■Its* Y05EA\ITE »o«l tb« A\ARlPOSA BIG TREES ■ 1 ^^^^^^^^H| ^Hj^^nlBli^^HPlV ^jj ^H Glacier Point, 3,250 feet above the Valley SOUTHERN PACIFIC r n ^ • IS ro ^Ton OksO THE WAY TO YOSESllTE Is via Raymond and Wawona Reached from the main line of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC By the ONLY OILED MOUNTAIN STAGE ROAD IN AMERICA This, the deservedly favorite route to the great Yosemite Valley, takes the passenger from San Fran- cisco, from Los Angeles, or from Portland by the fine rail service of the Southern Pacific to Raymond, thus shortening the length of the stage ride. From Raymond to the Yosemite the sixty-five mile drive through Cali- fornia's most beautiful mountain scenery is made in the excellent coaches of the Yosemite Stage and Turn- pike Company. This is the most extensive stage system in the West, and is celebrated for its superior facilities and splendid management. Thirty miles of this road have already been oiled, thus forming the most perfect stage road ever built. A^isitors arrive at Raymond in a sleeping car early in the morning, and leave about 7 o'clock on the stage, taking lunch at Ahwahnee, a fine half-way house situated in one of the prettiest of mountain meadows. Wawona, one of the largest and best known mountain resorts in the West, also under the stage company's management, is reached about 5 p. m., and a halt is called for the night. The journey is continued the following morning, and Yosemite reached at noon. A special limited stage leaves Raymond at 6:30 a. m., arrives Yosemite 6 130 p. m. Wawona (Indian word for big tree) is the elegant hostelry and resort where all visitors to and from Yosemite by this noted route spend at least one night each way. Situated in the very heart of the Sierras, and completely sur- rounded by rugged mountains and majestic forests, affording attractions and entertainment equal to Yosemite itself, it is widely voted one of the most popu- lar mountain resorts in the West. Hundreds of visitors are so charmed with Wawona that they prolong their stay there weeks, and even months, and return season after season. Near-by attractions are numerous and of exceptional interest. We have attempted here no de- tailed descriptions, but the far-famed Mariposa Big Tree Grove, situated eight miles distant, is one of the objects of your trip and deserves special mention. THE MARIPOSA GROVE The Mariposa Big Tree Grove is reached only by the Wawona route, a part of the Yosemite trip. It is situated about four miles off the main route, to the right, and eight miles from Wawona, by road, in a southeasterly direction. Its area is two miles square, on a gently sloping mountain side, and its peculiar topography divides it into what is commonly known as the lower and upper grove. This grove contains over 600 large Sequoias, some of which are 325 feet high and 30 to 35 feet in diameter. Two have been tunneled for the passage of the stage road. If time will permit, a whole day should be spent in the presence of these great trees, remaining two nights at Wawona instead of one. Otherwise it is customary to wait till the return trip, leaving Wawona two or three hours earlier, and including the grove, en route to Raymond. HOTELS AND CAMPS The accommodations in the Valley are ample and all that can be desired. The Sentinel Hotel, with its main building, annex and cottages, affords excellent enter- tainment, ranging from $3.00 to $4.00 per day. The camp auxiliary gives almost as good accommodations for $2.00 per day. Camp Curry provides abundant comforts for $2.00 per day. The tents of the camps vary in size to accommodate one or more persons, and are floored and fitted with carpets, spring and wool mattresses and plenty of bedding. Trained saddle horses may be hired for $2.50 to $4.00, according to trip ; guide, $3.00 per day. These rates are fixed by the State, and visitors need not fear imposition. Equipment Take as little baggage as you can conveniently get along with. The railroads transport 150 lbs. and the stage-coach 50 lbs. on each full ticket, but everything in excess of actual needs should be avoided as likely to be troublesome. Wraps will be useful, as the morn- ing and evening air is apt to be cool. A duster and a soft hat are always convenient for staging. Heavy- soled, comfortable shoes, hobnailed, are the best for mountain wear ; and rubber overshoes may be useful before July 1st. Your own toilet articles are always desirable. Laundry work is well and quickly done. ROUND TRIP EXCURSION RATES To Vawona and Yosemite, via Raymond, and Cimpers' Rates at Camp Yosemitc and Camp Curry FROM TO WAWONA TO CAMP RATES YOSEMITE 5 Days a io Days b M U V CO O 0*3 Portland Berenda San Francisco Los Angeles $58 . 20 19.60 25-5° 31-70 $71.20 32.60 38.50 46.70 $74.70 36.60 42.50 50 70 44 10 50.00 58.20 $40 60 48.50 54.00 The Special Conibinatiou Excursion Ticket includes rail and stage fare, Coupons for hotels (12 meals and 3 nights), the trip to the Mariposa Big Trees from Wawona, carriage and trail trips in Yosemite to Mirror Lake, Vernal Falls, Nevada Falls and Glacier Point. Tickets from San Francisco include sleeping car accommod- ation in each direction. These tickets are sold only to the holders of round-trip tickets from the Fast and accompanying friends. Sales of season round-trip tickets will continue until further notice. Their return limit is Oc ober 31, 1905. Camper's tickets will be good to return until September 30, 1905. Continuous passage is required in both directions on rail lines, excepting that slop-over will be permitted at Byron Hot Springs when Byron is located between selling point and Raymond. Campers' Tickets include rail and stage transportation, hotels at Raymond and Ahwahnee, and camp accommodations including meals at Wawona, Camp Yosemite or Camp Curry for five or ten days. Camp Yosemite tickets are also good at Camp Glacier. (a) Tickets include 19 coupons for meals and lodging — 5 day trip. (b) Tickets include 39 coupons for meals and lodging — 10 day trip. Additional accommodations can be arranged for at $2 per day. A side trip from Wawona to Mariposa Grove of Big Trees is in- cluded in tickets reading to Wawona and in Campers' tickets c and b. Season tickets to Yosemite do not include this side trip, which is $2.00 extra. On rail lines 150 lbs. baggage is allowed on each ticket. The allowance of stage company is 50 lbs. on each full ticket. EXPOSITION VISITORS who will return through California should make reservations for rail, stage and hotel accommodations before leaving Portland. Call or telephone for the Special Yosemite Excursion Agent, Southern Pacific, Third and Washington Sts. note.— While visiting the exposition do not fail to see the Government exhibit of moving pictures of Yosemite and the Mariposa Big Tree Grove, also the California exhibit from this Park in the Forestry Department of the State building. TO THE YOSEMITE From Portland and San Francisco Lv. Portland Lv. Albany Iv