^4 0*. „ 5^-^^ wj^\^** .^^'^^ ^^Pii^.° ^■i"'^^^. -o-^my.' .N^'-^^ ^. "^0^ ./■ ^'- ^^ 'J^^^.* J' •% ^ . - , ,^*\^J4:%\ c°^c:;^^'^°o /.^;:\ o°^'^;;^^ '*'°o /' ' ♦ V >?■, •>^ enty-si.r THE PACIFIC LUMBER COMPANY Above — Electric Crane Below — The Sorting Table Page Twenty-seven CALIFORNIA REDWOOD Exclusive with The Pacific Lumber Company No Warping or Disrupting of the Fibre The Company has absolute faith in this process. It guaran- tees its Leaver cured product in every particular, for it knows that the finished wood can not be damaged by the change v/hich occurs in Redwood during the passage from the green to seasoned, and the seasoned to dry state. The Leaver Kiln Curing Process is used exclusively by The Pacific Lumber Company. It was conceived and in- vented by the man whose name it bears — an officer of the Company — and it is in the Company's own mills, at Scotia, that the process has been developed and perfected. In this process the Company is carrying out an ideal for which it has so long contended— that Redwood can only be perfectly cured in the temperature and under the conditions of its native air. By the Leaver system the lumber is seasoned or dried in the nat- ural out of door air from 60 to 90 days. Careful tests show that during this time 75% or 80% of the moisture is dried out of the lumber, and the drying process is so gradual that the wood is allowed to adapt itself natu- rally to the change ^vithout any ^varp- ing or disrupting of the fibre, such as takes place when green lumber is dried out by the ordinary kiln-dry- ing methods. After the ^vood fibre has been "set" in this Hauimg om the Logs Page Twenln-cighl THE PACIFIC LUMBER COMPANY Alleys in Broken- On it Shed, lor Mixed Carload Orders. 80 M Square Feet in Size, with 1800 Compartments for Separate Storage of Lengths, Widths, and Grades. Adjoining Is the Main Dry Shed, 1 lOM Square Feet in Size, Capacity 1 2,500 M Feet, where Full Monorail Units .Are Handled Avay, the curing process is completed in the Leaver Kilns ^vhere the chief disadvantage of out-door drying— extreme moisture from fog and rain — is eliminated and the precise conditions of temperature, moisture and circulation are care- fully preserved. In brief, the Leaver process is an exact imitation of nature . in those respects in which nature facilitates good lumber drying, and a distinct improvement on nature in those respects "^^^^^^f"^^'^ where she is harmful. At no time during the process of curing is the lumber sub- jected to a temperature greater than the heat of the sun's rays in the State of California — the Home of Redwood. The nat- ural temperature at Scotia, in the direct rays of the sun during the best drying weather, does not exceed 140 degrees, and the heat in the Leaver process is never allowed to go above that point. on Nature Page Twenly-nine CALIFORNIA REDWOOD New Transportation Facilities Make Redwood Inexpensive and Easily Available Direct All-rail Routes San fPANCISCO New Connections Provide Easier and More Economical Shipping Methods Up to 1915 there had been no direct rail connection with the Red^vood region. The lumber could be placed on the eastern market only by water shipment to San Francisco and Los Angeles Harbor where it was rehandled and reloaded for rail transportation to eastern points. This method was slow and expensive. It is now only a matter of history, for, as shown by the map, the Northwestern Pacific Railroad has completed its line into Humboldt County and Redwood can be shipped by all-rail routes to any part of the country. Almost simultaneously came the opening of the Panama Canal, and with it the possibility of marketing Redwood throughout the world in parcel lots of 25,000, 50,000 and 100,- 000 feet, whereas, heretofore, it has been necessary to sell in cargo lots of at least a million feet in order to secure reasonable freight rates. These new transportation facilities have made pos- sible an easier and more economical method of making Red- wood shipments to the East, as w^ell as to foreign countries. They have brought R ed wood into the Page Thirty THE PACIFIC LUMBER COMPANY world market and put it in the class of inexpensive lumbers. Placed thus within the reach of all, the natural and distinc- tive advantages of Redv/ood are certain to become better known, and, as it is more fully appreciated. Redwood will be used in ever increasing quantities for the many purposes for which it is so distinctly fitted. Sales and Distribution The General Sales Offices of The Pacific Lumber Company occupy the entire 17th floor of the Hobart Building, 582 Market Street, San Francisco. From here the general sales and distribution throughout the world are directed. The Eastern Sales Office, conducted under the name of The Pacific Lumber Company of Illinois, is located in Chicago at 3612 South Morgan Street. The personnel of the Eastern Sales organization is the same as composed the John D. Mershon Lumber Company, until recently our exclusive Eastern Sales Representatives. There also is the Quick-Ship- ment Depot where all grades of Redwood are carried in stock and from which shipments in less than carload lots can be made on short notice. Redwood Noiv Within Reach of All General Sales Offices Eastern Sales Office and Quick- Shipment Depot OfHce of General Sales Manager, The Pacific Lumber Company Page Thirlu-nne CALIFORNIA REDWOOD Above — Reception Hall, Tlie Pacific Lumber Compaiij Below — Office of the President Page Thirtg-two THE PACIFIC LUMBER COMPANY Branch Sales Offices Dealers are particularly invited to make use of the facilities of this Quick-Shipment Depot whenever they can not wait for a shipment to come through from the Coast, or when they Ready to wish to purchase small lots only. The establishment of this Co-operate depot was due to the need of a place where small lots of With Redwood could be obtained promptly, thus, to a certain Dealers degree, bringing the Redwood timber right to the doors of the eastern dealer. For the same purpose the Company has established branch Sales Offices in the following cities: New York, Metropolitan Bldg. Kansas City, Mo., Reliance Bldg. Saginaw, Mich., Bearinger Bldg. Worcester, Mass., 5 Lowell St. Milwaukee, Wis., 767 Marshall St. All Stocks will be invoiced from the Chicago office, how- ever, and all eastern accounts will be handled there. Corre- spondence should be addressed to the Chicago office or the nearest branch office. The export sales of The Pacific Lumber Company are handled through the affiliated corporation of A. F. Thane &j Co., with offices in the Hobart Building, 582 Market Street, San Francisco, California. A. F. Thane &j Co. also maintain Export European offices at 607 Tower Buildings, Liverpool, England, Sales Offices and at 91 Bishopsgate, London, E. C. They are represented in Australasia by J. I. Falk &^ Co., Sydney, and have agencies at the principal ports in China, South Africa and South America. Eastern Sales OfBce and Quick-Shipment Depot, Chicago Page Thirly-lhree CALIFORNIA REDWOOD A Train Load Cut from a Single Redwood The T. P. L. Co. Trade-mark For the Protection of Customers Stands for High Grade Lumber, Honestly- Sold The Pacific Lumber Company believes that a manufacturer should have confidence enough in his product to individualize it by the use of a trade -mark wherever that is practicable. Private brands are used in other lines of trade to distinguish the "better kind" from the "common variety," and to pre- vent customers being imposed upon through agents claiming to sell what they do not in reality handle. The copyrighted brand ,^^ of The Pacific Lumber Com- pany is used not only on all letter-heads, invoices, price-lists, etc., but on every bunch of shingles, every bundle of bevel siding, every moulding tag, every package of turned balusters, etc., and its use Avill be extended as rapidly as possible to include other products. As the trade generally become more familiar \vith ^^ Redwood, they will understand that this mark means good stock, well manufactured, properly dried and honestly sold. Page Thirty-four THE PACIFIC LUMBER COMPANY ■^ T '^ P "'> L Trade-mark Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Written and Designed by THE H. K. McCANN COMPANY San Francisco 539 - I .^'^ %. in tv ^°-^.. .^-:7^o-y-^ -o^^^^''/ V^^*\^^ ^^^^^-^^o' V^^*^-^' ' s • • / ■'j^ ■o '»* T^ A* ^>?^»%k,' c> «. ' «^^ A ■i ay ^\L. - 5 ^"1°^ 4 o ^°-^*.. - - /%. •ar/^/'--. '^sJ\ lB\/\ ^^^^* /\.lw' ^^''"- '- ,5.^"%. \/- V^'^'^V V^^'^^"-'' V^'^V "V'^'*y' "°^-*:^v,.'^o^ ■^^0^ "*bV^ ^Q-n*. Vc^"^ j> ..^'•. , «t vv * A » < ,G^^ %, -*-:?^!f^' ^ V » !, • °' O H , -^ *bv" '».»■' ,G^ "^^ *'^:^' * ^°-n^. - -t. ■^^0^ - -t. G^ 'o. *?^T» ^'V <^ 'o~.1* ,G' 'o 4'/^:, A^ . . o , , • G^ ^^, *' 7% s * A * MA^Jfi^*^