]' SINEW MESSIAt 1 1 &3tk Journey/^ sodi | Class_BEm£ Book_-JZ Gopyrigtit N°. covhugm? ueposu: The New Messiah and the Journey of the Soul y^J^/^^^^ /9U*as tf.tf?. ^U^^i^^i^, The New Messiah and the Journey of the Soul By E. Ruder Drolling er Published by J. F. ROWNY PRESS Los Angeles, Cal. 1920 Copyright, 1921, by Mrs. E. R. Drollinger All rights reserved in this and foreign countries FEB 28 1921 \^ g) CI. A 6 8 5 3 4 THIS BOOK is most gratefully dedicated to the Inter-Solar Arch- Angel from the Great Planet Jupiter, Bearing the name of Zadkiel-Diana, with kindliest appreciation to all whose names are embodied herein as divine helpers. Mrs. E. R. Drollinger, 2014 Camden Court, South Pasadena, Calif. CONTENTS Prefatory — By the Arch Angel from Jupiter, "Zadkiel." Notice — The author. Introduction — The Key to the Truth of the Material Universe. Our Solar System— Lords of Life a necessity — The Angels — Birth of the Sacred Name — The Fifth Dispensation — India the source of pure idealism — The Angel Brahm — Buddha Gautama — Moses — Perfect Knowledge. Sacred History of the Earth — Creation the world of Divine Emanation — First Messiah — Second Messiah — Third Messiah — The Divine Mother — The Madonna — The Osirian Dispensation — The Three Truths. God's Divine Kingdom — Author's vision of the New Kingdom — The New Messiah — The Reception and Love expressed by the Angels — The Symbol — Army of Light — The Christ-Child — The Divine Mother. The New Messiah and the New Age — Symbol — Fulfillment of the prophecy of Jesus — The mean- ing of the second coming of Christ — The Com- forter — The New Age — Fourfold Truth — The New Bible — How obtained — Whatwill it contain ? The Great Pyramid and the Sphinx — Its sacred meaning — The Ancient Divine Mother — The Sig- net and Seal — Why, who, when and how built — The Magi and Madonnas. viii The New Messiah The Sixth Ethereal Zone Around This Planet — Temple of Truth — Council Chamber — Recording Angel — Elijah — Counselors — Ruler — Teachers — Activity — Scenery — "Faith, Hope, Charity." The Seventh Ethereal Zone Around This Planet — The Cross — Its meaning — Sacred trees — Tree of Life — Tree of Light — Temple of Gold — Tem- ple of Light — Temple of Blessings — Mystic Seven — Ruler — Counselor — Teachers. The First Celestial Heaven — The Pearl of great price — Its meaning — Order of Melchizedec — The Temple of Christ (Jesus) — Ruler — Counselor — Teachers — Scenery and activity — Its Light. The Second Celestial Heaven — A Hallowed Land of Joy and Delight — Angels reflecting God's Light — Mary the Mother of Jesus — Mary Magdalene — Temple of Bliss — Temple of Rest — Books of Antiquity — Jesus Christ revealing God's Infinite Love — Ruler — Counselor. The Third Celestial Heaven — The Oneness — The Golden Isle of Perfect Truth — Cherubims — Sera- phims — Angels of Antiquity — Ruler — The Tem- ple of Divine Sacrament — The Recording Angel — The Great Angel Job — The Ancient Angels Adam and Abraham. Rulers and Council Chambers of the First Five Zones Around This Planet — Unique Council Chambers — Soul Culture — Rulers — Counselors — Temples of Rest — The Three Shining Lights. PREFATORY When the student of Truth learns the fact, that in God's Kingdom all is organized and gov- erned by perfect law and order through divine love and wisdom, and that there are living intelli- gences of various degrees and powers hovering over this planet and over every individual, he has reached a step far beyond doubt, skepticism and fear. When you realize that such intelligences have existed throughout aeons upon aeons of time, and assist God in the process of creation, then you will have reached a great step towards eternal truths. When you can perceive that there are ] infinitely higher degrees of consciousness than the highest that has ever been manifested upon this planet, your Soul will hunger for more Truth. When you have come to the realization of what constitutes a Messiah, "Christ," then you will have attained the highest Truth which can be given unto you on this planet. With the exception of a very few embodied souls (functioning in physical form at the present time), the world has not yet at- tained unto the knowledge of what constitutes an "Angel." The children of earth are at this present writ- ing not yet aware that all are spirits functioning 9 10 The New Messiah in a physical, or in an ethereal form upon this planet until they have reached the Angelic state which is the fruition of a planet. Many cannot yet accept the clear facts of reembodiment, of the individualized entity which has functioned in many garments of flesh. None as yet are aware how God carries forth His Great Plans, and how they have been carried forth throughout the ages. Learn to know that the human family must travel step by step through all the ways and wind- ings, through all the gateways of life, through the valleys of darkness and the mountain heights of light. None escape. To believe or disbelieve this truth is your privilege. There are none so low in the scale of life but will reach the heights, and none so high that have not passed through all the darkness, shadows and sorrows. The high- est of angels know every step that has been taken upon this planet and system of planets, and many systems of worlds and Suns, and have wit- nessed the birth, growth, decadence and rebirth of worlds and Suns as have I, your teacher, from the arch-angelic realms of God's great planet, Jupiter, which holds the Celestial balance of your solar system. Zadkiel, The Inter-Solar Arch-Angel from the planet Jupiter. NOTICE By request of the Ancient Divine Mother, her stamp and signet is placed in this book. She brought to the earth the symbol of the Infinite One, the Perfect Circle, to be broken to the comprehension of man by the square and the triangle — the "key" which unlocks the mysteries written in all nature in mathematical and geome- trical figures throughout the universe. The soul, being an entity in finite degree, is also symbolized by the circle which also symbolizes all truth. The stamp and signet of the most Ancient Divine Mother was placed in the sandy planes of Egypt, symbolized in the Sphinx, representing the Divine Mother as keeping watch over all of her children, and the principle of divine motherhood in all ex- pressions and manifestations of the universe, God's handiwork. The Divine Motherhood is the first principle of all in the air, on land and in the sea, which is held so sacred by the Angels who know, and was written in the "Book of Life." The twelve pointed star, ensphered, is the sym- bol of the Ancient Divine Mother and her com- panion u OM-ATUM," which is seen in the higher heavens, in the temples of worship, in perpetual light, symbolizing "Infinite Light" or 11 12 The New Messiah "Spirit." The most Ancient Divine Mother "Atum" and her companion "OM" impersonate the "Infinite OM," expressing the light and love of the "Infinite Light"; thus the twelve pointed star and other symbols are used as directed by the Ancient Mother, and those under her man- date, to symbolize the truths embodied herein. As she appears before me, the twelve pointed dual star, encircles her head and extends out in twelve points — the "Dual Six-Pointed Star." These six points are more brilliant than the other six, en- sphered in the "dual circle" — thus extending out quite a distance, like so many sharp points, which are as bright as the purest white electric light that we know. She is large, in perfect form, and comes robed in pure gold with a black robe over her, this brilliant light crowning the top of her head. The heavy points and heavy circle rep- resent her companion OM, Fatherhood — the shelter and care of the Father ensphering the Mother. The lighter points and circle represent her Motherhood — the principles of Father- Mother God in all nature, the dual nature of the Infinite OM. In this dispensation it will be revealed, that the records we possess of the Sacred Truths which have come to the earth called our Bible, are very imperfect, the majority of its writings is the his- tory of the dark periods and an imperfect record of that which occurred after the Light had de- and the Journey of the Soul 13 parted from the earth when the Messiahs returned to their kingdoms. As there is no recorded history of the first three dispensations, that which we know has been handed down through tradition and Secret Orders and not perfectly interpreted. However, there is sufficient evidence, that the Infinite Father sends His messengers to carry forth His will. There are sufficient facts, which stand out clear and dis- tinct to the student who tries to unravel the truths handed to us in parables, to prove that the "Voices of the Unseen" have always been heard. We do not know how great was the Light which Jesus brought, but there is sufficient of his teach- ings to lead the world into the Light, into the real- ization, that so-called death is but one of the events of life. He prophesied the outpouring of spirit and its various manifestations, saying, we have eyes and see not, ears and hear not. We have now discovered, that seeing beyond the limitations of the physical senses is only the rending of the veil of matter through evolution, or the unfolding of the Light within the innermost shrine of spirit which Jesus called the "Com- forter," the Spirit of Truth within. We may as well try to abolish electricity and its use, as to try to wipe out the Light of the Soul and abolish the outpouring of spiritual gifts. Dim as the Light shines in our present unfoldment, it is prophecy of that which is to come, of that which has ever been, of that which will ever be. The 14 The New Messiah Light will shine brighter and purer through the ages. Humanity will reach out to higher ideals. The problems of life will become more illumined. The crude states which we have witnessed always precede the brighter light and man will gradually press forward towards the Light of the Angelic States, and then on towards the Light of a Christ or Messiah. There are many revelations of the Power of Spirit in our Scriptures. When Belteshazzar was King of Babylon in his temple there came, in let- ters of fire, the handwriting on the wall, warn- ing him to "do right." When Jesus took Saint Peter, James and John up into the mountain, they saw Moses and Elias talk with Jesus. After his crucifixion he appeared many times and spoke to Mary Magdalene and to his disciples. There are those, functioning in physical bodies, who know similar manifestations are being experienced today. If you could see the Shining Lights and the Mighty Hosts in our midst at the present time, all doubt- ing and questioning would cease and the world would seek the "Silence for Soul Culture" which brings "Comfort and Peace." You would put forth every effort to rend the veil that separates your consciousness from that which lies beyond the limitations of the physical senses. Through soul culture the light within will illumine the path- way of life and gradually solve all problems. The children of earth have had many embodi- ments, or expressions, functioning in mortal gar- and the Journey of the Soul 15 ments; and many of us will have many more ere we reach the perfected state of this planet — the state of the Angel. The author does not claim perfection, as such is impossible in our present state of unfoldment. We are traversing towards perfection; not from error to truth, but from truth to greater truths, towards all which this planet will yield. Every truth which has come to this earth, no matter under what coat or label it has been distributed, has been an absolute necessity, bringing its lessons and when those are wrought then greater truths come. The Lords of Life, the Messiahs, descend in mortal garments to the earth when we have become prepared for higher truths, for greater lessons than we who are still passing through time and sense can reveal. The truths embodied in Volume I and II have come through revelation and actual experiences. The messages and voices came many times while attending to household duties, when my mind was concentrated on the duties before me. Always when I am not thinking of the subject, the truths and voices come. Going out of the body usually occurs in the silence of the night or early morn- ing just before the break of day. We do not go at will or alone. Each is guarded and guided by the Guardian Angel. With man the feminine form of the angel is most prominent and with woman the musculine form reveals himself as the teacher when you are 16 The New Messiah ready. When we have reached the heights, through many embodiments and become prepared in this life, we are privileged to enter the ethereal world accompanied by the teacher. All is divinely planned and prepared. A Guardian Angel employs spirits to do his bidding through love and wisdom. Through let- ter and personal contact has been voiced the bene- fits received through the message embodied in Volume I. Many have become aware of invisible teachers and have had glimpses beyond the limi- tations of the physical senses. When writing this book I could see the different intelligences hovering over me, guiding my hand and brain while many times I stood by conscious always of every word that was being written. Many times the words would pour into my ears (as it seemed) after all my experiences had been previously noted as they occurred from time to time using only that part which they desired placed in this book. In answer to the question, which always follows after reading the book, what can I do that I too may hear the voice and see beyond the veil, I will say: "Go into the silence chamber, or a corner of your room set aside for that purpose — keep it sacred, ask the 'Father' to guide and direct you. Go into the silence ten minutes each day or twice a week for half an hour. No achievements are accomplished without time and preparation. In the silence the soul grows. Through prayer we and the Journey of the Soul 17 uplift the mind to higher vibrations. Many have become aware of vibratory waves and know their meaning. The divine baptism of light comes with sacred truths. All are uplifted spiritually and materially to the degree of their perception and recognition of the Divine Surpassing Light that has come to the earth. The principle is 'Right Being, Right Thinking and Right Doing,' the foundation of all religion. Sincerely, Mrs. E. R. Drollinger, 2014 Camden Court, South Pasadena, Calif. Tnnr- o INTRODUCTION INFINITE DEITY placed the seal and signet of divine intelligence on all nature, breathing into the universe the exact vi- brations of His mighty purpose, challenging the soul to come forth and read the problems of life as written in mathematical and geometrical sym- bols and figures. There are perfected beings who have found the solution of all problems of life and can cope with the outermost and innermost limits of the limit- less and boundless universe, wherein the Eternal Entity of the Soul has found that its image is like unto Infinite Spirit. Such beings have passed through every path and gateway, going every step of the way through the valleys of darkness to the mountain heights, down the mountain through other valleys to other heights, and, through their experiences of aeons upon aeons of time, passing through worlds and systems of worlds and suns and systems of suns, having seen the birth, growth and decadence of such worlds and systems, gained absolute knowledge which gave birth to mathematics and its co-related 18 and the Journey of the Soul 19 sciences, which these perfected beings saw written in all nature throughout the limitless, boundless universe, the stellar heavens. Such angels, see themselves reflected in the likeness of the infinite master Mathematician, the Creator of all being, the Constructor of the limitless, boundless uni- verse. Such beings are conscious of God's meth- ods, abiding in His consciousness of perfect white light. The children of earth are now passing through the most sacred period in the history of this planet, as we have completed the semi-circle of knowledge which was stamped upon the earth in the primal dispensation, marking one-half of all the cycles through which the earth will pass. The perfect knowledge, stamped upon the earth, was knowl- edge of the universe, its elements and construction, its physical life and intellectual attainments, noth- ing pertaining to the realm of the soul, the light of spirit. We have traversed the appointed path and are now in the beginnings that reveal higher degrees of consciousness, the divine light within, the light of the soul. Our sun is the center around which revolve twelve planets (not all known) called our solar system. Twelve solar systems, of which ours is one, revolve around a more distant sun. Each solar system has twelve planets revolving around a central sun, and one hundred and forty-four solar systems travel around a still more distant sun. Such is the planetary scheme as known by 20 The New Messiah the Angels who have existed aeons upon aeons of time. Regulated by the law of growth of expres- sion on each planet, at the time of perihelion there is a greater growth. A solar cycle is a period of 25,827 years. Corresponding to a certain plane- tary growth in our solar system, there is a Mes- sianic period when the "Great Lords of Life" appear on the earth. These are the sons of the sun, called "Sons of God." You remember Jesus says: "I am a Son of God" (not saying which sun he came from). The solar cycles are the great Messianic periods when the great Christs appear; the lunar cycles are the lesser periods in which the lesser Messiahs, who are teachers, avatars, Buddhas and prophets, appear. The lesser Messiahs always precede the great Christs. Each lesser Messiah bears one special attribute of which the great Messiahs are the culmination. Being the sixth great astronomical cycle through which the earth has passed, the culminating light is the sixth great Messiah who has come to the earth in a physical form to reveal sacred truths and point the way for the children of earth. The Christ-births come from the constellations which correspond to the earth's unfoldment. A solar cycle is the period of one dispensation and its subdivisions of about 2,152 years and a period of 1,000 years. Our earth has already passed through five solar cycles or five dispensations, and are in the sixth dispensation now. Already and the Journey of the Soul 21 there have been seventy-two lesser lights and five great Christs and the sixth Great Messiah has already embodied on earth. Dispensations overlap each other, however, the fifth dispensation has already been closed and the sixth has been ushered in by the Arch-Angel. If the earth could have been made perfect un- der the dominion of man, encased in garments of the dust, if all the earth has yielded and all that has been demonstrated by the various divinities was sufficient truth to lead man in the path of life, that would reveal to the world the perfection of infinite law through infinite love and wisdom, then there would be no need of anything more. There would be no need of any more sacred lights or "Lords of Life" to appear; there would be no need of such sacred lights to descend from their far, far off spheres of light to reveal and demon- strate to man (still immured in the senses) the pathway, which leads to and reveals infinite spirit- "consciousness" ; there would be no need of the di- vine baptism of their surpassing light upon the earth to transmute the shadows and heal the sor- rows, pointing the way to greater heights, that we may perceive and realize the source of infinite wisdom and love, the Infinite God and His sacred plans. The angel Michael was the Arch-Angel of the Osirian dispensation. The angel Gabriel was the Arch-Angel of the Christian Era which was the Brahmanical dispensation who ushered in and 22 The New Messiah closed the fifth dispensation called the Christian. Jesus of Nazareth was the culminating Christ and gathered in the children of Israel unto Christ — that is all who were ready. He harvested the fruitage of His labors, the one hundred and forty- four thousand and some remnants of previous cycles. Jesus of Nazareth was not a Jew nor a Christian. The Jews have never claimed him. He was the culminating light of the Brahmanical dispensation. Buddha Gautama was the culmination of all the Buddhas. He was the real Buddha ; but the culminating light of the entire dispensation was the Christ-life, Jesus of Nazareth. India did not claim him because they thought Buddha Gau- tama was the culminating Christ which was not so. If you place the teachings of Jesus side by side with that of any Buddha, it will be found that the essential principles are the same. He has been described by some as having light hair and light eyes. I assure you that Jesus, the Christ, has dark hair and dark eyes and dark complexion. How great and perfect was Jesus of Nazareth ! How wondrous was His light, the children of earth, who are passing through time and sense, cannot perceive. To be able to demonstrate God's infinite love under all conditions and to reveal the meaning of sorrow and darkness as did Jesus — it needs be one who is perfect in divine wisdom and divine love. When the angel Gabriel-Gabriella closed the * and the Journey of the Soul 23 fifth dispensation, having experienced the begin- ning and ending of an entire dispensation, he passed to a higher degree of arch-angelhood. Although there are twelve Arch-Angels who are connected with the Messianic periods, the prin- ciple work is done by two, the angel Gabriel and the angel Michael. The angel Michael knows ail angels who ever embodied in any period and well knows the pathway of life. This mighty Angel has appeared in our midst for some years. Those who rejected Jesus of Nazareth are here now, and many who were not ready in previous dispensations — all such will be ready for the new Messiah. Among all nations of the earth are those who hear the "voice" and the summoning of the Arch-Angel. Many are awake, aware of something; they are alert, wondering and waiting. The majority of earth's children are turning their minds towards spiritual facts and unfolding the divine powers from within. The darkness which has overshadowed this world will be transmuted. All wars must cease and our daily lives become more exalted through higher thoughts and higher ideals. Crime and injustice will be an exception in the near future. Of course, there is the rise and fall, the ebbing and onflowing tide, the crest and the hollow, but the hollow will be higher than the crest of the first dispensation. In each dispensation are twelve degrees to be attained. In the first dispensation twelve perfect attributes, or twelve perfect gifts, were stamped 24 The New Messiah upon the earth, revealed in the twelve degrees (ten and two) forming the semi-circle or one- half of the fruitage for the earth. We are now in the sixth dispensation which marks the begin- ning of the other half of the circle. In the first half, all of physical and material knowledge and the intellectual heights were revealed. The other half marks the realm of the soul in which will be revealed the outpouring of the spirit as spiritual gifts and the eternal powers of the soul. Civiliza- tion has traversed the entire globe ; but all have not yet reached the intellectual heights. Those, who have been blest with the outpouring gifts of the spirit, have revealed the beginnings, the first glimmerings of the light of the soul; and, while much of it has not been understood and has been abused, it is prophecy of the real light and powers of spirit, the evolution of higher degrees of con- sciousness, lifting man into higher states of ex- pression. Physical power is not dangerous; but the abuse of physical power is dangerous; likewise the abuse of intellectual power. The abuse of intellectual power is very dangerous and, so, with the out- pouring of spiritual power. The abuse is danger- ous. Consequently, the necessity for the practice of right being, right thinking, right doing. The center being right, nothing can be wrong. This is the basis of a system of teachings, established by the divine interpreter, Zardursht, in the fifth dispensation, the Brahmanical reign. and the Journey of the Soul 25 Through Egypt, Babylon (Chaldea) and Pales- tine (Jerusalem) have descended the ancient truths in one direct line, and the co-ordinating lines which have come through Phenicia, Greece and Rome. In the primal morning the world centered in ancient Egypt, then in Babylon, in Athens and in Rome. Babylon formed the con- necting link between modern and ancient civiliza- tion. The people, who were scattered to Babylon, were, also, scatered from Babylon. She held in her keeping the sacred records and teachings, and, as her people were scattered, they took with them the sacred symbols and truths, which she had pre- served. Thus they became distributed through the world. From Greece came the sublime philosophy of Socrates, which was carried forth by Plato and kept alive through all the centuries. In Babylon came the ideographs, which held the place of lan- guage; and here, also, came the meaning of the cuniform characters. Rome became the distrib- utor of the primal sources of art and literature. The breaking away from the divine light, the dis- persion and corruption through excessive luxury, was called the "Confusion of Tongues." From Egypt we have our knowledge of mathe- matics and science and mechanical construction of the universe. Through Egypt came all our knowledge of the forces and equilibrium in nature, which was revealed in the primal dispensation. From Greece and Rome came our knowledge of architecture, chemistry and letters; but from India 26 The New Messiah has always come everything that is in the realm of pure idealism, and transcendentalism. India has given us the perception of one God, the Brahman- ical God (OM). The primal Brahmanical reli- gion of the Orient, on account of its abstract nature, necessarily receded in the dark periods, but was again rescued and re-declared by Buddha Gautama who restored their sublime philosophy (in which is found the true pathway of life) to the comprehension of man by declaring the cause of sin and suffering is pure selfishness; by reveal- ing the victory over the senses and selfish desires, by the overcoming of self and the "Conquest of Mind and Spirit," the original meaning and pur- pose of the primal Brahmanical revelations. Out of the celestial heavens, from whence came the arch-angels, who had charge of the fifth dis- pensation, descended a glow of light over India, such as had never been seen before. The whole earth in that portion, known as the Orient, and that portion of the western world, which was ready for more truth, was becoming rekindled and re- vivified by the baptism of this light, which had descended to the earth, which portendeth a ful- fillment of "something" that had been lacking in previous dispensations. While there had been an awakening and recognition of the infinite, the "Sacred Word," expressing the infinite God and the absolute state, had never been uttered. Those who knew and were prepared waited long for this and the Journey of the Soul 27 epoch which would give birth to the sacred name "OM," Infinite Deity, Brahman, the Absolute. The previous recognition was of deity in nature, as it had been revealed that the universe is gov- erned by absolute law in mathematical perfection. Every attribute of the intellectual power had been applied, demonstrated and deified. As this won- drous spiritual haze hung like a canopy over the world, men recognized a something that surpassed all their intellectual glory and its influence, com- pletely eclipsing the desire for physical or intel- lectual might, an awakening within of a solemn feeling of devotion for that which was "unseen" and as yet "unknown." The marvelous effects of the baptism of this divine light was manifesting in the fruitage and flowers and the hearts of humanity. The earth became attired in new habiliments of beauty. Trees and vines were heavily laden with great abundance. Harmony, peace, freedom reigned. There was no strife, no questioning, no doubting, all perceived a divine sacred "something." An added light and power had come to the earth — divine, sacred, "hallowed" to express the light of the infinite God and reveal the sacred name. In the midst of lives, who understood and perceived the divine significance, came "the Light." It appeared; all saw and stood in silence amidst the hallowed baptism. Brahm, the light of Infinite Deity, was only perceived and conceived in the innermost shrine through introspection and medi- 28 The New Messiah tation. The first Messiah, "Brahm," who re- vealed the Light of the Infinite through His life, did not declare, not a voice was heard. In the silence stood those around Him who were pre- pared and perceived the light and truth of God. Nothing was recorded, nothing uttered. In the preceding Osirian dispensation, there had been some revelation and recognition of the abso- lute infinite light; but the world in that cycle was not yet ready for the "One Word," "OM," the sacred name that came to India, in the Brah- manical reign, the fifth dispensation. The Divinity, Brahm, who revealed the light of the Infinite in His life, has again descended, but not in physical form. Standing before me, giving His name and these facts, saying: "I am Brahm, the revelator of God's infinite light, which I brought with me from my realm of light, which is like unto the Infinite Good, in finite degree. The absolute Brahman cannot be expressed in em- bodied form; is perceived within the soul of man, is always in a state of being and manifested in all life. All divinities, who express Deity and whose names apply to Deity, reveal the divine attributes, possessed by the infinite Deity, sym- bolized by the sphere. The Angels who possess absolute knowledge, have given man the key, mathematics, whereby the infinite circle is broken to the comprehension of man, that he may behold the truth declared and expressed in the wonderful cycles of time by the divinities who possess those and the Journey of the Soul 29 attributes of Deity, the evidence of which must be born from within." The infinite Brahm was later expressed in the three equal divinities to the perception of man — Brahma, the creator; Vishnu, protector and pre- server; Siva, the disintegrator or destroyer; work- ing together as the manifestor of the Infinite when manifestation of the Infinite was required. "Mah- at" was the angel of power who expressed the creator. Vishnu expressed the qualities and at- tributes, the preserver of all. Brahm creates, Siva stands at the gateway of life to institute change, as all forms do disintegrate and change, passing through so-called death. The angel, Vishnu, has again descended from his heavens. As I see this angel sailing in his barge on the celestial seas, he anchors his barge on the shores, stepping out on the land, revealing himself to me in this manner for identification. The angel "Siva" is also seen in our midst, having announced himself. These mighty angels have come to fulfill their mission in the preparation for the new ad- vent, the glorious new day for which the world is now waiting. In the beginning, the first three names express- ing Deity, A. V. M., — Adita, Varuna, Mithra — were not broken in three-fold form, which were revealed later. It is supposed that every avatar that followed was an incarnation of Vishnu, as every Messiah that followed expressed the divine power of the Infinite in His teachings. 30 The New Messiah The second Messiah was "Zardursht." This divine messenger voiced and revealed that which had been only perceived in the "silence" from within. Nothing had been recorded. All that had been seen was held sacred and silent and then revealed and declared by the angel Zardursht who was called the "Divine Interpreter." This power- ful angel, Zardursht, now stands before me in white robe, very long beard, extending below the waist line, dark complexion, dark hair and eyes with his Hindoo head dress; and he says when his mission is fulfilled, he again returns to his Father's house. This Messiah established a complete sys- tem of teaching to the comprehension of man through the power of mind and inner perceptions, which afterwards became known under the name of "Sacred Books." His teachings are preserved in the Vedas and Shastra, and, extending into Persia, formed the basis of the Zend Avesta. "Right being, right thinking, right doing" forms the basis of his system of philosophy. The center being right, nothing can be wrong, was the primal basis of his system of moral law and religion. The Brahmanical faith, including the teachings of Buddha Gautama, is the most complete system of religious thought in the world, as it includes all metaphysical and philosophical solutions of that which relates to infinite intelligence and the intelligence of man. The Messiah, Zardursht, taught the three portrayals of the Brahmanical faith — Brahma, Vishnu, Siva. Not until the fifth and the Journey of the Soul 31 dispensation did man ever utter a name for the infinite Deity, except within his own soul. The world was not ready for its birth until the dis- pensation of sorrow. Through the sublime teachings of the Divine Interpreter, Zardursht, was founded the "Sacred Orders" called "Holy Men," and these individuals afterwards receded from the sublime truth of that period and formed the system of caste which has been the curse of India. The Parsee has ever preserved the spirit of true worship, while the priests and brahmans of India lost sight of the sublime light. Zoroaster estab- lished a system born of this wonderful light, "OM," which first came to India, a system of inner worship of which the burning flame is the external symbol. The Brahmanical faith, through the various interpreters that followed, became di- vided into different classes, sects and cults, declin- ing into patheism and other forms of worship. After the divine interpreter withdrew to his king- dom of light, each placed their own interpretation upon the sublime truth. Differences and friction prevailed. Then came the Buddha, whose history is re- vealed in Buddha Gautama, whose teachings form the basis of nearly all literature in India. The ideal real Buddha (Buddha Gautama) restored the original meaning and purpose of the primal Brahmanical revelations. Where there was dis- cord and friction, he brought reconciliation, hav- 32 The New Messiah ing found the meaning of sorrow and pain through the overcoming of selfish desires, restated the work of the primal Messiah; thus the fundamental principles adapted to human needs were again de- clared and restored. This great reformation swept over all the east, through China, Japan, north Africa, Asia and Asia Minor, reviving the divine purpose of the primal Brahmanical faith. Four distinct branches were established through the outpouring of the Brahmanical light, and reli- gion which had its beginning in India. This light was concentrated in China through Confucius and other Chinese philosophers. In Persia through Zoroaster and through the Children of Israel. Real spiritual heights had been attained by many in the beginning, and real sacred orders existed, which, afterwards in the receding wave, became divided and subdivided until the sublime purpose became eclipsed, each interpreting the divine sil- ence and meditation in his own way. The real Buddha Gautama is again among us — not in physical form. This great soul comes before my vision and his voice is heard many times. As there is always a wandering away from the primal light, a recession from every great truth, so the pure democracy of the real Buddha, who abolished the system of caste, again gradually drifted back into the old teaching. Then came Moses, the great teacher and prophet. As the nations gradully drifted away from the sublime teachings, it bcame necessary and the Journey of the Soul 33 to declare a code or law which was given to Moses on Mt. Sinai (Exodus 20). When he was asked who he is, he replied "I am that I am, God hath sent me." The Hebraic race was the gathering together of ancient races and people who were scattered in the Osirian reign and came back again by other pathways, and were again dispersed through Babylon into Palestine through separate ways and different lines of descent. It was through the teachings of Moses that the various tribes, who had wandered away from the light into various worships, "darkness and wilderness," were brought together into the religious worship of one God; see "The Five Books of Moses," "The Pentateuch" — the coming together of a long line of prophets, from whom we have reve- lations with the religious belief of One God, "OM," and the line of descent of Adam, Abra- ham, Isaac and Jacob, the meaning of the House of David was prophecy of the closing of that vast cycle which culminated in the great Messiah Jesus Christ. The fifth dispensation had its beginning in India and the closing light in Palestine, so that the light would sweep into the Occident. The an- gels bore the Pentagram, the Sacred Name of the one God, "OM," the Brahmanical stamp, which their symbols and signs revealed. The Wise Men were Persians who knew the symbols. The dis- pensations bear the name of the culminating "Christ," and Moses was not a "Christ." He was one of the lesser lights, a prophet and teacher. 34 The New Messiah A dispensation, being of so vast a period, only, through the embodied angels, have the long lines of truth been kept alive, concealed and revealed. Since Buddha Gautama, the "Light of India," had been so long eclipsed, that the truths contained in their sacred records were not understood by modern scholars, and the Occident, until the great teacher Swami Vivikananda revealed the scrolls of Vedic Records to the comprehension of man. This wonderful soul came to re-awaken India and unite the Orient with the Occident. The coming together of various representatives of every religious view of Hindu, Chinese, Mohammedan, Hebrew and Christian at the Par- liment of Religion (a part of the Columbia ex- position in Chicago, 1893), was a great step in the religious history of the world, a prophecy of a new order of things, the uniting of all religious beliefs, portending that which the world was gradually evolving to the recognition of truth in its different stages of manifestation as religious beliefs. Our beliefs change with the evolution of greater perception. The culimination of this great step will reach its fulfillment in the New Age. The inpouring of Hindu philosophy and reli- gion, the reawakening of ancient religions, had its effects, Christianizing the Christian, uniting the past with the present, the Occident with the Orient, restoring the splendors which had been so long eclipsed — all of which was the wonderful work and the Journey of the Soul 35 and wisdom of the great Hindu Master, Swami Vivikananda. He said (taking quotations from His Life Works published by Swami Prajnananda [Prabudda Bharata Office] Mayavali Lohaghat P. O. Almora) : "If one religion be true, then all the others also must be true. Thus the Hindu faith is yours as well as mine. We Hindus do not merely tolerate; we unite ourselves with every religion, praying in the Mosque of Mohammedan, worshipping before the Fire of the Zoroastrian and kneeling to the Cross of the Christian. We know that all religions, alike, from the lowest Fetishism to the highest Absolutism, are but so many attempts of the human soul to grasp and realize the Infinite ; so we gather all these flowers, and binding them together with the cord of love, make them into a wonderful boquet of worship." To Vivikananda there was only humanity and truth; all these religions are like so many pearls upon a string. Man is not traveling from error to truth, but climbing from truth to truth, from the lower truths to the higher truths, which, as you turn these pages, the reader will find is true when he comprehends the beginnings of the Generic races upon this planet. Beginning at the lowest round of truth, demonstrated in the first dispensation how every dispensation yields its twelve degrees of progression towards the primal stamp of perfection. The sixth dispensation will leave a mark or sign and wonder of the begin- 36 The New Messiah nings of the unexplored vast realm, the realm of the soul. Since in India came the "Light" which revealed the infinite God, it was a most fitting occasion, that in India should arise a master to reawaken the long slumbering truths imbeded in their sub- lime philosophy and religion. India needed to be reorganized and consolidated, and the world needed a faith that had no fear of truth without labels attached to it, whose spiritual goal shall be the finding of God and whose divine sacred rule is perfect freedom for every soul, the recognition of which comes with the New Age. This wondrous soul, who reawakened and in- terpreted the sublime truths of India to the com- prehension of all, was an embodied angel, conse- quently, the Swami came with authority and real- zation and his marvelous personality was abso- lutely impersonal. With the Angels all is pos- session and realization, bearing no special marks, except their wisdom and work, which they leave behind as a monument that stands out through the ages; and such will be the works and words of wisdom which this teacher revealed to the world. Ever will they live as sweet memories of the days when he stood among us in the physical form. When his mission was fulfilled, while yet in his youth, this dear soul passed to the ethereal heavens, leaving as a divine uplift his work and effects in the minds of thousands scattered over the globe. Thus, through our Oriental brothers, the barriers and the Journey of the Soul 37 of dogmas and creeds were torn asunder, broaden- ing the minds of the clergy and the layman, estab- lishing the first step of religious tolerance and freedom. Civilization has traversed the entire globe; but we are in the very beginning of soul unfoldment. Not all have yet reached the intellectual heights. When the sixth dispensation will have come to a close, it will be found, that all will have expressed the physical and intellectual degrees and entered into the spiritual or soul unfoldment. There is no distinct mark, as each blends into the other, and, ere the intellectual heights are reached, the soul unfoldment begins. The sixth dispensation marks the beginning of that illimitable realm of the soul, revealing the wondrous powers of the real light, "Spirit"; while physical and intellectual victory contains the elements of its own defeat. The cold, glittering, intellectual heights, without the light of the soul, is like a garden full of weeds. The great object of life is for the enlarging of consciousness, which is the light of the soul, that "Spirit" may triumph over "Matter" and see itself reflected in the mirror of nature as the image and likeness unto God. Through embodiments, or various expressions of life, comes the conquest of self. That very self which we have been taught to cultivate in physical life is the self we must conquer and overcome, so that the light of the soul can radiate its power. As we unfold this divine light, we express more and more of perfect 38 The New Messiah love, perfect wisdom. Through mathematics the mind finds the solution of all material problems; but the solution of the spiritual and celestial states of the soul must come from within through un- foldment, the light "consciousness," which comes through conquest and victory over self, and gradu- ally reveals the problems of the soul. The highest angels have found the way and have the "key" to all problems of life. Love is the fulfilling of the law and all will sometime reach the state of victory and perfect peace — possession. As yet the greatest and minutest things are im- perceptible, and baffle the most advanced minds; but the powers of the soul are illimitable, and, according to our needs, is the capacity to know. Mighty angels, intelligent beings, preside over the destiny of worlds and systems and universes. Such are called Sons of God, Arch-Angelic Beings, Demi Gods, Seven Rishis; and were known by the Wise Men as the timekeepers of Brahma. The time, advent and duration of large astrono- mical cycles and the interplanetary epohcs of arch- angels, the interstellar and inter solar aeons, are well known by the timekeepers, the Angels Aeonae. Such have descended, with other mighty hosts, to bless the earth with their light and power in the great preparations for the new day. Such angels have conquered worlds and systems of worlds and suns, and have seen the birth, decadence and re- birth of systems <>f worlds and systems of suns and the Journey of the Soul 39 and worlds, and assist Infinite Intelligence in the process of creation. The Aeonae have charge over embodied angels, those who come as prophets, teachers and leaders in any line, scientific, philosophic or religious ; also, over complete Messianic cycles, the solar and lunar cycles reaching out into interplanetary epochs of the arch-angelic knowledge and guidance of souls, not only of this planet but other worlds. Until greater capacity or degrees of consciousness are unfolded from within, it is as impossible for the mind to grasp the meaning of aeons of time, as it is to comprehend the figures of mathematical calculations of uttermost distances of stars and suns, and the revolution of interplanetary cycles, when Messiahs appear on other planets, the arch- angelic periods and governments. Such know, in a moment, astronomical facts, which mathemati- cians could not compute without great difficulty; such is "possession," the power of the soul. Such creative Angels shouted for joy when our solar system and its co-related systems was "created." In this sixth dispensation six times one hundred and forty-four thousand souls will become aware of the fact that worlds and systems of worlds are presided over and governed by "Angels," intelligent beings, known as "Sons of God" in the ethereal realms. Angels of various degrees guide and direct souls in embodied forms on this planet, to show the way, ever-inspiring and directing their talents towards 40 The New Messiah genius; and help genius to reach out to greater heights and culminations. They beckon the soul to press on and on towards the great command: "Be ye perfect as your Father in heaven is per- fect." Perfect, not in one line, or one direction, but in every way, the realm of the soul being limit- less. When one world or one system of worlds is conquered, the soul reaches out for more and more worlds to conquer, for more and more per- fect expressions, all included in the ebb and flow of the infinite, through which we will see ourselves reflected as the "image" and likeness of the infinite God. The Angels guarding the earth and its ethereal realms hold in their keeping all knowl- edge that man needs to possess; but each must attain the heights by traversing all the ways and windings of the outermost and innermost gate- ways through the various expressions of life. It is the angels of various degrees and power who weave the tissue of divine light that flows from the infinite fountain of wisdom and love into the web which interlinks the intelligences of the whole planetary systems, governing and guiding the lesser lights; and these, in turn, guide and direct those souls who are still passing through time and sense. These divine beings are sent forth by the Infinite, having existed aeons upon aeons of time. The "Most Ancient Mother-Father Time," who are the highest intelligences of all expressions, representing the infinite "OM," under t!ie edict of God's laws, guide and direct all that and the Journey of the Soul 41 is breathed upon by Infinite Intelligence. Such hold in their keeping all knowledge that can be revealed; such pierce into the very depths of the "Divine Alembic," perceiving the primal truths, the primal substance, electrons, the one universal substance being breathed upon by Infinite Intelli- gence, producing the varied manifestations of life throughout the unbounded universe. Absolute knowledge is demonstrated facts which gave birth to mathematics and the discovery of geometry. Without mathematics and the calculus, the unfathomable depths of the universe, the secrets of the stars, as revealed by the telescope and spectroscope, could mean nothing. It was the angels, who are familiar with the wonderful move- ments of the heavenly bodies, who brought to this terrestrial realm the marvelous truths and the "key" thereof, breaking the infinite sphere to the comprehension of man by squaring the circle. Out of the regions from the far away Pleiades have come the "Timekeepers," the Angels of Mystery, who possess absolute knowledge. From these realms have come the "Seven Rishis," known to the Orient, who are among the highest of the "Aeonae." The fountain head and cradle of all science can be traced back to ancient Egypt and later to Greece. In Ancient Egypt was the begin- ning of the generic races near the headwaters of the Nile. In the very center of the globe came forth the first Eden where the "Race of Angels" embodied who were the progenitors of the generic 42 The New Messiah races. ( Genesis. ) There were twelve angels ( male- female) ; unto each was given one perfect gift of knowledge, making the complete gift of perfect knowledge which was stamped upon the earth in the primal morning. No new knowledge has been added. The offspring of the race of angels became the intellectual giants of the world, consti- tuting the Golden Age. No traces were left of the first Eden and the race of angels who were created; this went down as other portions of the earth have done. Perfect knowledge has never grown; but has, through subsequent cycles, been discovered and attained through experiences; as all succeeding races must evolve the knowledge from within and manifest it in the degree of their perception unto the culmination of perfect knowledge; but, with all this perfection of material knowledge, the truths and revelations of the soul are yet a sealed book. All pertaining to the soul was con- cealed, because material knowledge must first be stamped upon the earth to leave its impress for the generic races to follow. The primal race and the primal age was the symbolic perfection, as an example for all souls who were to enter into their first expression. The stamp of perfect knowledge, afterwards through demonstration by the divin- ities, became a science. All material knowledge was revealed to be applied at such times as the light and perfection receded with the creative angels, so that the generic races could apply the and the Journey of the Soul 43 law of preservation and generation. Each generic race departed from the perfect prototype, as they applied the physical methods, and the generic law overcame the creative law. The primal knowledge which was stamped upon the generic race by the different interpreters of the first dispensation and by the culminating Mes- siah, Hermes, was perfect knowledge of the uni- verse of matter and physical life, the vast realm of spirit being sealed. In this sixth dispensation another sign and won- der will be stamped upon the earth as a lesson for the generations to follow, that all may see, in the wondrous work, the love and wisdom of the Almighty Infinite Lord and the light and power of His angels. As perfect knowledge brought to the earth has never grown, no new knowledge been added, all generic races, traversing towards the primal stamp, must attain perfect knowledge; consequently, each dispensation repeats that which was primarily stamped upon the earth by the Messiah of the dispensation of knowledge, Hermes. This perfect stamp embraces the knowledge of the primal sub- stance, electrons, their nature and relations, or- ganic forms upon the earth and of worlds, the laws of motion, light, heat and the regulations of their dynamical relations; how to control the elements, including knowledge of mechanics, knowledge of the elements, power of water, wind, tides, the power of the air, revealing the dynamic power of 44 The New Messiah light and heat; the problems of chemistry or alchemy, mathematics, including geometry, astro- nomy, tables of time, measurements, weights, per- fect revelation of speech and form, interaction of the elements of earth with other planets, complet- ing the semi-circle of material knowledge. The various Messianic stages which formed the vast cycle of knowledge was crowned in the culmi- nation of the perfect Messianic life, Hermes-Her- mia, who demonstrated the perfect light, that can conquer through the power of mind every force on earth and in the skies. As the twelve subordi- nate cycles (10 and 2), unfolded under the sign of this mighty Angel, all the different degrees of knowledge had their immediate expression and perfect adaptation. The generic races must attain the perfect stamp through the law of evolution, evolving perfection from within and manifesting the same to the degree of their perception, angels always guiding and revealing the next step through the Avatars and Christs who came in different periods or cycles. The primal stamp included government, law and order; in fact, all principles of knowledge were included in the first ten degrees which the race of angels revealed, and the two degrees were borne by the Arch-Angel. Between the beginning of the race of angels and their descendants, the generic races, there were ten and two perfect de- grees, called one dispensation, the dispensation of knowledge. The first Messiah, Hermes-Hermia, and the Journey of the Soul 45 brought revelations from the Messianic kingdom, and, in human form, demonstrated the truth, which was brought by the pre-generic race of angels, verifying all the knowledge which had been revealed through this vast cycle, the cycle of knowledge. The Arch-Angel who announced the coming of the first Messiah was Oress-Oressa. All the primal Angels who came to take charge of the first dispensation came from the Northern Heaven where is found the arch-angelic heavens, from whence flow all the tides of knowledge, sym- bolized in the Seven Stars of the Pleiades and the Seven Stars of Ursa Major. From the opposite direction in the Southern Heavens, came the Arch- Angels and angels who had charge of the second dispensation (from near the belt of Orion), sym- bolized in the Southern Cross. The Celestial Heavens, which is opposite the Northern Stellar Heavens, is equal in power and influence in the systems included in their range. One by one the various degrees of knowledge that were stamped upon the earth in the primal morning have been revealed and demonstrated as the children of earth became ready for their perception which will be revealed by the New Messiah to the perception of man. Each dispensation bears one portion of the fruitage of the "Tree of Life." How great must be the love of one who leaves his kingdom of perfect light and love to descend unto a darkened world to be a Savior, a Light- Bearer unto the children of that planet; and yet 46 The New Messiah to such it is the greatest joy to be able, even under the darkest conditions, to descend among God's children whose consciousness is still veiled in ignor- ance of divine law, the infinite love and wisdom of the Father. Such care not for the darkness as they are constantly living in the light amidst the darkest clouds; being ensphered in the light of the Infinite their love and tolerance is unlimited as they are aware that all are a part of the Infinite and will some time see the light. SACRED HISTORY OF THE EARTH AS RELATED BY THE VARIOUS ANGELS WHO TOOK PART [N the Eden-time of creation, the Great Ancient Divine Mother, Atum, of the uni- verse, under the edict of God's laws, sum- moned the angels from the various celestial king- doms to assist in the creation of the earth. These powerful creative angels made a pathway of light for the mighty Arch-Angel, unto whom had been given charge of the earth and all souls who would ever embody upon this planet. The Ancient Arch- Angel, Oresses, was the primal messenger of God's truth, possessing all the knowledge that was to be stamped upon the earth. It was now the creation time. All was being prepared for the first inhabi- tants, a race of twelve angels who were to people the earth. Oresses, the mighty Arch-Angel, stood at the gateway, between the earth and the heavens, brooding over the earth when all was darkness and in a state of wilderness, long ere it was re- deemed from vast seas of waters, from the mighty deep. 47 48 The New Messiah The Angels, who were to be the first race and the progenitors of all generic races, had not yet been summoned. When all was ready, there appeared the world of divine-emanation, the architypal world and twelve angels in created form. This was the creation of the celestial heavens of this planet, with qualities and attributes that must, of necessity, belong to the first cause. Unto each angel was given one perfect gift of knowledge, the twelve degrees constituting perfect knowledge. In this divine world the twelve angels dwelt until all was ready for the genesis of man. When all was ready, one beautiful continent arose amidst the waters and wilderness. Then, according to their degree of knowledge, the angels, one by one, took on the garments of the dust. The first Angel (male-female) to take on the garments of the dust was named Adam and Eve. This Angel had knowledge of the law of genetrix. He knew how the genesis of life is carried forth in the atom and every organic form. The first generic race was named the race of Adam, the father of all, who has descended to the earth, not in physical form but in ethereal form, standing before me with his long white hair and beard down to his waist, robed in purple lined with gold. The next Angel who took on the garments of the dust possessed the knowledge of the natural forces, the co-relation of atoms and the elements which govern them, the dynamics of the universe. and the Journey of the Soul 49 Then came the Angel who had knowledge of the primal principles of mechanical forces. Another possessed the knowledge of the primal substance, electrons and the invisible forces, the law of chemistry. Then came the mystery of the sphere, symboliz- ing the Infinite and its solution through mathe- matics, the square and triangle, the meaning of the constellations, the time tables, the symbols, num- bers, ideographs, which resulted in letters, all of which was revealed by the Ancient Primal Mother to the Angels who took on the garments of the dust. This knowledge was stamped upon the earth for the succeeding generations. Number seven and four was brought by the angels from the northern heavens and one was added, representing the Primal Mother and her companion. The real name of the Primal Genetrix has never been given, but has been worshipped under the name of Aelohim by all races, to which afterwards was added Jehovah Elohim. After the Angels depart from the primal per- fection of the creative law, there must be knowl- edge of the generation and preservation of human physical life. In the angelic impersonation was imbedded government, law and order, including all principles of knowledge. Two degrees were given by the Arch-Angel, and the angels pressed forward, step by step, to the completion of the ten degrees; thus, between the beginnings of the existence of the race of angels and the culmination 50 The New Messiah of the races to which they gave generic birth, there were ten and two perfect degrees, constituting the primal dispensation, which was the revelation of the perfection of every branch of knowledge as a stamp for all souls who take on the first expression of life. Thus the hightest knowledge that could be given to the earth was contained in this intellectual splen- dor, called the dispensation of knowledge. As physical victory was man's first inheritance, there was no moral instructions, no spiritual light; the realm of spirit was sealed, unperceived and un- revealed. This perfect light of intellectual splen- dor was distributed in fragments throughout the ages. Perfect knowledge has never grown, and all generic races must reach the perfect stamp through various embodiments in the various dispensations. When man and woman walked the earth in per- fect physical forms, there was no unfoldment of the light of spirit; all their crystalized knowledge was cold, glittering intellectual splendor, called the "Golden Age," which was knowledge of the mate- rial universe and of physical life, and not the light of the soul which was as yet dormant. There were twelve lesser Messiahs, who each taught one branch, and the culmination brought the first Messiah, Hermes-Hermia, who came from the northern heavens, and, in human form, expressed and demonstrated perfect knowledge to the generic races who were the successors of the and the Journey of the Soul 51 race of angels who were full of intellectual splen- dor and physical conquest, but were wholly un- conscious of a heavenly Kingdom or God. Her- mes the Messiah was not Hermes Trismegistus, who bore that name, to whom are attributed numerous works called Hermetic books. The per- fection of the seven Hermetic principles will be revealed in this dispensation. The beginnings of all dispensations were in con- tinents near the Equator. In the continent now known as Africa came the first dispensation. The primal Eden went down, leaving no traces what- ever. Hermes gathered all the knowledge that was given in the vast primal cycle, including the revelations to the primal angels and their suc- cessors; unto these he proved the perfection of the primal stamp through absolute tests. The most ancient Egyptians knew there had been a primal Eden, a primal continent, a race of angels through whom all knowledge came. There were now two continents divided by the raging waters. In the first continent, the hermetic race had its beginnings. Both continents upon which Hermes cast his light and power were now peopled. The second continent was a portion of land now known as Australasia. During a vast dispensation the earth was continually changing, new continents were being formed, and the earth was still covered with waters. The descendants of the angelic race were a race of intellectual giants who pressed for- 52 Ihe New Messiah ward unto the perfect attainment of supreme knowledge. Later these giants departed from the primal light of perfection to grovel in the senses. The wonderful work grew less perfect; the land which they had made beautiful grew less fertile, and the reaction came. The intellectual giants, having departed from the primal stamp, grew into deformity and perversion. The power of intellec- tual heights must recede back to its source. This was called the "Fall of Man." Hermes-Hermia knew the source of all power and light, but the intellectual giants knew nothing of divine law or God, hence the Messiahs in those early periods were worshiped. They must evolve through garments of the dust, in many expres- sions, unto the light, through spiritual blindness, to awaken the soul unto that which alone the soul can reveal, passing from one form into another, from one state into the next higher state. The same was true of the earth. Continents came up and went down to reappear in other periods; so the apparent retrogression was only the period of transformation into the next step. The intellectual splendor which had its source in the angelic race and its culmination in Hermes- Hermia, the first Messiah, became distributed throughout the world in the different ages, filtrat- ing into the history of our present civilization, which reveals the fact that the Angels guarding the earth and the Angels of earth's atmosphere hold in their possession all knowledge which and the Journey of the Soul 53 man can attain on this planet. In each dispensa- tion there have been Angels who have preserved the history and hold the key to all mysteries. Hermes and Hermia have again descended (not in physical form) to restore the knowledge of the primal morning, coming from the seven stars, symbolized in the northern heavens, the arch- angelic heavens. The descent of the angelic race (created angels) into generic life was the recession of the light into the twilight or the light of spirit involved in mat- ter. The primal light sheds its rays in fragments through the ages of the generic races, to again become crystallized in the culmination of the per- fect white light through the races. The primal stamp must come through revelation, and all rev- elation is ever followed by a recession, as the physical or generic methods are applied. Thus the highest knowledge that could be given was re- vealed without moral instructions or spiritual revelation. To conquer the earth by physical instincts re- quired no revelation, and physical victory is man's first inheritance. The first perception of the achievements of the spirit to conquer by the power of mind came through revelation and culmination, with no experiments and no deductive methods. Every attainment of man's victory over the earth by mental power was primarily inspiration, and ill subsequent methods were evolved from within, 54 The New Messiah through perception, through experience and knowl- edge. All generic races must reach the primal stamp of perfect knowledge through various embodi- ments in various dispensations. The perfect light of intellectual splendor was distributed in frag- ments throughout the ages. The realm of spirit was a sealed book, unperceived, concealed. The Arch-Angel, who bore the first message, possessed all twelve degrees of perfect knowledge. The race, unto whom the first Messiah ministered, aft- erwards departed from the primal light to grovel in the senses, rising, falling and rising, until finally the perfect work became less perfect and the land less fertile. The second dispensation came in a part of the continent of Africa. As yet there was no western world, and the portion of the eastern world that had come up, had changed; so it is not the same Africa we now know. The races were now under the dominion of the lesser Messiahs of the first dispensation of knowledge, Hermes and Hermia having departed for their kingdom of light. From the Southern Cross, in opposite direction, came the Arch-Angel, Ariel-Ariella, symbolized in the lion, meaning strength and power. The stellar system of the Southern Cross, in the belt of Orion, is equal in power and light of the celestial heavens, to those of the north. From the constellation of the Southern Cross came the second Messiah, Ahasuerus. and the Journey of the Soul SS With material knowledge, is evolved the thirst for power, for dominion over the earth. The races now were not large like the descendants of the race of angels. The decadence of intellectual power was also manifested in the physical expres- sion. The ambition and love for conquest had increased, and, through the abuse of physical and intellectual power, resulted, not only in the con- quest of earth, but in enslaving the people. In- stead of using their power to beautify the earth, it was used for conquest and to dominate over in- dividual lives. These races possessed physical strength and might, accompanied by knowledge. Their means of transportations are as yet unknown to us. The new races, under the Arch-Angel with the strength of the lion, conquered the more submissive her- metic races, such as we have witnessed, in our modern civilization, by our modern sons of power. All of this thirst and love for power brought the angel of power, Ahasuerus, who came only in masculine expression. As the thirst for power and conquest was evolved in the hermetic race, the feminine principle, or manifestations, withdrew, and the possession of knowledge and power was wholly monopolized by the masculine element. In the first dispensation, the expressions and mani- festations were equal; but, in this dispensation, masculine rule predominated, and the feminine principle of the Angels were veiled. The races now manifested power and dominion over the S6 The New Messiah earth and the elements, and power over their physical bodies and mental faculties, controlling the organisms at will. Wherever any deformities or weaknesses existed, they abused and misused them. In the preceding dispensation was sown the seeds of knowledge. In this dispensation the seeds of power were sown by the wonderful angel of power, Ahasuerus. The primal seeds of knowl- edge and power were sown to bear fruitage in other generations and dispensations, all of which was man's inheritance, and a necessity. Knowledge and power must be evolved in the material and physical realm, as it is man's inherit- ance. In this age all material and intellectual methods and experiments were tried, but all van- quished in time, because they were without the light of spirit. As there was absolutely no per- ception of spirit or soul, the only God these races knew was the god of might. The hermetic races worshiped a god of knowledge. The recession, from this cold glittering knowl- edge and might, evolved fear. The nation re- trograded as its reaction; from intellectual giants to ignorance; from power and grandeur to weak- ness. As such powers have been wrested from the earth, they contain within themselves the ele- ments of their own destruction, as only that which is in the realm of the divine can endure. The mes- siah of power, Ahasuerus, was well aware of celes- tial power, the eternal power of spirit; but the races unto whom he ministered must needs know and the Journey of the Soul 57 the power of the physical and material kingdom. This wonderful Arch-Angel of power has again descended from his celestial kingdom to bear the message of power that makes all the powers of darkness subservient to his will; transmuting the darkness into light and good, preparatory for the sacred advent of the new kingdom. Whenever this angel comes into my atmosphere, a wonderful divine power hovers over me. He is very large and tall with a marvelous countenance and glaring eyes. Many changes were again wrought upon the earth. Another glacial period swept over the world and other continents came up. In the east- ern and western portions were now but two con- tinents of about the same size. Small remnants survived the destruction and confusion of the earth, remnants of each of the various nations from the different kingdoms which were to be borne forward to the culmination of civilization. The victory born of knowledge and power had yielded its harvest and now a new element was being born. The earth had now been brought under most favorable planetary influences, the star of beauty hanging between the north and the south, the four stars of Ursa Major, bending like a trident over the sea, were very significant, all of which had its divine effects on this land manifesting the perfec- tion of loveliness and beauty. The earth became a perfect paradise of flowers in its productions; 58 The New Messiah thus for the first time, since the beginnings of the generic races, was the earth adorned in beauty which was a reminiscence of the first Garden of Eden. The races turned their minds to the wor- ship of beauty in nature instead of physical con- quest and powers. Peace reigned. The races were now in the third dispensation. The knowledge of the hermetic reign was now being used for beautifying the earth. Nature's productions, in various new tints of coloring and form, displayed perfect beauty. These favorable conditions brought to the earth, in physical form of perfect beauty, the divinity Ra, the queen of beauty, to minister unto the nations who had been tempered and prepared for this manifestation of perfect beauty, the Goddess of Beauty, Ra. The adoration of the beautiful is the first step towards the evolution of that mystic eros (love) which lures the nations on to physical expression. New conditions had already appeared in the opposite kingdom; new laws were being formulated which had been crystalized through the knowledge and power of the past two dispensations. Two equal dominant powers were already upon the earth. These were a race of sages, which arose as the offspring of the receding races of the dispensations of knowledge and power. These sages were the founders of the first mystic orders, to carry forth the knowledge and powers of the earth for higher and better usage. and the Journey of the Soul 59 Then came the birth of the son of wisdom, Rameses, who reigned as the king of wisdom in this continent, while the queen of beauty reigned in the opposite kingdom. The wisdom of the past was only a feeble expression of the wisdom of Rameses, and the dual expression was one soul. Intellectual wisdom and external beauty were the earthly expression of one soul. These two lives had their expression upon the earth for the pur- pose of revealing a greater truth. As these two met, there came forth the first expression of love which gave birth to the Son Horus. We now have reached the beginnings of that which to us has been ancient history. All previous records were handed down through tradition. The love of beauty, the love that comes with the outward phy- sical senses, which belongs to the physical stages of life, had now been born and perfectly mani- fested in physical form and in nature's produc- tions. The love of God was yet dormant, hidden within the innermost recesses of the soul. The stamp of divine love had not yet been placed upon the earth. The recession brought its darkness. Now that the third dispensation is completed, marking the one quarter of all the great cycles of the earth, the intervening period gave birth to the message of celestial love through the divine motherhood included in "OM," the "One Soul of the Universe." This period and sacred message are symbolized by the first quarter of the moon. Through the brightness of this light all the dark- 60 The New Messiah ness of the preceding physical victories was passing away and being renewed under the influence and power that was brought to express the love of God. After this period, the world could never again become eclipsed as always somewhere the light would be found. From this period, the sacred image of the Divine Motherhood was no more wholly veiled, but would be expressed in equal lines of lights although unequally distributed. From the special plane of Alcyone came the birth of the Divine Mother, accompanied by one hundred and forty-four angels and her messengers, who were to bear forward her sacred message and the divine meaning of her presence to all the world, which was recorded in the Book of Life and stamped in the great pyramid. The first knowledge came through the angels who accompa- nied this mighty divinity to the earth. These after- wards became known as the Wise Men. All the divinities, who expressed the divine love of God, were most prominent in the feminine expression. The darkness from the reaction of the first three cycles had now faded away, and the vibrant waves of light and life, as manifested by the Divine Mother and her veiled Bridegroom, was prophecy of that which would be when the whole earth is redeemed, a glimmering of what the full revela- tions will be when the twelve cycles have been ful- filled. Her light is again penetrating the earth, filtrating through every atom and every being, and soon the world will manifest visible effects in the and the Journey of the Soul 61 minds and hearts of her children who already are stirred through her vibrant power of light and love. This Mighty Mother reigned for one thou- sand years in a kingdom set apart from the rest of the world, near the headwaters of the Nile, in a valley surrounded by desert and mountains, with her fair daughters and messengers. Here her per- fect lilies of life, who were each to give birth to a Messiah of the solar or lunar cycles, were given their symbols and instructions. In this fair king- dom her perfect madonnas took up their abode as angels. None ever went out into the outer world, but sent their messengers, the White Doves in etherealized forms. The Mighty Mother did not walk the earth in human form, and her kingdom was ever a secret, except to the Angels of the heavens and embodied Angels of earth. Unto this kingdom her sons were summoned from all parts of the earth to receive instructions. Unto each of her fair daughters, who were to be the Madonnas, and her chosen sons, the Magi, was re- vealed the prophecy of every dispensation and every portion of a dispensation, and unto each was given their symbols and instructions of all that was to come; the great prophecy of the stamp to be placed upon the earth in the different periods. The glory of this wondrous light, which this Mighty Mother, her veiled companion and her angels and messengers brought to the earth, filled the atmos- phere with the celestial light and the divine love of motherhood was manifested in all forms of 62 The New Messiah life upon the earth. The divine purpose of this manifestation will be better understood as we un- fold the light from within and through the light of this dispensation. The culminations will be most significant in the third, sixth, ninth and twelfth cycles. The primal hermetic secrets, which were expressed in the first dispensation, will be revealed in this sixth dispensation. We have now reached the dispensation with which most scholars are familiar, the Osirian reign, in which was manifested the threefold light, de- claring the three principles. The Osirian dispen- sation reaches far, far back into prehistoric times, into Ancient Egypt. That which we know of mod- ern Egypt was the recession from the light. This ancient land was the source of the first three dis- pensations, and here the Osirian reign had its be- ginnings, which was the foundation of all knowl- edge, for the three cycles which were to follow, and we are now in the sixth cycle. Egypt gov- erned all the east and through the power with which she ruled the world spread the fruitage of her manifold gifts. In this period came the wis- dom of Solomon. The sixth cycle will reveal that which is still a secret record, and much that has been perverted through misinterpretation and in- terpolation will be correctly stated, giving a differ- ent aspect to the seeker of truth. As the new Messiah will reveal all the past history of this world, you will learn that the Hebraic records must be set back more than one dispensation, as and the Journey of the Soul 63 in all dispensations, in the receding wave, the light and wisdom was eclipsed, and the divine truths were concealed in the secret orders. That which we know of the Osirian reign, through history, is the worship of the lesser divinities and not their spiritual significance. That which we call the Mosaic dispensation is a subdivision of this vast Osirian dispensation. None ever beheld the forms of Osiris and Isis, lest they be worshiped; there- fore, the divine name was hidden and shrouded, as was intended; for it was not yet the fulness of time for the revelation of the sacred divine name. All knowledge and instructions were given by the Wise Ones, "Magi," and considered divine in this period of Osiris and Isis. These sacred names were invoked whenever man felt the need of assistance and guidance. Knowledge flowed from prophets and sages, and through this inspiration came the meaning of language, which culminated in the embodiment of the Angel Memnon, the inventor of letters who stands before me robed in white with a pointed crown having descended from the southern heavens. Isis declared that which was revealed by the Divine Mother. The decline of this wonderful truth, and the perversion of it, came. Gradually the nations sunk into the worship of symbolism of objects, not of the worship of the light and life as this Angel of the sun revealed and Horus the child declared. The sun became the central form 64 The New Messiah of all worship and all outward expression of devotion. As all had worshiped God through the majesty of science and art in Egypt, the unprepared lives could not comprehend the revelation of God as expressed through the divinities; consequently, all was concealed through sacred symbols and num- bers, lest those who could not comprehend might misconstrue the truth. The sacred name of In- finite Deity had not yet been revealed. The Angels, Osiris and Isis, walked the earth unseen, were never found in visible form, but made their presence felt and realized in a mystic manner. Osiris symbolized the son of wisdom and Isis symbolized the mother of life. When- ever they were sought, they were never found, Osiris disappearing unto the light of the sun, and Isis, under the water; but, in the silence of the night, they gave their instructions unto those who were ready. As I write these lines, these divinities stand before me. On the chest of Osiris is a large sun- flower, covering the whole chest. In back of this yellow glow, with darker center, is his form, while out of the lotus flower, in full burst, is the head of Isis, but no visible form. At the culmination of the twelve lesser inter- preters, Horus, the divine revealer, made known the Osirian dispensation. In the receding wave, the name Horus was afterwards perverted into the time of day, or god of day. In this reign, we and the Journey of the Soul 65 have for the first time a spiritual perception of God, in which the unknown and the unseen God was worshiped without form, as from within was awakened the perception of the Infinite as one soul. The Angel of the sun, Osiris and Isis, was much greater in splendor of knowledge than the Angel of the first dispensation. Greater in power than the power expressed in the second dispensation and greater in that which expresses the attribute of the mingling of wisdom and love, which was expressed when the Divinity, Beauty, was encased in physical form on earth. Greater than all of these (except the light which the Divine Mother brought from her kingdom), was the light within the soul of Osiris. In every respect, the Osirian reign revealed greater knowledge and power, far greater than that which was born of earthly might; more beauty than that which dominated, when physical beauty was expressed; each of which was only the fleeting light of the physical senses, and now there is wisdom enshrined in the divine light. Through this threefold light, Egypt became the fairest land. Nature, in her manifestations, dis- played great productions of fruitage, blossoms and flowers. Osiris was the messianic Arch-Angel, represent- ing the sun as life and light, Isis, his spouse, representing the earth, generic life, and Horus the child represented birth, the life. Osiris and Isis were impersonations. Horus the child was 66 The New Messiah the manifester, the declarer of their presence through the different ages of Egyptian history, until at last the infinite divine purpose was lost sight of through the receding light, and every form of life was made a symbol of the divine. In this period, the Egyptians builded their Temple of OM to the sun, this sacred city blazing like the light of the sun. The temples of Isis were constructed, wherein the fairest maidens served and were symbolized in the twelve lotus blossoms that upheld the pillars. Women, in this period had knowledge and power equal with that of man. Osiris gave to the daughters of Isis knowledge of divine wisdom, and Isis gave the love that be- longed to her reign. The story has been told, that from the cup of the lotus flower, quickened by the rays of the sun, the breath of Osiris, Isis sprang into full being, and, meeting the ardent rays of Osiris, rays of the sun, she departed beneath the waters, and at times appeared veiled in the lotus flower. Thus we have as her symbol the lotus flower on all Egyptian architecture. For a short period Osiris and Isis gave to those who reigned and bore the later cycles their own names, and man and woman had equal power; but only for a short period. Then the maidens and women were withdrawn from the temples and were no longer allowed to interpret the meaning of the sacred oracles, no longer shared in the making of laws. Gradually came the perversion through the self-appointed priesthood. The per- and the Journey of the Soul 67 ception of truth gradually declined and sunk into the worship of symbolism. The sun, moon and stars were made the objects, instead of the sym- bols of worship, as Osiris and Isis withdrew into their fair kingdom where the Messiahs abide. One of the reactions of symbolism was the origin of sun worship. The sun, fire, light, seemed to form the center of every form of wor- ship in their outward expression, but when the real worship was in its height, they worshiped God as the spirit of light, the twelve lesser divin- ities each expressing their portion of knowledge in this Osirian-Egyptian age of the world. These lesser Messiahs, or prophets, revealed the light of the sun; that the sun is the vivifying form, and the shadows is the force that protects and con- serves all life; thus the history of generic existence was made known, the dual power which was con- cealed in the image of the divine and revealed through the soul, but obscured in the past dispen- sations. Isis, the veiled mother, was but another expression of this "mysterious dual power." That which was concealed in the Hermetian age, con- cerning the generic life, was revealed through Isis, the veiled mother, who has charge of souls that are entrusted to her keeping. She symbolizes the mother of life, the conserver. Horus, in embodied form, expressed wisdom and love. The Osirian dispensation had its coun- terpart in Central America, the Western Hemis- phere, which is older than some portions of Asia, 68 The New Messiah and older than Europe. The worship of the sym- bol of the sun in this western land, corresponds with the worship of the angel of the sun, Osiris, son of the sun in Egypt. On the ruins of Central America, on monuments, entablatures and temples, are found the inscriptions which unfold the Osirian reign, contemporaneously with the antiquity, cor- responding to the cycle of that ancient civilization of Egypt, of which we can have no knowledge, except through the angels who have again de- scended to reveal the history of this world. Frag- ments of knowledge have reached us, through the mythology of Phoenicia and Greece, of this vast cycle (see Book of Enoch which has reference to the previous dispensation and the Osirian), and, through the Hebraic religion, the history of Pales- tine, the Children of Israel (see the Pentateuch) ; and what we call remnants of a civilization, which corresponds to the Osirian period, wandered through North and South America. Much of the civilization now including China, Japan, India and Africa were descendants from this period. That which is spoken of as the Mosaic dispen- sation was one of the lesser cycles or periods of this great Osirian age. The story, and pictures of the finding of Moses in the ark beneath the water in the bullrushes by the king's daughter, is the story of Horus; having been placed there by Osiris and Isis, symbolizing truth, as beneath the surface, within the depths of the soul; in the sil- ence, truth is found. This was at the time the and the Journey of the Soul 69 Temple of OM was built by the Egyptians on earth. The Jewish records have never claimed that Moses was anything but a prophet and leader, and the account of the creation of Adam and Eve was taken from the "Book of Beginnings" of the primal history of the world. The Hebraic race was the gathering together of the ancient races and people who were scattered previously under the Osirian cycle, and came back again, by other pathways, into Egypt, and were again dispersed through Babylon into Palestine. All cycles over-lap each other, and yet there are distinct beginnings. With the receding wave of a cycle comes the preparation for the next cycle in other parts of the world. Preparations do not begin with the cycle, nor does the cycle close with the receding wave. By the time the preparations of the new cycle began, new continents were added and the whole earth was multiplying. As the messianic cycle was waning, there were those who were still under the Osirian reign, while in other portions of the earth, in this same period, there were prepara- tions for the new dispensation. All potencies of physical life and all achievements of the human mind had reached their culmination and seeming perfection, and the recognition of the Infinite had been awakened. The divine infinite God was knowingly wor- shiped as one soul. As Osiris and Isis withdrew unto their divine realms, the light, which they 70 The New Messiah brought, gradually became eclipsed, and Egypt sunk into darkness. The nations which received her instructions and were conquered by her were now in the receding wave of light. The reaction was a deep material darkness, but in the midst of all of the shadow the Angels were making still greater preparations for that which was to come. We now enter the Brahmanical reign, the fifth dispensation, the dispensation of sorrow, which was the Christian dispensation, revealed in the in- troduction. GOD'S DIVINE KINGDOM ESTABLISHED ON EARTH AS SEEN BY THE AUTHOR VISIONS, SYMBOLS AND MESSAGES BY THE VARIOUS ANGELS 0T was Jesus of Nazareth who taught us to pray to our Father: "Thy kingdom HI come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." Through the ages, the children of earth have been sending forth this prayer, not knowing the real meaning. God's kingdom could not be established on earth until the Christ-prin- ciple within was evolved, because with this un- foldment comes the perception of truth. This prayer has an esoteric and an exoteric meaning. Through the unfoldment of divine love, the Christ-Spirit in the soul of man and the establishing of God's kingdom on earth, comes the fulfillment of this prayer, which will, in a very few years more, be fully understood, as, at this present writing, within the hearts and minds of man, is a kindlier, more brotherly feeling than 71 72 The New Messiah has existed between man and man for some years. The Comforter, meaning the Spirit of Truth, is manifesting more and more as the days and months go by. The recognition of the father- motherhood of God and the brotherhood of man will manifest in the new age. God's kingdom has already been established on earth, where the new Christ life is unfolding, and His will is being done through his angels on earth; although not yet declared. As the days and months and few years roll by, man's doubts and fears will vanish, and joy and peace fill his mind and soul. God's divine sacred kingdom has come and is established here on earth as the fulfillment of the prayer which Jesus, the light-bearer, taught us, and foresaw its fulfillment. For the perception of this truth the world is now being tempered, prepared, by thousands of angels whose light is gradually dispersing the clouds from the earth and the clouds from the minds of man. The surpassing light, which the new Christ-life has brought to the earth, is gradually transmuting the grosser elements and desires into higher ideals and divine love. The mighty Arch-Angel of Har- mony, hovering over God's kingdom on earth, bearing the name of Harmon-Harmia, is indi- cative and prophecy of that which will be estab- lished in the minds and hearts of the world. The new Messiah will unite all nations and demand peace upon earth and good will to all mankind. Soon the Angels will appear to declare this truth and the Journey of the Soul 73 and establish confidence and assurance all over the earth. Their wisdom and light will be so wondrous, that many will mistake these shining lights for the real Christ. "Then He shall send His Angels and gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost parts of the earth to the uttermost parts of the heavens." — St. Mark 13:24. Those who have eyes and can see, ears and can hear, shall know God has sent His Angeles to the earth from every direction, and can see the prop- hecies of Jesus of Nazareth being fulfilled. God's Angels have come. Armies of perfect light have come from every direction. Thousands are hover- ing over this planet. Thousands have descended to the earth and are among us in embodied and in etherealized forms, to make ready for the most sacred glorious advent, to be declared upon the earth. All is governed by the mighty ones through wisdom in divine love. Of all the sacred prepa- rations, which have been going on in the heavens and on earth, only angels know, and only seers and prophets are aware. The powerful angel, Michael, was seen at va- rious times long before the Divine Mother of our solar system. This Angel prepares the way, re- moves all obstacles, conquering all evil, clearing the way for the announcer of the new dispensation to be ushered in. The principle work, for the preparation of a new dispensation, is done by two, the Angels Michael and Gabriel. These Angels 74 The New Messiah do not embody in mortal forms. The Angel Michael knows all, who embody at any time, to carry forth the seeds of truth from one messianic period to another. This Angel ministers to other angels, closes the dispensation and summons the Angels of his charge to the next step higher, and makes preparations for the announcing of the new cycle. The Angel Gabriel gives the message of the new dispensation. The Angel Michael is broad and large and of average height. The Angel Gabriel is very tall and has large features. Some years ago, in the silence of the night, just before the break of day, came an angel, ushering in the new cycle, sweeping through the skies, swinging the six-pointed star, illumined in divine light through the upper air, crying aloud: "Pre- pare ye the way for the Lord," repeating and re- peating this divine message. Another angel came with a sealed book. Holding it out to me, he broke the seal, opened the book, the "Book of the Divine Mother," typifying that its secret con- tents shall be revealed. Then appeared the white dove, lighting on my shoulder, the dove being the symbol of the Holy Spirit, which is to come. The sacred Christ-life, the new Messiah, also, sym- bolizes the period of the Ancient Divine Mother, who has charge over all solar systems and the kingdom of Madonnas. In the ancient days, in the interval between the third dispensation, the Ramesian period, and the fourth dispensation, the Osirian reign, came to the and the Journey of the Soul 75 earth the birth of the Divine Mother and her per- fect daughters, the Madonnas — the Mother of the Messiahs, who has always held such a sacred place in the hearts of all nations, her image is seen in the different temples in the ethereal heavens. Out of her bright kingdom, Alcyone, the central sun of a system among the constellation, Pleiades, where she is surrounded by her perfected beautiful daughters, came the Divine Mother with one hun- dred and forty-four angels and her divine mes- sengers (angels) unto a kingdom, which had been prepared on earth, apparently set apart for her and her fair lilies of life. In this sacred period came the birth of her and the sacred Madonnas, each of which were to bear a Christ-birth unto the earth at such times as the earth was ready for a Messiah. During this period, each was instructed with the knowledge of every dispensation and its various divisions and subdivisions, revealing all symbols and signs for every portion, assigning unto each their symbols. During her reign of one thousand years upon the earth, was gathered unto this kingdom her sons and daughters in physicial form, to receive instructions of all that was to be revealed through- out the twelve dispensations, through which the earth will pass. All was under her mandate through divine love. Only the embodied Angels, the Wise Men of earth, the Angels and Arch- Angels of the heavens, were aware of her king- dom. All was secret and sacred, as recorded in 16 The New Messiah the "Book of the Divine Mother and Her Ma- donnas." For the first time upon the earth, through this mighty mother, was expressed God's infinite mother-lover as co-equal with God the father- wisdom. In this kingdom, her companion, Wis- dom, was veiled, "OM-Atum." She was not seen walking the earth in human form. Her presence was veiled and her daughters did not venture out into the outer world, but sent their messengers, the white doves — the angels, who were symbolized by the white doves. Thus was her light of celes- tial love stamped upon the earth, filtrating through every living creature and all nature, manifesting in every form of life. In the past three dispensations, all of knowl- edge, power, wisdom and beauty, united by love, had been revealed and demonstrated; but this was not divine wisdom, not divine love. The inner- most light had not yet been kindled. Not until the mighty Divine Mother had placed her stamp and seal of eternal love upon the earth, could it be expressed by any of her children. In this period, all the darkness of the past ages that came through the expression of the physical at- tributes, physical and intellectual power, became regenerated through the power of the eternal light — celestial love — which she brought to the earth. All was renewed by this wondrous light — sacred love, revealing the power within the soul which is divine. Each of her sacred Madonnas and the Journey of the Soul 77 express one portion of her life in the Christ- births. One hundred and forty-four will give birth to the lesser Messiahs, the Avatars, Buddhas, or prophets, and twelve will give birth to the great Messiahs, the Christs, the Sons of God. Again the ancient mother and her companion descended to the earth to express God's infinite love and restore all of the past which the new life will reveal. She comes, as the fulfillment of all the vast cycles of the earth, as the culmination of all that has been stamped upon the earth, all that the earth has yielded, to prepare the world for the perception of more truth. Again the whole world is being uplifted and blessed through her perfect love, and each, in the degree of their receptivity, will express greater light. All nature will manifest greater beauty as the effects and influence of her light and love. She and her com- panion come before me with their message of per- fect divine love and wisdom, making themselves felt and known to all who are ready. There came to my vision the Angel, with a compass and measuring rod, laying the plans for the divine kingdom, to be constructed on earth, designed in perfect mathematical and geometrical divisions of the sphere, symbolizing Infinite Deity and the mystical manifestations of the universe. In the silence of the night, just before the break of day when all seems so hallowed, I beheld, in the upper air, long lines of angels, marching in pairs, robed in white, each bearing the symbols of 78 The New Messiah their kingdom and their degree. As I watched this long army of light, I noticed that they were in groups, each section from a different kingdom, coming from different directions towards the earth. When I asked, what it all meant, the voice said: "These are the mighty Angels, who were summoned by the Ancient Divine Mother- Father, OM-Atum, from far, far off kingdoms, to prepare the way for the new Christ-life to appear on earth. These Angels made a pathway of wondrous light, between the celestial heaven of heavens and the celestial heavens of our earth, and a pathway from these heavens unto the ter- restrial realm where the divine kingdom was to be established. (St. Mark 24 :31 .) New faces, new voices, new names kept pour- ing into my consciousness, many revealing their missions, their symbols, their truths and expres- sions in past dispensations, and their names. Among this mighty host is the most ancient Arch- Angel, who accompanies every dispensation. The Angel of Light, who hovered over this planet in the primal morning of creation, with his mighty power and potency, standing between the earth and the celestial heavens, has charge over all souls upon the earth and earth's heavens and all who will ever embody on earth. In those primal days came armies of li^ht to prepare the way for the creation time. Thus God's Angels always pre- pare the way and carry forth God's will through their love and service. and the Journey of the Soul 79 As said before, the heavens and a race of twelve angels were created, called the World of Divine Emanation. In this glorious world of light dwelled the Angels, until all was ready for taking on the garments of the dust. Gradually came forth the first bright continent, which was created, the first Eden of earth. The first Angel, who took on the garments of the dust, was named Adam and his companion Eve, who became the "father-mother" of all generic races. Unto each was given one perfect gift of knowledge, making the complete perfect knowledge for all generic races who fol- low, which afterwards was demonstrated by each — thus it became science. The first Angel, to take on the mortal garments, possessed the perfect gift of the mystic generic processes of life. In suc- cession, each embodied, according to their degree of knowledge. The race of twelve created angels became the progenitors of all generic races upon the earth. The primal angel was Adam and Eve, and the race, which originated from the race of twelve angels, was the primal generic race of Adam and Eve. The real name of the primal genetrix has never been revealed and will not be known until all have reached the heights. Again, this mighty ancient Angel, Adam, has descended to the earth from his far off kingdom of light in etherealized form to reawaken the truths of those ancient days. Sitting at my side is this ancient Angel, with his long white hair, and beard, down to his waist line, robed in purple, lined with 80 The New Messiah gold, many times saying: u Follow me; I am the way; I come to assist that truth may enlighten the world." Jesus of Nazareth declared God's kingdom would be established on earth and the Prince of Man be among us. God's kingdom has already been established and the Prince of Man has come, and in the fulness of time will appear in his king- dom. (St. Mathew 25:31-32.) Then came the Divine Mother, with twelve stars in her crown, the moon at her feet and per- fect white lilies in her hands, ensphered in radiant light, symbolizing the twelve planets of our solar system, the twelve solar systems, the twelve great messianic cycles, and the twelve great Messiahs, the Christs who appear on earth; the moon at her feet, representing the lunar cycles when the lesser lights appear. Being ensphered in her riadiant light, she is referred to in our Scriptures as the woman clothed with the sun. The Divine Mother, knowing the Christ-life is to appear, hastens to make ready, prepares the way for the messengers who are to reveal the light. The Ancient Mother imparts the sacred news to the highest Arch-Angel of the celestial heavens, who bears the message to the Arch-Angel of earth. Then the sacred news is imparted to the Madonna; and the Divine Mother hastens to prepare the daughters of the celestial and spiritual heavens, that all will be ready at such time as the image of the Christ-life is to be born on earth, and the Journey of the Soul 81 revealing whether the Messiah will appear in dual form or veiled in the image of one life. The Ancient Mother has charge over the cycles of time and the timekeepers; and these, under her mandate, are aware of the onflowing and receding tides of the cycles. As soon as the receding wave comes, the Ancient Mother and her Angels make preparations amidst all the darkness and clouds of earth. She stamped her seal and signet upon all souls and all earthly forms in the primal morning of the earth. She has charge over all symbols and the sidereal heavens. Again the earth is be- ing baptised with her light and love, filtrating through every soul, awakening brotherly love, justice and righteousness in the hearts of her chil- dren. From the celestial and spiritual kingdoms comes the impelling power, that encircles the Madonna, who is to receive the Christ-image that is to be unfolded on earth. She is surrounded by twelve angels. Under the edict of God's law the Ancient Mother and her companion have charge over all of God's children throughout the universe, spoken of in "Revelations" as the "Bride and Infinite Bridegroom." This Ancient Mother, not only prepares the Madonna, but also the Christ-life that is to appear upon the earth. She passes into the heaven of heavens to find the sacred light, bearing the image between long lines of angels, who reverently bend in recognition of the surpassing light, the image of the Christ- 82 The New Messiah life, to the celestial altars of the celestial heavens of earth, unto the divine sacrament, unto the Arch- angel of the celestial marriage. Here the bride and bridegroom meet in divine consciousness, in recognition as a divine testimony of the Christ- life to be unfolded on earth. At the celestial altar, the ancient mother is seen brooding over the sacred light, surrounded by the Divine Mother of our solar system and her perfect lilies of life, the Madonnas; while hosts of the highest angels are bending around the sacred altar to receive the divine baptism of the glorious, won- drous light of the Christ-image, who will be the Messiah and Savior to redeem the earth from darkness and sorrow through his wisdom and di- vine love, bringing peace and light to this world. In these celestial realms of the earth this sacred light remained until such time as all was made ready, then the Ancient Mother bore the image of the Christ-life triumphantly to the earth. Each of the sacred Madonnas bear their signets. The Madonna of this sixth dispensation will appear with the six-pointed star on her brow. The Ancient Mother-Father are summoning all souls, function- ing in mortal garments, unto the divine baptism of this hallowed, surpassing light; and, in the degree of their receptivity and recognition, shall each be uplifted. The blessings shall be revealed in their lives according to their states. The sym- bol of the Ancient Mother-Father, OM-Atum, is the twelve-pointed star ensphered. and the Journey of the Soul 83 Only Arch-Angels and Angels, who take part in the Christ-births, can know what the states are, from the celestial messianic state to the mortal life of the cradle. The glorious light must be gradually involved through arch-angelic, angelic and spiritual states, ere the Christ-life can be born. The various steps are revealed to the Angels of the Divine Sacrament, the Arch-Angel of the celestial marriage, as the sacred light be- comes enfolded in its various stages, that all may be aware. As the Angels of the new dispensation are summoned, they cloth themselves in adorn- ments of mortal life, and carefully conceal from the world that which it is not yet ready for, and reveal to those who will take part in the new cycle the sacred news of the coming of the glorious divine light. No Christ could be born without this sacred preparation, which differs from that of other lives, as souls pass from the celestial states directly into the spiritual states of expression, into added earthly states. At the celestial altars in the celestial heavens, it was my privilege to witness this surpassing light and receive its divine baptism. On my first visit, this glorious sacred light was so overwhelming, I could not see the image of the Christ-life in the center distinctly. My first thought was ; this must be creation, seeing the illumined faces of the Di- vine Mother and angels all around. Such a light is far beyond all imagination. For days the effect of this sacred divine light remained with me, so 84 The New Messiah impressive, so penetrating, so hallowed, that I could not bear to hear the noises of this terrestrial realm, so keenly I felt the divine baptism. Some- time later, I was again privileged to behold this sacred light, and, on this occasion, I was aware of the image of the Christ-life, ensphered with the upspeakable, indescribable, glorious light, the Christ-image that will unfold on the earth and appear as the Messiah. This pure white light is the light of spirit-consciousness. This divine wave has been sweeping over the earth for some years, penetrating the clouds and darkness, and has been felt by many, but not un- derstood. It is the same light that was seen by the wise men in Egypt, in Assyria, in Eastern Asia and in Jerusalem; but not the same Messiah. The baptism of this sacred wondrous light is gradually being manifested. Thousands of angels, hovering over this planet, are rejoicing over the coming advent, when the new Messiah will be revealed. The message of this advent has come from the highest Arch-Angels of our planet, who impart the news to the Angels, who are in charge of human lives, and those who make preparations in spirit-states, dwelling in the ethereal zones around this planet, and to those who are prepar- ing human minds for that which is to come. Whenever the earth is ready for the baptism of sacred truths, then the Lords of life descend to bless the earth. (St. Mark 13:29-32.) Not only have wondrous preparations been and the Journey of the Soul 85 made in the celestial heaven of heavens and the celestial heavens of our earth, but, also, on the earth, great wonders have been going on, and are still going on, while the world is blindly sweep- ing on, not aware of the marvelous preparations that have been made. As the time draws nearer and nearer, human minds are turning towards loftier ideas. Many are withdrawing from pleas- ure-seeking, many are seeking the light, not know- ing that the new Christ has already been born. The new day has been ushered in by the Angel of harmony, but not yet declared. When the divine kingdom on earth was ready, after remaining in the celestial altars for some- time, the Ancient Mother bore the Christ-image to the earth, where, in dual form, the Christ- life will appear in the fullness of time. When triumphantly accomplished, the Arch-Angel went sweeping through the heavens with the six-pointed star ablaze with divine light, crying aloud, "Hexa- gram! Hexagram! Hexagram!" and, through this, I was aware that the Christ-Image was born in mortal garment on earth, and that angels were rejoicing. All who take part in the new kingdom are divinely and carefully chosen. Twelve angels have embodied to receive and welcome the new Mes- siah and his hosts of angels who accompanied him. There are one hundred and forty-four especially aware and prepared. One hundred and forty- four thousand feel the vibrating wave and will 86 The New Messiah be the fruits of this Messiah. There will be twelve of the daughters of earth, who are near becomnig the Angel who will bear forward this message of the Christ-birth unto the generations who are to yield the truth. There are, also, those who within the silence of their own temple feel the divine change, and such, too, will be ready. According to my visions, God's divine kingdom has been established for some years, and the sacred Christ-life has been born, but not yet is the time ripe. (Ezekiel 40.) As I behold this divine kingdom, it is in a fer- tile valley in a land apparently removed from all the world (Australia). At a distance, I beheld the mountains and nearby a stream or body of water. This divine kingdom is surrounded by an outer wall, with various courts. All buildings are white. Four main entrances lead to the cen- ter with three gates at each entrance. In the center of this kingdom, stands out in majestic beauty, towering above all the rest, the divine temple with its massive dome. The sacred tem- ple faces the east. Through the entrance, facing the east, have come the divine hosts, and, through this gate, they will again depart, as I perceive none can enter in through that gate. The north and south entrance are for the different nations to be gathered in, and the west entrance for the keepers and outer courts. As they enter the north, they pass out at the south, and those from the south pass out at the north gate. and the Journey of the Soul 87 On the outside of each gate stands an angel, three gates and three angels at each entrance, wearing long black robes, head dress and shoes, all of which they slip off, ere they enter inside the gate. As they slip off the outer garment, they appear in long white robes with girdles and san- dles tied to the feet. The Angels, standing on the inside of the gates, wear purple robes lined with gold, and head dress. The foundation of the temple is square, with its various chambers, where abide the sacred holy family and the Angels who minister unto these. Facing the east, is a porch and steps leading to the doorway. The pillars, on either side, rest upon a lion. On the doors are seen cherubim. Within the inner courts of this temple, is a foun- tain of refreshing sprays. In the sacred room of worship is a platform with an altar, with four horns, from which project a perpetual light. The whole platform is illumined with lights, and is adorned in purple and gold draperies. As the ministering Angel comes in from one side upon the platform, he is clothed in a purple robe which he lays aside and appears in white and gold. The back of the platform is oval, ar- tistically decorated with cherubims and seraphims. In its oval nooks are living statuary of the Ma- donnas, in whose extended arms, is a living image of the Christ-birth, symbolizing their portion of the Divine Mother Love. The Divine Mother is 88 The New Messiah in the center, and above is focused a perpetual light, symbolizing the infinite eternal Light-Spirit. Here are seen galleries, extending around the walls, with living pictures of the divinities and messiahs. In the galleries, near the platform, gather the ministering angels. The ceiling above is beautifully arched with various beams in white and gold. Unto this temple of worship all gather each day. The new Messiah will not be seen walk- ing the streets; all will be gathered unto his king- dom. Many will go out of curiosity and will not be admitted, as they are not the fruits of this Sacred Light. Others who are prepared shall be divinely led in pairs. The elder and younger shall enter there and receive the baptism of wisdom and love. The narrow windows, in groups of three, are beautifully arched and inlaid, in art glass, design- ing living pictures of divinities. Those who came from the northern heavens are symbolized on the north and those from the southern heavens are symbolized on the south. From the Madonna of the first dispensation and from the mother of the twofold truth, come the messengers who take part in the new kingdom, who accompanied the new Messiah, uniting the north with the south and the past with the present. The different wings of the sacred temple are for the ministering angels in their various capac- ity. The temple is surrounded by magnificent trees and flowers, of the choicest and rarest. Roses and the Journey of the Soul 89 without thorns, not a weed or anything obnoxious could enter within these walls. No storms, no cyclones will ever come near. In the four corners of the outer courts are buildings, which are the abiding places for the Angels of the outer courts. In each corner is a court within a court, with beautiful fountains, whose refreshing sprays mois- ten the exquisite flowers and shrubery, surround- ing the fountain like a mound. Most beautiful flower beds, shrubery and trees are seen all through the outer courts of this kingdom. Surrounding this kingdom are blocks of culti- vated land, in which I saw corn two feet high and other vegetables. Here the care-takers (em- bodied angels) have charge of the crops which supplies the food for all connected with the divine family and kingdom. As the care-takers saw me approach, while they were working in these gar- dens, two were at one end, another in the center with his hoe — he picked up his tool, joined the other two, then turned his back, leaning on and bending over his tool, while the other two facing me steadily watched me approaching. One of the two folded his arms, bowed his head, while the other steadily watched me. As I viewed the gar- den with vegetables, I said to myself: "How well they take care of the gardens, and how perfectly even are these rows of corn !" Then I drew nearer towards the keepers, as I desired to see their gar- ments more closely (of course they knew my thoughts). Looking: at each other, they smiled. 90 The New Messiah They wore short knee trousers with blouse shirts and sash girdle around the waist, and a large soft hat. None go inside the walls in such clothing. Every care is taken to avoid all objectionable vi- brations. All must be kept hallowed and sacred; therefore, none can enter the inner courts, except properly clothed and prepared. God's kingdom is constructed in perfect mathe- matical and geometrical divisions of the sphere symbolizing Infinite Deity and the mystic construc- tion of the universe. The sacred mighty plans of God are carried forth by His angels of different degrees and powers. Within the temple, there is recognition of all that has been expressed upon the earth throughout the ages by the sacred divinities and the Ancient Mother, Atum, who placed the first stamp of divine love upon the earth. There has come, from every kingdom, the divinities who expressed their portion (in the different dispen- sations) of the divine love, centered in her life. Every truth, which has been expressed since the primal morning of earth, will be acknowledged as being one portion of the truth revealed by Her. Those of her daughters, who were to bear the message of love in the messianic births unto the earth, were divinely chosen to symbolize her light and her love. The four main entrances, with three gates of God's divine kingdom, typify the four corners of the globe, which are not of the earth or heaven, but are symbolized in the four stars of the dipper and the Journey of the Soul 91 of Ursa Major, from whence the time-keeping of the earth was made known unto the ancients; as these indicated the changes of the season; and from these kingdoms have come the four truths made known to earth or the kingdom of spirit, the soul, male-female, the twain in one including the fourfold truths, father, son, mother, daughter, expressed in this divine kingdom. In the external it typifies the four cardinal points, north, east, south, west — four principles, fire, air, earth, water. The earth, being the Primal Mother, the pro- genitor of all life, was appointed by the First Cause, sustained by the infinite ether (air our at- mosphere) fire and water, the indicators of change (birth, death, rebirth), that which creates and that which disintegrates and that which revives or renews. Thus, when earth and air, substance and space, the primal unit became one, there was generation. Fire symbolizes the sun; water, that which separates, solves, disintegrates and reunites. These external symbols must not be confounded with the four truths of the divine kingdom of spirit. The soul in its birth and rebirth, in its united, divided and reunited states, relates to the inner divine essence, spirit, and not to the mortal body. The cardinal principles correspond to the ele- ments, known to the ancients as solvents of all the combinations of life. The first truth was the solution of the universe in its first combination of substance, the primal element in its four accredited 92 The New Messiah elements, the earth in all its formations and the air as the infusing elements, the primal genetrix of physical life, water and fire, the great solvents and primal genetrix. The mother of four truths revealed the mean- ing of the principles in the external kingdom and the four great truths of the kingdom of spirit; and, whenever this divine Madonna of the four kingdoms declares her presence, her power is felt and seen upon the earth, all natural laws are super- ceded — having power over the air, fire, water and the earth; and the corresponding symbols, in the various states of human life — such is the wisdom of those who possess the power of the four great truths. The truths of the four kingdoms (the four stars in the dipper of Ursa Major) was symbol- ized in the Mother-Goddess of time, Ashtoreth, from whence came the ancient division of time and symbolism. The twelve degrees, that had been revealed in the first dispensation, was symbolized — seven-two-one (one was veiled). The ten de- grees had been revealed by the Angels, and the two represented the Divine Mother, and her com- panion, thus, was silent. This sacred goddess re- vealed the zodiacal divisions and their sacred meaning, pertaining to the soul and angelic de- grees, numbers and symbols. In these ancient days the Magi (Angels), who had the power and the light, predicted events by the signs of the stars, and read the destiny and the Journey of the Soul 93 of souls through their knowledge of the planets and group-souls to which the individual belonged ; these were called the Mazzaroth. In modern times, there have been those among us (while not proficient) who could calculate coming events through their knowledge of planetary positions. All that was then revealed was expressed in the zodiac as an external symbol of divine truth, which this goddess declared; and through this came the expression of four corners of the globe, the knowl- edge of the external meaning of the four cardinal principles — fire, air, water, earth — the seven planets, seven days, seven heavens, seven degrees, seven hues in the atmosphere, seven notes in the scale — everything in sevens-two-one. This sacred queen of the four kingdoms has again descended from her heavens of light to fulfill her mission. This beautiful goddess, with brown hair, blue eyes and a crown of seven stars gracing her fair brow, is ensphered with the light of the sun as she stands before me. In her reign, the zodiac, with its symbols, were given by her as a symbol, an ex- ternal expression of the divine truth and her light. It was supposed that all subdivisions had been complete through the revelations of Ashtoreth, the mother goddess of four kingdoms, until the Madonna of the southern heavens came to link the south with the north. This goddess of life and light revealed the south as co-equal in power and light with the northern heavens. This star- eyed goddess, queen of all the southern lands, 94 The New Messiah stands before me radiant as the sun; dark eyes and dark hair, with the Cross in her crown, an- nouncing herself as the Madonna Saloma, Hiero- salema, symbolizing the solar light, the sphere of the sun. This Madonna never descended into the valley of earth, but came to the mountain heights to express the heights to be attained by the children of earth, as she revealed the celes- tial life and light, the sphere of the sun in which the Divine Mother holds in her keeping, not only all the vivifying and fructifying forces of life, not only the mystic power that forces germs into existence and quickens the earth unto unfoldment, but all that symbolizes the sacredness of the soul, still unrevealed, upon whose threshold we are now entering. The Madonna of the Sacred City of Light, the sun, revealed the solar system in its completion, the sun as the center of twelve planets, twelve systems, twelve times twelve systems re- volving around a greater sun, and one hundred and forty-four systems around a more primal cen- ter. She, also, revealed the twelve solar cycles, the twelve Christ-births, the solution of all problems through mathematics and the squaring of the sphere, to the comprehension of man and the celes- tial life and light, including the Angels of the sun. Unto this mother of light, who walked upon the mountain heights, called the City of Zion, came the wise men of earth for instruction and counsel. Under her supervision, the ancient sym- bolism was now changed into twelve and four, and and the Journey of the Soul 95 its perfect subdivisions. No longer were the sym- bols of seven-two-one worshiped. All now turned unto the new divisions, as symbolized in the zo- diacal signs of ten and two. Ten, as the degrees which the Angels revealed, and the two degrees added, symbolized the Divine Mother and her companion of the solar system, the subdivisions symbolizing the angels, their degrees and number, the twelve apostles, the seventy-two elders ; thus in this period, through this queen of the southern heavens, who symbolized the Divine Mother of the solar system, was revealed the esoteric sacred meaning of the soul and the celestial heavens, sym- bolized in the zodiacal signs and numbers as the great four truths of the kingdom of spirit. From the northern heavens the Divine Mother of our solar system was expressed by Cassiopeia, who descended from her throne to link the north with the south. In human form came the Divinity, Ra-Rameses, to express beauty, love, wisdom, to manifest the three truths, the child, Horus, being the symbol of truth born into the world. The whole world was clad in splendor, as the effects of this light that came from the celestial realms of the sun. The earth became transformed into habiliments of beauty, and golden blossoms manifested as its effects. In this period, every sa- cred Madonna was clothed with the sun, meaning that her image is ensphered in the perfect white light of spirit as bright as the sun. The world had now progressed from the three to the four truths, 96 The New Messiah and the divine revelations and mystic meanings of all that revealed the Divine Mother in the universe had a feminine origin and was symbolized in the zodiac. But the divine meaning of the zodiac, the true signs of the heavens and the truths of the kingdom which the goddess Saloma expressed, be- came eclipsed, and the children of earth, in the dark ages, have seen only the astronomical sym- bols and external facts; the esoteric significance of which will again be revived as man grows to the heights. When the new Messiah is declared, we will know the mystic name and significance of this sixth dispensation. All the Madonnas of the past are appearing and revealing the truths of their king- dom and their wisdom, that the world may be prepared for the perception of the added truths. The New Kingdom, established on earth, is longer than wide, with the temple in the center as seen from above, and from the southern heavens, symbolized by the southern cross, came the Angels who take part in God's Kingdom. Therein the Divine Mother of love is expressed in the daugh- ter of love, and the Father of Wisdom in the son of wisdom, when the new lives appear. The symbol of the new Messiah is the six- pointed star, being the sixth savior, or Lord of Life, who has descended to the earth to take on a mortal garment. The lower point of the hexa- gram represents the involution of spirit, or human life, or one expression of divine love in the unit. and the Journey of the Soul 97 The upward point typifies the divine life in celes- tial realms before entering into the physical ex- pression, which is typified in the great pyramid, the upward point, the one truth. The two points in the hexagram typify perfect love, perfect wis- dom; or the two truths contained in the first, when encircled, typifies the Father-Wisdom, en- sphering the Mother-Love, the unit being infinite divine love, broken into fragments in expression, which the Divinities, Lords of Life express on earth. The divine attributes of the new Messiah are expressed in the six points of His star, express- ing the union of heaven and earth, the perfect manifestation of Father-Mother God, the union of divine wisdom and love, all being symbolized in the dual six-pointed star. The Ancient Divine Mother broods over all worlds, all systems, and is the mother of all life, pervading the universe. In the primal morning of earth, was revealed the mother-life, the feminine principle, as the most prominent. She declared the message of the Perfect One, the one substance, one essence, the dual nature of the primal globule, which, through division, derives every function of its existence, imparting its essence to every form in nature. Thus every diversity of expression in nature is the result of the division of the one primal substance which is the first mystery in nat- ure, as was declared by the Ancient Mother. The primal genetrix is the first mystery revealed to her children, when they have evolved the 98 The New Messiah heights of perception, having become sons of God, sons of the Sun, the divine inheritance and heights which all will attain. To my vision came the mother of two truths, the Divinity with two horns, two points like a cres- cent on her crown. This bright-eyed goddess comes from the seven stars in the northern heavens, linking the light of the north with the light of the south, bearing the message that re- vealed all the mysteries of the first cycle of the earth, the oneness of all life, the primal principles, as expressed throughout the universe; which the ancient mother, Atum, declared, and the mother of two truths explained. Once more it was my privilege to go to the Divine Kingdom which has been established on earth. Near the door, in her apartments in the temple, appeared the beautiful divine Madonna, holding in her outstretched arms the perfect Christ-child in perfect form, a radiation of won- drous light encircling the head. At that time, the Christ-child was one year old, sleeping on his mother's outstretched arms, the sacred Christ- child who will appear among us in the fullness of time. This Lord of Life will be beloved by all and declare peace unto all nations, uniting all in divine love and wisdom. As I looked into the beautiful sweet face of the sacred Madonna, her perfect features, her stately grace, I perceived the fine texture of the skin like that of a babe. Her sweet smile revealed the joy and the Journey of the Soul 99 of perfect mother-love. Only a perfect artist could do justice to the charming picture I beheld. The new Messiah will appear in dual form. From the Ancient Mother of the primal life on earth, the Madonna of the first cycle, Atum, who expressed the one truth, the divine message of the Perfect One, the oneness of the universe; and from the mother of two truths came the messengers who accompanied the new Messiah to his kingdom on earth. Thus these mighty angels unite the north with the south, encircling the globe with their vibrant message, and the soul-life of the mother of two truths is again expressed in her maidens, who will appear in the new kingdom. Not until sometime later was I privileged to see the other form, the feminine expression. As the divine mother ever bends over her children, who are to be the fruits of this dispensation, many will be guided and directed to the land where is found the divine kingdom, not knowing why they go. It has been my privilege to listen to the divine com- mands of the voice of God (OM) "Be ready;" and the sweet voice of the Divine Mother, who often comes close to her children with her mother- ly love. The wonderful intelligence who bears the name of OM, expressing the wisdom of the Infinite OM, is always seen heavily robed in black, with a black hood over his head as a protection. The mother of two truths revealed the mysteries of life in its birth and rebirth, the soul like unto God in its essence. The one soul, is divided in 100 The New Messiah expression as male-female, and reunited in the fountain of bliss — the oneness of life. This bright-eyed goddess descended from the northern heavens (the seven stars) to reveal to her son, Hermes, the first Messiah of earth, the twofold truths; she knowing the workings of the chemi- cal forces. Although expressed in dual form, Hermes-Hermia, his divine mother, Cassiopeia, walked by his side unseen to inspire and reveal to him the twofold truth in all nature. As she ap- pears before me, her beautiful countenance, with black wavy hair, sparkling black eyes, with her golden crown with two horns, like a crescent, grac- ing her fair brow, she is a most charming picture to behold. The mother of two truths revealed the duality of the Infinite Deity, as expressed in manifestation, and the duality of the soul, the seven principles, the division of light (the seven prismatic rays of sunlight) and sound (the seven notes of the scale), all of which afterwards expanded into its subdivisions of seven and seventy. She descended from her heavenly throne to reveal the north and the south as equal in power and wisdom. The primal mother, the goddess, Atum, re- vealed the unity of all life, the one substance, the primal globule in the first dispensation. In the second dispensation, the mother of two truths ex- plained the first revelation and the twofold nature of the primal globule, the dual nature of all life and the solution of all problems through mathe- and the Journey of the Soul 101 matics and the squaring of the circle. When man unfolds an adequate perception of deity, he per- ceives the divine mother-life (love) as co-equal with the divine father (wisdom), which controls the universe or external manifestations. In the soul, as in matter, in the material and ethereal world through time and eternity, the dual nature of the primal globule, or one substance, was re- vealed by the sacred goddess, Cassiopeia, the Ma- donna of the first Messiah. From the same seven stars the first Messiah, Hermes-Hermia, have sent their messengers to re-awaken the knowledge (so long eclipsed through the ages), which was brought to the earth in those ancient days, hidden by the wise men of the secret orders, in the recession of that period. Thus Hermes-Hermia were among the first to reveal themselves to me. This mighty Arch-Angel is again seen, bearing his symbols, fulfilling his mis- sion in the preparations for the coming of the New Advent. Each Madonna of the Christ-births expresses the love of the ancient Divine Mother, who hovers over the sidereal heavens, over all systems of worlds, and the Divine Mother of the solar system gives expression to her mother love. The Divine Mother of our solar system, who hovers over all planets of this system at the time of a Messianic period, sends her hand-maiden from her heavens of light to the earth. At such times, she is seen in her radiant light, ensphering her, and her in- 102 The New Messiah fluence and light is felt all over the earth, causing her sons and daughters to turn their minds to higher ideals in search for truth. The sacred Madonna, or star-eyed goddess, who personates the Divine Mother of our solar system, is known as Hierosolema, Saloma, who came in the early dispensation to the mountain heights of the earth- realm. Every constellation has a Divine Mother. The Ancient Mother, Atum, included in OM is mother of the timekeepers, and the divine mothers are under her mandate. All who have evolved the pure white light of spirit, abiding in the con- sciousness of God's infinite love, ensphered in his light, are spoken of as "Clothed with the Sun." (Rev. 12:1.) Another mighty wonder exists, in spite of the fact, that it is hidden from physical eyes, which in my feeble way, I will describe. This whole globe is enveloped in the most beautiful, rarest, choicest flowers and vines in lilac, wisteria, violet, purple and yellow shades, and perfect white, many va- rieties which I have never seen before, hanging gracefully and artistically from the heavens, form- ing a perfect canopy which bears a twofold mean- ing. At a certain distance from this wondrous festuning of flowers, trailing from the heavens, forming apparently a background, is another won- drous manifestation, which serves as a shield and protecting power for the Great Light which has descended to the earth. Thousands of angels, with their symbols adorned in mortal habiliments, are and the Journey of the Soul 103 standing closely together, forming a solid canopy over the earth. At first sight, I cried aloud, "Oh, what a perfect piece of art!" It seemed as if these wonderful (angels) intelligences, bearing their symbols and signets, were painted on canvas which is stretched around the earth as a shield. No sooner had the thought flowed from my mind, when the Angel acompanying me to these realms to make me aware of the most exquisite adorn- ment of the earth, permitted me to draw closer, that I might examine and know. To my sur- prise, I was looking into the eyes and faces of living angels, so close was I, that I could have touched them, their clothing, their symbols, sens- ing a kinship to two angels to whom I was closest. Such, no doubt, has been the preparations made for every great Messiah, or Divinity, as it reminds us of the Scriptures wherein is related the sayings of Jesus of Nazareth : "Do you not know I could have called the hosts of heaven to have prevented this?" This solid envelop of exquisite flowers is the reception in His honor and the expression of love from thousands of angels for the most Glori- fied Life that has yet descended to this planet to take on the mortal garments and to be a savior and redeemer for the children of earth. Thou- sands of angels are awaiting the sacred advent of that glorious day, when He will appear. He is one of the fruits of the tree of life, the culmination of all that has been expressed upon the earth by previous lights, the most glorified light of all. 104 The New Messiah The flowers also bring a vibration of perfect har- mony for the sacred Christ-life, a divine shield. When the Ancient Celestial Mother passed into the heaven of heavens to find the Christ-life, already a pathway of light and flowers had been prepared for the sacred life — the Son of God; and, through an archway of rarest, most perfect, most exquisite white flowers and light, amidst bend- ing angels that extended from the far, far off sun to our celestial altars, the Ancient Mother trium- phantly bore the most glorious light, the Image of the Christ-life. From these altars unto the land where the Divine Kingdom has been established, unto this kingdom of perfect love, extends a path- way of perfect flowers and light and of angelic hosts. All the Angels of those wondrous powers, imbedded in the mystic meaning of God's omnip- otent, all-potent, love are seen and heard. The Angel, Harmon-Harmia, is preparing the way, bearing the prophecy of the Perfect King- dom of divine love. The Angel, Uel-Uella, of God's voice, is heard, as in the past, summoning the children of earth; the Angel of God's light, Oress-Oressa, of the primal morning who ushers in each dispensation; the Angel of God's strength, Ariel-Ariella, upholding God's mighty truth; the Angel of knowledge, Hermes-Hermia; the Angel of God's power, Ahasuerus, who is preparing the way; the Angel of truth, Uriel-Uriella, bearing his beautiful light to the world; the Angel of God's law, Aeon-Aeona, fulfilling the mandates of and the Journey of the Soul 105 heaven, here on earth — the Angel, Brahm, who manifested the light of the infinite, and the Angel of God's wisdom, OM; the Angel, Raphael-Ra- phaelia, the Angel of righteousness, who assists in ushering in the new dispensation, with many more shining lights are seen. Thus, beneath the divine light of God's angels, the earth above and below is vibrant with their mighty power, stirring one hundred and forty-four thousands souls, who, gradually, are turning towards the new light, who will show the baptism of this solemn presence in their lives. The earth will gradually be adorned in new habiliments of rarest, most beautiful flow- ers, and fruitage through the cultivation of man, manifesting the effects of this wondrous light, hovering over this planet and in our very midst. The Angel of power, Ahasuerus, who came from the southern heavens from the great con- stellation, known as the Southern Cross. From the angle that points to the east, came this Angel who bears the power that makes all physical ele- ments subservient to his will. Every force of nature, every element of the earth, does bend be- fore this mighty potency in preparation for the New Advent. Many times this mighty angel has manifested his power to me. He is quite large, broad, very tall, a wondrous forehead, no one could mistake his presence and love. THE NEW MESSIAH AND THE NEW AGE 'HE new Messiah is the crowning glory of all the sacred lights which have ever descended to the earth, the victory and triumph of one-half of the earth's cycles. His coming is the culmination and conquest of all pre- ceding cycles, revealing in distinct lines the earth's unfoldment and progression. Some literature has been broadcast about the second coming of Christ and the coming of the second Christ, neither being correct, since the earth has already yielded five great Messiahs, the Christs, and seventy-two lesser Messiahs, called Buddhas, Avatars, Prophets or Teachers. Twelve such have been upon the earth since the advent of Jesus, the Christ, each having come with their numbers, each bearing a special attribute, the culmination of which will be revealed in the wis- dom of the new Christ-life, bringing an added light. Wisdom will surely dwell upon the earth, 106 and the Journey of the Soul 107 when the new Messiah is declared. Each point of the hexagram, symbolizes one special attribute. Jesus prophesied the coming of the Prince of Man and the second coming of Christ, meaning the awakening of the Christ-principle within every soul, the spirit of truth, the comforter, guiding us into truth. Until the Christ-principle of divine love is evolved from within, there can be no per- ception of the divine sacred truths, as these can- not be discerned through the mind or intellect; the perception must come from within, through the light of the soul; thus Jesus said: "The spirit of truth is within." The awakening of the Christ-principle is the outpouring light of spirit, manifesting itself as higher degrees of consciousness, keener percep- tions, clearer and broader visions. When Jesus said, "Ye have ears and hear not, eyes and see not," He knew that the light of the soul was still dormant with the children of the earth. He also knew, when the Christ-principle of divine love was awakened, we would understand the meaning of much which He gave to the world in parables, given so, because we could not bear the plain facts at that time. Therefore, he said, "I have much yet to say unto you, but ye could not bear it now." The perception of truth comes with soul-unfold- ment, and truth can only be declared through the interpretation of that which is divine, the light of the spirit. In no other way can we analyze the earth with its forms and mysteries. Cold, glitter- 108 The New Messiah ing science is almost destitute of divine interpre- tation and meaning, being purely mechanical and material. Only facts and figures are seen, instead of the divine purpose, underlying these; conse- quently, such as seek to solve the problems of life with the intellect, through accumulated knowl- edge alone, without the light of the soul, cannot see and understand higher truths, such, being born of the dust, have forgotten their divine heritage. They search all history for the solution of the problems which the soul alone can reveal. Through mathematics we solve the problems of the universe; but the problems of the mysteries of life must be solved from within. Souls, who are passing through time and sense, cannot realize the light and power of spirit or the sublime wis- dom of a Messiah, the sons of God, sons of the sun, the Christ-lives. When souls are ready for more knowledge, greater truths, then comes the baptism of truth through perfect love, through the Lords of Life, who descend to bless the earth with their light and love. The light and realm of the soul has been concealed through the ages, as man's first inheritance was physical and intellectual conquest and victory. Civilization has encircled the globe, and there are those who have reached the begin- nings of the great realm of the soul, in which comes the revelations of the light of spirit. Just as illimitable as are the unfathomable depths of the universe, just so illimitable is the realm of the and the Journey of the Soul 109 soul, the light of spirit upon whose threshold the human family of earth are just entering. Man had first to pass through all the ways and wind- ings and gateways of physical and intellectual vic- tories and conquest through the mind, ere he could enter into the real light, the light of spirit. All that which has been stamped upon the earth in the primal morning, and demonstrated in the five dispensations, has now culminated into the awake- ning of the soul-light. Nothing is as yet known of the effects of spirit upon matter, or the light and realm of the soul. The mind and intellect are not the evolution of matter, but the evolution of spirit. Spirit is life. The contact of spirit with matter produces manifestations of life. When Jesus came to be the light-bearer amidst all the darkness He said: "I bring, not peace, but a sword." He knew the effects of His light upon the world would bring peace to some, ac- cording to their states, and disturbance and unrest to the self-seeking, selfish minds. He knew that all the selfishness of the past would culminate into war and various disturbances. We have been wit- nessing the fulfillment of His prophecies. One by one they have gradually come to light, and all He declared will yet be realized. The preceding shadows have predicted the coming of a great light, a Messiah. The night that is darkest before day, always declares the brighter light. The cul- mination of science, mechanics and art, the great unrest and longing for greater truths, the search- 110 The New Messiah ing here and there for more light, the revealing of the hidden treasures of the secret orders, the awakening and outpouring of spirit, experiences and visions — all indicate the soul's awakening in its different stages and degrees of unfoldment, de- claring the necessity of more light. There are many prepared lives, who are ready to receive the messengers of the new day, who are looking and listening, and waiting for the message. For centuries prophets have given to the world the fore-gleams of their visions, all seeing the indi- cations of the new age, the coming of greater wisdom. Each point of the six-pointed star indi- cates one perfect attribute, which the new Messiah possesses. The real light has come, but is not yet revealed. Those who cannot comprehend this fact, and cannot see the light hovering over this planet and in our midst, can rest assured that they are not the fruits of this Messiah. When Jesus of Nazareth was among us, He said to those who could not understand, "Ye are not my sheep; therefore, ye believe me not." All such will ripen in another dispensation and be the fruits of the next Messiah. For many, many years the dark cloud was seen hovering over this earth, ere the mighty convulsion and conflict came, which caused all to crumble like so much dust. Wealth, power and gold, gov- ernments, kingdoms, laws and creeds, all crumbled under the oppressiveness of the powers of dark- ness. This was the culmination and results of and the Journey of the Soul 111 all our sowing in all the past, throughout the ages, which had produced the giants of worldliness worshiping creeds instead of deeds, gold instead of God. The reaping of the fruits of all the nations in the moral, social and religious condi- tions, created by all, had to be wrought in the same measure of the sowing. Now that the destructive forces of nature have had their way, and the lessons have been wrought and are being wrought, humanity is turning away from the darkness and worldliness to seek light. At such times, the powers of good, the Angels, descend to bring light; then the light is seen glim- mering through the shadows. Such as know the meaning of darkness and sorrow are now bending towards the light more and more, as the fullness of time approaches the glorious day, when God's kingdom, which has been established on earth, shall be revealed. The many lives, that were suddenly swept away in various ways through wars, earth quakes, tidal waves, floods, volcanic eruptions and through many other causes, were those who did not belong to this dispensation and must be prepared for re- birth in the dispensation to come. Amidst all the shadows and darkness which has obstructed our vision from the glorious mountain heights to be attained, Angels ministered unto the children of earth, whispering the promise of a new day, a glorious light, which has now come upon the earth in fulfillment of all that the earth has yielded and 112 The New Messiah all the sacred truths which were brought in the past. With each receding tide of a Messianic dispensa- tion, there is always the overbrooding shadows, the valley between two mountain heights and the Messiahs who came in the shadow (between dis- pensations) came into sorrow and darkness, as did Jesus, the Lord of Life. Theglorified utterances of His Sermon on the Mount, His perfect prom- ises, were totally eclipsed in the shadows of the warring nations, dragged into the dust by the self- seeking; such could not bear the real truth, as they were not ready for them. In the incoming tide of a dispensation, there is light, joy and wisdom; but, in the receding tide, the light grows dimmer, the shadows encroach, the truths become obscured and crystalized, and the darkness of worldly powers prevail. Our earth has been in the valley of the shadows, and the oppressiveness of the darkness has been felt and realized by all. But, as the vibrant waves of light approaches, the darkness gradually loses its power and grip. There are messengers of dark- ness, as well as messengers of light. The shadows are as necessary as the light in human experiences. There was a time when all was darkness on the face of the deep, chaos having in its alembic, the Logos, from which has burst forth all creation. The shadows are but the background for the light. All forms of existence have had their beginnings in silence and darkness. There are spaces between and the Journey of the Soul 113 vast universes in the skies where darkness alone abides. Between systems, and planets in systems, there is darkness, and neither light nor heat. If it were not for the night which veils from our gaze the brilliant sun, we could not know the glory of the golden isles and ineffable mysteries of the blue vaulted skies, which are hidden by the vibrations of light, bursting forth in their own glorious splen- dor, seemingly from the darkness, to our vision; thus the darkness ever portendeth the light and in the silence all things grow. The whole world is drifting from the long periods of darkness and shadows into the recogni- tion of the great splendors of light and truth, brought by the different messiahs and divinities in the various periods of the earth's cycles. Step by step, the races are traversing the appointed way, guided by God's Angels, to reach the heights for the perception of the New Light. All are being tried and tempered in preparation for the coming age. All over the earth God's children have been retiring unto the silence of the innermost shrine, looking within for an explanation of the unseen power which is being felt all over the world. All are being baptized by the glorious light which has descended to the earth. Many are being uplifted to the degree of their perception and recognition. Already the minds and hearts of humanity are stirred; the chosen number are awake, alert, aware that something is happening, but do not yet know just what it is. The dawn is rapidly approaching, 114 The New Messiah and it will not be long until the Real Light will ap- pear in All its glory. The earth will yield her choicest productions of fruitage and blossoms, the whole world will turn their minds and hearts to- ward higher ideals, seeking the Light. With the approach of a great Messianic Cycle, Angels embody to prepare those who will be the first fruits of the new cycle. The preparatory messages have been given in different parts of the earth. The voice of such angels has been heard within the inner consciousness, and, with some who are in direct line of descent from one dispensation to the other, the voice is heard to the outer con- sciousness. In every dispensation are those who are approximately ready, who gather around teach- ers and leaders; some go through curiosity, while others are seeking something; they know not what it is that is leading them. In every age the voice of the thunderers are heard, who bring conviction to all who hear them. Then come the lion-hearted and strong ones, who declare and awaken the ancient truths and unpopular facts. Wherever such are needed, they are found. The wise ones, the illumined ones, declaring the Will and Words of God, are found among the children of earth in various periods. Many prophets descend to earth with the approach of a coming cycle, to illumine the obscured records by their interpretation. While the earth is going through its reconstruc- tion period, the children of earth bend at the shad- ows of past prophets and messiahs, as we have no and the Journey of the Soul 115 perfect history of the real light, having forgotten the words of Jesus of Nazareth saying, "God is Spirit, and he who worships Him must worship in spirit and in truth." The New Messiah brings the glorious light, which will eclipse all the shad- ows of the past. Even, while in the shadows, we need not be of the darkness. The Christs fear no shadows; they ever live in the light, being en- sphered with God's consciousness; amidst the shadows, they are in the light. As the earth enters a new cycle, all that is cruel and useless must grad- ually pass away, become crowded out, be crushed under our feet, or disintegrate to make room for the new. Everything that has served its purpose must pass away. The world, having passed through the greatest trials and darkness ever known in its history, is prophecy of the greatest heights to be attained, deeper valleys to be crossed; for the whole world must be reached and summoned from the depths of darkness by the Angel of light for the joyous advent. All dispensations begin in the light; but the re- ceding wave brings the shadows and darkness. As the earth has now reached one-half of its cycles, the valleys of darkness between the two heights, will not be so deep and so dark; with each dispen- sation to follow, the darkness will grow less. When the earth has reached the twelve dispensa- tions and the twelve great lights, Lords of Life, have appeared; then the children of earth will 116 The New Messiah have reached the heights of this planet. The mes- siahs will have declared all, and the earth yielded all that is possible on this planet. In this cycle, all shadows and darkness, which the selfishness of the earth has created, will be healed through the light and wisdom of divine love which the New Messiah has brought to the earth. All clashing of material elements, all seeking for material victory, all outward striving and conflicts, will gradually pass away and become transformed into peace and harmony, into the brotherhood of man and into the recognition of the Fatherhood and Motherhood of God, all being typified in the Angels hovering over God's divine kingdom estab- lished on earth. If all the darkness and shadows, which the selfishness of the earth has created, could have been healed by the children of earth, who are still passing through time and sense, in mortal gar« ments, who are not yet perfect, there would have been no need of all the sacred preparations made by the Angels who are perfected lives. There is much need of greater wisdom, greater power to purify the hearts and minds of the children of earth. A greater light had to come in answer to our prayer "Thy Kingdom come on Earth as in Heaven." It must be One who will be a teacher to all nations, leaving a perfect record of truth, as a guide for the generations to follow. Only and the Journey of the Soul 117 One who possesses the perfect light and perfect love could heal the sorrows and darkness of the earth. In God's divine kingdom on earth is expressed the messianic perception of the fourfold truth. Twofold lines of preparation have been made, as the New Messiah will appear in dual form. Mother, Father, Son, Daughter; 'the Divine Mother of love will seemingly be the daughter of love, and the Divine Father of Wisdom will be the son of wisdom, the bride and bridegroom of the divine kingdom. When the Divine Madonna is declared, unto Her household will be drawn Her children in pairs; they will be led to receive the divine baptism of light. Among us are twelve Angels (twenty-four lives), who will be Her An- gelic heralds and Her attendants, (male-female). In the New Kingdom, the Mother Love and Her divine companion, veiled in their kindred, will be the Christ, indicated in the primal morning, when the mother and child were One, when the Son was sometimes named the Father. The In- finite God is imaged in His Son, Christ. In the twofold life, to be declared, will be rep- resented the perfect love of the Divine Mother, all that can be expressed upon the earth. The Divine Mother comes, as the fulfillment and cul- mination of all that the earth has thus far received and yielded. The Ancient Mother of Love, whose companion is Wisdom, and who, though veiled from the earth, will, in chosen human form, ex- 118 The New Messiah press, in the nearest possible type, the presence of that divine life that is breathed upon by the Infi- nite. The one great truth, which has been gradually broken to the senses and consciousness of man, can only be fully perceived and known in the light of perfect love. As the time draws nearer, the Di- vine Mother and Her companion, through their love and wisdom, prepare the children of earth for the perception of the perfect light, already in our midst. The world at the present time is passing through a regenerating and purifying process; all the dark- ness and selfishness must be transformed into bro- therly love and righteousness. The Angels of Antiquity have descended to pour the glory of their light upon the earth into the consciousness of man, and, in God's own good way, are carrying forth His will which will soon manifest in various ways. There can be no mistaking, when the time comes; all will know. Unto the Divine Kingdom, the world must turn in the fulness of time. For that divine purpose all is being made ready, and through the Baptism of this glorious light, all minds are gradually being tempered for the incep- tion of the greater truths to be revealed. Through the wisdom of the New Messiah, the hidden pathways of life will be revealed and made clear. All propositions of life, not understood. and the Journey of the Soul 119 will be declared and explained. The meaning of all that has occurred upon this planet will be un- veiled. The earth's solar cycles and the culminat- ing lights, the Great Messiahs, or Christ-Births, all of the divinities and sacred madonnas, will be named and placed in the perfect order of their appearance, their works and the sublime purpose. All the lesser messiahs, who have come as prophets, teachers, avatars and Buddhas will be named in perfect order and their perfect attributes revealed through their work. The stamp of per- fect knowledge, the one great truth of the primal morning by the race of Angels, the seal and signet of the Pyramids and the Sphinx, all that was prophesied by Jesus of Nazareth, will be fulfilled. This wondrous light called the "Great Prince" by Jesus of Nazareth comes to unveil all that has been, and declare that which will be, as a stamp for future generations to follow, all of which will be a perfect record constituting the New Bible for the coming ages, which Revelation will be the per- fect stamp, the perfect light of the history of this planet, since the morning of creation, with an added light. The New Messiah will reveal that which the Divine Mother will restore through her perfect love. *A11 prophecies of our present Bible will have been fulfilled, except the New Heaven and New Earth, which will not appear until the Seventh Dispensation. All the love and wisdom, prophe- sied by Jesus of Nazareth, will dwell upon the 120 The New Messiah earth. Within this surpassing light, in the divine alembic, is concealed the Wisdom of the Ages. Every proposition of science, chemistry, mathe- matics, geometry, art or language of the past, will bow before the Wisdom of the New Messiah. The recognition of the law which develops merely external existence is as naught; the affairs of our daily life, to which we attach so much importance, all fade away in the thought of the light that is unfolding, and will soon burst upon the earth in its full surpassing glory. As all the shadows, which the selfishness of the past has created, culminated into the conflicts of the sword, as Jesus prophesied, so all the light which has been brought to the earth in its different periods has culminated into the sur- passing light of a New Messiah. Always, for generations previous to the coming of a new messiah, it is women who first feel the divine portent; it is women who first prophecy a new advent. Woman, being more intuitive than man, is the inspirer; man, being the revelator, declares the Truth. Always at the beginning of every cycle, when the light comes, woman is lifted to exalted positions, co-equal with man in knowl- edge and power. When the light recedes, then women are again guided to withdraw from public life into the privacy and protection of the home. At such times, when the earth is adorned in habiliments of greater beauty, of greater abun- dance in fruitage and flowers, at such times when Mighty Angels draw near, at such times when and the Journey of the Soul 121 women are drawn out into public life, into exalted positions, these are the true indications of the ad- vent of a New Messiah to appear in our midst. The signs are in the air, from above us and around us; the truth is filtrating into our consciousness. Beware! Be awake! Be ready! No one is to know what hour, what day, what year the sacred declaration will come through the Angels who have descended for that purpose. When the New Messiah is declared all, no matter what our belief, coats or labels have been, will bow to the truths the New Christ Life will declare; thus a New Order of things will be established. The Voice of God is in our midst, summoning all to be ready. No primal truths have been lost, as the Angels ever descend to awaken the obscured records and reveal anew the former declarations of truth. In the past few years, many have come from their various kingdoms to restate the primal and funda- mental basis of science, philosophy and religion to those who were ready for their inception, reveal- ing the secrets of their kingdom and their lives, making ready those lives for the reception of the new advent. Many lives have become ensphered with a spiritual aura for the perception of the sacred truths to be revealed. Thus, in this dispensation of love, the divine power of love will heal all the darkness and sor- rows which the selfishness of the earth has created. All conflict, all wars, all the victory of material elements, will be changed into peace and harmony. 122 The New Messiah Already, many lives are lifted, many are with- drawing from the waywardness of the senses; the desire for external pleasures are vanishing; their souls are being centered in the divine reaching out for the Light. The Divine Mother, through her hand maidens, (prepared human lives), is summoning all souls to turn their minds to truth, to prepare the way, that all may be ready for the added lights which will be revealed. Many have become awakened through great sorrows, trials and grief, and such under- stand the voice and the meaning of Her divine presence, finding great comfort in the voice of love and the baptism of divine light. Her presence is gradually lifting the clouds of darkness from the earth. From the Madonna of the First Dispensation and the Mother of the twofold Truth, come the messengers that accompanied the new Christ-life. The Arch-Angels and Angels, who encircle the earth, are uniting the past with the present, the north with the south, and are leading all humanity, under the canopy of divine love and the baptism of the wondrous light. Angels of light perceive and will declare those who bear forward the truths in the Sixth Dispensation; such understand the sacred symbols and periods of the cycles of time; they already bear the impress and stamp of these truths. While, in every cycle the truth is de- clared, the evidence thereof must be born from and the Journey of the Soul 123 within, through surmounting all obstacles and through achieving victory over self. There are twelve Angels, who have embodied, to be the first to welcome the New Messiah. There will be one hundred and forty-four, who will be the first fruits of the divine Kingdom, to be drawn unto Her household. One hundred and forty-four thousand are stirred by the vibrant waves of light, which have come to the earth; six times as many as have been gathered in previous dispensations will ripen and be the fruits of the New Messiah. Whenever the Divine Mother makes Her ap- pearance upon the earth, women are lifted to exalted positions, and Her influence is felt all over the world; the effects of the divine influence and light, which she brings from Her kingdom, perme- ates all minds on earth, and inspires women to press forward to greater truths, to greater experi- ences and greater realizations and to greater heights. All over the earth are the younger and elder, parent and child, those who have been prepared, who, while living in time and sense, know eternal truths and are ready. Many will be directed unto the land where God's Divine Kingdom has been established, not knowing why they go. Many will go and not be admitted, as they are not yet ready and are not the sheep of this Messiah. Others will go and know, anxiously waiting to receive the bap- tism of this sacred Christ-Life. The Angels know where you belong and whether you are ready; they 124 The New Messiah know every soul upon this planet and their place. There can be no mistaking, no misguiding; all is divinely planned and sacredly carried forth through the edict of God's Law, the Divine Mother and Her Companion and Angel-messen- gers, in God's own good way. A Messiah-Christ possesses the twelvefold radi- ation of spirit. The light, ensphering them, is the perfect white light of the consciousness of God's love and presence. There is none so low in the scale of life who will not sometime be a Messiah; every experience, every expression are but step- ping stones towards that perfection. What the states of perfection are in other systems, of which humanity in their present state of evolution never thinks, would be incomprehensible; but all expres- sions will culminate in the messianic state, the Christ-Life. The angelic state is one perfect step towards the messianic perfection. In the period between the third and fourth dis- pensation, the mighty mother placed the stamp upon the earth of Eternal Mother Love, co-equal with the Infinite Father Wisdom. In this cycle, the Son of Wisdom, the New Messiah, will im- personate the eternal love of the Father. The first revelation of the potency and power of spirit will be expressed in this cycle. Such as have been touched by the baptism of the divine light, will not dwell enslaved by the senses; they will turn away from all those pursuits, which enchain and enthrall the soul, and turn unto and the Journey of the Soul 125 the divine light of the spirit and the companionship of the Angels in the silence of the sacred shrine of the soul. Even among the people who are still living in strife and contention, God's Voice shall be heard, and this divine presence will reveal its power. The fifth cycle was the culminating age in all departments of human endeavor in all researches, discoveries, achievements in science, art and me- chanics included in the primal stamp which is prophecy of a new order of things. Jesus said: "I speak to you in parables of things that are secret, that were not included in the foundation of the earth." He knew that in this cycle would be revealed the knowledge of God's divine kingdoms and the light of the soul, which was concealed and sealed to be revealed in this sixth dispensation. A new manifestation of religion is sure to come, as new wine cannot be placed in old bottles. For the accomplishment of this, new workers, new prophets, new seers will arise in proportion to the demand. The causes and effects are always one in the determination and manfestation of a new dispensation. Nothing can prevent the declara- tion of the new light, its effects and power. We must bear in mind that ever, side by side, with the true prophets and seers, are found the false proph- ets, and such shadows are ever indicative of the real light. There have been many truths floating through the air in the past few ^fars, in symbols and forms which only a few can ! ee and 126 The New Messiah interpret, while the whole world is being made ready for their manifestation in concrete form. Before Jesus of Nazareth came to the earth, only a few, the Wise Men, were aware ; they had seen the pentagram in the air. The Hexagram has been seen by the author in the upper air for some years. When a Messiah departs from His celestial kingdom, He is accompanied by twelve of the high- est Arch-Angels of the inter-solar heavens. When he approaches a planet, His Arch-Angels are ac- companied by one hundred and forty-four Angels who typify the highest state within that solar sys- tem, and, into the charge of each of these plane- tary Arch-Angels, are given one hundred and forty-four souls. The Messiahs are the twelve manners of fruit on the Tree of Life, who appear in the twelve dis- pensations; and the lesser messiahs appear in their subdivisions; these are again subdivided into periods of one thousand years. Each great Mes- siah has twelve apostles who have different offices to fulfill. The twelve Arch-Angels have in their charge one hundred and forty-four Angels of other planets of our Solar system, who have ful- filled their experiences upon those planets. The Arch-Angel of the inter-solar heavens bears the message of the approach of the Messiah to the Arch-Angel of the earth. The Arch-Angel of this planet possesses all the wisdom that will ever be revealed on this earth. and the Journey of the Soul 127 The Angels are the culmination of the expres- sions of life on every planet, and each Arch-Angel is in degree higher, as the degree of the planet it- self is higher. The Arch-Angels of our solar system freely mingle with the Arch-Angels of other solar systems. Sons of the sun are called Sons of God, who are Arch-Angels, and much higher than the Arch- Angels of a solar system. Sons of God have attained the twelvefold radiance, the pure white light ensphering them, consciousness, having over- come the twelve planets and twelve suns of twelve solar systems. Thousands of Angels are rejoicing in the coming of the new glorious day, when this wondrous light shall be declared unto the children of earth, who will bring peace, joy and love to all the world. In spiritual dispensations, more lives culminate than at any other time. In the great period, when Jesus came, there were completed souls, who were ready to become the Angel; these became the first fruits and, when He passed out of His earthly ministration, His Angels accompanied Him. When we have reached the angelic states, all expressions, having been completed, such do not pass into spir- itual states but from mortal form, in dual expres- sion, as one soul into Angelic states, into the celestial heavens. There are always twelve embodied Angels upon the earth, scattered in different parts of this planet, belonging to one secret order, which is 128 The New Messiah mentioned in scriptures, as the Order of Melchi- zedic. Only the embodied Angels were aware of the symbols of the twelve lesser messiahs who have already appeared. Melchizedic is an Arch-Angel who has charge over the embodied Angels, keep- ing in constant communication with them. When here, in embodied form, he was called a high priest, whom all recognized for His wonderful powers which he never abused. Secret orders are sustained in the ethereal world, as well as on this terrestrial realm; the duty of such is to see that all is carried forth in divine order through wisdom and divine love by the Angels. Angels embody, to carry forth certain works in various lines for the benefit of all who are still passing through time and sense, as such possess the power and wisdom which spirits have yet to attain. The world is not aware of their Light, as humanity gauges all by their limited status. Such bear no special marks, except to those who perceive their wisdom, light and calmness. All souls are summoned to bend towards the 8acred truth in some way, to give recognition, and each will have their own experiences. Many strange and wondrous things are happening, and will happen, and it is not for human minds to pass judgment, for Goers Divine Hosts are leading and paving the way, that all may turn towards the light, a way from mere physical attractions, away from the allurement of the senses. The Angels in our midst declare the light and and the Journey of the Soul 129 the new kingdom to those who are chosen as the fruits of the Sacred Christ and the message is passing along the lines, coming faster, louder and clearer to all. Already many are being uplifted, many feel within themselves the guidance of a divine hand, Many are so touched with the love and light which the Divine Mother has brought to the earth, that their souls are stirred into ecstacy and eloquence, declaring the truth all over the world. As the years pass on and the light filtrates into every soul, we will realize how the clouds of darkness are being lifted by the Divine Mother and Her Companion and the glorious hosts, that are hovering over this world, standing in our midst, at our side, awaiting our recognition and reception. Those who are ready are listening each day for some divine voice which is near, for some mes- sage which is borne in from the Angelic realms or spiritual heavens, through the Angels of the new dispensation or ministering spirits under their charge, listening to the summons, u Be Ready." As the great cycle nears its completion around the great central sun, all must be prepared and in perfect order. Already the Arch-Angels have appeared and announced the new dispensation (see chapter on the author's visions). Already the preparatory message has been given; already the Voice of God has been heard summoning all to be ready. All nations have been seeking the primal truths, reviving and replenishing the ancient altars, 130 The New Messiah being prepared under the guidance of Angels. Nor can we receive the divine message which the New Messiah will reveal, until the spirit of Truth, the Comforter, within your own soul, has been awak- ened through Divine Love. Then, only, can we grasp the full significance of that which has come to the earth, the new light which abideth in the new kingdom of the New Messiah. Every sorrow, every joy, every accomplishment, every disappointment, is a necessity, leading man towards the divine commmand of Jesus, "Be ye perfect as your Father in heaven is Perfect." Each must sometime express the perfected states of the soul. All will sometime be perfect men and women, expressing the angelic states. Each will sometime express the radiant flame of the inner light, the pure white light of consciousness as is expressed by the messiahs. In the last dispensation, we will know God's surpassing infinite love, and the time will come when we shall realize that it is the greatest joy of expression to be the message-bearer to some world, as the Christ of perfect love. The mighty hosts in our midst and in the celes- tial heavens will not again come to the earth for two thousand years. We are in the midst of the most sacred, hallowed events, which have ever transpired upon the earth since the morning of creation. We must become aware of these facts. We cannot perceive what such vast periods of time arc, and cannot in our present state know what the great power of love and light means, and its and the Journey of the Soul 131 effects upon the earth; but soon the world will be prepared for that which will be revealed as the shining lights, that have embodied, to establish confidence and assurance will soon be seen and heard in different parts of the earth. The inter- solar Arch-Angels are greater in power and much older than the Arch-Angels called Messiahs. The inter-solar Arch-Angel from the planet Jupiter, Zadkiel-Diana, has come from His sublime Arch- Angelic heavens of light, to restate and reawaken the truths that were stamped upon the earth in the primal morning, and to aid in the preparation for the perception of the wisdom, the unsurpassing light which the New Christ has brought to the earth. THE GREAT PYRAMID; THE SPHINX— ITS SACRED SIGNIFICANCE In that day there shall be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt and a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord. It shall be for a sign and a witness to the Lord. — Isaiah 19:20. EREMIAH says, "God hath set signs and wonders in the land of Egypt." Why in Egypt, and what are the signs, wonders and the altar unto the Lord and a pillar at the border thereof? Job was asked, "Who laid the corner stone?" "Canst Thou bind the sweet in- fluences of the Pleiades and loose the belts of Orion?" The Great Pyramid has baffled the ages and been the discussion of the scientists in the past few years, who are still questioning who built the Great Pyramid, how came it and why? Some say it is in the geographical center of the earth; others say it lacks two degrees of being in the center, and the latter is right. The great query has been, "from whence came the stones and who 132 Sphinx Symbolizing the most ancient Divine Mother and The Motherhood in all life and the Journey of the Soul 133 put them together and when?" It has been esti- mated by the best, that they date back to six thou- sand years ago. All these mistakes occur because there has been no recorded history of the first three dispensations, and a dispensation is of so vast a duration — 25,827 years. The testimony of the Angels is that the earth has already passed through five great solar cycles. The symbol of the Sixth Great Messiah is the Hexagram which has been floating through the upper air for some years, as the fifth dispensation has been closed and the sixth great astronomical cycle has been ushered in. With those facts before us, the student can see wherein lie the mistakes in our calculations, and this gives us a closer estimate of the beginnings of the manifestations on this planet. What about the Sphinx, that has stood the ages and is still the great sign and wonder of the sandy plains of Egypt? When was it placed there, why, and what is it? It was the first of the great signs and wonders that was placed in Egypt. It is the symbol and signet of the Divine Ancient Mother, who came in the primal morning of creation, with Her Companion who was veiled, Om-Atum, placing the stamp of Divine Mother-Love upon the earth, making the feminine principle the most prominent. The Divine Mother Love and influ- ence was stamped in everything visible and invisi- ble. The Sphinx represents the esoteric and exoteric significance of life, the Divine Mother in 134 The New Messiah manifestation of all forms, symbolizing the four truths in one, which she revealed in the primal dispensation. Constantly looking towards the east, from whence come the first rays of the morn- ing light, in direct line with the west, symbolic of the prophecies of light which are to come upon the earth, the mysteries of the sun was revealed in the first dispensation, the sun being the symbol of divine light and life. In the second dispensation it was regarded as the source of light and power. The south is the symbol of life-force, the primal genetrix of earth, the life-giving atmosphere, the mysteries of creation. The north, symbolizes the power from whence flow the magnetic and electric forces that produce the earth's atmosphere. The warm currents of the south give life to the electric flame. The west is the shadow of spiritual light and the prophecy of the real light. All nature bears the impress of the Divine Mother, expressed in all forms of life, receiving their fructification from the two-fold essence within, the rays of the sun and the all-pervading atmosphere, the stamp of material nature upon earth being a necessity. The history and destiny of this planet and solar system is symbolized in the mathematical and geo- metrical measurements of the Great Pyramid. All problems of life, to be wrought out through the ages, the involution and evolution of the soul is expressed therein. The problems of the realm of matter have been demonstrated to the mind of man through mathe- and the Journey of the Soul 135 matics and its co-related sciences ; but we are just in the very beginnings of the illimitable realm of the soul. The Great Pyramid was constructed in the first dispensation, in the geographical center of the earth, erected on the northernmost edge of the Gizeh cliff, overlooking the river Nile, not far from the city of Cairo in Egypt, looking over a land which in those ancient days formed a perfect crescent, symbolizing the period between the third and fourth dispensation, in which came the birth of the Divine Mother, Mother of the Madonnas. This intervening period was symbolized by the crescent, the first quarter of the moon; marking the close of the third dispensation, which had yielded its harvest of physical conquest and the love for dominion of the earth through the power of mind; but the light of the soul, divine love, had not yet been born in the generic races. The three dispensations of knowledge, power, intellectual wisdom and external beauty had not yet illustrated divine love. The stamp of divine love had not yet been placed upon the earth. Through the ages, the lessons of perfect knowledge and the divine light had long been forgotten by the generic races, who were now filled with desire and love for conquest of the earth through physical and intellectual power; so, in the intervening period between the third and fourth dispensation, came the Divine Mother from the special plane of Alcvone, with 136 The New Messiah Her perfect daughters, the Madonnas, to stamp divine love upon the earth; thus many thousands of years before was the symbol of this period in the crescent-shaped land. The Divine Mother stamped upon the earth, in this period, the sacred Mother-Love, co-equal with the Divine Father — Wisdom. "The Book of Life," or Book of the Divine Mother, is buried underneath the larger stone in the principle chamber of the Great Pyramid, in which is written the mysteries of life as revealed in the Christ-Births. In those ancient primal days, the seven stars of the Pleiades were in the meridian over the Great Pyramid, with Alcyone in direct line, towards which the main shaft was directed. This is a most significant symbol, the great sun, Alcyone, being a mystic kingdom of light. From one of the special planes of this sun came the birth of the Divine Motherhood, included in Om, and Her perfect lilies of life, the madonnas. In that period, she revealed the twelve dispensations, the twelve great Christs and the subdivisions of the twelve dispensations, the one hundred and forty-four lesser messiahs. The seven stars of the Pleiades has reference to those from which came the seven time keepers, the Pleiades displaying more than a thousand stars. Alcyone is a primal sun of one hundred and forty-four systems, which, in its un- foldment, corresponds to the one hundred and forty-four systems of which ours is one. and the Journey of the Soul 137 In the ancient days the inspiration, knowledge and wisdom was carried forth on tablets of stone, on wood and metal. Each dispensation had its sacred orders; as said before, there were two, the Kaballa and the Magi. In these sacred orders, the truths were given orally and carried forth from dispensation to dispensation. The Ramesian Dispensation gave birth to the wisdom of the sages and the ages concentrated in the twelve lesser Messiahs, of which Rameses, the King of Wisdom, was the culmination. All this wisdom, borne forward into the world, was broad- cast unto all nations of Egypt, India, China and those which were not yet born into the living cen- turies of today; for through that one race of An- gels did the wisdom flow. The one hundred and forty-four Magi of this period were co-equal in number, power and wisdom, with the one hundred and forty-four Madonnas who came with the Di- vine Mother to the earth. The Magi and the Madonnas were complementary lives, one hundred and forty-four Angels. Consequently, the wisdom of the sages, and the ages, concentrated in that dispensation, prepared the world for the divine message that followed. The Ramesian dispensa- tion was the third and the Divine Mother and her Madonnas came in the interval between the third and fourth dispensation; a most significant period in the sacred history of the world. In the primal dispensation, in the geographical center of the earth, was placed the stamp and seal 138 The New Messiah in the Great Pyramid by the Angels, as an altar unto the Lord. Thousands of Angels, who came to this planet to assist in the creation of the first Eden and the first race of angels, erected the Great Pyramid, without hands or tools or stones, as an enduring monument, symbolizing God's divine plan for the generic races of earth and the wisdom and power of His Angels, who ever carry forth His will. The ancient divine Mother under the edict of God's lav/ laid the corner- stone. (See Volume I. of this Series for further information, how Angels construct the temples in the ethereal World. In like manner was created the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx.) From whence came the stones? They were cre- ated by God's Angels. All, as a sign and wonder of God's divine love and wisdom, which is a sealed covenant to be revealed through the ages, as man evolves the perception of truth. Long ere the Angels were summoned, the most Ancient Mother of time placed Her stamp and seal of divine prin- ciples of motherhood upon the earth. The Sphinx (Divine Mother) and the Great Pyramid was created to symbolize the perfect stamp and seal placed upon the earth in the pri- mal morning. The square and the triangle, forming the mys- tic seven, is symbolized in the seven stars in Ursa Major from which came the first Christ- Birth. Within and without is the stamp of per- fect knowledge, which the Angels of earth and the and the Journey of the Soul 139 heavens of earth and the Angels guarding the earth ever hold in their keeping, which can only be redeemed as each soul traverses all the ways and windings, and expresses the outer-most and inner-most attributes of the spirit, which can only be done through the various embodiments of life. When the Great Pyramid was erected it was in the exact center of the earth; but, as the position of the equator changes, by what is known as the precession of the equinoxes, between the first and second dispensation, the earth had changed its position by several degrees. How marvelous is this revelation of God's plan, indicated by the shaft of the Great Pyramid, the testimony of which is again revealed by the Angels, who were present in those ancient days. The involution and evolution of life is indicated by the point upward of the Great Pyramid, and the downward shaft, the descent of the soul into mat- ter; its struggles and trials, in its conquest over matter, and the victory over self, that the spirit may triumph, revealing its possessions of con- sciousness and wisdom as a priori light which was veiled in matter. We have now reached the complete semi-circle of perfect knowledge, which includes the knowl- edge of the universe, physical and intellectual at- tainments, and are at the beginning of the other half of the circle, which will reveal the power of the soul, including all that can be attained on this planet. In this cycle will be gathered that number 140 The New Messiah which will mark one-half of all the souls that will ever ripen on this planet. There will be six times as many, including those in the ethereal zones, which ripen under this Great Messiah. One by one, the various steps are revealed, as we are ready for the perception. The continents, near the equator, have been the beginning of all dispensations, as at the equator the earth receives the most direct rays of the sun. Ancient Egypt, being the land of the first dis- pensation, became the fountain head and cradle of every stream of knowledge that has encircled the globe and the seat of all government. The divisions of the astronomical heavens, as declared in the Hermetic reign, were perfect and complete. In this cycle, the perfection of the Seven Hermetic principles will be revealed, which will make science a clearer pathway. For one thousand years the earth was under the Hermetic reign, a race full of intellectual splendor, who knew nothing of a heavenly kingdom. Their God was the power, that was demonstrated through knowledge, mathematics, cold glittering science. The first Messiah, who ministered unto these, knew that the source of all knowledge comes through Infinite Love and Wisdom. He knew that power, which is born from the earth through mind or intellect, is not eternal, and contains within itself the power of its own destruction, and must again return to its own keeping; while the power which comes from the light of spirit, belongs to the di- and the Journey of the Soul 141 vine realm, and is eternal. Consequently, if the Great Pyramid had been built by man, who is still journeying through time and sense, it would not have weathered the storms of the ages. The Great Pyramid was the work of the Angels, in the First dispensation, whose light and power is eter- nal possession, the light of the Spirit. It was created as an altar to the Mighty Lord, containing the lesson for all generations. In the first two great cycles, the generic races had no thought of building any thing enduring, they were so wholly absorbed with the desire and love for conquest and power over the earth. All the glorious temples, the temples of gold in lost Atlantis, Solomon's temple, the temple to the sun, and many other magnificent structures, which were built in the subsequent cycles, through which man revealed his talents, have perished. No matter where or what ever man has built, the vast processes of time and changes have borne them away, while the work of the Angels still stands as an enduring monument, until the earth shall pass away, of their wisdom and power like unto God in a finite degree, all being done under the edict of infinite divine law. In the vast cycles of time, through which the earth has passed, the various lessons of life have been wrought through the evolution of knowledge, power, wisdom, beauty and love. Not the heavenly or celestial love and wisdom, but that which be- longed to the physical and material realm. Physi- cal victory was man's first inheritance and now, 142 The New Messiah with the sixth cycle before us, we will enter into the other vast realm, the realm of the soul, which will reveal the light of the spirit, as knowledge alone is not adequate, the intellect alone is not the triumph and the power which has been evolved through the intellect is not victorious. The stu- pendous truths of the soul are yet concealed. Ma- terial knowledge had first to be stamped upon the earth and leave its indelible impress for the gener- ations to follow. The cold glittering intellectual splendors exhibited by man in the golden age, of which mathematics is the keystone, challenges our admiration, as all this was an absolute necessity. By my side stands the great Arch-Angel from the planet Jupiter, who bears the name, Zadkiel, bringing the message of this revelation, as this mighty ancient Angel was one among the thou- sands of Angels who were summoned, under the edict of God's law by the Ancient Mother of Time, to assist in the morning of creation. This Angel was one of the many who shouted for joy when this solar system was created; was one who as- sisted in the creation of the Great Pyramid and Sphinx thus knows. Among these thousands of Angels, were the seven Rishis, the time keepers from the sacred kingdom in the Pleiades. From the different planets and different kingdoms came thousands of Angels, of various degrees and powers, and these have again descended to this planet to bear testimony to many truths which were stamped upon the earth in the primal dispensation, and the Journey of the Soul 143 for which the world is now ready. The ancient Archangel Zadkiel-Diana, from the planet Jupi- ter, has come from his kingdom of light to re- awaken and restate the primal truths in prepara- tion for the perception of the Wisdom which the New Messiah will reveal. This mighty angel has perfect control over all substances and all con- ditions, and bears testimony of existing intelli- gences who reveal the likeness unto God. While Infinite Intelligence has absolute and imminent contact with substance at all times under the edict of God's law, His Angels assist in the process of creation. The small affairs of life, to which we attach so much importance, fade into insig- nificance in the presence of such angels. As He stands before me, with his charming companion at His side, with her luminous eyes and dark hair, she is robed in a sheer white gown, while he is robed in white wearing a black cloak and head dress. He is medium in heighth with a white beard. Our earth is third in degree of unfoldment. The planet Mars, being next to the earth in astronomi- cal order in our system, has no lower expression of life than our highest and most spiritual states, so that any embodiment on Mars would be higher than the highest embodiment on earth, (except the Messiahs who are beyond the Angelic states). The lowest expression of souls, on the planet Jupi- ter, is higher than the highest states on the planet 144 The New Messiah Mars. Jupiter holds the celestial balance of our solar system. When the voice said to Job, "Who can bind the sweet influences of the Pleiades or loosen the bands of Orion, or bring forth Mazzaroth in his season, or guide Arcturus with his Suns, he knew and could cope with the vast spaces in which are found this wondrous constellation, which is only prophecy of the heights that lie before us. A scientist who perceived the import of the main shaft, pointing towards Alcyone in the Pleiades, assumed that Alcyone must be the center of gravi- tation, from whence the Almighty rules the uni- verse. From the Angels we have the assurance that Alcyone is one of the centers, a mystic center of great light, but not the center of all centers. The great center of all centers, of all gravitation, the throne and seat from whence the Almighty Infinite Om governs His Universes, is the north star. This fact has ever been held sacred and secret. There is no way in which our scientist could know this, as there are so many, many great centers discovered through photography and their powerful instruments. The north star is so far distant, that they feel no greater interest in this sacred, secret, hallowed divine shrine, the Infini- verse, than they do in any other unfathomable depths. Only through the Angels could come such wondrous, sacred revelations. Angels of all degrees ever bow in divine rever- ence and recognition to that Most Sacred Shrine and the Journey of the Soul 145 where abides Infinite Deity, "Om," the Absolute Brahman. It is only through divine love and wis- dom, that this Holy Shrine could be perceived. We can only perceive God to the degree in which we have unfolded the divine attributes of our soul, the Christ-Spirit, the Spirit of divine love, which is like unto God in essence and quality. The secrets of the Great Pyramid will be gradu- ally revealed to the comprehension of man as we unfold the perception of its truths. From the Seven Pleiades have come the Seven Rishis, who are among the highest of the Aeonae; these are the time keepers ; and, from the plane of Alcyone came the Divine Ancient Mother of the time keepers to the earth. Is it any wonder that the main shaft points directly to this Great Mystic Center of Light? And yet this is only one of the great centers, but not the greatest center. Do you wonder that the voice said to Job, "Who can bind the sweet influences of the Pleiades?" since these are kingdoms where perfect love and perfct light abides. THE SIXTH ETHEREAL ZONE AROUND THIS PLANET (400,000 Miles from the Terrestrial Realm) HOU Eternal Source of all Wisdom and All Power, we praise Thee for the per- ception of Thy Divinity and Thy Light, which flows through the boundless universe from the infinitely great, to the infinitely small ; from the lowest to the highest and most glorious manifesta- tion, that we may realize that all is united and interlinked one with the other and cemented to Thee through the Divine Essence of Love. We praise Thee for the realization that each repre- sents an essential and necessary part, so attuned, to complete the whole, that we may manifest the motherhood and fatherhood of God and express the brotherhood of man. Our last abiding place on our journey through the ethereal world was in the fifth zone, the first heavenly belt, as here we found the first touch of an atmosphere of divine love. And none could enter lure, until the Christ-principle of truth and l 16 and the Journey of the Soul 147 love had been evolved, through the overcoming of the gross animal tendencies of selfishness, animosi- ties, jealousies, revenge, egotism and discord, which man is heir to, and cultivates unknowingly. The student will remember that our characteristics and tendencies do not change in that event which we call death, our character, or individuality, being the outcome, or sum total, of our desires and accu- mulations. All that we have created and assimi- lated through our journey in all the past, plus the experiences of the present life, is our self, our character. This is what we take with us, all else is left behind. It is this which constitutes our soul- vibration, and destines us to that zone in the ethereal world, around this planet, which corre- sponds, in its chemical constituents and rate of vibration, to our soul at the time of so called death, which in reality is a birth into other fields of activity and other realms of life. Consequently, we must outgrow the animal tendencies, evolve higher ideals, attuning ourselves to higher vibra- tions ere we can abide in the higher realms. Through abnegation, purification and unselfish service, through divine love for all humanity we lift ourselves to higher states of life. We are now approaching the belt in which spirit intelligences, who belong together, who are one soul, meet. Nothing can prevent the soul, which was divided in expression as male and fe- male, from coming together, becoming re-united as one soul. The soul becomes involved in various 148 The New Messiah gradations of matter in the involution, and, through evolution, discarding the various vestures of the dust, gradually prepares to enter God's fountain of bliss as one soul. When we have fulfilled all the requirements in the fifth zone, we have travelled through one-half of our journey which leads to one of the gateways of life; to one of the centers, called "the Fountain of Bliss," towards which the soul is attracted, where male and female, complementary expres- sions of one soul, unite "the twain become one/' submerged, as one soul in one of the mansions of God's house, spoken of as the "Oneness of Life." When the spirit Intelligences in the last grada- tion of the fifth zone became eligible for the next step of progression, having received the blessings and instructions from the teachers, they proceed in the preparations for the next zone. Doning a long black cape, with its hood, which is placed over the head as a protection, we pass through the ten thousand mile space with its magnificent scenery of mountains, waterfalls, rippling streams, and many lakes of different waters; its valleys, ravines and oceans; in fact, the space between the fifth and sixth zones is called a sphere of lakes, because there are so many bodies of water. (See Vol. I.) As we continue along our journey, enjoying na- ture's exquisite manifestations, with flowers greet- ing us in every direction, hearing the echo reverber- ating the songs of the birds and murmuring streams, our attention is attracted to a most unique and the Journey of the Soul 149 path, midway between the two zones. This path- way leads to a temple, nestled in the midst of a grove of beautiful trees, The Temple of Purifica- tion. Leading to the temple, are seven semi-circu- lar paths. As you enter the gateway that leads to the grove in which is the Temple of Purification, you take one of the seven semi-circular paths, each being divided by a stone terrace about a foot high, en- circling the Temple. The seven divisions repre- sent the seven gradations, and each passes through their own path to the temple; as in the world of soul all are classified according to their degree of soul-unfoldment. The temple is one story high, much longer than wide, with its various chambers. Spherical steps graduate from the ground to the main entrance, which leads to a spacious room. Facing the main entrance is a platform upon which is seen the ministering Angel (male-female). There are six steps and seven divisions. On either side are heavy columns of Doric architecture. Surrounding the temple are beautiful flowers and perennials. Near by are seen wonderful fountains, whose pure crys- tal sprays have medicinal properties. Ere we enter this temple, we receive a shower bath. Robed in pure white, we pass into the temple in single file, on the right side close to the wall, and, passing on to the altar in the center, all kneel and bow in recognition of the divine baptism by the minister- ing Angel. Rising, they pass close to the wall to 150 The New Messiah the left, making the circuit, passing out through the same doorway. In the same grove, surrounding this temple, are seven other small structures, where the traveller lingers for some time. Just what transpires dur- ing the process of purification and just what the last mission is, and what the last requirements are, none can know except those who have passed through these portals. Ere we leave this attrac- tive, magnificent spot, we have another spiritual bath under the invigorating sprays of another fountain of refreshing waters. Before leaving the gateway, another garment of the dust, or vesture, drops from us. The interiors of the chambers are exquisitely fitted for the intelligences who pass through here for rest. We are now prepared to enter the spir- itual heavenly atmosphere of the sixth zone, func- tioning through an ethereal body which harmon- izes with our environments. When permitted to visit this heavenly zone, the greatest pleasure was the privilege of meeting, face to face in this beautiful belt, the dignified, able Arch-Angel who is ruler of this zone, bearing the name of Koma, and his most charming, bril- liant companion, Grace Corine. In His dignified appearance, clothed in evening attire, I found the embodiment of love and kindness. His beautiful, stately, graceful companion was attired in exquisite evening gown of purple silk tulle and velvet, with a golden crown studded with pearls gracing her and the Journey of the Soul 151 brow. With flowers of golden hues in her hands, and gracefully hanging from her left shoulder, she is a most charming, sweet picture to behold. Her voice is tender and sweet, her figure illumined by the light of her soul. On this particular visit to the sixth zone many accompanied the ruler and his companion. Ex- tending their greetings, among these was noticed a charming personality, in elegant evening gown, with a golden crown, giving the name of Queen Esther. Another shining, beautiful, sweet soul, with dark hair and brilliant eyes, bearing the name of Flora Maybelle, who comes as a teacher to the earth realm. Standing out conspicuously among this host was Joan of Arc (Jeanne 'Dare), to whom has been given the name of Faith in the ethereal world; to her is linked Queen Esther, who has been named Hope; and Ariel, to whom has been given the sig- nificant spiritual name of Charity. These three are linked together as "Faith-Hope-Charity," and are often seen descending to the earth-realm to as- sist in uplifting those who are functioning in time and sense. Ariel, Charity, and her powerful com- panion who bears the spiritual name of Truth — these are one Angel "Ariel-Charity-Truth," one soul who comes as guardian Angel to the author, calling himself the teacher. This Angel wears a long white robe, with a touch of blue around the neck, very dignified, full of divine love and wis- dom. The blue on his robe signifies wisdom. 152 The New Messiah On another visit appeared a number of sweet bright-eyed children, clothed in white, ranging in appearance from ten to twenty years, each waving their hands full of flowers. With them was their teacher, bearing the name of Lilian Drollinger, who matured in the ethereal world and became a teacher of the little waifs in this heavenly land. She has not functioned in a physical body and was named Lilian in the ethereal world. She is a most charming, beautiful (Lily) spirit, teaching the lit- tle ones music, their individual keynote and color through the flowers. Teachers, rulers, counselors, Arch-Angels, sons of God, on up the scale to those who surround the throne of the Infinite, are gradations and powers in their various degrees of the radiation of infi- nite love and wisdom as yet unknown to many dwellers of this planet earth. When we fully com- prehend the heights which the sons of the sun, the great Messiahs, the Christs, have attained, then we will have reached the highest knowledge this planet will yield. Only the highest Arch-Angels know; even the Angels cannot perceive the great heights and powers of the twelvefold radiation of the sons of God, and of the great Christs, such as our beloved Jesus of Nazareth and the glorious light who has embodied as the Christ-life, which will be revealed in the coming of the new and glori- ous clay. Let us open the doors of our souls and let the light shine in, that we may be one to perceive the and the Journey of the Soul 153 divine baptism of that sacred, most wondrous light, that you may be one to rejoice in the coming of the advent of the new day. Let harmony, peace and love reign in your hearts towards all human- ity, that you may be prepared to enter the new kingdom on earth and be aware of the wondrous works of the Angels which is going on in our midst. As said before, all is governed through divine love and wisdom in the ethereal world around this planet, the higher always ministering to the lower. In this pure heavenly zone, we find all are united as one great family with no private homes. All are now abiding with nature as children of God, each endeavoring to unfold more and more of the divine light within, as this is another field for preparation and purification for still greater heights that lie beyond us. In this belt all radiate divine love, all are creators and demonstrators. In every zone we find different societies, all nationalities and families gravitating to their own. As we ascend to higher realms, divine love be- comes more universal, the mind more worshipful, more conscious of the Infinite Breath flowing through all. Here is found a Temple of Learn- ing, where foreign spirits gather for instructions. In the Temple of Truth all gather, worshiping in unison, the Mother-Father-God, singing praises to the mighty infinite creator of all. None indulge in idle conversations; all intelligences are filled 154 The New Messiah with the divine truths, which uplift the soul, all seeking for more light, each trying to delve deeper into the mysteries of being and manifestation, the mysteries of life. Indeed, here we learn of some of the mysteries. All temples of worship are located on high ele- vations, symbolizing spiritual heights. Thus we find the Temple of Truth, where all gather to worship and listen to the words of wisdom by the masters. This magnificent temple is in white and gold; of finest architecture, with arched doors and windows, so beautifully adorned in pyramidal form. The rear of the platform is semi-circular, with a dome of art glass in which are seen figures of divinities, in reflections of purple, blue and gold. Inlaid on one side is the crescent, on the other the star, the symbols of this zone in pale purple. In the centre of the platform, is a star, whose light is perpetual like a burning flame, so focused to spread its rays equally in every direction, symbol- izing Infinite Spirit, Eternal Light. Through the light, which illumines the interior, are seen faces of heavenly beings in gauzy robes with wreaths of flowers. In the architecture, are seen cherubims and seraphims. In the center of the platform was seen Elijah, in a reddish purple robe with a heavenly light surrounding him. The many benches, extending around the oval-shaped walls, were filled with an attentive audience. In artistic nooks are seen living statuary of Messiahs and Madonnas. Many pictures of spirits of antiquity and the Journey of the Soul 155 are seen hanging on the walls, displaying perfect art. The elegant draperies, which adorn the ex- quisite interior of this magnificent temple, are in purple velvet, with gold. Many circular steps, with massive columns, indicating Gothic architecture, lead to the main entrance and spacious doorway. Surrounding this attractive structure, called the Temple of Truth, are beautiful flowers and vines, God's own creation. Near by is a fountain of liv- ing waters, whose refreshing sprays fall from great heights over magnificent flowers and bloom- ing trees, while gentle zephyrs waft the sweet aroma throughout this belt. To this zone descend teachers, masters and higher Angels, to impart their knowledge. On such occasions all gather in this temple, filling every available space, feasting on the flow of wisdom. Here was seen, seated on a rustic chair, singing and playing songs of praises, the well known teacher, Swami Vivikananda. On nature's exquisite carpet, surrounnded by beds of violets and other beautiful flowers, at his feet sat many of his friends enjoying his wonderful voice. The Swami was robed in his elegant yellow robe and head dress, with his staff at his side. In this belt he continued his work, imparting his knowledge and wisdom. Among these intelligences are found perfect artists, in every line of achievement, and their perfect works of art and sculpture are displayed in the temples of this belt and other zones. Some of the finest writers on all subjects descend from this belt to 156 The New Messiah this terrestrial realm, to impart their knowledge to those who are ready and can be inspired with the truths they bring. Being more conscious of the divine breath of the Infinite, we realize, in a greater degree, how sacred is the soul of man, and the link that binds all humanity to one divine source, the one sacred center, — Infinite Deity. Reaching out towards greater heights, greater accomplishments, greater victory over self, and greater control over the elements, or matter, through concentration and meditation, the intelli- gences go out to the deserts or mountains for weeks, months, yes years, leaving family and friends, to solve the problems of life by unfold- ing the light from within; returning, when victory has been attained. Every one in this zone is aware of the innate powers of the soul. Conscious of the fact, that we are creators, in the degree of our unfoldment, that every thought contains within itself the elements of construction or destruction, which the Messiah, Zardursht, taught away back in those ancient days of the Brahmanical reign, he being the first to interpret the divine light that was manifested in India. His system of teaching was based on the fundamental principles of right- being, right thinking, and right doing, which is the primal basis of religion; and, if the center is right, how can anything be wrong? His methods of concentration and meditation, in the silence, are practiced in this zone. This powerful Angel and the Journey of the Soul 157 comes from his faroff kingdom, at the beginning of every dispensation, to reawaken and to restate the primal system of truth which he organized in those ancient. days. This Angel is older than our beloved Jesus of Nazareth, and, when his mission is fulfilled, he returns to his kingdom as inter- solar Arch-Angel. The travelers, who abide here, are far removed from the gross tendencies which are imbedded in the minds of human spirits, who are passing through time and sense. While yet encased in the garments of the dust, blinded through the vibra- tions of egotism and selfishness, man, in his pres- ent state of unfoldment, cannot perceive the great difference between the soul-vibrations and condi- tions of the lower zones and those of the higher heavens. There are a few upon the earth today, in mortal garments surrounded by angelic light, who know what it means. Such have gained perfection along the various necessary lines, and, when their mortal pilgrimage of this expression has been fulfilled, they will be the Angel. What constitutes the difference between an angel and a spirit? We are all human spirits until we become the Angel, but how do we become an angel? Through many births and rebirths, passing through time and sense in garments of the dust, accumulating knowledge through experiences, as- similating facts along every line of human en- deavor and accomplishment, until we have attained perfection, not in one line or many lines, but in 158 The New Messiah all lines in the physical, intellectual and soul realms; physical victory being man's first inherit- ance. When all has been experienced and accom- plished and conquered in that realm, all of physical disappointments, all of physical victories and con- quest, you enter into the intellectual realms with all its glittering might. When you have passed through all the experiences of intellectual achieve- ments, conquests and disappointments, then you are ready for the spiritual attainments, victories and disappointments, and, through all of these, unfolding the light and power of the spirit, you become the Angel. None are angels, who have not passed through all the disappointments, achievements and victories, in many garments of the dust, having evolved a priori knowledge and light within the essence, spirit. Thus, the angelic state is the fruition of a planet. With the Angels there is perfection, absolute knowledge, that which human spirits have yet to attain. At the close of the fifth dispensation, there were those in the ethereal realms of this planet, who became the Angel, having attained that state in the physical form and reached its culmination in the ethereal realms. No intellectual powers can turn the key that reveals the mysteries of life. Science and phil- osophy have tried to get a glimpse behind the veil, but have failed. The light that penetrates the veil, and opens wide the doors, must come from within. It is the outpouring of spirit, the light and the Journey of the Soul 159 of the soul. Consciousness, in its various degrees and powers, can alone penetrate the veil. In the great balance of things, all must some- time become perfect men and women, perfect in expression as Angels, Arch-Angels, Messiahs. Only through such states, can God's infinite light and love be known. From the lowest expression, to that of a Messiah, are many, many steps which all must traverse. Through God's will, angels employ ministering spirits to do their bidding. Ministering spirits have not finished earthly ex- pressions; such are in sympathy with earthly con- ditions and are affected by earthly life. The angelic states are those of calmness and possession of all that has been expressed of love and knowledge from within, through victory over matter; and this victory is attested before the Arch- Angel, Arch-Angels having greater scope and power than the angels. Arch-Angels understand the creative processes of life and have charge over worlds, knowing how to create worlds and how to assist those who pass through the experiences of the planets. The creation of a world to an Arch-Angel is no more than the building of Solo- mon's temple to an architect who knows and under- stands. The Arch-Angel of this solar system knew what souls were to pass through the different planets of this system, ere it was created. When souls approach a system, they must pass through every planet of that system. Great preparations have been going on in the 160 The New Messiah ethereal realms of our planet, and here on the terrestrial realm. When spirits are ready to be- come the Angel, the twain, male and female one soul, meet in this belt. The one who first reaches the heights, assisting the complementary half in all possible ways to reach the same height; then together, as one soul, male and female, they travel through the sixth and seventh zones, and, when all has been attained and accomplished, they be- come the Angel, the divine union of the soul, some- times spoken of as the bride and bridegroom, the celestial union, the twain in one. In our expression in human life, all souls are governed by fundamental purposes, each having its own rhythmic center of existence, its own cyclic base, which destines and polarizes the soul to its place or world of manifestation. From this center, the impelling power within causes the soul to reach out towards victory and the attainment of greater heights and more worlds. The entire time of one dispensation, a solar cycle, is oftentimes called an aeon, including the twelve periods or subdivisions of a dispensation. From the beginning of a soul's embodiments, to the final culmination as angel, its journey must be in accordance with the established order of the cycles of that soul. As souls embody in groups and culminate in groups, each soul is destined to the law of that cycle and its particular group. The Angels Aeonae have charge over the angels of the cycles of personal human expressions, who embody and the Journey of the Soul 161 in groups; also, over the culminating periods of those expressions. Such Angels know every soul, and its degree of progression. They know our trials, our disappointments, our mistakes, and they know that all of these were necessary for our awakening and progression. They know us as we are, and not what we assume to be. They know that all will sometime reach the heights that stand out before us. The lowest and the highest, the outermost and innermost shall some time be reached and experienced by all. Each ruler has a legislative body, counselors for the government of that belt. These are under the jurisdiction of the Arch-Angel and the ruling Messiah, Christ, is the divine ruler over all rulers and counselors of the ethereal world around this planet. For two thousand years this planet has been baptised with the perfect love and light of Christ Jesus. In due time, the new Messiah will take his place and rule the earth from the celestial heavens. At the outer edge of the city, towards the moun- tain, is an arched gateway, extending across the entire wide road, which leads to the deserts and mountains. This arched gateway is covered with a beautiful blooming vine, hanging gracefully from its heights. On the left hand side of this road are three white temples, constructed just alike on the exterior, one story high, flat roof, with small porch front, on each side three pillars, three steps to the porch leading to the entrance, well propor- 162 The New Messiah tioned, neat and plain, surrounded by many flow- ers and magnificent trees. These three con- spicuous structures are the Council Chamber, Tem- ple of Justice, Recording Chamber. There arc high courts and low courts in the ethereal world. The higher courts consist of the highest angels and the counselors who establish the laws for the ministering angels and rulers. The lower courts and its counselors enforce the rules of the zone through the teachers and other offi- cials, through divine love and wisdom. The three temples, described above, are for the official re- cords of the lower courts. The various positions are attained through service. In a beautiful spot, surrounded by beds of flowers, trees and shrubery, is seen a most attrac- tive temple for rest, designed in the symbol of this zone, the Crescent and Six-pointed star. The ex- terior forms a perfect crescent. Above the arched door, is the six-pointed star. Semi-circular steps, six in number, lead to the doorway. The interior is exquisitely furnished in pale purple and gold. Spirit intelligences enter here for rest and soul cul- ture. Throughout this belt is seen the symbol in the gardens and on temples, and is worn by the intelligences. Not far distance from these three temples, to- wards the city, are seen perpetually blooming flow- ers, and one of those attractive fountains, such as are seen in so many parts of the ethereal world in the different belts. From this point of observa- and the Journey of the Soul 163 tion, the mountains, at a distance, stand out in majestic beauty; exquisite tints of pale blue cast their reflection upon the highest peaks of the rocky surface, mingling with the pure white light which steals its way to this zone from the blue sun near the constellation, Orion. The light here is a paler blue than in the fifth zone. Through this arched gateway, many pass on their way to the mountains and deserts to be alone with nature, to meditate, concentrate and practice mastery over self and the elements. In this heavenly belt, all know how to gather the chemicals from the atmos- phere, combine them with their will force, electric currents, and demonstrate their power. In the degree of their unfoldment, they can manifest life in certain degrees ; thus proving to themselves that they are creators. There are continuous magnetic and electric cur- rents, vibrating from planet to planet, from sys- tem to system, from embodied to disembodied, and from the excarnate to the embodied souls. The web is so perfect, that nothing can mar the fabric which God has woven into the warp and woof of life. In these heights, the great scientists know, that all manifestation is the result of the divisions and subdivisions of the one universal primal sub- stance. Electrons are the ultimate of matter, the first creations acted upon by Infinite Intelligence, producing the varied manifestations of life through the boundless universe. Spirit is the electric vi- brator of the soul; and radium is nearest in sub- 164 The New Messiah stance and vibration to spirit, and so to speak, is ever burning and never consuming. This wonder- ful key is the discovery of the Angels, who make known the truths, and will lead man to the inner- most shrine, where he will come face to face with the primal light when he is ready to receive. Many advancements and discoveries have al- ready been made through that which is known on the terrestrial realm as electricity. For the bene- fit of man have come the discoveries of a Frank- lin, Morse, Bell, Edison, Marconi, and, in this new age, will be revealed the culmination of all dis- coveries and achievements to fulfill the require- ments of this cycle. As we reach the higher states of unfoldment, the book of nature gradually reveals its secrets; but none can read its mysteries until the light within his own soul sheds its rays upon its pages. That part of our consciousness which is attracted outward by the mind to material things, causes us to feel, that these are real and that we are the mind, until we evolve to higher states of conscious- ness. Angels ever inspire us to look within for the real, as all knowledge lies within the soul, gradually evolving through the ages, all our re- search, our investigations and experiments, being impelled by a prion knowledge from within, and prompted by higher intelligences around us who inspire and guide us. It matters not how high in the scale of life we ascend, there are always those who are higher than ourselves. and the Journey of the Soul 165 Beyond the archway is seen an ocean in which are reflected the light of a blue sun. Here the intelligences practice most wonderful fetes. Seated on top of the wave, you will see the intelligences, clothed in close fitting garments, floating across the ocean, sitting erect, with arms folded and the legs stretched out perfectly straight on top of the water. Many are in pairs (these are one soul who will be the Angel), seated close together; and, through the power of their will, they float across the waters. The waves of this ocean were quietly rocking back and forth, but no breakers were seen; all was calm and quiet. This, they considered good practice, through the power of spirit. In another direction, on another ocean of placid waters, are seen most artistic gondolas, symboliz- ing certain birds or flowers in their unique designs, covered with violets, others with roses and forget- me-nots, inter-twined with delicate white flowers, many in golden and purple hues, displaying their artistic ability, symbolizing certain spiritual truths. Many are designed for just two, male and fe- male, One Soul, which are seen with their instru- ments, nestling in downy cushions, singing and playing, gliding along in perfect peace and inex- pressible joy. The ladies wear dainty gowns of tulle and laces, low neck, short sleeves, beautifully adorned with jewels and flowers. Many are seen with golden crowns, symbolizing their position and work accomplished. Gentlemen attire in harmony 166 The New Messiah with the ladies on special occasions. Many are seen clothed in white or light suits and the conven- tional afternoon and evening wear. The robes, worn at their festivities and worship, for the dwellers, are purple, adorned with the emblem of this zone, the crescent and star, while the rulers, teachers and counselors are attired to represent their position and degree of power. All decorations are of the palest purple, through which shimmers the light of this zone, casting most beautiful reflections. In every direction, the eye is attracted by most exquisite scenery. We perceive that the infinitely great embraces the infinitely small. The bright star that shines in the depths of the heavens, the little grain of crystalized sand, which reflects the solar ray, the majestic suns which revolve so har- moniously in their gigantic orbits, the gentle zephyr which wafts the sweet aroma of the beauti- ful flowers, the immense nebulae arranging its systems of suns in the vast expanse, are all united and inter-linked; and we feel our kinship to all, living out with nature, God's handiwork, vibrating in unison with everything in this heavenly belt, where only peace, joy and divine love could reign. In the magnificent cathedral, so beautifully adorned with its majestic spires, which displays such exquisite architecture in pure white and gold, arc semi-circular wings in most delicate furnishings for rest, where the soul can enter into the silence and the Journey of the Soul 167 and commune with itself and higher intelligences. As we ascend to the higher states of life, love par- takes more of the universal, and spirits, as well as Angels, find their satisfaction in serving humanity and in communing with higher intelligences. We can only realize the various states of spirit- progression and soul-unfoldment by comparisons. All are spirits, until we have reached the Angelic states, which are the fruition of a planet, the cul- mination, attained through the various expressions upon that planet. Spirits are traveling and pro- gressing towards that which the Angels already possess — the evolution of the divine attributes, a priori light. Thus there are Angels of various degrees and powers, as rulers, teachers and mas- ters in the seven zones which constitute the world of soul, the ethereal world around this planet. If you can realize this, then you can readily perceive, that in this heavenly atmosphere of the sixth zone, which, in comparison with the previous belts through which we have passed, is an exalted state ; yet, when we compare these states with the powers and light found in God's celestial heavens, it would be but a beginning towards such states, and such it is. Thus here is found another field of prepara- tion for mastery and conquest for the still higher states that await us. Consequently, the silence chambers, for concentration and meditation, are a necessity. In the temple of the Magi are held the myster- 168 The New Messiah ies of spirit, or mysteries of life, to be revealed to all in the degree of their perception. The Magi compute your destiny, mathematically, through wisdom. There are no accidents, no incidents, all is, and we have created it. No child is born with a blank mind, all have tendencies which have been generated consciously through many lives. In this temple, you, not only receive the instructions, but are tested in your perception and realization of these truths; hence the preparations. The higher authorities gather in this temple for counsel. To the Parsee, the sacred flame was a symbol of the immortal soul, and the light of God, the All- Good, Ormuzd. In their temples they kept the flame burning, to typify the source of all light, the divine spark, the inner light which never perishes, which is eternal. The Angel of Light, Ahura Mazda, symbolized the creator. Angels have embodied as Magi, to preserve the mysteries of spirit, chemistry, or al- chemy, science and art, instructing the kings and rulers. These Angel messengers bore the truths of mind and spirit unto Asia and Greece. In the dark periods of every cycle, the sacred truths were concealed, but kept alive and borne forward by the keepers of the sacred truths. There were upon the earth two orders, the Magi and the Kaballa. The Kaballa held the secrets of the astronomical cycles, their sacred significance and the mysteries of the stellar kingdoms. The Magi was the secret and the Journey of the Soul 169 order, who held in their keeping the mysteries of spirit, chemical laws and generic processes, the truths of the celestial heavens. These two orders were aware of the onflowing and receding tides and coming events, being familiar with the ancient symbols and hieroglyphics. In the Temple of the Magi, we are taught many truths. Here we wor- ship intelligently, because we have been taught, that the Divine Mother-Love is co-equal with the Divine Father-Wisdom, and the redeeming power of all life is divine love. Seated at a long council table, are six Angels, each attired in robes, which signify their degree and power. On the opposite side of the table are the feminine counterpart of each, robed in pure white, with golden girdle, with their symbols. One of these Angels is robed in white, with blue around the collar, and is known as the Angel of Love, bearing the name of Montezuma. One in black, with white collar, known as Elisha, the prophet. Another robed in white, elegantly embroidered in gold, with a golden staff, giving his name as Moses, the prophet of the fifth dispensation. An- other in red and gold, saying he is Hiram Biff, the Architect of Solomon's Temple, having a tablet in his hand, being the Recording Angel. Another in purple and gold, known as the prophet Elijah. Another in purple and white, giving his name as St. Paul. These are counselors of this heavenly zone. 170 The New Messiah The pages of our life have been gradually un- folding, revealing our sowing and our reaping, our mistakes and our progress. Here, too, we find libraries of many volumes, replete with ancient wisdom. The music in this zone is the most exqui- site, expressed in most perfect renditions. The finest composers are dwellers of this heavenly belt. Spiritual gifts are the outpouring of the Spirit. Music, the outpouring rhythm, or vibration, polar- izes the soul to its center. The music breaks the light of the soul into its various shades, just as the prism breaks the solar light into the various colors. We are polarized to this particular planet and part of the universe (which is only a minute speck of the universe) through our states of un- foldment or rate of vibration. The mighty, illim- itable, boundless universe is full of life, full of wondrous illumined beings, intelligences of vari- ous degrees and powers. It is impossible to do justice, in attempting to describe the wonderful souls and the beauties of nature's productions in the higher heavens. At a great distance, nestled in the mountains, that are seen from the arched gateway, about midway up the heights, is located a Temple of Rest. This pure white structure is quite long, not very wide. In this temple are seen only the feminine expression of the Angel, who ministers unto all, giving instructions. Here the traveler lingers on his journey towards the last belt of this planet. A THE SEVENTH ETHEREAL ZONE AROUND THIS PLANET 450,000 Miles from the Terrestrial Realm of This Earth. The Last Aural Belt of This Planet [HOU Eternal Divine Being who art Mother of All Love and Life, Father of All Wisdom and Power, the Divine and Perfect Light pervading All Life, to Thee we come with praises in the consciousness of Thy unspeak- able name, in the consciousness that All is enfolded in Thy Divine Love. Grant that the Light within will illumine our footsteps that we may reach the sublime heights where we see ourselves reflected in Thee, abiding in the consciousness of Thy Eter- nal Love and Wisdom. When the Spirit Intelligences of the sixth zone have become eligible for the highest heavens of this planet, which is a central point from the ob- servation of other heights from the viewpoint of the Celestial Heavens, they prepare for the jour- ney to the seventh aural belt. They are seen marching in pairs with their instruments — aeolian 171 172 The New Messiah harps, zithers, lyres — robed in pure white, going towards the "Temple of Blessings" midway be- tween the two zones, singing, singing all the way, all the way, praises unto the Mighty Lord of All Creation. With songs of praises the soul is now rejoicing in the victory and conquest of self, con- scious of the heavenly heights towards which they are journeying. The reward of their labors and victories is found in the peace and glory of this hallowed heavens, awaiting their arrival. So happy are these souls in the realization of the heights attained, that apparently they are unconscious of the beauties of nature's manifestations on either side of the pathway. Supremely happy in the con- sciousness of the many blessings and the baptism of the glorious light and love, they will now re- ceive each day in this heavens through the personal contact with the Ruler of All Rulers, the Lord of Life, known as Jesus of Nazareth, the great Christ-Life. In the fullness of time, when the New Messiah, the New Christ-Life rules the world from the celes- tial heights, the intelligences, who pass through these portals, will be as happy in the expectancy of the personal contact and the baptism of His light and love, as are these who now anticipate with supreme joy the meeting face to face with the Great Lord of Life, Jesus of Nazareth. Passing through a beautiful valley, we find the "Temple of Blessings," nestled in the midst of a grove of magnificent trees, whose leaves and and the Journey of the Soul 173 branches are, by far, more ethereal, more tender than all we have yet observed on our journey. The grounds around this beautiful spot are out- lined by a hedge of blooming shrubbery, the gate- way is arched with blooming vines, hanging artis- tically from its heights. The trees, being sur- rounded with benches, form a graceful canopy for the happy traveler. The White Temple is hung with beautiful vines, surrounded by exquisite flowers. Close by is seen a magnificent fountain, with its refreshing sprays of water falling from great heights. At the doorway stands the minis- tering Angel, awaiting our arrival. The intelli- gences one by one receive the baptism of the light and love of the Angel. Lingering here for further preparations and purification, having had our spiritual bath, an- other garment drops to the ground. See Vol. I. Consequently, the soul-body has now become etherealized and spiritualized, appearing like a thin white cloud; therefore, we must carefully and properly clothe ourselves, when we desire to re- turn to this terrestrial realm. When we have laid aside the last aural envelop, belonging to the seventh zone, the spirit has given unto the earth the garments of dust that belong to the earth, being the envelop in which the spirit was veiled, or enfolded, in its involution, or descent in matter, with its accumulated substance. The atoms, or substance, composing the ethereal body, through which we are functioning in the last aural 174 The New Messiah belt, the seventh zone, belong to the earth and must be given unto the earth. That which belongs to the celestial heavens must be given unto the celestial spheres, in due time, in our ascent to be at-onc, when fully prepared to abide in one of the mansions of our Father's house, in the third celes- tial heaven. We are now ready to continue our journey towards the most hallowed, most glorified heavens of this planet. As they leave the Temple of Blessings, they again take their instruments, go marching in pairs, singing, singing all the rest of the way, all the way to the last zone, the glorified heavens of the earth, glorified by the light of Jesus, and the light which penetrates this belt, radiating from the Arch-Angelic realms around this planet. The victory is won; all our efforts of right be- ing, right thinking and right doing are now crowned in peace and delight in one of God's sacred heavens, where all is perfect peace and love; functioning in an etherealized body, reach- ing out to still greater heights, ministering to those who are still journeying through the same pathway, we have just reached, after lingering for years and years on the way. Through our experiences and activity in the two worlds, we have evolved greater degrees of consciousness, accumulating knowledge in every zone and with every experience through the interaction. and the Journey of the Soul 175 The intelligences from these heights, when re- turning to this terrestrial realm, can only manifest where there is perfect peace and harmony, and only to those who are attuned to their vibrations. None can enter this glorious peaceful heaven until the soul has been cleansed and the attributes of divine love and peace have been evolved through unselfishly serving humanity, doing good through divine love, regardless of conditions or position, and have passed the tests before the Angel, thus proving ourselves eligible for these heights. None can enter here until every requirement has been fulfilled before the Arch-Angel who has charge over all souls who embody on this planet. When one of my teachers, Dr. Sharp, years ago entered the Seventh Zone, he was presented with a purple robe, lined with gold, as a token of love and appreciation for the marvelous works he ac- complished during his journey through the zones. He related, at that time, that he knew absolutely nothing of life after so-called death, until he entered into the ethereal or soul-world. He was seventy-five years in progressing to the seventh zone, and was eligible for several years before entering, but asked for permission to remain in his capacity in the sixth zone until he had finished a certain work that he had undertaken, all of which was granted him. Seventy-five years is con- sidered a very short period in which to reach these heights, as many linger for hundreds of years in the lower zones. 176 The New Messiah As said before, with the culmination of a solar cycle, or dispensation, there is a great harvest of souls. Spirits, in the ethereal zones, shift to the next step higher, many spirits becoming angels and many angels becoming Arch-Angels and Messiahs becoming Arch-Angels of other planets. This occurred when the Divine Mother of Time summoned the Angels of the New Messiah a few years ago. The light of this zone partakes of the delicate tints of the rainbow colors, which is supposed to be the reflection from neighboring constellations and planets. We are now far, far above the com- motion of our terrestrial realm and of neighboring planets, consequently we find here the quietude and vibrations so necessary for our present ethereal body. All are united as one family, as "children of God," working in unison for the accomplish- ment of good, and individually preparing for still greater heights and for conquest of that which lies before us, realizing we are one step nearer to the infinite goal in our progression. When the angels of the New Messiah were summoned by the Mother of Time to take their places, the beloved Christ Jesus of Nazareth and His Angels shifted to the second celestial heavens. Dr. Sharp, the wonderful teacher and helper, who has been mentioned before, passed from this zone into the first celestial heavens, and Swami Vivi- kananda, the beloved teacher of the sixth zone, passed into the seventh heavenly belt, where each and the Journey of the Soul 177 continue his work for the uplift of humanity, from this new abode, while individually preparing for the next step. For two thousand years the intelligences in this divine heaven of perfect peace and delight have received the blessings and baptism of the perfect love and wisdom of the Lord of Life, the Great Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth, the Message Bearer of God's Perfect Love. To this heaven, the be- loved Jesus descended each morning to worship with all in this zone, to instruct all through His wisdom, baptising all, face to face with His won- drous light. Ere we can enter this heaven, we must lose the power to wound by mouth or deed, and have well learned the lessons Jesus taught His disciples in His sermon on the mount. Judge not lest you be judged, criticize not those who do evil, but have pity and love for all as sometime all will reach the heights. There are none so low in the scale of life that all have not or must pass through, and none so high in the scale that all wiH not some time reach. From these sublime heights, from this divine heaven, we see and know the cause of all conditions. If any one does evil to you, instead of retaliating, send back on the same current the vibrations of love, and love will come back to you. Such are the lessons we have learned and mastered, ere we enter this peaceful, beautiful heaven. Consequently, here, too, we find crea- tors and demonstrators of greater powers and de- grees of unfoldment than those of the sixth zone. 178 The New Messiah Here, too, we are one with nature as one family, all as children of God on a great journey towards perfection, lingering by the wayside to make prep- arations, to become fitted for greater heights through serving humanity. Those of God's chil- dren who are struggling through time and sense, whose vision is so obscured they know not the ob- ject of life nor the great purpose of expression, it is unto such they minister through divine, unsel- fish love, now realizing that through unselfish service to man we are serving God and carrying out His plan which the perfected souls, the Christs, teach the world through their wisdom. This heavenly belt is laid out in the form of a Cross, which is plainly seen from the higher heavens. Like four main streets, forming a cross symbolizing the four truths, contained in one, which also symbolizes the victory of spirit, having reached these heights through many trials, sor- rows, disappointments, joys and achievements, which has chiseled off the rough edges, refined the crude tendencies, overcome self, and evolved the divine within. Crowning our life with perfect peace, perfect love and unspeakable joy, we are now aware that the soul functions through many physical and etherealized bodies ere it becomes the perfected soul. The dwellers, in this beautiful heavenly land, wear purple robes with a golden cross, to symbolize the highest intellectual attain- ments and the overcoming of all selfish desires, and the victory of self and conquest of matter, and the Journey of the Soul 179 in the degree that can be attained in our present journey of this expression of the soul. These robes are worn at their festivities in the temples of worship and temples of learning. For ordinary wear, the intelligences attire to suit the occa- sions. Very light garments are worn. Ladies are seen attired in laces and tulle, in afternoon and evening gowns, in white and light purple adorned with flowers in golden shades. On either side of the four paths, which form a cross, are sacred trees, symbolizing the various Divinities and Messiahs who came to the earth from different kingdoms in the various periods of this planet to bring sacred truth. In the center of the cross is a magnificent fountain of living waters, whose iridescent sprays ascend to great heights, moistening alike exquisite flowers and sacred trees. Conspicuously standing out from all the rest are two trees, close together, called the Tree of Life; nothing resembling these two trees has been seen on this terrestrial realm. These two trees are the same height, between five and six feet, the branches extend out uniformly from the center of the trunk; symmetrically proportioned from the base. Part of the branches are heavy and part are light; all the heavy branches are the same thickness, and all the light branches are the same. On the one tree are no leaves, on the branches are sharp red thorns, and, at the very tip of each branch, is one well proportioned green leaf, just one, indicating one step, the fruition of 180 The New Messiah this planet. The other tree has no thorns, perfect- ly smooth; no leaves; at the very tip of each branch is a red bud (this would remind you of the red hybiscus just before the blossom opens). Some of these have blossomed and are closed; others are just maturing, and some are nearly un- folded. One is now in blossom. The one blos- som symbolizes the New Christ-birth, now unfold- ing on the earth to appear in the fullness of time. The blossoms that are closed symbolize the Mes- siahs who have already manifested in mortal forms upon the earth, declaring and revealing sacred truths. The buds that are unfolding sym- bolize the Christ-lives who will appear in future cycles. The heavy branches represent the great messiahs, the Christ-births; and the lighter branches symbolize the lesser messiahs, who come as teachers, prophets, avatars, Buddhas, each a portion of the tree of life. The one tree, with the red thorns, symbolizes the embodiments of the soul. Each thorn repre- sents one journey of the soul through time and sense, in mortal garment, the thorny pathway of trials and temptations, of achievements, disap- pointments and of joys; the leaf represents the victory and attainment, the fruition of this planet which is the angelic state. Another is the Tree of Light in perfect perpetual illumination, — a per- fect trunk, from whose center extend all branches, like an electric flame in the perfect shape of a and the Journey of the Soul 181 tree, perpetually the same, symbolizing the Divine Mother and Her perfect daughters. The light and wisdom of the sons of God is the crowning glory of all life, of all victory, of all conquest, of all embodiments, of twelve systems, of twelve times twelve planets and twelve suns. The ensphering light of a Christ is the radiation of spirit, — Consciousness. Thus the Trees of Life symbolize the crowning glory of the victories and conquests of the Lords of Life, the Sons of God. The four streets, or paths, which form the cross, are studded with glittering gems of great varieties; each precious gem symbolizes an expres- sion of life. Upon the earth, and in the heavens of the earth, are the souls that will ever have embodiments, or expression, upon this planet. Each soul is symbolized by some precious gem with its vibratory hues. Another great wonder is seen from this sublime height. Around this planet hover the Arch-Angels of wondrous light and power. Thousands of Arch-Angels, forming an arch of great dimensions, ensphered in radiant light, of various degrees and powers, appear like a rainbow arch from this heaven in its glorious hues of light and color, wav- ing to and fro, in and out, like a circle within a circle of radiant color and light. These irides- cent rays of wondrous light penetrate this belt, causing the beautiful light of the rainbow hues in this heaven. 182 The New Messiah This glorious splendor of light and color bears on pinions, its wisdom and power. To the extent that the dwellers are attuned to its vibration, is such knowledge subservient to their will in this heaven; consequently, spirit intelligences imbibe much wisdom, that filtrates through the atmos- phere of this sublime heaven from the great celes- tial heights that lie beyond this belt. On special occasions, such as their celebrations of certain truths, and certain sacred periods in the spiritual history of this planet, sages or masters descend to this belt in chariots, illumined like fire, to take those who are prepared, and care to go, on a visit to the first celestial heaven called the Christ- Sphere, or Crystal City, as here is the abode of the ruling Messiah or Christ. Jesus of Nazareth has been the ruling Messiah and Great Master of this planet for two thousand years. On an elevation, quite removed from the center of this heaven, is found a most magnificent temple in gold, inlaid with rarest jewels, or gems, whose brilliant shades are significant of the broken rays of the pure, white light of infinite substance, dis- persed in manifestation into various colors, "Life" to again be submerged into the pure white light of infinite love and wisdom. Every jewel sym- bolizes a life, an expression of spirit upon the earth. This Golden Temple is constructed in Egyptian architecture, symbolizing all truths. The foundation of this temple is square, upon which is a circular structure, the top of which is crowned and the Journey of the Soul 183 with a beautiful dome, symmetrically proportioned to the base. In the interior is a perpetual light, so focused, that it illumines this temple, sym- bolizing Infinite Spirit, God. Within this temple is seen an altar, symbolizing the sacrifices of life. No one, from this heaven, ever enters here, ex- cept the Ruling Christ, — this is His sacred, private temple, where He counsels with the Divine Mother and Father who sent Him. Here He re- ceives the baptism of infinite light and love, while, all through His earthly pilgrimage, He is impart- ing His portion of perfect love and light to the children of earth. The Divine Mother is always veiled and hidden; she is never seen by spirit in- telligences. To this temple she comes in veiled form unto the Ruling Christ. When Jesus comes forth from this temple He is seen, with uplifted hands, blessing the spirit intelligences who wait on the outside to receive His blessings and baptism of love. Here all are taught the dual nature of God, as expressed throughout the universe and the duality of the soul, the truth which the sacred Madonna, Saloma (who represented the Divine Mother of our solar system), brought to the earth in the ancient days. In these heavens, we realize that there are many more worlds to conquer, heights innumerable to attain — and that the vic- tory over matter and the senses has but begun. We now realize that we have functioned in many bodies of the dust and will again take on mortal Far : 184 The New Messiah garments, that we may gain the experiences neces- sary to attain perfection in all endeavors of human achievements. Looking back into the mirror of life, we are now able to read many of its pages, illumined by the light of our own soul. On our journey, and in these heights, the intelligences have met masters, adepts, counselors and teachers, who are so far beyond their own present unfoldment, that it inspires spirit intelligences to reach out and delve deeper into the mysteries of life. The cross was also the symbol of the sacred Madonna, Saloma (Hieriosalem) , who repre- sented the Divine Mother of our solar system and brought the knowledge of the four truths to the earth. This Madonna did not come to the valley, but descended to the mountain heights, to reveal the sacred truths in Her possession. She was never seen walking the earth in mortal form, but was always seen on the mountain heights in etherealized form. Unto Her came the Wise Men, the Magi, for instructions. She revealed the mysteries of the sun, with its spheres and angels. She declared the solar light in its ter- restrial and celestial significance, declaring that from the sun comes the power which is the vivify- ing and fructifying force of life, which forces germs into existence, quickening the earth unto en- foldment, revealing the celestial significance and the celestial gradations of the sun and the states of the soul in celestial life. The divine light of the solar system and the symbols of the Angjls, and the Journey of the Soul 185 the division of the Zodiac, the sun as the center of our solar system, and the twelve planets as a complete system, the twelve solar systems as re- volving around a central sun, and twelve times twelve solar systems revolving around a still more distant, more primal center, was the wisdom brought to earth by this beautiful goddess. Until this period of the Ramesian dispensation, the number seven had been worshipped as a sacred number, because only seven planets were then known, -and the primal divinities of the northern heavens brought with them the number seven. Through the supervision of this bright Madonna, symbolism was now changed from the seven into the twelve and four, as she also revealed the squar- ing of the circle, the true symbols of the heavens and the divine meaning of the Zodiac, and made clear the ten and two divisions of the primal stamp of the first dispensation, thus the mystic revela- tions came through the feminine divinity, Saloma, the Goddess of Peace. During Her reign, all na- ture partook of the effects of her wondrous golden light, which she brought from Her kingdom. Flowers manifested in golden hues, and every- thing was expressed in gold upon the terrestrial realm, which, in that period, had no commercial value, only a spiritual significance. The first revelation of the Divine Mother flows from the center of Infinite Deity, and, when outer creation begins throughout the universe, in all life and all space is stamped the dual expression of the 186 The New Messiah Infinite One. The Perfect Mother is symbolized by her pervading life, — Her veiled image, — Her revealed form in germination and fructification of life, whether in the outer forms or hidden in the darkness, all life revealing the incarnate word of the Divine Mother-Love, as co-equal with that which is defined in the meaning and name of Divine Father-Wisdom, OM. The image of the Divine Mother is sheltered and protected by the Divine Father, symbolized in the Sun, the divine light, — germination, the Lotus, as expressed in the Osirian dispensation. In this dispensation, the Divine Mother, Isis, was veiled. Those who are sufficiently advanced, understand that when- ever the Godhead is revealed, the Divine Mother is included, but veiled. Nature expresses this, the symbol being, the dual star, ensphered, Father-Mother God, meaning the shelter and protection by the Infinite Father over all. In the coming forth of the form, the Divine Mother-Life is declared and revealed. The lotus flower is the Egyptian symbol of Divine Motherhood, through which germination appeared, and all existence is formed. Wherever the divine spark, Spirit, con- tacts with matter, there manifestation begins and life is revealed, the first impression upon matter being the divine life, the Motherhood and Father- hood. Within the innermost shrine of the soul lies the image of the Divine Mother. The celestial divine meanings which the Goddess of Peace revealed, of the divisions of the Zodiac, and the Journey of the Soul 187 in mathematical figures and symbols, have become eclipsed through the ages, and man has seen only the external meanings, expressed in astronomical facts and figures. In the new age, the divine sig- nificance of the ancient truths will again be restat- ed and revived. In the sixth and in the seventh zones, we find astronomers, who are masters in astrology and know perfectly how to compute the destinies of individual lives and the destiny of group souls. The Princess of Peace, Saloma, also revealed in this period the duality of the infinite as expressed in nature throughout the universe, and the duality of the soul manifesting as male- female, the twain in one, and the four perfect ex- pressions of life, Mother, Father, Son, Daughter, which the Cross, the symbol of this Madonna, signifies, the Four Truths revealed in those ancient days and taught in this zone. The squaring of the circle is symbolized in the Golden Temple of this zone. The dual six-pointed star, ensphered under the dome, in the Temple of Light, symbolizes the ancient Mother-Father of Time, OM-Atum. The interior of the Temple of Gold is a perfect circle. In its oval nooks are seen living statuary of the Madonna, who repre- sented the Divine Mother, and of the Messiahs, who have given expression to their portion of truth upon the earth in embodied form. Across the arched door is written, "Temple of Peace." The gold represents the divine light; the purple, the highest intellectual attainment; the white, 188 The New Messiah perfect love. The cross they wear also sym- bolizes the overcoming of all temptations of the senses, the victory of self, and is also the symbol of the Mystic Two — Birth and Rebirth and the Ten and Two. Birth and rebirth is the one Truth, which is so hard to grasp and realize by the many still in mortal form. In its twofold significance, it means birth into another life, from the physical expres- sion into the spiritual life, from the spiritual into the celestial states, and back into a physical form. Many spirits have come to the terestrial realms through various instruments, and ardently deny the truth of re-embodiment, as such have not yet reached the heights and unfoldment, consequently could not perceive its truth. These facts are not taught in the temples of learning until you are ready for them. Excarnate spirits, who are still in the lower zones, cannot know and do not know all truths. Even in the higher zones, only that portion of the primal truths is revealed which you can perceive, and the teachers are the judges. They know how many embodiments you have had, and they know what portion you are ready for. Nature reveals all her secrets to man, whenever he is ready to perceive them, and so it is in the realm of soul. The teachers who are Masters, Angels, who ex- isted ages before us, such possess absolute knowl- edge. Such know. They reveal to us all that we can perceive, as they hold within their keeping all and the Journey of the Soul 189 truths that can ever be revealed upon this planet. Consequently, let us not deceive ourselves, neither let spirits, who do not know, imprint upon us their personal prejudices unknowingly. If we are hon- est ourselves in thoughts and all intentions and de- sires, then we will attract only those who are honest and will say, "I do not know." If we prac- tice deception, we will be deceived. It matters not what our beliefs or coat may be, the law is the same. Our reaping and our sowing is here clearly perceived, the law of cause and effect. From these heights we realize that every action has its re- action. We must desire the truth and be truthful ; then we will attract the truth. We get out of the world just what we put into it. Spirit intelligences do not re-embody until they have progressed through the ethereal realms of this planet, in ethereal form, and have had a given time for preparation, and then they descend through the Law of Involution ere they can again function in a physical form. Soul ties, that are real, cannot be separated by birth or death. No teach- ing can separate mother from child. In the world of soul, those who have become separated through the selfishness of the world become reunited. Here, too, is found a temple designed to sym- bolize this highest heaven, or last aural belt of the earth; a large White Temple designed to form seven points on the exterior, each of which are chambers of rest symbolizing the seventh belt beautifully furnished in white and gold surrounded 190 The New Messiah by purple and yellow flowers. Above the door is a cross. There are seven steps leading to the unique doorway. Here the spirit intelligences find peace and satisfaction, in the silence com- muning with self and higher intelligences. The dwellers of this zone devote much more time to worship and to the preparation of enter- ing into the first celestial kingdom. Their minds are now turning towards the accomplishment of that which is necessary for entering into God's Mansion of Love. All are in search of more knowledge, as here are found libraries of volumes of books, replete with the wisdom of the ages. One of the most magnificent structures in pure white is the Temple of Light, surrounded by most exquisite flowers in golden hues, perfect white and purple, God's own production. In this sacred temple is seen Jesus Christ in spotless white robe. Here He has come each morning for two thousand years to minister unto all. Also, in this sacred temple, is a perpetual light, so focused to dis- tribute its rays and power, symbolizing Infinite Spirit, Eternal Light. Only pure white and gold is seen in this temple, with a shimmer of the most delicate purple, and the light of this zone which are the most delicate tints of the rainbow hues. In this Circular Tem- ple, with its many balconies reaching to the very top, all gather to worship with Christ, listening to His flow of wisdom, receiving the baptism of His divine light and perfect love each day. and the Journey of the Soul 191 Christ's abiding place is in the first celestial, and from the celestial heaven He descended to the seventh zone every morning. The interior of this Temple of Light is exquisitely artistic. He stands in the center of the platform with His eyes partly uplifted, as though unconscious of all except the Father who sent Him. The back of the plat- form is semi-circular, forming a dome above, set in with art glass, in which are perfect figures of the most Ancient Mother and Her companion, and a crescent moon, representing the period when the Divine Mother visited the earth in those ancient days in the beginning of the fourth dis- pensation. When Christ appears, this magnificent temple is filled to its utmost capacity. In front of this temple is another wondrous fountain, the water of which, falling gracefully from great heights, forms a basin, which is filled with perpetu- ally blooming lilies and other flowers of such rare beauty, so delicate and sweet, the aroma fills the heavenly atmosphere of these heights. Many con- servatories of perpetually blooming flowers of God's choicest productions are seen here; many trees, heavily laden with perpetual fruitage of many varieties, many trees laden with white blos- soms, not a leaf branching out from the center of its height, gracefully tapering to a point, are seen near by. We have now journeyed through the Seven aural belts of this planet, called the Ethereal Zones, which constitute the world of soul around this 192 The New Messiah earth. There are seven gradations in each zone, seven octaves of spirit-love, seven hues in the at- mosphere, seven rays of light in harmony with the seven notes in each octave. Every star that shines has its seven-fold heaven around it. Seven angels are rulers in the seven zones. Seven was the number the primal Angels, brought from the northern heavens of the seven stars of Ursa Major. Contemplate, how significant was the primal seven. All the exquisite temples and cathedrals, all the magnificent productions of perpetual flowers and fruitage, the wonderful scenery of mountains, bodies of waters and beautiful trees, the exquisite art and music are all a necessity, and yet, as naught, compared with the glorious light and wis- dom of the Lords of Life, the Christ-Lives, the Sons of the Sun, who abide in the consciousness of God's Infinite Love — in the consciousness of the Oneness with the Father, all of which is prophecy of that which every soul will some time express. The Great Ruler of this glorious heaven, the last aural belt of the earth, is Obadiah, the meat ancient prophet, ruling through wisdom and l')\ e. Among the counselors of this belt are John the Baptist, Joscphus, St. Luke and St. Mark. In this heaven is seen Morse, the inventor of the tele- graph; Bryant, the poet; Michael Angelo, the artist; Beethoven, the great composer of music; Rubenstein and his beautiful companion; Galileo, the great mathematician who invented the tele- and the Journey of the Soul 193 scope; Faraday, the great chemist, and Judas Isca- riot, who has evolved to these heights. Jesus as- sisted all who took part in the crucifixion to reach the heights, where dwells peace and divine love, such was His perfect love which He demonstrated on earth. In reality there could be no crucifixion to one who had overcome worlds and systems of worlds, which He demonstrated at the sepulchre, appearing to Mary Magdalene, to His disciples and to doubting Thomas. In this dispensation, the world will awaken to the sublime truths which Jesus demonstrated and prophesied. Just a few names are mentioned, that the student may realize that under the edict of God's law His Angels ful- fill His will through wisdom and love. THE FIRST CELESTIAL HEAVEN; THE CRYSTAL CITY 500,000 Miles from This Terrestrial Realm of Earth |HOU Divine Fatherhood and Mother- hood of Infinite Intelligence, our con- sciousness is turned towards Thee with praises of love for all Thy blessings. We praise Thee for the light that has been cast upon our pathway by Thy ministering Angels of Truth, who have assisted us over the rough places and uncer- tainties of life, for Thy sublime and glorious handiwork, and the light that is beckoning us on to Thy haven of rest, the fountain of bliss, that we may bathe in the consciousness of Thy eternal Love. Leaving the Seventh Zone (which may be called the City Four Square, because the center, from which branch the angles of the cross, form a square), we pass through a most beautiful valley, which leads to the first celestial heaven, called the Crystal City. Passing gardens of flowers and for- ests of trees, upon whose tender, delicate branches 104 and the Journey of the Soul 195 are seen many songsters, whose sweet notes in chorus are ringing, the delicate blades of grass form a soft velvet carpet for the ethereal forms and tender feet of the traveller. On this terres- trial realm, with the continual changes of the seasons, which mark its effects upon trees and flowers, in this sunny California as elsewhere, we can scarcely perceive the perpetual perfection and beauty in the ethereal realms, where every blade of grass, every leaf, every flower is more perfect than in our gardens which have the greatest care. Such are always so ; not a rusty or imperfect leaf is seen ; nature's carpet perpetually appears like velvet; every blade is alike in these higher heavens. The temples and other buildings in pure white, nestled amidst such perfect flowers and vines, and those wounderful fountains, all standing out so clear in the perfection of exquisite beauty, can scarcely be realized while still functioning in mortal garments. Our minds are now turned towards the Sacred Truths of Spirit, seemingly unconscious of all we have left behind, all our experiences of the earth, all our associations, and are wholly absorbed in our new environments of perfect delight and the desire for further research and meditation. In these great heights, much time is spent in soul-cul- ture, going out into great distances of celestial heavens, gathering from every available source. From these rapid vibrations, these souls rarely descend to the earth, except on special occasions; at such times they adorn themselves in habiliments 196 The New Messiah to protect the etherealized body. Always at the beginnings of a new cycle, the whole earth is stirred. In the heavens around it and on the terrestrial realm, thousands take part in the prep- arations that are necessary for the new advent. At the present time, many have descended, going back and forth from these heights to assist in the great work, that is going on above us and around us. Teachers, rulers, counselors are heard and seen, as all minds must become attuned in the spiritual zones and on the terrestrial planes for the perception and recognition of the great revela- tions. Every part of this globe is stirred into action. Vibrant waves of light and love are fil- trating into our consciousness from the higher heavens and many kingdoms. Most wondrous preparations have been'made, as are seen with the spiritual eye, all around us. We cannot perceive what such vast periods of time are, and we cannot, in our present states, perceive what the great power of love and light means, and its effects upon the earth; but soon the world will be prepared for that which will be revealed. On top of a high elevation, is seen a large Cir- cular White Temple, with small windows, beauti- fully furnished for rest and soul culture, sur- rounded by fountains and beds of flowers, beauti- ful trees and valleys below. Many ascend to these heights, where is seen the ruler, Hezekiah, who, when on earth, counciled with the goddess, Saloma, called Queen of Sheba, while here in phy- and the Journey of the Soul 197 sical form. He uprooted idolatry and restored temple worship, healed many and became magni- fied in the eyes of all nations. Here is seen Jacob, one of the chosen apostles of Jesus, among the counselors. St. James also is seen in this celestial heaven. Among the teachers are seen Socrates and Plato, the greatest philosophers, and also a brother, Carl Ruder, who passed into the ethereal world in infancy and has become one of the shining lights in this divine heaven. "From Plato," says Emerson, "came all things that are still writ- ten and debated among men of thought." The many admirers of Emanuel Swedenborg will be pleased to know, that in this crystal city he is one of the teachers. His followers are aware that he had wonderful revelations, while yet in the physical form. While imbued with an orthodox mind, he nevertheless, has given to the world many facts which stand out in the clear light of spirit. His principal work is the "Apocalypse Revealed" (1766). He was a great philosopher and great scientist, while functioning in this life, and the truths which he gave are now better understood, as humanity has reached greater heights. Unto Christ Jesus come the rulers of the heavens, and unto these come the teachers. All is governed in perfect order through divine love and the edict of God's laws. Each zone has its coun- selors, recording Angel, teachers and ruler. In the distance is seen a magnificent Temple, "Christ's abode," and nearby an observatory in 198 The New Messiah crescent form filled with the rarest variety of per- petual bloom. The crescent ever symbolizes the period and birth of the Divine Mother and Her perfect daughters upon the earth. As all nature partakes of the oval form like the orange, the rose, the lemon, so in the higher celes- tial heavens you find circular lakes, parks, tem- ples, cathedrals, most exquisitely proportioned in oval forms. In the cathedral of learning are semi- circular wings, most beautifully fitted for soul cul- ture, for rest and for divine communion with self and the higher intelligences. The glorious illumination, which penetrates the atmosphere of the seventh zone, crowning our planet, is very perceptible to the intelligences of this celestial heavens, absorbing the vibrations of wisdom and love, which penetrate these realms from the highest Angels, encircling the higher celestial heavens. The magnificent temple of worship is called the "Temple of Life," where a living, burning flame is perpetually radiating life and light. Here all gather with the beloved Christ Jesus, to wor- ship with Him each day. Most of our time is now spent in worship and research for still greater truths, delving deeper into the mysteries of life. The etherealized body, through which they now function, is transparent, like a thin fleecy white cloud; thus you can perceive the necessity of tak- ing the greatest precaution to properly robe them- and the Journey of the Soul 199 selves, ere descending through the various belts of earth. The robes worn in this hallowed cloud land are white, girdled with gold. We have now won the pearl of great price. To symbolize the great heights, attained through con- quest and victory of self, the Intelligences wear a crown of gold, inlaid with the choicest pearls. To our consciousness, the pearl of great price has wrought perfect peace and joy supernal. This paradise of joy and delight is called the Crystal City. Many crystal jets are seen in the temples and other structures, reflecting the beautiful, deli- cate tints of the rainbow hues, with a shimmering of palest purple; a perfect paradise of art and beauty, surrounds these intelligences, who feel the power of divine love beckoning them to still greater heights. This zone was the abode of Christ Jesus for nearly two thousand years. He dwelled here in a most magnificent temple, and from here he descended into the seventh zone each morning to worship with the intelligences of that zone, where each saw him face to face, where each received his blessings, where each heard his words of wisdom and instructions. As forces ema- nate from centers, so in this crystal city is an ever living fountain, whose living sprays sparkle like the most beautiful diamonds, rising high above the trees and foliage, falling in rhythmic motion upon the tender foliage and blossoms, upon trees heavily laden with perpetual fruitage, forming a circular lake, whose shores are covered with flow- 200 The New Messiah ers and blooming vines, from which emanate the sweet aroma that is wafted by the gentle breezes to and fro throughout this hallowed land. The refreshing waters, and aroma of the flowers, are absorbed as living nectar by spirit intelligences. Not far distant from this central fountain is a most magnificent temple, the abode of Christ Jesus, which surpasses all imagination, surpasses all description. The nearest it could be compared with, would be the most highly polished sea shell, with the reflections of the most delicate various hues, intermingled with the palest lavender. This temple is circular, with arched windows and arched doors. In its oval niches are seen living statuary of His Apostles, and Angels of Antiquity are seen hanging from the walls. None ever enter here except the Ruling Mes- siah. This has been the divine sanctuary of Christ Jesus, nearly two thousand years. Unto this abode comes the Divine Mother in veiled form, and the highest Angels. Here the Ruling Christ holds communion with the saints, His soul, reaching out unto infinite intelligence, in divine recognition of the Father who sent Him. From the Infinite Cen- ter of All Being, He receives His strength, ab- sorbing Divine Love and Wisdom from the Al- mighty Lord of All. The Jews gave the name, Jehovah, to their God; so sacred was the name to them that it was never pronounced but written "Adonai." The Angel bearing the name, Jehovah, manifested His power to the Israelites in Egypt. and the Journey of the Soul 201 In those ancient days, the races worshipped the Messiahs, Angels, or Divinities, as not yet was the Infinite Source of All known. It was for this reason, that Osiris and Isis manifested in such a mystic manner, lest they be worshipped. Christ, being one with the Father, abiding in the conscious- ness of His infinite love, in the silence, communes with the Father. How great must be the one, who could manifest the perfect love of the Father, we, who are immured in time and sense, cannot know. This divine soul, who manifested the perfect love of the Father unto the children of earth, assisted all who crucified Him to progress out of the dark- ness into the light, and continued to shower His love upon them. How great one must be to be able to say "God forgive them; they know not what they do!" How great one must be, to say "Why shed tears for me, shed them for yourself 1" and then assist those who rejected him. Such was the divine love he manifested to the world, and demonstrated the meaning of sorrow, teaching the world its cause. How great must be the Messiah who could come amidst the shadows and darkness of earth and know that the demons were all around him. He knew His light would bring the sword and not peace, because they had not yet awakened the spirit of love. Knowing the Comforter would be evolved amidst all the struggles and trials which the shadows predicted, He prophecied the second 202 The New Messiah coming of Christ, meaning the Christ-Spirit within all. His prophecies are being fulfilled, and the pages of our Bible will be closed unto the world, and a New Bible, which the New Messiah will give to the earth, will be left upon this earth as a Sacred Book for the generations that follow. A few years ago, Christ Jesus passed into the second celestial realms, where he will remain until the New Messiah takes His place. Then Jesus, the Christ, will pass to the next step as Arch-Angel of the planet Mars. Ere this Divine Soul passed into the second celestial heavens of this planet, He sent forth His blessings to all children of the earth, but only such, who were aware of His de- parture, were conscious of the baptism of His per- fect love. The Angels of the New Messiah have taken their places, and, when the New Messiah has ful- filled His mission on earth, He will ascend to the first celestial heavens and from there rule and gov- ern the earth through divine love and wisdom, with His staff of Angels, until the fulness of time. Jesus, the Perfected Soul, came, in the midst of all the darkness that reigned upon the Earth, with His glorious light into mortal form, to gather in those who were ready to receive the light and truth, which He revealed in the midst of all dark- ness. This sublime perfect soul, Christ, has been the central figure and ruler over all for two thousand and the Journey of the Soul 203 years in the earth's aural belts, radiating perfect love, and imparting perfect wisdom. He was the crowning glory of the light of the last great astro- nomical cycle, the fifth, called the "Dispensation of Sorrow," in which He revealed and expressed God's perfect infinite love, when He uttered the words "God forgive them; they know not what they do." His Sermon on the Mount will be a monument through the ages, ever revealing the overcoming of all evil through the power of good, of Divine Love, that all the ills and evil of this life are the results of selfishness, which can be conquered only through good and service through perfect love. He declared the Spirit of Truth would reveal all things, the Comforter, the Light, within all. He says: "Of myself I do nothing; all comes from the Father." The divine attributes from within, and God's infinite love and wisdom ever broods over us, manifesting through His Angels, who are His divine messengers, when He said: "Did ye not know I could have prevented all this by calling the hosts of heaven?" He knew that God reveals Himself through His mighty hosts, who are in Image like unto God. It has taken nearly two thousand years to pervert and eclipse the light He brought to this world. He knew, ere He came in the mortal form, that the world was enveloped in darkness and evil, and that the shadows are as necessary as the light. He had no more fear, or terror, for the destructive forces, or darkness, 204 The New Messiah than for the light, for He knew that disintegration is as necessary as creation and preservation in God's kingdoms. Such was His perfect knowledge of God's love and His laws. The Great Sacred Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, was the last of the Buddhas, and the culminating Messiah of the vast fifth dispensation or the filth great astronomical cycle. It is supposed by many scholars, that Buddha Gautama was the culminat- ing light. He was the real Buddha and Jesus of Nazareth the real Christ. There have been many Buddhas, Avatars and prophets, but Jesus was the Real Light. Buddha, born in wealth and luxury, left child, wife and all, to go out into the world to find the meaning of sorrow, pain and death; and when he learned the meaning, taught the world the true pathway of victory over all ills of life, caused by selfishness and self-seeking; thus re- affirming the Divine Good in all. Jesus was born in poverty, and rejected, to fully demonstrate God's Infinite Love under all condi- tions. He knew His utterances would bring war and not peace, for he knew the world was in the midst of shadows, and powers of darkness which must bring its lessons; for within all evil lies the power of its own destruction. To the Angels, there is no more terror in disintegration or destruction, than in preservation and creation; because they know the outcome. The terror of darkness is only in those who pass through time and sense. The and the Journey of the Soul 205 Angels live in the light and bring the light with them. They are ever ensphered by the light, and fear not the darkness, because abiding in the con- sciousness of God, in the consciousness of Perfect Love. The glorified utterances of Jesus contain the same essential principles in every particular, if you could place them side by side with those of any Buddha. He revealed God's Infinite Love, and the meaning of the shadows and darkness, and prophecied the coming of the Comfortor, the Spirit of Truth, the evolution of the Christ-prin- ciple within every soul. Until we unfold the light within, the Christ Spirit, we can not perceive the truths he uttered. All the lesser lights, of which Jesus of Nazareth was the culmination, bore the symbol, the five-pointed star. The Pentagram had been the sign in all the ori- ent, including Persia. The Wise Men, who fol- lowed the star, were known only by the Order of Melchizedec. This was the most sacred order, consisting of twelve embodied angels, who ever bear forward the Sacred Truths, having in their possession the actual mysteries of the Sons of God, being aware of the onflowing and receding tides of the cycles. Such twelve are now on the earth, scat- tered in different countries. The world was now in the recession of the light, and it was supposed that Buddha was the closing light, consequently, the Orient had lost track of the culminating wave, 206 The New Messiah although they knew that the number of Buddhas was not complete, as all the Messiahs had been heralded as Buddhas. Some are still looking for another Buddha not knowing Jesus of Nazareth was a Buddha, because he was born in another country. Only certain Angels knew that in Pales- tine would be the closing light of the fifth dispensation. Jesus was to spread the truth to the New Orient and the New Occident, which was to be unveiled. The masses never see the symbol, only the Wise Men (Angels) are aware. The light Buddha Gautama brought to the world had spread all over Asia. The light was receding from India. The light of Persia was almost eclipsed. The Hebraic nation had wandered from the real light. China was in the receding wave of her bondage and isolation. Judea had not yet given up her secrets. Thus Jesus came to spread His light over Palestine and the Western World, not yet known. He was called the "Man of Sorrow," because he was acquainted with the tears which such shad- ows and darkness bring to a world, so totally eclipsed. Through His wisdom He was aware, that the light which He brought would have its disintegrating destructive effects upon the Evil, while the Good would be uplifted amidst the dark- ness. He knew only a given number would be His harvest; hence He said: "Ye are not my sheep; therefore, ye believe me not." He knew the power of darkness, which had been created, and the Journey of the Soul 207 and was the culmination of all the past, containing within itself, the power of destruction; hence war and terror would sweep over the world; and so He says: "I bring not peace, but the sword"; a prophecy of that which would follow, as the world was in its receding wave, and only a given number could comprehend the glorious light which He brought from that celestial splendor where dwell the Sons of God. The world has already experienced this portion of His prophecy and the light of the Comforter has already come to the earth, and all is being made ready for the coming New Advent, another vast astronomical cycle, the Sixth Dispensation. Gradually, all that is unjust, all that is useless, will pass away with the terrors of the darkness and shadows which always precede the dawn and the glorious light of the New Day, and once more the earth will be enveloped in perfect light. After the Sixth Dispensation, the world will never again be so totally eclipsed, the shadows will grow less in each coming cycle. The earth has al- ready passed through the worst, and now all the light which was brought to the earth in its various periods, will be revealed, explained and declared by the New Messiah, bringing more light to the world from His glorious shrine. None can realize what a wondrous divine glory awaits the children of earth. It will awaken our consciousness to a conception of the sublime light, brought to Egypt, 208 The New Messiah India, Greece and Rome, and the closing light in Palestine. The signs of the times have been floating through the heavens and are now a canopy over our heads; but the world is not yet awake; only a few, scattered over the earth, can see, while the world is being cleansed from selfishness and self- seeking. The Divine Breath, which is sweeping over the earth, will gradually consume all discord, all strife, all warfare. Nations will unite in har- mony and peace all over the world. Harmony and peace will reign in the hearts of all races; and the people will be inspired with higher ideals and more love in religion and governments, as this will be the dispensation of Love, the Comforter. There have been twelve lesser lights, bearing the six pointed star, since Jesus of Nazareth, of which the New Messiah will be the culminating Christ. Each of these lesser lights possessed and expressed one portion of the truth which the new light brings. Jesus, the Christ, will not return to the earth as He and His Angels shift to the next step higher, and the Angels of the New Messiah take their places. Each Messiah is blest with a special gift, with special powers, and whenever the children of any planet are ready for that Truth, the Messiahs embody to reveal it. The sixth Great Christ comes as the fulfillment of all, with the prophecies of the future dispensations. THE SECOND CELESTIAL HEAVEN; THE SACRED HALLOWED CLOUD LAND 600,000 Miles from This Terrestrial Realm of Earth HOU Divine Mother-Father, Infinite Being, Perfect Life, Perfect Love, Per- fect Wisdom, unto Thee we turn our minds with praises and thanksgiving. Unto Thee the soul is bending for Thy divine baptism, that we may be prepared to enter Thy kingdom of love, Thy fountain of blessings, where we shall be at peace and rest and realize the all-hallowed light of Thy Perfect Love, Thy Supreme Wisdom. We are now far away from the deleterious influences of the earth or any other planet. Long has been the journey that has brought us to this heavenly heavens. Many have been the gradations through which we have come, and many have been the preparations and purifying processes to fit us for this hallowed cloud-land where all souls are now feasting upon the wisdom that filtrates into 209 210 The New Messiah this celestial heaven, the wisdom of the Gods, the wisdom of antiquity, which hovers over this planet. Between the second and third celestial heavens are the mighty hosts of arch-angels of various de- grees and powers, forming a mighty arch of great dimensions (described before). These mighty hosts hover over this planet and keep watch in ways for purposes unknown to the children of earth. Not even the angels of our planet know of their mighty power and work. This mighty host is aware of the minutest, as well as the most gigan- tic movements of the earth. They are aware of every soul, functioning in a physical or ethereal body on this planet, aware of all our actions, all our intentions in every line of achievement, knowl- edge or religion. We cannot perceive in our present unfoldment what must be the light and power of this celestial host, consisting of thousands of such mighty Angels, whose wisdom penetrates on pinions of light, which spirit intelligences in this realm ab- sorb, wisdom being subject to their will and per- ception. Like a mighty rainbow of great depth is the arch which they form. Circle within circle, weaving to and fro, in and out, and this is the radiation which filtrates through the atmosphere unto the seventh zone, causing the light of that sphere, which divine influence is felt by spirit in- telligences abiding in that belt. Going from the first to the second celestial and the Journey of the Soul 211 heaven, we pass through vast spaces of beautiful valleys and forests, where all nature's wondrous productions are far more ethereal and sensitive than the delicate new shoots coming forth on the terrestrial realm. Here the vibrations are much more rapid than in the first celestial heaven, and spirit intelligences do not return to the earth realm, or lower zones, after entering here ; but the powers of the Angels being different, such Angels as are in this sphere, can and do come from any realm on special occasions. The mission and power of the Angels are greater than that of Spirits. With the Arch- Angels all is possession; all conditions, all elements are subservient to their Will. Our etherealized body is now but an outline of a human form, corresponding with the ethereal- ized productions of nature in this isle of perfect glory and delight. This divine realm is mentioned in the Scriptures as the Isle of Patmos, a floating isle upon a sapphire sea, to which extended the Vision of St. John, who is credited with writing the Book of Revelations. The Apocalypse is the revealed records of past dispensations, the Apocra- pha, the hidden truths, which are not understood, except by the embodied Angels who know the meaning of the Esoteric or Sacred Truths. The Pentateuch and the Old Testament are the account of the Jewish records. The mighty Angel, who is ruler in this celestial heaven, is Isaiah, the great prophet, whose books bear his name. In 212 The New Messiah this perfect paradise of wonder and delight is found Saint John, who so tenderly leaned upon the bosom of Jesus when on earth and now is counselor in this beautiful isle. Here the ancient Angels, Isaac and Saint Peter, are also counselors and teachers. To this glorious isle come sages, Angels of Antiquity in chariots of fire from far off kingdoms. Rulers of power and might gather here to counsel with each other concerning the mighty problems of life, and to formulate plans and establish laws for the government of spirit-in- telligences who still pass through time and sense. God's will, being carried forth and executed by His Angels through divine love and wisdom, the ulti- mate must eventually culminate in the divine bal- ance of all things in perfect justice and righteous- ness. In this wondrous isle, you see the Infinite portrayed in His Angels; and in the universe with its golden isles, we see the great cause, "Spirit," and its various expressions. All space but mirrors the glories of Infinite Deity and His Angels, re- flecting His light. God and truth are as a unit, manifesting in fragmentary states of color and form. Exquisite gardens of perpetual bloom and mag- nificent fountains adorn this celestial heaven. In the center of this isle is seen a magnificent fountain whose radiant sprays, falling from great heights, form a circular lake below, moistening blossoms and the Journey of the Soul 213 and vines so tender and ethereal, that their rhyth- mic motion, like aeolian melodies, keep tune with the notes of the sweet songster, the echo reverber- ating the exquisite music of the spheres. Jesus of Nazareth, who for two thousand years had His abode in the first celestial, is now found in this celestial heaven. A magnificent Golden Temple, with arched doors and windows, so exquisitely adorned in pyramidal form, is His abode. To the elegant doorway came Mary Magdalene, the one whom Jesus recognized as His complementary self. Robed in white gown, with the five-pointed star, illumined, gracing her brow, she is stately, graceful and charming in appearance, and is en- sphered in radiant light. In that period, the sons of earth, having become desirous of masculine rule and power, revelling in the allurements of the senses, the whole world became eclipsed in dark- ness and sorrow through the tempter, worshiping the physical senses; which was the downfall of Babylon, who once possessed, not only all of mate- rial and intellectual greatness, but also held in her keeping the sacred truths and symbols, trailing them in clouds of dust. The masculine power erased and effaced the stamp and signet of the Divine Mother from the temples, monuments and the great pyramid, as by the waters of the Nile in Egypt was revealed the mysteries of the Divine Mother; but all were now erased and the mascu- line power enforced man-made laws and a mascu- line God upon the world, the One only God, and 214 The New Messiah put to death all who worshiped the Divine Mother, or the primal symbols of truth, The Mother-Father God. The violent warfare of the Mohammedans, Jews and Christians against those who persisted in the recognition of the duality of God as "Mother-Father," as is expressed in all nature throughout the universe, marks the dark pages in the history of this planet. The world had forgotten the Divine, Sacred Mother-Love, which was stamped upon the earth by the Ancient Mother. All was eclipsed in such sorrows as such darkness of revelling in the senses brings. The world does not yet know the meaning of the divine message, which Jesus the Christ brought to the world and demonstrated. Acquainted with grief and sorrow, He came to demonstrate God's infinite love under all conditions, and to gather in those who were ripe for the truths which he brought to the world. He knew the effects His light would have on the powers of darkness; there- fore, he said: "I bring not peace but the sword." He knew that the power of darkness contained within itself the elements of its own destruction, and would be wrought out, bearing its own lessons through sorrow and suffering. Mary, the Mother of Jesus, called the "Ma- donna of Sorrow," had to come through the lowly stations of life, bear the Christ-life, unwedded, to reveal Fler faith in heaven and its Angels, and not in the divine authority and sanction of the Church, and the Journey of the Soul 215 who, robed in purple, was the cause of the existing states of sorrow and darkness. Her son, Jesus came to take upon himself the sins of the world, that He might demonstrate the divine perfect love of the Infinite Creator, His Father, who sent Him, that the love, which the Ancient Mother stamped upon the Earth, would again be recognized and kindled in the souls of Her children. Christ turned to Her, the One Magdalene of all, whom He recognized while in the physical form. He knew the masculine rule and powers of darkness was robbing woman of her virtues and making laws to cast her asunder — guilty of her ruin, rejecting her; yet standing in robes of purple, ministering the gospel. To Him there was but One Magdalene, saying: "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone," scorning those who were the cause of her sin, and by this act he revealed His divine love under all conditions. If we could see from the celestial heights, we would know, that the shadows are as necessary as the light, and, that the primal light is again hov- ering over the world, filtrating through clouds and shadows, penetrating the minds and hearts of hu- manity, which will, in the near future, manifest its effects upon the earth. Viewing the present darkness from the celestial heavens, they know that the Glorious Light will again burst forth in all its splendor and the whole world will know and recognize the New Messiah, completely wiping out 216 The New Messiah all the shadows and darkness through the Wisdom and Divine Love which He brings. In this New age, the Image of the Divine Mother will again be restored. Some of the mys- teries of the Ancient Mother were buried with Her temples beneath the drifting sands in Egypt. Mary Magdalene came to reveal the lowly life and enslavement of the masculine powers; and, because of the wanderings into the shadows and darkness, which the alluring of the senses brings, Christ bore the sins of the world to reveal His perfect light and demonstrate to the world the perfect divine love of God under all conditions; and His great triumph was at the cross when He said: "God forgive them; they know not what they do." "Why weep for me, cry for yourself." "Love one another and be perfect as your Father in Heaven." Jesus was the closing light of the dispensation of sorrow. Through all this darkness, the children of earth have deserted the primal sacred truths, which the Primal Mother of life stamped upon the earth. In all primal religions the veiled image of the Divine Mother was worshipel ; but, through the darkness which the selfishness of the world has brought about and the forsaking of the heavenly light, the divine espousal, the love of the soul, was forgot- ten through the love of the senses. Since the world must pass through the shadows, and the children of earth reap the sorrows they have created, the and the Journey of the Soul 217 Divine Mother, with all Her love and compassion, has so arranged that none can pass through the shadows and darkness alone. Guarded, guided and protected, the Divine Mother of Sorrow hovers over those who have been deserted by the masculine rule which causes her sorrows. The fairest of all Her daughters has come to the earth in garbs of black to hover near those who need her. Gently and tenderly she ministers unto the sorrowful ones and leads them into paths of hope and justice. This fair Madonna, the Mother of Compassion, has been seen by many, floating through the atmosphere or hovering o'er the children of earth. It has been said by the Angels, when the fairest of the Madonnas de- parted from her Glorious Kingdom of the Plei- ades, where all is perfect divine love, this Bright Star was missed by the Arch-Angels and Angels, none knowing she had descended to become the Mother of Sorrow. The Angels sought in vain for the lost Pleiad until it was whispered by those who knew, that the Mother of Sorrow who was Mother of Christ and the Mother of Compassion, who ministers unto the children of sorrow, is the same Bright Star, the same Lost Pleiad, the Beautiful Madonna of perfect love. How great must be the love of the one who voluntarily de- scends from Her kingdom of light, from such sublime heights, to this darkened world, to be born lowly, to give birth to Her Son, companionless, un- 218 The New Messiah titled, unrecognized by the Church, in order to express the divine love of the Infinite Mother- Fatherhood of God, and Her faith in the so-called unseen, and voice of God, instead of in the voice of the church, as did Mary, the Mother of Jesus of Nazareth. It was all divinely planned. This Sacred Prin- cess, the most beautiful of all the fair Madonnas was Mary, Mother of Jesus, who came, in mortal garb, in the lowliest expression, that She and Her Son Jesus of Nazareth could reveal to the children of earth, divine infinite love under all conditions. Mary expressed the divine love of the Mother- hood of God, while Her Son Jesus expressed the divine love of the Fatherhood of God. The Magi, who were the keepers of the seals, knew when this fair princess, the daughter of God, daughter of the sun, was to come to be born among the lowly, (and they knew the Angels who came with Her). They were also aware that she would give birth to the Son of God and that His name would be Jesus. This Divine Princess is still hovering over earth's children, to impart Her Mother Love wherever it is needed. As she comes to me, Her sweet voice vibrates perfect love, and, when she returns to Her kingdom, Her light and Her love will be missed by those who know and understand, just as the Angels missed Her bright light and love from the kingdom of the Pleiades. She will re- and the Journey of the Soul 219 main with us until the children of earth will turn their minds to the love of the soul, instead of the love of the physical senses. Through divine love alone can man reach the heavenly heights, and through divine love and spiritual grace alone can man perceive his Divine Father's face. These sublime truths were in the dark ages dragged into the dust through misinterpretation, just as has the sublime teachings of Christ Jesus been dragged into the dirt by misinterpretations and is still being done for material and com- mercial purposes; but such influence and power, broadcast through selfishness, must gradually fade away through the baptism of the sublime light that has come to the earth. God's mighty Angels have again descended to reawaken ancient sublime truths, and the Divine Mother is leading Her chil- dren into other channels, where the sacred truths are revealed in their true light, without coats or labels, giving recognition to the voice of God and the voices of the Angels as has been done in all ages. Here we behold nature, spirit and manifold splendors, all in one, through which the Infinite Breath doth flow — so sacred, so divine, so hal- lowed is all in this celestial heaven. Our conscious- ness in reverence is turned towards the gateway, through which we will pass to the one divine cen- ter, not from which we have come, but to which we are attracted through divine love. 220 The New Messiah You will recall, that the Angel Michael stood at the gateway from whence we came, with His flaming sword, so that none could return through the same path. The Spirit was sent forth from a greater center, through divine love, to explore all the ways and windings from within and without and pass through all the gateways, ere the spirit can return. None can attain the twelvefold radi- ance and become a Son of God, until he has traversed the twelve times twelve planets and the twelve suns. Contemplate upon this sacred fact, that you may have a faint realization of the jour- ney which lies before you, the vast ages through which you will pass ; and, when all of this is accom- plished, it is but a second of time, compared with the aeons of time it takes to traverse the twelve times twelve solar systems and the one hundred and forty-four systems and suns; yet the journey has been made through many more such heights; and, greater still, more sublime worlds have been explored and when all of this is done our journey has but begun. From this second celestial heaven the spirits do not return to earth's aural zones, or to this ter- restrial realm. All prepare for the sacred bliss of the oneness. In this Golden Isle is the Temple of Bliss, where all gather to worship the Infinite Creator. This is a magnificent circular structure. Around its in- terior walls are balconies, extending to a perpetu- and the Journey of the Soul 221 ally illumined dome. On the walls and balconies are life-like pictures of Angels of Antiquity. The doors and windows are arched and in the oval niches are seen living statuary. On different wings of this magnificent temple are semi-circular apart- ments, fitted in daintiest, most artistic fashion for soul culture and meditation, surrounded by choicest flowers and most graceful draping vines. In one of the upper apartments is found a circular lib- rary replete with the wisdom of the ages. Most attractive gardens of perpetual flowers and fruit- age adorn this heavenly isle. Spirit intelligences are seen in pure white, with wreaths of flowers adorning their brow. The feminine expression is seen in dainty white tulle gowns, and the masculine expression, in white satin knee trousers, blouses and girdles, while their countenances express per- fect joy and delight. At a great distance, on top of a high mountain, is seen a unique white structure, the Temple of Rest. It is one story high, and stretches across about two hundred feet. The high terrace below, covered with nature's green velvet carpet, is beau- tifully surrounded by shrubbery and trees. From the porch, which stretches across the full width of this temple with many pillars, you have a most charming view of the valley, ravines and vast gul- lies below, with their many trees and shrubbery. Stretching across a mighty gully, is seen an artistic white stone bridge. The scenery all around from 222 The New Messiah these heights is magnificent. On the porch are seen comfortable chairs; in the center is a hall, exquisitely furnished in gold and light purple; the interior is white and gold. On either side are many apartments, fittingly furnished for rest. One wing is set apart as a Council Chamber, for unto these heights come many from great distances. Sages and saints of the ages come to this beautiful mountain height in chariots of fire and other vehicles. o THE THIRD CELESTIAL HEAVEN; THE ONENESS 1,000,000 Miles Removed from the Terrestrial Realm of the Earth The golden Isle of Perfect Truth, Imbued in perfect Love; The embryo of perfect Life, Enshrined in perfect Light; Like unto Him, in Essence Sublime, The Spirit shines, and lo ! The spark illumines all God's Truth Found in His Eternal Shrine. PNTO this sacred Heaven, the soul passes in the form of Cherubim (masculine) and HI Seraphim (feminine), and every envelop which was taken on, in the various steps of involu- tion, has now been discarded in the evolution. The ethereal body, which was but a mere outline of the human form, is now all consciousness. The twain become one, in one of God's mansions, which is called the "Fountain of Bliss" — "Oneness" — the pure white Light Spirit. 223 224 The New Messiah In this celestial heaven is seen the image of the most Ancient Divine Mother. This imposing statue is about one hundred and forty-four feet high, the base of which is square, well propor- tioned to its height. On her head is a crown of twelve sharp points extending out from her brow, fastened with a band to her head, holding a staff in her right hand. Not only is Her image seen in this heaven, also, she is seen in ethereal form, walking through this sublime heaven, stately and majestic, keeping watch over all of Her children. Her image is, also, seen in the last belt or seventh ethereal zone of the earth in a smaller statue; but she is never seen on the earth by any of its dwell- ers, although she communes with the ruling Mes- siah or Christ. Thus the spirit bathes in divine love, unconscious of all that exists in the outer realms of activity; only conscious, in a certain degree, called "Bliss." The consciousness rests, until the same impelling power within stirs it into action. When the desire to again plunge into matter is aroused, we come forth from God's sublime fountain of bliss. The sacred soul, before entering into outer life, is in the keeping of the Divine Mother; none come forth alone. In Divine Love, the dual soul became united as One, which, through matter, is again divided as male and female. The first expression, removed from the divine state of bliss or oneness, has been symbolized as Cherub and Seraph, which have and the Journey of the Soul 225 been portrayed throughout the ages with the head and wings, and no form, the state and first impul- sion into matter. The Arch-Angel, who has charge over this celestial state, ministers unto the spirit that now becomes involved or enfolded in matter. Just what these states of preparation are, none know except the Divine Mother and the Arch-Angel who takes part. No soul comes forth from this fountain of love alone; and none are ever alone in all the journey, or states, through which the soul passes. The light of spirit must now become involved, through various gradations of involution, ere it can again function in a physi- cal form. These gradations are not states of activity. Gradually, the all-consciousness, which was evolved, is now becoming involved and veiled in matter, to again become evolved, unfolding still greater degrees of consciousness in the next expres- sion of life. There are as many degrees of invo- lution as of evolution, consequently, a certain time for such preparation is necessary. Only the Arch- Angel who has charge of the states of involution knows what these degrees are. Guardian Angels are appointed by the Divine Mother to accompany the spirit in its expression in matter. Souls embody in groups, and are scattered over the earth, to meet again in divine union. The chosen guardian Angel is given charge, when all is ready for birth in physical form, guiding and guarding the life, while functioning in garments of the dust, back to the birth of spiritual life in 226 The New Messiah ethereal form, and from the states of evolution again into the Oneness. Through all these steps, the guardian Angel carefully watches over you. None are ever alone, no matter what color or be- lief you may have. God's laws govern all alike. The extension of consciousness is the infinite plan. From the inter-solar shrine, Our Father's House, souls are sent forth as cherubims and sera- phims, and cannot and do not return into that Di- vine Presence or absolute state, until they return as sons of God, having served as a Messiah. The object of embodiment in physical form is to attain mastery over self and victory over matter through the unfoldment of the light within which is the life of the Soul, "Consciousness." In perfect peace and bliss, the soul remains in God's mansion of perfect love, until the impelling power within again arouses the desire to manifest in outer life. The passing from the perfect state of light is as one soul, called the Eternal Bride and Bridegroom of our Father's House, into the first state of expression, known as cherubims and seraphims, and then into the shadows of mortal life which is the twilight. The whole life of the universe is under the government of the Soul of the Universe, God; and what the universe ex- presses, or shall express, belongs to the Will of Infinite Intelligence, the Infiniverse — God. The individual expression of the soul is under the gov- ernment of the individual soul — Angels. What- ever the soul shall express, belongs to its individual and the Journey of the Soul 227 choice and its individual life under God. The soul could never be excluded from the Divine Source of all possibilities, as all are anchored in the center of Infiniverse — God, and in the circumference of the All Possible Intelligence — God, in contradistinc- tion to the universe which is the manifestation of God. All are anchored in the central light of In- finite Love which is all potent, illumines every soul, forever inspires, guides and directs. All are anchored in the eternity of its absolute nature, un- changeable; that which ever was forever will be and is forever the same ; no fire can burn ; nothing can destroy. The Arch-Angels have charge of the first steps removed from the perfect bliss. As there are long gradations of consciousness in the descent, certain steps are in charge of appointed Angels of the solar system, and then the guardian Angels of earth take charge of guiding and directing the soul. Duality is in God as duality is in the Soul. The dual nature of God is expressed as Motherhood (Love) and Fatherhood (Wisdom) throughout the universe. God is Spirit (light), which is the life of the physical universe, and God's love (Spirit Goodness) which is the life of the soul; thus God's spirit-love is everywhere. The Breath (Spirit) is the generic life of all material ex- pression, where (Breath) God meets matter. Ex- pression always differs from being, as matter dif- fers from spirit, which is light, breath, life. 228 The New Messiah No one can explain the states of going to sleep; and, when you are asleep, you only know it when you have awakened. The falling asleep of the soul from the eternal light-consciousness, or wakeful- ness, in its descent into matter, could not be ex- plained; the steps are so gradual and continuous, that the soul is not aware until it has awakened in matter ; then it is aware of its existence. The Eter- nal Consciousness-Spirit is veiled in matter, and this is the primal veil which separates the soul from the consciousness of God and the conscious- ness of itself. When the veil is torn asunder, through unfoldment in the temple, matter, then the innermost light, spirit, is again revealed. When the soul is in the eternal state, it is aware of being; when veiled in matter, the soul is conscious of ex- istence. We have our existence in the universe, our being in God. As the soul enters the avenues of expression, it becomes less conscious of being and more and more conscious of existence. The states between the eternal and temporal, between the states of soul and states of expression (mate- rial states) is the shadow state, the twilight, and this duality is in the soul. See Vol. III. As all souls in this sacred kingdom are in the keeping of the Divine Mother, ere they enter out- ward life, she carefully selects those who are to take part in carrying forward the truths when embodied in physical form. In the household of earth, She is symbolized; the mother having charge of her children; while the father yields and the Journey of the Soul 229 strength, supports and encircles them with love, all of which we find expressed in the crude states of human love; but as we reach the higher states we evolve the divine. The wondrous Temple in this sublime heaven, wherein are found the celestial altars, is of pure white crystal, located on top of a very high moun- tain, designed to form twelve distinct points, form- ing a large circle. In the center, on top, symmetri- cally proportioned, is a crystal dome of twelve points, constructed in like manner. The construc- tion of this Temple symbolizes the twelvefold degrees of victory of the twelve Messiahs who come to these altars ere descending to the earth. Unto these altars was taken the Christ-Image of the New Messiah, ere the Divine Mother tri- umphantly bore the image to the Earth, accom- panied by twelve of the highest Angels, to that kingdom which had been prepared. This moun- tain is beautifully adorned with nature's green carpet, and near the temple are many beautiful flowers. Unto this mountain of great height, descend the Angels of antiquity, the Aeonae, from various inter-solar heavens, to council with the Ancient Mother-Father, this being a central point. Unto this heaven comes the ancient Angel, Adam, called the Father of all generic races of this planet. Angels of antiquity, whom we upon the earth do not know, come in chariots of fire unto these heavens, on certain occasions, at ap- 230 The New Messiah pointed times, for purposes unknown to the earth. The valley below is surrounded by many moun- tain peaks. All souls who enter unto this heaven are in keeping of the Divine Mother; ere they enter into outer life pervaded by Her love. Not immedi- ately did the soul bathe in the fountain of love. After leaving the second celestial heaven, various steps of preparation are necessary before entering into this sublime heaven of pure consciousness of eternal life. No teachers are needed in this heaven, as here there is no activity. There is consciousness of the eternal light, but not of mortal existence. One of God's powerful ancient Angels is ruler of this sublime celestial heaven. As I behold the digni- fied powerful Angel, Malachi, he is robed in white and gold. A massive crown of gold graces His brow. In the center of this crown is a cross; around the cross are Egyptian hieroglyphics and ideographs, symbolizing the various steps of truth. His exquisite temple of gold is in Egyptian archi- tecture inlaid with rarest jewels where he is seated in a high back chair of gold. Gold symbolizes light, jewels attainments. Mighty must be this Angel and wondrous his works! When he ap- peared on earth in garb of the dust, he came as God's messenger and prophet to bear the secrets of the 1 loly of Holies. Societies and fraternities were organized to preserve and perpetuate the and the Journey of the Soul 231 principles of scientific truths and religion — back in ancient Egypt where Perfect Knowledge was stamped upon the earth, which, afterwards was demonstrated and became science. Mathematics was the keystone, squaring the circle, including diagrams, figures and symbols. Here the first three degrees of Free Masonry was displayed in the Egyptian temples and cloisters. The learned Masters of Masonry knew the symbolic spiritual and scientific meaning of the six-pointed star, or double triangle, the symbol of the New Dispensa- tion. Buddha Gautama, the Real Buddha, mentioned in other chapters, is the recording Angel in this sublime heaven, who does not come to the earth except on special occasions; as said before, many are in our midst at the present time who descend to the earth only in certain periods of its history; thus Buddha is among the mighty hosts in our midst. The ancient Angel, Abraham, who has been described before, is counselor in this sublime Heaven; also, St. Mathew, who was one of Christ Jesus' chosen apostles, whose book bears his name, one of the great prophets, robed in purple and gold. The highest of all the saints, of all the rulers, is Job. He is robed in pure white velvet, with gold, with a crown of gold, studded with many jewels, gracing his brow. He is tall and slender, one of the wonderful lights whose greatness we can not conceive. THE RULERS AND COUNCIL CHAM- BERS OF THE FIRST FIVE ZONES AROUND THIS PLANET HE rulers and temples, called the Council JUJ Chambers, were omitted in volume one, as at that time, it was not decided, that they should be revealed. The Council Chambers, in the various belts, are such unique buildings, con- structed to symbolize certain truths which make a deep impression upon the intelligences. As stated before, the journey through the first five aural belts, marks one-half of our journey in the ethereal world around the earth, ere we again take on gar- ments of the dust, passing through time and sense upon this planet. All children of earth have had many expressions, or many journeys, functioning in a physical and ethereal body on this earth, some, having passed into the ethereal world without ex- perience in a physical form. Many more embodi- ments we will have ere we reach the perfected state on this planet, that of the Angel, which is the frui- tion of a planet. The light of spirit must become evolved and again involved, including time for 232 and the Journey of the Soul 233 preparation and rest, ere we again function in a physical form. There are no leaps or bounds; every step of the way must be traversed, ere the soul again has expression. As stated in volume one, that praises to the Lord, the Infinite Father, echo and reverberate everywhere, in all the aural belts, stamped on all temples of worship or of learning. In the higher heavens, we worship more intelligently, as we have become aware of the dual nature of God and the soul; thus we give recognition to the Mother- Father-God, Infinite Intelligence. In the higher heavens, there is greater revelation of His infinite wisdom and love, as only through the light of the Soul, Spirit, can you perceive God. Thus Jesus in answer to the Samaritan woman at the well, when asked who is God, said: "God is Spirit and he who worships Him must worship in Spirit." The Great Powerful Ruler of the first zone bears the name of Lucifer, the Light Bearer. The Angel who brings the light unto that darkened zone, spoken of in volume one, must be powerful and great. As in nature we perceive the dual ex- pressions, heat, cold, light and darkness, which are relative, contrasting each other, so we find the states of the soul in the ethereal world, the lowest inhabited zone being that of Darkness, and the seventh zone, the last aural belt of this planet, that of Light. The root of all evil, which causes the shadows and darkness of the world, is selfish- ness, which Buddha Gautama discovered and 234 The New Messiah taught. All is of our own creation and must be outwrought, bringing its lessons. All selfishness brings the sorrow. Righteousness brings light which is joy. Thus there are Angels who guide the way through the shadows unto the light, and Angels of Light who guide us to greater light. All sorrows lead unto the light, when the lessons have been learned. As I behold the Powerful Mighty Ruler, who came to my vision when writing volume one, He is very large and tall, a most marvelous per- sonality, stately, dignified, kindly, yet very firm, who in various ways, as stated before, makes Himself and His Light seen and felt by darkened souls of that belt, to arouse them to a realiza- tion of a greater power than evil, and that there is light and peace awaiting them when they desire to be uplifted. Various teachers from the higher heavens descend to this zone to impart light. Among those who descend to this belt are the three shining lights, Shadrach, Abednego and Meshach, who are always seen together, demonstrating the power of spirit, and imparting light to those in the lower belts. The story is told that the king Nebuchadnezzar made an image of gold, com- manding all to worship. When the signal was given, these three refused to bow to the Golden linage. The king ordered them to be thrown in a fiery furnace, heated seven times greater, — the doorkeeper was destroyed by the heat, — but the three, who were thrown into the furnace, were not and the Journey of the Soul 235 hurt or burnt, and the fourth one appeared in the furnace with them, the "God of Fire." Abednego, Shadrach and Meshach knew God is Spirit, — they knew that matter and the elements are subservient to the power of spirit, and demonstrated it to the king and his subjects. These three are always seen together, bringing light, and demonstrating the power of spirit. The ruler of the second zone is Samuel, to whom is ascribed the canonical book of the Old Testament. It is stated that he consecrated Saul, King of Israel, and was commanded to anoint David. In this second belt of the ethereal world is found Joshua, as a teacher, who also descends to the first zone to bring light to the darkened souls. The ruler, Samuel, is seen in red robe, with gold, lined in white. Saul is found here as one of the counselors. In the third zone, the Council Chamber is con- structed in the form of a Triangle, the symbol of this belt. This white structure is surrounded by beautiful trees, shrubbery and flowers. The two points of the triangle extend across the front, with a pyramidal doorway, three steps leading to the door. The building is very plain. On its side is a graceful hanging vine, surrounded by many flower beds, laid out in form of a triangle. The ruler of this belt is seen in purple robe, em- broided in gold, bearing the name of Beltechazzar, whose book bears the name of Daniel. He was consulted as a magician while in physical form. 236 The New Messiah He is very large, tall, with wavy dark brown hair; his very appearance indicates strength and power. This zone is the first belt of light. The ruler of the fourth zone is Nehemiah, author of the canonical book, bearing his name. He is robed in black, wearing a large cross. Here is seen Joseph, one of the chosen patriarchs of Jesus, robed in white, with a crown of gold gracing his brow, in the center of the crown extends one point; the crown is not wide or heavy and tapers to a very narrow band in the back. This shining light comes as teacher and counsellor to this beautiful belt from his celestial heavens. Saint Paul is seen in purple and white, descending to the fourth zone from his heavenly home, the sixth aural belt, where he is counsellor, but does not descend any lower. Saint Peter goes only as far as the sixth zone; he comes robed like the Magi in black, wearing a cross. Josephus, also, descends into the lower belts in a white robe. George Washington, who is called Father of Our Country, is seen hover- ing around our earth faithfully watching his coun- try. He comes robed in his usual attire, with short knee trousers and three cornered hat, sym- bolizing his light. He brings a great power. His countenance portrays a stern, watchful, serious expression. He is aware of the mighty changes that have been wrought and knows the changes that are being wrought in these eventful days, of which the world is not yet fully aware. Abraham Lincoln, too, stands out conspicuously in the upper and the Journey of the Soul 237 air and descend into our very midst, making him- self known. Every shining light in the ethereal world is stirred into action; all have come for one mighty purpose. In the fourth ethereal belt of this planet, whose symbol is the Crescent, we find a unique structure, erected in that design, which is used as a council chamber. The steps, leading to the doorway are semi-circular, the porch is crowned with a semi- circular dome, upheld by four pillars, very plain. In the interior of this temple are rooms, elegantly fitted for soul-culture and rest. This is the first belt, in which soul-culture is practiced. The fur- nishings are in gold, with a very light hue of the golden olive, shimmering in its coverings and draperies, typifying the tender springing forth of real light. Surrounding this beautiful spot are many flower beds, designed in the crescent form; beautiful pansies in yellows and light purples are seen in such great quantities here in this belt. The crescent also symbolizes the period when the Ancient Divine Mother came to earth with Her perfected daughters, the Madonnas. A conserv- atory in crescent form, with choicest, rarest flowers in perpetual bloom, is found in this belt and in the higher heavens, symbolizing the love of the Divine Mother and Her coming to the earth. In the fifth zone, which has been described as the first heavenly belt, is found a most attractive structure, designed to symbolize the Five-leaf Clover on the exterior symbol of this scholarly 238 The New Messiah belt. Over the arched doorway is a scroll; five semi-circular steps lead to the doorway, in two sections, three and two. The fifth leaf, or wing, is in the rear and two wings on each side. Herein is the council chamber, and the council table is designed in the same manner, around which are seated five councilors in masculine form. The elegant furnishings are in gold, upholstered in pale purple with draperies to harmonize. The ruler of this heavenly belt is David, author of the Psalms, robed in dark red, lined with gold, a golden crown gracing his brow; he carries a staff in his hand. One of the counselors of this zone is the prophet Jeremiah, author of the canonical books bearing his name. The Temple of Rest is located on top of a high mountain. To reach this temple the traveler climbs many steps built along the side of the mountain, with a high wall on the right; above the wall are stretched wires upon which are hanging beautiful blooming vines; in the mighty depth be- low on the left are ravines and gullies, with a bridge stretching across on one end. The temple, the steps and the walls are pure white. This tem- ple has two wings, extending back about fifty feet, each joined together, forming the letter E. Across the center, which joins the two wings, there is a porch and seven steps leading to its entrance, crowned with a pergola. To this temple come the weary traveler for rest and for information and enlightenment on problems of truth. Tn the center and the Journey of the Soul 239 is the reception hall. In this temple is found David, the ruler, seated in a high chair, imparting knowledge to those who seek for information. Dr. Sharp, Now in the First Celestial Heaven. Deacidifiod using the Bookkeeper process. 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