CJ 43 ■ P52 1895 Copy 1 ■fH - « CJ 43 .P52 1895 Copy 1 rTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT' AN INDEX OF THE Coins ^Medals OF THE CABINET OF THE Mint of the United States AT PHILADELPHIA. uiiun ui + i"j iii ■ iiiunuiiiiinumi ^ TTTTr» TTTT f f TTTT T T T T TTTTTT TTTTTT TT TT T rf TT LIBRARY OF C0NflftE8S, ncetms JUL26190I DIVISION Of DOCUMENT*. JkJ^±XAJ,kXi±kk_kk k J. lJJ L kJ±k_kU_kJJkJ_ik 1 i 1 lit i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A 1 1 1 U rrTTTTTYrrrTrTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTf T T'T T T T TTTTT TTTTTTTTT T ' 'i AN INDEX TO THE Coins and Medals OF THE CABINET ESSA. A. D. 153- 188. 238. Agothocles, of Sicily. B. C. 317- 289. 239. Philistis, Queen of Agothocles. 240. Hiero II. B. C. 269-215. 241. Phintias. 242. Juba I., of Numidia. 243. Cotys II., of BOSPHORUS. 244. Prusias I. B. C. 180-149. 245-6. Prusias II. B. C. 180-149. 247-8. Ariarathes VII., of Cappadocia. 249. Ariobarzanes III. B. C 220-166. (3) 250. Herod Agrippa II., Judea. A. D. 48. 251-267. Coins of Bactria. B. C. iio to A. D. 50. 268-71. Kadphises. A. D. 100. 272-6. Kanerkes. About A. D. 300. 277-8. Rajpoot princes. A. D. 1200. 279-82. Hindoo coins of the Middle Ages. 2S2d-c. Indo-Scythian. Lowe?'- Section. ROME. Era oe the Repubeic. All the coins of this era, except the ear- liest bronze and silver (which last are known as Roma), are arranged under family names, of which about 126 are in this collection. They are alphabetically arranged. 283-498^. Roman Republics. CASK II. Upper Section. ROMAN EMPIRE. The principal Roman coin was the de- narius; weight about 60 grains, value near 16 cents. The denarius gradually decreased in weight and fineness, until about the time of Elagabalus it was worth not more than six cents. From the dena- rius we ascertain the value of the inferior coins. It was worth 10 asses and after- wards 16 asses, and equal to 4 sester- tia and 2 quinari. The denarius is supposed to be the origin of the British penny. The aureus, or gold coin, was double the weight of the denarius, and under the first emperors was worth about $5 ; it also decreased in value. In the time of the sons of Constantine it was w r orth about $3, and continued at that for eight or nine centuries. The gold solidus of the Byzantine Empire was the currency of all Europe in the Middle Ages, and is often met with in histories of those times. 499-892. Julius Caesar. B. C. 49 to iEnii- lianus A. D. 253-4. Lower Section. 893-1086. Valerianus. A. D. 254-60 to Julius Nepos, A. D. 474. The Roman Empire of the west is usually consid- ered ended at this date. 1087-1178. Byzantine Empire. CASE III. Upper Section. No. FRANCE. 1 179-1382. The Coins of France from Louis I. (the Meek), A. D. 814-840, to the present time. 1248-1257. Constitutional coinage, having been issued under the Constitution, which was extorted from Louis XVI. by the revolutionists in 1791. 1 254-1 256. One and two sou pieces. They were at this time engaged in the demol- ition of churches, and the bells thus obtained were converted into money. A. D. 1792 . 1258-1276. Coins of the first Republic. A. D. 1792 . 1277-1282. Coins with Napoleon as Em- peror on the obverse and ' ' Repubeioue Francaise " on the reverse. 1321-1332. Coins of the second Republic. 1332-3. Head of Napoleon III. on the ob- verse and "Repubeique Francaise" on the reverse. *37 2 • The third Republic. GERMANY, SPAIN, etc. 1383-1418. Coins of the old German Em- pire. A. D. 1152-1800. 1419-85. Austria. A. D. 1613 . 1486-15256. Hungary. A. D. 1046-1875. 1526-7. Ragusa. 1527a-/. Siege pieces. Lower Section. 1528-1650. Spain. A. D. 129 1 . 1651-1712. Portugae. A. D. 1557 — — . 1713-1722/i. African Colonies. 17 227-17 22 m. Goa. SCOTLAND. 1 723-1 744. Coins of Scotland before the annexation. 1723. Alexander I. A. D. 1107-24. 1724. David I. A. D. 1124-53. 1725-6. William. A. D. 1 165-12 14. 1727. Alexander III. A. D. 1249-92. 1728. John Baliol. A. D. 1292-7. 1729-32. David II. A. D. 1329-31 and 1342-70. 1733. James III. A. D. 1460-88. 1734. James IV. A. D. 1488-1513. 1735-6. James V. A. D. 1513-42, No. 1737-S. Mary. 1739. Mary and Francis. 1740. Mary and Henry Darnley. 1741-2. James VI. 1743-4. Charles I. These two pieces were struck to pay the Earl of Stirling for his lands in America, which were ceded to France by Charles I. GREAT BRITAIN. 1745-6. Two small coins about as old as the commencement of the Christian era. 1747-8. Two brass coins of Allectus, the Roman usurper. 1749. Ethelbert I. (King of Kent). A. D. 560-616. 1750. Burgred (King of Mercia). A. D. 852-874. 175 1. Edred. A. D. 946-955- 1752. Edgar. A. D. 958-975. 1753. Canute. A. D. 1017-36. 1754. Edward the Confessor. A. D. 1042- 66. 1755—6. William the Conqueror. A. D. 1066-88. 1757-8. Henry I. A. D. 1100-35. 1759-61. Henry II. A. D. 1154-89. 1762-3. John, as Lord of Ireland. A. D. 1179-99. 1764-5. John, after his accession. A. D. 1199-1216. 1766-7. Henry III. A. D. 1216-72. 1768-70. Edward I. A. D. 1 272-1307. 1771. Edward II. A. D. 1307-27. 3 772-5. Edward III. A. D. 1327-77. 1777a. Edward, the Black Prince. A. D. 1362-73- 1776. Henry IV. A. D. 1399-1413. 1777-8. Henry V. A. D. 1413-22. 1779-80. Henry VI. A. D. 1422-61. 1780-2. Edward IV. A. D. 1461-83. I 7 8 3-5- Henry VII. A. D. 1485-1509. 1785^-8. Henry VIII. A. D. 1509-47. 1788^-90. Edward VI. A. D. 1547-53. CASE IV. Upper Section. GREAT BRITAIN -Continued. 1791-4. Mary. A. D. 1553-3- 1795. Philip and Mary. 1796. Philip. No. 1797-1802. Elizabeth. A. D. 1558-1603. 1803-10. James I. A. D. 1603-25. 1811-21. Charles I. A. D. 1625-49. 1822-3. The Commonwealth. 1824-38. Charles II. A. D. 1660-85. 1839-48. James II. A. D. 1684-88. I849-55. William and Mary. A. D. 1688- 1702. 1856-60. William HI. 1861. Anne. A. D. 1702-14. 1868-76. George I. A. D. 1714-29. 1877-89. George II. A. D. 1729-60. 1890-1925. George III. A. D. 1760- 1820. 1926-49. George IV. A. D. 1820-1830. 1950-64. William IV. A. D. 1830-37. 1965-2028;?. Victoria. A. D. 1837 . GERMAN STATES. 2029-38. Bracteates, of Germany. About A. D. 900 to 1200. Very thin silver coins, struck on one side. . 2039-2126. Prussia. A. D. 1545 . • 2127-50. Brunswick. A. D. 1599 . 2151-77. Westphalia. A. D. 1808 . 2178-2216. Hanover. A. D. 1687 . 2217-30. Nassau. A. D. 1773. 2231-68. Hesse. A. D. 1636 . Lower Section. GERMAN STATES— Continued. 2269-2340. Saxony. A. D. 1525 . 2341-3. Saxe-Weininger. A. D. 1829 . 2344-5. Saxe-Weimer-Eisenach. A. D. 1815 . 2346-7. Saxe-Coburg. A. D. 1765 . 2348-9. Saxe-Gotha. A. D. 1836 . 2350-73^. wurtemburg. a. d. 1 732 . 2374-80. Bavaria - Brandenburg - Bai- reuth. A. D. 1550. 2381-2. Anspach. A. D. 1762. 2383-4. Brandenburg - Anspach - Bai- reuth. A. D. 1769. 23S5-96. Bavaria Proper. A. D. 13 14 2397-2405. Palatinate on the Rhine. A. D. i860 . 2406-8. Bavaria (after the union). A. D. 1807 . 2309-44. Bavaria (Kingdom). A. D. 1807 • CASE V. Upper Case. No. CiERMAN STATES— Continued. 2445-72. Baden. A. D. 172 1- . 2473-84. Mecklenburg. A. D. 1764 . 2485-7. Waldeck. A. D. 1761 . 2488-91. SCHWARZBURG-RUDOLSTADT. A. D. 1S12. 2492. AnhalT. A. D. 1834 . 2493-5. Bernberg. A. D. 1794 . 2496-8. Oldenburg. A. D 181 6 . 2499. Reuss. A. D. 1812 . 2500-1. Hoheneohe. A. D. 1738 . 2532. Hohenzoleern-Heckingen. A. D. 1839 . 2503. HOHENZQLLERN-SlGMARINGEN. A. D. 1839 . 2504. LippE. A. D. 1770 . 2505. Lorraine. 2506. Mayence. A. D. 1794 . 2507-17. Medallic ducats. A. D. 1617- 1779. 2518-67. Bremen. A. D. 15 12 . 2568-86. NUREMBURG. A. D. 1521 . 2587-99. Hamburg. A. D. 1789 . 2600-13. Frankfort. A. D. 1666 . 2614-20. Coeogne. A. D. 1666 . 2621-6. Bamberg and Wurtzburg. A. D. 1693. 2627-35. Saeisburg. A. D. 1640 -. 2636. Stralsund. A. D. 1707 . 2637. Metz. A. D. 1650 . 2638-40. MUNSTER. A. D. 1693 . 2641-2. LOWENSTEIN. A. D. 1769 . 2643. HiedeshEim. No date. 2644. Henneberg. A. D. 1693 . 2545-6 Stoeberg. A. D. 1763 . 2647-8. Augsburg. A. D. 1693. 2649. Treves. A. D. 1619. 2650. Magdeburg. A. D. 1677. 2651-4. Mentz. A. D. 1730. 2655. Bacherach. No date. 2656. Wesee. No date. 2657. Spires. No date. 2658. Cobeentz. No date. 2659. Gold money of the Silver City. No date. 2660-1. JungstEin. A. D. 1516 . 2662. Mansfeldt. 2662a. Luxemburg. ITALIAN STATES. 2663-2701. Sardinia. A. D. 1755 . 2702-34. LOMBARDY AND VENICE. a. b. 1781 — . No. Lower Section. 2735-2829. Rome (Papal). A. D. 1620 . 2830-31. Marino. A. D. 1864 . 2832-78. Tuscany. A. D. 1567 . 2879-82. Lucca and Piombino. A. D. 1743 . 2883-90. Parma. 1628 . 2891-2939. Napees and Siciey. A. D. 1680 . 2940-4. Island of Malta. A. D. 1773 . 2945-50. Kingdom of Italy. A. D. 1866 . 2950^. Roman Republic. 2950/-W. Kingdom of Italy. 2950^. Monaco. RUSSIA, POLAND, etc. 2951-3043^. Russia, from Ivaii IV., A. D. 1583-4, to the present time. CASE VI. Upper Section. 3044-3058. Poland, from Sigismund I., A. D. 1538 to 1840. . 3059-3066. Finland. A. D. 1865 . 3067-86. Greece (Modern). A. D. 1833 • SELECTIONS. 3087-3224. A miscellaneous collection of the most interesting ancient and modern coins. 3087-90. Silver stater, obolus, and half obolus of ancient Athens. (Circa.) B.C. 400. 3091-2. Gold daric and silver daric of Darius of Persia. B. C. 520. 3094. Copy of a gold stater of Egypt, Ptolemy, and Berenice. 3095. Gold maneh of Ptolemy Philadel- phus. Head of Arsineo. B. C. 285-247. 3096. Stater of Cyrenaica. B. C. 200. 3097. Silver medallion of Syracuse. (Circa.) B. C. 415-405- 3098. Antimachus. Bactria, 3099. Eukratides. Bactria. (Circa.) B. C. 200-150. 3100. Bronze of Cleopatra, wife of Mark Antony, and last Queen of Egypt. B. C. 52-30. 3101. Denarius. Obverse head of Cleo- patra. Reverse head of Mark Antony. No. 3101a. Silver medallion of Cleopatra and Mark Antony. 3102. Stater of Alexander the Great of Macedon. B. C. 336-323. 3103. Stater of Philip, brother of Alex- ander. 3104. Stater, Seleuces I., Syria. B. C. 312-280. 3105. Stater of Alexander Balas. B. C. 152-144. 3106. Stater of Antiochus VI., Syria. B.C. 145-152. 3107. Stater of Antiochus IX., Syria. B.C. 116-95. 3108. Stater of Philippus, Syria. 3108a. Bronze of Ancient Philadelphia. 3109. As, Roman Republic. B. C. 500. 3110. Denarius of Augustus Caesar. B.C. 31-A. D. 14. 3 11 1. Denarius of Tiberius Caesar. The "penny " of the New Testament. 3111a. Silver medallion of Augustus Caesar. 31 12. Denarius. Simon Bar. Cochab (False Christ). 31 13; Denarius. Vespasianus. A. D. 69- 79- 31 14. Gold, Heraclius I., of the Byzan- tine Empire. A. D. 610-640. 31 15. Gold, Manuel I., of same. A. D. 1143-1180. 3116. "Widow's Mite," smallest of an- cient bronze coins ; weight, 16 grains. Apparently belongs to the age just pre- ceding the Christian era. Found in Jerusalem near the site of the Temple. 31 17. Jewish shekel of Simon Maccabaeus. B. C. (circa) 140. Obverse— The Pot of Manna: "Shekel Israel." Reverse — The Budding Rod of Aaron : "Jerusa- lem the Holy." Weight, 217 grains ; value, 55 yi cents. B. C. 143-139. 31 18. A copy of No. 31 17. 3118a. Half shekel of same. 31 19. A bronze piece of Herod the Great, King of Judea. B. C. 37-4. 3120. Same of Herod Archelaus. B. C. 4 to 6 A. D. 312 1 A Persian lead coin. (Circa.) B. C. 400. 3122. A Persian counterfeit of same. 3123. Counterfeit of Antiochus VII. of Syria. B. C. 138-128. 3124. Silver coin of Kay Khusroo II. of El Roun, A. H. 635. A. D. 1242. 3125. An ancient visiting card. No. 3126. A testoon of Peter I., Kingdom of Cyprus and Jerusalem. 3127. Penny, Amawry II., Jerusalem. 3128. Large bronze coin of Justinian I. 3129. Gold coin of Britain, prior to the second Roman conquest, or before the Christian era. 3130. Small bronze coin of Carausius, Roman Emperor of Britain. A. D. 287. 3131. Silver penny of Ethelbert I., King of England. A. D. 856-864. 3132. Penny of Harold I., England. A.D. 1036-39. 3133. Penny of William the Conqueror. A. D. 1066-87. 3134. Penny, Edward the Confessor. A. D. 1041-66. 3135-43. Pennies of Edward the Confessor cut into halves and quarters ; supposed to be issued from the Mint. 3144. Fourpence of Robert Bruce. A. D. 1306-29. 3145. Double ryal of Elizabeth, Queen of England. A. D. 1558-1603. 3146. Thirty shilling gold piece of James I., England. A. D. 1603-25. 3147. Twenty shilling gold piece of James I., England. 3148. Sovereign of Charles I., England. A. D. 1625-1649. 3149. Pound sterling, silver, same. 3150. Sovereign of Oliver Cromwell, England. 1656. 3151. Crown of same. 1658. 3152. Half crown of same. 1658. 3153. Shilling of same. 1658. 3154. Farthing of Queen Anne, 1714, England. 3155. Five-sovereign of George IV. 1826. 3156. Two-ounce gold of Port Philip, Australia; value, $39.50. 1853. 3157. Half-ounce piece, same ; value, $9.92. 1853. 3158. Denier of Charlemagne, France. A. D. 767-814. 3159. Denier of Louis IV., France. A. D. 936-54. 3160. Medalet of Marie Antoinette, Queen of Louis XVI., France. 3 16 1. Five-franc, Napoleon I., France. 1810. 3162. Twenty -franc, gold, Napoleon I., France. 1815. 3163. Five-franc, silver, of the Commune, Paris, during the siege of 1871, France. 1871. No. 3164. German crown of St. Stephen, the first martyr. 1631. 3165. Medal dncat of Luther and Melanc- thon, Bi-Centennial. 1730. 3166. German crown of Maximilian. 1615. 3167. Square ducat of the free City of Nuremberg. No date. 3167a. One thirty -second of same ; small- est gold coin known. A. D. (circa) 1560. Value, 7%. cents. 316S. Ducat of Hamburg. 1644. 3169. Crown dollar of Bavaria. 1833. 3170. Crown of Bavaria. 1828. 3 171. Crown-thaler of Prussia. 1861. 3171a. Four-ducat piece of Ferdinand and Isabella, Spain. 1476-1504. 3172-3. Double ducats of Ferdinand and Isabella, Spain ; value, each, $4.40. 3174. Crown dollar of Charles II., Spain. 1684. 3175. Silver coin of the Republic of Ven- ice. No date. 3176. Gold ducat of same. 3177. Five centessimi, copper, of the Re- public of San Marino. 1864. 3178. Five lire of Lombardy. 1848. 3179. Twenty lire, gold, same. 1848. 3180. Swiss crown. Obverse, a figure of St. Vincent ; reverse, a bear surmounted by a double-headed eagle ; both en- circled by a large number of small shields, bearing the arms of the different Cantons. Date, "1494." 3 181. African copper ring money. 3182. African gold shell piece. 3183-4. Shell, or cowrie money. 3185-97. " Bullet " gold and silver money of Siam. 3197 a-m. Tin, brass, and porcelain money of Siam. 319772-0. Corean coins. 2)ig7p-t. Anam coins. 3198. Ten taels gold, or ingot bar of China ; value, $235.50. 3199-3201. Silver taels of same. 3202-10. Glass coins of Arabian Caliphs of Egypt ; twelfth century. 321 1. Gold piece of Almazer, last Caliph of Bagdad. A. D. 1222. 3212. Gold piece of Alee-Mansoor. A. D. 1112. 3213. Dirhem, or drachm, of Mahommed, fifth Caliph of Spain. A. D. 854. 3214. Dirhem of Walid, Caliph of Da- mascus ; one of the earliest Mahommed No. coins ; Koran texts on both sides. A. D. 3215. Silver coin of the famous Caliph Al-Raschid. A. D. 806. "There is no God but Allah;" <4 Mahommed is the Apostle of God. ' ' 3216. Silver coin of Sapor, one of the fire worshipping kings of Persia. A. D. (circa) 300. 3217. Circular gold coin of Japan, similar to the Chinese. A. D. 1634. Value, $3.00. 3218. Ancient gravel stone piece of Bur- mah, encased in brass. 3219. Twenty piastres of Abdul-Medjid, Turkey. A. H. 1255. A. D. 1839. 3220. A Chinese dollar, very much de- faced, by a very curious custom, long in vogue by the Chinese merchants, of stamping every Spanish dollar with their private mark. The date is ob- literated. 3221-3. Cochin China. 3224. Cuban insurgent coin. 2>224 Obverse : Liberty head, wearing a cap, facing right. Fifteen stars. Above, "LIBERTY;" beneath, "1795;" size, 21. Reverse : An eagle with displayed wings, standing on a palm branch ; in beak, a laurel wreath. " UNITED STATES OF AMERICA." 1796. Same, with sixteen stars. 1797. No. 1. Same, with sixteen stars. 1797. No. 2. Obverse : Same, with sixteen stars. Reverse : An eagle with the United States shield upon its breast, a bundle of arrows in the right talon, and an olive branch in the left ; in its beak a scroll inscribed " E pluribus unum. " Around the head are sixteen stars ; above, is a curved line of clouds extending from wing to wing. " UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ' ' 1798 to 1801, inclusive. Same, with thirteen stars on the obverse. Of 1798, two varieties, with four and six stars facing. 1802. None issued. 1803 and 1804. Same as No. 2 of 1797. Thirteen stars. 1805 to 1837, inclusive. None issued. 1838 to 1865, inclusive. Obverse : Lib- erty head facing left, hair tied behind, a coronet on the forehead inscribed " lib- erty," thirteen stars, and date. Reverse : An eagle with the United States shield upon its breast, and an olive branch and three arrows in the talons. " UNITED STATES OF AMERICA." Size, 17. 1866. — Same, with a scroll above the eagle inscribed " in god we trust." Half Eagle. Authorized to be coined, Act of April 2, 1792. Weight, 135 grains ; fineness, 916^3. Weight changed, Act of June 28, 1834, to 129 grains. Fineness changed, Act of June 28, 1834, to 899.225. Fine- ness changed, Act of January 18, 1837, to 900. 1795. No. 1. Same type as the Eagle ; size, 16. 1795. No. 2. Obverse : Same. Reverse : An eagle, wings extended upwards, with the United States shield upon its breast, a bundle of thirteen ar- rows in the right talon, and an olive branch in the left. In its beak, a scroll inscribed " E pluribus unum." Around the head are sixteen stars, and above is a curved line of clouds extending from wing to wing. "united states of AMERICA." 1796. Same as No. 1 of 1795 ; fifteen stars on obverse. 1797. No. 1. Same as No. 1 of 1795. 1797. No. 2. Same, with sixteen stars on obverse. 1797. No. 3. Obverse : Same, with fifteen stars. Reverse : Same as No. 2 of 1795, six- teen stars around the eagle. 1798. ^ No. 1. Same as No. 1 of 1795, with thirteen stars. 1798. No. 2. Obverse : Same. Reverse: Same as No. 2 of 1795, thir- teen stars. 1799 and 1800. Same as No. 2 of 1795, with thirteen stars on the obverse. 1 801. None issued. 1802 to 1806, inclusive. Same as No. 2 °f I 795> with thirteen stars on the ob- verse. 1807. No. 1. Obverse: Same as No. 1, 1795, with thirteen stars. Reverse : Same as No. 2, 1795. 1807. No. 2. Obverse : Liberty head, facing left ; bust draped, wearing a kind of turban with a band in front inscribed " LIBERTY," thirteen stars, and date. Reverse: An eagle, with the United States shield upon its breast, an olive branch and three arrows in the talons. Above a scroll, inscribed "E PLURIBUS UNUM." " UNITED STATES OF AMERICA " 1S08 to 1812, inclusive. Same as No. 2 of 1807. 1813101815, inclusive. Obverse : Lib- erty head, facing left, wearing a kind of turban, a band in front inscribed " lib- erty. " Thirteen stars and date. No shoulders. Reverse : Same as No. 2 of 1807. 1816 and 1817, inclusive. None issued. i8i8toi828, inclusive. Same as 1813. 1829. No. 1. Same as 1813 ; size, 16. 1829. No. 2. Same, but smaller; size, 15. 1830 to 1833, inclusive. Same as No. 2 of 1829. 1834. No. 1. Same as No. 2 of 1829. 1834. No. 2. Obverse : Liberty head, facing left, hair confined by a band in- scribed " LIBERTY. " Reverse : Same as No. 2 of 1807, with the motto " E pluribus unum " omitted ; size, 14. 18 *5 to 1838, inclusive. Same as No. 2 of 1834. 1839 to 1865, inclusive. Same type as the Eagle of 1838. 1866. — Same type as eagle of same date. Three-Dollar Piece. Authorized to be coined, Act of Febru- ary 21, 1853. Weight, 77.4 grains; fine- ness, 900. Coinage discontinued, Act oi September 26, 1890. 1854-1889, inclusive. Obverse : An In- dian head, wearing a crown of eagle feath- ers, on band of which is inscribed " LIB- ERTY " — " UNITED STATES OF AMERICA." Reverse: "3 dollars 1854" within a wreath of corn, wheat, cotton, and to- bacco. Size, 13. Quarter- Eagle. Authorized to be coined, Act of April 2, 1792. Weight, 67.5 grains; fineness, 916^. Weight changed, Act of June 28, 1834, to 64.5 grains. Fineness changed, Act of June 28, 1834, to 899.225. Fine- ness changed, Act of January 18, 1837, to 900. 1796. No. 1. Obverse: Liberty head, facing right, above " LIBERTY " — sixteen stars. Reverse : Same type as No. 2 half-eagle of 1795, size 13. No. 2. Same with no stars on obverse. 1 797-1 798. Same as No. 1 of 1796, with thirteen stars. 1 799- 1 80 1, inclusive. None issued. 1802. Same as 1798. 1803. None issued. 1804 to 1807, inclusive. Same as 1798. 1808. Same type as No. 2 half-eagle of 1807, with i \2y 2 D." 1809 to 1820, inclusive. None issued. 182 1. Obverse : Same type as the half- eagle of 1813, size 12. Reverse : Same type as No. 2 half-eagle of 1807. 1822 and 1823. None issued. 1824-1827, inclusive. Same as 1821. 1828. None issued. 1829 to 1833, inclusive. Same as 1821, 1834. No. 1. Same as 1821. No. 2. Same type as No. 2 half-eagle of 1834, size 11. 1835 to 1839, inclusive. Same as No. 2 of 1834. 1840. — Same type as the eagle of 1838. Dollar. Authorized to be coined, Act of March 3, 1849. Weight, 25.8 grains ; fineness, 900. Coinage discontinued, Act of Sep- tember 26, 1890. 1849 to 1854, inclusive. Obverse : Same type as the eagle, without date. Reverse : "1 dollar 1849" with a laurel wreath, united states of America." Size 8. 1 854- 1 889, inclusive. No. 1. Same. No. 2. Same type as the three-dollar piece, size 9. Silver. Dollar. Authorized to be coined, Act of April 2, 1792. Weight, 416 grains ; fineness, 892.4. Weight changed, Act of January 18, 1837, to 412^ grains. Fineness changed, Act of January 18, 1837, to 900. Coinage dis- continued, Act of February 12, 1873. Coinage re-authorized, Act of February 28, 1878. 1794. Obverse : Liberty head, facing right, flowing hair, fifteen stars ; above, "liberty;" beneath, "1794." Reverse : An eagle with raised wings, encircled by branches of laurel crossed ; 1 ' UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ' ' On the edge, "HUNDRED CENTS, ONE DOLLAR OR UNIT." Size, 24. 1795. No. 1. Same. 13 1795* No. 2. Bust of Liberty, facing right, hair bound by a ribbon, shoulders draped, fifteen stars. Reverse: An eagle -with expanded wings, standing upon clouds, within a wreath of palm and laurel, which is crossed and tied. * ' united states of AMERICA." 1796. Same as No. 2, of 1795. 1797. No. 1. Same as No. 2 of 1795, with sixteen stars, six of which are facing. 1797. No. 2. Same, with seven stars facing. 1798. No. 1. Same as No. 2 of 1795, with fifteen stars. 1798. No. 2. Same, with thirteen stars. 1798. No. 3. Obverse : Same, with thirteen stars. Reverse : An eagle with raised wings, bearing the United States shield upon its breast, in beak, a scroll inscribed "E pluribus unum." A bundle of thirteen arrows in the right talon, and an olive branch in the left. Above, are clouds, and thirteen stars. ' ' united STATES 0E AMERICA." Size, 25. 1799 to 1804, inclusive. Same as No. 3, of 1798. 1805 to 1839, inclusive. None issued. 1840 to 1865, inclusive. Obverse : Lib- erty seated upon a rock, supporting with her right hand the United States shield, across which floats a scroll inscribed ** liberty, " and with her left the staffand liberty cap ; beneath, the date. Reverse: An eagle with expanded wings, bearing the United States shield upon its breast, and an olive branch and three arrows in its talons. "united STATES OF AMERICA." " ONE DOL-" Reeded edge ; size, 24 1866 to 1873, inclusive. Same, with a scroll above the eagle, inscribed, " in god WE TRUST." 1874 to 1877. inclusive. None issued. 1878. Obverse : Liberty head facing left, upon which is a cap, a wheat and cotton wreath, and a band inscribed "LIB- ERTY ; " above, " E pluribus unum ; " beneath, the date. Thirteen stars. Reverse : An eagle with expanded wings pointing upwards ; in right talon an olive branch with nine leaves ; in the left, three arrows. In the field above, " in god we Trust ;" beneath, a semi-wreath, tied and crossed, reaching upwards to the wings ; "united states of AMERICA." Some pieces of the above date (1878) were coined with eight feathers in the tail dur- ing the year, but seven have been adopted. Trade Dollar. Authorized to be coined, Act of Feb- ruary 12, 1873. Weight, 420 grains ; fine- ness, 900. Coinage limited to export demand ; joint resolution July 22, 1876. Coinage prohibited, Act of March 3, 1887. 1873-1883, inclusive. Obverse : Liberty seated upon a cotton bale, facing left ; in her extended right hand an olive branch ; in her leftascroll inscribed " liberty ; " behind her a sheaf of wheat ; beneath, a scroll inscribed "in god we trust;" thirteen stars ; " 1873." Reverse : An eagle with expanded wings ; in talons three arrows and an olive branch ; above, a scroll inscribed *' E PLURIBUS unum ; " beneath, on field, " 420 GRAINS ; " " 900 FINE." " UNITED STATES OF AMERICA." Size, 24. Half-Dollar. Authorized to be coined, Act of April 2, 1792. Weight, 208 grains ; fineness, 892.4. Weight changed, Act of January 18, 1837, to 206X grains. Fineness changed, Act of January 18, 1837, to 900. Weight changed, Act of February 21, 1853, to 192 grains. Weight changed, Act of February 12, 1873, to \i]/z grammes, or 192.9 grains. 1794 and 1795. Same type as the dollar of 1794. On the edge, V fifty cents or HALF A DOLLAR." Size, 21. 1796. No. 1. Same type as No. 2, dol- lar of 1795 with denomination, " ^," in- scribed on the base of the reverse. No. 2. Same, with sixteen stars on the obverse. 1797. Same as No 2, of 1796. 1798 to 1800, inclusive. None issued, 1 80 1 to 1804, inclusive. Same type as No. 3, dollar of 1798. 1805 and 1806. Same as No. 3, dollar of 1798. 1807. No. 1. Same. No. 2. Obverse : Liberty head facing left, wearing a kind of turban, with " LIB- ERTY " inscribed upon the band. Thirteen stars and date. Reverse : An eagle with expanded win^s pointing downward, bearing upon its 14 breast, the U. S. shield ; an olive branch aud three arrows in its talons ; above, in the field, a scroll inscribed " E pluribus undm;" beneath "50 c." "united STATES OF AMERICA,'" 1S08 to 1835 inclusive, same as No. 2 of 1807. 1836. No. 1. Same as No. 2 of 1807 No. 2. Obverse : Same. Reverse : An eagle with expanded wings pointing downwards, the U. S. shield upon its breast, an olive branch and three arrows in its talons, "united STATES OF AMERICA," reeded edge. 1837. Same as No. 2 of 1836. 1838. Obverse : Same as No. 2 of 1836. Reverse : Same ; ' ' half dol. ' ' for "50 c." 1839. No. 1. Same as 1838. No. 2. Same type as dollar of 1840. 1840 to 1852 inclusive, same. 1853. Obverse : Same with an arrow head on each side of the date. Reverse : Same with a halo of rays around the edge. 1854 and 1855. Same, without the rays. 1856 to 1865 inclusive, same, without the arrow heads. 1866 to 1872 inclusive, same, with scroll above the eagle inscribed "in god we TRUST." (Some have been occasionally met with, which were issued by the San Francisco Mint, without this legend in 1866.) 1873. No. 1. Same. No. 2. Same, with arrow heads on each side of the date. 1874. Same. 1875-1891. Same without the arrow heads. 1892. — Obverse : Bust of Liberty, facing right, wearing a Phrygian cap, and olive wreath ; band on forehead, inscribed " LIB- ERTY ; ' ' thirteen stars, seven facing, sep- arated above by the motto ' ' in god we TRUST." Reverse : An eagle with displayed wings, head to left ; in beak, a scroll ; with "E pluribus" on left, and "unum" on right. The ribbon of scroll passes be- hind his head ; in his right talons, an olive branch ; and in his left, thirteen arrows. On his. breast, the U. S. shield ; over the head, thirteen stars. Legend : " UNITED STATES OF AMERICA." Exergue : half-dollar " Columbian Half-dollar. Authorized to be coined, Act of August 5, 1892. Weight, 192.9 grains. Obverse : Bust of Columbus to right. Legend : "united states of Amer- ica." Exergue: "Columbian half-dollar." Reverse : A ship in full sail, to right ; below, two hemispheres ; in field, di- vided by the hemispheres, " 1492." Legend: " world's Columbian expo- sition, Chicago, 1892." Coined only in 1892 and 1893. 1893. Same as 1892 half-dollar. Quarter Dollar. Authorized to be coined, Act of April 2, 1792. Weight, 104 grains ; fineness, 892.4. Weight changed, Act of January 18, 1837, to 103 i/g grains. Fineness changed, Act of January 18, 1837, to 900. Weight changed, Act of February 21, 1853, to 9^ grains. Weight changed, Act of Febru- ary 12, 1873, to 6% grammes, or 96.45 grains. 1796. Same type as No. 2 dollar of 1795, with reeded edge; size, 18; fifteen stars. 1797 to 1803. None issued. 1804 to 1807, inclusive. Same type as No. 3 dollar of 1798, beneath, "25c." 1808 to 1814, inclusive. None issued. 1815. Same type as No. 2 half dollar of 1807. 1816 and 1817. None issued. 1818 to 1825, inclusive. Same type as No. 2 half dollar of 1807, size, 17. 1826. None issued. 1827 and 1828. Same type as No. 2 half dollars of 1807. 1829 and 1830. None issued. 183 1 to 1837, inclusive. Same type as half dollar of T807, with the diameter re- duced from size 17 to size 15, and a cor- responding increase in thickness and de- crease of the size of devices, and the omission of the scroll, inscribed ' ' E plu- RIBUSUNUM." 1838. No. 1. Same as 1837. No. 2. Same type as the dollar of iS-jo, with "QUAR. DOL." for " ONE DOL." 1839 to 1852, inclusive. Same as No. 2 of 1838. 1853. No. 1. Same. No. 2. Same, with arrow heads on each side of date, and a halo of rays around the edge. 15 1854 and I 855« Same, without the rays. 1856 to 1865. Same, without the arrow heads. 1866 to 1872, inclusive. Same, with the scroll above the eagle, inscribed " in god WE TRUST." 1873. No. 1. Same. No. 2. Same, with an arrow head on each side of the date. 1874. Same. 1875-1891. Same, without the arrow head. 1892. Same type as the half-dollar. 1893. — Same. Columbian Isabella Quatter-dollar. Authorized to be coined, Act of March 3, 1893. Weight, 96.45 grains ; fineness, 900. 1893. Obverse : A profile bust of Queen Isabella ; to left, ' ' united states of America." On right field, " 1893." Reverse : A woman kneeling to left, holding a distaff in her left hand, and spin- ning the thread with her right. ' ' board OF UDY MANAGERS." Exergue : " Columbian quarter." Twenty-Cent Piece. Authorized to be coined, Act of March 3, 1875. Weight, 5 grammes, or 77.16 grains ; fineness, 900. Coinage discon- tinued, Act of May 2, 1878. 1875 to 1878, inclusive. Obverse : Same type as the dollar of 1840. Reverse : An eagle with displayed wings, three arrows, and an olive branch, two of the leaves of which nearest the stem, together with those drooping from the centre, overlap; the terminating leaves on the end of the branch, however, do not. On each side a star. Plain edge. "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA." ' * TWENTY CENTS. ' ' Size 14. Dime. Authorized to be coined, Act of April 2, 1792. Weight, 41.6 grains ; fineness, 892.4. Weight changed, Act of January 18, 1837, to 41 X grains. Fineness changed, Act of January 18, 1837, to 900. Weight changed, Act of February 21, 1853, to 38.4 grains. Weight changed, Act of Feb- ruary 12, 1873, to 2 /^ grammes, or 38.58 grains. 1796. Same type as the No. 2 dollar of 1795 ; size, 13 ; fifteen stars. 1797. No. 1. Same, with sixteen stars on the obverse. No. 2. Same, with thir- teen stars on the obverse. 1798. No. 1. Same type as No. 3 dol- lar of 1798, with sixteen stars. No. 2. Same, with thirteen stars on the ob- verse. 1799. None issued. 1800 to 1805, inclusive. Same as No. 2 of 1798. 1806. None issued. 1807. Same as No. 2 of 1798. 1808. None issued. 1809. Same type as No. 2 half-dollar of 1807 ; size, 12. 1810. None issued. 181 1. Same as 1809. 1812 to 1813, inclusive. None issued. 1814. Same as 1809. i8i5to 1819, inclusive. None issued. 1820 to 1825, inclusive. Same as 1809. 1826. None issued. 1827 to 1836, inclusive. Same as 1809. 1837. No. 1. Same as 1809. No. 2. Obverse : liberty seated. No stars. Reverse : "one dime " within a wreath of laurel. " UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. " Size, 11. 1838. No. 1. Same as No. 2 of 1837. No. 2. Same, with thirteen stars. 1839 to 1852, inclusive. Same as No. 2 of 1838. 1853. No. 1. Same. No. 2. Same, with an arrow head on each side of the date. 1854 and 1855. Same as No. 2 of 1853. 1856 to 1859, inclusive. Same, without arrow heads. i860 to 1872, inclusive. Obverse : Same with "united states OF America " in- stead of stars. Reverse : " ONE dime " within a wreath of corn, wheat, cotton, and tobacco. 1873. No. 1. Same. No. 2. Same, with an arrowhead on each side of the date. 1874. Same as No. 2 of 1873. 1875 to 1 891. Same, without arrow heads. 1892. Obverse : Same type as the half- dollar, but in place of the stars and motto, is the legend "united states of Amer- ica," and the date below the bust. Reverse : "one dime " within a wreath of cereals. 1893-4. Same as 1892. i6 Half Dime. Authorized to be coined, Act of April 2, 1792. Weight, 20.8 grains ; fineness, 892.4. Weight changed, Act of January 18, 1837, to 20^ grains. Fineness changed, Act of January 18, 1837, to 900. Weight changed, Act of February 21, 1853, to 19.2 grains. Coinage discontinued, Act of February 12, 1873. 1794 and 1795. Same type as the half dollar , size, 10. 1796. Same type as No. 2 dollar of 1795 ; fifteen stars. 1797. No. 1. Same, with fifteen stars. No. 2. Same, with sixteen stars. No. 3. Same, with thirteen stars. 1798 and 1799. None issued. 1800 to 1803, inclusive. Same type as No. 3 dollar of 1798. 1804. None issued. 1805. Same as 1800. 1806 to 1828, inclusive. None issued. 1829 to 1873, inclusive. See dime. Three Cent Piece. Authorized to be coined, Act of March 3, 1851. Weight, i2)i grains; fineness, 750. Weight changed, Act of March 3, 1853, to 11.52 grains. Fineness changed, Act of March 3, 1853, to 900. Coinage discontinued, Act of February 12, 1873. 1 85 1 to 1853, inclusive. Obverse : A star bearing the United States shield. "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA." Reverse: An ornamented "C," within which is the denomination " III ; " around the border, thirteen stars ; size, 9. 1854 to 1858. Obverse: Same with two lines around the star. Reverse : An olive blanch above the " III," and three arrows below, all within the"c." 1858 to 1873, inclusive. Same, with one line around the star. Minor Coins. Five Cent Piece. {Nickel) Authorized to be coined, Act of May 16, 1866. Weight, 77. 16 grains; composed of 75 per cent, copper, and 25 per cent, nickel. 1866. Obverse : A United States shield surmounted by a cross, an olive branch pendent at each side ; back of the base of the shield are two arrows, the heads and feathers are only visible ; beneath, "1 866 ;" above, in the field, " IN GOD WE TRUST." Reverse: "5" within a circle of thir- teen stars, and rays, " united STATES of America." Size, 13. 1867. No. 1. Same. No. 2. Same, with- out the rays. 1868. Same as No. 2 of 1867. 1869 to 1882. Same as No. 2 of 1867. 1883. No. 1. Same. No. 2. Obverse : Liberty head wearing a coronet which is inscribed "liberty," thirteen stars, and date, "1883." Reverse: A "v" within a wreath of corn and cotton. Legend, "united states of America." Exergue, "E peuribus unum." No 3. Obverse : Same as No. 2. Reverse: Same, with "cents" as the exergue, and "E PLURIBUS unum " above the wreath. 1884. — Same as No. 3 of the preceding. Three Cent Piece. {Nickel.) Authorized to be coined, Act of April 3, 1865. Weight, 30 grains ; composed of 75 per cent, copper, and 25 per cent, nickel. Coinage discontinued, Act of September 26, 1890. 1865 to 1889, inclusive. Obverse : Lib- erty head, facing left, hair bound by a rib- bon, on the forehead a coronet inscribed " LIBERTY ; " beneath, the date, " united STATES OF AMERICA." Reverse : " in " within a laurel wreath. Two Cent Piece. {Bronze.) Authorized to be coined, Act of April 22, 1864. Weight, 96 grains, composed of 95 per cent, copper and 5 per cent, of tin and zinc. Coinage discontinued, Act of February 12, 1873. 1864 to 1873, inclusive. Obverse : The United States shield, behind which are two arrows, crossed, on each side a branch of laurel ; above a scroll inscribed " in GOD WE TRUST ; " beneath, the date. Reverse: "2 Cents" within a wreath Of wheat. ' ' UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ' » Size, 14. Cent. {Copper.) Authorized to be coined, Act of April 22, 1792. Weight, 264 grains. Weight changed, Act of January 14. 1793, to 20S grains. Weight changed by proclamation of the President, January 26, 1796, in con- formity with an Act of March 3, 1795, to 168 grains. Coinage discontinued, Act of February 21, 1857. 17 1793- No - *• Obverse : Liberty head, facing right, flowing hair. Above, "WB- ERTY ; " beneath, *' 1793." Reverse : A chain of fifteen links, within which is inscribed "one cent" and the fraction " T fo." "united _ STATES OE America;" reeded edge; size, 17. No. 2 Same, with the abbreviation "amerl" in the legend. No. 3. Obverse : Same as No. 1, with a sprig beneath. Reverse : ' ' one CENT " within a wreath of laurel. « « UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ' ' Reeded edge. No. 4. Obverse : A bust of Liberty, facing right, with pole and liberty cap. Above, "liberty;" beneath, "1793." Reverse : Same as No. 3 ; on the edge, "one hundred for a dollar." Size, 18. 1794 and 1795. Same as No. 4 of 1793. 1796. No. 1. Same. No. 2. Same, with hair bound by a ribbon, and without pole and liberty cap on the obverse. Plain edge: 1797 to 1807, inclusive. Same as No. 2 of 1796. 1808 to 1814, inclusive. Obverse : Lib- erty head, facing left, hair confined by a band, inscribed "LIBERTY." Thirteen stars and date. Reverse : " ONE CENT, " within a laurel wreath. ' ' UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ' ' The fraction ' ' T V is omitted. 1815. None issued. 1816. Obverse: Liberty head, facing left, the hair is confined by a roll, and tied by a cord, while the forehead is be- decked with a tiara, inscribed "liberty." Reverse : Same as 1808. 1817. No. 1. Same. No. 2. Same, with fifteen stars. 1818 to 1836. Same as No. 1 of 18 17. 1837. No. 1. Same. No. 2. Same, with the hair tied by a string of beads in- stead of a cord. 1838 to 1857, inclusive. Same as No. 2 of 1837. Cent. {Nickel. ) Authorized to be coined, Act of Febru- ary 21, 1857. Weight, 72 grains ; com- posed of 88 per cent, copper and 12 per cent, nickel. Coinage discontinued, Act of April 22, 1864. 1857 and 1858. Obverse : An eagle fly- ing to the left. "united states of AMERICA." Reverse : "one CENT," withiu a wreath of corn, wheat, cotton, and tobacco. Size, 11. 1859. Obverse : An Indian head, facing left, bedecked with eagle plumes, con- fined. "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA." Beneath, the date. Reverse : "one CENT," within a wreath of laurel. i860 to 1864, inclusive. Obverse : Same. Reverse : ' ' ONE CENT, ' ' within an oak wreath and shield. Cent. {Bronze) Coinage authorized, Act of April 22, 1857. Weight, 48 grains ; composed of 95 per cent, copper and 5 per cent, of tin and zinc. 1864. — Same type as nickel cent of i860. Size 12. Half Cent. {Copper.) Authorized to be coined, Act of April 2, 1792. Weight, 132 grains. Weight changed, Act of January 14, 1793, to io 4 grains. Weight changed by proclamation of the President, January 26, 1796, in con- formity with Act of March 3, 1795, to 84 grains. Coinage discontinued, Act of February 21, 1857. 1793. Same type as cent No. 4, 1793, with head facing left. On the edge, "TWO HUNDRED FOR A DOLLAR." Size, 14. 1794. Same type as the cent of 1794. T 795 to 1797, inclusive. Same, with plain edge. 1798 and 1799. None issued. 1800. Same type as No. 2 cent of 1796, with the fraction " a fo" on tne Dase °f the reverse. 1801. None issued. 1802 to 1808, inclusive. Same as 1800. From 1808, the fraction "200" omitted. 1809 to 181 1, inclusive. Same type as cent of 1808. 1 81 2 to 1824, inclusive. None issued. 1825 and 1826. Same type as cent of 1 808. 1827. None issued. 1828. No. 1. Same type as cent of 1808, with thirteen stars. No. 2. Same, with twelve stars. 1829. Same, with thirteen stars. 1830. None issued. 1 83 1 to 1836, inclusive. Same type as cent of 1808. 1837 to 1839, inclusive. None issued. 1840 to 1857, inclusive. Same type as No. 2 cent of 1837 ; size, 14. MEDALS. CASE XV. Upper Section. No. i -50. To officers of the army. 51-106^. To officers of the navy. Lower Section. 107-163^. Presidential and Indian Peace medals. CASE XVI. Upper Section. 164-180. Sub-National. 181-1823. Badges of Honor. 183-184. Diplomatic medal. 185-215. Miscellaneous. 216-232^. Officers of the Mint. 233-265. Miscellaneous. 266-288/". Annual assay medals. Lower Section. 290-300. Japanese medals. 301-317. Miscellaneous. 318-386. France. CASE XVII. Upper Section . 387-430. Prance — Continued. 431-488. Great Britain. 489-534- Germany. 535-587. Spanish America. 588-612. A series of medals of distin- guished men. Lozver Section. 613-622. Medals of distinguished men. 623-674. Russia. 674«-V. Medals of the Reformation. CASE XVIII. Upper Section. 67 ^d^o. Medals of the Reformation. 675-794/. Miscellaneous. 795- 8 79- Washington. Lower Section. Washington — Continued. CASE XIX. Upper Section. Roman Pontiffs. 10*35-1368. Martyn V., A. D. 1417 to In- nocent XL, A. D. 1676-89. Lower Section. 1369-1572. Innocent XI. to Pius VII., A. D. 1S00-1S23. CASE XX. Upper Section. Roman Pontiffs. I573~ I 79 T - Pius VII. to Pius IX., A. D. 1S46-1S7S. Lower Section. 1792-1856^. Columbian medals and badges of the World's Fair at Chicago, 1893. CASE XXI. Upper Section. 1857-89. Miscellaneous. Lower Section. 1 890-19 1 7. Marksmen medals of the Reg- ular Arinv. (IS) IDENTIFICATION OF COINS. The obverse of coins usually bears the head or bust of the ruler, with his or her name and title, if of a monarchy ; or a figure or emblem of liberty, if of a republic. The name of the country and date is usually on the obverse side. The reverse usually bears the national or royal coat of arms, and the denomina- tion of the coin. The name of the country is often given in Latin, and someiimes abbreviated, as follows : OESTEREICH (Austria). Bayern (Bavaria). Cambodge (Cambodia). Daniae, Dansk (Denmark). BEIGES (Belgium). Bras. (Brazil). Francaise (France). BriTanniarum (Great Britain). DEuTCHES Reich (Germany). Hamb. (Hamburg). D'ITaua (Italy). NorGES (Norway). NethERI,anden (Netherlands). NOREM (Nuremburg). Peruana (Peru). Portug. (Portugal). PreuSSEn (Prussia). Bspana (Spain). Sachsen, Sachs (Saxony). Sueriges (Sweden). Helvetia (Switzer- land). MINERALS. The mineralogical Cabinet embraces several hundred specimens. Among those of interest to visitors are : A fac-simile of a nugget of gold from Australia ; the value of the original was about $23,000. A speck of gold, extracted from 5 ozs. of lead ore ; it represents one part in 6,220,000 parts. The speck is so minute, that it would require several hundreds of them to make a cent's worth of gold. It is curious as a specimen of minute assaying. A number of rare specimens of gold, silver and copper of peculiar shape. A vivianite, or phosphate of iron, the largest specimen known. An agate geode, from Oberstein, on the Rhine, which, being cut in half, exhibits the curious structure of such geodes. And many more interesting specimens, which, for want of space, we cannot enumerate. ( 19 ) BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX— COINS. No. Abu-Said . # 4513-16 Abdel Hamid, Turkey 4250-7 Abdel Medjid, " .... 4294-4356 Ableassi, Georgia ........ 4480-1 Abgarus I. , Edessa * ...... . 237 Adolphus Frederick, Sweden .... 3446 Adolphus, Grand Duke, Nassau . . 2230 Aelius Caesar, Rome 681 Aemilianus, Rome 891-3 Agathocles, Bactria 257 Agathocles, Sicily ■ 238 Agrippa, M., Rome 551-2 Agrippa, Sen., Rome 568 Agrippina, Jr., Rome 578-9 Ahmet III., Turkey 4236-8 Aladdin Mohammed, Hindostan . . 4588 Akbar, Hindostan 4595 Albert, Duke of Prussia 2040 Albert I., Bavaria 2374 Albert II., " 2386 Albert, Charles, Bavaria ...... 2390 Albert, Belgium 3646-8 Albert, B. Philip, Mansfeld .... 2662 Alee-Mansoor, Egypt 3212 Aloyscious, Mocenigo, Venice . . . 2713 Albert, Saxony Case IX Alexander III. (the Great), Macedon 149-54 Alexander IV., Macedon . . . .159-61 Alexander Balas, Syria 217 Alexander II., Epirus 235-6 Alexander I., Scotland 1723 Alexander III., " 1727 Alexander, Anspach 2381-4 Alexander Charles, Anhalt 2492 Alexander VIII., Pope of Rome . . 2739 Alexander Medicus, Tuscany . . . 2834 Alexander I., Russia 2983-90 Alexander II., " 3021-42 Alexander III., " 3043^:-^ Alexander I., Bulgaria 2>7 Q1 P Alexius I., Byzantine 1 162-4 Allectus (Usurper), England . . . 1747-8 Alfonso VII. , Portugal 1653 Alfonso XII., Spain 1647-8 Alfonso XIII., " 3224/ No. Alhafed, Caliph, Egypt ...... 4505 Almahdi, " Bagdad 4494~5 Almaser, last Caliph of Bagdad . , .3211 Alum, Hindostan 4518-20 Amadeo I. , Spain 1646 Amyntus II., Macedon 143 Amaury II., Jerusalem 3127 Anastasius I. , Byzantine . . . 1098-1102 Anastasius II. 1 130 Andrew I., Hungary i486 Andronicus I., Byzantine 1169 Audronicus II., " ... .1170-2 Anne, England . 1 861-7 Anne, Russia 2961-4 No. Antigonus I. , Macedon 162-7 Antimachus, Bactria 252 Antiochus I., Syria 209 Antiochus III., Syria 211 Antiochus V., " 212 Antiochus VI., " 219 Antiochus VII., " 220-2 Antiochus VIII., " 223-2230 Antiochus IX., " 3107 Antiochus IX., " 225 Anthony, Saxony 2312-19 Antonia, daughter of Antony, Rome, 563-4 Antomus Marcus, Rome .... 513-33 Antoninus Pius, " 682-95 Apollodotus, Bactria 258-60 Aquilia Severa, 2d wife of Elagabalus, Rome 800 Arcadius, Byzantine 1087-92 Archelaus, Herod, Judea 3120 Ariarathes VII. , Cappadocia . . . 247-S Arioburzanes III., Cappadocia . . . 249 Assalah, Diarbeka 4485 Augustus Caesar, Rome 534~49 Augustus I., Saxony 2271 Augustus III., " 2280-4 Augustus, Spires 2657 Augustin I., Iturbide, Mexico . . 3776-S4 Aurelianus, Rome 949-51 Aurelius Marcus 699-711 Azes, Bactria 26.1 (20) Balbinus, Rome 829-30 Baliol, John . . . .• 1728 Basilius I., Byzantine 1140-1 Bazodeo, Indo-Scythia 282^ Bedreddin, Lulee . 4490-3 Bela IV., Hungary 1487 Belzee, President, Bolivia 4051 Benedict XIII., Papal 2744 Benedict XIV., Papal ...... 2754-9 Berenice, Egypt 3093 Bernard, Saxe-Meiuingen .... 2341-3 Bolivar, Simon, Bolivia .... 4045-50 Boyer, Hayti 4116-20 Brutus, Marcus (Rome) 508 Burgred, King of Mercia 1750 Caesar, Julius, Rome ....... 500-7 Caligula, " 570-2 Canute, England . 1753 Caracalla, Rome 771-6 Carus, " 962-3 Carinus, ■ , " 969-70 Carausius. " 3130 Cassander, Macedou 156-7 Catherine I., Russia . . . 2959 Catherine II., " 2971-80 Charles III., France 1180 Charles VII., " . 1189 Charles VIII., " 1190-2 Charles IX., " 1198 Charles X., " 1301-8 Charles X., Pretender, France . . . 1203 Charles V., Germany 1385 Charles VI., " 1407-11 Charles VII., " 1412 Charles II., Spain 1538 Charles III., " 1562-77 Charles IV., " 1578-84 Charles I. , England 181 1-2 1 Charles II., " 1824-38 Charles, Brunswick 2 14 1-5 Charles Wm. Fred., Brunswick . 2146-50 Charles II. , Sicily 2893-6 Charles, Westphalia 2169-72 Charles Alexander, Saxony .... 2340 Charles Fred., Saxe-Meiningen . . 2344-5 Charles Eugene, Wurtemburg . . 2352-5 Charles VI., Hamburg 2596 Charles, Lowenstein 2644 Charles Wm. Fred. Charles Albert, Charles Ludwig, Charles Philip, Charles Theodore, Charles Frederick, Bavaria 2380 • • 2390 • • 2397 . 2398-9 . 2400-8 2446-8 Charles, Waldeck 2485 No. Charles Augustus, Hohenlohe . . . 2500 Charles, Hohenzollern Hechingen . 2502 Charles V., Duke of Lorraine . . . 2505 Charles VI., Bremen 2534-8 Charles Emanuel III., Sardinia . . 2663-4 Charles Felix, Sardinia .... 2682-90 Charles Albert, " ..... 2691-3 Charles Louis, Tuscany 2863-5 Charles V., Naples 2891-2 Charles, Prince 2897-9 Charles VII., Sicily and Naples . . 2900-5 Charles IX., Sweden .... 3413-15 Charles XL, " 3441 Charles XII., " 344 2 ~3 Charles XV., " 3470 Charles XIV., " 35i3"H Charles XIV., Norway . .... 345!- 6 3 Charles, the Pretender, of Spain . 1543-6 Charles L, Roumania 370 is Charlemagne, France 3158 Christian Ludwig, Brunswick . . .2132 Christian, Bavaria 2375 Christian IV., Denmark 3321-3 Christian V., " •■•*.. 3326-8 Christian VI., " 3339 Christian VII. , " .... 3344-51 Christian VIII. , " .... 3377-8 Christian IX., " ... 3401-11/ Christian IX., Sweden 3334 Christian V., Norway ....... 3505 Christian VI., " 3506 Christina, Sweden 343^-9 Claudius, Rome 573~7 Claudius Gothicus, Rome 942-5 Clement X., Papal 2736-40 Clement XL, " 2741-2 Clement XII. , " 2745-53 Clement XIII. , " 2760-1 Clement XIV., " 2762 Cleopatra, wife of Ptolemy VII. . . . 205 Cleopatra, " Mark Antony, 3100-itf Clodius Albinus, Rome 756-S Clodius Macer, " 588 Commodus, " 732-7 Constans I., " .... 1028-31 ConstansIL, " ...... 1126 Constantinus, the Great, Rome . 1009-13 Constantinus II., " . 1022-27 Constantinus IV., Byzantine. . 1127-28 Constantinus X. , " . . .1147-9 Constantinus XII. , " . .1156 Constantius I. , Rome 99 1-2 Constantius II., " 1032-40 Constantius III., " 1077 Cornelia Paula, wife of Elagabalus, Rome 798-9 No. Cornelia Supera, wife of Aemiliauus, Rome 892-3 Cosinus II., Tuscany 2835-8 Cosmus III., " 2844-8 Cotys II., Numidia 243 Crispina, Rome 738-41 Crispus, " 1017-18 Cromwell, Oliver, England . . . 3150-3 Dalmatius, Rome 1020-1 Darius, Persia 3091-2 Darnley, Henry, Scotland 1740 David I., " 1724 David II., " ... 1729-30 Decentius R 1044-5 Demetrius, Syria 213-16 Demetrius II., Syria 218-rr Diadumeniauus, Rome ..... 787-8 Didia, daughter of Julianus, Rome, 748-50 Diocletianus 975-82 Domitianus, Rome 627-32 Domitia, wife of Domitianus, Rome . 633 Domitella " Vespasian " . 614 Don Miguel, Portugal 1693 4 Drusus, Sen., Rome 552 Drusus, Jr., " 562 Eberhard, Louis, Wurtemberg . . 2351 Edgar, England 1752 Edred, " ... 1751 Edward, the Confessor, England . . 1754 Edward I., England 1768-70 Edward II., " 1771-5 Edward III., " ....... 1772-5 Edward, the Black Prince .... 1775a Edward IV., England 1 781-2 Edward VI., " 1789-90 Elagabalus, Rome 789-97 Eliza, Lucca and Piombino . 2880-2 Elizabeth, England 1797-1802 Elizabeth I., Russia 2966-9 Elizabeth, Belgium 3646-8 Emanuel de Rohan, Malta .... 2941-4 Ernest Augustus, Hanover .... 2178-9 Ernest Augustus, Duke of Han- over 2204-12 Ernest, Saxe-Gotha . . . 234S-9 Ernest Frederick, Duke of Han- over ... . 2346-7 Ethelbert, King of Kent 1749 Ethelbert, " " England . . . 313 1 Etruscilla, wife of Trajanus Decius, Rome '. 875-8 Eukratides, Bactria 251 Euphemia, wife of Anthemius, Rome, 1084 No. Fathe-Ali, Shah of Persia ... 4440-1 Faustina, the Elder, Rome .... 696-8 Faustina, the Younger, Rome . . 712-23 Faustin I., Hayti 4123-4 Fausta, wife of Constantinus the Great 1014-16 Felice and Eliza, Lucca and Piom- bino 2880-82 Ferdinand III., German Empire, I39 1 . 1394-96, 1399-1401 Ferdinand I., Austria 1453-60 Ferdinand I., Austria and Hungary, 2723-9 Ferdinand I., Hungary 1490 Ferdinand I., Hungary .... 1 507-11 Ferdinand III., " 1496 Ferdinand IV., " ... . 1497 Ferdinand VI., Spain . . . . 1557-61 Ferdinand VII., " 1585-87 Ferdinand, same, " ... 1596-1613 Ferdinand and Isabella, Spain . 1529-30 Ferdinand and Isabella, " . . 3172-3 Ferdinand VI., Mexico .... 3726-32 Ferdinand VII., " 3752-7 Ferdinand I., Sicily 2924-32 Ferdinand II., " 2935-9 Ferdinand II., Tuscan}- .... 2839-40 Ferdinand III., " 2860-1 Ferdinand III., " 2866-S Ferdinand I., Parma 2883 Ferdinand IV. , Naples 2906-19 Ferdinand II., Bremen 2539 Ferdinand III., " 2523-5 Ferdinand II., Nuremberg 2581 Ferdinand I., Poland 3447 Ferdinand II., Belgium 3649 Ferdinand, Bulgaria 3701^ Ferdinand Maria, Bavaria ..... 2387 Flacilla, Rome 1072 Florianus, " 956-7 Francis L, France 1195-6 Francis I., Old German Empire, 14^-14 Francis II., " " 1416-1S Francis I., Austria 1431-52 Francis Joseph I., Austria . . 1472-85 Francis I., Nuremberg 2582-3 Francis II., Hamburg . . . . 25S7-93 Francis Joseph, Hungary . . . 1518-25 Francis I., Sicily 2933-4 Francis II., Tuscany 2839-40 Francis, Scotland 1739 Francis HI., Tuscany 2850-1 Francis L, Muuster 2639 Frederick, German Empire .... 1383 Frederick II., Elector Prussia . . . 2041 Frederick III., " " . . 2042-3 >3 No. Frederick I., King of Prussia . . 2044-5 Frederick II., " (< . 2046-59 Frederick William II., King of Prus- sia 2060-5 Frederick Wm. III., King of Prussia 2066-90 Frederick Wm. IV., King of Prussia 2091-8 Frederick Wm., Westphalia . . 2157-62 Frederick Wm., Hildesheim . . . .2643 Frederick II., Hesse-Cassel . . 2233-41 Frederick I., Saxony 2275-7 Frederick III., " .... 2293-2311 Frederick, Schwabeck 2379 Frederick, Baden ....... 2467-72 Frederick. Mecklenburg 2473 Frederick, Waldeck 2486 Frederick, Archbishop, Bremen . 2518-22 Frederick III., Denmark 3321-3 Frederick IV., " .... 3328-38 Frederick V., " 3340-3 Frederick VI. , " .... 3352-76 Frederick VII., " ... 3379-3400 Frederick V., Norway 3507-12 Frederick III., Germany . . 3224^-af Frederick Augustus I., Saxony . . 2275-9 Frederick Aug. III., " . . 2286-91 Frederick " IV., " . . 2320-36 Frederick, Grand Duke, Nassau . 2220-2 Frederick Aug., Poland 3044 Frederick Christian, Saxony .... 2285 Frederick Christian, Hanover . . 2376-8 Frederick Ulric, Brunswick .... 2128 Frederick George, Prussia ... 2064-5 Frederick Wm., Mecklenburg . . . 2484 Frederick Francis, " . 2474-80 Frederick Gunther, Schwarzburg- Rudolstadt ' 2488-91 Frederick Wm. Charles, Hoheu- zollern-Hechingen 2502 Frederick Carl, Wurtemburg .... 2350 Frederick Wm., " . . 2356-7 Frederick Albert, and Christian, Bavaria 2375 8 Gaston, John, Tuscany 2849 Galba, Rome 589-94 Gallerius Maximianus, Rome . . 995-8 Gallienus, " . . 901-5 Gelinarius, " . . . mi George I., England 1868-76 George II., " 1877-89 George III., " 1890-1925 George IV., " 1926-49 George, Wesphalia 2163-69 George Lewis, Hanover 2180-1 No. George II., Hanover 2182-7 George III., " 2188-98 George IV., " ... 2199-2203 George V., '.' 22,13-16 George I,ouis, and Christian, Silesia, 2507 George, Saxony ... 2270 George Henry, Waldeck 2487 George Charles, Wurtzburg .... 2626 George, King of Greece 3083-6 Germanicus, Rome 265-8 Geta, " 780-3 Ghazon, Tartar King of Persia . 4510-12 Ghiaseddin, Hindostau 4593 Gordianus II., Rome 828 Gordianus III., " 834-43 Gortazes, Persia 187 Gratianus, Rome . : 1061-4 Gregory XVI., Papal, Rome . . 2779-86 Gustavus Adolphus, Sweden . . . 3435-7 Gustavus III., " ... 3447-8 Gustavus Adolphus IV. , " ... 3449 -50 Gustavus, Stolburg 2645 Hadrianus, Rome 661-77 Harold I., England 3132 Helena, first wife of Constantius 1. . 993 Henry II., France 1197 Henry III., " 1200-2 Henry IV., " 1204-5 Henry I., England 1757-8 Henry II., " 1759-61 Henry III., " 1766-7 Henry IV., " 1776 Henry V., " 1777-8 Henry VI., " 1779-80 Henry VII., " 1783-5 Henry VIII., " ..... .17850-1788 Henry Julius, Brunswick 2127 Henry, Duke of Reuss 2499 Heraclius I., Byzantine Empire . . 1 122-5 Herbert, Count of Maine 1183 Herennius Etruscus, son of Trajanus Decius, Rome 879-80 Hermaes, Bactria 261-3 Herod Agrippa II., Judea 250 Herod, the Great, " 3119 Plerod Archelaus, " 3120 Hieronynius, Salisburg 2627 Hiero II. , Agathocles ....... 240 Honoria, wife of Valentinianus, Rome, 1082 Honorius, Rome 1074-6 Hooerkes, Indo-Scythian .... 2§?.a-b Hostillianus 881-2 Humbert I., Italy 2950/-W* 24 No. Innocent XI. , Papal 2737 Innocent XIII., " 2743-4 Isabella II., Spain 1614-39 Isaccus II., Byzantine Kmpire . . 11 70-2 Iturbide, Mexico 3776-84 Ivan IV. , Russia 2951 James III., Scotland 1733 James IV., " 1734 James V., " ..... 1735-6 James VI., " ...... 1741-2 James I., England 1803-10 James II., " 1839-48 Jayne II., King of Aragon ... . 152S Johannes, Usurper, Rome 1080 Johannes I., Byzantine Kmpire . 1 152-5 Johannes II., " " . .1164 John V. , Portugal . ...... 1657-71 John VI., " T689-90 John Maria, Regent, Portugal . . 1685-8 John Baliol, Scotland 1728 John, Ireland 1762-5 John I., Bohemia 1393 John II. , France 1188 John, Archduke of Austria . . . 1461-71 John Sigismund, Hungary 1491 John Frederick, Brunswick . . 2129-31 John the Constant, Saxony .... 2269 John George I., " ... 2272-3 John George III., " .... 2274 John, 2C-d, 738, 783, and Reverse of the Columbian Exposition Award Medal 1893 Balzar, Pet I545« Barre, Albert . . . 119-20, 339, 390, 394, 396, 601 Bianchi, I. . 1737-8, 1 740-1. ^747, « 752-3, 1760, 1764, 1766-72, 1774-7, 1780, 1783-8, 1 790- 1 Borrel . 336, 352, 354 Bovy, A 322, 324-5, 429, 674V Brandt 590, 606 Brenet 403 Bruun, H. R 239c Calker, B. C. V ' 190a Cannois 358-9, 391 Cappuccio . 1793-4 Caque . . 329-30, 338, 346, 349, 351, 353, 355, 357, 395, 426, 591, 593, 597, 613 Cerbara, Giuseppe . . . 1611-16, 1602-3, 1608-9, J 623-4, 1626-7, 1629, 1636-7, 1638, 1672-4, 1679-80, 1685-6, 1689, 1694, 1695-6, 1703-5, 1710, 1713, 1716, 1719, 1726, 1728, 1744 Cerbara, Nic. . . 1619, 162 1-2, 1727, 1732, 1736, 1739, 1 75 1 Cerbara, Joseph . 1647-9, ] 652-4, 1658-9, 1661, 1667-8, 1681, 1735 Chaplain . 1879 Chardigney 692 Christesen, V 1857 Cropanese I793~4 Cross, P. F 88-9 No. Dassier, I. A. . 673, 708 Daville : • 1628 Denon . 202-3 Depaulis 386, 393 Desboetus 621 Dewys 674^ Dmitrey 642 Domard 34.8 Droz, J. P 432 Dubois 772 Dumarest 401 Dupre 12-13, 51-2, J 89-92 Durand 1886 Ellis, S 91-2, 138-9 Farochon 321 Falkner 212-13, 4^9 Ferenczy . . 1607 Furst . . . 19-40, 60-85, 114-T16, 120-5, 105-7, 164-5, 229, 707, 794, 1949 Galle 342, 347, 399, 413 Gass, LB 641 Gatteaux, E. . 331-2, 366, 371, 711, 1890 Gayrard .... 387, 603, 618, 622, 1717 Giorgi, L 306 Girometti, G. . . . 1617-18, 1620, 1625, 1632-5, 1651, 1655, 1656, 1662, 1664, 1697-8, 1701-2, 1709,1711-12, 1715, 1778, T782-3, 1787-8 Girometti, Petrus . 1671, 1676-7, 1711-12, 1729-31, 1733-4, 1742, 1746 Girometti . . 1605-6, 1630-1, 1640-2, 1644, 1646, 1650 Halle, E 794