> s* ^"•'^^ . ^^'\ l^^^'^ h9 4^ ♦VrfJ^52.* % .*'\ 'O, » 5' • k^ - o « • - •^ A> v*^ c^^ adies' Masonic 23 PA 5^' Lady Knights of Honor 53 Ladies' Odd Fellows 31 Ladies' Temperance 57 Labor, Knights of 49 Legion of Honor, American 53 Locksmith 95 Locomotive 79 Locomotive, Engineer 81 Locomotive, Fireman 83 Locomotive Firemen Mutual Aid .... 79 Locomotive and Tender 79 Lyre 95 M. Masonic 10-25 Maccabees, Knights 71 Masonic and Knights of Pythias com- bined 43 Master Mason 11-21 Masonicand Odd Fellows, combined 21-25 Mechanics, American 49 Miners' 91 Moulders' 93 Mortar 91 Murphy, or Blue Ribbon 59 Mutual Aid, Empire Order 63 Mutual Benevolent Association, Catholic 61 Mystic Chain 73 O. Odd Fellows 26-37 Odd Fellows and Bena Brith 65 Odd Fellows' Daughter 33 Odd Fellows' Daughter of Rebecca. . 31 Odd Fellows' Encampment 35-37 Odd Fellows, Grand United Order.. . 71 Odd Fellows and Knights of Honor, combined 53 Odd Fellows and Masonic, combined 21, 25 Odd Fellows' Patriarchal Circle 35 Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias, combined , 43 Odd Fellows aild Red Men 69 Odd Fellows and Temple of Honor. . 59 Orangemen's 73 Order of Alfredians 73 Order of Hibernians 61 Order of Harriguria 65 Order of Independent Immaculates . . 71 Order of Mutual Aid Order of Elks. . 71 Order of the Red Cross 73 Order of Railroad Conductors 77 Order of United Odd Fellows 71 Order of United Workmen 45 Order of United Friends 73 P. Palette 95 Painters 95 Passenger Car 79 Parlor Car 79 Patriarchal Circle 35 Patrons of Husbandry 67 Patriotic Order Sons of America 67 Patriotic Order Sons of America Com- mandery 67 PiHB for Engraving 99-101 Plasterers' 89 Plain, for Engraving, Pins 99-101 Plane 89 Plow 93 Postman 93 Printers' Stick 95 Protective Association 69 Pythias. 39-43 R. Railroad Badges 77-83 Railroad Conductors 77 Railroad Engineers. 81 Railroad Firemen 83 Red Men's 69 Regimental Badge 75 Republic, Grand Army 75 Rebecca, Odd Fellows 31 Red Men's and Odd Fellows 69 Red Cross Order 73 Red Ribbon, or Reynolds 59 Reynolds, or Red Ribboa 59 Rooster 95 Royal Arcanum 53 Roman Catholic 61-63 Railroad Emblems 77-83 Roller Skate 85 Royal Templar of Templars 71 S. Saddle 87 Saddler's Knife 87 Saw 89 Second Army Corps 75 Sail Boat 85 Scarf Pins 97 Sea Bean Trimmings 103 Scissors 95 Scissors and Comb 89 Seamen's Society 71 Select Foresters 55 Select Knights of Ancient Order United Workmen 47 Steam Fire Engine 85 Shoemakers' 91 Shield 99 Ship 85 Sheaf of Wheat. 93 Shears 93 Sixth Army Corps 75 Skate, Roller 85 Square and Compass n Sons of America 67 Samaritan 59 Sons of Herman 73 Sons of Jonadab 71 Sons of St. George 73 Sons of Temperance 57 Sons of Veterans, (fe^^iUiiateated) — /^/ Slipper 13. 15 Stone Cutters' 89 St. Crispin 71 St, George 73 St. Jean Baptiste Society 63 Stove 93 St. Louis Legion of Honor 53 T. Telegraph Operators' 93 Temperance 57"59 Temperance Union 73 Temple of Honor 59 Temple of Honor and Odd Fellows combined 59 Tea Kettle 93 Templar of Templars, Royal 71 Three Links 27 Third Army Corps 75 Tinman's Shears 93 Tobacconists' 95 Total Abstinence Catholic Union. ... 6i Trade 79-95 Travellers' Association 69 Travellers' Protective Association 69 Trunkmakers' 95 Trowel 89 Trimmings for Sea Beans 103 Turners' 65 Turner Bund 65 U. Union, Equitable Aid 63 Union, Western Catholic 61 Union, Carpenters 89 Union, Catholic Total Abstinence of America 61 United Friends, Order 73 United Order Grand Odd Fellows ... 71 United States Mail 93 Uniform Rank Knights of Pythias ... 41 United Workmen 45 V. Violin. 95 W. Western Catholic Union 61 Wise Men 71 Woman's Christian Union Association 73 Workmen and Odd Fellows combined 47 Workmen, United Order 45 Y. Young Men's Christian Association. . 73 Yacht 85 CHARJVES. A. American Legion of Honor I47 Ancient Order Foresters I47 Ancient Order United Workmen 151 Army of The RepubHc, Grand . . 149 Arcanum, Royal I55 Association Travelling Men 155 B. Brotherhood Locomotive Engineers. .153 Brotherhood Locomotive Firemen. ...153 C. Canteen I55 Carpenter's Square I55 Chapter, Masonic 129-131 Circle, Patriarchal I37 D. Druggist 155 E, Eastern Star 157 Encampment, Odd Fellows' 137 Engineers, Locomotive 153 Egyptian Masonic Rite of Memphis, .iig F. Firemen, Locomotive 153 Foresters 147 G. Grand Army of The Republic 149 H. Honor, Knights of 147 K. Keystones 129-131 Knights of Honor 147 Knights of Pythias 139-145 Knights, Select of A. O. U. W 151 Knights Templar 105-127 L. Locket, Knights Templar 123-127 Legion of Honor 147 Locomotive 153 Locomotive, Engineers 153 Locomotive, Firemen 153 M. Masonic 105-133 Masonic and Odd Fellows 133 Master Mason 133 Masonic Rite 119 Memphis Masonic Rite 119 N. Northwestern Travelling Men's Asso- ciation 155 O. Odd Fellows , . .135-137 Odd Fellows Encampment 137 Odd Fellows and Masonic 133 Oil Derrick 155 Padlock 155 Patriarchal Circle 137 Pytfflas 139-145 R. Royal Arcanum 155 Royal Arch Mason 129-131 Royal Masonic Rite 119 RepubHc, Grand Army 149 Railroad 153 Select Knights United Workmen ... .151 Skull and Cross Bones 155 Slipper 133 Templar, Knights 105-127 Thirty-second Degree 121-123 Travelling Men's Association 155 J. Uniform Rank Knights of Pythias. . . 145 United Workmen 151 W. Workmen, Ancient Order 151 STUDS. Knights of Pythias 157 I Odd Fellows. Masonic 157 | PRKSKNTATION JKWKIvS. .157 High Priest Jewels 161 1 Past Master. Past Chief Patriarch, I. O. of O. F. . . 163 | •159 ' COIMNIANDKRY BADOKS. Calvary Commandery, Providence, R.I 165 Cyrene, Rochester, N. Y 165 Monroe, Rochester, N. Y , 165 Washington, Hartford, Conn 165 10 Hisoiic PUS, DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 103. Pierced out and engraved. 287. Pierced out and engraved. 113. Pierced out and engraved. 750. Pierced out and engraved. 542. The ground work is enameled blue or black, square, compass and leaf engraved. 85. Pierced out and engraved. 169. The compasses rest on the square, with an enameled trowel on the engraved square and compass. 155. Ground work enameled in blue, black or white, emblems and strings engraved. 132. Emblems enameled in black on engraved shield, with square and compasses resting on shield. 216. Roman gold background, with raised border either engraved or plain. Raised keystone with enameled letters and engraved ground. 205. Roman gold back ground, with raised border, either engraved or plain, and raised square and compass. 188. Engraved shield with raised square and compass, centre enameled and gold G. 570. Pierced gallery setting, with polished background, fine twist wire on bottom of pin, engraved square and compass raised above back. 582. Roman gold back ground, with raised border, and square and compass engraved. 469. Ground work of small shield enameled blue or black, with raised balls at top and bottom, and resting on the larger engraved shield. 645. Engraved keystone, with ground work of ring white enameled, and gold letters. 119. Trowel pierced out and engraved, with coral handle. 142. Square, compass, and trowel with gold handle, each made separate and heavy, then engraved and fastened together. 895 Enamel square and compass on engraved scroll. 917. Emblems on temple enameled blue or black on engraved ground. Square and compass in relief. 103 542 132 570 119 11 Masonic Pins. 287 216 582 142 113 169 205 469 JJV 155 188 645 12 DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 141. 149. 566. 170. 740. 529. 572. 65. 17- 899. 133- 20. 719. 366. 609. 559- 432. 122. 781. 782. The ground work of triangle is enameled blue or black, with engraved ribbon, on which rests raised square and compass. On the scroll in blue enamel is an arch with white keystone, the carpet at bottom of scroll is white and black enamel ; square and compass rests on top. Small shield with ground work enameled in blue or black, rests upon two engraved shields. The plumb ball and a narrow line around the edge is of black enamel, centre engraved, the square and compass are made separate and placed on top. Raised border, Roman gold back ground, on which rests an engraved blocked square and compass. An onyx resting on engraved shield, a gold square and compass on top of stone. Engraved circle of gold with a narrow line of enamel, and an enameled square and compass in centre. There is a narrow line of white enamel following form of keystone, the ground of ring where letters are is white emanel with gold letters, the rest of keystone engraved. The temple is pierced out, with book, square and compass in centre, all engraved. No enamel on this pin. Pierced out and engraved. The toe of slipper is raised, with turned over edge, the ground work of which is enameled blue or black ; square, compass and sole of slipper engraved. Ground work of the squares enameled blue or black, where the eye is white enamel ; square, compass and edge engraved. Ground work of trowel enameled blue or black, square, compass and edge engraved ; coral handle. The emblems in black enamel, ground work engraved. Collar pierced out, with square and compass in centre, ground work of collar and centre of square and compass enameled blue or black, scroll top and bottom engraved. Ground work of shield either blue or black enamel, with gold ball on ornament at top and bottom. Small shield with enamel ground in blue or black, gold ball at top and bottom, and rests on a larger engraved shield. Enamel ground either blue, black or white, emblems and strings engraved. Ring, compass and trowel in blue or black enamel, with ground work engraved. Ring, plumb and square in blue or black enamel, ground work engraved. 14 MISOIIC PIK DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 538. 443- 361. 930. 36. 331- 598. 738. 528. 614. 739- 600. 778. 617. 127. 460. 441. 773- 779- Toe of slipper is raised, with ground work in enamel blue or black, a Roman gold square and compass rests on sole, with points of compass inside the toe. On the ring is gold vine with enamel ground work blue or black, square and compass pierced out and engraved. The quarter circle is enameled blue or black, with pierced out square and compass on top ; engraved. Square and compass pierced out and engraved. Enameled shield, with square and compass in gold, engraved, resting on engraved wreath. Shield and bar engraved. On the engraved scroll rests a raised square and compass, with centre of square and compass enameled blue or black. Pierced gallery setting, with polished back, with fine twist wire resting on back, problem raised above back, ground work of which is enameled black, with white centre. The scollop border rests on a polished back, on the border rests a pierced out square and compass. Ground work of trowel is enameled blue or black, with engraved square and compass ; coral handle. Ground work of small shield is enameled blue or black, with raised balls at top and bottom, which rests on a large engraved shield. Pierced out scollop border, with square and compass on top. Top of scales pierced out, enameled on the sides, the centre of square and compass is enameled either blue or black. Centre ground work of banner enameled in blue or black, which is attached to swing on engraved column. Ground work of shield either blue or black enamel, with raised ball on ornament at top and bottom. On raised toe of slipper is enameled a sprig of cassia. Small shield with enameled ground in blue or black, with gold balls at top and bottom ; small shield rests on a larger engraved shield. The toe of slipper is raised and the ground work enameled blue or black ; sole engraved. Pierced out and engraved. ' The ring is pierced ou; and engraved, on which rests an enameled problem. ^')a 538 930 738 600 460 15 Masonic Fins. 443 528 441 102 614 617 361 598 779 16 DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 272. 228. 783. 335- 372. 30- 373- 374- 375- 104. 387- 637. 383 843- Letters in black enamel, ground work engraved. The ground work of the squares in black or blue enamel, centre where the all seeing eye is enameled white. Pierced out and engraved. Pierced out and engraved. Pierced out and engraved. Pierced out and engraved. Pierced out and engraved. Pierced out and engraved. Pierced out and engraved. Engraved square and compass, centre enameled blue or black. Pierced out and engraved. Trowel engraved with enamel square and compass, coral handle. Border enameled in black, chain in gold, the ground work of centra enameled blue with engraved square and compass. Ground work enameled blue or black- border and emblems engraved. 18 384- 422. 8l2. 847. 838. 804. 805. 715- 814. 85s. 813. 390- 798 992. 851. 971. Hisoiic PUS. DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. The ground work in Roman gold, with ring in white enamel, scrolls engraved. Engraved border, on which rests gold box keystone, with ground work of ring in white enamel. The border and square and compass are in enamel, either light blue or black, with raised engraved wreath encircling bottom. Roman gold back ground, with raised border either engraved or plain, with blocked square and compass in centre. Roman gold horse shoe, engraved square and compass. Pohshed background, with raised rim and scroll, square and com- pass, engraved. Finished same as No. 804. Roman gold background, with raised border, blocked square and compass engraved. Red enamel cross with enamel crown resting on it. On scroll is enamel wreath, green leaves and red berries. On scroll rest engraved square and compass. Roman gold background, with raised border, either engraved or plain, blocked square and compass engraved. The ground work in white enamel, with letters and scrolls in gold, engraved. Roman gold shield with polished bars, G in enamel, on shield rests an engraved square and compass. Compasses in enamel on engraved ground. The ground work of centre in blue or black enamel, square, compass and border engraved. Compass in black enamel on engraved ground. ^^ 'ft 384 838 814 390 19 Masonic Pins. 422 804 855 798 812 805 847 813 993 20 i TEHI DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 585. 599- 586. 162. 1067. 1069. 1068. 539- 969. 1071. 995- The passion cross in red enamel, the swords gold, resting on them in bold relief is engraved crown. Gromidwork of cross enameled red or black, with letters in gold, raised passion cross and crown, passion cross enameled red, crown white and black. Groundwork of cross enameled red or black, with gold letters, in bold relief a Roman gold skull and bones. Groundwork of cross enameled red, crown white and black. Same as No. 599, only smaller. Groundwork of cross red, centre black enamel, skull and bones gold, rim to cross engraved. Groundwork of cross enameled red, letters in gold, raised engraved and enameled cross and crown resting on top. G in blue enamel, square, compass and trowel are engraved gold. Black onyx with square and compass encrusted in gold, on engraved open border. Engraved gold and black enamel. Centre groundwork of banner enameled in blue or black, engraved. Enameled and engraved. Pierced out and engraved. Enameled and engraved. ^ 21 Knights Templar Pins. 868 58fj 162 669 1067 1069 1068 1071 22 IISTIII STll pim DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 632. The groundwork of the star is enameled blue, yellow, white, green and red, the letters and emblems in gold, engraved. The star is surrounded with engraved scroll. 638. Same as No. 6^2, pin. 832. The points of the star enameled same as No. 632, letters in black and centre in white enamel, emblems in gold. 123. Same as No. 632, without the scroll. 827. The points of the star enameled same as No. 632, in the centre on engraved ground is an altar in black enamel. 853. The star enameled same as No. 123, resting on a gold star en- graved with rays. 858. Star enameled same as S27, resting on engraved rays. FMi 23 Eastern Star Pins. 632 638 832 123 827 853 858 ^Q 24 DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 6i6. Ground work of small shield enameled black, while the centres of the three links are blue, red and white. The small shield rests on a larger engraved shield. 576. Pierced out gallery setting with polished back, fine twist wire on bot- tom of pin, the square, compass and links are raised above the back. The centre of compass is enameled black, and the centres of links blue, red and white. 138. Ground work of square is enameled in blue or black. The ground work of the triangle where the eye is enameled white. 7S4. Following the form of the shield is a narrow line of enamel, also around the plain place at top of shield, which is left for letter- ing. The ground work of the round place in centre of shield is enameled either blue or black, the rest of shield engraved. 560. The square and compass is pierced out and engraved, while the cen- tres of the three links are enameled blue, red and white. III. Pierced out and engraved. 751. Pierced out and engraved. 294. Pierced out and engraved. m. The centre of compass is enameled blue or black, centres of three links blue, red and white. 619. Ground work of shield is enameled blue or black, centre of three links enameled blue, red and white ; on ornament at top and bottom rests raised ball. 785. Ground work of pin is enameled blue or black, centre of links blue, red and white. ^ 26 DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE, 743. Solid round wire either chased or all plain. 248. Solid round wire either chased or all plain. 224. Solid round wire either chased or all plain. 234. Solid round wire either chased or all plain. 699. Solid round wire either chased or all plain. 199. Solid round wire either chased or all plain. 731. Tip and feather of arrow in black enamel, links chased. 314. A narrow line of enamel in blue or black, following the form of the links, the letters are pierced out and engraved. 734. Solid round wire links, an enamel bow and arrow rests on the links. 95. Pierced out and engraved. 91. Pierced out and engraved. 365. The emblems are in black enamel, ground work engraved. 574. The ground work of the links is enameled blue, red and white, the letters black. 430. The ground work of the links are enameled blue, red and white, top of scales pierced out. 336. Ground work of links enameled blue or black, letters in gold. 774. Solid wire with open space where the end links are joined to the centre one, these are either plain or chased. T]6i. Same as No. 774. 780. Same as No. 774. 623. The ground work of the links where the letters are, is enameled blue, red and white, above which rests on balls, pierced out flat engraved links. 726. The links are enameled blue, red and white, the letters black on engraved ground. 452. The centres of engraved links are blue, red and Avhite, letters on rib- bon black enamel. 646. Ground work of links is enameled blue, red and white. 27 Odd Fellows' Pins. 743 248 224 234 699 199 314 430 r74 ?76 780 623 452 646 ^ 28 OlD FILMWS' PUS. DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 569. Pierced out gallery setting, with polished back, fine twist wire on bottom of pin. The three links are of solid wire, and chased, rest- ing on two posts above the back. 583. A wide raised engraved border with Roman gold back on which rests a blocked open hand and pierced out three links. 421. Engraved shield with scroll ornaments on which rests an onyx sur- mounted by solid wire three links, chased. 721. Raised border, Roman gold back, on which is a pierced out blocked three links. 550. Engraved shield surmounted by an onyx on top of which in gold are three links enameled blue or black. 484. Small shield with enamel ground work in blue or black, with raised ball at top and bottom resting on a larger engraved shield. 178. Raised border either engraved or plain, with Roman gold back on which is a blocked open hand and links, centre of links pierced out. 615. Small shield with enamel ground work in blue or black, centre of three links enameled blue, red and white, with raised gold ball at top and bottom. Small shield rests above a larger engraved shield. 693. Raised links enameled in red, blue and white, resting on engraved shield. 606. This is pierced out, the scales enameled black, the centre of links blue, red and white. 556. The links are enameled blue, red and white, ornament between the two links engraved. 147. An open bow, the string of fine twist wire, a gold arrow rests on the bow, set with three stones, sapphire, brilliant and ruby. 130. The ground work of shield is enameled black, the links blue, red and white. 131. Following the form of the shield is a narrow line of enamel, and also around plain place at top of shield which is left for letttering. The ground work of the round centre is enameled blue or black. 367. The monogram is pierced out and engraved. 86. The border, bow and arrow engraved, the ground work enameled blue or black. 192. Raised border either engraved or plain, with Roman gold back, blocked hand and three links. Links enameled blue, red and white. 450. Small shield with enamel ground either blue or black, with raised ball at top and botton resting on a larger engraved shield. 435. Same as No. 450. 786. Following the form of the shield is a narrow line of enamel, also around plain place at top which is left for lettering. The ground work in round centre is enameled blue or black. v-. ^G> 30 11 FILLOWS' PUS. DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 201. The circle pink, letters black, and centre green enamel, with figures and well in gold engraved. On the enamel ring there is a ribbon left in gold for lettering. 332. Enameled same as No. 182. This size is made in earrings, as well as pins. 182. Hand, arrow and two circles in gold engraved, green centre and pink enamel ring. '- 444. Ground work black, centres of the links in blue, red and white enamel ; other figures engraved. 564. Shield black, links blue, red and white ; on ornament at top and bottom rests a gold ball. 561. The collar is pierced out and enameled red, blue or black, three links soldered in centre of collar. no. Ground work enameled blue, or black, links blue, red and white. 717. Links enameled blue, red and white, letters engraved. 618. Shield enameled blue or black, centre of links blue, red and white ; at top and bottom of shield rests a raised ball. 164. On the arrow are three wire links. 725. The links are enameled blue, red and white ; on engraved ground, in centre of links, are black enamel letters. 398. All pierced out and engraved. 466. The ground work of the oval centre is enameled blue or black, on which rests a raised Roman gold skull and bones. The centres of links are enameled blue, red and white. 341. The centres of the links are enameled blue or black, or in three colors blue, red and white. 400. Pierced out and engraved. 201 444 717 31 Odd Fellows' Pins. 3.32 564 618 561 164 393 Scarf Pin. 182 110 725 341 400 ODB FlILOWS' PUS. DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 825. Roman gold horse shoe, engraved three links, letters on ribbon in black enamel. 413. The outer ring pink, the one Avith vine white, centre green enamel, dove engraved. 826. Roman gold horse shoe with engraved links. 840. Raised border with Roman gold back, on which rests blocked three links, the centres of which are enameled blue, red and white, gold letters. 856. On engraved scroll is an enamel vine with green leaves and red berries, three raised links enameled blue, red and white rest upon it. 841. Raised engraved border with Roman gold back, on which rests blocked links and hand, centres of links pierced out. 558. Small shield with ground work enameled blue or black, with gold ball at top and bottom. This shield rests on two larger engraved shields separated by ball at each end. 663. Raised border either engraved or plain, with Roman gold back, blocked hand, and three links enameled blue, red and white. 166. On arrow rests three links with stones, sapphire, ruby and brilliant. 543. The rim of heart is enameled blue, red and white, with open centre crossed by engraved links. 407. The ring is enameled blue or black, centre pierced out and engraved, links soldered in. 816. The letters and the line following the form of the oval are in black enamel, the links are blue, red and white on engraved ground ; encircling bottom of pin is a raised engraved wreath. 108. Bow with string formed of fine twist wire, on arrow rest three wire links. 37. Engraved bar. links engraved on shield. 33 Odd Fellows' Pins. Odd Fellows' Daughter. 413 826 840 856 841 558 663 166 543 407 816 108 34 DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 905. Ground work enameled, blue, red and white, with emblems in gold engraved. 894. Centre of links enameled, blue, red and white ; letters in gold ; engraved scroll. 933. Engraved gold links and ribbon, with letters and ground enameled in blue or black. 993. Gold engraved wreath, centre enameled black or blue, links in gold with centres enameled, blue, red and white ; all resting on engraved border. 867. Roman gold background with raised border, with blocked three links in centre enameled in blue, red and white ; letters in gold. 862. Centre of links enameled in blue, red and white ; letters in gold. 34. Engraved emblems on shield. 950. Centre of links enameled in blue, red and white ; letters and links in gold engraved. 1038. Gold engraved hand with heart in red enamel; engraved gold links with centres enameled, blue, red and white. 1024. Engraved gold wreath with centre enameled, black or blue ; engraved gold links with centres enameled, blue, red and white. 1025. Links, ribbon and scales in engraved gold, letters in black enamel, with centre of links enameled, blue, red and white. 1029. Shield enameled, blue or black, with gold engraved links and letters, centres of links enameled, blue, red and white, resting on en- graved gold wreath. 1072. Book, engraved gold with letters in black enamel ; links enameled, blue, red and white, with gold letters. 1074. Centre of links enameled, blue, red and white; bow and arrow engraved. loio. Patriarchal circle ; circle enameled blue, with sword in gold ; links enameled, blue, red and white, with letters in gold ; tent white enamel. '^. r^ OlD FELLOWS' IICIIPHEIT PUS. 928. Raised tent enameled in white, links in gold wire and chased. 892. Engraved shield, with outline of tent in black and centre of links in blue, red and white enamel. 935. Engraved scroll, with tent in white and letters in black enamel. 723. Engraved tent, letters and emblems enameled black, gold hand, heart enameled red. 905. 1038. 1072. 35 Odd Fellows' Pins. 894. 933. 993. 34. 950. 1034. 1025. 1029. Patriarchal Circle. 1074. 1010. Odd Fellows Encampment Pins, 928. 892. 723, 36 ;iHFlEIT PUS. DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE, 772, 364- 724. 627. 168. 722. 483. 143- 175- 545. 221. 229. 183. 565. The ground of the outer ring is enameled light or dark blue, with gold letters, tent white and heart red, the links are blue, red and white. Bottom of pin is encircled by a raised engraved wreath. The emblems on tent are enameled blue or black, the links pierced out. The ground work is enameled blue or black, with black enamel letters on tent. The eye, tent, crooks and links are engraved centres of links enameled blue, red and white. The three links are enameled blue, red and white, the tent white, and crooks black on engraved ground. A narrow line of enamel follows the form of the shield, the all-seeing eye in enamel either blue or black, the ground of shield engraved. On top of shield rest three wire links and crooks. The letters and emblems are enameled in black, the opening in tent either white or black, with gold hand, in the palm of which is a red enameled heart, the centre of the links in blue, red and white. Small shield in blue or blaci:, centre of links either blue or black, or blue, red and white. Raised ball at top and bottom ; the shield rests on a larger one, engraved. Engraved shield with emblem in black enamel, except the tent, which is white. A narrow line of enamel follows the form of the pin, the tent is white, the other emblems black enamel, ground engraved. Following the form of the shield is a narrow line of enamel, the all- seeing eye is either blue or black, ground work of shield engraved. The three columns rest on balls above the shield, and twined around the columns are three wire links. The heart is enameled in red, white and blue, with open centre in which is soldered engraved crooks and links. The tent enameled blue, black or white, emblems in gold. Same as No. 221, with three wire links at bottom. The shield is enameled blue or black, emblems engraved. Shield enameled either blue or black, centre of links blue, red and white, a ball on ornament at top and bottom. Gold rim with wire links, and crooks in open centre. The ring is enameled blue or black, with engraved vine, the crooks and links are pierced out and engraved. . Engraved border with crooks and links in open centre. Same as No. 416. ^(2 38 leiTS OF PI Till! DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 267. The shield is enameled blue, 3fellow and red, plume and helmet black. On the shield in bold relief is a Roman gold skull and bones. 839. The banner is enameled dark blue or white, small shield blue, yellow and red, letters in gold. 809. The banner light blue, the small shield blue, yellow and red. 727. Around the gold letters is blue, 3'ellow and red enamel. A raised Roman gold skul^l and bones rests on the shield. 179. Engraved rim and emblems, centre in blue, red and yellow, letters in black enamel. 844. In the open space are helmet and sword engraved, the collar black, the triangle blue, red and yellow enamel, letters in gold. 382. The emblems enameled white, blue, red and yellow, resting on which is a Roman gold skull, in bold relief. The enamel piece is placed in centre of shield with raised edges, scroll engraved. 495. The shield is enameled black, small shield in centre blue, yellow and red, with gold letters. The enameled shield is fastened by balls above a larger engraved shield. 857. The ground work enameled light blue, the emblems in gold and engraved, letters in blue, yellow and red enamel. 861. On engraved shield with open centre rest engraved emblems, with shield enameled in blue, yellow and red, with gold letters. 807. On engraved ribbon are black enamel letters, triangle enameled blue, yellow and red, gold letters ; Roman gold skull in centre, 552. The shield is enameled black, around the letters blue, yellow and red ; on the ornament at top and bottom are gold balls. 308. The shield is enameled white, red, yellow and black, letters in gold ; Roman gold skull and bones on shield. 749. Shield enameled blue, yellow and red, gold letters ; Roman gold skull on shield. 7^r< 40 IIieiTS 8F PI THIS PIK DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 921. Shield enameled in blue, yellow and red, with letters in gold; K. of P. letters in black enamel on gold ribbon; Roman gold skull in relief. 903. Shield pierced out and enameled in blue, yellow and red, and rests on engraved ring. 879. Shield enameled in blue, yellow and red ; letters in gold ; Roman gold skull in relief. 1020. Letters in gold on enamel ground, blue, yellow and red; falcon, helmet and axes in relief. 1013. Engraved pin with shield enameled blue, yellow and red, letters in gold ; skull and cross bones in relief, in Roman gold. 955. Shield enameled blue or black, with triangle in centre ; the centre of triangle, helmet .and letters gold, with blue, yellow and red enamel around the letters, resting on gold engraved wreath. 949. Collar enameled black, blue, yellow and red; helmet and falcon in relief in Roman gold. 986. Blue enameled pin, with letters and stars in gold, centre Roman gold, shield in red enamel with letters in gold. 1022. Engraved gold leaves, helmet, etc., in black enamel, letters in gold on blue, yellow and red enamel. 885. On engraved scroll, tlie shield enameled in blue, yellow and red, Roman gold skull in relief. 1086. Groundwork of centre in red enamel, lily white enamel, helmet and axes engraved. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS— UNIFORM RANK. 912. Centre of shield pierced out, engraved border, resting on the same oval with the axes and falcon in gold, ground of oval red, with white enamel lily, letters in gold. 1026. Centre triangle enameled red, lily white, letters U, R, H, P in gold and also F, C, B on blue, yellow and red enamel ground, K, P in black enamel. ''C? 41 Knights of Pythias Pins. 1020 1013 955 1023 M Knights of Pythias— Uniform Rank. 1086 1026 912 42 IIKITS OF PITIIIS IID CeHBUiTIOIS. DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 728. On engraved ribbon are black enamel letters, triangle enameled blue, yellow and red, gold letters. A raised square and compass enameled and engraved, resting on centre. KNIGHTS OF PTTHIAS AND ODD FELLOWS 790. The banner is enameled light blue, the shield blue, yellow and red, open links at top. 729. Enameled same as No. 728, with raised links enameled blue, red and white. 801. Pierced out around shield, helmet and axes, with letters and links enameled, 831. Shield enameled blue, yellow and red, gold letters, skull on shield, links across bottom enameled, blue, red and white. 870. In open space are helmet and swords engraved, the collar black, tri- angle in blue, ^^ellow and red enamel, letters in gold, centre of links enameled in blue, red and white, letters in gold. 941. Shield enameled in blue, yellow and red, Roman gold skull in relief open wire links. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS, ODD FELLOWS AND MASONS 929. Gold letters on ground enameled in blue, yellow and red; square compass and links in relief on engraved ground, centre of links enameled in blue, red and white. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS AND KNIGHTS OF HONOR. 940. Gold letters on ground enameled in blue, yellow and red, enameled monogram in relief on engraved ground. f^r4 ^z 44 OllEl m IIITIB W01I1E1 PIK DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 720. Top of shield blue enamel, with gold stars, the bars are in red and gold, letters in black on gold ribbon, the rope Roman gold wire. 713. Pierced out and engraved. 744. Square and compass pierced out and engraved, the letters on gold ribbon are in black enamel. 612. Stars in gold, top of shield blue, bars red and white enamel, letters in black on gold ribbon, Roman gold wire for rope. 835. Ground work blue enamel, with anchor, shield and rays in gold, ribbon black, with gold letters. 810. Roman gold back, with raised border, engraved or plain, blocked square and compass. 803. Ground work engraved, letters and emblems in blue or black enamel. 714. Ground work of shield in blue or black enamel, emblems in gold ; on ornament at top and bottom is a round gold baU. 842. Engraved rays, with shield in blue or black enamel, letters and emblems in gold. 573. Small shield like No. 714 rests above larger engraved shield. 848. Ground work of shield in blue or black enamel, emblems in gold engraved. 860. Letters and emblems in black enamel on engraved ground. 884. Ground of scroll engraved; anchor and letters in black and shield in blue and red enamel. 33. Emblem engraved on shield. 934. Engraved ground ; anchor and outline of shield black ; leaves green enamel, letters in gold ; beaver. 925. Engraved and enameled same as No. 934. 45 Ancient Order United Workmen Pins. jii.f,i,t»iiii 713 842 810 573 744 803 848 612 860 46 ilMEff S MIS. DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 966. Anchor and shield in relief, letters on black enamel ground. 890. Heart enameled in red, with gold anchor and letters, other emblems enameled in black on engraved ground. 989, Blue enamel ground anchor and shield in gold, with letters on white enamel ground. 1058. ■ Top of shield enameled blue, with stars in gold, stripes in gold and red enamel, letters A, O, U, W in gold on black enamel ground, the letters C, H, P, in black enamel on engraved ground. 1045. Roman gold background, with raised engraved rim, anchor and shield in relief enameled blue, red and black. 1034. Engraved shield with anchor and A, O, U, W in black enamel, C, H, P in gold on black enamel ground. 1023. Shield enameled blue and red, stars in gold, and letters A, O, U, W in black enamel. ANCIENT ORDER UNITED WORKMEN, KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS AND ODD FELLOWS, COMBINED. 889. Heart enameled in red, with anchor and letters in gold, shield of Knights of Pythias in blue, yellow and red, other emblems in black enamel on engraved ground. SELECT KNIGHTS OF A. O. UNITED WORKMEN PINS. 850. On engraved belt and Bible are black enamel letters, shield blue and red, skeleton hand black, anchor engraved. 991. Shield enameled blue and red, with letters in gold, Bible in engraved gold, with black enamel letters, and white enamel hand. 877. Centre of links enameled in red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and lavender, gold monogram in relief. 874. Centre of links enameled in red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and lavender, circle in black enamel, with gold letters, clasped hands and F, A, P in black enamel on gold ground. >'W 47 Ancient Order of United Workmen. 966 1058 1023 1045 1034 Select Knights. 850 889 Chosen Friends. i^T^4 967. 775- 970. 476. 833- m- 262. 167. 449. 318. 334- 48 IHllICII HICIIIICS' PUS. DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. Engraved gold shield pierced out, with flag and square resting on top enameled red, while and blue, and arm of square black enamel. Eno-raved square and compass, enameled flag, blue field, red and gold stripes. , Flao- enameled red, white and blue. Arm of square black edamel. The flag is enameled blue, red and white, the handle to square black- A Roman gold arm and hammer rests on the compass. Pierced out and engraved. Pierced out and engraved, letters enameled. Pierced out and engraved. Engraved shield, line of enamel following the form of shield, emblems and letters in blue or black enamel. The ground work of shield enameled red, white and blue, letters black enamel. Roman gold arm and hammer on centre of square and compass. Pierced out and engraved. The hammer and handle to the square in black enamel Pierced out and engraved. 468. The border enameled blue or black, in open centre engraved emblems. ion. Gold engraved wreath with triangle and ribbon enameled blue or black with letters in gold. 883 49 American Mechanics' Pins. 262 334 Knights of Labor. 101] 167 468 50 IlieiTS ©F DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 742. The ribbon at top enameled black, bars across scroll enameled red yellow and white, letters in gold. 674. Top of banner gold ground, with black enamel letters, bars enameled red, yellow and white, gold letters. 696. A raised border with engraved scroll, surrounds an enameled shield like No. 694. 697. Monogram pierced out and engraved, with M in black enamel. 694. Bars on shield enameled red, yellow and white, gold monogram engraved. 698 Monogram pierced out and engraved. 817. The points of the star are enameled white, red and yellow, on engraved centre is a black enameled monogram. 849. A narrow line of black enamel on outer edge of banner, the ribbon white, the bars red, yellow and white enamel, letters gold, orna- ment at top and bottom red enamel. 821. Engraved star, with monogram enameled white, yellow and red. 878. Banner enameled in red, yellow and white, emblems in gold engraved. 893-. Engraved scroll, with monogram enameled in white, yellow and red. 876. Points of stai enameled in white, yellow and red, monogram in black ; the star rests on engraved ring. 38. Bar and shield engraved. 968. Letters K. of H. in gold on black enamel ground. The other letters in gold on red, yellow and white enamel ground. 697 51 Knights of Honor Pins. 696 698 849 ^■:y 819 laSMjiiHU!; 943 54 F@1IST11S' PIK DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 490. 648. 658. 661. 733- 845. 820. 836. 823. 875. I08I. 1076. Ancient Order of Foresters, enameled black or green, letters and head in gold. Independent Order of Foresters, enameled red, green and white* letters and head in gold. Independent Order of Foresters, same as No. 490. Independent Order of Foresters, raised wreath, with stag's head in open centre engraved, plain place at top for engraving number of court, letters in blaclv enamel. Ancient Order of Foresters, ribbon black, and centre green enamel, with letters, crown and deer in gold. Ancient Order of Foresters, same as No. 661. Ribbon enameled red, white and green, with gold letters, deer in black enamel on engraved ground. The ground work of shield is enameled in colors, rose, Lincoln green, yellow and red enamel, the emblems and stag's head in gold engraved. Ancient Order of Foresters, the four sides are enameled red, white, green and black, letters in gold, deer and eagle in black enamel on engraved ground. Independent Order of Foresters. — Ground of centre enameled in red, white and green, letters in gold, moose head and arms of cross engraved. Ancient Order of Foresters. — Letters at top in black enamel, U, B, C in gold on enamel ground. Select Foresters. — Letters above swords in black enamel as also is A, O, F. The U, B, C in gold on enamel ground. The pattern like No. 490 and No. 661 can furnish either for the Cana- dian or United Order. -a 490 661 820 W-^^Jj 875 55 Foresters' Pins. 836 1081 658 845 SELECT FORESTERS. 56 MOD TIMPLIIS' HISe DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 140. Black or white onyx, with gold shield in centre, the emblems are in black enamel, the rest of the shield engraved. This is also made with a round onyx. 6"]^. Engraved anchor, heart and cross, are soldered one above the other, ribbon black enamel, letters in gold. 748. Book in blue or black enamel, emblems in gold. 554. The lower triangle is enameled blue, with fountain and letters in gold. In each corner of the gold engraved triangle is a red enamel diamond. 828. The cross is enameled blue or black, with emblems in gold, and engraved. 434. The line following the form of the shield, and the letters and emblems are in black enamel, on a gold engraved ground. 207 The ground of the centre triangle is enameled blue, fountain white, and letters black on gold ground, in the points of the outer gold triangle is red enamel, and engraved ribbon looped around. 613. A narrow line of black enamel follows the form of the shield, the out- line of the heart is in blue, in the engraved centre of which is a red enamel S. The other emblems are in black, ground work engraved. 114. Engraved shield, with emblems in black enamel. 197. A narrow line of enamel follows the form of the cross, letters and emblems in blue or black enamel, on engraved ground. 191. The heart, cross and anchor are cut out separate, engraved and placed one over the other, the letters on heart in black enamel. 118. The shield and letters on engraved triangle are enameled blue or black. 362, The triangle is enameled white, blue and red, with gold letters. In the open centre is an engraved six pointed star. 580. Triangle enameled white, blue and red, with gold letters in centre, engraved star on black enamel ground, corners of triangle pierced out. 107. Engraved triangle, letters enameled in white, blue and red, in open centre is an engraved star. 57 Good Templars' Pins. 140 675 748 554 828 434 207 613 114 Sons of Temperance Pins. lis 362 580 58 DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 299, Engraved triangle, with centre and letters in black enamel. BLII 01 111 IIBBOI FIIS. 673. Ground work enameled blue, with emblems and letters in gold. 792. Engraved ribbon with letters in black enamel, centre blue, with engraved goblet and serpent, top of goblet red. 230. Same as No. 673, only enameled red. 120. Ground work and letters enameled black, with base, dome and columns engraved, triangle blue, red and white. 672. Same as No. 120. 321. Same as No. 120. 325. Same as No. 321, with wire three links. 158. Triangle with nine pointed star in open centre, engraved. 961. Roman gold background with raised border engraved. Temple in relief, letters and colums in black enamel. 787. Same as No. 321, suspended from engraved bar. 59 Temperance Pins. Good Samaritan, 299 Murphy or Blue EiTDlDon Badges. Reynolds, or Red Ribbon. 673 230 Temple of Honor Pins. 120 672 321 325 158 60 DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 491. Engraved ground with letters, harp and clasped hands black, and shamrock green enamel. 593. Base enameled black, hands engraved, groundwork of harp engraved, with letters in black, shamrock green enamel. 605. On enameled ground of blue or black, the letters and emblems in gold, engraved. 1014. A, O, H monogram engraved gold pierced out, with A in green enamel. • 990. On engraved gold ground the letters in black and shamrock green enamel, bar with narrow engraved border, leaving centre plain for name. 1000. Engraved ground with letter black and shamrock green enamel. 1032. Same as pendent to 990 pin. 1065. Centre enamel green with monogram in gold engraved. CATHOLIC TOTAL ABSTINENCE UNION OF AMERICA. 808. Engraved ground with letters and outline of cross in black and shamrock in green enamel. CATHOLIC MUTUAL BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION. 911. Pierced out between triangles, circle and emblems engraved, ground of triangle enameled in blue; also make this without enamel, the emblems in relief. 1035. Same as No. 911, but smaller. WESTERN CATHOLIC UNION. 916. Letters and clasped hands in relief, pierced out around the anchor, heart and cross, all engraved. CATHOLIC KNIGHTS OF AMERICA. 865, Heart, cross and anchor are cut ou-t separate and placed one above the other, letters on ribbon in black enamel. 504. Groundwork of centre blue, letters and figures black enamel, emblem and rays engraved. n, 61* Ancient Order of Hitiernian Pins. Catholic Total Abstinence Union of America. -»808 Catholic Mutual Benevolent Association. 911 Catholic Knights of America. 1014 1065 Western Catholic Union. 103^ German Roman Catholics. 865 504 62 DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. EMERALD BENEFICIAL ASSOCIAT[ON. 1075. Letters in black enamel, and shamrock green enamel on engraved ground. FATHER MATHEW TOTAL ABSTINENCE AND BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. 953. Letters in black enamel, and shamrock green enamel on engraved ground. EQUITABLE AID UNION. 974. Centre blue enamel ground, letters engraved gold. EMPIRE ORDER MUTUAL AID. 918. Monogram and letters engraved, centre enameled in blue. ST, JEAN SOCIETY. 882. Enameled in black and white, letters in gold. ST, JEAN BAPTISTS SOCIETY. 883. Groundwork engraved, letters and beaver in black enamel. HOLY NAME SOCIETY. 1070. Letters in black enamel on engraved ground. 1088. Same as 1070 without bar. 339. Cvit out and engraved. 1077. Cut out and engraved. 1080. Cut out and engraved. 1083. Cut out and engraved. KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN RULE. 886. Letters and centre of links in black enamel, ground engraved. 896. Centre enameled in white, cross and hands in gold, letters in cross black enamel, ground of ring black enamel, letters in gold, all engraved. 63 Miscellaneous Pins. Emerald Beneficial Association. 389 1077 1080 Knights of the Golden Rule. 108g rj^ 64 pigCElil£^NE6a^ PIN?. DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. ©IIHII T 902. Letters on base of badge in black enamel, centre of shield raised above the belt, ground enameled in blue, with letters in gold. 1054. The centre piece in blue enamel ground, with letters engraved gold. Letters on the border are in black enamel with oak leaves en- graved. 1082. Same as No. 1054 without the bar. 567. Centre enameled black or blue, with ribbon and emblem engraved. 396. Upper part of Shield enameled white or black, lower part red enamel^ letter and border engraved. 596. On engraved ground, the small letters and D are in black, and O in red enamel, H in gold. 309. Ground enameled blue or black, emblem and letters in gold, en- graved. JEWISI OlDEl Pim 281. Groundwork enameled black, emblems and letters in gold, engraved. 283. Same as No. 281. with wire links attached. 594. The ground of Shield and Greek characters are in black enamel, em- blem in gold engraved. 65 German Turners, 1054 Harriguria Order. 596 Jewish Order Pins. Bena-Brith. » ^ 1083 309 Kasher. 66 DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 932. Engraved shield and star, letters in black enamel, pierced out around star, silver head of Washington in relief. 973. Same as 932, attached to engraved bar. 295. Engraved shield with letters in black enamel, star in open centre, with head of Washington in silver. 954. Same as 295 pin, attached by rings to engraved bar. 482. Letters in black enamel on engraved ribbon, shield, with gold stars, on blue field, stripes red and white enamel, Washington's head in silver. PATRIOTIC ORDER SONS OF AMERICA COMMANDERY. 1060. Engraved shield with letters in black enamel, star in open centre with head of Washington in silver, bar left plain for engraving name. 1089. Same as No. 1060 without the bar. 474. Ground enameled green, emblems in gold engraved. 557. Ground enameled green, clasped hand and plow in gold, engraved. 537. Groundwork green, letters black enamel, scrolls, plow and wheat engraved. *iA 67 5J^ Patriotic Order Sons of America. 954 482 Patriotic Order Sons of America Commandery. 1060 1089 V^tS!^ 474 Grangers' Pins. 557 w 68 Hi miws Fiia DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 595. The shield is enameled blue, red and yellow, letters black, fire red enamel in front of engraved tent, all the emblems in gold, en- graved small shield on eagle enameled red, with gold letters. 235. Pierced out and engraved. 202. Groundwork in blue or black enamel, emblems engraved. 1033. Same as 595 but smaller. RED MEN AND ODD FELLOWS COMBINED. 871. Emblems pierced out and engraved, centre of links enameled in blue, red and white, letters in gold. 360. Engraved ground, triangle black enamel, eye in gold, leaves on vine green and berries red, altar in white, with fire in red, spear and crook black. 1021. Same as 360, but larger. 610. Engraved groundwork, eye and altar in white, fire in red, crooks, spear and letters in black, vine in green, ladder enameled red, blue, pink, white and green. 1057. The circle blue enamel ground with letters in gold, centre monogram pierced out, enameled black and engraved. CSHMEICIIL TlllILIlS' ISSOCIiTIOI. 1050. Pierced out open monogram engraved. Bsiimim 1066. Letters in black enamel on engraved ribbon, cuff enameled, hands engraved. 69 VJ< Red Men's Pins. 202 1033 Druid Pins. 360 1021 Travelers' Protective Association. 1057 Commercial Travelers' Association. 1050 Bohemians, 1066 li)A 70 Fl DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. KNIGHTS OF WISE MEN. 88i. Engraved ground, letters and emblems in black enamel. 931. Groundwork enameled in red or black, emblems and letters in gold engraved. GRAND UNITED ORDER ODD FELLOWS. 1019. Letters in black enamel, centre of links enameled blue, red and white, skull and bones in relief in Roman gold. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF IMMACULATES. 985. Engraved gold tent, with letters and small cross in black enamel, skull and bones in relief in Roman gold. SEAMAN'S. 198. Centre of triangle enameled blue, with anchor and border engraved. KNIGHTS OF ST. CRISPIN. 215. Letters and tools enameled black on engraved ground. IRON AND STEEL WORK. 210. The letters and emblems are in black enamel on engraved ground. BASE BALL. 125. Pierced out around the bats, etc., rim engraved or left plain for lettering. BENEVOLENT AND PROTECTIVE ORDER OF ELKS. 937. Centre of wreath pierced out, head and wreath carved, letters in black enamel. ROYAL TEMPLE OF TEMPLARS. 919. Letters black, ground of triangles enameled in blue, red and white, emblems in gold engraved. KNIGHTS OF TENT OF MACCABEES. 908. Tent white, letters red, globe black enamel, with gold lines crossing the globe. ANCIENT ORDER OF GOOD FELLOWS. 592. Ground of shield enameled in blue and black, letters and emblems in gold engraved. SONS OF JONADAB. 904. Ground of bar gold, with letters and line following form of bar in black enamel, arms of cross enameled in blue and red, emblems in gold. 1 09 1. Same as 904, without the bar. 71 Miscellaneons Pins. Knights of Wise Men. Independent Order Grand United Order of Immaculates. Odd Fellows. 1019 Iron and Steel Work. Base Ball. Seaman's. St. Crispin. 198 Order of Elks. 215 210 Royal Temple of Templars. Knights of Maccabees. 937 919 Sonsof Jonadak 1091 125 Good Fellows. DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. SONS OF HERMAN. 571. Ground and letters in black or blue enamel, figure and scroll en- graved. ORANGEMEN. 732. Groundwork and date in blue or black enamel, horse and rider en- graved. HEPTASOPH. 997. Engraved shield, F T W in gold on enamel ground, monogram in gold on white enamel ground, other letters black enamel, leaves green enamel. KNIGHTS OF ST. GEORGE. 822. Shield in open centre white, and cross red enamel, with Bible and swords in gold, engraved, black enamel letters on engraved belt. 977. Black enamel letters on gold belt, St. George and Dragon in relief, Roman gold ground. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. 854. Centre blue, and letters black enamel, belt and emblem engraved. WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE' UNION. 972. Ribbon in black enamel with W C T U in gold, all other letters in black enamel on engraved ground. ALFREDIANS. 419. Shield enameled red, blue and white, monogram in gold engraved. KNIGHTS OF MYSTIC CHAIN. 535. The letters and castle are in black enamel, on engraved ground, the sections are enameled white, blue and red, emblems in gold, en- graved. ORDER OF RED CROSS. 947. Cross red, circle white enamel, letters in gold. ORDER OF UNITED FRIENDS. 1018. The circle blue enamel, with monogram in engraved gold, centre of triangle Roman gold. Sons of Herman. Young Men's Christian Association. 854 Mystic Chain V"^ ^ii 73 Miscellaneous Pins. Orangemen. Knights of St. George. Women's Christian Temperance Union. 973 Order of Red Cross. Heptasoph. 997 Alfredians, Order of tJnited Friends. 1018 74 w4 DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 1052. Engraved gold eagle, flag enameled red and blue, points of star red and centre white enamel, emblems in engraved gold. 927. Points of Star red, letters blue, and centre white enamel ; all the emblems are in gold and engraved. 1036. Engraved gold eagle, flag enameled blue and red, star enameled red, centre white, with figures in gold. 1073. Points of star red with centre white and letters blue enamel, emblems in engraved gold. 150. Ground of Shield engraved with letters, guns and sabres in black, and flags red, white and blue enamel. 1040. Second Army Corps. 1 041. Third Army Corps. 1042. Fifth Army Corps. 1037. Sixth Army Corps. These army corps badges all have a narrow engraved border, the groundwork enameled, either red, white or blue, according to the division desired. First division, red. Second division, white. Third division, blue. Can also furnish these for the fourth division, green, or fifth divi- sion, orange. 629. First Regiment Illinois National Guards. Monogram piercea out and engraved, the ribbon enameled blue, with gold letters. On engraved circle the letters are in blue enamel. 6S7. Eighth Regiment C. V. Engraved ground, with letters, anchor and cannons in black enamel. 1053 75 Grand Army of the Republic 927 1036 SONS OF VETERANS. 1100 1102 1099 GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. 1101 1098 All Enamelled in their Appropriate Colors. 76 DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 1084. Locomotive enameled and engraved, ribbon gold, ground black, enamel letters. 900. Enameled black, and engraved letters in gold. 913. The car engraved gold, with windows enameled in colors, the ribbon engraved ground, letters in black enamel. 1085. Horse car enameled and engraved, letters in gold on enamel ground. 952. Centre enameled black, letters in gold, border engraved. 901. Letters in black enamel on engraved ground. IF 1 996. Engraved ground with O in red enamel, R in gold, and C in black enamel. 1027. Punch engraved and pierced out, O R C in enamel. 046. Pierced out and engraved. 77 Railroad Conductors. 1084 900 1085 E .7^ tli|g|ill|.h<,1;l 953 901 Order of Railroad Conductors. 1037 946 78 DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 1015. Enameled black and engraved. 788. Enameled black and engraved. 962. Engraved, no enamel. 581. The windows are enameled various colors, the cars black enamel and engraved. 939. Horse car enameled and engraved, windows enameled in colors. 451. Enameled black and engraved. 1063. Freight car engraved and enameled. LOCOMOTIVE FIREMEN'S MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION. 978. Enameled black and engraved. 79 Trade Pins. 1015 «Si 451 1063 Locomotive Firemen's Mutual Aid Association. 978 80 DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 716. Black enamel letters on engraved ribbon, engine enameled black and engraved. 959. Engine enameled and engraved, ribbon gold ground with letters black enamel 944. Locomotive enameled black and engraved, " Engineer" in gold letters on black enamel ground, 998. Bumble bee, engraved letters in black enamel. 979. Engine and ribbon engraved gold, letters in black enamel. 951. Centre enameled black, letters in gold, border engraved. 975. B pierced out and engraved, small letters in black enamel. 887. B pierced out and engraved, L, E in black enamel. Also make this pin L, F, for Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen. 982. Monogram pierced out and engraved. 348. Centre enameled blue with B in gold, engraved, letters on engraved border in black enamel. 988. Bumble bee, engraved letters in black enamel. OF Blilllll. 1049. Pierced out around letters. 651. Enamel ground, either blue or black letters, and spokes engraved. ^- ^u 81 Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. Brotherhood of Brakemen. i^t^4 82 leceilOTIll FIllMEE DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 994. Bumble bee engraved gold, letters in black enamel. 1056. Engine enameled and engraved, letters in gold on enamel ground. 999. Bumble bee engraved gold, letters in black enamel. 960. Engine in black enamel and engraved, letters in black enamel on engraved ribbon. 1053. Letters in gold on engravea ground. 906. Same as 960, but smaller. 915. Groundwork enameled in blue or black, emblems in gold. 980. Engine and ribbon engraved, gold letters in black enamel. 1017, Same as 915, but smaller. 983. Monogram pierced out and engraved. 1 03 1. Pierced out and engraved. 907. Engraved border with L F in black enamel, centre ground enameled blue, B in engraved gold. 981. B pierced out and engraved, small letters in black enamel. 888. B pierced out and engraved, small letters in black enamel. 83 Brotherhood Locomotive Firemen. 994 1056 1017 1031 ' e^' CM? ^ — ^^ 981 84 iiBi PUS. DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 796. Pierced out and engraved, with enamel hat, soldered on top. 795. Emblems enameled in black on engraved ground. ySg. Pierced out and engraved, hat in black enamel, soldered on top. 736. Enameled black and engraved. 746. Enameled black and engraved. 462. Enameled black and engraved. 1051. Enameled black and engraved. Ribbon left plain for engraving name. 1047. Enameled black and engraved. 1064. Same as 1051 without the ribbon 1062. Pierced out enameled and engraved. 936. Pierced out and engraved. 424. Pierced out and engraved, rope of Roman gold twist wire. 736 1051 1062 85 Trade Pins. 1047 1064 n^ TUBE PUS. DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 330. Pierced out and engraved 1048. Pierced out and enameled and engraved. 148. Pierced out and engraved. 260. Pierced out and engraved. 282. Pierced out and engraved. Saw silver, handle gold. 285. Pierced out and engraved. 520. Pierced out and engraved. 171. Raised head in open centre, belt engraved or left plain for lettering. 256. Pierced out and engraved. 369. Cut out and engraved. 270. Cut out and engraved. 356. Cut out and engraved. 254. Pierced out and engraved. 433. In open ring are anvil and callipers, all engraved, 252. Cut out and engraved, black enamel around nails. 87 Trade Pins. 1048 369 270 Blacksmiths' Union. 433 DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 211. Engraved trowel, gold handle. 799. Plasterer's pin, cut out and engraved. 481. Pierced out and engraved. 791. Plain trowel, with gold handle. 479. Cut out and engraved. 473. Pierced out and engraved. 1030. Pierced out and engraved. 370. Pierced out and engraved. 1043. Pierced out and engraved. 423. Pierced out and engraved. 1055. Carpenters' Union.— Pierced out and engraved, letters in black enamel. 355. Cut out and engraved. 1078. Pierced out, engraved and enameled. 89 Trade Pins. 479 Carpenters' Union. 1055 481 E /dvv c^<~j:>^t!:t^^y^y^\ 4 h— 473 1030 1043 423 1078 90 8ii. 204. 1039. 395- 891. 1009. 824. 863. 864. 806. 964. DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. Enameled and engraved Cut out and engraved. Enameled and engraved. Pierced out and engraved. Bicycle and rider in black enamel on engraved ground ; border blue enameled. Cut out and engraved. Head white, and band black enameled, body engraved. Canteen enameled blue, ribbon engraved. Knapsack black, strap white, with blanket in gray, blue or red enamel. Miner's pin, centre enameled light blue or black, emblems and border engraved. Miner's pin, shovel and pick made separate with pan with gold nuggets resting on them. 91 Trade Pins. 204 1039 1009 III 863 864 Miner's s? 1 964— Miner's. 92 942 9S4, 6ss 368 945 924 898 926 92 494' 1008 477 DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. Centre enameled black or blue ; postman, box and wreath in gold engraved. Hand and letter in engraved gold with U. S. M. in black enamel. Telegraph operator, pierced out, with end pieces in black enamel. Pierced out and engraved. Sheaf of Wheat engraved. Coopers' Adze engraved. Tinman's Shears. — Pierced out and engraved. Moulders' Pin. — Ground enameled blue or black; tools in gold engraved. Barrel enameled and engraved. Cut out and engraved. Pierced out and engraved. Cut out and engraved. Tinman's Shears 93 Trade Pins. ^L^ 1 945 926 Moulders 1008 Telegraph 655 477 94 DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 737- Harp, pierced out and engraved. 976. Cornet, made of wire. 1016. Violin, engraved and enameled. 745. Lyre, pierced out and engraved. 300. On engraved palette are red, blue, yellow, turquoise and green enamel, brushes with handles passed through opening and fastened at back. 310. Printer's stick, background and screw in Roman gold, raised sides polished. 472. Trunk, cut out and engraved. 268. Key, pierced out and engraved. 194. Scissors, pierced out and engraved. 478. Tobacconist, pierced out and engraved. 273. Pierced out and engraved. "^iS. Shield enameled blue or black, figure engraved. 472 478 95 Trade Pins. 1016 % DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. MASONIC. 31 13. Pierced out and engraved. ODD FELLOWS. 3430. Centre of links enameled blue, red and white, letters in gold, KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. 3807. Letters K of P in black enamel, triangle enameled blue, yellow and red, letters in gold, Roman gold skull in centre. ODD FELLOWS ENCAMPMENT. 3722. Gold ground tent, heart red enamel, centre of links enameled blue, red and white. ANCIENT ORDER UNITED WORKMEN. 3612, Stars in gold on blue enamel ground, bars red and white, letters black enamel, Roman gold wire for rope. 3451. Enameled black and engraved. ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERS. 3490. Ground enameled black or green, letters and head in gold engraved. Make this also I O F, U O F. and C O F. 3256. Pierced out and engraved. 31016. Enameled and engraved. KNIGHTS OF HONOR. 3694. Bars on shield enameled red, yellow and white, monogram engraved gold. Will make in scarf pins any pattern illustrated in the book. 3113 3490 97 Scarf Pins. 3430 3613 3256 3807 3451 31016 8733 3694 y)A 98 FIIS FOB Eieiifiie. DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. The borders of all these pins are engraved, centres left plain for name or monogram, 948. Enamel lamp in centre, narrow engraved border. 176 99 PINS FOR ENGRAVING. 769 761 759 100 gi if' DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. The borders of all these pins are engraved, centres left plain for name or monogram. 628. On the open scroll the vine, with leaves green and berries in red enamel, this is the only pin on the page that is enameled. 540 502 681 101 Pins for Engraving. 628 541 685 635 546 695 603 679 692 770 102 Sli Bill Tin DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. These trimmings are all pierced out and engraved ; there is no enamel on them. The centre of No. 2 shield is left plain for name or momogram. Have a full set of letters size of R. Have a full set of figure sizes of No. 5. Have a full set of figures 1-2, and also 3-4 inch. Have a full set of 1-2 inch letters. ^^^a 103 Sea Bean Trimmings. 45 11 24 16 .J 44 21 15 27 26 28 43 35 104 IlieiT TllPLllS' CIllM! DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 647. A heavy wide band surrounds the cross, which is set in midway of the band, and has on engraved ground emblems in black, and ring in red enamel, with gold letters. A Roman gold skull, in bold relief in centre. On the reverse is a raised keystone engraved, with ring in white enamel and letters in gold. The arms of cross on this side are left plain for lettering. Scroll and bail engraved. 636. Same as No. 647 charm, without band around the cross, and with gold swords engraved. 671. The body of the charm is same as No. 647. In centre in bold relief is cross and crown, cross red, and crown in black and white enamel, helmet at top attached by a joint. The wide band around the charm is left plain or engraved. 47. On engraved ground the crosses are red, the banners white and black enamel, letters in gold, a small raised Roman gold skull in centre. On reverse is raised keystone in white enamel. Helmet same as No. 671 charm. 78. The setting for cross made heavy, same as No. 671 charm, resting on centre is cross and crown, with cross red, the crown in black and white enamel. On reverse, enameled and engraved keystone. Helmet attached by a joint. These charms are made with either cross and crown, or skull and bones in centre. In ordering state which is desired. 105 Knight Templars' Charms. 647 47 636 106 TIHPLllS' CIIIMS DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 79- 203. 154. Ground work of charm engraved ; following the form of cross is a narrow line of black enamel, one of the banners white and black, the other green enamel, the swords and letters in black. The outline of serpent in black; the passion cross in red enamel, on which rests in bold relief, delta and crown, both in Roman gold. On reverse a large raised keystone in white enamel and engraved. The arms of cross are left plain for lettering, helmet attached with a joint. Ground work of charm engraved; a narrow line of black enamel follows the form of the charm, cross red, tent white, and other emblems in black enamel. On reverse a raised keystone enameled white and engraved, letters in gold. Arms of cross left plain for lettering, helmet attached by joint. The passion cross in red enamel ; the ground work of Maltese cross engraved, with letters in black enamel, one of the banners in white and black, the other green, the delta and crown in relief in Roman gold. On reverse is raised keystone engraved, with circle in white enamel, letters in gold. Ground work of cross engraved, following the form of the cross is a narrow line of black enamel, letters in black enamel on gold ribbon, passion cross in red enamel, in centre delta and crown in relief, both in Roman gold. On reverse, a large enameled and engraved keystone, arms of cross left plain for lettering, helmet attached with a joint. Arms of cross engraved with letters in black enamel, centre of cross enameled red or black, resting on centre, in bold relief engraved cross and crown. On reverse, raised keystone engraved, ring white enamel, letters in gold, arms of cross left plain for lettering, helmet attached by a joint. 107 Knight Templars' Charms. 79 80 203 itV.INCESA 154 97. 54- 108 lieiT TIHPLIIJ DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. The ground work of cross engraved, with emblems in black and ring red enamel, letters in gold ; on centre in relief cross and crown enameled and engraved, helmet attached with joint. On reverse a raised keystone enameled white, with centre and letters in gold. Same as No. 22 charm, excepting Roman gold skull in place of cross and crown. Ground work of cross in red enamel, with gold letters, engraved edge ; a cross and crown same as on No. 22 charm, rests on the centre. On reverse is raised keystone, with ring in white enamel, letters in gold. Arms of cross left plain for engraving, helmet attached by a joint. This is also made with skull and bones, in place of cross and crown. In orderins: state which is desired. 109 Knight Templars' Charms. 22 97 Front. 54 110 IIieiT TIMPLllS^ CIIllS. DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 86. The circle where the letters are enameled blue, and letters in gold ; passion cross enameled red, with serpent and emblems carved on gold ground. On reverse raised keystone, with circle enameled white, the scrolls carved on gold ground. Arms of Maltese cross left plain for lettering, helmet attached by a joint. I02. Maltese cross plain, with engraved letters, on centre cross and crown ; passion cross enameled red, crown in bold relief resting above cross. On reverse, keystone enameled and engraved, helmet attached by a join*-. ; 8i. On engraved ground, the letters in black, one of the banners black and white, the other green enamel. A Roman gold delta and crown in relief. On reverse, an enameled and engraved keystone. 62. On engraved ground, the emblems are in black enamel, the circle red, with letters in gold. Enameled and engraved cross and crown in centre. On reverse, enameled and engraved keystone. This charm is also made with skull and bones, in place of cross and crown. 106. The Maltese cross in red, centre blue enamel, letters in gold, passion cross enameled red, and crown engraved. Enameled and engraved keystone on back. ^bJ 111 Knight Templars' Charms. 102 81 106 112 DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. iio. Engraved ground, emblem in black enamel, ring in red enamel with gold letters, in centre in relief cross and crown, passion cross red, crown black and white enamel, on reverse raised keystone engraved, ring enameled white, letters in gold, arms of cross left plain for lettering, bail and scroll engraved ; also made with skull and bones in place of cross and crown. 46. Ground work engraved, with narrow line of black enamel following form of cross, banner black and white, crosses in red enamel, letters in gold, Roman gold skull in centre, bail and scroll engraved. 145. Ground work of cross red enamel, gold letters, Roman gold skull rests on centre. 52. Ground of cross enameled red or black, letters in gold, border engraved. On centre a Roman gold skull in bold relief. On reverse a raised keystone engraved, with ring in white enamel, letters in gold, arms of cross left plain for lettering. These charms are made with either cross and crown, or skull and bones. In ordering state which is desired. 113 Knight Templars' Charms. Front. Back. 52 52 m. H/^ 114 TlMFLllS' CIllHS DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 138. Groundwork of charm engraved; following the form of the cross is a narrow line of black enamel, in each corner of cross are gold emblems on black enameled ground, one banner in black and white, the other in green enamel, letters in black enamel, the outline of serpent black and passion cross red enamel on which rests in bold relief delta and crown, both in Roman gold. On reverse a raised keystone in white enamel and engraved, arms of cross left plain for lettering, helmet attached with a joint. 99. On engraved ground the emblems are in black, and the ring in red enamel, with gold letters, in centre cross and crown, cross red and crown black and white enamel, helmet attached with a joint. On reverse, enameled and engraved keystone. 153. A heavy wide band follows the form of the cross which is set mid- way of band so as to leave a raised edge on back and front, the the cross engraved ground, emblems in black, circle red enamel with letters in gold, in centre in relief cross and crown, cross red and crown white enamel, On reverse, white enamel keystone with letters in gold, arms of cross left plain for lettering, helmet attached by a joint. 158. Same as No. 138, with ring in place of helmet. 58. The front enameled same as No. 49 charm, which is placed on top of box following the form of cross. On the back, enameled and engraved keystone. These charms are made with either cross and crown or skull and bones, ordering state which is desired. In 115 Knight Templars' Charms. 138 153 158 58 116 IT TB DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 159. Letters, cross and crown engraved, no enamel on front. Reverse, raised keystone engraved, white enamel circle, letters in gold arms of cross plain for lettering, helmet attached by a joint. 124. Arms of cross enameled red or black, letters gold, centre blue ground, passion cross red enamel, crown gold engraved. Reverse, raised keystone engraved, ring enameled white, letters in gold, arm of cross plain for lettering, helmet attached by joint. 200. Groundwork of cross red enamel, letters in gold, edges engraved, cross and crown in relief, cross red and crown black enamel. On reverse, keystone in relief, centre in white enamel, letters in gold, helmet attached by joint. 176. Ground of cross black or red enamel, letters in gold, cross and crown in relief, passion cross red, crown in black and white enamel. On reverse, keystone with ring in white enamel, letters in gold. 204. Maltese cross, red enamel ground, with book, letters and ribbon in gold, letters on ribbon in black enamel, cross and crown in relief enameled red and black. Reverse, keystone in relief, with circle in white enamel, helmet attached by joint. Can furnish any of the above patterns with skull and bones in place of cross and crown. 208. Groundwork of charm engraved, following the form of cross a nar- row line of black enamel, one of the banners white and black, the other green, passion cross red enamel, the delta and crown in Roman gold in bold relief. On reverse, engraved gold key- stone in relief, circle enameled white, letters in gold. 117 Knight Templars' Charms. 204 176 118 IIKIT TEMFLllS' CIllHS, DESCRIP'TION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 213. One banner enameled white, the other green, the other emblems carved on gold ground, the circle red enamel with letters in gold. Reverse, keystone in relief and carved, with circle white enamel and letters in gold, helmet attached with joint. 212. Groundwork of Maltese cross and passion cross enameled red, circle green enamel, with letters in gold. Also make this with black enamel Maltese ci'oss. Reverse, keystone in relief, with circle white enamel, letters in gold, helmet attached by joint. 223. Maltese cross plain polished gold, with letters engraved, cross, crown and swords in relief, passion cross red enamel. Reverse, key- stone enameled white and engraved, helmet attached by joint. 211. Maltese cross red enamel, with emblems and letters in gold en- graved, the ribbon gold with letters in black enamel, cross ajid crown in relief enameled and engraved. Also make this with skull and bones in centre. Reverse, small keystone, with circle in white enamel, helmet attached by joint. 249, Royal Masonic Rite, formerly called the Egyptian Masonic Rite of Memphis. Maltese cross red enamel, with emblems in gold, white and green enamel. Reverse, plain carved eagle and crown attached by joint. Also make this with enamel eagle, which costs less. 119 Knight Templars' Charms. 120 IIieiT TIMFLllS' ClilMS. 32a DEGREE. DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 96. On engraved ground the emblems in black, circle in red enamel, with gold letters, in centre in relief a cross and crown, cross red and crown black and white enamel. This is also made with Roman gold skull in place of cross and crown. Reverse, the Maltese cross in left plain, and on it a raised Teutonic cross with ground enameled black or red, on which in bold relief rests a double-headed eagle in Roman gold, with 32 in black enamel, helmet attached by a joint. 180. Teutonic cross black enamel ground, eagle carved in relief, with letters and figures in black enamel. Reverse, pelican and com- pass in relief carved, crown black and white, red passion cross, and letters in black enamel. 83. Groundwork of Teutonic dross enameled red or black, on which rests in bold relief an eagle in Roman gold, delta polished, with figures in black enamel. 214. Eagle heavily carved back and front, figures on triangle and letters on ribbon black enamel, triangle attached to eagle by joint. 121 Enight Templars', 3 2d Degree, Charms. Front. Back. ai4 122 IS. 32cl DEQEEE. DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 205. Groundwork of Maltese cross engraved gold, passion cross red enamel, one banner enameled green, the other white and black, delta and crown in Roman gold in relief. Reverse, the Teutonic cross black enamel, on which rests in bold relief carved eagle, triangle black enamel with 32 in gold, the Teutonic and Maltese cross form the front and back to the locket. 206. Maltese cross engraved gold, with emblems in black enamel, circle red enamel with letters in gold, cross and crown in centre being in relief enameled red and white. Also make this with skull and cross bones. Reverse same as No. 205. 207. Maltese cross gold ground, passion crosses red enamel, banner black and white enamel, cross and crown in relief enameled red and white. Reverse same as No. 205. 123 Knight Templars', 3 2d Degree, Locket Charms. Front, tern?' — ■ IP 20o /A Front. Front. 207 Back. Back. Back. 207 124 iiicm DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 49. A wide band either plain or engraved follows the form of the cross, which is set midway of band, leaving a raised edge on front and back. On engraved ground the emblems are in black, and ring in red enamel, letters in gold, on centre enamel cross and crown. On the reverse is a locket, the cover formed by a keystone, which is enameled and engraved, helmet attached by a joint. 107. Same as No. 49 charm, with locket, the bail and scroll engraved, Roman gold skull in bold relief or cross and crown. 194. A heavy, wide band follows the form of the cross, which is set mid- way of band so as to leave a raised edge on back and front, the cross engraved ground, emblems in black, circle red enamel with letters in gold, in centre in relief cross and crown, cross red and crown white enamel. On reverse, white enamel keystone with letters in gold, which forms the cover to locket, helmet attached by a joint. Also make this with skull and bones in place of cross and crown. 227. Maltese cross plain with letters engraved, in centre in bold relief a cross and crown, the passion cross red enamel, swords and crown engraved. Reverse is a locket cover formed by white enamel keystone, with letters in gold, arm of cross left plain for lettering, helmet attached by joint. 125 Knights Templar Locket Charms. Back.— 49 W ^V4 126 llffilT TlMPLllS' L0C11T DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 135. Groundwork of charm engraved, following the form of cross is a narrow line of black enamel, one of the banners is white and black, the other green enamel, swords and letters in black enamel, the outline of serpent in black, passion cross red enamel, on which rests in bold relief delta and crown, both in Roman gold. On reverse is a large locket, cover formed by large keystone in white enamel and engraved, arms of cross left plain for lettering helmet attached with a joint. 139. On engraved ground, emblems in black and" ring red enamel with gold letters, in relief in centre cross and crown, passion cross in red enamel, crown in black and white enamel. Reverse, locket, cover formed by engraved keystone with ring in white enamel, letters in gold, arms of crost left plain for lettering, helmet attached by a joint. This joatter n is also made with Roman gold skull in. place of cross and crown. 100. The Maltese cross is plain with letters engraved, in centre m bold relief is a cross and crown, the passion cross in red enamel, swords and crown engraved. Reverse is a locket, cover formed by white enamel keystone, letters in gold, arms of cross left plain for lettering, helmet attached by joint. 127 Knight Templars' Locket Charms. Front.— 139 ^M'-' T> Front.— 100 Back.— 135 Back.— 189 Back.— 100 128 MlSOllC ClilHS, DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 14. White onyx keystone, with black letters, set in plain gold band, with wide border on front and back, engraved ; Swivel bail engraved. 15. Same as No. 14, with engraved scroll. 18. Same as No. 15, only larger. 16. Front same as No. 15, with wire ringMn place of engraved bail, gold back left plain for lettering or engraving. 59. A wide plain band surrounds the keystone, with gold piece set midway of band, which leaves a raised edge on front and back, in the centre is soldererd a raised square and compasses ; enameled around the G either bine or black, back plain for lettering. 20. Wide band with piece set in same as No. 59, ring on keystone enameled white, with letters in gold, emblems in black enamel on engraved ground, back left plain for lettering. Scroll and swivel bail engraved. I also make this charm, with emblems engraved on band. Which is No. 21. 60. Same as No. 20, with plain wire ring, and no scroll at top. ID. White onyx keystone drilled through, swivel top, letters black. 13. White onyx keystone, cube mounted same as No. 10. 19. Same as No. 18, with plain gold back for lettering. 92. Plain gold band surrounds white onyx keystone, swivel bail engraved, 130 DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 82. Wide plain band, with gold keystone set midway of band, leaving a rai«sed edge above front and back, the keystone enameled white and engraved, the letters in gold, the back left plain for lettering, the scrolls and bail engraved. 185. Same as No. 82 but larger and heavier. 21. A wide band engraved on sides with keystone set mid way of band, which leaves a raised edge on back and front, circle in keystone white enamel with gold letters. Scroll and swivel bail engraved. 28. Onyx keystone set in gold, with engraved band on back and front, with emblems engraved on edge. Swivel bail and scroll en- graved. 26. Large onyx keystone, mounted in gold, with wide engraved border on back and front. Scroll and bail engraved. 118. Onyx keystone set in gold with engraved Iband on back and front, wire head scroll engraved. 167. A wide plain band surrounds the gold keystone which is set mid- way of band which leaves a raised edge on front and back ground of keystone engraved, raised centre with black enameled letters, reverse left plain for lettering, bail engraved. 221. Wide plain band with carved gold keystone set midway of band, leaving a raised edge above front and back. Scroll and bail en- graved, back plain for lettering. 217. Gold cube keystone, on one side enamel keystone with letters in gold, the other three sides left plain for lettering. 132 DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 146. Pierced out and engraved. 150. A plain wide band surrounds the shield with piece set midway of band, which leaves a raised edge on front and back, on front the square, compass and G enameled on engraved ground, back finished plain, scroll pierced out and engraved. 142. Raised border and scroll engraved, square and compass resting on same, plain polished back. 196. Very heavy oval band, leaving a raised edge on back and front. Block square and compass set in front, back left plain for let- tering. 31. A plain wide band surrounds the shield, with piece set midway of band, which leaves a raised edge on front and back, the front Roman gold, with blocked square and compass resting on it, engraved, the reverse is polished for lettering, scroll pierced out and engraved. 50. The oval is made of wide plain band, with piece set midway of band, which leaves a raised edge on both sides. A blocked square and compass rests on Roman gold ground, the reverse is polish- ed for lettering, scrolls and bail engraved. 233. A wide band around the charm with piece set midway of band leav- ing a raised edge on back and front. Square, compass and G. in black enamel on engraved ground, back plain for lettering, scroll engraved. 526. Ground of small shield enameled blue or black, with square and compass in gold, engraved. The shield is separated by balls from the larger engraved shield. The reverse is a plain shield size of the enameled one, also resting on balls above the larger shield. 53. The emblems are all made separate, then engraved and fastened to- gether, the seal in pink or black onyx. MASONIC AND ODD FELLOWS COMBINED. 209. Square, compass and G pierced out and engraved. Wire links chased. ,, 134. The toe of slipper is raised, the ground work enameled blue or black, sole, emblems and scrolls engraved. 32. Made same as No. 31 charm, with blocked square, compass and links, engraved centre of links pierced out. 146 133 Masonic Charms. V^ 209 lU 134 DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 143. A raised engraved band follows form of shield, plain polished back, links in relief rest on engraved border. 149. Engraved ground, with centre of links enameled blue, red and white, letters in gold, circle in centre in relief with engraved emblems on enameled ground. 160. A wide, plain band follows the form of the shield with piece set mid- way of band, leaving raised edge on front and back, on front fancy shaped links with centre enameled blue, red and white, letters in gold, back plain for lettering. 51. On Roman gold background rests in bold relief blocked links en- graved. A wide plain band surrounds the oval with piece set^ midway leaving a raised edge on front and back. 186. A very heavy border with piece set midway, leaving raised edge on both sides, centre of links enameled blue, red and white, letters in gold. 151. Following form of shield, a wide, plain band with piece set midway of band, leaving an edge on front and back, front with enameled links on engraved ground, back left plain for lettering. 40. Front with links same as No. 51, otherwise same as No. 36. 525. The ground of the small shield enameled black, the centre of en- graved links are enameled blue, red and white. The enamel shield resting on balls, soldered above the larger engraved shield. The reverse has shield, size of the enamel one left plain for let- tering, attached to the large shield, same as one on front. 24. A plain, wide band surrounds the oval, same as No. 641, links enameled same as on No. 36, back plain, bail and scrolls en- graved. 36. Following the form of the shield is wide, plain band, with piece set midway of band, which leaves an edge on -front and back, the links engraved, with centre enameled blue, red and white, letters in gold. Reverse left plain for lettering, scroll engraved. 136 ®BD FILLOWS' IICIHPHIIT ClilM DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 136. A plain, wide band follows the form of shield, with piece set midway of band leaving raised edge above front and back, on front in bold relief, white enameled tent, wire links chased, back plain for lettering, surmounting the shield is a cast lamb with ring attached. 226. Roman gold background, tent] in relief in white enamel, centre of links blue and white enamel. 137. On polished ground with narrow engraved border, in relief, white enamel tent, wire links chased, at top cast lamb with ring attached. 147. Letters in black enamel, emblem at top in gold with ground enam- eled blue, red and white, a line of black enamel follows the form of lower part of shield, centre enameled and engraved, on enanael centre in relief, enameled and engraved tent. 641. A wide, plain band surrounds the oval, with piece set midway of band, which leaves a raised »dge on back and front. On en- graved ground, the tent white, and crooks, links and eye in black enamel, letters in gold. The reverse left plain for lettering, scrolls and bail engraved. 127. A raised engraved band follows the form of the shield, plain polished back, resting in relief on band, a tent with letters and emblems enameled black, centre of links blue, red and white, letters in gold. 222. Same as 226 without the raised tent. 420. Groundwork engraved, emblems and letters in black enamel, back same as front. 534. Tent in gold on enameled ground, the enamel shield resting on balls soldered above the large engraved shield. The reverse "has shield size of enamel one left plain for lettering. PATRIARCHAL CIRCLE. 174. The centre of links enameled blue, red and white, letters in gold, circle enameled purple with sword in gold, the corners of triangle left plain for number and letters. Reverse, tent engraved in centre. 137 Odd Fellows' Encampment Charms. ' 136 226 147 Patriarchal Circle. 222 420 138 DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 57. The ground work where the letters are is enameled blue, yellow and red, letters in gold, on scroll in relief is a Roman gold skull. The reverse enameled same as front, with book in bold relief, sword resting on top, all engraved, battle axes in gold. 'The helmet and falcon are attached by joint. All made heavy. 168. Front enameled in blue, yellow and red, letters in gold; Roman gold skull and cross bones in relief. Back enameled same as front, with book and sword in relief. 166. Letters K. of P. in black enamel on gold ribbon; ground work, where the letters F. C. B. are, enameled blue, yellow and red ; in centre, on engraved scroll, is a Roman gold skull and bones in relief. Back enameled same as front with book in relief. Helmet with falcon attached by joint. ^ 139 Knights of Pythias' Charms. 57— Front. 57— Back 168— Front. 168— Back. >.r^ 166— Front. 166— Back. n/5 MO DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 1 26. A raised engraved band follows the form of shield, plain polished back, in relief, resting on band, shield enameled in blue, red and yellow with letters in gold, Roman gold skull and bones in relief. 251. Border pierced out with front enameled blue, red and yellow, skull and bones in relief, back left plain for lettering. 120. On engraved ground, the shield enameled in blue, yellow and red, letters in gold, Roman gold skull and bones in relief, reverse finished plain for lettering. 640. A wide, plain band surrounds the charm, with the enamel piece set midway of band, which leaves an edge above front and back, the front where the emblems are, is enameled blue, yellow and red, and engraved. The reverse left plain for lettering, scrolls and bail engraved. 69. Ground of shield enameled in blue, yellow and red, with letters in gold, K. of P. in black enamel, Roman gold skull and bones in relief. Reverse finished plain for lettering. 45. A wide, plain band follows the form of shield, with a piece set mid- way of band, which leaves an edge above front and back. On the front rests a shield enameled white, blue, red and yellow let- ten in gold, above in relief a skull in Roman gold. The back is left plain for lettering, scroll engraved. 553. The groundwork of small shield enameled black, emblems in gold, with blue, yellow and red enamel around the letters. The enamel shield resting on balls is soldered above the larger en- graved shield. The reverse has plain shield size of enamel one attached to larger shield, same as one on front. ^ 141 ^J S Enights of Pythias Charms. 351 ?.r? 69 142 IlffilT! DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 163. Groundwork engraved, excepting around the letters, which is enam- eled in blue, red and yellow, with letters in gold, Roman gold skull and bones in relief. Reverse left plain for lettering. 235. Centre Roman gold, emblems in relief, shield enameled red with F. C. B. in gold, border blue enamel ground, with letters and stars in gold. Reverse same as front. 195. A heavy wide band surrounds the charm, with piece set midway of band, leaving a raised edge on back and front, emblems on front enameled blue, red and white, letters in gold with Roman gold skull and bones in relief. 187. The letters K. P. in black enamel, ground around the F. C. B. enam- eled blue, yellow and red, Roman gold skull and bones in relief. Back same as front, falcon and head attached by joint. 133. A wide, plain band follows the form of shield, with piece set mid- way of band which leaves a raised edge on front and back. On front, the emblem in relief, enameled in black, blue, yellow and red, letters in gold, Roman gold skull and bones in relief, back plain for lettering. 184. Wide band follows the form of the charm, with piece set midway, leaving a raised edge on front and back, emblems on front enameled white, blue, red and yellow. Back plain for lettering. 164. A wide, plain band follows the form of shield, with piece set mid- way of band, which leaves an edge above front and back. On front, the emblem enameled blue, red and yellow, back plain for lettering. 144 IireiTS OF PYTIIl! DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 183. Groundwork enameled blue, yellow and red, letters in gold, Avhite enamel lily in relief. Reverse, enameled blue, yellow and red, letters in gold, Roman gold skull and bones in relief. Helmet attached by joint with visor to move up or down. 229. Front enameled blue, yellow and red, letters in gold, white enamel lily in relief, back same as No. 183. 230. A wide band follows the form of shield with piece set midway which leaves a raised edge on back and front, the lily in relief in white enamel, letters black enamel. Reverse, emblem enameled blue yellow and red, letters in gold. 248. The border is pierced out and engraved with the oval piece on front resting on same, ground of oval enameled red with white enamel lily, axes in gold. Back the same with K. P. emblems enameled red, yellow and white. S'U 145 Knights of Pythias Uniform Rank Charms. Front. Back. 183 Front. Back. Front. 229 Back. 230 Front, Back. 234- 225- 146 DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 117. A plain, wide band surrounds the shield with piece set midway of band which leaves a raised edge on front and back, the front Roman gold background, blocked pierced out monogram resting on same, back finished plain, scroll pierced out and engraved. 157. Groundwork of star enameled white, yellow, red and black with em- blems and letters in gold, engraved enameled monogram in re- lief, back plain for lettering. 171. Following form of shield on engraved band, a piece set midway of band so as to leave a raised edge on front and back, on front letters K of H in black enamel, ground of shield enameled red, yellow and white, letters in gold, back finished plain, scroll pierced out and engraved. 25. A wide, plain band follows the form of shield, with piece set midway of band, which leaves an edge above front and back, the bars in red, yellow and white enamel, monogram in gold. The reverse left plain for lettering, scroll on top of shield engraved. KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF HONOR. 239. Letters in black enamel, centre left plain for number. ANCIENT ORDER FORESTERS CHARMS. A O F in black enamel on gold ground, centre blue enamel, deer in engraved gold, U B C in gold on ground enameled red, white and green. Back plain for lettering. Top blue enamel emblems, in gold A O F in black enamel on gold ribbon, U B C in gold on ground enameled red, white and green. N. B. — Can furnish these charms for the Independent Order of Foresters if desired. AMERICAN LEGION OF HONOR CHARM. 89. Cross red, circle white, and centre blue enamel, letters, eagle and wreath in srold engraved. The reverse same as front. 147 Knights of Honor Charms. 35 339 Ancient Order Foresters Charms. American Legion of Honor Charm. 148 mSMD llHf ©F Til lEPlBUC CIllK DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 210. Letters and emblems in black enamel on gold ground, centre enam- eled blue with group in engraved gold. Reverse, enameled blue, red and white stars and the different corps badges in en- graved gold. 220. Points of star enameled red with emblems in gold, letters and figures in blue enamel on gold circle. Centre enamled white with group in engraved gold. Back plain for lettering. 228. Front same as No. 210, back left plain for lettering. 252. A raised engraved band follows form of thield, plain polished back, emblems resting on top, enameled red, white and blue. 242. Eagle engraved, flag enameled red and blue, points of star red, letters and figures blue with centre white enamel. Reverse plain for letterinsr. 9i^ 149 Grand Army of the Republic Charms. Front. Back. 230 !,^ ^1^ 150 ilCIEIT OlDEl llITll WOIIHIE DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 132. A wide, plain band follows the form of the shield with piece set midway of band Avhich leaves an edge above front and back, on the front in relief, enameled blue, red and black is the anchor and shield, back finished plain. 240. Anchor, rope and shield pierced out, shield enameled blue and red, bar black, enamel ground with A O U W in gold, C H P in black enamel. Reverse plain for engraving. 179. A wide, plain band follows the form of shield with a piece set mid- way of band leaving a raised edge on front and back. The emblems on front enameled red, white, blue and black on gold engraved ground. Reverse left plain for lettering. Scroll pierced out and engraved. 155. Raised engraved border follows form of shield with plain polished back resting above the border on engraved gold anchor, shield enameled blue and red, stars in gold, A O U W in black enamel on gold ribbon. Reverse left plain for lettering. 95. On engraved ground, the letters and emblems in black enamel, reverse left plain for lettering. 119. On engraved scroll, the anchor and letters in black enamel, shield, blue and red enamel. 161. Following the form of the shiel-d is engraved band, a piece set mid- way of band so as to leave raised edge on front and back, on front the anchor and shield engraved, enamel band across the shield with gold letters, back finished plain. SELECT KNIGHTS OF A. O, U. W. 224. The four shields on front are enameled blue and red, letters and stars in gold, swords pierced out and engraved. Resting on the four shields in relief the Bible and skeleton hand, letters "Holy Bible" in black enamel. Reverse, letters C H P in black enamej on polished gold shields which are left plain for lettering. Anchor and shield in relief, ribbon black enamel ground vv'ith A O U W in gold. Helmet head with moving visor attached by joint. 237. The four shields are enameled blue and red, stars and letters in gold. Black enamel letters on Bible, skeleton hand white enamel. Reverse left plain for lettering. 151 Ancient Order United Workmen. Front. 155 95 119 161 Select Knights A. 0. U. W. Back. 152 DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 247. Pierced out, enameled and engraved. 236. 245. 246. 243- 244. BROTHERHOOD LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS. A raised engraved band follows form of shield, plain polished back. Locomotive resting on border in relief, enameled black and en- graved. Ribbon gold ground with B L E in black enamel. Reverse left plain for lettering. Locomotive pierced out, enameled black and engraved. Ribbon gold ground with letters B L E in black enamel. Reverse left plain for lettering. BROTHERHOOD LOCOMOTIVE FIREMEN. Locomotive pierced out, enameled black and engraved. Letters B L F in black enamel on gold ribbon. Reverse left plain for lettering. A wide, plain band follows the form of the shield with piece set mid- way of band which leaves, a raised border on front and back. The emblems on front enameled black and engraved. Reverse left plain for lettering. A raised engraved band follows the form of shield, plain polished back. Locomotive resting on border in relief enameled black and engraved. Ribbon gold ground with B L F in black enamel. Reverse left plain for lettering. ^w 153 Railroad Charms. Brotherhood Locomotive Engineers. Brotherhood Locomotive Firemen, 246 244 154 DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. NORTHWESTERN TRAVELING MEN'S ASSOCIATION. 121. A plain band follows the form of the shield, set in same, the shield with monogram in black enamel on engraved ground, back plain for lettering. 6i. The four sides are pierced out and engraved, on the base is engraved ribbon for lettering. ROYAL ARCANUM. 250. Centre blue enamel, crown and crosses engraved gold, reverse left plain for lettering. DRUGGIST CHARM. 125. Enameled and engraved. 33. Shield made same as No. 25, woodcock in bold relief of Roman gold. 459. Handle engraved on both sides, blade plain. 1 01. Canteen enameled blue, ribbon engraved. 152. Raised in Roman gold, back plain. 302. Engraved on both sides, bail open like ear wire. 155 Charms. N. W. Traveling- Men'i Association. Oil Derrick. Royal Arcanum. 350 152 156 DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 103. The star with the groundwork enameled red, blue, yellow, white and green, with emblems in gold engraved, rests on engraved star, the reverse left plain. 104. The points of the star are enameled red, blue, yellow, white and green, emblems in gold engraved. On engraved ground the altar and book in black enamel. The star rests on gold piece en- graved in rays, back left plain. 105. Star enameled and engraved, same as star on No. 103 charm. 454. Ground enameled blue or black, emblems in gold, reversible, with back engine-turned. 438. Same as No. 454. 793. Ground enameled black, shield blue, yellow and red, reversible. 453. Same as front to No. 454, spiral. 439. Same as front to No. 438, spiral. 794. Same as front to No. 793, spiral. 157 Eastern Star Charms. 454 453 Studs. Reversible Button Studs. 438 Spiral Studs. 439 (A) 793 794 158 PIST MISTIIS' JEWELS. DESCRIPTION OF JEWELS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 1955. The centre of bars plain for lettering, scrolls pierced out and carved, plain gold star on blue ribbon, square, compass and quadrant in silver, each made separate and riveted together, sun in relief on engraved gold rays. 1646. The centre of bars left plain for lettering, scrolls pierced out and carved, plain gold star on blue ribbon, square, compass and quadrant in silver, each made separate and riveted together rest- ing in relief on a gold wreath'which is carved, sun in relief on engraved gold rays. 159 Past Masters' Jewels. 1955 1646 160 ' FiST Iiei PIIIST JJIWIL DESCRIPTION OF JEWEL ON OPPOSITE PAGE. The bars engraved gold ground with a narrow line of black enamel following form of bar, the letters in black enamel. The two bars are attached by a red ribbon, the triangle attached to upper bar by ring, with a raised gold border, the centre piece set below the border with the emblems enameled red on gold ground. The triangles of the pendant have the characters in black enamel on engraved ground with the border raised. The breastplate in relief enameled in appropiate colors, the back engraved with appropriate characters. 161 Past High Priest Jewel. « g§4 162 FIST DESCRIPTION OF JEWEL ON OPPOSITE PAGE. Top bar pierced out and carved scroll, letters I O O F in black enamel on engraved ground, crooks, monogram and swords pierced out and engraved. On the middle bar the ground of centre of links enameled blue, red and white with letters F L T in gold with plain polished gold link resting above. Circle pierced out around star emblems on circle in black enamel on en- graved ground. A narrow line of black enamel follows the form of the star, hand in bold relief with red enamel heart, tent in bold relief in white enamel. Purple and red ribbon forms back- ground. Back of rim and star left plain for lettering. /c? 163 ^J< Past Chief Patriarch, L 0. of 0. P. >r. r^A 164 DESCRIPTION OF GOODS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. CALVAHY COMMANIEBY, No. 13, Z. T., of Providence, E. I. The shield is enameled red and blue, with emblems engraved, the scrolls heavily engraved. Attached to shield is engraved belt, with letters in black enamel. Resting on helmet is chased and engraved crown, with a triangle attached by joint, triangle and letters enameled black, with centre and candles engraved. Two silver swords are attached to triangle ; above is mounted knight in Roman gold, with crosses in red enamel on cape and blanket. WASHINGTON COMMANLEEY, No, 1, Z. T., of Hartford, Conn. On engraved Maltese cross, the letters, date and outline of banners are in black enamel, with red enamel crosses on each banner. On the Maltese cross, which is in gilt, is a raised silver circle, with the letters in black enamel, in the centre in bold relief a bronze head of Washington. On engraved bar the coat of arms of the state of Conn., in blue enamel, with vine engraved, and the motto in black enamel. The bar and cross are connected by a black and white ribbon. MONEOE COMMANDEEY, No. 12, K. T., of Eochester, N. Y. The passion and Maltese crosses are enameled red, the triangle black, the circle blue, the shield white, with letters in gold. The letters on ribbon at top and bottom are in black enamel, the helmet also in black, all beautifully engraved. The letters and date in black enamel, on the engraved bar, which is attached to pendant by ring, so as to be easily removed. CYEENS COMMANLERY, No. 39, K. T., of Rochester, N. Y. On the engraved scrolls and two Maltese crosses connecting the scrolls, the letters are in black enamel, the Maltese crosses red enamel. In open centre the passion cross red, the triangle black, and shield white enamel, with figures, candles, crown and swords handsomely engraved. The helmet in black enamel and engraved. On engraved bar, the name of owner was enameled or engraved ; bar attached to pendant, so as to be easily removed. These badges are not offered for sale, as they can only be obtained through some member of the commanderies. They are illustrated here to assist in correspondence about other commandery ba^^ges. ^Q. 165 ^ Commandery Badges. \>v€> l7i J ' ^^ DESCRIPTION OF EMBLEM GOODS Manufactured and kept constantly in stock by CHARLES F. IRONS, 102 Friendship Street, Providence, R I. Numbers arranged in rotation with name of Society. PAGE 17. Masonic Pin, Royal Arch 13 20. Masonic Pin, Problem 13 30. Masonic Pin, Square and Compass 17 31. Shield Pin, with Square and Compass engraved 32. Shield Pin, with Knights of Pythias emblem engraved 33. Shield Pin, with Ancient Order United Workmen 45 34. Shield Pin, Odd Fellows 35 35. Shield Pin, attached to bar. United Workmen emblem engraved... 36. Shield Pin, Masonic 15 37. Shield Pin, Odd Fellows 33 38. Shield Pin, Knights of Honor 51 39. Shield Pin, Knights of Honor, engraved, size of No. 34 Pin 40. Shield Pin, Knights of Pythias, engraved, size of No. 38 Pin. ... 17 65. Masonic Pin, Keystone 13 70. Masonic Pin, Square and Compass in enameled ring 85. Masonic Pin, G, Square and Compass 11 86. Odd Fellows' Pin, round, enameled and engraved 29 91. Odd Fellows' Pin, Links engraved 27 95. Odd Fellows' Pin, Links engraved 27 102. Masonic Pin, Quarter Circle 15 103. Masonic Pin, Square and Compass 11 104. Masonic Pin, Square and Compass 17 107. Sons of Temperance Pin, Triangle with Star 57 108. Odd Fellows' Pin, Bow and Arrow 33 no. Odd Fellows' Pin, round, enameled 31 111. Odd Fellows and Masonic Pin, Combined 25 112. Odd Fellows' Pin, Arrow, Axe and Links- 113. Masonic Pin, Square and Compass 11 1 14. Good Templars Pin, Shield $7 167 117. ii8. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. laij.. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 132. 133- 134- 135- 136. 137. 138. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 147. 148. 149. 150. T52. 155- 156. PAGE. Odd Fellows' Pin, Axe, with Links Sons of Temperance Pin, enameled Shield t^^ Masonic Pin, Trowel with Coral Handle II Temple of Honor Pin, enameled and engraved 59 Masonic Pin, Knight Templars 21 Masonic Pin, Apron 13 Masonic Pin, Eastern Star for Ladies 23 Sons of Temperance Pin, Shield like No. 118, two stars in centre Base Ball Pin 71 Base Ball Pin, coin silver, same as No. 125 Masonic Pin, Slipper 15 Masonic Charm, Slipper, like No. 127 Pin Odd Fellows Pin, Links enameled, letters in gold Odd Fellows' Pin, Shield 29 Odd Fellows' Pin, Shield 29 Masonic Pin, Shield II Masonic Pin, Slipper 13 Masonic Charm, Slipper . .• 133 Harp Pin, enameled and engraved Masonic Charm, Square and Compass size of one on No. 132 ... . Masonic Charm, Square and Com.pass size of one on No. 132 pin, separate Masonic and Odd Fellows' Pins Combined 25 Good Templars Pin, for Ladies C7 Masonic Pin, Triangle 13 Masonic Pin, Trowel II Odd Fellows' Pin, Encampment Shield yj Masonic Pin, Harp, with Square and Compass Masonic Charm, Knight Templars 113 Odd Fellows' Pin, Bow and Arrow 29 Butchers' Pin 87 Masonic Pin, Royal Arch 13 Grand Army of the Republic Pin 75 Skull and Cross Bones Charm 155 Masonic Pin, Apron II Masonic Pin, Slipper, size of No. 127, Square and Compass enameled on Toe Masonic Charm, Slipper same as No. 156 Pin Temple of Honor Pin, Triangle 59 Masonic Pin, round, enameled, with engraved star Masonic and Odd Fellows' Pin Combined, size of No. 1 11, with stones on links Masonic Pin, Knight Templars 21 168 fe^ PAGE. Odd Fellows' Pin, Arrow : Odd Fellows' Pin, Arrow, with Links 31 Masonic Charm, same as No. 65 pin .' Odd Fellows' Pin, Arrow, with Stone 33 American Mechanics' Pin, Shield 49 Odd Fellows' Pin, Encampment, Shield 37 Masonic Pin, Square, Compass and Trowel 11 Masonic Pin, Triangle 13 Butchers' Pin 87 Scotch Pin, Thistle Odd Fellows' Charm, Encampment, Shield Masonic Charm, like No. 1 70 pin Odd Fellows' Pin, Encampment 37 Plain Pin, Shield for engraving 99 Plain Pin, Shield for engraving 99 Odd Fellows' Pin, Shield 29 Knigh;s of Pythias 39 Odd Fellows' Pin, Shield, Bow and Arrow, finish like No. 178 pin Odd Fellows' Pin, plated Links, size of gold pin No. 224 Odd Fellows' Pin Daughters of Rebecca, Pin for Ladies 31 Odd Fellows' Pin, Encampment Shield 37 Grand Army of the Repubhc Pin, Shield larger than No. 150 ... . Razor Pin, Gold Handle, Silver Blade, Razor Charm, like No. 185 pin, opens and shuts Scissors Charm, like No. 194 pin, opens and shuts Masonic Pin, Shield 1 1 Spade Charm Masonic Pin, Shield, Problem in centre, finish hke No. 178 pin. . . Good Templars' Pin, Anchor, Heart and Cross 57 Odd Fellows' Pin, Shield 29 Chisel Pin Scissors Pin 9^ Chisel Charm American Mechanics' Pin, size of No. 103 pin, with Arm and Hammer in place of G Good Templars' Pin, Cross 57 Seaman's Pin, Triangle 71 Odd Fellows' Pin, Wire Links 27 Claw Hammer Charm Odd Fellows' Pin, Daughters of Rebecca, Ladies' 31 Red Men's Pin, Oval 69 American Mechanics' Pin, engraved circle, with Arm and Hammer in open circle Druggist Pin, Mortar 91 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168, 169. 170. 171. 172. 173- 174. 175- 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193- 194. 195. 197. 198. 199. 2CO. 201. 202. 203. 204. 16U 20S. 2o6. 207. 20S. 209. 210. 211. 212. 3T3. 215. 216. 217. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 226. 225. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233- 234- 235- 236. 237- 238. 239- 240. 241. 242. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249- PAGE. Masonic Pin, Shield 1 1 Odd Fellows' Pin, Encampment Shield 37 Good Templars' Pin 57 Odd Fellows' Pin, Scolloped Border, Hand and Links Masonic Pin, Scolloped Border, Square and Compass Amalgamators' Association of Iron and Steel Workers' Pin 71 Bricklaj^ers' Pin, Trowel with Gold Handle 89 Mallet Charm, small .' Masonic Pin, Knight Templars', same as No. 669, with Skull in place of Cross and Crown Knights of St. Crispin Pin 71 Masonic Pin, Shield 11 Book Charm Velocipede Pin Odd Fellows' Pin, Encampment Tent 37 Odd Fellows' Pin, Encampment 37 Odd Fellows' Charm, Encampment, like No. 222 pin Odd Fellows' Pin, Wire Links 27 Anchor, Heart and Cross Charm Carpenters' Saw Charm Mallet Pin Masonic Pin, Problem 17 Odd Fellows' Pin, Encampment 37 Temperance Pin, Reynolds or Red Ribbon 59 Odd Fellows' Pin, Enamel Tent attached to Engraved Bar Masonic Pin, Enamel Square and Compass attached to Engraved Bar Hammer Pin Odd Fellows' Pin, Wire Links 27 Red Men's Pin, engraved 69 Carpenters' Saw Pin Masonic Charm, Square and Compass, same as No. 104 pin Odd Fellows' Pin, Plated Wire Links Knights of Pythias Pin, Oval, of Coin Silver Odd Fellows' Pin, Monogram like No. 367, attached to Enameled Bar Odd Fellows' Charm, same as No. 221 pin Odd Fellows' Charm, same as No. 229 pin Carpenters' Pin, Plane, very small Carpenters' Charm, Plane, very small Anchor Pin Cross Pin, small, emgraved Odd Fellows' Pin, Wire Links 27 Odd Fellows' Charm, Monogram, like No. 367 pin 170 250. 251. 2C2. 253- 254- 255. 256. 257. 258. 26o. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 2S7. 288. 289. 292. 293. PAGE. Set Charms, Mallet, Chisel and Plane Masonic Pin, Square and Compass attached to Engraved Bar. . . . Horseshoe Pin 87 Horseshoe Charm, like No. 252 pin Anvil and Hammer Pin 87 Anvil and Hammer Charm, like No. 254 pin Horse Pin 87 Horse Charm, like No. 256 pin Ladder Pin Dog Pin 87 Dog Charm, like No. 260 pin American Mechanics' Pin 49 American Mechanic's and Odd Fellows' Combination, like No. 262 pin, with Links across the bottom Charm, Callipers, very small Charm, Ice Tongs, very small Charm, Compass, to open Knights of Pythias Pin 39 Door Key Pin 95 Door Key Charm, like No. 268 pin Saddlers' Knife Pin 87 Saddlers' Knife Charm, like No. 270 pin Masonic Pin, Keystone 17 Rooster Pin 95 Rooster Charm, like No. 273 pin Ribbon Slide Ribbon Slide Knights of Pythias and Odd Fellows' Pin Combined, like No. 267, with Links across the bottom Knights of Pythias Charm, like No. 267 pin Charm, Saw, Knife and Steel, very small Ribbon Slide Jewish Order Pin, Bena-Brith 65 Butcher's Saw Pin 87 Bena-Brith and Odd Fellows' Pin Combined 65 Ribbon Slide Cow Pin 87 Cow Charm, like No. 285 Pin Masonic Pin, Square and Compass n Ribbon Slide, Enameled Masonic Pin, Plated, size of gold pin No. 113 Charm, like 295 pin Masonic and Odd Fellows' Pin Combined, plate, Hke gold pin No. Ill 171 PAGE. 294. Masonic and Odd Fellows' Pin Combined, like gold pin No. Ill 25 295. Patriotic Order, Sons of America Pin 6^ 296. Skate Charm, Pearl and Gold 297. American Mechanics' Pin, plate, size of gold pin No. 203 298. Odd Fellows' Pin, plate, same as No. 91 gold pin 299. Good Samaritan Pin 59 300. Painters' Pin, Palette and Brushes 95 5f5i. Painters' Charm, like No. 300 pin 302. Padlock Charm 155 303. Odd Fellows' Pin, large Wire Links, larger than No. 743 pin 304. Odd Fellows' and Red Men's Pin Combined, same as No. 235, with Links 305. American Mechanics' Pin 306. Odd Fellows' plated Wire Links, larger than gold pin No. 743 . . . 308. Knights of Pythias Pin 39 309. Harriguria Pin 65 310. Printer's Stick Pin 95 311. Masonic Pin, plated, size of No. 30 gold pin 313. Printer's Stick Charm, like No. 310 pin 314. Odd Fellows' Pin 27 315. American Mechanics' Pin, in plate, like gold pin No. 262 316. American Mechanics' and Odd Fellows' Pin, in plate, same as gold pin No. 263 317. Masonic Scarf Pin, same style as No. 335 pin 318. American Mechanics' Pin 49 319. Knights of Pythias Charm, like No. 308 pin 320. Knights of Pythias and Odd Fellows' Pin, like No. 308 pin, with three Links at bottom 321. Temple of Honor, small 59 323. Carpenters' Square Charm 324. Druggists' Charm, Mortar 325. Temple of Honor and Odd Fellows' Pin Combined 59 326. Masonic Charm, Square and Compass, size of No. 287 pin 327. Bar Pin, engraved ' 328. Bar Pin, Ribbon 329. Bar Pin, engraved Scroll 330. Butchers' Pin 87 331. Masonic Pin, Scroll 15 332. Odd Fellows', Rebecca Pin 31 333. Bar Pin, enameled 334. American Mechanics' Pin 49 335. Masonic Pin, G 17 336. Odd Fellows' Pin, enameled 27 172 339- 340. 341- 342. 344- 345- 348. 349- 3 SO. 351. 352. 353- 354- 355- 356. 357. 358. 359- 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369- 370. 371. 372. 373- 374- 375- 376. 377- 378. 379- 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385- 387. PAGE. ... 63 Cross Pin, engraved Cross Charm, like No. 339 pin Odd Fellows' Scarf Pin 31 Masonic Scarf Pin, same as centre to No. 374 pin Charm, Enamel Cross Druggists' Mortar Charm Engineers' Brotherhood Pin Si Knights of Pythias Pin, in Silver, size No. 267 pin Odd Fellows', Shield with Links Masonic Charm, like No. 205 pin Charm, Odd Fellows' Shield Charm, Masonic Shield, with problem Charm, Odd Fellows' Shield, same as No. 178 pin Hat Pin 89 Saddle Pin 87 Masonic, Trowel with Coral Handle Masonic, Trowel with Gold Handle Ribbon Tip Druid's' Pin 69 Masonic, Square and Compass Pin 15 Sons of Temperance Pin ^y Masonic Pin, Square and Compass on Onyx Odd Fellows' Encamjoment Pin 37 Odd Fellows' Pin 27 Masonic Pin 13 Odd Fellows' Monogram Pin 29 Plough Pin 93 Curry Comb and Horse Brush Pin 87 Barbers' Pin, Comb and Brush 89 Masonic, Eastern Star Charm, like No. 123 pin Masonic Pin 17 Masonic Pin 17 Masonic Pin 17 Masonic Pin 17 Masonic Pin, Octagon Border, with large G in centre Masonic Pin, Octagon Border, with Square and Compass Red Men's Pin, small Shield Masonic Pin, Double Headed Eagle Masonic Pin, Double Headed Eagle, with Triangle on top Knights of Honor, in plate, same style as No. 742 gold pin Knights of Pythias Pin, Shield 39 Masonic Pin, Square and Compass 17 Masonic Keystone 19 Knights of Pythias Pin Masonic Pin • . . Jt 7 388. 389- 39°- 391- 392- 393- 394- 395- 39^- 397- 39S. 399- 400. 401. 402. 403- 404. 40S- 4o6. 407. 408. 409. 410. 411. 412. 413- 414. 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423- 424. 425. 426, 428. ■429. 430- 431- 173 PAGE. Bar Pin, with "Baby" enameled on it/ Ribbon Slide Masonic Keystone Pin 19 Masonic Pin, plated, like No. 85 gold pin Odd Fellows' Pin, plated, like No. 95 gold pin Masonic Charm, same as No. 216 pin Odd Fellows' Charm, same as No. 192 pin Shoemakers' Pin 91 Harriguria Pin 65 Odd Fellows' Studs Odd Fellows' Pin 31 Odd Fellows' Pin, Octagon Border, with Links Odd Fellows' Pin 31 Odd Fellows' Pin, large Scollop Border, Links in centre Odd Fellows' Pin, Romid Border, Avith Hand Odd Fellows' Pin, Octagon Border, with Hand Odd Fellows' Pin, Scolloped Border, with Hand Odd Fellows' Pin, large Scolloped Border, with Hand American Mechanics' Pin Odd Fellows' Enamel Ring, with Links in open centre 33 Odd Fellows' Enamel Ring, with Hand in open centre Trowel Pin, like No. 791, Coral Handle Engine Pin, engraved, size No. 451 pin, no enamel Masonic Pin, Square and Compass Odd Fellows' Charm, like No. 364 pin Odd Fellows' Daughter Pin 23 Odd Fellows' Encampment Pin 27 Odd Fellows' Pin, Encampment, Scolloped Border, Links and Crooks Odd Fellows' Pin, Encampment, Border, Links and Crooks. .. . 37 Odd Fellows' Pin, Encampment, large Scolloped Border, with Links and Crooks Large plain Shield for engraving Alfredian Pin 73 Odd Fellows' Keystone Charm 137 Odd Fellows' Onyx Pin 29 Masonic Keystone Pin 19 Barbers' Pin 89 Anchor Pin 85 Masonic Keystone Charm, like No. 422' pin Odd Fellows' Pin, enameled Knights of Pythias Charm, like No. 320 pin Knights of Pythias Charm, like No. 267 pin, with Links Odd Fellows' Pin 27 Odd Fellows' Pin, Onyx in Border, with enam.eled Links on it. . . . c1, 432. 433- 434, 435- 436. 437- 438. 439- 440. 441. 442. 443- 444- 445- 446. 447- 448. 449- 450. 451. 452. 453- 454- 456. 458. 459. 460. 461. 462. 463. 464. 465. 466. 467. 468. 469. 470. 471. 472. 473- 474- 475. 476. 477. 478. 174: PAGE. Masonic Pin 13 Blacksmiths' Union Pin 87 Good Templars' Shield Pin 57 Odd Fellows' Pin 29 Ribbon Slide, large, engraved Ribbon Slide, large, engraved Odd Fellows' Studs i r^ Odd Fellows' Studs, Spiral jry Odd Fellows' Studs, Links, Spiral Masonic Pin, enameled Slipper i c Odd Fellows' Encampment Pin 37 Masonic Pin i q Odd Fellows' Pin 2i Masonic Charm, Eastern Star, with Scroll American Mechanics' Pin, small Shield, like No. 432 pin Odd Fellows' Studs, Links, Button Masonic Charm, Eastern Star American Mechanics' Pin 40 Odd Fellows' Pin 29 Locomotive Pin 70 Odd Fellows' Pin 27 Masonic Studs, Enamel, Spiral 157 Masonic Studs, Enamel, Button 157 Masonic Studs, Enamel, Spiral Plain Pin for engraving, Oval Carpenters' Square, Charm 155 Masonic Pin i ^ Odd Fellows' Pin Steam Fire Engine 85 Masonic Pin, Shield shape, with Square and Compass Odd Fellows' Pin, Shield shape, with Links Druids' Pin, same as No. 360, with Links Odd Fellows' Pin 31 Good Samaritan, in Silver, same style as gold No. 299 pin American Mechanics' Pin 40 Masonic Pin 1 1 Odd Fellows' Pin, Bar enameled, Bow and Arrow in gold Masonic Pin, Wreath, with Square and Compass Trunk Pin or Carpenters' Pin, Plane 89 Patrons of Husbandry Pin 67 Good Samaritan Pin, in plate, same as No. 299 gold pin American Mechanics' Pin 4p Stove Pin 03 Tobacconist Pin g^ 479- 48o. 483. 484. 485. 487. 488. 489. 490. 491. 492. 494. 495- 496. 497- 498. 499. 500. 501. 502. 503- 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. 510. 511. 512. 513- 514. 515- S16. 517- S18. S19. 520. 521. 522. 523- "5 PAGE. Large Axe Pin 89 Scroll Pin, enameled " Baby " Stone Cutters' Pin 89 Patriotic Order, Sons of America Pin 67 Odd Fellows' Pin, Encampment 27 Odd Fellows' Pin, with Links 29 Odd Fellows' Pin, like No. 466, with Hand in place of skull Odd Fellows' Pin, Encampment, like No. 466, with Tent in place of skull Odd Fellows' Pin, Regalia, with Links Odd Fellows' Stud, Bow and Arrow enameled, Spiral Odd Fellows' Stud, Bow and Arrow enameled. Button Ancient Order of Foresters 55 Ancient Order of Hibernians 61 Knights of the Mystic Chain, in Coin Silver Cook Stove 93 Knights of Pythias Pin 39 Masonic Stud, enameled. Spiral Odd Fellows' Stud, enameled. Spiral Odd Fellows' Stild, enameled. Spiral American Mechanics' Studs, Spiral Masonic Stud, Spiral Plain Pin for engraving loi Plain Pin for engraving , loi Grangers' Pin, P of H. in Silver German Roman Catholic Pin 61 American Mechanics', Shape of No. 469 Enamel Stud, Sheaf of Wheat, Button Enamel Stud, Sheaf of Wheat, Spiral Odd Fellows' Studs, Clasped Hands, Button Odd Fellows' Stud, Clasped Hands, Spiral Odd Fellows' Stud, Encampment, Button Odd Fellows' Stud, Encampment, Spir^il Foresters' Pin, in Silver, like No. 845 gold Plain Pin for engraving American Mechanics' Pin, plate, like No. 334 gold pin Odd Felllows' Studs, Encampment, Spiral Odd Fellows' Studs, Encampment, Button American Mechanics' Pin, Square, Compass and W Masonic Pin, plated, same as No. 17 gold pin Odd Fellows' Pin, plated, like No. 398 gold pin Horse and Rider Pin 87 Odd Fellows' Pin, engraved Heart, Links in centre Odd Fellows' Pin, engraved Heart, Links and Crooks in centre . . Odd Fellows' Pin, engraved Heart, Hand in centre 524. 525- 526. 527. 528. 529. 53°- 531- 532. 533- 534- 535- 53^. 537- 538. 539- 540. 541. 542. 543- 544- 545- 546. 547- 548. 549- 550. 551- 552. 553- 554- 555- 556. 557- 558. 559- 560. 56i. 562. 563. 564- 565. 176 PAGE. Bar Pin, with " Pet " enameled on it Odd Fellows' Charm 135 Masonic Charm 133 Plain Pin for engraving loi Masonic Pin, Trowel 15 Masonic Pin, Onyx Stone 13 Druggists' Pin, Mortar and Pestle Masonic Studs Scroll Pin, with " Darling" enameled on it Pin with " Baby " enameled on it Odd Fellows' Charm, Encampment 137 Knights of the Mystic Chain Pin 73 Pin with " Darling " enameled on it Grangers' Pin 67 Masonic Pin, Slipper 15 Masonic Pin, Banner, same as banner on No. 778 pin 21 Plain Pin for engraving loi Plain Pin for engraving loi Masonic Pin 1 1 Odd Fellows' Pin, Heart, enameled same as No. 545, engraved Links 33 Odd Fellows' Pin, Heart, enameled same as No. 545, in open centre engraved Hand Odd Fellows' Pin, Encampment 37 Plain Pin for engraving loi American Mechanics' Pin, shaped like No. 469, with Flag, Square and Compasses American Mechanics' Charm, like No. 505 pin American Mechanics' Charm, like No. 547 pin Odd Fellows' Pin 20 Grangers' Pin, in Silver, shape of No. 537 Knights of Pythias Pin 30 Knights of Pythias Charm 141 Good Templars' Pin 57 Wide Bar Pin, with " Baby " enameled on it Odd Fellows' Pin 29 Grangers' Pin, Sheaf of Wheat 67 Odd Fellows' Pin 33 Masonic Pin 13 Odd Fellows' Pin 25 Odd Fellows' Pin 31 Masonic Pin, enameled Cross Grangers' Pin, Silver, same as No. 557 pin Odd Fellows' Pin 31 Odd Fellows' Pin, Encampment 37 566. 567. 568. 569. 570. 571. 572. 573. 574- 575- 576. 577. 578. 579- 58o. 581. 582. 583. 584. 585. 586. 587. 590. 591. 592. 593- 594- 595- 596. 597- 598. 599- 600. 602. 603. 604. 605. 606. 607. 608. 609. 610. 611. 177 PAGE. Masonic Pin 13 German Turners' Pin 65 German Turners' Pin, in Silver Odd Fellows' Pin 29 Masonic Pin 1 1 Sons of Herman Pin 73 Masonic Pin 13 American Mechanics' Pin, shape of No. 469, with W 45 Odd Fellows' Pin 27 Bar Pin, enameled Scroll Odd Fellows' and Masonic Combination Pin 25 Odd Fellows' and Masonic Combination Pin 25 Masonic Pin, Book Bar Pin, with " Baby " enameled on it Sons of Temperance Pin 57 Drawing Room Car Pin 79 Masonic Pin 11 Odd Fellows' Pin 29 Odd Fellows' Pin, Onyx Stone, with Wire Links Masonic Pin, Knight Templar 21 Masonic Pin, Cross and Crown, small 21 Diamond Shape Pin, with F, F, F, &c American Mechanics' Pin, plate, like No. 517 gold pin Odd Fellows' Pin, plate, Wire Links, size No. 248 gold pin Drawing Room Car Pin, in Silver Cross Pin, plated, size of No. 339 gold pin Ancient Order Good Fellows' Pin 7^ Ancient Order Hibernians' Pin 61 Kasher Pin 65 Red Men's Pin 69 Harriguria Pin 65 Straight Bar Pin, engraved Masonic Pin 15 Masonic Pin 21 Masonic Pin 15 Enamel Bar Pin Round Pin for engraving loi Sons of Temperance Pin, plate, like No. 158 gold pin Ancient Order of Hibernians' Pin 61 Odd Fellows' Pin 29 Masonic Pin, Square and Compass on Book Odd Fellows' Pin, Links on Book Odd Fellows' Pin ^3 Druids' Pin 69 Sons of Herman Pin, like No. 571, with Links rTvf, 6r2. 613. 614. 615. 616. 617. 618. 619. 620. 621. 622. 623. 624. 625. 626. 627. 628. 629. 631. 632. 633. 634- 635. 636. 637- 638. 639- 640. 641. 642. 178 PAGE. Ancient Order United Workmen Pin 45 Good Templars' Pin 57 Masonic Pin 15 Odd Fellows' Pin 29 Odd Fellows' and Masonic Pin combined 25 Masonic Pin 15 Odd Fellows' Pin 31 Odd Fellows' and Masonic Pin combined 25 Bar Pin, engraved, large Scroll Pin, engraved Odd Fellows' Pin, Square Links Odd Fellows' Pin 27 Sons of Temperance Bar Pin, fancy shape, engraved Odd Fellows' Pin, Links in plate Odd Fellows' Pin, Encampment 37 Plain Pin for engraving loi First Regiment of Illinois, National Guards 75 Long Bar Pin Masonic Pin, Eastern Star 23 Masonic Charm, Eastern Star Bar Pin, with round corners Plain Pin for engraving loi Knight Templars' Charm 105 Masonic Pin, Trowel with Coral Handle I7 Masonic Pin, Eastern Star 23 Masonic Charm, Eastern Star Knights of Pythias Charm 141 Odd Fellows' Charm, Encampment ^37 Odd Fellows' Encampment and Knights of Pythias Charm combined, front same as No. 641 charm, back same as No. 640 charm Charm, Pitcher with Coral • Masonic Pin, Keystone 11 Odd Fellows' Pin 27 Knight Templars' Charm 105 Foresters' Pin 55 Brakemen's Pin 81 Bar Pin, enamel Leaf and Vine Telegraph Operators' Pin 93 Eighth Regiment, Conn., Volunteers 75 Foresters' Pin, Independent OrJ.er 55 Foresters' Pin, Independent Order 55 Odd Fellows' Pin 33 Knight Templars' Pin 21 179 PAGE. Knight Templars' Charm 105 Temple of Honor Pin 59 Temperance Pin, Murphy or Blue Ribbon Badge 59 Knights of Honor Pin 51 Good Templars' Pin 57 Odd Fellows' Pin, round, with Links Plain Pin for engraving loi Collar Button, with Links Plain Pin for engraving loi Collar Button, enamel Links Collar Button, enamel Square and Compass Collar Button, enamel, Knights of Pythias Plain Pin for engraving loi Collar Button, enameled Encampment Collar Button, enameled Sheaf of Wheat Collar Button, enameled Tent Plain Pin for engraving loi Plain Pin for engraving loi Odd Fellows' Pin, Shield 29 Knights of Honor Pin 5' Plain Pin for engraving lor Knights of Honor Pin 5' Knights of Honor Pin, Monogram 51 Knights of Honor Pin, Monogram 51 Odd Fellows' Pin, Wire Links 27 Masonic Pin, Slipper, like No. S3S, with Turquoise in head of Compass Odd Fellows' Pin, Encampment, plate, like No. 175 gold pin Knights of Pythias Pin, plate, like No. 179 gold pin Odd Fellows' Pin, Encampment, plate, like No. 364 gold pin Masonic Pin, plate, like No. 115 gold pin Temperance Pin, plate, like No. 434 gold pin Masonic Pin, plate, large Keystone Odd Fellows' Pin, plate, like No. 131 gold pin Odd Fellows' Pin, plate, like No. 129 gold pin Masonic Pin, plate, like No. 138 gold pin Odd Fellows' Pin, plate, like No. 452 gold pin Odd Fellows' Pin, plate, like No. 86 gold pin Masonic Pin, plate, like No. 109 gold pin Ancient Order United Workmen Pin 45 United Workmen Pin 45 Masonic Pin 19 Locomotive Pin B. L. E £1 Odd Fellows' Pin 3^ Shield Pin, Horse and Rider 95 n 719- 720. 721. 722. 723- 724. 725- 726. 727. 728. 729- 730. 731- 732. 733- 734- 735- 736. 737- 738. 739- 740. 741. 742. 743- 744. 745- 746. 747- 748. 749- 750. 751. 752. 753- 754- 7SS- 756. 757- 758. 759- 760. 76i. 762. 180 PAGE. Masonic Trowel Pin 13 Ancient Order United Workmen Pin 45 Odd Fellows' Pin 29 Odd Fellows' Pin, Encampment 37 Odd Fellows' Pin, Encampment 35 Odd Fellows' Pin, Encampment 37 Odd Fellows' Pin, Links 31 Odd Fellows' Pin, Links 27 Knights of Pythias Pin 39 Knights of Pythias and Masonic Pin 43 Knights of Pythias and Odd Fellows' Pin 43 Knights of Pythias Pin, plate, like No. 179 gold pin Odd Fellows' Pin 27 Orangemen's Pin 73 Foresters' Pin 55 Odd Fellows' Pin 27 Odd Fellows' Pin, size No. 248, with Bow and Arrow on it Steam Fire Engine Pin 85 Harp Pin 95 Masonic Pin 15 Masonic Pin 15 Masonic Pin 13 Ancient Order United Workmen Pin, like No. 713, with three Wire Links Knights of Honor Pin 51 Odd Fellows' Pin, Wire three Links 27 Ancient Order United Workmen Pin 45 Lyre Pin g^ Hose Cart Pin ■. 8$ Masonic Pin, like No. 1 13, very heavy Good Templars' Pin 57 Knights of Pythias Pin 39 Masonic Pin 11 Masonic and Odd Fellows' Pin combined 25 n Pin for engraving 99 n Pin for engraving 99 n Pin for engraving 99 Pla Pla Pla Pla Pla Pla Pla Pla Pla; Pla Pla: n Pin for engraving n Pin for engraving n Pin for engraving n Pin for engraving n Pin for engraving n Pin for engraving n Pin for engraving n Pin for engraving 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 181 763. 764. 76s. 766. 767. 76B,. 769. 770. 771. 772. 773- 774- 77S- 776. 777- 778. 779- 780. 781. 782. 783. 784. 785. 786. 787. 788. 789. 790. 791. 792. 793- 794. 795. 796. 797. 798. 799- Soo. 803. 804. 805. 806. 807. Plain Pin for engraving Plain Pin for engraving Plain Pin for engraving, Scroll Plain Pin for engraving Plain Pin for engraving Plain Pin for engraving Plain Pin for engraving Plain Pin for engraving Plain Pin for enCTavins: Odd Fellows' Pin, Encampment Masonic Pin Odd Fellows' Pin, Wire Links American Mechanics' Pin Odd Fellows' Pin, Wire Links American Mechanics' Pin Masonic Pin Masonic Pin Odd Fellows' Pin, Wire Links Masonic Pin Masonic Pin Masonic Pin Masonic and Odd Fellows' combined Masonic and Odd Fellows' combined Odd Fellows' Pin Temple of Honor Pin Locomotive Pin Firemen's Pin Knights of Pythias and Odd Fellows' combined , Bricklayers' Pin, Trowel Temperance Pin, Murphy Knights of Pythias Stud Knights of Pythias Stud , Firemen's Shield Pin , Firemen's Pin Plain Shield Pin for engraving Masonic Shield Pin Plasterers' Fin Masonic Pin, same shape as No. 798, shield in Roman gold. Knights of Pythias Pin, pierced out Knights of Pythias Pin, similar to No. 801 pin Ancient Order United Workmen Pin Masonic Pin Masonic Pin Miners' Pin Knights of Pythias Pin PAGE. •••99 •••99 •••99 • 99 • 99 • 99 .101 • 37 . 15 • 27 • 49 • 27 • 49 . 15 . 15 . 27 . 13 . 13 . 17 . 25 . 25 . 29 . 59 . 7.9 . 8s , 43 . 89 . 59 .^57 .^57 . 85 . 85 19 43 45 19 19 91 39 8o8. 809. 810. 811. S12. 813. 814. 815. 816. 817. 818. 819. 820. 823. 824. 825. 826. 827. 828. 829. 830. 831. 832. 833. 835. 836. 837. 838. 839- 840. 841. 842. 843. 844. 845. 846. 847. 848. 849. 850. 851. 852. 853- 182 PAGE, Catholic Total Abstinence Union Pin 61 Knights of Pythias Pin 39 Ancient Order United Workmen Pin 45 Druggists' Pin, Mortar 91 Masonic Pin 19 Masonic Pin 19 Masonic Pin, Cross and Crown 19 Bow and Arrow Pin, in Silver Odd Fellows' Pin 33 Knights of Honor Pin 51 Masonic Pin, Square and Compass, heavy Royal Arcanum Pin 53 Foresters' Pin 55 Knights of Honor Pin 51 Knights of St. George Pin 73 Foresters' Pin 55 Drum Pin 91 Odd Fellows' Pin 33 Odd Fellows' Pin 33 Masonic Pin, Eastern Star 23 Good Templars' Pin S7 Knights of Honor and Odd Fellows' Pin combined ^^ Knights of Honor and Odd Fellows' Pin combined c-7 Knights of Pythias and Odd Fellows' Pin combined 43 Masonic Pin, Eastern Star 23 Junior American Mechanics' Pin 49 Ancient Order United Workmen 4^ Foresters' Pin 55 Legion of Honor Pin 53 Masonic Pin 19 Knights of Pythias Pin 39 Odd Fellows' Pin 33 Odd Fellows' Pin 33 Ancient Order United Workmen Pin 45 Masonic Pin 17 Knights of Pythias Pin 39 Foresters' Pin 55 Legion of Honor Pin 53 Masonic Pin 19 Ancient Order United Workmen Pin 45 Knights of Honor Pin 51 Select Knights of A. O. U. W. Pin 47 Masonic Pin 19 Masonic Pin, Eastern Star Masonic Pin, Eastern Star 23 183 vj PACK 854. Young Men's Christian Association Pin 73 855. Masonic Pin 19 856. Odd Fellows' Pin 33 857. Knights of Pythias Pin 39 858. Masonic Pin, Eastern Star 23 859. Masonic Pin, Eastern Star 860. Ancient Order United Workmen Pin 45 861. Knights of Pythias Pin 39 86m. Odd Fellows' Pin, small. Links enameled 35 863. Canteen Pin 91 864. Knapsack Pin 91 865. Catholic Knights of America 61 866. Knights of Honor Pin, size No. 849 pin 86y. Odd Fellows' Pin, size and shape of No. 847 pin, with enameled links in centre 35 868. Masonic Pin 21 869. Knights of Pythias Pin, size of No. 802, background in Roman gold 870. Knights of Pythias and Odd Fellows combined 43 871. Red Men and Odd Fellows combined 69 872. Knights of Pythias; same style as No. 813, with the K. of P. em- blem in enamel 873. Knights of Pythias, similar to 857 874. Chosen Friends 47 875. Foresters 55 876. Knights of Honor 51 877. Chosen Friends 47 878. Knights of Honor 51 879. Knights of Pythias 41 880. Knights and Ladies of Honor 53 88i. Knights of Wise Men 71 882. St. Joseph 63 883. St. Joseph 63 884. Ancient Order United Workmen 45 885. Knights of Pythias 41 886. Knights of the Golden Rule 63 887. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers 81 888. Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen 83 889. Ancient Order United Workmen, Knights of Pythias and Odd Fellows combined 47 890. Ancient Order United Workmen 47 891. Bicycle 91 892. Odd Fellows Encampment 35 893. Knights of Honor 51 894. Odd Fellows 35 C5 tl 895. 896. 897. 898. 899- 900. 90I. 902. 903- 904. 90S. 9o6. 907. 909. 910. 911. 912. 913- 914. 915. 916. 917. 918. 919. 920. 921. 922. 923- 924. 925. 926. 927. 928. 929. 93°. 931- 932. 933- 934- 935- 936. 937- 938. 939- 940. 184 PAGE Masonic 11 Knights of the Golden Rule 63 Canadian Order of Foresters Tinman's Shears 93 Masonic Pin 13 Locomotive, with Conductor ']'] Conductor 77 German Turner Bund 65 Knights of Pythias 41 Sons of Jonadab 71 Odd Fellows 35 Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen 83 Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, style of No. 348 83 Knights of Maccabees Tent 7^ Foresters, United Order, same as No. 845, with U in place of A. , Foresters, Canadian Order, same as No. 845, with C in place of A Catholic Mutual Benevolent Association 61 Knights of Pythias, Uniform Rank 41 Parlor Car, Conductor Tj Foresters, United Order, same as No. 490, with U in place of A. . Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen 83 Western Catholic Union 61 Masonic , 11 Empire Order Mutual Aid 63 Royal Temple of Templars 71 Chosen Friends Knights of Pythias 41 S N D, with Eagle and Clasped Hands Barrel 93 Cooper Adze 93 Ancient Order United Workmen 45 Moulders' Emblems 93 Grand Army of the Republic 75 Odd Fellows' Encampment 35 Knights of Pythias, Odd Fellows and Masons combined 43 Masonic 15 Knights of Wise Men 71 Patriotic Order Sons of America d^ Odd Fellows 35 Ancient Order United Workmen 45 Odd Fellows Encampment 35 Yacht 85 Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks 71 Masonic Pin, in plate, same shape as No. 20 pin in gold Horse Car 79 Knights of Pythias with Knights of Honor, combined 43 941- 942. 943- 944- 945- 946. 947. 948. 949- 9^. 951. 952. 953- 954- 955. ^S6. 957. 958. 959- 960. 961. 962. 963. 964. 965. 966. 967. 968. 969. 970. 971. 972. 973- 974- 975. 976. 977- 978. 979- 185 PAGE Knights of Pythias with Odd Fellows combined 43 Postman 93 Royal Arcanum ^ 53 Locomotive, with Engineer 81 Sheaf of Wheat 93 Order of Railroad Conductors 77 Order of the Red Cross 73 Plain Pin for Engraving 99 Knights of Pythias 41 Odd Fellows 35 Brotherhood Locomotive Engineers 81 Conductor , . . ^ 77 Father Mathew Totaf Abstinence and Benevolent Society 63 Patriotic Order Sons of America .^. 67 Knights of Pytliias 41 Knights of Labor , Knights of Pythias, like No. 903 pin Iowa American Legion of Honor 53 Brotherhood Locomotive Engineers 81 Brotherhood Locomotive Firemen 83 Temple of Honor 59 Locomotive Engine and Tender 79 Odd Fellows, plate, like No. 130 gold pin Gold Miners .^ 91 Royal Arcanum 53 Ancient Order United Workmen 47 American Mechanics 49 Knights of Honor 51 Masonic 21 American Mechanics 49 Masonic 19 Women's Christian Temperance Union 73 Patriotic Order Sons of America 67 Equitable Aid Union 63 Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers 81 Cornet 95 Knights of St. George 73 Locomotive Firemen Mutual Aid Association 79 Brotherhood Locomotive Engineers 81 Brotherhood Locomotive Firemen 83 Brotherhood Locomotive Firemen 83 Brotherhood Locomotive Engineers 81 Monogram, Brotherhood Locomotive Firemen 83 Letter Carriers 93 Immaculates, Order 71 Knights of Pythias 41 186 PAGE 987. Catholic Knights of America , 988. Brotherhood Locomotive Engineers 81 989. Ancient Order United Workmen 47 990. Ancient Order of Hibernians 61 991. Select Knights United Workmen 47 992. Masonic 19 993. Odd Fellows, Subordinate Lodge 35 994. Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen 83' 995. Masons and Odd Fellows combined 21 996. Order of Railroad Conductors 'j'] 997. Heptasoph Improved Order "]}, 998. Brotherhood Locomotive Engineers 81 999. Brotherhood Locomotive Firemen 83 1000. Ancient Order of Flibernians 61 1 001. Locomotive Engine, like No. 962, no enamel roo2. Square and Compass, 14 K. size No. 113: 1003. Square and Compass, 14 K. size No. 287 1004. Square and Compass, 14 K. size No. 103 1005. Square and Compass, 14 K. size No. 113, very heavy 1006. Three Wire Links, 14 K. size No. 224. [007. Three Wire Links, 14 K. size No. 248 [008. Tea Kettle 93 [009. Boot and Shoe 91 toio. Patriarchal Circle 35 ton. Knights of Labor 49 1012. Large Locomotive 1013. Knights of Pythias 41 [014. Ancient Order of Hibernians 61 [oi 5. Locomotive 79 [016, Violin 95 roi 7, Brotherhood Locomotive Firemen 83 [018. Order of United Friends 73 [019. United Order Odd Fellows 71 [020. Knights of Pythias 41 [021. Druid 69 [022. Knights of Pythias 41 [023. Ancient Order United Workmen 47 [024. Odd Fellows ., 35 [025. Odd Fellows , 35 [026. Knights of Pythias Uniform Rank 41 [027. Order of Railroad Conductors T] [028. Iowa Legion of Honor [029. Odd Fellows, Subordinate Lodge 35 [030. Caipenter's Saw 89 [031. Brotherhood Locomotive Firemen 83 1032. Ancient Order of Hibernians 61 187 PAGE 1033. Red Men 69 1034. Ancient Order United Workmen 47 1035. Catholic Mutual Benevolent Association 61 1036. Grand Army of the Republic 7S 1037. Sixth Army Corps 7S X038. Odd Fellows' 35 1039. Druggist, Mortar 91 1040. Second Army Corps 75 1041. Third Army Corps 7S 1042. Fifth Army Corps 75 1043. Barber's Cup, Brush, Razor and Scissors 89 1044. Knights of Pythias, same as centre to No. 164 charm 1045. Ancient Order United Workmen 47 1046. Grand Army of Republic, smaller than No. 1036 1047. Steam Fire Engine 85 1048. Butchers' 87 1049. Brotherhood of Brakemen 81 1050. Commercial Travelers Association Monogram .... 69 1051. Hose Cart 85 1052. Grand Army of the Republic 75 1053. Brotherhood Locomotive Firemen 83 1054. German Turners 65 1055. Carpenters' Union 89 1056. Brotherhood Locomotive Firemen 83 1057. Travelers' Protective Association 69 1058. Ancient Order United Workmen 47 1059. Knights & Ladies of Honor 53 1060. Patriotic Order Sons of America Commandery 67 1061 . Ladies & Knights of Honor 53 1062. Roller Skate 85 1063. Freight Car 79 1064. Hose Cart 85 1065. Ancient Order of Hibernians 6r 1066. Bohemian 69 1067. Masonic 21 1068. Masonic 21 1069. Masonic 21 1070. Catholic Holy Name Society 63 1071. Masons and Odd Fellows combined 21 1072. Odd Fellows 35 1073. Grand Army of the Republic 75 1074. Odd Fellows 35 1075. Emerald Beneficial Association 63 1076. Select Foresters 55 1077. Cross Engraved 63 I078. 1079- io8o. 1081. 1082. 1083. 1084. 1085. 1086. 1087. 1088. 1089. 1090. 1091. 1092. 1093. 1094. 1095. 1096. 1097. 1098. 1099. 1 100. IIOI. 1 102. 188 PAGE Carpenter's Saw Plane and Square 89 Knights of Columbus Cross Engraved 63 Forester Ancient Order 55 German Turners 65 Cross Engraved 63 Locomotive Conductor ']'] Horse Car Conductor 'j'j Knights of Pythias Uniform Rank 41 Foresters' same as No. 648, with U. O. F Catholic Holy Name Society 63 Patriotic Order Sons of America Commandery 67 Druid, nearly square in shape Sons of Jonadab 71 Odd Fellows plate pattern of No. 426 " " " " 430 Locomotive " " 788 Locomotive Head Plates Knights of Pythias, pattern of No. 839 Grand Army of the Republic, flag below star Yj Sons of Veterans, Eagle, Flag & Star ''%/" " " " Motto on Bar \y^- Grand Army of the Republic 'y^ Sons of Veterans, Eagle on Circle (r^ DESCRIPTION OF CHARMS. 10. II. 12. 13- 14. 15- 16. 17- 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Keystone, Onyx 129 Keystone, Onyx, engraved Bail Keystone, Onyx, Cube, engraved Bail Keystone, Onyx, Cube 129 Keystone, Onyx, in setting 129 Keystone, Onyx, in setting 129 Keystone, Onyx, in setting 129 Keystone, Onyx, same as No. 14, but larger Keystone, Onyx 1 29 Keystone, Onyx - 1 29 Keystone, all gold 129 Keystone, all gold, same as No. 20, with rim engraved 131 Knight Templars' 109 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31- 32. 33- 34- 36. 37. 38- 39- 40. 41. 42. 43- 44. 45- 46. 47. 48. 49. 5o. 51. 52. 53- 54- 55- 56. 57- 58. Sp- 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. iP h 189 PAGE. Knight Templars', size No. 22, with Bail, no swords Odd Fellows' i3S Knights of Honor i47 Keystone 131 Keystone, same as No. 26, with edges engraved Keystone, same as No. 15, with edges engraved 131 Keystone, same as No. 18, with edges engraved Knight Templars' same as No. 22, without swords -Masonic Shield I33 Masonic and Odd Fellows' combined ■ 133 Woodcock 155 Knights of Honor and Odd Fellows' combined, one side same as No. 25, the other same as No. 36 Odd Fellows' 135 Locket with Onyx on each side, one side plain, the other with Square and Compass on it Locket with plain Onyx on each side Keystone, Onyx, Cube, Wire Head Odd Fellows' 135 Same shape as No. 40, with centre like No. 718 pin, back plain for lettering Locket with Onyx on each side, one with Keystone, the other plain Locket same as No. 42, with Links in place of keystone Locket Oval, Covers engraved Knights of Pythias 141 Knight Templars' 113 Knight Templars' 105 Keystone same as No. 26, with gold back for lettering Knight Templars' 125 Masonic 133 Odd Fellows' 135 Knight Templars' 113 Masonic, Master Mason 133 Knight Templars' 109 Keystone, same as No. 19, with gold back for lettering Knights of Pythias Knights of Pythias 139 Knight Templars' 115 Keystone 1 29 Keystone 1 29 Oil Derrick 155 Knight Templars' ill Knight Templars', same as No. 54, with Swords Knight Templars', same as No. 52, with Swords Locket with Onyx on each side, one Cameo, the other with Links 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71- 72. 73- 74- 75- 76. 77- 78. 79- 8o. 8i. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 90. 91. 92. 93- 94. 95- 96. 97- 98. 99. 100. lOI. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 190 PAGE. Locket with Onyx on each side Cross and Crown, same as No. 599 pin • . . Keystone same size as No. 14, with Wire Head in place of bail . . Knights of Pythias, size of No. 807 pin 141 Knight Templars', smaller than No. 52, same pattern . .*. Knight Templars', size No. 145, with Keystone on back Knights of Honor, same style as No. 25, but made lighter Odd Fellows', same style as No. 36, but made lighter Knights of Pythias, same style as No. 45, but made lighter Masonic, same style as No. 31, but made lighter Knight Templars', front like No. 636 ; on back in place of key- stone, Double Eagle and Delta, with 32, in enamel Knight Templars', same as No. 78, with Bail in place of helmet. . Knight Templars' 105 Knight Templars' 107 Knight Templars' 107 Knight Templars' ill Keystone 131 Knight Templars' 121 Knight Templars' 1 07 Knight Templars', same as No. 84, with Bail in place of helmet. . Knight Templars' ill Keystone, same as No. 82, with Emblems engraved on edges .... Legion of Honor, plain back, size of No. 89 charm Legion of Honor, front and back enameled 147 United Workmen, made heavy like No. 95, back plain United Workmen, enameled, both sides like No. 95 Keystone 1 29 Keystone, size No. 14, with Wire Head Keystone, size No. 18, with Wire Head and no scroll United Workmen 151 Knight Templars' 121 Knight Templars' 109 ^ Knight Templars', like No. 54, with Skull in place of cross and crown - Knight Templars' 115 Knight Templars' 127 Canteen 155 Knight Templars' ill Masonic, Eastern Star 157 Masonic, Eastern Star 157 Masonic, Eastern Star . 157 Knight Templars' in Knight Templars' 125 191 PAGE 1 08. 109. no. III. 112. 113- 114. 115- 116. ]\k 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131- 132. ^33- 134. 135- 136. 137- 138. 139- 140. 141. 142. 143- 144. 145- 146. 147. 148. 149. 150- 151- 152. 153- Knight Templars', same as No. 86 charm, all enameled . . . Knight Templars', same as No. 86, no enamel ... Knight Templar - 1 13 Masonic, same as No. 50, with ring Odd Fellows, same as No. 51, with ring " " " "24, " Knights of Pythias, same as No. 640, with ring Odd Fellows Encampment, same as No. 641, with ring. . . " " same as No. 40, but thinner Knights of Honor 147 Keystone, same as No. 15, but with wire head 131 Ancient Order United Workmen 151 Knights of Pythias 141 North Western Travelling Men's Association 155 Knight Templar, same as No. 102, with ring " '' 117 Druggist Mortar Charm 155 Knights of Pythias 141 Odd Fellows' Encampment 137 Knight Templar, same as No. 108, with Teutonic cross and eagle on back ■••".... Knight Templar, same as No. 79, with Teutonic cross and eagle on back Knight Templar, same as No. 86, with Teutonic cross and eagle on back Keystone, size No. 18, with wire head Ancient Order United Workmen 151 Knights of Pythias 143 Slipper, size No. 133 Pin 133 Knight Templar, with locket , 127 Odd Fellows' Encampment 137 137 Knight Templar 115 '' " with locket 127 " " " " size No. 138 charm Eastern Star Masonic , 133 Odd Fellows' 135 Western Commercial Travellers' Association Knight Templar 113 Masonic 133 Odd Fellows 137 Knight Templar, same as No. 139, with ring Odd Fellows' 135 Masonic 133 Odd Fellows 135" Skull and Bones 155 Knight Templar 115 154. 155- 156. 157. 158. 159- i6o. i6i. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175- 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188 189. 190. 191. 192, 193. 192 PAGE Knight Templar. ... 107 Ancient Order United Workmen, shape of No. 126 charm, with emblems in enamel 151 Knight Templar, same as No. 140, with ring Knights of Honor 147 Knight Templar ". 115 117 Odd Fellows 135 Ancient Order United Workmen 151 Knight Templar, same as No. 139, with ring; no swords.. Knights of Pythias 143 " " " 143 Keystone , Knights of Pythias 139 Keystone 131 Knights of Pythias 139 Knight Templar, same as No. 153, with Bail Small Keystone, size No. 167, engraved edges Knights of Honor 147 Knight Templar, size No. 671, with 32d degree on back. . Odd Fellows' Encampment Patriarchal Circle 137 Odd Fellows', shape of No. 160, sides plain Knight Templar 117 Eastern Star, same as No. 123 Pin on rays Keystone, size No. 645 Pin United Workmen 151 Knight Templar, Thirty-Second Degree 121 Knights of Pythias Keystone, size No, 167, with scroll at top Knights of Pythias, Uniform Rank 145 Knights of Pythias 143 Keystone 131 Odd Fellows' 135 Knights of Pythias 143 Knights Templar, pattern of No. 140, with large locket. . . Druids, size No. 640 charm, with front like No. 610 Pin. . " " " 640 " " " 360 " Chosen Friends, size 640 charm,' center like No. 877 Pin.. Chosen Friends, pattern of No. 874 Pin, back plain " " " " 874 Pin, back and front enameled Knight Templars Locket 125 Knights of Pythias 143 Masonic Master Mason 133 Eastern Star, pattern of No. 123 Pin, back and front Masonic Pelican, i8th Degree Knights Templar, front like No. 79, Pelican in place of Keystone 200. 20I. 202. 203. 204. 205. 2o6. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226, 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233- 234. 235- 236. 237- 238. 239- 240. 241. 242. 243- 244. 245- 246. 247. 193 PAGE Knights Templar 117 Knights of Pythias, Uniform Rank, front Hke No. 183, back plain Eastern Star, style No. 827 Pin Knights Templar 107 Knights Templar 117 Knights Templar, 32d Locket 123 '< " " " T^^ 123 123 117 Masons and Odd Fellows Combined 133 Grand Army of the Republic 149 Knights Templar 119 a a 119 u a 119 Knights Templar, 32d degree Eagle 121 Large Cube Keystone, gold Knights Templar, same as No. 212 with bail Cube Keystone, gold 131 Knights Templar, carved, no enamel " " " size No. 79, no enamel Grand Army of the Republic 149 Keystone 131 Odd Fellows' Encampment 137 Knights Templar 119 Select Knights United Workmen 151 Foresters' Ancient Order 147 Odd Fellows' Encampment 137 Knight Templars Locket 125 Grand Army of the Republic 149 Knights of Pythias, Uniform Rank 145 145 Knights Templar, size No. 79, with swords Knights of Pythias, Uniform Rank, size No. 166 Masonic Master Mason 133 Foresters' Ancient Order 147 Knights of Pythias , 143 Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers 153 Select Knights United Workmen 151 Grand Army of the Republic, charm size No. 1046 Pin. . . Knights and Ladies of Honor 147 United Workmen i e i Grand Army of the Republic 149 Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen 153 153 " " " Engineers 153 " Firemen 153 Locomotive 153 194 PAGE 248. Knights of Pythias Uniform Rank 145 249. Royal Masonic Right .> 119 250. Royal Arcanum 155 251. Knights of Pythias 141 252. Grand Army of the Republic 149 253. Knights of Pythias 305 90 ^^'% • ,0^ -♦'•-•- c 9^ **^^ ^c 4\ ''^6 .<^' .•1<^^ .T* A <> ♦"TV