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It was originally not intended for the press, had not my friends insisted upon its publica- tion. I have revised, remodelled, added to, and expunged from it, in order to make it practical, to the best of my ability. The synthetic arrangement of works of this kind had to be in part omitted, in order to insure brevity and avoid repetitions. Hence the remedies and their symptoms have been left out, and the symptoms and their reme- dies have received sole attention. I have gathered from all attain- able sources, and introduced the verifications from my own experience during the period of twenty-five years and more. I have gleaned from Hahnemann's Materia Medica Pura and his Chronic Diseases; Allen's Materia Medica, including the first eight volumes; Hering and Lippe's Materia Medica; Guernsey's Obstetrics; Raue's Pathol- ogy and Therapeutics ; Bsehr's and Kafka's Therapeutics? Hale's New Remedies, etc.; in fact, the whole homoeopathic literature of this country and Europe has been diligently searched in order to secure, if possible, the utmost perfection with regard to everything that is reliable and worthy of trust. For omissions and shortcomings, which, in the face of the utmost care, may be detected here and there, I crave the indulgence of the profession. W. Eggert. [nbIANAPOLIB. October, 1878. INTRODUCTION. The apparent want of success in the treatment of female disorders, in comparison with other diseases, may be only accounted for, first, by the insufficiency of our provings upon the female; and, second, by the difficulty of getting at those symptoms which have been obtained, either from the proving or from clinical experience, in an easy and practical way. And yet our Materia Medica is not quite as barren as some try to make us believe, nor have our clinics to hide their results on account of inferior successes than those obtained from any other mode in the practice of medicine. To be frank, it often seemed to us as if the complaint of the insufficiency of our provings is fre- quently only called for to atone in reality the ignorance of our prac- titioners in the knowledge of homoeopathic Materia Medica. And it is to a great extent this ignorance and its apparent justification that has led many of our practitioners astray, and induced them to seek in other modes and manners of treatment the satisfaction which the apparent adherence to the homoeopathic principle refused them to yield. We hear and read it so frequently that such and such remedy, seemingly indicated, has failed to cure, and that homoeopa- thy has often been a failure after faithful trial. We confess to look with skepticism upon all such assertions, because we used to talk in a similar manner until we became gradually but fully convinced that our failures were almost always the result of our ignorance of the Materia Medica, and the want of understanding to apply our law of cure properly. Strict adherence to the teachings of Hahnemann would make us more successful and liberal at the same time; liberal, because we would feel convinced that homoeopathic knowledge and art have been truly exhausted before we would resort to any other mode of .treatment. But in order to arrive at such conviction, we mii-t first of all become experts of homoeopathic Materia Medica. Why cannot we master .Materia Medica just as well as anatomy, ( vii ) Vlll INTRODUCTION. physiology, surgery, etc. ? There is no excuse whatsoever for our ignorance. But instead of training experts, we see occasionally mongrelism encouraged and defended by a sham and would-be lib- erality. A flag with the inscription "Freedom of Thought and Liberty of Action" has been unfurled, and now almost every fool can find protection in its folds. The lamentable outcry, "I have tried homoeopathy, but it failed," Avill find most instances thus exemplified. Dr. A. has a case of gonorrhoea to attend. He does perhaps not even understand how to examine such a case in its minutiae in order to prescribe prop- erly, but he has heard and read that Cannabis sativa is a good remedy for such a disorder; he gives it to his patient, but it failed to cure. Perhaps he tried another remedy with only the same re- sult, and now he complains that homoeopathy cannot cure gonor- rhoea, although hundreds of practitioners testify to the contrary. He now orders injections, etc. Should a stricture of the urethra be the result of it, that flag of "Liberty of Action" will protect him, for he had tried homoeopathy (?), but, alas, how? Thus "libertv of action" (with "freedom of thought" we have nothing to do; let every one think as he pleases, that hurts nobody) will embrace and pet all practitioners if they only try homoeopathy to the best of their ability, no matter if in their ignorance they produce diseases of the heart, or secondary and tertiary syphilis, when treating rheuma- tism and syphilis with external applications, or by producing quinine cachexia when abusing quinine in fevers, or by producing various forms of diseases by suppressing skin diseases, etc. If those who introduced this liberal innovation deny any intention of such kind, they should have given to the profession a better definition of their ideas, for without such a definition the sweeping phrase "liberty of action" becomes almost identical with "licentiousness." Hahne- mann and his disciples never denied the use of mechanical means necessary for traumatic causes, nor the antidotes required in cases of poisoning, nor hygienic measures of any kind. If the masters of our school would complain of the insufficiencv of our remedies we might listen to them; but when the ignoramus hurts our ears with such lamentation, we have only scorn to offer. And who has perhaps more to suffer from indolent and ignorant practitioners than our poor women ? and how often has an innocent uterus been made the battlefield of medical stupidity? Far be it from us to decry and denounce the modern innovations in thera- peutics; but we can conscientiously only then allow ourselves to go INTRODUCTION. IX outside of the "restricted views" of homoeopathic teachings, when these views or principles have been strictly complied with and have been found wanting. That there are powers in nature and art as- signed to cure diseases besides those taught by Hahnemann, none of us will deny, but no one will also assert that those powers are better understood now than those which Hahnemann disclosed to us. He wanted all restrictions removed from those who are " en- dowed with the necessary 'power and knowledge to preserve human life, and with that delicate consciousness which every one whom God has appointed a guardian of human life should possess." Thus spoke Hahnemann, a master and genius in medicine, a man of the highest culture and learning; and when he penned these lines he thought he addressed his equals in learning and experience, like Hufe- land and others. But he certainly did not entertain the idea to allow the ignorant to experiment upon the sick. He never would have granted "liberty of action" to the majority of our practitioners. Such independence he would have willingly accorded to masters like Tiering, Dunham, etc., but as to the majority of. our doctors it would be like putting razors in the hands of young children. What would an experienced surgeon say of a practitioner of surgery, who in spite of his title could not attend properly to a common fracture, if he would see him going outside of the accepted rules to accom- plish the reunion of bones, and thereby risk the patient's health and life? Would he accord him "liberty of action?" Just so with homoeopathic practitioners. First, let us become homceopathists in the truest sense of the word, and if we fail, then it will be time enough to go outside of our "restricted views." And we feel jus- tified to say, the more we endeavor to become the former the less we will need the latter. The whole soul of the homoeopathic healing art centres in the thorough understanding of its Materia Medica and in the art to ex- amine a patient properly; this latter must naturally include a knowl- • of anatomy, physiology, chemistry, microscopy, etc. It' thus equipped the practitioner Gnds himself at a loss, then to him ami him only we grant "liberty of action." It is all in vain to say thai those who entertain our views ignore progress; on the contrary, we hail it with the sain.' pleasure and earnestness that any candid seeker after truth would do, to benefit, the human race and alleviate its Bufferings. Bui at the same time we try to guard and protesl against anything that could be abused by ignorant persons, to drag medicine into licentiousness under the mantle and name of homosopathy, X INTRODUCTION. The aim of this work is to make female symptomatology more easy of access, and impart if possible to our practitioners more and more confidence in the power of our remedies to control female dis- orders. The symptoms have been carefully selected and arranged. Although we gave to our book only the title Therapeutics of Uterine and Vaginal Discharges, we have nevertheless endeavored to give the whole symptomatology of the female generative organs, as the reader will see by a comparison of these organs through the different parts of this work. But as there exists likely no female disorder without an abnormal discharge from the uterus or the vagina, or both, we considered the present arrangement more practical and convenient. Every part contains first the quantity, quality, and time of the discharge it has reference to, and is followed by a selec- tion of concomitants, usually existing during a proving, or frequently observed at the bedside. Part VIII contains a selection of charac- teristic symptoms, the most of which the preceding parts do not em- brace; this was added in order to facilitate the treatment of more complicated and inveterate chronic cases. Of course we only gave the characteristics of such remedies as have a more or less special affinity to the female organism. With regard to the dose we have but little to say. If we give preference to high attenuations, we do so from convictions forced upon us after an experience of many years; but we are not a parti- san of any potency. We employ the smallest dose that will cure, and the single remedy. This we consider both liberal and rational, bear- ing in mind that the true and essential point in curing the sick is the selection of the rigid remedy, or the remedy strictly homoeo- pathic. We discard the theory of giving high or low attenuations, according to a doubtful formula of primary and secondary symp- toms, since experience has taught us that we cured both kinds of symptoms with high attenuations, and with high attenuations only. Nor do we consider it an argument in favor of low attenuations, if a cure is reported by a remedy in said attenuations, after it had failed to accomplish anything in its higher form. Such cases have come under our notice, but instead of giving the remedy low, we found the similimum in quite a different remedy, and accomplished a cure. What has given us a great deal of thought and trouble is the question of repetition in chronic cases. While it is true that many disorders of this kind yield to a single dose, and bring about a cure, or at least a change for the better, it is equally true that many cases demand a repetition ; and here the question arises, how often INTRODUCTION. XI shall such repetition be made? To lay down a rule would be quite impossible, and only experience can be our teacher. We believe that as soon as a remedy produces a favorable change it must be sus- pended. If the patient gets worse, we must be careful to distinguish a medicinal aggravation from other causes, for the former will occa- sionally occur in spite of all opposition. A medicinal aggravation we consider a favorable sign, and suspend the remedy; only in very exceptional cases it might become necessary to give a remedy to anti- dote the action of the former. We know from experience that the truly homoeopathic remedy will make its presence soon known in the diseased, and in highly nervous, sensitive, lean persons, usually sooner than in the robust, sluggish, and bilious. Hence we scarcely ever give to the former more than one, and to the latter usually from three to six doses, in the interval from twelve to forty-eight hours. Then time must be given to the remedy to develop its power. We usually allow a month to pass, giving the remedy right after the ces- sation of the menstrual flow. Following these directions, together with necessary hygienic measures, we will seldom meet with disap- pointment in all cases amenable to medicinal treatment. CONTENTS. PART I. Menstruation and Dysmenorrhea. page Quantity and Time of the Menstrual Discharge, ...... 9 Character of the Menstrual Discharge, 14 Concomitants, 21 PART II. Menorrhagia. Quantity, Time, and Character of the Menstrual Discharge, . . . 109 Concomitants, 118 PART III. Amenorrhea. Remedies and Causes, 125 Concomitants, 126 PART IV. Abortion and Miscarriage. Remedies, Causes, and Time of Occurrence, 150 Concomitants 151 PART V. M KTKOKRHAGIA. Quantity and Quality of the Discharge, liil Concomitants, ............ I<>7 I 'ART VI. Fluor a i Character of the Discharge, 182 Concomitants, l!(4 i xiii ) XIV CONTENTS. PAET VII. Lochia. PAGE Character of the Discharge, '207 Concomitants, 209 PART VIII. General Concomitants. Mind and Disposition, 214 Head— external, .234 Head— internal, 230 A. In general, 236 B. Forehead, 246 C. Occiput, 250 D. Cerebellum, 251 E. One side or the other, 251 F. Temples, 252 G. Vertex, 254 H. Causes, 255 I. Aggravations, 256 li. Ameliorations, .......... 258 L. Vertigo, Dizziness, Giddiness, ....... 259 Eyes, .262 A. Eyes in general, 262 B. Lids, 267 C. Sight, 268 Ears, 272 Hose, 275 Face, 281 Mouth, 288 A. Taste 292 B. Tongue 294 C. Teeth, 297 D. Gums, 300 Throat and (Esophagus, 301 . Appetite and Thirst, 309 Stomach and Epigastrium, .......... 315 Abdomen, 333 A. Abdomen in general, 333 B. Epigastrium (see Stomach), 333 C. Hypochondriac Kegion, . ....... 346 D. Liver Eegion, 346 E. Spleen Region, 347 F. Umbilical Region, 347 G. Hypogastric Region, 348 H. Ovarian Region and Groins, 352 CONTENTS. XV PAGE Stool, 854 A. Constipation, 855 B. Diarrhoea, 358 Eectum, Anus, Perinseum, 8G4 A. Eectum, 3G4 B. Anus, 3G9 Urinary Organs, 371 A. Bladder, 371 B. Micturition, 873 C. Urethra, 378 D. Urine, 379 Sexual Organs, 382 A. Vulva, 382 B. Uterus, 892 C. Ovaries, 405 D. Vagina, 416 E. Sexual Desire, .......... 4J1 F. Coitus, 423 G. Breast, 423 Larynx and Trachea, 426 Chest, . . 432 Heart, . 445 Back, 449 A. Back in general, 449 B. Spine, 452 C. Scapula?, 455 D. Between the Scapula?, 456 E. Small of the Back ^ Lumbar Eegion, 457 F. Sacrum, 4G5 G. Eenal Eegion, 4G7 II. Coccyx, 408 Neck, 470 Extremities (see Generalities), 533 Upper Extremities, 476 A. Anns in general, ......... 476 B. Shoulders, 478 C. Axilla, 479 D. Elbow-joint, 479 E. Wrist, 479 ]■'. Bands, 480 G. Fingers, 481 Lower Extremities, ........... 482 A. Legs in general, ......... 482 B. Hips, 485 ('. Thighs, 486 D. Knees, 487 E. Calves, 488 P. Tibia, 489 C. Ankle, 4S9 H. Feet 489 xvi CONTENTS. PAGE Sleep, 493 Skin, 500 Fever, .............. 505 A. Chills, Chilliness, Coldness, 505 B. Heat, 507 C. Perspiration, 509 D. Pulse, 511 Generalities, 512 A. Affections of — from, ......... 512 B. Aggravation, .......... 514 C. Amelioration, 519 D. Constitutional peculiarities, 522 E. Convulsions, 526 F. Debility, "Weakness, Prostration, Fatigue, Exhaustion, Languor, 527 G. Emaciation, 532 H. Extremities in general, ........ 533 I. Pains, 53G UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. PART I. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHEA. Quantity and Time of the Menstrual Discharge. Too profuse. (See Menorrhagia.) Acid, laot., Aeon., Agar, m., Aloe, Amm, c, Amm, m., Antim. crud., Apis, Apocyn. andr., Argt. nitr., Arnica, A is., Bell., Bry., Calc. c, Camph., Cann. ind., Cann. sat., Carbol. acid., Castor., Canloph., Caust., Cham., Chelidon., Chin., Cimicifuga, Coccul., Con., Coff., Cnbeba, Cyclam., Dictam., Eriger., Guarea., Ham., Hep. s., Helon., Hyos., Ignat., Ipec., Iris, Kreosot,, Lac can. (In gushes), Lach., Lachnan., Lobel., Ly- copod., Merc, corr., Merc, sol., Merc, v., Millefol., Murex purp., Natr. chlor., Natr. m., Natr. s., Nux jugl., Nux m., Nux v., Opi., Phos.,Plat., Plumb., Ratanhia, Rhus tox., Sabina, Sanguin., Secal. C, Selen., Silic, Stram., Tarantula, Trill., Vibur. pi\, Vinca m., Xanthox. during the climaxis. Bell., Lach., Puis., Sepia. a I td too early. (Often.) (See Menorrhagia.) Aletr. f., Aloe., Ambra. gr., Amm. c, Amm. m., Arnica. (From concussion, shock, or any other accident.) Argt. nitr., Ars., Arundo in., Bapt., Baryt, c, Bell., Bry., Borax, Bovista, Brom., Bulb, Calc. c, Cann. ind., Canth., Carb. Veg., Cast., Caust., Cham., China, Chin, sulph., Chloral, Cimicifuga, Cina, ('in nab., Cinnamon, Coccul., Coca cact., Croc, sat., Cyclam., Diad., Erechthi., Eriger., Ferr., Fluor, acid., Qratiola, Gumm. gutt., Helon., Ignat., Iod., Ipec, Kali ferrocy., Kreosot., Lac can., Laura., Ledum, Lobel., Magn. c, Magn. m., Magn. s., .Merc, corr., Mezer., Mosch., Muriat. acid., Murex purp., 2 (9 ) 10 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Natr. m.,Nitr. acid., Nitram, Nuxjugl., Nux m., Nux v., Petrol., Phos., Phos. acid., Phyto., Flat., Prun. spi., Puis., Rhododen., Rhus tox., Ruta, Sabina, Sanguin., Scnec, Sep., Silic., Spong., Stan., Strain., Sulph. acid., Trill., Ustilago, Verat. alb., Zinc, Zingiber. Too profuse, too early, and too long. Aloe, Argt. nitr., Borax, Calc. C, Carb. an., Diad., Ferr., Ignat., Ipec.,Kali C, Kreosot., Lycopod;, Natr. e., Nuxjugl., Mezer., Phos., Plat., Ratanhia, Rhus tox., Senec, Stram., Sulph., Trill. (Every fourteen days, lasting eight days.) Ustilago. from overexertion. Trill. with sterility. Sul- phur. commences at an early period in girls, and ceases afterwards; subsequently chlorosis. Antim. erud. in gushes. Lac can. like a stream, when rising up the feet. Coccul. waking her up from sound sleep. Coca. too short. Kali nitr., Lac can. (In gushes.) Plat. too Tate. Carbol. acid., Caust., Coca. (In gushes), Curare, Dulc, Kali c, Kali hydro., Nitr. ac, Phos., Flat, Silic, Staphis. too long. Chelidon., Ferr. too long. Aeon., Apocyn. andr., Apocyn. can., Carlsbad, Chelidon., Goff., Crocus sat., Gels., Ignat., Ipec, Lycopod., Mezer., Millefol., Plat., Ratanhia, Sabina., Secal. cor., Sulph. too short. Granatum. Too scanty. Aeon., Alum., Amm. c, Amylum nitr., Apis, Are., Asclep. syr., Baryt. c, Berber., Bovista, Cact. gr., Canth., Caust., Cauloph., Cimicifuga, Coccul. (only a few drops), Conium, Croton tig., Cubeb. (little at a time), Cyclam., Erigeron, Ferr., Gos- sypium, Graph., Helon., Ignat., Kali brom., Kali c, Lach., Lilium, Lobelia, Lycopod., Mangan., Magn. c, Mezer., Natr. m., Natr. s., Niccol., Nitr. acid., Ol. an., Petrol., Phos., Phyto., Puis., Puis, nuta, Rata, Sabina, Sarsaparilla, Sanguin., Sepia, Sulph., Thuja, Ustilago, A T erat. vir., Viburnum opul., Xanthox. from debility; cold; overexertion; in hysteria. Nux. m. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHEA. . H Too scanty ; too early, (Often.) Asafoet., Berber., Garb, veg., Cauloph., Coccul., Conium, Cubeb., Kali c, Kalmia, Lac can., Lamium alb., Lycopod., Mangan., Natr. m., Niccol., Nitr. acid., Ol. an., Petrol., Phos., Primus spin., Sepia, Silic. too long, Nux v. too short. Alum., Amm. c, Asa. foet., Coccul., Curare, Ignat., L. Y. Deflor., Mangan., Nux. v., Tarantula, Tart, eraet. too late. Alum., Aurura, Bovista, Caust., Co- nium, Drosera, Ferr., Graph., Hep. s., Kali c, Kalmia, L. V. De- flor., Lacb., Lithium c, Magn. c, Natr. c, Natr. m., Nat. s., Niccol., Petrol., Phos., Puis., Puis, nuta, Sarsaparilla, Sepia, Terebinthina, Tilia, Valerian, Xanthox. too long. Aeon. — too short. Amm. c, Bovista, Eu- phrasia, Graph., Lach., Magn. c, Natr. m., Puis., Sulph. too short. Alum., Amm. c, Baryta c, Ipec, Lach., Niccol., Phos., Ruta. lasting only one day. Baryta c. too long. Berber. Too early. (Often.) Allium sat., Alum., Ambr. gr., Amm. c, Amm. m., Arnica, Ars., Asafcet., Bell., Borax, Bovista (with girls), Bry., Bufo, Cact. gr., Calc. c, Calc. caust., Calc. phos., Canth., Carb. an., Carl), v., Carboneum sulph., Castor., Cauloph., Cham., Cimicifuga, Clematis, Coccul., Colch., Colocynth., Copaiba, Cubeb., Cyclam., Hippo., Hydrocotyle asiatica, Ignat., Indigo, Ipec, Kali bich., Kali c, Lac can., Lachnan., Lamium alb., Lilium, Mangan., Magn. s., Mezer., Nitr. acid., Niccol., Nux m., Nux v., Ol. an., Petrol., Prunus spi., Puis., Ratanhia, Sanguin., Silic, Strontiaua, Sulph., Sulph. acid., Tellurium, Ustilago, Xanthox. after overexertion ; too long ride, etc., etc. Trillium. every two weeks. Bovista, Calc. phos., Ipec, Magn. c.j Nux jugl., Trillium. or three weeks. Kalmia. six or eight days. Lycopod. too long. Asarum europ., Calc. c, Carb. an., Coc- cul., Kali c, Mezer., Natr. c, Nux v., Phos. acid., Secal. cor. every fourteen days lasting seven or eight days. Trillium. too short. Magn. sulph., Strontiana, Thuja. Too lot e; retarded \ delayed. (8eeScanty,too late.) Aeon., Amm. 12 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. c, August., Ars., Aurum mur., Bell., Bovista, Calc. c, Calc. phos. (with women and widows), Camph., Curb, veg., Caust., Chelidon, Cicuta vir., Cimicifuga, Cinnab., Coccul., Conium, Croton tig., Dros., Dulc, Ferr., 'Gels., Gossyp., Hep. s., Hyos., Hyper., Iod., Lach., L. V. Deflor., Liliuni, Lycop., Magn. c, Magn. m., Mi aim. s., Mezer., Natr. m., Natr. s., Nitr. acid., Nux m., Petrol., Phos., Pod., Puis., Puis, nuta, Sabad., Sarsaparilla, Sepia, Strontiana, Sulph., Valerian, Xanthox., Zinc., Zizia. Too late ; delay of the first menstruation in young girls. Au- rum, Caust., Cubeba, Dros., Graph., Kali c, Lycopod., Natr. m., Phos., Puis., Sulph. every two or three months, and then too pro- fuse. Lach. and too long. Cupr. m., Lycopod. and too short. Dulc, Sulph. in damp cold weather. Dulc. Too long. Aloe, Arundo m., Kreosot., Lycopod., Mezer., Plat., Puis., Sabina, Secal. cor. Tito short. Canth., Granatum, Lach., Magn. s., Niccol., Puis., Strontiana. only one hour. Euphrasia. day. Mercurial, per. too profuse. Granatum. Appears at every stool. Iod. new moon (after suppression). Calc. c. Between the menstrual periods, not depending on tumors, etc., etc. Arnica, Bell., Bovista, Bry., Bufo., Cham., Cimicifuga, Elaps., Ham., Hell., Hep. s.,.Magn. s., Merc, Phos., Primus spr. (almost daily), Silic after every little accident; after a very hard stool ; after walking a little longer than usual ; after the least exertion. Anibra. gr. with pressing in the geni- tals. Mangan. By fits and starts. Coccul., Puis., Sabadilla. Ceases and reappears. Lycopod. at full moon. Nux v. at the proper time, but three days after appear discharges of lumps of tenacious black blood, followed by violent leucorrhoea. Carlsbad. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHEA. 13 Ceases immediately on its appearance, when it appears again sooner or later, and so on. Sabadilla. in the afternoon. Magn. c. on the appearance of pain, may reappear after the parox- ysm, or not again till the next period. Phos. suddenly, and headache follows. Lithium c. when lying down. Cact. gr., Caust., Lilium. moving about, reappears when sitting down quietly in the evening. Cyclam. worse when lying down. Kreosot. Constant for months, becoming more watery the longer it continues. Prunus spi. During nursing. Borax, Pallad., Silic. pregnancy. CoccuL, Nux v. at the third month. Kreosot. Increase or reappearance of menses. Castor. Intermittent. Cham., Lach. ■ after getting the feet wet. Puis. in chlorosis; from nervous debility. Puis. inclined to be. Kreosote, Puis. intervals of hours. Ferr. days. Ferr., Magn. s. one day. Apis. two or three months. Silic. and very scanty. Berberis. In the daytime only, never at night. Caust, Hamm., Puis. evening only. Coff. after lying down. Crocus sat. morning only. Bovista, Carb. an., Sepia. and ki the evening;. Phell. night only. Bovista. when sleeping. Magn. c. absence of pain. Magn. a, Plumb. Irregular, sometimes too early, sometimes too late. Apis, Argt. nitr., Caps., Carboneum sulph., Coccul, Curare, Ferr., Graph., I bun., Iod., Lilium, Nitr. acid., Nux m., Nux v., Plumb., Ruta, Sabad., Sepia, Silic, Staph., Sulph. Little blood for many days after the cessation of menses. ( laustic. Occurring repeatedly for hours and days after severe uterine pains. Lach. 14 UTERINE AXD VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Only when moving about, never when sitting or lying clown. Liliuin. Painless. Bovista. but steady and profuse. Ham. Returns after having ceased several times. (Climaxis.) Lach., Nux v. overexertion ; too long ride, etc. Trill. the least excitement. Ambr. gr., Calc. c. and ceases at full moon. Nux v. every evening after dinner (for six days); a slight dis- charge of clear blood, increased by pressure, followed by normal menstruation. Lac can. two to four months. Cyclam., Silic. weeks. Calc. ph., Ipec, Magn. sulph., Trill. (Climaxis.) next day after an embrace, which later causes burning in the parts. Kreosote. Sudden appearance of menses at any time. Bell. Suppression of menses. (See Part III, Amenorrhcea.) Vicarious menstruation. Bry., Chin., Digital., Ham., Phos., Ustilago. Worse after a ride in the cold air. Amm. c. at night. Amm. c, Amm. m., Bovista, Coca, Magn. C, Magn. m., Zinc. between the uterine pains. Magn. c. during a thunderstorm. Natr. c. every passage of a hard and sometimes even of a soft stool. Lycopod. from motion. Crocus sat., Erigeron, Magn. c. in the morning, early. Bovista. when first rising. Magn. c. on the first two days. Natr. s. second day. Natr. s. when riding. Amm. c. sitting. Amm. c. standing. Amm. c, Magn. c. walking in the afternoon. Natr Character of the Menstrual Discharge. Acrid — excoriating even the thighs. Allium sat., Amm. c, Are., Aurum, Carb. veg., Caust., Graph., Kali c, Magn. c, Natr. s., Petrol., Rhus tox., Sarsaparilla, Silic, Sulph MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHEA. 15 Black, Amm. c, Amra. m., Canth., Chin., Croc, sat., Cyclam., Elaps., Graph., Ignat., Kali nitr., Kreosot., Lach., Magn. m., Magn. s., Natr. m., Nitr., Nux jugl., Nux m., Nux v., 01. an., Plat., Puis., Sac lac, Sanguin., Sarsaparilla, Secal. cor., Stram., Sulph., Zingiber. clotted. (See Clotted.) Amm. c, Amm. m., Bell., Calc. phos., Chin., Coccul., Croc, cacti, Cyclam., Ferr., Graph., Kreosot., Magn. m., Nux jugl., Plat., Puis., Sanguin., Secal. cor., Stram., Zingiber. clots — discharge of — while sitting. Magn. m. drops; scanty. Berberis. liquid flow between the clots. Trillium. pitch-like. Cact. gr. Bloody ichor at the end of the menses. Kreosot. mucus. Apis, Canth. Bright-red. Amm. c, Arnica, Bell., Brom., Calc. phos., Caust,, Diadema, Erechthites, Erigeron, Hyos., Ipec. (Coagulates easily.) Lachnanth., Lac can., Ledum, Millefol., Sabina, Sanguin., Trill., Ustilago. at first, then dark. Calc. phos. clotted. Arnica, Hyos., Plat., Sabina. which when put in water forms itself into a long string but soon dissolves. Lac can Brown. Berberis, Bry., Conium, Secal. cor. Changeable, Puis. Clotted. (See Black.) Amm. c, Argt. nitr., Bovista, Bufo, Caust. Cham., China, Cimicifuga, Coccul., Coca cact., Croc, sat., Cyclam. Ferr., Fluoric acid., Graph., Helon., Ignat., Kreosot., Magn. c. Magn. in., Natr. s., Nux jugl., Nux v., Plat., Puis., Rhus tox bina, Sanguin., Secal. cor., Stram. Stron., Trill., Ustilago, Zinc. Zingibei ; colored water-like. Alum. lumps in the last days. Natr. s. like lumps of flesh. Sanguin. passing away mostly when walking. Zincum. Coagulated. (Sec Clotted.) Corrosive. (Sec Acrid.) Dark-red, (SeeBlack.) Apis, Bovista, Bry., Calc. phos., Carb. an., Carlsbad, Carbol. ac., Cham., Chin., Cimicifuga, Coccul., Cro- cus sat., Graph., Ham., Helon., Kreosot., Lilium, Magn. c, Nitr. acid., Nux m., Nux v., Phos. acid., Plat., Puis., Sabina, Secal. cor., Selen., Sulph., Ustilago, Zingiber. 16 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Dark-red ; pitchy. Bismuth. Discharge of small pieces of thin, white, transparent sub- stance, having a distinctly organized structure, but extremely deli- cate. Lac can. Flaky. Canth. Grayish -colored serum or grayish dimy mucus. Berberis. Green, grass-like while wet, dark-green when dry. Lac can. Mot. Bell. Like muddy water. Nitr. acid. Membranous. Borax, Brom., Bry., Calc. c, Canth., Cham., Collinson., Graph., Lac can., Phytol., Rhus tox., Sabina, Ustilago. Mixed — partly black-clotted, partly bright-red, partly serum. Lycopod. Mucus. Apis. bloody, white on the first day. Xatr. s. gray. Berberis. Pale. Alum., Amm. c, Ars., Bell., Bufo, Carb. veg., Chin., Ferr., Graph., Hippom., Hyos., Kali c., Phos., Prunus spi., Puis., Rhus tox., Sulph., Tilia, Ustilago. first, then dark and clotted. Staph. flesh — water like — passing off in the shape of coagula. Stront. fluid blood with clots. Alum., Bufo. Partly fluid, partly clotted. Plat. Serous blood. Graph. first, then clotted. Strontiana. Serum-like. Natr. c. Slimy. Puis. like leucorrhoea. Cubeb. Staining the napkin dark olive-green. Lac can. Stringy. Canth., Croc, sat., Lac can., Plat., Phyto. Thick. Carb. veg., Croc, cact., Croc, sat., Fluor, acid., Graph., Lilium, Magn. c, Magn. s., Nit. acid., Nux m., Nux v., Plat., Puis., Sulph. like tar. Plat, Thin. Dulc, Graph., Kali nitr., Lauroc, Puis., Sabina, Se- cal. cor. Viscid blood mixed with mucus. Lachnanth. Washed out with difficulty. Magn. c. ease, at the close becomes grass-green when wet, dark-green when dry, and smells horribly, the ammonia odor still being present. Lac can. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHCE A. 17 Watery. Alum., Berber., Bovista, Chin., Dulc, Ferr., Gossyp., Kreosot., Natr. a, Phos., Puis., Prunus spi., Sabina, Strain. thin, mixed with black clots. Sabina. Odor of the Menstrual Discharge. Acrid. Amm. c, Carbol. acid., Carb. veg., Silic. at the end of the flow. Kreosot. Anvmoniacal, Lac can. Like lochia. Lilium. Offensive. Bell., Bry., Carlsbad, Caust., Cham, (sometimes), Crocus sat., Graph., Helon., Ignat., Kali c, Kreosot., Lilium, San- guin., Secal. cor., Trill. , horrible, in which ammonia predominates. Lac can. Putrid. Bell., Ignat. Sour. Sulph. Strong. Carb. veg., Silic. as of semen. Strain. Types of Dysmenorrhoea Amenable to Medicinal Treatment. Congestive. Aeon., Aescul. hipp., Apis, Bell., Brom., Bry., Cact. gr., Canth., Caulophyl., Caust., Oimicifuga, Conium, Collin., Croc, sat., Gels., Ham., Helon., Lilium, Nux v., Phyto., Rhus tox., Sanguin., Ustilago, Verat. alb., Verat. ver. Membranous. Bell., Borax, Brom., Bry., Calc c, Canth., Caulophyl., Cham., Cimicifuga, Collin., Graph., Kali bich., Kali nitr., Lac can., Phos., Phyto., Sabina, Ustilago. Neuralgic, spasmodic. Alum., Amm. c, Amyl nitr., Apis, Asarum europ., Aselep. syr., Baryt. c, Bell., Berber., ( Jalc.c, Cannab. ind., Carb. an., Castor., ( laulophyl., Caust., Cham , ( limicifuga, ( !in- nab., ( !occul., ( toff., < lolocynth., Cupr., ( rels., ( Hon., ( rraph., Ham., Helon., Hyoscy., [gnat., Indigo, Kali c, Lach., Lilium, Lobelia, Magn. c, Magn. 8., Moschus, Natr. m., Xux m., Petrol., Phos., Puis., Sabina, Sarsaparilla, Sepia, Sulph., Thuja, Vibur. opul., Kanthoxyl., Zincum. Ovarian, Apis, Bell., Canth*, Graph., Ham., Lac can., Lach., I Istilago. 18 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Remedies adapted to Certain Constitutions, Temperaments, and Other Conditions. Affectionate; lively. Murex purp. Anaemic. Acid, lact., Ars., Calc. c, Carbo veg., Chin., Ferr., Ham., Helon., Kali c, Natr. m., Phos., Puis., Sepia. ; abdomen bloated; narrow chest; flabby, poorly de- veloped muscles ; the bones containing too little phosphate of lime. Calc. c. from loss of vital fluid. China. , pale, delicate, feeling cold all the time. Ledum. Cachectic. Ars., Iod., Secal. cor. Chlorotic. Calc. c, Cupr., Cyclam., Ferr., Helon., Natr. m., Phos., Phos. acid., Silicea. Climacteric period. Bell., Calc c, Crocus sat. (during), Graph., Kreosot., Lach., Nux V. (beginning of), Puis., Sanguin., Sarra- cenia, Sepia, Sulph. near the. Psorin. Corpulency. Anira. c, Calc. c, Graph., Kali bich. in young persons. Calc. c. inclination to. Graph. , light-haired. Kali bich. , sluggish, indolent. Amm. m. Delicate woman of lax fibre. Aletr. f., Aloe., Helon., Iod. chlorotic diathesis. Helon. Dwarfish woman. Baryta c. Gouty woman. Colch. Hair black, and eyes. Nitr. ac. dark. Aeon., Bry., Iod., Kali c, Nitr. acid., Sepia. , and eyes blue. Iod. , firm, rigid muscles. Bry., Kali c. , lean woman. Nitr. acid. and tall woman. Phos. light. Bell., Brom., Coccul., Cyclam., Kali bich., Puis. and eyes blue. Bell., Brom., Puis. , full habit, firm, rigid muscles. Bell., Kali bich. Hysterical woman. Alum., Ars. f., Aurum, Caust., Cimicifuga, Cham., Coccul., Conium., Gels., Guarea, Hyos., Ignat., Lilium, Magn. c, Nux m., Plat. during the climacteric period, if they were never MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHEA. 19 married, nor had children, formerly suffering from profuse and per- haps too early menstruation. Calc. c. Jealous disposition. Lach. Lean woman. Ambr. gr., Iod., Xitr. acid., Phos., Secal. cor., Sulph., Ustilago, Xanthoxyl. ; delicate. Iod. ; scrawny, feeble, cachectic. Argt. nitr., Secal. cor. ; tall. Canth., Phos., Ustilago. with dark hair. Phos. who walk stooping. Sulph. with dark hair. Xitr. acid. Leucophlegmatic temperament. Calc. C, Cyclam. Lymphatic, clear, white skin. Ustilago. Mild, tearful, yielding disposition. Puis. Miserly, stingy, close woman. Cyclam., Puis. Xervous, irritable disposition. Aloe., Senecio, Xanthoxyl. , relaxed, phlegmatic. Aloe. , sanguine temperament. (See Sanguin.) Aram, c, Ar- nica, Coff., Ignat., Murex purp. Old maids. Conium. woman. Ars., Mercur. Phlegmatic, slow. Aloe., Puis. Phthisical woman. Caustic, Phos., Sanguin. Plethoric constitution. Aeon., Arnica, Bell., Bry., Nux v., Sa- bina, Verat. vir. Rheumatic woman. Bry., Calc. phos., Cimicifuga, Phyto., Rho- doden., Rhus tox. Sanguine temperament. (See Xervous-sanguin.) Aeon., Bell. Scrofulous diathesis. Asa. f., Aurum, Baryt. c, Brora., Calc. C, Carb. an., Caust., Conium, Ferr. iod., Hep. s., Iod., Xatr. m., Silic, Sulph. Sedentary life. Aeon., Nux v., Ranuncul. bulb. Sensitive temperament. Arnica, Borax. Sterile (apparently) woman, with rheumatic affections. Phytol. Weakly females, with tendency to congestion of lungs, liver, or head. Sanguin. Widowhood before the climacteric period. Apis. Young girls. Calc. phos., Puis. ; lively, falling in love easily. Ignat. , of sedentary habits. Aeon. 20 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Young girls of full habit. Bell. with tardy develooment. Barvta c. Time and Conditions of Aggravation of Symptoms accom- panying the Menstrual Discharge. After a meal. Ignat. dinner. Nux v., Valerian., Zinc. sleep. Lach. At 3 a.m. Kali c, Nux v., Thuja. — 4 A.M. Ignat., Nux v. — 3 p.m. Bell. — 4 p.m. Lasting till evening. Ignat. — 9 p.m. Bry. — new full moon. Si lie. — night. Aeon., Ignat., Merc., Puis., Rhus tox., Sulph. During rest. Rhus tox., Sabad. From 12 to 1 a.m. Ars. 4 to 6 p.m., indescribable anguish. Carb. veg. 4 to 9 p.m. Lycopod. riding. Lac can. the heat of the bed at night. Ledum., Merc, Sulph. least movement. Bry. In the evening. Puis., Valerian., Zinc. after lying down. Ignat. morning on rising. Ignat., Nux v. When lying down. Bell., Kreosot., Lachnanth. rising. Magn. c. after being long seated. Puis. seated. Natr. c, Tart. emet. after long exercise. Puis. standing a long while. Sulph. Amelioration. From leaning back; removal of clothing; rest. Lac can. movement. Lachnanth. Rhus tax. ; pressure; rubbing. Natr. c, sitting. Aeon. standing. Kreosote. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHEA. 21 CONCOMITANTS. Mind and Disposition. Before Menses. Anxiety. Carb. an., Coccul., Natr. m., Nitr. acid., Nux v., Stan., Sulph., Tarantula. , agitation, occurring incident to or after a fright with sick headache ; hysteria. Gels. with heat and headache. Carbo an. Apprehensiveness — anxious — with restlessness. Conimn . Aversion to work. Agaric, m., Nux v. Biting or tearing things, or disposition to do so. Bell. Cheerfulness. Fluor, acid. Delirium. Bell., Hyos., Lycopod., Verat. alb. with weeping. Lycopod. Dread of any downward motion ; of going down stairs. Borax. fresh air. Nux v. Excitement. (See Nervousness.) Kreosot., Magn. m., Nux V. Fancied to be surrounded by snakes. Lac can. Fear. Sulph. of death. Aeon., Plat., Tarantula. going ou k °f * ne house. Aeon. Frenzy. Aeon., Bell., Hyos. Frightened easily. Bell., Calc. c. Ill-humor. Caust, Cham., Kreosot., Lycopod., Magn. m. Irritable. Nux v. Laughing — excessive — tendency to. Nux in. uninterrupted, loud, hysterical. Hyos. Low-spirited, melancholic. Amm. c, Calc. c, Caust., Con i urn, Cy- clam., Ferr., Lac can., L. V. Deflor., Lycopod., Natr. m., Nitr. acid., Phos., Plat., Puis., Stan. from retarded menses. Cimicifuga. Nervousness. ( 'ale. c. Nervous excitement. (See Excitement.) Crocus sat., Kreosot., Magn. m., Nux v. with anguish and restlessness of the limbs. Magn. c. Nymphomania. Verat. ;il1>. 22 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Restlessness. Aeon., Colocynth., Conium, Kreosot,, Magn. c, Nux v., Sulph. and moaning. Colocynth. Screaming. Cact. gr. Self-confidence — want of. Baryt. c. Sensitiveness — great. Sepia. to external influences, as noise, talking, light, odor, etc. Nux v. Sighing and sobbing, full of suppressed grief. Ignat. as if she would lose her senses. Lycopod. Thoughts — horrifying. Plat. Visions — frightful. Bell. Wants to kiss everybody that comes near her. Verat. alb. Weeping. Cact. gr., Conium, Lycopod., Phos., Plat., Puis. , raving. Lycopod. with a bruised, sore feeling all over the body. Conium. During Menses. Absence of mind. Elaps., Nux m. Anguish — she feels as though she would lose her senses. Plat. , tremor and sweat during the pain. Natr. c. Anxiety, anguish. Aloe., Bell., Calc. c, Canth., Chelid., Cimi- cifuga, Conium, Coff., Ignat., Kali c., Kali hydr., Magn. c, Merc, Mosch., Natr. m., Nitr. acid., Phos., Rhododendron (fits of), Secal. cor., Silic, Tarantula, Zinc. , heat. Carb. an. , heat of the head. Bell. Anxious reveries. Kali c. restlessness, followed by faintness. Calc c. Apprehensiveness. Aeon., Lobelia. Aversion to labor. Aloe., Rhododendron. of any kind, especially mental. Agaric, m. Capriciously cheerful and melancholic. Carb. an. Changeable moods, laughs and weeps alternately. Plat. Confounds the present with the past. Cicuta vir. Confused, cannot collect her thoughts in the morning. Calc. c. Cross, uncivil, especially at the appearance of menses. Cham. Delirium. Aeon., Bell., Ilyos., Lycopod. and rage. Aeon., Hyos. , wants to bite, tries to escape. Bell. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMEN0RRHO3 A. 23 Desire to be alone. Cicuta vir., Elaps, Nux v. Despairing, weeping. Graph. of her salvation. Sulph., Verat. alb. Disturbance of mind. Aeon., Bell., Cham., Coif., Verat. alb. Does not wish to talk or hear others talk. Amm. c, Elaps. think nor to do anything. Senecio. rash and absurd things. Cicuta vir. Dulness. Phos., Nux m. Fancied to be surrounded by snakes. Lac can. Fault-finding. Nux v. Fear. Aloe. of being left alone. Ars., Elaps. death. Aeon., Plat., Tarantula. every person ; staring wildly about. Hyos. Fearfulness. Magn. c, Phos. , expecting something to creep out of every corner. Phos. Grief — full of. Graph. loud. Puis. silent. Ignat. Howling. (See Screaming.) Cicuta vir. Hurried, everything &he does appears to her as too slowly done. Sulph. acid. Improvement of temper. Cyclam., Stam. Inability to think consecutively. Lac can. understand what is read, if any mental effort is re- quired. Lac can. Inclination to commit murder. Merc. Indifference. Rhododendron. ; even towards those she loved. Sepia. Intolerance to noise and light. Ignat., Nux m. Irritable; impatient; outof humor; quarrelsome. Amm. c, Berb., Bry., Cact. gr., Castor., Caust., Cham., Cinnab., Cimicifuga 3 Kali c, Magn. 8., Natr. m., Nux v., Plat., Senecio, Sulph., Zingiber. Jealous. Lach. Lamenting; moaning. Cdlocynth. Lascivious excitement, wants to expose and uncover herself. Hyos, Laughing — convulsive. Cupr. m. -excessive — tendency to. Xux m. Loquacious. Lach., Si nun. — afterwards stupid and irritable. Lachnanth. 24 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Loquacious and bright — extremely. Glon. devout and beseeching. Stram. given to mirth. Crocus sat. Loss of consciousness. China. memory. Amm. c, Lac can., Zinc. Low-spirited ; melancholic. Amm. c, Berb., Brom., Cact. gr.,Calc. c, Caust.. Chelidon., Cimicifuga, Curare, Graph., Ignat., Indigo, Lac can., L. V. Deflor., Lobelia, Mangan., Muriat. acid., Natr. c, Natr. m. (excessive), Petrol., Plat., Plumb., Puis., Sepia, Silic, Zinc. at the beginning of the menses. Plat. , believes she has an incurable disease. Lac can. from suffering. Sarsaparilla. in women with uterine diseases. Plat. on account of an indescribable queer ill feeling all over the body. Brom. terribly — with palpitation of heart and headache every morning on awaking. Natr. m. with weeping. Ignat., Plat., Puis. Mania from profuse menses. Sepia. Moaning. Cicut. vir., Coccul., Colocynth. Nervous, can't bear any noise. Natr. c. distress. Calc. c, Coccul. , excitable. Cimicifuga, Lach., Magn. m., Puis., Senecio. sensibility — excessive. Asar. europ. Nymphomania. Stram. Offended easily, and disposed to weep. Alum. Peevish. Caust., Magn. c. Pride; haughtiness. Plat., Verat. alb. Rage — amorous. Cauth. when menses appear. Aeon. Raving — anxiety, palpitation. Ignat. Restlessness. Aeon., Ars., Calc. c, Canth., Cham., Cimicifuga, Coff., Colocynth., Conium, Gels., Ipec, Kali hydro., Plat., Rhus tox., Secal. cor. at the beginning of menses. Plat. followed by fainting. Calc.c. , starts at the least noise. Hyos. Screaming (see Howling), anxiety, weeping. Plat. Sensitiveness of mind. Cimicifuga. over — as to external influences, as to noise, talk, light, odor, etc. Nux v. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHEA. 25 Sensitiveness — over — as to external influences, as to noise and light. Asarum europ. Sighing; sobbing. Cimicifhga, Coccul., Graph., Ignat., Plat. Talking. (See Loquacious.) Thinks she is a child again. Cicuta vir. going to die. Mosch. Thoughts — horrifying. Plat. Violence in all actions. Cicuta vir. Weariness of life. Aurum, Berber., Merc, Silic. Weeping. (See Low-spirited.) Ars., Conium, Graph., Ignat., L. V. Deflor., Lach., Lycopod., Plat., Puis., Sepia, Thuja. and raving the first day. Lycopod. at the beginning of menses. Lycopod., Plat. , inclined to. Berb., Petrol. , easily offended. Alum. spasmodically. Thuja. After Menses. Anxiety and great weakness. Phos. with interrupted sleep at night, Agaric, m. Exhaustion of mind and body, particularly after the least exer- tion. Alum. Ill-humor. Berberis, Bufo. Low-spirited. Alum. Nervous irritability. Carbol. acid. Weeping. Alum. whining, sobbing. Stram. Head. Before Menses. Buzzing and humming. Kreosot. Congestion. (See Headache.) Eruption — itching — on the forehead, with burning and moisture after scratching. Sarsaparilla. Fulness (and abdomen). Ham. (and chest). Broin., China. heaviness. ( '.■il'-. <•. with chilliness. Gels. Headache; pain in (he head. Aeon., Alum., Bell., Bufo, Calc. C. (a day before tin: menses appear), Calc. phos., Carb. an., Carbo veg., 3 26 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Caust., Chin., Cimicifuga, Cinnab., Cupr. m., Curare, Ferr., Gels., Glon., Graph., Hep. s., Hipporaan., Kali brora., Kreosot., Lac can., L. V. Deflor., Lach., Laurocer , Natr. m., Nitr. acid, Nux m., Ol. an., Petrol., Plat,, Sac lac, Sepia, Silic, Stan., Sulph., Thuja. Headache; aching. Natr. m. extending to the back part, Bell., Sepia. and palpitation. Alum. and toothache. Sulph., Thuja. ; anxiety. Carb. an. as if bursting, and heat (gastric disturbances), which may last even after menses. Natr. m. at the beginning and at the end of menses. Puis. burning — relieved by cold water. Ars. congestive. Aeon., Alum., Apis, Bell., Cact. gr., Cannab. sat., China (chest), Cupr. m., Hep. s., Hipp, m., Gels., Glon. (chest), Merc, Sanguin. (chest), Thuja, Verat. vir. (chest). when waking, with heat in the face and pal- pitation of the heart. Alum. contractive. Hep. s. as if a tape were drawn around the fore- head. Plat, with heat, Merc. gradually increasing to the highest point, and after re- maining for a time, gradually declining. Stan. in forehead, over the root of nose and left temple. Ars. nervous. Cimicifuga, Gels., Graph., Sac lac. especially over the eyes. Cimicifuga. periodical — returning at the same time of day. Ars. pressive and heavy (from retarded menses). Cimicifuga. shooting. Ferr. stinging. Ferr. stitches — singing in the ears. Ferr. stitching — in left side of the head. Calc. phos. throbbing. Bell., Borax, Glon., Lach., Petrol., Sulph. , better from external pressure ; throbbing of the carotids. Bell. , especially in the temples. Cham., Lach. — ; pressing; heat. Petrol. ; tearing. Glon. ; throbbing of the carotids in weakly persons after loss of blood. China. MENSTRUATION AND D YSMENORRHCE A. 27 Headache, violent, ceasing when the flow commences ; but appears again. Alum., Verat. alb. , cannot raise her head from the pillow. Cinnab. through the whole head. Ham. with drawing pain in the nape of the neck. Natr. c. dulness. Cimicifuga. fainting in the morning. Graph. heat. Calc. c, Iod. (pulsating in the neck), Ipec, Kali hydro., Thuja. heat and heaviness. Ignat. nausea, vomiting (sick headache), disappearing as soon as menses appear. Gels. stiffness of the nape of the neck. Natr. c. in the forehead ; cramping sensation at the root of the uose, with a feeling as if she would lose her senses. Aeon. , first on one side, then on the other, two days before menses. Lac can. pressing over the eyes. Bell., Cimi- cifuga, Silic. and tightness over the eyes. Silic # , right side, the day before menses appear, when the pain left the place very cold. Sac. lac. , sensation when stooping as if the eyes would fall out. Brom. — , tearing. Cinnab. , wrenching over the eyes, relieved from motion. Hyperic. in the sides of the — left — shooting pains. Cinnab. , and in the vertex from evening till morning. Ol. an. stitching pains. Calc. phos. and in the vertex. 01. an. right — bade of the orbit. Cimicifuga. Bemilateral. Puis. in the vertex — aching — slight. Nax m. burning. Calc. c, Sulph. throbbing. Lach., Sulph. tearing at night. Laurocer. licit in the. (See Headache.) Calc. c, Thuja. Perspiration on the forehead — cold. Merc, corr., Verat. al 28 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Perspiration on the forehead hot and sticky. Cham. Vertigo. Aeon., Borax, Calc. c, Conium, Graph., Lach., Nux m. Phos., Tarantula, Thuja, Verat. alb. after mental excitement. Nux m. and eructation. Puis. on assuming an upright position. Aeon. closing the eyes. Thuja. g 0U1 g down stairs. Borax. up stairs. Calc. c. perspiration. Verat. alb. unto falling in the morning. Graph. when lying down, and especially when attempting to turn over. Conium. ■ with headache. Lach. At the Beginning of Menses. Headache. Brom., Graph., Hyos., Plat., Puis., Rhododen. and febrile excitement. Rhododen. violent. Graph., Hyos. with nausea and profuse perspiration. Hyos. During Menses. Buzzing and roaring. Brom., Kreosot. Coldness — (see Headache) icy — in and about the. Calc. c. at the vertex — sensation of. Sepia. Confused or clouded feeling. Coccul. Emptiness of the — with great anguish. Natr. m. Eruption of small red pimples on the forehead. Sepia. Flashes of heat. L. V. Deflor. Fulness. Bell., Calc. c. with chilliness. Gels. Headache. Pain in the head. Aeon., Agric. m., Aloe., Alum., Amm. c, Apis, Argt. nitr., Asclep. syr., Bell., Berb., Borax, Bo- vista, Brom., Bry., Bufo, Calc. c, Carb. veg., Cast., Cham., Chin., Cicut. vir., Cimicifuga, Cinnab., Coccul., Conium, Crot. tig., Cubeba, Cyclam., Diadema, Ferr., Gels., Glon., Graph., Hyos., Ignat., Kali bich., Kali c, Kreosot., Lach., Laurocer., Lac can., L. V. Deflor., Lycopod., Magn. c, Magn. s., Natr. c, Natr. m., Nitr. acid., Nux m., Nux v., Phos., Plat., Rhododen., Sac. lac, Sanguin., Sepia, Silic, Stan., Sulph., Verat. alb., Zinc. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHEA. 29 Headache, aching as if the brain were torn or dashed to- pieces. Coff. head would split. Bry., Lycopod., Natr. rn., Sepia. when stooping. Natr. m. under the skull all over the head. Lach. after breakfast — immediately — mostly in the right side, worse from mental exertion, stooping or lying down, followed by great weakness. Lycopod. all over. Borax. alternating with pain in back. Aloe. boring-sticking pains, extorting cries. Sepia. bruised pains above and back of the orbits. Gels. congestion. (See Throbbing.) Aeon, (chest), Apis, Bell., Bry., Cact. gr., Oalc. c, Cannab. sat., Chin, (chest), Elaps, Glon. (chest), Mosch., Natr. m., Nux V., Sanguin. (chest), Sulph., Verat. vir. (chest.) ; darkness before the eyes; loss of con- sciousness. China. ; heat in the vertex. Calc. c, Sulph. ; throbbing pains relieved by pressure; throbbing of the carotids. Bell. ; (throbbing of the caro- tids in weakly persons after loss of blood). China. ■ , stupefying, in the middle of the brain, from early morning until afternoon, worse from mental exertion, stooping, or walking in the open air, better from closing the eyes or lying down. Calc. c. ■ continual, after menses have been suppressed for a length of time. BJiododen. , contractive. Carb. veg. , dragging with drowsiness. Laurocer. , drawing in rays from the neck all over the head. San- guinaria. from the forehead to the occiput, and heavi- ness in the brain all day. Magn. c. dull, constant, stupefying, pressive. Gels. , with stupor and dizziness. Lycopod. extending t<> the face, car, and teeth. Puis. extending to the occiput. Bell., Sepia. 30 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Headache, extending from the occiput to the frontal region ; as if bursting. Sanguin. neck all over the head. Sanguinaria. gradually increasing to its highest point, and after re- maining fur a time, gradually declining. Stan. in spots. Sanguinaria. nervous. Cimicifuga, Gels., Puis. , especially over the eyes. Bell., Graph., San- guin. (right.) , worse by stooping, in the morning, from coffee, tobacco smoke, wine, reading, writing, sunlight, moving the eyes, with intolerance to light; relieved by changing the position, and lying on the painful side. Ignat. pressing. Cimicifuga, Natr. m., Nux v. ■ pain from within outward, with roaring and buzzing. Kreosot. sharp, plunging, stabbing pains (sometimes followed by convulsions). Apis. shifting. Bufo. sick — mostly right side, with sensation as if the eyes were being pushed out. Sanguin. witli obscuration of sight. Puis. ; soreness of the whole head, worse when touched. Mosch. temples especially. Sanguinaria. -, stinging and tension, worse in the open air. Mangan. -, stitching — recovering at short intervals. Lycopod. - tearing and boring. Calc. c. shooting. Berber. throbbing, especially in the left side. Natr. c. in the scalp. Lachnanth. mostly in the morning, relieved in the evening. Verat. alb. throbbing. (See Congestive.) Bell., Borax, Cact. gr., Chin., Glon., Ignat., Lach., Magn. m., Natr. c, Natr. s., Puis., San- guin. (in paroxysms), Sulph. and burning at the vertex. Lach. with rushing in the ears. Borax. toothache. Lach. worse above the eyes ; worse in the morning, and by pressure, better when lying down. Lach. tightness ; prostration ; drowsiness. Phos. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHCE A. 31 Headache ; tightness of the brain, with nausea and giddiness. Gels. violent, as if bursting (gastric derangements). Natr. m. , has to shut the eyes. Carb. veg. (nausea). Lycopod. ; eructation ; especially towards night. Graph. on waking in the morning. Natr. m. worse from motion, has to tie her head. Glon. with buzzing and humming. Borax, Kreosot. chattering of teeth, followed by intense heat and dryness of the lips. Nux v. colicky pains. Carb. veg. dulness. Chelidon.,Cimicifuga, Lycopod., Natr. m. fainting in the morning. Graph. , internal heat and cold cheeks. Natr. m. feeling as from concussion of the brain when moving. Mangan. of enlargement, as if split open with a wedge. Laehnanth. heat in the head; cold cheeks; fainting; heat in the face in the evening. Natr. m. heaviness. Kali C, Magn. C, Magn. S., Mangan., Mosch., Natr. m. and heat. Ignat., Magn. c, Mangan. at the vertex. Calc. c, Sulph. great — only in the morning. Calc, c, Kali c. hunger. Elaps. nausea. Natr. m. and vomiting. Sanguin. toothache. Calc. c, Carb. veg., Graph., ITyos., Kali Cj Lach., Phos., Zinc. vertigo and nosebleed. Lach. when the flow is checked. Aeon., Alum. from morning till evening. Kali c. in the morning. Graph., Kali c, Natr. in., Nux v., Verat. alb. when awaking ( ' palpitai ion of the heart and terrible Badness). Natr. m. afternoon ; with greai debility. Nnx v. evening. Graph., Magn. s. 32 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. A. Forehead — in the — especially : aching in the — and over the root of the nose. Ignat. ■ and temples especially. Gels. Headache as if the eyes would be forced out, can hardly hold the head up. N"ux v. ; dull aching over the orbits. Sepia. , the pains may be like- wise in the side (right) of the head. Bangui n. (right) the pains arise from the nape of the neck, and settle finally in the forehead. Sanguin. fall out when stooping. Brom. ■— everything would be pressed out. Bry. it would burst, with pains in the temples, as if they were screwed together. Lycopod. , worse from motion, opening the eyes, stooping; relieved by pressure or closing the eyes. Bry. constant. Amm. c, Elaps, L. V. Deflor. constrictive, as if a tape were drawn around the fore- head. Plat. drawing from the forehead to the occiput; heaviness in the brain all day. Magn. c. or beating — fine — especially in sensitive young girls. Natr. m. in the afternoon mostly. Sulph. evening, with feeling as if the head would be drawn backward. Zinc. lancinating. Castor, Ratanhia. and desire to lie down. Phos. over the eyes, along the base of the skull to the occiput. Cimicifuga. pressing. Bell., Magn. c, Natr. m., Sepia, Silic, Stan- num, Sulph. , and in the vertex. Castor. temples ; worse on rising and in a warm room; relieved by pressing the forehead together. Apis. , catarrhal. Kali bich., Nux v., Sepia. (discharge of plugs and fetid matter from the nose). Sepia. (gastric derangements). Natr. m. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHEA. 33 Headache; pressing in the frontal bones. Crot. tig. pulling. Magn. c. shooting, lancinating. Ratanhia. , she closes her eyes involuntarily and wants to lie down. Phos. stupefying, oppressive. Calc. c. tearing. Cinnab. ; great sensitiveness of the top of the head. Castor. violently; right side and in the right temple; temporarily relieved by pressure. Natr. c. violent. Plat. with pain over the eyes ; nervous headache. Bell., Graph., Sanguin. (right.) ; over one eye particularly. L. Y. Deflor. ; pressing. Bell. ■ ; gastric derangements. L. V. Deflor. ; throbbing; or on the vertex, or on the right side, with heat in the head on the first day. Lach. B. Occiput — in the — especially: Headache — aching — and all over the head. Bell., Sepia. as from an ulcer or bruise in the brain, worse when lying down. Nux V. coldness — sensation of — ascending from the nape of the neck. Chelidon. commencing in the back part, and spreading all over the head. Gels. pressure and weight, extending to the vertex, better in the afternoon. Carb. an. throbbing and weight in the morning after rising. Magn. in. C. Sides and Temjrtes of the — in the — especially : Headache — as if a nail were driven out through the side of the head ; pressing; relieved by lying on the painful side. Ignat. the eyes would be forced out, especially in t he righl ;~i.le and forehead. Sanguin. boring — worst; from motion, light, noise, or a draft of air. Bell. , left, and shooting in the vertex from evening till night, sometimes in the morning. 01. an. 34 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Headache, left, especially with jerking pains in the left temple, extending into the upper molar tooth. Cast. tearing, throbbing pains. Natr.c. pressing — from within outward. Bry. right, back of the orbit. Cimicifuga. especially in the right temple, from whence it ex- tends into the side of the face. A mm. c. temporal bone. Lach. immediately after breakfast. Lycopod. pulsating, pressing, extending to the neck, which becomes stiff; worse during menses. Lach. , violent pain on the first day, especially in the right temple or over the eyes. Lach. of the forehead and in the temple; vio- lent; temporarily relieved from pressure. Katr. c. semi-lateral. Cicuta vir., Puis., Sepia (nausea and vomiting). with empty risings. Calc. c. Stitching in left side. Calc. phos. tearing, or in the vertex or nape of neck, better at night. Magn. c. tenderness — painful — of the whole left side. Lach. D. Temples — in the— especially (see Sides of the Head) : Headache — as if the temples were screwed together, with a kind of stupor and compression; or as if the forehead would burst. Lycopod. would be crushed — the whole day. Stan num. soreness. Sanguinaria. throbbing. Chelidon., Natr. s., Phos. (left), Stannum. E. Vertex — in the — especially : Headache. Magn. c. as if the top would fly off. Cimicifuga. , burning heat. Calc. c, Phos., Sulph. and throbbing in the head. Lach. coldness. Verat. alb. fulness — and in the throat, with stiffness of neck. Cimicifusra. , heat and heaviness. Sulph. in the evening, which is sensitive to touch. Magn. c. pressing. Calc. c. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHEA. 35 Headache, pressing, and in the forehead. Castor. weight, worse from sounds, even talking. Caet. gr. , as if a nail were driven into it. Nux V. tearing and burning, relieved in the open air. Ratanhia. better at night. Magn. c. only at night. Laurocer., Ratanhia. in general worse from coughing and sneezing. Natr. m. mental emotion ; lying down in the morning in the open air. Nux v. relieved by application of cold water. Aloe., Ars., Sulph. pressure. Bell., Glon. in the open air. Diadema, Puis, only at night. Magn. c. Heat in the. Apis, Bell., Calc. c, Carb. an., Kali hydr., Lycopod., Magn. m. , anxiety. Bell. flushes of. L. V. Deflor. with cool extremities. Arnica. Heaviness of the. (See Headache.) Cicuta vir., Magn. s. with dizziness. Calc. c, Crot. tig. Movements of the — such as twitching, jerking, or throwing the head backward repeatedly. Cicuta vir. Numbness in the brain — sensation of — . Plat. Perspiration — cold — especially on the forehead. Merc, cor., Ve- rat, all). hot and sticky. Cham. on the forehead. Cham., Merc, corr., Phos.,Verat. alb. profuse — and at the upper parts of the body, especi- ally at night. Calc. c. Roaring and buzzing. Cimicifuga, Kreosot. Sensation as of a band around the head. Aeon., Brom., Gels., In- digo, Merc, Spigel., Sulph., Terebinthina. Sensitiveness of the upper part of the head. Castor. Shocks — violent — through the head, arms, and legs. Cicuta vir. Stupefaction. ( lyclam. Veins — distended — in the temples. Sanguin. Vertigo. Aeon., Amy] nitr., Borax, Cact. gr., Calc. c, Caustic, Cicuta vir., Crot. tig., Cyclam., Elaps, Ferr., Gels., Graph., Kali bich., Lach., Mosch., Nux v., Phos., Plat., Sulph., Tarantula, Thuja. 36 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Vertigo, during motion especially. Canst. followed by tightness in the head ; fainting when stand- ing; loss of sight or hearing; heat in the head and pale face. Ly- copod. from congestion of blood to the head. Aeon., Aescul. hipp., Apis, Arnica, Bell., Cact. gr., Calc. c, Glon., Hyos., Iod., Lach., Nux v., Sanguin., Strain. when looking at an object constantly. Caustic, Sarsapa- rilla, Tarantula. intense. L. V. Deflor. in the morning when rising. Aeon., Cauloph., Coccul., Conium, Graph., Hipp, m., Lach., Magn. c, Magn. m., Natr. m., Nitr. acid., Nux v., Phos., Rhus tox., Sepia, Sulph. on attempting to walk, with weakness in the legs, has to lie down again. Phos. unto falling. Graph. so that she falls down. Cicuta vir. , swimming sensation ; dimness of sight; hysterical spasms of chest and larynx. Caulophyl. when assuming an upright posture. Aeon. going down stairs. Borax, Ferr., Stan. up stairs. Borax, Calc. C, Conium, Phos., Silic, Sulph. lying down. Apis, Ars., Cham., Conium, L. V. De- flor., Merc, Nux v., Rhus tox., Thuja. moving the head. Aeon., Aloe., Carb. veg., Coccul., Conium, Glon., Hep. s., Ipec, Kali c, L. V. Deflor., Moschus, Sanguin. rising from a stooping position. Bell., Calc. c, Natr. m., Niccol. with chilliness. Puis. sitting. Sulph. turning the head in bed. Conium, Tcllur. walking. Apis, Ars., Bell., Calc. c, Calc. phos., Co- nium, Ferr., Ipec, Kali c, Lilium, Lycopod., Magn. c, Merc, Nitr. acid., Nux v., Petrol., Phos., Puis., Rhus tox., Sepia, Zinc. with dulness of the head. Crot. tig. headache. Caust., Cyclam., Kali bich., Lach., Phos., Sulph. and nosebleed. Lach. icy coldness of the forehead. Lachnanth, Yerat. alb. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHEA. 37 Vertigo, with inclination to fall backward. Bell., Brom. ■ forward. Alum., Elaps, Cicuta vii\, Graph., Lilium, Mangan. stupefaction. Mosch. After Menses. Congestion ; heaviness ; confusion, and weight. Natr. m. Dulness ; stinging ; cutting. Natr. in. Headache ; pain in the head. Carbol. acid., Kali brom., Lithium. , dizziness. Agaric, m. shooting — recurring at short intervals. Lycopod. stitching. Lycopod., Natr. m. in forehead, and general soreness. Plat. throbbing. Glon. Avorse in the open air. Carb. an. tightness and heaviness as from congestion. Natr. m. with bruised pain evenings at the vertex, which is sen- sitive to the touch. Magn. c. Rush of blood. Thuja Eyes. Before Menses. Dilatation of the. Bell., Lycopod. Heaviness of the. Natr. in. Sensitiveness to light. Nux v. Sight — blurs before the eyes. Bell. clouded. Bell. mistiness. Bell., Cyclam. weakness of. Bell. Weakness — sense of. Cinnab. During Menses. Agglutination of the lids at night. Calc. c. in the morning. Magn. c. Blue margins around the. Phos., Zingiber. Burning. Magn. c, Niccol., Nitr. acid. with dryness. Magn. C., Mangan. Contraction of tin: pupils, followed by considerable dilatation. Cicuta vir. Dark-brown margins around the eyes, Sac lac. 38 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Dilatation of pupils. Bell. Dulness ; dryness. Magn. c. Eyebrows and upper lids are drawn up. Lachnanth. Eyes turned up. Mosch. Heaviness of the. Natr. m. , it is almost impossible to keep them open. Gels. Lachrymation. China, Cinnab., Phytol. in the morning. Calc. c. Ophthalmia. Zinc. Pain — bruised — above and back of the orbit. Gels. , neuralgic — of the right eye. Chelidon. from the pupil of the left eye to the back of the head. Crot. tig. violent. Bell. Photophobia. Elaps, Ignat., Nux v. Pressure in the. Lachnanth. Protrusion of the. China. Redness from excessive pain. Bell. of the vessels. Can nab. ind. Sensation as if the eyeballs were too large. Cimicifuga. Sight — darkness before the. Cyclam., Sepia. double. Cicuta vir. fierce spots before the eyes. Elaps. frightful visions. Rhododendron. in reading, letters run together. Cannab. ind. objects appear too distant, and grow larger on looking at them. Nux m. passing swiftly from left to right, or tossed from below upwards. L. V. Deflor. smaller than they really are. Plat. obscuration of. Cyclam., Graph., Lachnanth., Puis., Sepia. and sick headache. Puis. shortsightedness. Mangan. vanishing of. Mosch. Smarting of the. Castor. Spasmodic closing — frequent. Natr. m. Staring and glistening. Mosch. Swelling of the lids. Apis, Cyclam. upper lids. Kali c. Twitching of the lids. China, Natr. m.. Plat. Weakness — sense of. Cinnab. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHEA. 39 After Menses. Blue circle around the eyes and great exhaustion. Phos. Inflammation of the. Calc. c. Ears. Before Ileuses. Hearing — hardness of. Kreosote. Ringing. Cannab. ind., China, Ferr. Rushing (throbbing in the head). Borax. Sensitiveness to noise or loud talk. Nux v. Singing (stinging headache). Ferr. During Menses. Earache. Aloe., Kali c. and itching in the left ear, relieved by boring. Agric. m pains extending to, and concentrating in the ear from other parts. Mangan. Hearing — hardness of. Calc c, Kreosot., Mangan. Itching, burning, redness of the — (nose, cheeks, fingers, toes) as if frost-bitten. Agric. m. Reports — loud — in the. Mosch. Rhagadcs — burning — on the lobes of the. Magn. c. Ringing. China, Petrol., Verat. alb. Roaring. Ars., Graph., Petrol., Verat. alb. Rushing. Borax, (throbbing in the head), Kreosot. Sensitiveness of hearing. Hyperic, Magn. c. , excessive, cannot bear the slightest noise or sound. Asar. europ. Singing. Petrol. Sticking pain when talking. Mangan. St itches. Kali c. Throbbing. Cannab. ind. preventing sleep. Cact. gr. (throbbing in the pit of stomach.) Nose. Before Menses. Bleeding. Bry., Digital, Lach., Natr. s., Sulph., Verat. nib. Sensitiveness to strong odors. Nu: X V. 40 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. During Ilenses. Bleeding. Aeon., Bry., Natr. s., Sulph. Coryza. Alum., Aram, c., Graph., Kali C, Magn. C. (at the beginning). , cough, fever. Graph. , dry ; nose stopped up at the beginning of menses. Magn. c. , fluent. Alum. Discharge of plugs — fetid. Sepia. (Pressure in the forehead.) Itching, burning, redness of the — as if frostbitten. Agaric, m. Sensitiveness to every smell from cooking. Sepia. strong odor. Nux v. Sneezing frequently. Magn. c. After Ilenses. Itching of the. Sulph. Face. Before Ilenses. Eruption — pimply. Graph. freckles. Thuja. Erysipelas of the left cheek. Lach., Stram. Exhausted look. Zingiber. Heat when awaking; headache ; palpitation. Alum., Thuja. Neuralgic pains. Magn. c, Sulph. , right side, driving her out of bed. Magn. c. Pain in the malar bone, especially when touched. Stannum. Paleness. Amm. c, Ferr. (and lips), Puis., Senecio. Redness. Bell., Gels., Natr. m., Thuja, Verat. vir. and bloated ness. Bell., Verat. vir. dark. Gels. Swelling of the cheeks. Baryt. c, Kali c, Phos. Yellowness, especially on the temples. Caust. During Menses. Cheeks cold ; headache ; heat in head ; fainting ; hot face in the evening. Natr. m. , paleness of one, the other red. Cham. , redness of the right, without heat ; paleness of the left, with heat. Mosch. , itching, burning, as if frostbitten. Agaric, m. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHCE A 41 Coldness, creeping, and numbness — sensation of — in the whole right side. Plat. Cold and blue. China. Color — bluish. Lacknanth. at the end of menses. Verat. alb. cold. China. with gnashing of the teeth. Verat. alb. earthy. Mosch. livid. Kreosot. pale. Aeon., Amm. c, Apis, Calc. c, Castor., Cham., Cicuta vir., Cyclain., Erigeron, Ferr., Glon., Ipec, Lachnanth., Lycopod., Magn. c, Magn. m., Puis., Senecio, Zinc. ; bloatedness. Calc. c. suddenly appearing on rising. Aeon. wax color. Apis. with sunken face. Mangan. sweat. Mosch. redness and bloatedness. Aeon., Bell., Cact. gr., Cham., Elaps, Verat. vir. fierce, suffused. Bell, (in young girls of full habit), Cham., Ferr. hot. Sanguin. spotted. Sulph. yellow. Caust., Chelidon. Eruption. Nux m. itching — on the forehead. Sarsaparilla. Erysipelas of left cheek. Lach., Strain. one cheek. Graph. Flushes of heat. L. V. Deflor., Sulph. Forehead — icy coldness of the — and perspiration. Verat. alb. with vertigo. Lachnanth. Lips pale. Cyclam., Ferr. and ears, especially in the morning. L. V. Deflor. Pain. ( 'ale. c. , aching. Sulph. in the malar bone, particularly when touched. Stan. muscles when moving them. Stan. neuralgic; prosopalgia. Caust., Mezer. 1 right side, driving her nut of (lie bed. Ars., Magn. c. , violent. Ars., (ham., Magn. C., Sulph. 4 42 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Pain ; scraping faceache. Natr. m. Swelling; puffed. Calc. c., China, Lachnanth. of cheeks. Baryta c. After Menses. Erysipelas of left cheek. Stram. Paleness. Natr. m. Swelling of the cheeks. Phos. Yellowish color. Natr. m. Mouth. Before Ileuses. Accumulation of water with spasms of the stomach. Puis. Saliva — bloody. Natr. m. increase of. Cinnab. Breath very offensive, foul. Sepia. During Menses. Accumulation of water. Agric. m., Magn. c, Natr. c, Nux m., Nux v., Phytol., Puis. with sensitiveness of the stomach. Nitrum. Breath very offensive, foul. Merc, Sepia. Burning of the palate as if raw and sore. Natr. s. Dryness — great. Mosch. and lips. Bry. , tongue and throat. Nux m. Lips dry, parched, with shrivelled skin. Mangan. pale. Cyclam., Ferr. Running of water from the mouth with pressure in the stomach. Nux m. spasms of the stomach, at night. Puis. Saliva — bloody. Natr. m. hot with eructations. Mosch. Taste. Before Menses. Foul and foul odor. Sepia. Sweetish — rising from the stomach to the mouth. Natr. m. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHGE A. 43 During Menses. Acid. Lycopod. Bad — extremely — in the morning. Puis. Bitter. Chelidon. Flat. Magn. c. Foul. Kali c, Mosch., Sepia. (Foul odor.) Nothing tastes good. Puis. Perverted. Cicuta vir. Salty. Merc. viv. Sour. Calc. a, Lycopod. Sweetish — rising from the stomach to the mouth, with qualmish- ness. Natr. m. Tongue. Before or during Menses, or in both stages. Burning and red-spotted. Merc. viv. Coated, worse in the morning. Lycopod. Dryness — at times so much so, that it adheres to the roof of the mouth, especially after sleeping. Nux m. , redness and burning ; salty taste. Merc. viv. Numbness — as if it had gone to sleep. Nux m. Pale-red. Gels. White. Aeon., Bry., Chelidon. Yellow. Aeon. at the sides, with a red streak in the middle. Verat. vir. Yellowish. Cham., Chelidon. white. Gels. Teeth. Before Menses. Toothache. Amm. c, Ars., Baryta c, Cham., Sepia, Sulph., Thuja. with boring in the temples. Antim. crud. swelling of (he gums. Baryta c. At the Beginning of Menses. Toothache. Puis. with wakefulness. Agrio. m. During Menses. i lhattering of the- — in the evening. Natr. c. Dulness of the. Merc. viv. 44 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Gnashing of the — bluish color of the face. Verat. alb. Grinding of the. Cicuta vir. at the end of menses. Verat. alb. Looseness; soreness; some of the teeth feel as if too long. Merc. viv. Toothache. Agric. m., Aram, c, Ars., Baryta c, Bell., Bovista, Calc. C, Garb, veg., Cham., Coff., Cubeba, Graph., Hyos., Kali c, Lach., Mangan., Merc., Natr. m., Nitr. acid., Phos., Puis., Rhododen., Sepia, Zinc. and headache. Calc. c, Carb. veg., Graph., Hyos., Kali c. ; Lach., Phos., Zinc. swelling of the gums. Baryta c, Nitr. acid. at the beginning and at the end of menses. Puis. boring in decayed teeth. Calc. c. commencing during a meal. Phos. lancinating, tearing, especially when in the open air. Natr. m. throbbing. Bell., Glon. violent, going suddenly from one place to another, up into the ears. Mangan. After Menses. Toothache. Bry., Calc. c, Cham., Phos., Rhododen., Sabina, Thuja. as if the teeth would burst open. Sabina. shooting and drawing, day and night. Calc. c. Gums. Before Menses. Swelling. Baryta c, Phos. with pricking. Kali c. During Menses. Pale. Cyclam., Merc. viv. Scorbutic. Merc. viv. Sickly color. Merc. viv. Swelling. Baryta c, Merc, viv., Nitr. acid., Phos. Throat and (Esophagus. Before Menses. Constriction in the — before expectoration. Digit. Globus hystericus. Con i urn. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHEA. 45 Xoise — audible — when swallowing water. Cupr. m. Soreness — always. Magn. c. Swelling and tension. Iod. During Menses. Burning in the fauces. Mosch. Choking as from hasty swallowing. Chelidon. Constriction of the fauces. Chelidon, Laurocerasus. sensation of. Cact. gr. Deglutition — painful. Calc. c. Dryness of — (mouth and tongue). Nux m. Globus hystericus. Conium. Inability to swallow, the throat seems to be closed. Cicuta vir. Noise — audible — when swallowing water. Cupr. m. Roughness of the — inducing cough, especially in the morning. Castor. Sensation as if the throat were tied round the larynx with a nap- kin. Chelidon. Sore throat. Magn. c, Sulph. Appetite. Before Menses. Desire for acids. Ars. Great, voracious. Lac can., Magn. c. Thirst. Cupr. m., Kali c. for cold water. Aeon. , with audible noise when swallowing water. Cupr. m. Thirstlcssness. Puis. with heat all over. Conium. Want of. Amm. c, Bell., Brom., Cupr. m. During Menses. Aversion to broad. Natr. m. food. Aletr. f, Bell., Bry., Mosch. meal. .Aloe, Calc. c. sail. Graph. warm food. Calc. c. Desire and craving for coffee, feels better after it. Lach. dainties, ('ale. c. milk, wbiofa agrees; feels better after it Lach. 46 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Desire and craving for salt. Natr. ra. stimulants. Mosch. Food tastes bitter. Bry. sour. China, Nux v., Puis. Great, voracious, insatiable. Lan. can. (can never get enough), Lycopod., Sac. lac. Satiety — sense of — the least quantity satisfies. Lycopod. Thirst. Bell., Bry., Cham., Cupr. m., Kali c, Lachnanth., Ni- trum, Verat. alb. and diarrhoea. Verat. alb. great — for icy drinks. Verat. alb. large quantities of water. Bry. with audible noise when swallowing water. Cupr. m. heat and restlessness. Kali c. Thirstlessness. Cyclam. Want of. Cyclam., Gossyp., Lycopod., Magn. c, Puis. Stomach. (See Epigastrium, under Abdomen.) Before Menses. Bleeding from the. Puis. Cramps ; spasms. Bell., Cupr. m., Lach., Puis., Sepia, "Viburnum opul. , typic spasms extending into the chest, with nausea and vomiting. Cupr. m. with running of water from the mouth, especially at night. Puis. vomiting. Cupr. m., Puis. Cravings. Spong. Empty, weak feeling, goneness at the pit of. Ignat. Eructation. Chin., Kali c, Kreosot., Lach., Magn. c. after a meal. Bry. foamy. Kreosot. not relieving the feeling of fulness and distension. China. sour. Kali c. sweetish in the morning. Natr. m. ; vertigo. Puis. Fulness and distension — feeling of — not relieved after eructation. China. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHGE A. 47 Heartburn; waterbrash. Nux m., Nux v., Sulph. , with pressure. Nux m., Nux v. Nausea. Bufo, Cimicifuga, Coccul., Cupr. ac., Cupr. m., Hedeoma, Hvos., Ipec. (constant), Magn. a, Natr. ni., Nux v., Puis., Sepia, Tart, emet., Verat. alb. and sickness from the sight of food. Mosch. at the stomach. Arnica, in the morning, with chilliness and fainting spells. Nux v. , great sensitiveness to any odor from cooking. Sepia. , with desire to vomit. Puis. Pain from the — to the small of the back, where it becomes stitch- ing. Borax. , gastralgia. Puis. , pressing. Lach. , indefinite. Magn. c. Qualmishness, with sweetish taste rising into the mouth. Natr. m. Regurgitation of white insipid froth. Kreosot. Ketch ing. Cupr. ac. Spasms. (See Cramps.) Vomiting. Cham., Cupr. ac, Cupr. m., Kreosot., Natr. m., Nux v., Puis., Verat. alb. of her meals. Bry., Cham. mucus. Kreosot., Puis., Tart. emet. small quantities of frothy substances. Cupr. ac. sour. Calc. c, Nux v., Puis. (violent headache in the morning). Natr. m. with spasms of the stomach. Puis. At the Appearance of Menses. Nausea. Hyos., Verat. alb. Vomiting. Amm. c, Puis., Verat, alb. During Menses. Commotion in all directions — sensation of. Crocus sat. I digestion, weak. ( larb. an. Distension. Calc. <•., Coccul., Thuja. , cannot bear anything tight around the waist. Calc. c. ; cramps. Coccul. Eructation. Are., Carb. an., Cham., Chin. Graph., Kali <■., Kali hydr., Mosch. Nit. acid., Phos. 48 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Eructation, bitter. Kali c. empty. Caulophyl. ineffectual. Carb. an. not relieving the sense of fulness and distension. China. sour (vomiting). Lycopod., Phos. ; bitter; vertigo, with a swimming sensation; dim- ness of sight; hysterical spasms of chest and larynx. Caulophyl. with cramp and pain in the abdomen. Nitr. acid. hot saliva in the mouth. Mosch. Fulness — sensation of — after eating, with nausea. Kali c. the least quantity of food. Lycopod. at the pit of the stomach. Lachnanth. up into the chest. Natr. s. Hiccough. Lachnanth. Nausea. Asclep. syr., Arnica, Bell., Borax, Bry., Calc. c, Canth., Capsic., Cham., Chelidon., Cimicifuga, Coccul., Cupr. acet., Cupr. m., Graph., Hyos., Ipec., Kali bich., Kali c, Kali hydr., L. V. Deflor., Lobelia, Lycopod., Magn. c, Mosch., Natr. c, Natr. m., Nux v., Phos., Puis., Sepia. after eating, with sensation of fulness in the stomach. Kali c. at night. Puis. cannot sit up on account of it. Bry., Coccul. constant. Ipec. from the sight of food. Mosch. smell of cooking. Sepia. in epigastrium. Arnica. the morning. Graph., Natr. m., Nux v., Puis., with chilliness and fainting spells. Nux v. Sepia ; loathing, with great prostration. Natr. c. violent, obliging her to lie down, especially when rising up in bed. Phos. with ineffectual straining to stool. Calc. c. inclination to vomit, in the morning and evening, but inability to do so. Mosch. pressure in the epigastrium. Capsic. severe headache in the morning. Natr. m. vomiting — after eating and drinking. Ars. and cramps. Puis. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHEA. 49 Nausea, with vomiting ; she is scarcely able to raise herself in bed on account of it. Coccul. weakness and trembling. Graph. Oppression. Mosch. sudden — she has to loosen her dress. Zinc. Pain in the — after eating, in weakly woman. Mangan. burning (and pressing). Ars., Cicuta vir., Cupr. m., Xux v., Phos. , rising up into the chest. Mangan. contractive. Phos. cramps. Coccul., Cupr. m., Puis. and distension. Coccul. , nausea and vomiting. Puis. , running of water from the mouth at night; nausea. Puis. in the epigastrium, as if everything would be torn to pieces. Graph. extending into the small of back. Borax. from the pit of the — clown to the sacrum. Sarsaparilla. to the hypogastrium, sides of abdomen, and back ; stinging, cutting. Ars. back. Borax. — small of the back, when it becomes stitching. Borax. uterus and back. Hedeoma. gnawing, relieved by eating. Chelidon. griping — in the pit of — towards the small of the back. Sar- saparilla. indefinite. Sepia. pinching. Phos. pressing. Capsic, Caust., Cicuta vir., Cupr. m., Kali hvdr., Nux in., Nux v., Thuja. and burning. Ars., Cicuta vir., Cupr. in., Nux v. as from a stone. Ars., Bry., Nux v. with desire to vomit. Kali hydr. running of water from (he mouth ; especially at night. I 'uls. pressure as from a weight. Calc. c. in th< — abdomen, groins, back, bead, teeth, and limbs. Sepia. Qualmishness, with sweetish taste rising to the mouth. Xatr. m. Retching. ( lupr. m. 50 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Retching; pressing. Thuja. Sensitiveness of the — collection of water in the mouth. Nitrura. Trembling — internal. Argt. nitr. Uneasiness and depressed feeling at the pit of. Gossyp. Vomiting. (See Nausea.) Aram, c, Amm. m., Amyl nitr., Antim. crud., Carl), veg., Cham., Cupr. ac, Cupr. m., Graph., Ignat., Kali c, Lycopod., Mosch., Natr. m., Nux v., Phos., Puis., Sepia, Yerat. alb. ; diarrhoea. Amm. c, Amm. m. , with cold sweat, especially on the forehead. Verat. alb. pressure and contraction in the back. Amm. m. in the morning especially. Graph. inclination but inability to — in the morning and even- ing. Mosch. of her meals. Bry., Cham. slimy. Puis., Tart. emet. sour. Calc. C, Lycopod., Nux v., Phos., Puis. with spasms of the stomach. Puis. ; typical ; extending into the chest. Cupr. ac. weak, empty feeling at the pit of the stomach. Ignat. Waterbrash . Nitr u m . After Menses. Bleeding from the. Puis. Cramps. Bell., Borax, Kali c. awaking her at night, with coldness of the stomach. Kali c. in the — and back, followed by vomiting. Borax. Gastralgia, with heaviness from the right groin or liver region to the shoulderblade. Borax. Abdomen. A. REGION OF THE LIVER. Before Menses. Pains in the — abdomen and back. Puis. indefinite. . Digital., Nux m., Nux v., Puis. stitches. Conium. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHEA. 51 During Menses. Pains in the. Aloe., Bufo, Mosch., Nitr. acid., Nux m., Phos. acid. contraction in the hypochondria. Bufo. pressure, heat, and tension. Aloe. stitching. Mosch. violent. Nitr. acid. After Menses. Pressing — extending into the right shoulderblade, right groins, with ffastralgia. Borax. B. REGION OF THE SPLEEN. Before Menses. Pains indefinite or cramplike. Sulph. stitches. Bufo. C. REGION OF THE UMBILICUS. Before Menses. Pains as though the intestines were drawn into a lump. Sepia. digging and clawing, followed by a whitish leucorrhoea. Kreosot. extending towards the uterus; nausea. Ipec. griping. Kreosot. During Menses. Pains — cutting. Ipec., Kreosot. , ceasing by emitting flatus. Magn. c. drawing from the — into the legs, with pressure in the abdo- men. Xux m. extending towards the uterus ; nausea. Ipec. shooting and lancinating. Berber. — - spasmodic contractions, with colic. Chelidon. After Menses. Pain and soreness — with greenish-yellow stools. Sac. lac. pinching. .Magn. c. 52 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. D. HYPOGASTRIUM AND EPIGASTRIUM. (See Uterine Region; Uterus; Stomach.) Before Menses. Bloatedness and swelling. Arundo maurit., Coccul., Conium, Cydam., Hep. s., Kreosot., Lycopod., Nux v. sensitiveness to pressure. Calc. c. as from pregnancy. Kreosot. Boiling, waving in the epigastrium. Petrol. Fermentation — great. Phos. Flatulence. Coccul., Ferr., Lac can., Lycopod. Flatus — incarceration of. Sepia. Fulness. Ham. (and brain.) , heaviness and tension. Caulophyl. Heaviness, with pain as from a stone. Puis. Jumping, bounding, rolling, as if from something alive. Crocus sat Motion — sensation of. Crocus sat., Ferr., Sabina. Pains as if menses would appear, especially at night, Sanguinaria. , burning. Ars., Canth., Carb. veg., Natr. m. ; colic. Amm. c, Ars., Baryt, c, Bell., Bufo, Cact. gr., Calc. C, Calc. phos., Carb. veg., Caulophyl., Caust., Cham., China, Chin, sulph., Cimicifuga, Cinnab., Coccul., Coff., Colocynth., Cupr. m., Digital., Ferr., Graph., Hyos., Ignat., Ipcc, Kali c, Kreosot., Lach., Laurocer., Magn. c, Merc, Natr. m., Nitrum, Nux v., Phos., Puis., Senecio, Sepia, Spong., Sulph., Verat, vir., Viburnum opul. at night. Calc. c. stool. Alum. and great congestion to the uterus ; strangury. Verat. vir. beginning in the left ovary. Lach. causing her to cry out loud and to weep; pains periodically, mostly in the evening. Cact. gr. cramps. Caulophyl., Cham., Cinnab., Coccul., Colocynth., Cupr. m., Graph., Ignat, Kali c, Natr. m., Nux v., Plat., Puis., Viburnum opul. causing her to double up; often worse after eating or drinking. Colocynth. drawing from the hypogastrium into the back. Carb. veg. driving her to despair. Coff. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHCE A. 53 Pains ; colic ; driving her to despair ; external warm applications give relief. Ars. extending into the chest. Cupr. m., Graph. with pressing towards the groin. Chin, sulph. in hypogastrium and sides ; violent. Nitr. acid. cutting. Cham., Digital., Kali c, Lach., Natr. c, Xutr. m., 01. an. — — , burning, tearing. Natr. m. in the groins and back. Senecio. and small of back. 01. an. ; limbs clammy. Lilium. ; sharp pains as from sharp stones, with every motion. Coccul. from left to right, with con- stunt nausea. Ipec. drawing. Caustic. into the thighs. Cham. from morning till night. Carb. veg. griping. Amm. c, Graph. — and rumbling. Bufo, Gale, phos., Kali c, Lycopod. tearing, extending into the chest. Cupr. m., Graph. . } with pressing towards the groin. Chin, sulph. violent, causing her to double up. Cimi- cifuga, Colocynth., Dioscorea. in the afternoon. Laurocer. , especially with eructations afford- ing no relief. ( Ihina. tearing. Cinnab. with backache. ( iaust. stitching pain in the pelvic region. Nux v. swelling of the limbs. Baryt. c. vomiting. Puis. cramplike sensation. Kali c. drawing. Carb. veg., t Crocus sat., Xn.\ v., Plumb., Staphis. from th< — to the back. Plumb. indefinite. Alum.. Amm.c.,Cupr., [od., Lycopod., Petrol., Sepia. 54 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Pains in the — and back. Amm. a, Nux v. and liver. Puis. labor-like; bearing down. Aeon., Apis, Asclep. syr., Bell., Bovista, Cham., China, Cimicifuga, Cina, Conium, Cyclam., Digital., Ferr., Gels., Hyos., Lach., Lac can., Magn. c, Mosch., Muriat. acid., Nux v., Plat., Rhus tox., Sabadilla, Sepia, Thuja, Ustilago. and in the back. Digital., Magn. c, Nux v. , dragging; with sensation as if the contents would burst out above the pubes. Lac cau. frequent, as though the menses would appear. Cina. , intermittent ; from the sacrum to the hypogas- trium. Asclep. syr. painful. Bovista, Plat., Sabadilla, Sepia. , which obliges her to cross her limbs ; pro- . Sepia. the night before the menses appear. Cyclam. - violent. Aeon., Apis, Bell, Cham., Lach., Mosch. , as if everything would protrude from the vagina. Bell. , worse when standing or walking. Conium. followed by a scanty discharge of dark bloody mucus. Apis slight flow. Lach. she doubles herself up to get relief, but cannot obtain it in any position. Aeon. with colic and sensation as if menses would appear in a few hours. Crocus sat. with cutting, pinching, pressing, and frequent de- sire to urinate. Alum. diarrhoea. Bovista. pulling in the back and sides. Hyosc. worse in case of uterine dislocation. Conium. left ovarian region. Lach. pinching. Lamium alb. continues in the iliac region. Coff. three days before menses. Hyperic. pressure. Nux m. downwards. (See Labor-like pains.) upwards, over mons veneris. Calc. phos. shooting. Kali c. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHCE A . 55 Pains shooting all over the abdomen. Lac can., Sac. lac. and darting from — into the chest. Cupr. ac. soreness across the pubes. Nux v. stitches. Borax (in the uterine region), Brorn. straining and warmth, with sleeplessness. Cyclam. tearing. Natr. m. tenderness, cannot bear the weight of hands or clothes. Lac can., Lach. — of the hypogastric region. Cimicifuga. throbbing in the hypogastrium. Aescul. hipp. twisting — moving about, with nausea. Nux v. with faintness. Sepia. Rumbling and griping. Bufo, Calc. phos., Kali c, Lycopod. Spasms. (See Colic-cramps.) At the Beginning of Menses. Cholera-like symptoms. Amm. c. Pain — colic — cutting. Graph. ■ pinching. Plat. without diarrhoea. Caustic. cramps. Brom., Calc. c, Viburnum opul. and spasmodic pains, some hours after the appearance of menses, leaving the parts sore. Brom. in the loins, through the hypogastric region and down the thighs, followed by the appearance of menses. Sanguin. laborlike and pinching. Plat. with severe pressing down and pulling in the gen- ital-. Mosch. tearing, on the first day. Lach. violent, drawing, pressing, ceasing at the appearance of the flow. Mosch. in the lumbar region, preventing her to breathe freely. A -arum europ. During Menses. Bloatedness ; distension ; swelling. A Inc., Alum., Berber., ( !arb. an., Coccul., ( Irocus sat., I [ell., Kali <•., Kreosot., Lac can., Lycopod., Xatr. c, Niccol., Nitr. arid. and hardness, [gnat. rumbling. Aloe., Kali C, Kreosot., Lac can., Lycopod, 56 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Bloatedness and rumbling, mostly in the left side. Lac can., Lycopod. 7 as though the bowels would burst. Nux v. , cutting and contracting pain, on every motion and every breath. Coccul. painful — in the morning relieved by diarrhoea. Xatr. c. sensation of — and fulness — not relieved by eructa- tion. China. with feeling as if it were boiling in the abdomen. Lachnanth. • with diarrhoea. Alum. — — and colic. Natr. c. hardness. Ignatia. ; sensitiveness to deep pressure, which causes nausea. Lac can. ■ ineffectual attempt to raise wind. Garb. an. Boiling — sensation of— with feeling of distension of the abdomen. Lachnanth. Commotion. Nux m. Constriction — sense of — and of something ascending toward the stomach, which makes her think she will vomit. Cocc. cact. Contraction as if bound. Cact. gr. Fermentation. Phos. with frequent discharge of flatus. Lycopod. Flatulence — profuse. Brom., Cubeba, Kreosot., Lycopod., Man- gan., Magn. c. Fulness. Ham. (and in the brain.) and pressure as if the bowels would burst. Coff. at the epigastrium. Bry. Gurgling as if water running out of a bottle. Aloe. Hardness. Xatr. m. feels as if it would burst ; relief from leaning back. Lac can. Heat. Graph. Heaviness. Natr. m. and pressure over the pubes in any position. Baryta c. Jumping, bounding, rolling, as if from something alive. Croc. sat. Motion in the— sensation of. Croc, sat., Ferr., Phos. Pain. Alum., Amm. c, Iod., Petrol., Phytol., Silic. all day in the left side of pelvis. Sac. lac. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHEA. 57 Pain all over the — making it almost impossible to stand. Sac. lac. and intense distress in the lower part of — not relieved by any position. L. V. Deflor and in the back. Thuja. ■ and loins. Amm. m., Nux v., Secal. cor. thighs. Magn. m. small of back. Brom., Baryt. c, Magn. c. continuing all night ; flow worse at night. Amm. m. as if the abdominal viscera w r ere drawn downwards. Plat. parts were torn. Caustic. ; bruised feeling. Sulph. across the pubes. Nux v. burning. Ars., Canth., Carb. veg. cannot bear anything around the hypochondria. Calc. C, Lycopod., Nux v. ; colic. Aletr. f., Aloe., Alum., Amm. C, Ars., Aurum, Baryt., Bell., Borax, Bovista, Brom., Cact. gr., Calc. c, Canth., Carb. an., Carb. veg., Caulophyl., Caust., Cham., Chelidon., China, China sulph., Cimicifuga, Cinnab., Coccul., Coff., ColoCynth., Co- nium, Crocus sat., Cubeba, Curare, Digital., Dioscorea, Ferr., Grana- tum, Graph., Hipp, m., Hyos., Ignat., Ipec, Iod., Kali C, Kali hydr., Kreosot., Lac can., Lach., Macrotin, Magn. c, Merc, Mil- lefol., Murex purp., Muriat. acid, Natr. c, Natr. m., Natr. s., Niccol., Nitr. acid., Nitrum,Nux v., Oleander, 01. an., Opi., Petrol., Phos., Plat., Puis., Sac. lac, Sarsaparilla, Secal. cor., Senecio, Sepia, Sulph., Verat. vir., Xanthoxyl., Zinc. ■ and great congestion to the uterus; strangury. Ve- rat. vir, as if everything would be torn to pieces. Graph, the intestines were strung up in knots by threads; Bitting gives relief. Sulph. beginning in the left ovary. Lach. causing a suppression <»r cessation of menses, but they reappear as soon as the paroxysm is over. Plumb. cramplike; spasmodic. Aloe., Amm. c, Brom., < !aulophyl.,< 'liin., Cham., ( limicifuga, < !innab , Coccul., Colocynth., Conium, Graph., Ignat., Natr. m., Nitr. acid, Nux m., Nux v., Puis., Sabina, Sulph., Viburnum opul., Zinc , as if the bowels would burst, with eructa- tions ami constant desire to move about. Nitr. acid. 58 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Pain; colic; cramplike; causing her to bend double, with great restlessness, moaning, and lamenting, coming at intervals, frequently worse after eating and drinking. Colocynth. (Dioscor.) , constrictive, in the uterine region. Cact. gr. contraction, with subsequent soreness for hours after the menses has appeared. Brorn. , griping. Graph. , hysterical. Mosch. (in chest). China, Coff., Cupr. m., Graph. in hypogastrium. Cimicifuga, Natr. m., low down in the abdomen ; constriction in ; sharp, cutting. Nitr. acid, Zinc. the bowels. Nux m. Colocynth. -, pressing. Magn. c. -, stitching pains in the pelvic region. Nux v. -, tearing. Cinnab. - violent. Amm. c. , as if cut with knives. Lach. squeezing pain in the uterine region, down through the thighs. Kali hvdr. with feeling of knotting up the bowels. Sulph. nausea and vomiting. Puis. pressing at the vulva. Plat. shivering and nausea. Nux v. cutting. Amm. c, Ars., Bant, c, Calc. c, Caust., Carb. veg., Coccul., Digital., Ferr., Iod., Kali c, Kreosot., Lach., Natr. c, Natr. m., Ol. an., Phos., Senecio. also in the back. Ol. an. contractive — on every motion and every breath ; bloated abdomen. Coccul. , from the epigastrium into the hypogastrium and the sides of the abdomen and back. Ars. , grinding in the back and groin. Senecio. , griping in the back. Calc. c. , sharp, as from sharp stones, from every motion ; even while sitting; parts tender to touch. Coccul. , from left to right ; constant nausea. Ipec. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHEA. 59 Pain; colic; cramplike, stitching. Kali c. ■ tearing. Secal. cor. violent, as if cut with knives ; pain in back and vomiting. Phos. ■ with tearing in back and loins. Caustic. from flatulence, in weak emaciated persons. Aletr. f. the stomach to the inguinal region. Borax. griping and pinching. Borax, Chin, sulph., Cimi- oifaga, Graph., Plat., Sarsaparilla. pressing in the abdomen and groin as if the contents would be pressed out. Kali C. tearing, extending to the chest. Chin. sulph. in the afternoon, particularly with eructations with- out relief, and a sensation of fulness and distension of the abdomen. China. ■ preceded by great congestion and strangury. Ver. alb. violent. Graph., Phytol. , causing her to bend over. Opi. cry out loud and to weep; the pains come periodically, mostly in the evening. Cact. gr. , driving her to despair. Coff. , external warmth af- fords relief. Ars. blades. A ram. c. in the loins and lower abdomen. Xanthoxyl. with pain and tension between the shoulder- ■ extending into the groins and thighs. Kali liv.l. the sides. Phos. and thighs. Nitrum. restlessness — extreme, tossing about in every direction. Puis. when tin' blond ceases to Sow especially. Carb. sreg. with diarrhoea. Alum. and nausea; menses pale. Phos. ami distension. Natr. «■. labor-pains great. Sepia. prolapsus of the rectum. Annuo m. worse from drinking cold milk. Kali hydn in a close, warm room. Puis. 60 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Pain, contractive. Ignat. in the hypogastrium, relieved by walking in the open air. Con in m. cramplike drawing in the hypogastrium, extending into the back. Carb. veg. drawing. Carb. veg., Crocus sat., Nux jugl., Plumb., Staph., Strain. downward the abdominal viscera. Plat. as if caused by a stone. Coccul. cutting, pressing from behind forward. Helon. from the abdomen to the small of the back. Carb. veg. with meat depression of spirits. Plumb. side of the — to the groin. Plat. in the — and in extremities. Stram. the pelvis, as if squeezed or pressed by a stone. Aram. c. extreme — as to drive her to desperation. Coff. griping in the hypogastrium. Sarsaparilla. in the — with pains in the back. Amra. m., Thuja. , groins, head, teeth and limbs. Sepia. and loins. Amm. m., Kali c, Nux v., Secal. cor. thighs. Magn. m. left hypogastrium, the loins, down the thighs. Sanguin. epigastrium, as if everything would be torn to pieces. Graph. upper abdomen on motion and while sitting, as if the inner parts were suffering from sharp pressure of a stone ; the parts are painful to touch. Coccul. laborlike ; bearing down. (See Pain, pressing — Uterine re- gion — Uterus.) Aeon., Agaric, m., Ant. crud., Amm. c, Argt. nitr., Asafcet., Asclep. syr., Aurum, Bell., Berb., Borax, Cham., Chin, sulph., Cimicifuga, Conium, Crocus sat., Elaps, Ferr., Graph., Hyos., Ignat., Lach., L. Y. Deflor., Macrotin, Mangan., Magn. c, Mosch., Natr. c, Natr. m., Nitr. acid., Nux m., Plat., Rhus box., L, Thuja, Ustilago. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHEA. 61 Pain; laborlike; as if everything would protrude from the vulva. Bell., Conium, Lilium, Natr. c, Nitr. acid., Sepia, Ustilago. which obliges her to cross her legs ; oppression of breathing. Sepia. worse when standing or walking. Conium. followed by a slight flow. Lach. the menses would appear in a few hours. Crocus sat. at night and early in the morning. Magn. c. , continually, when the flow is more pro- fuse. Amm. c. followed by swooning. Lycopod. from the navel into the legs. Nux m. , great, with profuse flow. Plat. in the — and back. Amm. a, Cham., Cyclani., Digital., Graph., Nitr. acid., Iod., Puis., Sulph. intermittent, from the sacrum to the hypogas- trium. Asclep. syr. periodical, severe, with weakness or paralysis of the legs. Hedeoma. , pressure at the pubes, relieved by lying down, but returns on standing. Plat. — spasmodic — with more or less discharge. Magn. c. scanty menses. Caulophyl. stinging in the groins. Borax. violent, she doubles herself up to get relief, but cannot obtain it in any position. Aeon. drawing pains; pulling in the beginning of menses. Mosch. with cuttings; returning at intervals. Asafcet. lancinating, [gnat. pain down into the thighs and legs. Aloe., Conium, Ham., Kali hydr., Magn. m., Nitr. acid., Nu\ m., Nux v., Strain. in the hips or in the anus. ( 'ale c. loins and hack. Alclr. I'., A nun. m., Calc. c.,< !aust.,( ham., Cimicifuga, ( !yclam., Graph., Lach., Lycopod., Nitr. acid., Plat., Puis., Sulph., Thuja. riglil ovarian region especially. Apis. 62 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Pain; laborlike; worse in case of uterine displacement. Conium. neuralgic, along the genito-crural nerve. Xanthoxyl. ■ pinching. Mosch., Sarsaparilla. heat, chilliness, convulsions. Sulph. , early in morning in bed. Natr. s. pressure; pressing. (See Laborlike pains, Weight.) Amm. m., Apocynum andro., Nux jugl. and drawing in the legs. Conium. above the os pubis. Baryt. c, Calc. phos. alternating with pinching pain in the groin, during the first day. Plat. also in the back. Agric. m., Coccul., Nitrum, Puis., Sulph., Thuja. and limbs. Nux v. epigastrium. Bry., Cupr. c, Sulph. as if the parts were being torn. Graph. groins, with griping colic, as if the contents would be pressed out. Kali c. iliac region. Amm. m. and continuous pinching. Coff. pelvis, as if pressed or screwed together. Amm. c, Caust. sacrum. Amm. m., Bovista, Brom., Castor., Magn. c, Ratanhia. as from a stone, with disposition of legs to go to sleep when sitting, and ineffectual desire to stool. Puis. as if caused by a stone. Coccul. drawing down into the legs from the navel. Nux m. from the hypogastrium. Iod. extending into the vagina. Nitr. acid. pressure in the hypogastrium, violent, interrupting sleep. Magn. c. morning early, when in bed. Natr. sulph. sides of the abdomen. Nux v. and in the back. Nitr. acid. to the uterus and anus. Ipec. pulling — from the — to the back. Plumb. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHEA. 63 Pain, sharp — in the lower part of the — first in the right, then in the left side. Coccus cacti. shooting, from the right to the left, across the abdomen. Lycopod. sickening. Hyperic. soreness. Ham. across the pubes. Nux v. , rawness. Natr. m. relieved by pressure. Castor. ulcerative. Berber. sticking. Kali c. violent, on left side, near the navel, extending in long stitches into the left side of vagina. Berber. ■ stitches. Borax (uterine region), Brom. , drawing and oppressive pains. Calc. c. in the — and in the vagina. Sulph. acid. stitchlike, aggravated by the slightest motion. Bry. straining in the hypogastrium. Nux. m. tearing, also in back and hips, until the flow becomes free. Lach. , crampy, with diarrhoea and prostration. Cinnab. tension in the uterine region. Nux m. as from a tight bandage. Hy- peric. twisting — moving about Math nausea. Nux v. violent, clutching, coming and going by spells. Bell. contractive, spasmodic, continuing for hours, leaving the abdomen sore. Brom. , terrible, distressing, in the left iliac region, when walking or riding; she has to lie down to get relief. Thuja. she cries aloud and weeps. Cact. gr. writhing — with nausea. Nux V. Rumbling. Aloe., Bell., Cubeba, Kali c, Kreosot., Lac can. (left), Lycopod. (left), Phos. Spasms. (Sec Colic, cramplike; spasmodic.) of the abdominal muscles; hysterical. Mosch. Tenderness; cannot bear the weight of her hand or clothes. Lach., I,. Y. Deflor. in the hypogastric region. < limicifuga, L. Y. Deflor., Macrotin. Throbbing in the hypogastric region. Aesoul. hipp. 64 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Trembling — internal — in the epigastrium. Argt. nitr. Weakness, emptiness, and weariness — sensation of. Phos. Weight — troublesome — about the pubes. Baryt. c. After Menses. Pain — colic. Cham., loci., Magn. c, Merc, per., Natr. m., Sac. lac. cutting. Kali c. and diarrhoea. Graph. contractive — in the left side of the uterus, has to bend double. Puis. cramps — uterine. Coccul. laborlike; bearing down. Cham. as if the menses would reappear. Kreosot. — with pulling pains in the groins and hypogastrium. Plat. , cramplike. Kreosot. , drawing in the hypogastrium. Puis. , heavy, especially while standing. Graph. , pressure as from a prolapsus. Natr. m. , very painful, ceasing while in bed, but com- mencing again in the morning when rising. Plat. pressing, through the groins toward the sacrum, with urging to stool. Plat. spasmodic — violent, especially in the groins. Kreosot. stitches from the hypogastrium to the vagina. Ars. through the pelvis. Phos. (From the vagina to the uterus.) Sensitiveness of the — to contact. Cham. E. UTERINE REGION. (See Uterus; Hypogastrium.) Before Menses. Contraction. Natr. m. Pains — burning, aching, sore. Conium. Pain, colic, cutting. Magn. c, Natr. c. from the front backward and upward. Gels. drawing — from the — to the back. Carb. veg. bearing down. Mosch. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHEA. 65 Pain, colic, spasmodic. Ciinicifuga, Coccul., Nux v., Viburnum opul. with pale face, worse before menses. Amm. c. violent, also in the sides. Nitr. ac. laborlike ; intermittent — from the sacrum to the hypogas- trium. Asclep. syr. soreness across the pubes. Nux v. , extreme, as from a boil. Verat. vir. stitches. Borax, Brom. tenderness. Cimicifuga. cannot bear the slightest pressure, even the weight of her clothing. Lach. tension, as from a tight bandage. Hyperic. uterine ; contractions — increase at times more and more, till relieved by a flow of blood ; after a few hours or days the same, and so on. Lach. severe, spasmodic, or intermittent. Cimicifuga. running downwards. Aescul. hipp., Ipec, Nux v. upwards towards the umbilicus, even to the stomach and chest. Lach., Lycopod., Phos., Sepia. • from the abdomen to the back. Tilia. back to the groins and pubes. Sabina. groins outward and backward. Sepia. os ilii forward and downward. Bry. uterus to the neck of the bladder and abdomen. Nux v. Sensation of heaviness in the — with increase of white leucorrhoea. ( tels. During Menses. Fulness and tension. Caulophyl. < '< attraction — spasmodic. Bell. sensation of. Cact.gr. (Vamps — with cutting, contractive pain and great dyspnoea, [gnat. Heal in tbi — and ovarian region. Lac can. Pain — bruised, severe, preventing her to walk erect. Arnica. burning, sore, aching. < Ionium. 00 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Pain, contractive, relieved by walking in the open air. Coniura. colic. Cannab. ind. cramp ; spasmodic. Aram. c. (pale face), Cimicifuga, Coninm, Erigeron. Ignatia (with difficult breathing), Natr. m., Nux v., Zinc. extending into the back. Carb. veg. griping. Sarsaparilla. pressing, extending into the thighs. Nux v. relieved by pressure and in a recumbent position. Ignat. , squeezing, violent, down to the thighs. Kali hydr. cutting. Graph. direction of. (See Uterine region before menses.) , distress all through the pelvis and uterine region, with sen- sation as if the abdomen would burst; slight relief from leaning back. Lac can. , in left side of pelvis all day. Sac. lac. loins, down the thighs. Sanguin. laborlike. Ignat. lancinating. Ignat. pressing — from within outwards — from above the puden- dum into the vagina. Lycopod. pressure. Aletris f., Iod. and weight, just above the pubes. Baryt. c. soreness across the pubes. Nux v. extreme, as if from a boil. Yerat. vir. stitching in the uterine appendages. Kali c. stitches. Borax, Brom. straining, and drawing pain in the limbs. Nux m. tenderness. Cimicifuga, L. V. Deflor., Macrotin. , cannot bear the slightest pressure, even the weight of her clothing. Lach. violent, interrupting sleep. Magn. c. Spasms. Coccul., Conium, Graph., Ignat., Senecio, Viburnum opul. with crampy, pressing pains; relieved by pressure and while in a recumbent position, with great sighing and sobbing. Ignat. lancinations or laborlike pain. Ignat. Tension. Nux m. , as from a tight bandage. Hyperic. Throbbing. Aescul. hipp. L MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHEA. 67 F. GROINS, OVARIAN REGION; GROINS. (See Ovaries.) Before Menses. Pain — acute — in the left ovarian region. Ustilago. burning or sharp in the ovarian region and uterus. Lac can. cutting — and back. Argt. nitr., Senecio. and bowels. Senecio. from the right to the left ovarian region. Lycopod. pressure — painful — and anus. China. ■ pushing, stitching in the left ovarian region. Capsic. soreness in groin and right hip. Sarsaparilla. violent — commencing and going, in the ovaries, uterus, and back. Ustilago. with cold creepings. Tart. emet. worse in the left — Lach. During and after Menses. Pain — in the left ovarian region — during menses. Ustilago. Pain. (Bowels and stomach.) Castor., Magn. s., Sepia. burning and cutting in the — when urinating. Natr. m. in the right groin when sitting bent. Kali nitr., Xitrum. cutting — and in small of back, during menses. Argt. nitr. , grinding (bowels and sacrum). Senecio. , running from the right to the left groin. Lycopod. distress — terrible — in the left iliac and ovarian region. Thuja. heat in the — and uterine region. Lac can. heaviness, from the right groin to the shoulderblade, with gastralgia; after menses. Borax. laborlik< — in the right ovarian region. Apis. lancinating, spasmodic, pressing, during and after menses. Borax. pinching, alternating with pressure in the abdomen during the firsi day. Plat. , alternating with pressure in the vulva, when the menses appear. Plat. pressure, as though the menses would reappear. Plat. 68 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Pain — pressure, and pain in the abdomen. Castor. through the groins, after menses, toward the sacum, with urging to stool. Plat. violent (in back and thighs), with ineffectual eruc- tations, chilliness, and gaping. Carb. an. pulling. Plat. pushing and sticking in the left ovarian region. Capsic. sensitiveness — great — in the right ovarian region. Iod. soreness. Helon. and excoriation — feeling of. Bovista. in the right groin, with great desire to urinate, at the appearance of menses. Sarsaparilla. stinging with bearing-down pains. Borax, Gossyp. deepseated tenderness, and frequent micturi- tion. Apis. stitches. Borax, Brom. violent — coming and going, also in the uterus and back. Ustilago. weight. Kali c. when sitting or standing, less when walking. Magn. sulph. Anus, Rectum, Perinaeum. (Constitutional symptoms usually worse during menses.) Fissures. Nitr. ac. Haemorrhoids. Aloe, Aram, c, Carb. veg. (in vulva), Coccul., Collinson., Graph., Ham., Lach., Muriat. acid, Phos. with rather soft, or too frequent stools. Aescul. hipp., Aloe. Before Menses. Bloody discharge. Aram. c. Cramps in the rectum and bladder. Caulophyl. Pressure in the rectum as from a desire to stool. Puis. painful — and in the anus. China. Soreness in the perinaeum. Sepia. Stitches and lancinations from the rectum to the anus and puden- dum. Ars. Tenesmus and faintness. Thuja. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHEA. 69 During Menses. Burning and soreness in anus, and smarting in vagina. Berber. in the rectum. Carb. veg. , pulsating, after stool. Aloe. Constriction in the rectum — sensation of. Cact. gr. Contraction in the rectum Coccul. Cramps in the rectum and bladder. Caulophyl. Discharge — bloody. Amm. c, Lach. after emission of flatus. Kreosote. mucous. Lach. Dragging down in the rectum, with sense of fulness in the pel- vis. Aloe. Flatus — emission of large quantities. Brom. smelling like rotten eggs. Kreosot. Hsemorrhagia. Graph. Haemorrhoids — extremely sore to touch, and sometimes itching terribly. Muriat. acid. itching in rectum and vulva. Carb. veg. , stinging, especially about the anus, and of the >kin generally. Phos. ; worse during menses. Amm. c, Carb. veg. pain in the. Graph. protruding in bunches, relieved by cold water. Ars. Pain in the perinaeura. Berber. rectum, stitches extending into the anus and vulva. Ars. stitches — long — from below upwards. Ignat. lancinating — from the rectum to the anus and pudendum. Ars. soreness — in the rectum. Carb. veg. Prolapsus. Aurum, Elaps. while at stool. Podoph., Asarum europ. with colic. Aurum. Sensation as from a lump in the rectum. (Retroversion.) Sepia. After Menses. Hemorrhoids worse. Coccul. Pinching in the perinseum. Berber. Urging to stool, with pressing pain through the groin toward the Bacrum. Plat. 70 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Stool. [Constitutional symptoms usually worse during menses.) Constipation. Alum., Chelidon, Collinson., Graph., Ham., Natr. s., Nux v., Phos., Plumb., Sepia, Silica, Thuja. ; with dry fasces. Argt. nitr. hard, knotted fasces; difficult to discharge; followed by a prolapsed feeling in the rectum. Aescul. hipp. lumpy fasces, like sheep manure. Chelidon., Plumb. narrow fasces. Phos. Diarrhoea. Phos. Before Menses. Constipation. Graph. in the morning. Bry. with colic at stool. Alum, Natr. s. ; pinching, writhing, and pressing in the bowels, like labor-pains ; straining to stool aggravates the symptoms. Alum. before stool; cramps and rumbling in the abdomen. Aloe. constant unsuccessful urging to stool, and dis- charge of small pieces. Nux v. distress an hour or two before stool. Kali c. inactivity of the bowels. Bry. stools hard and lumpy, remaining long in the rectum, as if it was too powerless to expel it. Silic. large and difficult to expel. Nux v. tenesmus. A mm. c, Thuja. During Menses. Constipation. Aletr. f., Amm. c, Apis, Bry., Plat, Phos., Sepia. ; blood passes with every stool. Amm. m. (haemorrhage) with cutting in the abdomen. Iod. ; stools hard and black. Nux V. , difficult; tenesmus. Amm. c. , knotty, difficult, insufficient; sometimes mixed with blood. Sepia. , lumpy, remaining long in the rectum, as if it was too powerless to expel it. Silic. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHCE A. 71 Constipation ; stools hard, knotty, streaked with blood, accompanied and succeeded by smarting in the anus. Natr. s. large, and sometimes only partially di- gested. Calc. c. narrow, stiff, and difficult to expel. Phos. with colic, cramp, and rumbling in the abdomen be- fore each stool. Aloe. constant ineffectual urging to stool. Aloe., Nux v. straining to stool. Puis., Sulph. ; nausea. Calc. c. sensation as from a heavy lump in the rectum. (Retroversion.) Sepia. Desire to stool after each meal. Aloe. constantly. Aloe. , ineffectual. Bell., Puis. frequent. Nux V., Opi. Involuntary passage of even a hard stool while passing wind. Aloe. Before Menses. Diarrhrea. Amm. C, Bovista, Cinnab., Silic, Verat. alb. with bearing down toward the genitals. Bovista. cold feet. Hyperic. tenesmus and oppression ; mucous stools. Merc. violent. Lach. with burning of the anus. Bovista. During Menses. Diarrhoea. Alum, Amm. c, Amm. m., Bovista, Bry., Canst., Cham., ( !helidon, ( linnab., Kali hydr., Kreosot., Natr. <•., Verat. alb. and vomiting. Amm. m., Verat. alb. at the appearance of menses. Verat. alb. night with mucous stools. Chelidon. colic, nausea — menses pule. Phos. in the morning. Bry. ■ — ■ involuntary, .-oft stool, while passing wind. Aloe. , stool bloody. Amm. in. greenish. ('ham. with burning; of the amis. Bovista. 72 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Diarrhoea, with burning, like mush; thin; bright yellow; gray; hot; undigested. Aloe. mucous — at night. Chelidon. ■ with tenesmus and great oppres- sion. Merc. watery. Cham. with relief from a painful distension of the abdomen in the morning. Natr. c. very exhausting, with cold sweat. Yerat. alb. with colic. Alum, Natr. c. great trembling of the limbs. Magn. c. ■ thirst. Verat. alb. vomiting. Amni. c. and cold sweat, especially on the fore- head. Verat. alb. pressure and contraction in the back. Amm. c. After Menses. Diarrhoea. Ars., Graph., Lach., Natr. m. , mucous, with colic and headache. Natr. m. with cutting in the abdomen. Graph. stinking watery discharge, likewise from the va- gina. Ars. URINARY ORGANS. Before Menses. Burning of urine. Apis, Cact. gr., Cannab. ind., Canth. with white sediment. Canth. Cramps in the bladder. Nux v. Desire to urinate constantly. Lac can. ■ frequently. Alum., Apis, Asarum europ., Digi- tal., Kali c, Kali hydr., Nux., Phos., Sarsaparilla. ; great urgency to. Kali hydr. Intermittent flow of urine during micturition. Conium. Odor strong. Merc. Strangury. Verat. vir. Urine red, with brickdust sediment. Nux v. scanty, dark — mucous. Api . with mucous sediment. Lach. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHffl A. 73 Urination followed by a thick yellow discharge, staining the linen yellow. Sac. lac. At the Beginning of Menses. Desire to urinate, acidity and sore pains in the genitals. Sar- saparilla. During Menses. Burning urine. Apis, Cact. gr., Cannab. ind., Canth. Constriction of the bladder — sensation of. Cact. gr. Cramps of the bladder. Caulophvl. (and rectum), Nux v. Desire to urinate constantly. Indigo. frequently. Alum., Apis, Ars., Asarum europ., China, Nux v., Sarsaparilla. ; painful; urine profuse and pale. Canth., Cham., Lac can. watery ; colorless ; nightly. Phos. acid. , with great urgency, but did not suc- ceed, until a clot of blood was passed from the vagina. Coccus cact. , when the menses appear; painful. Kali hydr., Sarsaparilla. slow flow of urine. Plat. tenesmus vesicas. Nux V. Enuresis; cannot hold her water. Hyos. when taking exercise. Calc c. Intermittent flow of urine. Conium. Odor of urine — strong. Nitr. acid. Painful conclusion of urination. Sarsaparilla. ; burning-cutting in the groins. Natr. in. ; incisive pain between the labise. Conium. scalding. Nux v., Zinc. with sensation of soreness through the whole urethra ; dysuria. < !annab. sat. Retention of urine. Ham., Kali bich. , painful; strangury. Graph., Sabina. Strangury. Verat. vir. 1 rrine acrid, excoriating day and night. Alum. albuminous. Belon. copious. Hyos., l'liytol. , colorless, pale, especially al night. Phos. acid. (Cham.) ■ ■ , with pain. Asclep. syr. '•- 74 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Urine passes in drops, causing pain. Cact. gt\, Canth. red. Kali bich. with brickdust sediment. Nux v. . adhering to the vessel. Sepia. scanty, dark ; mucous. Apis. , red. Kali bich., Sabina. Tenesmus vesicas. Nux v., Rhus tox. After Frequent inclination to urinate. Cham. Urine — bloody mucus. Canth. milky. Natr. m. SEXUAL ORGANS. Uterus. Constitutional Symptoms usually Worse during Menses. (See Abdomen— the Hypogastrium ; "Uterine region.) Dislocation of the Uterus. Aletr. f., Aloe., Alum., Argt. m., Bell., Calc. phos. (worse in damp weather, with rheumatism), Cimi- cifuga, Collinson., Conium, Ferr., Kali bich. (usually worse during warm weather), Lilium, Nux v., Sepia, Trill. Induration of the cervix. Conium, Iod., Kreosot., Phytol., Sepia. Polypus. Calc. c, Calc. phos., Conium, Lycopod., Phos., Ehus tox., Sanguin., Thuja. Before Menses. Congestion. Verat. vir. to the — with feeling of fulness, and painful pressing in the genital organs, especially when walking. China. Discharge of long pieces of mucus. Ferr. Distension, *^Nux m., Phos. acid. Pain. Arundo maurit. burning and contractive. Curare. in the— and in the ovarian region. Lac can. ■ vagina. Bufo. contraction, congestion, and irritability. Caulophyl. neuralgic. Cannab. ind., Caulophyl., Cimicifuga, Lilium. pinching. Bry. sharp in the — and ovaries. Lac can. MENSTRUATION AND D YSMENORRHOBA. 75 Pain sore — as if cut by a sharp instrument. Murex purp. spasmodic, violent. Amyl. nitr., Viburnum opul. , intermittent, expulsive. Caulophyl. violent — coming and going ; likewise in the ovaries and back. Ustilago. in the right side of the uterus, extending to the chest. Murex purp. lancinating, stitching through the — down the legs. Graph. pressing and drawing. Nux jugl. Throbbing and beating. Cact. gr. (ovaries), Murex purp. with sense of weight. Gels. During Menses. Congestion. Verat. vir to the — with feeling of fulness, and painful pressing in the genital organs, especially when walking. China. Constriction — sensation of — usually only felt when the menses is very profuse. Murex purp. Displacements are always worse. Calc. phos. Distension. Phos. acid. sensation of. Canth. Movements as from a foetus. Natr. c. Pains at the beginning. Nux m. contraction, congestion, and irritability. Caulophyl. contractive, spasmodic. Bell., Cact. gr. cramps. Conium, Nux v. in the — with pressing in the hypogastrium, down into the thighs. Nux V. griping and digging. Nux v. in the — and ovaries, extending down inside the thighs. Lilium. laborlike. Cham., Conium, Rhus tox. , peculiar pressure, as if something would come out. A mim. crud. , bearing down, compelling her to bend double, but finding no relief in any position. Aeon. returning a( intervals. Asafoet. with tearing in the veins of the legs. Cham. neuralgic. Cannab. ind., Caulophyl., < !imicifuga, Lilium, Viburnum opul. 76 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Pains, pinching and squeezing. Cham. pressing down in the — aching across the hips. Cimicifuga. sharp, plunging, stabbing (or in head), sometimes followed by convulsions. Apis. , sore, as if cut by a sharp instrument. Murex purp. • spasmodic. Amyl. nitr., Viburnum opul. -, intermittent, expulsive. Caulophyl. spasms, crampy pressing relieved by pressure and while in a recumbent position; attended with great sighing and sobbing. Ignat. stitches, coming from the loins. Natr. m. violent, coming and going, likewise in the ovaries and back. Ustilago. , in the right side extending to the chest. Murex purp. lancinating, stitching through the — down the legs. Graph. pressing and drawing. Nux jugl. Sensation as if the os was open. Lach. Throbbing beating. Cact. gr. (ovaries), Murex purp. After Menses. Congestion. Plat. Induration. Iod. of the cervix, becomes sensitive. Kreosot. Pain — burning, especially after an embrace. Kreosot. cramps. Coccul. , like labor pains. Puis. cutting in the os tinea?. Puis. pulling and pressing in the lower part of the uterus, in the morning, with drowsiness. Puis. stitches and cramps. Plat. worse — all. Kreosot. in the morning than in the afternoon. Kreosot. Prolapsus. Kreosot. Ovaries. (See Abdomen — Ovarian region and Groins.) Constitutional Symptoms usually Worse during Menses. Affections of the ovaries. Ham. right ovary. Apis, Ferr., Glon., Graph., Iod., Lac can., Palladium, Rhus tox., Sac. lac. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHEA. 77 Affections of the left ovary. Argt. nitr., Graph., Lach., Lac can., Lvcopod., Stram., Thuja, Ustilago. Before and During Menses. Inflammatory and congested condition before menses, especially of the right ovary, with extreme soreness and sensitiveness, which makes every motion and position, even breath, painful. Lac can. Pains. Xanthoxyl. with prolapsus of the uterus. Argt. m. , irritation, and sensitiveness ; right. Rhus tox. severe, also in uterus and back. Ustilago. starting in the right ovary, running to the hip and back. Aescul. hi pp. stinging, sharp cutting in the right — which may also be swollen. Apis. tearing, grinding, writhing, twisting in the right — as if it would burst, followed by a discharge of bloody pus. Graph. Swelling. Apis, Brom. Tenderness — deepseated. Apis. Throbbing beating in the — and uterus. Cact. gr. During Menses. Pain. Canth., Cham., Iod., Lach., Phos. in the — and the back. Iod. , abdomen, and limbs. Phos. boring in the left — partially relieved by pressure. Zinc. dull, pressing, extending from the right — to the uterus; as if a plug were driven from the ovary to the uterus, and through the sexual organs in general. Iod. extending down the inner side of the thighs. Lilium. lancinating stitches, in the indurated and swollen left ovary; painful to touch ; worse by inspiration. Graph. sharp cutting, stinging in the right, which may also bo swollen. Apis. stitching. Colocynth. violent, distressing in the left — and uterine region, has to lie down, cannot sit up. Thuja. After J faises. Swelling and hardness. Graph. 78 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Vulva. Constitutional Symptoms, usually Worse during Menses. Haemorrhoids. Carb. veg., Lycopod., Thuja. Pimples — large, painful, sensitive — on ruons veneris. Conium. Sensitiveness — painful — internally and externally. Plat. Before Menses. Aphthae, with burning and itching. Carb. veg. Contraction — feeling of — as from astringent applications. Lac can. Eruption on the labia majora. Aurum raur. Excoriation, burning, and swelling. Sepia. Itching. Carb. veg., Bufo, Graph., Kali c, Lac can., Lycopod., Merc, (of the labia especially), Sulph. Labia extremely sore; urine causes intense pain when coming in contact. Sac. lac. Pain, drawing, pressing downward into the genitals. Mosch. pressing in the pudendum. China, Crocus sat. sharp — running around each labia. Lycopod. smarting. Carb. veg. soreness. Kali c. of mons veneris. Bovista. stitches in the labia. Conium. Sensation as from something alive. Lac can. of enlargement and soreness in the perinseum. Sepia. Swelling of the pudendum. Lycopod. Voluptuous feeling. Calc. phos. At the Beginning of Menses. Acridity and sore pain, with desire to urinate. Sarsaparilla. Pressure, alternating with pressure in the groins. Plat. During Menses. Aphthse, with burning and itching. Carb. veg. Biting, violent, caused by the discharge. Ambr. gr., Carb. veg., Kali c, Kreosot., Rhus tox. Excoriation. Graph. Formication. Elaps. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHCE A. 79 Itching. Agaric, m., Ambr. gr., Arnm. c, Bufo, Carb. veg., Canst., Coff., Conium, Hep. s., Kali c, Kreosot., Lac can., L. V. Deflor., Lycopod., Natr. m., Nux v., Petrol. , biting, corrosive, within the vnlva. Kreosot. voluptuous — excessive. Coff., Kali brom. Mons veneris cold and extremely sensitive to touch ; she cannot wear the napkin usually worn ; vulva and vagina are excessively sensitive and chilly. Plat. Mucous accumulation, thick and tenacious, about the genital organs. Kali bich. JSTumbness. Mosch., Plat. Pain between the labia when urinating. Conium. , burning, itching — excitement. Kali brom. of the varicose veins. Thuja. soreness. Kali C, Silic. cramplike. Kreosot. pressing. Mangan. , from without inward, or from above the puden- dum into the vagina, when stooping. Lycopod. coming from the groins. Plat. with cramp-colic. Plat. soreness. Kali c. across the pubes. Caust., Nux v. and in anus. Carb. veg. Pimples, suppurating. Allium sat. Pruritus. Coff., Hep. s., Petrol. Sensitiveness, great. Coff. Soreness of the — and between the thighs. Hep. s. , with a watery secretion. Gossyp. Swelling, heat. Amm. c. , and hardness of the labia. Kreosot. • re d r ose spots, resembling little ulcers. Carb. veg. Tetter. Dulc. Titillation. Agaric, m., Mosch. Weight — great — sensation of. Lobelia. After Muses. (Sic Vagina after Menses.) Erythematous soreness; gnawing pimples; itching and smarting. Kali c, Phos. 80 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Heat. Kali brora. , burning, itching. Curare, Graph., Natr. m. Itching. Conium, Magn. c, Natr. m. a few days after menses. Phos. acid. Pimples and falling off of the hair. Natr. m. Sensitiveness and pressure at the pubes painful, with chilliness. Plat. Soreness. Kali c. of the — and between the thighs. Graph. Stitches or stinging. Kali c. Labia Majora. Before and During Menses. Herpetic eruption. Dulc. Heaviness and enlargement, sensation of. Murex purp. Stitches in the — and vagina. Conium. Swelling and soreness. Ambr. gr., Kali bich. After Menses. Burning stitches in the — and in the vagina. Puis. Pricking pain. Kali c. Swelling, heat, and hardness. Kreosot. Vesicles. Graph. Vagina. Before Menses. Burning. Bufo, Natr. m. , is scarcely able to keep still. Sulph. Discharge of long pieces of mucus from the uterus. Ferr. some blood. Magn. c, Merc. Fluor albus. (Consult for particulars the chapter on Fluor albus.) Alum., Baryt. c, Calc. c, Calc. phos., Carb. veg., Chin., Cubeb., Ferr., Graph., Kreosot., Lach., Lac can., Magn. m., Natr. c, Natr. m., Phos., Phos. acid, Puis., Sabina, Sepia, Sulph. Heaviness — sensation of — during colic. Murex purp. Itching. Graph. During Menses. Aching. Calc. c. Burning, smarting, and violent pain in — and soreness in anus. Berber. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHOE A. 81 Discharge — copious watery, instead of blood. Silic. Emission of flatus. Lac can. , large and loud. Brom. Fluor albus. (Consult for particulars the chapter on Fluor albus.) Alum., Amm. c, Carb. an., Coninm, Magn. m., Mezer., Phos., Puis. Heat and dryness. Bell. Heaviness, feeling of — during colic. Murex purp. Itching. Conium, Elaps. Pressure and weight low down in the — relieved by firm pressure. Lilium. Soreness. Brom. Stitches. Conium, Rhus tox. in the — and in the abdomen. Sulph. acid. from above downward. Kreosot. before backward. Sabina. After Menses. Burning and pain after an embrace. Kreosot. smarting. Berber., Graph. stitches in the — and in the labia. Puis. Constricting pain followed by fluor albus. Kreosot. Discharge of bloody clots with foul smell, after severe burning pain in the pelvis. Kreosot. slime or stinking water — likewise from the anus. Ars. ichor, foul odor, with itching and biting. Kreosot. tenacious black blood, three days after menses, and later very profuse leueorrhcea. Carlsbad. Dryness of — with aversion to coition. Natr. m. , heat, and sensitiveness. Berber. Fluor albus. (Consult for particulars the chapter on Fluor albus.) Alum., Ars., Borax, Bovista, Calc. c, Calc. phos., Carbol. arid, Cubcb., Graph., Ilydrast., Iod., Kali c, Kalmia, Kreosot., Lilium, Magn. c, Men-., Natr. m., Phos., Phos. acid., Plat., Puis., Ruta, Sabina, Silic, Sulph., Zinc. Etching — seven — and in the vulva. Conium. , voluptuous, deep in the — with Strong sexual desire, espe- cially iii the morning. K reosot. Menses reappear after an embrace, with a profuse flow of dark blood, followed by a grayish leueorrhcea, with swelling, burning, and itching in the parts. KreOSOt. 82 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Soreness and pain during coition. Kali c, Kreosot., Natr. m. rawness. Kali bich. Stitches from the — through the uterus and through the pelvis. Phos. in the — and labia. Conium. coming from the hypogastrium. Ars. like electric shocks from the abdomen. Kreosot. Mammae. Constitutional Symptoms, usually Worse during Menses. Emaciation. Iod., Lac V. Deflor. Before 3Ienses. Hardness. Spong. Pain under left breast. Sac. lac. Secretion like milk from swollen mammae. Cyclam. Soreness of the — and nipples. Helon. Swelling and tenderness. Calc. C. , hardness, and painfulness. Conium, Lac can. During Menses. Dwindling of the. Iod., L. V. Deflor. Induration. Carb. an. Pain — acute. Iod. and soreness ; full of small hard lumps, like marbles. Lac can. burning. Indigo. constant — and in the nipples. Lac can. darting in the right breast when stooping, worse on rising. Gratiola. soreness. Helon., Zinc. stinging — relieved temporarily by friction. Indigo. stitches. Conium, Caustic, Phos. beneath the left breast. Caustic. Swelling and hardness. Viburnum opul. tenderness. Conium, Dulc, Helon., Thuja. Tumors worse. Conium, Phytol. After Menses. Swelling. Cyclam. with secretion like milk. Cyclam. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHEA. 83 Sexual Desire. Before 3Ienses. Absence of — even aversion to — in the morning. Bell. Increased. Bell, (evenings). Calc. c, Calc. phos., Crocus sat,, Dulc, Kali c, jSTux v. Voluptuous feeling, pieasurable sensation as during an embrace, especially on awaking in the morning. Kali c. Hefore and During Menses. Aversion to coitus. Caustic, Graph., Natr. m. Increased. Cubeba, Dulc. (with urticaria or rash). Violent. Cannab. ind., Coff., Mosch., Murex purp., Phos., Plat,, Strain. , from the least contact of the parts, and if it was only with the garments. Murex purp. Wanting. Agn. cast,, Coniurn. During Menses. Excessive. Kali brom. Increased. Cannab. ind., Curare, Bufo, Hyos., Lach. during the first day. Camph. especially in the morning. Kreosot. Nymphomania. Curare, Kali brom., Plat. After 3fenses. Aversion to an embrace. Caust., Kali c, Natr. m., Phos. — , with dryness of the vagina. Natr. m. Increased. Cannab. ind., Kali c, Sulph. acid. or unnatural, with voluptuous tingling in the sexual organs and lower abdomen; anxious oppression and palpitation. Plat. Sexual Congress. ( 'oTistitutional Symptoms, or Symptoms appearing always before Menses. Burning in the vagina. Lyoopod. , Col lowed next day by a discharge of black blood. Kreosot. Painful. Ferr. 84 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Painful, followed often by a discharge of blood. Sepia. , uterus sensitive to touch ; tensive cutting pains in uterus. Puis. After Menses. Soreness and painfulness of the vagina. Kali c, Natr. m. Conception. Constitutional Symptoms. Easy. Borax, Merc. viv. Sterility. Apis, Borax, Calc. c, Canth., Ciraicifuga, Curare, Helon., Merc, viv., Millefol., Natr. m., Nux m., Phos., Phytol., Sepia, Sulph., Sulph. acid. from profuse menstruation. Millefol. and too early menstruation. Calc. C, Natr. m., Sulph. iate menstruation. Phos. , with decreased sexual desire. Ferr. delayed menses. Caust. excessive voluptuousness. Phos. Larynx. During Menses. Cough. Lachnanth. during the day. Graph, (hoarseness). Hoarseness and roughness of the voice in the morning. Mangan. Hysterical spasms of the — and chest. Caulophyl., Coccul. Laryngismus. Bell. Weakness. Carb. an. Chest. (See Heart.) Before Menses. Asthma. (See Oppression ; Suffocation.) Cupr., Puis. pasmodic. Cupr. Bleeding from the lungs. Puis. Congestion to the — and head. China, Sanguin., Verat. vir. Cough at night, but slight. Senecio. , choking ; compels her to jump out of bed. Digital. dry, continuous, choking from dryness in the larynx: worse after talking; causing soreness in the abdomen. Lac can. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHEA. 85 Cough every evening. Sulph. hysterical — from an irritation behind the upper fourth of the sternum. Plat. mornings and during the day ; fatiguing. Graph. Cramps (see Pain). Expectoration of solid bloody masses of mucus. Digital. Fulness in — and head, with difficult respiration. Brom. Gasping for breath. Spong. Oppression ; catching for breath. Borax, Brom., Lach Pain and oppression, with cough. Lac can. ; cramps ; spasms. Cupr., Lach., Viburnum opul. hysterical, in the — and of the larynx. Caulophvl. in the — and bowels. Graph. side. Bell., Magn. m. , with tearing and aching. Magn. C. indefinite. Digital., Graph. shooting and darting — coming from the abdomen. Cupr. ac. in the left side. Conium. stitching in the side. Puis. right pectoral region. Borax, Gratiola. through the — and neck. Natr. m. up to the left side. Conium. Suffocation. Laurocerasus, Spong. During llenses. Asthma. (See Oppression ; Suffocation.) China, Cupr. , attacks of. Cupr. : shortness of breath. Plat. Bleeding of the lungs. Puis. , or spitting of blood. Iod., Natr. m., Phos. Sepia. Burning. Lobelia. rising up from (lie stomach. Mangan. (head, chest). Congestion to the — and head. Aeon., Chin., Glon., Sanguin. Verat. vir. Constriction — sensation of. Cact. gr. suffocation. Mosch. Cough. Cubeba. at night, but slight. Senecio. , eoryza, i\'\rv. Graph. 86 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Cough, hysterical — from irritation behind the upper fourth of the sternum. Plat. morning and through the day; fatiguing. Graph. worse in bed and after sleeping. Lachnanth. Coughing up blood. Iod., Sepia. Oppression. (See Asthma.) Cact. gr., Calc. c, Coccul., Graph., Ipec, Lycopod., Puis., Zinc. caused by the clothes around the epigastrium. Calc. c, Zinc. ; pressure in the. Graph., Mosch. , she cannot breathe Well in a warm room. Puis. with laborlike pains. Sepia. Pains; cramps; spasms in the — and abdomen. Chin., Graph., Viburnum opul. . — larynx ; hysterical. Cau- lophyl. , drawing in the sides, worse from stretching, better from stooping. Magn. C. in every external part of the thorax on moving it. Lauro- cerasus. the sides. Puis. acute. Cham. and small of the back. Aram, c, Bell. , right. Sac. lac. , left; shooting. Conium. stitches. Berber., Conium, Kreosot., Natr. m., Puis. beneath the left breast. Caustic. in the sides. Kreosot. -, left. Conium, Lachnanth. through the chest and neck. Natr. m. sides, when moving the arms ; when laughing or drawing a long breath. Puis. Perspiration at night. Bell. profuse, also at the back. Kreosot. Rattling in the lungs. Cact. gr. Spitting of blood. (See Bleeding.) Spasms of the lungs. Mosch. chest. Coccul. Suffocating spells. Cupr. awaking with. Spong. sense of — or of something tight about the neck. Lach. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHCE A. 87 After Menses. Congestion. Thuja. Irritation. Puis. Pain — bruised — in the side, worse in the morning or evening.. Magn. c. ■ sensation in the right chest, when taking a deep inspiration. Lac can. Respiration — difficult. Katr. m., Puis. Heart. (See Chest.) Before Menses. Constriction — sensation of — above the — as if the heart were grasped or compressed. Cact. gr. Pain. Cact. gr., Lach., Spong. Palpitation. Alum., Cact. gr., Cupr., Ignat., Iod., Natr. m., Spong. and neadache. Alum. awakens with. Alum. following a backache. Spong. from retarded menses. Cimicifuga. worse when lying on the left side; or when walking; or at night. Cact. gr. Suffocation spells about the — with gasping for breath, especially when sitting up. Laurocer. During Menses. Inflammatory affections. Natr. m. Pain— aching. Conium. or pressure, with fluttering. Lilium. sharp. Conium. Palpitation. Agar, m., Bufo, Cact. gr., Cyclam., Graph., Ignat., Lachnanth., Mosch., Natr. c, Natr. m., Xitr. acid, Phos., Puis.. Sulph.j Thuja. awaking her from sleep. Caiinab. ind. when lying on the left side ; when walking, or at night. Cact. gr. with anguish soon after the appearance of menses. Nitr. acid. 88 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Palpitation, with anxiety. Ignat. heat. loci. sudden and violent spells. L. V. Deflor. trembling and numbness. Plat. Pressure — tormenting — at night, in the prsecordia. Argt. nitr. Shocks — sudden — in the region of the heart. Mangan. Suffocating spells about the — with gasping for breath, especially when sitting up. Laurocer. After Menses. Palpitation. Agaric, m., Iod., Natr. m. Back. Before Menses. Backache. (Pain in the small of the back.) Aeon., Amm. c, Baryt. c, Brom., Calc. c, Cimicifuga, Cinnab., Magn. c, Magn. m., Nitrurn, Nux v., Puis., Sabina, Sanguin., Spong., Ustilago aching — and in the hips. Calc. c. and colic. Caust. as if a piece of wood was lying crosswise, and being pressed out. Nux m. bruised, with or without labor pains. Aeon. and contracted. Magn. c. the menses would appear. Coccul. violent. Aeon., Nitr. acid. Eruption — itching, between the shoulderblades and nape of neck. Carb. veg. Pain — cutting in the — and abdomen. 01. an. • and groins. Senecio. paralytic. Coccul. in the right shoulder and shoulderblade. Magn. c. sacrum and back. Amm. c, Nux v. ; burning. Kreosot., Magn. m. also in the uterus and ovaries. Us- tilago. ; soreness. Spong. worse when walking, and in the thighs, which however do not suffer from walking. Magn. m. ■ and between the scapula?, violent, passing off with pains in the abdomen. Amm. c. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHEA. 89 Pain in the sacrum and hips; aching. Calc. c. and down the thighs. Cimicifuga, Nitr. acid. through to the pubis. Sabina. in the spine; rending. Cinnab. low down in the back, with debility. Nnx m. Swelling and sensitiveness of the renal region. Calc. c. During 3Ienses. Backache. (Pain in the small of the back.) Aeon., Aloe, Amm. c, Amm. m., Argt. nitr., Asarum europ., Baryt. c, Bell., Berber., Brorn., Bry., Calc. c, Camph., Carb. an., Carb. veg., Castor., Caust., Cham., Cimicifuga, Coccul., Cyclam., Ferr., Graph., Ignat, Iod., Kali c, Kalmia, Lach., Lac can., L. V. Deflor., Lobelia, Lycopod., Magn. c, Magn. m., Magn. s., Mangan., Natr. c, Niccol., Nitr. acid., Nitrum, Nux m., Nnx v., Phos., Prunus spi., Puis., Ratanhia, Sabina, Sac. lac, Senecio, Sulph., Thuja, Ustilago. aching, heavy — and down the buttocks. Kali c. as if beaten. Aeon., Castor. bruised. Baryt. c, Caust., Magn. c, Magn. s. , also in the abdomen. Caustic. with or without labor-pains. Aeon. it would break. Bell., ]S T ux v at the appearance of menses, violent, scarcely permitting her to breathe. Asarum. night especially. Amm. m. ; boring. Carb. veg. crampy. Bell., Calc. c. cutting — and in the abdomen. Ol. an. ■ groins. Argt. nitr. , grinding, and in the abdomen and groins. Argt. nitr., Senecio. , tearing, and in the loins, Caustic. dragging, witli great weakness in (he back. Sepia. drawing, from the back toward the front. Cham. griping. Calc. c. laborlike (also in the abdomen). Amm. m., < ';ib-. <■.. Caustic, Cham., Cimicifuga, Cyclam., Graph., Lach., Lycopod., Nitr. acid., Puis., Sulph., Thuja. all Qight, when the flow is more profuse. Amm. m. 7 90 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Backache like a weight in the back. Kali c. pressing, from within outward. Nux m. violent. Aeon. coming and going ; also in the uterus and ovaries. Us- tilago. when walking. Kali c. with fever. Lobelia. pains in all the bones as if bruised. Carb. veg. the abdomen. Brom., Ratanhia. and limbs. Bell., Nux v. hips, until the flow be- comes free. Lach. ; tearing. Agaric. m., Caustic. hips; aching. Calc. c. ; down the thighs. Cimicifllga, Xitr. acid. groin ; pressing. Granat. and thighs ; violent pressing. Carb. an. limbs. Bell., Berber. loins. Berber., Bry., Caust., Iod. , as if the back was broken ; con- stant. Camph. pelvis, or thighs. Ferr. ovaries. Iod. while sitting or standing, none or less while walking. Magn. s. . pubis ; violent. Sabina. rectum ; pressing. Aloe. region of the kidneys, down the thighs, and in the calves. Berber. thighs ; drawing. Mosch. ; the pains in the back are worse when walking, while those of the thighs are worse when sit- ting. Magn. m. sacrum ; burning. Ferr. _ , pressure or weight. Ferr. Coldness as from ice, between the shoulderblades. Lachnanth. Heat — great — up the back and between the shoulderblades. PhoS. Pain (backache or the pains in the small of the back more or less excepted) between the shoulderblades Amm. c, Silic. (drawing). MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHEA. 91 Pain between the shoulderblades — tension — and violent colic. Amra. c. benumbing, with paralytic weakness of the back and legs. Coccul. from the small of the back downward. Nux m. loins to the genitals — pressing. Lack. in the — and abdomen. Coccul., Nitrum, Puis., Sulph., Thuja. and limbs, groins, head, and teeth. Sepia. liver. Puis. loins. Amm. m., Kali c, Nux v., Secal. cor. thighs. Magn. m. loins. Bry. thighs and groins ; violent pressing, with in- effectual eructation, chilliness, and gaping. Carb. an. last lumbar vertebra, or the small of the back, through to the pubis; violent drawing. Sabina. loins and the anterior part of the thighs; neuralgic. Kalmia. extending through the left hypogastrium, down the thighs. Sanguin. os coccygis — tearing and jerking. Cicuta vir. renal region. Berber., Curare. , and in or above the sacrum ; burning. Lachnanth. right shoulder and shoulderblade. Magn. c. ■ blade; burning. Lachnanth. acrum. Sanguin. drawing. Zingiber. violent. Lobelia. and loins. Berber., (Also in the renal re- gion, or down the thighs and calves.) spine; rending. Cinnab. paralytic — and great weakness in the logs. Coccul. rheumatic — and in the limbs. Bry. under the inner and lower angle of the right Bhoulderblade. Chelidon. Perspiration profuse— and of the chest. Kreosot. Thrilling— agreeable— along the back, and of the whole body. ( lannab. ind. 92 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. After Menses. Backache. Verat. alb. Coldness of the— in the evening. Kali c. Heaviness— feeling of— in the right shoulderblade, as coming from the region of the liver or the right groin ; with gastralgia. Borax. Pains— aching— dull, commencing in the back, and frequently running around the hips, and down the thighs. Puis. Neck. Constitutional Symptoms usually Worse during Menses. Goitre. Iod. Cervical indurations. Phytol. Before Menses. Drawing in the. Nux v. with headache. Natr. c. Eruptions — itching — at the nape of the — and between the shoul- der-blades. Carb. veg. Heat— disagreeable sensation of— rising from the neck to the head, with tension of the neck or palpitation of the heart. Iod. Stiffness with headache. Natr. c. Before and During Jfenses. Itching of the— and shoulders. Magn. c. Pain in the — rising into the head, and setting into the forehead. Sanguin. stitches — through the — and chest. Natr. m. . tearing in the nape of. Magn. c. Stiffness. Calc. c. EXTREMITIES. (See for Affections of the Extremities in general : Generalities.) Upper Extremities. Before Menses. Pain in the armpits. Calc. c. Swelling. Baryt. c. • of the glands of the armpits. Aurum. Trembling frequently. Kali c. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHEA. 93 During Menses. Burning of the hands and feet. Carb. veg. palms of hands and soles of feet. Lachnanth., Petrol. . Petrol. Cold arms and legs. Cham., Secal. cor. hands and feet. Calc. c, Phos., Sulph. Coldness — icy — of the finger tips. L. V. Deflor. Contraction — spasmodic. Cubeba. Itching at the shoulders and neck. Magn. c. Lameness. Phos. Languor of the hands and feet. Ol. an., Zinc. Numbness of the hands. Graph. Odor — fecal — exhaling from the hands before stool, passing away- after. Sac. lac. Pain in the arms. Calc. c, Verat. alb. drawing, also in the abdomen and thighs. Stram. left arm. Agaric, m. and right hip. Nux v. right arm and left hip ; rheumatic. Nux v. ■ finger as if frostbitten. Agaric, m. right shoulder, luxating, can hardly raise the arm. Magn. c. both shoulders. Sac. lac. wrists ; aching. L. V. Deflor. rheumatic. Bry., Elaps. (beginning on the left side), Rhus tox. Panaritium. Silic. Soreness in the arms. Sepia. Trembling. Agaric, m., Cubeba. Weakness of the hands; drops things easily. Alum. Yellow spots on hands and finger. Elaps. Lower Extremities. Const!/ ni iiuit if Symptoms, usually Worsi during Menses. Cold and damp feet. Calc. c. Stiffness of the limbs, relieved by walking. Rhus tox. before a Btorm, or in damp weather, relieved by a storm. Rhus tox. 94 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Ulcers on the legs with a purplish hue. Lach. Varicose veins. Ferr., Ham., Puis. Before Menses. Coldness and heaviness of the feet. Lycopod. Cramps in the calves. Viburnum opul. Eruption of large flat pimples at the inside of the thighs, with feeling of rawness. Lac can. Heaviness of the feet. Baryt. c, Cyclam limbs. Merc. Lameness and bruised feeling in the limbs one day before menses. Nifer. acid. Pain — bruised. Merc, Nitr. acid. in the hips. Lach. flying from the hip around to the back. iEscul. hipp. in the hips and back ; aching. Calc. c. right hip and groin; soreness. Sarsaparilla. thighs; bruised. Carb. an. ; drawing, with colic. Cham. ; lancinating; violent. Gels. Swelling of the limbs and feet. Baryt. c. Tired feeling. Conium. and heaviness. Sulph. Trembling frequently. Kali c. During Menses. Contraction — spasmodic. Cubeba. Convulsive motions of the legs when attempting to move ; every attack followed by hsernorrhoids. Coccul. Heaviness of the legs (see Feet), with violent drawing about the knees as if they would be twisted off. Zinc. , with tiredness. Colchic, Sulph., Zinc. Lameness of the legs. Magn. m., Phos. Numbness as if made of wood; weakness. Nitrum. ■ ; formication. Graph., Puis. , with disposition to go to sleep; pressure in abdomen and small of back as from a stone, and ineffectual desire to go to stool. Puis. Pain in the legs. Bry., Graph., Kali nitr., Nitr. acid, Nux v., Phos., Sepia, Verat. alb. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHEA. 95 Pain in the legs, aching. Ciraicifuga. back and abdomen. Nux v. beginning in the middle of the thighs and ex- tending all over the limbs, and more or less over the whole body. Castor. drawing. Coninm, Xux m., Rhus tox., Spong. extending from the navel. Nux m. tearing. Bry., Conium, Rhus tox. worse from the least motion. Bry. with staggering gait and weakness. Xitruui. tiredness. Nitrum, Nitr. acid. weakness. Kali nitr. -joints; tearing. Lachnanth. - thighs — dragging — extending into the calves, es- pecially the veins of the legs, which are injected with blood. Berber. veins ; tearing. Cham. (With labor pains.) long the crural nerve. Xanthoxyl. Restlessness of the legs. Mosch., Thuja, Zinc. (Lower legs es- pecially.) Rigidity of the legs. Mosch. Soreness of the legs. Sepia. Spots on the legs ; painful to touch. Petrol. Stiffness of the legs ; relieved by walking, before a storm. Rhus tox. Thrilling — agreeable — in the legs. Cannabis ind. Tenderness of the legs. (See Feet.) Asarum europ. Trembling of the legs. Agaric, m., Magn. c. Varices of the left leg become extended, and the leg appears quite blue, with prcssive pain in the leg. Ambr. gr. painful. Ferr., Graph. Weakness of the legs j paralytic. Coccul. with paralysis and ^'vcvi- laborlike pain. I [edeoma. pain. Kali nil r., Nitr. acid. Hijts. — bruised feeling in the — the first day. Lach. , lameness of the. Lach. , pain in the. Calc. c. , aching. Viburnum opul. ami pressing down in the uterus. Cimi- cifuga. and above it; cutting. Lamium alb. 96 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Hips, pain in the — flying around to the back. iEscul. hipp. right. Natr. c, Nux v. (and left arm), Sac. lac. ; bruised and tearing. Natr. c. Ischium; pain in the right — tearing. Lachnanth. Til if/Jis — eruption and soreness at the inner side of the — caused by the acrid menstrual discharge. Amm. c, Caustic, Graph., Kali c, Natr. s., Sarsaparilla, Silic, Sulph. pain in the. Berber., Carb. an., Castor, Cimicifuga, Ferr., Kali hydr., Kalmia, Magu. m., Magn. s.., Natr. c, Nitr. acid, Petrol., Sarsaparilla, Strain. aching. Nitric acid. and numbness. Iod. ; anterior part. Cimicifuga, Kalmia (back and loins). and back ; the former are worse while sitting, the latter while walking. Magn. m. as if squeezed. Kali hydr. coming from the hip and back. Cimicifuga, Nitr. acid. region of the kidneys; press- ing. Berber. commencing in the middle of the thighs, extend- ing over the limbs, and more or less over the whole body. Castor. cutting, dragging. Stram. drawing. Conium. , aching in the knees, and feeling too tall. Stram. also in the abdomen and upper limbs. Stram. back. Mosch. Nux v lancinating, and down the leg ; violent. Gels. left and right arm. Nux v. pressing, also in the hypogastrium, with uterine pulling. Nitr. acid. tearing. Petrol. violent, pressing also in the back and groins. Carb. an. while walking. Magn. s. -, pressure about the. Mosch. -, weakness and languor in the. Carb. an. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHEA. 97 Knees — pain in the — drawing as if they would twist off. Zinc. in the thighs, feeling too tall. Strain. when walking. Maori. c# Calves, pains, cramps in the. Phos., Viburnum opul. at night. Sulph. Tibia — tearing pains in the. Sepia. Feet — burning in the soles of the — and in the palms of the hands. Carb. v., Lachnan., Petrol. — — at night. Cham., Sulph. cold. Calc. c, Glon., Nux m., Silicea (icy), Sulph. and also the hands. Calc. c, Phos., Sulph. damp almost all the time, as if from damp stockings. Calc. C. cramps in the — and in the — at night. Lachnanth. soles of the — at every step. Sulph. heaviness in the. Zinc. relieved during menses. Cyclani. languor in the — and heaviness. Colchic. hands. Ol. an., Zinc. pain in the — when lying in bed in the evening. Magn. c. right. Magn. c. swelling of the. Calc. c, Graph., Lycopod. tenderness of the — sensation of — even when in bed. Magn. c. with heaviness. Colchic, Sulph., Zinc. fidgety of the — especially with varices. Zinc. Toes as if frostbitten, with burning, itching, and redness. Agaric, m. Sleep. Before Menses. Dreams. Alum., Calc. c, Caustic, Conium. anxious. Caustic, Conium. many — disturbing her sleep. Alum. voluptuous. Calc. c Nightmare. Sulph. acid. Restlessness. Kali o. Sleepiness during the day. Calc. phos. Sleeplessness, with Btraining and warmth in the abdomen. Cyelam, 98 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. During Menses. Awakes with suffocating spells. Spong. Dreams. Kali c. anxious— disturbing sleep. Magn. c. f robbers in the house, or other frightful occurrences, disturbing sleep. Natr. m. Drowsiness. Cubeba, Phos. - and weakness. Helon., Kali c. unconquerable. Nux ra. w ith dragging pain in the head. Laurocer. inability to sleep. Bell. Restlessness, has to turn often in bed in order to find rest. Rhus tox. Sleepiness all the time. Aletr. f., Cannab. ind. and restlessness. Kali c, Puis. can hardly keep awake. Phos. during daytime. Agaric, m., Cannab. ind., Natr. m., Sulph. , yet cannot sleep. Opium. Sleeplessness. Ignat., L. V. Deflor., Natr. m., Plat., Sepia. and toothache at the beginning of menses. Agaric, m. after 3 a.m. Calc. c. or 4 a.m. has to get up to find relief. Nux m. from pulsation in the scrobiculus, and in the right Cact. gr. until 3 a.m. Merc. without cause. Cact. gr. Stupor. Lycopod. and deep sleep from severe headache. Ham. Unrefreshing sleep ; she is more tired in the morning than when retiring at night. Magn. c. After 31enses. Nightmare. Thuja. Sleeplessness. Kali brom., Thuja. _ and anxiety. Agaric, m. Fever.— Chill. Before Menses. Chills at night. Calc. c. — shaking:. Natr. c. beginning in the extremities. Gels. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHEA. 99 Colic, with colicky pains at night. Calc. c. fulness in Lead. Gels. gaping and stretching. Ipec. heat. Aeon. Chilliness. Amm. c, Calc. a, Cirnicifuga, Kali hydr., Lycopod., Nux v., Puis., Sulph., Zinc. with frequent trembling of the limbs. Kali C. gooseflesh. Puis. ■ pale face, stopped coryza. Magn. c. sensation of creeping over the body, and pain in the groins. Tart. emet. shivering, sometimes violent and long, with ma- laise and satiety. Lycopod. shuddering over the body the whole day. Sepia. Coldness — general. Thuja. with trembling. Kali c. At the Beginning of Ileuses. Chilliness. Berber., Verat. alb. Coldness — paroxysms of — over the whole body. Silic. During Menses. Chills. Berber., Kreosot., Lach., Natr. c, Natr. s., Nux v., Phos., Puis., Sulph. at night. Lach. shaking. Natr. c. beginning in the extremities. Gels. with fulness in the head. Gels. ■ heat. Aeon. pale face. Puis. thirst. Bell. Chilliness. Amm. c, Bell., Bufo, Calc. C, Carb. an., Cimicifuga, Coff., Cupr., Graph., Indigo, Ipec, Kreosot., Magn. c, Natr. m., Nux v., Phos., Puis., Zinc. ■ and coldness inside the body, as if filled "with icej neither additional clothes nor the fireside will warm her. L. V. Deflor. constant. Kreosot., Rhus toz. especially in the legs. Bufo. with cold feet; limbs go to sleep. Graph. 100 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Chilliness, with gooseflesh. Kali hydr., Natr. s., Puis. shivering on waking, or when uncovering herself. Magn. c. Coldness. Coff., Ipec, Thuja. of the extremities, with cold sweat. Secal. COT. with rigors. Agaric, m. stiffness. Coff. After Chills. Graph. Chilly and cold. Kali c. Fever. — Heat, Before Menses. Heat. Carb. an., Conium, Cupr., Iod., Kali c, Nitr. acid, Sulph., Thuja. after midnight, with restlessness and shivering, followed by heat in the face. Lycopod. , cough, coryza. Graph. dry. Merc , excitement pulsation of arteries. Thuja. ■ in the abdomen and pelvis. Lac can. , thirst, and restlessness. Kali c. with anxiety. Carb. an. chilliness. Aeon., Sulph. palpitation. Iod. without thirst. Conium, Puis. During Menses. Heat. Aeon., iEscul. hipp., Bell., Gels., Graph., Helon., Phos., Rhodod., Sepia, Sulph., Verat. vir high — at night, with burning thirst and complete loss of sleep. Natr. m. in the afternoon, with chattering of teeth, followed by head- ache. Phos. with chill. Aeon. violent pain in the sacrum. Lobelia. Febrile excitement. Sulph. and headache, at the beginning of menses. Rhododen. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHEA. 101 Feverishness. Kali bich. Flushes of heat during the day. Lach., Sulph. Intermittent. Kali c. Pulse. Before Menses. Before or During Menses or in both Stages. Quick, full, large, but soft. Gels. , bounding, and very hard. Verat. vir. ■ , very hard, small, and sharp. Aeon. During Menses. Small. Secal. cor. Very slow. Kalmia. After Menses. Accelerated. Natr. m. Fever. — Perspiration. Before Menses. Nightsweat. Sulph., Verat. alb. Profuse. Hyos., Thuja. At the Beginning of Menses, Cold. Verat. alb. on the forehead. Verat. alb. Profuse. Hyos. During Menses. Perspiration. Caustic, Hyos., Magn. c. after midnight. Borax. the least exertion. Agaric, m. at night. Asaruin europ., Sulph. cold — of the limbs, which look pale. Secal. cor. hot and sticky on the forehead. Cham. local with rheumatic diathesis. Bry. on the chest and hack. Kreosot. at night. Bell. forehead ; cold. Phos.. Verat. profuse. Hyos. with great weakness. Magn. a, 102 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Skin. (See Face, Back, Legs, etc., etc.) Constitutional Symptoms, usually Worse during Menses. Blotches — itching — here and there. Graph. Eruption — chronic — here and there. Sulph. tettery, especially between the fingers, with great itching. Graph. Rhagades on hands and feet, (Chapped hands.) Hep. s. Before Ileuses. Bleeding of present ulcers. Phos. Eruption. Apis, Carb. veg., Conium, Graph., Sarsaparilla. sycotic — blotches. Thuja. itching — between the shoulderblades. Carb. veg. on the forehead, with burning and moisture after friction. Sarsaparilla. pimply — on the face. Graph. rash. Dulc. nettle. Kali c. Itching about the neck and shoulders. Carb. veg. of old tetters. Carb. veg. stinging of the skin, especially about the haemorrhoids. Phos. Wax color. Apis. During Menses. Aggravation of the condition of present ulcers. Graph. Coldness and blueness of the. China. Eruption. Apis, Conium. ■ acne, with pain far around. Eugenia j. herpetic, here and there. Petrol. ■ on the face. Nux m. pimply or tettery. Graph. rash — nettle. Kali c. Itching here and there, especially about the genitals. Agaric, ra. of the whole body. Kali c. stinging of the skin, especially about the varices. Phos. Sensation as if snakes were running up and down under the skin. Lac can. Wax color. Apis. MENSTRUATION AND DYSMENORRHEA. 103 Generalities. Before 31eixses. After all sorts of drugs and hot drinks. Nux v. chagrin. Cham. nightwatching. Coccul., Nux v. washing. Calc. c. Aggravation of all complaints. Secal. cor., Sepia. symptoms on the left side. Lithium c. Appearance — sudden — and sudden disappearance of pains. Bell. Bruised feeling all over, with inclination to weep. Conium. Convulsions ; spasms. Apis, Bell., Cimicifuga, Coccul., Cupr., Hyos., Puis., Verat. vir. cramplike. Caustic. epileptic form of. Kali brom. with piercing shrieks. Cupr. hysterical. Cannab. ind., Cimicifuga, Hyos., Mosch., Plat. Cramps. Coff., Cupr., Merc. , contractions, in the extremities. Phos. Debility. (See Weakness.) Exhaustion. (See Weakness.) Fainting spells. Cimicifuga, Coccul., Lach., Nux m., Sepia, Thuja. with pain in the abdomen. Sepia. Feels as if it was impossible to make the least exertion. Coccul. bad in general, a week before menses. Kali c. tired to death, two or three days before menses. Sac. lac. Hysterical symptoms. Cannab. ind., Cimicifuga, Coccul., Hyos., Mosch., Plat. Nervousness; restlessness. Gels., Nux in. Pain — bruised — in the limbs. Nitr. acid. pulling, in the limbs. Nux m. Takes cold easily. Calc. c. Thrilling — agreeable through the whole body. Cannab. ind. Tired feeling. Bell., Brom., Coccul., Nux m., Sac. lac. Trembling; rigors. Kali a, Lyeopod., Sepia. Weakness; lassitude; exhaustion. Bell., Brom., Cimicifuga, Coccul. after a short walk. ( lannab. ind. can hardly stand upon her feet. Coccul. 104 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. At the Beginning of Menses. Amelioration in the open air. Puis. of all symptoms. Lach. Cramps. Aeon., Amm. c, Calc. a, Cham., Coff. Fainting. Nux v. Restlessness at night, on account of troublesome rigors. Agaric, m. Spasms. Plat, and convulsions of the extremities. Coccul. Wea k ness. B ro m . , can hardly stand upon her feet. Coccul. -, mental depression, unfitting her for work. Ferr. During Menses. Aggravation by eating and drinking. Colocynth. during rest. Rhododendron, Rhus tox. thunderstorm, or at the approach of rough weather, or in windy weather. Rhododendron, Rhus tox. of all ailments. Ham. ■ — old ailments. Nux v. (and appearance of new), Puis. symptoms every other day at precisely the same hour. Diadema. the condition of present ulcers. Graph. Amelioration as soon as menses appeal-. Lach. Bloatedness. Carb. an. Changeableness of symptoms, is well one hour and sick the next. Puis. Coldness of arms and legs. Cham., Secal. cor. Contractions — crampy. Cubeba, Phos. Convulsions; spasms; Apis, Bell., Chin., Cimicifuga, Coccul., Collinson., Cupr., Hyos., Plat., Puis., Secal. cor., Verat. vir. clonic. China. epileptic. Cimicifuga, Plumb., Sulph. ■ with piercing shrieks. Cupr. frequently, with continual motion. Tarant. hysterical. Cannab. ind., Cimicifuga, Hyos. , spasmodically throwing about of hands and feet. Mosch ing. Plat. with screaming, anxiety, excitement, weep- MENSTRUATION AND DYSxMENORRHCEA. 105 Convulsions of the extremities. Coccul. ; tetanus; lockjaw. Hyos. like. Plat. Cramps. Cupr., Hyos., Secal. cor. Debility. (See Weakness.) Exhaustion. (See Weakness.) Fainting. Amyl. nitr., Cimicifuga, Coccul., Glon., Ignat, Mosch., Nux m., Nux v., Plumb., Sulph. attacks of — with great paleness of face Puis. followed by great debility and restlessness. Nux v. in the morning. Nux v. tendency to. Lach. (In nervous woman.) , weariness, yawning. Magn. m. with congestion. Glon. Gait unsteady. Glon. , staggering, from pain and weakness in the limbs. Nitrurn. Hysterical symptoms. Can nab. ind., Cimicifuga, Hyos. laughter, worse in the open air, Nux m. spasms and insupportable restlessness all over the body. Caustic. Intermission of usual spasms. Plat. Numbness, formication, or pain in the limbs. Graph. general feeling of — with trembling and palpitation. Plat. Odor — bad — and stench from the body. Stram. of semen. Stram. voluptuous — from the body, emanating from the lumbar region. Stram. Pain all over the body. Berber., L. V. Deflor. bruised — all over the body. Petrol. in the limbs. Nitr. acid. and stitches in different places; tearing. Natr. c. anywhere; neuralgic. Cimicifuga, Tarantula flying. Puis. , in arms and legs. Cauiophy.. increase and decrease of — with the flow. Cimicifuga, Puis. in the bones as if bruised. Carl), veg. extremities. Graph., Verat. alb. and back. Bell. 106 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Pain in the extremities and bowels ; violent drawing. Strain. aching; weakness. Nux m. rheumatic. Zinc. tearing. Baryt. c. and remitting ; also in the body generally. Bry. joints; tearing. Lachnanth., Sabina. limbs. Bell. neuralgic or spasmodic, almost anywhere. Gels. periodical— worse in the evening— violent— cause her to cry out. Cact. gr. pinching, chiefly during stool. Alum. reflex— upon the head, right shoulder, feet, and knees. Magn. c. soreness all over the body, Carbo veg. stitching and jerking— through the whole body. Nux v. violent— causing her to cry out. Cact. gr., Cimicifuga, Puis, (tossing in all directions). tearing in the body. Amm. c. which come and go quickly; pressive. Bell. Paralysis — partial. Plumb. Restlessness — great. Phos. nervous. Gels. Rheumatic affections of the joints. Mangan. Right side mostly affected. Rhododendron. Sensitiveness— great — to cold air. Agaric, m., Calc. c. Soreness — general. Carb. veg. Spasms. (See Convulsions.) Startings — violent — of the whole body, and dizziness on waking. Kalic. Stiffness of the body. Coff. joints. Hyos. limbs, relieved by walking; appearing usually before a storm. Rhus tox. ? before a storm or in damp weather, re- lieved by the storm. Rhus tox. Tired feelings. (See Weakness.) Trembling— convulsive. Hyos. (of arms and legs especially). from weakness. Agaric, m., Caulophyl., Graph., Natr. m. numbness, palpitation. Plat. MENSTRUATION AND PYS1ISN0RRHC3 A. 107 Trembling — weakness of the limbs. Caustic. with anxiety and heat. Nitr. acid. rigors. Kali c. Trismus. Cubeba. Twitching? — spasmodic. Bell. of arms and legs. Coccul., Coff., Secal. r. ■ single muscles. China. Want — great — of vital heat. Ledum. Weakness; debility; lassitude; exhaustion; tired feeling, etc., etc. Agaric m., Alee., Amm. c, Ars., Bell., Borax, Bufo, Cact. gr., Calc. C, Carb. veg., Caulophyl., Caust, Cinnab., Cubeba, Erigeron, Graph., Helon., Ignat., Iod., Kali c, L. V. Deflor., Lachnanth., Lycopod., Magn. c, Magn. m., Mosch., Natr. c, Natr. m., Niccol., Nitr. acid, Nux m., Nux v., Petrol., Phos., Sabina, Secal. cor., Senecio, Sepia, Thuja, Verat. alb. after a stool especially. Nux v. even a short walk. Cannab. ind and weariness, especially when going upstairs. Iod. , with gaping and stretching ; can hardly talk. Carb. an. approaching fainting. Ignat. as if emanating from the centre of the chest; can hardly talk. Stan. can hardly sit or stand; falls constantly to the left .idc L.V. Deflor. especially of loins and thighs. Cubeba. thighs. Amm. c. general — hysterical. Natr. m. has to remain in bed for several days. Cact. gr. in feet ami hands. Ol. an., Zinc. nervous. Calc. c. painful lassitude. Bell. she can scarcely breathe; has to lie down. Nitr. acid. talk. Carb. an., Coccul., Stan. with drowsiness. ( lubeba, Kali c. great desire to lie down. BelL, [pec. weakness of the larynx. Carb. an, nausea. Natr. c. perspiration. Magn. c. Yawning. Amm. c, ( ;ni» 108 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. After Ileuses. Aggravation of all uterine pains and complaints. Kreosot. Appearance of new and aggravation of old ailments. Nux v., Puis. Complaints in general. Kreosot. Convulsions; spasms — clonic. China. Cramps. Cupr. Heaviness all over. Bufo. Hysterical symptoms. Ferr. Nervousness. Carbol. acid. Pain as if from exhaustion. Agaric, m. during menses, but worse after the flow. Kreosot. in all the muscles; tearing. Berber. Twitching before going to sleep. Natr. m. Weakness; exhaustion, etc., etc. Alum., China, Phos., Plat., Thuja. after stool. Nux v. and heaviness of the limbs. Graph. is hardly able to speak, from weakness of the larynx ; stretching and yawning. Carb. an. emanating apparently from the chest. Stan. in body and mind — great — a little exercise prostrates. Alum. with blue circles around the eyes. Phos. trembling. China. PART II. MENORRHAGIA. (Compare Part I.) Time, Quantity, and Conditional Circumstances of the Menstrual Discharge. Too profuse. Acid, lack, Aeon., Agaric, ra., Aletr. f., Aloe, Ambr. gr., Amm. brom., Amm. c, Amm. m., Ant. c, Apis, Apocyn. can., Argt. nitr., Arnica, Ars., Bell., Borax, Bovista, Brora., Bry., Bnfo, Cact. gr., Calc. c, Calc. phos., Cannab. ind., Cannab. sat., Canth., Carb. an., Carb. veg., Carbol. acid, Caulophyl., Caustic, Cerar. virg., Cham., Chelidon., Chin., China sulph., Cimicifuga, Cina, Cinnab., Coca, Coccnl., Coccus cacti, Coif., Collinson., Conium, Crocus sat., Cyclam., Dictaranus, Erigeron, Ferr., Fluor, acid, Gels., Ham., Helon., Hep. s., Hydrast,, Hydrophobinum, Hyos., Ignat., Iod., Ipec, Iris ver., Kali brom., Kali c, Kreosot., Lach., Laurocer., Ledum, Lycopod., Magn. c, Magn. m., Merc, sol., Mil- lefol., Mosch., Muriat. acid, Natr. c, Natr. m., Nitr. acid, Nux jugl., Nux m., Xnx v., Opium, Phos., Phos. acid, Phytolacca, Plat., Plumb., Puis., Rhus tox., Sabina, Sambucus, Sarsaparilla, Secal. cor., Sene- cio, Sepia, Silic., Spong., Stan., Stram., Sulph., Sulph. acid, Taran- tula, Theridion, Thuja, Thlasp. bur., Trill., Ustilago, Verat. alb., Xanthoxyl., Zinc. too early. Aletr. f., Amm. c, Bapt., Bell., Borax, Bovista, Brom., Bry., Bufo, Cact. gr., Calc. C, Cannab. ind., Canth., Carb. veg., Canst., China sulph., Cimicifuga, Cina, Coconl., COCCUS cacti, Erigeron, Fluoric acid, Iod., Ipec., Laurocer., Ledum, Magn. <•., Mosch., Muriat. acid, Natr. m., Nitr. acid, Nux jugl., Nux m., Nux v., Phos., Phytol., Plat., Sepia, Spong., St ram., Sulph. acid, Trill., Verat. alb., Zinc. too long* Aloe, Bry., Calc. c, Calc. phos., Crocus, Fen-., Ignat., [pec., Kreosot., Lycopod.! Phos., Phos. acid., Plat., Senecio, Stram., Sulph., Trill., [Jstilago. ( 109 ) 110 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Too profuse, too long. Aeon., Apocyn. can., Calc. c, Crocus sat,, Gels., Ignat., Ipec, Kreosot, Lycopod., Millefol., Plat., Secal. cor., Sulph., Trill. too late. Coca, Phos. too long. Chelidon. Flow active. Aeon., Bell., Bry., Calc. c, Cham., Ferr., Ham., Nux v., Plat., Sabina, Sulph., Ustilago. passive. Aletr. f., Brom., Carb. veg., Caulophyl., China, Cimicifuga, Crocus sat., Digital., Hani., Helon., Phos. acid, Puis., Secal. cor., Sepia, Sulph., Sulph. acid, Trill., Ustilago. after labor or abortion. Kali c. lasting several days, stops, and then re- turns. Nux v., Sulph. better after exercise by tvalking. Sabina. between the menstrual periods. Ambr. gr., Bell., Bovista, Cham., Hep. s. — — at every little acci- dent, as after a hard stool or unusual long walk. Ambr. gr. continuous. Apocyn. can. } almost without pain. Gels. during cliniaxis. Aloe, Bell., Calc. c, Coccul., Cro- cus sat., Ignat, Kali brom., Kreosot., Lach., Nux v., Plat., Puis., Sepia, Sulph., Theridion, Trill, Ustilago. eruptive or typhoid fever, with aphthae. Ars. evolution. Aeon., Bell., Calc. c, Cham., Cim- icifuga, Ferr., Gels., Hyos., Ignat., Ipec, Nux v., Plat., Puis., Sabina, Sepia, Silic, Sulph., Tarantula. the day only, ceasing when lying down. Caustic, Ham. every two iveeks, lasting too long. Calc. c, Calc. phos., Trill. from a long drive in the cold air. Amm. c. abuse of Chaniomilla. China. atony of the uterus. Aletr. f., Brom., China, Caulophyl., Ham., Helon., Iod., Kali c, Secal. cor., Xanthoxyl. chronic infarction. Bell., Bufo, Calc. c, Hy- drast., Sepia, Sulph., Tarantula. induration of the uterus. Carbo an. concussion or other traumatic causes. Arnica. high living. Nux v. MENORRHAGIA. Ill Floiv from overexertion. MiUefol., Trill. reflex or nervous causes. Kali brom. sedentary life. Nux v. sexual desire, especially in young girls. Cale. q., Nux v., Phos. acid. straining. Rhus tox, suppressed or ung ratified sexual desire. Coniuni. too frequent cohabitation. Calc. a, Nux v., Phos. acid. ulceration and granulation of the mucous membrane of the uterus. Ceras. virg., Helon., Hep. s., Hydrast.. Merc, Nitr. acid, Silic, Thuja, Xanthoxyl. in gushes. Lac can. , awaking her from sound sleep. Coca. ■ like a stream, when rising upon the feet. Coccul. paroxysms. Apocyn. can., Bell., Cham., Nux v., Rhus tox. the evening only, when lying down, never when moving about. Coccus cacti, Cyclam. intermittent, or inclined to be so. Kreosot. lasting for tveeks. Ustilago. too long; she seems to get almost well, and then it ret urns again and again. Sulph. never during uterine pains. Magn. c. of old maids. Sarsaparilla. pregnant woman. Coccul. sterile woman. Canth., Nux v. preceded a day or two by a moderate discharge. Apocyn. can. returning after every stool. Iod. fright <>r emotion. Secal. cor. from the slightest motion. Sabina, Trill. , but relieved by ex- ercise or walking. Sabina. tvhen sitting quietly in the evening, never when moving about. Cyclam. without pain. Cact. gr., China, Crocus sat., Gels. Puis., Secal. cor., Sepia, Tril 112 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Flow worse at night, Amm. c, Amm. m., Coca, Magn. c, Sabiim. , and when first rising. Magn. s. from motion. Erigeron. , the slightest. Crocus sat., He- Ion., Secal. cor., Trill. in the evening, less at night. Bovista. when first rising. Magn. c. riding, particularly after a ride in the cold air. Amm. C. Character of the Menstrual Discharge. Black. Amm. c, Bry., Calc. phos., Canth., Coccus cacti, Kre- osot,, Nux m. Bright red. Apocyn. can., Brom., Erigeron, Ham., Hyos., Ipec, Millefol., Trill., Ustilago. and hot. Bell. in the beginning, but soon growing pale. Trill. mixed with clots. Arnica, Bell., Nux v., Rhus tox.. Sabina. dotted. Apocyn. can., Bufo, Calc. phos., Cham., Cmiicifuga, Coccus cacti, Fluoric acid, Nux jugl. occasionally. Secal. cor. — , passing away in lumps enormously large. Coccus cacti, Stram. when walking. Zinc. partly only. Plat., Sabina, Tril Coagulated. (See Clotted ; dark-red coagulated.) Corrosive. Amm. c, Carb. veg., Sulph. Dark red coagulated. Aletr. f., Bell, (sometimes), Calc. phos., Cham., China, Cimicifuga, Crocus sat., Helon., Nux jugl., Plat., Sabina, Trill., Ustilago. liquid. Secal. cor. partly fluid and partly in clots. Plat., Sabina, Trill. thick. Coccus cacti., Nitr. acid, Nux m., Trill. Pale. Amm. c, Carb. veg. (sometimes.) and thin. Bufo. partly — and partly clotted. Sabina. Stringy. Crocus sat. Thick. Carb. veg., Crocus sat., Nux v., Plat. Thin, watery, mixed with blackish clots. Sabina. MENORRHAGIA. 113 Odor of the Menstrual Discharge. Acrid. Carb. veg., Si lie. Bad. Helon., Kreosot., Trill. sometimes. Bell., Secal. cor. Sour. Sulph. Strong. Silic. Association of Chronic Ailments. Affections of the breast ; atrophia. Iod. chest. Brom., Calc. phos., Iod. (chronic catarrh of the lungs), Phos., Stan. eyes. Brom. heart. Brom., Cact. gr., Digital. 'joints and muscles. (Rheumatism.) Calc. phos., Cimicifuga, Ledum, Rhus tox. larynx and throat. Carb. an., Spong., Stan. chronic hoarseness and cough ; the voice frequently giving out when singing. Spong. with weakness of the larynx ; cannot talk much, read aloud or sing, or the larynx aches; the same sensation is sometimes felt in the chest. Stan. neck ; goitre. Iod. rectum ; haemorrhoids. Collinson., Ham., Mu- riat. acid, Nux v., Sulph. ■ skin ; chapped. Hep. s. •; ulceration after slight injury. Hep. s. - uterus and ovaries. Ars., Conium, Ham., Nux m., Ustilago. Hysteria. Cimicifuga, Hyos., Ignat., Nux m., Plat. Rhagades on head and feet. Hep. s. CONCOMITANTS. (Compare Part I.) Mind and Disposition. Anxiety; anguish; apprehension. Aeon., Arnica. Cheerfulness. Fluor, arid. Delirium. Hyos. Dread of downward motion or going downstairs. Borax. fresh air. Nux v. 114 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Excitability — great. Aeon. Fear of death. Aeon. Fearfulness. Phos. Foolish manner. Hyos. Frightened easily. Xux v. Hysterical. Sabina. Impatience when spoken to. Xux v. Inclination to uncover or undress herself. Hyos. Irritability. Arnica, Bry., Cham., NliX V., Sabina, Senecio, Ye- rat. alb. after menses. Carbol. acid. Laughing — disposition ta — especially in the open air. Nux m. silly. Hyos. Low-spirited — very much. Amm. c, Ignat., Natr. m. from an indescribable queer feeling all over. Brorn. Mania. Sepia. Nervousness. Cimicifuga, Kreosot., Sabina, Senecio. , cannot bear light or noise. Xux v. , startling at the least noise. Borax. , with severe headache. Kreosot. Nymphomania before menses. Calc. phos., Strain, (during menses.) from burning and itching in the vulva, clitoris, and pudendum. Kali brom. Restlessness, uneasiness. Aeon., Apis, Arnica, Rhus tox. (de- manding constant change of position), Ustilago. Sensitiveness — excessive — of the mind. Arnica. without complaining. Ignat. Sighing and sobbing. Ignat. Starting — tendency to. Arnica. Talkativeness — great — of absurd things. Strain. Weeping. Cimicifuga, Ignat., Puis., Yerat. alb. Head. Congestion. (See Headache.) Aeon., Calc. c. (and chest), Sepia. Enlargement — feeling of. Argt. nitr. Fulness. Brom. (and chest.) Headache; pain in the head, after menses. Carbol. acid. at the side and top of head. Ustilago. vertex. Ustilago. bursting, as if the head would split, worse on moving, even the eyes. Bry. MENORRHAGIA. 115 Headache, congestive ; throbbing of the arteries. Bell. dull, heavy. Ustilago. ■ heat — before menses. Iod. one-sided. Sepia. over the eyes ; extending toward the temples, with a sensation as if the integument of the forehead was spasmodically contracted. Arnica. (eyeballs) worse by motion, even of the eyes. Cimicif. severe — before and during menses. Kreosot. during climaxis. Theridion, Ustilago. with nervousness. Kreosot. stitches in the left side. Calc phos. tearing in vertex at night. Laurocerasus. Heat at the vertex. Sulph. of the head, when the body is cool. Arnica. Icy coldness of the vertex — sensation of. "Verat. alb. Stupefaction ; vision obscured as from a fog. Cyclam. Sweat — cold — on the forehead (nausea and vomiting). Verat. alb. Vertigo. Argt. nitr., Trill., Ustilago. and nausea, when moving about, or on rising, better when lying down. Arnica. especially during the climaxis. Ustilago. on going upstairs. Calc. C. rising from a recumbent position, has to lie down again. Aeon. in the morning, with weakness in legs, has to lie ain for a few minutes. Phos. stooping, worse on rising. Calc. C. walking:. Arnica. Eyes. Blue rings around the — during and after menses. Phos. Heaviness in the. Natr. m. Obscuration of sigh! ; stupefaction of the head. Cyclam. Pain in the eyeballs; headache ; worse from motion; even of the yes. Cimicifuga. Vanishing of sight. ( Ihina. Weakness of sight. Trill. Ears. Rinsing in the. ( Ihina. 116 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Nose. Coldness. Yerat. alb. Itching. Cina. Stoppage of the — with thick tenacious mucus. Satnbucus. Yellow saddle across the nose. Sepia. Face. Anxious, pale look. Trill. Brown, yellow, or moth patches on the — and forehead. Caulo- phyl., Sepia (across the nose). Earthy. Helon., Ferr. Livid. Digital. Pale. Acid, lact., Calc. c, Crocus sat., Digital., Erigeron, Ferr., Helon., Kali c, Trill., Ustilago. Red, fierce. Ferr. Yellowness. Caustic., Crocus sat., Lycopod., Sepia. Throat. Dryness — intolerable — of — mouth and tongue. Nux m. Fulness and satiety after the least quantity of food. Lycopod. Soreness of the — at each menstrual sinus. Magn. C. Mouth. Dryness — intolerable of — tongue and throat, especially after sleep- ing. Nux m. Gums — scorbutic. Merc. sol. Taste exceedingly bad in the morning. Puis. Teeth feel sore and as if loose. Merc. sol. Toothache. Calc. C. Tongue — white. Bry. Stomach. Aversion to bread. Natr. m. food ; even the odor of it sickens her. Sepia. Cramps. Argt. nitr. Craving for salt. Natr. m. Dyspepsia. Helon. Eructation — putrid. Arnica. of large quantities of wind after eating. Phos. Loss of appetite, nothing tastes good. Puis. MENORRHAGIA. 117 Nausea. Acid, lack, Apocyn. can., Arnica, Bell., Borax, Bry., Ipec, Verat. alb. after eating. Bry. and giddiness when moving about or rising ; better when lying. Arnica. vomiting. Sepia. ■ in the morning. Acid. lact. , with cold sweat on the forehead. Verat. alb. at the pit of the stomach. Arnica. constant. Ipec. on sitting up. Bry. proceeding from the stomach. Ipec. Pain from the — to the sacrum. Borax. Sensation as of something alive in the. Crocus sat. ascending towards the stomach, which makes her think she will vomit water. Coccus cacti. Sinking and emptiness at the pit of. Sepia, Ustilago. faintisbness. Ignat. from 11 to 12 at noon; cannot wait for dinner. Sulph. painful — at the pit of. Trill. Thirst — great — for large quantities of water. Bry. Vomiting. (See Nausea.) Acid, lact., Apocyn. can., Arnica, Bry., Sepia, Verat. alb. bilious. Bry. of blood. Arnica. Abdomen. Constriction or tension — sensation of. Coccus cacti. Distension. Coccus cacti, Nux m., Sabina. after eating. Nux m. as if from pregnancy, before menses. Kreosot. Bensation of — not relieved by eructation or vomiting. China. Emptiness and weakness — sensation of. Phos. I-" I at u- — incarcerated. Lycopod. Heaviness in the uterine region. Aletr. i'., Apis, Bell. Pain— laborlike. Ant. crud., Apocyn. can., Bell., Calc. c, Can- Dab. inn 1 ., Cham., Cimicifuga, Ham., Nitr. ac, Nux v., Plat. Sepia, Tarantula, Ustilago. and drawing in the legs. Nux m. 118 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. p a i n — laborlike, and drawing in the groins. Sabina. ; excruciating pain in the vagina; worse when standing. Illius tox. , burning across the hypogastrium. Hydrophobinum. f colic. Bell., Borax, Calc. C, Cannab. ind., Nux v., Rhus tox., Sepia (before menses). and headache. Phos. , contracting. Magn. c. , cramplike, extending into the thighs. Nux V. , cutting — in the hypogastrium and sacrum. Senecio. , drawing — in — also in the thighs and upper limbs. Stram. , griping and rumbling before menses. Calc. phos. with screaming and biting. Bell. , lancinating, burning. Ars. in the lower abdomen. Coca. region of the liver. Phos. , sharp — first in the right, then in the left side. Coccus cacti. , soreness. Ham. , sore, bruised feeling in the uterine region, preventing hei from walking erect. Arnica. ; spasms. Ignat., Kali c, Sabina. , sticking — during menses. Kali c. , tearing, pressing. Agaric, ra. Potbellied ness after confinement. Calc. c, Sepia. Pressure over the umbilical region. Sabina. uterine region and rectum. Ipec. upward, over mons veneris. Calc. phos. Sensation of something alive in the. Crocus sat., Sabina. pulling — stinging, from the — to the back. Plumb. Groins and Ovarian Region. Pain in the — and sacrum, extending to the inner side of the thigh and toe. Arnica. burning — in the right side. Ustilago. cutting — in the — and sacrum. Argt. nitr. in either side. Ham. on pressure. Iod. Pressure from the — to the genital organs. Plat. MENORRHAGIA. 119 Anus and Rectum. Haemorrhoids — bleeding. Sulph. very painful to touch and terribly itching. Muriat. acid. worse. Collinson., Ham., Nus: v. Pain — sharp stitching — in rectum — upwards, followed by a dis- charge of coagula from the vagina. Magn. c. Prolapsus with difficult stool. Ignat. Stool. Blood passed away at every stool during menses. Amm. m. Constipation. Collinson., Sepia. difficult stool, causing prolapsus of the rectum. Ignat. with dry, hard, difficult stool; with frequent urging to stool. Nux v. : frequent discharge of small pieces. Nux v. hard lumps, remaining long in the rectum, as if it had no force to expel them ; sometimes after long straining the protruding portion recedes again. Silic. , knotty, dark-colored stools. Iod. large difficult stools. Nux v. lumps packed together like sheep manure. Plumb. stools as if burned. Bry. long, slim, hard, difficult. PhOS. Diarrhoea. Verat. alb. in the morning. Bry. mucus, with tenesmus and oppression. Merc. sol. worse after drinking. Cina. Urging — constant. Nux v. Urinary Organs. Desire to urinate frequently. Canth., Cham., China. Dysuria with burning and cutting pain. Canth. sensation of soreness through the whole urethra. ( lannab. sat. Irritation of the neck of the bladder. Canth. bladder and rectum. Erigeron. 120 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Urging to urinate, but she finds it impossible until clots of blood have passed from the vagina. Coccus cacti. Urine brown, with brickdust sediment. Arnica. fetid. Sepia. pale. China. and profuse. Cham. profuse. Phytol. at night; colorless urine. Phos. acid. strong, Merc, sol., Nitr. acid. with sediment like clay sticking to the vessel. Sepia. SEXUAL ORGANS. Uterus. (See Abdomen, Uterine and Ovarian Kegion.) Atony. Helon. Congestion. Aletr. f., Argt. nitr., Collinson., Iod. (and ovaries). venous. Ham. Displacement. Ipec, Sepia, Trill., Ustilago. , especially ante version. Nux m. with rheumatic pains. Calc. phos. Distension. Nux m., Phos. acid. Paiu in the — and ovaries. Helou. pressing down — aching across the hips. Cimicifuga. spasms. Kali c. Polypi. Bufo, Calc. phos., Ledum. Softness and relaxation. Caulophyl. Tumefaction of cervix j bleeds when touched. Ustilago. Tumors — hard. Bufo. Ulceration of the os or cervix. Helon. Ovaries. Irritation of the. Ustilago. Vagina. Fluor albus. (See Part VI, on Fluor albus.) Aching in the. Calc. c. Sensation as if everything were pressed out. Silic. Sore to the touch. Silic. MENORRHAGIA. 121 Vulva. Aphthae with itching, burning, and redness. Carb. veg. Excitement — sexual. Calc. phos., Plat. Itching and burning. Kali brom. between the labia and vagina. Kreosot. voluptuous. Coff., Tarantula. Pressure — peculiar — (also in uterus as if something would come out). Antim. crud. Pruritus. Bufo, Tarantula. Titillation. Agaric, m., Mosch. Voluptuous feeling, as if all the parts were filling up with blood. Calc. phos. Mammae. Atrophia. Iod. Pain — acute. Iod., Phytol. Swelling aud sensitiveness before menses. Calc. C, Conium. Chest. Breathing — heavy. Ipec. Congestion to the — and head. Calc. c. Fulness in — and head, with difficult respiration. Brom. Gasping for breath. Ipec. Heart. Palpitation. Aeon., Cact. gr., Erigeron, Helon.. Trill. before menses. Iod. ■ on going upstairs. Crocus sat. Suffocating spells about the. Cact. gr., Laurocerasus. Back. Heat in the. Phos. Pain . backache. Amm. c, Bell., Bry., Cham., Helon. aching ami boring. Ham. , weight in sacrum or small (if back, during menses. Kali C burning across the small of back or sacrum Carb. veg. cutting in sacrum and bypogastrium. Benecio. drawing from the sacrum to the os pubis. Cham. dragging about the loins, and bearing down in the pelvis. Nux v. excoriating — j n sacrum or -mall of back. Xanthoxy I. 122 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Pain in the sacrum when riding in a carriage. Nux m. the small of back. Bry. and abdomen. Phos. groins. Argt. nitr. down the inner side of the thigh and leg to the great toe. Arnica. like rheumatism, through the hips, down the thighs, with labor pains. Cimicifuga. tearing, pressing, also in the abdomen. Agaric, m. through to the pubes; drawing, tear- ing. Sabina. uterus. Helon. severe — and down the thighs. Cimicifuga. under the inner and lower angle of the right shoulderblade. Chelidon. Lower Extremities. Coldness. Cham., Phos., Trill., Verat. alb. of — with heat in head. Arnica. Feet cold. Silic. (during menses), Sulph. • and cold legs. Phos. and damp. Calc. C. hands. Ignat. , convulsive trembling, likewise of the hands. Hyos. fidgety — and of the legs even. Zinc. — swollen, painful. Digital. numbness of — and legs. Ignat. Jerking of the — and upper extremities. Lycopod. Pain — aching (and upper). Cimicifuga. and pressing down into the uterus. Cimicifuga. drawing. Nnx m. ; in the — and upper limbs and abdomen. Stram. ■ in the inner side of the thigh and toe, coming from the sacrum and groins. Arnica. thighs, with severe backache. Cimicifuga. like rheumatism in limbs and back. Cimicifuga. tearing in the — and upper. Bry. veins. Cham. Paralytic feeling. Coccul. Toe, itching, burning, redness, as if frozen. Agaric, m. MENORRHAGIA. 123 Dead and heavy. Sulph. Deep the whole night. Sulph. Dreams of robbers being in the house. Natr. m. Drowsiness and fainting. Nux m. Light sleep, awakens frequently. Sulph. Nightmare before menses. Sulph. acid. Restlessness at night, cannot find a place to rest with comfort. Rhus tox. , tossing about even during sleep. Cina. , the sheets feel too hot, she chancres all the time for a cooler place. Opium. Sleepiness, yet cannot sleep. Opium. after meals, especially after dinner. Sleeplessness. Cannab. ind. after 3 or 4 a.m. Nux v. Fever. Chills at night, flushes of heat during the day. Lach. Chilliness and shuddering. Calc. C M Ipcc. during menses. Kreosot. wants to be covered all the time. Calc. C. Coldness — icy — over the whole body; in paroxysms. Silic. with internal heat, don't want to be covered. Secal. cor. < loolness. Digital. Heat. Sabina. flashes of- — during the day, chills at night. Lach. followed by weak fainting spells. Sulph. Pulse intermittent. Kali C. weak. Yerat. alb. Skin. Boils — small — tendency to. Arnica. Chapped skin; rhagades on hands and feet; slight injuries result in ulceration. I [ep. s. Ecchymosis in various parts of the body. Arnica. Eruption painful. Arnica. Red spots stinging like bee-stints. Apis. Generalities. Absence of pain. China, Crocus sat., Gels., Magn. c, Puis., Se- 124 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Aggravation of all ailments before menses. Secal. cor. Coldness of the extremities. Trill. Constitution and temperament. (See Part VIII, Generalities.) Convulsions — hysterical. Cimicifuga. violent. Secal. cor. Emaciation with good appetite. Iod. Exhaustion. (See Weakness.) Fainting. Apis, Apocyn. can., Cham., China, Nux m., Nux v., Trill. and drowsiness. Nux m. preceded by Hashes of heat. Sulph. Faintness. Ipec. with goneness at pit of stomach at 11 or 12 o'clock, cannot wait for dinner. Sulph. Hysteria. Cimicifuga. Losing flesh. Helon., Phos. in spite of good appetite. Iod. Pains — lacerating in the limbs. Bry. Sensitiveness to the slightest draught of air. Calc. C. Sore, bruised feeling throughout the body. Arnica. Spasms. (See Convulsions.) Torpor and numbness of the whole body. Secal. cor. Trembling of the whole body. Apocyn. can. Tremulous sensation of the whole body without trembling. Sulph. acid. Want of vital warmth ; can hardly keep warm. Ledum. "Weakness; debility; exhaustion. Aletr. f., Apocyn. can., Ars., Brom., Carb. veg., Crocus sat., Erigeron, Helon., Iod., Phos., Sabina, Sulph. acid, Trill., Ustilago. after menses ; blue rings around the eyes. Phos. excessive, with pain between the sacrum and pubis. Sabina. Yawning. Apis. PART III. AMENORRHCEA. (See Part I.) Remedies : Aeon., iEscul. hipp., Agnus cast., Aletr. f., Alum., A mm. c, Apis, Apocyn. can., Argt. nitr., Ars., Aurum, Bell., Berb., Borax, Bry., Calc. c, Camph., Canth., Carb. veg., Caulo- phyl., Caust., Cham., Chelidon., China, Cicut. vir., Cimicifuga, Cist, can., Coccul., Colch., Collinson., Colocynth., Conium, Crocus sat., Croton tig., Cupr., Cyclam., Cypriped., Digital., Drosera, Dulc, Euphr., Ferr., Gels., Glon., Gossyp., Graph., Ham., Hedeoma, Hellebor., Helon., Hippom., Hyos., Ignat., Iod. (of long standing), Kali c, Kali hydr., Kali nitr., Kalmia, Lach., Leptand., Lithium c, Lilium, Lobelia, L.V. Deflor., Lycopod. (of long standing), Magn. c, Magn. m., Merc, Mezer., Millefol., Natr. c, Natr. m., Nitr. acid., Nitrum., Nux m., Opium, Petrol., Phos., Phos. acid., Plat., Plumb., Phytol., Podophyl., Polygonum, Psorin., Puis., Rhodo- dendron, Rhus tox., Ruta, Sabadilla, Sabina, Sanguin., Sarsap., Secal. cor., Senecio, Sepia, Silic, Spigel., Staphis., Strain., Stront., Sulph., Taraxacum, Terebinth., Ustilago, Valerian, Verat. alb., Verat. vir., Zinc. Delay of first menses in young girls Aeon., Apis. Calc. C, Camph., Caustic, Conium, Coccul., Drosera, Graph., Kali c, Magn. c, Natr. m., Petrol., Puis., Sabina, Sepia, Sulph., Wraf. all). (For further menstrua] peculiarities concerning time and character of the discharge, see Part I.) Causes. From anger. Cham., Colocynth., Puis. atony of the uterus or ovaries. Aletr. f. chagrin. Aeon., China, Colocynth., Puis. with severe indignation. Staphis. checked perspiration. Cham. ( 126 ) 126 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. From cold. Aeon., Bell., Bry., Caulophyl., Cimicifuga, Dulc, Gels., Nux m., Puis., Senecio, Sepia, Sulph. and dampness. Dulc, Rhus tox. bath. Aeon. congestion of the uterus and pelvic viscera. Collinson. debility. Aletr. f., Graph., Nux m., Puis. and torpid condition of the whole system, with disordered condition of the digestive organs. Helon. nervous. Puis. disappointed love. Helleb. erysipelas. Cicuta vir. ■ fever. Cimicifuga, Lobelia. fright. Lycopod. (chromic), Nux m., Opium. and anger of long standing. Lycopod. sudden. Aeon., Bell., Opium, Plat,, Puis. getting wet. Dulc, L.V. Deflor., Nux m., Puis., Rhus tox. the feet, Aeon., Puis. Ignat. grief and great anxiety, from suppressed grief. Colocynth. hysteria. Nux m. mental emotions. Cimicifuga. ovarian irritation. UstilagO. overexertion. Nux m. heating. Ant. crud. pulmonary disease. Sanguin. suppression of footsweat. Oupr., Silic torpid condition of the uterus in leucophlegmatic tempera- ments. Gossyp. working in the water. Gale C. CONCOMITANTS. Mind and Disposition. Angry disposition (see Irritability). Aeon., Sulph. , quarrelsome, can hardly keep her temper. Cham. , vehement. Natr. m. Anguish. Coccul., Conium. , deathly, with dread of dying. Plat. great. Ignat., Plat. AMENORRHEA. 127 Anguish, with colic. Colocynth. Anxiety about domestic affairs. Puis. her health, extreme. Bry. and sadness. Conium. , with constriction of the chest when lying. Graph. Busily engaged in this or that, but do nothing right ; with young girls. Apis. Cries and shrieks for help. Ignat. Desire for society and light. Stram. Despair of salvation. Verat. alb. Dread of downward motion, as in a swing, in a rocking chair, or coming downstairs. Borax. Dulness of mind. Helon. Excitement — great — at every time she should menstruate. Magn. m. Fall — letting — and breaks everything they have in their hands, and laughing over it. Apis. Fearfulness; fright. Lycopod., Stram. of being left alone. Ars. Fear — expression of — on awaking from sleep, with red puffed face. Stram. of death. Ars. Frightened easily. Kali c. Grief — full of suppressed. Ignat. Hastiness. Natr. m. Impatient (see Irritability). Natr. m. Irritability (see Angry Mood). Cham., Merc. Sulph. nervous and lassitude. Senecio. [rascible mood. Natr. c. Laughing and weeping — involuntary — with general weakness. ( Ionium. loud and boisterous at every time the menses should appear. Hyos. Low-spirited, melancholic, depressed. Ars., Cimicifuga, Coccul., Conium, Crocus sat., ( ypripedium, Helon., Ignat., Natr. m., Puis., Sepia. and anxious. Conium. early in the morning at every lime she should menstruate, with qualmishness for a few hours, sweet rising, and spitting of blood with (he saliva. Natr. m. fatigue. Podoph. 128 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Low-spirited and melancholy, during the period of development. Helleb. peevish. Merc. weeping. Ignat., Lyeopod., Sepia, Sulph. excessive. Natr. m. with inclination to commit suicide. Au- rum. inclination to be. Natr. c. ; she looks at the dark side of everything. Caustic. with nightsweats. Aletr. f. prolapsus uteri. Aurum. Mania. Puis. Mental derangement. Puis. insanity, during the climacteric years. Hipp. with screams and mania. Cupr. Mild, tearful, yielding. Puis. Moaning and groaning. Coccul. Mood — contrary. Merc. fitful. Nux m. irascible. Cham., Natr. c. Nervousness. China. , excitability, bordering on hysteria or chorea. Cimi- cifuga. , sleeplessness, and great debility. Sen- ecio. great. Borax, Conium, Ferr. , starts easily. Borax. Peevish and whimsical. Cham., Merc. Religious reveries — inclination to. Sulph. Restlessness and anguish. Coccul. weariness. Magn. c. Sensitiveness — -extreme — to the least noise. China. mental and physical impressions. Staph is. Shamelessness, disposed to nakedness and to be obscene. Hyos. Shrinking back. Strain. Suicide — inclination to. Aurum. Suspicious and proud. Plat. Talkativeness — extreme — at the time the menses should appear. Stram. Weeping and laughing — involuntary. Conium. AMENORRHEA. 129 Weeping frequently. Sulph. melancholy. Lycopod. , praying, and earnest supplication. Stram. , sighing, sobbing — involuntary. Ignat uncontrollable. Plat. Head. Coldness — constant, at the top of the head. Verat. alb. Congestion. (See Pain.) Dulness in the — and weight in the abdomen. Graph. Flashes of heat in the — and face, with cold hands and feet. Sepia. Heat in the — great. Bell. and vertex, with cold feet. Sulph. stitches in the sides of the head. Sulph. Heaviness of the. Crot. tig. Pain in the — (headache). Calc. C, Graph., Lithium c, Merc, Sepia. aching, pulsating, or sticking. Aeon. , tensive, especially from occiput to the neck. Sulph. at night especially. China. buzzing. Calc. C, Puis. , congestion. Aeon., Apis, Bell., Bry., Calc. c. Cim- icifuga, Ferr., Gels., Graph., Merc, Verat. vir. and chest. Aeon., Graph. , tendency to. Aeon. pelvic organs. Sulph. dry heat every time she should menstruate. Merc. heavy feeling. Opium. throbbing. Aeon., ( 'ale c, Puis., Sulph. at the approach of each men- strual pcri.nl. Bell. fulness. Glon. roaring, buzzing, and prickling in the brain. Ferr. with aching pain in the vertex. Cupr. a whizzing noise in the brain. Sulph. cpistaxis. Conium, ( Irocus sal., Digi- tal. 130 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Paiu in the, congestion, with feeling as if the temples or top of the head would burst. Glon. pale face. Glon. pulsation of the carotids. Bell., China. redness of face and eyes. Cupr. roaring in the ears. Graph. shooting or throbbing pains, with delirium or stupefaction. Aeon. digging. Sulph. dulness with vertigo. Cimicifuga. and illusion of sight. Gels. forehead. Aram. c. above the eyes, extending to the temples, one side always worse; great nausea, less vomiting; pale face; pros- tration. L. V. Deflor. aching, pressure on the vertex. Puis. burning. Calc. c. stupefying, pressing. Croton tig. frequent. Natr. m. , severe. Natr. c. hysterical. Graph., Lycopod., Sepia. in the morning on awaking and long lasting Natr. m. nervous. Sepia, Verat. alb. — at every menstrual period, with cold sweat on the forehead. Verat. alb. neuralgic. Cimicifuga. -and face; sharp darting twitching. Gels. pressive — in the temples, swimming in the head. Bry. pressive, heavy. Cimicifuga, Ferr. pressure on the vertex, with aching pain over the forehead. Puis. shocks and whizzing in the brain. Sulph. (sick headache), pain over the eyes, and a numb pain from the sacrum down the legs. Graph. with stiffness of the neck. Sanguin. sides of the head. Lycopod. , stitches extending; to the face and teeth; semilateral. Puis. AMENORRHEA. 131 Pain in the, stitching. Snlph. tingling, crawling at the vertex. Cupr. violent. Cimicifuga. when stooping especially. Puis. with fever, every time the menses should appear. Rhododen. fulness. Canth. nausea. Natr. m. vertigo. Lach. and bleeding from the nose. Lach. ■ or dizziness. Cyclam. Perspiration— cold — on the forehead, with nervous headache at every menstrual period. "Verat. alb. Vertigo. Calc. c, Phos., Plat., Puis. in a recumbent position, or when she attempts to turn over in bed. Conium. the morning especially; fear she will fall; black before the eyes. Sabina. ■ on going upstairs. Calc. C. or dizziness with headache. Cyclam. ■ fainting on rising from a recumbent position. Aeon. when turning over in bed. Conium. ■ ■ with buzzing in the ears. Puis. dulness of the head. Cimicifuga. Eyes. Blindness — momentary — frequent attacks of. Silic. Inflammation. Puis. and ulcers on the right side of the bridge of the ise. Euphr. -, lachrymation. Euphr. Lachrymation — profuse — tears acrid and burning. Euphr. Lids — chronic inflammation of the. Sulph. itching in daytime, sticking together at night. Euphr. paralytic sinking of the. Sepia. swelling of the Graph., Phos. lower — and below the eyes. Phos. upper — or cheeks ; sour eructations ai every time .-he should menstruate. Kali c. Photophobia. Euphra 132 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Sight — illusions of — with headache and vertigo. Gels. obscuration of — frequent attacks of. Silic. weakness of. Merc. Soreness of the. Zinc. Veins distended, also in the ears, lips, and tongue. Digital. Ears. Buzzing in the — with vertigo. Puis. Deafness. Cubeba. Veins distended — also in the eyes, lips, and tongue. Digital. Nose. Bleeding of the — blood black and stringy. Crocus sat. discharging but a few drops. Lach. frequent. Aeon., Bry., Puis. instead of menses. Bell., Bry., Ham., Puis., Silic. with congestion in the head. Conium, Crocus sat., Digital. headache and vertigo. Lach. Catarrh — constant — with severe frontal headache, and dread of light. Euphr. frequent. Puis., Septa. Coldness of the. Verat. alb. Ulcers on the right side of bridge of — with inflammation of the eyes. Euphr. Yellow saddle across the bridge of. Sepia. Face. Cheeks — redness of one — paleness of the other. Cham. swelling of the — and upper eyelids; sour eructations at the time she should menstruate. Kali c. Dingy spots in the. Sepia. Earthy color. Merc. Eruption — acne solare. Graph. freckles. Puis. pimples on forehead and around the mouth. Sulph. Lead-color, with nausea and vomiting; cold sweat on forehead. Verat. alb. Lips — dry. Bry. veins the — distended, also of the eyes and ears. Digital. AMENORRHEA. 133 Livid — with blue margins around the eyes. Ars., Ferr. Pain in the — neuralgic — and head — sharp, darting, twitching. Gels. Paleness of the. Sepia. alternating with redness. Iod. sometimes. Kali c. very strongly marked. Zinc. with blue margins around the eyes. China, Cupr., Ferr., Sulph. sickly — with blue margins around the eyes, and red spots on the cheeks. Sulph. ■ white, waxy, with great debility. Ars. with congestion to the head. Glon. cold sweat on the forehead. Verat. Alb. yellowish. Puis. Puffy. Sepia. Redness of the. Sulph. and eyes. Bell., Cupr. , with congestion of blood to the head when stooping. Bell. heat, sopor ; and convulsive motions. Opium. bloated. Bell. dark. Graph. bluish. Digital. fiery — in weakly woman. Ferr. , full hard pulse. Aeon — , one cheek red, the other pale. Cham. pulled up — she is very fearful, and shrinks back from objects on awaking from sleep. Strain. Sallow face. Sepia. , sickly, wretched face. Podoph. Spots — dingy — on the. Sepia. Yellow lace. Caust., Cham., Sepia. Yellowness around the mouth, across the cheeks and nose. Sepia. Mouth. Dryness of tin — and tongue, especially after sleeping. Nux m. Gums — pricking and swelling of the — every time she should menstruate. Kali c. 134 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Toothache at the time the menses should appear. Staphis. stinging and tearing. Natr. m. stitching — the pains suddenly shift from one side to the other. Puis. , with excessive sensitiveness of the dental nerves. Sepia. Taste — acid — with sour vomiting. Lycopod. bad — exceedingly, every morning, frequently with nausea. Puis. Tongue — blister — small — covering the. Natr. m. coated. Senecio. looks like a ringworm on the sides. Natr. m. man. Natr. m. Odor — foul — from the. Podoph. Throat. Ball rising in the — from the stomach ; sensation of. Senecio. Constriction of the. Ignat. Dryness of the — mouth and tongue when sleeping, especially at the time the menses should appear. Nux m. Sensation as if a thread or something were hanging in the — coming from low down in the abdomen, with nausea and inclination to vomit. Valerian. Soreness of the — at every time she should menstruate. Magn. C. Swallowing difficult. Ignat. Stomach. Belching. (See Eructation.) Distension and fulness of the — sensation of — after eating espe- ciallv, with eructation, from which no relief is obtained. China. Empty and unusually hungry feeling from 11 to 12 o'clock; she can't wait for dinner. Sulpll. weak feeling at the pit of stomach. Ignat. , painful. Sepia. Eructations, sour — and frequently sour vomiting. Lycopod. (mornings especially). burning. Sulph. with swelling of the cheeks or upper eyelids at every time she should menstruate. Kali C. Fulness of the — after a little food. Lycopod., Petrol. and bowels. Lycopod. AMENORRHEA. 135 Fulness of the — and loaded feeling from drinking cold water. Ars. Gastric disturbances, sour eructations, every time she should men- struate. Kali c. ■ with shooting pains all over the abdomen. Kali c. Indigestion. Aletr. f., China. from eating pork or anything fat. Puis. Motion in the — sensation of. Crocus sat. Nausea. Graph., Ipec. and retching. Hedeoma. and vomiting, with colic. Puis. , lead-color of the face. Verat. alb. , violent cramps in abdomen and chest. Cupr. from the odor of cooked food ; loathing of all food. Sepia. melancholy, anxiety early in the morning for a few hours, with sweet rising from the stomach, and spitting of blood with the saliva. Natr. m. slight. Sanguin. when riding in a carriage. Sepia. with very bad taste in the mouth in the morning. Puis. headache. Sepia. inclination to vomit. Hedeoma. , from a sensation as if a thread or something were hanging in the throat, coming from low down in the abdomen. Valerian. Pain in the — cardialgia. Millefol., Sepia. , gastralgia, eructation, and oppression of the chest at every time she should menstruate. Lach. with menses and vomiting. Puis. Pressure in the. Ferr., Puis. , with heaviness and feeling of repletion — the same in the hypochondria and abdomen. Sulph. Retching and nausea. Hedeoma. Satiety — constant sense of — the least quantity of food causes ful- □ess ii]) tc the throat. Lycopod. loathing of all food j even the smell of cooking nauseates her. Sepia. Swelling of the pit of. ( 'ham., Calc. c. , with pressure. Lycopod. Vomiting — excessive — and frequenl uausea. Cupr. 136 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Vomiting of blood every time she should menstruate. Bell., Ham., Natr. m., Phos., Puis. sour — and sour eructation. Lycopod. (mornings es- pecially). 1 w ith aching in the epigastrium shortly after eating. Lycopod. pain in the stomach. Puis. Waterbrash. Nux m. Appetite. Desire for brandy. Ars. . coffee. Ars. sour things. Ars. sweet things. Lycopod. Immoderate hunger ; voracity. Sulph. Loss of. Plat. , nothing tastes good. Puis. , with gastric derangements. Senecio. Thirst. Burning thirst. Bell. Wants large quantities. Bry. to drink little, but often. Ars. Thirstlessness. Ars. and chilliness. Puis. Abdomen. Affections of the liver. Leptand. Bloatedness. Cham., Conium, Graph., Natr. c, Puis. after every meal. Nux m. and fulness, especially after eating. China. of the — and extremities. Apocyn. can. fulness, with bearing-down sensation. Aletr. f. pressure in the umbilical region. Lycop. ascites. Helleb. Congestion to the pelvic organs and to the head. Sulph. Fulness of the — and stomach. Lycopod. Heaviness — sensation of— in the uterine region, with increase of white leucorrhcea. Gels. Motion in the — sensation of — as if from a child. Crocus sat. AMENORRHEA. 137 Pain in the. Silic. as if the menses would appear, but they fail to. Senecio. with desire to stool and backache. Plat. , colic. Bry., Caust, Graph., Lycopod. after dinner especially. China. , causing her to draw up double, with anguish and restlessness. Colocynth. , cramps. Cham. cutting and drawing in the thighs before menses. Cham. every morning at or about 3 a.m. Kali c. with feeling of fulness in the hypochondria, and inability to wear tight clothes. Calc. C. nausea and vomiting. Puis. pain down in the thighs, especially at the time the menses should appear. Calc. c. in the small of t-he back. Sepia. cramps in the — and in the uterine region, with lancinating pains; leucorrhcea. Conium. deep in. Coccul. low down in the abdomen, and constriction in the bowels. Nux m. violent ; typical paroxysms, extending to the chest, with nausea and vomiting. Cupr. drawing. Agnus cast. and tension. Lycopod. in lower part of abdomen. Bry. the iliac region, at every time she should men- struate. Magii. m. with frequent desire to urinate ; colorless urine. Puis. laborlike. Cham., Kali C. and pressing in the iliac region. Magn. in. as if tin.' menses would appeal', but did not. All- ruin, Bell., (ale. <•., Cham., Crocus sat., Plat., Senecio. at the time the menses should appear, followed by soreness of tin- perinanim, and then swelling of the vulva. Sepia. in the groins. Lycopod. hypogastric and Bacral region; worse from motion, better when lying down. Podoph. 10 138 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Pain, labor] ike, in the hypogastric, towards the genitals. Natr. c. with distension and fulness. Aletr. f. pressure and weight, especially in the uterine region. Bell. shooting all over the abdomen, with gastric disturbances. Kali c. , spasms. Cimicifuga, Puis. epileptic — with piercing cries. Cupr. hysterical, at the time menses should appear, with pressure to the chest. Coccul. with great anxiety, oppression, and paralytic weak- ness. Coccul. stitching. Conium. in the left lower — worse when sitting. Nux m. tenderness — she cannot bear the weight of the hand or clothes on it, Lach., L. V. Deflor. through the — towards the genitals. Cham. uterine region, violent, and itching pimples on the chest, at every time the menses should appear. Sulph. violent, raving. Agnus cast., Nux m. Pressure in the — with feeling of repletion and heaviness ; also in the stomach and hypochondrium. Lycopod. Rumbling in the — especially in left hypochondriac region. Ly- copod. Spasms. (See Pain.) Swelling. (See'Bloatedness.) Weakness — sense of great. Phos. Weight in the — and dulness in the head. Graph. oppressive. Puis. and tenderness in the pelvis. Polygon. Rectum and Anus. Fissures of the anus with discharge of blood. Natr. m. Hemorrhage from the — every time she should menstruate. Phos. Haemorrhoids. Podoph., Sulph. ■ bleeding. Graph. of purple color and much burning; backache. iEs- cul. hipp. Pains iu the — as of a long stitch. Ignat. , pressure ; worse from walking, which causes Stitching and burning. Petrol. AMENORRHEA. 139 Prolapsus of the — at stool, frequent, with proiapsus uteri. Podoph. Sensation of a lump in the. Sepia. Stool. Constipation. Aletr. f., Bry., Ham., Phytol., Plat., Senecio. at the approach of the menstrual period. Silic. , stool difficult, dry, long, small. Phos. , large. Natr. m. , which crumbles as -they escape from the verge of the anus. Magn. m. scanty, often adhering to the rectum and anus like soft clay. Plat. they come down to the verge of the anus, and slip back. Silic. hard and dry as if burned. Bry. with frequent ineffectual urging. Sulph. with ineffectual urging to stool. iEscul. hipp. sense of weight, as from lumps in the anus (retroversion ). Diarrhoea. Glon., Verat. alb. after drinking milk. Sepia. inclination to. Puis. mucus. Puis. only at daytime. Petrol. Painful. Ars. slimy. Sulph. with tenesmus. Merc. Difficulty to evacuate even a soft stool; much straining. Alum. Urinary Organs. Haemorrhage from the urethra every time she should menstruate. Phos. [ntermittent flow of urine. Conium. Micturition — frequent desire to. Digital., Kali hydro. with drawing pains in the abdo- men. Puis. Retention of urine. Lycopod. with pain in the urethra. Puis. Urethra — pain in the — alter micturition. Natr. in. 140 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Urine — copious. L. V. Deflor. and colorless. Cham. red and sandy. Lycopod. scanty and dark with sediment like coffee-grounds. Helleb. high-colored. L. V. Deflor. Puis. SEXUAL ORGANS. Uterus. (See Abdomen.) Distension of the — great — with gas. Phos. acid. Dropsy of the — from sudden suppression of menses. Colchic. Induration of the cervix. Conium. Pain in the. Puis., Sabina. and dysuria. Puis. cramps. Cimicifuga, Graph. with pains in the hypogastrium. Plat. laborlike, continual, long-lasting, every time menses should appear. Secal. cor. stinging. Conium. Prolapsus of the. Conium, Merc. and of the rectum. Podoph. ; low-spirited. Aurum. or anteversion. Lilium. with induration. Bell., Conium. Spasms of the. Cimicifuga. Sterility. Conium, Graph. Ovaries. Congestion of the. Apis. Diseases of the. Conium, Phytol., Podoph. Irritation of the. Phytol., Podoph., Ustilago. Pain in the — and irritability, especially if the pain is stinging. Apis. burning or stinging. Lilium. Vulva. Eruption with stitching through it. Conium. Itching. Conium, L. V. Deflor. AMENORRHEA. 141 Sensation of enlargement. Sepia. Swelling. Graph. preceded by soreness of the perinseurn, and laborlike pains at the time the menses should appear. Sepia. redness, itching eruption on the inner labia. Sepia. Vagina. Burning in the — during an embrace, from dryness of the. Lyco- pod. Discharge of white water instead of menses. Silic. Dryness of the. Lycopod. Fluor albus. (See Part VI.) Alum., Ars., Calc. C, Caustic, Cimicifuga, Coccul., Conium, Gels., Graph., Kali c, Lilium, Lyco- pod., Merc, Phos., Podoph., Puis., Euta, Sabina, Sepia, Silic, Sulph. Prolapsus of the — at every time she should menstruate. Merc Tender and sore. Kali c Wind from the. Lycopod. loud escape of. Sanguin. Sexual Instinct. Aversion to coition. Kali c, Natr. m. Desire — great. Ars. Sexual mania. Hyos., Phos., Zinc Mammae. Flabby and shrivelled. Iod. with increased sexual desire. Conium. Decrease of their size L. V. Deflor. Milk in the. Phos., Rhus tox. Pain in the — as if they would ulcerate at every menstrual period. Merc stitches. Phos. Scirrhus. Brom. Swelling and hardness of the. 7 )u !<•. painfulness of the. ( licuta vir., Tcrebinthina. each time she should menstruate. Calc. c, Conium. Larynx. I Coarseness. Graph. 142 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Chest. Asthma, (See Shortness of Breath, Oppression.) Ars., Puis., Sulph. Congestion. Bry. in the — and head. Graph. with palpitation of the heart. Aeon. with spitting of blood. Bry., Phos. Constriction of the— when lying, with anxiety. Graph. Cough— dry. Bry. only in the daytime. Graph. tight ; tightness in chest ; spitting blood ; worse be- fore midnight, Phos. with bloody sputa. Millefol. pain in the middle of chest, scraping, rawness, and soreness. Graph. Eruption on the— liver spots. Lyeopod. } pimples, itching, with violent uterine pain each time she should menstruate. Sulph. Haemorrhage. Millefol., Puis. every time she should menstruate. Phos. Oppression. Coccul., Kali C. Pain in the. Graph. , cramps in the sides. Bell. Phthisis. Psorin. disposition to. Kali c. Pressure in the. Coccul. Respiration — difficult. Kali c. Shortness of breath. Sepia, Yerat. alb. after slight emotions. Puis. the least exertion. Puis. } great — on going upstairs. Ars., Calc. C, Iod. sometimes. Sepia. Spasms of the. China, Cupr., Kali c. Spitting of blood every time she should menstruate. Bry., Phos., Verat. alb. (and at other times). Suffocating feeling in bed. Digital. Heart. Anxiety about the. Bell. Diseases of the. Kali c. AMENORRHEA. 143 Fluttering of the. Natr. m. Irregular action of the. Digital. Pain in the. Apis, Lilium. as if it was pressed down. Cham. Palpitation of the. Aeon., Ciinicifuga, iod., Kali C, Lycopod., Puis. and spasms of the chest, Cupr. from congestion. Aeon., Kali c, Spigel. on awaking from a restless sleep. Alum. with congestion to head and chest. Aeon. Back. Pain in the — and all over the body. L. V. Deflor. loins. Lycopod. bruised. Apis. and as if broken. Nux m. wandering — and in the shoulders. Senecio. small of back. Cimicifuga. , aching, as if broken. Bell. and stiffness. Kali c. , laborlike. Graph. , paralytic. Coccul. with colic. Sepia. loins. Caust., Puis., Sulph. as if the back were broken. Camph. extending to the hypogastric and iliac regions, as well as down the thighs. Sanguin. across the sacrum ; aching. Gels. laborlike, in the sacral and hypogastric regions, worse from motion, better when lying down. Podoph. at the coccyx and in the shoulders. Ars. under the inner and lower angle of the right shoulderblade. Chelidon. , Dumbness, from the sacrum down the legs. Graph. Stiffness of the. Apis, Kali c. Neck. Goitre — hard. Cod. right side. Lycopod. Pain in the — drawing. Natr. c. 144 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. EXTREMITIES. (Extremities in general. See Generalities.) Upper. Heaviness. Graph. Itching between the fingers. Graph Nails grow thick and crooked. Graph. Pain in the shoulders and coccyx, or gluteal region ; stitches. Ars. Tetter between the fingers. Graph. Trembling and nervousness of the hands. Merc. Lower. Burning of the soles of the feet, at night in bed. Sulph. Coldness of the feet. Sulph., Yerat. alb. and dampness. Calc. C. hands, and nose. Verat. alb. heat at the vertex. Sulph. legs, sometimes with paralysis. Sulph. Heaviness. Graph. and fatigue of the. Calc. c. of the — with great debility. China. Numbness of the — when sitting. Bell. Pain in the hips and loins — slight aching. Polygon. gluteal region and shoulders; stitches. Ars. Paralysis of the — feeling of. Coccul. with coldness. Phos., Sulph. Swelling of the feet. Graph, (coldness), Lycopod., Puis. legs. Apis. and feet, with paralytic feeling in them. Digital. Tired feeling of the — even when sitting; she feels tired all over. Magn. c. Varices. Ham., Lycopod., Puis. Weakness of the. Ferr., Iod. Sleep. Dreams of robbers; disturbed sleep. Natr. m. tiresome. Ars. vivid and painful, disturbing sleep. Natr. m. MENORRHCEA. 145 Sleep dead and heavy the whole night. Sulph. in short naps at night. Sulph. late in the morning, and awakens with a very bad taste in the mouth. Puis. restless. Borax. , always awaking with palpitation of the heart. Alum. with anxious, fatiguing dreams. China. Sleepiness all the time — unconquerable. Nux m., Opium. in daytime, unconquerable, just after a good night's rest. Nux m. , sleeplessness at night. Sulph. Sleeplessness. China, Magn. m., Senecio. and inability to sleep in the early part of the even- ing. Puis. at night, and sleepiness all day. Sulph. 3 a.m., and feeling worse in every way at that time. Kali c. nervous — excitability, great debility. Senecio. Sopor, with redness and heat of the face, and convulsive motions. Opium. Fever. Chilliness. Cimicifuga, Graph., Lycopod. constant, even in the summertime, when warmly dressed. Puis. , with yawning, stretching, with great languor, especially in the legs. Puis. sometimes alternating with dry or burning heat. Bry. , wants more clothes on her, or be near the fire. Ars. Heat. Cimicifuga. and agitation of the blood in the evening. Lycopod. whole body. Merc, Sulph. violent. Bry. headache, every time the menses should appear. Rho- doden. at night, with thirst and sleeplessness. Natr. m. dry. Merc. ■ flashes of. Sulph. frequent, with thirst. Aeon. , thirst, and restlessness. Kali c. Perspiration at night, with depression of spirits. Aletr. f. 146 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Perspiration constant — affording no relief to the tearing pains in the limbs, which are -worse at night in bed. Merc. great inclination to — with debility. Sepia. profuse — when walking. Sepia. Shivering — frequent fits of. Kali C., Lycopod. , with yawning. Puis. Shuddering the whole day during the menstrual nisus. Sepia. Skin. Dryness of the. Kali c. Eruption, blotches, itching here and there, from which oozes a gelatinous fluid. Graph. chronic. Sulph. erysipelatous. Kali c. or herpetic. Graph. , tetter, covered with thick scurfs. Psorin. -, violent itching at each time she should men- struate. Carb. veg\ , urticaria; rash every time she takes cold, and when menses should appear. Dulc. Itching and burning of the — intense. Croton tig. Fistula. Petrol., Silic. Skin chapped and unhealthy. Petrol. Warts on the hands. Dulc. Generalities. Affections from anger. Cham. chagrin. Colocynth. checked perspiration. Cham. of the left side especially, or moving from the left to the right. Lach. right side especially, or moving from the right to the left. Lycopod. spasmodic. Calc. Aggravation at 3 A.M. of all symptoms. Kali C. after midnight. Ars. during rough or windy weather, or at the coming of a thunderstorm. Rhododen. ■ from motion. Bry. ■ in a Mann room; better in the open air. Glon., Puis, (in the evenings). AMENORRHEA. 147 Aggravation when standing. Sulph. Aversion to move. Natr. c. wash herself in cold water. Sulph. Chlorosis. Calc. c, China, Conium, Cupr.,Cyclam., Ferr., Graph,, Ignat., Iod., Lycopod., Natr. m., Puis., Sulph. , with much loss of flesh. Ferr. cedematous symptoms. (See Dryness.) China, Ferr., Graph. Coldness of hands and feet. Graph. , frequent, alternating with sudden heat. Puis. ■ flashes of heat to head and face. Sepia. Constitution and temperament. (See Part VIII, Generalities.) Convulsions. Caulophyl. , eclampsia. Opium. , epileptic. Millefol. during the time of puberty. Caustic. every evening. Gels. , hysterical. Graph., Nux m. and pinching in the sacrum. Caustic. , with painful screaming. Cupr. m. redness and heat of the face ; sopor. Opium. Debility; weakness; prostration after the least exertion. Merc. and atony of the body. Aletr. f., Caulophyl. exhaustion after the least exertion; her limbs feel weak and ache. Nux m. . or the shortest walk. Conium, Magn. c. weariness, with desire to remain seated or lying down all the time. Ferr. can scarcely speak at the time she should menstruate. Coccul. , disinclination to move about. Scnecio. from talking. Sulph. loss of animal fluids. China. of the lower limbs especially. Sulph. , with fainting spells. Verat. alb. giving <>ut of the back when standing or walking, especially across the hips, .ffiscul. hipp great thirst. Natr. in. 148 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Debility, with heaviness of arms and legs. Graph. the lower limbs. Calc. a, Iod. , involuntary laughing and weeping. Conium. , trembling and rush of blood after the least exer- tion. Merc. , mental and physical. Natr. c. , with heaviness of the limbs and aversion to motion. Natr. m. , nervous — great. Conium, Cypriped., Nux m., Sulph. , complete exhaustion after the least exertion, with pain in the loins, and disposition to sleep or faint away. Nux m. , with great disposition to sweat. Sepia. , with profuse leucorrhoea, flowing only in daytime. Alum. ; white waxy paleness of the face; the least exertion fatigues. Ars. Dropsy. (See Swelling.) Apis, Apocyn. can., Calc. c, Cham., Colchic, Graph., Kali c, Merc. Emaciation. Chin., Ferr., Iod., Sulph. Exhaustion. (See Debility.) Fainting fits. Ars., Cham., Glon., Lycopod., Nux m., Sulph. or vertigo when lying in a recumbent position, or when turning the head over. Aeon. , with great debility. Verat. alb. Heaviness of the extremities. Graph., Nitr. acid. Hysteria. (See Convulsions.) Caustic, China, Cimicifuga, Coc- cul., Conium, Cypriped., Graph., Lycopod., Magn. m., Natr. nj., Nux m., Sulph., Verat. alb. , disposed to nakedness and to be obscene. Hyos. in women who have taken too much Chamomilla tea. Valerian. , with jerking and twitching. Hyos. much loud boisterous laughing, each time the menses should appear. Hyos. Jerking of the limbs. Bell. , with screaming. Cupr. Liability to take cold easily. Sulph. Pain all over the body, especially in the back. L. V. Deflor. as if bruised — in the extremities, after getting wet. Sepia. drawing, tensive, through the whole body. Lycopod. AMENORRHEA. 149 Pain, neuralgic. Cimicifuga, Kalmia (through the whole body). rheumatic. Cimicifuga, Graph., Nux in. , muscular; chronic. Phytol. , worse after midnight; relieved from warmth. Sulph. at night in bed, with constant perspira- tion, which affords no relief. Merc. Sensation as though the circulation had stopped. Lycopod. Sensitiveness — particular — to cold air. Calc. c, Sepia. to light and noise; great. Bell. Sinking of the vital forces — sudden. Colchic. Sleep — going to — of the extremities — liability to. Sulph. upon which she lies. Graph. Spasms. (See Convulsions.) Swelling (see Dropsy) of the body all over ; cedematous. Merc., Sepia. of hands and feet. Graph. , with chlorosis. China, Ferr., Graph. Tingling sensation and warmth through the whole body. Polygon. Weakness. (See Debility.) Weariness and languor — general. Helon. of body and mind. Aletr. f. Yawning — constant. Digital. PART IV. ABORTION, MISCARRIAGE. (See Uterus in Part V.) Remedies : Aeon., Aletr. f., Aloe., Apis, Argt. nitr., Arnica, As- arum europ., Bapt, Bell., Bry., Bufo, Calc. c, Caulophyl., Canth., Cham., China, Crocus, Dulc., Erigeron, Ferr., Gels., Hyos., Ignat., Ipec., Kali c., Kreosot., Lycopod., Mere., Nitr. acid., Nux m., Nux v., Opi., Phos., Plat., Plumb., Podoph., Puis., Rheum, Rhus tOX., Ruta, Sabina, Sanguin., Secal. cor., Sepia, Silic, Stram., Sulph., Thuja, Verat. alb., Yibur. opul., Zinc. Threatened abortion: Aeon., Arnica, Asarum europ., Bapt., Bell., Bry., Calc. c, Cannab. sat., Canth., Caulophyl., Cham., China, Cinnab., Cofl 7 ., Coccul., Crocus, Ferr., Gels., Helon., Hyos., Ipec, Kali c., Kreosot., Nux in., Nux v., Opi., Plat., Puis., Rhus tox., Ruta, Sabina, Sanguin., Secal. cor., Sepia, Silic, Stram., Trill., Ve- rat. alb., Vibur. opul. Causes. From being in damp cold places. Dulc. congestion and ulceration of the uterus. Canth. epidemic influenza, when women abort about as generally as the influenza prevails. Camphor. excessive sensibility of all the nerves, so that from even imagining something unpleasant might occur, a disagreeable sensa- tion thrills her, momentarily arresting all her thoughts and func- tions. Asarum europ. a fall, strain in the loins, or overexertion. Rhus tox. . Cinnamon. ■ fright. Gels., Opium. when the fear remains, and she seems not to get over Aeon. gonorrhoea! affections. Cannab. sat. lead poisoning. Plumb. ( 150) ABORTION — MISCARRIAGE. 151 From shock, fall, bruise, concussion, or any other traumatic cause. Conium. , especially if she begins to flow, with or without pain, or pain with or without flow. Arnica. sudden depressing emotions. Gels. suppressed grief. Ignat. typhoid fever. Bapt. uterine debility. Caulophyl. use of stimulants, wine, coffee, etc. Nux V. Time of its Occurrence. At the second or third month. Apis, Kali C. third month. Crocus sat., Sabina, Secal. cor.. Thuja. , blood black. Kreosot. During the early months. Apis. later part of pregnancy — especially. Opium. From the fifth to the seventh month. Sepia. Constitutional Peculiarity. Woman ivitJi habitual tendency to abortion. Aletr. f., Argt. nitr., Asarum europ., Bapt., Calc. c, Cannab. sat., Carb. veg., Caulophyl., Cimicifuga, Coccul., Ferr., Helon., Kali c, Kreo- sot., Lycopod., Nux m., Plumb., Puis., lluta, Sabina (third month), Sepia, Silic, Sulph. always occurring about the same time, usually caused by induration of some part of the uterus. Aurum. (Aurum m., Natro natrum.) pale, loose, and cold skin, with general disposition to catarrhal troubles. Caulophyl. usually too profuse and too early menses. Calc. C. Mind and Disposition. Anxiety with great nervous excitability. Aeon. Delirium, spasms, with rigidity of the limbs. Hyos. Excitability — nervous. Arnica. Pear of death. Secal. cor. ; is sure she will die; with haemorrhage. Aeon. that she will abort. Nux m. unconscious — which seems to control her; she is afraid to 152 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. leave the bed, to turn or to move, or she is afraid to go from room to room, or to go out and fears that something untoward may happen. Aeon. Irritability— from high living, wine, etc. Nux V. ■ great. Sepia. } spiteful — she is snappish and uncivil when speaking. Cham. ■, wishes to be alone. Nux V. Sings constantly. Stram. Loss of consciousness. China, Hyos. will-power over the muscles. Gels. Low-spirited. Plumb. with weeping. Ignat., Lycopod., Sepia. Moans a great deal, which seems to afford relief. Bell. Restlessness and agony. Cham. nervousness — great. Podoph. Sensitive to noise. Bell., Sulph Sighing and sobbing. Ignat. Talkativeness— unceasing— she talks, prays, implores, sings con- stantly. Stram. Head. Heaviness. China. Pain in the. (Headache.) Sepia. as if the head would split. Bry. , congestion. Bry., Calc. C., Sepia, Sulph. , throbbing of the carotids. Bell. frequent. Carb. veg., Lycopod. heat on the top of the head. Sulph. Perspiration — hot — about the head. China. Vertigo. Calc. c, Cham. great — when turning the head in bed. Conium. on rising from a recumbent position ; she has to lie down jain. Aeon. when going upstairs. Calc. C. when stooping, or rising from a stooping posture. Bell. Eyes. Redness of the — with flushed face. Bell. Sight — loss of. Hyos. Swelling of the upper lids. Kali C. ABORTION MISCARRIAGE. 153 Ears. Loss of hearing. Hyos. Ringing in the ears. China. Nose. Catarrh — tendency to. Sepia. and other blennorrheas. Sulph. Yellow saddle across the. Sepia. Face. Bright-red. Ferr. Eruptions on the — and other parts of the body. Sulph. Flushed — with red eyes ; throbbing of the carotids, heat in head. Bell. from the least emotion or exertion. Ferr. Pallor of the face. Kali c. Paleness with exhaustion. Ferr. Perspiration — cold — upon the forehead. Verat. alb. Yellow spots upon the. Sepia. Mouth and Teeth. Dryness of the — and lips. Bry. throat, the tongue sticks to the roof of the mouth, especially after sleeping. Nux m. Toothache. Sepia. Appetite and Thirst. Desire for large quantities of water. Bry. Hungry and faint at 11 p.m., cannot wait for dinner. Sulph. Loss of appetite. Sulph. Thirstlessness. Apis. Stomach. Dyspepsia. Aletr. f. Nausea. Sanguin., Verat. alb. and vomiting. Kali 0. constant — without a moment's relief Ipec. from sitting up. Bry. Retching. Verat. alb. Sinking, empty, painful sensation at the pit of stomach. Sepia. sensation at the pil of stomach. Ignat. 11 154 UTERINE AND VAGINA'L DISCHARGES. Vomiting. Kali c, Verat. alb. bilious. Coccul. ingesta. Sabina, Sulph. Abdomen. Bloatedness of the — sensation of — as if it were packed full; no relief from eructation. China. Contraction around the hypochondria; painful. Rhus tox. Fainting and sinking in the — feeling of. Sabina. Fermentation in the — constant. Lycopod. Flatus — desire to pass — but the evacuation either up or down gives no relief. China. Heaviness in the. Cham. Motion of the child excessive and tremulous. Lycopod. feeble. Sepia. as if from something alive. Crocus sat. Pain in the — about the umbilicus, passing off into the uterus, Ipec. colic. Calc. c. frequent. Sepia. contractive, with terrible bearing down. Sepia. drawing, extending to the back, as though the ab- domen were drawn upwards. Plumb. extending to the sides. Cham. from motion of the child; if the period of quicken- ing has passed, she is sure the child is lying across the abdomen. Arnica. the loins, extending through the hypogastric and iliac regions and down into the thighs. Sanguin. irritations — and of the urinary organs — preceding an abortion. Canth. laborlike. Nux m. alternating with haemorrhage. Puis. as if the internal organs w r ould issue from the vulva. Bell., Sepia. when standing. Calc. C. — the result of injury, with sero-mucous discharge. Arnica. ' excessively severe. Coff. false — with bloody discharge. Secal. cor. ABORTION MISCARRIAGE. 155 Pain iu the — laborlike, passing off down the thighs. Kali c. periodical. Cham. spasmodic. Caulophyl., Opium. with desire to stool or to urinate. Nux v. discharge of bright blood. Hyos., Ipec. dark blood. Cham., Puis. partly fluid, and partly black clotted blood. Ferr. flowing. Calc. c. in the ovarian region, especially at night, disturbing sleep, recurring night after night, until symptoms of abortion set in. Podoph. , stinging, occurring more and more frequently till labor-pains are produced. Apis. pressure — and drawing down in the legs from the navel. Nux m. shooting from right to left. Lycopod. , spasms. Carb. veg. spasmodic — before the membranes are broken. Vi- bur. opul. stitching. Kali c. uterine region, sore feeling, she needs to be moved, and feels cross about it. Nux v. writhing — with nausea; or pains in back and loins as il* dislocated. Nux v. Relaxed and soft abdomen. Sabina. J Jumbling in the. Lycopod. Sensation as if tight, would break if much effort is made to void a stool. Apis. Tremulous sensation — extending into the — from the vulva. Plat. Weakness in the — sense of great. Phos. Weight in the — and uterine region. Aletr. f. Stool. Constipation prolonged and difficult. Apis. , stools difficult, :i< if the rectum had no power to ex- pel iln'in; or when the stool recedes after baying been partly forced out. Silic. , dry, as if burnt. Bry. 156 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Constipation, prolonged and dry, large. Kali c, Nux V. , long, and narrow. Phos. , with involuntary, after ineffectual straining; great urging ; mixed with slime. Sepia. prolapsus ani. Ignat. in balls like sheepdung. Plumb. small, frequent, with pain in the anus. Nux v. with sensation, when straining, as if the contents of the abdomen would issue from the rectum and vagina; especially in the second or third month. Kali c. Desire to stool at every pain. Nux v, ; constant. Sabina. often. Cham. Diarrhoea. Erigeron, Sabina. Frequent but natural stool. Podoph. Rectum and Anus. Haemorrhoids, which bleed profusely, are sore to the touch, and itch much. Sulph. Pain in the — with constipation. Nux v. Prolapsus of the — with every stool. Podoph. Sense of weight — as from a lump — in the. Sepia. URINARY ORGANS. Affections of the — after abortion. Rheum. Desire to urinate at every pain. Nux v. constant — sometimes ineffectual, but when suc- cessful, only a few drops pass with cutting and burning pain. Canth. frequent — urine profuse and pale. Cham. with burning and scalding when uri- nating. Nux v. Dysuria. Erigeron. Intermittent flow of urine. Conium. Irritation of the — and bowels — preceding an abortion. Canth. Urine — scanty — usually. Apis. profuse and pale. Cham. with red sand in it. Lycopod., Nux v. sediment, adhering to the vessel : very offensive. Sepia. ABORTION — MISCARRIAGE. 157 SEXUAL ORGANS. Uterus. (See Abdomen.) Affections of the — organic. Secal. cor. Atony of the. Secal. cor. Congestion of the. Nux v., Sepia. with ulceration. Canth. Contraction of the — feeble — attended with but slight loss of blood. Caulophyl. difficult — after abortion. Secal. cor. Haemorrhage. (See Metrorrhagia, Part V.) Arnica, Cham., Ipec, Puis., Sabina, Secal. cor. Inflammation of the — chronic — with nausea and vomiting. Kali c. Irritation of the. Cimicifuga. Menses. (See Part I.) Menstrual irregularities subsequent to and consequent upon abor- tion. Secal. cor. Pain in the — burning. Bry. cramps, with cutting stitches. Ignat. cervix, fine darting. Sepia. Prolapsus of the — and rectum. Podoph. tendency to. Aletr. f. Retention of the afterbirth. Bell., Canth., Caulophyl., Cimicifuga, Gels., Gossypium, Puis., Sabina, Secal. cor., Sepia, Viscum album. Spasms of the — alternate, tonic and clonic. Hyos. Vulva. Coldness and sensitiveness of the — and mons veneris to touch. Plat. Congestion of the sexual organs, with or without discharge of blood. Bell. Itching about the. Lycopod. With soreness. Sepia, Sulph. Swelling of the labia and inguinal glands. Merc. Tremulous sensation extending from the — into the abdomen. Plat. Varices. Carb. veg. Vagina. I discharge of black foul-smelling masses after abortion. Secal. cor. blood and coagula. ('ham. 158 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Dryness in the — feeling of. Lycopod. Leucorrhoea. (See Part VI.) Calc. c, Lycopod., Sepia, Sulph. from suppressed menses. Ferr. Mammae. Cold chills and pricking pain in the. Cimicifuga. Nipples — painful. Calc. c. Chest. Congestion to the. Sepia. Cough, dry, hawking. Kali c. Fulness and pressure in the. Sepia. Respiration — rapid. Aeon. Shortness of breath when going upstairs. Calc. C. Trembling sensation in the middle of the. Rhus tox. Back. Pain in the — backache — aggravated by motion. Bry. as if it would break. Bell., Kali c. and loins; severe. Caulophyl. drawing — hips and loins. Rhus tox. extending into the buttocks and thighs. Kali c. intolerable — before passing water, with almost en- tire relief as soon as the urine flows. Lycopod. paralytic, rendering the legs almost useless. Coccul. region of the kidneys. Kali c. through to the pubes ; pressing and drawing. Sa- bina. ; when walking she feels that she must lie or sit down. Kali c. loins. Calc. c, Carb. veg., Lycopod. as if broken, with sensation of constriction or distension. Bell. through to the abdomen ; violent. Cham. Spinal affections. Silic. Weakness in the small of the back and legs. Kali c. Lower Extremities. Cold feet. Sulph. with dampness. Calc. C. ABORTION — MISCARRIAGE. 159 Cramps in the calves. Rhus tox. Cramplike contraction of the thighs. Rhus tox. Languor. Sulph. Restlessness of legs and feet ; or a sort of fidgety, especially with varices. Zinc. Varices. Sepia. "Weakness of the — and small of back. Kali C. Sleep. Awakens often, feeling badly. Sulph. Drowsiness. China. and inclination to faint. Nux m. Sleepiness — great — yet unable to sleep. Nux m. Sleep un refreshing and full of dreams. Rhus tox. Fever. Chills during the day or for several days, with pricking in the chest Cimicifuga. * Chilliness — feverish — with obstinate perspiration. Kali c. even in a warm room. Puis. shuddering. Cham. Heat and shivering. Sabina. vascular excitement; restlessness. Aeon. flashes of. Sepia, Sulph. Perspiration — cold — with the pains. Verat. alb. disposition to. Sepia. Pulse almost extinct. Secal. cor. full and strong; with vascular activity and red face. Ferr. Skin. Eruption — herpetic. Sulph. Gray — with brown spots on the face. Sepia. Tender and sensitive. Sepia. Generalities. Aching all over daring rest. Rhus tox. Aggravation at night, later part, must move and turn about fre- quently to get relief. Rhus tox. during rest. Rhus tox. in a close warm room ; always better in open fresh air. Apis, Puis. 160 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Aggravation from the least jar. Bell. moving, relief from keeping quiet. Bry. Bruised feeling, so that it hurts her to move; the bed on which she lies feels too hard. Arnica. ( loldness of the extremities. China. Constitutional peculiarities. (See Part VIII, Generalities.) Convulsions. Cham., Hyos., Ipec, Plat., Secal. cor. with consciousness, especially when with cutting about the umbilicus. Ipec. or convulsive movements, with profuse flow of dark liquid blood. Secal. cor. of the limbs, with restless- ness. Cham. Debility; fainting spells. Sulph. from walking or exercise. Calc. C. great. Ferr. almost extinct pulse, fear of death. Secal. cor. from protracted illness, loss of fluids, or defective nutrition. Aletr. f. Fainting. Lycopod. inclination to — from the least exertion. Sepia. . Ipec. with hunger at 11 or 12 a.m. Sulph. Fatigue — great — from slight efforts. Sulph. Hemorrhagic tendency — general. Ferr. Liability to take cold easily. Nux m. Muscles flabby — loss of tone. Aletr. f. Oversensitiveness to light or noise. Bell. Pain all over the body, especially the limbs. Bry. , aching, tension, with sensation of con- striction or pain in loins as if broken. Bell. and flowing, with bright red face. Ferr. come and go suddenly. Bell running upward, or upward and backward, sharp and dis- tressing. Gels. sore feeling all over as from a bruise. Arnica. with cold sweat. Verat. alb. Rigidity of the limbs with delirium. Hyos. Twitching and jerking of single muscles or limbs. China, Hyos. Varices. Sepia. Yawning — frequent. Cham. PART V. METRORRHAGIA. (See Part IV.) Remedies : Acet. acid, Aeon., Aletr. f., Ambr. gr., Antim. cruel., Apis, Apocyn. can., Argt. m., Argt. nitr., Arnica, Ars., Arundo m., Bell., Bovista, Bry., Pufo, Calc ac, Calc. c, Canth., Carb. an., Carb. veg., Cascar., Caulophyl., Cham., China, Cinnab., Cinnamon, Coc- cul., Coif., Conium, Copaiva, Crocus, Cyclam., Diadema, Dictam- nus, Digital., Elaps., Erechthites, Erigeron, Ferr., Ham., Helon., Hep. b., Hydrast., Hyos., Ignat., Iod., Ipec, Kali c, Kreosot., Lach., Ledum, Lycopod., Magn. c, Magn. s., Mangan., Merc, Millefol., Nitr. acid., Nux V., Phos., Plat., Plumb., Podoph., Prunus spi., Puis., Rhus tox., Sabina, Secal. cor., Senecio, Sepia, Silic., Staphis., Stram., Sulph., Sulph. acid, Symphit,, Tarantula, Terebinthina, Thlapsi bur., Trill., Ustilago, Viburnum opul., Viscum album. Chronic Metrorrhagia especially. Bell., Calc. c, China, Ferr., Plumb., Sabina, Secal. cor., Sepia, Sulph. Quantity and other Peculiarities of the Discharge. Active. Aeon., Apis, Arnica, Crocus, Ham., Ustilago. Alternating with laborlike pains. Puis. Continual* Apocyn. can., Ipec, Secal. cor., Ustilago. bright red. Hyos., Ipec. dark — suddenly appeared. Ars. or in paroxysms. Apocyn. can. Frequent attacks of haemorrhage, she seems to get almost well, when it occurs again and again. Nux v., Sulph. Intermitting — the discharge is arrested for a little time, and then returns with redoubled violence, and so on ; abortion. Puis. with clots at times, at other times pro fuse. Puis. uterine cramps, colic, and painful disten- Bion of i he abdomen. China. Lony-lastimj. Iod., Kali c, Phos. (profuse.) ( 161 ) 162 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Oozing of dark, blood, with small coagula, for days. Usti- lago. Painless, Bovista, Calc. c, Ham., Magn. c, Secal. cor. Passive. Aletr. f., Caulophyl., Carb. veg., Crocus, Ham., Plumb., Secal. cor., Ustilago. Paroxysmal, Apocyn. can. , brought on by the slightest motion. Sabina. Periodical. Argt. nitr., Ipec. Profuse. Apis, Bell., Bry., Calc. c, Caulophyl., Cham., Cin- namon, Calc. c, Erigeron, Helon., Kreosot., Nux v., Sabina, Se- cal. cor. and long-lasting. Phos. at times — at other times intermittent. Puis. between the after-pains ; especially. Bell. continuous. Ipec. ■ dark. Sepia. clotted, continuing at intervals for several days. Trill. , coagulated blood preceded by pain in the back ; cancer of the uterus. Kreosot. during miscarriage or abortion. Arnica, Cham., Ipec, Puis., Sepia, Sabina, Secal. cor. following a strain in the loins or a false step; threaten- ing of, following a miscarriage. Cinnamon. frequently, pouring out freely, and then ceasing for a short time. Phos. in gushes. Ham. at or near the beo-innino' of a miscarriage. Viburnum prunifolium. every effort to vomit ; gasping for breath ; faintness. Ipec. of bright-red blood, at the least motion; later pale blood from anaemia. Trill. sudden. Cinnamon. , thin, partly black, and coagulated. Ferr. violent. Caulophyl., Cinnamon. in woman given to reveries. Puis. with about equal parts of clotted or fluid blood, red or dark. Sabina. every bearing-down pain. Cyclam. ttetuminy from the least cause ; chronic metrorrhagia. Sepia. METRORRHAGIA. 163 Scanty, Coccul., Nux v. Sudden. Ars. , profuse. Cinnamon. Worse at night. Bovista, Magn. c, Merc. from blowing the nose. Merc. motion. Argt. nitr., CofF., Plumb. , the slightest. Calc. o., Crocus, Sabina, Secal. cor., Trill. , but often better from walking. Sabina. the least jar. i3ell. mental excitement. Calc. c. vomiting, or every effort to do so. Ipec. in a close warm room, better in the open air. Sabina. — the afternoon, at 4 P.M. Lycopod. evening. Puis. on rising. Aeon. Quality and Character of the Discharge. Black. China, Eiaps., Kreosot. clotted. (See Clots.) Arundo m., Cham., China, Cro- cus, Ferr., Lycopod., Puis., Sabina. , partly fluid ; frequent. Ferr. liquid. Secal. cor. stringy. Crocus. Bloody ichor, pungent, preceded by pain in the back; cancer. Kreosot. Bright red. Arnica, Bell., Calc. c, Cinnamon, Diadema, Erecthilis, Ham., Hyos., Ipec, Lycopod., Rhus tox., Sabina. ■ constani flow. Hyos., Ipec. hot. BeU. , later pale, from anaemia. Trill. lumpy. Arnica, [Jstilago. , in paroxysms with colic Bell., Nux v., Rhus tox. partly clotted; Sabina. profuse. Cinnamon. , woreefrora motion; threatening abortion. Sabina. "Brown — sometimes fluid. Apocyn. can., Secal. cor. 164 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Clots. Cham., China, Nux v., Puis., Rhus tox., Strain., Thlapsi bursae. black. (See Black.) partly — partly bright red, and partly bloody serum. Lycopod. dark. Cham. China, Ustilago. in paroxysms. Puis. alternating with bloody serum. Plumb. hard and black, mixed with fluid blood, passing away in a dark tarry appearance. Plat. large. Apocyn. can., Stratn. black. CoflP., Secal. cor. in bright-red blood. Ustilago. offensive. Kreosot. with violent pains; increased by motion. Argt. m. mixed with bright blood. Arnica. watery or pale blood. China. , occasionally fluid. Secal. cor., Trill. , with bad odor. Bell. Coagulated (see Clots) easy. Aeon., Bell. Dark. Ars., Bry., Canth., Coccul., Ham., Kreosot., Nitr. acid, Plumb., Secal. cor. clots. (See Clots.) fluid. Bry., Plat,, Secal. cor. , having blackish clots mixed with thin watery blood. Sabina. , painless, immediately after delivery. Nux m., Plat. profuse at first, then for a few days bloody ichor, with pungent odor, corrosive itching and smarting of the parts. The turns of these discharges repeat themselves again and again. Kreosot, mixed with blackish clots and thin watery blood. Sabina. thick. Nux m., Plat. , clotted, profuse, continuing in intervals for several days. Trill. with threatened abortion. Cham. Pale. Carb. veg., Hyos., Merc, Sabina. , partly clotted or very thin, offensive, smelling worse on the least motion, has to be perfectly quiet to avoid a profuse dis- charge ; after miscarriage. Sabina. watery with coagula. China. pale lips and face. Ferr. METRORRHAGIA. 165 Pale, watery, becoming more and more watery the longer it lasts. Primus spi. Stringy — black or dark. Crocus. TJiick black, but not coagulated. Plato Various appearance. Carb. veg. Viscid. Crocus. Odor of the Discharge. Fetid. Crocus, Secal. cor., Terebinthina, Trill. Offensive. Bell., Cham., Crocus, Kreosot., Sabina, Secal. cor. Pungent. Kreosot. Putrid. Cham. Causes and Times of the Discharge. After a fall, shock, or concussion. Arnica. abortion, or miscarriage, or labor. Bell., Cham., China, Cinnamon, Crocus, Erigeron, Ferr., Hyos.,Ipec, Kali c, Lycopod., Nitr. add, Plat., Sabina, Secal. cor., Silic, Symphyt., Thlapsi bursse. especially in the third month. Sabina. abuse of Chamomile. China, Ignat. coffee. Nux v. drugs. Nux v. iron. Puis. quinine. Ferr., Ipec, Puis. anger. Cham., Staphis. during pregnancy. Kali c. a long walk or dancing, with or without pain. Crocus. false step, and strain in the loins. Cinnamon. climax is. Merc. (long time after). Staphis. coition. Arnica. every stool. Iod. fright. Aeon., Bell., Nux v. during pregnancy. Secal. cor. great exertion. Millefol., Xux v. mental exertion. Plat. labor (natural especially). Arnica, Aeet. acid, Bell., Bry., Cauloplivl., Cham., China, Crocus, Erigeron, Ferr., Hyos., Ipec, Kali c, Kreosot., Lach., Nitr. acid., Xux v., Plat., Sabina, Secal. cor., Senecio, Trill., 1 rstilago. 166 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. After labor, days or weeks after. Kali c. difficult. Phos. hasty labor especial 1) . Caulophyl. leucorrhcea. Magn. m., Sabina. mental excitement and depression. Ignat. -, the least. Nux v. miscarriage. (See After Abortion and After Labor.) motion — the least — (worse). Crocus. much loss of fluids. China. overheating. Crocus, Nitr. acid. removal of placenta. Ipec. straining, lifting, or a false step. Cinnamon, Crocus, Rhus tox. the least cause. Sepia. At night especially. Aeon. — the critical age. Ars., China, Calc. C, Carbo veg., Crocus, Digital., Helon., Kali c, Kreosot., Lach., Lycopod., Nux v., Plat., Plumb., Puis., Secal. cor., Sepia., Thlapsi bursa?, Trill, Ustilago. Between the menstrual periods. Bell., Calc. c, Elaps., Hep. s., Magn. s., Mangan., Phos., Silic. from any. little accident, as from a very hard stool, or after a walk a little longer than usual. Ambr. gr. During labor. Bell., Cham., China, Cinnamon, Ferr., Hyos., Ipec, Lycopod., Plat., Sabina, Secal. cor. new or full moon. Crocus. pregnancy. Coccul., Phos., Plat., Khus tox. at fifth or seventh month especially. Sepia. third month. Kali C, Kreosot,, Sabina. in first few months, from overheating when near the stove or from cooking. Crocus. threatened abortion. Aeon., Arnica, Cham., Coccul., Crocus, Ferr., Ham., Ipec, Kali c, Kreosot., Phos., Plat., Puis., Khus tox., Sabina, Secal. cor., Sepia. From atony of the uterus, after protracted labor especially. Secal. cor. and general debility. Aletr. * Caulo- phyl., China. constipation. Nux v. carcinoma. Ars., Bell., Ham., Helon., Hydrast., Kreosot., Lach., Sepia, Silic, Sulph., Thlapsi bursse. METRORRHAGIA. 167 From debility in general. Aletr. f., Caulophyl., China. fibroids. Bufo, Calc. c, Lycopod., Merc., Nitr. acid, Phos., Puis., Sepia, Silic, Sulph. acid, Tarantula. high living. Nux v. intoxicating drinks. Nux V. nursing, every time the child takes the breast. Silic. polypus. Bell., Calc. C, Carb. an., Ledum, Lycopod., Phos. retained placenta or coagula. Puis. with clapping hands, delirium, loquacity. Secal. cor., Strain. profuse flow of hot blood, which speedily coagulates. Bell. sexual excitement, onanism, or excessive coition, especially in young women. Calc. c, Nux v., Phos. Preceding the climacteric period, without pregnancy. Argt. nitr., Bell., Calc. c, China, Crocus, Ferr., Hyos., Ignat, Ipec, Ledum, Nux v., Phos., Plat., Sabina, Sepia, Sulph. ac. CONCOMITANTS. Mind and Disposition. Alternating with spells of insanity. Cascar. Amorous mood. Merc. Anxiety and great restlessness; fear of death. Aeon. Delirium. Hyos. Distrust. 2s itr. acid. Dulness of sense with blur before the eyes. China, Hyos. Excitability — great — with fear of death. Aeon. great mental restlessness. Apis. nervous. Crocus, Argt. nitr. (at change of life). Fearful ness. Crocus. Fear of almosl anything; she is afraid to get out of bed, to turn over or to move, to go from one room to another; fear that some- thing untoward will happen. Aeon. death. Aeon., ('off., Secal. cor. horror of what may happen. Plat. the thoughl of death. Plat. [deas— strange and absurd — lull of. Strain. Irritability — angry mood. Bry., Nux v. great nervous. Sepia. 168 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Irritability great, uncivil. Cham. Low-spirited. Ham., Ignat., Nux m., Plumb., Secal. cor. frequent sighing and sobbing. Ignat. Nymphomania. Plat. Restlessness and distress. Cham. yawning. Apis. Sensitiveness of the mind. Arnica. Serious mood. Merc. Sighing and sobbing with empty feeling at the stomach. Ignat. Talkativeness — excessive — singing, praying, etc. Stram. Time, short as it may be, seems to be very long to her, and every- thing clone for her seems done so very slowly; she has been flowing an hour, but to her it seems hours ; we work rapidly for her safety, but she thinks we are very slow. Argt. nitr. Unconsciousness. China, Hyos. Head. Pain in the — headache. Kreosot. at the vertex and sides of the head. Ustilago. as if it would split open. Bry. confusion, dulness, worse from the least motion. Ara:t. nitr. congestion to the head. Calc. c. an( j c hest. Sepia. , throbbing of the carotids; flushed face; red eyes; full bounding pulse. Bell. , heat at the vertex. Lach., Phos. -, with cold feet. Sulph. heaviness; ringing in the ears; loss of sight; faint- ing. China. , forehead, and vertex, dull, heavy, throbbing, worse from moving, better from lying still and shutting the eyes. Ham. constipation. Nux v. vertigo. Ferr., Ipec. Vertigo. China, Phos., Trill., Ustilago. and giddiness, can't even sit up in her bed, she falls over. Aeon. on stooping, worse on rising again, or going upstairs. Calc. c. ■ with headache. Ferr., Ipec. METRORRHAGIA. 169 Eyes. Blur before the — and d illness of the senses. Hyos. Congestion to the eyes. Bell., Hyos. Darkness before the. Bell. Dimness of sight. China, Trill. Loss of sight and fainting. China. momentary. Silic. Pupils enlarged. Bell. Sunken lustreless eyes. Ars. Ears. Ringing in the. China. Nose. Coldness of the. Bell. Yellow saddle across the bridge of the nose. Sepia. Face. Bluish. Hyos. Fiery red, with full hard pulse, from the least motion or exertion. Ferr. Flushed. Bell. Hippocratic. Ars. Paleness of the — and lips with a pale flow. Ferr. great — with coldness. China, Ipec. . Bell. Perspiration on the forehead especially; icy cold. Merc. cor. Pinched with coldness. Secal. cor. Sallow. Secal. cor. Yellow earthy color. Crocus. sallow. Sepia. spots of the — and yellow saddle across the bridge of nose. Sepia. Mouth. Aphtha- in debilitated woman. Ars. Dryness of the — and lips, with thirst. Bry. excessive — tongue and throat; especially after Bleeping; the tongue is so dry thai it sticks to the palate. Nux m. Salivation. Merc. Scorbutic gums. Merc. 12 170 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Slime in the-and throat-collection of. Merc. Thirst, though the month be full of saliva. Merc. Tongue — white. Antim. crud. Stomach. Catarrh of the. Lycopod. Empty feeling at the pit of. Ignat, Ustilago. 11 painful. Sepia, Trill. . w ith hunger at about 11 A.M. Sulph. Eructation of wind after eating. Phos. Fulness in the-up to the throat-sensation of. Lycopod. Indigestion. Nux v. Irritability of the-great-with vomiting. Apocyn. can. Nausea. Apocyn. can. and faintness. Cham., IpeC. on sitting up in bed, or when raising the head from the pillow. Bry. . vomiting. Antim. crud., Ipec. . with chronic inflammation of the uterus. Kali c. at the pit of stomach. Arnica. constant. Ipec. , from gentle pressure on the uterus. Bell. . proceeding from stomach. Ipec. w ith a wavelike feeling or undulating sensation, a pulsat- ing tremor all over the body, from head to foot. Bell. ^ deathly sickness all over; she feels perfectly indiffer- ent, and desires to be let alone. Podoph. rumbling in the abdomen, and great weight Irom above downward. Bell. _ ,__ swimming of the head, vertigo, when moving the hands or feet. Bell. Rolling and bounding in the— sensation of. Crocus. Sinking at the. (See Empty Feeling.) Swelling at the pit of the stomach. Calc. C. Vomiting (see Nausea) from hyperesthesia of the spinal nerve. Cupr. ammonio-sulph. Appetite. Hunger— fits of— gnawing, before dinner. Sulph. Thirst. Cham. METRORRHAGIA. 171 Thirst ; drinks often, but little. Bell. Thirstlessness. Puis. Abdomen. Affections of the liver. Lycopod. Catarrh of the intestines. Lycopod. Congestion and plethora of the. Sepia. Distension of the — in different places, changing localities. Lyco- pod. after eating. Plumb. frequent. Kali c. painful, and not relieved from eructation. China. Engorgement of the spleen. Lycopod. Fermentation in the. Lycopod. Flatulency, with great rumbling in the. Lycopod. Forcing-dragging pains extending to the back and loins. Sabina. Fulness and weight in the — preceding the haemorrhage. Plumb. in the pelvis. Plumb. Heaviness in the. Apis, Sepia. Obstruction of the portal circulation. Crocus, Sepia. Pain in the — as if stung by a bee, and in different parts of the body. Apis. burning across the hypogastrium. Hydrophobinum. burning and lancinating. Ars. colic. Bell., Calc, C, China, Nux v.. Rhus tox. in the hypogastric region especially. Thlapsi bursa?. contractive — ai'ound the hypogastrium. Rhus tox. culling. Iod. about the umbilicus. Ipec. across from right to left. Lycopod. sharp, from the umbilicus toward the uterus, [pec. groins and back, with great sensitiveness of the sexual organ.-. Pl.it. (right). Sepia. (ovarian region) radiating to the sacrum and thighs. Argt. uitr. toward the uterus, increasing more and more, until relieved by the How. Lach. 172 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Pain in the groins violent. Coff. hypogastrium. Sabina, Thlapsi bursa?. with tightness and weight. Nux V. laborlike. (See Uterus.) Bell., Cham., Crocus, Ferr., Hyos., Ipec, Plat., Puis., Rhus tox., Sabina, Secal. cor., Sepia, Ustilago. alternating with haemorrhage. Puis. colic. Nux v. , drawing in the thighs and small of back. Hyos. false — with bloody discharge. Puis. Secal. cor. followed by swooning. Lycopod. forcing outward, as if all would issue from the vulva. Bell. from the small of the back, downward upon the pelvic organs, as if they would come out. Plat. to the front; slight. Plumb. — — — thighs ; cutting drawing. Sabina. hips and legs. Nitr. acid. violent ; full hard pulse and frequent short shudderings. Ferr. with severe spasmodic contrac- tions in the. Sepia. with frequent discharge of colorless urine. Cham. sensitiveness of the hypogastrium to touch, preceding the flow. Sabina. pelvis as from red-hot coals. Kreosot. pressing, drawing down into the legs from the navel. Nux m. toward the sexual parts, with a feeding of Weight and stitches in the abdomen. Crocus. stitching. Kali c. from the navel to the uterus. Ipec. Pressure over the uterus and rectum with chilliness and shudder- ing. Ipec. Rolling and bounding in the — sensation of. Crocus. METRORRHAGIA. 173 Rumbling in the. Lycopod. with great weight from above downward, with nausea, Bell. Sensation as if the pelvic viscera were drawn down. Plat. Th.^obbing — strong — in the umbilical region. Secal. cor. Weak empty feeling across the. Phos. painful. Sepia , fainting, sinking feeling. Sabina. Stool. Constipation. Ferr., Sepia, Plumb., Sulph. and headache. Nux v. ■ stools difficult, lumpy, which the rectum has not ac- tion enough to expel, and which soon recedes after being partly expelled. Silic. , dry and narrow. Phos. , ineffectual. Nux V. , large. Nux V. and hard. Bry. Diarrhoea, chronic — worse in the morning. Phos. , habitual looseness. Puis. in the morning — early. Sulph. stools mixed with mucus. Sepia. mucus, bloody, with tenesmus. Merc. with cutting pain in the rectum after stool. Nitr. acid. Desire to stool frequently, with small and painful stool. Nux V. ■ , sensation as if a portion of the fseces were in the rectum, even after stool ; ineffectual. Nux v. Rectum and Anus. Haemorrhoids. Crocus, Ham., Lycopod., Nux v., Plumb., Sepia. painful. Silic. I nihil ion of (he rectum and bladder. Erigeron. Etching <»f the anus and vulva. Carb. veg., Sulph. Sensation of uneasiness in the rectum, constant, as if from desire to defecate. Nux v. Weigh! in the reel urn — as from a Lump — sense of. Sepia. Urinary Organs. Burning in the urethra when urinating. Kreosot. , passing only a few drops. Canth. 17-i UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Desire to micturate frequently. Nux V. urgent. China. Dysuria. Erigeron. Intermittent flow. Conium, Puis. Irritation — great — at the neck of the bladder. Cailth. Urine colorless, frequent, and with labor-pains. Cham. fetid. Sepia. hot. Ferr. scanty. Puis. strong, like horse urine. Xitr. acid. with sediment, as if clay were burnt on the bottom of the vessel. Sepia. SEXUAL ORGANS. Uterus. Abortion. (See Part IV.) after — haemorrhage. Silic. threatening — at the beginning of the flow. Bell., Cin- namon, Ipec, Sabina, Secal. cor. liability to — when cold chills and prick- ing in the breasts are present. Cimicifuga. with sensation of weight in the uterine region. Aletr. f. with haemorrhage and convulsions. Cham., Hyos., Ipec, Plat., Secal. cor. , very profuse. Ar- nica, Cham., Cinnamon, Ipec, Puis., Sabina, Secal. cor. Atony of the. Caulophyl., China, Sabina, Secal. cor. Cancer of the. Kreosot., Phos. Cervix dilated. Ustilago. Congestion of the. Ham. active — of the. Crocus. chronic — of the — passive, with hypertrophy of the cervix or of the entire organ. Ustilago. great — of the — almost inflammation. Sabina. Contractions — strong spasmodic — of the — every flow being pre- ceded by them, or by strong bearing-down pains. Secal. cor. Enlargement. Ustilago. Heat in the — before or during the haemorrhage, worse from the warmth of the bed. Sulph. METRORRHAGIA. 175 Hypertrophy of the. Plumb. Induration of the. Sepia. Inflammation of the. Sabina. chronic — with nausea and vomiting. Kali c. Os uteri does not contract after abortion. Secal. cor. and cervix are soft and spongy. Ars., Ustilago. Pain in the — and ovaries. Helon. burning — with distension, feeling hard, and is pain- ful to touch. Secal. cor. from darting in the neck from below upwards. Sepia. laborlike (see Abdomen), violent. Cham. pressing down as if something would come out. Antim. crud., Bell. Polypus. Ledum. Prolapsus of the. Erigeron. tendency to. Aletr. f. Retention of the after-birth. Bell., Canth., Caulophyl., Cimi- cifuga, Gels., Gossypium, Puis., Sabina, Secal. cor., Sepia, Viscum album. Spasms of the. Argt. nitr., China. contractive. Nux m. Tumefaction of cervix. Ustilago. Tumors — fibroid — of the. Calc. c, Ledum, Thlapsi bursa?. Want of action of the uterus. Caulophyl., Puis., Secal. cor. Ovaries. Pain in the — and uterus. Helon. right. Ustilago. Vulva. Aphthae with itching, heat, and redness. Carb. veg. Etching Hi' i he — and amis. Carb. veg., Sulph. voluptuous, with gnat sensitiveness; she would like to scratch, but there is too great sensibility. Coff. Sensitiveness of tin; sexual organs, with pain in the groins and back, Plat, Swelling <>l' tin'. ATerc. Varices. Lycopod. 176 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Vagina. Leucorrhoea (see Part VI) after the discharge. Plumb. mixed with the haemorrhage. Calc. c. preceding the haemorrhage; profuse mucous. Sabina. Pain in the — constant achino;. Calc. c. Sexual Instinct. Excitement — great — with abstinence of coitus. Conium. of the sexual organs. Plat. Extinction of. Argt. nitr. Increased sexual desire preceding the haemorrhage. Sabina. Mammae. Dwindling away of the — they become flabby. Iod. Pain in the — acute. Iod. Chest. Cold breath. Carb. veg. Congestion of the — and head. Sepia. Cough — dry hawking. Kali c. , tingling in the — worse before midnight. Phos. Desire for air ; wants to have the windows open ; wants to be fanned. Lycopod. cool air. Cham. Fulness and pressure in the. Sepia. Gasping for breath. Ipec. Oppression, groaning, yawning, jerking of the arms. Bell. Shortness of breath. Lycopod. on going upstairs, with general debility. Plumb. Trembling: sensation in the middle of the. Rhus tox. Heart. Affections of the. Crocus, Digit. Anguish about the. Carb. veg. Palpitation of the. Apocyn. can., Bell., Crocus, Lycopod., Trill. ■ after the haemorrhage. Aurum. with intermission of beats. Secal. cor. METRORRHAGIA. 177 Back. Coldness and painfullness of the — neck, and occiput, relieved by heat. Ham. <%. Heat — intense — running up the back. Phos. Pain in the — as if it would break. Bell., Phos. (as if broken). burning, across the sacrum and small of the back. Carb. veg. extending into both groins, with great sensitiveness of the sexual organs. Plat. the glutei muscles and down over the sacrum. Kali c. ■ from the pubes to the sacrum. Sabina. sacrum to the pubes. Bell., Sabina. through to the uterus. Helon. the hips into the legs, with pressure as if the uterus would escape from the vulva. Nitr. acid. small of back especially. Bell., Bry., Calc. C, China, Crocus, Ferr., Ipec, Lach., Plat., Rhus tox., Secal. cor. and loins. Iod. as if broken. Bell., Kali c, Nux v. , bruised feeling ; lameness. Phos. extending into the thighs. Lyeopod. to the front. Cham. , laborlike, and in the limbs. Hyos. , pressive violent. Bry. loins and hips; tearing. Rhus tox. sacrum — drawing forward, griping and pinching in uterus, followed by discharge of large clots of blood. Cham. Weakness of the small of the back and lower extremities; great. Kali c. Upper Extremities. Convulsive clinching of the thumbs. Bell. Jerking of the arms, with oppression, groaning, yawning. Bell. Swelling of the veins of the — and feet. Hyos. Lower Extremities. ( 'old (lamp feel. Calc. C. legs, drawn up. Calc C. thighs and legs at night. Merc. 178 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Cold, icy — of the feet. Sepia. — — feet with heat at the top of the head. Sulph. Cramplike contraction of the legs. Rhus tox. Cramps in the legs, especially the calves. Secal. cor. Perspiration of the feet ; fetid. Nitr. acid. ; scentless. Merc. ; terribly offensive. Silic. Sharp darting pains down the legs. Sepia. Swelling of the veins of the feet and hands. Hyos. Tearing pains in the legs. Cham, (in veins), Cimicifuga, Hyos. throbbing pains in the thighs ; worse from motion. Se- cal. cor. Varices. Crocus, Ham., Lycopod. Weakness of the legs and back j great. Kali c. Sleep. Awakens at 3 or 4 A.M. Nux v. Dreams — frightful. Nux v. of falling from a height. Lycopod. Sleep heavy, unrefreshing, full of dreams. Rhus tox. light — often gets wide awake. Sulph. restless. Lycopod. Sleeplessness all the time. Nux m. at nights without cause seemingly ; or on account of a tormenting itching all over the body. Sulph. Fever. Chills at night with the haemorrhage. Lach. and coldness of the body. Ipec. Chilliness. Lycopod., Nux m., Secal. cor. and shuddering with violent pressure over uterus and rectum. Ipec. at night, but flushes by day. Lach. constant. Crocus. , desire for warmth and covering. Calc. C. feverish. Kali c. with blueness of the skin. China. without, extreme heat within. Ipec. Shudderings, frequent and short. Ferr. METRORRHAGIA. 179 Coldness, blueness, and dampness of the body. China. ■ dryness of the body. Carb. veg. — feeling of — paleness. Ipec. — icy — of the whole body. Silic. extremities. Ars. paroxysms of. Sepia. or coolness of body and extremities, with heat in head. Arnica. of the body with cold sweat ; suffocation. Ipec. thrills of — passing through the body, although she is and wishes to be warmly covered. Bell. with no desire for covering. Secal. cor. parched face. Secal. cor. Heat and great vascular excitement. Bell. flushes of. Lach., Lycopocl., Phos., Sepia, Sulph. by day, and chilliness by night. Lach. with frequent faint spells. Sulph. general — with full quick pulse; spasmodic jerking. Hyos. great — complains of. Sulph. occasionally, with flushed face, red eyes, full bound- ing pulse ; oppression. Bell. with red face, and full hard pulse. Ferr. Perspiration. Kali c. clammy. China. cold profuse — on the face. Merc. cor. profuse — about the head and shoulders. Calc. C sour and urinous. Nitr. acid. or mouldy, except on the feet, which is scent- less. Merc. Pulse — feeble. Ipec. intermittent. Kali C. irregular, almost imperceptible. Carb. veg., China. quick, feeble when moved. Apocyn. can. rapid, .sinking. China. Pulseless, fainting. Kreosot. Skin. Eruption here and there. Sulph. previously suppressed. Sulph. >puts and blisters oozing out blood. Ars. 180 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Eruption spots like bee-stings. Apis. pale, dry, yellowish ; liver spots here and there. Plumb. Lax condition of the— and muscles. Merc. Rigid condition of the— and muscles. Nitr. acid. Generalities. Aching all over, worse during rest. Rhus tox. Coldness of the body or extremities. (See Fever, Extremities.) extremities ; pale face ; small feeble pulse. China, Secal. cor. Constitutional peculiarities. (See Part VIII, Generalities.) Convulsions. China, Hyos. during abortion or miscarriage. Cham., Hyos., Ipec, Plat., Secal. cor. of the whole body, interrupted by jerking or twitch- ing of single limbs. Hyos. ; shocks. China. Debility; weakness; exhaustion. Ars., Crocus, Plumb., Secal. cor., Sulph., Trill. great. Ars., Carb. veg., Ipec. and rapid, with fainting spells, even though the quantity of blood lost has not been excessive. Ferr. " from loss of blood ; sudden, with coldness of ex- tremities and pale face. China. ; pulse empty, weak, and frequent. Secal. cor. , with shortness of breath on going upstairs. Plumb. inclination to vomit, Ipec. tremulous — felt all over the body ; with the flow. Cau- lophyl. , weary feeling in the morning. Sulph. , with tingling in the limbs. Secal. cor. tendency to faint. Apocyn. can. Faintness. Apis. and nausea on sitting up in bed, or even on raising the head from the pillow. Bry. Fainting. (See Debility.) Bell., China, Lach., Merc, Nux m., Secal. cor. after laborlike pains. Lycopod. disposition to. Apocyn. can., Sepia. METRORRHAGIA. 181 Fainting, frequent. Merc. pulseless. Kreosot. , ringing in the ears, loss of sight, coldness ; want to be fanned all the time. China. flushes of heat; heat on top of head; cold feet. Sulph. when raising the head from the pillow. Apocyn. can., Bry. with the flow. China. Insensibility and feverish pulse. Secal. cor. Jerking of the muscles. China, Secal. cor. limbs ; trembling. Hyos., Secal. cor. Muscles and skin lax. Merc. rigid. Nitr. acid. Numbness of the limbs. Hyos. Pains — lancinating and burning. Ars. tearing in the joints. Sabina. violent. Argt. m. Pulsating tremor or undulating sensation all over the body, from head to foot, even in the fingers and toes, with nausea. Bell. Restlessness. Cham. great — with trembling of the extremities. Hyos. Sensation as if the body were growing larger in every direction. Plat. Spasms. (See Convulsions.) Tingling in the limbs with debility. Secal. cor. Tremulous sensation in the whole body, without trembling. Sulph. acid. weakness over the whole body. Caulophyl. Trembling of the whole body. Hyos. Varices. (See Vulva, Lower Extremities.) Sepia. Weakness. (See Debility.) Yawning. Bell., Secal. cor. (frequent). with great uneasiness. Apis. PART VI. FLUOR ALBUS. Character of the Discharge. Acrid. (See Corroding.) iEscul. hipp., Alum., Amm. c, Amm. m., Anacard., Ant. crud., Apis, Aralia, Ars., Ars. iod., Asperul. odor., Aurum fob, Aunmi mur., Bapt., Berb., Borax, Bovista, Calc. c, Canth., Carb. an., Carb. veg>, Carbol. acid, Cham., Chlor. acid, Conium, Cubeb., Ferr., Fluoric acid, Graph., Helon., Hep. s., Ignat., Iod., Kali c, Kali hydr., Kreosot., Lach., Lamium alb., Lilium, Lycopod., Magn. c, Magn. s., Mephitis, Merc, sol., Merc, v., Natr. m., Natr. s., Nitr. acid, Nux m., Nymph, odor., Prunus spi., Phos., Phos. acid, Phytol., Puis., Ranuncul. bulb., Rhus tox., Robinia, Ruta, Sabina, Sanguin., Sarsaparilla, Sepia, Silic, Sulph., Sulph. acid, Tarantula, Zinc, Zizia. after having been first mild and bland. Ranuncul. bulb. , brown, offensive. Nitr. acid. , burning. Puis., Sulph. acid. , greenish. Apis, Merc, sol., Natr. m. , profuse. Amm. c. , green. Apis. , relieved by cold washes. Alum. , prostrating much. Berber. , watery. Amm. c, Antim. crud., Magn. c. , slimy, causing blisters. Phos. white mucus. Magn. c. , causing- burning. Conium. Albuminous. (See Mucus, White of an Egg.) Bovista, Calc. C, Hvdrast., Mezereum, Petrol., Plat. Black. Crocus sat. Bland. (See Mild.) Bloody. (See Flesh-colored.) Aeon., Argt. nitr., Ars., Baryt. C , Calc. c, Canth., Carb. veg., China, Cinnab., Coccul., Conium, Dictamnus, Ham., Iod., Kreosot., Lycopod., Murex purp., Phos. acid, Sarracenia, Sepia, Silic, Sulph. acid, Terebinthina, Trill., Zinc, Zizia. ( 182) FLUOR ALBUS. 183 Bloody at the end, after having been brown in the beginning, then white. Dictamnus. , brown. Conium.. , dark, coagulated. Kreosot. , fetid, painful, every fourth night. Sabina. mucus. Aloe, Silic, Sulph. acid, Zinc. or milklike at intervals. Lycopod. serum alternating with pus. China. , watery, often in paroxysms, worse when sitting. Tart. emet. with occasional discharge of black clots. China. Bluish white at night. Ambr. gr. Brown. Amm. m., Lilium, Nitr. acid, Secal. cor. , acrid, off.nsive. Nitr. acid. , bloody. Conium. , offensive. Secal. cor. , slimy, painless after every urination. Amm. m. By fits and starts. Lycopod. Clots and lumps. Ambr. gr., Bovista, China, Curare, Ferr., Merc. dropping out when walking. Ars., Bovista. large. Psorin. like hazel-nuts. Merc. mixed with acrid water. Antim. crud. purulent. Merc. Constant. Brom., Magn. m. Corroding the yen itals. (See Acrid.) iEscul. hipp., Alum., Argt. nitr., Ars., Ars. iod., Aurum fol., Bapt., Borax, Bovista, Calc. c, Carb. veg., Carbol. acid, Cham., Chlor. acid, Clematis, Conium, Copaiva, Cubeb., Ferr., Fluoric acid, Graph., Hedeoma, Hep. s., Ignat., Iod., Kali c, Kali hydr., Kreosot., Lilium, Lycopod., Merc, sol., Merc, viv., Mezer., Natr. m., Natr. s., Nyrapha odor., Phos., Phos. acidjPrnnus spi., Puis., Ruta, Sabina, Sanguin., Sepia, Silic, Sulph., Sulph. acid, Zinc after having first been mild and bland. Banuncul. bull). and even the thighs. Aurum, An- tim. crud., Baryt. c, Caustic, Curare, Graph., Bep. s., Iod., Kali c, Kreosot., Sabina, Sepia, Sulph., Zinc , drawing blisters; -watery, slimy. Phos. 184 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Corroding the genitals in the beginning. Terr. the linen. lod. perinseum ; yellow, bright. Lilium. green, fetid matter. Carbol. acid. mucus. Sulph. milky. Carb. veg. in a child. Hyperic. profuse. Alum., Silic. purulent. Ignat. putrid. Kali hydr., Kreosot, watery. Antim. crud. yellow, bright, corroding the perinseum. Lilium. green, leaving green Spots on the clothes. Bovista. mucus. Sulph. . profuse. Argt. nitr., Lilium. thick. Ars. Creamlike. Alum., Bufo, Calc. phos., Kali ferrocyan., Puis., Secal. cor., Sepia, Trill. Dark. Agaric, m., Crocus sat. Flesh-colored. (See Bloody, Bed.) Alum., Bell., Bufo, Coc- cul., Kreosot., Nitr'. acid, Tabac. Grayish. Berber. Green, acrid. Cubeba, Merc, sol., Natr. m. , profuse. Apis. . corroding, fetid. Carbol. acid. mucus. Sulph. staining the linen green. Bovista. mucus. Nitr. acid. Greenish. Apis, Asafcet., Bovista, Carb. veg., Carbol. acid, Cubeb., Lack, Merc. sol. (evening and night), Murex purp., Natr. m., Nitr. acid, Robinia, Sepia, Stan., Thuja. red fluid. Sepia. f thin, profuse, offensive. Asafcet. water. Sepia. , when walking especially. Natr. m. yellowish. Bovista. Thuja. Gushes. (See Profuse.' Ichor. Cinnab., Coccul., Kreosot., Sabina, Sulph. bloody. Kreosot. mingled with serum. Coccul. FLUOR ALBUS. 185 Intermittent flow ; it ceases and reappears at once as bad as ever. Conium, Kreosot. Jellylike. (See Mucus.) Lasting only a few hours. Natr. m. Lumps. (See Clots.) 3Iild, bland, painless. Alum., Aram, m., Borax, Bufo, Ferr., Kali ferrocyan., Kreosot., Lac can., Lamium alb., Lycopod., Merc, Nux v., Phos. acid., Puis., Euta, Sepia, Sulph. acid, Thuja, Zizia. , especially after micturition, or after rising from a seat. Plat. in the beginning, afterwards corroding and smarting. Ranuncul. bulb. , milky. Ferr. Milklike. (See White.) Angustura, Bell., Cact. gr., Calc. c, Carb. veg\, Coff., Conium, Ferr., Kreosot., LycoDod., Phos., Puis., Sabina, Sarracenia, Sepia, Silic, Sulph. acid. ■ after coccyodynia. Kreosot. during a morning walk. Phos. micturition. Calc. c. excoriating. Carb. veg. in a child. Hyperic. in paroxysms. Silic. mild or itching, sharp with soreness. Ferr. or bloody at intervals. Lycopod. or transparent. Sulph. acid. , thick mucus. Conium, Puis. Mucus. (See Albumen, White of an Egg.) Alum., Ambr. gr., Amni. in., Angustura, Apis, Argt. nitr., Ars., Baryt. c, Bell., Berb., Borax, Bovista, Brv., Calad., Calc. c, Calc. phos., Canth., Carb. veg., Caulophyl., Chelidon., Coccul., Coccus cacti, Coff., Conium, Dictam- nus, Graph., Kreosot., Lach., Lamium all.)., Leptand., Magn. c, Magn. in., Merc, sol., Mezer., Natr. c, Natr. m., Nitr. acid, Nux m., Nux v., 01. an., Petrol., Phos., Plat., Plumb., Podoph., Puis., Sabina, Sarsaparilla, Sepia, Silic, Stan., Sulph., Sulph. acid, Thuja, Zinc. acrid. Phos. , white Magn. c. , causing burning. Conium. at first brown, then white, and lastly blood-streaked. Dictamnns. bloody. Aloe Carb. veg., Kreosot., Zinc. 18 186 UTERINE AND VAGINA-L DISCHARGES. Mucus bloody, with sensation as if the menses would appear. Sulph. acid. brown, painless, after every micturition. Amm. m. during a morning walk. Phos. green. Nitr. acid. , corroding. Sulph. ■jellylike. Pal lad., Sabina, Sepia. , alternating with metrorrhagia. Secal. cor. flowing: down. Borax. di'opping out in clots. Bovista. like the white of an egg. Amm. m., Bovista, Brom., Calc. phos. and sensation as if water were -, especially when walking, , increases at the ratio the menses decrease. Calc. phos. profuse, with "moth spots" on the forehead; often in little girls. Caulophyl. ropy. (See Ropy.) Crocus sat., Hydrast., Kali bich., Nitr. acid. thick, increased from day to day. Ambr. gr. , tough. Bovista. , transparent. Podoph. , white. Carb. veg., Puis. thin, white. 01. an. white. Graph. , transparent. Stan. with colic. Bell. with shreds in it. Leptand. yellow. Stan., Sulph. Odor offensive, fetid. Aralia, Ars., Asafcet., Asperul. odor., Bapt., Bufo, Carbol. acid, Carb. an., China, Cubeb., Curare, Guarea, Hydrast., Kreosot., Leptand., Muriatic acid, Natr. c, Nitr. acid, Nux v., Robinia, Sabina, Sanguin., Sarracenia, Secal. cor., Sepia, Terebinthina, Trill. like ammonia. Amm. c. corn ears. Kreosot. old cheese. Hep. s. the menstrual blood. Caust. pungent. Kali c, Kreosot. putrid. Kali c, Kreosot., Lycopod., Natr. c, Phos. acid. FLUOR ALBUS. 187 Odor sweetish. Calc. phos. , disgustingly. Merc. corr. unbearable. Psorin. Odorless. Bufo, Puis. Pastelike. Borax. Pieces in it, (See Shreds.) Pitchlike. Sabina. Profuse, Aeon., Agaric, m., Alum., Amm. c, Antim. crud., Apis, Argt. nitr., Ars., Asafoet., Asperul. odor., Aurum, Bell., Borax, Bo vista, Bufo, Cact. gr., Calc. C, Carb. veg., Carbol. acid, Caulo- phyl., Caust., China, Cinnab., Coccul., Coff., Conium, Copaiva, Cubeb., Curare, Erigeron, Eupat. perfol., Graph., Ham., Helon., Hydrast,, Ignat., Iod., Kali ferrocyan., Kreosot., Lach., Lamium, Ledum, Lilium, Lycopod., Magn. m., Magn. s., Merc, sol., Merc, viv., Natr. c, Natr. m., Niccol., Petrol., Phos., Phos. acid, Plumb., Robinia, Sabina, Sepia, Silic, Sulph., Trill., Zizia. , acrid. Amm. c. , corroding. Alum., Silic. , thick mucus. Ars. , green. Apis. , running down the heels : relief from cold washes. Alum. Petrol. as if warm water were running down. Borax. at intervals. Calc. c. Lycopod. — night. Caustic, continual. Ham., Magn. m. every day for several days, with lascivious dreams. excessive. Carlsbad, Ham., Trill. simulating almost a luemorrhagc. Ham. flowing like menses. Kreosot., Magn. s. and of the same odor. Caustic. -, greenish, thin, offensive. Asafoet. - in gushes. Calc. c, Lycopod., Sabina, Silic. often, by day and night. Graph. on bending or squatting down. Coccul. perfectly white, especially on rising from the bed in the morning. Graph. transparent, during the day. Alum. yellow, corroding. Argt. nil r., Lilium. . tenacious. Aeon. 188 UTERINE AND VAGINA-L DISCHARGES. Purulent. Alum., Bufo, China, Cinnab., Coccul., Copaiva, Curare, Ignat., Merc, sol., Merc, v., Robinia. , containing lumps. Merc. ■ , corroding. Ignat. JPus. Antim. crud., China, Kali ferrocyan., Merc, sol., Merc. viv., Sepia. alternating with bloody serum. China. Remall of back ; aching. Bry. Sensitiveness — extreme — to even a slight jar of the bed ; the same of the abdomen. Bell. Extremities. Hips — afterpains in the. Silic. Feet — coldness of the — all the time. Sulph. heat in the soles of the. Sulph. Sleep Drowsiness — or she is half awake and half asleep. Bell. Sopor. Opi. Unsound sleep, is not refreshed by it. Bell Wakefulness — great — with exalted nervous sensibility . Coff. Fever. Coldness, yet does not wish to be covered. Secal. cor. Fever — puerperal. Bell., Cimicifuga. with thirst. Aeon. without thirst. Puis. Heat — flushes of. Sulph. great. Millefol. Perspiration. Sulph. 213 Generalities. Affection from fright, grief, with sighing and sobbing. Ignat. use of Chamomile tea. Ignat. Nux vomica — sometimes. Ignat. Aggravation from the least jar. Bell. motion. Bry. , causing a return of a bloody lochial discharge, which is relieved by rest. Erigeron. taking food or drink. Colocynth. in a warm room. Puis. Amelioration from changing position. Rhus tox. warmth. Nux v. Constitutional peculiarities. (See Part VIII, Generalities.) Convulsions — hysterical — of the whole body, interrupted by jerks or twitchings of single limbs. Hyos. Convulsive twitching. Millefol. Debility — great. Cauiophyl. , from the flow. Rhus tox., Sulph. acid, Trill. , with prostration Bapt. Excited, nervous sensibility, and great -wakefulness. Coff. Fainting spells. Sulph. Hysterical symptoms. Cham. Jerking of muscles, with delirium. HyOS. Numbness of the limbs. Carb. an. Pains — great. Millefol. rheumatic — in all the limbs. Cimicifuga. Restlessness at night ; must change position often to find relief. Rhus tox. great. Colocynth Trembling and weakness — sense of — without actual trembling. Sulph. acid. PART VIII. GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Mind and Disposition. Absence of mind ; cannot fix her attention. Bovista, Cannab. ind., Colchic, Elaps., Kali c, Merc, viv., Nux m., Plat., Rhus tox., Silic, Stan. with uneasiness and trembling of hands. Magn. c. Actions — absurd. (See Laughter.) Cicuta vir., Hyos. rash. Cicuta vir. ■ violent. Cicuta vir. Affectionate, lively. Murex purp. Afraid. (See Fear.) Agitation (see Restlessness) in the evening. Guarea. Angry. (See Irritability ; Expression.) Aeon., Bovista, Kali c, Muriat. acid., Natr. m., Nux v., Petrol. at the least contradiction. Aurum, Helon., Ignat., Va- lerian. or blame, which makes her angry with herself. Ignat. inclination to be. Bufo. , vehement, gets mad at trifles. Drosera, Cham., Natr. m., Nitr. acid. , becomes exceedingly uncivil. Cham., Ve- rat. alb. Anguish. (See Anxiety.) Aeon., Amm. c, Cupr., Verat. alb. and apprehension. Magn. c. ; trembling state of mind; fear. Aeon. sadness. Kali c. , as if she would lose her senses. Plat. great, excessive. Colocynth., Secal cor. (2H) MIND AND DISPOSITION. 215 Anguish great, about the heart (see Heart), even with a desire to suicide. Aurum, Puis. , nausea, sensation of hunger somewhat relieved by eating. Phos. as of death. Mosch., Puis. , with trembling of limbs. Plat. ; despair ; going from one place to another for relief. Ars. ; sensitive ; irritable. Hep. s. ■ , turning and tossing about in bed. Ars. inconsolable. China. increasing to self-destruction. Aurum. ; low-spirited; yawning; stretching; drowsiness in daytime. Daphne. oppressive — relieved in the open air. Cannab. ind. with constriction in the throat, shrieks for help. Ignat. ■ heat ascending into the throat. Hy- peric. ; palpitation of heart. Aeon., Ars., Calc, Nitr. acid. preventing sleep. Kali hydr. with empty feeling in the head. Natr. m. great restlessness. Lam. alb. ■ especially from 4 to 6 P.M. Carl), veg. tremor and sweat during her pains. Natr. c. Answers questions slowly. Merc. viv. Anxiety, (See Anguish; Low-spirited; Restlessness; Fear.) Arnica, Calc. phos.j Caust., Guarea, Ledum, Magn. c, Nux v., Ruta, Sanguin., Secal. cor., Sepia. about her children or family. Baryt. c. fate. Antim. erud. past events. Plat. — the heart. Aeon., Theridion. — trifles. Sulph. and irritability. Argt. nitr., Nux v. when alone. Phos. with inclination to suicide, but is afraid to die. Nux v. sadness. Crocus sat. 216 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Anxiety, as if she had committed a great crime; fear. Amm. a, Coccul., Ferr. ■ at night, as from heat. Puis. ; fear, flushes of heat over the face. Sepia. of death. Aeon., Secal. cor. fits of. Rhododendron, Stan, (or continual.) restlessness and yawning. Plumb. driving her to and fro, and out of bed at night. Ars. Natr. c, Phos. Iod. - especially during a thunderstorm. -, fear and fever. Aeon. -, hysterical. Asafcet. -, moving constantly about. Chelidon., when alone. Drosera, Phos from lying on the left side. Phos. , full of fears. Aloe., Alum., Caustic, Psorinum. great, about imaginary evils. Sepia. great and fearful. Secal. cor. great — especially in young ladies who have been crossed in love. Calc. phos. with sleeplessness. Cimicifuga. which prevents her even to eat. Iod. inconsolable. Aeon., Magn. c. *- needless — and ill humor. Bry. nervous. Bell. — at 3 a.m. feels now hot, then again inclined to vomit. Ars. wild with. Secal. cor. with apprehension. (See Apprehension.) Aeon., Amm. c, Magn. c, Phos., Plat., Rhustox., Sabina. about the future. Bry., Chelidon., Rhus tox. health. Ars.,Nux v., Puis. present and future. Che- lidon. especially at night, with desire to flee. Merc. viv. of approaching misfortune. Graph. ; low-spirited ; sad. Muriat. acid. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 217 Anxiety, with apprehension, with weeping. Graph. ■ hastiness. (See Hastiness ; Restlessness.) Argt, nitr. heat, and when left alone. Drosera. in the abdomen. Bell. nausea and trembling. Nitr. acid. palpitation of heart. Aeon., Baryt. a, Gale. C., Mosch., Plat., Stan., Tarantula, Viola odor. rotating sensation at the pit of stomach. Gos- sypium. Apathy. (See Indifference.) Apprehension (see Anguish, Anxiety, Fear, Low-spirited) about death. Nux v. about her future ; excitement. Cicuta vir. house and domestic affairs. Sepia. health. Graph., Lilium, Sepia. at night, cannot remain in bed. Rhus tox, full of. Aeon., China, Gratiola, Magn. c. in the evening-. Caustic. great after breakfast. Caustic. of impending evil. Chin, sulph. sickness and accident; low-spirited. Calc. c. Attention — entire want of. Kali c, Silic. Aversion; Dislike (see Dislike, Disgust, Dread, Fear) to all kinds of labor. Aloe., Agaric m., Argt. nitr., Conium, Graph., Kali Inch., Nux jugl., Nux v., Phos., Rhododen., Sepia. ; in paroxysms. Cyclam. to pleasure in the evening. Sulph. to being alone. Ars., Elaps., Kali c, Lycopod., Me- Seoi Sepia. and yet don't want company. Conium, with anxiety. Drosera. hearing others talk. A mm. <■. down ward motion, descending stairs, or the motion a .-wing or rocking chair. Borax. Light. Bell. men. Natr. c, Stan. 15 218 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Aversion to mental labor. Aloe, Carbol. acid, Cinnab., Phos. with weakness of memory. Is itr. acid. writing, reading, speaking, conversa- tion. Nux v. music. Carb. veg. noise. Bell. open air. Graph. seeing company or people. Lach., Natr. C. ■ and mixing with the world. Lach. still dreads to be alone. Conium. especially the doctor. Iod. friends. Colocynth. talk. Amm. c, Carb. an., Colocynth., Euphra., Ignat., Nux v., Phos. acid., Stan. and laughter, with great seriousness. Ambr. gr. especially on awaking in the morning. Thuja. water, cannot bear to touch it. Amm. c. work, without cause ; mental depression. Phos. too much activity about her. Aeon. Avoids society. (See Aversion.) Awkwardness ; breaks everything. Apis. ; lets everything drop from her hands. Bovista. Cautious. (See Suspicious.) Ars., Baryt. c, Drosera. Changing from one thing to another constantly. China. mood, cheerful, laughing, and then again out of hu- mor or crying. (See Jolly.) Aeon., Alum., Asafoet., China, Crocus sat., Cyclam., Ferr., Nux m., Sarsaparilla. , from joy to sadness. Carb. an., Crocus sat., Gels., Ignat,, Nux m., Puis. ; she laughs, cries, and sings. Bell. , worse every evening, with alternation of ex- cessive happiness ; affectionate, tenderness, rage. Kreosot. Cheerfulness — great. (See Jolly, Vivacity.) Alum., Brom. Cognition of two wills, one of which hinders her from doing that to which the other impels her. Anacard. Collect her senses — inability to. Kali c. Complaining (see Whining) piteously and weeping. Cina. Composure of mind, especially at night. Magn. c. Comprehension — slow. Hellebor. Confounding the present with the past. Cicuta vir. Confusion of thoughts and ideas. (See Ideas.) MIND AND DISPOSITION. 219 Conscience — loss of. Nux v. very tender. Ignat. Consciousness — loss of. Hyos., Plat. , with loss of speech and motion. Lauro- cerasus. seems to continue till the last breath, and just be- fore death it seems the patient would improve. Secal. cor. Consoling words depress her only the more. Natr. m. Contradiction between reason and will. Anacard. excites wrath and anger. (See Anger, Irritability.) Craziness. Bell., Cnpr., Hyos. Cross. (See Anger, Irritability.) Cruelty. Anacard. Cowardice, with excitement of temper. Baryt. c. Delirium. (See Sleep.) Hyos. and restlessness ; would not stay in bed. Hyos. , nightly — raging. Aeon. with great restlessness. Ars. , raging — wants to escape. Bell., Hyos. ■ , talking about business. Bry. , with picking at the bedclothes constantly. Hyos. violent vertigo, strange gestures. Nux m. Depression of spirits. (See Low-spirited.) Desires exceeding her need; she eats, walks, etc., more than she ought to. Ars. for light and company. Stram. strange. Cicuta vir. to be alone. Carb. an., China, Cicuta vir., Cinnab., Elaps., Helon., Ledum, Lycopod., Magn. m. , with depression of spirits. Natr. m. great irritability. Nux V. inclination to weep, especially in the evening. Rhus tux. escape (delirium). Bell., Hyos. mental labor. Brum. Disgust of life. Argt. met., Aurum, Merc, viv., Puis., Rims tox. , weariness, dulness, want of interest. Kali nitr. Dislikes (see Aversion) <<> be spokea, to. Elaps. Disinclination to talk. (See Aversion to, Talk.) work. (See Aversion to.) 220 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Despair. (See Hopelessness.) Arnica, Aurum, Calc. a, Coff., Natr. m. about her position in society. Verat. alb. and anxiety. Ars. of everything, with fear of death. Calc. c. that nothing will make her well, it is useless to take medicine, and she must die. Ars. Doubts about her salvation. Lycopod., Verat. alb. Dread. (See Aversion, Fear.) Dulness of the intellect. Mezer., Niccol. senses. Laurocerasus, Nux m., Nux v., Rhus tox. Exaltation — mental — in which the physical system partakes. Coff. of spirits, with great talkativeness. Cannab. ind. temper and the mental faculties. Cubeb. Excitable. (See Angry.) Coff., Ignat. and agitated in the evening. Guarea. . , fierce. Nux v. , angry, with cowardice. Baryt. c. , nervous — ease. Nitr. acid. , very. Conium. , when in society. Sepia. , and her complaints are worse on the next day. Palladium. Exclamation, "It is my death !" and then she faints. Mosch. Exposes herself when in bed and prattles ; sings amorous or ob- scene songs. Hyos. Expressions (see Angry, Talk) and language are violent and ex- travagant. Palladium. , angry, uncivil. Cham. profane. Anacard. Ecstasy and exalted love. Antim. crud. , sentimental Coff. Fancies — nocturnal. Bry. Fantastical illusions. (See Illusions.) Bell., Calc. c, Magn. m., Stram. ; everything she fancies looks pretty and beautiful, thus an old rag or stick appears to her a masterpiece of art. Sulph. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 221 Faultfinding. Calc. c, Helon., Nux v. , disposition to censure. Calc. phos. , peevish. Lach. Fear. (See Anxiety, Apprehension, Aversion, Dread.) Ars., Caust, China, Puis. , afraid to go out of the house. Aeon. , as if something were creeping out of every corner. Phos. , inclination to weep. Magn. m. , imaginary. Coccul. of approaching misfortune or danger. Aeon., Calc. c, Graph., Magn. c, Natr. m. being alone. Phos., Sepia. lest she might do herself bodily harm. Ars. hurt or poisoned-; wishes to escape. Hyos. death. Aeon., Ars., Agnus cast., Calc. c, Lobelia, Plat., Secal. cor., Silic, Tarantula, Yerat. alb. or be very ill. Podoph. , predicting even the fatal day. Aeon, (pregnancy). , which she believed near at hand. Plat. when left alone. Ars. , with great tearfulness and jealousy. Apis (preg- nancy). satiety of life. Rhus tox. getting insane, crazy. Cannab. ind., Merc, viv., Nux v. , or that people will think so. Calc. c. diosts. Carb. vcg., Drosera. — going into places of business, into crowds or other gath- Acon. future (pregnancy). Anacard. , she starts back, and looked wildly at the first sight of even familiar objects. Stram. , trembling, palpitation of heart. Valerian. Feeling. (See Sensation.) Feels like crying all the time, but crying makes her worse. Stan. Fond — very — of the good opinion of others, and lays great weight upon her own judgment. Palladium. Forget fulness. (Sec Memory — weak.) Anacard., Graph. Frenzy — amorous — with unchaste gesticulations. Canth. Frightened easily. Aeon., Borax, Tarantula. when in the dark. Carb. an. Full of plans and projects, especially at night. China. 222 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Gayety. (See Jolly.) Gentle, mild, and yielding. Puis. Gestures. (See Actions.) Grief. (See Low-spirited.) Happy feeling after she comes out of a hysterical fit; everything seems so beautiful to her. Sulph. Hastiness. (See Anxiety, Eestlessness.) Aeon., Argt. nitr. ; bustling disposition the day before confinement. Apis." in everything she does; she can hardly get through her work rapidly enough, and is dissatisfied with herself when she has finished. Sulph. acid. , nervousness, always changing her occupation. Apis. , when talking. Ambr. gr. , with inability to perform anything (during sexual excitement). Lilium. ill-humor. Thuja. Hide herself — desire to. Bell. Homesickness. Carb. an., Hyos., Merc. viv. Hopelessness. (See Despair.) Howling. Bell., Cicuta vir. Hurried. (See Hastiness.) Hysterical. (See under Generalities.) Asafoet., Calc. C, Castor, L. V. Deflor., etc. from suppression of — or too free indulgence in sexual intercourse. Conium. spasms with alternate laughing and singing, desperate actions, throwing herself about violently. Aurum. , worse before menses, with hard, swollen breasts. Co- nium. Hyperesthesia of all senses. Coff. Hypochondria. (See Mood.) Conium, Euphrasia, Nux m., Nux v. after eating. Nux v. Ideas become confused and lose their connection. (See Thoughts.) Guarea, Nux v. fixed. Cannab. ind. ; cannot get rid of them. Stan. , loss of — weakness of mind. Phos. acid. full of. Coff. , plans, projects, at night. China. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 223 Ideas, slow. Carb. veg. , with nervous irritability. China. , unable to hold an. Rhus tox. Ill-humored. (See Irritability, Peevishness.) Bovista, Brom., Calc. C, Castor, Colocynth., Cyclam., Gratiola, Ledum, Muriat* acid., Nitruin, Nux v., 01. an., Ranuncul. bulb., Rhus tox., Ruta, Sulph. and vexed mood. Bovista, Bry. during dry, cloudy weather. Amm. c. , low-spirited. Brom., Cact. gr., Laurocer. , indifferent. Kali bich. , weeping. Kreosot., Lycopod., Magn. s. , with needless anxiety. Bry. Illusions (see Fantastical) ; everybody seems inferior, to her, both in body and mind. Plat. ; everything around her seems small and insignifi- cant, physically and mentally, but she herself physically large and superior. Plat. Illusory feelings. Iod. Imagines herself neglected. Pallad. she hears music, shuts her eyes, and is lost for some time in the most delicious thoughts and dreams. Cannab. ind. is going to die or be very ill. Podoph. that another person lies in the same bed. Petrol. Imagination — excited. Coff. of strange objects in her bed or room, with great wakefulness. Cimicifuga. Impatience — extreme. (See Ill-humor, Irritability.) Ignat., Ipec. irresolute, inconstant. Ignat. Importance — great — attached to pains and bad feelings, which she is unable to explain. Ignat. Indifference, apathy. (See Low-spirited.) Berber., Merc, viv., Nitr. acid, Phos., Phos. acid, Rhododen., Secal. cor. Sepia. , almost unwilling to talk. Phos. , answers very slowly, moves very sluggishly. Phos. Cimicifuga. , Badness. China, taciturn, takes no interest in her household. to everything. Phos. 221 UTERINE AND VAGINAL DISCHARGES. Indifference to life. Phytol. one's family and to those she loved best. Sepia. , with ill-humor and depression. Kali bich. Indolence of mind. Nux jugl. Indisposition to mental or physical labor. (See Aversion.) Insensibility — complete. Opi. with complete apoplectic respiration. Opi. Intellect predominating over the mind. Valerian. Irresolute. Baryta c, Gratiola. , impatient. Ignat. Irritability. (See Angry, Ill-humor, Scolding, Peevishness, Mood, etc.) Aeon., Aloe, Apis, Arnica, Ars., Aurum, Bufo, Calc. c, Carb. veg., Coccus cacti, Curare, Hep. s., Kali c, Mures purp., Nux v., Petrol., Sabina, Sanguin., Senecio, Sepia, Sulph., Sulph. acid, Ustilago, Xanthoxyl. after an embrace. Natr. m. , anxiety. Argt. nitr., Phos. , inclination to commit suicide, but is afraid to die. Nux v. , when alone. Phos. , can hardly give a civil answer or say a pleasant word, especially during menses, in otherwise often very amiable persons. Cham. , disposed to anger and chagrin. Muriat. acid. , extremely impatient. Ignat., Ipec, Valerian. , gets angry upon the least occasion. Aeon., Bry., Natr. m., Nitr. acid, Sepia. , great — wishes to be alone. Nux v. , nervous. Cham. , and yet she feels jolly. Lilium. , cannot attend to business. Lach. , with constant inclination to move about. Iod. , on awaking. Lycopod. , stupidity, after having been very talkative. Lachnanth. , with debility. ' Argt. nitr., China. giddiness. Coccus cacti. , sleepiness, and great weakness, especially in the morning. Cyclam. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 225 Jealousy, Apis, Curare, Hyos., Lach. Jolly — exceedingly. (See Changeable ; Vivacity.) Bell., Brom., Carb. an., Crocus sat., Verat. alb. ; irresistible desire to sing. Spong. , foolishness, interrupted by crying spells and fear. Curare. , yet nervous and irritable. Lilium. Kiss everybody — wants to. Verat. alb. sing ; laughs ; dances ; whistles. Coc- cus cacti. Language. (See Expression ; Speech ; Talk.) Lascivious — uncovers the sexual parts. Hyos. Laughs easy and weeps easy. Puis. Laughter — convulsive. (See Actions.) Cupr. m. excessive — disposition to — everything appears funny ; worse in the open air, better in the room. Nux m. foolish. Hyos. hysterical. Nux v., Phos. , fits of involuntary. Sepia. immoderate. Crocus sat. , uncommon, till the face becomes purple, and back and loins ache. Cannab. ind. , involuntary, loud, with silly actions. Hyos. Laziness. Laurocer. with heaviness. Sabina. sleepiness. Chelidon. Listlessness ; depressed. Elms tox. Longing for death. Kreosot. Loss of conscience. Nux v. consciousness, with loss of speech and motion. Laurocer. confidence in herself; thinks others have none in her, makes her unhappy ; pregnancy. Aurum. Lost — feels abandoned. Lam. alb. in most delicious thoughts and dreams for some time, with eyes shut. Cannab. ind. Lov< — unfortunate — with jealousy, rage, and incoherent speech. Hyos. Low-spirited; melancholic; sad. (See [ndifierence ; Anx- iety ; Grief; Mood.) Aeon., Agnus cast., Ars., Aurum, Bell., Bo- rax, Brom., Carb. an., Castor., Caustic., Chelidon., Colocynth., Oo- nium, Crocus sat., Curare, Digital., Gels., Gratiola, Kelon., Kreosot., Lach., Lilium, Magn. c, Natr. c, Natr. m., Niccol., Nitr. acid., 226 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Nitrnm, Nux m., Nux v., Phos., Plat., Podoph., Psorinum, Puis., Rhus tox., Itobinia, Sabina, Secal. cor., Sepia, Silic, Stan., Sulph., Ustilago. Low-spirited about trifles. Conium, Graph. after great vivacity. Gels. and full of apprehension. Natr. C. ill humor. Brom., Cact. gr., Laurocer. anxiety as if a misfortune would happen, or as if she were alone, and all about her were dead and still, or as if she had been forsaken by a near friend ; worse in the house, relieved by walking in the open air. Rhus tox. reflective. Carb. an., Mangan. ; anguish — violent — yawning, stretching, drow- siness in daytime. Mezer. shuddering and awe, as soon as the evening approaches. Calc. c. at twilight. Phos. before menses. Lycopod. causing sleepless nights. Ignat. disappointed love constantly preying upon her mind. Ignat. during menses. Natr. m. from pain. Sarsaparilla. full of suppressed grief; brooding to herself. ; inclination to weep. Ars.,Berb., Graph., Hy- peric, Iod., Lach., L. V. Deflor., Lobelia, Lycopod., Natr. s., Pe- trol., Puis., Sepia. does not want to be enter- tained, would rather sleep. Lilium. especially in the evening. Plat, Ignat. Rhus tox. without cause. Natr. m. knowing why. indifference, apathy. China, Phos. acid. , ill humor. Kali bich., Phyto. - in women with uterine diseases. Plat. -, peevish. Murex purp. , nervous, easily frightened. Borax. -, preferred to be alone. Natr. m. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 227 Low-spirited, silent, Ignat., Phos. acid, Plumb. , sitting there as if wrapped in deep and sad thoughts. Coccul. , taciturn. Lycopod. , thoughtful, as if overwhelmed with , with anxious apprehensions. Muriat. grief. 01. an. acid. Podoph , thinks she is going to die, or be very sick. , tired of life. Natr. s. toward evening. Ruta. , when alone especially. Bovista. awaking in the morning;. Lach. , with a great deal of sighing; sensation of emp- tiness at pit of stomach, not relieved by eating. Ignat. melancholic feeling about the heart, and desire to take a deep breath. China. anxiety. Kali C, Ruta. apprehensions. Amm. m. about her health. Sepia. ■ of sickness and accident. Kali, c, Phos. acid. feeling of great languor. Erigeron. when rising in the morning. Caustic. great debility. Phos. Mad — getting. (See Angry, Irritability.) Maliciousness. Anacard., Nux v. Mania — (see, Mental Derangement, Rage) lasciviousness. Hyos. religious. Crocus sat., Lach., Lycopod., Puis., Sulph., Verat. alb. Melancholic. (See Low-spirited.) Memory, loss of. Agaric m., Anacardium, Conium, Nux m., Plumb. so that while talking she was often unable to find the proper word. Plumb. Memory, weakness of. Anacard., Are., Baryt. c, Caustic, Conium, Fluoric acid, Kreosot., Merc, viv., Nux m., Sabina, Se- pia, Sulph. (for names especially.) 228 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Memory, weakness of, loses th oughts before she can express them ; weeps about it. Stram. , sudden and periodical. Carb. veg. with aversiou to mental labor. Nitr. acid. great difficulty of connecting words. Murex purp. Mental derangement. (See Mania.) Canth., Plat. labor — inability to sustain. Coilium. Mild, yielding disposition. Ignat., Puis. Miserly, stingy, close. Cyclam., Puis., Sepia. Mistakes when speaking. Nux v. Mistrust. (See Cautious, Jealous.) Moaning Bell., Cicuta vir. Mood (see Irritability, Low-spirited, Ill-humor, Changeable, Sensitiveness.), fitful. China. , anxious. Silic. , changeable. Ignat. , hypochondriac, low-spirited, weeping. Mezereum. ; is out of sorts with everything. Puis. , hysteric — low-spirited, nervous weakness, vascular excite- ment. Plat. indolent. Sepia. morose — breaking out in weeping. Puis. , musing. Baryt. c. very restless. Rhus tox. , violent. Puis. , whining. Castor., Cham. ■— ; inclination to weep. Lam. alb. Moral weakness. Aurum. and nervous symptoms appear in quite regular paroxysms; they appear every morning, noon or night, but especially after din- ner. Argt. nitr. Music causes weeping and trembling of the feet. Thuja. is intolerable to her. Sabina. Nervousness. (See Restlessness, Excitability.) Ambr. gr., Arnica, Asafoet., Borax, China, Gels. and excitability. Nitr. acid. and weakness, causing sleeplessness. Caulophyl. , attacks of. Conium. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 229 Nervousness, cannot bear a downward motion. Borax. horseback ride, of which she has been formerly so fond. Borax. thunderstorm. Silic. , easily startled. Borax, Podoph. , excessive — with constant inclination to move about. Iod. , the least excitement causes cold clammy hands and palpitation. Lilium, Sepia. Kymphoinania. (See Sexual Excitement.) Phos., Plat. of lying-in woman. China, Gratiola. Obscenity, Hyos., Phos. Obstinate. Calc. c. Peevishness. (See Irritability, Ill-humor.) Antim. crud., Arnica, Borax, Colonic, Ignat., Ipec, Murex purp., Ol. an., Puis., Puta, Sulph. — about everything. Cham. — — and vehement about trifles. Aurum. — ■ ■, childish — in grown people. Snlph. , faultfinding. Lach. , much affected by. Nitr. acid. ■ ■, sadness. Murex purp. , taciturn, suspicious. Merc. viv. with pain. Cham. Perception — errors and defects in. Argt. nitr. slow. Plumb. Prediction of the day of her death. Aeon. Pride, self-exaltation, and contempt for others. Plat. during pregnancy. Lach. ided. Palladium. Proud, arrogant feeling. Plat. — , contemptuous, pitiful looking down upon people usually venerated, with a kind of casting them oil". (In paroxysms and against her will.) Plat. , jealous, suspicious. Lach. of her condition; haughty, taciturn. Yerat. alb. (Preg- nancy.) Pushing away everything before her. Staphis. Quarrelsome. Arnica, Aurum, ( 'ham., Nux v., Ranuncul. bulb. , heats people. Hyos. even to violence. Nux v. 230 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Rage. (See Mania.) Cupr. in., Hyos. after anxious restlessness. Canth. , she tears her clothes, bites, and strikes. Bell. Religious mania. (See Mania.) Reveries — absorbed. (See Lost ; Imagines.) Cannab. ind., Gra- tiola. Restlessness. (See Agitation, Anxiety, Hurry, Nervousness, Irritability, etc.) Aeon., Ambr. gr., Arnica, Ars., Crocus sat. Rhus tox. and anxiety. Crocus sat. , driving her to and fro in daytime, and out of bed at night. Ars. , ending in rage. Camph. , especially during a thunderstorm. , fear and fever. Aeon. , hysterical. Asafoet. , yawning. Plumb. Natr. c, Phos. great anguish. Lam. alb. ■ , impatience. Dulc. over the whole body. Caustic. , uneasiness, absent-mindedness, trembling of hands. Magn. c. — , tossing about. Cupr. m. , with constant inclination to move about! Iod. ; shortness of breath. Prunus spin. with hurrying about, but unable to accomplish anything. Lilium. worse at night. Niccol. Sadness. (See Low-spirited.) Scold — inclination to — and getting angry. (See Irritability, An- gry, Quarrelsome Mood.) Petrol., Ranuncul. bulb. , curses, screams, in pregnancy. Anacard. , without being angry. Dulc. violently, continual, until she faints. Mosch. Scrupulous about the least thing. Thuja. Selects wrong words. Lycopod. Sensation as if a heavy black cloud had settled all over her and MIND AND DISPOSITION. 231 enveloped her head, so that all was darkness and confusion, at the same time weighing like lead upon the heart. Cimicifuga. she was somebody else, and in the hands of a strange power. Lach. Sensitiveness and inclination to weep. Calc. c. extreme. Arnica, Asafcet., Hep. s., Ignat. , especially in women troubled with con- gestion of the portal system, and to pulsation of veins. Asafcet. to external impressions, as noise, music, strong odor, talk, etc. Nux V. to pain, becomes almost furious. Cham. , the least word that seems wrong, hurts her very much. Staphis. , whining. Castor. and crying on account of former im- aginary insults. Cham. Sentimental ecstasy. Coff. , especially so when in the moonlight. Antim. crud. Seriousness. Amm. c. with aversion to talk or laugh. Ambr. gr. Shame — absence of. Hyos., Phos. Sighing and anxiety, with a rotating sensation at the pit of stomach. Gossypium. ejaculation — frequent. Cimicifuga. sobbing — involuntary. Ignat. Singing amorous and obscene songs; exposes herself. Hyos. , immoderate — followed by laughing, dancing, whistling; wants to kiss everybody. Crocus sat. Slowness of ideas. Carb. veg., Nux m. , with nervous irritation. China. Speaks wrong words and syllables. Lycopod. Speech. (See Talk, Expression.) Starting 8 — great — tendency to. Arnica, Borax, Carb. an., Co- niuni, Ignat., Kali c, Natr. c, Podoph., Sepia, Silic, Thcridion. at the least noise. Borax, Kali hydr. when falling asleep. Bry. Suicide— inclination to. A otim. crud., Aurum, Puis., Rhus tox. bul is afraid to die. Argt. m., Rhus tox. 232 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Suicide— inclination to, but is afraid to die, with nerr vous irritability. Nux v. , wants to drown herself. Silic. Suspicious. (See Cautious, Jealous.) Ars., Lach. of everything. Cimicifuga. , proud, and jealous. Lach. , taciturn, peevish. Merc. viv. Taciturn. Gratiola, Lycopod., Merc, Muriat. acid, Nux v., 01. an., Verat. alb. Talk — delirious. (See Delirium, Expression.) Cupr. ra. , disinclination to. Phos. acid. hurried and rapidly. Merc, sol., Thuja. improper and loud, with total sleeplessness. Nux m. incoherent. Cannab. ind., Hyos. irrational about business. Bry. is irksome. Phos. acid. more than usual, and more animated and hurried. Hyos. little — answers questions unwillingly. Phos. acid. of nothing else except that she will die. Mosch. the faults of others — disposed to. Verat. alb. rats and mice. Calc. c. Talkative and bright — unusual. Glon. unusual. Lach., Stram. , afterwards stupid and irritable. Lachnanth. with exaltation of spirits. Cannab. ind. great inclination to jest. Kali hydr. Thinks herself very unfortunate and constantly surrounded by enemies. China. she is a child. Cicuta vir. Thinking— difficult. Calc. c, Nux v., Silic. , absentmindedness. Nux m. ■ powers increased. Coff. Thoughts — confusion of. (See Ideas.) Guarea, Phos. acid. of nothing but death, with palpitation of the heart. Graph. vanishing of. Nux m., Ol. an. , momentary. Merc, viv., Mezer. , when writing; the idea disappears before it is half written down, and she forgets what she was intend- ing to write. Nux m. voluptuous — extraordinary rush of. Carb. veg\ MIND AND DISPOSITION. 233 Thought fulness, as if overwhelmed with grief, Ol. an. , serious. Alum., Amm. c. Throwing away indignantly everything given to her. Staphis. Time seems to pass slowly. Argt. nitr. too rapid. Theridion. Timid and fearful. Puis., Silie. Tired of life. Gratiola, Nitr. acid. Unhappy when awaking in the morning. Lach. Vanishing of thoughts and ideas. (See Thoughts.) Vexed. (See Angry.) Visions — frightful. Puis., Rhododen. Vivacity (see Jolly, Cheerfulness), followed by low-spiritedness. Gels. , uncommon — full of mirth and cheerfulness. Crocus sat. Wanders about the house ; is very taciturn. Verat. alb. Weak-minded. Natr. c. Weakness — moral. Aurum. nervous and mental. Lycopod. of memory. (See Memory.) — mind and body. Baryt. c. : loss of ideas. Phos. acid. Weariness. Kali nitr. Weeping (see Low-spirited, Ill-humor, Mood, Whining, Anxiety), inclination to. Amm. c, Graph., Hyperic, Ignatia, Iod., Kreosot., Lam. alb., Lilium, Lycopod., Magn. m., Magn. s., Mezer., Natr. m., Puis., Sepia, Spong., Sulph. acid. and great sensitiveness. Calc. c. ill-humor. Kreosot. know not why. Chelidon., Viola odor. piteous complaining. Cina. whining on account of former imaginary insults. Cha , caused by music and subduing emotions. Kreosot. ; trembling of feet. Thuja. , especially in the evening, with desire to be alone. Rhus tox. every evening. Si lie. , excitement. Natr. m. , violent, moaning and howling, without cause. Bell. Whining (see Sensitiveness, ( Complaining .Mood) and indisposition to work. Conium. 16 234 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Wickedness. Anacard. "Worried. (See Anxiety.) Wrong words — she selects. Lycopod. HEAD. External. Blotches. Phos. Boils. Hep. s. Coldness — icy — in and about the head. Gale. c. with vertigo and giddiness. Lachnanth. Cold sweat on the forehead. L. V. Deflor., Merc, cor., Opi., Ve- rat. alb. Dandruff in circles like ringworm. Sepia. , white and dry. Mezer. Dryness of the scalp; it goes to sleep. Alum. Eruptions. Curare. , humid. Graph. , and scurfy. Nitr. acid. , itching, especially at night, worse from scratching. Merc. viv. on the back part, moist, fetid, easily bleeding, worse from scratching. Lycopod. , on the margin of the hair of nape of neck. Natr. m. forehead, burning, itching, and becoming humid on scratching. Sarsaparilla. , face; pimples. Nitr. acid. ; small pimples. Sepia. ; yellow spots. Natr. c. pimples, blotches. Hep. s. with itching, biting on the scalp, face, fore- head, and about the mouth. Rhus tox. , scaly — causing great itching and becoming scurfy ; they disappear on washing, and then become humid. Graph. , scrofulous — of the hairy scalp. Silic. , scurfy spots on vertex, with violent sore pain when touched. Graph. ■ , small places. Kali nitr. , thick, leatherlike crust, under which thick, white pus collects here and there, and the hair is glued together. Mezer. , with chalky-looking scales. Mezer. HEAD — EXTERNAL. 235 Hair — dryness of the. Kali c, Plumb. falling off. Alum., Curare, Hep. s., Iod., Magn. c, Phos. after confinement. Lycopod. , especially from the sides of the head. Merc. viv. and tem- ples. Calc. c. ■ , great. Carb. veg., Curare, Fluoric acid., Graph., Kali nitr., Lycopod., Natr. m., Nitr. acid., Sepia, Silic. , especially after grief and sorrow. Phos. acid. , with great dryness of the hair. Plumb. — getting gray early. Lycopod. — rough, frowzy, the ends split. Borax. — sensitive to touch. Ambr. gr. — thin. Borax. Seat of the head, with coolness of the body. Arnica. scalp, compelling her to uncover the head. Phos. Intolerance to the least covering of the head. Ledum. , even the pressure of the hair pains. Bell. Itching. (See Eruption.) Lycopod., Phos. acid, Sepia. , violent — like from insects, on occiput or behind the ears. Sepia. , worse from scratching. Phos. Jforements of the head; involuntary and frequent shaking. Caimab v ind. , strange — the arms, and the feet, as in chorea. Curare. , such as twitching, jerking, and throw- ing the head backward. Cicuta vir. , trembling and swimming. Curare. Numbness at the vertex and in the head. Plat. Pain in the bones of skull, tearing, stinging. Merc. viv. scalp, tearing. Laehnanth. and neck, cramplike, with headache. Hy- drast. l'a in fulness o/the scalp. Curare, Kali nitr., Kreosot, Petrol. , feels as if bruised. Nux v. , as from subcutaneous suppuration. Merc. viv. and sore feeling of the bones. Kali bieh. 236 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. I*ainfulness of the scalp to the touch. Carb. veg. ; Cinnab., Rhus tox. when combing the hair. Kreosot. whole head to the touch. Merc, sol., Mosch. , no matter how slight, Mezer. Perspiration — ease — about the head. Calc. c. , low down on the neck, apt to be offensive. Silic. and upper part of the body ; profuse ; worse at night. Calc. C. on forehead — cold. L. V. Deflor., Merc, corr., Verat. alb. warm, with dull headache. Glon. standing out in large drops like beads. Calc. c. Sensation as if drops of cold water were falling on the head. Cannab. sat. though the scalp was too tight. Caustic. of crawling, like formication, on the right temple, afterwards extending down along the lower jaw, with a feeling of coldness in it. Plat. Sensitiveness of the scalp. (See Painfulness.) Shaking of the head. (See Movements.) Spots. (See Eruption.) Swellings — small and painful — on the forehead. NllX V. Trembling of the head. (See Movements.) HEAD. Internal. A. HEAD IN GENERAL. Cold— liability to take. Baryt. e., Bell. sensitiveness to. Bell. Gratiola. Coldness in and about the head. Calc. C. Congestion. (See Pain.) Confusion — intoxicated. NllX V. Dulness. (See Headache.) Giddiness. (See Vertigo.) BEAD INTERNAL. 237 Heat. (See Pain.) Intolerance to the least heat about the head. Glon. or covering of the head. Bell., Ledum. Noises in the. (See Pain in Head.) Numbness in the brain — sensation of — and externally on the vertex. Plat. forehead. Plat. one side of the head, in the morning. Graph. Sensitiveness of the — to noise. Bell., Nitr. acid. JPain, headache, (See the later Forehead, Temples, Ver- tex, etc.) Plumb., Sanguin., Secal. cor. , aching, Ipec. , dull — especially in the morning. Graph. , in sinciput and occiput, every day, especially when sitting in a warm room, with pressure on the eyes, which did not bear touch. Senega. , under the skull, all over the head. Lach. all over the head, as if sore, worse when touched. Mosch. , with nausea and inclination to vomit. Borax. alternating with diarrhoea. Podoph. as if from a blow, in small spots. Plat. one had eaten too much, or as if the stomach had been disordered from too much fat meat. Puis. she had not slept at night. Nux V. ascending from the spine. Silic. behind the eyes. Theridion. , bilious — especially in the morning. Podoph. , bruised — as if she had been beaten with an axe ; morn- ings in bed. Nux v. ~ — in the whole head. Niccol. with nausea and vomiting. Ipec. , burning in the brain (see Congestion and Heat in head), the body being cool. Arnica. , chronic. Amm. c, Silic. (mornings), Zinc. , with coldness of the painful parts, relieved by ex- ternal warmth. Kali hydr. , worse from early morning after waking until af- ternoon. Calc. c. 2S8 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Pain causing delirium ; elemented. Verat. alb. commencing in the back part, spreading all over the head ; nervous. Gels. compression. Magn. m. ; head feels as if in a vice; nausea. Merc. viv. ; nausea. Alum. ; constriction, especially in occiput. Graph. concussion — painful — of the brain when walking, or when moving the head. Coccul. , confusion, cloudiness. Bell., Bry., Coccul., Puis. , as from intoxication or nightly rev- elling. Nux v. , coldness — icy — in and about the head. Calc. C. , congestion. (See Pulsating; Heat.) Aeon., Anacard., Asafcet., Bell., Bry., Calc. c., Carb. v., Elaps, Hyos., Iod., Kali c, Kali nitr., Lac can., Magn. c, Merc, viv., Millefol., Mosch., Nitr. acid, Phos., Puis., Sanguin., Sepia, Verat. vir. and chest — tendency to. Aeon. pain in the cerebellum. Anacard. especially in the forehead. Cinnabar. morning: on rising from bed. Lycopod. China. iptoms. Glon. burst. Bell. - from suppressed menses. (See Part III.) - ; long-lasting, affecting the whole brain. -, nervous, with neither gastric nor bilious -, throbbing and pain as if the head would , face bloated and red. Bell., Cact. gT., Glonoin. with cold feet. Sulph. flashes of heat in the face. Ferr. humming, formication, and throbbing; face red ; restless, moving about. Rhus tox. menses. (See Part I.) roaring in the ears and creeping in the face. Sulph. whizzing in the ears and transitory feel- ing of heat, with sensation as if vomiting. Sanguin. , cutting. Lach. HEAD INTERNAL. 239 Pain, darting (see Lancinating; Stitches), after vexation. Magn. c. deep in the brain, and sensation as if the head were too large. Bovista. , very severe. Canth. , dragging — always with drowsiness. Laurocer. , drawing. Kreosot. slow — through the whole head. Dulc. , dull. Baryt. c, Kali c, Kalmia, Natr. m., Nux v., Phos., Rhus tox., Secal. cor., Sepia. , aching, especially in the morning. Graph. , and heaviness, relieved by frequent emissions of clear limpid urine. Gels. pressing. Lachnanth. , constant, though not severe. Argt. nitr. , fears inflammation of brain; nosebleed relieves. Psorium. — , giddiness. Kali bich. , like a bruised sensation in the forehead. Puis. on awaking, as if from sleeping too long. Bovista. , oppressive. Caust. , pressure, especially in the forehead. Sabina. , stupid. Coccul. stupefying. Bapt., Phos., Senecio. with buzzing in the head. Phos. acid. cramplike pain in scalp and neck. Hydrast. disinclination to serious labor. Iod. pain behind the eyes ; liver affections. Podoph. perspiration on the forehead. Glon. pressure and weakness of the eyes. Senega. ringing in the right ear. Erigeron. throbbing in the temples. Chelidon. , emptiness — feeling of. Cupr. m. — , anguish. Natr. m. extending into the nose. Lach. eyes, so that they ache, in the evening. Puis. felt even daring sleep. Cham. from nervous exhaustion, worse by noise and motion ; re- lieved by beat. Silie. within outward. ( limioifuga. 240 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. JPain, fulness. Aeon., Aram, m., Calc. c, Caulophyl., Gratiola, Kali c, Nitr. acid. and neck. Ham. during mental labor. Psorium. , Heat. (See Congestion.) Aeon., Hyos., Nitr. acid. and burning. Muriat. acid. as if the brain were agitated by boil- ing water. Aeon. especially in left temple at night. Merc. viv. dizziness, early in morning in bed. Ol. an. in face in the afternoon. Carb. an. with cold hands and feet. Coccul. with cool body. Arnica. , Heaviness. Calc. c, Castor., Cicuta vir., Croton tig., Hyperic, Kali hydr., Lach., Magn. s., Mangan., Mosch., Natr. m., Nux v., Phos. acid, Puis., Ruta, Sabadilla, Secal. cor. and confusion. Nuxjugl. drowsiness in the morning. Kali nitr. dulness. Nux m. followed chilliness of the body in the afternoon. Puis. giddiness. Bufo, Nux V. in the morning. Magn. c. in the morning at 5 A.M., better after rising. Kali hydr. loss of sight, fainting, ringing in the ears. China. on stooping. Puis. , pressure, after dinner, especially on moving the eyes. Nux v. hysterical. Bell., Bry. in a small spot, above the left frontal eminence ; pressure. Nuxm. paroxysmal. Sanguin. the evening, as in stopped catarrh. Puis. irritation — severe — of the brain. Zizia. jerks — through left temple, forehead and cerebellum, worse during rest, better from motion. Stan. , jerking — violent, when walking fast or going rapidly up- HEAD INTERNAL. 241 stairs, and where at every step there is a jolt downward, as if a weight were in the occiput. Bell. Pain, lancinating. (See Darting, Stitches.) Kreosot. , better when walking in open air. Hep. s. from below upwards. Arum. c. nervous. Gels., Ignat. and neuralgic. Terebinthina. neuralgic, from occiput to left ear. Chelidon. pupil of left eye to the occiput. Cro- ton tig. in sensitive or hysterical persons. Plat. , sick headache. Hydrast. , violent, and very weakening. Sulph. — ■ , with excessive nausea; when becorn- i g cold, riding in a carriage, and on sitting up. Coccul. ■ frontal headache especially, nausea, sometimes vomiting. L. V. Deflor. ; noises in the head ; nightly. Caustic. , roaring in the head. Cimicifuga. , boiling by the least motion. Curare. whirling in the head, like a millwheel. Chin. sulph. oppressive, spasmodic tension of the brain. Carb. veg. periodical. Ars., China, Cyclam., Sanguin. appearing always at the same hour. Dia- dema. , pressure, as if the head would burst. (See Pain, Sen- sation.) Bry., Cham., China, Nux v. , great. Ars., Kali bich. , now here, now there, which occupies each a large area. Bell. , weight. Magn. s. , pulsating, throbbing, beating. (See Congestion.) Calc. c.| Ignat., Lach., Magn. m., Natr. s., Phos., Sepia. , after every paroxysm of coughing. Lyco- pod. excessive haemorrhage. China. nd buzzing, during menses. Borax. is if the head would burst. Bell. u every motion. Iod. — night Sulph. 242 GENERAL CONCOlVfIT ANTS. JPaifl, pulsating f in the brain from behind forward and to- ward both sides; the throbbing ends on the surface in painful shoot- ings. Bell. transient attacks, and only in one-half of the brain. Cham. , on awaking. Bovista. leaning the head backward, during the day. Lycopod. , undulating; most violent above the eyes. , usually on one side, with one red cheek. , violent. Bell., China, Glon., Ledum. , with heat and pressure at vertex, often worse before menses. Sulph. ; sensation as if a band were tightly drawn around the head. Aeon., Brom., Iod., Merc, Plat., Spigel., Sulph., Terebinth, nail were driven into the brain ; worse Lach. Cham. open air. Coff. Petrol. moving. Mang-an. — everything in the head were alive. — from concussion of the brain when intoxicated. Hydrast., Silic. the brain were being torn or dashed to pieces. Coff. — — , on awaking and opening the eyes. Rhus tox. head were tightly bound up. Nitr. acid. eyes would be torn out. Coccul. pressed out. Nux v. Hyperic. fall out. Sepia. head became suddenly elongated. were numb and pithy. Graph. too large. Nux v. and split open witli a wedge. Lachnanth. the brain. Bovista. pain deep in HEAD INTERNAL. 243 Pain; sensation as if the head were too large; vertigo. Argt. nitr. small. Coff. would burst, Bry., Cham., China, Nux v., Phos., Natr. m., Puis., Sepia, Verat. vir. ; the brain beats in waves against the skull. China. , when coughing. Nux v., Natr. m. fly to pieces. Coff., Merc. viv. of boiling and roaring upon the least motion. Curare. looseness of the brain. Baryt. c, Natr. s. and stitches. Kali nitr. ■ , when moving or shaking the head. Crocus sat,, Rhus tox. , as if the brain were striking against the skull. Natr. m. when walking. Caustic, Rhus tox. reeling and giddiness in open air, when stooping. 01. an. in the head, as if it were in a vice, with tremulous weakness. Argt. nitr. shaking of the brain, when making a mis- step. Ledum. ■ walking in open air. Nux v. , side headache (see Headache, with Nausea and Vom- iting), with vomiting, beginning in the morning, increasing during the dav ; worse from motion, stooping, noise, and light; better from lying still and alter sleep. Sanguhl. back part of head, rises and Bpreada over the head, and settles down over the right eyej haa to be in the dark and perfectly still. Sanguin. ; worse on the right side ) sight fails. Iris ver. 244 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Pa hi, sich headache (see Headache, with Nausea and Vom- iting), with vomiting; relieved by a profuse flow of urine. Verat. alb. , sharp — better from riding in a carriage. Kali nitr. worse from riding in a carriage. Kali c. shocks — electric-like — through the brain. Hellebor. violent. Sepia. -; soreness in the brain. Bapt., Gels., Mosch. -, stinging, and tension ; worse in open air. Kali c. , before menses. Ferr. , stitches. (See Darting, Lancinating.) Anacard., Magn. Natr. c. , and sensation of looseness of the brain. Kali nitr. darting into the head from around the eyes. Caustic. , especially when near a warm stove. Baryt. c. in the brain ; nausea. Alum. through the whole head. Merc. viv. , sticking, in different parts of the — frequently confined to one side of the head. Puis. , stupefying. Bapt., Calc. C, Guarea, Phos., Senecio. , heavy. Dulc. , with buzzing ; worse when at rest, in the cold, in the morning, from beer ; better from warmth and motion. Rhus tox. , with cough that awakens her at 3 A.M. Nitrum. heat in temples, dryness of mouth and lips; worse from 4 to 8 p.m., from mental exertion, stooping or lying down, followed by great weakness. Lycopod. humming in the ears ; worse when lying or sitting quiet. Puis. , tearing, in every part and direction. Rhus tox. ■ ; tired feeling in the brain. Apis. , violent, after walking in the open air. Arum. c. , causing her to lie down. Phos. acid. close the eyelids. Nitrum. ; obstinate pain in the brain. Zinc. — ; unable to lie on the back of the head ; is forced to lie on the side. Coccul. HEAD INTERNAL. 245 X*ain f violent / unable to raise the head. Curare. , with flickering before the eyes, when rising in the morning. Cyelam. loss of reason. Silic. twitching of the eyelids and muscles of the forehead. Millefol. , with aversion to all food. Sepia. bilious and offensive odor from the mouth. Podoph. blindness preceding the pain ; the sight returns with the appearance of pain. Kali bich. ; nausea; vomiting. Podoph. roaring; in the ears. Gels. • cold feet ; the latter are always worse during head- ache. Sulph. • confusion and stupefaction ; worse from eating or drinking. Coccul. cough. Phos. acid. '.countless stars before the eyes. Cyelam. empty eructations. Gale. C. flushed face (morning). Podoph. giddiness and heaviness. Bufo. genito-urinary disorders. Puis. hunger. Elaps. nausea. Ipec, Kalrnia, Lach., Natr. m. and chilliness — mornings. Silic. giddiness. Kalruia. stitches in the brain. Alum. vomiting. Coccul., Ipec, Natr. m. ? Puis. ; pressing pain in vertex, as if a nail were driven in. Nux v. , sour. Sarsaparilla. (beginningin the niorn- ing, increasing during the day, lessened toward night). Nux v. ; compressive. Alum. , every morning. Sepia. , great retching and straining. Graph. , inclination to vomit. Borax, Coccul., Ipec, Natr. m. severe pain in the back, or lbllowed by it. Silic. 246 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Pain, with tightness at tip of nose. Kali nitr. vertigo. (See Vertigo.) Apis, Argt. nitr., Hep. s. B. FOREHEAD ESPECIALLY. (See Sides of the Head also.) Pain in. Ambr. gr., Bapt., Kali hydr., Nux m., Nux v., Puis., Psorium. , above the left frontal eminence, in a small spot, pres- sive. Nux m. Pain in, above the eyes, or in the eyes (see likewise the character of pains), or in the right or left only, extending along the back of the skull to the occiput. Cimicifuga. and at the root of the nose. Baryt. c. constrictive, worse by lookiug in- tently at anything. Puis. ■ , dull and pressing. Natr. m. , extending towards the temples, with sensation as if the integument of the forehead were spasmodically contracted. Arnica. to the root of the nose. Lach. copod. (shooting), Stan. occiput. Sepia. , immediately before breakfast. Ly- (left). Nux jugl., Phos. acid, Sepia extending over left side to the worse from shaking the head ; better in open air. Sepia. Lach. -, most violent, pulsating, undulating. -, neuralgic. Calc. c. -, one eye especially. Cimicifuga, Kali bich., Phytol. (night), extending from the occiput; periodical; worse from noise ; better from lying still in the dark; nausea; vomiting. Sanguin. HEAD INTERNAL. 24.7 Pain in, above the eyes, pressing, especially left; after dinner ; relieved in the open air. Senega. , pressure. Aloe., Kali c, Natr. m. , involving the whole head. Puis. , stitches, left eye especially. Phos. acid. , stitching, pressive; worse from mo- tion in the house ; better in open air. Sepia. , tensive, drawing; worse on raising the eyes. Puis. , when stooping; relieved by walking. Drosera. (eyebrows), with nausea, one-sided. Phytol. , worse by lying down ; better from walking -and standing; right. Ranuncul. bulb. ■ , aching. Murex purp., Sarsaparilla, Sepia. , as from a boil. Hep. s. , left, spreading towards the left temporal re- gion ; worse from drinking wine. Rhododen. , and over the root of the nose. Ars., Baryt. c, Ignat. , cramplike, with feeling as though she would lose her senses. Aeon. • ; pressure upon a small spot. Iod. , sting- ing. Ignat. ; worse from stooping. Bell. , and temples, pressing; worse when riding and in a warm room; better from pressing the forehead together. Apis. tension, as if from a hoop or band. Carbol. acid, Chelidon., Merc. viv. , an inch wide, drawn from temple to temple. Ilelon. it were in a vice. Puis. , as if constricted ; numb sensation. (In a warm room filled with people.) Plat. the brain had DO space in the skull, on rising in 248 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. the morning; as if everything were pushed out; better after wash- ing and breakfast. Psorium. I*aiii\n, boring — in the left frontal eminence; worse at night iu bed. Argt. nitr. , burning — when walking. Rhus tox. , cold, congested sensation in — or of the whole head. Cinnabar. , coldness (within), pressure — and in left vertex. Bell. , sensation of — with sensation at forehead and vertex as if cold wind were blowing on it, descending even through the neck and back. Laurocer. , compelling her to make the eyes small. Aloe. , cramplike; drawing constriction in the head from time to time (especially in the forehead). Plat. , darting — from within outward. Conium. , drawing from both sides as far as the root of the nose. Agaric, m. , dull feeling. Hydrast. , with lassitude and desire to sleep. Col- linson. ; heaviness in the eyes, with nausea. Aloe. , worse from motion and reading. Ro- bin ia, Sabina. , heaviness. Glon., Sabina. , with sense of reeling. Niccol. lancinating. Ipec, Magn. s. , with fulness in head. Castor. -, jerks, shooting backward. Prunus spi. -, neuralgic — and on the right side of face. Bell. especially in the right supraorbital re- Chelidon. and temple, with sensation as of a nail boring into the head; better from binding the head tightly; worse in the morning. Hep. S. ; relieved only by holding the head tight to the floor. Sanguin. , periodical — fine drawing or beating to and fro, especially in young sensitive girls. Natr. m. , jjressing. Aloe., Asafoet., Bell., Bry., Colocynth., Elaps., Kalmia, 01. an., Plat., Ranuncul. bulb. , above the left eve for half an hour, fol- HEAD INTERNAL. 249 lowed by a dull, pressive pain in the occipital protuberance, whence it spreads over the whole body, and continues more or less severe the whole day ; after quick motion or eating, the pain becomes so severe that it seems to be a distinct pulsation within the head. Bry. Pain in, pressing, and in the temples. Rhus tox-. vertex. Ignat. , as if it would burst open. Bry. (epis- taxis; worse on stooping or coughing), Ranuncul. bulb., Sanguin. and the brain start through the eyes. Aeon. she had not slept enough. Nux V. , better after rising in the morning. Ra- nuncul. bulb. close her eves. Bell. -, from within outward. Asafoet. -, in the right side. Chelidon. •, so severe during motion that she has to -, stupefying. Croton tig". -, with photophobia, Kali C. vertigo. Gratiola. -, pulsating. Kalmia, Magn. c, Silic. , dull. Robinia. , hammering — so that she has often to lie down. Ferr. (frontal sinuses), sneezing, lachrymation, injected eyes. Kali hydr. right frontal eminence, extending to temple, as if the parts were pressed asunder; it comes suddenly, disappears gradually, and returns often. Sabina. , severe — from the — to the temples and vertex, with fulness, heat, and throbbing, when going upstairs; sensation as if the top ux m. great debility of the limbs and trembling. Argt. nitr. headache. Apis, Argt. nitr., Ars., Hep. s. and nausea. Kalmia. hysterical woman. Valerian, icy coldness << »d. at reading. Nitr. acid. ; objects appear yellow. Kali bieh. EYES. 271 Obscuration of sight • objects look red. Bell., Hep. s., Hyos. transient. Puis. ; white paper looks red, in the evening. Sarsaparilla. , with vertigo and nausea. Puis. Shortsightedness. Mangan., Phos. Smoke before the eyes. (See Mist.) Sparks before the eyes. Bell., Elaps, Kali c. ; giddy and dizzy, on awaking in the morning. Dulc. fiery. Psorium. and intermittent thirst. Cyclam. — with great weakness. Sepia. , when in the dark. Lycopod. Sparkling before the eyes. Aeon. Spots before the eyes. Silic. black. Merc, v., Nitr. ac, Phos., Sepia. blue. Kali c. bright. Kali bich. gray. Argt. nitr. green. Kali c. Stars all the time before the eyes. Cyclam. Unsteadiness of sight; objects become confused on looking at them. Natr. m. Vanishing of sight. Mosch., Sepia. , during menses. Natr. m. — , ringing in the ears, fainting, with heaviness in the head. China. Weakness of sight, Cinnabar, Con i urn. , after coition. Kali c. and dazzling, with giddiness and debility of the whole body, especially the muscles of the arms and legs, so that when an attempt is made to walk, she staggers like a drunken per- Bon. Conium. flickering before the eyes, especially when reading. Senega. , as from too much reading. Ruta. ; the eyes give out when reading or writing. Natr. m. \\ kite paper looks red, in the evening. Sarsaparilla. 272 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Ears. Coldness — sensation of — with sensation of numbness, extending to cheeks and lips. Plat. Deafness. Secal. cor. sudden. Plumb. with roaring, itching, and dampness in the ears. Sulph. Discharge from the. Carb. an. — ; bloody, offensive matter from the right ear. Merc. sol. , fetid. Ars., Aurum. , left. Psorium, Puis. — , mucous. Puis. (left). — , purulent. Merc. viv. — , pus. Hep. s., Lycopod., Psorium (fetid), Puis, (left), Rhus tox., Silic. — , with headache. Psorium. , yellow — with dryness of the nose. Ars. Dryness of the — want of wax ; hardness of hearing. Lach. Echo in the. (See Re-echo.) Eruption — humid — and soreness behind the ears. Graph., Petrol. scurfy — on and behind the ears. Lycopod. tetters — on the lobe of the ear, behind the ears, and in the nape of neck. Sepia. Glands of the. (See Pain, Swelling.; Hearing dull and indistinct. Carb. an. ; relieved by blowing the nose; worse during cold and rainy weather. Mangan. , hardness of. China, Iod., Kreosot., Lach., Magn. m., Merc, viv., Petrol., Phos., Puis., Silic. , as if the ears were closed with the hands. Mangan. stopped up. Puis. ; roaring like distant noise. Puis. , caused by humming, roaring in ears and head. Caustic. , especially in distinguishing the human voice. Ars., Phos., Rhus tox. EARS. 273 Hearing, hardness of, from suppressed otorrhcea. Sulph. with buzzing, flitting, whizzing. Magn.c. dryness of the ears and want of wax. Laeh. roaring iu the ears. Phos. acid, Secal. cor. , oversensitiveness and acuteness of — with noise in the ears. Muriat. acid. ; music especially affects her pain- fully. Lycopod., Phos. acid, Sepia. , painful. Aururn, Conium. — to noise. Aeon., Bell., Ipec, Magn. c, Xux v., Sanguin., Sepia. Heat in the. Sanguin. Inflammation of the external or internal ear, catarrhal. Puis. ; , with pain partly cramplike, partly sticking, and a feeling as if stopped up by swell- ing. Merc. sol. internal, affecting the cellular tissue, deepseated. Merc, sol., Rhus tox., Silic. Itching of the. Phos., Puis. Jerking in the. Puis. outer ear, followed by heat only in the ear. Puis. Noise in the — buzzing. Cannab. ind., Magn. c. cracking. Kali C, Puis. croaking in the right ear when walking. Mangan. humming. Carb. an., China, Kreosot., Lyco- pod., Muriat. acid., Plat., Puis., Sepia, Sulph. and beating, with congestion. Sanguin. roaring. Crocus sat., Merc. viv. , like distant noise, with sen- sation as if the cars were stopped. Puis. , buzzing, causing hardness of hearing. Caustic. of loud reports. Mosch. ringing. A is., Cannab. ind., China, Merc, viv., Plat., Puis. , as though there were bells before them. ( loccul. , before menses especially; (In- face turns suddenly fiery red, with vertigo and palpitation of heart. Ferr. 274 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Noise in the — ringing, in the left especially. Chin, sulph., Magn. s. , right — with dull headache. Eri- geron. f loss of sight, fainting, heaviness in the head. China. roaring. Aeon., Cham., Coccul., Lycopod., Plat., Sccal. cor., Sepia. as of wind. Ledum, Puis. during menses. (See Part I.) , with hardness of hearing. Caustic, Magn. c, Phos. acid, Secal cor. paroxysms of pain. Ars. rushing. Colocynth. as if from water, or the sounds of wind. Puis. shrill sound when blowing the nose. Phos. acid. — singing. Kali c, Lach. whizzing. Hep. s., Kali c, Lach., Lycopod., Mangan., Magn. c, Muriat. acid, Sepia. Pains — boring. Kali hydr. burning. Graph. , and redness as if frostbitten. Agaric, m. darting. Hep. s., Kali hydr., Puis. , sudden — in the deaf ear. Mangran. drawing — in the meatus auditorius interims. Cyclam. sudden. Phus tox. external — concentrate in the ears even from other parts. Mangan. intolerance and impatience to pain. Cham. lacerating — in left ear. Muriat. acid. — violent — in front of the ears, under the eyes, in the jaw or teeth. Kali hydr. on swallowing, as from inward pressure. Nux v. pressing — in spells — with tearing pain, extorting cries. Cham. outward, violent. Puis. , pressure in the bone above the right ear. Puis. shooting — in the parotid gland. Bell. stitching. Merc, viv., Sepia. 275 Pains — stitching, dull, when talking. Mangan. , in the parotid gland. Puis. , severe. Kalmia, Natr. m. , tearing, left, outwards; worse in the evening. Ars. stitches — especially when stooping. Cham. tearing. Merc. viv. , extending from the zygoma. Lacll. , in the internal ar.d external ear, in a down- ward direction. Bell. , occasional. Cham. throbbing. Colocynth., Magn. m. , at night. Rhus tox. , with fulness in both ears. Cannab. ind. tightness — tensive — in the — or at the tip of the — with headache. Kali nitr. when swallowing — excruciating shooting through both cars. Phytol. with great restlessness and anxiety. Ars. sore throat. Lach. Pulsation in the right ear and scrobiculus, preventing sleep. C act. gr. Re-echo of words and steps. Caustic. Reverberation of sounds. Nux v. Sensation as if the ears were too open and air was pouring into them (right). Mezer. Swelling of the glands below the right ear, with painfullness to touch. Baryt. c. Wax of the — hardened and black. Puis. White color of the. L.A\])eflor. Nose. Bleeding (epistaxie . Aeon., Amm. c, Bell., Bry., Carb. veg. Conium, Colchic., Ipec., Kali nitr., Kreosot., Magn. s., Millefol. Puis., Rhus tox., Sarsaparilla, Secal. cor., Sepia, Silic, after vertigo or headache. Carb. an. at night. Nitr. acid, Rhus <<>\\ before menses. Bry. , blood coagulated. Puis. 270 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Bleeding, blood light red. Erigeron. tenacious, dark, thick, and in long strings some- times. Crocus sat. daily several times, with great paleness of face before and after. Carb. veg. during pregnancy. Bry., Sepia — sleep. Merc. sol. , followed by aching in the vagina. Cale. phos. frequent. China, Kali c, Merc. cor. from straining at stool. Carb. veg., Rhus tox. in the morning especially. Ambr. gi\, Bry., Magn. c. ,at 9 A.M. Carb, veg., Kali c. of dark blood. Lach. , after rising. Bry. — ; pressure at the root of the nose. Ruta. — profuse. Kali hydr., Secal. cor. , either idiopathic or vicarious. Ham. slow. Phos. uterine. Chin, sulph. when blowing the nose. Phos., Sulph. exerting herself. Rhus tox. washing the face. Kali c. -, which relieves the headache. Ham. with anemia. Puis. feeling of tightness at the bridge of nose, and pressure in forehead between, the eyes. Ham. dry coryza. Magn. c, Natr. m., Puis. haemorrhoids. Sepia. headache, as if the forehead would burst. Bry. violent coryza. Nitr. acid. Blowing of blood from the — frequent. Phos. Burning and griping around the wings of the nose. Kali llitr. crusts in the nose. Magn. m., Nitr. acid. — redness, as if frostbitten. Agar. m. of the tips of the nose. Ol. an. Catarrh, coryza (see Stoppage of Nose, Discharges, Sneezing), dry. Ambr. gr., Carb. an., Carbo veg., Magn. a, Phos., Puis., Sar- saparilla, Sepia. dry. Sepia. at night, fluent in daytime. Caustic. during evening and night. Nux v. nose. 277 Catarrh, covyza, dry painful. Kali bich. with dryness in the throat. Nitr. acid. epistaxis. Magn. s., JSTatr. ra. stoppage of nose. Aurum, Castor., Kali a, Lycopod., Muriafc. acid, Rhus tox., Sepia. , she cannot get her breath at night; scurfs in the nostrils. Lycopod. , the root of nose especially. Lycopod. worse at night. Nux v. fluent. Agaric, ra., Merc, viv., Nux V. (sud- den), Puis. acrid; a like discharge from the eyes; pain in frontal sinuses. Euphra. , from the anterior and posterior nares. Ars. iod. frequently. Ars. watery, corrosive. Ars., Magn. in.. Mur. acid, Merc. sol. yellow mucus. Magn. ra. with paroxysms of sneezing, worse in the "pen air. Ars., Iod. better in the open air. Ars. from the first discharge of thick yellow mucus. Puis. in daytime, dry at night. Caustic. , _ ^ worse in a warm room, better in cold air. Nux v. , stopped at night. Nux v. - the evening. Carb. veg. morning and after dinner. Nux v. scraping in the throat, crawling and sreeping in the nose, sneezing. Nux v. watery. Castor. with stoppage of nose, r pec, Nitr. acid. worse in the open air. Kali bich. , headache, heat in face, chilliness. Nux V. Ions-continued, obstinate, with soreness beneath the nose, and <»n the margin of the nose. Brom. suppressed— with headache. China. violent. Merc. cor. 278 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Catarrh , violent, from tbeleast cold ; repeated attacks. Kali hydr. with catarrhal fever, especially during menses. Graph. loss of smell and taste. Puis., Magn. m. soreness of the nose. Lach. and bleeding of the nose. Nitr. acid. swelling of the nose. Lycopod. thick mucous discharge. Baryt. c. ■ ■ yellow discharge. Mur. acid. fetid discharge ; loss of smell and taste. Magn. m. Coldness — constant — of the nose. Murex purp.,Silic. (more or less). Crusts in the nose. Ars. iod., Kali c, Lycopod., Magn. m., Nitr. acid. Discharge of— (see Catarrh) blood and pus. Lach. elastic plugs ; stringy mucus. Kali bich. green fetid pus. Puis., Rhus tox., Silic. , or yellow, fetid plugs. Sepia. — — mucus. Phos. mucus from both nostrils, that seem to be ob- structed by dry catarrh ; frequent. Nux V. one nostril, that seems to be ob- structed by dry catarrh ; profuse. Nux V. through the posterior nares. Merc, prot., Natr. c, Nitr. acid, Plumb. purulent. Calc. c. thick — tenacious, dark blood, sometimes com- ing away in long black strings. Crocus sat. tough mucus — through the posterior nares. Plumb. white, thick, constant, with frontal headache. Hydrast. yellow. Phos., Rhus tox. , fetid mucus. Magn. m., Nitr. acid, Puis. Dryness of the — great — with feeling of pressure in the nasal bones. Kali bich. and obstinate. Baryt. c. with swelling; cannot draw air through it. Phos. nose. 279 Eruption. (See Face.) Inflammation of the mucous membrane. Kali hydr. , septum destroyed entirely, and the whole nasal mucous membrane in a state of purulent inflammation. Kali bich. , swelling, nostrils sore, ulcerated, scabby. Sepia. Itching in the nose. 01. an., Silic. of the nose — violent. Nitr. acid. tip of nose. Silic. Motion — fanlike — spasmodic — of the alse nasi. Lycopod. Numbness in the nose. Plat. Odor. (See Smell.) Pain in the nose. Graph., Kali nitr., Rhus tow ; hot, burning beneath the left nostril, so that the breath seemed to come out of it hot. Rhus tox. root of the nose. Hep. s., Niccol. , press! ve. Kali bich. , stinging, tearing. Niccol. , violent, crampy. Plat. of the nasal bone, when taking hold of. Merc. sol. and malar bone, violent, lacerating. Aurum. right nasal bone and adjoining parts of upper jaw t<» touch. Aurum. Polypus. Calc. c, Marum verum, Thuja. JPores — black — on the nose and face. Graph., Sabina. Redness and burning of the nose as if frostbitten. Agaric m. swelling of the nose. Magn. in. tip of the nose. Niccol., Rhus tox. , painful to touch, as if it would Euppurate. Rhus tox. of the tip of the nose. Borax, ( !arb. an., Sepia, Silic. , scurfy. Nitric acid. Sensation as if the bones of the nose were loose when blowing it. Kali bich. Smell acute and very sensitive. Aeon., Aurum, Bell., Phos. ; cannot bear the odor of flowers. Graph. tobacco. Nux v. . disagreeable, on inhaling air, Nitr. acid. 280 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Smell, fetid — before the nose. Aurum, Kali bich., Plumb., Puis., Sepia, Sulph. from the — as in violent coryza. Merc. sol. of food and drink. Nux v. imaginary. Bell., Phos. loss of. Ipec, Kali bich., Puis., Rhus tox., Sepia. with dryness of the nose. Graph. of old catarrh ; stench from the nose Puis. Sneezing. (See Catarrh, Coryza, Dryness.) Carb. veg., Puis., Sepia. frequent, Nux V., Silic. in the morning in bed, but after rising sudden fluent coryza, Nux V. painful — profuse lachrymation, injected conjunctiva, and throbbing distress in the frontal sinuses. Kali hydr. spasmodic. Rhus tox. Soreness and cracking of the nostrils and lips as from a cold. Graph. external and internal. Puis. in both nostrils. Aurum. on blowing it. Graph. Stoppage of the — as from catarrh, in the evening, on going to bed; and in the morning a thick, yellow, opaque mucus, as in old catarrh, is blown from the nose. Puis. — partly right — not relieved from blowing or sneezing. Marum ver. left. Rhododendron. Swelling of the (see Redness). Merc, viv., Phos. (ears and neck). Rhus tox. with painfulness to touch. Phos. Tight feeling at the bridge of the nose and between the eyes. Carbol. acid., Ham. Ulceration of the nose. (See Catarrh, Discharge.) Puis. ; corners. Nux v. ; external ring. Puis. ; painful agglutination. Aurum. ; septum destroyed. Kali bich. Yellow saddle across the nose. Sepia. FACE. 281 Face. Acne rosacea. (See Eruptions.) Appearance — (see Color, Expression) changed features. Cupr. m. hippocratic. Ars., Phos., Secal. cor. of extreme anxiety and suffering. Plumb. much suffering; sunken face. Lach.,Manganum. sickly. Argt. nitr., Ars., China, Phos., Phos. acid, Phytol. , as after excesses. China. , cachectic. Graph. , especially around the eyes. Cina. , wretched, pale, yellow complexion. Canth., Caustic, Podoph. Bloated, swollen. Bell., China, Kali c, Kali hydr., Lachnanth., Ledum, Plumb., Rhus tox., Sepia, all over. Rhus tox. — around the eyes. Phos. early in the morning. Nitr. acid. nightly — with violent itching. Lach. of left side and lower jaw ; sensitiveness to touch. Lach. pale. Ars., Calc. c., Ferr., Merc. viv. red. Bell., China, Elaps, Glon., Hyos., Strain. , lips dry, coated, black, wrinkled, chapped. China, , with congestion and throbbing in head. Bell., Cact. gr., Glon. , yellow. Nux v., Puis. under the eyes. Apis. Burning. Amm, m. and redness. Bell., Conium, Hyos., Kreosot., Natr. c. heat in the — but it feels cold to the hand. Gratiola. , right side. Niccol. , violent thirst, especially toward evening. Plat. of the cheeks. Mures purp. as If frostbitten, with redness. Agaric, m. Cheeks — circumscribed redness of the — with |»;il<- (in-.-. Lyco- pod., Phos. 282 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Chech's — circumscribed bright redness of the — especially in the afternoon. Sanguin. dark-red. Chelidon. one red, the other pale. Cham. and hot. Stan. , the other pale and cold. Aeon., Kali c. (redness of the right). . (i c ft). Natr. m. (right) without heat, the other pale, but with heat. Mosch. red, even when the skin is cold. Ol. an. ; hot, cold feet, chilliness along the back, with re- tarded menses in young women. Puis. , with sensation as if the face was growing larger. Aeon. ; round hot spots on the — over the malar bone. Bry. ; the left more so than the right. Phos. , with yellow complexion. Lach. , especially around the eyes. Nitr. acid. Coldness of the — sensation of — creeping, numbness in the whole right side of the face. Plat. Color (see Cheeks ; burning, bloated ), bluish. Ars., Cupr. m., Lach., Lachnanth., Verat. alb. ■ , brown, dark. Iod. red. Hyos. , brownish. Calc. phos. , cadaverous. Plumb. , changeable. Phos. , dirty-white. Calc. phos. earthy, Carb. an., China, Cupr. m., Ferr., Magn. c, Mosch. -, gray. Mezer. -, jaundiced. Ferr. -, pale. 01. an. , eyes dull, without lustre; bloated. Merc. V1V. the eyes ; blue lips. Lycopod. , gray-yellow. Lycopod. yellow. Crocus sat., Nux v. , with deep furrows; blue circles around 288 Color gray-yellow, blue circles around the eyes. China. , sunken face. Laurocer. , greenish. Carb. veg., Ferr. , livid. Bell. , dry lips. Kreosot. , yellow — sunken face. Laurocer. iPCtle. Ars., Bell, Calc. c, Carb. veg., Cupr., Curare, Cyclara., Hyos., Lach., Lachnanth., Ledum, Magn. c, Natr. m., Natr. s., Nitrum, Opi., Fhos., Phytol., Plumb., Psorium, Puis., Rhus tox., Sabina, Secal. cor., Sepia. and bloated ; cold. Bell. , also of the lips, with anosmia. Cy- clam., Ferr. red alternately. Bovista, Iod., Lycopod., Magn. c. ashy j Ferr. , blue circles around. the eyes. China, Ipec, Lyco- pod., Phos., Phos. acid, Rhus tox., Sabina. , deadly. Ars., Cicuta vir. , earthy. 01. an. , eyes dull, without lustre. Kali c, Merc. viv. , in the morning especially. L. V. Deflor. , sudden appearance of it on rising. Aeon. , sunken face. Mangan., Plat,, Rhus tox., Secal. cor., Stan. , nose pointed, blue rings around the eyes. China. , wax-colored. Apis, Ars. , white, almost transparent, with ovarian dropsy. Apis. , with circumscribed redness of cheeks. Lycopod., I Mi ris., Sanguin. even sensation of internal heat. Puis. flashes of heat. Lycopod. redness of one check. Cham. sweat. Mosch., Kali c. — yellow. Pry., Canth., Kali bich., Kali c, Lach., Magn. in., Nun v., Petrol. , earthy. Crocus sat. . jaundiced, especially of fouehead, nose and cheeks. Chelidon. 284 GENERAL C0NC-0MIT ANTS. Color gray-yellow, sickly. Ars., Caustic, China. , with redness of cheeks. Lach. sunken eyes. Puis. , red. Aeon., Bell., Carbol. acid, Conium, Ferr., Hyos., Opi., Rhus tox. 1 and fiery — suddenly appearing, with vertigo, ringing in the ears, palpitation, dyspnoea. Ferr. flushes of heat in the face. Sepia. pale alternately. Bovista, Iod., Lycopod., Magn. e., Zinc. swollen. Bell., China, Elaps, Glon., Stram. with throbbing in the head. Bell., Cact. gr., Glon. bloated. Opi. brown. Hyos. , covered with sweat, without thirst. Rhus tox. flashes of heat. Asafoet. , from the least emotion or exertion. Ferr, -, with morning headache. Podoph. vivid. Sulph. with headache after a meal. Bry. Sepia. -, sallow. Natr. m., Podoph. -, yellow. Calc. c, Canth., Ferr., Natr. m., Plumb., acid, Sepia. almost brown, with sunken eyes. Kitr. acid, and white of the eyes. Sepia, around nose and mouth. Nux v., Sepia. the eyes and cheeks especially. Nitr. -, earthy. Crocus sat., Nux V. -, florid. Nux v. -, pale. (See Pale-yellow.) - red and bloated. Nux v., Puis. -, sickly appearance, pale bluish lips. Caustic. -, sunken face. Sux v. -, with blue rings around the eyes. Hep. s. red cheeks. Lach. Condylomata. Thuja. Convulsive movements of the facial muscles. (See Twitch- ing.) Bell., Cham., Ipec. FACE. 285 Convulsive movements of the facial muscles, with distortion of the mouth. Bell. Corners of the Mouth. (See Eruption, Ulcers, Xodosities.) Drawn face. Secal. cor. Emaciation of the — great. Daphne. Eruption. (See Lips, Ulcer.) Aurum, Magn. m. , acne rosacea; yellow pimples, full of yellow pus. Calc. phos. around the mouth. Ars., Calc. c, Carb. an., Lyco- pod., Magn. c, Natr. m., Nitric acid, Petrol., Rhus tox., Sepia. ; black pores on the face. JSTitr. acid, Sepia, Sulph. — and nose. Graph., Sabina. , copper-colored. Carb. an. , elevated — over the whole face, causing burning pain when touched. Cicuta vir. , erysipelatous — with intense fever. Bell. of cheeks (left). Lach. vesicles, containing yellow matter, from left to right. Rhus tox. , erythema. Ars. jod. , freckles. Lycopod. , humid — on the cheeks. Dulc. — and forehead, itching, scurfy. Calc. c. on the chin. Rhus tox. — tip of nose — painful. Sepia. scrofulous. Silic. -, papulous — on face and shoulders, profuse. Kali hydr. , pimples — numerous. Aurum, Carb. an., Kali C, Muriat. acid, Natr. m., Phos. acid, Sarsaparilla. on face and forehead. Nitr. acid. red and small. Graph. , pustules — on cheeks and nose, which rapidly fill with pus and become covered with a crust. Bell. pimples — red — on nose and cheeks. Silic. small. Kali nit r. , scabby — under the nose about the nares. Kims tox. , scaly. Phytol. , dry. Ars. BCUrfy — around the mouth. Petrol. 286 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Eruptions, scurfy — very painful to touch. Hep. s. spots — yellow. Laurocer., Sepia, Sulph. , on forehead. Caulophyl., Natr. a, Nitr. acid. , and a yellow saddle across the upper part of the cheeks and the nose. Sepia. , tettery. Ledum, Lycopod. , around the mouth. Magn. a, Sepia. , dry. Niccol. ; ulcers on the. Phytol. corners of the mouth. Nitr. acid, Rhus tox. •; vesicles on the lips. Carb. an. like pearls. Natr. m. , gums, tongue, inside of cheeks, burning. Magn. c. under the nose. Rhus tox. Expression — drowsy and stupid. (See Appearance.) Can- nab, ind. anxious. Plumb., Secal. cor of anxiousness during downward motion. Borax. — real mental agony. Ars. sadness and dejection. Cupr. m. Flashes of heat into the face. Asafoet., Kreosot., Lycopod., Sulph. and rush of blood to the head. Ferr. Greasy, shining face. Plumb. Heat. (See Burning, Flashes, Redness, Cheeks, and Heat, under Fever.) Carbol. acid, Lach. , feeling of. Brom. , great. Conium. of face and head in the afternoon. Carb. an. Itching of the. Natr. s., Phos. , frequent and violent. Kali nitr. Lips — bluish. Cupr. m., Phos. brown, black. Psorium. burning. Psorium. cracked. Bry., Carb. veg., Graph., Natr. m., Nitr. acid, 01. an. , dry, swollen. Natr. m. FACE. 287 Lips — dry. Bry., Cannab. ind., Hyos., Phos., Psoriurn, San- guin., Sepia. and rough. Plat. , chapped, wrinkled, black; face bloated and red. China. , livid complexion. Kreosot. , parched, with shrivelled skin. Mangan. ; red ulcers on the red part. Nitr. acid. eruption on the. (See Eruption.) — : glued together. Cannab. ind. pale. Ferr. , bluifch, with sickly countenance. Caustic. , white. L. V. Deflor. — peeling off — painful. Nux v. — spasmodic sensation in the. Kali C. — swelling of the — and tenderness. Merc. cor. under. Sepia. -, and burning, followed by appear- ance of a large vesicle, that next day formed a scab and desquamated. Natr. m. upper. Hep. S. ; it feels tender on opening the mouth. Bell., Hep. s. twitching of the. Cham. upper. Niccol. ulcerated — thick. Kali c. Nodosities — hard — little — on both corners of the mouth. Magn. c. Pain in the facial bones. Natr. m., Nitr. acid. lacerating. Kali nitr. when touching them. Hep. s. intermittent prosopalgia, with congestion of eyes and head j jerking pains like electric shocks. Sepia. neuralgic. Amm. m., Colocynth. , after abuse of Quinine. Stan. , from debilitating causes. Baryt. c, China. , in right side of face and forehead. Bell. , under the eyes, or in front of the cars, in the jaw and teeth. Kali hydr. , worse from the slightest touch or draft of air. China. talking, chewing hot or cold things in the mouth. 1'ul.- 288 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Pain — shooting — in the left maxillary bone. Kali bich. tearing — of the zygoma, extending into the ear. Lach. Perspiration of. (See Perspiration, under Fever.) Redness of. (See Color.) Sensation of a cobweb on the — constantly. Graph. numbness, crawling; coldness in the whole right side of the face. Plat. of swelling and heaviness of the. Niccol. Spasms of. (See Convulsions of.) Swelling of. (See Bloated.) , chronic — also of nose and lips. Sulph. lower — which is cracked in the middle. Puis. Tension of the — as if the white of an egg had dried on it, Magn. c. Twitching of the facial muscles. (See Convulsions, Lips.) Agaric, m., Mezer. , spasmodic, convulsive. Ignat., Lycopod. Ulcers on the corners of the mouth. (See Eruption.) Hep. s., Merc, viv., Nitr. acid, Nux v., Phos. , especially if they were very , with sticking pain. Nitr. painful and sore. Merc. sol. acid. Mouth. Accumulation of saliva or water. (See Saliva, Water.) Aphthae in the. (See Tongue, Vesicles.) Ars., Merc. sol. Bluish-red appearance of the mucous membranes in one or more places ; they become spongy. Merc. viv. Breath. (See Odor.) Burning in the — and throat. Canth. and pit of stomach. Ars. violent. Lach. Canker. (See Vesicles.) Coldness — sensation of — in the. Plat. Corners of the. (See Face.) Dryness of the. Aeon., Bell., Bry., Cannab. ind., Kali bich., Laurocer., Mosch., Nux m., Nux v., Plumb., Psorium, Khus tox. and pharynx, covered with tasteless, insipid mucus iu the morning, with an offensive odor from the mouth, that is not perceptible to herself. Puis. MOUTH. 289 Dryness of the — and throat, Bell., Lycopod., 01. an., Sabina, Sepia. ; difficulty to swallow. Bell. , tongue, and lips. Natr. m. ; tongue coated thick yellow. Kali bich. , during fevers. Bapt. -, throat, that it seems as though the tongue would remain hanging to the palate, without real thirst, when sleeping especially (during menses). Nux m. , excessive — at night. Antim. crud., Coff. , feeling of. Puis. , as though moistened with an oily saliva, and excessive thirst. Cubeb. ,'Avith violent thirst, Rhus tox. , drinking but little at a time. Ars. , sticky. Berber. , with bitter taste, especially in the morning ; offensive breath. Carbo an., Puis. empty eructations, gulping up sour, bitter fluid. Caulophyl. soreness and bloody saliva. Nux v. thirst. Ars., Laurocer., Nitr. acid, Rhus tox. , without thirst. Nux m. Eruption about the. (See Face.) Foam at the — especially with delirium. Bell., Hyos. Gangrenous conditions. Silic. Glands — swelling of the submaxillary. Baryt. c, Calc. c, Merc, viv., Nitr. acid, Sepia. , painful. Merc. sol. [nflatnmation and swelling of — and fauces. Bell. Jaws — contraction of the — like lockjaw. Nux v. cracking in the articulation of the — when chewing and eating. Nitr. acid, Rhus tox. cramplike pain and stiffness; jaw easily dislocated. Rhus tox. fine beating on the under surface on the corner of the left lower — in the left tonsil and behind tlie latter, unaffected by contact, but violent, when swallowing. Bell. left — benumbing, dull pressure— cramplike. Plat. 290 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Jaws — sensation of tightness and pain in the — causing difficulty in opening the mouth; could not eat well, because a tooth seemed too long. Caustic. violent pain in the — and nasal bones. Aurum. Lips. (See Face.) Mucus in the — abundant — white, tough. Magn. c. adhesion of — to the posterior surface of the soft palate, necessitating hawking. Psorium. tenacious, in the morning (preceded by great dry- ness of the mouth on waking from sleep). Puis. Neuralgia in the upper jaw, extending to nose, eye, ear, neck, and side of head, shooting, burning ; must kneel down and hold head tightly to the floor. Sanguin. Numbness of the — as if burnt. Kali c. Odor— fetid. Arnica, Iod., Merc, viv., Natr. m., Niccol., Plumb., Puis., Sabina, Secal. cor., Sepia, Rhus tox. , putrid ; bloody saliva. Kali hydr. like urine. Graph. offensive. Bapt, Bufo, Carb. an., Castor, Ledum, Nitr. acid. at night. Puis. , especially at night, and perceptible to the pa- tient, with bilious headache. Podoph. , in the morning. Nux v., Puis. sweetish. Merc. viv. Open mouth — she sleeps with. Rhus tox. Paleness of the mucous membranes. Ferr., Phos. Ptyalism. (See Saliva.) Redness around the. Ipec. of the roof of the. Bell, (dark), Cupr. m. Saliva — accumulation of. (See Water.) Iod., Ipec, Nux v., Puis., Secal. cor. acidulated. Laurocer. , and matter. Rhus tox. , day and night; ptyalism. Merc. sol. , with great weakness, especially of the stomach. China. , of a sweetish taste. Puis. •; ptyalism, acrid, putrid; taste like rotten eggs. Muriat. acid. MOUTH. 291 Saliva — accumulation of, ptyalism, constant, stringy. Carb. veg. , salty taste. Kali hydr. , profuse. Ipec., Iris ver., Nitr. acid, Sepia, Silic, Verat. vir. , flowing from the mouth, clammy. Lobelia. during the afternoon nap, while sitting. Rhus tox. , in the fauces (dryness of mouth). Nux V. metallic taste. Phytol. -, mercurial odor. Merc. sol. -, sometimes. Colonic. -, tenacious, ropy, yellow, white, -, with violent stomatitis. Merc. viv. , ropy, thick, tough; can be drawn out in long strings. Kali bich. , watery, with painful dryness of throat. Merc. viv. , with nausea. Petrol. thirst. Merc. viv. bloody — fetid odor from the mouth ; sweetish taste. Kali hydr. in the morning especially. Nitr. acid. with dryness and soreness of the mouth. Nux v. frothy, white, thick, sticky. Cannab. ind. oily, with feeling of dryness in the mouth and excessive thirst. Cubeb. salty taste of — which is communicated to all food eaten. Cyclam. slimy. I'hos. , much — particularly in the back part of the mouth. Lach. , oily and — in the morning. I'hos. acid. — ■ in the morning, with headache; both of shorl duration. Bell. sticky. Nux m. 292 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Smarting sensation in — and on the margin of the tongue. Ipec. Stammering. Bovista. Talking — difficulty of. Mezer. , on account of the trembling of mouth and tongue. Merc. viv. A. TASTE. Taste, acrid, burning, with loss of appetite. Lobelia. , of everything she vomits. Ferr. , with ptyalism. Muriat. acid. and odor of what has been eaten. Puis. ■ bad in the morning, though food and drink have a nat- ural taste. Nux v. , bitter. Amm. m., Cham., Chelidon., China, Colocynth., Conium, Curare Drosera, Ignat., Kali c, Kali hydr., Ledum, Ly- copod., Magn. c, Magn. m., Magn. s., Merc, cor., Merc, viv., Natr. m., Nux v., Petrol., Rhus tox., Sabina, Sepia, Verat. alb. , after drinking milk. Phos. eating. Asar. europ., China, Nitr. acid, Puis. or drinking. Ars., Phos., Puis. (though food has a natural taste). smoking. Puis. with aversion to food. Cham. sweat. Puis. even of food. Puis. , followed by chilliness, with cold -, in the back part of throat of everything. China. evening, 6 p.m. Puis. ling. Carb. an., Cham., Lycopod., Puis., Sarsaparilla, Sepia, Silic. night, with sensation of dryness in the mouth ; frequently awoke her at night. Rhus tox. , of beer or bread. Puis. everything. Puis. except water. Aeon. , offensive. Lach. , on the tongue. Bry. -, relieved by drinking cold water; inclination to lit. Bry. MOUTH. 293 Taste, bitter, remains after drinking beer. Puis. , when not eating. Psorium. , with yellow tongue. Collinson. , bloody, sweetish. Ipec. , rising from the stomach. Zinc. , chalklike. Ignat. , clammy. Puis., Sulph. , coppery, metallic. Coccus cacti, Cupr. m., Curare, Hep. s., Kali bich., Merc. , with loss of appetite. Coccul. profuse flow of tenacious, ropy, yellowish saliva. Phytol. , fatty, oily, greasy. Caustic, Cubeb., Cyclam., Ol. an., Sabina. , flat, China, Ignat., Lycopod., Petrol., Puis., Staphis., Valerian. , bad. Alum., Puis. , of food. Cyclam. , horribly bad — in the morning when awaking ; has to rise to cleanse her mouth ; white tongue. Puis. , loss of, Coff., Natr. m., Phos., Puis., Si lie of the food she took long after eating. Puis. , perverted. Alum., Cicuta vir., Puis. ; food tastes too salty. Puis., Sepia. ; nothing tastes good to her. Puis. ; sweet articles taste bitter, followed by burn- ing in the fauces. Sanguin. ; Mater tastes bad. Ars., Natr. m., Silic. , pungent. Lobelia. , putrid. Hep. s., Merc, viv., Mosch., Nux v., Podoph., Rhus to.w, Sepia. , as if from putrid meat in the mouth, with in- clination to vomit. Puis. , from an old catarrh. Sepia. , especially of the water she drinks. Natr. m. , from low down in the pharynx when hawking up mucus. Nux v. , like rotten eggs, with ptyalism. Muriat. acid. , with a while Uw on the tongue. Podoph. ,iu the morning \ it nauseates her. ( rraph. 29-t GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Taste, salty. Cyclam., Iod., Merc, cor., Natr. m., Phos., Puis., Sepia. , of food. Carb. veg. , on tip of tongue. Iod. , slimy. Prunns spi. , and qualmish nausea, in the morning. Puis. , SOUV. China, Curare, Ignat., Kali bieh., Lycopod., Magn. c, Merc., Natr. m., ITux v., Petrol, Phos., Puis,, Silic, Sulph., Sulph. acid. , after drinking milk. Phos. , and vomiting when eating. Nitr. acid. , in the morning on awaking. Sepia. , on tip of tongue. Iod. ; — , with burning in the throat. Nitr. acid. ■ coated tongue. Natr. c. , sweet. Coccus cacti, Kali bich., Merc, v., Merc. SOl., Phos., Puis., Sabina. , on tip of tongue. Iod., Plat. -, sweetish. Plumb. , bloody. Ipec. -, sulphurous — in the morning. Coccul. B. TONGUE. Tongue — biting her — involuntarily at night. Phos. acid. black. Ars. blackish — with red edges. Merc. viv. blisters on the. (See Vesicles on the.) brown. Ars., Bapt. burning of the — and lips. Hyos. tip of. Colocynth. Natr. m., Sab- adilla. coated. Iod,, Psorium. , showing the impress of the teeth upon the manrin Merc. viv. with fever. Merc. viv. Puis. cold. Laurocer. covered with tenacious mucus, as if with a membrane. crawling on the. Plat. 295 Tongue dry. Ars., Bapt., Bry., Iod., Kali bich., Lach., Phos., Rhus tox. (with thirst). , and lips, with burning. Hyos. and mouth. Natr. m. mouth and throat when sleeping, during menses. Nux m. during fever. Bapt. in the morning. Puis. throat, interfering with speech. Bell. , without thirst. Palladium. -, brown. Ars., Coccus cacti. -, clean. Rhus tox. -, hard, cracked. Merc. viv. , coated black, almost immovable. Phos. -, glossy. Phos. (at the tip) vecl, cracked at the tip of, especially. Lach. , dark. Bell. , painful, at the tip of. Argt. nitr. — when awaking, also of mouth and throat. Nux m. white. Kalmia. without thirst, especially in the morning. Puis. feels as if burned. Prunus spi., Sanguin., Sepia , with numbness. Laurocer., Plat., Puis. numb. Gels. scalded. Sanguin. heavy, with difficulty in speaking. Natr. m., Nux v. thick, can hardly speak. Bapt., Gels. furred and pasty. Bapt. indentation of the teeth in the upper border. Merc. viv. pain at the root of — when swallowing. Phytol. painful — as if sore. Sepia. paralysis of — partial. Hyos. -right side. Bell. preventing speech. Plumb. red and swollen. Merc. viv. — at the margin (brown fur down the centre). Plumb. 20G GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Tongue red at the tip of. Ars., Phytol. — , painful. Argt. nitr. — smooth. Kali bich. sensitiveness of the. Nitr. acid. Stiffness of the— with difficulty to speak. Niccol., Sepia. ■ ; d r y n ess , especially in the morning. Lycopod. — — ; left side; swelling. Laurocer. stitches in the. Kal mia. swelling and redness of the — with difficulty to move it. Merc. viv. of the — softness of the margins ; it showed imprint of the teeth in scallops, which look ulcerated. Merc. sol. taste on the tip of — salty, sour or sweet. Iod. trembling of the, and difficulty in putting it out, or widely opening the mouth. Lach. hands. Merc. viv. ulceration of the. Kali by dr. vesicles on the. Lycopod., Nitr. acid, Phytol. (margins), Sepia. and its margins, with burning pain when touched. Nitr. acid. tip of. Lycopod. ■; lower side; burning. Graph. white. Bry., Chelidon., China, Graph., Ipec., Magn. c, Natr. m., Nux v., Phos., Podoph., Sanguin., Sepia, Sulph. covered with tough mucus. Puis. cracked. Calc. phos. fur on the — with putrid taste. Podoph. in the morning. Nux jugl. milky. Antim. crud. , viscid mucus in the mouth, in. the morning. Podoph. with whitish swollen gums, that bleed when touched. Merc. sol. yellow. Bry., Chelidon., China, Ipea, Sulph. ■ bitter taste. Collinson. covered with tough mucus. Puis. 297 Tongue yellow, dirty, thick coating upon the back part of the. Merc. prot. ■ , thick felt upon it. Kali bich. Ulcers in the mouth and fauces. Nitr. acid. , fetid. Nux v. mercurial, syphilitic. Nitr. acid. on the inner surface of the cheeks, with sticking pains as from a splinter. Nitr. acid. ■ — spreading rapidly in extent, without pene- trating into the flesh. Merc, viv Vesicles and cankers. (See Aphtha? ; Tongue.) Canth., Rhus tox. , burning. Xatr. s., Sepia. in the mouth and on the tongue, gums, and lips. Magn. c. , painful. Kali c. on the side of tip of tongue. Puis. Water in the — accumulation of — (see Saliva) like waterbrash; nausea. Cyclam. with dryness in throat, and constant desire to swallow. Merc. sol. sudden, like saliva. Ledum. rising of. Masm. s. C. TEETH AND GUMS. Black — or getting to be so. Argt. nitr., Merc, viv., Plumb., Staph is. streaks running through them. Staphis. Bleeding from the cavities of the — profuse. Erigeron, Ham. Bluntnesa of the — they feel elongated. Mezereum. Carles of the — rapid. Fluor, acid. they become- loose, black, and laid bare. Merc. viv. Decay and crumbling of the. Lach., Sepia. emitting an offensive odor. Plumb. ■■ sudden. Carl). veg«, Mezereum. sycotic, commencing close at the gums; pains worse at night. Thuja. they become loose in succession. Merc. viv. 298 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Grinding of the. Cina, Cicuta vir., Phytol. Looseness of the. Nitr. acid, Stan. , chronic — gums recede from them, and bleed easily. Carb. veg. , sensation of. Merc. sol. and of elongation. Niccol. , which are very painful when touched by the tongue. Merc. sol. Sensation as if they were too long. Niccol., Nitr. acid, Stan. the upper cuspidati were too long. Magn. m. they were being grasped to be pulled out. Nux m. Sensitiveness of the — when chewing and when touched. Ly- copod. extreme. Natr. m. to cold air or any other coldness. Calc. C. touch, food or drinks, they may be sound or not. Staph. Yellowness of the — or getting to be so. Lycopod., Nitr. acid, Phos., Thuja. Toothache — a pulselike jerking from the teeth of the lower jaw into the ear, and from the upper jaw into the head, with pain- fulness of the gums, from 9 p.m. on (relieved by lying down and going to sleep). Merc. sol. after suppression of menses. Sabina. washing clothes. Phos. , all the teeth ; the whole row feel too long and tender; cannot bite. Carb. veg. always preceding a thunderstorm, or cloudy, windy weather; the pain is drawing, aching, or cutting. Rhododen. at night especially ; burning in the front teeth. Phos. acid. ; darting. Nitr. acid, Puis. ; drawing, dull — in the upper right row. Bell. ; jerking. Merc. sol. only. Lycopod. , violent — and as it disappears great chilliness over the whole body. Merc. sol. , with pain in the jaws and head ; the teeth are denuded of the gum and turn black. Merc. viv. MOUTH. 299 Tootliaclie, burrowing slight pain extending to the malar bone. Mezereum. in some of the back teeth, which seems intolerable, causing much peevishness. Cham. darting, jerking, stinging, extending to the ears and eyes. Puis. , tearing, as if the nerve were drawn tense, and then suddenly let go. Puis. digging, worse in the evening or early night. Puis. drawing — -jerking in the teeth and jaws. Lycopod. in a hollow tooth, extending to the ear. Sepia. the upper molars. Sepia. ■ during pregnancy. Magn. c. , in the front teeth; on inhaling cold air, from damp weather or washing, better from warmth. Nux m. extending to the nose and eyes from lower back teeth. Caustic. temples of left side and face. Kreosot. from eating, or whenever anything quite warm is taken into the mouth. Puis. excessive use of tea. China, Lach., Puis., Se- len., Thuja, Verat. alb. cold air and cold drinks. Calc. C. in the lower jaw. Natr. c. roots of the lower teeth, often extending through the upper jaw, to the ear, always after waking from sleep, soon after eating, or from warm and cold drinks. Lach. , jerking — after eating. Stan. , especially in the morning, that is relieved when tin; cold water taken into the mouth becomes warm. Puis. , neuralgic. Prunua spi. , relieved from cold water. Puis. but returns as soon as the water gets warm. Coff. — momentarily. Bry. walking about. Puis. warm water in the mouth. Merc. in the cold air. Puis. 300 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Toothache, stitching — worse in the evening or early night. Puis., Sepia. , throbbing. Natr. m., Sepia. , teeth feel too long. Caustic. } violent — suddenly going from one place to another. ith swelling of the gums and salivary glands. Merc. viv. when eating only. Kali c. warm food. Prunus spi., Puis., Silic. cold air frets into the mouth. Silic. , while nursing. China. , with sensation as if the tooth were being crowded out by the alveoli. Caustic. swelling of the cheek ; skin feels tense and hot, as if it would crack ; throbbing in the cheek. Lach. f worse from cold and better from warm drinks. Castor. _ hot substances. Caustic. food or drink. Cham., Merc. : eating. Caustic, Puis. lying on the painless side, relieved from lying on the painful side. Bry. picking the teeth. Puis. warm drinks. Cham., Puis. warmth of any kind, warm room, warm bed at night, relieved by uncovering in bed, and by a draught of air. Puis. D. GUMS. Bleeding of the. Carb. veg., Erigeron, Ham., Merc, viv., Natr. m., Sepia. , easy — at the slightest contact; sometimes spontaneously. Merc, cor., Merc, sol., Merc. viv. they are spongy. Merc. viv. swollen. Phos., Phos. acid., Sepia. , profuse — after the extraction of teeth. Ar- nica, Erigeron, Ham. Blue line along the margin of the — distinct and dark. Plumb. THIiOAT AND (ESOPHAGUS. 301 Bright-red margins of the. Merc. V1V. Painmlness of the — when touched and on chewing. Carb. veg., Merc, sol., Puis., Sepia. Paleness of the. Cyclam. , and swelling. Nitr. acid, Plumb. , they bleed when touched. Merc. SOi. Purple-colored — thin-bordered on the — nearest the teeth. Plumb. Receding from the — they are swollen. Carb. veg., Merc. viv. Scorbutic. Caustic, Merc, sol., Muriat. acid, Natr. m. Spongy and swollen. Merc. Cor. Swelling of the. Caustic, Lycopod., Niecol., Phos., Sepia. and soreness. !N"ux v. Ulcers — small — on the — at intervals. Merc viv. Throat and. (Esophagus. Ball rising in the throat. (See Sensation.) Burning in the throat. Aeon., Laurocer., Lobelia, Merc. cor. . and fauces. Mosch. mouth. Canth. , with redness. Carb. veg. ■ oesophagus, worse from the slightest external pressure. Merc. cor. pharynx. Mezereum. with dryness in the oesophagus. Asafoet., Cocenl. , without thirst. Magn. m. Choking in the throat. (See Constriction.) Constriction of the fauces, with choking, as from hasty swal- lowing. Chelidon. , difficulty of breath- ing and irritable cough. Coccul. pharynx. Mezereum. ■ a morsel sticking in it, while eating. Nitr. acid. throat. Cact. gr., Iod., Hyos., Plumb. , frequently, with dryness. Natr. b. , nothing goes down ; food and drink regurgitate through the nose. Lycopod. , spasmodic — which causes her to cough. Ignatia. 302 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Constriction of the throat, with anguish, she shrinks from help. Ignat. inability to swallow, espe- cially fluids. Hyos. oesophagus. Alum., Bell. from above down to the stom- •h ; can only swallow water. Bapt. tion of. Lobelia. below u j) wards — sensa- ■ sensation, as if one had swal- lowed too large a morsel of food. Puis. when swallowing food, it is felt until it enters into the stomach. Alum. Contraction in the throat and chest — spasmodic — sensation of. Ipec. oesophagus — spasmodic. Laurocer. Dartings to the oesophagus from the chest. Asafoet. Deglutition. (See Swallowing.) Desire to swallow. (See Swallowing.) Drinking — when — water descends with a gurgling noise. Cupr. m. Dryness of the throat. Bell., Bufo, Phytol., Podoph., Rhus tox., Sabadilla, Sabina, Secal. cor., Sepia. and mouth. Bell., Lycopod., 01. an. ■ and tongue, when sleep- ing (during menses). Nux m. low. Bell. burning. Coccul. Bell. , with difficulty to swal- cesophagus, with sensation of tongue, interfering with speech. - without thirst. Palla- dium. at night. Cinnab. on awaking, with thirst. Lach. constantly; it hurts as if too tight posteriorly ; a pressure is felt in it if she swallows, yet she is con- stantly obliged to swallow, because the mouth was always full of water. Merc. SOl. day and night. Phos. THROAT AND (ESOPHAGUS. 303 Dryness of the throat in the evening, which induces fre- quent clearing of the throat. Alum. morning. Puis. intolerable — extending: as far as the tip of the tongue, with thirst (without visible dryness), but can drink only a little, because it causes distress internally and qualmishness. Puis. , parched, with internal thirst for cold water. Caniiab. ind. with a constant desire to swallow in order to moisten the affected parts. Sulph. burning, stinging, without thirst. Magn. m. difficult swallowing. Alum., Cimicii'uga (but constant inclination to it). dry coryza. Nitr. acid. frequent constriction. Natr. spitting. Lobelia. men. Ipec. and thirst. Natr. c, great heat. Nitr. acid. nausea and distension of abdo- rough scraping, acrid sensation roughness. Phytol. scraping. Psorium, Pals. tickling cough. San- gum. without thirst. Phos. acid. Dysphagia. (See Swallowing.) Erosions — sycotic — of the fauces. Thuja. Food seems to stop in the oesophagus. Lach. ; she has to drink water to wash it down. Curare. Fulness in the throat, causing a constant desire to swallow. Cinnab. Globus hystericus. (Sec Sensation.) Hawking. (Sec Mums.) I bat and scraping in the fauces. Mezereum. rising in the throat, as if Prom hoi vapor. Merc. viv. , with anguish and oppression. Jlyperic. constant nausea. Nitr. acid. Inflcumnmation of the throat. (See Sore Throat, Tonsils.) 304 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Lumps in the throat — sensation of. (See Sensation.) Mucus — accumulation of — in throat and trachea; worse at night. Tart. emet. , which she cannot loosen by hawking, but is obliged to swallow it. Caustic. descends from the nose into the posterior nares. Bufo, Coral, rub., Euphorbium, Euphrasia, Hydrast., Merc, prot., Nitr. acid, Plumb., Spigel., Thuja. hawking up — in the morning. Phos., Sepia. , thick, gelatinous. Kali bich. thick — that constantly collects again. Natr. c. , tenacious. Argt. nitr., Phos. acid. with rawness in the throat, after a nap in the daytime. Lach. rotten, putrid taste in the pharynx. Nux v. rattling of. Podoph. tenacious — covers the throat, in the morning. Puis. in the posterior part of the pharynx. Kali c. Nausea in the throat. Bell., Mezereum, Valerian. and chest, as if she should vomit. Crocus sat. mouth after eating the least quantity, with dizziness of vision. Cyclam. , ascending from the stomach. Cupr. from mucus, which cannot be hawked up. Caustic. Pain in the throat (see Sore Throat) connected with those in the ear. Lach. and pharynx, even on bending the head back- ward. Lach. , sticking, as if there were a splinter or fishbone in it, Argt. nitr., Hep. S., Kali C. , rawness, soreness, at the palate. Nux V. , soreness, extending to the ears. Podoph. , stitches or sticking — relieved when swallow- ing. Ignat. Plug in the throat — sensation of. (See Sensation.) Pressure in the throat. (See Sensation.) THROAT AND (ESOPHAGUS. 305 Rawness in the throat. Argt. nitr., Carb. veg., Puis., Sepia. , causing cough. Nux v. Redness of the throat (see Sore Throat), dark — fauces, and uvula. Argt. nitr. Roughness of throat. Baryt. c, Carb. veg. and fauces, rawness, smarting. Muriat. acid. pharynx, with dryness of the throat. Phytol. from catarrh. Nux V. , which provokes cough. Nux V. , with hoarseness, in the morning. Carb. an. scraping. Kali nitr. , dryness, acidity, and great thirst. Natr. c. Scraped feeling in the — as after heartburn. Nux V. ■ rawness. Puis., Sepia. worse from hawking. Sepia. Sensation in the throat as if two lumps as large as the fists came together, only on empty swallowing, not on eating, which later, on account of this sensation, seemed to do good; the throat seems somewhat swollen. Lach. the oesophagus from the pharynx. Valerian. worm were creeping up. Puis. something had remained ad- hering to the oesophagus after eating. Lach. ; warm were rising in the throat, arresting breathing. . Valerian. the throat were tied around the larynx with a napkin, impeding swallowing. Chelidon. constant — of something she cannot swallow. Lach. ■ of a ball, lump, rising from the stom- ach (globus hystericus). Asafoet., Coccus cacti, Ignat., Kalmia, Lycopod., Magn. m., Natr. m., Plumb. ; relief by eructation. Magn. m. , felt more wh not swallowing than when swallowing. Ignat. 306 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS Sensation in the throat of a ball, lump of mucus, that can neither be swallowed nor hawked up. Lach. were lodged there. Sababilla, Sabina. -, when swallow- ing. Cham., Graph., Hep. s., Sepia. ; on swallowing, the lump descends, but returns at once Lach. , which is not relieved by swallowing; relaxed uvula. Kali bich. , with constant effort to swallow. Phytol. pit of throat of a ball or lump, impeding deglutition (with chronic dyspepsia or oppression of chest). Lobelia. of pressure in the oesophagus. Asafoet. Sensitiveness of the throat to the least external pressure; she feels as if she would suffocate; when lying down, even the touch of her bedclothes cannot be borne and would aggravate pain. Lach. Sore throat (see Tonsils) after cold, with inflammation, swell- ing, and suppuration of tonsils. Baryt. c. ; a sore rawness in the fauces. Nux v., Sepia. , commencing on the left side and going to the right. Lach., Podoph. (Lycopod., right to left). , extending up into the nose. Nitr. acid. ; fauces congested and dark red ; dryness; the ton- sils a little swollen. Phytol. from evening till morning. Niccol. , inclination to. Merc. ; inflammation of throat and mouth. Bell. , painless. Bapt. , painful in the back part, as if raw. Puis. , right side, burning in fauces. Psorium. , sticking pain. Nitr. acid. in it when not swallowing, and even somewhat while swallowing; the more she swallows, however, the more it disappears; if she swallows anything solid, like bread, it seems as though the sticking entirely disappears. Ignat. when the suppurating gland will not heal. Silic. , with dark redness of uvula and fauces. Argt. nitr. ; congestion of the isthmus; dry- ness and some swelling of the tonsils. Phytol. Carb. acid. THROAT AND (ESOPHAGUS. 307 Sore throat f with fine stinging pain. Ledum. pain in the ears. Lack. patches of mucus and small spots which look ulcerated. Merc. prot. scraping and stinging, worse on swallowing. Phos. acid, Sepia. stitching pain as from a splinter on swallow- ing, and extending towards the ear on yawning. Hep. S. , and external great swelling. Rhus tox. white patches appeared, first on the tonsils, then on the back part of the throat, and finally inside of mouth and lips. Nitr. acid. tenderness of the throat and larynx to touch. Lach. burning pain. pricking. Nitr. swelling so great as to threaten suffocation. ulcers in fauces and mouth. Nitr. acid, , making swallowing very difficult and painful. Lach. increased painfulness from empty swallow- ing, then from swallowing food. Lach. Soreness of the oesophagus, preceded by burning. Asafoet. Stitches in the throat when swallowing. Niccol. , going into the ear. Pe- trol. Submaxillary glands — swelling of. (See Mouth.) Rhus tox. in nd Parotid.) 8wallOWi/ng — constant urging or desire to. Cimicifuga, Oin- nab., Lach. difficult. Hyos., Kali c, Merc, Nitr. acid, Rhus tox. — , can only swallow small morsels at a time Alum. , fluids regurgitate through the ;iosc. Lach. Merc. cor. Xux v. (fetid). 308 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Swalloiviiig difficult, from dryness of mouth and throat. Bell. paralysis. Silic. sensation of a lump in throat. (See Sensation.) Lobelia. ; the throat feels as if it were too nar- row, and nothing could pass properly. Bell. with frequent inclination to — dry pha- rynx. Cimicifuga. sensation as if the larynx was pressed back against the oesophagus. Chelidon. of different kinds. (See Sensation.) empty — aggravates the pain in the throat more than swallowing food. Baryt. C, Lach. frequent — as if she had to swallow something down the throat. Cina. ■ inability to — especially fluids, from constriction of the throat. (See Constriction.) Hyos., Lach. — the throat seems to close. Cicuta vir. painful — without inflammation; in hysteria. saliva — constantly obliged to. Ipec. when — excoriating shooting pain through both Silic. ears. Phytol. pain at the root of the tongue. Phytol. between the shoulders. Rhus tox. in the throat extending to the left ear. Lach. as from a splinter fishbone. Argt. nitr. sensation as if the back part of the throat were narrower than usual, or closed by swelling. Puis., Hep. S. ■ with smarting pain in throat, more so when swal- lowing empty. Baryt. c. stitches in the throat. Niccol. Swelling of the right sublingual glands. Merc. viv. externally, as the maxillary and parotid glands were greatly enlarged. Rhus tox. sensation of. Sabina, Sanguin. Taste— bitter — in the back part of throat, China. APPETITE AND THIRST. 309 Taste — putrid — low clown in the pharynx, with hawking of mucus. Nux v. sour — in the throat, with burning. Nitr. acid. Tickling in the throat and tingling — intolerable. Iod. causing cough. Bry., Kali a, Valerian. with slight cough and headache. Sanguin. Tonsils — swelling of. Phos. , and glands of neck. Hep. s. inflammation (see Sore throat) gener- ally beginning on the left side, extending to the right; when swal- lowing pain extends to left ear. Lach. and induration. Plumb. suppuration, with sharp sticking pain in the fauces when swallowing. Merc. sol. ■ causing great dryness when sleeping. Merc. viv. chronic — and induration. Baryt. c, Calc. c, Phytol. — obstructing respiration. Merc. viv. left — fine tearing pain behind the tonsil, and on the inner surface of the corner of the lower jaw, unaffected by contact, but violent during deglutition. Bell. Uvula — swelling and elongation of the. Calc. c, Capsic, Hipp, m. (great), Hyos. (great), Iod., Kali c. Merc. cor. (great), Millefol., Phos., 8ulj.Ii. — — — sensation of. Coccus cacti, Crocus sat. relaxed — with sensation of a plug in throat, which is not relieved from swallowing. Kali bich. ulcer or excavation on root and right side of — size of a pea split, with reddish areola, containing yellow tenacious matter. Kali bich. Appetite and Thirst. (See Hunger, under Stomach.) Appetite diminished. Coff., 01. an. , but does not know for what. Puis. changeable, capricious. Kali bich., Podopb., Puis. with thirst. Kali bich. 310 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Appetite good, but a small quantity satisfies ; feels full and bloated after eating; eructation. Calc. c. feels inclined to eat too often and too much. Ars., loci. , feels better after eating. Iod. , with emaciation. Iod., Lycopod. increased. Cannab. ind., China. lost . Canth., Carb. an., Colchic., Ferr., Ignat, Lach., L. V. Deflor., Magn. c, Magn. s., Natr. m. } Nux v., Plumb., Podoph., Puis., Rhus tox., Sanguin., Sepia, Silic. completely. Cyclam., Kali bich. after the first mouthful. Caustic, Lycopod., Rhus tox. as soon as she sees or smells the things she wanted. Colchic. from a constant sense of satiety ; she cannot eat because she feels too full, up to the throat; whatever she eats goes against her, even to vomiting. Lycopod. indifference to eating or drinking. China. with acrid burning taste in the mouth. Lobelia. ■ clean tongue. Digital., Laurocer. emaciation. Ars. hunger. Gratiola, Nux v. metallic taste. Coccul. violent thirst. Nitrum. 2)00}>. Magn. c, Nux v., Plumb., Puis. , she relishes nothing. Merc. viv. , with continually sensation of satiety. China, Lycopod. loaded feeling. Nux v. thirst. Kali nitr. ravenous. (See Hunger.) Calc. c, Cannab. ind., China, Coccus cacti, Ignat., Iod., Kali nitr., Lycopod., Merc, viv., Natr. m., Nux v., Phos., Podoph. (at times), Secal. cor., Sepia, Silic, Stan., Verat. alb. and emptiness in the stomach, with loss of appetite in the palate and throat. Rhus tox. even after eating. Merc, viv., Sepia, Staph is. followed by distension of abdomen. Ly- copod. APPETITE AND THIRST. 311 Appetite ravenous, greediness, cannot eat fast enough. Zinc. (dur- ing contemptuous mood). Plat. with emaciation. lod. nausea in the morning. Cyclarn. unnatural, -even when dying from exhausting dis- charges from the bowels. Secal. cor. Aversion to all fluids, with thirst. Canth. kinds of food. Aletr. f., Aloe, Ars., Bry., Canth., Chin, sulph., Coccul., Ferr., Ipec, Mosch., Nux v., Sepia. because she is low-spirited. Plat. ; bitter taste in the mouth. Cham. extreme. Coccul. , with good taste. Gratiola. ■ hunger. Nux V. loathing, satiety. Po- doph., Plumb. brandy. Ignat. beer. Kb us tox. bread. Curare, Kali c. (rye) Lycopocl., Natr. m., Nitr. acid, Nux v. during pregnancy. Sepia. butter. Sanguin. cheese. Chelidon. cold drinks. Carb. an. fat food. Carb. veg., Hep. s., Petrol., Puis. fish. Zinc. meat. Aloe, Ars., Calc. c, Carb. an., Ferr., Graph., Ignat., Niccol., Nitr. acid, Petrol., Puis., Sabadilla, Sepia, Si lie, Sulph. soup. Silic. milk. Ignat. , it turns sour when taken. Carb. veg. puddings. Phos. (opposite to Sabadilla). salt. Carb. veg., Graph. smoking tobacco — extreme. Ignat., Puis. — ' solid food. Antim. crud., Carb. veg., Lycopod. sweet things. Caustic, Graph. tho smell of rooking meat. Colchio. 312 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Aversion to the smell of food. Colchic. usual food and drink, and the customary to- bacco and coffee. Nux V. vegetables. Curare, Hellebor., Magn. c. (green food). warm food. Calc. C, Ignat., Petrol. Desire for acids. Antim. crud., Bry., Chelidon., Hep. S., Kali c, Phos., Podoph., Sabina, Tart, emet., Verat. alb. , drinks. Hep. S., Magn. c, Magn. m., Sepia. , fruits, nuts, and other delicacies. Cubeb., Ipec, Verat. alb. , but hardly knows what. China. alcoholic drinks. Puis. apples. Tellurium. beer. Merc, viv., Mosch., Petrol., .Rhus tox. , especially in the morning. Puis. bitter food or drinks. Natr. m. brandy. Cubeb., Mosch., Nux v. bread. Natr. m. and butter. Merc. sol. cakes. Plumb. chalk, coal, starch, etc. Alum., Cicuta vir., Nitr. acid, Nux v. cheese. Ignat. cold food. Oalc. C. (opposite to Chelidon.). coffee. Antim. crud., Carb. veg., Cham. fat things. Nitr. acid, Nux v. food, with hunger, but does not know for what. Maun. m. hard-boiled eggs. Calc. c. herring. Nitr. acid. hot drinks or food. Chelidon. (opposite to Calc. c.) ice-cream. Eupat. perfol. lemonade. Sabina. liquid food. Merc. viv. meat. Curare, Magn. c. milk, which agrees. Chelidon. opposite to Carb. veg.). cold. Rhus tox. onions. Cubeb. puddings. Sabadilla (opposite to Phos.). APPETITE AND THIRST. 313 Desire for salt. Calc. c, Natr. m. smoked things. Caustic. something juicy and refreshing. Phos. acid. , knows not what; loss of appetite. Puis., Sanguin. sour things. (See Desire for Acids.) Hep. s. '■ spiced food. Sanguin sweet things, sugar, etc. Argt. nitr., Calc. c, Ipec, Kali c., Lycopod. things that cannot be had, or which are refused, or not wanted when obtained. Bry. vegetables. Magnesia. vinegar. Sepia. wine. Calc. c, Hep. s., Sepia. Disgust for food. (See Aversion.) Hunger after eating. (See Hunger under Stomach, Ravenous Appetite.) Aloe. , with feeling of emptiness. Calc. c, China, Cina, Gratiola, Laurocer., Lycopod. gnawing. Alum., Argt. nitr., Bovista, Lycopod., Phos., Strontiana. and desire to eat, without knowing what. Magn. m., Puis. at night on waking. Lycopod. , but cannot get down the food. Silic. , great. Psorium. ■ to fainting, at about 11 A.M. every day. Sulph. , with aversion to food, especially bread and coffee. Nux v. nausea, in the morning. Cyclam. , without appetite. Gratiola., Psorium, Puis. Satiety — sensation of constant. Lycopod., Podoph., Puis. , from a small quantity of food, followed by nausea and vomiting. Podoph. sudden — with great thirst. Lycopod. Thirst. (See Desire.) Berber., Magn. s., 01. an. ;ii night, disturbing sleep. Bry. especially. IMius t0X. , constant. Calc. c, Kali hydr. (day and night), Nitr. acid, Becal. cor. , drinks hastily. A.-., Bell., Hep. s. 314 GENERAL CONOOMIT ANTS. Thirsty drinks often, but little at a time. Ars., China, Tart, emet. , and vomiting it up immediately. Ars. from dryness of throat. Rhus tox., Secal. cor. , great. Colchic, Colocynth., Lachnanth., Opi., Podoph., Rhus tox., Sepia. , at long intervals, for large quantities. Bry. , especially towards evening, with burning heat in the face. Plat. , for cold water. Aeon., Ars., Curare, L.Y. De- flor., Merc, viv., Yerat. alb. at night. Magn. c. large quantities of cold water. L. V. Deflor. ; wants it often. Ars. , in the morning. Sepia. — , with rough, dry, acrid sensation in throat. Natr. c. __ satiety. Lycopod. , intermittent. Cyclam. violent. Agaric, in., Bell., Gratiola, Hyperic, Merc. sol., Natr. m, Secal. cor. , at 3 a.m. Magn. m. , day and night. Niccol. , for beer. Petrol. cold water. Dulc, Merc, viv., Natr. s., Plumb. ; drinks but little at a time, but wants it often. Ars., China. ; it does not agree; it chills the stomach, and lies there like a stone ; she is afraid of it. Ars. , from a sensation of dryness in the whole body. Phos. acid. , morning, noon, and night. Kali c. , with dry mouth. Laurocer., Nitr. acid. want of appetite. Kali nitr., Nitrum. , unquenchable — but drinking does not refresh. Ars. especially in the forenoon, with fre- quent micturition. Castor. — night and day, especially for beer or cold drinks. Merc. viv. STOxMACH AND EPIGASTRIUM. 315 Thirst unquenchable, with feeling of dryness in the mouth, as though moistened with an oily saliva. Cubeb. , with aversion to all fluids. Canth. capricious appetite. Kali bich. longing for something refreshing. Phos. Tliirstlessness. Apis, Coff., Natr. m., Plat., Puis., Saba- dilla, Sepia. the whole day. Cyclam. , with dryness of tongue and throat. Palladium. heat. Apis, Puis. Stomach and Epigastrium. (See Abdomen.) Acidity of the stomach. (See Waterbrash.) Alum., Hydrast., Silic, Sulph. acid. and nausea from fat food. Nitric acid, Puis. , excessive. Robinia. Ball in the stomach — sensation of a large. Curare. rising to the throat, with suffo- cation. Plumb. Belching. (See Eructation.) Bloatedness of the stomach. Bry. (sensation of), Calc. C, Graph., Puis. Iod. Nux v. after a meal. Carb. an., Borax, and after drinking. from flatulency. Bo- , no matter howsmall, — and abdomen, with drawing in the righl hypogastrium. Caulophyl. pressure as from a stone, espe- cially after eating. Nux v. ;ii the pil of stomach. Bovista, Prunus spi. (shortness of breath). op to the throat. Lycopod. g 16 GENERAL C0N60MIT ANTS. Bloatedness of the stomach, as though it would burst from wind. Argt. nitr. , like an inverted saucer. Calc. C. , painful. Hyos. . ,_ with bruised pain. Asafoet. — cramplike pains. Lycopod. flatulency. Colchic, Graph., Nux m. __ pain and sensitiveness. -Lach. Cancer of the stomach. Ars., Kreosot. Cardialgia. (See Pain.) Coldness in the stomach and pressure when drinking cold water. Ars. — — , icy. Colchic. . , from eating fruits or drinking cold drinks. Elaps. Constriction of the stomach, extending to chest and throat. Alum. , painful. Graph. Derangement of the stomach. (See Nausea, Vomiting, Pain, Digestion.) Antim. crud., Hep. s., Puis. . from fruit or ice-cream. Ars. fat food. Nitr. acid, Puis. milk. Garb, veg., Kali c . overeating, or high living. Nux v. - — warm food. Kali c. with great depression of spirits. Podoph. nausea and disgust of food; obstinate. Aletr. f. Digestion— slow. China, Lycopod., Puis. weak and difficult. Kali bich., Lach., Natr. m. . the plainest food distresses her. Carb. veg. . with continuous hunger. Merc. viv. hypochondriac mood. Natr. c. Dyspepsia — chronic. Podoph. . with the sensation of a lump in pit of throat, and oppression of chest. Lobelia. .— especially with pains that are relieved by eating. Chelidon. STOMACH AND EPIGASTRIUM. 317 Dyspepsia— especially with pains that are worse after eating. Nux v. Empty, weak feeling in the stomach. (See Hunger.) Carb. an., Cimicifuga, Gels., Hydrast., Ignat., Ipec, Lobelia, Magn. c, JSatr. m., Xiccol., Oleander, Phos., Podoph., Sepia, Sulph. after eating. Sanguin. — - — , with hun- ger. Calc. c, China, Cina, Gratiola, Laurocer. and faintishness, almost constant. Cimicifuga. as if she had been fast- ing too long. Ignat. at 11 a.m. she must eat. Sulph. ceasing after supper. Sepia. , from anxiety, grief, nightwatching, fasting, with fetid breath and dry tongue. Bapt. in the morning, with lassitude and debility. Crocus sat. Alum. ■ painful. Sepia, Trill. ■ relieved by eating. -, trembling. Calc. c. -, with eructation. Kalic. faint, feverish feel- ing. Sanguin. violent and long- continued palpitation of heart. Hydrast. at the pit of stomach. Carb. an. after eating, espe- cially after breakfast. Digital. , painful. Sepia. with any kind of dropsy. Apocyn. can. — — pale face. Ig- natia. 1] r u rl 'at ton, (See Gulping, Hiccough, Rising of fluid.) Aeon., Dale., Plumb., Puis., Silic. after a meal especially. Argt. nitr., China, Sepia. 318 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Eructation after a meal, or drinking, even a little. Sepia. dinner. Kreosot. . eating — constant — tasting of the food, with qualmishness. Puis. as if from rotten eggs. Arnica, Brom., Bufo, Coff., Maom. m., Magn. s., Petrol., Psorium, Sepia, Stan., Sulph., Yale- bad meat after dinner ; the same taste afterwards remains in the mouth, with qualmish nausea. Puis. bitter. Arnica, Laurocer., Magn. m. , after eating, or empty. Sepia. . ; sometimes sour. Phos. acid. bilious, in the evening. Puis. at niffht. Puis. -, relieved by eating. Amm. m. -, with burning in the stomach. Ars. burning. — nausea, pain between the shoulders during and after eating. Rhus tox. } causing a burning in the pharynx for several hours. Lycopod. , continual. Muriat. acid. , empty — from morning till evening, as if all the food she took was turned into gas. Iod. . . empty. Bell., Berber., Cauloph., Daph., Iod., Merc, Mezer., Phos., Plat. and sour. Phos. spasmodic. Coccus cacti. tasteless. Daphne. ■ — with burning. Iod. — feeling of discomfort and pressure in the stomach. Bismuth — headache. Calc« C. nausea, preceded from the stomach, and accumulation of saliva. Ipec. fetid, cadaverous. Bismuth. frequent. Arnica, Bry., Daphne, Kali c, Natr. c, Phos. , tasting of the food. Puis. violent. Borax, Carb. veg. , with nausea. Erigeron, Kali nitr. ineffectual. Puis. STOMACH AND EPIGASTRIUM. 319 Eructation ineffectual, with pain. Carb. an. — of bitter fluid. Nux v., Puis. , with vertigo. Cauloph. food, a long while after eating. Caustic. gas. Lobelia, Puis. , affording much relief. Argt. nitr. in large quantities, after eating. Phos. , it never passes downward. Asafcet. hot flatus. Podoph. mucus, tough and glairy, which runs continually from the mouth. Carb. veg sour fluid, with vertigo. Cauloph. putrid. Arnica, Merc, viv., Plumb. relieving nausea. Cinnab. ; rising of water in the mouth. Magn. s. sour. Acet. acid, Cham., Ferr., Hep. s.,Magn. c, Magn. m., Natr. c, Nitr. acid, Phos., Podoph., Sepia, Silic. , after eating. Kali c, Phos. acid. — , with fulness and sour vomit- ing. Calc. abdomen. Conium. •, burning, spasmodic, violent. Coff. -, exciting pain, and aggravated by it. Cham. ■ following vomiting. Caustic. • frequent, with hardness and distension of Puis. Kims tox. in the morning. Puis. of ingesta. Phos. sour fluids. Cauloph., Plydrast., Nux V. , the taste of which does not remain in the >ut the acid gnaws in the stomach. Lycopod. ; waterbrash ; heartburn. Lycopod. with nausea. Niccol. smelling like garlic. Asafcet. sweet. Plumb. tasting of food. Antim. crud., Carb. veg., Puis. eggs. Sul ph. garlio or musk ; violent. Mosch. old rancid tallow, after eating cakes. that seem to become incarcerated in right chest. 320 GENERAL CONCjOMIT ANTS. Eructation violent. Argt. nitr., Mosch. which afford great relief of all the symptoms. Argt. nitr. . with empty weak feeling at the stomach. Kali c. hot saliva in the mouth. Mosch. uprising of food. Phos. violent convulsive cough. Ambr. gr. without affording any relief. China. Fermentation in the epigastric region. Plat. Fulness of the stomach. (See Bloatedness, Pressure.) Asafcet., Rhus tox. after eating, with excessive languor. Nitr. acid. and chest. Castor. pressure at the pit of stomach. Bo vista. loaded feeling. Coff., Nux jugl. poor appetite. Nux v. sudden — after eating a small quantity of food. Nux v. at the pit of stomach. Lachnanth. Gagging, with inclination to vomit. Bell. " Gastric symptoms — violent. Natr. m., Nux v., Podoph., Puis. Gnawing in the stomach. (See Pain.) Goneness at the stomach. (See Empty Feeling.) Gulping up fluids (see Vomiting, Rising of fluids), bitter. Cauloph., Sarsaparilla (during and after eating). , saltish. Carb. an. , sour. Cauloph., Nux v., Plumb. , burning. Lobelia. , during and after eating. Sarsapa- rilla. 1 water. Lach., Natr. s. — , sweetish water. Plumb. , tasting of ingesta. Antim. crud. , water, preceded by trembling of the stom- ach. Magn. s. Hardness in the pyloric region. Sepia. Heartburn. (See Waterbrash.) Haemorrhage of the. (See Vomiting of blood.) Secal. cor., Stan. , from a ruptured bloodvessel. Erigeron. STOMACH AND EPIGASTRIUM. 321 Hemorrhage of the — of large quantities of dark-colored blood. Ham. Hiccough. (See Eructation.) Iod., Lycopod., Niccol., Plumb. , after a meal. Cyclain., Lachnanth. f long-lasting, at the hour when the fever ought to have come. Ars. and frequent. Amra. m. painful. Hyos., Phos., Ratanhia. , with pain in the stomach and vomiting. Hyos. spasms and rumbling in the abdomen. Hyos. Hunger. (See Appetite/ Irritability of the stomach; cannot retain a mouthful of water. Apocyn. can. Lumps — hard — in the stomach, with chocolate-colored vomiting. Mezer. Movements in the stomach — strange. Curare. pit of stomach, as from something alive, also in the arms, abdomen, etc. Crocus sat. Nausea. (See Vomiting.) Aeon., Ars., Bell, Cubeb., Dros., Ipec, Merc, viv., Nux v., Plumb., Puis., Sanguin., Secal. cor. after a meal immediately. Natr. m., Nux v. dinner. Aram, m., Nux V. eating. Nux v., Sepia. or drinking. Rhus tox. rising in the morning. Magn. m. and acidity from fat food. Nitr. acid, Puis. anxiety when exerting the eyes. Sepia. qualmishness all day. Petrol., Puis. vomiting. JEscul. hipp., Cimicifuga, Hyos., Ipec., Larh., Lac can., Merc, viv., Natr. c, Secal. cor., Silic, Sulph., Verat. alb. during vertigo. Thcridion. ; inclination to the latter. (See the same under Vomiting.) Coccul., Colonic., Magn. c., Podoph., Psorium, Puis. before break- , especially at last. Gos8ypium. night. Magn. s. a carriage. Coccul, when riding in 322 GENERAL CON-COMIT ANTS Nausea. Vomiting in the morning of sour, bilious, slimy- substances. Hep. s. sometimes. Puis. , straining. Hedeoma. , violent — in woman having scirrhosities. Con iu m. with cramps in the stomach and extremities. Cupr. m. when smelling food. Colchic. thinking of food. Drosera, Sepia. , with stitching through the abdomen. Kali c. vertigo. Apocyn. can. waterbrash, caused by fresh meat; smoked meats agree. Caustic. , as if from the stomach, with empty eructations and accumulation of much saliva. Ipec. • she should faint. Cham., Kali C. at the sight of food. Mosch. , constant. Castor, Ipec, Nux v. (want of appetite), Petrol. anc [ violent. Ipec, Lobelia. , with great weakness, anxiety, and trem- bling sensation through the whole body. Plat. , with heat in stomach, rising into the throat. Kitr. acid. ■ , distressing. Ipec. during menses. (See Part I.) Kali bich. , extreme. Podoph. , with salivation and constant spitting. San- guin. very little vomiting of dark-brown cof- fee-grounds fluid; debility. Secal. cor. , frequent momentary attacks of. Hep. s. , with inclination to vomit. Coccul. from colic. Nux V. smell of food. Sepia. thought of food. Sepia. V., Sepia. in the morning. Anacard., Gossyp., Hep. s., Nux STOMACH AND EPIGASTRIUM. 323 Nausea in the morning after rising. Magn. m. and after dinner. Nux v. , as if all the viscera were turning: inside out. Sepia. water. Lobelia. before breakfast. Lycopod., Spigel. , disappearing after a swallow of -eating. Sepia. Aeon., Bry. - early — attacks of. Laurocer. -, when rising up in bed especially. -, with accumulation of water in the mouth. Petrol. faintness. Conium. unusual hunger. Cyclam. in the stomach. Arnica, Bell., Ipec. , or proceeding from there. Ipec. , with inclination to vomit. Puis. ; qualmishness in the pit of stomach ; cramplike pain in left side of abdomen. Nux v. in the throat. Bell., Mezer., Valerian. . and chest, as if she would vomit. Crocus sat. palate after eating the least quan- tity, with much dizziness of vision. Cyclam. , ascending from the stomach. Cupr. from mucus, which cannot be hawked up. Caustic. , sudden. Apis. not relieved by vomiting. Sanguin. qualmish — in the upper abdominal region, especially after eating and drinking. Puis. relieved by eructation. Cinnab. when falling asleep, but returns on waking. Colocynth. resemoling seasickness, as if the stomach heaved up and down; Inclination to vomit. Coccul. , waterbrash, disagreeable risings. Puis. when becoming cold. Coccul. eating. Puis. in the open air. Aram. c. 324 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Nausea when moving about. Kali bich. riding in a carriage. Coccul., Petrol., Sepia. sitting up. Aeon., Bry,, Coccul. thinking of food. Bry., Graph., Magn. c, Mosch., Sarsaparilla, Sepia, Sulph. ; with accumulation of water in the mouth like water- brash. Cyclam. anxiety and trembling. Nitr. acid. chilliness. Bovista. colic. Puis. countless stars before the eyes. Cyclam. distension of abdomen and dryness of throat. Ipec. fainting; after it, very pale and sick at the stom- ach as soon as she closes her eyes, with vanishing of thoughts. Theriuion. — frequent eructation. Erigeron, Kali nitr. sour eructation. Niccol. . ■ headache. Kalmia, Lach., Natr. m. indigestion and disgust for food. Aletr. f. . . almost any affection; it predominates continually. spasmodic uterine pain (pregnancy). Cupr. ars. umbilical pain. Phytol. uncomfortable sensation in the abdomen. Cy- Ipec. clam. vertigo and tendency to faint. Coccul. Oppression of the stomach. Mosch. and distress. Secal. cor. , sudden — she has to loosen her clothes. Zinc. Pain from the stomach to the small of back during menses. Borax. groins and legs. Plumb. — shoulders ; colic, pressure. Nux v. spine or between the shoulder- blades, aching, gnawing, pressing. Bell. uterus and back. Hedeoma. — in the stomach. (See Pressure, Spasms.) Hyos. STOMACH AND EPIGASTRIUM. 325 JPain in the stomach, aching — or burning, contractive (cardial- gia), Carb. veg. dull — causing a very weak, faintish feeling. Hydrast. after eating, in weakly women. Mangan. , an hour after. Puis. the simplest kind of food. Sepia. as from a braise. Magn. m., Ol. an. , with bloatedness or feel- ing of fulness. Asafoet. if cut to pieces, with extreme sensitive- ness of the epigastrium. Kali c. , burning. Ars., Bry., Calc. phos., Carb. veg., Colchic, Crocus sat., Hyos., Kali nitr., Magn. s., Niccol., Nitr. acid, N ux m., Phos., Sanguin., Secal. cor., Sepia. , gnawing. Ruta, Sanguin. (nausea). Erigeron. vir. Mangan. -, of long duration, chronic -, pressure. Bismuth, Cicuta -, rising up into the throat. -, with bloatedness and fulness. Asafoet. shoulders. NUX V. bitter eructation. Ars. empty eructation. lod. -, cardialgia. (See Gastralgia.) -, colic, and pressure, extending to the -, constrictive. Graph. , extending to the chest and throat. Alum. Magn. c, Natr. <•. nausea and vomiting. Cupr. m. -, contractive. Carb. an., ( arb. veg., Graph., -, cramps* Cupr. m., Sepia. also in the extremities; violent -, contractive — even al night, ex- tending into the chest, with distension of abdomen. Carb. veg. 326 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. I*ain in the stomach, cramps, with distension of the stom- ach. Lycopod. hysterical lymphatic women. Valerian. , cramplike, with pressure. Nux V. , relieved hy eat- ing. Petrol. - from the least food. Aletr. f. -, gastralgia — relieved by eating. Chelidon. , or attacks prevented when they are felt to come on, with an empty stomach. Petrol. worse from food or drink. Nux v. , gnawing. Lycopod., Nitr. acid. , like ravenous hunger. Puis. , relieved by eating. Chelidon. } w Jth hunger. Alum., Argt. nitr., Bovista, Lycopod., Stront. , but no desire for food. Puis. , griping, clawing. Carb. an., Graph., Puis. , indescribable — and sick feeling. Ipec. , neuralgic (cardialgia). Argt. riitr., Cimicifuga. , contractive. Carb. an., Carb. veg., Graph., Magn. c, Natr. c. , periodical. Ignat. , pinching. Asar. europ. 1 pressing. Bell., Cicuta vir., Dulc, Ferr., Kali c, Kali nitr., Lach., Mezer., Nitr. acid, Plumb. , after eating. Gratiola, Hep. s., Merc, viv., Rhus tox., Sepia. , and a metallic, herby taste returns. Nux v. • a little. Lyco- pod. in the morning. Nux v. STOMACH AND EPIGASTRIUM. 327 Pain in the stomach, pressing, after eating the least food or drink. Ferr. , immediately; the food lies in the stomach like a heavy load. Kali bich., Nux v. (one or four hours after eating). and burning. Bismuth, Ci- cuta vir. , as from a stone. Aeon., Brum., Biy., Kali bicli., Nux v., Fhos., Phos. acid, Puis., Khus tox., Sepia. — , above , after the pit of stomach. Phos. drinking cold water. Ars. eating. Bismuth, Kali bich., Nux v. , which makes her fretful. Bry. overloading the stomach, immediately after eating. Nux v., Silic. , as though she had been eating too much. Lycopod. , in the evening when lying down. Carb. an. morning when awak- ing. Carl), an. , violent — after eating the most simple things; constipation. Daphne. , shooting — and abdomen. Argt. nitr. , stitches — violent — single. Crocus sat., Sepia. when coughing. Podoph. , stitching — worse when walking or mak- ing a misstep. Puis. . tensiv< — with sensitiveness to touch. ( 'oil'. , throbbing. Natr. s. , perceptible to the hand laid thereon. Puis. 1 twisting — paroxysms of — and rising to- wards the throat. Sepia. , violent — with greal debility. Calcphos. 328 GENERAL C0NQ0MIT ANTS. Pa'ui in the stomach, when touching it. Phos. walking. Fhos. , with fainting. Laurocer. vomiting and hiccough. Hyos. in the pit of stomach especially, (Compare also the preceding symptoms.) Cannab. ind., Kali nitr. , aching. Kali nitr., Sarsapa- rilla. , as from a stone, after every meal. Cham. Ham., Kali hydr., Si ynx. Ars. - and anxiety. Ars. sensitiveness. Merc. cor. -, burning. Ars., Calc. phos., , mouth, and phar- her waist. Lach. Puis. Ranuncul. bulb., Rhus tox. -; cannot bear anything around -, caused by coughing. Lycopod. -, drawing, early in the morning. - during inspiration. Puis. -, extending to the back. Sabina. -, pressive. Kalmia, Magn. s., vista. Puis. and fulness. Bo- after every meal. Aeon., Cham, (after meal, Stan.). -, as from a stone, the morning, followed by cutting in abdomen and constant nausea. Nux V. , screwing. Nux V. , stitches. Kali c, Lamium alb., Xitr. acid, Sabina. the body to the back. Chelidon. nanth., Magn. m., Puis., Sepia. , from the — through -, tenderness. Sepia. -, throbbing. Asafcet., Lach- STOMACH AND EPIGASTRIUM. 329 Pain in the pit of stomach, throbbing, and right ear, preventing sleep. Cact. gr. followed by burn- ing heat of face and body, without perceptible outward heat or red- ness, without thirst. Sepia. , sensible. Puis. to touch. Lach., Sepia. , with swelling. Argt. nitr. Pressure as from a stone in the ejjigastrium, in the morning j worse by walking, relieved by sitting. Nux V. Qualmishness. (See Nausea.) Regurgitation of food — sour. Podoph., Puis. undigested, soon after swallowing ir. Phos. or sour vomiting, especially after eating sour food. Calc. c. Metching continually — spasmodic. Baryt. m. • empty. Asar. europ. while hawking the mucus from the fauces. Nux v. Mising of fluid from the stomach — bitter. (See Eructation, gulping.) Nux V., Puis. salty. Carb. an sour. Nux v. after drinking coffee. Puis. Rumbling in the stomach. Phos. acid. Scraping sensation in — and oesophagus, like a heartburn. Puis. Sensation as if the stomach were constantly full of water. Kali c. one had eaten too much ; food rises up into the stomach as if one would vomit. Puis. something indigestible were lying in the stom- ach. ( toccu cacti. of flabbiness in the stomach. Ignat. something twisting about the stomach, and rising toward the throat. Sepia. warm rising from (he stomach, arrest- ing breathing, with tickling deep in the throat and cough. Valerian. rotation at the pit of stomach, with uneasiness, anxiety, and sighing. Gossyp. 22 330 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Sensation as weakness in the epigastric region and pit of stom- ach — pecul iar. Ignat. Sensitiveness of the epigastrium to touch. Bry., Magn. c, Merc, sol., Ruta, Secal. cor., Sepia. and intestines, in spite of their debility and total prostration of digestive power. Carb. veg. Sinking at the stomach. (See Empty, weak feeling.) Spasms of the stomach. (See Pain.) Coccul., Collinson., Ile- deoma, Eali nitr. and flatulency. Collinson. during and after a meal, with griping and lacerating pain. Coccul. Stitches in the stomach. (See Pain.) Swelling of the stomach. (See Bloatedness.) Tension above the stomach. Nux V. of — relieved by drinking milk. Ruta. Throbbing in the stomach. (See Pain.) Trembling and sinking feeling at the stomach. Calc. c. of the stomach with subsequent gulping up of water. Magn. s. Vomiting. (See Nausea, Gulping, Retching, Rising of Water, Eructation, etc.) Aeon., Phos., Secal. co. after drinking, as soon as the drink has become warm in the stomach. Phos. ever so little, from irritability of the stomach. Apocyn. can., Bismuth. , of green substances. Ars. immediately. Ars. of that which has been drunk. Ar- nica, Bry., Cham., China, Dulc, Ferr., Nux v., Puis., Silic. eating. Puis. ever so little of green substances. Ars. — immediately. Ars., Ferr. ■ though the food is rel- ished. Bry. the least quantity of food. Verat. vir. giddiness. Kali bich. as soon as she eats. Ferr. , suddenly. Rhus tox. at or immediately after midnight. Ferr. STOMACH AND EPIGASTRIUM. 331 Vomiting at night. Puis. bile. Aeon., Antira. cruel., Bell., Cham., Cupr., Kali bich., Merc, viv., Phos., Podoph., Puis., Sepia (mornings). bitter. Nitr. acid, Nux v., Sanguinia, especially after drinking beer. Mezer. at night. Lycopod. water. Magn. c. with colic. Iod. black pitchlike substances. Ipec. blood. Arnica, Ferr., Phos., Secal. cor., Stan. chocolate-colored, with hard lumps in the epigas- trium. Mezer. chronic. Sulph. during menses. (See Part I.) pregnancy. Kreosot., Lach., Sepia. fecal matter. Plumb. ■ — followed by sour eructations. Caustic. frequent or constant. Plumb. from stooping. Ipec. food, Ipec., Kali c, Merc, viv., Phos., Plumb., Sepia (mornings), Silic. ■ an hour after eating (with putrid taste and odor). Podoph. as soon as the first spoonful reaches the stom- ach. Zinc. at night. Lycopod. especially at night or in the evening. Puis. that had been eaten a long time before. Puis. undigested. Kali bich. , violent, and of discolored substances. Plumb. hot, sour, bilious matter. Podoph. inclination to. (See the same by nausea.) Iod., Plumb., Verat. alb. as soon as she rinses her mouth oui. Sepia. constant. Ipec. early in the morning especially. ( Sham. or evening, with inability to do so. Mosch. when coughing. Puis. 332 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Vomiting, inclination to, with taste as from putrid meat in the mouth. Puis. incessant — green bilious. Merc. Cor. in the evening, frequent and violent eructations. Carb. veg. forenoon of sour mucus. Nux v. morning. Sepia. when rising up in bed. Bry. Tart. emet. liquid — glaiiy. Kali bich. milky water. Sepia. mucus. Antim. crud., Bell., Kali bich., Puis., in large quantities. I pec., Tart. emet. — the morning. Dulc. milky. Sepia. preceded by anxiety. Sanguin. purulent matter. Silic. relieved by drinking cold water. Cupr. m. saltish water. Magn. c. sour, acrid substances. Ferr., Kali c, Nitr. acid, Nux v. (mornings), Podoph., Sulph. especially of sour food. Calc. c, Cham. water. Calc. C. Cupr. sweetish water in the morning. Kreosot. sympathetic — from uterine irritation. Kreosot. violent. Phytol. and long, without much nausea. Verat. vir. in women having scirrhosities. Conium. , retching, severe colic. Canth. , with cramps in the stoiuach and extremities. water. Cupr. m. -, as soon as it gets warm in the stomach. Phos. when eating, with sour taste. Nitr. acid vertigo. Magn. c. smelling of food. Colchic. — — thinking of food. Dros., Sepia. with continual dry, hawking cough, and arrest of breathing. Alum. diarrhoea. Antim. crud. ABDOMEN IN GENERAL. 333 Vomiting, tvith pain in stomach and hiccough. Hyos. ■ the uterus, caused by pessaries. Nux m. vertigo. Apocyn. can. ellow substances. Gratiola. Waterbraslu (See Rising of Fluids.) Dros., Lycopod., Magn. s., Puis., Sabina, Secal. cor., Sepia. and nausea — constant — caused by fresh meat; smoked meat agrees. Caustic. heartburn, violent — after eating sweet things. Zinc. , with heat in the stomach. Podoph. Abdomen in General. Affections mostly of the left side of — and right side of the back. Fluor, acid. Ascites. (See Dropsy.) Ball in the — sensation of the rolling of a. Lach. Bloatedness of the. (See Distension.) Borborygmus. (See Rumbling.) Burning in the. (See Pain in the Abdomen and its different ana- tomical regions.) Cold feeling in the. Ambr. gr., Gratiola, Petrol., Phos. and back. Secal. cor. Colic. (See Pain.) Congestion of the portal circulation. Asafcet, Ham., Podoph., Sepia, Sulph. Distension of the. (Sec Flatulency, Colic, Dropsy, Fulness, Hardness, Rumbling.) Aloe, Apocyn. can., Ars., Calc. C, Coccul., Graph., Kali c, L. V. Dcflor., Magn. c, Merc, viv., Natr. m., Phos. acid, Rhus tox., Sabina, Secal. cor., Sepia, Thuja, Zinc. after eating. Kali c, Lycopod., Rhus tox. but a little — immediately — great, with fulness and heat. Kali c, Lycopod. ; flatulency. Borax, Lycopod., Nux v. as though the bowels would burst Carb. veg. ; great apprehension after break- fast Caustic. ; great and enormous. lN'uxm. 334 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. petite. Calc. c. Distension of the, and fulness of. Anacard., Coccul. hardness. Baryta c, Calc. c, Hep. s., Kali c, Merc, sol., Magn m. with emaciation and good ap- frequent sour eructations. Conium. flatulent. (See the same after eating.) Aloe, Borax, Carb. veg., Lycopod., Nux m., Sepia. after a stool. Lycopod. , relieved by emission of flatus. Ly- copoc 1 . vagina. Sancruin. in tl ie evemni escape of flatus from the morning. Sanguin. painful. Berber., Colocynth. and oppressive. Argt. nitr. and sudden. Kali hydr. to touch. Aeon., Bell., Lach. with sensation as if the contents of the bowels was to be pressed up into the chest. Cham. ; cramps in the stomach, extending into the chest. Carb. veg. ; nausea and dryness of throat. Ipec. , with colic. Sepia. , without accumulation of wind. Aram. m. Dropsy of the. Ars., Prunus spi. with great soreness of the abdominal walls, and stinging, burning pains. Apis. Emptiness in the — sensation of. Calc. phos., Phos., Sepia. Enlargement of the. (See Potbellied.) Sepia. Eruption on the — itching. Sulph. Fermentation in the — from eating fruit. China. sensation as if from. Lvcopod. Flatus, Flatulency. (See Distension ; Colic.) Amm. m., Man- gan., Nitr. acid. , accumulation of — incarcerated — left side. Iod. very painful. Lycopod. ; here and there in the abdomen, in the hypochondria, even in the back, in the region of the ribs and chest, ABDOMEN IX GENERAL. 335 causing tension and bubbling ; which is always relieved by empty eructations. Lycopod. Flatus, emission of— large and easy. China, Phos. , when at stool. Aloe, Calc. phos. , inodorous. Agaric m., Carb. veg., Plat. -, putrid. Carb. veg. -, with tendency to diar- rhoea. Carb. veg. small quantities ; distended abdomen, colic. Cham. up and down, affording no relief. Carb. veg. in the right abdomen, with palpitation. Podoph. moves from one side to the other, with loud rumbling, griping, especially in evening, in bed. Puis. , offensive. Arnica, Bry., Carb. veg. , smelling like rotten eggs. Arnica. very — and burning. Aloe. presses upon the bladder, and causes cramp in the blad- der, that doubles him up. Primus spi. with spasms of the stomach. Collinson. Fulness of the — and hardness. (See Distension ; Hardness.) Graph. heaviness, after eating but little. Lycopod. as from a weight in the pelvis. Pallad. , weight and dragging in the pelvis, Avorse from standing and cold washing. Sulph. , better from cold washing. Aloe. , during motion. Sepia. with ice-coldness of hands and feet. Aurura. repletion after a moderate meal. Muriat. acid. tightness as if stuffed, no relief from eructa- tion. China. Gurgling in the. (See Rumbling.) Eardness of th< — and fulness. (See Distension.) Graph. retraction towards the spine. Plumb. I [eal in the sensation of. Phos. with anxiety. Bell. 1 [eaviness. (See Fulness.) 336 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Heaviness, as from a stone, just before menses. Puis., Sepia. Movements in the — as if from something alive; bounding. Crocus sat., Thuja. ; quivering. Sabina. ; shaking. Curare. Navel seems to adhere to the spine. Plumb. Numbness in the — right side — extending into the thighs, or to the ribs. Apis Pain across the — left to right. Carb. veg., Lach. right to left — cutting. Lycopod. , tenderness. in the — and weight. Sepia. as if bruised — and in the hypochondriac region, worse on the side on which she lies ; worse on turning, and worse when beginning to move. Rhus tox. , especially in the ccecal region and following the course of the transverse colon ; the ccecal region and transverse colon are painful to moderate pressure, as though they had been bruised. Merc. cor. from inclination to hernia. Coccul. internal ulceration, on sitting down, bend- ing, or any other kind of motion. Coccul. the intestines in the whole abdomen were squeezed between stones. Colocynth. parts were clutched by a hand ; or a sen- sation as if the finger-nails were dug into the parts; the pains are transient. Bell. bearing down. (See Laborlike.) burning. Aeon., Canth., Puis., Sepia. , all through and through the pelvis. Lac can. , and through the whole intestinal canal, with unquenchable thirst, and disgust for drinks of any kind. Canth. colic — after anger ; green stools. (Compare all the kinds of pain.) Cham. suppression of haemorrhoids. Nuxv. as if a diarrhoea from taking cold were coming on. Dulc, Nux v. every afternoon. China. ABDOMEN IN GENERAL, 337 JPaiilin the — colic at night, pressure here and there as if from incarcerated flatus, not relieved by emissions. Puis. the appearance of menses without diar- rhoea. Caustic. ■ comes and goes suddenly. Bell. compelling her to walk bent. Rhus tox. continual ; lancinating in the side of the abdomen. Cham. spi., Puis., Sepia. cramping. Coccul., Dros., Xatr. m., Pru- , has to vralk very carefully, to avoid pain or urinary troubles. Prunus spi. , violent — with retraction of the abdominal muscles. Podoph. with rumbling in abdomen. Puis. cutting. Cupr. m., Kali c, Magn. c, Opi., Puis. and pinching — with feeling of fulness after a moderate meal. Muriat. acid. tearing, especially at night. Merc. acid. domen. Kali c. Ph -, as if from flatulency. Puis. - down low in the pelvis. HyOS. - every morning. Natr. m., Nitr. - in the left side of the upper ab- - preceding a soft stool. Niccol. - sharp, sometimes with sour vomit. - with eructations and desire to lit. Nuxv. <|ii: ualniishness. Kux V. rive. Flumb. Natr. in., Phos. drawing, tensive, like labor pains. Puis, extending to all parts of the body 3 exoes- flatulent. (See Distension.) [gnat., [peo., Ergravated from \\ ine, and to- wards evening. Zinc 338 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Pain in the— colic, flatulent, as if the abdomen would burst Brora. so painful, as to drive her wild. Coff. after eating especially. Carb. veg. worse from eating the least thing, or tightening the clothing. Caustic. , bladder and rectum were pressed out with a sharp instrument. Nux V. at midnight ; abdomen dis- tended. Coccul. of flatus in small quantities. Cham. copod. sons. Aletr. f. (in evening, in bed). Puis. preceding a stool. Caust. ; distended abdomen; emission ; incarcerated flatus. Iod., Ly- ; in weak and emaciated j)er- moving about the abdomen with cramps; emission of flatus pinching. Asafoet. , especially after ippe )er or at night. Puis. protrusion of transverse colon, relieved by stooping forward, or pressing upon it. Bell. followed by diarrhoea early in the morning. Nux v. griping, followed by a green, thin diarrhoea, without tenesmus. Magn. C. kidneys and legs. Plumb. pinching, Bovista, Hyos., Magn. c, Mosch., Eatr. s., Opi. and cutting ; feeling of full after a moderate meal. Muriat. acid. uneasiness with uterine ips. Br Conium. -, before a leucorrlueal discharge. -, followed by pressing down in ABDOMEN IN GENERAL. 339 the groins, attended by a pressure in the pudendum, and an in- creased discharge of menstrual blood. Plat. JPain in the — colic, pinching, from the left to the right side. Carb. veg. griping. Ipec. in epigastrium, taking away the breath. Ccccill. hindering respiration. Amm. m. - lacerating — violent — in the who! • abdomen Castor. violent. Kali nitr., Plumb. before stool. Bapt. every morning. Podoph. with diarrhoea after taking the least nour- ishment. Colocyntl Mezer. , which is often violent. nausea. Puis. pressing towards the genitals, and sensation as if menses would appear. Crocus. retraction of the umbilical muscles. Podoph. tenesmus; stools of mucus, black, fecal matter. Collinson. vomiting and violent retching. Canth. constant — frequently with affection of the ovaries. (Right.) Xatr. m. constrictive, transversely across the umbilicus, as if the abdomen were constricted by a string. Chelidon. contractive. Krcosote, Natr. m. cramplike — left side — with qualmishness at pit of stomach. Nux v. ■ digging. Natr. s. ■ drawing. Sepia. from the navel especially t<» the back. Plumb. , pelvis and loins. Carbol, acid, and thighs. Ferr during Btool, worse in the morning. Nitr. acid. every evening. Ledum. 340 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. JPain in the — extending from the abdomen to the small of back; can hardly get up and walk after sitting. iEscul. hipp. in the abdominal ring, in the morning, as if a hernia would become incarcerated. Nux v. laborlike — (compare Part I) and in the hypo- gastric region. Bell., Calc. c, Camph., Canth., Cham., Cimicifuga, Drosera, Graph., Iod., Kreosot., Lach., Nux v., Podoph., Sabina, Secal. cor., Sepia, Stan., Sulph., Terebinthina. ■ — - after a leucorrhceal discharge. Li- lium. and pressure while standing. Rhus tox. small of back ; limbs feel heavy, torpid. Cimicifuga. — weight in the pelvis. Kreosot. as if menses would appear, with aching and pressure in hypogastrium. Apis. colic, with pain like a weight in small of back; leucorrhcea. Kali c. ■ — — contractive, from both sides of the abdomen. Conium. cutting. Asafcet. , drawing, like false labor- pains. Kali c. drawing and pressing towards the uterus, every morning. Puis. — — especially in women suffering from menstrual suppression. Drosera. extending down into the legs. Aloe. to the back. Kali ferro- cyan. in the genitals, worse when riding* in a carriage. Asafcet. loins and groins, worse when standing, with fulness and heaviness in the uterine region. Cimi- cifuga. ■ pelvis. Caulophyl., Cimicifuga, Plat. and sacrum ; burning in the thighs, with slimy, bloody discharge; great debility; cancer uteri. Carb. an. ABDOMEN IN GENERAL. 341 Pain in tlie — laborlike, in. pelvis and small of back, during climaxis. Plumb. ■ , towards the genitals. Sulpb. , with congestion of uterus. Nux v. worse while standing. Aloe, Sulph. from the sacrum. Sepia. uterine region, while standing. Rheum. or walking; backache, relieved by lying on something hard. Rhus tox. , irritable, or low-spirited, weeping, apprehensive. Lilium. , opposite and contradictory mental state. Lilium. over the symphysis. Sulph. periodical, severe, worse from move- ments, with weakness or paralysis of the legs. Hedeoma. — pressing, as if prolapsus would occur, Antim. crud., Copaiva, Natr. c, Pallad., Sepia, Ustilago. , worse when standing or walking, before and during menses. Conium. and the internal organs would issue from the vagina, hence the difficulty of standing. Calc. c. -, during stool. Podoph Natr. in. every morning; lias to sit, down to prevent it. -, frequently relieved by standing up or sitting erect, particularly felt in the morning, or on walking or sitting bent; tin' pains often come ami go suddenly. Bell. ■ in any position. Natr. m. 342 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. JPain in the — laborlike, pressing, as if prolapsus would occur, particularly during menses. Plat. , relieved by sitting, lying down, or pressing with the hand upon the vulva. Lilium. ■; she must lie down and cross her limbs to prevent it, with oppression of breathing. Sepia. with backache and pain through the hips and thighs; abdomen feels swollen. Nitr. acid. , towards the genitals. Kreosot. ~> early in the morning, in bed or during a walk, with sensation of con- traction in the abdomen. Nux v. sharp, severe, extending to back and hips. Gels. spasmodic. Nux m. — toward the sacrum, with ineffectual violent, followed by purulent, cor- , intermittent. Asafcet. — will bear no contact, not even her clothing; the uterine region feels swollen. Lach. with anorexia. Lilium. bloated feeling. Lilium. cold, clammy limbs. Lilinm. fainting in a close room when urging to stool. NllX V. rosive leucorrhcea. Ignat. standing;. Lilium. Char urine. Lilium. frequent desire to urinate. , scanty, burning sensation as if menses would tearing pains in the veins and frequent discharge of coagulated blood from the vagina. Cham. tenderness over the uterine region. Apis, Lach. appear; colic. Crocus. ABDOMEN IN GENERAL. 343 Pain in the — lahorlike, with backache and urgent desire to stool. Lilium. neuralgic. Verat. vir. periodical — setting in after meal. Nux V. pressing. Zinc. , and fulness — as if it would burst, worse from eating the least or from tight clothing. Caustic. , in the small of back, as from a stone, with disposition of the legs to go to sleep when sitting; ineffectual desire to stool. Puis. , as from a stone. Coccul., Pallad., Puis. ■ , j ust before menses. Puis. , towards the groins and anus. China. pressive — as if the intestines would be cut to pieces. Opi. pressure as if from something heavy in the left side, not affecting the breathing, but constantly felt while walking, sitting, or lying. Lycopod. running from the os ilii forward and downward. Bry. severe — in the lower part, worse from motion. Cimicifuga. sharp — bearing down in the uterus, with aching below it. Ferr. intermittent, across the lower bowels. Lilium. Gels. severe, extending to the back and hips. shooting, sharp. Kali bich. ; abdomen is tender to touch. Aeon. Asafcet. , and stomach. Argt. nitr. -, stitching, especially in the left Bide. -, with frequent emissions of large quan- tities of pale urine. Cham. spasmodic. (See Cramplike.) spasms — hysterical. Mosch., Sabina. sticking — wilh nausea, vomiting, and great weak- ness. Kali c. stitches and soreness. Bell. 344 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Pain in the — stitches, arresting breathing. Crocus sat. , extending to the right side of chest. Conium. spine. Kali bich. vagina. Ars. , left side. Sepia. , sometimes in the right, sometimes in the left flank, apparently connected with the ovaries. Colocynth. stitching — with pressure in the region of the last true rib, arresting the breathing, with stitches and pressure on the top of right shoulder. Ranuncul. bulb. tenderness ; can't bear any pressure, even in bed she is obliged to rise and loosen the nightdress ; she dares not lay the arms across the body. Lach. painful. Puis., Sepia. throbbing. Ignat., Iod. , and in pelvic cavity. iEscul. hipp. thrusting like a knife. Lach. violent and distressing, in the left iliac region when walking or riding; she must lie down to get relief. Thuja. in the vagina. Amm. c. , radiating thence to all parts of the body. Plumb. ivith extreme anxiety. Ars. rumbling in the transverse colon (followed by diarrhoea). Podoph. soreness — great — when being touched. Aeon., Bell., China, Ferr., Lach., Merc. viv. walking. Ferr. worse after eating. Lobelia. when lying on the back. Podoph. riding in a carriage. Asafcet., Thuja. Painfulness of the whole abdomen, long lasting, as if it were all sore and raw. Bell. Potbelliedness — irritable and faint from the least exertion. Sepia. Pressure of the external — making her feel very uncomfortable. Lach. Retraction of the abdominal muscles against the spine. Plumb. Mumbling in the. Amm. m., Hep. s., Lycopod., Muriat. acid, Puis. , after eating especially. Sepia. ABDOMEN IN GENERAL. 345 Humbling in the, and pain in transverse colon. Podoph. as if water were running out of a bottle. Aloe. audible. Carb. an., Phos. , particularly in the left hypochondrium. Ly- copod. Rolling over of something from left to right, when turning to lie on the right side, with inability to do so. Lach. Sensation in the — as if menses would appear. Crocus sat., Sulph. acid. painful — pass- ing off in the evening, but appearing again in the morning. Plat. as if the bowels would drop when walking. Merc. ■ of a lump in the left side of abdomen. Kux m. emptiness. Sepia. want of room in the abdomen, during pregnancy. Plumb. Spots — brown — on the abdomen. Sepia. yellow — on the abdomen. Phos. Swashing in the intestines as from water. Croton tig". Swelling of the. (See Distension.) Tenderness of the. (See Pain.) Throbbing in the. (See Pain.) Tingling in the — voluptuous — and pudendum. Plat. Torpor of the portal circulation. Asafcet., Podoph., Sepia. Tumors lit' tin — circumscribed, changing localities, caused by shift- ing flatus, but which may also answer for phantom tumors in hys- teria. Lycopod. Weal; feeling in the. Magri. m., Phos. as if diarrhoea would occur. Aloe from emptiness. Phos. it would drop. Staphis. , she has to keen ii up. Merc. ■ , sensation of — in the abdominal ring, as if a hernia would occur. Nux V. sinking feeling in (he- — with prolapsus. ( ale. phos., Phos. Weigh! in i he (see Fulness) — on rising in the morning. Sepia. 28 346 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. B. EPIGASTRIC REGION. (See Stomach.) C. HYPOCHONDRIAC REGION. Engorgement of the spleen. Chin, sulph. Oppression in the — with dry hawking cough. Nux v. Pain in the — both — with painfullness when touched. Ranuncul. bulb. and in lowest ribs in chest — bruised — in the even- ing. Ranuncul. bulb. bruised. Carb. veg. burning in the right. Terebinthina. crest ilium, either in one or both sides, worse from motion. Terebinthina. . cutting, pressing, violent — here and there. Bell. . drawing in the right — with distension of abdomen and stomach. Cauloph. ■ dull — at night. Kali bich. left — shooting from the navel to the pelvis. Pallad. with profuse, pale urine. Sanguin. pressive — left — from below upwards, with anxiety and nausea in chest. Rhus tox. pressure and tension in the left. Nitr. acid. stitches. Natr. m., Sepia. after dinner. Ranuncul. bulb. Rumbling in the left — especially. Lycopod. Sensitiveness of the — extremely great. Kali C. Tight clothing around the waist is unbearable. Bovista, Calc. C., Kreosot., Lach., Nux v. Tightness of the — sensation of — as if from her clothing, has to loosen them. China, Nux v. D. LIVER REGION. Distension in the. Laurocer., Natr. m., Nitr. acid. — , and aching after eating. Natr. m. spleen. Nux m. Pain in the. Chelidon. , aching, gnawii Ruta. ABDOMEN IN GENERAL. 347 JPain in the, and soreness. Lach. relieved by rubbing the part ; fulness. Pod o ph. burning. Kali c. , pressure and soreness as from a blow, worse from touch. Lycopod. tension. Nitr. acid, Sepia. » • , with heat. Aloe. ■ on breathing. Lycopod. , stitching. Ol. an. pricking. JEscul. hipp. sticking, especially when walking. Puis. - stitches, Carb. veg., Mosch., Sepia. and hardness. Magn. c. from the liver to the spine. Kali bich. when riding. Sepia. , worse in cold air. Kali c. and pressure — and at the top of right shoulder. Ranuncul. bulb. when eating to satiety. Lycopod. E. SPLEEN REGION. J?ahi in the — stitches. Psorinum. F. UMBILICAL REGION. Pain in the — aching. Verat. vir. as if a blunt Dlug were squeezed into the intestine. Anacard. and oilier parts, drawing to the vagina. ( laic, phos. — burning:. Aeon. colic, iEscul. hipp. , has to bend double, being worse in any other position; worse at intervals. Colocynth. constrictive — immediately after dinner, Colocynth. cutting — preceding a leucorrhceal discharge. Silic, Snlph. distress about. Ipec. lancina i 1 1 •_•■ , boring, (curing, aching, gnaw- ing — on one Bide, pressing to the lumbar region. Berber. 348 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Pain in the, pinching, Colocynth., Laurocer., Magn. c, Plat. cutting — worse towards evening. Puis. day and night, preceding a leucorrhceal discharge. Amm. m., Natr. c. preceding a stool. Amm. m. worse from eating fruit. Colocynth. retractive, the navel seems to adhere to the spine. shooting — extending to the pelvis, with swelling and induration of the right ovary. Pallad. spasmodic retraction of the navel, with colic and Plumb. Chelidon. Kali nitr. tearing, with flatulence. Natr. S. with choking sensation around the umbilicus. nausea. Phytol. writhing. Natr. c. G. HYPOGASTRIC AND PELVIC REGION. (Compare A. Abdomen in General ; Uterus.) Fulness and heat in the. Apis. heaviness in the. Gels., Hyperic. with laborlike pain in the groins and loins, worse when standing. Aloe. tension in the — with sensation of congestion of the uterus. Cauloph. Heaviness, weight in the. (See Pain.) Pain in the. Cepa, Cimicifuga, Leptand. , aching, burning — sore sensation. Conium. , over the pubes and in the knees. Lilium. , as if swollen. Lach. too full (in the pelvis). Bell. , bearing down, (See Laborlike Pain, under Abdomen in General.) , bviliseciy sore — cannot walk erect on account of it. Arnica. , aching — across the — from ilium to ilium. Mel cum sale. ABDOMEN IN GENERAL. 349 Pain in the, bruised, with shooting or drawing. Aurum. , burning. Bell., Canth., Conium. and pressing. Nux v. , on both sides of uterus, bladder, vagina, burning like fire up into the chest Calc. phos. , throbbing, lancinating. Ars. ■ — ■ — , violent — and in the whole pelvis, as from red-hot coals, with a discharge of clotted blood of foul smell from the vagina. Kreosot. , clutching, clawing — parts sensitive; cannot bear the least jar. Bell. , colic — severe — and every few minutes; has to sit down to get relief. Collinson. ■ sharp, cutting, affecting the bladder, ure- thra, perinseum, anus, preventing her to. walk or to walk erect, speedily disappearing during rest, while sitting or lying. NllX V. , contractive. Cact. gr. , and around the pelvis, extending grad- ually towards the stomach, causing a sensation as of a great blow in the region of the kidneys or in the veins, making her cry out. Cact. gr. , cutting — across the — from right to left. Lycopod. — ■ dragging, around the loins, making her feel faint. Puis. low down in the abdomen ; a forcing down into the pelvis; violent. Puis. , distress and weakness, with uterine displacement; worse after a stool or micturition. Calc. phos. , dragging — and around the pelvis. Ignat. , drawing from right to left over the pubes, with discharge of some blood, followed by earache, first left, then right. Calc. phos. , dull, heavy — in the right especially. Kali bich. , pressing, wedgelike — from the right ovary to the uterus. Iod. , laboi'lih'c. 'See Abdomen in General.) , low down, as if from incarcerated flatus, with pain in the small of back, in the i 'ning. Nux v. , oppression and heaviness. Babina. , pelvii — crampy, stitching. Nux v. 350 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Pain hi the pelvis, deep, sore — with dragging in the loins. Merc , pinching — especially in the pubic region. Psorin. — , pressive — and in the genitals, as if menses would appear. Calc. phos., Muriat. acid. , throbbing, stinging. > of to o' tickling, sore, aching, with drawing upwards in the symphysis and downward in the thighs. Calc. phos. constrictive — like a stone, in the lower abdomen, extending down to the bladder. Puis. , pressure. Bell., Plat. over mons veneris. Calc. phos. ■ , pulling downward above the genitals, with pulling pain in both thighs, as if the muscles and tendons were too short. Merc. viv. , sensation as if she was falling to pieces, also in the back; wants to be held up. Lilium. the menses would appear. Plat. , sensitiveness and continual pressure in the region of mons veneris and genital organs ; body, except the face, feels cold. Plat. , shooting across the — laterally. Cimicifuga. , soreness across the pubes. Xux v. and heaviness. Ilelon. , stinging. Apis. — -, stitches — transient — parts sensitive; cannot bear the least jar. Bell. in right side of mons veneris. Cannab. sat. , stitching — arresting the breathing. Canth. ■ , tearing — across the pubes, and then through the pudenda as far as the anus. Carb. an. — , tenderness. Kali ferrocyan., Lilium. ; cannot bear the weight of her clothes. Lach. -, great, on pressure. Cimicifug'a. , with bearing down pain. Apis. tensive. Lycopod. throbbing. JEscul. hipp. back. Till ABDOMEN IN GENERAL. 351 JPain in the, thrusting, drawing, especially in the inguinal re- gion, preceding a leucorrhceal discharge. Coccus cacti. , twisting in pelvis. Tarantula. , uneasiness. Bell. — , uterine — running downward. iEscul. hipp., Ipec, Nux v. from the abdomen to the back to the groins front backward groins outward os iliac forward uterus to the neck of bladder and abdomen. Nux v. upward towards the umbili- cus, loins, stomach, chest. Lach., Lycopod., Phos., Sepia. and pubes. Sabina. and upward, cutting Gel; and backward. Sepia. ai (1 downward. Bi VI olent — burning sensation deep in the pelvis, with constant whining and moaning. Ivreosot. pinching — with heaving down toward the genitals. Canth. -, weight. Bell. (with pain in loins and groins). Aloe. , alter lifting heavy loads (prolapsus), witii ischuria and constipation ; worse during menses. Aurum. and pressure above the pubes in almost ;inv position, in dwarfish women. Baryt. c. ; every motion is painful; Worse when exercising or standing; better when lying on the left side. Pallad. Swelling of the — sensation of — will bear no contact, not even the clothing. Lach. and pelvic region, aching appar- ently around the, bn! not in the Uterus. Liliuni. Turning in pelvis. Tarantula. Weakness and distress in the— and uterine displacement \ worse by :i pa age of stool or urine. Calc. phos. Weight in the. (See 1'ain.J 352 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. H. GROINS AND OVARIAN REGION. (See Ovaries.) Heaviness, pressure in the left— or above it. Eupat. purp. , weight in the — sensation of. Apis. Lumps — knotty — above the right groin ; even a bandage hurts. Psorium. in both groins, hard and painful. Puis. Numbness, worse in the groin. Eupat. purp. Pain, in the — aching. Conium, Podoph. , violent. Kali nitr. and loins, with weight in the uterine region. Aloe. boring, intense — causing her to draw up double, with great restlessness. Colocynth. burning and cutting — with uterine cramps. Natr. m. tenderness. Conium, Canth. Lilium. vice. Colocynth. from groin to groin, with morning stool. cramplike, as though the parts were squeezed in a down into the inner side of the thigh. Phos. dragging. Podoph. (from the hip to the groins, as if every- thing would be pressed out). Oxalis. laborlike. Magn. m. , and loins, with fulness and heaviness in the uterine region ; worse while standing. Aloe. , pinching. Canth. left, Bovista. , stinging, with voluptuous itching in vagina and feeling of fulness in the parts. Lilium. ' , stitching — when drawing in the abdomen or pressing upon it. Ambr. gr. like from spraining, preventing her to walk erect, A mm. m., Arnica. pressing — and anus. China. succeeding a pinching in the abdomen, attended by a pressure in the pudendum, and increased discharge of blood. Plat. ABDOMEN IN GENERAL. 353 Pain in the — pulsating — extending down the thighs ; returns periodically at the same time each day. Cact. gr. pushing. Capsic. right, Natr. m., Podoph. , as from a sore spot, causing irritation and dragging pain, extending down to the thighs, when at rest; aggra- vated by touch. Bry. groin — into the left hip. Calc. phos. , of long standing, extending to the genital organs, or upwards to the liver or chest. Lach. , stitching, pressing. Ars. , throbbing — come and go sud- denly. Bell. running outward and backward. Sepia. to the back. Sulph. sharp. Lilium. , lancinating — extending: down into the thighs; worse on the right side; numbness in the sides and limbs. Apis. shooting — with desire to press upon the parts. Curare. tenderness. Bry. sticking. Capsic. stitches. Carb. an. , arresting breathing. Canth. j n £] ie g ro j n8< Arundo an. stitching and drawing — extending into the thigh, which feels numb and lame; worse from motion, bending, or sitting bent. Ars. tenderness — after menses has been checked by :i bath. Antim. crud. worse from being touched. An- tim. crud. — , with or followed by shooting pains. Bry. thrusting, drawing — vesical and pubic region, pre- ceding a leucorrhoeal discharge. ( !occus cacti. — with bloatedness of both. Kali c. Uing of the glands. Calc. c, Nitr. acid. with circumscribed redness. Merc. sol. of the ovarian region. Brom. 354 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Tilinovs (see Lumps) in the right iliac fossa, size of an orange, also a similar one in the left; both hard, round, slightly movable; not painful to pressure, nor producing inconvenience from weight. Graph. Stool. (See Rectum and Anus.) Desire to — after a pappy offensive stool. Lach. each meal. Aloe. and urging, with prolapsus of the rectum. Ruta. anxious. Nux V. as if a diarrhoea would set in. Dulc, Nux m. : , but does not. Puis. constant. Aloe. but unsuccessful. Nux v., Puis., Anacard., Carb. an., Caustic., Conium, Lach., Lycopod., Merc., Nitr. acid, Stan., Sulph. ■ after the usual evacuation. Nux v. frequent. Phos. acid. ■ sudden. Aloe. During — pain in the back. (See Rectum and Anus.) Carb. an. ■ ■ great — lasting long after stool ; very exhausting; profuse discharge of blood. Kitr. acid. : rectum, as if it were torn asunder. Nitr. acid. sensation of contraction in rectum ; blood and freces. Nux v. shuddering. Bell. violent pain; she has to desist, and cannot pass the stool ; pain in anus worse during motion. Thuja. After — (see Rectum and Anus) and after micturition, feeling of great weakness in the sexual organs. Calc. phos. burning in the anus. Caustic, Kali bich., Natr. s. ■ contractive pain for many hours in the perinaeum. Ly- copod. great weakness. Podoph. long-lasting pain, very exhausting; profuse discharge of blood. Kitr. acid. stool. 355 After palpitation of heart, oppressive anxiety ; burning in anus. Caustic. pain in abdomen and back ; chilliness. Puis. sensation as if something remained behind ; with sensa- tion of constriction in rectum. Nux V. tremulous weakness. Conium. A. CONSTIPATION. Constipation. Aletr. f, Alum., Ambr. gr., Aram, c, Amm. m., Antim. crud., Ars., Aurum, Bry., Curb, veg., Caustic, Chelidon., Graph., Hydrast., Hyperic, Kreosot., Lac can., L. V. Donor., Magn. c, Magn. m., Merc, viv., Natr. m., Niccol., Nitr. acid, Nux v., Phos., Phytcl., Plat., Plumb., Podoph., Prunus spi., Psorinum, Puis., Sepia, Silic, Sulph., Thuja, Zinc. ■ and diarrhoea alternately. Antim. crud., Coff., lod., Lach., Natr. m., Nux v., Podoph., Sulph. as from want of. action of the bowels ; no desire for stool. Bry., Hydrast., Verat. alb. causing touring in the anus and pains as if sore. Natr. m. chronic. Bry., Conium, Kali bich., Lach., Nux V., Opi., Phytol., Plumb., Puis., Psorinum, Sarsaparilla. , from inertia anol dryness of the rectum. Alum. with haemorrhoids. Caustic, Collinson. every other day. Kali c. frequent urging to stool ; stools small. Nux v. great — before and during menses. Silic. , ineffectual urging to stool. Anacard., Caustic, Conium, Hep. s., Lach., Lycopod., Magn. s., Nitr. acid, Stan., Snl] h. , only offensive flatus passes away. ( larb. an. , vertigo when lying doM n. < ionium. ; with Bensa- lion as if the aims was contracted. Natr. m., Nux v. worse at night. Merc. viv. 356 GENERAL C0NC0MIT ANTS. Constipation, painful. Nitr. acid. , the stool conies to the verge of the anus, and then slips back again. Silic. while travelling. Plat. with ascarides. Magn. c. coldness of the body. Bufo. pain from the back through to the pubis. Sabina. constant, but ineffectual desire. Nux V. ■ sensation, as if much remained in the rec- tum after stool. Graph., Nux V. of excoriation in the rectum. Alum. when straining, as if the contents of abdomen would issue from rectum and vagina. Kali c. shuddering during stool. Bell. ■ sticking in the anus. Graph. tenesmus. Alum. violent griping. Opi. pain and pressure in the stomach, after eating the most simple things; like bread, broth, milk, etc. Mezer. want of appetite. Opi. Stools— character of— and when occurring: after a meal — soon. Aloe. Halls — large — connected with each other by strings of yellow- ish or white mucus. Graph. little. Nux v., Opi. (discharge only by means of a clyster). Bloody. Merc, viv., Natr. m., Nitr. acid, Nux v. bright red, with faeces, sensation of contraction in rec- tum during stool. Nux V. with heat in the rectum. Phytol. menses. Amm. c, Amm. m. solid excrement. Antim. crud. Blood-streaked. Natr. s. CI ay -colored. Hep. s. Crumbling when escaping. Amm. m., Magn. m., Merc, viv., Natr. m. , large and difficult. Magn. m. Dark. Iod., Nux v., Opi., Sulph. stool. 357 Difficult and slow, iEscul. hipp., Aram, a, Carb. an., Kali hydr., Magn. m., Natr. m., Nitr. acid, Nux m., Nux v., Ol. an., Plumb., Puis., Prunus spi., Ruta, Silic, Sulph., Zinc. even Avhen natural. Alum., Ol. an. Dry. Hep. s., Kreosot., Natr. m., Nitr. acid, Phos., Zinc. as if burnt. Bry. Frequent, several a day, but natural ; very weakening. Podoph. Glutinous. Plat. Hard. iEscul. hipp., Alum., Amra. m., Berber., Bry., Carb. an., Carb. veg., Conium, Hep. s., Iod., Kali hydr., Kreosot., Laurocer., Lycopod., Magn. c, Magn. m., Natr. m., Natr. s., Nitr. acid, Nux V., Opi., Pallad., Phos., Prunus spi., Puis., Sulph., Zinc. lumps and soft alternately. Magn. s., Natr. m., Nux V. at first, afterwards they are soft. Lycopod. watery. Bovista. in a liquid stool. Antim. crud., Conium. involuntary, they fall out unnoticed. Aloe. preceded by colic. Ranuncul. bulb. with burning at the anus. Castor. Involuntary. Aloe, Laurocer. Irregular. Nitr. acid. Knotty. iEscul. hipp., Carb. an., Graph., Iod., Kali bich., Magn. m. , lumpy, with threads of mucus, or as if being smeared over willi tallow. Graph. Large. iEscul. hipp., Bry., Conium, Graph., Magn. m., Nux v., Puis. , with or without frequent desire to stool. Nux V. Like sheepdung. Chelidon, Kali nitr., Lach., Magn. m., Natr. in., Plumb., Sepia. Long, slender, hard, dry, evacuated with great difficulty. Phos. < >ffensiv< — excessively. Lach. Pair. Hydrast. Pieces. Plat. Scanty. Alum., Amm. m., Berber., ( larb. an., < larb. veg., Hep. s., Hydrast., Kali bich., Nitr. acid, Nux v., Plat., Zinc. black. Plumb. like pebbles. Nus v. with sensatioa a- if much remained undischarged. Ly- copod. 358 GENERAL C0-NC0MIT ANTS. Soft and difficult. Nux m. , adhering like clay to the rectum and anus. Plat. slow to expel. Hep. S., Sepia. Tenacious. Plat. Tough. Carb. veg. Undigested. Calc. C. White, -ffiscul. hipp. like chalk. Pallad. B. DIAERHCEA. Diarrhoea. Alum., Antim. crud., Arnica, Aurum, Bell., Bo- vista, Carb. veg., Colchic, Colocynth., Croton tig., Ferr., Granat., Ipec, Kali hydr., Kali nitr., Ledum, Lycopod., Magn. c, Merc, cor., Merc, viv., Muriat. acid, Natr. s., Nux v., Petrol., Plat., Phos., Phcs. acid, Puis., Rhus tox., Sabadilla, Sabina, Sanguin., Secal. cor., Sepia, Verat. alb. after breakfast — daily. Thuja. dinner. Nux V. drinking milk. Niccol., Sepia. eating. Ars., Cina, Colocynth., Ferr. - fat food. Puis. — fruit. China. ■ and milk together. Podoph. — or drinking immediately. Croton tig., Podoph. ill-treatment. Colocynth. taking cold, during hot weather especially green. Dulc. very exciting news. Gels, vexation. Colocynth. and constipation alternately. (See Constipation.) at night. Chelidon, Dulc. green, bilious, with movements in the in- testines before every stool. Puis. , mucous stool. Puis. , with burning in the rectum. Aurum. thirst for cold water. Antim. crud. before, during, or after menses. (See Part I.) 359 Diarrhoea , chronic. Calc. c, Phos., Sulph., Terebinthina, Trill. , after parturitions. Collinson. , worse in the morning. Podoph. •, debilitating — very. Phos. -, with cutting pain. Podoph. dysenteric. Canth., Nux v. followed by burning and pulsating in the rectum. 00. Al ■ sensation as if something remained be- hind. Nux V. throbbing as with little hammers in the anus. Lach. from grief. Colocynth., Gels. imagination. Colocynth. indigestion. Colocynth. weakness. Nux m. ill damp weather. Dulc. daytime only. Coccul., Petrol. scrofulous persons. Carb. veg. — the morning. Lilium (sudden call for), Podoph., Puis., Sulph. about 4 A.M., with yellow, undigested faeces, mixed with mucus, and very offensive. Podoph. early, preceded by colic. Nux v. , which continues through the forenoon, followed by a natural stool in the evening. Podoph. , driving her out of bed; painless. Sulph. AJoe. at 6 a.m. -, with pain and heat in anus. Podoph. — urging pains. Bovista. , inclination to. Nitr. acid, Puis. preceded by cramps and rumbling in the abdomen. Al, < • i i 1 1 i 1 1 <_c in the abdomen. Niccol., Pso- pains in the groins and hypogastrium. \:ilr. B. rumbling and cutting In the abdomen, followed by tenesmus. Millefol. 360 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Diarrhoea, preceded by rumbling and griping in the abdo- men. Magn. s. , stools coming out like a shot. Croton tig. , when passing urine. Aloe. with cold extremities. Ars. — great distension of abdomen. Magn. C. emission of much flatus. Aloe, Argt. nitr., Calc. phos.j Ferr., Kiccol., Nux m. — ; painless. China. diseharge at every motion, as if the anus were constantly open. Apis. gagging. Podoph. likewise appearance of piles. Collinson. nausea. Prunus spi. pain. Plumb. and profuse haemorrhage ; pains pro- tracted and exhausting. Kitr. acid. soreness in the lumbar region. Ea- ryt. c. burning. Apis, Ars., Canth. and protrusion of anus. Merc. sol. anus : violent. Muriat. acid. smarting; in rectum and Colocynth. tation. Cham. tenesmus. Ars. in stomach and rectum. Hep. s. colic, after taking the least nourishment. - and tenesmus. Collinson. -, severe and continual. Mezer. -, thirst, bitter taste, and bitter eruc- Cvclam. , drawing and aching, around the anus. ■ during and after stool, violent, as though the anus was fissured. Xitr. acid. extending from the back through to the pubes. Sabina. heat and pain in anus in the morning. in the small of back. Kali hydr. Podoph. STOOL. 361 Diarrhoea, preceded by tearing down the legs. Rhus tox. palpitation of heart. Tart. emet. prolapsus ani at every stool. Podoph. shuddering during stool. Bell. sudden urging. Podoph., Sulph. (in the morn- ing early). tenesmus. Alum., Ars., Collirison., Hep. s., Merc, cor., Nux v., Rhus tox. two pasty offensive stools in the afternoon, fol- lowed by burning in anus. Bry. weakness and fainting; three stools a day. Borax. ■ prostration. Ars., Borax, Ferr., Podoph., Sepia, Terebinthina. ; cramps. Podoph. ; painful. Cupr. m., Secal. cor., Sepia. worse after drinking. Crot. tig., Ferr., Podoph. milk, especially boiled milk. Sep eating. Colocynth., Ferr. walking or standing. Aloe. from vinegar. Aloe. in hot weather. Podoph. damp weather. Aloe. the morning. Podoph., Sulph. night. Merc, Podoph., Rhus tox. Stools— character of— and when occurring: Acrid. Ars. fflatfk. Ars., Brom., Collinson., Cupr. m., Leptandria. Bloodt/. Ipec, Kali nitr., Muriat. acid, Nitr. acid. , bright red. Merc. viv. before, during, and after menses. (Sec Part I.) , like pitch. Nux v. scrapings from the intestines. Cantll. , mingled with stringy substances. Colchic. , mucous. Cast., Dros., Kali bich., Ledum, Magn. m., Merc, cor., Petrol., Rhus tox., Trill. , thin. Nux v. tinged. Natr. c, Natr. m., Rhus tox. Brown, Aeon. 24 362 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Brawn, frothy water. Kali bich. , like yeast. Arnica. , mucous, thin. Nux v. Chalklike. Podoph. Changeable. Podoph., Sulph. Claylike. Calc. c, Hep. s., Podoph. Dark. JEscul. hipp., Asafoet., Cina, Graph., Kali bich., Nux v., Podoph., Psorium. Fecal. Agaric, m., Aloe, Alum., Amm. m., Apis, Bapt., Borax, Brom., Calc. c, Carb. veg., Caustic, Cina, Coff., Cubeb., Gels.. Hep. s., Iod., Leptand., Lycopod., Mezer., Muriat. acid., Natr. c, Xiccol., Nux v., Phos. acid, Plumb., Podoph., Sulph., Tart. emet. , mixed with yellow, whitish, and cheesy masses. Phos. Fermented. Ipec, Sabadilla. Frothy. Iod., Kali bich. Gray. Aloe, Kali c, Phos., Phos. acid. Green. Dulc, Merc, sol., Podoph., Puis. , dirty. Croton tig. , frothy. Magn. C. , like spinat flakes. Argt. nitr. grass. Ipec. — , mucous. Ipec, Laurocer., Merc, sol., Phos., Puis., Sepia. — , excoriating ; worse in the evening. Sulph. — , mixed with feces. Cham. • olive. Sabina. ■ scum, like that of frog pond. Magn. c. -, smelling sour, putrid. Sepia. -, watery. Cham., Dulc, Magn. c, Yerat. alb. , very offensive. Ars. , with hot head, cold feet, profuse urine. Bell. painful vomiting. Cupr. ac. Greenish. Cina. , mucous, fetid, with emission of noisy flatus. Argt. nitr. Half-digested. Graph. Sot. Aloe, Podoph. Intermittent. Arnbr. gr. Involuntary. Bell., China, Fcrr., Laurocer., Phos. acid, Sulph. , and of urine. Hyos. , as soon as anything entered the rectum. Phos. , burning, offensive. Ars. stool. 368 Involuntary, when asleep. Arnica. in bed. Eyos. passing flatus. Aloe. urine. Aloe. JfellyliJze. Colonic, Kali bich., Sepia. Large. Cupr. rn., Leptand., Podoph., Prunus spi., Tart, emet. Light. Mszvl. hipp., Aloe, Borax, Calc. c, Carb. veg., Hep. S., Kali c. Mucous. Antim. cruel., Borax, Chelidon., Cina, Collinson., Ferr., Graph., Ignat., Ipec., Iod., Natr. m., Xiccol., Nux v., Podoph., Psorium, Puis., Sulph. , thin, and bloody. Nux v. brownish. Nux V. , with sensation as if the anus remained open. Phos. Offensive — very. Argt. nitr., Ars., Asafcet., Bry., Cham., Crot. tig"., Graph., Lach., Leptand., Plumb., Podoph. , sour. Sepia. , odor like carrion. Podoph. Painless. China, Ferr., Podoph. Profuse. (See Large.) Shreddy particles, white — in large quantities. Canth., Colonic. Slimy. Argt, nitr., Borax, Carb. veg., Cina, Ferr. iod., Petrol. Small. Graph., Kali c, Lycopod., Nux v. Soft, pasty. JEscul. hipp., Aloe, Borax, Bry., Coccul., Crot. tig., Cvclam., Graph., Hep. s., Kali c, Lach., Magn. s., Niccol. , in pieces. Guaiacum. , involuntary, while passing wind or urine. Aloe. , mushlike. Aloe, Kalmia. Thin. JSscul. bipp., Aram, m., Baryt. c, Carb. veg., Chelidon., Ferr., Kali nitr., Nux v., Podoph., Puis., Sabina, Sanguin., Thuja. , at first, followed by a hard portion. Sabina. , containing portions of solid matter. Antim. crud., Conium. , n't gushes, especially in the morning. Phos. , passing out like a shot. Crot. tig. Undigested. Aloe, Calc. c, China, Conium, Ferr., Sanguin., Sulph. Watery. Aeon., Castor, Colchic, Conium, Iod., Iris ver., Kali bich., Kali nitr., Muriat. arid, Podoph., Tart, emet., Verat. alh. and mucous, at first, then bilious, and lastly bloody. Colocynth. , green. Cham., Dulc, Magn. o. 364 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Water tj, whitish. Calc. c, Phos. acid. , with little grains like tallow in it. Phos. lumps of mucus. Phos. , yellow. China, Croton tig., Dulc., Hyos., Plumb. White, .ffiscul. hipp., Canth., Graph., Phos., Sulph. -, like scraping of intestines. Canth. , slimy. Ferr. iod. "Whitish. Calc. c, Caustic, Iod. gray. Phos., Phos. acid. Yellow. Asafcet, Coccul., Dulc. , bright. Aloe, Borax. , mucous, expelled with great force, and much flatulency. Xiccol. pasty. Chelidon. , undigested. Podoph. , watery. China, Croton tig-., Dulc., Hyos., Plumb. Yellowish-gray. Calc. c. Rectum; Anns; Perinseum. (See Stool.) A. EECTUM. (Compare Anus.) Bloody discharge from the. Lach. Constriction of the. Ignat., Lach., Laurocer., Lycopod. ^ an( j anuSj fulness, aching, pinching, itch- ing. .ZEscul. hi PP- ■ (not of the anus); after a stool it seemed as if some remained behind and could not be evacuated. Nux V. • , that it frequently protrudes during a hard stool. Lycopod. ■, sensation of. Cact. gr. , as though one side had grown up. Rhus tox. Creeping in the. Hep. s. Desire for stool. (See Stool, Tenesmus, Urging.) Dr\j 9 uncomfortable feeling in the — as if filled with small sticks. iEscul. hipp. RECTUM — ANUS PERINEUM. 365 Dryness and heat of the — excessive. JEscul. hipp. Furuncles at the verge of the. Petrol Heaviness in the. (See Pressure.) Hceinorrhage from the. Collinson., Erigeron, Phos., Sabina, Terebinthina (in typhoid). , and pain, worse when the stools are loose. Ignat. — , chronic. Sulph. , during stool. Puis. Hcemorrhoids* Graph., Hep. s., Hydrast., Kali c, Podoph., Sepia, Sulph. appear while suffering from diarrhoea. Collin- son. , bleeding and painful; rawness of an us ; portal congestion. Ham. ; blood black, venous. Sepia, Sulph. but little, with bruised feeling. .52s- , old tumors, secreting much slime. — or not, always with constipation. Collinson. , with pain from the back through to the pubes ; blond bright red or dark venous. Sabina. , blind. Nux v., Podoph., Puis., Sulph. cul. hipp. Nitr. acid. protrude and are very painful. Puis. , blue, purple, not bleeding, protruding, with sharp, shooting pains running up into the sacrum. JEscul. hipp. -ore to the least touch. Muriat. acid. , burning. Carb. veg., Graph. , swollen, worse when walking. Carb. discharging a watery fluid all the time. ( !alc. phos. , painful, chronic, around the anus. Podoph. Puis. , much worse on walking. Caustic. - prickling in the rectum. Nitr. acid. -, rawness. Petrol. 360 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS llauiorihoids, stitches in the. Ignat. , every time she coughs or sneezes. Lach. pod., Puis., Sepia. -, suppression of. Sulph. -; the tumors prolapse. iEscul. hipp., Lyco- Kali c. Id water. Aloe. during micturition, in bunches; relieved by with every stool, and have to be replaced; they are sore as if excoriated. Ignat. -, with constriction of the sphincter. Lach. , with constipation. Caustic, Collinson. great agitation, ill-humor, and weakness. Curare lancinating pains all night. Sulph. painfullness of the anus to the touch. Lycopod. rolapsus of rectum after motion, sneezing, or mental excitement. Podoph. ■ rather loose or frequent stools, pale or dark. l.h: tiScui. nin PP. shocks in the loins; contractive pains pre- venting her from rising up. Nux v. • , worse during menses. Amm. c. from cold water; the pain increases. Brom. Inactivity of the. Muriat. acid. . much straining, even with a soft stool. Alum. Irritation of the — and bladder. Erigeron, Leptand. Lump, plug in the — sensation of — not relieved from evacuation. Sepia. (Kali bich. in anus.) MUCOUS discharge from the. China, Kali hydr., Sepia. , increased — withsoreness. iEscul. hipp. Pain in the — (see Haemorrhoids) as from blind piles, with con- traction and soreness. Ignat. beating, hammering. Lach. RECTUM — ANUS — PERINEUM. 367 JPaifl in the — burning. Alum., Calc, a, Nitr. acid, Sepia. , as if boiling lead was passing through it. huja. , and heat. Aloe. , during stool. Conium. Natr, in the stomach, with diarrhoea. Hep. s. itching — after stool — and in anus. pulsation, after stool. Aloe, smarting — and anus, during and after stool. Natr. m. with diarrhoea. Muriat. acid. stinging — and anus. Carb. an., Carb. reg. Petrol. extending to the genitals. Sepia. itching, pinching, violent. .ZEscul. hipp., Calc. c, Granat., Nitr. acid., Ratanhia. pressing, cramplike, as from an angular body pressed in toward right side. Prunus spi. pressing downwards towards the genitals, as dur- ing menstruation. Plat. sharp — with pressure, after stool. Ignat. ■ , after a meal, especially after mental exertion. Nux v. soreness. Amm. m. , without reference to stool. Ignat. , with increased secretion of mucus. iEscul. hipp. spasmodic — and bladder. Erigeron. sticking — spasmodic constriction in anus, during a stool, lasting many hours. Nitr. acid. stitches — dull. Puis. sharp — coming from the anus. Ignat. when laughing or sneezing. Lach. tearing — and urethra, between the acts of mictu- rition. Ruta. stinging. Sepia, Paralysis. Sccal. cor. Pressure in, the. Kali nitr., Lyeopod. :U i,l heaviness. Aloe. 368 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Pressure in the and weight, with uterine irritation and itch- ing ; sensation as if sticks, sand, or gravel were lodged in it. Col- linson. , as from a lump (retroversion), not relieved by stool. Sepia. , from retroversion of uterus; can neither stand nor walk. Ferr. iod. , with almost constant desire to go to stool. Lilium. Prolapsus of the. Elaps., Lach., Merc, Mezer., Nitr. acid, Sepia. , after delivery, or with frequent urging to stool ; stools hard or soft. Ruta. , during a hard stool. Lycopod. , from only a moderate pressure at stool. Ignat. ■ , sensation of. 2Escul. hipp. , with contracting pains in the rectum, run- ning along the perinseum, with exudation of fluid. Sepia. urgency to stool, in the evening; felt mostly in the middle of abdomen, but no stool follows, only the rec- tum protrudes. Ignat. out stool. Ruta. and anus. Nitr. acid. -, while urinating. Muriat. acid. -, with frecpuent urging to stool, with or with- much pain and smarting in rectum prolapsus uteri, especially after de- livery. Podoph. Pulsation in the, Lach., Natr. m. f a ft er a stool, lasting the whole day. Sulph. Tenesmus. Alum., Ferr. iod., Granatum, Hyperic. after stool. Canth., Magn. s., Millefol., Sulph. -, even unto fainting. Coccul. , for an hour. Sulph. : , with chilliness. Canth. and itching. JEscul. hipp. , burning. Coif. getting worse all the time; nothing passed but mucus tinged with blood. Merc. COr. EECTUM ANUS PERINEUM. 869 Tenesmus, with constant ineffectual urging to stool. Merc. sol. ■ violent pain in the anus; can neither stand, sit, or lie down. xEscul. hipp. worse at night, with ineffectual pressing to stool. Merc. viv. Weight in the. (See Pressure.) B. ANUS. (Compare Rectum.) Condylomata. Nitr. acid, Thuja. — ■ , with intolerable itching and burning in them ; broad. Sabina. Constriction of the — painful. Lycopod. , returning every evening at about the same hour; worse when walking. Ignat. -r after a stool. Ignat., Lach., Se- pia, Sulph. : painless — a kind of shrinking, lasting many days. Ignat. sensation of — with constipation. Natr. m. — violent — and in the rectum, followed by tearing pains as if in the bowels. Thuja'. Crawling and itching at the. Calc. c, China, Crocus sat. Excoriation of the. Baryt. c, Sulph. — caused by the stool. Ars. witli scurfs. Petrol. Exudation from the — and perina;um, of a sticky, inodorous humor. Carb. an. acrid, fluid. Sulph. moist. Sepia. Fissure and rhagades. (See Pain.) Caustic., Graph., II ep. s., Mercur., Mezer., Muriat. acid, Natr. m., Paeonia, Nux v., Petrol., Silic, Sulph. during climaxis. Lach., Sepia. ; the anus studded with little cracks. Graph. when in connection with haemorrhoids. Ignat. : syphilis. Merc. Nitr. acid. 370 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Fissure and rhagades, with herpes around the anus and peri- nseum. Petrol. ■ -tendency to dry up; little discharge, but pain and bleeding when exercising. Caustic. Fistula in ano. Calc. phos., Silic. Herpes around the — and perinseum. Natr. m., Petrol. Itching at the. Calc. c, Carb. veg., Graph., Kali c, Muriat. acid, Petrol., Phos. an( j burning. JSscul. hipp. after stool. Bovista, Natr. m., Natr. s., Niccol. not relieved by scratching. Muriat. acid, stinging, burning. Ambr. gr., Carb. veg. Open — wide. Secal. cor. Fain at the— after stool — which is not even very hard — lanci- nations from the anus to the rectum, so violent as almost to cause syncope, afterwards still and prostrate. Sulph. burning. Caustic, Iris ver., Kali bich., Magn. m., Magn. s., Natr. m., Natr. s., Prunus spi. ■ — , itching. Bovista, Natr. s., Niccol. like that precedes blind piles or lan- cinations. Ignat. at first effort to stool, has to desist. Sulph. during stool ; burning. Canth. hurtling. Mscvl. hipp., Berber., Zinc. , itching. iEscill. hipp., Carb. veg. with tenesmus. Coff. pricking — violent. Thuja. smarting — and rectum — during and after stool. Natr. m. as from excoriation, during; and after stool. Masm. m. veg., Petrol. in vagina. Berber -, stinging — and rectum. Carbo an., Carb. - violent — and soreness, with smarting pain - with hard stool. Castor. palpitation of heart, oppression, mxiety. Caustic. cutting — before and after stool. Sulph. URINARY ORGANS. 871 Pain at the — drawing. Xitr. acid. from pressing upon the umbilicus. Crot. tig 1 . in a lying or sitting position. Sulph. ■ preventing sitting down. Sulph. ■ soreness — feeling of. Iris ver., Sepia. from piles or fissures, with excessive tenderness to touch. Muriat. acid. swelling. Sulph. when walking. Natr. m. wiping it. Graph. stinging. Phos. stitches between the stools. Conium. long, dull, from time to time. Crocus sat. stitching. Sulph. violent — aching. Sepia. can neither stand, sit, nor lie down ; with lameness. iEscul. hipp. writhing or cringing — intolerable — affecting the whole nervous system. Crocus sat. Pimples — ulcerated — about the. Kali c. Pressure — outward — at the — and pain, when pressing upon the umbilicus. Crot. tig. from the — toward the vulva and groins; painful. China, Rhagades. (See Fissures.) Sensation, as if drops of cold w r ater were falling from the anus. Canal), sat. of plug in the. Kali bich. (Sepia in rectum.) throbbing or beating, as from little hammers in the. Lach. Sensitiveness of tin — to slightest touch; with haemorrhoids or fissures. Muriat. acid. Tetter. (See Herpes.) Tingling in the. China. Urinary Organs. A. BLADDER, madder. Bleeding. Phos. Constriction — sensation of. Cact. gr. 372 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Distension — but no power to expel the urine, and a catheter has to be used. Opi. Dragging in the — and uterus. Copaiva. Irritation of the. Cact. gr. P«JW in the — aching distress, with inclination to urinate every half hour. Euphra. burning Berber. neck of the bladder — while urinating. Nux v. , violent, cutting in the neck of. Canth, with desire to urinate. Canth. with desire to pass urine. Sepia. catting — in left side, extending into the urethra, coming from the left kidney, along the course of the ureter. Berber. 1 — pressure upon the — without desire to urinate. Puis. drawing, sticking — in one or the other side, extend- ing down in the urethra, often arising in the lumbar region, and ex- tending along the ureters. Berber. spasmodic — irritability of bladder and rectum. Erigeron, Leptand. spasms — worse at night. Prunus spi. stickino- — violent — extending: from the kidneys. Canth., Prunus spi., Puis. Apocyn. can., Aurum, Cofif., Berber. tenesmus. Paralysis. Secal. cor. Pressure of urine upon the. Lilium, Lycopod., Sulph. , violent. Amm. c, Natr. c. upon the bladder and rectum. Lilium. continual — with constant desire to urinate. Lilium. as if the bladder were too full, and its contents would fall out over the pubis, with constant desire to press them back. Sepia. ■ with burning after micturition. Sepia. Prolapsus of the — after parturition. Caustic. Sensation as if drops came out of it. Sepia. of a ball rolling in the. Lach. Sensitiveness — trreat — of the region of the bladder to external touch. Puis. Wind from the. Sarsaparilla. URINARY ORGANS. 373 B. MICTURITION AND URINE. Desire to pass urine — anxious — great distress, fever, and restlessness. Aeon. at night. Carb. veg., Graph., Magn. B., Nitr. acid, Sangnin., Silic., Sulph. during pregnancy. Podoph. 4 A.m. Amm. m. • ■ , but controllable to one's will. Lilium. continually. Asar. europ., Kali bich., Merc, viv., Puis. instantaneous, violent. Borax. — , with continual pres- sure upon the bladder. Lilium. frequent. Alum., Ambr. gr., Apo- cyn. can., Baryt. c, Bell., Berber., Bovista, Cannab. sat., Oanth., Carb. an., Carb. veg., Caust., Cham., Cimicifuga, Coccus cacti, Colo- cynth., Conium, Drosera, Euphra., Guaiacum, Hep. s., Hydrast., Hyperic, Ignat., Ipec, Krcosot., Lamium alb., Lilium, Merc, Mille- fol., Murex purp., Natr. c, Natr. m., Nitr. acid, Nux v., Petrol., Phos. acid, Phytol., Plat., Podoph., Prunus spi., Puis., Rhus tox., Sabina, Sarsap., Sepia, Sulph., Thuja. almost continual, with bearing down in the pelvis. Sepia. — at night. Amm. a, An- tim. crud., Calc. c, Carb. veg., Conium, Graph., Lycopod., Magn. s., Nux in., Nux v., Phos. acid, Podoph. (during pregnancy), Rhus tox., Sarsaparilla, Sepia. , with mucous dis- charges and pain in back. Antim. crud. , but difficulty to do so, with pressure of the bladder a long time before the urine comes; even at night she is obliged to rise several times on account of it, though bo > b she drinks but little. Kali c. during the day, with smarting in urethra when passing it. Lilium. Qxrvy half hour, with aching distress in the bladder. Erigeron. 374 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Desire to pass urine, frequent, every quarter of an hour. Lilium. ■ ten minutes, but only a little passed. Merc. sol. bladder. Sepia. Kali hydr. from pressure upon the in the evening. Guarea. ; painful. Apis, Caustic, and ineffectual. Nux v. with force. Cicuta vir, Gels. Cham. Aeon., Carb. vee. ting. Canth., Carbol. acid, Lilium, Thuja. , the emission propelled which relieves headache, with abdominal pains. anxious urging. - burning and cut- little discharge at a time. Nux v. smart- ing in urethra after the discharge. Lil mm. upon the bladder. Amm. c. (See Urine, copious.) watery i urine. Ignat. domen. (Pregnancy.) Puis. the bladder. Sulph. continuous pressure copious emissions, discharge of much drawing in the ab- great pressure upon and tension in the lower abdomen. Sepia. itching in the me- atus. Petrol. painful bearing-down in the pelvis. Sepia. URINARY ORGANS. 375 Desire to pass urine, frequent, with scanty emissions. (See Urine, scanty.) suddenly and irresistibly. Phos. acid, Prunus spi., Sulph. urgent. Nux V. (thinks she would feci better after it). Sepia. in the morning, urine passing only after waiting several minutes. Sepia. violent, ineffectual, straining, without passing a single drop. Nux V. with violent burning in the bladder. Sepia. without any emission. Nux v., Silic. Discharge of mucus from the urethra. Mczer., Thuja. Inability to retain the urine. (See Involuntary Discharge.) Ars., Laurocer., Magn. c, Natr. m., Puis., Ruta, Sulph., Tabac. constant dribbling. Petrol. Involuntary discharge of urine. Guarea, Phos., Rhus tox. and stool. Hyos. at night. Aram, c, Ars., Bell., Cham., Ferr., Hyos., Petrol., Podoph., Puis., Silic. at night, in bed. Puis. chronic — from paralysis of the when blowing the nose. Caustic. coughing. Caustic, Natr. sphincter vesicae. Thuja. Puis emitting flatus. Puis, laughing. Natr. m. sneezing. Caustic. standing. Bell. walking, (ale. c, Natr, ., Puis. while sitting, or walking, the urine dribbles away. Puis. Micturition — before — severe pain- in the back, with relief as soon as the urine begins to flow. Lycopod. , during, and after — burning and scalding. Cannab. ind. . — near the orifice of the urethra. Capsic. 376 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Micturition — before — during and after — cutting fearful. Canth. between the acts of — burning in urethra. Thuja. stitches. Capsic, Natr. m. tearing — and in rectum. Ruta. at the commencement of — pain. Clematis. during — burning. Aeon., Apis, Ars., Cact. gr., Calc. c, Cannab. sat., Canth., Carbol. acid, Caustic, Dulc, llede- oraa, Hep. s., Kreosot,, Lilium, Magn. m., Merc, sol., Nitr. acid, Nux v., Puis., Sabina, Sepia, Tart, emet., Taxusbacc, Terebintliina. , but especially after-it. Cannab. sat. f itching, titillation in urethra and vulva. Ambr. gr. cutting. Puis., Sepia. burning ; the urine escapes in drops or in a feeble stream ; intense suffering. Canth. itching in urethra. Lycopod., Sarsaparilla. the meatus urinarius, with strong desire to urinate. Petrol. pain across the back. Antim. crud., Kali bich. in the abdomen. Cham. drops. Canth. protrusion of piles. Kali c. scalding. Nux v. , slow, weak stream. Sulph. smarting and cutting, passing only a few , moderate ; frequent desire to uri- nate. Cannab. sat. ■ after — burning. Canth., Conium (immediately), Le- dum, Natr. m. cutting. Natr. m., Sarsaparilla. dropping of blood. Puis. dribbling of urine. Cannab. ind. immediately — fine stinging in the orifice of urethra. Capsic. itching. Lycopod. it seems as if a drop were remaining back in the urethra, which it is impossible to expel; this drop burns and wor- URINARY ORGANS. 377 ries patient for a long time with fruitless efforts to expel it. Kali bich. Micturition after — mucous discharge. Murex purp. pains in neck of bladder, extending to pelvis and thighs. Puis. smarting. Lilium. , unbearable. Sarsaparilla. when one thinks to have finished, suddenly a quantity of urine will pass involuntarily in drops. Clematis. ■ with stool ; great weakness of the sexual organs. Calc. phos. at the close of — sharp pains. Sarsaparilla. difficult. Curare, Kali c., Merc. cor. Plumb. , can only pass water when at stool, and must strain at stool in order to urinate. Alum. , has to cross her legs and bend forward, still only a little urine escapes, although she feels full to bursting. Zinc. press a long time. Prunus spi. wait awhile before effected, and then it flows slowly for many days. Hep. S. the urine is only emitted by a strong bear- ing down of the abdominal muscles. Magn. m. passes in drops, with much pain. Canth., Merc, cor., Nux v., Plumb. with chilliness; discharge of milky leucor- rheea. Kreosot. pinching pain. Calc. C. imperfect, never finished ; it seems as though some urine always remained behind in the bladder. Hep. s. profuse — always with great heat. Kreosot. retarded — and backache relieved by the flow. Lycopod. so easily, that she is hardly sensible of it. Caustic. with intermittent flow of urine; the flow starts and stops repeatedly. Conium. pain, cutting burning in the vulva. Conium, Kreosot. slicking or itching in the pudenda. Carb. veg. Renal colic, Nux m. Suppression and retention of urine. (See Trine, scanty.) 25 378 GENERAL C0N00MTT ANTS. Ars. (after delivery), Aurum, Bell., Cupr. m., Hedeoma, Hyos., Iod., Laurocer., Opi., Plumb., Podoph., Puis., Secal. cor., Stann. Suppression and retention of urine and stool. Sulph. acid. — inability to pass a drop of urine for a long time, finally a few drops pass away without pain. Clematis. obstinate, with stitches and pulsation in the bladder, as if she had bruised herself. Curare. painless. Nitr. acid. , weakness of expulsive power. Opi. with a dull pain in the small of back. Kali bich. URETHRA. UretJira^-achmg at the orifice of the. Nux v. burning. Puis. in the forepart. Sepia. dragging in the — with sense of soreness after mictu- rition. Argt. nitr. gonorrhoea, after the acute symptoms have subsided. Sepia. inflammation of the — with frequent desire to urinate, and burning, smarting pain. Cannab. sat. meatus urinarius externus, with redness and heat. Sulph. ■ , gonorrhoea, greenish, painless; worse at night. Merc. sol. , yellowish, thick. Merc. cor. needlelike stitches in the orifice of the. Nitr. acid. sensation in the — as if a drop of urine were passing along the urethra from the neck of the bladder, sometimes with drawing and cutting pains. Thuja. it was closed, not allowing a free flow of urine. Argt. nitr. tearing in the — and rectum, between the acts of mic- turition. Ruta. URINARY ORGANS. 379 URINE. Acrid, corrosive. Laurocer., Zinc. Albuminous. Bovista, Glon., Helon., Plumb. , flakes of albumen precipitated by heat and Nitric acid. Merc. cor. Black. Hellebor. , almost. Lach. Bloody. Canth., Copaiva, Curare, Ipec., Nux v., Rhus tox., Sabina, Thuja. Brown. Apis, Arnica, Bufo, Calc. c, Merc, Nitr. acid, Prunus spi., Puis. Clayey. Sarsaparilla. Clear. Cham., Gels., Ol. an. Cloudy. Curare, Sulph. white. Plat. Cold — sensation of — when passing. Nitr. acid. Copious. Alum., Aram, m., Cannab. ind., Caulophyl., L. V. Deflor., Ledum, Magn., c, Natr. m., Natr. s., 6l. an., Oxalis, Phos. acid, Phytol., Podoph., Puis., Sabina, Sarsaparilla, Sulph., Thuja. and colorless, after the termination of a hysterical spasm. Sulph. , frequent discharge, with bearing-down pain-. Cham. ■ , or pale. Sarsaparilla. especially at night. Amm. m., Ledum, Phytol. frequently discharged. Agn. cast, Ambr. gr., Antim. crud., Apocyn. can., Baryt. c, Calc. phos., Cham., Cimi- cifuga, Cina, Cinnab., Drosera, Glon., Helon., Kalmia, Kreosot., Lach., Lycopod., Mezer., Muriat. acid, Natr. c, Natr. m., Natr. s., Nitrum, Nuxjugl., Phos. acid, Sanguin., Stann., Sulph. , especially at night. Amm. m., Antim. crud., Sanguin., Sulph. (after midnight). JDarlz. Aeon., Agn. east., Antim. crud., Apis, Apocyn. can., Bry., Calc. C, China, Colchic, Curare, Hcdeoma, ITellcbor., Tod., Lad,., L. V. Deflor., Pallad., Plumb., Rhus tox., Sabina. , red. Benzoic acid, Cupr. m., Fcrr. iod., Lobelia. , turbid. Ambr. gr., Apocyn. can., Berber., Bry., Iod., Merc, Rhus tox. Foaming. Lach., Lycopod. 380 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. trt eeilisll, China, Magn. c, Magn. s., Ruta. tinged. Chelidon. Hot, Aeon., Bry., Ham., Hep. s., Lilium, Mezer. JellylUce, Cina, Colocynth. Loam-colored. Zinc. Milky, Iod. , after standing a little. Cina. Odor— fetid. Calc. C, Carb. an., Colocynth., Kreosot, Nitr. acid, Sepia, Sulph. like horse urine. Nitr. acid. valerian. Murex purp. violets. Nux m. — offensive. Bufo. ■ pungent. Calc. c, Merc. sour. Ambr. gr., Merc. strong. Apis, Benzoic acid, Calc. c, Kali bich., Merc, Nitr. acid, Nux v., Sulph. Oily. Curare. JPale, Ambr. gr., Amm. c, Caulophyl., Cham., Chelidon., Coccul., Helon., Lilium, Lycopod., Magn. c, Mezer., Ol. an., Sar- saparilla. , especially at night. Lycopod. yellow. Magn. m. Pellicle — gray — on the surface of urine. Lycopod. slimy — on the surface of urine. Petrol. Profuse. (See Copious.) Red, Aeon., Antim. crud., Bry., Kali bich., Kali hydr., Merc, cor., Merc, viv., Plat., Rhus tox., Sarsaparilla, Tart. emet. blood. Berber. , dark, leaving a deep-red stain in the vessel. Phytol. , deep. Carb. veg., Cupr. m., Ham., Hep. s., Kali bich., Puis., Sepia. , fiery. Kali c, Merc, Sarsaparilla. , with white clouds. Plat. , without sediment. Aeon. Reddish. Chelidon., Mezer., Taxus bacc. , cloudy. Nitrum. Sandy. Sarsaparilla. Scanty, Aeon., Apis, Ars., Bry., Castor, Ferr. iod., Gratiola, Ipec, Kali nitr., Lilium, L. V. Deflor., Magn. m., Merc, Nux m, t Plumb., Podoph., Prunus spi., Puis., Rhus tox., Sarsaparilla. URINARY ORGANS. 381 Scanty, a few drops only at a time. Argt. nitr., Cact. gr., Canth., Coff., Colchic., Drosera, Dulc., Ol. an., Flumb., Ratanhia, Rhus tox., Sabina. , with sensation of swelling in the urethra. Argt. nitr. , but frequently discharged. Anacard., Bell., Canth., China, Coccul., Colocynth., Cyclam., Drosera, Helleb., Kali a, Kreosot., Lamium alb., Magn. m., Pallad., Ruta, Sarsaparilla. , difficult discharges. Canth., Curare, Merc, cor., Taxus baa, Zinc. , slow discharge. Muriat. acid Slimy. Sarsaparilla. Sepia. Staining the linen brown. Nitr. acid. ■ saffron. Bell. yellow. Chelidon. Thick. Curare. Sepia. , dark. Apocyn. can. , white. Coniurn. Turbid. Alum., Aurum, Berber., Conium, Cupr. m., Dulc, Graph., Gratiola, Ipec., Iod., Natr. c, Rhus tox., Sabadilla, Sarsaparilla, Sepia, Zinc. , dark. Ambr. gr., Iod., Merc. , on passing it, like brown beer. Chelidon. — buttermilk. Aurum. , white. Dulc. Viscous — white. Colocynth., Curare. Watery, colorless. Alum., Cannab. ind., Caustic, Cham., Cinnab., Gels., Ignat., L.V. Deflor., Murex purp., Natr. m., Phos. acid, Puis., Sulph. , forming a white cloud at once after dis- charged. Phos. acid. , frequently discharged. Ignat. White, cloudy. Plat,, Phos. acid. , like curdled milk, soon becoming turbid, with brickdust sediment. Phos. Yellow. Bell., Caulophyl., China, Kalmia, Lach., Natr. s. , dark. Berber., Chelidon., Magn. m. , light, pale. Apocyn. can., Hep. s. 382 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. SEDIMENT. Black, like coffee-grounds. Apis, Helleb. Bvickdust-like, Arnica, Chin., Coccus cacti, Ipec, Natr. m., Natr. s., Nux v., Pallad., Phos., Sepia. , adhering to the vessel. Pallad., Puis., Sepia. Brownish. Puis. Chalklike. Phytol. Clap-colored, Berber. Flakes — long. Sarsaparilla. Flocculi. Berber., Mezer., Phos. Mealy. Berber. Mucous, Berber. , bright-red. Berber. , deep-red. Aurum. , yellow. Natr. c. Of different colors. Petrol. Profuse. Berber. Med, Li Hum, Lobelia, Puis. sand. Lycopod. Reddish. Bry., Laurocer., Sepia. Sandy, A mm. c. grayish. Lycopod., Phos., Sarsaparilla. red. Lycopod. White, Berber., Calc. c, Colchic, Graph., Magn. c, Merc, Murex purp., Rhus tox. Yellow — mucous. Natr. c. viscous, offensive. Cunr. m. SEXUAL ORGANS. (Compare the General Organs in the different Parts.) Vulva. (See Pelvis under Abdomen.) Aphtha? of the. (See Eruption.) Blisters of the. (See Eruption.) Clitoris erect after urination, with sexual desire. Calc. phos. Condylomata, Cubeb., Nitr. acid, Thuja. SEXUAL ORGANS VULVA. 383 Condylomata, dry, painless, pediculated. Lycopod. , long and thin. Thuja. , moist, suppurating, stinging, and bleeding. Thuja. ■ , with burning, sore pain. Sabina. stitches and itching, especially when walk- ing. Euphrasia. Cysts — sensitive, or with tearing pain, during rest. Sabina. Discoloration — anaemic — of all the mucous membranes, ex- ternally and internally. Calc. c. Drawing in the — from the anus, before stool. Carb. an., China, Xatr. in., Phos., Puis., Sepia. Dryness — great — of — and vagina, causing a disagreeable sensa- tion when walking, after menses. Sepia. Eruption — (see Pruritus, Itching) aphthae. Carb. veg., Cubeb., Helon. blisters. Phos., Sulph. closing the urethra by swelling. Rhus tox. corrosive, itching. Nux v. erythematous. Helon. herpetic — itching, gnawing. Nux v. on the labia majora. Conium. with intense itching, worse from cold or getting wet, better from wrapping up warm. Silic. worse from every cold change of the weather, or by exposure to cold or dampness. Dulc. miliary — with heat. Sarracenia. outside — innumerable, pale, somewhat reddish granules. Gossypium. • pimples. iEthusa, Graph., Merc, sol., Sepia. , like little ulcers. Cubeb. , on inside of labia, itching. Graph. left labia majora, itching, especially when the menses have been retarded; they burn when urinating; pimples on the labia minora, that itch when touched. An- gustura. mons veneris, large, painful to touch. ( Ionium, Nat p. m. , vesicles on the labia, which smart and are painful. Graph. 384 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Eruption — pimples, with itching and burning in vagina; is hardly able to sit still. Sulph. ■ pruritus — (see Itching, Pruritus) in pregnant women, violent itching, parts swollen, dark red, protruding; she cannot lie down. Collinson. violent, always towards evening, or sometimes when walking. Nitr. acid. worse from taking cold. Nitr. acid. 2)UStules (external). Tart. emet. hard, black, on a small portion of the left labia. Bi Merc. sol. rashlike. Graph., Lycopod. • scabby. Kali hydr. soreness — and between the legs. Caustic. spots — bright-red, with itching and smarting, on the inside of the labia majora and at the entrance of the vagina. Allium sat. burning and red. Copaiva. red, sore places, looking like ulcers (don't pain but itch). Carb. veg. stinging like bee-stings. Apis. tubercles, on the margin of the labia, stinging, burning. Calc. c. , pimples, more troublesome at night. vesicles — like lentils, filled with purulent matter; vulva swollen and inflamed. Katr. s. on the outside, painless. Sepia. Epidermis — every morning the — falls off in thin transparent ex- foliation. Helon. Excoriation. (See Pain.) Hair falling off — itching externally. Xatr. m. Heaviness — feeling of — in the labia majora and vagina. Murex purp. Induration of the — from injuries. Conium. Inflammation of the. (See Swelling, Eruption, Pruritus.) Apis, Bell., Borax, Calc. c, Lilium, Lycopod., Merc. cor. ( reat). , and swelling. Asafoet., Culc. c. , covered with vesicles, filled with purulent matter. Katr. s. SEXUAL ORGANS — VULVA. 385 Inflammation of the, and vagina, with much irritation. Nitr. acid. , erysipelatous. Rhus tOX. , heat; swelling of the labia. Bell., Carb. veg., Lach., Merc, viv., Sepia. - labia and soreness, also of the peri- nseum, and between the thighs. Sepia. , with dryness and heat to touch. Bell. falling off of the hair; pimples on mons veneris and the borders of the hair on the nape of neck. Natr. m. rheumatic conditions of the whole body. Rhus tox. terrible itching and burning. Helon. Itching. (See Pain.) Moisture — much — (see Perspiration) between the labia and thighs. Calc. c, Petrol. CEdema. (See Swelling.) I*ain above the pubes — (See Pelvic region, under Abdomen) aching — with pain in the knees. Liliuni. ill the — and genitals ; throbbing, itching, tickling, sore, aching, pressing, or drawing upwards in the symphysis, downward in the thighs. Calc. phos. perineeuni. Thuja. — as if menses would appear. Sulph. acid. biting. Calc. c, Carb. an., Kali hydr., Merc, Zinc. , and soreness between the pudenda. , as if from salt, during and after mietu- ■ , from the menstrual discbarge. Rhus tox. burning. Alum., A mm. c, Ars., Aurum, Bovista, Calc. c, Canth., Carb. an., Carb. veg., Castor, Caustic, Oonium, Cubeb., H deoma, Kali c, Kreosot., Magn. a., Merc, Nux v., Petrol. , Puis., Silic, Sulph., Sulph. acid, Thuja. ■ , and itohing at the fossa uavicularis. $ubeb. mons veneris, with watery vesicles and stitching in the vagina. Rhus tox. Kreosot. rition. Caustic. 386 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Fain in the — burning and itching, soreness, gnawing. Kali c, — , swelling. Anim. c., Kreosot. throbbing, with great scnsi- tiveness — sudden. Coccus .cacti. _ . , between the pudenda on urinating. Conium, Kreosot. ; biting, smarting, itching in mons , like salt. Sulph. ; stinging in the labia and vagina. , with desire for an embrace. N ux v. leucorrhcea. Puis. prurigo; relieved by washing Berber, Puis. with cold water. Mere. viv. sense of dryness. Lycopod. clitoris , deep and penetrating, extending down into the vagina. Apis. ■ cramplike — and in perinreum when rising from a seat, frequently extending up into the abdomen, with ulcers on the internal surface. Thuja. cutting between the labia, when urinating. drawing. Aurum. in mons veneris. Aurum. heat, Aurum, Bell., Calc. c, Carb. veg., Merc. sol. — inside of the labia. Cimex. — , with miliary eruption. Sarracenia. swelling and redness of the labia. Merc. viv. itching. (See Eruption, Pruritus.) Alum., Ars., Aurum mur., Calc. c, Carb. veg., China, Copaiva, Ferr., Hedeoma, Kali c, Kalihydr., Kreosot., Lycopod., Magn. c, Merc, Natr. m., Phos. acid, Sabina, Sepia, Silic, Staphis., Zinc. , and anus. Carb. veg. irritation, with strong desire for an embrace. Agaric, m. perinseum. Carbo veg. SEXUAL ORGANS VULVA. 337 Pain in the — itching, and soreness. Garb, veg., Merc, Nitr. acid. , worse from scratching. Anacard. urethra, burning during micturi- tion. Ambr. gr. before menses. Graph., Merc, causing onanism. Nux v. pollutions. Bufo. , corrosive — and in vagina, so that she has to scratch, followed by a feeling of burning and swelling in the pudenda. Kreosot. , during menses. Lycopod. , externally and internally, worse from scratch i ncr. Asraric. m. -, with falling off of the hair. Natr. m. Ferr. in delicate women, with red face. internally, with burnino; at mons veneris; watery vesicles and itching pain in vagina. Rhus tox. of mons veneris. Aram, c, Berber., Eupat. perfol. , relieved by great scratching. Crot. tig- , violent. Agaric. m. ; Ambr. gr., Am in. c, Collinson., Kreosot. , and vagina. Conium. , between the labia and thighs. Kreosot. voluptuous. Caladium. the uterus. ( Ionium. Nitr. acid. Sepia. -, compelling her to scratch, -, followed by pressing down in -, in the evening or when walk- -, of clitoris. Sulph. -, with pimples all around. and humid eruption. Sepia. swelling of the labia 388 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Pain ifi the — itching f voluptuous — inducing onanism, or longing for an embrace. Agaric, in., Caladium, Canth., Hep. s., Nux v., Plat., Zinc. but parts too sensitive to be touched. Coff. , when urinating. Carb. veg. (or stick- ing). worse from contact of urine. Merc. Box Sepia, Zinc. pinching at the clitoris, especially at night. pricking. Arundo m. sensitiveness — tenderness. Merc, sol., Plat., : cannot bear to touch it, Coff., Muriat. acid. , painful, during coition. Plat, ,and con- stant pressure in mons veneris and genitals. Flat. , when sitting especially. Staphis. sharp — running occasionally around the labia. Lycopod. shooting — like electric shocks. Coccus cacti. smarting. Aurum, Cham., Conium, Curare, Ferr., Helleb., Hep. s., Kreosot., Lach., Lamium alb., Magn. c, Merc, Silic, Sulph. , after taking sour things. Silic. — micturition, as if from salt. Caustic. , during micturition especially. Zinc. , itching — within the vulva, and biting between the labia and thighs, with great burning and soreness after micturition. Kreosot. , particularly in the forepart of pu- dendum, with inclination to scratch, which is followed by violent burning. Merc. sore, aching in the labia. Calc. phos. soreness — and of anus, especially painful on urinating;. Amm. c. SEXUAL ORGANS VULVA. 389 Pain in the — soreness, redness — of the labia, perinaeuin, and between the thighs. Sepia. with leucorrhoea, before menses. Sepia. spasmodic — and vagina. Staph. i contractive — of the inner parts. China. stinging, itching. Apis, Staph. , when walking especially. Zinc. Stitches — severe. Conium. left side — extending to the chest. Alum. paroxysms of — from the vulva to the right thigh, as if a knife were thrust into it now and then sud- denly. Crocus sat. stitching in the inner labia. Calc. phos. swelling, without voluptuous sensation. An- gustura. tearing — at intervals. Baryt. c. , dull — in the labia, during or after walk- ing in the open air. Phos. in mons veneris, while sitting. Co- nium. — violent — on going to bed, so that she is obliged to sit up in bed and go to sleep in that position. Coccus cacti. relieved by scratching until it draws blood. Angustura. ■ with excoriation. iEscul. hipp., Alum., Amm. c, Are., Bovista, Carb. veg., Carbol. acid, Caust., Cham., Co- nium, Ferr., Graph., Hedeoma, Hep. s., Ignat., Iod., Kali c, Kali hydr., Kreosot., Lilium, Lycopod., Merc, Phos., Prunus spi., Ra- nunculus bulb., Robinia, Ruta, Sabina, Sarsaparilla, Sepia, Silic, Sulph., Sulph. acid. , and of the whole peri- nsBum. Lilium. , even between the thighs. Canst., Graph. soreness and moisture. Petrol. rawness. ( larb. veg., Graph., Kali bich., Merc. Perspiration — feeling as of. Eupat. perfol. 390 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Perspiration, very offensive and fetid, also of the axilla and solos of feet. Sepia. Pimples. (See Eruption.) Polypus. Lyeopod. Pressure and bearing down into the genital organs. (See Labor- like or Bearing-down Pains and Pressure, under Abdomen.) Pruritus ; prurigo. (See Eruption; Pains — itching, burning, smarting.) Bufo, Carb. veg., Collinson., Cubeb., Hydrast., Kali brom., Plat., Sabina, Sulph., Tarantula, Urtica urens. always worse from cold or getting wet. Nitr. acid.. and burning, relieved by washing with cold water. Merc. causing sexual mania. Zinc. during leucorrhcea (profuse), with sexual excitement. Hep. s. menses. Hep. s. pregnancy especially. Helon. — , parts badly swollen, dark red, pro- truding, she cannot lie down ; violent itching. Collinson. : — ■ induces even onanism. Agaric, m., Calad., Canth.. Hep. s. Nux. v., Plat., Zinc. in the evening. Nitr. acid. near the change of life. Puis. when walking. Nitr. acid. — with vaginitis and vaginismus. Ham. Redness. (See Inflammation ; Eruption ; Pruritus.) Sensation as if the genital organs would fall out. Podoph. Swelling* (See Inflammation; Eruption; Itching; Pruritus.) Angustura, Borax, Calc. c, Kali bich., Kreosot., Lilium, Merc, Puis., Thuja. and irritation. Canth., Calc. c. burning, itching. A mm. c, Canth., Nitr. acid. excessive. Asafcet. of the labia. Apis, Sepia. , during pregnancy especially. Podoph. , great and rapid, with sensation of dragging and increased warmth in the vag- ina. Colocynth. painful. Arnica, Mephites. redness, covered with curdy deposit like aphth Helon. SEXUAL ORGANS — VULVA. 391 Swelling of the labia, soreness, itching. Ambr. gr. Colocynth. labia majora — left. Bry. redness, burning. Aurum. minora, feels dry, hard, covered with a crust, hindering passing urine, until relieved by cold water. Apis. ■ and heat. (See Inflammation.) great — which is Very sensitive ; micturition causes severe burning. Coccus cacti. with discharge of mucus. Lach. in vagina when awaking. Calc. phos. with milky leucorrhoea. Puis. Tickling — (and thighs). Alum. disagreeable. Angustura. Tingling in the — and itching — causing onanism. NuX V. voluptuous — and abdomen. Plat Tubercles. (See Eruption.) Tumors — erectile. Lycopod., Phos. , blue, hard, pricking. Carb. veg. burning. Thuja. soft — between the vulva and thighs, secreting a watery fluid, with stitching pain as from a needle. Gossypium. "Ulcers on the inner surface of the labia — small, diphtheritic. Sulph. white at first, caus- ing a sore pain when touched, and afterwards smarting. Zinc. with cramplike pain in vulva and perinseum, when rising from a scat, extending into the abdomen. Thuja. outer surface of the labia, discolored and rapidly spreading. Secal. cor. of the — painless, but itching. Carb. veg". superficial. Merc. sol. syphilitic. Merc, sol., Nitric acid. primary — phagedenic — with profuse and bad suppuration. Merc. cor. with tendency of rapid destruction of tissue, grayish or greenish in color, irregular shaped, and very offen- sive discharge. Nitr. acid. 392 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Varices of the. Arnica, Calc. c, Carb. veg., Ham., Lycopod., Nux v., Zinc. , external — with fidgets of feet. Zinc. , itching of vulva and anus. Carb. veg. Voluptuous crawling in the — and in the genital organs and abdo- men. Plat. sensation in the — and the genital organs in general. Bovista. as if all the parts were filling up with blood; she felt the pulse in all the parts. Calc. phos. Weakness — feeling of — in the sexual organs, after a stool or after micturition Calc. phos. ; pressure on the parts. Sulph. Uterus. (Compare Uterine Eegion, under Abdomen ; also the Uterus in all the different parts of this work.) Abortion. (See Part VI.) Affections of — from frequent exposure to damp or wet weather. Rhus tox. treated formerly with external application of nitrate of silver. Natr. m. with sympathetic affections of the digestive organs. Hydrast. Aggravation of uterine symptoms in general, when lying down. Ambr. gr. Anteflexion of the — the uterus feels as if squeezed by a hand. Gels. Anteversion of the. Lilium, JSTux m. , the finger passes only with difficulty be- tween the os and rectum. Helon. reaches the os with difficulty. Graph. Atony of the. Cimicifuga, Helon., Trill. cervix. Squilla. Cancer ; cancerous ulceration. (See Scirrhus. For the character of the discharges, see Fluor Albus, Fart VI; Pains of the Uterus ; of Vagina ; Ulceration of the Uterus.) Acetic acid, Ars. SEXUAL ORGANS UTERUS. 393 (Ars. iod.), Bell., Carb. an., Conium, Graph., Hydrast., Magn. m., Phytol., Sabina, Secal. cor., Sepia (Sulph. iod.), Thuja. Cancer with bruised pain, shooting and drawing; uterus usually- prolapsed and indurated. Aurum. excessively burning pains and putrid discharges. Ars. development during the climaxis ; haemorrhages. Lach. haemorrhages — free — ceasing for a day and reap- pearing again. Phos. ■ long-lasting. Iod. lancinating pains from the uterus to the umbilicus; putrid discharges. Sepia, periodical pains, causing anguish and screaming. Ars. — preceded by induration. Iod. prolapsed vagina. Merc. ■ — ■ sore, burning pain. Calc. c. stitches, burning; stinging. Conium. shooting into the vagina. Kreosot. syphilitic taint. Merc, Nitr. acid, Staphis., Thuja, violent burning. in the vagina. Sulph. Congestion of the. Aloe, Argt. nitr., Bell., Cimicifuga, Ferr., lie]), s., Lach., Nux v. a yellowish leucorrhoea pouring from it ; beginning of prolapsus; slightly displaced. Sepia. active and painful. Helon., Sabina. and right ovary, they arc very sensitive to the touch. Secal. cor. chronic — of the cervix. Tarantula, Trill. , fulness, pressing, and heaviness, worse when walking. China. passive. Iod. with pain in the loins. Puis. sensation of — with fulness and tension in the hypogastrium, Cauloph. with prolapsus. Lach. Dilatation of the OS ; discharge of flatus from the vagina. Sanguin. , wide open, almost everted, itfi inner sur- face like cauliflower. Kreosot. 26 394 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Dilatation of the OS, wide open, with hemorrhage; the blood looks red, the discharge is profuse and paroxysmal, especially during motion. Sabina. Discharges from the— (see Ulcers, Fluor albus, Part VI) fetid, after metritis. Opi. of dark blood, with small coagula, for da vs. Ustilago. . blood, during new and full moon. Crocus sat. Displacements, with rheumatic pains; worse in damp weather, or in changes from warm to cold. Calc. phos. . ■ too profuse menses. Nux m. Distension of the. (See Swelling.) Distinct feeling of the womb. Murex purp. Dropsy of the. Apis, Ars., Bell., Calc. c, Canth., China, Co- nium, Digital., Dulc, Hell., Kali c, Lactuca, Ledum, Lycopod., Merc, Rhus tox., Sepia, Sulph. , face flushed. Ferr. — ? following a sudden suppression of menses. Colchic _ . } red, sometimes greenish urine, with thick sedi- ment ; urine passes slowly, the bladder being nearly paralyzed; body cold. Cam ph. t swelling increases during the day, and dimin- ishes at night. Bry. JErosions of the. Phytol. — like aphthae. Thuja. sycotic. Thuja. Excrescences of the. Nitr. acid. bleeding — on the os. Merc. cracked, on the cervix and os. Cubeba. cauliflower or wart-shaped. Graph., Kre- osot. , bleeding easily; offensive. Thuja. wart-shaped ; upon the os, with stinging when urinating. Thuja. Flatus from the — especially in the evening. Sanguin. _ loud emissions of. Brom. Hardness of the. (See Induration.) SEXUAL ORGANS — UTERUS. 395 Hemorrhage from the — (see Parts IT and IV) internal — during climaxis. Trill Heaviness- in the cervix — sensation of — which causes discomfort when rising or sitting down. Xux v. Hypertrophy. Phytol., Ustilago. ■ prolapsus and ulceration. Podoph. Induration of the. Amm. m. and prolapsus. Aurum, Conium. swelling: — and of the ovaries. Iod. natronatum, Sepia. painless. China. seirrhus. (See Scirrhus, Cancer.) with sharp and cutting pains. Kreosot. cervix. Aurum m., Aurum muriaticum and swelling. Nux v. ; burning. Carb. an. ; tender and painful. Kreosot. ; with deformed os. Natr. c. stitching pain in it, extending upwards. Sepia. — os. Ustilago. Inflammation of the. Aeon., Arnica, Bell., Bufo, Lilium, Merc, Sabina, Terebinth ina. after frequent pregnancy. Phos. and ovaries. Merc. viv. from debilitating influences. Phos. acid. rex purp. cervix — with spongy enlargement. Mu- cessation of the lochia; fever. Secal. cor. chronic. Aurum m., Cimicifuga. and hypertrophia. Aurum mu- riaticum natronatum. ; cutting as from knives in the bowels, great distress, distension of abdomen. Colocynth. from indignation; colicky pains bend her double. Colocynth. sharp, shooting pains; abdomen very tender. Aeon. sudden — with prolapsus, bitter vomit- ing, cold sweat, or dry hot skin. Aeon. 396 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Inflammation of the, with burning, throbbing pains. Hep. s body hot, limbs cold. Verat. alb. hemorrhages. Sabina. typhoid symptoms. Hyos., Rhus tox. Irritability of the. Hyos., Phos. Lumps — hard — at the cervix — with ulcerative pains during coi- tion. Kreosot. Menstruation. (See Part I.) suppressed. (See Part III.) Metrorrhagia. (See Part Y.) Holes — tendency to. Calc. c, .Natr. c, Secal. cor., Silic. to promote the expulsion of. Cauloph., Ferr., Kali c, Puis., Secal. cor., Sabina, Sulph. Mortification — gangrene — tendency to. Ars., Kreosot., Secal. cor. Pain in the — aching. (See Abdomen in General and the Hypo- gastric Region.) Calc. phos. (morning). . after touching the os during coition. Merc. constant — referred to the os. Ustilago. acute — right side — which crossed the entire body, and extended upwards to the left breast. Murex purp. and about it. Kali c. its ligaments, returning every evening, getting worse all the time until 11 p.m., then it ceases, until next evening. Cact. gr. ovary — left. Sepia. ovaries, relieved by a flow of blood. Lach. as if squeezed by a hand ; anteflexion. Gels. bruised — tumefaction of the cervix. Pobinia. burning — terrible. Terebinthina. with great bearing-down pain, causing heat all over her; thirst. Terebinthina. ■ in the cervical canal. Calc. c. of the cervix. Bufo, Sepia. sticking, heaviness. Nux v. with distension, hardness, and sensitive- ness to touch. Secal. cor. constrictive — with feeling of dryness in the uterus. Murex purp. SEXUAL ORGANS UTERUS. 397 JPaifl in the, contractive. Sabina. and in the intestines. Nicotin. left side, like labor pains ; obliging her to bend double. Puis. crarapy. Bufo. cramps — extending into the thighs, preceding a leucorrhceal discharge. Magn. m. with burning and cutting in the groins. Natr. m. ■ pulling in the loins and small of back ; irritable uterus. Hyos. lancinations, worse from touching the parts. Ignat. pinching and uneasiness in the abdo- men. Bry. cutting — and through the sacrum. Calc. phos. , tensive — with tenderness of uterus to touch or during coition. Puis. digging. Bufo, Curare. d is tensive — and ovaries. Curare. dragging — and in the bladder. Copaiva. drawing, pressive pain, extending towards the uterus, like labor pains, with qualmishness, towards morning. Puis. expulsive. Secal. cor. griping, pinching — with drawing from the small of back forwards, followed by discharge of large clots of blood. Cham. in the os. Ferr. labovlilze. (See Laborlike Pains in the Abdomen, as well as in the different parts of this work.) Aralia, Asafcet., ( !alc. c, Canth., Cham., Ferr., Graph., Nitr. acid, Secal. cor. and left ovary and left mamma. Lilium. extending to the back, with weakness and nausea. Graph. , oppressing the breathing. Sepia. pressing, as if everything would come through the vulva, every afternoon. Sepia. , preventing locomotion. Asterias rubens. , with aching below it, and sharp pains in abdomen. Ferr. profuse discharge of clotted blood and tearing pains in legs. ( liam. 398 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Pain in the, violent, when washing herself with cold or warm water. Crotalus cascavella. , near the os; when lying down. Ferr. , neuralgic — severe — cannot bear touch, not even the weight of clothes or a slight jar; anteversion. Lilium. pressure — as if something would come out. An- tim. crud., Copaiva. aching — and in the vagina. Calc. phos. with cramps in the chest and fainting nausea. Coceul. pricking. Arundo m. pulling — especially in the uterine ligaments. Co- paiva. pulsating. Murex purp. and in the ovaries, as if from suppuration • the pain extends to the thighs, becomes insupportable, then it ceases completely, and occurs again on the next day at the same time, and so on. Cact. gr. with swelling as from dropsy. Sarracenia. rheumatic. Cimicifuga. shooting. Curare, Sepia. at every step. Bell. lancinating — extending to the umbilicus and pit of stomach. Sepia. stitches — violent — extend- ing down to the legs. Graph. with tumefaction and bruised feeling in the cervix. Robinia. soreness and weight — consciousness of uterus. Helon. as if cut by an instrument. Murex purp. spasmodic, Nux m., Sarracenia. contractive. Cauloph., China. with discharge of coagula. Nux v. Cupr. - laborlike. Puis. - violent — at the cervix. Coceul. -, with aphthous vaginitis. Cauloph. great debility. (Pregnancy.) stinging in the os. Calc. c. with induration and scirrhosities. Conium. SEXUAL ORGANS — UTERUS. 899 Pain in the, stitches in the cervix. Conium, Plat. and deep in the vagina. Co- paiva. shooting upwards. Borax. os. Calc. c. like stabs. Bufo. of rapid succession, relieved by bathing with cold water. Angustura. stitching — and about it. Kali c. shooting. Ferr. ulcerative — in cervix. Kreosot. violent — in the right side of uterus, extending through the abdomen, upwards to the chest and left breast. Murex purp. the uterus feels as if clutched, and then suddenly released, causing nausea. Sepia. when reaching high with the arms. Graph. touched, tenderness. Kali ferrocyanuret. , vomiting, caused by pessaries. Nux m. Painlessness of the os, although affected otherwise. Phos. acid. Polypus of the. Bufo, Calc. C, Calc. phos., Conium, Ledum, Plat., Rhus tox., Sanguin., Secal. cor , Thuja. Prolapsus of the. (See Laborlike Pains, under Abdomen.) Aloe, Angustura, Argt. nitr., Aurum, Bell., Benzoic acid, Kreosot., Liliuru, M zer., Natr. chlor., Plat., Secal. cor., Sepia, Stan., Trill. , after cessation of menses. Agaric, m., Kreosot. miscarriage. Nux v. parturition especially. Bell., Nux v., Podoph., Rhus tox., Secal. cor. , and flexion. Liliuin. vagina. Nux m., Nux v., Sepia. ; feels better after coition. Merc. from straining or lifting. Au- rum, Nux v. , as well as other displacements; worse dur- ing a passage of stool or urine, and dining incuses. ( !alc. phos. , at climaxis, with morbid debility and pro- found mental gloom. Ilelon. fuga, Helon. 400 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Prolapsus of the, cannot walk erect on account of a pain, as from a sprain in the groins. Amm. m. bruised feeling in the uterine region, caused by concussion. Arnica. ■ , from chronic diarrhoea, which only occurs in daytime; great debility. Petrol. fright. Opi. hot weather, apparently. Kali bieh. loss of blood or sexual excesses. China. muscular atony. Aletr. f., Cimici- myelitis. Silic. reaching high. Aurum, Nux v., straining or lifting. Nux v., Podoph., Rhus tox. , of long standing, accompanied with dry cough and sense of constriction around the hypochondria. Nux v. — sudden occurrence, with inflammation, bitter vomiting, cold sweat, or dry, hot skin. Aeon. , the os protrudes, even externally. Helon. — uterus disposed to fall very low, even painfully so. Podoph. , ivhen connected with climaxis. Lach. } with aching in the lumbar region; better lying on the back; also with cutting in urethra after micturition. Natr. m. amenorrhcea and melancholy. Au- Sulph. anteversion; the finger passes with difficulty between os and rectum. Helon. bearing-down pains (see Laborlike Pains, under Abdomen) and pressure, as if to have a passage from the bowels. Lilium. chronic inflammation. Aurum mur. natr. congestion. Lach. ■ — - consequent menorrhagia. Trill., Us- tilago. constipation. Sepia. SEXUAL ORGANS — UTERUS. 401 Prolapsus of the, with dragging and weakness in the sacral region. Helon. dryness of mouth, tongue, and throat, especially when sleeping. Uux. m. feeling as if the abdomen would drop when walking. Merc. fetid urine. Benzoic acid. haemorrhage during menses. Ipec, Ustilago. hypertrophy and ulceration. Podoph. inclination of the fundus to the left side, producing a numb feeling in the entire lower half of the- left side of the body, with dull aching pain constantly ; also the same aching pain in the pelvic region, somewhat relieved by the re- cumbent posture, especially when lying on the right side ; tenderness of the os uteri. Sepia. induration. Aurum, Bell., Carb. an., Conium, Sepia. — ■ and pain — bruised — shooting and drawing. Aurum. lumbar backache after washing. Podoph. ■ pains in the hypogastrium. Aeon., Bry., Cimicifuga, Xux v., Sepia, Sulph., Verat. alb. ovaries (left). Argt. m. ovarian region (left); heat running down the left thigh. Podoph. sacrum ; (flatulence in- frequent, muco-gelatinous stools). Podoph. side (left). Lach., Xux v., Strain. (right). iEscul. hipp., Apis, Ferr., Sulph. pressure in the abdomen and back, as from a stone; limbs tend to go to sleep; ineffectual urging to stool. Puis. procidentiaof uterus, chronic mei ritis, cervicitis, induration, ulceration. Sepia. rheumatic women, whose pains com- pel tin in to shifl aboul in order to obtain relief. Rhus tox. sensation of pressure on it. Calc. c. 402 GENERAL C0NG0MIT ANTS. Prolapsu8 of the, with severe backache. Nux v. ulceration, induration, profuse fluor albus. Conium. of cervix ; flooding on lift- ing a weight and on the least exertion ; face sallow, having an ex- pression of suffering ; great vaginal irritation ; pain in the small of back. Ilelon. urging to stool. Kux v. weak, sinking feeling in the abdomen. Calc. phos., Phos. , worse during menses. Aurum, Calc. phos. Retroversion of the. Lilium, Sepia. , and pressure upon the rectum, that she can neither stand nor walk. Ferr. iod. , with menstrual colic. Cauloph Rigidity of the os. Bell., Conium, Gels. Scirrhosities. Ars., Conium, Magn. m., Fhytol., Plat., Thuja. Scirrhus, induration (see Cancer), with discharge of black blood. Magn. m. ■ softened — with lancinating pains and corrosive dis- charges. Clemat. Sensation as if something rose from the uterus to the stomach, with nervous agitation and spasms. Bufo. Sensitiveness of the — to touch or during coition, with tensive, cutting pains. Puis. and ovaries. Terebinthina. Softness of the. Aurum mur. natr., Opl. Spasms of the broad ligaments. Cimicifuga. , extending to the thighs. Magn. m. Spongy appearance of the cervix, deeply corroded. Argt. m. Sterility. (See Part I.) Swelling of the — after parturition. Kali brom. ■ and hypertrophy. Phytol. ; prolapsus, induration. Podoph. as from a tumor; painful. Cubeb. — or dropsy, especially in right side, with pulsating pain. Sarracenia. (fibroid enlargement). Terebinthina. from inflation of gas. Nux m., Phos. acid. fundus — sensitiveness to pressure. Kreosot. SEXUAL ORGANS UTERUS. 403 Swelling of the neck. Canth., Iod. , with bruised feeling. Pobinia. burning pain; it feels hard, and is sensitive to touch. Secal. cor. Murex purp hard riess ; ulcers on the os. Natr. m. heat. Sarracenia. heaviness. Kux v. inflammatory, spongy tumefaction. tumefaction ; bleeds when touched. Ustilago. os — with hardness. Iod., Nux v. heat. Camph. Tumors of the — fibroid. Ustilago hard. Bufo. with constant hfemorrhpge. Kreosot. tumefaction or dilatation of cervix. Us- tilago. Ulcers of the os or cervix. Alum, Antim. crud., Ars., Ars. iod., Bapt., Bell., Calc. c, Conium, Curare, Graph., Hydrast., Iod., Lep- tand., Muriat. acid, Phos. acid, Phytol., Sabina, Sanguin., Secal. cor., Sepia, Silic, Sulph., Thuja. and fissures. Bufo. vagina. Bapt. , fiery red-looking. Cinnabar. bleeding easily; edges high and hard; sensitiveness to touch; discharge profuse, greenish, thin, offensive. Asafoet. , tendency to. Arnica, Phos. ■ , the haemorrhage being of short duration. Argt. nitr. 1 — bloody suppuration, smelling like old rotten cheese; edges are sensitive; discharge is corroding, and the ulcers itch much. Hep. s. burning, smarting, pricking; discharge albuminous, sometimes tinged with blood. Mezer. cancerous. (See Cancer.) Hydrast., Iod., Kreosot., Phytol., Secal. cor., Thuja. , deep, with ragged edges. Merc. 404 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Ulcers of the os or cervix, cancerous discharge acrid, bloody; ul- cer destitute of feeling; at timts a violent and obstinate pain in the brain; this pain may be intermittent. Zinc. bloody, dark, fetid, constant. Helon. — profuse acrid water, containing portions of pus. Antira. crud. — purulent, ichorous, sometimes bloody, filling the room with an unbearable stench. Argt. m. - — , putrid, profuse, bloody, itching, corroding pain, or entire absence of feeling. Phos. acid. ; , bloody, thin, gangrenous or painless; it feels as though it had been burnt. Secal. cor. ■ , ulcer and anus are sensitive. Muriat. acid. flat — resembling aphthae. Nitr. acid, Sepia, Thuja. indolent. Phos. acid, Zinc. itching much. Hep. s. malignant. Hydrast. , with foul discharge. Carb. an. cor. acid, Sepia, Thuja. or simple abrasion. Hydrast., Merc. sensitive and painful. Asafcet. small. Lycopod. superficial. Hydrast., Merc, sol., Nitr. swelling and hardness of the cervix. Natr. m. sycotic. Thuja. , syphilitic. Lach., Merc, Nitr. acid, Thuja. with condylomata. Lach., Merc, Nitr. acid, Nux v., Thuja. little pimples around them; itching. Hep. s. — ovarian irritation. Plat. OVARIES AND OVARIAN REGION. 405 Ulcers of the os or cervix, with prolapsus. (See Prolapsus ) He- lonias. • and hypertrophy. Po- doph. sensation of coldness in them. Ars., Bry., Merc, Rhus tox., Silic. Weak feeling in the — genital organs in general. Sulph. Ovaries and Ovarian Region. (See Groins ) Affections of the — in general. Aeon., JEscul. hipp., Aloe, Ambr. gr., Amm. m., Antim. crud., Apis, Argt. m., Argt. nitr., Ar- nica, Ars. (uterus), Arum triph., Aurum mur. natr., Bell., Brom., Bry., Cact. gr., Canth., Capsic, Carb. an., Cham., China, Cimi- cifuga, Coccus cacti, Colocynth, Conium, Curare, Eupat. purp., Ferr., Gels., Glon., Graph., Ham., Helon., Hep. s., Iod., Kali c, Kali nitr., Lac can., Lach., Lilium, Lycopod., Magn. m., Merc, viv., Natr. m., Pallad., Phos., Phytol., Plat., Podoph., Psorium, Ranun- cul. bulb., Rhododcn., Rhus tox., Sabadilla, Sac lac, Sepia, Staphis., Strain., Sulph., Thuja, UstilagO, Zinc, Zinci valcrianas, Xanthox. analogous to those of the testicles. Puis, and Rhododendron have been found serviceable. right. JEscul. hipp., Apis, Ars., Argt. nitr., Bell., Bry., Ferr., Glon., Graph., Ham., Iod., Lach., Lac can., Lycopod., Natr. m., Pallad., Podoph. (uterus), Psorium, Rhus to\., Sac lac. ■ left. Ambr. gr., Argt. m., Bovista, Brom., Eupat. purp., Graph., Lac can., Lach., Lilium, Merc, viv., Natr. m., Podoph., Psorium, Rhus tox., Silic, Strain., Thuja, Ustilago, Zinc. before and during menses* (See Part I.) Jl-nil. hipp., Apis, Argt. m., Argt. nitr., Brom., Cact. gr., Capsic, China, Graph., Lac can., Lach., Lilium, Phos., Thuja, Zinc, Xanthox. daring menses. (Sec Part J.) Apis, Bell., Brom., ( !act. gr., Canth., Capsic, ( 'hum., ( lolocynth., < rraph., Iod., Lao can., Lach., Lilium, Phos., Thuja, Xanthox. after metises, (See Part I.) Graph., Zinc. 406 GENERAL CONGOMIT ANTS. Affections of the, with amenorrhoea. (See Part III.) Aeon., Antirn. crud., Apis, Cimicifuga, Conium, Lilium, Phytol., Podoph., Ustilago. ■ metrorrhagia. (See Part V.) Argt. nitr., Helon., Lach , Lycopod., Plat., Sepia, Ustilago. flu or albus. (See Part VI.) Helon., Iod., Lyeopod. lochia — (see Part VII.) if suppressed or too scanty. Hedeoma. pregnancy. Podoph. gonorrhoea, or succeeding it. Co- paiva, Merc, sol., Thuja. rheumatic tendency. Bry., Cimi- cifuga, Phytol., Rhus tox. syphilitic taint. Aurum, Kali, iod., Merc, iod., Merc, sol., Nitr. acid. preceding abortion. Apis, Lach., Lyco- pod., Podoph. from disappointed love. Ignat., Phos. acid, Staph is. mechanical injury. Arnica, Ham., Psorium. Atrophy with sterility. (Baryt. iod.) Conium, Iod., Plumb. Dropsy. Apis (right), Brom. (left), China, Lycopod., Tere- binthina. or dropsical tumors, with stinging or bruised sore pain. Apis. with general dropsy or ascites. Apocyn. can. (to begin with, afterwards) Apis, etc. great bearing-down pain. Iod. Heat — and uterine region — usually with menses. Lac can. Hydatids. Bufo, Canth. Induration. (See Swelling; Tumor.) Apis, Ars. (Baryt. iod., Baryt. m.), Graph. and pain — left — from a blow, followed by itching eruption on body and face. Psorium. swelling. Apis, Conium, Iod., Lach. , with cancerous degeneration — right. Iod. lancinating pains. Conium. soreness and shooting pains OVARIES AND OVARIAN REGION. 407 from the navel to the pelvis; worse from exertion or while standing, better when lying on left side — right. Pallad. Induration and swelling — worse from moral emotions, or great exertions — right. Laeh. with crampy pains, and bearing down, with clawing and cutting pains. Bell. suppuration, nausea, vomiting, eructation of wind, expectoration of phlegm. Onium. Inflammation and congestion. (See Pain.) Aeon., Apis, Bell., Bry., Cact. gr., Canth., China, Cimicifuga, Cubeba, Graph., Ham., Hedeoma, Iod., Kali hydr., Lac can., Lilium, Phytol., Plat., Rhus tox., Sabina, Sepia, Thuja, Zinc. , before menses — worse right — with extreme soreness and sensitiveness, which makes every mo- tion and position, even breathing, painful. Lac can. . . , chronic — usually with flu or albus. Iod. young women, who have had no children. Brom. ; constant pain in the ovary, with sharp pain pressing down the leg with great rapidity; swelling and tenderness. Ustilago. from haemorrhages or too frequent coitus; cannot bear the least touch upon the parts. China. , passive — and of uterus — with lochial disorders. Hedeoma. right — and of uterus, they are very sensitive to touch. Secal cor. , swelling — sensation of — with pains as from a corrosive tumor there. Kali iod. , with amenorrhea. Apis. great tenderness — right. Bell. irritable uterus. Ci- micifuga. , worse from taking cold or getting her feet wet. Graph. Knotty lumps above righl groill, even ;i bandage hurts. Psoriuin. Motion — quick jerking — in and above lefl ovary. Eupat. purp. Numbness in right ovarian region to the hip, extending to the 408 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. ribs and down over the whole thigh; better when lying upon it. Apis. Inflammation, worse in right groin. Eupat. purp. Obliteration — almost entire. Carbonium sulfnratum. Pain. (Compare Inflammation; Induration; Swelling; Tu- mor.) , aching — dull. Hydrocotyle. , dragging — left — with heat down the thighs (third month of pregnancy). Podoph. — ■ sore — burning. Conium. and in the uterus. Seeal cor. , as if from a sprain, obliging her to walk bending. Amm. m., A}) is, Arnica. — , bearing-down. Magn. m. , also in groins and loins, with fulness and heaviness in uterine region ; worse while standing. Aloe. , great — with dropsy of ovaries. Iod. , right — with menses. Apis. , when standing — relieved when sitting down; shooting pain — left. Lilium. -- , with clawing* and cutting pains. Bell. , boring— dull — drawing — left. Liliuin. stitching — relieved by urinating. Lycopod. violent — causing her to bend double, with much restlessness and moaning. Colocynth. increasing more and more until re- lieved by a discharge of blood from the vagina — right. Lach. left — relieved from pressure and dur- ing mensem, when all symptoms generally disappear, but return at its expiration. Zinc. — — — , burning. Ars., Bell., Canth., Lilium, Plat., Thuja, Ustilago. , and tenderness. Canth. , from groin to groin, with morning stool. Lilium. , heat — stitches. Bufo. , in paroxysms — right — with stitches in fore- head and excessive sexual desire. Plat. the morning — in both — with burning high up into the abdomen. Lilium. -, sore — aching. Conium. OVARIES AND OVARIAN REGION 409 Pain, burning, tearing — twisting — right especially. Kali iod. , with amenorrhcea. Lilium. , worse from walking, riding, and at every menstrual period ; left. Thuja. , colic — menstrua] — beginning in left ovary. Lach. come and go. Gossypium. suddenly. Bell. , crawling sensation, with apprehension of suppuration. Hep. s. , cutting — above left ovary. Eupat. purp. • and back — right. Argt. nitr. as from knives. Sabadilla. ■ fine — left — across to the right, when stretch- ing in bed; first faint, but growing stronger after every repeated stretching; four or five times the same, then ceasing. Apis. (right), or left. Arum triph. sharp, in the right ovary. Apis. , shooting — left to right across the jmbis (Lach.), frequently down the leg; better from rubbing with a warm hand. Lilium. , dragging, in the left ovary. Silic. , drawing — as if something was pulling the ovaries down. ( ubeba. down and forward — right — relieved by rub- bing. Pal lad. dull — left — relieved by gentle pressure with the hand. Lilium. right. Apis. , dull— constant— left. Brom. heavy, in the lower part of the — and pressure to pass water. Sepia. extending all over the abdomen — soreness. J lam. front the groin to the left ovarian region — violent. Alumen. Lach., (Lilium.) left to right — shooting. (Apis), right (<> left- -shooting — sharp. Lycopod. Phos. outward and back ward. Sepia. tO the abdomen and back — during menses. 27 410 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Pain extending to the back. Sulph. , during menses. Iod. nital organs, or upwards to liver genital organs, or upw and chest — right. Lach. groins and loins — inflammation and swelling — throbbing, lancinating pains. Cubeba. — , cramps. Bufo. , hip, and ribs, down over the whole thigh — numbness — dulness — right — better when lying on it. Apis. — iliac region, sometimes into the left leg — left — inflammation — frequently worse from walking or riding, so that she has to lie down, with or without menses. Thuja. hip and back — right. iEscul. hipp. ■ , shooting. Bry., Merc. viv. legs — shooting — intermittent — swell- ing — worse in the left. Ustilago. sacrum and thighs — with metrorrha- gia, Argt. nitr. side — shooting. Cimicifuga. thighs and crural region. Staphis. , inner side. Phos. — , durino- menses. Lili left. Phos. , numbness. Podoph. , pulsating — like an internal tu- mor suppurating — intermittent — with or without menses. Cact. gr. , soreness — like a sore spot, causing irritation and dragging pain ; worse while at rest and from touch — right. Bry. , which feel numb and lame — stitching — drawing — worse from motion, bending, or sitting bent. Ars. uterus — along the broad ligaments. Ham., Iod. and back — severe. Ustilago. pressing, dull, wedgelike — right — with or without menses. Iod. right. Lach., Sac lac. shooting — lancinating — OVARIES AND OVARIAN REGION. 411 throbbing — with heat and dryness in throat and twitching in the breast. Cubeba. Pain extending to the uterus — violent — frequently with fluor albus. Helon. vesical and pubic region — before leu- corrhoea — thrusting — drawing. Coccus cacti. tlpivards — even to the shoulders. Podoph. — to liver and chest. Lach. in — and eye — alternately. Sulph. left — and left mamma — severe bearing down in uterus. Lilium. loins. Argt. m. for a short time, when walking in the open air. Carbol. acid. with prolapsus uteri — during menses. Argt. m. , returning night after night, disturbing sleep, until symptoms of abortion set in. Podoph. right — and groin. Natr. m., Podoph. uterus. Podoph. with metrorrhagia. Ustilago. pain in left pectoral region and cough. Apis. , with constant inclination to stretch the upper and lower limbs. Plumb. inverted nipples. Apis, Silic. swelling in both groins. Kali c. urinary difficulty, especially during menses. Canth. irritation* Kali brora. , constant feeling of. Lilium. producing amenorrhea, dysmenorrheea, metrorrhagia, in rheumatic women. Cimicifuga. , sensitiveness — right — before and during menses. Rhus tox. , uterus and back — Bevere. Ustilago. , with amenorrheas. Cimicifuga, Pliytol., Podoph., I fstilago. pain in forehead and vertex — -head ('•••■Is enlarged — blurred vision. Gels. spasmodic contraction of cervix uteri. Vibur. opul, 412 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Pain, lancinating. (See Stitches.) Absinthum, Conium, Laeh. , crarnpy — mostly right side. Cubeba. , in left ovarian region. Artemisia abro- tanum. , shooting — bearing down in uterus, se- vere — when standing. Lilium. from left to ris;ht. Lach. (Lilium.) parts. Curare, phis. right to left. Lycopod. to the hips. Bry., Merc. with desire to press upon the great tenderness. Sta- , throbbing — with heat and dryness in throat and twitching in the breast. Cubeba. inflammation, swelling — extending to the groins and loins. Cubeba. , neuralgic. Lach. (left), Sac. lac. (right), Ustilago. ■ , intermittent— left — with swelling like a hen's egg, very tender to touch. Ustilago. , with great nervousness, even sleeplessness; hysterical symptoms, frequently at the same time severe neuralgic headache. Zinci valerianas. , pressing — groins and anus. China. pinching — or in groins — or in pudendum — or alternating between the two. Plat. right. Ars. -, pressure, and weight — right. Apis. -, heavy — above left ovary — during the day. Eupat. purp. weight in the ovaries, and a pressure to pass water. Sepia. , short-lasting — right. Angustura. , rawness. Merc. viv. , sensitiveness — and of uterus, which latter may be enlarged. Terebinthina. before and during menses. Rhus tox. during menses — right. Apis. OVARIES AND OVARIAN REGION. 4:13 I*ain, sensitiveness — during menses — deepseated tenderness ; stinging and frequent micturition. Apis. and after menses — right. Iod. to pressure — left — grasping pains across the lower part of abdomen, relieved by rubbing and moderate pressure — bearing-down pain so great, that she has to support the parts by pressure with the hand upon the vulva. Lilium. right — slight. Lilium. with swelling and bearing-down pain. Pallad. ; white tongue. Antim. crud. with sharp, shooting pains. Staphis. worse from touch, after menses has been checked by a bath. Antim. crud. , soreness — especially with fluor albus. Helon. , sticking. Cai'b. an. , pushing — left. Capsic. , stinging. Apis (right), Sepia. , after coition. Apis. , and irritability — with amenorrhcea. Apis. , darting. Lilium. , followed by labor-pains — preceding abortion. Apis. , grasping — from left ovary across the pubes, down the thighs, bearing down when standing. Lilium. , in both ovaries, with drawing towards the uterus, lusting about ten minutes at a time. Gossvpium. , when taking a deep inspiration ; cannot bear to have the parts touched. Bry. , with amenorrncea. Lilium. — voluptuous feeling in the vagina and feeling of fulness in the parts — left. Lilium. , stitches, (See Lancinating.) Carb. an., Oonium, Cu- rare. , and burning heat. Bufo. , arresting the breathing. (Bry.), Canth. , on taking a deep inspiration (Canth., Graph.); cannot bear to have the parts touched. Bry. , when drawing in the abdomen or pressing npon it. A mbr. gr. w ftl, induration. Conium, Carb. an. 414 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. 2*ain, stitches, with induration and swelling — violent. Graph. , stitching — and uterine appendages. Kali C. ■ left. Mere. viv. pressive — tensive — swelling — left. Lach. relieved by urinating. Lycopod. with araenorrhcea. Conium. , strained — left — worse when walking, evenings, followed after several hours by a bearing down in right side and lame feeling in the shoulderblades ; when walking, she is compelled to bend for- ward. Apis. , tearing — grinding — wringing — twisting — right — as if it would burst, followed by a discharge of bloody pus. Graph. , tensive — as if from distension of ovaries and uterus. Curare. with great restlessness; some relief from con- stantly moving the feet. Ars. , tit robbing — in the ovaries and uterine region, like an internal tumor suppurating ; the pain extends to the thighs and be- comes insupportable, then it ceases completely, and occurs on the next day at the same time, and so on. Cact. gr. lancinating — inflammation and swelling. Cubeba. sticking. Bell. when standing — right. Copaiva. , with weak back. Artemisia abrotanum. ivorse — after menses, until it appears again. Zinc. during menses — likewise other ovarian affections. Thuja. from bending or sitting bent. Ars. changes of the weather. Rhododen., Rhus tox. coitus. Apis. getting her feet wet. Graph. great exertions. Lach. inspiration. Bry., Canth., Graph. mental excitement; from being in society; from hearing music ; from conversation. Pallad. — emotion. Lach. motion. Bry., Ars., Pallad. rest. Bry. riding. Thuja. OVARIES AND OVARIAN REGION. 415 Pain, worse — from standing. Aloe. stretching when in bed. Apis. taking cold. Graph. ■ thinking on sexual subjects. Staphis. touch. Antira. crud , Bry., Graph., Lilium. , even the slightest. China. walking. Thuja. in the evening. Apis. windy, rough weather. Rhododen. better — after a discharge of blood from the vagina. Lack.. urinating. Lycopod. during menses. Zinc. when constantly moving the feet. Ars. lying upon the affected side. Apis. painless side. Pallad. pressing upon the affected parts. Zinc. rubbing the parts. Pallad. with a warm hand. Lilium. Scirrhus. (See Tumor; Scirrh us of the Uterus.) Ars. Sensation as of a ball in the ovarian region, causing her constant pain. Calc. c. Suppuration — after pus lias been formed — it will promote its discharge. Lach. discharged under the influ- ence of Lachesis. Plat. apprehension of — with crawling sensation in the parts. Hep. s. with shooting pains towards the hips. Merc. viv. Sivelling. (See Inflammation; Induration; Dropsy'; Tumor.) Apis, Kali brom. and great sensitiveness. Bufo, Ustilago. hardness after menses. Graph. left — violent pains ; partly when touched, and partly even on inspiration (Bry., Canth.) or hawking, when flic most violent stitches shoot in it, so that she is beside herself, with profuse general perspiration, ami continued loss of sleep. Graph. before and during menses. Apis, (right), Brom. (left). enormous. Aurum mur. oatr. to nearly tin.- size of a child's head. Lilium. 416 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Swelling, left — with pressing, stinging pains. Apis. , pain, tenderness, especially after a blow. Ham. right — with pain in the left pectoral region, with cough. Apis. stitching, pressive, tensive pain — left. Lach. -, throbbing pain. Bell. ■ tenderness to touch — right, with bearing-down pain. Pallad. throbbing and lancinating pain — inflammation. Cu- be ba. Tumors. (See Swelling; Induration.) Apis (X. A. Journal, 21, page 5.1:) ; Raue's Annual Record, 1872, page 173 ; A. Observer, 4. page 251 ; Allgemeine Horn. Zeitung, 83, page 91 ; Hel ninth's Surgery), Ars. (Helmuth's Surgery; U. S. Med. Investigator, II, 41 G); there may be a sense of burning in the tumor; Baryt. c. and Baryt. m. (Hale's New Remedies), Calc. c. (X.Y. Transactions, 1871, page 31 2), Carb. an. (Med. Investigator, XI, page 528) ; Colocynth (M. Investigator, 10, page 632; N. Engl. M. Gazette, 4, page 311, and 5, page 501), Graph. (British Journal of Horn., 22, page 93), Kali brom. (Hale's Xew Remedies, A. Horn. Observer, 7, page 556 ; British Journal of Horn., 1869), Lach. (British Journal of Horn., 1873, page 133), Lycopod., Platina (X. A. J. of Horn., 22, page 93), Plumb. (U. S. M. Investigator, 2, page 416), Podoph. (Trans. Am. Invt. 1857, p. 81, and 1869, U. S. M. Investigator, 2, 416), Psorium (Her- ing'sM. M.), Rhus tox., Strain. (U. S. M. Investigator, 2, 416). hard, encysted. Carb. an. in right and left iliac fossa, size of an orange ; both hard, round, slightly movable, not painful to pressure, nor causing inconvenience. Graph. soft, encysted. Apis. tensive pain — and pain in the leg of the aifected side, cannot keep the foot still. Ars. ■ when the left ovary was first affected, with tendency towards the right. Lach. Twitching in both ovarian regions, seemed to extend to the back. Artemisia abrotanum. Vagina. Aphtha? in the. Cauloph., Helou. Atony of the. Cauloph., Ham. VAGINA. 417 Coldness of the. Graph. Cysts of the — serous. Rhododen., Silic. Discharge of blood from the. (See Menses, Part I.) a few drops, fifteen days before the time of menses. Sepia. after a discharge of leucorrhoea, immediately. Magn. m. intercourse. Sepia. and slime. Sepia. between the menstrual periods, not depending on tumors. (See Part I.) almost black, fluid, fetid. Secal. cor. green-red fluid, during pregnancy. Sepia. mucus, etc. (See Fluor albus, Part VII.) — wind. (See Wind.) Dryness of the. Natr. m. and heat. Bell. vulva, causing a very disagreeable sensa- tion when walking, after menses. Sepia. long-lasting. Lycopod. which makes coition painful, and causes aver- sion to it. Ferr., Natr. m. Excrescences — granular. Staphis. warty — with great burning and smarting. Thuja. Excoriation of the. Graph. Fistula, Asar. europ., Puis. with burning pain. Carb. veg. Flatus from the — loud discharge of. Brom. Gangrene. Secal cor. Heat and dragging in the — with swelling of the labia. Colocynth. dryness. Bell. in the bottom of the — pricking, itching at its orifice. Hy- drocotyle. Heaviness in the — sensation of — and of the labia majoraj espe- cially with colic. Murex purp. Induration of the. Aurum mur. natr., Puis. and swelling. Bell., Ferr. painful. China. Inflammation of fch< — acuta — with spasmodic actions and pains. Ham. 418 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Inflammation of the — and heat. Cubeba. labia majora, with much irrita- tion. Xitr. acid. swelling. Bell., Merc. sol. the whole sexual apparatus. Li- limn, Merc. uterus. Cauloph. aphthous — and spasmodic pain in with vaginismus and prurigo of the vulva. Ham. Irritable — with spasmodic intense pains. Cauloph. Itching in the. (See Pain.) Pain in the. Calc. phos. , aching. (See Fluor albus, Part VII.) Calc. c. after nosebleeding. Calc. phos. pressure — and in the uterus. Calc. phos. and clitoris. Apis. burning, Calc. phos., Merc, sol., Nux v. and itching pimples around the vulva; is hardly able to sit still. Sulph. - pinching. Aurum. — soreness — frequently very sensi- tive, especially in the anterior portion, extending even to the labia and region of the orifice of the urethra. Berber. stitching — and of the labia. Puis. ■ swelling. Nux v. as from ulcers. Nitr. acid. if excoriated. Cham. daily at the same hour. Chelidon. smarting — violent — and anus. Berber. concentrating here from other parts. Calc. phos. crampy constriction. Puis. itching. Alum, Aurum, Sepia. after an embrace, and increase of leu- corrhcea. Cannab. ind. and of mons veneris, with watery vesi- cles. Rhus tox. heat. Aurum mur. corrosive — and betwen the pudenda, sc that she is obliged to rub them. Kreosot. 419 JPain in the — itching, deep in. Conium. great. Canth. from before backwards. Sabina. ■ inducing rubbing in the even- g. Kreosot. violent — she is forced to rub it; poste- riorly there is smarting, the vulva becomes swollen, hot, and hard on urinating the vagina pains as if sore in the evening. Kreosot. voluptuous. Lilium; after coitus. Nitr. acid. deep in the. Kreosot. like the tick of a watch, on left side of the vagina, with throbbing as if from an ulcer. Alum. pressing down. Caunab. ind v Silic. ■ on stooping. Lycopod. , parts tender to touch. Silic. when walking. Silic. sensitiveness — extreme — hindering coition. Thuja. shooting — violent — extending towards the left ovary. Cimcx. smarting — usually on one side. Berber. soilness. Argt. nitr., Brom., Cimicifuga, Ham., Kali bich., Nitr. acid, Kobinia, Khus tox. and stitches. Khus tox. hindering an embrace. Khus tox., Sulnb Staph spasmodic — and vulva, especially when sitting. contractive. Scjua. violent. Cauloph. stitches. Muriat. acid. , almost constant. Sepia. , coming from above, causing her to start. ]\ r< osoi . the abdomen, A rs. deep in — and in the neck of the uterus, from the front backwards. Sa- bina. followed by leucorrhcea. A in or. gr. 420 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Pain in the — stitches from below upward. Phos., Nitr. acid (when walking in open air). without inward, when walking in open air. Nitr. acid. in left side — extending to the chest. Alum. especially, fine, dull, or violent; they appear mostly sudden, so as to frighten her, ending at times in the urethra. Berber. , shooting to the uterus. Phos. tearing — violent — and in the abdomen. Amm. c. tenderness. Berber., Merc, sol., Nux v., Silic. — at the entrance of — and vulva, and for some distance internally. Sepia. during an embrace. Berber., Coc- cus cacti, Ferr., Merc, sol., Nux v., Sepia. in the extreme lower part of — when passing water. Coccus cacti. throbbing — left side especially. Alum. Polypus of the. Puis. , creeping sensation around the. Marum ver. Prolapsus of the. Ferr., Granat,, Merc. after parturition especially. Podoph. and uterus. Nux m., Nux V., Sepia. , feels better after coition. Merc. , from straining or lifting. Au- rum, Nux v. ■ during stool ; feels so weak, that she drops down suddenly, but can get up quite readily. Stan. , parts look greenish and smell badly. SuIjdIi. acid. , which is strangulated, with cold sweat, ex- hausting vomit and diarrhoea. Verat. alb. with constipation. Sepia. Pruritus of the — induces onanism. Caladium. Scirrhus of the — painful to slight touch. Ivreosot. Swelling of the — and induration. Bell., Ferr. inflammation. Bell., Merc. sol. burning- — rendering contact impossible. Nux v- on one side, with burning and stinging pain. Nux SEXUAL DESIRE. 421 Swelling of the — with burning and itching, also of the vulva. Nitr. acid. Ulceration of the. Bapt., Nitr. acid. , diphtheritic — small. Sepia. , fiery and red-looking — and uterus. Cin- nabar. from induration. Auruni mur. natr. — superficial. Hydrast., Merc. sol. syphilitic. Merc. sol. primary; phagedenic, with profuse suppuration. Merc. cor. ■ with tendency to rapid destruction of tissue ; gray or greenish in color, irregular shaped, with very of- fensive discharges. Nitr. acid. Vaginismus. Plumb. Vesicles in the. Graph. , watery — with stitching pains — and itching and burning at the mons veneris. Rhus tox. Wind from the— discharges of. Brom., Lycopod., Nux m., Phos. acid, Sanguin. — — — ■ — loud. Brom., Sanguin. , passing out from the wide- open os. Sanguin. Worms in the. Cina. Sexual Desire. Decrease of. Agn. cast., Hep. s., Kali hydr. or suppressed, with long-delayed thrill, and fre- quently cutting <>r stitching in the parts during coition. Berber. from onanism. Zinc. with sterility. Ferr. widows. Apis. Desire during a morning sleep, but no pleasure during an em- brace. Cannab. ind. Increase of. Apis, Asafcet., Baryt. c, Cannab. ind., Cannab. sat., Canth., Conium, Cubeb., Hydrast., [gnat., Kali brom., Lach., Lilium, Nux v., Phos., Sabina, Silic. after urination, with erection of the clitoris. ( 'ale. phos. 422 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Increase of— but remaining; under the control of the will by keeping busy. Lilium. excessive. Arundo m., Murex purp. especially in virgins, with voluptuous tingling; in the external and internal parts, even in the abdomen. Plat excited by the least contact of the parts. Murex purp. nymphomania. Bell., Cannab. ind., China, Lach., Lycopod., Murex purp., Plat., Phos., Pobinia. from ascarides. Sabadilla. — — in lying-in women. Gratiola, Plat. ; with plethora. As- afcet., Silic. loud talking and singing; body smells of semen. Stram. ; obscene. Lilium. with intolerable titillation in the sexual organs. Mosch. excitement, without desire, afterwards out of hu- mor, with aversion to intercourse. Cannab. ind. , she feels the pulse in all parts. Calc. phos. strong. Ars., Coff., Crocus sat., Lilium. — in hysterical women. Apis. with burning in the pudendum. Nux v. — itching and irritation of the parts. Agaric, m. Eabina. pains from the sacrum to the pubis. irlth discharge of blood between the periods. Sabi mucus. Ars. pruritus. Caladium, Canth. spinal affections. Silic. voluptuous dreams at night. Nux v. Loss of — and power — from sexual abuse. Phos. with relaxed genitals. Calc. c. or without sterility. Helon. COITUS BREASTS. 423 Coitus. A-ftev — itching in the vagina and increased leucorrhcea. Can- nab, ind. Aversion to. Arundo m., Caust., Graph., Xatr. m., Petrol. in consequence of dryness of the vagina, which renders it painful. Ferr., Natr. m. great sensitiveness of the sex- ual organs. CofT. — soreness in the vagina. Rhus tax. Coitus causes stinging in the ovaries. Apis. followed by irritability of mind. Natrum. m. with almost total insensibility during the act. Borax., Ferr. ■ nausea. Silic. Painful. Ferr., Kali c, Nux v. , after touching the os. Merc. cor. , burning during and after. Lycopod. followed next day by a discharge of black blood. Kreosot. followed by violent bleeding. Argt. nitr. from dryness of the vagina. Bell., Ferr., Natr. m. pain at the extreme lower part of vagina. Coccus cacti. entrance and for some distance into the vagina. Sepia. sensitiveness — extreme — of the vagina. Thuja. soreness of the vagina. Rhus tox., Sulph. violent — preceded by anxiety or trembling. Kreosot. with cutting or stitching in the parts; suppressed desire. Berber. Breasts. Abscesses of the. (Sec Ulceration.) Atrophy of the Kali hydr. Nitr. acid. flabbineSS, hanging down heavily. Iod. Cancer of the Kreosot., Psorium. aggravated during every menstrual period. Co- nium. 424: GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Cicatrices from former ulcers. Graph. Crawling as if from insects above the left breast. Tart. emet. Hardness of the — (right) with painfullness to touch, and nightly stitches. Conium. Hypertrophy of the. Phytol. Induration of the. Bry., Cistus can., Cupr. Inflammation and swelling of the. Bell., Bry., Carb. veg., Curare. with suppuration. Phytol. Lumps in the. (See Nodosities.) Bry. hard. Conium, Nitr. acid, Silic. 31llh ill the — in those who are not pregnant. Asafcet. profuse flow of. Lac can. (serviceable in almost all cases where it is required to dry up the milk). want of in nursing mothers. Agnus cast., Calc c, Secal. cor. watery in women not pregnant. Cyclam. Nodosities in the — (see Lumps) blue, red, hard, size of a hazel- nut; dry black points at the tips. Iod. hard and burning. Lycopod. — — painful. Carb. an., Colocynth. like scirrhus. Curare. Pain in the — acute — as if sore and ulcerated. Iod. and soreness, at every menstrual effort. Conium. swelling before menses. Calc. C. as if suppurating, when touched especially. Calc. c. burning between the. Daphne. and stinging below the. Laurocer. constant — between the menstrual periods, under left breast at the margin of the ribs. Ustilago. . and increasing, extending to the stom- ach, causing a sickening sensation. Sanguin. excruciating — from the nipple through to the shoulderblade, every time the child draws the breast. Crot. tig. extending to the axilla; can't bear pressure. Brom. left breast. Lilium. while the child nurses from the right. Borax. and left ovary. Lilium. — '- as from needles. Conium. BREASTS. 425 Pain in the — periodical. Merc. viv. right — extending to the shoulder, and so severe that it is difficult to raise the hand to the top of the head;- in the afternoon. Sanguin. when touched. Amm. c. sharp, piercing, in right breast, just beneath the nipple; very difficult to take a deep inspiration, with some dyspnoea, in the afternoon. Sanguin. ■ ■ shooting, piercing, pinching, lancinating — ex- tending to the armpits. Curare. , sticking. Ol. an. soreness and tenderness, especially during menses. Helon. stitch — a violent — through the right mamma near the sternum, extending to the back between the shoulders, then downwards into the right side of sacrum, very painful on breathing. Phellandrium. stitches. Sanguin. and violent. Murex purp. as with needles ; left. Conium. in one of the. Sepia. night; right, with hardness. Conium. sharp — left. Brora. , extending inward to the back, between the shoulders, not affected by breathing. Phellan- drium. under either nipple; pregnancy. Spigel. tenderness, cutting pain through the scapulae. Lilium. under the breasts. Hyperic. left breast, and misery constant between the periods. Ustilago. Sensation as of a hot stream from tin; In-east to the liver. San- guin. Shivering over the. Coccul. Shuddering in the. Digital. Swelling of the — (see Pain, Inflammation, etc.) hardness, with severe pains or suppuration. Merc. viv. and tenseness. Puis. turgid villi milk, as if in the ninth month of pregnancy, without being pregnant. A.-al'o-i. 28 426 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Swelling of the — with secretion like pus. Cyclatn. Tumors in the. (See Lumps, Nodosities.) Ulcers of the. Phytol. , scirrhous — with stinging and burning edges. Hep. b., Hydrast. , threatening. Phos., Phytol. , with hardness. Phos. NIPPLES. Cracks upon the. Castor equi., Graph. Inverted. Apis, Silic. , with ovarian disease. Apis. Itching of the. Puis. , with mealy covering. Petrol. Pain in the — and glandular swelling about the. Merc. cor. as if milk would be secreted in breast. Nux v. burning, sore. Sanguin. when breathing. Eupator. per. Sensation as if air streamed from the. Cyclam. Sensitiveness to touch. Nux v. Soreness of the — with small corrosive blisters. Graph. , with stinging. Lycopod. Ulceration of the. Merc. viv. , with fissures. Curare. Vesicles upon the. Graph. Larynx and Trachea. (For many Laryngeal Symptoms see Cough, as connected therewith.) Aphonia. (See Hoarseness, Voice.) Baryt, c, Bell. , catarrhal. Caustic, Cham., Merc. viv. , complete — is unable to speak a loud word in spite of every exertion. Caustic, Eumex crisp. -, hoarseness, with sneezing. Kal -, with swollen larynx. Sanguin. 1 c. Burning in trachea and bronchia. Kali bich. the right side of larynx. Lachnanth. Catarrh — laryngeal or tracheal. Hep. s. LARYNX AND TRACHEA. 427 Cold sensation in the larynx, with a cold, when inspiring. Brom. Constriction of the larynx. Plumb. and heat in. Iod. trachea — sensation of. Brom. spasmodic Laurocer. Cough — (see Hoarseness and Cough, under Chest) barking. !N~itr. acid. causing an acrid sensation in the throat. Nux v. a headache, as if the skull would burst. Nux v. continual inclination to. Coff. dry. Podoph. • , as if it came from the larynx. Lachnanth. , caused by a dry spot in the larynx, where there is a crawling and almost constant irritation. Conium. , at night; ceases when sitting up in bed. Puis. ; ceases as soon as flatus passed up and down. Sanguin. , fatiguing — with shaking and constriction in fauces; irritation and dryness of larynx. Coccul. , from midnight until daybreak. Nux V. violent tickling and scraping in larynx, bringing tears into the eyes. Puis. , hacking — as from dust. Aeon. — from constant tickling in larynx, as from dust. Calc. c, Coccus cact., Coff., Sabina. crawling in the larynx. Psorium, Sabina. itching sensation in the upper part of trachea. Nux v. ■ touching the throat. Lach. with great exhaustion. Plumb. rawness in the larynx and tra- ohea. Phos. worse al night, even in sleep. Cham. , hollow — with sort! sensation in a streak down along the trachea, where it pains every time she has a coughing spell; almost prevents breathing. Caustic. , hard — with great soreness in abdomen, or a braised pain in the epigastrium. Nux v. , hoarse, and loud. Aeon. 428 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Cough, dry, spasmodic, like the early stage of whooping- cough; dry at first, in paroxysms; preceded by tickling in throat-pit a few minutes after lying down at night. Rumex crisp. f with burning from the pit of stomach to the larynx. Magn. s. scraping and rawness in larynx. Puis. tickling in the throat-pit, and a crawling sensation extending down beneath the sternum. Sanguin. — from accumulation of mucus in the larynx, in the morning. Natr. m. trachea, with great oppression, especially about midnight. Tart. emet. constriction of the larynx. Coff. laughing. China. pressure on the larynx. Lach. roughness and scraping in the larynx. Nux V. scraping in the larynx, in the evening. Brom. tickling in the larynx. Brom., Coff., Ipec, Kali bich., Lach., Magn. m. and dryness of — vio- lent paroxysms periodically occurring. Drosera. , as from dust in the larynx. Calc. c. , violent, waking at 11.30 p.m.; expectoration of much tenacious mucus for ten minutes. Coccus cacti. — — , with slimy expectoration. Sabina. — — — — ■ sulphur fumes. Lycopod. , in the evening before going to sleep, with scanty expectoration. Lycopod. morning. Iod. — throat and chest. Phos. trachea, nightly. Niccol. — — ; irritation at the lower part of the larynx. Cimicifuga. . — , with hoarseness. Merc. LARYNX AND TRACHEA. 429 CougJl — hacking — from accumulation of mucus in the larynx. Kali bich., Pumex crisp. incessant — from a sensation as from a feather down in larynx or throat, at night especially. Amm. c. loose. Pooloph. in the evening, without expectoration. Oarb. veg. when lying down — continuous. Co- nium, Hyos., Puis. morning after sleep at night. Lach. short — as from constriction of larynx. Coff. when waking from sleep. Puis. violent, hollow — in paroxysms, from heat in the tra- chea. Chelidon. , with little expectoration; worse by pressure, talking, at night, and especially by inhaling cold air. Rumex crisp. when first lying down, during the day or evening; she is obliged to sit up and cough it out, after which she has rest. Conium. tvith expectoration, in the morning, greenish, purulent, sometimes brownish. Carb. veg. of large quantities of viscid albuminous mucus. COCCUS cacti. little granules, like shot, which, when broken up, smell very offensive, with sore throat. Silic. ; hot feeling in throat. Phos. occasionally bright-red blood. Aeon. thick mucus. Sanguin. very tough mucus, so vis- cid that it draws in strings down to the feet. Kali bich. hoarseness all the time. Hep. s. , hollow. Bell. paroxysms, as from taking cold ; sensitiveness of tin: nervous system as BOOH a- only the slightest portion of the body becomes cold. Hep. S. of suffocation — suddenly on swallow- ing. Brom. rattling in the larynx. Brom. 430 GENERAL C0NC01UIT ANTS. Cough worse after sleep. Lach., Lachoanth. at night, Conium (pregnancy), Nitr. acid. in bed. Lachnanth. when lying down. Conium, Puis. Dryness of the larynx. Natr. c, Phytol., Sepia. ; hoarseness. Natr. m. ; irritation. Coccul. painful. Bell. trachea. Aeon. Hoarseness, acute and chronic. (See Cough, Aphonia, Voice.) Aeon., Baryt. c, Bell., Calc c, Caustic., Iod., Kali c, Lach., Nitr. acid, Phos., Phytol., Psorium, Puis., Euracx crisp. and dryness of larynx and trachea. Natr. m. roughness of throat in the morning. Carb. an. , can hardly speak above a whisper. Phos. catarrhal. Cham. coming and going — capricious. Puis. constant, with soreness and rawness in the larynx and behind the sternum, and a weight upon the chest. Phos. especially noticed when crying. Bell. from 5 p.m. to midnight, or it may get worse at that time, with dry, teasing cough. Caustic. great. Phos. acid. and long lasting. Carb. Veg. in the evening, with scraping in throat. Caustic. morning. Phos. and evening. Carb. veg., Caustic. with roughness of voice. Mangan. painless. Calc. C. roughness of the larynx. Silic. scraping in the larynx. Rhus tox. sudden — after exposure to wind. Niccol. and equally sudden relief. Puis. which does not allow to speak a loud word. Bronx, Puis the larynx seemed to be coated, especially towards evening. Phos. ivlth altered voice. Bell., Murex purp. cough all the time. Hep. s. J rv cough from titillation in the throat, Sepia. LARYNX AND TRACHEA. 431 Hoarseness, ivith dry cough, expectoration, lassitude after a leucorrhceal discharge. Conium. pain in chest. Kali hydr. rough voice. Bell., Phos. stitches and soreness in chest. Nitr. acid. ulcerative soreness in the larynx and a burn- ing pain in lungs after a hard cough. Carb. veg. Inflammation and swelling of larynx — sensation of. Bell. Irritation of the mucous membranes — great. Rumex crisp. Loss of voice. (See Aphonia, Hoarseness.) Mucus in the larynx, with a constant desire to hawk and raise it, but without relief; worse at night, but troublesome all day. Rumex crisp. Pain in the larynx. Iod. as if from ulceration. Kali bich. mostly left side. Rumex crisp. scratching. Nitr. acid. with dryness. Bell. tenderness — likewise of the throat, when touched ; cannot bear anything tight around the neck. Lach. Phthisis — laryngeal and tracheal. Carb. veg. Rattling and wheezing of mucus in trachea. Cham. Rawness — sensation of — in trachea. Coff. with hawking. Phos. Roughness — great — in the larynx, with deep rough voice, which fails when exerted, but without pain in the throat. Carb. veg. Scraping in the larynx. Laurocer., Puis. and roughness, provoking cough. Nux v., Puis. Sensation as if the larynx were pressed back against the oesopha- gus, impeding deglutition. Chelidon. pit of throat were pressed against the trachea. Brom. Sensitiveness of the larynx to inspired air. Aeon. — touch. Aeon., Lach. Spasms — hysterical — of larynx and chest. Cauloph. Suffocating fits after midnight, from spasmodic constriction in the larynx. NuX V. Suffocation and crawling sensation in larynx, causing paroxysmal, dry, hawking cough. Psoriuni. 432 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Tickling and crawling in larynx, causing cough and slimy expec- toration. Sabina. scraping — violent — in the larynx, bringing tears into the eyes and causing dry cough. Puis. tingling — intolerable — in the larynx. Iod. Voice — (see Aphonia; Hoarseness; Cough) husky. Phos. loss of. Plat. roughness of the. Phos. weakness of. Caustic. Chest. Anxiety and pressure — distressing — in the chest, amounting to real suffocation, so that deep inspiration was difficult but not impos- sible. Phos. rapid palpitation, want of breath, when lying upon the left side. Puis. Asthma. (See Dyspnoea; Breathing; Oppression.) Ars., Silio. attacks of — at 4 or 5 a.m., preceded by symptoms of ordinary cold ; increase and decrease gradually. Stan. at night. Coff. , makes her jump up at midnight. Ars. great suffocation, anguish, and oppression about the heart. Verat. alb. hay. Aralia. humid. Aralia. hysterical — developed at every little excitement. Ars. is afraid to lie down, for fear to suffocate. Ars. periodical attacks of. Lach. spasmodic. Asafoet., Caustic, Lobelia. with which a peculiar kind of wheezing noise is heard. Ipec. Amelioration of chest symptoms, by the pressure of the hand upon the chest. Sepia. Beating and throbbing in the — violent. Bell. through the chest interrupts the sleep; with old maids. Puis. Blood — spitting of — by mouthfuls after eating. Phos. Breath — disposition to take a deep — feels light after it. Stan. very offensive. Merc. viv. 433 Breathing (see Asthma; Dyspnoea; Oppression; Cough) ac- celerated. Asafcet. always short after coughing. Phos. anxious, difficult. Phos., Plat. , short. Prunus spi. , sighing, hiccough. Secal. cor. , wheezing. Hep. s. -, arrest of — from pressure in the chest. Mosch. - deep and frequent. Hep. s. - sighing. Opi. , frequent, involuntary. Opi. , inclination to. China, Lach., Natr. s. difficult, Phos. , which increases the constriction of chest, causing tearing pains ; worse right side. Sanguin. and heavy. Plumb. impeded by rapid walking. Phos. irregular, frequent, and unequal. Gels. long, with sighing. Opi. painful ; even contact is painful. Ranuncul. bulb. , panting. Laurocer., Phos. , snoring. Opi. — short. Phos. Bronchitis — chronic. Kali bich., Phos., Stan. , with profuse rattling of mucus in the lungs. Cact. gr. - — — tickling deep in the chest. Hep. s. Burning in the. (See Pain.) Congestion to the Aeon., Cact. gr., China, Kali nitr., Phos., Sanguin., Sepia. ', acute — with nausea and vomiting. Vcrat. vir. , and head — tendency to. Aeon. heart, at night — with anxious dreams. Pals. Constriction of the. Aurum, Cact. gr., Laurocer., Magn. m., Mosch., Rhus 1<>\'., Sanguin. across the. Pols. , and Buffocation. Mosch. tightness in the rich! side. Coccul. 434 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Constriction of the — and tightness, with short panting breath- ing. Ipec. asthmatic — worse from motion. Ledum. every evening. Puis. in the region of the heart. Kali c. with cough. Rhus tox. Contractive sensation in chest and hypochondria, impeding respi- ration. Puis. spasmodic sensation in the. Phos. and throat. Ipec. Cough after going to bed. (See Cough, under Larynx and Trachea, Dyspnoea, Oppression, Breathing.) Natr. m., Puis., San- guis as if the chest would fly to pieces. Zinc. at night. Bell., Calc. c., Conium, Hyos., Kali carb., Puis. , bloody. Ferr. causing dryness of throat. Puis. , dry. Carb. an., Hyos. ■ , frequent — which always wakens her, after which she falls asleep. Hyos. preventing sleep. Puis., Sepia. , with burning in the throat. Castor. at 3 a.m. commencing. Kali c. ■ ; it awakens her, with a violent, stupefying head- ache. Nitrum. before a chill — dry and teasing — continuing during the chill. Rhus tox. , bloody. Aeon., Ferr., Natr. m. caused by tickling, low down in the chest, just above the pit of stomach. Phos. acid. in the throat. Phos. , croupy. Iod. continual, almost; hawking; worse at night and when lying down. Conium, Hyos., Puis., Sanguin., Sepia. day and night. Kali nitr. , short, hollow, with inability to expectorate what is raised ; it is swallowed. Caustic. , with or without expectoration. Sanguin. , convulsive — in long continual paroxysms, and vomiting of mucus. Cupr. chest. 435 Cough, dry, Bry., Kali c, Silic. , after every sleep. Puis. , as if coming from the stomach. Bry. , at night, loose by clay. Puis. ; it disappears on sitting up iu bed, but re- turns on lying down. Puis. : , during a thunderstorm. Phos. , fits of — in the evening. Hep. s. , from crying. Phos. drinking, eating, laughing, talking, lying on bad-:, lying on the left side. Phos. midnight till daybreak. Nux V. tickling in throat and chest. Phos. — pit. Silic. , hard, tight — which racks her, and is very exhaust- Phos. towards evening. Puis. hacking. Podoph. — , continual — with vomiting and arrest of breathing. Alum. , followed by a profuse greenish expecto- ration. Kali hydr. , with great exhaustion. Plumb. oppression in the hypochondria. Nu: Sepia. • , worse at night, even in sleep. Cham. in the evening when in bed. Sepia, Stan. short, which seems to come out of the stomach. -, with anxiety and palpitation of heart. Plat. tightness of chest. Ars. iod. , spasmodic — in rapid succession — till the breath is exhausted ; seems fco come from the stomach; worse in the evening. Sepia. , tearing. \ux v. , teasing. Thuja. , troublesome — causing soreness in the forepart of the chest. Phos. , violent, racking, Mere, viv., Phos. , when reading alond. Phos. -, with dillicult expectoration. Puis. 436 GENERAL CONCOJUIT ANTS. Cough, dry, with eruptions on the face. Sepia. roughness of throat. Kali nitr. scanty expectoration. Phos. , fits of — short — followed by a dull aching pain in the chest. Magn. m. from constrictive sensation about the throat. Ignat. becoming warm in bed. NUX m. choking sensation in the fauces, with oppression. Coccul. ■ coming into a cold room from out of a warm one. Phos. warm room from out of the fresh air. Bry., Brom., Natr. m. drinking anything warm. Stan. getting any part of the body cold, in paroxysms. Hep. s. irritation at the pit of stomach. Puis. lying on the right side. Stan. putting the hand out of bed. Rhus tOX. sensation of crawling behind the sternum, moist. Ki-eosot. dust in the throat. Hep. s. talking or singing. Alum., Stan. titillation in the throat. Bry., Kali c, Sanguin., Sepia. under the sternum. Rhus tox. , hacking — constantly in the evening and in bed. Ignat., Sanguin., Sepia. r difficult expectoration, raising only a little phlegm at a time. Lach. loose. Podoph. short. Kali c. , harassing, with considerable inflammatory action (chronic bronchitis; incipient tuberculosis). Sanguin. in the evening — dry. Puis. mostly before sunset, affecting stom- ach and diaphragm. Lycopod. until midnight. Hep. s., Sepia. with expectoration. Carb. veg. morning after rising, with expectoration of CHEST. 437 transparent mucus (sensation in the middle of the sternum as if something were torn loose). Phos. Cough in the morning, at first dry, then followed by expec- toration of viscid mucus. Coccus cacti. before rising, violent, with expecto- ration of clotted blood and soreness in chest. Nux V. very early. Nux V. , with greenish, purulent, sometimes brownish, expectoration. Carb. VQg. inclination to vomit, loose. Sepia. , rough — scratching the breast immediately under the sternum. Cannab. ind. , spasmodic. Ipec, Kali c, Magn. c, Sepia. , dry, especially at night, and worse when lying down. Hyos. , with expectoration of mucus. Ferr. frequent eructations. Ambr. gr. oppression of chest. Phos. ■, worse at night and by motion, dry. Bell. in the evening, at night, and after sleep. Lach. relieved when lying down. Manganum. , suffocating — the throat seems full of phlegm, which does not yield to coughing. Ipec. sympathetic of heart disease. Lach. , violent — almost causing vomiting. Kali c. racking — with purulent expectoration. Ledum. — , with circumscribed redness of cheeks and pain in the chest. Sanguin. disagreeable tension across the chest. Rhus tox. every — stitches in the haemorrhoids. Lach. expectoration — bitter. Puis. bloody — coagulated pieces of hreraoptoe. Puis. frothy, rust-colored. Phos., Rhus t<>.\. mucus. Phos., Si lie, Sulph. difficult Phos., Puis. 438 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Cough, with expectoration— gray , greenish, sometimes pur- ulent, offensive, and of somewhat sour taste. Carb. an. salty taste ; worse from 4 to 6 p.m. Lycopod. granular — during the day or evening, none night or morning. China. green mucus, nearly like mat- ter. Psorium. Calc. c., Cham., Silic. Borax. noticed by the patient. Sangui greenish and profuse. Stan. in daytime; worse at night. the morning. Phos. jollylike. Laurocer. of a mouldy taste and smell. — bad odor ; bad breath, even which is frequently bloody. Iod. — greasy taste. Silic. — large quantities of mucus, — sweetish mucus. Calc. C. — yellow mucus. Puis. purulent. Phos., Silic. , greenish, salty pus. Natr. c. Phos. streaked with blood. Phos. tenacious, purulent mucus. yellow, thick, stringy, profuse mucus. Hydrast. viscid mucus, which may be drawn out in long strings; rattling; efforts to vomit, 'Kali bich. white and tough. Phos. yellow. Ignatia, Puis. , bitter, copious mucus. Puis. to swallow. Caust., Drosera. weakness in chest. Stan. , which she has or grayish, causing 439 Cough, tvith expectoration — yellow, purulent, mucous, sour, offensive. Calc. c. headache. Phos. acid. , as if it would fly to pieces. Bry. hoarseness all the time. Hep. S. and expectoration after a leucorrhceal discharge. Conium. pain, as if it would tear something out of the chest. Rhus tox. in the. Sanguin. left pectoral region and swelling of the right ovary. Apis. ■ — whole chest, or in the larynx and sternum. China. panting. Phos. rattling of mucus in chest. Calc. c. sensation as if the stomach would turn unto vom- iting. Puis. stitches in the chest. Borax, Puis. sternum ; is obliged to hold the chest with the hand. Bry. taste of blood on waking. Ham. whistling, wheezing, rattling, suffocation, worse during inspiration. Aralia. , worse at night and when lying with the head low. Sanguin. Worse after drinking. Pry. at night. Nitr. acid, Puis., Sepia. from 3 to 4 a.m. Kali c. taking sweet things. Zinc. in the morning and evening. Phos. acid. when lying down. Conium, Puis., Sepia. , relieved by silting up. HyoS. Dulnesi — slight — on the righl lower portion of the Lungs poste- riorly, with diminished respiratory murmurs, and fine vesicular rales. Phos. Dyspncea. (See Asthma; Breathing; Oppression; Constric- tion ; Cough.) Apocyn. can., Ars., Asafcet., Bell., Cact. gr., ( ail., veg., China, Colocynth., Hep. s., Hyos., Ipec, Kali bich., Lilium, Lycopod., Magn. m., Magn. s., Natr. m., Niccol., Nitr. acid, Phos., Primus spi., Sanguin., Viola odor. 440 QBNEEAL CONCOMITANTS. Dysjmcea, about midnight, she must sit up and hawk for hours. Tart. emet. after eating. Nux m. and vertigo when lying on the back. Puis. as if the chest were constricted by cramps. Lycopod. though the lungs would not expand sufficiently. Asafcet., Brv., Crot. tig., Iod. ■ at night — with palpitation, especially when lying on the left side. Puis. can lie only on the right side with trunk raised ; the least motion produces suffocation, anxiety, and palpitation. Spigel. constant. Lobelia. early in the morning. Kali c. from ascending a height, going up stairs, etc. Calc. C. , she gets exhausted. Iod. choking in the throat, with inability to cough. Coccul. every movement. Stan. mucus accumulated. Dulc. retrocession of an eruption. Amm. c. the least exertion. Lycopod. walking:. Xatr. s. has to lie with the head high. Ars., Nux v., Puis. hysterical. Valerian. in any position, causing anxiety. Ars. ■ the evening. Stan. oppression, as if some one pressed with the hand upon the chest. Ferr. in chest and epigastrium. Apocyn. can. originating in the pit of stomach. Nux m. , tightness of the lower part of thorax. Ham. dorsal vertebra. Chin. Sulph. ■ relieved by bending head and chest forward. Ra- nuncul. bulb. she is obliged to take short inspirations. Coff. sudden attacks of. Cupr. when walking against the wind. Nnxm. CHEST. 441 Dyspnoea, suffocative attacks, compelling her to sit up in bed. Hep. s. , with fainting. Cact. gr. , the throat feels swollen. Kalmia. , tightness across the chest and cough. Phos. , wants the doors and windows open. Sulph. , when in the fresh air. Psorium. , lying en the back. Puis. down. Stan. walking fast. Ars., Sepia. -, with cough, dry and short. Ars. iod. ; in order to expectorate must sit up in bed, when she experiences great pain, with a constrictive sensa- tion under the sternum. Phos. palpitation of the heart. Crot. tig., Graph., Plat. , vertigo, sudden fiery redness of face. Ferr. pressure in chest when walking on level ground, but no oppression is felt when going up hill. Ranuncul. bulb. rapid respiration, especially when ascending or lying down, relieved by inhaling fresh air. Apis. sensation as if she could not get air enough in the air-cells. Crot. tig. the lungs were constricted, she can hardly speak. Cact. gr. would not expand. Aeon. tenacious mucus in the chest. Sepia. wheezing, great weight and anxiety about the pericardia. Ipeo. Expansion of the — with great difficulty when taking an inspira- tion. Asafcet., Bry., Crot. tig., Iod. Expectoration. (See Cough.) Fulness in tin — and stomach. Castor. I bat in the — just below the sternum. Castor. Heaviness in the. (See Dyspnoea.) Crocus sat., Phos. (as from a weight). Prunus spi. Hcemorrhage. Aeon., Ars., Arnica, Cact. gr., r-.v.-h. veg., China, Ferr., Ipec, Millefol., Natr. m., Phos., Sepia, Sulph. with flying pains in the chest. Ferr. 2fl 442 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Tlcvmorrhaae, with heat in the chest. Sulph. Movements in the. Hyperic Mucous rales in both lungs, but more noticeable in the lower lobes. Phos. Oppression of the — (see Dyspnoea.) Prunus spi. and weight in the upper part of chest. Stan. from any external pressure. Lach. morning and evening. Sepia. suffocative — of the upper part of chest (irritability in lower portion of the trachea). Phos. with spasmodic cough. Phos. Pain in the — as if bruised. (See Cough.) Murex purp. of the breastbone. Sarsaparilla. , sore, painful. Niccol. in the muscles. Magn. c . from weakness. Fhos. acid. Cu pr. a small sore spot. Kanuncul. bulb. , behind the ensiform cartilage, with a deadly feel- sternum. Lobelia. sense of excoriation. Ru- mex crisp. bruised — in region of short ribs, with pain in back, lassitude, ill-humor. Ranuncul. bulb. burning and stinging. Kali nitr. along the sternum. Terebinthina. ■ as from living coals. Carb. veg. at night. Bell. ; cardiac region. Kali c, Puis. ■ paroxysms of. Puis. , pressing and itching. Magn. s. ■ , coughing. Magn. s. contractive — in the middle of the chest. Ol. an. cramplike — in the region of heart, causing palpi- tation and anxiety. Lach. of the muscles — neuralgia. Verat. vir. cutting — in the evening after lying down. Kali c. dull, pressive — left side, apparently about the heart. Lilium. flying — with haemoptysis. Ferr. CHEST. 443 J*aill in the — in all external parts of thorax on moving it. Laurocer. left side, from the nipple to the armpit, ten- sion. Lobelia. , region of heart, with enlargement of right ovary. Apis. — , sharp, with fluttering of the heart. Li limn. , sticking, pressure on deep breathing. Kalic. right pectoral region. Borax. stitching — with every cough or deep inspiration. worse from deep breath or coughing. Pals. nuncul. bulb. stitches* Kali c, Merc, viv., Merc, cor., Ra- , and soreness, with hoarseness. Nitr. at a full inspiration. Bry., Ranuncul. bulb. below the breasts. Hyperic. heart. Crocus sat. beneath the left shoulder, high up in the chest — violent; perceived even in the throat. Theridion. : right ribs. Chelidon. fine — in left lung, while sitting and wn ting. Rumex crisp. from left to right, but is felt in both sides at the same time Ranuncul. bull). in the anterior and upper portion of tin — extending through to the back. Merc. sol. leftside and scapula when breath- ing or coughing. S< Aeon. region of the heart. Laurocer. sides of — hindering respiration. only when lying down «.r coughing. Puis. Bry. relieved when lying on the painful side 444 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Pain in the — stitches, left side. Lachnanth., Lycopod., Natr. s. _ above the nipple, in a space of the size of a hand, worse during contact and motion. Ranuncul. bulb. middle — violent — fine — in front during inspiration, in the forenoon. Ranuncul. bulb. right side. Borax. — on inspiration. Kali C. — violent sticking in region of the fifth to the seventh rib, arresting the breathing, with stitches and pressure at the top of shoulder. Ranuncul. bulb. sternum — on inspiration, when bending forward or backward. Chelidon. upper. Kali hydr. , when coughing has to hold the chest, with the hands. Bry. violent, deep, when walking ; from the sternum to the back. Kali hydr. when coughing, yawning, or breath- ing. Bell., Borax, Bry. or sneezing; right. Merc. sol. lying on the back, worse from emotion. Bry. particularly at night. Puis. tenderness — cannot bear percussion, not auscultation. Calc. c, China, Ranuncul. bulb. ■ tensive — with pressure in the middle of sternum. Sabina. under the clavicles; soreness. Puis. when talking especially. Kali c. with distress. Viola odor. hoarseness. Kali hydr. inspiring. Calc. c, Ranuncul. bulb. periodic cough. Sanguin. Phthisis florida. Theridion. , suppurative stage; chlorotic girls. Puis. Pressure in the — and tightness across the lower part of — with fine stitches, which seemed to be felt in the outer part of the chest first, but then extend deep into the chest, now in the right, now in the HEART. 445 left side of chest ; increased by moving, stooping, or deep inspira- tion. Ranuncul. bulb. Pain in the — left side worse. Sepia. , right — as from a plug. Anacard. , external — makes her feel uncomfortable; she feels op- pressed. Lach. Rattling in the air-passages during respiration. Ipec. of mucus in the lungs; cough worse in the morning. Sulph. Rawness, soreness — in the middle of chest. Sepia. Respiration. (See Breathing.) Scraping in the — causing hawking. Nux v. Sensation in the — as if the clothes were too tight. Caustic. of a lump of ice in the right chest. Sulph. of a hot stream from the breast to the liver. Sanguin. emptiness in the chest. Sepia. Shortness of breath. (See Dyspnoea ; Breathing.) Spasms — hysterical— of the. Bell., Cauloph, Coccul., Mosch. , and larynx. Coccul. Spasmodic, contractive sensation in — and throat. Ipec. Suffocation. (See Asthma; Dyspnoea.) Tightness. (See Dyspnoea.) Tubercles in the lungs, with hectic fever. Phos. Weakness of the — and in general: can hardly talk. Stan. especially in the evening. Sulph. when talking. Calc. c. painful. Phos. acid. with fatigue. Carb. veg. Wheezing in the. (See Dyspnoea; Cough, etc.) Murex purp. Heart. Chest — Pain in the Region of the Hesirt.) Affections of the. Cact. gr., Digital., Sulph. , ami chest, rheumatic. Cimicifuga. diaphragm. ( act. gr. the whole lefl side feel- sore, with the eye perhaps in sympathy. Spigel. , organic. Ars. 445 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Affections of the — rheumatic. Lach. , with affections of the chest. Spigel. , with sympathetic cough. Lach. Anxiety (see Mind and Disposition) about the heart, with nausea, and a sensation of hunger, somewhat relieved by eating, distressing her even in bed. Phos. and palpitation about the. Aeon., Plumb. — want of breath, when lying upon the left side. Puis. Bellows 9 sound of — with anaemic murmur of the arteries and veins. Ferr. Congestion to the — it feels full to bursting. Lilium. Constriction in the region of the. Kali c. of the — sensation of. Gact. gr. Fluttering of the — with a faint, weak feeling, worse on lying- down. Natr. m. and pressure, distressing and painful. Lilium. Inflammation — rheumatic. Lach., Spigel. Intermission in the beating of the — its actions are tumultuous or weak. Kali C. irregular — worse lying on left side. Natr. m. Pain in the region of the, Calc. c. , and painful numbness and lame- ness of left arm. Rhus tox. , burning. Kali c. , stitches. Caustic. as if the heart were alternately squeezed and laxed, with inability to walk straight. Lilium. below the — stitches. Crocus sat. Palpitation of the, Apocyn. can., Ars., Baryt. c, Brom., Carb. veg., Colocynth., Ferr., Hep. s., Hvdrast., Hyper., Kali c, Kalmia, Lach., L. V. Deflor., Laurocer., Magn. c, Merc, viv., Mu- rex purp., Natr. m., Nux m., Nux v., Plat., Sanguin., Sulph. , after a meal. Bufo, Aurum, Lycopod., Puis, (dinner), Sepia (dinner). stool, with burning in anus and oppressive anxiety. Caustic. tremulous weakness. Ars. HEART. 447 Palpitation of the — after — emotion of mind. Sepia. . overexertion, especially during pregnancy. Aurum. , at night. Cact. gr. , day and night. Cact. gr. , face suddenly becomes fiery red, with vertigo, singing in the ears, and dyspnoea. Ferr. } fi'Oiii the least exertion, when going upstairs, etc. Natr. m. physical exertion, as if the heart were ascending into the throat, with rumbling in the right abdomen. Podoph. talking. Puis. , in debilitated persons, especially when lying on the left side, when walking, and at night, with great mel- ancholy. Cact. gr. f caused by loss of blood. Sepia. the morning. Carb. an. , irregular. Ars. , violent. Lachnanth., Phos. attacks of. Puis. , so that the walls of the chest are raised. Spigel. , shaking the body. Natr. m. , when sitting; still. Magn. m., Rhus to; -, ivlien ascending. Sulph. awaking. Alum. - lying on the bade. Kali nitr. left side. Cact. gr.. Natr. in. want of breath. Puis. anxiety, Sulph. walking. Cact.gr. Nitr. acid, , with anguish. Aeon., Ars., Calc. <■., Nitr. arid, Plumb., Spigel. and vanishing of sight. Puis. 448 GENERAL C0NC0IUIT ANTS. Palpitation of the— with anguish, irregular, violent, at night; she thinks she hears it. Ars. anxiety. Aeon., Baryt. c, Calc. C, Mosch.,Puls., Viola odor. the region of the heart. Lach. and cram pi ike pain in fainting. Lach. short, dry cough. Plat. sleeping. NuX m. tion. Lach. Crocus sat. lent and long-lasting. Hydrast. attacks of fainting, followed by chlorosis or anaemia. Puis. clicking from the slightest exer- diarrhoea. Tart. emet. great debility on going upstairs. sinking at the stomach, vio- nightmarc, during sleep. Natr. c. numbness of left arm. Lach., Rhus tcx. Graph., Plat. oppression of chest. Crot. tig. heart. Cimicifuga. Aurum. pain below the breasts. Sulph. reverberating in the head. Bell, rheumatic affections of chest and thoughts of committing suicide. trembling. Plat. — of limbs. Puis. -, worse after eating. Lycopod. when lying on the back. Ars. Pressure in the region of the heart. Asafeet : and heaviness, every even- ing. Puis. at the — like a load weighing upon it, which has set- tled all over her and enveloped her head, like a heavy black cloud. Cimicifuga. Purring of the — as of a cat. Spigel. 449 Sensation as if the circulation stood still. Lycopod. drops of (cold) water were falling from the heart. Cannab. sat. Shocks in the region of the heart, from above downward. Magn. s. , sudden. Mangan. Trembling of the. Bell. , with great debility. Lachnanth. pulsation of the. Calc. C, Spigel. Back. A. BACK IN GENERAL. Bending backward like an arch (convulsions). Cicuta vir. Chilliness along the. Berber., Camph., Liliura, Pnls. as if cold water were pouring down. Puis. beginning in the small of back. Lach. , cold feet, red, hot cheeks; with retarded menses in young women. Puis. over the whole — with hot face, but without redness of face or thirst. Ledum. Cold water poured down the back — sensation of. Puis. Coldness — sensation — between the shoulders, followed by general coldness, and convulsive twitching of the right side, and difficulty of breathing. Sepia. Creepings in the — gentle — as if a soft air were blowing through it. Secal. cor. Formication in the. (Sec Tingling.) Meat — in the — burning, like prickly heat. Apis. flashes of — as if sweat would break out, with pain in left ilio-sacral articulation. Apis. witli stool. Podoph, sensation of. Phos. Itching of tin — and neck. Antim. crud. while undressing. Natr. s. ~Pa/tn in th< — aching — down the leftside — into the hip. Kali Inch. dull — particularly in the lower part. Erigeron. soreness. Eupat. perfol. 450 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. JPain in the — across the shoulders and spine, forcing her to stoop, preventing walking erect. Cannab. ind. , sharp, cutting. Glon. and chilliness of — from suppressed menses. Puis. left scapula, seemingly from the left mamma. Lilium. limbs. Eupat. perfol. .shoulders, as if from a sprain. Rhus tox. as if beaten and lame. Ruta. broken, impeding all motion. Phos., Plat. from weakness, worse sitting and leaning against something. Zingiber. at night especially. Argt. nitr., Helon. .3 a.m. stitching — awakes from — has to walk about to get relief. Kali c. worse when lying. Kreosot. between the shoulders, in the morning. Podoph. bruised. Drosera (mornings), Merc, Ruta. of the muscles of — and loins. Cham. burning, Glon., Nux v. and drawing — in the middle of. Sulph. heat — in the dorsal region, mostly between the lower half of the scapulas; while sitting reading at night. Helon. from the small of back to between the scapula?. Thuja. in the middle of day, as if in the pos- terior wall of stomach. Lobelia. one spot, size of the palm of a hand, below the right scapula, worse in the evening, from motion, exer- tion, moving the right arm ; deep inspiration ; better from pressure. Ruta. over only a small place over the lower margin of the shoulderblade, worse or caused by long-continued needlework or writing; muscular. Ranuncul. bulb. • while lying quietly upon it. Ars. cannot move. Petrol. constant — worse of those parts she has to lie on. Ferr. contracting. Graph. cramping, violent. Bell., Euphrasia, Hellebor. BACK. 451 Pain in the— cutting or dull — below the scapulae. Asafcet. violent. Eupat. purp. drawing. Cham., Colocynth. (region of right scapula). tearing — and thighs. China. from the small of the back to the shoulders. Ars. sacrum to back and neck, after overlift- feeling as if wrenched. Calc. c. — gnawing. Alum. in one spot — when touched. Stram. — must sit up to turn over in bed. Nux. V. neuralgic — especially left side. Nitr. acid. and hip, from below upwards. Eupat. purp. over the whole — down to the loins. Cinnab. especially in the great muscles; shifting pains; worse from a deep inspiration. Sanguin. relieved by lying on something hard. Natr. m. ■ bathing. Sepia. ■ ■ sometimes by bending forward, at other times by bending backward. Plumb. , rheumatic — and extremities — begin in left side. Elaps. neck. Colchic. drawing, tearing. Carb. veg. ■ , muscular, with a feeling of stiffness and contraction. Cimicifuga. — — — shoulders, and anus; worse at night. Sanguin. ■ scapular muscles; preventing mo- tion. Mezer. stitches. Hep. 8. right sid< — near the spine, on a small spol ; morn- ing on rising; worse from pressure. Lithium c. with heaviness of occiput and pressure toward left car. ( Ihelidon. under the shoulderblade. Podoph. sharp. Merc prot. shooting — extending to the stomach. Rhododen. 452 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Pain in the — stitches. Caustic, Stann. , and in the small of back. Plumb. , especially when breathing*. Spigel. from the least motion. Sarsaparilia. in the muscles. Asafcet. sudden — when turning. Nux v. upward the back ; violent. Staph. tearing. Nux v. , especially mornings. Canth. in the lowermost lumbar vertebra, extending to the iliac bones. Chelidon. throbbing. Baryt. c, Thuja. violent — as from a blow. Kali c. cannot straighten out. Psorium. ■ extending into the thighs. Cham. in the middle of. Graph. with a weak and faint sensation. Baryt. c. Perspiration of the, and axilla, very offensive and fetid, also of the soles of feet and around the genitals. Sepia. ■ neck, at the least motion. China. Stiffness of the. Carb. veg., Prunus spi. , lameness, evening in bed. Ivalmia. and paralytic feeling of the. Kali c. weakness — between the shoulders, extending to the neck. Agaric, m. painful — of the — especially when rising from a seat. Caustic. Tingling in the. Aeon., Natr. c, Phos. acid. extending to fingers and toes. Secal. cor. Ulcers — scrofulous — upon the. Cistus can. B. SPINE. (See Between the Shoulderblades ; Small of Back; Sacrum.) Affections of the — from sexual excesses. Nux. v., Sabadilla (ex- cessive weakness of legs). Bruises and shocks in the. Conium. Congestion of the — prostration ; muscles feel bruised and will not obey the will. Gels. Convulsive movements in the — and extremities. Curare. 453 Trvitatioil o£ the — great. (See Sensitiveness of the.) Natr. m., Phos., Silic., Zizia. only when sitting. Zinc. paralytic symptoms, cold feet; consti- pation. Silic. with great prostration of strength. Zinc. Myelitis, after taking cold during menses. Dulc. Pain along the* Nux m. aching — and limbs. Agaric, m. , worse while sitting, better on rising, walking or lying down. Kobalt. in the centre of spine. Lachnanth., Silic. acute — after a fall. Argt. nitr. as if beaten, while sitting and walking; it takes away the breath. Buta. , with lameness. Ruta. from a fall in the dorsal vertebra?. Ruta. ■ bruised. Sabadilla. , drawing — taking away the breath. Ruta burning — in spots. Phos. — — — the vertebrae ; left side especially. Asafoet. Ladinanth. four inches above the small of back. — — with crampy sensation; worse when sitting. Zinc. constant — sometimes worse in lumbar region, with great heat and burning. Kalmia. cramping — spinal neuralgia. Cimicifllga. down through the sacrum, legs and feet, worse while silting. Kobalt. drawing. Strain. , lancinating. Cina. , tensive — at the points of the spi- nous processes of tin: upper dorsal vertebra. Cimicifuga. , throbbing, burning. Bell. extending to the shoulders and head. Gels. in dorsal vertebra, as if the hack would break. Liliui 454 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. I*ain along the — interscapular and vertebral. Natr. chlor. in the last dorsal vertebras. Zinc. lumbar vertebra?, indescribable uneasi- ness; dragging sensation from behind forward (like weak labor pains). Sabina. in the hips, down the thighs; difficult urina- tion. Sarsaparilla. upper dorsal and cervical vertebra?. Stram. ; old contusions. Glon. sensitiveness. Secal. cor., Silic. shooting, burning', violent — deep in. Agaric, m. , gnawing. Bell. sore. Merc, bi-iod. soreness — and neck. Natr. s. stubbing as if with a knife, from without in- wards, in the vertebra?. Bell. streaking — up and down. Phytol. tearing. Berber. , jerking — in the middle of. Cina. violent — -worse from motion. Merc. when stooping. Agaric, m. with pain all over the body ; sciatica. Petrol. : as i f the back would break. Liiium. as though the lower lumbar vertebra? would separate, when bending forward. Chelidon. Paralysis of the muscles of — up to the neck ; also of the limbs ; limbs ©edematous but sensible. Cupr. Sensation as if warm water was streaming upwards to — into the head. Ars. of ants creeping along the. Agaric, m. Sensitiveness of the — (see Irritation of the) from the last cer- vical to the fifth dorsal vertebra, to touch. Tellurium. upper dorsal regions ; soreness of all the muscles. Cimi- cifu^a. great. Natr. m., Silic. , pressure upon any affected por- tion, causes pain there as well as in chest, exciting irritation and cough ; worse from exertion or strain upon the spine. Secal. cor. 455 Sensitiveness of the — great to touch ; after concussions. Hy- peric. , worse in the morning. Agaric, m. last cervical and first dorsal vertebra? to touch. Chin, sulph. dorsal and first lumbar vertebras. Bell. ■ spinous processes of the dorsal vertebra? between the scapulae to touch. Phos. third dorsal vertebra, with oppression of chest. Chin, sulph. Softening of the. Phos., Sulph. Stiffness of the — beginning in the region of the os coccygis. Ars. Weakness of the. Silic. C. SCAPULA. Pain in the — burning— and tensive pain between the. Zinc. right. Lachnanth. ■ constant — under the inner and lower angle of the right. Chelidon. dull — along the inner edge of the left — worse from breathing. Sanguin. gnawing. Phos. acid. in the morning. Podoph. left — along the inner edge, often extending a little below its inferior angle, or through the lower half of Jell side of the thorax. Ranuncul. bulb. pinching. Castor. right. Chelidon. , and right chest, worse; during inspiration. ( limicifuga. , worse when bending forward. Lobelia. Eiharp cutting across the. ( rlon. stitches. Sulph. , beneath the right. Chelidon. , in and between the shoulderblades. Ranuncul. bulb. 4:56 GENERAL C0NC0JU IT ANTS. I*ain in the — stitches, in the left. Aram. ra. right — when sitting. Antim. crud. with rawness in the right, during repose. Col- ocynlh. under the right. Podoph. D. BETWEEN THE SCAPULAE. (See Spine.) Coldness, as if from a piece of ice, followed by a chill. Lach- nanth. , followed by general coldness and convulsive twitch- ing of right side, with difficult breathing. Sepia. , not relieved by warm covering, and followed by itching. Amm. m. Itching. Argt. m. JPain — aching. JEscul. hipp. , along the border — has to straighten to get relief. Bovista. — and under left scapula, extending into the left lung, worse on inspiration. Sepia. , mostly below the scapulse. Calc. phos. , with tension. Nux V. and back of neck. Eupat. perfol. bruised. Aeon., Amm. m. burning. Glon., Phos. , as from glowing coals. Lycopod. constantly, and down the back. Sepia. cutting. Hyperic. crampy — during motion. Ipec. dorsal. Conium. , tenderness of the lower cervical and upper dorsal spinous processes ; stiff neck. Secal. cor. , three upper vertebra?, extending through the shoulderbladcs. Kalniia. , while sitting and reading, at night. Helon. drawing — and tension. He}), s., Natr. c. extending to the small of back. Dros. BACK. 457 JPain — drawing — obliges her to lie down. Ars. pressure between the right — and spine. Bell. during and after eating, with nausea and burning eruc- tations. Rhus tox. piercing — as from knives, while sitting in, the evening, also in sacrum. Natr. s. rheumatic. Lobelia. , and shoulders ; can hardly turn in bed. Ca- ladium right. Podoph. sticking — arresting the breathing. Puis. stitching — and tension. Colchic. stitches, Paris qua., Ranuncul. bulb. — ; , and tearing. Psorium. ■ , drawing — and through the scapulas, extend- ing into chest, when moving the arms. Camph. , dull, from behind forward, in the afternoon while lying. Bry. , with stiff neck. Nitr. acid. tearing — and in the scapuhe. Berber. , violent. Anacard., Psorium, Si lie. tensive. Magn. m. , and burning in the. Zinc. , pressing, burning — as from a stone. Nux v. — violent, rheumatic, neither relieved nor aggra- vated by motion or rest, only relieved by warmth, aggravated by cold. Rhus tox. with pain in lumbar region and small of back. Cobalt. worse by inspiration. Puis. Pressure as from a stone. China, Lobelia, Nux v. (painful). Sensation as if t lie vertebrae were gliding one over the other, when turning in hid. Sulph. of numbness and Btiffhess — extending to the neck. A-garic. in. E. SMALL OF THE BACK; LI MBAB KK<;K>N. ( loldness of the. Dale. Beaviness in the -as if from taking cold. Baryt. c. Lameness. (See Stiffness.) Byperic., Nitrum. across the sacro-iliac articulation ; walking fatigues, 30 458 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. because that part of the back gives out, even after a short distance. ■flSscul. hipp. Lameness, preceding leucorrhcea. Conium. , with pulling pain. Caustic. Numbness in the. Berber. Pain in the — backache. Aloe, Amm. m., Baryt. c, Borax, Calc. C, Calc. phos., Cannab. sat,, Colocynth., Cyclam., Kali c, Kali ferrocyan., Kali nitr., Laeh., L. V. Deflor., Magn. m., Man- gan., Murex purp., Niccol., Nitr. acid, Phos., Psorium, Secal. cor. aching* Cimicifuga, Cyclam., Hyperic., Mu- riat. acid. , across the — tired feeling ; knees ache. Hydrast. , after labor or abortion. Kali C. , as if bruised or broken. Graph. : , dragging — with hot, dry skin, rest- lessness, and nervousness. Cauloph. , dull — worse from motion. JEscul. hipp. heavy — and great weakness in the. Lilium. , heavy. Kali c. , lameness. Hyperic. , when sitting. Caustic, Cobalt (worse). as after long stooping and bending the back. Rhus tox. across the — on getting out of bed in the morning. Silic. after the least exertion. Calc. phos. heavy lifting, and taking cold at the same time. Sulph. sitting. Puis. washing ; soreness, weakness, frequently with prolapsus uteri. Podoph. an( | coccyx — uneasiness, stiffness, in the even- ing. Petrol. hips. Palladium. , as if from a bruise. Magn. m. lassitude — also of the legs, in the evening. Colocynth. BACK. 459 Pain in the — and os coccyx ; can hardly sit for a short time. Bell. particularly in the sacrum. Helon. sacrum. Sepia. weakness. (See Weakness.) as after continued stooping. Agaric, m. : from a blow, on awaking. Aeon., Nitrum. as if a hot iron were thrust through the lower vertebra?. Alum. from fatigue. Aurum. overlifting, worse at rest, at night, in the morning, and when rising from a seat. Staph. stooping too long. Puis. in a vice. Kali c. menses would appear. Coccul., Hydrast. sprained, on motion. Puis. the back were broken. Kali c, Phos., Magn. c. (right), Plat. or bruised, worse at 3 or 4 a.m. Nux v. would break, hindering motion. Bell., Ham. , worse during rest, better from motion. Kreosot. at night especially. Amm. m., Argt. nitr., Cham., China, Magn. c, Nitrum. — , towards the front and downward. Argt. nitr. , violent, sore; can only lay on her right side; better in morning after getting up. Natr. s. bruised. Aeon., Are., Cham., Clematis, Graph., Hep. s., Kali nitr., Lamium alb., Magn. c., Magn. m., Magn. b., Natr. m., Natr. s., Nitrum, Xnx v., Rhus tox., Sabadilla. , and both hips, with sensitiveness of the parts to touch. Magn. m. stiffness; rises from a seat with difficulty. Berber. thighs. Hep. b., Magn. s. of the bones. Coccul. , irritating — not increased from mo- tion. Cina. 460 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Pain in the— bruised, on moving. Natr. s. , when at rest or in motion, also at night in bed ; can neither lie on back or side. Aram. m. lying on it. Bry. — quietly. Rhus tox. — pressing on it, or when bend- ing backward especially. Plat. — sitting still. Rhus tox. burning. Clematis, Kreosot. , with stitches — while sitting. Asar. europ. Nitri — pressure, relieved by motion. worse by rest. Rhododen. in rainy weather. Rhododen. coming from the abdomen ; can hardly get up and walk after sitting. iEscul. hipp. constant. Kali hydr. , especially in sacrum and hips. JEscul. hipp. contractive, spasmodic. Magn. m. cramplike. Cirnicifuga, Nitrum. , aggravated by the least motion. China. crick in the buck, worse when attempting to move, but relieved by continual motion. Agaric, m., Rhus tox., Sepia. cutting. Argt. nitr., Natr. m. , as though the small of the back were pressed in from both sides, with laborlike colic. Kali c. ; cannot walk without assistance. Pso- down into the thighs. Lycopod. — through the hips, with heavy pressing down. Cirnicifuga. - — — ■ drawing, Cham., Coccul., Kali c. downward. Bell. into the thighs. Mosch. , during rest j stitches when moving, relieved by pressure. Dulc. 461 Pain in the — drawing, extending through the pubis. Sa- bina. pressive — and loins, only when at rest during the day, passing off when walking. Aram. c. during menses. (See Part I.) Caustic. ■ pregnancy, violent. Kali c. extending to the arms. Rhododen. groins and limbs. Plat. from every movement. Caustic. taking cold. Nitr. acid. weariness in the. Laurocer. gnawing. Sulph. in a small spot — burning — better from rubbing. Phos., Phos. acid. the last lumbar vertebrae especially, worse when sitting, less when walking. Zinc. morning; cannot rise; felt chilly during the night, particularly when stirring or turning in bed. Nux v. early (flatulent colic low down in the abdomen). NtlX V. on waking, violent. Ni- trum. laborlike. (See Back, in the different parts of the work.) Puis. — aching — when standing or walk- ing, better when lying on something hard. Rhus tox. and sacral region, with urging to urinate and ineffectual desire to stool. Ivreosot. drawing, pressing down in the lumbar vertebrae. Kreosot. intermittent, with a thin acrid leucorrhcea, leaving a brown slain. Lilium. slight, with sensation of fulness in the pelvis, during flic climacteric period. Plumb. laming — while sitting or standing. Coif. lancinating, tearing, as i ft lie region were bruised, wiili a Peeling of stiffness, which makes it difficult to rise or move. Berber. lumbago. Cimicifuga, Nux m., Puis., Rhus tox . Steraguin. (from lifting). 462 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. JPain in the — lumbago, alternating with headache. Aloe. , at night; goes off on rising. Ferr. ■ momentary. Natr. C. neuralgic — of the ligaments; rheumatic irrita- tion. Cimicifuga. paralytic — obliging her to bend the back in- ward. Sabina. — rendering walking quite difficult, even impossible. Coccul. pressure. Clematis, Hyperic, Spong. , and in the abdomen, as from a stone, with disposition of the lower limbs to go to sleep, and ineffectual desire to stool. Puis. heaviness, as if one had received a blow, while sitting. Rhus tox. tension, across the — and at times extending downward into the posterior portion of the pelvis, thighs, and even the calves, with a feeling of stiffness and lameness. Berber. , cramplike — and in the renal region. Caustic. ■ , down into the rectum. Aloe. , when drawing a long breath. Carb. an. , with lacerations in the lumbar ver- tebra?, extending to the iliac bones. Chelidon. relieved when belching. Sepia. lying on something hard. Natr. m., Rhus tox., Sepia. standing or walking, but severe when rising from a seat. Argt. nitr. ■ urinating (pregnancy). Lyco- pod. walking; the same with gen- eral pain in back. Sepia. running to the groins. Sabina. sharp, drawing — across the — sensitive to every step. Carb. an. soreness. Natr. c. spasmodic — cannot rise. Silic. unchanged by motion. Brom. sticking — on breathing. Merc. sol. BACK. 463 JPain in the — sticking — or sticking pressing in one side or the other, now in a small spot when it is a single sticking, now in a large place when it is chiefly pressing ; the pain extends around the side of the abdomen, or to the region of the hips, the bladder, and groins. Berber. stinging — with sensation of weakness. Merc. viv. stitches, Hyperic, Kali hydr., Natr. m., Plumb., Puis., Stan, (and limbs). , tearing and burning. Magn. m. , violent. Nux jugl. , when rising from stooping especially. Lycopod. sitting. Natr. c. , walking, or stooping, relieved by pressure or lying down. Ruta. , with bearing down or drawing in the lumbar vertebrae, especially when standing. Conium. tearing across the — with fulness of joints and legs. Ham. tensive — worse in evening; can neither rise nor bend backwards. Baryta c. throbbing. Natr. m. through the hips, down the thighs, with labor- like pains. Nitr. acid. tired. Sepia. violent. Nitr., Phos. acid. , with great coldness. A mm. c. prolapsus uteri. Nux v. when attempting to rise. Natr. m. child nurses. Silic. riding in a carriage. Nux m. rising from sitting; disappeared when walking. Antim. crud., Sulph. — . — — stooping. Phos. sitting. Prunus spi. walking, in the afternoon. Sepia. ; she feels she must give up and lie down. Kali c. or standing. Berber., Podopb. 464 GENERAL C0NCQMIT ANTS. Pain in the — which makes walking and turning difficult. Bry. with amenorrhcea. (See Part. III.) constipation. Lach. diarrhoea. Kali hydr. difficulty to rise from a seat. Calc. c. frequent and increased discharge of urine (and mucus), at night. Antim. crud. uterine pains. Calc. phos. weakness. Kali bich., Sepia. worse at night, usually. Argt. nitr. — 3 or 4 a.m. Nux v. rest. Nux m., Rhododen., Rhus tox. from motion. Bry., Psorium. when lying in bed, which makes it al- most impossible to turn. Nux V. sitting. 01. an., Rhododen. - or lying, mostly in the morning when awaking. Berber. standing, relieved by walking. ^Escul. hipp. in wet weather. Rhododen. Stiffness of the — (see Lameness.) Rhus tox. as if from overlifting. Prunus spi. painful. Caustic, Laurocer., Lycopod. (night), Natr, m. — on motion. Rhus tox. , not allowing her to stand erect. Bry. -- while lying, as if suppurating. Puis. Weakness of the — and knees. Nux m. loss of strength. Ars. pain. Kali bich., Psorium, Sepia. (heaviness of lower limbs) from sexual ex- cesses. Phos. acid. when walking or sitting. Graph. ' with uterine diseases. Sepia. - with morning headache. Palladium. lumbar region. Ruta. BACK. 465 F. SACRUM. Coldness of the. Dulc. as if touched with ice, on right side of pelvis; returns after eating. Argt. m. Furuncle in. iEthusa cyn. Lame feeling in the. Silic. Numbness of the — and coccyx. Plat. Pain in the. Helon., Ignat., Podoph. aching. -Phytol. across the — cannot walk ; muscles will not obey the will. Gels. and burning — on sitting down. Helon. down into the buttocks. Helon. knees. iEscul. hipp. — throbbing. Silic. dull — and hips — especially in the lumbo- sacral region ; worse from stooping forward and walking. .^Sscul. hipp. especially — and in the whole back. Erigeron. in the evening, relieved by pressure. Sepia. after confinement. Phos. and stiffness — also in the nape of neck, with drawing and shooting in legs. Baryt. c. as after lying on a hard couch. Merc. if beaten. Arnica. bruised. Sabadilla, A^erat. alb. ■ and coccyx. Fluor, acid. burning, V!' handsj as if bruised, during rest and motion, lluta. fingers, especially in lefl thumb. Calcphos. drawing, digging, in left, evenings when at rest. Rhododen. rheumatic. < 'auloph. 480 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Pain in the — right, as if sprained, worse at rest or in rough weather. Rhododen. stiffness. Sepia. as if from a sprain. Puis., Rhus tox. Wrist-drop. Plumb. F. HANDS. Burning heat in the — and feet, especially at night. Sanguin. — ■ feet cold. Aeon. palms of. Hep. s. and soles of feet. Lachnanth., Petrol. with dryness. Gels. nervous excitement. Se- pia. Coldness of the, Ferr. — and feet. Ignat., Kali c, Lach., Nux m., Sepia, Sulph. Sepia. - constantly. Merc. sol. - even in a warm room. Amm. c, -; face and head hot. Coccul. -, with heaviness in the abdomen. Au- wrist. Gels. clammy, from the least excitement. Lilium, Sepia. one is cold, while the other is hot. Ipec. Crawling in the tips of — as if from something alive. Secal. cor. Dry, cracked, chapped. Graph., Hep. s. (with itching), Natr. c, Sulph. (itching at night). Heat of— and feet. Puis. Numbness — sensation of — in both hands. (In the morning on waking.) Phos. Pain in the— fingers and arms. Calc. e. bones, and wrist, as ff bruised. Ruta. Perspiration of the. Calc. c, Psorium (palms of). and fvot — excessive. Fluor, acid. Rhagades — old — of the — bloody, with thick crusts, worse during winter. Petrol. UPPER EXTREMITIES. 481 Skin in the palms of fhe — peels off. Sepia. Sleep — going to — of the — at one time, at another in feet ; alter- nately. Coccul. Swelling of the. Cham. dropsical. Apocyn. can. Tetter — moist. Silic. Throwing about spasmodically of the — and feet. Mosch. Trembling of the. Agaric, m., Lach., Merc, sol., Natr. s., Phos., Sulph. and feet. Psorium. so that the patient is unable to write. Merc. viv. tongue. Merc. viv. -; fingers go to sleep. Natr. m. - while eating. Coccul. with uneasiness and absentmindedness. Mao-n. spasmodic weakness. Caustic. weakness of the arms. Coff. Twitching of the. Natr. s. Weakness of the — paralytic sensation of. Kalmia. they feel as a heavy load. Kali nitr. G. FINGERS. Burning and redness of the — as if frostbitten. Agaric, m. Coldness of the — icy. Carb. veg., L. V. Deflor. Contraction of the — flexed. Merc, sol., Natr. c, Secal. cor. Inflammation of the metacarpal joints. Cauloph. Nails — affections of the — especially if there are white spots on the nails. Silic. — deformities of. Graph. Numbness — heaviness in the tips of the. Phos., Secal. eor. Pain in the — arms and hands. ( laic. c. carpal and metacarpal joints, especially of lefl thumb. Calc. phos. periosteum of the phalanges — on pressure. Le- dum. posterior joint of lefl middle— drawing as if in periosteum. Bell. 482 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. JPain in the tips — on pressure as if ulcerated. Sarsaparilla. shooting and lancinating. Amra. m. tearing — wrist and forearm. Carb. veg. , paralytic — in middle joint of right in- dex. Bell. Panaritium — with violent beating and stitching pains. Sepia. frequent. Si lie. Pricking as from pins, when grasping anything. Rhus tox. Skin of the — becomes unusually dented, by the instrument with which she was working (shears, knives). Bovista. Stiffness — gouty — of the joints. Calc. c, Carb. an. Swelling of the. Chain., Nitr. acid. Tingling in the — as if gone to sleep. Calc. c, Rhus tox. - also of the feet. Natr. m. with trembling of hands. Natr. m. Tips of the — rough, cracked, fissured, with sticking cutting pain. Petrol. Ulcers on the joints or tips of — painless. Sepia. Lower Extremities. A. LEGS IN GENERAL. Chilliness of the — sudden — creeping. Lac can. Coldness — intense — and painfulness of the — especially in the evening. Ambr. gr. when in bed in the evening, when the feec get warm, the hands get cold. Sepia. Eruption upon the — herpetic. Graph. Hamstrings — painful contraction of the. Natr. m. Heaviness of the. Apocyn. can., Colocynth., Iod., Magn. m., Natr. c, Nitr. acid, Puis. can scarcely drag them; when walking — staggering, has to sit down. Alum. (weakness in small of back) from sexual excesses. Phos. acid. Jerking of the — and arms. Cicuta vir., Lycopod. LOWER EXTREMITIES. 483 Numbness of the and arms — they go to sleep. Carb. an., Carb. veg., Graph. rigidity — sensation of. Plat. ■ , feet go to sleep. Ignat., Xux v. Pain in the — aching — in all the joints, especially at night. Carb. an. can't rest in any position. Rhus tOX. and arms, shifting rapidly. Cauloph. joints — rheumatic, tearing, stinging — worse at nights, with perspiration, which affords no relief. Merc. viv. as if beaten; she desires to sit down, and when sitting she feels as if she must stand up. Sepia. the muscles were too short; left. Aram. m. bruised — as if they were rotten or carious. Bell. burning. Carb. veg. cramps. Calc. c. during pregnancy. Phos. ■ especially in the soles of feet. Carb. in flexor muscles, worse at night, better from external warmth. Cham. cramplike. Plat. drawing. Bry. as far as the knees, in evening, with in- creased chilliness. Puis. ; lame. Carb. veg. jerking, tearing, when lying in bed. Puis. lacerating — (.specially at night. Magn. s. neuralgic — in paroxysms. Plumb. nightly. Lach., Lycopod., Magn. s., Merc. rheumatic — and back ; pains begin on the left side. Elaps. ■ shooting, drawing — with pains and stiffness in sacrum and neck. Baryt. c. like lightning; in paroxysms. Plumb. stitches, tearing — and loins. Magn. m. teaviwj. Bry. drawing — -especially at night and during rest, or on alternate days, Lycopod. especially worse :ii night. Nitr. acid. 484 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. JPaifi in the — tearing, pi'essing — in the middle of the inside of the — uninfluenced by motion or contact. Bell. reflex pain from the uterus. Cham. violent — in the joints, with fine shoot- ing and gnawing along the shafts of the bones; pains gradually rise from the tarsal joints to the hips, obliging her while sitting to con- tinually move and shift the feet, and become milder by walking. Bell. throbbing — and loins. Colocynth. with intense coldness, especially in the evening. Ambr. gr. Paralysis of the. (See Generalities.) Cannab. ind. and right arm. Cannab. ind. with severe periodical labor pains. Hedeoma. Restlessness and uneasiness of the. Mosch. ■ cannot lie still at night; has tc change the position of feet all the time, or walk about to get relief. Ars. but a mo- ment, with aching pain. Rhus tox. Rigid feeling in the — and feet. Caustic. Rigidity of the. Mosch. Sensation as if warm water were flowing down the (leucorrhaea). Borax. Shocks through the — and arms, followed by jerking. Cicuta vir. Sleep— going to — of the. (See Numbness.) left leg and arm at night. Kali c. when walking. Sepia. Stiffness and tightness of the. Conium. Sudden feeling of strength in the. Lycopod. Swelling of the — dropsical. Apocyn. can. , with chlorosis. Ignat. worse when sitting or standing, better when walking. Sepia. Thrilling in the — agreeable — from the knee down, with a sensa- tion as if a bird's claws were clasping the knees. Cannab. ind. Tired feeling in the. (See Weakness of Legs.)- Tremors of the. Lycopod., Merc. viv. , and arms. Lycopod. , from any exertion. Phos. Twitching of the — convulsive. Ipec. LOWER EXTREMITIES. 485 Unsteadiness and vacillation of the. Nux V. Varices of the. Colocynth., Fluor, acid, Ham., Lycopod., Puis. , ulcerated — which bleed easily, secrete a fetid pus, burn and itch much. Sulph. -, which feel sore and bruised. Arnica. — , with fidgetiness of the feet especially. Zinc. Walking. (See Generalities.) Weakness, weariness, fatigue of the. (See Debility in General, under Generalities.) Amm. m., Argt. nitr., Asar. europ., Castor., Graph., Kreosot., Lycopod., Magn. m., Rhus tox., Sepia. ■ , after slight exercise. Gels. , and arras. Graph. , in the thighs especially. Amm. c. , they are not able to support the body. Stan. , when sitting. Alum. — while walking in open air ; better after sitting awhile. Rhus tox. , with severe periodical laborlike pains. Hedeoma. trembling. Argt. nitr. B. HIPS. JPain in the — and back. Palladium, ■ sacrum, down the thighs. Colocynth. thighs, extending to near the knees. Sepia. as if dislocated. Caustic, Puis. braised. Ruta. and small of back. MagTl. m. as from a fall or contusion. Ruta. vice crampy — as though the parts were screwed in a ; lies upon the affected side with knee bent up. Colocynth. dragging from the — to the groins, as it' every- thing would be pressed out. Oxalis. drawing, twitching, dull, throbbing — left — and in right Loin. ( lolocynth. jerking- extending to the knee. Puis. left. Phos. 486 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. JPain in the — pressive — in both, on every step, and a paralyzed sensation in the anterior muscles of the thighs. Rhus tox. pressure — worse from motion. Ledum. pulsating — and knee, worse at night. Merc. stinging — and in both arms. Sabina. stitches — left — when sitting. Carb. an. right — when walking; has to stop, with some relief from sitting. Colocynth. ■ tearing — and knee— worse at night. Merc. right. Lachnanth. twitching. Magn. m. thighs and back, with laborlike pains, as if everything would issue from vulva. Nitr. acid. violent. JNatr. s. - — — when lying upon it, and when lying upon the back, the small of the back hurts. Rhus tox. worse from rising, but better from slow walking. Sepia. 1 fusion in the left joint while sitting. Rhus tox. C. THIGHS. Boils. Sepia. Erythema of the inner surface of the. Cubeb. Excoriation of the — inner side. (See Excoriation, and Lower Ex- tremities of, Part I and VI.) and nates. Graph. Moisture between the. Baryt. C. Pain in the inner thigh — biting. (See Extremities of, Part I and VI.) Antim. crud. outer thigh — neuralgic. Phytol. , bruised. Ruta. and small of back. Magn. s. in the middle of the anterior surface of the thighs. Sabina. , burning. Carb. an. , along the inner side. Caustic., Sarsa- parilla. , cramps — and calves, every night. Ambr. gr. uterus, preceding leucorrhcea. Ma«;n. m. LOWER EXTREMITIES. 487 Pain in the, cramplike — inner side — throughout, Colocynth. in the posterior surface. Cyclam. -, dragging. Ferr. , and back. Mosch. drawing. Nux v., Rhus tox., Sepia. , at night, and legs. Puis. in the muscles, that obliged her to move; she does not know what to do, together with sleeplessness, tossing about in bed, even when there is no pain, and coldness all over. Puis. , left — inner side, afternoon. Colocynth. , right — down to the knee. Colocynth. , exterior surface, right, just above the knee, shoot- ing, cutting, only when sitting. Bell. , when sitting down. Amm. m. jerking. Rhus tox. , lacerating, shooting. Amm. m. , pressure. Mosch. , pulling — as if the muscles and tendons were too short, with a pulling downward sensation close above the genitals. Merc. , smarting. Curare. tearing. Rhus tox. , tightness, as if too tightly wrapped. Plat. , when walking — right — as if psoas magnus muscle were too short. Colocynth. Perspiration upon the — cold and clammy — every night. Merc. Restless, tense feeling — must move the legs for relief. Magn. m. Weakness in the — especially. Amm. c. great. Murex purp. wavering gait. Muriat. acid. with trembling of the knees. Puis. D. KNEES. Coldness in the — constantly, at nigh! in bed. Phos. ( tracking in the. Puis., Sepia. Giving way of the — while walking. Crocus Bat. 488 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Heaviness in hollow of — in calves, can hardly move the feet along. Rhus tox. Humid places in the bends of knees. Sepia. Inflammation of the. Puis. Stitching in the knee-joints. Psorium. Pain in the — as from fatigue. Conium. drawing. Rhus tox. jerking, tearing — when sitting. Puis. tearing and drawing. Puis., Rhus tox. (Worse during rest.) violent. Calc. phos. with stiffness. Bry. Stiffness of the — (painless) and feet. Rhus tox. Swelling of the. Puis., Ranuncul. bulb., Sepia. Tension of the — as if it were too short, when rising from a seat. Rhus tox. Trembling of the — with great weariness of the thighs. Puis. Weakness of the, Calc, Nux m., Puis. , as if she would sink. Sulph. , she sinks down; tottering walk; inclined to fall on one side. Coccul. E. CALVES. Affections of the. Alum. Boils on the. Silic. Pain in the— cramps. Ferr., Magn. m., Natr. c, Secal. cor. , and in the whole leg. Calc. c, Cupr. acet. roles, especially at night. Sulph. , especially at night. Cham., Cholos. terrap., Magn. m., Sepia, Sulph. tearing, stitching — down to the ankles. Bry. tensive. Puis. Red spots. Sarsaparilla. Tightness about the — as if from her garters; she has to loosen them, with the same sensation about the waist. China. LOWER EXTREMITIES. 489 F. SHIN-BONE. Coldness on the left. Rims tox. Gangrenous periostitis, with fever; the periosteum peeled off from a large area upwards, as far as the knee-joint ; the bone is rough. Phos. Pain in the — aching. Lach. and soles especially, as after too much exercise in walking, with a peculiar restlessness in legs ; has to change position frequently ; passing off after rising. Psorium. bruised — always sore to touch. Phos. worse at night. Merc. ■ tingling — at night, while the feet are crossed ; she is constantly obliged to move the legs back and forth, preventing sleep. Rhus tox. G. ANKLES. Pain in the. Rhus tox. , as from a sprain or false step. Ledum. , tearing, extending to the heel, sole, and great toe. Puis. Swelling of the — and knees. Ranuncul. bulb. when sitting too long, and especially when trav- elling. Rhus tox. Weakness of the. Silic. H. FEET. Affections of the. G ra ph. from cold. Baryt. c, Silic. getting wet. Puis., Rhus tox., Sepia. soles of the. Cupr. Burning of the, Magn. m., Puis., Sulph and hands. Sanguin. swelling. Graph. at night. Sepia. billies. Pllla. :over. Sulph. impelling her to pul them from under the 490 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Burning of the, disagreeable — when walking. Natr. m. soles of the. Calc. c, Magn. m. (evening). Sulph. and palms of hands. Lach- nanth., Petrol. , compelling her to put them from under the cover. Cham. with itching after gett'ing warm in bed. Puis. and redness of the toes as if frostbitten. Agaric m. Coldness of the. Aeon., Caustic, Ferr., Hyos., Lycopod., Natr. c, Natr. m., Phos., Rhus tox., Sarsaparilla, Sulph. alternate — one foot is hot, the other cold. Lycopod. and dampness, as if from damp stockings. Calc. C, Sepia. hands. Ignat., Kali c, Lach., Nux m., Plumb., Rhus tox., Sepia, Sulph. ; they seem dead. Puis. constantly. Merc. sol. even in a warm room. Amm. c. , face and head hot. Coccul. with headache, especially towards evening, and in the morning. Sepia. , heaviness in abdomen. Au- heat in the hands. Aeon, soles. Sulph chilliness along the back, red, hot cheeks, with retarded menses in young women. Pills. icy — worse with headache. Sulph. in bed. Amm. m., Calc. c. sensation of — though they are not cold. Sulph. with numbness. Conium, Natr. m. Contractions in the hollow of the soles of the. Caustic, Rhus tox. Corns and nodosities of the feet and toes. Antim. crud., Rhus tox. Crawling in the — in the morning, while lying in bed. Rhus tox. Fidgetiness of the — and lower extremities; :he has to move them constantly; varices. Zinc LOWER EXTREMITIES. 491 Heaviness of the. Apocyn. can., Natr. c. and arms. Bell. tension, while sitting; but only weari- ness while walking. Rhus tox. Inflammation of the — of the small articular joints. Cauloph. Languor of the — great. Natr. s. Nails become deformed, or brittle, and crumble. Graph. Numb and weary sensation while sitting. Plat. Pain in the — cramps. Caustic. and legs. Calc. c. during the night. Lachnauth. in the soles. Carb. veg. drawing, like a paralysis in the whole foot, while sitting. Rhus tox. frostbite. Agaric, m., Petrol., Puis. heels — boring — towards evening. Puis., Rhus tox. , sharp. Rhus tox. in the morning on rising, as if sprained or wrenched. Rhus tox. pricking — in the soles. Natr. c. smarting — between the toes. Natr. c. ■ stitches — in the soles. Borax. as if walking on needles, in the evening. Rhus tox. tearing. Rhus tox. tendo Achillis — tension, as if too short, when walking. Sepia. when Aval king. Ambr. gr. in the soles. Ledum, Lycopod. .1!! of greal toe, it is soft, thick, and painful on stepping. Ledum. Paralyzed feeling in the. Phos, Persp i rat ion of the Magn. m. acrid. J oil. I Mu ml.., Sepia, Si and hands — excessive. Fluor, acid. offensive. Baryt. c, < laic, c, Lycopod., with rawness between the toes. Silic. soles of — axilla and around the geni- tals; fetid. Sepia. 492 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Perspiration of the soles of — causing soreness of the toes and balls of the feet, with sticking pains, as if she were walking on pins. Nitr. acid. they become sore and raw. Calc. c. ■ burn when walking. Lycopod. Rigid feeling in the joints of the — and legs. Caustic. Sensation in the — and toes, as if too large, swollen and stiff. Apis. Sleep — sensation as if feet and finger hud gone to. Natr. c. feet and hand go alternately to. Coccul. while sitting, the soles of feet go to. Coccul. Swelling of the. Apocyn. can., Iod., Lycopod., Magn. c, Puis., Rhus tox., Sarsaparilla, Silic. and burning. Graph. sensation as if falling asleep. Sepia. .. around the ankles. Lycopod. hot. Bry. of the top or instep. Puis. , with bruised pain on stretching out the foot ; the foot feels tense on stepping on it, and on touch it pains, like a suppurating abscess. Bry. on walking. Phos. redness, inflammation, with stitching pain when standing. Puis. varicose veins. Puis. soles of the. Lycopod., Puis. Throwing about spasmodically feet and hands. Mosch. Trembling of the — and hands. Merc. viv. Ulcers on the joints or tips of toes — painless. Sepia. Uneasiness in the feet. Rhus tox. Weakness of the — with trembling of the whole body. Magn. s. weariness, can hardly go up stairs. Rhus tox After — aggravation or appearance of symptoms. Lach. unrefreshed feeling in the morning, although she slept (price well. Natr. m. Aivakens at 2 a.m. suddenly, and frightened. Nitr. acid. or between 2 or 3 a.m. Nux v. 493 Atvakens at 2 a.m. with a start, nausea and headache. Kali bich. 3 a.m. Calc. c., Kali c. ■ — cannot go to sleep again. Sepia, Thuja. for two hours, on account of heat in head. Borax. 3 or 4 a.m.; cannot go to sleep again, gets restless \ has to rise in order to get relief. Nux v. falls to sleep again, sometimes not until 5 a.m., and awakens again late in the morning, feeling unre- freshed and heavy. Nux V. canjot go to sleep again. Lach., Puis. distressed and unhappy, as if from loss of breath, Lach. Puh from a beating through the chest; with old maids. often. Puis., Sepia, Sulph. during the night, with great excitement. Coc- from feeling too hot. Phos., Puis., Sepia. ■ suddenly after midnight, as from a dream, with want of breath, like the nightmare. Cinnab. with palpitation of heart ; restless sleep. Alum. so excessive weakness that it puts her out of breath to dress. Stann. screaming. Hyos., Sepia, Sulph. Comatose sleep. Kali hvdr. Difficult;/ in getting to sleep, and the later she retires the greater the difficulty. Amm. c. before midnight. Phos.,Puls. ; goes to sleep late. Nux v., Puis. , her mind turning at the same thought all the time. Calc. c, Rhus tox. , owing lo constant thinking, which .-he cannot control. Gels., Sepia. many thoughts re- volving in her mind. < 'ale. c, Nux v. . tin- restlessness of the body. < larb. veg. 494 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Difficulty hi getting to sleep, starting when falling asleep. Lycopod. when getting awake. Silic. Dreams about business and household affairs. Bry., Rhus tox. and exclamations. Silie. anxious. Aeon., Ars., Bell., Calc. c, China, Lyco- pod., Natr. c, Rhus tox., Silic., Sulph. about robbers. Ars., Laeh., Merc., Psorium, Silic. being in the room, must have the house searched to be satisfied. Natr. m. , murders, with inability to move or cry out. Castor. and heat. Sepia. /rightful. Ambr. gi\, Aurum, Cimieif- uga, Conium, Magn. m., Natr. m., Nux v., Rhus tox., Puis., Strain. disturbing sleep. Natr. m., Natr. s., Plat. , vivid. Natr. m. Kali c, Silic, Thuja. Brom. of corpses and dead persons. Ars., quarrels, murders, dead bodies, journeys. vivid. Ambr. gr., Lami. alb., Puis. with sense of suffocation. Hep. s., Kali c, Nux v., Puis., Ptelea. busy, troubled — awaken her; moaning and groaning during sleep. Nux v. confused. Puis., Sepia. — full of. Nux v., Puis. before getting fairly asleep. Bell. ; — restless sleep. Ambr. gr., Nux jugl., Rhus tox. happy — awakens singing, and is very happy. Sulph. heavy, fatiguing, tiresome. Ars. of ghosts. Ars., Carb. veg., Bros., Puis., Silic, Sulph vexatious. Ambr. gr., Bry. full of disquiet and anxiety. Caustic. vivid, fanciful, fantastic. Calc. c, Cham., Coccus cacti, Kali c, Kali nitr., Sulph. , painful — during a light sleep. Natr. in. SLEEP. 495 Dreams, voluptuous. Cicuta vir., Coff., Cobalt., Xatr. c. anxious. Kali c. at night. Petrol. , with sexual excitement. Nux V. with emissions. Phos. acid. violent weeping. Silic. Drowsiness. (See Sleepiness.) Half awake during sleep. (See Somnolency.) Nightmare as soon as she falls asleep. Cyclam. caused by late and heavy suppers. Bry., Puis. , with palpitation of heart. Cyclam. and heat. Aeon. Sleep, deep and heavy. Hyos., Kali nitr. — — , weakening, unrefreshing. Sulph. , with delirium ; coma vigil. Hyos. disturbed and unrefreshing. Ambr. gr., Amm. c, Bell., Conium, Kali bich., Lycopod., Natr. c, Nitr. acid, Nux v., Podoph., Puis., Ranuncul. bulb., Sepia, Sulph. ; falls to sleep late at night; gets only quiet and profound towards morning, and is most sound just when the time is come to get up; she wakens dull and inert. Puis. by dreams. Rhus tox. thirst. Bry. in short naps at night. Sulph. light — frequent awaking ; feels weak after it. Sulph. poor. Magn. m. restless. (See Sleep, Disturbed.) Bapt., Bell., Ignat., Ipec, Kali hydr., Kali nitr., Magn. m., Phos., Sabina, Rhus tox., Plumb., I 'wis., Sepia. after midnight ; she tossed about uneasily, <>n account of a distressing sensation, as if the whole body were burning, without thirst, anxious dreams. Rhus tox. , awaking with palpitation of heart. Alum. from intolerable sensation of heat, is obliged t<> throw off the evers, with internal warmth of hands, without per- spiration. Puis. , full of dreams. Ambr. gr., Nux jugl., Rhus tox. 496 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Sleep, restless, has to change position often, because the side on which she lies becomes painfully sore. Hep. s. -, especially so at night (frequently with vomiting, colic, after suppressed menstrua- tion). Niccol. in forepart of night. Podoph. , unable to find any easy position. Caustic, Lycopod. — , from pain. Rhus tox. , with tossing about. Aeon., Ars., Caustic, Cham., Puis., Rhus tox. in great anguish. Ars. , with groaning, moaning, restlessness. Ipec, Podoph. ; is awakened by busy, troubled dreams. Nux v. , talking, weeping. Carb. veg., Cham. jerking of the body. Zinc screaming. Apis, Lycopod., Strain. Puis. sobbing. Aurum, Kali hydr., Stan. talking loud. Puis., Sepia, Silic, Sulph. the arms over the head ; usually lying on the back. and legs drawn up. Plat. weeping. Kali hydr. Sleejriness all the time. Aletr. f., Hyos., Phos., Phos. acid. , but less in the afternoon. Pallad. and laziness. Chelidon. , but cannot go to sleep. Bell. , with slow pulse. Opi. ■ during eating. Kali c. irresistible. Nux m. , drowsiness, in daytime. Agaric, m., Ant. crud., Aram, c, Apis, Argt, nitr., Arnica, Aurum, Borax, Bry., Cannab. ind., Carb. veg., Chin, sulph., Cinnab., Crocus sat,, Kali c, L. V. Deflor., Laurocer., Mosch., Nitr. acid, Nitruin, Phos., Psorium, Puis, (afternoon), Sepia (early in the evening). Plumb., Silic. SLEEP. 497 Sleepiness, drowsiness, in daytime, after eating. Bufo, Puis. dinner. Au- rum, Cinnab., Graph., Phos. — and early in evening. Bo vista. -, adverse to do any- thing. Sepia. and restless at night. Bell., Graph. with much perspiration. Opi. sleeplessness at night. Agaric.' m., Alum., Ambr. gr., Borax, Cannab. sat., Caustic, Conium, Graph., Lach., Mezer., Natr. c, Natr. m., Phos., Sulph. , on account of mental activity. Lycopod. before dinner even. Phos. Hyperic. iallv. Podoph., Sepia. , constant. Aletr. f., ■ in the forenoon espc , moraine, with heaviness in head. Kali nitr. in., Nux m. -non as she sits down. S< -, irresistible. Agaric. - she falls asleep as -, towards evening. A..t. crud. when reading. Brom. with violent yawning. Hep daily. Natr. - when reading espe- -, with violent yawn- ing and stretching; low-spirited, with anguish. Daphne. 498 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Sleepiness, in the evening ; full of unrest, tossing, nervous- ness; orgasm of blood ; pains of various kinds. Sulph. , great — with yawning, two hours before bedtime; in the bed she immediately loll asleep; awake after midnight for a long time, then slept till late in the morning, with vivid dreams, full of the events of the previous day ; in the morning she did not wish to rise. Nux V. without weariness, ean scarcely keep awake. Puis. morning. Podoph. - somnolency. (See Somnolency.) - while eating. Phos. -, with all complaints; disposition to faint. Nux m. dragging pain in head. Laurocer. much yawning and stretching. Mezer. sleeplessness. Bell., Chelidon. Sleeplessness; wakefulness. Coff., Hyos., Plumb., Po- doph., Silic. after midnight. Hep. s., Silic. 2 a.m., awakens suddenly and frightened. Nitr. acid. 3 a.m. Ars., Calc. c. all night. Caustic, Merc. cor. ; she tries lying on one or the other side, yet was unable to get quiet. , with constant tossing about. Ars. drowsiness in daytime. (See Sleepiness in Daytime and Sleeplessness at Night.) , because she cannot get herself to- gether ; the head feels as though it was scattered about, and she tosses in bed to get the pieces together. Bapt. four nights in succession ; she could not remain in bed. Rhus tox. before midnight. Amm. m., Merc, viv., Fhos., Ranuncul. bulb. and in the evening, on ac- count of an anxious sensation of heat. Puis. , in the early part of the night, awaking late in the morning, with horrible taste in the mouth. Puis. 499 Sleeplessness before midnight prevented by a fixed idea. Puis. ■ ; during slumbering she is continually busy with what she had read the previous evening. Bry. from great anguish. Ars., Kali hydr. grief, dejection. Ignat., Natr. m. imaginary strange objects in her room or over her bed. Cimicifuga. many ideas crowding her mind. Calc. c, Xux v. mental activity. Coccul., Hyos. nervous weakness. Cauloph. over-excitability of mind and body. Coff. over-wakefulness. Niccol. pulsation in pit of stomach. Cact. gr. retiring too late. Amm. c. rheumatic pains. Cauloph. for a long time. Hyos., Puis., Rhus tox. -, lively, wide awake. Lach. in the evening, wide awake; ideas throng; the fancy is brilliant; don't want to go to bed. Puis. of lying-in women. Coff. , sleeps but little. Podoph. until 4 A.M. Amm. c. , with drowsiness. Cham. loud and improper talk. Xux m. sleepiness. Bell., Chelidon. — spasmodic; yawning. Rhus tox. without cause. Cact. gr. Somna mbtilistic rising and sitting about in the room. Natr. m., Zinc. Somnolency. Bell., Seen], cor. Starting — awaken — from sleep. Sulph. , at 2 A.M., with nausea and head- ache. Kali bich. when asleep. Aeon., Ignat., [pec, Kali c , as if in fright. Bell., Hyos., Puis. , at 2 a.m. Nitr. acid. , with otherwise quiet 500 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. sleep, as if she were falling deep down, which causes her to shudder violently. Bell. Starting when asleep at the least noise. Borax. falling asleep. Ars., Bell., Bry., Lyco- pod. ' , followed by headache. Chelidon. — , of single parts or of the whole body. Ars. Yawning — much. Silic. Skin. (See also the different localities affected all through this work.) Abscess at the root of the nose, near the inner canthus, as if a lachrymal fistula would form. Puis. Black pores. (See Eruption.) Blotches. (See Eruption.) Boils. (See Eruption.) Burning of the, Phos. and itching of the. Curare, Euphrasia. , intense Croton tig. Coldness of the. (See Fever.) Color of the. (See Face.) Yellowish. China, Merc., Plumb. Cracking of the — exuding serum. Apocyn. can. Creeping, crawling under the skin. Secal. cor. Dropsy — general — with great debility. Ars. of every kind, with sinking sensation at pit of stom- ach. Apocyn. can. with thirst. Apis. Dryness and fiabbiness of the. Calc. c. heat of the. (See Fever.) itching of the. Kali c. paleness of the — with liver spots. Plumb. Ecchymosis. (See Eruption.) Erosions — syphilitic. (See Eruption.) JJruptions of the. (Compare also the different parts of the body where eruptions may appear.) Sulph. , black pores on face and nose. Sabina. 501 Eruptions ©/f/ie/blisters, small, deep, transparent, dark, blue, little elevated. Ranuncul. bulb. , blotches, as from nettles. Sarsaparilla. ■ , itching — here and there; oozing of glutinous fluid. Graph. , boils — tendency to small. Arnica. , chrouic, obstinate. Ars. iod. , that corrode and spread. Silic. dry. Rhus tox. '-, scaly, branlike — with burning and itching, worse from scratching. Ars. , during menses. Graph. , ecchymosis here and there. Arnica, Lach., Secal. cor. , erysipelatous — smooth. Bell. — with vesicles containing yellow matter; with or without fever; itching, great swelling wherever it appears. Rhus tox. , erythema — especially in the face. Ars. iod. , from exposure to cold and dampness. Dulc. , full of corrosive water in many parts of the body, itching. Graph. herpes on lips and around the mouth. Sepia. , circinatus. Sepia, Sulph. iris (ringworm). Sepia. red. Sepia. -, itch — dry. Cupr. like, on almost any part of the body. Psorium. -, much Inflammation at the base. Sarsapa- , miliary — white. Ars. , moist and scurfy. Bovista. , nettlerash — with much itching and burn- ing; the burning increases after scratching, also in warmth, and disappears in cold. Dulc. , on the abdomen (see Abdomen), itch- ing. Sulph. 502 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Eruptions of the, on the face. (See Face.) Ars., Au- rum, Bell. Chech's and nose, pustular, which rapidly fill with pus and form a crust. Bell. ■ , itching pimples, becoming humid after scratching. Graph. mouth, (See Face.) Ars. , and its corners especi- ally. Graph. •, painful. Arnica. • petechia 1 . Berber., Canth., Secal. cor. -, pimples — dry, red, only itching when ex- posed to the heat. Sarsaparilla. itching, on the chin. Sepia. small — red — which run together, emitting a yellowish sticky fluid. Cicuta vir. ■ — } rash, as soon as she goes from a warm room into the cold air. Sarsaparilla. fine — over her body, especially about the bends of the elbows and knees; with prickling, tingling, itch- ing; while in a warm room it remained out and she felt well ; if she passed into a cold room it w T ould disappear, and she would have the most severe rheumatic pains in and about these joints. Sepia. -, scabs — chalky — on head. Mezer. , scrofulous. Baryt. c, Sulph. ■ } spots — brown. Petrol. , on chest. Sepia. like measles. Coff. liver. Plumb. , on chest and back. Sulph. red, like bee-stings, here and there. A 1 -, over the chest. Sulph. to br Lach. Phos., Sepia, Sulph sore — become fungoid, dark red yellow. Petrol. , on abdomen. Phos. — - chest. Ars., Lycopod., forehead. Cauloph., Natr. c. SKIN. 503 Eruptions of the, squamous. Fluor, acid. , syphilitic erosions. Fluor, acid. , tetter. Rhus tox., Silic, Sulph. , dry — on face. Niccol. , humid, scaly, pustulous, on ears, bulb. eyelids, cheeks, lips, and fingers. Kreosot. , with itching and burning. Sepia. , over the whole body. Ranunoul. — i — , with burning and pricking, especi- yellow scales. Cupr. vesicular. Ars., Rhus tox., Sulph. , on hands and all over the all v at night. Ars. body, which itches excessively; better after rubbing, but leaving a burning pain. Carbol. acid. , filled with lymph, painful to touch, on the face or cars especially. Psorium. , on the lips. Carb. an. , red — burning like fire. Crot. tig. , worse from rubbing. Rhus tox. Exostosis and nightly bone pains. Fluoric acid. Formication. Secal. cor. Gangrenous conditions. Secal. cor Heat of the. (See Fever.) Itching and burning of the. (See Burning.) all over the body. Carb. an., Graph., Rhus tox., Sepia, Silic. and burning, on becoming warm in bed, before midnight ; worse from scratching ; can't sleep on account of it; less during the day, and only after becoming heated from walking or rubbing; no appearance of eruptions. Puis. , especially at night, when undressing, partially relieved by scratching, [gnat. relieved l.y scratching. Ruta. — when rubbed, small papules and vesi- cles arise. Psorium. between the fingers. Psorium. in th< bends of the dhows. Sepia. 504 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Itch tlif/ on various parts of the body. Carbol. acid, Graph., Puls. ; Sepia. , relieved by scratching, but soon returns. Agnus cast. when in bed in the evening. Puis. Jaundice with nausea and vomiting. Sanguin. Perspiration. (See Fever.) Rhus tox. and soreness of the (between the thighs). Baryt. c. Polypus which bleeds easily. Phos. Rhagades — deep, burning. Sarsaparilla. from washing Sulph. Sensation of the — as if perspiration would break out, with ex- treme lassitude. Crocus sat. something was creeping under it. Secal. cor. Soreness of the — over the whole body. Sepia. Suppurations, more or less, with scrofulous diseases. Hep. S. Swelling and induration of glands. (See Affections of Glands, under the head of Generalities, or the parts where such glands are located.) Temperature. (See Fever.) Tingling [ n the — wants to rub all the time. Curare. Tubercles — mucous. Fluor, acid. Ulcers — bleed very easy, even on the slightest touch. Hep. s. Phos. deep, fistulous. Petrol., Silic. herpetic — round, forming as crusts; j ad, granulated base, white hardness; reddish secretion. Sarsaparilla. large, bleeding. Merc. sol. obstinate — about the nail. Phos. of nose externally, it oozes out a watery moisture. Puis. surrounded with vesicles, itching violently, burning like fire. Mezer. torpid, old. Euphrasia, — with aching pain — on the leg. Silic. margins everted, like raw meat, and their basis cov- ered with a caseous, coat. Merc. -sol. Unhealthy — every little injury is followed by suppuration. Borax, Graph., Hep. S., Sepia. Wounds — although small — bleed much. Phos. Wrinkles of the. Ars. 505 Fever. (See also the different localities affected, all through this work.) A. CHILLS AND CHILLINESS. Chills and Chilliness. A mm. a, Argt. nitr., Ars., Baryt. c, Cyclam., Puis. all over, without shivering; feels cold in evening. Puis. ■ along the back. Berber., Nux v., Puis. ■ and limbs, in the morning; with painful- ness of the skin, as if it had been frozen, and a sensation of falling asleep in the limbs like that caused by cold weather in the morning. Nux v. — with hot face, but without redness of face or thirst. Ledum. alternating with heat, at short intervals. Sanguin. before menses, with much yawning and stretching. Puis. , coldness all day, till 4 p.m., then suddenly gets very warm, with flushing of left side of face. Lac can. followed by weakness. Ars. , shuddering, when walking in open air. Ars. as often as she awakes. Amm. m. at 4 p.m., without thirst. Puis. ■ night. Sepia. with flushes of heat in daytime. Lach. when in bed, every time she stirred ; in the morning severe backache, cannot get up on account of it. Nux v. 10 or 11 a.m., thirst; gastric symptoms ; violent head- ache. Natr. m. , constant, with great desire for fresh air. Cyclam. even in the hot summer, wants to be covered. Merc. viv. (without diminished temperature), Puis. every day, at precisely the same hour. Diadema. evening, with shivering, without thirst. Phos. frequently and light. Calc. c. ■ — from every motion. Sepia, Silic — in the evening. Puis., Sepia, Rhus tox. 1 before bedtime, even while walking. Puis. 33 506 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Ch ills in the morning. Conium. for four hours, with blue nails, fol- lowed by heat in the afternoon. Nux v. open 5epia. internal — in the evening, as from want of animal heat: with chlorosis, anaemia. Natr. m. — warm room, the whole clay. Sepia. with coldness, as if filled with ice; neither extra clothing nor sitting near the fire gives relief; sometimes with shivering. L. V. Deflor. onesided — one foot cold the other warm. Lycopod. over the abdomen, extending around even to the lower portion of the back. Puis. predominating. Plat., Puis. , shaking — with redness of face, relieved immediately in a warm room, or by a warm stove. Ignat. ; she cannot keep warm; want of animal heat, Ledum. through and through, from the least exposure to cold air. Caic. c. wants more clothes on, or be near the fire. Ars. with cough — commencing before the chill. Rhus tox. great sensitiveness to open air. Hep. S. nausea. Bovista. without thirst. Ars., Cyclam. Coldness. Ars., Curare, Secal. cor. inward. Calc. c. or coolness of the body, with hot head. Arnica. burning heat in face, which comes out of the eyes like fire. Cham. ■ icy — of the body, lips pale ; faintness (hysteria). Valerian. Sili spiration. Podoph of the extremities. Opi., Secal cor. onesided. Puis. paroxysms of — over the whole body, during menses. with blue hands. Nux V. pain in bowels, followed by heat and warm per- FEVER. 507 B. HEAT.' Heat all over the body, except tne hands, which are cool, with pressive headache above the orbits, and anxious lamentations. Puis. and dryness of skin. Dulc, Leptand. , fear, restlessness, vertigo when rising or sitting up in ocd. Aeon. , with restlessness and nervousness, aching or dragging pains in small of back. Cauloph. anxious (cold forehead). Puis., Sepia. dry in evening, with distended veins and burning hands, tha^ seek out cool places. Puis. externally applied is intolerable; veins enlarged. Puis. redness — external — without internal heat. Ignat. of face; great thirst for large quantities of water. Bry. the body, especially of head and face, which is covered with sweat. Bell. — sweat at night, with ravenous hunger, that could not be appeased (followed by chilliness). Phos. at night — great, Colonic. in bed — burning, with uneasiness. Puis. without thirst. Phos., Puis 2 a.m. Ars. burning. Ars. and chills, alternating at short intervals. Sanguin. within and without. Bell. during which she wishes to be covered; she licks the lips and docs not drink, moans and groans. Puis. fashes of. Amyl. nitr., Calc. phos., Carb. veg., San- guin., Sepia, Sulph., Terebinthina (sweat). after slight exercise. Sepia. as if hot water were poured on one, with red- oess "I' face, sweat of the whole body, and anxiety without thirst, yel withoul dryness of throat. Sepia. during the climacteric period. Sanguin. evenings. Sepia. in daytime, with chilliness at night. Lach. flying from the head to the stomach. Sanguin. 508 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Heat, flashes of, followed by perspiration, during climaxis. Jaborandi. ■ over the "whole body, producing great discom- fort and anxiety. Puis. to face, leaving behind them circumscribed red spots on the cheeks, similar to hectic. Sanguill. . and head. L. V. Deflor. with cold feet; heat at top of head. Sulph. slight perspiration, and a feeling of weak- ness and fainting. Sulph. followed by shivering. Puis. hectic — with dry hawking cough, and great prostration. Plumb. in the afternoon ; with burning hands and thirst, first for water, afterwards for beer; chills in the forenoon. Nux V. . Sepia. evening ; 6 p.m., warmth of the body, with internal and external heat of head and shivering over the body, without thirst; stretching, drawing weakness in the limbs, and headache like a dulness and compression in the side of the occiput, together with violent cough, very short breath, pain in the throat as if the tonsils were swollen ; slight perspiration over the whole body towards evening. Rhus tox. over the whole body, with the veins greatly enlarged. China. '■ without thirst; in the afternoon. Ignat. sudden — all over the body, with trickling perspiration all over the face. Psorium. too much animal. Sulph. toward evening, with burning heat in head and face, redness of cheeks, and outpressing headache. Aeon. without thirst. Apis, Ignat., Fuls. (provided it is only a sensation of heat, with no real heat; if the heat is real then there is thirst). Rhus tox. with thirst about 2 r.M., followed about 4 p.m. by chill, without thirst, with coldness of face and hands, anxiety, and op- pression of chest; afterwards lying-down and drawing pains in the back, extending to the occiput, and thence into the temples and crown of the head ; three hours afterwards heat of the body with- out chill; skin burning hot; sweat only in the face, trickling down; FEVER. 509 sleepiness without sleep ; restlessness ; sweat of the whole body night and morning. Puis. C. PERSPIRATION. Perspiration (see Organs affected) after the least exertion or motion. Agaric, in., Calc. c, China, Hep. s., Merc, sol., Phos., Psorium, Sulph. awaking from a sleep with dry heat. Sambucus (opposite Phosph.). at night. Arnm. c, Conium, Ferr., Kali c, Merc, Nitr. acid. and during sleep, sour, especially about in the morning ; often with cold- — ; very weakening. neck and head. Cham. ness of face. Lycopod. Calc. c. China. debilitating. Silic. fatty, oily. Merc. sol. of head and upper part of body. offensive. Carb. an. profuse. Merc, sol., Sepia, Silic. • cold. Ars., Cact. gr. all over the body ; great weakness of pulse, can hardly be counted. Verat. alb. and clammy. Ars., Phos. acid, Secal. cor., Verat. alb. usually; easy; especially about the legs, affording no relief. Merc. sol. of the breast, bade, and thighs at night. Sepia. face. Ars. forehead. L. V. Deflor., Verat. alb. - (temples, chest, hands), profuse. Merc. corr. flat/ and night, though more at night. Merc. sol. 510 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Perspiration during sleep. Cham., China, Merc, viv., Sepia. in the morning. Chelidon. , disappearing after waking. Puis. only, which disappeared by kening, but set in at once again as soon as she commenced to sleep again. Phos. (opposite Sambucus). fetid, offensive, between the menstrual periods (sudor hystericus); especially in the axilla and soles of the feet. Sepia. from the least exercise. Psorium, Sepia. in the cue ilia, fetid. Lycopod., Petrol., Sepia. morning after walking. Sulph. profuse. Calc. C, Chelidon., Nitr. acid, Phos. (with anxiety), Phos. acid, Puis., Rhus tox., Sepia. of the back. China, Nux v. — cheek, upon which she lies. China. chest. Calc. c, Nitr. acid, Phos. — — , back, and thighs. Sepia. , face, with heat after eating or drinking. Cham. sudden heat all over the body. Psorium. >ps. Cannab. ind. - feet. (See Lower Extremities.) - forehead, profuse, sticky, standing out in - head. Calc. c, Graph. and face. Puis. on the uncovered parts, while covered parts very dry and hot. Thuja. ■ one side — one hand, one foot, or one side of the face. Baryta c, Nux v., Puis, (right). — - profuse. Phos., Phos. acid, Stram., Puis. , all over the body, on being covered. China. bility. Psorium. -, offensive. Secal. cor. ■ when walking. Psorium, Sepia. , with consequent de- 511 Perspiration, sensation of — as if it would break out at any time. Crocus sat. sour. Cham., Bry., Rhus tox., Sepia. when falling asleep. Amra. c., Ars. with anguish, tremor, during pains. Natr. c. Want of — absolute. Plumb. D. PULSE. Pulse feeble. Ars., Carb. veg., China, Muriat. acid, Puis. felt in pit of stomach. Puis. frequent and full. Bell. , quick at night, but slow during the day. Sepia. in the morning, but slow in the evening. Ars., Kali c. full and contracted, rising to over a hundred beats per minute. Aeon. intermittent. Kali c, Merc, cor., Mezereum, Natr. m., Nitr. acid., Secal. cor. in force, full and weak. Natr. m., Nitr. acid. ■ ; intermits every third beat; worse when lying on left side. Natr. ra. fourth beat. Nitr. acid. , slow, thready. Digitalis. , sometimes trembling;. Merc. cor. low — as low as forty six beats per minute. Cannab. ind. quick, full, large, but soft. Gels. very hard, bounding. Verat. vir. -, very hard, small, sharp. Aeon. -, weak, irregular. Ars. , trembling. Tart. emet. slow, with slow stertorous respiration. Opi. small — and of the heart. Digitalis. , very rapid, contracted, frequently intermittent Secal. cor. , irregular. Digitalis. low. Nux in. 512 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Generalities. Affections after loss of blood. China, Helon. overeating. Nux v. pleasant surprise or sudden emotion. Coff. , appearance of — at the menstrual period. Castor. at climaxis. Calc. c., Crocus sat. (during), Graph., Kreosot., Lach., Nux V. (beginning), Psorin (near), Puis., Rhus tox., Sanguin. (after), Sarracenia, Sepia, Sulph., Terebinthina, Trill. , flushes of heat, hot vertex, metrorrha- gia, fainting. Lach. , leucorrhcea. Sanguin. , pressure in head, nau- sea, loss of senses, swelling of feet, vertigo. Glon. , prolapsus, marked de- bility, profound mental gloom. Helon. , vertigo, metrorrhagia. Ustilago. , weak sight, anxious looks, pale, faint; flow returns every two weeks. Trill. , with constipation. Sulph. acid. — spitting of blood. Sulph. acid. confined usually to one-half of the body. Ignat., Puis., Silic, Spigcl., Thuja, Valeriana. from change of temperature, from damp, cold air, getting wet, standing on damp ground, going into damp places, or sitting on a cold stone. Dulc. from blistering. Camph. Phos. acid. Nux V. chloroform. Hyos. disappointed love in young girls. Calc. phos., drinking coffee. (See Stomach.) Cham., ice- water. Ars. lemonade. Selen. liquors and alcohol. Nux v. malt liquors, beer. Kali bich. Nux v narcotics. Nux V. vinegar. Antim. crud. GENERALITIES. 513 Affections from drinking wine, brandy, whisky. Nux v. eating buckwheat. (See Stomach.) Puis. cheese. Colocynth. fat, rich food. ' Puis. honey. Natrura. ice-cream. Ars. — — onions. Thuja. oysters. Lycopod. ; salt, Phos. sausage. Bell. sweet things. Ignat. turnips. Bry. coition — excessive. Agaric, m., Nux v., Phos. acid. fright or fear. Aeon., Gels., Ignat., Lycopod., Merc, Opi., Rhus tox. getting the feet wet. Puis., Si lie. wet after being heated. Rhus tOX. grief. Caustic, Gels., Ignat., Phos. acid. — , unfortunate love, with great emaciation, sleeplessness, nightsweat. Phos. acid. hearing bad news. Apis, Gels. high living. Nux v. iodine — iodate of potassium. Hep. s., Phos. loss of sleep. Nux v. masturbation. Calc. a, Canth., China, Gels., Nux v., Phos., Phos. acid, Zinc. mental excitement. Pallad. exertion. Nux V. mercury — abuse of. Aurum, Nitr. acid, Sarsa- parilla. nitrate of silver. Natr. m. — putrid diseases. Ars., Carbol. acid, Kreosot. quinine. Ipec, Natr. m., Puis. sedentary life. NUX V. strains, bruises, fells, or any other traumatic cause. Arnica, Rhus tox. suppressed fnotsweat Cupr.,Silic. tea. Puis., Thuja. vaccination. Silic. vexation. Colocynth., Rhus tox., Staphis. 514 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Affections from wounded pride, non-approval of others. Pal- lad., Verat. alb. , mercurio-syphilitic, Nitr. acid, Sarsaparilla. of body and mind, appearing alternately. Plat. spring season. Sarsaparilla. the genito-urinary organs. Sepia. glands — swelling, induration. Baryt. C.,Brom., Caic. c, Carb. an., Conium. left side, or commencing there. Baryt. c, Lach. — of abdomen and right side of back. Fluor, acid. right side mostly. Rhododen. ■ worse than on the left. Amm. c. stonecutters. Silic. ■ , one-sided. Coccul. , painful — of the whole nervous system. Crocus sat. , paralytic — weakness of muscles; they refuse to obey the will; feels utterly powerless and helpless. Gels. of extremities, wasting. Plumb., Sepia. — rheumatic. Rhus tox. , sycotic. Thuja. that have been formerly subjected to the external application of nitrate of silver. Natr. m. with marked periodicity. China. Aggravation or appearance of symptoms in general. (For aggravation of symptoms in certain locations, see the part of the body it pertains to.) after dinner. Nnx v., Valerian, Zinc. drinking. China. — even a small quantity of wine. Zinc. Ars,, Puis. eating. Ars., Ignat., Nux V., Puis., Sepia. fruit, ice-cream, fat meat, or pastry. Kali c, Sepia. oysters. Lycopod. - labor. Bell. - midnight. Rhus tox. - sexual intercourse. Agaric, m., Calc. c, GENERALITIES. 515 Aggravation after sleep, especially after a siesta. Lach. vexation. Kali c. at midnight. Bell., Ferr. • — , from 12 to 1 a.m. Ars. night, (See Evening.) Aeon.. A mm. m., Bell., Bufo, Cham., China, Graph., Hep. s., Magn. c., Magn. m., Merc., Xitr. acid, Puis., Rhus tox., Silic., Sulph. before falling asleep and from the heat of the bed. Merc. , from 1 to 3 a.m. Ars., Kali c. when going to bed. Merc. sol. new or full moon. Silic before a rain or thunderstorm. Rhododen., Rhus tox. menses. (See Part I.) Cupr. Puis., Sabina, S Rhus tox. during and after menses (see Part I), in the Amm. m. changeable weather. Phos. eating. Sepia. perspiration. Cham., China, Merc. pregnancy. Bell., Cham., Crocus sat., rainy weather. Amm. c. Erigeron, rough weather. Rhododendron. sleep. Ambr. gr., Cham., Hep s. the increase of the moon. Silie. thunderstorm. Phos., Rhododeu. from, anger. Cham., Biy. becoming cold. Graph. being overheated. Kali c. change of temperature. Ars., Carb. veg., Puis., Ranuncul. bulb. changing position. Ferr., Puis. coffee. Cham., [gnatia. cold air. ('ale. c, Hep. s., Nux m., Rhus tox. h cold food. Xiix in. water. Rhus tox. weather. Rhus (ox. COUghing. I pee. 516 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Aggravation front draft of air. Bell. , even the least. China. eating veal. Ipec, Nitrum. eructations. Cham. exercise. (See Motion ; Walking.) external pressure. Bell., Bry., Cham., Colchic, Hep. s., Hyos., Lach., Lycopod., Nux v., Ranuneul. bulb., Sabina, Sepia, Spigel., Staphis., Sulph. , even the slightest. Bell,, China, Nux v. on the o ppos te and painh Bry., Ignat., Puis. fat food. Ferr., Puis. i feather covers. Sulph. getting wet in the cold air. Rhus tox. while perspiring. Rhus tox. Secal. cor. Iod., Nux m., Ruta, Silie. Lycopod. — heat, applied to any part of the body. — indigestible substances. Ipec. — jealousy. Hyos., Lach. — laughing. Phos. — least annoyance. Rhus tox. jar in bed or chair. Bell. — light and noise. Bell. — looking at shining objects. Bell. — lying on the back. Nux v., Phos., Sepia. painful side. Calad., Hep. s., -, left. Hep. -, right. Kali eynth., Puis. painless side. Cham., Colo- — , with the head low. Puis. right side. Merc. left side. Phos., Puis. side. Aeon., Anacard., Bry., Calc. c, Carb. an., Kali c, Lycopod., Puis., Ranuneul. bulb., Stan. with the head low. Puis. GENERALITIES. 517 Aggravation from mental affections. Colocynth., Hyos., Ignat., Nux v., Pallad., Phos. acid, Puis., Staph. motion or moving. (See Walking.) Bell., Bry., Ledum, Nux v., Silic. open air. Amm. c, Coccul., Elaps, Nux m., Nux v., Silic. riding. Coccul., Lilium, Nux m., Sepia (horseback). rising. Aeon., Bell, scratching, rubbing. Anacard. singing. PhoS., smelling tobacco. Ignat. standing. Pallad., Sulph. — •, relieved by walking. JEscul. hipp. strong odor. Ignat., Lycopod., Phos. suppression of menses. Graph. perspiration. Bell. sweet things causes burning. Sanguin. taking cold. Hyos. talking. China, Phos., Sulph. uncovering. Sepia warm food or drink. Bry., Phos., Puis. warmth. Brv., Cham., Chelidon., Ledum, Pallad., Secal. cor., Sulph. — of the bed. Merc, Sulph. wet applications, wet poultices. Antim. crud., Calc. c, Clematis, Rhus tox., Sulph. in dry weather. Sepia. the evening. Ambr. gr., Antim. crud., Bell., Capsic, Caustic, Colchic, Cyclam., Dulc., Euphrasia, Hel- leb., Hyos., Ignat., Lach., Lycopod., Mezer., Nitrum, Nitr. acid, Phos., Plat., Puis., Sepia, Strontiana, Sulph. acid, Valerian, Zinc, , at 3 P.M. Bell., Thuja. 9 P.M. Bit. , before midnight I'lios. , from 4 to 8 p.m. Hellebor., Lycopod. , towards sunset and after. Puis. morning. Amm. m., Aurum, Bell., 518 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Bufo, Calc. a, Carb. veg., Chelidon., Crocus sat., Natr. m., Nitrum, Nux v., Phos., Rhododen., Rhus tox., Scill. Aggravation in the morning after rising from bed. Aram, m., Rhus tox. , relieved after mov- ing about. Puis. Crocus sat., Iod., Staph. -, at 3 a.m. Kali C, Thuja. -, before breakfast. Calc. c, -, from 1 to 3 a.m. Ars., Kali '.. P Nux v 2 to 4 a.m. Podoph. 3 to 4 a.m. Nux v. — 8 to 9 a.m. Nux v. — 9 to 10 a.m. Natr. m. fasting. Crocus sat. on awaking. Aram, m., Nux — rising from bed. Ignat., until 12 m. Kali bich. summer. Bry., Kali bich., Sepia. winter, fall, spring. Rhus tox. windy weather. Nux m., Psorium. — , although she may not be ex- posed to it. Rhododen. on alternate days. Alum., Ars., China, Ipec. at precisely the same hour. Diadema. awaki Lack, Nitr. acid, Phos., Puis., Sepia, Sulph expiration. Sepia. Ambr. gr., Ars., Caustic, Hep. s., when at rest. Aurum, Ars., Capsic, Cyclam., Dulc, Ferr., Kali hydr., Magn. c, Plat., Puis., Rhododen., Rhus tox., Sepia, Sulph. beginning to move or to walk. Capsic, Conium, Ferr., Lycopod., Puis., Rhus tox. changing position. Puis. entering a warm, close room from the open air. Puis. exhaling;. Puis. GENERALITIES. 519 Aggravation tvhen getting warm in bed. Ledum, Merc, Sulph. in a warm room. Apis, Crocus sat., Iod., Puis., Sabina. lying down. (See Rest.) Ignat., Lach- nanth., Lycopod., Puis., Sepia. in a warm place. Ambr. gr. upon one or the other side. Puis. rising after being long seated. Puis. from a bed or chair. Rhus tOX. scratching. Sepia. singing. Carb. veg., Phos. sitting. Alum., Conium, Cyclam., Dulc, Magn. m., Xatr. c„ Plat., Puis., Rhus tox., Sepia, Tart. emet. down after long exercise. Puis. standing. iEscul. hipp., Conium, Cyclam., Sepia, Sulph., Valerian. ■ stooping. A mm. c, Elaps. vomiting. Ipec. walking. See Motion.) Ars.. Elaps. , Merc. viv. for a .ong time, stilus tox. A. melioration after eating. Anacard., Crocus sat., Ignat Iod., Lach., Xatr. c, Zinc. or drinking; cold food. Bry., — warm food. Ars,, Phos., Puis., Sulph. Lycopod., Xux v., Rhus tox. breakfast. Calc. c, Crocus sat., Iod., Staph. fruit. Lach. meat. Verat. alb. sally things. Verat. alb. drinking tea. Ferr. milk. Verat. alb. before breakfast. Cham., Conium, Natr. m. ■from belching. (Sec from Eructation.) being rubbed. Calc. c, Canili., Natr. c, Phos., Plumb. 520 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Amelioration from being rubbed and scratched. Asafoet., Calc. c, Cyclam., Muriat. acid, Natr. c, Phos. change of position. Ignat., Rhus tox. cold external applications. Puis. dry weather. Aram, c, Dulc. — clear weather. Rhus tox. warm weather. Bry., Nux m. eructation. Argt. nitr., Carb. veg., Graph., Ignat., Kali c, Lycopod., Nitr. acid, Tart. emet. ■ fasting. Cham. ■ getting cold. Iod., Lycopod., Puis. ■ lying down. Bry., Nux v. on the back. Aeon., Ana- •d., Bry., Calc, Puis. on the left side. Pallad. right side. Phos., Puis. side. Nux v. painful side. Bry., Puis. stomach. Aram. c. — , in the early months of pregnancy. Podoph. motion. (See Walking.) Aurum, Cyclam., Dulc, Ferr., Kali hydr., Lycopod., Magn. m., Natr. c, Plat. moderate. Conium, Puis. of the affected part. Dulc, Ferr., Puis., Rhus tox. Natr. c. passing wind per anum. Nux v. pressure. Am in. c, Conium, Magn. m., sitting. Aeon., Bry., Colchic, Nux v. standing. Bell. stooping or leaning forward. Colchic, stretching out the limbs. Rhus tox., Se- sweet things; it lessened burning. Bell. ■ uncovering. Lycopod. walking. (See Motion.) Alum., Aurum, Conium, Cyclam., Dulc, Ferr., Lachnanth., Lycopod., Magn. c, Magn. m., Puis., Rhus tOX., Valerian. Hyos. cal. cor. GENERALITIES. 521 Amelioration from walking in the open air. Alum., Ambr. gr., Puis. quietly about. Puis. , worse when standing. iEscul. hipp. warmth. Amm. c, Ars., Calc. c., Camph., Caustic, Kep. s., Kali c, Musch., Xux v., Rhus tox., Stront. of air. Ars. Aurum, Camph., Caustic., Dulc., Helleb., Kali c, Nux m., Nux v., Rhus tox., SabacL, Stront. ■ coverings. Hep. s., Rhus tox., Scill., Stront. when in the open air. Hep. the stove. Isrnat. Puis Sili Phos. wetting the affected part. Asar. europ.j in a room. Amm. c, Coccul., Nux m.,Nux v., evening from 3 to 9 p.m. Lycopod. darkness. Calc. c.,Conium, Euphras., Graph., morning. Merc. viv. ■ open air. Alum., Crocus sat., Lycopod., Magn. c, Puis., Sabina. when at rest. Bell., Bry., Ledum, Merc, Xux v. getting into perspiration. Cupr.,Xatr. m. in a cold place. Puis. lying with limbs drawn up. Calc. c. Sepia. resting, after long-continued exercise (paralysis and languor). Rhus tox. riding in a carriage. Nitr. acid. rising from a scat. Dale. Anwmia. (See ( Ihlorosis, under ( lonstitutional Peculiarities.) Anesthesia. Plumb. Arthralgia. (See Gout.) Plumb. Aversion to all exercise (see Debility), must lie down. Pallad. light (See Eyes.) Bell., Conium, Elaps. water, cannot bear to touch it. Amm. c. 522 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Aversion to washing. Spigel. Bleeding. (See Hemorrhage.) Bones — affections of the — inflammation, caries, etc. ; they are tender to the touch. Silic. Cataleptic attacks — very violent. Cicuta vir. with rigor of the body, loud lamentation, grinding of teeth. Aeon. Change of symptoms — frequent — is very well one hour and mis- erable the next. Puis. Chlorosis. (See Anaemia, under Constitutional Peculiarities.) Chorea. Asafoet. every seventh day, with great hilarity. Crocus sat. from suppressed menses. Cimicifuga. , hysterical. Valerian. like, strange movements of head, arms, and feet. Ciir rare. Circulation stands still — sensation as if the. Lycopod. Climacteric period. (See Affections of.) Cold' — taking. (See Liability to.) Con plaints. (See Affections.) Congestion of any part of the body, with marked periodicity. China. Constitutional Peculiarities : Anrnmic woman . Acid, lact., Ars., Calc. c, Carb. veg., China, Ferr., Ham., Helon., Kali c, Natr. m., Phos., Flumb., Puis,, Sepia, Spigel., Trill., Ustilago. bloated abdomen, narrow chest, flabby, poorly developed muscles; bones containing too little phosphate of lime. Calc. c. from loss of vital fluids. China, Ham., Helon. , pale, delicate, feeling cold all over, want of animal heat. Ledum. with intermittent pulse. Kali C. pale face and lips. Ferr. Cachectic woman. Ars., Iod., Secal. cor., Sepia. with tender sensitive skin, and slender waist. Sepia. Chlorotic woman. Calc. c, Conium, Cupr., Cyclam., Ferr., Helon., Natr. m., Phos., Phos. acid, Silic. GENERALITIES. 523 Chlorotic icoman, young girls, with dirty skin, palpitation of heart, oppression and anxiety in chest. Natr. m. longing for indigestible substances. Alum. ; those especially who eat much sugar. Cupr. — with amenorrhcea. Phos. oedema of the lower extremities. Ig- nat. Climacteric period. (See Affections.) Corpulency, Amm. m., Antim. crud., Calc. o., Graph., Kali bich. in bloated, lazy, sluggish, indolent woman. Amm. ..i. - — lcucophlegmatic woman. Calc. c. light-haired woman. Kali bich. old, flabby woman. Kali c. young girls. Calc. c. inclination to. Graph. Delicate woman of lax fibre. Aletr. f., Aloe, Amm. c, Ars., Caustic, China, Ferr., Helon., Iod., Lycopod., Natr. chlor., Puis with glandular affections. Carb. an. sensitive, fine, and delicate skin. Sepia. Disposition to hemorrhages. (See Part II and V.) Calc. c, Ferr., Trill. miscarriage or abortion. (See Part IV.) Dry-skinned women, who do not perspire easily. Nux m. Dwarfish woman. Argt. nitr., Baryt. c, Iod., Secal cor. Gouty woman. Antim. crud., Colchic, Ledum, Sabina. , she cannot bear a heated room ; better in cool air. Sabina. Hair black and eyes also. Nitr. acid. dark. Aeon., Pry., Iod., Kali c, Nitr. acid, Nux v., Plat., 8epia. and blue eyes. [od. , firm rigid muscles. Ery., Kali c. , lean woman. Nitr. acid. and tall woman. Canth., Fhos. jealous girls; with frivolous levity; a vk- ward; busy bul accomplish nothing. Apis. ; weakly woman. Sepia. 524 GENERAL CON-COMIT ANTS. Hair Tight. Bell., Brom., Calc. c, Coccul., Cyclam., Kali bicli., Merc, Ms., Silic. and blue eyes. Bell., Brom., Puis. , fair skin, with chest diseases. Brom. firm, rigid muscles, full habit. Bell., Kali bich. leueophlegmatie. Cyclam. lively disposition. Coccul. with corpulency. Kali bich. Heart diseases — woman with. Cact. gT., Lach. High livers. Nux v. Hysterical woman. Alum., Ambr. gr., Asafoet., Aurum, Caustic, Cham., Cimicifuga, Coccul., Ccnium, Gels., Guarea, Hyos., Ignat., Lilium, Magn. c, Natr. m., Hat., Valerian. disposed to fainting spells. Nux m. during climaxis, if they were never mar- ried, or had no children, formerly suffering from profuse menses. Calc. c. Lean woman. Alum., Ambr. gr., Iod., Nitr. acid, Phos., Se- cal. cor., Sulph., Ustilago, Xanthoxyl. and delicate. Iod. scrawny, feeble, cachectic. Arg"t. nitr., Baryta c, Iod., Sscal. cor. tall. Canth., Fhos., Ustilago. — , dark hair, fair skin. Phos. , fair complexion. Ustilago. , who walk stooping. Sulph. with dark hair. Nitr. acid. Leueophlegmatie woman. Calc. c, Cyclam., Gossypium, Graph., Secal. cor. — — with light hair. Cyclam. white clear skin. Ustilago. Lymphatic woman. Aram, c, Puis., Sulph., Ustilago. , clear, white skin. Ustilago. who suffer from the first of menstrual colic. Castor. with nervous temperament. Ars. : — ; relaxed body. Aloe. Middle-aged woman. Calc. phos., Lycopod. Miserly, stingy, too careful woman. Cyclam., Puis. GENERALITIES. 525 Lymphatic, irritable woman. Aloe, Senecio, Xanthox. Nervous woman. Ambr. gr., Arum, m., Arnica, Asafoet., Borax, Gels. , relaxed, phlegmatic. Aloe. , sanguine temperament. Amm. c, Arnica, Coff., Ignat. Old maids. Conium. women. Ars., Merc, Natr. m. flat and flabby. Kali C. Persons who get sick soon, and soon get well again. Sulph. Phlegmatic, slow woman. Aloe, Puis. Phthisical woman. Caustic, Phos., Sulph. Plethoric woman. Aeon., Arnica, Bell., Bry., Calc. a, Ferr., Nux v., Sabina, Verat. vir. , delicate skin, fair hair, blue eyes. Bell. with profuse menses. Sabina. Mheumntie woman. Calo. phos.. Bry., Cimicifuga, Ledum, Phytol., Rhododen., Rhus tox., Spigel. Sanguine temperament. Aeon., Bell. - nervous. Coff., Ignat., Verat. alb. Scrofulous woman. Asafoet., Aurum, Baryt. c, Brom., Calc. c., Carb. an., Caustic., Conium, Ferr. iod., Hep. s., Iod., Natr. m., Fsorium, Silic, Sulph., Theridion. with glandular swelling. Carb. an., Caustic. tendency to diseases of chest or digestive organs. Caustic. Sedentary life. Aeon., Nux V., Ranuncul. bulb. Sensitive temperament. Arnica, Borax. Sterile (apparently) woman (see Sterility, under Uterus, in the different Parts), with rheumatic affections. Phytol. Sycotic affections. Cinnab., Nitr. acid, Sabina, Thuja. Sf/jm illtlc aft'edions. Aurum, Kali hy dr., Merc, Nitr.acid. Widowhood before the climaxis. Apis. of young women who have borne no children. Argt. nitr. Withered, dried-op women. (See Dwarfish Women.) Yielding disposition. Puis., Silic. Tounff girls. Aeon., Apocyn. can., Calc. phos., Digital., Kali c, Natr. m., Podoph., Puis., Sepia. 526 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Young Girls, chlorotie — especially those who eat much sugar Cupr. lively, romantic, falling in love easily. Ijnat. — , of full habit. Bell. sedentary habit. Acoil. with tardy development. Baryt. c. Contact causing pain. (See Pain.) Convulsions, spasms. (See Movements; jerking.) Plumb., Secal. cor. affecting especially the left side ; unconsciousness. Apis. right side ; consciousness. Natr. m. and fainting attacks. Millefol. at full moon. Natr. m. , bloated red face, profuse perspiration. Opi. — epileptic. Bell., Bufo, Calc. c, Cupr., Curare, Hyos., Ignat., Lycopod, Plumb., Secal. cor., Silic, Sulph. after fright, emotions. Hyos., Ignat., Lycopod. after suppressed exanthema, or ulcere. Ars., Caustic, Cupr., Sulph. c. ■ at night. Calc. c, Caustic, Silic. the time of menses. Cimicifuga. in the morning. Calc. c, Lycopod. during the term of puberty ; the attack ceases after drinking water ; (this later symptom is opposite to Calc. c.) Caustic. very violent. Cicuta vir. with consciousness. Cina. violent beating of the limbs, after suppressed menses. Puis. from mental agitation. Ignat. opening the clothes she wears. Lach. the slightest touch with the hand. Nux V. thought of drinking or the sound of water. Canth. hysterical. (See Hysteria.) Asafcet., Bell., Calc. c, Caustic, Cham., Cicuta vir., Cimicifuga, Coccul., Fer,r. iod., Gels., Guarea, Ignat., Magn. c, Magn. m., Millefol., Mosch., Nux m., Secal. cor., Valerian. GENERALITIES. 527 Convulsions, hysterical, at the climaxis. Calc. c. time of menses. Cimicifuga. coming out of it with a feeling of great happiness. Sulph. epileptic — with much jerking and twitching, but not regular in appearance. Hyos. , followed by discharge of large quan- tities of colorless urine. Sulph. in the abdomen. Mosch. , many a day. Calc. c. _____ and night with great sleeplessness. Magn. m. part of fauces. Coccul. face. Bell. with choking, constriction in upper congestion to head, eyes, and difficulty in swallowing, termi- nating with deep sighing. Ignat. laughing and weeping. Alum. . — , throwing herself about violently. Aurum. wild shrieks. Plat. of pregnant women. Cicuta vir. spasmodic distortion of limbs. Cicuta vir. , hiccough, screaming, redness of face; trismus. Cicuta vir. tetanus. Guarea. with rigidity of limbs. Bell. sensation as if something rose from the uterus to thestomachj with nervous agitation. Bufo. Convulsive movements. (Sec Movements.) momentary extension of the limbs on awaking out of sleep. Bell. Debility in general, weakness, prostration, fatigue, exhaustion, languor, (See Painting, trembling.) Agnus cast.. Alum.. Apis, Aralla, Ars., A.urum, Bapt., Bovista, Cact. gr., Calc. c, Ferr., (ids., Helon., Kali c, Kali i'ew., Kreosot., Leptand., Li- liuni, Lycopod., Merc, viv., Merc, corr., Merc, sol., Muriat. acid, Natr. m., Xux jugL, Phos., Phos. acid, Plumb., Psorium, Ra- nuneul. bulb., L'obiuia, Sepia, Stann., Terebinthina, Trill. 528 GENERAL C0N60M I T A NTS. Debility after a stool. Ars., Borax, Conium, Merc, sol., Nitr. acid. diarrhoetic. Phos., Podoph. all pain lias ceased. Brom. an embrace; especially weakness of sight. Kali c. eating. Ars., Chelidon. with great fulness in stomach. Nitr. acid. leucorrhoea. (See Part VI.) Conium. menses. (See Part I. ) Garb. an. riding in a wagon. Psorium. walking. Chelidon., Sac lac. a short distance. Caimab. ind. work. Apis. no matter how little. Psorium. all over the body. Graph., Phos., Stan. but especially in arms and legs, with staggering when attempting to walk, and weakness and daz- zling of the eyes. Conium. and apathy in the morning. Phos. acid. trembling through the whole system. Gels. as if it were impossible to make any exertion. Coccul. attacks of paralytic — with pain in back. Coccul. , but still patient thinks herself able to do something, but as soon as she tries she finds that she cannot do it. Ars. can hardly breathe or speak. Nitr. acid, Stan. keep up, almost paralytic, has to lie down often. Ferr. talk loud. Alum., Calc. c. (in chest espe- cially ), Coccul., Natr. m., Stann. (in chest especially). , soon falls into a deep sleep. Cannab. ind. causing her to sink down constantly. Lach. ■ — ■ , but cannot get up very well. Stan. walk stooped ; has difficulty to walk erect. Sulph. cerebral exhaustion, mental and physical depression, from anaemia of the brain. Zinc. chronic. Guarea. GENERALITIES. 529 Debility, complains only of. Phos. excessive. Canth., Carbol. acid, Phos., Plumb., Secal. cor., Senega., Stan. attended the pain in the stomach. Podoph. , continual, can scarcely walk without sink- ing down. Ars. in the morning, during menses. Sepia. unable to do, or to undertake anything. China. , with depression of mind, and without the slightest effort to attend to ordinary business. Phos. fi'om excessive cold or warm weather. Lach. frequent awaking when asleep; light sleep. Sul Phos. acid. heavy deep sleep. Sulph. loss of fluids or onanism. Aletr. f., China, sleep. Glon. protracted illness. Aletr. f. talking. Sulph. the least exertion. Ars., Calc. c, Carb. veg., Natr. m., Psorium, Sepia. , has to lie down. Nux m. , with trembling. Gels., Merc. viv. walking; feels utterly exhausted. Phos. in the open air. Rhus tox. want of proper nutrition. Aletr. f. warm, hot weather. Bry., Lach. , insensibility, lying there like dead. Cicuta vir. in all the limbs. (See Extremities.) Ars., Bry., Conium., Graph., Magn. m., Merc, sol., Fhos., Puis., Rhus tox. chest especially, can hardly talk. Alum., Stan. lower extremities. Alum., Amm. m., Ars.. Gels., IZreosot. — ■ as after a long journey, Argt. nit r. the joints. Bovista, Psorium. morning, and the longer she lies the weaker she gets, an 1 the more she wishes to lie, and she desires to fall asleep again. Puis. 530 GENEKAL CONCOMITANTS. Debility in the morning, when awaking, with pain under left clavicle. Sanguin. women, who always resort to the smelling-bottle. A mm. c. nervous. Aralia, China, Natr. chlor., Stan., Zinc. causing sleeplessness. Cauloph. - , the mind feels oppressed, the body faint. Phos. acid. , with cold clammy sweat, or profuse per- spiration. Phos. acid. trembling of all limbs from the least exertion. Phos. of body and mind, great. Lach. , constant inclination to lie down. Baryt. c. in the morning on rising. Lach. , languor, with constant disposition to lie down. Baryt., Nitr. acid, Puis, (or sit down), Rhus tox. ■ uneasiness of the whole body. Ra- tanhia. , paroxysms of — with flashes of heat, perspiration, and fainting. Sulph. , sensation of being bruised. Arnica. comfortable languor, and disposition to sleep. Cauloph. , she is almost constantly obliged to lie down. Nitr. acid. sudden paroxysms of — trembling. Lycopod. and great failing of strength. Aeon. tremulous — without actual trembling. Sulph. acid. unto fainting. Baryt. c. ; very sensitive to impressions. Staphis. when exercising. Calc. c, Carb. an. , going up stairs, is hardly able to do so, it puts her out of breath ; she has to stop or to sit down and rest. Ars., Calc. C, Calc. phos. _ f w ith pal- pitation of heart. Crocus sat. , with painful weight in limbs Calc. c. GENERALITIES. 531 Debility when lifting. Lach. talking. Alum. Calc. a, Stan. , faint, -weak voice. Xatr. in. rising in the morning. Phos. , increases during forenoon; while walking has to drag herself about. Bry. — — , with depression of spirits. Caustic. with a fierce red face. Ferr. aversion to labor. Aloe. complains of great weariness. Phos. drowsiness — great. Apocyn. can. emaciation of the whole body. Canth., Merc. viv. excessive weakness and exhaustion of the limbs, has to lie down. Ars. fainting. Bell. feeling of. iEscul. hipp., Berber., Bufo. in the morning. Co- nium. p re _ venting rising till late. Carb. veg\ when raising the head from the pillow. Aeon., Bry., Apocyn. can. faintness after going down stairs, although she could go up stairs well enough. Stan. ; mind feels oppressed; irritation of nerves. Phos. acid. general miserable condition. Podoph. heat in face and hot forehead. Natrum. irritability. Argt. nitr., China. lowspiritedness. Caustic (mornings), Erigeron. oppressed sensation all day ; Pearfulness. Phos. sensation as if sweal would break out. Cro- cus sat. soreness and lameness of the whole body, espe- cially of the thighs. Amm. c. spinal irritation. Silic, Zinc. the appearance of pain. A is., Cham. tired feeling from mental labor. Puis. 532 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Debility, with tired, weary sensation, whether doing anything or not, gradually increasing to complete exhaustion, and inability to stand or sit ; falls constantly to the right side. L. Y. Deflor. trembling all over. Agaric. m., Argt. nitr., Canth., Caustic., Gels., Graph., Lycopod., Magn. s., Thos., Sulph. acid. ; heaviness o* limbs. Nitr. acid. ; languor and weakness of feet. Argt. nitr. ; sensation in the head as if it were in a vice. Argt. nitr., Magn. s. from the least exertion. Merc. viv. of the heart. Lachnanth. ; very sensitive to a current of air. Caustic. phos. violent pain in stomach. Cale. weariness — extreme. Lycopod. on waking in the morning. Ambr. gr. worse while sitting, relieved by walking; a de- cided stiffness on rising from a rest. Rhus tox. Desires exceeding her need ; she eats too much, walks too much, etc. Ars. for open air — great. Lycopod., Puis. Discomfort over the whole body in the morning, after rising, dis- appearing on moving about. Puis. Dropsy. (See Skin.) Emaciation. Amm. c, Ars., Calc. c, Canth., Ferr., Iod., L. V. Deflor., Natr. m., Phos., Plumb. after labor or abortion. Kali C. , great — the skin becomes shrivelled or it lies in folds. Sarsaparilla. , sleeplessness, morning sweat, from grief and un- happy love. Phos. acid. , swollen abdomen, and good appetite. Calc. C , with canine hunger. Iod. great debility. Canth., Merc. viv. loss of appetite. Ars., Kali hydr. GENERALITIES. 533 Excitability — over — (see Sensitiveness) of all the senses. Bell., Coff., Phos. Exercise — ability to — increased, without fatigue. Fluoric acid. Extremities. (See Pains; Convulsions; Jerking, Twitching, Movements; compare also the Upper and Lower Extremities.) coldness. Aeon. they look pale and wrinkled, as if they had been a long time in hot water. Secal. cor. with numbness and insensibility. Secal. cor. contraction of the fingers and toes, spasmodic, pe- riodic, frequent, and so severe that the fingers could scarcely be ex- tended by any force; these contractions are painful. Cupr. acet. hands, {eet, fingers, toes, which the strongest man cannot prevent. Secal. cor. fuzzy feeling. Secal. C01\ gangrene of fingers and toes. Secal. cor. heaviness and weariness. Bry. Jerking. (SeeTwitchingand Movements of Limbs.) Lycopod., Merc. sol. and distortion. Cicuta vir., Cina. single jerks on falling asleep. Ignat. when touched. Kali C. — nodes — painful, hard (and calcareous concretions on the joints.) Acid urn benzoic, Calc. c, Caustic, Ledum, Lycopod.. numbness. (See Sleep-going of the Extremities.) Xux in., ( )xalic acid. of fingers and toes. Secal. cor. pain. Plumb., Rhododendron. aching — in the bones, with soreness of the flesh. Eupat. perfol. and jerking lure and there. Merc. sol. bruised. Armca,Laurocer.,Rhustox.,Ruta, Silic acid. in the morning, in the joints. Phos. paralytic Bry. cramps. < lupr. acet., Cupr. m. and in the chest. Secal. cor. Stomach, with violent nausea ana vom iting. Cupr. m. 504 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Extremities, pain, drawing. IIcp. s., Sulph. and tension — violent, with shud- dering and chilliness, though the skin is not cold. Cupr. aeet. while lying down. Rhus tox. especially in the joints, obliging her to stretch the body, with heat of the whole body, without thirst; in the morning in bed. Puis. in the evening and night especially. Plumb. uscular part of the thighs espe- cially. Plumb. periosteum of the long bones, es- pecially the tibiae worse at night and in bed; at this time the least touch is intolerable. Mezer. lancinating. Plumb. neuralgic. Flumb. paralytic, during motion, as if the joints were bruised. Arnica. in all the joints, especially after tearing (drawing). Aeon. the longer she lies in bed in the morning, especially in the joints, as if beaten or bruised, relieved after rising. Nux v. worse in paroxysms, and so violent that she cries out. Plumb. paralysis. Plumb. of the lower extremities and right arm. exertion. Sabina. Cannab. ind. sleep-going. (See Numbness.) Graph., Secal. cor. in alternation, at one time the hands, at another the feet. Coccul. Puis., Rhus tox. upon which she lies, with crawling ou when lying. Sulph. stiffness and paralyzed feeling during and after walking, with a sensation of a hundredweight at the nape of neck. Rhus tox. especially before a storm or damp weather. Rhus tox. lameness ; she can hardly rise from her seat, with loss of power. Coccul. GENERALITIES. 536 Extremities, stiffness of all the joints. Lycopod. : , especially on rising from a seat. Rhus tox. on first moving the limbs after rest. Rhus tox. swelling of the elbow-joint above and below, and of the soles of the ^eet. Biy. hands and legs up to the knees. Ferr. joints after slight fatigue. Ci- micifuga. trembling. Cieuta vir., Hyos., Lycopod., Merc, Mezereum, Plumbum, Secal. cor. after exciting them. Rhus tox. especially of hands and feet; is from the least exertion, with ner- unable to write. Merc. S debility. Phos. est. Rhus tox. scarcely able to walk. Cimicifuga. sensation like a — even while at with chilliness, which does not even disappear in a warm room. Coceul. tremulous, anxious sensation. Puis. motion. Opi. twitching. Bell., Cina, Hyos. day and night. Si lie. during sleep. Sepia. iccakness. Ars., Bry., Cieuta vir., Conium, Graph., Magn. m., Merc, sol., Natr. c, Phos., Puis. excessive ; has to lie down. Ars. low-spirited. Sabina. mostly during rest. Rhustox. - when in the open air. Nux v. If/ htt tug, faint. (See Debility.) Bovista, Bufo, Calc. phos., ( Ye I: i m., Lach., Mosch., Plumb. after getting wet Sepia. riding. Sepia. she had excited herself by continual violent Boolding. Mosch. all day. Sepia. 536 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Fainting and prostration when raising the head from the pil- low. Apocyn. can., Bry. , with paleness of cheeks, which were red when lying down. Aeon. sick feeling in the morning. Conium. , attacks of — and convulsions. Millefol. frequently during the day. Sulph. , feeling of — early in the morning. Ars. with hunger, at 1 1 A.M. Sulph. from the least exertion. Sepia. -= , ringing in the ears, loss of sight, with heaviness in head. China. , sudden — with profuse sweats, disturbed conscious- ness, without being able to stir or to speak. Sepia. when at the table; nausea, trembling, relieved by eructation. Magn. m. rising up in bed in the morning. Bry. , with attacks of suffocation. Cact. gr. ■ consciousness. Glon. heat and coldness. Sepia. loss of sight and coldness. Calc. c. palpitation of heart, followed by sleep. Natr. m. stool. Podoph. sensation of emptiness in the abdomen after vertigo. Aletr. f. without nausea. Sulph. Fatigued — easily. (See Debility.) Gait — (See Walking) staggering, falling forward. Sarsaparilla. stooped. Sulph. unsteady. Alum., Coccul., Glon., Nux v. Glands. (See the part of their location.) Gout. (See Pains.) Colchic, Plumb., Sabina. Heat. (See Fever ; Want of Heat.) JELwmovrhage (See the organ it emanates from) from all the organs. Diadema. from all parts of the body, stomach, nose, ears, etc.; blood fluid, difficult to coagulate; sensation of suffocation; almost loss of voice; skin deeply jaundiced. Phos. overexertion. Millefol. GENERALITIES. 537' Hcemorrliage, passive, from any mucous membrane. Trill. , small wounds. Phos. Heaviness in the whole body. Phos., Ranuncul. bulb. Hysteria. (See Convulsions; Mind and Disposition.) Asafoet., Calc. c, Cimicifuga, Conium, Gels., Lilium, L.V. Deflor., Magn. c, Magn. m., Mosch., Nux m., Plat., Sabina, Valeriana. at climaxis. Calc. c, Theridion. time of menses. Cimicifuga. during puberty. Theridion. from suppression of — or too free indulgence in sexual intercourse. Conium. if she becomes pregnant, is almost sure to abort in the third month. Sabina. , maniacal lasciviousness. Cimicifuga. with uterine disease. Magn. m. Inability to lie on the right side on account of a sensation as if something were rolling over on that side. Lach. Inflammation — mercurio-syph.il itic. Nitr. acid. Itching of the whole body. (See Skin.) Jerking of limbs. (See Twitching, Movements, Extremities.) muscles. Cicuta vir. the whole body — spasmodic. Sulph. or of the head, or the extremities, sleeping or waking. Lycopod. when asleep. Zinc. Joints — (Sec Pain) weakness of the. Bovista, Psorium. Lameness. (See Stiffness; Extremities.) Languor. (See Debility.) Lassitude. (See Debility.) • Liability— great — to strain a part by lifting. Calc. c. take cold. Calc. c, Hep. •*■ Kali c, Phos., Sulph. — ; dread of the open air. - from every draft of air, especially when uncovering the head, Bell. ; sensitiveness to cold air. Agaric, m., Amm. c, Anacard., Carb. an., Caustic, Hep. s., Nua in., Rumex crisp., Sepia. moist, cold air. Calc. c, Dulc, Nux in. Graph. 538 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. Liability— great— to take cold ; the least exposure to cold air chills her through and through. Calc. C, , which aggravates the leu- oorrhcea. Nitr. acid. Loss of muscular power. Gels. Lying on the abdomen during early period of pregnancy for comfort and relief. Podoph. back. Sanguin., Sulph. with knees bent up. Merc. cor. left side causes anxiety. Phos. right constantly. Phos. Nerves — excessive sensibility of — the scratching sound of linen, silk, paper, becomes unbearable. Asarum europ., Borax. Numbness — sensation of — here and there. Plat. Movements and motions are ail convulsive. (See Convul- sions.) Bell., Cicuta vir. , sudden, tran- sient, with shivering. Curare. , slight — painful perception of — thus the motion of rocking makes her dizzy ; it seems gigantic. Coff. , strange — like chorea, of head and limbs. Curare. violent, convulsive. Secal. cor. several times a day ; during the intervals the fingers are numb and often contracted. Secal. cor Uuscles very lax and flabby. Phos. and loss of muscular power. Gels. Odor — disagreeable and constant — of the body. Hep. S. — filth)' — of the body all the time. Pso- rium. Pains and soreness (See Pains in the different organs ; and ex- tremities) all over the body. Arnica, China. — — — of all the parts on which she lies. Nux m., Ruta. , as from a blow here and there (in small spots, especially on the head). Plat. , bone. Eupat. perfol., Berber., Merc, viv., Sabadilla. as if every part would fall asunder; leeis as if broken from head to foot. Theridion. , in the periosteum of the long bones, scraping. Phos. acid. GENERALITIES. 539 Pains, bone, in the periosteum ; they are mostly confined to small spots, and reappear at changes of weather. Rhododendron. , the bones feel sensitive to touch. Mangan. , violent. Kali h\dr. , bruised — in the hips, arms, thighs, and nape of neck, as if caused by too rapid growth. Phos. acid. ; the whole body feels painful. Arnica, Gels., Magn. m., Rhus tox. of the body, in all the parts on which she lies, even in bed. Ruta. , burning. Aeon., Ars., Carb. veg\ , contractive, violent — through the whole body. Nux v. , darting, tearing — from the slightest contact. China. gouty — in the joints. Antim. crud., Colchic., Ledum, Plumb., Sabina, Sarsaparilla. in the joints, are worse in the open air. Rhus tox. trunk and limbs. Plumb. , neuralgic — in the different parts of the body, of short extension. Sac lac. shifting about. Plumb., Puis. , coming and going. Gossyp. with decided periodicity, worse from touch- ing the affected part. China. , rheumatic. Calc. phos., Cauloph., Cimicifuga, Rho- doden., Rhus tox., Sarsaparilla. , alternating with gastric or pulmonary affec- tions. Kali bich. , causing sleeplessness. Cauloph. , driving her out of bed at night, compelling her to walk. Ars., Cham. , in back and extremities. Elaps. joints. Agnus cast.. Ledum, Mangan. from every cold she takes. Calc. phos. or muscles, worse from motion. Bry. ■ , periodical — wandering from part to pan. better in (lie warm room. Kali bich. — cold air. Puis. — , tearing, slinging, especially in the limbs: 540 GENERAL CON.COM IT ANTS. worse at night, with profuse perspiration, which affords no relief. Merc. viv. Pains, rheumatic, with swelling and inflammation of joints. Agnus cast. , sensitiveness of the affected part to contact, and sen- sitiveness to contact in general. Aeon., China, Hep. s., Mangan. , shifting. Kali bich., Plumb., Puis. shooting through the body. Plumb. f soreness — as if beaten. Arnica, Rhus tox. in every muscle, which passes off during exer- Rhus tox. , stinging- burning. Aeon., Apis. - fine. Aeon. Phytol. , sudden transmission of internal — to the extremities. suddenly appear and disappear. Bell., Nitr. acid. , tearing. Aeon. f darting — from the slightest contact. China. , in the joints. Aram, c, Lachnanth. , which increase gradually to the highest point, and then as gradually disappear. Stan., Plat. (Remaining at the highest point for quite awhile, and then declines, particularly with Stannum.) Paralysis. (See Affection ; Extremities.) Plumb. motor — and complete relaxation of the whole mus- cular system. Gels. Periodicity of diseases. China. Pulsation of the veins. Asafcet. through the whole body, violent. Graph. from above downward. Glon. Restlessness ; Secal. cor., Sepia. she cannot lie long in any position at night, but must turn about to obtain relief; the relief lasts but a short time, when she must change again. Rhus tox. could not sit still on account of internal uneasiness, but was obliged to turn in every direction on the chair, and move all her limbs. Rhustox. uneasiness in the limbs, evenings when in bed, that she could find no place where to lie easily. Kali c. Rheumatic symptoms. (See Pain.) Migidity of the body. Cina. GENEKALITIES. 541 Rigidity of the body, like a statue, with speechlessness. Sepia. Rigors over the whole body from below upwards. Sarsaparilla. Sensation as if the circulation would stand still. Lycopod. of an inexpressible feeling of some internal insupport- able illness. Merc. Sensitiveness — over— of all senses. (See Excitability). Bell. ; Nux v. the nerves. Bell., China. parts. Canth. she cannot bear to hear a person walk across the room. Sanguin. the scratching of linen, silk, paper, is intolerable. Asarum europ., Borax. the skin of the whole body. China, Plumb. to open air. (See Liability.) Rumex crisp., Sepia. pressure, as if bruised, to parts affected by cramplike pain. Plat. Sensibility — everything makes too strong an impression upon her, so that even the - slightest touch of the hand may bring on a spasm. Kali c, Nux v. ShocJcs through the whole body on waking. Magn. m. , or through the head or extremi- ties only. Cicuta vir. Shuddering — nervous. Cimicifuga. without chill — during the day. Sepia. Sitting down with difficulty; she must drop down suddenly, but she can ge( up very well. Stan. Sleep going up the extremities. (Sec Extremities.) Somnambulism in young girls. Aeon., Phos. Somnambulistic rising and sitting about in the room. Natr. m. Spasms. (See ( lonvulsions.) Starting and trembling after every event or noise. Borax. Xitr. acid. when even Blightly touched. Kali c. going to sleep. (Sec Sleep.) Bry., Lycopod. Stiffness in all the limbs, or joints. (See Extremities.) Stretching the limbs — inclination to. Amni. c, Puis. with pain in the limbs, 542 GENERAL CONCOMITANTS. and heat in the whole body, without thirst, in the evening in bed. Puis. Stretching, yawning. Nux jugl. , violent — with low-spiritedness and an- guish. Daphne. Suppurations more or less in diseases of scrofulous persons. Hep. s. Swelling — oedcmatous — (see Dropsy ; Skin ; Extremities) of the whole body. Ferr. of the joints, after slight fatigue. Cimicifuga. lymphatic — with suppuration and boring pains. Carb. veg. Sycosis. Cinnab., Nitr. acid, Sabina, Thuja. Tingling, thrilling through the body from above downward, with a peculiar feeling of warmth. Glon. Tired feeling and fatigue (see Debility) in the limbs and joints, as from a long journey (Argt. nitr.), or from great exhaustion caused by haemorrhage or profuse loss of semen. China. Trembling and palpitation of heart. Plat. starting from any event or noise. Borax, Nitr. acid. Gels. weakness all over. (See Debility.) Caustic. from the least exertion. Merc. viv. anguish, sweat, during pain. Kali c. , with nausea. Nitr. acid. of the limbs. (See Extremities.) whole body, with languid weakness of the feet. Argt. nitr., Magn. s. Tremors all over. Cimicifuga, Secal. cor. Tremulous sensation and weakness without actual trem- bling. Sulph. acid. through the whole body. Argt. nitr., Graph. , with fearful ness and palpitation of heart. Valerian. ■ (See Jerking; Extremities.) Twitching of muscles. Bufo, Hyos. the right side — convulsive — with general cold- ness, commencing with coldness between the shoulders. Sepia. through the whole body. Hyos., Lycopod. GENERALITIES. 543 Uneasiness in the body. Baryt. c, Plumb. as soon as she closes her eyes in the even- ing. Magn. m. Veins — pain in the — with bearing down in uterus and frequent discharge of coagulated blood. Cham. pulsation of — congestion of portal circulation ; oversen- sitiveness. Asafcet. ■ superficial — fulness of the. Podoph. A'itality — want of. (See Want of.) Walking (see Gait) at first is difficult, but as soon as she pro- ceeds she walks better and better. Rhus tOX. fatigues her very much. Phos. stooped, on account of debility. Sulph. too much; desires exceeding her need; eats too much. Ars. unsteady ; her muscles do not obey her will (preg- nancy). Gels. with difficulty from pain and weakness in sacro-iliac region, .ffiscul. hipp. Want of vital heat. Alum., Ledum, Sepia. : even during exercise. Silic. Wants to be fanned all the time, harder and harder. Carb. veg. Warmth — peculiar — from above downward, with pulsating, tin- gling thrills. Glon. Weakness and weariness. (See Debility.) Wounds — small — bleed profusely. Phos. .. V^'V . 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