^0* «^ A% V* <^ <^' *• ^''■^t. V S^ o" .4 Q, ^C ^^ V .'i* * *• V.'i'* .♦ 'j>'i- • .*'% iJvr^ A "v<#Si /J yra h-n /«/» /t /r\ "F LJ.-:u*^ t t* f y» ^^ m^ r% ^ ' It is the nation which believes these things, and which has striven in this war to practice what its teachers preached, that we now are called upon to fight. If we remem- ber this as we go along it will help us to understand some of the things the enemy will seek to do unto us ; and should help him to understand some of the things we mean to do unto him. Indeed, there is hope of his being able some day to understand that we entered this war not against a people or a nation so much as we entered it against an idea, a disease, a form of paranoia, a form of rabies, a form of mania which has turned men into blasphemous and murderous mad dogs, run- ning amuck and slavering in the highways of the world. What would any intelligent American do if a mad dog entered the street where he lived, even though that dog, before it went mad, had been a kind and docile creature? And what is he going to do in the existing situation? The same answer does for both questions. Because there is only one answer. [80] ^!J^^"^>:'"