d. The white and gray pass by agtj into the red. Guano is found on otlu-r islands on the Pacific coast of South America, between the l^Uh and 21st parallels of S. latitude, but none arc more favorably situated than the Chinchas, since on account of the lofty range of mountains along the coast, rain very rarely falls on the islands to wash and waste away the innncnse deposits Beyond the limits named, rain more frc- (picntly falls and the guano, if any were found, woiild have lost much of its value. On the Chincha Islands, which contain un(iuestiomibly the best quality of gniano icliirh has ever yet been discovered, the sujiply is perhaps inexhaustible, since it is said that the removal of two or thrive hundred thousanlication to secure the largest and most profitable results. First then, ITS RrCHNE-S IX PHOSDIATFfl. 7 THE TESTIMONY OF SCIENCE. Dr. Urc, in an elaborate article on the analysis of guano pub- lished in the Journal of the Royal Aj^ricultural Soojoty of Enirland, says: "The general conclusion that may !)•• lairly deduced from the whole evidence is thdi g-ood gvano xrilt, under judicious (ippliration, increase the crops of t^ rain, turuips. pota- toes and i^rass by about oM per cent.; and wif/i its present price per ton, at a cost considerably under the averaf^e cost of all other manures, whether farm yard dunplied to the land was fifteen dollars, and of the guano, five dollars, making a difference of ten dollars per acre. " As near as I can judge," says he, " at the present time, there are ten bushels more of corn on the half that was guanoed, than on the other half" A thousand other similar statements of practical farmers in various parts of the country might be given did space permit. Men began by using a bag, or a few hundred pounds, carefully experimenting perhaps, and if they used ordinary good judg- ment in applying it, with decided success, till they were satis- fied that it was cheaper and more economical than any other kind of manure, easily transported to distant parts of the farm, sav- ing an enormous amount of labor of teams and men. At first one appears to be unable to comprehend how only two or three hundred pounds of guano can maintain land in as good order and produce as luxuriant crops as the six or eight cords of harn-yard manure, which he has bi'on accustomed to use. We are apt to forget that everything thatentei's the [>lant and goes to nourish and sustain its growth, must first be dissolv- ed, and that the actual essential fertilizing elements of six cords of stable manure, might be compressed into an exceeding- ly small compass. Compressed into one single cord, instead of six, the cost of handling and carting would be proportionably 14 CONSTITUENTS OF FARM-YARD MANURES. less. Now the straw, the hay, the stalks, the leaves, the weeds, the loam, &c. &c., which compose the great bulk of our stable or barn-yard manure, are comparatively inert as fertilizers. A long time is required for them to develop, by fermentation and decay, the slight fertilizing properties which they possess. They serve a good purpose, it is true, in the mixture with the soHd and liquid excrements of animals, since they absorb and retain the ammonia which is developed from the decay and fermenta- tion of these excrements, but they largely increase the expense of the use and application of these manures. It is well known, that on an average, all but four hundred pounds out of a ton of ordinary barn-yard manures which are loaded and handled and composted and spread, or otherwise handled over, often, too, in the midst of other pressing spring work, is nothing but common water, such as we are deluged with every spring, and the actual fertilizing elements found in a ton of such manures, would of course be found to weigh a good deal less than 400 lbs. This must be a consoling reflection to those who buy the coarse strawy stable manures of the cities or elsewhere, and team them, often, for several miles at great cost of time and labor, to say nothing of wear and tear of vehicles and cattle. Again it should be borne in mind that a very large amount of the substances which are found in farm yard manure are pre- cisely identical with those which are found in the greatest abundance in the soil, or which are in themselves very cheap and easily procurable, such as lime, magnesia, silica or sand, oxide of iron, alumina, &c. It could not be expected, therefore, that when these substances, which form the great bulk of the actual constituents of good farm yard manure, are added to the soil, they would produce any very striking effect upon it. There are other constituents, however, found in farm yard manure which do produce very striking effects ; one of these is nitrogen, but unfortunately this most valuable substance is found only in ' very small quantities even in the best of such manures. When these manures are applied to the cereal crops, it is chiefly the nitrogen which produces the efiect, notwithstanding it exists in small quantities. Phosphate of lime is also found in farm yard GUANO AN AUXILIARY MANURE. 16 manures and this is the special substance which root crops require in great abundance ; but this unfortunately, though one of the most important fertilizing materials is fourid only in small quan- tities in yard manures. These two constituents, together with the less valuable alkalies, potash and soda, also found in farm yard manures, are largely required by all plants. Now the chief value of guano depends on the fact that it concentrates these very substances, and that these substances are found only in small quantities in the soil ; all farm products require them in larger quantities, all soils contain them in smaller quantities, than any other substances which are ever found in farm yard manures. Can it be inferred from this that farm yard manures are vai- ueless in the soil ? By no means. These manures are perfoc, and universal manures so far as they go. They serve a most im portant purpose and are indispensable. Concentrated manures serve a dill'erent and special purpose. Farmyard manures pro- duce a mechanical as well as a chemical efTect on the soil. They lighten it and admit the air. These mechanical effects are pro- duced by no concentrated manure, and consequently no such manure can be a complete substitute for the coarser farm yard manures. It is as a direct food for i)lants, which farm manures contain in small quantities and which good guano contains in 80 large quantities, which makes it so valuable, and it is unreas- onable to expect it to produce the same mechanical effect on the soil which coarser manures produce, llence it is as an ad- dition or an auxiliary to other manures that it lias an immense value on all soils and for all crops, while on soils whose physical texture does not require the modification of coarse manures, it is the mo't perfect and complete substitute for them, that has ever yet been found, or ever yet been manufactured. And so experience accords with this view of the comparative value and elVfct of coarse and concentrated manures, for the most careful experiments made in the Duchy of Cleves in Prus- sia have ])rove(l, — and the general estimate tlierc accords with it — that 100 lbs. of guano is equal to five tons of dung ; and a similar estimate in put upon iti)y the farmers of Scotland. And it is further estimated that the increased nnJritive value of the 16 GUANO ON GRASS LANDS. crops grown with guano as compared with those grown on poor soils is at least 20 per cent. This important point, too often overlooked by our farmers, is alluded to as agreeing precisely with the experience of several to whom we have referred in the preceding pages. Soils whose physical texture requires to be modified by the application of coarse stable manures, will generally be more permanently improved by thorough draining at the outset ; but if these manures are to be used, their value and effect may be very largely increased by the addition to them of good guano, as we shall see when we come to speak of the importance of a mixture of manures and the proper and most economical modes of applying guano. GUANO ON SPECIAL CROPS. Grass Lands. The grass and hay crop of the country being paramount to all others, let us see the economy of manures upon that. Guano is generally applied to grass as a top dress- ing, and when it is done judiciously in point of time and quan- tity, it has very rarely failed of producing results in the highest degree satisfactory, giving quick and large returns for the outlay. To test this point the Hon. Henry W. Cushman of Bernards- ton, Mass., staked off fifty square rods from the centre of a piece of mowing of some three or four acres on a piece of old land not very productive, and which had not been manured for three or four years. "On the 16th of May," he says, "a damp day, I sowed on this piece at the rate of 215 lbs. of Peru- vian guano to the acre — 1 1-3 lbs. to the square rod. The result was a very visible and immediate effect on the growth of the grass — so much so that the boundaries of the piece on which guano was sown could be seen at the distance of forty rods or more. The quantity of grass produced, so near as I could judge without weighing, was about double that on the adjoining land, or at least a gain of seventy-five per cent. " The advantage of using guano as above may thus be stated," says Gov. Cushman : " Quantity of hay on land on PRACTICAL EXPERIMENTS. 17 which guano was not used, say one ton per acre. Increase by the use of guano, three fourths ton per acre. Value of three fourths ton of hay, less expense of cutting, say $8.00; cost of guano, 215 lbs. at $65 per ton, $7, making an actual profit of one eighth, liesides the increased quality of hay on the same land. *•' I also measured off thirty square rods from another part of the same lot and applied at the rate of 100 lbs. of guano to the acre — or one pound to the square rod. The result was similar to the foregoing, with this difference, that the quantity of grass was proportionally less. It is ray opinion that 250 lbs. of guano to the acre is the minimum quantity that should be applied to produce the most profit." 3Ir. "NVilliam Oregg, ot Freeport, Me., says: " Guano has been applied to grass lands in this town, both last year and this, on almost every variety of soil with uniform success, in every case increasing the crops. In one instance, one hundred and fifty pounds of guano, spread on three fourths of an acre, — soil a clayey loam, quadrttptcd the crop of ^rass."" A Norfolk county farmer as reported in the Second Annual Report of tlic Secretary of the Mass. State Board of Agriculture, says : " When judiciomhj applied, g^iano has resulted welly es- pecially on vHnci)i^ lands doubling- the growth.'' An experienced farmer in Middlesex county in the same State got double the crop of grass from land where guano was applied the autumn previous. Mr. P. L. Osborn, of Danvers, Mass., applied 25 lbs of Peru- vian guano at the rate of :240 lbs per acre late in April to ten square rods of high, flat, moist meadow of fair soil, which had been mown for a dozen years without any manure, or any cul- tivation whatever. When the crop was fairly grown ho cut from the ten rods 253 lbs of good hay. From an adjoining lot of the same size and soil, where no guano was applied, he cut only 50 lbs, showing an increase of more than four hundred per rent, produced I'V the application of guano. Similar instances of careftil and accurate experiment are in- numerable, and we repeat hero what we have already said, that wherever the application of a su[/icicnl quantity of Peruvian guanu to grass land has failed, it has been owing to a want of proper rare and judgment in using it. Stich is its character and composi- tion that it cannot fail if it is judiciously applied, lis results 18 GUANO ON CORN. are uniform and well known, and where it has been most used it is most highly prized. GUANO ON INDIAN CORN. It is speaking within bounds to say that the judicious use of guano on the corn crop by every farmer in New England in the year 1859, would have added millions of bushels to the aggregate yield of that section alone, from tlie simple fact that it hastens the growth ayid maturity of the plant, and puts it out of the way of the frost. And whenever such a season as the last occurs, the same will always be true. Numerous instances might be men- tioned to substantiate this statement, if it needed any corrobora- tion. Mr. Alfred Montague, of Sunderland, took a piece of sandy plain, too poor to produce anything but a light crop of rye once in three or four years, plowed in 300 lbs of Peruvian guano per acre, gave it a light harrowing, planted and hoed twice, at a cost of eleven dollars, and took from it 25 bushels of good sound corn, being a net profit of $14, or 130 per cent, on the cost. " The profit on this acre,^^ says he, '•^ would purchase two acres of such land at the present market value.''^ His statement of an experi- ment to test the comparative value of guano and hog manure on cold land, in corn, has already been given. " These and other trials," he says, " have fully satisfied me, that while we can procure guano for three cents a pound, we may be confident that if properly used a fair annual investment in it will return a good income, lohether applied to warm or cold lands.^^ Col. David Moseley, of Westfield, taking a gravelly pasture that was never manured before, plowed in the fall and cross-plow- ed in the spring and sowed one ton of Peruvian guano upon eight acres. The corn was planted in hills three and a half feet each way, the guano having previously been mixed with a fourth part its own bulk of soil. The piece was cultivated twice, re- quiring but little hoeing. It yielded 218 bushels of good shell- ed corn, and " all that saw it, " says he, " judged that the guano increased the crop 100 bushels; the stalks, sold for ^30, would not have brouglit more than ten ; the corn sold for $110; so that the guano gave a profit of $77. I am confident it pro- GUANO AND GOOD STABLE MANURE. 19 duccd more corn than $100 Avorth of manure, to say nothing about drawini? it one and a half miles. In the fall I sowed the above to rye, adding 150 lbs guano per acre ; it more than doub- led any previous crop and gave fifty per cent, more grass^ for feed, than ever before.''^ Col. Moselcy had so great confidence in it as an economical and reliable manure that ho followed up its use the next spring, plowed in fifteen cart loads of good stable manure per acre ou nine acres of warm river land, and then sowed 250 lbs Peruv- ian guano per acre, and went over it with a bush harrow. It was planted on the first of May with the Button corn. " Every hill," says he, " came up and was healthy, and of a dark green color, and was even over the whole field. The first week in Au- gust the ears were suitable for boiling ; I cut it up the second week of Sept. and husked in Oct. perfectly ripe and dry ; good judges admit that the guano increased the crop at least 20 bushels per acre, and iras ten or twelve days earlier for the guano; so that 1350 lbs guano gave an increase of 180 bushels of corn. Upon one acre of the same field 1 sowed 300 lbs. guano ivithout any man- ure^ harrowed and bushed it in, planted at the same time and cultivated with the other. On harvesting, it was better every way than where it was manured and loO lbs guano applied, showing plainly that SOU lbs. of Peruvian guano will make more corn than 15 good loadi of good stable manure.'" Mr. Rufus Sanborn, of Hampton Falls, N. IT. plowed his land with a Michigan plow, sowed on 200 lbs. of Peruvian guano to the acre, plowed it again lightly, and put 100 lbs. in the hill and 200 lbs. more round the hills before the second hoeing, and gathered ninety-eight bushels of shelled corn to the acre, as measured l)y his neighbors, and received the first premium of the Rockingham Co. Agricultural Society for his crop. He had no doubt the guano added very largely to it. With an improv- ed corn planter the guano in a rai.\turoof oi parts to one part of charcoal or wood ashes, can be dropped in the hill and covered an inch deep with soil, the same machine at the same time drop- ping the corn. With hills 3 1-2 feet apart each way it would apply at the rate of a spoonful of guano to a teospoonful of charcoal or ashes, and as the guano is covered with soil, the seed does not come in contact with it. 20 GUANO ON POTATOES. Nearly, if not quite, every instance, where Peruvian guano has failed to produce profitable results on corn, may be ascribed to want of proper care in applying it. Hon. H. F. French, of Exeter, N. H. says : " I applied guano to about one acre of corn, at the rate of about one ounce to the hill, and covered it about one inch and a half deep, with a hoe, with my own hand, not one single hill was injured, and the whole was much benefit- ed, while close by, on similar soil, part of a neighbor's corn-field to which guano had been applied, looked as one might imagine Sodom and Gomorrah to appear after the first shower of fire and brimstone ; one half of the piece was nearly destroyed, while the other grew very handsomely. I inquired the reason of the dif- ference, and was informed that the first half was carefully cover- ed with a hoe and the other with the foot." The fact is, that if no injury occurred from a too immediate contact of the seed with the guano, it would indicate that the article was defective, or some other than pure Peruvian guano. The fault of the failure lies with the farmer himself, and not with the guano, if he neg- lects to use the proper precautions. GUANO ON POTATOES. There is a common impression among farmers that putrescent or farm yard manures have a tendency to increase the rot in potatoes. This has been fully confirmed by recent and very careful experiments, and may be considered as fully settled. In a case reported but a short time since, 30 tons of farmyard man- ure, costing $37,50 produced 160 bushels of sound, and 160 bushels of unsound potatoes, on an acre and a quarter. The market value of the crop was $115.00, or a value, after deduct- ing cost of manure, of $77.50, while 800 lbs. of Peruvian guano costing $30, applied to the same extent of contiguous land, pro- duced 186 1-2 bushels sound, and 120 bushels of unsound pota- toes of a market value of $123.75, or a value, after deducting cost of guano, of $93.75. Potatoes contain a large per-centage of potash, yet notwithstanding this fact, potatoes require ammo- nia and phosphates to a greater extent than most other vegeta- bles, and as Peruvian guano contains from 16 to 18 per cent, of ammonia, and some 25 per cent, of phosphates, it is admirably FORTY-SEVEN EXPEBIUEMS. 21 suited to this crop, and is unquestionably one of the very best artificial or concentrated manures to bring the plant to the highest devclopmrnt. The editor of the Genesee Farmer, at Rochester, N. Y. instituted a scries of the most careful and accurate exper- iments to ascertain the manures best adapted to the potato, and in a recent number of that valuable journal these experiments are alluded to as follows : " In the same field on which the above experiments were made two acres were planted with potatoes without manure, and two acres with 300 lbs. of Peruvian puano jicr acre sown broad- cast. The two acres witliout manurc produced 238 bushels, and the two acres dressed with guano produced 410 bushels, or an increase of eighty-six bushels per acre.''^ In these trials 400 lbs. of unleached wood ashes gave an increase of only five bushels per acre, while 150 lbs. of sulphate of ammonia gave an increase of 45 bushels per acre, and loO lbs. of sulphate of am- monia and oOOlbs. of superphosphate of lime mixed, gave 84 bushels per acre. Since the above experiments were made a series of forty-seven experiments have been made in Scotland fully confirming the results of the editor, and in which Peruvian guano gave the largest increase of potatoes of any single man- ure, and was shown also to give the best results as an auxiliary to farm yard dung. These results arc so striking that they are worth preserving in a tabular form : Mftnures, uao and qn&ntity per am, No. busbeld 1 InrrMsetn p*r iirrn. | bushel* per acr* No manure. 157 890 lbs. of sulphate of lime, ]68i Hi G(j3 lbs. of sup«'rphosphate, 191 34 37G lbs. Peruvian guano, 275 118 2.32 lbs. sulphate of ammonia. 170 22 224 lbs. of nitrate of soda. 193} 36} lo loads of farm manurc, 189i 32i 15 loads of farm manurc and | 180 23 896 lbs. of sulphate of lime, 15 loads of tarm manure and | 370 lbs. of Peruvian guano, \ 300i 143i 15 loads of farm manure and | 663 lbs. of superphosphate, ) 214i blk 15 loads of farm manure and ) 291 134 252 lbs. of sulphate of ammonia j 22 EXPERIMENTS AT THE STATE FARM. These results correspond with those of Mr. Rufus Sanborn, of Hampton Falls, N. H., who planted potatoes on dry laud on which he had previously apphed sixteen loads of manure, plow- ed in. He put 100 lbs. Peruvian guano into the hills, on half an acre, leaving the rest with no manure except what was plow- ed in. He dug the potatoes in July and sold them at an aver- age price of $1.50 a bushel, getting just twenty-five per cent, more potatoes where guano was applied, and they were of bet- ter size. The crop was 100 bushels per acre. The value of gua- no and labor of applying it was three dollars, and the gain by its use about twelve and a half bushels of potatoes which sold for $18.75. On another piece he applied swamp mud in the hill to the whole, and to a part Peruvian guano at the rate of 100 lbs. per acre. The guano increased the crop one bushel in ten. The crop on that piece was 200 bushels to the acre, so that the 100 lbs. of guano, costing $3, gave twenty bushels of potatoes worth about $16, being later and of less price than the preceding crop. The experiments most carefully conducted at the Massachu- setts State Farm, in Westboro', and reported in the Second Annual Report of the Secretary of the State Board of Agricul- ture, show conclusively that guano produced the largest and most profitable results as compared with any other manures used. On two acres planted with potatoes and 400 lbs. of gua- no applied in the hill, the product was 179 1-2 bushels per acre. On two other acres which had been mown three years without any manure, till the land was broken up the year previ- ous to the experiment, and sown with corn for fodder, on which no manure was used, 400 lbs. ofg^uano to the acre produced 379 bushels or 189 1-2 bushels to the acre. The committee, Hon. M. P. Wilder, Chairman, remarked with regard to these experiments, that " Guano yielded the largest crop, even on land ivhich had received no manure for four years. In this instance, ten dollars' worth of guano produced 189 1-2 bushels of superior potatoes per acre. " In relation to guano they confirm the general sentiment which has obtained, both in this country and in England, from its use, and assign it a place among the most economical and valuable GUANO ON WHEAT 23 fertilizers. It possesses peculiar advantages in humid climates and in clayey, argillaceous soils, where evaporation is less active than in thin or silicious grounds*. Hence in England its use has heen continually increasing ; and here, as there, it has proved not only useful for all crops, but peculiarly successful in the potato and wheat crops." And this distinguished horticul- turist says : " The doubts which have been expressed in relation to its durability and utility may be ascribed to its limited use and the want of scientific application." Col. Moscley, of Westfield, whose experiments have already been alluded to, says: '-Peruvian guano does equally well on the potato crop ; 300 lbs. have given me more bushels of potatoes than 20 loads of stable manure." Wm. C. Little, of J lampstead, N.H., selected six rows in a piece of potatoes; two for guano, using a table spoonful in the hill; two for super-phosphate, using the same quantity in the hill, and on tho other two, put a shovelful of green manure in the hill. The guano rows yielded 4 bushels, the super-phos- phate, 'I 1-3, and the green barn yard manure, 3 1- 3. Mr. Little thinks there is a very great incidental advantage in the use of guano, inasmuch as crops planted with it are less infested with weeds, the seeds of which are introduced in stable manure. The trouble and cost of hoeing are consequently less. GUANO ON WHEAT. Wheat lands cannot fail to be benefited l)y a judicious appli- cation of guano and other nitrogenous manures. Manures rich in ammonia not only increase tho crop, but also produce a grain richer in gluten, and therefore intrinsically much more valuable. Ucrmbstadt, a celebrated German chemist, took ten patches, each of one hundred square feet — of the same soil, (a sandy loam ) and manured them with Cijual weights of different man- ures in the dry state, and sowed equal quantities (1-2 lb.) of tho same wheat, and collected, weighed and analyzed tho produce. He found that the wheat on the plotunmanurcd contained only 9.2 per cent, of gluten, that manured with vegetable manure 9.0 per cent., that manured with cow dung 12. per cent, that man- 24 SPECIFIC MANURE FOR WHEAT. ured with pigeon's dung 12.2 per cent., that with horse dung 13.7 per cent., that with human urine 35.1 per cent., that with goats' dung, 32.9, that with sheep's dung 32.9, that with night- soil 33.9, and that with ox blood 34.2. Guano was not used in the experiment, but the fact that it is exceedingly rich in nitro- gen, or in ammonia, the form in which the plant procures its nitrogen, shows that, in this respect, it must prove the most val- uable application within the farmer's reach, since it is admitted on all hands to be the cheapest source from which ammonia, and of course nitrogen, can be obtained. Good Peruvian gua- no is very nearly identical with blood, urine and night soil, in the amount of nitrogen it contains in the form of ammonia. As seen in the careful experiments given above, the glu- ten abounds in wheat in proportion as nitrogen is found in the soil or is supplied to it. The hardest varieties of wheat, which contain the most gluten, contain, also, the most nitrogen which promotes the rising of the dough, so necessary in making good and light bread, and the quan- tity of this substance (gluten,) varies, according to the soil or the manure, from 5 per cent, in poor qualities to more than 30 per cent, in the best. Hence, supposing the quantity of wheat per acre were not increased by the liberal use of guano, the intrinsic value of it is largely increased, since the quality is greatly improved. Guano is certain in its effects on wheat. The Hon. James A. Pearce, U. S. Senator from Maryland, an extensive farmer, ap- plied 350 lbs. of guano to an acre of growing wheat, the land being entirely unimproved, and very poor. It was applied as a top-dressing. " The wheat rras doubled in quantity at least ; — fine clover succeeded it, and in two crops, one of corn and one of small grain, three and four years afterwards, the effects are still apparent." This result is in accordance with the opinions of the editors of the Albany Cultivator, already stated. At a meeting of the Reading (England,) Farmers' Club, af- ter a full and complete discussion of the best and cheap- est manures for wheat, it was resolved as an expression of the opinion of the farmers present, "That it is the opinion of this meeting that nitrogen is the specific manure required by DECISION OF A FARMERS* CLUB. 25 wheat, and that Peruvian sruano is the best and the cheapest medium through ichich it can be obtained^ GUANO ON RYE. Wliat has hcen said of the eflfect and vahie of guano on wheat, will aj)|)ly also to rye, and indeed to the cereal crops generally, and the mode of application would not, of course, materially dif- fer. Both careful experiments and the general practice of those who have used guano most extensively, corroborate the statement that this is the best and cheapest manure for wheat and rye es- pecially. Moses Stebbins, of South Dcerfield, Mass., says : " The field on which I used guano, contains 8 acres, consisting of loam, sand loam, with a coarse sand subsoil, clay loam and a red gravel ; each variety of soil has been treated alike with guano for five years in succession. I consider it asvalnalile on loamy soils as on sand, and 1 think that my land has improved 100 per cent, with Peruvian gvayio J" His account with guano on wheat and rye is given in full in the Apiculture of Massachxisetts for 18o9, where his crop fur 18o9 is stated as being: Debtor To 800 lbs. Guano, $ 24 00 " 800 *' Plaster, 4 00 " 4 bushels Seed Wheat, $2 00 8 00 " 3 do Rye, $3; int. 12 00 15 00 " Plowing, sowing, harvesting, &c. 30 00 $ 81 00 Credit By 77 7-10 bushels Wheat, $2, $ 155 40 " 79 1-2 do Rye, 1, 79 50 3 1-2 tons Straw, 6, 21 00 $255 90 Z 174 90 The sum total of expenditures for 5 years is § 57<» 55 Income of products of five years, 1331 23 Balance in favor of Guano in the 5 years, - - $ 754 6S To which may l»e added improvement on land, - - i()0 00 $ 914 08 26 OATS AND BUCKWHEAT. Mr. Stebbins received the first premiums of the Hampshire FrankUn and Hampden Agricultural Society, for crops of wheat and Rye grown with guano in 1859. GUANO ON OATS. Experience shows that a somewhat smaller quanity of guano per acre, should be used for oats than for either wheat or rye, oth- erwise the growth of straw is too much encouraged and the oats are more liable to lodge. In a careful trial made by Mr. Theodore G. Huntington, of Hadley, Mass., the oats not only yielded much more, but were of much better quality, where the guano was used, and this re- sult has been obtained wherever guano has been properly applied to this crop. Mr. Huntington applied it at the rate of 200 lbs. per acre, on a cold, dry loam. A piece was left undressed to note the difference. Taking the crop from a rod of the guanoed part and another rod contiguous to it, of the unguanoed, he found that that dressed with guano, yielded 12 quarts of oats, weighing 10 lbs., and straw 10 1-4 lbs. This, per acre, would be 50 1-2 bushels, worth, say $26 75, and 1040 lbs. of straw, worth $6 56, making $33 31 per acre. The rod which receiv- ed no guano, yielded 8 quarts of oats, weighing 5 6-16 lbs, or at the rate of 29 bushels, weighing 30 lbs. per bushel, and worth, say, $14 50, and 820 lbs. of straw, worth, say $3 28, or in all, $17 78, making a difference per acre in favor of guano of $15 53. All substances containing nitrogen may be regarded as spe- cial manures for the cereal and the grass crops. This sub- stance promotes a luxuriant growth of these crops, and hence its striking effect when properly applied to wheat, rye, and oats. GUANO FOR BUCKWHEAT. Mr. Samuel F. West, of Columbia, Conn., says : " In the summer of 1854, about July 1, we sowed four acres of buck- wheat. The land was then very dry and continued dry for many days, insomuch that a small part only of the grain came PRACTICAL STATEMENTS. 27 up, and wo wcro apprehensive that we should lose our crop. Wo harrowed in at the time of sowing the seed, 100 lbs. of gua- no per acre. After many days rain came and we have never had better results from guano ; it was apparent to every one who noticed the field, for wo left a small part luiguanocd. On that part the yield was not as larfre by tiro thirds. We never had i^tano fid., even by sowing in dry weather." Mr. W. H. Yale, of Meriden, Conn., had a piece of land that was nearly worthless, bought for ten dollars an acre, and which never before paid the interest of that, to say nothing of fences and taxes. He states the case as follows : " 1 plowed, as I thought, about IJ acres, the latter part of June 1850, (since measured and found to contain 3 acres, 1 rood, \'l rods.) Sow- ed the 9th of .July, with buckwheat and 3oO lbs. guano, on two and a half acres, harrowed in with the grain. Where no guano was put, the grain was about a foot high ; some of it so short that it would fall through the cradle. I do not think there was more than >i bushels on that part. The rest of the grain would average about three feet high. The whole when cleaned up yielded about 77 3-4 bushels. The 2 1-2 acres must have yielded nearly 70 bushels, — the grain being badly tangled, a good deal shelled out when I was cutting it. Four days work self and team, § 8 00 2 1-2 bushels grain for seed, Guano, 3oO lbs., . . . . Boy and team to harrow it in. Sowing Guano, . - . . Cutting, 3 days, .... Raking and thrashing 3 days, 29 87 77 3-4 bushels buckwheat at fi2 els., the price at the mill, $48 20. The straw was worth $;"> or §<> for bedding cattle and will more than pay for cleaning the grain, carting to mill anil interest on the land." The lion. 11. W. Cuslmian, of Bernardston, whose experi- ments with guano ou other crops have l>een alluded to, says: "By my experiments last year, 1 find guano to be more profitable for 1 87 10 50 1 50 • 1 00 3 00 4 00 28 EXPERIENCE OF FARMERS. buckwheat than for any other crop ; the same is true this year. I have arrived at the conclusion that on quite poor and worn- out land, the application of 50 lbs. of Peruvian guano, costing $1 62, to the acre, will produce good crops for a series of years. A larger quantity than 50 or 75 lbs. to the acre, will prove in- jurious — making too much straw and consequently less grain." Col. David Moseley, also, " sowed half a ton at the rate of 100 to 150 lbs. per acre with buckwheat. The drought affec- ted some fields so that it would not more than pay for harvest- ing. It was so with mine where no guano was used, side by side, but where it was used, the drought had very little if any effect. It was all cultivated alike. In raking to set it up, the part where the guano was, produced nine bunches to one on the same distance where there was no guano used, and the straw was increased enough to pay for the guano — to say nothing of the grain, which was very heavy and nice." These practical results are sufficient to show the value of Peruvian guano on buckwheat, and indicate that a less quantity per acre should be applied to this crop, to obtain the best re- sults. Where, however, the object is to obtain a rank growth of stalk, to turn in green as a manure, a larger quantity should be used than if the object were to get the largest yield of seed, and 150 or 200 pounds would not be too much for such a purpose. GUANO ON BROOMCORN. As might be expecl rd from the general similarity of the two crops, the effect of gi^ano on broom-corn is very much like that on Indian corn. Alfred Montague, of Sunderland, Mass., wishing to try the comparative effect of guano and barn-yard manure on broom- corn, says : " I measured one and a half acres of good meadow land that had been well manured and well cultivated for a long time. Upon one half of it, I spread and plowed in, eight loads of good yard-manure, for which I paid eight dollars. On the other half, being in the centre of the piece, I spread guano, at the same cost as the yard-manure, (i. e. at the first cost ; tlie SPECIAL MANURE FOB ROOTS. 30 expense of applying the guano was but little, compared with that of applying the yard manure.) I harrowed in the guano. Then I planted to brooiii-corn, using a little super-jdiosphato in tiie hill upon the whole. The piece was managed alike, during the whole season after tiie dilferent manures were applied. Ma- ny persons wlio have passed, have asked why the middle of this piece looked so much the best. I referred them to the guano. The crop is not yet harvested, but good judges have said there would be 200 pounds more of broom-brush at)d a greater excess of seed upon the guanoed half." Such is the testimony all along the Connecticut river valley, where guano has been properly ajj- pliod to this crop. Mr. Thaddeus Smith, of Hadley, says : " I have used guano on a piece of land in broom-corn, /or six years in succession, and it ImUls froixi yet. I should prefer 400 lbs. of i^-uano to 12 loads of compost manure^ for six years to come for the same crop and on tlie same land.''^ GUANO ON ROOT CROPS. * As already stat.^d, on a previous page, the various phosphates, csi»ecially phosphate of lime, maybe regarded as the si)ecial manure for roots. They require the phosphates in large quan- tities, while soils generally contain them in small quantities. Hence the very striking ell'ect of an application of a properly made super-phosphate of lime to the root crop, turnips, carrots, beets, parsnips, i)ccially adapted to the grains. The produce of grains depends materially on ammonia from whence the nitrogen which they require is obtained. The growth of roots depends 30 SECRET OP RAISING ROOTS. on the amount of phosphates within their reach, either existing in the soil or artificially applied. For grain or root crops, there- fore, guano, as might be anticipated from its chemical composi- tion, has been found a powerful fertilizer. More than 30 tons of Belgian carrots have been grown by the use of guano on one acre, which had received nothing but mineral manures for years previous. What says Dr. Ure, on this point, so important to the grower of root crops ? "The Peruvian guano contains from 10 to 25 per cent, of phosphate of lime, the same substance as bone-dust, but elaborated by the birds into a pulpy consistence, which, while it continues insoluble in water, has been rendered thereby more readily absorbable and digestible (so to speak) by the roots of plants. I have therefore no doubt, that by the judicious appli- cation of these genuine guanos, mixed with twice or thrice their weight of a marly or calcareous soil, to convert their phosphate of ammonia into phosphate of lime and carbonate of ammonia, as also to dilute all their ammoniacal compounds — such crops will be produced, even on inferior lands, as the farmer can scarcely raise upon more improved soils by ordinary manure." Without going further into details with regard to the effect of Peruvian guano on these most important crops, we may ob- serve that the experience of our best root growers, and of our largest market gardeners fully corroborates the statements made above, and that the latter feel compelled to use it in considera- ble quantities, as the most efficient means of getting their vege- tables as early as possible into the market, very early crops pay- ing far better on the whole, than later ones. The great secret of raising root crops successfully, is to keep the land free from weeds, and this is not possible with the use of stable manure. Millions of small seeds not only of the true grasses, but also of many low swale grasses and weeds are carri- ed into the barn in the hay, and find their way into the manure in spite of the greatest care on the part of the farmer, often, in- deed, swept into the manure in the form of litter, and cause im- mense labor in the culture of hoed crops. We have known many a crop of carrots and other valuable roots, so choked up with weeds, introduced in this way, as liter- GREAT WORK ON CABBAGES. 31 ally not to be worth the hoeing. The use of concentrated man- ures with these crops, is therefore, almost a matter of necessity, if we arc to grow them to a profit, and of all concentrated man- ures for this jmrpose, guano is both tlic cheapest and the best. We cannot be too emphatic on this point, and we say again, without fear of contradiction from any source, use guano on root crops, and if the land needs it, put your l)arn-yard manure on the land at the time of laying down to grass. You cannot afford to pay the extra labor, which the culture of hoed crops, especi- ally root crops, in land infested with weed seed, will require. GUANO ON ONIONS. What has been said above in regard to root crops in general, applies with special force to the onion crop, where its effects are marked and in the highest degree satisfactory. The onion re- quires a ligbt, mellow and rich soil, but a heavy dressing of stable manures, would not only be detrimental to the crop, but very expensive, both in the original outlay and the increased cost of weeding. No crop requires more cleanly and careful cultivation than the onion, and no one pays better for it. GUANO ON CABBAOKS. In the report of David Choate, of Essex, above alluded to, he says '' guano seems to have done its great work uj)on the cal> bagc crop. A large tJible-spoonful was put in eaih hill, mixed with a peck of soil. This was upon reclaimed meadow, once submerged, but now producing 4000 noblo cabbage heads to an acre. He ( Mr. li. the owner) thinks there could have been no cabbages on that land without the guano." Such is the testimony of all who have properly applied Peru- vian guano to this crop, and they concur in saying that the j)lant heads much fuller and heavier and mucii more surely with guano than without. After the land is properly prepared mark it off" in sijuarc.", at suitable distances, depending of course somewhat u|)on the variety it is proposed to set. Throw out a spade full of soil where the plant is to stand, and put into each hole a 82 TASTE OF CONNOISSEURS. spoonful of guano, at the rate of about 400 lbs. per acre, and mix and cover it with the soil, set the plants and water them if in a dry time. After the first hoeing a small handful of ashea to each plant may be used to good advantage. Cabbages, turnips, beets and in fact all plants of the brassica family, will bear a larger and stronger application of ammoniacal manures than most other cultivated plants of the farm. There is scarcely any fear of over manuring them as there is with oats and some of the grains where too strong an application might encourage a too luxuriant growth of straw. GUANO ON TOBACCO. We have referred in the preceding pages to the use of guano in the Duchy of Cleves in Prussia. It is found there, that the cultivation of tobacco, in particular, has been very much in- creased by the use of guano, which gives the plant a vigor of growth that enables it to choke the weeds. It has also been re- marked there that the ravages of the slug have been less frequent since the guano came into use. The same has been found to be the case in Maryland and Virginia, where the tobacco worm ac- tually turns sick of guano, and refuses to partake of his accus- tomed food. More than this, they say there that the tobacco grown with guano has not that rank flavor which it always de- rives from the use of strong stable manures, in the quantities which the plant requires. As this plant is a gross feeder the use of 400 or 500 lbs. would be advantageous, unless a considerable quantity of stable man- ure is also to be applied in connection with it. It may be sown broad-cast and plowed in shallow or harrowed in, or it may be applied at the rate of a spoonful in holes dug to receive the young plants and mixed or covered up with soil two or three inches deep. But we would never advise so large an application of guano to this crop, but would by all means say use from two to three hundred pounds, and several cords of stable manure in connec- tion with it. Tobacco cultivated with nothing but guano, smokes with a black ash which is detestable to connoisseurs. Not- BOPS, SQUAiiUGS, MELONS. 88 withstanding this, from 200 to 400 lbs. per acre can be used with perfect safety and to great advantage to the grower. Mr. Thaddeus Smith, of Iladley, Mass., who has averaged from twelve to seventeen acres of tobacco, raised with guano, for tho last ten years, puts on eighteen cartloads of yard manure to the acre, plowed in as early as the ground is dry in spring. Then in cross-plowing in .Juno, puts on 300 lbs. or 3.30, of Peruvian guano, 200 ll)s. of which are plowed in, and the remaining 100 or loO lbs. are put in the hill. " For the last three years," he says : " I have left some three acres of an average quality of land where I used no guano, and by good judges it has usually been estimated that there iras not so much tobacco by oOO or 400 lbs. per acre, where no g^/nno was used. The difference was very marked all through the season. Where the guano was used the crop started earlier and kept so all the season. 1 should pre- fer 18 loads of barn-yard manure, and 350 lbs. of guano., to 30 loads of barn-yard manure. I think ofiO or 400 lbs. of guano per acre, should be used to give the crop a start and that that amount will not injure tho lobacco, but I am satisfied it will not do to raise tobacco with guano alone." The same strong testimony to its value, and the necessity of its use, is given by Mr. Yj. P. Hubbard, of Iladley, Hon. Paoli Lathrop, of South Hadley, and by Mr. Thomas J. Field, of Xorthfield, and many others, all large growers of this crop in the Connecticut valley. GU.1X0 ON HOPS. Guano composted with salt, at the rate of 300 lbs. per acre of tho former to 100 lbs. of the latter, with some saltpetre and plaster added if convenient, and sown and harrowed, or plowed in shal- low, will be found to be highly beneficial, and to prevent the ex- haustion of the soil so generally complained of by hop growers. This plant is also a gross feeder, and requires good land and plenty of inaiuiro. Guano on Squashes, Melons, and other vines produces a 34 GUANO OX TREES. striking effect and some of the largest yields have been obtained by its use, especially in connection with farm yard manures. GUANO FOR GARDEN PLANTS. One of the largest and most successful grape growers in New England, the Hon. E. W. Bull, of Concord, recently said to the writer of these pages : " Guano is invaluable. It stimulates and promotes a thrifty and vigorous growth of roots. No manure will form roots so healthy and luxuriant as guano, and the horticulturist could not do without it." Charles Mclntesh, author of one of the best " Books of the Garden " ever published, and till recently curator of the royal gardens of the King of the Belgians, says : "This manure before being used should be kept as dry and as little exposed to the air as possible. It is an excellent stimulating manure, ben- eficial to almost all garden crops, and is found of much service when mixed with composts for pot plants. When applied to growing crops in a liquid state, its efiects are speedy and obvious. Indeed we seldom water any plant which we wish to stimulate rapidly, without mixing guano with the water. It is better to apply a little at a time, and repeat tlie application. In its liquid state we have found it very beneficial to all the bras- sica tribe, to asparagus, rhubarb and seakale." The reader could ask for no higher authority, and it could not be found if he did. For celery, asparagus, the pie plant, cauliflowers and other plants whose perfection consists much in a tender and succu- lent growth, guano is almost indispensable, and it is extensively used in the garden and field culture of these, and similar plants, by the most successful market gardeners. To strawberries, also, guano has been applied with the most marked success by way of watering with a solution of guano, for which one pound is sufficient for ten gallons of water. For trees of various kinds, both of the garden and the orchard, it has been found a very useful manure. Tiie late Mr. Tesch- macher, says : " The experiments with guano on trees which have come under my observation, including exotics, number ECONOMY OF GITANO CONSIDEllFD. 86 about one hundred and fil'ty. The action has invariably been to produce largo foliage of a deep healthy green." It is cusuim- ary to work it into the soil at some distance from tlie trunk of the tree, and whore it will find its way down to the fibrous roots. Ongrajics, it multiplies and quickens the formation of roots and promot4^s a rapid growth of wood and it has a tendency to hasten the maturity of the fruit and secure it from the frosts. On roses and other flowering plants, guano deepens the color and gives far greater brilliancy to the blossom and a thrifty ap{)earance to the whole plant which no other application has been found to produce. Let any one try the experiment judiciously, mixing a little charcoal with it and placing it around, but not in direct contact with the roots, and ex])eri- ment will prove the truth of the suggestion. On beans, pease, and other similar garden and field crops it is one of the most economical manures. Guano, in fact, furnishes the food of plants in a state cosily soluble, and ready to be taken up, and is, therefore, better adapted to the wants of vegetation than any other substance. But many, otherwise intelligent farmers are sometimes heard to say, without much consideration, that " they cannot afford to l>uy guano at the present high prices." They forget, or over- look the fact, that at three cents, or three and a half cents a l>ound, the cost of manuring an acre well, with guano, is less than ten dollars, a cost at which they could scarcely afford to haul out farm yard manure enough to produce the same effect on the crops as this same ten dollars worth of guano, the trans- portation and application of which is the merest trifle added to its first cost. It would bo o»iually, if not even more jiroper to say that they could not afford to manure at all, on account of the great cxjiense of labor of men and teams in forking over, loading, teaming, spreading and applying, and then the addi- tional cost of cultivating a crop manured with stable manure ind wood seeds. Such remarks arc, thcrol'oro, made without due consideration, ^ince any farmer, whatever may be his circmustances, can afford to make an investment which, witli projier care, is sure to pay a 36 GOVERNMENT MONOPOLY. good interest on the outlay. Good economists tell us to invest where we can get quick returns, and not where we must wait for the interest for an indefinite length of time, with the prospect, at the end of it, of losing both interest and principal. It is an undeniable fact that the use of guano is more and more appreciated by the farmers of Great Britain and other countries, where it has been found thai they cannot afford to do without it. When the culture of clover and turnips was first introduced into England it was objected to by some, with the remark that the landlord might grow these crops, if he liked, but the tenant must grow something that would enable him to pay his rent. What was the result ? He soon found that he could not afford to pay his rent without them ; and the same result has followed the introduction of guano. And so it has been in this country. The consumption of guano has rapidly increased since its introduction, and its economy has become more and more apparent. The importa- tion of it into the port of Baltimore, alone, in the very last year of our Lord, 1859, exceeded that of 1858, by upwards of 42,000 tons ! What says Col. Moseley, of Westfield, one of the best practical farmers in the western part of Mass., on this point ? " My ex- perience from the experiments made," (and which, by the way, have extended over several years and to the use of many tons) proves that one ton of the genuine Peruvian guano will make more corn than one hundred loads of good manure, worth, with us, one dollar per load, and 300 pounds has always made more corn for me than twenty loads of my best manure.'''' Here is a better result, at less than ten dollars an acre, and that uniformly, than twenty dollars worth of barn yard manure, to say nothing of the great saving of time, labor and teams, which, when it is considered that it comes at the very busiest season of the year, amounts to a very nice little sum. Again, some object that the sale of the article is monopolized by the Peruvian government, which, they say, keeps up the price. This objection, when properly considered, will be found to have no weight. It is true the Peruvian government has the jurisdiction over the islands, and is justly, and according to the A GUARANTY OF PUHITT. 87 law of nations, the proprietor of all tlio giumo on them. That government has established agencies, in all the prominent ports where guano is entered. It fixes the prices of the article and those prices are much lower in this country than they arc in England and other countries. But this very monopoly, so far from being unnecessarily arbitrary and burdensome, actually protects the larmer more surely than any other arrangement could possil)ly do. Xor arc the prices fixed upon by the government, high, con- sidering the intrinsic value of the article. Peruvian guano is cheaper by I'ur, at the present prices, than any other concen- trated manure in the market, and as long as its present high character is maintained, it will remain so. Neither the Peru- vian government nor the authorized agents could have any motive, while the monopoly exists, for selling an inferior arti- cle, but on the contrary, lioth the government and every agent has a direct interest in keeping up its high cliaracter and it^ perfect purity. Does any one supi)ose that this high character would be so certainly maintained if the trade were in the hands of speculators ? Many of the best farmers of Great Britain have gone so far as to declare that they would not use the article if its management were in the hands of private specu- lators. Tlie monopoly of the Peruvian g-overnment, thereforey is a sure g^iaranty of the purity of the article if it is procured di- rectly from the authorized and responsible ai^ents. The farmer will sometimes buy a cheap kind of guano instead of the be*it Peruvian, simply because the price is a little less. There can be no greater mistake. The properties of the best guano are well known, and we can predict with certainty what results will follow the proper aj)plication of a certain quantity per acre. With most other guanos there is no cx^rtainty as to the results, and tlie difference in price is seldom proportionate to the difference in quality. The risk of buying them is con- sequently much greater, and the farmer cannot ordinarily afford to sacrifice both the price of the manure and the time and crops which he may lose by his mistake. The best warranted Peruvian guano should, therefore, have the preference over all others. 38 MODE OF APPLYING. Having considered the practical value of guano, it is time to come to the MODE OF APPLICATION. It must be evident from wliat has already been said, that the mode of applying guano will materially affect the result, and hence the importance of the farmer's acquainting himself with the strength and character of the article he proposes to use, and the best method of using it. Much may be gathered from the statements of practical farmers in the earlier pages of this work and from the remarks of scientific men who are familiar with it, but it will be useful to dwell at some greater length upon this part of the subject on which so much of the farmer's success depends. In the first place it may be proper to say that guano may be stored for a considerable length of time, without being subject to injury, if kept dry and not opened and exposed to the air. If, therefore, it is found convenient to keep it some time, these conditions should always be strictly observed. If it is to be applied on the surface and harrowed in, as where it is used for a wheat or any other grain crop, no preparation whatever is needed except to sift out and pulverize the lumps, when it should be applied immediately and harrowed in tvithout delay. For such use we say, most decidedly, never mix anything' with it. If mixed at once with the soil the ammoniacal and volatile parts will be very soon surrounded and absorbed by the parti- cles of the soil. An enormous waste and loss often follow a mixture with any compost containing caustic alkalies, such as ashes, lime or other similar substances. If applied alone the soil will best adapt it for the use of plants. But if it is to be used as a top dressing on grass or grains, especially with a probability that dry weather will follow, a some- what different course is generally preferred. When it is first taken out of the bags, let it be sifted as above to separate the coarser lumps from the finer portions. Have a quantity of loam at hand, say not less than five times the bulk of the guano, to be mixed with it. Let a part of this loam be spread on the barn floor or other convenient place and covered with a thin and TIMK or APPLYING. o9 regular layer of guano, and another layer of loam and so on, for the purpose of getting as perfect and even a distribution and mixture as possible. Those alternate layers, when all is added to the heap, should bo shoveled over thoroughly. The addition of loam or some similar absorbent is thought to bo important, though rather as a means of diluting it and of enabling the sow- er to spread it evenly. We arc inclined to think it can be sown as uniformly by hand without any mixture as with, and that this labor of composting even for a top dressing, if it is to 1)0 applied at the proper time, may bo saved. A larger quantity of dry loam or uuick may be used if thought desirable. The lumps may be pounded up and mixed like the rest, or they may be covered up in a considerable quantity of muck or loam and left for several days in a dry place, when they will become softened and may be mixed with greater case. If the farmer has plenty of leisure and adoj)ts this method of composting rather than of applying without any mixture, let the compost, after it has been carefully formed, remain under cover for some days, in a dry place, not exposed to a draft of air, be- fore using it. The whole mass will thus be penetrated with the strength of the guano and a more even distribution will be practicable. The mixture will be improved if it can lie two or three weeks in this way, or even longer if the air has little ac- cess to it. Select, ifj)ossiblc, a damp showery day to sow it in, especially if the application is to l)e made broadcast us u t()))-drossing for grass or grain lands. For this purpose the lime of the application may be in the month of Xovombcr or on the late snows of March or April, but not later. If it were proposed to apply 300 lbs., which is found by experience to l)e sufficient on ordinary crops to produce the best results, it would be a very good plan to apply l.')0 lbs. in November, spread as eveidy as possible, and to reserve the re- mainder till March or early in April, especially if the land is pretty level ho that the top-dressing will not hr liable to be wash- ed off. A top dressing is sometimes successfully made as lato as May, but the liability to drought is so great that it is not to be recommended if it can be avoided. " Better lat€ than never," 40 ABSORBING POWER OF THE SOIL. may still hold good, but if on a late spring application, no very striking results should follow, do not condemn the guano, but determine the next spring to take time by the forelock. The rule should be to top-dress grass lands in November, March or April, and to select for it a damp, drizzly day. Of the two we should rather give the preference to the former period, as by it a vigorous growth of root is promoted and the plant feels it early in the spring, and if the weather were all right, we should not think it so important to compost at all. If applied to arable land, it should be immediately covered with the harrow or otherwise, so as to be mixed with the soil, and if the piece is designed for grain, the application of guano would be best a few days, say a week or ten days before the grain is sown, where it is practicable to do it. It then becomes so thoroughly incorporated with the soil that there is no risk or danger of injury to the tender roots of the plants. If it is de- signed to sow it on winter wheat or rye, let only half the amount intended to be used be applied in the fall, and reserve the remainder to apply as a top-dressing in March. If too large a quantity is applied to the crop in the fall it might stimulate a too thrifty and tender growth, and render it more liable to winter kill. But the use of a part of it in autumn is impor- tant to promote a strong and vigorous growth of root when it will be far less liable to be heaved by the frost. Many a crop might have been saved from being frost thrown by the use of guano. We say, therefore, prepare the land, sow on 150 lbs. of Pe- ruvian guano, and harrow it in a week before you intend to sow the wheat if it is practicable, that is if the weather is damp, and the land in suitable condition. Guano ought not to be applied, of course, in the midst of a drought when the surface soil might have somewhat the appearance of an ash heap. In such a case, it would be far better to wait till after the crop was fairly up and spread it broad-cast in some rainy day as a top-dressing, or even to sow it on, and harrow it in, with the wheat or rye. If practicable and convenient, however, we prefer the former method of applying it, some days beforehand. The absorbing power of the soil will hold the volatile parts of the manure A GUANO COMPOST. 41 ready preiKired for the roots of the plants without the addition of loam or any other mixture, and thus a good deal of un- necessary trouble will be saved. The wheat or rye may then be sown and harrowed in, or which is far better, drilled in, with no Hability to injury from too close contact with the guano. If, then, it has another dressing of loO lbs. as a top-dressing on the late snows of March or April, it will produce a better crop than if the full amount were applied at once. For oats, which are sown in the spring, we have already ad- vised a somewhat less quantity per acre, say, loO lbs. or -00 lbs., and we would not take the trouble to compost, especially if the guano can be spread and harrowed in a few days before sowing the seed. The guano ought, however, to be sifted as before, and the coarser lumps broken up as finely as possible, otherwise its distribution would not be even and uniform. And the same may be said of buckwheat, on which if it were designed for a crop, we should not advise the use of more than 100 lbs., or 150 lbs. per acre. Dut if we wished to obtain a rich and luxuriant growth of buckwheat or other similar crop to turn under as a green manuring, a considerable larger quantity might be used to great advantage, since the design is to get the largest possible mass of vegetation, and no application will give it so quickly or so cheaply as Peruvian giumo. For light, sandy and barren lands, this mode of treatment can hardly be too strongly recommended. Once get them into good heart in this way, and tliey may be easily kept up and made productive. (Juano may be mixed with jKirlect safety with charcoal or with muck, or dry meadow mud, with salt, sand or stiff fine loam ; but ordinarily, except for top-dressing as indicated al)Ove, it is bettor to use it alone and thereby save considerable labor which is wholly unnecessary and useless. We do not believe it can be s[ireaorated with the great body of the soil. A very small quantity applied in holes, say three feet or more apart, has but little chance to become thoroughly mixed with the great mass of the soil- But where it is spread, either the whole or a part of it, and plow, ed or harrowed in, it becomes diffused and affects and improves the whole soil- But it is important sometimes, to obtain a quick and thrifty growth of the corn or other crops, and this may bo done by put- ting guano in the hill and so covering it up, or thoroughly mix- ing it with the soil, that it will not come in contact with the seed. Billings' corn planter will droj) it and cover it up an inch or more in depth and drop the corn upon that. But if this is not to l)e had it may be dropped l)y hand at the rate of a tablespoonfiil of guano, or if composted with five or six times its bulk of fine loam, a small handful, which should be covered u\) with the hoc not less than an inch or an inch and a half deep before dropjiing tiie corn upon it. Many disappointments have occurred in consequence of not covering it ileep enough to protect the seed. There is no fear that the roots will not find it soon enough, even if it is more than two inches deep, and the slight covering which it too often gets with the foot is not sulficient. The more it can be mixed and incorporated with the soil the better, and if half of the amount which it is designed to use is spread and harrowed in, and a smaller quantity, say not over l.")0 lbs. for corn, placed in the hill, it would doubtless be safer and more satisfactory. We would strongly advise the use of guano in connection with l)arn yard manures, on lands which are within a reas- onal)le distance from the barn. The use of guano as a valuable auxiliary to other manures has not been sufficiently considered. 44 QUANTITY PER ACRE. Attention to the difference of effect between coarse and concen. trated manures as stated on the 14th and 15th pages will show the importance of the use of a variety of manures to produce the best results. Where it is practicable, therefore, we would use guano in connection with stable manures, and if it were gener- ally so used, we should very rarely hear of the occurrence of a failure charged either to the crop or the soil. Suppose, for instance, the farmer were intending to apply forty common cart loads of stable manure per acre for a crop of corn or potatoes, and that that were sufficient to manure the acre well. Let him spread twenty loads and plow it in and ap- ply 150 lbs. of Peruvian guano in the hill. The aggregate cost of manure and cultivation would be less, and the aggregate val- ue of the crop in quantity and quality greater than if the acre were manured with the forty cart loads of manure. For in a season like 1855, or especially like that of 1859, the crop would be from one to two weeks earlier in ripening, and escape the autumn frosts much more surely, while the number of bushels per acre would be greater. The stable manure would supply a sufficient amount of organic substances to the soil, and the gua- no the necessary constituents or the food of the plants. The state- ments of successful experiments on the preceding pages and all experience as well as scientific investigation, are sufficient to prove this beyond the probability of contradiction. The largest and most successful products of corn in New England, in 1859, were cultivated with guano in whole or in part, and there were comparatively few superior and first rate crops where it was not used to some extent. Three hundred pounds per acre is usually considered to be a very fair manuring with good Peruvian guano, and if several loads of barn-yard manure are spread and plowed in, 150 or 200 lbs would be sufficient. This quantity of guano put in the hill would stimulate the early growth of the corn, or give it a rapid and thrifty start, while the manure which had been spread and plowed in, ought to become so far decomposed by August or September as to carry up the crops to maturity. It is not very safe to plant corn with all the manure spread broad-cast, and plowed in, unless the soil is very rich. It needs something THK MANUIli: FOU POTATOES. 45 to pivo it a start, and unless it has it, it will linger along some- time without making much head-way. This slowness of growth may cause a lateness of ripening in the fall which will be fatal to the crop. For the benefit of the soil the manure should bo spread broad-cast and plowed in ; for the success of the crop a part of it ought to be put in the hill, and for this purpose guano is most excellent. For potatoes a somewhat similar course would be recommend- ed. Wc would not, with all the light we have as to the dele- terious effect of barii-yard manures on this crop, think of putting these manures in the hill and planting jiotatocs on them. Let the green or stable manures be spread and plowed in, then cross furrow and drop the guano in the hill and mix it or cover it over carefully with the soil, so as not to place the potatoes in immediate contact with the guano. A spoonful of plaster put around the potatoes before or at the first hoeing, will materially help their growth. For carrots, beets, mangold wurtzel, parsnips, and other tap- rooted plants which require a thoroughly pulverized soil, and on which the use of yard manure is injudicious on account of the liability to encourage the growth of weeds, we should say plow once very deep and then spread on 300 lbs. of guano be- fore cross-plowing and turn it in with the plow a few inches deep. Then wc would mix a guano compost, using ?ay 100 or 1.50 lbs. per acre, after l)eing diluted beyond the possibility of injuring seed in contact with it, and apply it along the drills or by means of a drill-machine. For the smaller root crops^ espe- cially, the land should l)e perfectly clean and free from weeds, else the labor and cost of weeding will cat in largely upon the profits. For forcing beds, for starting early crops and like purposes, frequently practised by market and other gardeners, guano may be mixed directly with the manure by forming alternate layers as directed in the preparation of an ordinary guano compost, and then forking over thoroughly so as to get us complete a mixture as possible. This addition will give the common stable manures much greater stimulating power, and enable the gar- dener to get out his plants earlier than it would be possible in 46 MIXED WITH OTHER MANURES. any other way. Guano is sometimes mixed directly in this way by the farmer in forking over his manure heaps in the spring, as lor instance where barn-yard composts have been hauled out the autumn previous and tipped up in heaps upon the field where it is intended to use them, and instances of very marked success in this mode of using it are at hand. But though it is vahiable mixed in this way for giving the manure much more power and quickness of action, we think it rather prefer- able to apply it as indicated on a preceding page, the manure by itself and the guano by itself, chiefly because it is a little less labor, and because the guano would naturally be subject to little more exposure and loss of ammonia in forking over with the other manures as many times as it would be necessary. For beans, pease, millet, &c. when cultivated as a field crop, we think it safer generally to spread broad-cast and harrow in. A very diluted guano compost might be used in the hills or drills with safety, perhaps, but when a sufficient quantity is spread evenly and incorporated with the soil in this way, the rains will diffuse it so well that there need be little fear that the fibrous roots of these crops will not find and feel the stimula- ting influence of the guano. For squashes, cabbages, cauliflowers, ...*- ^^0^ HO. o V 4 o ^°-n^^ • 4 c> «T Xl. A, ^ VV -ir °o % a V .^ ' . . » ^0 •S -^^ '''^-^.r^< 0° /-^ ^' i. A .<^^ S'- *^. , •'•0 ^v ^ • • • aV ^ • • ' .«>