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Swefnev APR -b is^O '^ ^9/ To THE Soldier Mothers of Buffalo and Erie County Who Bravely Gave Their Boys to the Cause of Universal Democracy, This Book, in the Grateful Remembrance of a Patriotic Community, is Respectfully Dedicated Chapter I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII XIV XV XVI XVII XVIII XIX XX XXI XXII XXIII XXIV XXV XXVI XXVII XXVIII XXIX XXX XXXI XXXII XXXIII XXXIV XXXV XXXVI XXXVII XXXVIII XXXIX XL XLI XLII XLIII XLIV XLV CONTENTS Page Preface 11 Introductory — Buffalo 13 With Minds Unshod of War 20 Monroe Doctrine Rocks on Its Base 24 Scenting the Battle Afar 27 Preparedness Seed is Sown 29 U. of B. Company in National Guard 32 Governor Whitman at First Preparedness Meeting 34 Patriotism Unleashed by June Day Parade 37 Unequipped Regiments Called to Mexico 41 Troop I Off to Border — Colonels Wolf and Babcock Relieved 44 Germany's First Peace Proposal 46 Mayor's Americanization Committee at Work 48 City Welcomes Returning Soldiers 51 Allies Decline Peace Terms 53 Chamber of Commerce Urges Armed Guards for Local Plants 55 Elmwood Music Hall Mass Meeting Declares for War 58 Naval Militia Off to War— Soldiers Guard Water Front 62 Rush for Marriage Licenses Congests City Clerk's Office 64 Flag Raising Ceremonies and Pulpit Appeals 67 Uncle Sam's Plan to Raise a National Army 70 Louis P. Fuhrmann— Buffalo's War Mayor 1914 to 1917 72 Volunteer Army to Administer Selective Service Law 74 Tony Monanco by Name: Water Boy by Occupation 76 I Am An American 78 Registration Day, June 5, 1917 80 Twenty Exemption Districts for Erie County 83 Exemption District Machinery in Operation 90 Rann's Appeal Agent Volunteers 92 Unlimited Service by Members of Buffalo Bar 95 District Board Number Three 97 "The Rose of No Man's Land" 100 Coal Shortage Through Winter of 1917-1918 103 Peace Proposal of Pope Benedict XV 105 Guardsmen Spend Summer of 1917 in Buffalo Camp 107 Festival of Light and Song — A Formal Good-By Ill National Army of the United States 117 Amid Cheers and Tears Guardsmen Leave Home 121 George S. Buck, War Mayor 1918-1919 125 Fort Porter Plays Its Part in World War 128 Base Hospital No. 23 130 Wheatless Days in Buffalo Hotels 135 With Don Martin in London 138 Lieut. Harold B. Wertz, First Division U. S. A 140 Smoke Ammunition from the Buffalo News 141 And the Navy Took Them Over 145 Aboard an American Transport 150 3 Buffalo's Part in the World War Chapter Page XLVI 77th Division Within Thunder of Cxuns 152 XLVII Seeing Paris with Don Martin 154 XLVI 1 1 Germany's March Drive Crushes British Defense 157 XLIX Lightless, Heatless, Gasless Days 159 L Buffalo Women Face the Hun 163 LI American Alhed Exposition and Bazaar 169 LII Second Red Cross Drive 171 LIII "Can They Get to Calais?" 175 LIV Buffalo Draft Men of 78th Division in France 179 LV In Mrs. Vanderbilt's Paris Hospital \\ith Doris Kellogg 181 LVI Buffalo Marines in Battle of Belleau Wood 183 LVII House Warming Party for 77th Division at Baccarat 192 LVIII Smashing the Marne Salient 194 LIX Maj. Donovan at the Battle of the Ourcq 199 LX First American Army Formed 204 LXI Girls at Canteens Carry on Through the Hot Summer 205 LXII Germany's Dead Mark Trail of American Advance . 209 LXI II 108th Infantry Enters Front Line at Mt. Kemmel 211 LXIV 77th Division in the Hell Hole Valley of the Vesle 217 LXV Battle of St. Mihiel— Death of Capt. Piatt 223 LXVI Planning the Decisive Battle of the War . 229 LXVII General Nolan of Akron — Hero of Apremont 231 LXVI 1 1 77th Division Enters Argonne— Col. Jewett Decorated 238 LXIX Maj. Whittlesey's Battalion, 77th Division 242 LXX Lieut. Wilhelm, Buffalo, in "Lost Battalion" 244 LXXI Lost Battalion's Dead Still Hold the Position 248 LXX 1 1 Buffalo Artillerymen Wreck Forges on the Meuse 253 LXXI 1 1 Breaking the Great Hindenburg Line 255 LXX IV Death of Don Martin— A Soldier of the Pen 265 LXXV Sinkingof the "Mary Alice" 268 LXXVI 77th Division Before Grand Pre 270 LXXVII Grand Pre Proves a Buffalo Sepulcher 272 LXXVIII Twenty Days on the Meuse With the Old 65th 281 LXXIX St. Souplet and Across Le Selle 285 LXXX On a Field of Carnage Donovan Fell 289 LXXXI Putting the Last One Over With the Old 65th 292 LXXXII General Pershing's Story of the Final Days 294 LXXXIII Buffalo Tank Corps Fighters— Treat 'em Rough 299 LXXXIV Handling Gas on the Western Front 301 LXXXV Honors for Greatest Gains to 77th Division 303 LXXXVI U. of B. and Canisius Student Army Corps 305 LXXXVII Battling Above the Clouds 307 LXXXVIII On the Western Front 11 A. M., November 11, 1918 313 LXXXIX Paris With the Lid Off 318 XC Celebrating the Kaiser's Funeral 320 XCI Lieut. Colonel Pooley Leads Regiment into Germany 322 XCII Buffalo Boys Stand by as German Fleet Surrenders 325 XCIII When Johnny Came Marching Home 327 XCIV Putting Handcuffs on Disloyalty 340 XCV Four Minute Men of Buffalo 343 Buffalo's Part in the World War Chapter Page XCVI The Schools— The Children— The Teachers 345 XCVII Pasting the City with War Stamps 357 XCVIII Buffalo Chapter, American Red Cross 368 XCIX Boy Scouts Lend a Helping Hand 380 C The Military Training Camps Association 383 CI The United States Grain Corporation 387 CII What We Paid for Heat, Food and Clothing 390 cm Work of the Food Administrator . 397 CIV National League for Woman's Service ^ 404 CV The World War in Verse 405 CVI New 74th Regiment Infantry, N. G. S. N. Y 412 CVII New 65th Regiment Infantry, N. G. S. N. Y 414 CVIII Buffalo at Home and Her Visitors 417 CIX Home Defense Committee of Erie County 422 CX Child Welfare Program in War Time 424 CXI Belgian Relief Fund Committee 426 CXII Buffalo Police Reserves 427 CXIII For France and Her Allies 428 CXIV The Buffalo Thrift Kitchen 430 CXV Local Hygiene Lecture Catnpaign 433 CXVI Five Liberty Loan Campaigns 434 CXVII Independence Day, July 4, 1919 487 CXVIII In Conclusion 490 Buffalo and Erie County Roster Our Heroic Dead 495 Erie County's Volunteer Chaplains 508 U. S. Army— Buffalo Roll Call 509 108th Regiment U. S. Infantry 612 106th Field Artillery 618 102d Trench Mortar Battery 623 U. S. Navy 624 U. S. Marines 664 Base Hospital No. 23— Male Members 675 Buffalonians in Polish Army 676 Red Cross Leaders 679 Red Cross Nurses 680 Buffalo Doctors Commissioned in Army and Navy 682 Volunteer Medical Service Corps — Buffalo Women 683 Young Men's Christian Association 684 Salvation Army 685 Knights of Columbus 685 Jewish Welfare Workers 685 Volunteers in U. S. Telephone Service 686 Erie County's Service Roster 687 THE CITY COUNCIL FOR YEAR 1919 Arthur W. Kreinheder John F. Malone George S. Buck, Mayor Frederick G. Bagley Charles M.Heald James B. Stafford Food Administrator, Buffalo ERIE COUNTY LEADERS OF WAR WORK ACTIVITIES Howard A. Forman Walter P. Cooke Fuel Administrator Chairman Liberty Loan Committee Charles Kennedy Robert W. Pomeroy Edward H. Butler Food Administration Grain Corporation Chairman Red Cross Drives Chairman War Savings Stamp Committee Oliver Cabana, Jr. William A. Rogers Frank S. McGraw Food Administrator, Erie County Chairman United War Workers Chairman Red Cross Committee ERIE COUNTY'S DISTINGUISHED MILITARY LEADERS Col. Henry C. Jewett 316th Engineers — 91st Division Hero of Montfaucon Rev. John C. Ward Cliaplain 108th Infantry Hero of Hindenburg Line and St. Souplet Brig. Genl. Dennis E. Nolan Of Genl. Pershing's Staff Hero of Apremont Col. William J. Donovan 165th Infantry— 42d Division Hero of the Ourcq and the Argonne Lieut. Col. William R. Pooley 7th Infantry — 3d Division First Erie County Commander to cross the Rhine Daniel J. Sweeney Editor World War History Committee FiNLEY H. Greene Chairman World War History Committee PREFACE BUFFALO will one day realize the tremendous growth and development which its geo- graphical location makes inevitable. As the years go by and we roll along toward that period of community greatness, Buflfalonians will search through the written pages to visualize in pride or humility their community ancestry, just as the individual beams or scowls over his family tree. While men do not live in the past there is always a companion- ship and an abiding interest in those who cut the path ahead of us, and history is ever a congenial friend on the library shelf. In these late days of 1918 and early days of 1919 we are too close to the World War to com- pile a history of the war, but we can aim to produce a narrative in which we shall outline and depict the activities of the men and women of Buffalo and the surrounding towns during the years from 1914 to 1919 — an historical period. In that narrative we shall endeavor to portray — perhaps 'twill be in a homely and inartistic way — but as accurately as man can, the events at home and abroad in which Buffalonians and their neighbors participated. In the chapters as they unfold the reader may expect to find : first, the record of the aver- age American's early indifference to war reflected in Buffalo ; then the indefatigable efforts of a few patriots to arouse the community to the need for preparedness, the organization of the National Army, the camps and the training of men, the overseas expeditions and the glorious epic of Buffalo and Erie County boys on the battlefields of France and Belgium, suffer- ing wounds inflicted by gas and shrapnel and machine gun bullets; fighting and dying, but ever with their faces forward. And the reader may expect, also, to find chronicled the tre- mendous task which fell to the men, the women and the children at home in the struggle that was waged to make all the world safe for democracy. This book was written when the facts were fresh in the minds of those who have so gen- erously contributed to it. Indeed, this preface was in the course of preparation by the editor in the office of the City Clerk in the City and County Hall on that November day, 1918, when the erroneous report of the signing of the armistice threw the community into pandemonium. Outside! All around! Even about the City Hall, removed from the main arteries of travel, the crowds were surging back and forth in the streets. Crowd leaders were endeavor- ing to marshal their followers in the semblance of parade formation. Here and there por- tions of what once might have been a band gave out voluminously, if not harmoniously, the strains of martial music. Confetti was everywhere, and from the highest windows of the office buildings on the corner girls were throwing out sparkling clouds of paper clipped to snowflake size. Happiness in confusion appeared to have achieved its greatest triumph. Enthusiasm was at its topmost pitch. The marchers, as their respective banners indicated, were drawn from the great munition plants, from the high schools, from the law offices, from the department stores and made up a cosmopolitan crowd from the avenues and institutions where men and women earn their livelihood, or prepare themselves therefor. It was among such surroundings I plodded on in the task previously undertaken of preparing in an official way for historical reference the story of Buffalo's part in the war. 11 12 Buffalo's Part in the World War Contemporaneous writers whose individual capacity for the task far overshadows mine abound. But unfortunately perhaps for this work, it happened that I had been closely associated with Buffalo's war program from the first day until, at least, the present hour. Compilations of this sort are usually the result of painstaking effort. I surely will bow in grateful appreciation if this one shall be deemed worthy of that last word of commendation. The book can claim a foundation of information obtained at first hand, and to that extent it will be a substantial edifice. Though its ornamentations may not be suggestive of the broadest culture nor the highest scholarship, it will deal with men as they were and events as they transpired among the masses of our citizenship. An inspiring skyline, a knowledge that it is a story of the splendid sacrifices and brilliant achievements of a patriotic people will tend, I am sure, to hold even the balance so that just recognition may be accorded to each, whether his task was performed under the rays of heroic splendor on the battlefield or in the equally arduous but less dangerous and more dimly illuminated walks of civic war work. This record is not set down for the men and women of to-day. They have heard the shouts I have heard, and viewed all the scenes I have seen. Most of them have been participants in the local activities to the same extent. They therefore need no written narration. To them this would be simply a ponderous volume, for the most part unattractive and without fasci- nation. But for the children, the men and women of Buffalo of to-morrow, it is hoped it will serve a useful purpose. The reader may be compelled to pass wearily over many of its pages. The editor furnishes a narrative. Style for its own sake often captivates while the story runs barren of in- terest. Most of us seek the pages that throb and glow. I cherish, perhaps vainly, but nevertheless earnestly, the hope that the grim, chill statistics of this municipal history will be softened by the radiance of valorous deeds that shed a glory about it, and that those who come after us will feel a certain contentment in the fact that the activities of Buffalo and Erie County, during the crucial days of the Great World War, have been preserved in impar- tial data for the information of posterity. The Editor. BUFFALO BUFFALO, like every other American city, began in 1914 to write an epochal chapter in its his- tory, unconscious, of course, of the tremendous events impending. George D. Emerson and Frank H. Severance, who spun the web which carries us back to the earliest days of our community existence and who set out the historical monuments hereabout, tell us that prior to the outbreak of the Civil War, a facetious individual remarked that Buffalo had had three notable events in its history; namely, the destruction of the village by the British and Indians, December 30, 1813; the hanging of the three Thayers in 1825, made famous by the late George Ferris, one- time editor of the Courier, and the big flood of 1844. Neither Mr. Emerson nor Mr. Severance concurs in the opinion that those events should be classified as notable, though conceding that they have "impressed themselves indelibly" upon the annals of the municipality. One of them, at least, the first named, is epochal. The Civil War established the second epoch, and in this year of 1919 we have just emerged from the third. Of course, for the purposes of this book and for the men and women of this day, it is not essen- tial that the memorable events of other eras be set down, but the men and women of to-morrow may have a desire and surely have a right to know what manner of municipality we had at the time the great World War involved and enveloped us. The Niagara Frontier as a maker of history prior to this date, Mr. Emerson says, is entitled to a much higher rank than is usually accorded to it by the average historian and a careful survey of the various sections of the city of Buffalo reveals many spots which are associated, some with national history, all with the history of this locality. Buffalo Creek, or River, as it is known in these later years, had been Buffalo Creek from time immemorial, so long that the mind of man runneth not to the contrary; when, how or from whom or what it received the name, is buried in the forgotten legends of the past. The city, located along this creek or river, received its name, however, from the stream around which it has been built. In point of known events, South Buffalo is the oldest part of the present city. On Buff"alo Creek, some three or four miles from its mouth, the first Seneca Indian villages were established during the Revolutionary War, refugees settling there in 1779-80, after Sullivan's raid had de- stroyed their old homes in the Genesee Valley. In earlier epochs the Eries had their home in this region, but, as a nation, they were wiped out of existence in the disastrous campaign with the Senecas in a bloody and decisive battle which took place near the head of Honeoye Lake. In the neighborhood of these villages was built a council house, in which councils of national im- portance were held and treaties of commensurate significance made. Associated with it are the names of Young King, Farmer's Brother, Red Jacket, and other Indian celebrities. In this vicinity was also the Seneca Mission church, built 1826, abandoned 1843, and gradually destroyed during succeeding years. Indian Church Road now runs through the churchyard and near the site of the building. In the old cemetery were the original graves of Red Jacket and other chiefs, and of Mary Jamison. Their bones were long since removed to other resting places — Mary Jamison to "Glen Iris," the beautiful home of the Hon. William P. Letchworth, at Portage, in 1874, the chiefs to Forest Lawn in 1884 and 1894. St. Paul's Episcopal Parish built the first Buffalo church, raising its structure at the corner of Church and Erie streets in 1819. In that church the congregation of St. Paul's worshiped until 1850 when the present stone edifice bounded by Pearl, Church and Erie streets was built. In 1823 the First Presbyterian Society erected a church on the opposite corner — Niagara and Church; that church was rebuilt in 1827 and in 1891 the Society reared the now commanding edifice on The Circle. The present City Hall was opened for official purposes in 1876, being erected on a site formerly used as a cemetery. 13 14 Buffalo's Part in the "World War Out of small beginnings has come the City of Buffalo of to-day, a great municipality sur- rounded by highly developed smaller cities, as well as by villages and towns, all of which have taken an important part in the world-wide struggle for the preservation of democracy. In place of the muddy roads of earlier days Buffalo now has more than 600 miles of paved streets; instead of the two or three churches of 1820, it has 260 churches, representing the widest freedom of religious thought and belief. The city is located at an elevation of from 580 to 690 feet above the level of the sea. Seventeen different railroads, thirteen of them trunk lines, enter the city. It has seven interurban traction lines, and issues annually building permits of a value in excess of $10,000,000. It has 66 pubHc schools; three colleges and the University of Buffalo. It has more than 40 parochial schools and several private schools, apart from the shorthand and business colleges. Its hotel accommodations are up-to-date and extensive, including 60 registered hotels. It has nineteen hospitals and six English daily newspapers. Further data covering the municipality and facts in its history are here set forth in statistical array: Lake front (miles) 3.7 Realty transfers (yearly) 10,000 Suburban villages 20 River front (miles) 17.35 Libraries (public) — 7 branches 3 Libraries (distributing agencies) 166 Postal branches 76 Letter Carriers 396 Banks — 5 state, 2 national, 5 trust companies, 4 savings, and 11 branch banks 27 Savings and loan associations 26 Bank clearances (1917) $982,563,624 Autos in use 30,000 Articles manufactured in city (of all different lines) 56% Express companies . 5 Power companies 2 Auditoriums (municipal) 2 Theaters (regular) 9 Picture theaters 72 Street car passengers carried 191,200,048 Public school enrollment 66,293 Steamship companies 14 Passenger boat lines 4 Dwellings in Buffalo 76,391 BUFFALO, THE MUNICIPALITY First settled in 1795 Incorporated as a village April 2, 1813 Incorporated as a city April 20, 1832 Area, square miles 42,161 Population, 1910 census 423,715 Population, State census, 1915 454,630 Population, 1919, estimated 500,000 Registered voters, male and female 108,589 Assessed valuation, fiscal year beginning July 1, 1919, and ending June 30, 1920 . . $560,099,750 Tax rate, all purposes, 1919-1920 $26.88 Bonded debt $38,435,919.26 Miles of streets . . .- 636.858 Miles of street railway 223.40 Miles of water mains 610.32 Miles of sewers 568.2383 Miles of boulevard driveways 26.600 Breakwater, feet 33,600 Parks 17 Boulevards 10 Buffalo's Part in the World War 15 Acreage — parks and boulevards 1,300 City playgrounds 17 City baseball diamonds 22 City football grounds 10 City tennis courts 58 City skating ponds 21 Police stations 15 Regular police 800 Fire stations 56 Fire companies 56 Firemen 915 City employees, including laborers 7,865 Average daily water consumption, gallons per capita 339 Gas lights 9,288 Arc lights 5,459 Gasoline lights 270 Miles of paved streets 424 Buffalo is the terminus of the State Barge Canal. 10,000 vessel clearances annually. 300,000,000 bushels of grain handled annually. More than 2,000,000 tons of pig iron produced annually. Mills produce 25,000 barrels of flour daily. 2,500 manufacturing plants. 22 grain elevators, with total capacity of 28,250,000 bushels. 4 public markets. Between November, 1914, and January, 1919, the wage earnings increased 70%. REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS Fortieth District S. Wallace Dempsey, 1914-1919 Forty-first District Charles B. Smith, 1914-1919 Forty-second District Daniel A. Driscoll, 1914-1917 William F. Waldow, 1917-1919 U. S. OFFICIALS AT BUFFALO POSTMASTER William F. Kasting, 1914 to June, 1916 George J. Meyer, June, 1916 to 1919 COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS George Bleistein, 1914-1918 George Davidson, July, 1918-1919 COLLECTOR OF INTERNAL REVENUE Vincent J. Riordan, 1914-1919 U. S. DISTRICT ATTORNEY Stephen V. Lockwood, 1914-1919 U. S. MARSHAL Henry L. Fassett, 1914-1915 John D. Lynn, Nov., 1915-1919 U. S. APPRAISER John T. Ryan, 1914-1919 CITY AND COUNTY OFFICERS 1914-1919 CITY OFFICERS BOARD OF ALDERMEN— 1914-1915 John P. Sullivan, President, 1914 George J. Burley, President, 1915 D. J. Sweeney, City Clerk 1st Ward — John P. Sullivan 2d Ward — Michael J. Healy 3d Ward — Edward P. Costello 4th Ward — Arthur J. Shea 5th Ward — Timothy P. Coughlin 6th Ward — Edward Stengel, Joseph Suttner 7th Ward — Edward J. Endres 8th Ward — Edward Sperry 9th Ward — Anthony J. Walkowiak 10th Ward — Frank Roskwitalski 11th Ward — Peter Mildenberger 12th Ward — George J. Burley 13th Ward— Otto L. Geyer 14th Ward — John Fries 15th Ward — George Kohl 16th Ward— Frank T. Dance 17th Ward — Joseph H. Houck 18th Ward — Conrad J. Meyer 19th Ward — Arnold T. Armbrust 20th Ward — Frederick H. Holtz 21st Ward — William G. Humphrey 22d Ward — John Purcell 23d Ward — George G. Davidson, Jr. 24th Ward — Jospeh P. Broderick 25th Ward — George J. Haffa 26th Ward— Thomas H. McDonough 27th Ward— Edward P. Kelly BOARD OF COUNCILMEN— 1914-1915 Boleslaw Dorasewicz, President William J. Coad William E. Glass Horace C. Mills Francis T. Coppins Allan I. Holloway William J. Warwick Boleslaw Dorasewicz Theofil Kaitanowski William O. Weimar January 1, 1916, the Commission form of Government was inaugurated COUNCIL Louis P. Fuhrmann, Mayor, 1916-1917 George S. Buck, Mayor, 1918-1919 Councilmen Charles M. Heald, 1916-1919 Arthur W. Kreinheder, 1916-1919 Charles B. Hill, 1916-1917 John F. Malone, 1916-1919 Frederick G. Bagley, 1918-1919 D. J. Sweeney, Secretary HEALTH COMMISSIONER Francis E. Fronczak FIRE COMMISSIONERS — 1914-1915 Simon Seibert Edward C. Burgard William Person Bernard J. McConnell, Chief, 1914 to October 10, 1918 Edward P. Murphy, Chief, October 10, 1918, to 1919 POLICE COMMISSIONERS— 1914-1915 Fred F. Klinck James B. Wall Michael Regan, Chief, 1914-1915 Henry J. Girvin, Chief, 1918 to May 1, 1919 John Martin, Chief, 1916-1917 James W. Higgins, Chief, 1919 16 Buffalo's Part in the World War COMPTROLLER John F. Cochrane, 1914-1917 COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTS Charles B. Hill, 1916-1917 Charles M. Heald, 1918-1919 TREASURER John Reimann, 1914-1915 Isaac N. Stewart, 1916-1919 ASSESSORS John T. Mahoney, 1914-1917 John C. Betz William J. Burke Charles J. Reuling, 1918-1919 AUDITOR Joseph M. Gleason COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS Francis G. Ward, 1914-1915 Arthur W. Kreinheder, 1916-1919 ENGINEERING COMMISSIONER George H. Norton WATER COMMISSIONER Henry L. Lyon, 1914-1915 Thomas W. Kennedy, 1916 George C. Andrews, 1917-1919 STREET COMMISSIONER Thomas W. Kennedy, 1914-1915 William F. Schwartz, 1916-1919 SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION Henry P. Emerson, 1914-1918 Ernest C. Hartwell, 1918-1919 OVERSEER OF THE POOR Louis J. Kenngott BUILDING COMMISSIONER Frank T. Reynolds CITY COURT William P, Brennan, Chief Judge Judges George L. Hager Peter Maul Albert A. Hartzell Thomas H. Noonan Patrick J. Keeler Clifford McLaughlin, 1918-1919 Frank W. Standart, 1918-1919 CHILDREN'S COURT George E. Judge, Judge 18 Buffalo's Part in the World War BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Frank A. Dorn, Chairman ^^jjj) Alonzo G. Hinkley, Clerk 1— James W. Fitzhenry, 1914, 1915 1916, 1917; Thomas G. Lawley, 1918, 1919. 2— John C. O'Leary, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919. 3— Thomas W. Scully, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919. 4— Edward J. Kappler, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917; Albert Fox, 1918, 1919. 5— John T. McBride, 1914, 1915, 1918, 1919; Robert Mulroy, 1916, 1917. 6— Edward Flore, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919. 7— Samuel Frank, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919. 8— Frederick W. Theobold, 1914, 1915; William Pfeiffer, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919. 9— Patrick J. Hunt, 1914, 1915; .Jacob Henseler, 1916, 1917; Louis D. Herko, 1918, 1919. 10— Michael Tobolski, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917; Anthony Dropik, 1918, 1919. 11— James M. Mead, 1914; Edward Moylan, 1915; Oliver Hamister, 1916, 1917; Dennis J. Dee, 1918, 1919. 12— William A. Stambach, 1914, 1915; Charles M. Bogold, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919. 13— Andrew Sprenger, 1914, 1915; Ernst F. Martinke, 1916, 1917; Edwin F. Jaeckle, 1918, 1919. 14— William Kumpf, 1914, 1915; George L. Schupp, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919. 15— Max Kuczkowski, 1914, 1915; John H. Dietrich, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919. 16— B. Michalski, 1914, 1915; Joseph W. Becker, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919. 17— William J. Beier, Jr., 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919. 18— Edward C. Franklin, 1914, 1915; Frank A. Dorn, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919. 19— Charles E. Arber, 1914, 1915; Charles J. Koch, 1916, 1917; George Wild, 1918, 1919. 20— John C. Sturm, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917; Thomas E. Lawrence, 1918, 1919. 21— George Klein, 1914, 1915; William Fink, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919. 22— Charles B. Reinhardt, 1914, 1915; Fred A. Bradley, 1916, 1917; William F. Langley, 1918, 1919. ■ 23— Harvey D. Blakeslee, Jr., 1914, 1915; Hervey J. Drake, 1916, 1917; Robert C. Palmer, 1918, 1919. 24— William B. Lawless, 1914, 1915; Joseph P. Broderick, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919. 25— Carlton E. Ladd, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919. 26— Thomas H. McElvein, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917; Thomas H. McDonough, 1918, 1919. 27— John Lunghino, 1914, 1915; Bartholomew Oddo, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919. Alden Otto H. Wende, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919. Amherst Lee W. Britting, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919. Aurora Asher B. Emery, 1914, 1915; Richard S. Persons, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919. Boston Philip D. Weber, 1914, 1915; Howell Drake, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919. Brant William F. Avey, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919. Cheektowaga . . Frank Wildy, 1914, 1915, 1916. 1917; William C. Heeb, 1918, 1919. Clarence Theodore Krehbiel, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919. Golden William F. Frantz, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919. Collins Frank H. Briggs, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919. Concord George E. Stedman, 1914, 1915; Glenn N. Oyer, 1916, 1917; Alton C. Bates, Ira H. Vail, 1918, 1919. East Hamburg . . . Frank F. Holmwood, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919. Eden Edgar M. Bunting, 1914, 1915; Charles H. Ide, 1916, 1917; Henry A. Bley, 1918, 1919. Elma Ernest M. Hill, 1914, 1915; Benjamin J. Eldridge, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919. Evans Marve Harwood, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917; Julius M. Schwert, 1918, 1919. Grand Island . . . Adam Kaiser, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917; Henry W. Long, 1918, 1919. Hamburg William Kronenberg, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917; George B. Abbott, 1918, 1919. Holland Henry Bangert, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917; O. R. Whitney, 1918, 1919. Lackawanna City . Thomas Delaney, 1914; Michael J. Mescall, 1915, 1916, 1917; Martin T. Ryan, 1918, 1919. Lancaster John L. Staeber, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919. Marilla Jesse G. Bartoo, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919. Newstead Frank M. Stage, 1914, 1915; George A. Funke, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919. North Collins . . . Joseph Thiel, 1914, 1915; Howard W. Butler, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919. Sardinia Robert R. Olin, 1914, 1915; J. Gilbert Allen, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919. Tonawanda .... Robert A. Toms, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917; Arthur R. Atkinson, 1918, 1919. Tonawanda City . . John K. Patton, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917; William Stryker, 1918, 1919. Wales Fred Kratt, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919. West Seneca .... Christian L. Schudt, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919. Buffalo's Part in the World War 19 COUNTY OFFICERS SHERIFF Frederick G. Becker, 1914 Edward Stengel, 1915-1917 Frederick A. Bradley, 1918-1919 COUNTY JUDGE Philip A. Laing, 1914 to May, 1919 George B. Burd, 1919 DISTRICT ATTORNEY Wesley C. Dudley, 1914-1917 Guy B. Moore, 1918-1919 SURROGATE Louis B. Hart COUNTY TREASURER Franklin E. Bard, 1914-1918 Severn A. Anderson, 1919 COUNTY CLERK Simon A. Nash, 1914-1915 John H. Meahl, 1916-1919 COUNTY AUDITOR George S. Buck, 1914-1917 Frederick C. Gaise, 1918-1919 COMMISSIONER OF CHARITIES AND CORRECTIONS William Hunt STATE SENATORS Forty-eighth District John F. Malone, 1914 Clinton T. Horton, 1915-1917 Ross Graves, 1917-1919 Forty-ninth District Samuel J. Ramsperger, 1914-1919 Fiftieth District Gottfried H. Wende, 1914 William P. Greiner, 1915-1917 Leonard W. Gibbs, 1917-1919 ASSEMBLYMEN First District William H. Warhus, 1914 Allen Keeney, 1915 Alexander Taylor, 1916-1918 Second District Clinton T. Horton, 1914 Ross Graves, 1915-1916 John W. Slacer, 1917-1918 Third District Albert F. Gey'er, 1914 Nicholas J. Miller, 1915-1918 Fourth District Patrick W. Quigley, 1914 James M. Mead, 1915-1918 Fifth District Richard F. Hearn, 1914 Arthur G. McElroy, 1915 John A. Lynch, 1916-1917 A. A. Patrzkowski, 1918 Sixth District Leo F. Tucholka, 1914 Peter C. Jezewski, 1915-1916 A. A. Patrzykowski, 1917 George H. Rowe, 1918 Seventh District William P. Greiner, 1914 John F. Heim, 1915 Joseph Roemhild, Jr., 1916 Earl G. Danser, 1917 H. A. Zimmerman, 1918 Eighth District Wallace Thayer, 1914 Leonard W. Gibbs, 1915-1916 H. A. Zimmerman, 1917 Nelson W. Cheney, 1918 Ninth District Frank B. Thorn, 1915 Nelson W. Cheney, 1916-1917 20 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER I WITH MINDS UNSHOD OF WAR ON August 2, 1914, Kaiser Wilhelm II, Emperor of Germany, set his military machine against Belgium in a quest for world domination. His recognized aim was to advance the Hohenzollern dynasty, to secure a place in the sun, to establish and entrench "Deutsch- land Ueber Alles " at any brutal cost. Buflfalonians at that time were enjoying the rare advan- tages which the lake and river recreation spots hereabout afforded in the heated days of midsummer. The Buffalo newspapers of that particular morning held no story of greater local importance than a recital of the activities and pleasures of the throngs in the parks and at the beach resorts. Political sensations which had seeped from a collapsed water works pumping station and clung around sundry aldermanic delinquencies were the discordant notes of the moment. They shared the company of a rampant reappearance of a periodical investigation which beset the Depart- ment of Public Works. These formed the basis for a charter reform campaign which held public interest just at that time over all the other questions of immediate local concern. The public mind was wholly free of matters of grave import. The cost of living was not high. Employ- ment was plentiful. Industry was thriving. Buffalo had grown rapidly in population and com- merce, and the people were contented and prosperous. The story of war in Europe which came over the cable that day appealed to the people in no heavier vein than might a story detailing the movements of a set of manikins or fabled brownies. War was something the world seemed to have passed by forever. Disturbances could come? Yes! But it was difficult to realize that great nations like those of Germany and France and Russia and Great Britain would engage in a killing conflict. The violent death of Austria's Archduke, Serbia's invasion, and the other royal rumblings which announced the advance of Germany's terrible military machine, awakened no tragic interest among the people here; in fact, so substantially imbedded was the idea of war's impossibility, that for days and weeks many thousands of Buffalonians continued in the belief that Germany's purpose and Belgium's plight were not real. Through the last days of August, through September and October, Buffalo's interest centered to a far greater degree — oh, to an immensely greater degree! — in the progress of the campaign for the adoption of a commission form of government than in the European war. Gradually, however, we were coming to realize that the war was real. But it was far removed from us. Some old families of German origin received word of relatives engaged in the conflict. That fact aroused their interest in the progress of the campaign. Buffalo, having a substantial Cana- dian population, found another proportional source of interest in the announcement that the British Government would need Canadian troops. England called early for her continental forces, and, as weeks went by the activity across the Niagara River drew our attention to the spread of the tremendous struggle, but no thought of American participation at any time entered the public mind. We went serenely and quietly along our several and respective occupational ways. Our concern in the war was not deep-rooted. Buffalo was engaged in its pursuits of peace, and easily anticipated that the sober and saner minds of Europe would presently and sud- denly end it all satisfactorily. That thought left undisturbed those who had given any serious attention to the matter. Others were not interested. The closing months of 1914 found no great war concern prevalent in the city, and interest was less in other localities throughout the United States about in proportion to the distance one travelled away from the Canadian border. In the minds of Buffalo men and women, through all the years of the Republic, there had been implanted the story of only one righteous war — the victorious struggle of America for liberty and independence. They knew that as a result of that war the United States had determined to Buffalo's Part in the World War 21 remain free from all foreign entanglements, and to insure our non-activity in Old World conflicts our forefathers had established a policy long known as the Monroe Doctrine. We warned Eu- rope not to interfere in our affairs; and, for our part, pledged the United States to abstain from interference in Europe. History, on numerous occasions, vindicated the wisdom of that course. The Monroe Doctrine became one of the institutions of America, and, although since the days of its adoption we had advanced rapidly among the nations of the world, and although the modern means of communications, the mails, the wireless, the ocean greyhounds, and the increase of our trade and travel had brought us close to Europe and made our isolation, perhaps, more imagi- nary than real, still at the outbreak of this struggle there was no sentiment for a change in the policy which had for so long given us peace. In the American mind it was an irrefutable mandate. This brief, though perhaps, unnecessary, explanation of a mental picture which hung in the gallery of every American mind may be found useful to Buffalonians in after years as they study the men and women and activities of this period. It may explain to them why the outbreak of the war caught everybody here by surprise. Europe, steeped in wrangles, could readily, perhaps, contemplate such a vicious onslaught on the ideals of civilization, but here the war was incom- prehensible. A war among civilized nations? Impossible! It is somewhat difficult to write into this narrative an explanation which will adequately convey to those who are to come after us how utterly impregnable were the American minds in 1914 to the booming of those first guns on the battlefields of France or the rumble of the trucks through Belgium and Luxemburg. We were simply shock-proof against war. The slaying of the Austrian Archduke, Francis Ferdinand, at Sarajevo on June 28th held no greater portent to most of our minds than the jumping of a king on the checker board by rival players in a neighboring firehouse. And yet in the echo and con- fusion of that assassination were the hoofbeats which told in terrifying terms to all of Belgium, France and England of the coming of the Prussian War Machine. Early in August, Potsdam declared war. Several days before — on July 28th — had begun its — let us call it its predetermined assault on Serbia. The German invasion of Belgium started like the rush of a mad bull and was consummated with Hunnish cruelty. As the Kaiser's army trampled over the courageous forces of that small nation and swarmed on down into France interest suddenly became aroused and it may be said to have become general in the United States by September 6th, the date on which the advance of Von Kluck towards Paris was stopped by the French under Joffre near the Marne River. The concern of Buffalonians, however, was the concern of disinterested onlookers. The announcement by an umpire giving the names of the rival batteries for the day's baseball game at the Ferry Street ball park occasioned about the same relative interest as the telegraph despatches outlining the progress of the contending forces on the French and Belgian battlefields. Each side was championed here by those among us of foreign birth according to the location of their nativity, but the masses of Buffalo, at that early day, saw no issue involved which affected our individual life or our national policy. "Let them fight it out," was a common ejaculation among those who stopped to discuss the question. There was no direct assault on our rights. No reason why we should become entangled; as a matter of fact, had a modern and local Diogenes gone out with his lantern to find the plain spoken man among us he might have returned with the impression that only our sporting blood had been aroused. The lackadaisical folk awoke. That seemed to be all. Among city officials, at the clubs, in the hotel foyers, everywhere the same indifference over the war's progress. Only where one had a relative involved among the contending forces was there serious battle thought. To most of us it was a purely European dispute. It never entered into the discussions, not even into our thoughts, that we had need take sides in such a conflict. It detracted nothing from our amusements. It curbed none of our wastes. We were prosperous, generally speaking, for wages were good. It was the natural thing for us to go unshod of all vital concern in the troubles of France, or Germany or England. We did sympathize with Belgium. The little buffer coun- try had our good will from the start, just as the little fellow carries the heart of the onlooker in every conflict with a "bully." But in the main enterprise we took no side. 22 Buffalo's Part in the World War The Monroe Doctrine towered out before us second only to the doctrine cut in stone on Mount Sinai. Accordingly, President Wilson's early proclamation of neutrality was received by the people as a natural and inevitable course. He put into words the sentiment of the people as accurately as that sentiment will ever be conveyed from the hearts to the minds of men. "Every man who really loves America," his message ran, "will act and speak in the true spirit of neu- trality, which is the spirit of impartiality and fairness and friendliness to all concerned." That spirit had already found a lodging place here and the President's appeal met no counter currents. We, surely, at that moment and in that period were solidly neutral. It will be no easy thing for a student in the coming years, as he goes over the events of these days, to disassociate from the history of local affairs of this period all thoughts of war and the tremendous crushing out of life as the fighting machines of Europe clawed back and forth over the battlefields of France and Belgium. It is difficult for even a contemporaneous writer to clear his mind of the rumblings from across the ocean as he endeavors to set down aright the record of that day at home. But the masses were able to do it. Their minds functioned in more contented fields. Home, family, office — at work, in recreation, or at rest no trouble was astir. The commission charter contest* came in November with its climacteric fierceness. The rival forces stormed from automobiles on the street corners, and before the swarming, overalled throng *On January 1, 1916, the first Council of the City of Buffalo, created under the new commission form of government, came into existence. The scene of the inauguration was the old Council Chamber on the third floor of the City and County Hall. The chamber that day looked the part of a display room of a metropolitan florist, or the main gallery at the annual flower show. Nothing like it had ever before come to pass, and the well wishes on which the new government floated into power were perfumed with the fairest fragrance of the rose. . The old government stepped out. Let it be said the retiring officials did it gracefully. They took their place in the throng that sang the praises of the new government, and joined in the welcome extended to the incoming representatives. How much heart they had in the task is not of much moment. They stood the ordeal, and gave a smile and Godspeed to their successors. This new government had its beginning, though not its origin, with the war. Some months prior to the outbreak of hostilities in Europe, Senator John F. Malone fought a battle for its adoption in the Senate Chamber at Albany. The campaign for its acceptance by the people of Buffalo was at the height of the drive when the armies of the younger Moltke crossed the Belgium line in the first German offensive. The commis- sion government campaign involved the overthrow of a form of city administration which had existed for more than a quarter of a century and through which had become entrenched several exceptionally able men, listed among the most powerful political figures in the local public affairs of their day. They were the controlling factors in the government; and, in its most exciting phase, the drive for the new Charter was a drive for the destruction of the political power and position of those men. Two of the leaders — John P. Sullivan and Col. Francis G. Ward — fell with the success of the new government, the latter, a very sick man throughout the final stages of the campaign, died within a week after the election which had recorded his defeat. The third member of that triumvirate was Mayor Louis P. Fuhrmann, Under the terms of the new charter he continued in office to the end of the term for which he had been elected — January 1st, 1918. He was a candidate for re-election in November of 1917, but was defeated by George S. Buck by a plurality of 10,000. Many students of municipal government, of whom George B. Burd, William Burnett Wright, Frank M. Loomis, A. J. Ehas, Knowlton Mixer, Oliver G. LaReau, Lewis Stockton and Charles J. Staples might be mentioned as leaders, had for many years in public forums of one kind or another advocated the consideration of this simplified form of municipal management. They urged it in season and out. Mr. Stockton suc- ceeded on one or two occasions in having it submitted to a popular vote, but the public interest was not sufficiently aroused to make the showing an impressive one. The small body of campaigners, following each such disastrous occasion, returned undaunted to their academic discussion of the subject. Their motto was "Carry On." The Buffalo Board of Aldermen continued to create antagonisms as boards of aldermen and other legislative bodies frequently do. Mayor Fuhrmann ran afoul of the aims of the political organization of his party, and lost the support of William H. Fitzpatrick, chairman of the Demo- cratic County Committee. Fred Greiner, a very keen and forceful political leader, then at the head of the Republican organization, was not con- cerned with the political destinies either of Mayor Fuhrmann, nor those in control of the legislative branch of the city government. Consequently he had no heart for a fight against the reform movement. With an attitude of indifference or secret hostility existing in the two great parties towards the existing government and its controlling heads, the reform element pressed on. At that period William J. Conners, owner of the Buffalo Courier and Buffah Enquirer, two influential newspapers, opened a vigorous campaign for the adoption of the new form of government, and senti- ment was sufficiently aroused to force its enactment over the opposition of the city officials. Senator Malone at Albany guided the measure through the devious and precarious channels of legislation. The State Constitution requiring the signature of the Mayor of the city to all special legislation, the new charter suddenly encountered another hurdle and was obliged, in the course of its legislative progress, to come to Mayor Fuhrmann for his consideration and approval. The Mayor expressed no opinion as to his probable course. The law as passed carried a provision that it should not be effective unless approved by a majority of the people on a referendum vote, and, apart from the real merits of the measure itself, came the question of whether or not the people should be permitted to say if they wanted this new form of government. The speakers in support of the measure at the hearing before the Mayor in- cluded George H. Kennedy, W. H. Crosby, Charles J. Staples, George B. Burd, Mrs. Frank J. Shuler. Charles M. Heald, William B. Wright, Peter B. Smokowski, G. Barrett Rich, Max Nowak, Carlos C. Alden, Mrs. Frank Bliss, W. A. Eckert, Charles Rohlfs, Alderman Fred H. Holtz, Irving S. Underhill, Melvin P. Porter, Francis F. Baker, Roland Crangle, Chauneey J. Hamlin, A. J. Elias, L. W. Simpson, C. T. Horton, George G. Davidson, John Purcell, C. B. Matthews, E. H. Buddenhagen, Mrs. Melvin P. Porter, Gus Wende, Frank H. Callan, Knowlton Mixer, Oliver G. LaReau, and Dr. F. Park Lewis. There may have been others on the occasion of the hearing. The Mayor's reception room was packed to the doors and the corridors of the City Hall were thronged with an eager, earnest crowd; denied admission by reason of physical impossibility of getting more people into the small space which the Mayor's office afforded, they crowded into the Council Chamber and there held an indignation meeting demanding that the hearing be stopped until a larger room was made available for those unable to reach the Ma.vor's office. The imper- turbable Mayor again and again declined to listen to these appeals. He stood like adamant, insisting that the hearing was scheduled for the Mayor's office; that it would be held there, and that everyone who wanted to speak either for or against the measure would be heard if it took a week to hear them all. Those who spoke against the acceptance of the measure included: Simon Fleischmann, Arthur W. Hickman, Thomas C. Burke, W. H. Tennant. D. J. Sweeney, Charles L. Feldman, Miss Mary L. O'Connor, President of the School Teachers' League, President Joseph Lynch of the Erie Club I the policemen's organization). Dr. Pettit, William Schoenhut, Louis E. Desbecker, Frank S. Burzynski, John Coleman, delegate of the United Trades and Labor Council, President Edward Boore of the Dauntless Club (the firemen's organization), John F. Cochrane. City Comptroller, Henry W. Killeen, Vito Christiano, James Smith, John J. Griffin, and possibly others. The hearing lasted two full days. At times acrimonious and bitter it concluded in harmony. Touching every fibre in the whole list of human emotions it ended in an exchange of courtesies. The Mayor vetoed the measure, as might reasonably have been anticipated and expected. Some part of its support was aiming at his official life. After the veto the measure was returned to the Legislature at Albany where Senator Malone, with the aid of his powerful friends in that body and at home, succeeded in passing it over the veto of the Mayor — a very exceptional and remark- able achievement. It was then opposed before Governor Glynn, but received the approval of the State's Chief Executive and came to a vote ot the people in November of that year. It carried by a vote of 36,327 in favor; 21,011 against. The following year 46 candidates presented themselves for nomination as commissioners to the four places tn be filled. The successful candidates were Arthur W. Kreinheder, Charles M. Heald, Charles B. Hill and John F. Malone, and together with Mayor Fuhrmann they administered the affairs of the city during the earlier period of the war. At the beginning of 1918, Mayor Buck succeeded Mayor Fuhrmann as a result of the preceding election and Frederick G. Bagley, who served as chairman of the commission government association during the campaign before the people for ratification of the charter, succeeded Charles B. Hill upon the latter's appointment as chairman of the State Public Service Commission. The new Council came into the government at an eventful period in the city's history, and their work will necessarily be for all time a matter of concern and interest to those of later years, particularly those into whose keeping the destinies of the city are entrusted. — Editor Buffalo's Part in the World War 23 In Pre- War Days Members of the old 65th Regiment in training — About to break camp that poured out of the factories. They exhibited their argumentative wares wherever a public forum would afford the opportunity. Election Day — and the new government had won an overwhelming victory. A good day's work — then the citizens rested. Reformers, statesmen and politicians drew each respective belt one eye-hole tighter. The scent of newer game was in the air. And so the time went by from the winter of 1914-1915 to the Spring and Summer and Fall of 1915. Candidates multi- plied for the new municipal posts like the leaves on the trees. Public interest was focused on these new developments of personal ambitions and zeal for public service. A few contracts from the Allied governments coming into the factories of Buffalo increased the demand for labor. This widening industrial field of opportunity again enhanced the prosperity of the people. War contracts were added to our list of productive occupations. The salaries of ordinary mechanics rapidly advanced, and we began to feel — but only in a pecuniarily profitable way — the effects of the war. The Mayor's message of 1915 contained no mention of the war nor its local effects. His communication to the new Council in 1916 was likewise barren of war references. Though the presence of the European struggle was felt in the industries and reviewed in the newspapers, in the minds of the masses of the people it had drawn no nearer to us at the beginning of 1916 than it had been in the closing days of '14. We heard of the use of poison gas and of liquid flame. Stories of Vimy Ridge floated across the border. The Canadian casualty lists contained the names of boys from Toronto, Bridgeburg, Fort Erie, Port Colborne and other nearby Canadian points. The spread of the submarine warfare incited local interest and the presence of the "Deustchland," the underseas merchant ship from Germany, attracted our attention and elicited expressions of admiration, but all these were happenings in a field from which we seemed wholly and everlastingly eliminated. 24 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER II MONROE DOCTRINE ROCKS ON ITS BASE THE first thought of a newer condition in our affairs might be traced to a speech delivered by President Wilson before the League to Enforce Peace on May 27th, 1916. In that speech for the first time in the history of the Republic, a President of the United States had indi- cated that this Nation would have to give up its position of isolation behind the Monroe Doctrine and assume the responsibilities of a world power. The League to Enforce Peace was organized in Philadelphia, June 17th, 1915. It proposed as a fundamental plank of its origin that a League of Nations be created at the end of the war for the purpose of setting up "a Judicial Tribunal and a Council of Conciliation," and of using jointly economic and military force against any nation belonging to the League that should go to war without first placing the questions involved before the court or council of conciliation. It also proposed that conferences should be held from time to time for the purpose of formulating and codifying rules of international law. Wil- liam H. Taft was chosen as the first president of the League, and Alton B. Parker, a former chief judge of the Court of Appeals of the State of New York, and a former candidate for President of the United States, was chosen vice-president. President Wilson's first speech touching on the newer foreign policy had such a forum for its dissemination. It is readily conceivable that the speech delivered by the President in May, 1916, would have aroused, one year earlier, a storm of bitter protest and of wide political portent. By that time, however, we had had many diplo- matic exchanges with both England and Germany. The former Nation could not agree entirely with the policy that we sought for the control of the seas. The authorities at Washington had foreseen that complications on the seas might draw us into the conflict. As early as August, 1914, Secretary of State Bryan had despatched a note to all the powers then at war pointing out rather clearly, it seemed, that serious trouble might arise out of the uncertainty of neutrals as to their maritime rights and suggesting that the Declaration of London be accepted by all nations for the period of the war. The reply of Great Britain was not entirely satisfactory, for she could not accept in full any program which treated the questions of the sea apart, and entirely so, from questions governing the powers on land. England's strength was in her Navy. To bind her naval operations, without binding the land movements of other powers jointly therewith, did not appeal to her. Probably it was illogical to expect more from England than England then offered, but the American people, or a substantial portion thereof, were disap- pointed in the reply. It did not tend to clarify the situation, nor did it carry any assurance that neutral nations in the enforcement of their maritime rights would be able to steer clear of friction. Our neutrality was real, but it was not easy to maintain, and Secretary of State William J. Bryan soon found his relations with the Administration strained; his retirement from the Cab- inet a natural course, and, from his point of view, inevitable. Controversies between this Nation and Great Britain soon arose. These, while disturbing, did not seriously threaten our neutrality, for the questions at issue concerned property rights and were fully covered, as the country under- stood, by existing treaties between this country and Great Britain. Whatever impression this attitude of England may have had upon the government of the United States, the trend of thought it created among the people was not what might reasonably and naturally have been expected. Instead of turning the public mind and the public hands to matters of preparation, it simply aroused a sentiment something akin to indifference over England's fate. Nor did the German propagandists, already busily burrowing in their rabbit-like way, overlook the opportunity it afforded to shake loose the none too tightly-bound ties between the two great nations of English speaking people. Simultaneously with these occurrences Germany stirred up among its popu- lation a resentment against the people of the United States — or, rather, the government of the United States. Germany endeavored to force a discontinuance of our trade in munitions with Buffalo's Part in the World War 25 belligerent nations by an appeal on humanitarian grounds. Coming from a nation whose atro- cities in Belgium and on the high seas were already beginning to cry for vengeance, it attracted no great measure of serious attention either at Washington or among the people throughout the several States of the Union. The correspondence of the President with London and Berlin on these and other questions had earned for him the title of "Our Letter-writing President." When President Wilson addressed the League to Enforce Peace he had determined to strike a new and significant note in our foreign policy. The day of our national aloofness was about to pass, though the masses of America did not fully realize it even after the President had spoken. He pictured in his address that day the principles on which lasting peace must rest, and reached a conclusion, not drawn but forced, that the time had arrived for us to assume a new position among the nations of the world . He said : "So sincerely do we believe these things that I am sure that I speak the mind and wish of the people of America when I say that the United States is willing to become a partner in any feasible association of nations formed in order to realize these objects (lasting peace) and make them secure against violation." The sinking of the Lusitania, with its precious cargo of men, women and children, perpetrated by U-boats on May 7th, 1915, the terrible affliction and suffering occasioned by the use of poison gas on the field of battle had laid the foundation wherein the President's clearly stated intention of departing from the tenets and restrictions of the Monroe doctrine brought no criticism; in fact, won commendation from the people. Our chief grievances against Germany grew out of the vicious use made of her underseas boats, the wanton murder of innocent women and children and of peaceful men — noncombatants — traveling along the public highway of the ocean; the presence in this country of German spies, of paid agents to disturb the peace and destroy the property of American citizens. Those and the constant quibbles and misrepresentation created an atmosphere of uneasiness. A smoulder- ing volcano of hostility to the policy and purposes of the Imperial German Government was here, though not entirely discernible to the naked eye. And yet the thought of taking an active part in the European war was very, very far from most of our minds. The belief was general that Germany would back down before she would risk an open rupture with the United States, but it is apparent that this belief was not entertained at Washington; in fact, all evidence is to the contrary. In a speech at St. Louis, Mo., in February of 1916 the President said: "The danger is not from within, gentlemen, it is from without, and I am bound to tell you that that danger is con- stant and immediate, not because anything new has happened, not because there has been any change in our international relationships with recent weeks or months, but because the danger comes with every turn of events." The President was speaking from an active and close association with the intricacies of our relations with the belligerent nations and the difficulties he was experiencing in maintaining, in the face of these, a strict neutrality. The public was far away from that standpoint. The reader of history is concerned only with the book before him and the incidents it unfolds, while the man on the street in the history-making period is concerned intimately only with the things which surround his daily life; and with no feature of this war, save the headlines in the newspapers, had the man on the street as yet come in contact. Early in October, 1916, the U-boats made a raid on English shipping off Nantucket. For a moment there was surprise and concern. Could Germany strike America from her submarines? Germany had already curtailed her underseas activity at the request of this government, and that was taken as an evidence of her good faith ; though here again we were fooled. The U-boats' visit was soon dismissed, and the spirit of in- difference returned. Buffalo's Part in the World War 27 CHAPTER III SCENTING THE BATTLE AFAR DURING the Fall of 1915 some of the leading men of the nation somewhat incensed by the spread of German propaganda, and outraged by the depredations of the German submarine commanders (we still partially, at least, absolved the German Government from the crime of murdering those helpless women and children and attributed it to unrestrained Huns in charge of the boats) began a movement looking to national preparedness. It was at first simply a publicity enterprise to attract public attention to our deficiencies in the event of war. They called it a hobby of the idle rich. Let it be that; but, nevertheless, it had a foundation in the earth's illumination as the European conflagration shot its flames across the heavens. Students of human nature and of history could not help but see the blazing sky. And it was red! A meeting called by Joseph Choate, former American Ambassador to the Court of St. James, distinguished citizen and accomplished statesman, was held at the Bankers' Club in the City of New York on November 3d, 1915. Every American city was invited to participate in that gathering, and, while the meeting held many of the most representative men of the Nation, the unrepresented cities would have made a much longer list than those whose representatives were present. Bufi'alo appeared at that conference through its Mayor, Louis P. Fuhrmann, and Evan P. Hollister — the latter a member of the law firm of Rogers, Locke & Babcock — a very early and earnest worker for preparedness and one who eventually saw service with the American Expeditionary Forces in France. The meeting sounded keenly the call for American activity in preparation for home defense in the event the European struggle should ever sweep across the ocean. We are not sure that those concerned in these preparedness plans were grave or appre- hensive in their work. However, they were earnest. None went around with whitened face, but as sound thinkers and farsighted men they saw — behind the good-natured, happy, well-paid forces of the Nation — a dark background. It was not discernible to most of us. It must have been to those men, for their activities were of a nature to spread broadly the preparedness prop- aganda. Mayor Fuhrmann spoke for Buffalo at the meeting, and in his address set forth briefly and concisely our general attitude : Mr. Toastmaster and Honored Guests: I want to thank Mr. Choate and the gentlemen in charge of this gathering for their courtesy shown me in asking me to participate with them and all of us in this initial meeting in the Empire State in behalf of national preparedness. Buffalo, the city of which I have the honor to be the official head for the time being, is solidly in favor of the great enterprise which inspires our coming together this afternoon. Notwithstanding that Buffalo is on the Canadian border and for more than one hundred years has lived in peace with the people of Canada, four hundred and fifty thousand of us stoutly favor every reasonable effort looking to adequate national preparedness. Buffalo, the one uniquely cosmopolitan city of the United States — a city composed of almost equal parts of a citi- zenship of German, Irish, Italian, Hungarian and Polish antecedents — is in unanimous accord with the sentiment "America First" and an America able at all times to take care of herself on land and sea, at home and abroad, under any and all circumstances. The people of Buffalo do not want the United States to go to war with any nation on earth — they desire peace and good will between Americans and all others. Yet, if wars do come in the future, even as wars have sometimes been our national portion in the past, then every last Buffalonian will be proud to have his country ready for the foe, and everything that you and I and the rest of us can do toward creating an invincible America will be in accord with the highest ethics and the highest patriotism, and will prove that we are worthy of those who bequeathed to us a great, progressive, enlightened Republic. We had no serious objection to others going to war as long as they remained on the European continent and did not interfere with our peace and contentment. Germany, however, was even 28 Buffalo's Part in the World War then engaged in arousing a hostile agitation on our Southern border by the means of paid agents among the Mexicans, which, in later years we learned, had its inspiration right in the royal chairs of the German imperial war lords; and, coupled with other overt acts on the highseas and here- tofore spoken of, made it fairly certain that if war came our way it would be war with Germany. Neither the Mayor's speech nor the occasion for it attracted any great amount of attention here at home. The episode may have impressed the Mayor and the others who were present. Probably it did. The Mayor seemed to feel the necessity of preparedness as a desirable pre- caution, not as a need; still he did not delay putting the city in entire accord with the plans of The National Security League. He announced, immediately after his return, the appointment of a committee of one hundred representative men to form the Buffalo branch of that League. Mr. Hollister was chosen as its first president; A. Conger Goodyear, afterwards a colonel in the United States Army, was made treasurer; Harold J. Balliett, former city clerk and an active worker in all civic enterprises, secretary. In addition to those mentioned, the executive com- mittee was made up of the following members: Louis L. Babcock, Lyman M. Bass, Edward H. Butler, Marshall Clinton, John F. Cochrane, James L. Crane, Boleslaw Dorasewicz, Gen. Francis V. Greene, Harry D. Kirkover, Horace Lanza, Herbert A. Meldrum, Charles Mosier, Charles P. Norton, Hugo Schoellkopf, Harry L. Taylor, George P. Urban and Orson E. Yeager. The local branch fully completed its organization in November; established headquarters at 814 Fidelity Building, and opened a campaign for membership. The Mayor and Mr. Hollister had, earlier in the month, attended a conference in Chicago, and the committee had plans in embryo for the recruiting of the local regiments of the National Guard to full strength. It was a matter of general knowledge, at that time, that the enrollment of the local regiments was far below what might reasonably have been expected. The distaste for service as guardsmen was deep-seated and not easily to be corrected. Buffalo boasted of two splendid new armories, one for the use of the 74th Regiment of Infantry, located opposite Prospect Park, at Niagara and Connecticut Streets; the other at Masten and Best Streets for the use of the 65th Regiment, also an infantry regiment. The State had in the course of construction and about to be formally opened a new armory on Delavan Avenue, opposite Forest Lawn, for the use of Troop I, First Cavalry, National Guard — a cracking good organization of young troopers. These State mili- tary quarters were equipped with the latest recreational facilities and club arrangements calcu- lated to attract young men. But despite all this, the falling off in membership was very notice- able and a matter of keen regret among military men generally throughout the city. A strike of the street railway employees a few years before had proved so disastrous to property that it was deemed necessary to call out the local regiments to guard the cars and, possibly, the lives of those who sought to ride on them. The guardsmen proved themselves real soldiers, took orders, and performed their duty, but their relations with the striking car men formed through associa- tion in co-operating labor organizations brought a resentment against strike duty and soon left the militia companies considerably undermanned. Later the regiments were called for strike service at the Gould Coupling Works at Depew, N. Y. That strike occurred late in March, 1914. The soldiers were on duty there about two weeks. Naturally, the Security League turned its attention toward rectifying, if possible, that condition of affairs in the national guard organiza- tions. Buffalo's Part in the World War 29 CHAPTER IV PREPAREDNESS SEED IS SOWN GROWING out of the Bankers' Club banquet of November 3d an effort was made to co-ordinate - the various preparedness movements in the State, and, early in January, 1916, Mayor John Purroy Mitchel of New York City, a very earnest worker, appointed a New York City committee which became known as the Mayor's Committee on National Defense. Mayor Mitchel, while still Chief Executive of the first city of America, enlisted for training at the citizens' training camp at Plattsburg; and, after leaving the office of Mayor two years later, was given a commission in the aviation section of the National Army. He was killed by a fall from his aeroplane while training at Kelly Field, Texas, for overseas service. The committee he appointed early in January, 1916, did considerable work throughout the State. An exchange of letters between the secretary of Mayor Mitchel's committee and Chair- man Hollister of the Buffalo organization gave a very fair idea of the manner in which the pre- paredness plans had progressed up to that time, and also an outline of the aims of those pre- paredness pioneers. CITY OF NEW YORK Mayor's Committee on National Defense Municipal Building, Rooms 914-916, New York January 13, 1916. Hon. Louis P. Fuhrmann, Mayor, Buffalo, N. Y. Dear Sir: I have the honor to inform you that this committee is now organized and prepared to undertake active labors. We should be glad to receive information as to the work which the Committee on preparedness appointed by you has undertaken and is doing, and hope that it may be possible for us to co-operate to common advantage in the nation-wide effort to increase the readiness of the United States for National Defense. May your Secretary send me the names of the officers and the correct address of your Committee, together with the names of those cities in New York known to you besides Buffalo, Syracuse and New York in which a Citizens' Committee has been appointed by the Mayor? Very truly yours, (Signed) Gordon Ireland, Secretary. Mr. Gordon Ireland, January 18, 1916. Secretary, Mayor's Committee on National Defense, 914 Municipal Building, New York City. Dear Sir: Mayor Fuhrmann has referred to me your letter of the 13th instant in regard to the work accompHshed by the Committee which he appointed to co-operate in support of the preparedness program of the National Security League. Our Committee of One Hundred has not only supported the activities of the Buffalo Branch of the National Security League, which now has a membership of over 400 prominent citizens of Buffalo, but has also undertaken to assist in the building up of the two National Guard Regiments of this city. At a meeting which we held for this purpose on November 26th, we adopted a resolution calling upon all employers of men eligible for service in the Guard to grant vacations with pay to such of their employees who are members of the Guard, when away on duty. I enclose a copy of this resolution, which was published in the papers and sent to the large employers of labor in this city. At the same meeting the Committee also unanimously adopted a resolution upon the subject of Preparedness, a copy of which is also enclosed herewith. Mayor Fuhrmann and I also attended the Chicago convention of the National Security League in November, as representatives of the Citizens' Committee of Buffalo, as well as of the Buffalo Branch of the National Security League. The Citizens' Committee will also be represented at the Congress of the National Security League to be held in Washington this week. In December the Citizens' Committee, in co-operation with the Buffalo Branch of the Security League, obtained the consent of the owners of the Buffalo Hippodrome to hold one of the performances of the moving picture exhibition known as "The Battle Cry of Peace" under the joint auspices of the Committee and the Security League. There were about 3.000 people present at this meeting, and Henry A. Wise Wood of New York dehvered a half-hour address on the subject of Preparedness. I also enclose herewith, at your request, a list of the members of the Citizens' Committee, together with their addresses. Yours very truly, (Signed) KvAN Hollister, Chairman. Mr. Hollister and his committee applied themselves to the task of inculcating the preparedness idea in the public mind, at the same time inaugurating various movements calculated to arouse the military spirit in the people. It seems we grew more familiar with martial airs. It was not uncommon for our after-dinner speakers to refer to the desirability of national preparedness, and, now and then, the vaudeville performers carried the thought in their songs, their mono- logues and dialogues. A part of, and growing out of, this movement came a Congress of Con- structive Patriotism, held in the City of Washington on January 25th, 26th and 27th. That conference was attended by a number of Buflfalonians headed by Mr. Hollister and Mayor 3 o •J -^ 03 ^■;; O) Q § I Buffalo's Part in the World War 31 Fuhrmann. Returning, the members of the committee, on January 28th held a well attended meet- ing for the purpose of drawing recruits into the local regiments. General Samuel M. Welch of the Fourth Brigade, N. G. N. Y., and Councilman Charles B. Hill, a former national guardsman, had much to do with the plans for the meeting, the general atmosphere of which was voiced in a speech* delivered by Mayor Fuhrmann on that occasion. The meeting was only partially successful. Bradley Goodyear, a young man of wealth and position, Chauncey J. Hamlin, son of Harry Hamlin and grandson of Cicero J. Hamlin, one of the builders of Buffalo, and others of more or less prominent positions enlisted in the 65th In- fantry, N. G. N. Y., joining with Colonel Charles E. P. Babcock, Lieut. Col. John D. Howland, Majors Louis H. Eller and James P. Fowler, Captains Kennedy, Marks, Colprice, Barrett, Brost, Scholl, Hinds, Williams, Webber and Patrick J. Keeler, a judge of the City Court, Chaplain Fornes and other earnest workers for the rehabilitation of the regiment. They made gains, and they made sacrifices. Mr. Hamlin was chairman of the Progressive Party organization ; he was, also, actively engaged in business enterprises and legal work, but was compelled, along with the others in that regimental recruiting campaign, seriously to neglect his personal affairs. Col. Charles J. Wolf of the 74th Regiment, with Lieut. Col. Beck, Majors Arthur Kemp, William R. Pooley, Lyman A. Wood; Captains Ralph K. Robertson, Ziegler, Montgomery, Kaffenberger, Kean, Minniss, Hubbell, Miller, Gillig, Taggart, Kendall, Sanburg, Kneubel, Branch, Cadotte, Bagnall, Maldiner and Arthur C. Schaefer, Deputy Commissioner of Health for the city, likewise gave their time and best efforts to bring their regiment to a substantial footing. To those men- tioned should be added. Chaplain John C. Ward, who followed the fortunes of the old 74th Regi- ment, not only through those very earnest recruiting times, but down into Texas, to the Mexican border, across seas, and through the smoke and thunder of battle until victory was achieved and the triumphant regiment returned. He, with every other member of the regiment, figuratively speaking, took off his coat to aid Chairman Hollister and the Security League Committee in arousing here the spirit of preparedness. They toiled day after day — in the shops, stores, theaters, churches. It would not be accurate to say they created any great amount of enthusiasm, but it is fair to say they toiled. On the other hand, their efforts were not wasted. They had sown the seed of education, and so, in the latter months of the year, when we actually drew close to war, it was not necessary to go over that ground again. There was but little in the enlistments to encourage them, although they did gradually build the regiments up to a reasonable size. From January to June those workers forced the campaign. Then our military affairs took a turn toward the Southern border where the Mexicans, under spur from outside sources, were threatening the lives of American citizens and it daily became more and more evident that intervention by the United States in Mexico was inevitable. *Mr. Chairman and Honored Guests: I want to thank General Welch, Councilman Hill and the gentlemen in charge of this gathering for their courtesy shown me in asking me to participate with them in this initial meeting in behalf of the 65th Regiment. At the outset let me say that I know that Buffalo, the city of which I have the honor to be the official head for the time being is solidly in favor of the policy of national preparedness. I have just returned from a great gathering at Washington which emphasized and urged the need of a larger army and a larger navy. I learned from the President of the United States and the Speaker of the House of Representatives and others, that our national law-making body is presently to confront and solve this momentous problem. The difficulties before our national legislators are two-fold. First arises the question: "What degree of preparedness will the American people stand for?" and, second, "Where are the necessary revenues coming from to pay for these defense measures?" Serious questions these are, my friends. Yet. I feel morally sure that when the final test comes, party lines will be forgotten and our repre- sentatives in the House and Senate will measure up to their full duty and patriotically vote for adequate defense legislation. To-night we have this particular burden on our minds, namely, what can we do and what will we do to strengthen our two Buffalo regiments — • the 74th and the 65th? That they need additional strength is a matter of common knowledge. With my fellow townsmen I am here to urge others and to pledge myself to join in a campaign to secure the necessary hundreds of men to fill these regiments to their full quota. There are some, I am informed, who refuse to join the regiments because they object to the calling out of the militia during times of strikes. As a public official I have always acted on the principle that the local public authorities could and must preserve order and enforce laws at all times. I know that by exercising the unlimited power which we have to swear in special police we could cope with almost every possible occasion, and that the necessity would almost never arise of calling out the State Militia. The public mind is soon to give its deepest attention to what our legislators shall say and do on the paramount and supreme question before this session of Congress. And while my fellow-citizens are urging our representatives to stand by and stand up for a policy of national prepared- ness, I appeal to every patriotic BufTalonian here at home to prove anew our patriotism and honor by bringing up our two regiments to their complete numerical standard. 32 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER V U. OF B. COMPANY IN NATIONAL GUARD THROUGH the late months of Winter and the early months of Spring of 1916 the new city- government spent its time in the adjustment of the various functions of the municipal machine to the new schedule of operation. Bureaus and departments received "speed up" orders. There was much for the new commissioners to learn and to do. While they applied themselves to the multiplicity of tasks before them, the local regimental officers addressed them- selves to the work of recruiting for the regiments, and the representatives of the National Se- curity League bent their backs with a will to the spread of the preparedness propaganda. In order that the national need for more adequate defense might be sharply impressed upon the people. President Wilson set out from Washington on January 27th, 1916, at the head of the preparedness movement for a tour of the country, speaking first in New York on January 28th. That campaign attracted widespread interest; the President was welcomed by immense throngs wherever he traveled, and local speakers of note everywhere added their voice of warning to the appeal of the Nation's Chief Executive. The people were interested but not alarmed; they listened, and simply heard. Here in Buffalo the officers of the local regiments and the National Security League were dil- igently at work. It was no uncommon thing then to drop into a church club meeting, a pedro party, or a men's club smoker and find Captain Patrick Keeler or Chauncey Hamlin painting a word picture of the forward gun on a foreign warship knocking the top off the Woolworth Building in New York, or of a foreign army rushing unmolested through Pennsylvania and New York. Look- ing back from this threshold of peace over the devastated areas of France it is difficult to realize that we were then creating the great offensive machine which finally drove back the German army. The army for home defense for which Keeler and Hamlin and hundreds of others then appealed became in reality, two years later, an irresistible military machine in a foreign land. Their appeals however, at that period fell on rather indifferent ears. Still, they were not discouraged and con- tinued to map out new progress. From street corner and club speeches they turned toward the school. There, at least, they found the adventurous spirit of boyhood, and soon there ap- peared a plan for the formation of a University of Buffalo Company in the 65th Regiment. It was a novelty for the college boys and they took to the suggestion ; in fact, they took to the sug- gestion much more readily than had been anticipated, and the project went through in a com- mendable way. The psychological moment for enlistment was created at a meeting held in the 65th Regiment Armory January 29th where the sound of the gymnasium apparatus, the pump pump-pump of the basket ball, and the whir-r-r of the bicycle riders as they tore around the training track of the immense drill hall thrilled the college boys, while the general neatness and military splendor of the uniformed officers and the men of the regiment touched off the spark of patriotism which lies, sometimes dormant but ever present, in the breast of every American boy. The meeting was presided over by Chancellor Charles P. Norton of the University and his heart was in the effort. "There is a picture," he said, "which none of us wishes to see. We can picture for a moment the country caught unprepared for a struggle forced on us. We may look for a moment on the homes of Buffalo smoking, its buildings and its institutions shattered by shells, its women fleeing, its babes trampled in the streets, and the red blood of carnage in every byway. If the present condition should continue and that scene come to pass and the great God to judge us, our answer would be, 'We were not ready'. Do you believe the people of the United States want to see such a picture? — an event which might happen were there no trained men to respond to the call." Buffalo's Part in the World War 33 Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, Lafayette Square As it appeared before the war Captain Keeler followed Chancellor Norton. Mayor Fuhrmann and Brigadier General Welch likewise addressed the boys. Captain Hamilton Ward, who had given many years to service in the local militia, made the final plea. "There was a time," he said, "when 300 trained British soldiers invaded and burned Buffalo, and 3,000 untrained and unprepared militiamen fled into the woods. We learned the lesson again in the Civil War. Only the pen of Horace Greeley kept up courage. We have not forgotten the Spanish-American war. We were unprepared then. We lost 500 men by gunshot in Cuba and 5,000 men from disease in the camps because we were not prepared to care for these men. Are we again to be caught unprepared if war should come?" The University boys answered that question so far as their limited numbers would permit by then and there offering themselves for enlistment, and a U. of B. company for the 65th Regiment was organized. It was, however, a small quota in comparison to the enlistments desired, but as the movement was as much an educational endeavor to arouse public sentiment as it was to secure recruits, the benefits of this effort could not fairly be measured by counting the men who affixed their signatures to enrollment blanks. 34 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER VI GOVERNOR W^HITMAN AT FIRST PREPAREDNESS MEETING IT is inconceivable that the public, under the constant pressure of the National Security League, should have failed to find recreational interest at least in the preparedness movement. But no particular enemy was discernible, and we were still living in the aloofness of the Monroe Doctrine. Opinion was divided on the question of whether trouble might reasonably be expected with England or with Germany, in the event of difficulty with any European country. To clarify the atmosphere of any assumption that this Nation was then planning a military cam- paign, the President repeatedly stated in his speeches that we were not. But he did say on innumerable occasions that the conflict then in progress would be in all likelihood the last great war from whose maelstrom we could remain free; in fact, he made clear the purpose of the pre- paredness campaign by saying: "We can no longer be a provincial nation. "Let no man dare to say, if he would speak the truth, that the question of preparation for national defense is a question of war or of peace. "There is no spirit of aggrandizement in America. There is no desire on the part of any thoughtful and conscien- tious man to take one foot of territory from any nation in the world. And I myself share to the bottom of my heart that profound love of peace. I have sought to maintain peace against very great, and sometimes very unfair odds, and I am ready, at any time, to use every power that is in me to prevent such a catastrophe as war coming to this country. "So that it is not permissible for any man to say that the defense of the nation has the least tinge in it of desire for power which can be used to bring on war. But, gentlemen, there is something that the American people love better than they love peace. They love the principles upon which their political life is founded. They are ready at any time to fight for the vindication of their character and of their honor. They will at no time seek a contest, but they will at no time cravenly avoid it. Because if there is one thing that the country ought to fight for and that every nation ought to fight for, it is the integrity of its own convictions. We cannot surrender our convictions. I would rather surrender territory than surrender those ideals which are the staff of life for the soul itself. And because we hold certain ideals, we have thought it was right we should hold them for others as well as for ourselves. America has more than once given evidence of the generosity and disinterestedness of its love for liberty." The President concluded his campaign early in February, but the agencies of patriotism and of preparedness continued actively at the task before them. In Buffalo a new impetus was given to the effort when the local committee conceived the idea of holding an immense mass meeting in the Broadway Auditorium at which the Governor of the State would be the principal speaker. The meeting was called by Mayor Fuhrmann and was held on the evening of Saturday, February 26th. All avenues leading to the hall were packed and it was difficult to gain admission. Archer A. Landon, of the Chamber of Commerce, presided, and the speakers, other than Governor Whit- man and Mr. Landon, were Mayor Fuhrmann and Captain Keeler. Buffalo answered the call to preparedness that night at a monster mass meeting. The en- thusiasm aroused by Governor Whitman in his appeal for the proper defense of the nation cul- minated in an excitement of patriotic fervor at the close when the war record of Buffalo men had been reviewed and the young men in the audience, willing to play their part in defense of the flag, were asked to stand. Gray-haired men stood up with the youths in all parts of the hall. The enthusiasm that swept through the hall as a great American flag was released from the girders over the heads of the Governor and other men on the stage brought men and women to their feet, waving hats and canes and handkerchiefs and cheering. Governor Whitman, in his evening dress, stood at the front of the stage with the full staff of gold-braided, red-striped military aides about him. Khaki-clad members of the Buffalo Cavalry Association made their way through the wide aisles, collecting the pledge cards then signed by the men standing on chairs and the floor in an.swer to the question : Buffalo's Part in the World War 35 "Are ijou ready as a citizen to do your duty for the national defense, for the safety and the liberty of the flag?" At the top of the patriotic intensity, the 65th and 74th regiment bands struck up "America." Governor Whitman's was the voice which led the singing. The singing continued while the rest of the sections cleared the seats for the doors. The like of that mass meeting was never before seen in Buffalo. While Captain Patrick J. Keeler of the 65th regiment was recounting the deeds of valor by- Buffalo men in the Civil and Spanish-American wars, he called from the front row of seats a small man of ruddy, smiling face. "There is Pat Pierce," Captain Keeler said. "When Hobson called for thirteen volunteers to go in the Alerrimac and sink it at the mouth of the harbor, two of the men he accepted were Buffalo men. Seven of those men escaped after the ship blew up. They were taken prisoner and thrown into the dungeons of Morro Castle. Pat Pierce was one of the seven. He lives at No. 72 Hammerschmidt Street and is a freight conductor to-day for the Pennsylvania. Just a few days ago he received, after all those years, the Congress medal of honor — the highest award that can be made an American serving his country." That was one of the high spots of applause during the close of the meeting. Governor Whit- man came forward to the edge of the platform and shook hands with Pat Pierce. "May I see your medal?" the Governor asked. !Mr. Pierce had it in an envelope. The Governor held it up to view and showed it to the mili- tary aides about him. Among military men and others interested in the science of war and military training, the question of the future of the volunteer system was always a live subject for debate. Draft laws were not popular and never had been in this country. Militarism was, likewise, without sup- porters among the people, for it was militarism which at that moment had forced the cataclysmic conflict raging among the European nations. There was, however, a well defined sentiment in favor of a military course of some sort in the schools, but that proposition had its able opponents, as well as its able proponents. The League to Enforce Peace, of which William H. Taft was president, was urgently pressing its campaign for the formation of a world league which would end wars for all time by the establishment of a tribunal for the settlement of national grievances. The speech of Governor Charles S. Whitman at the Auditorium meeting of that February night fully and adequately reflected public sentiment on those questions as it then existed : "I want to speak plainly to the parents and the guardians who object to having their boys in the National Guard. Will you tell me that the training is going to make him a bad boy, a worthless young man when it teaches him obedi- ence to orders, respect for authority and the ability to take care of himself? When it teaches him a patriotism that is the surest guaranty of the safety and permanence of the free institutions of the United States. "We as a nation must become trained to citizenship, trained to a finer manhood. The only way at present open is through the National Guard. Here in Buffalo you have the opportunity offered by the finest armories in the State. "Nothing is further from my purpose than to attempt to sound a note of alarm, for the subject is too vital to be complicated by passion and prejudice. Not because I dream of war, but because I want peace with all the power of my heart and soul, I stand flatly and squarely with those who are insisting upon some sound scheme of adequate preparedness. In common with all others whose sanity has not been undermined by the specious arguments of mili- tarism, I look to a day when a great world parliament will provide machinery for the orderly adjustment of inter- national disputes — the glorious day when racial hates will have given way to the spirit of universal brotherhood. But madness still rests upon the face of the earth. "As to the form of this preparedness, I have long since committed myself in opposition to the so-called volunteer system. Even the most cursory study of history, American as well as European, proves conclusively that the vol- unteer system has been a failure, is now a failure and must continue to be a failure. As unfair as it is undemocratic, this system permits inequalities and makes discriminations, sending the brave and patriotic to fields of death and allowing the base and cowardly to remain at home, profiting by sacrifices in which they play no part. What is this, in the last analysis, but the penalization of patriotism and the placing of a premium on poltroonery? "It is not compulsory military service that I preach. It is compulsory military training of the American youth that I advocate, holding it to be the one true base of the citizen-soldiery idea. It is our good fortune not to be forced 36 Buffalo's Part in the World War to run the risks of the experimental in this important matter, for in the world to-day there are two successful demon- strations of the citizen-soldiery system — Switzerland and Australia. "The Swiss system has been widely advertised, and is more known of men and yet the Australian system appeals to me as better fitted to our peculiar needs. Like Switzerland, Australia proceeds upon the sound belief that national defense is an inescapable obligation of citizenship and as vital a national consideration as education itself. As a consequence, the two essentials are linked, and march forward hand in hand. "From twelve to nineteen the boy receives instruction in the schools. He learns the fundamentals of soldiering, drilling, marching, map reading, map making, trench digging, bridge building, tactics, sanitation, personal hygiene — all these come to him just as his grammar and arithmetic come, simply and naturally. On his nineteenth birthday he becomes a member of the citizen forces. He is presented with the full equipment of a soldier, for which he is held responsible. He is called upon for eleven days of service each year until his 26th year. After his 26th year the young defender passes into the reserve forces. He has learned not only to be a good soldier, but the instruction has helped to make him a good citizen." At the conclusion of the Governor's address, President Frank B. Baird of the Chamber of Commerce arose to present a resolution. Mr. Baird was one of Buffalo's thorough, substantial Americans of the war period, and much esteemed because of his indefatigable efforts in civic enterprises. His presence signified the support of the business interests to the movement, as the presence of Governor Whitman and Mayor Fuhrmann had signified the support of the State and the city. The resolution was read in an attentive silence. It was as follows: We, the citizens of Buffalo, in mass meeting assembled, do hereby proclaim our deep-seated convic- tion that to insure the preservation of our glorious heritage of liberty and freedom we should forthwith adopt in this country some such truly democratic form of universal military training as has won for the republic of Sivitzerland the deserved admiration of the world and has helped to keep her at peace amid the ravages of a ivorld war touching on her every frontier. Appreciating, hotvever, the delay necessarily involved in putting such a system into effect, even if adopted, we, therefore, declare that it is our immediate duty and patriotic obligation as American citizens to do the only practical thing open for us now to do, and that is to forthuith build up and strengthen our first and only line of defense — the regular army and the national guard. Therefore, we, citizens of Buffalo, in mass meeting assembled, inspired by a deep sense of our duty to our country in this hour of world crisis, do hereby resolve: First, That the chairman of this meeting be and he hereby is requested to forthwith appoint a com- mittee of 100 citizens whose duty it shall be to present to the President and Congress of the United States and the Governor and Legislature of the State of New York copies of these resolutions, and who shall be further authorized to take such other steps as they may deem advisable to further any legisla- tion they deem necessary to make effective the recommendations herein contained. Second, That appreciating the grave situation of our country arising through the serious lack of men trained even in the elementary rudiments of the art of war, we, individually, here and now, with- out waiting for any legislation, state or national, pledge our support to the national guard, and indi- vidually declare our intention of forthwith taking such steps as we feel in duty bound to take to recruit the local units of the national guard up to their full strength. When the question on the foregoing resolution was put by Chairman Landon, the ayes it re- ceived vibrated against the girders and found a hundred echoes in the nooks and corners of the immense old edifice. All in all, the meeting had proved a wonderful demonstration of patriotic fervor and willingness to serve. M Buffalo's Part in the World War 37 CHAPTER VII PATRIOTISM UNLEASHED BY JUNE DAY PARADE ARCH came along, after the preparedness events of the last chapter, and with it came the Mayor's conference at St. Louis and another shower of patriotism. Across the Southern border in Mexico outlawry was spreading. April and May followed much like March so far as our national affairs were concerned. Mexican aggressions were increasing, and the danger of our entanglement in the European conflict, like the rock of Gibraltar, was always there. Following that February mass meeting at the Auditorium the preparedness campaign went through three months of desultory firing, but ever advancing. The plans of the League came to a splendid fruition with great force and volume in June and out of a clear sky, at a time and in a manner which none of those originally in the movement had anticipated! A. Conger Goodyear, son of Charles W. Goodyear, forester, lumber king, railroad president and a founder of the Pan-American Exposition, was chosen Marshal for a parade to be held on June 24th. He in turn had selected Ansley W. Sawyer, a local guardsman, for chief of staff, and, with their co-workers, they assisted Mr. Hollister's League in arousing the commercial, profes- sional, industrial, religious and civic organizations to joining in a monster preparedness parade. Buffalo had not then grown more interested in the overseas struggle. We were going along our war-listless way, concerned deeply with our own affairs, taking a look now and then at Europe, perhaps to see who was ahead, or what new and devilish implement of warfare the Hohenzollern war party had devised. In May, and possibly June, Buffalo joked about the coming prepared- ness parade. There was no hostility to it, but no genuine feeling that such a thing was necessary. Some may have felt otherwise, but not the masses. It received considerable notice in the news- papers. Probably the versatile press agent was at work. Leaders in the industries organized their shops. Clergymen of all faiths gave cordial support. The Rev. Thomas J. Walsh, then chancellor of the Catholic Diocese of Buffalo, announced that 50 priests of that faith would march in the parade, and the Rev. Cameron J. Davis, representing the Protestant clergymen of the city, made a somewhat similar announcement. The spirit of the thing was growing rapidly. On June 7th, at a meeting of the new city government. Councilman John F. Malone offered the following resolution : "Resolved, That Saturday, June 24th, 1916, from noon until midnight be, and is hereby declared a civic holiday within the limits of the city of Buffalo." The resolution was adopted with the approval of Councilmen Heald, Hill, Kreinheder and Malone. Mayor Fuhrmann was absent. A few days after that meeting. Marshal Goodyear announced his complete staff for the parade, and the following order of formation and the names of the division marshals: Squad of Mounted Police; Marshal of Parade and Staff; Mayor and Council of the City of Buffalo; 74th Regi- ment N. G. N. Y.; 65th Regiment N. G. N. Y.; Troop I, First Cavalry, N. G. N. Y.; Naval Militia; U. S. Army Detail; Aero Squadron; Spanish War Veterans; U. S. S. Marine Post 73. SECTION 1 Clergymen's Division Rev. Thomas J. Walsh, Rev. Cameron J. Davis, Marshals. County and City Employees, George C. Diehl, Marshal; Federal Employees, George Bleistein, Marshal; Retail Merchants, Herbert A. Meldrum, Marshal; Furniture Division, Laurens Enos, Marshal; Insurance Division, Frank W. Fiske, Marshal; Real Estate Division, F. W. Kilhoffer, Marshal; Jewelers' Division, Edward A. Eisele, Marshal; Traveling Men's Division, A. J. Fitzgibbons, Marshal; Hardware Division, George Walbridge, Marshal; Wholesale Grocers and Produce, Frank E. Wattles, Marshal; Boot and Shoe Division, William H. Walker, Marshal: Platts- burg Training Camp Division, George H. Field, Marshal; Buffalo Infantry Association, Montford Ryan, Marshal. 38 Buffalo's Part in the World War SECTION 2 Public Utilities and Heating, Charles R. Huntley, Marshal; Bankers and Brokers, Edward W. Dunn, Marshal; Iron and Steel, Charles McCullough, Jr., Marshal; Women's Division, Mrs. Frank W. Fiske, Jr., Marshal; Trans- portation Division, William Elmer, Marshal. SECTION 3 Auto Manufacturers, George K. Birge, Marshal; Sheet Metal, L. R. Cooper, Marshal; Aeroplanes, Glenn H. Cur- tiss. Marshal; Lancaster Division, August Blangden, Marshal; Coal Trade Division, Major Louis H. EUer, Mar- shal; Fine Arts, Duane S. Lyman, Marshal; Engineers, John Younger, Marshal; Doctors, Dr. Charles Cary, Marshal; Dentists, J. Wright Beach, Marshal; Stationary Engineers, John W. McGillvray, Marshal; Packers, Jacob C. Dold, Marshal; Machinery, Charles P. Devine, Marshal; Baking Division, James B. Dwyer, Marshal; Soap Manufactur- ers, John D. Larkin, Jr , Marshal; Rubber Manufacturers, Herbert H. Hewitt, Marshal. SECTION 4 Lawyers, Louis L. Babcock, Marshal; Newspapers, Edward H. Butler, Marshal; Auto Trade, Mason B. Hatch, Marshal; Paint, Oil and Varnish, F. W. Robinson, Marshal; Druggists, W. H. Reiman, Marshal; College and School Division, Mark Hopkins, Marshal; Heating and Plumbing, H. J. Rente, Marshal; Milling Division, Frank F. Henry, Marshal; Foundries, William H. Barr, Marshal; Building and Trades, Ballard I. Crooker, Marshal; Lumber Division, Maurice M. Wall, Marshal; Wallboard, Wallpaper and Paper Boxes, William F. MacGlashan, Marshal; Engine and Boilermakers' Division, David Bell, Marshal; Graphic Arts Division, David L. Johnson, Marshal; Brewing Division, Col. John L. Schwartz, Marshal; Aniline Dyes Divison, C. P. Hugo Schoellkopf, Marshal; Petro- leum Division, Horace P. Chamberlain, Marshal; Chemical, Reginald S. Richards, Marshal; Wholesale Drygoods, Joseph A. McColl, Marshal; Milk Products, Edward C. Sutton, Marshal; Clothing Manufacturers, Benjamin Hirsch, Marshal; Leather, Henry C. Zeller, Marshal; Men's Preparedness Battalion, Henry P. Werner, Marshal; A. C. Goodyear, Grand Marshal; Ansley W. Sawyer, Chief of Staff. Saturday, June 24th, 1916, was a bright, hot, summer day. The morning was clear. Very early everybody in the city was astir with a desire either to participate in the parade or to secure a desirable spot from which to view it. The street urchins were at their vantage points at dawn. Buffalo's Preparedness Parade, June, 1916 Buffalo's Pakt in the World War 39 At noon the pavement was giving off a glow, and the throng on the west side of the street was steaming. Main Street crowded up early and the marching bands and squads, seeking their place of formation, animated traffic in the downtown part of the city. Shortly before 2 o'clock every division was at its appointed post. Some of them did not 'leave for hours, so great was the number of patriotic men and women who turned out. Buffalo at that moment was but one of a hundred or more American cities whose citizens were in line to step forth at 2 o'clock as a signal to Washington that the masses of America demanded an adequate degree of prepared- ness for home defense in the United States. The parade started exactly at 2 o'clock. The last division filed past the reviewing stand in Lafayette Square at 5.15 o'clock, and the pageant had passed into history. It was generally acknowledged at that time and since to have been the greatest patriotic procession Buffalo had ever seen. The G. A. R. Encampment pageant of 1897, which was graced by the presence of the martyred President William McKinley, and the departure of the 13th U. S. Infantry, U. S. Army regulars, from Fort Porter at the opening of the Spanish-American war, are the only former marching spectacles that were mentioned, or might be mentioned, in comparison. The flame of patriotism lit by that June day procession blazed, and the city glowed for days and weeks thereafter; in fact, from the fervor of that academic moment, the city stepped into the realities of war holding that torch still lit and burning with increasing radiance : "/ pledge allegiance to my flag and to the Republic for which it stands ^one nation, indivisible; ivith liberty and justice for all." In those lines might be found the keynote of the day. It tells all there is to be said; yet, as they left the ranks of marchers, drenched from the heavy downpour more than once encountered, men and women little realized how near the day when the nation, involved in the greatest war of history, would exact the fulfillment of that pledge. In the light of after events, the parade spelled a momentous day in Buffalo's history. It will stand in the memory of Buffalonians of that period as a demonstration of an Americanism that knew no difference of race or creed — an Americanism single in its devotion to the Stars and Stripes. The watchword of the march was preparedness for the nation; the transcendent idea was an adequate defense for home and institutions. It was Buffalo's shot heard round the State. Abso- lute and unqualified consecration to the nation was mirrored in every man and woman in the procession and on the walks. Hats were flying, banners waving, and from a hundred thousand throats came an almost constant cheer. For every man and woman in the parade, two had taken their place on the sidewalks on both sides of IVIain Street between Exchange and Summer streets. The martial music of the bands kept hearts atune. Men and women sang the old songs of the Republic : "My Country, 'tis of Thee, Sweet land of Liberty, Of Thee I sing." And the younger folk, catching the spirit of the day, joined in the singing: "America, I love you, You are a sweetheart of mine. From ocean to ocean, For you my devotion Is touching each boundary line — And there's a hundred million others like me." The military division gave the keynote to the spirit of the day. It touched every last pulse- beat of patriotism in every one of the thousands in the street. The infantrymen stirred the hope that America might be so well safeguarded by a volunteer force throughout the land that its preparedness might remove even the temptation from any power to infringe on the rights or the ideals of the Republic. 40 Buffalo's Part in the World War Rain started at 2.50 o'clock while the parade was in motion. For several minutes before that the storm clouds were banking the sky with the black threat of rain. The breeze that stirred the waste paper in the street and whipped the flags from store windows was a grateful visitor among the throng in the sweltering street. Then the rain! Everyone scampered for the shelter of awning and store front. Streets which had been jammed to suffocation were cleared in a minute. But the marchers continued. Umbrellas were raised in the line and on them the heavy raindrops spattered and bounded. The rain raced up the street in a downpour that drenched marchers and spectators to the skin. For twenty minutes the downpour continued. The marchers continued also, laughing and chaffing each other, waving their flags above their heads and shouting out their enthusiasm. The rain passed. When the women's section came along, everyone wondered where the women could have hidden during the downpour. For they came in spotless white of dress and waist, unrumpled, certainly not damp enough to cling to their arms. The women's section was, next to the military division, the most impressive of the parade. From the dense black of the men's divisions, distinguished by the yellow of straw hats and the red of the flags, the street for a mile back gave way to a seeth- ing stream of white. The store and building fronts burst, it seemed, into a waving flag of flags as far as the eye could see. There was unstinted applause. " Mrs. John Miller Horton marched at the head of the divi- sion. Women carried flags which the breeze straightened out. After it had all passed and the eventful day was done it was found that all eyes were focused on Mexico. What began in an effort to arouse the nation to the fear of Germany and a proffer of help to France and Great Britain ended with all eyes on the Mexican border. We still were unaware of the proximity of that European struggle. An editorial in The Courier of Sunday, June 25, 1916, the day following the parade, indicated very clearly the trend of the public mind : "Buffalo never before witnessed such a parade of its men and women, or offered so grand an exhibit. The weather conditions were not such as were wished, but they could not dampen the public enthusiasm. Hour after hour the columns moved in files on the Main Street pavement's full width, amid a multitude of bands and flags innumerable. It was a glorious demonstration of the love of our people for their country and of their unity of purpose that protec- tion shall be made for its defense. "When the preparedness parade was planned, no emergency was immediately in view. The thought was that the nation should be put in readiness for danger the future might bring. It was a somewhat abstract provision, pro- moted by experiences other countries have undergone. Suddenly the matter of our difficult relations with Mexico had developed, bringing war in view as almost a certainty. The National Guard is under arms. Our Buffalo regiments are in expectation of being sent away. A wider call to the colors may be sounded by the Government soon, and if a voluntary army must be raised immediately, regiments can be recruited from the tens of thousands of splendid young men who yesterday swelled the marching throng in defense of the flag. "The parade was not intended for the cultivation of militarism in a nation of which the greatness has been obtained through the arts and industries of peace; but yesterday something of the war spirit has been incited by Mexican insults and atrocities. We wished to help Mexico out of social and economic chaos, but it has bitten the hand of kindness. The attacks upon American border towns, and lastly the apparent killing of our cavalrymen, have so filled the measure of offense that armed intervention may be unavoidable. "The report is that Carranza's answer to the last communication from the Government of the United States will be made public in Mexico City to-day. If he prefers war to peace with this power, war will ensue — and, if so, all America will throb with the patriotic fervor which yesterday caused the pulse of Buffalo to quicken." On Monday morning came the announcement that Major General Leonard Wood, commander of the Department of the East, had received from Secretary of War Baker an urgent appeal to start for the border at once some of the militia organizations under his command. On Tuesday Troop I had entrained, and the rush to fill up the 65th and 74th regiments was rapidly under way. Buffalo's military men were headed for Mexico. The flame of the preparedness parade carried the city into the plans for intervention in Mexico with patriotic enthusiasm. Buffalo's Part in the World War 41 CHAPTER VIII UNEQUIPPED REGIMENTS CALLED TO MEXICO IN January, 1916, the government developments in Mexico indicated a more or less serious situation along the Mexican border, and it became apparent to the Federal authorities that both Carranza, the head of the Mexican government, and Villa, the outlaw chief, were bent on deviltry. On the surface of things, Carranza could not control the activities of the Villa army of desperadoes, but, in the light of subsequent events, it is possible that Carranza desired no more public control over Villa's acts than Kaiser Wilhelm over the murderous operations of his submarine commanders. In each instance, the subordinates were going about their villainous work in a manner not entirely unsatisfactory to their superiors. In any event, the trend of affairs on our Southern border through the Spring of 1916 was drawing the United States closer daily to a conflict with our Mexican neighbors. Depredations along the frontier became insolent, as well as destructive, and the lives of civilian residents were constantly in jeopardy. A "speed up" order about that time set the local military men on their toes, and, as soon as it appeared reasonably certain that the militia might be called out for service against Mexico there was a rustle about the armories, and an interest in soldierly work which showed that the men in the militia, at least, were anxious and ready for service or adventure. Mexican intervention to most people then seemed for all the world like a miniature war, but it became apparent the trouble would not end until the United States stepped in and administered a spanking to the outlaw Villa and his unruly army. The problem had a serious aspect as well, for the mountainous country into which the American army would have to follow the Villa forces Troop I on a Practice March 42 Buffalo's Part in the World War afforded an opportunity to the Mexican brigands to carry on the sort of warfare they hked, and would have endangered the lives of many of our men. But the time had come for intervention, and the proximity of the trouble gave a zest to it that put the country, for the first time since the Spanish-American war, into a military stride. Buffalo military men who rarely wore their uniforms outside the armories could be seen on the streets with boot and spur. Enlistment headquarters sprang up on street corners. The local commanders sought eagerly to fill up their regiments, and, with the arrival of Spring, the campaign to secure recruits was under a full head of steam. While we were thus engaged in preparation for our own little war, the depredations of the Ger- man submarine were increasing and the underseas power of the Central Empires became menacing in the extreme. England and France had begun to feel the serious effect of this attack on their source of supplies, and Germany was not at all adverse to keeping the United States busily en- gaged with the Mexican problem. It was subsequently definitely established that the Mexi- can government had promises of assistance from the German government so that the trouble we were experiencing in Mexico was not entirely divorced from the plans of the German Emperor in his quest for world domination. The American mind, however, had not centered on any such thought at that time. Accordingly, we failed to put the two together, but went along with our Mexican task as a simple proposition between ourselves and Mexico. As the Mexican problem had been brewing before the European war began it was easy to con- sider it as an affair quite apart from the larger struggle overseas. Some few Americans had joined the Canadian army at the time we were making ready to head into Mexico. Captain William J. Donovan, the able and enthusiastic commander of Troop I, First Cavalry, had gone abroad on a special mission for the Rockefeller Foundation. His troop was one of the first to be called out for duty on the Mexican border. General Pershing, with the regulars, was well on his way into Mexico when on June 19th Presi- dent Wilson called the militia into Federal service. An opportunity was afforded the guardsmen to drop out if they did not wish to enter the national muster. Very few took advantage of it, and the transformation of the local regiments from the service of the State to the service of the Nation took substantially the entire regiment in each case. The Buffalo regiments, and, pre- sumably all others through the State, were poorly equipped. An example of the lack of pre- paredness for war was shown by an order which then came to Colonel Wolf, 74th Infantry, direct- ing him to organize a machine gun company in his regiment. At that time the war in Europe had been raging under the terrible power of machine gun paraphernalia for two years. But it was all so far from us that no serious thought had been given to the proper equipment of the militia. There was not a machine gun company in the entire national guard of the State of New York. The Buffalo Courier of June 25th, in giving an account of the activity in local military circles, said: "Col. Charles J. Wolf of the Seventy-Fourth Regiment was ordered last night to organize and equip a machine gun company, which means the command will go to Camp Whitman as an organization of thirteen companies. The order was telegraphed to Col. Wolf by Major General John F. O'Ryan, with instructions to report immediately when the company had been organized and fully equipped. "The use of the machine gun has become quite an important factor in modern warfare, so it was explained by officers who told of the great effectiveness of the weapon in the European war, and of the slaughter recently wrought by Mexicans who turned a machine gun on members of the Tenth United States Cavalry at Carrizal. "Although many machine guns are in use in the United States Army, few of the national guard organizations have them, and the order of General O'Ryan is taken here to indicate that similar instructions will be given to other New York State regiments and, perhaps, to militia units in every section of the country." About that time, both local regiments were found to be short of uniforms and other equipment for the new men, and the commanders were notified that no more would be shipped to Buffalo. Old uniforms, long since discarded, were drawn out of the lockers. The more fortunate recruits Buffalo's Part in the World War 43 74th Regiment at Drill Colonel Kemp and officers marching by in review became the proud possessors of these. The regiments lacked, also, an adequate number of guns, but it was understood, and afterward assured, that a further shipment of supplies would go to the men in camp. In addition to the fact that our militia was, in the first instance, far below war strength, and, secondly, that we had no machine gun companies, it was also apparent we had no sufficient hospital force, no balloon companies, no hand grenades, no trench mortars, no tanks, no air force, and not any of the steel helmets, which later saved thousands of lives in Europe. We had no thought of war, and we were therefore not equipped for war. 44 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER IX TROOP I OFF TO BORDER— COLONELS WOLF AND BABCOCK RELIEVED Troop I alone of the Buffalo military units seemed to be at war strength, and, accordingly, was the first contingent to get under way. The echoes of the preparedness parade of Saturday, June 24th, had hardly died away when the cavalrymen were assembling pre- paratory to leaving. The troop train was pulled in on a switch in Northland Avenue where the railroad men had been in the habit of shunting circus trains when circus day came around. To the small boy the occasion may have seemed like a circus day. The crowd was there, and the excitement. The irrepressible vender of buttons and flags and toy balloons was present, and the peanut man, with his fresh-roasted supply, was not to be denied the opportunity. It was a more serious occasion, however, to the parents and friends of the boys, who pushed through the throng to implant a parting kiss or give the last parental word of advice. The boys were going away on serious business. Therefore it was a serious occasion. But it developed that the serious business was not to come on that trip. Nor from the direction in which they were then headed. Members of the 74th and the 65th regiments had been growing impatient over the delay in their orders. Only one company in the two regiments — Company I of the 65th, composed almost entirely of men of Polish descent — was at full war strength. Some of the other regiments in the State at full war strength, or nearly so, had already left for the border. In an eleventh hour effort to stir the patriotism of the young men of the city and possibly induce them to enlist, Brigadier General William Wilson of the Fourth Brigade, Colonel Wolf and Colonel Babcock issued personal appeals for recruits. The appeals were issued on June 27th, the morning follow- ing the departure of Troop I. General Wilson said: "It is disappointing that Buffalo has not given us more men. In fact, the whole country has shown slowness to respond, but there is a contrast between Buffalo and the smaller towns in this brigade district. The Third moves out to-night with a regiment practically at war strength. Many companies have more than war strength and many men are listed in class A of the depot company. "For the week ending June 17th the two Buffalo regiments had approximately 750 officers and men each and needed, in round figures, about 1,950 men each. That would show that they still have to enlist about 2,400 men to complete the two regiments. "To-day the Buffalo regiments have, in round figures, about 1,000 men apiece. They have raised few more than 500 men between them. We greatly appreciate efforts that have been put forward by officers and public-spirited citizens, but the result has been only about one-fifth of what we started out to accomplish." The appeals of the regimental officers, the spirit engendered by the preparedness parade and the excitement attendant upon the departure of Troop I all tended to a further upbuilding of the two regiments. Throughout that week there was a splendid improvement. At the height of the campaign, and in the midst of the enthusiasm over preparations for departure, an order came from Albany relieving Colonel Babcock from command of the 65th and Colonel Wolf from the command of the 74th. Immediately the two regiments were pitched into a gloom from which they were slow in emerging. It would be of little material value to recount here the charges and counter charges which went back and forth over this order. It was a keen disappointment to the members of both regiments. The new commanders were not residents of Buffalo. Whether justly or not it was assumed that official favoritism was responsible for their presence. The enlisted men proved good soldiers, however, and, when the orders came for their departure, they accepted the new conditions with good heart, marching away with a determination to do their bit faithfully and fully. Colonel N. B. Thurston, who was given command of the 74th Regiment, Buffalo's Part in the World War 45 died at McAllen, Texas, on January 15th, 1917. Colonel Daniel W. Hand of the Regular Army- succeeded to the command of the 65th Regiment. He remained with the regiment through the border campaign and for a short time after the return from the border. Orders having been issued to transform the 65th into an artillery regiment, the Hasten Street men as they were known, were mobilized on the 19th of June and left Buffalo on June 28th. They arrived at Camp Whitman, Peekskill, N. Y., the following day. On July 10th they were changed into a field artillery unit, but were not mustered into the Federal service until August 5th, and did not leave Camp Whitman for the border until early in October. While in Texas the regiment was sta- tioned at McAllen. The 74th received entrainment orders from Major General Wood on July 4th. The regiment had been Federalized on July 1st and left Buffalo for Pharr, Texas, on July 5th, being moved to McAllen on January 12th, 1917. Buffalo National Guardsmen Training for Service The Mexican campaign was neither exciting nor exacting. The camp was situated badly and the men endured much bad weather and general discomfort, but they took it without com- plaint. Strenuous drilling and severity of discipline that winter returned the regiment to Buffalo a body of regulars, which later were used as shock troops in France. Before the end of the year it was apparent that the government would not need an army for the Mexican task, as the Mexi- cans themselves were inclined to return to peaceful relations with this country, though German intriguers were still at work on both sides of the Rio Grande. 46 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER X GERMANY'S FIRST PEACE PROPOSAL EARLY in January, 1916, criticism — mild criticism some may say — was aimed at President Wilson for his failure to do more than merely parley with the German government. Theo- dore Roosevelt, former President, at least was rather sharp in his censures of the Presi- dent's policy, but, while that agitation tended to a growth of the war spirit in some sections of the Nation, there was still no widespread desire to take part in the conflict abroad. The tradi- tion of non-interference in the political affairs of Europe was too deeply rooted in our national life to be easily overthrown. The first consideration, we were told, which stiffened the govern- ment in its efforts to remain neutral was the traditional sense of responsibility toward all the republics to the south of us. The American government was constantly in touch with the coun- tries of Central and South America. They, too, we were told, preferred the ways of peace. The authorities in Washington felt a very obvious obligation to safeguard the interests of those coun- tries with our own. The second consideration, often developed in the President's speeches, was the hope and expectation that by keeping aloof from the entanglements and bitter passions of the involved nations we might be free at the end of the war to tender our good offices and bind up the wounds of the conflict. It was becoming daily more evident, however, that the German government was not keeping faith in its promised submarine policy, and its aggressiveness and indifference to the rights of our citizens must have convinced the President that if we were to continue to remain neutral even in this war some further steps must be taken. Accordingly, he began the preparation of a note to be addressed to the warring nations asking them to define their war purposes and aims. Before that note was despatched the first German peace offer was promulgated. That move came as a surprise. Germany had met with defeat at the Marne in the early stages of its invasion of France, but the decisiveness of the military sequel, as seen in the retrospect of that December moment, was open to question. At the time of its peace offering Germany was in rather a strong position.* The note was despatched on December 12th and brought a somewhat prevalent belief that the looked-for conclusion of wasteful and cruel and unnecessary war had perhaps arrived. But underlying the proffer was further evidence of German trickery and deceit. It viewed the struggle as a "catastrophe," and an injury to the "most precious achievements of humanity," but it also carried the conviction that the peace terms must be such as would build up a great Central Empire under German domination. It was reported that unofficial word came to Washington that unless the neutrals used their influence to bring the war to an end on terms satisfactory to Berlin, Germany would consider herself and her allies free to make such warfare as she chose without respect to the rights of *The first official proposal for peace came from Germany, at the close of the year 1916, at a time when, in Germany's eyes, victory for her army was already at hand. In the west the Allies had no more than held the German line; while in the east the Central Powers had gained the aid of Turkey and Bulgaria, had overrun Poland, Serbia, Roumania, and had inflicted serious reverses upon the British in Mesopotamia. The Italians were advancing towards Trieste, and the sea was cleared of German merchant ships; but during the first two years then closing, the fortunes of war were decidedly with Germany and her allies. Under these circumstances the German Government offered to discuss peace, confident that if the Allies accepted the offer she could get what she wanted, while if they refused it, it could be made to appear that they were responsible for prolonging the conflict. The offer was contained in a note dated December 12, 1916, and forwarded to the belligerents through the neutral powers, Spain, Switzerland, and the United States. The essential paragraph of the note is the following: Our aims are not to shatter nor annihilate our adversaries. In spite of our consciousness of our military and economic strength and our readiness to continue the war (which has been forced upon us) to the bitter end, if necessary; at the same time, prompted by the desire to avoid further bloodshed and make an end of the atrocities of war, the four allied (Central) Powers propose to enter forth- with into peace negotiations. In the note which the German Government sent at the same time to the Pope, its aims were expressed as follows: Germany is carrying on a war of defense against her enemies, which aim at her destruction. She fights to assure the integrity of her frontiers and the liberty of the German nation, for the right which she claims to develop freely her intellectual and economic energies in peaceable competition and on an equal footing with other nations. Such an offer, clearly could have been made only by those who felt that they had the upper hand. It was not an offer of terms, but an offer to stop the war on condition that the Allies should signify a willingness to accept such terms as Germany might propose. For the Entente to have accepted the offer of a peace conference under the circumstances would have been equivalent to an "unconditional surrender" to Ger- many. The formal reply to the German offer was contained in a joint note of all the Allied Governments, December :30, 1916. The -Allies refused to consider "a proposal which is empty and insincere." — War Bureau Committee. Buffalo's Part in the World War 47 neutral or non-belligerent nations. It became apparent that Germany's purpose was to unleash her submarines, and it is evident that the whole peace movement was conceived with the idea that it would be refused and thus give to the German government an excuse before its own people to justify open submarine warfare on the ships and citizens of the United States. It is difficult to conceive of any other purpose in the peace proposal. Germany at that moment was at the height of her military power and knew her advantage. It was at this stage that President Wilson addressed a note to the belligerent nations. The note was dated December 18, 1916 — that is to say, six days after the German proposal for a peace' conference was issued; but the note had been written, or at least determined upon, before that date, and the President was careful to say that his action was in no way associated with the over- tures of the Central Powers. In his note the President pointed out that each side professed to be fighting a defensive war; each side professed to be the champion of small nations; each side professed to be "ready to consider the formation of a League of nations to ensure peace and justice throughout the world." Thus the objects for which both sides were fighting, "stated in general terms * * * seem tO' be the same." The President felt justified therefore in asking the belligerent powers if it would not be possible for them to avow the "precise objects which would, if attained, satisfy them and their people." The President felt justified in making this request, because the United States- was "as vitally and directly interested as the governments now at war" in the "measures to be taken to secure the future peace of the world." This note had a double significance. It assumed that something more was necessary for as- suring "the future peace of the world" than the mere negotiation of particular peace treaties be- tween belligerents; and it asserted that in this larger question the United States would have something to say. The note amounted to saying that the war ought to result, not merely in the establishment of a satisfactory peace between the belligerents, but in the establishment of a new international order in which all nations would take part. The President on December 18th despatched his note to the belligerent countries asking for their war aims, and the year closed with the Republic very near to war with Germany and the people wholly unaware of the fact. The German peace note had created a new somnolence. We still believed that even a declaration of war could not take us into war; that in its gravest aspect our utmost function as a belligerent would be in despatching food and ammunition to the Allies^ 48 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER XI MAYOR'S AMERICANIZATION COMMITTEE AT WORK Iaunching the preparedness movement in this city, as in other American cities, had been . no easy task. In some cities, notably Chicago, the effort had wholly failed. People were -^ not afraid of war, because they could not conceive how war was to come to them. They laughed at war's alarm. They smiled when public speakers talked of war. The only reason they gave ear to preparedness orators was the good old American practice of trying everything once. Here and there, however, the thought took root. Interested men, at various times throughout the year of 1916, advanced propositions looking to better preparation for national defense in the event of war. The preparedness parade, referred to in a preceding chapter, was of that sort, but the Mexican intervention absorbed all the effect of those movements, and what had been conceived as a general awakening of the people to the possibility of war with a European belligerent went with the national guard to the border. As the Mexican situation began to straighten itself out, and the soldiers once more faced to- wards home, the masses, content with our military display, were inclined to dismiss from their thoughts all consideration of preparedness plans and return again to their usual peaceful pursuits. That practice, however, they were not long to follow; for the activity of the German submarines on the ocean highways, the constant German aggressions against the rights of neutral nations, and the continual agitation on the part of a small body of patriotic Americans, like a hundred Paul Reveres dashing along with lantern and cry, succeeded in holding the country, against its own wish, to the urgent need for better national defense. The establishment of the National Security League was followed by the organization of the National Conference of Mayors, the Conference of Constructive Patriotism, The American De- fense Society, an organization for the promotion of Americanism in factory and school, and, per- haps, many others. Branches of those mentioned were established here, and Buffalo was listed among the foremost cities of the country in patriotic endeavor; in fact, the earnestness of the men of Mr. Hollister's committee and of the municipal government in promoting patriotic enterprises, attracted national attention. Our militia regiments went to the Border undermanned, but that was true of nearly every regiment everywhere in the Union. We were in step with the men who were trying to arouse the country to a realization of its needs. On February 9, 1916, Mayor Fuhrmann received a letter from Mayor John Purroy Mitchel of New York* enlisting his co-operation and inviting him to attend a conference on National defense in St. Louis, on March 3d and 4th. Mayor Fuhrmann and Mr. Hollister attended the Conference, and returned more determined than ever to press their preparedness efforts at home. Plans for the organization of a system of military training in the high schools were submitted by Bayard Martin ; proposals for a vigilance corps, and many other suggestions of a like nature, were presented to the city authorities. These matters were discussed by the Council, but it appeared to be the opinion of the local officials that if preparation of that sort was needed it would necessarily require a broader scope. *Dear Mr. Mayor: New York, February 8th, 1916. As a nation we are not adequately prepared for successful defense in case of attack. To assist in expressing the sentiment of the Country in favor of national defense, the undersigned are calling a meeting of the Mayors and the Mayors' National Defense Committees of the cities of the United States to meet in Conference in St. Louis on March 3 and 4, 1916. We ask your co-operation in this movement. If you have not done so, we suggest that you appoint a National Defense Committee of Citizens to take prompt action in this vital question, and that you urge such committee as far as possible to attend the St. Louis Conference. Our foreign policies are only as strong as our ability to enforce them. Our security is only as strong as our defenses are strong. The better able we are to defend ourselves, the less liable we are to be called upon to do so. Therefore, let us perfect our defenses and thus preserve and per- petuate our free institutions, our liberties and our national life. Yours very truly. John Purroy Mitchel, Mayor of Xew York; Henry W. Kie, Mayor of St. Louis; James G. Woodward, Mayor of Atlanta, Ga.; James M. Curley, Mayor of Boston. Buffalo's Part in the World War 49 covering all those physically able and eligible for service. As a matter of fact there was no popular demand for anything of the kind, and the Council was not prepared to commit the city to military training until such time as the need became evident. No one in the Council, and but few out of it, believed that such a time would ever arrive. The Americanization project which came before the city that year received more serious atten- tion than the others, and towards the end of the year several pamphlets were issued under city financing for educational purposes. The co-operation of the teachers in the public and parochial schools was obtained. Much of the educational work, however, was performed by the Civic Education Association, and the brochures on citizenship and the need for Americanization issued by that organization were instructive, and were widely read. In co-operation with the Civic Education Association, and to carry on the work generally throughout the city. Mayor Fuhr- mann appointed a committee of fifty on Americanization, and issued a proclamation* announcing the personnel of the committee. The Americanization plan was largely a local effort. Detroit and some other cities worked energetically, as did Buffalo, to achieve lasting results, and un- doubtedly much good was accomplished. The need for that work became apparent very soon thereafter, but at the time it was proposed it was looked upon as a hobby for those who had noth- ing of a serious nature to occupy their time. There is probably no way of determining what each of these movements accomplished singly or collectively. Surely they were not wholly un- shod of value. At least they were educative. A finely drawn dial recording the variations in the public mind from the beginning of the year would be needed to enable us to note the changes at the end. We were drifting toward the European war but we were still unconscious of the fact. *Whereas, never before in the history of the world has it meant more to be an American citizen than it- means to-day; and Whereas, in our own city of Buffalo, we have more than a hundred thousand persons of foreign birth who seek to work and live with us, shar- ing our responsibilities and privileges, but are handicapped through ignorance of our language — thirty thousand being totally without knowledge of it — and being thus prevented from full assimilation, Therefore, I, Louis P. Fuhrmann, Mayor of the City of Buffalo, do hereby ask all citizens, both native and foreign, to give serious attention to this important city problem and co-operate to the best of their power with all existing educational authorities to make Buffalo an English-speak- ing city, and to this end, following the action of other progressive American cities, I appoint the following citizens to constitute a Committee of Fifty on Americanization: Mrs. Henry Altman, President of Buffalo City Federation of Woman's Clubs: Frank B. Baird, President of the Chamber of Commerce; Har- old J. Balliett, Secretary of the Department of Public Works; E. J. Barcalo, President of the Barcalo Manufacturing Co.; William H. Barr, President of the Manufacturers' Association: Joseph Bellanca, President of the Italian-American Business Men; Mrs. Frank H. Bliss, Vice- President of the Civic Education Association; Walter L. Brown, Librarian of the Buffalo Public Library; Mrs. Walter P. Cooke, President of the Twentieth Century Club; Prank A. Coupal, President of the Rotary Club; Rt. Rev. D. Dougherty, Bishop of the Diocese of Buffalo; H. P Emerson, Superintendent of Education; Mrs. John Knox Freeman, Director of the Civic Education Association; Dr. F. E. Fronczak, Health Commissioner of Buffalo; Robert W. Gallagher, President of the Greater Buffalo Club; W. P. Goodspeed, President of the Ad Club; Stuart A. Hayward, President of the Central Labor Council; Charles M. Heald, Commissioner of Public Affairs; Frank Henry, Manager of the Washburn- Crosby Co.; William H. Hill, Treasurer of the Crosby Co.; Evan Hollister, President of the Buffalo Security League; Mrs. John Miller Horton, Regent, Buffalo Chapter D. A. R.; Henry R. Howland, President of the Society of Mayflower Descendants; Arthur W. Hurd, M. D., President of the Sons of the American Revolution; Arnold E. Jenny, Director of the Y. M. C. A. English to Foreigners Work; Daniel J. Kenefick, Chair- man of the Board of Education; L. N. Kilman, United States Naturalization Examiner; Louis J. Kopald, Rabbi of the Temple of Beth Zion: Mrs. Josephine Kudlicka, Librarian of the Dom Polski Library; Horace O. Lanza, Attorney; Louis W. Marcus, Justice of the Supreme Court: Miss Martha Mazurowska, Department Principal of No. 7 School; H. A. Meldrum. Chairman of Chamber of Commerce Education Committee; W. A. Morgan, President of the Buffalo Copper & Brass Rolling Mill; Adelbert Moot, Attorney, Member of the State Board of Regents; George B. Montgomery, President of the Civic Education Committee; Henry D. Miles, President of the Buffalo Foundry & Machine Co.; Charles P. Norton, Chancellor of the University of Buffalo; Gustave Ohlin, Immigration Inspector; Richard O'Keete, General Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce; Frank Olszanowski, President of the Dom Polski Association; Alexander Osborn, Chairman of the Ad Club Americanization Com- mittee; Rev. Alexander Pitass, St. Stanislaus Parochial School; Edwin A. Rumball, General Secretary of the Civic Education Association; Frank H. Severance, Secretary of the Buffalo Historical Society; George A. Smith, Supervisor of Educational Extension Work; Rev. Angelo Strazzioni, St. Anthony of Padua Parochial School; Harry L. Taylor, Justice of the Supreme Court; Rev. T. J. Walsh, Chancellor of the Diocese of Buffalo. 50 Buffalo's Part in the World War Returning from the Mexican Border Troop I 74th Infantry 3d Artillery Buffalo's Part in the World War 51 CHAPTER XII CITY WELCOMES RETURNING SOLDIERS A FTER two months in the mud at Pharr and McAllen the national guardsmen of the several l\ States were ready to return home. It had become evident by that time they were not to ■^ -^ go into action, and the men lost interest in the task to which they had been assigned. The Administration had no desire to keep them on the border longer than actual need required, and, early in December, some of the troops moved homeward. Buffalo wanted her sons back just as quickly as any other locality, and the pressure to secure an early demobilization of the Buffalo guardsmen was soon felt. That desire was expressed in newspaper interviews and edi- torials; in letters to public officials, and, finally, in resolutions which made their appearance in the Council minutes. On December 7th Mayor Fuhrmann directed a letter to the War Depart- ment at Washington urging the return of the Buffalo regiments. On December 12th he appointed "a committee to prepare a proper welcome for the soldiers now in Texas on their return to Buffalo." The personnel of the committee was as follows: Louis P. Fuhrmann, General Chairman; William A. Morgan, Chairman, Reception Committee; Dr. Walter S. GoODALE, Chairman, Executive Committee; Samuel B. Botsford, Chairman, Banquet Committee; Hans Schmidt, Chairman, Music Committee; Albert B. Wright, Chairman, Hall Committee, including Interior Deco- rations; Richard C. O'Keefe, Chairman, Committee of Street Decorations; Norman A. MacDonald, Chairman Finance Committee; Brigadier-General S. M. Welch, Chairman, Committee on Military; Mrs. Edward A. Eisele, Chairman, Women's Committee; Henry G. Anderson, Chairman, Auditing Committee. In the meantime information was brought to the city that an effort would be made to divide the forces of the Third Artillery (the old 65th Infantry) and that but a portion of the regiment would be returned to Buffalo. In view of the manner in which the local commanders had been relieved of their commands and out-of-town officers substituted on the eve of the departure of the regiments, the rumor was given very general credence. Newspapers and public officials- gave expression to an aroused public sentiment, and a resolution presented to the Council oni December 13th, 1916, by Commissioner Charles M. Heald, calling on the Federal Government to return the regiment intact, was unanimously adopted. The City of Buffalo probably has contributed more soldiers for the defense of our southern border in response to the call of the President than any other city in the country in proportion. All our citizens are justly proud of the three splendid military organizations, representing three branches of the service, which are now on the border. The Seventy-fourth, the Third Artillery and Troop I, we believe, are unexcelled in their respective fields. We may reasonably expect that these men who have upheld the honor of their country and their city will soon be returning home. It is fitting that the citizens of Buffalo be prepared to show their appreciation of the service of these three splendid organizations. It is also important that the Third Artillery Regiment be returned intact to Buffalo after its present term of service in the field. This regiment has one million dollars' worth of the latest and best ordnance equipment in the United States. It is said to be the latest word in heavy field artil- lery. It appears that efforts are being made by other sections of the country to have part of this great regiment taken from Buffalo and sent elsewhere. Buffalo must prevent any such action. This regiment was made an efficient fighting machine by the manhood of Buffalo. The mem- bers of this regiment are entitled by their service to have this organization with all its equipment maintained in Buffalo after their return. The citizens of Buffalo are also entitled to this at the hands of the nation. I, therefore, recommend the adoption of two resolutions, as follows: That the Council of the City of Buffalo hereby calls upon all citizens to unite in demanding that the Third New York Field Artillery be brought intact to Buffalo after its duty on the border has been performed and that the regiment, with all its equipment, be maintained in this city- and that the City Clerk be directed to send a copy of these resolutions to all of our representatives in the national and state legislatures. Charles M. Heald, Comr. of Public Affairs. In recognition of the city's demand no attempt, if contemplated, was made to divide the regi- ment. On January 22d, 1917, the Council directed another communication sent to the Secretary of War, again urging the return of the Buffalo regiments. The request had scarcely reached the War Department when orders were issued by Brigadier General Parker of the Southern Depart- ment for the return of the 74th Regiment. Troop I and the 3d Artillery had been compelled, however, to remain, all of which was explained in a letter from Adjutant General Cruikshank presented to the Council on the following day: 52 Buffalo's Pakt in the World War Dear Sir: I beg to advise you that the Commanding General, Southern Department, has recently designated for return home, for muster out, the 74th Infantry, National Guard of New York, which will, however, leave on the border the 1st Cavalry and the 3d Field Artillery. With respect to the last mentioned organization, it may be stated that it did not arrive on the border until October 10, 1916. and that there are a number of organiza- tions of the National Guard which preceded the 3d Field Artillery to the border, which are still there and not under orders to return. The matter of returning National Guard organizations is in the hands of the Commanding General, Southern Department, who has full respon- sibility for the conduct of military affairs on the Mexican border and who, in the selection of organizations to be returned is being guided by tactical and other reasons apparent to him alone, and over which the War Department cannot wisely undertake to exercise control. The Department regrets, in view of the circumstances as set forth above, that it cannot be stated, at this time, with any degree of certainty, when the 1st Cavalry and the 3d Field Artillery, National Guard of New York, can be returned to their home stations for muster out. It was late in February before the 74th Regiment reached Buffalo. The reception committee had planned a splendid welcome and the men marched through cheering thousands to the Con- necticut Street Armory. They were greeted there by Governor Charles S. Whitman, Mayor Fuhrmann, Commissioners Heald, Hill, Kreinheder and Malone, William A. Morgan, Dr. W^alter S. Goodale and other members of the reception committee. The Rev. William A. Sunday, a distinguished evangelist, then conducting services in Buffalo, left his tabernacle early in order to join in the city's ovation to her returning troops. Brief speeches were delivered by the Governor, by the Mayor and by Rev. Mr. Sunday, but their words scarcely reached the soldiers, for mothers, sisters and sweethearts had crowded the armory floor and the boys were receiving the real heart- felt welcome which only loved ones can give. After a luncheon in the officers' quarters the guests dispersed, and the regiment was formally mustered out of Federal service on February 24th. The Third Artillery and Troop I arrived in Buffalo on March 11 and 12. The first train sec- tion, bringing a part of the artillery, reached the city on Sunday morning at 10 A. M.; another section arrived in the afternoon, and two others about midnight. The train carrying the mem- bers of Troop I arrived at 2.35 A. M. on Monday morning March 12. Governor Whitman came to Buffalo to greet these returning soldiers, as he had the members of the 74th Regiment. A parade was arranged to escort the men to their respective armories. It required some time to unload the heavy apparatus, and on Monday afternoon the streets were again crowded with a happy throng of Buffalonians bidding the boys a hearty welcome home. Governor Whitman and Commissioner Malone extended the official words of greeting. Colonel Hand for the 3d Artillery, and Captain William J. Donovan, who had returned from Europe to take command of his troopers on the border, responded for their respective commands. The homecomings were not, however, invested with any of the enthusiasm of permanence. The vicious submarine warfare begun by Germany had already made certain hostile relations with this country, and the returning soldiers were looking longingly toward the seaboard. They had smelled the smoke of powder and were eager for action. Of course, no one anticipated mobilization for foreign service; the men were to be mustered out. Even war on Germany, it was assumed, would not entail anything further than a more effective system of home defense. Buffalo's Part in the World War 53 CHAPTER XIII ALLIES DECLINE PEACE TERMS ON January 1st, 1917, the agitation in favor of an early return of the local troops from the border was still intense and absorbed public interest. Affairs at Washington were rapidly taking on a grave aspect and Buffalo was not wholly unmindful of the turn in events. Germany's peace proposal of December was intensely autocratic, but Germany had established a military supremacy on all the battle fronts of Europe and, accordingly, to the uninterested throng of Buffalonians, like other Americans, who looked on with no more concern than the bet- less spectator at a horse race, Germany's peace proposal did not seem extraordinarily exacting. The German peace note did not, however, carry the tone of a nation fighting a battle of defense, but rather of a nation which had already assumed the role of a conqueror. The proposal was a peace move calculated to set up a central empire to dominate first, Europe, and then whatever else without limit its powerful position might enable it to control. Also, the manifesto extended an invitation to any of Germany's enemies, who wished to accept a separate peace, so that the Imperial Government might the more easily crush its remaining enemies, and then take peaceful possession of the supplicant at its own good pleasure. While the German military machine succeeded, German diplomacy failed. The Allies declined the peace proposal. Naturally and inevitably they were compelled to that decision; better a complete military reversal and annihilation than peace of the kind offered. But the German device was not viewed by all in the same light. To many it carried the conviction that Germany was seeking a settlement on terms not more exacting than her military successes up to that time entitled her to ask. Germany's method of conducting the war; her vicious treatment of the citizens of the countries through which her armies passed, outraged the American sense of de- cency, and, while our national position was still a matter of debate among the American people, the majority were swinging strongly against Germany. President Wilson's reply to the peace note met the approval of the Nation. It was not so strong as some wished it, nor did it carry all the promise that France and England had hoped it would. He answered Germany with a counter proposal, and in his answer, for the first time, the proposition of a League of Nations was given definite form and official recognition. Germany had not been placing a false hope on the successful outcome of the negotiations. Her's was not a sincere peace initiative, though a portion of the public accepted it as such. Her ostensible determination to curb U-boat activities, apparently in answer to the American demand that the ruthless warfare of the ocean cease, was a determination of necessity adopted until such time as the Imperial Government believed itself equipped to control all operation on the ocean highways. That moment was close at hand when she submitted her autocratic peace scheme. Knowl- edge of these facts had not reached the people of this city, nor of this country, when the New Year dawned, but such knowledge had already stirred official Washington and had greatly disturbed the leaders of the Allies in London and in Paris. The insincerity of Germany in her peace suggestion and in her letters to this government, while widely suspected, was not completely established until late in March. Count Von Bernstorff, the German Ambassador to the United States, protested at Washington the earnest desire of his government to retain the friendship of the American people, and yet, at the same time, was in communication with the German foreign office in furtherance of innumerable intrigues cal- culated to injure this nation. German propagandists, spies and plotters were thick in all sec- tions of the country. Munition plants, here and there, were destroyed, presumably by German agents. It was subsequently established that on January 16th Count Von Bernstorff received secret orders to have all German ships, interned in this country, dismantled and their machinery 54 Buffalo's Part in the World War ruined. That work was quietly planned to be carried out on a given signal. On January 19th the infamous letter* from Secretary Zimmermann, of the Portfolio of Foreign Affairs for the Impe- rial Government, was transmitted by Count Von Bernstorff to Minister Von Eckhert in Mexico. Germany's attempt to unite Mexico and Japan against the United States had been carried on while the Administration at Washington was going to extremes in an endeavor to avoid an armed clash with the forces of the Kaiser. President Wilson, accepting Germany's protestations of a desire for continued friendship with this country, endured flagrant violations of American rights on the sea, and breaches of neutrality on American soil. Official Washington endured them. They were resented by some, to be sure, but the masses were not for war at that time and sought to avoid it as long as it could be honorably avoided. Germany had her subtle intrigues carefully concealed, and, while Washington had worked earnestly to compel a peaceful recognition of Amer- ican rights and the protection of American interests, Germany had numbered the United States among her enemies from the start and was making provision to dwarf American efforts. The final German affront to this country came on the last day of January, 1917. On that day Count Von Bernstorff handed to Secretary of State Lansing a note in which the German Govern- ment announced its purpose to intensify and render more ruthless the operations of its submarines. The German Chancellor stated before the Imperial Diet at that time that the reason this unre- stricted policy had not been earlier employed was simply because the Imperial Government had not been ready to act before; in other words, the delay was not out of respect to the protestations of the United States, as Germany had previously stated in its official communications, but by virtue of necessity. On February 3d, Secretary Lansing handed Count Von Bernstorff his pass- ports, and, on the same day the President addressed both Houses of Congress and announced the complete severance of diplomatic relations with Germany. At the same time he stated he did not regard the act as tantamount to a declaration of war. "We are the sincere friends of the German people," he said, "and earnestly desire to remain at peace with the Government which speaks for them. God grant that we may not be challenged by acts of wilful injustice on the part of the Government of Germany." Berlin, January 19, 1917. *"On the first of February we intend to begin submarine warfare unrestricted. In spite of this, it is our intention to endeavor to keep neutral the United States of America. "If this attempt is not successful, we propose an alliance on the following basis with Mexico: That we shall make war together and together make peace. We shall give general financial support, and it is understood that Mexico is to reconquer the lost territory in New Mexico, Texas and Arizona. The details are left to you for settlement. "You are instructed to inform the President of Mexico of the above in the greatest confidence as soon as it is certain that there will be an out- break of war with the United States and suggest that the President of Mexico, on his own initiative, should communicate with Japan suggesting adherence at once to this plan; at the same time offer to mediate between Germany and Japan. "Please call to the attention of the President of Mexico that the employment of ruthless submarine warfare now promises to compel England to make peace in a few months." (Signed) Zimmermann. Buffalo's Part in the World War 55 CHAPTER XIV CHAMBER OF COMMERCE URGES ARMED GUARDS FOR LOCAL PLANTS ON the last day of February, 1917, while Buffalonians were celebrating the return of the troops from the border, a copy of the Zimmermann note to Mexico was made public. It stirred this city as it did Congress and the rest of the country. Action was demanded. President Wilson no longer held out hope that the United States could continue as the nation seeking to hold an even balance of judgment between disputants. And as much as the people had hoped to keep out of the fray they exhibited no little relief to be free from that reserve which is expected of a judge. On March 12th the order was issued to place armed guards on the Amer- ican merchant ships, and the country rapidly drifted toward a declaration of war. A special session of Congress, called by the President for April 16th, was shortly afterwards advanced to April 2d. Through all this agitation it never really became apparent to the people generally that a declaration of war would mean any serious sacrifice or the sending of troops out of the country. Buffalo's first realization that the war would reach into this city came about when the directors of the Chamber of Commerce were quietly called in special session with the City Council on Friday evening, March 23d, 1917. Councilmen Heald, Hill, Kreinheder and Malone attended. Mayor Fuhrmann, though invited, did not attend. He expressed a belief that the directors of the Chamber were unduly excited. The purpose of the meeting was to take all necessary steps to- ward guarding elevators, water and light plants, and other valuable properties, particularly the munition plants and industries supplying war material to the Allies. The excitement around ■ ,,v->^S5s^'^^:-J5?!5^;'^.-s Members of 74th Regiment Guarding Railroad Bridges 56 Buffalo's Part in the World War the Chamber of Commerce Building that night was intense, but the Mayor was not moved by the action taken there and endeavored to cool off the situation. He declined to wire the Governor for military assistance, and he subsequently declined to go to Albany to see the Governor on that sort of a mission. Commissioner Hill disagreed with the Mayor as to the necessity for immediate measures, and early Saturday morning started for the State Capitol to obtain an interview with Governor Whitman. Commissioner Hill urged the Governor to mobilize the 74th Regiment and throw a guard around the Buffalo water works pumping stations and the elevators. Mayor Fuhrmann contended that the guard of policemen then at those points furnished sufficient pro- tection ; that no German sympathizers had been active here, basing that statement on the reports from John Martin, Chief of Police. He cautioned the people not to become wrought up or dis- turbed in their daily occupations. News of the meeting was made public on Saturday, March 24th. Rumors spread about the city rapidly on Sunday. Most of these, purporting to tell of attempts to blow up the water works and the electric plant on the River Road, and of other desperate plots, were unconfirmed and probably baseless. The excitement, however, necessitated some official recognition, and on Monday morning, March 26th, a conference was held in the office of Mayor Fuhrmann. That consultation, attended by Police Chief Martin, Major Arthur Kemp and Captain Ralph K. Robertson of the 74th Regi- ment; A. A. Landon, president of the Chamber of Commerce; W. R. Huntley, president of the Buffalo General Electric Company; Arthur W. Kreinheder, Sheriff Edward Stengel, George C. Lehmann and Corporation Counsel William S. Rann settled most of the rumors. At the con- clusion of the conference Mayor Fuhrmann issued the following statement: "In view of the international complications and the need of reckoning with the local situation, I called a conference this morning at my office. "At this conference we went into careful details concerning all the precautionary measures which have been taken and which might still be taken to insure the best possible protection for public and quasi-public works. Consideration was also given to possibility of enlisting the services of the State militia for guard duty. "After a thorough discussion we reached the conclusion that the precautions already taken with reference to the protection of public municipal works are ample. It was decided to increase the guard at the electric power plant on the River Road, and this task has been assigned to Sheriff Stengel." Excitement about the City Hall was somewhat allayed by that action, and the business organi- zations took matters a bit easier. Out of the turmoil, however, was organized the Niagara De- fense League, whose activities during the war period were both extensive and commendable. At the regimental headquarters, however, from the date of the Zimmermann intrigue exposure the earnestness of preparations was marked. On March 10th Governor Whitman signed the appointment of Major Kemp as Colonel of the 74th, succeeding Colonel Thurston who had died on the border. Shortly thereafter Colonel Manus M'Closkey, who subsequently fought with the Second Division at Belleau Wood, and Captain J. K. Parkins, U. S. A., arrived to muster the 74th men back into the Federal service. Recruiting stations were established at various points down town and the city passed through another intense recruiting campaign. Enlistments came more rapidly than when called for in connection with service on the border. General gossip had it that the Regular Army and possibly those in the National Guard would be called into service. Very few expected, even though war should be declared by Congress, any guards- men to be sent out of this country. On March 12th a meeting in Troop I headquarters in the Delavan Avenue Armory was held to organize an officers' reserve corps from among the members of the Buffalo-Plattsburg Association. The President's call for 87,000 men to fill the needs of the Navy, and the establishment of naval and marine recruiting stations all added to the interest occasioned by these preparations for defense. Speakers could be found on all the rostrums every- where urging young men to join the colors, and from across the border came appeals from Cana- dian officers to the Canadians living in this city to give a hand to their brothers "over there." German submarines increased their piracies and merchant ships were sent to the bottom daily with their crews and cargoes. Some of these were American ships, and, as the time set for the Buffalo's Part in the World War 57 City Officials Inspecting Waterfront Property Mayor Fuhrmann and military men throw guard around Buffalo plants meeting of Congress drew near, the fighting spirit of the people became thoroughly aroused. Still, it was not expected that we would send troops across the ocean ; in fact, that thought had scarcely entered the public mind. Millions of men for home defense? Yes! But the possi- bility of a foreign expedition did not seem to be in the realm of actualities. The sentiment of that moment in Buffalo may be taken from an editorial excerpt which appeared in the Buffalo Commercial on March 22d, the day after President Wilson had decided the extra session of Con- gress should meet on April 2d instead of April 16th as previously announced. The editorial: " The things for the Government to do in this crisis are manifold. It must open the ports of the United States to the warships of all the nations at war with Germany. Its vast credits in gold must be available to those who are fighting for the same end as we are. We may also extend to them supplies of war in still greater abundance, although there is reason to believe that the Allies have now a vast preponderance of war material. Our Navy must co-operate vnth the navies of Great Britain, France and Italy in keeping the ocean lanes clear of enemy submarines. A universal military service law must be passed, not in the expectation that the army will find an actual field for activity in the present war, but as a precaution and a guaranty for the future." Just about that time the Czar was dethroned and Russia became a Republic. From out of the war one dynasty had tumbled, and, even though it was a friendly dynasty, the sentiment began to crystallize that this conflict was not a mere war of kings in which we had, by right, only a spectator's part. As the day of the extraordinary session of Congress drew near, President Wilson prepared to go before that body and ask the Representatives of the Nation to declare the existence of a State of War with the Imperial Government of Germany. 58 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER XV ELMWOOD MUSIC HALL MASS MEETING DECLARES FOR WAR PORTENTS of war, multiplying through March, found a realization in April. Buffalo had awaited with keen interest the President's message which was read in Congress on April 2d. It was generally anticipated that it would be a war message; most of the people, though not anxious, were ready for a declaration of hostilities. The young men especially had caught the enthusiasm of the hour, and the schools rang with patriotic songs and martial airs. Promptly at 12 o'clock noon on April 2d, as Congress was called to order, upwards of 75,000 children and more than 3,000 teachers of the public and parochial schools assembled at their respective schools for patriotic exercises in recognition of the gravity of the situation with which Congress was about to deal. The program was simple. At exactly 12 o'clock the children sang "The Star Spangled Banner." The song concluded, they joined in rousing cheers for the Presi- dent, for George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Mayor Fuhrmann, and every- one else who in their minds typified the American Government or American institutions. Appro- priate resolutions were adopted, and !:he ceremonies Scpncluded with the singing of "America" and a salute to the flag. In the closing days of March, Mayor Fuhrmann received a letter from the Mayors' Committee of American Cities, the same that had been active in the preparedness movement, suggesting that all cities agree upon April 5th as a day to be set apart for mass meetings throughout the country, "and to pass such resolutions as will demonstrate to the world that the people of America are ready to act resolutely, promptly and patriotically to meet the crisis at hand." In black-face type at the top of the letter were several patriotic appeals: "The Nation is in peril!" "It is time to show our colors!" "We must defend our rights or we may soon have no rights to defend!" "Every one should stand by the President in defense of our country!" That call was heeded ; in fact, the Mayor, Mr. Hollister and others in the Security League and the many similar organizations which had sprung into being, were not long in formulating plans for a mass meeting to be held on the evening of April 5th at Elmwood Music Hall. On March 31st the Mayor appointed a committee of 100. Fully half of the men named had filed an acceptance within the day, and on the following day the Mayor issued a proclamation* to the people calling on them to assemble at Elmwood Music Hall on the date set. The President's war message of April 2d set the country aglow with patriotic fervor, and though differences still existed in Congress, on the night of Buffalo's war meeting it was apparent that war with Germany would be declared within a short time. The immense gathering was itself aroused and in turn aroused the city to a higher pitch than had been experienced on any prior occasion. An overflow meeting was held at the First Presbyterian Church. Throughout the city civic organizations were likewise active, and at all of these, resolu- tions declaring devotion to America, and support for the President and Congress were adopted. Buffalonians volunteered that night their lives and fortunes as did their forefathers of Revo- lutionary fame; they stated a willingness to stake all in "the struggle of Democracy against Autocracy" for the peace and liberty of humanity. No such momentous rally had called the people together in this city since the early '60's, but we were in no such fearful mood as were the men and women of the earlier period. *To The People of Buffalo: Pursuant to the appeal addressed to me by fifty citizens of this city requesting a mass meeting to be held this week, to give public expression to the loyalty and patriotism of the citizens of Buffalo in upholding the President of the United States in the stand he is taking to maintain Amer- ican rights and to protect the lives of American citizens, I hereby call upon the people of Buffalo to assemble at Elmwood Music Hall, Wednesday evening, April 4th, at eight o'clock, for this purpose. Louis P. Fuhrmann, Mayor. We were staging some of the show; not much, but some. For example, a German singing society, the Buffalo Orpheus, was selected to sing America at the opening of the meeting. The Buffalo's Part in the World War 59 Orpheus was chosen to do the singing to convey the impression that all Buffalo was a unit, all races one, in support of the determination against Germany. That probably was so as far as the Orpheus was concerned, but it was not entirely true among the masses. Debate was heavily supported on both sides, and sometimes intense, on the question of entering into "a foreign war." The cheering at Buffalo's patriotic meeting that night undoubtedly voiced the prevailing sentiment in the hearts of the audience. One young man in khaki, who had to climb over men and chairs to reach the front of the platform in order to deliver his brief speech, showed in every action his appreciation of the crisis and his eagerness for battle. That young man was Captain WilHam J. Donovan of Troop I, who later as Major and then as Lieutenant Colonel, and finally as Colonel, distinguished himself on the battlefields of France. Other hundreds in Elmwood Music Hall that night felt likewise, but to the vast and overwhelming majority the actualities of war seemed at that time remote. The speakers, other than Captain Donovan, were Adelbert Moot, George H. Kennedy and John Lord O'Brian. Mayor Fuhrmann presided, and delivered the preliminary address. At the overflow meeting in the First Presbyterian Church, Rev. Andrew V. V. Raymond, pastor, presided. The audience was addressed by William L. Marcy, Mr. O'Brian and Mr. Moot. The committee having immediate charge of the arrangements for the meeting were Frank H. Callan, John K. Walker, George S. Buck (who later succeeded Mayor Fuhrmann as head of the city), Joseph Morey and Evan P. Hollister. The speeches of the evening accurately voiced the sentiments of the crowded hall, for the girders rang with enthusi- astic cheering of the throng, under the splendidly patriotic reasoning, and resonant oratory of the varii^us speakers. Mayor Louis P. Fuhrmann was greeted with a burst of cheers as he arose to speak. He was interrupted again and again by cheers and applause as he made the following declaration: This mass meeting of the citizens of Buffalo is called for the purpose of upholding President Wilson, the official head of the United States, in his efforts to maintain the honor of our country. Among a free people public measures and policies are always debatable, but once a state of war exists there is just one thing, and only one thing for all of us to do, and that is to steadfastly stand by the Government and the Presi- dent. When the American flag goes up, all other flags must come down. That is the doctrine of Lexington and Concord, of Lake Erie and New Orleans, of Palo Alto and Buena Vista, of Antietam and Gettysburg, of Santiago and Manila Bay. As the American people upheld their former war presidents — Madison, Polk, Lincoln, McKinley — so, from this time on, President Wilson must have the ungrudging and continued support of the hundred million who enjoy the blessings of liberty and equality under the Stars and Stripes. Regardless of racial antecedents, there is and must be only one kind of Americans in America, and that is Americans who are with the President and the Government to the uttermost; Americans who are willing to make every sacrifice of life and treasure necessary in the common effort to uphold the integrity of our country. Buffalo, the home of Millard Fillmore and of Grover Cleveland, is a loyal, patriotic city. Each and every one of our half million people has a genuine love for our great republic. All that we have and all that we are we owe to its institutions. Our fathers came from over the seas to establish a free government for all. I know I speak the sober truth when I say that the spirit of the fathers lives forever in their sons. We are of the same breed as they and we will prove ourselves just as loyal and just as unconquerable. John Lord O'Brian, the next speaker, paid a high tribute to the Germans who came to the United States to escape the military oppression that was felt in their land in 1848. He described the public service of these German-Americans and their sons in the years that have followed, becoming leaders in the business, professional and political life of this and many other commu- nities. Mr. O'Brian then recalled the work of the United States for humanity in the Spanish- American war, the Boxer rebellion and in opening the doors of Japan to civilization. George H. Kennedy delivered the principal address. It was earnest and forceful. At times he was forced to stop and wipe the perspiration from his forehead, for he was just recovering from an illness and was not a well man. His speech, however, was a masterpiece of logic and elo- quence. In part he said: "At the opening of the Civil War the Sixth Massachusetts Regiment marched down Broadway in New York City. A spectator stepped from the sidewalk and accosted one of the soldiers, enquiring from what place they came. With- out breaking step to the martial music of his regimental band, he replied, 'From Bunker Hill, from Bunker Hill.' 60 Buffalo's Part in the World War And the thought which should go out from this great meeting to-night is the fact that we are moved by the same impulse that fired the shot at Concord Bridge, heard round the world. "If our forefathers were justified in 1775 in resisting the encroachment of the British crown, we are more than justified in repelling with force of arms the barbarous conduct of the German government. I can well imagine that 'taxation without representation' in some period of the world's history might have been a legitimate subject for debate. But nowhere in the recorded history of civilization will you find the justification of the murder on the high seas of innocent women and children until the Prussian war party assumed control of the German Empire. "Whatever may be the consequences to us of our entering this war, it surely was not of our making. It was forced upon us. During the past two years we have suffered with a patience rarely exhibited by any first-class power in the history of the human race. Indignity after indignity has been heaped upon us until the measure was overflowing. "We have sacrificed everything except honor itself to avoid this conflict. And the nation that submits to the dic- tation of another power as to how, when and where it shall ferry its boats across the high seas, has reached that period of decline that precedes disaster, dismemberment and decay. "The finest thing about this conflict, the thing that will stand out to our greatest credit and be best remembered, that will surpass the glory of all our victories, is the high plane upon which our cause of battle is placed. We are not fighting for power, we are not battling for a place in the sun. (Applause.) "We covet no nation's territory, we want no people's money. But the right of our people to sail the high seas in our own boats, manned by our own seamen, guarded by our own flag, has never been surrendered to any power since John Paul Jones and Jack Barry fought their way to imperishable victory, and, pray God, it never will. "When this country had but three millions of people, with no army and with no navy, inspired by the words of Patrick Henry and Samuel Adams, it threw down the gage of battle to the acknowledged 'mistress of the seas.' When it has grown to more than one hundred millions of people, shall we allow a power hemmed in on all sides by her ene- mies to drive us ruthlessly from the seas? "We are all for President Wilson now. (Applause.) We are no longer party men seeking to control the political fortunes of our government. In this day of conflict there are no Democrats; there are no Republicans; there are no Irish; there are no Germans; there are no Canadians; there are no foreign born, and in real service to our country there is no distinction in race or creed. We are all Americans with but one purpose in view — to maintain the power, the prestige and the honor of this republic." (Applause.) Adalbert Moot followed Mr. Kennedy as the final speaker of the evening. Mr. Moot said : "I am a peace man, never more so than to-night, and yet I'm heart and soul with President Wilson for war. I never was with him before, but I'm with him now because he speaks for my country, truly and well. "More than 140 years ago we set up a new government — and made it go — with the help of France. And in making it go we taught our mother country something about treatment of colonies, so that now England's territorial pos- sessions are pouring their wealth, resources and men gladly to the aid of the Allies. "Liberty-loving France now calls for our aid. Have we any cause for going to war? Should a peace man ever fight? In the Civil War there were more Quaker soldiers in proportion to the members of their sect than any other denomination. They weren't Quakers then, they were soldiers, and they did their duty. "To-day we have no more loyal citizens than those who have German blood in their veins. I have, and am proud of it. This is not a war on the German people. It is a war between autocracy and democracy. The whole question is: 'Is the brotherhood of man going to dominate the world or not?' "I'm a peace man, but I'm for war, because if Germany wins this war we'll have no peace. The only way to have peace is for us to aid in the fight against autocracy until the people get so tired of it they are ready to tumble it into the sea. "We could make peace with the German people in twenty minutes. We couldn't make peace with Prussian autocracy in twenty years. If the struggle ends right, great armies and navies will be unnecessary and we can begin to think about the better things of democracy." (Applause.) At the height of the enthusiasm Mayor Fuhrmann read a letter sent by President George Rand of the Marine National Bank to President Wilson offering to raise a volunteer regiment. Hon. Woodrow Wilson, Buffalo, N. Y., April 3d, 1917. Executive Mansion, Washington, D. C. Dear Sir: The undersigned, recognizing the grave crisis now confronting our country in its threatened conflict with the German empire, and endorsing your magnificent stand and determination in upholding the dignity and rights of American citizens at home and on the high seas, and being desir- ous of doing everything within my power to assist you and our country at this time, it gives me great pleasure to offer my services in recruiting an entire regiment of 1,000 men in this city, for home or overseas service, the expense of recruiting and equipment of whom I will defray personally, requesting only from the Government the supplying of two or three officials, preferably from the West Point Military Academy, to co-operate in the formation and drilling of such regiment. While I myself am without military knowledge and training, yet I should expect to devote my time to acquiring such knowledge and training as are necessary for service with said regiment. Trusting that it may be my privilege to have you accept my services in thus responding to our country's need at this time, I beg you to believe me, sir, your obedient servant. George Rand. Buffalo's Part in the World War 61 Lillian Russell Aids Marine Recruiting Noted actress on the platform at Lafayette Square urges enlistments in the Marine Corps While the offer aroused the meeting and the community it was not accepted by the Govern- ment, however, because of a determination to end the volunteer system, if possible, and enlarge the army in ways which would not disturb industrial conditions. The meeting lasted until well into the night; crowds came and departed, and other crowds succeeded to their places. In Washington the House of Representatives was battling through the night in a determined stand to force a vote on the war resolution before adjourning. In the early hours of the morning of April 6th, while the throng was still lingering about Elmwood Music Hall, word came that war would be declared before morning and the prize to be fought for would be liberty and independence for mankind everywhere. The cry had already gone up: "The World Must Be Made Safe for Democracy." Early that morning the House, by an overwhelming majority, adopted the joint resolution already accepted by the Senate: "Whereas, the Imperial German Government has committed repeated acts of war against the Government and the people of the United States of America; therefore be it "Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the state of war between the United States and the Imperial German Government which has thus been thrust upon the United States is hereby formally declared; and that the President be, and he is hereby authorized and di- rected to employ the entire naval and military forces of the United States and the resources of the Government to carry on war against the Imperial German Government; and to bring the conflict to a successful termination all the resources of the country are hereby pledged by the Congress of the United States." At last the Nation was on its way to war and Buffalo was in step. 62 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER XVI NAVAL MILITIA OFF TO WAR — SOLDIERS GUARD WATER FRONT EVENTFUL were the days immediately following the declaration of war, but not extraordi- narily exciting. The first real touch of interest came with the news that members of the Naval Militia stationed here had departed for the seaboard. The young mariners who formed the State Guard of Naval Militia had been mustered into the Federal service prior to the presentation of the war message to Congress. Early on the evening of April 7th, they left the armory of the 74th Regiment in Niagara Street and marched to the Lehigh station where they boarded a train for Philadelphia.* So quickly was it done, and so quietly, that very few people knew of the Naval Militia's journey until they were well on their way to the deck of some Ameri- can ship. The departure of that unit brought color to the cheeks of the Buffalo boys. And while not all cheeks glowed with the red blood of courage, most of them did. Some Buffalo boys, at least, had gone to war; others who felt eager to take part in the struggle immediately applied for enlistment at the regimental headquarters. A small stream of young men had constantly flowed into the Canadian Army or into foreign ambulance service. That stream was now di- verted into the recruiting stations here. Two battalions of the 74th assembled on the 7th of April at the armory to prepare for patrol duty in guarding railroad bridges and other important points along the arteries of commerce. The first battalion, under the command of Major William R. Pooley, later Lieutenant Colonel of the regiment, was ordered to remain at the armory. That battalion included companies A, B, C, and D, Headquarters Company, the Supply Company and the Machine Gun Company, recently organized. (Sergeant Christopher Reddan, who really led the machine gun company through the foreign campaign, being cited for bravery, fell down stairs a few days after his return to Buffalo and was killed.) Company K of Tonawanda and Company E of Jamestown had already taken up patrol posts in different parts of the State. An urgent call to guard the electric plants at the Falls had been made, and by reason of the tremendous volume of power generated at that point extra precaution was immediately taken. Federal and municipal authorities knew that German propagandists were active, and a natural uneasiness as to the real extent of dis- affection and disloyalty was felt here. Many officials, Mayor Fuhrmann among them, expressed a disbelief that any disloyalty lurked in Buffalo, but they proceeded nevertheless on the theory that it is better to be safe than sorry, and acted accordingly. Commissioner Arthur W. Kreinheder at the head of the important city department of Public Works sent a communicationt to the Council on April 6th, the day war was declared, urging action looking to a further protection of the Water Works. Business interests of the city began to exhibit apprehension and on April 12th Mayor Fuhrmann asked Governor Whitman for State troops to guard local elevators. He had forgotten that the troops were no longer under the control of the State, but was reminded of that fact in a telegram J from Adjutant General Stotesbury on April 13th. *There was little excitement last night at 8 o'clock in the Exchange street station as Buffalo's two divisions of the naval militia boarded a special train for Philadelphia from which point they will be sent to a port on the Atlantic where they will be assigned to one of Uncle Sam's warships for active service. No information was available as to where they are going, but it is known that they will be on warships within 24 hours after they reach their destination. Their departure was sudden. It was known for two days that they were going to leave, but the day tor departure was generally thought to be 'Tuesday. Preparations had been completed swiftly and the militiamen were somewhat surprised when an order came from Washington late yesterday afternoon ordering them to leave in the evening. Their special train arrived in Philadelphia at 6 o'clock this morning. Soon after the order came Lieutenant Frank Maytham and Lieutenant Commander Arthur E. Brock had the men ready and all their equip- ment was sent on its way. The men were barely able to inform their parents and their relatives that they were about to leave. As the boys marched out of the Connecti- cut street armory they were given a great send-off by the members of the 74th Regiment and the hundreds of persons who were visiting the armory and the wives and sweethearts and friends of the militiamen. As the boys, most of whom are young, marched through the street small crowds gathered, for they were attracted by the tunes that were played by the militiamen's fife and drum corps. The march continued in Niagara street to Main street to Exchange street. This was a new experience for the naval militiamen. They did not go to the border when the infantrymen went, but their call this time is different than the call that infantrymen received. The naval militiamen are going to war. — (Local newspaper) 1 1 See next page. I Buffalo's Part in the World War 63 Upon receipt of that telegram, the Mayor immediately despatched a telegram ''. to the Com- mander at Governor's Island, again urging waterfront protection. The police guard around the elevators was increased and the elevator owners co-operated by the appointment of watchmen to assist the police in safeguarding these immense repositories of valuable foodstuffs. Fires in the elevators at Erie and at other points throughout the country added to the uneasiness here. It was not until near the close of April that the Mayor received word * * from the Government offering assistance in guarding these properties. On April 25th a letter from Adjutant General Wing at Governor's Island assured Buffalo officials that troops would be furnished. To THE Council— tDEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Gentlemen: The unsettled condition of the times and the prevailing apprehension that through the efforts of public enemies or malicious and evil minded persons damage and loss may occur to the property of the city, especially the water works, urges me to lay before you this communication for your consideration. To minimize danger a special guard of police is now being maintained day and night over the water works property, and further precautions have been taken to thoroughly safeguard the very large investments of the city in this most important system. Upon consultation with many business men, I find that when large values are jeopardized, as a further precautionary measure these values are insured against loss by any of the causes mentioned. I therefore submit for the consideration of the Council the proposition that explosion insurance be placed upon the water works, and that the cost of such insurance, which will not be very great considering the protection afforded, be borne as a current expense by the bureau of water. It is not necessary to recite the terrible consequences which destruction of any vital or serious portion of the water works system would bring upon the people of the city of Buffalo. While we have the utmost confidence in the patriotism and loyalty of all our citizens, we believe that in the interest of public safety this department should be empowered to take all the precautionary measures necessary. I am informed that other cities are protecting their public properties by insurance, and in view of the large values of our pumping station, I recommend that this department be authorized to procure the necessary insurance at once on the best terms and conditions obtainable. Respectfully submitted, Arthur W. Kreinheder, Commissioner (Copy of Telegram sent) iSTATE OF NEW YORK The Adjutant General's Office (26457) Albany Hon. Louis P. Fuhrmann, Mayor of Buffalo, Albany, N. Y., April 13th, 1917. Buffalo, N. Y. Reference your telegram all infantry National Guard organizations in western part of State are in Federal service. Have referred your tele- gram to the Commanding General Eastern Department and requested him to wire this office whether National Guard units in Federal service will be placed on duty for protection of elevator and milling district of Buffalo. Suggest you wire Commanding General Eastern Department, Gov- ernor's Island, for adequate guard from troops in Federal service. Louis W. Stotesbury, The Adjutant General. SPostal Telegraph — Commercial Cables TELEGRAM Buffalo, N. Y., April 14, 1917. To the General Commanding Department of the East, U. S. Army, Governor's Island, New York Harbor Grain elevators at Buffalo, with a storage capacity of twenty-five million bushels of grain; flour and cereal mills with a daily output about twenty-five thousand barrels flour, and corresponding quantity of feed, feel that their property is in jeopardy unless given immediate military pro- tection. Two hundred million bushels of grain passed through this port last year, going very largely for export to the Allies. One hundred twenty- five million of this was Canadian grain — principally wheat. There are thirty millions of wheat headed to Buffalo now, merely awaiting breaking up of ice on lakes. I earnestly request that you detail at least a battalion of troops to protect these properties which are located almost entirely in one district on the waterfront — a narrow strip a little over two miles long. I have asked the New York State authorities for such protection and am informed that all State troops have been mustered into Federal service and that request should be addressed to you. Please act promptly. Shippers and owners of grain and grain products passing through this port are greatly exercised over lack of protection. L. Pt Fuhrmann, Mayor. ** HEADQUARTERS EASTERN DEPARTMENT Governor's Island, New York City In reply refer to 370.21, Buffalo, N. Y. April 24th, 1917. Hon. Louis P. Fuhrmann, Mayor, Buffalo, N. Y. Dear Sir: Reference your telegram of April 14th, 1917. The Department Commander directs me to inform you that as soon as the 3rd New York In- fantry is mustered into the Federal service, the Commanding Officer of the 74th New York Infantry at Buffalo has been directed to furnish such troops as may be practicable to co-operate with your police force in the protection of the grain elevator district of Buffalo. "These troops are furnished with the idea of co-operating with the civil authorities in protecting these districts, and it will not be practicable to furnish the necessary troops to entirely safeguard this district, but your local police should co-operate with these troops in keeping this portion of the city properly policed. While it is desired to furnish all the protection practicable for such utilities, he is unable with the number of troops available to protect all such places, and in furnishing such protection as he is able, he hopes that your department will co-operate in such manner as to make the protection adequate. Yours very truly, J. A. Wing, Adjutant-General Adjutant. 64 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER XVII RUSH FOR MARRIAGE LICENSES CONGESTS CITY CLERK'S OFFICE T HE recruiting campaign in April was confined largely if not wholly to enlistments in the Regular Army and to filling the National Guard regiments to fighting strength. The fol- lowing telegram explains the army purposes of the Government at that time: WESTERN UNION TELEGRAM Hon. Louis P. Fuhrmann. New York, N. Y., April 12, 1917. Mayor, Buffalo, N. Y.: Our telegram of April seventh, emphasized Navy's need. Understand Regular Army and National Guard to be filled if possible by Volunteers but creation larger force dependent upon Congressional legislation. Venture to suggest you now urge Navj' enlistment. Hope by action your own city, and by telegrams to your Congressmen and Senators, you will emphasize danger reljing upon volunteer system. Men needed in industry, agriculture, and to look after families may wish to enlist. Men who should enlist may prefer to stay home. Chaos will result. Universal train- ing service means every man will be assigned to duty for which best fitted. Service in factory or farm equally honorable with service with colors. Under volunteer system there will be stigma upon those who stay at home. We hope for your support for universal service. Our Committee is receiving strongest possible support from labor leader members. Suggest you include labor representatives on committees you may organize. Alex.ander J. Hemphill, Chairman, Recruiting Committee of the Mayor's Committee on Xational Defense. Recruiting was brisk for a while but not exceptionally so. Captain Hamlin opened a recruiting station for the Third Artillery at Lafayette Square, and another at Shelton Square. Colonel Kemp, also, caused stations to be set up about the city to bring in recruits for the 74th. Marines and naval officers were likewise active in recruiting. Scenes around the monument at Lafayette Square at times grew most interesting and spectacular. Women joined in the work. Earnest appeals were made to those w^ho congregated at that point to "join the colors." Captain Patrick J. Keeler, a judge of the City Court, was among the most enthusiastic officers of the Third Artil- lery in the effort to secure enlistments in his regiment. His speeches from the monument plat- form were intensely patriotic and forceful. No two men could have possibly spent more time and endeavor than did Captains Hamlin and Keeler in that reci'uiting campaign. Their labors were not so fully rewarded, perhaps, as they had hoped, or as the effort deserved, but they did bring many young men into khaki under the banner of the old 65th Regiment, then the Third Artillery. On April 24th the Military Training Camp Association opened an office in the White Building to receive applications for the officers' training camp at Madison Barracks. A number of guards- men were permitted to join the officers' camps, and through that source Buffalo furnished many officers to the Army. Later camps were established at Fort Niagara, and other points throughout the country. Many men who secured commissions at Madison Barracks, were sent to the regu- lars, and finally found their way into the First and Second Divisions in overseas service. While it may be possible that all eyes were turned toward the military operations at that moment, the rush of the young men of Buffalo was not wholly in the direction of the recruiting stations. Many rushed to the City Clerk's office for marriage licenses, through which they hoped to evade military service. The following article, appearing in the Buffalo Commercial on the "Yellow Peril" was written by Frank Gilchriese, City Hall reporter, and father of Captain Harry Gilchriese who gave valiant service throughout the war with the 106th Artillery in France. "Slackers Enter Here" "That was the sign that someone pasted over the doorway leading to the City Clerk's office and the marriage license bureau yesterday. That sign didn't appear to have any effect on the rush. All records at Cupid's Bower were smashed to smithereens by the onslaught of prospective brides and bridegrooms. The rush started immedi- ately after the City Clerk's office was opened for business, and at noon it hadn't abated a jot. City Clerk Sweeney had to detail practically all his employees to the job of making out licenses. There were fully fifty couples lined up for marriage licenses all the time, and they kept coming until the wonder was where they all came from. "A careful scrutiny of the lapels of the coats of the bridegrooms failed to disclose more than one per cent of Ameri- can colors — the colors that are being worn so profusely these days. Buffalo's Part in the World War 65 "'Do these men have to swear to support the Constitution and the flag?' asked a bystander of one of the City Clerk's men. " ' Won't they have enough to do to support their wives? ' was the retort. "Some of the couples that entered the hall noticed the big American flag that is suspended over the clerk's desk. But most of the couples saw nothing in that flag to attract them. They simply followed the rush. The sight was such an unusual one that city hall employees made a sort of Mecca of the City Clerk's office just to see the crowd. "At noon an attempt was made to get a count of the couples that secured licenses during the forenoon, but the rush and consequent confusion made this impossible. It was certain that more than 100 couples got licenses during the forenoon and that more than half of the men were of military age — between 18 and 25. "An officer of the Third Field Artillery called upon City Clerk Sweeney to ask if he could erect a recruiting station in the City Clerk's office. "'By all means,' said Mr. Sweeney. "The officer said he would send a recruiting corps to the office during the afternoon. "'That might stop the rush,' said a tired-out employee." The following report in the Courier indicates that the recruiting officers did not overlook the opportunity to set up a recruiting station where the heroes (of matrimony) were the thickest: "At noon a sergeant and three privates of the 3d Artillery opened a recruiting office in the marriage license bureau. They were furnished with office room and other necessaries by City Clerk Sweeney. They posted the usual notices and prepared to do business, but the sergeant said he had little expectation for success at this time. " 'Perhaps a few months from now some of these young fellows will be glad to join the army,' said a bystander." The efforts of the military men quickly turned the tide, however, and the number appearing for licenses gradually dwindled. The young women were the first to declare that they would not run the battery of gibes from those gathered around the corridors leading to the City Clerk's office, and a brighter and better and nobler color began to take the place of the yellow shade in the cheeks of the young men. Many of those who felt the impulse to evade service and who applied for licenses at that time were numbered later on with the boys who did their "bit" to the limit, and made the Supreme Sacrifice under their country's flag in a foreign land. 'a 3 si 2 ^ m 3 s o o I I o Xi J3 C o Buffalo's Part in the World War 67 CHAPTER XVIII FLAG RAISING CEREMONIES AND PULPIT APPEALS PRESIDENT Wilson's war message to Congress, the patriotic fervor of the Elmwood Music Hall meeting, and the declaration of war itself served to set the blood of the people a-tingling and fill the city with martial airs. The month of April found bankers and merchants fling- ing the flag to the breeze. The practice quickly spread to the householders, if it did not originate there. Large industrial plants added something akin to a renewal of allegiance by surrounding the flag raising events with ceremony and song. In many of the plants, workmen purchased and raised the flags themselves. Commissioners Malone and Kreinheder, Mayor Fuhrmann and other city officials were much in demand as speakers at flag raising ceremonies. Though the practice began in April it lasted through the entire year and at times the number was so large it seemed as though the city would burst out in one great American flag with the entire population cheering. The daily papers were filled with accounts of these jubilees. The first flags raised with ceremony were at the Pierce-Arrow plant in Elmwood Avenue, and at the Niagara Street branch of the Curtiss plant. Peter A. Porter, a former member of Congress, and Colonel Charles Clifton were the speakers at the first named ceremonial, while Mayor Fuhr- mann delivered an address of patriotic character at the Curtiss plant. The following day, "Old Glory" was unfolded at the New York Central stockyards in East Buffalo, with Alfred D. Sears as master of ceremonies and Edward L. Jung as the speaker. A squad of fifteen members of the 74th Regiment participated in the observances and fired a salute to the flag. Then the Post- office employees raised an immense banner, the speakers being Robert Eichel, superintendent of mails; David 0. Trainer, head of the Clerks' Association, and Thomas F. Kennedy, president Hon. Charles M. Heald Addressing Crowd at Patriotic Meeting 68 Buffalo's Part in the World War of the Letter Carriers' Association. On that occasion Postmaster George J, Meyer announced that he would give his entire salary of $6,000 a year to war relief funds. Captain Patrick J. Keeler and Lieutenant D. P. Wickersham, naval recruiting officer, were the speakers at Lafayette Square when the boys of the recruiting station had a "flag raising" early in April. Fully 1,000 men massed themselves at the Cyphers Incubator plant in Dewey Avenue for a similar purpose. The men poured in from the adjoining plants. The gathering was probably the largest at any flag raising ceremony held during the month of April. Arthur W. Kreinheder, Commissioner of Public Works, was the speaker. In many of the churches patriotic sermons were delivered. On Sunday following the declaration of war Rev. Robert J. MacAlpine of the Central Park Presby- terian Church and the Rev. Thomas J. O'Hern, a Catholic missionary, were leaders in the pulpit appeal to patriotism. On the following Saturday and Sunday war sermons were preached by the Rev. Louis J. Kopald of Temple Beth Zion, Rev. Carl D. Case of the Delaware Avenue Baptist Church, Rev. Richard Wilson Boynton of the First Unitarian Church, Rev. John T. Cowan of the Prospect Avenue Baptist Church, Rev. William J. Kirwin, 0. M. I. of Holy Angels Church, Rev. William S. Mitchell of Plymouth Methodist Episcopal, Rev. Thomas J. Walsh, later Bishop of Trenton, N. J., then rector of St. Joseph's Old Cathedral, Rev. L. 0. Williams, First Univer- salist Church of the Messiah, and Rev. George F. Williams of St. Mary's on the Hill, who later became Captain Williams of the United States Army — a chaplain. Men were naturally turning to the armories, to the recruiting stations and to Congress for information as to the next step. War had been declared, yet no one understood definitely how we were to make war. Food was necessary; that was apparent. Ships had to be built; that, also, we realized to be an essential duty of the nation. The Navy could use men, mariners would be required in manning the ships to carry supplies and ammunition. It appeared to be conceded we would, in compliance with our military and naval duty, simply fill up the local regiments and aid in Navy enlistments. Discussion grew at Washington as to whether or not we would send an army overseas, and the arrival of envoys from England and France to discuss the form our aid should take, soon made it certain that men would be needed for war service on foreign soil. The man-power of both France and England had been materially weakened, and the morale of their troops was none too high. Offers to raise volunteer regiments poured in to Washington. President Wilson and other officials at the head of the War Department were strongly set against the volunteer system, and, at an early date in April, caused a bill providing for selective enrollment to be introduced in both houses of Congress. The measure was discussed at length in the House Military Committee, and, on April 18th, the committee, by a vote of twelve to eight, decided to have the army bill carry a provision committing the Government to an attempt to raise the new force by volunteers before taking other steps. At the same time the Senate Committee, by a vote of ten to seven, decided in favor of conscription. The action of the House was virtually a declaration for the volunteer system to raise 500,000 men, the number it was generally believed would be needed. The provision which the House Committee agreed upon was as follows: "That the President be and he is hereby authorized to call for 500,000 volunteers under and in accordance with the act of Congress approved April 25, 1914 (the army reorganization act) * * * That in the event it becomes neces- sary to raise an additional force of 500,000 men * * the President be, and he is hereby authorized to call such addi- tional force by volunteers in the same manner, such volunteer army shall be apportioned among the various States and Territories and the District of Columbia, according to population, raised in regiments' units or parts thereof * * * Provided that such volunteer forces shall be recruited in local units as far as practicable and company officers may be appointed from such units upon passing such reasonable and practical examinations as to fitness as the President may direct. "And provided further, that upon the completion of the enrollment as provided in this act and in the event the President decides that such additional force or forces cannot be effectually raised and maintained under the call for volunteers as herein provided, the President be and he is hereby authorized to raise and organize the same by the selective draft as herein provided." Buffalo's Part in the World War 69 The foregoing resolution voiced the trend of thought of a great many people. The volunteer system was looked upon as the more manly and patriotic way to go to war, while the draft was viewed in many quarters as a somewhat degrading system of raising an army. It was stated that riots and disorder would follow any attempt to draft men. Washington reports, while indi- cating that men were needed on the farms and in the industries more than in the military branch, still continued to carry assurance that eventually whatever military service would be required of the young men would be determined by a selective draft system. In Buffalo people generally felt assured that our part in the struggle would be confined wholly to sending supplies. In fact, the utterances of all authorities tended to confirm that opinion. The Buffalo Commercial in that day was a conservative newspaper. Politically it was opposed to the President but it strongly advocated support of the President's war policy and the adoption of the selective service system.* The other Buffalo newspapers were likewise earnestly behind the President, but not all were entirely convinced that the volunteer method should be discarded. Comment on the editorial pages of the papers even at that late day in April shows how little the people then thought of our actual participation with an armed force on foreign soil. They did not realize that their government was quietly shaping the machinery at that moment to raise the army which in one year and a half from that date would halt and then destroy the German military machine. *"As the days pass since war was declared against Germany the part that the United States is to play in the great world struggle for supremacy becomes more clearly and definitely pronounced. We now realize that America's duty is not primarily to send men to the fighting line either on sea or land, but in supplying the nations already in the fight with the things they stand in need of. It is not for us to carry the gun but to work behind the gunners. We are to be connected with the quartermaster's department. It is an humble part and one that will not bring great mili- tary glory, but it is just as essential to the winning of this war as the work General Haig's forces are doing to-day on the blood-soaked slopes of Vimy Ridge. "When war was threatened between Germany and our country the German newspapers ridiculed the idea of the United States contributing in any way to the cause of the Allies more than it was already doing. They declared that Americans had already done all they could do to help the Entente by sending them ammunition and other supplies. Little did they count upon the expansive resources of this nation. Little did they dream that what we had done for gold was but a moiety of what we could and would do under the stimulus of patriotism; that the streams of supplies which have been flowing into Great Britain, France, Russia and Italy are rivulets indeed when compared to the great torrents that will be poured into the lap of the Allies when the industrial forces of the nation are once fairly mobilized and 100,000,000 men, women and children, more or less, have found their places and have begun to 'do their bit.' "The United States is to be the great supply depot of the allied powers. It will be at once the granary of the Entente armies and the civilian populations behind them, the arsenal of the troops fighting in the cause of democracy and the great shipyard of the world, building vessels in such immense quantities that Germany with all the destructive power of her submarines cannot sink them as fast as they will be turned out. Food, munitions, clothing and footwear for soldiers and non-combatants will soon pour into the commercial marts of the Allies in such increasing quan- tities as to blast forever the hopes of the Central empires bringing the war to an end through the exhaustion of their enemies. "This is the theme of the President's address to the country published in the newspapers to-day: We must take the place of the men who have gone to the front and raise or make things that they are unable to produce or manufacture by reason of a shortage of men, material and machinery." — Buffalo Commercial, April 16, 1917. 70 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER XIX UNCLE SAM'S PLAN TO RAISE A NATIONAL ARMY ON Saturday, April 28th, 1917, Mayor Fuhrmann received notice through official channels of the form Buffalo's essential military participation in the World War then raging in Europe would take. The notice arrived fully three weeks prior to the date on which Con- gress passed the act which subsequently became known as the Selective Service Law. It con- veyed information to the head of the city government that the Federal authorities had deter- mined to raise a National army from the youths of the country by the selective service system. K^ 1 4 Lf?lLJ^ '^^'^ set ' ^^^y 1 t President and Mrs. Wilson visit Buffalo First Lady of the Land alighting from automobile on occasion of President's visit to Builalo for the big labor conference Mayor Fuhrmann had followed closely the affairs at Washington and at the capitals of the belligerent nations of Europe and he was closer to a complete realization of the nearness of war to Buffalo homes than most of the war students of Buffalo at that time. But the message he received that evening came to him as a real awakening. It did, also, to the others who read it. Like almost everyone else he had pictured in his mind's eye the National Guard called to war; he had pictured a call for volunteers, and, then, if more men were needed for America's part — a draft. Up to that hour, however, the Federal Government's plan of procedure had not been announced to anyone in Buffalo, and the President and his advisers were at that moment deeply concerned over the wisdom of their course and waited with apprehension, groundless as it happily proved to be, the reception of the plan by the people. The communication announcing the draft was forwarded to Mayor Fuhrmann by Brigadier General Louis W. Stotesbury, Adjutant General of the State of New York, and was marked, Buffalo's Part in the World War 71 "Personal and Confidential." A messenger from the Mayor's office carried it to the Mayor at Police Headquarters, where he had called for a conference with Chief Martin. At that time, and for some weeks prior thereto, the police authorities were conducting an ex- tensive investigation, in a secret way, to determine the extent of pro-German propaganda dif- fused here, and to detect any conspiracies which might be afoot for the destruction of industries or storage plants or the like. Explosions and fires, in which great quantities of war material and foodstuffs had been destroyed, had been reported from various sections of the country, and the Mayor and Chief of Police were extremely anxious to avoid a disaster of that sort in Buffalo. Police Headquarters was then on a small rectangular plot of ground at the intersection of Seneca, Franklin and Erie Streets, and the Upper Terrace. It faced Franklin Street, but its rear windows abutted on the New York Central's Belt Line tracks, and volumes of dense black smoke enclouded — almost engulfed — the building at regular intervals during the day and night while the ponderous engines rocked and shook the old structure as they climbed up the grade to the Terrace Station. The day of the electrification of railroad lines within the city limits had long been prom- ised but had not yet arrived. Within the walls of that old building Buffalo officially entered the war. Upon the arrival of the City Clerk at the Chief's office in answer to a telephone call, the Mayor handed him a letter,* the one he had just received from Albany, being a condensed outline of the draft in conformity with a letter sent to the Governors of all the States of the Union on April 23, 1917. The plan of registration as outlined in that letter found no deviation in its execution, and though thousands of men were engaged in the task and 70,000 registrations were effected in this County, the machinery was never for a moment retarded, nor stopped, until the task was completed. *STATE OF NEW YORK Confidential and Personal The Adjutant General's Office From: The Adjutant General Albany April 26th, 1917. To: Mayor L. P. Fuhrmann, Buffalo, N. Y. Subject: Registration of Persons for Federal Draft. 1. The Governor has received information through the Secretary of War, that the Act now pending in Congress providing for the raising of additional Army troops, is assured of passage this week and will have the immediate approval of the President. 2. The Act provides for the raising of the Army by selective draft, and as the basis for such action the President proposes, immediately upon the approval of the Act, to issue a' Proclamation requiring all persons of the designated classes or ages, to present themselves for registration on a certain day, at the customary polling places in their voting precincts or districts. 3. The War Department has called upon the Governor of each State to become responsible for such registration within the State, and has directed that registration boards be constituted in each county, consisting of the Sheriff, County Clerk and the county physician or health officer and that similar boards be constituted in cities of over 30,000 inhabitants, consisting of the Mayor, the City Clerk and the City Health Officer or head of the local health department. That this board, in cities, shall be known as the City Board of Control, and will act as a supervisory board for the entire city. Boards similar to the County Board should be constituted for one or more wards, to supervise the registration in indi- cated precincts and to further execute the law, and the various ward boards should function under the central City Board of Control. 4. You, as Mayor, will be the executive officer of the Registration Board of the city. The City Clerk will be the custodian of its records. The medical officer on each ward board would later pass upon the physical fitness of those selected for service. 5. The election district will be the unit of registration. There must be provided in each election district a registration depot, and for each depot there would be appointed by the ward board or by your board, as you may determine, at least one registrar and a sufficient number of clerks to take care of the registration within the district. 6. The important duty of making the selection from the drafted class would be made in the city by the Ward Board, and should be consti- tuted of citizens who can be relied upon to exercise this solemn function with even justice and with appreciation of its gravity. 7. It is left to you, as Mayor of the city, to appoint the Ward Boards. The Governor will appoint the County Boards and the general Super- vising Boards of the city. You as executive officer of the City Board will appoint and designate the Ward Boards, either a special Board for each ward or one Board to cover several wards. There should be a physician on each Board. 8. According to the information received from the Secretary of War, the Proclamation will call for the registration, on a certain day within ten days of the date of the Proclamation, and all of the men of the designated classes will be required to appear at the registration depots on that day, and all the work of the registration is to be accomplished on that day. You will readily appreciate, therefore, the necessity of having all the machinery prepared in advance, and for that reason we are giving you this information even before the Proclamation is issued, so that you can immediately, informally organize the Board. 9. Immediate steps should be taken to secure the polling places in each district as registration depots. At least one registrar should be appointed for each registration depot, and a sufficient number of clerks. Every preliminary arrangement should be made to take official action immediately upon the receipt of notice or publication of the President's Proclamation. 10. The War Department is to provide the forms and instructions for the registration, which will be sent direct from Washington to you as executive head of the Board, for distribution within your city. Further information will be sent to you as soon as it is received from Washington. 11. Undoubtedly, a question which will require prompt solution is that of the expense of carrying out this governmental undertaking. The Act referred to gives the President full power to call upon State and Federal officials to perform such duties as the President may direct. How- ever, in communicating the plan to the Governor, the Secretary of War stated; "It would be gratifying also to think that the services required of members of these boards would be offered without hope of compensation, but it is borne in mind that the duties imposed upon them will be exacting, difficult, and frequently distressing. If compensation is necessary, the Government stands ready to make it. Where any service in connection herewith is rendered gratuitously the Government will be prompt to express its appreciation." 12. While this refers to the service of the Board, it is not clear that it was intended to include the services of registrars and clerks. If it is possible for you to obtain volunteers for such purpose, that would seem to be the intention of the Secretary. Otherwise, if there is to be expense, either for service or for hire of suitable quarters, you must immediately prepare a budget and wire in the expense, so that it can be submitted to the War Department for approval, but we urge you most earnestly to let no consideration of that sort delay or prevent prompt and complete action as indicated, for the Governor has given his assurance that the State of New York will, to the fullest extent, co-operate in this undertaking, and that every officer, state, county or municipal, as well as each citizen, will do his or her part in the work. 13. In view of the confidential character of the communication from the Secretary of War, the action taken must be, as far as possible, with- out publicity, but it is understood, of course, that the official nature of the request must be communicated to your associates and those who are to be persuaded to do the work; but your action must, to a certain extent, be preparatory and tentative until the Act itself is signed and the Proclamation itself is actually issued. 14. Please to at once acknowledge the receipt of this communication and give your assurance as to the necessary action. Louis W. Stotesbury, The Adjutant General. Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER XX LOUIS P. FUHRMANN, BUFFALO'S WAR MAYOR, 1914 TO 1917 IN the light of subsequent events the notice and information that letter contained grew dim and uninteresting. Time quickly swallowed it up. To the little group in that police office, how- ever, it was momentous. It carried a stern message of impending sacrifice. Buffalo was unconscious of war's presence. No part of the Ignited States was diff'erent. Here and there throughout the city scattered contingents of citizens had for months, as we know, solemnly urged preparation for war, and their pleas fell on willing, but joyous, unconcerned and unimpressed ears. To most Buffalonians the war was an inconceivable number of miles away. To those who received the first order of preparation it was close at hand. Chief Martin, always military in his carriage and austere in demeanor, seemed to suddenly grow more cold and erect as he read that letter. Mayor Fuhrmann, jovial and even-tempered always, evidenced in his conversation and manner how deeply the notice had impressed him. "Well, it's here. Let's go to it," were the words he used in concluding the discussion, adding, "Buffalo — this Nation — is in the war and we have some dark times ahead, but I presume it is the only way to end that struggle over there." It was determined that the City Clerk should map out a plan and quietly perfect an organiza- tion to carry through the registration contemplated in the legislation then before Congress. The Mayor expressed his intention to give all his time to the consideration of matters concerning Buffalo's participation in the war — a determination to which he adhered unswervingly through- out his term as a public official. And it must be recorded that he played no small part in assisting the Federal Government in the co-ordination of the forces of the Nation, and in putting Buffalo I Mayor Fuhrmann at Station Saying Good-By to Artillerymen Buffalo's Part in the World War 73 patriotically to the front. Some cities hesitated in their war work. Some Mayors faltered and failed. Buffalo unfurled the flag early and kept going stronger as the Nation's calls increased. Mayor Fuhrmann was comparatively a young man at that time, scarcely more than 45 years of age. He had then held the office of Mayor for upwards of six years, having emerged from two bitterly contested campaigns to succeeding victories. The fierce nature of his political struggles did not embitter him, however, and he always greeted folks everywhere in the same character- istically good-natured, smiling, affable manner. At an early age, Louis Fuhrmann was a butcher boy, not such as carried steaks or roasts from the shop to one's home, but as a worker in the abattoirs; later as a manager of the western branch of the big Dold Packing Company, in Kansas City, and, finally, returning to Buffalo, he entered into the business for himself. His education was obtained by hard knocks, and his only degrees were those the College of the Wide World gives. But he was keen and fearless. He had courage! Oh, he had courage! Too much, perhaps. Right or wrong he could, without fear or flinching, face them all — newspapers, individuals, political organizations, social and business societies. He was as loyal to his friends as a flower to its stalk ; a strong believer in party, and yet forever on the outs with his party organization; intensely partisan, yet constantly putting personal friendships above party considerations. He came into politics as an alderman in the old Sixth Ward — against his wishes — and with great diffidence, almost timidity, approached his duties there. But in less than three years, he had grown to be a leader in the Council. Another whirl of the political wheel found him, in 1909, his party's candidate for Mayor, to which office he was then elected, and he was re-elected in 1913. When, in 1914, the war broke out he was serving the first year of his second term, and, at that period was well versed in the affairs of government. He had grown exceptionally popular with the people, a popularity which clung to him for the greater part of his second period as Mayor, but which waned rapidly towards the end of his term. His intense patriotism nevertheless never waned, and, indeed, earnest and sincere and effective was the service he rendered in the solution of the innumerable problems which the war brought to Buffalo. The high resolve he made in Chief Martin's office that April night to devote his every effort to winning the war became in the following months a beacon of patriotic dedication toward which he ever turned. That in brief is a description of the then Mayor of Buffalo. It does not appear entirely ade- quate, but it will convey an idea of the manner of man who held the reins of government at that eventful period. He had his faults and weaknesses! He was not an ideal executive. Did any city ever have one? He inherited nothing from Demosthenes, but was concise and forceful in his remarks. Attractive in appearance, he was chock full of good humor and kindness. He was a regular fellow, a man's man ; prone to fight the reform forces in the community, and given over to liberality in all things. He would quickly check lawlessness, but as quickly give leave to the exercise of all those virtues and near-vices which, for the want of a more descriptive term, might reasonably be assembled under the title of individual liberties. It is not of record that he ever marched in a reform procession, and he fairly and justly earned the opposition of civic leagues, city crusaders and such like organizations. If any one of a dozen men were picked at random and asked to name Mayor Fuhrmann's chief characteristics, the immediate, unhesi- tating reply would be "His cordiality and his courage." Both of those qualities were put to a severe test in the war months of his term which followed. 74 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER XXI VOLUNTEER ARMY TO ADMINISTER SELECTIVE SERVICE LAW ON April 27th work was started in Buffalo on the registration plans, and that work was un- ceasing and intensive until the plans were finally arranged and the registration consum- mated. Primarily, the committee in charge found the need of an army of some 2,000 volunteer registrars. They were recruited from the election officers and party committeemen of the two major parties. General and district committeemen, inspectors of election and poll clerks, without exception, volunteered their services for registration day without cost to the Government or to the city. Many citizens in each election district, likewise, tendered themselves gratuitously for the work. Governor Whitman, on May 10th, announced the appointment of the members of the registration boards. Those officials, up to the time their designation was officially declared, were observing the government request not to make the conscription plans known. But a short time thereafter, when it became apparent a sufficient number of votes had been pledged in Congress to secure the enactment of the selective service act, Washington author- ities asked the registration boards to enlist the assistance of local newspapers in disseminating information regarding the draft. In that work the newspapers rendered valuable assistance. Return postal cards had been mailed to prospective registrars, and a substantial list of volunteers for each of the 200 districts of the city and the 75 districts of the towns of the county outside of Buffalo had been obtained before the selective service act finally passed both houses of Congress. The measure received the President's signature on May 16th, the day of its passage in the House. Excitement and jubilation everywhere followed. In churches and clubs, at flag ceremonies and civic dinners, in speech and song and cheers, the spirit of an aroused patriotism made itself felt. In his proclamation the President called on all male citizens of the United States between the ages of 21 and 31, except officers and enlisted men of the Army, Navy, and Marines and those in the Regular Army reserve officers' corps and various other military and naval reserve organiza- tions, to register in their home precincts on June 5th. It was provided that the registration booths should be open between the hours of 7 A. M. and 9 P. M. on that day. Provision was made for the enrollment of those who were sick, and necessary steps were taken to register in- mates of jails, penitentiaries and insane asylums; in fact, no male of the announced military age was overlooked, no matter what might be the condition of his health or his social standing, the width or the restriction of his liberty. The President further provided that those who were absent from their home precincts on the fifth day of June might present them- selves to the city or town clerk of any city or town and fill out a registration card, the card to be forwarded to the city clerk or county clerk of the city or county in which the regis- trant claimed permanent abode. These cards were to be forwarded at a time which would provide for the receipt of the same at the registrant's home district prior to June 5th, and the office of the City Clerk, by reason of those registrations, became a beehive of activity for a ten-day period preceding. Throughout that period the members of the registration boards in the city and county and their clerical assistants worked day and night. Henry J. Collins, a clerk in the Sheriff's office, served as clerk of the County Board. An allotment of 50,000 registration cards was sent to Buffalo, and another of about 15,000 to the County Board. The estimate of the statisticians in Washington placed the probable regis- tration for Buffalo at 40,000. In addition, 10,000 cards were furnished for registrations prior to June 5th. For the purpose of systematically reaching the registrars, the 2,000 volunteers in the city were divided into groups within police precincts. In the County the Supervisors carried { Buffalo's Part in the World War 75 out the work of organization. Full instructions had been received by telegraph* as to the quali- fications of the men to be chosen as registrars, and it had been determined to employ men at a per diem rate if a sufficient number of suitable volunteers could not be obtained. In all the army of 2,000 men in the city, and at least 500 in the towns, who finally performed the work no one would accept financial recompense for his services. Under a program arranged by the City Board of Registration the registrars were invited by the Mayor to meet at the precinct station nearest their respective homes at a time indicated in a letterf sent to each one by the Mayor. They were met at the appointed time and places by deputies from the City Clerk's office, who became known as the flying squad. That squad was made up of exceptionally efficient men, including James Mockler and John Riley, warrant clerks in the City Clerk's Department; Thomas Lawley, member of the Erie County Board of Super- visors; Frank Love, agent for a brick manufacturing concern, and Edward Ryan, a real estate salesman. The vast amount of clerical work in preparing and issuing identification cards for the registrars, securing their signatures to oath blanks, making the necessary record of their respec- tive booth assignments and distributing printed pamphlets of instructions, was handled by that squad. The members of the Registration Board, accompanied by Chief of Police Martin, fol- lowed the clerical force from station house to station house. The officials arrived about the time the clerks left. Thorough instruction was given to the prospective registrars by City Clerk Sweeney, and Mayor Fuhrmann then administered the oath of office to the hundreds of men present and impressed upon them in a short address, f the responsibility they were taking and their obligation in the work they had so generously volunteered to perform. Two, and sometimes three, stations were covered in a night, and the course was continued until every one of the 2,000 volunteers had received full information concerning a task which, naturally was new to everyone. In the light of after events, recalling the remarkable record made by Bufi'alo — the first city in the State to hand in its completed returns — the work of instruction and of organization, and the co-operation obtained, made possible the words of praise which Governor Whitman and others later bestowed upon Buffalo for its efficiency in the labors of registration. *STATE OF NEW YORK The Adjutant General's Office Albany From: The Adjutant General. May 14th, 1917. To: Hon. Louis P. Fuhrmann, Buffalo, N. Y. Subject: Registration of Persons for Federal Draft. 1. The attention of all local boards of registration is invited to the following extracts from the revised Regulations of the Bureau of the Pro- vost Marshal General relative to registrars, a complete copy of which will be sent you as soon as available: "Registrars must be competent clerks, whose handwriting is neat and legible. "Registrars shall be selected with regard to their qualifications for the duties prescribed herein. "Registrars should be residents of the precincts for which they are appointed, and they should be persons who have lived long enough in those precincts to be well acquainted with the inhabitants thereof. "Registrars must be citizens of the United States or persons (not alien enemies) who have declared their intention to become citizens of the United States." 2. Certain sheriffs have also called attention to the difficulty in complying with the provisions of the regulations that the registration cards must be delivered by the Chief Registrar to the Executive Officer of the Registration Board. This matter has been submitted to Washington for the decision of the Provost Marshal General, by this office, and the ruling has been made that the regulations must be strictly followed. (Signed) Louis W. Stotesbury, Adjutant General. tCITY OF BUFFALO Mayor's Office Louis P. Fuhrmann, Mayor Buffalo, May 21st, 1917. My Dear Sir: The Government requires that all those who are to serve as registrars in the various polling places of the city on June 5th in connection with the Federal registration shall take an oath of office to support the Constitution of the United States and faithfully perform, on that day, such duties as may fall to them. I have set May 26th, 8.00 P. M., at No. 8 Police Station, Fillmore Avenue, as the time and place for administering this oath. No one can serve his country in this registration work unless he has taken the oath of office. Knowing your willingness and desire to serve, I respectfully urge that you be present on time at the PLACE above mentioned, when full instructions for the work will be given you. I wish to thank you at this time for the generous spirit you have shown in volunteering your services for the taking of this registration. I am advised by the President of the United States that he desires the names of all those who take the oath and perform the duties of registrar in order that the government may express its appreciation of your service. And at a later date, in a formal and public way, as Mayor of the city, I hope to convey to you a just estimate of the city's indebtedness to you, and give expression to my personal gratitude, for the services you are so gen- erously and patriotically to render. With assurances of my kindest personal regards, believe me Very cordially yours, L. P. Fuhrmann, Mayor. JGentlemen: In expressing to you for the City of Buffalo my appreciation of the patriotic spirit which inspires you to take this solemn obligation upon your- selves rnay I say that in due course you will also receive an acknowledgment of commendation from the President of the United States for your loyalty in performing this service to our country in this hour of great national need. I have no word, and no man has, that can adequately portray the importance of the duty devolving upon you in gathering the names of the oung men between the ages of 21 and 30 for the selective draft on the 5th of June. Certainly this responsible duty is far-reaching in its scope, and upon its faithful and complete performance depends our military success subsequent to the draft. 76 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER XXII TONY MONANCO BY NAME: WATER BOY BY OCCUPATION WHILE the organization for June 5th was in progress, the actual work of registering thou- sands of non-residents was going on night and day at the City Hall. Many extra clerks were employed to meet the rush. It was all a new idea with workers and registrants alike. And it was a good-natured throng which daily and nightly filled that office. The spacious room often rang with hearty laughter over some of the answers given by registrants. A diminutive Italian, Tony Monanco by name, water boy by occupation, presented himself at the office early one morning. A clerk at the desk, his eyes still clouded — their hours of rest were not long in those days — not recognizing the young man as a possible registrant said : "What can I do for you?" "Ma name Tony Monanco. In dees countra seex months. Gimme da gun." Had Tony descended from a passenger on the good ship Mayflower he could scarcely have been more intensely American. He exemplified the spirit which was found in all classes, even those who had not reached the initial point on the road to American citizenship. Not all at first blush, however, were able to see their duty. An example of that class was presented by a grocery boy who had driven to the City Hall in his employer's wagon. He had answered all the questions until the clerk asked him if he desired to claim exemption from the draft. "What's that?" he queried. "Is there any reason why you shouldn't go to war in case you are called by Uncle Sam?" said the clerk. "Who th' h — 1 would drive the horse?" was the somewhat apprehensive answer. The clerk expressed the belief that the young man would probably have to ask the captain of his company about that. A photographer wrote to the City Clerk advising him that he would be busy with June weddings on June 5th and that some other day would have to be set for the registration as he positively could not appear on June 5th. The conscientious objector usually claimed exemption by saying: "I am against legalized murder in any form. If the United States wishes to carry on war, let it do so with men who believe in fighting, I do not." The task of registering the vast number who appeared in the days immediately preceding June 5th was not an easy one, and, on several occasions, faithful clerks toppled over at their desks from exhaustion. Those were wonderful days about the City Hall. Not only registrants, but spectators, crowded the corridors of the big building, every one interested in the work that was going on, all realizing that a strange reversal had come over America's dream of unending peace and absolute aloofness from foreign affairs. It was a new atmosphere. The people in the corridors seemed to have hopped right out of some book of ancient history when nations and tribesmen, forgetting all else, concentrated their forces for war. The even-tempered course we had followed for years had ended. Yesterday was gone forever. As the registration work advanced it grew more systematic and was more efficiently handled. On May 15th both the city and county boards reported to Albany they had completed all arrange- ments. Their report was in the hands of the officials at Washington before the draft law was passed in Congress. On May 18th the President issued the proclamation designating June 5th as registration day. Major Turgeon and his aides, Mayor Fuhrmann and the other members of the Registration Board held frequent meetings, but, for the most part, the immense organiza- tion formed for the registration task simply marked time until the coming of June 5th. School Buffalo's Part in the World War 77 Scene at a Buffalo Playground School children reflect in their exercises the predominant sentiment of the hour teachers and school principals volunteered for service with the registration boards to assist wher- ever they were needed. Rural mail carriers tendered their services to Chairman Stengel for work in the towns and gave valuable aid in perfecting the town registration. Erie County, from center to circumference plainly showed at that period its zeal and its fervor. 78 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER XXIII I AM AN AMERICAN IN the days intervening between June 1st and 5th, churches, societies, clubs and Hke organiza- tions sounded a patriotic call from pulpit and banquet board. Class, creed and color rapidly lost distinction. In those days, from early morn until late we saw only, alone, above every- thing else, a mass of stars, in a field of blue with flaming red and white stripes. Speakers of the hour painted the picture of a thoroughly united America. An illuminating schoolhouse incident of that June day tells the whole story: At a meeting of the school children, one boy, a descendant of native Americans, spoke as follows : "I am an American. My father belongs to the Sons of the Revolution; my mother belongs to the Colonial Dames. One of my ancestors pitched tea overboard in Boston Harbor; another stood his ground with Warren; another hungered with Washington at Valley Forge. My fore- fathers were American in the making; they spoke in America's council halls; they died on her battlefields; they commanded her ships; they cleared her forests. Dawns reddened and paled. Staunch hearts of mine beat fast at each new star in the Nation's flag. Keen eyes of mine foresaw her greater glory; the sweep of her seas, the plenty of her plains, the man-hives in her billion-wired cities. Every drop of blood in me holds a her- itage of patriotism. I am proud of my past. I am an American." Then a foreign-born boy arose and said : "I am an American. My father was an atom of dust; my mother was a straw in the wind to His Serene Majesty. One of my ancestors died in the mines of Siberia; another was crippled for life by twenty blows of the knout; another was killed defending his home during the mas- sacres. The history of my ancestors is a trail of blood to the palace gate of the Great White Czar. But then the dream came — the dream of America. In the light of Liberty's torch the atom of dust became a man and the straw in the wind became a woman for the first time. 'See,' said my father, pointing to the flag that fluttered near, 'That flag of stars and stripes is yours; it is the emblem of the promised land. It means, my son, the hope of humanity. Live for it, die for it'. Under the open sky of my new country I swore to do so; and every drop of blood in me will keep that vow. I am proud of my future. I am an American." Flag-raising fever ran riot in those days and every factory and shop, every railroad and steamboat line, every club and church and society had its flag and its flag unfolding cere- I Am An American Buffalo's Part in the World War 79 Scene at Police Headquarters Registering Alien Enemies Under Supervision of Government Authorities mony. In every Episcopalian church throughout the diocese of Western New York, a prayer* was read on Sunday, June 3d, containing an appeal to the Almighty Ruler of men that the youth of the Nation might clearly see its duty and unhesitatingly make the sacrifices it was about to be called upon to make. At the 25th annual reunion banquet of Buffalo Consistory, Scottish Rite Masons, held a few days prior to registration day, Commander George K, Staples, as toastmaster, dispatched a tele- gram to President Wilson, saying: "Scottish Rite Masons of Buffalo Consistory in annual convention here assembled, pledge to their country, its flag and its President their unswerving support and loyalty." The toil of the preparedness workers was now bearing fruit. From store and shop and the professions men and women, boys and girls, poured out, aglow with enthusiasm and the spirit of sacrifice. *"Almighty God, Who by thine indwelling Presence didst enable our fathers to conceive a nation founded in liberty, and didst give them strength to toil and suffer and die that democracy might live, we thank Thee for the glorious example of their courage and steadfastness and for the witness they bore to Thy Truth. And we pray Thee to grant to us their sons such a clearness of vision, such loyalty to Thee that we may never be false to our heritage but may nurture it with our whole hearted toil and ungrudging sacrifice. We pray especially for the youth of our country, that they may at this time especially recognize the privilege of serving the ideal, and with glad hearts and noble courage may offer themselves in this hour of their nation's need. And to us all grant such a measure of Thy grace that giving ourselves and our substance without stint, we in our generation may fulfill Thy will in the establishment of justice and brotherhooi upon the earth forever. We ask it all in the name of Him who died for the truth, Thy Son Jestis Christ our Lord. Amen." I 80 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER XXIV REGISTRATION DAY, JUNE 5th, 1917. JUNE 5th, 1917, came and went, like all June 5ths prior thereto, but on that particu- lar June 5th the Nation heard the heartbeat of patriotism as never before. From the first blush of day until a tired organization, late at night, filed its final reports in the City Clerk's office at the City Hall, the city's throng crowded about the registration booths; one portion of the population to place their names on the list from whence Uncle Sam could call them, the other portion to assist the first or applaud them in that effort. The thrill of the hour found a response in the recruiting stations where many above and below the conscription age put their signatures to enlistment blanks. The downtown section of the city was deserted in the early hours of the day, but, as the afternoon grew on, groups of applauding enthusiasts could be seen on Main, Niagara, Broadway and other prominent thoroughfares cheering the flag, the Presi- dent and the boys who were then offering to their country their services, and their lives if need be. General Crowd er, in his report to the Secretary of War,* paid a tribute to the splendid organi- zation formed throughout the Nation to carry out the registration plan, and Governor Whitman, on a visit to Buffalo a few days after the registration, expressed his delight in the fact that Buffalo had led all cities of the State and "probably of the Nation" in making a complete return on its work. He complimented the citizens of Buffalo, the Mayor and his associates on their achievement. Under the terms of the original proclamation, the city had been divided into sixteen districts containing a population of approximately 30,000 each. These districts were made up of con- tiguous wards and were known as the local exemption districts. It was contemplated to have the Mayor name a district board of three members for each of these districts. The towns of the County were divided into four districts of about 30,000 each, and the Sheriff had named a board for each district. Suddenly that plan was altered, and the members of the exemption boards were nominated by the political organizations. As a consequence the work of the Registration Boards ended earlier than had been anticipated. Their duties were concluded by a telegram from the Adjutant General on July 6th advising those having custody of the registration cards to turn them over to the exemption boards. The telegram also cited the penalty for any failure in the process of exchanging custodial care of the cards. Until the receipt of that telegram the vast army of registration workers were unadvised of the fact that their services being faithfully ren- dered had earned them freedom from penal prosecution. The Boards' light went out abruptly. Mayor Fuhrmann issued a proclamation expressing the city's appreciation of the splendid ser- \ices the registration workers had so patriotically tendered. Major Turgeon reported! for the Registration Guard thanking the men who had served under him, expressing to the Mayor his appreciation of the honor conferred and entertaining the hope that the work they performed had proved of service to the Nation. I I *"It suffices here to say that on the morning of June 5th, a perfectly co-ordinated system which, by the patriotic and devoted co-operation of the officials and citizens of the several States, had been created almost in a fortnight, stood ready to the task. On the evening of that day, prac- tically the entire male population of the United States between the ages of 21 and 30 had presented themselves for enrollment for service, and within 48 hours the returns in the city of Washington were 90 per cent complete. A volume that would read as an epic of patriotic ingenuity and endeavor could be devoted to the story of the registration in many of the States. Seemingly insurmountable difficulties were overcome. The men of the Nation made their first response to the call of national need in a unison that removed all doubt of the solidarity and devotion of our people. The event proved the President's forecast of it. "June 5th is destined to become one of the most significant days in American history." From report of E. H. Crowder, Provost Marshal General. tHEADQUARTERS REGISTRATION GUARD Room 12, City and County Hall Newton E. Turgeon, Chief of Guard Buffalo. June 7th, 1917. Hon. Louis P. Fuhrmann, Mayor Buffalo, N. Y. Sir: I have the honor to report that in accordance with your instructions, as head of the Registration Board, there was formed, in this city, a Registration Guard, consisting of: One Chief of Guard: 1 Adjutant and Chief of Aides: 8 Aides; 3 Inspectors; 6 Inspectors' Aides; 27 Ward Captains; 191 Lieutenants (one for each Registration District); 7 Relay Teams of from six to ten men each from the Greater Buffalo Club and the Rotary Club of this city. (Continued on next page! Buffalo's Part in the World War 81 PERSONNEL OF REGISTRATION BOARDS CITY OF BUFFALO Louis P. Fuhrmann, Chairman Daniel J. Sweeney, Secretary. Francis E. Fronczak, Medical Officer COUNTY OF ERIE Edward Stengel, Chairman John H. Meahl, Secretary. Fred M. Boyle, Medical Officer REGISTRATION GUARD Chief of Guard — Newton E. Turgeon. Chief of Aides and Adjutant — Ernest G. Hatch. Aides — Cleveland H. Babcock, J. Remsen Bennett, Arthur L. Chambers, Albert J. Chestnut, Frank E. Lahey, Albert A. Mason, F. A. G. Merrill, Ward H. McPherson. Inspector, First Division — Captain Alexander R. Robertson. Aides, First Division — Lieut. W. J. Piatt, Lieut. George E. Farthing. Inspector, Second Division — Major G. Barrett Rich, Jr. Aides, Second Division — Milton C. Guggenheimer, Alan Eraser. Inspector, Third Division — Major R. H. Templeton. Aides, Third Division — Capt. George F. Root, Lieut. Ray B. Kurtz. WARD CAPTAINS 1st Ward— Capt. H.W. Nachbar, 6 Municipal Bldg.; 2d Ward— Capt. J. R. Horton, 1120 Prudential Bldg.; 3d Ward —Capt. E. P. Bacon, 453 Ellicott Square; 4th Ward— Capt. H. P. Bosworth, 419 Chicago Street; 5th Ward— Capt. J. Craig Roberts, 662 Ellicott Square; 6th Ward— Capt. W. C. R. Hazard, 310 German Insurance Bldg.; 7th Ward— Capt. F. C. Fornes, 534 Main Street; 8th Ward— Capt. W. M. Wilson, 35 Pearl Street; 9th Ward— Capt. William Kusztelniak, 360 Bristol Street; 10th Ward — Capt. Andrew Kazmierczak, Woltz Avenue and Stanislaus Street; 11th Ward— Capt. John W. Wargin, City Clerk's Office; 12th Ward— Capt. Henry R. Ford; 41 Eagle Street; 13th Ward— Capt. J. C. Arbogast, 366 Main Street; 14th Ward— Capt. G. A. Frisch, 443 Gene- see Street; 15th Ward— Capt. S. C. Moss, 170 Franklin Street; 16th Ward— Capt. Joseph W. Becker, 21 South Division Street; 17th Ward— Capt. Clarence MacGregor, 690 Ellicott Square; 18th Ward— Capt. J. M. Overfield, Jr., 43 Boyd Street; 19th Ward— Capt. Frank Gibbons, 102 Erie County Bank Bldg.; 20th Ward— Capt. Frederick H. Holtz, 211 White Bldg.; 21st Ward— Capt. W. W. McElroy, 19 W. Genesee Street; 22d Ward— Capt. Charles R. Hurley, 501 People's Bank Bldg.; 23d Ward— Capt. Walter F. Hofheins, 1212 Prudential Bldg.; 24th Ward— Capt. C. T. Doorty, 746 Seventh Street; 25th Ward— Capt. D. R. Nott, 497 Washington Street; 26th Ward— Capt. William E. Otto, 202 Pearl Street; 27th Ward— Capt. H. C. Elwood, 800 Morgan Bldg. An Automobile Service Department with 1 Chief of Automobile Service; 1 Assistant Chief of Automobile Service; 15 Aides; 257 Automobile owners, and in addition 4 Special Service men and 1 Stenographer. Accompanying this communication is a compilation showing the personnel of the Guard as above outlined; and in addition, in so far as I am able to give it to you, a list of the names of the men who acted as Registrars in each of the various Districts and Wards of the entire city. This latter compilation is as it came to me from the City Clerk. It will be interesting to you, I am sure, to be advised that all of the above service was rendered voluntarily and without remuneration of any kind or character. In completing this tour of duty, I would feel that I had failed in one of the most important portions of my work, if I neglected to refer to the wonderful (as it was nothing else) support and co-operation and the everywhere apparent spirit of loyalty and patriotism, which pervaded the whole organization, and prompted every man connected with it. To attempt to present to you separately the work of the various individuals, would be a task difficult of performance and would probably weary you, but I feel so strongly with reference to the particular service rendered by Mr. Ernest G. Hatch, Adjutant and Chief of Aides; together with the twelve men under him, the work of Mr. Mason B. Hatch, Chief of Automobile Service, Mr. Edward W. Case. Assistant Chief of Auto- mobile Service, and the fifteen aides working under them, and also that of Mr. John J. Sly, that I can not fail to at least mention them especially here. I feel it a further duty to call to your attention the fact that the New York Telephone Company and the Federal Telephone Company rendered prompt and competent service throughout the day, the Federal Company even agreeing to frank the messages over their line. I thank you for the honor conferred upon me in calling me into this service, and I am more than repaid if the work which has been done has been of service to my country, and satisfactory to you as its representative. Respectfully, N. E. Turgeon, Chief of Guard. Buffalo's Part in the World War 83 CHAPTER XXV TWENTY EXEMPTION DISTRICTS FOR ERIE COUNTY WHILE the Selective Service Bill was still pending in Congress, plans were made to put the law in operation. It had been General Crowder's intention to utilize the registration mechanism for the selection. Changes inserted in the bill, however, required consider- able readjustment of the registration system. Under the original plan appointments were to be made by the Governor on the recommendation of the Mayors of cities and the Sheriffs of counties. The change in the law required the President to make the appointments, but the recommendations and the general control of the law's operation were left to the several States. In some States the registration machinery was utilized, but a new plan was evolved in New York State, and in many others. The men nominated by Mayor Fuhrmann and by Sheriff Stengel were never formally submitted for appointment. Instead, the actual nomination of the men for service on the exemption boards locally was made by the leaders of the two dominant political parties. The Democratic organization named one member of the Board and the Republican organization named another. The State Department of Health named the third — the medical member. The political complexion of the boards was in accord with that of the State, but no question of partisan or party politics entered into the disposition of cases, and in all the thousands of disputed claims, no charge of political favoritism nor political dis- crimination was ever raised. The record was surprisingly and exceptionally free from such criticism. The change had come so quickly from nomination by the Mayor to designation by the political organizations, the latter did not have time to inquire into the availability of draft board nominees, and many were chosen who immediately found it impossible or undesirable to serve. Criticism naturally arose over the method, and some of the newspapers were exceptionally sharp in their comments. As the machinery moved into operation, however, and the board members began to groan under the volume of work heaped upon them, the censure changed to sympathy and soon auxiliary bodies of various kinds sprang into existence to render aid in carrying out the draft regulations. The areas of jurisdiction of the local boards were the same as those of originally contemplated registration boards. One board of three members was named for each of the sixteen city and the four county exemption districts. Local boards were given original jurisdiction of all claims for exemption or discharge except those on the ground of engagement in industry and agriculture, cognizance of which was vested in what was known as district boards. The territory of these was co-extensive with the Federal judicial district. From the local board the right of appeal to the district board was provided, but the decision of the latter in all matters within the original province of the local boards was final. From matters disposed of by the district boards appeal could be taken to the President. The principal questions to be decided by the local boards were those of physical fitness and dependency. The regulations permitted the exemption of any man who had a wife, a child, aged mother or father, depending solely upon him for support. This question, from the point of view of the government, involved circumstances of domestic relation which required the sympathetic consideration of the neighbors of the registrant. The personnel of the local boards was authorized and urged to be selected with reference to their environment rather than to their professions or callings. On July 2d the appointment of the Buffalo and Erie County boards was announced by the Governor, but the appointments had apparently been made somewhat earlier. The following list contains the names of those originally appointed and the length of their ser- vices; also those named to fill vacancies: 84 Buffalo's Part in the World War Local Board No. 1, City of Buffalo: Keller, Andrew J., 754 Seneca Street, Chairman, appointed June 23, 1917; Healy, Michael J., Secretary, appointed June 23, 1917; Lynch, Charles V., 700 South Division Street, Secretary, appointed July 14, 1917, vice Michael J. Healy, resigned; Allen, Dr. Thomas G., 439 Elk Street, appointed June 23, 1917. Local Board No. 2, City of Buffalo: Harris, Elmer E., 22 Maurice Street, Chairman, appointed June 23, 1917; Coughlin, Timothy P., 18 Kenefick Avenue, Secretary, appointed June 23, 1917; Villaume, Dr. Edw. L., 508 South Park Avenue, appointed June 23, 1917; Woodruff, Dr. John V., 1824 Seneca Street, appointed August 19, 1918, vice Dr. Edward Villaume, resigned. Local Board No. 3, City of Buffalo: Bruso, Dr. C. Frank, 146 Dorchester Road, Chairman, appointed June 23, 1917; Willert, Charles S., 504 Broad- way, appointed June 23, 1917; Durr, Abram, 276 Jefferson Street, appointed July 12, 1917, vice Charles S. Wil- lert, resigned; Endres, Edward J., 324 Pine Street, appointed June 23, 1917; Healy, Michael J., appointed July 14, 1917, vice E. J. Endres, resigned; Endres, Edward J., 324 Pine Street, appointed February 23, 1918, vice Michael J. Healy, deceased. Local Board No. 4, City of Buffalo: Yox, John, 606 William Street, Chairman, appointed July 21, 1917; Duffy, John, 233 Bristol Street, appointed; Ditchler, John, 870 Clinton Street, appointed, vice John Duffy, resigned; Theobald, Fred W., 150 Emslie Street, Secretary, appointed March 18, 1918, vice John Ditchler, resigned; Roberts, Dr. George F., 281 Emslie Street, appointed June 23, 1917. Local Board No. 5, City of Buffalo: Burzynski, Frank S., 591 Fillmore Avenue, Chairman, appointed June 23, 1917; Dorasewicz, Boleslaw, Secretary, appointed June 23, 1917; Smokowski, Peter B., 875 Fillmore Avenue, appointed Secretary July 12, 1917, vice Boleslaw Dorasewicz, resigned; Lustig, Dr. Emil, 553 Fillmore Avenue, appointed June 23, 1917. Local Board No. 6, City of Buffalo: Rahl, Henry J., 254 Main Street, Chairman, appointed June 23, 1917; Jerge, Henry F., appointed June 23, 1917; McCue, Daniel J., appointed December 20, 1917, vice Henry F. Jerge, resigned; Jerge, Henry F., 803 Humboldt Parkway, appointed Secretary, vice Daniel J. McCue, resigned; Bentz, Dr. C. A., 84 Orange Street, appointed June 23, 1917. Local Board No. 7, City of Buffalo: Wedekindt, Ernst, 5 Walden Avenue, appointed Chairman June 23, 1917; Maloney, Thomas F., appointed January 14, 1918, vice Ernst Wedekindt, resigned; Riehl, Charles, appointed January 21, 1918, vice Thomas F. Maloney, resigned; Woltz, Charles J., appointed February 23, 1918, vice Charles Riehl, resigned; Wedekindt, Ernst, 5 Walden Avenue, appointed March 15, 1918, vice Charles J. Woltz, resigned; Lambrix, Charles A., 1074 Fillmore Avenue, Secretary, appointed June 23, 1917; Hengerer, Dr. A. W., 441 Pratt Street, appointed June 23, 1917. Local Board No. 8, City of Buffalo: Nixon, James L., 232 Sumner Place, Chairman, appointed June 23, 1917; Joslyn, Edward E., 614 Walden Avenue, Secretary, appointed June 23, 1917; Charters, Dr. J. W., 540 Walden Avenue, appointed June 23, 1917. Local Board No. 9, City of Buffalo: Kloten, Cassius W., 25 Glenwood Avenue, Chairman, appointed June 23, 1917; Ulrich, Charles, appointed Sec- retary June 23, 1917; Bagley, Frederick G., appointed July 12, 1917, vice Charles Ulrich, resigned; Fix, Charles J., 629 Ellicott Street, appointed July 23, 1917, vice Frederick G. Bagley, resigned; Kessel, John A., 16 South- ampton Street, appointed August 29, 1917, vice Charles J. Fix, resigned; Meidenbauer, Dr. J. G., 291 Maple Street, appointed June 23, 1917. Local Board No. 10, City of Buffalo: Fechter, Louis, Sr., 1150 Bailey Avenue, Chairman, appointed June 23, 1917; Mathew, Thomas, 269 North Ogden Street, Secretary, appointed June 23, 1917; State, Joseph N., 1226 Bailey Avenue, Secretary, appointed July 20, 1917, vice Thomas Mathew, resigned; Cunningham, William P., 1222 Bailey Avenue, Secretary, ap- pointed August 1, 1918, vice Joseph N. State, resigned; Thoma, Dr. Fridolin, 1072 Lovejoy Street, appointed June 23, 1917. Local Board No. 11, City of Buffalo: Paulis, Peter, Chairman, appointed June 23, 1917; Beuchi, William C, 2094 Genesee Street, Chairman, appointed July 21, 1917, vice Peter Paulis, resigned; Tischendorf, Carl, Secretary, appointed June 23, 1917; Reickert, Charles A., 214 Sprenger Street, Secretary, appointed June 24, 1918, vice Carl Tischendorf, resigned; Mehnert, Dr. R. C, appointed June 23, 1917; Trotter, Dr. Homer A., 16 Kehr Street, appointed July 20, 1917, vice Dr. R. C. Mehnert, resigned. Buffalo's Part in the World War 85 .■ '> ' Training the School Boys 86 Buffalo's Part in the World War Local Board No. 12, City of Buffalo: Smith, Jacob F., 55 Eastwood Place, Chairman, appointed June 23, 1917; Hahl, Charles A., 153 Jewett Avenue, Chairman, appointed September 30, 1918, vice Jacob F. Smith, resigned; Bennett, Leslie J., 1745 Amherst Street, Secretary, appointed June 23, 1917; Lapp, Ervin A., 12 Parker Avenue, Secretary, appointed January 31, 1917, vice Leslie J. Bennett, resigned; Westinghouse, Dr. G. H., 2830 Main Street, appointed June 23, 1917; Gregory, Dr. Joseph A., 158 Wallace Avenue, appointed March 27, 1918, vice Dr. G. H. Westinghouse, resigned. Local Board No. 13, City of Buffalo: Tovey, Alfred E., 1724 Niagara Street, Chairman, appointed June 23, 1917; Humphrey, William J., 359 Dear- born Street, Secretary, appointed June 23, 1917; McKee, Dr. 0. S., appointed June 23, 1917; Hoffman, Dr. H. C, appointed July 12, 1917, vice Dr. 0. S. McKee, resigned; Frudnowski, Dr. Joseph F., appointed July 20, 1917, vice Dr. H. C. Hoffman, resigned; Urbanski, Dr. N. A. J., 472 Amherst Street, appointed November 24, 1917, vice Dr. Joseph F. Frudnowski, resigned. Local Board No. 14, City of Buffalo: Haffa, Elias, 265 Maryland Street, Chairman, appointed June 23, 1917; Oppenheimer, Jesse, Graystone Hotel, Secretary, appointed June 23, 1917; Bresnahan, James J., Touraine Hotel, Secretary, appointed March 22, 1918, vice Jesse Oppenheimer, resigned: Briggs, Dr. A. H., Hotel Buckingham, appointed June 23, 1917. Local Board No. 15, City of Buffalo: Francis, George F., 245 Lafayette Avenue, Chairman, appointed June 23, 1917; Conway, William F., 720 Pros- pect Avenue, Secretary, appointed June 23, 1917; Frost, Dr. E. L., 212 Massachusetts Avenue, appointed June 23, 1917; Clements, Dr. Charles A., 420 Richmond Avenue, appointed August 14, 1918, vice Dr. E. L. Frost, resigned. Local Board No. 16, City of Buffalo: Reilley, William W., 408 Brisbane Building, Chairman, appointed June 23, 1917; Trible, Walter P., Chairman, appointed February 23, 1918, vice W. W. Reilley, resigned; Reilley, William W., 408 Brisbane Building, Chair- man, appointed April 4, 1918, vice Walter P. Trible, resigned; Hull, John M., 124 Lexington Avenue, Chairman, appointed August 26, 1918, vice William W. Reilley, resigned; Wettlaufer, Conrad E., Secretary, appointed June 23, 1917; Yates, Harry, 1243 Delaware Avenue, Secretary, appointed July 21, 1917, vice Conrad E. Wettlaufer, resigned; Thompson, Dr. J. C, 666 Auburn Avenue, appointed June 23, 1917. Local Board No. 1, County of Erie: Patton, John K., Tonawanda, N. Y., Chairman, appointed June 23, 1917; Briggs, Maxwell E., Lackawanna, N. Y., Secretary, appointed June 23, 1917; Trevett, Dr. Ira P., Lackawanna, N. Y., appointed June 23, 1917. Local Board No. 2, County op Erie: Pierce, Daniel C, 82 Pierce Avenue, Hamburg, N. Y., Chairman, appointed June 23, 1917; Schlehr, John W., Secretary, appointed June 23, 1917; Thorn, Perry M., Secretary, appointed July 11, 1918, vice John W. Schlehr, resigned; Schlehr, John W., West Seneca, N. Y., Secretary, appointed July 22, 1918, vice Perry M. Thorn, re- signed; Flemming, Dr. Theo. E., Gardenville, N. Y., appointed June 23, 1917. Local Board No. 3, County of Erie: Law, Benedict W., Collins, N. Y., Chairman, appointed June 23, 1917; Woodward, Ira C, Secretary, appointed June 23, 1917; DeWitt, C. Reilley, Hudson, N. Y., Secretary, appointed July 21, 1917, vice Ira C. Woodward, resigned; Place, Fred E., Gowanda, N. Y., Secretary, appointed June 23, 1917, vice C. Reilley DeWitt, resigned; Ward, Dr. Walden M., North Collins, N. Y., appointed June 23, 1917. Local Board No. 4, County op Erie: Davis, George A., Lancaster, N. Y., Chairman, appointed June 23, 1917; Dickerson, James H., Akron, N. Y., Secretary, appointed June 23, 1917; Helwig, Dr. F. A., Akron, N. Y., appointed June 23, 1917. Buffalo's Part in the World War 87 tr* t-* f f f f f tri f f f f f r f f r f r' cr o o O O o o o o o O o o o o o O o o o o o n n n o o o o o O o o o n n o rs rs o n £. a^ a^ fl^ IB ^ £- £L p^ £- p^ s. p^ P P p p P p p H IH H^ I— t 1— ■ •"* ■"^ '""' "^ ""^ o o td a txl bd o bd bd bd td bd bd bd bd bd bd bd bd bd bd td bd H H o o o o H o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o > > !a » ca p > is &3 (» p p p p p p p p p p p p p f f •-( ^ »-i ^ r ■-J -1 ^ "1 -t 1 '-t ^ •-« ^ 1 ^ 1 -( "J ■-< o o z 1^ 03 to O 05 1—* Ol a- a. 03 a- to Q. a- o CO 00 a- a- -a 05 en p- GO a. to h-1 td >< H «; »^ > H »^ z o ■< o o z z H k! -5 _^ en 1^ h^ 03 03 |N3 to 31 00 S^ 5* «" ^^ _to -P N! CO to rf^ 03 to 03 05 CO 03 rl^ C 2 3 -5 yi O 03 -q ^ "to t— * "oo 05 'oi 05 "*>. 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CO >C>' 05 CO 1^ -q to h-1 03 s. = £l o » J5 SO to lt>- 05 o Ol 00 Ol 00 o -5 ^- CD CO en (-> to CO E. 03 J_^ ?- ? ^^ -o -' «5 h- L J-* t-i J-" I-" l-l t— * h- * t— 1 h-i t— 1 1—1 "to £> O < £> ^^ *>. t _, c ?. w H Z m — * ~3 h-i l_t M O' O 1 ^ -q "~^ < x> • -J <35 05 >^ if^ Ol 03 o 03 >(^ o CO en K-* en I-" l(^ 00 JD ^ w \ M HH v w —I > —1 O t— I h-» t—* t— » H-l h-i t— 1 h-* 1—1 to H^ l«^ 31 05 ■o » ( 35 «o >«» 05 1^ to 00 Ol 00 CO -5 03 O 03 CO -q CO 03 !0 03 O < 3 35 ■ -J 05 00 CO ^^ 00 05 to h-i o 00 OS CD 00 05 00 4^ to a o Pi o o f O I— ( < <: I — I o > CO > o CO d *^ *^ > o > o H O O a :^ BRANT SARDINIA COLLINS THE M.-N, WORKS, BUFFALO, SELECTIVE SERVICE EXEMPTION DISTRICTS OF ERIE COUNTY Buffalo's Part in the World War 89 UNCLE SAM'S WORD TO DRAFT BOARD MEMBERS WAR DEPARTMENT Office of the Provost Marshal Geveral Washington July 26, 1917. To Members of Local Boards: YOU are entering on a difficult task, the gravity of which is beyond anything that can be said in the way of discussion. You reahze the significance of what you are to do, and you know that a responsibiUty, heavier perhaps than any you have ever faced, is upon you. War demands individual sacrifice to the common cause. No people ever ap- proached war with a calmer appreciation of that sacrifice or a firmer resolve to bear it and to present themselves "to be classified for service in the place to which it shall best serve the common good to call them." This calm determination could not exist were it not for the confidence of the nation in its institutions. In this public confidence is found the very spirit of the Selective Service Law. The most sacred rights of country, home, and family are entrusted for adjudication to local citizens and officials, nominated by State Governors and appointed by the President. The most equitable rules that could be devised have been prescribed for guidance, and the administration of these rules and the sacrifice that is offered by your neighbors is entrusted to your hands. From every one is demanded a sacrifice. But there is one thought to be kept always in your mind. The selected man offers his life. There is no greater giving than this; and that thought should guide you always. There may be a few who will urge upon you claims for exemption or discharge that, whatever may be your inclinations of sympathy or affection, you will know ought not to be granted. It will strengthen you to remember that for every exemption or discharge that is made for individual convenience, or to escape personal loss of money or property, or for favor or affection, some other man whose time would not otherwise have come, must incur the risk of losing his life. You are not a court for the adjustment of differences between two persons in con- troversy. You are agents of the Government, engaged in selecting men for the Government and there is no controversy. You, acting for the Government, are to investigate each case in the interests of the Nation, and never in the interests of an individual. There is not one exemption or discharge in the law or regulations that is put there for the benefit of any individual. All are there for the benefit of the Nation and to the end that "the whole Nation may be a team in which each man shall play the part for which he is best fitted." There should be no rules like those of court procedure, no technical rules of evi- dence. You should proceed to investigate cases about which you are not satis- fied exactly as you, as an individual, would proceed to inform yourself of any fact about which you are in doubt. Last of all, it is important to say a word about your own sacrifice. The place to which you have been called is one which no man would seek save in the per- formance of one of the highest of patriotic duties. The Nation needs men, and needs them quickly. The hours will then be long and the work absorbing. The duty is always to take and never to give, and human nature is such there will be little praise and some blame. The sacrifice of many of those whose cases are to be decided is no greater than that of the men who are to decide them; and your only reward must be the knowledge that, at great personal sacrifice, you are rendering your country an indispensable service in a matter of the utmost moment. E. H. Crowder, Provost Marshal General. 90 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER XXVI EXEMPTION DISTRICT MACHINERY IN OPERATION THE quota for Buffalo and the other cities and towns of the county was allocated by Gov- ernor Whitman on July 24th. Buffalo was called upon to produce 4,204 men, and the bal- ance of the county 1,461. Regulations and instructions required each board immediately to call before it for physical examination, in the order of their liability, a sufficient number of registrants to procure about one-half of the first quota of the board. Under the conditions which obtained each registrant was required to present his claim for exemption within seven days from the date he was called. In the absence of such a claim the registrant was deemed to have waived his right to make a claim. Boards had been instructed that no exemption authorized in the selec- tive service law was intended for the direct benefit of an individual and that every such exemption Mason Hatch's Flying Squadron Scene in front of City Hall during the registration period was for the sole benefit of the Government. Very generally that principle was observed through- out the entire period of the draft law, and especially so in those earlier days of its operation. In the arduous time to come the board members could more readily pick out the good from the bad, the true from the false in the mass of evidence and affidavits constantly piling up before them. The work of the draft boards had not proceeded far when it became apparent that the claims for exemption on the ground of dependency were dangerously large. The Senate, in passing the bill, had debated at length the question of whether or not married men should be exempted as such. On that point the Senate voted negatively. Dependency, to secure exemption, would have to be proved. Accordingly, married men came forward with their claims. Some claimed exemption whose wives were taking in washing, doing laundry work, to support themselves, their children Buffalo's Part in the World War 91 and worthless husbands — now cringing registrants. Men of considerable wealth, in occasional instances, and husbands who had not lived with their wives for years, were among the number to claim exemption on the ground of their wives being "mainly dependent on their daily labor for support." On August 8th, the Provost Marshal General, in an endeavor to relieve the trouble and danger of that situation, ruled that in the class of cases where the registrant, as a matter of fact, had a wife not depending on his daily labors for support, and the parents of the registrant or of his wife were ready, able and willing to undertake the support of the wife during the absence of the husband, the boards were justified in finding such a registrant had not a good claim for ex- emption on the ground of dependency. Local Board Sixteen, because it had within its confines the wealthiest portions of the city, found itself in a peculiar situation. From such homes as abounded in its districts, more married men, probably, were called under these first rules, than elsewhere in the city. Naturally some dissatisfaction resulted. Lengthy affidavits were submitted, tending to show dependency where public opinion had long supposed none existed. The local board members, in an effort to decide every case on the same basis, confined themselves strictly to the regulations, as in fact they had no choice but to do. The board was confronted with this rule: "Whenever ***** the wife is not left without reasonably adequate support but will receive such support from other sources, there is no dependency rendering discharge advisable." The following classes of cases came within that ruHng: First — Where the parents or other relatives of the wife or the husband were able, ready and willing to provide adequate support for her (and children, if any) during the absence of the hus- band. Second — Where there existed some arrangement by which salary or wage of husband was con- tinued * * * * In addition to the above, the President, being asked to elucidate further, said: "There are undoubtedly many cases * * * of men who are married and yet whose accumulations or other economic surroundings are such that no dependency of the wife exists in fact." Economic sur- roundings such as automobiles, clubs, summer homes, etc., naturally pointed either to "accumu- lations" or to income from parents. In some cases where the income was shown to come from the parents, these parents, in the particular cases referred to, now announced that they were not able, ready and willing to support dependents if the registrant went to war. These people were put on record when the board finally adopted a supplementary affidavit. In this, all registrants claiming exemption were obliged to have both the registrant's and his wife's parents' signature to the affidavit, stating that they were not able, ready and willing to support the dependents of the registrant. In this way, the burden of proof rested upon the registrant and his family to de- clare their position and left no doubt in the minds of the people what their position was. When the registrant furnished these affidavits from the parents, discharge was granted. On December 15th, 1917, when the questionnaires were issued, that trouble was overcome by the class system, whereby registrants were put in classes from one to five. Before that time, a man was either accepted or rejected. The other feature which gave the boards much trouble was the question of marriages consum- mated after May 18th, 1917. The regulations provided that each case should receive individual attention. Had that been literally lived up to, it would have been absolutely impossible to give satisfaction, because each individual thought his case was good and the others bad. As a result most boards adopted a rule, some knowingly, others instinctively, whereby they held every man who married after May 18th, 1917, as having been aware of the fact that he was drafted and there- fore unqualified to take upon himself dependents. W. W. Reilley, Chairman of Board 16, appeared to be the leader in that determination. The position of his board, in that respect, was fully justi- fied later, when the War Department issued regulations taking practically the same ground. Had the regulations beeen issued sooner they would have saved the local boards a tremendous amount of work. 92 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER XXVII RANN'S APPEAL AGENT VOLUNTEERS REALIZING that registrants coming from every walk of life into a new and hopelessly unfamiliar field would require some assistance in properly putting before the boards all the facts essential ' to a reasonable consideration of their individual cases, provision was made for the appointment of government appeal agents. Early in September, 1917, William S. Rann, corporation counsel of Buffalo, received a letter from Adjutant General Stotesbury informing him that by command of the Governor he had been appointed government appeal agent for the City of Buffalo. He was somewhat pointedly referred in that letter to section six of the Selective Service Law which provided, among other things, that if any person charged with the duty of carrying into effect the provisions of the act or the regulations made thereunder should fail or neglect fully to perform any duty required of him, he would be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction be punished by imprisonment for a period of not more than one year, unless he was subject to military law, in which case he would be tried by court martial and suffer such punishment as a court martial might direct. Mr. Rann was not a timid man. He had held public office in Buffalo for a number of years. His duties under a new form of government had become exceedingly extensive, arduous and exacting. Being a fair number of years beyond the military age, he conceived it his duty to "do his bit" in whatever way the government pointed it out to him, and despite the rather har- rowing list of conditional punishments which his letter of appointment contained he took up the new task. First securing authority to appoint an appeal agent for each district in the city, and an additional appeal agent as his associate in the handling of details, he began the work. The appeal agents first named for the several divisions were as follows: Girls of School No. 41 Knitting for Soldiers Buffalo's Part in the World War 93 Associate Appeal Agent, Louis J. Voltz. First Division, Bart J. Shanahan; Second Division, Harry F. DeCeu; Third Division, Andrew T. Beasley; Fourth Division, Lech T. Niemo; Fifth Division, Leon J. Nowak; Sixth Division, Jacob Kaufman; Seventh Division, J. Neil Mahoney; Eighth Division, Lewis F. Lindal; Ninth Division, Preston M. Albro; Tenth Division, George L. Grobe; Eleventh Division, Raymond C. Voght; Twelfth Division, John V. Maloney; Thirteenth Division, Fred D. Russell; Fourteenth Division, Edward N. Mills; Fifteenth Division, Henry W. Willis; Sixteenth Division, Charles W. Strong. Some changes were made afterwards owing to the resignation of several of the appeal agents on account of pressure of other duties, and in some instances because of other war work assumed by them. Mr. Shanahan was succeeded in the first division by James V. Downey. Mr. Beasley was transferred from the third to the fourth division and Harry Lipsitz was appointed in his place for the third division. Shortly after this transfer Mr. Beasley became a successful candidate for member of the Assembly and his place in the fourth division was filled by the ap- pointment of Elmer C. Miller. Mr. Mahoney enHsted in the navy and Charles J. Woltz was chosen in his place for the seventh division. Walter F. Schmieding succeeded Mr. Lindal in the eighth division and in the ninth division Chester McNeil was the successor of Preston M. Albro, who enlisted in the military service. Section forty-seven of the regulations provided that it be the duty of appeal agents to appeal from any deferred classification of a local board which in the opinion of the agent should be re- viewed by the district board; to care for the interest of uninformed registrants, and where the decision of a local board was against the interests of such registrants and where it appeared that such registrants would not take appeals, due to their own nonculpable ignorance, to inform them of their rights and assist them to enter appeals to the district board; to investigate and report upon matters which were submitted; to suggest, when advisable, the reopening of any case; to impart to the local boards information which, in the opinion of the appeal agent, ought to be investigated; and, also, to make such suggestions and impart such information, as the case might be, to the district board in order that it might more efficiently exercise its power to instruct local boards to take additional proof. It will be readily understood that the work of the government appeal agents was not altogether pleasant. Many times it was their duty to inform registrants who, innocently or otherwise, were escaping from the military service that they must report to their local boards and accept classifi- cation in class one to avoid more disagreeable consequences. Much information in regard to such cases was received through anonymous communications. Mr. Rann reported one instance in which the mother of four boys, three of whom had been sent to camp, was left without means of supporting herself and a remaining child except what she could get from the boys in camp. Application was made for the return of one of the sons to her and it so happened that the son who, when at home, was a burden to her instead of a help, succeeded in being returned. Subsequently he was sent back to camp. Of course, there were innumerable instances where appeal agents were called upon to investi- gate marriages which had taken place after May 18, 1917, the day when the Selective Service Law was approved. That problem became a hideous nightmare to the draft boards. The evidence offered by the registrants in substantially all of those cases was startlingly similar. Receipts were produced to show the purchase of engagement rings and of furniture, the leasing of premises and the announcement of the engagement, together with the date fixed for the wedding, and in each case the betrothal was weeks or months prior to May 18th, while the wedding was weeks or months subsequent thereto. In most cases such claims were disallowed. The Provost Marshal General, in his report to the Secretary of War,* December, 1918, paid a * It was not intended, nor did they (appeal agents) interpret their duty to be, that they should be partisan representatives of the Government lOT the purpose, it possible, of placing every registrant in military service, as would normally be the case of a prosecuting attorney trying his docket. They properly conceived their duty to be that of representing the Government by seeing that the selective principle of the selective service law was applied — that no man escaped who owed the duty to go, and that the Government was not put to the expense of sending to the camps men who were better fitted to preserve the necessary industries at home and to protect the family integrity. Their province was to see that substantial fairness was observed; and the relative fewness of discharges at camps, of men finally accepted for service, is ample proof of the admirable manner m which that duty was performed. The outstanding fact that this duty was performed uncomplainingly and without any compensation what- ever, places them in the enviable position of the patriot who is unrewarded, save in the consciousness of duty well performed, and in the knowledge that both the Government and the people composing it proudly acknowledge a debt which cannot be liquidated. Such devotion to duty can only be described by the thought that these men were putting into their part of the great fight the conscience of the American people. — From General Crowder's Report. 94 Buffalo's Part in the World War Lafayette Square Any Day— 1917 Crowd assembling as prominent speakers appeal for military enlistment splendid tribute to the work of the appeal agents, and in his report concerning their work Mr. Rann said: " I know of no class of men who, without hope of pecuniary reward, labored night and day for the enforcement of the provisions of the Selective Service Act and regulations more faithfully and unselfishly, sacrificing recreation and business, than the appeal agents of Buffalo. Those who contributed to the great part which the United States took in the world war, no matter in what branch of the service, are entitled to everlasting credit, and not the least of these are the appeal agents who were animated, not by love of applause or hope of gain, but by a zeal for the welfare of the country and of the world. In the early months of their service many of them had to work against the opposition and, in some instances, the prejudice of members of the local boards, who felt that the appeal agents were spying upon their work. I think this feeling faded when it was discovered that the members of the local boards, the district board, the appeal agents, the legal advisory boards and the medical advisory boards were all co-operating in the same great cause." Buffalo's Part in the World War 95 CHAPTER XXVIII UNLIMITED SERVICE BY MEMBERS OF BUFFALO BAR AGENCIES for the assistance of registrants and draft boards multiplied rapidly as America's /\ great National Army began to form. Every citizen who, by reason of advancing years or ■^^^ physical defect, was outside the realm of military service felt an obligation to assist in all governmental activities. A potential force could readily be gathered in any district for any work which came to hand. Minute men were around in abundance. In addition to all that, the Presi- dent was authorized to appoint, on recommendation of the Governor, legal and medical advisory boards for every locality. Pursuant to that authority, contained in section 30 of the selective service regulations, Governor Whitman nominated County Judge Philip A. Laing, chairman. General Samuel M. Welch, secretary, and Edward R. O'Malley to compose the legal advisory board for Erie County and they were duly appointed by President Wilson. The board organized, and prevailed upon Lawrence J. Collins to act as chief deputy for the county. Like Corporation Counsel Rann and his associate appeal agents, these legal advisers were exceptionally busy men at that time with private affairs, but private affairs counted little in those days. At the outset this board proceeded to effect an organization sufficiently large and competent to correctly advise and correctly assist all registrants in filling out their questionnaires, to the end that each quota certified to the various local boards could be filled within the allotted time. The organization so effected, was known as the associate legal advisory committee and num- bered in Erie County, eleven hundred and ten men and women, for the most part lawyers and school teachers. Their period of service covered eleven months, commencing in the latter part of December, 1917, and terminating in the latter part of November, 1918. Throughout the period of their service, the legal advisory board regulated and advised these workers from day to day on the various phases of their work. The greatest volume of work performed by the legal advisory boards grew out of the question- naire, an instrument designed to draw from the registrant every fact of value in allotting him to his most useful place in the country's service. With the advent of the questionnaire, the cen- sus man, the meter inspector, and all the other banes of human existence promptly slipped into positions of trivial importance. That masterpiece, while most efficacious to the Government, proved baffling to the average registrant. One local board received a questionnaire with nothing answered, but containing the notation across the face: "I'm ready when you are." Upon investigation, it was found that the registrant was a colored man, who, after attempting, without assistance, to fill out the paper concluded that the effort was beyond him, and hit upon this-way of clearing the situation. The length and complexity of the questionnaire, coupled with the magnitude of its purpose in the conduct of the war, seemed to work confusion in the minds of a majority of registrants, and especially those of foreign extraction. One attorney tells of a registrant whom he was aiding in filling out his questionnaire. When that section was reached which required each registrant to underUne that branch of the army in which he would prefer to serve if selected, the attorney enumerated the various branches, commencing with the artillery and ending with the signal corps. The registrant seemed absorbed in deep thought for some moments, then turning to the attorney, he said in all earnestness, "I prefer the Home Defense. Please put a line under that." As in the category of war machinery, nothing, from the standpoint of immediate importance, overshadowed the questionnaire, so in the ranks of the great civilian army during the crisis, none rendered more effective aid to the Government than this associate legal advisory committee. It was made up of a number of small committees, one acting for each local division and having as its chairman the appeal agent for such division. These committees in the City of Buffalo used 96 Buffalo's Part in the World War as their headquarters for aiding registrants a grammar or high school in their respective districts. The work of the chief deputy to the legal advisory board consisted mainly in recruiting members for the associate legal advisory committee from various walks of life and in supplying help hurried- ly to districts where the number of registrants was too great for the regular committee to handle. The volume of work performed by General Welch, as secretary of the legal advisory board, and the conscientious manner of its execution, was almost, if not wholly, without parallel of its kind throughout the country. The associate legal advisory committee, like the members of the legal advisory board, received no compensation whatsoever. The effectiveness, and the untiring devotion to the cause, which characterized the labors of the legal advisory board, was splendidly sustained by the associate legal advisory committee. The task assigned to them was one that taxed to the utmost both nerves and patience, and for their splendid attitude in that trying ordeal, the lawyers and school teachers of Buffalo are forever entitled to commendation. Motor Corps Girls at Work Chief Edward P. Murphy, Buffalo Fire Department, and two ambulance drivers at a big Buffalo fire — 1917 Nor did their efforts by any means cease with the aid they afforded registrants. It would be difficult to say how many claims for exemption or deferred classification, the district appeal board and the local boards for Erie County would otherwise have had to pass upon, were it not for the patriotism that was incessantly infused into luke-warm registrants by the members of the legal advisory committee. The tendency to escape, where possible, induction into the service was quite natural and not altogether infrequent, and it was the manifestation of this tendency in its various phases, which the legal advisory committee was forced to combat, and with tact and in- genuity, to overcome. Hence it may be safely asserted that the members in themselves were, indeed, a powerful contributing force to the upbuilding of the nation's man-power. Each regis- trant naturally sought to determine his right to exemption from miUtary service, but once he learned it was his turn to go he quickly and bravely stepped into his place and it was that spirit which created the victorious United States Army. Buffalo's Part in the World War 97 CHAPTER XXIX DISTRICT BOARD NUMBER THREE ON August thirteenth, Nineteen Hundred and Seventeen, occurred the first meeting of District Board Number Three (Selective Service for the Western Federal District of New York. It was one of nine such Boards in New York State. Its jurisdiction covered the counties of Erie, Niagara, Orleans, Wyoming and Genesee. These counties were divided into twenty-six local boards. The meeting was held in quarters in the Iroquois Gas Building, at Church and Franklin Streets. As the Selective Service Law was put into operation, it speedily became evident that industrial classification was the most important work confronting the Board. The accomplishment of a two-fold result was imperative; first, to obtain a definite number of soldiers for the fighting force abroad, and, secondly, to conserve an army of industrial workers of the highest efficiency at home. At first hand this appeared a simple process, but it soon became seriously complicated, by reason of the fact that many preferred to battle on the home field, and into the refuge furnished by the war factories men poured from every line of endeavor. Frequent claims were made on behalf of "skilled industrial laborers" whose previous experience (often carefully camouflaged) showed "seven years a barber," "three years an actor," through every field — clerks, waiters, students, musicians, etc. Wages were no evidence of worth. As in other walks along with in- dustry's "necessities" came industry's "substitutes." Instances were noted of men receiving $75 a week, who in peace times could not command more than $20. The task of the district board to "part the goats upon the left hand and the sheep upon the right" thus became a stu- pendous undertaking. The Board's success is demonstrated by the fact that Buffalo never failed to answer the call for men; each time, they were entrained on the minute, and certainly no industries anywhere in the United States ran with greater efficiency. The members often felt themselves hard pressed, but that was their contribution to the great achievement. Classification of agricultural claims was more or less routine work, for at all times farmers were suffering from shortage of labor and it was evident to the Board that any man whose vocation was farming, or who was working on a farm before May 18, 1917, should be left on that farm, and the Board's policy in regard to agricultural claims was to grant every bonafide claim where the production showed any material surplus beyond the needs of the farm occupants. Perhaps the worst struggle of all came with classification on appeal of dependency cases, re- sulting from marriages after May 18th, 1917. District Boards were left to work out a line of action which would result in uniformity so far as that was possible of attainment. It was not until complete new regulations were issued in September, 1918, that definite rules were laid down for the handling of such cases, the final ruling being that the only valid dependency claim would be for the dependency of a child of such marriage, born or unborn. A few statistics set forth the gigantic task accomplished by District Boards, the Buffalo Board being an average illustration. It must be remembered that under the jurisdiction of this Board there were besides Buffalo, five counties, having a registration of 90,146, making our complete number of registrants 230,744. From this number, until the signing of the armistice, the Board entertained 36,906 claims. Of these 29,206 were industrial and agricultural, and 20,037 were granted. There were 7,700 appeals from Local Board decisions on various grounds, and of these 2,611 were granted. 98 Buffalo's Part in the World War Many humorous occurrences* and communications enlivened the work. The Board was showered with criticism and compHments, and no matter what it did, it was sure of being roundly abused and enthusiastically praised. The work certainly had many rewards. No agency ever established in Buffalo received heartier co-operation. City and county officials dis- played an eagerness to assist, and every request made of them was quickly met. Any necessities in the line of supplies which could not be obtained from the Government, were immediately sup- plied by Buffalo merchants. The Board had only to make its wants known and they were satis- fied. To mention Buffalo's patriotic citizens by name would fill several pages. When the work of the classification of the registrants of September 12, 1918, was contemplated, it was seen that greater latitude should prevail in regard to them. Up to September 1, 1918, only those industries which could show that they were contributing substantially and materially to the maintenance of the military establishment, to the effective operation of the military forces, or to the national interest during the emergency could obtain deferred classification for their men. The general rule followed was that such concerns should be immediate producers of war materials or allied concerns once removed, immediately supplying such major industries. As time passed, the activities of the country were rapidly converted to war purposes, and the Government extended this rule to include "occupations and employments" of a commercial nature, so that practically all barriers were down and claims were received, running the extremes, from laundries to patent medicines. To provide for the necessary adjustments between the necessities of the industries already given consideration and those not of that description, but contributing to the national interest during the emergency, there were appointed three industrial advisors to assist the District Board. The armistice came so quickly that only an indication was obtained of the important services these men were to render. The following advisors were named: G. P. Berner, of Buffalo, appointed by the Federal De- partment of Labor; Charles Parker, of Lockport, appointed by the Department of Agriculture, and Henry P. Werner, of Buffalo, appointed by the members of the District Board. * The registrants themselves, in their questionnaires, unconsciously, and the writers of the following letters, per- haps not always unconsciously, contributed to the Board's rejuvenation. We do not know how this man finished, but he began as a plain private: "Dear Sirs: "i have registered in Buffalo on June 5 but i didn't stay in the City, i left shortly and haven't been notified, i would like very much for you to write if i have bin called to the colors and if i am i am willing, i have bin in the army before, i have bin a commanding officer in the 8th ill. N. G. and i am cable of holding the same in any other regiment. "Now i will close as i have other things to tend to but at present time our god comes first, our country next then Mother Dear so this is all." This is from a father who must have been surprised at the wonders Uncle Sam was able to perform: "I never was more surprised in my life to hear that my son is excepted and I appeal to you for another and thorough examination. He is a subject of rheumatism. In damp weather he has leakage of the heart and Asthmatic trouble of the Bronchial tube. He has two lap-over toes, one on each foot and has lost the grip from his right hand. The Dr. told him to get an outside job and beware of excitement. This sure is a sur- prise to everybody." Many such as this one had to be caught on the fly: "I am writing for my questioneer papers. When I registered I was in the Erie Co. Pen doing one year. Now I am in the Eric Co. farm doing 30 days. My time will be up May 11th, and I don't know what my address will be next." Not all mothers wanted their sons to stay at home: " I have a son whom is drafted by the newspapers. I would like to know if he has been medically examined and if so, how is he? Also if ex- empted, what for? his mother." He seems to have done his bit: "You ask me to report change of employment. I was formerly a Pennsylvania Telegraph operator but through merger of the Penn. R R. and Nickel Plate R. R. and the Nickel Plate R. R. taking over the Penn. R. R. makes me a Nickel Plate man. Only change is new boss, twice as much work, two roads instead of one." We were the clearing house for many complaints, this one being quite out of the ordinary: "I have just received a card from .41bert, saying he is safe in France. He took out $10,000 insurance for me and I have not received a penny yet." The war was a popular place for many to consign their troublesome "in-laws." No relief was furnished in this case, for the man proved to be beyond the age limit: "Dear Men of Military: "Please excuse me for writing to you but I can't help it. I was over to Buffalo for the weak end to see my sister. I really must say you have overlook a man that should be helping win this great war. Why I say this is, he is fiting day by day at home. I realy was in fear the one night I stade there. I ask my sister, duse he go on like this, she said 'yes and worse.' "If you get him I am sure this war will be over with fur if ever there's a devil on earth he is one. Such a broot, he is not a man. "I give you people a lot of prayers and hope you get him, when he has been in France he will treet a woman write." Buffalo's Part in the World War 99 DISTRICT BOARD Division No. 3, of the Western Judicial District Mack, Norman E., Bufifalo, N. Y., appointed August 4, 1917; Streifler, Henry, Buffalo, N. Y., appointed vice Norman E. Mack, resigned; Crosby, W. H., Buffalo, N. Y., appointed September 10, 1918, vice Henry Streifler, resigned; Moore, Dr. A. N., Lockport, N. Y., Secretary, appointed August 4, 1917; Smallwood, W. W., Warsaw, N. Y., appointed August 4, 1917; Wickser, John G., Buffalo, N. Y., appointed August 4, 1917; Houck, George E., Buffalo, N. Y., appointed March 26, 1918, vice John G. Wickser, resigned; O'Brian, John Lord, Buffalo, N. Y., appointed August 4, 1917; Davidson, George G., Jr., appointed September 28, 1917, vice John Lord O'Brian, resigned; Reilley, W. W., 410 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y., appointed August 26, 1918, vice George G. Davidson, resigned; Williams, Silas W., East Aurora, N. Y., appointed March 14, 1918; Curtiss, Harlow C, Buffalo, N. Y., appointed March 14, 1918. Red Cross Campaign, Buffalo volunteers preparing bandages for Red Cross work 100 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER XXX "THE ROSE OF NO MAN'S LAND" BUFFALO realized very quickly after the declaration of war that something more than fighting men was necessary to win the war. Early in June, 1917, the Liberty Loan campaign had crashed in on a tightwad community. Not that Buffalonians were a more penurious people than the inhabitants of Cleveland, Penn Yan, Paducah, or any other American city, but they were not in the habit of giving. With Puritan-like fidelity and devotion they were brightening the corner where they were, and holding fast to the sermon philosophy of the Baseball Evan- gelist: "Get what you can and can what you get." The martial airs and the marching of troops of 1917 had stirred their blood, however, while Elliott C. McDougal and Walter P. Cooke, with their little band of liberty loaners, were shaking the town loose from some of its hoarded thousands. Frank S. McGraw, a treat-'em-rough Red Cross chairman, had succeeded in unraveling many a care-free and plethoric bankroll during the early weeks of the year and a sufficient number of dollars rolled therefrom to equip a base hospital. While the old community was still rocking and disturbed from the shock of such financial upsets, Robert W. Pomeroy and his advance army of Red Cross workers set up their stand and announced their purpose to raise $1,500,000 in Buffalo for THE ROSE OF NO-MAN'S LAND "There's a rose that grows "It's the one red rose On No-Man's Land, Th' soldier knows, And it's wonderful to see; It's the work of the Master's hand. Though it's sprayed with tears, 'Neath the war's great curse It will live for years Stands the Red Cross nurse — In my garden of memory. She's the rose of No-Man's Land." Buffalo stood up especially fine in the first* and subsequent Red Cross drives. Campaigns for hospital funds, orphan collections and charity organization work had in the prior years met with only fair success. Donations had been small. It is not surprising that Mr. Pomeroy and his associates approached their Red Cross task with diffidence, albeit, determination. General Chair- man Davison had advised the local committee that Buffalo's proportion of the sum to be raised was fixed at $1,500,000 — a tremendous figure at that period in our community existence, but when William A. Rogers announced he would give $100,000 the people caught the spirit of the times. Patriotism was not confined entirely to the youth of the land. Bankers, brokers, artisans, laborers, clerks, the girls in the box factories, and those picking rags on the slides at the city dumps gave in equal measure from their respective incomes. On June 18th Mayor Fuhrmann received a telegram from President Wilson — in reality a tele- gram to the people of Buffalo — as follows: Washington, D. C, 4 P. M., June 18, 1917. Mayor L. P. Fuhrmann, Buffalo, N. Y.: The American people, by their overwhelming subscriptions to the Liberty Loan have given a new endorsement to the high principles for which America entered the war. During the week now beginning, which I have designated Red Cross Week, they will have a unique privilege of manifesting America's unselfishness, as well as the real spirit of sacrifice that animates our people. May I urge that your city do its part in the raising of the $100,000,000 Red Cross War Fund, measuring the generosity of its gifts by the urgency of the need. WooDROw Wilson. * In population Buffalo is the tenth city of the Union. In giving to the Red Cross she stands seventh. This is a good record. It speaks volumes for the charity and the patriotism of the people. It reflects credit upon the earnest men and women who, under the direction of Mr. Robert W. Pomeroy, worked so diligently for the success of the campaign. The allotment for Buffalo compared with some other cities was high, but that did not daunt those behind the movement. It merely spurred them on to renewed effort and they are justly entitled to the thanks of the community for their good work. They have put Buffalo upon the map as one of the cities whose loyalty to the Government has shown itself in the most practical and helpful of ways." — (Buffalo Commercial, June 29, 1917.) Buffalo's Part in the World War 101 The campaign oganization was completed before Saturday, June 16th, and at a mass meeting on that Saturday night at Elmwood Music Hall the project was formally launched. Speeches were made by Mayor Fuhrmann, the Rev. Newell Dwight Hillis of Brooklyn, one of America's best pulpit orators, and by Baroness Huard, who related some of her personal experiences when driven from her home in northern France by German invaders. On Monday the team captains began their quest for subscriptions, and the week was enlivened with noonday luncheons and team novelties. A dinner of very generous proportions was held prior to the campaign, and another dinner, the prerequisite obligation of each guest being a $10,000 contribution, was held during the campaign, and the drive concluded with the money in hand, at an enthusiastic spread held at the Hotel Statler on Monday evening, June 25th. George P. Keating served as toastmaster at the final dinner, and speeches were made by Chairman Pomeroy, Parade of Red Cross Workers, May, 191 s Mayor Fuhrmann, Noel Marshall of Toronto, Walter P. Cooke, Roscoe R. Mitchell, A. H. Whit- ford of the Y. M. C. A., John D. Wells, of the Buffalo Evening News, and the Rev. Dr. Andrew V. V. Raymond. At the conclusion of the dinner. Dr. Edward J. Meyer presented to Robert W. Pomeroy a large loving cup. It came to the chairman as an expression of the esteem of his cap- tains and as a token of good fellowship which grew and bloomed and shed a fairer radiance in the more arduous days which followed. The cup was inscribed : "Robert W. Pomeroy President Buffalo Citizens' Committee Red Cross Campaign, June 18-25, 1917 From His Co-Workers." The complete team reports handed in that night showed : Division A— Evan Hollister, chairman. Team No. 1, Capt. Hollister, $78,348; No. 2, Charles L. Gurney, $49,425; No. 3, Charles R. Huntley, $48,363; No. 4, Ralph C. Hudson, $41,524; No. 5, C. H. McCullough, Jr., $83,509; No. 6, George F. Rand, $72,415.75; No. 7, Robert K. Root, $42,650.50; No. 8, Arnold B. Watson, $44,022.46; No. 9, Clinton R. Wyckoff, $45,949. Division Total, $505,687.16. 102 Buffalo's Part in the World War Scene at Lafayette Square Ceremony attached to unveiling of Red Cross Flag Division B — Dr. Conrad E. Wettlaufer, chairman. Team No. 11, James H. McNulty, $45,516; No. 13, Mayor Louis P. Fuhrmann, $48,079.75; No. 14, William E. Robertson, $25,671.55; No. 15, Kenneth W. Watters, $26,064.50; No. 16, Henry P. Werner, $47,590.37; No. 17, Dr. Wettlaufer, $162,732.32; No. 18, Frank Winch, $29,804. Division Total, $395,458.49. Division C— M. S. Tremaine, chairman. Team 21, Capt. Tremaine, $27,806; No. 22, Herbert E. Crouch, $47,812.10; No. 23, E. B. Eggert, $48,975; No. 24, Nesbit Grammar, $34,837; No. 25, William H. Hill, $60,913.38; No. 26; Clark L. Ingham, $24,716.10; No. 27, T. M. Pomeroy, $31,347.01; No. 28, H. T. Ramsdell, $52,584.40; special gifts to credit of Division C, $50,000. Division Total, $327,944.98. Division D— Dr. Edw. J. Meyer, chairman. Team No. 31, Capt. Meyer, $102,681.50; No. 32, Gerrit B. Lansing, $26,114; No. 33, Le Grand De Graff, $69,999.50; No. 34, Frank H. Goodyear, $50,230.54; No. 35, Henry May, $75,190.29; No. 36, B. C. Oliphant, $25,451; No. 37, Roswell Park, $38,452; No. 38, Frank Ruszkiewicz, $13,368; No. 39, Harry Yates, $51,297. Division Total, $409,216.89. Total $1,895,089.89 Special contribution 5,000.00 Buffalo Base Hospital Fund 100,000.00 Grand Total $2,000,089.89 Subsequently this total was increased somewhat by delayed subscriptions. Buffalo's Part in the World War 103 CHAPTER XXXI COAL SHORTAGE THROUGH WINTER OF 1917-1918 ON the 16th day of October, 1917, Albert H. Wiggin, Federal Fuel Administrator for New- York State, appointed Elliott C. McDougal of Buffalo, Federal Fuel Administrator for Erie County. Mr. McDougal knew nothing about the fuel business and suggested that it would be better to appoint an experienced Buffalo coal jobber who also was familiar with trans- portation problems. He was told his suggestion was not in accordance with the policy of the Government; that any material interest in the coal business would be considered a disqualifica- tion for the office. He then accepted. He appointed as his first deputy Mr. W. A. McDougal, who had enjoyed practical experience in buying and using bituminous coal as a manufacturer and who was familiar with transportation conditions and practices. Unfortunately the first deputy resigned his office and left the city before the winter was well begun. The office of the Administrator for Erie County was opened in the Prudential Building on October 27th, 1917, with a small force under charge of Miss M. Kathryn Kelly as chief clerk. During the first few weeks the work was not heavy. Its three principal branches were: The procuring of bituminous coal for manufacturers and others who could not get supplies, either because they had not made contracts, or because the dealers with whom they had made contracts could not deliver the coal; furnishing coal for the City of Buffalo, for the pumping station and other municipal uses, and supplying the public schools and other public offices where, as a rule, anthracite coal was burned. The Fuel Administrator undertook to procure hard coal for domestic consumption, many householders being unable to get coal to heat their homes. During the first few weeks the orders of this kind which the fuel office handled did not average more than forty per day. The supervision and restriction of electric lighting in accordance with instructions and rulings from Washington, which were frequently changed, was also handled from the Fuel Administra- tor's office. That work was started on November 19, 1917. Controlling of electric lighting brought with it many difficulties. Some of the regulations received from Washington either were not well considered or were not applicable to Buffalo, but had to be enforced until they could be amended or rescinded. While our citizens as a whole showed a disposition to obey the law, even at a considerable sacrifice, there were a few persistent offenders who had to be disciplined by the shutting off of their electric current before they could be brought to realize that the law must be obeyed. In this work the office had the very best of co-operation from the Buffalo General Elec- tric Company, which allowed two of its best men to be appointed deputy fuel administrators that they might be able to give efficient assistance. In connection with every one of these duties, the office was constantly called upon for rulings and opinions, many of which questions had to be submitted to the State Fuel Administrator of New York and by him in turn to Washington, causing delays which at times were damaging to the questioners. The Erie County Fuel Administrator's office incessantly tried to impress upon the State Fuel Administration that matters should be handled promptly as they came up and that the office could not properly be run unless the Erie County Fuel Administrator was allowed to use his common sense in ordinary matters and to act upon them at once without delay. It was at first hard to get authority from Washington along these lines but in this respect the situa- tion gradually improved. Soon after the office was fairly under way the weather became very severe and continued so. Because of the continued snow storms and extreme cold, the coal supply was less than one-half of normal, while the consumption was greater than normal. Many domestic consumers, especially those who lived from hand to mouth and made no provision for the future, became panic-stricken. 104 Buffalo's Part in the World War About the middle of January the crowd of appUcants, which had been growing for some time, became a mob which required the assistance of the police to keep in order. Women stood in line for hours waiting for their turn for orders. The system of handling orders required that after an application for coal had been made, the name should be sent to a police station and the house visited by a police officer to be sure that the coal was actually needed. Then it was reported back to the Fuel Administrator's office and the order issued. While this system worked fairly well when orders were light, it caused great delay, confusion and hardship when orders were heavy. The situation became so serious that at the suggestion of the Fuel Administrator Mayor Buck called a conference at his office on January 20 at which were present Mayor Buck, Chief of Police Girvin, representatives of miners and shippers, jobbers and men who controlled coal trestles, other citizens, and the United States Fuel Administrator for Erie County. At that conference it was decided that the Fuel Office would put clerks in every police station in the city so that appli- cants for coal, instead of being obliged to come down town, could go to the police stations in their own precincts. Chief Girvin said the police would promptly investigate the cases and report back and that orders for coal could then go out immediately direct from the clerk at the police station. The clerks were placed in the station houses on January 21, 1918. The record days for orders were: January 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25, on all of which days an average of about four thousand a day was handled. Too much acknowledgment cannot be made of the splendid work of the police during that time of stress. Their co-operation saved the situation. Without it the Fuel Office would have been helpless. For some time the weather continued severe. About the middle of February it had consider- ably moderated. Then the Fuel Office commenced to reduce the forces at the station houses. Next it closed two or three of the stations very near the downtown Fuel Administrator's office, handling the orders from there. By the first part of March all of the stations were closed, and the weather continuing mild and the coal supply improving, the applications dropped off fast. By March 5, 1918, the office stopped issuing orders. By April 1 the main difficulties of the domestic situation were over. Bituminous coal still continued to be scarce, the situation having been aggravated by the fact that on January 12, 1917, the Fuel Administration at Washington had ordered bituminous coal diverted from Buffalo to Boston, which practically shut off the best sources of supply. We had been short all the winter. This new order made the condition much worse. Village and country districts suffered even more than Buffalo. While special deputy adminis- trators were appointed to care for their needs, it was harder than in Buffalo to get coal delivered on track ready for the local dealers to distribute. Many country stations waited weeks for the one car of coal. {Continued in Chapter XLIX.) Buffalo's Part in the World War 105 CHAPTER XXXII PEACE PROPOSAL OF POPE BENEDICT XV A merica's entrance into the war, coupled with another event of world-wide importance in the Z\ early days of 1917 had given a new direction to the great struggle. -*- -^-The development of the vast machinery of registration and selection, and the knowledge that it was going to reach into the homes and draw therefrom the youth of the country, laid a check upon the care-free indifference of the people. We no longer looked at Europe through the eyes of a disinterested spectator. Buffalo fathers and mothers grew serious, and boys grew anxious. The day of real sacrifices had arrived. As the draft boards sweltered through July, wrestling with the intricacies of the selective service, and slowly solving its problems, Buffalonians focused attention on the events in Europe. The entire nation was likewise engaged. Every mother, every father, and sister and brother, every family which numbered a member in the draft, began not unnaturally, to speculate on the possible duration of the war, possible extent of our partici- pation, and the possible strength of the contending forces then engaged on the battle fronts of Europe. White Books and Blue Books had been written, telling the world from whence the war had come. Red books could have been written telling of its toll. These books and manifestos had not cleared the atmosphere, and the issue, to the American people, was still clouded and entangled. Germany claimed to be fighting a defensive war, yet her agencies of war were agencies of bar- barism, panoplied and equipped with all the inventions for the destruction of human life which modern ingenuity could devise, and were running ruthlessly on sea and land. France and England claimed to be fighting the cause of Democracy and freedom against autoc- racy and military aggression; and yet, they were allied with the Government of Russia, an abso- lute despotism, notorious throughout the world for its suppression of human rights and individual liberties. The first great event of 1917 was America's entrance into the war; the second was the over- throw of the Russian autocracy. The moral handicap of trying to fight a war for freedom in alliance with the chief enemy of freedom was removed when the government of the Czar fell. England and France eventually lost an ally but gained a moral issue. The substantiality of the AlHes' claim to be fighting for Democracy was then established by America's participation, and the declaration of President Wilson that our continuation in the war was to last until "all the world was made safe for Democracy." Those two events gave to the people a clearer knowledge of the issues of the war and the righte- ousness of the Allies' cause. The people continued, however, to look with apprehension on the changes that were taking place in the new Republic of Russia. Her weakening military strength meant that America must contribute more than was at first expected. Fathers and mothers, when the call came to their homes, gladly gave up their sons. It is needless to say they wished it were otherwise, but they were willing to have their boys take their places with other boys, and do their share. Mothers tearfully saw them go to the draft board headquarters to take their physical examinations. Their hearts were breaking but they held their heads high. Women and men prayed mightily in those days for a termination of the struggle. At that time attention began to center on events transpiring at Berlin. During the month of July the German Chancellor Von Bethmann-Hollweg resigned and Michaelis came into office — the first internal disturbance Germany experienced. It may or may not have been a real dis- turbance. The Reichstag refused to vote the war credits until some time after Michaelis came into office, but passed what became known as the Reichstag Resolutions of 1917. Some believed that these internal troubles were occasioned by the war preparations going on in this country, and the determination of America to have "force to the bitter end." 106 Buffalo's Part in the World War The Pope apparently felt the time had arrived for peace. On August 15th His Holiness sent a note to all the Powers, making a strong appeal to them to bring the war to a close on the basis of mutual concessions. Despite the fact that Buffalo boys were then going through their physical examinations for military service, and family ties were about to be severed, Buffalonians had smelt the smoke of battle. No peace save the surrender of the Hohenzollern War Party would be an acceptable peace. The whole country voiced that sentiment. It was not an easy decision; but it was patriotic, and it was unmistakable. On August 27th, President Wilson replied* ex- pressing the conviction that peace could not be negotiated with the then rulers of the German people, and declining the Pope's invitation. The peace proposal, which seemingly came at the most opportune moment presented up to that time, being swept away, we turned again to war work. Food and fuel control systems became operative. Hustle was the slogan of the draft boards. The call came for additional men to aug- ment Pershing's force, and the people gradually but surely and irrevocably settled into the deter- mination of irresistible war, no matter what its cost in money and men. The first of August found the draft boards making their first physical examination. Before the end of the month, the quota of each Buffalo board for the first call was ready. On August 29th the members of the boards in Buffalo and Erie County received orders from Adjutant General Stotesbury to call five per cent, of their first quota for entrainment on September 5th. This, the first order for induction of men into the national army through the selective service system, naturally occasioned a general interest. The number from each board was necessarily small. No local district sent more than 20 men in that first call. Each board had 40 per cent, of its quota ready. Of course, it would have been proper and possible to send the first men according to their draft number, but most of the boards submitted the question to the men themselves, and in every board more than a sufficient number volunteered to meet the call. There was always present in those days a possibility, in the minds of the people at least, that something unforeseen might happen and end the war. Accordingly, there was no particular desire on the part of any great number of the drafted men to leave for camp. The national guardsmen, trained soldiers, were still here, and that fact created a question in many minds as to whether or not the Government would need many drafted men. It is ap- parent, therefore, that the original five per cent of selective service men who stepped forward to make up the first contingent were in reality selective service volunteers. Information began to filter through that, possibly, the Government wanted a small number at the camps for early training as non-commissioned officers. And that, it later developed, was the reason for calling a small number in advance of the first 40 per cent, of the contemplated army. * In part President Wilson said in his reply to Pope Benedict XV: "The object of this war is to deUver the free peoples of the world from the menace and the actual power of a vast military establishment con- trolled by an irresponsible Government which, having secretly planned to dominate the world, proceeded to carry the plan out without regard either to the sacred obligations of treaty or the long-established practices and long-cherished principles of international action and honor; which chose its own time for the war; delivered its blow fiercely and suddenly; stopped at no barrier either of law or of mercy; swept a whole continent within the tide of blood — not the blood of soldiers only, but the blood of innocent women and children also and of the helpless poor; and now stands balked but not defeated, the enemy of four-fifths of the world. This power is not the German people. It is the ruthless master of the Ger- man people. * * * To deal with such a power by way of peace upon the plan proposed by His Holiness the Pope would, so far as we can see, involve a recuperation of its strength and a renewal of its policy; would make it necessary to create a permanent hostile combination of nations against the German people, who are its instruments; and would result in abandoning the new-born Russia to the intrigue, the manifold subtle inter- ference, and the certain counter-revolution which would be attempted by all the malign influences to which the German Government has of late accustomed the world. Can peace be based upon a restitution of its power or upon any word of honor it could pledge in a treaty of settlement and accommodation 7 * * * The test, therefore, of every plan of peace is this: Is it based upon the faith of all the peoples involved or merely upon the word of an ambitious and intriguing Government, on the one hand, and of a group of free peoples, on the other? This is a test which goes to the root of the matter; and it is the test which must be applied * * * We cannot take the word of the present rulers of Germany as a guarantee of anything that is to endure, unless explicitly supported by such conclusive evidence of the will and purpose of the German people themselves as the other peoples of the world would be justified in accepting." Buffalo's Part in the World War 107 CHAPTER XXXIII GUARDSMEN SPEND SUMMER OF 1917 IN BUFFALO CAMP ON June 26th, 1917, the First Army Division of the American Expeditionary Forces arrived in France. The news of the arrival abroad thrilled Buffalonians at home. National guards- men immediately stirred about in anticipation of an early departure. The members of the local regiments having had experience on the Mexican border viewed themselves, and we looked upon them, as trained men of war. They were bronzed, carried their equipment in a soldierly way, could keep step, and were experienced in the use of firearms. The average man of that period possessed a thorough conviction that the members of the 74th Infantry, the 3d Artillery and Troop I were then in complete readiness for front line fighting. All that remained, in the judgment of the home folks, was a short training in the methods of trench warfare. The masses were just hearing of gas masks, and steel helmets and trench mortars, of tanks, machine gun nests and pill boxes. The guardsmen began to chafe at the task of guarding railroad bridges, elevators and the like. They were looking for action. Spring was rapidly merging into summer, draft boards were getting under way, and the new national army was already discernible rising in the distance, when word was passed around that the entire National Guard was to be federalized. The thing of paramount importance there was in the fact that federalizing meant overseas service. Many had believed that the "regulars" would be sent overseas and the National Guard used in manning army posts here. Now the talk veered to the guardsmen going overseas while the drafted men would man the home posts. Though the order for federalization was expected about July 1st, it had not materialized at that time and the guardsmen fell back to their guard duty assignment. Those not so assigned continued to report at the local armories and secure leave from day to day. On July 1st an accident at Niagara Falls brought the guardsmen into favorable prominence. A stretch of earth south of the cantilever bridge on the line of the Gorge Railway at Niagara Falls, just where the track slopes toward the Whirlpool Rapids, disintegrated and dropped a Company I, 74th Regiment, Mess Time at Kenilworth Buffalo's Part in the World War 109 loaded trolley car into the river. Many were killed in the crashing of the car. Others were drowned. Soldiers on guard at the bridge were the first to see the accident. A half dozen guards- men hurriedly rendered assistance. Private Joseph Crowley of the 74th Infantry was first to give aid to the survivors and engage in the work of rescue. He climbed over the upturned trucks and into the shallow water where he dragged victims through a window and stood waist deep holding two unconscious women above the water. He remained at his post until the rescuing party could give assistance. Crowley was aided in the work by Private McCue and Corporal Poison, all of whom were commended for distinguished service. On July 10th, President Wilson issued the proclamation drafting the national guardsmen into the army of the United States, and providing for their mobilization. The President fixed August 5th as the date on which all national guardsmen would be formally taken into the United States service. Orders issued by the Governor* through Adjutant General Stotesbury provided for the mobilization of the 3d Artillery and Troop I on July 12th. On the same day, General O'Ryan issued ordersf for the care of the armories after the departure of the old regiments. The 74th Infantry had been federalized prior to that period, and the work was then directed to the con- struction of a temporary camp until such time as the troops should be ordered to a national train- ing camp. Considerable time was spent in recruiting work to bring the regiments up to full strength, but it was not then very difficult to get men. The draft machinery was in motion. Many Buffalo boys felt they would rather go with a Buffalo unit than into the army through the selective service route. Accordingly the regiments filled rapidly. Members of the 3d Artillery and of Troop I reported daily at their armories on Masten Street and Delavan Avenue respec- tively. About August 1st a detachment from the 74th and another from the 3d Artillery were named to go to Spartanburg to aid in preparing the camp for the guardsmen soon to be mobilized into an army division at that point. A few days later. Captain Bradley Goodyear of the 3d Artil- lery was detached and ordered to Fort Sill, Oklahoma, for a course in artillery training. *STATE OF NEW YORK The Adjutant General's Office Albany, July 12, 1917. General Orders No. 35 I. The President of the United States, by virtue of the authority vested in him by the Constitution and Laws of the United States, having called, through the Governor of the State of New York, into the service of the United States, as, of and from July 15th, 1917, all members of the National Guard and all enlisted members of the National Guard Reserve of this State, who are not now in the service of the United States, except members of Staff Corps and Departments not included in the personnel of tactical organizations and except such officers of the National Guard as have been or may be specifically notified by his authority that they will not be affected by said call, and the Commanding General, Eastern Department having designated the herinafter-mentioned organizations of the National Guard of this State, including the enlisted personnel of the National Guard Reserve as included in said call, and having designated the hour, date and place of assembly pursuant to said call, as hereinafter indicated, the Commanding General, New York Division, will cause the following organizations of the National Guard of this State to be assembled at their respective armories for initial muster into the service of the United States on Monday, July 16, 1917, at 9 o'clock A. M., except those organizations now engaged in guarding pubHc utilities under orders of the Governor, which will assemble at the same time and will be mustered at the stations where now on duty, as hereinafter indicated, and except the 15th N. Y. Infantry and 4th N. Y. Field Hospital, which will be assembled at the same time at Camp Whitman, N. Y., for initial muster, and which last two named organizations will be assembled at their respective home stations on July 16, 1917, in ample time to arrive at Camp Whitman by 9 o'clock A. M. on that date. II. All organizations assembled for initial muster under this order will have their company records and unserviceable property in immediate readiness for inspection by mustering officer. Every effort will be made to prevent absentees from initial muster and to promote normal induction into Federal service. III. In accordance with memorandum from Headquarters Eastern Department, organizations assembled for initial muster under this order at company, battalion or regimental armories are authorized to arrange for messing and sleeping such number of the men of their command stationed at said armories as may be necessary outside of the armories. Under the same authority, commutation of ration at the rate of seventy-five cents per day may be provided wherever troops cannot be messed in company or larger messes. IV. Special Regulation No. 55, Mobilization of the National Guard, requires all Federal property in the State to be transferred to the United States when the National Guard is called into Federal service. There are certain classes of property, however, that are not needed by the Federal Government at this time, and such articles should not be brought into the United States service with the National Guard. No blue uniforms will be transferred with organizations. No target material will be so transferred. If, in special cases, such material is needed, authority for transfer will be granted. No Coast Artillery material (dummy armament, etc.) will be transferred. Every article of Federal property comprising the field equipment (as shown by Circular No. 10, Militia Bureau, 1916) will be transferred to the United States. Prompt settlement by supply officers with the State authorities of transfers of property to Federal service is imperative. All adjustments of property accountability will be made be- tween the date of the call and date troops are moved to concentration camp. Attention is invited to General Orders No. 24, this office, dated June 6, 1917. By command of the Governor: Official: Louis W. Stotesbury, The Adjutant General, tHEADQUARTERS NEW YORK DIVISION, NATIONAL GUARD New York, July 12, 1917. General Orders No. U I. In accordance with telegraphic instructions of this date from the Adjutant General of the State, and pursuant to G. O. 35, A. G. O., 1917, organizations of the National Guard will assemble at their several stations, as specified, preparatory to initial muster into the service of the United States, on Monday, July 16, 1917, at 9 o'clock A. M. The provisions of Special Regulations No. 55, Mobilization of the National Guard, 1917, will obtain. II. Upon the assembly of organizations at armories, the guards there maintained will stand relieved from duty under State orders, as of July 15, 1917. III. By direction of The Adjutant General, when armories are vacated by troops drafted into the service of the United States, Commanding Officers of depot units will detail the appropriate number of their respective commands for the protection of armories, in accordance with G. O. 8, D., 1917. (1116) „_ , By Command of Major General O'Ryan, Official: H. H. Bandholtz, Lieut. Col., V. S. Infty., D. 0. L., .Acting Chief of Staff. 110 Buffalo's Part in the World War On August 3d, Colonel Arthur C. Kemp, 74th Infantry, designated Company I to establish a camp at the Kenilworth rifle range and begin the schooling of non-commissioned officers. Cap- tain John H. Kneubel was placed in charge of the post. By August 14th all the companies of the old 74th were encamped on the Kenilworth range. Practically all the men, including the out-of- town boys got into camp on the evening of the 13th of August, in time to encounter a sweeping rain storm. Their first night under canvas was a wet one. Police Chief Martin and Sheriff Stengel swore in extra police officers to take up the work of guarding elevators and munition plants, as the soldiers were withdrawn. The detachments from Olean, Westfield, Jamestown, Tonawanda and other places where 74th boys had been on guard moved to Kenilworth amid the plaudits of the people at various points along the route. Kenil- worth soon became a city of tents. The 74th was there assembled as the 102d U. S. Infantry. On August 18th information was given out at Washington that the 26th Division, composed of New England guardsmen, and the 42d Di\asion composed largely of New York City guardsmen, prominent in which was the "Fighting Sixty- Ninth" — the New York Irish regiment — would soon be sent to France. Buffalo had acquired a very intense interest in the 69th regiment by reason of the fact that Captain William J. Donovan of Troop I had been promoted — commissioned Major and assigned to the command of a battalion of the old 69th, renamed the 165th Infantry and attached to the 42d "Rainbow Division." The news that guardsmen were going overseas made the Buffalo men eager to get to their training camp at Spartanburg, and the days spent at Kenilworth from that time on were anxious and dreary ones. Each day brought new hope for the order to move. But day after day passed and the days became weeks, while Kenilworth still held them. Up in the old 65th Armory, where the members of the 3d Artillery, soon to be- come the 106th Field Artillery, were quartered, the same spirit of restlessness was shown. While the draft board's work was rushed, and the governmental agencies for the creation of the selective service army moved along with the speed of an airship, time hung heavily on the border-trained troops of the New York National Guard at Kenilworth and in the Buffalo armories. The monotony of camp life, however, found some interruptions. Frank B. Baird entertained the officers and men of Buffalo Base Hospital Unit No. 23 at dinner at the Buffalo Club on the evening of August 28th. The officers of the 74th and the 3d were also his guests on that occasion. At the armories, chaplains and Y. M. C. A. workers filled in the days and hours with various forms of amusement. On August 29th Colonel Kemp received word to proceed to Spartanburg as soon as transpor- tation could be furnished and Buffalo grew excited. The camps and armories began to crowd up at all hours of the day with relatives and friends of the soldiers and the committees in charge of farewell ceremonies became active. The Festival of Light and Song was held on August 31st. On September 1st, Chairman Walter S. Goodale called his committee together to complete final arrangements for the departure of the men. The Committee planned a fitting farewell parade in which the entire city could participate. Colonel Kemp reported repeatedly at that time, the inability of the regiment to secure transportation accommodations. The review of the regiment by Mayor Fuhrmann and the members of the Council at the Country Club, after several post- ponements, was finally held on Wednesday, September 5th. Buffalo's Part in the World War 111 CHAPTER XXXIV FESTIVAL OF LIGHT AND SONG— A FORMAL GOOD-BY A UGUST 31, 1917, proved to be a bright summer day in Buffalo. When the shadows of night /\ came on, a slight breeze off the lake drove away the last lingering heatwaves of the mid- ■^ -^ Summer sun and left us a balmy, cool, refreshing evening. The day had been set apart by the City to give expression in a formal manner, with music and song, to the city's pride in her citizen-soldiers, and extend to them a formal farewell. The Little Meadow at Delaware Park, setting as it does a fairy garden amid the giant old trees of Buffalo's beautiful breathing space, was illuminated on that particular night, in every nook and corner, by innumerable though partly hidden and subdued lights. Buffalonians by the thousands were scattered on the benches and on the grass under the trees. Every path leading to Little Meadow was thronged with earnest citizens eager to extend the hand of fellowship to the depart- ing soldiers. The night was cool and still, and, stepping lightly over the velvety lawn, the immense audience, moving in almost reverent attention did not break the forest silence. The surroundings and the atmosphere in which the Festival was held added immeasurably to its success. The evening's program had run through, the departing speech had been delivered, the musical numbers had been rendered and the presentations had been made when the most impres- sive feature of the evening's program, an added feature, was presented. A woman clad in immaculate white stepped out on the platform, and the strains of the popular song of the hour, "There's a Long, Long, Trail" broke the stillness of the woods. Her voice was clear and the notes of her song floated over the night air and found a hundred echoes in the nooks and ravines around the lake. When she concluded, fifty thousand voices acclaimed their appreciation of the singer and her song. The singer was Mrs. George B. Barrell. She had planned the great ceremonial had led the work from its inception, and, in the absence through illness of the soloist of the even- ing, had herself stepped into the breach and completed the programme in a grandeur that had not been anticipated. Thousands of soldiers stood up on the lawn and cheered again and again and then all joined in — THERE'S A LONG, LONG TRAIL Nights are growing very lonely, All night long I hear you calling, Days are very long, Calling sweet and low. I'm a-growing weary only. Seem to hear your footsteps falling, List'ning for your song. Ev'ry where I go. Old remembrances are thronging thro' my memory, Tho' the road between us stretches many a weary mile, Till it seems the world is full of dreams I forget that you're not with me yet, Just to call you back to me. When I think I see you smile. Chorus. There's a long, long trail a winding, Into the land of my dreams. Where the nightingales are singing. And a white moon beams. There's a long, long night of waiting, Until my dreams all come true; Till the day when I'll be going down. That long, long trail with you. — Words by Stoddard King. Music by Zo Elliott CITY CEREMONIAL— AUGUST 31, 1917. Buffalo's tribute to her men and women, who, by the dedication of their lives to the service of our country, bring honor to their City. — From Official Program. 112 Buffalo's Part in the World War i t<«.- Saluting the Colors at Country Club Review 74th on March to Country Club for Final Review, September 10, 1917 Reviewing Party on Country Club Grounds— Fuhrmann, Kreinheder, Heald, Hill, Malone, Sweeney Company E on Practice March at Kenilworth Buffalo's Part in the World War 113 Song and Light was given as a tribute to the National Guardsmen. The spirit that prompted the undertaking and guided the efforts of the Committee in charge was born of a desire that the citizens of Buffalo might gather and give expression to the affection and family interest with which they surrounded the men and women going out to represent Buffalo at the front; to affirm together their faith in the righteousness of the cause, and their belief in the power of the Spirit of God to sustain our Arms in the mighty conflict. The program was planned and executed in the hope that it might serve the people of the Community on such an occasion. Mayor Fuhrmann issued a proclamation as follows: "Buffalo is realizing more clearly every day the large part we are to play as a city in the carrying on of the war. Our troops, our two regiments, the men soon to be called into the service, our naval militia, and the base hospital unit, will represent us at the front, and it is fitting that as a community we should have the opportunity of expressing our appreciation of the honor due these men and women, and of uniting in a farewell to them. The President of the United States has himself expressed a desire that some appropriate recognition be accorded them, and, in this desire, I am sure that all our citizens will concur. The evening of August 31st has been set apart for such a civic ceremonial, to be held in Delaware Park. While it is to be regretted that, owing to military exigencies, all of our troops may not be present, this should not prevent us from honoring those who are about to make such great sacrifices for their country, and all citizens of Buffalo are urged to attend and participate, that those who have gone and are going may feel the united support and affection of their home city." The Little Meadow, with its broad expanse of lawn, completely surrounded, as it is, with trees, was an ideal location for the ceremony. The platform for band, speakers, Community Chorus, and a children's chorus of five hundred, was erected at the eastern end of the enclosure and was the climax of the lighting plan. Against the background of trees, with the great wheel of light in the centre and the many lanterns and screens of curious design and color combination on either side, it was a beautiful picture. All about the Little Meadow in the trees hung great lanterns some eight and ten feet high, of Mr. Bragdon's design and through the Park from Lincoln Parkway and Rumsey Road, hundreds of small Japanese lanterns served as guides on the pathways lead- ing to the scene of the Ceremony. The regiments marched into the park from different directions, and were seated, at the request of their Commanding Officers, on the ground, in a space reserved for them, directly in front of the platform. Excerpts* from Buffalo newspapers of the following day give an excellent impression of the evening. An account, however, would be incomplete without speaking of the ready and splendid cooperation met with during the days of preparation and carrying-out of the plans. Members of the Park, Police, and Fire Departments and of the City Bureau of Weights and Measures were untiring in their assistance ; the Red Cross and many firms of the city carried the hundreds of *THE FIRST FAREWELL— From Buffalo Enquirer No more impressive scene was ever witnessed in Buffalo than that last night when upwards of 50,000 men. women, and children participated in the program at Delaware park in honor of those citizens who are soon to leave to accept roles in the great drama that is being enacted across the Atlantic. Seated on the ground in a section reserved for them, the regiments of infantry and artillery, the hospital units and the Red Cross nurses heard and saw the great patriotic demonstration which they will carry with them as long as they live. It was a scene never to be forgotten. SONG AND LIGHT MAKE FAIRYLAND OF PARK MEADOW— From Buffalo Express .\ full moon climbing through heavy clouds gave the final touch of splendor to a setting which made the meadow a fairyland and won success for the City Ceremonial of Song and Light at Delaware Park last night. There was a touch of awed surprise in the attitude of the great crowd that filled the meadow to overflowing when the first note of music burst forth and song and light became a harmonious whole. Paths between the trees were transformed into lantern-lined vistas. The lanterns beckoned everywhere. They pointed the way for the throngs that flowed through every entrance toward the glowing center of the celebration. The 74th infantry, the 3rd artillery, and the base hospital unit faced the dark green wall of the trees before which rose in a profusion of light and color the stand for members of the Community Chorus. All the women were in white, while in front, below the rostrum upon which Director Harry Barnhart directed the accompaniment and chorus, were grouped the children. The police attempted to estimate the size of the crowd, but estimates were futile. * * * There may have been .50,000 people. It was the biggest crowd that ever attended a public celebration in Buffalo. * * * Colonel Arthur Kemp of the 74th infantry, in accepting the kits for his men and thanking the Red Cross for them, said: "These kits will be a constant reminder of this great farewell and will bring back the God Bless You of Mayor Fuhrmann as given to-night in behalf of the whole city." FAREWELL TO KHAKI-CLAD SOLDIER BOYS— From Buffalo Commercial When 3,000 soldiers of Buffalo's various military units marched out of Delaware Park last night they carried with them the cheers and well wishes of 60,000 persons who had come to the park to witness the song and light festival arranged as a farewell to the boys in khaki. Last night's celebration — the largest attended of any public affair in Buffalo — was splendidly staged and successful in every detail. The meadow and paths surrounding were filled to overflowing. There was that hesitancy that marks the step in the dark. For once the bois- terous laughter was stilled; the character of the entertainment seemed to strike the thousands — leaving them silent and awed. BUFFALO HAS REASON TO BE PROUD— From Buffalo Times None who participated in the ceremony of light and song at the Little Meadow in Delaware Park last night will ever forget the beauty, splendor and the patriotism of the occasion. It was a magnificent spectacle, artistically arranged and consummated by an outpouring of more than 60,000 people, who with cheers and songs showed their love and loyalty to the flag and its defenders. Affairs of that kind will leave their imprint alike on soldier and civilian and Buffalo has reason to be proud of the occasion and above all they are proud, as they showed last night, of the boys in whose honor it was held. (Continued on page 115.) 114 Buffalo's Part in the World War Buffalo Bids Good-By to Old 74th Regiment. Through Lanes of Cheering Thousands the Troops Marched Away Upper — Mayor Fuhrmann is shown at the head of the Hne; next, Councilmen Heald, Hill, Kreinheder, Malone, from left to right; Councilman Heald is shown waving his hand. Colonel Arthur Kemp, Adjutant Ralph K. Robertson and staff Lower — The 74th Regiment off to war Buffalo's Part in the World War 115 children to and from rehearsals and the performance itself;the Albright Art Gallery allowed the Court to be used for the children's practising; and the Boy Scouts assumed full charge of the seating arrangements and ushering. It would be impossible to mention individually all those who gave of their time and energy, but an enthusiastic response to all requests for help was unfailing from everyone approached and all were eager to contribute and have some share in the city's God- speed to her sons and daughters. The Committee directly in charge consisted of Mrs. Chauncey J. Hamlin, Miss Eflfie Burns, Mrs. George B. Barrell, Mrs. Henry Ware Sprague, Mrs. Walter P. Cooke, Mrs. A. J. Elias, Mrs. William Moncrieff and Mrs. William A. Morgan. Following is the official program: "I See America go Singing to Her Destiny" Walt Whitman Buffalo Community Chorus Buffalo Park Band Children's Chorus T-, t Harry Barnhart, Conductor Claude Bragdon, Master of Lights Fanfare Military March — "America" Francis MacMillen Buffalo Park Band "America" — Everybody sing Invocation — Rev. John C. Ward, Chaplain 74th Regiment "Hail, Bright Abode" Wagner Chorus and Band Address by the Hon. Louis P. Fuhrmann Band Number — "Cortege du Serdare" Ippolitov Iwanov New Hymns of the People: "March! March!" Farwell "Our America" Stetson " These Things Shall Be " Griffes "New Hymn to Free Russia" Gretchaninow Chorus and Band Presentation of American Flag by Mrs. John Miller Horton, Regent, Buffalo Chapter, N. S. D. A. R. to the Base Hospital Unit 23, U. S. A. Presentation of Comfort Kits by Ansley Wilcox on behalf of the Buffalo Chapter, American Red Cross, to Members of the 3rd Field Artillery, the 74th Regiment and the Naval Militia. Acceptance by Col. Kemp for the 74th Regiment, by Col. Howland for the 3d Field Artillery and Lieut. Bailey for the Naval Militia. Community Singing " The Heavens Are Telling The Glory of God " Haydn Double Trio, Chorus and Band "Ave Maria" Bach-Gounod tMARY Ward Prentiss (a) "Spring Song" Rubenstein (b) "Lullaby" Stetson (c) "The Red, White and Blue" Children's Chorus "Pilgrim's Chorus" Wagner Community Chorus and Band "Hallelujah Chorus" — (from "The Messiah") Handel Benediction— Rev. Walter F. Fornes, Chaplain 3d Field Artillery "star spangled banner" *BUFFALO'S benediction— From The News The "Little Meadow", Delaware park, last evening was the scene of a gathering unique in Buffalo's history— an inspiring and unforgettable event — a festival of light and song. Conceived in the spirit of affection and pride in our soldier boys, its proponents witnessed the consummation of their desires— the tangible whole-hearted expression of the community's love and faith in our boys who are soon to go forth to fight for the loftiest ideals that ever entered' the mind of man. Well and aptly chosen was the designation "Festival of Light and Song." Light is the symbol of truth; it is the torch of liberty. And it IS to uphold these principles — to establish truth and to intensify the love of liberty — that our boys have pledged themselves in the name 01 the Nation. * * The "Festival of Light and Song"! Wondrously carried out was the idea and a more inspiring and thrilling event, or one so full of deep feeling and meaning was never experienced by the community. To the boys who wore the uniform of service the gathering signified consecration to duty. To us it was as if we stood mentally and spiritually with uncovered heads as our boys go forth, bidding them Godspeed in their task It was Buffalo s benediction on her fighting sons. tOwing to illness at the last moment, Mrs. Prentiss was unable to sing and Mrs. Barrell sang "The Long, Long Trail". The Audience and Chorus joined in singing the refrain. Buffalo's Part in the World War 117 CHAPTER XXXV NATIONAL ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES "Y T" TEDNESDAY night, September 3d, 1917, the foundation men of the great national army \/\l left Buffalo — five per cent from each exemption district. From every corner of the city * * they assembled, surrounded by a cheering throng of relatives and friends as they prepared for the march to the station. The city committee provided an escort headed by mounted police and including a platoon of city firemen, the Home Defense Regiment, and the Police Reserves. Regi- mental bands took their allotted places in the line, and early evening saw the procession in motion down Main Street toward the railroad stations. Immense banners indicating that the ceremony was in honor of the departure of the first increments of The National Army waved at the head of the line. Chief Martin filled the post of grand marshal, and the members of the Council, headed by Mayor Fuhrmann, marched at the head of the escort. Along the route to the trains bombs were exploded high in the air and colored fire illuminated the route; crowds pressed from the walks into the streets, passed the cordon of police, some to slap the soldier boys on the back, wish them luck, imparting instructions which ran the gamut from "Take Berlin!" to "Bring back the Kaiser's whiskers!" Along the lines from the prancing horses of the mounted police in the van to the loiterers and stragglers at the end, floated the Stars and Stripes. Soldiers on the sidewalks stood at attention as the flags went by and civilians doffed their hats. We had all learned in that day to reverently salute the fiag. It was dearer to us then as we saw it amid the storm clouds of war than it ever was back in the days of peace. Theretofore it had meant simply a token of our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; the emblem of American institutions and citizenship. On that Scene at a Draft Board Headquarters When Boys Were About to Leave 118 Buffalo's Part in the World War if Old 65th Regiment Getting Under Way Packing up equipment at Armory grounds Loading gun carriages on cars in railroad yards Buffalo's Part in the World War 119 trying day, when the first contingent of Buffalo boys was marching away, all recognized that the flag had taken on a new significance. It was now a symbol of service. Men and women of Buffalo knew then the boys would have to march behind its folds and sleep beneath its sentinel stars on shell-torn fields. The throng along the line of march did not cheer. They were criticised the next day by the newspapers for their lack of enthusiasm. But their hearts were heavy. They were proud of those boys, but they realized the horrors of war. Accordingly, they were silent. All had read the President's letter* to the new soldiers. The sun was sinking across the river as they gathered that day to see the boys off, and in the growing dusk it was not difficult to visualize the training camp — France — the trenches — the battlefields — the heroic sacrifices — the supreme sacrifice! It was not surprising that the people did not cheer when the boys were leaving. The bands struck up the "Old Grey Mare," and other catchy tunes of the hour, and the marchers put a "punch" into the parade. As they neared the train sheds they sang; "We Won't Come Back 'Till It's Over Over There. " Most people tried to be merry. But as the youngsters boarded the train mothers and sisters — and fathers — wept. They may have shed tears of regret; perhaps they shed tears of pride and of glory. But they shed tears. The members of the draft boards marched at the head of their respective contingents. The station reached, they began calling the roll. Police tried to keep the passenger areas clear of the crowd. But the mothers demanded the last farewell, and no patrolman in the immense platoon of police — to their honor be it said — had the heart to deny them that right. Finally the board members, hopped from the trains, perspiration trickling from under their hat bands. Trainmen shouted, the crowd was pushed and hauled back and forth, bands were playing "America", and boys and mothers were still exchanging from car windows their good bye caresses as the heavy trains pulled out of the station. Buffalo had sent away its flrst contingent to the National Army of the United States, bound for Camp Dix, N. J. It was an historic day. Soon, however, scenes of that character became a common occurrence. Neighborhood celebra- tions were held as the various draft contingents departed. Banquets were given in many instances to the departing men. Knitting societies and relief associations equipped the boys with kits, sweaters, caps, scarfs and socks. On September 26th, more than 2,000 boys were sent away. And gradually it became a monthly affair. The departure of the big colored contingent was the occa- sion for an immense parade and a banquet at St. Stephen's Hall, arranged by the Rev. Henry A. Mooney and a committee of the draft board members with James A. Ross as Chairman. Speeches were made by public officials and prominent colored citizens. Parades and dinners, aerial bombs and red fire illuminated the occasion. No contingent left Buffalo without a good-by celebration of some sort. *"To the soldiers of the national army: You are undertaking a great duty. The heart of the whole country is with you. Everything that you •do will be watched with the deepest interest and with the deepest solicitude, not only by those who are nearer and dearer to you, but by the whole nation besides. For this great war draws us all together, makes us all comrades and brothers, as all true Americans felt themselves to be when we first made good our national independence. "The eyes of all the world will be upon you because you are in some special sense the soldiers of freedom. Let it be your pride therefore, to show all men everywhere not only what good soldiers you are, but also what good men you are, keeping yourselves fit and straight in everything and pure and clean through and through. Let us set for ourselves a standard so high that it will be a glory to live up to it, and then let us live up to it and add a new laurel to the crown of America. My affectionate confidence goes with you in every battle and every test. God keep and guide you. — WooDROw Wilson." 120 Buffalo's Part in the World War When Orders Came to Leave for Spartanburg Old 74th boys cheering the glad news of their departure Breaking camp, preparatory to departure Buffalo's Part in the World War 121 CHAPTER XXXVI AMID CHEERS AND TEARS GUARDSMEN LEAVE HOME A UGUST had given way to September and the falling leaves announced the coming of Winter l\ before the old guardsmen finally boarded the cars for Spartanburg. On September 22d at -^ -*- Kenilworth Field the 74th marched in its last Buffalo review. Brig. General George C. Fox, General Edgar B. Jewett, Lieut. Colonel Edmund P. Cottle, Maj. Lee H. Smith and August Schneider, who held the post of drum major for more than twenty-five years, were in the reviewing stand. Another mass meeting for a demonstration of loyalty, with Job Hedges as the principal speaker, several parades, and plenty of red fire, served to fill in the time through the latter part of September until the soldiers departed. After weeks of waiting, and innumerable hours of preparation by the farewell committee, the order finally came to the 3d Artillery Regiment to get under way. All the committee's plans went a-glimmering. The regiment was under way during the night of the 24th of September. Trucks rattled down Michigan Avenue to the Erie Station through the night, carrying equipment and supplies. No time was given for a formal parade nor did the people have an opportunity to say good-by.* The first section left early on the morning of September 25, and by one o'clock of that day the last section pulled away from Buffalo. Sirens on the fire tugs sounded their screech- ing farewells. Mayor Fuhrmann shook hands with Captain P. J. Keeler, in charge of the last sec- tion, and the regiment, destined to participate in the great barrages which finally swept the German Army across the Meuse, was rattling over the ties toward Spartanburg. Buffalo erected a towering monument of well wishes for her soldiers in the old 74th Regiment of Infantry when finally, on Saturday, September 29th, they left their home city en route to the western battlefront via Spartanburg, France and Belgium. Denied the opportunity to do honors to the Artillery boys, Buffalonians showered their well-wishes on the Infantry Regiment. Factory whistles, fire tug sirens and church bells joined in the tumult of sound which announced their departure. They marched down Main Street through lanes of thickly packed, sad-eyed, thou- sands. Buffalo had never before tendered such a demonstration to civilians or soldiers. The ceremony began in the early hours of the morning and lasted long into the afternoon when the last section of the train pulled out of the Lehigh Valley yards leaving heavy hearted thousands with nothing but the memory of khaki-coated marchers and tousled heads poked from car windows. It was estimated that more than 300,000 people thronged the streets along the line of march. The crowds began to assemble as early as eight o'clock, at which time the 74th men had been ordered to report at the armory, having spent their last night in Buffalo at home. Ropes strung along the curbs in front of the armory kept back the crush of thousands. At 9.30 the shrill call of the bugle sent the men scurrjang into their company rooms to emerge a few minutes later with their marching equipment and packages. At 9.45 o'clock the regimental band gave a con- cert and the various companies formed on the main drill floor. Every man was there and the loyal guardsmen were proud of it for their voices lifted in the bars of "Hail, Hail, the Gang's all Here— What the Hell do we Care Now." There was little of pathos there then. That came later. Shortly before 10 o'clock Chaplain John C. Ward delivered a brief invocation and the men in *"It is unfortunate that the movement of the 3d artillery comes so unexpectedly that nothing in the way of an official send-off can be arranged. The regiment will move so irregularly that it will be almost impossible even for the citizens to line the streets and give the boys a cheer. "The regiment will slip out of Buffalo and the vast majority will know nothing about it. War is a coldly businesslike proposition nowadays. Regiments leave their home stations for the front with little or no excitement on the part of the populace. An unsentimental war office has abolished gold lace, bullioned epaulettes and brilliant uniforms. Even the inspiriting colors have been abandoned. "But hearts still beat fast, and this going away to war is the stirring thing it has always been. There are the pangs of parting, the unspoken curse against the thing that drives a great free people into bloody arms; the hope they'll all come back and the wish that they'll acquit them- selves well and obtain their share of glory. We'd like to believe those guns of the Third will never be called on to speak their message of death and destruction, but this seems a wish doomed to unfulfillment. Our hope is then that the regiment does its duty well. We feel sure it will. aIi Buffalo will be waiting, watching, hoping brave things from her boys "over there." — Buffalo Commercial, September 24,1917. 122 Buffalo's Part in the World War Off to War Old 74th marching from their armory for the last time First Battalion moving out Buffalo's Part in the World War 123 khaki stood reverently with bowed heads. "Oh God, give us strength to serve Thee as soldiers of freedom," said the little chaplain. Then Col. Arthur Kemp, commanding; Lieut. Col. WiUiam R. Pooley, and staff marched out of the armory preceded by 200 members of the 74th Regiment Veterans' Association and followed by the regiment. With salvo after salvo of cheers breaking from the crowds assembled along Prospect Park, the men marched over Connecticut Street to Prospect, thence to the Circle at Richmond Avenue where they were met by Grand Marshal John Martin, Mayor Fuhrmann, Councilmen Charles M. Heald, Charles B. Hill, Arthur W. Kreinheder and John F. Malone, with the escort made up of firemen, police officers, home guardsmen, volunteer police patrolmen, the G. A. R. and various fraternal and other bodies in uniform. Shortly after eight o'clock the marching organizations gathered at the Circle and long before the time set to start the parade several thousand men had assembled at the points designated by the grand marshal. In front of the First Presbyterian Church Colonel Herbert I. Sackett formed his Home Defense Corps. About 1,000 men were in this section in their natty grey uni- forms. Major E. C. Shoemaker was in command of the first battalion. Captain Edward L. Jung led the second battalion. Captain Knight Neftel was at the head of the third battalion and Captain Harry S. Johnson led the battalion composed of companies from East Aurora, Depew, Tonawanda and two companies from the east side. G. A. R. members formed in line on the Porter Avenue side of the Circle. City firemen, about 500 strong, formed at the Jersey Street firehouse and marched around the Circle to their position in the line. Chief Bernard J. McConnell commanding. Knights of St. John, in full dress uniform, led by Colonel John L.Schwartz followed the Knights Templar and Scottish Rite Consistory, led by George K. Staples and William H. Ellis. A number of uniformed bodies were in that division. The policemen were at the head of the line and they formed the first division at North and Main Streets. At a few minutes after ten o'clock Grand Marshal John Martin gave the word to start. The parade moved out rapidly and in splendid formation. The Circle had been a busy place that morning. People in hundreds gathered there at an early hour. Lawns were trampled down in North Street by the surging multitude. In Main Street the crowd was indescribable. Atop buildings, hanging perilously out of win- dows, hectoring the police along the curb lines — the thousands waved flags, handkerchiefs and wafted good-bys. The committee appointed to arrange the farewell demonstration was composed of the fol- lowing: Mayor Louis P. Fuhrmann, chairman; Councilman Charles M. Heald, Councilman Arthur W. Kreinheder, Councilman John F. Malone, Gen. Edgar B. Jewett, Albert H. Adams, Patrick H. Cochrane, Daniel W. Emerling, Howard A. Forman, Dr. Francis E. Fronczak, Dr. Walter S. Goodale, Chief John Martin, Chief Bernard J. McConnell, Enerio Randaccio, Herbert I. Sackett, George K. Staples, Daniel J. Sweeney, Col. John L. Schwartz, Major N. E. Turgeon, Moses Wallens, Albert B. Wright. ORDER OF PARADE Mounted police. Grand marshal, Chief of Police John Martin; Aides to grand marshal, Dr. Walter S. Goodale and Daniel J. Sweeney; Mayor Louis P. Fuhrmann and Councilmen Charles M. Heald, Charles B. Hill, Arthur W. Kreinheder, John F. Malone; Park Band. Division No. 1 — Major Newton E. Turgeon, marshal, uniformed police department, uni- formed fire department, police reserve. Division No. 2— Albert B. Wright, marshal; Knights Templar; Scottish Rite Consistory; Knights of St. John; miscellaneous uniformed bodies. Division No. 3— Captain Herbert I. Sackett, marshal; Home Defense Corps. Division No. 4— Albert H. Adams, marshal; Grand Army of the Republic. Division No. 5 — 74th Regiment, Col. Arthur Kemp, commanding. 124 Buffalo's Part in the World War The battalions were up to the standard of recruiting and were commanded by: 1st, Major Minnis; 2d, Major Gibson; 3d, Major Wood; headquarters company. Captain Robertson, com- manding; machine gun squad. Captain Branch; supply company, Captain Hubbell; sanitary corps. Major Beebe. Dr. Arthur C. Schaefer Deputy Health Commissioner of Buffalo and a captain on the headquarters staff was chosen sanitary officer at Spartanburg. I Buffalo's Part in the World War 125 CHAPTER XXXVII GEORGE S. BUCK, WAR MAYOR 1918-1919. THROUGH the summer of 1917 Buflfalo, like her sister American cities, was involved in war work to such an extent that local affairs were wholly subordinated. Every man, woman and child was doing his or her "bit" toward winning the war. Attention locally was centered on the munition plants and the farms. However, we were approaching another municipal elec- tion. No matter how earnest and exciting were the war work campaigns, the political struggle lost none of its attractive power. Not only the men, but the women, were eager for political E. B. Holmes Selling First War Savings Stamp to Mayor George S. Buck combat; the men concerned in the mayoralty election, and the women absorbed in the campaign for the extension of suflfrage to the women of New York State, which happily ended in a decisive victory for them. Louis P. Fuhrmann had had two terms as Mayor — eight years. His friends enthused over the prospect of another election. He had neither asked nor given quarter in the bitter political battle for the commission form of government two years previously, and the adoption of the new charter was particularly a personal defeat for him. When the time for nominations in the late months of 1917 rolled around, however, there seemed to be an exceptionally strong demand for his re- nomination. A committee of citizens of various political affiliations, headed by William E. Robert- son, a former president of the Chamber of Commerce, called on the Mayor and urged him to become a candidate for renomination. That may have been part of a political play or political 126 Buffalo's Part in the World War program, but whether it was or not, it gave expression to a genuine sentiment in business circles, and surely was expressive of what we called "observable public opinion." So strong was the demand for Mayor Fuhrmann's renomination, that a number of prominent business men who were approached by political antagonists of the Mayor, declined to Hsten to the suggestion that they become candidates against him. Finally, the opposition forces turned to George S. Buck, County Auditor, and Mr. Buck agreed to become a candidate for Mayor. Of course, the new charter provided that partisan- ship should be eliminated from the city government, and candidates were assumed to be entirely removed from partisan designation. It was well known, however, that Mayor Fuhrmann would have the support generally of Democratic party men, while Mr. Buck would have the support of the Republican party men, or those among them in each case who supported candidates on party affiliation. George S. Buck was considered a good candidate though not a particularly strong one. He had been re-elected County Auditor two years before by scarcely one hundred majority. He was a young man, however, fearless in the discharge of his duties in the county office, fair-minded, just, and wholly without prejudice. He had no smell of smoke in his official garments. He had played the game square with all men; had never taken unfair advantage of any political associ- ate or opponent, and never sought his personal advancement over the ruined reputation of others. He was conceded to be a clean, decent candidate, but was not generally looked upon as possess- ing the personal popularity or the aggressive qualities which would make him a formidable oppo- nent of Mayor Fuhrmann. A. J. Elias, successful business man, without any particular organiza- tion support, also entered the field. Another factor entering into the 1917 election was the increasing strength of the Socialist Party movement. Franklin P. Brill became a candidate, backed by the members of that party. The SociaUst element had been augmented by those who desired to register a protest against the war, and the supporters of candidate Brill were listed generally as being in a large measure the pacifistic element of the community. Of course, many of the Brill supporters were out and out Socialists who had been such prior to the war, but they numbered not to exceed 3,000, while his vote at the primaries exceeded 14,000. No candidate had a party column or party emblem on the official ballot, but though unde- signated the candidates were not untagged, and the voting public knew the party alignment of each. Mayor Fuhrmann polled upward of 17,000 votes in the primaries; Mr. Buck 14,600 and Mr. Brill 14,200. Mr. Elias polled something over 6,000 and the balance of the votes were blank or scattering. The two receiving the highest number of votes were declared the nominees to con- test for the office at the regular election in November. The campaign was not unlike other political campaigns of preceding years with this one excep- tion — the soldiers were authorized to vote at their various camps. The National Guard units were then at Spartanburg. The sailors, for the most part, were at the Great Lakes Training Station. Camps Dix and Upton held many selective service boys from Buffalo. The campaign, while particularly active in Buffalo, was none the less active about the camps, but it all ended with a general reversal of the surface sentiment prevalent at its start. On election day George S. Buck was chosen Mayor by upward of 10,000 plurality. Councilman John F. Malone who was on the ticket for re-election and who was of the same political party as Mayor Fuhrmann, withstood the tide that was running against his ticket and was re-elected by a substantial plurality. Mayor Buck went into office on January 1, 1918. He took the oath in the Council Chamber on New Year's Day before an enthusiastic audience which packed the chamber. Flowers were everywhere about the hall, and the new Mayor, indeed, had a throng of well-wishers and a host of supporters from all walks of life about him, as he set out on his mayoralty career. In his inaugural address he laid down concisely and clearly his plan of action. In brief, he promised a clean city; and, for his own part, equal and exact justice to all men, no matter what Buffalo's Part in the World War 127 creed, color or party affiliation. In the year and a half that has elapsed between his entrance into office and this publication, Mayor Buck has adhered religiously to that promise. Some of the days have been exceptionally dark and cloudy, and he has encountered no end of storms. Support- ers have fallen away from him and undoubtedly new friendships have been formed. The wheel of politics never ceases to grind, and not infrequently the friends of yesterday become the enemies of to-day, and vice versa. But no one at this period would venture to say that the Mayor failed in the slightest in the promises he made in the Council Chamber on that New Year's Day. Though Buffalonians were then thoroughly saturated with the needs of the war. Mayor Buck's first message* contained only a slight reference to it. American soldiers had not entered into combat, but many Buffalo boys were then in training overseas with the First and Second Army Divisions, composed of regulars, and with the 42nd Division to which Maj. William J. Donovan was attached, and the camps were rapidly filling up with Buff"alonians who were soon to see hard service. *We have every reason to be proud of the part that Buffalo has played in the service of the country. We sent troops to the Mexican border in numbers far in excess of our share. Our people have responded splendidly to every call to duty since the nation took up its share of the burdens of the great war. We go about our daily routine so peacefully that it is hard for us to realize that Buffalo is a strategic point of great importance. Its shipping facilities by water and by land are arteries for the movement of precious supplies. There is no harm in speaking of this for the enemy knows it, but it is important that our people realize the situation and be prepared to co-operate with the federal government in any measures it may deem necessary to protect our water front, our factories and our railroads from damage by the enemy. While the war has added heavily to our burdens and our problems, it has brought with it this compensation. I believe there never was a spirit of helpfulness and willingness to co-operate as exists among our citizens to-day. The growth of this spirit has been most marked, and combined with all the wonderful natural advantages which the people of this city possess I believe there never was a time when we could look forward with greater hopefulness to the future than at present. Let us congratulate ourselves that we are Buffalonians. 128 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER XXXVIII FORT PORTER PLAYS ITS PART IN WORLD WAR FORT Porter is located between Massachusetts and Connecticut Streets on the north and south, and Front Street and Niagara River on the east and west. It is situated on a sixty foot bluff at the northeast end of Lake Erie, where the lake opens into its outlet, the Niagara River and toward the Canadian Shore. The reservation covers about 283 2 acres and is practically a continuation on the north of one of Buffalo's Parks, "The Front." Fort Porter was named in honor of General Peter B. Porter, a distinguished volunteer officer in the war of 1812, Secretary of War in 1828, and at one time part owner of Niagara Falls. The early history of Fort Porter is nebulous but, so far as known, it has never been the scene of a siege or battle. After the fall of Fort Erie on the Canadian side and after the battle of Lundy's Lane in 1814, American troops were encamped near the present post site. After the Patriot War (1837) in Canada, troops were stationed in a neighboring portion of Buffalo for about six years. In 1841 a governmental appropriation of $50,000 was made for the purchase of grounds for a defensive works near Buffalo and the present reservation was obtained partly by such purchase and partly by various small cessions from the State of New York. Up to 1861 Fort Porter was under the jurisdiction of the Corps of Engineers with an ordnance sergeant, or other suitable person, in charge but in August of that year the Secretary of War designated it as a volunteer rendezvous, and the second Buffalo Regiment, under General Bidwell and an Artillery Company under Major Weidrick were the first volunteer organizations here assembled. From that time on throughout the Civil War, the reservation was used as a military camp for the collection, organization and instruction of volunteers. In 1866 the post was in process of abandonment, when the "Fenian Raid" of that year brought troops to Buffalo, and Fort Porter dates its charter as a permanent garrisoned post from that time. After 1869 the Fort was used as an infantry post until this country entered the World War. At that time there was a detachment of the 22nd Infantry on the post assigned there to do guard duty. During the months of June, July and August, 1917, all New York State candidates, with the exception of those from New York City, were examined at Fort Porter for the 2d Officers' Training Camp. Lieutenant John H. Baker, who was the Commander of the Post, was in charge and Captain John G. Stove was the Chief Medical Officer. During that summer the people of Buffalo were greatly interested in the idea of a Hospital Unit being organized, consisting wholly of local men and this was realized when Base Hospital 23 was mobilized at Fort Porter on August 21, 1917, under the command of Major Marshall Clinton. Three other hospital units were organized at Fort Porter while Base Hospital 23 was still at the post. They mobilized on November 12th. They were Unit A from Philadelphia, with Major John A. Jopson commanding; Unit F from New York City, with Major L. K. Noff commanding; Unit K from Omaha with Major Donald Macrae Jr. commanding. Unit F left Fort Porter on January 7, 1918, and three days later the other two units followed all bound for overseas. Fort Porter officially became U. S. Army General Hospital No. 4 on November 10, 1917, with Major Thomas D. Woodson commanding. Only medical and surgical cases were treated for the first few months but on February 28, 1918, the first psychiatric cases were received, being 22 in number. During the rest of the year there was a gradual increase in the number of cases each month. The total number of admissions for the first year was 1062 and the number of discharges was 835. The discharges were either to the homes of the patients or to a government institution. The hospital had now become a special institution for the care of psychiatric and nervous cases although medical and surgical cases were still treated at the post hospital. Extensive alterations had been made in the old barracks building to fit it for the proper care of psychiatric patients. Buffalo's Part in the World War 129 The old squad-rooms were made into wards and the apparatus for the treatment of such cases was installed. In caring for the patients all available means, of a surgical, medical and hydro- therapeutic nature, were used in order to improve their condition and hasten their recovery. The doctors assigned here to treat these patients were men who had had from ten to fifteen years' ex- perience in State Hospitals caring for psychiatric cases. Besides these medical officers and the experienced attendants there was a very efficient staff of nurses of the Army Nurse Corps, and Army Reserve Nurse Corps. The first group of nurses arrived at the hospital February 16, 1918, and rendered a splendid service under the leadership of Anna G. McCrady, A. N. C. As the number of patients increased there was naturally a greater need of more nurses and the staff gradually grew to 36 in number. Miss McCrady was sent overseas the following July and was replaced by Jane B. Sylvester, A. N. C. Miss Sylvester was transferred in October of the same year and Lutie F. Tufts, A. N. C. was assigned to fill the vacancy. Occupational work for the patients was introduced October 2, 1918, by competent Recon- struction aides under the leadership of Miss Alma L. Whitney. This included rug-weaving, basket-making and other work in the line of Arts and Crafts. The full value of the work of these nurses and reconstruction aides will never be fully appre- ciated except by the patients who came under their care. In order that the patients be kept continually in a cheerful atmosphere the post orchestra and the Commission on Training Camp Activities furnished a musical program throughout the wards daily. Two vaudeville programs were given by professional talent from the theaters in the city each week, so that there was plenty of entertainment. The patients were given daily exercise and daily walks in the vicinity of the Fort. The weather during the winter of 1918-1919 was very mild and the nearby park made an ideal promenade. The men did not suffer from the cold winds that usually sweep over the Fort and Park, from the river, during the winter months. The Fort Porter Reporter, a weekly newspaper, was published in the interests of the patients and the enlisted personnel, and copies of this paper were sent to the homes of all the patients so that the families of these men were kept informed as to what was going on at the hospital and the Fort. The paper acted as a sort of weekly letter home. Major Woodson, now Lieutenant Colonel Woodson, was transferred to Plattsburg, N. Y., in June, 1918, to take charge of the General Hospital at that place. Upon his transfer. Major Albert E. Brownrigg assumed command of the post. He was Commanding Officer until January 22, 1919, when Lieutenant Colonel Joseph E. Bastion arrived to take command. Colonel Bastion's staff consisted of the following officers: Lieutenant Colonel Joseph E. Bastion, Commanding Officer; Captain Paul F. Compton, Ad- jutant; Major Oliver E. Balch, Quartermaster and Supply Officer; Captain Philip Smith, Chief of Service; 1st Lieutenant George P. Kent, Personnel Adjutant; 1st Lieutenant Frank A. Stock- well, Chaplain; 2nd Lieutenant John P. Flanders, Registrar. This old army post probably never did any greater service to the Government than it rendered during the World War, especially after it became a General Hospital. To have a part in the restoration to health of the unfortunate soldiers, most of whom saw active warfare, was indeed a noble work and Buffalo may well be proud of Fort Porter for the services done there during the greatest war in history. 130 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER XXXIX BASE HOSPITAL NO. 23 THE Base Hospital 23 of Buffalo, organized by the Red Cross and manned by Buffalonians and people from the surrounding towns, was mobiUzed on the 21st of August, 1917, at Fort Porter. The unit was in training there for three months. It numbered 28 Doctors, 75 Nurses and 153 enlisted men. They had several disappointments while at Fort Porter, expect- ing every day to get orders to move for "Somewhere in France," or somewhere in the United States. Four or five times they were ordered to leave within 24 hours, but just at the last minute the order was cancelled. Finally they got away on the 21st of November, 1917, leaving Fort Porter at 6.30 P.M. It was pouring rain, and they marched through dark streets to the Lehigh Valley depot. A small crowd followed, mostly relatives, who had waited all day to see them oif . Amid tears, smiles and kisses from the loved ones they were leaving behind, the train pulled out at 8.20 P.M. They had no idea of the whereabouts of their destination. This story of the trip is told by Private Hourigan: "We arrived in Jersey City at 7.15 A.M. The Red Cross served us breakfast, good hot coffee, sandwiches and cigarettes. At 8.30 A.M. we boarded a ferry-boat and crossed to Hoboken. Here we lined up, and everything seemed to be figured out ahead of our arrival. Our list of officers, nurses and men, was already in the hands of the shipping officers. At last our turn came to board the troopship, our names were called, and as we went up the gangplank we each got a card with our bunk number on it, also a meal card. The boys were all excited, knowing by this time that we were bound for Somewhere in France. The boat finished loading about 11 o'clock and we left New York at 12.15 P.M. the 22nd of November. In Railroad Yard at 6 A. M. as Troop Train Pulled Out Buffalo's Part in the World War 131 "The name of our troopship was the Carpathia, Cunard Line, and manned by a British crew. We started out with rather bad luck, one man was accidentally shot and instantly killed by a guard going on first duty. He was examining his rifle which went off, causing this sad afl'air, the boat slowed down and the body was taken off at the Statue of Liberty. We arrived at Halifax on Saturday afternoon; it was snowing and very cold. We stayed over Sunday, and left Monday afternoon at 1.30. It was here we picked up the rest of the convoy, 10 boats in all. " Steaming out to sea was a beautiful sight, all the boats in line and the boys cheering to one another. The harbour at Halifax was very well protected with mines — only a narrow passage left open. The boats kept close together, the first few days out. On the fifth day we ran into a severe storm which lasted for three days. The boys got seasick, all our dishes were broken, so we had to bring our mess kits to the front. During the storm, seven of the boats left us. Being capable of making more speed, they went on ahead. After the storm calmed down a little, we found that the Carpathia had shipped quite a lot of water and the pumps were working hard bailing her out. She was an old boat and had the reputation of being the first to the assistance of the Titanic, which foundered off the banks of Newfoundland. "We were kept busy on board. Life boat drill twice a day, inspection daily and we wore life preservers at all times. The instructions on board to abandon ship, three long blasts and two short ones. One afternoon a wave hit the boat on the port side, causing her to give a sudden lurch. At the same time the horn blew two blasts and nobody waited for the third. (Of course there wasn't a third.) There was a mad scramble for the upper decks. Some of the fellows were shaving and ran with the lather on their faces. Others forgot their life belts and it looked as though we were ready for our salt water plunge, when we got orders to return to our quarters. It was a false alarm. The rats on board, were quite at home and tried hard to make the acquaintance of the boys while sleeping. It wasn't anything unusual to be run over by a barrage of rats. "Our tenth day out and no encounter with the subs. It was too rough for them to operate. Our quarters in the boat were located on the lower deck. The bunks were laid out in blocks of thirty, fifteen lower and fifteen upper. At the corners of each block the boys put up street signs, and we had on board the Carpathia some of the familiar streets of Buffalo. The orders were very strict concerning smoking after dark, or throwing any refuse overboard. A light at night can be seen for quite a distance at sea, and it would enable the Boche subs to locate us easily; the refuse thrown overboard would also enable them to follow up our trail. "Guards had orders to shoot any man showing a light after dark. We had a few concerts, held in the mess room. On the seventeenth day we sighted land and steamed up the river Mersey to Liverpool. We anchored in the harbor over night, and docked next morning at nine o'clock. The first greeting on landing was a severe hail-storm. It was terribly cold. "We stood around all day on the dock. At six o'clock we boarded a train and pulled into Winchester at 12.30 A. M. It was pouring rain and we had to march for four miles, mostly up- hill, to a rest camp. We stood in the rain and mud with our full packs for fully two hours before a shack was assigned to us. These shacks had concrete floors, with accommodations for fifty men. The bunks were three planks laid on the floor with a straw mattress. "We remained in Winchester for five days, had some long hikes through the English country, and were taken through the wonderful Cathedral in the little town. Leaving here after our rest, we arrived at Southampton, boarding a boat which had on it about two hundred horses occupy- ing the best apartment. Our quarters were in the hold underneath the horses. We had no bunks, but slept in the hay which had been provided for the first-class passengers — the horses. "The crossing of the Channel at that time was done at night on account of the sub warfare. So we left Southampton after dark. About midnight some Boche planes were fljdng over the Channel to make a raid somewhere in England. All the searchlights were turned on them from the forts and the boats guarding the waters between France and England. Their anti-aircraft guns also put up a wonderful barrage. While this was taking place our destroyers, two of which we had guarding us while crossing, made an awful noise blowing their sirens and making circles 132 Buffalo's Part in the World War Vittel, France, where Base Hospital No. 23 was Located around our boat. I inquired what the trouble was, and found out that a sub was in the vicinity. The boat returned to Southampton and we made the trip in safety the following night. "We landed in Havre in the early morning. It was snowing, and our first glimpse of France didn't look very promising. While landing we were cheered by crowds of French old men and women. We marched to a British replacement camp, on the outskirts of the city, where we remained for two days. The sleeping quarters here were very simple; we slept on a sheet of lattice wire, rolled up in our blankets. "On the third day at three o'clock we marched through a heavy snow storm in the dark to the railroad station. The cars we traveled in were third class, the next thing over there to a box-car, and with about the same amount of comfort. The express trains are just as fast as a street car in the U. S. After traveling almost four days we finally reached our destination, a beautiful watering place called Vittel on the Vosges Mountains, in the Lorraine Sector. "We were tired and hungry and a good many had colds. Afterward we had a good hot supper served us by Unit 36 of Detroit, who were also located in Vittel and arrived there a month ahead of us. Our barracks were in a beautiful building called the Casino, formerly used as a gambling house. On the walls were some splendid paintings. It had a theater which was taken over by the Red Cross for the purpose of entertaining patients and personnel of the hospital center. We enjoyed some good vaudeville shows and splendid moving pictures, both French and American. This casino resembled Monte Carlo on a small scale. It is also known as the place where the King of Portugal met Gaby Deslys the famous French actress, which romance led to the loss of his throne. "For a small town Vittel had some beautiful and modern hotels, which were all taken over by the U. S. Government to be used as hospitals. Unit 23 of Buffalo had seven and Unit 36 of Detroit the same number. "We had quite a time learning enough of the French language to make known our wants to the townspeople, but we finally got along very well. When we left Buffalo our outfit was supposed to be a 500 bed hospital, but after a few months in Vittel, we had a capacity of over 3,000. We Buffalo's Part in the World War 133 had two surgical hospitals with a capacity of twelve hundred patients, two medical hospitals with a capacity of fifteen hundred patients; one contagious hospital, capacity three hundred; one officers' hospital, capacity two hundred fifty, and one nurses' hospital, capacity of one hundred fifty. The hotels occupied by Unit 23, were as follows: The Continental, Terminus, Angle-Terre, Nouvel, La Providence, Lorraine, and Joan d'Arc. The Lorraine was the officers' hospital and the Joan d'Arc the nurses' hospital. In fitting up these hotels as hospitals they found an enormous task. They were not used since the outbreak of the war and some were in very bad condition. The plumbing was in bad way; the rooms were dirty and dusty, and had to be scrubbed from ceiling to floor. The electric wiring and lighting fixtures needed a lot of repairing. It took almost three months to get the building in a habitable condition. Our beds, bedding, and other hospital materi- als, didn't begin to arrive in Vittel until February, although it left Buffalo two months ahead of us. It came rather fast when once started, at the rate of six, eight and ten cars a day. We worked hard and long, unloading cars and sorting the materials for the different hospitals. The boys did it with a smile. We went over to do our bit and not to kick about hard work and long hours. We knew that the people back home would feel proud of Unit 23, when they found out that it was the best organized and equipped outfit in France. We had splendid doctors and nurses, and the enlisted men never had any ill feeling toward each other. Their willingness brought them praise even from their own officers. At last our hospital was in running order and our first patients came in during March. At that time we took care of all Allied soldiers. We had French, English, Italian and men from the colonies, all at one time. "Later when the U.S. troops were coming over more rapidly and the First and Second American Divisions were moving up to the Lorraine Front, the commandant of the hospital centre received orders to evacuate all Allied soldiers but Americans, and thereafter to care for Americans only. We soon had a great many of our boys as patients but nowhere over-crowded. They got the best medical attention and plenty of good food ; in fact, the very comforts of home. Every ward had a talking machine and plenty of records, and it made the boys feel good to listen to the jazz music, other lively pieces and the patriotic selections of their home land. "We didn't get over crowded until the St. Mihiel drive started, then we had to use every bit of space to be found. The hallways were fitted up with cots and the capacity of each hospital was far exceeded. The operating rooms were busy day and night, ambulance and Red Cross trains were coming in at all hours. The suffering of wounded men was intense but they seemed to think nothing of their wounds, smoked cigarettes and "kidded " one another over their injuries; at the same time, many of those men had arms or legs shot to pieces. As fast as patients could possibly be moved they were sent to base hospitals farther back. " Our center being the nearest to the Lorraine Front, was made an evacuation hospital during the St. Mihiel drive. The Red Cross did wonderful work among the wounded boys. They visited the hospitals every day, gave them everything they needed, and entertained them in every way. "We didn't see much of the real action, but most of us were up at the front for some time. The wonderful and most powerful barrage in the history of the world, put up by the Americans before their drive at St. Mihiel, could be heard distinctly fifty miles back. Places not very far from us were bombed by the Boche airmen. Mirecourt, ten miles; Erinal, twenty miles, and Neuf-chateau thirty miles, were bombed several times. They flew over our center very often, but never did any damage. "Our loss of patients was very small, due to the excellent treatment given them by our skilled doctors and nurses. It was sad when we lost some of our own unit. The first one we lost was our beloved adjutant, Capt. Burroughs. The boys missed him very much. Whenever they got into any trouble, a little trip to the adjutant's office, and everything was easy for them. We used to call him" Dad." The same week that we lost Capt. Burroughs, we lost one nurse — Miss Fallon — two enlisted men, Cook Ranny and private Tubbs, and later another enlisted man, Private Streight of Lancaster, N. Y. "Base Hospital 23 handled close to 15,000 patients during the period of the war." 134 Buffalo's Part in the World War Women at Work on the Farm — Buffalo Girls Picking Peas on an Erie County Farm Shoveling Refuse from a Freight Car at East Buffalo At the End of a Perfect Day Buffalo's Part in the World War 135 CHAPTER XL WHEATLESS DAYS IN BUFFALO HOTELS A s the big German drive of March, 1918, forced back the French soldiers nearer and nearer l\ to Paris, and Prince Rupprecht's army battered its way over Haig's forces to Ypres and ■^ -^ mounted the vantage points of Kemmel Hill, America tightened its win-the-war policy. Difficult days were those for the epicure and the erstwhile traveling salesman. We had no travel- ing salesmen then. They disappeared in a night. Nobody had anything to sell. Factories were making trucks or tanks or explosives or shells or parts of aeroplanes. And no salesmen were needed for the necessities of life. The market was short of these. Traveling men may not be the premier eaters of the land, but they have been frequently pictured as such. Whether it was traveling men or professional men or bankers or merchants who dined sumptuously before 1918, they found the food restrictions growing distressingly exacting before the winter of 1918 was out of the way. Heatless Mondays were followed by meatless Tuesdays and wheatless Wednesdays. No cereals for breakfast! No wheat rolls! No wheat bread ! Home cooking was under the Government ban so that the fastidious eater could turn nowhere for relief. Pie crust sans wheat flour was like the proverbial play of Hamlet minus Hamlet. One taste was enough. The sugar bowls disappeared from the tables. Sometimes sugar would be served in miniature paper bags. Sometimes waiters or waitresses could be importuned to put a spoonful of sugar into one's tea or coffee before serving it, and frequently patrons would wait in vain for sugar. Sometimes it happened that restaurants were entirely without sugar. Frostings no longer adorned the cakes; sherbets and ices were gone until the dawn of a brighter day. Substitutes for flour undermined the flavor of all pastries, and the ingredients which were now injected into the substructure of a strawberry shortcake left even that heretofore popular dish a poor forsaken thing. The man who lunched at the larger hotels — and the same rules obtained elsewhere — found on his menu card a reminder* of the food price he was expected to pay; not for food but in food for war. *THE GENERAL PLAN For conservation no bread and butter shall be served unless the guest requests it, and when bread and butter is served, it must not be put upon the table until after the first course of the meal is served. The service of bread should conform to the rules of the Baking Regulations, which require that no bread with less than 20 per cent of substi- tutes in it be served, that not more than two (2) ounces of Victory Bread or rolls (bread containing 20 per cent of wheat flour substitute or 40 per cent of rye flour), or if no Victory Bread is served, not more than four (4) ounces of other breads, such as corn bread, Boston brown bread, muffins, etc., be served to one person at any one meal, except sandwiches, or bread served at boarding camps, or rye bread which contains at least 50 per' cent of rye flour. Rolls should weigh not more than one (1) ounce each. All bakery products must be made in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Baking Division. This applies to all bakery products served, whether made on the premises or purchased from bakers. Toast must not be served as garniture or under meat. Standardize your butter service and limit it to one-half ounce. Cereals — Serve all cereals sparingly, as they are greatly needed both for the Armies of the Allies and are ideal foods to store and transport. Meats — Portions of meat should be cut to the best advantage, and as small as practicable to meet the requirements of patrons, and no more than one portion of any kind of Meat or Poultry should be served at any one meal. If patrons desire it, one mutton chop, one lamb chop or one pork chop should be served to an order, and reduced portions of ham and bacon should be served. Bacon must not be used as a garniture. Fats — Serve as few fried dishes as possible, as it is necessary to conserve all fats, both animal and vegetable. Trim and save all coarse fats from meat before cooking. Munition and soap manufacturers need waste fats. Si;gar — Serve no sugar unless requested; if requested, not more tham one teaspoonful or its equivalent to any one person at a meal. One small lump is the service for demi-tasse. The use of the sugar bowl on the table must be discontinued. Serve no candies after meals. Ehminate icing made with cane or beet sugar from all cakes. Use honey, maple sugar, corn sugar and syrups as sweeteners. Fresh Vegetables and Fruits — Serve fresh vegetables and fruits whenever possible. Attractive preparation will popularize their use. Feature vegetable dinners, and fruit and vegetable salads. Minimize the use of canned fruits and vegetables — save tin and labor. Coffee — In order to relieve ships transporting coffee to this country, so that we may use them to transport our troops and supplies abroad, we ask the hotels and restaurants to economize in the use of coffee by every possible care. Cheese — A shortage of Cheddar, commonly called American cheese, made apparent by the tremendous demand of our Army and the Allies, "^ T^u^ it necessary for us to ask public eating places to avoid the service of this particular kind of cheese wherever possible. The service of cheese with salads and the use of cheese with cooked dishes, such as macaroni, Welsh rarebits, etc., should be avoided. Ice Serve ice sparingly. Practice rigid economy in its use. Ammonia, which is used in making artificial ice, is greatly needed in the manufac- ture of munitions. The Food Administration believes the fourth meal to be unnecessary and unpatriotic. Where suppers are served all meats should be eliminated ^"d^ such dishes should be substituted as sea foods, game in season, egg dishes and such by-products of meat as are desirable. • li^ Food Administration believes elaborate lunches and banquets are unpatriotic and should not be served. Lunches and banquets are recog- nized as being necessary for social enjoyment of the people, but at such gatherings a simple meal should be served, such as would be eaten in the home. No waste or extravagant use of food should be allowed in this critical time. The hour for such functions should be so regulated that the repast will take the place of one of the regular meals. {Continued on page 136) 136 Buffalo's Part in the World War The August 1, 1918, menu card offered by ^Manager Ireland of the Lafayette Hotel would scarcely be recognized in the same hotel a year later. Enlarged signs were displayed attractively about the Lafayette dining room. They seemed distressingly diversified and numerous. Waiters were cold and cheerless, and spoken language was more unintelligible to them than ordinarily. Those who felt that Mr. Ireland was too conscientiously devoted to the conservation of food found an identical condition in the dining department of H. Montgomery Gerrans' Iroquois Hotel, where both Mr. Gerrans and Mr. Green spent laborious hours with those who did not understand the value of the change which had come over the elaborately dressed tables. A portion of an Iroquois breakfast menu of the first Tuesday in April, 1918, read: CEREALS (With Cream) Cream of Wheat 25c Oatmeal 25c Crushed Wheat 25c Triscuit 25c Corn Flakes 20c Grape-Nuts 25c Mapl-Flakes 20c Hominy 25c Fried Hominy or Corn Mush 25c Force 25c Shredded Wheat Biscuit (ind.) 25c Puffed Wheat or Rice 25c And the following day, the same section read: CEREALS (With Cream) As requested by the U. S. Food Administration, we shall not serve any wheat cereals nor wheat in any form until further notice Corn Flakes 20c Grape Nuts 25c Mapl-Flakes 20c Fried Corn Mush 25c Puffed Rice 25c Mr. Gerrans' meat menu for a Monday breakfast follows: Broiled Mutton Chop 65c Small Sirloin Steak $1.45 Sirloin Steak, Creole $2.50 Tenderloin Steak $2.00 Hamburger or Salisbury Steak 80c Broiled Veal Kidney 70c Lamb Kidneys, Broiled 60c Broiled Sweetbread on Toast 90c Broiled Pork Tenderloin 80c Broiled Honeycomb Tripe 60c Chicken Livers en Brochette 65c Spring Chicken (half) $1.15 Lamb Chops, Broiled 80c Sirloin Steak $2.00 Extra Sirloin $3.00 Small Tenderloin $1.00 Ham or Bacon 60c Beechnut Bacon 70c Sautees au Madere 70c en Brochette 90c Broiled Fresh Pig's Feet 60c Breakfast Steak $1.00 With mushrooms $2.90 Pork Chop 75c Veal Cutlet 75c Calf's Liver, Saute with Bacon 70c Fried Salt Pork 60c Corned Beef Hash with Poached Egg 65c Broiled Virginia Ham 75c Chipped Beef in Cream 60c Broiled Royal Squab $1.25 Squab Chicken, Broiled $1.75 Chicken Hash with Green Peppers 85c Reduce the use of china, linen and silver in order to effect a saving in labor. Serve food whenever possible in the plate or dish from which it is to be eaten. Plate service should be established wherever possible; that is, the meat and vegetables comprising the main part of the meal should be placed on one plate instead of served in several side dishes. Service plates should be eliminated. Place only the amount of silverware on the table that is actually to be used for the meal. All so-called general bills-of-fare used in hotels and public eating places should be abandoned. The great variety of dishes that are usually listed on a general bill-of-fare necessitates carrying in the ice-boxes large quantities of meats and other produce, and spoilage and waste are liable to follow. A simple bill-of-fare should be arranged — one for breakfast, one for luncheon and one for dinner or supper, all with a limited number of dishes, and changed from day to day to give variety. A standard form of menu card is recommended, maximum size about 6" x 10". This should be printed on paper or cardboard of as light a quality as practicable. The simplifying of menu cards alone would save thousands of tons of paper «nnually. The encouragement of hors d'oeuvres, of vegetables, salads, fruits, sea foods, and the use of made-over dishes and of animal by-products, such as Ox-tails, Tongues, Calves' Heads, Livers, Kidneys, Tripe, Sweetbreads, Brains and Feet will save greatly in all staples and permit the effective use of many available foods. Table d'hote meals, as prepared and served here in America, often result in waste and should be discouraged in larger hotels and restaurants wherever conditions permit. In circumstances requiring table d'hote meals, the bill-of-fare should be limited to few courses and a small variety, such as is served on the continent of Europe, and should be very carefully super\'ised. The American Plan hotel or restaurant should require its guests to choose specifically, in writing, from the items offered, as in the European Plan, so as to avoid waste. The cafeteria system is recommended for employees wherever possible, as it facilitates service and eliminates waste. Use local and seasonal supplies. Do not require abnormal use of the railways and steamships to transport products from far afield, now that we need all cars and ships for war purposes. All waste food should be saved to feed animals or for reduction, to obtain the fats. No food should be burned. The fundamental principle of the regulations of hotels and restaurants depends upon the saving of waste food and the using of left-overs to the best advantage. Waste in the kitchen could be curtailed considerably by not having a large amount of food prepared for expected guests who may not come. It is better that the American people wait a few minutes for their food than that an unnecessary amount of food be cooked, in anticipation of a larger number of guests than will actually be served. The suggestion is made that all menu cards be printed in plain English, actually descriptive of the food, so that the patron may readily determine what he is ordering. Buffalo's Part in the World War 137 But on the following day: Panfish, Fried or Broiled 50c Smoked Salmon 50c Ocean Bass 70c Bluefish 70e Shad Roe 65c Filet of Sole 60c Yellow Pike 60c Fried Smelt, Tartare 60c Whitefish 65c Cod Fish 60c Salmon Steak 75c Fresh Mackerel 60c Halibut Steak 65c Yarmouth Bloater 50c Broiled Salt Mackerel 60c Kippered Herring 50c Picked-Up Codfish in Cream 50c Codfish Cake 40c Broiled or Steamed Finnan Haddie 55c Chicken Livers en Brochette 65c Broiled Royal Squab $1 ,25 Spring Chicken (Half) $1.15 Squab Chicken, Broiled $1.75 Chicken Hash with Green Peppers 85c Each passing day added something new to the Iroquois menu card — but it was usually a new restriction. On March 29, 1918, this inscription appeared at the head of the menu: "Our Lunch Rolls to-day are made of One-Half Graham, One-Quarter Rye and One-Quarter Barley Flour." Apparently Mr. Gerrans found his patrons disappointed in the way he made his March rolls, for on April 1st, the menu read: "Our Lunch Rolls to-day are made of three-tenths each, Corn Meal, Corn Flour, Barley Flour and one-tenth Potato Flour. " That was enough! No explanatory roll notes appeared after that. Possibly Iroquois people took their potatoes in "French Fried" form rather than in the form of rolls thereafter. Though the menu cards lacked many of the dishes previously served they contained some very commendable things. This, for example: "The More Liberty Bonds You Buy, The Nearer Peace Will Be." And this: "Remember That Every Dollar You Have is of Draft Age." And then, for fear some enthusiastic diner might feel the reference was to things eatable rather than to liberty bonds, this admonition appeared: "Money cannot buy wheat to-day." and after the word "wheat "some thoughtful, but altruistic, individual inserted the words "nor waiters". At the Statler Hotel, as at all the Buffalo hotels and restaurants, a very faithful and pains- taking effort was made for the conservation of food. While the restrictions were a matter of constant jesting, through it all there ran a spirit of patriotic resolve to abide fully and conscien- tiously with every Government requirement. In the center of Mr. Statler's menu, probably inserted by Manager Hinkley or Associate Manager Daniels, appeared this trite suggestion Are You Overlooking Fish? If you've gotten the habit of consulting the menu from "Entrees" down, look higher to-day. Some of the very best things on the bill are listed under "Fish." Suggestion: Fried Sole — sweet, and brown, and tender — with a bit of salad that sharpens your taste for the delicate flavor of this "daintiest of the fishes." All fish is boned in the kitchen. "Conserve Beef — Wheat — Sugar — It's the war — Lets help. In after years it may be interesting to glance over the menu cards of the war days. 138 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER XLI WITH DON MARTIN IN LONDON MOST American soldiers longed to see London and Paris. The overseas trips were illuminated with a discussion of the wonderful things of the old world. They filled the weary- days as the convoyed transports slowly plowed through the mined and submarine-infested ocean. The American correspondents were hurried into Europe ahead of the American troops. It was an able, witty, jovial crew of writers who took passage for England at about the time of the Pope's peace proposal in the late days of 1917. On the passenger list of correspondents at that time appeared the name of Don Martin, a former Buffalo reporter, then political writer of the New York Herald. Martin had worked on the Buffalo Express for many years and was widely known throughout the city. His residence was at Silver Creek, a few miles from Buffalo, where his mother, brother and sisters and his motherless daughter made their home. Martin's wife had died shortly after her child was born, and his love was centered in his daughter. He wrote many letters to her during his days in Europe, and frequently he sent letters to his sister Alta, a sten- ographer employed in the law office of John L. Romer. An accompHshed journalist, it was not unnatural that he should be an entertaining letter writer. He saw London and Paris as the soldier boys saw those cities, and with them. He tramped the streets with the first American troops. Writing from the Savoy Hotel, London, on Sunday night of January 6, 1918, to his sister he gave this brief, but enveloping view of England's wonderful city during the war period : "Alta: "It seems almost foolish to write because letters are so slow in getting through the censor. I understand it takes three weeks for a letter to get to New York. I wrote a very long letter to Dorothy about the trip over and it was of course intended for you all. "London is a dismal place. Streets are pitch dark at night on account of the constantly expected air raids. It is almost hopeless to go anywhere except in a taxicab. There has been no raid since I arrived but there probably will be soon. I am quite safe here in the Savoy where I shall probably remain for a while, and my wanderings during the day are so restricted that I can easily find a safe spot if a raid warning is given. "To-day at breakfast I met Dan Reid who is here after a visit to France for the Food Commission. With him is Roscoe Mitchell of Buffalo whom I know; a Mr. Lincoln of Jamestown whom I also know and Everett Colby of New Jersey with whom I am acquainted. I shall probably have dinner with them to-morrow. "London is a wonderful city, I have been around it pretty well; have seen some of the big army and admiralty men and expect soon to see Lloyd George. I have written very little yet. I want to get a line on things first. This much I have learned: Germany is not yet licked but will be. The Allies cannot finish the job till the United States gets a good army over in France. There are all kinds of peace reports but England is determined to keep at it until, with America's aid, Germany is defeated. England is putting up with all kinds of discomforts. Food is none too plentiful. There is no fruit except at prohibitive prices; matches are precious and meat is getting scarce. And on top of that London gropes around in complete darkness from 4.00 P.M. until 8.00 A.M. and business is very seriously interfered with. "I shall probably stay here for some time but likely will go over to France for a brief stay when the hardest part of the winter is over. I can't exactly say I like it. No American does. But of course it is experience. No one can ever regret knowing London. "I haven't heard anything from the United States yet and probably won't for a while. I feel a little bit homesick, I dare say on account of Dorothy, but that will wear off. I know she is all right. I have a couple of pictures of her on my dresser and after a while I will get a letter. I hope she had a good Christmas. That candy — and nuts — you sent came in very well. I nibbled away at them until the other night. Good candy can't be had here — sugar is too precious. "This is a rather expensive hotel but is the rendezvous for everyone of importance. It is about like the Waldorf in New York though not so big. I have a large room, splendidly furnished, with a private bath, and steam heat. It is the only hotel in the city with steam heat. Everything in London is heated with fireplaces which make a tem- perature of about 55, and London during January, February and March is cold and damp. "One is pretty close to war here. Fully half the persons one meets on the street, in restaurants, or in the hotel lobbies are soldiers in uniform. The women all smoke. They sit about the lobbies of the hotels smoking cigarettes I Buffalo's Part in the World War 139 Captain Devereaux Milburn (left), son of John G. Milburn, and Captain C. F. Holmes, Aides-de-Camp to Major-General McRae — 78th Division Photograph was taken at Chatel Chehery the same as men. Frequently, I have seen women at lunch with children three or four years old, smoking the same as men. To me it is very disgusting. "The streets of London look pretty much like those of any American city, only here nine out of ten buildings are five stories in height, and the tenth is two, three or maybe six or seven stories. Then there are huge city and govern- ment buildings everywhere, many several hundred years old. "On my way down Fleet Street, I pass a hotel with a sign reading 'Pulis Hotel, Founded 1518'. Two doors from our office is a lane leading to the Cheshire Tavern of which you have of course heard. It sets back about 200 ft. from Fleet Street and looks precisely as it did in Dr. Johnson's time. I had dinner there last night — a beefsteak and kidney pie for 2 shillings 6 pence — 623^ cents. Tourists and sightseers keep it up. It is a small place with saw- dust on the floor. A little further up the alley is the old house where Samuel Johnson lived. It has not been changed. "So, while London is dreary there are many things to brighten up one's existence. I expect to go through West- minster Abbey and some other historical places. Everything is now over-shadowed by the war and it is by long odds the most overwhelming war England has ever had. It is trying her resources to their utmost but, whatever one's life-long opinion of her may be, he must admire her pluck, her forbearance and her determination. "With love, Don." 140 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER XLII LIEUT. HAROLD B. WERTZ— FIRST DIVISION, U. S. A. THE departure from Buffalo of the national guardsmen and the first draft contingents for training camps aroused an intense military spirit. It was not uncommon to see school boys drilling in school yards and playgrounds. Home Defense companies, and Police Reserves were to be found on the smooth-paved streets nightly, religiously applying themselves to the "hay-foot," "straw-foot" exercises. Down Main Street at frequent intei-vals straggling con- tingents, each boy with a little bundle of clothes tucked under his arm, tramped along in the general direction of the railroad stations. Frequently, the contingent was preceded by a fife and drum corps, or a band, and the members of the draft board in automobiles. Very often the entire procession, musicians included, would be conveyed to the station in autos. Relatives and friends accompanied the boys and few, if any, departed without some sort of a farewell ceremony. City officials invariably led the boys to the train and there extended a hearty God- speed as they pulled out for the training camps. Through the Fall of 1917 numerous contingents, large and small, left Buffalo, and those de- partures continued through the Winter and Spring and Summer of 1918. The 1917 contingents remained in the training camps much longer than those who were called early in 1918; in fact, the German drive which began in March, following the capitulation of Russia, was conducted with such severity and success that some of the men who were sent from Buffalo in February and Alarch were hurried to France within a month after their departure from home. During the preceding winter, however, the boys who had gone to the camps in September and November drifted back on furlough. Instead of the slouching boys who tramped down Main Street with their extra clothing in a paper-wrapt bundle, military training had transformed them into neat, erect, snappy young men, splendid pictures of physical development. The training camp had imprinted its reconstructive mark. The old 74th Infantry regiment; the 3d Artillery and Troop I, spent the winter of 1917-1918 in camp at Spartanburg, S. C. It was a long, bitter winter in South Carolina as it was elsewhere, and these men suffered severely from cold at that camp. They drilled in the wind and snow with the thermometer just above the zero mark, day after day, and grew weary of waiting. Spring came and they were still in camp. A number of Buffalo men attached to the old National Guard regiments had taken a try for commissions on their return from the border. They entered the officers ' training camp at Madison Barracks. Some won commissions and were assigned to military units then in training here. Harold B. Wertz, a sergeant in the old 74th Infantry on the Border, received a commission as a first lieutenant, and was assigned to the 18th Infantry, First Division, of the regular army. The First Division may have contained regular army men who made their homes, at one time, in Buffalo, but it appears that Lieutenant Wertz among the civilian population who entered the military service was first to go overseas with a sure-enough American division. His military career was a remarkably interesting one, as later developments will show. The First Division claims the honor of firing the first rifle shot and sending the first shell into the German lines, and also the honor of the first casualty sufi'ered by an American formation, as well as of the first capture of prisoners and material. On January 15, 1918, the division entered the Ansauville sector, twenty kilometers northwest of Toul, relieving the famous 1st Moroccan Division. It remained under the tactical command of a French infantry division until January 30th, when it took over things "on its own," and so continued until relieved on April 3. During this period of front line duty its captures increased signally compared with its training debut, totalling thirty prisoners, one light machine gun and four flame throwers. Buffalo's Part in the World War 141 CHAPTER XLIII SMOKE AMMUNITION FROM THE BUFFALO NEWS THE Evening News Smokes for Soldiers Fund was begun in April, 1917, a few days after the United States entered the war. It was created for a two-fold purpose, that of suppljnng the soldier with such comfort and solace as tobacco gives and that of keeping up a link of interest between the home folks and the men who would go away to fight for them. The Smokes for Soldiers plan was widely- promulgated by leading newspapers throughout the country. In Buffalo it met with the ready approval of the public and was so liberally contributed to that it came to be one of the half a dozen largest funds in the United States. Up to November 21, 1918, the sum of $39,970.68 was collected in Buffalo alone. Of course, the Smokes Fund was popular with the soldiers. Post cards and letters were received by the hundreds after each shipment of tobacco, expressing, many times in naive and humorous terms, the appreciation of the men in the service. Officers in various branches of the service ex- tended their indorsement to the fund and sent letters of thanks. Among these were Colonel Cornelius Vanderbilt of the 102d Engineers, Colonel Arthur Kemp, who headed the 74th Infantry from Buffalo, and Lieutenant Colonel John W. Rowland of the 106th Field Artillery. The work of raising money for the fund was greatly lightened by the voluntary assistance given by individuals and organizations in the city. The first flag collection was made in August, 1917, during the convention of the Eagles. In the convention parade, a Stars and Stripes of great size was carried and quite spontaneously spectators tossed coins into it, shouting "Give it to the Smokes Fund. " When the collection was counted it was found that $907 . 01 had been contributed and it was decided to turn it over to the News Smokes Fund as most of the givers had requested. This was an idea that met great favor, and in the many parades held in the city during the re- mainder of the war there was scarcely one that did not have a flag collection for the Smokes Fund. The theaters and factories gave special support to the fund. Campaigns were conducted from time to time. In December, 1917, a Smokeless Day plan was carried out. The idea was to have smokers abstain for 24 hours and contribute what they would have spent for themselves to the fund. This met with success and the sum of $3922 . 09 was turned in, with which Christmas packages were purchased for the Buffalo and Western New York boys who were with the 27th Division in camp at Spartanburg, S. C. This committee of Buffalo business men was in charge of the Smokeless Day arrangements: George W. Smith, Chairman; William F. Schw^artz, vice chairman; Peter F. Petersen, Richard C. Laux, James J. Cuff, John Maloney, Joseph G. Zeitler, Dr. E. G. Bodenbender, Dai H. Lewis and Arthur W. Kreinheder. In February, 1918, a week's city-wide intensive campaign was conducted. It took in factories, offices, stores and shops throughout the city. A pony contest to interest Evening Neivs carriers in the campaign was also carried on. The two crusades again resulted in a generous contribu- tion. The Committee in charge was as follows: William F. Schwartz, chairman; Orson E. Yeager, Harry Thorpe \'ars, James B. Wall, H. N. Ness, Jeremiah J. O'Leary, George J. Meyers, Elmore C. Green, William E. Evans, .Jeremiah J. Donovan, Samuel H. Witmer, Peter F. Petersen, Joseph G. Zeitler, and Jacob F. Mueller. George A. Cowan, Frederick J. Petersen, Edward Harris, Cyrus L. Barber, A. W. Kirton, Warren W^orthington, George B. Tyler, John A. Holmes, Frank B. Powell, Frank W. Robinson, John C. Bradley, .James H. Dyett, Charles L. Helmer, H. L. Heitzman, Charles L. Keller, D. J. Carson, C. S. Alt, C. A. Criqui, E. C.Neal, Frederick F. Klinck, Carl A. Lautz, William H. Crosby, J. J. Lockwood, L. W. Wheaton, Thomas G. Lawley, Christian Trapp, George T. Cumpson E. J. Duggan, Joseph C. Bergmann, William F. Forrest, H. I. Sackett, H. J. Girvin, B. J. Mc- Connell, A. B. Wright, Charles Schoenhut and Gustave C. Miller. 142 Buffalo's Part in the World War They became the Heroes of the Meuse-Argonne Offensive — Typical Haul of the Draft Net Boys Who Had Never Felt a Trigger Leaving for Camp to be Whipped Into a Victorious Army Buffalo's Part in the World War 143 In September, 1918, a two-day campaign was conducted by a committee which was headed by Mrs. Allan D. Husted, and Frank Oppenheimer. This brought in the sum of $6,116.00. In connec- tion with the campaign a rally was held at Lafayette Square on the afternoon of the first day. Henry C. Price acted as chairman of the rally. An old hearse drawn by a couple of mules and bearing a big placard inviting everybody to come and drive a nail in the Kaiser's coffin pulled up to the platform on the square and a black rough box was unloaded. Donors of $1 or more to the fund were invited to come to the front and drive a nail. This took the crowd's fancy and for more than 23^2 hours men, women and children made contributions and drove nails in the coffin. Up to the first of December, 1918, the Smokes for Soldiers Fund had bought and distributed these supplies: Cigarettes 3,868,160 Smoking tobacco 158,980 packages Chewing tobacco 11,504 packages Pipes 2,052 Chocolate 1,928 packages Gum 17,210 packages Matches 18,144 boxes The Smokes Fund was managed by George W. Therrien, assisted by Otto M. Walter, both of the Evening News circulation department. All clerical work, publicity and advertising space was donated by the Evening News, as its part in the enterprise. Buffalo's Part in the World War 145 CHAPTER XLIV AND THE NAVY TOOK THEM OVER THE Navy took them over and the Navy brought them back! Uncle Sam's sailors guarded the course and convoyed the transports across the Atlantic, landing the American soldiers safely on foreign soil. The Navy also patrolled the coast, planted mines and co-operated with the Allied High Command in the work of nullifying the German submarine operations. Many hundreds of Buffalo boys went into the Navy service, and, while their records will not be adorned with citations for bravery or heroic deeds in battle, the Navy will loom large in the credit given America's fighting men because of the exacting service they rendered. Most of the Buffalo boys who enlisted in the Navy were sent to the Naval Train- ing Station at Great Lakes, 111. The story of Navy life told by Buffalo boys furnishes an interest- ing chapter in the operations of the American Navy. George Daly, popular amateur ball player, one of the first to enlist in the Navy after the dec- laration of war was assigned to the U. S. S. Mt. Vernon, and was aboard that ship when she was torpedoed by a German submarine. The "Mt. Vernon" was formerly the North German Lloyd liner, " Kronprinzessin Cecile" and referring to the experiences of the Buffalo men aboard that ship on her ill-fated trip, Daly said : " One week prior to the outbreak of the European War, the North German Lloyd liner, Kron- prinzessin Cecile, steamed out of New York Harbor with $10,000,000 in gold aboard, bound for England. Arriving off the coast of the British Isles, her wireless picked up the broadcast message that war had been declared between Germany and England. Immediately she was headed back toward America, and under full steam she eluded the British navy, and five days later was safely interned in Bar Harbor, Me. Two months later American warships escorted her to Boston, where she was taken over by the Department of Justice on account of a libel against her for failure to deliver the $10,000,000. There she remained as a floating palace of the German captain and crew until February 3, 1917, when the United States Government, because of the strained relations existing with Germany, ordered all interned German ships manned by Americans, and all German seamen interned on shore. This order was carried out six hours later, when a United States Marshal boarded the Kronprinzessin Cecile; but the Germans had received secret information of the order and, acting under orders of their Government, thiey had already wrecked the machinery of the ship to such an extent that their captain. Captain Pollock, declared that the ship could not possibly be used by any one for any length of time. He informed the American engineers that it would be impossible for them to put the ship into running order, so effectively had he carried out the orders of his superiors. Two months later war was declared with Germany, and on May 5th the Kron- prinzessin Cecile was taken over by the United States Government. After two months of thorough repairing of machinery, and complete conversion into a transport, the "Mount Vernon" was put into commission on July 28th by the Navy Department. "Since her conversion into a transport she has numbered among her passengers Secretary of War Baker; Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Crosby; President of the Inter- Ally War Council on Purchase and Finance, Colonel E. M. House; Admiral Benson, General Bell, General Bliss, and many others of equal fame. On occasion she has made her round trip in two weeks, and been on her way across again within three days after docking. "Perhaps no ship in the service has been worked harder, and certainly no ship more willingly that the Mount Vernon. Of the many thousands of soldiers committed to her care on each trip she never lost one by accident, and not over an average of one for each trip by disease. Her physical equipment consists generally of all the appliances and conveniences of a modern city. Her twelve decks furnish ample space for power plants, refrigerators, stores, repair shops, blowers, ventilators, elevators, libraries, telephones, wireless, steam and electric heaters, hospital, church. 146 Buffalo's Part in the World War Members of the Old 74th in Trench and Bayonet Drill at Camp Wadsworth Buffalo's Part in the World War 147 school, safety appliances for all on board, and the most effective battle equipment. Three of our largest mogul locomotives, each pulling its capacity train load of coal, could not furnish the thousands of tons of coal which go into the "Mount Vernon's" bunkers for one round trip to Europe. Although over seven hundred feet long, and having a displacement of thirty thousand tons, her powerful engines generate forty-five thousand horse power, and drive her through the water at a speed of twenty-five miles per hour. Her water-tight integrity has stood the test of the most powerful torpedo, and her officers and crew have stood the test of the recent crisis for a yet more glorious future. "We sailed from Brest on the 4th day of September, 1918, homeward bound, and with us was the U, S. S. Agamemnon, being convoyed by six U. S. destroyers. We had on board 300 wounded soldiers, 57 of them being "stretcher cases"; also with us U. S. Senators Gore of Oklahoma and Lewis of Illinois. "The morning of September 5th was bright and sunny, and the sea very calm, and we were making about 18 knots per hour. The Agamemnon was traveling on our starboard side, at quite some distance ahead of us, with the six destroyers encircled about us. The starboard gun crew (No. 5) had the 4 . 00 to 8 . 00 o'clock watch that morning, and the number six gun crew, to which I was attached, was waiting at ease for the moment of 8 . 00 o'clock to arrive to relieve the number 5 crew. "Suddenly at about ten minutes of eight our No. 5 gunner sighted the periscope of a submarine, which appeared off our starboard side, between us and the Agamemnon, at a distance of about 500 yards. He immediately fired, but the periscope did not remain visible for more than seven seconds. At sound of the gun we hastily put on our life preservers and started for our stations. We hadn't reached them before a terrific explosion occurred — the torpedo had reached its mark, striking us fairly amidships, just beneath the boiler rooms. Our great ship was fairly lifted out of the water, then rolled and tossed and leaped again several times, trying as it seemed to 'break f Members of 108th Infantry Building a Trench at Camp Wadsworth 148 Buffalo's Part in the World War ?^^i^ f^' i The 106th Field Artillery (Old 65th) at Gun Practice on the South Carolina Range Buffalo's Part in the World War 149 Final Inspection of 108th at Camp Wadsw mth, May, 1918, on Eve of Overseas Trip her back' at each jump. Finally with great shivering and quaking she righted herself, settling some 14 feet at the stern and then listing quite badly. At the first shock and in the rolling that followed the men were thrown about the decks, some of them being injured quite severely, and I, myself, was thrown some twenty feet to the deck and hurled about. The men finally reached their stations and the guns directed salvos at the spot where the submarine periscope had appeared. By that time the compartment doors between the bulkheads had been closed to prevent further shipping of water; and the destroyers were racing here and there dropping depth bombs. But there was no evidence that they had destroyed or disabled the submersible. "After things had quieted down somewhat, it was found that thirty-six of our firemen had been killed outright, and four so badly injured that they died a few days later at Brest. The ship lost more than eight hundred tons of coal, had all her upper decks and her keel split, and nearly all movable fixtures and appurtenances were overturned, broken or twisted out of shape. Of course, our ships and convoy returned to Brest and we made port under our own steam in about 16 hours, arriving there at 2.10 A. M. on the following morning." Forty Buffalo boys were aboard the "Mt. Vernon" when she was torpedoed, and hundreds of other Buffalo and Erie county lads were on other transports engaged in the same sort of work. Their experiences did not differ materially, except that the submarines did not succeed in disabling many of our transports. 150 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER XLV ABOARD AN AMERICAN TRANSPORT THE Government had very few stevedores in the ways when the troops were going over and Buffalo sailors, in addition to sailing the ships, loaded the boats and unloaded them at Brest and St. Nazaire. When the troops were moved up to the port of embarkation it was the Government's policy to hold them there for a period of about ten days, during which time every man had a thorough physical examination. The boys were not permitted to communicate with their relatives or friends, although some devised means of slipping news to the outside world. The idea of secrecy was to prevent information as to the time of departure from falling into the hands of the enemy. As the boys went aboard the ship they received a card bearing an inscription of which the follow- ing is typical : R. M. S. "CARPATHIA" Keep This Card Your Sleeping Quarters are in Section No. 3 Berth No. 139 You Eat at Mes.s No. 18 First Sitting In connection with this mess card they were given a set of instructions for conduct aboard the ship. These instructions were identical in each case. The following is a copy of the instructions issued to the members of Base Hospital No. 23. U. S. S. "MADAWASKA" Instructions For Troops 1 . Every square foot of space on the ship is utilized. This necessitates using, when not on duty, only the quarters and deck space assigned you as follows; After well deck, B deck galleries and C deck abaft officers' quarters. 2 . Use ladders, stairways and passageways assigned you to and from the compartments in which you sleep. 3 . Visiting in quarters assigned Navy Crew is forbidden. 4 . Members of Navy Crew are forbidden to visit troop quarters. 5 . Use garbage cans provided for all waste material. 6 . Throw nothing overboard. 7 . Do not smoke or show the smallest light on the open decks from sunset to sunrise. The glow of a cigarette may enable the enemy to torpedo us. 8 . Smoking will not be permitted between sunset and sunrise except in officers' quarters. 9 . No enlisted man will be allowed to have matches in his possession. Smoking lamps will be provided. 10 . As much fresh water will be provided you as the ship can furnish. 11 . The alarm gongs when sounded mean abandon ship or abandon ship drill. Fall in at your station and await orders. In case it should become necessary to abandon ship, do not become panic stricken and crowd ladders and boats. Follow the proceedings as quietly as you would for abandon-ship drill. Instructions will come from the ship's officers to your own officers when it is time to take to the boats or life rafts. Ships often float for hours after being torpedoed. 12. Do not under any circumstances open any air ports, water-tight doors or hatches. They will be opened when necessary by the Navy Crew. 13 . If you should fall overboard it will more than likely be impossible to stop and pick you up. 14 . In the danger zone all men of the crew and troops not on duty shall be considered lookouts. Report anything suspicious to the nearest lookout station. 15. A life preserver will be found in each berth. These are in the form of pillows and may be used for that purpose also. When you leave the ship, make sure that your life preserver is left in your berth as you found it. If you lose your life preserver it may mean that you will have to go without one for the rest of the trip. 16. While on board this ship you will receive the Navy ration of food. There is a plentiful ration for each man, and if you will co-operate with the ship's people in the troop messing system there can be no trouble about any of you going short of food. i Buffalo's Part in the World War 151 An American Transport wit 17. Meals will be issued on the cafeteria system, from fifteen serving stations, and troops will use their own field mess gear. When "Mess Call" sounds, troops will fall in in the spaces designated by their company oflScers, with their mess gear in hand. You will then file past your own serving station and receive your ration. The printed squares on this card are your mess tickets for the meals you are entitled to receive while on board this vessel. This card will be on a short loop of cord and will be suspended around the neck. When approaching the serving station for your ration, have this card hung outside your clothing, so that it may be taken and punched by the non-commissioned officer in charge. Second helpings may be had in almost anything except dessert. Do not take more than you really need. Wastefulness on your part means that the quantity of food must be cut down later. A space has been provided for washing your mess gear. Make use of it after each meal. On account of crowded conditions and insufficient ventilation, it is important that you spend most of your time on the open decks. Always take your blankets with you when you go on the open decks. Standee bunks must be folded up neatly at all hours of the day while the lights are on. Do not spit on the deck. It is a filthy, unsanitary habit which will not be tolerated. C. McCauley, Lieut. Comd'r, U. S. N. Executive Officer. Attached to the foregoing was a card identifying the days of the week. At each meal the card was punched. Those who landed at Brest received their meals at a common kitchen cared for by the camp personnel, but most of the Buffalo men arriving at St. Nazaire found no such arrangement and their first duty on disembarking was to set up their company kitchens and make a requisition for supplies. They furnished their own rations immediately after entering the camp. The men were billeted in French barracks which had been erected at that port. Some, of course remained in these embarkation camps longer than others, but most of the troops were out of there in a week or so. 18 19. 20. 21. 22. 152 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER XLVI 77th division WITHIN THUNDER OF GUNS BUFFALO drafted men from Camps Dix and Upton had made brief trips home during the months of November and December. A football game at Thanksgiving time between the Camp Dix team composed of brilliant college players, and the All-Buffalo team brought a delegation of possibly 500 drafted men to Buffalo. The game was played at Olympic Park, and was won by Camp Dix, primarily through the team work of the soldiers, but especially by the individual efforts of Lieut. Mount Pleasant, the Carlisle Indian star who played in the back field for the soldier visitors. Again, at Christmas time, many of the drafted men were home on ten-day furloughs, but on that occasion they were home to say good-by before their departure overseas. The 77th Divi- sion, made up of drafted men from New York State, more than 1000 of them from Buffalo and Erie County, was the first of the draft divisions to go overseas. It was followed by the 78th Division. The first selective service men to go into the 77th Division arrived at Camp Upton in the early part of September, 1917. At the same time the advance guard of the 78th Division arrived at Camp Dix. Buffalo's first draft contingent went into the 78th Division, at Camp Dix, while the New York City men went to Camp Upton. In the forty per cent quota of drafted men which left Buffalo in the Fall a portion went to Upton and the balance to Dix. They formed a hetero- geneous assortment of unlicked civilians, and included boys of every race, creed and class. Boys from the docks mingled with boys from Delaware Avenue and vigorous youngsters from the far East Side; Sunday school teachers and prize-fighters and boys from the farms became bunkies. It was a typical haul of the draft law dragnet, and it missed no element of the white race in Buffalo or the towns. Among the units comprised in the 77th Division was the 302d Engineers. When the Division was being made ready for overseas service in the latter part of February a special call was made for men to fill up the engineer regiment. Buffalo furnished men from Exemption Districts No. 8, No. 9 and No. 15. Neither the local boards receiving the call nor the drafted men themselves knew the particular purpose of that special call. The men were inducted into the United States military service on February 25th, and the following day were marched to the station behind bands and waving colors, proud but sad-hearted relatives and friends. The 302nd Regiment of Engineers was organized at Camp Upton upon the arrival of those men. A month later the regiment moved out for overseas service. The advance guard of the regi- ment left Camp Upton early Good Friday morning, March 29, 1918, embarking on the Cunard S. S. "Carmania" in New York harbor sailing the same evening for Halifax. They arrived at Halifax on Easter Sunday morning. There a convoy was in progress of organization for some of the units of the 77th Division, and the "Carmania" with three other liners and an escorting British warship, proceeded to Liverpool. The convoys of the 77th Division collected in Halifax. They began sailing from New York on March 27th directly after the German drive began. The sailings continued until April 1st. In the main convoy which left Halifax were nine ships led by an American cruiser. The first of the division (Engineers) landed in Liverpool on April 12th and the final convoy arrived on April 19th. The voyage of the Engineers, like that of the other units of the Division, was uneventful, except for a submarine attack on the morning of April 11th. The torpedo narrowly missed the Carmania, but damaged the stern of the escorting warship. Liverpool was reached during the night of April 12-13th. The 77th Division was the first National Army Division to arrive in France, and the 302nd Engineers were the first regiment of the Division to cross the ocean. From Liverpool they were hurried to Dover, and the following day crossed the Channel to Calais. It was the first American regiment to land at Calais for training with the British. Buffalo's Part in the World War 153 The Engineers, the first to move, left Calais on April 16th before the entire Division had arrived. They left via the box car route for Audruicq and marched to Ruminghem in the Pas-de-Calais area, where they had their first experience in billets. The furious bombardments incident to the big German drive against Kemmel Hill and Ypres could be plainly heard by the 77th men at that training area, and rumors were thick that the Division would soon be in it. They expected to be thrown in as victims to check the German rush for the Channel Ports and immediately began training under the tutelage of the 39th British Division. Lieutenant Karl Wilhelm, of Buffalo, in relating subsequently some of the experiences of the Division in that training camp said most of the excitement was made up of rumors. "We saw no front line fighting there as a unit," he said, "On two or three occasions we occupied reserve trenches behind the British lines and were under spasmodic shell fire which amounted to very little. While we were in the billets numerous aeroplane raids took place. Their main objective was a Canadian aerodrome about one and one-half miles from us and our casualties were very few. " They were billeted in a rest camp, so-called, at that port. There they had their first sight of war, for they viewed on all sides the ruined buildings bombed by Boche aviators during the days that had gone before. They prepared for business by turning in their Springfield rifles and drawing British Enfields. Here, too, they parted with their immense barrack bags, the contents of which they had so care- fully and discriminatingly acquired. Two outfits for each man were in each bag. They bade good- by to the bags forever. In their place, they received gas masks and steel helmets. From Calais the Division, minus the Engineers who had gone on ahead, was taken to the Department of Pas de Calais, travelling in box cars, which on the previous day had been used for the transportation of horses — 40 hommes or 8 cheveaux. Walter F. Kenline, a private in the 302nd Engineers, in charge of the records at Regimental headquarters, recorded the procedure of the Engineers from that point. He states that on Decora- tion Day, May 30, rather suddenly the regiment was ordered to move. That was the same day the Regulars over at Chaumont-en- Vixen were ordered to Meaux to stop the rush on Paris. The National Army men up in the Mt. Kemmel neighborhood, however, were ordered out on a long, tiring march, well made, which took them to the vicinity of Locquinghem and Belle, a new Amer- ican training area, which the Engineers proceeded to put in order. On June 7th, they moved again, this time by train, to a railhead near St. Pol back of the Arras front. The regiment then entrained again to leave the British for the so-called American sector. A three day ride, begun June 10th, took them to Thaon-les-Vosges. On June 17th, Regimental Headquarters, Head- quarters Company and Company F marched to Baccarat relieving similar elements of the 117th Engineers (Rainbow Division). The remainder of the Division followed three days later. 154 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER XLVII SEEING PARIS WITH DON MARTIN DON Martin spent January and February in and about London where he learned London men and London ways. He was schooHng himself for intelligent work among the Allied forces. It is necessary to see a country and to know its people to write clearly of their activities. Early in March Martin crossed the Channel to France. American soldiers and sailors were to be seen at that time in Paris and the Channel ports. As American officers and members of the regular army were making preparations to leave for the front, Martin was visiting the points of interest in the great Parisian city for which the German troops were headed and to save which it then seemed was to be the first American task on French soil. Martin's description of that point of American interest was given in letters to his daughter: "Paris, March 11, 1918. Hotel Crillon. "Dorothy: "I brought my typewriter along with me and so you are liable to get another long, lofig letter. It may be full of mistakes because the machine is half locked up and the table on which it stands is so high that it is very awk- ward for me. " However I decided to tell you about my first visit to Paris and the trip from London here. I have been in Paris less than 24 hours but I have already seen enough to understand why it is called the most beautiful city in the world. Whenever I have been in other cities — say Chicago, Philadelphia or London, I have wondered why people there didn't move to New York; I don't have the disposition to ask people here such a question. The city is just dotted with beautiful buildings each of which is of historical interest. I walked around two or three hours this afternoon with the manager of the Paris oflSce of the Herald and he was able to point out many of the chief places. We saw Notre Dame, the Hotel de Ville, the Chamber of Deputies, the Magdalene Church or Cathedral, and walked all through the famous Latin Quarter. I sat on the piazza of the Grand Hotel in the Rue de Capucines and drank a glass of lemonade, and walked through the Rue de la Paix, the street which has all the jewelry shops. I never saw anything like the displays. There has been a heavy fog all day so I have seen the city at a disadvantage but to- morrow probably the sun will be shining and I will walk around some more. "I started in by having the best breakfast I have had since I left New York. Here the restaurants serve you as if they were glad to do it. In London the managers and waiters serve you because, apparently, they have to do it. There is about the same difference between London and Paris as there is between a burdock and a lily of the valley. The waiters in this hotel saw that I was an American at once. They can always tell it and they are glad when they get one to wait on. I told mine I wanted breakfast — although it was lunch time — and he suggested an otange, filet of sole, fried potatoes and chocolate. It was all fine. There is no sugar to be had here now. There is no milk served after 9 in the morning. The orange was good and the chocolate was sweetened in some way so it all tasted very good. But the cost is very high. My bill this morning was $2.75. "For dinner I went with Mr. Price, the Paris manager, to the famous Prunier restaurant. Mr. Bennett occa- sionally goes there when he is in Paris. We telephoned to reserve a table. One has to do this because the applicants for tables are so numerous. We had Portuguese oysters, roast beef and potatoes, braised endive and a fancy choco- late pudding. The bill here for two was about 25 francs, or slightly more than $6. Everything is high everywhere in Paris because of the scarcity of everything. "After dinner Mr. Price went to the office and I came to my room where I am now. There is nothing to do in the evening in Paris. The theaters are open but I don't care to go to a show I can't understand. The restaurants all close at nine o'clock and the houses and the streets are all dark. The Germans have been bombing Paris lately and people are keeping the city as dark as possible. I shall sit in my room till about half past ten when I shall get into the subway — right near the hotel — and go to the Herald office at No. 38 Rue du Louvre for a half hour or so. "This hotel, I find, is the very best hotel in Paris. Mr. Baker, Secretary of War, is staying here now. General Pershing stayed here and all the diplomats from most of the important countries stay here. It overlooks the Tuil- eries and is a magnificent building. Mr. Bennett believes in doing things up right. I shan't know what my program will be until I hear from him. I wired him last night — he stays in Beaulieu on the Mediterranean — that I was here and now I shall sit around or go sightseeing till he tells me what he has in mind. I rather expect that in a few days I shall be on my way to the American front. "Paris is filled with American soldiers. I must have seen a thousand to-day. I met two or three — yes four or five — men I knew in the United States. "There was no sea at all on the trip across the -Channel so I was not sick. I enjoyed the day in Havre. That is Buffalo's Part in the World War 155 a very picturesque old city, with the principal business street facing the harbor and sailing ships moored just across the street from the stores. In a big park nearby there were about 50 women selling flowers. The French are great for flowers. I ate in a big restaurant— Tortoni's, which seats about 1,000 persons, and walked all over the principal parts of the city before leaving at five in the afternoon. The train on which I traveled from Havre stopped just once between Havre and Paris and that was at Rouen. An American Correspondent in the Argonne Watching a skirmish near Grand Pre "Before I leave here Dorothy I shall write you another letter but it very likely will not be a long one. You will show this letter to Mother and the rest of the folks and they will know all about my trip up to date. With Love, Dad. " Circumstances of that night caused Don to write a letter to his daughter on the following day : Paris, March 12, 1918. "Dorothy: Hotel Crillon. "I guess your Dad is a hoodoo. Wherever he goes there seems to be an air raid. Last night when I finished the letter to you I started down to post it and the maid was talking like a streak and waving her hands. I thought she was having a fit of some new kind. But I discovered it was merely her French way of telling me that there was an air raid going on. They are not used to them in Paris as they are in London, and moreover the people here are very, very excitable, especially on air raid nights. I had heard the "alert " signal given but didn't know what it was. In Lon- don it is called "Take Cover". Here a siren blows. It is about like the whistle on the Eureka shop. It is attached to a steam engine which rushes about the streets. It was a dark night, but a few stars were shining and a raid was hardly looked for. However it came and was a very fierce one — by far the worst Paris has known. The figures of persons killed have not been given out but it is said the fatalities were quite numerous. I heard bombs strike in this vicinity. I went down in the lobby and stayed there from a quarter to ten to a quarter to one o'clock. A lot of most distinguished Frenchmen were sitting about and a good many prominent Americans too. I found a man from Trenton and another from Iowa whom I knew. The lobby was darkened and the lights in all the rooms were shut off. During a lull in the raid I and two other men started across to Palace de la Concorde to see where a bomb was supposed to have fallen but it was so dark we lost our way and returned. This hotel is right in the heart of the very exclusive section of Paris. It is close to the Tuileries Gardens, the Champs Elysees and a lot of other famous and beautiful spots. Paris is rather excited to-day over last night's performance and right now people are rather 156 Buffalo's Part in the World War expecting another raid to-night. These raids are getting to be terrible things. People are getting very sick of them and I guess when the war is all over and everyone understands everything that has happened the world will know why people grew tired of them. The Germans have no consideration for women, or children, hospitals, churches or anything else. They will have to pay dearly for their barbarism some day. "I have spent a good part of the day making arrangements to go to the front. Mr. Bennett wired me to make arrangements to go about France with Mr. Baker, Secretary of War, who is here, but it was too late to make the arrangements. Only the three news associations were allowed to send men. I got a telegram from Mr. Bennett to see his lawyer here and to have him make arrangements for me to go to the front. I shall probably get a pass for a month to start with. Mr. Bennett wants me to go to the front, look it over and tell what I think ought to be done. I imagine he is trying to make up his mind whether he wants to spend all the money it will cost to keep me at the front right along. You see automobile hire costs about $100 or $150 a week alone and there are other very large items. However, unless an air bomb gets me, I shall probably be going far over in France within three or four days — maybe sooner — and you will get a letter from me where the glare of the bombardments may be seen. It is not so terribly far away. The nearest point in the battle line is only 60 miles from Paris, but where I shall go is con- siderably farther than that. "Yesterday I believe I told you that Paris is far more beautiful than all the other cities. To-night I can empha- size that. Take the Rue Rivoli for instance, Dorothy. That runs along the Tuileries Gardens for almost a mile. The buildings are all six stories high, are all the same, and all have marble colonnades in front of them. There are no high buildings. This hotel, for instance, looks like a ruin on the very outside but it is beautiful just the same and inside it is as fine as anything in New York. I sent you a post card giving a picture of it. I took an open taxi this afternoon, it being warm and sunny, and drove all through the Champs Elysees and the Avenue Bois du Bou- logne. They are magnificent. Everything seems to have been built and laid out with the aim of pleasing the eye. "For dinner I went to a place called the Chatham Grill and had a splendid dinner — porterhouse steak, fine fried potatoes, endive salad and a lot of fruit all mixed up. The cooks here certainly know how to get up things nicely. There is no sugar or butter but the French are so clever one doesn't miss them. I have been over pretty much of the city and can get around all right without a guide. I wish I could speak French. Most of the waiters speak English and every hotel has a clerk who can speak English. The chief clerk here to-day appeared with an officer's uniform. He had been on sick leave for five months and to-morrow starts again for the front. "The people are tired of war just the same. I don't blame them. One sees plenty of one legged men, and women in mourning, in Paris. "I must stop wTiting such long letters to you or you will have to stay out of school to read them. I wish I could get a letter or two myself but it will be a long time before I receive one, I suppose. "Here's a hug and a kiss. Dad." Don Martin spent the next few months in army camps and the cities of Northern France which the Germans had not yet occupied. He visited Brest, St. Nazaire, Bordeaux and then the more quiet sectors of the battlefront. Gradually he grew intimate with the entire war program and rapidly advanced to a position among the foremost war correspondents in Europe. His articles in the Herald were reproduced in the Buffalo Enquirer and were extremely interesting, picturing as they did the fields into which the American boys of the regular army and the vast draft and national guard forces then rapidly assembling would soon be plunged. I Buffalo's Part in the World War 157 CHAPTER XLVIII GERMANY'S MARCH DRIVE CRUSHES BRITISH DEFENSE A merican soldiers had reached France in June, 1917. The regulars and the marines, making L\ up the First and Second Army Divisions: The 42nd Division, (Rainbow Division) con- ■^ -^ taining the 165th N. Y. Infantry in which William J. Donovan, formerly captain of Buffalo's Troop I, was a major; 41st (Sunset) Division and the 26th, a New England National Guard di\'i- sion, to which Col. Pooley was later attached, trained through the Fall and Winter behind the lines in France, gaining a knowledge of the newer warfare from the war itself. The First Division went into the front hne in the Vosges in October, 1917, but the Engineers of the 26th Di\asion were the first to take part in action, being engaged with the British at Cambrai. On March 1st, General Pershing had four trained divisions ready to meet any demands of battle, and more rapidly approaching that point of training. It was then contemplated that an American sector would be formed on the front and that the United States contingent would formally enter the front line under its own flag, commanded by its own officers and manned by its own men, supplied by its own trains and cared for in its own hospital — an American sector in every way. The realiza- tion of that condition was the ambition of the American fighting men in France. The four divi- sions then ready were made up principally of regulars and marines, numbering among the latter many Buffalo men, who a few months before had been at work in some office, railroad yard or factory. On March 21st Germany began her Spring drive, a move which was anticipated by the French and English commanders. They had failed to anticipate its severity, however, and the German forces, materially strengthened because of the impotency of Russia, swept through the territory they had abandoned the previous year and extended their hnes at will in Picardy against the British forces. While the Germans failed to break the British line, the British retreat was almost a rout. In the face of that offensive, the idea of an American sector was abandoned and an agreement was quickly reached to unite the Allied forces under a single command. General Foch was chosen Commander-in-Chief of the Allied armies. General Pershing placed himself and the American troops at the disposal of General Foch on March 28th.* The first German blow had been struck at the English near La Fere and was carried through Picardy to Cantigny and Montdidier. Another wedge was driven into the French between Soissons and Rheims on May 27th. Up in Belgium, Mt. Kemmel had been captured, and the Channel Ports threatened. The attack between Soissons and Rheims was a drive at Paris, and by May 30th, the French were offering no serious hindrance to the progress of the German military machine though fighting valiantly every inch of the way. On June 1st the Paris drive had reached Chateau Thierry, but the main blow was to be delivered east of Rheims. March and April had been thus taken up by the Germans in a terrific assault on the British, while May saw the French lines steadily pushed back. General Haig, in command of the British, had advised his men that they were fighting "with your backs to the wall"; and the French on the Marne were shouting again the 1916 battle cry of Verdun "They shall not pass." Buffalo draft boards, with the other draft boards of the country, were turning out men for the camps at that time as rapidly as the Selective Service machinery would work. These embryo soldiers were hurried across the ocean just as quickly as ships could be obtained to carry them across. The call from the Allies was for men — more men — and more men. Drafted men were *On March 28, I placed at the disposal of Marshal Foch, who had been agreed upon as Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Armies, all of our forces to be used as he might decide. At his request the first division was transferred from the Toul sector to a position in reserve at Chaumont en Vexin. As German superiority in numbers required prompt action, an agreement was reached at the Abbeville conference of the Allied premiers andjcommanders and myself on May 2 by which British shipping was to transport 10 American divisions to the British Army area, where they were to be trained and equipped, and additional British shipping was to be provided for as many divisions as possible for use elsewhere. (From General Pershing's report to Secretary of War. Nov. 20, 1918.) 158 Buffalo's Part in the World War swarming into Europe. The National Guard regiments, likewise, were hurried overseas. The big troop movement from the United States warranted General Pershing in a freer use of the older division. While the new arrivals would need some preliminary training, the fact that reserves were at hand gave the High Command an opportunity to throw a greater number of American divisions into the front lines. The call from overseas had been met by America. Not only were men being supplied, but the shipyards were turning out more ships. The industries were turning out more supplies. The Liberty Loan and Red Cross drives were multiplying our money millions for war use. The 27th Division carrying the old 74th, some of them in the 108th Infantry, some in the 55th Pioneers, some in the 102nd Engineers and others in the 102d Ammunition Train ; the old 65th, now the 106th Field Artillery, and old Troop I, now the 102d Trench Mortar Battery, left Spartan- burg, N. C, with the June troop movement for service on the British front. Buffalo's Part in the World War 159 CHAPTER XLIX LIGHTLESS, HEATLESS, GASLESS DAYS RETURNING again to affairs at home; on the 6th day of May, 1918, Elliott C. McDougal resigned and was succeeded as United States Fuel Administrator for Erie County by Howard A. Forman. Mr. Forman brought to the Fuel Administration, in addition to a long successful business career, an expert knowledge of natural gas obtained from many years' practical experience in the business. This knowledge was of great value, as the natural gas problem was an integral part of Buffalo's domestic fuel problem. After D. W. Cooke succeeded Mr. Wiggin as State Adminis- trator, he invited Mr. Forman to attend the weekly meetings of the Executive Committee and thereafter all natural gas questions were referred to him. Mr. Forman appointed T. W. Hendrick his deputy, retained Miss Kelley as office manager, and moved the offices from the Prudential Building to the ground floor of the Liberty Building, more commodious quarters being necessary to accommodate the public and to provide for the increase in business. The work of the entire county was administered directly from this office, with the exception of the help given by Local Deputy C. W. Ellis of Lackawanna and A. M. Eberhard of Tonawanda. The Administration at Washington issued an order on January 17th, 1918, calling for the stoppage of work by all industries except those absolutely essential to the war. This was one of the most drastic orders issued in connection with the military program and was necessary because of the enormously increased demand for fuel for war making purposes, combined with the severest winter beyond the recollection of the present generation. Blizzard after bUzzard blocked the Mess Time at One of The American Training Camps 160 Buffalo's Part in the World War A Winter Draft Contingent railways and hindered all forms of outdoor activities. There were four hundred eighty ships loaded with supplies for our armies and allies waiting to be bunkered. Industries essential to the war were at the point of closing and the railroad lines were becoming more and more congested. The order closed all industries for five days, and on each succeeding Monday for three Mondays. It accomplished its purpose; within three weeks, four hundred eighty ships were on their way to Europe and there was no further delay in ships going to France on account of coal from that day. It was not thought wise to tell the country generally of the military reasons for this order and while there was some grumbling, Buffalo accepted the order and obeyed it loyally. The bituminous situation gradually bettered itself, but the problem was not entirely solved until the following October. All through the summer it was necessary for Mr. Forman to divert coal from one factory to another, to place embargoes on certain factories that had a supply on hand in order that all might be kept going. This entailed a great deal of work, but in the end successfully solved the problem, so that after October soft coal became plentiful and there was enough for all. By the first of February soft coal was so plentiful that the Administration at Washington issued an order removing all restrictions as to price, deliveries, etc., as of that date. Buffalo's anthracite situation is a peculiar one for several reasons. First, because Buffalo, situated a short distance on the main line from the anthracite fields, must wait for her coal until New England, the lake shipments, Canada and the long hauls generally are taken care of. There are usually good shipments in April and May but consumers who were not supplied then had to wait for all or part of their coal. After the experience of the winter before most people were not in the mood to wait. In the spring Washington issued an order allowing domestic consumers two- thirds of their requirements. It became necessary later on to limit the amount so that domestic consumers could have but four tons each, and to prohibit any deliveries to churches, apartment houses, hotels, theaters, saloons, etc., and to prohibit deUveries to people who had previously burned gas and were equipped to burn gas. In this way all consumers were provided with some Buffalo's Part in the World War 161 coal by the time when cold weather usually begins. The anthracite situation became most critical during the month of November. Buffalo had had some early cold weather and a great many people were sick or convalescent from influenza. Most of the domestic sizes of anthracite were going up the Lakes. Buffalo was receiving only a meager amount and very little of this was suitable for domestic use. For a period of about thirty days it became necessary to prohibit dealers making any deliv- eries except on an order of the Administration showing that it was for emergency purposes and then the amount delivered was limited to one ton. Before issuing an emergency order a doctor's certifi- cate or some strong reason must be furnished the Administration. It is estimated that during No- vember there were continually in the fuel office from fifty to one hundred people and that three hun- dred or four hundred emergency orders were issued daily. As the weather continued mild all through the winter the restrictions were gradually removed and everyone in the end had all the coal required. For a great many years a good many people have depended on natural gas for heat. The gas has been gradually failing and it became apparent that some substitute must be made. Again, the large increase in Buffalo's population, due primarily to the influx of workers who came here to work in the war factories, helped along the fuel shortage. New York State's anthracite allotment was increased twelve per cent over the amount re- ceived two years before. Due to the reasons above enumerated, Mr. Forman succeeded in obtaining a twenty-four per cent increase in Buffalo's allotment. For a severe winter this would not have been sufficient to take care of everyone, so supplies of coke were shipped in and, in addition, wherever it was possible small sizes of anthracite were mixed with the larger sizes. As previously stated, "lightless nights" were inaugurated November 15, 1917. On April 22, 1918, this order was temporarily suspended. A new order, effective July 24, stipulated that the use of light produced by coal, gas, oil or other fuel for illuminating or displaying advertisements, an- nouncements or signs, or for the external ornamentation of any building would be discontinued entirely on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week. This order was immedi- ately put into effect in Buffalo and, with one or two exceptions, was loyally carried out by the merchants and citizens generally. The police force under Chief Girvin gave valuable aid and by the end of the first week of its trial Buffalo was absolutely dark. This continued until November 11, when a change was made allowing the illumination of store windows during business hours. On November 20, due to the fact that the bituminous coal problem had been solved, an order was issued entirely discontinuing "lightless nights." On August 27, 1918, as a war emergency measure, a request was issued to the people that the use of all motor propelled vehicles, with certain limited exceptions, be discontinued on Sundays until further notice. This was found necessary because the stocks of gasoline, particularly on the Atlantic Seaboard, had been depleted to such an extent as to require immediate action to protect the supply in France. The response to this request in Buffalo was instantaneous, the compliance almost unanimous. Best estimates show Sunday motoring in Buffalo to have decreased ninety- eight to ninety-nine per cent. "Gasless Sundays" continued until October 20, when it was esti- mated that a saving had been effected of at least one million barrels of gasoline, from which it was known that more than five hundred thousand barrels, or ten shiploads, had been sent over- seas. In carrying out this request the police force again gave valuable assistance. It was known at Washington from the very start that the solution of the world war problem would depend on the solution of America's fuel problem. Fuel, the driving force of the war, must be available in quantities suflftcient to insure victory. Without fuel the vast and intricate machinery of war industries would stop. The production of coal in every other belligerent nation had de- creased from twenty-five to fifty per cent over the production of pre-war days. In 1916 America had produced a little more than five hundred million tons of soft coal. From April 1, 1918, to April 1, 1919, it was estimated that we must produce seven hundred thirty-five million tons, of which six hundred thirty-five million tons must come from the bituminous fields, notwithstanding the fact that thousands of miners from these districts had joined the colors. The fact that the soft coal problem was solved by October, 1918, shows the work accomplished. 162 Buffalo's Pakt in the World War New 74th Regiment During January and February mild weather continued until the anthracite requirements were all taken care of and anthracite also became plentiful. Washington therefore issued its final order decreeing that all restrictions as to delivery, price, etc., of anthracite were removed as of March 1. The Buffalo office was closed as of that date and its records shipped to Washington. Its work was completed and there was no legal problem, or unfinished business of any kind left over. In closing it is only just to state that the willing co-operation, help and advice given the Ad- ministration by the coal dealers of Buffalo materially assisted in the success the Administration attained. This willing co-operation could not have been purchased at any price nor enforced by Federal laws that might have been passed, but was a part of the contribution of patriotic citizens to the winning of the war. Buffalo's Part in the World War 163 CHAPTER L BUFFALO WOMEN FACE THE HUN WHEN Congress and the American people fully awoke to the fact that war was here with all its exactions and sacrifices, not the last to realize the needs of the hour, and among the first to respond to the call for service, were the women of Buffalo and Erie County. Organiza- tions sprang up over night for relief work; the production of sweaters, helmets, socks and gloves were among the early fruits of the patriotic effort of Buffalo women. Funds began to grow for the Belgian, French and Syrian sufferers under the impetus of women. Church and fraternal societies formed war working organizations from among their women auxiliaries, until every locality had an enthusiastic force of women workers doing their share toward winning the war. To increase the efficiency of that work, the Motor Corp girls came into the field, a new move- ment, something in advance, an agency through which the various locality movements could be brought into immediate and effective touch, one with the other, and finally all, with a great central agency — the Red Cross. As men were called away from their diverse and several occupations, girls stepped forward to take their places. Many cities employed women conductors on the street cars. The elevators in the office buildings and hotels were soon operated by women. Women for a time served, in Buffalo, at the task of collecting ashes and garbage, wheeling the refuse from back yards to the curb from which point men loaded it on the wagons. On the farms women workers rapidly stepped into the places theretofore filled by men, and the farm work of the country while supervised by men was largely performed by women. It was a substantial and a difficult work women accomplished in the production of food and clothing and supplies. Wherever commerce or industry showed the need they kept the wheels in motion, and they played no small part in the affairs of the country during the period of the war. When the American troops went overseas the need for American hospitals and American nurses was apparent, and these the Red Cross sought to supply. The girls who left Buffalo and the surrounding towns to serve as Red Cross and Army nurses rendered a faithful and valorous service as the record of the Red Cross, embodied in another chapter, so clearly and concisely shows. But canteens, also, had to be estabHshed. The fighting man must not be entirely cut off from the comforts he found at home; he was not to be left to his own resources. In his days of hard- ship and struggle and strife he was to find that the American girls would cross the ocean with him and stand by his side wherever duty might call them. On his way to the fighting line, he was encouraged by a handshake, a cup of chocolate, a smile, a cigarette, and a Godspeed from an American girl who, too, had dared the Hun, and who was prepared to make whatever sacrifice need be made in order that all the world might be safe for Democracy. On his way back from the field of battle, wounded, the canteen workers were there to lessen his pain by little acts of kindness and consolation which only a woman can give. Buffalo girls were not slow to go overseas in that work. Among the first to leave were Miss Alice Lord O'Brian and Miss Anna P. Rochester for the American Red Cross, the last named serving later with the Smith College Red Cross Unit; Miss Margaret F. Rochester, Y. M. C. A. Canteen Directrice and Miss Doris Kellogg who went over with a motor repair organization but was transferred first to Mrs. Vanderbilt's hospital in Paris, and later to canteen work for the Red Cross. Other Buffalo women who gave their services to the Government overseas under the auspices of the American Red Cross were: Mary Bissell, Helen Boechat, Emily Coit, Sue Churchill, Orpha Gerrans, Mary F. Houghton, Lillian Mugler, Clara Michael, Edwine Michael, Margaret Morrison, Dorothy Palmer, Mrs. Herman Seelbach, Dorothea Park Lewis, Katherine Park Lewis, Marjory F. Sawyer, Xenia Slopey, Mrs. Elizabeth Slopey, Mildred Windsor, 164 Buffalo's Part in the World War Buffalo Motor Corps Girls at Drill and on Parade Buffalo's Part in the World War 165 Mrs. John Knox Freeman, Dr. Regina Flood Keyes and Mrs. George W. Davenport. Mrs. Freeman was later decorated by the Serbian Government. Helen Crosby and Bessie Vine went overseas under the auspices of other organizations but were transferred to the Red Cross after their arrival in Europe. For the most part, the girls who went into foreign canteen work were young women of wealth and social position. In addition, they had a great deal of what we are in the habit of calling good old American grit. No namby-pamby girl would attempt it; a girl lacking in means could scarcely afford the venture. Buffalo produced its quota of courageous American girls who were willing to give up the comforts of home and loved ones and face all the hardships and dangers which field work of that sort necessarily produced. During her period of service in France, Miss O'Brian trained 85 girls in canteen work, and for her services throughout the period of the war was decorated by the French Government. She had left Buffalo early in September, 1917, and sailed from New York on the "Espagne" on the 17th, arriving at Bordeaux on the 26th day of September. After about a month in Paris, she went with five other girls, to open a canteen at St. Germain-des-Fosses. That canteen was for- mally opened on the 11th day of November, 1917, just a year prior to the armistice, and was the third French canteen to be opened by the American Red Cross. It was situated at a large railroad junction in the central part of France, and, while in its earlier days it fed not more than two or three hundred soldiers a day, it gradually grew until the canteen was feeding upward of 2,500 soldiers daily. Miss O'Brian worked at that canteen for the greater part of her time in France, leaving on September 12th, the date of the St. Mihiel offensive, answering a call for vol- unteer hospital workers at the front. While detailed with an evacuation hospital unit near Nancy she was thrown from a truck and sustained a broken arm which necessitated her return to Paris for medical attention. The rest of her time was spent in the conduct of Red Cross hotels in and near Paris. She left there on March 23d, 1919, for England, whence she sailed for home. Anna P. Rochester was another Buffalo girl who went to France with the first unit of laywomen to be sent across by the American Red Cross. She left here in September, 1917. Miss Rochester had a vast amount of experience in Red Cross work prior to her departure. Beginning in March, 1916, and until June of the same year, she was an assistant director in the planning of work and preparation of material for volunteer workers who were making surgical dressings at the Buffalo Chapter of the Red Cross work rooms in Main Street. From June until October, 1916, she was engaged in the arduous task of organizing the Red Cross work rooms at Lee, Mass., remaining there until the new quarters were in efficient operation. Miss Rochester returned to Buffalo in October of 1916 and became Assistant Director of Vol- unteer Workers for Buffalo Chapter A. R. C. and took charge of the packing department where all the surgical dressings, patients' clothing and hospital linen for the use of Base Hospital 23 was packed for shipment. The work rooms were situated first in Chippewa Street and later in Delaware Avenue. Along with other Buffalo girls, she had been thus especially active in the Red Cross work of preparation on this side of the ocean and when she arrived in France in October, 1917, she was numbered among the best equipped girls in overseas service and was assigned to work in the Railroad Station Canteen at St. Germain-des-Fosses which was open day and night feeding French troops ("La Can tine des Deux Drapeaux"). In March, 1918, Miss Rochester was made Co-Directrice of the Red Cross Rest Station, being a canteen, dormitory and infirmary at Nantes on the line of communication for American troops. At that station she, with other girls, fried thousands of dozens of eggs and made hundreds of gal- lons of coffee for the soldiers as they passed back and forth from the front lines. In July Miss Rochester was attached to the Smith College Unit and did emergency relief work among the American troops. They established a canteen at Beauvois, back of the Soissons front, and made it a club for English speaking soldiers. The College Unit was also organized into a Visitmg Group, which visited every American and Britisher in the ten big French hospitals located Buffalo's Part in the World War 167 at Beauvois. These trips were made every day with a view of encouraging the boys and rendering such assistance as they could in the way of communicating with relatives and obtaining any little necessity of which the boys stood in want. During the month of August they were moved up to Chateau Thierry and there fed and administered to all the wounded brought in from the surround- ing territory to be evacuated by train. They did considerable emergency work, also, up near the lines at Coincy. While stationed at Chateau Thierry Miss Rochester made four trips down the Marne to Paris with boat loads of wounded soldiers, very many of them coming at that time from the 77th Divi- sion, and among them Carl Johndahl, Buffalo soldier who was severely wounded on the Vesle. In fact, most of the men that Miss Rochester took down on boats to Paris were members of the 77th Division who were injured in the fighting at Bazoches and Fismes on the Vesle. Many wounded men of the 28th Division, the Pennsylvania National Guard men, were also carried down on those boats. During the month of September and up until the Armistice was signed in November, the Smith College Unit, of which Miss Rochester was one of the most active members, was located behind the Meuse-Argonne Drive and there they did exceptionally good work. With one other girl. Miss Rochester established canteens for the wounded at five evacuation hospitals located at Froidos, Fleury, Les Islettes and Varennes. She was at the last named camp when the Armistice was signed. These girls lived in tents from August through November; in fact, until they were returned to the hospital work in Paris, preparatory to their return to America. Miss Rochester's aunt, Margaret F. Rochester, went abroad as a Y. M. C. A. Secretary and became Directrice of a Y. M. C. A. Canteen for convalescent soldiers at Neuilly-sur-Seine. Miss Margaret Rochester sailed for France, June 11th, 1918, and shortly after her arrival in Paris opened the canteen at Neuilly-sur-Seine, and thousands of men were received there. For- tunately, it was possible to secure quarters in a building opposite the large American hospital known as Ambulance No. 1, so the cripples, on their first walks, could get over to Miss Rochester's canteen and enjoy the easy chairs, books, papers, magazines, writing materials, games, canteen supplies, piano, victrola and other things provided for their comfort. Here also they enjoyed Sunday evening services, and frequently musical and dramatic enter- tainments given during the week. Miss Rochester remained here until May, 1919, when the hospital having been closed, there was no further need for this canteen. She was then made Directrice of a Y. M. C. A. hut at the American Military Prison installed in the Prison de la Petite Roquette in Paris. There a large room in the barracks she converted into a recreation room for the soldier guards and trusty prisoners, who were very appreciative of that home-like spot in the midst of their grim surroundings. That canteen of which she was in charge at the time this publication went to press, was well equipped with library, games, piano, etc. Entertain- ments for the men still held there were frequently given. The work of the Buffalo canteen girls overseas constitutes a most interesting chapter in the history of Buffalo and Buffalonians during the period of the war. The nature of that work is graphically told in the letters which Doris Kellogg penned to her mother, Mrs. Spencer Kellogg, and to other members of her family from the various canteens and hospitals in France where she served. Buffalo's Part in the World War 169 CHAPTER LI AMERICAN ALLIED EXPOSITION AND BAZAAR IN 1914, the Prince of Wales Patriotic Refief Fund, of which Edward J. Kingston was President, had for its object the collection of funds for the relief of English soldiers engaged in the war. In January, 1917, Frank L. Talbot, who was one of the managers of the Detroit Bazaar, was asked to come to Buffalo relative to holding a similar bazaar in Buffalo. In February, 1917, a contract was made between Mr. Talbot and the members of the above organization, and, to avoid personal liability, on March 14, 1917, a corporation was formed known as the Allied Relief Com- mittee, Inc. The incorporators thereof were: Henry G. Anderson, Edward K. Kingston, William Atkinson, Frank Heller, Frank H. Callan, and Alfred L. Harrison. After said corporation was formed, the individual men who had made the contract with said Frank L. Talbot assigned said contract to said Allied Relief Committee, Inc., and all the money of said bazaar was handled under that corporation. Norman A. MacDonald of the Citizens Commercial Trust Co. was made Treasurer, and all moneys were deposited to the credit of said Allied Relief Committee, Inc., in the Citizens Commer- cial Trust Co. The entrance of the United States in the World War influenced the original pro- moters of the bazaar to unite the peoples of various nationalities in Buffalo to participate in the Bazaar. An Executive Committee was formed and consisted of three members of each nationality, with power to select the various committees. The title of the Bazaar selected was "The American Allied Exposition and Bazaar." A. A. Landon, President of the Chamber of Commerce, was elected President, Roy Crandall, Director of Publicity, Maxwell M. Nowak, Chairman Executive Com- mittee, and Mrs. Henry Altman unanimously appointed General Chairman, Women's Advisory Board. The Bazaar was most artistic and a financial success, with booths representing the follow- ing peoples: American, English, Scotch, Welch, French, Canadian, Armenians, Roumanians, Poles, Syrians, Isle of Man, Slovak, Belgians, Italians, and, two weeks before the Bazaar opened, the Orpheus and the Irish joined the Exposition. In addition, there was a Blue Cross and Red Star booth and the British Imperial forces in India under the charge of Ruston Rustomjec. The Red Cross and Orpheus handed over their funds to the General Committee. In the short space allotted this chapter, it would be impossible to enumerate all of the interesting incidents and characteristics of the beautiful picture presented which greeted the eye on entering the Broadway Auditorium. The vast ceiling represented an American flag carried out in Red, White and Blue electric lights. The perfect exhibit of trenches and the Canadian War Exhibit were of an educational nature and the consensus of opinion was that the Bazaar did much to bring the people of this city to a realization of the fact that only through unity could the great task for victory be accomplished. Polish night held in the large pavilion was a historic day for the Poles in Buffalo, because it was the first occasion that Hnked them with other nationalities united in all projects of the war pro- gram. Some 6,000 Poles, including Polish soldiers, presented their national colors and American flags, to the accompaniment of the solemn Polish national air, to the officers and invited guests on the platform. Speeches were made by Maxwell Nowak, A. A. Landon, Mrs. Henry Altman, and Rev. Anthony Majewski. Italian night brought together thirty-two Italian societies, and it was said that 5,800 Italians were present. Great disappointment was felt that Ex-President Roosevelt could not open the Bazaar. English night had as its honor guests ex-Ambassador Gerard and Mr. James Bech, and the Chaplain of the Royal Guards. French afternoon was made very successful by the presence of Yvette Guilbert. In apprecia- tion of her gratuitous services, the French Committee gave her $1,500 for the support of 150 170 Buffalo's Part in the World War little French children Madame Guilbert was personally caring for in France. The "Welsh Doll," representing Premier Lloyd George's daughter, proved a great attraction and the $3,000 sent by this booth to the Lloyd George American Fund was acknowledged in the following letter: "This Committee can confidently state that the money sent to our Prime Minister has been of great and contin- uous value in assisting the Welsh people in meeting the difficulties caused by the war. Has brought relief and restored happiness and comfort to hundreds of homes throughout the length and breadth of Wales." Too much praise cannot be given to the promoters of the Irish Booth for their successful efforts in raising and working for the second largest amount realized at the Fair. At enthusi- astic meetings presided over by Judge Kenefick at the Genesee Hotel, inaugurated their cam- paign. The Soldiers' Comfort Booth supplied many soldiers and sailors with comforts and the war exhibit loaned by the Canadian Government was sent in charge of Captain Short, a Canadian soldier who had lost both legs in the early days of the war. May 24th, Canadian Special Day, had for its principal speaker Hon. R. B Bennett of Calgary. The American and all other booths were equally attractive and the proceeds realized therefrom, $160,000, attested to the weeks of hard work preceding the Bazaar and the faithful service of the men and women throughout the ten days of the exposition. Buffalo's Part in the World War 171 CHAPTER LII SECOND RED CROSS DRIVE THE second Red Cross War Fund drive took place May 18 to May 27, 1918. The quota for Buffalo was $1,500,000 and the result was so successful that this quota was over subscribed several days before the end of the time allotted. Preparations for this drive, under leadership of Robert W. Pomeroy, were commenced several weeks before the actual day of opening. Splendid publicity was given by the newspapers and the work of carrying on this big undertaking was organized down to the minutest detail. Mr. Pomeroy had as his associates representative men and women of the city of Buffalo whose energy, perseverance and tact made the great success of this drive. The vice-presidents were: Nisbet Crammer, Morris Tremaine and Henry P. Werner. Members of the Advisory Committee were: J. W. CowPER, Chairman J. C. Damn E. B. Holmes E. J. Barcalo J. H. MCNULTY P. J. KUHN Richard L. Ball J. F. Schoellkopf, Jr. H. F. Russell C. L. Couch R. H. Thompson J. N. Mandeville WOMEN'S COMMITTEE Mrs. R. H. Thompson, Chairman Team Captain NO. 1- -Mrs. F. B. Baird NO. 2- -Mrs. L. E. Bartlett NO. 3- -Mrs. E. H. Butler NO. 4- -Mrs. S. M. Clement NO. 5- -Mrs. Jacob Dold NO. 6- -Mrs. a. J. Elias NO. 7- -Mrs. H. a. Forman Team Captain No. 8— Mrs. C. L. Gurney No. 9 — Mrs. Clark L. Ingham No. 10 — Mrs. John Larkin, Jr. No. 11— Mrs. W. A. Morgan No. 12— Mrs. F. S. McGraw No. 13 — Mrs. Wm. P. Northrup Team Captain No. 14 — Mrs. Theo. W. Pomeroy No. 15 — Mrs. H. T. Ramsdell No. 16— Mrs. F. S. Sidway No. 17 — Mrs. Arnold Watson No. 18— Mrs. C. R. Wyckoff No. 19 — Mrs. Harry Yates a Living Red Cross of Buffalo School Girls 172 Buffalo's Part in the World War MAJORS J. W. Cowter C. H. McCullough W. H. Andrews F. B. Baird F. C. Kantrowitz Frank : Winch Team Captain Team Captain Team Captain No. 1- -Perry E. Wurst No. 16 — Max Lubelski No. 30- -Henry May No. 2- -W. H. Kennedy No. 17 — Dr. E. L. Volgenau No. 31- -J. W. Van Allen No. 3- -Wm. Lansill No. 18— J. E. Mueller No. 32- -John J. Boland No. 4- -Dr. Chas. R. Borzilleri No. 19— John K. Walker No. 33- -Robt. K. Root No. 5- -Chas. R. Robinson No. 20— H. T. Burns No. 34- -S. J. Tucker No. 6- -James L. Crane No. 21— Dr. Earl P. Lothrop No. 35- -C. W. Underwood No. 7- -C. L. Gurney No. 22— P. G. Lapey No. 36- -E. F. A. Kurtz No. 8- -John W. Schoen No. 23— R. J. Seidenberg No. 37- -Martin L. Kratz No. 9- -Dudley M. Irwin No. 24 — Roland Crangle No. 38- -W. H. Gratwick No. 10- -Philip J. Wickser No. 25— J. F. Murray No. 39- -W. H. Joyce No. 11- -F. W. Fiske, Jr. No. 26— John T. Leader No. 40- -Frank W. Tracy No. 12- -Wm. a. Douglas No. 27 — I. M. Mosher No. 41- -D. J. Sweeney No. 13- -R. L. Wood No. 28— Ansley SAW-i-ER No. 42- -Geo. E. Smith No. 14- -Dr. C. H. Andrews No. 29— P. S. Millspaugh No. 43- -H. Ernest Montgomery No. 15- -Wm. R. Huntley ERIE COUNTY— OUTSIDE OF BUFFALO Major, Edna Stainton Branch Captain Branch Captain Akron Victor Boyd Iroquois . . . Mrs. J. Emory Fischer Alden . J. L. Miller Java ... . Frank Walker Amherst . Arthur Suor Java Center . . Rev. E. J. McCaffrey Angola Rev. Father Keavin Arcade J. S. Smith Athol Springs G. Rupert Lesch Blasdell George W. Jack Boston Henry W. Baker Bowmansville . Bert Longmate Chaffee C. W. Hillman Clarence Mrs. A. O. Hahl Clarence Center . Ansley Zurbrick Colden Rev. William T. Dunstan Collins G. P. Harris Collins Center Rev. Chas. Carpenter Cowlesville George Willard Crittenden R. I. Dickinson Depew Elwin B. Rowley Derby Stuart R. Mann East Amherst George Muegel East Aurora Fay H. Ball Eden Mrs. John C. Hubbell Elma Elon Clark Farnham Thomas G. Walker Gowanda William Krebs Grand Island Anna De Glopper Griffins Mills W. H. Smith Hamburg Frederick Eaton Holland Fred H. Ellsworth On Thursday, May 16th, a get-together dinner of the committees was held at the Lafayette Hotel. General Chairman Robert W. Pomeroy presided, and the speakers were L. P. Shumway of Washington, D. C, Lieutenant Bruce H. Richardson of Winnipeg, Canada, and Major D. M. Mathieson. The dinner was most successful and the speakers were enthusiastically received and many large subscriptions were taken in that evening. Chairman Pomeroy announced the fol- lowing heads of special committees: Publicity, Finley H. Greene; Speakers, Edward H. Letchworth; Lighting and Cards, James N. Mandeville; Transportation, Dai H. Lews, and Mrs. Harry A. Spaulding; Women's Committee, Mrs. Richard H. Thompson; Java Village Miss Mary Sheehe Kenmore E. E. Niday Lackawanna Dr. E. M. Tracy Lancaster C. K. Porter Lawtons CD. Tice Marilla Mrs. Fremont Brown Millgrove Otto H. Wende North CoUins David Nelson North Evans W. J. Critoph Orchard Park T. E. Morgan Porter ville Mrs. C. C. Adams Sardinia Cory Casey Sloan Mrs. John Carr South Wales ... George Oelheiser Springville Harry S. Gray Strykers ville H. O. Johnson Tonawanda Le Grand De Graff Town Line Charles F. King Versailles Mrs. Nellie R. Johnson Wales P. G. Ha\'ens Wales Center Dr. Wooster West Falls Dr. P. A. McCrae West Seneca Mrs. M. W. Pleister Williamsville G. L. Helfter Williston Miss Myers i Buffalo's Part in the World War 173 House to House Canvass, William G. Moncriefif; Industrial, H. P. Parrock; Schools and City Employees, Frank B. Baird; Special Subscriptions, Harry T. Ramsdell; Booths, Proctor Carr; Supplies, John H. Beckley; Dinners and Luncheons, Richard L. Ball; Parades, Gen. Samuel M. Welch and Seymour P. White; Features, A. B. Wright, and Accounting, Clifford Hubbell. On Friday evening, May 17th, a mass meeting was held at the Elmwood Music Hall. Presiding at this meeting was Supreme Court Justice Herbert P. Bissell. A stirring speech was made by Norman Somerville of Toronto, one of the most eloquent orators in the Dominion of Canada. During the week a Flying Squadron, under the direction of Dai H. Lewis, Secretary of the Auto- mobile Club, conducted an automobile canvass in the country towns in Erie County. Many well-known men took part in this out-of-town drive. Justice Bissell, who took a most effective part in this work, died early in the year 1919. On Saturday, May 18th, a great demonstration and parade was held to give the drive a splendid start. General Samuel M. Welch was Grand Marshal of the Parade and the following organi- zations took part: Grand Marshal and his aides; U. S. A. Sanitary troops, Lieutenant Colonel Thomas D. Woodson; Polish Legion, in command of Lieutenant Albryct; British and Canadian recruiting detachment, Lieutenant W. Mayne Lynton; Fourth Brigade, State Guard, Brigadier General Louis L. Babcock; Home Defense Corps, Colonel H. I. Sackett; G. A. R. Veterans; Spanish War Veterans; Buffalo Chapter American Red Cross; Mothers of Men in service; National League for Women's Service; Buffalo Community Chorus; Boy Scouts; Women's Benefit Association of the Maccabees; The Equestrian Club; Detail from the Buffalo Fire Department; Polish Union of America and Polish Falcons; Italian societies; Children from public, parochial, private and high schools; Newsboys; High School Cadet Corps. In the morning at Lafayette Square the Red Cross flag was raised to fiy throughout the cam- paign, the exercises being under the direction of A. B. Wright. Mayor George S. Buck spoke pre- senting the flag to the Campaign Committee and General Chairman Robert W. Pomeroy made the speech of acceptance. Probably no demonstration ever moved Buffalo more than the marching of the twenty thousand men, women and children in this wonderful Red Cross parade of May 18, 1918. There were many special features in the parade, notably a living Red Cross composed of six hundred girls; this was probably the most beautiful and striking feature of the parade. The girls in the center form- ing the cross were dressed in red and those surrounding them as a square were in white, making a truly marvelous effect. A representation of Joan of Arc, numerous floats representing the salient features of the Red Cross work, were followed by the most impressive thing of the whole pageant, the marching of the mothers of the boys who were then in service. To see these splendid women taken from every class of the city marching with set determined faces, most of them carry- ing flags with one star, but many having two, three and some as many as five stars, and one, Mrs. Herman Doascher, with six stars, in the flag they so proudly bore, was probably the most deeply impressive feature of this mighty host. The next most stirring unit in the parade were the hundreds of women dressed in the simple Red Cross costume. These women represented the actual workers in Buffalo who had been giv- ing their time and labor to produce Buffalo's quota of bandages, surgical dressings and other necessary Red Cross requirements. The first real day of the drive was Monday May 21st, and nearly a quarter of a million was raised on that day. This was a splendid get-away, and from day to day, with deter- mination that the million and a half dollars would be more than subscribed, the workers with unceasing labor and effort gained, until May 23d, the million mark was in sight and was passed the next day and a total of $1,179,000 was reached. On May 26th, a new goal of $2,500,000 was put forth and at the end of the drive it was found that this amount was practically achieved. The most satisfactory feature of this drive was the fact that the money was contributed by people of all classes. When it is considered that a large percentage came from the indus- trial plants that were organized under the direction of H. P. Parrock, it will be readily seen 174 Buffalo s Pakt in the World War that this Red Cross drive appealed to the working man as well as to the business man and capitalist. During the week of the drive, daily luncheons were held at the Ellicott Club and great enthusi- asm was manifest. Nothing ever stirred Buffalo so deeply as this drive for although the Liberty Loans were all over subscribed, the money given was for purchasing U. S. Government Bonds, while the money given here was contributed to the Greatest Mother in the World. i I I Buffalo's Part in the World War 175 CHAPTER LIII "CAN THEY GET TO CALAIS?" DORIS Kellogg, canteen worker, left Buffalo in March, 1918, and sailed for France late that month aboard the " Rochambeau. " She was accompanied by two or three American girls from other cities. Her days in Paris waiting for a canteen assignment grew dreary as the red tape was unwound; her original designation had been for motor repair work, but the call in France was for service in the hospitals and canteens, and for either of these tasks, the Buffalo girl tendered her services. Writing from Paris, under date of May 19th, 1918, Miss Kellogg told the interesting story of her work: "Still in Paris but with a real job at last. We are to go to a Red Cross canteen in the French War Zone, to work with the French soldiers. I think I had better not mention the name for fear of the censor, but I'll just say that we will be right in the thick of things and in one of the most beautiful spots of France — forests full of wild flowers and /raises du bois and a beautiful old historic chateau to revel in. We are only waiting for our papers which allow us to go into the War Zone. "Now we are working in the casualty department. Red Cross Headquarters, 4 Place de la Concorde. It is inter- esting, but gruesome, too. We file the inquiries of people who are trying to locate or have some news of men in the Army. All day yesterday I made out records of men 'Killed in action' — 'May 10th: Died of wounds received in action' — 'May 10th: Died of gas poisoning,' etc. And then we read letters from parents begging for help in finding their boy, and so on. It makes one realize something of the suffering going on in America now. "This morning Al and I went to high mass at Notre Dame. It was a magnificent service with a Cardinal who swept down the center aisle, attended by gorgeously-gowned priests and choir boys. As he passed along, the congre- gation kissed a wonderful sapphire ring which he wore. Then there was special music, with the most beautiful boy soprano I've ever heard. The organ fairly shook the walls and ceiling with its music which seemed to pour from every inch of the cathedral. It was thrilling. But one did miss the great stained-glass windows, which have been removed for fear of air raids. "We had dinner the other night with Mr. Bobbett of St. Paul. He has taken the most adorable apartment imagi- nable near the Faubourg St. Germain, up on the top floor of a beautiful old building and right under the eaves. It belongs to an artist and is furnished with rare and lovely antiques. After dinner we had scarcely seated ourselves in the hbrary than a far-off wail of the siren was heard. Heavens! another beastly air raid. It takes no time for the Alert to resound throughout Paris, and we rushed to the windows to watch the fire engines, which carry the sirens, go by. This attack proved to be more or less of a fizzle, as the Gothas couldn't get through the barrage, so after about an hour the Paris church bells sounded ' Berlot ' — all clear — and we ' beat it ' for home through the pitch black streets. Paris is more romantic than ever in these war times. "We are all waiting breathlessly for the great German drive. When will it come, how far will they push on, if at all? Can they get to Calais? Will they take Amiens? Must Paris, too, be taken? You can imagine the tension. That is one of the things that impresses me as being so different here from at home — the tension before a drive. We all get ready for it, wonder about it, talk about it, and everyone seems to become grave and determined and grim. You see Paris is a much more serious place than ever before. All the frivolous people have left, nine hundred thousand of them, they say, and those who have remained mean business." "Paris, France, May 22, 1918. "It is very interesting in the casualty department. We file records of prisoners of war, wounded, killed, etc., and the insight we get into the hearts of the soldiers and their loved and loving ones 'back home' is an experience to have had. It is about like having an office job in Washington, I imagine, only, of course, so much more interesting. My stars, but I was dead tired after work to-night! It is so hot and all, but the satisfied sense of having put in a long hard day of helpful work is more than enough to compensate. "As I sit here in my open window this evening, I hear the familiar buzz of the 'Defense of Paris' aeroplanes over my head. They are the most picturesque objects up there in the sky. Sometimes I imagine them huge birds, but at other times they seem like great ships sailing in the blue. After it gets dark, we see the funny, clumsy 'Saucisse' balloons which are sent up with cables attached to entrap enemy planes during the air raids. "How fast and thick our boys are coming over! Everyone I see who has just arrived brings tales of ships full of Sammies being poured into France. You know that now we are part of the American Army and subject to military law and orders. Are with the American Expeditionary Forces. It is great!" 176 Buffalo's Part in the World War :.^ •, LJi.!i_^r53 Bufifalo Mothers March in Honor of Their Boys Who Were Fighting "Over There" i Buffalo's Part in the World War 177 "Paris, May 23. "Last night there was another attempted air raid on Paris by the Germans, but I guess they didn't get past the barrage. However, it was mighty exciting and about the noisiest one we have had since I've been here. Al and I were having a Httle supper of cheese and confiture before retiring, when we half heard, half sensed, way off in the distance, the siren. Could anything be more irritating? We were awfully sore and bored. So we calmly went on with our cheese and the sirens went on swelling. All would have been very pleasant had not the lights suddenly been turned off so that there was nothing for us to do but put on coats, take our searchlight and step over to the open window to enjoy the 'doings and fireworks.' Out boomed the defense guns, up in the sky shells burst like rockets, and faint white streaks from the searchlight swept through the night. As our eyes became accustomed to the dark we picked out two huge 'Saucisse' waiting and watching, and then after a bit the purring of our own planes way over head. It is really a wonderful thing, these night thrills. After a bit the guns quite near us began bursting forth, and we thought it was time to descend to the first floor. But you know it is awfully strange, how calm and tranquil one can feel in the midst of these raids, and, finally, you get so bored, and what's more, sleepy beyond control — and you say to your friends, 'Well, I have a feeling that they won't get over to-night, and I for one am going to retire. You might rather be killed by a bomb from a Gotha than to die of a cold or ennui.' So we decide to quit the cave, stumble back to our pitch black rooms and I rolled into bed. But Al stands firmly in the window, a little forlornly to be sure, and says to me a bit peevishly: " 'I don't see how you can go to bed now, when all this excitement is going on, I'm awfully thrilled.' "Well, thrilled or no — just as I am dropping off to sleep, and as the guns are booming their loudest, I vaguely hear Al fall heavily into her bed and no doubt she is asleep before she really touches the mattress." "Paris, May 3L "We eagerly follow the German drive, and everyone thinks and talks of nothing else. Yesterday 'le canon' was much in evidence, and last night we had an air raid which we watched from our window. All this is very war-like. But today we had a glimpse of the real thing. Al and I went out to the American Ambulance at Neuilly to see Mrs. Vanderbilt (W. K.) and asked her if she wouldn't give us some temporary work out there until our papers came. She is the head of that marvelous hospital as well as our canteen boss and is a wonder. She took Al and me all through the building, which is enormous — 1,200 beds — and we were weak-kneed at the suffering of all those poor boys. The hospital is jammed full with beds in all the halls and corridors, but I saw the most pathetic sight of all on one stair- case and landing, where a crowd of boys in dirty and torn khaki were sitting and lying, just off the ambulances and waiting for the nurses and doctors to attend to them. Their eyes were the saddest thing to see. "And tomorrow we are to report out there early to do any kind of work we are asked to — give drinks to the boys, cheer them up, make beds, etc." (The girls followed the drive by the increase in the wounded coming to the hospitals and by the refugees. Each day found both wounded and refugees coming from localities nearer to Paris — Editor.) 178 Buffalo's Part in the World War I Showing the Destruction by the Germans at Peronne in Picardy College destroyed by Germans St. John's Church a wreck Ruins of a residential section The Palace on the morning after Grand Place after shower of shells In the business quarter I Buffalo's Part in the World War 179 CHAPTER LIV BUFFALO DRAFT MEN OF 78th DIVISION IN FRANCE BUFFALO and Erie County men were scattered through virtually every army division and every military unit which left America for overseas service, and every American training camp held its quota of Buffalo men. Buffalo's national guardsmen, for the most part, were members of the 27th Division. The balance were in the 55th Pioneer Infantry to be used for replacement purposes. All units of the Army and of the Navy, whether in American camps or overseas service, found plenty to do, but there fell to the National Army men from New York State and from Buffalo and Erie County a terrifically arduous task in the Argonne. A comparatively large number of Buffalo Selective Service men had gone overseas with the 77th Division in April. Another, and perhaps larger, contingent followed in the latter part of May. This second detachment was assigned to the 78th Division, Buffalo men being particularly numer- ous in the 309th and 311th Infantry; the 307th, 308th, 309th Artillery; 303d Trench Mortar Battery and 303d Engineers of that Division. The artillery, apart from its officers, was made up entirely of Selective Service men, a very large number of whom were from the vicinity of Buffalo and Rochester. They comprised the 153d Field Artillery Brigade, and were organized at Camp Dix, along with the other units of the 78th Division. The infantry organization was completed during the winter of 1917-1918, but the artillery was formed in a hurry at the last minute. The Division left Camp Dix May 27th, nearly two months after the 77th had sailed. The 78th sailed from New York, aboard the Cedric, and were on the sea at the time the Marines stopped the Germans near Chateau Thierry. Of course, the artillery recruits had to have some training before they were sent across. It was said of them that they were so raw when they reported for duty that most of them, if ordered to open the gun breech would have removed the muzzle cover. The 78th Division, followed the ocean-going course of other American divisions, and was as- signed to a training camp for instructions behind the lines. The situation was tense when they arrived, and the demand of General Foch for more men was still pressing. The French and British, along their two great fronts had taken new heart as the news of the achievement of the Marines flashed along the lines. They were still weary, however, after four years, of struggle and hardship, and needed encouragement just at that period to hold them to their task. The artillery of the 78th Division was sent to Camp de Meucon to learn the eccentricities of the French Seventy-five. Most of them had their first look at that sort of a gun in the park at Meucon. Their training period lasted six weeks, but they did not then join the rest of their Division; instead, they were sent to the Toul sector, a quiet sector for front line training. The Nineteenth Division infantry took its place in that sector August 23d, and the 78th's artillery was sent into support. The Nineteenth was made up of guardsmen from Oklahoma and Texas, where they grow strong and tall, but neither the infantry nor the artillery had been under fire before and both "had their wind up," as the Britishers would say, on their first night in the line; the heavens over No Man's Land looked like a Paine's fireworks celebration to the Nineteenth as the flare from the veri- lights took on a pyrotechnic aspect. Resting the chin strap of their tin derbies on the front line was a new experience. They knew they had veteran Huns in front of them and green artillerymen be- hind them, and their officers say it was difficult to state offhand of which they stood in greater fear. For upward of two weeks, first in support of the Nineteenth Division and then the Ninetieth Division, the 78th's artillery kept its post. The Germans did most of the shooting, for the am- munition of the Allies was being moved up quietly for the St. Mihiel offensive. The artillery's nose was kept on the front line until Pershing was ready to move. > o a S Q Buffalo's Part in the World War 181 CHAPTER LV IN MRS. VANDERBILT'S PARIS HOSPITAL WITH DORIS KELLOGG ON June 1st Miss Kellogg went to the Vanderbilt Hospital in Paris. Her letters tell the story of the work performed by American girls in that splendid institution, and it is interestingly told: "My first day in a hospital has been an event. We arrived at the American Ambulance at about 9 A. M., and were put right to work. I spent all morning making innumerable beds, hundreds which had just been evacuated and were to be ready for the rush of wounded who are pouring in every day. I almost keeled over when I assisted at the dressing of a boy's arm which was too horrible to describe. I had to hold the arm, which after a few minutes became so heavy that I felt like screaming, and every time I moved it in the least, the poor boy would screw up in agony. The whole elbow joint was exposed and gangrene had set in so that the odor was frightful. Poor little kid! He is only nineteen. He was as plucky as could be, but anxious, and asked the doctor if he thought he would be good for active duty again — the doctor said no. He has a bad wound in the abdomen too. "As I left the hospital at about seven this evening, I asked one of the ambulance drivers if there were any more wounded coming in to-night and he said that they had just had word that there are two thousand up at La Chapelle now. That means to-morrow many more new faces. "As for the 'offensive,' the Germans still press in toward Paris, and every night we are wakened by the sirens and barrage against the enemy planes. But I care not a whoop for anything now but to help make those poor Sammies more comfortable. "You see Neuilly is used as the evacuation hospital for our men coming from the Front, and after they have been fixed up there they are sent South. So every day we clear out some and fill in with fresh wounded." "Paris, June 3. ' ' Our hospital is like a great surging sea, with every day a new wave of wounded boys coming in and the ones not too ill moving out. I call them 'The Heroes of Cantigny.' It is so queer to go into the wards each morning and see new faces looking up into yours, mostly always still dirty and bloody. Members of Smith College Canteen Unit - Miss Rochester of Buffalo, first of rear trio. 182 Buffalo's Part in the World War "We have a British 'Tommy' who is suffering agonies, and to-day I helped move him from his bed onto the stretcher to be taken up to the operating room. He screamed like a wild thing and kept looking up into my face so pleadingly. I kept stroking his forehead and talking to him, and then went with him through the corridors and up in the lift. I told the two French stretcher bearers that if they would be extra careful, I'd give them each two cigarettes, and 1 tell you they simply crawled. And then when the kid came down again (he is only a kid, 19 years old yesterday) I gave him some sweet chocolate. He ate it and then looked up and said in his weak hoarse way: 'Noice.' "What," says I. "Again, 'Noice, Noice.' But this time I thought he must be dying and had just strength enough left to call to me 'Nurse.' So leaning way down close to him I said: "What do you want, son?' " ' Oi say hit's noice.' The chocolate was nice. "I'm helping out in three large wards as nurse's aide, taking temperatures, pulses, cleaning the rooms, making beds and helping feed the men." "Paris, June 4. "Can it be true! The Allies have taken 10,000 prisoners to-day at Chateau Thierry. It is too wonderful and we hardly know what to do to let off the exuberance bubbling up inside us. It came as such a surprise. "You see we had had a long day at the hospital, and when we were putting on our coats in the dressing room, some white-haired lady proceeded to unburden the most disheartening tales she had just heard from someone that we were evacuating as many of our wounded as we possibly could, that we were getting no new ones, and that the Huns were coming right along to Paris. Well, we were too sick. All those hundreds of wounded men upstairs and still we had not been able to hold the Germans! W'e came on into Paris, and this was the first thing that greeted us: '"10,000 German Prisoners Taken To-day at Chateau Thierry!' " As I say, we almost exploded, and to celebrate, six of us marched over to Weber's on Rue Royal to have a peach melba for dessert. Now what will the morning paper have to say, and what if it weren't so after all?" "Paris, June 6. "Still the war goes on and every day more wounded pour into the hospital. Just as I left to-night the ambulances were lined up waiting to unload their 'blesses.' It is a horribly pitiful sight to see the men when they first come in, dirty, bloody, and so tired and shaken up from their long ride in ambulance train or auto. "Behold a grand transformation after one night with us! A good night's rest, then the next morning wounds dressed, a warm bath and shave and dose of insect powder and they look and feel like princes. It is the most heartening thing in the world to see them brace up like that." "Paris, June 8. "What a day! All day long, from 8 o'clock this morning till 8.30 to-night, I've washed, fed and 'aided' the gallant Marines who poured into the hospital like hail and still were pouring when I left. The corridors were lined with wounded on cots and stretchers, the verandas with blanket-wrapped, bandaged boys, the stairways blocked with khaki-clad, steel helmeted Sammies. The Marines have put up some marvelous fight! Now we are putting up tents on the roof verandas to shelter more of them. Plucky kids! I love them all. The dressings were terribly trying, particularly as the nurses had to do them because all the doctors were operating. They are coming in now with arms and legs off, but don't let me harrow you too much, for after all the hospital is really quite heavenly to the men — clean, good food and Beds. And surgical cases are not like medical cases, seldom fevers or vomiting, just dressings and pain which grows less every day. I took jam to my boys to-day and am going to take butter to-morrow. I shall never be able to thank my stars enough for having been able to get over here just when I did and for the way things have turned out. If you could half realize what it means to these Sammies to have American girls here to comfort and cheer them, you would be building special ships to send more and more overseas. Being here is a privilege for which I shall never cease to be grateful. "And to-day Mrs. Vanderbilt broke the news that our papers are here for Chantilly and we must leave Monday. She says she hates to have us go but the need for canteen workers is tremendous and it seems best to send us out. I weep to leave the hospital, but I know I shall love the canteen work too. To-morrow is our last day." Buffalo's Part in the World War 183 CHAPTER LVI BUFFALO MARINES IN BATTLE OF BELLEAU WOOD Germany's purpose in the March offensive, was to divide the French from the British forces. - The May and June drives were aimed at Paris and were designed, by capture of the French capital, to crush the French spirit. The push toward Paris began on May 27th. Rapidly and steadily, with great loss to the French, the German line moved toward the River Marne. The American Third Division, fresh from trench training, was hurried to the Marne to help out the French, while the First Division remained in the Montdidier Sector. A number of drafted men from Buffalo were in the Third Division. Another, Leo Dombrowski, a Polish boy of 230 Townsend Street, won distinction for Buffalo and for himself by gallant conduct at that time and in later engagements; in fact, many Buffalo boys distinguished themselves in that campaign. Dombrowski, drafted in Buffalo on November 22, 1917, went with others to Camp Dix, N. J., and later to Camp Greene, N. C, where he was assigned to Company H, 7th Infantry, U. S. Regulars, a part of the Third Division. The Division left Camp Merritt for overseas early in April, arrived in Brest on the 16th, and went immediately into trench training. When the German Marne offensive was ripping the French lines wide open, Dombrowski and his Buffalo "bunkies" found themselves on their way to the Marne front south of Chateau Thierry to participate with their division in the first conspicuous American effort in France. Here was an instance of a youngster, unknown to war, taken from his work bench and, in the short space of six months placed against the trained soldiers of Germany in a telling battle of the greatest war of all history. The motorized machine gun battalion of the Third Division reached the bridgehead at the Marne on June 1st, opposite Chateau Thierry, and successfully held it against the German forces. It was the first check the enemy experienced in his Spring push toward the wonder city of France. These men had travelled fast to reach the Marne bridgehead before the Germans. When they got there the withdrawing French told them they would be compelled to retreat. "Retreat Hell," they replied, "We've just arrived." The Second Division — made up of the Third Brigade, 9th Infantry, 23d Infantry and Fifth Machine Gun Battalion; Fourth Brigade, Fifth Marines, Sixth Marines and Sixth Machine Gun Battalion; the Second Artillery Brigade — 12th, 15th and 17th Field Artillery and the Fourth Machine Gun Battalion; also, the Second Regiment of Engineers and the 1st Field Signal Battal- ion — was in a training area when the Marne offensive began. This Division included many Buffalo and Erie County* men, among them Lester Bergman, 18th Co., 5th Regiment, U. S. Marines. Private Bergman was wounded five times and spent five months in a hospital in France. He won the Croix de Guerre and was cited for the Distinguished Service Cross for the work he did while on patrol one night when his three companions in the patrol were killed and he managed to escape after having been rather seriously wounded. It was the original intention of the High Command to have the Second Division take up a position with the First Division at Mont- didier as soon as its training was complete. Both Divisions were to be held in reserve to check any further drive toward the Channel Ports. The Second Division had been training at Chaumont- en- Vixen, but by orders of the French High Command, to which General Pershing had turned over the American forces, the Second was directed, on May 29th, to march to the Beauvais area * Three Buflfalo boys, privates in the Marine Corps, Frank J. Barcsykowski, Lester Bergman, and George M. Ebel, Jr., played a prominent part in the Battle in Belleau Wood in France recently, having a hand in the capture of a Maxim gun, 23 machine guns and 170 Huns. The Maxim will be sent to the United States and will find a permanent place at Marine Headquarters in Washington. Along with it will come two of the hcavj' German "minenwerfers" which will be presented to the United States Military and Naval Academies at West Point and Annapolis, respec- tively. On this occasion, 23 German machine guns were also captured. AH these were later turned up on the front line by the Americans and fired at the enemy, many of whom thus fell %nctims to their own weapons. Barcsykowski and Bergman have been cited for bravery. Barcsykowski and three others took a Hun machine gun after wiping out its crew through sniping. Bergman was one of a party of ten who captured the Ger- mans who were making a fiank attack on the trench occupied by the Americans. Both of these young men enlisted in Buffalo in April, 1917, and after training in this countr.v went across the sea together. Barcsykowski's home is at 18 Klaus Street, that of Bergman 176 West Delavan Avenue and Ebel is the son of Mrs. Margaret Ebel, who lives at 408 Bristol Street. — From the New York Herald. Buffalo's Part in the World War 185 about one day's trip north. That movement was scheduled to begin at 6 o'clock on the morn- ing of May 31st. Billeting parties had been sent ahead to provide quarters, and the Division was fully prepared to move at the appointed hour. In the meantime the news of the German offensive of May 27th was flying around the world. Military forces had received the information that the Germans had smashed through the French line between Soissons and Rheims and were advancing rapidly on Paris. The American First Division had broken the continuity of German successes by capturing Cantigny* in a local combat, but the German drive had met no insuperable obstacle. About 5 o'clock on the evening of May 30th, a French staff officer appeared withdrawing orders for the movement to Beauvais. He delivered a new order directing the infantry to be ready at 5 o'clock the following morning to proceed to the neighborhood of Meaux on the Chateau Thierry front. The trip was one of about 70 miles from Chaumont-en- Vixen and was to be taken in motor trucks. The trucks of the supply and ammunition trains followed the infantry. The other units were directed to proceed by train as rapidly as transportation could be provided. Meaux is located on the Paris road about 20 miles east of Paris. When the infantry arrived, the city was in a state of great excitement. The streets were filled with refugees. Marines said every living thing they saw was going in the opposite direction as they moved up to the front, f Refugees hurrying with their worldly goods along the road stopped, knelt and prayed as the American soldiers passed them. Old men and old women and children loaded down with bundles, some carrying the sick, and all haggard and worn and pitiful, trudged on down the road as rapidly as their feeble legs could carry them. A number of the Buffalo marines, after their return, said the sight of those oppressed people gave them a determination to stop the Germans at all hazard. When General Bundy, commanding the 2d Division arrived at Meaux he was directed to take up a position between Gandelu and Montigny northwest of Chateau Thierry. At that time General Bundy had no information as to the location of the French or the Germans, possibly because the line was changing so rapidly. The French High Command had no definite knowledge itself. On June 1st General Bundy left his temporary headquarters, at Montreuil in the Gandelu area, and went to meet General Degoutte commanding the French 21st Army Corps. They met a short distance west of Chateau Thierry. General Degoutte's corps had fought against superior numbers for five days, and had conducted an orderly retreat saving most of their artillery and transports. At the time of the conference between the American and the French Commanders, it was explained to Bundy that the Germans had taken Chateau Thierry and Hill 204. Don Martin, the former Buffalo newspaper man, was in Chateau Thierry the day the Germans entered. Although General Degoutte had made no mention of the fact, it appears, that the Germans had also taken Vaux and were in full command of the Paris Road. Their first line ran through Vaux and along a railroad to Bouresches, thence through the Belleau Wood to Chezy, passing through Torcy. The American brigades of the Second Division established their brigade head- quarters on the east and west side of the Paris Road a few miles west of Vaux. Some of the trains * On April 26th the First Division had gone into the line in the Montdidier salient on the Picardy battle front. Tactics had been suddenly revolutionized to those of open warfare, and our men, confident of the results of their training, were eager for the test. On the morning of May 28th, this division attacked the commanding German position in its front, taking with splendid dash the town of Cantigny and all other objec- tives, which were organized and held steadfastly against vicious counter attacks and galling artillery fire. Although local, this brilliant action had an electrical effect, as it demonstrated our fighting qualities under extreme battle conditions, and also that the enemy's troops were not alto- gether invincible. — From General ['ershing's Report. On April 20th. the 26th Division had successfully attacked the Germans at Seicheprey. The attack occurred during the 26th's period of train- ing, and was considered by many officers as the most important of the local combats in which the Americans had taken part up to that time. — Editor. t It was on the evening of May 30th, after a day dedicated to the memory of their comrades who had fallen in the training days and in the Verdun sector, that the Fifth and Sixth Regiments and the Sixth Machine Gun Battalion, United States Marines, each received the following orders: Advance inforrnation, official, received, that this regiment will move at 10 P. M., 30th May, by bus to new area. All trains shall be loaded at once and arrangernents hastened. Wagons, when loaded, will move to Serans to form train. All through the night there was feverish activity among the Marines. Then, the next morning, the long trains of camions, buses, and trucks, each carrying its full complement of United States Marines, went forward on a road which at one place wound within less than ten miles of Paris, toward Meaux and the fighting line. Through the town of Meaux went the long line of camions and to the village of Montreuil-aux-Lions, less than four miles from the rapidly ad- vancing Gerrnan line. Refugees, old men and women, small children, riding on every conceivable conveyance, many trudging along the side of the road driving a cow or calf before them, all of them covered with the white dust which the camion caravan was whirling up as it rolled along: along that road only one organization was advancing, the United States Marines. — Secretary Daniels' Report, December 1, 1918. 186 Buffalo's Part in the World War .'"ay-koLe"; German Entrenchments on Battlefield North of Soissons 1^^' ^■K:^"^: Buffalo's Part in the World War 187 which were to bring a part of the Division were cancelled, and the units assigned to those trains started on a forced march of 70 miles ; among the marchers were most of the machine gun units, and motor trucks were later sent to hurry them in. The spirit of the French was revived when they heard that the Americans "in large numbers" had entered the line. A gap in the front between Gandelu and Montigny held by the French Seventh Corps was filled by the 23d Infantry and a battalion of Marines under Colonel Paul B. Malone. A part of the Third Division went into the line south of the Marne near Chateau Thierry. When the oncoming Prussians struck this new formation the entire American front held.* The German drive was stayed. The Germans, from Hill 204 which they occupied, had a splendid view of the American forces and positions. They also had control of the air, and, in general, every advantage of location. While the Germans had been checked, the American situation was not an enviable one. Having successfully held, the Americans quickly decided that the time had arrived for their offensive, and on June 6th, the Marines began the attack on Belleau Wood and Bouresches. This move was made in conjunction with the 164th French Division on the left. Belleau Wood is about a mile and a half in length from north to south with an average width of less than one mile. It was covered at that time with a thick undergrowth. The Germans had not been un- mindful of its advantages for concealing machine guns and infantry and they had occupied it with both, together with some trench mortar batteries. The woods had the protection of the German artillery, and were a menace to the American position, for, if driven off the Paris Road, the American line of supplies would be wiped out and the troops forced to fight with their backs to the Marne. The Marines went into Belleau Woodf at 5 P. M. on June 6th, and when night fell they had taken Bouresches and a goodly portion of the woods. Their losses were heavy, but they held their position in the face of fierce counter-attacks. It had been difficult for the Germans to believe that their advance had been stopped ; now it was bitterly aggravating to them to find themselves being pushed back and they fought desperately. Their morale was at high pitch then. James Doyle, a Buffalo Marine, a former street car conductor, who was in the Marine regiment that met the Germans in the wheat field, himself wounded in Belleau Wood, said on his return: "They were the sorest mob of Prussians I ever saw when they were forced to go back. We had hung them on the wires by the hundreds for they came at us the first time in massed formation. " Private Turner, connected with the Buffalo Marine Recruiting Station, fought through Belleau Wood. He left here some days before the declaration of war for Quantico, Virginia, a marine training station. Most of the Marines who left Buffalo prior to and at that time, as well as those who left subsequently, were sent to Paris Island for preliminary training; they were then trans- ferred to Quantico, and from the latter place to France. Among the Marines the trip was called a "hop, step and a jump." The hop was to Paris Island, the step to Quantico and the jump to France. * On the evening of June 2d the first field message from the Fourth Brigade to Major General Omar Bundy, Commanding the Second Division, went forward: Second Battalion, Sixth Marines, in line from Le Thiolet through Clarembauts Woods to Triangle to Lucy. Instructed to hold line. First Battalion, Sixth Marines, going into line from Lucy through Hill 142. Third Battalion in support at La Voie du Chatel, which is also the post command of the Sixth Marines. Sixth Machine-gun battalion distributed at line. Meanwhile the Fifth Regiment was moving into line, machine guns were advancing, and the artillery taking its position. That night the men and officers of the Marines slept in the open, many of them in a field that was green with unharvested wheat, awaiting the time when they should be summoned to battle. The advance of the Germans was across a wheat field, driving at Hill 165 and advancing in smooth columns. The United States Marines, trained to keen observation upon the rifle range, nearly every one of them wearing a marksman's medal or better, that of the sharpshooter or expert rifleman, did not wait for those gray-clad hordes to advance nearer. Calmly they set their sights and aimed with the same precision that they had shown upon the rifle ranges at Paris Island, Mare Island and Quantico. Incessantly their rifles cracked, and with their fire came the support of the artillery. The machine-gun fire, incessant also, began to make its inroads upon the advancing forces. Closer and closer the shrapnel burst to its targets. Caught in a seething wave of machine-gun fire, of scattering shrapnel, of accurate rifle fire, the Germans found themselves in a position in which further advance could only mean absolute suicide. The lines hesitated. They stopped. They broke for cover, while the Marines raked the woods and ravines in which they had taken refuge with machine gun and rifle to prevent them making another attempt to advance by infiltrating through. Above, a French airplane was checking up on the artillery fire. Surprised by the fact that men should deliber- ately set their sights, adjust their range, and then fire deliberately at an advancing foe, each man picking his target, instead of firing merely in the direction of the enemy, the aviator signaled below "Bravo!" — Secretary Daniels' Report, December 1, 1918. t In the black recesses of Belleau Wood the Germans had established nest after nest of machine guns. There in the jungle of matted under- brush, of vines, of heavy foliage, they had placed themselves in positions they believed impregnable. And this meant that unless they could be routed, unless they could be thrown back, the breaking of the attack of June 2d would mean nothing. There would come another drive and another. The battle of Chateau Thierry was, therefore, not won and could not be won until Belleau Wood had been cleared of the enemy. It was June 6th that the attack of the American troops began against that wood and its adjacent surroundings, with the wood itself and the (Continued on page 189) Buffalo's Part in the World War 189 The Fifth and Sixth Marine Regiments left America June 13, 1917 on the "Henderson," and arrived at St. Nazaire, France, on June 26. On April 20, 1918 some of the Marines, among them Turner, were injured with shrapnel at Verdun, but most of them had returned to the line by May 30, when the trip from Chaumont-en- Vixen to Meaux was started. His battalion arrived in position at Chateau Thierry on June 5, and on the following day was in the thick of the fight in the fields and ploughed ground adjacent to Belleau Wood. The Marines lost hundreds of their men in Belleau Wood. The machine gun nests and the high explosive shells, the gas and the shrapnel took a mighty toll. But the Marines hung on, and on June 11th they tore in again. In their second assault they took another portion of the Wood, but it was not all theirs as yet. Fritz rushed in fresh troops, and subjected the Americans to a terrific shell fire of gas and shrapnel. On the 13th the Germans launched a counter-attack. But the Marines, their lines thin but unshakable, held fast, relied on their bayonets, and beat off the onslaught with the cold steel. It so happened that the 7th Infantry, a part of the Third Division, was in reserve behind the Marines on June 13th when the depleted ranks successfully withstood the German counter-stroke. General Bundy made application for the use of the 7th Infantry for six days. The request was granted, and the 7th Regiment of the Third Division took the place of two battalions of Marines. The Marine Battalions, reduced one-half in numbers, were withdrawn to billets on the Marne for replacements and a rest. General Bundy in his report says: "The presence of the 7th Infantry was of great value. The battalion south of Torcy advanced its position to within a short distance of the village, thus straightening out a re-entrant that existed in our lines at that point. The other two battalions fought gallantly, but unsuccessfully, to gain the northern edge of Belleau Wood. They encoun- tered the same opposition that had held the Marines, and when they were relieved at the end of six days the northern part of the woods was still in possession of the Germans." It is interesting to note that Corporal Dombrowski, the drafted Buffalo boy, was a member of the 7th Infantry and thus took part in the battle of Belleau Wood. In a letter to friends, he said: towns of Torcy and Bouresches forming the objectives. At 5 o'clock the attack came, and there began the tremendous sacrifices which the Marine Corps gladly suffered that the German fighters might be thrown back. In Belleau Wood the fighting had been literally from tree to tree, stronghold to stronghold. Belleau Wood was a jungle, its every rocky forma- tion forming a German machine-gun nest, almost impossible to reach by artillery or grenade fire. There was only one way to wipe out these nests — by the bayonet. And by this method were they wiped out, for United States Marines, bare chested, shouting their battle cry of E-e-e-e-e- y-a-a-h-h-h yip!" charged straight into the murderous fire from those guns, and won! Out of the number that charged, in more than one instance, only one would reach the stronghold. There, with his bayonet as his only weapon, he would either kill or capture the defenders of the nest, and then swinging the gun about in its position, turn it against the remaining German positions in the forest. Such was the character of the fighting in Belleau Wood: fighting which continued until July 6th, when after a short relief the invincible Americans finally were taken back to the rest billet for recuperation. In all the history of the Marine Corps there is no such battle as that one in Belleau Wood. Fighting day and night without relief, without sleep, often without water, and for days without hot rations, the Marines met and defeated the best divisions that Germany could throw into the line. The heroism and doggedness of that battle are unparalleled. Time after time officers seeing their lines cut to pieces, seeing their men so dog tired that they even fell asleep under shell fire, hearing their wounded calling for the water that they were unable to supply, seeing men fight on after they had been wounded and until they dropped unconscious; time after time officers seeing these things, believing that the very limit of human endurance had been reached, would send back messages to their post command that their men were exhausted. But in answer to this would come the word that the lines must hold, and if possible those lines must attack. And the lines obeyed. Without water, without food, without rest they went forward — and forward every time to victory. Companies had been so torn and lacerated by losses that they were hardly platoons; but they held their lines and advanced them. In more than one case companies lost every officer, leaving a sergeant, and sometimes a corporal to cornmand, and the advance continued. After thirteen days in this inferno of fire a captured German officer told with his dying breath of a fresh division of Germans that was about to be thrown into the battle to attempt to wrest from the Marines that part of the wood they had gained. The Marines, who for days had been fighting only on their sheer nerve, who had been worn out from nights of sleeplessness, from lack of rations, from terrific shell and machine-gun fire, straightened their lines and prepared for the attack. It came — as the dying German officer had predicted. At 2 o'clock on the morning of June 13th it was launched by the Germans along the whole front. With their backs to the trees and boulders of the Bois de Belleau, with their sole shelter the scattered ruins of Bouresches, the thinning lines of the Marines repelled the attack and crashed back the new division which had sought to wrest the position from them. And so it went. Day after day, night after night, while time after time messages like the following traveled to the Post command: Losses heavy. Difficult to get runners through. Some have never returned. Morale excellent, but troops about all in Men exhausted. And they continued to hold on in spite of every difficulty. Advancing their lines slowly day by day, the Marines, finally, prepared their posi- tions to such an extent that the last rush for the possession of the wood could be made. Then, on June 24th, following a tremendous barrage, the struggle began. The barrage literally tore the woods to pieces, but even its immensity could not wipe out all the nests that remained; the emplacements that were behind almost every clump of bushes, every jagged, rough group of boulders. IJut those that remained were wiped out by the American method of the rush and the bayonet, and in the days that followed every foot of Belleau Wood was cleared of the enemy and held by the frayed lines of the Americans. It was, therefore, with the feeling of work well done that the depleted lines of the Marines were relieved in July, that they might be filled with replacements and made ready for the grand offensive in the vicinity of Soissons, July 18th. And in recognition of their sacrifice, and bravery this praise was forthcoming from the French: "Army Headquarters, June 30, 1918. "In view of the brilliant conduct of the Fourth Brigade of the Second United States Division, which in a spirited fight took Bouresches and the important strong point of Bois de Belleau, stubbornly defended by a large enemy force, the general commanding the Sixth Army orders that henceforth, in all oflicial papers, the Bois de Belleau shall be named "Bois de la Brigade de Marine. "Division General Dbgoutte, Commanding Sixth Army." — From Secretary Daniels' Report, December 1, 1918. 190 Buffalo's Part in the World War /^siM American Marines in France Burying their first German dead In the front line trenches on Western Front U. S. Marine on sentry duty during a gas attack Buffalo's Part in the World War 191 "Early in June we were sent to relieve the Marines in Belleau Wood, proceeding right up to the front line. My platoon went into the front line the first night we arrived. The whole regiment occupied both the front and support lines. Two platoons would take the front line each night and two fall back, alternating in this way nightly. The front line here consisted of dug-outs only. There were no trenches. These dug-outs were called fox holes or funk holes. The morning follow- ing the night we entered the front line we were told to go over at 7.45 A. M. We understood the barrage was to start at 5.30 A. M. No barrage came and we sent back runners to find out what was the trouble. Some of the runners were ' bumped off, ' but finally one got through and on his return gave us the news that the artillery had no orders for a barrage. We later found out that this attack was not ordered by our own command but was ordered by a spy with the rank of lieutenant colonel in the Marines. We started over, however, without the barrage, but failed in our effort, and had to fall back to our front line. Company D was practically wiped out of exist- ence in this attack. We held the line until relieved by the Marines." Whether or not Corporal Dombrowski's reference to the spy is accurate must depend for verifi- cation upon the complete data which will come with the lapse of time. The official reports of that period convey no confirmation, but numerous accounts of the activities of spies in French and American uniforms have come back with the returning soldiers, and not all of these narra- tives can be entirely, nor readily, dismissed. The Marines returned to the Hne at the end of six days, and favored by a well placed and terrific barrage they drove the Germans from the woods and sent them flying across the open ground toward the railroad tracks north. Belleau Wood had been won! The moral effect of this victory was immense; not only among the Allied fighting men but in the French and English homes and in the American homes far across the ocean. The praise of the Marines was sung at every fireside and on every street corner in Buffalo when the news finally got through. 192 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER LVII HOUSE WARMING PARTY FOR 77th DIVISION AT BACCARAT WHILE the Marines with the Second Division were pressing north through Belleau Wood, and it became apparent that American courage and driving power was taxing the military skill of the enemy, a very extended movement of the American troops on the Continent began. Five of the ten divisions then training in the British area were withdrawn. Among these was the 77th Division which, during the month of May and early in June, had been within ear- shot of the heavy artillery duel at Ypres and Mount Kemmel. They were subjected nightly to Boche bombing raids, and had suffered some casualties. The Buffalo boys had absorbed British combat methods but balked at British "chow." Jam and tea and lime juice, with meat for dinner and cheese for supper day in and day out was not entirely to their liking. Later on, when they were battling through the Argonne it would have looked like a banquet. The 42d Division had held a front line trench at Baccarat in the Lorraine Sector for some weeks. And they held it well. It was a quiet sector, apparently by mutual consent, but in a quiet sector the raiding parties, the night prowl- ers, always establish for one side or the other a conviction of superiority. It is related of the 42d Division that during their period on the Lorraine front they "held the edge" to such an extent that the American doughboys were able to "hang their wash on the barbed wire en- tanglements" in No-Man's Land.* That may not be entirely accurate, but it serves to in- dicate that the 42d Division was not playing the subordinate part in No-Man's Land in Lorraine. When the 77th Division was with- drawn from its training area, it was sent to the Lorraine front to relieve the 42d Division. The 42d had suffered some casualties and those places were filled with men from the 77th Division. On June 19th the change was begun and by the 26th the new Division had moved into place. The Rainbow Division was gone, and the 77th had established the historic fact of being the first draft division to take over a part An Abandoned German Machine Gun of the front line. The Rainbow Division pulled out, and went into reserve, presently to take up a position east of Rheims. Apparently the Germans had knowledge of the lack of training in the new division. If the 42d Division had been masters of No-Man's Land in the Baccarat sector, the Boche apparently saw no immediate necessity of having the dose repeated with the newcomers. They welcomed the 77th at 4.00 A. M. on the 24th of June with a shower of gas, mixing phosgene and mustard with fine discrimination, showing a special favoritism for the densely billeted villages of Migneville, * Yesterday in broad daylight some Alabama troops on our right walked over to the German trenches unmolested and unchallenged. They found a German officer and three men in a dugout. The Alabama party was only five. They killed all four Germans and upon their return found one of their own party missing. They went back and found him caught in the German wire. While rescuing him they heard footsteps on the Ger- man duckboard. Lying in wait they caught two other Boche, killed them and stripped all of their victims bringing their clothes back. Their only worry was the dirty socks of the last Hun they caught. The Alabama crowd are the greatest crowd I have ever seen. They wander all over the landscape shooting at everything. — From a letter written by Major William J. Donovan, 165th Regiment (i2d Division), to his wife, March 10, 1918. Buffalo's Part in the World War 193 St. Maurice, Neuviller and Badonviller. The front line was not overlooked. If the 77th had anticipated a quiet time in that quiet sector they got over the notion quickly. Their housewarm- ing party was not entirely of the sort they would have chosen if the matter had been left to them, but yet they made no grumble. They were new at the war business and not disposed to be critical about front line ethics. They put their gas masks on with great speed and thereby saved themselves much inconvenience and suffering and many casualties. The Baccarat sector, a portion of which was held by French troops, was between Luneville and St. Die, southwest of Nancy. The 77th was given the portion of the front extending from Herbeviller on the left to a point east of Badonviller on the right. This territory was divided into four sub-sections which were held by the 305th, 306th, 307th, 308th Infantry respectively; a battaUon front of each sub- division with a battalion in reserve. Each week or so, the battalions would alternate in the front line. The 77th remained in Baccarat sector from June 26th to August 4th. About the middle of July when the drive was started at Soissons to break through the Marne salient, the nose of which the Marines and Regulars had turned up at Belleau Wood, the French Division, the 61st, which had shared the Baccarat sector with the 77th was withdrawn, leaving the New York drafted men in charge of the entire front. The New York artillery came into support, and the Baccarat zone had then become for the first time in the war an ail-American affair, with nearly 2,000 Buffalo and Erie County boys doing their bit there. Watching the Enemy from an Old Stone Outhouse 194 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER LVIII SMASHING THE MARNE SALIENT WHILE troop movement from the United States during April, May and June was gratifying to the AlHed commanders it had the effect of intensifying the German attack. The Marines had taken Belleau Wood, but the grey hordes released from the Russian front rolled down toward the Marne. The Allies were still fighting a defensive war. General Pershing in his conferences with General Foch, according to the best attainable information, urged an offensive operation on the Marne salient — the wedge which had been driven down to Chateau Thierry, its sides extending to a point just west of Rheims on the east and Soissons on the West. Major Frederick Palmer, war correspondent and censor on General Pershing's staff, in commenting on this situation said: "The Allied armies on the western front had been almost as completely on the defensive for four months as if we were a besieged garrison. In spirit they had been on the defensive since Cambrai in the previous autumn. After the fourth offensive, which brought the enemy within forty miles of Paris, you might hear military discussions on whether or not Paris should be de- fended in the event of another German drive bringing it under the German guns. The preparations which the military authorities had made for any emergency were matters of common talk. We were ready to move our own army offices from Paris; the Red Cross and the Y. M. C. A. had arranged for trucks to remove their workers. Lay pessimists saw Paris as already lost; and mili- tary pessimists saw its defenses as impracticable directly it was seriously threatened. All hopes centered on the arriving American divisions. If the Allies could stem the tide until August 1 then we should outnumber the enemy; and when there were enough Americans and they were organized we might consider an offensive which could hardly take place before Spring. Thus, confidence in eventual victory rested entirely upon the Americans; and the spirit of initiative in our men was reflected in counsel by General Pershing which was to have an important influence on the opera- tions that were to recover the offensive for the Allies in a single stroke. "Any soldier of any age who looked at the German salient after the Marne offensive could have had only one thought, and that was a drive at the base of the salient to close the mouth of the pocket. Yet one heard talk that salients no longer counted. Neither reports of German strength nor the defensive spirit of the time diverted General Pershing's attention from that inviting bulge in the German battle line. When Premier Clemenceau and General Foch came to American Headquarters June 22 for a conference, he again pointed to its obvious vulnerability, and vigorously advocated an offensive. He had faith that the German strength was overestimated ; and that under a determined attack the salient would crack like an egg shell. "But where were the troops for the operation? The events of the four years of war, which had placed such heavy responsibilities upon the French Army, had made the French thrifty of their man power. Although no sufficient strategic reserve for a counter offensive existed, General Pershing suggested that there were divisions in rest which could be mobilized. Our untrained divisions could release other French divisions from quiet sectors. Our older divisions had already proved their mettle. We had others which might not be fully trained, but they would fight. They knew how to shoot; they had initiative. Behind them were still other American divisions rapidly training and others arriving from America. The time had come to prick the bubble of the Marne salient. It was only a bubble, though it was German. Let the veteran French Army attack with its old elan and the young American Army attack by its side with the energy of its youth, and we should force the Germans to dance to our tune instead of our dancing to their tune." Just at that time Major William J. Donovan, Buffalo, was in the line with a portion of the 42d Division east of Rheims. General Pershing in his report said, "they held ground unflinch- Buffalo's Part in the World War 195 ingly. " Lieutenant Wertz, the old 74th boy, was in the First Division on the Soissons front, and the Second division, with a big contingent of Buffalo boys, was then moving into position beside the First , on the western side of the Marne Salient. If a fight was to come off there, Buffalo would be in it. They did not have to wait long. The Germans launched an attack on July 15th with a view to crossing the Marne east of Chateau Thierry. This was the offensive they expected would carry them to Paris. The German drive was terrific. One regiment of the Third Division * alone held its positions — the Thirtieth Infantry. The French Division which had been holding the ground on the right retired under fire, and the 38th Infantry on the left of the Thirtieth also fell back. Colonel Butts of the 30th, who at that period in the German advance, when told by the French to fall back, sent word that the American soldiers would not be able to understand why their flag should be carried to the rear; that he proposed to hold his position. Colonel Butts estimated that 10,000 German soldiers were killed in that battle. Upon his return to a rest billet a few days afterwards he dictated the following: "On July 15th the 30th Infantry held the sector from Mezy nearly to Fossoy and covered more than four kilo- meters of front, and five or six kilometers back from the river (Marne). The front was lightly held. The ground was open for a mile back from the river and then it was interspersed with woods. The reserves were in the Bois d'Agremont and near the front line of the woods was the P. C. post. The ground rose gradually from the river and a moving picture artist could not have selected a spot where there was such an ideal view of a battlefield; but a view meant practical annihilation, so that the reserves suffered more than the men in front. For hours there was nothing to do but lie close in trenches with gas masks on. "The main attack was directed against the 30th Infantry, which received the greatest percentage of the artillery fire in the 3rd Division. "In the first ten seconds every wire was cut by shellfire, every horse was killed, every rolling kitchen and water cart was destroyed, every trail obliterated, and four of the five runners were killed. Three German divisions were opposite the 3d Division and the attack was mostly on the sector held by the 30th; they received at least one-half of it. "The French division on the right of the 30th and 38th retired under fire until the Boches were across the Marne and had put artillery on the hills south of Jaulgonne. This forced the 38th to back up, and that left the 30th being shelled from three sides. The reserve line and P. C. post were for a day on the advance line of the 7th Infantry on the left and the 38th Infantry on the right. This left the 30th shelled on three sides for twenty-four hours. Orders captured on a German officer showed they expected to have been at St. Eugene at 7 A. M. and at Montmirail, six miles to the rear of the 30th, that night. "Officers and men, crazed from shell shock, would rush to the P. C. post to cry that all was lost, and that it was hell and they could not stand it any longer. But all of them did! It was a wonderful lot of officers and men and I am proud to have commanded them. Believe me, they can fight! Any tale can be told of them and it can be more than true. Recite any tale of heroism and sacrifice and it has already been duplicated." Major Palmer speaking of this German drive on the Marne says: "The result of the German offensive of July 15 justified General Pershing's premises and con- clusions both in the repulse of the enemy and in the way which the 3d and 4th Divisions and the French and British divisions had fought. All the Germans had gained was to deepen their pocket. They had put the point of their salient over a river in a bloody and unsuccessful effort. They were in reaction as the result of their failure; we were in the reaction from our depression. It was the turning point of psychology. Immediate advantage must be taken of the opportunity. The Germans had started a war of movement ; we accepted the challenge at the moment that they were trembling and confused from the failure of their own initiative. We should not take the time for elaborate preparations which would reveal our point of attack ; we should go in with the rush of Manoury's men in September, 1914, and along many of the same roads where he had struck Von Kluck." Many boys from Buffalo fought that day — the Marne attack — with the 3d Division. They were * On the right flank of this (July 15th) offensive four companies of the Twenty-eighth Division were in position in face of the advancing waves of the German infantry. The Third Division was holding the bank of the Marne from the bend east of the mouth of the SurmeHn to the west of Mezy, opposite Chateau Thierry, where a large force of German infantry sought to force a passage under support of powerful artillery con- centrations and under cover of smoke screens. A single regiment of the Third wrote one of the most brilliant pages in our military annals on this occasion. It prevented the crossing at certain points on its front while, on either flank, the Germans, who had gained a footing, pressed forward. Our men, firing in three directions, met the German attacks with counter attacks at critical points and succeeded in throwing two German divisions into complete confusion, capturing 600 prisoners. — From General Pershing's Report, Norember ZO, 1918.) ■ « Buffalo's Part in the World War 197 in the 7th Infantry, which escaped the fury that had fallen to the 30th Infantry. On July 15th, in a letter home, Frank Mazurowski of 129 Coit Street, Company H, 7th Infantry, says they had been given a two-weeks' rest, after their Belleau Wood experience and were then sent up to the Marne River at Fossoy. " I had to work hard there, " he wrote, " I was at it day and night. Most of my work was getting hand grenades ready, and getting chow to the trenches." Getting "chow" to the trenches was a dangerous task, for food servers usually pass under continuous shell fire. "Ours was a fairly quiet place," his letter continues, "until the 14th of July. That night, or rather at 1 o'clock in the morning, the German guns broke loose. It was some barrage. I wanted to die — that is how bad it was. This I will never forget, but the Germans were held back until the 21st of July, on a Sunday morning, when we crossed the river. You should have seen the "square heads" as we call them. They were hanging dead on trees and all over the field. We chased them until July 29th when we were relieved. " Leo Dombrowski, another Buffalo Polish boy in the 3d Division, told the story of the Marne attack of the Germans on July 15th, with perhaps a little more of detail, but his view was the same. "We went up to the front," he says, "on the night of July 14th. A barrage came over from the Germans which lasted seven hours. We lost about a platoon and a half of the men of our company during this barrage. The Germans then came over and attacked the 30th Infantry of our Division. The 30th Infantry lost heavily but held on. Others fell back, and the Germans crossed the Marne, and proceeded down the Paris-Metz Road for about a quarter of a kilometer. The Germans held their position for five days. I think it was about July 22d we took the offen- sive. After crossing the Marne we advanced about 4 kilometers. The Germans were dug in and we encountered mostly machine gun nests. We went up into a little woods called Meurcy Farm, and in that woods we had a hot time with a lot of German snipers. They held us up for some time until we flanked them out. We lost many men in doing this. Other divisions had broken through their lines further up, and we then started our major advance going clean to Fismes. There we were relieved by the 28th Division about the end of July." Neither of the two Buffalo Polish boys were aware at that time of the American attack then being made on the other side of the Marne salient. General Pershing had persistently urged an attack on the German salient, as has been pointed out by Major Palmer, and General Foch was not unmindful of the value of the suggestion. General Retain worked out the plans for the attack. When the German drive of July 15th had been checked by the American 3d, it was quickly decided by the Allied High Command to hit back. Not, however, until 4 P. M. on the afternoon of July 17th, with the attack set for 5.35 on the morning of July 18th, were the plans for the attack drawn up and instructions given to the artillery and infantry commanders. General Pershing in his report tells briefly of the movements which broke up the Marne salient and finally turned the Germans back from Paris: "The great force of the German Chateau Thierry offensive established the deep Marne salient, but the enemy was taking chances, and the vulnerability of this pocket to attack might be turned to his disadvantage. Seizing this opportunity to support my conviction, every division with any sort of training was made available for use in a counter-offensive. The place of honor in the thrust toward Soissons on July 18th was given to our First and Second Divisions in company with chosen French divisions. Without the usual brief warning of a preliminary bombardment, the massed French and American artillery, firing by the map, laid down its rolling barrage at dawn while the infantry began its charge. The tactical handling of our troops under these trying conditions was excellent throughout the action. The enemy brought up large numbers of reserves and made a stubborn defense both with machine guns and artillery, but through five days' fighting the First Division continued to advance until it had gained the heights above Soissons and captured the village of Brezy-le-sec. The Second Division took Beau Repaire farm and Vierzy in a very rapid advance and reached a position in front of Tigny at the end of its second day. These two divisions captured 7,000 prisoners and over 100 pieces of artillery. "The Twenty-sixth Division, which, with a French division, was under command of our First Corps, acted as a pivot of the movement toward Soissons. On the 18th it took the village of Torcy while the Third Division was crossing the Marne in pursuit of the retiring enemy. The Twenty-sixth attacked again on the 21st, and the enemy withdrew past the Chateau Thierry-Soissons road. The Third Division, continuing its progress, took the heights of Mont St. Pere and the villages of Charteves and Jaulgonne in the face of both machine-gun and artillery fire. 198 Buffalo's Part in the World War "On the 24th, after the Germans had fallen back from Trugny and Epieds, our Forty-second Division, which had been brought over from the Champagne, relieved the Twenty-sixth and, fighting its way through the Foret de Fere, overwhelmed the nest of machine guns in its path. By the 27th it had reached the Ourcq, whence the Third and Fourth Divisions were already advancing, while the French divisions with which we were co-operating were moving forward at other points. "The Third Division had made its advance into Roncheres Wood on the 29th and was relieved for rest by a brigade of the Thirty-second. The Forty-second and Thirty-second undertook the task of conquering the heights beyond Cierges. When the Forty-second and Thirty-second were relieved, the Seventy-seventh Division took up a position on the Vesle." As the story of these various engagements in the Marne battle, beginning with the holding of the Marne bridgehead on Memorial Day, 1918, is told in patches, it may be difficult for the reader to follow accurately, in this story, the various movements in which Buffalo men partici- pated. In reality, the holding of that bridgehead by the 7th Machine Gun Company was the first check of the German Drive towards Paris. Two days later the Marines had flocked in on the Paris Road, somewhat west of Chateau-Thierry. While we have published statements from but a few Buffalo boys, very many from Buffalo and the surrounding towns were in that Marine Brigade which fought through the wheatfield and subsequently, throughout the month of June, through the Belleau Wood. During the time the 2d Division, to which the Marines were attached, was clearing the Belleau Wood, and thus holding a substantial element of the German attack, the 3d Division, supporting a French Division, had worked in along the railroad north of the bend of the Marne. Generally speaking, they were in the territory as shown on the map between Chateau-Thierry and Epernay. It will be easy for the reader to find Fossoy on the map and that, for all practical purposes, will give one an idea of the location of the 3d Division. This Division also had quite a few Buffalo men in it, and early on the morning of the 15th of July they received the impact of the big Ger- man offensive, which, in truth, was the real thrust of the German army towards Paris. While not as many Buffalo men were engaged there as with the Marines, still quite a few of our towns- men participated in that terrific engagement and acquitted themselves with signal honors. The reader who has followed carefully the statements of Palmer and Pershing can realize that it was largely through the earnest appeals of the American Commander that the Allies determined on taking the offensive at this period; an offensive that stopped the Germans on all sides of the Marne Salient and by July 24th was rapidly turning them back at the Ourcq, heading them toward the Vesle. At this point General Pershing sent in the tearing, fighting 42d Division, putting them in the "clean up" position, with a view to breaking the German spirit. This they did, as is told by Major Donovan in the succeeding chapter. Buffalo's Part in the World War 199 CHAPTER LIX MAJOR DONOVAN AT THE BATTLE OF THE OURCQ MAJOR William J. Donovan, who conceived Troop I, Buffalo's crack little cavalry company of State Guard, years before the Mexican Border episode and who gained some military prestige, and, possibly, some military experience in the Mexican patrol, took an effective, and conspicuous part in the attack on the Marne salient. Major Donovan, then a Captain, left Buffalo directly after war was declared, and assumed the post of Brigade Adjutant of the First Brigade, New York. During his service on the border, his appointment had been asked as Lieutenant Colonel of the 69th. New York's "Fighting Sixty-Ninth" had taken a keen liking to Captain Donovan and that sentiment was reciprocated by the Buffalo officer. His designation as Lieutenant Colonel was not accomplished, however, but appreciating that the 69th, by reason of its record, would be one of the first National Guard units called for active service, he quickly accepted the duties of Brig- ade Adjutant as a preliminary step to field work with the 69th Regiment when it should move out. In the early days Troop I had been looked upon as a riding school for rich men's sons. The family "coat" was supposedly the bridle ornamentation of the Troop, and the members of that organization were sometimes called "Silk-stocking boys." Through the efforts of Captain Donovan and his Troop the co-operation of Senator John F. Malone, then an influential figure in the State Legislature at Albany, was obtained and an appropriation for an armory in Dela- van Avenue secured. The Troop grew rap- idly. They policed the industries at Depew during the big strike of 1913, and made a reputation for soldierly conduct and ability to take care of themselves in any kind of a scramble. Major Donovan was not the son of a rich father, but of parents from whom he in- herited a wealth of courage and of character. Those traits took him rapidly to the front in the legal profession, and, subsequently, in his military pursuit. He was born in Buffalo on New Year's Day, 1883. On July 15, 1914, Captain Donovan mar- ried Miss Ruth Rumsey, daughter of the late Dexter P. Rumsey, a pioneer Buflfalo- nian of wealth and position. Mrs. Donovan tearfully but proudly and patriotically gave way to the demands of her country for the services of her husband, so splendidly equipped for military work. After his return from the Border, Captain Donovan learned that the Troop would probably remain in this country a long while, so he went to New York and called on Gen- eral O'Ryan for an assignment. He had Buffalo Boy Gets Croix de Guerre been in New York but a short time when Major Donovan being decorated by French Commander 200 Buffalo's Part in the World War he was appointed a Major, and given the task of organizing Brigade Headquarters at the 71st Regiment Armory. When the 69th was ordered out as the first regiment to go to France with the 42d or Rainbow Division, he gladly quit his task as Brigade Adjutant to take command of the First Battalion of the old 69th, now the 165th Infantry. During the apprenticeship of the regiment at Camp Mills, New York, and in the training area in France, Major Donovan devised a system of preparation for the hardships of the campaign, along the lines of his own experience as a football player, and, as events proved, with very good success. The first intensive work which fell to Major Donovan in France was in the Luneville sector at Rouge Bouquet. On the night of the 13th of March, 1918, when Donovan's battalion was being relieved in the front line, the new troops were fired on by the Germans. One of the dugouts in which a number of men were working was hit by a huge minenwerfer, and caved in completely. While not of that command, Donovan secured permission, by reason of his familiarity with the location, to go to the scene, and, though exposed to shell fire throughout, he steadied the men at their posts, and began operations to secure the release of the entombed men in the dugout. Or- ganizing a relief crew, he picked up ten men who had lost their way and started back with them, intending to bring up some engineers. Before leaving, however, he straightened out each man. He stopped for a minute to put his arm around a youngster on guard and asked him if he was "going to let those damned Dutchmen get his goat." In response, the boy said "No"; grasped his gun more firmly, and resumed his watch. Major Donovan started back through the dark for the post of command, but the Germans evidently heard the little party for it was greeted with a shower of shrapnel and gas. They took cover in a woods. The shells struck all around them and lit up the dead trees. In the blaze of the explosions they could see the twigs and branches and sometimes the trees crash down. Some of the men were badly frightened, but Donovan finally got them all in and made his report. He had just reached his quarters, however, when the officer who had said they would get the imprisoned men out of the dugout reported that the vibrations from the other bombardment had knocked down more earth and he had been obliged to take his relief crew out. Shells were still flying about the trenches when Major Donovan returned to the demolished dugout. There everybody had found shelter, leaving the entombed men to their fate. Donovan ordered all hands to work; had coffee prepared for the workers, declaring that if they did not succeed in releasing the men they would at least establish the fact that a United States soldier is never deserted by his comrades no matter how difficult the situa- tion. As Donovan entered the trenches, he tripped over the body of a dead soldier, and found it was the boy around whose shoulders a few minutes before he had thrown his arm. When the shelling began they had called to the lad to seek cover, but he had refused to leave his post. He was hit on the head with a piece of shrapnel and killed instantly. With a few brave men and officers, Donovan went down a stairway leading to the demolished dugout, with only a candle lighting their way. Shells were hitting around them. Cold, muddy, dead hands stuck up out of the earth here and there. Two young officers stood on the stairs above Donovan, tense and white and tired; willing to face all personal dangers, but rapidly losing their nerve at the thought of the poor devils under the wreckage, and the absolute futility and helplessness of it all. As Dono- van looked at the mass of earth it was brought home to him that nothing more could be done, and that that must be their tomb. He said afterwards, "I almost wished that the rest of the covering would fall and bury me. " It was two o'clock in the morning when he came out of the trench; saw that the guards were posted and that everybody was "on his feet" again, and started back four miles through the dark to headquarters to make his report. For his courage and coolness on that occasion Major Donovan was awarded, by the French Army, the Croix de Guerre. July 15th when the German drive which spent much of its fury on the Third Division near Fossoy, was on, the 42d Division was in the defense of the line at Champagne. Several Buffalo boys were now in that Division having been transferred from the 77th at Baccarat. The bulk of the fighting there fell upon Major Anderson with the Second Battalion. After the First and Second Divisions had made their thrust through the German salient at Soissons on the west. Buffalo's Part in the World War 201 and the Third and Fourth were striking north, the 42d went into action on the southeastern side of the saHent, going over on July 27th. On July 28th the Third Battalion, under Major M'Kenna, led the attack across the Ourcq. While there has been some dispute as to which Batta- lion was first across, the Division Commander and Father Duffy, the regimental chaplain, both support the precedence of M'Kenna's Battalion. In the remaining four days of the fighting however, the operations in the field were conducted by Major Donovan until the Germans were finally driven from their position to a depth of ten kilometers. Major Donovan was wounded in that action, but refused to leave the front; he was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross,* and, a vacancy occurring shortly afterward, was made Lieutenant Colonel of the regiment. In a letter written to his wife, Colonel Donovan gives an interesting account of that engagement : "August 7, 1918, 5.30 P. M. " More of life has been crowded into the past few weeks than I have ever known before. Let me begin — On the morning of July 25th we left our little town of Champigny in camions, 16 men in each camion, so that we stretched for miles. I rode in a little Ford with the French lieutenant in charge, for it was French camion service, and such a sight I have never witnessed. The Germans were only three days ahead of us. We passed through fields and towns still filled with their dead and our dead. The roads were choked with supply wagons, artillery and machine guns. Artillerymen were asleep on their horses. Machine gun drivers were going along with their heads on their knees and their reins dragging in the dirt. We were relieving the 26th Division. The other brigade of our division had gone up the night before. For about a half hour we stopped at Chateau Thierry. In time of peace this must be beautiful. I went into three fine mansions which the Germans had occupied. Books and paintings and clothing had been pulled from their places and scattered indiscriminately. It was evident that these homes had been quitted by their owners hurriedly, because private papers and letters were lying about so that anyone, might read them. Most of the town was just a mass of ruins. I went into the hallway of one house, and found a French soldier and from him borrowed a piece of cheese and a crust of bread and canteen of water. That was the first meal I had that day, and it was 3 o'clock. About 7 P. M., we arrived at the little town of Epieds and marched right straight into an air battle in which the German planes predominated. They came down over our camions and fired their machine guns into us. No one was hurt. One plane came sailing over us not far back of where we made a quick turn and then passing directly over one of our observation balloons fired down around it and passed on. It was very brilliantly and daringly done. Immediately the observer dropped in his parachute and the balloon went up in flames. We marched to the Chateau Moucheton, which only a few days before had been German Brigade Headquarters. It was very cold and very wet. Our wagons were not in — we had no food, excepting the men who had their reserve rations with them. As the night wore on Ames (Captain Ames) and I got in on the floor of an ambulance and managed to get a little sleep. "The next morning we made reconnoissance of our position, and it was decided that my battalion should go in and relieve an entire French Regiment near a town called Beauvardes. In the afternoon with my company officers we made reconnoissance of these woods and ran into a terrific fight between our 84th Brigade and the Germans. It was very hot and bloody. Two of my company commanders were wounded. A shell mixed with high explosives and gas hit the roof directly over my head. The rain of rocks and dirt and tile fell about us, and we each got a beautiful mouthful of gas. "My battalion was on the move to make the relief but orders came sending them back to the Chateau, as the relief was off. The doctor gave me some sniffs of ammonia, fixed up my eyes with boracic acid and then laid me down on a billiard table in the Chateau and I thought I was there for the night. About midnight, however, orders came directing us to complete the relief, and then in the rain and the darkness we marched nine kilometers, stretched along in columns of twos, with fifty yards distance between platoons and one hundred yards between companies, so that it seemed like quite an army. It was no easy matter making a relief in the woods with the Germans taking pot shots at you, but, finally, we managed to effect it, and I lay in a ditch with a blanket around me, for an hour's sleep. The next morning, in making the rounds, I noticed an unusual stillness, and made report of the fact to head- quarters. We then learned that they had pulled out under cover of darkness, and were retreating some four kilo- 201 *AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES Prom: Division Adjutant, 42d Division. September 13, 1918. To: Lieutenant Colonel William J. Donovan, 16oth Infantry, (Through Military Channels). Subject — Citation for Decoration. The Commander in Chief, in the name of the President, has awarded you the Distinguished Service Cross (presented you September 7, 1918) for the following act: "Major William J. Donovan, 165th Infantry. "He led his battalion across the River Ourcq and captured important enemy strongholds near Villers-sur-Fere, France, on 28th to 30th July, 1918. He was m advance of the Division for four days, all the while under shell and machine gim lire from the enemy, who were on three sides of him, and he was repeatedly and persistently counter-attacked. Fifty per cent of his command were lost and he himself wounded twice. His coolness, courage and efficient leadership rendered possible the maintenance of this position." By Command of Major General Menoher. Walter E. Powers, Major, U. S. A., Adjutant General. 202 Buffalo's Part in the World War meters ahead of us. We received orders to advance. I was tacked up on the flank of the Alabama Regiment. We started in the afternoon. We made the advance in line of small groups and marched through large forests over the same grounds the Germans had left just a few hours before. They had made a very orderly retreat as they had through all this territory. They had gotten away with all their rolling stock and had left behind only large and small shells, most of which were dated April, May and June of this year. Dead horses were lying all about, but only a few unburied Germans. We found many newly-made graves, but no wounded. "About 7.00 P. M. we left the woods and came out on a hill on the southwestern part of a place of which you have often heard — Sergy. This town was on the other side of the Ourcq River and looked very suspicious to me. I halted my outfit and with that the 168th also halted. I then sent out patrols to the left to get in touch with the French who were supposed to be there, but I could not find them. Then we heard a burst of machine-gun fire and the patrol came back towards us at a gallop, one riderless horse. We had gained contact. Then the lieutenant in com- mand came back and reported to me, and all of us lay on our stomachs while the shells began to burst all around us. It was a perfect place for a fight. This town lay in a little basin, while up behind us lay high hills. We lay on the forward slope. As darkness was coming over, I moved the Battalion back on the reverse slope, where it could be a little freer from the fire. That was a horrible night. It was cold, wet and damp, and the shells were pretty uncomfortable. I sat on the ground with my knees huddled up to my chin and managed to sleep two or three hours. At 4.30 A. M. orders came in that we were to lead an attack further to our left. I went forward to where the Colonel's post was and reported, and while there received a message from the General to advance and cover the right of the 3d Battalion. That meant an advance of two kilometers in the face of heavy artillery fire. The BattaHon then did what I think was one of the best things I have seen. We made that advance of our two kilometers in an approach formation, passed through a woods, crossed the River Ourcq with only five casualties. Shells were bursting all around us. I shall never forget Ames. He was handling his little detachment, as I was waiting at the river, like a quarterback of a football team. We got up on top of the hill which we were directed to take and dug in. The other Battalions were unable to stand the fire and fell back through us. "All that day we were subjected to heavy artillery and machine-gun fire. As it wore on, some of the positions that the German machine guns had abandoned were resumed and they got in a cross-fire on us that made a heavy toll. That day, however, I lost only one officer. Two or three of the men dug in a little hole that night and Ames and I crept into it and I had a very refreshing two and a half hours sleep, which, with a cup of coffee and a piece of bacon gave us new life. "The next morning we were ordered to connect up with the Ohio Regiment on our left and advance to a new objec- tive. The machine gunners had climbed in so close to us in the night that it was very difficult to move. To get to An Allied Bombing Plane on Its Way to Metz Buffalo's Part in the World War 203 our position we had to face a machine gun nest, with two machine guns in the nest they put forth a burst of fire as each man crossed the open space. Before we got going the first ten men crossing dropped, shot, and yet the next, without a falter, went over. There were some fine examples of daring and courage. "Finally we got back where the stream took a bend, and we were able to get under cover of a bank. Here I lost one officer, killed. The battalion commanders on the right and left refused to move forward at all without obtaining artillery assistance. I said that we would go forward in accordance with orders. It was simply a matter of duty. One sergeant took a platoon against a machine-gun nest. He had twenty men when he started and when he reached the gun, he had four. But he took the gun and the seven men who were serving it. We took very few prisoners. The men, when they saw the Germans with Red Crosses on one sleeve and serving machine guns against us, firing until the last minute, then cowardly throwing up their hands and crying "Kamerad," became just lustful for Ger- man blood. I do not blame them. Several officers and men were wounded and killed, and when I heard that Captain Bootz, who was just ahead of me, was wounded, I ran forward to see that the line was steadied. I met him as he was being carried out and I lay down by the side of a stream to talk with him. Ames came running up behind me to look out for me. I ordered him back, but he just smiled and said he was going to stay with me. He came up and lay beside me. A sniper began to play on us and machine gun bullets crossed my shoulder and struck Ames in the ear. He died instantly. I reached for him, and as I did, another bullet struck me in the hand. I rolled into the creek, worked my way up to a group of men, and with that fire playing over us, stayed there for three-quarters of an hour with mud and water above our waists. An aeroplane came over us, saw these troops advancing up the creek, gave its signal to its artillery, and soon shells began to drop all around us and in the creek itself. I got the men out and into a wood which was in the very center of the position, and had them entrench in the hillside, and on the farm and dug in for the night. We had advanced some three kilometers without any support either on our right or on our left flank, with no artillery preparation and with no auxiliary arms. We had done it with rifles, machine guns and bayonets and against artillery and machine guns. "All that night we held on and all the next day, with no food, the machine guns which the Germans had placed sweep- ing us constantly. I do not know why I was not killed. I had been previously hit on the chest with a piece of stone or shell which ripped my gas mask and another piece of shell had hit me on the left heel, tearing my shoe, and throw- ing me off my balance, while somehow I got some shrapnel in my leg. I guess I have been born to be hanged. All my headquarters ofl!icers had been killed or wounded, except Weller. I had .Joyce Kilmer, who is a sergeant, and whose poetry you have undoubtedly read, acting as Sergeant Major, my own Sergeant Major having been wounded. Kilmer got a bullet in the head. He was buried beside Ames. "I had worked into a position a little to the right rear of the Germans. We were in a very narrow and very dan- gerous salient but we had observation on them. I got on the edge of this wooded knoll with an extension telephone and a map. I had six machine guns, a stokes-mortar and a 37 millimeter. From there I furnished information not only to our own regiment but to those on the left and right. I would use the stokes and the 37m. to strike some of the shell holes where the Germans were hidden and then as they would start to get away we would shoot them up with the machine gun. "Relief was effected about 2.30 in the morning. At 3.00 o'clock I lay on the ground and slept a very refreshing sleep until 6.00 o'clock when the Lieutenant Colonel awakened me and announced that the Germans had pulled out and that he was sending forward patrols from the 3d Battalion. I hiked back to the town where my Battalion had been sent and awakened them and then we started out again. We went over the field on which we had fought and while we found our own dead, we found five Germans for every one of us. The Germans kept on retreating and were moving on to the next forest. We took Moreuil, as you have read in the papers before this, without opposition. Then we were relieved by another division. We marched back that night through the old farm we had taken, crossed the stream we had crossed some days before and not a sound from the men. It has its dramatic touch! "In eight days of battle, our Division had forced the passage of the Ourcq, taken prisoners from six enemy divisions, met, routed and decimated a crack division of the Prussian Guards, a Bavarian division and one other division and driven back the enemy's line for 16 kilometers. In every day of that fight our battalion had participated. It had never retired; it had gone the farthest and stayed the longest. "The Division Commander and the Regimental Commander were good enough to say that it was our Battalion that had cracked the shell and that it was our tenacity in rushing forward and hanging on that had made the day possible. They have been good enough to recommend me for a cross in terms which are too exaggerated." 204 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER LX FIRST AMERICAN ARMY FORMED Lieutenant Harold Wertz, the old 74th Regiment Sergeant who had won his commission . at Madison Barracks, took a courageous part in the Soissons onslaught to reduce the Marne -^ salient. He went over the top on July 18th with the First Division, the 18th Regiment forming the point of the attack. His captain was hit by a machine gun bullet before they had proceeded far. Wertz assumed command immediately and led the company for three days through a vigorous and unrelenting offensive. Just before the German salient was finally crushed in, Wertz, while leading his company over a knoll, was struck in the left wrist with a machine gun bullet. He went on for some time until he began to waver from the loss of blood; a non-com- missioned officer took him to the rear. The bullet had entered just above the palm of his hand, followed the bone, and came out on the back of the forearm near the elbow. The wound was received on July 21st. He was in the hospital for more than a month, returning in time for the St. Mihiel drive, but was destined for harder struggles and severer wounds than he had yet experienced. Dombrowski, with the 3d Division, got as far as Fismes. About 4 o'clock in the afternoon of July 28th while attacking Fismes, Dombrowski started across a field — a mustard gas shell landed near him. Mustard gas shells make but little noise when exploding. He was heavily gassed, the effect of it taking away his voice for a period of eight days. After spending a little more than a month in a hospital he was returned to his command on September 2d. The effect of this American-French offensive of July 18th was to wipe out the Marne salient and put the fear of God into the German heart. The crisis, which the German drive of March 21st on the British line and of May 27th toward Paris created, now having been successfully met, plans were again put in operation to establish an American front. Early in August General Foch made known to the military commanders that the Americans were going to try to reduce the St. Mihiel salient which had stood impregnable for four years. The First American Army was organized on August 10th under the command of General Pershing. "While American units had held different divisional and corps sectors along the Western Front, there had not been up to this time, for obvious reasons," said General Pershing, "a. distinct Amer- ican sector; but, in view of the important parts the American forces were now to play, it was necessary to take over a permanent portion of the line. Accordingly, on August 30th, the line beginning at Port sur Seille, east of the Moselle, and extending to the west through St. Mihiel, thence north to a point opposite Verdun, was placed under my command. The American sector was afterwards extended across the Meuse to the western edge of the Argonne Forest, and included the Second Colonial French, which held the point of the saUent, and the Seventeenth French Corps, which occupied the heights above Verdun. "The preparation for a complicated operation against the formidable defenses in front of us included the assembling of divisions and of corps and army artillery, transport, aircraft, tanks, ambulances, the location of hospitals, and the molding together of all of the elements of a great modern army with its own railheads, supplied directly by our own service of supply. The concentra- tion for this operation, which was to be a surprise, involved the movement, mostly at night, of ap- proximately 600,000 troops, and required for its success the most careful attention to every detail. "The French were generous in giving us assistance in corps and army artillery, with its per- sonnel, and we were confident from the start of our superiority over the enemy in guns of all calibres. Our heavy guns were able to reach Metz and to interfere seriously with German rail movements. The French Independent Air Force was placed under my command which, together with the British bombing squadrons and our air forces, gave us the largest assembly of aviation that had ever been engaged in one operation on the Western Front. " Buffalo's Part in the World War 205 CHAPTER LXI GIRLS AT CANTEENS CARRY ON THROUGH THE HOT SUMMER DORIS Kellogg and the other Buffalo girls working in canteens in France during the months of June, July and August were engaged in hard, nerve-racking work. Caring for thousands of soldiers who passed along the line of communication was no easy task for those girls. The physical hardships, long hours, heavy trays, and unending service sapped their strength. However, they never faltered. From early in June, through the hot days of July and August, the roads were blocked with soldiers going back and forth from the front lines; new men arriving, the wounded ones on their way back to the hospitals. Writing from Chantilly where Miss Kellogg was stationed, she stated that one of the saddest things in the world to her was the daily trip they took to the funerals of the American boys who died in the hospitals there. "I tell you, since I have seen the Star Spangled Banner draping those coffins, the flag has a new meaning to me," she said. About June 10th, Miss Kellogg and the other members of her party were detached from the hospital service, where they temporarily filled in, and were detailed to their canteen work at Orry- le-Ville. Writing from Chantilly, where they had their rooms. Miss Kellogg set down in a very attractive way the story of canteen work in France from June to August. "The White House, Chantilly, France, June 19, 1918. "At last I have seen the 'terrible Boche,' — seven hundred prisoners just went through Chantilly, fresh from the front. Oh, let me omit that 'fresh,' for they were anything but that, just a worn-out bedraggled bunch of Fritzies. First four hundred of them shuffled past me on the road, and then I followed them till they were halted along the railroad tracks beside the empty freight cars which were to take them South. As I was staring at them with firm mouth, I saw another bunch coming along. I beat it out to the road and saw three hundred more, about ten officers in the first lines. I looked at them pretty closely and found that most of them were quite young boys, many of them very sickly and thin. Of course, they were prisoners and that meant, probably, had been fighting hard these past few days, at any rate were pretty tired, but even so, I think them a much less formidable bunch than the French, and, of course, a thousand times less fit than our boys. "I really tried quite hard to get up some feeling of hate toward those 'terrorizing Huns,' but I simply could not manage it. They were so thin-necked and pinched about the eyes. The officers looked a million times better kept than the men. The Fritzies' uniforms are pretty seedy, patched and faded but a marvelous color as far as camouflage goes, grey-green that quite melts into the landscape, and steel helmet the same color, some camouflaged, which comes quite down over the ears and protects also the back of the neck. Only a few had their helmets and the others wore those little round caps with a scarlet band. "I hear that AHce O'Brian of Buffalo is coming up to the canteen next door to us as Directrice. It will be quite nice to see someone from Buffalo. I saw Sheldon Hodge one day out at some American Field Day Sports." "June 25th. "Now the work is coming so fast and furiously. Every day new experiences lived through. We are running two canteens and that makes us have to double up on our work — so you can imagine how we have to scurry. But work certainly agrees with me and I am in fine health,— and not losing weight— alack-a-day! "We were asked to take over the canteen at Serveilliers, the next railroad stop from Orry, where the soldiers are taken care of on their way home from the Front." (From then on the work each day was very much the same, plenty to do ; thousands of French soldiers were fed and refreshed as they marched through.) "July 15th. "Last night the Huns flew over us on their way to Paris and the Creil defense guns shook our house. Al and I went down to the cave like the sensible girls we are. My, but it was a brilliant night, clear moon and many stars, and all about 'eclat' bursting in the sky. You have no idea of the different feeling in the atmosphere now, as com- pared with that during the last offensive. Then every one was grim and apprehensive, but now the morale has shot up like a rocket and we all expect fine things to come. There is a suppressed excitement like electricity in the air. ' ' "July 19th. "As we drove into Chantilly this evening in our camion, we saw lined up in front of the station masses and masses of German prisoners. We were ready to scream with joy. There were fifteen hundred of them and all taken by our 206 Buffalo's Part in the World War Rheims, France, April 5, 1919 Buffalo's Part in the World War 207 boys at Soissons to-day. It is too wonderful. I stood so near them as they marched past that they bumped into me time after time. I must tell you that those Huns were the most encouraging sight I've seen since I've been in France. No exaggeration, they are a terribly mangy-looking crowd — poor uniforms to begin with, pieced and worn, and then they are very young and have a decidedly under-nourished look, thin and very poor color. There were two captains and many lieutenants, and quite a bunch of them were wounded. "But to-night was the most unforgetable experience of them all. The wounded are pouring in here by scores and we heard that they needed food over at the huge tent evacuation hospital and that there were many Americans there. So after dinner we got our camion, loaded it with a crate of tobacco, hot chocolate, bread and eggs, and Al ran us over. I cannot begin to express the condition of things in those tents. They are swamped with wounded and with- out hope of doing anything for the men except what is utterly essential. There, lying about in the grass, were the wounded Germans, blood-caked and exhausted; some of the worst cases were given a tent and I watched them going in, helping each other as well as they could. One boy was crawling and dragging one leg^It was too pitiful and I had to give him an encouraging smile. He appreciated that and smiled back so gratefully. We gave some cigarettes to one old Red Cross Fritzie who, we were told by an American had given first aid to twelve of our wounded boys on the battlefield. "Then we took off our coats and pitched in. I gave water to men who were writhing in pain, fed men who had not eaten for two and three days and tried my best to make the poor devils a little bit comfortable on their stretchers that will be their beds for a day or so more probably. I went from gaunt, sunken-eyed Frenchmen to our own open- faced Americans. The French with their exquisite appreciation thanked me so beautifully and our boys smiled and said, 'She's an American all right.' But most of them could not rally enough to even think, and after giving them some water we just let them rest. The most heart-rending time of all is when you have to refuse a boy a drink on account of the location of his wound. It makes your heart ache as though it were being torn out. Then it got dark, and in the dim electric light those long rows of suffering soldiers were awful. As we came out to the auto, the ambulances were still piling in, and the full moon gave enough light to help along the work of unloading. "One more thing before I go to sleep. They say we are two and a half miles from Soissons and that it must fall." "Chantilly, July 25th. "You know it's the saddest thing in the world. Every morning now some of us take time off to go to the funerals of our boys who die here in the hospitals. We follow the hearses a long way through the forest road to a new ceme- tery that has been cleared this last week. You can imagine the impressiveness of it all, so simple, with no unnecessary flourishes. I tell you, since I've seen our Star Spangled Banner draping those coffins the flag has had a new meaning to me. "Yesterday I wrote letters for our boys who couldn't manage it themselves. I had the funniest time trying to get them to tell me what to say. They'd say, 'Well, you just go ahead and write just like you was writin' home.' "So I'd exercise my imagination a bit, and then when I got to the end I'd say, 'Now how shall I end it?' No suggestions forthcoming. "Well, shall I say 'with love?' I asked one big fellow to whose mother and father I was writing. He simply roared at that, and, stretching in an embarrassed way, said, 'This ain't no love letter. No, just say, "I remain your son, •Jeremiah.'" "Having learned a lesson in correspondence from the above mentioned Jeremiah, I repeat in his words, only alter- ing the word 'son', I remain your daughter — Doris." July, 30th. "My, but it was interesting yesterday here in Chantilly, long lines of squirming, straining tanks passed through town at different intervals all day. They were coming from the Front where they have been fighting with our Marines at Chateau Thierry and were the raciest looking things in the world, covered with mud and dust and so cleverly camouflaged and with wicked-looking guns sticking out of their turrets. I think I have had a slight change of heart since yesterday, and from now on these marvelous tankers are my matinee idols. They are really snappier than the aviators, though one really should not compare them, they are so different. The ace is always perfectly 'soigner' (well groomed), and goodness knows attractive enough, but your tanker is a dashing, a devil-may-care fellow, in black baret (tam), black leather coat and a long knife stuck through his belt. I couldn't help but think of them as pirates of the land, in their rolling, heaving tanks. We handed each fellow a package of cigarettes as he passed. It was like feeding animals; a hand would be thrust out of the small opening in the front of the tank where the driver sits, grab the smokes, and then be drawn quickly in again. In front of each machine stalked the gunner, too snappy for anything, with knife in belt, and a long, easy stride. Really it was a great sight." Through the long Summer the girls worked hard at that canteen, but in October they were to be given a furlough for rest. Just before leaving Miss Kellogg wrote: "From serving meals to six hundred Poilus every day at noon time, we have now jumped up to twelve and thir- teen hundred, and I can tell you it means some exertion on the part of 'ces dames.' All this eating goes on within about four hours. Yesterday I was 'tray slinger' and passed over eleven hundred meals from the serving table to the counter in three hours and a half. I have to admit that last night after I got to bed I was so tired and I ached 208 Buffalo's Part in the World War so that I couldn't go to sleep till dear old Al rubbed all the knots out of my muscles. But 'I should worry,' for I succeeded in buying five 'Gott Mit Uns' belts to bring home to anyone who wants them. Kell is to have one to wear with his white flannels — they are awfully 'swanky!' (the last is our latest expression, acquired from our two Aus- tralian co-workers). We get the Poilus here on their way home from the Front, and they have lots of Boche trophies which, as luck and military law will have it, the men are not allowed to take home with them. One of the girls got a short bayonet with a saw edge; it seems that the Hun uses his spare time in the trenches to hack teeth in the blade. It must be quite satisfying, this self-expression of his artistic nature." While the Meuse-Argonne offensive was in progress a number of American canteen workers were moved into territory adjacent to the American sector. Miss Kellogg had been chosen for work with the American forces, and late in October received a furlough of ten days, before taking up the new post. Buffalo's Part in the World War 209 CHAPTER LXII GERMANY'S DEAD MARK TRAIL OF AMERICAN ADVANCE THROUGH the rigid censorship during America's heavy fighting months but little intelligent news trickled. We grew into a habit of reading hurriedly and doubting what we read. The war cables refused to be more definite than "some unit" of daring Americans, "some time" on the preceding day or week, "somewhere in France" accomplished something. Newspaper stories carried the reader to an interesting point in a narrative and then appeared the word "de- leted," and we tried to guess what in reality had happened. We knew Don Martin, New York Herald correspondent and knew he would be close to the real situation, and we knew further that what he set down for perusal would be as accurate as human eyes could see it and human hands could write it, and as complete as the censorship would permit. We finally felt convinced that American boys were succeed- ing; that Chateau Thierry and Bel- leau Wood had become monuments to the valor of the American ma- rines, and that it was being impres- sively demonstrated to the edifica- tion of the Prussian war party that a new force had come into the war whose fighting spirit, at least, was not to be denied. We received ac- counts of new American successes as over the top the doughboys went, but nothing came through of Amer- ican losses or defeats. We did not realize until months later there had been no American defeats, but we gradually began to hear of losses. In August, 1918, Don Martin, writing to his daughter, told rather briefly, but clearly, the situation as it then existed. It was the first real intimate estimate of the American achieve- ments anyone in Buffalo had received, and it thrilled those who were fortunate enough to read the letter. He wrote: "Dorothy: "Meaux, August 4, 1918. "I suppose you are in Chautauqua or Dahm's Beach or some pleasant place by this time. I trust such is the case. I wish I were with you. It is quite easy to get enough of this war — to get 'fed up' on it as the saying goes. "The war is going along pretty well just now for the Allies. We were all surprised at the extent of the German retreat and the vigor of the Allied attack. The great importance of the present situation is, not the territory regained, but the placing of the Germans on the defensive. Now the Allies have the initiative. The Germans must be guessing all the time at the next move. It has always been the other way, General Foch's and General Petain's skill as strate- gists, backed by the American troops, made the Allied offensive possible. The German has now been outgeneraled and outfought. The French did the outgeneraling; the Americans most strikingly did the outfighting. "The Americans are by far the most wonderful fighters in Europe. No exception need be made. They are all young men who don't know what it means to turn back. They may be reckless. We may suffer heavy losses because of the impetuosity of the Americans; but it is that 'get there or die' spirit and the utter lack of fear, which has temporarily stunned the Germans and which will win the war. Europe never saw fighting such as the Americans are putting up. Perhaps Napoleon's Old Guard was good, but certainly no better, than the Americans. Now Germany stands no more chance of winning the war than I do of being President of France. Her teeth have been pulled. On the defensive she can fight for years, if necessary, and fight a desperate war, but the crest of her wave has been passed. She is bound to slip, slip, slip until she is defeated. And America has made it possible! ' 'We have a vast army here now and a vast army ready to fight. Along the roads in a part of the front now there are more Americans to be seen than anything else. I ask many of them where they are from. One says ' Alabama,' ■"'*if^5^ i^' ." ..v^-^^^ , *■ »•• 1 i^ miri ^X;:iJ^^.^^''' ^;. *«• ■"■/». 'Hi C • German Skeleton With Gas Mask on Chest Found on Battlefield 210 Buffalo's Part in the World War one 'Arizona,' 'Missouri,' 'Michigan,' 'Florida,' 'New York,' 'Ohio,' 'Wyoming' — or they come from every State and all look alike somehow. "Yesterday afternoon, on a hill overlooking the town of Cierges, I saw 56 Americans buried in a big grave. Strangely enough a German clergyman from Milwaukee, conducted the ceremony. Of course, he is an American, and, I judge from what he said, a very good one. These men were killed by machine-gun bullets while capturing a woods where the Germans were strongly entrenched. I wrote quite a story about the fight for the woods. On the field adjoining I saw dead Huns all over; in the woods there are scores of them. Around a little farm of ten acres, known as Bellevue Farm, I counted 72 dead Germans in a trench and could have counted more than a hundred in a quarry nearby, if I had cared to do so. I was there the day after the battle occurred. The farm house was banged all to pieces but the old couple (I mentioned them in a story I wrote last night), were back trying to do something with the ruin. I could not help but feel that it is a fine thing to have someone come in and use your house and farm for a battlefield. I went along the entire wake of the retreating Germans; saw the fires at night, caused by burning ammunition dumps, and heard the constant booming of our guns which were dropping shells on the roads over which the fleeing Germans were going. The scene along these roads is not a pleasant one. "I hope the people at home are reconciled to the fact that the United States will pay a heavy price in lives to win the war. It can't be helped. It seems a terrible thing, but the blame must be put on Germany. And how the Ameri- cans hate the Germans! The spirit runs all through the army. The Germans are tricky and unfair, as the newspapers have told you. The men at machine guns keep shooting at the enemy until they see they are bound to be captured, when they put up their hands and cry 'Kamarad,' meaning they want to surrender. One man with a machine gun can kill or wound from 200 to 1,000 soldiers and the theory of the Americans is that a German who has done every- thing he could to murder and then asks for mercy should be treated with a bayonet or a rifle bullet — and that is precisely what happens. The Americans, however, never disregard the cry of 'Kamarad' when the soldiers give up in an honorable way. The truth of the whole situation is the Germans have found a foe that can lick them every time they meet, and Germany is worried." ^^imit^M ^SMkcm^dA ?^:»f^<^ >-->¥3?7- An American Marine Receiving Instructions from a French Blue Devil in the Value of Individual Concealment Buffalo's Part in the World War 211 CHAPTER LXIII 108th infantry ENTERS FRONT LINE AT MOUNT KEMMEL DURING the period the American Army was engaged in crushing the Marne SaHent, and before the 77th Division began to fight its way through the valley of the Vesle, Buffalo's National Guardsmen, the old 74th, co-operating with the British, were holding the line before Kemmel Hill. Most of their time through the months of July and August was spent on that front, the Buffalo boys being located in what is generally known as the Dickebush Swamp. They were in a low land and in a position where they could not inflict much damage on the enemy being subject themselves, however, to shelhng and raiding parties. They left the Mt. Kemmel front on the 31st of August. The period of time beginning with their landing in France until they pulled out on that hot summer's day, forms a rather interesting chapter in the history of their career. The 108th Infantry arrived at Brest in the Spring of 1918 on two separate convoys. Those arriving in the first convoy were Headquarters and the First Battalion, stepping foot on French soil on May 24th, while the detachments consisting of the Second and Third Battalions dis- embarked on May 31st. The first named contingent was camped at Fort Bougon on the out- skirts of Brest, while the latter was quartered at Pontenezen Barracks, between two and three miles from the City. The latter place is of particular interest historically as it was at one time a barracks and training headquarters for the Armies of Napoleon. The barracks proper were surrounded by an old stone wall enclosing stone buildings of considerable age. These were being used at the time for much the same purpose as they had been in the past, such as quarters for troops, warehouses, jails or guardhouses, hospitals, commandant's headquarters and officers' quarters. The accommodations were much too small to care for incoming American troops. For 212 Buffalo's Part in the World War Buffalo's Part in the World War 213 this reason various fields for many miles on each side had been taken over for camp sites, while others were used simply for bivouac shelter tent camps. Fortunately the weather was continuously fair and warm so that privations which would have loomed large under other circumstances were lost sight of in the novelty experienced by newly arrived troops. The change from a regular and fairly abundant ship's mess to that supplied by entirely inadequate issue from the camp commissary was very noticeable. To add to the difficulty most of the units were at once put to work on the docks to aid, in conjunction with negro troops, unloading freight from the transports, which work was kept up during 24 hour shifts and should have been backed up with hearty, well-cooked meals. Still, in spite of those drawbacks, work was carried on with great cheerfulness on the part of the men. After about a week of that duty which served well in losing their sea-legs, and once more teach- ing them to shift for themselves, they entrained by battalions and similar units for a three day train trip, destination, of course, unknown. Later developments proved that they were on their way to the Abbeville area to join the British forces with which they were to be affiliated. It was on that trip the men first used that antiquated and battle-scarred side-door "Pullman," henceforth to be known to the doughboy as "40 Hommes, 8 Chevaux. " In those carriages, scarcely larger than a piano box, were crowded thirty-two men plus their equipment and rations, and although subjected on that and future movements to considerable scorn and ridicule, that means of transportation served its purpose throughout their continental travelling experience. This first ride took them to Noyelles, north of the Somme, a place used by the British for han- dling troops sent into the Abbeville area for training. The train schedules were apparently so arranged as to bring all arrivals to Noyelles in the morn- ing to allow time for detraining, messing and turning in surplus equipment preparatory to march- ing into billets in the Abbeville area. Their arrival at Noyelles marked the time at which they were supposed to leave behind the customs and traditions of the U. S. Army in which they had been so carefully brought up, in order that they might study and adapt themselves to those of our Allies the British, with whom their lot had been cast for the duration of the war. It was there- fore with a chip on their shoulder they climbed out and organized their forces under the super- vision of British officials. A 48-hour train trip with meager fare and sleepless nights added nothing to the frame of mind with which they met their future comrades-in-arms. They were hurried by detachments for mess to an unusually dirty area, set aside for feeding detraining troops and at that point received their initiation into the mysteries of the British issue. It consisted of two hard-tack, one-half cup of tea and one-fourth tin of " bully-beef " per man. Poor fare after the famine of a three-day train trip. After messing was finished the troops were distributed by units in surrounding fields and relieved of all surplus articles so that ultimately each soldier carried away what later proved to be the regular fighting equipment of Ameri- can soldiers with the British Army. The surplus property was stacked in piles, each of its kind, blankets, shoes, blouses, breeches, underwear, etc. These were quickly made into bundles and reloaded on the cars under constant attention of a swarm of civiHans and British " Tommies. " After going through the preliminaries of reduction in weight, packs were made and troops formed for a march to Nouvion — their camp site for the night. This camp was located on a bare slope about three miles from Noyelles and was in the form of conical tents thoroughly camouflaged. They were again rationed by the British, having received neither equipment nor supplies of their own. At that point the shortage of water began to make itself felt, but little did they realize how much greater would be the scarcity in days to come. Before taps, troops were formed and sectors designated into which they were to deploy in case of air-raids. Fortunately they were not subjected to attack and had the first full night's sleep since leaving Brest. From Nouvion the regiment marched to its billeting area. Headquarters and the Third Battalion being at Canchy a distance of about five miles, while the Second and First were at Domvast and Froyelles respectively. The Division, less artillery, eventually reached this area with Head- quarters at St. Riquier and under the Commanding General of the Fourth British Army who 214 Buffalo's Paet in the World War assigned to them a "Cadre," meaning corps of British instructors, both officers and N. C. O's. Judging from later experiences that billeting area would be called fair, but to green troops straight from well-regulated camps in the States, it was a great source of disappointment to take up liv- ing quarters in French barns, lofts and chicken-coops. The water supply of northern France was dangerous and scanty. A corps of chemists and inspectors had to establish the status of all wells and sources of supply before troops could use the water. Carts provided for hauling water were handled by men trained for the work and all water received a proper sterilizing treatment. Bathing, washing and delousing facilities com- mensurate with the fuel and water supply were diligently and ingeniously operated. Cases were observed where water supply was so short that it was necessary to save waste water, treat it chemically, settle it, and use it over again. Some Buffalo Officers, 108th Infantry After they had been in the Abbeville area for about ten days and training had been well es- tablished it was decided to move the division to the St. Valery area just south of the Somme. Pursuant to orders the regiment marched on June 18th, a distance of some 21 miles. The march was extremely difficult owing to the distance and the fact that no opportunity had been given to harden the men since leaving home. The weather was hot and, as the wearing of blouses was insisted on, there was a tremendous amount of straggling on account of exhaustion and blis- tered feet. French roads are very hard and this trip stands out in memory of most of the old 74th men as by far the most difficult of even their forced marches into the line. On Sunday June 20th they had their first day of rest since leaving the boat a month before. A game of ball was arranged with the 3d Canadian Divisional Signal Company. Officers and men found many acquaintances in the troops from home and much of the vin sisters (blanc and rouge) was consumed to the health of our Canadian cousins — a fine lot of fighting men. Owing to the conditions on the Ypres front the 108th was moved on July 2d, to the vicinity Buffalo's Part in the World War 215 of St. Omar about 25 miles east of Calais. This trip carried them via St. Pol very close to the lines and through the first really devastated country they had seen. By the night of July 3d the regiment was again thoroughly established. On July 4th a review of the 54th Brigade was conducted by the Commanding General P. E. Pierce. The afternoon was devoted to band concerts, boxing and wrestling matches, until the spectators were scattered by a fleet of Jerry planes. At 8 o'clock on the morning of the 5th the regiment marched on Zermezeele. Later events proved that this was the first day of its march into Belgium. That night it bivouacked in the vicinity of Zermezeele ten miles from the Belgian frontier and due west of Ypres. The 6th was spent in resting and washing up. On the 7th the march was continued via Cassel and Steenvoords when in the early afternoon the men crossed the Belgian frontier and earned the distinction of being the first American troops to enter Belgium. In this, the St. Eloi area, regimental headquarters was in an abandoned British aerodrome near Abeele while the 1st, 2d and 3d battalions were at Beauvoords Woods, St. Eloi and Trappist Farm respectively. Very few billets were available, making a bivouac camp necessary, which was bad owing to the fact that the weather which for nearly two months had been ideal for campaigning, suddenly changed to a series of thunder storms with much rain. The 2d American Corps, comprising the 27th and 30th Divisions, was attached to the 19th Corps of the 2d British Army under General Plumer. About July 7th the Americans found themselves established west of Ypres with Division headquarters at Oudezeele and Watou respectively. They had been moved into that area in anticipation of a big German push on the Ypres sector, the enemy intention supposedly being to break through the British lines to the sea, Calais on the Channel being only 40 miles from the Boche lines. For defensive purposes the 27th Division was given a certain sector of the East Poperinghe Line which was a switch line constructed in support of the Scherpenberg-Dickebush system which latter was the main line of defense at that time. Incidentally, a portion of it covered a section of the famous Kemmel Hill held by the Hun. The 108th sector of the East Poperinghe line was about 6,000 yards front, extending that dis- tance south from the southern edge of the town of Poperinghe. The regiment was disposed with the 3d battalion on the left and the 2d in the center and the first on the right. The proper dis- positions were made by personal reconnaissance of officers from all units. Various headquarters, ammunition and supply dumps, signal centers, telephone cables, routes for troops and separate routes for transport were all laid out by small carefully conducted parties. Machine gun nests and strong points were also planned. During the progress of that work the billeting area was also subjected to periodical shelling and air raids both day and night. They were being constantly warned by the British of an impending push by the enemy which was expected about July 18th. Other units of the division had not yet come up so that the 108th was to hold the position at all costs even if they were wiped out in doing so. They were thus in a most critical position. The 2d Battalion had sent two companies into the East Poperinghe line on July 19th, occupy- ing the line for several days. On July 23d, Company F had two men killed in action by the explo- sion of an enemy shell — Corporal Morris Lynchick and Private Grant C. Colton. These were the first casualties which the regiment had experienced in action. The battaUon joined the regi- ment in the Tilques area on July 25th. The regiment was in the Tilques training area for eight days during which time intensive instruction was given in target practice as well as all the specialties before mentioned. Further supplies were issued here so that altogether when the regiment left for the St. Eloi area on August 1st it felt ready for any emergency that might arise. Front line duty in that sector was almost a typical example of position warfare as developed during four years. There was no general advance on the lines but numerous small raids and counter attacks, together with artillery counter preparation and gas shelling, which kept them very busy. They also did a great deal of trench digging and wire work, the latter along the front line which was a series of organized shell holes held thinly by Lewis guns and rifle 216 Buffalo's Part in the World War posts. The casualties* were fairly light during the action but as the men were experiencing the front line "baptism of fire" they weighed rather heavily. However, the morale was superb, so that after the last unit was relieved and had had a few days rest the men felt like veterans and were again ready for duty. The lOSth's next move into the line came on August 23d just four days after the last battalion was out of the previous action. At this time the 27th Division relieved the British 6th Division in the Scherpenberg-Dickebush Lake system. The 53d Brigade was disposed in the front and support lines of the divisional sector while the 54th Brigade was in reserve, the 108th Infantry being on the left of the reserve sector. Regimental headquarters were then just south of the town of Poperinghe. The 1st and 2d battalions were in the vicinity of Ouderloom, backing up the 106th Infantry, while the 3d battahon was further west near Mandalay Corners. For the next few days their duties in the reserve were chiefly maintaining liaison with forward units, sending out scouting parties, mapping and reorganizing their position. They were inter- mittently subjected to all kinds of artillery fire which was directed by the enemy against battery positions and roads. Air activity was considerable and resulted in severe casualties in Company I, The strain of enduring shell fire in reserve areas and waiting for something to happen far for- ward was very wearing so that when the news came on August 28th that the Boche were evacuat- ing Mt. Kemmel and falling back all along the line it was received with much relief. Word was received to be ready to move forward at a moment's notice and they remained ready for twelve hours but no order came. In the meantime the 53d Brigade advanced, suffering severe losses from machine gun nests which had been left by the enemy for rear guard action. They continued their advance, however, to Vierstraat Ridge which they held until the Division was relieved by the British on August 31st. They moved out of the line at that time and concentrated around Winnezeele preparatory to entraining for a rest area near Doullens. Casualties suffered by the regiment during the cam- paign in Belgium were as follows : Killed— 10 Wounded— 56 Missing— 4 It has been well established through official channels that the British were ready to leave the Mt. Kemmel front on a moment's notice of attack at the time the two American divisions arrived. The big German attack was expected there at that time, and the British officers were frank in saying they did not expect to be able to stop it; they expressed an eager willingness to turn the job over to the Americans. The latter proposed to let Fritz know he had been to the circus. That German attack was never made. Fritz was then in trouble on the Marne. The incident simply went to show how shaken was the confidence and how low the morale of the British Army in that sector when the Buffalo boys and their associates in the 27th Division entered the Mount Kemmel front. The 27th Division was relieved on September 3d and went into reserve at Beauquesne near Amiens, preparatory to participating in the drive by which General Foch contemplated breaking the German fine of suppHes between Valenciennes and Metz, and obtaining control of the Sedan- Mezieres railroad. In that effort the Americans were affiliated with the British Fourth Army under General Rawlinson, and, best of all, were to co-operate with the Australian troops between whom and the Americans a very strong attachment had sprung up. The men understood they were to make a drive on the famous Hindenburg line where on three distinct occasions the British had been repulsed. Arriving in Doullens from their rest area the 108th Regiment assembled at a place called Tincourt, a small woods located in what was known as the Somme area at a point back of the Hindenburg line between Cambria and St. Quentin. * The third man of the 108th to meet death was Corporal James Carney, the first Buffalo man of the regiment to be killed.' While on duty in Belgium on August 13th, a shell struck the point of Corporal Carney's gun, filling him with shrapnel. He died instantly. Private Fred Hall of Batavia was badly wounded by the same shell. Another Buffalo man of the lOSth to give his life while the regiment was in the Dickebush sector was Corporal W. H. Davidson. He had just been selected as a Gas N. C. O. and had been up in the front line for instruction. Coming out of the line he received a bullet through the chest and was dead when picked up by first aid men. While the regiment was still in Belgium, in the reserve line, a Hun night bombing plane dropped 'an egg' on a billet and wounded thirteen members of I Company. Sergeant Souter was killed instantly; Charles W. Hoadley, a Bradford boy was also killed, and Corporal Wagner severely wounded. — Captain E. G. Ziegler. Buffalo's Part in the World War 217 CHAPTER LXIV 77th division IN THE HELL HOLE VALLEY OF THE VESLE IT will be recalled that General Pershing in concluding his report on the breaking of the German Marne salient said, "the 77th Division took up a position on the Vesle. " That statement is interesting, and important perhaps, only in that it was the official announcement of the arrival of the first National Army division on the fighting front. First in France, first to hold a front line position, and now, first among the selective service men to enter the battle line is some- thing of a distinction which that Division of Buffalo boys and their comrades from other sections of the State will long enjoy. Beginning on the night of August 1st the 37th Division, composed of former Ohio national guardsmen, moved up to the Baccarat front to relieve the 77th Division. When the 77th had relieved the 42d at Baccarat it was green, frightfully green; American military men knew it, the 77th knew it, and the Germans knew it. It was a much improved outfit, however, when the Ohio men came up for front line training, and the 77th was withdrawn for front line action. But five Buffalo boys, so far as now known, were in the Ohio Division which moved up to that Lor- raine sector on August First. One was Charles Freuh, who had been rejected by the doctors in Buffalo, but who persistently sought enlistment and finally was accepted by the physicians in Cleveland, enlisting in the " Cleveland Greys;" another was Victor Sweeney, of 95 Eastwood Place, a student of Case College in Cleveland who enlisted in the Ohio National Guard at the outbreak of the war; Irving H. Johnson, 147th Infantry and two Greek boys, William Huroodas, 148th Infantry, and Speur Sardales, 147th Infantry. Two of these boys were severely injured before the close of the war, the first named passing through a tragic experience. When the 37th Division arrived at Baccarat and the 77th was leaving, the 302d Engineers were the first to move out. They proceeded by march to the neighborhood of Bayon, where they were joined by the artillery. The infantry hiked to Charmes. On August 6th they entrained but were unaware of their destination. Their train ride lasted for two days and they soon became aware of the fact that they were going into the neighborhood of real battle. The Engineers and the Artillery detrained at Coulommieres. Here they found busses waiting. They were carried through the ruin and wreckage of the Marne battlefield over which the Americans had just driven the retreating Huns. Death stared at them from every ditch. Snipers, dead in their lofty tree- top posts, swung in the wind; destroyed buildings, the scattered bodies of animals, torn with shells, all gave them a never-to-be-forgotten introduction to a real battle area. The bus ride carried them through Chateau Thierry and Fere-en-Tardenois to Nesle Wood, near Seringes. They joined the infantry at Fere-en-Tardenois, and then relieved the tired and battle- worn 4th American and 52d French divisions. The relief was effected on the night of August 11th, in the "Hell-Hole Valley of the Vesle," where the advance in the second battle of the Marne had been halted. The 77th was given no time to be shown around and get acquainted with its new premises; the old tenants pulled out and the new moved in. The 28th Pennsylvania guardsmen had relieved the 32d Division on the right of the 77th, and a French Division was on the left. Opposing the 77th were the German 17th, 39th and 216th Divisions and the Fourth Guard Division. While the Germans had been pushed out of the Marne salient, nothing was wrong with their morale at that time, and military men, generally, conceded the Germans had not given way much. The moral effect at home of their failure to go through was the most serious blow they had suffered. The worst was yet to come. The entire 77th Division was in position by the 17th of August, the artillery being the last to come up, and for three weeks stood a rather severe siege. They found themselves buried in the hottest kind of a hole. The Engineers, 302d Regiment, worked heroically night after night Buffalo's Part in the World War 219 repairing the bridges over the Vesle under heavy shell and machine gun fire. They constructed wire defenses for their positions, constructed many artillery and foot bridges, repaired and cam- ouflaged roads. Here the first Buffalo man in the 302d Engineers to die. Private Wallace Parmenter, was killed while at work on a bridge. Two other Buffalo boys of the 302d Engineers were killed at that point, "It was a bright Sunday morning about 8 o'clock, when 'Fritz' started to shell us, "said William Sweetland of Angola. " It was breakfast time and some of those who had been out on detail the night before had not yet got up. I was just going down with my mess kit when I heard a shell coming. I flopped flat on the ground for I could tell by the sound it was going to land pretty close. They have the sound of a sky rocket when they 'go off.' It landed and threw dirt all over us. The second landed right in front of my comrade's bunk. Then I heard the cry for first aid. "When the smoke cleared away three were dead and two of them were Buffalo boys, George Kreutzer and Gerald Sabin. The shell had killed three and wounded four. Our chaplain could not get there that day and I volunteered to take his place. I held a short service and buried my friends that afternoon." Roswell Park, a first lieutenant in the 305th Infantry, of this Division was put out of the war at the time his regiment moved up on the Vesle. He was gassed and shell-shocked on August 14th, and was never returned to his company. Lieutenant Park, in a letter prior to that time, shows how small this old world is anyway. It is injected here rather abruptly, but necessarily, as Park here passes out of the war picture: "The middle of June saw me in Paris for eight days where I was fortunate to meet Roscoe R. Mitchell, Arnold Watson, James How, William Meadows and C. W. Goodyear who had just landed for Red Cross work. Also met Mrs. John Knox Freeman who was working with the Ser- bian Mission of the American Red Cross and who was later decorated by the Serbian Govern- ment. Captain Davis T. Dunbar arrived in Paris while I was there, having just been through the famous fight at Belleau Wood. I also met Captain (later Major) John Satterfield. While in the field hospital near Fere-en-Tardenois I met up with a Buffalo operating team composed of Captain (later Major) Joseph P. Brennen and First Lieutenants M'Dowell and Fairbanks. Also met 'Bill' Emerick of the Courier, and it was good to see them." It was the dogdays of Summer when the Division arrived on the Vesle, and the 77th were super-heated with all the Germans had to send over. As one Buffalo boy put it "the smaller guns were sending over quart cans of dynamite and the larger ones cook-stoves. "Baccarat," he said, "was only a boxing match, but the Vesle, that was a sure-enough fight." The Vesle River is only about thirty feet wide at that point, and eight or ten feet in depth at its deepest point. It has high, straight banks, however, and steep ridges on each side. The Germans held the north bank, while the front of the 77th Division ran parallel with the southern, one end touching at Mont Notre Dame and extending east in the direction of Fismes. The artil- lery was behind Hill 210. For three weeks the 77th held that position under artillery fire, suffer- ing many casualties. German patrols crossed the river at frequent intervals and hand-to-hand combats were numerous. The 77th, however, was no longer a "green" Division, but was rapidly rounding into a high- class combat organization. Still, it had a severe lesson yet to learn. That lesson was taught on the Vesle ! The Division leaders, growing restless under the severe strain of simply holding without the incentive of making an advance, decided to capture Bazoches. The 306th Infantry was selected for the job, and the tactical maneuvers were all worked out to perfection. Bazoches rested in a deep pocket on the German side of the Vesle. Hills stretched back from it on three sides. The attack started at 4 .15 A. M. August 27th and at daylight one platoon signaled "objective reached ". Then the Germans began to bomb that platoon on the front and both flanks from their concealed positions on the hills. At 5.25 A. M. the platoon was retiring, the Lieutenant in charge and four men alone getting back. At 10 o'clock. Captain Bull, who was in charge of the raid, decided to 220 Buffalo's Part in the World War withdraw from the village. The Division had paid a big price for success and failure, but it had a lesson, which in the short time it had to prepare for the greater struggle to follow, it could probably have acquired in no other way. Among those who made the trip across the Vesle into Bazoches on August 27th were Edward P. Morrisey, Arthur Georger, Frank Shultz and about five others of the 302d Engineers. Mor- risey is a son of Battalion Chief Morrisey of the Buffalo Fire Department. With his companion Shultz he was cut off from the infantry platoon in the confusion which followed the opening up of the German guns on the hills. Seeing that the Germans again had possession of the town, Morrisey and Shultz picked up Frank DeBlase, a wounded infantryman, and crawled over to an immense pile of charcoal near the railroad track. They had some food with them. But it did not last long during their self-imprisoned stay. Each night Morrisey would crawl out from their hiding place on a foraging expedition. They intended to fight their way to the river but the wounded man, at the time they found him, was in no shape for a hurried departure. Morrisey determined not to leave without him, though it is probable the two engineers could have made their way back at night through the German lines. Finally, after five days of waiting and with hunger coming on, the infantryman having recovered his strength somewhat, the three men left their hiding place and crawled toward the German sentry. The night was very dark. When they reached the line, they could see two German machine gunners walking back and forth. Morrisey killed the two gunners with a hand grenade, made a dash for the river, swam across, bringing the wounded infantryman safely back into the American lines. For his courage and valor the Buffalo boy was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, and promoted to the post of sergeant. On the same night John J. Kelly and John Dwyer of Company E distinguished themselves. Lieutenant Meadman, of their company, had been shot down near the bank of the river. Dwyer and Kelly saw him fall and hurried to his side. While exposed to machine gun and shell fire they carried the injured Lieutenant to headquarters company, but he was dead when they arrived. For their heroic act they received official citation. In the party which left with Morrisey for the trip across the river on the eventful night of the 26th, were Arthur Georger and John Bastedo of Buffalo and some others of C Company. Corporal Thomas F. Reilly was in charge of the detachment. The little group had a difficult time fighting their way out of the trap into which they had been sent, but they showed an heroic front, and Reilly, with one or two others returned. Young Georger, the popular son of a Genesee Street merchant, was killed while protecting the retreat of the detachment. When Shultz and Mor- risey finally came through, it was thought that possibly Georger was hiding somewhere in the town, but the retreat of the Germans and the advance of the Americans two weeks later showed that Georger had gone down with his rifle in his hand facing the enemy. Several German bodies near the place where Georger was found would indicate that he had collected full toll for the sacrifice he made. Georger was recognized by his tag and gas mask on which he had written his name. Another Buffalo boy, Simon H. Risman, Company D, 307th Infantry was wounded the same night but not in that sortie. Shortly after the Bazoches episode, Major General George B. Duncan was relieved from the command of the 77th, being replaced by Major General Robert Alexander. The two incidents, perhaps, were in no way identical or related, but the change came at a time when the 77th was "finding itself." From then on, the 77th was a full-fledged combat division of the finest fighting temper and efficiency, equipped for the great task it was about to perform in the drive through the Argonne Forest. On September 2d the Germans began to pull out of their position on the Vesle. The First American Army had been formed, and it was known the Americans were to start a major offen- sive. Where it was going to hit, and when, were the unknown factors. Undoubtedly the Germans decided to pull back to a more advantageous point than they then held on the Vesle, retiring to Buffalo's Pakt in the World War 221 the Aisne. The 77th followed them rapidly, however, pressing the retreating Boche, and fight- ing a successful engagement with the rear guard detachments at Haute Maisons on September 3d. The 77th followed for seven and a half miles, causing appreciable loss to the German forces. When the Boche fell back, details of the engineers accompanied the advance infantry, while the remainder worked immediately behind repairing roads, constructing more bridges across the Vesle, de-gassing the numerous caves and rendering harmless the enemy's traps and mines. The 77th Division was relieved by an Italian Division on September 15th. The units marched back to the Coulonges-Villers-Agron-Aquizy area. Two days later they again embussed for a long ride to Verrieres, preparatory to taking their place in the Argonne offensive. Many members of the Division had been killed, wounded or gassed in the "Hell-Hole Valley of the Vesle." Buffalo's Part in the World War 223 CHAPTER LXV BATTLE OF ST. MIHIEL— DEATH OF CAPTAIN PLATT THE St. Mihiel attack after its crashing artillery start became in the judgment of many a promenade. It consisted mostly of preparation and barrage, and yet, returned soldiers have said they experienced rough going at St. Mihiel. Hoping to make it a surprise attack. General Pershing observed the strictest secrecy, concerning his plans, the place and time of attack. Rain fell continuously for several days prior to September 11th, but on that day the skies cleared and from enemy aeroplanes German observers had their eyes filled with a fascinating picture of what was coming to them. American soldiers and artillery were massed on three sides of the salient. There are those who believe the German High Command had decided not to make a stand in that salient, which they held so successfully for three years against every sort of attack. Metz was a much more substantial ground from which to make a resistance. If they had not reached that decision before the barrage, they arrived at it soon after the American barrage began. Buffalo's big contingent, represented in the 78th Division, had been selected to take part in the St. Mihiel attack. They opened in support of the Second Division. The 42d, numbering many Buffalo men in its ranks, was in the line and the 153d Artillery Brigade (78th Division) with farmer boys and city chaps from this end of the State well represented, had taken up a position in sup- port of the 90th Division. The Second Division, now numbering upward of 300 boys from Buffalo and surrounding towns in the Marine regiments, was in line by the side of the 90th. In addition to those two divisions, the 82d and the 5th divisions* were also in the First Corps, under the command of Major General Hunter Liggett. The right of this corps rested on Pont-a-Mousson, and the left joined the Third American Corps, containing the 89th, 42d and First divisions. Their line extended to Xivray, and they were to swing in towards Vigneulles for the initial assault. The Second Colonial French Corps was next in line, and then came the Fifth American Corps. The 78th Division, together with the Third Division, was in reserve for the First Corps. The 35th and 91st were also in reserve and the 80th and 33d were available. The 106th Field Artillery and the 102d Trench Mortar Battery of Buffalo were co-operating with the 33d, and had moved up on September 11th, but did not get into the fighting until the close of the drive. When the German aviators hovered over the American lines on that clear September day, the 11th, they saw 1700 guns set for a barrage; ammunition had been drawn up in vast quantities! and the American Army was ready to send across the heaviest and mightiest barrage of the war. The night of September 11-12 was dark — impenetrably dark — and a soul-seeking rain was fall- ing. At 7 o'clock the men were ordered forward and through the dismal night they' crowded the roads, each seeking his appointed place, the commanders anxiously groping for the right turn in the road. By 12 o'clock all units were in their preliminary positions. The artillery opened the pre- paratory firing at 1 o'clock; at 3 A. M. the heavy barrage opened. To the infantrymen it looked as though they were set in one vast circle of flashing skies and crashing thunder. So well lighted *"The 9th Infantry Brigade of the 5th Division regular army, consists of the 60th and 61st regiments of infantry, and the 14th Machine Gun Battalion. In these three units a large portion of the personnel are boys from Buffalo, Lockport, Niagara Falls, and other neighboring towns. Last February, 1,500 or more men were transferred from the 78th Division, then at Camp Dix to the 6th Infantry Brigade at Camp Green, N. C. All these men left their homes in the drafts of September, October and November, 1917. The 5th Division left the United States April 16, 1918, arriving at Brest, France, April 28th. After arrival we were given three weeks of inten- sive training, when the division was inspected by General Pershing, and designated as a shock division. In the Saint Mihiel offensive the division gained fame, going over the top at 5 A. M., September 12th, taking a number of towns and many prisoners. The division was cited in general orders for its great work. We came out of the Saint Mihiel sector about September 17th, for a brief rest and training. — Leller from Private J. F. Kerslen, Buffalo, 61st Infantry, Fifth Division." t "I never shall forget the night the big push started at Saint Mihiel. It was the first big American drive that was pulled off by an all-Ameri- can army. Two of us were out with a load of powder charges and we couldn't find the place where it was supposed to be taken. It was as dark as pitch and raining like blazes. Men were swarming up to the trenches. They went over the top at 5 o'clock that morning. We finally unloaded the ammunition where it was wanted. "The dugouts were filled with artillerymen who were resting up for the big fracas. The big guns were to start at 1 o'clock and we were warned to get our trucks off the road before that time. We finally got started back, but our truck slid into a ditch. We were out of gas. Suddenly the guns started all together. It was the most fearful noise I have ever heard. The earth seemed to shake. The next afternoon the German prisoners were brought in, in groups of 100 or more. They totaled thousands. Our division, the 78th was given great credit in this drive." — Letter from Private William Lawson, SOSd A. T. (employe Buffalo News). Buffalo's Part in the World War 225 was the field from the blazing powder that they could now easily find their lines. The 1700 guns belched away and the earth rocked. There was no answering shot from the Germans, and the American troops at 5 A. M. walked quietly down behind their barrage, across No Man's Land for a considerable distance, before they met even the slightest resistance. General Pershing in his report on the battle says : "After four hours' artillery preparation, the seven American divisions in the front line advanced at 5 A. M., on September 12th, assisted by a limited number of tanks manned partly by Amer- icans and partly by the French. These divisions, accompanied by groups of wire cutters and others armed with bangalore torpedoes, went through the successive bands of barbed wire that protected the enemy's front line and support trenches, in irresistible waves on schedule time, breaking down all defense of an enemy demoralized by the great volume of our artillery fire and our sudden approach out of the fog. "Our First Corps advanced to Thiacourt, while our Fourth Corps curved back to the south- west through Nonsard. The second Colonial French Corps made the slight advance required of it on very difficult ground, and the Fifth Corps took its three ridges and repulsed a counter attack. A rapid march brought reserve regiments of a Division of the Fifth Corps into Vigneulles in the early morning, where it linked up with patrols of our Fourth Corps, closing the salient and form- ing a new line west of Thiacourt to Vigneulles and beyond Fresnes-en-Woevre. At the cost of only 7,000 casualties, mostly light, we had taken 16,000 prisoners and 443 guns, a great quantity of material, released the inhabitants of many villages from enemy domination, and established our lines in a position to threaten Metz. This signal success of the American First Army in its first offensive was of prime importance. The Allies found they had a formidable army to aid them, and the enemy learned finally that he had one to reckon with." The enemy left the point of the salient under the heavy barrage and quickly sought healthier lines in the rear. Many got through, but the Americans, forcing in from both sides, cut them off by the hundreds, capturing an immense number of men and vast quantities of supplies. The First Division alone, attacking in the Beaumont sector, advanced 14 kilometers in 19 hours, captured five officers, including a major, 1190 men, 30 guns of 77 and 150mm, 50 machine guns, 1 anti- tank gun, 100 rifles, large quantities of ammunition and three narrow gauge locomotives. Other Divisions had like bags. In the haul made by the 42d Division, in addition to wagonloads of vege- tables, was a mail box filled with letters from German soldiers to their folk back home. In all those letters ran the same story of a weakening morale, and these were a source of encourage- ment to the American leaders. The following missives are typical of them all : From Grenadier P. Langner, 6th Grenadier Regiment. September 11, 1918. " Dear Joseph. As I have already told you, we have been here in a quiet position since August 21st. This would be a good place to wait for peace, but, of course, dear friend, you know that the 10th Infantry Division cannot bear anything quiet. Of course, our artillery had to start again to increase its activity. Besides that every evening strong patrols are sent out to bring in prisoners but they are always driven off by the Americans. The talk around here was that Schangel (perhaps a nickname for the Allies) wanted to attack here from the 14th to the 15th, but no one can depend on that rumor. We are only five kilometers from your old position, measuring as the crow flies. (Combres Heights.) "We are in the Sonnard Woods. A short time ago I saw Fr. Joseph and he said that we would not stay here long. I hope we do not go into our old haunts again where we made the first offensives for the Englishman is giving us some heavy licks up there. He has won back almost all the territory that we won then. Kuhnert P. wrote that he was already at Ham. He wrote me lately everything was falling up there. I am for the present time in reserve and from here I go for ten days to the S. 0. S. ..." The Americans were beginning to loom large on the German horizon even before the St. Mihiel offensive according to this letter: "From Heinrich Kirschkb, 47th Infantry. "Pannes (six), September 11, 1918. " When will that time come again that we can live together again so comfortably in Berlin? It looks very sad for our beautiful Germany. Who knows whether the Americans will not even yet break through? This morning at 3 o'clock we were again alerted and thought the Americans were going to attack, but nothing as yet. However, we captured a couple of prisoners who said that they would be in Germany in eight days. This place is not far from 226 Buffalo's Part in the World War Alsace Lorraine where Metz is soon reached. We few fellows cannot hold up this superior might and must all go helplessly into captivity and, of course, most of the prisoners are murdered. But then we have to be satisfied with our fate whatever happens. I shouldn't like at all to be taken prisoner for one is then entirely cut off from the dear home. Still worse than that is to be severely wounded. Better dead than that. Well, I have always had luck up to now and guess I'll get through somehow. "According to all appearances we are approaching turbulent days. We are constantly alerted and it is feared that the Americans are going to attack in this sector. They are said to have assembled tremendous numbers of tanks and troops on the other side. In that case we are lost. But everything in our front line is balled up, so don't be surprised if you don't hear from me for several weeks. I am finally convinced that I couldn't be any worse off over there than I am here " The salient was reduced one-half by the first day's effort, and, while the opposition grew as the American Army advanced, the Unes of the salient were quickly straightened out. Subsequent to this operation a German military report on the American troops of which the following is a verbatim extract, came into the possession of the First Army Corps: "At least nine American divisions took part under the command of General Pershing. Of these nine divisions there were three — the 1st, 2d and 42d — first-class attacking divisions: two, the 4th and the 26th, good fighting divisions which had already shown their work in other large attacks. The attack was preceded by a foui-hour artillery preparation, in addition to a short trench mortar bombardment. The shooting of the batteries was very good, not only on the front trenches but also on all the communications and rear areas. The initial attack was carried out according to schedules, but the successive waves showed great inaptitude in following up the advance. Officers as well as men did not understand how to make use of the terrain. Instead of seeking protection when they encountered opposition they merely fell back. To crawl backward or forward on the ground, or to advance in quick jumps, does not seem to be understood by the Americans. They remain lying on the ground for the time being and then just stand up again and try to advance. Neither in mass formation nor individually do the Americans know how to conduct themselves in an attack. They are unquestionably brave. They are evidently afraid of being captured. When capture impends, however. They Fight to the Last and Do Not Put Up Their Hands. "The Americans showed themselves skilled in the use of machine guns. In defense they are very tenacious. The conduct of the infantry seems to show a lack of military training. The artillery preparation was well carried out. "The leadership was unskilled and awkward. The enemy apparently has many officers at his disposal, but the elements of leadership are lacking. Their embarrassment was unmistakable after obtaining their initial success. They remained helpless on their new line and were unable to take full advantage of their victory. The French, in the same position, would have been much more dangerous. After the infantry had reached its objective the higher command failed. It was therefore possible for the army detachment (the Germans), under the most difficult con- ditions, to extricate itself from its precarious situation in one night. The American is very amateurish, and there- fore not to be feared in a large attack." On September 14th the 78th Division was moved up on the St. Mihiel front and saw con- tinuous action from then until October 9th. They took the towns of Jaulny and Rimicourt. Captain Samuel H. Piatt, Company E, 309th Infantry, of Buffalo, was killed on the second day of the drive. Private Henry C. Stief describing his death says: "Captain Piatt had been advanced to the rank of Major, his commission arriving at Regi- mental Headquarters a short time after his death. "It was the second day of the St. Mihiel Drive. Several of our officers were gathered in the post command, or officers ' hut, mapping out the work and consulting about the coming fighting. Just then, whether accidentally or otherwise, the German artillery made a direct hit. A heavy shell dropped squarely in the quarters killing three captains and one lieutenant and wounding two lieutenants. Captain Piatt was one of the men killed. His death was a great shock to us Buffalo boys and to others who had grown to love him as a leader. " In the St. Mihiel engagement Lieutenant John A. Bachman, 248 Scheule Avenue, put his name on the scroll of honor by a diligent effort to protect his men during a heavy barrage. He gave his life for his men and his country and won the Distinguished Service Cross, being partic- ularly commended in the following citation: "Second Lieutenant John A. Bachman (deceased) 308th Machine Gun Battalion. For extraordinary heroism near Jaulny, France, on Sep- tember 26, 1918. During an early morning raid Lieutenant Bachman attempted to place two guns in position when the enemy opened a terrific barrage. He was ordered to shelter on the slope of the hill and after his men had taken refuge there he went back to determine whether all of his men had reached safety. In passing through the barrage he was struck by a shell and instantly killed." Another Buffalo boy who fell while gallantly discharging his duty in the St. Mihiel attack was Buffalo's Part in the World War 227 Lieutenant Allan Wilkins Douglass, 113th F. A., 30th Division. At the time war was declared young Douglass was a sophomore at Yale, and, while the news of America's entrance into the war flashed over the wires, Douglass, like many other American boys, had his application for military service on the way to army headquarters. He was assigned in May to the first officers' training camp at Madison Barracks. Late that year he received his commission; was married in March, 1918, prior to his departure for overseas. While advancing with his battery on Sep- tember 12th he met his death. A division citation commends Lieutenant Douglass for his meri- torious service as follows: "BMrst Lieutenant Allan W. Douglass, Deceased, Battery E., 113th Field Artillery. During the engagement near Limey, 12th September, 1918, after being struck by a shell splinter he continued the work of removing the dead and wounded horses and moving the carriages to a place of safety. Later he was again struck by a shell and killed while in the performance of his duty. His courage and utter disregard for personal safety inspired the men of his section to continue their work successfully." The 78th Division suffered many losses after relieving the 2d Division during the latter part of the St. Mihiel Drive. Steve Yaschuk of G Company, 311th Infantry, 141 Selkirk Street, was hit in the neck by a piece of shrapnel, killing him instantly. His company was then holding the front line, and Yaschuk was out on a wiring party at the time he was hit. He was buried in a churchyard at Vieville-en-Haye, France. During the general attack on September 26th, John F. Burke of B Company, 311th Infan- try, whose brother lived at 2000 Seneca Street was wounded by shrapnel in the arm, back and hips. He was evacuated to Hospital No. 12, but died from his wounds on the following day. Sergeant Major Louis Blase, Headquarters Company, 809th Infantry, of 48 Welmont Place was hit early on the morning of September 17th at the time Captain Piatt was killed. Head- quarters of the regiment was occupied by various officers and men, including Sergeant Blase, when it was hit by a high explosive shell. Every man in the building was more or less severely injured. Sergeant Blase died before first aid could be administered. Norbert B. Dorscheid, Private, 311th Machine Gun Company, was conveying a message from platoon position in front line on the St. Mihiel sector to Headquarters when an enemy shell exploded near him, wounding him fatally. He died while at the first aid station. John V. Earl, 162 16th Street, Buffalo, Private in M Company, 310th Infantry, while return- ing to Brigade Reserve was struck by a high explosive shell on September 28th and killed instantly. This happened on a road between Thiacourt and Jaulny. Rocco Frazzoli, a Private in Company A, 310th Infantry had been killed instantly by a high explosive shell near the same point just as his Company was going into action two days before. Edward W. Kindt, 311th Infantry, B Company, whose mother resided at 257 Howard Street, was killed on September 24th at Bois St. Claude by a direct hit of an enemy shell while on out- post duty. He was buried by his comrades where he fell. Christ J. Klaiber, Corporal, Company H, 311th Infantry, 456 Jefferson Street, was killed on September 21st while on patrol duty, attacking a German machine gun nest. Just as he pulled out from a clump of brush and led his automatic rifle squad into action he was struck in the stomach by a machine gun bullet and died almost instantly. Sergeant John Lundquist also of H Company, said that he never saw anyone display greater courage than Corporal Klaiber, in cleaning out machine gun nests that day, until, finally, he was called upon to make the supreme sacrifice. Another Buffalo boy to die that day was Alexander Kuczkowski, a Private in B Company, 311th Infantry, 70 Woltz Avenue. He received a bad wound from shrapnel in chest and right side during the general advance and died in Evacuation Hospital No. 12 on the following day. Private H. J. Laurencell, 342 South Park Avenue, Company B, 311th Infantry, was killed by shell fire on the 24th, being the victim of a direct hit on outpost duty. Boleslau Makowiecki, Private in B Company, 311th Infantry, 205 Weimar Street, was killed by shell fire same day. Daniel J. Murray, G Company, 311th Infantry, 255 Fulton Street, was killed by shell fire during the afternoon attack. Private Markey, who was beside him stated that a shell exploded near 228 Buffalo's Part in the World War them and a piece of shrapnel hit Murray on the right side of the head. His death was immediate. Jacob C. Moritz, Private, Company M, 311th Infantry, was killed a few days prior to that by the accidental discharge of a hand grenade. Sergeant Arthur Nelson of G Company, 309th Infan- try, was killed by shell fire the same day that Moritz was killed. Martin Saar, Private, Company B, 308th Machine Gun Battalion, was killed by shrapnel on September 25th at about 5.10 A. M. near Jaulny. Saar was asleep in his shelter after being reUeved from his gun position, when a shell exploded in his immediate vicinity, killing him instantly. On September 26th the Germans accounted for a good many Buffalo boys of the 78th Divi- sion, for after relieving the Second, the enemy counter-attacked severely. During one of these counter-attacks Private Walter Schultz, B Company, 311th Infantry was hit several times. He was dead when first aid reached him. Leo Schweitzer of Headquarters Company, 311th Infantry received wounds from which he died while engaged in fixing an abandoned German dugout. Just a small piece of shrapnel entered Schweitzer's groin, but it severed an artery and he bled to death within ten minutes. He was hit about 4 o'clock in the afternoon. On September 24th, John C. Weidman, 364 Watson Street was on his way to outpost duty when he was hit by a shell, killing him instantly. Another Buffalo boy, Henry J. Wolf, who was well known in his locality, 440 Humboldt Parkway, was killed in the St. Mihiel sector. He had been out repairing telephone lines all day and part of the previous night and he returned to his station to get a little sleep. About 4 A. M. the enemy laid down a heavy barrage on the front area. Private Heider who accompanied Wolf heard a gas alarm and they put on their masks and laid down again. They had scarcely reached the ground when a large shell struck a tree directly above their dugout. As soon as Private Heider removed his mask when the all-clear alarm had been given he turned to Wolf and found that he had been hit in the neck by a piece of shrapnel which killed him instantly. He was buried on September 22d in Thiacourt Cemetery by Chaplains King and Gearhart. Buffalo's Part in the World War 229 CHAPTER LXVI PLANNING THE DECISIVE BATTLE OF THE WAR As early as July, 1917, General Pershing had decided that the first offensive of the American l\ Army would be against the St. Mihiel salient. At that time, however, he anticipated hav- -^ -*- ing an American sector much earlier than was finally the case. But in any event it can readily be seen that the St. Mihiel attack was a well-thought out operation. A few days before the drive, according to Major Palmer of Pershing's Staff, Marshal Foch came down to see General Pershing and they had a talk. Palmer says the upshot of this was that before Pershing had even struck at St. Mihiel he began preparing for the Argonne battle. Indeed, that talk resulted in the most daring campaign of the whole war, and the decisive one of the war. The original idea of the St. Mihiel drive was to move clear to Etain and Mars-la-Tour, seriously threatening Metz. Pershing kept up that impression, and it will be recalled, said Palmer, that Hindenburg went to Metz in person to look after the fortifications. Meanwhile Marshal Foch had decided to develop the whole line of attack from Flanders to the Meuse, aiming by a system of alternate blows in rapid succession, to confuse Ludendorff's disposition of his reserves, to break through the old fortifications at every point, and to force future operations in the open. American divisions helped to break the line northwest of Soissons, and that east of Rheims. "Marshal Foch seemed to think well of us as line breakers." According to Major Palmer, no one had ever conceived of any offensive from the Meuse River to the Argonne Forest. It was striking straight at the German line of communication. But the natural defenses back of the first line enemy intrenchments were indescribably difficult. Reading the reports of the time, it looked as though we went into that battle well prepared. "As a matter of fact" continues Palmer "the American attack appeared to be defying all the rules and prec- edents which war on the Western Front had established. In order to make sure of a surprise Pershing avoided many details of preparation which hitherto had been considered essential. It was the kind of manoeuver which makes or breaks commanders. He dared all for immediate victory instead of waiting all Winter on the supplies and the training which he needed for a Spring offensive." Concluding his comments in a satisfied way, though clearly showing the looseness of that opera- tion, which in itself accounted for many lives needlessly sacrificed, Major Palmer said: "We sent in divisions which had never been under fire before, divisions which had never operated with their artillery brigades, divisions short of transport. We wore down forty German divisions. Ludendorff brought more and more reserves of artillery and machine guns against us, but we kept at it — kept hammering. It was the Somme and Passchendaele over again, with the hope of victory the wine to exhausted officers and men. Drive, drive, drive — with the Germans slowly weakening. I had seen many battles — but nothing like this. We captured one lot of three hun- dred prisoners in which every man was a machine-gunner. Proportionate to prisoners we took three times as many guns as the Allies — which showed how the Germans were pressing their guns to the front in the Argonne battle. "At intervals between October 1st and November 11th we had as many troops in the front line as the British and French together. We were holding up our end — even our green divisions were. "On November 11th we had only two fresh divisions in reserve, and the French had fourteen and the British seven, as I remember. We had offered ourselves without stint. Individuals did not count. Nothing counted but victory. " The Meuse-Argonne offensive which quickly followed St. Mihiel was the solar-plexus blow of the war. Though Major Palmer has said enough to show the incompleteness of the American preparation, the fact that it concluded in a decisive victory virtually ending the war, perhaps should be sufficient for the arm-chair critic. 230 Buffalo's Part in the World War The all-important hinge of the Allied drive was assigned to the United States Army in the American sector, they having been given the task of breaking the German lines of communication through Mezieres and Sedan. Simultaneously with the swing through the Argonne the Second Division with the French were to attack Blanc Mont drawing the Boche forces away from St. Quentin, while co-operating with the British, the American 27th and 30th Divisions were to strike the Hindenburg Line, between Cambrai and St. Quentin, at a supposedly invulnerable point. The 27th Division had been withdrawn from the Mt. Kemmel sector a short time before in preparation for the attack conditional upon the success of the St. Mihiel drive, complete as the Allied High Command hoped it to become, and as it subsequently proved to be. Buffalo's Part in the World War 231 CHAPTER LXVII GENERAL NOLAN OF AKRON— HERO OF APREMONT. Early in 1899 a young Lieutenant, not long out of West Point, came to Fort Porter as a member of the 13th Infantry, and left Buffalo with that regiment for the Philippines. That young man was Lieutenant Dennis E. Nolan, a graduate of West Point in 1896, who had served through the Spanish-American war as aide-de-camp to General Miles, 1st Infantry, U. S. Regulars. Lieutenant Nolan's folks then lived in Akron, and the young officer was a product of the high school of that town. He had entered into competition for a cadetship at West Point, stood highest among the school boy competitors and was named by the congressman of his dis- trict to the first vacancy at the military academy, which occurred in 1892. When America entered the World War in 1917, General Pershing found Major Dennis E. Nolan serving in the War Department at Washington. He had gone to the Philippines a Lieutenant in the 13th Infantry and came out of there a Major in the 11th Cavalry. He had served later as an instructor at West Point, and in 1910 was returned to the Philippines as Director of the District of Luzon and came back in 1915. When General Pershing received his order to go abroad, Major Nolan was occupying uneasily a War Department chair. Picking out a small staff of officers, the American Commander left for overseas, arriving in France in June, 1917. A well organized staff, in the opinion of General Pershing, through which the commander could exercise his functions was essential to a successful modern army. And, unquestionably, the American Army about to go overseas had to be primarily a successful army, and necessarily, a modern army. A new modernized railroad engine, a completely equipped tender, and splendid new coaches, no matter how thorough their manufacture and how efficient their construction, would be useless for practical purposes unless hitched together by a proper coupling. Accordingly, it is well established that no matter how capable divisions, regiments and companies might be, success for the army would not be possible without thorough co-ordina- tion. Hence, the General Staff. Up to that time, however, the American Army had possessed no General Staff broadly con- structed and trained for war. The building of this Army, therefore, had to begin at the top. The staff when completed had the task of carrying out the policy of the Army, directing the details of administration, supply, preparation and operations of the Army as a whole, with all special branches and bureaus subject to its control. General Pershing obtained complete informa- tion as to the organization of the veteran French staff, and also reviewed the experience of the British who had similarly formed an organization to meet the demands of their enlarged and newly constructed army. The American Commander says in his report: "By selecting from each the features best adapted to our basic organization, fortified by our own early experiences in the war, the development of our great General Staff system was completed. " The Staff was divided into five groups, and the chief of each group was an assistant to the Chief of the General Staff. Group 2 of the staff had charge of the censorship, the secret service, enemy intelligence, gathering and disseminating information, the preparation of maps, and all similar duties. In looking around for a head for that division, the boy who 26 years before had gone out from the Akron high school to West Point, was the choice of General Pershing and the other American officers in France as an ideal selection for the post. Accordingly, Brigadier General Dennis E. Nolan became G. 2 of the American Expeditionary Forces; and thus, an Erie County man appeared in France with the first American force and as one of the chief advisers to the Commanding General. He was then 46 years of age. At that time Brigadier General Nolan's family had moved to Tonawanda, leaving their home in Akron for a wider field, where a younger brother who had stepped from the University doors a short time before, might enter the practice of medicine. Buffalo's Part in the World War 233 Having completed his General Staff, General Pershing established the American headquarters at Chaumont, decided upon the size and make up of the American divisions, and planned the method of organization to be followed upon the arrival of troops. General Nolan immediately turned his attention to the immense task ahead of him, and built from the ground up the entire intelligence system of the United States Army in France; organized, and from then on adminis- tered the secret service work among the American forces. Upon General Nolan rested the respon- sibility of giving the American commanders information of the movements of the German forces. That he achieved remarkable success in his work was attested by many officers; General Pershing having cited him* personally for distinguished service. However successful he was in obtaining information as to the enemy movements, and no matter how valuable that service was to the country and the success of the American arms, General Nolan won his greatest distinction, and will be longest remembered by the men of the An erican Expeditionary Forces, for his work in the Argonne Forest in command of the 55th Infantry Brigade of the 28th Division, Pennsylvania national guardsmen. Knowing that the effort in the Argonne would be a mighty difficult one, General Pershing did not hesitate to use the most experienced men he had whenever and wherever he deemed their services more advantageous to the cause than the officers theretofore in command. To make certain the taking and holding of Apremont, General Pershing directed General Nolan late in September to proceed to the Argonne and take command of the 55th Brigade. In company with Colonel Walter Sweeney of Wheeling, W. Va., Nolan commanding the center column planned a defense of deep shell holes, in which he hid a number of machine gunners, on the outskirts of Apremont far in advance of his supporting brigades on the right and left. The Germans centered their attack on this advanced position and soon reached the shell holes containing the pick of Penn- sylvania's guardsmen. Those brave boys in the shell holes armed with machine guns caught the German horde coming forward and mowed them down like grass. The two regiments of Nol- an's brigade then going forward wiped out the remainder of the German force in that immediate locality and made the capture of Apremont complete and lasting. Returning soldiers state that neither " Colonel Sweeney nor Brigadier General Nolan commanding had any sleep for three days. " "I never knew that generals like that were right up there with us doughboys. Of course, we went forward." This was the opinion expressed by a muddy, unshaven Pennsylvanian soldier who had just re- turned from the death-stalking heights above the Aire valley, speaking to another who personally knew the Brigadier General who was referred to. "General Nolan worked out the defense of Apremont before the German counter attack," said Lieutenant Davis of Philadelphia. "Then in the thickest of the fight he came out and joined us. We had 300 men and sixty machine guns. A Prussian regiment came over in the fog. We scattered into shell holes, ten men to each, and practically wiped them out. Those we did not wipe out our tanks coming up at dawn finished. He is every inch a man. "While we were up there fighting we saw him going from shell hole to shell hole, never bend- ing his head. That is what gives men grit. I never saw the general we had before outside of a dugout, the new one was always leading us. " For his services with the Pennsylvania boys at Apremont, Major General Hay, commanding the Division, cited f him for extraordinary heroism in action. When the American advance through the Argonne became a certainty. General Nolan was returned to his duties at headquarters. *" Brigadier General Dennis E. Nolan, U. S. Army "For exceptionally meritorious and distinguished services "He organized and administered, with marked ability, the Intelligence Section of the General Staff of the American Expeditionary Forces. His estimates of the complex and everchanging military and political situations, his sound judgment and accurate discrimination were invaluable to the Government, and influenced greatly the success that attended the operations of the American Armies in Europe. "By command of General Pershing. "J. A. Ulio, Adjutant General." t" Brigadier General Dennis E. Nolan, 55th Infantry Brigade] "For extraordinary heroism in action near Apremont, France, October 1, 1918 "While the enemy was preparing a counter-attack, which they preceded by a terrific barrage. General Nolan made his way into the town of Apremont, and personally directed the movements of his tanks, under a most harassing fire of enemy machine guns, rifles and artillery. His indomi- table courage and coolness so inspired his forces, that about 400 of our troops repulsed an enemy attack of two German regiments." 234 Buffalo's Paet in the World War Despite the fact that National Guard soldiers resent the promotion of regulars over State officers, in the short time that General Nolan was with the Pennsylvania brigade he so won his men by his soldierly qualities and personal courage that when he left he was the most beloved officer in the division — [Information given to the editor by National Guard officers of the Twenty-eighth.] North Tonawanda furnished two other members of the Nolan family to the service of Uncle Sam in France. Captain Daniel A. Nolan was adjutant of the Fifth Infantry, stationed in the Canal Zone, Panama, when war was declared. He was detailed for duty at the Plattsburg train- ing camp during June, July and August of 1917, promoted Major National Army August 22, 1917, and assigned to duty as adjutant of the Depot Brigade Camp Upton, N. Y.; transferred to the 77th Division, National Army, on its departure for France in March, 1918, and assigned to command the 305th Machine Gun Battalion. He was the first officer of the National Army commanding a fighting unit to land in France. In June, 1918, he was ordered to the General Staff College at Langres; promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, National Army, in July, 1918. In the organization of the Sixth Corps in August Lieutenant Colonel Nolan was assigned to duty as Assistant G-1, the branch of the General Staff devoted to administration. He served with the Sixth Corps in the Marbache sector and in the Second Army Moselle offensive up to the date of the Armistice. He was recommended to the grade of colonel on merit while serving with the Sixth Army Corps. Another brother. Lieutenant Martin F. Nolan, a practicing physician in North Tonawanda, realized the pressing need in the army for medical men; and the need was pressing, for the expedi- tionary force in the early days of the war was far short of its medical quota. Leaving his practice, young Nolan tendered his service to the Government and was sent to Base Hospital, No. 41, St. Denis, France. While the services of General Nolan at Chaumont and in the Argonne were exceptionally valu- able and valorous, and while Colonel Nolan rendered commendable service on the corps and divisional staffs, it was reserved for the youngest of this trio of splendid soldiers to crown the efforts of all with the noblest sacrifice that a man can make for his country. Lieutenant Martin F. Nolan, died October 9th, in a hospital adjacent to the one in which Don Martin, the Silver Creek war correspondent, died. Ruins ot a Church at Montfaucon Buffalo's Part in the World War 235 Lieutenant Nolan's services and death are very clearly recounted in a letter to Mrs. Honora Nolan, heroic mother of the three soldiers, at 213 Goundry Street, North Tonawanda. The letter was sent by Captain Miller of Base Hospital No. 41: "St. Denis, France, December 3, 1918. "Lieutenant Nolan's death was a great shock to us. He was sick only about five days. About two o'clock in the afternoon of October 9th the Lieutenant died in the presence of Abbe Nozais, English speaking Priest of the Cathedral of St. Denis, and a few friends. "His brother. General Nolan, was notified as soon as the diagnosis of pneumonia was made, but did not reach the hospital until the evening of the day on which he died. After death, his body, in a flag-draped casket, laid in state in the Chapelle of the Legion of Honor, which was at one time the worshipping place of the Benedictine Order of Monks. The casket was placed directly in front of the Altar, under a constant military guard; on either side where the floral tributes from members of the organization, oflScers, nurses and enlisted men. Funeral services were con- ducted by Abbe Nozais, who spoke beautifully of Lieutenant Nolan's fidelity and devotion to work among the sick and wounded. The casket was borne from the Chapel by six officers, placed in an automobile and escorted by the entire organization, led by the officers, to the gate. As the car passed out of the grounds, between the column of officers on either side, taps was sounded. "The death of Lieutenant Nolan struck a deep blow in our hearts, although we had known him only a short time. He had under his care at least two hundred patients — all of the most serious cases, such as pneumonia and gassed patients. It was probably due to his untiring efforts and long hours of work that he contracted pneumonia. No man ever labored more faithfully than did Martin Nolan. "Try hard as we may it is impossible not to meditate over the swiftness and tragedy of the death of such a man so far from home. To his loved ones at home this thought must strike all the deeper. Lieutenant Nolan was not permitted— though he tried hard — to serve his country on the battlefield. But his death here was none the less the Supreme Sacrifice. His life was filled with rare possibilities, but he sacrificed all to serve his country. Martin Nolan has played his part and proved himself a man. "Walter E. Miller, Captain D. C, B. H. U, A. P. O. 702, A. E. F." 238 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER LXVIII 77th division ENTERS ARGONNE— COLONEL JEWETT DECORATED WHILE many Buffalo men had rendered splendid service to their country, and not a few had made the Supreme Sacrifice in Belleau Wood and in the Second Battle of the Marne and at Soissons, at the Ourcq and at the Vesle, the widest range of Buffalo's participa- tion on the battlefields of France must be written in the Meuse-Argonne offensive and in the breaking of the Hindenburg Line. Up to that time Buffalo's banner had been carried gloriously, untarnished and with added lustre through each new engagement, by Buffalo men in the Regu- lars, in the Marines, and by those who fought with Donovan in the Rainbow Division, by those engaged in the brief, and valorous, but sad, experience of the 77th Division on the Vesle. To the 77th belongs the peculiarly dramatic credit, after its discouraging debut in battle, of graduating into an efficient combat division. It never had the advantages of leadership that fell to some of the other divisions; it never had the transport equipment attached to other divisions and the task assigned it was one of sustained difficulties through the heart of the impenetrable Argonne. Its wounded frequently died of exposure through failure of the proper functioning of divisional units, but its courage never lessened and it performed its assigned duty courageously and completely. Perhaps it was stung into fighting efficiency by the bad mauling it received on the Vesle, or its new commander. Major General Robert Alexander, may have given it a new divisional spirit. In any event he aided tremendously in swinging the division into fighting form. When it left the Vesle sector on the night of September 16th, it was a new 77th Division in everything but a name. The Division was moved up in camions to the vicinity of Civry-en- Argonne and attached to the First Army Corps. Buffalo officers were not too numerous in the Division. Karl E. Wil- helm, noted Cornell athlete and prominent Buffalonian, destined to play an important part in the Argonne offensive, had been assigned to Company E, 308th Infantry, under Captain George M'Murtry. The only other Buffalo officer in that regiment was Lieutenant Cook of Lackawanna. They had won their commissions at Fort Niagara, at the Officers' Training Camp, getting the documents in November, 1917, and were then detailed to Camp Upton, sailing for overseas with the Division and eventually reaching the Argonne Forest. Every Buffalo man in a combat division in France, not then in the hospital, participated in that giant offensive. Buffalo's national guardsmen, in the 27th Division, still co-operating with the British Army, were given the mighty task of breaking the famous Hindenburg Line at a point near Bony. The artillery of the 27th Division, including the 102d Trench Mortar Battery and the 106th Field Artillery, still separated from the division, and assigned to support the 33d Divi- sion formed the base of the Argonne hinge. The 106th took a position on September 25th on the historic "Dead Man's Hill." Next, to the left of the 33d, was the 80th Division, then came the 4th Division of regulars, and besides the latter the 79th; then the 37th, 91st, 35th, 28th, and on the extreme right of the American Army, the end of the whip which was to slash through the Argonne Forest, came the New York 77th Division, with its many hundreds of Buffalo boys. Beyond the 77th was the French Fourth Army its right of line at Vienne-le-Chateau. The 78th Division had orders to move into a reserve position. Thus the two divisions, containing the bulk of the Buffalo selective service men, then overseas and in combat service, were relatively close together on September 25th when the hour of attack was announced to the regimental leaders. The artil- lery of the 78th Division, operating with the 90th Division up to that time, was attached to its own division and went to the Argonne front reserve line along with the remainder of the 78th Division. The Argonne Forest is about 20 miles long and seven miles wide. The line of attack extended from the Meuse to the Aisne on the start off. The thin line of French that had been holding the Buffalo's Part in the World War 239 line was withdrawn on the 25th, and used with the Fourth French Army on the extreme left along the Aisne; French were also holding the lines southeast of the American sector. Although the American line had moved up the 23d of September, the French line was not with- drawn until late on the 25th to mask the arrival of the Americans. The attack on the 26th was a surprise attack. The Argonne is a region of continuous dense woodland and thickest underbrush, a succession of hills and ravines, of brooks and swamps, with few roads, and those few invariably commanded by the wooded heights. The Germans held all of the Argonne except the open woods in the south, and in four years they had fortified the Forest by every means known to scientific ingenuity into an impregnable fortress which, perhaps, only Americans would have been daring enough to tackle. German artillery commanded the few roads of approach and every treacherous ravine. Ger- man machine guns swept every forest path and insignificant trail and every hill slope. German machine guns were further posted thickly in echelon, so as to form interlocking bands of fire, long chains of machine gun barrages. The trees were interlaced with barbed wire, with succes- sive defensive systems running miles back. The Germans, too, had been prolific in their use of cement. In four years they had constructed systems of reinforced concrete trenches; the terrain was dotted with cement "pill-boxes." There were blockhouses and tree top "fortresses." Above all, the Germans had four years of experience in Argonne Forest guerilla warfare and a perfect knowledge of the terrain, reinforced by lookout towers, concealed observation posts, an l^>^: "^^e-' "fWt^'^ Outside a Dugout in the Argonne Forest Members of the 307th Infantry, 77th Division, at a dugout south of Charlevoix Mills in the thickest part of the forest 240 Buffalo's Part in the World War elaborate telephone system and a narrow gauge railway system for bringing up troops, ammuni- tion and supplies. No German soldier had ever dreamed of an attack through this Forest, and everything was done to conceal the nature of the operation from them. The American artillery observers during the period of preparation wore French uniforms. On the night of the 25th, the 77th and other divisions in the reserve line moved up and the French came back. Owing to the vast amount of territory covered by the 77th, the four infantry divisions were necessarily in the line, the 305th on the extreme right and the others, in numerical order, stretched to the left until they met up with the 1st French Division. That, at least, had been the arrangement. On the left flank for service between the 77th and the French, a Franco-American force had been organized which was to act as a combat liaison group. It was made up of the 368th Infantry of the 92d Division. A barrage was laid down for the 368th, but it did not advance, and the 77th went away on the morning of the 26th with its left flank exposed and continued so through the entire Argonne drive. Owing to a misunder- standing, or failure of leadership, the 368th Infantry did not take its appointed place. After the first two days of the attack, surprise days for the enemy, the German defense began to stiffen as fresh divisions were rushed into the strongly fortified forest, but the driving power of the Americans was not to be denied. On the right of the line from the Aire to the Meuse, the troops moved forward rapidly. The 37th Ohio Division, the 79th drafted men from Pennsylvania and Maryland, the veteran 4th, the 91st, 80th and the 33d moved up in unison; the last named division, supported by the 106th Field Artillery and the 102d Trench Mortar Battery, two Buffalo units, followed the Meuse, and cleaned up the territory from Forges to Dannevoux. Charpentry and Montfaucon had also been taken before night of the 27th and, on the following day, Cierges fell. The American Army had taken 10,000 prisoners on the first day. As the 91st Division moved forward behind its thundering barrage that morning and encountered the first line of resistance, it was quickly discovered that one of the infantry brigades was badly disorganized. They were in the line just west of the Aire River in contact with the 35th Divi- sion on the left and the 37th on the right, the three divisions moving off together from the Boure- villes-Avocourt Road and headed through Cheppy and Very to take Charpentry and Epinonville. Colonel Henry C. Jewett, a brother of Sherman S. Jewett and Mrs. Fred H. Williams of Buf- falo — a Buffalonian himself until he entered the miUtary service from West Point in 1901 — was in command of the 316th Engineers, attached to the 91st Division, when his division went over the top that morning. Colonel Jewett's men had cut the first wires in the forest. He was work- ing at that task when Major General W. H. Johnston, in command of the Division, sent for and directed him to proceed forward as commander of the disorganized infantry brigade, the 182d Brigade, at that moment virtually demoralized. The General in command of the Brigade had been removed a few minutes before. Colonel Jewett, from reports which have since come through from officers and men, quickly reorganized the brigade, took up his position in the line, and went into Charpentry that night having cleared the Apremont-Montfaucon Road. They were then right in step and on time with the 37th Division. For courageous leadership and intelligent handling of the brigade, Colonel Jewett was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, the order reading: "Colonel Henry C. Jewett, 316th Engineers, for extraordinary heroism in action during the Argonne-Meuse offensive, September 25th to Octo- ber 4, 1918. Assigned to the command of an Infantry brigade. Colonel Jewett was directed to go forward, find his brigade, and consolidate his regiments, which had become separated. He crossed territory under terrific fire and pulled his rear regiment to the aid of the regiment in the front which was seriously engaged, thereafter commanding the movements of both regiments in a highly creditable manner." After the first phase of the Argonne, a Brigadier-General was given command of the 182d Brigade and Colonel Jewett returned to his own work, the engineering regiment having a most difficult part to play from that point forward in the Argonne attack. Later on Colonel Jewett acted as Chief of Staff of the 91st Division. While a Buffalo Colonel was thus distinguishing himself by heroic effort, a Buffalo private in the 147th Infantry of the 37th Division, fighting by the side of Colonel Jewett, likewise showed Buffalo's Part in the World War 241 his valor. Charles Frueh, of 1694 William Street, the chap who had failed to pass the Buffalo doctors, but who effected an enlistment in the Ohio Division was shot down by a machine gun- ner early in the day. Frueh's company, along with others of the 147th Regiment, was halted by a severe machine gun action from the crest of a hill. His company was compelled to fall back, leaving a number of wounded on the ground, among them the Buffalo private writhing with a bullet through his thigh. A German lieutenant with a detachment of seven men hurrying forward, searching the ground, came across Frueh and directed him to go to the rear a prisoner. "I can't walk," said the Buffalo man, speaking in German. The Lieutenant told him he would have to go back, but the lad replied he would rather die where he was than become a prisoner. The angry Lieutenant grabbing a rifle from the nearest soldier, fired six times from his hip at the prostrate boy on the ground. Five of the bullets took effect in the boy's side and arm, but none fatally. The return of the reorganized American company put the Germans to flight, but the German Lieutenant and five of his men were brought down before they could get out of harm's way. Frueh finally recovered. The gallant 77th Division during that time was in the center of the forest, ploughing its way through. Many of the Divisions in the territory between the Aire and Meuse had fairly open going, but the 77th was in the heart of dense wood, and had been slowed up until, on the 29th, the center of the line was stopped. On October 1st an attack made along the entire front by the 77th was checked at every point and the 77th found itself anchored. Orders came that night to attack again in the morning. 242 BiTFALo's Part in the World War CHAPTER LXIX MAJOR WHITTLESEY'S BATTALION, 77th DIVISION THE morning attack came on time. Cyril Brown, New York World staff correspondent, in his account of the 77th's advance, pursuant to orders, on the following morning. October 2d, tells picturesquely and accurately the stor>^ which constitutes the history of the "Lost Battalion." Lieutenant Karl Wilhelm, commanded Company E, 308th Infantr3^ of that Battal- ion, and thus, in that most hidden spot in the black heart of the Argonne, Buffalo was again faithfully and courageously represented. The division was ordered to attack at 12.50 P. M. on its entire front regardless of losses. The elements of the division were further ordered, if successful in breaking through the German line, to advance regardless of flank protection and to hold their objectives until the rest of the line caught up with them. The Division attacked on schedule time, supported by a barrage and by a simultaneous attack by the French holding the Binarville sector west of the 77th. But the attack ran into murderous enfilading fire from cleverly concealed machine guns which apparently left not a loophole in the entire front. The Germans held all along the line and the American attack seemed to be a complete failure. When the situation cleared a slender ray of success appeared. One battalion alone had suc- ceeded in breaking through the German line. At all other points the Division had been held up. Elements of the 1st and 2d Battalions of the 308th Infantry, reinforced by sections of Companies C and D of the 806th Machine Gun Battalion, all under the command of Major Charles S. Whit- tlesey had found Achilles's Heel of the impregnable German line — its one vulnerable spot. This was the Ravine de Charlevaux, on the extreme left of the Division's line and running through the center of the 308th Infantry's sector. The one undefended spot of the German line was in the bed of this ra\nne, and by a process of infiltration through the underbrush along the eastern bank of its slender stream Major Whittlesey's force, now comprising Companies A, B, C, E, G and H of the 308th Infantry, with the added machine gun detachments, succeeded in breaking through the German line and alone reaching its objective, the so-called Charlevaux Mills. Without support of any kind on either flank this solitary band of unconscious heroes had reached — and intended to hold — a position deep within the enemy's lines. On the left the French attack had made no progress and had been held up in front of La Palette Pavilion. On the right the 307th Infantr>' had been unable to make progress and had been checked. At that time the "Lost Battalion" had no way of knowing that it was far in advance of the checked elements on both its flanks. It only knew that it had broken through the German trench and wire system, losing about ninety men, but capturing two officers, twenty-eight privates and three machine guns. It confidently expected support in the form of reinforcements; and, as a matter of fact, the 3d Battalion of the 307th Infantry actually did attempt to follow it that same night, but only Company K succeeded in slipping through and reinforcing Major Whittlesey in the morning. To the layman it might look as if Major Whittlesey's band of heroes had blundered with their eyes open into a man-trap. But nobody had blundered. Major Whittlesey had specific orders to break through the Charlevaux Mills and hold it until the rest of the line came up, which left him no discretion for avoiding a possible man-trap by retreating, or, once in, trying to fight his way back. That night Major Whittlesey took up a position near the crest of the hill south of La Viergette- Binarville, about 500 meters east of the Charlevaux Mills. He and his band did not know until morning that in the night the Germans had been super-active, digging trenches, running barbed wire entanglements and posting machine guns in his rear, across the path of his advance, and thus repairing the break in the German line which his force had made. Buffalo's Part in the World War 243 Casualties had reduced his command to 600 effectives, including the machine gunners. These "babes in the Argonne woods" were now hopelessly "lost" in a deep "pocket" formed by the junction of two steep ravines, with slender streams, meeting at right angles. On four sides they were hemmed in by steep, densely wooded slopes. In the darkness Major Whittlesey led his men, struggling through the morass, across the brook and junction of the two ravines and up the tangled slope almost to the crest. In front, and about 100 yards from the crest, the Binarville- La Viergette road hugged the slope. With the utmost difficulty, funk holes were dug in the stony ground of the hill slope. Also, the men had no blankets or overcoats. And lastly, thej^ had already eaten up their reserve rations in the course of their advance. But this night they were to enjoy their last quiet, restful night. Not until morning did they discover the true character of their desperate position. At daybreak October 2d details were sent to the rear for rations. At the same time, Company E, under Lieutenant Wilhelm, was sent back to attack from the west of the ravine from which the original attack had been launched, in order to assist reinforcements in getting through and up. 244 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER LXX LIEUTENANT WILHELM, BUFFALO, IN "LOST BATTALION." THE situation was a desperate one, but the uncertainty as to the location of the others, Amer- ican and German, did not force home the idea on the Lost Battahon, that conditions were any different that day from what they had been on each preceding day. The state of affairs is best gleaned from Lieutenant Wilhelm's account of his experiences just before and after he was sent back to make an opening for reinforcements. He had been away from his company from the 15th of August until the beginning of the Argonne drive on September 26th, on account of a severe gassing which had closed both his eyes while the Division was on the Vesle River front. He did not consider the position of the Lost Battalion as seriously then as some others did, for the reason that many small detachments of different companies were isolated from their companions during the "gang fighting" through the woods. Whittlesey's force had been twice cut off within a few days; it was large in numbers and many of the men came back, while, in the cases of small numbers, frequently none returned. Lieutenant Wilhelm explaining the situa- tion said: "The Argonne Forest is very similar to the Adirondacks, with the exception that the under- brush is much thicker than in the Adirondacks. Our daily progress had varied little. Each morn- ing at about 4 o'clock our barrage would start and at 4.30 the troops would go forward until they encountered the Germans, when the action would be fought out. Due to the thick shrubbery and new formation known as "gang formation," which merely meant that each non-commis- sioned officer took from six to eight men and proceeded in the general direction of the German lines, keeping in touch as best he could, with the small units on his right and left, and because of the nature of the ground, the utmost confusion at times prevailed. It was almost impossible to tell where the various gangs were operating or where the Germans were located. "The third or fourth day out, my company was with two companies from the 1st Battalion. We figured that we had gone a mile or so in advance of the main body when we ran into stiff machine gun and rifle fire and dug in on the slope of a hill. Major Whittlesey commanding the composite battalion sent me back to the main body to tell of the situation and give them our location. In our advance before the main body we had dropped off runner posts consisting of two or three men at intervals of a few hundred yards so that messages could be conveyed forward and back as easily as possible. On my way back I met Lieutenant Colonel Smith of New York City, who was commanding two companies which had dug in alongside a narrow gauge railway about half a mile behind the advanced battalion. I reported to him, and, as it was raining and there was no shelter, I suggested to the Colonel that we go to the first-aid station which had been established in a little shanty a few hundred yards away, where we might get a bite to eat. "We had just arrived at the first aid station when Regimental Headquarters called upon the field telephone and informed Lieutenant Colonel Smith that the runner service had broken down and it was the Colonel's order that he re-establish it immediately. It was then one or two o'clock in the morning and pitch dark, so the Colonel and myself worked back to Regimental Head- quarters, arriving there an hour before daylight. "As soon as daylight came we started for the advanced Battalion with a guide leading. After the guide came Lieutenant Colonel Smith, then myself, then the Colonel's Adjutant, a second lieutenant and two or three runners. We went forward from post to post without difficulty until we had gone within approximately a quarter of a mile of the advanced Battahon. Suddenly we ran into a group of Germans with a light machine gun who had been practically concealed in the thick underbrush. One of the runners and myself flopped down on the right of the little path we had been following, while the Colonel and the rest of the party threw themselves to the left of the path and we fired with our revolvers as rapidly as possible at this Httle German group. Buffalo's Part in the World War 245 The Home of Bismarck in 1870 House on the road to Grand Pre, said to have been occupied by the "Blood and Iron Chancellor" while on his way to Paris. The youth in the window is Private Charles Mader, 312th Machine Gun Company Unfortunately, a revolver had little chance against a machine gun and in 20 or 30 seconds the regular patt-patt-patt-patt-patt of the gun told us they were scouring the woods. The German gun fired for a few moments and then was silent. As soon as it ceased, I crawled to the path and ran back towards our own line as fast as possible. After going back some 200 yards I found the Colonel's Adjutant lying on the ground with a very nasty wound through his thigh. He told me that the party had scattered and that he thought the Lieutenant Colonel and two others were killed, which fact was afterwards verified. After bandaging him as well as possible with our first aid kits, I started to drag him back, but found it was almost impossible to make progress, as he was rapidly losing strength. I called for help, and, though this drew a couple of snipers' bullets, it resulted in one of the runners who had gone out with us coming to my assistance and we got back without difficulty after that. "The Division was moving forward against very determined opposition, but in two days the Germans were cleared out of the territory intervening between the main forces and the advanced Battalion. I was then given command of E Company, as Major Budd was sent to Staff School and Captain McMurtry was made acting Major of the 2d Battalion. "Now all this occurred prior to October 2d when the Battalion was finally cut off. "In advancing I found that two platoons of my Company which were ahead of me had gone into action with some German posts and went up towards them to find out what the conditions were, accompanied by my orderly, a little Italian from New York. While short, he was very broad and powerful and a fine soldier. The orderly was preceding me by 15 or 20 yards when I suddenly heard him shout and lunge with his bayonet behind a group of bushes. Much to my amazement a six-foot German was partially hidden there and in a moment the German and the orderly were hot at it with their bayonets. The sight was so unexpected that for some half minute I forgot entirely that I was supposed to participate and watched anxiously to see how the fight would come out. Suddenly I realized that I was supposed to be doing a little scrapping myself 246 Buffalo's Part in the World War about that time, so I managed to get within six or eight feet of the German and shot him. I rather expected to be at least thanked for this action by my orderly, but he turned around with an expression of disgust on his face and said : '"Oh! hell. Lieutenant, what did you want to do that for? I'd have got him in a minute my- self.' "On the morning of October 2d we had camped on a hillside and I had put two or three auto- matic rifle outposts over the brow of the hill. Just before the time to start and while our barrage was still going on, my Sergeant reported that one of these outposts could not be found. As I had helped place them the night before I thought I knew their exact location and walked over the brow of the hill to call them in personally. I came upon a group of five figures who were looking at right angles to me and who, of course, could not hear of my approach because of the noise of the barrage. Never doubting but what they were my post I advanced to within some 15 or 20 yards of them when suddenly one of the figures saw me approaching and without getting up, fired at me with a revolver over his shoulder. Luckily the bullets merely struck the little finger of my left hand and as a matter of fact I did not know for some time that he had wounded me, being too much plain scared. I fired at them while retreating at which they threw one or two hand gi'enades in my general direction, and, while these did not injure me, they added suffi- ciently to my fright, so as to send me back to the company immediately. I rounded up a squad and went back to clean out this nest, but, as usual found that they had left for parts unknown. "The advance that day continued according to schedule. Late that afternoon I came through a ravine and found myself with the forty-five or fifty men left in my company (the others had been wounded or killed during the previous fighting) and with four or five other companies dug in on the side of a hill. Major Whittlesey was in command and Captain McMurtry second in command. This eventually became the site of the famous so-called "Lost Battalion." Properly speaking the Battalion was not lost at all. Its location was well known but the German resistance between it and the main body was so powerful that all attempts to relieve it for six or seven days proved vain. The 307th Infantry tried hard but lost many men.* "On digging ourselves in we immediately encountered machine gun and rifle fire from the north, east and west. The second morning after arriving here I was ordered by Major Whittlesey to take my company and work back along the side of a hill to connect with two companies who were supposed to work forward from the main body and toward us. I started out soon after daylight but after getting a half mile away from the Lost Battalion, was startled by a voice on the hill top above us saying: "'What Company is that?' "Three or four men immediately answered: 'It is E Company.' "Something in the tones of the voice made me suspicious and I sent a scout up the hill to see if he could get any definite information. At the end of ten minutes he did not return, so I crawled up the hill a short distance myself and again heard talking, the men speaking in German although I could not distinguish what they said. Returning to the Company I gave the order to move ahead but about this time a terrific rifle and machine gun fire commenced, the Germans firing at us from above and also both flanks — while from across the little valley snipers started working. "I took ten men and worked for a hundred and fifty yards to see if there was a possible chance *Ed. — A popular Buffalo boy, a member of the 307th Infantry, Sergeant Frank Holtz, whose home was in Humboldt Parkway near Main Street, gave his life in an effort to relieve the "Lost Battalion." The story of that heroic endeavor is told in a letter from Captain R. M. Shields of the 307th Infantry to the boy's father: " Sergeant Holtz took part in a battalion attack on a Boche barbed wire position in difficult woods in the heart of the Argonne forest — in an attack aimed to relieve the battalion of the 308th which was cut off by the Boche and had been marooned a kilo ahead of us in a valley for two or three days. Undoubtedly you read all about this in the New York papers about that time, for it was reported faithfully and at length. Sergeant Holtz was wounded about October 4th. We relieved the battalion of the 308th Infantry, on, I believe, the 6th, after it had held on five days without food — relieved it by a turning attack on the Boche left flank. About Holtz, himself, I can say nothing but praise. He was an ex- cellent soldier and a fearless one. He was promoted Sergeant from private and later made platoon sergeant. Nothing that I can say, of course, can relieve your grief in losing him. He gave up his life like a soldier." Washington, June 4, 1919 — Associated Press. — The distinguished service cross has been awarded by General Pershing to the late Sergeant Frank F. Holtz, son of Mrs. Henry F. Holtz of No. 207 Humboldt Parkway, Buffalo, who died from wounds received in action. The award was made for "extraordinary heroism in action near Moulin de Charlavaux, France, October 4, 1918." In announcing the award to-day the War Department said: "His platoon held up and cut off from the remainder of the company, he volunteered to establish liaison and summon reinforce- ments after several runners had been killed or captured in the attempt. Passing through intense artillery and machine gun fire, he carried word to his company commander, but was mortally wounded while returning to his platoon." Buffalo's Part in the World War 247 for the Company advancing between the machine gun firing from the foot of the hill and the Infantry Company above us on the hill. After five of these men had been shot I determined that this was not feasible and started back toward the remainder of the Company, only to find that the Germans had swung down in between myself and the rest of the Company. We were cut off from the Company. The only thing left for us was to head straight up the hill and back into German territory. When we had advanced five or six yards we found that there were Germans all around us. They were shouting to one another and evidently had some idea we were in that vicinity, so we crawled into thick underbrush and lay there all during that day. "A little path some fifteen yards away from us evidently led to a German gun position of some sort, for all during the day the Germans were passing and repassing by twos and threes — so close that we could hear what they said. In my party was a sergeant, a corporal and two privates, and after dark we decided that it would be much safer to work back in smaller groups as two or three men would make less noise than would five, so Sergeant Callahan and myself started out working along this little path which led in the general direction of the American lines. It took us from 8 P. M. to 12 P. M. that night to go an eighth of a mile, and we had to be exceed- ingly careful about noise. Every few minutes we would crouch at the side of the path while Germans would go by talking, unconscious of the fact that we were hidden there. Finally, near midnight we came upon an open plain a half mile across, which was more or less illuminated by flares which the Germans were throwing up every few minutes. Directly in front of us were three stretches of barbed wire each about 30 yards wide and protected by machine guns located every few hundred yards. "After a short rest we started working through this barbed wire — our progress being neces- sarily slow as every time a flare went up we would have to stand perfectly rigid until it had died out. They fired frequently with machine guns — searching the wire for any enemy that might be there, but as luck would have it we got through safely and crawled across the open plain to our own posts. "On arriving in the American line I reported and then went to the rear to have my finger dressed and got a shot of anti-tetanus. Four or five days later the " Lost Battalion" was reUeved. The survivors certainly presented a hideous spectacle, due to lack of food and medical attention. I was then assigned to command of F Company and went forward again working in reserve." 248 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER LXXI LOST BATTALION'S DEAD STILL HOLD THE POSITION THE four or five days intervening, between the time Lieutenant Wilhelm got tlirough and the "Lost Battalion" was finally reached by the onward push of the American forces, were bitterly contested days for the men on the hillside. George F. Speich, 798 Elk Street, Buffalo, a corporal in K Company, 307th Infantry, fought heroically all that day in the bitter drive against the German line. The Germans were holding at virtually every point as they did on the preceding day. Speich was in the front lines by the side of Eddie Grant, Captain "D" Company, 307th Infantry, a former popular member of the New York baseball team, who was killed the following day. Toward evening, the eighty-six members of "K" Company were sent back to the kitchen for mess and then late at night, were returned to the line. Speich says Company K, apparently, hit about the same spot Major Whittlesey had penetrated earlier in the day, for as they fought on through the night they suddenly, as dawn was breaking, came across Whittlesey's Battalion on the slope of a hill near a ravine, and pulled in alongside of them. The men were tired out and laid down for a little nap. They were awakened by shell fire and discovered the Germans were firing at them from all sides and they were really boxed in. The first man Speich encountered on the morning of October 2d was William Wright, Company "D", 306th Machine Gun Battalion, another Buffalo boy. As far as he knew they were the only two Buffalo men, apart from Lieutenant Karl Wilhelm, with the "Lost Battalion," although there may have been others. Telling his story. Corporal Speich said: "We were on the extreme right flank; the 308th was on the left. The Germans were attacking us mostly with hand grenades and minenwerfer, but we were dug in under a road half way up the hill. That road was swept continuously, as was also the valley below. The side of the hill was thickly wooded and contained, where we dug in, a very heavy brush. We could frequently see the Germans on the hill above us. "We had had a good supper the previous night, but did not have any food with us when we broke through and joined up with Whittlesey's Battalion on the morning of the 2d. We found that the 308th, also, was without food. They did not have even a bit of hardtack. We had plenty of rifle ammunition, but were short on hand grenades. Of course, if a fellow was wounded or killed, we would go out at night and take his belt off and use his ammunition. A number of our fellows were wounded on the second of October, the first day that we were in the brush, and it was rather pitiful because we could render them no assistance during the day. At night we would go out and take their canteens, fill them with water from a nearby creek and give them a drink. We could not change their bandages, because we had but two bandages apiece and those were about used up. Our aeroplanes soared over us several times, but they could not see us in the brush, although we could see them. We put out towels to attract their attention, but I never heard whether they located us or not. I do not think they did. On two afternoons, the Germans came after us with liquid fire, but they were too far distant and no one suffered from that attack. Our fellows were gradually going under, however, from shrapnel wounds and exhaus- tion. After three or four days on the hill they began to feel the need of food. I got a slight wound in the leg caused by shrapnel, but was not very badly injured. Some of the boys were in pretty bad shape, a number of them having shrapnel in their backs. Of course, we used our rifles to the best advantage. If we saw a movement anywhere in range we would take a crack at it, primarily however, to keep them off us rather than with any hope of inflicting very serious damage. "The night we went in we had eighty-six men in the company, but when the relief finally showed up on October 7th there were but forty-two men able to go on. The relief battalion of the 307th, the first to get there, came up to us on the night of the 7th, but the fellows who came Buffalo's Part in the World War 249 up had only their iron rations and they gave that to those who were most seriously wounded and in greatest need of sustenance. The next morning, however, they brought up coffee, jam and bread, and we had a regular feast. They had a large number of ambulances and took out the seriously wounded first. The ambulances were busy all day taking the men away. I did not get out until about 4 o'clock in the afternoon. You can appreciate the suffering of some of the wounded who had lain there for five and six days with nothing to eat. I went to Base Hospital No. 15 at Chaumont, but I was all right in a short time and got back again with the regiment for the final drive." Private Wright was not seriously hurt, but suffered severely for the want of food and from exposure and continuous watching. Being a member of the machine gun battalion, he was out firing until all of their ammunition was gone. He left Buffalo in February, 1918, and went overseas with the 77th Division. The 77th Division had been in traps before; in fact, had just previously got out of one and were far from being unfamiliar with such situations. Whittlesey's men, as Speich's story shows had settled themselves in a small wooded patch on the side of the hill where Lieutenant Wil- helm had left them. The German artillery opened fire the morning after their arrival, but the shells failed to reach. They whizzed over the hill and over the heads of the American soldiers near its crest. A trench mortar battery was doing more effective work. A detachment sent back to stop it was raked with a withering machine gun fire which compelled retirement. Captain McMurtry was convinced that Lieutenant Wilhelm had been killed in his effort to reach the back area. The Battalion, however, had no intention of going backward. The German artillery fire had opened on the morning of October 2d, but its failure to reach them satisfied the leaders of the Battalion that they had nothing to fear up in front ; accordingly they prepared to hold their position until the balance of the Division came through. Not realizing how widely scattered were the forces behind them, nor what difficulties the small detachments were encountering in their endeavor to break through the German line, they expected help to arrive the following day. Several German attempts during the night to close in on the Americans were met by a machine gun and rifle fire that withered up the attacking party, and the Boche left many of their men on the hillside. Each day after that was much like the preceding one, except that the situation gradually grew worse. The American wounded were without proper attention, and the pangs of hunger added a new element of danger. By Sunday, October 6th, Whittlesey's force, originally close to 700 men, had been reduced to less than 300. Both machine gun officers. Lieutenants Noon and Peabody were killed that day; only one machine gun out of nine was still working and ammunition was almost gone. Monday, October 7, saw the soul crisis of the "Lost Battahon. " From none of the men had come a suggestion of surrender. The subtle temptation now came from the enemy. In the morn- ing a patrol of nine, went into the woods to try to recover a food parcel dropped by one of our aeroplanes. Outnumbered and overpowered by a German outpost, five were killed, four wounded and taken prisoner. One of these was sent back to the Battalion with a note from the German commanding officer, reading : " Sir: The bearer of this present has been taken prisoner by us. He refused to give the German Intelligence officer any answer to his question, and is quite an honorable fellow, doing honor to his fatherland in the strictest sense of the word. "He has been charged against his will, believing that he is doing wrong to his country, to carry forward this present letter to the officer in charge of the battalion of the 77th Division with the purpose to recommend the commander to surrender with his forces, as it would be quite useless to resist any more, in view of the present conditions. "The suffering of your wounded men can be heard over here in the German lines and we are appealing to your humane sentiments to stop. A white flag shown by one of your men will tell us that you agree with these conditions. Please treat the bearer as an honorable man. He is quite a soldier." Major Whittlesey, Captain McMurtry and Captain Holderman read the note in turn. Major 250 Buffalo's Part in the World War Montfaucon Buffalo's Part in the World War 251 Whittlesey ordered the two white panels, spread on the ground for the purpose of attracting the attention of American aeroplanes, to be removed, so that not even a suspicion of a white flag of surrender might show on that hillside. The news of the German note, tempting the "Lost Battalion" to surrender, quickly spread among the men; but not a man was in favor of it. Prostrate on the ground, in many cases too weak from hunger to stir, they had life and spirit enough left in them to call to the Boche to "come over and get us," amplified with other choice epithets, "Tell them to go to hell!" being the mildest of these. In the evening unmistakable American rifle and machine gun fire, unmistakably coming their way, sounded like sweet music in the ears of the "Lost Battalion." But they had to put up one last and hardest fight before the approaching relief became effective. The Germans tried a final farewell desperate assault, this time with liquid fire. But, like all their innumerable attacks before, this one, too, was frustrated by the survivors of the " Lost Battalion, " and as the last Ger- mans were beaten back and disappeared, men of the 307th Infantry were coming up on the right while patrols of the 308th were reported advancing from the south. The agony of the "Lost Bat- talion" was over. On the morning of October 8th, 252 survivors of the original 679 returned from the "pocket," leaving the dead to hold the position. Corporal Vincent V. Zielinski, Company I, 306th Infantry, who had figured in the release of the Lost Battalion in the Argonne performed an act of greater heroism at St. Juvin in the approach to Grand Pre on October 15th. The official citation says: "Corporal Vincent V. Zielinski, I Company, 306 Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in action at Saint Juvin, France, on October 15, 1918. Corporal Zielinski volunteered and carried a message of vital importance in connection with the capture of Saint Juvin through an intense artillery barrage, displaying courage and persistent devotion to duty. Home address, Mrs. Eva Zielinski, Mother, No. 112 Gorski Street, Buffalo, N. Y." Buffalo's Part in the World War 253 CHAPTER LXXII BUFFALO ARTILLERYMEN WRECK FORGES ON THE MEUSE ONE Battery of the good old 65th Regiment, now converted into the 106th Field Artillery, got into action on the St. Mihiel front, but the regiment did not get its real christening until the Meuse-Argonne Offensive began. Through the latter part of September they were, however, gradually working their way up to the front lines. On the day the Marines drove the Boche out of the top of Belleau Wood, Buffalo's old "standby" landed in France. It was June 18th, 1918. Their port of entry was St. Nazaire. They had crossed the Atlantic on the " Matsonia". Colonel Hines, who had been in command of the regiment at Spartanburg, did not make the trip across, Lieutenant-Colonel John D. Rowland, being in command on the trip. Shortly after arriving at the training camp in France, however, Lieutenant-Colonel Howland was succeeded by Colonel Emery T. Smith as commanding officer; and shortly thereafter detached entirely from the regiment. Lieutenant Henri Berteaux, a representative of the French Army, was assigned as Haison officer. The French Lieutenant became popular with the men and officers of the regi- ment and his experience and help were a constant factor in the development of the efficiency of the regiment, during the training period of July and August. On the 6th and 7th of September, the regiment left its training camp and headed up toward the St. Mihiel front, where Battery "A," Captain Burkhardt, commanding, got into action for a short time at Balencourt. Lieutenant Colonel John T. Delaney of New York City had been designated as second in command of the regiment, when Lieutenant-Colonel Howland was detached, and Lieutenant Colonel Verbeck of Manlius, N. Y. was also added to the Staff. Major Louis H. Eller and Major Bradley Goodyear were the ranking Buffalo officers of the regiment. Major Eller had served many years with the old guard in its State militia days, while Major Goodyear was comparatively a new comer in the ranks. In the early period of the war, when Buffalo was not thoroughly aroused to the importance of the struggle overseas, Mr. Goodyear was one of the men who gave his time and money and best thought to the preparedness movement and, as evidence of his willingness to serve, enlisted in the 65th Regiment, N. G. S. N. Y. The Buffalo Captains in the Regiment included Patrick J. Keeler, a Judge of the City Court; Chauncey J. Hamlin, lawyer, clubman, and like Goodyear and Keeler, an earnest worker in the development of the Buffalo regiment in the days when the people did not believe war possible; Walter D. Parlour, Harry L. Gilchriese, John C. Grabau, Medical; Howard H. Burkhardt, George Toomey, John J. Curtin, William F. Schohl, Williamsville; Lieutenants, Douglas P. Walker, Edwin S. Burrows, Marvin W. Marcus, Joseph R. Hess and Carleton B. Briggs, Lancaster. Captain Harry Gilchriese writing from Verdun, tells the story of the activities of the old Regi- ment as it passed from the St. Mihiel front and entered into its arduous task in the Meuse-Argonne offensive : "Moving forward we arrived at our new position at noon on September 20th. And where do you think it was? Exactly on the southern slope of the famous Mort Homme (Dead Man's Hill), a hill on which we are told more lives were lost in one battle than in our entire civil war. "A cautious reconnaissance on the crest of the hill gave us a beautiful view of the country held by the Hun from the Argonne to the northwest around to the river Meuse on our east. Directly below us lay our own infantry lines and across the shell-torn ravine of Raffincourt were the Ger- man front lines. The Bois de Forges which was soon to be our objective loomed up as an insur- mountable barrier to the heights beyond. Where once had stood a prosperous little village, the remains of Bethincourt, marked the center of No Man's Land. There is nothing impressive about a battlefield. It is the most desolate looking thing imaginable. Not a sign of life, not a creature stirring. It was a beautiful day, but even the birds had long since evacuated. 254 Buffalo's Part in the World War "But behind the hill, screened from enemy eyes, one received an awful shock, by contrast. Soldiers and officers were moving about everywhere, with instruments, plotting boards and chains. The unmilitary observer would think the army had suddenly turned to survejdng or some such peaceful pursuit. Those countless men were the advance detachments of the hundreds of batteries that were to be in within the next few days. They were laying out traverses, orienting lines and locating positions on the map for the computations necessary for the artillery. Good Lord, what a hot time was in store for Jerry ! "That night it rained. We knew in advance it was going to rain, because our batteries were coming forward. We had selected as a command post a dugout thirty feet under ground, damp and unventilated, but, as subsequent events proved, quite worth the discomfort. The next several days the artillery literally swarmed around the section. Dead Man's Hill became the most lively of places. Batteries of all calibres, from 75's to 220's appeared as if by magic. When one woke up in the morning there would be another battery crowding in beside you. There never had been such a concentration of artillery in one sector before. Even the French were astounded. We were now with the 3d Army Corps, U. S. and a part of the First Army. "For the next four days everyone worked feverishly, under camouflage by day and in the open by night. Ammunition was hauled up the hill by hand; emplacements had to be widened, and cover had to be constructed for the personnel of the guns. Never a shot was fired. We had no orders, but everyone knew what was coming, and everyone worked with his utmost speed and energy, and each night found a new regiment moving in. Then the infantry began to move up and we sat tight waiting for the order. When a hostile plane flew over during the day, the hill presented an aspect as dead as its name. As soon as it had been driven off the ravines and sur- rounding hills were seething with activity. It was amusing as well as interesting to see the way the game was being played. "And then, at 10 o'clock on the night of September 25th, the captains were assembled in the Colonel's quarters. We were told that H hour would be at 5.00 o'clock on the following morn- ing; that we would begin firing at 3.00 o'clock and fire until H hour; that the back areas would be smothered by our "Heavies" during the night; that the infantry would go over at H hour. Of course we had been given our objectives several days before. Intent on our several missions we started back for our command posts. The night was as quiet as usual, not even the rattle of a machine gun broke its death-like stillness. We looked at our watches, having just synchronized them with the Commanding Officer. It was two minutes to eleven. We waited. At exactly eleven o'clock a terrific bombardment from our rear was begun. The distinct booming, followed by the screeching of the heavy projectiles as they passed us en route, became more and more intense. The G. P. F.s and Longs had begun the party on schedule time. From then on one could not hear himself talk, and the medium and light guns had not begun. All night long this serenade was kept up. "From 1.00 o'clock we "stood to." At 3.00 o'clock a shell went through the store room just above us, calibre 150, and blew up a box of "gold fish." At 4.00 A. M. we worked in gas masks for fifteen minutes. At 5.00 another shell blew our wireless aerials skyward. " That afternoon I was sent forward to reconnoiter for new observing stations nearer the retreat- ing Hun lines as they had passed beyond the range of our present observatories. I passed hundreds of prisoners being returned from the attack. The dead of course had not yet been removed and some grewsome sights were presented to the unaccustomed eye. Happily the American dead were far outnumbered by the Boche. In fact we lost very few men in the attack, as the artillery preparation was perfect. The Hun prisoners were absolutely terrified, pounded into complete sub- mission, by that tremendous demonstration. Our Infantry crossed the Forges Brook, mopped up the Bois de Forges, which had so long menaced their positions, took several small towns and brought up on the west bank of the Meuse, which seemed to be an insurmountable barrier. As I gazed upon the smoking, ruined country from the new observing station, the thought came to me, as it has come to thousands of others, that the Hun must be paid in full for the havoc he wrought." Buffalo's Part in the World War 255 CHAPTER LXXIII BREAKING THE GREAT HINDENBURG LINE THE attack on the Hindenburg Line really began on the 25th of September, when word was passed to Colonel William B. Taylor that his regiment, the 106th Infantry, the old 14th and 23d of Brooklyn, had been chosen to start the big drive. The night of September 26th found the regiment moving along shell swept roads and passing through villages which were the last word in desolation and ruin, and arriving at its appointed position about mid-day. It was necessary that they begin to work and work fast, because orders which they had received said that the men must get into position at 4 .00 A. M. It was hazy, the fog beginning to rise about 2 .00 A. M. The zero hour was set for between 4.00 and 5.00 A.M. and word came that the barrage would last about thirty minutes, after which the infantry would begin to advance. The other regiments moved up on the 27th and got into position on the night of the 28th. The attack on the 29th was opened by the artillery at 5.50 A. M. and they pounded away for fifteen minutes with a terrific fire. Then the tanks began to move out. It was dawn and fairly bright. Suddenly as the tanks began to mount what was known as Guillemont Farm, there was a flash of flame followed by a gigantic crash as the mines exploded, one after another, until nine of the tanks were removed from the battle line. Other tanks were smashed by direct hits from the big German guns. In all sixteen of the forty-five tanks that moved out that morning were destroyed in the first fifteen minutes. It was a sickening feeling that came to the Buffalo men when they saw that fearful accident, for they felt that inside of the tanks they would find nothing but the charred remains of those who had formed their crews. One of the Buffalo boys in the tank brigade that moved out that morning was Sergeant Frank J. Williams, Jr., Company "C", 301st Battalion Tank Corps. Sergeant Williams was the only Buffalo man attached to that tank battalion. In fact, as far as is known, he was the only Buffalo man serving in the big tanks. They had what was known as a "Mark 5" battle tank, and were headed for the Knoll. They had been in action for about ten minutes when their tank was hit by a 5.9 shell, a direct hit. Six men in the tank were killed, the others badly wounded. Williams himself was terribly lacerated and it was feared for a long while that he would not recover. The following citation will serve to give some idea of his service: "Sergeant Frank J. Williams, Jr., Company C, 301st Battalion Tank Corps, is recommended for the award of the Distinguished Service Cross in view of his conduct in action as noted below: " (a) September 29th, 1918, from 5.50 A. M. to 11.00 P. M. " {b) East of Ronssoy Map 'Etaves' location F-12-c. " (c) The attack was directed against the Hindenburg line in front of Le Catelet. It was made by the 27th Division American E. F. supported by 301st Battalion Tank Corps. " (d) The operation was the assault upon the trench system east of Ronssoy. " (f) Sergeant Williams was in a tank under the command of Lieutenant H. E. Potter when it was put out of action by a direct hit from enemy artillery. Every one in the tank was either killed or disabled by wounds. Lieutenant Potter was temporarily blinded and was badly injured, and Sergeant Williams, although seriously wounded, himself, assisted in dressing his wounds. He then remained with Lieutenant Potter all day attending to his wounds while under heavy tire from an enemy trench that lay between them and our first line. When it became dark he assisted the Lieutenant back through the German position to our lines. If it had not been for the attention that Lieutenant Potter received he would probably have died from loss of blood and he would certainly have been taken prisoner as he was helpless. "(/) These facts came under the observation and have been verified by a verbal report from Sergeant Charles E. Kaufman of Company C 301st Battalion Tank Corps, and the attached affidavit of Lieutenant H. E. Potter. "l<7) Nearest relative Frank J. Williams, 261 Parkdale Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. " Ih) I am of the opinion that Sergeant Frank .1. Williams, Jr., Company C, 301st Battalion Tank Corps, has distinguished himself by his extra- ordinary heroism in connection with the above military operation to an extent that justified the award recommended." Sergeant Williams was still badly crippled at the time he was returned to Buffalo after his discharge from the service. The Hindenburg offensive proved to be one of the most notable battles in which the American forces participated in France, and is particularly interesting to Buffalonians became of the large number of Buffalo men engaged. The series of operations by the British and French between July and November, 1916, com- monly called the battle of the Somme, so weakened the German front between Arras and Peronne Buffalo's Part in the World War 257 that the German staff found it necessary to establish a new line from six to eight miles to the rear. It was constructed during the winter of 1916-1917 by the labor of prisoners and of French and Belgian civiHans. This was called the Hindenburg Line. It ran from the region of Queant in a southeasterly direction, passing three or four miles southeast of Cambrai and directly east of Saint Quentin, to La Fere and the Oise River. Roughly the entire German defense line for 1917 and 1918 came to be called the Hindenburg Line, but the portion described was the Hindenburg Line proper. It consisted of an elaborate series of deep trenches, protected by barb-wire entangle- ments and detached cement forts for machine guns, called by the soldiers "pill-boxes." In addi- tion, the Germans completely devastated the country from which they retired, destroying all villages and farms, cutting down trees and poisoning wells in order to make it as difficult as possible for the pursuing Allied armies to live in the abandoned country. This region had been cleared up by the British to the extent of rebuilding the roads and bridges and reopening water supplies by 1918; but in general the Hindenburg Line may be described as the most formidable system of trenches German ingenuity could contrive, facing an artificial desert, six to eight miles wide. The portion of the Hindenburg Line with which the 27th Division was concerned ran from the region of Le Catelet south to Nauroy, a distance of about four miles. Here the basis of the Hinden- burg system was the Saint Quentin canal. Emptied of water, the canal made a wide and deep trench where thousands of men could be massed, secure from anything but direct hits by high- angle guns. At one place the canal tunneled through a hill and here the German troops were absolutely protected. Canal boats drawn into the tunnel gave them good housing, and no shells could reach them. In front, or west, of the canal the country for a width of one to two miles was seamed with infantry trenches, covered with machine-gun forts and obstructed by mazes of barbed wire. These obstacles had to be overcome before the canal itself, with its masses of German reserves and well-hidden artillery, could be reached, while still farther to the east were the long-range batteries from which high-explosive shells could be poured, not only on the attacking troops, but on their reserves and supplies miles in the rear. Ronssoy was the principal point where the 27th struck the outworks of the Hindenburg Line, Bony, Gouy and Nauroy are the chief villages on the line itself in the sector through which the Buffalo regiment and associates were to make their drive. On September 26th the Meuse-Argonne offensive had started with an artillery crash, the greatest ever recorded in history. The doughboys said the guns were "hub to hub" and 2,700 of them were firing. On the same day the 106th Infantry of the 27th Division went forward to straighten out the line for the attack on Bony and the Hindenburg entrenchments. It was found necessary to take the outer defenses to prepare the way for the main attack scheduled for September 29th. General O'Ryan would have preferred to send his entire division in to clean up those defenses, consist- ing of the Knoll, Guillemont Farm and Quennemont Farm but General Rawlinson said they could not afford to have an entire division cut up before the main attack, and the 106th Infantry was sent in to do the job alone. They started at daybreak September 27th. The battle was terrific all day. Early on the morning of the 27th the 108th Infantry under orders from the Division Commander left their bivouac at Tincourt on a forced march along a railroad track to the front. No trains ran east of Tincourt. They camped that night on the side of a hill near Longavesnes and Villers-Faucon just back of the battle area. They had a march of about nine miles, and as they tramped along the road in the afternoon, the ambulances began to rattle back. Soon they met members of the 106th Infantry trudging back, some holding their arms with pain, another with a finger shot away, another gassed; these were the wreckage of the fight for the Knoll, or rather that part of the wreckage still able to make headway "under their own steam." " It's hell up there, " they told the Buffalo boys as they passed them on the road, but the "apple knockers" just took a tighter grip on their rifles and stepped out a little livelier than before. Buffalo's Part in the World War 259 The 106th Regiment had gone over at 5.30 A. M. behind a barrage, but met stubborn resist- ance along the entire Une and they had to fight every yard of the way. In spite of this, however, the Knoll, Guillemont Farm and Quennemont Farm were taken. Enfilading fire from the left made the position on the Knoll a veritable hell. The enemy counter-attacked and fought desper- ately in an attempt to recapture the heights. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon word was received that the Americans had been forced to with- draw. The New Yorkers quickly reorganized their line, however, and at 5 P. M. had regained possession of the Knoll in one of the bloodiest engagements of the war. Heavy fighting con- tinued throughout the entire day in and about Guillemont and Quennemont Farms, where isolated pockets of enemy machine gun nests fired into our lines from all sides, many of the enemy coming up in the rear of our troops through underground passages. During this preliminary engagement three officers and 250 Germans of other ranks were cap- tured. A reconnaissance of the battle ground made after the fight showed that a large number of enemy dead were in the trenches, which was eloquent proof of the sanguinary character of the fighting. The number of German dead near the Knoll was enormous. Orders were dispatched to the Commanders of the 107th and 108th to relieve the 106th. Colonel Jennings' report of the operations of the 108th put in civilian language follows: From bivouac camp September 27th, on Ronssoy via Aizecourt, a march of about eight and a half miles. Bivouac was made just west of Templeaux Le Geurard on the afternoon of September 27th. Under above orders a representative of each company and battalion scout section reported at the 106th Infantry headquarters. It was impossible to arrange the details of relief at the time owing to the disorganized conditions existing in the line taken over. Routes were reconnoitered and all possible information gathered as to the location of units and headquarters which were to be relieved. At 2 A. M. September 28th, the march of the 108th Regiment was resumed, with the exception of the 1st Battalion and one platoon of the machine gun company which later were acting in sup- port. The march into the front line positions was approximately six miles, and was accomplished while roads traversed were under enemy shell fire, including high explosives, mustard gas and machine guns. A few casualties from shell fire resulted in the regiment. The 2d Battalion, plus one platoon from the machine gun company, one 37mm cannon sec- tion, and two trench mortar sections, moved into position via Ronssoy-Hargicourt Road, and Templeaux Switch Line, occupying trench lines. The 3d Battalion plus two sections 37mm cannon and four trench mortar sections, and one platoon from the machine gun company took position via the Ronssoy-Guillemont Road to Duncan Post. No representatives of the 106th Infantry being present to define the position, it was daylight before a complete occupation of the line could be made and contact gained on the flanks. This battalion suffered considerable from machine gun fire during the above period and several casualties resulted. Regimental Head- quarters was established in a double entrance dug-out, and the Regimental First Aid Post estab- lished about twenty yards from Regimental Headquarters in a dug-out which had a connecting passage to Headquarters. Immediately after the Regimental Sector was established combat patrols were sent out to gain contact if possible with detachments of the 106th Infantry which were holding isolated positions forward of the 108th lines. One officer and seven enUsted men of the 106th Infantry, all of whom were wounded, were picked up by an 108th patrol. Those patrols were strengthened during the day by order of higher command and an attempt was made to secure the line which had been the objective of the 106th Infantry, in their attack of September 27th. During the whole day of September 28th visibiKty was fair, it rained during the morning. The front line trenches were subject to considerable machine gun fire and the roads used by transports subject to shell fire all day, both high velocity and high explosive shells being used. Wire communications between Regimental and both Battalion Headquarters were frequently interrupted by hostile shell fire and it was necessary to use extra runners during the repairs of these communication lines. (Paul Bowen, a seventeen year old Buffalo boy, son of the managing 260 Buffalo's Part in the World War Editor of the Buffalo Times, was one of the runners that day between Division and Regimental headquarters. A conference of battaUon commanders was held about 6 P. M., September 28th, at which final arrangements were made for pegging and taping the departure line for the morning attack, zero hour was announced, supplies and ammunition checked, and a discussion held in regard to the timing, interval, distance, etc. of the barrage. Runners were sent out to inform the commanding officer of the 1st Battalion to take position. In the preparation for the morning attack all non- commissioned officers of each unit were informed of the attack to be made and were given detailed instructions as to the position of the departure Hne, etc. Owing to a persistent impression that remnants of the 106th Infantry were in No Man's Land along the lOSth's front, it was considered necessary to fix the barrage to start at a point about 1,000 yards in advance of the line of departure. It is agreed by all observers that this great dis- tance between troops and barrage was in a large measure responsible for the severe punishment received by the first waves of the 108th; this because there were many enemy machine gun nests and outposts in the dead space between the lOSth's troops and the barrage. Also, because the enemy opposition had too much time to reorganize after the passing of the barrage. The 2d Battalion, 108th Infantry, encountered early resistance in the form of machine gun nests, which were broken up by outflanking and the use of hand grenades and rifle fire. The advance was then continued with little resistance until the remaining troops arrived at the first wire entanglements of the Hindenburg Line. At that point they met the full resistance of a fortified position such as the world had never known. However, by desperate fighting and on account of the fact that their tremendous barrage had opened devious ways through acres of barbed wire, portions of the 2d Battalion were able to establish themselves in the Main Hindenburg System. The position was held against severe counter attacks and enfilading artillery and machine gun fire from the direction of Bony, until reinforced by troops of the 2d Australian Division at 10.30 A. M., after which our troops, aided by the Australians, succeeded in cleaning up many enemy machine gun nests in that vicinity. Late in the afternoon the Battalion moved to the rear to reconsolidate on the original line and act as reserve. The 3d Battalion met strong resistance in the Guillemont Trench and Guillemont Farm after jumping off, and under difficulty went over the top in good order, being organized and main- taining intervals between waves of 20 or 40 yards. The first wave was so cut up between this position and Claymore Valley by hostile machine gun fire and the enemy counter barrage that only a small portion were able to penetrate into Dirk Valley where they took cover in a sunken road directly in front of Bony. At that point they were also subject to such terrific fire from both machine gun and artillery that further advance was impossible. The situation was relieved by reinforcements from the 3d Australian Division at 5.30 P. M. Our troops aided the Australian troops in cleaning up a few enemy machine gun nests and assembled at 6.30 P. M. to begin their rearward march to reconsolidate on the original line and act as reserve. The 1st Support Battalion forming on the departure line immediately took their position as "Moppers Up" for the entire Regimental Sector and followed the advancing waves and support companies of the 2d and 3d BattaHons by approximately 100 yards, raiding several machine gun nests with the aid of hand grenades, and gathering many individual prisoners of war who, under the confusion, became detached from the enemy ranks, as well as other escorted prisoners of war from the other two battalions. These prisoners were sent to the rear under guard and in many cases were used as stretcher bearers for the wounded. It was very difficult to keep platoons organ- ized due to the poor visability and the enemy counter barrage as well as machine gun fire from low flying enemy aeroplanes. Here ends Col. Jennings' report but he does not tell it all. Early on the morning of the 29th Corporal John J. Mattews of Company I posted his squad on a point near the sunken road leading to Bony and was walking back when a sniper from con- cealment shot him. Mattews, on the pre\aous day, had mourned the death of Corporal W. A. White of the same company. The two men were close friends. On the 28th of September, White Buffalo's Part in the World War 261 was engaged in straightening out the tape so that the 108th elements would go over unitedly. That night White did not return, and Mattews and some others had searched for him; not find- ing him they came to the conclusion he must have been hit. Going over the top the next morning, White's cousin, Corporal Henry Wehrum, found White's body hanging on the wire. While he had been at work the previous day, a high explosive shell burst over him filling him with shrapnel and throwing his body a mass of crushed flesh onto the wire entanglements some distance away. Shortly after he heard the news of the finding of White's body, Mattews, too, made the supreme sacrifice. The sniper's bullet was fatal. Another Buffalo boy of the 108th, Private Harry Goldie of B Company, was killed early on the day of the Hindenburg Line smash. Goldie had advanced less than 100 yards with his com- pany on the morning of the 29th, when a machine gun bullet went straight through his heart killing him instantly. An exceptionally sad occurrence on the 29th of September came in the death of Private Frank A. Malican. Men were falling fast on that eventful morning as the 108th went forward toward its first objectives. The machine guns of the Boche collected a heavy toll of gallant young Amer- icans. Malican, a member of Company A, was hit by a machine gun bullet. When hit his comrades say he made an effort to reach a shell hole but fell. No aid could be given then; it would have been useless, anyway, as MaHcan was mortally hit. A short time after the infantry had passed along, a detachment of the 102d Engineers came forward on a burial mission. They gathered up the bodies — those not blown in fragments^and laid them in rows preparatory to identifica- tion and proper burial under direction of the chaplains. Suddenly a member of the burial party stopped short and bent over a body. "God help us!" he said, half cry; half prayer. It was Engineer Malican who had stopped and turned pale. In gathering up the dead he had found his brother's body. In a few minutes he recovered his composure; aided tenderly in burying his brother, and then went forward again in the discharge of his duty to his coun- try. Captain J. W. Smith of Company I was killed early on the 29th. His company had advanced across No Man's Land. The Captain, having received final instructions, was hurrying forward to join them when he was hit by a shell from a trench mortar. The burying party under Lieu- tenant Elmer Brecht came across his body about noon, and recognized it from a ring and from his tag; his head was missing, blown off. The same morning about 10 o'clock Lieutenant Harold Mackay saw Lieutenant Kerr stagger and fall. To render what assistance he could to the wounded officer, and see that he was started back to the first aid station if not mortally wounded, Mackay started across a small strip of open territory to the spot where Kerr fell. Just as he reached the fallen officer, a rifle bullet pierced his heart and he fell across his comrade — dead. Boys became men rapidly that terrible morning as the Stars and Stripes went forward. Edward P. Pierce, a brave Buffalo lad, who had carried two or three wounded men into shell holes and laid them out of danger, was finally mortally wounded in the advance. His brave conduct was not unobserved, however, and the following citation was issued : "Private (Rrst Class) Edward P. Pierce (deceased). Company D, 108th Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in action near Ronssoy, France, September 29, 1918. Private Pierce left shelter, went into an open field under heavy machine gun and shell fire, and dragged a wounded soldier to safety. This courageous soldier was killed while advancing with his company later in the action. Next of kin, George Pierce, lather, Buffalo, N. Y." Private Kenneth P. Carter, a regimental runner, worked hard through the 29th, and while traveling through the shell-torn field with machine gun bullets from indirect fire falling around him he had many narrow escapes. Again on the 30th he made two trips to the front lines, and, about 7 o'clock in the evening, was making a third. As he was going through the wire he set off a mine which had been planted by the retiring Germans. He was blown high in the air and, of course, instantly killed. 262 Buffalo's Part in the World War That night Sergeants John J. Boechat and Sergeant Harvey H. Geier were sent out to locate a dugoixt for regimental headquarters. They finally arrived at a pill box near Quennemont Farm, and when inside examining maps as to a good location for headquarters, the Hun gunners made a direct hit with a howitzer shell, killing them both. In his last letter home to his mother, Sergeant Boechat said : "We are on the eve of a big drive and that we will be successful, I am sure. I hope to come through it all right, but if I don't, you will know that I was there at the finish and you will have cause for pride and joy and not sorrow." On the morning of September 29th, Raymond McKnight of I Company received a machine gun bullet in the shin, but did not get off the field until evening. He had crawled to the protec- tion of a shell hole, but while laying there gas shells were falling around him and the gas filled up his lungs. As boys were passing him to the front they reported that he was full of smiles and shouted : "Go get 'em." Shortly after he reached the hospital, pneumonia set in and caused his death. Private Benjamin Cohen, another Company I boy, who was hit by a sniper bullet, died in the hospital from his wounds. He was in a shell hole getting a bite to eat, when a sniper off on the side of a road got a good aim and the Buffalo boy went down. He died on October 23d. Corporal A. Nagowski, on that same day rushed out under machine gun fire and brought a wounded officer into a shell hole. He was hit with a machine gun bullet, but he saved the officer's life. His wound, while severe, was not fatal. First Lieutenant Delancey King was cited for extraordinary heroism that day in action near Ronssoy, September 29th. Lieutenant King was wounded early in the engagement, but he con- tinued to lead his men until he received a second wound. His gallantry under shell and machine gun fire, and his disregard for his own safety, furnished a splendid example to all ranks. Many Buffalo men other than those the details of whose deaths were related by comrades made the supreme sacrifice — the noblest sacrifice — when they faced the leaden rain across No Man's Land that day; others died of wounds, and more than a hundred Buffalo men were severely though not fatally wounded in that victorous drive. Until the blow arrived, however, they con- tributed immeasurably and valiantly to the crushing of the Hindenburg denfenses, and, when they fell, they fell facing forward. Many Buffalo boys won high honors in the Hindenburg battle. One was Private Harold L. Shipman of Company B, 108th Infantry. His comrades say that if Shipman had a few more days he would have licked the German Army alone. His citation tells the whole story: "Private Harold L. Shipman, Company B, 108th Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in action east of Ronssoy, France, September 29, 1918. During the operations against the Hindenburg line. Private Shipman, a Lewis gunner, exhibited great courage and dash when a party of about 40 German prisoners seeing their guards killed by German snipers while going to the rear, seized rifles and opened fire on the Americans. Private Shipman rushed forward with his Lewis gun and put the entire group out of action. During the engagement he also silenced three enemy machine gun positions. Home address, Louise Shipman, mother. No. 60 Laforce Place, Buffalo, N. Y.' Sergeant John N. Bilitski, Company A, is one of the men of the old 74th who fought with the 108th in the attack on the Hindenburg Line, and won the admiration of the men of the regiment as well as the commendation of the regimental and division officers. He returned bearing a distinguished service cross. In a letter to his mother Bilitski said: "Mother, I was chasing them dirty Boche all over No Man's Land when I got a little hurt. It is not much." He was cited for "extraordinary heroism in action," and every man in his company said he deserved all that could be said for him. His citation reads: "Sergeant John N. F. Bilitski, Company A, 108th Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in action east of Ronssoy, France, September 29, 1918. During the operations against the Hindenburg Line, Sergeant Billitski, although twice wounded, refused to leave the field, but remained with his platoon, exhibiting magnificent courage and bravery until he was wounded a third time. Home address, Mrs. Florence Bilitski, wife. No. 21 Giga Place, Buffalo, N. Y." Sergeant Edward Duncan, A Company, picked up many of the Buffalo boys who were falling on the 29th as they approached the Hindenburg defenses. Like Lieutenant Mackay he risked his own life repeatedly to aid some companion who had fallen. Mackay met death while so engaged, but Duncan was in luck and escaped. He never tired, however, and kept his men going forward, while he aided the wounded when they fell. On two occasions that day he found his lines so Buffalo's Part in the World War 263 depleted from injuries that he was forced to reorganize the squads, which he did in an effective way, and proved one of the valued leaders in taking the regiment up to and beyond their objec- tives. For his work that day he was cited for bravery. His citation reads: "First Sergeant Edward A. Duncan, Company A, 108th Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in action east of Ronnsoy, France, on Sep- tember 29, 1918. During the operations against the Hindenburg Line, Sergeant Duncan displayed great gallantry and courage by going forward under heavy shell and machine gun fire and bandaging the wounded and bringing them back to our lines. Throughout the engagement he exhib- ited a fearless disregard of the enemy's fire and performed valuable service by organizing new squads when his company was suffering heavy casu- alties as a result of shell and machine gun fire. Home address: Mrs. Ellen Duncan, No. 681 McKinley Parkway, Buffalo, N. Y." During the morning of September 29th from the hour that the Australian artillery put up the barrage until the early part of the afternoon virtually all means of wire communications were interrupted by hostile shell fire. Visual signaling was not practical with the forward positions because of the dense fog that hung close to the ground. It was therefore necessary to rely on the runners for message service. The tanks assigned to the 108th in that attack were put out of action shortly after zero hour (5.30 A. M.) as it afterwards proved they were good targets on the skyline for the enemy artillery; almost no assistance in wiping out machine gun nests was rendered by the tanks. Two companies of the 108th, one under Second Lieutenant Samuel A. Brown, Jr., of James- town were the first to reach the Hindenburg trenches. The 30th Division on the right had gained its objectives, but on the left the English 17th Division was stopped, leaving the left flank of the 107th Infantry (27th Division) exposed and causing the line to stretch diagonally across the front. The 107th was subjected to a furious bombardment from artillery and machine guns in Vanhuille, which village had not been taken. On the following day an Irish Division was put in and this town taken, two battalions of the 105th were put in to assist the 107th and the Divi- sion gained its objectives. Though the 108th Regiment had fought a terrific battle over a bitterly contested field from early morning, they were not ready to rest when the Hindenburg Line was pierced. At 5.30 P. M. a runner came forward with an order reading : "Objective reached. Rest." They sent back word: "Rest, Hell! Give us a barrage." And they got a barrage behind which the Hindenburg Line received its final smash. The Americans and Australians had gone through. Although, as Col. Jennings in his report says, "The 108th was ordered at 6.30 P. M. to go back in reserve, many members of the 108th, in the confusion and enthusiasm of the occasion, fought on with the Australians for two or three days." 264 Buffalo's Part in the World War HEADQUARTERS 27th DIVISION U. S. A. American E. F., France, October 22, 1918. From: Commanding General. To: Commanding Officer, 108th Infantry, U.S.A. Subject: Commendation. 1. Now that we have inspected the captured defenses of the Hindenburg Line, the magni- tude of the task assigned this division in the attack of September 27th-October 1st becomes even more apparent than it then appeared. In the main attack on September 29th the 108th Infantry held the right half of the divisional front of 4,000 yards. The attack was made against what was, probably, the most highly organized system of field defenses ever constructed. That the 108th Infantry, after practically all of the tanks had been put out of action, should have broken through the maze of wire that existed, and in the face of machine guns firing from every trench and nest, lodged one battalion in the main position, now seems an extraordinary feat. That this battalion, having gained the main position, should have captured prisoners equaling in number its own strength at the time, and for two days and nights have withstood bombing attacks and repeated counter attacks supported by artillery, at the same time keeping its prisoners in subjection, is more extraordinary. 2. The valor of officers and men of the 108th Infantry on that occasion and the determina- tion and accomplishment of the battalion referred to, will furnish regimental history for all time. As one captured German officer said, "If you can break through the tunnel sector of the Hindenburg Line it will be impossible to construct any defenses to stop you." 3. Since that battle the division has been fighting and marching almost continuously. On the 17th instant the 108th Infantry was one of the two regiments of the division upon which the task was imposed of forcing the crossing of the Le Selle River. In anticipation of this attack the regiment was directed to raid the enemy for the purpose of determining his strength and securing identifications of the enemy units opposing them. This raid was brilliantly exe- cuted by Lieutenant Christ R. Fritz and a small detachment of your regiment, which resulted in the capture of over twenty prisoners. On the 17th instant your regiment with the 105th Infantry overcame all of the difficult features of the ground and in the face of heavy machine gun and minenwerfer fire supported by artillery, forced the crossing of the Le Selle River and success- fully assaulted the heights on the other side. 4. Following this operation the regiment fought almost continuously during the advance of the division and played a prominent part in the capture of Bandival Farm, the town of Arbre Guernon, the farms of Jonc de Mer and La Rue, and the forcing of the enemy beyond the line of the Canal De La Sambre. 5. The valor of the officers and the men has at all times been exceptional. In spite of the great- est hardships and the continued strain, they have maintained the highest standards of discipline and cheerful determination. The record made by the 108th Infantry during the recent opera- tions would indeed be hard to equal. John F. O'Ryan, Major-General. Buffalo's Part in the World War 265 CHAPTER LXXIV DEATH OF DON MARTIN— A SOLDIER OF THE PEN DON Martin, the Buffalo newspaper man, did not send many letters home during the months of August and September. He subsequently explained in a letter to his daughter that he had been working so hard following the American advance that it was difficult for him to obtain time to write personal letters. The last letter his little girl received from him was dated the 29th of September, shortly after the Meuse-Argonne offensive began and when the handwriting on the wall foretold the coming of the end. Martin was then leaving for Montfaucon, which was captured September 27th, the day after the American "hop off" on the Meuse-Argonne front. His letter follows: "Bar le Due, France, September 29, 1918. My Dear Dorothy — I have been chasing around from place to place during the last three weeks and have done nothing much but write, travel and sleep — and of all the writing not a single letter was to you. Well, no one else got any letters from me during that time either. I haven't received any mail from anyone for quite a while, but it is due to the fact that my address has constantly changed and mail has difficulty in finding me. I went from Meaux to Nancy where we had fine headquarters and where the correspondents all had good rooms. I knew it was too nice to last. First thing we knew we were notified to be ready to leave at once for 'somewhere west.' We packed up enough belongings to carry us through four or five days and at night we put off here — one of the quaintest old towns in France. Rooms had been engaged and such rooms as they were! The town is packed full of officers and soldiers and most of the houses are closed because of the frequent air raids of a few months ago. I slept one night in a quaint dingy hotel called the Rose d'Or, but it was too dismal for me. The next day I managed to get a room in the leading hotel of the town — the Metz — which is not such a bad place. I have electric light in my room, but no heat. You have read about the American offensive west of Verdun. That is what we came over here for. I have been all along the line; have seen our boys in action and have seen thousands of German prisoners. Yesterday, I went through part of the Argonne Forest, which is one of the best known forests in France. Germans and Americans are fighting there now. "I have been out every day since I arrived here — a week ago — and expect in a little while to start out in an auto- mobile for Montfaucon, a town captured from the Germans day before yesterday. You can look it up on your map. It was a place about as large as Fredonia. "The Americans are still fighting all along the line, but it is a queer kind of fighting. The two armies can't see each other. The Germans hide themselves in woods and villages and use machine guns. The Americans sneak up on them the best they can. "The war is coming along pretty well. Tell Uncle Rock that. The Germans are on their way home. There is no doubt of it. They will go slow, but they will never make another advance. America has done it by giving the Allies the preponderance of men. Just now, interest centers in Bulgaria. If Bulgaria really gets out of the way it means that Turkey will have to get out also and that Germany's end will be brought much nearer. I have seen thousands of German prisoners lately and know that their morale has lowered. In fact, I think there is just a possibility that the war may end this winter." Four days after Don Martin despatched that letter to his daughter he was on his way to Paris a very ill man. He arrived there on Friday, October 4th, and went to the Hotel Crillon where his physician advised him that he needed a rest. Don said he felt seedy and tired. During Satur- day his fever rose to a high point and on Sunday he was taken to the American hospital at Nevilly where he died at twenty minutes past nine on Monday, October 7th, 1918. A SOLDIER OF THE PEN He took the simple words we use And shaped them with his art In wondrous imag'ry to show Poor France's bleeding heart. He made us hear beyond the sea The roar of flaming guns. And feel the nameless agonies, Inflicted by the Huns. Enfold him with the starry flag; He died in uniform, A stormy petrel of the press Who loved the battle storm. Salute him with your lifted swords, Ye Allied fighting men, Don Martin was a soldier, too — ■ A soldier of the pen. — Minna Irving. 266 Buffalo's Part in the World War Don Martin at Quentin Roosevelt's Grave Inscription on left corner was placed by German airmen when they buried Lieut. Roosevelt Large cross erected by American Red Cross Buffalo's Part in the World War 267 Don Martin was 47 years old. Native of Silver Creek, he was in reality a Buffalo man and the distinction he achieved will be listed for all time as the distinction of a Buffalo newspaper man. Somehow or other, when leaving for France he appeared to have a presentiment that possibly he would not come back. It may have been a natural thought which came to every man who embarked for overseas duty. "May be," he said to a Buffalo friend in a sanctum of the paste pot and shears, "May be I won't get through with it, but I hope all the old fellows will think of me as always trying to turn out straight copy. " He took the soldier's risk of bullets and disease to send his paper straight copy. Floyd Gibbons, of the Chicago Tribune, who was with Martin at the front has given us an interesting picture of Martin as a war correspondent which will serve to keep the record straight. Gibbons wrote: "It is one of the unexplainable tricks of fate that a man of the fearless spirit of Don Martin should die in France in this year of the great war as a victim of disease. "Don Martin, when marked for death this year, deserved a soldier's grave on the field of battle. In his death American newspapers lose a capable, conscientious informant, and American journalism suffers the loss of one of its finest exponents. I have ridden the front of France with Don Martin. I have been with him under shell fire and have observed his coolness in advanced positions when withering barrages of indirect machine gun fire speckled the ground close by. "One day last May I was in a dugout in a front line playing checkers with Don Martin, when suddenly a terrific concentration of enemy shells landed near by. The ground shook. Loose earth tumbled down from the roof of the shelter, the air trembled and the candle — our only illumination — was extinguished by the blast. By the time I had recovered my breath Don, sitting on a box on the other side of the table, had relighted the candle and I heard him say in his cool, even voice: 'It's your move.' "In the first days of June, Don Martin was the last American correspondent to leave Chateau-Thierry as the Germans entered the north side of the town. On July 21st, when the Germans were forced to evacuate Chateau Thierry and subjected it to a terrific long range bombardment, Don Martin rode back into the town with the first American troops. In the fighting along the Marne, the Ourcq and the Vesle, Don Martin daily and nightly followed the American advance, close on the heels of the retreating enemy. He visited the front lines every day and more dangerous than that, he had to run the double risk of transportation on the roads up to the front lines and back. Twice his automobile was damaged beyond repair by shell fire, but these incidents never seemed to prevent him from getting another car and going over the same ground the next day. "During the cold and rainy season and the heat of the summer this intrepid journalist braved all kinds of weather to serve his readers. He competed physically with men who possessed much younger bodies, but none that had a younger mind. I have seen him returning at night to the correspondents' headquarters, sometimes with his face pinched with the cold, sometimes soaked to the skin with rain, sometimes covered with the mud of the trenches, sometimes with his face blistered from the sun and the wind and covered with the gray dust of the road — I have seen him return dog weary and tired and forswear his dinner hour in order that he might transmute into despatches, the human news stories that he had gained at first hand along the fronts that day. "Don Martin, above all, was human. His pockets were always full of cigarettes when he went into the front line, and always empty when he came out. He liked to talk to our American soldiers like a daddy or a big uncle. In addi- tion to his own work he wrote many times to their fathers and mothers telling them that their sons were alive and in good health. In action he used to take care of our wounded, giving them water or making them more comfortable on the stretchers. When ambulances were scarce he used to transport them in his automobile. "Don Martin did more than write about the war, he was living the war and fighting the war every day and minute. He was a real fellow. Of the eighteen original accredited correspondents at the American front, Don Martin, Green and I are the only three who are not on the job to-day. As certainly as I expect to return, so surely do I feel that Don Martin from the spirit land will observe and report from above the triumphant entry of our troops into Berlin. "The men who wear the green brassard in France feel deeply the loss of a true comrade." Martin's death was mourned throughout the land. The President, Cabinet members. Senators, Judges, the leading representatives of business and the professions down to the humblest in all the walks of life who had come in contact with him paid tribute to his successful career and Buffalo newspapermen may be relied upon to keep green his memory. 268 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER LXXV SINKING OF THE "MARY ALICE" In the Rigging of the "Mary Alice," S. P. 397 turned to the Brooklyn Navy Yard to have the ship put into commission with ceremony. She was then known as S. P. 397 (submarine pa- trol). We took charge of a fleet of Submarine Patrol Chasers and Patrols at White Stone Landing, New York. This was to guard the Hudson from submarines. We continued that work until about the middle of July. Then we were ordered to Bridgeport, Conn., doing con- voy out of New London, Bridgeport and along the Atlantic Coast. W^e would escort convoys to probably 100 or 200 miles out to sea and turn back, leaving the convoys with destroyers and battleships. Early in October, 1918, occurred the de- struction of what, in the earlier days, had been one of the best known inland water yachts,— the "Mary Ahce"of Buffalo. The yacht was previously owned by William J. Conners, owner of the Courier and Enquirer. When the Government demand for ships became urgent shortly after the outbreak of the war, the Buf- falo yacht was turned over to the Government and became the "U. S. S. Mary Alice — Sub- marine Patrol No. 397." Robert G. Fitzpatrick, first class fireman, of 357 North Oak Street, was assigned on Decem- ber 13th to the "Mary Alice" and was aboard the boat when she went down. Speaking of his experiences he said : "We spent considerable time at the yard in fitting her out for the high seas and then made a trial trip. On completing our trial trip we re- The " Mary AUce" Heading Out to Sea Buffalo's Part in the World War 269 "On October 5th, 1918, we received orders to take the Submarine 0-13, one of the latest of our Government, just completed, out for the final test dive. All the submarines must make these test dives to a depth of 200 feet before the Government will accept them. The sailors who make these test dives are allowed $100.00 for each dive to that depth. "The 0-13 had orders to make her final dive and we accompanied her out the Sound and we stopped; the Navy officials boarded the submarine and then returned to our ship and we stood by watching her when she submerged. She made her dive in good shape and in coming up struck us mid-ship, cutting the condenser in two and the ship commenced to settle immediately. The accident happened about 2.02 P. M., and she disappeared at 2.10. It was only possible to launch one of the life boats and the life-belts in the fore part of the ship were beyond reach, so the crew took our life belts in the aft. "I could not get up on deck right away because I had to shut off the fires and look after the boiler to prevent her from blowing up. By the time I got up on deck there were no more life belts and the life boat was launched. I looked about for probably a minute and the aft of the boat was high in the air and I decided to jump so as to try to get away from her and clear the suction when she finally went down, I did this and remained in the water for 1 hour 40 minutes in all, with a sea running of about 20 feet. The submarine crew were busy bailing their own boat as her nose was crushed considerably. There were many things floating on the water as is usual when a boat sinks, such as Japanese cots, which are supposed to float many hours. I found how- ever that mine, sank immediately after I tried to get some support from it. I then tried to get on a huge vegetable box and this also sank. Finally I got on a large plank which helped to keep me up. "Rear Admiral Gill, an elderly man, was also in the water with several other men. The sub- marine stood by however and succeeded in picking us up, even though the sea was continually covering her and I got hold of one of her lines, and, though continually washed up against her side, we helped to drag the Admiral out of the water. After we were all aboard it took consider- able work to bring the Admiral around. "The sub crew took us back to Bridgeport, Conn. On our arrival there we were wrapped in blankets, put in taxicabs and rushed to hospital. The Admiral died four days later of pneumonia and I also had the flu and pneumonia in addition to injuries I received by leaping into the water. I was then taken to Base Hospital 2, Black Rock, Conn. From there I went to the Rupture and Cripple Hospital in New York City. Then back to Brooklyn Navy Hospital and into the Federal Rendezvous where I received my discharge December 31st, 1918, at 8.00 P. M." 270 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER LXXVI 77th division BEFORE GRAND PRE DESPERATE fighting filled the time of the other units of the 77th Division while the Whittlesey crew was holding its place on the hill far in advance. The Lost Battalion alone had gone through on October 2d. On the 3d the Germans held their line. That Buffalo Draft Division attacked on the left and then on the right. They attacked in the morning and in the afternoon. In an attack by the 2d Battalion of the 305th at 4 o'clock on the afternoon of the 3d more than 200 men were lost. The Americans gained some distance each time, but it could be measured by yards. Similarly slight gains were recorded on the 5th and 6th, but on the 7th the German line cracked. The 77th had filled the open spaces of the Argonne with their own and German dead, but proved their calibre as a combat division. They had cleared the northern end of the forest by the 9th of October in the second phase of the drive. No little credit for the work through the Argonne must go to the 302d Engineers. A substantial detachment of engineers broke through with the infantry on September 26th, cutting wires, and remained constantly with them in that line of work throughout the entire engagement. The remainder of the regiment repaired roads and repaired and operated for a time a German light railway system, which they found in the forest. This road was used for transporting food and ammunition forward and carrying the wounded back. It was one of the captures made by the 77th which proved exceptionally useful. The roads through the forest were very poor, and much difficulty was experienced in getting artillery through. The heavy rains made the roads next to impassable and greatly hindered the Division's progress. On the approach to Grand Pre October 14th, the Buffalo boys in the 77th experienced another bad day and left many comrades on the field. The Engineers did as remarkable a piece of work in that effort as was recorded by any engineering force at any time in the struggle. The Boche made his last stand in the second phase of the Argonne offensive at Grand Pre. Having located the German defenses, the 302d Engineers were sent out on the 15th of October to construct two bridges across the Aire River in the direction of Grand Pre, working under a heavy fire of high explosive and gas shells. They completed the job, lost a large number of men in the enterprise, made possible the advance of the 77th on the road to Grand Pre, and crowned the first phase of their trip through the Ar- gonne with a wonderfully courageous and com- mendable achievement. For their work on that occasion the Engineers received a shower of distinguished service citations. Up to that point several Buffalo boys had been killed. Private Robert S. Beyer, 349 Elm- wood Avenue, amember of the "Suicide Club," 305th Machine Gun Battalion, was killed while carrying a wounded companion to the dress- ing station. Private Morgan of the 302d En- gineers was killed by a shell which wounded two other Buffalo boys. Sending back word from the hospital Morgan said : " Tell Maroney that I stood it like a Yankee should." The Maroney referred to was his " bunkie, " Private Edward Maroney, 302d Engineers. 3sC)/1t ' ' *■ 1 Lieutenant Wertz, Buffalo's first civilian sol- 302d Engineers Passing Through Buzancy dier Overseas fighting with the First Division, Buffalo's Part in the World War 271 which relieved the 35th on the second day of the battle, was severely injured on October 9th while passing the St. Juvin Road near Sommerance. A machine gun bullet tore through his left lung, came out on his side and imbedded itself in his left arm. It was his second wound. It paralyzed his arm, and ended the war for him, but with a record which will stand as a monu- ment to him, to the old 74th, and to Buffalo for all time. During the second phase of the Argonne offensive, the Third Division which had made a wonder- ful record in the battle of the Marne, relieved the 79th Division. Leo Dombrowski, 7th Infantry, who had been in Belleau Wood with the Marines, and whose regiment had backed up the 30th Infantry on that eventful July day when they piled the Boche in the Marne River, was badly wounded by machine gun bullets. Arthur Spiess, Meech Avenue, another Buffalo boy in the 7th, fighting with the "Suicide Club," the machine gun company, went down on the 21st of October in a gallant attack. Many months after the signing of the Armistice he was still undergoing treatment, but eventually recovered. He won high commendation from his company and regimental commanders. Writing from the hospital to his mother, sometime after he was wounded, Spiess said : "The old bunch of boys who were at Camp Green with me are pretty well shot up. Of the officers of our outfit — they're all gone. Jones was killed in the Argonne, Captain Reaney was killed on July 15th at the Marne, Lieutenant Chickering was killed in the Argonne; I liked "Chick," Oh so well! He was awfully good to me. Fritzell was wounded at the Marne, and McClune, who was made a captain after the rest were gone, was gassed in the Argonne. Lieu- tenant Long was hit in the head on the same day I was hit, and about a minute before. We had to fight like hell that day, for we drove a V into the German line and they came back, nearly surrounding us. They were shooting at us from the front, both sides, and almost to the rear. They sure did mow down our ranks. Long hollered to us as the Germans came rushing out of a bunch of woods to get in a shell hole and open on them. He just got done hollering when he went down. I had the gun and ran for a shell hole about ten feet away when a bullet hit me in the hip, and, a second later, I was hit right in the spine and that floored me. I went down Uke a ton of brick, and it felt as though hot irons were being run through me. I then tried to get up but my legs would not move. The Germans were finally driven back and late that night some of the boys from our company came back and got me. While I laid there the old shells hit all around me, twenty-five or thirty feet away, and the shrapnel would hiss by me with a swish. It sure is a great war. " 272 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER LXXVII GRAND PRE PROVES A BUFFALO SEPULCHER ON October 14th another division, heavily manned by Buffalo men, and carrying the hopes and prayers of many Buffalo homes, trudged its way up the Aisne River to a point near the junction of that stream with the Aire. This division entered the Argonne on the side of the French sector, passing along the road which led from Moncheutin and stepped into the fight at Senuc, just south of Grand Pre. The Senuc Road joins the Grand Pre-St. Juvin Road a little north and west of Chevieres. The 78th had made a forced march under orders to relieve the tired, weary and shell-torn, but victorious, 77th Division. Though excessively fatigued by a long march through the mud, the men of the 78th Division swung into the fighting line on the night of the 14th, and on the following night the relief of the 77th had been completely effected. The Division was commanded by Major General McRae. Just before going into the line that night. Sergeant Maurice Wall, son of James B. Wall, former Police Commissioner, wrote a letter addressed to "Mother and Dad." Sergeant Wall was a splendid type of young American manhood. He left home as a private with the 311th Infantry, Company E, attached to the 78th Division, and rapidly advanced in the estimation of his superiors and associates as well as in rank. He went into the forest off the march that night somewhat fagged out, but ready to take his position in the front line. Preparatory to going in, he wrote home his last letter, saying, among other things: "We sure are seeing some great sights at present. We are going through territory which has been occupied by the Germans since the beginning of the War. They have put in a net work of narrow-gauge railways which seem to cover nearly the whole ground. A great many of these camps look as if they have been rest camps. They have everything for the convenience of the German soldier — canteens, barber shops, theaters and plenty of beer and wine. A good many of the dugouts have shower baths and are equipped with electric lights. "When the American troopers went over the top they sure did give the Germans H — , As one German prisoner said, 'You fight too fast for us.' The boys over here seem to take this as a business proposition, something to be done and done quickly. They have practically driven the Germans from all their trenches, even the famous Hindenburg Line went like tissue paper, and now have them in the open. In a good many places they have a hard time keeping up with the fleeing Germans. "Just an idea as to how we are living. We have hiked about a hundred and thirty miles in the last thirty days. Out of this we were in the trenches eighteen days, so you can see we did some marching while we were at it. We have been sleeping in the woods the greater part of the last month. The boys have come in from hikes so tired that they would flop on the ground in a pouring rain and in a few minutes be fast asleep without a bit of shelter. "No doubt you think Fifth Avenue, New York, a very busy thoroughfare, but after seeing military traffic on the roads of France it would look like the Main Street of a deserted village." The 78th had marched most of the long, weary and mud-covered kilometers which marked the distance from the St. Mihiel front to its new positions. From the middle of September to October 14th, they were on the move or resting in the territory between the Aire River, along whose wooded and hilly sides the 77th Division was fighting its way, and the River Aisne along which the French Army had more easily moved. The 78th passed over the battle grounds but a few days in the wake of the fighting forces. Many other Buffalo boys wrote home on the night of the 14th. William E. Sawyer of G Company, 311th Infantry, in his letter stated that he had marched from 9 o'clock on the night of October 13th, arriving in the support lines at 2 o'clock on the morning of the 14th, and mov- ing up to the front early next evening. French weather, often disagreeable, was especially so at that time, and the rain had been falling heavily and steadily for two days. The men of the 78th were drenched, but so tired they fell asleep in the mud when they reached the reserve line at 2 o'clock that memorable morning. Buffalo's Part in the World War 273 Buffalo and Erie County Boys in Funk Holes near Chevieres On the road to Grand Pre, October 14, 1918, Men of E Company, 311th Infantry in the foreground resting For the first time since leaving Camp Dix the boys of the 78th Division saw their own artillery- move in behind them. The heavies came into position on the night of the 14th, just south of Grand Pre, the citadel of which was held by the Germans. For three weeks the battle raged around that point; the advantage first resting with one and then with the other, but eventually swinging to the American troops when the Boche, under a terrific pounding, cut and ran for the Meuse. On the night of the 15th of October the 153d Artillery Brigade, 78th Division, laid down a barrage, its first in the Argonne Forest, and the doughboys went over the top. Along narrow paths and roadways and through the tangled bush they crept forward. Without the experience the 77th gained in its two weeks' drive through that underbrush their toll, on that first day, was exceptionally heavy. Machine gun bullets cut them down, but did not stop them. The 311th Infantry, made the greatest progress, and stubbornly held its position. On the left Captain William Kaliska advanced his company of the 310th Infantry along the side of the road leading to Chevieres. Kaliska had been formerly, athletic instructor at Nichols School. He had secured admission to the officers' training school at Madison Barracks, won his commission, was assigned to the 78th Division, fought with them in the Vosges and at St. Mihiel, and was now a rattling good soldier through the heavy going in that black spot of the Argonne. Sergeant G. J. Eddy, Company H, 309th Infantry was one of the first Buffalo men hit that day. A machine gun bullet struck his shin. As the Germans retreated they set up and camouflaged innumerable machine gun positions. Every open forest space was covered with one or more guns, and the roadways fairly rang with the putt-putt-putt-putt-putt of the machine guns. It was a most difficult matter to get the artillery into play on the machine gun nests, and they had to be taken by direct assault and two-fisted fighting. On the night of the 16th of October, some units of the 311th had crossed the Grand Pre-St. Buffalo's Part in the World War 275 Juvin Road, and were heading north to the east of the town of Grand Pre. Other units of the 78th Division were attacking through the town of Chevieres, and on the morning of the 17th a concentrated attack was made all along the line. Captain Kaliska was hit by a machine gun bullet early in the morning, and a number of other Buffalo boys were hit during the advance of the 310th Regiment that day. Kaliska continued at the head of his command, however, and captured several machine gun positions, from one of which he brought back seven prisoners, being awarded a Distinguished Service Cross. Later in the day he fell a victim to gas and frag- ments of a high explosive shell which peppered his legs. He recovered in a hospital in France, but was out of the war from that day on. Private Henry C. Stief was wounded about the same time when a high explosive shell hit among men of headquarters company. Sergeant Earl B. Searcy, Sergeant Maurice Wall and Sergeant W. H. Maxwell of Company E, 311th Infantry found their men suffering severely from machine gun fire and pulled them back preparatory to organizing a systematic attack on the entrenched position. Company E con- tained many Buffalo men. In addition to those mentioned. Sergeant Harry J. McBride, Corporal Frank E. Rogers, Corporal George McDonald and privates Norman F. Woelfel, Howard Hoehn, John Kriegler, Ralph B. Brown, Harvey Moss, Albert May, John Kwiatkowski, Benjamin Perez, Matthew Rohr, Alois Besstak, Walter Bebauer, Charles Griese, Frank X. Hilburger, Harry Lebert, William Kaufman, Edwin Loth, Simon Vouros, John Wagner, Alois Weckerle, Michael Zmozynski, Joseph Miller, Bugler Benjamin Borg and Cook Michael Sommerfelt, Buffalo men, were in the company. Sergeant Wall was in charge of the platoon, containing most of those men, and, when he ordered them back, he probably thereby saved many lives. Picking Searcy and Maxwell, Wall went forward on the right, endeavoring to flank the machine gun position. After locating what he believed to be the cause of the trouble, they opened fire and the advanced Boche were seen retreat- ing through the woods. Wall and his companions then went forward for a hand-to-hand tussle if necessary in mopping up, when the little group rushed smack into a gunner hidden in the brush who had remained behind for just such an attack. Wall fell at the first fire, but crawled under cover along with the other two sergeants. They lay there for many hours, but their company had skirted this position and gone forward. Finally the Germans were driven out, but no one returned to pick up Wall until late the following evening. He had suffered severely from loss of blood and exposure, and died shortly after reaching a dressing station.* Private John L. Sullivan, a Buffalo boy, of B Company, 311th Infantry was killed in about the same sort of an operation on the same day. He was taken forward by Lieutenant Gardenier, with one or two others, in an endeavor to definitely locate a machine gun position. Sullivan "bumped" off one German who was firing from behind a bunch of brush, freshly cut, and was met with a shower of bullets but escaped injury. Presently Sullivan and his companion espied a machine gunner in a shell hole firing on members of B Company who were seeking to advance *" France, November 27, 1918. "Mrs. J. B. Wall, Buffalo, N. Y. "My dear Mrs. Wall: I am taking a liberty which I sincerely trust you will approve. When the enclosed letter (from Mrs. Wall to her son) came with Company mail, a few days ago, I opened it to make certain the sender was Maurice Wall's mother. I did not read it, but am returning it just as I found it, as the opening words answered my question. "I assume you have had word, before now, of the wound which your beloved son suffered on October 17th last. I was with him at the time hence this message to you, his mother. We have had a sad report as to the result of the wound, and my one hope is that Maurice did not pay the supreme sacrifice. As to that, the War Department has official records. My heart goes out to you and the Sergeant's family, for I can well know and understand how he must have been esteemed and beloved by all who knew him. "Maurice was in charge of the second platoon of Company E. I was second in command of the same platoon with him. We had had a very tragic and trying day on October 16th and during the day of the 17th of October, for we attacked a German machine gun stronghold at Chievres on both days. With Maurice in charge we were left to guide the destinies of the second platoon, and we fought on well until the time came to make a night attack on October 17th. The Company ran into a machine gun position, and before we could make good our escape. Maurice and I with half a dozen others of the platoon, were trapped at close range. We squirmed to the best cover we could find. While seeking better pro- tection beside me, Maurice received a wound in the knee. We couldn't give it first aid dressing here, for to raise our heads meant certain death, so we were forced to lie there motionless for many hours, before another attacking company drove the enemy away from his position a hundred or so feet in front of us. Maurice was living, I am told, when the first aid and stretcher bearers found him, but had suffered keenly from exposure. Word of his death has come to me, and I simply want you to know that I am unutterably sorry. Of course, as soldiers, we are taught to accept the ill fortunes of war stoically, but it is too bad a man of Maurice's mind and character had to be sacrificed under such circumstances. I enter- tain the faint hope that he .vet lives, though our records, I understand, show differently. I lay beside him for five hours, then crawled back under cover of brief fog — at Maurice's suggestion — to attempt to organize an attacking party. Orders, however, contemplated a different move. "Maurice Wall was a splendid chap, and a man liked and loved by our whole Company. I was intimately associated with him. and know what sort of a man he was. Moreover, he was nervy and courageous to the last degree. He wouldn't be frightened. I admired him and I can tell you that no one in our company performed his patriotic duty more cheerfully and fearlessly. " May I extend to a mother my sincerest and most admiring sympathy? Very truly. Sergeant Earl B. Searcy. 276 Buffalo's Part in the World War across an open space on the left. The two boys went forward with a rush, but they were cut down with machine gun bullets. Both were fatally hit and died on the spot. The Lieutenant rejoined the company.* A number of boys from Lackawanna were in the same regiment, attached to Company F. During the fighting of the 17th-18th, Company F encountered stiff machine gun resistance. Private Michael Slovick, whose home is in Batavia, but who went away with the Buffalo outfit, tells a graphic story of that day's fighting! "That fighting sent west many a boy from Western New York. I was with the 311th Infantry, which had as its members many Buffalo and nearby men. The boys from Lackawanna suffered most. I don't know how many of them bled and died in the Argonne, but it was a lot. Many of them were members of Company F. "We weren't fighting infantry, we were fighting machine guns and artillery. The Germans had the woods charted and they shot bullets into it at every angle. Some were aimed at men's heads, some at their bodies and some at their legs. Men dropped all around me by dozens and finally what seemed like a million bullets hit me all at once from my hips down, and down I went. "For twenty-six hours I lay in a shell hole in No Man's Land, without even first aid attention. Three times the Americans charged past me into the face of that terrible fire and three times they were driven back. Finally night came and with it the stretcher bearers. Several passed near me and I called to them, but they didn't hear me. I felt as if I were bleeding to death and the burning thirst caused by the wounds was terrible. Early the next morning the Americans drove the Germans back and my shell hole was soon behind our new positions. Soon afterward I was picked up and taken to a base hospital, where I got the finest treatment that any one could have asked for." Along the path away from the point where Slovick was hit, dead Boche blocked the road, showing how deadly had been the fire of the boys of Company F. Many bodies found in the woods afterwards had been pierced through by bayonets, proving the Boche had met death, also, in hand to hand fighting. On the morning of October 17th at daylight, the Division went over the top for the second time. The men left their shelter and advanced across the open to the Aire River, a small, swiftly flowing stream, waded the chilly, waist deep water and formed the skirmish lines on the opposite side. When the crossing had been successfully effected, they swept forward and on the heights ahead the Hun machine gunners could be seen in flight. After an advance of a mile or more, a lively fire was again encountered, making it necessary to seek shelter in shell holes. Throughout the remainder of that day the men lay huddled, cramped and chilled while machine gun bullets whistled over them and high explosive and gas shells landed nearby. Captain Henry P. Warren, Jr., the commander of E Company, while directing the operations of his men, was struck by a machine gun bullet which penetrated his steel helmet, inflicting a severe scalp wound. Among the other Buffalo boys who fell in and around Grand Pre were Sergeant Edwin H. Bauer, D Company, 309th Infantry. He entered the woods in a skirmish line. The underbrush was exceptionally dense at the point where they entered and members of his Company soon became detached from one another. Sergeant Bauer and one other were soon quite a distance in advance of the main body of their Company when they ran into a machine gun nest, and immedi- ately sought cover. Bauer tried to answer the machine gun with his rifle when a burst of machine * Lieutenant Gardenier writing to Mrs. Sullivan of her son's death said: "When a hail of machine gun bullets greeted us we dropped. Then we cautiously looked up in the direction they were coming from. "Private Sullivan said, 'There he is, lieutenant,' I looked and saw a German ducking down into a shell hole. I knew what was coming and said, 'Duck down,' 'Duck down nothing,' he replied, 'I can get him.' " He opened fire with his automatic rifle. The response was another hail of bullets directly at us and both of the boys received fatal wounds. I gave Private Sullivan a drink from my canteen, but soon saw that it was all over and he made his peace with God and died with his hand on the gun he had fired to the last. " His memory will always stay with me. He was a man in the highest sense, unafraid, faithful and a soldier. I trust that the pride I feel for hira will mingle with the sorrow of his loved ones and make their loss a sacred one, a sacrifice which follows those who make it and through which shines the glory of a noble gift to freedom. "I beg you to pardon this intrusion by a stranger into your intimate sorrow and I trust that what little I can say will to some extent serve to lighten the grief of those who loved him." Buffalo's Part in the World War 277 gun fire struck him on the top of the head, kilhng him instantly. Leo Blaszkiewicz, 77 Gibson Street was killed that night while the Company was in reserve. He was hit in the chest by flying shrapnel. David S. Buchanan was one of the first Buffalo men in the 78th Division killed after that division had relieved the 77th. He was a member of E Company, 311th Infantry and while advancing with his Company at Chevieres on the 16th of October, was shot through the stomach with machine gun bullets. Private Norman Woelfel of 890 Broadway was near when Buchanan fell, but he said his comrade died before he could bring him first aid. Howard Clancy, of E Com- pany, 309th Infantry, 600 Hasten Street, was also hit that day and was taken back to a hospital near Apremont where he died on the 19th. He was buried at Apremont near the top of a hill west of the church in the orchard. Anthony Didley, a sergeant of Headquarters Company, 311th Infantry was killed on the 25th, just before dusk, while lying behind an embankment south of Grand Pre. He was struck by frag- ments of a high explosive shell. John F. Duggan of E Company, 311th Infantry, 358 Maryland Street, while advancing with his Company at Chevieres on October 16th, was shot through the right thigh by a machine gun bullet and died the same day. Anthony Ervin, E Company, 311th Infan- try, 457 Auburn Avenue, while advancing in attack at Chevieres was struck by a machine gun bullet which pierced his right groin. Private H. P. Hoehn of 149 Allen Street was nearby when he fell. Hoehn says Ervin died within a very few minutes after being hit. Frank Fronczak, Company M, 310th Infantry, 440 Ohio Street was also killed in that attack. He was shot through the head with a machine gun bullet and died in the arms of a friend from Port Washington, L. I. Norbert F. Hens, a Sergeant of Company H, 309th Infantry, 134 16th Street was in the drive at Chevieres all through the day of the 16th and on the morning of the 17th he was sitting in a dugout when a shell landed in the road about 6 feet from the spot where he, and a number of Shell Bursting Among Men of E Co., 312th Infantry, while Repairing Road Mined and Blown Up by Germans near Grand Pre 278 Buffalo's Part in the World War others were resting. Private A. W. Kuch of Niagara Falls was sitting close to Sergeant Hens when the shell landed and states that Hens pitched forward into his lap. "I tried to get him to talk to me, but he was unable to do so" said Kuch. "I think he was dead when I carried him to the first aid station. " Two days later, a friend of Sergeant Hens, Curtis T. Hibbard, Private of D Company, 311th Infantry of 98 Gelston Street, was killed on Farm De Lois, about 2 kilo- meters west of Grand Pre. He was hit by a sniper's bullet while his battaHon was making an attack. Hibbard's body was not found until about ten days afterward. There was a bullet hole through the neck and it is beHeved that he died instantly. George J. Hildebrand, 453 Carlton Street was killed the same day when a high explosive shell landed at Brigade Headquarters. Louis A. Humbert, Private L Company, 311th Infantry, 133 Duerstein Avenue was killed on October 24th by a German shell which made almost a direct hit, tearing him to pieces. Soldiers who were near him say that very little of his body was found but what was found was buried back of Talma Farm on the hillside. Corporal W. G. Barlow, 38 Olcott place, this city was a witness to Humbert's death. Another Buffalo boy killed on the 16th was Frank J. Kaczmarek, Company C, 311th Infantry, 458 Davey Street. He was struck in the body by a piece of high explosive shell while working on a dugout. M. J. Luber, Private, K Company, 310th Infantry, 30 Fougeron Street was also killed that same day. His Company had relieved a part of the 77th Division atong the St. Juvin Road. Private Luber and the members of his squad were behind bales of straw along the side of the road. A shell landed in the straw pile and shrapnel filled Luber's two legs. He turned to Private James E. May of Rochester and asked him if he could see about how badly he was hit. May told him there were several shrapnel wounds in his legs. Luber made no other remark. He died ten minutes later. Corporal J. William Kellogg of M Company, 311th Infantry, 1754 William Street was instantly killed by machine gun bullet on the 25th of October while going over the top. At the time of his death he had charge of an automatic gun squad. Orrin B. Piper, G Company, 309th Infantry was another Buffalo boy killed on October 16th while attacking north of St. Juvin. He was struck by shrapnel over the right eye and killed instantly. Joseph Sikora, Company L, 309th Infantry, 572 Amherst Street was killed in the same attack. Many other Buffalo boys were killed in the fighting between October 16th and November 6th, when the Division was relieved by the 42d Division north of Grand Pre on the way to Sedan. And many boys of this Di\nsion, who fell during the attack, later died of wounds. For example. Private William J. Finn, 109 Gordon Street, D Company, 311th Infantry, was not seen after the attack north of Che\aeres on October 17th. Sergeant Breen of that Company later stated that he saw a man Ijang near the H Company P. C. (Post Command) who he believed was Finn. He said he saw his name on the gas mask. Breen stated the man believed to have been Finn was buried in the vicinity of the spot where he fell. Many boys were reported missing in action at that time, some of whom came back later on and others died either in prison camps or at hospitals back of the lines, but Grand Pre certainly proved a Buffalo sepulcher. Sergeant Walter E. Gies, a Buffalo boy, Company G, 311th Infantry went over the top with a squad that morning (October 17th) in advance of the Company to remove destructive machine gun nests. His thrilling experience that day and on the subsequent day is told in a letter home, written by him October 22d. It was the first opportunity he had to write and it was his last letter home. He was killed on November 1st as his Company went over the top after the Boche just before the final rush of the Germans across the open space from the Aire to the Meuse. He was buried beside two of his closest friends on Hill 210 near Grand Pre. Sergeant Gies' letter: "The morning after our first night on the front I had the most thrilling experience of my life. I was sent out with a patrol of eight men. After proceeding for about a mile in the front of our line across open country, we were fired upon from the top of a steep hill in front of us by two snipers. We returned their fire and started up the hill after them, but when we arrived at the crest of the slope, which proved to be a road, we found we had run into a machine gun nest, for the moment we set foot on the road they opened on us with one gun and we were forced to seek cover. He held us down with his gun and soon had another going from the opposite side of the road, so that we were subjected to cross-fire. Buffalo's Part in the World War 279 "In the meantime we were engaging him quite boldly also; but he had us in a bad place, and it wasn't very long before he had hit two of my men badly. Then he opened up with another gun from our right and rear, so that we were now getting it three ways. This last gun also cut off another of my men so that all he could do was lie flat in the hole he was in. In fact, I was out of touch with him and after shouting to him for about five minutes and receiving no answer, concluded he had been killed, and knew no different until he turned up back with the company next morning, I was thus left w-ith four men and myself. "Hopeless odds against three machine guns and about five snipers. But the company was supposed to be following, and I expected every minute to see them coming across the open. I hated to give up the ground we had won, but after waiting and looking in vain for half an hour, and having one of the lads who had been hit at first hit twice again, I decided to fall back down the hill and take cover in an old farm house at the foot, about 600 or 700 yards away from the machine gun nest. "So I shouted to the boys to start and crawl for it, but previous to this I had sent one of the wounded men who could walk back to the company for help. "Well, when I got ready to back down the hill, after crossing the road, I found Jim Waldron so badly hit that he couldn't crawl out of the hole he was in, so I had to go back and pull him out. I told him to try and roll down, which he gamely tried to do, but had to give it up about half way. So I got him on my back and lugged him the other half. When he got into the house, we found four other lads, one of them wounded, who were from another division and had been stranded there from the night before when their company had pulled out. "Waldron was in awful pain and bleeding profusely, so, after posting sentries, I started in to dress his wounds. I found he had been hit twice in the body and once in the arm. I bandaged him as best I could, laid him on a bed and started to look things over." (He died in the hospital a few days later. — Ed.) "I soon had it impressed upon me that it would be impossible to get back before dark, as every time anyone showed themselves it provoked a storm of bullets, and to walk out carrying two wounded men would have been suicide. "There was still no sign of the company and by now I knew that something had caused a change of plans. I was between the devil and the deep sea. I couldn't leave and I was afraid to stay, for I thought every minute that Fritz would sneak down along the road (which we couldn't see from the bottom of the slope) and heave bombs on us. I don't know why they didn't. "Well, along about 2 o'clock in the afternoon, we spied three men coming from our lines and when they got near enough I recognized them as one of our sergeants and two of our men. They had volunteered to go out and try and find us. We waved and shouted to them and they managed to get in 0. K. "Sergeant Perry" (this Sergeant Perry, together with Sergeant Gies, and Corporal Conway of Ithaca, were caught in a machine-gun trap on November 1st, while leading an attack of the 4th platoon of G Company and all were killed. — Ed.) "told me the company would attack at 3.30, so we made a drawing, locating the guns I had run into and started a man back with it. He hadn't gone fifty yards from the building when a sniper got him in the arm, breaking it and putting him down, but he managed to stagger back to us after lying still for about fifteen minutes." (This was Jeremiah McAuliffe of Oneida, N. Y. Later on his arm was amputated, but he recovered. — Ed.) The other lad then said he would make a try and he got away 0. K., but when he got back to the company it had been decided to call off the advance, as they had run into a barrage and couldn't come ahead without losing the majority of the company. He came back again with a message for us to come right in. This was impossible, as I explained before. "In the meantime, I was acting doctor again and I really am quite proud of the way I fixed that arm. It had a hole in it about two inches round and the bone was completely severed, for I could look right in and see it, and then put a bandage and splint on it, so that when it came time to move him he w-as as comfortable as one could expect. My next job was to improvise stretchers which I did by using two round poles, and folding a blanket around them for one and for the other I found an old bunk with wire stretched over poles, which I cut out of a row of such bunks. "The other wounded man (the one we found in the house) had a bullet in his leg, but could walk a little so I figured ■with two men helping, he'd be able to make it, besides I didn't have men enough to man a stretcher for him. Two men can't carry a man for over two miles — that is what we had to cover to get back besides having to ford a stream waist deep and climb two banks fifteen feet or so high and which ran almost straight up. "As soon as it began to get dark, I got my patients on the stretchers all ready to pick up and step out with and about 6.30 we set out and got back to our lines and company at about twelve. Take my word for it I never worked so hard in all my life or never was I so totally exhausted. I waded that stream about six times to get them all across safely, besides helping get each one up the two steep banks. When we turned up at the company we got some welcome for they had given us up as lost. Next morning I was routed up at 6 o'clock after about two hours of actual sleep for I only had one blanket and nearly froze with those wet clothes on but I never got a cold from it." Men of the 78th Division were enthusiastic in their praise of the work of Sergeant Gies, and returning soldiers were always ready to tell of his heroic acts. The death of this brave boy caused genuine sorrow throughout the entire regiment. In the cemeteries around Grand Pre many brave Buffalo boys are sleeping, and the ambulances carried hundreds of wounded men from that point. Every tree is stamped with an act of Amer- ican valor, and while Buffalo and Western New York men of the 78th Division were not aware 280 Buffalo's Part in the World War of it at the time, they were engaged during those trying days from October 15th to 18th in smash- ing the western defenses of the famous Kriemhild Line, while the Divisions on their right were going through it. General Pershing said: "The Fifth Corps, in hand-to-hand encounters, entered the formidable Kriemhild Line, where the enemy had hoped to check us indefinitely, and the First Corps took Champigneulles and the important town of Grand Pre. Our dogged offensive was wearing down the enemy, who continued desperately to throw his best troops in front of us, thus weakening his line in front of our Allies and making their advance less difficult. " Indeed, the German Army was pulling out of Belgium before the British and French, but the Boche was being allowed to take his supplies and equipment with him. His was an orderly retreat when it should have been a rout. In fact, it had already become necessary to withdraw the 37th and 91st American Divisions from the Argonne to change the status of that retreat. Those two divisions were hurried north into Belgium and detrained October 20th in the neighborhood of Ypres. The Rev. Joseph A. Burke, a Buffalo priest attached to St. Vincent's Church, commis- sioned Lieutenant-Chaplain during the summer, was attached to the 91st Division as it started on that rapid march from Ypres to the front line near the Lys River at Passchendaele. Two Buffalo boys were then with the 37th Division: Irving H. Johnston, 147th Infantry and Victor Sweeney, 145th Infantry. They had come through the Argonne Forest fighting intact, but one fell before the Escaut River was reached. Sergeant Sweeney, while leading his platoon over the top on the first morning of the drive, was held up by a machine gun nest. Resting his men in a ditch he went forward through a turnip patch to reconnoiter, when a sniper in a shell-wrecked house dropped him with a rifle bullet missing his heart by inches only, the bullet passing out through his shoulder. This Buffalo boy had been put out of action in the first seven minutes of fighting. The 91st Division captured Spitaals Bosschen, a wood extending across the central part of the division sector. The 37th Division drove ahead rapidly, capturing many prisoners and much ammunition, forcing the retreating Germans across the Escaut, or Scheldt, River. On the follow- ing day, November 4th, the 91st Division took Audenarde. The French Army then took over the entire line, and the two American Divisions dropped back for a rest. Buffalo's Part in the World War 281 CHAPTER LXXVIII TWENTY DAYS ON THE MEUSE WITH THE OLD 65th A FTER the 33d Infantry, for whom the old 65th Regiment was furnishing artillery support, ZA had cleaned up Forges, they received their new objectives, and proceeded to a point beyond ■*- -*- Bethancourt, the Artillery to move up behind them. After a terrible night on the road, the Buffalo artillerymen got into position about 4.00 A. M. From then on, they fought through what was known as the first and second phases of the Argonne. Toward the end of the second phase, another Buffalo contingent the 77th Division, quite a distance west of the 106th, were taken back for a much needed rest, and for replacements. The 78th Division had taken over the position held by the 77th and were moving into Grand Pre, at the time the 106th, or old 65th, was relieved after twenty days of hard fighting. Captain Gilchriese gives an historical record of the movements of the 106th from the time they left Forges on September 26th until they were relieved on October 19th. "We eflfected the passage through Forges without further adventure and arrived on the road to Bethancourt, — which was our destination — in good order. And here the trouble began. The traffic was absolutely and completely tied up. Convoys going in both directions on the same narrow, muddy road were in hopless jams. From 11 o'clock until four A. M. we urged, ordered, begged and pushed wagons, limbers, trucks, ambulances and nondescript vehicles, all in a con- glomerated mass on the narrow road to Bethancourt. The American Army was advancing and had to be supplied. These drivers had been working, some of them for forty-eight and seventy- two hour stretches without rest, and they still had hours of endless toil ahead of them if their organizations were to be fed. Infantry going forward to the lines cheerfully stopped to give us whatever aid they could in moving mired carriages, but the situation looked hopeless. How- ever, by almost superhuman effort, the men pulled, pushed and drove their teams as they never had before, until by squirming, squeezing and praying, we worked the guns through the mass and pushed them into position shortly before 5 A. M. and just in time to fire an accompanying fire of 200 rounds per battery, in support of an attack by our infantry. "The days following were not pleasant ones. There were no prepared emplacements or dug- outs to be had here. We were in the ravine of Raffencourt; low, muddy, swampy and pitted with shell holes. This ravine had been the scene of many a bloody conflict during the battle of Verdun, and for the past two years it had lain midway between the lines — a place shunned as a gas hole. The few deserted dugouts we were able to find were low ceilinged, damp and unpro- tected except against splinters. "On October 8th, we spent a whole morning making careful adjustment on strongholds around the well fortified Bois de Chaume. That afternoon at 4 o'clock we delivered a most tremendous and concentrated fire on sixteen targets in this area at the conclusion of which the 29th Divi- sion, which we were supporting, stormed the heights and carried the Hun into the depths of Bois de Consenvoye, beyond. This had been one of the hardest positions east of the Meuse, up to this time, that our doughboys had been called on to take. On our left the 80th Division was fighting, with bull dog tenacity in the terrible woods of the Argonne; directly in front of us our own Division — the 33d — was endeavoring to cross the Meuse. "The little town of Sivry-sur-Meuse was still in enemy hands and in the belfry of its church the deadly Hun machine guns enfiladed the flanks of our infantry as they advanced to storm the heights of Bois de Chaume, another hard nut for the doughboys to crack. We were constantly being called on to fire on the church tower, which presented quite a target, until one day we were ordered to destroy it. Now that would have been an easy matter for the Hun, but it was an entirely new experience for us. Casting religious scruples to the winds, however, we went after it with a will. It was only after we were well launched on our mission that we were ordered Buffalo's Part in the World War 283 to cease firing. I have since seen that belfry and although the dead Jerries had been removed, the bits of metal, brick and equipment told the story better than anything or anybody on the spot could have done. Several holes of 155 calibre dimensions in the tower itself showed that our adjustment was well under way. "Having driven Jerry from his much coveted positions east of the river, we were compelled to move forward again — he having moved beyond our effective range. On the night of October 15th in a driving rain we moved out, our destination being a position near Gercourt. It was only a matter of 8 or 9 kilometers but on what a terrible hike. In mud all the way and over a road ordinarily bad enough due to hills and shell holes but on this particular night hellish. By 10 o'clock in the morning all the batteries were not yet in position. The visibility was so poor, because of the rain and clouds in the morning that we could not be seen from the German lines although they were plainly visible not very far distant. The battalion headquarters was exceed- ingly fortunate in finding a German battery emplacement, which was soon converted into a com- fortable room. But not so with the batteries. They had not even a piece of elephant iron for protection against the elements. "But everyone set to with a will and in a couple of days, dugouts were well under way and emplacements being perfected. Several batteries of G. P. F. construction (these are long guns of the same calibre as ours) were in position around us. Every time one of them fired it shook our whole establishment, and this they did quite frequently to the immediate discomfort of Jerry. We fired several important missions from this position, participating in the general melee of artillery attack on Jerry's Gisehler-Stellung and his best Sturm battalions. Every night was a regular fireworks celebration. The spiteful barking of the 75s, followed by their swishing, re- echoing, shrieking as they tore over the woods in front of us; the sharp report of our own guns; the mighty bellowing of the G. P. Fs, all intermingled in a tremendous roaring which resulted in a wonderful symphony, nightly, but which must have made the Hun feel terribly shaky. It was during these days that we began to receive his propaganda, dropped during the night from air- planes, asking us what we were fighting for and telling us that Germany had acceded to all our demands. Our answer was characteristic. It usually took the shape of what the newspapers term, ' Increased artillery activity. ' "On the 20th, just as we were becoming accustomed to our new surroundings, and getting accurately adjusted on the enemy positions, we were ordered to move as the Division was being relieved. The fact that it was raining did not add to our happiness, nor that our march was a matter of 40 odd kilometers back to the echelons in the rear. "Then a long, wearisome hike. From 'neath the shadows of Montfaucon, that stronghold which defied every attack of the Allies for years, back through the devastated ruined villages of Ger- court, Driencourt, Bethancourt, in a bUnding rain, with the night as black as the shadows of Hades. Our orders were to clear Montzeville by 6 A. M. If this should become impossible, as it was, we were to park along the roadside under cover during the daylight hours and await the coming of night to resume the march. The batteries moved separately. Battalion headquarters pulled out at 5 A. M. and as the visibility was still very poor continued the march until noon. It was a cold drizzly morning as we swung into the battered village of Bethancourt. And there we were confronted with a surprise. Only a few days before we had left this region, and now upon passing it we saw hospitals for miles, sprung up as though over night. Was this unmistakable testimony of the terrible fighting that had been waged on our left in the woods of the Argonne? Fresh plots of graveyards were springing up all over the country and even as we passed, burial parties were hard at work in several of them. It was a sight which brought sadness to the hearts of more than one man in that column. We had gazed upon German dead by the scores — some of them horribly mutilated — without the sHghtest qualm, but the sight of American lads who had so heroically sacrificed their lives on the altar of Democracy brought a choky feeling to the throat. "But this was not far enough from the battle front. The next night, or rather that night, October 22d, we moved out again, our destination being the Bois Chene Gosson, whatever that 284 Buffalo's Part in the World War means. But "mirable dictu, " it did not rain, nor were the roads bad. In fact they were excel- lent. Leaving at 6 P. M. we had covered the 16 kilometers by 11.30 and without losing a single animal. It was a wonderful moonlight night and the men actually were cheerful as we rolled along that most famous of highways, Verdun-Metz, under the shadows of the protective trees bordering the road. As we neared Verdun an occasional whine of an enemy shell was heard, but this only amused the men. One particularly unrestful Austrian heavy kept at this method of harassing during the night. Pulling up under the shadow of Fort de Rugret, we halted for a short rest and then turned south toward Dugny. Arriving in our new woods south of Dugny we immediately went into cantonments. It was quite a pleasant change, this finding a roof all ready to welcome you. "But Dugny, that pretty spot with its gorgeous scenery, its pure fresh air and its exquisite weather, was not to be ours for long. We got a much needed scrubbing, took rides unmolested by the screeching of Hun shells, ate bread with butter on it and even had jam occasionally. Then came the order. They always come just when you are getting comfortable and familiar with your surroundings. We were to go forward this time in support of the 79th Division and once more take our place in the battle front of the Meuse — this time on the eastern bank in the vicinity of Brabant. On the 28th of October we moved out, returning first of course to our old friend Bois la Ville." Buffalo's Part in the World War 285 CHAPTER LXXIX ST. SOUPLET AND ACROSS LE SELLE AS soon as the Hindenburg Line had been broken and the canal was in the possession of the l\ Alhes the Australians relieved the 27th Division on the British front. That occurred on -^ -*- September 30th. That is, they officially made the relief, but it was several days before the last of the Americans left the front lines. So enthusiastic were they over the fighting that they kept on with the Australians. Lieutenants Brown and Uhl of the 108th had held their position in the German trenches with more officers and men prisoners than their own strength numbered. Despite the necessity of guarding these they had repulsed repeated counter attacks endeavoring to dislodge them. The Signal Corps got a wire to the trenches a few hours after the infantry had gained a foot- hold. When the Australians relieved our men the following day, the officer in command tele- phoned back that the Americans were there but wanted to continue with them. Their request was communicated to General O'Ryan. "I can't imagine that they will be any good; they must be all in after what they have gone through," he said. "See if they really want to go on." 286 Buffalo's Part in the World War "Yes, sir, we want to keep on" came the answer. "A lot have been wounded, but they all want to stay." In that stretch of fighting the 27th Division sustained about 4,000 casualties in killed, wounded and gassed. The Division went back for a rest in the Bois de Bier, while the Allied forces poured through the break which had been made in the Hindenburg Line. Nor was the Boche in position then to rush any great number of reserves to that front. The American Army was coming through the Argonne Forest and sweeping along the Meuse over ground which the German commanders believed even more secure than the St. Quentin canal sector. To add to the troubles of the Kaiser's army, the Second American Division with its fighting Marines struck the line south of Laon near Rheims and prevented the withdrawal of troops from that sector to aid either in the Argonne or at St. Quentin. Of the attack made by the 2d Division, (with more than 250 Buffalo men) General Pershing said: "On October 2-9, our Second and Thirty-sixth Divisions were sent to assist the French in an important attack against the old German positions before Rheims. The Second conquered the complicated defense works on their front against a persistent defense worthy of the grimest period of trench warfare and attacked the strongly held wooded hill of Blanc Mont, which they captured in a second assault, sweeping over it with consummate dash and skill. This Division then repulsed strong counter attacks before the village and cemetery of Ste. Etienne and took the town, forcing the Germans to fall back from before Rheims and yield positions they had held since September, 1914. On October 9, the Thirty-sixth Division, relieved the Second and, in its first experience under fire, withstood very severe artillery bombardment and rapidly took up the pursuit of the enemy, now retiring behind the Aisne." Early in October the Allied advance on the St. Quentin sector had slowed up and the 27th and 30th Divisions were again in demand. They were brought up to Le Selle River, and between October 12 and 14 the 27th was put in the line at St. Souplet. The Division, by daring preliminary raids, terrified the enemy into thinking it was many times its actual size. On the 17th of October, again at the point of the wedge, the New York Division went into and captured the town of St. Souplet, forded the Le Selle River and forged on beyond the high railroad embankment, taking on this one day 1,400 prisoners, aside from an almost unbelievable number of machine guns, a railroad train consisting of an engine and fourteen coaches and a large amount of other material. The battle, fought in the early morning, had been preceded on the 14th day of October by a daylight raid. The raid was a remarkably planned and executed affair, demonstrating the valor, intrepidity and exceptional efficiency of the American Army. It was deemed desirable to obtain a number of German prisoners for informative purposes and volunteers were asked for to make a foray on the enemy lines and bring back twenty prisoners. The 108th Infantry furnished the raiding squad, among them John J. Grotty of Buffalo, a corporal of Company D. The men left the lines under the protection of a barrage which was to lift for a period of five minutes during which time the raiders were to enter the enemy line, secure their prisoners and get back again before the barrage fell. Not a man was injured in the exploit. For their gallant work the entire squad was cited. Crotty's citation follows: 27th division AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES— FRANCE To Corporal John J. Grotty, Company D, 108th Infantry. Your gallant conduct in the Field on October 14, 1918, at St. Souplet, France, in voluntarily serving as a member of a small raiding party which crossed the Le Selle River and in the face of heavy fire, captured 23 prisoners, has been reported to me, and I take pleasure in commending and making this record of your gallantry. In the Field, France, (Signed) John F. O'Ryan, November 1, 1918. Major-General Commanding. On that battlefield the Division Commander impressed his will on the enemy so completely that the victory was unqualified. In front of the 27th Division on that occasion were the German 204th Infantry Division, the 243d Infantry Division, the 3d Naval Division, the 24th Infantry and the 15th Rifle Division. The battle of Jonc-de-Mar Ridge was fought on the following day. It was also a prepared Buffalo's Part in the World War 287 attack and resulted in taking a large number of prisoners, machine guns and materials, and an advance of several kilometers by the 27th Division, which took its objectives in the face of terrific opposition. It is a notable feature of the fighting of the New York Division that, in company with the 30th American Division, forming the Second American Corps, it was always at the point of the wedge which was being driven into the enemy's strongholds. The 27th Division, throughout the war, was used as shock troops and was hurled against the line where the enemy and his field fortifications were the strongest. These two divisions took 6,000 prisoners, one-eighth of all the prisoners taken by the American Expeditionary Forces in France. TABULATED DATA OF THE 108th IN THE HINDENBURG OPERATION Prisoners of War Captured 16 officers, 594 men Machine guns Captured 33 (various types) Casualties for the period were as follows: September 26th September 27th September 28th September 29th September 30th October 1st Officers . . . Total, 991 Enlisted Men Wounded Killed 2 1 1 30 16 518 154 36 12 1 13 12 611 195 Missing 19 3 22 E. S. Jennings, Colonel. While the 108th was on its way to St. Souplet it was billeted for a while at Escaufort. On midnight of October 13th the tired boys went to bed early. A shell struck one of the billets in which they were sleeping, injuring several men and instantly killing Corporal Jack R. Rickets while he slept. His body was filled with shrapnel. On October 18th, the St. Souplet operation was in full swing. The boys had been fighting their way through a mud hole, battling along under severest weather conditions. Private Stewart W. Martin, of Company A, somewhat in advance of his company was hit with a large shell which landed at his feet. He was blown to pieces. A little later the same day, I Company found itself without a leader; the officer who had been assigned to the company was looking over his maps as the line moved out; Private George A. Eberle stepped up in the absence of the officer, took command of the boys and led them over the top. They fought through many a tough place with the young private undauntedly and courageously leading them forward. A machine gun bullet nipped his shoulder. A moment later several members of the company went down behind him from the enemy fire. Finally, Eberle was hit in the side by a rifle bullet, but he refused to leave the field. He dropped, however, before the objective was reached and died from his wounds. Another private took the remnants of the company forward to the objective. Private Joseph E. Lutz, Company G, was hit the same day and courageously went forward until he fell from exhaustion. The first machine gun bullet hit him in the shoulder; the second opened a bad scalp wound. He was unattended for some little time after he fell, and died in the hospital on October 27th. One of the Buffalo boys who went through the heart of the Hindenburg stunt and also the fighting at St. Souplet was Corporal Joseph Yund. He passed safely through every battle in which the 27th Division participated, returned with the Division to America early in March and was sent to Camp Merritt awaiting the date for the divisional parade down Fifth Avenue. While the regiment was in France Yund was offered an assignment as cook but declined it to remain on the field with his company, where he was frequently admired for his coolness and courage under fire as a Non Commissioned Officer. While at Camp Merritt he died suddenly of acute indigestion less than ten days before the regiment was mustered out of service. Another strange case was that of Sergeant Chris K. Redden, who virtually led the Machine Gun Company of the 108th through all its fighting in France. A few days after the discharge of the Regi- ment and the return of the boys to Buffalo, Redden fell down stairs at his home and broke his neck. 288 Buffalo's Part in the World War The old 74th saw service in three battles, three major engagements and two minor engage- ments. Its activities with the 27th Division may be summarized briefly as follows: Battle of Hindenburg Line near Bony, France, September 29th and 30th, 1918; a prepared attack with the 3d British Corps on the left and the 30th American Division and the 10th French Army on the right, and the Australian Corps and the 9th British Corps participating. Opposed to the Americans was the German Second Guard Division, 232d, 54th, 185th, 121st and 75th Infantry Divisions. Battle of Le Selle River, near St. Souplet, France, October 17, 1918. The 3d British Corps, the 9th British Corps and the 10th French Army participated. Opposed to the Americans were the German 204th, 243d and 24th Infantry Divisions, the 3d Naval Division and the 15th Rifle Division. Battle of Jonc de Mer Ridge, near Arbre Guernon, France, October 18, 1918. The same Allied forces participated and were opposed by the same German divisions. Major engagement of Vierstraat Ridge, near Mt. Kemmel, Belgium, August 31 to September 2, 1918. This was an advance to occupy this ridge and Mt. Kemmel, the enemy keeping up rear guard actions. The 34th British Division and the British 2d Army participated. The German 236th, 8th and 52d Infantry Divisions opposed. Major engagement of the Knoll, Guillemont farm and Quennemont farm, near Bony, France, September 27, 1918. This was a preliminary fight by the 106th Regiment to gain the outworks of the Hindenburg Line, preparatory to the following grand attack. They were unassisted and the German 54th, 121st and 185th Infantry Divisions, the 75th Rifle Division and the 2d Guard Division opposed. Major engagement of St. Maurice River, near Catillon, France, October 19, 20, 1918. This was an advance following the two days' battle cleaning up the machine gun nests to the river. The British 3d and 9th Corps participated. Opposing were the German 204th, 243d, 24th Infantry Divisions and the 15th Rifle Division. Minor action of East Poperinghe line, Belgium, July 9 to August 20, 1918. This was the prep- aration of the second line of defense behind Mt. Kemmel in anticipation of the German attack. Artillery fire was constant. Various divisions of Prince Rupprecht's army opposed. Minor action of the Dickebusch sector, Belgium, August 21 to 30, 1918. This was when the Division was moved to the front in anticipation of the same attack. The same German forces were facing them. The regiment was in reserve when the Armistice was signed. Buffalo's Part in the World War 289 CHAPTER LXXX ON A FIELD OF CARNAGE DONOVAN FELL BUFFALO was well represented in the fighting which carried the battle line across the Meuse at Sedan and ended the war. Lieut. Col. Donovan's 165th Regiment had swept over the last remaining hills on the west side of the Meuse, and the 77th Division, with its hundreds of brave Buffalo boys, crossed the river in the same territory a little to the south of Sedan. In the drive toward the Meuse about the middle of October Colonel Donovan fell on the hill- side seriously hurt by a machine gun bullet which tore through his knee. The American forces at that time were lacking in experienced leadership and the loss of the Lieut. Colonel was a hard blow to his men. Though suffering intense pain and in need of immediate medical care, Donovan refused to leave the field, but continued directing the battle from a dugout with fearless runners carrying messages to his majors. He described those late October days in a letter to his wife, saying: Wednesday, October 23, 1919. "A machine gun bullet at the knee just below the joint. A clean wound through from front to rear. A hole in the tibia — a splinter from that hole extending downward for two and a half inches — in bed in a Paris hospital. There you have it. American Red Cross No. 3, 4 Place Chevreuse. "I wrote you last, did I not, from the Bois de Montfaucon? We were suddenly ordered forward to relieve another Division, the 1st. The same old jumble of troops and camions and trains on the road, only now the roads more slippery and more in need of repair. Our way led past freshly killed and yet unburied Germans, through unmistakable smell of dead horses to a farm in a valley where we parked our wagons and disposed of our men. The farm house had been used as a dressing station for one of the regiments of the other division. Outside was a huge collection of torn and bloody litters, broken salvaged equipment, reddened underclothing and discarded uniforms, all of our own men — the cast ofif of the dead and wounded. Within, however, was a nice fat Y. M. C. A. man in a suit of blue overalls and a sombrero. He was in attendance at a big cauldron of cocoa while on a stand beside him was bread and, best of all, beef. There could have been no better meal. They then arranged a bed in one of the ambulances into which the Colonel and I crawled. I slept until 6 and then met the Battalion commanders and their company commanders and went forward for a reconnaissance. We met the liaison officer of the other division and he apportioned the various liaison agents to our groups. I talked with the Colonel of the 18th and took over his cellar for our colonel. Then I went up to the position we were to occupy. "The division preceding us had a terrific fight just three days before and the ground was a stew of dead — Boche and American. One attack had evidently been made in the morning mist and as it cleared an entire company was caught on a little rise. The bodies were laid out in rows. It was easy to determine the formation and the plans of the different leaders. In one hole we found a wounded German who had lain there three days afraid to come out — in another, a wounded German and wounded American who had crawled to the same hole, shared their water and cigarettes, and then, rolling into the German's blanket, had gone to sleep. If we read that in a story book we would not have believed it. I then went over the position. "The support line was in rear of a long ridge running some 3 kilometers. This was the ridge the Germans had held commanding the valley. I went to their machine gun positions. Gun after gun was there with the gunners lying beside them, dead. From these positions I could look back across the valley and then it was easy to see how heavy a toll could be demanded for entrance there. Over this ridge and into the next valley. Here the Germans had a prison camp. The shacks of the officers had been on the northern slope of the ridge and had evidently been well equipped. Now they were shell broken, full of gas, and in pitiful disorder. Near some of them were the bloody torn bodies of what were evidently orderHes. In the valley itself were the prison buildings similar to all such in all armies. The wooden shacks with bunks and small bit of land enclosed with barbed wire some ten feet high. On the other side of the valley were two knolls which were the westerly continuation of the ridge you have read about as the Cote de Chatillion. This was our advanced position. "That afternoon we commenced our relief and at nightfall I went up and established my Post of Command on the long ridge. I slept two hours that night under a shelter tent and except for a few telephone interruptions had a good rest. With the telephone lying beside you it is not bad. I was on, as were all the men, the reverse slope, well under the top. Our only danger was from splinters. Up here we pulled all the kitchens and were set. "Two nights of this and then early on the morning of the 14th we received orders that the attack would be made in the morning. There was a multitude of things to do and the orders coming so late they could not be done properly. The brigade on our right was to advance first, all the guns being concentrated to assist it. Then two hours later all the guns were to concentrate to help us. The party started. I moved to the forward position which they were shelling 290 Buffalo's Part in the World War heavily. I could see no advance on our right. Our hour struck and promptly the leading battalion moved out. The Germans at once put down a heavy barrage and swept the hill we had to climb with indirect machine gun fire. The advance did not go well. There were green company commanders with the companies; liaison was not maintained; the barrage was not followed closely; there was not enough punch. There were times when I had to march at the head of the companies to get them forward. They would follow me. New men need some visible symbol of authority. I could see nothing coming up on our right or left. They were crowding in, the resistance was becoming stronger. The preparation had been hurried, proper instructions had not been sent; officers had been killed or wounded, N. C. Os. the same; vast quantities of new untrained elements. We fought our way to within 500 meters of the line. You know the Germans were entrenched with three parallels of wire and a position they proposed holding. The attack as is always the case, finally languished. I sent for another battalion. It was late in arriving and in coming into position. Not until 8 P. M. did I get it across, but it too was beaten back. Orders then came to stabilize for the night. I was in a little shell hole with my telephone operation. For mess I had an onion, which was delicious and raw, and two pieces of hardtack. At 1 A. M. the telephone went out and it was impossible to get in touch with the rear. Patrols were sent out to tie with elements on our right and left. I knew an attack would come in the morning, but I had no orders. I did not know how or where it would be launched, what artillery preparation, nothing. The night passed only too quickly. I sent back for food but the lieutenant with his party never returned. Ammunition came up and then at 6.20 the orders for an attack at 7.30. With such short notice it was impossible to get proper word to all units and to make the best disposition. A heavy mist was hanging. I went around to the men and talked to them. All of this was close to the German line. We had gained two kilometers the first day, the 14th, I should not have been there but remained so because it would have had a bad effect on the men if I had taken position further in rear. Tanks were to be near to help us. Zero hour came but no tanks, so we started anyway. I had walked to the dif- ferent units and was coming back to the telephone when — smash, I felt as if somebody had hit me on the back of the leg with a spiked club. I fell like a log, but after a few minutes managed to crawl into my little telephone hole. A machine gun lieutenant ripped open my breeches and put on the first aid. The leg hurt, but there were many things to be done. The tanks then came along the road but almost immediately turned back either on account of smashed mechanism or wounded drivers. The situation was bad. There was more defense than we thought and the battalion was held up. Messengers I sent through were killed or wounded and messages remained undelivered. We were shelled heavily. Beside me three men were blown up and I was showered with the remnants of their bodies. No communication with the rear as the telephone was still out. Gas was then thrown at us, thick and nasty. Five hours passed. I was getting very groggy but managed to get a message through, withdrawing the unit on the line and putting another in place. Then they carried me back in a blanket. I told them to put me down but they said they were willing to take a chance. It was a tough hike. At last the shelter of a hill. I turned things over to the major, turned in a report, and then was taken on my way to the hospital.* "I will tell you in detail just what is done with human baggage from the first aid station on. "At the battalion first aid station they tied a tag to me — Lt. Col. W. J. Donovan, G. S. W. right knee, Corbet, M. O. meaning I had received a gun shot wound in the right knee. From there I was carried on a stretcher about 1 Yi kilo- meters to the Regimental dressing station where my wound was dressed and I was placed in an ambulance. A tough 3 kilometers ride over shell-torn roads to the Field Hospital. I was hauled out and placed on the ground. It then being determined that there was no immediate need of an operation I was sent on to the Mobile Unit. This was about 4 kilometers further back, and all these rides were damned uncomfortable. *Washington, June 4th (Associaied Press). — A bronze oak leaf cluster, to be worn with the distinguished service cross already awarded him, has just been awarded to Colonel William J. Donovan of the 165th Infantry, whose home is at No. 734 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo. The announcement of the War Department to-day states that the award is made for extraordinary heroism in action near Landres and St. Georges, France, October 14-15, 1918. The distinguished service cross was awarded Colonel Donovan August 28, 1918. In explanation of the award of the oak leaf cluster, the War Department said: " Colonel Donovan personally led the assaulting wave in an attack upon a very strongly-organized position and, when our troops were suffering heavy casualties, encouraged all near him by his example, moving among his men in exposed positions, reorganizing decimated platoons and accompanying them forward in attacks. When he was wounded in the leg by a machine-gun bullet, he refused to be evacuated and con- tinued with his unit until it withdrew to a less exposed position." Prom Buffalo Courier, March 9, 1919. — "There is no braver man in the army than Colonel Donovan," said Lieutenant Betty, "and he is no 'dugout commander,' but a man who took his medicine. I went out from the United States as a casual officer and was later assigned to the 165th Infantry, and was at Colonel Donovan's side when he fell. "It was on the morning of October 15th, and we were looking at a map of the battlefield. The tanks were coming up and it was the attack on the German's last line. We were pushing them back. "A Hun machine-gun sniper got Colonel Donovan in the knee. The bullet made a terrible wound and he went down, but at once rallied despite the pain. " We wanted to carry him back to a dressing station, but he refused to go. We coaxed him to no avail. We could see he was suffering, but he just would not give up. Finally, after five hours of the fighting, during which he was directing his troops all of the time, he consented to be taken back. Even then he went away on the stretcher protesting that he ought to stay. "Since that I have seen him once in a hospital in Paris, and, of course, have heard he is back with the troops." From New York Herald. — "Colonel Donovan," said Sergeant O'Brien, in discussing his old commander, "was, in my opinion, and the opinion of every man in the command, the finest soldier in France. "Other men may think it was Pershing or General Foch, but I will always hold to my opinion. I was in the old regiment for a number of years, and went through the entire training period with it at Camp Mills, and was in every 'show' from the early days last winter until the armi- Buffalo's Part in the World War 291 "At this hospital I was taken in during a pounding rain. They took a complete record of my name, regiment, rank, nature and date of wound. Then they stripped me and rubbed me over with a warm sponge. It being the first in many days it was very welcome. Then the anti-tetanus injection. Then on a stretcher and put in a row in the waiting room off the operating room awaiting my turn. I waited there and with eyes closed tried to get a little repose. I heard someone say 'Hello, Colonel' and beside me was an enlisted man from my old battalion who was a runner and who had been hurt after me. "Placed on the operating table they saw no need for an operation and putting my leg in a splint turned me into a ward. I was put between sheets. — Think of it! Beside me was an officer shot through the stomach and dying, across two officers coming out of ether and asking the nurse to hold their hands or smooth their brows. In the next ward a bedlam of delerium. "I was surprised to find Bill Wood, brother of Chalmers. Bill Wood was with me in college and is here as a chaplain. " Early in the morning the man next me died still calling for his wife and children. "Pancakes for breakfast and then prepared for evacuation. Our cards containing our history were attached, and we were loaded into ambulances and sent to Evacuation No. 10. It was in a pouring rain and the road was terrific. I had with me several badly wounded officers who groaned the whole time, and I was not very comfortable, myself, so that on the road things were not happy. "At the Evacuation Hospital we were handled like pieces of freight. Put on a rack, and when your turn came put in front of a checker who carefully noted your record. Then to bed. I was given a room. I was in an old French barracks hospital. The nurse was a sister of Rose, the hammer thrower, and looked to me husky enough to handle any of us. "Two days here, the hospital overflowing, and then we were put on a French train, sixteen of us, officers and men in a car. The stretchers and slings were most uncomfortable. We had coffee without milk, canned corn, beef heated, and nothing else. I passed it all and dug up some Y. M. C. A. crackers I had been saving. We had a French orderly on the train. An old Breton, most obliging. He knew no French yet always knew what the men wanted. All night long this patient fellow worked, always awake and always smiling. "Early in the morning we arrived here. I have a room with another officer. This was once the American some- thing club. A club for American girls studying art. It is in the Latin Quarter. The food is good and wholesome, the nurses are not beautiful but nice and competent. My floor is full of generals and colonels, the two other floors captains, majors and lieutenants." As soon as Lieutenant-Colonel Donovan's leg healed he rejoined his regiment which had gone to Coblenz with the Army of Occupation after the signing of the Armistice. He was there com- missioned a Colonel of the regiment which fought so gallantly behind him and which he so bravely led. stice was signed, and I know a soldier when I see one. Company D, my company, was in Donovan's battalion, when he was a major, and I had an opportunity of knowing him pretty well. "We used to discuss him between ourselves and not one man disagreed in the opinion that he would make a record. I have seen him advanc- ing with men in places he had no right to be, and there were times when we believed it would be his last fight. I have seen him throw his arms around the shoulder of some youngster who was receiving his first 'dose of medicine' from the Hun, and say: 'Buck up, old timer; you are not going to let those Dutchmen lick you, are you? ' Maybe it was the way he said it, but, believe me, a word like that from him, and you would go througfi hell. "I have seen him jump right ahead of a shattered company that had lost all its officers, reorganize it, and lead it into the line again. He was always doing things like that, and smiling while he was doing it. I noticed in a paper one day an item about Colonel Donovan, and it referred to him as 'Wild Bill.' That's dead wrong. He's the coolest man I have ever met. But, what made a hit with the men was, he was always a gentleman, and I want to say right now that he's the finest gentleman and the best soldier in the American army." The citation on page 1 of General Orders, No. 99, War Department, 1918, relating to Major William J. Donovan, is rescinded and the following substituted therefor: William J. Donovan, Colonel, 16.5th Infantry. He led his battalion across the river Ourcq and captured important enemy strongholds near Villers-sur-Fere, France, on July 28-31, 1918. He was in advance of the division for four days, all the while under shell and machine-gun fire from the enemy, who were on three sides of him, and he was repeatedly and persistently counter-attacked, being wounded twice. His coolness, courage and efficient leadership rendered possible the maintenance of this position. For extraordinary heroism in action near Landres and St. Georges, France, October 14-1.5, 1918, Colonel Donovan is awarded a bronze oak-leaf cluster to be worn with the distinguished service cross. He personally led the assaulting wave in an attack upon a very strongly organized position, and wheri our troops were suffering heavy casualties encouraged all near him by his example, moving among his men in exposed positions, reorgan- izing decimated platoons, and accompanying them forward in attacks. When he was wounded in the leg by a machine-gun bullet, he refused to be evacuated and continued with his unit until it withdrew to a less exposed position. Home address: Mrs. Ruth Rumsey Donovan, wife, 742 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. 292 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER LXXXI PUTTING THE LAST ONE OVER WITH THE OLD 65th. ON October 23d the 106th Field Artillery was on the move to take its position behind the 79th on the east side of the Meuse. They continued in support until the Armistice was signed, virtually firing up until 11 A. M. on the 11th day of November. Captain Gilchriese concludes his story, continued from chapter LXXVIII: "The following afternoon (October 23d) at 3 P. M. we started on the long march into posi- tion behind the 79th Division. As it grew dark early we were perfectly safe in moving at that time. We did not clear the woods for an hour, and by the time we were well under way on the Verdun highway it was growing dark. W^e passed under the shadow of the mighty citadel of Verdun and then turned north towards Thiville. As we were clearing Verdun, the fact that we were in the front again was brought home to us by the old familiar w-h-e-e-e of an "arrive." One huge Austrian gun continued to pound out hate on that impregnable old fortress, but it never did much damage. "Arriving in Charny we had to wait until 8 P. M. before we could cross the River Meuse at that place. All crossings of the river are well regulated by the military police, and, as it was cus- tomary for Jerry to bombard them at intervals when he thought they were well loaded, of course we regulated our traffic accordingly. It was while waiting thus in Charny that we were informed that Austria had quit. It certainly was inspiring news. Everyone was more than ever anxious to get back to work and show the Hun what a 'fat' chance he had. We arrived in our new position on October 29th." Corporal Arthur B. Finkelstein, company clerk of Battery E, on November 1st, was taking the payroll to the front line to be signed by the men when a shell landed in the road and blew off his leg. He tried to crawl away but another shell come over, this time filling him with shrapnel, which caused his death. Captain Grabau, medical man of the regiment, tried everything in his power to save him, going out under shell fire. He, also, was wounded. Cornelius Driscoll, another Buffalo man, gave up his life there, being burned to death at an ammunition dump. To resume Captain Gilchriese's narrative: "November 4th, in addition to our regularly scheduled shoots, we plastered Jerry all over the country, picking out first a wagon train on the road; then a column of artillery or troops moving out. Jerry was leaving the sector as fast as American artillery would let him. You see we were not particularly anxious to have him quit at this time — at least not until we had given him a good licking. "The next day, November 5th, we caught another battery, and this time with the aid of a balloon and ground observer we actually saw him busted up. Later when he tried to get a gun out of position we were waiting and gave it to him properly. The observers reported several casualties among the working party. "That same afternoon, during continuous attacking by our infantry, the German division attempted a counter attack. While he was massing his troops on the famous Trench de la Saucette we were laying our guns on this same trench, in response to the urgent call from the infantry. Just about the time that he was ready to attack, a shower of heavy artillery shells landed on the trench. We could not see the result, of course, as it was defiladed from our view but when the infantry took the trench the next morning they said it was strewn with dead Germans. We were mentioned in orders for this and complimented by the Generals concerned for the accuracy and rapidity of our fire. The counter attack blew up in a fizzle. "The next morning at 7.45, we gave it to him again. The 79th Division was attacking. At 10.30 and again at 11.00 we were called on to put machine gun nests out for them which we did with great alacrity. Buffalo's Part in the World War 293 "November 9th, two days before the eventful 11th, we moved forward again to the last posi- tion we were destined to occupy on this front. Of course it was raining; it always was when the battahon moved. And what a position! Our road led through the well known Death Valley, made passable during the last few days by the advance of our infantry. We pushed up into the ravine below Ormont Farm into the most desolate looking place I had ever seen. The sides of the road were torn to pieces; refuse, salvage piles of all sorts were scattered along the route; dead, both enemy and American, were to be seen everywhere and everything was ruins. Our infantry had just advanced two days before and the burial parties had not yet caught up with their work. It was quite gruesome. The search for a battalion command post was a problem. The only available dugouts were absolutely untenable, being filled with refuse and dead. In addition, they were far up on the slope of a wooded hill, which although desirable from some aspects, was not as easily accessible. By nightfall, however, we had ousted some transient engi- neers from their comfortable elephant iron shelters and, by virtue of our rank, we occupied them. Several dead had to be buried the next morning, but these things were becoming second nature to the men of the detail. "Having spent the night in the rain and mud, running telephone lines and placing the guns in position for the next shoot, we prepared the position for defense the next morning This was Sunday, November the 10th, and I will long remember it as a red letter day. It may be interest- ing to note here that even at that late date the enemy had not quit fighting, for at four in the morning several shells of heavy calibre landed in our vicinity, one of which sprayed our little shelter with stones and debris. At 6 A. M. we made coifee from water drawn from a friendly shell hole. "On scheduled time our guns began. I could have wept for joy. Sitting at the telephone, one of the aids reported our progress as it was reported to him from the front lines, and then at four- twenty, we lifted the Cote Romange, far in advance of our doughboys and in the main line of enemy resistance. The attack was made successfully and with very little loss, and the infantry reported our fire had been very destructive. During the night and again on the morning of Novem- ber 11th we were called on by our infantry brigade, with the result that we were firing on the Hun almost up to the very hour of the cessation of hostilities. "I may not mention the casualties other than to say that they were very light. We only had three men killed, and not a great number wounded. During our two months in action, the regi- ment fired a total of 33,036 rounds amounting to a total weight of 3,072,348 pounds. Our record is excellent, we have received the commendation of superior officers, from our army corps com- mander down." The 102d Trench Mortar Battery kept company with the 106th in its course through the Meuse-Argonne battle. That battery was composed mostly of old I Troop men. Its duty was to dig in on the front line and harass the German machine gun nests through the medium of Newton-Stokes six-inch trench mortars. The record of the battery is remarkable. While supporting the 33d Division, one of its feats was to wipe out completely the town of Hauremont, on the Etrey Road, north of Verdun, where a machine gun nest had seriously impeded the progress of the infantry. Three shots got the location and the next four cleared the path for the Illinois Division to break the Kriemhild-Stellung line. The battery did not serve with the infantry of the 27th Division, but was in co-operation with the artillery throughout. Although units of the 27th Division, neither the old 65th nor old Troop I served with the Division. They were in the American sector through all the activities of the American Expeditionary Force. 294 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER LXXXII GENERAL PERSHING'S STORY OF THE FINAL DAYS ON October 18th, Grand Pre was completely in the hands of the 78th Division. The 77th had broken down its outer defenses, and, according to their own historians had actually taken the town. The 78th Division claims the 77th didn't take a lamp post in Grand Pre. The claims of the 78th are not easily dismissed. On the right, the 82d Division had moved up and had taken the town of Champigneulles. From the 18th of October to the 1st of November there was no general advance on that part of the American front. The time was occupied in local attacks, raiding parties and patrols. Many men lost their lives in those adventures, and a number of Buffalo boys distinguished themselves during that period. On November 1st the 78th was joined by the 77th. For the second time in the Argonne offensive the last named Division was sent into the front line. The big operation which finally wiped out the Bois de Loges and carried the Americans for- ward forty kilometers, was started on November 1st with the 77th and 78th sweeping ahead, side by side. Just before the big attack the 77th was brought up from the rest area, where the men had been putting in about six hours a day drilling, and was placed in reserve to fill up a gap as the line moved up. The 78th's artillery was put in as support. Two days before the attack the 153d Brigade fired every gun at the barrage rate of 200 rounds per hour for seven hours, combing through a great forest on the left flank as part of the preparation. At zero hour the 78th stepped off from Grand Pre and in front of the Bois de Loges. Machine guns stopped one brigade temporarily as these "typewriters" belched their spit of death, but a little artillery concentration fixed that patch of woods. One of the first men killed as they stepped off that morning was a Buffalo boy, Private Curtiss T. Hibbard, D Company, 311th Infantry. His home was at 98 Gelston Street. Hibbard faced the machine gunners who had not been reached by the barrage and died firing. An interesting account of the last drive of the 78th Division was sent home by Private Shanahan of G Company, 311th Infantry, November 12th, 1918: "We were in a valley at the foot of the last wooded hill of the famous Argonne Woods. Here on the last hill the Germans placed their all. Dotted here and there, every few yards, were machine guns; also many machine-gun snipers located in the trees. We established our lines along the ridge of this hill. We had remained here for eight days, and during that time I was obliged to work both day and night. During the first four days or ninety-six hours I had but five hours' sleep. This is almost unbelievable. During the day we helped carry the wounded to the first aid, also ammunition and what food we could procure, and during the night stood guard or sentr>^ duty, holding the Hnes with the Germans within hearing distance. We held these lines until it was our turn to go over the top again. "Well, to make it short, we were tired out the morning of our last trip, which I believe was the worst top in the present war. We were called together at the foot of the hill at 1.00 A. M. and were told by our officers we would hear within two hours the greatest barrage in history, which was in progress along the entire front. The barrage started at 3.00 A. M. and lasted for many hours. During the barrage we made preparations for our last trip over the top. We filled our canteens with muddy water and were glad to find this water; shell-holes which collect the rain are the means of our drinking water at times. We also greased our bodies for protection, or rather relief, from mustard gas, as we expected much gas, having a tough section of the front and the Germans were not going to give it up without a battle. For a stretch of many miles in back of this last hill was nothing but the smooth plains or farm land of beautiful Alsace-Lorraine. We had, as we expected, our toughest battle, the Germans had their machine guns lined up everywhere; we began at 5.00 A. M. and fought until 6.00 P. M. We shot many shells at them and my rifle was hot from the Buffalo's Part in the World War 295 Doughboys Shouting for Joy as Armistice is Signed heat of the continual fire. We lost many men again and this time several boys from Buffalo, among them Sergeant Gies,* Private Kuhnkie, Monsees, Sawyerf and a few more who resided in the Black Rock section of Buffalo. There are but two lads that I know or rather from our locality in Buffalo, with me — Jim Morgan and Ed. Nolan; they are both well. After driving the greater part of the Germans a few hundred yards away and killing the most of them it was about 6 o'clock, or dark. We established ourselves on the spot and jumped into the dug-outs the Germans occupied but an hour ago, and there, with our own dead lads and very many Germans lying about, was our temporary line. We threw hand grenades at the Germans and blew up many of their machine guns. We started after them again the next morning and found — they had 'flown the coop'." The 78th had become a combat division of considerable driving power. It had lost many men, but had made an exceptionally creditable record, and won commendation from corps and divi- sional commanders. Just before the "jump off" in the final drive to the Meuse, Corporal Robert D. Lewis of Buffalo, won the Distinguished Service Cross, near Grand Pre. His citation reads: "Corporal Robert D. Lewis, Company M, 311th Infantry, A. S. No. 1749676. For extraordinary heroism in action near Grand Pre, France, October 27, 1918. After his company had reached its objective. Corporal Lewis rendered valuable assistance in organizing positions on ground swept by enemy fire. Alone, he flanked a machine gun position and captured two prisoners. While patroling between the outposts he was wounded by machine gun fire." Corporal Lewis is the son of Mrs. Elizabeth Parker No. 215 Gold street. *"CoMPANY G, 311th Infantry, j^mbrican Expeditionary Force, November 22, 1918. "Mrs. Matilda Gies, 354 East Street, Buffalo, N. Y. " My dear Mrs. Gies. — This is the first opportunity I have had to express to you my heart-felt sympathy with you at the death of your son Sergeant Walter E. Gies. " Your son died bravely in the last big American Drive. He died in pursuing retreating Boche, and before his death assisted in the attack which drove six German machine guns from a wooded crest. For his bravery under fire, I have recommended the awarding of the Distinguished Service Cross. You may well be proud of his record as a soldier and as a man. " His memory will live forever among the men of his Company. I feel his loss not only from a military, but also from a personal standpoint. He was one of my best boys and we mourn his loss. "Very sincerely yours, W. I. Emerson, Captain 311th Infantry." t" France, February 27, 1919. "My dear Miss Gibson. — Received your letter to-day and am answering it immediately. Bill (William Eugene) Sawyer, Company G, 311th Infantry, was a very close friend of mine, and I am very sorry to tell you that the reports you have heard of his death are true. Bill was killed in action at Grand Pre, France, about the first of November. He and another fellow had hopped into a dugout on the front lines when a shell burst at the entrance. A flying piece of shrapnel hit Bill in the head and, also killed his comrade. I was talking to one of the lads of our Company to-day who buried Bill — so you see there is no doubt. We lost a great many Buffalo boys there. Bill, like the rest of them, was game to the last. Not only myself, but all the rest of our Company extend our sympathy. Tell his mother he did his duty and did it well." (Letter Irom Private Leo F. Green, 2nd Bn. Supply Company, 311th Infantry.) 296 Buffalo's Part in the World War No one had to "stand and take it" in a heavier way in the Argonne than the members of the MiUtary Pohce. On the cross roads, always heavily shelled, they were obliged to direct traffic and never had a friendly shell hole in which to seek cover. Lieutenant Scott, a popular Buffalo boy who had won a commission at the Officers' Training Camp was killed while on duty with the 2d Division, on November 1, 1918. The commander's report follows: HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION tREGULAR) AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES "Germany, December 20, 1918. "My dear Mrs. Scott. — It is my painful duty to write to you concerning the details of the death of your gallant husband, 1st Lieutenant Fay M. Scott, 2nd Military Police Company. He was killed by shell fire at 3.40 A. M., November 1, 1918, just north of Fleville, on the main high- road between Varrennes and Buzancy. The traffic was very heavy that night, in preparation for the attack on the following morning, and your husband had been working along this road all night. The road was under continuous artillery fire a large part of the time, and was frequently bombed by hostile airplanes. Sergeant Henry Ballard, 2nd Military Police Company, was with him at the time he was killed. He was buried by Chaplain J. N. Pierce, of Division Headquarters, in the American military cemetery in Fleville. His grave is marked by a wooden cross, with his name upon it. " Your husband was an able officer, and was greatly esteemed and beloved by his comrades-in-arms. "Your sincere friend, John A. Lejeune, Major General, U. S. M. C, Commanding." Corporal Bateman, 133 Livingston Street, distinguished himself in the closing days of the war while his division (77th) was driving the Boche toward Sedan. The official citation of his bravery tells the story: "Corporal Henry Bateman, Headquarters Company, 307th Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in action near St. Pierremont, France, November 4, 1918. After passing through a heavily bombarded area Corporal Bateman learned that a soldier of his platoon had been wounded and had fallen in the shelled area. He at once volunteered and went back for him, assisted in bringing him to a place of safety and later helped to carry him through another shelled area to the first-aid station." The 153d Artillery Brigade (78th Division), made up largely of Western New Yorkers, won much commendation for its work in the Meuse- Argonne offensive and was chosen to lead off the big barrage in the final phase. The plans for the attack on November 1st were most carefully made, and a schedule of advance was laid down. One regiment of Seventy-fives of the brigade was to limber up and move out of its old positions at four hours after H hour, and two battalions of the heavy regiment were to pack on their B. G.-5 powder and hike forward at five hours after H hour. The infantry was to have cleared the way by that time. A knowledge of the topography of the terrain, to use military language, is necessary to com- prehend what happened that morning. All the old battery positions were behind a hill, but the road to be followed in the movement forward twisted around the shoulder of this hill through a little town called Senuc, and into direct observation from the enemy — that is, in direct observa- tion unless the infantry had moved the enemy. According to schedule the 307th Field Artillery limbered up and took the road, followed by the other units, with Major B. G.-5 Wilder in the lead. Rounding the turn at a trot, as prescribed in open warfare, this artillery stepped face to face with the Boche. It is a tradition of the brigade that it never took a backward step, although the situation pre- sented a fine opportunity for a panic, with guns and ammunition wagons and trucks clustered as a target. The batteries went into positions along the Aire River without any attempt to camou- flage, and combed the Bois de Loges with a fire that put the fear of God into the Boche machine gunners and permitted the infantry to advance. There were some losses, but shortly the Hun went back so fast it was impossible for the infantry to keep up with him. The ammunition trucks of the 303d Ammunition Train were right up with the artillery, carry- ing a day's fire for the brigade, which is 300 rounds per gun for the 75s and 150 rounds per gun for the 155s. The 77th, 42d, 2d, 89th, 90th and 5th Divisions were in the front line then as replacements for tired fighters. This was the second trip up to the front for several of the divisions. General Pershing tells of the final phase of this offensive and of the war: "With comparatively well-rested divisions, the final advance in the Meuse- Argonne front was begun on November 1st. Our increased artillery force acquitted itself magnificently in support of the advance, and the enemy broke before the determined infantry, which, by its persistent fighting of the past weeks and the dash of this attack, had overcome his will to resist. The Third Buffalo's Part in the World War 297 Twin Gun that Fired the Last Shot Corps took Aincreville, Doulcon, and Andevanne, and the Fifth Corps took Landres et St. Georges and pressed through successive Unes of resistance to Bayonville and Chennery. On the 2d the First Corps joined in the movement, which now became an impetuous onslaught that could not be stayed. "On the 3d advance troops surged forward in pursuit, some by motor trucks, while the artillery pressed along the country roads close behind. The First Corps reached Authie and Chatillon- Sur-Bar, the Fifth Corps, Fosse and Nouart, and the Third Corps Halles, penetrating the enemy's line to a depth of 12 miles. Our large calibre guns had advanced and were skillfully brought into position to fire upon the important hnes at Montmedy, Longuyon, and Conflans. Our Third Corps crossed the Meuse on the 5th and the other corps, in the full confidence that the day was theirs, eagerly cleared the way of machine guns as they swept northward, maintaining complete coordination throughout. On the 6th, a division of the First Corps (42d Division) reached a point on the Meuse opposite Sedan, 25 miles from our line of departure. The strategical goal which was our highest hope was gained. We had cut the enemy's main line of communications, and nothing but surrender or an armistice could save his army from complete disaster. "In all 40 enemy divisions had been used against us in the Meuse- Argonne Battle. Between September 26th and November 6th we took 26,059 prisoners and 468 guns on this front. Our Divisions engaged were the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 26th, 28th, 29th, 32d, 33d, 35th, 37th, 42d, 77th, 78th, 79th, 80th, 82d, 89th, 90th, and 91st. Many of our divisions remained in line for a length of time that required nerves of steel, while others were sent in again after only a few days of rest. The 1st, 5th, 26th, 42d, 77th, 80th, 89th, and 90th were in the line twice. Although some of the divisions were fighting their first battle, they soon became equal to the best. "On the three days preceding November 10th, the Third, the Second Colonial, and the Seven- teenth French Coi-ps, fought a difficult struggle through the Meuse Hills south of Stenay and forced the enemy into the plain. Meanwhile, my plans for further use of the American forces 298 Buffalo's Part in the World War contemplated an advance between the Meuse and the Moselle in the direction of Longwy by the First Army, while, at the same time, the Second Army should assume the offensive toward the rich iron fields of Briey. These operations were to be followed by an offensive toward Chateau- Salins east of the Moselle, thus isolating Metz. Accordingly, attacks on the American front had been ordered and that of the Second Army was in progress on the morning of November 11th, when instructions were received that hostilities should cease at 11 o'clock A. M. "At this moment the line of the American sector, from right to left, began at Port-Sur-Seille, thence across the Moselle to Vandieres and through the Woevre to Bezonvaux in the foothills of the Meuse, thence along to the foothills and through the northern edge of the Woevre forests to the Meuse at Mouzay, thence along the Meuse connecting with the French under Sedan." Buffalo's Part in the World War 299 CHAPTER LXXXIII BUFFALO TANK CORPS FIGHTERS— "TREAT 'EM ROUGH" WHEN America entered the war the "Tank" as an instrument of warfare was not in general use in the American Army. Barbed wire entrenchments, serious impediments to an offensive, required the invention of some means of destruction. The manufacture of tanks then began. American-made tanks were rapidly coming to hand in France at the time the Armi- stice was signed, but few, if any American tanks had been used during the war. Some Buffalo boys, however, saw service in the Tank Corps, using "baby" French machines, their branch of the service being referred to as the "Treat 'em Rough" crew. Seven Buffalo boys picked up at Camp Dix were assigned in France to the 304th Brigade, Tank Corps, U. S. A. They served with the Fourth French Army Corps until relieved on the 10th of September, and were then attached to the First American Army Corps, being assigned for service in the Meuse-Argonne campaign. The 77th Division was attached to the First Army Corps, but a complete reconnaissance of the front included between the "Foret D'Argonne and the Bois de Cheppy" revealed that tanks could not enter into the work cut out for the 77th Division. It was determined that the character of the terrain east of the Aire River and adjacent to it was the least unfavorable ground in the area for the use of tanks, and since tanks were to be used they should be used on that front. The Corps included three tank battalions, each battalion consisting of three combat companies and one headquarters company and one repair and salvage company; In all 169 tanks were sent to the Argonne front. The first groups arrived at the detraining point on the night of September 17th; the last group on the 23d, detraining under shell fire. The detraining point was a station yard at Clermont. The tanks containing the Buffalo boys were assigned to attack with the 35th Division. Their point of departure was a small wood about four kilometers north of Avancourt Farm. Due to the serious resistance encountered along the eastern edge of the Forest, especially in the vicinity of Cheppy and Varrennes, and due to the lack of support of the infantry in that section all the tanks had entered into action before evening of the first day. Colonel Patton was injured while getting the tanks forward and rallying disorganized infantrymen. The resistance encountered during the day was severe. The tanks, however, succeeded in reducing numerous machine gun nests which had proven troublesome and sometimes fatal to the infantry ad- vance. The first tanks reached Varrennes at 9.30 A. M., but the infantry did not get in until 1.30 in the afternoon. On the morning of the 27th, thirteen tanks of that brigade were out of action. Some tanks got off on the west side of the Aire River where the 77th Division was operating, and, skirting along the edge of the Forest, knocked over a number of machine gun nests; captured a number of prisoners — all machine gunners. They were turned over to the infantry. On the morning of the 28th eighty-three tanks were ready for operation, and practically every division had in a request for tank assistance. The difficulty of the terrain, however, impeded the work of the tanks, while machine gun nests impeded the advance of the infantry. The tank leaders report that on September 28th the tanks took the town of Apremont five times before the infantry would enter, consolidate and exploit the success. The tanks continued in operation through the entire Argonne fight, and rendered splendid assistance. From October 16th to November 1st, the provisional company remained in reserve at Exermont. On November 1st fifteen tanks took part in the general advance, five being directed against St. Georges and the balance against Landres-et-St. Georges. The work of the tanks in that advance was commended highly by the Commanding General of the Second Division, with whom they were then operat- ing. Three of those tanks penetrated as far as the corps objective, and one entered the northern 300 Buffalo's Part in the World War outskirts of Buzancy. North of Landres-et-St. Georges three tanks flanked and captured a battery of 77's complete. The Buffalo boys assigned to the Tank Corps served through the entire Argonne campaign. The only Buffalo officer in the American Tank Corps of whom we have a record was Lorenzo F. Ward of 112 Bird Avenue. Sergeant Frank J. Williams who won the Distinguished Service Cross served with the British in a battle tank used against the Hindenburg line. Ward went away from Buffalo with the Selective Service Detachment of September 26th, 1917, proceeding to Camp Dix where he remained until the following January, sailing on the U. S. Transport Huron, arriving at Brest on February 5th. He went across with a casualty company intended as a replacement for the First Division, but a number of the men were transferred to the 41st (Sunset) Division. About the middle of February a call was made for volunteers to serve in the Tank Corps, and seven Buffalo men offered their services out of that Selective Service detach- ment, Ward being among them. They went into training for tank service immediately and were so engaged up to about August 20th when the Divisional Brigade Tank Corps was organized. Buffalo boys with their tanks went into the support of 26th Division on the right at St. Mihiel and later they moved over to the left of the line where they operated with the 42d Division and the 1st Regular Army Division. For his services in liaison work at that time. Private Ward was advanced to the rank of Corporal and he was acting as a runner with Colonel Patton in the early days of the Argonne Drive, supporting the 77th and 35th Divisions. He was with Colonel Patton at the time the latter was wounded. In the fighting that followed, while carrying a message as a corps runner for division headquarters, he was lost within the German lines and spent the time from 10 o'clock one morning until 4 P. M. the following day crawling under brush to bring his message through. For that service he was promoted to Sergeant on October 24th, and after the armistice was signed was given charge in moving the Brigade from France to the United States in the capacity of Sergeant Major, and also had charge of overseeing the work of demobilization. The Corps was discharged on April 11th, 1919. M Buffalo's Part in the World War 301 CHAPTER LXXXIV HANDLING GAS ON THE WESTERN FRONT ANY Buffalo and Western New York boys entered the chemical branch of the service, and most of them were sent either to laboratories for instructions in gas manufacture, or to the plants where gas was manufactured. One of the largest gas plants was located at Niagara Falls. While chemical experts were thus employed, it was reserved for Raymond J. Geitner, chauffeur, 155 Lutheran Street and one other Buffalo boy to land in the 1st Gas Regi- ment. Geitner enlisted August 25th, 1917, as a mechanical chauffeur, and left Buffalo within a few days for Fort Slocum. He never engaged in any of the duties of a mechanical chauffeur, for he was sent from Fort Slocum to the American University at Washington and started in with gas training. The 1st Gas Regiment was formed there, and, after two months' intensive training, left on December 25th, 1917, for France. They arrived at Brest on the 9th day of January. 1918, and went direct to the British front where they went into actual training on the line. The need for speed was occasioned by the shortage of gas workers and as there were none back of the line, they were forced to go up to the front to continue their work. There they engaged for two months in actual warfare on the line, with mustard gas, phosgene gas and a tear gas. They also worked with thermite burning out machine gun nests. Thermite was used in a shell shot out of a trench mortar of the Stokes type. They also used TNT. After working on the line for two months they returned to Lavilla-aux-Boies, about six miles from Chaumont, where they met Companies C and D of the gas regiment and gave them a train- ing, returning then to the American sector. The First Gas Regiment was engaged at Chateau Thierry, St. Mihiel and the battle of the Argonne. They were in the line from the 7th day of May until the 11th day of November and saw a great deal of service. Speaking of their work Geitner said: "Two weeks before the Chateau Thierry drive we started to shell with gas and sent over 34 tons of gas. As a result it took the Germans four days to carry out their dead and wounded. In this operation we lost only one American officer. This was due to the explosion of a gun. The Stokes Mortar which we used for gas was merely a big iron tube and the shells were set off in these by exploders. There was considerable play in the bore and the shells were a little rough. When the shell was about to go off everyone would have to get away from it as quickly as possible. Sometimes they were only set off once a night, and if the enemy didn't succeed in destroying the gun the next day or possibly the same night, we would recover it for use the next night. The Chateau Thierry shoot took in about 800 guns which were shooting over gas, TNT, etc." (The information for that barrage. General Bundy reports, was obtained from an old mason who knew which buildings in the town had cellars under them. The Germans were hiding in those cellars and the American artillery missed none of them. It was a most efficient barrage.) "In the St. Mihiel drive we worked continuously from the 12th until the 17th of September sending over high explosives, putting up smoke screens for the infantry and burning out machine gun nests with thermite. The same sort of work was done in the Argonne Forest. This gas was brought up to our regiment in tanks on motor trucks and we then placed it in shells. Some was in the form of paste, and the balance in powder form. We carried it into position ourselves. Sometimes this was for a distance of two to four miles. After the gas was put in the shells and these were in position the timers and exploders were put on the shells. They were then placed in the guns and set off by exploders. These guns were anywhere from 12" to 14". The shells we used weighed from 90 to 100 pounds, and we would send over our material in conjunction with the artillery in a barrage. "The work of our gas regiment was done either from the first line or as far as 250 yards in 302 Buffalo's Part in the World War advance of the first line. We worked in platoons, 60 men to a platoon and these 60 men would take care of from 400 to 600 guns. This refers to Stokes Mortars. " When we used the trench mortars we would pile the shells along side of us and five men worked in a team with one gun and we would explode from 18 to 25 shells a minute continuously for a half hour. Then we would rest perhaps for two hours and then continue at the same rate of fire. This we kept up nightly for periods of ten hours' duration. That was not only with gas, but included thermite and TNT and these operations would be carried on from the most advanced position possible. Our shells would take effect from 10 to 2,200 yards distance. "The TNT I spoke of was used in shrapnel shells, but the kind of shrapnel shells we used exploded a short distance from the. ground. We were at no time connected with the artillery, but worked as a separate unit in the advanced positions. Thermite was used after the 'pill boxes' were broken open by artillery fire or one pounder bombardment. Then we would start shelling with thermite and the shells were timed to go off in the air above the machine gun nest or pill boxes and would produce a shower of fire which would melt any metal it came in contact with and burn a human body to a crisp. When the shells would go off at night the thermite would resemble the effect of a Roman-candle like we use at home on the Fourth of July; a ball of fire and then a spray." The First Gas Regiment was the only offensive gas troop used by the American Army in France. The regiment returned on the Celtic arriving in New York, Sunday, February 2d, 1919. Major John B. Carlock of San Francisco, who commanded the regiment stated that Geitner and his associates did their most effective work in the Argonne. He said : "At the beginning of the Argonne attack on September 26th the two most formidable posi- tions in the enemy front line were Hill 263, on the edge of the forest, and a huge knob on which was the ruined village of Vauquois, about two miles to the east. It was almost impossible to take these points by direct assault. The gas troops flooded these positions just before the attack began with white hot molten metal, gas, liquid fire, and smoke, after which the first wave batta- lions passed between and around these strong points with little interference. They were also of great use in laying smoke screens to cover the advance of the infantry, and also to draw artillery fire. The success on November 10th, when the United States Marines crossed the Meuse, was brought about largely by our smoke screens. " It is not generally known that the gas regiments by leading as they did every offensive were subjected to greater danger than perhaps any other. This is borne out by the fact that 50 per cent of our regiment are casualties, mostly the result of machine gun fire. This extended to the officers also in a marked degree. " The Major added that at the time the armistice was signed there were two regiments and three battalions in training, so that the gas warfare would have played a prominent part had the war continued. Major Carlock paid a tribute to the 77th Division for its wonderful work and tenacity in holding out against heavy odds. Buffalo's Part in the World War 303 CHAPTER LXXXV HONORS FOR GREATEST GAINS TO 77th DIVISION THE 77th or "Liberty Division" suffered a grand total of 9,611 casualties — 317 officers and 9,294 men, as follows : Sixty-Nine officers and 1,299 men were killed in action ; ten officers and 188 men died of wounds received in action; sixty-nine officers and 1,894 men were severely wounded ; eighty-two officers and 2,889 men were slightly wounded ; seventy-one officers and 2,297 men were gassed ; thirteen officers and 696 men were missing; three officers and thirty-one men were reported prisoners in Germany. The very small number of reported prisoners is notable, it indicates that the spirit of the "Lost Battalion" was the spirit of the whole Division at all times. The 77th Division captured 750 prisoners (thirteen officers and 737 men), as follows: No officers and three men in the Baccarat training sector; no officers and twenty-seven men on the Vesle; twelve officers and 619 men in the Argonne Forest drive; one officer and eighty-eight men in the advance from the Aire to the Meuse. The 77th Division is credited with capturing 7,600 rifles, eighteen pieces of heavy artillery, fourteen pieces of light artillery, forty-six trench mortars and 277 machine guns, yielding the following interesting analysis: No material of any kind in the Baccarat sector; 1,000 rifles and twenty-five machine guns on the Vesle, but no artillery; 3,400 rifles, five pieces of heavy artillery, three pieces of light artillery, thirty-five trench mortars and 155 machine guns in the Argonne drive; 3,200 rifles, thirteen heavy guns, eleven Hght field pieces, eleven trench mortars and ninety- seven machine guns in the Aire-Meuse advance. The 77th Division gained a total of 713^ kilometers (about 45 miles), as follows: Nothing in the Baccarat training sector; 12 kilometers in the advance from the Vesle to the Aisne; 22 kilo- meters in the drive through the Argonne; 3732 kilometers in the advance from the Aire to the Meuse. They carried off the honors of making the greatest advance of any Division. The 77th Division operated in four different front sectors (one quiet, three active), being in the front line for a grand total of 112 days, as follows: Forty-five days in the quiet Baccarat training sector; thirty-five days in the active Vesle sector; twenty days in the Argonne drive; twelve days in the advance from the Aire to the Meuse. The draft boys who left Buffalo during May and June, 1918, for Camp Dix eventually found their way into the 87th Division. Other Divisions followed them into France, but the boys of the 87th were about the last of the selective service divisions from Western New York to be trained in France- for combat service — though they fell short of active service at the front by about four days. After training at Camp Dix until August 25th, 1918, they left for Hoboken and on the follow- ing day boarded the English ship Khiva — a freighter. They formed part of a large convoy with the usual naval escort of cruisers and destroyers. One of the ships in the convoy was torpedoed near the other side and beached on the Irish coast. Virtually all were saved. The Buffalo boys landed at Tripoli Docks, England, September 9th, and proceeded to Manchester the same day, remaining there over night. They landed at La Havre, France, September 11th, just two months before the close of the war. Filling in the time at drill and in the so-called rest camps for several days they were then sent to aid the engineers in building Camp San Coine, serving in what was known as the S. 0. S. — Service of Supplies. For nine weeks they plugged along in that work. It was while building the camp word came of the signing of the Armistice and soon preparations were under way for the return home of the Division. The men were practically through with their work in camp building and word had come that they would be relieved by a new division and sent to the front, possibly for the Army of Occupa- tion ; in fact, they did go to Lugon shortly after the cessation of hostilities. They were back home early in March. The 87th was known as the Acorn Division and its members did valiant work back of the lines at a critical period in the progress of the war though they did not get into the fighting. Buffalo's Part in the World War 305 CHAPTER LXXXVI U. OF B. AND CANISIUS STUDENT ARMY CORPS IN connection with the selective service registration of September 12, 1918, President Wilson provided for the organization of the Student Army Training Corps to be administered by the Committee on Education and Special Training of the War Department. This step became necessary and desirable because of the fact that the draft took into its net the college students of the Nation. The primary purpose of the Corps was to utilize the executive and teaching per- sonnel and the physical equipment of the educational institutions to assist in the training of the new armies. The facilities of the colleges were especially useful for training officer candidates and experts of all kinds to meet the needs of the service. Members of the Student Army Training Corps, having been inducted into the service, were thereafter not subject to call by their local boards. It was expected that the members of Collegiate Sections would be transferred from institutions every three months in age groups, the twenty- year-old men going first, the nineteen-year-old men going next, and the eighteen-year-old men last, roughly corresponding to the periods at which men of these ages were called under the Selec- tive Service Law. As these groups left the colleges their places would be taken by new contingents obtained by individual induction or, if necessary, from depot brigades. Students of such subjects as engineering, chemistry and medicine might have been required to finish their courses where the needs of the service made that desirable. Members of Vocational Sections would ordinarily remain at the institution for two months and then be assigned to various branches of the service in which technicians were needed. Buffalo had two Student Army Training Corps, the University of Buffalo and Canisius College. Student Army of Canisius College at Drill on the College Grounds, Main and Jefferson Streets 306 Buffalo's Part in the World War The students attending those institutions were inducted into the United States Army about October 1, 1918. Canisius College having a barracks in the Deaf Mute Institute at Main Street and Dewey Avenue, the students of that institution left their homes and took up their military training as they would have done had they been placed in any of the army training camps. Owing to the difficulty experienced in securing proper quarters for a barracks the University of Buffalo students were obliged to spend their nights at home; and, as the Armistice came quickly after the students had swung into their training schedule, the Student Army Training Corps never turned out its products for actual service. The students had some weeks of training, and all were determinedly and rapidly perfecting themselves so as to be able to render efficient service to their country when the time should come for them to join their brothers overseas. They were dis- appointed because that opportunity never came; the boys who did go overseas say those who did not go were fortunate — all others were out of luck. But they never entirely succeeded in convincing the men at home that they were right. Chancellor Charles P. Norton at the head of the University of Buffalo assigned Dean Willis Gregory as head of the Student Army Training Corps at the University of Buffalo, while Pres- ident Rev. George Krim of Canisius College turned the task over to the Rev. Father Miles O'Mailia, afterwards commissioned Chaplain Captain, 65th Regiment. Father O'Mailia was then dean of the college. Captain Paul H. Calongne of the Regular Army was detailed to Canisius as commanding officer of the Student Army Training Corps, while Lieutenant William Riley was detailed to command the Corps at the University of Buffalo. Both men were exceptionally good officers and won the friendship and esteem of the boys in their respective institutions. The demobilization of the Buffalo Student Army Training Corps units began on December 1st, and before Christmas all students of the Training Corps had been honorably discharged from the United States Army. Buffalo's Part in the World War 307 CHAPTER LXXXVII BATTLING ABOVE THE CLOUDS A VIATION began in Buffalo in 1909 when the Aero Club of Buffalo was organized, but it was Za not until 1915 that military aviation began to attract attention as a consequence of the -^ -*- development in the World War. During the winter of 1915-1916 the formation of an Aero company in the New York National Guard was proposed and under the leadership of John M. Satterfield, the 2d Aero Company, Signal Corps, N. Y. N. G., was organized. At the time of the Mexican trouble, in the early summer of 1916, the 2d Aero Company was called into Federal Service and ordered to the Federal aviation field at Mineola, N. Y., for training preparatory to duty on the Mexican Border. The officers then were: Captain John M. Satterfield, Lieutenant Morgan B. More and Lieutenant Russell W. Bryant. After training there for some time, the Company returned to Buffalo in the Fall of 1916 and continued its training at the Curtiss Flying Field in this City. Later on, when it became apparent that war with Germany was inevitable, the Buffalo Com- pany, fully equipped and financed, was offered to the United States Government and accepted. The Company expected to be called into service as a unit, but the War Department decided that it could use these trained men to best advantage by taking them as individuals and sending them to various points where most needed. Accordingly, the Buffalo company — the first fljdng company offered to the Government — was soon scattered and the members went into the war widely separated. A large percentage of the officers and men of the old 2d Aero Company were sent overseas and did excellent work in France and England; some were retained in America to assist in the development of the Air Service here and many of the Buffalo air men, notably Charles P. Penney, were among America's ablest instructors on the great Kelly Field in Texas. Lieutenant Penney, a son of Thomas Penney, well-know Buffalo attorney, was one of three brothers in the service. While the production of American planes lagged perceptibly during the year of 1917, toward the close of the war they were rapidly coming to hand. Most American aviators overseas were at first flying British and French planes. They were engaged in blowing up railroad yards, ammu- nition depots, bombing villages filled with the enemy and were rapidly getting into the heart of Germany. On most of the American fronts in the difficult days of the war, the German aviators had control of the air, but every day saw more American planes in arrow-head formation cutting the cloud path toward the enemy. The entrance of the Liberty planes marked an important day in history. Aeroplane bombers had created a great deal of havoc. The Liberty bombing planes entered into that field of action. Back of the battle front the bombs lie hidden, looking much Uke the shells the soldier saw by the hundreds of thousands in the Franco-American dumps in the woods and along the camou- flaged roads within the artillery positions. An eye witness of an expedition starting out on a bombing drive said all of a sudden all hands would be exceptionally busy. On the particular day here referred to there was rain in the sky, but the raid had been scheduled for a certain hour and the preparations had to be made to the last detail. Three men were used in handling a bomb. They carried them to the wings and fastened them and then inserted the detonator. Meanwhile, three or four men were testing out the motor and the wires and three more men were holding down the tail, so that altogether there were some ten about each plane. It took two men to start the motor by turning the propeller, one holding the other's hand and jerking him as in the schoolboy's game of snap-the-whip. The resulting whirlwind and roar emphasized the Liberty's power. A Buffalo boy who gradually worked into the bomb service was George Toohill of 325 Four- teenth Street, who became a Corporal in the 182d Aero Squadron. While out with his bombing 308 Buffalo's Part in the World War Falchaire, Noted French Ace, About to Land on Meadow at Delaware Park plane one night on a trip to Metz the big machine was cut off by three German fliers. Early in the attack Toohill was struck in the leg, below the knee, by a machine gun bullet fired from one of the German planes. As he bent over, below the fuselage to rub his injured leg one of the Ger- man air men dropped an aerial bomb which exploded alongside of the Allied plane. Toohill was rendered temporarily unconscious and when he came to the big plane was in a tail spin. He states that he righted the plane and brought her down although the engine was out of commis- sion. This attack had occurred on a particularly dark night and when the plane hit the ground the young aviator was again rendered unconscious. W^hen he was able to pull himself out of his seat he said he was covered with blood and reaching into the seat behind him found that the mechanic had his head blown off. His own teeth were all shattered, not a solid tooth having been left in either jaw. He was taken to the hospital and after recovery was sent home to Buffalo. He was obliged to use a complete set of new teeth both upper and lower. Flying with the French bombers before the organization of the Liberties, Lieutenant Paul M. Green and Lieutenant W. W. Waring of Buffalo achieved considerable success and prominence in their work. Green had an experience which earned for him the Croix de Guerre. This happened at Ouichy, where he was operating in company with Lieutenant Patterson. They had gone far into Germany and were finally cut off from the rear by an overwhelming number of German battle planes that were trying to force the Americans to land. Green and Patterson decided to fight it out to the end and in order to have a better chance for their lives they had to lighten ship. Accordingly they began looking for a good place to drop their pills (aerial bombs), but they had been zig-zagging so much that they were not sure they were in the enemy lines. They decided then to go farther to the north, and did so, the pleased Germans believing they were steering for a landing place. In this journey, Green and Patterson arrived at a low altitude over an in\dting bit of woods and on the pilot's signal. Lieutenant Patterson pulled the handle. The bombs fell. There was an explosion followed immediately by a still greater explosion and by a Buffalo's Part in the World War 309 • "„ j^,- . IkV'^ ^ Ensign Thomas E. Maytham at End of Endurance Flight The trip was taken in December, 1918, from Key West to Tampa, to Cape Sable and Palm Beach. Distance, 850 Miles continued series of explosions, and mustard and lethal gases rose in the air and their colors were shown in bursts in the woods. Relieved of its excess baggage, the plane was able to meet its adversaries and the two aviators broke through the enemy line. Several days later, while they were still rejoicing over the mere fact that they were home and not in Germany, there arrived notice of citations for the French war crosses. They had unconsciously hit and destroyed one of the best camouflaged enemy munitions dumps in France. Lieutenant W. W. Waring participated in the remarkable bombing expedition in which eight American planes, all Liberties, were attacked by three German squadrons. At the very beginning of the engagement, which was well within the German lines, the observer of the American leader's plane was shot and fell across the control wires in the rear cockpit. This jammed the pilot's control and unable to turn his bus, he continued the running fight ten miles farther into Ger- many. Then, fortunately, the body on the wires shifted with a sudden gust of wind hitting the plane, and the leader turned for home, the rest following. "It was the tightest fight in which Norris and I participated," said Lieutenant Waring. "One of the groups of enemy planes con- sisted of the red-nosed Albatross. The other was black and white bellied Fokkers and the third was the silver-grey Phalz, an old type of plane which was not feared by our swifter Spads, but which was nevertheless, a formidable enemy for a heavy plane. There were at least 30 Boches attacking us at one time, and all of us used up about all our ammunition either on the way in or out. One of the Germans came in close and shot the red bead off Morris's sights. The same German came in front of my guns and later, as we turned, Norris got a chance at him and he rolled over on his silver-grey belly and fell, a most beautiful sight when the sun sparkled on him. " Lieutenant Waring had flown several types of bombers and did remarkable work for the aerial service. Shortly after the last mentioned exploit however, he was taken ill and died in a hospital in France. 310 Buffalo's Part in the World War Lieutenants Waring and Norris h^d the Liberty Motor record of accumulating 37 bullet holes in their plane and landing untouched. This last record was outdistanced later, however, by Lieu- tenants Green and Patterson who, while with the French were shot down in a Breguet in which they found 132 bullet and shrapnel holes. The aviators made a forced landing not only within the Allied line, but on a strange aerodrome, and while they were extricating themselves from the wreckage, a young French aviator appeared who inquired about their wounds. They said they were unhurt. " Then come in for dinner. You are just in time," said the Frenchman. Lieu- tenant Green said this young Frenchman wore a Croix de Guerre about a foot long to take care of 15 or 20 palms which were pinned on it. He was Fonck, the noted French Ace. Lieutenant Green at that time was reported as missing in action, but was soon back again with his Company. A Buffalo flier of great fame, who gave his life for the cause, was Lieutenant John Mac- Arthur, American Ace and winner of the Distinguished Service Cross, who died on August 9th of wounds received in action. Lieutenant MacArthur lies buried in the Military Cemetery at Origny in Thierache, France. He was reported "missing in action" on July 20th in an air battle about thirty miles inside the German lines. It is now learned that he was shot through the lungs, fatally wounded, and taken prisoner. He was removed to a German hospital and lingered until August 9th when he died. He was the fourth American-trained Ace, having seven official planes to his credit. On June 13th he successfully led a patrol against a superior number of enemy airplanes, dispersing them and being officially credited with the destruction of one. On June 25th he was one of a formation of three machines answering an alert. His patrol surprised and attacked two enemy aircraft, and he with skill and rigorous determination fired on a two-seated machine, despite hot fire from both of its guns, forcing it to the ground. On August 19th he was awarded (posthumously) the Dis- tinguished Service Cross. The French Government has also conferred upon him the Croix de Guerre with palm and the Cross of the Legion of Honor. Lieutenant MacArthur enlisted August 11, 1917, and received his training at the School of Military Aeronautics at Princeton and at Fort Worth, Texas, being given his commission in the air service on January 17, 1918. He went overseas with the 27th Aero Squadron early in March, 1918. From June, 1916, to March, 1917, he served with a Connecticut National Guard regiment at Tobyhanna, Pa., and also in Texas. Lieutenant William T. Jebb, Jr., who went to France in the first American Ambulance Corps in June, 1917, and later entered the American Aviation Section, trained in the Aviation camp at Issoudan, near the center of France, which was one of the largest training schools for aviators on the western front. Speaking of Lieutenant MacArthur, Lieutenant Jebb said: "Lieutenant MacArthur, the Buffalo Ace, was a student while I was training. He was a crack shot and a wonderful flier. He was one of the best fliers the school turned out and he was the envy of all of us. It was a great shock to all of us when we heard he died in a German prison. " Lieutenant Jebb served in the 28th Aero Squadron, third pursuit group, under the command of Major Thaw. This was the unit formerly known as the Lafayette escadrille. There were 24 fliers to each squadron, divided into three flights of eight men each. Speaking of their work, Colonel Thaw said: "The first effective work of our new organization was done in the St. Mihiel drive. By the time we were shifted to the St. Mihiel salient my group was rounding into good shape. Large numbers of American, EngHsh, French and Italian planes were concentrated for this attack. The Germans also had a large number of planes, which they greatly increased during the first few days of the offensive. This was particularly true of their pursuit, flying the Fokker biplane, single-seater. There was need of every ship the Allies could muster on the lines. Reports to the contrary notwithstanding, this show was, from an aerial point of view, harder than any I had known during the four years of war — except perhaps Verdun (1916). The St. Mihiel show started September 11th. Our group was picked for special 'strafing' work; that is to say, in addition to our regular patrols we had to go over in force, sometimes the whole group together, bomb and shoot up convoys on the road, troop concentrations, ammunition dumps, etc. Bear in Buffalo's Part in the World War 311 mind that we were not fitted for real bombing work and were flying single-seater 220 horse power double gun Spads, carrying four small bombs. "As a rule, we worked very low, not only to insure accuracy, but on account of the weather, which was very bad. The fighting was hot and heavy and kept us continually on the move until pilots were exhausted and engines worn out. "As an example of the concentration of planes which was necessary, I remember that on one 'strafing' sortie in my group alone sixty-seven planes left the ground in seventeen minutes. "After St. Mihiel quieted down they moved us up about twenty miles southwest of Verdun, a short distance back of the Argonne. Just before the Argonne drive we had orders to do very little scout work or reconnaissance in order not to give the enemy any previous warning that a drive was coming. By that time the Air Service was very well organized. We had all the ships we wanted, the morale of the men was splendid and our operations so successful that we were credited with putting out of business 287 planes and 34 balloons in about two months. We had losses, two or three a day, and sometimes as many as four in one patrol. The monthly opera- tions summary of my third pursuit group of four fighting squadrons shows that during September and October alone, the number of American pilots killed, wounded or missing was 25. During these two months my four squadrons engaged in 165 combats and are officially credited with bringing down 52 enemy planes. The October chart alone shows 99 combats with victories over 40 enemy planes officially credited. Unofficially there were many more." Lieutenant Sidney Wertimer of Buffalo served with the 24th Aero Squadron and was engaged in a good deal of the work above mentioned, being detailed as a long distance photographer and observer working back of the German lines to determine their position, and came back some- times with several Boche planes close at his heels. On one occasion one of his controls was shot away and he had to come down in a hurry and happily enough, landed just outside of William Jebb's airdrome. Wertimer was banged up in this descent with a broken nose and a couple other minor injuries, but he was well looked after by Lieutenant Jebb. Another Buffalo flier was Sergeant Francis J. McDonnell, a member of the First Aero Squadron of the First Marine Corps aviation force, and he was the first to enter Brussels after the signing of the Armistice and helped to haul down the German flag from the Burgomaster's house November 17th. McDonnell lived at 623 Delaware Avenue. Many other Buffalo men gained fame in the performance of their duty on the flying fields along the western front. In addition to MacArthur and Waring, several other Buffalo aviators gave up their lives, among them Lieutenant Raymond Fox, who was killed in action in August, 1918, and Lynn Forster, who was reported missing in action in August, 1918. Lieutenant Casper M. Kielland was another Buffalo hero of the air, one of America's most brilliant fliers and aggressive soldiers, who, after bringing down two German planes, was finally overpowered and fell inside the German lines. He was dead when his plane hit the ground. This occurred on July 11th, 1918, at Tours. Harold E. Honhart of 688 Oak Street, who left Buffalo with the 106th Artillery, was trans- ferred to the Air Service and reported killed during the Argonne fighting on the Verdun front. Honhart, however, was terribly injured when he fell with an aeroplane a distance of 500 feet; both hips were broken, his jaw and nose were broken and he received several scalp wounds. After many weeks in the hospital he recovered and long after the Armistice was signed, returned to America. Just as Buffalo's men in every branch of the service gave a highly creditable account of them- selves, the history of the Buffalo air men during the world war in their many battles above the clouds will always stand out as a brilliant chapter in the history of Buffalo during the period of the Great War. Buffalo's Part in the World War 313 CHAPTER LXXXVIII ON THE WESTERN FRONT 11.00 A. M., NOVEMBER 11th, 1918 THROUGH the early days of November the once great military machine of Germany was seen to be cracking on all sides. With the fall of Sedan and the entrance of the French forces — by courtesy of the American 42d Division — to that historic city, the newspaper headlines aroused the public to the possibility of an immediate cessation of hostilities. Bulgaria was the first of the German allies to sue for peace. Early in September the Serbian army under authority of the Allied High Command crossed the mountains east of Monastir and drove that portion of the Bulgarian Army which they did not destroy or capture toward Albania where they were crushed by the Italian and French forces. Bulgaria immediately asked for an armistice and received word that the terms would be unconditional surrender. By the First of November, Serbia had been reclaimed and Bulgaria was out of the war. Turkey, after suffering a most crushing defeat with the loss of many thousands of men at the hands of the British General AUenby, capitulated a few days later. Through the latter part of October the Italian forces advanced their front against the Aus- trians, and on the 27th of that month they crossed the Piave. It was then evident that Austria was done for, and the American people were not surprised on November 3d when the Austrian surrender was accepted. As soon as the German army had been forced into the open country north of the Argonne, and the great American drive of November 1st began, the seriousness of the German position was clear. The 77th Division with its host of Buffalo boys followed the Boche across the country toward the Meuse, carrying forward the American line in company with the 42d American Division which, likewise, included in its personnel a number of Western New Yorkers. In Belgium the 37th Division and the 91st Division, also, carrying some Buffalo boys and a Buffalo chaplain, forced the Germans across the Scheldt and captured Audenarde on November 3d, the day Austria surrendered. On November 5th, the 42d Division crossed the Meuse, and on the 6th occupied Sedan. Two days before the Allied war council had agreed upon the armistice terms it would impose on Germany. Buffalo, like all others, anxiously awaited the word that Germany was through. It was known to all on November 5th that terms had been prepared and that the German army had been routed, and accordingly, it was not surprising that the country went into a tumult of rejoicing on No- vember 7th when word was flashed over the wires that the Armistice had been signed. Despite efforts of the Associated Press to obtain some verification of the report, and its repeated declaration that the signing of the Armistice had not been verified, the people refused to be dissuaded from their celebration. Throngs poured out to the sidewalks from office buildings and factories. Schools were closed and the high school boys and girls snake-marched through the streets. Grey- haired men and women joined them, and tumult reigned. Every noise-making device that can be conceived was in evidence. Fife and drum corps and bands sprung from somewhere, nobody knew where, and passed up and down Main Street. An hour after the first outbreak workmen from the outlying munitions plants reached the down town district, augmenting the numbers already in that over-crowded territory. Every street car and auto brought a new throng, and the roar occasioned by the tumbling waters at Niagara Falls was soon a whisper in comparison with the hurrah and hubbub of Main and adjacent streets. Those who were not shouting on the streets were in churches offering prayers of thanksgiving. When the enthusiastic crowd was at the height of its celebration, the newspapers began slowly but surely to retract their early declarations. The Commercial alone had refused to concede the Armistice signed, and though it wavered in the earlier part of the day, it grew stronger as the Associated Press failed to obtain a confirmation of the report, and finally expressed a conviction 314 Buffalo's Part in the World War that the report was erroneous. The crowds in the streets were fast losing faith in the announce- ment, and the early evening found doubt taking the place of assurance, and the enthusiasm rapidly waned. On the following day word came that the Armistice had not been signed. The thousands of Buffalo mothers and fathers whose boys were overseas, and hundreds of thousands of others with someone of kin in the struggle, were naturally disappointed by this subsequent announcement, but all eyes focused on the daily newspapers, for, while it was apparent that the Armistice had not been signed, the capitulation of Germany was, at least, but a few hours away, and the people knew it. The Armistice was finally signed and November 11th, at 11 A. M. was fixed as the day and hour when war would stop. All commanders were notified to cease firing at that time. While Leonard W. Beck, 135 Landon Street, 1st Machine Gun Battalion, who was killed on June 7, 1918, was the first Buffalo boy to die in action, the last Buffalo boy to make the supreme sacrifice in the war as far as we now have record was Lieutenant Oscar A. Swan of 32 E. Utica Street. Lieutenant Swan had served in the Marine Corps for some years. He went to France in December 1917, and distinguished himself in the Chateau Thierry fighting, going through every campaign in which the Marines participated. He rose rapidly from a private to Second Lieutenant, and was commissioned a First Lieutenant before sailing for France. He had two brothers in the service, Edward Swan, machinist's mate, aboard the U. S. S. Maine, and Raymond Swan with the U. S. Navy Aviation Corps abroad. On the night of November 10th Lieutenant Swan was commanding the 23d Company of the 6th Machine Gun Battalion. That night they reached a point about two miles north of Beaumont and were to cross the Meuse the following morning. While planning to cross the river, a high explosive shell struck near Lieutenant Swan and crushed his head, killing him instantly. He was buried the following day by his comrades just as the last echo of the big guns rang out the close of hostilities. He had made an enviable record through the war, and closed it with his life. Lieutenant Harry G. Rennagel, 101st Infantry, a Buffalo officer, in writing to his family, said: " I left the hospital November 10th, reaching my outfit about ten o'clock the next morning, the fatal one; we were all talking, laughing and waiting for the gong to ring when orders came to go over the top. We thought it a joke — it was a grim one of Fate's, for we jumped off at 25 minutes to 11 and advanced but very slowly for we knew that there were many machine gun nests ahead of us. At 10.55 a minenwerfer fell among my men and I was told one wanted to see me. I hurried over and there lay five of my best men. One fatally injured, hole near heart, two seriously injured and the other two badly hurt. We took care of the injured men and then I knelt beside the lad whose eyes had such a look of sorrow that my eyes filled with tears. " 'What is it old man, ' I asked. " 'Lieutenant, I'm going fast. Don't say I'll get better, you know different and this is a pretty unhappy time for me. You know we all expected things to cease to-day, so I wrote my girl, we were to be married when I returned, and my folks that I was safe and well and about my plans, and now by some order I am not going home. ' "A glance at my watch, 11.05. I looked away and when I looked back — he had gone for The Highest Reward. I can honestly tell you I cried and so did the rest. " Lieutenant Walter A. Davenport in describing the last days of the war on the field said : "I haven't a thing in the world to do except to emulate Mr. Micawber. If this war isn't really over — if they try to start it again — there's going to be an awful yell go up from both sides of this argument. For if anything was ever over, through, finished and ended, it is the war spirit. "We are still away out here above the old St. Mihiel sector, 16 kilometers from Metz. It is so far away from anywhere that the French are not moving back into their old homes. Generally the peasants followed closely upon the heels of the American army and as we'd kick Jerry out of a French town the French would settle down in that town. But this place is a burned out valley and the peasants seem to regard the place as hopeless. "How I wish you could have been with us the last few hours of the war. About 9.30 A. M. Buffalo's Part in the World War 315 on November 11th, the Germans must have gotten word that the Armistice had been signed. We were dug in the mud of the Bois de Dommartin. They had shelled us all night — shrapnel, trench mortars, mustard and phosgene gas, and high explosive. But that shelling was only normal. It was nothing unusual. "But about 9.30 A. M. every Boche gun between Dommartin and Metz inclusive opened up on us. My God, how they strafed us. Everything from minenwerfers to 210's descended upon those woods. The soft ground billowed like the ocean. But we were dug in and the forest is very heavy, and our casualties were very, very small. "And our artillery came back at them. "From 10 o'clock to 11 — the hour for the cessation of hostilities — the opposed batteries simply raised hell. Not even the artillery prelude to our advance into the Argonne had anything on it. To attempt an advance was out of the question. It was not a barrage. It was a deluge. "All along our front the earth was flying skyward geyser-like. And above us roared about 50 Allied planes watching the effect of our shots. The scout and observation planes would scud over the German lines and rush back dropping rockets — signaling to the artillery. Then the German Gothas would come forward and drive our lighter planes to the rear. Then from some- where in the rear a crazy squadrilla of huge Handley-Pages (our big planes) would roar into the riot and upon the German trenches they'd drop a few tons of trinitro toluol, ammonal, cheddite, etc. Oh! It was a jolly affair! "We had synchronized our watches. On my right flank I had eight machine guns. They had kept up a constant stream of fire during the artillery riot. About 10.45 A. M. the boys with the Chauchats, and the ordinary Springfields, and Enfields had joined in just that they might be in the party. I do not know how many thousand tons of steel, copper, cupro-nickel, and lead were poured into, over and upon Jerry, but it was fearful to see. "Nothing quite so electrical in effect as the sudden stop that came at 11 A. M. has ever occurred to me. It was 10.60 precisely and — the roar stopped like a motor car hitting a wall. The result- ing quiet was uncanny in comparison. From somewhere far below ground, Germans began to appear. They clambered to the parapets and began to shout wildly. They threw their rifles, hats, bandoleers, bayonets and trench knives toward us. They began to sing. Came one bewhis- kered Hun with a concertina and he began goose stepping along the parados followed in close file by fifty others — all goose stepping. "Our lads stood up watching the show. We had quite a time watching them lest they take pot shots at the concertina player. One of my snipers begged the chance to 'slip a cold one' into a Boche who stood ' at ease ' all alone leaning on his rifle. "We kept the boys under restraint as long as we could. Finally the strain was too great. A big Yank named Carter ran out into No Man's Land and planted the Stars and Stripes on a signal pole in the lip of a shell hole. Keasby, a bugler, got out in front and began playing ' The Star Spangled Banner' on a German trumpet he'd found in Thiaucourt. And they sang — Gee, how they sang! "Of course all this celebration was small in comparison with what must have happened in New York, London and Paris. We did a lot of speculating upon the way New York took the news. In some respects it seems years since I saw New York. I have lived 1,000 lives and seen all the tragedies in the world. But again it seems but yesterday when I left you folks, a sergeant. I am now a first lieutenant. I have been recommended for captaincy. I'd like to get the two bars before we are sent home. I'll certainly get them if we have to stay here very long — six months say. The Lord knows I did the minimum of effective work, but, by gosh, I did my best. I'm a rotten soldier, I'm afraid, but the fellows I had under me didn't seem to mind a little thing like that. They stuck to me when there wasn't a Chinaman's chance, it seemed. They went into shell holes that looked like traps. They took the fag like the men they are and — were. "We'd look like the devil on parade. Jeff Davis's hobo army looked like gentlemen in com- parison. But they are he-guys, and they can fight. They don't know much tactics — none, in 316 Buffalo's Part in the World War MBII^K^i^llHBBWi f ^WBBBBm ..7-.- -V^T^ $^4x::^t^'^..]yy ^^PC3^S^^^^E^uBH9^tt^^BB^nB9^KilBHB?%^^'^ vv uB^h K ^^ ^^^^^^v^BB^sS^^^^. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^7 m ^P^^^B^BB^^BiJ^B^^^PVvb il^BB^ii^^^p^B^^^KBI^Mr^^Kir^"' ^^^^^^^^^^a^sfl^i?^ BiBBi^HHHiaBi^A^ i 3m '^^Bm^IK^Kk^^I^^mi^HI^^BB^^LBB iB^^BI^^^H^KJ^^^^^I^IHJJ^H^B^^A ^ .^^fll Main Street on Peace Monday fact. They are never worried about liaison. They don't give a damn, who's on their right or left, or whether anybody is. They aren't sure whether Lloyd George or Herbert Hoover is boss of British politics, and when you cease speaking to them in terms of corn willie, monkey meat and 30.30 ammunition, they think you're a highbrow and are kidding them. But, yea-bo, those lads can, separately and individually, lick six Huns each without losing wind. "Take it from me. A lot of lieutenants got gobs of praise in newspapers and general orders. And some got Distinguished Service Medals. And nine-tenths of these chaps owe it all to the men in their platoons. The men got the orders. The commands were issued. The old 'up and at 'em' was heard, and off they went, hell for leather. The men followed the officer and the offi- cer had to go. There he was between heaven and hell, with fifty boys at his back. There was nowhere to go but forward, and then it was a matter of speed and luck. And always we won because we had the Germans' goat." Charles F. Stafford, nephew of Isaac Stewart, City Treasurer, in a letter to his uncle gave his view of the closing hours of the war in the following terms: "But I must tell you about when it ended. We were given word at about 5 A. M. that firing would cease as an armistice had been signed. Then came a battle that surpassed all, in noise. We had all kinds of ammunition and the boys started to use it up. The Germans evidently did the same thing, for the shells came over and were bursting and tearing the earth to pieces all about us. But, noise! Oh, heavens, what a racket! "And when 11 o'clock came everything stopped and it seemed as though the world had come to an end. It seemed funny not to be ducking your head or stopping real short, or running this way or that out of harm's way. But even at a few minutes to 11 o'clock many men were killed." Lieutenant Frederick F. Sullivan, D Company, 109th Machine Gun Battalion, 28th Division, in a letter to his wife a few days after the close of the war said : "These have been busy days, but very enjoyable, the last two or three, for things have been Buffalo's Part in the World War 317 so very different and strange since the shrapnel ceased flying. The company was in line when the last shot of the war was fired, at 11 o'clock on the eleventh day of the eleventh month. "The day before we received orders to support an attacking battalion, and we reached a bit of woods in what had previously been No Man's Land. Here we struck a fairly bad barrage and things were very warm for a while. Then they quieted down and we took positions for the night. Slept in a bit of a shack in the woods, a few hundred yards from Fritz. " Next morning, when I went back to look up mess, etc., they laid it on both sides with artillery and the din was terrific; then I got the news on the 'phone from the major, at my old Post Com- mand, that hostilities ceased at 11 o'clock. No one in this town knew it yet, so I spread the glad tidings, and we sat tensely, with our watches in our hands, waiting for the hour to arrive, but imagine how slowly the minutes passed. "Suddenly everything ceased — almost to the second, on the hour — and it was so quiet it scared, seemed uncanny. Not a sound to be heard. Then faintly came the cheers from the troops. It surely was dramatic and I am glad we were in at the finish. "Then, in the evening, I went up with the ration wagon to the men who were up forward, and rode my horse to the front line, a very unwise thing to have done the previous night. Both sides were getting rid of their night illumination paraphernalia, flares and verey lights, rocket signals, etc., and the whole front line was blazing like a grand Fourth of July celebration. "Lights could be seen in all the towns, fires were blazing in every place, in fact, the whole of France which had been darkened at night in fear of air attacks was blazing forth into light. I imagine Paris, after four years of darkness, blazing forth with arc lights, electric signs, etc. It must have been wonderful." 318 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER LXXXIX PARIS WITH THE LID OFF Paris held many Buffalo men on Nov. 11, 1918. Dr. 0. L. Harris sent to his relatives here a pen picture of Paris on that day. He said: "The greatest day that France, and the world, too, has ever seen, has come and gone. The day that we could look one another in the face and say for the first time in fifty-one months: 'The war is ended.' Even now, two days after the signing of the Armistice, and two days of reveling, in which all classes of society in Paris have mingled and fra- ternized as never before, we cannot grasp it. During the three days previous to Monday, November 11th, every- body was on the qui vive, waiting for the signing of the Armistice by our last and most mortal enemy. We bought the papers as we never had before, and extra editions sold as fast as they fell from the press. Work on Friday and Saturday, the 8th and 9th, was a matter of form and not accomplishment. Nerves were in evidence everywhere. At any unusual street noise men, women and children stopped short in what they were doing and rushed to the win- dows to see what had happened. "On Monday, November 11th, we, like all others not in the know, came down to business as usual, with the idea that in all probability the time for signing the Armistice would be prolonged for a day or two, owing to the delays of travel on badly damaged roads, which made it difficult for the Hun parlementaires to communicate with those at home who pulled the strings of their policy. At 9.30, we heard rumors that the paper had been signed, but most of us were skeptical, as we had been fooled the Thursday before, as you were in America. At 10, we had more cir- cumstantial telephonic reports from our friends in the center of the city, saying that bulletins were posted on the bulletin boards, on the fronts of some of the banks and cafes, that the signature was a 'Fait accompli,' still, like the singed cat which dreads the fire, we refused to believe, though we were intensely excited. At 11, when the guns boomed, the sirens blew and the church bells rang we knew that what w-e had yearned for so long and almost des- paired of, had at last come to us. At the sound of the third gun, one of our French employees, who stands close to us, rushed into my office, threw his arms around my neck, kissed me on both cheeks, did the same to my assistant, and then stood before us speechless, with tears in his eyes, but the picture of transfigured happiness. We all rushed to Street Scene During the Premature Peace Celebration in Buffalo Buffalo's Part in the World War 319 and fro, threw open our office and workroom windows and drank in the sound of the siren, which had warned us on fifty-seven different nights in the last year or so, that raiding aeroplanes were headed for, or were over the city. Now it was music and not a wail. The report of the guns, which had meant in the past that destruction was hovering over us, and with the sirens, had sent thousands of Parisians to their cellars time and again, at all hours of the night, were the signs of deliverance from a nightmare, and not of death, as formerly. Never did the pealing of church bells mean so much to us before. It was a hardened individual who did not say in his heart, if not his Ups, 'Thank God, Thank God!' "Just before 12 about sixty of our women stationed themselves on the huge stone staircase which leads from the ground floor to the second story, and sang the Marseillaise and the Chant du Depart. Under the circumstances, it was beautiful beyond expression, and I am not ashamed to say that I could scarce keep from tears. As a finish there were cries of 'Vive I'Amerique!' Fortunately, we had grasped in time what the conditions would be in the restau- rants on the Grands Boulevards, where we wished to take luncheon, and had reserved by telephone a table at Poc- cardi's, just over one of our shops. Four of us went there. What we ate was delicious. As to what we drank, I draw a veil over that. I lift one corner of it only to tell you that it was not water. I add also that we went out sober, but more content with life than when we went in. It is an immense place, and was filled to its capacity with a joyous international crowd. As the meal progressed, the wine warmed the hearts and loosened the tongues of those gathered there. Every few moments some one would burst into song, and the rest of us would join in and sing the Italian national hymn and the Marseillaise. Altogether, it was great! "After luncheon we went to Prunier's, and tried to reserve a table for dinner for my wife and two American girls and myself. There was nothing doing. Even 25 francs made no impression on the hard-hearted maitre d'hotel. The rest of the afternoon, up to 4.30, I strolled up and down the Grands Boulevards between the Place de la Concorde and the Place de la Republique. Well, if I live to be 100 years older than I am now, I never expect to see anything equal to it again. Paris is fierce in her wrath, as the events of the Reign of Terror showed. She is equally whole- hearted when she gives herself up to rejoicing. "At 7 o'clock I tried Prunier's again, but the head waiter was more emphatic in his refusal than before, and I could see disappointed people streaming out in steady lines. From there I went with my wife and her friends to Weber's on the Rue Royale, where we had been able to arrange for a table in case we failed at the other place. The meal was fair, the wine good and the crowd most interesting. We were there almost two hours. The service was horribly slow on account of the immense crowd of people dining there. All during our stay, lines of American boys would come in every little while, march up one side of the place and down the other, carrying lanterns, Japanese parasols, singing, blowing horns, or whirling deafening rattles. The songs were largely on the order of ' Hail, Hail the Gang's All Here,' or 'What the Hell Do We Care,' interspersed with saucy remarks, mostly in English, occasionally in French, with a sidesplitting accent. The French people were absolutely enchanted, offered the boys drinks, shouted 'Vive I'Amerique!' and laughed until they cried. At times it was like Bedlam let loose, but nobody minded, and the next bunch of boys was received as enthusiastically as the first one, if not more so. "On leaving, we walked slowly up to the Place de I'Opera. The street scenes were like those of the afternoon, but though the people were more boisterous and noisy, we saw no drunken men. Though doubtless every one had had not only one, but several drinks. The Place de I'Opera was so packed that we could not get into it. On our way back to the Place de la Concorde, toward 10 P. M. the cafes we passed were sights to see. In every one there were American soldiers waving flags, making speeches and racketing generally. In most cases they were standing on chairs and tables, as were the diners, both men and women, who were enjoying the performances as well as the boys were and egged them on to more extravagant actions. Remember that all this took place in the best and most orderly cafes, where under ordinary circumstances a boisterous customer is ejected without ceremony. We went home early in order to find a place in the underground, which even at that hour was packed to suffocation. "Taken all in all I doubt if the gaiety of Monday, November 11th, will ever be duplicated in Paris or anywhere else. It needed the sudden relief from the long and terrible strain since the beginning of the war to produce it. May heaven grant that no combination of circumstances will ever bring it about again." 320 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER XC CELEBRATING THE KAISER'S FUNERAL A SHORT time before the possibility of an armistice hove in sight, along toward the latter part of October, Doris Kellogg and many of the other canteen workers, who had toiled so ■ strenuously during the long Summer months with never a thought of respite, were fur- loughed by the Directors of the Red Cross and sent into Brittany for a much needed rest. While they did not know it at the time, their work in the canteen virtually ended with that furlough, as it later developed. For within a few days after they again returned to service, the Armistice had been prepared and signed and the war was at an end. It will be interesting to Buflfalonians to follow Miss Kellogg with the other girls through their recreation time, but more interesting, perhaps, to read what she has to say of the last day of the war. Her final letters follow: "Paris, October 20th. "Can I believe it, that our permission has begun and that we are safely ensconsed here at the Hotel Continental, Paris? We left Chantilly this morning, and though we had been so keen to leave, we almost wept when the time finally came. As we passed Orry and Serveillers we fairly fell out of the train window waving good-bye to the servants at the canteen, and I felt that I was closing the first volume of the most absorbing and appealing drama I have ever known. I've been homesick for the Poilus all day, and every one I see here in Paris touches a tender spot in my heart. They have been too wonderful, — so patient and appreciative, so gay and gallant." "Bretagne, France, November 2d. "Our vacation is over, and much as I have simply reveled in it, I really can't say I regret returning to 'Paree.' But what a vacation this has been — simply perfect! Madame and Monsieur Vouaux, our landlady and landlord, have been more like hosts than anything else, and we have been their petted guests. Fresh butter and eggs and broiled chicken, three things almost unheard of in France now, have been our daily fare; and when plump little Monsieur goes a-hunting, we are the ones who enjoy his catch of rabbit or partridge — and all because we are Americans. Not one single peasant that we have talked to, but what their eyes fill with tears when they speak of America and what she has done for France — 'It is you W'ho have verily saved la France; without you we had been lost.' "Yesterday was All Saints Day, such a flocking down to the village church of peasants from the surrounding farms, all dressed in their Sunday best. After the mass, every one went out to the graveyard and put wreaths and crosses of flowers on the graves; then knelt down beside them and said a prayer for the dead. Many of the wreaths and crosses were tied with broad ribbons of red, white and blue, and stamped on the ribbon in gold letters, ' Mort Pour la Patrie' (died for the country). Imagine the picture; a wild, windy day with dead leaves blowing about, from the high cathedral steeple, bells tolling, and in the churchyard all these black-clothed figures kneeling, then the bright splashes of colored flowers, orange, pink, purple and red — the women's white net coifs like birds perching on their heads. "This afternoon we go back to Paris and there receive our new orders. What will they be — aviation camp or canteen? I rather like the feeling that it isn't up to me to decide which — we are told to go and we go." "November 8th. "At last we are with them, 'our boys,' and in one of the most active and exciting American Headquarters in France. We left Paris yesterday on an early morning train and after about an hour out we struck Chateau Thierry. From there we followed the Marne battlefield as far as Dormans. It was a most thrilling sight, those towns battered to ruins, trees struck down, fields and hillsides peppered with all sizes of shell holes; we saw many dugouts, and scat- tered all about, small bare graves marked with a simple wooden cross and the steel helmet of the soldier buried there — I saw one with a Boche helmet on the cross. Well, it was a most interesting ride, and when our train began to move more slowly, we realized that we were going to be awfully late. When it got dark and we were allowed no lights whatever, but passed along in utter darkness, why then it wasn't very difficult to realize that we were quite in the war zone. You know I was pleased to death when during a stop I heard a voice outside our compartment window mutter, 'They ain't a-goin' to pull out yit.' That was real American talk, as the poilus say. Soon we arrived at Toul. "November 12th. "Now it has come. Peace! I think I never should have been able to realize the glorious truth of it if I had been any place else in the world but just here with these mobs of wild Yanks. Yesterday was the most thrilling one of all my life, and here's a full account of it. "About 10.45 in the morning I leisurely made my way down into the town to look up some place for us to sleep Buffalo's Part in the World War 321 this winter, some place where we could be just warm enough so that I might be able to hold a pen to write a letter. Well, I dropped into the Y. W. C. A. Hostess House, and the person in charge calmly said, 'And what will all you girls do now that peace is declared?' 'Well, we can't count on that yet,' said L 'Why, my dear child, don't you know that the Armistice has been signed and that the armies cease fighting at eleven o'clock this morning? All the bells in Toul will ring out the hour.' "Well, I took a look at my watch and then tore — it was just five minutes to eleven. I made about sixty miles an hour to the apartment, and as I flew up the stairs the chimes began their pealing. I burst into our room and gasped, 'Al, do you know what those bells mean? They mean Peace!' With that Al and Muggsy Davis burst into tears. The joy was too great. I went out on our balcony and looked up at the sky and just felt the great sensation of peace come rolling in. Up over my head six huge American aeroplanes were circling about to the tune of the chimes, and it was quite overwhelming. I thought of the sight I had seen from this same balcony only the day before, a Hun plane hurling down to earth, and then of the boom of cannon that had kept up steadily all during last night — our Yanks firing on Metz. Eleventh Hour, eleventh day, eleventh month, 1918 — and all hostilities ceased. "Well, then I couldn't stay out of the streets any longer, and so I joined the crowd that was swelling every minute, and we swayed down to the town square. And still people really couldn't believe it. But there were the ofl[icial signs already posted up on the street corners: 'Germany having accepted all the conditions of the Entente, we will cease fighting at eleven o'clock to-day.' There was such a broad grin on everybody's face and such a tremendous one on mine that I really was in nain. "From four o'clock to seven, I, with two others, poured hot chocolate, served cakes and sandwiches, and gave out cigarettes to a never-ending line of Khaki boys. '"All free to-day, boys, the Red Cross is giving a party. We are celebrating the Kaiser's funeral.' Oh! It was great! "I had all sorts of presents handed me over the counter, a gas mask, a piece of ribbon a kid had taken off a Ger- man's iron cross, an aviator's pin, etc. The boys all wanted to talk about home, and the one question of the day was, 'When are we going home, Nurse?' I heard so many stories that were more thrilling and romantic than any I have ever read in books. "At seven the new shift arrived and it was time for my dinner, but Muggsy rushed in — 'The French are singing over at the station, it's great, come on over.' Of course, I went. There was a huge, dimly-lighted smoking room with a mob of Poilus and Yanks all singing at the top of their lungs to the accompaniment of one shrill mouth organ. "Mugs and I started towards home when we caught the notes of a band coming toward us. It was our 53rd regi- mental brass band and they were crashing out, 'Over There.' Jove, it was too thrilling! So Mugs and I got in the crowd of soldiers that were marching along and we all marched up to the square in front of the station and had a band concert. There was a long high concrete construction overlooking the crowd and a bunch of soldiers standing up on it. I said to Mugs, 'I won't be happy until I get up there.' So many hands were reached down for us and we were hoisted up in a jiffy. One boy standing right on the tip end of the construction and under a bright street light had been giving a most startling pantomime with a French and an American flag to the tune of the music, and when he caught sight of me in my Red Cross veil, he beckoned wildly for me to come over. I hated to, said I wouldn't 'do anything conspicuous,' but he insisted and the boys handed me over till I was in his place and he in back of me with the two flags. Well, I always thought one's wedding was the only time that one could be really conspicuous, but know now that I was mistaken. The boys down there yelled, 'Hurrah for the Red Cross,' and smiled up and waved their caps. You know it was quite overwhelming. Then the band and crowd moved on and a bunch of dough- boys in an official car took us down into the town to see the sights. Yanks were giving a concert in the square and every one was laughing and smiling, French and American officers and men and a handful of women. The band played, 'Home, Sweet Home,' — they ragged it, and waltzed it and did everything to make it gay. "And now it is the day after, the 12th of November, 1918, and in thirty-five minutes I am due at the canteen to pour chocolate and serve sandwiches, and talk to the boys — the last the best of all the game. "I have never before appreciated the wonderful respect of our boys for their women. It is a thing to be proud of. They treat us as though we might break if handled roughly, and I think would kill a man for using language in front of us that wasn't clean. I am terribly proud of them." "Hotel Madison, 49 Rue des Petits-Champs, Paris, November 21st. "Hold your breath and listen. I'm coming Home! Yes, the die is cast. To-day Spen engaged passage for Al and me on the S. S. Lorraine, sailing from Bordeaux on Monday, the 2d of December. We are walking on air, we are so happy, even though we had to take a second-class cabin, all the first-class being crammed full. But who should worry? "Well, dear parents, good night and bientot. Vive I'Amerique. "Doris." 322 Buffalo's Part in the World War CHAPTER XCI LIEUTENANT COLONEL POOLEY LEADS REGIMENT INTO GERMANY THOSE who have followed the Buffalo boys through the many battles in which the American forces were conspicuous may feel inclined to go with them to the end. One might follow Colonel Donovan's 42d Division, or go with Buffalo soldiers in the First or Second Division. Another Buffalo officer, however, who had entered into active combat work shortly before the Armistice was signed was destined to lead one of the first American regiments into Germany. From the time the Buffalo boys reached Camp Wadsworth at Spartanburg Buffalonians generally lost track of Colonel Kemp, Colonel Howland, Lieutenant Colonel Pooley, Captain Ralph Robertson and other Buffalo officers of the old National Guard. Neither Colonel How- land nor Colonel Kemp were given front line assignments while overseas, but Lieutenant Colonel Pooley was finally assigned to the 7th Infantry attached to the Third Division, and got into the fighting during the final few days of the Argonne battle. He held the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, in the 7th Regiment, and went with them through the last phase of the Argonne. The Third Division was one of the first divisions selected for the army of occupation. Buffalo- nians are thus afforded an opportunity to make the trip to the Rhine with a Buffalo Lieutenant Colonel who did not fail his friends at that period. He sent several letters, particularly interest- ing were those to Attorney Simon Fleischmann, a war enthusiast. Fleischmann was an enthusiast not only because Colonel Pooley enjoyed the distinction of being his law partner, but, as an addi- tional reason, he had a son in service. The father of a private and the partner of a Lieutenant Colonel, Attorney Fleischmann was a thoroughly interested and aroused patriot. Colonel Pooley who was detailed as Superior Provost Court for the trial of German civilians for offenses against the laws of war, wrote as follows: "We are in the first line of the Army of Occupation and have been marching since the 16th. We are now resting in a little town just north of Diedenhofen, or Thionville, as it is now called, and are on the Moselle River, just south of the Luxembourg line. Do not know where we are headed for, but looks like either Coblenz or Mainz. What we have seen is almost indescribable. We proceeded the first day in trucks — seven hundred trucks, with French officers in command and with Chinese drivers. Adding my Italian orderly to this combination makes whatever little confusion that occurred at the Tower of Babel of no consequence. When we reached the bad roads of No Man's Land we got oft' the trucks and began to hike, marching through town after town in ruins, and mile after mile without seeing a soul. Trenches everywhere and line after line of barbed wire entanglements, dugouts and machine gun emplacements and concrete pill boxes dotted the whole country. "The Germans apparently intended to remain permanently. As we went along we occupied luxurious officers' clubhouses, with electric light systems and all modern conveniences, including fleas that showed their hospitality by taking liberal meals. Flea bites swell up quite like mosquito bites, only more so, and itch frightfully, and I am covered with them — bites, I mean, for after diligent search I have not been able to capture a flea. "When we crossed from France into Lorraine, the change was most noticeable. The Germans had stripped France of everything, but in Lorraine matters were running along about as usual. Our first billet in Lorraine was Montois la Montagne. The entire population turned out to meet us and the children sang the Marseillaise. The town was decorated with red, white and blue and the women pinned rosettes on us. We had a great reception in Diedenhofen and I should say there is no question where the Lorrainians stand. Hundreds of men escaped and joined the French army, and I actually saw groups of German soldiers and groups of French soldiers returning home to the same village. There was no ill-feeling, but all were glad to get home. Buffalo's Part in the World War 323 "It would do your heart good to see children running out to meet their fathers. In Monhofen I was billeted in a home where both father and son had been killed in the German army. Mother and daughter were all that was left, and their hate for all that was German was not put on. Occa- sionally there is a sour face, but it looks as if the sentiment of this Province was almost unani- mously French, and our troops who are in Luxembourg report the same feeling there. Every- body seems to hate the Germans." Later on he wrote: "We have been marching on the Rhine, and are now within sight of Bach- arach. We have been billeted in various small towns, and one night we slept on the ground in the Idarwald. You see, we have missed all the large towns. We crossed the Moselle at Schangon, and the Saar at Saarburg. The latter is most picturesque, but we had little time to absorb it, as night was coming on and we had a bad hill ahead. In fact, we are up hill and down hill all the time, and the going has been bad. The country is beautiful — one great park — and we are having absolutely no trouble with the inhabitants. Apparently, most of the German soldiers living west of the Rhine had been released, and are most respectful. The children run to meet us or wave from windows and we get the best there is in the town where we are billeted. "We have talked with the people, as we went along, and find that affairs in Germany are in a more or less chaotic condition. The people are depressed and feel their defeat keenly, but show no signs of suflfering, otherwise. They complain of shortage of food, but there is no evidence of it, except, perhaps, in the large cities. The great majority are very bitter toward the German government and appear to have been certain of victory up to three months ago. Some sympa- thize with the Kaiser and say he was led into the war by the ruling class, but the majority say, good riddance, and I have yet to hear a good word for the Crown Prince or Ludendorff . Hinden- burg has remained with the army and is still the popular idol. "I talked with one well informed man, who told me that the German people had had their thinking done for them by the government so long, that they were now all at sea and, apparently, unable to decide what was best to be done; that everything was new and strange to them. But that they would have a republic of some kind, whether one large state or several states, he could not say, or what states would go in. He was sure that the German people would rule themselves from now on, and that, when the truth about the war came out, the guilty would be punished. I have given you, for what it is worth, the political situation, generally. My impressions are, as I have said, based on talks with various people as we went along." A few days later Colonel Pooley wrote: "We are now probably in permanent billets, holding the left or northern side of the Coblenz bridgehead. We left Bacharach last Sunday and marched down the Rhine, through Coblenz to Andernach, which is on the Rhine, about twelve miles north of Coblenz. This Rhine country is beautiful beyond description. The march last Sunday from Bacharach to Bappard, where we spent the night, was a real treat. The road was fine and the sun was out all day and we had a good chance to see the ruins of all the old castles on the Rhine. " The people continue to receive us cordially. Monday night we were billeted in the home of a former Krupp director, a very fine mansion with all modern conveniences. We had the best in the house, the family moving to another part of the house during our stay. Two of the sons had just returned from service in the army. Our host was an excellent musician and willingly enter- tained us with much classical music. On Tuesday night I stayed with a manufacturer who has degrees from two universities. He was most courteous and when we took possession of a hotel next day he urged me to make my home with him during my stay in this city. "The deeper we get into Germany the greater the collapse seems to be. The people show no resentment, though the unanimous opinion seems to be that America turned the trick. They do not seem to know what to do and act quite like children. A very prominent lady of Bappard, said to me that America, having beaten Germany down, owed a duty to the world to exercise a protectorate over it until they were able to do for themselves, which she thought would not be for years, if ever. The fact is, they are all terribly discouraged. My learned host of night before last asked if it was true that America would take no money or territory from Germany, and 324 Buffalo's Part in the World War when I assured him that was our present poHcy, he exclaimed: 'Oh, if all nations were only like that. You are truly an ideal people.' He also expressed the opinion that if a buffer state could be created from the Rhinelands under the protection of America, war would be ended for all time. "Prices here are terrible. An overcoat costs 550 marks and a hat 75. Marks have dropped considerably. We are paid in francs, and have exchanged 100 francs for as high as 165 marks. The rate of exchange here seems to be 100 for 135. A few months ago, it was 100 francs for 80 marks. Grippe has been raging here for some time, and the death rate is about ten daily. What food there is, is very dear, and the returned German soldiers are roaming the streets out of work. However, people appear to be far better preserved and dressed than the French and they have coal, which the French did not have. "We are restricted strictly to our own area. The bridgeheads are being fortified and we made the approach to the Rhine on the theory that we might have to fight at any time. It was a line that was advanced and not columns, and as we were on the extreme right of the American sector you can imagine that it was some arc we swung over. We went miles out of our way and took up different positions for various tactical and strategical reasons. "The Germans are making a good impression, in fact, I cannot understand how they could carry on the war so ferociously for years and be as subservient as they are now. We are the most tolerant of the Allies, and yet we are bearing down hard. Every inhabitant over twelve has to carry an identification card and in addition each house must have a list of people living in it posted on the front door. We have taken all their arms and ammunition up and they submit to every regulation graciously and with the utmost alacrity. " Buffalo's Part in the World War 325 CHAPTER XCII BUFFALO BOYS STAND BY AS GERMAN FLEET SURRENDERS A FTER Buffalonians at home and abroad had celebrated the signing of the armistice, and Doris ZA Kellogg with her canteen workers had celebrated for the American girls, and the American "*- -*- doughboys and artillery supporters had celebrated on the battlefields of France, and the civil- ians of London, Paris, New York and every other great city of the allied countries had torn loose in a tumult of enthusiasm, it was left for the humble "Gobs" of Uncle Sam's Navy to bring into port Germany's fleet with the German flag struck. Norman Bewley, son of Lieutenant L M. Bewley, of the Buffalo Fire Department, residing at 253 Purdy Street, was aboard the U. S. Battleship Texas, which proudly led the conquered fleet into port. This is the story of that eventful day as Bewley tells it : "To-day we brought the German fleet in, not once did they whine, all quiet, and every man on the Texas is breathing easier. I'm proud as a peacock, feel as important as Admiral Beatty, although I'm minus the Victory Cross, etc. This has been a big day, and it will no doubt go down in history, and I'm throwing out my chest 'cause I was there.' Few have had the honor of seeing the pick of the German high seas fleet flying white flags from their fore trucks. Thank heaven, the censors are no more, so here's the dope : "We put to sea at 3.35 o'clock this morning, and made for rendezvous. By we I mean the British Grand Fleet, us five Yanks, and a French cruiser with two French destroyers. I was up early looking for Mr. Hun, as I was uneasy and anxious, for we never thought things would go as they did, but that he would show fight. At 8.46 o'clock, according to the log, they were spotted coming through the mist. First one was picked up about 19,000 yards away, and then another and another till the fourteen loomed up on the horizon. At 8.47 o'clock general headquarters sounded. "All hands manned their stations, and believe me it was quiet. No one said much, we just stood there waiting to hear our pieces speak or for our rigging to be carried away. It got to be 10 o'clock and still nothing happened, so one by one we went above to see things. When I got up the Germans were steaming in a column of 6,000 yards to port of us, their leader flying a white flag from his truck. We were in a column, some nineteen first class fighting ships, waiting for Fritz to get lippy. A similar column to ours was on his other side, but could not be seen, due to the fog. "We steamed along in this formation at ten knots, right into the Firth of Forth; where we Yanks dropped out of line, going to our regular berths, while the British attended to the Dutch- men. I can't understand for the life of me why they handed over those ships without a fight. They were the finest they have, very formidable looking customers, no doubt of our caliber. As we steamed along with them, they did not seem like the enemy we've laid for these nine months, but looked like a division of our own fleet, though we know instantly by looking at them they were German ships. "We were primed to a million, cleared for action and had all spotters on the job till we anchored. Ranges and deflections were being sung out just as though we were to open on them. We anchored shortly after 2 o'clock. It's now near midnight and all's well. We lay in the Firth of Forth, just outside of the bridge, and find South Queensferry, Delmaney or Inverketing on the map and you will have our location. " It sounds odd being able to tell you this. This pretty near ends things up, I'm glad so say — no more war or death watches, no more darkened ships, no more four-hour liberties, no more stand- ing by to get underway, no more wild goose chases after Fritz, 'cause we've got him in our back yard now." 326 Buffalo's Part in the World War MAYOR PROCLAIMS TUESDAY, DAY OF HOMECOMING, CIVIC HOLIDAY ^EXT Tuesday will witness the return of the veterans of the 106th Field Artillery and the 108th Infantry, two of the units which helped to write the glorious history that for all time will make the name of the 27th Division, A.E. F. famous in the military annals of the world's mightiest nation. There is little that we who remained at home can do to fitly show our appreciation of the deeds wrought by these returning heroes on the battle- fields of France and Flanders, but the time immediately following their arrival in Buffalo should of right be held sacred to the joy of home circles, soon to be reunited after years of separation and anxiety. Some outward manifestations of the deep feeling of love and honor which all Buffalo feels for the members of her old regiments will, however, be attempted. It is needless here to sketch even in outline the story of the deathless glory of the men whose return we are now awaiting. Let it suffice to say that never had a community greater cause for joyous pride than has Buffalo on the return of her sons of the old 65th and TJ^th Regiments. To the end that this feeling nmy be made nmnifest by all our people, I declare next Tuesday, April 1st, a civic holiday, directing that all schools and municipal offices be closed throughout the day and urging, so far as practicable, the closing of the city's industrial plants and com- mercial houses, that all our people may unite in one mighty outburst of welcome. Given under my hand and the seal of the City of Buffalo this 28th day of March, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Nineteen. George S. Buck, Mayor. Buffalo's Part in the World War 327 CHAPTER XCIII WHEN JOHNNY CAME MARCHING HOME WHILE the Buffalo boys in the Army of Occupation were tramping triumphantly into Ger- many, the casuals were drifting back into Buffalo from the hospitals of Paris and London. Boys who were shot down on the Vesle River and at St. Mihiel for the most part had been returned to their regiments before the Armistice was signed. Those wounded in the early days of the Argonne fighting who had recovered sufficiently to be moved at that time were not put back into service but were sent home. With their arrival in Buffalo came the first real stories of the warfare on the Western Front. The sufferings and hardships of the American fighters all so gallantly borne and so little complained of seeped in here and there and soon folks at home learned the true story of the ravages of the gas shells, the terrible smashes of the bursting shrapnel, the wicked clips of the machine bullets, the everlasting friendship of the cooties, the eating of monkey meat and the delight of sleeping in the mud, the innumerable nights in the shell holes and the unending weeks without a bath — and all this from the boys who had experienced its every phase. Letters minus the censor's veneer began to arrive about that time and the horrors and achieve- ments of the war were soon matters of general knowledge. It became evident that the return of the troops would be hurried, and Buffalo immediately prepared to meet her home-coming soldiers. There was talk of erecting an immense arch at Lafayette Square. Commissioner Malone sounded out sentiment on that project. While some favored it, the preponderance of opinion seemed to be that the money could be more advanta- geously spent in other ways. Work at the great munition plants had stopped with the signing of Jii Veterans of 102d Trench Mortar Battery First of Buffalo's overseas men to reach home Buffalo's Part in the World War 329 the Armistice. The Curtiss Aeroplane plant with its many thousands of employes closed down quickly and throngs of workingmen found themselves without employment. The returning soldiers offered a problem in the labor field. The City under the direction of Mayor Buck established a municipal employment bureau to procure employment for returning soldiers. Herbert E. Crouch was named chairman of the committee which contained the following members: Vice-Chairmen, John W. Cowper, Arthur E. Hedstrom, C. Breckenridge Porter; Executive Secretary, C. G. McLelland; Executive Committee, Frank B. Baird, Frank F. Henry, Robert Lacey, W. W. Reilley, William S. Rogers, Langdon B. Wood, Arthur B. Warner; General Committee, E. J. Barcalo, Humphrey Birge, Emanuel Boasberg, J. H. Bradley, M. F. Ciccarelli, John L. Clawson, William H. Crosby, William H. Donner, Harl Eslick, James Gary Evans, Nisbet Grammer, Charles L. Gurney, W. R. Heath, Howard Heston, Lyman P. Hubbell, C. H. McCullough, Jr.; James H. McNulty, George B. Mathews, Henry May, Jas. McC. Mitchell, Maxwell M. Nowak, Enrico Ortalani, W. H. Sanford, Charles B. Thomas, Frank M. Tipton, C. C. Townsend, M. S. Tremaine, Newton E. Turgeon, George P. Urban, R. T. Wheeler, A. H. Whitford, Philip J. Wickser, W. A. Wickwire, Ansley Wilcox, Ralph G. Wright and C. R. WyckofiF. A committee to welcome the returning soldiers was named by Mayor Buck on authorization of the Council. Colonel Newton E. Turgeon of the 74th Regiment was made chairman of the committee, the other members being: Vice-Chairman, William W. Reilley; Secretary, Robert W. Elmes; Treasurer, Ernest W. M'Intyre; Executive Committee, Dr. Charles R. Borzilleri, Patrick H. Cochrane, Mrs. Joseph P. Devine, Henry J. Girvin, Finley H. Greene, Charles M. Heald, Rev. Samuel V. V. Holmes, Ralph S. Kent, Rabbi Louis J. Kopald, Robert Lacey, Rev. Henry A. Mooney, Mrs. Theodore M. Pomeroy, Frank Ruszkiewicz, Captain Ansley W. Sawyer, Mrs. Harry B. Spaulding; General Committee, Colonel C. E. P. Babcock, General Louis L. Babcock, Frederick G. Bagley, Rev. Nelson H. Baker, Frank A. Barone, Rev. E. Robert Bennett, Lucius Bigelow, Samuel B. Botsford, Major A. E. Brownrigg, Dr. C. Frank Bruso, Edward H. Butler, Bishop William Burt, Mrs. Thomas B. Carpenter, William H. J. Cole, William J. Conners, Jr.; Walter P. Cooke, George G. Davidson, Jr.; John De Vicq, Frank A. Dorn, Joseph F. Eltges, Charles A. Finnegan, Mrs. Frank W. Fiske, Jr.; Mrs. David Foley, Mrs. Howard A. For- man. General George C. Fox, Louis P. Fuhrmann, Joseph E. Gavin, General John C. Graves, John Grimm, Jr.; Carmelo Gugino, Colonel J. George Haffa, Ernest C. Hartwell, Alonzo G. Hinkley, Edward B. Holmes, Mrs. John Miller Horton, Clifford Hubbell, Colonel Lyman P. Hubbell, Mrs. Allan D. Husted, General Edgar B. Jewett, Arthur W. Kreinheder, Dr. F. Park Lewis, John Linsman, Charles H. M'Cullough, Jr.; Elliott C. McDougal, Frank S. McGraw, James H. McNulty, Clarence MacGregor, Norman E. Mack, John F. Malone, Capt. Christian Mathisean, George E. Matthews, James M. Mead, Henry D. Miles, Edward P. Murphy, Maxwell M. Nowak, Leon Olszenski, Julian Park, Rev. Alex. Pitass, Inerio Randaccio, William S. Rann, Mrs. Horace Reed, Major G. Barrett Rich, Jr.; William A. Rogers, Walter A. Schaffer, Charles Bennett Smith, James B. Stafford, Frank B. Steele, Mrs. Walter W. Steele, Daniel J. Sweeney, Mrs. Nelson S. Taylor, Major Richard H. Templeton, Commander Charles F. Ulrich, George Urban, Jr.; William F. Waldow, Captain Hamilton Ward, Rudolph J. Warner, Colonel John B. Weber, General Samuel M. Welch, Alfred H. Whitford, John G. Wickser, Colonel Charles J. Wolf, Albert B. Wright. The two committees began at once the preparation of plans to function along the lines pro- posed. Before the last named committee had scarcely organized the first detachment of returning men arrived. The members of Troop I, the little old cavalry troop of which Colonel Donovan had been commander in the earlier days, and who had fought through the Argonne offensive back of the 33d Division, arrived in Hoboken on January 24, 1919, and were immediately sent to Camp Upton. The local committee had not fully organized, and, accordingly, there was no welcoming committee on the dock to greet the returning troopers, but all received telegrams from home and were extremely happy. After the men were counted up at Camp Upton it was found that just 48 members of the Battery had returned to America, the balance having been transferred to the 308th Trench Mortar Battery a short time before their old outfit sailed for home. Of those back, thirty-six were Buffalo boys. Leaving Camp Upton with their discharges safely tucked away in their pockets the boys arrived in Buffalo on Wednesday, February 5th. Buffalo had an exceptionally pleasant month of Feb- ruary in the year 1919. We experienced no severe cold weather, had lots of sunshine, and the date on which the first contingent of Buffalo soldiers returned, while not the warmest of the month, was clear and bright. The Express told, on the following day, the story of the boys' return: 330 Buffalo's Part in the World War "Mauretania" Steaming Up the Hudson River to Iloboken Pier with 108th Infantry "Buffalo gave a dramatic, joyful welcome to her first contingent of returned soldier heroes yesterday when thirty-six members of the 102d trench mortar battery, came proudly home after several months in the war zone. From the time their train reached the station at 10.30 o'clock yesterday morning until the last dance had been finished at the Knights of Columbus service club last night, Buffalo poured forth its tribute to the lads who have brought glory and honor to the city. "The troops reached the city on a special train over the New York Central, and, when they detrained, a clamorous, insistent throng of relatives, friends and admirers rushed past the station guards, brushed a cordon of police aside and gave them a greeting that must have been in strange contrast to the scenes through which they passed during the great conflict. "For a time it looked as though the carefully-laid plans of the committee of welcome, under Colonel Newton E. Tur- geon, would come to naught. Members of the committee pleaded with the men, women and children who insisted upon greeting their heroes in the way they saw fit regardless of the arrangements planned by the committee. It was some time before the semblance of order could be restored and the men of the 102d battery fell into line for their march of triumph through long lines of eager, welcoming thousands who flanked Main Street for blocks with a solid mass of humanity. "With heads erect, eyes alight with vigor and health and their faces tanned to a ruddy glow the thirty-six men tramped through Main Street to the accompaniment of handclapping, cheers and the shrieking of hundreds of whistles. Flags fluttered from every point of vantage and automobile sirens joined in the pandemonium of welcome. It was a scene that was strangely reminiscent of the peace day celebration, when cheering thousands poured through the downtown streets and cheered until they could no longer articulate. "Yesterday's march through Main Street brought out thousands who gave full vent to long pent emotions. Mingled with the cheers and the cheery, 'God bless you,' of the crowd which lined the sidewalks and overflowed onto the pavements could be heard, now and then, the stifled sob of a man or woman as the scene brought to their memory lost ones who will never return. " Factory whistles began their shrieking salvos of welcome at 9.55 o'clock, the time the train bearing the men was scheduled to arrive in the city. For more than fifteen minutes they continued their lusty welcome for the heroes. "The soldiers were met at the station by a delegation composed of Colonel Newton E. Turgeon, chairman of the citizens' committee named by Mayor Buck in charge of the reception of homecoming troops, Councilmen Charles M. Heald, Arthur W. Kreinheder and Frederick G. Bagley, City Clerk Daniel J. Sweeney and Chairman Frank A. Dorn of the Board of Supervisors. "Their escort consisted of a detail of mounted police, a band, and a detachment of the 74th Regiment under com- mand of Captain Ansley W. Sawyer. The line formed on Exchange Street and the route of march was Exchange Street to Main, to Tupper to Pearl. Buffalo's Part in the World War 331 "Several minutes before the parade started it became evident that the detail of mounted police had a difficult task on their hands. Exchange Street was a seething mass of human beings, each apparently intent upon being first to greet the soldier lads. As the column reached Main and Exchange streets hundreds of belated welcomers rushed from the lower end of the main thoroughfare and literally surrounded the returned heroes. Their progress through Main Street was repeatedly interrupted by enthusiastic friends who disregarded the Police escort and rushed into the street to grasp their friends by the hand to extend their heartfelt greetings upon their safe arrival home. "A stirring scene was enacted at Pearl and Tupper streets, where relatives and friends of the men gathered in large numbers to greet them with all the cordiality and happiness they have been hoarding for weary months. The motor corps girls drew the curtain on this touching scene when they snatched up the men in waiting automobiles and whisked them away to the 74th Regiment Armory, where they received the official welcome of the city and what's just as important — their first feed in the home town in many months. "The soldiers and their relatives arrived at the armory at 11.30 o'clock and were ushered into the reception hall where Colonel Turgeon spoke of the arrangements the city had made on short notice. He told the men that the welcome would have been twice as vociferous and much bigger if definite information regarding the time of their arrival and whether or not they were coming home in a body had been forthcoming sooner. "Councilman Heald was introduced as the speaker to extend the official greeting for the city. He said: "'Ladies and gentlemen and boys of the 102d — and I use the word 'boys' in the reverence and respect and love it carries rather than say 'men' — we welcome you home with full hearts, appreciating as we do the wonderful work you have done for us abroad so nobly and so well. "'You have placed America at the top of the pinnacle of nations, so that the other nations of the world look up to us with respect. "'It is not due to us at home that we have won this respect. It is due to you who won their respect abroad and showed them what America truly is and what America is sure to be in the years to come. "'We have been thousands of miles away from you, but our hearts have been with you every minute of your absence. The electric chord of love has connected us and carried its message to you across the waters, and if you have felt the impulses, they have been the reflection of our feeling at home. "'During the Liberty Loan campaigns, we may have lagged in putting up the money to back you, but when we realized that you were in the trenches, that you were looking into the mouths of German guns, the response came. We never lagged then, but came across. We know that you deserved more than we could do. "'The city of Buffalo welcomes you with a full heart, appreciative of what you have done, and henceforth and for- ever you will stand in our midst as a living example of what America is and will be.' "Then followed a luncheon which consisted of everything about which a hungry soldier might dream. The men enjoyed the meal. As one of them remarked, ' Gee, this is some chow. I didn't think I was ever going to get another one like this.' "Last night a majority of the men accepted an invitation to dance at the Knight of Columbus service club at Main and Tupper streets. They danced and feasted until an early hour this morning." On March 6th the Mauretania carrying the 108th Infantry and other units of the 27th Division steamed into New York Harbor and docked at Pier Three, Hoboken. The members of the 108th were quickly transferred to ferry boats for the trip to Camp Merritt, N. J. There they were put through the cleansing process so essential in removing the last of the cootie visitors from abroad, and were ready then for demobilization. Colonel Turgeon, General Louis E. Babcock and Norman E. Mack were members of a com- mittee which endeavored to induce Secretary Baker to return the 108th Infantry and 106th Artillery to Buffalo before demobilization, but it was apparent that such a course would neces- sitate the return of the men to Camp Upton after the Buffalo parade and the plan was abandoned. General Babcock and Mr. Mack with the co-operation of John Lord O'Brian, then in Washing- ton, secured an order from the Secretary of War directing that the two regiments be mustered out on the same day and be permitted to carry their side arms and equipment so that they could march through the streets of Buffalo in the same military garb they wore as they marched over the roads of France and Belgium a few months prior thereto. The New York Reception Committee, appointed by Mayor Hylan, had determined on an immense parade up Fifth Avenue for the entire Division in order that the Greater City might tender to the returning soldiers an expression of its love and esteem. The parade was fixed for March 25th, at which time all elements of the Division were back in camp on American soil. Under the direction of Mayor Buck and the City Council, headquarters were opened at the Pennsylvania Hotel by the writer to be known from that time forward for all returning soldiers of Erie County as "Buffalo and Erie County Headquarters." The Buffalo Committee in New 332 Buffalo's Part in the World War 106th Field Artillery Arriving at Hoboken on Their Return from France Buffalo's Part in the World War 333 York was augmented by the arrival of General Samuel M. Welch, a former commander of the 65th Regiment — now the 106th Field Artillery; Colonel J. G. Haffa, another former commander of the same regiment; Captain George H. Norton, City Engineer, and Commissioner Charles M. Heald, member of the City Council and head of the Department of Finance and Accounts. That committee greeted the returning members of the 106th Infantry at the Hoboken pier on Thurs- day March 13th, Major Goodyear and Captain Keeler, met the Buffalo Committee to discuss the trip home, while the other members of the regiment were hurried to ferry beats for the trip to Camp Mills where they remained until the parade day in New York. Buffalo had an exceptionally large representation at the big New York City Reception. The city committee was headed by Mayor George S. Buck and included Councilmen John F. Malone, Charles M. Heald, Arthur J. Kreinheder, Frederick G. Bagley ; City Clerk D. J. Sweeney, Colonel N. E. Turgeon, chairman of the Mayor's Reception Committee; Finley H. Greene, chairman and Frank B. Steele, secretary, of the Buffalo War History Committee; H. E. Crouch, chairman of the Soldiers' Employment Committee; W. W. Reilly, vice chairman and Ernest Mclntyre, treasurer of the Mayor's Reception Committee; Chairman Frank Dorn and the following mem- bers of the Board of Supervisors: Joseph P. Broderick, Edwin F. Jaeckle, J. W. Becker, Thomas H. McDonough, Lee W. Britting, Howell Drake, J. M. Schwert, John L. Staeber, H. W. Butler and Alonzo G. Hinkley, Clerk to the Board ; Supervisors Carlton E. Ladd and G. G. Allen joined the com- mittee later. John Flood, president of the Dauntless Club, was also a member of the Committee. Many other Buflfalonians were in the throng that filled the immense stand stretching along Fifth Avenue from 59th to 110th Streets. The day was ideal, the parade passed under giant arches in the view of cheering crowds, the greatest gathering, probably, in the history of a thorough- fare that has held America's most notable pageants. Buffalonians were scattered through the length of the stands. After the parade, the soldiers were entrained for Camp Upton to be demobilized. They were mustered out on the last day of March and as they received their discharges they boarded special trains over the Lehigh Valley, secured under the direction of General Welch, and on the night of March 31st, a joyous crowd came up through the Pennsylvania hills to Buffalo, the first train arriving at the Lehigh's Main Street station at 9.30 A. M. An immense assemblage of relatives and friends had gathered at the station to meet them, but the police succeeded in keeping a sufficient space clear to permit the formation of the parade. Up to that day the weather had been fine. The parade in New York City on the preceding Tuesday passed under cloudless skies with a temperature which made heavy coats uncomfort- able. But when the boys reached Buffalo the thermometer had dropped to ten above zero and a cutting wind filled with fine snow swept the streets and grandstands. It was, undoubtedly, the coldest day Buffalo experienced that winter. Despite the cold and snow and wind, however, Buffalonians thronged the sidewalks, filled the immense grandstand at Lafayette Square and the windows in all the buildings along the line of march. The Buffalonians of that day had seen their city in every emotion of life. They had viewed her days of pageantry, both those com- memorating events of glory and of sadness; they had seen her with flags flying and at half mast, decorated in gladness and stilled in mourning. They had seen the grandeur of the city in that day of manly pride when the boys had marched away to war, they had seen it in sad and solemn tribute to the martyred President McKinley, and they had seen the beauty of the city in the June Day preparedness parade of 1916, but when they saw Buffalo braving the storm, her flags defying the wind, and her steel-helmeted soldiers marching back from a victorious war through long lanes of cheering people, they beheld Bufl'alo in the kind of glory that must have been Rome's. It was for all the world like some old-time welcoming of the returning heroes. Indeed, it was just that. The Evening Times of that day said : "Eighteen months ago — September, 1917 — Buffalo bade Godspeed to her soldier sons members of the 74th Regi- ment and the Third Field Artillery, formerly the old 65th, as they marched away at the nation's call to crush Prussian autocracy. 334 Buffalo's Part in the World War They Broke The Hindenburg Line 108th Infantry marching up Main Street on their return from France. 'To-day Buffalo poured out her heart to these same soldier sons, welcoming them home as among the greatest heroes of the world war, the city literally outdoing itself when 250,000 people lined every inch of curb, thronged windows and all points of vantage as the heroes of the 108th Regiment, the Hindenburg line busters; and the 106th Field Artillery marched from the Lehigh Valley Station to their armories through a lane of cheering, crying and sob- bing people, and under a canopy of colors and flags, such as the city has never seen before. "And those boys! What an inspiring thrilling sight they made as they marched up that old Main Street, youths in years, but veterans of war. There was no mistaking the change in their souls that the hell fires of war had wrought. Gold service stripes of overseas rating and wound stripes on the majority of uniforms told the story. And among the vast hundreds of thousands there was not a soul so dead that it was not awakened to a frenzy of cheers as the gallant heroes swung up Main Street. "Amid mighty soul stirring cheers from thousands of happy voices, Buffalo's soldiers of the 27th Division, the boys who busted the Hindenburg line, arrived at the Lehigh Valley at 9.30 o'clock this morning. Nearly 1,500 of them came in on three long trains, each train within 15 minutes of the other. It was a sight never to be forgotten. Tanned and happy and looking every part the soldiers they are, the crowd when it caught its first glimpse of these boys, went wild with delight. It cheered and cheered 'again. Whistles blew, bands played and bombs burst high in the air, all in hearty welcome." As the marching soldiers passed Lafayette Square they were reviewed by the representatives of the National, State and City governments; Justices of the Supreme Court, and members of all the war work committees, including the Liberty Loan, Red Cross, War Savings Stamps, War Camp Community, Y. M. C. A., Knights of Columbus, Jewish Welfare; in fact, every organiza- tion that had taken a part in the work at home while the fighting force was in training or in action overseas. On the extreme right, in the grandstand stood the remaining members of the G. A. R. in full uniform, their minds undoubtedly running back to the days of nearly a half century astern, but their eyes intently fixed on the steel-helmeted marchers in khaki and their voices raised in an expression of their admiration ; on the left of the Grand Army men were the Spanish- American War veterans joining in the great popular acclaim to the newer heroes. Mayor Buck, the Council and the representatives of the Board of Supervisors marched at the Buffalo's Part in the World War 335 head of the parade as far as Lafayette Square and then took their places in the reviewing stand until the last soldier had passed. Commissioners Heald and Malone and various members of the Board of Supervisors went from the Reviewing Stand to the 65th Regiment Armory, while Mayor Buck, Commissioner Kreinheder, Commissioner Bagley and President Dorn of the Supervisors motored to the 74th Armory. The parade moved on up Main Street through its cheering thou- sands to North Street where the regiments divided, the 106th going to the 65th Armory and the 108th moving over North Street to the Circle to Porter to Prospect to the Connecticut Street Armory. Chairman Turgeon's committee had caterers at both armories and an elaborate lunch was served for the returning soldiers and their parents. The crush about the armory doors was excep- tionally heavy and the police had a difficult time in holding back the unticketed thousands who desired to get inside to extend a welcome hand to the boys. Those who were fortunate enough to view any portion of the reception will retain in memory that picture for all time. They may or may not have realized that they were passing through an historic event. The joy of the boys and of parents shed a radiance over the scene. Women grabbed the boys in their arms and hugged and kissed them, alternately laughing and sobbing, while the boys returned with equal vigor those expressions of joy and of love. The women were mothers, wives, sisters, or perhaps, sweethearts of the returning boys; fathers had to take a second place in that home-coming welcome. It was at the armories, when the parade had finished and the boys had thrown off their helmets and knapsacks and had laid aside their guns, that relatives were permitted to meet them. The great armories never had known a happier moment than that, and probably never will again. Mayor Buck, following the reception of relatives, expressed the city's formal welcome* to the boys. At the time he made his address he had been joined by Mayor Carlson of Jamestown and Mayor Toomey of Lackawanna. Others on the platform were Chairman Kent of the Westfield Reception Committee; Commissioners Kreinheder and Bagley and a few out-of-town visitors. While the Mayor, at one armory extended an expression of the city's gratitude and appreciation and happiness to the boys in their home-coming, Commissioners Heald and Malone expressed similar sentiments at the other. And after the luncheon was served the men hurried home to look over the old places and tell to those who loved them best the thrilling story which in the short space of a year had been woven into their lives. The men of the 27th Division were followed home within a month by the 42d Division, next came the men of Base Hospital No. 23, and then, on the heels of the latter, the 77th Division. The first fighting unit of the selective service men to go overseas was the first to return, and *"We are so glad you are back that it is hard for us to find ways in which to mal