\ v * A v V ■f $ % -^ - ^ ^O 1 * o T£* > 4? <- & ^ tpftye authors and pro- prietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned,' and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, en- graving, and etching historical and other prints." CHAS. A. IXGERSOLL, Clerk of the District of Connecticut, A true copy of record examined by me, Chas.A. Ingersoll, Clerk of the District of Connecticut. ■ dptftd for a*o ap^nc, from the beginning. 2. Dieresis (") separates two w vould otherwise form a diphthong; as *aig a child. 3. This mark (:) is the note of interrogation in Greek ; as, tout, «-a. pronouns 'Era and 2T. Sing. Dual. N. tyw, I, 'N. A. vwi, vw, G. i\xov t or jxou, of me, my D. ipLoi, or M*h to me, G.D. voTv, v£»v A. i^e, or fJ.5, me, N. A. tf^wT, 0*9 £>, Plural. N. yj^t-sr^, we, G.r^awvjofuSjOur, D. vjjutrv, to us, A. fyxas, us, N. rt5, thou, G. jr, masculine. Nouns ending in pa, a pure,* and a contracted, haro the genitive in a$, and the dative in a. SINGULAR. life. glory, a shadow. | s!.'\v ir,l. a Persian. N. %u-r) (5og-a tfxi-a rafxi-a^ ruy-* G. C«-fc ; 1' M • N. A. V. £c*j-a 66£-a tfxj-a rafju-a niptf-a G. D. £u-alv <$6g-aiv tfxi-ajv ca^i-aiv Ilfptf-ajv PLURAL. N. ^cj-ai (SoJ-ai tfxi-ai cajxi-ai Il/ptf-aj G. £w-wv 6&g-£v tfxi-wv 1, Sfe, f. Z//e. H. l H.vj, article from 6, £j, to. *H\i-a£, ou, m. Elias. v^£-a, a.£, f. a day. vjjxwv, gen. pi. from syu. $r-ra, r^c, f. defeat. . e. daXatf-tfa, tf'/)£, f. a sea. , j ^ TIV Ivavriov u/xwv. 'II (fxir)v>j jxou edViVapat-Ji daXatftfj]. *H eWoX?j fxou eVr/v apx^ £'- 'II /3ouXvj £. 'EtfW 9&jv^ xpauyr,g Jv cai£ (Txrjvar;. f II ^X*) M- 011 ^ r ' * a p' ^M^v. 'II pwvi) cifc f)f4*iK ^^^ £ ' v *£ J Terminations in a. 'EflViv ouia -jrapa tfaXatftfav. Ai £vro\ai (foj firi aX/;;' OJx Ztf~\\ slpr t vYi iv rj) xap5ia f H BatfiXeia ;jl 'civ. Nuv fcVriv yjjXcpa Cwcrpia^. 'II aX/j^eia i xapJia ftou. Terminations in r> and at. Hep/ ttJ£ ^t£< LESSi *Ev dpxv ? v ^ ° ^ 7 ^ xa ' ^* ¥ i * a< ® £ * 07V 6 Xoyos. "Otfou £jV/v 6 tfyjdai Kai 7; xapoUi lp*N. e O o/xo£ /xou, o/xo£ «r 'Ap^ /xsv wvia ftjg c/uaprr ivaro£. A0701 eitfi rpo(pig j fjwxprvpia rou Kupj'ou l O 0£oV (£dovo£ £tf«$. Ta aSuvoLTa fctpa uvfyCwroig, djvara Ian *apa (- € v6/ao$ (l(f. *A£io£ yap o £p7"- rr )S j £fx^ oux Itfriv sx rou xoVfiou c o J r o u. O ur 6 £ JaViv 6 dXrjdivos Gilg xai r\ Qui, aiuyog. A u r r\ r) dtfdsvsia oux cflYi },. THIRD DECLENSION. 13 The pronoun, rtg, who, or some one, is varied according to this declension. a month. hope. a body. who? N. 6, fATJV rj, s'Xtf-fc ro , tfCJfl -ct jv-a iX^j-5a* tf&fJL -a -a, ti V. fArjv £Xff-/£ DUAL. (fOJ/X -a N.A.V.fX7]v-ff JX^j-^s (Toj,aa-Tg ;f N. A. V. N. Tar-a'fgj G. vrar-igog, gog TCtT-fPS, £5 G. iraT-s'^wv D. tfOLT-Egl, Pl D. tfar-^atfi A. tfa«r-g£a G.D. A. iroLT-SPOLg V. tfOLT-Gg «ra X | r u p f' J. 1 To (f u fji a ujxwv £V7i va^ 7ou ayi'oj f v f j ji r ;. J Oux sd'ri irpop>)7T)£ un^os, sj jat) £v rrj « a r p i 6 i A a ' 'O <$£iXo£, r>js * a 7 p i 5 g l «po5orr& I Oi 5s y 1 y a v 7 f j 5 T^av (tr^re) lr\ r b caTf Tjuspali txei'vaic;. *0 ctvrjp IdVi XH^aXr) a. (4) carpi. (5) yfya* (6) yw7>. (7) raHp. (8) 5oojj. (9) dxpfe. (10) coiixtjv. ATTIC GENITIVE. CONTRACTS. 15 ATTIC GENITIVE. Many nouns in ig, i, ig, evg, have the genitive in eus, and the nominative plural in si£, after the Attic Dialect. Sing. Dual. Plural. N. xpijp-sa, r] G. D. A. rpirip-sag, sig V. v avTt D. r-atfi, ao'aic J a'T{ G. D. iA. C-avra£, atfa£, avra tf-avroiVjatf-jV. tf-avj£ -ou D. * oXX-cj -fj -co A. rfoX-uv -X?;v -6 V. rfoX-u -\rj -y Sing, (great.) N. piy-OLg -aX>) -a G. jxgyaX-o'j -tjs -ou D. /xgyaX-w -7j -w A. fjt-g'y-av -aXr,v -a V. jxs'y-a -aXr] -a N. A. V. ttoXX-co -a -6 G. D. tfoXX-oIv -an/ -on/ Dual. N. A. V. lisycik -w -a-w G. D. fjLg^aX -oiv -aiv -o»v N. tfoXX-oi -a i -a G". CToXX-WV -GOV -wv D. tfoXX-oJs -a?£ -o~g A iroXk-ovg -ag -a V tfoXX-oi -a i -a Plural. JN. juig^aX-oi -ai -a G psyoJh-uv -cov -cjv D fJLg^/aX-oig -atg -oi£ A. fi.syaX-oi>£ -a£ -a V. fJ.g/aX-01 -a i -a. 18 LESSON ON THE THIRD DECLENSION. Lesson on Adjectives of three endings in the third declension, E j g J0V1 05o£, xai oux eVnv O v 8 s i g (siTrjv) d} Kai oux gVriv iv aXXw o *0 0£o£ xai s at i at a v j oixia rou Ilarpoj fxou jiovai e oXXai £iViv. *II cro'Xi^ (fori) fXaTira 4 xai /x £ y a X tj, xai' • Xafc oXiyo$ iv air E'kTjv g£v*i nc o X X a xai patfiXfiig ja £ y a X o i i To iXsog (fou (?-o7a£, uia$, o7a V. ciro^-ofes, ufai, o'7a. 2d Future Active. Sing. N. rurf-wv, outfa, ouv G. «w-ouv7o£, Sifttf, ouv7o^ .T-ouv7i, &<>'!)$, ovtfa, ov G. SiS-ovl' r 'v7o£ D. 5:5-ov7i, o'jtfji, A. <5i5-ov7a, oiJtfav, V. 6i8-oCg y o\j. & - " iv, OjtfCUV, irmL ,v7a G. <$l(S-6v7ojV, OUtfWV, 0'. D. <$«5-oiJ D. £?. you»,uv7oiv. ml. ■«7«* . \rti lie Ionic. N. htir-ug, wtfa. G. to U. »tfr-o5ri, utf/j, ( A. : tfav, oj* N, \. \ G. D. fttfc-ijroiv, wtfaiv. These Participles should not be committed to memory, until the pupil h :' them in the lesson on par; pies in Part Second. Plunl. t-wtwv, uxfwv, uruw 'of, wra AJECTIVES OF TWO ENDINGS. 21 Adjectives of two endings in the third Declension. Plural. Plural. M. &f. ; N. rpsTg, rpi'a (three.) X. reVo'ap^c, £a-~f\ V. dXrfiig. ( iXi^-ioivjorv • ia-r\ Dk ri M. ft P. N. !. ,V F. ;p — wv, ov(foolUh.) V. V. ova -ovo£ • C-JV D. a^p — ovi | p-0tfl A. aqjp — ova, ov G. D. 3£j ova -ov aqjp-ovoiv ova Comparatives in wv are declin ppwv, except that in BOme instance con- tracted into w ; as, |tf *'£:■> for jju o oves and ovof into ©i* ; The remaii form being less com- mon, are here omitted. 22 LESSON ON ADJECTIVES OF TWO ENDINGS. Lesson on Adjectives of two endings in the third Declen- *£v X^P* g| ^' Tt »^ f, S c £ tf (f a p I 'II xpitig 'H Xijxvr, eVW p -r X *j p tj f q^Jwv. (>uro£ d X i? ij £ eVci, xou dJixia iv a>£ ojx tVrtv. Aoga xa< I f 9 a X V xr%Mfr> c*. 3 Ai 6601 cwv d T(jv ij ui7pr w p*a d X y, d >j f £(fnv. Ourof & Xao£ a< c 1 6 tj $ fa *Oc5o£ cJ(fs/3ous f«». -r X »j p tj £ d} uv . Yiof d 9 p w v (fori) Xjcrj ri; fMfrpL 'H xaptfi'a a;povuv : : ppttfwjf. 'II ZixsXia (tVW) vr.tfof f u i a i jjl w v. A! «oXei£ cot; { a 1 ft 1 1 f f xai ftf/*- Xai. Kapiiai cwv d^p/vcjv k] X 1 T ? ill A 1 griftf aucou £>fpoi, cpg*/3;WJof. urinative plural; as, tfcj^pwv, (wise) tfw^povgf, tfuj^ovt'c: ^pov- •tfcarof : Wpr. r>o£, ffpev£<7raco£. 5. {; turns *c of the a lira] into itfrspo^, itfra- CKjflBk^p^ ' ious) apra^g; ; apra^ iV7*po£, apTa- A les in i* have, be- larcom- 1 ; as, yXixJg (sweet) yXuxiwv, yXu- is sometimes changed with the preceding consonant into -tftfwv, and by the Attics into -m»; as, IXa^ (small) { ^^ JJM ^ obsolete |i 21 COMPARISON OF ADJECTIV A few adjectives in og derived from substantives, have, besi lar comparison, another in tun and *Ak% from the oriL' r, (from xaXXos) xaXXiuv xaXXirfof. ^P''^» hostile, (from fc'x^) ^ ,wv > b^itf*. re more irregular. toX^s (much) cX.iwv (more) cXfiff'c* (most) '** (greatest) irpo. prep, (before) rp "of (highest) good. or. best. I - v t ' \ ::o:n \-\pr;;, Mars. dya f77» WV i *p*^°ft u " om *pa7* strength, 4m*o;, /3fX7iw»' /&X7irf*. xax (worst) xaxoc: (bad^ v ADDITION W. KIl.KS OF V I. The con governs the genitive when r, than, is o II 1 placed | 1 some numerals e plural. LESSON ON THE COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES. 25 Lesson on the Comparison of Adject . Jixaiorfpog ificu. Outoi ol i J i x a i 6 7 a 7 o i owravruv. 'O 5«<5atfxaXG<: w7a7ii. pa, -rXourof atfdsvea'rs'pa. f H U: : v O^vafjLij ( o i g, Ij <$g 9povT)(Tif f\ « ps 'II xaXXitfr »j o£o£ cp 'O »i(Tru , xai Ev *roXX£J c*tf7o£ gV7iv. . r X £ i o v e g I rou. Ol * X e T #7 o i av^pwToj CjVi xaxoi. o; p. (i ^ u v ; . aucou. Ai fj 5og *oXei£ sitfiv TI iTaprrj xai ai ' : rr£ co'Xfuc 'PwjXiQf. Ojl • 1 avlpwcoi, 6ouX«i tou 0eou i>}/ i tf 7 o u li i Jfxat67a7oi. o e 7 rg ak-^pag (itfri) alperurspof. 'H yp-V/]<7»£ xai / litff ra piyttfr* dyaAa cw» aV 3- 26 rifi verb, Ei/jl«, I am. Sing. Present, am. 1. »W, _ I am, 2. sTg or sf, thou art, 3. IdTi (v, 1. I v. 2. > tl)0U 3. r) or ^v, he was ; Indicative. Dual. Plural. litffiiv, we i itfrov, Itfrov, 'iflW, you are, js/Vi (*, are. >jrov, rf. (But little U9ed.) or will be. 1. fcV 2. f Infm. Pres. sfvai, Fut. frstfdcu, Part. Pres. Fut. teiiitog. LESSON ON THE VERB ElfAI. 27 ADDITIONAL RULES OF SYNTAX. I. F -ion, property, or duty, go- verns the gen II. abeo, to have, governs the dative. III. Any adjectiv h has g-n to or for after : I ilicativt of EJfJ *Ev r. Bt/SaioVacai u rpo£ caf(5a£, xaj caitf/v cpo£ 7 v. . ajgi *pof >pa$, xai eraipoig rpo£ {caip 'II ptyfani c£. toi; votfwv itfriv >j civaifota. c>j dpiffrspa a xai 6d£a, .. Tupavvig XP^* f^* ^aXfpov, coXXc» j oJpav5 v. 'O iraXouos oivo£ XP 7 '^ 7 ©r^aupos ixiyag i.>; a u a : .ra CfoG (itfri) xru :Vr rarqp tX^ci* £<3vwv. Kai Ifwreu «umf 6i(5axro« r "O xl'cjv *po£ ra$ d>jpac "*/jlc<: xoli cj o$ c»;v puXr> • * Look : jiing of xurjxof. LESSON ON THE VERB ElfJU- 29 € 5s fuxpoVspos iv rfi /3a7S dpsrr,£ ,ao'vai (Sefiaiai sitftv. Uao v wv twv dpsrwv yjycacjv sVriv >j tilfifJsWL f H rupavvi£ d£ixia£ fx>jrrjp sVt/v. *H ) >j £c fAa^tfi^ dvsu 9^- £a>£ 2XXm OJx ICnv oi)<5c\ xps^ov - \si *0 napvatfffos jUL5)a xai (futaiov opos sVriv. xa dpsrr t g }<$wv fiivroi, ouro£ 6 Ijulo$ *d. spyd7ai oXiyoi. Gvt)7o£ fX£v ou<$SJ£ $V7tv st^ai'jjLwv dv/jp. 'Ape?/,, jjti^ia^ov twv dcaiv (Swpov, deia i<*7/ xai dddva7o fcVcar f/ ojv to £ co £v ot £ . potfi xou co~£ dya6oJg 9 xaj ^^ro7f f 7ij jj*i jfA6pa 6 'HpwSrjs. *H iiSr\ % M outfa xou 6 f Epjxrj£. 'Eyw s/fJU o dprog r\ £wrj. 2u fi/xi 6 ulo£ 6 0so£. 'H akri&eia oux ej'jjli £v r]TTj^. 'O dvdpwflros ei/jLi dvrjTo^. 'npa 5/fAi us Ssxarog. Ou ffjjXI c'x?i. EifXi <$ouXo£ *j afjwxpria. E/fXi ix o *api(faio^. OUX £l/XI &)£ 6 U-JTOXpIT^ ffjjXJ. Eifxi X a P a tfu '* 'Oflrou £yw eijxi * XSI xai S/ V' ^ u « E/|X* Xifxo£ xai Xoijxog £v ixsivog The epistle of Proca to her sister. The counsel of my sister be- fore the peace. In the beginning of the king- dom of the Persians. In the days of Herod. The songs of the Muses and of Hermes. I am the bread of life. Thou art the Son of God. The tr uth is not in you. We are children of God. Ye are sons of the prophets. Men are mortal. The hour was about the tenth. We were not there. Ye are servants of sin. They were of the Pharisees. Thou shalt not be as the hy- pocrites are. There shall be joy to you. Where I am there also shall ye be. There shall be famines and pestilences in those days. * Dative Plural. 32 EXERCISES IX TRANSLATING. Exercises in turning English into Greek Neupov xa.i 'Avfyowoff 6.- ; o£, 6i> Neavfyoff si/x' *^pio£ h • 'Ev ^XSiVOff O TOCOff. -pa. 'Ev fl A>J. roff Xo} :Df. 2u c/jxj ex o'rc^r ; @SOff SifJLJ Maxapioff f /fjLi . >.of tfu Ouroff J) J 'Ev aCrog %ur) Sifxi. ^Epyov 6*xaiOff I £u>j. Maxapioff f»- . I bone3 are with- out reason. Good men are friends to .but those of his brother righteous, lord of th«. ion. ae. je words are : rkL God was among tl Blessed are these thy ser- liis son. m was I U of the ; are a fountain of life* eased a of oupavoff.* OufOff SlUA Tj 11/ ♦iXoff *ioVoff a|ioff iram* is are worthy of praise. IIow fijfiLi ouTOff xarr,yopz; <5i , are these thj % H f^aprupia Kjp*off ii/xi i ( hir h re not of the night, or of Oux tfjxj (£x) vug oW And there WM in th f irSyn - ctvdpwro^ sv tfvsufxa dxadap- T0£. Oux effJLj sv to Eyw oux sjjxi utfo vojxos,* dXX gogue a man with an un- clean spirit. There is no truth in their mouth. We are not under law, but under grace. N«g**£,Up«*b« ^•5«"" 1 Night and day he was in x ? ' n r , ♦!><* mAiintains and in the gv f^vrjfJLa gi(Xi Ei>» <5s <5uva7o£ iv X070S xcu iv Jp/ov. Kai tflpi tfag 5i5ax1o£ 6 0£og IIoXSfJLO^ rffM <5sivo£. O *oXS[AO£ 6lfi.l 6elV0£. the mountains and in the tombs. He was powerful in word and deed. And they shall all be taught of God. 3 are dangerous. I The wars are dangerous. Genitive. 36 RULES OP SYNTAX. PART SECOND. RULES OF SYNTAX.* Agreement. 1. Substantives signifying the same thing, agree in case. 2. An adjective agrees with its substantive in gender, number, and c h its nominative in number and ral of the neuter gender, col rb. the singular, often take a verb 5. T ves singular, coupled I oon ral. .e same case after it as be- fore it. when both woi > the same thing. Relative. 7. T antecedent in geiv bum) numl • attraction in the same h the ant as, f3ifS\Me »1 9 W • ■ . ■ < •. .- I • tween the re! ami e nominative to the verb. * The l . First are her- U may be found together. RULES OF SYNTAX. 37 But when a nominative comes between the relative and the verb, the relative is governed by some word in the sentence. Government of Substantives. 10. One substantive governs another signifying a different thing in the genitive. Sometimes the dative is used for the genitive. 11. An adjective in the neuter gender, without a sub- stantive, governs the genitive. 12. If one of two substantives expresses some quali- ty or circumstance of another, it is often put in the ge- nitive.* Government of Adjectives. — Genitive. 13. Adjectives signifying any affection of the mind, govern the genitive. 14. Adjectives of plenty and want, power, participa- tion, diversity, and separation, govern the genitive. 15. Adjectives denoting dignity, worth, price, crime, and innocence, govern the genitive. 16. Partitives, and words placed partitively, compa- ratives, superlatives, interrogatives, and some numerals, govern the genitive plural. Dative. 17. Adjectives may govern the dative which hare the sign to or for after them in English. * In Adam's Grammar the rule is given thus ; " If the latter substantive have an adjective of praise or dis- praise joined with it, they may be put in the genitive." But in many cases, both in Latin and Greek, no adjec- tive is used, but the substantive itself expresses the quali- ty or circumstance. Hence the form adopted above. 38 I-ES OF SYNTAX. 18. profit or disprofit, likeneas or unlik* i the dati Gfj I'crbs. — Geniti \g possession, property, or (1 any affectum of 1, go- ng or giving part in any thing, go- ke, obtain, en- . filling and depriving, gov :»e inferior, be- gin on, govern the ge- niti i are included ihose of prohibiting, erring, absta:: \c Do >r habcO) I ms the (L fit JMI, follow :ne. Uni included verbs which denote to onl accuse, 1 to, injure, help, and ress the idea of approach or con- vert* whose action cannot be RULES OF SYNTAX. 39 performed without approaching the object ; as, to fight, associate, meet, pray to, adore, fawn, vie, be attentive to, and many others ; as. py epstii^e roTg yovsutfi, do not con- tend with parents. 29. Any verb may govern the dative, which has the sign to or for after it in English ; as, rrag dv^p aurw irovsT } every man labours for himself. 30. Verbs compounded with lv, fcrf, tfapa, ; to tin '-reljctf, I K 1 double consonants. Pi- (0 Tau-mute Bmooth. «- 1 X Cognate. r He. jS 7 i R01 ; X I \ VERBS. 43 4. If e the augment of al « ; as, £■** -ponding */n< ^jw, xs-^OT;xa for ^ 2. W b begins with a double consonant or tie second is not a liqui 9 T hird future follows the iarksand is the cry in ci-tfa is the tense-form of the first fu- ture. VERBS. 45 ROOT. The root of a verb is that which remains, when the augment and tei. re taken aw the root of W-tfw, g-ri-tfa, and Xsy is the root i aracterislic. i letter of a root is called its chara Thus 7 is the characteristic o: 7 )-f old roots* M two-fold root, i. e. an obsolete sim- ple or short root, whic i into the ng long i 1\./: e c is a strengthening, 1 is generally *, more rarely one of the other Pi-nuues, /3 or 9 ; as, Long root, To'ztu xpJcrw £a*rw rtroot, Trno \*n 2 1 -tftfcj. In these the true characteristic is usually y, more rarely one of the other kappa-mutes, x or x . Long root, *paaj and -pwrea. The true root is short ; as, -ent, dWXXw, Root, iTLAO. Present, tcjavw, Root, TEMQ. So in ^"->.**-A) ci-cv9a (cs-cvcJl) VF.Rns. 47 Conjugate sVIigj, faga*: u, tL'w, <5axpJw, X'jgj, ^gj, xgjXow, £>ouXc 1. Verbs in **,*#, and ow, generally lengthen the character Examples for practice ; <5?,X- :w, XP U " cf&w. 2. Some verbs introduce € before t: form, in the perfect and fir «i X plw > C P' W > r, ^ w > * s ^ II :BS. Characteristic^ one of s, (r, 5, 6,) or £. iese drop the tau-mute and £ in the future (Rule 4, page 4 i insert € in the per- fect and fir^' Pres. 1 Fut. rC pass. 1 Aorist past. Ct<$ -j()w, dyopa^oj, £yyi£w, l-mute is pr» oth letters are dropped, and the pn : as, Some verbs in £ belong to the tl ss, and have the future in %u ; as, xpa£w, *p«£^. A few have the fu- ture in ygw ; as, XfiVw, /3X*Vu. IV KATI'A VKRB3. Characteristic, a kappa-mute, (x, 7% ^) or tftf, rr« r re-forms. Pre*. 1 Fut. act. Perf. pa*. 4T>ix -W cXg'-Jw* C£-r -J»jV. Xfy -u Xi -£o* -jx/u /^f-X" w &?*-&* /Si-ops-xa ^ -4ijv. * For f . cXix-tfu, Xfy-tfu, /3p£-x-4u, bv uniting the mute and tfaX- Xw. Many verbs of this class are irregular in the perfect and other tenses. 1. Verbs in sivw, and those of two syllables in Xw and pw, change s into a before xa of the perfect j as, xrei -vcj xrs-v« £x-ra -xa ix-ra -fxai sx-ra -$7jv. (frgX-Xw tfrg-Xw £j-TaX-xa 6. P. --'j -v -«7« -ov ! I ). -a7ov -a7ov P. -afxfv . Ut -:/"; -fl?l I >. p. 1 1, imperative. -fi7ov-/7cj¥ -a7sv -alun alt -a7wrfa7 -i7* (ftfav) wanting. 2d Aor. 2a r Perf. M. 3 l>. -$l*h P, -dfACV.f7l -ov like the Perf. Act -=7w, Ac. through all the moods 2d Plu p. Plup. M. declined like the 1st Pluperf. Active. Voice.] verbs. 53 Optative. Subjunctive. Infinit. Partic. rvirl -OIJXI -0I£ -01 -Oj7ov-oi7yjv -oi,a£v-oi7s -01 sv rj g' u y o u a* i, fjjxgfc Jg £ i gj x o p £ v. 2u Xg*y g i g 6Vi ficufiKeCg EifU. $6,6og oux sVtiv s*v t^ ayatfj), dXX' *] rgXgi'a dydifii &£« /3 a X X g i which lose v before a consonant, resume it before a vowel ; as, ifx^vw, evgjxsvov. Ride. Prepositions in composition lose their final vowel, if the simple verb begins with a vowel ; as, sWx w > for Izsi&xu ; except -scrap* and tfpo, and sometimes djuu- (f s v.* Oi iroXsfHoi ctflrs^wpT) (favj vuxro's. *Ey co dflfotfrsXXco ufxaj w£ *rpo'/3ara Iv j&eVgj Xwccov. Oi ave/xoi xai >; ddXatfcfa u -r a x o j o u (f i v cxutcj. 'Exsivos dtfe'tfTgiXsv auro'j^ sfe £ u y s r £ xa/ tfwi/aT£ ra£ -N^yls u|Xo3v. ! E r o i (/. a tf a r g o v aura xa/ /3 a X £ aVo (fou. MeTvov /jt£0 ? Tjfjiwv o-ri tfpos stftfipav etfri, xa< xsxXixev 77 @ s part sv si s - fj.s?vai. J qpp VERBS. 65 Promiscuous. Kai yyetgev 6 KCgicg tfoj7>jpa tco Xa£) xai gtfWsv a07oi>£. 2u El o avrig o ^diV^S Touto."* NojLtj^w 8s ufxaj fywi s/var *ra7f Wa, xa/ jvS£ tfufj^aXoVrs^, wxgr£ i^akovTSg sig t>}v tfoXiv, tfoXXa ^p>;|uia7a gXa§ov. Kai atf/xsvoi gXa£ov tfpopaa'jv 0'ja'-o 1 aai- D. -ofxs^ov-s^ov-s^o) P. -o.asda -sT^s -ov7ai wanting -tifj Paulo post Fut. S. TslC-ls-oLxcu-ri -slat : -ov7rci wanting Perf ofpure verbs. ■>>]- or, -o. S. -/xai -Jai-rai D. -]U.e<)ov-tf<)ov-j70V Tucpd-rjvai ruqj-dgfe -eir\$ -Bit] -eirflov-etiflri* •sirfls -sir\(fcLv flMT-fi -?£ -yj -yj7ov -7}7ov -0JJX6V -y;7s -Wffl ruflr-ijvai rutf-si's -oio -oi7o -cifl^ow-oitfdrjv -citfdg -oiv7o wanting. T'jj fjuxp7upia dXi^rj^ gY7iv. Au7rj >} X ^ ^ ^^ Tg«rXrjpw7ai. 5 „ 5 8 Ei yap vsxpoi oux iysipovlaif oj<5i Xpij. Paulo-post-fut. 'Ejao/ XgXg/^grai 12 aXycf. To /3gXo£ Tg76ggu(Tg7a i. 13 First Aor. 'H y g f S r, 8 6 Kuftof. 'EflraiisiS&w 7 Mw- j£ wpas g'xgi'vrjs. (1) yvwp!£w. (2) Tafdtftfw. (3) /3Xd<7TTW. (4) ypa; tf v t a 1 3 a$Sap7oi. Second Aor. 'Ev rcjj jut-rjv. d; 4 s 1 a i' ] iV^upo7epov a&xfac. * Imperative. Pres. Outoi ^oxijULa^gtfSwtfav 7 rpafto*. Perf. TotfoC7ov X 6 X i x ^ w - 8 First Aor. 2xo7/cr£>j7w. Ta^^vai. 14 First Fut. Olo/xai .Aiwva a i . ; 3 a 1, 1 ' Second Aor. To ^ (IS -± > s O CD a -4- ^ — o 5 8 -3 -3 v 5 5 '5 •> §1 o t» 3^ QQ-DO* si 1? I* 0X3 "5 8 i£ 5 « & «P t^> § 2 S GrCl ^ *-3 5-1 ^ o ^ CJ -H r- 1 2 aj Pl, P P c3 CD "73 *£ > P CD rf c3 P-, -*s<* -^ *^ - :§£ s ^ c s > .a « -^S ^ T3 uj CD <^ ^ Ph^ ^5 o^5 1 &SP * S « fcJD CD t* rH 5-1 t 2 ^^ b 'ACiav xa7s(r7pf4 / a7o. 5 Mar | a 7 o, 6 rflig oix ccj^tj- tfg7ai 7 a- 'O (pi\og fil7}5 rapa rou caT;:- caps'XaSov. ' 'AXsx7puovS£ rjywvi^ov lo 11 sv rcj QsclIw fxioig Jj/xspag tou In many instances the distinctive meaning of the mid- dle voice is traced with difficulty. (1) ratfrfw, ranged themselves. (2) Xo'w. (3) fe«ipu>. (4) {pyXatfCcj. (5) xa7o5 el ^ T ° Xoitfov j -w -a£ -a -ayj7ov-a737ov -a7ov -a7ov -OLUlXSV-OLTtls-OLUtfl -WjULSv -a7s -wtf* 71/x -anv -av rif/, -awv -wv zn ew. ^}*X-S0lfJL| -£0I£ -£01 -0?fW -0?$ -0? -£oi7ov -coi7r)v -oricv -oH^v -£0l|X£V-£0l7s -50ISV -orjLtev -oHs -o?ev ? -w -jfc -J| -gr)7ov -t'yj7ov -yj7ov -9j7ov -SW|X£V-C7]7s -swo^i -WfJLfv -r;7s -wtfl 91X -s'siv -SJV (plX -6WV -WV 2/1 OW. 6ljX-00lfJH -OOlg" -004 -or/jw -oTg -o? -6oi7ov-ooi7?jv -o?7ov -oHyjv -OOlfASV -09l7s -o'oieV -or^sv -oHs -oFcv 5*jX-o'w -0>j£ -07J -w -o^: -o? -ot)7ov-oyj7ov -w7ov -w7ov -owfxsv-6rj7s -oootfi -W/LlSv -cj7s -wtfi 5t)X -osiv -GUV <5>jX -owv -wv asi to r\ and 77. 78 ACTIVE VOICE. Lesson on contract verbs. AQ. *Hpe~s dy air w julsv '. t ij jSo£ au7£v. 2oj -.. -oij. D. -SOjJLS^OV-ft'T^OV-. fltuv -foifUdov \4&%*-$7;v -oovi • D. gJrjX-oo/xriov -Citf^O* •0JjLt7]V -OU - 'fov and Middle.] contract verbs. — ative. GATION IN CCGJ -aoio -aoi7o -£jo -cJj7o -aoitf^ov-aoi^Tjv -aoii\ojg x 7 w, 1 fXT^ ca. " ,- (frg Mr\ Xkou t ! ^3. X j «r o u l*i roTg ctldy Tov iwv (r)iov

aS)pM ;xr\'* faspav dyac;, 1 avdfwcov, pijtfJ, £r7w. Mi'Xwv 6 ex Kp67wvo£ d&XijI jov dpajmsvos 2 lipsps <5id *roi> cla&iov \t£v«v T1JV /xvt; 2w>. i'va irfdictfiv, a. •jrpos tov 2^oXa(f7. d^opatfar tcj Ji jULOi, oux ixofj. (1) ^jaofiai. (2 xp»*- not be LESSON FR03I HIEROCLES. 85 2p(oXa;s £/£ <5sn'/Aa -jrspi- d&jv tfjjaiv 4 Jvrwv, 5 6 o/vos =Xa77ou7o. 8 r/ E7ejPo£ Imtsv* O^a, junj xa7o, " -:*]. f O <5s, aaa$tV7a7s, Bv, ou to >; aXXa to avw^sv fxipocr. S^oXao^iXo^ Wwv ff7pou(. - ;pou, Xa#pa uTtitfsXSojv £(pa- *rXwtfa7o 7 tov xoXcrov, xaj irtis to $c'v$pov, w£ uirofogo/Acvos Ta tf7po'j^ia. 2}(oXatf7ixo£ fjia^jjv 1 o7j 6 xo'fa£ ocrip tol oiax&Via I7ij £tj, dyopoufct.g xopaxa e< 2yoXatf7ixo£, vauor -»vaxi&*£ fpsi, 1 I'va <5ia$r;xa£ ypcupj)' rovg 5i olxilag opwv aXyoov7ac: 5c ^aXxov, xa< apTUp Xi^vouc: xa7a(p£pcj'. - i z r t v dvy-p 0t77aXo£ r * Is thus. (1) xaia3i£fwa'xoj. (2) op:c. (3) aufX/w. (1) opaw. (2) ap^oaai. (1) 9>)fX<\ (2) ^ivofXflu. (3) cirf: FROM PAL.EPHATUS. 87 dn^avav, 4 aXXa CuXXa€ov7t£ 5 a07ov /xo'vov xalg'^wa'av, 6 xai o{J7w$ s7eXso77ja'ev. "EXsyov oO v oi ActtfiSai, avsXofxsvoi 7 tqv vsxpov aJ7o£, xai v £ufov7fe£ fjuv^ r£7pwjX£vov 8 ro Cwfjia, Kaivsvg rov «■£ dXXov /3iov al guflos -?v, xai dtfiSavsv 4 d7*w7os. EUROPA. ^atf/v, Ejpw^y t-^v ((?uya7ipa)4>oiv;xo3 i*trtu>gw o^oufjisvrjv 1 <5*d r»j£ ^aXa77r]^ ex Tufo'J t» : £ Kp^7ijv d^ixsVJai. 2 'Eju-g* 5i JoxeroU7e «*aupov, o'dcT i'rrcov ro0*ou7ov crsXa^os (Siavutfai SCvatf- har' 1 o'ule xo'prjv sVi" raupov aypiov dva'c>jvai. 4 l O Tc ZsC^, Si ic6^Xc7o EupiJ-rvjv £<£ Kpf r rr,v s'KhsTv, 5 tup=v G dv aurrj £7ipav Topslav xaXXiova. To <5i d; J. Avr,p KvcLtfios, ovofia7i Taupos, eVoXifASi T>iv Tupiav ^pav. TeXti/Ia^v 6s 1% TJpou TjpT'atJ'gv 7 ciXkag rs xopac:, dXXd £4 xai tt^v tou /3a- tfiXiojs Suya7ipa, Eiipcjc syov ouv oi dv^pojcroj, Eupuwrrjv r^v ro(J /3a • o6ov fici- I -trips 61 'fete; xai fxpu/xfxjvov, xai rd *i6ui cXt j-axapitfr /xs7d 5£ cou7o, MaxputfS' (2)1^(0. (3) ep^ofjtai. (4: g a - -X> •«X3 3 1 NH ! :£ c i 1 - — •s J=- d ^ i •="0 *^2 *5 '3>*3 i3 - • ■ > i3 a. 13 - - C - C 5> r5 « ;$. <^5 8^ H i^l ^ O U3 =» Ul „ 3. 13 > o r^ i *o 5 .5 3 3 . • u> a rt o o <-o T > . a -» > >= *** <^> <>o > v- ..^-.^ *«T <*? > 1 a U5 T— t - tO «-0 4 ^ 92 FOURTH CONJUGATION OF VERBS I Indicative. Im: 1). l\ -UjLL: | Im. ' :0ov| P. - 3 .-vtfd< First ( TpsTg xpa7>';pa£ i*tf 7 a " f ~ ~ ' ~ . a i ro apaa. Aa$ ap^a^ x a * i ;- x a v. 4>aC/ oivixa£ oux eg dp'x/iS -tysw 3 ra 7p«./xpLa7a, dXXa g rucouf fA57a^ervai ptvtv. A"ivoc. i I (5 • tf 3 of, on |] ruw &n/Saiu* tc>jv, of i' Jon ^ spoof «rav7a£. rM Conjugation. ' jvrfj cc ., ett >o 4 aov owe!- c £ f t • 1 1 ) XP GV °> <5 t i x v i C ■ •>i.'CtJV. ;\Xa<$o$ 6 . x v u r a i cw cpoVw i% ■ ■ - (I) es*©\y. (2) in the Olympic games. (3) mow. (4) ** EXERCISES IN TRANSLATING. 95 \g English into Greek. active v Present. -. we Vxoucj, C| TCJ, Ot^CJ, VITTCaJ, CIO all thin looking, Firs/ Future. BXstw, o. •.ce r§> ter. ist. 0au^^ , iey wondered, he washed, (Xu« u xci cpatftfw bad written, we had They . thou urns We spoke and did these things. 'O Arvw ns embalm weakest plea- ' o *ovfpo:. sant things, bui reproach- f the the good. am d'.i To flfiov (fu Ilaj until the (two) Z (1) • (3) Opt: pros: (4) 1 l\ (5) I EXERCISES IN TRANSLATING. 97 Ast o.ypvtfvt'J xou itovsuj. 1 [It is necessary to watch and labor. IMPERFECT. roc). '() iv t: t-r- :) > ;' (-Og^ ) fxavt'a. 'Apufruo^g xai 9fji4(frokXf)$ The Athenianshad ten A re li- ons. The Cretans commanded the children to learn the laws. Aristides ami contended, yi chil- i. PER; | 'jj. •Architimus has written a conversation of the seven 'Oayafac i .od man rnit- uTorafftfoj h l . t to : who mles all thi . , T}£ COL\JU. r v«io£, 4 cparrw 8 6s p*tf« 'O av7;p (avOprj) . but not 1 to do them. I I the wisdom i °f PLUPERFECT. 'O IloXrxcjv xara rrag A JSjXow ng (-ou). Polemon. in every thing, had emulated Zenocrates. (1) Infin. (2) Dual. (3) Dative part : (4) Neu : p.u : (5) Imperf: (6) Ace: plu : (7) In fin : perf: {&) Infin: pres • (9) Ac ng: 9» DS EXERCISES IN TRANSLATING. l O jXa o'Phiiadelpbus had been care- irag l <7rpaTTw sVifxeXw^. ful to do all things diligent- Msvst^ao? fxev %evoxr> (-ou) xaTotppovew, 3 6s 2 .edemus despised Zeno- ctgjv (ovos) ^aufia^cj. crates, but had admired 'O (pi\og ;; icitfVoXT) oc^o^TtX-; Stilpon. Xoo tfpo f} dfiZig 1 (-sug) au-.The friend had sent th rou. I ter before ..ig. FIRST FUTURE. Ou xa^aio^uvw oVXov ou<5' syxxTOLksi'XC) 6 irapa. ITwXsw 4 ca^ otfo^ s^gj. Thou shouldst not render judgment before thou hast heard the story of both. It is hard to distinguish a flatterer and a friend. Dionysius carried away all the treasures. Dinocrates built Alexandria after the form of a Mace- donian cloak. Sell all whatsoever thou hast. SECOND AORIST. OvSeig drtva-roc; cpfuyco. ©U/X0£ XslTCJ 0(TT£0V. Xputfo£ .£jvo£ xaXew i*Jo£ 6 Qsog. They shall be called sons of God. (1) Imper : (2) Dative. (3) Dative plu : (4) Dative sing: (5) Imperf: act: (6) Imper: pres : act: (7) Subj : pass : Imperf. (8) Imperative 102 EXERCISES IN TRANSLATING. Xs^w 2 ditoTV)(Ui 3 yap 7'SXocw. AMcofxai 4 tfeaurou, xcu cdx t you are about to do foretell not, for if unsuc- rful you will be laugh- ed at. once thyself, and thou tt not be brought to shame. SECOND AORIST. *0 fiatfiXevg }fua. Asyu 7} I:Ti£ (-ios) dcurrw, xa t0 lead j 2. a. rjyayw. part. dyaydv, by Att. redup. for d^wv. dywvi'-£w — £o/jt,ai, f. Cojuiai, ^/wvi(r|ULai,to contend, strug- gle ; imperf. r^uvi£o'jx»jv, ou, ero ; from d/wv, a contest. cWsXp.^, 5j£, f. 1. a sister. fJ<5sXpi-of, a, ov. of others to bring back word ; from dvd and dyj 5'XXw. ivayxa-^w, ], ne- cess avayxcu-os, a, ov. necessary. dXoy-os, ov, g. ov. adj. -ip^ofxai, eXrjtfofJUxi, 2. a. tute of reason ; from a not act. dvr,XSov ; to arrive at. and Xoyof. 1, ag. f. 1. impu- dX$, dXoV. f. 3. the sea, salt, dence. dlux$£S, ov, g. ou. adj. weak- minded, from a not and vos'w, to think. dv7i and dvr\ prep. for. dv7i7ptt£-Gj, %]>w, ysypoL(pa y to write back. dvTiiroi5-w, w, f^Tw, to oppose. 106 avTp-ov, ou. n. 2. a cave, den dvwSgv, adv. above. dvu ^'l ^'? fisdsyikcu, to receive from. diro-5i'5w|XJ, 5u(fw, 5g'5wxa, to restore ; from dtfo and 5i- dtfodv^Cxw, fut. dflrodavouixai, perf. d'TroTg'^vyjxa, 2. aor. gVgflavov, to die away, to die, to be put to death; from dtfo and £vVxw. d«ro-x7g»vw, x7svw, dtfgV/axa, and a^exlavxa, 2. a. airsxla- vov, to kill. dtfo-Xauw, XauVw, Xg'Xauxa, to enjoy ; from d^o and Xauw, to enjoy. dtfo-XgiVw, Xsj'n^w, Xs'Xgipa, to leave, forsake ; from d*ro and XsiVw. d'TtoVgjp-a, ag, f. 1. a trial. dUro-tfXgaJ, flrXsutfw, crsVXsuxa, to sail away from. Th. x*i to begin ^wpc'^j, to yield I a^rw, a-^w, '^a, to light, kin j\le. apa. adv. whether, truly. 'ApaGtf.rts, ou. m. 1. Aras pes. apyvp-og, ou. m. 2. silver, apppj-ov, ou. n. 2. money, a^'-cxw, Cw, vjpsxa, to please. dpsT-y;, /^. f. 1. virtue. govern ; froui apx^- ap^-cov, ovTut, m. 3. a ruler. A'sZ-riS, 6Ss g. so^. adj. impi- ous. :»-a, a;, o. pron. he, she, it. d^aip-:w, w, Tjtfw, d^prixa, to take away ; 2. a. act. 108 apslXov, 2. a. mid. dpeiXo-! f/<*)v ; from euro and cupc'w. ap$apr-6<:, ov, g. ou. adj. in- corruptable. d^-jxviojJLcu, ixvoJfxai, 150,0.011, j70.cu, 2. a. m. d^ix to arrive at ; from aVd and ixviofxai ; to arrive. cLp iVrrj/xi , dirotfr rjtfu ,019 ttfr ax a , to depart from, abstain from ; from cito and \: a^op-aw, citfoj, cupswpaxa ; to look upon ; from ol*6 and opaw, to see. 'Aj, r\$. f. 1. fyp-uv, ov, g. ovo£. adj. fool ish, mad. 'A^gu-os, rj, ov. Grecian, d^api'tfc-os, ov, g. ou. adj. un grateful ; from a no- B £ad-uV, sra, v. adj. deep, thick. Baxrpiav-oc:, rj, ov. Bar' /3«XXw, fut. /3aXw, ( oXrj(T^, f3i£\rixoLy to throw, 2. a. act. t'baXov. /SarW-^w, (Too, sa, to baptize, to wash; from^SoW- cw. /3ap€ap-o£, ov, g. ou. adj. bar barian; or £ap/3apo$, ou. m. ubstantively) a barba- rian. ;, e7a t u, heavy, hard. /SacnXei-a, ag, f. 1. a king- dom. ,3aj, ov, kimrlv, roy- .-o?, a, ov, firm j comp. and super. rctr-of, a, ov, firm :£, a, ov, firmer. 3iA-o£, so*, n. 3. an arrow, a dart. ov. best ; su- perl. of dyaSie* {3i-a, ag. f. 1. force, vio- lence. ,3i£Xi-ov, ou. n. 2. a little book. Qix-tS, ou. m. 2. an earthen vessel. ,3io;, ov. known. ■yov-sfe, g'w£, m. 3. a parent. ysvvaicds, adv. courageously, /ov-cr, ou. m. 2. offspring. yev=-a, a£. f. 1. a generation. ypaf/,f/,-a, croc, n. 3. a letter, ylw-of, fcf, n. 3. a kind, race:! epistle ; from ypacpw. from yivofuu, to be. ypaf*/xaT-euV, jfu£, m. 3. a yepaiVsp-o£, a, ov, older (for scribe. ysipuiolepog) comp. of yeptxi- ypcup-u, -^u, ysypacpa ; to •V« old. ygp-wv, ov, g. ov7o£, adj. old. yswpy-oc;, &u. m. 2. a hus- bandman. 7% 7^, f- 1« tne earth, land. I\)pu6v-i£, ou. m. 2. Geryon. y»y-a£, av7o£, m. 3. a giant ; write, yujxv-fe, ?;, ov, naked. yuv-^, aixoV, f. 3. a woman. Aa/£aX-os, ou. m. 2. Deda- lus. 110 iaxvu, 5rj£w, SiSri^a ; to bite, sting. &xxfu-ov, ou. n. 2. a tear. 6axp~uu, ^w, Ssdoixp'jxa ; to weep ; from <5axpu, a tear. Aagsi-og, ou. m. 2. Darius. &, conj. but, yet. &s7, (impersonal) it behoves ought. Ss7yiL-a 9 (Jog, n. 3. an exam pie. deixvujxi, foi£w, 6i8cix<*t P er f pass. diSeiypou ; to show. Ssik-og, y, 6v, cowardly, fcivoc:, *j, 6v, terrible. fev£j£, adv. terribly, folflrv-ov, ou. n. 2. a supper, fe'xa, adj. (not decl.) ten. <5txa7-o£, rj, ov, the tenth. div8p-ov, ou, n. 2. a tree. ^sgi-o£, a, 6v. right. Se '8iy\uaa ; to take, receive. fy. adv. truly, but, more over, ^fx-o?, ou. m. 2. the people. Araotf^tVyjj, foe:, cu£, m. 3. Demosthenes. &a. prep, of, though, by. JiaSatf-iiT, sug, f. 3. a passage, ford ; from 8ia. and /3aJvw, to go. ' dja^x-q, y)^. f. 1. a testa- ment, covenant ; from &a and ri$>i/AK (Siaxorfi-oi, cu, a, two hundred ; from (Si's twice, and Ixcwiv, a hundred. 5iaxpi-vw, vw, (5iax=xpixa, to distinguish ; from jvuxa ; to per- form ; from Sta. and a to finish. (jiaWjuwr-w, \£u, Siariircix: to send away ; from a»a and fart, adv. why, wherefore. (W^c'pw, JjoiVcj, 1. a. Strpeyxa] to excel, differ from ; from <5ia and ^f'pw. (ha^op-os, ov. adj. different, diverse ; from £ia^uX-ai, ov. possible, able, strong. 5uo, or Att. &5w, g. pi. 5uwv dat. 5uj, conj if not, unleaa h. prep, of, from, out of . each, everj one. halor' ov. the hun- !th. -Xtjxa, to !rive out ; from U «Mw, gitfc/xai, p. in. . ac f. 1. an assem- to know; 2. a. eT<)o\ blv, church; from £x and and i .r^a, to choo Hence ifMti, in mid. form, f. 1. a. m . to choose out, elect. ix-T>. : ! out of port ; from ix and r) til. i, to stretch out, extend. tfdViVru, fut. h. perf. ifrWtfrwxa, 2 aor jv, yjvos, m. 3. Hellen. king of Thessaly. , EXX>j(j''rov7-o^, ou. m. 2. the Hellespont. gXXnr->j<:, g % c, g. s'os. adj. defi- cient. sX-jr-fc, iSog y f. 3. hope. g/xau7-ou, 7)$> ou. pron. of my- self. I/a&xX-Xw, w, Jfx€ibXr]xa, 2. a. g'vg&xXov, part. JjxtaXwv, to break into ; from g'v and /SaXXw. Ija-oV, »j, ov, pron. mine, or my. Ijxirpoffdsv, adv. before. iv, prep, in, upon, with. ivavliov, adv. before. g\av7j-o£, a, ov, opposed. £v<$o£-o£, ov, g. ou. adj. honor- able. gv5u/A-a, a7oc, n. 3. raiment. ev6uv-w, g*v5uVw, the same as gv<56w, to creep or steal into. g'vgxa or gJWxa or gWxsv, adv. for. on account of. cws'a, adj. (not decl.) nine. §WX-o£, ov, g. ou. adj. arm- ed ; from gv and oVXov, arms. svofcog, ov, g. ou. adj. liable to, in danger of; from sv and fyu. Jv7au^a, adv. here, there. svroX->j, tjs, f. 1. a com- mand. sVwinov, adv. before. Jg, prep, from ; for ex. ^oc77-gXXoj, sXw, gg^^ygXxa, to proclaim abroad ; from £x and dyyiXku, to re- late. sfa*ra ;a, to , f. 1. in to call invo .1 xa- -ntfjLai, !. from xi or iVr, v, ov, rr skilful. f. 1. mi ej left Ij. ne 7 m. 1. Mercury. =PX°, !J ' -a«i, p. IT.. . to come, •a, to on. ; for, to. . to I -a, a£, f . f. 3. pi. I the last* eTcup-os, ou. m. 2. a friend. Eteo • her. ace- pi. f »lj. prepa- faa, fcojxcti, f|oa«;, to foil 3. a year. , ov, most hap r. from fi ;-' -- '• • t, a;, f. 1. happi- *■ from ?«*w to go with (obsolete in a. flira, 2. a. (pate-ris, ov. m. 1. a. friend. ^o;x«i, atfofjLwi, ajrTjxa, to seek, ask, wish. ^w-tj, ?j£, f. 1. life. £u/-o£, ou, m. 2. a joke ; from Qevpvu, to join. £w-ov, ou. n. 2. an animal, a living creature ; from H 'H, $), article, the ; from 6 *)> ™. *j. conj. than, then. t^sja-wv, ovos, com. 3 a lead er, guide ; from ayw, to lead. riding, adv. willingly, gladly; from rfiCg, sweet ; comp. *jjxcj, >igw, imp. , c, I am come, I am here, to come, to approach. 'HXi-ac:, ou, m. 1. Elias. ?jXi-o °'°£» *fci f- 3. an echo ; from r^o£, a sound. QoLkatftf-a or a77-a, *}$, f. 1. a sea. dava7-o£, ou. m. 2. death. davaluS-r.g, ec, g. *o$. adj. deadly, fatal. doW-7cj, >}*cj, cs'Sa^a, to burr. ^a^aXiws:, adv. bravely, with courage. 0ctu/jLa-£w, Cu, «Sauaaxa, to wonder, admire, daujuitt: onderful. 117 dsa-o/jLai,(J'o|xai.,TS^t'a|ULaj,tosee, behold; Asu^evog, part. pres. contracted, for hao^evog. Hence dsalp-ov, ou. n. 2. a theatre. AsT-og, a, ov. divine. diX^-a, alog y n. 3. the will, desire, pleasure, lust. dsXw, SsXrtfw, rc^gXqxa, to will, wish, desire. 06-og, ou. m. 2. God. ^spatf-euco, sutfw, j, cv, warm, hot. SsttolK-os, ou. m. 2. a Thes- salian. Gr\ga7-og, ou. m. 2. a Theban. d^x-i), rjs, f. 1. a sepulchre. d'4f-a, as, f. 1. the chase, hunting ; from S?jp. flyjp-suw, ELKfoj, jp, a wild beast. £/]p»-ov, ou. n. 2. a wild beast, drjtfaup-o's, ou. m. 2. a trea- sure. 1^ ©rjrf-sus, £o£. m. 3. Theseus. ^v^-og-, >j, ov, mortal. doXi'-a, ag. f. 1 . a hat, screen, dpi'g, Tpi^oj, f. 3. hair. dpoVos, ou. m. 2. a throne, duy ar-rjp, epos, contracted, po£, , f. 3. a daughter, dup-a, a$, f. 1. a door, gate, 11 I Iaxw£, m. (not declined,) Jacob. /arf-o's, ou, m. 2. a physician ; from /aofjuxi, to heal. Ml, adv. lo ! behold ! Ui-og, a, ov. peculiar, private, one's own. Mou, adv. lo ! behold ! fef-efc, fog, m. 3. a priest ; from Ufa. isp-o'v, ou. n. 2. a temple. isp-os, a, 6v, holy, sacred. 'I^tf-ouc:, ou. m. 2. Jesus, signifying the Savior. ifjuxri-ov, ou. n. 2. a garment. i'va, conj. that, so that, in order that. y lvj8a7-og, ou. m. 2. a Jew. I^afx-os, ou. m. 2. Hippar- chus. for-£U£, ews, m. 3. a horse- man. 1^^0X0^-0^, ou. m. 2. a groom, a hostler. iW-os, ou. com. 2. a horse. fo-©£, ?), ov, equal. Hence is iVo-w, w, ojCoj, to make equal. 'Itf£ar]XiV-7)£, ou. m.l. an Is- raelite. i'tfrq/xi, aVrjCfa, §'tf7axa, 2. a. ? -°£» **• ^- strength, pov. . to xa7a-~- £l 9*9 I Xiirw. 121 Xgy-cj, gw, XiXc^a, to say, speak, tell. Xffi-ro), -^w, XiXtivpa, to leave, forsake. Xi-wv, ov7o£, m. 3. a lion. >$-ag, ou. m. 1. Leoni- das. A-^avi-oc, a, ov, belonging to Lemnos. From -os, ou. f. 2. Lemnos. XrjdV-fe, ou. m. 1. a robber. Xti-o£, ou. m. 2. a stone. Xi;j,-;,v, 5vc^ ? m. 3. a harbor. XifjL-vv;, \r t ; y f. 1. a lake. Xi/x-o.c, ou. m. 2. a famine. AFv-oj, ou. m. 2. Linus. ^7-off, ou. m. 2. a word, speech, reason. Xoi<$op-ew, w, fjtfoj, XeXoiOop^jxa, to abase, revile. Xoi/j.-oV, ou. m. 2. pestilence. Xoit-o's, >j, ov, remaining. y, tfw, Xf'Xouxa, to wash bathe. Auyx- . m. 3. Lynce- us. Auj-o'g, ou. m. 2. a Lydian, Ajxi-oi, ojv, m. 2. pi. Lyci- ans. Xux-o£, ou. m. 2. a wolf. Xu«r-£cj, ^tfoj, XsXuVrjxa, to grieve, be sorrowful. XuV-ij, »]£, f. 1. sorrow. Xup-a, as, f. 1. a lyre. Autfav<5p-o£, ou. m. 2. Lysan- der. Xu'^v-os, ou. m.' 2. a lamp, light. Xuoj, Xutfw, Xs'Xuxa, to loose, set free, to destroy. M Mav<$av-rj, rig, f. 1. Mandane. fjua^C-is, fw^, f. 3. instruc- tion. /jLaSr]7-7;£, ou. m. 1. a disci- ple, scholar. /xaxapi'-^oj, greatest, su ils. per. of Di-a, a*, f. 1. repent- f 1. drun *ce. /XJl^-CJV, OV, g. 0V0?. . IfMU, 1. er ; coinp. of \x.r m-ov, oj. n. 2. a lilt] --ummon. youth. piX-ag, ajva, av, bl l. 3. h Hence ;/r,xa, to f. 1 . a bee. mil. /xiXXcj, fjLgXX^w, to be abo particle, or fxiX-ocr, so;, n. 3. a member. t'lv. trul . < j, ^, f. 1. a mansion. f*oio}Sv%, f^ g. &£, adj. only begotton. jxovov, adv. only, alone. fxo'v-o£, rj, ov, only, alone. Moutf-a, ag, f. 1. a Muse. jau0-o£, ou, m. a word, a speech, a fable, fiction. jxupi'o), a/, a, pi. ten thou- .' sand. jxup-os, ou, m. 2. myrrh, oint- ment. fxwpi-a, as, f. 1. folly, foolish- ness. Mwtf-y,^ ou. m. 2. Moses. N Naf-os, ou. f. 2. the island Naxos. va-oV, ou. m. 2. a temple. vaua^-5'jj, Tjcfw, vsvaua^xa, to make shipwreck ; from vau$ and clyu. vau^i-a, as, f. 1. shipwreck. vau'xaxi-a, a£, f. 1. a sea- fight. vau£, g. vaoV, vsoV or vsug, fern. 3. a ship, vessel. Nsccv£p-o£, ou, m. 2. Neander. vsav/-a£, ou, m. 1. a young man. NsrX-os, ou, m. the river Nile. ^ vsxp-o's, a, o'v, dead. viog; vs'a, veov, new, fresh, (subst.) vs-os, ou. m. 2. a youth, vcup-ov, ou, n. 2. a nerve. 'c^t'X-y), *]£, f. 1. a cloud. vscjrsp-oc:, a, ov, younger ; COmp. Of V£0£. vrj)xa, to have in the mind, to think, opu-^w, tfw, vsvow-ixa, to think, esteem. vofxo^fV-% ou. m. 1. a legis- lator. From 124 vojul-oc-, ou. m. 2. a law. voo£, vouV, g. «Sou v'C in. 2. the mind. vo'tf-o£, ou. f. 2. a d VUfAp-T), tj^ f. 1 . vjv, adv. now, at this time. vug, vuxrof, f. 3. a night. gs'v-oc, ou. in. 2. -Tjj, ou. m. 1. £*]p-o, a, ov, don te, (subst.) oi m. 2. a relation, a domes- tic ; from ofxos. oixc'r-Tjcr, ou. m. L a servant. one of the family. oiWw, w, \tfw, wxrjxa, to in- habit. oixfr-vp, opo.c, m. 3. an iiiha- int, a new settler. . as, f. 1. a house. j, tfw, to build, to found a house. n. 2. a dwelling, a, to structure, building. 2. a house, a m. 2. wine. o/o t oaj ;, to think, be- per. , to .k. . m. ofxyji'ojxai, per. 'JLai, 1. EL to go ope. (not dec. 4ym- ;, ou. in. Olympus, at Olympus. ou, m. 2. Ho- mer. ofjLiXZ-a, ac:, f. 1. intercourse, ion. -. ot, ov, like, similar ; fro:; :ie. fiJixa, to re- proach, to insult. 127 bor, a^ boarder ; from irapa and o/xo£. •'off, xaixfoL,*^ all, the whole, each. :p, spoff, pocr, m. 3. a fa- ther. Hence *arp-ig, iSog, f. 3. a countiT. naiKTavt-a^, oy, m. 1. Pausa- nias. flrrfi-ov, oy. n. 2. a plain. wsi'Sw, ffgi'Cw, p. m. crsVo&a, to persuade ; pres. m. wri- So^ai, to yield, obey, trust ; 1. f. pass. crsja'^-/j(j'o 1 ao(/, p. rgVcuffMCi. 1. a. scsiVSv;. flrsfv-a, tj^, f. 1. hunger, fa- mine. <7r5ipa-£w, £, f. 3. faith, be- lief. «n-i.. *Xs<'-wv, ov, g. ovos, adj. more, greater j comp. of iroXvc:. flrXg'x-w, gw, ^TtVX^a, to weave, twine. «rXs-6s, a, dv, full. flroX»«--r;£, ou. m. 1. a citizen ; jS-o£, go£, oucr, n. 3. a mul-' from ir6Xi£. iitude ; from «rXrjS:j, to fill. «roXXaxi$, adv. often, fire- tfXrjv, adv. besides, except. I quentlv. «rX*jp-T]s, es, g« £°s, adj. fulljroXu, adv. much, very from *rXs6s. Hence j much. •jrXrjp-ow, w, wj, v, much, ma fl-Xoutfi-os, a, ov, rich ; from iroXjr;X->;c, eg, g. so$, adj. tfXovros. ' costly, very precious ; I 129 from flroXu and tIXos, ex- pense, *rov*)p-o£, a, ov, bad, wicked, (subst.) the devil. tfov-os, m. 2. labor. #o'v7-o£, ou. m. 2. the sea. tfapsi-cc, as, f. 1. a way ; from tfopsuw, to pass. tfopsuo/xai, f. m. tfopsuVofjiaj, flrsiro'psujjwxi ; to go, de- part. HorfsTS-uv, wvo£, m. 3. Nep- tune, the god of the sea *6 *Pa n rj$, f. 1. a tent, booth. tffcop<7r-i£w, iVw, eVxoprixa, to scatter. fl"xo7eiv-o£, 77, ov, dark, ob- scure. (TxoTi-a, a, iVw, stfxoYixa, to darken. tfxor-ot, so?, Wj n. 3. dark- ness. Z-y./r-rig, ou, m. 1. a Scythian. 26X-w?; ojvo£, m. 3. Solon. Co--?, r, ov, safe, secure. Ccg, tfrj, tfo'v, thine, yours. tfopi-a, ag, f. 1. wisdom. 2o7-4£, ou, m. 1. a sol- dier. (jrgarotfsSs-j-u, Cw, itfrgaro- rsSevxa, to make an en- campment ; from t0 132 rejoice together ; from tfuv and x ai b u i t0 re j°i ce tfuX-aw or ecj, ajtfw, Cs^Xrjxa, to rob, plunder ; from tfJXr], a booty CuX-Xa/j^avw, f. m. Xf^o/xai, 2. a. oWXa£ov, to take up, to seize ; from to meet, to meet with ; from tfuv and avraw, to meet. Cuvei'&jd'-i^, gcj^, f. 3. con- science, the testimony of one's own mind ; from tfuv- eideu), to know one's self. », (of ;$poixa, to assemble, collect togeth- er ; from atfv and dSfooV, collected. -"ojjtai, 1. a. pass. wpSijv, to see together, to see at oncQ. tfuvoutfi-a, as, f. 1 . intercourse ; from tfuvs/jjj. ri&ityJLi, Syjtfw, T&sixa, to regulate ; tn the passive, to a^ree, to make a treaty ; from Guv and r&igUi Su^axoytfi-oi, ai, a, pi. belong ing to Syracuse. Guv, together, and a^w HfGuGx^og, ov, g. ou. adj. shady, Jp-sco, w, rjtiw, rslrjprixa, to keep, to preserve. Ti'^/xi, d^w, rt'dcixa, to place, to put, to lay in order. Tl/JU-aw, W, ^tfW, T5TI]UL>]Xa, to honor, do honor to, esteem From ti/a-vj, rjs, f. 1. honor, respect, reverence. Hence rifju-os, a, ov, honorable, dear, precious ; comp. rifjuwrgp-os, a, ov, more honor able, more precious. ^i/jLCjp-icj, c5, fjtfw, «rsrj|xwp7]xa, to punish ; from &• rhog> interrogative pron. who 1 what ? *'V> *"/, g» J/cj, ]v-o£, ov, g. ou. adj, three headed ; also belong- ing to Tricarenia. Tpixscpcik-os, ov, g. ou. adj three headed ; from } (turning) i. e. of an ene- my. rpocp-7), r)g, f. 1. foodj nourish- ment. Tpucp-rj, r]g, f. 1. luxury, sen- . suality. rpw^oj, f. m. cpwgo/xai, per, act. ], us, £ !• fortune, i chance, misfortune. c Ty/si-a, aff, f. 1. good health, soundness ; from vyiyg, e'os, sound. uyp-o's, a, ov, wet, damp ; from uw, to rain. Wpsu-w, tfw, to provide or fetch water. From Mwp, u(5a7o£, n. 3. water. ui-og", ou, m. 2. a son, off- spring. BX-*ij rig, f. 1. wood, a ma- terial of which any thing is made. uf/irsp-os, a, ov, your, yours ; from tfu, thou. uV-axouoj, axoutfw, Tjxouxa ; to listen submissively, to ad- mit. uflrav-itrfog/xi, uVaviV7a/xai, to rise from respect to one ; to give place to ; from M^ dva and fa7f}juu. uVsitf-sp^oixaj, to creep un- der. uVs'p, prep, for, above, through. uVsp-a/^w, afw, ??£xa, to ex- cel, surpass ; from uVs'p and a'/fw, to raise. u-ntyf sjycij, 2. f. m. q fjLai for 9«)oi} t uai, 2. a. act. j eat, dr\ paivu, ', to bring to light, to shine. 1 iedi- >.a, to b< It > put to fl".. des- ?iXaf} wPi-a, ac. love of mone; er. UK, tO ^iXi-a, a6 £ 1« custody, a watch, a prison. From dent, wiser sense. ^of, f- 3 - grace, kind- ness, thanks. the arm, a claw, or paw ; from %w, to take hold. 138 X*'p'V7-o£, >), ov, worst ; su< per. of xaxo's bad. p^rjp-a, a.g, f. 1. a widow ; from x*?£°S forsaken. ^op-sjw, e^tfw, to lead the dance, to dance in a circle. Xpaotxai, xpwf** 1 * XP^°f*a«i * a. m. ^xP'^ju^v, t0 make use of, to borrow, to lend ; from XP^ W > to l eil( l' XpV" a > a Vc, n. 3. a thing, money ; from the same Xp^iu.-os : v\> ov, useful, ad- vantageous ; from the same. Xp^-p.c, h t ov, good, kind, useful ; from the same, Hence comp. Xp*}tf7&7sp-o£, a, ov, better, more useful, XpiVr-of, ou, in. 2. Christ, the anointed; from XP' W > to anoint. X?°v-os, ou. m. 2. time, dura- tion. XP^-S0£, OUCT, £0t, Sj, 60 V, OUV, (contracted) golden, madej&s of gold ; from xp u(J, °'*> gold. •Xpixa t yup.aTog, n. 3. a heap, mound, sepulchre. X^p-a, acr, f. 1. a region, country. X^pfe, adv. apart, separate- ly, without. YsvS-ris, sg, g. £&£, adj. false, lying. •^sv6-og, eo£, n. 3. a lie, a fal- sity. ^07-0^, ou, m. 2. blame, re- proach. + U X"^ "fri f« *• l^ e » tne sou l» appetite. n O, and w, adv. Oh. £<$£, adv. so, thus, in this £ % f- 1- an ode, a poem, wv, ou \ Jl V" * A * ^ \ v - ^> v V ^ Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: July 2006 PreservationTechnologies A WORLD LEADER IN PAPER PRESERVATION 1 1 1 Thomson Park D Cranberry Townshtp. PA 16066 (724)779-2111 ^ ^ ',% u