f.c-/y/- ECONOMIC THEE PLANTING. BY B. G. ISTORTHROP, LL.D. NEW YORK: The Orange Judd Company. •245 broadway. 1878. ECONOMIC TREE PLANTING. ■ r -• BY b/g; ISrOETHEOP, LL.D. J-.»Q^ > n»,o ,•' •■)-)» «, «, NEW YORK: The Orange Judd Company 245 broadway. 1878. s^-?-' This paper is reprinted from the Report of the Connecticut State Board of Agriculture. A few local allusions are retained to show the original aim of the writer and the application of kindred facts and plans to other fields. An enlarged edition will soon be published under the title of " Tree -planting, Economic and Ornamental, and Village Improve, ment." Public interest in rural adornment is rapidly increasing in Connecticut. This good work should go on till not a school-house, dwelling, or street is left without the simple and grand adornment of shade trees. A little foresight will show that no community can afford to be without a Village Improvement Association. In many towns such organizations have already done incalculable good in cultivating public spirit, quickening social and intellectual life,'- and" ;enhancin^; ^he ^alue of real estate. I shall be happy to co-operatt3 ' with 'pti^Lfc-gpirited ' citizens who are moving in this matter,.ajid; win, -lecture' on this subject without charge either for services .or .42!p^nse^*iii ''an J town i^" Connecticut. 7 D'03 ECONOMIC TREE-PLANTING. BY HON. B. G. NORTHROP. Being neither a scientist nor farmer, I have made no origi- nal investigations or practical experiments in forestry. Lest I may seem presumptuous in attempting to instruct others on a great subject in which I am myself a novice, reference is made to my opportunities for learning the matured views of those who, devoting tlieir lives to this study, have made inves- tigations and experiments on a broad scale. Three months of last summer were occupied iu visiting " the Foresters," forest schools, and forest plantations of Europe. The letter of Governor Hubbard,* and one from Hon. Wm. M. Evarts, Sec- retary of State, bespeaking the cooperation of our ministers and consuls, whose aid might be needed, gave free access to all desired sources of information, especially the official " Departments of Forestry," forest schools and their professors, forest plantations, national, communal, or private, and their managers, and the parks and gardens on the Continent and in England. With note-book always in hand, I conferred with numerous authors in this department, as well as practical foresters. Gathering facts from so many experts, and con- densing statements from so many sources, it is impracticable in this address to formally quote their language, which I have freely modified and abridged. In addition to the professors of the forest schools visited, and to many diplomatic agents, I * Executive Department, Hartford, Conn., June 12, 1877. I have signed these presents for the purpose of duly accrediting the Hon. B. G. Northrop, of the Board of Education of this State, who is commissioned by said Board to visit the Schools of Forestry and Forest Plantations, and the Industrial Schools of Europe, and report the results of his observations for the benefit of the schools and people of this State, and especially to encourage the reclamation of waste lands by the propagation of trees. I beg to commend Mr. Northrop to the courtesies and co-operation of all persons to whom these pres- ents shall come, and particularly to those who are managers of the institutions above named, and are interested therein. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand. RICHARD D. HUBBARD. am especially indebted to Hon. George P. Marsh, the Ameri- can Minister to Rome, Captain Campbell Walker, Conserva- tor of State Forests in New Zealand, J. C. Brown, Lt. D., long Colonial Botanist at Cape of Good Hope, and J. McGregor, Forester of the Duke of Athole, for information given in per- sonal interviews as well as for that derived from their pub- lished works. The literature of forestry, already large, is now rapidly increasing by the cooperation of professors in forest scliodls, and government officials specially commissioned to investi- gate different branches of the subject, and many other writers. A German catalogue gives the titles of 1,815 volumes on forestry issued prior to 1842, and the titles of 650 works pub- lished in the six years prior to 1876. On an average, over one hundred new books on forestry appear annually in the German language. One of the Spanish Commissioners to the Centennial Exposition, Senor Morera, published a list of 1,126 volumes on forestry in tlie Spanish language alone. Little attention has been given in this country to sylvicul- ture. Nature has been* wonderfully bountiful in the magnifi- cent forests which once adorned this land, but our people have been recklessly prodigal in wasting this rich inheritance. As if they were the enemies of man, forests have been con- sumed without a thought of renewing them, and fire has been made to help the axe in destroying what it required ages to produce. The progress of a nation may be measured to a large extent by its consumption of wood. Extensively as brick, stone, and iron may be substituted for wood in building, and coal used for fuel, the timber demand for purposes of utility and ornament will everywhere increase as civilization advances. The rail- ways are enormous consumers of wood. Says Professor C. S. Sargent : " Suppgsing the life of a sleeper is seven years, the 85,000 miles of track in the United States consume annually 34,000,000 sleepers, or thirty years' growth on 68,000 acres of the best natural woodlands. At least 125,000 miles of fencing are required to enclose the railroads of the country, costing not less than 143,000,000, with large expenditures for annual repairs. For the construction of 65,000 miles of telegraph lines in the United States, 2,000,000 trees for poles were required, while the annual repairs must call for 250,000 more." A late Agricultural Report of Illinois says : " The fences of the United States cost more than any other class of property except real estate and railroads ; the total amount being esti- mated at eighteen hundred millions of dollars, with an annual expense of ninety-eight millions for repairs." Desirable as may be live hedges, stone walls or ditches, wooden fences are likely to be long used. But aside from the need of fencing, and the demands for railway and telegraph companies, there are nearly seventy occupations enumerated in the last United States census which in whole or in part use wood as their raw material for manufacture, employing more than one million of artisans, such as carpenters, cabinet-makers, chair-makers, coach-makers, coopers, boat and ship builders, wheelwrights, manufacturers oY brooms, brushes, matches, furniture, agri- cultural implements, machinery and the like. Tliere are 63,928 establishments manufacturijig articles made entirely of wood, employing 393,387 persons, and using materials worth 1309,921,403 annually. There are, besides, 109,512 establishments in which wood is an important material, as for example, in pianos, carriages, bridges and ships, employing 700,915 persons, and using materials worth $488,530,844. With these facts before us, there need be no fear of an over- production of wood. It is estimated that in our whole coun- try over three million acres of wood-growing land are cleared annually, and this usually without any proper plans for refor- esting them. Favorably situated as Connecticut is, in the midst of these industries and near the great market centers, and with new calls for exportation, there is sure to be a grow- ing demand for all desirable lumber. George Peabody, who did so much to encourage schools and learning, originated the motto, so happily illustrated by his own munificent gifts to promote education: " Education — the debt of the present to future generations." We owe it to our children to leave our lands the better for our tillage, and we wrong both ourselves and them if our fields are impoverished by our improvidence. But much as foresight is admired when its predictions are realized and its acliievements made, all history too plainly tells that the mass of men are not easily persuaded to provide for exigencies far in the future. It was more than two centuries after the death of Bernard Palissy, the famous " Potter of the Tuilleries," and after many sad lessons of devastating mountain torrents resulting from excessive forest denudation, before France learned to heed his earnest warning. Expressing his indignation at the folly of such general destruction of the woods he said : " I call it not error, but a curse and a calamity to all France. When I consider the value of the least clump of trees, I marvel at the great ignorance of men who do now-a-days study only to break down, fell and waste the fair forests which their forefathers did guard so choicely. I would think no evil of them for cutting down the woods, did they but replant some part of them again, but they care naught for the time to come, neither reck they of the great damage they do to their children." In 1680, the eminent French statesman, Colbert, said to Louis Xiy. : " France will perish for want of wood." It was not, however, till 1859 and 1860 that stringent laws were passed for the protection of existing woodlands and the formation of new forests. The former of these laws passed the Assembly by a vote of 246 against 4, and the latter with but a single negative voice. The unanimity with which these laws were enacted, though they seriously interfere with the rights of private domain, shows at last the strength of the popular conviction that the protection and extension of forests were matters of national interest and necessity, and would arrest the devastations of mountain torrents and river imui- dations. The law of 1860 appropriated 10,000,000 francs, at the rate of 1,000,000 a year, in aiding the replanting of woods. In 1865 a bill was passed for securing the soil in ex- posed localities by grading, and the formation of greensward. This measure, proved to be beneficial in France, Mr. Marsh highly recommends for adoption in the United States. The leading features of this system are marking out and securing from pasturage and browsing a zone along the banks of ravines, wliicli is carefully turfed and planted with shrubs and trees ; con soli dating the scarps of the ravines by grading and wattling and establishing barriers of solid masonry, or more commonly of fascines, or other simple materials across the bed of the stream, and cutting narrow terraces along the scarps. Many hundred ravines, formerly the channels of formidable torrents, have been secured by barriers, and by grading and planting, and the success of the system has far surpassed all expectation. The plan of circling^ long used in this country, is now adopted in France. This plan prevents the wash of tlie surface, and provides irrigation by running horizontal furrows along the hill-sides, and thus cheaply securing a succession of small terraces, checking the rapid flow of the surface water, obvi- ating one cause of inundations, and greatly fertilizing the lands thus irrigated. The evils of widespread forest denudation both as regards climatic changes, uniform flow of springs and streams, devas- tation by mountain torrents, and the exhaustion of once fertile lands, have been long and sadly felt in the Old World. Many rich and fertile countries have become arid wastes when denuded of trees. The Mediterranean coast of Africa is a case in point. Tunis and Algiers were once fertile regions, supporting a dense population. Their decadence is traceable largely to the destruction of their forests. Rentzsch ascribes the political decadence of Spain almost wholly to the destruc- tion of the forests. Mr. George P. Marsh says: "There are parts of Asia Minor, of Northern Africa, of Greece, and even of Alpine Europe, where causes set in action by man have brought the face of the earth to a desolation as complete as that of the moon, and yet they are known to have been once covered with luxuriant woods, verdant pastures, and fertile meadows; and a dense population formerly inhabited those now lonely dis- tricts. The fairest and fruitfulest provinces of the Roman empire once endowed with the greatest superiority of soil, climate, and position, are completely exhausted of their fer- tility, or so diminished in their productiveness as, with the 8 exception of a few favored cases that have escaped the general ruin, to be no longer capable of affording sustenance to civil- ized man. If to this realm of desolation we add the now wasted and solitary soils of Persia and the remoter East, that once fed their millions with milk and honey, we shall see that a territory larger than all Europe, the abundance of which sustained in by-gone centuries a population scarcely inferior to that of the whole Christian world at the present day, has been entirely withdrawn fr6m human use, or at best is inhabited by tribes too few, poor, and uncultivated to contribute anything to the general, moral, or material interests of mankind. The destructive changes occasioned by the agency of man upon the flanks of the Alps, the Appenines, the Pyrenees, and other mountain ranges of Central and Southern Europe, and the progress of physical deterioration, have become so rapid that in some localities a single generation has witnessed the begin- ning and the end of the melancholy revolution. A destruction like that which has overwhelmed many once beautiful and fertile regions of Europe awaits an important part of the ter- ritory of the United States, unless prompt measures are taken to check the action of the destructive causes already in operation." Indeed we have already a great Sahara in Connecticut pro- duced by improvidence and neglect. The local traditions tell us that the "sand-blow," covering so large an area in the towns of North Haven and Wallingford, which, with its clouds of dust, is a literal eye-sore to all travelers on the New Haven & Hartford Railway, was once finely wooded. Here and there clumps of low cedars and pines, the lone relics of a former growth, still resist the drifting sands. So general is the conviction that this sand blow is utterly irreclaimable that it has long since been abandoned to hopeless sterility. I shall be happily disappointed if my plan for utilizing it is not regarded by many farmers as visionary and impracticable. The feasibility of reclaiming the barren sands of Connecti- cut, even the wastes of Wallingford and North Haven, is proved by many facts. While agent of the Massachusetts State Board of Education I visited every town of that State, and found thousands of acres in Plymouth and Barnstable counties — once sandy plains — covered with fine forests. The common pitch pine has tliere been most generally used for the reclamation of sand barrens. Recently the Scotch pine has been widely planted. The seeds were sometimes sowed broad- cast, and sometimes dropped in furrows. The cost was trifling, and the profit has been satisfactory. Hummel attributes the desolation of the Karst, the high plateau lying north of Trieste — until recently one of the most parched and barren districts in Europe — to the felling of its woods, centuries ago, to build the navies of Venice. The Austrian government is now making energetic, and thus far successful efforts for the reclamation of this desolate waste, having planted over half a million of young trees, and sown great quantities of seed. In the vicinity of Antwerp less than fifty years ago was a vast desolate plain. Looking to-day in the same direction from the spire of the cathedral, one can see nothing but a forest, whose limits seem lost in the horizon. Forest plantations have transformed those barren lands into fertile fields. French writers point with pride to an experi- ment begun eighty years ago on the very crest of a peninsula in Dauphiny, where stands a long stretch of fine forest, and where it had been confidently affirmed trees could not be made to grow. On the Adriatic, Baltic, Mediterranean, Biscayan, and other coasts, the disastrous encroachments of the sea have been checked by forest plantations. Extensive plains, once barren sands south of Berlin, about Odessa and north of the Black Sea and vast steppes in Russia, are now well wooded. R. Douglass & Sons of Waukegan, Illinois, who have been the pioneers in promoting economic tree planting in the West, began four years ago the experiment of reclaiming barren sand ridges near the shore of Lake Michigan, trying pitch pine, white pine, Austrian pine, and Scotch pine. Here, as on Cape Cod, the Scotch pine proved the best for reclaiming sandy barrens. With these facts from abroad and at home it cannot be denied that even the poorest soils in Connecticut may be reclaimed. The Finus maritima, which proved best 10 for the sandy soils in France, is not adapted to the climate of New England. It has been amply tried, and though growing rapidly for a season or two, is likely to winter-kill. 5ut our native pitch pine, and still better the Scotch pine, are specially adapted to sandy barrens. Daniel Webster planted many pines at Marshfield, and induced farmers in Plymouth and Barnstable counties to try the same experiment. This has been done very extensively by Mr. J. S. Fay, in Falmouth, near Wood's Hole. In visit- ing Falmouth I was happily impressed with the beauty and remarkable growth of his tree plantations. There, is a tract of over one hundred and twenty-five acres now densely cov- ered with fine trees. When purchased by him, Mr. Fay says, "It was a barren waste, the soil dry and worn out. On a hundred acres there was not a tree of any kind, unless an oak sprang out from the huckleberry bushes here and there, but hardly lifting its head above them. Indeed, when I bought my place in 1853, except a few stunted cedars on Par- ker's Point and in the swamps, there was not an evergreen tree within three miles of my house, and hardly any tree of any kind in sight of it. It was maintained that trees could not be made to grow there. The seeds sown were of the native pitch pine with some white pine, tlie Austrian, Scotch, and Corsican pine, the Norway spruce, and the European larch — in all about thirty-five thousand imported plants, and many thousand native pines. As to the kinds which liave done the best, the Scotch pine from the seed^ including prompt germination, has proved the best grower, and very hardy. The Norway spruce and English oak have done well. The larch did not start well from the seed, but from the nurs- ery or as imported it has grown remarkably. The hardy Scotch pine does finely either from the seed or the nursery. All these imported trees have done better than the native pitch pine. The larches are about forty feet high, and fourteen inches in diameter one foot from the ground. Some Scotch pines from seed sown in 1861, well situated and in good soil, are thirty feet high, and ten inches through, a foot from the ground. As to profits, one thing is sure. The land, originally 11 poor, has been enriched by the deposit of thousands of loads of leaves upon it, and by the shade afforded, while the soil has been lightened and lifted by the permeation of the roots of the trees; and though no present profit has been yet realized, (which already might have been by sales of the wood,) it sliould be considered as an investment for future results. Considering the position of my place, on a coast exposed to violent sea winds permeated with salt spray, the vigorous growth and promising appearance of my forest plantations are very encouraging to those more favorably placed. Not only may the destruction of our forests be partially remedied at a cheap cost, but the waste and sterility of our land by long cul- tivating be replaced with fertility by the simple process of nature." The Scotch fir or pine, which Mr. Fay so highly commends, is a native of the Highlands, a hardy tree, and the most rapid grower of all the evergreens suited to our climate — the Euro- pean larch, a still more rapid grower, being deciduous. It will thrive in the most dissimilar soils and on poorest sands where most other evergreens will not flourish, and makes an excel- lent wind-break. Its timber is not duly appreciated in this country. In England it is as highly prized as the best Baltic pine, and regarded as superior to our white pine for general purposes. While skeptical on this point, we must at least ad- mit that it is harder, more durable, and more resinous than the white pine. It is light, stiff, and strong, freer from knots than any other fir, easily worked, and well adapted to all kinds of house carpentry. It is extensively used for masts and in naval architecture. In England it yields large quantities of tar, turpentine, and resin. Next to the larch it is the tree most commonly planted in Great Britain. It should be ex- tensively used in Connecticut in reclaiming lands too poor for the larch. It proved a great success in the sandy wastes of Kincorth and Culbin in Scotland, which are now thriving forests. Among the foresters of largest experience in Europe, I found the planting out system growing in favor, in place of sowing the seed, whether in furrows or broadcast in the fields where 12 the trees are to remain. If sowing is adopted, the land, ex- cept on sand barrens, must be well prepared. The general practice abroad is to sow the seed in beds, as beet or onion beds are prepared with us. The Germans speak of the seedlings while in the nursery beds as " in the school," and this phrase happily suggests how they should be treated. The aim is here to start, harden, and root the young plants in a small area where they can be sheltered with brush or otherwise from the scorching sun, and watered if need be in case of drought. If the seedlings are to be put out close by the garden, they may be planted direct from the mother bed at the end of one or two years. But when they are to be removed to any distance or planted as forests, they should be transplanted at the end of the first or second year and planted for forests one year later. The larch and Scotch pine are usually planted perma- nently, two years from sowing in beds and one year from the planting, that is three years from the seed. The direction is constantly repeated to let the trees grow up very tJiickly for a few years, as they will at first thin themselves on the theory of the survival of the fittest, and after the 'fifth year the value of the poles will pay for the further thinning re- quired. When planted, the rows should not be more than three feet apart, and the plants stand two feet apart in the rows, giving some seven thousand to the acre, varying with the kind of trees. At the outset the trees are planted more thickly in Europe than in America. Will it pay the average farmer of Connecticut to plant trees ? Certainly not if early profit is essential. The answer depends on various circumstances, such as the size of one's farm, its soil and situation. But in an ordinary Connecticut farm of from sixty to one hundred acres and upwards, I answer yes. If you are looking ahead and seeking an investment for future profit, " trees will make dollars, for they will grow in waste places where nothing else can be profitably cultivated. A soil too thin and rough for cereals may be favorable for trees. Hillsides and plains exhausted and worn out by the plow have often been reclaimed by planting forests. Ravines too steep for cultivation are the favorite seats of timber, and 13 wherever a crevice is found in a rocky ledge, the root of a tree will burrow and spread, taking a hold so firm as to defy the storm, and acting mechanically to disintegrate the rock and change its constituent elements into useful products. By the road-side, the river-bank, along the brook, and on the over- hanging cliff, a tree may be alwaj's earning wealth for its owners, both in our densest settlements and in the waste places of our most valuable lands." In no way can we ulti- mately enrich Connecticut more than by planting the choicest trees on our exhausted and unproductive lands. In such situ- ations forests will yield a large percentage of profit. This is a duty we owe to ourselves and to our children. In many positions forests are of great service as wind-breaks ; even riarrow strips of trees aft'ord a needful shelter to fruit trees and to various crops, as well as a shield to cattle from piercing winds. Evergreens serve best for screens, as deciduous trees are leafless when their shelter is most needed, especially for stock and around farm buildings. The evergreens most suit- able for this purpose are the Norway spruce, white pine, Scotch pine, and Austrian pine ; and next to these are the American arbor vitse, hemlock, and spruce. Sheltered orchards are most productive and less likely to lose their fruit prematurely by violent winds, and the farmer with proper wind-screens consumes less fuel in his house and less forage in his stables. Stated in the order of their obvious advantage to individual farmers, the benefits of tree-planting would be, first, direct profit in timber and fuel ; second, the reclamation of waste land ; third, shelter ; fourth, climatic gain and hygienic influ- ence ; and fifth, ornamentation. The climatic influence of forests has been of late the subject of extensive investigation in Europe, and much evidence gath- ered showing that forest denudation may result in detriment to the health and welfare of a community. The influence of forests on rainfall, climate, and water supply, has been freely discussed in the schools of forestry and in scientific circles. It is not proved that extensive denudation will cause a marked decrease in the total rainfall of any large country. While this is still an unsettled question, recent observations in France, 14 made with great care and complete sets of instruments at different stations, seem to establish the facts, first, ^that throughout the year six per cent, more rain falls in the forests than in the open fields ; second, that of the total rainfall ten per cent, in the forest is caught by the leaves and reaches the earth very gradually, or not at all ; and, third, that the evap- oration in the open country is five times as great as in a forest. But on the question of the influence of forests on climate and the permanent water supply, there is a growing unanimity among practical foresters and professors in the forest schools of Europe. Their theories and observations plainly show that the wholesale clearing of forests has an injurious effect on both, while the extensive planting of trees on arid regions has ameliorated the climate, prevented mountain torrents, and rendered the water supply more permanent. These investi- gations show that the general destruction of forests has ren- dered the climate dryer, more changeable and trying, and that forests on the one hand tend to lower the general temperature of a country and promote the fall of rain at more regular in- tervals, and on the other hand they ward off sudden meteor- ological changes which result in heavy falls of rain and disastrous floods. It is well known that houses too closely surrounded by trees are damp. Beautiful and healthful as shade trees are, they may stand too near the house. Dense evergreens growing so close as to shut out all sunlight, are harmful. It is an old Italian proverb, that " where the sunlight cannot come the doctor must;" and sometimes the wisest direction of the physician to his rheumatic patient is, to cut down the tree which too densely overshadows the house and excludes all sunlight. The wetness of roads completely overshadowed by. trees, shows how forests affect the humidity of the ground they cover. Mr. Marsh says : " One important conclusion at least is certain and undisputed, that within their own limits and near their own borders forests maintain a more uniform degree of humidity in the atmosphere than is observed in cleared grounds." Speaking of the indiscriminate clearing in 15 America, he says : " with the disappearance of the forest, all is changed. At one season, the earth parts with its warmth by radiation to an open sky, and at another receives heat from the unobstructed rays of the sun ; hence the climate be- comes excessive, and the soil is alternately parched by the fervor of summer and seared by the rigors of winter." Wm. Cullen Bryant says : " Our summers are becoming dryer and our streams smaller. Take the Cuyahoga as an illustra- tion. Fifty years ago large barges loaded with goods went up and down that river. Now, in an ordinary stage of the water, a canoe or skiff can hardly pass down the stream. And from the same cause — the destruction of our forests — other streams are drying up in summer." Almost every work on forestry abounds in evidence that extensive forest denudation has everywhere diminished the flow of springs. The case of the famous spring in the Island of Ascension is often cited, which dried up when the adjacent mountain was cleared, but reap- peared in a few years after the wood was replanted. Several lakes in Switzerland showed a depression of their level after a general devastation of the forests. Siemoni says : " In a rocky nook in the Tuscan Apennines there flowed a perennial stream from three adjacent springs. On the disappearance of the woods around and above the springs the stream ceased, except in rainy weather, but when a new growth of wood again shaded the soil, the springs began to flow." Marchand says : " The river that from time immemorial furnished ample water-power for the factory at St. Ursanne dwindled so much when the sur- rounding woods were cut that the factory was at last obliged to stop altogether." President Chadbourne says that Salt Lake contains nearly twice as much water as it did when the Mor- mons came, and that the water supply is increasing throughout the territory, not by an increase of rain, but cultivation and extensive groves of trees have checked the influence of drying winds and lessened evaporation.* * Near my residence (Woburn, Massachusetts,) there is a pond upon which mills have been standing since the early settlement of the town. These have been kept in constant operation until within thirty years, when the supply of water began to fail. The pond owes its existence to a stream which has its source in the hills stretching some miles to the south. Within the time mentioned. 16 I visited the planted forests of the Duke of Athole — whose estates, beginning near Dunkeld in Scotland, extend forty miles by ten — in company with Captain Campbell Walker, now the Conservator of State Forests in New Zealand, who was long employed in the same service in India. He said he had personally observed the drying up of springs and decrease of the average amount of water in some of the mountain forests in India, in which extensive clearing had taken place, and that such clearing had unquestionably less- ened the regular supply for springs and permanent flow in the streams and rivers. While I was in England, the terrible famine in India resulting in the starvation of over seven hundred and fifty thousand people — more than the entire population of Connecticut and Rhode Island — was a promi- nent theme of public thought and talk and sympathy. Cap- tain Walker, Dr. J. C. Brown, and other foresters expressed the view that forest denudation, diminishing the springs and lessening the former sources of artificial irrigation, was the leading cause of this terrible calamity. Under the early rule of the East India Company, there was a wide-spread devasta- tion of the forests, and in later years the construction of extensive railway and telegraph lines have created a new demand for timber. Recently the English Government has adopted energetic measures for re-foresting the mountains, and placed the remaining forests under the supervision of competent foresters. In a paper read to the Vienna Geographical Society in 1875, Herr Wex, Counsellor of State, and Director of the Government Works for the regulation of the flow of the Danube, affirms that in the last fifty years the decrease in the average level or comparison of the highest and lowest flow of the Elbe and Oder has been seventeen inches, the Rhine twenty-four, Vistula twenty -six, Danube at Orsova, fifty- five. These measurements, embracing the greatest flood these hills, which were clothed with a dense forest, have been stripped of trees, and what was never heard of before, the stream itself has been entirely dry. Within the last ten years a new growth of wood has sprung up on the land formerly occupied by the old forest, and now the water runs through the year. Dk. Piper — Trees of America. 17 heights, the lowest flow, and the medium average flow, show that the floods are unquestionably higher than in former years, and the contrast between tlie highest and lowest flow is greater, and that these higher floods are no compensation for the diminution of the medium and low flood, and tliat many manufactories built during the last fifty years have experi- enced a marked diminution in the water supply of their streams, and steam-engines have been employed to meet tlie deficiency of water-power, once ample to do the same work. The cause of this remarkable phenomena lies in the exten- sive clearing away of the forests, especially in the mountains, where deluges of rain occur more frequently ; for, in lands devoid of trees, the rain water sinks less into the soil, but more speedily reaches the brooks, streams, and rivers, and fills and overflows these water-courses, and results in disastrous floods. The correctness of this conclusion is sadly attested by the now frequently recurring inundations in Italy, in the south of France, Hungary, Bohemia, and in many other lands. It may be worthy of inquiry whether the general clearing of the mountain forests around Salisbury, Connecticut, to meet the growing demand for charcoal for the furnaces, had any connection with the desolating flood which occurred in that town four years ago. A resident of Salis- bury, whose farm lies near the base of the mountain skirting that town, says that a stream on his land, formerly never fail- ing, has dried up every summer for tlie last twenty years. By several learned societies — like the Royal Academy of Sci- ence of Vienna, and the Imperial Academy of Science of St. Petersburg — commissioners were appointed to report upon the paper of Wex, and their reports substantially confirm his views, and say : "Forests exercise abeneficial influence which can hardly be estimated too highly in an increased humidity of the air, a reduction of the extremes of temperature, a diminution of evaporation, and a more regular distribution of the rainfall, while the injurious effects of their destruction is seen in an alternation of periods of drought at one time with wasting floods at another." The forests serve as storehouses of moisture, both from their leafy canopy which shuts out the 9 18 sun, and the myriads, or rather millions, of leaves covering the soil and acting like a sponge, soaking up and retaining the rain and regulating its. distribution, while the roots act as ver- tical drains, favoring infiltration and promoting the descent of the water into the lower strata of the earth, there to nourish the springs. Among the works of Dr. J. C. Brown on Forestry — the most voluminous writer on this subject in the English lan- guage — is one on ^' Rehoisement in France," or the replanting of the Alps, the Cevennes, and the Pyrenees, to arrest and prevent the destructive consequences of torrents. He clearly shows from official documents what fearful inundations resulted from the over-clearing of forests, and describes the remedial measures now in progress, which are to extend through many years and to cost over twelve millions of francs. But the loss of property by the terrible inundations in the south of France in 1875 was estimated by the government at seventy-five millions of francs, besides tlie loss of over three thousand lives. This was the work of a single year. The sad lessons of other torrents and other years have now at length led to systematic efforts to re-clothe their mountains. The benefits that may accrue to our country from the dis- cussion of tree- planting, w^ere strikingly exhibited two hundred and fourteen years ago, when Sir John Evelyn published his celebrated work, entitled, " Sylva ; or, a Discourse on Forest Trees and the Propagation of Timber." It was at once received with great public favor, and honored with royal commendation. He had remarkable success in awakening general interest in sylviculture. It was written while he was employed in an entirely different branch of public service, but, as he says, "from an earnest desire to support the credit of the Royal Society, and to convince the world that philosophy was not barely an amusement, fit only to employ the time of melan- choly and speculative people, but a high and useful science, worthy the attention of men of the greatest parts, and capable of contributing in a supreme degree to the welfare of the nation." He was one of the founders of the Royal Society, and wrote this book at its special request, and that society 19 has originated few books in the last two hundred years more useful than this which still survives in its grand results, although his other works on painting, sculpture, architecture, and medals have long since been forgotten. In many ways England has recognized her great obligations to the man who worked so lovingly and effectively for the good of his country- men. Disraeli, in his " Curiosities of Literature," fittingly says : "Had Evelyn only composed the great work of his Sylva, his name would have excited the gratitude of posterity. The voice of the patriot exults in tlie dedication to Charles II, prefixed to one of the later editions, in which he says : ' I need not acquaint your Majesty how many millions of timber trees, besides infinite others, have been planted throughout your vast dominions at the instigation of this work, because your Majesty has been pleased to own it publicly for my encouragement.' Surely, while Britain retains her situa- tion among the nations of Europe, the Sylva of Evelyn will endure with her triumphant oaks. It was a retired philoso- pher who aroused the genius of the nation, and who, casting a prophetic eye towards the age in which we live, contributed to secure our sovereignty of the seas. The present navy of Great Britain has been constructed with the oaks which the genius of John Evelyn planted." What trees shall we plant in Connecticut? One of the most valuable of our native trees is the white ash, and, all things considered, it is one of the most profitable for planting. Combining lightness, strength, toughness, elasticity, and beauty of grain in a rare degree, it is in great and growing demand for farming tools, furniture, interior finishing of houses and railroad cars, the construction of carriages, for oars and pulley-blocks, and many other purposes. The excellence of our ash is one secret of the preference given abroad to American agricultural implements. It is hardy, will bear the bleakest exposure, is a* rapid grower, and attains large size, but will not thrive on poor lands. It is every way superior to the European ash, much as that has been cultivated and lauded abroad. It is now found widely in the nurseries 20 and young plantations attached to the forest schools of Europe. Director-General Adolfo Di B^ranger, President of the Royal Institute Forestale at Yallombrosa, pointed me to his plantations of Fraxi7ius Americana with a tone which implied that is the tree of which Americans may well be proud. The ash is a fine ornamental tree for private grounds, public parks, or for the way-side. When planted closely for timber they grow straight and free from low laterals, and early reach a size that makes the thinnings valuable for poles and fencing. Mr. Budd, a tree grower of Iowa, says : *'A grove of ten acres thinned to six feet apart, containing twelve thousand trees, at twelve years were eight inches in diameter and thirty-five feet high, the previous thinning pay- ing all expenses of planting and cultivation. Ten feet of the bodies of these trees were worth, for making bent stuiT, etc., forty cents each, and the remaining top ten cents, making a total of $6,000 as the profit of ten acres in twelve years, or a yearly profit of $50 per acre." Mr. Edward Norton of Farm- ington has about sixteen thousand white ash plants, raised from last year's seed, now in rows to be planted next spring. They are very thrifty, and average about one foot in height. Very few of them died during the summer. He has gathered seed enough for about one hundred thousand plants, which he intends to start next spring. The seeds of the ash are abundant, ripening by the first of October. They may be easily gathered after the first frost. If sown in the fall they should be covered with three inches of straw. If to be sown in the spring the seed may be mixed with damp sand. With all seedlings care should be taken to keep down the weeds. In some of the nurseries connected with the forest schools, I noticed the seed-beds were protected by green bushes during the hottest and dryest part of the summer. For field planting, the land should be plowed and made mellow in the autumn, that the trees may be planted early in the spring. A little over five thousand plants will be required to the acre, where they are set in rows four feet apart, and two feet apart in the 21 rows. The weeds can be kept down for three years with a cultivator, when tlie ground will be sufficiently shaded to require no further cultivation. Connecticut is rich in its variety of native trees, having nearly sixty species, of which about forty are sizable for tim- ber. Among the native trees worthy of cultivation may be named the white ash, white oak, sugar maple, chestnut, hick- ory, butternut, white pine, willow, and the elm. The latter, when growing under favoring conditions, has been pronounced ^'the most magnificent vegetable of the temperate zone." Much as the willow has been used as an ornamental tree, its economic value has not been appreciated in this country. The white willow is especially commended by experienced arborists. While most at home in low grounds and beside streams, it is hardy and will grow, though not as thriftily, on dry uplands and in poor soils. Professor William H. Brewer says : " In England, where it is often sixty or seventy feet high in twenty years, there is no wood in greater demand than good willow. It is light, very tough, soft, takes a good finish, will bear more pounding and knocks than any other wood grown there, and hence its use for cricket bats, for floats to paddle-wheels of steamers, and brake-blocks on cars. It is used extensively for turning, planking coasting vessels, furniture, ox-yokes, wooden legs, shoe-lasts, etc. Its charcoal is used for making gun- powder, its bark for tanning, its sprouts for withes and bas- kets. In some sections of Europe it has been planted from remote times as one of their most valued trees." Starting from cuttings and growing rapidly it can be very easily prop- agated. Fuller says: " It groweth incredibly fast — it being a by-word that the profit by willows will buy the owner a horse before that by other trees will pay for the saddle." Mr. Sar- gent says: "As willow timber could be produced far more cheaply than that of any of our native trees, it should soon come into general use here for the purposes requiring light- ness, pliancy, elasticity, and toughness — qualities which it possesses in an eminent degree, and for which more valuable woods are now employed. Less than one-third of the willow used in the United States for basket making is produced here 22 the remainder being imported from Great Britain, France, Holland, and Belgium, at an annual cost of five millions of dollars. The osier proper, the product of Salix vimi7ialis and its allies, can be grown without trouble in any wet, undrained soil, capable of producing little else of value; but the better sorts of basket willow are only successfully produced with careful cultivation on rich, well-drained soil. Under such conditions it is a profitable crop, capable of netting at least $150 a year to the acre, and well worth the attention of our farmers.'' The experiment of raising willows is worth trying, though I do not anticipate so large profits as Professor Sar- gent promises. For the reclamation of our pastures and waste lands aban- doned to hard-hack, sumac, and other worthless brush, the European larch deserves to become a favorite. A native of the Alps, Apennines, of the Tyrol and Carpathian Mountains, it is a very hardy tree, and at home in a variety of well- drained soils, especially on rough, rocky, or gravelly ground, and the most rugged ravines. There are in our State large tracts of bleak hill-sides and mountain declivities or summits, now practically worthless, where the larch, thickly planted, would soon choke out brush, weeds, and grasses. As an orna- mental tree it grows finely even in deep and rich loam, but its extraordinary qualities for timber may be impaired when grown on the rich prairies of the West or the best lands of the East. When raised under right conditions it combines the two qualities of rapidity of growth and durability of wood more than any other tree. This wood was in high favor with the Romans for the building of ships and bridges. Julius Cgesar spoke strongly of its strength and durability. Last summer I heard a lumber-man in Venice say that its durability was amply attested there, as most of the houses of the city are built upon larch piles, many of which, though in use for centuries, show no signs of decay. In a large Doge's palace, now used as a hotel, he showed me some very ancient larch window-casings which are still sound. For gondola posts in the canals adjoining the houses the larch is preferred. In wharves and many other positions in England where there 23 is an alternation of wet and dry with the tide, the larch has stood this most trying test far hetter than oak. In England it is regarded as the best timber for railway ties. Monville says: "In Switzerland, the larch, as tlie most durable of woods, is preferred for sliingles, fences, and vine-props. Tbese vine-props remain fixed for years, and see crop after crop of vines bear their fruit and perish without showing any symp- toms of decay. TProps of silver fir would not last more than ten years." Evelyn says: "It makes everlasting spouts and pent-houses, which need neither pitch nor painting to preserve them." Michie affirms that " For out-door work it is the most durable of all descriptions of wood. I have known larch posts that have stood for nearly fifty years." Professor Sargent expresses the opinion that "For posts it will equal in dura- bility our red cedar, while in the power to hold nails it is greatly its superior." The chestnut railway sleeper loses its power to hold iron in about seven years, though the tie itself may not so soon seriously rot. The larch, while it holds iron as firmly as oak, unlike the latter, does not corrode iron. The Boston & Albany Railway have larch ties in use for six- teen years which are still sound. The president of the Illinois Central Railway, having examined the vast planted forests of larch in Europe and learned its remarkable fitness for railway ties, offers to transport the young plants free of charge to any point on their lines or leased lines, provided they are to be planted in the vicinity of the same. It is, however, an experi- ment which time alone can determine, whether the larch will retain its durability when planted in the level, deep, vegetable mould of the prairies, with their retentive sub-soil. That it will grow there rapidly and luxuriantly is amply proved, but its history for many centuries shows that elevated lands suit it better than low grounds, and side-hills and mountain slopes better than flats. In the rich river flats of Kew Gardens and in the vicinity of London the larch does not thrive. The specimens found in that remarkable collection of all known trees are puny. The Kew arborist informed me that in the two hundred and seventy acres appropriated to the arboretum, no spot had been found suited to the larch. Mr. James Brown, 24 an experienced forester of Scotland, attributes the disease, which has of late prevailed in many larch plantations in that country, to planting it, both in the nursery and the field, "in uncongenial soil. No other tree has been planted so extensively in Scotland. It attains maturity long before the oak, and serves well for nearly all purposes for which oak is used. I^rch trees thirty years old are sometimes sold for fifteen dollars each, while oaks of the same age are not worth three dollars each. According to Newlands the strength of larch timber is to that of British oak as 103 to 100; its stiffness as 79 to 100; while its toughness is as 134 to 100. As the larch grows erect, with short and slender laterals, it may be planted much thicker than the oak. According to Loudon ten acres of larch will furnish as much ship timber as seventy-five acres of oak. Its large timber yield per acre is one source of its popularity in Britain. It was first planted on the estate of the Duke of Athole, in 1741. Some stately specimens over one hundred and thirty years old may be seen near the cathedral at Dun- keld. Mr. McGregor, the duke's forester, informed me that on this one estate have been planted over twenty-seven millions of larch trees, covering over sixteen thousand acres, some of which was formerly worth only from one to two shillings per acre. Dr. James Brown says he has seen matured crops of larch of sixty-five years' standing sold for from $750 to $2,000 per acre, when the land was originally worth only from $2 to |4 per acre. Mr. Sargent, director of the Botanic Garden and Arboretum of Harvard College, gives a detailed estimate of the profits of a plantation of European larch of ten acres to last fifty years, calculating the cost for land, fencing, plants, labor, taxes, and interest, and makes the net gain to be $52,282.75, or about thirteen per cent, per annum for the entire fifty years, after retaining the original capital, and he adds: "There are in Massachusetts fully 200,000 acres of unimproved land which could, with advantage, be at once covered with larch plantations, and if so planted their net yield, according to my estimate, in fifty years would be 25 81,045,660,000. Supposing that these 200,000 acres will, in the natural course of events, produce, during the same time, one hundred cords of fire-wood to the acre, worth six dollars a cord, amounting to 1120,000,000, and subtracting this sum from the net yield of the larch, we have left, as created wealth, the respectable sunt of $925,000,000." Mr. Sargent, however, admits that this is farming on paper, and that considerable allowances should be made for such contingencies as fire, tree diseases, insect attacks, and other dangers now unforeseen. Robert Douglas of Illinois, who has had far more experience in larch planting than any other American, writes me that the larch in this country is remark- ably free from all disease and insect depredations. My special aim has been to encourage the recuperation of sterile lands by tree planting. The experiments of thus reclaiming barren tracts, which have been tried on a large scale in many European countries, prove the superiority of the larch for this purpose over all other evergreens, because it is deciduous. Grigor says : " No tree is so valuable as the larch in its fertilizing effects, arising from the richness of its foliage, which it sheds annually. The yearly deposit is very great; the leaves remain and are consumed on the spot where they drop." Trees also enrich the soil by a curious chemistry which disintegrates even the rocks, and transmutes their par- ticles into forms of life and beauty. The radicles and rootlets, in their underground laboratory, secrete acids which dissolve the very sands and stones. The frequency of forest fires is urged as an objection to tree-planting. Here is a real discouragement ; but forests are no more likely to be burned than are our barns and dwellings. More property is consumed every year by the burning of stores and houses in this country than by forest fires. This danger, therefore, should no more prevent tree-planting than house-building. But such views need to be spread among all classes of the American people as will produce the general conviction that the interests of all classes are concerned in the protection and conservation of forests. The schools of forestry have made this sentiment wellnigh universal m 26 Germany, and all classes there appreciate their value and the need of protecting them. Browsing and pasturage in certain limits are prohibited, and yet the forests are not fenced. Simple marks designate where cattle may pasture and where they may not, and an intelligent public sentiment is a better guardian of the national or communal forests than official watchers or national police. In some portions of Germany the law formerly required every landholder to plant trees along his road frontage. Happy would it be for us if the sovereigns of our soil would make each such a law for himself. Happy, also, if the law of usage, fashion, or interest here, as did the civil law there, required that every young man before he married should plant a tree. In some of our Western States tree-planting by the road-side is encouraged by a bounty from the State treasury, and in the fields by both a bounty and exemption from taxation for a term of years. The law in Minnesota provides that " every person planting, protecting and cultiva- ting forest trees for three years, one-half mile or more along any public highway, shall be entitled to receive for ten years thereafter an annual bounty of two dollars for each half-mile so planted and cultivated, to be paid out of the State treasury ; but such bounty shall not be paid any longer than such line of trees is maintained." If I may be pardoned for repeating a personal allusion, the maples which I planted, when a mere boy, before the old homestead in Litchfield county, are now beautiful and stately trees. As I have often said, they have paid me a thousand-fold for the work they cost, and added new charms to that beautiful spot, to which I count it a privilege to make an annual visit. Among the memories of my boy- hood, no day has recurred with such frequency and satisfaction as that then devoted to tree-planting. My interest in the subject is due to this incident (or perhaps accident) of my boyhood. I should be tlmnkful if I could help put a similar incident, and an equally grateful experience, into the child- hood of our boys of to-day. In this good work may I earn- estly bespeak the cooperation of the farmers of Connecticut. In tree-planting, the economic and ornamental touch at so 27 many points that the cases are rare where they really diverge. Nothing, for example, can add so much to the beauty and attractiveness of our country roads as long avenues of fine trees. I saw this beautifully illustrated in France, last sum- mer, where, for over a hundred miles on a stretch, the road was lined with trees. In many ways the first Napoleon's inter- est in arboriculture proved a benefaction to France. No time should be lost in securing the same grand attraction to the highways of Connecticut. Growing on land otherwise running to waste, such trees would yield most satisfactory returns. The shade and beauty would be grateful to every traveler, but doubly so to the owner and the planter, as the happy experience of many Connecticut farmers can testify. A grand work in this direction is already well started. No class can contribute so much to the adornment of our public roads as the farmers. They have already in abundance the very best trees for the roadside, such as the elm, maple, ash, American linden (or bass), oak, and in some localities the walnut. The hard maple will thrive in dry and gravelly soils, while the elm and red maple are specially desirable for moist, low ground. As the maples should be planted twenty-five feet apart, and the elms from forty to fifty, poplars or willows or trees growing rapidly from scions, may be placed between, to be cut down when their statelier neighbors require the room for their full development. Tree-planting is fitted to give a needful lesson of forethought to the juvenile mind. Living only in the present and for the present, too often youth will sow only where they can quickly reap. A meager crop soon in hand, outweighs a golden harvest long in maturing. Youth should learn to forecast the future as the condition of wisdom. Arboriculture is a discipline in foresight — it is always planting for the future, and sometimes for the distant future. Says Washington Irv- ing, " There is something nobly simple and pure in such a taste for trees. It argues a sweet and generous nature to have this strong friendship for the hardy and glorious sons of the forest. There is a serene majesty in woodland scenery that enters into the soul, dilates and elevates it, and fills it 28 with noble inclinations. There is a grandeur of thought connected with this heroic line of husbandry. It is worthy of liberal and free-born and aspiring men. He who plants an oak, looks forward to future ages and plants for posterity. He cannot expect to enjoy its shelter, but he exults in the idea tliat tlie acorn which he has buried in the earth shall grow up into a lofty pile, and shall keep on flourishing and increasing and benefiting mankind long after he has ceased to tread his paternal fields." It was the trees of his own planting at Sunnyside-on-the-Hadson, more than the beauty of the surrounding landscape, that led Irving to say, " After all my wanderings, I return to this spot with a heartfelt preference for it over all others in the world." It was the simple beauty he had created at Marsh field, — the grassy lawns, the shaded approaches, the hundreds of trees of his planting, — that bound Daniel Webster so strongly to that sequestered spot. The charm of Abbotsford, the grand Mecca of Scotland, comes mainly from its beautiful ivy and shrub- bery and the thousands of trees planted by the hand of its illustrious proprietor. Says Sir Walter Scott, " My heart clings to this place I have created. There is scarce a tree in it that does not owe its being to me. Once well planted, a tree will grow when you are sleeping, and it is almost the only thing that needs no tending." Any wealthy citizens of Connecticut, who desire to become public benefactors, can hardly find a more inviting field for their liberality than by offering prizes for sylviculture. A few thousand dollars placed in the hands of the Connecticut Board of Agriculture would widely stimulate tree-planting, and greatly enrich the State. Tlie Massachusetts Society for Promoting Agriculture, offer three thousand dollars in the following prizes : First. For the best plantation of not less than ^iyq acres, ^1,000 ; for the next best, $000 ; and for the next best, 8-±C0. For these prizes the European larch must be planted, except in Barnstable, Dukes, and Nantucket counties, where the Scotch pine or Corsican pine must be used, as best adapted to sandy plains. Only plantations made on poor, worn-out 29 land, or that which is unfit for agricultural purposes, and containing at least 2,700 trees to the acre, can compete for these prizes. Second. For the best plantation of American white ash, of not less than five acres in extent, $600 ; for the next best, $400. Plantations originally of less than 5,000 trees to the acre, cannot compete for these prizes. The following directions for tree-planting are condensed from the recommendations given by the trustees of the prize fund. For planting larch and pine, shallow furrows four feet apart should be run one way across the field. Then by plant- ing in the furrows four feet apart each way, 2,720 plants will be required to the acre. On hilly, rocky land which cannot be plowed, it will be only necessary to open with a spade, holes large enough to admit the roots of the plants. The larch must he planted as early in the season as the ground can he worked. No other tree begins to grow so early, and too late planting is a common cause of failure. The Scotch and Cor- sican pines can be planted up to the first of May. The roots should be exposed to the wind and sun as little as possible. Carelessness in this particular is often fatal to the young plants. The trees should be carried to the field in bundles, covered with wet mats, and not be removed till they are re- quired for planting. The roots should be carefully spread out in the holes or furrows prepared for them, and the soil worked among them with the hand, and finally pressed down with the foot. A cloudy or rainy day is especially favorable for this work. All young plantations ynust he protected fj-om browsing animals, the greatest enemies, next to man, to young trees and the spread of forest growth. If the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad reclaim the strip of land bordering their line through the " sand-blow," the example would be a benefaction to the State as a demon- stration of what may be accomplished under the most un- favorable circumstances. If that desert can be reclaimed, surely all other barrens in Connecticut may be fertilized by forests. This enterprise will require time, faith, patience, and money. For the first four years the young trees may seem 30 to barely struggle between life and death, after which they are likely to grow rapidly. As this scheme will be regarded as chimerical by those who have not investigated the subject, I give below extracts from letters which I have received from practical tree-planters on Cape Cod and elsewhere, embody- ing interesting facts and practical suggestions. John Doane, Orleans. (Mr. Doane, now eighty six years of age, is the oldest living sylviculturist in Barnsiable County.) I have p'anted one liundred acres in Orleans and seventy in Brewster. The whole plantation in Orleans is about five hundred acres ; in Eastharn seven hundred acres; in Wellfleet four hundred ; in Truro six hundred; in Chatham, Harwich, Dennis, and Y'armouth, about four hundred each; and in Barnstable six hundred acres. In regard to the other towns on Cape Cod I have no definite information, though trees have been planted in many towns on the Cape. I have made a machine for planting the seed, that I have lent to the tree-planters in five of the neighboring towns. The land I have planted with ])ines was not worth over fifty cents per acre before planting, and I have sold some since covered with young pines, for fourteen dollars per acre. I consider it a good investment. John Kenrich, South Orleans.- -"My experiments in tree-planting have been made on over a hundred acres now covered with trees from one to thirty-five years old, chiefly pitch ])ine. I am now trying Scotch and Corsican pine, and Europe;m larch. My first aim has been to cover my worn-out lands with beauty and verdure, and it has proved a successful and economic experiment. The seed of the pitch pine is worth from one to two dollars a pound, the higher price being in the end the cheapest. Fresh seeds, cirefally gathered, are as sure to vegetate as corn, but obtained from seedsmen, they are very unreliable in germi- nating. European nurserymen take far greater pains in" gathering forest tree seeds, and understimd the art of curing them better than Americans. I have tried every method of tree planting, transplanting trees from the smallest to those that are two feet high. This is a costly plan, bnt maybe adopted when one wishes to save time, and desires a few trees as a wind break or otherwise. In transplanting trees immediately from my own nursery to the field, my favorite time is just as the buds begin to start in the spring. I have planted seeds both with a planter and by hand. On our light sands a man and boy will plant three acres in a day. Dropping six seeds in a hill, it will take about half a pound of seed to the acre. This is my favorite method, and is more satisfactory in results, though more costly than that of using the plow and planter. When the ever- greens are about two feet high I would thin them, leaving one thrifty plant in each hill. I do not trim till they get large, and then cut off only the dead branches. TuUi/ Crosby, Brewster. In our small town about fifteen hundred acres of old waste land have been planted with pitch-pine. The Norway pine has not proved a success with us. Many old fields bought for fifty cents per acre, and planted wi'h pine twenty-five years airo, are now worth from ten to twenty dollars an acre. The pines grow well for twenty-five or thirty years, and Avlien cut off a second crop springs up immediately, and this crop does better than the first. The pitch- pine takes root and grows on our barren beach sand where no soil is perceptible. Our people are now planting trees every year. I have recently planted twelve acres. Two years ago I cut off a lot planted thirty years since, and the land is now full of young pine trees growing from the seed scattered by the first growth. A man wiih a two horse team can plant ten acres in a day, and three pounds of seed will do the whole. E. Higgins, Eastharn. Thirty years ago twenty acres of cf^ndemned tillage land, worth one dollar per acre, was planted with pitch pine. The present value of this land is fifteen dollars per acre. Prior to 1870, two hundred and twenty- five acres more of the same sort of land was thus planted, the present value of 31 which is ei<^ht dollars per acre. About one hundred and fifty acres of sandy land, utterly barren and not worth fifty cents to the acre, have been planted, the present value ot which is seven dollars i)er acre. John G. T7iornpf