Wmt L*SERV1C£800H / nnw T S 3 i> 9 Book ,R?3 Copyright N° 9/3* copyright DEPOSIT. y\,t/erfofts Jxemrencc THE "STEEL-SERVICE" BOOK (t rade-m ark) A COMPLETE HAND BOOK AND STOCK LiST OF STEEL AND IRON READY FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT SIZES, WEIGHTS. STOCKS. PRICES, EXTRAS, DATA PRICE, so cent; ESTABLISHED 1842 INCORPORATED 1888 Joseph T. Ryerson & Son u CLYDE M. CARR. PRES. JOSEPH T. RYERSON. VICE-PRES. IRON STEEL MACHINERY Chicago CHICAGO: 16TH AND ROCKWELL STS. NEW YORK: 30 CHURCH ST. CHICAGO: RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. PITTSBURGH: 2202 OLIVER BLDG. MILWAUKEE: 731 WELLS BLDG. CLEVELAND: WESTERN RESERVE BLDG, KANSAS CITY: 41 2 RELIANCE BLDG. SEATTLE: 809 ALASKA BLDG. MINNEAPOLIS: 501 THIRD ST. S. DETROIT: 726 FORD BLDG. HOUSTON: 1 01 8 UNION NAT. BANK BLDG. ST. LOUIS: 940 SYNDICATE TRUST BLDG. COPYRIGHT. 1913, BY JOSEPH T. RYERSON & SON MACHINERY ,tfP~ i V\7E offer a complete line of metal working machinery, including Lathes, planers, shape; s, drills, screw machines, mills, hammers, puncln 5, shears, rolls, riveters, air compressors, hydraulic and pneumatic machinery, etc. We furthermore own and control a large number of special labor-saving machines which are offered exclu- sively by us and which permit a guarantee of output impossible where standard equipment is employed. Our manufacturing facilities and intimate relation- ship with our sources of supply enable us to offer a full line of equipment designed to meet the exacting requirements of modern shop practice supplemented by most intelligent cooperation and prompt service. Our Mechanical Engineering Department offers itq reasonable services without charge, in the study of your shop methods and its suggestions of suitable equipment for the economical manufacture of your product, and in this capacity we have assisted in the design and furnished the equipment for many of the leading shops in this country. In our machinery display rooms you can insp I and Bee in operation a full line of metal-working machinery. You can see each machine tried out on your own particular work and buy with the firm conviction that your product will be quickly and economically manufactured. We endeavor to cany a full line of standard machines in Btock for quick shipment, and will at all times be pleased to have you call on ns for Catalogs or other information. f Lj «_ j <~i£[Cffc RYERSON STEEL-SERVICE '■■'" miiniiiiiiHiiinn i iLlMlUmjaJJlll,..;;^-,;,, -...iimniim 111 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BUILDING MICHIGAN AND JACKSON BOULEVARDS TELEPHONE LAWNDALE I OSEPH T. RYERSON & SON'S downtown offices are in the cen- ter of Chicago's busi- ness district, so that customers can easily call. Make the customers' room in our offices your headquarters when in the city — use the telephone and stenographic services we provide. FIFTEEN MINUTES RIDE in our automobiles takes you to our general offices and plant at 16th and Rockwell Streets. JMO-RTLE SERVICE EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR VISIT THE LARGEST AND BEST EQUIPPED WAREHOUSES OF STEEL AND IRON IN THE WORLD K Y E R S O N S T E E L - S E R V C E «.l NERAL OFFICES FROM INFORMATION DESK Customers will be promptly directed to department heads whom thev wish to consult. GENERAL SALES Covering all standard material lines from warehouse or mill. Customer's own territory be familiar with his orders. correspondent WORK ORDER SA1 ES ( .< venng all material requiring special cutting or handling to outside shops for semi-finishing. Men are accurately posted for special work. C H I \l \< IIIMIC s\||s ering complete equipment For railroad, structural, plate, and manufacturing machine shops, with expert equipment engineers. Jot b pm r.RvERioN & Son Nt« Y .» .< k RYERSON STEEL-SERVICE STORE ORDER DEPARTMENT Just across the aisle from general sales, store order immediately checks, the sale . ticket against stock records, and rapidly transmits house orders to the warehouse operating divisions, which simultaneously get out their portions and assemble them for shipping. RIVETS AND BOLTS Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York R V E R S O N S T 1 l L-SERVIC E AN(J.I SHEARS --- INFOR< INf. BARS <. ,. ASM Mill l\(. WW S 1 1 i tz ! > v|htr shipment. I C A C PH T.RTtRiON J llW YllRI SHIPPING OFFICE Posted in advance by its own house order copy, ship- ping has arranged for quickest possible service. Routes have been selected, teams assigned or switch service provided so that no time saved by efficient warehouse methods will be lost in the final delivery to the customer. ASSEMBLING BAY STRUCTURAL SHIPPING SSS' SHIPPING TRACKS OF THIRTY-ONE TRUNK LINES Shipping service is «.„.„. ,„..,,, T . Z°r.lTsl™' """"^ obtained by combination cJUT' "'' of efficient organization ^rffi^iI£°^ o s^ r, ° t s'"" with excellent track faci- i!pJ^LvCii:^:i/^i?-" r " Iities, electric loading lZ'S«'™'^'£ffl'jj^''™ vt equipment, and complete 'T^r^/T^ team and truck service. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson Son — New Vork RYE R SON STEEL-SERVICE ENTIO OI WORK OKDr.KS \1/0RK ORDER SALES handles through * * its own order department a great variety of special orders requiring the transfer of plain material to outside .shops for some semi-finish- ing or partial preparation to meet customers' needs. Our service here provides trained men to take full responsibility for accurate execu- tion to specification, for prompt service and lor expert inspection before shipment. Items of this kind can be shipped in combination with standard lines, at great economy of customers' time and handling expense. — N r w York RYERSON STEEL-SERVICE MACHINERY SALES DEPARTMENT IN CONNECTION with our machinery manufacturing department, we maintain a regularly organized mechanical engineering staff, which makes a specialty of the study of shop conditions and methods and stands ready at all times to co-operate with our customers in the design and recom- mendation of equipment peculiarly adapted to the pur- chasers' manufacturing requirements. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT THE largest display room in this country and a complete | stock of standard machines for at once shipment supple- j ment our manufacturing facilities. Lathes, shapers, planers, ! boring mills, friction saws, bevel shears, etc., may be seen I in operation, thus affording the prospective purchaser an ; opportunity of seeing each machine under service conditions , and if desirable, actually tested on his work before buying, j ■ g I Vi « \ ■. <» I •> . i r n I . k i i i< > .. -. .\ Son n i » V «> n k IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING CHANGES Since this book was first printed, data on the following pages has been changed and is now incorrect. Where possible we have noted the correction below. All new price tables and stock lists are published monthly in the Kyerson Monthly Journal and Stock List, which can be secured free regularly if you need the latest information. Page 106 — Kyerson .30-.40 smooth finished rounds should be Manganese .60 instead of .40. Page 115 — Cold drawn steel variation limit should be .0015 instead of .015. Page 401 — In first paragraph word " pressure " appears. This should be " hydrostatic pressure." Page 403 — Extras to be deducted from base discount — out of date. Page 418 — Standard price list — changed. Page 508 — Advance per inch on %-inch diameter machine bolts should be $1.10 instead of $1.16. Page 801 — Base prices — changed. Page 802 — Warehouse cutting' extras — changed. Pages 803-8 — Freight rates are constantly changing; the majority, however, are correct. Page 809 — Extras on flat bars and heavy bands, f$ to % by % to % inch, should be 50 cents. Page 1186 — Main column heading " Bolts." The last six figures in sub-columns " Length of Bolts " and " Center to Center of Bolts " should be transposed. Page 1193 — Third and fourth figures under column heading " Dimension A " should be 4 instead of 6. Page 1207 — Examples at bottom of page, " Lap Joint Efficiency," should be 548 instead of 584. Page 1215 — Fo rmulae i n first paragraph is incorrect. Should REGARDING LENGTHS AND SIZES We are constantly adding new sizes and lengths to the stocks shown in this book, therefore, if the size or length you desire is not shown, write us for the latest advice on that particular item. When referring to the tables in this book, the Trade is cautioned that they should be used only in connection with the detailed explanation accompanying the same and that we take no responsibility in connection with their use. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York MEMORANDA DATF. ITEMS j_P R,CE ! il IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 101 OPEN HEARTH FORGING BILLETS RYERSON "A" FORGING BILLETS Corresponds to S. A. E. Specification No. 2. These are open hearth forging billets .15 to .25 in carbon, phos- phorus .04 or less, sulphur .04 or less. We recommend them for drop forge or general jobbing forge shop use. The quality of steel insures excellent case-hardened forgings. SQUARES Size in Average Size in Average Size in Average Inches Stock Inches Stock Inches Stock 1M 50 5 25 8 12 2 50 5^ 25 sy 2 10 VA 50 6 20 9 6 3 30 6^ 18 9H 6 4 30 7 12 10 4 4K 30 W* 16 Size in Inches Average Stock Size in Inches Average Stock Size in Inches Average Stock 6x3 7x3 8x3 10x3 12 14 10 6 12x3 6x4 12x4 10x5 8 14 10 8 12x5 12x6 14x6 16x6 4 10 4 6 RYERSON "C" FORGING BILLETS Approximates S. A. E. Specification No. 4. These are open hearth forging billets, .35 to .45 in carbon, phos- phorus .04 or less, sulphur .04 or less, for drop and forging use where great tensile strength is desired without sacrifice of toughness. Recommended for crank shafts, driving shafts, axles, etc. Will show good results under heat treatment. SQUARES Size in Average Size in Average Size in Average Inches Stock Inches Stock Inches Stock 2 100 4^ 25 8 12 2V 2 50 5 20 9 8 3 50 6 25 10 8 4 30 7 18 RYERSON SPECIAL HIGH CARBON O. H. FORGING BILLETS Carbon .50 to .60. Phosphorus .04. Sulphur .04. 4 inch Square. 6 inch Square. 8 inch Square. Chicago — Joseph T- Ryerson & Son — New York 102 IN STOCK F O K I M M E D I A T E SHI I' M E N T • FORGING BARS RYERSON "A" FORGING ROUNDS Corresponds to S. A. B. Specification No. 2. This is guaranteed open hearth stock of the following analysis: Carbon 15 to .25 Silicon . .20 or less Sulphur... .04 or less Phosphorus .04 or less Manganese .50 to. 80 We recommend this as the best possible quality for all-around forging. This stock will weld better than iron, will machine easily and take case-hardening better than other grades. It will also permit ordinary drawing and cold forming. It is a soft, ductile steel of about 35,000 pounds elastic limit. 20 foot lengths. Bn in Ave.Sfk. Size in Ave.Sfk. Size in Ave.Sfk, Size in Ave.Sfk, Inches Bare Inches Bare Inches Bare Inches Bare '_•) 100 1 5 8 200 2X 40 "> 15 H\ Bdls. Ik 150 3 50 5k 15 Hi Each i 7 , 100 3k 40 .v.. 15 % 400 2 150 3k 30 5k 15 l (>00 2X 50 3 :l 4 20 6 15 \x 300 2k 80 4 30 7 15 IX 400 2H 50 *Va 30 IN 200 2X o0 4', 15 IX 300 2H 50 4k 15 RYERSON "A" FORGING SQUARES 20 foot lengths. Size in Inches Ave St 'k, Bare Size in Inches Ave.Sfk. Bare Size in Ave.Sfk, Inrhes Bare Size in Inches Ave.Sfk, Bars 1 IX 200 200 300 150 Ik Ik Ik 100 100 100 50 in 2 * * 30 2k 3 ♦ lir.-T 20 * -■■ RYERSON "A" FORGING FLATS ■ ■- Size in Inches Size in Inches Size in Inches Size in Inches 1 x3 1 xVA 1 x4 1 x*H 1 1 ■.-, 1 x6 IkxS LkxSk P,x4 !Kx4Vi I Wx4k 1», <5 l' 2 x3 if,. 1^x4 lkx4k Lkxfi 2 x3 2 > 2 x4 $ Larger •See Billets, page 101. Chicago — Josefm T . KvtiiON & Son — Ntw York IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 103 FORGING BARS CONTINUED A ^^ RYERSON "B" V ^P FORGING ROUNDS Corresponds to S. A. E. Specification No. 3. This is guaranteed open hearth stock of the following analysis: Carbon 25 to .35 Silicon . . .20 or less Sulphur ... .04 or less Phosphorus .04 or less Manganese. .50 to .80 This is recommended for structural parts of engines, machines, motors, etc., where a combination of high tensile strength and good toughness is desired. The steel forges well and machines well. It can be heat treated, but should not be case-hardened or welded. Elastic limit about 45,000 pounds. 20 foot lengths. Size in Avg.St'k, Size in Avg.St'k, Size in Avg.St'k, Size in Avg.St'k, Inches Bars Inches Bars Inches Bars Inches Bars % 100 w 200 2 100 2y 2 50 1 500 r% 100 &A 50 2M 30 W 200 VA 50 2Vs 30 3 30 I* m PERSON "C" 4* A P V ^P FORGING ROUNDS ^^ ^ # Approximates S. A. E. Specification No. 4. This is guaranteed open hearth stock of the following analysis: .04 or less .50 to .80 Carbon 35 to .45 Silicon Phosphorus .04 of less .20 or less Sulphur . . . Manganese. This is the best carbon steel for work requiring great strength and with heat treatment combines great strength with toughness. It is well suited for crank shafts, driving shafts, axles, piston rods and similar service. Elastic limit, annealed, about 50,000 pounds; heat treated, about 90,000 pounds. 20 foot lengths. Size in Avg.St'k, Size in Avg.St'k, Size in Avg.St'k, Size in Avg.St'k, Inches Bars Inches Bars Inches Bars Inches Bars % 300 IV?, 100 2K 50 3^ 20 7 /8 300 m 50 2% 50 4 20 1 400 1% 100 2V?, 50 AH 20 IV* 200 m 50 2*4 30 V/2 20 l\i 300 2 100 3 30 m 300 2V 8 100 3M 20 Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 10-1 IN STOCK FOR I M M I • l » I A T E S 11 I P M E N I ALLOY STEELS NOTE. — THESE GRADES NOT YET IN CHICAGO. FURNISHED PROMPTLY FROM FACTORY STOCK. NIKROME C. H. STEEL This is a nickel chrome alloy, of great uniformity, low carbon, low phosphorus and sulphur, designed for case-hardened parts, such as cams, l>all and roller bearings, gears, chuck jaws, lead screws, racks, holts, studs, and other machine parts requiring maximum resistance to wearing of surface, combined with toughness of metal within surface case. It takes a hard, close-grained, better and deeper than other alloys or carbon steels; can be quenched in water or oil to toughen core; can be handled without difficulty by those accustomed only to treating carbon steels. In addition, this Steel can be readily machined — in contrast to 3] i < nickel and other alloys. We give below a typical physical specification of heat treated Nikrome steel. We are prepared to furnish Xikrome Case-Hardened Steel to specifications varying from that shown and in accordance with physical properties demanded. Core of Case-Hardened Bar Elastic Limit. . .lbs. per sq. in. 1 110,000 Elongation in '2 inoho> 17 Tensile Strength " " " " 130,000 Reduction of Area 57 Elongation and tensile strength may be varied to suit requirements. NIKROME FORGING STEEL This is a nickel chrome steel, of great strength, elasticity and uniformity, designed for all forged parts which are to be heat treated to secure maximum strength and toughness. On account of its suitability for machine work, the simplicity and safety with which it can be heat treated, and its exceptional physical properties, it is rapidly displacing 3} •>' r nickel and other alloys which require expert handling to produce equal strength value. It is well suited for gears, crank-shafts, piston-rods, driving shafts, axles, spindles, universal joints, connecting rods, pinions and other forged parts requiring maximum strength. We give below a typical physical specification of heat treated Nikrome Forcing Steel. We are prepared to furnish Xikrome Case-Hardened Steel to specifications varying from that shown and in accordance with physical properties demanded. Heat Treated Bar limit lbs. per M. in., 130,000 Elongation in 2 inrhes T. ii-il- Strength " ■ ■ ■ 150,000 Reduction of Area Elongation and tensile strength may be varied to suit requirerm RYERSON ALLOY DIE BLOCKS These are die blocks of special alloy content, for use as die-. trimmers or punches in drop forge work. They can be machined without trouble and hardened in oil or brine without checks and break Hint economy can be secured as against carbon blocks by reason of longer life; elimination of breakage loss and resulting Wasted machine work 00 Carbon steel blocks. They can be furnished in all weights and si/.es up to 5,000 pounds -annealed or unanneal.-d. Chicago — Joseph 1 . K T II SO M I So * - N i u York IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 105 OPEN HEARTH REINFORCING BARS RYERSON COLD TWISTED SQUARES These conform to Manufacturers' Standard Specifications; have elastic limit of about 55,000 pounds per square inch, low phosphorus, sulphur and carbon contents. These bars combine mechanical bond, greatest tensile strength and reinforcing value with greatest ductility. Size in Stock Size in Stock Size in Stock Inches Lengths Inches Lengths Inches Lengths y± 36, 45 9 16 36,45 7 A 36,45 5 16 36,45 Vs 36,45 1 36,45 % 36,45 ii 16 36,45 IVs 36,45 & 36,45 % 36,45 m 36,45 Yi 36,45 PLAIN OPEN HEARTH REINFORCING BARS These conform to Manufacturers' Standard Specifications for plain reinforcing, having a minimum elastic limit of 33,000 pounds per square inch, and are of the same quality of steel above described. ROUNDS ROUNDS SQUARES SQUARES Size in Stock Size in Stock Size in Stock Size in Stock Inches Lengths Inches Lengths Inches Lengths Inches Lengths % 18 5 A 30,36 X 35 n 16 35 Vs 22 % 30,36 5 16 35 Z A 35 % 26 % 30,36 V* 35 % 35 % 30 l 30,36 f« 35 l 35 % 34 m 30,36 V?, 35 m 35 l A 30,36 m 30,36 9 16 35 35 1M 35 BLACK FINISH ANNEALED WIRE We offer any standard gauge for immediate shipment. This material is used for tying and spreading bars and for spiral column reinforcement. See page 608 for fittings. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 106 N STOCK F R I M M E D I A T E SHIPMENT •RYERSON FREE CUTTING ^^ ROUNDS W%9 StC ALSO HCXACONS. PACE 112 This is a clean grained steel, low in carbon (about .15 to .25) and a sulphur content (.075 to . 10) which gives a free cutting quality and permits automatic machine work to be done with a minimum of wear to tools and an avoidance of tearing the stock. Hounds, Km Inches Length in Fed A verage Stock Hounds, Size Inches Length in Feet Average Stock A 13 and 18 500 bdls. IX 15 and 18 1000 bars H 15 and 18 1500 u I'M 18 300 ■ a 13 and 18 500 u 2 15 and 18 500 " 18 2000 " 2H 20 100 " H 18 100 u 2Va 20 50 " :i 4 18 2000 " m 20 30 u H 18 1000 " m L>0 50 " u 15 and 18 500 bars 20 40 u l 15 and 18 2000 " 2 ;i 4 20 50 u m 18 1000 " 3 20 60 " IX 15 and IS 1500 " ZH 20 SO u w% 15 and 18 500 ■ V, 20 50 " VA 15 and 18 1000 " *X 20 30 " \ : 's 15 and 18 300 u 4 20 40 u a ARYERSON .30-. 40 SMOOTH W W ^P FINISHED ROUNDS These are special hand rolled, planished or smooth surface and machine straightened bars of .30 to .40 carbon, low in phosphorus and sulphur, about . 40 manganese and are rolled accurately to size. They are well suited for armatures, smooth finished spindles or shafts and other work where a stiff straight smooth bar is needed. Sixe in Length in Average Size in length in A v»-rage Inches Feet Stock Inches F,t-t Stock J 16 1 15 bars l 5 * 16 50 ben 16 210 " iy 4 16 BQ •• A 16 NO u i : « 16 50 " H 16 210 u 2 16 a) ■ ii 16 50 " 2X 16 40 ■ \ lti 240 " 1\i 16 30 ■ % 16 270 " 2H 16 50 ■ l lti 310 " •-". 16 20 '• IM 16 100 « lti 30 '• i 1 . 16 230 ' 16 86 '• w% if, no u 8 16 80 ■ l 1 2 16 120 " (' H I K ^ > h ON I N STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 107 MILD OR MACHINE STEEL BARS ROUNDS This stock conforms with the requirements for mild or machine steel, being rolled from new billets and having a tensile strength of 55,000 to 65,000 pounds per square inch. It also meets Manufac- turers' Standard Specifications for structural steel, and is recom- mended for building, bridge and general structural work. Size in Length in Average Size in Length in Average Inches Feet Stock Inches Feet Stock & 12 and 13 360 bdls. 2% 20 300 bars K 11,12,13,16,30 700 " 2H 20 360 " A 11,12,13,16,30 1000 " 2Vs 20 340 " Vs 15,18,22,26, 3000 " 2V 2 20 400 " 30 and 34 m 20 100 " & 13 and 18 1150 " 2% 20 210 " ¥l 15, 18, 30 2800 " 3 20 220 " & 13 and 18 500 " 3M 20 110 " % 15, 18, 30 2900 " 33^ 20 100 " H 18 350 " 3% 20 200 " M 18 and 30 6000 " 4 20 155 " JL3 16 18 470 " 4M 20 50 u % 18 and 30 1600 " m 20 85 " 15 T6 15 and 18 1000 bars m 20 55 " 1 15, 18, 30 6000 " 5 20 75 " 1& 15 and 18 1250 " $ l A 18 and 20 20 " IK 15, 18, 30 2300 " m 18 and 20 20 « W 15,18,20,30 3100 " &A 20 25 a m 15, 18, 20 1500 " 6 18 and 20 25 " m 15, 18, 20 1100 " 63^ 18 and 20 30 " \% 15, 18, 20 1200 " 6M 20 30 " m 15, 18, 20 1300 " 6^ 18 and 20 30 " VA 18 and 20 200 " 7 16 and 17 20 " 2 15, 18, 20 1290 " 7V 8 18 20 ■ HALF ROUNDS Size in Length in Average Size in Length in Average Inches Feet Stock Inches Feet Stock X 11 and 13 150 bdls. 1 14 and 16 500 bars V2 11 and 13 100 " IH 14 and 16 430 " % 11 and 13 210 " m 14 and 16 200 " % 11 and 13 440 " i% 14 and 16 100 " Vs 11 and 13 250 " 2 14 and 16 120 " Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 108 N ST()(K I ■ f ) U I M M V. I ) 1 A I E S II 1 I» M I N I MILD STEEL BARS CONTINUED SQUARES SEE ALSO SQUARE BILLETS. PAGE 101 Squares, Length in Average Squares, Length in Average Size Inches Feet Stock Size Inches Feet . Stock M 11,12,13,35 140 bdls. \y 2 14 and 16 1200 bars A 11,12,13,35 180 " m Hand 16 300 ■ H 11, 13 and 35 800 " i , 1 1 and 16 380 u A 13, 14 and 35 130 " M 14 and 10 200 y 2 13, 14 and 35 440 " 2 14 and 16 700 9 13, 14 and 35 130 " Vi 14 and 16 500 13, 14 and 35 1200 " 2H 14 and 16 340 H 13, 14 and 35 1200 ■ 2y 4 14 and 16 60 • :i 4 14, 16 and 35 1200 u 3 Hand 16 35 ■ H 14 and 16 1200 " 3M 14 and 16 30 " J^ 14, 16 and 35 2300 bars 3H 14 and 16 45 •• tf 14 and 16 2300 " Wi Hand 16 45 ■ 1 14, 16 and 35 3600 " 4 14 and 10 30 ■ IH 14, 16 and 35 1200 " 4M 14 and 10 55 1M 14, 1 (land 35 1130 " 5 Hand 10 27 - $ 14 and 16 520 " OVALS Sue in Inches Length in Average BCoak Size in Inches Length in Average HxK 11 and 13 11 and 13 11 and 13 150 bdls. 500 " 175 ■ J*XrV 1 x>-> I 1 , 11 and 13 14 and 10 Hand 10 250 bdls. 100 " 120 « HALF OVALS [aafcM "li in Feet Average Stock Size in :h in Stock 1 1'txA 11 and L3 11 and 13 11 and 13 14 and 10 400 bdls. 160 u 120 " 280 ■ 2 2H Hand 16 1 1 and ii'» 11 and 10 14 and 10 im bdli 120 ban 1000 820 u (' h IC A <• I Kvi K I Y <■ K K IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 109 MILD STEEL BARS CONTINUED _ ■» ■■ FLATS ■■ ^m _ Size in Length in Average Size in Length in Average Inches Feet Stock Inches Feet Stock 3-16x % 11 and 13 190bdls. Mx % 11 and 13 lOObdls, x y 2 11 and 13 420 " X % ll,12andl3 700 " x % r. and 13 600 " x y% 11 and 13 170 " x % 11 and 13 750 " xl 12,14andl6 3000 " x Vs 11 and 13 600 " xi3^ 12,14andl6 250 " xl 13,15 and 16 2000 " xiy 12,14andl6 1200 " xin 13,15andl6 950 " x\% 12,14andl6 150 " xlH 13,15andl6 1500 " x\y 2 12,14andl6 9900 " xiH 13,15andl6 350 " xlM 12,14andl6 510 " x\y 2 13, 15 and 16 1200 " X2 12, 14 and 16 7000bars xiH 13, 15 and 16 400 " x2H 12,14andl6 1000 " X2 14 and 16 150 " x2y 2 12,14andl6 2300 " x2 scrolled 600 " x2% 12,14andl6 700 " x2M 14 and 16 100 " X3 14 and 16 1900 " X2M scrolled 350 " X3^ 16 1200 " X2^ 14 and 16 130 " x33^ 14 and 16 600 « X2^ scrolled 500 " xS% 15 and 16 60 " x2% 14 and 16 100 " X4 14 and 16 1800 " X2% scrolled 150 " x4^ 16 270 " x3 14,16 and 30 240bars X5 16 and 30 1200 " X3 scrolled 225bdls. x53^ 16 490 " xSH 14,16 and 30 220bars x6 16 and 30 2100 " xsy 2 14,16 and 30 450 " xV/ 2 scrolled 700bdls. X4 14,16 and 30 320bars 5-i6x y 2 11 and 13 HObdls. x4 scrolled 460bdls. X % 11 and 13 50 " x4^ 14,16 and 30 3 lObars X % 11 and 13 120 " x4^ scrolled 300bdls. X % 11 and 13 50 " X5 14,16 and 30 140bars xl 16 410 " X5 scrolled 400bdls. xiy 16 590 " x5^ 14,16 and 30 120bars xiy 16 6000bars x5y 2 scrolled 360bdls. xi% 16 1000 " x6 14,16 and 30 260bars x\y 2 16 9900 " x6 scrolled 450bdls. xl% 14 and 16 1200 " X2 14 and 16 700 " x2y 14 and 16 740 " l-4x H 14,16 and 30 135bdls. x2y 2 16 990 " x y 2 11 and 13 140 " X2% 14 and 16 600 " Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New Yo 110 IN STOCK F O U I M M E D I A T E SHIP M E X T MILD STEEL BARS CONTINUED mm! FLATS CONTINUED !■■ Site in Length in Average Siie in Length in Average Inches Feet Stock Inches Feet 5-16x3 14 and 10 600bars 7-16x3*4 14 and 16 QObara x3Ja Hand 16 185 " X3' 2 Hand 16 280 " x3>. 14 and 16 7(H) " x4 14 and 16 230 " x4 1(3 305 " x4P> Hand 16 230 ■ X4^ 14 and 16 60 " x5 14 and 16 230 u X5 16 and 30 50 " x6 14 and 16 230 " x--) 1 . 16 45 " x6 16 and 30 750 u 1-2x H 12 am. 14 50bdls. x :i 4 12 and 14 350 ■ 3-8x Vi 12 and 14 142bdls. x H 12 and 14 2 50 " x ^ 12 and 14 60 u xl 14 and 16 2200bars x \ 12 and 14 190 ■ xiN 14 and 16 7(H) " X ,'s 12 and 14 50 " Xl 1 ) 14 and 16 2920 " xl 14 and 16 4200bars Xl :? s 14 and 16 700 u xl 1 . 14 and 16 800 " xV-> 14 and 16 3.500 H xlh 14 and 16 4300 u Xl 3 4 14 and 16 300 '• Xl 3 8 14 and 16 2800 " X2 14 and 16 5500 ■ xl 1 ,. 14 and 16 8000 " x2i 4 14 and 16 1400 ■ Xl^ 4 14 and 16 1300 " x2H Hand 16 2320 " X2 14 and 16 4000 " x2 : * 4 14 and 16 250 " x2X 14 and 16 8.50 " x3 14 and 16 1000 " XL". Hand 16 1300 " x3 J 4 14 and 16 250 " x2* 4 14 and 16 610 " x3'-> 14 and 16 320 " x3 Hand 16 700 " x4 14 and 16 1110 " xV 4 14 and 16 140 u X4> 2 14 and 16 206 B >:V-> 14 and 16 300 " x5 14, Hi and 30 900 " x4 14 and 16 2200 " xb\4 Hand 16 600 " X4H 14 and 16 200 " x6 14, 16 and 30 800 ■ x5 14,16 and 30 500 u xo 1 > 14 and 16 500 ■ x6 " 1 4. 16 and 30 1400 ■ 9-16x3i 2 x4 14 and 16 14 and 16 320faan 200 " 7-i6x y 4 11 and 13 30bdls. x4' 2 14 and 16 180 " x H 11 and 13 go ■ x5 14 and 16 165 " xl 13 20 ■ XG 1 1 and 16 150 ■ Xl>4 14 and 16 UOOfaan xlH 1 1 and 16 700 " 5-8x \ x 12 and 14 GOObdb. . p . 1 1 and 16 1000 " X 7 « 12 and 11 250 " ■i . 11 and 16 S(H) '• xl 1 1 and 16 220t»n x2 1 1 Mid 16 230 '• xl'. 1 1 and 16 300 ■ <2H 1 1 and 16 510 " xl', 11 and 16 150 " 14 and 16 800 •• 14 and 16 050 " 11 and 16 200 ' 1 1 and 16 1000 " 14 and 16 810 " x2 14 and 16 2000 " C h 1 1 a a o foil »• it T . Rtiii Nil Y (I R K IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT ill MILD STEEL BARS CONTINUED FLATS CONTINUED Size in Length in Average Size in Length in Average Inches Feet Stock ' Inches Feet Stock 5-8x2^ 14 and 16 800bars 7-8x5^ 14 and 16 lOObars X2V 2 14 and 16 1600 " x6 14 and 16 150 " x2H 14 and 16 400 " X3 X3M y.m X4 x*V 2 X5 X5V 2 X6 14 and 16 14 and 16 14 and 16 14 and 16 14 and 16 14, 16 and 30 14 and 16 16 and 30 800 " 200 " 500 " 700 " 120 " 400 " 75 " 175 " txiM xl3^ xlM X2 x2H X2V 2 x2% X3 14 and 16 14 and 16 14 and 16 14 and 16 14 and 16 14 and 16 14 and 16 14 and 16 200bars 300 " 200 " 600 " 100 " 180 " 100 " 400 " x3M 14 and 16 100 " 3-4x1 14 and 16 450bars x&/ 2 14 and 16 100 " xlH 14 and 16 435 " X4 14 and 16 300 " xiM 14 and 16 400 " X^A 14 and 16 150 " xiy 2 14 and 16 510 " X5 14 and 16 150 " xlH 14 and 16 745 " x53^ 14 and 16 100 " X2 14 and 16 1090 " X6 14 and 16 300 " X2K 14 and 16 450 " x2V 2 X2% X3 x3M 14 and 16 14 and 16 14 and 16 14 and 16 420 " 225 " 800 " 145 " 1 1-8x2 X3 x4 14 and 16 14 and 16 14 and 16 200bars 200 " 200 « X3^ 14 and 16 375 " X4 14 and 16 600 " 1 1-4x1^ 14 and 16 220bars X4^ 14 and 16 200 " X2 14 and 16 200 » X5 14, 16 and 30 200 " x2)^ 14 and 16 200 " x5V 2 14 and 16 120 " X3 14 and 16 150 " X6 14, 16 and 30 210 " x3^ 14 and 16 100 " X4 14 and 16 150 " 7-8x1 xiy 2 xlH 14 and 16 14 and 16 14 and 16 14 and 16 220bars 335 " 90 " 130 " x4M X4^ X5 x6 14 and 16 14 and 16 14 and 16 14 and 16 50 " 50 " 100 " 100 " X2 14 and 16 400 " x2M 14 and 16 85 " 1 1-2x2 14 and 16 130bars X2V 2 14 and 16 300 " X2^ 14 and 16 100 " x2% 14 and 16 60 " x3 14 and 16 150 " X3 14 and 16 300 " x3^ 14 and 16 110 " xzy 2 14 and 16 150 " x4 14 and 16 100 " X4 14 and 16 200 " x4^ 14 and 16 100 " x4^ 14 and 16 100 " X5 14 and 16 150 " x5 14 and 16 180 " x6 14 and 16 1.50 " Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 112 IX STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT MILD STEEL BARS CONTINUED FLATS CONTINUED Size in Length in avohmbj Size in Length in A vera ire Inches Feet Stock Inches Feet Stock 1 3-4x3 Hand 16 .">Obars 2x3 14 and 16 l^Obar.s xZH 14 and 16 110 ■ 14 and 16 140 " x4 14 and 16 100 " X4 14 and 16 150 u xo Hand 16 60 " xV> Hand 16 125 u X6 Hand 16 ;:» •' XO 14 and 16 60 ■ x6 Hand 16 75 " 2x2i.i 14 and 16 170 ■ |2 1-2x3 14. 15'3M0 KM) " ••• HEXAGONS This stock is also carried in a grade corresponding to Free Cutting Rounds, page 106, and is well suited for screw machine work. Size in Length in Average Bise in Length in A verage Inches Feet Stock Inches Feet Stock H 18 30 bdls. 1M 18 220 bars A 18 30 " i \ is ISO " k 18 120 " m is KM) " *4 18 130 " m is 100 " H 18 400 bars 1 ; 4 is 30 • l IN 300 " w% 18 70 " m 18 140 " 2 18 45 " MILD STEEL BANDS BANDS IN STRAIGHT LENGTHS Lineal Lineal Gauge Wi.Ith in Length in Feet, Gauge Width in Length in Feet. Number Inches Feet Average Number Inches Fed Average Stock Block 12 Hand 16 48200 111 7 K 14andl6 1 land Hi 10800 1 Hand 16 5800 Hand 14 14400 IK Hand 16 8600 1 14 and 16 28700 i\i Hand 16 I'l 1 land 16 17400 m Hand Hi 8000 1' > Hand Hi 18200 p., 14 and 16 12200 1 , 14 and 16 9600 1 ; 1 land 16 4000 2 l land 16 ueoo 2 Hand 16 10600 V/a l land 16 L9800 •-", 1 land 16 •too l land 16 :,:,< n i •_■', Hand 16 6600 3 1 land 16 6800 2M 1 land 16 2800 3| . 1 land 16 7000 3 Hand 16 6700 1 Hand Hi 19400 V-, 4 Hand 16 Hand 16 4000 1600 10 H 14 and 16 44000 5 1 land HI UK KM) Hand 16 36000 6 Hand 16 :^mm) H 14 and 16 10600 C It I . N .. ■ I I : li I . R I i I N YOB* IN STOCK FUR 1MM E D I A T E SHIPMENT 113 MILD STEEL BANDS CONTINUED BANDS IN SCROLLS Number Number Number Gauge Width in Bundles, Gauge Width in Bundles, Gauge Number Width in Bundles, Number Inches Average Number Inches Average Inches Average Stock Stock Stock 12 V?, 125 12 SH 330 10 2 800 % 100 4 135 2K 140 % 160 2V?, 400 % 205 10 H 205 2'H 190 1 370 V? 400 3 500 m 70 5 A 500 3U 200 IH 200 Vat 600 3H 300 IV?. 160 % 500 4 250 i% 95 1 1000 4H 95 2 200 m 400 5 230 2H 40 m 500 5V?, 205 2H 505 m 250 6 120 2% 95 IV?, 500 7 200 3 280 m 200 8 200 GALVANIZED BANDS We can offer prompt shipment of all stock bands galvanized to order. STONE SAW BLADES Gauge Number Length in Feet Average Stock Gauge Number Length in Feet Average Stock 3^x4 3^x4 14^ 15 70 bdls. 75 " VsX4 im 65 bdls. BEVEL EDGE WAGON BOX IRON Gauge Number Width in Inches Average Stock Gauge Number Width in Inches Average Stock 14 12 240 bdls. 160 " 12 % 200 bdls. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 114 1 N S J O < K FUK 1 M M EDI A 1 1 . SUIT M E N T SOFT STEEL HOOPS Qmh Width, Avenge StrK-k. Bundles (iauuc Width. Avenge Stock, Bundles Gauge Width, A \ crape Stock. Bundles Number Inches Number Inches Number Inches 22 l> 400 19 13 2 340 16 IH 100 y% .500 IH 500 V4 106 H 500 is X 50 16 i'> 300 V* 1000 H 60 IK 140 l 500 % 195 2 180 1M .300 % i 310 7."> 2H 2H 100 110 20 1 < 350 l'v 150 3 500 % Va 1 2(H) 380 no 500 IS 2 290 200 230 l^o 14 % H 365 230 100 380 160 2", 295 93 85 Vs 1 260 255 300 19 '. 50 IX 200 N 50 16 195 IX 280 M 50 K 220 \H 110 % 50 H 310 2 150 l 300 H 508 2X 150 1H 510 Vs 220 VA 220 1M 820 1 145 3 190 No. 14 Gauge hoops furnished in scrolls. All other sizes in coils. Galvanized Stock Hoops promptly furnished on order. GALVANIZED BARS, BANDS, HOOPS, ETC. In oonneetaon with the galvanised angles and gahraniaed aheeta which ire carry in st<><> furnish promptly aherar dia ed or electro-plated rivets, holts, flanges, etc. Galvanized pump rods are carried in stock a g inch, j\ inch and 1 j inch in diameter, IS fed long. CaiiCAoo — Joaara T . R v a a so m I So a N i- w V o » k IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 116 COLD DRAWN STEEL These are smooth, bright surface, cold drawn bars, finished to a variation limit of .015 inch under size. This stock is stored in an even temperature and kept carefully oiled to prevent rust, and is also kept straight by storage in special racks. ROUND SHAFTING A medium carbon grade of clean grained steel to give stiff, strong shafts that can be readily machined. This stock includes all even foot lengths commonly used and permits great saving in waste. Length in 10,12 10 10,12,16 10 10,12,16 10 10,12,16 10 10,12,16,20 10 10,12,16,20 10 10,12,16,20 10 10,12,14,16,20... 10 10,12,14,16,20... 10 10, 12, 14, 16, 18,20, 24 10 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24 10 12,14,16,18,20,24 10 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20,24 10 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20,24 10,12,16,20,24... 10,12,14,16,20,24 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20,22,24 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20,24 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24 10,12,14,16,20,24 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20,22,24,28.... Avg.St'k Lineal Ft. 40,000 37,000 110,000 52,000 98,000 43,500 76,000 27,000 32,000 27,000 76,000 25,100 24,500 22,100 64,000 19,950 15,800 53,000 54,000 26,500 1,200 8,800 34,000 9,900 5,600 12,550 44,600 2,700 22,800 7,500 31,200 3,000 4,800 10,300 Diam Inches IVs 1H IK ut VA m 2^6 2Vs 2Va 2^ 2V 2 2 5 A 2H 2% 2H 2K 2H 3t6 Length in Feet Avg.St'k Lineal Ft. 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20,24,28 12,14,16,20,24... 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20,22,24,28.... 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20,24 16,20,24 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20,22,24,28.... 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24,30 16,20,24 10, 12, 14, 16. 20, 24 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20,22,24,28.... 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24,30 16,20,24 10,12,16,20 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20,22,24,28.... 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20,24,30 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24 10,12,16,20,24... 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22,24 10,12,16,20,24... 16,20,24 16,20,24 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20,22,24,28,30. 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20,22,24,30... 16,20,24 10,12,16,18,20... Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson Son — New York 116 I N S rO( K I OB I M M EDI A J' E SHIP M I N T COLD DRAWN STEEL — continued ROUND SHAFTING-CONTINUED Diam. Inches 3A a ■ 2 3A 3H 3tt 3% 3« 3>g 3H I>encth in Feet Ave. Bt'k Lineal Ft. 10. 12, 14, 16, IS, 20,22,24,28.... 10,12,16,20 16, 2<) If,. 20. 21 12, 13, 14, 16, IS, 20,22,24,28 10, 12. U. If.. 20. 21 16,24 16.20,24 16,20,24,28 16,20,24 If, 21 16,20,24 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20,22,24,28.... 650 650 510 610 1,100 600 200 100 200 100 210 300 750 Diam.! Inches 4 4H 4& t't 4& 1'.. & 4H 5 oi, 5H 6 length in I Of t Avg.Sfk Lineal Ft. 16,20,21... 16,21 12,16,20,21 Hi. 20, 21 12,16,20,21 16,20 21 16,24 12,16,20,24 12,16,20,24. 16, 20, 24 ... . 16,24 16,20,24... 16,24 400 1.50 120 200 660 60 90 100 250 100 150 200 90 150 COLD DRAWN FLATS We have for immediate shipment a complete range of the standard sizes in flats. They are accurately drawn with square edges and parallel sides. As the list is a very long one, we have omitted them to save space. COLD DRAWN SQUARES Diam. Inches Length in Feet Avi: Bt'k Lineal Ft. Diain. Inches Length in Feet Avg.Sfk Lineal Ft. A 10, 12 15,000 36,000 48.000 24,000 3,300 12,000 2, KM) 12,000 4,000 4,800 2,500 15 16 1 IK l A i\ n > 1*4 10,12 300 A i: 10,12. . 12,20 9,000 500 10.12 10,12 12,20 12,20 2,500 10,12 . 16 :,« h i 10,12. . 10,12 320 10,12 12,20 900 10,12 . 16 10,12 16. . 160 10, 12 16 160 Vs 10.12 RYERSON "A" COLD DRAWN ROUNDS This is a low carbon, . 12 to .20 carbon, cold drawn stool suitable fof own hnrdrming requirements. Diameter, Length in Diameter, length in Diameter, Length in Inches Feet Inches Feet Inches Feet N 10 1A 10 1H 10 10 10 1H 10 1 10 i, 7 * 10 US 10 LA 10 i'_- 10 l 7 s 10 l 1 ^ 10 i \ 10 ifi 10 LA 10 10 2 10 IX 10 l K FUR 1 M M J : I > 1 A 1 E S 11 1 1' M E N T COLD ROLLED STRIP STEEL This is a steel in strip form from G inches to 12 inches width, and from .012 inch to .50 or \-i inch thickness; accurate to size with a smooth bright surface finish secured by repeated cold rolling and annealing. By selection of the base stock and different annealing various grades of stiffness and softness are secured. By its graded softness it is excellent material for deep drawing, forming, press or blanking work and by reason of surface finish for brass, nickel-plated and oxidized finish: It is recommended for plumbing and shelf hardware; cutlery, bicyle, typewriter, motor- cycle fixtures and auto parts, cash registers, metal novelties, etc. We suggest sending sample of work and covering the following points: 1. Quantity — in weight and number of pieces. 2. Sizes — thickness in decimals of an inch or Birmingham gauge numbers; width and length in inches. Stock lengths are furnished unless customer specifies cut lengths and assumes charges. 3. Quality — Grade of hardness and character of work. Special lengths, gauges, tempers and widths can be furnished from the mill. DEAD SOFT COLD ROLLED STEEL — 8 FOOT LENGTHS G inch G " 12 " G ■ 6 " 12 " 6 " 6 " ti " 6 " 12 " 8 '.».-) 6 " x .088 G inch X .072 6 " X .065 G ■ X .058 6 inch x .050 j 6 inch x .028 6 " x .042 1 G u x .025 6 " x .035 6 " x .020 6 ■ x .032 | HARD COLD ROLLED STEEL— 6 FOOT LENGTHS 6 inch ■: .125 t; ■ < .100 $ " x .095 6 inch x .083 8 " X .072 G " X .065 (i inch X .058 6 " < .060 6 " X.042 6 u x .035 ti inch x .032 ti ■ x .025 ti •• ■ .028 6 u X .020 BpecUJ lengths, gMigec, tempen ami widths can be furnished from tin* mill. We recommend that customers describe the work for which material is required so that correct grade can be furnished. (mi... I in i • Ryiiiom I Soa — N i w York IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 119 COLD ROLLED FLAT WIRE We can furnish immediately from stock the sizes shown below in round edge quality, in straightened twelve-foot lengths or coils. This stock is specified not to exceed .002 inches over or under listed thickness and .005 inches to .010 inches over or under listed width. Special quality, size and finish can be shipped promptly from mill. No. 2 or half hard temper. No. 3 Bright Finish. No. 4 Round Edge. COILS AxNo. 16 J^xNo. 16 AxNo. 16 ^xNo. 16 HxNo. 12 3^xNo. 14 3^xNo. 16 ^xNo. 20 inch y^xys inch. Mx.018inch 1 X.023 inch l^X.025 inch STRAIGHTENED AND CUT MxNo. 16 14x^2 inch %xNo. 16 MxNo. 18 &xNo. 16 HxNo. 16 ^xNo. 18 MxNo. 20 y%yy% inch 3^xNo. 18 %xNo. 20 1 X ts inch ^xNo. 16 K2XN0. 20 %X& inch 1 x l A inch ^xNo. 20 %X& inch %XH inch 1 xNo. 16 J^xA inch 5 AxH inch %X^2 inch 1 xNo. 20 l Ax\4< inch %Xt2 inch MxNo. 16 Special lengths, gauges, tempers and widths can be furnished from the mill. We recommend that customers describe the work for which material is required so that correct grade can be furnished. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 120 I N S I c K FOB 1 M M I. I > I A T E SHIP II I N 1" TOOL STEEL Our stock of tool steel comprises all the commonly used sizes of various grades, in ample quantity to insure immediate shipment. For the convenience of the trade we have shown a summary of the.-- sizes. By means of a complete electrical hardening furnace our tool steel department can harden bars or customers' tools at small extra charge. Complete details in our Technical Library No. Ten. When ordering always state for what purpose steel is to be used to enable us to send proper temper. SPECIAL HIGH SPEED TOOL STEEL See page 1020 for Forging and Hardening. Uses: For lathe, planer, boring, slotting and other Touching tools; also twist drills, milling cutter, taps, reamers, punches, hot shearing, drawing dies, stamping dies, threading dies, etc. Rounds — 34 inch to 1 inch by 32nds. Rounds — 1 inch to 3 inches by 16ths. Rounds — 3 inches to 7 inches by 4ths. Squares — ys inch to'l inch by 16ths. Squares — 1 inch to 4 inches by 8ths. Flats — }i x 3 2 inch to \ l /2 x 3 inches by 16ths. Sizes not shown, furnished promptly from mill stock. HIGH SPEED TOOL STEEL See page 1020 for Forging and Hardening. Usee: Same as Special High Speed Tool Steel, and recommended where shops are not equipped to work Special High Speed to its full capacity. Rounds — 34 inch to 1 inch by 32nds. Rounds — 1 inch to 3 inches by loths. Rounds — 3 inches to 7 inches by 4ths. Squ a res A i ncn *° 1 inch by lnths. Squares — 1 inch to 4 inches by Sthfl. Flats — 1 i x 3 2 inch to 13 2*3 inches by liiths. • 8 not shown, furnished promptly from mill stock. RYERSON MILL TREATED TOOL STEEL High speed steel, alreadj hardened, two-foot bars. All standard >r tool hold RYERSON TOOL HOLDER BITS High speed steel, eireadj haninnnd. toot-holder lengths. All « tool hold C ■ I C ' I • K V 1 | w Y <• K K IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 131 TOOL STEEL CONTINUED XXX CARBON TOOL STEEL See page 1020 for Forging and Hardening. Uses: For Finishing Tools for lathe and planer, also high grade wood working tools, shear blades, punches, taps, reamers, and all kinds of stamping, drawing, threading dies, etc. Rounds — 34 inch to 1 inch by 16ths. Rounds — 1 inch to 3 inches by 8ths. Rounds — 3 inches to 7 inches by 4ths. Squares — 34 inch to 1 inch by 16ths. Squares — 1 inch to 4 inches by 8ths. Flats — }/& x % inch to 2 x 3 inches by 16ths. Sizes not shown, furnished promptly from mill stock. XX CARBON TOOL STEEL See page 1020 for Forging and Hardening. Uses: A medium grade steel for wood working tools, shear blades, punches, rivet sets, chisels, lathe finishing tools, taps, reamers, draw- ing, stamping, threading and all kinds of dies, etc. Rounds — 34 inch to 3 inches by 16ths. Rounds — 3 inches to 7 inches by 8ths. Squares — 34 inch to 2 inches by 16ths. Squares — 2 inches to 6 inches by 8ths. Octagons — 34 inch to 2 inches by 16ths. Hexagons — Y inch to 2 inches by 8ths. Flats— Ys x % inch to 2}/ 2 x 10 inches by 16ths. Sizes not shown, furnished promptly from mill stock. X CARBON TOOL STEEL See page 1020 for Forging and Hardening. A standard steel for chisels, crowbars, track tools, smith shop tools, swages, rivet sets and boiler maker tools, etc. Rounds — 34 inch to 2 inches by 16ths. Rounds — 2 inches to 6 inches by 8ths. Squares — 34 inch to 1 inch by 16ths. Squares — 1 inch to 3 inches by 8ths. Octagons — 34 inch to 2 inches by 16ths. Hexagons — ^ inch to 2 inches by 8ths. Sizes not shown, furnished promptly from mill stock. DRILL STEEL See page 1020 for Forging and Hardening. Used for rock and mining drilling. Rounds— 3^ inch to 2 inches by 16ths. Octagons — ^ inch to 2 inches by 16ths. Sizes not shown, furnished promptly from mill stock. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 1»3 IN STOCK FOR (MMEDIAT E S TT I V M E N T "ULSTER" SPECIAL STAYBOLT IRON "ULSTER" ENGINE BOLT IRON "T TLSTER" is one of the oldest brands of iron made in the ^ United States. Its superior quality has long been acknowl- edged on account of its solidity, toughness, strength and reliable uniformity. "Ulster" is well adapted to all uses, but is peculiarly suited to meet conditions where requirements are exacting. It will stand nearly its TENSILE STRENGTH before stretching— certainly a wonderful showing of tenacity and toughness of fiber. The reputation of "Ulster" and "Ulster Special" iron is secure, founded on the always dependable and consistent care that is taken in procuring superior materials for their manufacture and then in giving them a uniform and thorough working. Ductility is not sacrificed to excessive tensile strength, nor is the solidity or strength of the iron sacrificed to excessive softness or facility in mechanical working. "Ulster" is well known and appreciated for its relia- bility in workshops of the prominent railroads, engine builders, boiler makers and machinists. "Ulster" is constantly proving it3 reputation. "Ulster" tested in the original section will show a minimum tensile strength of 48,000, or if desired 50,000; a minimum elongation of 25 per cent in 8 inches and an elastic limit of not less than 35,000 for section \ l /i inches round and under. "Ulster" Special Staybolt Iron is the highest grade of staybolt iron made. In construction this iron has a full, coarse fiber and is of as high tensile strength as is compatible with this grade of material, none of it being less than 48,000, and a large proportion of the output is furnished on specifications requiring 50,000 tensile as the minimum. Elongation is 28 per cent, though a large proportion of the output is furnished on specifications requiring 30 per cent as the minimum with an elastic limit fully 70 per cent of the ultimate tensile; in fact in staybolt sizes up to Vi inches round we have no difficulty in obtaining a minimum 35,000 when tested in the original section. Both "Ulster" and "Ulster Special" will stand bending double flat on itself without showing fracture or flaw. The test figures above mentioned are for the usual round iron in customary sizes for staybolt and engine bolt purposes when betted in the original section. Fur other sections, such as flats, squares, hexagons or sections that arc reduced in area for testing purposes, the usual allowances from any of the above physical factors should lit- made. Ciicaqo i i !• m T. RvseeftM I s o n — N i w \ <> * k IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 133 ULSTER SPECIAL STAYBOLT IRON Sizes Average Stock Sizes Average Stock Sizes Average Stock X Round % « X " 15 « 16 1 150 bars 395 " 250 " 265 " 150 " 160 " lrg- Round 13 a IX « 15 U X 16 140 bars 600 " 350 " 680 " 100 " 255 " \Y 2 Round IX " m ■ 2 160 bars 110 " 60 " 120 " 50 " Length varies from 15 to 17 feet. ULSTER ENGINE BOLT IRON Sizes Average Stock Sizes Average Stock Sizes Average Stock Y% Round 20bdls. 1 Round 680 bars IX Round 135 bars X " 35 " 1A " 150 " 1% " 135 " X " 45 " IX " 570 " m " 160 « 11 « 16 20 " 1A " 420 ■ 2 120 " H " 840 bars IX " 310 " 2X " 100 " H " 140 " IX " 210 " 2X " 90 " X " 7000 " XX " 180 " 3x1 Flat 70 " 15 U 16 330 " Length varies from 15 to 17 feet. SIZES OF ULSTER AND ULSTER SPECIAL WHICH WE CAN FURNISH FROM MILL ROUNDS X to 4 inches in diameter varying by sixteenths. SQUARES X to 4 inches in diameter varying by sixteenths. FLATS %%X inch to 8 x \X inch. Chicago — Joseph T. Rverson & Son — New York 124 X OCK F R I M M 1. D I A 1 I. S II I V M E N 1 XX ENGINE BOLT IRON This is a clean, solid, uniform iron, free from cracks, flaws and seams, and one which is manufactured expressly for engine bolt purposes. The iron is regular in quality and will take a full dean thread. The standard iron has minimum tensile strength of 5o,000 pounds per square inch and elongation of not less than 2.V , in S inches. We, however, can furnish iron t«> meet special requirements, if desired. ROUNDS SIZES H b4 44 64 1 .'.' 1A -Yo 3A A i : i 2 1A i\ H 14 5JL n 16 1A 1« 2H 3tt A 64 IH 1*4 ■r^ H H IH 2H 3H H ■1 n LA l : s -^ H 5S 64 lS LH -16 3H Vs 1 ] 4 2 3 4 64 1 1 1 1 - 2A 3A ♦A U 1 h 2H 3H 4H 4 1 n 64 m 2A 1'4 A 1 1 it [I 16 2M •:', 4H u 64 H 61 64 i \ j 1 ■, I-' i i n ia •1 64 64 6 1 6 1 ifl 2A 3A :< 4 p > 2>., 3 ' .! HEXAGONS SIZES 1 5 n H >7 1 .' l l s Wi l's S ii LA i* u;: 1; H H H i'» 2 a ii H i - A 5 « I A lA i« \\Y cntlr:iv..r t.» Garry ■ full num.- of si/..-; in -t...k for immediate shipment 1 | ii T U v \ i ■ w Von IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 125 ••< gfe MERCHANT BAR IRON dM >•• IP ROUNDS m Diameter, Length in Average Stock Diameter, Length in AverageStock Inches Feet Lineal Feet Inches Feet Lineal Feet % 14 and 16 1700 m 14 and 16 12000 H 14 and 16 2800 IH 14 and 16 13000 % Hand 16 7600 W 14 and 16 3500 % 14 and 16 7600 m 14 and 16 3000 % 14 and 16 10000 m 14 and 16 4000 l 14 and 16 16000 2 14 and 16 1500 SQUARES Diameter, Length in Average Stock Diameter, Length in AverageStock Inches Feet Lineal Feet Inches Feet Lineal Feet Vs 14 and 16 4000 m 14 and 18 6000 H 14 and 16 4000 m 14 and 16 1200 5 A 14 and 16 5500 V4 14 and 16 900 H Wand 18 13000 m 14 and 16 600 % 14 and 18 16500 2 14 and 16 350 1 14 and 18 7000 mmW m FLATS « Bl Lengths, 14 and 16 Feet. M ■ ■■ Size AverageStock Lineal Feet Size AverageStock Lineal Feet Size Average Stock Lineal Feet 1-4x1 xlH xiy 2 xm X2 x23^ X3 X3^ X4 X5 x6 5-16x1 xlH xiy 2 X2 X2V 2 X3 xsy 2 X4 X5 3-8x1^ xiy 2 xl% 4250 4000 8750 7000 8000 10000 9000 5000 2800 900 600 4000 5000 9000 2500 1800 1000 1000 400 400 5000 3500 2200 3-8x2 X2^ X3 x33^ X4 X4^ 1-2x1^ x\y 2 xl% x2 x2y 2 X3 x33^ X4 X5 X6 5-8x1^ xlj^ xm X2 x2^ X3 X3^ X4 3000 2800 2800 2700 1500 700 1600 2500 1800 3000 2750 2000 1800 1500 1500 450 1000 6000 3200 1850 2000 1800 1800 1600 3-4x1^ X2 X23^ x3 * xzy 2 x4 X5 X5^ x6 7-8x13^ XlH X2 x2^ urn xm X2 x2y 2 X3 xsy 2 x4 X5 x6 Conti 2800 3000 1500 2200 1050 800 800 650 350 1600 2500 2000 800 500 450 1400 1500 900 1300 1200 200 250 nued Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 126 I N S T O C K FOR I M M K I) I A T I. S H I P M E N T GENUINE SWEDISH OR NORWAY IRON ROUNDS A A H Wx ih 2X l A m Vs 1% •i 3 A 9 1 v> 2H 3H ^ H i 1 , l% •-", 4 SQUARES M H n 1 3 8 2 3 A A l IV2 2H 3H Vs N IH m 2H 4 A H iM 1 3 4 VH FLATS 3-16x H 5-16x ^ 3-8xV> l-2x2i,, 5-8x3' i 7-8x1 X % X 3 4 Xl :i 4 x23 4 x4 xlH x % X J« x2 x3 x4' 2 xl xl x2i 4 xVi x5 2 x3>-> xlH x2H x6 x 7 8 Xl 3 4 x4 xl' 4 x3 xl X2 XlH 1-2x 3 4 Xl>8 x2H 1xl>_, xlh 3-8x i. x U xl' 4 X2\i xlH x2 x H xl xVA x23 4 x2 ■-", X U xlH Xl 3 4 x3 x2H •- 1 , X '„ ■i 1 , x2 x3> 2 x3 x3 xl xV, x2H x4 X4 Xl's xlH x4' 2 X4 •1', X2 x2 3 4 xo x5 5-16x }■> xlH x2», x3 xG The above stock is carried in random lengths which range from 10 t<» 1»> feet. If certain lengths MM ordered we will try fed select l»:irs in lengths :is specified, but can not guarantee to ship exact lengths. Classification, see section 8. ii i ( \ c. ,. Jotir ■ I Rrtiioi Sr S -- Hi W York IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 127 STEEL TIRE ROUND EDGE. MEASURED ON THE FLAT Size Lengths Size Lengths Ax % 12' and 13' 6" Kx4 10', 12' and 15' Ax % 12' and 13' 6" Axi^ 11' 8", 13' 6" and 14' 8" Axl 12' and 13' 6" Axi% 10'6",11'8", 13' 6" and Mx % 12' and 13' 6" 14' 8" Ux % 12' and 13' 6" Ax2 10' 6", 11' 8", 13' 6" and Hxl 12' and 13' 6" 14' 8" Ax Vs 12' and 13' 6" MxiH 12' and 15' Axl 12' and 13' 6" 5 Axiy 8 10', 6" 11' 8", 13' 6" and AxlH 12' and 13' 6" 14' 8" Axl^ 12' and 13' 6" 5 AxlH 10' 6", 11' 8", 13' 6" and Ax33^ 10', 12' and 15' 14' 8" Hxl 12' 6" and 13' 6" %x2 10'6",ll'8",13'6"and %x\% 12' 6" and 13' 6" 14' 8" VsxiH 12' 6" and 13' 6" 5 Ax2H 10' 6", 11' 8" and 14' 8" %*m 12' 6" and 13' 6" 5 Ax2y 2 11' 8", 14' 8" VsxVA 12' and 15' 5 AxZ 10'6",ll'8"andl4'8" VsxlH 12' and 15' 5 Axzy 2 10' 6", 12' and 15' *Ax2 12' and 15' 5 Ax4: 12' and 15' %x2y 2 10', 12' and 15' %xiy 2 10' 6", 12' and 15' v*x3 10', 12' and 15' KxlH 10'6",ll'8",13'6"and Vsxsy 2 10', 12' and 15' 14' 8" %X± 10', 12' and 15' %x2 10'6",ll'8",13'6"and AxiM 12' 6" and 13' 6" 14' 8" Axl^ 12' 6" and 13' 6" %X2H 10' 6", 11' 8", 13' 6" and Axi3^ 12' 6" and 13' 6" 13' 8" Ax2 12' and 15' Hx2y 2 10' 6", 11' 8" and 14' 8" Ax3 10', 12' and 15' %x2% 10' 6", 12' and 15' V2XIH 12' and 15' 3 4x3 10'6",ll'8"andl4'8" V2xiy 2 10'6",ll'8",13'G"and %xzy 2 10'6",ll'8"andl4'8" 14' 8" Mx4 10'6",ll'8"andl4'8" y*xv>A 10'6",ll'8",13'6"and 7 Ax2 12' and 15' 14' 8" 7 Ax2y 2 10' 6", 12' and 15' l Ax\% 10' 6", 11' 8", 13' 6" and Ax2% 10' 6", 11' 8" and 14' 8" 14' 8" 7 AxS 10' 6", 11' 8" and 14' 8" y 2 x2 10' 6" 11' 8", 13' 6" and 7 Axsy 2 10' 6", 11' 8" and 14' 8" 14' 8" 7 Ax4: 10'6",ll'8"andl4'8" 1 Ax2y 4l 12' and 15' 1 x23^ 10' 6", 12' and 15' l Ax2A 10', 10' 6", 12' and 15' 1 X2% 10' 6", 12' and 15' l Axzy 2 10', 12' and 15' 1 X3 10' 6", 12' and 15' l Axzy 2 10', 12' and 15' 1 X4 10' 6", 12' and 15' Chicago — Joseph T. Rye Son — New York 128 IN STOCK F ( ) R IMMI'.DIAT E SHIP M I- N T i^xA. ICE SLIDE STEEL 12, 14, 16 foot lengths CONCAVE — CONVEX SLED SHOE STEEL 2 x :i s 10 feet 16 2 l Ax X 16 3 x H 10 3^x 3 « 10 4 x H. vax y 2 . 4 x H- w feet 9 ■ 10 •• «> •• Ends an* forged concave — convex. RUBBER TIRE CHANNELS [neb Estimated Weight jx-rl«M,t Lcagtb l IK .51 (is 99 1.19 11' and 12' 11' and 12' 11' Mild 12' 11' and 12' ll'0"andl2'6' 2y 4 i SCREEN BARS ;;. 53 pounds per toot 10 fool Inigtha SCREEN BARS DOUBLE BEVEL 4x& 54,60 foot lengths 3.61 poundi per foot PACKERS CARRIER TRACK ill) 10 foot lengths in ic ag J ira r. Rvti ir Yo * x IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 201 STRUCTURAL SHAPES These structural shapes are of O. H. Steel and meet Manufac- turers' Standard Specifications for structural steel, with a tensile strength of 60,000 to 70,000 lbs. per square inch, and are recom- mended for building, bridge and general structural work. I T BEAMS I Size, Weight Lineal Feet, Size, Weight Lineal Feet, Depth per Foot Average Depth per Foot Average in Inches in Pounds Stock in Inches in Pounds Stock 3 5V 2 16000 10 35 6800 m 9600 40 3000 4 w* 14000 12 31H 16000 m 3000 35 2400 ioy 2 2000 40 4200 5 14M 19500 2000 5400 45 50 55 2300 1900 2600 6 12H 17M 33000 1000 4200 15 42 50 55 60 16000 1000 2000 3200 7 15 9000 70 1300 17^ 1000 80 2000 20 2400 100 1800 8 18 30000 18 55 12000 2oy 2 1800 65 2400 23 5500 70 1000 253^ 2800 75 2500 9 21 18000 90 2750 25 ' 3600 20 • 65 6100 30 1800 80 3200 35 3600 100 1000 10 25 18000 24 80 4200 30 3600 100 1300 Length of 3 and 4 inch beams, 3 to 50 feet; 5 to 12 inch, inclusive, 3 to 60 feet; 15 to 24 inch, inclusive, 3 to 65 feet. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 202 1 N STO< K F OB I M M EDI A T E SHIP II E N T STEEL CHANNELS [ ] fin, Weight Lineal Feet, Size, Weicht Lineal Feet. Depth per Foot Average Depth per Foot Average in Inches in Pounds Stock in Inches in Pounds Stork 3 4 18000 9 13H 9600 6 7200 15 1000 4 5X 34000 20 1000 VA 3000 25 1300 7X 3600 10 15 9800 5 &A 26700 20 4200 9 1800 25 2400 6 8 6000 28000 30 35 1800 3000 10^ 3900 12 20H 4800 13 3400 2.") 1200 \hV 2 2900 30 35 3300 3000 7 14500 4200 40 2200 n :i . 3800 13 32 1000 u\i 1000 15 33 5100 \$H 3600 35 2000 S \\v A 22000 40 1100 1SH 11000 45 1000 16^ S400 50 1200 1**4 2400 55 1000 2V/ A 4800 Length of 3 and 4 inch channels, 3 to 50 feet; other sizes, 3 to 60 feet. c SMALL STEEL CHANNELS ] Weight Lineal Feet, Weight Lineal Feet, fin l*r Foot A vcrage Size per Foot Average in Pounds Stork in Pounds Stock '.,,>, x 1.53 14000 JS2 100000 1'l'X AxH IHx 1.68 20000 .:,<; 182000 1.17 20000 .♦•,'.» B7M0 l'jxl',- A 2.63 172000 1 > 10000 2 x AxA 2 x 1.90 10100 l xMxH S7000 2.18 17000 IHxAxA lit; '.MiOOO 2 xl xA 2.40 :.7000 101 140m % xA 2.27 37000 Length* 20 and 26 feet. mill. *20 feet only. Ckn furnish ot lu-r hiz«-s promptly from Chicago — loiiri T . RTIIIOI ft So n — N |i Your IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 203 L EQUAL LEG STEEL ANGLES BAR SIZES MILD STEEL J Sizes Weight per Foot in Pounds Stock Length in Feet Lineal Feet, Average Stock y 2 x y 2 xy 8 5 Ax y 8 xy 8 Hx %xy 8 y*x %x% 0.38 0.48 0.59 0.7 20 and 22 20 and 22 20 and 22 20 and 22 65000 66000 220000 110000 i xi xy 8 1 xl Xttt 1 xl x x A 0.8 1.16 1.49 20 and 22 20 and 22 20 and 22 240000 90000 65000 vAx\y±xy 8 lMxl^xA vAx\y±xy± 1.01 1.48 1.92 20 and 22 20 and 22 20 and 22 107000 142000 37000 vAx\y 2 xy 8 VAx\y 2 x& VAxlAxH i l Axiy 2 x& mxiy 2 xy 8 1.23 1.8 2.34 2.86 3.35 20 and 22 20 and 22 20 and 22 20 and 22 20 and 22 150000 180000 82000 70000 90000 i%x\Hxy 8 IMxIMxA lMxlMx^ lMxlMx^ 1.44 2.12 2.77 3.39 20 and 22 20 and 22 20 and 22 20 and 22 60000 52000 25000 36000 2 x2 xH 2 x2 xA 2 x2 xH 2 x2 xA 2 x2 xy 8 1.65 2.44 3.19 3.92 4.7 20 and 22 20, 22, 30 and 40 20, 22, 30 and 40 20, 22, 30 and 40 20, 22, 30 and 40 56000 95000 240000 86000 17000 2Mx2MxA 2}4x2HxH 2Kx2Mx& 1.86 2.75 3.62 4.5 20 and 22 20 and 40 20, 22, 30 and 40 20, 22, 30 and 40 36000 39000 38000 13000 2^x23^xK 2y 2 x2y 2 x& 2y 2 x2y 2 xH 2y 2 x2y 2 x& 2y 2 x2y 2 xy 8 2.08 3.07 4.1 5.0 5.9 20 and 22 20, 22, 30 and 40 20, 22, 30 and 40 20, 22, 30 and 40 20, 22, 30 and 40 57000 57000 136000 104000 72000 Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 204 I N S T D l K 1 u K 1 M M I. D I A T E S 11 ll'MENT L EQUAL LEG STEEL ANGLES CONTINUED O. H. STRUCTURAL — MANUFACTURERS' STANDARD J Sizes Wright per Foot in Stork Lttgtfa in Fcot Lineal Feet, Average Pounds Stock •3 x3 xH 2.5 20 2:>m *3 x3 xA 3.71 20 61000 3 x3 x 1 . 4.9 3to60 12100 3 x3 xA 6.1 3 to 60 14000 3 x3 x 3 s 7.2 3 to 60 18000 3 x3 xA 8.3 3 to 60 3700 3 x3 xV 2 9.4 3 to 60 14600 3 x3 x% 11.5 3 to 50 11500 VAxVAxX 5.8 3 to 60 11800 3Hx33^Xt\ 7.2 3 to 60 3000 VAxVAxH 8.5 3 to 60 5500 SVoxSVoX^ 9.8 :; to 60 4200 VAxVAy>A 11.1 :; t<» 60 4800 VA-xVAxVs 13.6 3 to 60 2800 4 x4 X\L 6.6 3 to 60 5000 4 x4 xtV 8.2 3 to 60 19000 1 x4 x% 9.8 3 to 60 3600 4 x4 XtV 11. A :-! to 60 6600 4 x4 x l A 12.8 3 to 60 9000 4 x4 15.7 •A to 60 8400 4 x4 xH 18.5 :> to 60 8500 5 x5 x*s 12.:; 3 to 60 1000 5 x5 xVi 16.2 :> t.» m 3000 5 x5 x 5 A 20.0 a to go 3500 6 x6 L4.9 3 to 80 5400 6 x6 XrV 17.2 :; to 80 3600 G xG XX l'.Ui 3 t..i>n 7600 6 xG 21.9 :i to 60 3500 6 xG 24.2 3 to 60 7800 6 xG 28.7 :; to 80 6100 6 x6 3 to 60 (1700 8 x8 26.4 a t«> 60 1900 8 x8 38.9 3 to 60 3000 8 x8 xH 45.0 8 to 60 1000 ilea -Mild Steel. CBICAOO I ■■ ■ i r ii I \ i w York IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE S II 1 P M E N T 205 L UNEQUAL LEG STEEL ANGLES O. H. STRUCTURAL— MANUFACTURERS' STANDARD BAR SIZES — MILD STEEL J Sizes Weight per Foot in Pounds Stock Length in Feet Lineal Feet, Average Stock 1 x 5 Axy 8 Wsx 7 AxH 0.64 0.91 20 and 22 20 and 22 85000 17500 2 xiy 2 xy 8 2 xl^x^ 2 xVAxU 1.44 2.12 2.77 20 and 22 20, 22, 30 and 40 20, 22 and 30 10000 120000 38000 2y 2 x2 x& 23^x2 xH 2y 2 x2 x^ 23^x2 x% 2.75 3.62 4.5 5.3 20, 22, 30 and 40 20, 22, 30 and 40 20, 22, 30 and 40 3 to 40 65700 39000 46000 22000 *3 x2 XxV 3 x2 xy 3 x2 xA 3 x2 xV 8 3.07 4.1 5.0 5.9 3 to 60 3 to 60 3 to 60 3 to 60 32000 33000 7800 10800 3 x2y 2 xH 3 x2y 2 x^ 3 x2y 2 x% 4.5 5.6 6.6 3 to 60 3 to 60 3 to 60 42000 12000 3600 sy 2 x2y 2 xy zy 2 x2y 2 x& zy 2 x2y 2 x% sy 2 x2y 2 xy 2 sy 2 x2y 2 xy 8 4.9 6.1 7.2 9.4 11.5 3 to 60 3 to 60 3 to 60 3 to 60 3 to 60 25000 8000 6000 1000 1100 3^x3 xA 33^x3 xV 8 sy 2 xs xy 2 6.6 7.9 10.2 3 to 60 3 to 60 3 to 60 18000 3000 1000 4 x3 x& 4 x3 xVs 4 x3 XtV 4 x3 x3^ 4 X3^X^ 7.2 8.5 9.8 11.1 9.1 3 to 60 3 to 60 3 to 60 3 to 60 3 to 60 24000 17000 2400 5400 6600 4Kx3 x% 5 x3 Xjs 5 x3 xVs 5 x3 x3^ 9.1 8.2 9.8 12.8 3 to 60 3 to 60 3 to 60 3 to 60 3500 9300 11000 4200 * This and smaller are Bar sizes. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryersqn Son — New Yor 206 IN STOCK 1 <)K I M M E 1 ) 1 A T E SHIP M I. N T L UNEQUAL LEG STEEL ANGLES CONTINUED O. H. STRUCTURAL MANUFACTURERS - STANDARD J Sizes Weight per Foot in Stock Length in Feet Lineal Feet. Average Pounds Stock 5 X3J*X* 8.7 3 to 60 8400 5 xMxK 10.4 3 to 60 9000 5 x3^XtV 12.0 3 to 60 1S00 5 xSy 2 xy 2 13.6 3 to 60 6800 5 xSy 2 xV 8 16.8 3 to 60 27m 5 x4 x 3 s 11.0 3 to 60 6000 6 x3^x 3 8 11.7 3 to 60 3000 6 x3^XrV 13.5 3 to 60 3000 6 xsy 2 xy 2 15.3 3 to 60 4200 6 x3^Xt\ 17.1 3to60 2200 6 xV/ 2 x% 18.9 3 to 60 4400 6 x4 xY% 12.3 3 to 60 19000 6 xl XtV 14.3 3 to 60 6000 6 x4 xV 2 16.2 3 to 60 9700 6 x4 xy\ 18.1 3 to 60 3000 6 x4 x 5 A 20.0 3 to 60 14200 6 x4 x% 23.6 3 to 60 3600 7 x3Ux32 17.0 3 to 60 5400 8 x6 xH 33.8 3 to 60 1800 L GALVANIZED ANGLES J Siies Stock Lengths, Lineal Average Stock Lineal Foot . Average Stock ?-lX 1 xl 1'. 2 2Hx2fc 1 xl x,'« 20 and 22 _•() and 22 20 and 22 20 and 22 20 and 22 20 and 22 20 and 22 L7940 16100 59960 7(>s<) 8300 3500 8440 iHxlfcxA lHxiHxft IK 2 x2 xA 2»,.-2'_ 1 1 _, . 1 - . 2 20 and 22 20 and 22 20 and 22 20 ami 22 20 and 22 20 and 22 ad 22 1940 4640 8640 1520 1980 4200 UK) (' II I I A ri T< Rtii « York IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE S II 1 P M E N T 307 T STEEL TEES O. H. STRUCTURAL — MANUFACTURERS' STANDARD BAR SIZES — MILD STEEL T Sizes Weight per Foot in Pounds Stock Length in Feet Lineal Feet, Average Stock %x %xA Hx y 8 xy 8 l xl x% 1 xl x^- 0.61 0.73 0.89 1.25 20 20 20 and 25 20 and 25 19000 5000 120000 5000 iysxiyx^ \yx\yx^ mxiyxy 1.37 1.55 1.98 20 and 25 20 and 25 20 and 25 4000 93000 4000 lAxlAx^ iy 2 xiy 2 xy iy±x\%x& lMxl^xM 1.90 2.47 2.26 3.09 20 and 25 20 and 25 20 and 25 20 and 25 39000 4000 6000 10000 2 xiy 2 xy 2 x2 xy 2 x2 x& 3.09 3.56 4.3 20 and 30 20, 25, 30 and 40 20, 25, 30 and 40 15000 31000 9000 2Mx2MxM 2Ax2y 2 x^ *2y 2 x2y 2 xH 2y 2 xs x^ 3 X2J/2XA 4.1 5.5 6.4 6.1 6.1 20, 25, 30 and 40 20, 25, 30 and 40 20, 25, 30 and 40 3 to 50 3 to 50 21000 20000 1000 1000 5000 3 x3 XfV 3 x3 x% 3 x3 XtV 3 X3^x^ 6.7 7.8 8.9 8.5 3 to 50 3 to 50 3 to 50 3 to 50 5500 3100 5000 1500 3^x3 xV 8 saxsaxVs saxsaxa VAx* xVs 8.5 9.2 11.7 9.8 3 to 50 3 to 50 3 to 50 3 to 50 11000 5200 4300 4000 4 x3 xVs 4 x4 xH 4 x4 xA 9.2 10.5 13.5 3 to 50 3 to 50 3 to 50 5000 5400 3000 4 x5 xV 8 4 x5 xA mx2Axy s *Ax3Ax^ 11.9 15.3 9.2 15.7 3 to 50 3 to 50 3 to 50 3 to 50 3000 1000 5000 3000 * This and smaller are Bar sizes. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 208 IN STOCK FOR I M M EDI A 1 E Mill' M E N T FLANGE AND TANK STEEL FLAT CIRCLES Thickness, Qiality and A\kua<,b St"< k Diam. A '4 TV H A Vi A H in Inches 1 - i * 1 M a OS i J u. M c a tr c J M a at a =: a a ■ \ 8 a 03 _ 16 60 80 so IK) 15 15 10 35 20 20 10 20 20 20 15 30 15 15 15 20 20 10 50 15 15 20 30 10 25 30 15 15 25 25 25 20 35 10 30 20 :. 10 iv 20 30 15 25 40 25 35 :;o 10 10 20 15 50 20 20 10 10 20 30 20 K) 25 60 25 22 24 36 lo :;o 28 50 25 25 i:> 20 35 30 55 30 50 20 32 34 36 45 90 20 50 25 10 10 20 10 15 15 10 5 20 15 10 20 20 10 15 15 10 5 15 5 38 20 5 40 10 i:> 30 42 .30 95 25 5 25 35 15 10 60 45 10 15 30 g 11 4G 48 15 10 52^ 54 5&H 60 30 30 15 5 20 25 :n 65 10 15 20 66 20 15 i:> 5 5 20 20 10 15 5 5 10 72 20 10 5 5 10 77 5 5 7s 25 15 L5 10 10 20 16 81 87 VI 10 10 15 5 91 10 10 5 101 15 5 5 10 15 5 103 10 120 10 Sizes 120 inehes and larger furnished in two pieces. i iiicaco — Jo IB 9 ■ 1 ■ R ¥ II SO II X So 1 N I • i IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 209 MACHINE FLANGED HEADS Thick- Outside Diameter after Fla NGING in Inches ness 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 3 15 50 5 5 20 25 10 10 5 10 25 10 10 10 5 15 10 35 10 ?5 5 15 15 10 5 10 10 10 15 30 3^ 10 10 15 5 5 38 40 42 44 46 48 so 54 60 66 72 5 10 5 10 10 15 5 5 25 20 15 15 10 15 10 15 5 15 3 15' 20 10 12 10 io' Vs 15 10 5 *5 *3 *5 *5 *10 Vi 5 10 *5 *Also with No. 2 Manhole. See Note below. DISHED AND FLANGED TANK STEEL HEADS Thick- Outside Diameter after Flanging, Inches ness 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 48 .3- 16 H Vs 15 5 50 15 10 15 io' 25 10 15 5 5 40 15 75 5 5 5 65 15 Note. — Heads ys inch and }/± inch in thickness are Tank Steel. All other sizes are Flange Steel. Figures in columns show the average amounts in stock. Sizes other than those shown can be flanged, dished, or flanged and dished, from stock plates within a day or more, depending on size and quantity. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryersox & Son — New York 210 IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT UNIVERSAL ROLLED PLATES O. H. STEEL — MANUFACTURERS' STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 60.000 TO 70.000 POUNDS TENSILE STRENGTH Weight Average Weight Average Size 1 cr I. meal per Lineal Stock Foot Lineal Ft. Foot LiDeal Ft. 3-16x 7 1 46 3500 5-16 29.76 600 x 8 5.10 2400 x30 31.88 x 9 5 . 74 xlO 6 38 4000 3-8 x 7 8.93 2400 xl2 7.65 1000 x 8 in 20 1500 Xl4 8 92 3000 x 9 11 48 L>IMXI Xl5 9.56 1000 xlO 12.75 1900 XlO 10.20 2300 xl2 15.30 7000 xis 11.48 1000 xl4 17.86 2500 x20 12.76 1100 xl5 19.14 2000 X24 15.32 1500 xlo 20.40 2400 Xl8 22 96 2500 1-4x7 5.95 1200 X20 25.50 12(H) x 8 6.80 1400 X22 28.06 1000 x 9 7.66 3500 X24 30.60 600 xlO 8.50 5500 X26 33 16 500 xl2 10.20 6700 X28 35 72 500 xl4 11.90 4600 X30 38 28 400 xl5 12.75 2000 xlO 13.60 1500 7-1 6x 7 10.41 1000 xl8 15.30 2400 x 8 11.90 1700 x20 17.00 1000 x 9 13.40 1500 x22 18.69 1200 xlO 11 88 1000 X24 20.40 1000 xl2 17 85 1300 x20 22.12 SOO xl4 20 82 1400 X2S 23.80 600 xlO 750 x30 25.50 600 • is 26.79 1000 X20 29 75 800 5-16 7 7. 11 2400 X22 32.72 600 8 8.50 1800 X24 35 72 700 x 9 9.56 1600 X26 600 XlO L0.62 1300 <28 11 65 500 Xl2 12.77) 1500 x30 ll i.l Xl4 1 1 . 88 1400 xlo 15 '.H L000 1-2 x 7 11 90 1600 • 16 17. 00 1300 x 8 6000 xl8 19.12 221 Ml x 9 15 30 1000 21 24 L000 xlO 17.00 600 1000 xl2 20 l" 6000 <24 1200 ■ 14 750 xl5 25 50 1600 All uses furnished in lengths 1 US Feet. c a i c • oo Jo i t b T . Ryii om >> So m - N ■ w Vurk IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 211 UNIVERSAL ROLLED PLATES CONTINUED Weight Average Weight Average Size per Lineal Stock Size per Lineal Stock Foot Lineal Ft. Foot Lineal Ft. 1-2 xl6 27.20 2200 3-4 xl4 35.71 2000 xl8 30.60 1700 xl5 38.26 1500 x20 34.00 1000 xl6 40.80 1800 X22 37.40 900 xl8 45.92 1000 x24 40.80 1100 X20 51.00 1100 X26 44.20 8Q0 x22 56.10 850 X28 47.60 400 X24 61.20 800 X30 51.00 500 x26 66.32 600 X28 71.42 400 9-1 6x 8 11.90 800 X30 76.53 500 xlO 14.88 1000 xl2 17.85 1500 7-8 x 8 23.80 1600 Xl4 20.82 900 xlO 29.75 1500 Xl6 23.80 600 xl2 35.70 1800 X24 71.40 400 5-8 x 7 14.87 1000 X30 89.24 300 x 8 17.00 3200 x 9 19.13 1200 1 x 7 23.80 500 xlO 21.25 1000 X 8 27.20 600 xl2 25.50 2750 x 9 30.60 400 xl4 29.74 2400 xlO 34.00 500 xl5 31.88 1900 xl2 40.80 1100 xl6 34.00 1200 Xl4 47.60 700 xl8 38.25 1000 Xl6 54.40 600 X20 42.50 950 Xl8 61.20 600 X22 46.76 800 X20 68.00 400 X24 51.00 1100 X24 81.60 350 X26 55.24 700 X30 102.00 300 X28 59.49 500 X30 63.76 500 11-4x8 34.00 900 Xl2 51.00 380 3-4 x 7 X 8 17.85 20.40 1600 2100 11-2x8 40.80 450 X 9 22.96 1000 13-4x8 47.60 150 XlO 25.50 950 Xl2 30.60 3500 2x8 54.40 250 All sizes furnished in lengths 1-45 feet. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 212 IX STOCK FOR I M M 1.1)1 A T E SUIT M I N l TANK STEEL PLATES STANDARD SIZES — SHEARED PLATES OPEN HEARTH TANK QUALITY In case of shortage on these stock sizes we are cutting without charge from longer lengths and require slightly longer time for shipment. Size Stock 5n Average Stock Mm Average Stock No. 8 3-16 3-16 28x 96 90 36x360 10 72x120 00 30x 96 SO 38x120 40 72x138 35 30x120 110 as x 138 30 72x144 50 3(3 x 96 120 40x 98 50 72x150 30 36x120 1(H) 40x120 to 72x175 30 36x138 60 40x1 38 15 72x101 25 40x 96 90 40x111 25 72x210 10 40x120 30 40x150 20 40x138 30 42x120 20 1-4 42 x 96 to 42x138 20 24x120 20 42x120 50 42x360 6 26) x 120 40 48x 96 KM) 44 x 98 70 26x138 20 48x120 2(H) 44x120 50 30x 96 KM) 48x138 70 44x138 20 30x120 30 48x144 ■SO 44x144 30 30x138 25 48x156 60 44x156 35 30x420 20 54 x 9G 180 46x120 60 36 x 9s 1(H) 64x120 60 46x138 25 36x120 120 54x138 100 48x120 150 36x138 25 ' 54x144 . .") 48x138 20 36x111 50 60 x 98 50 48x144 90 36x150 40 60x120 90 48x156 25 36x420 15 60x138 30 48x175 20 asx 98 40 60x144 70 48x194 15 3Sxl20 2d 60x156 35 48x300 10 38x13s 20 72x 98 40 49 x 96 70 38x144 20 72xl'20 30 50x120 20 40x os 30 72x1 38 20 50x1 38 20 40x120 30 72x144 30 50x144 20 40xi::s 20 72x156 25 50x156 15 40x111 15 3-16 54 x 96 30 40x150 15 24x120 50 .54x120 00 12> 12d 50 26> 120 60 54x138 20 12x138 25 26x138 25 54x144 30 12 • 120 . 28x120 50 54x156 30 11 • Os 5(1 :;o. 96 KM) 54x276 8 11 • 120 20 80 120 1(H) 60- S.I 11 • 138 25 30> 138 20 60x120 SO 11 ■ 111 20 80 360 10 60x138 80 II ■ 150 10 36 x 96 150 60> l H 50 lo. 120 20 86> 120 150 L66 70 lo- 138 10 86x138 30 60x17.". 30 l^ 1(H) I it 35 00. I'M 00 is. 120 1(H) 36x156 20 72 < 96 30 18 138 35 Chii \a tri T. Ryu Niw You IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT sia TANK STEEL PLATES CONTINUED Size Average Stock Size Average Stock Size Average Stock 1-4 5-16 5-16 48x144 60 30x120 10 72x194 15 48x156 30 30x138 15 72x420 10 48x194 20 30x480 10 84x120 25 48x420 15 36x120 50 84x138 20 50x120 20 36x138 30 84x144 15 50x138 30 36x144 30 84x156 15 50x144 10 36x156 20 84x175 15 50x156 10 36x480 10 84x194 10 54x 98 30 38x120 10 84x420 5 54x120 40 38x138 15 96x120 20 54x138 25 40x120 20 96x138 15 54x144 20 40x138 15 96x144 15 54x156 20 42x120 25 96x156 10 54x194 10 42x138 20 96x175 10 54x324 5 42x480 15 96x194 30 60x 98 90 44x120 20 96x240 10 60x120 60 44x138 15 60x138 25 44x144 15 3-8 60x144 60 44x156 15 30x120 50 60x156 30 46x120 25 30x540 45 60x175 30 46x138 20 36x120 100 60x194 20 48x120 30 36x138 25 60x312 10 48x138 20 36x540 8 72x 98 25 48x144 20 40x120 30 72x120 15 48x156 40 40xl3S 20 72x138 10 48x194 20 42x540 10 72x144 15 48x480 15 44x120 60 72x156 20 50x120 15 44x138 30 72x175 15 50x138 10 48x120 110 72x194 20 50x144 10 48x138 40 72x312 5 50x156 8 48x144 50 84x 98 25 54x120 15 48x156 30 84x120 25 54x420 5 48x194 20 84x138 20 60x 98 20 48x540 10 84x144 15 60x120 25 50x120 20 84x156 10 60x138 10 50x138 20 84x175 10 60x144 10 54x120 55 84x194 10 60x156 10 54x138 30 84x240 7 60x175 30 54x540 12 96x 98 30 60x194 40 57x118 20 96x120 30 60x480 10 60x120 65 96x138 20 72x120 20 60x138 50 96x144 20 72x138 35 60x144 60 96x156 15 72x144 30 60x156 50 96x175 10 72x156 30 60x194 25 96x194 10 72x175 15 60x540 10 Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson Son — New York 214 N STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT TANK STEEL PLATES CONTINUED Avenge Stock Sixc Average Stock Size Average Stock 3-8 3-8 1-2 65x118 25 96x232*3 10 72^x156 15 7-Ji,xll8 15 96x300 8 72^x194 15 72' 2 xl38 15 7-16 72^x212^ 15 72HX144 30 60x540 5 72^x232^ 10 72HX158 30 1-2 72^x540 4 72Hxl94 20 30x120 50 84x120 25 72^X212^ 12 30x540 10 84x540 5 72^x232^ 10 36xl2<> 50 96x118 30 7_" ix640 6 36x540 6 96x232^ 20 84 ■ 120 25 40x120 35 96x4n0 4 S4xl38 20 42x120 20 5-8 84x144 15 42x510 8 30x540 12 84x156 15 48x120 05 36x540 10 84x194 12 48x540 5 42x540 6 84x212^ 10 54x120 20 48x540 8 84x232*$ 10 54x540 5 60x540 5 84x540 5 60x120 35 3-4 96x118 15 60x540 4 30x540 8 96x144 15 65x118 20 36x540 10 96x156 25 72 1 2 xll8 30 42x540 8 96x194 20 72^x138 20 48x540 10 96x212^ 10 72^x144 20 60x480 4 AMERICAN INGOT IRON PLATES Tank quality plates of American Ingot Iron especially suited fur flumes, furnaces, metal boats, mine cars, chutes, bins and vats and where resistance to corrosion is very desirable. They are soft and will stand ordinary flanging satisfactorily. Size, 1 Weight Arerage Size, Weight Size. Weight Ate. Inches per Sheet Stock Inches per Sheet Stock Inches per Sheet Stock 1-4 8 12 36x141 367 5 60x 96 286 5 60x156 284.4 11 48x 96 333 7 60x144 420 4 14 48x144 490 6 10 36 x 96 77 68 60x 96 117 5 36 x 96 135 i;, 36x120 70 Ml 613 4 36x120 136.8 30 is. 120 125 3-16 is. 120 225 35 48x156 162 5 15 36x144 27:, 5 48x156 53 60> 120 160 10 10 60x120 286.9 40 60x156 228 8 48x144 6 60x150 30 16 60x 96 312 11 12 36 96 60 28 60x144 158 6 36 x 96 105 20 36> 120 7.', 25 8 36> 120 131 .8 27 Is- 120 100 49 232 5 is- 120 17:, 52 is. L56 133 15 221 6 is. 156 15 60> 120 121 4s,;144 336 6 60x120 214.4 10 60x156 177 20 Chicago — JoiIFI T. Ryu NlW Y 4 11*X 98 X> 4 USX 55 X' 4 lisx 107' a XV U8X 61HXM USX 07VXV 118X 60 X 1 , lisx 96 X' 4 llsX 73' ,XU " X 1 ,* 143X 6H j ; x i 4 mx 67HXH* 143X Ol'oX'i 143 X S&MXM 14.3X 73HXK 143X SO XV 143X 85HXH 113X 92 XV rSHXA » Xft* MIX 78HXA Strap* ' 4 " I X , 5 * ' Mm; 1.11 X 7 Btnpi ' t l.-.l < BO .-'traps I , - X,V Stral HEADS one, Indies 41 X :1 * 41 XH 41 XH 49 X 3 h 40 x s ; 49 XN •13 X, 7 « 63 X, 1 , 61 X, 1 . I 1261 1501 too 100 BHELL PLATES HEADS Size, Inches 1.11 X 85HXH Straps ' 4 MIX 82 x',: Straps • , 174X K 174X 82 XA 171 X 86HXH Strap* '., 171 X 92 XH' Stra; 171X BG Btni s 171 X 92 X 3 ., Straps A 174X 68 X, J . 174X 71 Xft' 171 X 68 XH Btni 171X 71 Btni 171 X 68 X s . Str.ii A u 86 X* s Str.r EH XV " XJJ Strap Size. x India 59 XA 2 58 XA 2.19 X,V - 68 • .; ( II I I I . Ryiii \ t u Y IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 217 PLATES FOR STANDARD BOILERS CONTINUED g ~ a ■~ £ $ 3 i s Z 16 PL, 100 2 3 125t 2 3 150f 2 3 IS 100 3 3 125f 3 3 150t 3 3 16 100 3 125| 2 3 150f 2 3 IS 100 3 3 125f 3 3 150+ 3 3 SHELL PLATES Size, Inches 194X 9S X 194X 71 XH* 189 X 98 X 3 S Straps ^ 189X 71 X?s Straps ffc 189X 98 XH Straps 2-8 189X71 XH Straps V 194X 75 XH 194X 79 XH* 189X 75 XJ Straps ^ 189X 79 XVs* Straps ^ 189 X 75 XH Straps % 189 X 79 XH Straps ^ 212 X 98 Xl 8 212X 71 X^ ! 208X 98 XH Straps » i 208X 71 XH Straps 5 8 * 208X 98 X^rV Straps Vs 208X 71 X^r* Straps H 212X 75 XVs 212X 80 XVs 208 X 75 XH Straps ?-8 208 X 80 XH* Straps % 208 X 75 X^ Straps % 208X 80 XiV Straps 3 ^ HEADS Size, Inches 65HXH 65HXH 65HXH 65HXH Q5 l Axy 2 72 XH 72 XH 72 XH 72 XH 72 XH 72 XH 100 I25f 150f 1.30+ 125+ 1.50+ 125+ 150+ SHELL PLATES Size, Inches 232 X 98 232 X 72 228 X 98 Straps ; 228X 72 Straps ; 228 X 99 Straps ■ 228 X 72 Straps 232 X 75 232 X 80 228 X 75 Straps 228 X 80 Straps 228 X 75 Straps 228X 80 Straps 247 X 75 Straps 247X 81 Straps 247 X 75 Straps 247 X 81 XiV y* X^* XH XH Xl ?* Xi^* XA % Vs XH IS XH* IT XH XH* X¥s 16 XH* 247 X 83 Straps 247 X 90 Straps 247 X 83 Straps 247 X 90 Straps XH " . ,*. XH* XH XH* HEADS Size, Inches 78 XH 78 XH 78 X& 78 XH 78 XH 78 X& 84 XA 84 X^ 84 Xrk 84 XVs Chicago — Joseph T. Rye r son & Son — New York 218 1 N S T (J C K F U K 1 M M E DI ATE S H I l' M E N T FLANGE STEEL PLATES O. H. FLANGE STEEL — MANUFACTURERS' STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 60,000 POUNDS TENSILE STRENGTH Size Average Stock Size Average Stock Size Average Stock 1-4 1-4 5-16 26 xl20 15 72 X194 5 46 X120 5 26 X138 10 84 X 98 15 46 X138 5 30 xl20 10 84 X120 20 48 X120 25 30 xl38 5 84 xl38 i:> 48 X138 5 36 xl20 15 84 X143 10 49 x SO 5 36 xl38 15 84 X156 12 49 x 90 5 38 X120 :> 84 X175 10 !'• 5 38 xl38 5 84 X194 5 49 xl20 4 40 X120 10 49 xl38 5 40 X138 5 5-16 49 xl43 4 42 X120 5 26' x 80 5 49 X156 5 42 xl38 10 26 x 90 4 49 xl75 4 43 xl38 20 26 X 99 5 49 xl94 4 43 X143 15 26 X120 10 50 xl20 20 43 xl56 10 26 X138 5 50 xl3S 15 44 xl20 5 30 x 80 5 54 xl20 3 44 X138 10 30 x 90 5 54 xl38 10 46 xl20 7 30 < 99 5 57 x SO 3 46 X138 5 30 xl20 20 57 x 90 5 48 xl20 10 30 X138 10 57 x 99 5 48 X138 10 36 x 80 7 57 X138 5 49 x 98 15 36 x 90 5 57 xl43 10 49 xl38 5 36 x 99 5 57 xl56 7 49 xl43 5 36 X120 20 57 xl75 5 49 xl56 5 36 X138 5 57 xl94 10 50 xl20 10 38 x 80 4 60 xl20 25 50 xl38 7 Ms x 90 5 60 xl38 5 54 xl20 5 38 x 99 5 64$ 60 x 98 15 40 ■ 90 5 <156 5 60 xl20 25 40 90 5 64 j ■ 17.") 3 60 X138 7 40 xl20 10 l'.'l 10 64 ; <138 10 40 ■ L38 5 < 99 15 143 •") 42 120 15 120 15 156 10 42 ■ IMS 3 72' -. . IMS 10 M , <175 5 ■ SO 5 72^x143 10 64 j -194 5 43 • 90 5 72' -x 56 10 72 x 98 5 43 • 99 :. 72' ■• • 175 20 72 xl20 10 43 138 •") 72' . I'M 25 72 ■ 138 l."i i:; • 1 im l si L20 i:> 72 <143 7 • 156 7 M .". 72 166 5 44 • 120 10 si . i i:; 10 72 X175 5 44 X138 15 84 -156 10 C n i < a a o— Jon r li T . K v si to H I Son — N 1 w Y o R K IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT FLANGE STEEL PLATES CONTINUED Size Average Stock Size Average Stock Size Average Stock 5-16 3-8 1-2 84 xl75 5 723^x1083^ 5 36 X120 15 84 xl94 15 72^x118 3 40 X120 15 96 xl20 10 723^x194 10 48 X120 17 96 xl38 10 723^X2123^ 5 60 X120 25 96 xl43 5 72^x2323^ 15 72 X120 15 96 X156 7 84 xl083^ 5 75 X228 6 96 xl75 5 84 X118 10 84 X180 10 96 xl94 5 84 xl94 7 98 X228 6 1073^x194 5 84 x2123^ 10 1073^x228 2 84 X232K 15 3-8 96 xiosy 2 10 5-8 30 X120 5 96 X118 5 36 X120 15 36 X120 10 96 xl94 5 40 X120 25 36 X138 15 96 x212V 2 15 48 X120 10 40 X120 10 96 x232^ 10 60 X120 10 40 X138 15 107^x1083^ 10 72 X120 5 44 xl20 10 1073^x118 15 84 X180 10 44 xl38 10 107^x194 5 48 X120 5 1073^x212^ 3 3-4 48 X138 5 1073^x2323^ 5 36 X120 20 50 X120 10 40 X120 15 50 xl38 3 7-16 48 X120 20 54 xl20 10 36 X120 5 60 X120 10 54 xl38 20 40 X120 5 72 X120 5 60 xl20 5 48 xl20 5 84 X180 5 60 X138 5 60 X120 10 64^x108^ 10 72 xl20 10 1 64^x118 10 75 x209 6 36 X144 20 64^x194 10 84 x270 5 48 X144 15 64^x212^ 10 98 x209 6 60 X144 15 64Mx2323^ 3 1073^x209 2 72 X144 10 HARTFORD FIRE BOX STEEL PLATES These are open hearth firebox quality plates covered by test reports and conforming to the requirements of the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company. Size Average Stock Size Average Stock Size Average Stock tVx60xl20 3^x60x120 20 10 3^x96x194 3^x60x120 15 25 3^x96x228 Mx96xl94 10 5 Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 220 I N STOCK F o K I M II E D I A T E S II IP M E N T "FIRMTREAD" steel floor plates " Finn tread" Steel Floor Plates are the best possible flooring where lightness, strength and roughened surface are desired. They arc rapidly supplanting cast iron and other construction for floors and stairways of fire escapes, engine rooms, breweries, gas holders, foundry platforms, machine shops, car and locomotive steps, ships, etc. "Firmtread" Plates are cheapest. "Firmtread" tensile strength of 55,000 pounds and elastic limit of 35,000 pounds in contrast to cast iron with tensile of about 17,000 pounds and no elasticity, per- mit "Firmtread" to carry the same loads with about one-half the weight. For every square foot of floor "Firmtread" saves 50% of weight and 30% of cost by combining lightness and strength. "Firmtread" saves an additional amount in reducing the weight handled and shipped; and in allowing lighter framing by a lesser dead load in the flooring. "Firmtread" Plates are safest — the steel has an excellent per- centage of ductility — the cast iron none. "Firmtread" plates will not break under excessive loads or sudden blows — they will bend first and give warning so that load can be lessened. "Firmtread" plates do not contain concealed weakness — the rolling insures a solid plate. Cast iron plates are subject to dangerous blow holes. "Firmtread" plates insure the user against dangerous accidents; their roughened surface gives a sure foothold. SIZES IN STOCK Size Stork Size \vcrai:c Stock Size Average Stock Size Average Stock 3-16 1-4 1-4 3-8 24 x 96 25 24 x 96; 30 48x120 30 30x 96 25 26 • MS 90 24x120 66 5-16 30x120 35 30x 96 16 30x 96i 76 30x 96 36 36x 96 16 30x120 BO 30x120! B5 30x120 10 36x120 16 36x 72 26 :;»-,. 72 36 36 x 96 i:> 42 x 96 20 86 36 • 96 16 36> 120 26 42x120 26 30 36> 120 36 42x 96 36 is , 96 25 42x 96 16 12 ■ 96 20 \2> 120 16 18x120 20 ]2> 120 26 42x120! 36 is • 96 20 is ■ M 36 60 ©xiao 15 is. 120 30 See next page fur minimum sizes diamond and ribbed from mill. See page 1184 for Safe Loads for "Firmtread" Steel Floor Plates. Chicago — J o S ■ 9 h T . Rvhison & Son — New York IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHI P M E 221 "FIRMTREAD" steel floor plates CONTINUED MAXIMUM SIZES FROM MILL. DIAMOND AND RIBBED PATTERNS Width in Inches Thickness 24 36 44 50 54 Vs 120 120 120 3 160 150 130 130 130 M 170 160 160 160 130 5 16 190 190 180 180 130 % 190 190 180 180 130 tV 190 190 180 180 130 V2 190 180 180 170 130 % 170 160 160 140 130 APPROXIMATE WEIGHTS PER SQUARE FOOT Inches Pounds Inches Pounds Vs 8 7 16 19 A m V2 213^ l A HM % 26M _5_ 16 13M % . 32 Vs 16M Vs 37 These weights are approximate and may vary according to the size of the plate. Thickness in all cases is measured through the body of the plate. "FIRMTREAD" STAIR TREADS "Firmtread" Stair Treads are pressed from "Firmtread" diamond pattern, ribbed or plain steel plates in all sizes and styles. Treads can be furnished with nosing only or may have nosing and half or full height risers. In strength, durability and appearance these treads are the superior of cast iron and have the additional advantage of costing and weighing less. Plates from which treads are made are carried in stock in large quantities of different thicknesses and many sizes, enabling us to make shipment of finished treads promptly. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 222 IN STOCK FOR I M M 1 . 1 > 1 A T E SHIPMENT 1 RAILS A. S. C. E. STANDARDS I Weicht Area in Width of Base and Web in Width of Height of Center of Length in per Yard in Pounds Square Inches Height in Inches Inches Head in Inches Gravity above Base Feet 8 0.78 1-5- ft H 0.75 15 and 20 12 1.18 2 ft l 0.92 15,20,30 16 1.6 2 3 8 7 3T i« 1.1 15,20,30 20 2.0 H 1 ' 1.2 15,20,30 25 2.5 % H m 1.3 30 30 3.0 3^ 5 i m 1,1 30 35 3.4 3& 23 1 1 m 1.6 30 40 3.9 3K M m 1.7 30 45 4.4 3H H 2 1.8 30 50 4.9 w% tV 2V 8 1.9 Not in Stork 55 5.4 4ft 1 3 2H 2.0 Not in Stock 60 5.9 4M H 2V 8 2.1 33 65 6. \ 4tV H •)1 3 2 2 Not in Stock 70 6.9 1\ H 2ft L' .2 33 75 7 . 1 Wl 1 1 2U 2 1 33 80 7.s 5 3 5 h 1 2% 2. 1 85 8.3 5A 1 fi 2A 33 90 8.8 rr\ 9 -'\ 2.5 !•;, Q :; 5ft 9 1 .. 2tJ 2.7 Not in Stock 100 OS ft 2f i 2.8 Not in Stock Splices an >JotIPH I • B N 1 w N 'it K K IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 301 BLACK SOFT STEEL SHEETS BLUE ANNEALED OR HOT ROLLED OPEN ANNEALED Estimated Average Estimated Average Size Weight Stock Size Weight Stock per Sheet Sheets per Sheet Sheets No. 10 No. 10 24x 96 92.0 400 60x156 373.0 150 24x120 115.0 500 72x 96 275.4 125 26 x 96 99.5 600 72x120 344.3 150 26x108 111.9 300 72x138 395.9 100 26x120 124.3 450 72x144 413.1 90 28x 96 107.1 400 72x156 447.6 100 28x108 120.5 250 28x120 133.9 500 30x 96 114.7 850 No. 12 30x108 129.1 380 24x 96 71.4 750 30x120 143.4 500 24x120 89.3 550 36x 72 103.3 400 26x 96 77.3 600 36x 77 110.5 250 26x120 96.7 500 36 x 96 137.7 800 28x 96 83.3 350 36x108 154.9 500 28x120 104.1 400 36x120 172.1 650 30x 96 89.2 600 36x144 206.6 500 30x108 100.4 380 40x 96 153.0 350 30x120 111.6 700 40x120 191.3 400 36x 77 85.9 300 42x 96 160.6 400 36x 84 93.7 300 42x108 180.7 300 36x 96 107.1 900 42x120 200.8 450 36x108 120.5 600 48 x 77 147.2 300 36x120 133.9 1000 48x 84 160.7 200 36x144 160.6 850 48x 96 183.6 550 40x 96 119.4 400 48x108 206.5 400 40x120 149.2 400 48x120 229.5 800 42x 96 124.9 500 48x138 263.9 500 42x120 156.2 600 48x144 275.4 450 48x 77 114.5 500 48x156 298.4 300 48x 84 124.9 350 54x 77 165.7 250 48 x 96 142.8 700 54x 96 206.6 250 48x108 160.6 450 54x120 258.2 350 48x120 178.5 900 54x138 296.9 200 48x127 188.9 250 54x144 309.8 200 48x138 205.2 300 54x156 335.7 150 48x144 214.2 500 60x 77 183.7 200 48x156 232.0 250 60x 96 229.5 220 54x 77 128.8 250 60x120 286.9 250 54x 96 160.6 280 60x138 329.9 130 ' 54x108 180.7 175 60x144 344.3 130 54x120 200.8 300 Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 302 IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT BLACK SOFT STEEL SHEETS CONTINUED BLUE ANNEALED OR HOT ROLLED OPEN ANNEALED Estimated A vcragc Estimated Average Size Weight Stock Size Weight Stock per Sheet Sheets per Sheet Sheets No. 12 No. 14 54x138 230.9 250 48x144 153.0 350 54x144 240.9 175 48x156 165.7 160 54x156 261.0 125 54x 77 92.0 300 60x 77 143 2 200 54x 96 114.7 200 (30x 96 178.5 300 54x120 143.4 300 60x120 223.1 250 54x138 164.9 150 60x138 256.6 125 54x144 172.1 150 60x144 207.7 120 54x156 186.4 150 60x156 200.0 100 No. 16 No. 14 24 x 96 1(1 s 1200 24x 96 51.0 600 24x106 45.9 350 24x108 57.4 250 24x120 51.0 900 24x120 63.7 4.50 26 x 96 11 2 850 26x 96 55.2 680 26x108 49.7 250 26x108 62.2 300 26x120 600 26x120 69.1 300 28x 96 17.6 750 28x 96 59.5 500 2Sxl0S 53.5 400 28x108 66.9 200 28x120 59.5 600 28x120 74.4 690 30x 96 51.0 ll(K) 30x 96 63.7 600 30x10* 57.4 420 30x108 71.7 400 30x120 63.7 940 30x120 79.7 750 30 x 77 49 1 900 36x 77 61.3 2?:. 36 x 90 61.2 1500 36x 96 76.5 1000 36x10s 68.8 350 36x1 os 86.1 500 36x120 76.5 1600 36x120 85.6 750 36x144 91.8 600 36x144 114.7 400 40x 96 88 •NO 40x 77 67.9 150 40x120 85 300 40x 96 85 <) 300 42 x 96 71 1 m\ 40x120 106.2 400 42x120 s'i 2 550 42 x 00 89 2 UK) 42x144 107.1 350 42x120 111 450 ls< 77 66 5 ■_>(X> 18 •; 77 si s 17.') 48x 00 81 o 600 I8x 84 80.2 200 48x106 91 8 200 48x 00 102 () 850 is- L20 102 <> 580 48x108 lit 7 250 is. 138 117 3 300 48x120 127 :» 850 18x144 L22 1 350 48x127 184 o 200 54 ■ 96 91 8 100 48x138 146.6 300 54x120 114.8 100 No. 16 gauges are One Pass Cold Rolled and Box Annealed. ClICAOO lnM.rn 1 . K v i k s \ SOU -N i w Y K K IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 303 BLACK SOFT STEEL SHEETS ONE PASS COLD ROLLED AND BOX ANNEALED Estimated Average Estimated Average Size Weight Stock Size Weight Stock per Sheet Sheets per Sheet Sheets No. 18 No. 22 24x 96 32.6 1800 24x101 21.5 260 24x108 36.7 400 24x120 25.5 700 24x120 40.8 700 26x 96 22.1 600 26x 96 35.4 600 26x120 27.6 400 26x108 39.8 350 28x 72 17.8 800 26x120 44.2 650 28 x 84 20.8 1550 28x 96 38.1 500 28 x 96 23.8 1450 28x108 42.8 350 28x108 36.8 1400 28x120 47.6 700 28x120 29.7 750 30x 96 40.8 2000 30x 96 25.5 1500 30x108 45.9 ' 400 30x120 31.9 1000 30x120 51.0 1200 36 x 96 30.6 1500 36x 96 49.0 900 36x120 38.2 800 36x108 55.1 500 42x 96 35.7 400 36x120 61.2 1200 42x120 44.6 600 42x 96 57.1 350 42x120 • 71.4 400 No. 24 48x 96 65.3 450 24x 96 16.3 1800 48x120 81.6 400 24x101 17.2 1000 24x120 20.4 1000 No. 20 26x 96 17.7 800 24x 96 24.5 1300 26x120 22.1 1700 24x120 30.6 800 28x 72 14.3 1000 26x 96 26.5 700 28x 84 16.7 1500 26x120 33.1 700 28 x 96 19.0 1200 28 x 72 21.4 600 28x101 20.0 350 28x 84 25.0 2000 28x108 21.4 600 28 x 96 28.6 1200 28x120 23.8 1600 28x108 32.1 700 30x 96 20.4 1900 28x120 35.7 1500 30x120 25.5 800 30x 96 30.6 1500 36x 96 24.5 1100 30x120 38.2 1200 36x120 30.6 800 36x 96 36.7 1800 42x 96 28.6 450 36x120 45.9 1000 42x120 35.7 600 42x 96 42.8 500 42x120 53.6 600 No. 26 48x 96 49.0 400 24x 96 12.24 4000 48x120 61.2 350 24x101 12.88 3500 24x120 15.30 3500 No. 22 26x 96 13.26 800 24x 96 20.4 900 26x120 16.57 1000 Chicago — Joseph T. Rverson & Son — New York :04 0< R FOR I M M E 1> i AT I. S TI [PM1 BLACK SOFT STEEL SHEETS CONTINUED ONE PASS COLD ROLLED AND BOX ANNEALED Estimated Average Estimated • rage Weight Stock Site Weight Stock per Sheet Sheets I 2500 300 24x101 'i 66 150 28x 90 13.08 2800 28x101 13.77 7(H) No. 30 28x120 16.36 1000 24 x '.)('. 8 in 5(HH) 30x 90 14.02 1200 30 x 90 10.20 3000 CORRUGATED ARCHES Our arched corrugated Bheets are especially adapted for flour-. rwiKng p of vaults, bridges and for location between [-beams, for all reinfotoed concrete construction. We are in position to furnish these to required rise or .-pan, in all gauges from No. 26 to 18, inclusive, and can always make prompt shipment from stock. We have a table, which we will he glad to semi upon request, showing use of i heel required to form given .-pan. (Hi PR T. Rl Ml Y <• R K IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 305 GALVANIZED SOFT STEEL SHEETS These are soft workable sheets, full weight and true to gauge, evenly and tougbly coated with non-corrosive spelter. Esti- Esti- Esti- mated Aver- mated Aver- mated Aver- Size Weight age Size Weight age Size Weight age per Stock per Stock per Stock Sheet Sheet Sheet No. 10 No. 16 No. 20 30 x 96 116 120 28x 96 50 360 26 x 96 29 670 30x120 145 160 28x101 52 110 26x120 36 120 36x 96 138 320 28x120 62 460 28x 72 23 2020 36x120 173 130 30 x 96 53 940 28 x 84 27 590 42x 96 162 130 30x120 66 830 28x 96 31 2910 42x120 202 130 36 x 96 64 590 28x108 35 700 48 x 96 185 150 36x120 80 1070 28x120 39 770 48x120 231 100 42 x 96 74 260 30x 96 33 1290 42x120 93 150 30x120 41 1300 No. 12 48 x 96 85 120 36 x 96 40 1270 30 x 96 91 420 48x120 106 190 36x120 50 900 30x120 113 180 42x 96 46 390 36x 96 109 210 No. 18 42x120 58 320 .36x120 136 170 24x 96 35 400 48 x 96 55 240 42x 96 127 150 24x120 43 360 48x120 66 340 42x120 159 120 26 x 96 37 400 48 x 96 145 100 26x120 47 1190 48x120 181 130 28x 72 30 710 No. 22 28 x 84 ■ 35 380 24x 96 23 960 No. 14 30x 96 30x120 36x 96 36x120 42x 96 42x120 48x 96 48x120 28x 96 40 730 24x120 28 1130 66 82 79 98 92 115 105 131 390 370 200 590 190 140 100 190 28x101 28x108 28x120 30 x 96 30x120 36 x 96 36x120 42 x 96 42x120 42 45 50 43 54 52 65 60 76 160 210 190 1280 1470 2640 1590 220 130 26x 96 26x120 28x 72 28 x 84 28 x 96 28x108 28x120 30 x 96 30x120 24 30 20 23 26 30 33 28 35 510 410 710 940 2330 750 1250 1490 1280 48 x 96 69 220 36x 96 34 1850 No. 16 48x120 86 260 36x120 42 610 24x 96 43 240 42x 96 39 420 24x120 53 150 No. 20 42x120 49 230 26x 96 46 230 24x 96 27 1110 48x 96 45 210 26x120 58 290 24x120 33 1680 48x120 56 200 Sizes carried in black sheets only can be galvanized promptly. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson Son — New York aoo IN STOCK V O R I M M I. I) I A T E S II I V M F. N T GALVANIZED SOFT STEEL SHEETS CONTINUED Esti- Esti- Esti- mated Aver- mated Aver- mated Aver- Size Wfi^ht age Size Weight une Size Weight age pet Block per Sheet Btoek per Sheet Stock Sheet No. 24 No. 26 No. 28 24 x 96 19 2090 28xlOS 1!) 460 20x 96 14 1840 24x120 23 1360 28x120 21 1740 26x120 17 1370 20 x 96 20 2380 30 x 90 18 2880 28x 72 11 580 20x120 25 1970 30x120 23 2010 28x 84 13 1420 28x 72 16 1400 30 x 90 22 4730 28x 96 15 1080 28 x 84 19 970 30x120 27 900 28x108 16 650 28x 96 22 2750 42 x 90 25 550 28x120 18 820 28x108 24 400 42x120 32 200 30 x 96 16 2020 28x120 27 2240 30x120 20 810 30x 96 23 3470 No. 27 30 x 96 19 l 25 25 29.46 100 130 No. 26 24x101 28x101 12.63 11 72 1(H) 80 No. 22 24x101 28x101 21 .06 2 \ 56 65 75 No. 27 24x101 28x101 11 56 13.48 86 66 No. 24 24x101 28x101 Hi 83 19.63 120 140 No. 28 M <101 28x101 10.53 12.26 150 60 (' II I i II I . R V I R v N I u Y IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 311 RYERSOIM'S ELECTRICAL SHEETS A stock especially developed for the laminations of dynamos and motors operated at medium to high speed. These sheets have great permeability, permitting free passage of inductive electrical currents set up in dynamo and motor operation. The iron losses are very low and the steel is made to prevent age losses. We recommend these sheets for motors, dynamos, large transformers, and other electrical work, where the conductivity of the steel is of value. Esti- Esti- Esti- mated Aver- mated Aver- mated Aver- Size Weight Per Sheet age Stock Size Weight Per Sheet age Stock Size Weight Per Sheet age Stock No. 18 No. 24 No. 28 24x120 40.80 100 24x120 20.40 590 30x120 15.94 300 26x104 38.30 105 26x104 19.15 390 36x108 17.21 800 30x120 51.00 50 30x120 25.50 120 36x108 55.08 40 36x108 27.54 500 No. 29 No. 20 24x120 11.47 300 24x120 30.60 280 No. 26 26x104 10.77 600 26x104 28.75 200 24x120 15.30 650 30x120 14.34 220 30x120 38.25 150 26x104 14.38 1000 36x108 15.49 600 36x108 41.30 200 30x120 36x108 19.12 20.65 475 870 No. 22 No. 30 24x120 25.50 40 24x120 10.20 650 26x104 23.95 310 No. 28 26x104 9.57 1260 30x120 31.87 250 24x120 12.75 680 30x120 12.75 400 36x108 34.41 100 26x104 11.97 260 36x108 13.77 2000 CORRUGATED RIDGE ROLL We are in a position to ship immediately, both plain and corru- gated ridge roll, in black, painted or galvanized quality. Standard girth is furnished unless otherwise specified. Either 134 or 2H inch corrugations in gauges No. 22 and lighter are always in stock, heavier if desired, from the mill. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 312 IN STOCK FOB IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT WOOD'S A" PLANISHED IRON SHEETS Sheets made of genuine charcoal hammered bloom iron with a glossy dark blue mottled surface. These have the most perfect dark metallic finish of any stock brand of sheet, and, by freedom from oxidation, retain their high grade finish under severe service, such as stove and range manufacture, metal ornaments or exposed work. Russia Iron has entirely given way to these domestic sheets. Est, Avg. Est. Ave. Est. An. Size Weight Stock Size Weight Stock Size Weight Stork por Short Packs. per Short Pacta. per Sheet Packs. No. 22 No. 23 No. 27 28x60 14.59 25 28x56 12.22 6 24x60 6.86 40 28x72 17.50 10 No. 24 28x60 8.02 30 No. 23 28x60 11.68 32 No. 28 28x60 13.12 10 No. 26 2Sx60 7.28 20 28x72 15.72 20 28x60 8.75 25 These sheets come in air-tight unbroken packs of about 250 pounds. WOOD'S "A" PLANISHED LOCOMOTIVE JACKET IRON These are sheets made under the same process and especially adapted for railroad work. The sheets are particularly well known as standard for sheathing on high-class modern locomotives. Est. Avg. Est, Avg. Est. Avg. Size Weight Stock Size Weight Stock Size Weight per Sheet Packs. per Sheet Packs. per Shoot Packs. No. 22 No. 23 No. 27 28x60 14.59 25 28x72 15.72 20 24x60 6.86 30 28x72 17.50 10 No. 24 28x60 8.02 25 No. 23 28x60 11.68 30 No. 28 28x56 12.23 10 No. 26 28x60 7.2S 15 28x00 13.12 ' 12 28x60 8.75 20 WELLSVILLE POLISHED SHEETS WellsviOe Polished is a handsome dark blue product (oiled) • specially used by trade for high-class stoves, ranges, stovepipes, elbows, filing cabinets, go-carts, etc. no 26.30 16.00 20.00 12.63 200 250 600 100 No. 26 28 <101 30x101 No. 27 24 101 28> no 30x101 1 l 72 15.78 11.55 13.48 1 1.17 350 200 250 150 530 Cxicj IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 313 CORRUGATED ROOFING SHEETS Our roofing is made of full weight sheets and should be compared with others on a pound price basis. GALVANIZED No. 16 No. 20 No. 22 No. 24 No. 27 26 x 96 26 x 72 26 x 96 26x108 26 x 96 26x120 26 x 84 26 x 96 26x108 26x120 26x120 26x120 No. 18 26x108 No. 26 No. 28 26x 72 26x120 26 x 72 26 x 72 26 x 84 No. 24 26 x 84 26 x 84 26 x 96 No. 22 26 x 72 26 x 96 26 x 96 26x108 26 x 72 26 x 84 26x108 26x108 26x120 26 x 84 26 x 96 26x120 26x120 BLACK AND PAINTED No. 16 No. 20 No. 22 No. 24 No. 27 26 x 96 26 x 84 26 x 96 26x108 26 x 96 26x120 26x 96 26x108 26x108 26x120 26x120 26x120 No. 18 26x120 No. 26 No. 28 26 x 96 26 x 72 26 x 72 26x120 No. 24 26 x 84 26 x 84 No. 22 26 x 72 26x 96 26 x 96 No. 20 26x 72 26 x 84 26x108 26x108 26 x 72 26 x 84 25 x 96 26x120 26x120 The above sheets are corrugated with standard 23^ inch corruga- tions, and cover 24 inches when placed in position, allowing for lap on each side. We also have all of the above, excepting the No. 16 gauge, corru- gated with \yi inch corrugations. We can furnish promptly in addition to the above, sheets of any- special width or length corrugated with either V/i inch or 2^ inch corrugations. AMERICAN INGOT IRON Galvanized corrugated American Ingot Iron can be furnished immediately from stock, in any thickness up to and including No. 18 gauge, in any standard length and width desired. GALVANIZED NAILS AND LEAD WASHERS We carry in stock for immediate shipment galvanized nails and lead washers for use in laying roofing sheets and siding. The lead washers with the roofing nails make an absolutely water-tight joint. Chic Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 1 N S T CK FUR I M M EDI A 1 MI I P M E N T V CRIMPED ROOFING ROOFING AND SIDING V crimped roofing can be fur- nished from Chicago stock with either two or three V crimps ?4 incheshigh in black, painted or gal- vanized, with or without sticks in lengths varying from 5 to 10 feet. Gauge Wrijiht per Square Painted, Pounds Wricht per Square Galvanized, Pounds 24 M 28 111 84 69 124 99 86 BEADED SHEETS PLAIN BRICK SIDING PAINTED OR GALVANIZED 1 II II II II II II 1 1 II II 1 II II II 1 II 1 11 1 1 1 II II I Beaded sheets, painted or gal- vanized, for ceiling or siding can be furnished promptly from Chi- cago stock in sheets 24x% inches and 24x120 inches. ROCK FACE BRICK SIDING PAINTED OR GALVANIZED We are prepared to furnish plain brick siding from Chicago stock in sheets 30x60 inches in No. 26 and 28 gauge. ROCK FACE STONE SIDING PAINTED OR GALVANIZED ggK^EEnnrr-Ji L<.>a-0 L^^:fTT31F^ lu^it^ji^sia 2EnEa2E52 mwmw flWffl^MS' ffifeg^^ia E^ESE^ Rook face brick siding can bo We are prepared to furnish famished promptly from Chi- promply from Chicago stock rock sagO stock in sheets 28x60 inches face stone siding in sheets 28x60 in \o. 'JX gaugo. inches of No. 28 gauge. Size of etch stone 9jx20 inches. in bo shipped promptly from mill. C ■ I C A CO — J O 8 V F il 1. R T M I SO N & S u N — N l w Y u K K IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMEN T 401 BOILER TUBES Our stock covers a complete range of diameters and lengths usually called for in the following three grades: lap-weld steel tubes of best quality low carbon open hearth skelp, with a perfect welded seam and each tube tested for 500 pounds pressure. Steel tubes give greatest strength, combined with ductility, so that expanding and setting can be done without injury. charcoal iron tubes of best puddled iron skelp, with a perfect welded seam, tested for 500 pounds pressure. These tubes are pre- ferred under conditions where iron is less quickly pitted and corroded than steel. seamless steel tubes of best low carbon, low phosphorus, low sulphur, open hearth steel. Approximate physical properties are: Tensile Strength, 50,000 pounds; Elastic Limit, 35,000 pounds, and Elongation, 33 per cent. These tubes combine great ductility, high strength value, welding value superior to iron, great accuracy of diameter and gauge. The fact that they are pierced from solid billets and worked down to tube form insures a quality of tube superior to others in resistance to pitting and safety under cold working. •S Average Stock Diameter in Inches Length in Feet Average Stock Diameter Inches Length i Feet 2 S*"aS h-5 !§ as *; O 3% 9-2 EC 2 8 a -a 1-1 O 1— "a il m 1 Xl2 400 550 400 175 300 150 250 200 2 x 3J4 x 4 X 4^ x 5 x 53^ x 6 x 6^ x 7 x 7y 2 X 8 X 9 xlO Xll Xl2 xl3 xl4 xl5 xl6 xl8 x20 300 400 225 400 300 550 500 275 250 350 450 350 325 300 175 350 240 300 350 150 200 250 160 175 210 475 350 250 150 200 300 275 ' 290 100 175 125 235 250 100 175 1Mxlo xl2 150 xl4 VAxlO xl2 425 400 260 xl4 150 Xl6 250 VAX 5 xlO Xl2 Xl4 xl6 250 500 550 250 250 275 100 150 200 200 200 225 200 225 250 200 2x2 x 2y 2 x 3 160 125 140 ' 150 " 250 ' 150 100 For Price List, see page 832. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson Son — New York 402 I N S T UCK FOR I M M E D I AT E bill 1* M E N 1 BOILER TUBES CONTINUED a a Average Stock Diameter in Inches Length in Feet Average Stock f-s Si Q J 2 J" 3 U o r 125 200 100 250 -0 || r h fa J 1 2 1 1 xlO 200 160 250 300 3',xl0 Xl2 xll xl6 xl7 3i 2 xl0 xliH Xl2 Xl2^ Xl3 Xl4 xl5 Xl6 xis x20 4 xl2 xl4 xl5 xl6 xl7 xlS x20 X22 4i..xl6 xl8 x20 X22 5 Xl8 X20 6 xir- is x20 X22 <24 150 200 150 125 xl2 xM xl6 150 250 2'..x 2 x 5 200 150 350 150 250 300 200 200 200 250 275 200 150 250 125 125 400 220 175 300 230 200 x 5^ x 6 x 6K> x 7 "200" 175 300 350 150 150 250 150 "*150 150 100 150 250 190 200 100 225 290 150 250 250 x 7^ X 8 300 x 9 xio xl2 350 300 300 300 200 350 600 200 750 275 •JIM) 130 120 100 75 100 100 80 KM) 80 75 7.") 300 250 200 400 xl4 Xl5 xl6 xlS X22 150 200 200 350 500' 400 400 250 250 200 200 275 300 L'lM) 300 160 350 250 250 200 2-, <10 500 175 100 100 70 120 400 600 150 Xl2 Xl4 xlG 3 x 6 150 100 160 150 300 275 "200' 500 200 120 430 220 150 300 350 300 500 100 80 ' KM) XlO xll Xl2 Xl3 • 1 1 Xl5 • L6 • L8 X20 For Price List, lee p:v«< S Chicago — Joseph T . IyiISOI I 6 O M — N IV V u r k IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 403 BOILER TUBES CONTINUED We have machinery for cutting boiler tubes to exact length rapidly and without leaving a burr on the tube. Cutting to length and thread- ing done at a small advance over cost of the tube. Tubes which are cut from stock can be annealed upon request at a small charge. We are also in a position to furnish promptly from Chicago stock seamless brass and copper tubes of any size required. We can furnish safe ends out of stock in any diameter and length. COLD DRAWN SEAMLESS STEEL TUBING FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES Cold Drawn Seamless Steel Tubing is now being used extensively for various mechanical and engineering purposes. It is made of high grade material so that it machines readily and cuts free and clean. Owing to its smooth finish and slight variation in diameter and gauge it can often be used to advantage in place of parts usually machined from solid stock. We can furnish promptly from Chicago stock any standard size of mechanical tubing required, and can secure special sizes promptly from the mill. EXTRAS TO BE DEDUCTED FROM BASE DISCOUNT Thick- ness Equiva- lent in Decimal of Inch Outside Du meter in Inches B.W.G. and Fractions \2 % K H 1 Ws m m m IK 2 2H 2V 2 2% 20 .035 .049 .065 .083 .095 .109 .120 .134 .156 .188 .218 .250 35 25 21 18 15 13 11 25 21 18 15 13 11 9 8 21 18 15 13 11 9 8 7 6 5 18 15 13 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 15 13 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 13 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 n 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 18 16 14 13 5 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 12 11 10 7 H Note . — Lower the base discount by the number of points indicated for each size and gauge. List on page 832. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 404 I N S T C K F u R 1 M M EDI A 1 E SUIT M E N T THE CONTINENTAL BOILER WITH MORISON CORRUGATED FURNACE THIS IS THE MOST EFFICIENT. THE MOST ECONOMICAL AND THE SAFEST BOILER BUILT Its efficiency is due primarily to the fact that the boiler is entirely self-contained. There is no brick setting to absorb and radiate the heat into the boiler room. Every unit has to pass into the water surrounding the furnace, and thus the evaporation per pound of fuel is greater than with other types of boilers, in which part of the heat is spent in heating up many thousand bricks. Its economy rests in its simplicity of construction. There is nothing to get out of order, no brick setting to crack from the alter- nate heating and cooling; no cast-iron connections which may be honeycombed with blowholes, and a continual source of anxiety. It is economical in space, and a greater amount of horse-power can be installed in a given cubical space than in any other type of boiler. It is easily I learn d, and will give as high a factor of evaporation at the end of the tenth year as at the beginning of the first. Its safety is a matter of record. A boiler of this type has never been known to explode though more than '25,000 are in use. The Continental Boiler with Morison Corrugated Furnaces is not patented, and may be l>uilt l>y any shop having the necessary equip- ment. W '»• .shall Ik- ploflood to send drawings and full information to any one contemplating the installation of a power plant or to any one interested in boiler design and const ruction. Chicago — .1 " - i r n I . RtlllOl I S • > n - N t u V k k IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIA T E S TT T P M E N T 40 : MORISON CORRUGATED FURNACES FOR CONTINENTAL AND LANCASHIRE BOILERS The cut above represents the Morison Corrugated Furnace, made by the Continental Iron Works of Brooklyn, N. Y. The corru- gations of Morison furnaces give them great rigidity and practically guarantee them against crushing. At the same time these corru- gations greatly increase the heating surface, and, by retarding the passage of hot gases and flame, serve as baffle plates, increasing the efficiency of the boiler. Alternate expansion and contraction of the furnace tends to loosen scale from its exterior— an important con- sideration. Standard stationary furnaces are made in three styles. Type "A" has two "outside" plain ends. In other words, the I. D. of the plain ends is the same as the greatest I. D. of corrugations. Type "B" has two "inside" plain ends and type "C" has one "out- side" end and one "inside" end. Marine furnaces may be either straight end or flanged end. The latter are known as the removable type. Send for Continental catalogue, giving typical designs, both stationary and marine types. PRESSED STEEL LOOP HANGERS PRICE LIST AND DIMENSIONS Thickness Length Over All Weight Each Price Each s 16 H H 22 22M 22M 22% 12 13 14 19 SO. 75 1.00 1.00 1.50 Chicago — Joseph T. RyersoK & Son — New York 400 IN ST C K FOR 1 M M I n I A T E SIIIPMEN T RYERSON BOILER HANGERS The design of Ryerson Hangers develops maximum strength with a minimum of material and eliminates riveting through three thick- nesses of plate as is the case with the old style hand-forged hanger. The hangers are formed on hydraulic presses from Flange Steel Plate and no heating or hammering is necessary to fit them t<> a boiler. PRICE LIST AND DIMENSIONS Size Hanger Thickness of Material Width over all Width between Vertical Ribs . . Height over all Width of Flange Height from Center line of Boiler to Base of Rod Surface Height from Center line of Boiler to lowest point of Hanger Diameter Of Suspending Rod. . . . Sue Hole Drilled for Rod Number of Rivets used in each Sl/e of Idvets Distance between Rivet lines in Rangei of fir>t Rivets ErOO bottom of Hangar Center to Center of Kivet.s in Rivet in Center of ToB 1 l.m/e f r< >rn Tup EdfS 1 i'li, poundi h 36 A 4', 6 i LA 4 $0.sn 42 6 1M $o.w 48 5 BK 7', 3 1', 1A H VH i'- m 9 $F32 54 n% 5 8] 3\ 4 IX 1A H 9H i'< u $1.44 60 ISM 10» 4 10M tk n 66 M ln ( , Uk Sk I - ii i Ik UMP M 72 r,i . 8 3 S 4 12 4*4 1 S 4 ifi i:t m BO $3.30 78 15$ 8 3 S 4 BH 2 2A 7 1 Ik $3.60 B4 I 3 s k 14 Ik 7 1 13 411 BB.M C H I i a i; «> - I K.iK-.-. I So M \ i u Vmkk N STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 407 BEST BOILER LUG These lugs, pressed from flange steel plate, have grooves in the bottom legs for rollers. As will be noted from the illustration, there are no flanges on the sides of the lug to interfere with punching from either side or machine riveting. The lugs are formed true to sweep, so that no heating or hammering is necessary to fit them to the boiler. An excellent slip lug can be made of the Best Lug by cutting a U-shaped plate, rolling it to fit over the leg next to the boiler and extending about 33^ inches beyond on top and sides, and riveting it to the boiler with a filler plate between. PRICE LIST AND DIMENSIONS Diameter, Boiler, Inches Price Weight, Pounds . . Thickness Height on Boiler. Length, Projection Width of Lug.... Height Above Center 30 SO. 78 36 $0.94 42 $1.16 10J4 Yi 8 8 48 $1.34 13 A 8 8 8 3K 54 $2.00 20^ 16 10 10 10 3J4 $2.32 25 H 10 10 10 $2.92 34 N 12 12 12 4J4 72 $3.32 40 12 12 12 78 $3.76 46 % 12 12 12 84 $4.20 50 u * 12 12 $4.64 56 % 12 12 12 42 inch lugs fit 44 inch boilers perfectly and are furnished when 44 inch lugs are ordered. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson Son — New York 40R IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT RYERSON FORGED STEEL FLANGES We carry in stock three kinds of flanges; light Tank Flanges which are especially adapted for tanks and thin plate work, standard Boiler Flanges which are for use on boilers and pressure tanks where pipe connections are necessary, and Marine Flanges which are extra heavy for high pressure. We always have on hand a large supply of flat flanges, and flanges bent to all standard sweeps. Special sizes and sweeps c:in he fur- nished very promptly. All of our flanges are forged from solid steel billets. The core is punched out under the hammer, so that the threads run flush to the bottom of the flange. The flanges are lathe finished to a beveled edge for calking and every flange is tested for the threads before shipment. FORGED STEEL BOILER FLANGES LIST PRICE AND DIMENSIONS Size Pipe, Diameter, Thickness, Depth of Flanges, Price, Price, I nches Inches Inches Inches Threaded Plain H 6 16 1 $1.70 $1.00 l 6 5 IT 1 1 80 1.00 m ti'. 3 16 1 1.95 1 7 5 i' > 7 H IX 2 25 2.05 2 8 H l'l 2.50 2 35 2', m : 's IX 2 60 2 4.") 3 9 IH 2.80 2 05 m !»'., A i'. 3 20 3.00 4 10 s 2 3 50 3 36 4', :<>>, ', 2 1 20 4 oo 5 ip. 1 _' 2 5 00 J 75 6 12', \i 2 6 (HI 5 70 7 M % 2'-, 9 INI 8 00 s 15 ->', 12 00 11.40 Hi -"< 20 (Mi 17.00 10 17', 2H 25 00 21 00 12 20 2H 30.00 26 00 C ii i < too Jos ir ii T. Rtiiioi I Son Kiw Y <■ r k IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 40*) RYERSON FORGED STEEL FLANGES CONTINUED FORGED STEEL TANK FLANGES PRICE LIST AND DIMENSIONS Price Each. Flat Thick- Depth of Diameter Price for Size Inches eter ness Hub of Hub Threaded Plain Bending 1 5 3 16 n 16 IK $1.60 $1.40 $0.20 IK 5^ H 16 2^ 1.75 1.55 .20 m 6 % H 2A 2.00 1.80 .25 2 m U *4 3^ 2.40 2.10 .25 2V ?I 7V?, _5_ 16 l ■Jie 2.60 2.30 .30 3 8 5 16 m 4_5_ ^16 2.80 2.65 .30 3H 8H fV IVs 4M 3.60 3.05 .35 4 m 3 /8 1& 5^ 4.00 3.35 .35 m 10 % 1M 5% 4.75 4.00 .40 5 11 M ifV °16 6.50 4.75 .40 6 12 « 1H 7il • 16 7.50 6.00 .45 FORGED STEEL MARINE FLANGES LIST PRICE AND DIMENSIONS Size, Diameter, Thickness, Depth of Price, Price, Inches Inches Inches Flanges, Inches Threaded Plain V/o 7 y 2 IVs $2.40 $2.28 2 8 V2 m 2.50 2.35 VA 8}4 Vo m 2.60 2.45 3 9 9 16 m 2.80 2.65 3^ m 9 16 i% 3.20 3.00 4 n 11 2M 3.50 3.35 4^ ny 2 M 2% 4.20 4.00 5 12V 2 H 2% 5.00 4.75 6 l&A H 3 6.00 5.70 Write for discounts. JOINT CEMENT For the purpose of making tight the joints of light steel tanks, steel silos, gas holders and similar work, we recommend this cement as superior to tar paper, or asbestos strip, and less expensive than red lead. When applied between the surfaces of a joint it hardens in about ten hours, making a tight elastic seam unaffected by water, oil, acids or heat. We are prepared to furnish the cement in 5, 10 or 25 pound cans, and 50, 100, 200 or 500 pound kegs, and can make shipment immedi- ately upon receipt of order. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryer & Son — New York 410 IN STOCK F K I M M E D I A T E S II I P M E N I PRESSED STEEL BOILER NOZZLES Made of flange steel, 60,000 pounds tensile strength, having body pressed from % inch and flange from V/i inch plate. Saddle flanges are bent over solid forms to desired sweep. Nozzles can be riveted to boilers or tanks on hydraulic or other power riveters, thereby saving extra cost of hand work and giving the job more workmanlike appearance. Flange has a smooth even finished surface and requires no machining other than drilling for bolts. Stronger, lighter, cheaper and in every way better than cast iron Nozzles. Nozzles are guaranteed tight under 1,500 pounds pressure. SIZES IN STOCK A Inches B Inches c Inches D Inches E Inches F Inches G Inches List Price 4 10 14*4 •>', m / 48,54,60 \ 66,72 / $13.50 5 11 !.-,•, •-»■,' LH 00,72 66,78 / 66,78 \ 72,84 72,84 \ 78,90 j 14.00 6 7 l- n _' 11 17 19 6 1'; 1'. L5.00 16.00 8 us 20 6 1 - \ 18,60 \ 84,96 J 26 (hi Dimension "D" can be varied slightly. The priNI Kiv.-n above .ire for standard sweeps. Nozzles can be furnished with swr. p> .,\. i- ,,r under standard at an extra of 75 cents net Chicago — J >• - i r n I . Ryu \ ■ w Y <• r k IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE FHIPMENT 411 WELDLESS STEEL BOILER BRACE Carefully made of flange steel plate, pressed into shape at one heat and annealed; assures a brace free from welds, latent strains or forging flaws. These braces are easily fitted in the boiler, have no pockets to collect scale and sediment and are so designed that the pull on the rivets is direct. There is no prying-off strain as is apparent in other forms of braces. These braces are acceptable to Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Companies, State Boiler Inspection Depart- ments and to the U. S. Government when tested as required for marine work. APPROXIMATE WEIGHT OF STOCK SIZES Length in Inches Thickness in Inches 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. 7 16 15.1 18.5 18 20.7 21.6 24.5 24.3 30 27.2 31 30 33.7 33 38 35 41.8 When ordering, specify thickness and length. Braces of special length or to meet Government or other special requirements, made to order only. NUMBER OF BRACES USUALLY PUT IN STANDARD TUBULAR BOILERS Diameter of Shell 36 Inch 42 Inch 44 Inch 48 Inch Number of Tubes 26 3 In. Tubes 26 3MIn. Tubes 30 33^ In. Tubes 18 4 In. Tubes 34 3^ In. Tubes 30 4 In. Tubes 28 3HIn. Tubes 26 4 In. Tubes | 42 inch braces « 48 inch braces * 54 inch braces 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 6 2 6 2 5 3 5 4 to 60 inch braces 1 ,S 72 inch braces Total, 6 6 6 6 8 8 9 9 Diameter of Shell 54 Inch 60 Inch 66 Inch 72 Inch Number of Tubes 44 3HIn. Tubes 36 4 In. Tubes 54 3*4 In. Tubes 44 4 In. Tubes 54 4 In. Tubes 66 5J4In. Tubes 54 4 In. Tubes 86 33^ In. Tubes 70 4 In. Tubes 1 42 inch braces m 48 inch braces ** 54 inch braces 6 5 7 7 7 8 8 10 7 6 2 9 7 M 60 inch braces .3 72 inch braces 4 2 3 2 5 2 5 3 4 2 6 3 5 2 4 2 Total, 12 10 14 15 13 17 15 25 22 NOTE. — The great variety of tube spacing and the difference in pressures makes an almost infinite variety in number, length and thickness of braces to be used. The above table, however, can be accepted as illustrating common practice in the styles of boilers named for ordinary pressures. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 412 IN STOCK PnR I M M E D I A T E S TI I P M E N t MANHOLES AND COVERS MANHOLE IN HEAD WITH COVER AND FITTINGS COMPLETE PRICE LIST Including Flanging and Planing of Manhole, Cover, Crabs, Bolts and Gasket. No. Nominal Siie, Inches Actual Size. Inches In Heads less than 3 4 inch Thick In Heads 3 4 Inch and \l inch Thick In Heads 7 s inch Thick Castings Only Flanging and Ptaning Hole Only 1 2 3 9x14 10x16 11x15 18x22 9 xl4i 4 9^x15^ I0%xl5 165 8X22 A $10.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 $11.00 11.00 11.00 $12.00 12.00 12.00 $ 6.00 6.00 6.00 12.00 14.00 4.00 4.00 8.00 All Manhole Covers furnished as above are cast iron fitted with lead gaskets. Castings are of the finest grade of gray iron, solid and true to pattern. The gasket recess which prevents the gasket from squeezing out under pressure is an advantage not possessed by any other type. Another advantage is the handle by use of which the manhead can be located and held in place while the crabs and bolts are adjusted. Crabs for Nos. 1, 2 and 3 are of pressed steel and for No. 5 of cast iron. Cover plates, crabs, bolts and gaskets for Manhole sizes listed above are curried in stock, other sizes can be furnished promptly. DIRECTIONS FOR ORDERING When ordering M:inholes in heads, state size, locution with refer- ence to the rim or center of head mni whether flanged the same way or Opposite to rim flange. Chicago — fours T . Rtiiiom 1 So m -N i « Y <» r k IN STOCK FOR I M M E D I A T E SHll'MEN T 413 MANHOLES AND COVERS CONTINUED MANHOLE SADDLE WITH COVER AND FITTINGS COMPLETE PRICE LIST Including Saddle Plate, Flanging and Planing of Manhole, Cover, Crabs, Bolts and Gasket. Number Nominal Size. Inches Actual Size, Inches With Saddle Plate Y% inch Thick or Less, for Diameter over 30 inches 1 2 3 5 9x14 10x16 11x15 18x22 9 xl4^ 9^x153^ 10^x15 16^x22^ $13.00 13.00 13.00 29.00 We carry Y% inch thickness Saddle Plates in stock, but can furnish % inch thickness made up to order at $15.00 for Nos. 1, 2 and 3, and $33.00 for No. 5. Saddle Plates, % inch thick, formed to sweep for standard size of boilers and flanged for No. 2 Manhole, are carried in stock. Blank plates, Y% inch thick, cut to size, are also carried in stock and can be formed to sweep and manhole flanged and planed as required. All saddle plates are large enough to allow for a double row of rivets. Pressed Steel Cover Plates for standard size Manholes can be furnished promptly. When ordering Saddle Plates, give Manhole size, inside diameter of shell on which saddle is to be used and whether short dimension of Manhole is to be lengthwise of shell as shown in the illustration or otherwise. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York IN STOCK FOR IMMKD1A T E SHI P M E N L HANDHOLES AND COVERS CONTINUED Nominal Size Punching Hole, Cover Plate and Fittings Complete Punching Handhole Only Cover Plate Only Approximate Weight 3 x4 4 x6 5 x7 6 x8 6 x9 $1.75 1.85 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 $1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.25 $1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 7 13 15 23 25 26 Handhole covers and crabs furnished from above list are cast iron. Pressed steel covers and crabs 4"x6", e'xS* and CxlO" can be furnished promptly from factory . PRESSED STEEL CRABS These crabs or yokes are made of open hearth steel plate, and are of ample strength for general manhole and handhole purposes. Bile No. 1 is carried in stock; other sizes can be furnished promptly from factory. PRICE LIST AND DIMENSIONS Number Length r All Height 1 Her All Bolt Hole Price Approximate Weight 00 B H $0.50 10 1 ;;; ,60 1 1 13 ."> i/.. .60 6 2 15 i,:. 70 10 a 16 6 i\ .75 n 4 17 i ■- .85 13 ( ji i c A c O — J o s e r ii I RtIIIOK \ So M N I w VolK IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 415 FUSIBLE PLUGS These plugs are made of a bronze casing filled with a good banca tin and stamped in accordance with requirements of U. S. Steamboat Inspection Service. PRICE LIST Pipe Tap, Size l A % 1 m IH 2 Price, Each $0.60 $0.75 $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 $3.00 FLUE PLUGS Made of good quality gray iron, smooth and uniform, these plugs will be found as satisfactory for shutting off leaking flues as the more expensive and complicated types. PRICE LIST Flue Size 2 2V 2 3 3^ 4 Price, each $0.40 $0.50 $0.60 $0.80 $1.00 Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York -116 IN STOCK FOR I M M EDI A T E SHIPMENT BOILER STAY BOLTS Diameter op Stat Bolts, in Inches |Q 36 H H ? K IJandl m IH per foot 10.40 $060 $0.80 $1.00 $1.30 $1.50 We always carry in stock a large supply of all the above sizes in 36 inch lengths, made of high grade stay-bolt iron, and can furnish special lengths promptly. Lengths are exclusive of heads, which are made 1 inch long unless otherwise specified. For stay bolts less than 1 foot long above prices are per bolt. Write for discounts. STAY BOLT TAPS SIZES AND LIST PRICE When ordering Stay Bolt Taps give diameter at largest part and number of threads to the inch, stating whether "V" or U. S. form of thread; also give lengths of parts A, B, C, D and E, with the length over all. These taps will be furnished in either U. S. form or "V" form of thread, 12 to the inch at regular list and discount. They will be sent with 12 "V" threads to the inch unless otherwise specified. Diameter given is that of the thread at its straight part. Prices are for each inch of length 16 inches and upwards. Taps shorter than 16 inches will be charged as if 16 inches long. We regularly carry 18 and 24 inch lengths in stock. Blank order forms will be sent on application. Illrt'llit.T, Pkiaa I- r Inch Mfer, lashei Price per inch Diameter, Inches Price per Iuch w Vs $0 40 .66 Hftoi 1 i*« t«» l*s $0 45 .00 I h to Ik iAtoi» 2 $0.50 70 Chicago — J (- > l r li T . RyIIIOI W Yoil IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 417 BOILER PATCH BOLTS PRICE PER 100 TURNED AND THREADED Length from Diameter Largest Diameter of Bevel Point \i Vs H Hand^ Handl m VA Vx. . $3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.25 $4.25 4.50 4.80 5.10 5.50 6.50 7 A-.. $6.00 6.50 6.80 7.25 8.25 1 $ 9.50 9.85 10.25 11.25 $13.50 14.00 14.75 16.25 $18.50 19.25 20.25 22.50 lj/g $25 . 50 \\i 27.00 V/ 2 30.50 Threads to inch 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 PATCH BOLT TAPS SIZES AND LIST PRICE Diameter, Price, Diameter, Price, Diameter, Price, Inches Each Inches Each Inches Each V2 $0.70 % $1.20 1 $2.00 9 16 .80 13. 16 1.40 1^ 2.15 Vs .90 14 1.60 IVs 2.25 ii 16 1.05 H 1.80 VA 2.60 These taps are made especially for boilermakers. They a*-e slightly tapered for the purpose of making the bolt a steam-tight fit and have 12 threads to the inch. Any size furnished promptly. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 418 I N SI OCK 1 OB 1 M M E I) I A T K SHI V M E X T PURE SHEET COPPER SEAMLESS BOILER TUBE FERRULES WITH OR WITHOUT FLANGE STANDARD PRICE LIST PER 100 ADOPTED JULY 1. 1912 Inside Width Thickness of Copper Diameter, Inches a A h A A A X 1 1 2 $5.10 6.30 $ 7.50 9.30 $9.50 11.75 $11.75 14.50 $13.50 16.50 $15.50 19.00 $16. 50 20.00 1J4 6.30 7.80 9.30 11.60 11.75 14.50 14.50 18.25 16.50 20.50 19.00 23.50 20.00 24 . 75 1M 7.50 9.30* 11.40 14.20 14.00 17.00 17.76 21.75 19.50 25.00 23 . 00 28.50 24.00 29.75 \% % 8.70 10.80 12.90* 13.20 16.40 19.60 16.25 20.25 24.25* 20.50 25.50 30.50 22.50 28.50 34.50 26.00 33.00 40.00 27.25 34.75 42.00 Hi I l 9.30 11.60 13.90 16.20 18.50 14.20 17.70 21.20 24.70 28.20 17.00 21.50 26.00* 30 . 50 35.00 21.75 27.00 32.26 37 . 50 42.75 25.00 31.00 37.00 43.00 49.00 28.50 35.50 42.50 49.50 56.50 30.00 37.50 44.75 52 . 25 59.50 2 "A l 9.80 12.30 14.80* 17.30 19.80 14.90 18.60 22.30 26.00 29.70 18.25 23.00 27.75* 32.50 37 . 25 23 . 00 28.75 34.50 40.25 46.00 25.50 32 . 00 38.50 45.00 51.50 30.00 37.50 45.00 52.50 60.00 31.50 39 . 50 47.50 55 . 25 63 . 2.". 2X H H l 13.50 16.30* 19.10 21.90 20.40 24.60 28.80 33.00 25.25 30.50* 35 . 75 41.00 31.75 38.25 44 7.-. 61.26 36.00 43.00 50 . 00 57 . 00 41.50 50.00 58.50 67.00 43.60 .-»_•:.(> 01 :.o 70.60 2', l i r, . 00 is. 10* 2 1 20 24 30 22.80 27.40 32.00 36.60 28.25 34.00* 39.76 45.50 35.75 ■!_' 7.-. 49 7.". 66 . 76 30 . 60 17 r»() 55.50 63 . 50 46 ."><> 55.50 64 60 73 . 50 49.00 68 mi 77.60 :; 21.90* 26 .-,n _".». in 33 . 00 ::s. in 43.80 41.00* 17 7.". 54.50 51 .00 .Vi .Mi 68.00 .-,7 on 66 .">(> 70.00 66. 50 77.60 88 60 7(> (HI M Mi 23 . 70 27 60 31.50 36 . 70 11 .60 47.60 t 1 26 < :>1 :,(i 58.75 .-,.-, .mi c i .Mi 73.50 62.00 72.00 82.00 72 (Mi 84.00 96.00 7 ."> 7 .') ,XX Ml loi .26 U 60< 29.30 34.00 37.00 44 (HI 51.00 45.75* .-, 1 .-,n 63.25 57 . 25 68 26 79.25 64.00 76 . 00 88.00 75.00 89.00 103.00 70 oo 4 l 33 . 60 38 . 40 48 00 50.70 67.90 72 30 63.00 72.00 «>o no 79.00 90 26 112 75 88.00 100.00 124 00 103.00 117 (HI 145 00 108 . 50 123 26 163.00 [tana marked * are curled in stock. promptly (Tom tin- factory. Discounts furnished on application. Other sizes can bo furnished Chicago — Josef h i . Rvmoi I S •• Yobs IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT t BURDEN IRON RIVETS FOR BOILERS CONE HEAD 501 t Diameter Average Diameter Average Diameter Average and Stock and Stock and Stock Length Kegs Length Kegs Length Kegs 1-2x % 20 5-8x3 15 11-16x5^ 15 x Vs 15 x3H 10 x5^ 15 xl 15 x3M 30 x5M 10 xlK 10 x3^ 15 x6 20 xlK 10 xd% 10 xVA 10 xiy 8 20 X4 20 x7 5 x\y 2 20 X4^ 15 -xiy 8 15 x4K 10 xl% 30 x±% 10 3-4x1 25 xl% 30 X5 20 xl% 30 X2 30 x5^ 10 xiy 30 x23^ 10 x5^ 15 xiy 8 30 x2M 15 X5M 10 xiy 2 50 x23^ 25 X6 10 x\% 30 X2M 15 xVA 5 xl% 60 x3 20 xVA 10 xiy 8 50 X3M 15 x7 5 X2 60 X3H 15 X2% 30 x4 10 x2M 70 x4K 10 11-16x1 10 x2^ 35 X5 5 xiH 10 X2V 2 80 xiH 15 X2^ 30 xl% 15 x2% 20 5-8x % 30 xiy 2 10 X2% 30 x K 25 xl% 15 x3 60 xl 25 x\% 10 xsy 30 Y.IV* 20 XV/ 8 10 xzy 2 40 x\y 30 X2 15 xd% 15 Y\V% 20 X2K 10 X4 20 xiy 2 40 X2M 15 3-4x4J4 15 XX% 30 X2J^ 20 x4^ 10 xiM 15 X2M 15 x5% 10 xVA 15 x3 25 X6 15 X2 40 x3M 10 X6M 10 x2^ 20 x33^ 15 xVA 20 X2M 20 X3^ 20 xG% 10 X2^ 10 X4 15 xl 20 X2^ 50 x4M 15 x7H 10 X2^ 20 x4H 20 xiy 2 25 x2M 20 X4^ 10 x8 15 X2% 15 x5 10 x&y 2 10 Countersunk or round head Burden Iron Rivets can be furnished promptly from the mill. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York soa f 1 N STOCK I'OR I M M IDl A I I. S II 1 r M IN I BURDEN IRON RIVETS FOR BOILERS CONE HEAD -CONTINUED t Diameter Average Diameter Average Diameter Avcracc and Stork and Stock and Stock Length Kegs I/Cngth Keg8 15 Length Kegs 13-16x1' i 11) 7-8x2 r 'K 11-16x4^ 20 xiH 1") X2H 20 x5 15 X\% 20 x3 10 x5H 10 xlK 15 x3H 10 x6 10 x'2 20 X3M 15 x6H 15 x'2M 20 xsy 2 30 x7 10 X2H 15 x33 4 20 X2H 20 X4 15 1x2 ,) vm 10 x4K 15 X ')l { 15 x3M x3 x3^ 10 1.-) 1.-) xV 2 Xl ;i 4 xo 20 15 20 X2] i x2 5 « 15 20 10 X3H 20 X5 1 4 15 x2§4 15 x3?4 x4 10 1.-) xoli X» 3 4 20 10 X27 8 x3 xZH x3'> 25 20 x4^ 10 x6 20 20 x4H 10 xQH 30 25 x4M 10 xVA 35 x33^ x4 10 x5 15 x63 4 20 20 x5^ xoH 15 10 x7 X7W 30 20 x41 4 x4>> 10 10 x5% X6 15 15 x7} 2 x7U 10 10 x*H x5 x5 1 4 ' 10 15 10 x6K 15 X8 15 X6H 10 x8) 2 10 x5' ■■> 10 x6^ 20 x9 20 x6 15 x7 x7M 15 10 xio xii 15 10 xfyi .111, x7 10 16 15 7-8xl ] t 10 15-16x2 10 XlN 25 X2U 10 1 1-8x3 10 20 x2H 5 xSH 10 15 x24 10 x3H 15 • 1 '. 20 X2^ 20 x4 20 10 x3 20 x4' 4 15 x2 30 x3» 4 15 P , 10 X2H 15 x3',, 25 x4ft 20 20 x3* 4 •20 x5 20 15 x4 HO xlO i:, x2H 30 15 O ouBla nwnk <»r round bead Burden Iron pro m p tl y faon the mill Q ii i c aqo losim r Kvuioi & Kiwts ran bo furni>lu I 1 -• 40 x2^ 190 x4 3 4 45 5-8x H 25 40 x5 •20 20 120 •»', 20 xl 25 X2% 135 . .,' , 15 15 x3 85 x6 25 •i 1 , 15 ay 4 GO xL\ 40 xVA 85 1 x2H 20 30 100 x3 20 20 x4 35 ay 4 15 70 • »'; 75 i;» 20 ■ !' , 65 20 x2 100 x5 30 x4 25 X2> i 30 35 I'. 10 65 <4H 10 20 7-8x1', 20 x5 20 x2H 30 xl 3 * 20 ••••: 15 15 <1M 20 x6 20 x23 /4 ' 25 Carried In stock in loo-pound kegs. Chicago — J ots r ■ i . Rrin n V"«k IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 505 ¥ COUNTERSUNK HEAD STEEL RIVETS ¥ Diameter Avg. Diameter Avg. Diameter Avg. Diameter Avg. and Stock and Stock and Stock and Stock Length Kegs Length Kegs Length Kegs Length Kegs 1-2x % 5 1-2x2^ 6 3-4x1 3 3-4x3^ 8 xl 5 5-8x1 4 xiy 4 X4 10 x\y 8 8 xiM 8 xiy 2 8 x4^ 5 xlM 6 xiy 2 5 xlM 7 7-8x2 3 xiy 8 6 xl% 3 x2 9 x2M 10 x\y 2 9 xl% 6 x2K 6 x23^ 6 xm 3 x2 9 x23^ 6 X2% 6 xl% 5 x2M 6 x2% 5 X3 9 X2 3 x2H 5 x3 5 x33^ 6 X2M 3 x3 3 x3M 4 X4 6 T TINNERS' RIVETS OR POUND RIVETS T Average Stock, Pounds Size Average Stock, Pounds Size Average Stock, Pounds Size Flat Head and Pan Head, Black Flat Head, Metallic Tinned Flat Head and Pan Head, Black Flat Head, Metallic Tinned Flat Head and Pan Head, Black Flat Head, Metallic Tinned 1 lb. 1M" 2 " 2M" 500 500 "800" 500 600 500 900 1000 800 3 1b. 4 " 5 " 6 " 7 " 600 1000 600 800 800 800 500 1000 1000 1200 81b. 10 " 12 " 14 " 16 " 1500 800 1200 900 1000 1000 TANK AND SHEET RIVETS CONE HEAD Diameter Avg. Diameter Avg. Diameter Avg. Diameter Avg. and Stock and Stock and Stock and Stock Length Lbs. Length Lbs. Length Lbs. Length Lbs. 1-4x % 600 1-4x3 600 3-8x y 8 3500 7-16x y 8 1200 x y 2 800 5-1 6x y 2 500 xl 4000 X % 1300 X y 8 900 x % 1200 xl3^ 3000 x y 8 1000 x h 600 x % 1500 xiy 1200 xl 1200 x % 900 x % 600 x\y 8 2000 x\y 8 900 xl 1800 xl 1500 x\y 2 900 xiK 1400 xiy 8 700 xiy 8 600 x\y 8 900 x\% 2000 xiM 1000 xlM 900 xlM 1500 x\y 2 2100 xl% 2000 xiy 8 1000 xi% 1600 x\y 8 600 x\y 2 1500 x\y 2 600 X2 900 xl% 1200 x\y 8 1200 x\y 8 500 x2^ 1200 xVA 1100 xiM 900 x\% 600 x2^ 800 X2 500 X2 800 xVA 1600 x2^ 700 x2H 500 x2H 600 3-8x y 2 1800 x2^ 500 x2y 2 600 x2y 2 600 x y 8 3000 X2% 1100 x2% 300 x2% 700 X % 2800 x3 600 x3 300 Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York r.ort N STOCK FOR I M M K D I A T E S TT I V M I . N I TANK AND SHEET RIVETS CONTINUED ROUND HEAD Diameter Avg. Diameter ATg, Diameter Avg. Diameter Avg. and Stock and Stock and Stock- and Stock Length LI*. Length Lbs. Length Lbs. Length Lbs. 3-1 6x X 1700 1-4x H 2400 5-16x1*8 2200 3-8x134 1700 x X 2000 xl 1200 xlX 2000 X2 1800 x x 2200 xlX 1000 xm 1600 x2^ 800 X X 2400 xlX 800 xl% 900 x2X 900 x H 1900 xix 900 xlX 900 x3 600 x X 2000 xix 600 x2 700 xl 1200 x2 700 x2H .500 7-16x X 1200 xlH 600 x2M 600 x2X 600 X 3 4 1700 xlX 900 x2X 300 x3 300 x X 2000 xi 3 8 500 x2% 400 xl 2000 xl 1 . 1000 x3 400 3-8x X 3.500 xlX 3200 Xl-8 600 x X 2800 x\% 2700 Xl 3 4 .500 5-16x X 1800 x h 2600 xlX 2100 x2 600 x X 1500 x ,'s 2500 xlX 2000 x y 8 1200 xl 2300 Xl 3 4 1600 1-4x A 900 X % 1000 xlX 2400 x2 12(H) x % 1000 x X 6500 xlX 3000 x2H 900 x x 1200 xl .5000 xlX 1800 X2X 900 X ^ 2000 xlX 2000 x\y 2 2600 x2 3 4 600 x H 2600 xlX 1800 xlX 2000 x3 800 PAN HEAD Diameter Av-. Diameter Avg. Diameter Avg. Diameter Avg. and Btoeh and Stock and Stock and Stock Length Lbs. Length Lbs. Length Lbs. Length Lbs. 1-4x X 300 5-16x X 900 3-8x 3 4 2000 7-16x 3 4 1300 1000 xl 300 x H 2200 x ' 8 900 x X 1200 xlX 2000 xl 1800 xl 1.500 x % 900 xlX 1800 xl 1 . 900 ax i2oo x U 800 xl 3 . 1500 xlX 1200 <1X 1000 xl 1000 xlX 2000 xlX 900 xl 3 . m) x2 900 1.500 <1X 1000 <1X 1200 x\X 800 xlX 800 a !HH> 5-16x X 000 i 6 6H 7 7H 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 $1.70 1.78 1.86 1.94 2.02 2.10 2.18 2.26 2.34 2.42 2.50 2.58 2.66 •2.74 2.90 3.06 3.22 3.38 3.54 3.70 3 86 4.02 4.18 4.34 4.50 4.66 $2.00 2.12 2.24 2.36 2.48 2.60 2.72 2.84 2.96 3.08 3.20 3.32 3.44 3.56 3.80 4.04 4.28 4.52 4.76 5.00 5.24 5.48 5.72 5.96 6.20 6.44 $2.40 2.56 2.72 2.88 3.04 3.20 3.36 3.52 3.68 3.84 4.00 4.16 4.32 4.48 4.80 5.12 5.44 5.76 6.08 6.40 6.72 7.04 7.36 7.68 8.00 8.32 $ 2.80 3.00 3.20 3.40 3.60 3.80 4.00 4.20 4.40 4.60 4.80 5.00 5.20 5.40 5.80 6.20 6.60 7.00 7.40 7.80 8.20 8.60 9.00 9.40 9.80 10.20 $ 3.60 3.86 4.12 4.38 4.64 4.90 5.16 5.42 5.68 5.94 6.20 6.46 6.72 6.98 7.50 8.02 8.54 9.06 9.58 10.10 10.62 11.14 11.66 12.18 12.70 13.22 $ 5.20 5.58 5.96 6.34 6.72 7.10 7.48 7.86 8.24 8.62 9.00 9.38 9.76 10.14 10.90 11.66 12.42 13.18 13.94 14.70 15.46 16.22 16.98 17.74 18.50 19 26 $ 7.70 8.25 8.80 9.35 9.90 10.45 11.00 11.55 12.10 12.65 13.20 13.75 14.30 14.85 15.95 17.05 18.15 19.25 20.35 21.45 22.55 23.65 24.75 25.85 26.95 28.05 29.15 30.25 31.35 32.45 33.55 34.65 35 75 36.85 37.95 39.05 $10.50 11.20 11.90 12.60 13.30 14.00 14.70 15.40 16.10 16.80 17.50 18.20 18.90 19.60 21.00 22.40 23.80 25.20 26.60 28.00 29.40 30.80 32.20 33.60 35.00 36.40 37.80 39.20 40.60 42.00 43.40 44.80 46.20 47.60 49.00 50 40 $15.10 16.00 16.90 17.80 18.70 19.60 20.50 21.40 22.30 23.20 24.10 25.00 25.90 26.80 28.60 30.40 32.20 34.00 35.80 37.60 39.40 41.20 43.00 44.80 46.60 48.40 50.20 52.00 53.80 55.60 57.40 59.20 61.00 62.80 64.60 66.40 $22.50 23.70 24.90 26.10 27.30 28.50 29.70 30.90 32.10 33.30 34.50 36.70 36.90 38.10 40.50 42.90 45.30 47.70 60.10 52.50 54.90 57.30 59.70 62.10 64.50 66.90 69.30 71.70 74.10 76.50 78.90 81.30 83.70 86.10 88.60 90.90 $30.00 31.50 33.00 34.50 36.00 37.50 39.00 40.50 42.00 43.50 45.00 46.50 48.00 49.50 52.60 55.50 58 50 61.50 64.50 67 50 70.50 73.50 76.50 79.50 82.50 85.50 88 50 22 91.60 23 94.60 24 97 60 25 100 50 26 103.50 27 106 60 28 109 60 29 112 50 30 115 50 icWanw per Inch $0.16 M -'4 $0.32 $ 0.40 $ 0.52 $ 0.76 $ 1.16 $ 1.40 $ 1.80 $ 2.40 $ 3.00 r weights, see page 912. CHI! a (. '• - .1 i. I | r ii 1 . KrillOM I Son — Nt w VuRK N STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 509 MACHINE BOLTS The following extras are to be understood as a part of the list: Bolts with Hexagon Heads or Hexagon Nuts, 10 per cent extra. If both Hexagon Heads and Hexagon Nuts, 20 per cent extra. Bolts with tee, askew and eccentric heads, 20 per cent extra. Joint bolts with oblong nuts, 10 per cent extra. Button and countersunk heads are sold from same list. Discount according to quantity. Special bolts with irregular threads and unusual dimensions of heads or nuts will be charged extra at our discretion. NET PRICES FOR EXTRA LENGTH OF THREADS AND EXTRA NUTS LIST OF OCTOBER 1, 1899 Size of Bolt A and Extreme length of thread in inches . . For each additional J4 inch of thread, per 100 bolts .... For one extra square nut, per 100 bolts . For one extra Hexa- gon nut, per 100 bolts For one thumb or wing nut, in place of Hexagon or square, per 100 Extra wing nuts $0.02 .25 .35 $0.02 .35 .45 m $.02£ .45 .55 .60 1.05 1A $0.03 .55 .70 .75 1.30 $0.04 .65 .85 U4 $0.06 .85 1.15 2M $0.08 1.35 1.75 $0.10 2.00 2.50 50.12 3.00 3.60 2% $0.14 4.15 4.85 3M $0.16 5.75 6.65 BOLT ENDS LIST OF OCTOBER 1, 1899 PRICE PER POUND Size of Iron, Inches Length, Price per Wt. lbs. Size of Iron, Inches Length, Price per Wt. lbs. Inches Pound per 100 Inches Pound per 100 5 16 $0.20 15 m 15 $0.11 720 Vh 7 .18 22 m 16 .11 940 tV i .16 31 m 17 .12 1165 H 8 .14 45 i% 18 .12 1405 H 9 .12 90 IVh 19 .12 1800 *4 10 .10 140 2 20 .12 2045 V* 11 .10 212 214 22 .14 3029 l 12 .10 310 2V?, 24 .14 4071 m 13 .10 420 2% 24 .16 4860 1M 14 .11 550 3 26 .18 6354 With Hexagon Nuts, 10 per cent extra. Bolt Ends ordered shorter than above standard lengths in lots of 100 and over, will be charged at the price per hundred of Machine Bolts of same length, subject to same discount; in smaller lots extra. Special sizes and lengths can be furnished promptly. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 510 I N S T C K FOR I M M I. n I A T E SHIPM E N T CARRIAGE BOLTS MANUFACTURERS' STANDARD LIST. NOVEMBER 1, 1912 SIZES AND LIST PRICE PER 100 Iynjfth, DtAMKTKB Inchee Ya A H A M AandH H 1 $1.00 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 $1.40 1.40 1.52 1.64 1.76 $1.90 1.90 2.06 2.22 2.38 $2.20 2.20 2.40 2.60 2.80 IV2 2 3 $3.25 3.53 $5.75 6.13 $8. .50 9.00 3H 4 4H 5 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.88 2.00 2 12 L\24 2.54 2.70 2.86 3.02 3.00 3.20 3.40 3.60 3.81 4.09 4.37 4.65 6.51 6.89 7.27 7.65 9.50 10.00 10.50 11.00 5H 6 7 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10 2 36 2.48 2.60 2.72 3.18 3.34 3.50 3.66 3.80 4.00 4.20 4.40 4.93 5.21 5.49 5.77 8.03 8.41 8.79 9.17 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 8 9 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.84 2.96 3.08 3.20 3.82 3.98 4.14 4.30 4.60 4.80 5 00 5.20 6.05 6.33 6.61 6.89 9.55 9.93 10.31 10.69 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.00 10 11 12 2.60 2.70 2.90 3.10 3.32 3.44 3.68 3.92 4.46 4.62 1 04 5.26 5 40 5.60 6.00 6 40 7 17 7 . 45 8.01 8.57 11.07 1 1 45 12 21 12.97 L5.50 16 oo 17 IK) 18.00 13 14 i:» 3.30 3.60 :■; :ii 3.90 4.16 4 40 1 64 1 ss 5.58 :, go 6.22 6 :.l 6.80 7.20 7.60 s oo 9.13 9.69 10.25 10.81 13.73 14.49 15 25 16.01 19.00 20.00 21.00 22 00 17 19 20 4.10 \ 30 \ 60 4.70 :» 12 :, 36 5 00 5.84 6 86 7 is 7 50 7.82 8.40 8.80 9 20 9 60 11.37 11.83 12 49 13.05 16.77 17 63 is 29 19. 05 23.00 24 00 25 oo 20 00 Advanoe $0 20 SO 24 $0 32 *0 10 |0 56 10.76 $1 (HI Holts with Hexagon Nuts, 15 per cent ixtr;i. Intermediate lengths take next higher list. Larger diameters take Machine Holt list. (Hli \ < | i > JO R \ I K s N I \v Y «> IN STOCK FOR IMMEDI A T E SHIPM E N T COACH AND LAG SCREWS 511 WITH SQUARE HEADS AND GIMLET POINTS PRICE PER 100 LIST OF NOVEMBER 12, 1908 Length, Inches &,& Vs V& H hM % A y% 1 1H $2.25 2.45 2.65 2.85 3.05 3.25 3.45 3.65 3.85 4.05 $2.70 2.96 3.22 3.48 3.74 4.00 4.26 4.52 4.78 5.04 $3.15 3.47 3.79 4.11 4.43 4.75 5.07 5.39 5.71 6.03 6.35 6.67 6.99 7.31 7.95 $3.75 4.11 4.47 4.83 5.19 5.55 5.91 6.27 6.63 6.99 7.35 7.71 8.07 8.43 9.15 9.87 10.59 11.31 2 $6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.00 9.50 10.00 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 VA $9.20 9.90 10.60 11.30 12.00 12.70 13.40 14.10 14.80 15.50 16.20 16.90 18.30 19.70 21.10 22.50 3 4 4H 5 m 6 6H $15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 27.00 29.00 31.00 33.00 S 2.00 $22.00 23.30 24.60 25.90 27.20 28.50 29.80 7 31.10 7H 32.40 8 33.70 9 36.30 10 38.90 11 41.50 l 9 44.10 Advance per Inch. $0.40 $0.52 $0.64 $ 0.72 $ 1.00 $ 1.40 $ 2.60 Lag Screws with Hexagon Heads, 10 per cent extra. Tee Heads, 20 per cent extra. Skein Bolts are sold at the same List Price as Lag Screws. For weights see page 913. EXPANSION BOLTS AND SHIELDS JftfrtabUki] LONG AND SHORT STANDARD LIST PER 100 EFFECTIVE JANUARY . 191 1 Length, Inches M A H 16 V2 5 A u % 1 IH VA 2 10.13 10.85 11.00 11.25 11.50 11.85 12.20 11.60 11.65 11.85 12.00 12.35 12.65 13.00 13.30 2A 3 15.90 16.10 16.40 16.90 17.35 17.65 18.00 20.30 20.50 20.80 21.15 21.50 21.80 22.15 22.50 24.15 24.45 25.35 25.90 26.45 27.00 27.55 28.10 31.70 32.10 32.90 33.75 34.60 35.40 36.25 37.10 37.95 38.80 39.60 48.30 48.85 50.00 51.05 52.20 53.30 54.45 55.55 56.65 57.75 58.90 4 5 6 7 8 68.90 70.00 71.10 72.20 73.30 74.40 75.55 79.55 81.65 83.70 85.75 87.75 89.90 92.00 174.45 9 181.10 10 187.75 11 194.45 12 201.10 In figuring lists for longer bolts than those given above, make same advance per inch as on list. Ten per cent extra for hexagon heads. Shields can also be furnished for machine and carriage bolts. Chicago — Joseph T. Rvekson & Son — New York 512 IN STOCK F R I M M E I) I A T E SHIP M E N T STOVE BOLTS FLAT AND ROUND HEAD LIST ADOPTED MARCH 1, 1907 PRICE PER 100 Length Diameter, 3 s and A Inch Diameter, A Inch Diameter, A and J t Inch Diameter, Inch Diameter, Inch 3 8 $0.85 .85 .85 .85 .90 .90 .95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.1.". 1.20 $0.85 .85 .85 .85 .90 .90 .95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1 15 1 20 1 . 25 1.30 1.40 1 50 1.60 1.70 1 M) 1.90 2.00 2 l(» 2 20 8 lit 2 50 2 75 2 90 l A $1.20 1.20 1.20 1 25 1.30 1 .35 1.40 1.45 1.50 1 .55 1.60 1.70 1.80 1 90 2.00 2.10 2 20 •_> 30 2 l<> y% A l VA m 2 2V 2 2H 3 $1.75 1.80 1 B5 1.90 1.95 2.00 2.05 2.15 2.30 2.40 2 50 2.60 2 70 2.85 3.00 3 15 :; ;;o 12.66 2.70 2 7:. 2.85 2.90 3.00 3.10 3 20 3.40 3 60 3 80 4 00 4 20 4 4 40 4 60 1 SO 5 00 1'. 5 2 ."(i 3 i:. 5 20 2 00 2 To 3.00 3 15 3 i:, 3.75 3 75 4 lo I 50 •1 70 i 90 5.10 5 in 5 BO 5K 5H 6 6 00 6 20 6 lo m i, 80 7 00 CU1C AQ( ii 1 . Ryi|| N IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 513 PLOW BOLTS PRICE . PER 100 Length, Inches & 3 A V2 9 H Inch Inch Inch Inch Inch Inch IK $1.70 $2.00 $2.60 $3.50 $4.50 $5.70 m 1.80 2.10 2.75 3.70 4.75 6.00 m 1.90 2.20 2.90 3.90 5.00 6.30 2 2.00 2.30 3.05 4.10 5.25 6.60 2K 2.10 2.40 3.20 4.30 5.50 6.90 2H 2.20 2.50 3.35 4.50 5.75 7.20 2% 2.30 2.60 3.50 4.70 6.00 7.50 3 2.40 2.70 3.65 4.90 6.25 7.80 3M 2.50 2.80 3.80 5.10 6.50 8.10 3^ 2.60 2.90 3.95 5.30 6.75 8.40 3M 2.70 3.00 4.10 5.50 7.00 8.70 4 2.80 3.10 4.25 5.70 7.25 9.00 Other styles can be furnished promptly from factory. Plow Bolts, please state what style heads are desired. In ordering STEEL BOILER AND FITTING UP BOLTS WITH CONE POINTS AND FITTED WITH HOT PRESSED SQUARE NUTS PRICE PER 100 LIST OF MARCH 19, 1907 Length A Vs and V2 and H and and and 1 m 1M W2 $3.60 3.80 4.00 4.20 4.40 4.60 $4.30 4.55 4.80 5.05 5.30 5.55 $6.00 6.35 6.70 7.05 7.40 7.75 8.10 8.45 % 9.00 9.55 10.10 10.65 11.20 11.75 12.30 12.85 $12.70 13.45 14.20 14.95 15.70 16.45 17.20 17.95 $18.80 19.80 20.80 21.80 22.80 23.80 24.80 25.80 $26.75 28.10 29.45 30.80 32.15 33.50 34.85 36.20 2 3 33^ 4 4^ 5 $41.50 43.25 45.00 46.75 48.50 50.25 52.00 $57.50 59.60 61.70 63.80 65.90 68 00 These bolts are made of soft steel with special coarse threads, so that the nuts can be run on or off quickly by hand, and will be found of great convenience to boilermakers, being much better adapted for "fitting up bolts" than the ordinary machine bolt. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 514 1 N S T U IK 1- U K 1 M M K l> 1 A T E S II 1 1* M E N T COUPLING BOLTS 3 PRICE PER 100 tl> Diameter of Head. 7 s IA 1 IK h\ i 5 < 1H ] Diameter of Bolt. K H 7 K l IN 1»4 2 $20.00 $2,5.00 2H B 3 l m 3% s 4>, 1 *M -a 5 i 5M 6 20.50 21.00 21.50 22.00 22.50 23.00 23.50 24.00 24 50 25.00 25.50 26.00 26.50 27.00 27.50 28.00 25 7."> 26.50 27.25 28.00 28.75 29.50 30.2.5 31.00 31.75 32.50 33.2.5 34.00 34 . 7.5 35 .50 36.25 37.00 $32.00 32.00 33.00 34.00 35.00 36.00 37.00 38.00 39 00 40.00 41.00 42.00 43.00 44 00 45.00 46.00 $38.75 39.75 40.75 41.75 42.75 43 7.5 44.7.5 46.75 47 75 48.75 49.75 .50 75 51 75 52.75 $.56.00 56.00 57.00 58.00 59.00 60.00 61.00 62.00 63.00 64.00 65.00 66.00 67.00 68.00 $70.00 71.50 73.00 74.50 76.00 77.50 79.00 80.50 82.00 83.50 85 00 86.50 88.00 $100 00 100 00 102. 50 105.00 107.50 110 00 112.50 115.00 117.50 120.00 122.50 125 00 Thickness of Nut . '•_. 5 . 3 , 7 s l iji m .Short Diameter of Nut H 1A m 1A m 1H o Coupling bolts have milled bodies, and the heads and nuts are faced true with the body. All orders are filled with U. S. Standard thread unless otherwise specified. BRIDGE AND ROOF BOLTS DIMENSIONS OF UPSET ENDS FOR ROUND RODS Diameter Diameter Length Threads Diameter Diameter Length Threads of Bar, Inches of Upset, Inehes of Tract. Inches per Inch of Bar, Inches of Inset. Inches of Ipeet, Inches per Inch H 1 3H 8 1 3 8 IH 5 IM 1 7 IH \H 5 5 l'» 1 7 i> . i i .5 5 l I 1 ; 1 7 p., ifi 5 5 i 1\ \ 6 i 1 , 2 4H t'j IM 1'. Vi 7 i - 2H C M i 1 * 1 - i' • 8 i ■■. a 5M »',■ i'. iX to 6 i , m 5 V: IX 1 i . 2H 5 4 1 . IH 1 i i •5 LH -"> 5H {. It 1 . I ., I K \ UlOl N i w Y R K IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE S H I P M E N T 515 BRIDGE AND ROOF BOLTS CONTINUED Diameter Diameter Length Threads Diameter Diameter Length Threads of Bar, of Upset, Inches of Upset, Inches per Inch of Bar, of Upset, of Upset, per Inches Inches Inches Inches Inch V/s 2% 5 4 " 2% 2% 6 4 2 2H 6 ±V* 2V 8 3 VA m 2 2% 6 4 2V 2 3 6 m 2 2V* VA 4 2Y* 3^ VA m m 2Y* 6 4 2V 8 3M 6 zv? 2Vs 2% &A 4 2% m 6 sv?, 2M 2Y* 6 4 2% Ws 6 V4 2H 2% 6 4 3 &A 6 3 2H 2Vs &A 4 Rods with special size and length of upset, made to order. MILLED IRON STUDS PRICE PER 100 Diameter % rV H A a k 14 1 m IH m $3.35 3.50 3.65 3.80 3.95 4.10 4.25 4.40 $4.05 4.20 4.35 4.50 4.65 4.80 4.95 5.10 5.25 5.40 5.55 5.75 $4.40 4.60 4.80 5.00 5.20 5.40 5.60 5.80 6.00 6.20 6.40 6.60 6.70 6.80 7.00 7.20 $5.10 5.30 5.50 5.70 5.90 6.10 6.30 6.50 6.70 6.90 7.10 7.30 7.40 7.50 7.60 7.70 7.80 iy& $6.10 6.30 6.50 6.70 6.90 7.10 7.30 7.50 7.70 7.90 8.10 8.25 8.40 8.55 8.70 8.85 9.00 9.15 9.30 m 2 $8.80 9.10 9.40 9.70 10.00 10.30 10.60 10.90 11.20 11.45 11.65 11.90 12.10 12.35 12.55 12.80 13.00 2M 2V2 $12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.00 15.40 15.75 16.15 16.50 16.90 17.25 17.65 18.00 m 2 M 1 3 ■8 VA m VA i 4 4H $17.00 17.75 18.50 19.25 20.00 20.50 21.00 21.50 22.00 22.50 23.00 23.50 24.00 $21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 25.75 26.50 27.25 28.00 28.75 29.50 30.25 31.00 $27! 00 28.00 29.00 29.75 30.50 4M 31.25 5 32.00 5J4 32.75 5}| 33.50 5M 34.25 6 35.00 Threads to Inch 16 14 12 12 11 10 9 8 7 7 Add for each M inch. . . . $0.15 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.25 $0.30 $0.40 SO. 60 $0.75 $1.00 Studs carried in stock with V threads only. All studs are made steam tight on tap end unless otherwise specified. Steel studs take 25 per cent advance over iron. Rough studs can be furnished to order. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 516 IN STOCK FOR 1 M M E D I A T E S II I P M E N I SQUARE HEAD AND HEXAGON HEAD CAP SCREWS PRICE PER 100 Diameter of Screw M A H A i , A 5s H 7 - 1 IH IM »: $3.00 3.15 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.70 5 25 5.75 6.25 13.25 3.40 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.85 5.35 5.80 6 30 6.80 $3.75 3.90 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.85 5.20 5 55 6.00 6.65 7.20 $4.50 4 . 70 4.90 5.30 5.70 6.10 6.50 7.15 7.50 7.90 8.40 9.15 9 75 10 50 11.10 $5.70 5.80 5.90 6.50 7.10 7.70 8.30 8 90 9 50 10.10 10.70 11 50 12 30 13.10 13.90 H $9.25 9.50 10.00 10.75 11.50 12.60 13.60 14.40 15.20 16.00 17.30 18.60 19.90 $9.25 9.50 10.00 10.75 11.50 12.60 13.60 14.40 15.20 16.00 17.30 18.60 19.90 21.20 d i 12.50 13 50 , a 8 i 2 1 3 S 3^ 18.40 $... 14 50 15.50 16.50 17.50 19.00 20 60 22.10 23 7d 25.30 26.90 28.50 30.10 31.70 19.70 21.00 22 4(i 23 7(1 25 00 26.40 30.00 31.80 33.60 35 40 87. JO 39.00 40 80 22 75 2500 27 2.i 29.50 31.78 34 00 36.25 38 SO 4(i 7.i 43.00 45 25 47 50 40 75 52.00 % 34.00 36 75 39 50 42 25 45.00 #7.71 50.50 53 25 56.00 58 75 61 50 t>4 25 67 00 38 50 42.00 45 .50 19 im 52 50 56 00 1 3^ If 5 «HI 50 50 63 00 66 50 70 00 5 Threads to inch n 18 16 11 12 12 11 10 9 1 7 7 Add for each ] 4 inch $0 40 $0 K $0 60 • SI .SO $1 30 $1 SO $2 25 $3.50 I ii n a a I I 1 ■ RvillOli ft S »- ,n — N t w York IN STOCK F O R I M MEU1 A T E SHIP M E N T 517 IRON SET SCREWS PRICE PER 100 PIECES Diameter of Screw Vi 5 16 % & V2 9 "16 H % H 1 V/s VA ■§ 1 $1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.15 2.30 2.50 2.75 3.25 3.75 4.25 4.75 5.25 $2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.35 2.50 2.70 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 $2.35 2.45 2.50 2.60 2.65 2.85 3.10 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 $2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.15 5.75 6.35 6.75 7.20 7.60 8.00 8.50 9.00 $3.30 3.40 3.60 3.80 4.30 4.80 5.40 6.00 6.75 7.50 8.25 9.00 9.75 10.50 11.25 12.00 $5.00 5.50 5.75 6.50 7.25 8.00 8.80 9.60 10.40 11.20 12.00 12.75 13.50 14.30 15.10 $5.00 5.50 5.75 6.50 7.25 8.00 8.80 9.60 10.40 11.20 12.00 12.75 13.50 14.30 15.10 15.90 16.70 $.... 10.00 11.00 12.00 12.80 13.60 14.50 15.40 16.30 17.30 18.40 19.50 20.75 22.00 23.50 25.00 26.50 '5 $ 15.50 16.20 17.70 19.20 20.70 22.20 23.70 25.20 26.70 28.20 29.70 31.20 32.70 34.20 35.70 37.20 $ I & * 2 H -S 2M 1 F*i a> 22.00 24.00 26.00 28.00 30.00 32.00 34.00 36.00 38.00 40.00 42.00 44.00 46.00 48.00 50.00 $.... 41.70 45.00 48.30 51.60 54.90 58.20 61.50 64.80 68.10 71.40 74.70 78.00 81.30 84.60 m.bo 58.30 62.60 66.90 71.20 75.50 3 3J4 79.80 ? 4 84.10 88.40 4J4 92.70 4^2 97.00 i% ] 101.30 5 105 . 60 Threads to Inch 20 18 16 14 12 12 11 10 9 8 7 7 Add for each li inch $0.50 $0.60 $0.70$0.80 $0.90 $1.10 $1.10 $1.50 $1.70 $2.25 $3.30 $4.30 Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 18 IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT HOT PRESSED SQUARE AND HEXAGON NUTS UNITED STATES STANDARD LIST AMENDED DECEMBER 20. 1905 TO TAKE EFFECT JANUARY I, 1906 Thick- Hole Size of Price pkr 00 Pounds Short Square Hexagon Diameter DCSS Bolt Blank Tapped Blank Tapped H M t\ scant N $13.00 $15.00 $20.00 $22.50 A A l /i scant A 12.00 13.50 18.00 20.00 ft H H scant H 10.50 11.60 14.00 15.60 ft tV H scant 7 16 10.00 10.90 13.00 14.30 K K H scant H 9.00 9.70 11.20 12.20 H A H 9 T6~ 9.00 9.60 11.20 12.10 ItV H N 8.70 9.20 10.50 11.20 m H K scant N 8.50 8.90 10.00 10.60 IrV H fj scant S 8.40 8.80 9.90 10.50 IK l H scant l 8.40 8.80 9.90 10.50 Iff IK |f full iK 8.40 8.80 9.90 10.50 2 IN 1A full iK 8.40 8.80 9.90 10.50 2A IN 1A full IK 8.50 9.00 10.00 10.70 2K 1K> l A full IK 8.80 9.40 10.30 11.10 2t\ IN 1 j ;; scant IK 9.00 9.70 10.50 11.40 2f^ IN \ x /l scant IK 9.30 10.00 10.80 11.70 2ft IK V>/% scant IK 9.50 10.30 11.00 12.00 3K 2 lfi scant * 2 9.70 10.60 11.20 12. 30 3A 2K lf| scant 2K 10.00 11.00 11.70 12 90 3H 2K 1H scant 2M 10.00 11.10 11.70 13.00 3« $i 2A 2K 10.30 11.50 12.20 13 00 3K 2H 9A 10.50 11.80 12.40 18.90 Wi - M ! 2K 11.00 12 10 13.00 U 00 a 2K 3 11.50 13.00 13.50 15.20 For less than keg lots (200 pounds) <>f a size add 20 Mttti cwt. for 100 pounds <>r over. For less than kr^ lots (200 pounds) pf a rise, add 50 cents pet cwt. for less than LOO pom r>>r weights, see page 913. i'iiicaoo — Jonri I • R M a w Y o ft x IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 519 HOT PRESSED SQUARE AND HEXAGON NUTS WITH ENLARGED HOLES (3D UNITED STATES STANDARD LIST AMENDED DECEMBER 20. 190S TO TAKE EFFECT JANUARY 1, 1906 Thick- ness Hole Size of Bolt Price per 100 Pounds Short Diameter Square Hexagon Blank Tapped Blank Tapped H X 7 32 l A $13.00 $15.00 $20.00 $22.50 32 5 16 9 32 5 16 12.10 13.60 18.15 20.15 11 16 H 21 64 X 10.70 11.80 14.00 15.60 f§ 7 16 X 7 16 10.00 10.90 13.00 14.30 Vs H 7 16 H 9.00 9.70 11.20 12.20 ;ti 3 2 9 16 31 64 9 16 9.10 9.70 11.35 12.25 irV 5 A 9 16 X 8.80 9.30 10.65 11.35 1M X 2i 32 X 8.60 9.00 10.10 10.70 1A Vs 49 64 Vs 8.50 8.90 10.05 10.65 1H l K 1 8.50 8.90 9.90 10.50 1H IK 31 32 ix 8.50 8.90 10.05 10.65 2 1M 1-2- x 32 i l A 8.50 8.90 10.05 10.65 2fV i« 1A m 8.60 9.10 10.15 10.85 2^ Jji 1A m 8.90 9.50 10.45 11.25 2t% lfe 1A m 9.10 9.80 10.65 11.55 2% 1M 117 A32 i% 9.40 10.10 10.95 11.85 m IK 1 21 ITS VA 9.60 10.40 11.15 12.15 &A 2 IX 2 9.80 10.70 11.35 12.45 3tV 2K 127. x 32 2K 10.10 11.10 11.85 13.05 33^ 2^ 13JL *32 2M 10.10 11.20 11.85 13.15 °16 2% 2^ 2K 10.40 11.60 12.35 13.75 3K 2 l A 2** 2K 10.60 11.90 12.55 14.05 4^ 2M 929 ^64 2% 11.10 12.50 13.15 14.75 4^ 3 2ft 3 11.60 13.10 13.65 15.35 For less than keg lots (200 pounds) of a size, add 20 cents per cwt. for 100 pounds or over. For less than keg lots (200 pounds) of a size, add 50 cents per cwt. for less than 100 pounds. For weights, see page 913. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New Yor 5>0 IX STOCK FOR I M M E 1 > I A T I. S H ! i» M E N I" COLD-PUNCHED, CHAMFERED AND TRIMMED NUTS WITH REAMED HOLES UNITED STATES STANDARD LIST ASSOCIATION STANDARD LIST. OF JANUARY I. 1906 Thick, Hole. Bolt, Pkice i >EK PoVND IN 200-PtHND Kt Width, Inches Inches Inches Inches Square Hexagon Blank Tapped B lank Tapped l A '4 A ?4 $0.20 $0.22 $0 27 10.295 H A l 4 .18 .195 24 .26 H H 04 N . 1 15 .156 185 .201 it A H A .14 .148 18 . 193 % M H H .113 .12 14 .15 H 9 16 H 9 16 .113 .119 14 .149 1A H H H .10 .105 125 .132 IK K N % .97 .101 114 .12 1A v% tt V$ .96 .10 111 .117 i". i H 1 .96 .10 111 .117 lrf i 1 ^ h m .96 .10 111 .117 2 1^ 1A Wa .101 .105 115 .121 2A IN 1A m .103 .108 12 .127 IH 1A I 1 .- .107 .113 126 .134 2A i^ 1H l 5 /8 .111 .118 132 .141 2 3 K 1 3 4 LH Ik ' .115 .122 14 .148 2H lfc i - I 7 . .12 128 145 .155 3H 2 ill 2 .12 .129 145 .156 3A 2H iff 2H 125 .135 15 .162 8H 2H in -"» .128 136 15 .163 3H 2A 2H 1 36 117 16 171 3M 2H 2A 2H .135 L48 16 .175 4 h 2A .14 154 li,:, .181 *k 2A •-"•, .14 154 165 .181 ■»-\ 3 2H 3 1 1:» .16 17 .187 5 3k 2« 3k 145 .161 17 .188 •■•>,', 3H 115 102 17 .188 \ ffi ! 166 175 is .20 ( li 1 ( I t ii T . R TBI SO n So N X K \\ Y >> R K IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 521 FINISHED, CASE-HARDENED AND SEMI-FINISHED HEXAGON NUTS AND CHECK AND JAM NUTS REVISED LIST. ADOPTED MAY S, 1911 PRICE PER 100 Finished Size Thickness Number • Semi- Finished Finished Case Case Hardened of Width of Finished With Hardened Nuts Bolt Threads Double Nuts With Reg- Check Chamfer Double ular Jam Chamfer & Vs _3_ 16 h 24 $ 2.00 % 2.50 $ 6.00 $ 6.50 H K K 3 16 20 2.00 2.50 6.00 6.50 A M _5_ 16 3*2 18 2.50 2.75 7.00 7.50 H ii T6 V% M 16 3.25 4.00 8.00 8.75 & 25. 32 ■h 5 16 14 3.75 4.75 9.00 10.00 H H K 5 16 13 or 12 4.50 5.50 10.00 11.00 9 16 H 9 16 H 12 5.50 6.50 12.00 13.00 % i& % H 11 6.50 7.50 16.00 17.50 11 16 i& 16 13 32 11 8.50 10.50 22.00 24.00 % A 1M a £ 10 8.50 10.50 22.00 24.00 % l& % K 9 12.00 14.50 27.00 29.50 l IK i 9 16 8 17.50 21.00 38.00 41.50 IK 1H m K 7 24.00 28.50 50.00 54.50 w 2 m % 7 33.00 39.00 66.00 72.00 IVs 2A w It 6 49.00 57.00 90.00 97.00 m 2K m A 6 69.00 78.00 120.00 130.00 M 2tV m 15 16 5K 93.00 105.00 145.00 158.00 i% 2% i% 1 5 130.00 145.00 175.00 190.00 m Ol5 "16 IK 1& 5 170.00 190.00 250.00 270.00 2 3K 2 IK 4K 215.00 240.00 325.00 350.00 2K 3K 2H 1M 4K 310.00 345.00 550.00 600.00 2K Ws 2K IK 4 475.00 525.00 850.00 950.00 2M 4K 2M 1^ 4 630.00 695.00 1200.00 1350.00 3 4K 3 2 3K 990.00 1100.00 1800.00 2000.00 Nuts finished top and bottom, use double chamfered list. For nuts thinner or smaller than standard, use regular list. For semi-finished nuts case-hardened, add 20 per cent to the list, and use double chamfered list if rounded on top. For finished nuts not case-hardened, use regular list. For nuts polished after case-hardened, add 30 per cent to the list. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New Yor I N S T C K FOR I M M l. D [ A T E S II 1 1' M E N I' TURNBUCKLES SIZES CARRIED IN STOCK Length Length Approximate Approximate Size, List without including with without Inches Price Stubs, Stubs, Stub Ends, StubKnds. Inches Inches Pounds Pounds JL 16 $0.38 7H 22 1 .65 : Vs .40 IVa 22 1.15 .66 A .42 7A 22 1.25 65 H .45 7M 22 2 1.2 9 16 .48 7H 22 2 25 1.2 .50 7" s 22 8 1.6 .63 %Va 23 4 % .75 m 24 5 2.", 2 1 1 .88 9 25 7 3.2 1H 1.00 25 s ::, ;; 6 1M 1.25 954 26 11.75 4.8 IH 1.38 10^ 27 14.12 6 Ui 1.50 10 1 , 27 17 7 2 w 1.75 10% 2S 20 8 IH 2.00 lltf 2s 23.25 9 m HM 29 27.75 H> s 2 2.65 12 29 36 17 &A 3.10 L2H 29 37.75 17 2H 3.50 12\ 30 45 10.2 4.00 12% 31 48 19.2 -", 4 50 I- 1 , 32 til 27 5 5 00 13% 32 62 :, 50 IP, 33 77 35 - >7 , 6.00 n- . 33 80 36 8 6.50 15 34 83 35 The above turnbucklee have right and left U. S. Standard threads. The opening between tin- heads measures' 5J $ im-hes clear. Turnbuckles without stub ends or with special openings can be furnished promptly from th<; factory* Chicago — Joseph T. Rtii N y \\ Y <» R k IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 533 PIPE, TANK AND SILO BANDS Bands are furnished with rolled or cut threads, and any style of head, nut and washer. Standard Pipe Bands have special round heads, rolled threads, square nuts and cut washers. The head and the rolled thread are of greater strength than any other part of the band. Bands are furnished of diameters 24 inch to 1}4 inch, and lengths up to 32 feet, straight or curved as required, and un- coated or coated with hot or cold paint as specified. MALLEABLE IRON PIPE SHOES FOR WOOD STAVE PIPE, TANKS, ETC. Diameter of Band, Outside Diameter of Pipe, Inches Approximate Weight per Shoe in Pounds Diameter of Band, Inches Outside Diameter of Pipe, Inches Approximate Weight per Shoe in Pounds Inches Style No.l Style No. 2 Style No. 3 Style No.l Style No. 2 Style No. 3 5/16 3/8 3/8 3/8 9 12 17 24 22 22 30 32 38 42 46 52 59 35 45 0.50 0.25 0.42 0.50 '6.55' 0.66 0.75 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 51 55 63 65 75 93 75 78 85 94 85 96 114 120 144 1.25 i.35' 'i.75' '2.25* 1.60 1.85 1.80 1.90 2.25 2.10 2.25 7/16 0.75 0.95' ' i.bo' 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 0.85 0.90 0.95' 'i.bo' 'i.bo' 'i.'25' i.36' 'i.bo' 1.50 '2.66' 3.00 1/2 1/2 2.25 '3.50' 1/2 5/8 5/8 1.10 3.66 4.40 5.25 Shoes for pipe of diameters given will fit diameters 1 inch greater or less for diameter 9 inches; 2 inches greater for 12 inches; 3 inches greater for 17 inches; 4 inches greater for 24 inches to 50 inches; 5 inches greater for 50 inches to 90 inches and 6 inches greater for over 90 inches. Patterns for standard types of shoes not above listed are added as occasion requires. A stock of uncoated shoes of standard sizes is carried at the foundry. Any coating desired can be applied to the shoes before shipment. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 524 IX STOCK F R [MM EDI ATE SHIPMEN1 CAST IRON WASHERS IN STOCK Bolt. | Hole, i D . uini - Thick- Approximate Bolt. Hole, Diam- T _ hk *- Approximate Inches Inches Inches Inches Weight Inches Inches Inches Inches VSe,ght X Vh m H 9oz. \x IK 4H IX 21bs.8oz. % Va 2% X 12 02. IX 1% *X 1A 41bs.4oz. X % VA V* lib. i% IX *X 1H 4 lbs. 6oz. Vh 1 v/ ? 15 lb llb.6oz. IX 1% 6 itf 5 lbs. 8 oz. 1 IX 4 i/ 8 1 2 lbs. MALLEABLE IRON WASHERS These washers are made of refined malleable iron and are prac- tically indestructible. IN STOCK Site of Bolt. Inches Diameter, Thickness. Inches Inches Approxi- mate Weight per 100 Siie of Bolt. Inches Diameter, Inches I Approxi- Thickness mate Inches 1 Weight per 100 X Vs l *X '-' • s 4 X A A 1") 22 83 60 (VS IX m 2 iX 6 8 6 X < 160 190 aoe 420 STAR WASHERS Star vMhm to meet :ill requirement! see !>*• furnished promptly from stork. C ii I r a r, (i — Joseph T . R T B I Mi W Yoil IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 52! STANDARD WROUGHT WASHERS ADOPTED JANUARY 20, 1910 U. S. STANDARD SIZES IN 2O0 POUND KEGS IN STOCK Di&mptcr Size of Thickness Size of Price per Number in Hole Wire Gauge Bolt 100 Pounds 100 Pounds 9 16 M 18 3 16 $14.00 39400 H A 16 H 12.20 15600 N N 16 5 16 11.40 11250 1 & 14 N 10.50 6800 IN n 14 7 16 9.80 4300 IN 9 T6 12 N 9.40 2600 m N 12 9 16 9.30 2250 m 11 16 10 N 9.20 1300 2 13 16 10 X 9.10 1010 2N 15 16 9 N 9.00 860 2V 2 1A 9 1 9.00 625 2% 1M 9 IN 9.00 520 3 IN 9 IN 9.20 400 3N IN 8 IN 9.20 300 3N IN 8 IN 9.20 280 3% 1M 8 IN 9.50 240 4 IN 8 IN 9.50 215 4^ 2 8 IN 9.50 190 4N 2N 8 2 9.50 175 4% 2N 5 2N 10.50 122 5 2N 4 2N 10.50 106 Add $0. 10 cwt. for 100 pound kegs. Add . 20 cwt. for 50 to 100 pound boxes. Add .30 cwt. for 25 to 50 pound boxes. Add . 50 for 5 pound boxes. Add 1 . 00 cwt. for 1 pound boxes. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — N York i20 I N STO f'K FOR I M \l ED I A SUM' M E N T TRACK SPIKES AND BOLTS IN STOCK ADVANCES ON SQUARE BOAT SPIKES J 4 inch square, 3 to 3}^ inches long Per 1(H) lbs. $1 .00 1 1 inch square, 4 to 8 inches long " .7") t \ inch square, 3 1 j " .70 £ inch square, 4 to 8 inches long " .4.") '■' $ inch square, 3 to 3V£ inches long " .55 :i g inch square, 4 to 12 inches long u .:->() i^ inch square, 6 to 12 inches long u .20 1 2 inch square, 6 to 12 inches long " .15 h /% inch square, 8 to 14 inches long' " .15 Reversed Points: \i cent per pound extra. ADVANCES ON RAILROAD AND SHIMMING SPIKES ] 4 inch square, 2 to 2 1 •> inches long Per UK) lbs. $1 .00 ' 4 inch square, 3 inches long " .85 l\ inch square, 2 inches long BO To inch square, 2)4 to 4 inches long .00 I inch square, 2 inches long ■ .50 { inch square, 2)^ inches long " 10 3 8 inch square, 3 to 4 \ ■> inches long " .30 i 7 6 inch square, 3 inches long .30 , 7 6 - inch square, 33 2 to 4 1 •> inches long .20 1 2 inch square, 2)^ inches long .20 1 2 inch square, 3 to 5 inches long .10 rV inch square, \ l A to 5 1 o inches long " Base Reversed Points: x ± cent per pound extra. STANDARD EXTRAS ON TRACK BOLTS K.xtras arc given in cents per 100 lbs. DiMiki s 4 to 1 fa Inches ) \ Inch UagXh Smart N'.ts Hexagon Square Hexagon 3>2 to 12 inches 3 1 ( inches Mas.' $0 05 .15 $0.15 .20 30 $i) 20 .30 .40 $0 50 60 3 inches 70 Ckicaoo •Joibpb 1 . Ryiii N I W Y R K IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 601 GLYCO BABBITT METAL The Inventor of Glyco Metal is John Edward Stead, Esq., noted English Metallurgist (member of the Council of the Iron and Steel Institute; Bessemer Medalist, F. R. S., F. I. C, F. C. S., etc.), who found a way to produce, in Glyco, an alloy having the greatest pos- sible homogeneity of texture (in appearance like fine tool steel) and an unvarying uniformity. The Composition and Process of preparation of Glyco are peculiar and unique, and produce a special and quasi-chemical combination of uniform texture, having those indispensable qualities which no other lead base alloy has ever been able to secure. Glyco Has the Greatest Possible homogeneity of texture and uniformity of quality, and these properties, demanded in a good bear- ing metal, are guaranteed, and are due to the following features: (1) To the special and unique process of manufacture, the discovery of the inventor. (2) To the employment of only pure raw metals. (3) To the absolutely scientific combination of the component ele- ments and the constant employment of special testing apparatus to secure uniform results. Genuine Glyco Babbitt Metal is cast in ingots exactly as illus- trated. It is securely packed in boxes of the following net weights: 10 pounds, 25 pounds, 50 pounds, 100 pounds and 500 pounds. c where the conditions of service are un- important and the requirements meruit at. a low priced metal. W k Recommend Turbo and Marino <;iye<» as substitutes for so- called genuine Babbitt. 1 for Technical Library. Vol. 18, <>n Hearing Metals. L H i i \ BO I ■ ■ - ! . i- n 1 • K Y l R SO M — New Y »> R k ^siMM IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 603 CHAIN IN STOCK We can furnish immediately from stock all staple sizes of chain, including common BB, BBB, and log chains. Also common twist link chain in sizes ^ inch to % inch, inclusive. We are prepared to supply on very short notice special chain of every description such as railroad wrecking, switch, and brake chains, sling chains, agricultural chains, etc. Our factory makes a specialty of the highest grade of hand welded chain for steam shovel and dredge work. CHAIN TABLE Proof Coil B.B. B. B. B. Size Chain, Number Approxi- Number Approxi- Number Approxi- Inches Links mate Links mate Proof Links mate Proof per Foot Weight 100 Feet per Foot Weight 100 Feet Test per Foot Weight 100 Feet Test & 13^ 46 uy 2 50 1100 15 52 1200 M 123^ 75 13K 80 1650 14 83 1750 -h 11 110 12 115 3000 123^ 118 3400 Vs 10 155 11 160 4000 im 166 4500 7 16 9 "200 m 210 ~ 5500 10 215 6300 A- 8 260 sy 2 265: 7000 9 268 8000 .9 T6 VA 325 8 335 8800 m 340 10000 % &A 420 7 425 10750 7H 430 12500 M 6 590 6M 600 15500 VA 610 17750 % 5 800 5H 820 21000 5A 830 24000 l 4 1000 4% 1030 28500 *A 1040 31350 M -3% 1300 4 1350 36000 VA 1400 38000 IH m 1500 VA 1550 43000 &A 1600 47000 Safe working load, one-half the proof test. Breaking strain, approximately twice the proof test. NANTAHALA METAL WORKERS' MARKING CRAYONS Our crayon h a mined product, and is far superior to the manu- factured soapstone crayons. We believe that it is undoubtedly the best on the market. We carry in stock, for immediate shipment, ys inch round, long. 34 inch square and t^xA m ch flat, all 5 inches Chicago — Joseph T. Rye & Son — New York 604 IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT ROUND WIRE IN STOCK Bright and black anuealed, coppered, galvanized and tinned, in coils. 1 2 3 45678 • • • • • • • « IS 17 16 15 14 13 12 EXTRAS FOR SIZE 1 10 Advances are per 100 Pounds Washburn & Mocn Gauge Annealed Galvanized (Add to Price of Annealed) Coppered (Add toPrice of Annealed) Tinned (Add to Price of Annealed) No. 9 and coarser No. 10 Base $0.05 .10 .15 .25 .35 .45 .55 .70 .85 $0.40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .70 .70 1.10 1.10 $0.40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 $1.00 1.00 No. 11. . 1 00 Nos. 12 and 123^ No. 13 1.00 1 00 No. 14 1 00 No. 15 1.00 No. 16 1.00 No. 17 1.00 No. 18 1.00 Straightened and cut lengths can be furnished from mill. Coppered bessemer rods in 4 and 12 foot lengths. COMMON NAILS /fo -.i. — w Size Length, Inches Gaucc Number Approximate Number to Pound Advance Over Base Price, per 100 Pounds 2d 1 15 876 $0.70 3d IX 14 568 .45 4d iX 12H 316 .30 5d ih 123^ 271 .30 6d 2 ll 1 ., 181 .20 7d 2H 1 1 X 161 .20 8d - 10', 106 .10 <>d 10', % .10 lOd 3 Q 60 .06 I2d 3H g 63 .06 16d 3H 8 40 o:> 20d 4 6 31 Base 30d iX :> 24 BtOJ 40d i 18 Base 50d 3 14 Ban 60d G 2 11 Base ( i:ilv:miz«'(i Roofing Nails. Mfl Roofing Sheets, page 313. L'iik ago — Joseph T . BvillOl & Son — NlW V u r IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 605 WIRE CLOTH We carry in stock a complete assortment of the standard grades of wire cloth. We can furnish promptly any mesh made from any kind or size of wire. When ordering state whether black or galvanized, size of wire mesh, length and width desired and whether mesh is center to center or clear space. The mesh of wire cloth is the distance from center to center of adjacent wires. No length less than 100 feet will be considered a full roll. SIZES ANC LIST PRICE PER SQUARE FOOT Wire Number op Mesh Number 1 % Vs 2 m 3 3H 4 4^ 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 3 88 73 60 48 38 32 27 22 17 14 12 10 8 4 88 73 60 48 38 32 27 22 17 14 12 10 8 5 88 73 60 48 38 32 27 22 17 14 12 10 8 6 7 8 60 48 38 32 27 22 17 14 12 10 8 9 60 48 38 32 27 22 17 14 12 10 8 10 60 48 38 32 27 22 17 14 12 10 8 11 60 48 38 32 27 22 17 14 12 10 8 12 60 48 38 32 27 22 17 14 12 10 8 13 57 45 35 29 24 19 15 13 11 9 7 60 48 38 32 27 22 17 14 12 10 8 14 60 48 38 32 27 22 17 14 12 10 7 15 60 48 38 32 27 22 17 14 12 8 16 60 48 38 32 27 22 17 14 10 7 17 60 48 38 32 27 22 17 12 8 7 18 60 48 38 32 27 22 14 10 8 7 19 60 20 48 21 38 22 3? 23 ?7 24 25 17 26 27 1? 28 29 8 30 7 Wire Number of Mesh Number 14 16 18 20 22 24 30 40 50 60 64 70 74 80 20 60 48 38 32 27 22 17 15 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 21 22 60 48 38 32 27 22 17 15 13 12 11 10 9 8 23 60 48 38 32 27 22 17 15 13 12 11 10 9 8 24 62 52 43 35 27 24 20 17 15 13 12 10 9 25 65 55 46 38 30 26 22 19 17 15 13 12 26 65 55 46 38 30 26 22 19 17 15 13 27 28 66 56 47 37 31 27 23 20 19 29 30 31 68 57 48 44 40 36 32 32 33 34 80 65 60 56 35 100 85 70 65 58 36 37 85 70 65 105 90 80 38 39 100 90 40 120 41 1 10 Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York «0G I N STOCK FOR I M M EDI A T K S 11 1 1' M E N T EXPANDED METAL AND LATH STOCK SIZES ACTUAL SIZE OF MESH EXPANDED METAL PLASTERING LATH The "Perfect Key" Lath requires a minimum of plaster. Size of Sheet 18X96 Inches, Gauge Weight per Bundle, Pounds Yards per Bundle Sheets per Bundle Weight per Yard. Pounds No. 27 No. 26 No. 25 No. 24 27^ 30 36 40H 12 12 12 12 9 9 9 9 2V 3 2H 3.0 3.4 Add 3 4 to one pound per square yard when galvanized, nished plain, painted or galvanized after expansion. 3 IN. X 8 IN. MESH FOR REINFORCING CONCRETE Fur- NllIlllwT Gauge of Steel Weight, Lbs. per Sq. Ft. Width, Feet Length, Feet 06 :; 3M6 ga. .2 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 8 and 1 2 10-3 3M2 ga. .34 2, 4, 8 8 and 12 16-3 3"-10 ga. Single Strand .55 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 8 and 12 20-3 .68 3' 3" or 6' 6* 8 and 12 26-3 3"-10ga.-r-50# .85 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 8 and 12 30-3 1.02 r.s' 8 and 12 32-3 3"- 10 ga. Double Strand 1.07 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 Sand 12 35 3 1.185 2',4'.7'6",8' 8 and 12 JO 3 3"-7ga. 1.36 3'6*, 7'0" 8 and 12 SMALL MESHES FOR SCREENS. ETC. Number .-I .if Btad Weight Lbs. per Bq it Wult h, Fret Length, Feet 20- H 10 1' -. 20 I 1 • HM8 g a. V-16ga. KM2g». i'/-n; K a. .68 34 Mi :;i .68 3' 6', 7 3' 6". 7 3' 6', 7 2,8,4,5,6 2,3,4,6 8 only 8 onlv 8 only 8 and 12 8 and 12 (' ii l i too I K \ Y K I I So n > ■ v IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 607 PERFORATED STEEL SHEETS AND PLATES We furnish perforated steel sheets and plates of thicknesses and sizes as required for general and special purposes. The marginal illustrations represent a few of the many varieties of perforated plates we are in position to furnish. Because of the difference in require- ments, it is impractical to carry perforat- ed material in stock, but having the largest stock of flat unpunched sheets and plates in the greatest variety of sizes and facilities for having them made up on order, enables us to offer unequalled service in this line. When desired, plates and sheets can be perforated leaving margins and other portions blank, or they can be rolled to make revolving screens. To avoid misunderstandings, we sug- gest that a sketch of what is required accompany inquiries or orders. Refer- ence can be made to marginal illustrations as a guide to the style of perforating desired, but the sketch or specifications should show: Size, thickness and shape of sheet or plate. Size and shape of perforations. Location of perforations with reference to each other and to long way of sheet or plate. Distance between perforations. Location and size of any blank spaces. s t u Chicago — Joseph T. Rvsrson & Son — New York 608 IN ST C K F R I M M E D I A T E SHIP M E N T WIRE ROPE FITTINGS AND FASTENINGS Standard Hoisting Rope, Extra Flexible Hoisting Rope and Gal- vanized Iron Ship Rigging or Guy Rope is carried in stock at all times ready for immediate shipment. MALLEABLt CLIP EYE BOLT ^3 BAND LUG 3-BOLT CLAMP The above, or any type of fitting desired, can be shipped promptly -in most cases immediately from stock. Prices quoted on request. TURNBUCKLES WITH HOOK AND EYE. TWO EYES OR TWO HOOKS Outside Length in Outside Length in Diameter the Clear Diameter the Clear of Between of Between Screw, Heads, Plain Screw. Heads. Galvan- ]. |;un Inches Inches Inches Inches lied A 3H so SO $0.70 H 10 U 25 S3 60 H 4 .86 .75 l 11 5 50 1 75 >\ t', 90 so IH 12 6 75 6 50 v I 1.10 .95 i'» 13 8.25 6.75 8 5 1.25 io:, m 14 9 75 7.75 6 1.50 1.30 i'j L5 12.00 g 1.85 1 65 16 1500 L3.00 2.20 i 75 \H 18 20.00 17.00 H 9K 3.25 2.60 2 21 28.00 25.00 GASKETS \\ »• ciii furnish promptly. Lead and Coppev Gaskets either I » l •• i i 1 1 or oorrugated. Special niei to order. Chicago — Jo I S P n I Ryivioi 1 Son — Nit) York IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 701 RYERSON FORGED HIGH SPEED TWIST DRILLS STRAIGHT SHANK. LONG SERIES LIST No . 20 A Diameter, Decimal Price, Each Length Over Length Standard Inches Equivalent AH, Inches Twistjnches Taper Shank 1 16 .0625 $0.90 m 1A A .0937 .90 ±A m A .1250 .90 5A 2A A .1562 .90 5A 2V 8 3 T6 .1875 .90 5M 2 5 A 7 32 .2187 1.00 6 2A H .2500 1.10 VA 3 A .2812 1.20 6J4 SA ,_, 5 16 .3125 1.30 &A 3M • 6 11 32 .3437 1.40 VA VA £ H .3750 1.50 6M SA H .4062 1.65 7 m A .4375 1.75 m 4 U .4687 1.90 7A 4A H .5000 2.00 7% ±A tt .5312 2.15 8 &A 9 T6 .5625 2.25 8M 5 M .5937 2.40 SA 5 1 K .6250 2.50 m $A S§ .6562 2.75 9 5H H .6875 3.00 9M 5A e .7187 3.25 m 5A : 50 10H Hi 1.8 137 28.75 16 3 £ 10>.. 1 8760 30.00 16'., ioh IB 1 «>062 31.25 ir,i_, IM i n - 50 16H L J i 1 9687 33 75 16' ■• a oooo 35 00 I6H in j a o.uj lf.l.. W }I *A _■ 0826 87 50 17 10 tilth inch siz.-s t.tkt- pric- of next larger site. C ■ i :■ ii i . k \ i k >Niw You IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 703 RYERSON FORGED HIGH SPEED TWIST DRILLS LIST No. 20 A CONTINUED Diameter, Inches Decimal Equivalent Price, Each Length Over All, Inches Length Twistjnches Standard Taper Shank 2& 2% 2^ 2.0937 2.1250 2.1562 $38.75 40.00 41.25 17 17 17 10 10 10 ■ 2^ 2& 2% ^32 2.1875 2.2187 2.2500 2.2812 42.50 43.75 45.00 47.50 17 173^ 173^2 17^ 10 ioy 2 ioy 2 2i^ 2H 2^ 013 ^32 2.3125 2.3437 2.3750 2.4062 50.00 52.50 55.00 57.50 17H 18 18 183^2 ioy 2 io% 10% n% 2^ Oil ■^32 2.4375 2.4687 2.5000 2.5312 60.00 62.50 65.00 67.50 isy 2 19 19 19% n% 11% 12 »o 2& 2^ 2Vs ^32 2.5625 2.5937 2.6250 2.6562 70.00 72.50 75.00 77.50 19% 20 12 12K 12 5 A ' 6* 2H 2ff 2% 025 ^32 2.6875 2.7187 2.7500 2.7812 80.00 82.50 85.00 87.50 20 20^ 203^2 20^ 13 13 13 2 |f 2j2 2^ 2|| 2.8125 2.8437 2.8750 2.9062 90.00 92.50 95.00 97.50 20^ 21 21 21 13 133^ 13M 13M 2H 2f* 3 2.9375 2.9687 3.0000 100.00 102.50 105.00 21 22 22 13H 14% 14% 3£ 3% 3& 3^ 3.0625 3.1250 3.1875 3.2500 112.50 120.00 127.50 135.00 22 22 22 23 12% 12% 12% 13% so 3A 3^ 3.3125 3.3750 142.50 150.00 23 23 13% 13% 64th inch sizes take price of next larger size. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New Yor 704 1 N S T C K 1 R I M M E I A T E SHIP M E N T RYERSON FORGED HIGH SPEED TWIST DRILLS LIST No. 20 A CONTINUED Diameter, Decimal Price, Each Length Over Length Standard Inches Equivalent All, Inches Twist.Inches Taper Shank 3rV 3.4375 $157.50 23 13^ 1 3^ 3.5000 165.00 24 14M 3& 3.5625 172.50 24 Wk 3^ 3.6250 180.00 •1\ UK 3H 3.6875 187.50 21 u\i 3^ 3.7500 195.00 24 14M • o 3H 3.8125 202.50 24 14}4 m 3.8750 210.00 24 14} 4 3H 3.9375 217.50 24 14M 4 4.0000 225.00 25 15 (14th inch sizes take price of next larger size. RYERSON TAPER SHANK TWIST DRILLS WITH ENLARGED TAPER SHANK LIST NO. 22 B HIGH SPEED STEEL Diameter, Inches Decimal Equivalent Price, Each Whole Length, Inches Flute Length, Inches Taper Shank H .5 Si. 30 9A 4tt 1 5 s I .2500 7.35 4 2 s /i .2656 9.10 4H m h .2812 9.10 4>4 2H H .2969 10.50 *Vs 3& & .3125 10.50 4H 3rV .3281 12.00 m 3A 8 .3437 12.00 Wx 1 .3594 13.50 4 7 A X .3750 13.50 5 VA « ;»06 15.00 m 3fc fi .4062 15.00 ?> l 4 3H .4219 17.00 5Vs 3H x .437', 17.00 5H 4A H .4531 18.75 5 5 8 4A II .4687 18.75 4A li 4844 20.00 5jJ 4*] H .5000 20 00 6 4' 2 Chi. f O f * »• 1 1 T . RtBII $01 - N I w Ynu IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 707 TAPER SHANK BRIDGE REAMERS FOR BOILERMAKERS. BRIDGE. SHIP AND CAR BUILDERS TAPER SHANK BRIDGE REAMERS WITH CARBON TAPER SHANK— ADJUSTABLE 32nd sizes take priee of next larger size. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerron LIST NO. 60 HIGH SPEED STEEL Diameter Diameter Decimal Price, Each Whole Flute Length Taper Shank Inches, Inches, Equiva- Length, Length, B to C, AandB C lent Inches Inches Inches M ■h, .25 $ 3.00 °16 2% 1 r-i 5 ' 16 3 16 .3125 3.25 6^ 3M m >■ 6 Vs aV .375 3.50 6& 3M m 'A tV K .4375 3.75 m m VA h V?, fk .5 4.00 9 &A VA % % .5625 4.25 9 5 5 A VA 1* Vs .625 4.50 10 &A VA H Vh .6875 4.75 n% 7H VA \ % tV .75 5.00 12 7H VA ft ** .8125 5.30 12 7if VA V* 9 T6 .875 5.70 12 7M VA if ** .9375 6.00 12 715 ' 16 m CO 1 11 T6 1. 6.50 12 715 '16 VA X itV % 1.0625 7.00 12 7H V/ % IVh H 1.125 7.50 12 7M VA it\ Vh 1.1875 8.00 12 7H VA 1M A 1.25 8.75 12 7H VA J Nfe 1 1.3125 9.50 13 VA VA ) d. l 3 /* ItV 1.375 10.50 13 VA VA ItV m 1.4375 12.00 13 VA VA, t* m m 1.5 14.00 13 7 5 A VA Son — New York 708 IN STOCK F R I M M E D I A T E S II 1 1' M 1. N T CARBON STEEL TAPER SHANK BRIDGE REAMERS FOR BOILERMAKERS. BRIDGE. SHIP AND CAR BUILDERS LIST NO. 150 A CARBON STEEL Diameter Diameter n • i Decimal Price, Each Whole Flute Length Inches, Inches, Equiva- Length, Length, B to C, A and B c lent Inches Inches Inches rV ] 4 . 4375 $2.75 m 43 8 -2\ V* A .5 2.75 9 5A 2H A . 5625 2.80 9 5A 2H Ji (i2.-) 2.90 10 6 2H H .6875 3.00 H*4 6tV 2H K A .75 3.10 12 :-u 2' 4 H 4 8125 3.30 12 Mo 2' ,> 7 /6 n .875 3.50 12 7A m rl 9375 3.70 12 7& l H 1. 3.90 12 7tV 1A ij 1 0625 4.00 12 7A 2H IH H 1 125 4.30 12 7A 1A ■I I.- 1 1875 4.60 12 7A 1M H 1.25 4 . 90 13 7A JA i 1 3125 5.20 13 7rV l 8 /8 1A 1 375 5.60 13 7A IA 1H 1 . 437f) 6.00 13 7A 2M Taper Shank 32nd sizes take price of next larger size. USE EM UP" DRILL SOCKETS SOCKET TYPE Take List No. 3 on page 700. Also furnished in sleeve type taking List Xo. i 00 page 7' (' ■ ic AOO — J o s i f ll KtbII M I SOW N I w York IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 709 STEEL SOCKETS CARBON STEEL LIST No. 4 No. 1. With Shank fitted to No. 2 Socket $ 2.00 No. 1. With Shank fitted to No. 3 Socket 2.50 No. 1. With Shank fitted to No. 4 Socket 3.20 No. 1. With Shank fitted to No. 5 Socket 4.80 No. 2. With Shank fitted to No. 3 Socket 2.50 No. 2. With Shank fitted to No. 4 Socket 3.20 No. 2. With Shank fitted to No. 5 Socket 4.80 No. 3. With Shank fitted to No. 2 Socket 3.20 No. 3. With Shank fitted to No. 3 Socket 3.20 No. 3. With Shank fitted to No. 4 Socket 3.20 No. 3. With Shank fitted to No. 5 Socket 4.80 No. 4. With Shank fitted to No. 3 Socket 4.80 No. 4. With Shank fitted to No. 4 Socket 4.80' No. 4. With Shank fitted to No. 5 Socket 4.80 No. 4. With Shank fitted to No. 6 Socket 12.00 No. 5. With Shank fitted to No. 4 Socket 12.00 No. 5. With Shank fitted to No. 5 Socket 12.00 No. 5. With Shank fitted to No. 6 Socket 12.00 STEEL SLEEVES CARBON STEEL LIST No. 3 No. 1. Fitted to No. 2 Socket $1.80 No. 1. Fitted to No. 3 Socket 2.40 No. 1. Fitted to No. 4 Socket 3.00 No. 1. Fitted to No. 5 Socket 4.40 No. 2. Fitted to No. 3 Socket 2.40 No. 2. Fitted to No. 4 Socket 3.00 No. 2. Fitted to No. 5 Socket 4.40 No. 3. Fitted to No. 4 Socket 3.00 No. 3. Fitted to No. 5 Socket 4.40 No. 4. Fitted to No. 5 Socket 4.40 No. 4. Fitted to No. 6 Socket 10.00 No. 5. Fitted to No. 6 Socket 10.00 Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 710 I N S T iit'K F O K I M M EDI A T E SHI I' M E N T HIGH SPEED FLAT BEADED TRACK BITS % $ LIST No. 32 Siie. Length, Price, Size, Length, Price. Inches Inches Each Inches Inches Each H 6 $0.9:> 16 6 $1.50 A G 1.00 1 6 1.55 H 6 1.05 1A 6 1.416 H 6 1.10 Vs 6 1.75 a G 1.20 i,\ G 1.85 H 6 1.30 IX 6 1.95 . Vs 6 1.40 iX 6 2 10 4 HIGH SPEED FLAT TRACK BITS FLATTED ROUND SHANKS. 2>2 INCHES LONG. H INCHES DIAMETER c 3 LIST No. 30 Sue, I.encth, Price, Size. Length. Prire. Inches Inches Each Inches Inches Each 6 90.96 H 6 91.50 6 1. 00 l 6 1.55 6 l 05 iA 6 1.65 H 8 1 10 1»8 6 l 76 H 1.20 LA 6 1.85 H 8 1.30 m 8 1 95 H fi l u 1A 6 2.10 Cn pi T. Rtii So n — N n V <> r k IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 711 RYERSON RIVET SETS The Ryerson Rivet Seta are hammered from solid round-bar stock. This refines the steel to such an extent that the crystallization which usually takes place in the neck or fillet of the set, causing undue breakage, is largely eliminated. Another important advantage of these sets over the turned sets is that the hammering process pro- duces a denser grain in the metal and as a result a full blow of the hammer is transmitted to the rivet. This means that the rivets can be driven more rapidly, an advantage which is readily verified by the operator testing the turned set and then our hammered set. These sets are furnished with standard button and cone cupping, as per dimensions shown in the diagrams. Special cupping can be furnished when desired, in which case the exact dimensions of tem- plate must be furnished. DIMENSIONS OF STANDARD CUPS P"1 A i i i ei J 9 CONE HEAD SETS Diameter of Rivets, Inches . . .' A B % i H 7 A H i ix m 1_3_ 1_5_ 33 9 64 I 16 m 1 2_- x 3; m *32 59 64 BUTTON HEAD SETS Diameter of Rivets, Inches H 7 16 H A H tt 3* 13 16 % 15 T6 1 m m m A.. 19 32 A _5_ 16 11 T6 _§_ 32 23 64 H 5 T6 Vs ii 32 29 64 1 13 32 29 64 1^ 9 T6 1A 3i 64 39 64 1^ 3_3 64 H 45 64 1 15 J-32 19 T2 1 19 1-32 41 tl 16 2 51 64 Ii x 32 2^8 61 64 1 — B C Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 712 IN STOCK 1" O K I M M EDI A T E SHIPMENT SCREW PUNCHES Our screw punches have large screws fitted with a coupling nut at end, which can be removed, thus permitting the use of different sizes of punches. Can be furnished with either square head for ratchet or bar head. Ratchet wrench can be furnished at $10.00 net extra. One punch and die furnished with each tool; all others extra. In ordering state size of rivet hole to be punched. FORGED STEEL SCREW PUNCHES Will Pinch Depth of Throat, Inches Weight. Pounds Size Diameter, Inches Thickness, Inches Maximum Hole, Inches List Price No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 3 8 H H Vs % % H 4 22 48 70 100 $30.00 40.00 60. (X) 80.00 CAST STEEL SCREW PUNCHES \\ ii. i. I'i s< i Depth of Throat, Wei K ht. List Dauneter, Thickness, Boh Pounds Prin Inches Inches Inches No. 00 ft \i Vk v> 15 $20.00 No. ft '4 IX 17 24 (Hi No. 1 '_• I i',. 27 30 00 No. 'J H 2M 40 40 00 No % H l 3 00 60 00 No. 4 H H l 4 110 M) 00 Write for discounts Chii \ •. ■■ Joiifh I K 1 I K N ! \V Y <> K h IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 713 PUNCHES, DIES AND COUPLINGS All standards and sizes of punches and dies are carried in stock for immediate shipment. As nearly all our tools are made up on automatic machines, thus allowing us to turn out several hundred per day, we have been able to reduce our prices to such an extent that if you will carefully com- pare them with those of other concerns, or your cost of making punches yourself, you will find you will save considerably by buying from us. We agree to replace, free of any cost to you whatever, any punch or die which we have furnished that proves defective through poor workmanship or material. STANDARD COUPLING _ e — . ! u 1 \y STRAIGHT SHANK TYPE jlez: 3 STANDARD MACHINE PUNCH r CAST STEEL SCREW PUNCH i C — ■ 2 •! i -i- 1 V FORGED STEEL SCREW PUNCH t F- -1 STANDARD DIE The above diagram shows the several standards now in general use. In ordering state style of punch or die desired and give dimensions to correspond to lettering. Special punches and dies such as are used for punching hand and tube holes and square punches can be furnished promptly. In order- ing special punches or dies send sketch. Cs ica go — Josep h T. Ryerson & Son-New York 1 N S T O C K 1-" o K I M M i: 1) 1 A T E Sill !• M E N T RYERSON HIGH SPEED CHAIN HOIST This hoist has greater speed than any other hoist on the market. On account of the arrangement of the parts the loss in friction. is so slight that we have been able to gear it to this high speed without increasing the hand wheel pull above that of slower hoists. An automatic brake permits the spinning of the hand wheel in either direction when the hoist is not loaded, while at the same time it locks the load with perfect safety fcnd permits its free lowering by a slight reversed pull on the chain. SIZES AND LIST PRICE Weight Shortest Capac- Price Height Extra Complete Distance ity. Com- of Lift. Chain with Between Tons plete Feet per Foot Chains, Hooks. of Lift Pounds Inches X $35.00 8 $0.90 62 15 1 45.00 8 .95 85 18 iM 60.00 8 1.00 107 24 2 70.00 9 1.05 133 26 3 90.00 10 1.50 195 32 4 110.00 10 1.60 250 34 5 140.00 12 2.10 386 38 6 165.00 12 2.10 402 41 8 200.00 12 2.70 464 43 10 240.00 12 3.25 610 47 12 300.00 12 3.30 647 50 16 360.00 12 3.80 872 44 20 425.00 12 6.50 1360 50 30 525.00 12 9.00 1780 63 40 650.00 12 11.50 2030 82 DIFFERENTIAL BLOCKS This is a simple, cheap and safe chain block for use on plantations, farms and for all ordinary hoisting purposes where the higher power and durability of the duplex and triplex blocks are not required. It handles heavy loads readily and safely. SIZES AND LIST PRICE Capacity, Tons Price Regular Extra Hoist, Minimum Distance Net Weight, Complete H"iM, F.Tt Price per Foot Between Hooks, Inches Pounds $18.00 5 $2. SO 16 11 H is 00 6 2.80 17 20 H 21.00 7 2.80 21 31 i 28.00 8 3.00 26 53 VA | IN) 3.20 u 90 2 16.00 9 3 to 39 128 3 60.00 91- 2 1 m 44 167 ( II I C A GO — J O S E r II T. Rtlll^l v* Y O R K IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 715 DUPLEX HOIST Where the High Speed Hoist is not required, the Duplex Block is the one we recommend. It is especially adapted for portable use, being light, powerful, durable and requiring the least head room. Price Regular Extra Hoist, Minimum Reach in Net Tons Hoist, Price Feet and Weight in Feet per Foot Hooks, Inches Inches Pounds H $ 25.00 8 $1.20 13 9' 1" 43 1 30.00 8 1.50 16 9' 4" 57 1H 40.00 8 1.75 19 9' 7" 76 2 50.00 9 2.00 21 10' 9" 104 3 75.00 10 2.20 25 12' 1* 180 4 95.00 10 2.40 29 12' 5" 215 5 140.00 12 3.00 31 14' 7' 330 6 180.00 12 3.75 33 14' 9" 340 8 210.00 12 4.00 36 15' 0" 380 10 275.00 12 4.25 45 15' 9" 560 RYERSON TROLLEYS These Trolleys are readily adjusted to the different sizes I beams specified in the price list. They have flangeless track wheels with vertical guide roll- ers. The track wheels have hardened steel roller bearings (hardened steel bushings pressed into the wheels, hard- ened steel axles and hardened steel rollers enclosed in brass cages). On the Geared Trolley, the gears are cut. They work very freely and have a large safety factor. The Hoist is to be hung on the central bolt. The top of the hoist hook reaches to within one inch of the I beam, making a very close connection. PRICE LIST Capacity, Tread Diameter Adjustable for Plain Weight Weight Plain, Tons of Wheel, Inches Sizes I Beams, Inches Pounds Pounds H 4 5, 6, 7 $16.00 35 1 5 6, 7, 8 $35.00 20.00 60 47 iy* 5 6, 7, 8 38.00 26.00 70 56 2 6 7, 8, 9 40.00 28.00 90 74 3 6H 8, 9, 10 47.00 33.00 118 102 4 7 9, 10, 12 52.00 37.00 177 . 155 5 8 10, 12, 15 65.00 43.00 218 194 6 8 10, 12, 15 80.00 55.00 265 240 8 9 12, 15, 18 95.00 70.00 421 378 10 10 15, 18,20,24 115.00 85.00 480 434 In ordering state size and weight of I beam. Our machinery department offers you cranes of any span and capacity, arranged for hand power or motor drive and equipped with electric trolleys and hoists. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 716 IN STOCK FOB 1 M M K 1 1 I A T E SHIP II E N T TUBE EXPANDERS SECTIONAL EXPANDER— TYPE "A" SECTIONAL EXPANDER — TYPE B' ROLLER EXPANDER — DUDGEON PATTERN ALL STEEL ROLLER EXPANDER LUCAS STANDARD EXPANDER Chicago — Joseph T. Kylrson & Son — New York IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 717 TUBE EXPANDERS CONTINUED We carry in stock a complete line of standard sizes of expanders illustrated on preceding page. The Ideal and Ryerson All Steel Roller Expanders can be furnished either self -feeding for power use or with rolls set straight for hand use. Sectional expanders can be made up to special contour when desired. In ordering sectional expanders always give thickness of tube sheet. LIST PRICES FOR COMPLETE TOOLS • Diameter, Inches Sectional Expanders Types "A"and"B" All Steel Roller Expander Ideal Self- Feed Roller Expander Roller Expander Dudgeon Pattern 1 $11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 12.00 12.00 13.00 13.00 $16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 18.00 18.00 19.50 19.50 22.00 22.00 22.00 24.50 24.50 27.00 27.00 37.00 39.50 $10.00 IK VA 2 2Vs 2V 2 2% 2M 3 10.00 10 00 $11.00 12.50 13.00 15.00 15.50 10.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 15.00 17.00 14.00 18.00 22.00 26.00 30.00 33 00 19.00 20.00 16.00 18.00 20 00 VA 24.00 23.00 25.00 4 4M 33.00 [35.00 37.00 42.00 52.00 60.00 28.00 30.00 35 00 VA 40 00 5 50.00 &A 55.00 6 60.00 Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 718 IX ST O C K F R I M M 1 . 1 ) I A T E SHIP M E N T RYERSON RIVET Our PORTABLE FORGE Portable Rivet Forges have Ball Bearings throughout, and produce a strong continuous blast. It will produce blasts to weld 3 1 2 to 4 inch iron. The crunk turns either way to pro- duce the blast. The gearing is all enclosed in an airtight casing and runs practically noiselessly. All parts can be detached in a few min- utes and packed in the fire pan for transportation. IN STOCK Diameter, Hearth Diameter, Fan Height Weight, Pounds I.i-! 401 401 ^ 401 % 18 22 24 9 9 10 30 30 30 115 120 135 $35.00 40.00 45.00 GUNNEL PNEUMATIC FORGE Two hundred rivets per hour can be easily heated, making it possible to keep the riveting machine at full capacity. It effeotfl a saving of rivets, and furnishes a smooth hot rivet not burned or melted at the end. Th<- finl magazine is a cylin- drical chamber positioned above the forge fire, which is filled with fuel and feeds doi I in the Mtme manner as | self-feeding stove. The upper part of the forge is pivoted, enabling the operator to reach any rivet by simply revolving tin- lire h«d« Weight ."() pounds. Chicago | b r ■ l . Rv i r ■ o ■ A S o ■ — N i w York PRICES AND CLASSIFICATIONS 801 WAREHOUSE BASE PRICES APRIL 1, 1913 BE SURE TO KEEP THIS PAoE UP-TO-DATE Below are given our current base prices for stock shipment : On account of changing conditions we reserve the right to change these prices without notice and invoice at prevailing warehouse market prices. Confirmation of prices, full details or net prices will be furnished on request. Base per 100 Pounds Structural Shapes $2 . 05 Chicago Plates 2.05 Steel Bars 1.95 Structural Rivets 2.70 Blue Annealed No. 10 Gauge 2 . 25 " Black Sheets No. 28 Gauge 2 . 90 25 bundles or over 2.80 Galvanized Sheets No. 28 Gauge 4. 15 25 bundles or over 4 . 05 Machine Bolts % x 4 and smaller 70-7}% " Machine Bolts larger or longer than 5^x4 65-5% " Cold Drawn Shafting 51% " BOILER TUBES Lapweld Charcoal Seamless Steel Iron Steel 2 inches 51 .40 .41 23^ inches 56 .42^ -41 3 inches to 3M inches 61 .47 .50 V/ 2 inches to 4J^ inches 63 .50 .50 All the above for immediate shipment. Mill shipment prices on request and receipt of specification. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York S02 r R I C I. S A X I) CL A S S I I" I C A T I O N S WAREHOUSE CUTTING EXTRAS For the convenience of customers we print below our card extras for cutting, which will be added to current prices on material where special cutting is required. Cutting charging from stock : Reams ;iii«l Channels, •'{ inches and over Tees, 3 inches and over Angles, 2x2xA and over Plates, rectangular: For length Splitting plates, 10 cents extra. Sketch Checkered Sheets, Xo. 10 gauge Sheets, Xo. 12 gauge Sheets, Xo. 14 gauge Sheets, Xo. 1<> gauge Splitting Stock Sheets, Xo. 10 to Xo. 16, 10 cents extra. Flats, 1 pound i>er foot and over to 1 inch thick, inclusive Rounds, 1 pound per foot and over to 2 inches thick, inclusive Squares, 1 pound per foot and over to 2 inches thick, inclusive Angles, 1 pound per foot and over to 2 x 2 x y a inches, inclusive Flats, under 1 pound, per foot Rounds, under 1 pound, per foot Squares, under 1 pound, per foot Angles, under 1 pound, per foot Flats, over 1 inch in thickness Rounds, over 2 inches diameter Squares, over 2 inches Tees, under .'i inches ( 'hannels, under 3 inches Rails Billets Hands Reinforcing Ban and SO t 4 •> ■1 2 Feet 1 Foot Inches Inches I Debet d to to to 1 toC to 4 cr 3 Feet 2 Feet Foot Inches Iricln>s IK) $0.15 ISO. 30 $0 . 85 $1.40 32.30 00 .15 .30 .88 1.40 2.30 00 .15 .80 .88 1.40 2.80 00 .05 .10 .20 . 36 ..-.it (Ml .05 .10 .20 . 36 .60 10 .10 .30 .25 .30 . 35 .40 .10 .30 .25 .30 . 38 10 .10 .50 .45 .50 .60 an ".-. :',u 35 Ml 20 .211 .30 .80 . 88 .80 20 .20 .30 .60 . 88 3D 80 .211 .30 .80 .81 Ml jn .20 .30 .80 . 88 XO •j:. . 25 . to 35 1.40 2.30 _':. . 25 .40 .88 1.40 2.30 25 .40 . 86 1.40 2.30 25 .40 B8 1 40 2.30 2.'. . 25 .40 .86 1.40 2 30 J.". . 28 . to 1.40 2 .30 2.". 25 .40 .86 1 .40 2.'. .40 .86 1.40 2.". . 26 .40 38 1 40 2.30 2.". . 25 ill .85 1.40 Prices on Request WAREHOUSE SIZE EXTRAS ON SHAPES. PLATES AND BLUE ANNEALED SHEETS ' 4 inch ami heavier Tank Plates, 72 inches and under Bast Same, ov .Wns 18.8 N. Aurora 7 N. Chicago... 8 Oak Put 8 Oblong 19.1 Oglesby 17 Ohio 12 Olney 17 1 .. Onarga 13.9 Oregon 1_' Orion 17 Ottawa 12 Palatine 12 Pana 17', Paris 17' j Pawnee 1 7 ' ■> Paw Paw 12 Paxton 15.3 Pearl City... 17 Pekin 17 Peoria 17 Peotone 10 Peru 12 Pinckneyville.. 22.6 Cent* Alexandria 14 Anderson 14 Ambia It Attica 13 Auburn 13^ Aurora 17 Bedford 16 Berne 15 Bicknell 16 Bloomington . . 16 Blufftor 14 Boonvillc 17 Bourbon 12'. Brazil 14 Bremen 12 Butler 14 Cambridge City It Cannelton 17 Clinton 14 Columbia City II Columbus || Conaertrille IIM Convene II] | Crawfonlsville. 13', Crown Point W Deentur IIW Delphi II Dunkirk 14' . < lettl Adrian 1.1 Albion 15 15 Alma \; Almoin Alpena Ann Arl*.r. 1 » . Cents Piano 12 Plymouth 17" i Pole II Pontine 12 Potomac 17' , Prairie View. . in 1 , Princeton 17 Prophetstown . 17 Quincy 17 Rankin 17 Ravinia 8 Reddick 12 Richmond... 12 Riverside 7 Roanoke 17 Robinson 19.9 Rochelle 12 Rock Falls... 12 Rockford 12 Rock Island... 17 Roodhouse. ... 1 7 1 •'. Roselle 10 Roasville 17 Sandwich 12 ( Ynts Savanna 17 Say brook 16.8 Seneca 12 Seward 12 Sheffield 17 Shelbvville... \VA Sheridan 12 Somanauk.... 12 Sparta 23 Spring Valley . 12 So. Elgin 7H So. Holland... 10.9 Springfield — 17 Staunton 17H Sterling 12 St. Anne 12 St. Charles ... 7 St. David 17 Steger 8 Strasburg 1 7 1 i Streator 12 Sullivan VjH Sycamore 7 Taylorville. . . . 17^ INDIANA Cents E.Chicago.... 08 Elkhart 12', Elwood 14 Evansville.. . . 17 Fairmont 14 Ferdinand 17 Fort Wayne... 13}^ Frankfort 13H Franklin 15 F.. Branch... 17 Gary 08 Gas City 14 Goshen 12,4 Graaselli 09 Groeo Castle.. 14 Greensburg. . . 16 Hammond. ... 08 Hartford City. 14 Hobart 08 Huntington... 13' j Indianapolis 14 Indiana Harl>or 8 Jasper 17 Jefferson ville. . 17 KendaHVnia Knox HH.. Kokomo . II Cents La Fayette... 13 La Grange.... 13' ■> La Porte 10 Lawrenceburg. 17 Lebanon 14 Liberty 17 Linton 16 Logansport. . . 13 Madison 17 Marion 13>, Michigan City. 10 Middelbury... 13^ Middleton.... 14'. Nishawaka. .12 Mitchell 16 Monroeville. . . 15 Monticello .... 13 Montpelier — 14 Mt. Vernon.. . 17 Muncie 14 Nappanee. . . . 12' , New Albany. . 17 N.-w Caetle.. . 15 Noblesville 14 N. Manchester M Oakland Cn v 17 I 17 MICHIGAN Bancroft 16 Battle Croak.. 14 Bay City BeUing 16 Bellevne I", Benton HarU.r 12 Beroemcr Cents Big Rapids.. U Bloomingdale . 14 Boyce City Bronsnn . Brooklyn .... I6H Buchanan . U Cadilla Chicago Joiiih T. k y e r s o n & Son Cents Thomasboro. . 16.2 Tinley Park. . . 7 Tiskilwa 17 Tremont 17 Tuscola 17 Urbana 16.8 Venice 17H Vermillion 17' > Virden 17' a Warsaw 21.1 Washington... 17 Watseka 13H Waukegan 8 Waverly 17' , Weklon 17 W.Chicago... 7 Wheaton 7 Whitehall 17'. Wilmette 8 Wilmington... 12 Winnetka 8 Woodstock. ..12 Wyoming 17 Zeigler 23 Cents Peru II Plymouth 12 Portland 15 Princeton 17 Rensselaer. . 12'.. Richmond... 16 RidgevUle. . 15 Rochester 12' . Rushville 16 Seymour 16^ Shelbvville. ... 16 South Bend... 12 Sullivan 16 Syracuse \%\$ ferre Haute . 14 Tipton 14 I'nion City. . . 15 1'rbana 13', Valparaiso. ... 10 Veedersburg. . 13', Vineennes ... Hi Wabash 13", Warsaw 12', Washington... 16 Wheeler 10 Winchester . II Woleott 13'j Wulcottville Cents Calumet 39 Caro 16 Case City Cedar Bprinp II Chailevoix.. Charlotte l."» Clielx>yg»n. •• 26 M Von PRICES AND CLASSIFICATIONS 805 Cents Chelsea 16 Clifford 16 Cold water. .. . 133^ Corastock .... 14 Constantine. . . 13 Yi Coral Z\Vi Crystal Falls.. 28 Detroit 16 Dowagiac 12}^ E.Jordan 26 Escanaba 28 Fenton 16 Ferrysburg ... 15 Flint 16 Freeport 16 Galien 12 Gladstone.... 28 Grand Haven. 15 Grand Ledge. . 16 Grand Rapids. 15 Greenville 16 Hale 28 Hancock 32 Harbor Beach. 24 Harbor Springs 26 Hastings 16 Hillsdale 14 Holland 15 Cents Abbotsford... 24 Albany 12 Algoma 23 Antigo 24 Appleton 20 Ashland 28 Augusta 25 Baraboo 22 Beaver Dam . . 20 Beloit 12 Berlin 20 Black River Falls 22^ BlackwellJct. 25 Brandon 20 Brillion 20 Brokaw 23 Browntown ... 19 Burlington 10 Chilton 20 Chippewa Falls 25 Clinton 12 Clintonville... 22 Cochrane 25 Colfax 25 Commonwealth 28 Corliss 10 Cornell 25 Crandon 25 Cudahy 10 Darhngton. ... 20 Delavan 12 Denmark 20 DePere 20 Dodgeville.... 21 Eau Claire.... 25 MICHIGAN Cents Homer 15 Houghton 32 Howell 16 Hudson 15 Ionia 16 Iron Mountain 28 Iron River.... 28 Ironwood 28 Ishpeming .... 28 Jackson 15 Jonesville 14 Kalamazoo. . . 13^ Lake Mine. ... 32 Lake Odessa.. 16 Lansing 16 La Peer 16 Loretto 28 Lowell 16 Ludington 23 Manistee 23 Marcellus 13^ Marine City . . 18 Marquette 28 Marshall 15 Mass City.... 32 Mendon 133^ Menominee ... 23 CONTINUED Cents Midland 18 Milan 16 Milford 16 Monroe 16 Montague .... 18 Moore Park... 13 V 2 Morenci 16 Mt. Clements. 16 Mt. Pleasant.. 18K Munising 38 Muskegon 15 Musgekon Heights. ... 15 Nashville 16 Negaunee 28 Newaygo 18 Newberry 28 Niles 12 Northville. . . . 16 Otsego W/ 2 Owosso 16 Petoskey 26 Pewamo 16 Pontiac 16 Port Huron... 16 Ramsay 28 Reading 15 WISCONSIN Edgerton Elkhorn Ellsworth Evansville Fennimore Florence Fond du Lac. . Fontana Footville Ft. Atkinson . . Grafton Grand Rapids . Green Bay Greenville. . . . Hackley Hancock Hartford Highland Horicon Hurley Janesville Juneau Kaukauna Kenosha Kewaskum.... Kewaunee Kiel Kilbourne La Crosse Ladysmith — Lake Geneva. . Lancaster Madison Manitowoc . . . Marinette Cents 12 12 25 12 Cents Marshfield.... 23 Mauston 22 Mayville 19 Medford 25 Medina 20 Menasha 20 Menomonee. . . 25 Merrill 23 Milwaukee 10 Mondovi 25 Monroe 12 Montello 23 Monticello 12 Mosinee 23 Neenah 20 NewHolstein. 20 New London. ..20 N. Milwaukee. 10 N.Prairie.... 12 Oconomowoc. . 12 Oconto 23 Oshkosh 20 Owen 25 Palmyra 12 Phillips 26 Platteville. . . . 23 Plymouth 20 Port Wash- ington 16 Portage 20 Prairie du Chien 23 Prairi du Sac. . 21 Racine 10 Reedsburg.... 22 Cents Reed City.... 18^ Republic 28 Rochester. ... 16 Royal Oak .... 16 Saginaw 16 Saranac 16 St. Charles ... 16 St. Clair 18 St. John 16 St. Joseph.... 12 St. Louis 16 Sault Ste. Marie28 Sibley 16 South Haven. . 7 - Sparta 15 Stanton 16 Sturgis 13M Tecumseh 15J^ Three Rivers.. 13^ Traverse City. 24 Union City... 13J^ Vicksburg .... 13J^ Vulcan 28 Wayland 15 Wells 26 Woodlawn.... 28 Wyandotte. .. 16 Ypsilanti 16 Cents Reedsville. ... 20 Rhinelander. . 25 Richland Center 22^ Ripon 20 Rothschild.... 23 Schlesingerville 18 Seymour 20 Shawano 23 Sheboygan.... 18^ Sheboygan Falls 20 S. Milwaukee. 10 Sparta 22^ Spring Green. . 21 Stetsonville... 25 Stevens Point. 23 Stoughton.... 12 Stratford 23 Superior 28 Theresa 20 Tomahawk ... 25 Trevor 10 Two Rivers... 20 Walworth 12 Waterloo 12 Water town ... 12 Waukesha .... 12 Waupun 20 Wausau 23 W. Allis 10 West Bend ... 19 Wittenberg... 23 Whitewater... 12 Williams Bay . 15 Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 800 1' n I c i. S AND C I. A S S I I I C A T IONS IOWA Cento Adel 29 Albia 29 Alden 28 Algona 30 Amana 25 Ames 28 Anamosa 23 Anthon 32 Atlantic 32 A uburn 31 A udu bo: 32 HellePlaine... 24 Belkyue 17 Birmingham . . 25 Boone 29 Brighton 23 Britt 30 Bryant 22 Burlington 17 Calmar 25 Carroll 31 Cedar Falls... 25 Cedar Rapids. 24 (Vnterville... . 29 Chariton 29 Charles City.. 25 Cherokee 32 'larmda 32 Clarion 29 Clavworks. ... 30 Clinton 17 Corning 32 ( loaned Bluffs. 32 ( knrington. ... 24 Cresco 25 Cents Akron 18 Alliance 18 Ashland 18 Ashtabula 19 Athens 204 Attica 16) j Averv 17 Barberton. . . . 18 Barnes ville. . . 21 Bedford 18 BeDaira II Hellefontaine.. 16 lHlevuc 16 Big Prairie... . 18 Howling Qreen 16 Hrelneii I'.l Bridgeport. . 21 Broolmlk . 17 Bryan i"> Bueklaod . 16 ilk . 21 Bueyrui 161 f Butler .18 Caldwell J I < !amhridge. . '9 Canal Dover. . 19 Canal Fulton.. 18 Canton 18 C-hi.a 16 Cricaoo — J ' Cents Creston 3] Cumberland . . 32 Davenport 17 Decorah 25 Des Moines. . . 29 DeWitt 22 Dubuque 17 Dumont 26 Eagle Grove. . 30 Eldora 20 Estherville... 32 Fairfield 25 Farmington ... 25 Ft. Dodge. ... 30 Ft. Madison.. 17 GilmoreCity.. 31 Grinnell 26 Guttenberg.. . 23 Hampton 26 Harlan 32 Hedrick 26 Hudson 25 Humboldt .... 30 Independence. 25 Indianola 29 Iowa City... 24 Iowa Falls... 28 Irvington 30 Janesville 25 Jefferson 29 Keota 24 Keokuk 17 Klenune 29 Ladora 2") Cents Lake Mills.... M Le Mars 32 Lone Tree ... 24 Lorinor 29 Low Moor.... 22 Lyons 17 Madrid 29 Manchester ... 24 Maquoketa.. . 22 Marcus 32 Marengo 25 Marshalltown . 26 Mason City... 26 McGregor ... 23 Milford 32 Missouri Valley 32 Monticello... 22 Montour 25 Moulton 26 Mt. Pleasant.. 24 Muscatine. ... 17 Mystic 29 Nashua 25 Nevada 28 Newton 28 Gelwein 25 Onawa 32 Osage 25 Oskaloosa 26 Ottumwa 26 Pella 27 Perry 29 Postville 25 Prairie City.. . 28 OHIO Cents Chillicothe ... 19 Cincinnati. ... 17 Circleville. ... 19 Cleveland. ... 18 Clyde 16^ Coldwater. . . . 16 Columbiana... 19 Columbus Grove 16 Columbus .... 18 Conneaut 19 Coshocton .... 19 Crestline 164 Crooksville l'i Cuyahoga Falls is Dayton 17 Defiance 1"> Delaware 18 Delphi* 15 lleimisun L'M'j Baal Liverpool II Eaton 16 Klin wood 1? Elyria 18 I mil i> Ifl i ifl Fremont Gabon Qallipolia II Cents Geneva 19 Gibsonburg. . 16 Girard 18 Grafton 18 Greenville 16 Greenfield. .. . 19 Hamilton 17 Hamler 16 Haviland 15 Hillsboro 18 Ironton 2ti' _• Ivorydale 17 Jackson 20 1_. Kent 18 Kenton 16 Lakeview 16 Lancaster 19 Lectonia Ifl ton Ifl I. una Ifl Liaboo Ifl flOJ ■ LoaUend.. . 17 London U Lorain . 18 Ik is LoweUvuk, Ifl Bid. i: Marietta II R v i RIO N S Cents Red Oak 32 Richland 25 Riverside 21 Rockford 25 Rock Rapids.. 32 Rock Valley . . 32 Sac City 32 Schaller 32 Seymour 30 Sheldon 32 Shenandoah. . 32 Sibley ... 32 Sioux Center. 32 Sioux City ... 32 Sioux Rapids. . 32 Spencer 32 St. Charles.... 29 Stratford 29 Tama 25 Traer 26 Yarina 32 Villisca 32 Vinton. . .% . . . 25 Viola 23 Waukon IS WaterliK) .... 2". Waverlv 25 Wavland 23 flfebb 32 Webster ('it v. 2<» What Cheer Ifl Winfield Winterset 31 Wood burn... . 29 Cents Marion 18 Martins rem. 21 Marysville 18 Massillon 1^ Mendon 17 Middle Branch is Middleport. 21 Middletown. . 17 Mineral Ridge 19 Minster 16 Montpelier. 13'.. Mt. Vernon.. 18 Napoleon Ifl NeUonville. 2«» _. Newark Is New Lexington Ifl New Phila- delphia .... Ifl Nlles |fl N. Baltimore. Ifl Norwalk. .17 Norwood 17 Orrv.ll. is Ottawa Ifl Pauanmlk 18 Paulding Ifl Piqna Ifl Plymouth. Ifl Poaaaray 21 - \ 1 W Y u H K PRICES AND CLASSIFICATION S sor OHIO — CONTINUED Cents Cents Cents Cents Port Clinton. . 17 Shelby . 17 Utica . 18 W. Alexandria 17 Portsmouth . . . 21 Sidney . 16 Uhrichville. . . • 20*4 N. Manchester 17 Prairie Depot . 16 S. Columbus. . 18 Van Wert. . . . . 15 Wickliff . 19 Ravenna .... . 18 Springfield . . . . 17 Wadsworth . . . 18 Wilmington . . . 19 Rockford . 16 Steubenville. . . 21 Wapakoneta . . 16 Wooster . 18 Rossford . 16 Swan ton . 16 Warren . 19 Xenia . 17 St. Marys . . . . 16 Tiffin . 16 Wauseon . 15 Youngstown . . 19 Salem . 19 Toledo . 16 Wellston.... • 20*4 Zanesville. . . . . 19 Sandusky — . 17 Urbana . 17 Wellsville.... . 21 MINNESOTA Cents Cents Cents Cents Albert Lea. . . . 25 Fergus Falls . . 53 Minnesota Sauk Center . . 47 Alexandria. . . . 49 Fulda Transfer. . . . 25 Shakopee S.St. Paul... . 25 Anoka . 35 Glencoe . 33 Montendeo . . . 40 . 25 Appleton . 43 Hastings .... . 25 Moorhead . . . . 59 Spring Valley . 25 Austin . 25 Hibbing . 40*4 Nashwauk . . . • 40*4 Stillwater — . 25 Bemidji . 56 Hill City.... . 54*4 New Prague . . 25 Thief River Brainard . 48 Hopkins . 25 New Ulm . 29 Falls . 59 Buhl . 40*4 Houston . 24 Norcross . 52 Triumph . 30 Canby . 40 Kassin . 25 Northfield... . 25 Virginia . 40W Ceylon . 30 Kenyon . 25 Owatonna . . . . 25 Wabasha . 36 Chisholm . 40*4 La Crescent. . . 23 Preston . 24 Warren . 62 Clara City... . 47 Lake City . . . . 25 RedWing... . 25 Waterville.. . . 25 Cloquet . 28 Litchfield . 43 Rochester. . . . . 24 Wayzata . 31 Crookston . . . . 59 Little Falls.. . 46 Rushford . 24 Wells . 27 Duluth . 28 Long Prairie. . 49 St. Cloud.... . 42 Wilmar . 45 Ely . 45 Luverne . 30 St. James — . 30 Winnebago. . . 30 Eveleth . 40*4 Mankato . 27 St. Louis Park 25 Winona . 23 Fairmont . 30 Marshall .... . 39 St. Paul . 25 Worthington . . 32 Fairbault. . . . . 25 Minneapolis . . 25 St. Peter.... . 27 Zumbrota. . . . . 25 MISSOURI Cents Cents Cents Cents Alexandria. . . . 17 DeSoto . 33 Joplin . 45 Nevada . 37 Aurora . 39 Dexter . 46 Kansas City . . 32 Poplar Bluff. . 47 Boonville . 29 Excelsior Kirkville.... . 27 Rockport . 29 Brookfield . . . . 30 Springs . 32 Lexington . . . . 32 Sedalia . 29 Cape Girardeau 34 Flat River... . 41 Linneus . 32 St. Joseph . . . . 32 Carrollton... . 32 Fulton . 26 Lockwood . . . . 37 St. Louis . 17*4 Carterville... . 45 Hannibal . 17*4 Macon . 27 Salisbury . 29 Carthage . 45 Hardin ... . 32 Marceline. . . . 30 Springfield . . . . 37 Caruthersville . 46 Harrisonville. . 37 Marshall .... . 31 Tarkio . 32 Charleston... . 41 Huntsville... . 27 Maysville . 32 Warrensburg. . 31*3 Chillicothe... . 32 Independence . 32 Mendota . 31 Washington. . . 32 Clarksdale . . . . 32 Jackson . 38 Mexico . 26 Webb City... . 45 Clinton . 37 Jefferson City . 29 Moberly . 26 Westboro — . 32 Columbia . 26 West Plains.. . 48 KANSAS Cents Cents Cents Cents Arkansas Citj '. 75 Fredonia . 57 Lebanon . 68 Pittsburg — . 45 Ashland . 95 Ft. Scott.... . 37 Lyons . 72 Pleasanton. . . . 37 Atchison . 32 Galena . 45 Manhattan . . . 53 Pratt . 80 Bonner Garden City. . 85 Marysville... . 53 Rosedale . 32 Springs — . 32 Hiawatha — . 32 Medicine Sabetha . 36 CawkerCity. . 69 Horton . 34 Lodge . 87 Salina . 64 Chanute . 40 Hutchinson.. . 64 Neodesha — . 55 Stafford . 78 Chapman . . . . 62 Independence . 55 Newton . 68 Tyro . 57 Coffeyville... . 55 Iola . 45 Olathe . 37 Wellington. . . . 75 Dodge City.. . 85 Junction City . 60* Oswego • 53*4 Williamsburg. . 52 Eldorado . 65 Kansas City . . 32 Ottawa . 45 Winfield • V3H Emporia . 55 Lamed . 84 Paola . 37 Topeka . 47 Enterprise... . 57 Lawrence — . 45 Parsons . 45 Wichita . 69 Erie . 45 Leavenworth. . 32 Chicac ?-J o SEP B T . Ryerson & Son — New Y Q R K 808 I' K I C E S AND C L A S S 1 P I C A Tin N S COLD ROLLED SHAFTING CUTTING LIST FROM WAREHOUSE ROUNDS Colo Uovlkd Extras FOB OthKB timv Sro. k I.knoths Mi vi- rise ( ri n\<; Over 5 f. . I to .' IV,. t | IV... fa 1 Foot Pet 100 Pounds. Net 1 nder 1 Foot •', to 1 , ? A inches $0.20 .30 .20 .20 .20 $0.35 . 86 .35 .35 $0.40 w 111 . Ill .40 -ial 3 ,V to 3 \ inches a « m SQUARES AND FLATS Special prices according to specifications. SCREW STOCK Furnished only in stock lengths. STANDARD VARIATIONS IN SHEARING FROM WAREHOUSE The variation list shown below governs shearing on warehouse shipments. On direct mill shipments the variation of the mill in question will apply. Shapes i" Specified Lengths Over Under H inch H ■ k - 8 ■ H ' 1 4 inch 1 Rounds and Squares, 2 inches to 8 indies, inclusive Hounds and Squares, .'* inches to4H inches, inclusive, Rounds and Squares over 8 inches to 4' t inch.-, Roiudl over §W incles to 7'» in. -lies, inclu-ive, up 1 A " Rounds over i '.» inches, to 7 ' ( inches, inclusive, over • r :{ inches to 8 inchee, up so and including • 8 inch - to 8 inchee aids, over 90 feet Long i Structural Ore. Uadat H inch - X and other shapes .] riatis, length . length, wi«lth o n H * ( II I < A G O — J s * V ll I . K v K R S N N f I M ^ o R k PRICES AND CLASSIFICATI X S 809 STANDARD STEEL CLASSIFICATION OF EXTRAS ON STEEL BARS AND SMALL SHAPES ROUNDS AND SQUARES Small Sizes Extra per 100 Pounds % to 3 inches Base %to Hinch $0.10 Y 2 to ;&inch 20 3^ inch 40 ^inch 50 H inch • • • -60 3^ inch 70 ^inch 80 M inch 1.00 £f inch 1 . 50 Large Sizes Extra per 100 Pounds 33^ to 3^ inches $0. 15 3% to 4^ inches 25 4J/g to 4^ inches 30 \ h /% to 5 inches 40 5J/g to 5J£inches 50 5^8 to 6 inches 75 Qy to 6^ inches 1.00 6^ to 7J4 inches 1.25 tVinch 2.50 For intermediate sizes, the next higher extra to be charged. OVALS Extra per 100 Pounds ^£to 1% inches $0.30 %to Hmch 50 Ys inch 60 ^inch 80 ^inch 1.00 ^inch 1.20 HEXAGONS Extra per 100 Pounds % to iy 2 inches $0.30 ^6 to Hinch 50 Y 2 Xo ^inch 70 i^inch 1.10 ^inch 1.30 A inch 1.50 For intermediate sizes, the next higher extra to be charged. HALF OVALS AND HALF ROUNDS Extra per 100 Pounds y% to 4 inches x 3^ inch and thicker . $0 . 50 y% to 4 inches x Nos. 7, 8, 9 and t\ inch 70 V % to 4 inches x Nos. 10, 11, 12 and y inch 1 .00 z /i to H inch x Y6 inch and thicker 80 % toif inch x Nos. 10, 11, 12 and y inch 1 .20 % toH inch x Nos. 13, 14 and 15 1.40 % to is inch x ^2 inch (No. 9) and thicker. 1 . 00 % toHinch x Nos. 10, 11, 12 and y inch 1.30 y % to H inch x Nos. 13, 14 and 15 1.50 3^2 to j^ inch x y inch and thicker 1 . 30 y to & inch x Nos. 13, 14 and 15 1.80 ts x ^ inch and thicker 2 . 10 1^ inch x Nos. 13, 14 and 15 2.30 z /% x ^2 inch and thicker 2 . 50 % inch x Nos. 14 and 15 2.70 ys x Y2 inch and thicker 2 . 60 j^ x less than -£2 inch thick 2 . 80 to 6 to 6 FLAT BARS AND HEAVY BANDS inches x % to 1 inch inches x y to it inch x % to xi to xf inch x y to i%to ^inchx «Hj to ye to Y% inch x y to Chicago — Joseph inch Base Extra per 100 Pounds $0.20 %inch 40 i^inch 50 y 2 inch 60 3^ inch 70 T. Ryerson & Son — New York 8lO P B I C E S A N 1) CLASS! F I C A T I O N S STANDARD STEEL CLASSIFICATION CONTINUED FLAT BARS AND HEAVY BANDS — CONTINUED Extra j>er 1 Pounds 1 i inch x : * s to ft inch $1 .00 1 •_> inch x '( tn ft inch 1 . JO ^ inch x :! s inch 1 . 40 , 7 B inch x ! 4 to ft inch 1.60 inch x J4 to ft inch 2.00 1 j s to (> inches x lr 6 - to l^ft inches 10 1 ! s to 6 inches x 134 to \ l /2 inches 20 1 - ( (o inches x 1 5 8 to 2 : *4 inches 30 •'!' I to (3 inches x 3 to 4 inches 10 For intermediate sizes, the next higher extra to be charged. LIGHT BARS AND BANDS ]; xtra ,, r lm ,>„„„,,. 1 j 2 to 6 inches x Nos. 7, S, 9 and ft inch $0.40 1 ' _> to 6 inches x Nos. 10, 11, 12 and Y% inch 00 1 to lr 6 inches x Nos. 7, 8, 9 and ft inch 50 1 to I ft inches x Nos. 10, 11, 12 and Y% inch 7(1 J | to 1 \ inch x Nos. 7, 8, 9 and ft inch 70 Hto H inch x Nos. 10, 11, 12 and % inch 80 \\ to % inch x Nos. 7, 8, 9 and ft inch 1.00 yI to ^4 inch x Nos. 10, 11, 12 and 3-8 inch 1.20 ft to Yz inch x Nos. 7, 8, 9 and & inch 1 .20 ft to % inch x Nos. 10, 11, 12 and Y% inch 1 . 30 Yi inch x Nos. 7, 8, 9 and ft inch 1 30 1 > inch x Nos. 10, 11, 12 and 3 g inch l.fiO ft inch x Nos. 7, 8, 9 and ft inch 1.80 ft inch x Nos. 10, 11, 12and V 8 inch 2 10 • \ inch \ Nos. 7, 8, 9 and ft inch 1.80 : s inch x Nos. 10, 11, 12 and ] $ inch 2 40 For intermediate sizes, the next higher extra to be charged in all ANGLES Extra per 100 Pounds 1 J j x \Yi inches and wider, but under 3 inches x ft inch and heavier $0.20 1 ' 2 x 1 j 2 indies an — I - \ v n 1 RTBlfOM % So n — N t w York PRICES AND CLASSIFICATIONS 811 STANDARD STEEL CLASSIFICATION CONTINUED CHANNELS „ . ,„ _ . Extra per 100 Pounds \*/2 inches and wider, but under 3 inches x -^ inch and heavier . . $0 . 20 lJ/£ inches and wider, but under 3 inches x y inch 30 1 to \ x /i inches x ^ inch and heavier 30 1 to l}4 inches x y inch 40 %x-rs inch and heavier 40 ^x 3^ inch 50 yto% inch x t* inch 50 M x V 8 inch 60 % x V 8 inch 2 . 20 y 2 x y 8 inch 3 . 20 y x less than y inch , 3 . 60 TEES Extra per 100 Pounds V/2 x \y inches and wider, but under 3 inches x 34 inch and heavier $0. 20 \ l A x 1 J/2 inches and wider, but under 3 inches x t* inch 40 \Yi x \}/2 inches x y inch 50 Vyi x V/i inches x 34 inch and heavier 40 1/4 x 134 inches x 1^ inch 50 134 x 134 inches x y inch 60 1 xl tolj^xl^l? inches x y& inch thick 60 1 x 1 to 13^ x 13^8 inches x y inch thick 70 y 8 x y 8 inch x y 8 inch and thicker 90 z /i x M inch x y inch and thicker 1 . 10 y 8 x y inch x y inch and thicker 2. 20 Unequal leg tees are subject to special prices, which will be fur- nished on application. EXTRAS FOR CUTTING TO SPECIFIED LENGTHS Extra per 100 Pounds Hot sawing or shearing, 24 to 60 inches $0. 10 Hot sawing or shearing, 12 to 24 inches 20 Shearing, under 12 inches 30 Machine cutting, specified lengths above 24 inches 20 Machine cutting, specified lengths, 12 to 24 inches 40 Machine cutting, specified lengths less than 12 inches, accord- ing to contract, but not less than 60 cents on each size. No charge for shearing to multiple lengths of 12 inches and under. No extra charge for hot shearing to lengths of 5 feet and over. MACHINE STRAIGHTENING AND CENTERING Machine straightening alone, for ordinary sizes $0. 20 Extras for machine strrightening and centering, will be furnished on application. Chicago — J oseph T.Ryerson & Son — New York 812 PRICES AND CLASSIFICATIONS STANDARD STEEL CLASSIFICATION CONTINUED FLAT SPRING STEEL OPEN HEARTH 1 ' i inches to 8 inches x No. 4 to ^ inch Base Extra per 100 Pounds 1 inch and \Y% inches x Nos. 1 to 4 $0 . 20 1 inch to 3 inches x Nos. 5 to 7 50 % inch and f| inch x Nos. 1 to 7 50 % inch to \\ inch x Nos. 1 to 7 1 . 00 % inch to 4 inches x Nos. 8 to 10 1 . 00 % inch to 5 inches x Nos. 1 1 to 16 1.50 % inch to 6 inches x Nos. 17 to 19 2.20 % inch to % inch x Nos. 10 to 16 4.00 M inch to % inch x Nos. 17 to 19 5.00 ROUND AND SQUARE SPRING STEEL OPEN HEARTH % inch to V/2 inches Base Extra per 100 Pounds Y 2 inch to i\inch $0.20 s inch to rVinch 50 rVinch 1.00 % inch 1 . 50 Cutting to lengths 24 inches and over, \{\. cent per pound. Under 24 inches, special prices. QUANTITY DIFFERENTIALS All specifications for less than 2,000 pounds of a size will be subject to the following extras, the total weight of a size ordered to determine the extra, regardless of length and regardless of exact quantitv actuallv shipped. Extra per 100 Pounds Quantities less than 2,000 pounds, but not less than 1,000 pounds 10.30 Quantities less than 1,000 pounds 70 GALVANIZED STRAND SEVEN STEEL WIRES TWISTED INTO A SINGLE STRAND STANDARD STEEL STRAND .3 e a proximate eight per go Peat Pounds 2s « — m E-a-o Sao |1£ il £8 .3 11 RflJ proximate renifth in Pounds 1 il «8 a 5* .53 .-J Q fr~ $■ .a X 800 14000 $7.25 A 75 1400 $1.25 650 11000 5 75 X 55 900 1.15 i j 510 8500 t r.n X 10 700 1.10 X 415 K 100 l oo H 6000 .'< 25 4. V) .90 A 2lu 400 .80 LSI 1 7:. A ia 95 1800 i BO Chicago lot t fm T. Rvibi op I S m» V u r k PRICES AND CLASSIFICATIONS 813 STANDARD CLASSIFICATION OF EXTRAS ON STEEL TIRE 1 inch x \i inch and heavier Base Extra per 100 Pounds V/i inches x t\ inch and ^ inch $0.20 1 inch to 1 ys x fs and -fa inch 30 1 inch to Its x Y% inch 50 % inch x 34 inch and ys inch 30 Y% inch x ys and ^ inch 50 % inch x Y% and ^ inch 60 % inch x 34 inch 30 % inch x t\ and gfe inch 80 % inch x Y% and ^ inch 1 . 00 % inch x j^ inch 1.00 Y% inch x Y% and ^ inch 1 . 10 For intermediate sizes, the next higher extra to be charged. Sizes not shown are subject to special arrangement. QUANTITY DIFFERENTIALS All specifications for less than 2000 pounds of a size will be subject to the following extras, the total weight of a size ordered to determine the extra, regardless of lengths and of exact quantity actually shipped. Quantities less than 2000 pounds, but not less than 1000 pounds, $0.30 per 100 pounds. Quantities less than 1000 pounds, $0.70 per 100 pounds. No extra charge for cutting to tire lengths. MILL EXTRAS ON STRUCTURAL SHAPES FOR SIZE AND CUTTING Extra per 100 Pounds Angles larger than 6 inches on one or both legs $0. 10 Beams, 18 inch, 20 inch and 24 inch 10 Cutting to length under 3 feet to 2 feet 25 Cutting to length under 2 feet to 1 foot 50 Cutting to length under 1 foot 1 . 55 Tees, 3 inch and over (except hand rail tees) 05 Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 814 r R ICES AND C L A S S I 1 I C A T I O N S STANDARD IRON CLASSIFICATION 1',' 4K 6K 6^ 1 3 8 2 8^ 2 4^ 6^ 1 3 4 5^ to to to to to 8x tolOx 4x ? 8 tol , tol 6x1^6 to Hi 8X1A tol}/2 % to 1 Htol to 4xlJ/8toH to 4x l^to2 to 6x1% to 2 to 8 x 1% to 2 to 10 x 1^ to 1} to 10 x Ws to 2 to 4x2^to3 6x2^ to 3 8 x 2K to 3 Hgx^tol 1^ x H to Hx^to Hx 3 sto T€ X % tO FLATS Extra per 10Q Founds nch Base nch $0.10 nches . nchcs . nch. . nch. . nches . nches . nches . nches . nches . nches . nches . nches . nches . inch. '/% inch . '4 inch. '/g inch. inch. .40 .60 .60 .80 .30 .50 .60 .80 .90 1.00 .60 .80 1.00 .10 .20 .40 .50 .90 ROUNDS AND SQUARES Extra per 100 Pounds 1 to 1^8 inches Base 2 to 2% inches $0.20 3 to W2 inches 50 Z% to 4 inches 80 4% to 4H inches 1.00 4% to 5 inches 1.30 .V . to 6 inches 1.80 <'>' s to 6} 2 inches 2.20 Q% to 7^4 inches 2. 50 Extra per 100 Pounds MtoTsinch $0.10 % to H inch 20 V 2 to £■ inch 30 T 7 e to §§ inch 40 % to {finch 50 ^ to H inch 70 1 , to A inch 90 V, inch 1.40 A inch 2.50 HALF OVAL AND HALF ROUND Extra per 100 Pounds 2Mto3 inches SO. 60 %to2 inches 50 , to flinch 70 to Hinch 00 Extra per 100 rounds 1 -to rVindl $1.20 H to £ inch 2.50 A inch 3.50 1 1 inch 1 50 Half ovals, less khan \ 1 their width In thickness, extra price. :< OVAL IRON fain i*'r 100 rounds %to V .inches $0 10 1 to 12 ineh 50 !.'. inch 80 '-to r* inch so Extra per 100 Pounds to , 7 „ inch $1.10 'j to ,"„ x ,',. inch 1 00 H x Mnch 1.20 Chicago -Jotir a T, k ■> 1 k N Sun .\ i u Y • K k PRICES AND CLASSIFICATIONS 815 STANDARD IRON CLASSIFICATION CONTINUED HEAVY IRON BANDS Extra per 100 Pounds 8}4 to 10 x^toA inch SO . 70 7 to 8 x Y± to 3^ inch 70 6J4 to 6MxMto^ inch 50 4^to 6 x^to^inch 30 lM>to 4 x^to^inch 20 1 to \y* x }4 to ^ inch 30 %to H x M to A inch 50 % to t£ x M to ^ inch 80 H to ^xMto^ inch 1 .00 Vs to j^x^to^ inch 1 .50 BEVEL EDGE BOX IRON Bevel edge box iron takes the same extras as light bands of same Extra per 100 Pounds Beaded band iron, 1 J4 inches to 2 inches SO . 70 Sand band iron, 10 cents above light bands. LIGHT BANDS Extra per 100 Pounds 7 to 8 x Nos. 9 to A $0.90 7 to8 x Nos. 10, 11, 12 1.00 6^ to 6% x No. 9 to £■ 70 6K to 6% x Nos. 10, 11, 12 80 4K to 6 xNo.9to^ 50 4*4 to 6 x Nos. 10, 11, 12 60 l^to4 xNo.9to^ 40 1% to 4 x Nos. 10, 11, 12 50 1 to 1^ x No. 9 to ^ 50 1 to 1^ x Nos. 10, 11, 12 60 it to KxNo.9to^ 60 ft to V 8 x Nos. 10, 11, 12 70 Hto %xNo.9tojL 80 H to % x Nos. 10, 11, 12 90 t^to %xNo.9tO;& 100 ^to y 8 x Nos. 10, 11, 12 1.10 !^to HxNo.9to^ 1.30 i^to K2X Nos. 10, 11, 12 1.40 % x No. 9 to & 1.50 y 8 x Nos. 10, 11, 12 1 . 60 Chicago — Joseph T . Ryerson & Son — New York 810 P R I C E S AND CLASSIFICATIONS CLASSIFICATION OF SWEDISH OR NORWAY IRON ROUNDS AND SQUARES 1 tol : , inches Base Extra per 100 Pounds 2 to 2Y 8 inches $0. 10 2u to 3}4 inches 20 3) \ to 4 inches 50 to Kinch 10 A to 5 A inch 20 A to } > inch 30 '■'' \ inch 40 tV inch 60 ! 4 inch 1.00 ft inch 1.50 FLATS 1 J g to 4 x % to 1 inch thick Base Extra per 100 Pounda AM to G x Y% to 1 inch thick 10. 10 1 ; i to 6 x \\i to \y 2 inches thick 20 2Y 2 to G x 2 inches thick 50 lJ4andl 3 8x3£tol inch 10 1 andl^xHto J^ inch 20 /^. Hi ?i an d K x ^8 to % inch thick 40 l'.toG x^ and A inch 20 1 to 1.x ] 4 and A inch ind : i x \ \ and ft inch GO Kand%x ^ and A inch 1 00 1 to 2 x ft inch SI I •■, and : sx A inch BO ad : \x^ inch 1.20 STONE AND MARBLE SAW BLADES Carefully cut to length and straightened. Kxtra i-or 100 Pounds for leas than carload 1>_. to 7 inches Nos. 7, 8, 9 or ft inch $0. 10 1 ' 2 to 7 inches. Not. K>, 11, 12 or U inch Lfi Regular extras as per Standard Bar Steel Classification to apply, in addition t<» the above. (hi phT.Rybi Nit Yon PRICES AND CLASSIFICATIONS 817 SOFT STEEL HOOP EXTRAS Width, Inches Gauge Extra, 100 lbs. Width, Inches Gauge Extra, 100 lbs. Width, Inches Gauge Extra, 100 lbs. % 13 $1.10 ii ie 21 $0.90 1A to 2 19 $0.25 14 1.10 22 1.05 " 20 .50 " 15 1.20 8 23 1.25 8 21 .70 ■ 16 1.30 M to 11 13 .40 8 22 .95 a 17 1.45 14 .40 2Ato2>^ 13 .10 " 18 1.60 8 15 .40 8 14 .10 13 .90 8 16 .50 8 15 .10 ¥ 14 .90 8 17 .50 8 16 .15 « 15 .90 8 18 .55 8 17 .20 ( « 16 1.00 8 19 .60 8 18 .30 « 17 1.10 " 20 .65 8 19 .40 8 18 1.35 8 21 .75 8 20 .60 « 19 1.50 8 22 .95 8 21 .90 Vz 13 .65 8 23 1.20 2^ to 3 13 .10 14 .65 Vs 13 .30 " 14 .10 u 15 . .65 14 .30 8 15 .10 ■ 16 .75 8 15 .30 " 16 .15 « 17 .75 8 16 .35 8 17 .20 « 18 .80 8 17 .40 " 18 .30 8 19 .85 8 18 .40 « 19 .40 " 20 .95 " 19 .45 8 20 .60 « 21 1.15 8 20 .55 " 21 1.00 " 22 1.35 8 21 .65 3 rs to2>V 2 13 .10 & 13 .55 8 22 .85 8 14 .15 14 .55 « 23 1.10 8 15 .20 " 15 .55 H to l 13 .20 8 16 .30 " 16 .65 " 14 .20 8 17 .40 « 17 .65 8 15 .20 8 18 .55 8 18 .70 8 16 .25 8 19 .75 u 19 .75 a 17 .25 8 20 1.00 " 20 .85 " 18 .30 3A ( to4 13 .10 « 21 1.00 " 19 .35 14 .15 h 22 1.15 8 20 .45 8 15 .20 « 23 1.35 « 21 .65 8 16 .30 ¥ 13 .50 « 22 .85 8 17 .45 14 .50 8 23 1.10 8 18 .70 " 15 .50 1A tolj* 13 .15 8 19 .90 " 16 .60 « 14 .15 4 A to 5 13 .15 " 17 .60 8 15 .15 " 14 .20 « 18 .65 16 .20 8 15 .30 " 19 .70 17 .25 " 16 .50 « 20 .80 18 .25 8 17 .75 « 21 .95 19 .30 5 J* to 5^ 13 .20 " 22 1.10 ' 20 v .45 8 14 .30 « 23 1.30 8 21 .65 8 15 .50 li 13 .45 " 22 .85 " 16 .80 " 14 .45 1& to 2 13 .10 6 to6M 13 .30 " 15 .45 " 14 .10 8 14 .40 " 16 .55 8 15 .10 8 15 .60 " 17 .55 8 16 .10 8 16 .90 8 18 .60 8 17 .15 7 to 8^ 13 .35 19 .65 8 18 .20 8 14 .50 ■ 20 .75 NOTES — Throughout this list Birmingham Wire Gauge and the corresponding decimal equivalents apply. Per 100 pounds Additional Extras— For cutting to specified lengths not less than 24 inches $0.05 For cutting to specified lengths 12 inches to 24 inches .20 Extra for cutting to specified lengths less than 12 inches will be furnished on application. Per 100 pounds Per 100 pounds For rounding one end of cut hoop ... $0 . 05 For rounding both ends of cut hoop ..$0.10 For intermediate gauges the extra for the next lighter gauge will be charged. Rolling of fighter gauges than indicated on the list and the extras to apply are subject to special arrangements. Extras for flaring and galvanizing will be quoted on application. Extras for packing in barrels, casks and boxes will be quoted on application. EXEMPTION — Extras for cutting and rounding one end will be waived on all widths when ordered in carload lots for cooperage purposes. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 818 1> R I C E S A N 1) C L A S Sill ( A T I () N S COLD ROLLED STRIP STEEL MILL EXTRAS SPECIAL EXTRAS FOR EXTRA WIDE THIN SIZES p er cwt Wider than 6 inches to 9 inches, inclusive, x .025 and thinner.. $0. 25 Wider than 9 inches x .025 and thinner 50 Wider than 9 inches to 12 inches, inclusive, x .026 to .035, inclusive 25 Wider than 12 inches x .020 to .035, inclusive ".'i EXTRAS FOR NARROW WIDTHS IN COILS I\r < wt Narrower than 11'2 inches to 1 inch, inclusive $0.15 Narrower than 1 inch to ?s inch, inclusive 30 EXTRAS FOR NARROW WIDTHS IN FLAT STRIPS p er cwt Narrower than 1^ inches to 1 inch, inclusive (ALL GAUGES) .$0.15 Narrower than 1 inch to % inch, inclusive, .100 and thicker L5 Narrower than 1 inch to J^ inch, inclusive, .035 to .099, inclusive . <*>."> Narrower than 1 inch to % inch, inclusive, .031 to .034, inclusive .80 Narrower than 1 inch to % inch, inclusive, .025 to .030, inclusive . »'>."> Narrower than 1 inch to Y% inch, inclusive, .020 to .024, inclusive . 55 EXTRA FOR CUTTING TO LENGTH Per cwt Any width and thickness shorter than 24 inches $0. 25 On orders or contracts for less than 18 tons, quantity extras will be charged as follows: p r . 6000 pounds to 18 tons of one size $0. 10 2000 pounds to 5999 pounds of one size 25 1000 pounds to 1999 pounds of one size 40 500 pounds to 999 pounds of one size 66 300 pounds to 499 pounds of one size 75 200 pounds to 299 pounds of one size 06 100 pounds to 199 pounds of one size L.46 ."><) pounds to \)\) pounds of one size 3.45 REDUCTION FOR QUANTITY All sizes when ordered in IS tons or more of DM size for shipment at one time, 15 centa per KM) pounds leas. STOCK EXTRAS Pol Shipment from stock, then is ■ standard wan-housing extra. Sheared widths and lengths can he furnished from stock at a mahle advance l>:used on the time consumed in shearing stock strips. For sizes curried in stock, sir j >:ilt«- 1 L& Chicago Jotsvn t . Rtiiioi I S o i --- N i w Y o « k PRICES AND CLASSIFICATIONS STANDARD SHAFTING PRICE LIST ROUNDS 819 Price Price Price Price Diam. per Diam. per Diam. per Diam. per Pound Pound Pound Pound H $0.12 1A $0,053^ 2H $0.05 3H $0,053^ _3_ 16 .10 1^ •05y 2 2fk .05 W •05^ H .10 1A my 2 2% .05 m •05^ 5 T6 •08^ 1H .05 2H .05 Q15 °16 •05H V* .07 1A .05 2*4 .05 4 .06 A .07 l 5 /^ .05 2H .05 4fV .06 y?, .07 itt .05 2% .05 4K .06 a .06 1*4 .05 Ol5 ^T6 .05 4^ .06 y* .06 Hi .05 3 .05 4H .063/6 ii 16 .06 I 7 /* .05 ^16 .05M Wa .06^ ' % ■053^ 115 A 16 .05 3H .05M 415. ^16 .06^ 13 "16 •05^ 2 .05 3A .05^ 5 .07 % •05^ 2A .05 3*4 .0534 5K .07 15 16 •05^ 2M .05 3^ .05M 5A .07 1 •05K 2A .05 3*/ 8 .05M m, .07^ 1A •05^ 2M .05 3A .05M 5% •07y 2 l X /8 •05^ 2A .05 3H .053^ °16 .073/2 1A •05^ 2% .05 3A •05^ 6 .08 1M •05H 2A .05 3^ •05^ 7 .08 SQUARES AND HEXAGONS Square Hexagon Square Hexagon Square Hexagon Price Size Price Price Size Price Price Size Price per per per per per per Pound Pound Pound Pound Pound Pound $0.12 H $0.10 $0.08 1A $0.07 $0.08 2A $0.08 .12 _5_ 16 .10 .08 m .07 .08 2H .08 .12 % .08 .08 1A .07 .08 2A .08 .12 7 T6 .08 .08 iy* .07 .08 2H .08 .10 H .08 .08 1A .07 .08 2t6 .08 .10 9 16 .07* .08 m .07 .08 m .08 .10 % .07* .08 IA .07 .08 2A .08 .10 11 16 • 07| .08 1 5 4 .07 .08 2y ?l .09 .08 H .07* .08 H* .07 .08 2% .09 .08 13 16 .07* .08 1*4 .07 .08 2% .09 .08 'A .07 .08 m .07 .08 015 ^16 .09 .08 H .07 .08 m .07 .08 3 .09 .08 1 .07 .08 1 15 .07 .10 W?, .08 1A .07 .08 2 .07 .10 314 .08 1Kb .07 Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 820 PRICES AND C L A S S T T I C A T I O N S STANDARD SHAFTING PRICE LIST FLAT SHAFTING Width, Inches Thkkneas, Inches A to 1 -1 A to il S 4 to 1 I A to 1A to Hi to 2 2 A to 2H 2* to 2\i 2A to 2*4 2fi to 3 1/6 and h A to & Hand rs 1 . :ind & Hand ft 3 1 to {, 16 14 14 16 14 14 10 10 12 10 10 8 8 8 12 10 10 8 8 8 8 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 8 8 8 8 8 1 to 1* l'i to IH m to in 2 to 2^ IK to 2^ 2M to 2H 2 3 ^ to 2tf 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Widths over 3 inches; list price, 10 cents. The above prices are for bars from 1 to 24 feet long, inclusive. Fractional or decimal sizes can be furnished promptly from mill. NET CUTTING EXTRAS — COLD ROLLED STEEL ROUNDS 3 inches to 5 H inches long, net extra per pound 1 cent i cent 24 inches to 59 H inches long net extra per pound ,'a cent Shorter than 3 inches a special price will be quoted upon application. Over 24 feet and less than 30 feet, net extra per pound .... M cent M) feet and less than 36 feet, net extra per pound 1 cent :<"> Feel and less than 40 feet, net extra per pound I ' .. cents 40 feel and less than 4f> feet, net extra per pound 2 cents 1". feel and over, net extra per pound J 1 .. Cents Boxing at cost. SQUARES AND FLATS Square Hut 3 inches to 6 it inches long, net extra per pound . 1 cent 2 cents Binches to 11 |f Inches long, net extra per pound. Keen! l cent 12 inches to 23 ff Inches long, net extra per pound, '..cent '■. cent 24 inches to 50 H inches long, net extra per pound, > 4 cent ' 4 ce.u shorter than :i Inches, special prices will be quoted. Longer than 24 feet, same extras as long lengths of round shafting. HALF ROUNDS U inch to A inch, per pound 1<> cents 1 I inch to !i Inch, per pound It cents- l 4 inch to 1 {( inch, per pound 12 cents i ' ... Inches to 9 Inches, per pound 10 cents Above for lengths ."> feel tO 24 feet, cutting extras, same as Hat>. HEXAGONS t extra per pound 1 cent pound \i cent pound \4 cent pound ,\, cent For lengths shorter than :< incites, ■pedal prices will be quoted. HEXAGONS '. inches to . r > ji inches long, net extra per i; inches to 11 { inches long, net extra per 1 _' inches to '23 \\ inches long, net extra per 2 t inches to 59 fl inches long, net extra per t RICAOO — J o I | Ryiil ■ n — N R K PRICES AND CLASSIFICATIONS 821 STANDARD STEEL PLATE EXTRAS Steel plates *4 inch thick and thicker, rectangular shapes, 100 inches wide down to but not including 6 inches wide, of tank, ship or bridge quality, thickness being determined by Birmingham gauge on edge of plates — Base Price. Steel plates up to 72 inches wide, inclusive, ordered 10.2 pounds per square foot shall be considered % inch plate. Steel plates over 72 inches wide must be ordered J4 m ch thick on edge or not less than 11 pounds per square foot to take base price. Steel plates over 72 inches wide ordered less than 11 pounds per square foot down to the weight of ye mcn shall take the price of y* inch. Percentages as to overweight on plates, whether ordered to gauge or weight, to be governed by the Association of American Steel Manufacturers' standard specifications. Gauges lighter than 34 m - to and including ^s in. plates, on thin edges Per 100 lbs. extra $0 . 10 Gauges No. 7 and No. 8 " " .15 Gauge No. 9 " " .25 Plates over 100 in. to 110 in. wide " " .05 Plates over 110 in. to 115 in. wide " " .10 Plates over 115 in. to 120 in. wide " " ,15 Plates over 120 in. to 125 in. wide " " .25 Plates over 125 in. to 130 in. wide " " .50 Plates over 130 in. wide " " 1 .00 Sketches, except wasteful and expensive cuts, which are subject to special agreement . . " " .10 Complete Circles, 36 in. to 100 in " " .20 Complete Circles, under 36 in. to 24 in " " .25 Complete Circles, under 24 in. to 12 in " " .50 Complete Circles, under 12 in " " 1 . 55 Cutting to length under 3 ft. to 2 ft " " .25 Cutting to length under 2 ft. to 1 ft " " .50 Cutting to length under 1 ft " " 1 .55 Boiler and Flange Steel Plates " " .10 "A. B. M. A." and ordinary fire-box steel plates " " .20 Still Bottom Steel " " .30 Marine Steel Plates " " .40 For Allowance for Overweight and Variations when ordered to gauge or weight, see page 843. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 822 V RICES AND CLASSIFICATIO X S PRICES FOR DISHING HEADS ADOPTED AS STANDARD BY THE STEEL PLATE MANUFACTURERS. APRIL 4, 1901 Outside Maximum Depth of Dish, Inches T DCKMH OF H ■AM I.N bona Diameter when Flanged Inches, and and and H H and H and H and and 1 1.4 and 12 m 2 2H 3'i 4 &A &A 7H 8 9 &A UH ISM 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 n $ 1.30 1.30 1.30 1 50 1.80 2.30 2.80 3.50 4.50 6.50 8.50 10.50 13.00 15.50 18.00 22.00 S 1.30$ 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 150 15 18 $ 1.30 24 1 .SO $ 2.00 30 1.50 1.90 2.30 2.80 3.50 4.50 6.00 7.50 9.50 12.00 15.00 18.00 22.00 27.00 33.00 1.80 2.30 2.80 3.50 4.50 6.50 8.50 10.50 13.00 15.50 18.00 S3 ini 27.00 33.00 39.00 46.00 55.00 67.00 1.90 2.50 3.10 4.00 5.00 7.00 9.00 11.00 14.00 17.00 20.00 24.00 29.00 34.00 40.00 47.00 56.00 68.00 2.50 3.00 4.00 5.00 7.00 9.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 21.00 24.00 28.00 33.00 38.00 44.00 11.00 60.00 72 ixi 5 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 8.50 J1.00 14.00 17.00 20.00 23.00 27.00 32 00 37.00 43.00 49.00 56.00 65.00 77.00 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 102 108 114 120 $ 6.00 7.00 10.00 13.00 16.00 19.00 22.00 25.00 30.00 36 00 42.00 48.00 54.00 61.00 70.00 82.00 $ 7.00 8.50 12.00 15.50 19.00 22.50 26.00 29.50 35 00 41.00 48.00 55.00 t',2 IH. 69 00 m 7s ui ua 90 00 Above list Bubjed t(. current discounts irhioh will be furnished »>n application. Intermediate >i/.es and depth »»f dish varying from above will be quoted <>n ujm m inquiry, but in n<< case less than the next size greater on list. Theee prieeo d<> UOt include JUnyitg -simply dishing. (' II I < I .. • I III! T . R V I R - .. \ \ 1 \\ Y .. H K PRICES AND CLASSIFICATIONS 823 PRICES FOR FLANGING HEADS ADOPTED AS STANDARD BY THE STEEL PLATE MANUFACTURERS, APRIL 4, 1901 Thickness of Heads in Inches Outside Diameter in Inches & H and % and rV and % and H and % ft and 1 1% and IK 12 to 17% $1.00 1.00 1.00 1.20 1.60 2.00 3.00 4.00 SI. 00 1.00 1.00 1.20 1.60 2.00 2.70 3.50 4.30 5.50 6.80 8.20 10.00 12.20 15.50 $1.00 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.40 1.80 2.40 3.00 3.70 4.50 5.50 6.80 8.30 10.10 12.10 15.00 18.00 $1.00 1.00 1.00 1.20 1.60 2.00 2.70 3.50 4.30 5.50 6.80 8.20 10.00 12.20 15.50 19.00 23.00 27.00 32.00 37.00 42.00 $1.00 1.00 1.20 1.70 2.30 3.00 3.70 4.40 5.50 6.70 8.00 9.40 11.00 14.30 17.60 21.00 26.00 31.00 36.00 41.00 46.00 18 " 23% $1.50 1.80 2.30 2.90 3.70 4.70 6.00 7.30 8.60 9.90 11.20 12.50 16.50 20.50 25.00 30.00 35.00 41.00 47.00 53.00 24" 29% $2.00 2.70 3.50 4.40 5.50 6.90 8.40 9.90 11.50 13.20 15.00 18.20 22.60 27.00 33.00 39.00 45.00 51.00 57.00 30 " 35% 36 ■ 41% 42 " 47% 48 ■ 53% 54 ■ 59% 60 " 65% 66 ■ 71% 72 " 77% 78 ■ 83% 84 " 89% 90 ■ 95% 96 " 101% 102 " 107% $4.20 5.40 6.80 8.50 10.20 11.90 13.70 15.70 18.00 20.30 25.50 30.00 36.00 43.00 50.00 57.00 64.00 $5.30 6.70 8.40 10.20 12.00 13.80 15.90 18.30 21.00 24.00 29.00 34 00 108 " 119% 41 00 120 " 127% 49.00 128 " 133% 57 00 134 ■ 139% 65 00 140 ■ 143% 75 00 Total Depth 2" 3" 4" m' 5" 5V 2 " 6" 6%" V Above list subject to current discounts, which will be furnished on application. Where the total depth, including metal, radius and straight flange, exceeds the normal total depth given above, 10 per cent to be added to list for each additional \^ inch or fraction thereof. Chicago — Joseph T . Ryepson & Son — New York 824 R 1 C E S A N L> CLASS! 1 1 C A T 1 N S PRICES FOR FLANGING FLUE HOLES PRICES ADOPTED AS STANDARD BY STEEL PLATE MANUFACTURERS. APRIL 4. 1901 Thickness of Hk« Inside Diameter of Flue Hole 'Cr Aand^i Inch ii and *i Inch HandJ^ Inch « an.il Inch 6 inch $ 2.00 3.50 4.00 4 .id 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 $ 2.50 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 fi.W 7.00 8.00 9.00 11.00 13.00 16.00 19.00 22.00 26.00 $ 4.00 4.50 5.00 6.00 7 00 8.00 9.00 11.00 13.00 15.00 18.00 21.00 25.00 29.00 33.00 $ 5.00 6.00 7 00 8.00 9.00 10.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 21.00 24.00 28.00 33.00 38.00 43.00 $ 6 00 7, 8 and 9 inch 7 00 10, 11 and 12 inch 8.00 13, 14, 15 and 10 iuch 17,18. 19 and 20 inch 22 to 24 inch 9.00 11 00 13.00 26 to 28 inch 16 00 30 to 32 inch 19.00 34 to 36 inch 22.00 38 to 40 inch 26.00 42 h> 14 inch 30.00 46 to 48 inch 35.00 50 to 52 inch 40 00 54 to 5G inch 45 00 58 to 60 inch 51.00 Material punched out of centers to be retained by manufacturers. Sizes other than those shown to be quoted on, but in no case price to be less than price of size immediately above same on list. An extra charge may have to be made in case holes are to be flanged in very heavy plates, which would entail extra expense for handling. The above list does not apply to collar flanges. PRICE OF DRILLING FLUE HOLES Thickness or Plates in Inches Diameter of Hole in Inches \ 4 to t \ to j j Each Each A' Each \ l i to 2 inches $0.06 .07 .08 .11 .13' j .15 |0 N .07 .08 .11 13> .15 $0.06 . inches .07 2 i to 3 inches .11 .IS] . 4>_» inches .15 PRICE OF PUNCHING FLUE HOLES Tun mn i>f Pi vtes in [hcBB Diameter oi in Inches 1 . to ft IB* Ato* Each $0 04 08 06 07 07' i $0 05 .06 "7 $0 06 .08 M i to 4 inobi • 4' 2 inches .00 10 I <>r i>ri<-< mi Flanged ManhoJeeand EIandholee,eee pages 112 to 4H. Ca ic ago -Joiipb l . Rtiii N i w VuRK PRICES AND CLASSIFICATIONS 835 PRICE LIST STANDARD STEEL AND CHARCOAL IRON TUBES 1 I.-3 3 S3 3 1 Extra 2 Extra 3 Extra 4 Extra a 1 L l! go Is .2 § Wire Wire Wire Wire ssfi « S O Gauge Gauges Gauges Gauges a) a 8 | $0.35 1 $0.35 o $0.38 "q3 GO $0.38 § $0.42 1 m $0.42 $0.45 02 ! $0.30 13 .095 .90 .2618 $0.45 1M .28 13 .095 1.15 .3272 .33 .33 .36 .36 .39 .39 .43 .43 1H .27 13 .095 1.40 .3927 .32 .32 .34 .34 .38 .38 .42 .42 154 .22 13 .095 1.679 .4581 .26 .26 .30 .28 .33 .31 .36 .34 2 .20 13 .095 1.932 .5236 .24 .22 .28 .24 .32 .27 .36 .29 2^ .22 13 .095 2.186 .5891 .27 .25 .31 .28 .35 .30 .38 .33 2^ .28 12 .109 2.783 .6545 .34 .31 .39 .34 .44 .37 .49 .41 2^ .31 12 .109 3.074 .7200 .38 .34 .44 .38 .51 .42 .57 .46 3 .34 12 .109 3.365 .7854 .41 .37 .48 .41 .55 .45 .62 .50 3M .40 11 .120 4.011 .8508 .48 .45 .55 .50 .63 .55 .70 .59 3H .43 11 .120 4.331 .9163 .52 .49 .60 .53 .68 .59 .76 .64 3M .47 11 .120 4.652 .9818 .56 .52 .65 .57 .73 .63 .82 .69 4 .55 10 .134 5.532 1.0472 .65 .61 .74 .68 .83 .74 .92 .83 4H .62 10 .134 6.248 1.1781 .73 .69 .83 .77 .94 .83 1.04 .93 5 .76 9 .148 7.669 1.3090 .88 .86 1.00 .93 1.10 1.04 1.23 1.13 6 1.02 8 .165 10.282 1.5708 1.12 1.12 1.26 1.26 1.36 1.36 1.47 1.47 7 1.20 8 .165 12.044 1.8326 1.32 1.32 1.48 1.48 1.60 1.60 1.72 1.72 8 1.38 8 .165 13.807 2.0944 1.50 1.50 1.69 1.69 1.83 1.83 1.97 1.97 9 1.70 7 .180 16.955 2.3562 1.91 1.91 2.07 2.07 2.23 2.23 2.42 2.42 10 2.12 6 .203 21.240 2.6180 2.30 2.30 2.49 2.49 2.70 2.70 2.95 2.95 11 2.53 5 .220 25.329 2.8798 2.74 2.74 2.98 2.98 3.26 3.26 3.43 3.43 12 2.88 .229 28.788 3.1416 3.12 3.12 3.40 3.40 3.65 3.65 4.00 4.00 13 3.24 i" .238 32.439 3.4034 3.53 3.53 3.86 3.86 4.07 4.07 4.60 4.60 Tubes more than four gauges heavier than Standard will be charged per pound. Boiler Tubes to Master Mechanics Association, United States Navy, or other similar severe specifications, special prices on application. IYl inch and smaller over 18 feet, 10 per cent net extra. 2% inch and larger over 22 feet, 10 per cent net extra. THREADING STAY TUBES In threading 2% inch and smaller tubes for a length up to 3 inches, 12 cents per end. For threading 3 inch to 5 inch, inclusive, tubes for length up to 3 inches 20 cents per end. Longer threads in the same proportion. For stock, see pages 401 and 403. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson Son — New York 826 < IS A N l> CLASSIFICA T IONS EXTRAS FOR WIDTHS AND LENGTHS BLACK STEEL SHEETS WIDTHS No. 16 and heavier. 15 in. and wider No extra No. 16 and heavier. Under 15 in. to 12 in.. 12 in. to 6 in.. .Per 100 lbs. extra 10.05 .10 No. 17 and 18. Over Over Unde « 20 in. to 36 in.. 36 in. to 48 in.. 48 in . No extra .Per 100 lbs. extra $0.05 " u .10 r 20 in. to 12 in.. 12 in. to 6 in.. .05 .10 No. 19 and lighter. « 24 in. to 12 in.. 12 in. to 6 in.. .10 .20 No. 19 to 21. Over 32 in. to 36 in.. 36 in. to 44 in.. 44 in. to 48 in.. . No extra .Per 100 lbs. extra $0.15 .25 No. 22 to 24. u 32 in. to 36 in.. 36 in. to 40 in. . 40 in. to 48 in.. . No extra .Per 100 lbs. extra $0.20 .40 N<>. 25 and 26. .. 32 in. to 36 in.. 36 in. to 40 in.. 40 in. to 44 in.. . No extra .Per 100 lbs. extra $0.20 .40 No. 27. .. 32 in. to 36 in.. 36 in. to 40 in.. 40 in. to 44 in.. . No extra .Per 100 lbs. extra $0.20 .40 No. 28. 1 32 in. to 36 in.. 36 in. to 40 in.. .10 .40 No. 29 and 30. u 32 in. to 36 in.. LENGTHS .10 No. 16 and heavier. 40 in. and longer No extra No. 16 and heavier. Under 40 in. to HO in. Per KM) lbs. extra $0.05 u 30 in. to IS in... " ■ .10 No. 17 and 18. 48 in. to 144 in. No extra Over 144 in Per 100 lbs. extra $0 . 10 Under 48 in. to 30 in.. . ■ .05 u 30 in. to 18 in... u ■ .10 No. 19 and lighter. 00in.tol32in. No extra Over 132 in. to 1 41 in. Per 100 lbs. extra $0. Under 60 in. to 30 in... " 30 in. to 18 in... I taden for lea than 10 btmdlea or 1">r Quality on next page. 10 10 20 id K) Chicago -Jo i i r a I R \ b w Y o r k V RICES AND CLASSIFICATIONS 837 EXTRAS FOR QUALITY — BLACK STEEL SHEETS Three Pass, cold rol Single Pickled, cold Full Pickled, cold re led an< rolled ►lied ar re-squ re-squ i annealed and annealed. . . . id annealed Per 100 lbs. extra $0.10 .30 " .50 Roller leveling and Patent leveling and Uniform blue iring iring .10 .35 " " . 10 Skeleton crating. . . . " " .25 Full boxing « « .40 EXTRAS FOR WIDTHS AND LENGTHS GALVANIZED STEEL SHEETS WIDTHS No. 10 to 15, incl. Over u a 32 in. to 40 in.. 40 in. to 44 in.. 44 in. to 48 in. . No extra Per 100 lb^. extra $0.10 .20 No. 16 to 18, incl. a a a 32 in. to 36 in.. 36 in. to 44 in.. 44 in. to 48 in.. No extra Per 100 lbs. extra $0.10 .20 No. 19 to 21, incl. a « u « 32 in. to 36 in.. 36 in. to 40 in.. 40 in. to 44 in.. 44 in. to 48 in.. No extra Per 100 lbs. extra $0.20 .30 " " .40 No. 22 to 24, incl. u a a « 32 in. to 36 in.. 36 in. to 40 in.. 40 in. to 44 in.. 44 in. to 48 in. . . . No extra Per 100 lbs. extra $0.20 .40 .60 No. 25 and 26. a a « 32 in. to 36 in.. 36 in. to 40 in.. 40 in. to 44 in. . No extra Per 100 lbs. extra $0.30 .60 No. 27. a a a 32 in. to 36 in.. 36 in. to 40 in.. 40 in. to 44 in. . No extra Per 100 lbs. extra $0.50 .75 No. 28. « a 32 in. to 36 in.. 36 in. to 40 in. . . 10 .50 No. 29 and 30. a 32 in. to 36 in.. .10 No. 24 and heavier. Under 24 in. to 12 in.. " 12 in. to 9 in.. . 10 .20 No. 25 and lighter. a 24 in. to 12 in.. LENGTHS . 15 No. 10 to 30, incl. Under 60 in. to 30 in.. " 30 in. to 24 in.. Over 132 in. to 144 in Per 100 lbs. extra $0.10 .15 .10 Orders for less than 10 bundles or 1500 lbs. o one commodity r .10 Odd sizes when ordered in 4000 lbs. of a size lots of less thar L .10 Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 828 l'RH E S A N !) C L A S S I F 1 C A T I O N S - — -> -> o z < X 1- -J a -J n e < • ? - U) >• >- Q Z Z o z u o > ■ < > z X c Q u K W z z < o • 3 O 2 h " Q. c . m r H >. u u U E Q. 1 iiJ D y •< I Z < o u if) | o OL 7 K (/) 3 Q. < - r> J5 nneiNciMneiciMtiMeiMei - — — - — ri W :- ■ -"- -i -i ?- : - - r — Is -1 = ^ g ^ rj ......... , -fi r " I E - * ■ - _ I — -r — • 5 - 1 1 o 9a ** ^ . — •- r ,2-C«Jtf J ~ — - - 7** -i -------- 5 s? _• » - CiiicacO' Joseph T . Rtiii I I Soi — Nl« York ICES AND CLASSIFICATIONS TINNERS' RIVETS PRICE LIST AND DIMENSIONS r ft i T T Black Rivets Black Rivets Metallic Tin Plated Length, Inches Diameter B.W.G. Size in Pkgs. of 1000 in Bulk per Pound* Tinned Rivets Pkgs. of 1000 Rivets in Pkgs. of 1000 8oz. $0.22 $0.42 $0.31 $0.26 5 32 13K 10 " .24 .38 .35 .29 H 13 12 " .26 .35 .39 .32 _3_ 16 12^ 14 " .28 .33 .43 .35 3 T6 12 1 lb. .29 .30 .47 .37 64 11% IH U .32 .27 .54 .42 7 32 11 m u .37 .26 .64 .49 H 10K i% u .41 .25 .72 .55 H 10 2 ■ .44 .24 .79 .59 17 64 9K 2H" .56 .24 1.00 .75 A 9 3 " .62 • .23 1.15 .85 5 16 SU &/?," .72 .23 1.34 .99 21 64 8 4 " .79 .22 1.49 1.09 11 3~2 7H 5 ■ 1.00 .22 1.88 1.38 H 6% 6 " 1.12 .21 2.17 1.57 25 6 7 " 1.31 .21 2.54 1.84 13 32 514 8 " 1.50 .21 2.90 2.10 7 m 9 ■ 1.68 .21 3.26 2.36 29 4¥ 10 « 1.77 .20 3.52 2.52 15 32 4 12 " 2.06 • 19H 4.16 2.96 V?, 3 14 ■ 2.40 • 19^ 4.85 3.45 33 67 2 16 " 2.77 -19H 5.57 3.97 17 32 1 *For Metallic Tinning, add 33^ cents per pound. Copper and Tin Plating of Bulk Rivets, 13^ cents per pound net extra. Galvanizing of Bulk Rivets, 2 cents extra. LIST EXTRAS— For 25 and 50 pound boxes, deduct 2 cents per pound. For 100 and 200 pound kegs, deduct 4 cents per pound. MILL EXTRAS ON RIVETS Per 100 Pounds Yz inch and ye inch diameters $0 . 50 % inch and H inch diameters 15 Rivets larger than \\i inch diameter 25 Lengths 1 inch and shorter 50 Lengths between 1 inch and 2 inches 25 Lengths over 5 inches 25 Flat Head Rivets 25 All Standard Countersunk Head Rivets 25 Rivets, Swell Necks 25 Special Heads,otherthanourregular standards, minimum charge . 25 Cold, or Hot Made Solid Die Rivets, when specially specified . . 25 Annealing Cold Made Rivets, 3^ inch diameter and larger 35 Small orders for miscellaneous sizes for less than two tons to parties not under contract 10 Rivets packed in 100 pound packages 10 No shipments made of less than 100 pounds of one size; broken kegs, 50 cents extra. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 830 T R 1 C E S A N l> CLASS! 1 1 C A T I U N S STANDARD WROUGHT STEAM, GAS AND WATER PIPE FULL STANDARD WEIGHT— BLACK AND GALVANIZED ALL WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS ARE NOMINAL Diameters Weioht per Foot No. of Sue Price )ht Foot External Internal Thick- ness Plain Ends Threads and Couplings '1 hn-a«ls per Inch of Screw H H H $0 . 05 X A .06 .06 .08^ .405 .540 .675 .840 .269 .364 .493 . 622 .068 .088 .091 .109 .244 .424 .567 .850 .245 .425 .568 .852 27 18 18 14 .11^ .17 .23 .27^ 1.050 1.315 1.660 1.900 .824 1.049 1.380 1.610 .113 . 133 .140 .145 1.130 1.678 2.272 2.717 1.134 1.684 2.281 2.731 14 1 1 1 11H 11M 2 2H 3 3^ .37 .58^ .76^ .92 2 . 375 2.875 3.500 4.000 2.067 2.469 3.068 3.548 .154 .203 .216 .226 3 . 652 5.793 7.575 9.109 3 . 678 5.819 7.616 9.202 11 H 8 8 8 4 5 6 1.09 1.27 1.48 1.92 4.500 5.000 5.563 6.625 4.026 4.506 5.047 6.065 .237 .247 .258 .280 10.790 12.538 14.617 18.974 10.889 12.642 I » .810 19.185 8 B 8 8 7 8 8 9 2.38 2.50 2.88 3.45 7.625 8.625 8.625 9.625 7.023 8.071 7.981 8.941 .301 .277 . 322 .342 23 . 544 24.696 28 . 554 33 . 907 23.769 25.000 28 . 809 34. INS 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 11 3.20 3 . 50 4. 12 4.63 10.750 10.750 10 750 11.750 10.192 10.136 10.020 1 1 . 000 .270 .307 . 365 . 375 31.201 34 . 240 40.483 15 557 32.000 35.000 41 . 132 16.247 8 8 8 8 12 12 13 1 1 15 4.50 5.07 5.60 B. 1<) 6.50 12.750 12.750 14.000 15.000 16.000 12.000 12.000 13.250 1 \ 250 15.250 . 330 .375 .375 .375 .875 43.773 19.562 ;>i 568 58 573 62.679 #5.000 50.706 55 82 1 60.375 64 600 a B 8 B 8 On orders for 8. 10 and 12 inch pipe which do not specify the freight desired, ire will furnish 8 inch _'."> pound, 10 inch :<."> pound, and i_' Inch 45 pound pipe, respectively. The permissible variation In freight is 5 per cent shove sad 5 per cent below. Furnished with threads and Coupling! and in random lengths, unless otherwise ordered. All weights given in pounds. All dimensions given in inches. For cut Isngl III an « \tra ohSfge will hi' made above random lengths. For pipe smoothed On the inside, known as reamed and drifted, an extra Charge \sid DS made abOVe standard pipe. For salvanlsed or coated pipe, an extra charge will !>•• made SDOVe Mack. Chicago— Jotsra T, u ■* » « N ^ N V PRICES AND CLASSIFICATIONS 831 EXTRA STRONG WROUGHT PIPE BLACK AND GALVANIZED ALL WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS ARE NOMINAL Price per Diameters Thickness Weight per Size Foot Foot External Internal Plain Ends H $0.12 .405 .215 .095 .314 H .07H .540 .302 .119 .535 % .07 y 2 .675 .423 .126 .738 Vi .11 .840 .546 .147 1.087 % .15 1.050 .742 .154 1.473 1 .22 1.315 .957 .179 2.171 IH .30 1.660 1.278 .191 2.996 IH .36H 1.900 1.500 .200 3.631 2 • 50M 2.375 1.939 .218 5.022 2K .77 2.875 2.323 .276 7.661 3 1.03 3.500 2.900 .300 10.252 SV2 1.25 4.000 3.364 .318 12 . 505 4 1.50 4.500 3.826 .337 14 . 983 ±Vl 1.80 5.000 4.290 .355 17.611 5 2.08 5.563 4.813 .375 20 . 778 6 2.86 6.625 5.761 .432 28 . 573 7 3.81 7.625 6.625 .500 38.048 8 4.34 8.625 7.625 .500 43 . 388 9 4.90 9.625 8.625 .500 48 . 728 10 5.48 10 . 750 9.750 .500 54 . 735 11 6.10 11.750 10.750 .500 60 . 075 12 6.55 12 . 750 11.750 .500 65 . 415 The permissible variation in weight is 5 per cent above and 5 per cent below. DOUBLE EXTRA STRONG WROUGHT PIPE ALL WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS ARE NOMINAL Price per Foot Diameters Thickness Weight per Size Foot External Internal Plain Ends H $0.32 .840 .252 .294 1.714 H .35 1.050 .434 .308 2.440 1 .37 1.315 .599 .358 3.659 1M .52^ 1.660 .896 .382 5.214 1% .65 1.900 1.100 .400 6.408 2 .91 2.375 1.503 .436 9.029 2V 2 1.37 2.875 1.771 .552 13.695 3 1.86 3.500 2.300 .600 18.583 3K 2.30 4.000 2.728 .636 22 . 850 4 2.76 4.500 3.152 .674 27 . 541 4^ 3.26 5.000 3.580 .710 32 . 530 5 3.86 5.563 4.063 .750 38.552 6 5.32 6.625 4.897 .864 53.160 7 6.35 7.625 5.875 .875 63 . 079 8 7.25 8.625 6.875 .875 72.424 The permissible variation in weight is 10 per cent above and 10 per cent below. All weights given in pounds. All dimensions given in inches. EXTRA HEAVY OR HYDRAULIC TUBES Away from Standard SPECIAL PRICES GIVEN ON APPLICATION Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 832 PRICKS A N I) CLASS] F I C A T I O N S I 5 ■?. v. < u. c J < s ■ a e i g > 5 K g •< ■ 7. O i •< £ a se ■< a B K •-c c = - § CO O CO CO — i — COO C CM CO ■* CON00O — •»»• s CM OS CO CM oocit CS CO CM OS ICNOSO CO c a — o i co •^ U0 CO 00 CS — — CM X g 8S8S ooco oc OO-M CO ^< »o CO t- c~. s 0B Cut — U0 -J- CM O CM *C C". CM C. r~ uo -r UO C5CM CO cic a i » cs cc IC C-l ■. ■*c -' * ONf O OcccoO OCOOcO — — r- — CO O coco 8? •«»« -»J« U0 CO CO h-00 00 coo- e-i co „' "5 CO •»OOiO"5 • NOON CM r- CM t- m "o «o «o CI I- CI 1 - lOiO «5CO NNMN COO CM CI • • — CM CM CM CO CO "J"* uo «cce co t^ r- ao oo OSO < CO e<3 • .ion®* CM CO U0 t^ O0CM COO 00 OCMCO •>*< CS CO r» U5N00O CMUT) OOCO • . — — — CM CM CO CO ■* ■**■** muz co coco r^ *>.« s o ON'tONO C-ccoco CO CO O CO CO oco o O CO CO o S8 •fi s . . . t-» — CO — uo O OS 00 t~-cO CO O CO CO cs tO ••»• CO CM CMU5 00 — — — QC5 00CO I- — CM CM CM CM CO CO CO ^* — — . - 1 - 1618 * s • • r» cs • ■ lO «o 00 OS O — CO «5 CMt^CMr^ ccopmo cm r-CM r- »OW"S CM t^CM r^ CM CM OOCO ---- — CM CM CM CM CO CO CO ■ - _ _ _ ■*>tf5 * CO • -U5CO — — — CM CM CO t~- 00 CS O — CO ■«»< uocO CO iC N C. « t^OOCSO co «-o i - 3 — — CM CO CM ■* CO 00 35 --- ---CM CM CM CM CO CO CO CO CO •*■"«■ o I •UOxfCO • co--* to CM — O CSO0 O CO "0 t- 00 uoco — cs 1 ~ Z. — CO ^3 "- 1 — --- CM CM CM CM CM CM CO CO coco _ r, CM CO ■*»■ ■>»« r» ic co — cs no — r~ co os CI ,-c c c no — r^-co -< ~ — —. CS • ■^ ■ ■ ■ ~ ---- — CM CM CM CM CI 1 CM CO CO T cm cs t^ f — co «C "0 CO t>- QC CI C «C SB -f — c-ico >o csco «^ ■ co CD CM CS 1C — < •* "«< HO i« CO t~ JO NOCliO CS — CM CO — ^ r --- — « — = M CS T O "0 — CM CO CO CM CO CM r~ CO f -r -r •" iOco r^ oo — — ■~ S S8SS co i c r /- co co -r *»• «c «o t^CO ICCO \T I - r _-. s_ 3 -i .- r ci CM CM CO ?. 1 53258 — CM CM CM c3 '• i -3 if] I _-v- -r t •♦ •^« K3«5 Cricao i ipfl T. Ry si \ S N I W \ u R K PRICES AND CLASSIFICATIONS 833 g i s Q h Q 1 P O us . . .CO CO CO oo © OS CO N CM CO CO N CO © ooco oo T-HOCM CM US N *o . . -eM CM CO CO 1 * K3X5N OO ©rt CM us ; : ;.* C4rHON Nl-4 ■* OO —* CO©© COMNO iH«N CM CO CO a > • • -CM CM CO CO CO tlOCBOO Oi©-H -a C3 V* : : ico • • -CO CMOSlC© CO OS CON OCONQO *OMU5 i-UCjhH nn n • • CM CM CM CO CO TjtlOCON OOOS© a ^ '. '. If. • • -CM h4C©©-* IO 00CM»O OS CO-* CO H00OH H CDTf MHO o3 CO . . .CM CM CM CO CO TjtTjt (Dt» OOOS © 3 • • -OO -H-*tON ^HN©CO osoo© us COIONN HOON NU5CO • • -CM CM CM COCO CO-* US CO NO0C5 M a o ** . -IOCS • -0)0 CO CO OS CM N CO CO CO • -nos • -.-KM OON »Oltl ec-^icco OOOs OON N OS i-i CO CO oo© us N©NCM - bO .s "■+3 rt rt CM CM • H N 00 00 05 CO CO OS rt OS OS OS© CO—HO© Ohhin H a ^ OO hh <* N N Q0O0O0 OCCK5N C5 OS OS OS © •* oo • oo© • X N OS CM "0 t>.t>- 00 OO N OS © CM 00 00 05 OS £ CC OO O CM NNOOOO -* io n oo oooooooo • fi +3 £ OCOt-OS NNNN k a> o '5 at Q USffllOM 1000'* OS © CM CO CO oo oo © HO 00 ««o «HIMN (MiOOiO MNOIN CO CO US CO OO© "O.^O oooo - 1 e3 1 a oooo* rVto-% .01 4^ to 5 .02 Aarnl 1 ,!. .02 5^to6 .02H ■i und^ .03 QVs to 7 .03 A 05 7H to 8 OVA H .18 FLATS Y% to 2 inches thick xA to 2 inches wide take base price. Price Price Sixe in Inches per Pound Size in Inches per Pound Extra Extra Vsx A $0.20 Ax % to % $.01> 2 Vsx H .15 Ax B to 8 01 Vsx A .08 : f .sx A to 8 .01 >8X ^ 8 .04 Ax Hto8 .01 3^x A to H .03 Vix Ato8 .01 Kx A to 7 .02 Ax2^to8 .01 Hx7y 8 to8 .03 Y 8 to 2 x2>^ to 7 .01 Ax M .05 ^ to 1^x7^ to 8 .01 _3_ v -?- l«X i6 .04 1J^ to 2x7^ to 8 OP. Ax H .03 2J^ to 3x2!^ to 5 .01 Ax A to % Ax H to 2 .02 2^to3xo 1 sto8 01 J 2 .01'., 3}^to4x3Kto6 .oij-5 Ax-'N to 7 .01'., 3 1 8 to4xG 1 s toS 02 Ax7Hto8 .02 4\to.-,\l'. to 7 ()_' Mx At- 02 4^ to 5x7* k to 8 .02] • !4x A to % 0V-, 5Hto6x5Hto8 o_»,, Hx [I to 2 01' , 6>£to7x6>£to7 .03 '.x2^to7 01 (i'v to8x7Kto8 03'-. Kx7^ to 8 02 Intermediate sizes take the next higgler price. CUTTING TO SPECIFIED SINGLE AND MULTIPLE LENGTHS Length in Inches Price per Pound Extra I. ninth in Inches Price per Pound Extra 24 <>r over 18 to 24 SO (MO,, 01 12 to 18 6 to 12 I0.01H 02 Less than 6 inches, contract price. 1 cut per pound extra for annealing. CmCAl I i r M T • K v i k v ,. s | Son - N i w Y ■ > R K r ft T C E S AND CLASSIFICATIONS 835 MANUFACTURERS' STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS REVISED 1912 STRUCTURAL STEEL GRADES 1. These specifications cover three classes of structural steel, namely: Class A steel, to be used for railway bridges and ships. Class B steel, to be used for buildings, highway bridges, train sheds and similar structures. Class C steel, to be used for structural rivets. I. MANUFACTURE PROCESS 2. Steel for Classes A and C shall be made by the open-hearth process. Steel for Class B may be made either by the open-hearth or by the Bessemer process. II. CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND TESTS CHEMICAL COMPOSITION 3. The steel shall conform to the following requirements as to chemical composition: Elements Considered Class A Steel Class B Steel Class C Steel Phosphorus, maximum, per cent : Basic open-hearth Acid, open-hearth Bessemer 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.04 0.04 Sulphur, maximum, per cent 0.05 0.045 LADLE ANALYSES 4. To determine whether the material conforms to the require- ments specified in Section 3, an analysis shall be made by the manu- facturer from a test ingot taken during the pouring of each melt. A copy of this analysis shall be given to the purchaser or his repre- sentative, if requested. CHECK ANALYSES 5. A check analysis of Class A and Class C steel may be made by the purchaser from finished material representing each melt, in which case an excess of 25 per cent above the requirements specified in Section 3 shall be allowed. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 8.16 PRIC E S A N I) CLASS! 1 [CATIONS III. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES AND TESTS TENSION TESTS 6. The steel shall conform to the following requirements as to tensile properties: Properties Considered Class A Steel Class B Steel Class C Steel Tensile strength, pound per square inch Yield point, minimum, pound per square inch Elongation in 8 inches, minimum, per cent . . Elongation in 2 in., min., per cent (Fig. 2) 55,000-6o,000 0.5 tens. str. 1,400,000 t tens. str. 22 55,000-65,000 * 0.5 tens. str. 1,400,000 f tens. str. 22 46,000-56,000 0.5 tens. str. 1,400,000 tens. str. •See Section 8. fSee Section 9. YIELD POINT 7. The yield point shall be determined by the drop of the l>eam of the testing machine. MODIFICATION IN TENSILE STRENGTH 8. Class B steel may have tensile strength up to 70,000 pounds maximum, provided the elongation is not less than the percentage required for 65,000 pounds tensile strength. MODIFICATIONS IN ELONGATION 9. (a) For material over J^ inch in thickness, a deduction of 1 from the percentage of elongation in 8 inches specified for Class* ■> A and B in Section 6 shall be made for each increase of \ * inch in thick- ness above % inch, to a minimum of IS per cent. (b) For material under thickness, a deduction of from the percentage of elongation in 8 inches specified for Cla>- and B in Section 6 shall be made for each decrease of r\ inch in thick- ness below f s inch. CHARACTER OF FRACTURE 10. All broken tension test specimens shall show a silky fracture. BEND TESTS 11. (a) The t.--t specimen for plates, nhaprn and bars shall bend cold through 1st) degrees without fracture 00 the outside of the benfl portion, as follows: lor material K \ inch and under in thick- flat on itself; for material over : Vj inoh tip to l' ; inches in thick- ness, around a pin the diameter of which is equal to 1 | _, times the nes8, around a pin the diameter of which is equal SO twice thickness of the specimen. the (' R1CAOO • Joi I r 11 T ■ RYIIIOM I SOS Nl« Y <> R K PRICES AND CLASSIFICATIONS 837 (b) The test specimen for pins and rollers shall bend cold through 180 degrees around a 1 inch pin without fracture on the outside of the bent portion. (c) A rivet rod shall bend cold through 180 degrees flat on itself without fracture on the outside of the bent portion. (d) Bend tests may be made by pressure or by blows. TEST SPECIMENS 12. (a) Tension and bend test specimens shall be taken from the finished rolled or forged product, and shall not be annealed or otherwise treated, except as specified in Section 13. (b) Tension and bend test specimens for plates, shapes and bars, except as specified in paragraph (c), shall be of the full thickness of material as rolled, and with both edges milled to the form and dimen- sions shown in Fig. 1, or may have both edges parallel. l£ v- 5i e so conducted .is not to interfere unnecessarily with the operation of the works. CSICAOO I irii I " . Rtbisom I S ■ V << R K PRICES AND CLASSIFICATIONS 839 REJECTION 19. Material which, subsequent to the above tests at the mills and its acceptance there, develops weak spots, brittleness, cracks or other imperfections, or is found to have injurious defects, may be rejected at the shop, and shall then be replaced by the manufacturer at his own cost. BOILER STEEL GRADES 1. There shall be three grades of steel for boilers, namely: flange, fire box, and boiler rivet. I. MANUFACTURE PROCESS 2. The steel shall be made by the open-hearth process. II. CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND TESTS CHEMICAL COMPOSITION 3. The steel shall conform to the following requirements as to chemical composition: Elements Considered Flange Steel Fire Box Steel Boiler Rivet Steel Manganese, per cent Phosphorus, max., per cent: Basic 0.30 to 0.6. 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.30 to 0.50 0.035 0.04 0.04 0.30 to 0.50 0.04 Acid 0.04 Sulphur, max., per cent 0.045 LADLE ANALYSES 4. To determine whether the material conforms to the require- ments specified in Section 3, an analysis shall be made by the manu- facturer from a test ingot taken during the pouring of each melt. A copy of this analysis shall be given to the purchaser or his representative. CHECK ANALYSES 5. A check analysis may be made by the purchaser from a broken tension test specimen representing each plate as rolled, and this analysis shall conform to the requirements specified in Section 3. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York S40 PRICES AND CLASSIFICATIONS III. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES AND TESTS TENSION TESTS 6. The steel shall conform to the following requirements as to tensile properties: Properties Considered Flange Steel Fire Box Steel Boiler Rivet Steel Tensile strength, pound per square inch Yield point, minimum pound per square inch . Elongation in 8 inches, minimum, per cent .... 55,000-05,000 0.5 tens str. 1,450,000* tens. str. 52,000-62,000 0.5 tens str. 1,450,000* tens. str. 45,000-55,000 0.5 tens. str. 1,450,000 tens. str. •Sec Section 8. YIELD POINT 7. The yield point shall be determined by the drop of the beam of the testing machine. MODIFICATIONS IN ELONGATION 8. (a) For plates over ? 4 inch in thickness, a deduction of 0.5 from the specified percentage of elongation will be allowed for each increase of 3 8 inch in thickness above z /i inch, to a minimum of 20 per cent. (b) For plates under rs inch in thickness, a deduction of 2.5 from the percentage of elongation specified in Section 6 shall be made for each decrease of re inch in thickness below j^ inch. BEND TESTS 9. (a) Cold-bend tests shall be made on the material as rolled. (b) Quench-bend test specimens, before bending, shall be heated to a light cherry red as seen in the dark (about 1200 deg. F.), and quenched in water the temperature of which is about 80 deg. F. (c) Specimens for cold-bend and quench-bend tests of flange and fire box steel shall bend through 180 degrees without fracture on the outside of the bent portion, as follows: For material \i inch and under in thickness, flat on themselves; for material over % inch up to 1 j ( inch in thickness, around a pin the diameter of which is equal to the thickness of the specimen; and for material over 1' j inches in thickness, around a pin the diameter of which is equal to 1 j -j times the thickness of the specimen. (d) Specimens for cold-bend and quench-bend tests of boiler rivet steel shall band OOld through ISO degrees flat on themselves without fracture on the outside of the bent portion (e) Bend tests may be made by pressure or by blows. Chicago — J o s e r h 1 Rylison & Son — NlW Y u R k PRICES AND CLASSIFICATIONS 8-41 TEST SPECIMENS 10. (a) Tension and bend test specimens for plates shall be taken from the finished product, and shall be of the full thickness of material as rolled. Tension test specimens shall be of the form and dimensions shown in Fig. 1. Bend test specimens shall be \}/2 inches to 2^ inches wide, and shall have the sheared edges milled or planed. (b) The tension and bend test specimens for rivet bars shall be of the full size section of material as rolled. NUMBER OF TESTS 11. (a) One tension, one cold-bend, and one quench-bend test shall be made from each plate as rolled. (b) Two tension, two cold-bend, and two quench-bend tests shall be made for each melt of rivet steel. (c) If any test specimen develops flaws, or if a tension test speci- men breaks outside the middle third of the gauge length, it may be discarded and another specimen substituted therefor. IV. PERMISSIBLE VARIATIONS IN WEIGHT AND GAUGE PERMISSIBLE VARIATIONS 12. (a) The thickness or weight of each sheared plate shall conform to the schedule of permissible variations, Manufacturers' Standard practice, appended to these specifications. (b) The dimensions of rivet bars shall conform to the Manufac- turers' Standard practice governing allowable variations in the size of hot-rolled bars, appended to these specifications. V. FINISH FINISH 13. The finished material shall be free from injurious defects, and shall have a workmanlike finish. VI. MARKING MARKING 14. The melt or slab number, name of the maunfacturer, grade, and the minimum tensile strength for its grade as specified in Section 6 shall be legibly stamped on each plate. The melt or slab number shall be legibly stamped on each test specimen representing that melt or slab. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York B4S V R I C E S A N 1) C I- A S S I P 1 C A T 1 U .\ S VII. INSPECTION AND REJECTION INSPECTION 15. The inspector representing the purchaser shall have free entry, at all times while work on the contract of the purchaser is being performed, to all parts of the manufacturer's works which concern the manufacture of the material ordered. The manufacturer shall afford the inspector, free of cost, all reasonable facilities to satisfy him that the material is being furnished in accordance with these specifications. All tests and inspection shall be made at the place of manufacture prior to shipment, and shall be so conducted as not to interfere unnecessarily with the operation of the works. REJECTION 16. Material which, subsequent to the above tests at the mills and its acceptance there, develops weak spots, brittleness, cracks or other imperfections, or is found to have injurious defects, may be rejected at the shop, and shall then be replaced by the manufacturer at his own cost. SPECIFICATIONS FOR FIRE BOX STEEL PLATES AS ADVOCATED BY HARTFORD STEAM BOILER INSPECTION AND INSURANCE CO. Shell plates shall be of Open Hearth Fire Box Steel, having a tensile strength of not less than 55,000 pounds, nor more than 62,000 pounds per square inch of section, and an elastic limit of not less than half the tensile strength, with not less than 56 per cent of ductility as indicated by contraction of area at point of fracture under test, and by an elongation of 25 per cent in a length of 8 inches. Each shell plate is to bear a coupon which shall be sheared off, finished up and tested by, or for, the maker of the boiler, at his expense. Each coupon is to fulfill the foregoing requirements as to strength and ductility, and stand bending down double when cold, when red hot, and after being heated red hot and quenched in cold water, without signs of fracture. There is not to be more than 035 per cent of sulphur, nor more than ,085 per cent of phosphorus in the chemical composition <>f the plates and heads. All plates failing to pass these tests will be rejected. All tests and inspections <>f material may be made at the place of manufacture prior to ship- ment. Certified copies of report of said tests must be sent to the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company, and be approved, before any work is done on the boiler. Heads shall he of best Open Hearth Flange Steel in accordance with Manufacturers' Standard Specifications. All plates both of shell and heads are to be plainly stamped with name of maker, brand and tensile strength; brands so located that th«\ may he sm-m <>ii BMO plate after the boiler is finished. ( RICAOO — J o s i r n 1 RyiHOI & Son — N k M Y ■> r k PRICES AND CLASSIFICATIONS 843 ADOPTED 1896 MANUFACTURERS' STANDARD PRACTICE PERMISSIBLE VARIATIONS IN SHEARED PLATES SCHEDULE OF PERMISSIBLE VARIATIONS The thickness or weight of each sheared plate shall not vary more than the permissible variations given below: (a) When Ordered to Weight: For plates 12^ pounds per square foot or over: Under 100 inches in width, 2.5 per cent above or below the specified weight. 100 inches in width and over, 5 per cent above or below the specified weight. For plates under 12^ pounds per square foot: Under 75 inches in width, 2.5 per cent above or below the specified weight. 75 to 100 inches in width, 5 per cent above or 3 per cent below the specified weight. 100 inches in width and over, 10 per cent above or 3 per cent below the specified weight. (b) When Ordered to Gauge.— The thickness of each plate shall not vary more than 0.01 inch under that ordered. An excess over the nominal weight corresponding to the dimensions on the order shall be allowed for each plate, if not more than that shown in the following table; one cubic inch of rolled steel being assumed to weigh 0.2833 pound: TABLE OF ALLOWANCES FOR OVERWEIGHT FOR SHEARED PLATES WHEN ORDERED TO GAUGE Thickness Ordered, Nominal Weight, Pound per Square Foot Allowable Excess (expressed as percentage of Nominal Weight) For Width op Plate as Follows: Inches Under 50 In. 50 In. to 70 In. 70 In. and Over Under 75 In. 75 In. to 100 In. 100 In. to 115 In. 115 In. and Over ~h to tV H 5.10 to 6.37 6.37 to 7.65 7.65 to 10.20 10.20 12.75 15.30 • 17.85 20.40 22.95 25.50 10 8.5 7 15 12.5 10 20 17 15 10 8 7 6 5 4.5 4 3.5 14 12 10 8 7 6.5 6 5 18 16 13 10 9 8.5 8 6 5 5 tV 17 13 Over ^ 12 11 10 9 Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 84 1 V K I C E S A N 1) CLASS1F] L A T I N ^ MANUFACTURERS' STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS GOVERNING THE ALLOWABLE VARIATIONS IN SIZE AND WEIGHT OF HOT-ROLLED BARS AS ADOPTED BY THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN STEEL MANUFACTURERS. 1910 BAR SIZES OF ANGLES. TEES. ZEES AND CHANNELS For bar sizes of angles, tees, zees and channels the following average variations in weight will be permitted for sections of the various dimensions and thicknesses stated, viz.: Dimensions Any dimension over \ l /i All dimensions V/2" and less Any dimension over All dimensions \\4 '2 and less Thickness Overry Over t\" Variation in Weight 4% over and under. 5% over and under. 6% over and under. 7% over and under. is in "bar" size when its greatest dimension is An ^ngle, tee or zee is in "bar" size when its less than 3 inches; or when it is 3 inches or more Note. — A channel less than 3 inches, greatest dimension is and at the same time the thickness is less than },i inch. ROUNDS. SQUARES. HEXAGONS Dimensions Up to and including ^2" Over I-/, up to and including 1 Over 1", up to and including 2" Over 2", up to and including 3" Over 3", up to and including 5" Over 5", up to and including 8" Variations in Sizk Under Over .007' .007' .010' .010' 1 » M 1 " J J A' 1 " < - Width of Flats Up to and including 1" . . Over 1", up to and in- cluding 2' Over 2", up to and in- eluding r Over 1", up to :iik1 in- eluding «>' Variation in Width In.irr A' ■ w «. « A' 0v« A' rV A' Variation in Thickness, I'ndkr and 0\ ■ Thirkness of Flats ft' and unV-T,V UP to ' ■ ,' .008' 012' 015' ui.v Ore '.■' up to r .010' 015' I.JO 020' Over r up to J A' V 11 1 1 ■ .. ■ I If 11 T . R YKI8OM ft SOU N I W Yoil PRICES AND CLASSIFICATIONS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT BARS ROLLED FROM BILLETS ADOPTED 1910 REVISED 1912 845 MANUFACTURE 1. Steel may be made by either the open-hearth or process. Bars shall be rolled from standard new billets. CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES 2. The chemical and physical properties shall conform to the following limits: Structural Steel Grade Hard Grade Cold- Properties Considered Plain Bars Deformed Bars Plain Bars Deformed Bars Twisted Bars Phosphorus, maximum: .10 .OS 55/70,000 33,000 1,400,000 T.S. 180°d.=lt. 180°d.=lt. .10 .06 55/70,000 33,000 1,250,000 T.S. 180°d.= lt. 180°d.=2t. .10 .06 80,000 min. 50,000 1,200,000 T.S. 180°d.=3t. 90°d.=3t. .10 .06 80,000 min. 50,000 1,000,000 T.S. 180°d.=4t. 90°d.=4t. .10 .06 Ultimate Tensile strength, pounds per square inch Yield point, minimum, pounds per square inch Elongation, per cent in 8 inches, minimum Cold Bend without fracture: Bars under % inch in diameter or thickness — Bars % inch in diameter or thickness and over Recorded only. 55,000 5%' 180°d.=2t. 180°d.=3t. The hard grade will be used only when specified. CHEMICAL DETERMINATIONS 3. In order to determine if the material conforms to the chemical limitations prescribed in paragraph 2 herein, analysis shall be made by the manufacturer from a test ingot taken at the time of the pouring of each melt or blow of steel, and a correct copy of such analysis shall be furnished to the engineer or his inspector. YIELD POINT 4. For the purposes of these specifications, the yield point shall be determined by careful observation of the drop of the beam of the testing machine, or by other equally accurate method. FORM OF SPECIMENS 5. (a) Tensile and bending test specimens may be cut from the bars as rolled, but tensile and bending test specimens of deformed bars may be planed or turned for a length of at least 9 inches if deemed necessary by the manufacturer in order to obtain uniform cross-section. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 846 P R I C E S A N D C L A S S I F I C A T 1 O N S (b) Tensile and bending test specimens of cold-twisted bars shall be cut from the bars after twisting, and shall be tested in full size without further treatment, unless otherwise specified as in (c), in which case the conditions therein stipulated shall govern. (c) If it is desired that the testing and acceptance for cold-twisted bars be made upon the hot-rolled bars before being twisted, the hot- rolled bars shall meet the requirements of the structural steel grade for plain bars shown in this specification. NUMBER OF TESTS 6. At least one tensile and one bending test shall be made from each melt of open-hearth steel rolled, and from each blow or lot of ten tons of Bessemer steel rolled. In case bars differing ?g inch and more in diameter or thickness are rolled from one melt or blow, a test shall be made from the thickest and thinnest material rolled. Should either of these test specimens develop flaws, or should the tensile test specimen break outside of the middle third of its gauged length, it may be discarded and another test specimen substituted therefor. In case a tensile test specimen does not meet the specifi- cations, an additional test may be made. (d) The bending test may be made by pressure or by light blows. MODIFICATIONS IN ELONGATION FOR THIN AND THICK MATERIAL 7. For bars less than j^ inch and more than :< , 4 inch nominal diameter or thickness, the following modifications shall be made in the requirements for elongation: (e) For each increase of \% inch in diameter or thickness above • i inch, a deduction of 1 shall be made from the specified percentage of elongation. (f) For each decrease of ^ inch in diameter or thickness below f5 inch, a deduction of 1 shall be made from the specified percentage of elongation. (g) The above modifications in elongation shall not apply to cold-twisted bars. NUMBER OF TWISTS B, Cold-twisted bars shall be twisted cold with one complete twist in a length equal to not more than 12 times the thicknesi of the bar. FINISH *.i. Material muM be free from injurious seams. Haws or cracks, and have a workmanlike finish. VARIATION IN WEIGHT 10. Bars for reinforcement are subject to rejection if the actual weight of any l<>t varies more than 5 I>«t cent over or under the theoretical weight of that lot. c ii i i i . .. i - i i- n T . R i » k i ■ •. I Son Nm Y ■> k k WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS 901 WEIGHTS OF IRON AND STEEL STANDARD GAUGES U. S. STANDARD GAUGE Thickness in Inches Fractions Decimals 1-2 15-32 7-16 13-32 3-8 11-32 5-16 9-32 17-64 1-4 15-64 7-32 13-64 3-16 11-64 5-32 " 9-64 1-8 7-64 3-32 5-64 9-128 1-16 9-160 1-20 7-160 3-80 11-320 1-32 9-320 1-40 7-320 3-160 11-640 1-64 9-640 1-80 7-640 13-1280 3-320 11-1280 5-640 9-1280 17-2560 1-160 .5 .46875 .4375 .40625 .375 .34375 .3125 .28125 .265625 .25 .234375 .21875 .203125 .1875 .171875 .15625 .140625 .125 .109375 .09375 .078125 .0703125 .0625 .05625 .05 .04375 .037 .03475 .03125 .028125 .025 .021875 .01875 .0171875 .015625 .0140625 .0125 .010985 .01045625 .009375 .00859375 .0078125 .00703125 .00664062 .00625 Weight Square Foot Iron 20.00 18.75 17.50 16.25 15. 13.75 12.50 11.25 10.625 10. 9.375 8.75 8.125 7.5 6.875 6.25 5.625 5. 4.375 3.75 3.125 2.8125 2.5 2.25 2. 1.75 1.50 1.375 1.25 1.125 1. .865 .75 .6875 .625 .5625 .5 .4375 .40625 .375 .34375 .3125 .28125 .265625 .25 Steel 20.4 19.125 17.85 16.575 15.30 14.025 12.75 11.475 10.8375 10.2 9.5625 8.925 8.2875 7.65 7.0125 6.375 5.7375 5.1 4.4625 3.825 3.1875 2.86875 2.55 2.295 2.04 1.785 1.53 1.4025 1.275 1 . 1475 1.02 .8925 .765 .70125 .6375 .57375 .51 .44625 .414375 .3825 .350625 .31875 .286875 .2709375 .255 BIRMINGHAM GAUGE No of Gauge 0000 000 00 1 2 3 4 Thick- ness in Inches .454 .425 .38 .34 .3 .284 .259 .238 .22 .203 .18 .165 .148 .134 .12 .109 .095 .083 .072 .065 .058 .049 .042 .035 .032 .028 .025 .018 .016 .014 .013 .012 .01 .009 .008 .007 .005 .004 Weight Square Foot Iron 18.22 17.05 15.25 13.64 12.04 11.40 10.39 9.55 8.83 8.15 7.22 6.62 5.94 5.38 4.82 4.37 3.81 3.33 2.89 2.61 2.33 1.97 1.69 1.40 1.28 1.12 1.00 .803 .722 .642 .562 Sheet mills roll iron and steel sheets to U. S. Standard Gauge. Plate mills usually roll to Birmingham Gauge, unless otherwise ordered. Bands and hoops, cold rolled strip steel and spring steel are rolled to Birmingham Gauge. Estimating weights, see page 922. Variations in weight of sheared plates, see page 843. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York «»<»> \V 1. I G II T 5 AND D I M 1. N S I O N S -i i- — . n ■- ci re re — — iai = c = => So< §3 SSSK re -r -•■>-. --C r- >.e .- as r- 3 a 3 S C i PC - a '± 3 2 3 rr — — •.e — . x — DVnos t* oo S> - 55. MM^iO i - x —. — — — *4vH , CI ■ - — X — — ci re -r NNMM ■a — i- re Issl mz z~~Z ; r- -^ MB — • re ci — O OB X r- i -r -^ >: — B i -r -.c x — i — re ■ us * t^. SQ«g co -f -— t- ■ — — — --irin ciriMri £ 3 3 8 5 r ° £ = ci re <# CI X -r — -- ~i x -r re - C -r i r X ~ t~ — - — re -r .e — ~ — ci ci ci ci ci r; vr ci x CI «C S: CM 1 - x - — ci ci ci re eniaa — C< - -~ f x re — i- x x r± C CT. 5 — — CO 00 eg so co x c: x ci i- ci ci ci r- c» - CM t- ~. — -r re -r «-e us tQ n r ; ^ 3 8 S3 — CS X *T C * us — X -r O «B 00 OD — — -,r -r N ga i- -r re ■- x — ■» s r. m .- — j — ei — 1- -e • - Son CCMN — re -: ci /-re-; co x re -r ~r >e -r S i.e -c x — -r 1- cr re — — — cm c-i ci re re cm x -* o « c-i x -r 1 ~ 1 - x -. — — — — ersNfj aoc4M3 0G co eo -r ■* f ^iCO ~ -~ CI X ci ci re re rr>: cc o x: I- ; >C — r— -fl" C. t^ rs ci i.e 00O re — X « -* — eo cit-rix ; cm -* uo r^ s: — ^ x — >e x i»hh« r-i — cm cm cicerere re — — . — « 1- — cm re x re — -r - Z c: ci >~ eS ci ; -.rri- •»»• f tj. »« SSca ^e x — re CM •»}• ^ X '.e — re I - *"" '- ■ XXX: — c i -^ — ci i-e — ci '- :i /. f -i-r:; >---' n Txrex «e S --^ o 1- 1- x x ci 1 - — — re X -r ~ ■-i-:ri — — ci ci = o c: = rr-cr; >e :o- x -- = — >- »0«P SiOmC CMCirero ■r'Vi.'MO SCO X CO Si t- * t^ CJ5 CM «0 XJCINN » u^ «5 — 3 re re ri n - - t~ ^- — r '- ci x •* ca -5 - - ri /: 3 1- 1- * ssaoo re -. 1- ~ '. ~ Z! — "" r "i 1: X -rinri ieo«« n-c = -r -c r- o r: •; r. - PN ^ ~ \Z ~\ T. ce re re -»r 44CC «0 •» re cm — co ti ss cm o -r rz -c re -. A CC 1 Zone ■ - r 1 j — ci re re t ~ - 'i ■ -rrerri- t — t •-. re -r -r • e c i ~ i - x — . ~. c ci re rjn m ci O X X X ci -"! re re /-//•1- 1-1-cr^ «« = uo ifl 10 * f ^cococo r. re 1 - i.o re — ~ e - i.e re — .T- i - >e re — • at-iOrt : -e tet-t-xt c. C"« cire^io "Otct^a! 82S; it*? : g £ g — ' — oena «-e — /- — co^ks «-2es© — ci re -r ■ — cir. ( II I I K v 1 N I W V i. R K WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS 903 ■*O0-Htf5 00NK5OS CMCOOSOO ©OMI ifCOCOCM HHOfll OSOOt^t^- »»W' CM CO ^ «5 COt-^OOOO ■*OOCM CM NOOOO «5COI>.00 OSO— 'CM nnnin npjmw eoooeoco (M CO "* U0 fflt^MOl'H cotfs^co co coeo-*'* •*■*■*• CO CM 00 •>*< O CO CM 00 ^OtONOO OSMfflO ^NhtII 00 C l« CO CO CO OtDCDfflt-- irorto ooi^-io-* cm-hosoo co »o > CO •»< CM Osr>-lJOCO r-l01<0 " - ~ )>0 CO CM "* CO00 OS^H CO i OOSNffl ■<*! CO i-H O 00 CMOOOCO 'frtOlN lOCJ-HOtO SCOf-OS ^H 00 ■* CO OOOCMCOiO co co co t>- 1>- r- 1>. t^. oo oo oo ao OOCOU3CO rtOJOOtO »Oi-i(N COCO-flO CSCM"*-* eo»or~as i-itoioNo t— J-»t>.t--00 OOOOOOOO O>»»03 ) OS CO N»l >OU3 OtJIO)-* in co co co com as —i coco oo-h< >CM t^-CM COi co co as co cm li^OOCO OOi-HOOCO OOOMllJOO ' oo oo as as as >0 O-H — l~-H o coco as ust-i CO O 00 o ~ coos — Tt< ®C9I>N ococoas mi NOWO OO^-H CO l Ococoas its<-ioo-&o ■*CMOSt"- ONON lOMOOOCO ascM"*- o co co oo i— i tji i-^ as cm OSOOO i-H i-l t-h i-l CMCMCMCMCO iJIO» CM --oo as t^t^t>.oo ooooasos as -SO CO CM 00 ■* O CO CM O0 •* O CO CM 00 lOlffltO COt^OOOO OCSOiH »-l CM CM CO -* ■* »C «5 CO t^ t^- 00 O0 cocoascM ioooihi* fr-Q3-*oo— i oascoco o^oorH oasooco o-*oo-h »o as co co o > OS OS O O O — < —I CM CM CM CO COCO-*!-* "OXJlOt" - iOi»a wsrtio ■ — ■ * iOOO 1-Hi-H CMCM IiHIOOO i-l " .COOSCO N001OH t»i*0(D IK50K5 OS ■* OO CO oo cm r ~ IrttMCM CM COO" • ■ CM (OrHCOO IU5U5CO COt^t^OO okino co as io cm go oo as as CO COOCO CO 00-*~Mt~CO CO 00 CO t>. CM OOhhn ooo ) ^ CM CO i as ■>*< as i*ilOCONO0 ■* as ■* as-* CMCMCOCO'* CMCMCMCM CMCMCMCMCM CO CO i« lO as >o o co CM CM -H CM lOOOCM oooo c^.^. 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Ryerson & Son — New York 904 \Y RIGHTS A X D DIM E N S I O N S ©©co © U5U5CCO 00 ©' O — < r- oooO© cm co *ce> §822 r- ad ©' a cm co co * © co © to — x i" >0>Q90 >e — t - ag ci ci ci ci a x ©. 3 n -r rc re SSSi! 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S3 cli©: i*** mmicio »« © © © © cj — © x © S re ci !~©©CM *©00© i - re © >e — — © i - © — l - re © 8 ci * io r~ co cm — — i.e — i - re CMCMCMCO St '-. — I- — CO »c® CO CO CO CO 00 »-" CO CO * * £$3&£S -?^is© 12- © "»e — ^ . -r - -o" © i - 3 3T3 © 5 — "— cs ee ■- © - ■ - • • - - z — eMCOC0*ift»O©— cire-r.- i - OO © C — n-e-r i<0«Or»00 S5«lit Sre © © co © ae i - K S — 9 ' re «-^^^ CMCMCMCM ©p: ci ci ci re y^ t^: t^ t^ ~ i ue ^ r i ._c CO CO CO * * ci re re re re J < ^-KRHS ^-{^C iT9«3: -CS-C S«jM! X«ttR« »3KW! Cbicaoo-— Jotsva X . K y i ■ t o n I So h N i m York WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS 905 ©USOUSO N ONW1 )00 OMK5 00 OMK5 00 rt CO tO < ( CO tO 00 i— l ( T^^r-,^* cm cm cm (M cococo co -*'<*<-^<-^ mwioio to to to to »-< USO CO t© 0-*<00' O CO tOO CO h-OMN lOOlCOO O "*< O0 i-l lOOCOtO O-^OO-H - rt Tjt N ,-( (OOOOM tp iC to o • ©■^-"t 00 tO^CMO OOlOCC-f wocq co IN Oi-H (M-^tO00 OBION! 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Ryerson & Son — New York !iih; W E I C II T S A M D M 1-: KS 10 N S * ao -fiex — we: a -s^t «r-xc o o»>j;ccx CNfs *i cocococo ■* •*« ■>!■ •< ■ OOO OO; to 00 b 3 09 d r-i r^ or-xss *rox© .— — — — i — o©o - xOmo - : _ _ _ mm*m — DO 00 CO CQ t- •-.-■-- occo c r c m -r <# o o — mtim cc:c -o xo O O O O :~ZZ /[-■; o - a 5 a « — MO CNX« — ©Xr- xo — co ri M M M O^co — o t- ;. — DC DO m « s - - _- O O » * O — r-MX or-O'* t>.« — CO o o cc cc 90 © CO CC o — ~i-r ssss DC -r o x |S52 o — M o — TOO xomo CC o r- X -^1-r-O r--r — —. o e*. f o MMMM —t-j-t : o ic o o o o o IC -r-rrcM c^ — — O to ciZfO cri/T cq OOC: — M -r ~ i- ~ — — — M~i e^c^'des a r- x d- a o — r» CM -r o DO COCO CO r-ooo m — . o — t- X C M MM-f-r o-M-r o >--J id < coc: XM MO cc c o a n — IOC cNeieic* r- DO a « a *« oo « or-x© -^•"T^O xrir-r* — m — o x — -»■ moo — CNM a o» o x x:k:x 10 t- x - (NMMM WINCIM 2582 i - i >o - gooa CXCQiO ao — n xxr-r- r-o — CO co-^Or- o o o o o r- o — xcen DO m m — •MCQiOt<> XOO — NtNco'eo" ri — 4 o r- x - r / s t-r--.c o «*ceaoe c» CO f o DoecocN ■o ■-; c t- t- go -. ~ •-NX- D0OOC1 o- — «^ — MC5*J> , — — ^ — — — — C)M?4?) =-. C — n ri DO M DO ■os xoc — ssss ■MMM m o r. — x r~ ,: -.; oe a 3 — •^ T. M O :?:•;; ^t; ri «-- x — MfL- — eoeoeoeo DoedeooQ .- -r -^ c xc -r«ro u- O »-- — fnex CNX X •^ -r r< o C: O — C« x o -r M < — — 0C05 -.XX XM^t- to«o«c • ct^ om — c-. r-i.-:M — :^— ■■-•^r^i- x - c — i«N oieieipi esic^crjro * ccrf u5««ci D0O09C0 XX~S c. o r> x i--r — r- 0"NN : r-.co — XT — — MMM < (NI^?»?» tN-^c^r^ i- o m c ~ mo ~ c^ 1.0 x — •* i> o -f t^ c rt oanic x -r 3-. ■* c-. o o o — -- — r^ ci t^ co xmat » •* O o encore ^i-o« «t^t^x xc;o o — ->m Sa( -/—or ri- c mi- —ox — -rr-O Sm«c r — MO«p? s f. r ii T . Rti I N B » York WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS MXMX MXMX MXMX rtOOMM MXMX «OCM» MXMX c*)-*jif~c> cs-tr^cs (N^rr^cs cstc^os c^^t^cs c^^t-cs c^Tt^os iOO!«N NtC©''* C:Mf^»-> «O"*"30 Mt-^i-iiO p*»N Shoo x'xcs'os o'o'hh --<: soto^c* — ©c-.t- ©otn « © x © NTfiof. c-.^c:uo N5CN ■* © X © e»^HOt> © — MO - iflx-tid x~-<*t- o^t^o in-*©© i-teo«o»> ©n-*® aooco>o t~© — ■* (oooocn or-©— -osoo xt^®io uo-^tom Hnoa x»t>.® o-^tM ococdos noxh *NOcq iooo.-«** nowo csnox >t>*Ct^ x'xx'os os os do doHrt rtfiNN in'm'mm X-*C5iO — ®NX CO f~*ot- -<*>©r~M ©®m© cksc r5: w«os— i Tft^ssN or-®M oxer: ®: NX cocs^O : t^t^xx xxesos csddd ©'©>-<»■* i-iciciei o^min "oa* t^coio^i •* X N ® © •* t^ -* LO © M t- WOW'S X©NO t~©N* © © x r- ® o •* m ®C2 — M ®X — M x n ® r-. • UJUJiO »o®®® ®®t~t- t^t^XX XX©© C50SOO oo- lOt^ON mt^ocq iflNON M-*®0 X© — ON XJ- N 000004 M-~CN u-t^CN ■5MM mtt®£- ■tffflX© isioujio ©©"®© ©i>t>^ t^t^xx xx'csos ©'©©c x-*©® nx*© o—t>M o>«c MIN-*© ©0 as CM ©© — M NNWM MMMM MM" ©>COC4X OSO'-<^ NWCO^i ^ifltCffl rioO'*'© (Ot^XOS ©i-KNM ■#Ot»CC XX© INOM COt-XX OSO^hC^ IMMTtnO _*rtrt'rt i-i(N(N(N ■* ^ o jjo ■* a a — NfO < d a > * * % as s X £ ^? 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X S [ON S WEIGHTS OF ROUND BARS POUNDS PER LINEAL FOOT Size, Inches Pounds per Foot Size, Inches Pounds per Foot Size, Inches Pounds per Foot Size, Inches Pounds per Foot y% .0417 A A ii A .0528 .0653 .0789 .0939 1A 1A 1A 2.8399 3.0146 3.1945 3.3797 2H 2H 2H 20.656 21.123 21.595 22.072 5A m 82.62 84.49 86.38 88 29 .1102 .1278 .Hi;? . 1669 1A 1A 1A 1'4 3.5700 3.7656 3 . 9664 4.1724 m 3 22.555 23.042 23.535 24.033 6 90.22 92.17 94.14 96.13 i A .1884 .2112 . 2354 .2608 1A 1A 1H m 4.3836 4.6001 4.8218 5.0486 3A 3A 3A 3H 24.547 25.045 25.559 26.078 6A ii,'.. ok 98.15 100.18 102.24 104.31 g .2875 .3155 .3449 .3755 1A m 1*2 5.2807 5.5180 5.7606 6.0083 3A 3A 3A 3M 26.602- 27.131 27.666 28.206 6A 6A 6^ 106.41 108.53 110.66 112.82 g A .4075 .4407 .4753 .5111 1A 1H ill 6.2613 6.5194 6.7828 7.0514 3A 3ft 3H 3 3 8 28.751 29.301 29.856 30.417 6A m 6ii 6 3 4 115.00 117.20 119.43 121.67 ii . :.4.s:i .5867 . 6265 .6676 1H Hi ill 7.3252 7.6043 7.8885 8.1780 3M 3A s|| 30.983 31.554 32.130 32.712 841 7 123.93 126 22 128 52 ISO 86 H • .7100 .7536 .7986 .8449 Iff l« l 7 s 8.4727 8 7 7:'.'» 9.0777 9.3880 3A 3« m 33.891 35.090 36.311 37.552 7A 7>, 133.19 135.56 137 95 140.36 H H M 3925 .0414 .0916 1.0431 If] m m 2 9.7035 10.0243 10.3503 10 DM4 312 34J 4 38.814 40.097 41 4(11 42.726 7ft m 142 79 14.'. 34 147 71 150 21 li 'A H H 1 0959 1.1500 I 2054 1 2622 2A 2A 2 A 11.0178 1 1 3595 1 1 7063 i_> 0583 4A 4ji 4;,. 4H 44.071 4.'. 4:is 46 S2:> 4s 233 7ft 7!i IH 152 72 155 26 157 81 | 1 3202 1 :;7'.>.". 1 44(11 l 6021 2A -v.. 2A 12.4156 12.7781 L3 1458 13.5187 4A 4ft 4' j 4;i 663 51 112 52 583 64.075 m 8 162 39 165 60 168 34 170 30 I l 5653 l 6299 I 6957 1 7829 2A 2H 13.8968 14 2802 It litis: 15.0625 4A 4!i 4\ 66 687 57 l-i 58.675 .,11 360 8ft [73 68 176 29 179 iM 181 7.-. « 1.8813 l '.»(>11 1 !»7L'l 2.0445 2H 2A m 15 4615 16 8657 16 2761 lb CS'.I.S 4H 5 61 N46 63.473 65 1O0 66.759 8H 184.52 187 30 190 11 192.93 s 2.1182 2 1931 j 3470 2H 2A 2*1 17.1096 17 5347 17.1W50 is 1004 7d 139 71 Mill » 195 7S 304 47. i j 1359 ■: :,im;i a is 3412 19 3871 30 1946 5A 77 Us 8J1 Ml 9 207.38 210 33 313 81 216.30 ( II I . . I I I- Rtiii WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS 909 WEIGHTS OF SQUARE BARS POUNDS PER LINEAL FOOT Size, Inches Pounds per Foot Size, Inches Pounds per Foot Size, . Inches Pounds per Foot Size, Inches Pounds per Foot H .0531 1 .0672 .0830 .1004 .1195 1A 1A m 3.616 3.838 4.067 4.303 025 *32 2H 2ft 26.300 26.895 27.496 28.103 5A 5 5 A 5H 105.20 107.58 109.98 112.41 a .1403 .1627 .1868 .2125 1A 1* 1A 1M 4.546 4.795 5.050 5.313 2ff 2— 2i! 28.717 29.338 29.966 30.600 5H 5 7 A C15 *>16 6 114.87 117.35 119.86 122.40 H A 8 .2399 .2689 .2997 .3320 1A 1A lfi 5.581 5.857 6.139 6.428 3A 3^ 3A 3M 31.241 31.888 32.542 33.203 6A 6& 6M 124.96 127.55 130.17 132.81 Si 8 .3661 .4018 .4391 .4781 m lis. 132 1H 6.724 7.026 7.335 7.650 332 3^ 3A 3M 33.871 34.545 35.225 35.913 6A 6^8 6A 135.48 138.18 140.90 143.65 If H S .5188 .5611 .6051 .6508 1« 1A 1 19 1^ 7.972 8.301 8.636 8.978 9 9 ^32 3^ m 36.606 37.307 38.014 38.728 6A &A 6H 146.43 149.23 152.06 154.81 H If V2 .6981 .7471 .7977 .8500 ltt 1 23 I3-2 9.327 9.682 10.044 10.413 Q13 * us J; I ■ s 9? S3 s r- -MDMK .-'. NOBiQO X C: re tc - f) N !N ■ flfCXC SH3H£ X re — i~- r^- r- goon t~ us us x i^ ec r^os — — J, e* 9a r- s: 5= X C x p ( S2- to onxrefN l>- r~ r- c: Cs SCMC k m m « tnC ce us O". ci if ecus C-. re t - ~j ■ f f us us us - - X — re ce re. MCK5V mn C«»oo us r^ os — us os ce--rcf MMMfff us us * «o i x to 9 >o c; -r r re re re -»• f us i re /: re i- . — ei -r o i c i N N N cm i- ei t~ x — ■ t - - r ~- — . i S ri ?i re re 'XOCO »- M r: - : > • — us r~ * o s — e>i «s 3 — — — — --iririnti : '. - i — ~ r. £ '=" I ^ '=■ rt -3H=S. u ' ;. 5= 31 . 101 83 640 36 070 38 692 II 107 II 213 47.112 • * ■ 7. re "re re re re re -r • 16.609 18.403 20.289 22 268 24 . 338 28.500 28 756 00 D.01S 9.673 10.352 11.053 11.778 18.396 14.907 0) < * § < u Ul-i ■ 00 ri m n 4.601 8.072 5.567 8.088 6 828 7.189 7 . 775 8 388 ■ SO u U.0- o ■ - — X x re ■*• f t^ e-1 -£. ifl-XCf CINiC — us t- os eo I s - — ^ MNNNNCCWf g ■ 00 am^jgg - ■ DO JUJl'.fc/Xft* .414 .486 .564 .647 . 7M 181 ,983 1.038 + OQ • Weight 073 1(1.5 111 ,184 287 .348 ■ 7 £**£*M3i C ii ic a 90 - Jotir a T« Rtbiioi 1 Soi — Ni« X WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS 911 fflC*C<3CC' oiososo-HKioom W»tONNOOOlO UJONOOCCNlONO COSNtOClN05eo M^Tlt^iOiOiOffl COt^COCO-^"OOCOOitC •>!< N -4 m ffl CO « N N OMNOMNO^N )COCO'»*O0'-.COO5 fHTHTHNNNNNCCMCC*' <# w O) OO X N O) •- ilfSOi'tOaiC OOO-HCClOCSCOOONSOrtlOO lf5t^-00C5O-OtN»Ct^O rtrtrtrHNMNNCOCOMW fflaao^iooionON' i(N cm ft t~ OS I CN 0'0''HOl '^ rtrtrt^NCTOIMCOMCOM'" Chicago — Joseph T . Ryerson & Son — New York 912 \\ 1. [ G H T S AND DIMENSIONS MACHINE BOLTS APPROXIMATE WEIGHT IN POUNDS OF 100 BOLTS OF SIZES ENUMERATED BELOW J-cneth, Inches H A X A '2 A M H H 1 m IK Ua 3.7 4.2 4.8 5.5 6.1 6.8 7.4 8.1 - 7 9.4 10.1 10.8 11.5 12.2 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 10 o 9.0 10.5 12.0 13.5 15.0 16.5 18.0 19.5 21.0 22 .5 24.1 28 7 27.3 28.9 32.1 35.3 38.5 41 7 15.2 17.2 19.2 21.2 23.2 25.2 27.2 29.2 31.2 33.2 35.2 37 2 39.2 41.2 45 2 49.2 53.2 57.2 19.6 22.2 24.8 27.5 30.1 32.8 35.4 38.1 40.7 43.4 46.0 48.7 51.3 54.0 59 5 65.0 70.5 76.0 81.5 87.0 92.5 98.0 103.5 109.0 114.5 120.0 27.5 31.0 34.5 38.0 41.5 45.0 48.5 52.0 55.5 59.0 62.5 66.0 69.5 73.0 80.0 87.0 94.0 101.0 108.0 115.0 122.0 129.0 136.0 143.0 150.0 157.0 34.3 38.4 42.5 46.7 50.8 55.0 59.1 63.3 67.4 71.6 75.7 79.9 84.0 88.2 96.5 104.8 113.1 121.4 129.7 138.0 146.3 154.6 162.9 171 2 179.5 187 B 54.3 60.0 65.7 71.4 77.1 82.8 88.9 95.0 101.1 107.2 113.3 119.4 125.6 131.6 143.8 156.0 168.2 180.4 192.6 204.8 217.0 241.4 253.6 266 8 27v 290 l 2 90.8 99.1 107.4 115.7 124.0 132.3 140.6 148.9 157.2 165.5 173.8 182.1 190.4 207.0 223.6 240.2 256.8 273.4 290.0 306.6 323.2 339.8 356.4 373.0 128 l 140 1 157 - 174 1 181.0 507.9 Ml 7 558.6 2> 2 3 m 4 5 S*A 6 SH 7 m 8 9 148.2 159.0 169.8 180.6 191.4 202.2 213.0 223.8 234.6 245.4 256.2 267.0 288.6 310.2 331.8 353.4 375.0 396.6 418.2 439.8 461.4 483.0 504.6 626 2 570.2 • HI 2 658 2 680.2 721 2 74 1 2 209.0 222.5 236.0 249.5 263.0 276.5 290.0 303.5 317.0 330.5 344 357.5 385 5 413.5 411 5 469 5 497.5 525.5 553 5 581 5 609.5 637.5 665 5 888 •"> 721 :. m 7> 777 B 908 8 B81 8 889 5 817 8 277.0 293.5 310 326 :> 848.0 359.5 376.0 392 5 409 425.5 442 458.5 493 in n 12 527.5 562.0 596.5 13 631.0 14 665.5 15 700.0 16 734.5 17 769.0 18 803.5 10 838.0 20 872.5 21 907.0 22 :;i;. 2 340 n 352 4 364.8 \" I 188 | 941.5 n 878 1010 8 1045 1079.5 27 1114 1 1 4^ :. 1188 1217 :. C ii i c a oo - J o • i r a I • Ktiiiom v\ Soi — Ni w York WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS 013 U. S. STANDARD HOT PRESSED NUTS Size of Bolt, Inches Number in 200 Pounds Weight of One Nut Square Hexagon Square Hexagon Blank Tapped Blank Tapped Blank Tapped Blank Tapped M 13800 14760 17400 18600 .014 .013 .012 .011 5 T6 7400 9915 9200 9760 .027 .025 .022 .020 H 5000 5320 6000 6400 .04 .037 .033 .031 & 3200 3400 4000 4250 .062 .059 .05 .047 H 2400 2540 3000 3200 .083 .079 .067 .063 9 1600 1690 2128 2275 .125 .12 .094 .088 H 1360 1440 1540 1630 .147 .14 .130 .123 H 832 880 998 1050 .24 .227 .200 .190 % 544 578 628 665 .37 .346 .32 .30 l 376 397 436 460 .53 .504 .46 .435 m 268 284 288 305 .75 .70 .695 .655 IH 206 220 250 260 .97 .90 .80 .77 IVs 146 157 182 190 1.37 1.27 1.10 1.06 m 120 127 144 150 1.67 1.57 1.39 1.33 m 95 100 116 120 2.10 2.00 1.72 1.67 i% 74 77 95 100 2.70 2.60 2.14 2.00 m 64 67 80 84 3.12 3.00 2.50 2.39 2 53 56 62 65 3.77 3.57 3.23 3.08 2H 43 45 52 54 4.65 4.40 3.85 3.74 2H 36 37 44 46 5.55 5.40 4.55 4.35 2V 8 28 29 35 36 7.14 6.89 5.72 5.56 2V 2 24 25 32 33 8.33 8.00 6.25 6.06 2% 21 22 27 27 9.52 9.09 7.41 7.41 3 16 17 18 18 12.50 11.80 11.11 11.11 COACH AND LAG SCREWS APPROXIMATE WEIGHT IN POUNDS OF 100 SCREWS Length M A H T M & % % % l m 2 2.7 3.5 4.2 4.7 5.2 5.7 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 3.5 4.4 5.3 6.2 7.1 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 5.8 7.1 8.5 9.8 11.1 12.5 13.8 14.9 16.0 17.2 9.1 11.0 12.9 14.8 16.5 18.2 19.9 21.8 23.5 25.2 15.0 17.3 19.5 21.6 23.8 26.3 28.8 31.3 33.8 38.9 44.0 48.5 53.0 57.5 62.0 22.8 25.3 27.8 30.4 33.0 35.5 38.0 40.7 43.3 50.0 56.8 63.5 70.3 77.0 83.7 26.3 29.9 33.5 37.1 40.7 44.5 48.3 52.0 55.7 63.2 69.3 76.4 83.5 90.6 97.8 2V 2 3 &A 4 VA 5 VA 6 7 46.1 51.5 57.1 62.9 68.8 74.7 80.5 92.3 104.0 115.4 126.8 138.2 149.5 71.8 78.5 85.3 92.0 98.6 105.3 112.0 125.4 138.8 156.3 173.8 191.3 208.8 103.0 112.0 121.0 130.0 141.0 153.0 164.0 185 8 205.0 9 225.0 10 245.0 11 265.0 12 285.0 Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson Son — New York 914 W E I C II T S A N D I.) 1 M N S I O N S WEIGHTS OF ROUND HEAD RIVETS OR ROUND HEAD BOLTS WITHOUT NUTS PER 100 STEEL I/engtb, ^Inch Diam- Vj» Inch Diam- H Inch » 4 ' Inch Diam- J 8 Inch llnch I 1 * Inch 1 M Inch Diam- Diam- Diam- Diam- Diam- eter eter eter eter eter eter eter eter XH 5.5 12.8 22.0 29.3 43.9 66.6 93.3 127. M 6.3 14 2 24.1 32 4 48.2 72.1 100. 136. m 7.0 15.5 26.3 35.5 52.5 77.7 107. 145. 2 7.9 16.9 28.5 38.7 56.7 83.3 114. 153. 2K 8.7 18.3 30.7 41.8 61.0 88.8 121. 162. 2H 9.4 19.7 32.8 44.9 65.2 94.4 128. 171. 2H 10.2 21.1 35.0 48.0 69.5 100. 136. 179. 3 11.0 22.5 37.2 51.1 73.7 105. 143. 188. %\i 11.7 23.9 39.3 54.3 78.0 111. 150. 197. 3H 12.6 25.3 41.5 57.4 82.3 116. 157. 205. Wi 13.4 26.7 43.7 60.5 86.5 122. 164. 214. 4 14.1 28.1 45.9 63.6 90.8 128. 170. 223. Vi 14.9 29.4 48.0 66.7 95.0 134. 177. 231. 4H 15.7 30.8 50.2 69.9 99.3 139. 185. 240. 4 3 4 16.5 32.2 52.4 73.0 104. 145. 192. 249. 5 17.2 33.6 54.5 76.1 108. 150. 199. 258. 5M 18.1 35.0 56.7 79.2 112. 156. 206. 266. 5H 18.8 36.4 58.9 82 3 116. 161. 213. 275. 5^ 19.6 37.8 61.1 85.5 120. 166. 220 284 . 6 20.4 39 2 63.2 88.6 124. 172. 227 292. &H 21.9 42.0 67.6 95.1 133. 184. 241. 310. 7 23 8 44 7 71.9 101. 142. 195. 255. 327 . 7', 25 1 47.5 76.1 108. 150. 206. 269. 345. 8 26.6 50.3 80.6 114. 159. 217. 2M 362. 28.2 53.1 85.0 120. 167. 227. 298. 37», B 29.8 55.9 89.3 126 176. 239 312 397. ftH 31.3 58.7 93.7 133. 185. 250. 414. 10 32.8 61 .4 98.0 139. 193. 261. 340. 431. 10>.> 64.2 103. 14.V 202. 272 354. 449. 11 36 87 107. 181. 210 284. 368. 466. 1 1 M 8Q 8 111. 158. 21 B 295. 382 484. 12 :_• 5 115. 164. 227. 306 396 501. Heads 1.8 11.1 13.6 22 6 39.0 58.0 83.5 C h i C I <• " Jo I I r H I , inn ■ V o B K WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS 915 a o 55 < b O 03 J | o P g i s i-*i-i OCO CO o COO CM CM CM CM CN-*NO CO CO CO ^ CM CO •* ■* X CO 00 1-1 I© CO Ni-H"*00 HlOOOrt i-l N in— i OCN-* CO i-i IN CM CM o-*eoco CM CO CO CO 83 X 3 OOOO oooo oo 000 CM ■* COOOOCM Tt< 00 g ■a CM to N-*ON ■*ON-* OOIO-H CO ©N*i-< •OrtMlO HIO CiOCN-* lONOiO OOOrH HO»N ■* n o »o CO-*CNi-( HNMO ON CO-* ■* O OCM CM -H O00 O0-* O US COCN -H CO rtrHN CM CM CM CO •*-*io»o CONN 00 oooo O r-l CM •* CO CO I !eo COCO 00 COO CO CO 00 CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO COCO COCO : :** «"""-«»-■ CM CM CM CO CO-*-*lO XSfflON NOOCOOl o o -B 5© L.O ! I OS CN^CO CM CO -* CO CO OCM CO NO —H aO -HCM-*CO •* 00 CM CO oo ^H^^H i-ICNffl® OCN-* NOO NO(MCO i-HCO"* CO coo-* o O—l ■* CO WO"! ■ O CM -* • - 1 -"-<-"-< i-l CN CMCN CNCOCO • 3 co I N0OCS co*»o O-HCM N00OS CO-*i«a0 Oi-HCN"* OCN-*CO N 0-1 CO -H r-i CM cm BO i OffiN couo-* «o CON NH ON 00 00— 1 -*CN O CO CO UJO 00 **TH -,*-,,--. 00 o -* o CM COCO COOCO © 8 NNN —1 CM CM COCO-* 1 9 1 H 5 1 1 a :&£& ^v.5 S^S^ CN CM CM CM co coco cc •* •*■*■* »OiO Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 916 WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS THEORETICAL WEIGHT OF STEEL CIRCLES Diam- eter Vs A M A H A M A H H M H K 16. . 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 18 19 20 22 24 25 27 29 30 32 34 36 n 12 14 15 17 19 20 22 24 26 28 30 33 35 38 40 43 45 48 51 54 15 16 18 20 23 25 27 30 32 35 38 41 44 47 50 54 57 61 65 68 72 18 20 23 25 28 31 34 37 40 44 47 51 55 59 63 67 71 76 81 85 90 22 24 27 30 34 37 41 44 48 53 56 61 65 71 75 80 86 91 97 102 108 25 28 32 35 39 43 47 52 56 61 66 71 76 82 88 94 100 106 113 119 126 29 32 36 40 45 49 54 59 64 70 75 81 87 94 100 107 114 12' 17. . 18. . 19. . 20. . 21 22. . 23. . 24. . 25. . 26. . 27. . 28. . 29. . 30. . 31. . 32. . 33. . 34. . 129 136 144 35. . 36.. 162 180 198 216 234 252 37. . 38 57 76 95 115 134 153 172 101 210 229 248 267 38. . 40 60 80 100 121 141 161 181 201 221 241 261 281 39.. 42 64 85 106 127 148 169 190 212 233 254 275 206 40.. 45 67 89 111 134 156 178 200 223 245 267 289 312 41.. 47 70 04 117 141 164 187 211 234 258 281 304 327 42.. 49 74 98 123 148 172 197 221 246 270 286 319 344 43. . 52 77 103 120 155 180 206 232 258 283 300 335 360 44. . 54 81 108 135 162 188 215 242 269 296 323 350 377 45.. 56 85 113 141 169 197 225 863 282 310 338 366 394 4fi. . 59 88 118 147 177 206 235 866 204 324 353 383 412 47. . 62 92 123 154 185 215 246 277 308 338 369 8M 430 48. . 64 96 128 160 193 225 257 289 321 353 385 417 449 49. . 67 100 134 167 201 234 267 301 334 367 401 434 467 50.. 70 105 139 174 209 244 279 313 348 383 418 452 487 51. . 109 145 181 217 253 289 325 362 398 434 470 .506 52.. 113 151 188 226 263 301 339 376 414 452 489 527 53. . 117 156 195 235 273 313 352 391 430 469 508 547 54.. 122 162 203 244 284 325 365 406 446 487 527 568 55.. 126 168 210 253 295 337 379 421 463 505 547 589 56.. * 131 175 218 262 305 349 393 136 480 63 1 567 610 57.. 136 181 2M 272 317 362 407 453 498 648 687 6M 58.. 141 187 234 281 SM 375 421 468 E l E 562 609 59.. 145 194 242 291 339 387 436 484 533 581 620 678 60.. 150 200 250 301 351 401 451 501 551 601 651 701 61. . 155 207 259 311 362 414 466 518 569 681 673 724 62.. 161 214 M8 321 :<::> 428 4X2 535 680 643 695 749 63. . 166 221 276 332 387 442 407 668 cos 663 718 774 64.. 171 228 285 342 399 456 513 .-,70 627 684 741 798 65. . 177 235 204 353 412 471 529 688 647 706 764 823 66.. 182 243 303 364 425 485 546 607 667 788 788 848 67.. 188 250 8 1 8 375 438 500 563 625 888 750 812 68.. 193 257 322 386 4.50 616 579 643 708 772 8M 900 m. 199 MS Ml 398 464 6M 596 668 720 70.-, 861 837 70.. 205 273 341 409 477 .-,».-. 613 6S2 750 sis 886 884 71. . 211 281 861 421 491 561 631 702 772 MS 912 883 7J. . 388 Ml 433 505 577 640 783 704 937 1008 73.. 281 371 445 519 688 667 742 816 890 M4 1088 71. . 226 805 3K1 4.-.S 68 » tilO 686 763 B88 915 990 i OM 75.. 235 313 391 470 is 626 704 783 Ml 939 1017 1095 76.. 241 322 402 482 563 643 723 804 SSI BM 1045 1 1 M 77.. 248 330 413 495 578 680 743 825 808 880 1073 1 1 .-,:, 78. . 254 339 423 :,oh 688 678 762 847 888 1016 1101 1186 79. . MO 348 434 521 608 888 7K2 S60 868 1043 1120 1316 HO 2 t^ 00 © © — CI uo R - c ge /- - ro i - i - ooo-e.-r-n- 'O O J CO 00 CO CI CO 1- — 1- -r 00 CO OCONNOCOO ©©■»<© CT. CO CI © 00 © © © *-« CO r» oo © o — • cm ■«»< 00 Ci O — CM CO CO oo © — ci ci •*• r- cc CI < g © © © -f CO CO — t— CM CO O CO ^ 00 U0 CO-OCIOMO C2 -V Ci UO "*< 00 CO co © uo — •*»« ^ CI uo -* r^ -r co © — N«00-:nc 00 © — — CI CO CO X O -> CI CO •* t^ © — < CM CO -f >c — . cl Cl e i- •"»< 00 Cl 00 «£> O 00 cm co "0 =-. 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O0 OS i-i e» coo tootoo sNoiH^ia I>- CM CD CO to to OJ i*l COlOCOCMOiOO CO CM i-^ O 1*1 00 CO toCMOiOSCM MOON^Nffl 0«NCOiCt»0 OCOOOOOO CM CM i*l CD O0 O -f i— l i-l i-c i-H i-l CM CM t^ t^. O CO CO OS CO lO «5 CO CM 00 CO O co 1*1 co oo O cm co r~ ccoeotooo ^^^HrtCMCNjCqCq ^ICMCMO^CMCO CO O CO CO O •* CO CM tO OO CM if i-l CM CM CM CO CO o P O CM ^ ^ CO CO O ■* M^WfflON if xxxxxxx zo co co co co o CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO 1 NNUtCOCOOm CM t>- 1*1 CO CO © 00 Tf NNQOCSON'* NNCOCBONCOi* XXXXXXX xxxxxxxx CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CO CO 00 00 OO 00 CO 00 Ntoxooo^ NCSONW* xxxxxx tO to "5 to to to t» CO 00 O CO -*t< tiCROcqcoif XXXXXX tO SO 5© S© CO CO Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York f>20 \V E I G II T S AND DIM E N S I O N S X J ■ f * - 00 r- to «o !- — ,.- — NlOlflff »X5ifl* O •"*■»»« CO io^^co *^C5IN & 00 CM 35 1/5 O O CO CO *c *o -«r ■>* CM lO^ t>- •*»• CO CO kC CO *c c-. -»• ta ic •<}•■«»• CO CO OiOiCSOi •"»• CO uo ■«»« OS IOCS oscmuo — »o — « r-os ooeoo* 00 00 — -* oooooot^ COCO'**' o OOCOOCM OS CO CO CO CM CM CM CO CM CX CO CO CO •»*« 0C CO — CM CM CO ■*> cmcoco ■* foox CO '»*•■«' »o OS CO CO CO co-*»oco g fc'g CO«O-<0 «<0 OB ■"»• X) CM CM ■*»< CO 00 O CO "0CM ■«*• •£ O.J: ' — < l^ CM CO fOOt^ NMCliOIN Ci CO CO CO -- ~ -r roCO-^O K WO CO -J« ■>>< »0 CO CO -»f iO CO -f 3 CO ooaooor- oo — ■>*< O ao •"»« © cm «o co t-» o cor^oo< — 3 £&! 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RYIIIOM I SOU — N II Vnm; WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS 921 © CO 03 1 <£ i to CD 4} ©©US CM t^»C^^ ©-*CM.-H© USCO>-l© C0i-H©00 * US "5 • OOOOO© ■*-<»< us us tOOJtO^CO ■*•*•* US US r^©^»»< USUSUSUS e£«J Ir^oo CM oo»ius** Noicieo eocor- -< US©eOCN oo © — i •*' OO^H * 00»-< »-*< OOl^-t^tO © r-t CO d ^HCOUSCTJ 00 CM CD a 00 2 ,2 .a & 3 go m ©■«* CM © US CO '-* © ^NOaiao mhooo ^©oor>- ^ ft 3 pa ©CO ©© CM CO OOtM usus*us eocoust^-us USUS-*^-* CMOtOtO "*t^O^*l USUSUSUS us>^tusto rot t^eo cm CO©US© OSON113 US -oil CO CM T-ioous as d— 'cod ©r~us-*tM dcM-*©a6 r-c NINM O USCO ^HCOUSOS Tj*oo oot^t-t^ to rl US US t>- OS ustct^© 00 US <-i tO t^ OO © i-< t^- CM CO N-*!9rt USt^duS © CM 1 3 o Pi s © d .2 .2 v « a GO pQ •«t- ©O0t>»© ©O0l>.© pa CM CM US US US US ■<*< -«f< eo^i-~t~ us us US US Cflf^eNKM OO US ^USUS^ ©OO^OO ©-*(MCO ©l>.t^© -«»« us -^< us Tfiooffl ©r^i-»© **J t>-00 CM OOffllflH O0CO CO t~r-t~© OOOOCO-* ©U5Chcon ©tM-^oo H CO USC5 cm ■*!< to as ■<-* COUS00CN tOCSiHK ©CMUS^H HiHr<(N T-lrtCM(M rt«(N« -t>-us t>. © © us t>.©©-*f pa (MUSOO — « US^ •* OS OOOO US-* COUS "SHOXJH •^< US US -^< to «Hrt^ USUSOCO ©©•tftrt US -*»H © -»J1 •<»< T»l © t-» ©©©tO ^ go t^OO -«C 00 t^ to us oot^ to us us t^tOUS-* ©USUSTjf ©USt*«t«< 0) tffcl pa HNNO ususus^ ©©©CM t^©t^t»>It< us to US •<* to t^OO©© »-0 W*©00© .O0©CSI ■* * - -"*! ©©©© OOOOOOOOOO OOOO ©©©© CNJCXIOJCN CMCMCMCM CNeNCNIM NNNCSN CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO ■* * "* «* Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 922 \V i: I G TT T S A N D l» I M E X S I O N S WEIGHTS OF IRON AND STEEL PLATE POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT Thick- Iron — Steel- Steel- Thick- Iron— Steel- Steel- ness Estimating Estimating Theoretical ness Estimating Estimating Theoretical A 1.35 1.40 1.275 H 28.25 29.00 28.05 tV 2.70 2.75 2.550 :i 4 30.75 31.50 30.60 tV 4.00 4.10 3.825 8 33.50 34.00 33.15 Vh 5.40 5.50 5.100 Vh 36.00 36.75 35.70 A 6.75 6.90 6.375 ft 38.50 39.25 38.25 A 8.10 8.30 7.650 41.00 41.75 40.80 ft 9.50 9.75 8.925 ift i 43.50 44.50 43.35 K 10.75 11.00 10.200 iy* 46.00 46.75 45.90 tV 12.00 12.25 11.475 IrV 48.50 49.50 48.45 A 13.25 13.50 12.750 Wa, 51.00 52.00 51.00 H 14.50 14.75 14.025 ifV 53.50 54.50 53.55 3 /8 16.00 16.25 15.300 1*8 56.00 57.25 56.10 H 17.00 17.50 16.575 1ft 58.50 60.00 58.65 tV 18.25 18.75 17.850 IV? 61.00 62.50 61.20 H 19.50 20.00 19.125 M 66.25 67.75 66.30 H 20.75 21.25 20.400 m 71.25 72.75 71.40 ft 23.25 23.75 22.950 V/h 76.25 78.00 76.50 N 25.75 26.25 25.500 2 81.50 83.25 81.60 • For variations in weight of Sheared Plates, see page 843. CORRUGATED SHEETS Weights in Pounds pkk .Sh'ahk Standard Lengths —Width 26 inches Sheets per Square — 100 square feet Square Feet sEeet Gauge No*. Black and Painted Galvanized t inch Corrug. \\i inch Corrug. 2,2Hand 1 inch Corrug. 1' 4 inch Corrug. 60 72 84 96 106 120 141 9.231 7.692 6 760 5 128 4 616 8.846 10.833 13.000 15.160 17 333 19.500 21.666 26.000 16 18 20 21 23 M 27 2.s 271 217 163 180 186 123 no 96 83 76 68 17(> 1.56 142 128 114 100 Mi 79 72 286 17s 166 151 Lis 124 ill 98 91 85 1 85 1.-.7 "loi 94 87 The abovt* applies on \\i inch, 2 inch. 2 1 j inch, 3 inch ■■d •"> inch Corrugations. See stock, page 313. Chicago i • - » ■ ■ i k > i k s <> \ N I \\ Y D A T A — M I S C E L L A N E O IT S 1001 DIMENSIONS OF RIVETS STRUCTURAL RIVETS BOILER RIVETS BUTTON HEAD COUNTERSUNK CONE HEAD STEEPLE HEAD U-o-J W = 1%XD \ ? |V- pp L|w. * EG> *.Z\ L-D-J W=1.839XD H= J^XD Taper = 51° L~w4.J L-D--J T= ifXD H= y s XD W = 1MXD w L -D--4 H= D W=2 XD jj E, J3 2 ^a E 1 ^ E, -a 03 ,d ja SQ OS s ■g-w g & s r •55 « M so Q •SPffi r 5 K ^8 K H 15 16 M X 15. 32 _7_ 16 % X H 1 * 9 16 27 64 63 64 * 9 16 IA 9 32 * 9 16 17 32 31 64 63 64 * 9 16 9 16 m X 15 32 IA X 1 5 ±32 5 16 X 19 32 35 64 IA K X IX * 11 16 ft ift * 11 16 Itt 11 32 11 16 41 64 39 64 1ft 11 16 11 16 m % A iA X m H K 45 64 21 32 IA k X v/% *H 39 64 ift * 13 16 ix 13 32 16 49 64 23 32 1 27 X 64 13 16 13 16 IX H 2JL 32 117 A32 K 1 19 A 32 7 16 Vs 13 16 49 64 111 X 32 fc Vs in * 15 16 45 64 1ft * 15 16 123 A 32 15 F2 15 16 Vs 13 16 1ft if 15 16 IVs 1 H 1^ 1 1 27 X 32 K 1 15 16 Vs M 1 1 2 *1 1 il6 ft 1 55 ±64 *1JL ±16 161 ±64 ii 32 •*A 1 15 16 1 55 1 64 *1A iA m *IX 27 32 I3T *lVs 2A 9 16 m IA 63 64 1 31 *13^ iH 2M *i& 57 64 0_5_ •^64 •IA 2A 19 32 •IA IA X 32 2 > &-3 ■82 O £ 111 ■ c c I i d 0) CD < 03 «S 3 3 > "O CO 00 O 9 z d ex a as ao nr "d x) -a S 3 < g 3 3 u — O O m P. O. Q •r ££ Z > ?i o < — o z C •a o o Ov 4) 3 3 CI — 1 > > < 8 bfi u 111 | d J. id .-. - M a, cu X J= JS cv I. f. i 1 1 — OS t- — " I Tl "I £ - >- CM CM « S g § ! 1 i S C* M C-5 nil llJ »- 3 O r - § S 2 g 3 g I 7 i*2 SliSIS Crica i in T Rtiiiom I Sow^Ni •» V DATA M SCELLANEOUS 1003 ■Z io-§ jMg Tt< 0© o o o o !>. CO CD lO •*tl »« CO *^ lO CO t- CC o o o o lO Oi CO t-- S 2 - ui ©> eo t-- co co eo «* us s s cm eo eo i-i cm eo io t^ £ S £ S 3 TJ X\ C3 d CO -3 o3 OJ 03 5 c3 1 CO be C *co u d a 3 L. O CO bJO -o CD d CU c3 c3 -3 £ m c, cu rl d bf) oj BJ oS be bfi IS 03 N 3 bfl t-i oj 3 of % CD be O ,4 ■is CD -3 cu O is ■H o O 5 60 d w 0) 03 o Cu o O d Eh O I ft o "5j 03 -o X! a d 3 0J 03 > > > bfi bC '3b co rr? Cu Cu 3 =3 3 03 CI a! > > > bn bfl bX) a fi s 03 03 03 4) OJ OJ pq PQ pq Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 1004 L> A T A M I S C E L L A N K O U S STANDARD GAUGES EQUIVALENTS IN DECIMALS OF AN INCH Thickness in Decimals op an Inch Number of (i.tUL'f Bir- Browne 227" 2 .284 .25763 .265625 .276 .2625 .265 .219 3 .259 .22042 .25 .252 .2437 .245 .212 4 .238 .20431 .234375 .232 .2253 .225 .207 5 .220 .18194 .21875 .212 .2070 .205 .204 6 .203 .16202 .203125 .182 .1920 .190 .201 7 .180 1442s .1875 .176 .1770 .175 .199 8 .165 .12849 . 171875 .160 1620 .160 .197 9 .148 .11443 . 15625 .144 14s:; .145 .194 10 .134 .10189 .140625 .128 .1350 .130 .191 11 .120 .090742 .125 .116 .1205 117.i .188 12 .109 .080808 .109375 .104 .1055 .1050 185 13 .095 0719$1 .09375 .092 .0915 .0925 182 14 .083 .064084 .078125 .080 .0800 .0800 .180 15 .072 .057068 .0703125 .072 .0720 .0700 171 16 .065 .05082 .0625 .064 .0626 .0610 .175 17 .058 .045257 .05625 .056 .0540 .0626 172 18 .049 .040303 .05 .048 .0475 .0450 .168 IS .042 .03589 .04375 .040 .0410 .0400 .164 20 .035 .031961 .0375 .on .0348 .161 21 .082 028462 .084376 .082 .08175 .0810 .157 22 .025347 .03186 .089 .0286 0280 155 .025 022571 .028188 .024 .0258 .0260 [|8 34 .1122 .0201 .086 .022 .0230 .0821 151 25 020 .0179 .021875 .020 .0204 .0200 .148 26 .018 .01594 .01875 .018 .0181 .0180 .146 27 .016 .014195 .0171875 .0164 .0173 .0170 .143 28 .014 .012641 .015625 .0148 .0162 .0160 .139 29 .013 011817 .IH40625 0186 .0150 .0150 .134 .012 .010025 .0125 .0124 .0110 .0140 127 81 010 IMKV.I2S 0108871 .0116 .0132 .0136 .180 ooo 00785 (H015625 .0108 .0188 .0120 115 .008 00706 009375 .0100 oils .0110 112 .007 .006304 .00859375 .0092 .0104 .0100 .110 35 .005 ,001614 .0078125 .0084 BOM .0095 .106 .004 606 0O7O 0O76 .0090 .0090 101 004453 0061 ; 0068 .0086 .108 0O82B .0080 101 0076 .686 4D .0878 Chic aoo Jo tit a I . Rvinoii I E ■ V u k k D A T A — M I S C E L L A N E O U S 1005 DECIMALS OF A FOOT FOR EACH 1-64th OF AN INCH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Inch Inch Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches .0000 .0833 .1667 .2500 .3333 .4167 .5000 .5833 .6667 .7500 .8333 .9167 & .0013 .0846 .1680 .2513 .3346 .4180 .5013 .5846 .6680 .7513 .8346 .9180 h .0026 .0859 .1693 .2526 .3359 .4193 .5026 .5859 .6693 .7526 .8359 .9193 A .0039 .0872 .1706 .2539 .3372 .4206 .5039 .5872 .6706 .7539 .8372 .9206 i 16 .0052 .0885 .1719 .2552 .3385 .4219 .5052 .5885 .6719 .7552 .8385 .9216 _5_ 64 .0065 .0898 .1732 .2565 .3398 .4232 .5065 .5898 .6732 .7565 .8398 .9232 & .0078 .0911 .1745 .2578 .3411 .4245 .5078 .5911 .6745 :7578 .8411 .9245 7 64 .0091 .0924 .1758 .2591 .3424 .4258 .5091 .5924 .6758 .7591 .8424 .9258 3^ .0104 .0937 .1771 .2604 .3437 .4271 .5104 .5937 .6771 .7604 .8437 .9271 9 64 .0117 .0951 .1784 .2617 .3451 .4284 .5117 .5951 .6784 .7617 .8451 .9284 5 32 .0130 .0964 .1797 .2630 .3464 .4297 .5130 .5964 .6797 .7630 .8464 .9297 11 64 .0143 .0977 .1810 .2643 .3477 .4310 .5143 .5977 .6810 .7643 .8477 .9310 _3_ 16 .0156 .0990 .1823 .2656 .3490 .4323 .5156 .5990 .6823 .7656 .8490 .9323 13 64 .0169 .1003 .1836 .2669 .3503 .4336 .5169 .6003 .6836 .7669 .8503 .9336 7 32 .0182 .1016 .1849 .2682 .3516 .4349 .5182 .6016 .6849 .7682 .8516 .9349 15 64 .0195 .1029 .1862 .2695 .3529 .4362 .5195 .6029 .6862 .7695 .8529 .9362 H .0208 .1042 .1875 .2708 .3542 .4375 .5208 .6042 .6875 .7708 .8542 .9375 17 64 .0221 .1055 .1888 .2721 .3555 .4388 .5221 .6055 .6888 .7721 .8555 .9388 £ .0234 .1068 .1901 .2734 .3568 .4401 .5234 .6068 .6901 .7734 .8568 .9401 19. 64 .0247 .1081 .1914 .2747 .3581 .4414 .5247 .6081 .6914 .7747 .8581 .9414 5 16 .0260 . 1094 .1927 .2760 .3594 .4427 .5260 .6094 .6927 .7760 .8594 .9427 21 64 .0273 .1107 .1940 .2773 .3607 .4440 .5273 .6107 .6940 .7773 .8607 .9440 H .0286 .1120 .1953 .2786 .3620 .4453 .5286 .6120 .6953 .7786 .8620 .9453 23 64 .0299 .1133 .1966 .2799 .3633 .4466 .5299 .6133 .6966 .7799 .8633 .9466 H .0312 .1146 .1979 .2812 .3646 .4479 .5312 .6146 .6979 .7812 .8646 .9479 25 64 .0326 .1159 .1992 .2826 .3659 .4492 .5326 .6159 .6992 .7826 .8659 .9492 M .0339 .1172 .2005 .2839 .3672 .4505 .5339 .6172 .7005 .7839 .8672 .9505 27 64 .0352 .1185 .2018 .2852 .3685 .4518 .5352 .6185 .7018 .7852 .8685 .9518 £ .0365 .1198 .2031 .2865 .3698 .4531 .5365 .6198 .7031 .7865 .8698 .9531 ft .0378 .1211 .2044 .2878 .3711 .4544 .5378 .6211 .7044 .7878 .8711 .9544 15. 32 .0391 .1224 .2057 .2891 .3724 .4557 .5391 .6224 .7057 .7891 .8724 .9557 3i 64 .0404 .1237 .2070 .2904 .3737 .4570 .5404 .6237 .7070 .7904 .8737 .9570 H .0417 .1250 .2083 .2917 .3750 .4583 .5417 .6250 .7083 .7917 .8750 .9583 Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York lOOtt DATA — MISCELLANEOUS DECIMALS OF A FOOT FOR EACH 1-64th OF AN INCH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Inch Inch Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches X .0417 .1250 .2083 .2917 .3750 .4583 .5417 .6250 .7083 .7917 .8750 .9583 3 3 6 4 .0430 .1263 .2096 .2930 .3763 .4596 .5430 .6263 .7096 .7930 .8763 .9596 1 7 3~2 .0443 .1276 .2109 .2943 .3776 .4609 .5443 .6276 .7109 .7943 .8776 .9609 IS 6 4 .0456 .1289 .2122 .2956 .3789 .4622 .5456 .6289 .7122 .7956 .8789 .9622 9 16 .0469 1302 .2135 .2969 .3802 .4635 .5469 .6302 .7135 .7969 .8802 96.35 37 • 4 .0482 1315 .2148 .2982 .3815 .4648 .5482 .6315 .7148 .7982 .8815 .9648 32 .0495 .1328 .2161 .2995 .3828 .4661 .5495 .6328 .7161 .7995 .8828 .9661 3 9 64 .0508 .1341 .2174 .3008 .3841 .4674 .5508 .6341 .7174 .8008 .8841 .9674 v% .0521 1354 .2188 .3021 .3854 .4688 .5521 .6354 .7188 .8021 .8854 .9688 41 64 .0534 .1367 .2201 .3034 .3867 .4701 .5534 .0367 .7201 .8034 .8867 .9701 H .0547 .1380 .2214 .3047 .3880 .4714 .5547 .6380 .7214 .8047 .8880 .9714 a .0560 1393 2227 .3060 .3893 .4727 .5560 .6393 .7227 .8060 .8893 .9727 ii 16 .0573 .1406 .2240 .3073 .3906 .4740 .5573 .6406 .7240 .8073 .8906 .9740 45 6T .0586 .1419 2253 .3086 .3919 .4753 .5586 .6419 .7253 .8086 .8919 .9753 2 3 3"2 .0599 .1432 .2266 .3099 .3932 .4766 .5599 .6432 .7266 .8099 8932 .9766 H .0612 .1445 .2279 .3112 3945 .4779 .5612 .6445 .7279 .8112 .8945 .9779 H .0625 .1458 .2292 .3125 3956 .4792 .5625 .6458 .7292 .8125 .8958 .9792 49 6 4 .0638 .1471 .2305 .3138 .3971 .4805 .5638 .6471 7305 .8138 .8971 .9805 25 3T .0651 .1484 .2318 .3151 .3984 .4818 .5651 .6484 .7318 .8151 .8984 .9818 51 s 0664 .1497 .2331 .3164 .3997 .4831 .5664 .6497 .7331 .8164 .8997 .9831 .0677 .1510 2344 .3177 .4010 .4844 .5677 .6510 7344 .8177 .9010 .9844 H 0690 1523 .2357 .3190 .4023 .4857 .5690 6523 7357 .8190 9023 .9857 H .0703 1536 .2370 .3203 .4036 .4870 .5703 .6536 .7370 .8203 .9036 .9870 H 0716 .1549 .2383 .3216 .4049 .4883 .5716 .6549 .7383 8216 .9049 .9883 H .0729 .1562 2396 .3229 .4062 .4896 .5729 .6562 7396 .8229 .9082 .9896 H 0742 1576 2409 .3242 .4076 .4909 5742 .6576 .7409 BS4J 9076 .9909 H .0755 .1589 2422 .3255 .4089 4922 5755 .6589 7422 8SSI .9089 .9922 .0768 1602 Mil .3268 .4102 .4935 5768 .6602 .7435 .8268 9102 .9935 .0781 1615 .2448 .3281. 4115 .4948 .5781 6615 .7448 .8281 .9115 .mi *4 0794 .1628 .2461 3294 .4128 .4961 5794 6628 .7461 .8294 .9128 .9961 N .0807 1641 2474 .3307 4141 4974 .5807 M4J 7474 .8307 .9141 .9974 H .0820 .1654 .2487 3320 .4154 .4987 5820 6654 .7487 8320 9154 .9987 1.0000 f Chicago — Joseph T • Rykison & B O X — New York DATA — MISCELLANEOUS 1007 DECIMALS OF AN INCH FOR EACH 1-64th 32nds 64ths Decimal Fraction 32nds 64ths Decimal Fraction 1 .015625 33 .515625 1 2 .03125 17 34 .53125 3 .046875 35 .546875 2 4 .0625 l 16 18 36 .5625 9 16 5 .078125 37 .578125 3 6 .09375 19* 38 .59375 7 .109375 39 .609375 4 8 .125 Vs 20 40 .625 Vs 9 .140625 41 .640625 5 10 . 15625 21 42 .65625 11 .171875 43 .671875 6 12 .1875 T6 22 44 .6875 n 16 13 .203125 45 .703125 7 14 .21875 23 46 .71875 15 .234375 47 .734375 8 16 .25 H 24 48 .75 % 17 .265625 49 .765625 9 18 .28125 25 50 .78125 19 .296875 51 .796875 10 20 .3125 S 16 26 52 .8125 13 16 21 .328125 53 .828125 11 22 .34375 27 54 .84375 23 .359375 55 .859375 12 24 .375 % 28 53 .875 v% 25 .390625 57 .890625 13 26 .40625 29 58 .90625 27 .421875 59 .921875 14 28 .4375 7 16 30 60 .9375 15 16 29 .453125 61 .953125 15 30 .46875 31 62 .96875 31 .484375 63 .984375 16 32 .5 Vi 32 64 1. 1 Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 1008 n A A — M S G E t L A N R (i U S CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES ADVANCING BY EIGHTHS Diam. Circum. Area Diam. Circum. Area Diam. Circum. Area A Dim .00019 2*8 8.2467 5.4119 m 21 206 35.785 s .09818 .00077 2H 8.4430 5.6727 21.598 37 122 A .14736 .00173 i 2tf 3 8.6394 5.9396 7 7', § .19635 .29452 .39270 .49087 .00307 .00690 .01227 .01917 8.8357 9.0321 9.2284 9.4248 6.2126 6.4918 6.7771 7.0686 21 .991 22.384 22 776 23.169 23 562 38 485 39 871 41 282 42 71s 44 17'.i i .58905 .68722 .02761 .03758 3A 9.6211 9.8175 7.3662 7.6699 23.955 84.347 45.664 47 173 H . 7S540 .04909 3A 10.014 7.9798 24.740 48.707 | s H .88357 .98175 1.0799 .06213 .07670 .09281 l 3 s 10.210 10.407 10.603 8.2958 8.6179 8.9462 8 25.133 25.525 60 868 61 B49 1 1781 11045 3A 10.799 9.2806 &H 25.918 53.456 1.2763 1.3744 1.4726 19962 . 15033 .17257 3', 3ft 3H Sfg 3U 3 7 i 3H 10.996 11.192 11.388 11 585 9.6211 9.9678 10.321 10 680 26.311 26.704 87.096 27.489 55.088 56 745 58 426 60.132 1 § 8 H 1.5708 1.6690 1.7671 1.8653 1.9635 2.0617 . 19635 .22166 .24850 .27688 .30680 33824 11.781 11.977 12 174 12.370 11.045 11.416 11.793 12 177 m 9 9K 27.882 28.274 28.667 29.060 61.868 63 617 65.397 67.201 4 12.566 12.566 m 29.452 69.039 2 1598 37122 4A 12.763 12 962 9H 29.845 70.882 2 2580 ! 40574 4H 12.959 13 364 m 30 238 72.760 4A 13 155 13 772 9*2 30.631 74.662 H 2.3562 .44170 4% 13.352 14 186 31.023 76.699 i 8 2 4544 2 5525 2.6507 2.7489 2.8471 2 9452 3.0434 .47937 .51849 .55914 .60132 .64504 .69029 .73708 4A 4* 8 4A v 2 6ft 45 8 4tt 13.548 18 744 13 941 14 137 14 334 14.530 14 726 14 607 15 033 15.466 15 904 16.349 16.800 17 257 10 10's 10W ion ioh ION 31.416 31.809 32.201 32 594 32.987 33.379 78.540 80.516 82.516 84.541 86.590 88 664 90.763 l 3.1416 .7854 4Jj| 14 923 17.721 ioH 34.165 93 886 1A iji 1A Ik 3.3379 3.5343 3.7306 3.9270 .8866 .9940 1 107.i 1 2272 4H 5 15 119 15.315 15.512 15.708 18.190 18.665 19 147 19.635 n IPs 11H ii J B 34.558 34 966 36 736 36 12s 36 521 36 '.'14 37.306 95 033 97 205 I'M 63 4 1233 1.3530 Mb 15.904 30 130 1 I s 111, 103 87 i - 4 3197 1 4849 16.101 ' 1 - 1 1 '■ s KM 14 108 43 I A 4 5160 1 6230 5A 21 185 11*4 4 7124 \ "us; 1.7671 1 9175 5>4 5A 16 4 '.'3 21 648 22 166 1 1 I 11\ 1 - 5 1061 16.886 22 661 12 113 10 lli 5 3014 5 h 17 082 23 221 12' s 115 47 i£ i: m \2\ 38 485 117 v. in 17 47.-) 24 301 isN 17 671 24.850 12>, Ml t 0868 2 9483 5H 25 406 2 g >y : • i 1616 18 064 127.68 2A 3 3410 M 130.19 3 6666 18 457 13 40 841 132 73 3 7583 5» 18.653 27 688 13^ 41 238 2k 7 0686 I 18 850 n 174 13M 41 626 4 2000 M 42 019 no 66 4 4301 13 • A2 112 141 14 11 919 42 MM IM 7 3640 43 197 3ft 8 0503 6 1572 20 813 34 472 4: 690 151 20 1 11 h 1 R vine m I S N I W \ ' "' R K DATA MISCELLANEOUS 1009 CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES CONTINUED Diam. Circum. Area Diam. Circum. Area Diam. Circum. Area 14 43.982 153.94 21% 67.152 358.84 283% 90.321 649.18 14% 44.375 156.70 21% 67.544 363.05 28% 90.713 654.84 14% vm 44.768 45.160 45.553 45.946 46.338 159.48 162.30 165.13 167.99 170.87 21^ 21% 21% 22 TLA 67.937 68.330 68.722 69.115 69.508 367.28 371.54 375.83 380.13 384.46 29 29% 29% 29% 29% 91.106 91.499 91.892 92.284 92.677 660.52 666.23 671.96 677.71 683.49 46.731 173 . 78 MA 69.900 388.82 29% 93.070 689.30 15 47.124 176.71 22% 70.293 393.20 29% 93.462 695.13 15% 47.517 179.67 22Y 2 70.686 397.61 29% 93.855 700.98 15^ 47.909 182.65 22% 71.079 402.04 15% 48.302 185.66 22A 71.471 406.49 30 94.248 706.86 15% 15% 48.695 49.087 49.480 49.873 188.69 191.75 194.83 197.93 223^ 23 23% 23M 71.864 72.257 72.649 73.042 410.97 415.48 420.00 424.56 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 94 . 640 95.033 95.426 95.819 96.211 712.70 718.69 724.64 730.62 736 62 16 50.265 201.06 23% 73.435 429.13 96 . 604 742.64 748.69 lew 50.658 204.22 23% 73.827 433.74 96.997 16% 51.051 207.39 23% 74.220 438.36 16% 51.444 210.60 23% 74.613 443.01 31 97.389 754.77 16% 51.836 213.82 23% 75.006 447.69 31% 97.782 760.87 16% 52.229 217.08 24 75.398 452 . 39 31% 98.175 766.99 16% 52.622 220.35 24% 75 791 457 11 31% 98.567 773.14 16% 17 53.014 53.407 223.65 226.98 24% 24% 76.184 76.576 461.86 466.64 31% 31% 31% 31% 98.960 99.353 99.746 100.138 779.31 785.51 791.73 797.98 17% 53.800 230.33 2434 76.969 471.44 17% 54.192 233.71 24% 77.362 476.26 17% 54.585 237.10 24% 77.754 481.11 32 100.531 804.25 17% 54.978 240.53 24% 78.147 485.98 32% 100.924 810.54 \m 55.371 243.98 25 78.540 490 87 32% 101.316 816.86 nu 55.763 247.45 25K 78.933 495.79 32% 101.709 823.21 17% 56.156 250.95 2534 79.325 500.74 32% 102.102 829.58 18 56.549 254.47 "25% 79.718 505.71 32% 102.494 835.97 is% 56.941 258.02 2534 80.111 510.71 32% 102.887 842.39 ISA 57.334 261.59 25% 80.503 515.72 32% 103.280 848.83 ISA 57.727 265.18 25% 80.896 520.77 33 103.673 855.30 isy 2 58.119 268.80 25% 81.289 525.84 33% 104.065 861.79 ISA 58.512 272.45 26 81.681 530.93 33% 104.458 868.31 ISA 58.905 276.12 26% 82.074 536.05 33% 104.851 874.85 18% 59.298 279.81 2634 82.467 541 . 19 33% 105.243 881.41 19 59.690 283.53 26% 82.860 546.35 33% 105.636 888.00 19% 60.083 287.27 26% 83.252 551.55 33% 106.029 894.62 19% 60.476 291.04 26% 83.645 556.76 33% 106.421 901.26 19% 60.868 294.83 26% 84.038 562.00 34 106.814 907.92 19% 61.261 298.65 26% 84.430 567.27 34% 107.207 914.61 19% 61 . 654 302.49 27 84.823 572.56 34% 107.600 921.32 19% 62.046 306.35 27% 85.216 577.87 34% 107.992 928.06 19J^ 62.439 310.24 27% 85.608 583.21 34% 108.385 934.82 20 62.832 314.16 27% 86.001 588.57 34% 108 . 778 941.61 20H 63.225 318.10 27% 86.394 593.96 34% 109.170 948.42 20% 63.617 322.06 27% 86.786 599.37 34% 109.563 955.25 20% 64.010 326.05 27% 87.179 604.81 35 109 956 962 11 20% 64.403 330.06 27% 87.572 610.27 35% 110.348 969.00 20% 64.795 334.10 28 87.965 615.75 35% 110.741 975.91 20% 65.188 338.16 28% 88.357 621.26 35% 111.134. 982.84 20% 65.581 342 . 25 2834 88.750 626.80 35% 111.527 989.80 21 65.973 346.36 28% 89.143 632.36 35% 111.919 996.87 21% 66.366 350.50 28% 89.535 637.94 35% 112.312 1003.8 21% 66.759 354.66 28% 89.928 643.55 35% 112.705 1010.8 Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 1010 D A T A m i s c ]•: l i. a x 1: o u s CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES CONTINUED Diam. Circum. Area Diam. Circum. Area Diam. Circum. Area 36 113.097 1017.9 43 > 4 135.874 1469.1 50% 158.650 3008.0 36% 113.490 1025.0 43% 136.267 1477.6 159.043 2012.9 36»4 113.883 1032.1 43 % 136.659 1486.2 50 3 4 159.436 2022.8 36% 114.275 1039.2 43% 137.052 1494.7 50% 159.829 2032.8 »H 114.668 1046.3 43% 137.445 1503.3 51 BIN 51 % 51% 160.221 160.614 161.007 161.399 2042.8 2052.8 2062.9 2073.0 36% 36% 36% 115.061 115.454 115.846 1053.5 1060.7 1068.0 43% 44 44% 137.837 138.230 138.623 1511.9 1520.5 1529.2 37 116.239 1075.2 44% 139.015 1537.9 51% 161.792 2083.1 37% 116.632 1082.5 44% 139.408 1546.6 51% 162.185 2093.2 37% 117.024 1089.8 44% 139.801 1555.3 51% 162.577 2103.3 37% 117.417 1097.1 44% 140.194 1564.0 51% 162.970 2113.5 37% 117.810 1104.5 44% 140.586 1572.8 KO 163.363 163.756 164.148 2123.7 2133.9 2144.2 87j| 37% 37% 118.202 118.596 118.988 1111.8 1119.2 1126.7 44% 45 140.979 141.372 1581.6 1590.4 52% 52'., 45% 141.764 1599.3 164.541 2154.5 38 119.381 1134.1 45', 142.157 1608.2 52' 2 164 984 2164.8 38% 119.773 1141.0 45% 142 . 550 1617.0 52% 165.326 2175.1 38% 120.166 1149.1 4.5' ., 142.942 1626.0 52% 165.719 2185.4 38% 120.559 1156.6 45% 143.335 1634.9 52% 166.112 2195.8 38% 38% 38% 38% 120.951 121.344 121.737 122.129 1164.2 1171.7 1179.3 1186.9 to 3 ., 45% 46 46% 143.728 144.121 144.513 144.906 1643.9 1652.9 1661.9 1670.9 53 53' s 53 '4 53% 166.504 166.897 167.290 167. 6S3 220.; 2 2216.6 2227.0 2237.5 39 122.522 1194.6 46' 4 145.299 1680 53 % 168.075 3348 39% 122.915 1202.3 46% 14.5.691 1689.1 53% 168.468 2258.5 39% 123.308 1210.0 46% 146.084 1698.2 53% 168.861 2269.1 39% 123.700 1217.7 46% 146.477 1707.4 53% 169.253 2279.6 89N 39% 39% 39% 124.093 124.486 124.878 125.271 1225.4 1233.2 1241.0 1248.8 46 3 4 46% 47 47's 146.869 147.262 147.655 148.048 1716.5 1725.7 1734.9 1744.2 54 54% 54% 54% 169.646 170.039 170.431 170.834 2290 2 2300.8 2311.5 2322 1 40 125.664 1256.6 47' » 148.440 1753 5 54 % 171.217 2332.8 40' g 126.056 1264.5 Wi 148.833 1762.7 54% 171.609 23 IS 5 40' 4 126.449 1272 4 47', 149.226 1772.1 51', 173.003 2354 3 ION 126.842 1280.3 47% 149. 618 1781.4 54% 173.396 2365.0 40' 2 40'' { 40% 40% 127.235 127 627 128.020 128.413 1288.2 1296.2 1304.2 1312 2 47- » 47% 48 48% 150.011 150.404 150.796 161 189 1790.8 1800.1 1809.6 1819.0 55 55 1 , 17_> 788 173 180 173 573 173.966 2375.8 2386.6 2397.5 2408.3 41 128.805 1320.3 48H 151.582 1S2S 5 55] ■> 171 358 2419.2 41% 129.198 1328.3 48% 151.975 1837.9 174.751 2430 1 41% 129.591 1336.4 4s', 152.367 1847 5 175 144 8441.1 UN 129.983 1344 5 48H 152.760 1857.0 175.536 3453.0 41', 130.376 1352 7 m 153 153 1866 5 56 56% 56M 175 939 176 833 176 715 177 1H7 1488 2171 it 3485 2496 1 41% MM ll ■-. 130.769 131.161 131.554 1360.8 1360 o 1377.2 48% 49 69! i 153 545 153 938 151 331 1876 1 1885 7 1895 1 42 131 947 1385 i 49M 154.733 1905 11 177 BOO 2507 2 42% 132 310 1393.7 155 116 1914 7 177 893 12', 132 732 1402.0 4'.l', 155 500 1934 1 66* 17s 386 252') 4 42% 133.125 1410.3 tt s 155 903 1934 i 178 67^ 2540 6, 42% 133 518 nis e 156 394 1943 B 57 179.071 2551 B 42% 133.910 1427.0 W4 156 6S7 1953 7 nu 170 468 1683 42% 134.303 1435 1 50 157 080 170 B66 3574 8 IM.6M 1443 8 60% 157 473 180 840 4:} 135.088 1452.2 SOU 157 865 1983 -' 180 642 43% 135.481 1460.7 ION 158 25* 1998 1 181 034 2608.0 (Ml C A <, " - JoilP H 1 ■ K w k 1 p 31 \ So n — N »- w V , 292.954 6829.5 250.149 4979.5 .MIL, 271.748 5876 5 293.346 6847.8 250 542 4995.2 Sir's 272 ltd 5893.5 93H 6866.1 260.931 5010.9 mi 272 533 5910 8 294 132 6884.5 Mi 7 , 272.926 5927.6 6902.9 80 231.337 5026 .5 294 917 6921 3 SO** 251 720 5042 3 87 273.319 5944.7 80' 4 252 113 5115s 1) s7'. 273.711 5961.8 94 295 3Hi 6939.8 252 506 5073.8 *7', 274.104 5978.9 94', 295 702 6958.2 BOH 252.898 5089.6 274.497 5996.0 MH 296 696 6976.7 253 291 5105.4 B7H 274.889 6013.2 296. 188 6995.3 5121.2 87* 8 276.282 6030.4 •14', 296.881 7013.8 251 070 5137.1 87 3 i 275 H75 6047.6 7032.4 81 254.469 5153.0 87 7 s 276.667 6064.9 9454 943 - 2.i7 666 296.059 7051.0 7069.6 81H 254. S62 5168.9 88 276 461) 6082.1 M : > 2.-,:, 254 5184.9 B8H 276.853 6099.4 95 298 451 7088.2 255 647 5200 .8 277 246 6116.7 95 ', 298 844 7106.9 SVA 256.040 5216.8 277.638 6134.1 95' 4 7125.6 81 Vs 256 43.1 5232.8 ssL, 27s 031 6151.4 7144 3 SIH 256 825 5248.9 278.424 6168.8 95 >, 300 022 7163 M : . 257.218 5264.9 88*4 278.816 6186 2 300 115 7181.8 279.209 6203 7 7200.6 82 257 fill 5281.0 '.'5 7 , 301 200 7219.4 82H 258.003 5297.1 89 279.602 6221.1 258.396 5313.3 B9M 6238 8 96 301 693 258.789 5329.4 280.387 6256 1 96H 301 986 7257 1 259.181 5345.6 280.780 6273.7 90' v 727.1 (I 259.574 5361 8 281.173 6291.2 96! i 302 771 7294.9 82 3 4 ' 259.967 5378 1 B9 -, 2s l 565 6308 8 3031 64 7313.8 260.359 5394.3 89*4 281.958 6326 1 303 556 7332.8 v.' 7 . 6344 . 1 303 949 7351.8 83 260.752 5410.6 96J-8 304.342 7370.8 261.145 5426.9 90 289 743 6361 7 261.538 5443.3 283.136 6379 4 97 301 734 7389.8 261 WO 5459 (in 1 j 283 529 6897 1 97' s 306 127 7408.9 ML, 262 323 5476 90 ■, 2s:-! D21 6414 '.» 97' 4 7428.0 262 716 51H2 4 '.MM , 284 314 6432 8 305 913 7147.1 .•,5ns s 90H 284 7H7 6450 4 97' . 306 305 7466.2 263 5iU 285 Iiki 6468 2 - 7485 3 90H 6486 84 5511 8 97" \ 307 is; 5658 3 91 6603 8 264 679 557 1 s 91H 286 27s 6521 s 'is 2<;;. ii72 5591 4 91^ 286 670 287.063 6557 8 !»s>, 308 661 75s 1 6 B4H 5624 5 '.»1', 287 156 6575 5 98 i 5.111 2 '.U's 287 sis 6693 5 98M 266 643 5657 S \n\ 288 241 6611 5 85 267 035 267 126 5-171 6 5691 2 n 662 1 a 6647 8 310 636 7658.9 267 B21 :,7ii7 g '•2\ 289 (19 6665 7 N 311 018 7697.7 5721 7 289 812 311 lin 7717 1 57!1 5 2' xi 2<)5 67u 1 '.i 9914 311 802 6720 1 312 196 7756 1 2'.'' 392 5775 1 6738 3 312 588 7775 .1 5791 291 883 6756 l 312 981 86 BftU 270 177 :<>l 775 6774 7 7-14 s 6811 2 MQ ::il 15'' 7854.0 (' it i I r ii T. I\ v I I s o N ft S N — N I W V"RK DATA MISCELLAN O U S 1013 USEFUL FORMULAE DIAGRAMS SHOWING THE METHOD OF FINDING GEOMETRIC FUNCTIONS OF ANGLES. ETC. By means of this explanation and the tables following, the reader may determine the unknowns in the figures illustrated. Tables of tangents, cotangents, sines, cosines, secants and cosecants follow. «""**£aT x^b*b,) z th x. y(ai-b)\h* yJfatai)*7h'' b To construct on g/^ TT^L ^ ax/sax 'aparahota *%■ ■ ' ' I * >£ 'pY through points 'a' and \j£ 6. Draw ae'perpen- | cficutar and "be " i# paraffof to axis. Divide "acandeb" ./> A ~" i into the — . a *?V^-V her o/ exports * j ^ ' ~j\ The intersection of oT,aZT~ote., - - tf * „, _ ,„ _, , JiL+JiL-i with fines para ffef to ox/s through „^i ,y ,)> - ,• „ -r .. w _./i ^ , ■ C-2V"-(r-hJ = 2r5in.tf 7o construct an eh 'ipse on semi — points f,2,S,ctf,os shown nicies ***.*<■ ■> r r -^ M» . . * , . s£)2 , axes a audi, points on the parabola, »■_ g* A _ ( *J f± Zn-atv concentr/c eircfeS •) 'radii ^ effuse \ "a'and b and any namher of radii K , t j- or c_'fvff \ o and b ana any nt/moer ofradi h* r-fr -^- [»"*Wi*« J The intersections o/ fines drawn n --\[PZL(r-h ) r para f/et to axes from the infer- C'-4h* sections of radii and c/rctes as Cos.fi '= c i^ n x shoujn,giJtani(/?*B) }7Zn.ft = £ ; Cot.D=£ ^.C.Tanifi-3}- Sin./h ■ Cesec/f'-Z 1 flfa ef^TST^l C«j^^y Coo.^4- 3*c #={}- 44 h ' J 7 *^*; c'cSsrx fan. 0~£- Cot. #=-TT *.c.fi=c Sin. tf s e/* C as. t? Sin.t7 _ Sin.B _ ^in.C *A< jfn.# {atbj £etS"i(a to+c) Cd-eJ=X itcta::C-a:K \4gL-cf t^—t Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson So N — N e w York 1014 I) A T A M I S C E L L A N E O U S NATURAL TANGENTS AND COTANGENTS TANGENT 0.00000 0.01746 0.03492 0.05241 0.06993 0.08749 0.10510 0.12278 14054 0. 15838 0.17633 0. 19438 0.21256 0.23087 0.24933 0.26795 0.28675 0.30573 0.32492 0.34433 0.36397 0.38386 40403 0.42447 0.44523 0.46631 0.48773 0.50953 0.53171 55431 0.57735 60086 0.62487 0.64941 67451 0.70021 0.72654 75355 ii 78129 0.80078 0.83910 0.86S20 0.90040 ii 93252 ii 98669 a? 10* 0.00291 0.02036 0.03783 0.05533 0.07285 0.09042 0.10805 0.12574 0.14351 0.16137 0.17933 0.19740 21560 0.28393 0.25242 0.27107 0.28990 0.30891 0.32814 0.34758 0.36727 0.38721 0.40741 0.42791 0.44872 0.46985 0.49134 0.51320 0.63545 u 56812 0.58124 0.60483 0.62892 0.65355 0.67875 70455 0.73100 0.75812 0.78508 0.81461 84407 N7441 ii 00660 ii 08707 ii 07183 50' 20' 0.00582 0.02328 04075 0.05824 0.07578 0.09335 0.11099 0.12869 0.14648 0.16435 0.18233 0.20042 0.21864 0.23700 0.25552 0.27419 0.29305 0.31210 0.33136 0.35085 0.37057 0.39055 0.41081 0.43136 0.45222 0.47341 49495 0.51688 0.53920 0.56104 0.58513 0.60881 0.63290 0.65771 0.68301 0.70891 73547 0.76272 0.79070 ii 81866 84906 87955 0.91000 ii 04846 n 07700 4ii' 80* 0.00873 0.02619 0.04366 0.06116 0.07870 0.09629 0.11394 0.13165 0.14945 0.16734 0.18534 0.20345 0.22169 0.24008 0.25862 0.27732 0.29621 0.31530 0.33460 0.35412 0.37388 0.39391 0.41421 0.43481 0.45573 0.47698 0.49858 0.52057 0.54296 0.56577 0.58905 0.61280 0.63707 0.66189 0.68728 0.71329 0.73096 0.76733 0.70544 0.82434 0.85408 ii SS473 0.91633 ii '.u.n'.m; .•ur 40' 0.01164 0.02910 0.04658 0.06408 0.08163 0.09923 0.11688 0.13461 0.15243 0.17033 0.18835 0.20648 0.22475 0.24316 0.26172 0.28046 0.29938 0.31850 0.33783 0.35740 0.37720 0.39727 0.41763 0.43828 0.45924 0.48055 0.50222 0.52427 0.54674 0.56962 0.59297 0.61681 0.64117 66608 0.69157 0.71769 74447 ii 77198 0.80020 0.82923 0.85012 II SVi'U ii 98170 ii 06461 ii 08848 80* W 0.01455 0.03201 0.04040 0.06700 0.08456 0.10216 0.11083 0.13758 0.15540 0.17333 0.10136 0.20052 0.22781 0.24624 0.26483 0.28360 0.30255 32171 0.34108 0.3 0.38053 0.40065 0.42105 0.44175 0.46277 0.48414 0.50587 0.68798 0.55051 0.67848 0.50601 ii 68063 0.64528 0.67028 0. 0.72211 0.74000 0.77661 80408 ii 68611 0.86410 89615 n 08709 0.96008 0.90420 in' 60' 0.01746 0.03492 0.05241 0.06993 0.08749 0.10510 0.12278 0.14054 0.15838 0.17633 0.19438 0.21256 0.23087 0.24033 0.26705 0.28675 0.30573 0.32492 0.34433 0.36397 0.38386 60603 0.42447 44523 0.46631 0.48773 0.50953 0.58171 0.55431 0.57735 0.60086 0.62487 64041 0.67451 0.70021 0.72654 0.75355 78189 0.80078 0.83010 IHI040 ii 98863 86668 1.00000 COTANG1 NT C !. A c o — J O S B F ii T. RyillOM ft S ii N — New York DATA MISCELLANEOUS 101S NATURAL COTANGENTS AND TANGENTS CO i i COTANGENT 0' 10' 20' 30' 40' 50' 60' oo 343.77371 171.88540 114.58865 85.93979 68.75009 57.28996 89 1 57.28996 49.10388 42.96408 38.18846 34.36777 31.24158 28.63625 88 2 28.63625 26.43160 24.54176 22.90377 21.47040 20.20555 19.08114 87 3 19.08114 18.07498 17.16934 16.34986 15.60478 14.92442 14.30067 86 4 14.30067 13.72674 13.19688 12.70621 12.25051 11.82617 11.43005 85 5 11.43005 11.05943 10.71191 10.38540 10.07803 9.78817 9.51436 84 6 9.51436 9.25530 9.00983 8.77689 8.55555 8.34496 8.14435 83 7 8.14435 7.95302 7.77035 7.59575 7.42871 7.26873 7.11537 82 8 7.11537 6.96823 6.82694 6.69116 6.56055 6.43484 6.31375 81 9 6.31375 6.19703 6.08444 5.97576 5.87080 5.76937 5.67128 80 10 5.67128 5.57638 5.48451 5.39552 5.30928 5.22566 5.14455 79 11 5.14455 5.06584 4.98940 4.91516 4.84300 4.77286 4.70463 78 12 4.70463 4.63825 4.57363 4.51071 4.44942 4.38969 4.33148 77 13 4.33148 4.27471 4.21933 4.16530 4.11256 4.06107 4.01078 76 14 4.01078 3.96165 3.91364 3.86671 3.82083 3.77595 3.73205 75 15 3.73205 3.68909 3.64705 3.60588 3.56557 3.52609 3.48741 74 16 3.48741 3.44951 3.41236 3.37594 3.34023 3.30521 3.27085 73 17 3.27085 3.23714 3.20406 3.17159 3.13972 3.10842 3.07768 72 18 3.07768 3.04749 3.01783 2.98869 2.96004 2.93189 2.90421 71 19 2 90421 2.87700 2.85023 2.82391 2.79802 2.77254 2.74748 70 20 2.74748 2.72281 2.69853 2.67462 2.65109 2.62791 2.60509 69 21 2.60509 2.58261 2.56046 2.53865 2.51715 2.49597 2.47509 68 22 2.47509 2.45451 2.43422 2.41421 2.39449 2.37504 2.35585 67 23 2.35585 2.33693 2.31826 2.29984 2.28167 2.26374 2.24604 66 24 2.24604 2.22857 2.21132 2.19430 2.17749 2.16090 2.14451 65 25 2.14451 2.12832 2.11233 2.09654 2.08094 2.06553 2.05030 64 26 2.05030 2.03526 2.02039 2.00569 1.99116 1.97680 1.96261 63 27 1.96261 1.94858 1.93470 1.92098 1.90741 1.89400 1.88073 62 28 1.88073 1.86760 1.85462 1.84177 1.82907 1.81649 1.80405 61 29 1.80405 1.79174 1.77955 1.76749 1.75556 1.74375 1.73205 60 30 1.73205 1.72047 1.70901 1.69766 1.68643 1.67530 1.66428 59 31 1.66428 1.65337 1.64256 1.63185 1.62125 1.61074 1.60033 58 32 1.60033 1.59002 1.57981 1.56969 1.55966 • 1.54972 1.53987 57 33 1.53987 1.53010 1.52043 1.51084 1.50133 1.49190 1.48256 56 34 1.48256 1.47330 1.46411 1.45501 1.44598 1.43703 1.42815 55 35 1.42815 1.41934 1.41061 1.40195 1.39336 1.38484 1.37638 54 36 1.37638 1.36800 1.35968 1.35142 1.34323 1.33511 1.32704 53 37 1.32704 1.31904 1.31110 1.30323 1.29541 1.28764 1.27994 52 38 1.27994 1.27230 1.26471 1.25717 1.24969 1.24227 1.23490 51 39 1.23490 1.22758 1.22031 1.21310 1.20593 1.19882 1.19175 50 40 1.19175 1.18474 1.17777 1.17085 1.16398 1.15715 1.15037 49 41 1.15037 1.14363 1.13694 1.13029 1 . 12369 1.11713 1.11061 48 42 1.11061 1.10414 1.09770 1.09131 1.08496 1.07864 1.07237 47 43 1.07237 1.06613 1.05994 1.05378 1.04766 1.04158 1.03553 46 44 1.03553 1.02952 1.02355 1.01761 1.01170 1.00583 1.00000 45 60' 50' 40' 30' 20' 20' 0' 1 TANGENT So Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 101C D A T A — M I S C E L L A N E O U S NATURAL SINES AND COSINES 1 SINE 0' 10' 20' 30' 40' 50' 60' 0.00000 0.00291 0.00582 0.00873 0.01164 0.01454 0.01745 89 1 0.01745 0.02036 0.02327 0.02618 0.02908 0.03199 0.03490 88 2 0.03490 0.03781 0.04071 0.04362 0.04653 0.04943 0.05234 87 a 0.05234 0.05524 0.05814 0.06105 0.06395 0.06685 0.06976 86 4 0.0697G 0.07266 0.07556 0.07846 0.08136 0.08426 0.08716 85 6 0.08716 0.09005 0.09295 0.09585 0.09874 0.10164 0.10453 84 6 0.10453 0.10742 0.11031 0.11320 0.11609 0.11898 0.12187 83 7 0.12187 0.12476 0.12764 0.13053 0.13341 0.13629 0.13917 82 8 0.13917 0.14205 0.14493 0.14781 0.15069 0.15356 0.15643 81 0.15643 0.15931 0.16218 0.16505 0.16792 0.17078 0.17365 80 10 0.17365 0.17651 0.17937 0.18224 0.18500 0.18795 0.19081 79 11 0.19081 0.19366 0.19652 0.19937 0.20222 0.20507 0.20791 78 12 0.20791 0.21076 0.21360 0.21644 0.21928 0.22212 0.22495 77 13 0.22495 0.22778 0.23062 0.23345 0.23627 0.23910 0.24192 70 14 0.24192 0.24474 0.24756 0.25038 0.25320 0.25601 0.25882 75 15 0.25882 0.26163 0.26443 0.26724 0.27004 0.87384 0.27564 74 16 0.27564 0.27843 0.28123 0.28402 0.28680 0.28959 0.29237 73 17 0.29237 0.29515 0.29793 0.30071 0.30348 0.30625 0.30902 72 18 0.30902 0.31178 0.31454 0.31730 0.32006 32282 0.32557 71 11) 0.32557 0.32832 0.33106 0.33381 0.33655 0.33929 0.3t?02 70 20 0.34202 0.34475 0.34748 0.35021 0.35203 0.35565 0.35837 69 21 0.35837 0.36108 0.36379 0.36650 0.36921 0.37191 0.37461 68 22 0.37461 0.37730 0.37999 0.38268 0.38537 0.38805 0.39073 67 28 0.39073 0.39341 0.39608 0.39875 0.40142 0.40408 0.40674 60 21 0.40074 0.40939 0.41204 0.41469 0.41734 0.41998 0.42202 65 25 0.42262 0.42525 0.42788 0.43051 0.43318 0.43575 0.43837 64 26 0.43837 0.44098 0.443S9 0.44620 0.44880 0.46140 0.45399 63 27 0.45399 0.45658 0.45917 0.46175 0.46433 0.46690 0.46947 62 28 0.46947 0.47204 0.47460 0.47716 47971 0.48226 0.48481 61 2fl 0.48481 0.48735 0.48989 0.49242 0.49495 0.49748 0.50000 60 30 0.50000 50252 0.50503 ii 60764 0.51004 0.51254 51504 59 81 i) 51504 o 51753 52002 0.62250 0.62498 0.62745 :;.' u 52992 n 53238 0.63484 o 53730 (i 53975 54220 .54404 57 0.64464 ii 64708 0.54951 ii 55194 ii 66436 ii 65678 50 84 0.65919 0.56160 0.66401 0.66641 0.66880 ii 87119 0.57358 55 35 0.87368 i) 67596 0.57833 0.58070 0.58307 0.68648 0.58779 54 0.69014 0.69248 0.69482 o 69716 0.59949 ii 80182 53 0.60182 0.60414 0.60645 0.60876 n 6H07 ii 81337 0.61566 52 81566 0.61795 i) 62024 n 62251 0.62479 it 62708 51 30 n 63168 0.63608 0.64056 0.64270 50 40 84276 ii 64601 6-1723 0.64945 0.65166 0.66388 0.65606 49 41 0.66606 0.65825 0.66044 0.66262 ii 66480 0.66697 0.66913 48 0.66913 67129 ii ii:;; 14 (i 67669 0.67773 0.67987 47 43 ii 86200 (i 68412 n 68624 0.69046 ii 69268 0.69466 46 11 0.69883 0.70091 ii 70208 0.70505 0.70711 45 60' 50' 40' 30' 20' 10' 0' | COSINE 1 C ii I i 12 1.02234 1.02298 1.02362 1.02428 1.02494 1.03663 1.02630 77 13 1.02630 1 02700 1.02770 1 02842 1 02914 1.02987 1.03061 7ti 14 1.03061 1.03137 1.03213 1.03290 1.03368 1 03447 1.03528 7.5 15 1.03528 1.03609 1.03691 1 03774 1.03858 1 03944 1.040*0 74 16 1.04030 1 04117 1.04206 1 04295 1 04385 1 (M477 1.04509 73 17 1.04569 1 04663 1 04757 1.04853 1.04950 1.05047 1 05146 72 18 1.05146 1 06340 1 05347 1 05449 1.06663 1 05657 1.05762 71 19 1.05762 1.05869 1.05976 1.06085 1.06195 1.06306 1 06418 7o 20 1.06418 1 06531 1.06645 1.06761 1.06878 1.06995 1.07115 69 21 1.07115 1 07235 1.07356 1 07479 1.07602 1 D7727 1.07853 88 22 1.07853 1.07981 1.08109 1.08239 1.08370 1 08503 1.08636 67 33 1.08636 1 08771 1.08907 1 09044 1.09183 1 09323 1.09464 66 24 1 0»t404 1.09606 1.09750 1.09895 1 10041 1 . 10189 1.10338 65 25 1 . 10338 1.10488 1.10640 1 10793 1 10947 1.11103 1.11260 64 26 1.11260 1 11419 1.11.57!! 1 11740 1.11903 1.12067 1 13333 63 27 1 12233 1 124(H) 1 12568 1 12738 1 12910 1.13083 1.13257 62 n 11 3257 1.13433 1 13610 1.13788 1 13970 1 141.52 1 14335 61 M 1 . 14335 1.14521 1 . 14707 1 14896 i 16086 1 1.5277 1 . 1.5470 60 M 1 15470 1 15665 1 15861 1 16059 1 16259 1 16460 1 16663 ■ 11 1.16663 1.16868 1 1707.') 1 172^3 1 174!»3 1 177t>4 1.17018 n 1.17918 1 18183 1 18360 1 18660 I ls7'.X) 1 19012 1 10338 57 n 1 10336 1 10463 1 10001 1 19920 1 2(11.52 1 30881 1 30833 56 M 1 20622 1 20859 1 21o<('.( 1 21341 1 11684 1 31830 1.33077 55 35 1 22077 1 22327 1 2257«l 1 33831 1 23089 1 23347 1 . 23607 54 M i turn 1 33800 1 24134 1 244(H) 1 2 4 ('.('.it 1 34040 1.36314 53 37 1 86314 1 25489 1 2.5707 1 30047 1 36330 1 30818 1 30008 52 M i Mooa 1 37101 1 274^3 1 2777s 1 2mi7.5 1 38374 l 38878 51 1.38676 l 33080 1 33381 l 30337 1 88808 1 30333 1.30541 50 40 I.IQM1 1.30861 1 31183 1 31509 l 31837 l 13108 1.32501 49 41 1 325(11 1 33838 1.83177 1.33610 1 33804 1 34212 4s 42 1 MMS 1 :i4«U7 1 r.274 1 36834 l 36007 1 88303 47 43 1 36733 1 371(1.-. 1 :!74M 1 37800 1 88343 l 38638 1 30016 46 44 1.86010 l 30403 1 3!»M>4 l 40301 1 68800 l 41018 1 41421 60' or 40' 30' 20' 10' 0> 1 u'ANT 1 (II I I T . K V 1 K I \ DATA — MISCELLANEOUS 1019 NATURAL COSECANTS AND SECANTS i COSECANT 0' 10' 20' 30' 40' 50' 60' 00 343.77516 171.88831 114.59301 85.94561 68.75736 57.29869 89 1 57.29869 49.11406 42.97571 38.20155 34.38232 31.25758 28.65371 88 2 28.65371 26.45051 24.56212 22.92559 21.49368 20.23028 19.10732 87 3 19.10732 18.10262 17.19843 16.38041 15.63679 14.95788 14.33559 86 4 14.33559 13.76312 13.23472 12.74550 12.29125 11.86837 11.47371 85 5 11.47371 11.10455 10.75849 10.43343 10.12752 9.83912 9.56677 84 6 9.56677 9.30917 9.06515 8.83367 8.61379 8.46466 8.20551 83 7 8.20551 8.01565 7.83443 7.66130 7.49571 7.33719 7.18530 82 8 7.18530 7.03962 6.89979 6.76547 6.63633 6.51208 6.39245 81 9 6.39245 6.27719 6.16607 6.05886 5.95536 5.85539 5.75877 80 10 5.75877 5.66533 5.57493 5.48740 5.40263 5.32049 5.24084 79 11 5.24084 5.16359 5.08863 5.01585 4.94517 4.87649 4.80973 78 12 4.80973 4.74482 4.6810/ 4.62023 4.56041 4.50216 4.44541 77 13 4.44541 4.39012 4.33622 4.28366 4.23239 4.18238 4.13357 76 14 4.13357 4.08591 4.03938 3.99393 3.94952 3.90613 3.86370 75 15 3.86370 3.82223 3.78166 3.74198 3.70315 3.66515 3.62796 74 16 3.62796 3.59154 3.55587 3.52094 3.48671 3.45317 3.42030 73 17 3.42030 3.38808 3.35649 3.32551 3.29512 3.26531 3.23607 72 18 3.23607 3.20737 3.17920 3.15155 3.12440 3.09774 3.07155 71 19 3.07155 3.04584 3.02057 2.99574 2.97135 2.94737 2.92380 70 20 2.92380 2.90063 2.87785 2.85545 2.83342 2.81175 2.79043 69 21 2.79043 2.76945 2.74881 2.72850 2.70851 2.68884 2.66947 68 22 2.66947 2.65040 2.63162 2.61313 2.59491 2.57698 2.55930 67 23 2.55930 2.54190 2.52474 2.50784 2.49119 2.47477 2.45859 66 24 2.45859 2.44264 2.42692 2.41142 2.39614 2.38107 2.36620 65 25 2.36620 2.35154 2.33708 2.32282 2.30875 2.29487 2.28117 64 26 2.28117 2.26766 2.25432 2.24116 2.22817 2.21535 2.20269 63 27 2.20269 2.19019 2.17786 2.16568 2.15366 2.14178 2.13005 62 28 2.13005 2.11847 2.10704 2.09574 2.08458 2.07356 2.06267 61 29 2.06267 2.05191 2.04128 2.03077 2.02039 2.01014 2.00000 60 30 2.00000 1.98998 1.98008 1.97029 1.96062 1.95106 1.94160 59 31 1.94160 1.93226 1.92302 1.91388 1.90485 1.89591 1.88709 58 32 1.88708 1.87834 1.86990 1.86116 1.85271 1.84435 1.83608 57 33 1.83608 1.82790 1.81981 1.81180 1.80388 1.79604 1.78829 56 34 1.78829 1.78062 1.77303 1.76552 1.75808 1.75073 1.74345 55 35 1.74345 1.73624 1.72911 1.72205 1.71506 1.70815 1.70130 54 36 1.70130 1.69452 1.68782 1.68117 1.6746C 1.66809 1.66164 53 37 1.66164 1.65526 1.64894 1.64268 1.63648 1.63035 1.62427 52 38 1.G2427 1.61825 1.61229 1.60639 1.60054 1.59475 1.58902 51 39 1.58902 1.58333 1.57771 1.57213 1.56661 1.56114 1.55572 50 40 1.55572 1.55036 1.54504 1.53977 1.53455 1.52938 1.52425 49 41 1.52425 1.51918 1.51415 1.50916 1.50422 1.49933 1.49448 48 42 1.49448 1.48967 1.48491 1.48019 1.47551 1.47087 1.46628 47 43 1.46628 1.46173 1.45721 1.45274 1.44831 1.44391 1.43956 46 44 1.43956 1.43524 1.43096 1.42672 1.42251 1.41835 1.41421 45 60' 50' 40' 30' 20' 10' 0' 1 SECANT Chicago — Joseph T » ■ Ryerson Son — 'New York 1020 1) A T A — M I S C K LLANEOUS FORGING AND HARDENING OF HIGH SPEED TOOL STEELS forging or Heat uniformly to bright cherry red (1650° Fhr.), and not further back than necessary for forging. Form quickly to tool shape, avoiding sharp corners. After forging lay tool down until cold to relieve forging strains before hardening. FROM BAR hardening or Heat slowly, nose of tool, to cherry red (1600° Fhr.), treatment" 7 tnen c l u ^ c ^b' bring cutting edge to sparkling white welding heat (2150° Fhr.). Quench in clean oil or dry cold air blast. grinding or Grind slowly and avoid forcing tool against grinder for S cutting GE **"* blues cutting edge and causes surface seams. Fast free cutting wheel recommended. FORGING AND HARDENING OF CARBON TOOL STEEL forging or Heat uniformly to cherry red, remembering that "the higher the carbon the lower the heat." Form tool to shape by hammering vigorously and con- stantly until a faint brown. TO SHAPE hardening or Heat slowly and uniformlv to low cherrv red, about ?r'eatm S e T n HEAT (1450° Fhr.), depending upon carbon contents of your steel. Quench in salt water until vibration ceases, then quench in oil for hard surface and tough center. tempering : Temper immediately after hardening. Draw increasing ^ temper most suited for the work. Remembering relieving strains that tempering increases elasticity, reduces brittle- ness and does not affect hardiu m> For more complete data on treatment of steel, take it up with us and let us go into the matter thoroughly with you. TEST FOR DETERMINING PROPER HEAT FOR HARDENING ANY CARBON STEELS Tak<- bar 6 indies long, nick every half inch, heat DIM end to very high heat, letting heat soak gradually along bar until other end reaches a low red heat. Quench in water and break at different nicks. Fine grained Mnooth fracture will denote proper hardening heat. CoaiBt Opt D grained fracture will denote overheating. It i ■ important to remember for all carbon tool steels that the bOO content ■( and not grade or quality govern the hardening heal and that the higher the carbon the lower the heat. Cm iii I • Rviiio m ft S i " r k DATA BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES 1101 STANDARD STEEL I BEAMS c=kw+Me" WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS Depth Weight Dimensions , in Inches Maximum of Beam, Inches per Foot, Pounds Rivet or Bolt, Inch F W T K G A B c 24 115 8 % 20% m 11. x 32 5 5% A % 110 m n 16 20% Ws 11 - l 32 5 5H 7 16 K 105 Ws H 20% IVs x 32 5 5^ K % 24 100 7% % 20% \% 21 32 4 5% & K 95 7A ii 16 20% IH 27 32 4 e;ii J 16 7 16 % 90 7^ "A 20% m 27 32 4 5H N % 85 7-1- ' 16 9 16 20% m 27 32 4 5^ M % 80 7 H 20% m 27 32 4 5H 5 16 Vs 20 100 7& 57 64 16^ i% 29 32 4 5Vs h 3^ 95 7£f 13 16 16K i% 29 3T 4 5H H % 90 7^ 47 64 163^ i% 29 32 4 5% A % 85 7^ 21 32 16H i% 29 32 4 5H 7 16 % 80 7 ft 163^ i% 29 32 4 &/s % Vs 20 75 m 21 32 17 m 25 32 3^ 5H A Vs 70 m 37 64 17 m 25 32 33^ «* « Vs 65 6% V* 17 ih 25 T2 33^ 5H 5 16 Vs 18 90 7 ¥ 13 16 14H i% 29. 4 5tt X Vs 85 '32 23 32 14K i% 29 32 4 5% 7 16 Vs 80 7^ 41 64 1.4K i% 29 32 4 5^ » Vs 75 7 9 16 143^ i% 29 32 4 5& H Vs 18 70 6H 23 32 15% m 11 16 3% 5% 7 16 Vs 65 m 41 64 15% m 11 16 3% 5^ « Vs 60 6^ 9 16 15% i% 11 16 3% 5& w Vs 55 6 29 64 15% m H 3% 5^ 5 16 Vs 15 100 6** 1* 11 2 11. x 32 3% 6A 11 16 Vs 95 m Ml 11 2 1^2 3% 6^ Vs Vs 90 6fi 63 64 11 2 to 3% 6 9 16 Vs 85 m 57 is 16 11 2 a 32 3% 5K *A Vs 80 m 11 2 to 3% 5H *A Vs 15 75 m Vs 11% 1H 13 16 3% 5K H % 70 6^ h 11% w 13 16 3% 5% 7 16 % 65 6^ U 11% m 13 16 3% *H £ % 60 6 19 32 11% m 13 16 3% 5Vs X % 15 55 5% H 12H i% H 3 $Vs X % 50 6tt 9 16 12M i% Vs 3 5A « % 45 E35. °64 29 64 12^ i% H 3 53^ 5 T6 % Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 1102 1) A T A BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES STANDARD STEEL I BEAMS WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS Depth Weight Dimensions in Inches Maximum of Beam, Inches Rivet or Bolt, Inch Pounds F W T K G A B c 15 42 b}/ 2 JL1 32 i2H 1M % 3 5A H M 12 55 E39 D *4 51 64 9^ l 3 ^ & 3 5ft l A *A 50 C 31 *>64 if 64 9M l 3 ^ H 3 5H A U 45 5H H 9M \y% U 3 5A N y* 40 5^i H 9H IVs & 3 5K A % 12 35 &A 16 9M M 1 7 3 2 2% 6A A H 31)^ 5 1 1 n 9M IVs 17 32 2% 5« H H 10 40 | oh 3 /i 8 1 15 3"T 2% 5M A H 35 m 39 64 8 1 H 2H 5^ Ji X 30 4H 29 6? 8 1 15 3? 2% 5H A y* 25 4H S 8 1 15 If 2% 5A l A % 9 35 4H 47 6T 7 1 A 2A o% A H 30 4M 9 T6 7 1 7 T« 2y 2 6A H H 25 4H 13 3 2 7 1 A 2y 2 5A A H 21 4fi 19 6 4 7 1 A 2y 2 5A K H 8 253/2 Hi 44 64 6M % 13 3 2 2% 5A y% y* 23 ; 4i> 29 64 6^ v% H 2% 5A 5 it x 20H 4& H 6^ "A H 2H 5H k H 18 4 H 6^ % H 2K 5A 3 H 7 20 j V/% H 5K v% 3 /8 2H ;,-,, A Vs i7K> m K 5H v% ^8 2% K H 15 \m M !>H U ^8 2% 5^ A X 6 17H 3fi M VA H H 2 5H A H 143/4 m 12K 3H ft VA H H 2 5 3 /8 l A H H VA H & 2 5M A % 5 17 3A N Wa v% 1 7 3 •.• 1^ 5H k % im 3H W VA H A IN :>>, A ■■; uy x to I 3' 2 "i A 1W m K H m 3 8H . A IX ->', A K 4 10', 2H u 3 2 2fc y* A \\i .">> 7 6 8 l A m 2fi H $ % A 1'2 5^8 l A 8*f 2JJ 7H 2H u 2*J *A A 1>2 5K A X A 2^ H A I 1 -' 5A A H 3 7M H I 3 ., X H *A 5^ ^ H 6H 21] 6H 2H u IH H H *A 5K A H H l 3 /4 H X lA 5A A y* (.'iiii 100— J I 1 I 11 T . R v 1. r I «• R i\ S o n — N k w York DATA— BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES 1103 STANDARD STEEL CHANNELS WW «i" z'/i rn It — I'o o loo -jl k-C=web + M«" WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS Depth Weight DIMENSIONS > in Inches Maximum Rivet of Beam, per Foot, or Bolt, F W T K G A B u Inch 15 55 013. 13 16 12^ 1 3 4 Vh 2K q 5 7 4 % 50 Q23 ^32 M 1214 l 3 ^ % 2H 314 13 16 M 45 i m % 1214 l 3 /8 % 2K 3*4 ft % 40 3H 17 32 12^ l 3 /* ft IV* 3 "A *A 35 027 6 6i 27. 64 1214 IH ft m 2^ V?, % 33 3M 13 32 12M ry 8 ft l 7 A 2^ V2 % 13 50 4H 51 64 10^ IK H 2 3 4 3fk % % 45 4*f 43 64 10^ IK H 2U 3^ H % 40 4i% tk lO 1 /^ IK l A 2% 3*4 % H 37 m V* 10K2 m 17 32 2V ?I 3 9 16 H 35 4^ 29 64 10** IK 17 32 2V ? ; 2M y?, % 32 4 H 103^ IX 17 32" 2V* 2^ 7 16 % 12 40 Q27 " 64 49 64 10 1 15 32 2 314 13. 16 % 35 Q19 «*64 41 64 10 1 15 32 2 3^ 11 16 U 30 Oil <*64 33 64 10 1 ft 2 3 9 T6 H 25 3^f 25 64 10 1 15 32 i 3 4 2Vh 7 16 % 20^ 2ft 3% 10 1 15. 32 1% 2% % % 10 35 3fV 53 64 8*4 V* % 2 3fk % H 30 °32 43 64 814 V* % 2 Q_3_ <*16 % H 25 2H 17 32 8*4 % Vs 2 3 y* % 20 2tt y* SK V* & 1 1 /* 2% tV % 15 019 *32 ft 8M Vs & 1^ 2M h H 9 25 m 39 64 7*4 % % 1 3 4 3*4 11 16 % 20 921 ^32 If 7*4 Vh % l 3 4 3 y?, % 15 2£i A 7*4 V* ■ft l'H 2r^ % y* — 13M 2^ if 7H Vb ft m 2M 5 16 % CSJPAQO — Joseph T. Ryerson Son — New York 1104 L) A T A BUILDING S AND B R 1 D G E S STANDARD STEEL CHANNELS So o 1° ° Jmi- >%$' WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS Depth Wcicht DlMKNSIONB IN INCHE8 Maximum Riv«t of Beam, per Foot, or Bolt, F w T K G A B VA l* A 3* % A 2« k H 4 1\i iff 21 M - :? A 2ff 2« X ok in k 2i A X 2 5k A 2M A 2« H a 6 !§ II 1 3 4 H k j « 2H A H 5 1« % k • 2H •: H 4 ill U tS ■ r, s k ' 2{i 3 8 Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson - N r. \v York DATA— BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES 1105 (0 u o> -J z o z 1 * s -J o U Q s ! 0) g c 5 < °- Z 2 (0 a 3 J 5 S © Ui N » -1 < DC 3 O D E H w 1 w UJ -i O z < UJ -1 -J < D O U ssss&ss* (0 Ui N (0 -1 -I i < m ssssa&s 2skssr:s .t»T»« MOQ0M« © t* MON^ »-IOOTfCO-H OOO COCOoiff* c* ******** »HO • 'eoaoos e»os b.Tti«r co eo«NCNi £ OS CO 00 US CN ■>* OJ OS 00 1^ OS "5 «COSCOt>- OSCO oejio^ coco 17.2 14.3 11.3 9.8 8.3 CO00»-lCO «o t»«oto«o •** •<»< <© -« 00 -*" oi CNKM -H — (>HrH X » • ■*cocm 00U5O0 T*CO » n — • n C" . X N 5= 9 ee'ed <8 05-0 rere Mo*MiOr.xse*w • 38 "■9 1- Z O u _- _j < D «,- H - O D ■ h " (0 1 1 w io * tc tc ■M — a DC r~ •- i- -t< ^ re — :c-f — o*. t~-tcii;ree» — x • rerereesie^eNicsiesiesie>i-H : w u _l 2 < x X«NNNC-ri.-i-» ^ ^ re re re re ■ - re • U5 • — re — - at ■ •*• e*9 ed : S ...» EO ' •o _i Ld Ld h n ■r. Z xfci ooe^remtcxc-. =-. — oa^ ion BQ t» CO lO •<■• CO C«v4 — -OOiQON s S3 • •to ■id *p t^^*« — C>JCMrere-re'«f') ri — U5»C« 00 s ; C/) X ' «NNI>NN r X ' - ■" — " 1 re M N m?ki 89 ■ co : • 3= 1-iOOM — - r. <~ - re ri f i « - — re re T-i h t u -: : : JCJCS x^xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx A. qo t<- <© » «9 «o «i » ■* -r re re re co -ic>»^ii - ><5 < v w a: XXXX X ( it I •. \ .; <> JOIBTB T . K ^ v I - • 1 J3 M York DATA BU'ILDINfiS AND BRIDGE S 1107 1 TEES EQUAL LEGS Size of Tee Thickness in Inches Weight per Foot Gauge op Holes MaXiAtom Rivet or Bolt FXS Flange Stem A B F s 4 X4 Mto& Hto& rVto^ Utoy 8 Mtdrv ^to& 16.9 13.5 12.4 10.5 2&. 25T 2X 2M 2K 2H 2,4 2A A y 8 y 8 a A % y 8 A 3^X3H Kte& %to^ Kto^ Ato& 11.7 10.6 9.2 2 2 2 2% 2y 8 2y 8 A ■y 2 ■ A A A A 3 X3 &to^ MtoA AtoJ^ ^to^ Ato^ Mto& 9.9 8.9 7.8 6.7 5.7 1H m m 1% VA VA VA V/ 8 w a a y 2 ! A k • A A - A A A 2%X2l4 Ato^ 6.4 5.5 3 A A y 8 A ' 2MX2M Ato% Mto^ Mto& &to^ Mto^ Kto& 4.9 4.1 3.95 m m \y 2 W 2 \y 2 % ■ a ■ a y 2 l A y 2 2 X2 Mto^ Kto& A to ^ MtoA Mto^ 4.3 3.56 3.5 1M m IX m w 8 1% a : A H A - A A 1^-X1^ MtoA ^£to& MtoM ^to^ Mto& Mto* ftto& &to* 3.09 3.00 2.9 2.33 2.26 m m m w 8 m m m i A A A A A ■ mxm Xto& X to J4 &tOjfe AtO^f Mto& J4to* &to& &to* 2.47 2.43 1.94 1.90 1 1 1 1 w 8 va VA va X x X X A A A ■A lMXlh' MtoA MtoM tVto-k MtoM Kto& Mto* &tO;fe &to* Ato* 2.02 1.98 1.59 1.55 1.09 if 13 8 y 8 y 8 %■ y 8 a X X X X . X X X X X X IAX1A AtoA HtoH- Ato* Kto* 1.37 0.97 % J X X X X 1 XI MtoK Ato^ xVto^ Kto& A^A AtO^y &to* Kto& 1.53 1.25 1.20 0.89 0.85 % A A % H I X X X X X X X X X X AX A HX % ax a V2X y 2 Kto^ y%^v% XtoA y s toy 8 Kto* ^to* Kto* ■32 tO 32 .73 .61 .50 .34 . A A A. % 1 • A .X X X X X X *Rolled approximately to one degree taper each side of stem. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson Son — New York 1108 D A T A — B UILDING S A N D BRIO C, E S r I TEES B S J UNEQUAL LEGS Size of Tee Thickness in Inches Weight per Gauge of Holes Maximum Rivet or Bolt FXS Flange Stem Foot A B F s 1 X3 5 X2H 4HX3M 1 i to A KteA AtoA HtoK AtoH tttoK 13.4 10.9 15.7 2*4 2 3 4 2K S 4 3 4 3 4 ■ •KXl NtoA A to? 8 ?8t0A Ato? 8 9.8 8.4 2H 1H I 7 , % 7 8 4HX2M NtoA AteJi HtoA Ato? 8 9.2 7.8 IK 1 3 4 H 6 s 4 X5 Ktoft ?8t0A HtoA ?^toA 15.3 11.9 2H 3 3 5 8 5 8 4 X4»i HtoA ? s toA HtoA 3 »toA 14.4 11 2 2»4 m 2 3 4 2 3 4 H 7 8 4 X3 3 s toA AtoH 3 8t0A Ato? 8 9.2 7.8 2>4 2 % 1 ? » 1 7 8 H 5 8 .'8 4 xsh KteA A to H Mo A AtO?8 8.5 7.2 i '4 1 3 4 1?4 5 8 S 8 K 4 X2 KtoA Ato? 8 s 8 toA Ato? 8 7.8 6.7 2' 4 1 3 8 1 3 8 S 8 5 8 4 .>•• 3KX4 HtoA ?8toA KtoA 3 8t0A 12.6 9.8 2 2 2 1 .. 7 8 ihxs KteA A to ' i Mo a Ato? 8 MtoA A to ' ... 3 8t0A Ato? 8 10.8 9.8 8.5 7.5 2 2 2 2 m 1 7 8 1« 1 2 - 3 X4 MtoA AtoH 5atoA HtoA A to J •.. 3 .toA 11.7 10.5 9.2 1 3 4 1 3 4 1 S 4 »H 2'j 2'.. 1 XMH HtoA A to > \ 3 «toA HtoA A toM 3 8 tO A 10.8 9 7 8.5 1 3 4 1 3 4 1 3 4 2'4 2'4 1 X2>, KtoA AtoH 3« to A Mo A AtoH 34 to A 7 1 6.1 5.0 1\ 1 3 4 1 3 4 1 3 4 1 3 4 H 4 8 K 3 t,toA Ato»„ 3 «to A AtO?8 7.1 6.1 1*8 1 - 1 7 8 1 7 8 3 H L",X2 2'*X1» 4 tHXIX A toil MtoX AtoA AtoM KtoA A to A 4.8 3.9 1 N IK IK IN 1 3 8 3 8 ?8 U '4 1 XI 1 .. KteA A to 1 * .' 8 toA '* to A Atok 1 < to A 1.61 1 -j:, 1 25 i l 1»8 K ( ' in r a c. — J O ft I ff ■ T . Ivill Nl« Y ■> K K DATA— BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES 1109 BETHLEHEM GIRDER BEAMS o-*w ♦'/**" WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS Depth Weight per Foot, Pounds Dimensions in Inches Maximum Rivet of Beam, Inches F W T K G A B c or Bolt, Inch 30 200 180 15 13 % n 16 25^ 25A 013 ■^32 1)13 *32 1^ 11 9 7 16 28 180 165 11 16 21 32 23^ 23^ O.5. ■^16 ^16 1^ 10M 8H 5H rui °16 A H 26 160 150 12 21^ 21^ 2A 2A 1^ 9^ 8 &A 5^ % Vs 24 140 120 13 12 19 32 17 32 20 20M 2 1% 31 32 29 32 9 8 5^ 20 140 112 12H 12 3 5 64 15H 16^8 X 16 1H sy 2 8 &A °16 5. 16 18 92 ny 2 ti 14% m 25 32 73^ 5K 5 16 15 140 104 73 ny 4 10^ fi 19 3T 7 16 ny 8 12^ 2^ m I- 9 - 1 32 15 16 JJL 16 7% 7M 6K 5{f 5^ 12 70 55 10 15 32 Vs 9 9^ VA 6 6 5& 5^ _5_ 16 10 44 9 A 7% IVs 17 32 5H K_5_ °16 A Vs 9 38 m 19 64 6% 1A 15 32 5M 5A 3 16^ Vs 8 m 8 19 64 6 l A 5 5A A Vs Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 1110 n a T A R U I L D T N f AND R R I I) i; i: BETHLEHEM I BEAMS c-3»w»Vi»" WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS Dimension. i in Inches Maximum Depth Weight per Foot, Rivet of Beam, or Bolt, Inches Pounds F W T K G A B c Inch 30 120 10^2 35 64 26^ 115 1 32 29 32 m 5ft ft 1 28 105 10 H 24H 1ft 27 3~2 6 5% ft 1 20 90 9^ ft 23 IH H 5% 5ft ft 1 24 84 m i;, 32 21 i% % 5% 5ft _5_ 16 83 9% 3_1 64 21ft 114 x 32 ii 16 5% 5H » Vs 73 9 25 6 4 21ft 1ft 1 1 lb 5% 5H % 20 82 8H 8 17H 1ft 3 4 5 5ft H 72 m ft 17% 1ft % 5 5ft 8 % 69 8ft 3i 64 17% 1M % 4^ 5% ft % 64 8ft ft 17% IK % 4% 5ft ft 7 * 59 8 H 17% 1H % 4% 5N % % 18 59 7H ] , 15% i% 9 T6~ 4% 5H ft ] 4 ^ 54 m ft 1554 i% _9_ 1% 4% 5ft % 52 7ft N 15% i% 9 16 4% 5^i R % 48^ 1 l A 2 1 C4 15% i% ft 4% 5ft k 16 71 7 1 , H UN i'\ H 4 1 ., •> , ,> A H til 7 A H 12ft ift H 4 % M 7 ft 12ft ift ft 4 5ft H % 46 6tf ft 12% ift ft m 5ft t % 41 1 1 ] j ft 12% ift ft m 5ft % 38 6ft H 12% ift ft s\ 5ft ft 12 88 6H ft 9% ift <• 8H 5ft s 32 6ft 21 10A 1 1 ft Hi, 5k 2sy 2 H 10ft H ft 8H ft H 10 2sy 2 23^ 5ft b 8% H 3% 5K H ft Ciicaoo— Josiph T . Rrin & SO N X i DATA BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES 1111 EXPLANATION OF TABLES OF SAFE LOADS The following tables give the greatest safe load (evenly distributed over the entire length) which the steel shapes used as beams will carry. These loads include the weight of the beam, which must be de- ducted to obtain the net load. The loads given are based on a fiber stress of 16,000 pounds per square' inch, and are entirely reliable for ordinary conditions where loads are quiescent, as in buildings. For fluctuating loads causing vibration, especially if the beams are long as compared to their depth, the tabular loads should be reduced one-fifth; for rapidly moving loads, or where loads are suddenly appli- ed with slight impact, the tabular loads should be reduced one-third. It is assumed that the beams are stiffened sideways to prevent buckling in the compression flange, otherwise tabular load must be reduced as follows: Length of Beam Proportion to be used Length of Beam Proportion to be used 20 xflange width 30 xflange width 40 xflange width Whole tab. load j^o tabular load T 8 o tabular load 50 xflange width 60 xflange width 70 xflange width ! 7 o tabular load T % tabular load Y% tabular load In many cases deflection will govern. The allowable deflection for plastered ceilings is 1-360 of the span. The deflection will be reduced in the same ratio as the load on the beam. The bending moments and deflections of beams under various systems of loading are given below: W=Total load. l=Length of beam. M=Maximum bending moment. QQQQQQQQQ Safe load=that given in tables. Max. bending moment at centre=- 5 - . Deflection as in tables. I Safe load=M that given in tables M=W1. 4 Defiection= I 8 (} that given in tables. ■ Q I - 4 Safe load=J^ that given in tables. M=W, Deflection=2.4 that given in tables. I- ►—*-»*- Safe load=H that given in tables. M at point of support=Wl. Deflections=3. 2 that given in tables. «»Q Q%~ h-* Safe load=that given in tablesX^— r. Safe load— that given table X Max. bending moment, M= Wab 1 * Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson Max. bending moment between oads=J^ Wa. Son — New York 1112 D A T A BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES STANDARD STEEL I BEAMS SAFE LOADS IN POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED Safe loads are figured for a fiber stress of 16,000 pounds per square inch, and include the weight of beam. I D=the deflection in inches under the safe load. For safe loads and deflections under various systems of loading, see explanation. I Distance Between 24' I Supports in Feet 115 Pounds 105 Pounds 100 Pounds 90 Pounds 80 Pounds D 10 262820 238930 249910 227190 211520 192290 198970 185530 168660 .07 11 180880 .08 12 13 14 219020 202170 187730 175210 208260 192240 178510 166610 176270 162710 151080 141010 165810 153050 142120 132650 154610 142720 132520 .10 .12 .14 15 123690 .16 16 164260 156190 132200 124360 115690 .18 17 18 1.54600 146010 138320 131410 125150 119460 114270 109510 147010 138840 131530 124950 119000 113590 108660 104130 124420 117510 111330 117040 111)540 109140 103070 97650 92770 88350 84330 80670 77300 74210 71360 (i.s720 66260 .20 .22 19 104720 99480 94750 90440 86510 82900 79590 76530 73690 71060 .25 20 21 22 23 24 105760 100720 96140 91960 88130 84610 81350 7S340 75540 .28 30 .33 .36 .40 25 26 •27 88 105130 101080 97340 93860 99960 96120 92560 89250 .43 47 .5<) 54 29 30 31 32 90620 87600 84780 82130 86170 83300 80610 78090 72940 70510 68230 66100 68610 86310 64 ISO 62180 63980 61840 59850 57980 .18 .62 .66 .70 33 34 35 36 79640 77300 75090 73000 75730 73500 71400 •MM 64100 68810 80430 58780 60290 58520 88850 86170 56220 54570 53010 51540 .75 .80 .85 .81 37 88 40 71 ().'<() 80160 87SM 81700 87540 B5760 64060 8M70 57100 55660 .142:50 88880 53770 52370 51010 4'.t710 50140 4SV.0 47570 41.4! K) 94 1 00 1 04 1 11 Safe loads above light lines are greater than safe loftdfl for \n»-I> crippling. For safe loads above doited lines standard connections will not be <.f surlicient strength. (M ICAOO - .1 " s K i- ii T . RrillOM x S N I w Y O R K DATA— BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES 1113 STANDARD STEEL I BEAMS SAFE LOADS IN POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED Safe loads are figured for a fiber stress of 16,000 pounds per square inch, and include the weight of beam. I D=the deflection in inches under the safe load. For safe loads and deflections under various systems of loading, see explanation. I Distance Between Supports in Feet 20" I 18' I 100 Pounds 90 Pounds 80 Pounds 70 Lbs. Lbs. 90 Lbs. 75 Lbs. 65 Lbs. 55 Lbs. 40 160540 147160 135840 126140 117730 110370 98110 92950 88300 84090 80270 76780 73580 70640 67920 65410 63070 60900 58870 56970 55190 53510 51940 50460 49050 47720 46470 45280 44150 166140 151040 138450 127800 118670 110760 103840 97730 92300 "87440 156410 142190 130340 120310 111720 104270 97750 92000 130110 118280 108430 100090 92940 86740 124750 113410 103980 81320 76540 89110 83170 77970 73380 149540 135950 124620 135460 123150 112890 104470 115030104200 106810 96760 99690 90310 69310 .27 83070 79110 75520 72230 66460 63900 61530 82320 78200 74480 71090 68000 65170 62560 57930 65060 61960 59140 56570 54210 52040 50040 48190 46470 65660 62370 59400 56700 54240 51980 49900 47980 46200 44550 57290 55380 53590 51920 50350 48860 47470 46150 44900 43720 53930 52140 50450 44870 43020 93460 37960 83080 78700 74770 71210 67970 65020 62310 59810 57510 79680 75260 71300 67730 64510 61570 58900 56440 87060 80360 74620 69650 65300 61460 58040 54990 52240 49750 47490 45420 43530 94290 85720 78570 .13 72530 67350 62860 58930 55460 52380 49630 47140 44900 42860 39290 .20 .23 .27 .30 .33 .37 .40 .45 .49 .53 54180 41790 37720 .57 52100 40180 55380 50170 53400 48380 47400 46000 41540 43450 42270 41170 40100 39140 43370 41970 40660 39430 38270 37170 36140 35160 34240 33360 32530 41580 .74| 40240 .85 .90 356401.01 37800 34650 33710 32750 31150 1.07 1.13 1.20 1.25 1.32 51560 49840 48420 46730 45310 43980 42720 41540 46710 45150 43700 42330 41050 39840 38700 37630 37310 36030 34820 33700 32650 31660 30730 36260 34920 33670 32510 .77 31430 .83 30420 .89 29460 .94 28570 27730 29850 26940 29020 26190 40410 39350 38340 37380 36610 28230 25480 24750 24170 23580 35650 34730 33860 27490 26750 26120 .00 1.12 1.13 1.34 1.39 1.47 For safe loads below heavy lines the deflection will be greater than the allowable limit for plaster ceiling. For safe loads above dotted lines standard connections will not be of sufficient strength. Chicago — Joseph T. Rye r son Son — New York in-4 D A T A KUILD.I NG S A N h RIDGES STANDARD STEEL I BEAMS SAFE LOADS IN POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED Safe loads are figured for a fiber stress of 16,000 pounds per square inch, and include the weight of beam. I D=the deflection in inches under the safe load. For safe loads and deflections under various systems of loading, see explanation. I Distance 15' I Between Supports in 100 90 80 70 60 50 42 I") Feet Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds 10 127800 116180 106500 119960 109050 112230 94390 85S10 78660 86610 78740 72180 68750 62500 57290 62830 57120 52360 11 11 102030 93520 .13 12 99960 .16 13 98310 92270 86330 72610 66630 52890 4S330 19 14 91280 856S0 80160 67420 61870 49110 44880 22 15 85200 79970 74820 62920 57740 45840 41880 :' ; . lfi 79870 74970 70140 58990 54130 42070 39270 2 s 17 75180 70560 66020 55520 50950 40440 36960 18 71000 66640 62350 52440 4S120 38200 34900 .86 19 67260 63130 59070 49680 45590 36190 33070 .40 20 63900 59980 56110 47190 43310 343s0 31410 44 21 60860 57120 53440 44950 41240 32740 29920 .41' 22 58090 54530 51010 42900 39370 31250 28560 51 23 55560 52150 48800 41040 37660 29890 2731'n ."is 24 53250 49980 46760 39330 36090 28660 26180 .68 25 51120 47980 44890 37750 34650 27500 25130 69 28 49150 4..140 43170 36300 33310 26440 24160 75 . 27 47330 444:50 41570 34960 32080 25460 so 2 s 45640 4_'s40 40080 33710 30930 24550 22440 so 89 41U7H 41360 38700 32550 29870 L':;:io 21660 M 12600 39900 37410 31460 28870 22920 20940 31 4 1230 38700 8C2O0 30450 27940 22180 20270 1 01 32 39040 374'.iO 35070 29600 27070 L'14'.'O 19630 1 13 33 38730 36350 34010 28600 26250 20830 19040 1 20 34 37590 35280 33010 27760 2.V170 20220 18480 1 28 35 36510 34270 32070 26970 24760 19640 17050 1 38 86 35500 33320 31170 16230 24060 19100 174.-.0 1 13 For safe loads below heavy lines the deflection will be greater than the allowable limit for plaster ceiling. For safe loads above dotted lines standard connections will not be of sufficient strength. Cnii \ .. ■• I R V-F. Kit O M 8 D A T A BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES 1115 STANDARD STEEL I BEAMS SAFE LOADS IN POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED Safe loads are figured for a fiber stress of 16,000 pounds per square inch, and include the weight of beam. I D=the deflection in inches under the safe load. For safe loads and deflections under various systems of loading, see explanation. I Distance Between 12" I 10" I Supports in Feet 55 Pounds 50 Pounds 40 Pounds 35 Pounds 31M Pounds D 35 Pounds 25 Pounds D 10 57070 53930 47810 40580 38370 .14 31240 26050 .16 11 51880 49030 43470 36890 34880 .17 28400 23680 .20 12 47560 44940 39840 33820 31970 .20 26030 21710 .24 13 14 15 43900 40760 38040 41480 38520 35950 36780 34150 31880 31220 28990 27050 29510 27400 25580 .23 .27 .31 24030 22310 20830 20040 18610 17360 .28 .32 .37 16 17 18 19 20 35670 33570 31700 30040 28530 27170 25940 24810 23780 33710 31720 29960 28380 26960 25680 24510 23450 22470 29880 28130 26560 25160 23910 22770 21730 20790 19920 25360 23870 22540 21360 20290 19320 18450 17640 16910 23980 22570 21310 20190 19180 18270 17440 16680 15990 .35 .40 .45 .50 .55 .61 .67 .73 .79 .86 .93 1.00 1.08 1.16 1.24 19520 18380 17350 16440 15620 16280 15320 14470 13710 13020 .42 .48 .54 .60 .66 21 22 23 24 14880 14200 13580 13020 12500 12020 11570 11160 10770 10410 12400 11840 11320 10850 10420 10020 9650 9300 8980 8680 .73 .80 .88 .95 25 26 27 28 29 30 22830 21950 21140 20380 19680 19020 21570 20740 19970 19260 18600 17980 19130 18390 17710 17080 16490 15940 16230 15610 15030 14490 13990 13530 15350 14760 14210 13700 13230 12790 1.03 1.12 1.21 1.30 1.39 1.49 31 32 33 34 18410 17830 17290 16780 16300 15850 17400 16850 16340 15860 15410 14980 15420 14940 14490 14060 13660 13280 13090 12680 12300 11940 11590 11270 12380 11990 11630 11280 10960 10660 1.33 1.41 1.50 1.59 1.69 1.79 10080 9760 9470 8400 8140 7890 1.59 1.69 1.80 35 36 For safe loads below heavy lines the deflection will be greater than the allowable limit for plaster ceiling. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 111G J) A T A B L' I L 1.) 1 N G S AND liKIDGES STANDARD STEEL I BEAMS SAFE LOADS IN POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED Safe loads are figured for a fiber stress of 16,000 pounds per square inch, and include the weight of beam. I D=the deflections in inches under the safe load. For safe loads and deflections under various systems of loading, see explanation. I Distance Between V I 8' I 7' I Supports in Feet 35 Pounds 21 Pounds D 25', Pounds 18 Pounds D 20 Pounds 15 Pounds D o 132490 88330 100660 67100 .004 .01 91250 60830 75850 50560 .005 .01 88289 42850 55200 .01 3 36800 02 4 66240 62990 44160 37850 50320 .03 .05 .07 .09 45620 36500 30410 37920 .03 .05 .07 10 32140 26710 21430 18370 27600 82080 18400 15770 .04 S 6 40320 33600 28800 30330 25280 21670 .06 .09 7 26070 .12 s 33120 25160 12 22810 18960 .13 16070 'is'sbo .15 29440 22370 .15 20270 16850 .17 14280 12270 .19 10 26500 20130 .18 18250 15170 21 12860 11040 .24 11 12 24000 22080 18300 16770 .22 .26 16590 15200 13700 12640 .25 .30 11690 10710 10040 9200 29 .34 13 14 30880 18030 17070 16560 15600 14720 15 ISO 14380 13120 12580 11840 11180 .31 .36 .41 .47 .53 .60 .66 .74 .81 14110 13030 12160 11400 11670 10830 10110 9480 .35 .41 47 .53 .60 .67 .75 n .01 8880 9180 8490 7800 40 .46 15 16 8570 8030 7560 7140 6770 8430 8128 7360 8880 6490 6130 5810 8620 8280 53 .60 17 18 10760 10130 9620 N20 8700 8920 8430 7980 7580 7220 .68 .77 10 M II 13050 13250 12820 10500 10064 9500 .85 .81 10! a 23 14 12050 11830 11040 9150 8750 8390 .89 .97 1.06 8290 7«.»4(> 7600 6890 6590 6320 1 INI i n 1 19 8848 8688 8180 .V.JO 4800 4600 1 14 l M 1 36 u 10600 10190 B810 0460 8050 7740 7460 71 'HI 1 15 1 24 1 34 1 44 mo 7060 6070 8820 1 29 1 40 M .'7 Safe loads above light lines are greater than safe loads for web (rippling. For safe loads below heavy tinea the deflection will be greater than the allowable limit for plaster veiling. For safe loads above dotted lines standard connections will not be of sufficient strength. I iiicaco — J O 8 l- W ■ T • RVIIIOI i Sdk-Xew York D A T A BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES 1117 STANDARD STEEL I BEAMS SAFE LOADS IN POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED Safe loads are figured for a fiber stress of 16,000 pounds per square inch, and include the weight of beam. I D=the deflection in inches under the safe load. For safe loads and deflections under various systems of loading, see explanation. I Distance Between 6' I 5" I 4' I 3' I Supports in Feet 17>i Pounds Pounds D 17 Pounds Pounds D 7H Pounds D 5V 2 Pounds D 2 46550 31030 23280 18620 15520 38750 .01 .02 .04 .07 .10 .13 .18 .22 .28 .33 .40 .47 .54 .62 .71 .80 .90 1.00 1.10 1.21 1.33 39990 26660 19990 ■"15996" 13330 11420 9990 8880 7990 25800 .01 .03 .05 .08 .12 .16 .21 .27 .33 .40 .48 .56 .65 .75 .85 .95 1.07 1.19 1.32 15900 10600 .02 .04 .07 .10 .15 .20 .26 .34 .41 .50 .60 .70 .81 .93 1.06 1.19 1.34 8800 .02 3 25830 19370 15490 12910 11070 9680 8610 7750" 7040 6460 17200 12900 10320 8600 7370 6450 5730 5160 5860 4410 3530 2940 .05 4 5 6 7950 6360 5300 4540 3980 .09 .14 .20 7 8 13300 11640 10350 9310 8460 7760 2520 2210 1960 1770 1600 1470 1360 1260 1180 1100 1040 980 .27 .35 9 10 3530 3180 2890 2650 2450 2270 2120 1990 1870 1770 .45 .55 11 12 7360 6660 6150 5710 5330 4990 4700 4440 4210 3990 4690 4300 3970 3680 3440 3220 3030 2870 2720 2580 .67 .80 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 7160 6650 6210 5820 5480 5170 4900 4660 4430 4230 5960 5530 5160 4840 4560 4300 4080 3870 3690 3520 .93 1.08 1.24 1.41 1.59 1.79 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Safe loads above light lines are greater than safe loads for web crippling. For safe loads below heavy lines the deflection will be greater than the allowable limit for plaster ceiling. For safe loads above dotted lines standard connections will not be of sufficient strength. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 1118 L) A T A — BUILD! N G S AND li K I U G E S STANDARD STEEL CHANNELS SAFE LOADS IN POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED Safe loads are figured for a fiber stress of 16,000 pounds per square inch, and include the weight of channel. [ D=the deflection in inches under the safe load. For safe loads and deflections under various systems of loading, see explanation. 3 Distance 15" I 13' I Supports in Feet 55 Pounds 50 Pounds 40 Pounds 33 Pounds D 50 Pounds 40 Pounds 32 Pounds D 10 61190 57270 49420 44450 .11 51470 44670 38970 .12 11 12 55630 50990 52060 47720 44930 41190 40410 37040 .13 .16 46790 42890 40610 37220 35420 32470 .15 .18 13 14 47070 43710 44050 40910 38020 35300 34190 31750 .19 .22 39590 36760 34360 31910 29970 27830 .21 .24 15 16 40790 38240 38130 35790 32950 30890 29630 27780 .26 .29 34310 32160 29780 27920 25980 24350 .28 .32 17 18 35990 33990 33690 31820 29070 27460 26150 24700 .32 .36 30270 28590 26270 24810 22920 21650 .36 .41 19 20 32210 30590 30140 28630 26010 24710 23400 23230 .40 .44 27090 25730 23510 22330 20510 19480 .46 .51 21 22 29140 27810 27270 26030 23540 22470 21170 20210 .49 .53 24510 23390 21270 20300 18550 17710 . M .61 23 24 26600 25500 24900 238<>0 21490 20590 19330 18520 .58 . 64 32870 21440 1(1420 18610 16940 16230 i',7 .73 M 26 24480 23530 22660 21850 22910 22030 81210 20450 19770 19010 18310 17650 17780 17100 16460 15880 .69 .7. r > .81 .88 20580 19790 17860 17180 15580 14980 7".i 27 18 19060 18380 16540 15950 14430 1291Q 92 . M 29 30 21100 20400 19750 196M 17040 16470 15330 14820 .91 .99 17740 17150 15400 14890 18440 12990 1.07 1.14 For safe loads below heavy linos the deflection will be greater than the allowable limit for plaster ceiling. Chicago Jositb I Ryuiox i S w Vo«k DATA BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES 1110 STANDARD STEEL CHANNELS SAFE LOADS IN POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED Safe loads are figured for a fiber stress of 16,000 pounds per square inch, and include the weight of channel. [ D=the deflection in inches under the safe load. For safe loads and deflections under various systems of loading, see explanation. ] Distance 12 c 10 ' L Supports in Feet 40 Pounds 30 Pounds 2oy 2 Pounds D 35 Pounds 25 Pounds 15 Pounds D 10 35010 28740 22780 .14 24640 19410 14270 .17 11 12 31830 29180 26120 23950 20700 18980 .17 .20 22400 20530 17640 16170 12970 11890 .20 .24 13 14 26930 25010 22110 20530 17520 16270 .23 .27 18950 17600 14930 13860 10980 10190 .28 .32 15 16 23340 21880 19160 17960 15180 14230 .31 .35 16430 15400 12940 12130 9510 8920 .37 .42 17 18 20600 19450 16900 15970 13400 12650 .40 .45 14490 13690 11420 10780 8390 7930 .48 .54 19 20 18430 17510 16670 15910 15120 14370 13580 13060 11990 11390 10850 10350 .50 .55 .61 .67 12970 12320 10220 9700 7510 7130 .60 .66 21 22 11730 11200 9240 8820 6790 6490 .73 .80 23 24 15220 14590 12490 11970 9900 9490 .73 .79 .85 .93 10710 10270 9860 9480 8440 8090 7750 7460 6200 5940 5710 5490 .88 .95 25 26 14000 13470 11490 11050 9110 8760 1.03 1.12 27 28 12970 12500 10640 10260 8440 8130 1.01 1.09 9130 8800 7190 6930 5280 5100 1.21 1.30 29 30 12070 11670 9910 9580 7850 7590 1.16 1.24 8500 8210 6690 6470 4920 4760 1.39 1.49 For safe loads below heavy lines the deflection will be greater than the allowable limit for plaster ceiling. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryekson & Son — New York 1120 > A l A BUILDINGS AND B K I D G L S STANDARD STEEL CHANNELS SAFE LOADS IN POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED Safe loads are figured for a fiber stress of 16,000 pounds per square inch, and include the weight of channel. [ D=the deflection in inches under the safe load. For safe loads and deflections under various systems of loading, see explanation. ] Distance Between 9' [ 8' I 7- I Supports in Feet 25 Pounds I3H Pounds D 21', Pounds 1P 4 Pounds D low Pounds 9\, Pounds D 2 3 4 83790 55860 41900 56080 37390 28040 .004 .01 .03 63680 42450 31840 43070 28710 21530 .005 .01 .03 50550 33700 25280 32130 21420 16070 .01 .09 .04 5 6 33520 27930 22430 18690 .05 .07 254 70 21230 17230 14360 .05 .07 20220 16850 12850 10710 .06 .09 7 8 23940 20950 16020 14020 .09 .12 18200 15920 12310 10770 10 .13 14440 12640 9180 8030 .12 .15 10 18620 16760 13460 11220 .15 .18 14150 12740 9570 8610 17 .21 11230 10110 7140 6430 .19 .24 11 12 15240 13970 10200 9350 .21 .26 11580 10610 7830 7180 .25 .30 9190 8430 5840 5360 .98 .34 II 11 12890 11970 11170 10470 9860 9310 8090 8010 7480 7010 6600 6230 .31 .36 .41 .47 .53 .60 .66 .74 B80Q 9100 S490 7960 6630 6150 8740 5380 .35 .41 47 .61 .60 .67 .75 .83 7780 7220 4940 4800 40 .41 II 16 6740 8890 5950 5620 8990 5060 4280 4020 3780 3570 3380 3210 .53 .61 17 18 7490 7080 6700 6370 5070 4790 4530 4310 .77 19 20 8830 B380 MOO 5610 .95 21 7980 7090 8140 5100 ,81 .89 8070 8700 4100 8830 .91 1 01 4810 4600 9080 9090 1 .113 1 It n 24 7990 H88 4670 '.•7 1 06 8840 8810 3780 1 01 1 19 4400 1910 9780 8080 i 38 H 1700 M40 6200 1408 B10 1180 1 || i M 1 34 8080 8488 l 39 4040 1 17 27 For safe loads below heavy lines the deflection will be greater than the allowable limit for planter OOUmg. i nil too .1 I . K V I. R I N i M Y it K k DATA BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES 1131 STANDARD STEEL CHANNELS SAFE LOADS IN POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED Safe loads are figured for a fiber stress of 16,000 pounds per square inch, and include the weight of channel. [ D=the deflection in inches under the safe load. For safe loads and deflections under various systems of loading, see explanation. ] Distance Between 6' £ 5' I 4'E 3' I Supports in Feet 15^ Pounds 8 Pounds D Pounds Pounds D 5K Pounds D 4 Pounds D 2 3 4 5 6 34720 23140 17360 13890 11570 9920 8680 7720 6940 6310 5790 23100 15400 11550 9240 7700 6600 5780 5130 4620 4200 3850 .01 .02 .04 .07 .10 .14 .18 .22 .28 .33 .40 .47 .54 .62 .71 .79 .89 1.00 1.10 1.22 1.34 1.45 22190 14790 11100 8880 7400 6340 5550 4930 4440 15820 10540 7910 6330 5270 4520 3960 3520 3160 .01 .03 .05 .08 .12 .16 .21 .27 .33 .40 .48 .56 .65 .74 .85 .96 1.C7 1.20 1.32 1.45 10110 6770 5060 4050 3370 2890 2530 .02 .04 .07 .10 .15 .20 .26 .34 .41 .50 .59 .70 .81 .93 1.06 1.20 1.34 1.49 5810 3870 2910 2330 1940 .02 .05 .09 .14 .20 7 8 1660 1450 1290 1160 1060 970 890 830 780 730 680 650 .27 .35 9 10 2250 2020 1840 1690 1560 1440 1350 1260 1190 1120 1060 .45 .55 11 12 4040 3700 3410 3170 2960 2770 2610 2470 2340 2220 2110 2880 2640 2430 2260 2110 1980 1S60 1760 1670 1580 .67 .80 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 5340 4960 4630 4340 4080 3860 3650 3470 3310 3160 3020 3550 3300 3080 2890 2720 2570 2430 2310 2200 2100 .93 1.08 1.24 1.41 1.60 1.79 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 :::: :::::::: II For safe loads below heavy lines the deflection will be greater than the allowable limit for plaster ceiling. Chicago — Joseph T . Ryerson & S o ri — New York 1122 l> A T A - B U I I. D 1 N G S A N h BRIDGES STANDARD STEEL ANGLES SAFE LOADS IN POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR EQUAL LEG ANGLES Safe loads are figured for a fiber stress of 16,000 pounds per square inch, and include the weight of angle. L NEUTRAL AXIS PARALLEL TO EITHER LEG For safe loads and deflections under various systems of loading, see explanation. J Size of Weigh! per Foot Distance between Supports in Feet Angle, Inches 1 2 3 4 5 6 : 8 X8 XI 51.00 45.00 38.90 32.70 26.40 89240 84240 74740 64980 54940 44620 56160 49840 43320 36620 29760 42120 37370 32490 27470 22310 33700 25990 21980 17S50 MOM 21660 18310 14880 2M70 15700 U7S 1 6 X6 X H • 33.10 28.70 24 20 19.60 14.90 81440 71180 60340 49220 37640 40720 355M 30170 24610 18820 27150 23690 20120 16400 125M 20360 17770 9410 16290 142M 12070 9840 1.1=570 11860 [0060 .',27(1 10150 7030 5 X5 X H ' i • 20.00 16.20 12.30 48320 41140 33660 25S20 24160 20570 16830 12910 16100 13710 11220 8610 1MM 10280 8410 6460 MM 8230 67M 5170 5610 4310 MM 5880 4810 3690 4 X4 X 5 8 A 15.70 12.80 9.80 8.20 25620 21060 16240 13740 12810 10530 8120 6870 8540 7020 5420 4580 6410 6270 4060 3430 5130 421(1 3250 2750 4270 3510 2710 3660 M10 2320 I9M 3HX3'. • 11 in 8.50 5.80 9.40 7.20 6.10 4 N 15880 12280 8640 11440 8880 7540 616C 7940 6140 4320 5720 run 3770 3080 5MB 4100 2880 3810 2510 2050 3970 3070 2160 2860 22M 1890 1540 3180 3460 I7M 17M 1510 ISM MM 1440 1910 1480 1260 2270 I2M 3 X3 X » 2 '4 1270 10M 880 - »X '2 8.50 .-, 611 3 39 9480 6280 4740 SIM 1970 3160 1310 2370 1570 B80 1M0 I5B0 I0M 660 IMO MO A 5.30 2.75 MM 4820 2600 MM 1010 M10 IMO M10 1080 1610 870 1510 810 1210 650 1810 MO 960 1010 540 - »x 3 S A :<7e r than t 1 ,, inch. ( i| | i \ i. Q - I . • - I I- II I K | - Nl« N " K K DATA BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES 1123 STANDARD STEEL ANGLES SAFE LOADS IN POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR EQUAL LEG ANGLES Safe loads are figured for a fiber stress of 16,000 pounds per square inch, and include the weight of angle. L NEUTRAL AXIS PARALLEL TO EITHER LEG For safe loads and deflections under various systems of loading, see explanation. J Size of '8 Distance BETWEEN Supports in Feet Angle, Inches 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 8 X8 XI % H % 21060 1S690 16250 13740 11160 10180 8890 7540 6150 4700 6040 5140 4210 3230 18720 16610 14440 12210 9920 9050 7900 6710 5470 4180 16850 14950 13000 10990 8930 15320 13590 11820 9990 8110 14040 12460 10830 9160 7440 6790 5920 5030 4100 3140 4020 3430 2800 2150 12960 11500 10000 8450 6870 6260 5470 4640 3790 2900 12030 10680 9280 7850 6380 5820 5080 4310 3520 2690 11230 9970 8660 7330 5950 6 X 6X % l A Ys Y2 Ys 8140 7110 6030 4920 3760 4830 4110 3370 2580 2560 2110 1620 1370 7400 6460 5490 4470 3420 4390 3740 3060 2350 2330 1910 1480 1250 5430 4740 4020 3280 2510 5 X5 X H Ys 5360 4570 3740 2870 2850 2340 1810 1530 1760 1370 960 1270 990 840 680 3710 3160 2590 1990 1970 1620 1250 1080 1220 950 660 3450 2940 2400 1850 1830 1500 1160 980 1130 880 610 3220 2740 2240 1720 4 X4 X Ys Yz 3200 2630 2030 1720 1980 1540 1080 1430 1110 940 770 1190 790 490 760 400 2140 1760 1350 1140 1320 1020 720 950 740 630 510 ' 790 520 330 500 270 400 220 1710 1400 1080 920 u 3 X3 X Yi 1590 1230 860 1140 890 750 620 950 630 390 600 320 480 260 370 200 1440 1120 780 1040 810 690 560 860 570 360 550 290 440 240 1080 820 570 Ys re H 2%X2Y±X Yi 1050 700 440 670 360 540 290 420 230 ■h VAX2}4X Ys _3_ 2HX2HX Ys 600 320 470- 250 3 2 X2 X Ys 3 . For lengths to the right of heavy lines the deflection will be greater than y§ inch. For lengths to the right of the dotted line the deflection will be greater than % inch. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 1124 n A I A 15 I' I L 1) I N G S A N 1) RI D f. E S STANDARD STEEL ANGLES SAFE LOADS IN POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR UNEQUAL LEG ANGLES Safe loads are figured for a fiber stress of 16,000 pounds per square inch, and include the weight of angle. L LONG LEG VERTICAL For safe loads and deflections under various systems of loading, see explanation. J Siieof Weight per Foot Distance between Supports in Fext Angle, Inches 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 X6 X% H H 33.80 28.50 23.00 "85480 62220 52620 42740 41480 35080 28490 31110 26310 21370 24890 21050 17090 20740 17540 14250 17770 15040 12210 7 X3.4XK N • 21 00 17.00 13.00 74280 60560 46180 37140 30280 23090 24760 20180 15390 18570 15140 11540 14850 12120 9230 12380 10100 7690 10610 8650 6590 6 X4 X 5 S 20 00 16.20 12.30 56640 46240 35400 28320 23110 17700 18880 15410 11800 14160 11560 MO 11330 9250 7080 9440 7710 5900 8090 6600 506(1 G X3> jX s s 18 90 15 80 11.70 55340 45200 34600 27670 22600 17300 18450 15060 11.540 13840 11300 8650 11070 9040 6920 9220 7530 5770 7910 6460 4940 1 X4 XM ?8 14.50 11.00 32560 25000 16280 12500 10850 8330 8140 6250 6510 5000 5430 4170 4650 357H 1 X3HX34 A 13 60 8.70 31860 20640 15930 10320 10620 6880 7960 5160 6370 4130 5310 3440 4550 29.50 5 X3 XM A 12.80 8.20 31020 20120 15510 10160 10340 6710 7760 5030 6210 4020 5170 3350 4430 Ml 4HXt XH n 11 90 7.70 25320 16420 12660 8210 8440 5470 6330 4100 5060 3280 4220 2730 3620 2340 4 XSHXH A 11.90 7.70 20640 13480 10320 6740 6880 4490 5160 3370 4130 2690 3440 22.50 2950 1920 4 X3 XH A 11.10 7.20 20140 13160 10070 6580 6710 4390 5040 3290 4030 2630 3360 2190 2880 1880 1 XH M 10 20 5.40 15500 8420 7750 4210 5170 2800 3880 2100 3100 1680 2580 1400 2220 UN 3'iX2HXH '4 9.40 4.90 6 60 4.50 15060 8040 8640 5980 7530 4020 4320 2990 5020 2680 NN 2000 3760 2010 2160 1500 3010 1610 1730 1200 2510 1340 1440 1000 2150 1150 1 X2HXH '4 1230 3 X2 X 1 ,, 5.90 4.10 8340 57 Ml 4170 2890 2780 hn 2080 1440 W70 1160 1390 M INI For lengths to the right of heavy lines the deflection will he greater th:m ,\ inch. c M 1 . if n Ktiiioi I So M N I V York DATA— BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES 1125 STANDARD STEEL ANGLES SAFE LOADS IN POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR UNEQUAL LEG ANGLES Safe loads are figured for a fiber stress of 16,000 pounds per square inch, and include the weight of angle. L LONG LEG VERTICAL For safe loads and deflections under various systems of loading, see explanation. J Size of Distance BETWEEN Supports in Feet Angle, Inches 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 8 X6 XX H 15550 13150 10680 9280 7570 5770 7080 5780 4420 6920 5650 4330 4070 3120 3980 2580 3880 2520 3170 2050 13820 11690 9500 8250 6730 5130 6290 5140 3930 6150 5020 3850 12440 10520 8550 7430 6060 4010 11310 9570 7770 10370 8770 7120 6190 5050 3840 4720 3850 2950 4610 3770 2880 2710 2080 2650 1720 2590 1680 9570 8090 6570 5710 4660 3550 4360 3560 2720 4260 3480 2660 8880 7510 6100 5310 4330 3290 8290 7010 5700 7 XV/zXYs V2 Vs 6750 5510 4190 5150 4200 3220 5030 4110 3150 2960 2270 2900 1880 2820 1830 2300 1490 1880 1220 1830 1200 4950 4040 3070 6 X4 X 5 A Vi Vs 6 X&A Vs Vs 5660 4620 3540 5530 4520 3460 3260 2500 3190 2060 3100 2010 2530 1640 2060 1350 2010 1320 1550 840 1510 800 4050 3300 2530 3950 3230 2470 2330 1790 2280 1470 2220 1440 1810 1170 1470 960 1440 940 1110 600 1080 570 620 430 3780 3080 2360 3690 3010 2310 5 X4 XV2 v% 5 XVAXVi A 5 X3 XYi A 3620 2780 3540 2290 3450 2240 2810 1820 2290 1500 2240 1460 1720 930 1670 890 960 670 930 640 2500 1920 2450 1590 2390 1550 1950 1260 1590 1040 1550 1010 1190 640 1160 620 660 460 2170 1670 2120 1380 2070 1340 4^X3 XV 2 -5. 16 2110 1360 1720 1120 1680 1100 1290 700 1250 670 720 500 690 480 1690 1090 4 xmxH 4 x3 xy 2 A 2580 1680 2520 1640 1940 1050 1880 1010 1080 750 1040 720 1380 900 1340 880 33^X3 XH X VAx2y 2 xy2 X 1410 760 1370 730 790 540 760 530 1030 560 1000 540 3 x2y 2 xy s X 3 X2 XV% 860 600 830 580 X For lengths to the right of heavy lines the deflection will be greater than ^ inch. For lengths to the right of the dotted line the deflection will be greater than % inch. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York i 126 I) A T A B U ILD I N AND 1! K I I) G E S STANDARD STEEL ANGLES SAFE LOADS IN POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR UNEQUAL LEG ANGLES Safe loads are figured for a fiber stress of 16,000 pounds per square inch, and include the weight of angle. SHORT LEG VERTICAL For safe loads and deflections under various systems of loading, see explanation. Size of Angle, Inches Weight per Foot DlBTAM ■ BKTWKKN Si PPORT8 IN \'t M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 X6 X s 4 N H 33.80 28.50 23.00 73s 10 62680 55080 36920 31340 27540 24610 20890 1S360 18466 12770 14770 12530 10210 12310 10440 8510 10550 8950 7290 7 X3',.X'v 21.00 17.00 13.00 21040 17280 13970 10520 8640 6980 7010 5760 4650 5260 4320 3490 4210 3460 2790 3510 2880 3010 2470 1990 8 X4 XM 1 i 20.00 16.20 12.30 27040 22200 17100 13520 11100 8550 9020 74(Kl 5700 6760 5550 4280 5410 4440 3480 4510 3700 8880 3860 3170 2440 6 XtXXH 18.90 15 30 11.70 20680 17000 13140 10340 8500 6570 6686 5071) 4380 5170 4250 3880 4140 3400 2630 3450 2880 2180 2430 1880 5 X4 XH • 14.50 11.00 21720 16746 10860 8376 7240 5580 5430 4180 4340 3860 8796 3100 8886 S XH ft 13.60 8.70 16640 10900 8320 5450 5550 4160 2720 3330 2180 2770 1886 8886 151.0 5 xa A 12.80 8.20 12220 8040 6110 4036 4070 2680 3060 2010 2440 1616 2010 1840 1750 1150 A 11.90 7.70 12080 8106 6046 4050 4080 -'71 HI 3020 8080 2410 2010 1866 1720 1160 4 x: j - A 11 90 7.70 16180 10600 BOM 6300 3680 4046 8666 3210 2120 8760 1770 8810 1510 4 X3 XH A 11 10 : 28 lly<>0 7846 6060 3080 8866 8616 8870 I860 8886 1570 1880 1310 1700 1120 3KX8 10.20 5.40 9.40 4.90 11680 7706 8100 4400 5840 3850 4050 8800 2576 2700 1460 1810 2030 1100 1540 1620 880 1866 1350 180 1(170 1160 -"aXH 1166 886 3 X1J 6.60 4.50 5.90 4.10 6200 030 3960 3100 2160 1980 1861 8086 1440 1886 880 1550 1686 990 690 1240 860 1030 720 880 U ...... 460 400 I or lengths to the right of heavy lines th<- defleotaOO will be greater khan A inch. ( h i . \ .. • I 01 i i- ii T • R <> i k \" i w Y .. R K DATA-BUILDINGS AND B R I D G E S 112? STANDARD STEEL ANGLES SAFE LOADS IN POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR UNEQUAL LEG ANGLES Safe loads are figured for a fiber stress of 16,000 pounds per square inch, and include the weight of angle. SHORT LEG VERTICAL | For safe loads and deflections under various systems ■■■• of loading, see explanation. Size of Distance between Supports in Feet Angle, Inches 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 8 X6 XYi % Yi XVAXYs Yi Ys X4 XYs H Ys xmxY* Yl Ys X4 XM Ys xmxYz 9230 7830 6380 8200 6960 5670 7380 6260 5100 6710 5690 4640 1910 1570 1270 2460 2020 1550 1880 1550 1190 1970 1520 6150 5220 4250 5680 4820 3920 5270 4470 3640 4920 4170 3400 7 2630 2160 1740 2340 1920 1550 3010 2470 1900 2300 1890 1460 2410 1860 1850 1210 2100 1730 1390 2700 2220 1?10 2070 1700 1310 2170 1670 1660 1090 1750 1440 1160 2250 1850 1430 1720 1420 1090 1810 1390 1390 910 1620 1330 1070 2080 1710 1320 1590 1310 1010 1670 1290 1280 840 1500 1230 990 1930 1590 1220 1480 1210 940 1550 1200 1190 780 1400 1150 930 G 3380 2770 2140 1800 1480 1140 6 2580 2120 1640 1380 1130 870 5 2710 2090 1450 1120 5 2080 1360 1510 990 5 X3 XH 1530 1000 1360 890 1220 800 1110 730 1020 670 940 620 870 570 4^X3 XY2 16 1510 1010 1340 900 1210 810 1100 730 1010 670 930 620 860 570 4 XW2XY2 X6 2020 1320 1800 1180 1620 1060 1470 960 1350 880 1240 820 1160 760 4 X3 XYi ixz XYi Y± 1490 980 1460 960 1320 870 1300 860 1190 780 1080 710 1060 700 990 650 970 640 910 600 900 590 850 560 830 550 a* 1170 770 & iX2Y2XY2 X XIY2XYS Yi X2 XYs H 1010 550' 770 540 500 350 900 490 690 .„J80. 440 310 810 440 620 430 400 280 740 400 560 390 360 250 680 370 520 360 330 230 8 a For lengths to the right of heavy lines the deflection will be greater than 3^ inch. For lengths to the right of the dotted line the deflection will be greater than % inch. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 1128 D A T A — BUI L 1> I X G S A N D 15 K I D G E S STANDARD STEEL TEES SAFE LOADS IN POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED Safe loads are figured for a fiber stress of 16,000 pounds per square inch, and include the weight of tee. T NEUTRAL AXIS PARALLEL TO FLANGE For safe loads and deflections under various systems of loading, see explanation. T Size op Tee Flange bt Stem FXS 5 X3 5 X2.4 4HX3>i 4.4X3 4HX2U 4 Xo 4 X4U 4 X4 4 X3 4 XV i 4 X2 3HX4 3HX3 3 X4 3 X3H 3 X3 Wt. per Foot 13.4 10.9 15.; 9.2 7.8 15 3 11.9 14 4 11 2 16 9 13 5 12.4 10.5 9.2 7.8 8.5 7.8 12.6 8 5 7.5 11 7 9.2 10.8 9.9 6.7 5.7 Thickness at Edge Flange Stem Distance between Supports in Feet 12580 9160 22710 10020 8620 6930 4580 11350 5010 4310 3460 33060 16530 25910 12950 27190 10450 27720 21546 30680 17490 9380 7670 6610 5860 4260 MM 21110 16530 12050 8880 7680 20690 18740 15890 12900 11730 9170 7890 6610 13590 5220 10770 10290 8740 4690 3830 3300 2930 2130 ID 10 10550 4690 3840 10340 8370 7940 6450 5860 4580 3940 3300 4190 3140 3050 2290 7570 5670 3340 2500 2870 2150 2310|1730 1990 1490 883016470 90606790 3480 2610 9240 6930 7180 5380 6880 5140 5830 4370 3120 2340 25501910 220o!l650 1950 1480 142H 12Ui 1080 noo 7030 5270 5510 4130 4010 3120 2560 6890 1880 am 4300 1810 3050 3010 2340 1880 5170 4180 8970 2930 2290 1970 1650 2510 1830 4540 2000 1720 1520 3780 1 - 179O|1570 1390 1300'll40 1010 3240|2S30 MM 1380:1150 1190 1870 143o 1250 1110 1450 I23C 1070 950 6610 5180 5430 5540 4300 4110 3430 5510 4310 4530 1740 4620 3590 2910 1560 1270 1100 930 878 no 3490 1870 1530 1320 U7o 850 7M 4220 3510;3010 MltjMM 1870 1560 1530 1280 990 800 770 850 740 660 3670 4720 3700 3880 1490 3960 3070 2940 2490 1340 710 600 600 510 4130 3340 3170 3440 87M 2640 2150 4130 3231) 3390 1300 3480 2690 2570 2180 1170 K) 950 no 530 456 MM 2060 1720 1.500 1340 1170 1080 960 2090 K'io 1520 1570 1310 1820 1100 2950 MM 1840 1670 1310 1120 940 1980 1610 MM 114H 880 10 1250 910 2270 1000 860 690 590 3300 2590 2710 1040 2770 2150 2050 1740 930 760 660 580 420 3020 1160 3080 2390 2M0 1940 1040 850 730 650 470 400 2340 2110 1830 1650 1330 1200 1040 930 850 760 2290 1860 IVM 1430 1070 1580 . (MO 1300 1170 870 780 730 6<-o 1 <>r lengths to flu- right of heavy lines the ihtlection will be greater thun x \ inch. (.' n i » \ .: " Joseph T. k v i r I So N V I w Y . > R k DATA BUILDINGS AND li R I D G E S 1139 STANDARD STEEL TEES SAFE LOADS IN POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED Safe loads are figured for a fiber stress of 16,000 pounds per square inch, and include the weight of tee. T NEUTRAL AXIS PARALLEL TO FLANGE For safe loads and deflections under various systems of loading, see explanation. T Size op Tee Flange by Stem FXS Wt. per Foot Thickness at Edge Distance between Supports in Feet Flange Stem 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 X2V 2 7.1 6.1 5.0 A 6390 5540 4790 3190 2770 2390 2130 1840 1590 1590 1380 1190 1270 1100 950 1060 920 790 910 790 680 790 690 590 710 610 530 630 550 470 2^X3 7.1 6.1 % A 9270 8100 4630 4050 3090 2700 2310 2020 1850 1620 1540 1350 1320 1150 1150 1010 1030 900 920 810 2V 2 X2¥ 2 6.4 5.5 H A % 5 16 6500 5540 3250 2770 2160 1840 1620 1380 1300 1100 1080 920 920 790 810 690 720 610 650 550 2HX2 4.8 A A 3410 1750 1130 850 680 560 480 420 370 340 2MX1M 3.9 H K 2020 1010 670 500 400 330 280 250 220 200 2^X1H 2.8 A A 850 420 280 210 170 140 120 100 90 80 2XX2K 4.9 4.1 A A 4470 3410 2230 1700 1490 1130 1110 850 890 680 740 560 630 480 550 420 490 370 440 340 2 X2 4.3 3.5 A H 3510 2660 1750 1330 1170 880 870 660 700 530 580 440 500 380 430 330 390 290 350 260 2 Xl^ 3.09 A ^ 1590 790 530 390 310 260 220 190 170 150 1HX1H 3.09 2.33 H 16 » A 2020 1380 1010 690 670 460 500 340 400 270 330 230 280 190 250 170 220 150 200 130 VAX2 2.45 A A 2040 1020 680 510 400 340 290 250 220 200 mxv4 2.47 1.94 H A J4 A 1490 1170 740 580 490 390 370 290 290 230 240 190 210 160 180 140 160 130 140 110 IHX1H 1.25 H J^ 510 250 170 120 100 80 70 60 50 50 vaxva 2.02 1.59 1.09 1.37 0.97 1.53 1.25 0.89 0.73 0.61 0.50 0.34 I y% A X H A Vs H X X X A 16 X A A 3^ J^ Vs A 1060 740 420 620 390 630 500 360 280 200 120 40 530 370 210 310 190 310 250 180 140 100 60 20 350 240 140 200 130 210 160 120 90 60 40 260 180 100 150 90 150 120 90 70 50 30 210 140 80 120 70 120 100 70 50 40 170 120 70 100 60 100 80 60 40 150 100 60 80 50 90 70 50 130 90 50 70 110 80 100 70 IHXIH 1 XI J4X % HX % HX H HX V> For lengths to the right of heavy lines the deflection will be greater than yq inch. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 1130 DATA— BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR STEEL PLATE GIRDERS s a s 5 *1 r 8 | | £ fi | - 1 v r £ x x ^ ^ 11 IT s \ * : : * X ^ «* «=> 9 J iL So X X M C^ 1(5 JIL £ £ £ 5 S 8 $ .a V* v^ v^ W 1 IjiJ _ a i a 'Z iplj w a 1 i Increase in Safe Load for jV Increase in Thickness of Flange Plates Increase in Weight of Oirder for A* Increase in Thickness of Flange Plates 20 126.24 1.77 5.90 .05 187.74 2.72 8.25 .06 21 120.23 1.85 5.63 .05 178.80 2.84 7 85 .06 22 114.76 MIL' 5.37 .06 170.67 2.95 7.49 .07 23 109.77 2.04 5.14 .06 163.12 1.12 7.17 .07 24 105.20 2.17 4.93 .06 156.45 3.24 6.86 .07 IT, 100.99 2.19 4.73 .06 150.19 3.36 6 50 07 26 97.10 2.26 4.55 .07 144.41 \ is 6.34 IIS 27 93.51 2.34 1.37 .07 139.06 3.50 6 11 (is 28 90.17 2 41 4 21 07 134.10 3 71 5 88 lis 20 87.06 2.53 4 07 07 129 47 ; 38 5 60 00 30 si it; 2«0 3 '.il OS 125 16 4 (X) :» 5 1 00 u 81. h 2 68 3 81 OS 121 12 4.12 5 32 00 32 78.30 •_' 7fi :; 60 Os 117.33 4.23 5 16 10 :;:; 76 81 2 82 .; 58 OS 113.78 \ 35 5 (HI 10 34 74 26 2 80 :; 17 .09 110.43 l 47 1 85 .10 36 72 l:: 2 98 3.37 .09 107.28 1 50 4.71 10 36 70 13 3.09 3.27 09 104.30 L76 1 58 11 37 68 23 3.16 3.18 00 101 l^ t s: 1 16 .11 66 11 3 24 3.10 .10 98 81 1 -..!• 4 32 .11 30 64 7 1 3 31 3 03 .10 96 27 ') 11 4 21 .12 10 63.12 .; 30 2 96 .10 99 s: :» 23 4 12 12 Tin- above valnei en founded oa the nvuente of inertia of the ■ lining :i 111:1x111111111 tilxr .-train Oi 1 • *> . « H M I pound- | th Ba&gee dedueted. Weegati of tjfdan oorreepond t" lengths OBBtet tO c.-ntiT of l>< arings and ineludr rivet heodo, lliffOBfm ami tiller- ( 11 I I RYIIIOI I So N \ f u Y 1 • k k D A T A BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES 1131 SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR STEEL PLATE GIRDERS so 1 If TO w TO Ph a> < 1 : ^ 3 8 1 t 05 CQ f s x i 93 5 * 1 J L 2 J* >< c £J io J i x loo X w\ CO X x I o> O aT D a & .a Q Safe Load, Including Weight of Girder, Tons Increase in bate Load for it" Increase in Thickness of Flange Plates Increase in Weight of Girder for t"g" Increase in Thickness of Flange Plates Safe Load, Including Weight of Girder, Tons i .a Increase in bate Load for T V Increase in Thickness of Flange Plates Increase in Weight of Girder for -fa" Increase in Thickness of Flange Plates 20 99.91 1.62 4.92 .05 112.87 1.70 5.41 .05 21 95.15 1.69 4.67 .05 107.49 1.77 5.13 .05 22 90.82 1.76 4.46 .06 102.60 1.84 4.90 .06 23 86.87 1.86 4.26 .06 98.14 1.95 .4.68 .06 24 83.25 1.93 4.08 .06 94.05 2.02 4.48 .06 25 79.92 2.01 3.92 .06 90.29 2.09 4.31 .06 26 76.85 2.07 3.77 .07 86.82 2.17 4.14 .07 27 74.00 2.14 3.63 .07 83. W 2.24 3.99 .07 28 71.36 2.21 3.50 .07 80.63 2.31 3.85 .07 29 68.90 2.31 3.38 .07 77.84 2.42 3.71 .07 30 66.60 2.38 3.27 .08 75.24 2.49 3.59 .08 31 64.45 2.45 3.17 .08 72.82 2.56 3.48 .08 32 62.44 2.52 3.07 .08 70.55 2.64 3.37 .08 33 60.55 2.59 2.97 .08 68.41 2.71 3.26 .08 34 58.77 2.66 2.87 .09 66.40 2.78 3.16 .09 35 57.08 2.73 2.79 .09 64.49 2.85 3.07 .09 36 55.50 2.83 2.72 .09 62.70 2.96 2.99 .09 37 54.00 2.90 2.65 .09 61.01 3.03 2.91 .09 38 52.58 2.97 2.58 .10 59.40 3.11 2.84 .10 39 51.23 3.04 2.52 .10 57.88 3.18 2.77 .10 40 49.95 3.11 2.46 .10 56.43 3.25 2.70 .10 The above values are founded on the moments of inertia of the sections using a maximum fiber strain of 16,000 pounds per square inch for steel; H inch rivet holes in both flanges deducted. Weights of girders correspond to lengths center to center of bearings and include rivet heads, stiffeners and fillers. Chicago — Joseph T. Rverson & Son — New York 113» 1) A T A BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR STEEL BOX GIRDERS ^ r\ 1 11 f 8 3 8 "5! J5 "3 ,3 E a 11 > < t 8 j3 8 1 1 — * c^ ., •< E a 1 ; ■0 9 • i JD 1 ^ B CQ | <* 1 X V ^ - ** n a jl L ^ j: ^ . x x 5 8 a v i > < ) X '© •» CO ■ ■ u w V qT o c .9 Q i Hi sir i si '25 llJlJ illli . u 73*8 ■-' 5j5£ J o- b. c o o JS 9 '3 ■ If* a** " ^ ►S*^ c s= ""* — ° 20 227.5 2.92 12.02 .10 355.0 3.78 19.43 .13 21 216.7 3.06 12.30 .11 338.1 3.95 18.50 .13 22 206.9 3.19 11.74 .11 322. S 4.13 17.66 .14 23 197.9 3.36 11.23 .12 308.7 4.34 16.89 .15 24 180.6 3.49 10.76 .12 296.0 4.52 16.19 .15 25 182.0 3.63 10.33 .13 284.0 4.69 15.54 .16 26 175.0 3.76 9.94 .13 273.1 4.87 14.94 .17 27 168.5 3.89 9.57. .14 263.0 5.04 14.39 . 17 28 162.6 4.03 9.22 .11 253.6 5.21 13.88 IS 29 156.9 4.15 8.91 . 15 244.8 5.43 13 40 .19 30 151.7 4.33 8.61 .15 236.7 5.61 12.95 .19 31 146.8 4.45 8.33 .16 229.0 5.78 12.53 .20 32 142.2 4.60 8 07 .16 221.9 5.95 12.14 .20 33 137.9 4.74 7.83 . 17 215. 2 6.12 11.77 .21 34 133.8 4.87 7.60 .17 208.8 6.29 11 43 M 130.0 5 00 7.38 .IS 202.9 6.47 11.10 :■: 36 126.1 5.17 7.17 is 197.2 6.69 10 .79 . 23 37 123.0 5.31 6.98 .19 191.9 ii 86 10.50 24 38 110.7 5.44 6 so .19 186 8 6 94 10.22 .24 30 1K». 7 6 58 6.62 .20 182 1 7.20 9.96 H 113.8 5 71 6 46 JO 177.5 7.38 9 71 .26 The above vdn>- M* t ■ »»inilt-«l mi thfl moments of inertia of the mtfoM ttfing a maximum liber strain of 1C.,(MM> pound* p < i tn S rt J3 S Ph < •s a Sfe £ § X . X f> x 11 ■ 'If ! i X s s 3 i Ph << 1 & J X % 1 X x b ^ i > ( >: b X &, w &, 3: i-H CO Jl ' 1 CO CO o \s \j u v./ 0> o a ca tn a Safe Load, Including Weight of Girder, Tons •a •53 Increase in Safe Load for t$" Increase in Thickness of Flange Plates Increase in Weight of Girder for jfe" Increase in Thickness of Flange Plates Safe Load, Including Weight of Girder, Tons .a 2s 'v Increase in Safe Load for tj" Increase in Thickness of Flange Plates Increase in Weight of Girder for fg u Increase in in Thickness of Flange Plates 20 120.00 2.13 7.04 .07 160.2 ! 2.44 9.54 .09 21 114.28 2.23 6.70 .07 152.6 2.55 9.08 09 22 109.09 2.32 6.40 :o8 145.6 » 2.66 8.67 09 23 104.34 2.45 6.12 .08 139.5 2.80 8.29 10 24 100.00 2.54 5.86 .08 133. £ 2.91 7.95 10 25 96.00 2.64 5.63 .09 128.2 3.03 7.63 11 26 92.30 2.74 5.41 .09 123.2 3.14 7.34 11 27 88.88 2.83 5.21 .09 118.7 3.25 7.07 12 28 85.71 2.93 5.03 .10 114.4 t 3.36 6.82 12 29 82.76 3.06 4.85 .10 110. £ 3.50 6.58 12 30 80.00 3.16 4.69 .10 106.8 ! 3.61 6.36 13 31 77.42 3.25 4.54 .11 103. £ 3.72 6.15 13 32 75.00 3.35 4.40 .11 100.1 3.83 5.96 14 33 72.72 3.50 4.26 .11 97.1 3.95 5.78 14 34 70.59 3.54 4.14 .12 94.2 ! 4.06 5.60 14 35 68.57 3.64 4.02 .12 M.jE » 4.17 5.44 15 36 66.66 3.76 3.91 .12 89. C ► 4.31 5.29 15 37 64.86 3.86 3.80 .13 86.6 i 4.41 5.14 16 38 63.16 3.95 3.70 .13 84.5 ► 4.53 5.01 16 39 61.54 4.05 3.61 .13 82.1 4.65 4.88 17 40 60.00 4.15 3.52 .14 80.1 4.76 4.77 17 The above values are founded on the moments of inertia of the sections using a maximum fiber strain of 16,000 pounds per square inch for steel; H inch rivet holes in both flanges deducted. Weights of girders correspond to lengths center to center of bearings and include rivet heads, stiffeners and fillers. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 113-1 I' A I A BUILDINGS AND 15 K 1 I) G E S SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR BOX GIRDERS COMPOSED OF TWO STEEL BEAMS » AND TWO 1« r x ' i STEEL PLATES ■ % : H T ij - \ If IM 8" Mj a HS8 -- n * 8 4^ M ~g ^8 Q | Ml J i I eg u. a a a B g«o*S f it 5$ ° -- t : ;. ■a a a - svaK 3*.9 2 Ha a i *C 3 9 "I IS -" - 1 «< — IS 5 12 183.0 2563 4.36 8.00 256.6 21)23 5.23 9.58 82 13 168. 136 -1 104.5 I486 2 50 4.56 146.6 5116 2.99 5. 17 143 no 99.8 4699 3.38 4.36 139.9 5359 2.85 150 23 95. t 4913 2.28 4.17 133.9 5603 2.73 5.00 156 2 I 91.5 5126 2.18 4.00 128.3 5846 2.61 4.79 163 '-'"> 87.8 5340 2.08 3 B4 123.1 6090 2 51 4.60 170 26 84.4 5554 2.00 3.69 lis } 6334 2 41 1 12 177 81.3 5767 1 92 3.55 114 6577 2.32 1 25 184 28 78.4 5981 1 86 3. (3 109 9 6821 2 24 4 10 190 9 75 7 6194 1 80 3 31 106 1 7064 2.16 :; 96 197 30 7:; 2 (ill IS 1 71 :: 20 102 (i 7308 2 06 201 :;i 7() 8 6622 1 lis 3 09 99.3 7552 2 02 8 71 211 32 68 6 6835 1 62 3 oo 96 2 7795 1 96 3 69 218 38 66 5 7049 1 58 2 '.11 93.3 8039 1 90 8 is 221 34 t;i 6 7262 1 52 2 82 90.5 8282 l 86 231 36 62.7 7 176 1 Hi 2.74 88.0 8526 1 79 61.0 7690 1 10 2.66 s:> 6 8770 1 71 8.19 948 37 66 3 7903 i :;s 2 59 83.2 9013 1.70 3 10 282 38 57 7 8117 i 86 si o 9257 1 ftf 8 02 258 Above valUM an baaed OO maximum fiber strain of 10,000 pounds per eojuare inch, fj inch rival bolei deducted. Weights correspond to length. center to ee nt ef of bearings. Cmicai I K v 1 1 \ I M Y m R K DATA— BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES 1119 STANDARD STEEL CHANNELS SAFE LOADS IN POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED Safe loads are figured for a fiber stress of 16,000 pounds per square inch, and include the weight of channel. [ D=the deflection in inches under the safe load. For safe loads and deflections under various systems of loading, see explanation. ] Distance 12 c 10 ' I Supports in Feet 40 Pounds 30 Pounds 20^ Pounds D 35 Pounds 25 Pounds 15 Pounds D 10 35010 28740 22780 .14 24640 19410 14270 .17 11 12 31830 29180 26120 23950 20700 18980 .17 .20 22400 20530 17640 16170 12970 11890 .20 .24 13 14 26930 25010 22110 20530 17520 16270 .23 .27 18950 17600 14930 13860 10980 10190 .28 .32 15 16 23340 21880 19160 17960 15180 14230 .31 .35 16430 15400 12940 12130 9510 8920 .37 .42 17 18 20600 19450 16900 15970 13400 12650 .40 .45 14490 13690 11420 10780 8390 7930 .48 .54 19 20 18430 17510 16670 15910 15120 14370 13680 13060 11990 11390 10850 10350 .50 .55 .61 .67 12970 12320 10220 9700 7510 7130 .60 .66 21 22 11730 11200 9240 8820 6790 6490 .73 .80 23 24 15220 14590 12490 11970 9900 9490 .73 .79 .85 .93 10710 10270 9860 9480 8440 8090 7750 7460 6200 5940 5710 5490 .88 .95 25 26 14000 13470 11490 11050 9110 8760 1.03 1.12 27 28 12970 12500 10640 10260 8440 8130 1.01 1.09 9130 8800 7190 6930 5280 5100 1.21 1.30 29 30 12070 11670 9910 9580 7850 7590 1.16 1.24 8500 8210 6690 6470 4920 4760 1.39 1.49 For safe loads below heavy lines the deflection will be greater than the allowable limit for plaster ceiling. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 1120 Li A J A B U 1 L D I N G S AND BRIDGES STANDARD STEEL CHANNELS SAFE LOADS IN POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED Safe loads arc figured for a fiber stress of 16,000 pounds per square inch, and include the weight of channel. [ D=the deflection in inches under the safe load. For safe loads and deflections under various systems of loading, see explanation. ] Distance Between V i 8' [ 7' [ Supports in Feet 25 Pounds I8H Pounds D 21', Pounds UK Pounds D 19\, Pounds 9 3 „ Pounds D 3 4 83790 55860 41900 56080 37390 28040 .004 .01 .03 63680 42450 31840 43070 28710 21530 .005 .01 .03 50550 33700 252S0 32130 21420 16070 .01 .02 .04 5 6 33520 27930 22430 18690 .05 .07 25170 21230 17230 14360 .05 07 20220 16850 12850 10710 .06 .09 7 8 23940 20950 16020 14O20 .09 .12 18200 15920 12310 10770 .10 .13 14440 12640 9180 8030 .12 .15 1 10 18620 16760 12460 11220 .15 .18 14150 12740 9570 8610 .17 .21 11230 10110 7140 6430 .19 .24 11 12 15240 13970 10200 9350 .21 .26 11580 10610 7830 7180 .25 .30 9190 8430 5840 5360 .29 .34 13 11 12890 11970 11170 10470 9860 9310 8630 8010 7480 7010 6600 6230 .31 .36 .41 .47 53 .60 .66 .74 9800 9100 8490 7960 6630 6150 5740 5380 .35 .41 .47 .53 .60 .67 .75 .83 7780 7220 4940 4590 .40 .40 15 16 6740 6320 5950 5620 532H 5060 4280 4020 3780 3570 3380 3210 .53 .61 17 18 7490 7080 6700 6370 5070 4790 4530 4310 .68 77 1!) 20 8820 8380 5900 5610 .95 21 n 7980 7620 5340 5100 .81 BO MOT) 5790 4UH) 3920 91 1 01 4810 4600 3060 1 n 1 14 a .■I 7SM 6980 MM ftSTQ '.17 1.06 5540 .Villi 1750 KM 1 09 1 19 121(1 I7M MM i M if gfflO 8440 6200 MM 4310 4150 1 15 1 24 1 34 MM MM I 29 4040 1 17 n For safe loads below heavy lines the deflection will be greater thftfl the allowable limit for plaster ceiling. c ii i « \ .. i i i r ii I . Ryiiioi I Son N B * V K k DATA BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES 1131 STANDARD STEEL CHANNELS SAFE LOADS IN POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED Safe loads are figured for a fiber stress of 16,000 pounds per square inch, and include the weight of channel. [ D=the deflection in inches under the safe load. For safe loads and deflections under various systems of loading, see explanation. ] Distance Between 6' t 5'£ 4' I 3' t Supports in Feet 15^ Pounds 8 Pounds D ny 2 Pounds Pounds D 5M Pounds D 4 Pounds D 2 3 4 5 6 34720 23140 17360 13890 11570 9920 8680 7720 6940 6310 5790 23100 15400 11550 9240 7700 6600 5780 5130 4620 4200 3850 .01 .02 .04 .07 .10 .14 .18 .22 .28 .33 .40 .47 .54 .62 .71 .79 .89 1.00 1.10 1.22 1.34 1.45 22190 14790 11100 8880 7400 6340 5550 4930 4440 15820 10540 7910 6330 5270 4520 3960 3520 3160 .01 .03 .05 .08 .12 .16 .21 .27 .33 .40 .48 .56 .65 .74 .85 .96 1.C7 1.20 1.32 1.45 10110 6770 5060 4050 3370 2890 2530 .02 .04 .07 .10 .15 .20 .26 .34 .41 .50 .59 .70 .81 .93 1.06 1.20 1.34 1.49 5810 3870 2910 2330 1940 .02 .05 .09 .14 .20 7 8 1660 1450 1290 1160 1060 970 890 830 780 730 680 650 .27 .35 9 10 2250 2020 1840 1690 1560 1440 1350 1260 1190 1120 1060 .45 .55 11 12 4040 3700 3410 3170 2960 2770 2610 2470 2340 2220 2110 2880 2640 2430 2260 2110 1980 1860 1760 1670 1580 .67 .80 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 5340 4960 4630 4340 4080 3860 3650 3470 3310 3160 3020 3550 3300 3080 2890 2720 2570 2430 2310 2200 2100 .93 1.08 1.24 1.41 1.60 1.79 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 For safe loads below heavy lines the deflection will be greater than the allowable limit for plaster ceiling. Chicago — Joseph T . R y e r s o n & Son — New York 1122 D A T A — BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES STANDARD STEEL ANGLES SAFE LOADS IN POUNDS UNIFORML/ DISTRIBUTED FOR EQUAL LEG ANGLES Safe loads are figured for a fiber stress of 16,000 pounds per square inch, and include the weight of angle. L NEUTRAL AXIS PARALLEL TO EITHER LEG For safe loads and deflections under various systems of loading, see explanation. J Size of Weight Foot Distance between Stpports in Feet Angle, Inches 1 2 3 4 •-» 6 7 8 X8 XI H 51.00 45.00 38.90 32.70 26 40 89240 B6840 74740 649S0 54940 44620 86100 49840 43320 36620 29760 42120 37370 32490 27470 22310 33700 29900 25990 21980 17850 88080 24920 21660 18310 14.^0 24070 18570 15700 1876 1 6 X6 X li H 33.10 28.70 24 20 19.60 14 '.hi 81440 71180 60340 49220 37640 40720 35540 30170 24610 18820 27150 23690 •20120 16400 12550 2O360 17770 16090 12300 '.'110 16290 14220 12070 8840 7530 13570 11850 10060 11680 10150 5 X5 X M 20 00 16 M 12 30 48320 41140 83660 25830 24160 20570 16830 12910 16100 13710 11220 8610 12080 IQ280 B410 6460 9660 8830 6730 5170 6860 5610 4310 6900 8880 4810 3690 4 X4 X M 1 -• A 15.70 12.80, 9.80 8.20 25620 21060 16240 13740 12810 10530 8120 6870 8540 7020 5420 4580 6410 5270 4060 3430 5130 4210 3250 2750 4270 3510 2710 3660 30 10 1960 3HX3! 2 X ', 11.10 8.50 5.80 9.40 7.20 10 4.90 15880 12280 8640 11440 8830 7560 616C 7940 6140 4320 SIM 4440 8770 3080 5290 4100 2880 3810 2960 2510 2050 3970 2160 2860 2220 1890 1540 8180 24 CO 1720 22' -o 1780 1510 2850 1440 1910 1480 1030 2270 1700 1230 3 X3 X '.. h ' i 1080 127o 1080 - iX .'•_; A 8.50 5.60 3.39 9480 K2S0 3060 4740 3140 1970 3160 2090 1310 8370 1570 880 1800 1260 1680 1050 660 A I (17 5 30 6060 1810 2600 8080 1610 8410 1300 2010 1080 1610 870 1610 B10 1210 1210 960 680 1010 640 I0Q A us 880 2 X2 X \ A 4.70 2.44 3740 1870 L080 1250 680 860 510 610 880 340 860 880 For lengths to the right of heavy lines the deflection will he greater tli.'ui \ inch. CHlCAi I ' !• ii I • K \ i k N i w V D A T A - R U I L n I N G S AND BRIDGES 1 123 STANDARD STEEL ANGLES SAFE LOADS IN POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR EQUAL LEG ANGLES Safe loads are figured for a fiber stress of 16,000 pounds per square inch, and include the weight of angle. L NEUTRAL AXIS PARALLEL TO EITHER LEG For safe loads and deflections under various systems of loading, see explanation. J Size of Distance BETWEEN Supports in Feet Angle, Inches 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 8 X8 XI Vs Yk 21060 1S690 16250 13740 11160 10180 8890 7540 6150 4700 6040 5140 4210 3230 18720 16610 14440 12210 9920 9050 7900 6710 5470 4180 16850 14950 13000 10990 8930 15320 13590 11820 9990 8110 14040 12460 10830 9160 7440 6790 5920 5030 4100 3140 4020 3430 2800 2150 12960 11500 10000 8450 6870 6260- 5470 4640 3790 2900 12030 10680 9280 7850 6380 5820 5080 4310 3520 2690 11230 9970 8660 7330 5950 6 X 6X % Y % 8140 7110 6030 4920 3760 4830 4110 3370 2580 2560 2110 1620 1370 7400 6460 5490 4470 3420 4390 3740 3060 2350 2330 1910 1480 1250 5430 4740 4020 32S0 2510 5 X5 X % Vs y 2 Vs 5360 4570 3740 2870 2850 2340 1810 1530 1760 1370 960 1270 990 840 680 3710 3160 2590 1990 1970 1620 1250 1060 1220 950 660 3450 2940 2400 1850 1830 1500 1160 980 1130 880 610 3220 2740 2240 1720 4 X4 X % Yi I 3200 2630 2030 1720 1980 1540 1080 1430 1110 940 770 1190 790 490 760 400 2140 1760 1350 1140 1320 1020 720 950 740 630 510 790 520 330 500 270 400 220 1710 1400 1080 920 3MX3>2X Yi Vs Y 3 X3 X Yi 1590 1230 860 1140 890 750 620 950 630 390 600 320 480 260 370 200 1440 1120 780 1040 810 690 560 860 570 360 550 290 440 240 1060 820 570 % _«- H 2*iX2%X Yi 1050 700 440 670 360 540 290 420 230 Tg T6 2YX2YX Vs A 2YX2YX n 600 320 470 250 2 X2 X Vs _3_ For lengths to the right of heavy lines the deflection will be greater than y& inch. For lengths to the right of the dotted line the deflection will be greater than % inch. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 1124 1) A T A— BUILDINGS A N D B RIDGES STANDARD STEEL ANGLES SAFE LOADS IN POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR UNEQUAL LEG ANGLES Safe loads are figured for a fiber stress of 16,000 pounds per square inch, and include the weight of angle. L LONG LEG VERTICAL For safe loads and deflections under various systems of loading, see explanation. J Sue of Weight per Foot Distance between Supports in Feet Angle, Inches 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 xe XH W H 33.80 28.50 23.00 '" 85480' 62220 52620 42740 41480 35080 28490 31110 26310 21370 24890 21050 17090 20740 17540 14250 17770 15040 12210 7 XV'X** H H 21 00 17 00 13.00 74280 60560 46180 37140 30280 23090 24760 20180 15390 18570 15140 11540 14850 12120 9230 12380 10100 7690 10610 8650 6590 6 X4 X 5 » H 20.00 16 20 12 30 56640 46240 3.5400 28320 23120 17700 18880 15410 11800 14160 11560 8850 11330 9250 7080 9440 7710 5900 8090 6600 5060 6 XtHXH H 6 s 18.90 15 30 11.70 5.5340 45200 34600 27670 22600 17300 18450 15060 11540 13840 11300 8650 11070 9040 6920 9220 7530 5770 7910 6460 4940 5 X4 XH U 14.50 11.00 32.560 25000 16280 12500 10850 8330 8140 6250 6510 5000 5430 4170 4650 3570 5 X3'iX'j A 13 60 8.70 31860 20640 15930 10320 10620 6880 7960 5160 6370 4130 5310 3440 4550 2950 5 X3 XH A 12 80 8.20 31020 20120 15510 10160 10340 6710 7760 5030 6210 4020 5170 3350 4430 2870 4HX3 XH n 11 90 7.70 25320 16420 12660 8210 8440 5470 6330 4100 5060 3280 4220 2730 3620 2340 4 XSKXH A 11 90 7.70 20640 13480 10320 6740 6880 4490 5160 3370 4130 2690 3440 22.50 2950 MM 4 X3 XH A 11.10 7.20 20140 13160 10070 6580 6710 4390 5040 3290 4030 2630 3360 2190 1880 3',X3 XH H 10 20 5 40 15500 8420 7750 4210 5170 2800 3880 2100 3100 1680 MM 1400 MM 1MB tHXtj 9.40 4.90 6 60 4.50 15060 8040 8640 5980 7530 4020 4320 2990 5020 2680 2880 2000 3760 2010 2160 1500 3010 1610 1730 1200 2510 1340 1440 1000 21.50 1 MO 3 X2HXH H 1230 Ml 3 X2 XH '4 5 90 4 10 8340 :,7.mi 4170 MM 2780 1930 2080 1440 1670 IM im 964) IM For lengths to the right of heavy lines the deflection will he Kr«:ticr th:m t \ inch. t' RICA <: I R Y K R ^ ft S c v - N l« York DATA— BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES 1125 STANDARD STEEL ANGLES SAFE LOADS IN POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR UNEQUAL LEG ANGLES Safe loads are figured for a fiber stress of 16,000 pounds per square inch, and include the weight of angle. L LONG LEG VERTICAL For safe loads and deflections under various systems of loading, see explanation. J Sue of Distance BETWEEN Supports in Feet Angle, Inches 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 8 X6 XH H H 15550 13150 10680 9280 7570 5770 7080 5780 4420 13820 11690 9500 8250 6730 5130 6290 5140 3930 12440 10520 8550 7430 6060 4610 11310 9570 7770 1O370 8770 7120 6190 5050 3840 4720 3850 2950 9570 8090 6570 5710 4660 3550 4360 3560 2720 8880 7510 6100 5310 4330 3290 8290 7010 5700 7 XVAXH H 6750 5510 4190 5150 4200 3220 4950 4040 3070 6 X4 XH H 5660 4620 3540 4050 3300 2530 3780 3080 2360 e XW2 h 6920 5650 4330 4070 3120 6150 5020 3850 5530 4520 3460 3260 2500 5030 4110 3150 2960 2270 4610 3770 2880 2710 2080 4260 3480 2660 3950 3230 2470 2330 1790 3690 3010 2310 5 X4 XYi H 3620 2780 2500 1920 2170 1670 5 X&AXVi 16 3980 2580 3540 2290 3190 2060 2900 1880 2650 1720 2450 1590 2280 1470 2120 1380 5 X3 XVi ■h 3880 2520 3170 2050 3450 2240 2810 1820 2290 1500 3100 2010 2530 1640 2060 1350 2820 1830 2300 1490 1880 1220 2590 1680 2390 1550 1950 1260 1590 1040 2220 1440 1810 1170 1470 960 2070 1340 4MX3 XV2 2110 1360 1720 1120 1690 1090 4 X3HXH s 16 2580 1680 1380 900 4 X3 XVt 5 16 2520 1640 2240 1460 2010 1320 1830 1200 1680 1100 1550 1010 1440 940 1340 880 3^X3 xy 2 1940 1050 1720 930 1550 840 1410 760 1290 700 1190 640 1110 600 1030 560 1880 1010 1080 750 1670 890 960 670 1510 800 1370 730 790 540 1250 670 720 500 1160 620 660 460 1080 570 . 620 430 1000 540 3 X2AXH 860 600 3 X2 XH 1040 720 930 640 830 580 760 530 690 480 X For lengths to the right of heavy lines the deflection will be greater than ^ inch. For lengths to the right of the dotted line the deflection will be greater than Y% inch. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York ll«6 DA i A BUILDINGS A ND B R I D G K S STANDARD STEEL ANGLES SAFE LOADS IN POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR UNEQUAL LEG ANGLES Safe loads are figured for a fiber stress of 16,000 pounds per square inch, and include the weight of angle. SHORT LEG VERTICAL For safe loads and deflections under various systems of loading, see explanation. •Siie of Angle. Inches Weight l5>t DlBTANC ■ BKTWKKN Si PP0RT8 IN hat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 X6 X 3 4 N 33.80 28.50 23.00 73840 62680 55080 36920 31340 27540 24610 20890 18360 18460 16670 12770 14770 12530 10210 12310 10440 8510 10550 8950 7290 7 X3»-,X 5 x 21.00 17.00 13.00 21040 17280 13970 10520 8640 6980 7010 5760 4650 5260 4320 3490 4210 3460 2 7! id 3510 2S.MI 2320 3010 2470 1990 6 X4 X 5 h 20.00 16.20 12.30 27040 22200 17100 13520 11100 8550 9020 74(H) 5700 6760 5550 4280 5410 4440 3420 4510 3700 2850 3860 8170 2440 G XV-,X b H 18.90 16.30 11 70 20680 17000 13140 10340 8500 6670 6890 5670 1380 5170 4860 8880 4140 3400 2630 3450 2830 2190 2950 2430 1880 5 X4 XM 14.50 11.00 21720 16740 10860 8370 724D 6680 5430 4180 4340 3350 3620 2790 3100 8880 5 X3 13.60 8.70 16640 10900 8320 5451) 6660 3830 4160 2720 3330 2180 2770 1880 2380 1680 5 X3 A 12.80 8.20 12220 8040 6110 4020 4070 2680 3060 2010 2440 1610 2040 1840 1768 1160 A 11.90 7.70 12080 Sltk; 6040 4050 4020 271 hi 2020 2410 1680 2olo 1860 1720 1160 4 X3j 11 N 7.70 16180 10600 B060 6800 6880 4(M0 8880 8848 2120 8708 177o 2310 1610 4 X3 A 11 10 7 SO 11000 7840 6860 .{'.CD 3960 2', Id 8870 1960 8888 1670 1980 1810 17(H) 1120 V.,y:: 10.20 5.40 9.40 4.90 11680 7700 8100 4400 5840 8880 4060 8800 3900 2:. 7(i 27ih> 1460 2920 I860 8880 1100 2340 1540 1620 888 1950 1880 1350 780 1670 1100 H 1166 880 3 X-' 6 60 4.50 5.90 4 10 6200 4320 3960 6780 3100 2160 1980 1390 2060 1440 1888 920 1550 1080 990 690 1240 888 790 550 1030 720 SMI 680 1 X2 XH 880 460 170 680 I it lengths to the right of heavy lino the deflection will be greater than , ^ inch. ( H i . - . I 01 i f ii R y I k \ l \\ Y <> R K DATA — BUILD TNCrS AND B R I D C E S 1127 STANDARD STEEL ANGLES SAFE LOADS IN POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR UNEQUAL LEG ANGLES Safe loads are figured for a fiber stress of 16,000 pounds per square inch, and include the weight of angle. SHORT LEG VERTICAL For safe loads and deflections under various systems of loading, see explanation. Size of Distance between Supports in Feet Angle, Inches 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 8 X6 XU y* xvaxYs H % X4 X% H % XWiXYi X4 xy 2 XWzXK 9230 7830 6380 8200 6960 5670 7380 6260 5100 6710 5690 4640 1910 1570 1270 2460 2020 1550 1880 1550 1190 1970 1520 6150 5220 4250 5680 4820 3920 5270 4470 3640 4920 4170 3400 7 2630 2160 1740 2340 1920 1550 3010 2470 1900 2300 1890 1460 2410 1860 1850 1210 2100 1730 1390 2700 2220 1710 2070 1700 1310 2170 1670 1660 1090 1750 1440 1160 2250 1850 1430 1720 1420 1090 1810 1390 1390 910 1620 1330 1070 2080 1710 1320 1590 1310 1010 1670 1290 1280 840 1500 1230 990 1930 1590 1220 1480 1210 940 1550 1200 1190 780 1400 1150 930 6 3380 2770 2140 1800 1480 1140 6 2580 2120 1640 1380 1130 870 5 2710 2090 1450 1120 5 2080 1360 1510 990 r> x3 xy 2 1530 1000 1360 890 1220 800 1110 730 1020 670 940 620 870 570 4HX3 XVz 1510 1010 1340 900 1210 810 1100 730 1010 670 930 620 860 570 4 xvixy s 16 2020 1320 1800 1180 1620 1060 1470 960 1350 880 1240 820 1160 760 4 x3 xy 2 A 3X3 XH H 1490 980 1460 960 1320 870 1300 860 1190 780 1080 710 1060 700 990 650 970 640 910 600 900 590 850 560 830 550 SJ 1170 770 V ix2y 2 xyz X2y 2 xy 8 X2 XY% H 1010 550 770 540 500 350 900 490 690 : <480 440 310 810 440 620 430 400 280 740 400 560 390 360 250 680 370 520 360 330 230 3 3 For lengths to the right of heavy lines the deflection will be greater than t$ inch. For lengths to the right of the dotted line the deflection will be greater than Y% inch. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — Jew York 1128 O A T A B U I L D I N G S AND U R I D G E S STANDARD STEEL TEES SAFE LOADS IN POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED Safe loads are figured for a fiber stress of 16,000 pounds per square inch, and include the weight of tee. T NEUTRAL AXIS PARALLEL TO FLANGE For safe loads and deflections under various systems of loading, see explanation. T Sizk or Tee Flange bt Stem FXS Wt. per Foot Thickness at Edge Distance between Supports in Feet Flange Stem 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 j 8 9 10 5 X3 13 4 M H 12880 HM 4190 3140 2510 2090 1790 1570 1390 1250 5 X24 10.9 % A 9160 4580 3050 2290 1830 1520 1300 1140 1010 910 4HX3>$ 15.7 9.8 8.4 A H H A 22710 10020 8620 11350 5010 4310 7570 3340 2870 5670 2500 2150 4540 2000 1720 3780 3240|2830 2520 1110 M 2270 4HX3 1670 1450 1430 1250 LM 1070 1000 860 4HX2H 9.2 7.8 15.3 ii « S K 3 s A Vi H 6930 3460 5970 2980 33060 16530 2591012950 2310 1990 11020 8630 1730 1490 8260 6470 1380 1190 6610 5180 1150 M 5510 4310 990 S50 860 740 770 660 3070 2870 690 590 4 X5 4720 3700 4130 3230 3300 2590 4 X4H 14 4 11 2 6 » 27190 10450 13590 5220 9060 3480 6790 2610 5430 2090 4530 1740 3880 1490 3390 1300 3020 1160 2710 1040 4 X4 16.9 13 5 12.4 10.5 A H H H A H 27720 21546 20580 17490 13860 10770 10290 8740 9240 7180 6860 5830 6930 5380 5140 4370 5540 4300 4110 3490 4620 3590 3430 2910 3960 3070 2940 2490 3460 2090 2570 2180 3080 2390 22m > 1940 2770 2150 2ti50 1740 4 X3 9.2 7.8 H A H A 9380 7670 4690 3830 3120 2550 2340 1910 1870 1530 1560 1270 1340 1090 1170 950 1040 850 930 760 4 X2'-j 8.5 7.2 k H A 6610 5860 3300 2930 2200 1950 1650 1460 1320 1170 1100 070 930 830 820 730 730 650 660 5*0 4 X2 7.8 6.7 12.6 9.8 - A H H 8 8 4200 3620 21110 16530 2130 1810 10550 8260 1420 1200 7030 5510 1060 900 .5270 4130 850 72(1 4880 3300 710 600 600 510 530 450 2630 2060 470 400 2340 1830 420 360 3HX4 3510 2750 3010 2380 2110 1650 10.8 B S 7.5 A A 12050 9380 7680 6020 4090 MO 4010 8180 MO 3010 2840 1920 2410 1870 1530 2000 1500 IM 1720 1340 1090 1.500 1170 M 1330 1040 850 1200 930 M 3 X4 117 9 2 H ': 20690 1G740 10840 8870 6890 5580 5170 4180 4130 MO 3440 8790 MO MO MO MO 1860 2060 l»i7o 3 X3H in B 8.5 h 8 15890 12900 7940 MM MO MO 5870 M0 1170 MO 2150 2270 1840 19SO Kiln 1760 1430 IM 1290 3 X3 1 D 7.8 6.7 5.7 A H 11730 9170 7890 M10 MO 4680 M0 MO MO MO MO 2290 1970 '"■•" MO 1830 1570 IM 1520 1310 1100 1070 1310 1190 f 1 x X 5 H ^ i ■- r" x x - £ . x 5 si J i So X X « N 1) Jul 9 6 u a %^ v^ \s \* 1 i 1 -i ffe.*l 1 .a Jjil i ^'iPK'l!' 1-silJ IsJlJ w Si s 5-= tt i |-st^g - = « - '■£ 3 5 = 20 126 24 1.77 5.90 .05 ls7 7-1 2 72 .06 21 120.23 1.85 5.63 05 17s go 2 si 7 85 .06 22 114.76 1.92 5.37 06 170 67 i 95 7 49 07 23 109.77 2.04 5.14 :oe 163 12 1.12 7 17 07 24 105 20 2.17 4.93 06 i:,ii i:» 3.24 6 86 07 26 100.99 2.19 4.73 .06 150.19 {.36 6 50 07 26 97.10 2 26 1 56 07 144 41 J is 6 34 os -'7 93 51 2 34 4.37 1)7 139.06 6 11 OS 28 00 17 2 41 I 21 ()7 L34.10 : 71 5 ss OS 20 87 06 2.53 4 07 07 129 17 i ss 00 30 M 16 2 60 3 94 IIS 125 Hi 4 IK) 5 51 00 31 81 H 2 66 3 81 OS 121 12 1 12 5 32 00 32 7s .90 2.76 (IS 117 33 I 23 5 16 10 33 7f ln.tHxt poundi per -'l":^ r '• Inch for it e el ; \\ inch nv. t bolM in Ih.iIi iMfjM ded gbti of f if dC M OMfWUOBjd t>> length* . <-iit«-r to (•••nt a? ~ as IS ||J »5^ i 03.2O&H a I -ji kg ° -2 a si |s rili "° t-i a "S i-hPi |-8 fa 20 99.91 1.62 4.92 .05 112.87 : L.70 5.41 .05 21 95.15 1.69 4.67 .05 107.49 : 1.77 5.13 . .05 22 90.82 1.76 4.46 .06 102.60 L.84 4.90 .06 23 86.87 1.86 4.26 .06 98.14 ' 1.95 4.68 .06 24 83.25 1.93 4.08 .06 94.05 I 2.02 4.48 .06 25 79.92 2.01 3.92 .06 90.29 5 2.09 4.31 .06 26 76.85 2.07 3.77 .07 86.82 J 2.17 4.14 .07 27 74.00 2.14 3.63 .07 83.60 i 2.24 3.99 .07 28 71.36 2.21 3.50 .07 80.63 1 2.31 3.85 .07 29 68.90 2.31 3.38 .07 77.84 5 2.42 3.71 .07 30 66.60 2.38 3.27 .08 75.24 \ 2.49 3.59 .08 31 64.45 2.45 3.17 .08 72.82 5 2.56 3.48 .08 32 62.44 2.52 3.07 .08 70.55 5 2.64 3.37 .08 33 60.55 2.59 2.97 .08 68.41 : 2.71 3.26 .08 34 58.77 2.66 2.87 .09 66.40 5 2.78 3.16 .09 35 57.08 2.73 2.79 .09 64.49 5 2.85 3.07 .09 36 55.50 2.83 2.72 .09 62.70 5 2.96 2.99 .09 37 54.00 2.90 2.65 .09 61.01 : 5.03 2.91 .09 38 52.58 2.97 2.58 .10 59.40 J 5.11 2.84 .10 39 51.23 3.04 2.52 .10 57.88 : 5.18 2.77 .10 40 49.95 3.11 2.46 .10 56.43 J 5.25 2.70 .10 The above values are founded on the moments of inertia of the sections using a maximum fiber strain of 16,000 pounds per square inch for steel; H inch rivet holes in both flanges deducted. Weights of girders correspond to lengths center to center of bearings and include rivet heads, stiffeners and fillers. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson Son — New York 1132 I i A T A BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR STEEL BOX GIRDERS n n i a o3 o - "o £ a - -£ r L ■ I 1 1 »S 1 « a \p« f E X X L- Sg 2 * 5 CO <* trt. 1 ' 2 5 ft I a » == .s X --. r x -K V V . x x x 5? b * C5 ■- ■^ w oT 3 .a a o.SO SI'S 5 9 i 1 2s ^: "3 5= ■ c t. o Sir Niii • J.s ° - s-Hs-iS _.££ ■ 9bfr2 X_r 6 "3 c -a v— c ^= 9 '8 5£ fell lilj! 3 1 * e = 9 s - a = "7 c< 8 5 20 227 5 2.92 12.92 .10 355.0 3.78 19.43 .11 21 216 7 3 06 12.30 .11 338.1 3.95 18.50 .13 22 20ft 9 3.19 11.74 .11 322. 8 4.13 17.66 .14 23 197 9 3.36 11.23 12 308.7 4.34 16.89 .15 24 189 6 3.49 10.76 .12 296.0 4.52 16.19 .15 25 182 3.63 10.3:3 .13 284.0 4.69 15.54 .16 26 175 3.76 9.94 .13 273.1 4.87 14.94 .17 27 168 5 3.89 9.57 .14 263.0 5.04 14.39 .17 28 162 6 4.03 9.22 .14 253.6 5.21 13.88 18 29 156 9 4.15 8.91 .15 244.8 5.43 13.40 .19 30 151 7 1 33 8.61 .15 236.7 5.61 12.95 .19 31 146 S 4.45 8.33 .16 229.0 5.78 12.53 .20 32 142 2 4.60 8.07 .16 221.9 5.95 12.14 .20 33 137 9 4.74 7.83 .17 215.2 6.12 11.77 .21 34 133 s 1 s7 7.60 .17 208.8 6.29 11.43 .22 38 130 5.00 7.38 .18 202.9 6.47 11.10 3ft 126 4 5.17 7.17 1^ 197.2 6.69 10.79 .23 37 123 5.31 6.08 19 191.1 6 86 10.50 •J I 38 11!' 7 5 44 6.80 19 186 8 ft 94 10.22 .24 39 116 7 5.58 6.62 .20 182 1 7.20 9.96 . 25 10 113 8 5.71 6 W .20 177 E 7.3s 9 71 .26 The above vilm-* MB founded on tin- momenta <»!' iu«-r« ia <>f the u-iriK :i minimum fil> < * CO S S -2 To 1« c3 -S CM < ■s a k £ § X k ? ^ x $ X 11 > «ir Hi -8 | X ^ £ x X * x fe Is 1 «3 3fe i > < i b X ^ « &, X Jl > 1 G> v» u w u s o a? u B c3 DO 3 Safe Load, Including Weight of Girder, Tons "S o g -a Increase in Safe Load for fg" Increase in Thickness of Flange Plates Increase in Weight of Girder for -£§" Increase in Thickness of Flange Plates Safe Load, Including Weight of Girder, Tons 13 .S3 J3 5g '3 Increase in Safe Load for &" Increase in Thickness of Flange Plates Increase in Weight of Girder for -fa" Increase in in Thickness of Flange Plates 20 120.00 2.13 7.04 .07 160.2 2.44 9.54 .09 21 114. 2S 2.23 6.70 .07 152.6 ► 2.55 9.08 09 22 109.08 2.32 6.40 .08 145.6 ► 2.66 8.67 09 23 104.34 2.45 6.12 .08 139.2 2.80 8.29 10 24 100. OC 2.54 5.86 .08 133. £ 2.91 7.95 10 25 96. 0C 2.64 5.63 .09 128.2 ! 3.03 7.63 11 26 92. 3C 2.74 5.41 .09 123.2 ! 3.14 7.34 11 27 88.88 2.83 5.21 .09 118.7 3.25 7.07 12 28 85.71 2.93 5.03 .10 114.4 [ 3.36 6.82 12 29 82.76 3.06 4.85 .10 110. £ 3.50 6.58 12 30 80. 0C ► 3.16 4.69 .10 106. £ > 3.61 6.36 13 31 77.42 3.25 4.54 .11 103.2 3.72 6.15 13 32 75. 0C 3.35 4.40 .11 100.1 3.83 5.96 14 33 72.75 3.50 4.26 .11 97.1 3.95 5.78 14 34 70. 5S 3.54 4.14 .12 94.2 ! 4.06 5.60 14 35 68.57 3.64 4.02 .12 91. Z » 4.17 5.44 15 36 66.66 » 3.76 3.91 .12 89. C > 4.31 5.29 15 37 64.86 » 3.86 3.80 .13 86.6 > 4.41 5.14 16 38 63.16 > 3.95 3.70 .13 84.2 ► 4.53 5.01 16 39 61.54 [ 4.05 3.61 .13 82.1 4.65 4.88 17 40 60.06 > 4.15 3.52 .14 80.1 4.76 4.77 17 The above values are founded on the moments of inertia of the sections using a maximum fiber strain of 16,000 pounds per square inch for steel; y£ inch rivet holes in both flanges deducted. Weights of girders correspond to lengths center to center of bearings and include rivet heads, stiffeners and fillers. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 1134 DA I A BUILDINGS AND li K 1 1) G E S SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR BOX GIRDERS COMPOSED OF TWO STEEL BEAMS AND TWO 1«" X V STEEL PLATES — -7 PH *•% »MJ » I T f % ?1 M 1 u ; ^ J* ** *L -U. Ei - i a a Q 2 ~ '-' ti 2ie =^ - -J M.a § ■k.s'o o a ■ •a .a eg •_ a c a ~

146.4 3204 3.48 6.40 205.2 3654 4.18 7.66 102 1G 137.2 3418 3.26 6.00 192.4 3898 3 92 7.18 10*. 1 17 120.2 3631 3.02 5.64 181.1 4141 3.70 6.76 116 18 122.0 3845 2.90 5.33 171.0 43S5 3.49 6.39 122 19 115.5 4058 2.76 5.05 162.1 462S 3.30 6.05 129 20 100.8 4272 2.62 4.80 153.9 4872 3.14 5.75 136 21 104.5 4486 2.50 4.56 146.6 5116 2.99 5.47 143 22 99.8 4699 3.38 4.36 139.9 5359 2.85 5.22 150 23 95.4 4913 2.28 4 17 133.9 5603 2 7:; 5.00 156 21 91.5 5126 2.18 4.00 128.3 5846 2 61 1 7!> 163 25 87.8 5340 2 OS 3.84 1 23 1 6090 2.51 4 60 170 20 84. \ 555 1 2 00 :; 09 lis 1 6334 2 41 4.42 177 27 81.3 5767 1.92 3 55 1110 6577 2.32 l 25 184 28 78.4 5981 1 si; 3. 13 109 9 6821 2 24 4 io 190 29 75 7 6194 1 s<) 3.31 lor, i 7064 2.16 ;; 96 197 30 73.2 UK IX 1 74 3.20 102.6 7308 2 09 204 31 70 B Hi 122 1 lis 3 09 90.3 7552 2 02 3.71 211 32 c,s 6 5835 1.02 3 00 96.2 7795 1 96 3 59 21 s 83 66.5 7019 1 58 2 91 93.3 8039 l 90 3 48 22 1 34 .,1 7 _'<;_> 1 52 2 82 90.5 8282 1 86 3.88 2S1 7i7<; 1 w 2.74 88.0 1 79 2.28 288 61.0 7690 1 10 2.66 B6 5 8770 1 74 3 19 245 37 59 3 7903 1 :>s 2 69 9013 1.70 a io 38 57 7 8117 1 36 2 52 81 o 9257 1 65 :; 02 258 Above values arc based on maximum filter strain of 16,000 pounds pel square inch, |,1 inch rivet holes deducted. Weights correspond U) length, center to center of bearings. Chicago } in i . Ryi Y M K k D A T A BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES 1135 SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR BOX GIRDERS COMPOSED OF TWO 18' STEEL BEAMS AND TWO 6 X ^4' STEEL PLATES i~ 7" -J ►• W-A a> ,000 pounds per square inch, j$ inch rivet holes deducted. Weights correspond to length, center to center of bearings. < i : . x . rours T. Ryu Kit You DATA BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES 1137 SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR BOX GIRDERS COMPOSED OF TWO 12" STEEL BEAMS AND TWO 14"x^" STEEL PLATES ^ fc~ 6" H r-6"H ; unw in ■fibs 0Q O : i £, a 0> 'o J| n Si ■H r4\ „s 1 hss: 55 a 2 s> S g OlP-i □ cc a hi J N 02 9&, Is &> •si g.g " 4f ■BUS s$ «* ^ "3 I i *-3 § I 11 s o_2 _. C3 31 .2^ "3313 J .23 -d'S ,- — a II Jj a c a> m 1 c a 0.3 21 1 3~ * 8 H o.S il a 12 58.7 1351 1.82 65.2 1555 2.62 4.47 71 13 54.2 1464 1.68 60.2 1685 2.42 4.12 77 14 50.3 1576 1.57 55.9 1814 2.24 3.83 83 15 46.9 1689 1.46 52.1 1944 2.08 3.57 89 16 44.0 1802 1.38 48.9 2074 1.96 3.35 95 17 41.4 1914 1.30 46.0 2203 1.86 3.15 101 18 39.1 2027 1.22 43.5 2333 1.74 2.98 107 19 37.1 2139 1.14 41.2 2462 1.66 2.82 113 20 35.2 2252 1.10 39.1 2592 1.58 2.68 119 21 33.5 2365 1.04 37.2 2722 1.50 2.56 125 22 32.0 2477 1.00 35.5 2851 1.42 2.44 131 23 30.6 2590 0.96 34.0 2981 1.38 2.33 137 24 29.3 2702 0.92 32.6 3110 1.30 2.24 143 25 28.2 2815 0.87 31.3 3240 1.26 2.15 149 26 27.1 2928 0.82 30.1 3370 1.22 2.06 155 27 26.1 3040 0.78 29.0 3499 1.16 1.98 161 28 25.1 3153 0.76 27.9 3629 1.12 1.91 167 29 24.3 3265 0.74 27.0 3758 1.08 1.84 173 30 23.5 3378 0:72 26.1 3888 1.02 1.78 179 31 22.7 3491 0.70 25.2 4018 1.00 1.73 184 32 22.0 3603 0.68 24.4 4147 0.98 1.68 190 33 21.3 3716 0.66 23.7 4277 0.96 1.63 196 34 20.7 3828 0.64 23.0 4406 0.92 1.58 202 35 20.1 3941 0.62 22.3 4536 0.90 1.53 208 36 19.5 4054 0.60 21.7 4666 0.88 1.49 214 37 19.0 4166 0.58 21.1 4795 0.86 1.45 220 38 18.5 4279 0.57 20.6 4925 0.84 1.41 226 Above values are based on maximum fiber strain of 16,000 pounds per square inch, ff inch rivet holes deducted. Weights correspond to length, center to center of bearings. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson Son — New York 1138 D A T A BUlLUlMiS A N 1) 1) R ! 1) li E S SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 POUNDS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR BOX GIRDERS COMPOSED OF TWO to" STEEL BEAMS AND TWO 12"x \ •" STEEL PLATES *o 1 2-10* Steel Beams 1 2-12'X i ,- 25 Pounds per Foot i Steel Hates 3*** 5 J X ^2 B -3 | a J* •S^c — a -rt • S". .S. vS . £'o «£» e o M.O £ o .9. a a 5 5 Safe Loa< Including \V( of Girdei Tons as — a O 3 1 Add to Sa Load foi 5 Pounds Inc in Weight Beam Add to Sa Load for i l « Increase i Thickness Plate Add to Wei of Girder f 5 Pounds Inc in Weight Beam Add to We of Girder for Increase i Thickness Plata 12 40.0 1114 1.92 2.89 120 61 13 36.9 1206 1.77 2.67 130 66 14 34.3 1299 1.64 2.48 140 71 15 32.0 1392 1.54 1.31 150 77 16 30.0 1485 1.44 1.16 160 82 17 28.2 1578 1.35 1.04 170 87 18 26.7 1670 1.28 1.93 180 92 19 25.3 1763 1.20 1.82 190 97 20 24.0 1S56 1.14 1.73 200 102 21 22.8 1949 1.09 1.64 210 107 22 21.7 2042 1.04 1.57 220 112 23 20.9 2134 1.00 1.51 2:30 117 24 20.0 2227 0.96 1.44 ' 240 1 22 25 19.2 2320 0.92 1.39 250 128 26 18.5 2413 0.89 1.33 260 133 27 17.8 2506 0.84 1.28 270 138 28 17.1 2598 0.82 1 24 280 143 20 16.5 2601 0.79 1.19 200 148 30 16.0 2784 0.76 1.16 300 153 31 15.5 2877 0.74 1 12 310 158 32 15.0 2970 0.71 1 08 320 163 83 li :» 3062 70 1 04 330 168 34 14.1 3155 0.68 1 02 340 173 35 13.7 3248 ii:. 1 00 350 170 36 13 3 3341 0.64 96 360 184 87 13.0 3434 ii 62 ii 03 370 180 3* L2 6 3526 (Ml ii xr, 3x0 194 Above values are based on maximum fiber strain of 16,000 pounds per square inch, \$ inch rivet holes deducted. Weights correspond to length, center to center of bearings. i'hicaco — Joseph I . Kf IHOM & 5 I — New V ■ k k DATA — BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES 1139 EXPLANATION OF TABLE OF SAFE LOADS FOR COLUMNS The tables of safe loads for steel columns are based on the formula called for by the Building Ordinances of the City of Chicago and given in "General Specifications for Structural Work of Buildings" by C. C. Schneider, Member American Society Civil Engineers. This formula is also required by the American Railway and Main- tenance of Way Association specifications. It is assumed that columns are symmetrically loaded; where eccentrically loaded the values given will be considerably reduced and should be specially calculated. Plate and. angle columns are generally the most economical of all built-up columns on account of their requiring a comparatively small amount of fabrication and because of the great variety of sections from which they can be constructed. Tables of safe loads of other column sections in general use are given on the following pages which will be found adapted to partic- ular cases of construction. The tables of safe loads for single and double angles used as columns or struts will be found extremely useful in the designing of nearly all kinds of steel structures. The weights of columns given in the tables are per lineal foot of shaft and do not include any allowances for bases, brackets or other connections as these depend upon the particular details and require- ments cf each case. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 1140 n A i A BUILD] N G S A N B R I Oii E S X q. u < U) V o •« 2 fl SR §bC >> a be ■2 "S a o 2 "2 91 i ■ z a p o O h O E a g H ►J O ■ O & B QC z p ?. 30 OO i-~ OJ00 00-* t-OS e -H-«*CO 335 «n COO «OCO »0 CO 66.8 69.2 88.6 103.4 s 00 -H OSOJ 60.4 74.3 93.8 109.2 CO -h m o o ■>* t*» OC OS CO CO OiOOlON r*. 00 OS ^ t^. CO 00 00 O -»< O O "5 CO Cs O i£ OS Os «C CO 2 51.2 53.0 64.3 67.1 81.1 52.2 53.4 65 . 4 68.3 82.6 35.9 53.2 54.8 69.6 84.5 104.2 120 B 60.7 s CO COU3 COOJ OO ■*iOlOCCM» iCCOCSCOCO OJ 00 00 OJ Ol CO ■«»< CO OS cdodooj't-i ^r>iosoiTj-oo cocer»aot^.©so-« cs 8 1 < XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXX X OJ.OJ010101.CN OlOlOJOJOJOl OJOICMOIOJOICOCO Ol XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXX X OICOCOCOCOCO Ol CO CO CO CO CO Ol CO CO CO CO CO •*• •*• CO * P. ■J 1 - > - < > P > X 1 X 00 Cm iiAcn — Jo lir ■ T , R Tl I W V >> R k DATA B U I L 1) I N G S AND B R T D C E S 1141 Z D -1 O O Id -I o z < •l*-8' 0} w H u •s -I Is I 5 '- o w fl. u (0 * 3 9 5 5 a 9 I 11 ioo oicco •*'ooe*O(M0q»Cit^t0>0tO00 O»«i-t00 too to OOOOlOCq OiOO'* •«*< 1-1 OOOlNi* OOr-H OS da to' i-H-*->*-«H- im' to co ■■*< os od to *-i ~ '< CO CO T»H CO ■* tM CC C.t~ t~l tOOlOq NMH(OOtON«(NNH i-l. tOC5rt<0 »iOO COOi Hi £~ O "* to (M OJ ■>* cq to H oio'iM'*' eq'-*t© ir^odci J> od oo' cs o cd oi i-J ■* o si XXXX XXX XXX xxxxxxxxxxx (MC0COCO COCOCO C0C0C0 r ■ — • CM i • O CI -.O re to -.o — i- e I x -— i.o »C ■ ; >r: oj to cs cc •»• — < i^- to ;o »o co cm ^ ■*»< oo to «Oi flO«0«M CO 00 -« SO CO 00 NaeteicS eoooc - T~ — I - — - Ot CM »»« CO I- c 1 1 - x X '^CMOXMN fflf-oeTffxocNac: ■ CM — CM CM CM CO "3 CO 00 Tf U5 t>- 00 CO «rtO*CS.— ac cm -»■ i.o — t^ >0 CO >C w — w ~ -r O — CC. 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Ryerson & Son — New York 1150 I) A T A B UILDINGS A N 1) B K 1 1) G E S I ■ a l 2 eT JO 1 - O x r I « z 2 1 J - z — /• — /" o «o 00 00 3< — -_2 £ -_2 = ■£ M B M — ■ n -^ -.c — t^ — — — — M — c-j S?£ 7*£ r -t - — ~ i - - 1 — i - ~ -.r — ■- ^r /- ^ - re •- • - — re r- .- 5 — r — — Ti ri — :i ?j ri 'i*ce--rx;» o * — ■» y ssnc Tl fl ; N N - M J<5 00 N z§ 111 < I r f £ ~ *■ C * £ Q, 3 s H Z 2 ,j: ** u) 3 | g U Q § I a < -I =7 tt-K IJ o o rs o e o a ( BSH4 >♦ t~ r- »i y. re rm — — ~j — cm : -r x rj ?i c ^ r: 5 I- r. o g a — CM CM CM CJ NO»CO» nnaoooo i~ — s: •« X « >ee r -.-. — - — : A = — '.T £ u- ~ ie ~ !e — -^ — i~ — ~i cm — cm cm cm cm re re cm cm re re wxox» CM CM CM CM 71 — CM CM CM CI CI Mr^OaiSMSl^NNei ~ — r r - on-c*N h.nnw*Mf--eo»Oj8 eaew — . »e y-. r ~ A r- ri — -- cm r- -NMN?IM — CM CM — CM CM I i n k m « n ^ 3832 cm cm cm re re OCONONffl -I — -r cm re re r: t n ■/ r: a risONriNsxcu::!::. ifia-c-TC^-m-t-M rinri-iMr:rir:r:tM?5M* « r ■ cm re< 'CM 00 C5 otsNoxtsoeoooci«>} cr. — re cm -r i - i- — vr lasiflC* i-i-r ; i - r -.r /: cr. — -r s. r3 — — - ~ — «5 C9 eg »* e rr. — CM — t~ * i~. s t -•-.:: — r;CN B«Ofl cm cm cm c-) cm ri rinrt- cm cm cm M n cm cm cm cm cm cj rinn M X ?i 5 -i 5 f o ♦Oi'SoSeJMMf 5*n 5 «8Se xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx •i m n •< -i -. -. -i -i -i ?:?:?:■-:■*•■«• re rereoererererVce «♦■*"•■•*■ re- xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx .- i- ete- o«o0 »-( i*i CO © o | rt CM i-l CN i-H CM CM*CO i-l CM CM CO CM CM CO CM COCO THrt<00©eM COCO-*CN <*rtOflO CO 00 tO 00 CO ■>* z i-H©t^-l>. © 00 CO CO ■* CO lC ■<* ^ © uo co -* co co coco co 05Tl<03i#OiOO"0 CO-ICONINN 1 CO CO CM CO CO i-HCMCMCOCMCMCOCO * l£> ©^H CM N-CO -HNIMM ■* © U> ©-* OtO CN CM t>- CO CO OO •* CO -^ CO CO ^ eMCMCO-^CMCOCOTt CO CO ^ CO CO -*l ooooo © © © 00 MNOOO^MO OOfflOON O ®mOO00 O t— O0 OO (OMO«3-*lO-*Cl CO -^ CO ^ "^ CM CM CM CM CMCOCO-^CMCOCOTt co co -* co ■* •<* S%1 S 00 00OCM CO iHlOtfJi- 00 CM CO CO CM 00 O Tt< 00 CM CM ■<* CO O NCONNrt cmco->*o .CO-*»OCC ^.t^ CO CO CM© ■*iOCO-*iO» t* CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CMCMCMCMC-5CMCMCN CM CM CM CM CM CM OOOtXC i-i U0 ©ifi couo»o©©io©i— ©©•*©■*© ©CM CM ©i*t^ IMINOMIN ^INOiaHNwiC < CO CO CM COCO i-l CM »H CM CMCMCMCOCMCMCOCC CM CO CO CM CO CO «:s« \M\N\0O\« \«>SC<»\»\*l\00\C-)\»\rfl \0)\CO\rfl\N\00\^< xxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxx SJ a a> \fl ^ £ £ "§"§ X X X X 5 a CO O0 Chicago — Joseph T. 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Iv \ i k - H I SOU- \ i u \T O B I DATA BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES 1153 w 55 s p o o b o H fcH o 55 1-1 a I 2 0. 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Ryerson & Son — New York 1156 1) A T A — BUILDINGS A N D BRIDG E S o o g B 5 c o" § £ ° o ■j _ 5 .o a 5 1 s i H M H it X H O 2 M 00 CI N t» OC ft C - - 30 CO •«■ — r~ao ft © co aOMOjo-ft r- soft © — ci ci aoft O — 0< X ft O - CI rt ^ CO CO CO esi ft © — CJ S ft o — ci co -»■ «o © — CI CO o ex ft © — co 3 «.- -,= - — CI CI © CI CO T 00 ~r *r. <~ s r. — ci © — C< CO "«• CO t>- r~© — esi — CO ■*■ <5 co O M iC t^ ft - M — cj co *r »o r^ oo -*oo — m r u: ^ x « esi r^o co CO T CC J- CI — r - — -r r. — u- neoiecsate ©COOCO ^f ITS t- JC o C •*• ft CO t— — CO — — — — — NN ■x. i-o ft co ■•f CC t- ft 00 r- c* r- ci r>- c< r- co «5 cc ooft — c* — — — •-• — M o cc -o-ft 3; icnxo CO 142 168 174 190 808 221 237 CO ft *5 — • iCNftM CI ■>»• MXf C ..- — l , ■*> «fl t~ 3 . 3 "I X — — — — CI CI CI ccr-ft — *2J jji s S a ro co CI ci ci ci ci ci ci esi cm ei est esi 2 55 2.56 2 56 a £ a « 3 5 £8 s-s Cci*/ r MM .a"c3 I 5 * 1- ■S C>» Chicago — JotBri T. 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Ryerson & Son — New York 1160 I) A T A BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES a § d "3 § 2 a >> c * M c 3 PE) Z s ■ Z H -: Q CS O — CM re CO CO S = M CO H 1 r.-:i-i- C — cm ec -r 133 §£?j co 1 1 CO 1 §£?.23 3S LO .- t- l~- — CM CO ■v 1 ----- CO 1 T^l'r.- CM -w r- oo ! ™ cm CO ri — -r ir; r^ CM Ifl x o son « cm -r ^ « o CO ~i S S •§ r^ §8 ro -r c= r- 8 1 KCCVZ cm -^ c: — cm «-e s co »mt-. x s cm r- r: /. :i r- n >c - / cr. cm ;£ — -i cm cm CS CO X CM cm IQ — iT — -^ -r -r r~ — 3 — i~ cm co CM CM vfi w «D — CM cm — r~ re =-. ic ~S £ — ~ M -r CM CM CM X T C w t>- e» ~ ««« CM o cm — X cm cm §53 2 — — CM CM X « x ~. — H -" »- — CM CM — x CM CM ■*£ CO — X r~ si — cm " -" CM CM e = JC C - M r- X — N -r cm cm assfc — CM cm cm s '^ is -r M — r— ~ — go • - CM CM X — cm -r — CM CM CM cm "1 N N - e s. : n -r ; »■« cm cm cm cm 7 8 CM N tC Ifl c~ uo c-- — T^ Z — CM CM CM o e: - c: H = ~ — cm DC MU4 ■*■ on* e CM CM CM CM oo — . — r-: »-~ r~ r^x es — CM CO f-X es c CM CM CM CM o a 111 — = R s s sssss ss 5i^ 2 DC M re r^ re re a m B 9 ^ 5 R S CMCMCM CM - •- |C X » — ". 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Ryerson & Son — Jew York 1162 DATA— BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES Z - ■ Q < O V) - CD O 8*1 C o c c - 3 >> O «* <~ o O 0} A | |"S S u — to ■o i 2 -a £ S S B o i E b i S O CA OS 0C O0 f— CO © © — CM CO •»»■ «fl ■»•* CO CO — CI CO T CO CO O-NK'-lOO CI CO CM CO CM CO f »C CO co -r i- -c i - s s — CM CO "J" ».o H t~ © ci ci »r co -r «o to CO cm co »r «o co r~ oc a. — CI ■>* co irt co r- CM CO l-3-.rif l- = - c-i^u:ct.xo t- © CI >o -f -c 1 - 10 o CO ~r l~ C CO t- a 1 CI m i- e t» x e; « CC © CI cp >.- i - x. -. 00 CM — T X CM CC O CO t lO to CO C! - N — P* — ' m — CM CM — — — CI s 30 CM 1- — CC = lO 1" « N ff. O f 1 ?5 _ „ _ _ -, -, ~, co x ci r- f^ — CI CM <• U5 t^. 00 O •-< CO "# „ „ ^-, CM CM CM CM — t^ CM 1^ X — — CI -h ^- CM CM CI INNMOC-N cc t^ us © CC CM X © O ci co — CM CM CM © CM — . «Q ci a. 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Ryerson & Son — New York 1172 DATA BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES SINGLE ANGLE COLUMNS OR STRUTS SAFE LOADS IN THOUSANDS OF POUNDS y\ EQUAL LEG ANGLES Allowable unit stress = 16000— 70 -— • / = effective length of member in""" inches r = corresponding radius of gyration in inches •V To left of heavv line— < 12o To right of heavy line- < 150 Size of Angle, Inches Length in Fkkt 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 I'aXi'SXA IKX1XXA » 4 4 5 7 7 9 11 10 13 16 17 21 25 IS 26 31 35 31 37 42 4s 49 56 i.4 71 60 70 HO M •is 4 5 5 7 8 8 11 13 15 18 22 25 23 28 32 28 34 39 44 46 N 60 67 57 67 76 H 93 2 X2 XA A 2HX2HXA '4 A 3 X3 X>4 A 4 7 9 11 13 16 18 21 21 25 28 26 31 35 40 42 49 M 62 54 63 72 Hit 8:» 5 7 8 11 13 15 18 18 22 25 23 27 32 36 39 45 52 58 51 59 67 75 n 9 11 12 14 II 19 21 21 24 28 32 36 42 47 53 48 56 63 71 78 7 n »HX«! 13 16 18 18 21 24 28 33 38 43 48 45 H w 66 73 4 X4 XA A 1 _• 15 18 21 24 24 27 31 18 21 24 27 30 I X5 XH h '-• A 30 35 M 44 42 49 5. r > 62 27 31 35 39 39 45 51 57 (13 30 34 39 43 48 6 X6 X s * ft 36 42 47 N H 33 M 43 18 53 27 31 18 18 43 Chicago — J <> s e p h I . Rtiiioi *v Sou N i w y -» r k DATA BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES 1173 SINGLE ANGLE COLUMNS OR STRUTS SAFE LOADS IN THOUSANDS OF POUNDS UNEQUAL LEG ANGLES Allowable unit stre3s= 16000—70— r 1= effective length of member in inches r corresponding radius of gyration in inches To left of heavy line— < 125 To right of heavy line— < 150 Size of Angle, Inches Length in Feet 3 4 5 6 • 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2 Xl%Xrl= effective length of member in j^. ' inches r = corresponding radius of gyration in inches TP To left of heavy line- 1 - < 125 To right of heavy line— < 1 50 Size of Angle in Inches Length in Feet 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 IXX1HXA 11 14 14 19 14 18 17 22 21 27 33 30 37 44 31 39 46 35 43 51 39 47 56 M 73 39 67 82 9 19 13 17 12 16 15 20 19 25 31 28 34 40 29 36 43 33 40 48 36 44 62 60 67 37 46 16 71 50 69 68 77 7 9 8 10 2 Xl?gXA 11 15 10 13 13 17 17 23 28 25 31 36 27 33 39 30 37 44 33 41 48 55 62 35 43 51 59 67 47 66 64 n 10 12 8 11 11 15 16 20 25 22 28 32 25 81 88 88 34 41 30 37 44 81 .17 88 41 4s 55 88 44 88 60 68 M i 3 4 xi 3 4XA- % 2 X2 XA 9 12 12 10 13 17 15 18 21 2HX2 XA 14 18 22 20 24 28 22 S3 26 M 4li ftfl 81 88 4:> 88 41 49 66 63 12 16 19 17 21 24 A 8HX8KXK A S 8 16 20 88 18 27 20 24 29 33 :;: 13 17 20 16 80 88 17 23 25 2 s 88 3 X2 XU 80 86 80 23 ■>A 25 81 18 17 41' u 54 4. r , 62 68 18 22 27 21 88 30 23 88 88 37 42 88 88 88 44 50 35 42 4s 54 A 3 X2*AX i A 3 X3 X'< 6 18 24 88 33 81 35 39 17 88 81 35 8 XA I 84 M 46 44 M 22 27 37 41 29 35 88 44 till. \ .... I I . K V 1 K \ I U Y «> K K DATA— BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES 1175 DOUBLE ANGLE COLUMNS OR STRUTS SAFE LOADS IN THOUSANDS OF POUNDS X— ir Allowable unit stress =16000— 70— r ^/= effective length of member in v » ••*■* inches *f' r= corresponding radius of gyration in inches -w — --ac To left of heavy line— < 125 To right of heavy line— < 150 Size of Angle, Inches Length in Feet 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 4X3 XA I N 5X3 XA V 59 56 66 76 S7 96 106 64 76 92 105100 5X3HXA i H 11.7 129 73 87 101 114 12S 141 i*154 167 GXVAXVs tV 1 97 113 128 143 158 MU73 187 6X4 X^Il04 121 £138 154 170 186 U202 6X6 XVs tV 8 ^208 202 247 230 125119 136130 148 140 53 60 67 73 44 52 61 70 7S S7 52 62 73 83 93 108103 124118113 135128 104 118 132 146 160 174 112 130 148 165 jg2 206199 224216208 62 57T52 62 57 28 36133 42 47143 47 54] 49 56 691 63 51 122116 68 79 90 102 112 124 135 78 91 104 116 129 141 153 101 117 132 14 163 178 200193 37 34 45 41 53 48 60 56 68 63 75 70 83 77 90 84 43 51 5S 66 __ 73 891 82 97 89 100 95 56 65 75 84 99 93 79 1561150 170163 185 177 89 85 103 98 117111 130 124 143137 156149 77 73 85 106101 118112106 13012411 142135128 162154146138 58 Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 117B DAT \ BUILDINGS AND BRIDC E S DOUBLE ANGLE COLUMNS OR STRUTS SAFE LOADS IN THOUSANDS OF POUNDS Allowable unit stress = 10000— 70— v *^"^^ ^■■^" . / effective length (if mcrnlxr in v.^^^^^ W^^^. v — IT — x ■*■ LI ■-* r = corre8|H>n . To right of heavy line- < 150 S ; ze of Angle, Length in Fret 3 1 .-. 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2 X2 XA H 2':>X2 XA 17 22 19 25 31 30 37 28 34 40 33 41 48 38 47 50 M 73 30 r> SI Oh 51 ill 7n 7'.i 17 68 7s S'l 15 20 17 22 27 28 34 24 30 35 30 37 44 36 44 52 .ii) 67 33 41 48 55 n 47 56 66 73 :.4 04 74 n 13 17 15 18 23 25 31 21 25 29 27 33 40 33 41 48 55 a 30 30 43 18 66 44 61 GO 67 51 60 78 11 15 12 16 19 22 28 9 12 10 13 15 A 15 18 2HXtHXH A 20 24 17 21 3 X2 X ! 4 17 21 24 14 17 19 A is 22 17 16 18 3 X- 24 30 35 30 37 44 60 .*)7 26 81 38 43 4s 40 68 66 n 47 68 66 73 21 20 31 28 34 40 46 23 18 81 Ms 42 37 44 60 44 60 68 * s 22 20 24 18 81 37 17 21 88 32 3 X3 X'-i 18 31 36 42 47 22 2 s n 37 42 £ WiXH 20 24 28 32 35 17 80 88 M 11 86 88 22 20 80 33 1 XA 33 39 45 50 41 4s 50 03 88 r> 60 44 :ts 44 61 68 I 88 33 88 42 29 33 37 35 40 47 53 11 37 68 47 Chicago Joiipr i . R •* i Son K i w y DATA BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES 1177 DOUBLE ANGLE COLUMNS OR STRUTS SAFE LOADS IN THOUSANDS OF POUNDS Allowable unit stress = 16000— 70— %«■■■ mammm / = effective length of member in ««B>B«| wm^mm X—--^|T — »-x inches X IT X *-* r= corresponding radius of gyration ■-■- in inches To left of heavy liney < 125 To right or heavy line— < 150 Size of Angles, Inches Length in Feet 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 4X3 Xts 55 65 75 85 95 104 67 80 92 105 63 74 86 97 69 83 95 108 121 132 144 156 104 120 136 92 107 121 148 100 116 131 147 161 51 60 70 79 88 96 64 76 88 99 58 69 79 90 65 78 89 101 113 124 136 146 100 116 131 86 100 113 139 95 110 124 139 153 47 56 64 72 81 88 61 72 83 94 53 63 73 82 61 73 84 95 105 116 126 136 96 111 126 80 93 105 129 90 104 117 131 144 43 51 59 66 73 80 57 68 79 89 48 57 66 74 57 68 78 88 98 107 117 126 92 107 121 75 86 97 119 84 97 110 123 135 39 46 53 60 66 72 54 64 74 84 44 51 60 67 53 62 72 81 90 99 107 116 88 102 116 69 79 89 110 79 91 103 115 127 35 41 48 53 59 64 51 60 70 79 39 46 53 59 48 57 66 75 83 91 98 103 84 98 111 63 73 82 100 74 85 96 107 118 31 37 42 47 52 57 27 22 36 40 45 49 23 27 Vs TS Vi TTf v% 35 41 47 53 31 37 43 48 28 33 38 43 4X4 Xxs 48 56 65 74 44 53 61 68 41 49 56 63 38 45 52 58 H tV Vt 5X3 Xrs 34 40 46 52 29 34 40 44 Vs H 1 36 42 48 55 60 66 71 76 32 37 43 48 53 57 61 66 SX&AXrs 44 52 60 68 75 82 89 96 81 93 105 57 66 74 90 69 79 90 100 109 40 47 54 61 68 74 80 86 77 88 100 51 59 66 80 64 73 83 92 100 Vs TS I Vs - IX % 49 57 64 46 52 59 5X5 XVs is H 73 84 95 69 79 90 65 75 85 61 70 79 57 66 74 53 61 69 42 48 54 6X3HX^ 46 52 58 71 40 45 51 61 is H 16 48 55 62 68 74 43 6X4 xv% 59 67 76 84 92 53 61 69 76 83 is 49 55 60 66 Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York urs l» A I A BUILDINGS AND BRIDGI S DOUBLE ANGLE COLUMNS OR STRUTS SAFE LOADS IN THOUSANDS OF POUNDS y-A Allowable uuit 8treae= 16000— 70— r yf = effective length of member in -w inches • r = corresponding radius of gyration in inches To left of heavy liney < 125 6 To right of heavy line— < l.">0 — \ as ■ — ro : : : . ro a : : co : : 9 01 : : ". ! ! ro 1 : ! BC BC — ■" 3 PC — ci:i:i^ . -ca^i .... • ■ CI CO ■•• ■ a PH *+ co .- — i - — -in ti -i 01 ro -r —. ■■£ oi 93 -.0 oi o »- «Q cj CI CO ^" ■«■ "0 CO -r -r • ". -T. c-i c jc «c anpiM ■ -i -r — -■ ' ■ IOCS r CO l~ i- ~» x no ~ i — r C r i- — -izi-'- r i •- re — ~. ( - c .0 -r m - .-- 1 1- • - "!•» *ioer- «o«er~-oo ■ - — — "I -.--i c «q : i - — - c i « n « * SSS ninoeo co ■*• uo ao CD io ea 10O50N00OO *l OOOINO Oi O t)( (N O ID ■* N I OXffl CO CO CO CO lOlOCtONtON (ONOOO (ONOOOO'HIM lOCM HO)N-t(NOOOU5 CO 1-1 O lOUJlOtD NWWCiOO'H !>Q(0 ■* ■<*< m CO £— 00 00 OS WfflN (ONOOO CO t- 00 OS •-< CM CO oo coosm N MM'* rtONW (M^ONlOMrHO lO ■"# •* t^ 00 00 OS ■**-*i»CieO -* lO i« CO t- O0 OS OS U5®N fflNOOO IOOONU5M 00 C CO Tt< lO l>- 00 OS ■>* UO CO t- t- 00 OS O WtON COOOOSi-H t- OO OS O — < CM CO CM 00»OCM CO CO ■* U5 IO COm^MrHOOiN 1-H i-l i-H > *>- itiiOfflNoooao cot^oo I *P ioo»o co to tj* cq S£3 CM •** CO OS lONOSINMlflN t-OOOSrt r~00O> " CM CO lOI «-HcMeO' CO ■>*»-( oo It— CO lO CO! ®N 00 t~ C ■O0CM XONlONCSrt lOSCM t~ OS © i-H CM CO lO CO ^tOCO iiQOO «3ffl[»( !822 CSOh fflOSrHifl CO00OS t^OOOCM ^H OSt^lO ^H -H ^4 O CO •"*■*!■*'* ' ^< -^lOCO 1OCON00 lOCOt~00OS< l-*CO (MCOlO OO^COOO ^H CM t^OOOS NOON > CM «5 cet~ ■*Tt co i^ O ■>*< r- lOcO t-00 OOWCOtXOO-h OOO-HM^lON )OSO 00OH* n.<5»MN-<10 iOhMt(H!ON = 1 CM CM CM CM CM •* CO 00 OS O CM CO CO OS CM O0 CM CO CO cOt^oOOSOCMCOTj* O0OS*H 00O»h't(i •* IQIOCP r* CM Tt< to -^COCSOCM- lO COt^OO COt^OOOS »N00OtH( *# OS ** OS ^1 OS CO OS O CM CO lO CO 00 (OCSrHMWNOS'H iHlOO NNHI CONCSO-HNMIO OSOCM OS O CM I CONOSO CO CD 00 OS CO t- 00 OS LO X N LO S O M CSiO-H 00 •<* OS OS CO OS CO CM l>. ! . 00 OS i— I CM CO to CO OS -H CO OS i-l CO "5 CO ( X X X x X X Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 1180 1) A T A - 11 U 1 L 1) I N G S A N 13 BRIDGES I z >- - V — :. 3 ' d d 2 a CO o z § - - o D - *j (/) O i A z Q. ~|& 5 O 1 o _l Q z s x - o Z ■c II < D " •» X 0) O I ■f ■i o ■- - 5 T ~. CJ u H o a "" I u Z z B — -1 (D 00 ~ c I n aS — 1- < S -i LJ C~ — CD -i < V u — u. < I o 0) — - i- i a i 9 N g -- 7 z I Z a ■a o O fc. o X O Z ■ -J a E o c E - to P ci 9 — ■ CO — •a© ON — d — CM 129.3 138.0 148.6 168.8 :i OO^O'VIO CMr~ © OC3> «f~OCM | -! — O 00 t^. «5 CO t~ l~ X t~CCO c. o — COO CM CC) SB B ■ a oomx- /rl- CO CO CO — CO X e££38 see C?4K CI CO -r m flOS OS ci-cr 5 ci IO t- -r t~ -r — — CO CO o — ci»r a g s a • = -i — i- X o U5N M-l- S s - - ~1 — — CI CI X «ONOn OX — co t^XX O ■o ^ r r - 1 »>■ X C — CI ir; r^ Q r^x a ci -o — Ci — CM ■* — .GO 200.0 212.8 225.0 237.5 00 CO Oeot-O* >n oo co oo co 00 CO 00 ■* OS©-* CO-* IOCO00 OS o 1-1 T-ir1r-< CO OS CO COO -h CO •* CO CO CO CO CO CD CO t~©-*t--* COt---* CO -H co-* coco CO CO OS CO CO O^ CO ■* lO OS CO t^-« * CO 00 OS — < CO l-IHHCqN OS'* coco co to coco CO CO CO CO ■* CO T)(No CO 00 OSlOONN 00 .*" -h" t-i ,-i OS -H CO"* CO ~H CO CO CO CO 279.2 296.0 312.2 329.1 o CO ^lO 00 CO CO ■* CO 00 OS 213.7 230.4 247.8 265.0 280.5 299.0 316.8 334.0 352.0 00 142.5 158.8 176.2 193.5 210.9 lO CO CO 00 CO oo' CO ■*' co" OS- CO * CO 00 OS CO CO CO CO CO 318.8 337.6 355.8 374.9 CO CO «C OS CO CO COCO ^®H CO-* CD 00 CO OSt- COM* IflCDOOON rt ^H»-HC0 CO COKrtOOO ■*»OOOH CO CO CO CO CO COCOt-t- CO »0 t^ OS CO CO CO CO «5 157.1 174.9 193.7 212.5 231.5 t-CO OOlO »0 ddoicsN WNQOON CO coco coco IO 00 lO CO ooooooos *COGCO co co co ■* "* ** os co iooo-* HiHN^OS •* CO •* CD i-i ©OSOOOO CDO0 OSrt CO rtr-lT^COCO COOOOOOOCO ■Oh. OS-* CO CO CO CO CO CO 00 OS OS o CO CO CO ^ CO 00 CD CO ~* CO »0 © CO CO CO CO CO coo CO COO CO ■* i-I^H CO CO CO lOCOOt^CO COOOON-* CO CO COCO CO OOOSOCO COO0 — h CO co co ■* •* CO 171.6 190.9 211.1 231.4 252.2 272.9 293.9 315.0 336.2 355.7 378.2 400.0 421.2 443.4 - 176.5 196.3 216.9 237.7 259.1 280.3 301.8 323.4 345.1 365.1 388.1 410.4 432.1 454.8 © MCONOO r-i — ! CO" •*' CO* oo©co*c© i-l CO COCO CO 287.7 309.7 331.8 354.0 374.5 ooooco 00 OCOCD OS CO* CD CO ■* * ^ 1 ^2 so OS ~H CO-* CO •* »OU3iO "5 CO CO CO CO GO Nooowcq to to CO CD CO CO CO CO CO co' ■*«ocot^ CO CD CD CD co co co co" c3 as <3 NHNMrt CO OS lO CO OS SS§1£co co©«oco OOOIOCO *ONCSO CO ■* IflNOS CO CO CO CO CO i-l CO ■* CO CO CO CO CO I. So as s, 0018180 OiDiOOiS IOUSUSU5 3SSS;: t~ CO 00-* OS t^ 00 00 OS OS lO^Ht^CO O-HiHcq Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 1182 J) A T A i: UILD1 N G S A N D B K I 1) G E S I o Hi. 3 I ■ i 55 a D i3 O O b. o E a z 1 o ■ 2 E u ■ 00 CO . . . -O N CO Ol O CM 00 «5 O CO CM ... .00 . . . . -r sg 06 e» — — — CM ui eft'* co cm ci co >« .- t - ~. — co co co co t> ■*< CM Kffcr- ON NCNO NNWWX »« "*" CO CM — N e» — co 10 — — CM CM CM CM -h N Cft CM CM o — — — CO lO CM CM ■*•■*»• CO N Cft— CO iT> CM CI 0«f)N!D OS CO 1 — ~ CO CO CO us 00 CO CO CO CO CO CCCci-r -_- — CM CM CM CM N 00 t - Ol CO 00OO CI ■.- 1 - co K co cr. — co *n oo - : _ „ _ _ o CI NO0C1CU5 oc in ac ~ ~- IOU5CNK5N Cft — CO CO x. — CM CM CM CM co «o c oi coco CM CM CM CO CO (O 5 CO CO oo -*o sis K — ci oo co " N Q ft-ifliO* o CM CO C lO O CO o "»« U5 CO ooo«o«c COMOCO CM CM CO CO CO 15 CO CO — -r -f ■» Cft CO iC CM — u; iS U5 <5 S I- 1 oioocc ss ££ = co »r ic co oo CM CO CO CO CO COCO t CO CO 1 < Q CO f CM CM C 9 ~ m m CM ■*> CO N — ~- 9 01 K c SS22S o c m — c — i CM Ci -1 -1 Sc? coSS c553^^ 1 ^ 1 - r i«>«0>Ci« doer «0»OWS«00 3 NN 00 OS *a Z^O S|5SS (' ii i i a (I ii — J I i. | ii I . B Y I tlO M I S 01 N I M If Oil DATA BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES 1183 o v In- to Q Z D (no 3°» -Jwz 2° Si CQ -J o © O-^-^oooO tONOO OOOON CM W i-l ■* © ewo* OS00NO1 O — < CO ■<*< CO NOOIN COWt-OO CMCMCMCMCM (NNMM CO CO CO CO ©oo© oo •* ci oi oooo ©©■»*' CM ICMWOO OCCOOS OlOOOO OOOXSN M ©Of-'-* rHMOlN KlintoOOO (NMWN © r-H CM ^ MNCSNM COCOCOCO CO -<*l •**< -^ 100 10O00O TfOONOO CO < -*l CO CO CD TfcOQOO ujiOujco W -h CM W < COCONINO t- © fH CO W ^HtH CM CM cm ©i-<00^hCO © 00 t— W -*< i-l © CO -* WW UO'cfi CO 00 ©CM WWW CO cocoo'cm cm •>* t- © CN1 OOt-IIO o 53 ~H CM CM CO O CM ■* CO GO CM *< t*- © CO CM 00 CO H^fflCD t-t- t- t- OOWOliOO OCOOCOt-4 iOt-HOCM ©cmi—cm W t- ©CM W CM CM CM CM CO 00Orj(lO« COO0CMW COCOOOOCM IONOIM CO CO CO Tfrl ** "* ->ch w w © lO 00 CM ■*N OS CM wwwco H CM CM CM © CO© W COtHCMt* © -*f © "* ©-*frl©WO ©t-©T*CM NOWNrt W00COW© WHtOO WNCOW OS ■ CO CO 00 O CO WNONlO NOCsliQ NONW t— < CMCMCMCOCO CO CO ■<*< t*i ■* ■* W W W lO CD CO CO CO I ■*MON t- oooo TPCMOOW© OOOO^CO © CO t— CM t— CM CD CM W »-t "* t- OS CM ■<*< t- OS CM -<*< t- CMCMCMCOCO COCO^tl-*Ttl CM OS W © OINiOQO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CD CO*-! ONWOO O CO t oot-co^j T-i^t-O 00 00 00© igow© oaouj'* OS-rt< r* WCM OOih tH too 00 CM t as t^ •* o CM W O0 O Tin CO O0 0O CO CO OS CM t-t-t-oo CO CM CM CM WOO T-H Tj< O0 00 c o or- too CO 00 SO CM © t- ct>cm w t- CM CM CO COCO oo ototo COCO O lO CO o co oo o '©"ad"' . t- as i. . to to tO CO -tfi t- as cm to oo OOOtOO to©©© to © © to lOOOrt CO ©©t-t- ©OOOO oo © © CM lO t- t-oo oo 00 00 I— W © t*i ^h ast- to go *-h co © as CM CO CO CO CO l O© © ©CO ©CM •* COCOr-H ~* CD as CM tO CO tOtO©© ©t-t-t- t-000000 © © CM CM CM ©© ©i-H as cm -H CO lO © — IOOOt-H © © © as cm to ooi-n ©©©to© ©CM©©I I ■"*! CM ■<*< ■^TjfOTtl t- ■ CO ■>* CO CM i-l ©cm woo —i NMMCOrtl ©©OOtOlO CD©t-© t-00t-l ■" wco CM-*'* CO coast-*—* ©cot-© co©©t- t-COi-<© CO to ©© CO © © CM t-t-t- GO 00©©© Tf< © © -# CSH Tt©00© ■* .©COt- © COlO©CO t— ^H to © ICM tOOOt-CM OOlO-^CO CO "* 181 i 8' 0" Span 40 44 47 (il 79 95 127 168 _ 9' 0' Span 35 39 42 56 70 85 113 141 J2 10' 0" Span 32 34 38 51 64 76 101 127 ■"• s inch is t;tkon as depth of 2 1 > inch corrugations, 3 s inch as depth of 1 I ; inch corrugations. The following formula has been used: W = «.»<»<>m t b <1 L>> Supported lenpth of sheet in inches. t = Thickness of sheet in inches. \> \\ idth nf sheet in inches. d I >epth of corrugations in inches \\ Breaking weight distributed in pounds. \v . Safe loads per sheet between supports. t it i < \ >. :■ n T K ^ B \ l . \\ Y <> K K DATA BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES 1185 STANDARD CONNECTIONS FOR STANDARD BEAMS AND CHANNELS Double Angle Conn, for 15* Beams, 15" and 13" Channels Double Angle Conn. for 12" Beams and 12" Channels Single Angle Conn. for 12" Beams and 12" Channels Single Angle Conn, for 15" Beams, 15" and 13" Channels Double Angle Conn. Double Angle Conn. Single Angle Conn. Single Angle Conn. for 7, 8, 9 and 10" for 3, 4, 5 and 10" for 3, 4, 5 and 6" for 7, 8, 9 and 10" Beams and Channels Beams and Channels Beams and Channels Beams and Channels Ends of beams having Standard Connections should be cut at least */£ inch short of distance to face of each connection and preferably % inch short, to allow for over-run in cutting. For dimensions not given see tables of Weights and Dimensions of Standard Beams and Channels. as Size Two 4X4XA Angles 1' 6" long. . . Two 4X4X& Angles 1' 3" long. . . Two 6X4X& Angles 0' 10' long. . Two 6X4X^ Angles 0' 7J4" long. Two 6X4X A Angles 0' 5* long . . Two 6X4X& Angles 0' 3* long . . (0' 2H" long for 5" Is, 0' 2" long for 3' and 4'.) One 6X6Xik Angle 1' 6* long. . One 6X6XA Angle 1' 3" long. . One 6X6X& Angle 0' 10" long. One 6X6XtV Angle 0' 7Y 2 " long One 6X6X& Angle 0' 5" long . . One 6X6X & Angle 0' 3" long . . (0'2 y 2 ° long for 5 Is, 0' 2" long for 3' and 4".) S Minimum o3 Strength of -w*^-. one Con- m m nection in ££ Pounds IJ 54000 45000 40500 33750 18000 6750 53040 44200 35360 26520 15000 5625 Wght. Angles only 34.0 28.2 23.8 17.9 11.9 7.1 25.8 21.5 14.3 10.7 7.1 4.3 Wght Angles includ- and Shop Rivets 37.0 30.7 26.9 20.3 13.8 8.0 31.1 25.9 18.0 12.8 8.7 5.1 Wght ing Field Rivets 43.0 36.0 31.0 23.0 16.0 9.0 36.0 30.0 22.0 15.0 10.0 6.0 Diam of Rivets Diam. of Holes Beams or Channels should not be loaded with a greater uniformly dis- tributed load (including the weight of the beam) than twice the " mini- mum strength of one connection," when Standard Connections are used, except as shown by the tables of Safe Loads of Beams and Channels. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson Son — N York 1186 1) A T A BUILD! X G S A N 1) i: RIDGES MINIM STANDARD STEEL SEPARATORS UM WIDTH AND DIMENSIONS FOR STANDARD BEAMS These separators, stronger and more durable than cast iron, are made from steel plate with riveted steel loops for bolts. They are cut accurately and ground to fit the profile of the beams. They can be furnished in any width gp .it. -r than that given in the tables and to suit all requirements. TWO BOLT SEPARATORS Bi :ams Connected >KPARATOR Bolts 1 - o .a /. ill 6^ 3.? '- iJ S 30) "7^ U °S = 22', 1 c IS H 23 s 4 j= - ,= .3 3.15 4; = Q "3 -=2=: — ■ — n u 115. lf.i , 8H H 101 4 12 3 37 .2=1 24" 110. V* 7»^ 22', H 3.15 H 10* 12 3 37 .25 105. 8£ 7 3 4 H 23 3 4 3.15 3 4 10 12 3.31 - 100. 1P 4 7^ 6*4 Hj 22> 2 3.22 3 4 BH 12 :•: is 95. 14H 7rV 22 3 4 '_< 3.22 3 4 '."4 12 3 12 . 2*1 24" 90. 14" > 22^ >■" ., 3.22 3 4 12 3.12 .2.1 85. 11 . 7rV 22 3 4 X 3 4 9 12 3 (i« 80. H', :>4 22 3 4 H 3 4 9 12 3.06 100. Hit 1H 18H \L 2.65 3 4 12 3 18 '..:. 14» 4 7rV 1H 3 4 1 2 2 65 H |J , 12 3.18 20" 90. It . 7M 18* '.. 18^ H 12 3 18 85. 14', 7A 18*4 1 .• l- 1 , 2.65 3 4 !l 12 3.06 80. u . 1S» 4 ,' 1 I- 1 -, 2.65 3 4 9 12 3.06 75. 13A 6H ls\ 1 2 16* 2 65 * 12 2.95 20" 70. 13 6ft 18* '. 16* 2.65 12 2.89 65. Wi 6H 18* H IB* 2.65 H 12 2.89 90. 14H 7H r,". ML, K 15H 2.33 3 4 9^ 9 3.18 18" 85. I4M 16H '.> l.V, 2 33 3 4 9 3.12 .2.'. 80. is'. 7H I6H '2 15 M 2 33 3 . 9 9 3.06 75. 14A 7A 1,;.- H 15] . 2.33 \ '.' 3.06 .2.i 70. 12\ 17 tt 14', 2 40 8^ 1 2.89 . 2.". 18" 65. 12H r,'. 17 2 4" 3 4 '.' 60. 6A 17 >! 14' 4 2 1" 3 4 8 '.' 55. 12, s » 5A 17 1 2 14 J 4 2 1" 8 9 100. 134 13« 7A 6 1 2 12 1 n H 9H 7'; 95. 7A <'. >2 12 1 88 3 4 7' 2 :< 12 15" I3A 13', 7 6 '2 12 1 v 1 ' 3 4 9 3.06 85. 6 ■2 12 1 39 3 00 r> '2 12 1 - 3.00 75. 12|I VA 6k 13* 8 1.46 *4 15" 70. M 13* 1 M 2 N ISA '-,'« 5»4 HP4 8 1 4», 8 60. 12A '•-A 5 3 4 13 J 4 B 55 H .16 15" 50. 6A 1.50 .25 45 5H H 1.50 »4 .25 42. 11 J, 5H H 1.50 3 4 .25 55. nil 6 ft 5>4 11 «* 1 17 H .25 1ST 50. ii f '« • r '!i 5', 11 H 6* 1 i; U 5 ftfl 11 A to}] •Ml 5' 4 11 H 1.17 3 4 40. 5U 5>4 11 H 6*4 1 17 3 4 : 12" 35. 5,'. 5^ 5 1P4 BU »4 5 7 25 11 5 lo»* 5 11 '4 1 2ii * 5 2 52 .M (' 11 1 ( a 1. . 1 i 1 11 T . Kiii.-. I S DATA BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES 1187 STANDARD STEEL SEPARATORS MINIMUM WIDTH AND DIMENSIONS FOR STANDARD BEAMS Minimum 8 r distance These separators, stronger and more dur- able than cast iron, are made from steel plate with riveted steel loops for bolts. They are cut accurately and ground to fit the profile of the beams. They can be furnished in any width greater than that given in the tables and to suit all requirements. ONE BOLT SEPARATORS Beams Connected Separator Bolt a a a> pq *o a o o il ^02 1 I s 8"3 11 75. 12|| 6^ 5% 13M Vs 8M 1.46 K sy 2 1.47 .12 15" 70. 123* 6* 5M 13M Vs SK 1.46 H sy 2 1.47 .12 65. 12* 6* 5M 135* % m 1.46 % 8 1.41 .12 60. 12* 6* 5% 13M % m 1.46 K 8 1.41 .12 55. n% 6H PA 14^ Vs w 2 1.50 % 7U 1.38 .12 15" 50. n» 6* 5A 14H v% Wt. 1.50 % ■ 7y 2 1.35 .12 45. HH 5M VA 14^g % sy 2 1.50 H 7y 2 1.35 12 42. ii* 5H 5V 2 143^ % sy 2 1.50 H 7y 2 1.35 .*12 55. utt 6* 5H 11 Vs m 1.17 H m 1.47 .12 12" 50. n* 5H 5M 11 % m 1.17 H 7M 1.38 .12 45. ii* 5M VA 11 Vs w 2 1.17 % 7y 2 1.35 .12 40. 10H 5H VA 11 Vs m 1.17 H 7 1.29 .12 12" 35. 10H 5* 5 UK Vs m 1.20 % 7 1.29 .12 31.5 mi &A 5 HJ4 % VA 1.20 V* m 1.26 .12 40. 10 5 A 5^ m QVs Vs 5 .99 % 7K 1.32 .12 10" 35. 10* 5H m 9H H 5 .99 M 7 1.29 .12 30. 10 5* m m Vs 5 .99 % G% 1.25 .12 25. 9M 5* m m 5 .99 % VA 1.23 .12 35. m 5H w% 8Vs % VA .89 % 6M 1.25 .12 9" 30. 9* m m m u *y s .89 % m 1.23 .12 25. 9M m m m Vs m .89 % VA 1.20 .12 21. 9 4H m &A Vs m .89 u 6 1.17 .12 25.5 8M 4* 4 7H H 2y 2 .52 S A 6 1.17 .12 8" 23. 8^ 4* 4 7% H 2y 2 .52 % 6 1.17 .12 20.5 8* m 4 7% M 2y 2 .52 % 5M 1.14 .12 18. 8M 4M 4 7% H 2A .52 % VA 1.11 .12 7" 20. 8* 4* 33i WA K 2 .46 U 5H 1.14 .12 17.5 7Vs 4H 3^ m U 2 .46 H hy 2 1.11 .12 15. 7H 4 3^ VA X 2 .46 % 5M 1.08 .12 6" 17.25 7* 4 3^ 5V 2 H 1H .38 H 5y 2 1.11 .12 14.75 7* 3M 3^ 5A H IH .38 % VA 1.08 .12 12.25 7* 3M 3^ VA H m .38 3 A 5 1.05 .12 *5" 17. 6M w% 3M * .14 % 5M 1.14 .12 14.75 6H 3 5 A Wi § .14 S A 5H 1.08 .12 *5" 12.25 6% VA. W% .14 % i% 1.02 .12 9.75 6* 3* 3H * .14 % ±y 2 .99 .12 10.5 6* 3* 2% % .14 % iK 1.02 .12 *4// 9.5 6 3* 2J^ H .14 U 4j| .99 .12 8.5 5% 3M 2 7 A % .14 % ti .99 .12 7.5 5% 3* 2% Vs .14 % .96 .12 *1 inch Gas Pipe Separators are generally used for 3 inch, 4 inch and 5 inch Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 1188 D A T A — P. U I L D I N G S AND P. R I D G 1. S JOIST ANCHORS AND TIE-STRAPS ANY FORM OF ANCHOR OR TIC CAN BE FURNISHED Fig. 4 -h Fig. 2 Fig. 5 Fig. 3 ^ Fig. 6 Joist Anchors are used on all floors having wood joists except floors at or near the ground and are also used for flat wood roofs, where joists rest on inasonry walls or adjoin same. Joist Tie-Straps are used on all floors having wood joist-s where they meet at a wood or steel girder, and for tieing the ends of wood girders together. Joist Anchors are usually spaced every five feet all around a building and where joists run parallel to a wall are made long enough to permit of spiking to three joist, i. e., to project 33 inches from the wall for joist 10 inches on center, or 2.5 inches for joist 12 inches on center. Joist Tie-Straps are spaced the same as joist anchors and are placed opposite to them. They are some times used where joists meet on an interior masonry wall. Sise of Anchor 1VXV ivxv I'/XV lVXV iVXA' 1VXV 2' XV 2' X,V 2' XV - Wright op Joist Anchors (Fig. 1) Weight of Tie-Straps Size of Pin I 18* I 24' 30* I 36' | 42 •i'diam.XC Vdiam.X8' W ' X8' Vt B X8' V'liam.XS' V ' xx' W * X8' Vdiam.X8' V " X8' H' ' X8' Vdiam.X8' V ■ X8' V ■ X8* 1 '.»--.' 452.9s 3. 5 14.04 2.603.233.8814.525. Ifi 2.91(3.544 I'M fBfi 47 3.243.874 525 1 18' 24' I 30' I 36' 1 5V2 12 2 65 3.18 l.'.<2 2 M 3 20 3.84 2 232.87 3.51 4 15 2.563.20,3.8414.48 5.12 42' 1.71 4 48 4 7'.' 7 3.72 4.46 2. 60S. 34 4.09|4.83 2.970.71 4. 4615. 20 2 55 3 40 4 25 5 10 _> Vm B2 4 67 5 62 I MM 88 5.1015.95 I M M8 INI M A 714 57 5.83 6.89 4 25 5 11 ' 5.21 5 68 5.95 5 95 6 87 t n 7.42 7.95 8 48 Size of Tie-Strap \\cx\e iwx\e I'/XV WXH* 1 S <'XV IVXA' ijrxH" 2' XV 2' XA' r x s 8 ' 2>/XV 2'/XA' 2'/XV Fig. 9 Csicaoo — Jour n I . R v r k N I W York DATA — BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES 11S9 STIRRUPS OR JOIST HANGERS Fis- 2 Fis. 1 Flg.3 -.i DOUBLE STIRRUP SINGLE STIRRUP WALL HANGER The following sizes of iron should in general be used for the size of joist supported : Size of Joist or Timber to be Supported Section of Stirrup Capacity of Stirrup Size of Joist or Timber to be Supported Section of Stirrup Capacity of Stirrup 2X 8to3X10 4X10 to 4X12 6X12 to 3X14 HX2M %X3 7500 lbs. 11250 lbs. 13500 lbs. 8X12 to 4X14 6X14 8X14 to 10X14 HX4 ^X4 21000 lbs. 24000 lbs. 30000 lbs. Unless otherwise specified, stirrups are furnished J4 inch smaller than nominal size of timber or joist. Nominal Usual Size of Stirrups Approximate Weight Size WXDXS Single Double * 2X 8X 2 2X10X 2 2X12X 2 2X14X 2 MX2J/2 HX2V 2 HX2y 2 %X2V 2 4.59 5.30 5.99 10.10 7.77 9.18 10.60 18.07 .36 .36 .36 .53 3X10X 3 3X12X 3 3X14X 3 HX2V 2 3 AX2V 2 VsXZ 5.83 9.83 13.09 9.89 17.01 22.98 .36 .53 .64 4X10X 4 4X12X 4 4X14X 4 VsX2Y 2 ^X3 ^X3M 9.57 12.76 21.81 15.95 21.69 37.68 .53 .64 .66 6X10X 6 6X12X 6 6X14X 6 6X16X 6 VsX2V 2 ^X3 HXSV 2 l AX± 11.16 14.69 24.79 30.60 18.07 24.25 41.65 52.12 .53 .64 .66 1.13 8X10X 8 8X12X 8 8X14X 8 8X16X 8 VsX2 xxm 5 AXi 5 AXi 15.32 25.78 39.66 42.50 24.25 41.65 65.16 70.83 .64 , .66 1.41 1.41 9X10X 9 9X12X 9 9X14X 9 9X16X 9 x Axzy 2 ^X4 ^X4 ^X4 25.78 31.72 42.50 45.33 40.65 51.00 69.41 75.05 .66 1.13 1.41 1.41 10X10X10 10X12X10 10X14X10 VtXWz MX4 ^X4 27.23 33.36 44.62 42.64 53.25 72.25 .66 1.13 1.41 *Add to weight for each increase of one inch in width of support. (Distance S) Steel or Cast Iron Post Caps can be furnished in any size desired on short notice. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York ll&O ' A I A BUILDINGS AND B R I D G K S o — M .2 pUIlO}] J ajBnbj, 1 puno}£ ■a 5 arenbg pvnog a .2 Dj^nbg ■ ■ «©•*» • • cm -r us s: punoji ao . . . - : : : o • • • 1 _' sjunbg US CO ^< h-XOM ecias co'o'abe) ©NM »H CO -r 30 punoy ao • • co • • • us • OJ ■ ■ ■ i _ . . ao • • • .fl o B ajBnbg l ac «c a>ooa .- — c so ■ oo 3»»-h nooon oo-»e« 3e*e5S5 punoy t^ . . . o • • CO- CO • . . o • • OO- PS •• • -V • US • «o . i - o : : s» : : ' t>. . . 00 • • • JS a a - utnbg - — f -\ — /- ~ occ-itoo circle c C « :i 5 ao us 3 o c joc-< occ-h c: — n us punu}i I- • o> • > »* • *m ■ ■ ■ CO • ■ CO • CO ; ; ; -V ; ; "S ■ oo • • ac ■ 3:: 82 i i a ajcubv,' U5C«;0 CUJOO lOCiOO O CO CO us © us us i-cri.- c:i n e^i us r-' © us oo O nonn c: us « t^ us;SO ei^oco t>- » © cc — — cs punoy us • . co • • —> • « • ■ • co ■ • ■* • o • • «... S : : S : ja o a MVTlbg W««0 ««-^« mOOSI OO^CO OCBOOr- co *«< us to ■» us ao useot^oo S OO 3 I - r_ -K Fi pUIIU}{ oo • *■ • • a» • tO • ■ • i.-S • « CC ■ (M ■ CO ■ "«< • US • — _ ; ; ; us . . » • • • o O ■ -f aj^nbg ■«• ao e* <© ocest^ wcon tot>o © co r» us ©cs'eiad oiaie-i oiodaci^ oo'cici act^ous coco^us co-*t>- ^j>usor>. usi^ao csxo pUlloJI o • ae • • e ■ « • • • CC • • CO • 5 & ■a .2 unlig — i— inoinio oa — a> t- us co 30 CJCOTf" CO ^« t© T'»US«5 T0(O us tc r— 00 punoy 1^ . . . oo • • ©> • • • o • • «... p-. «r • • e*< • • • o • ^ us I ! ! ! «■■• CS ■ • CO • • « CO- -* • ■ 1 /: _ : Ifl B -•: ■ H 9 I B esSco* S JS ■*• «> 5 •* 3 ;;;; puog C» • • • P* • . » a ■<«■ toco© XXX us KM XX « US us ■ 5 ■ - > ■ »- ON XX oo 2 — ° XXX ( ii i . \ . i in T. Ryu \ i w Y DATA BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES 1191 J3 o a CM 8.renbg ooo ONt- o 250.0 300.0 350.0 400 o c-l o s CO o id CM co o d IC CO puno}£ (M • • it} ■ ■ oo CO O0 • • OS . . o CO cr CO OS axenbg CO-* CM »oosco ©cm d ooo* rHNN CO c CM NONm tj ©CM lO O0 lOO> CC COCOCN CO lO CN CO* i-i «5 C oo-hisoo o- rtNNCXI «H 5C CC 5 oc CO CO CM CM punoy; OS • ■ cn • • O • • "5 • • c C CO eo • • c i-O d « t^ OC CN OS 1 a-renbg OiOoO T^T*»d CN-Ht- t>- CO CO CO CM CO CO lO 00 co O] OCN«5l> oo osd»- CO OS CO cc iHrtNCv CC K oc i- CM CS d Tt OS T-_ d puno^j OS . 1> '• '• © • • c CN * . . CO ■ • d o- lO CC o 00 1 5 aaenbg r^ooos o't-i d i-c ceo ooooo ■»*00r^ CM COCO 0C 0C C£ OSOCN C<- Nil OSt> UJOOOC r-t^H CNCS O O M »>.' wi tn CO OO o CM 8 CM pnnoy; Oi ■ ; d • • CO • • oo" • • a c o • • CO ■ • CO eo T-i CM CO CO •a .a aienbg ooooo ©00 CO lOOO «iod c IT. C- t>.' cm r^ ex CO CO 00 r- c c IB iO c cn u: CO t^ O0 puno^j c© ■ • S : : -«* . . §8 : : CN O •• • S 8 : : lO T-l Ifl t>i od t^ rt CN W eo -a .a 5 axenbg oscocn oo'iot^' 00ON 00 00 CO OS©CN OHM oo t>.co * c<- O i-i co' \es t> i-c CM ■* CO 0C panou GO • • os . • CO • • ift • • 00 • • c oc CO • • S : : o a s oitmbg CO-* CN t^T-I© t^.^00 COCO'* OOOSrH t-l U5«Ob CO >«•>*< co>- OS OCN1 *CC punoy; © ■ • co • • o • • od ' '. CO • ■ us O0 • • to e. OS ■ • a 5 aaenbg punoy J aaenbg pano)j 0>T3 « S Sfl.2-g 3 tfco a a cnco XX 919 e NO XX oo (M COOrf iHcqcs XXX CNCNCN CO T -* IC CC Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 1192 I) A I A BUILDING S A N D BRIDGES CAST IRON BASES FOR COLUMNS COMMON SHAPES. TABLE FOR CAST IRON COLUMN BASES AND USEFUL FORMULAE * r p SP . • r • • » ■ 4 * BASE C For Round C. I. Cols. The height H should be equal to the projection P and D should lie equal to the diameter of the column. The thickness of all I*>rtions of the base should be Plates beveled to equal or nearly so, to that of one-half inch at edges, the column above the base. The projection of the flange C should De at least three inches. Bearing value of ordinary masonry, 250 lbs. per sq. ic 5(xi lbs, per so,, in. BASE D For Steel Cols. Bases should be proportioned so as to have the thickness of metal nearly equal throughout to prevent unequal cooling of the metal. Allowable stresses in cast iron: Compres'n, 1 2,000 lbs. per sq. in. Tension 2,500 lbs. per sq. in. Shear 1,500 lbs. per sq. in. .; of cut stone or 1:2:4 concrete, Flat Base Plates H Sixeof Plate (Ordinary Masonry) Size of Plate (Cut Stone or Con- crete) Safe Load in Pounds Bases for Steel Columns \\ = |>rM9ur« uD.Ur tbt plttt io lti. par *\. in. W = Load uo column* in lb* A = Ar-» of plttt in *q. In B =om • '.•It of ..,u»rr pUt< In indict. I) =dinine.t*r <>f round col umn or tide of t-iutrt pod in Incnct. A' — .llffertnc* bttwttn area of plate and th. tr.-tii.nftl trrt uf column. P = projection of edfe of plttt twrond cul. In lurbtn t-tblcknrtt of plttt it. Inch**. A = ; B i \ . M I ,_B-D 2 8 I Mi I 101 i(i|i} n n 12]1 12 1| 14xl4x 1J 16xl6x 2} 16xl6x 2 18xl8x 2) 18xl8x 2J MMOi |j 20x20x 21 24x24x 6 24x24x 6 30x30x 8 SftJBl 7 32x32x10 30x30x 8 36x36x10 32x32xHI 38x38x12 9010x10x1* 11012x12x2 10512x12x11 165 14x14x21 14nl4xl4x2 KMlfolftcS, 23016x16x21 330 18x18x21 270ll8xl8x2J nflHdtal OOpixfttifl B4flll8il8i7 • 40 49,000 64,000 64,000 81,000 81,000 100,000 100.000 144,000 144,000 200,000 200,000 170 MfyOtt iro mm 490| 324,000 M Mlj0OO 570 3.; l.ooo T = . lit! tact from center of column t>. outtldc uf column |x= (rrftritj uf lSof b»t*. C=dl*t*nee to crnttr of (Tftiitr from bottom. D = Jlttanc* to MtUr of frftUty from top. A ■ thietn*** of tup plttt B = thickntt* of bottom. I = Moment of Inert it- M = maximum B t n d I a ( Mom tot. M,=lt*ndln» Momtat In anr paatl of l«.(to«i plttt l.t allow for planing. Tops of flat base plates and top of bases for sttvl columns should be planed. Bolt holes for catt column bases may !*• cored, out for steel column bases should be drilled. Chicago Joi i i ■ T , Rtbi i V " r k DATA BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES 1193 CAST IRON COLUMN BRACKETS AND LUGS DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS FOR STANDARD BEAMS ] c ! f~«f ** 1 Li 1 • L M !/ F - c a l-O Top of Shelf on Bracket should slope K inch to a foot. Core all holes for % inch bolts. All dimensions in inches. All weights and strength of brackets in pounds. Double weights for 1 1 I 03 o o *-l^ •si a> PQ & Sm-g j=« br o&& o A B D F. F H K h M N .SfOJ § ■ SPcu = 3.2 2 a ■3 £§'« £§'' £?£?« Q s m GO £02 CO 24 105 6 12 6 10^ ik IK 2 ik IK 8K 16K 40 16 119440 24 80 6 12 6 10H iy? IK 2 IK IK 7K 15 31 K 16 102380 20 80 6 12 5H 9K ik IK 2 IK IK 7K 15 25 16 77200 20 65 6 12 hV, 9V, IK IK 2 IK IK 6K 13 20 16 77200 18 75 4K 9 5 9 m IK 2 IK m 7K 15 23 13 69030 18 55 m 9 5 9 IK IK 2 IK m 6K 13 17K 13 69030 15 80 'S% 7K 5 9 IK IK 2 IK IK 7 14 19 UK 69030 15 60 m 7K 5 9 IK IK 2 IK IK 6K 13 17K UK 69030 15 42 •6% 7K 5 9 IK IK 2 IK IK 6 12 16'/ ? UK 69030 12 40 'AX 5 4 7 1 l 2 m IK 5M UK 10 9 43880 12 m $\i 5 4 7 1 1 2 m IK 5K 11 9K 9 43880 10 tt5 4 7 K H ?! 114 iu f>K iou m 8 3K 3 32900 9 21 4 7 3^ H ?, iu 114 5 10 H 32900 8 18 4 7 fcf H ?, ]i4 114 4U 9 H 7 3 32900 7 15 4 7 K % 2 IK IK 4 8 k 6 3 32900 The resistance of a single bracket to shearing is determined by multiplying the height D by the thickness F, and the product by 7,000 pounds. The resistance of the shelf to shearing is not usually considered. The resistance of a single bracket to crushing may be found by multiplying the distance X by the thickness F, and the product by 13,000 pounds. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 1194 1) A T A B U I 1. 1) 1 N G S A N I) l: R I D - ^ 9 O pg £ =s— ^ a — — i ill C c fc O J o pJJ I L — - w fc. 55 § e:5 a> 5 S -a 2 S c.« O 5 O aa 03 cL*J >> 5 J= 7 I K do 0] OS 11 o o - - i C II 1 < A <, .1 1 . K | | r | \ So M N I w Y .. K K DATA-BOILERS AND T A N K S 1201 SINGLE RIVETED LAP JOINTS T. S.— 55,000 pound 2,000 pounds. Thickness of Plate Inches Diameter of Cold Rivet Inches Maximum Diameter Efficiency Pitch of Gauge "A" Inches of Rivet Hole Inches in Per Cent Rivets Inches ft H ft 60.8 1ft if ft Vi ft 60.8 1ft * X ft 5 A 58.3 m h }'i Vs n 59.2 1H 1& *ft % H 59.2 1H i& 'i H u 58.6 1H VA u 58.6 Hi m * 1JL H Ji 58.8 2% ift *Vs H A 57.6 2V S ift 3 A .'8 H 58.3 2H 1H *ii % H 57.6 2% 1H *ft H 57.7 2V % 1H ft l ift 56.4 2ft 1H *H l ift 56.4 2ft 1H *H l ift 54.8 2M 1H H l ift 51.7 2& 1H ft l ift 48.7 2M m H l ift 46.1 2H 1H V s m ift 48.6 2M m ft m ift 46.3 2M m m ift 44.2 2M Iff 8 l% ift 42.3 2If if! VA ift 40.5 2M Iff *Designed and Recommended by Hartford Stm. Blr. Insp. and Ins. Co. SINGLE RIVETED LAP GIRTH JOINTS Designed and Recommended by Hartford Stm. Blr. Insp. and Ins. Co. For use when Rivets of same diameter are used in Girth and Longitudinal Joints. Diameter of Cold Rivet, Inches H ft 5 A tt H H A tt 1 1ft M 1ft M Maximum Diameter of Rivet Hole, Inches.. &KftKttH&l 1A W 1A IK 1ft Pitch of Rivets "P," Inches \% IK VA 2 2A 2% 2*A 2 ft 2H 2% 2% 3 A 3J* Gauge "A," Inches... A H Ift Hs IM 1ft 1ft 1H 1H 1H lyf U* 2 Refer to other tables for Longitudinal Joints. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 1202 !) A T A 15 O I L E K S A M D i A N K S DOUBLE RIVETED LAP JOINTS T. S.— 5.5,000 pounds. S. S.— 12.000 pounds. Thickness of Plato Inches Diameter of Cold Rivet Inches Maximum Diameter of Rivet Hole Inches IA I A Ift IA I A I A I A I A 1A | 1A 1A Efficiency in 75.0 75.0 73.6 71.8 72.0 71.8 71.8 7J.(i 71 7 70 70.0 70.0 70.3 70.4 n 4 60.2 57.7 60.8 58.5 56.3 M 3 Pitch of Rivets ..p.. • Inches 2% 2A 2A 2A ifi 3 8 3 a Space "A" Inches (Jauee Inches H 'Designed and Recomim ndi -i l<> Hartfonl Stm. Blr. Inap. and Ins. Co. t it l ■ \ .. <■ J OIII n I • R I N i w Vol I DATA— BOILERS AND TANKS 1203 TRIPLE RIVETED LAP JOINTS T. S.— 55,000 pounds. S. S— 42,000 pounds. Thickness of Plate Inches Diameter of Cold Rivet Inches Maximum Diameter Efficiency Pitch of Space Gauge of Rivet Hole Inches in Per Cent Rivets "P" Inches "A" Inches "B" Inches A X A & 78.5 tVs m Vs 7 S3 Vz _»- 78.5 V/s m Vs Vi Vi, ^ 78.5 m m Vs *H & ^ 78.2 2Vs m 15. 16 * A & ^ 78.2 m IH B & Vs H 77.0 3 Ws 1A * A Vs H 77.0 3 V4 1A * H Vs 16 77.0 3 m 1A * 5-8 % H 75.0 m 2Vs 1& *M % H 75.0 3M m 1A * IT % % 75.0 3H m 1A 7 T6 Vs H 75.0 3H Ws Iff * H Vs If 75.0 2H Ws i *3^ Vs H 75.0 3K 2Vs H Vs H 75.0 3M m lit A Vs 13 16 74.9 3M m iff g 1 liV 75.0 iX 2H lit Vs 1 1A 75.0 iX 2H 1M 21 32 1 lA 72.8 4U 2H 1H 11 18 1 l^ 69.5 m 2H m M 1 lA 66.4 4M 2H Iff % 13^ lA 71.2 iU m Iff M lVs 1A 68.3 4M O 1 3 2t6 1ft Iff 13 16 m 1A 65.7 m 013 ^"16 21 32 IVs lA 63.3 4M 2tl m % 1M 1A 70.8 5 2Vs i» If 1M 1A 68.4 IVs lli T¥ 1M 1A 66.1 5 2Vs Iff & 1M 1A 63.9 m iff 1 1M 1A 62.0 Ws i» *Designed and Recommended by Hartford Stm. Blr. Insp. and In3. Co. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 120 1 DATA— BOILERS A N L> T A N K S DOUBLE RIVETED BUTT JOINTS T. H— 55 .000 pounds. C. S — 95,000 pounds. Sinclc 8. S.— 42,000 pounds. Double S. S— 78,000 pounds. 5 5 2 E & .a *o -g 1-S « ° a ■3 5 r . 3: 1 "3 • -- iS § c^s g a Jl!j "8L 1 ?■« «8 8?J fl«l * S E-e e 9 la o i _: e |«5S So gj = ^5 O c o |j I 1 .a'S' - ' jS E a 3"* a"" 1 -o i" - £ s j£ = H s a B H ' k N !i 80.7 3A IH IA 2A 4k 8k k • A H H 80.7 3A 111 IA 2 A 4's BM s :S H k 80.6 3\ iff m Ik 4H 9 A tt 80.6 ltt ik Ik 4' i 9 A K ii 80.8 4k i", IA 2A •"- BM ft • H i Ml S 4' 4 8H IA IA 4 7 s «»» A 80.8 4'. L»s IA 2 A 4*J »£ N • A 80.5 *H 2'e IA W4 K.i, H • H u 7 s 81.0 4** IA ■v. in'., u H H 12 80.2 4* 111 If] Ilk II ^ 1 80.2 4*2 2« Ilk A \\ 80.7 1 ■ iH 2H uS H 1 l 80.2 80.7 5 . 2A ill 2*1 3A itk 8 l IA 80.6 ;,'.. ■2\ ill 3A i?8 ft i IA 801 3 A li i IA .v. !!! 3A K i I A 78 1 m 3A & s s Ik IA 79.8 6A 8A in IA [k 14', 7% 1A 79.1 6A 3A m 3 A 14' 4 n M IH IA 78.5 |U m l\\ rn 14k n H Ik 1A 79.4 w W k H - p, I A 78.8 3 *1 m UN 5 * I! IN 1A 7^ 1 3H ill H H Ik Ik IA LA 3 9 !i! i\\ UM H i Ik IA 71 4 3H 3U 7' 8 15k 'I>««Kmxl an.l I I l.y Hartford Stm. Hlr. Inap. and Ins. Co. Chicago — Jo S E fr ■ I ' . KtiIIOI I Bo ■ — New V o t k DATA— BOILERS AND TANKS 1205 TRIPLE RIVETED BUTT JOINTS \~T T. S— 55,000 pounds. Single S. S.— 42,000 pounds. C. S.— 95,000 pounds. Double S. S — 78,000 pounds. S S" 3 T3 CD 2 a i— i 1 o-g >»"3 1* .a- 3 4> Sfi Id 03 GO CQ 3 £ -si- ^ Jw to 1— 1_ oj *S" -^ O Q, O Son O l-H s-s es ^ H H A a 87.5 \y, 2V A ft 1W m 6^ 9H xV * 3T l A & 87.5 m 2M ft 1% m 6H 9H A 3*3 & % 86.3 4^ 2^ 4* m VA •W 10H ^ I H ?4 88.0 634 m VA m 2M 8M 12^4 34 ft ft ^ 88.0 V4 VA m m 2H %M 12^ M A 54 ft 87.5 VA m i& 2 2^ m 13% A ft % ft 87.7 m 3^ i& 2 2^ m 13M ft S % H 86.1 &A 3^8 113. 132 2& m m 15^ ft % ft 86.6 7 3V$ 1ft 2^ 2H 9% 15^ N V, ltV 85.8 m 3H 1ft 2H 3tV 10T^ 17M % H 1 1A 85.8 7V ? ■i% 1 19 ^32 234 3tV 103^ 17M 32 A 1 l& 85.9 7& m 119 X32 2& 3tV 10H 17^ & ft l ItV 86.0 7A 3ft 1ft 2& 3^ 10H 17& 1^ B 1 1,-V 86.3 7% 1ft 2& 3^ 11 17^ ft & l 1* 85.8 7H VA 1ft 2& 3^ 11 17 3 ^ tt & l 1 ^ 1A 84.7 7% *>A IIS. 132 2^ 33% u% 18% ft H m 1* 84.5 7% m 1ft *A 3Vk \va 18% ft 8 m 1A 84.1 7% •m 1 25 ■132 2»/* 3^ uy 8 19 ^r 1^ 1* 83.6 7% -m 1ft 2H 3Vk Li'A 19 ft ft i« 1& 82.8 7% m 1ft 2^3 3U V2A 203^ % ft iw 1A 82.2 7% m 1ft 2?^ 3H i2A 203^ A IK IfV 82.5 m m 1# m 3H 12^8 20M 8 §1 \\i 1A 82.0 m m 1ft VA 3H Mi* 20M 8 W% ItV 81.7 sy 2 VA 2& 4A MM 22?^ ft m 1& 81.5 &a 4A 2& 2A 4^ 13>8 223^ M l Ws 1& 81.0 8% 4A 9-S- 2% 4A 13^ 22^2 U *lj2 m Its 80.6 m *ft 2^ m 4tV 13^8 22H ft *1& m Ire 80.1 m 4^ 2& 2V S 4^ 13 A 22^ ft *i_a_ 1% lis 80.0 m 4V 8 0_5_ m 4^ 13^8 22H ft ' *1^ m 1* 79.1 8M 4^ 2ft 2U 4H 14^/4 243^ ft NOTE— All but Items marked ( Insp. and Ins. Co. ') Designed and Recommended by Hartford Stm. Blr. C h ic ago — Jo seph T. Ryerson & Son-New York 1206 D A T A BOILERS A N T A N K S QUADRUPLE RIVETED BUTT JOINTS T.S.- -55,000 lbs. S.— 05.000 lb^ . Sinelo 8. P.— 12,000 lbs Double S. 9,-78,000 Km. "8: 1 'Sib ■ - - 1 1 frl = :• 1 -? — 1 1 £ - ?5R ?JP Pi ~ 3 * a -3 B: ■ — 2; s 1: = _ ■s 5 — »4j -J si- ■•3 a ft JZ SJ i, -_ jgco 2 P M A 94.3 10 5 H Hi IH 6H 13» H A • A H ft 94.3 10 5 if ifi 14 IK A A ft 94.3 11 5'. 2H i« l's IH A f H 94.6 14 7 3'» l's 2H -" t 2 17', M H 94.2 14 ; 3', 1'- 2\i 2'i 2 17' 4 17', M H 93.3 14 7 3' ? l's 2K 2', 2 A "I! 3 4 913 11 j 7A 3H IA 2 Hi 2A 2U L8H A 94 H"s 7 A 3« i, 1 * 2 A 2', . A ^8 91 1 15 7'-, 3 3 . I A 2'. 2'. 19] • i ♦ 1 M l.v, 7« 3fj Ifj 2f] 20H [ ! H 94 15 | 7;' ill 2« 24 10A -'"li ^j H 94 :■: 3fj HI 2H io A li H 94.0 IS f ,,: [i fi :| 1 2f| 2\ 2"!i jj .. ." H 9t 154 m 10A ^ i ift 93 1 15' o 7H ijj 2,\ 3 A li JU • i la 93 1 2 A 3A n || i i liV 15' 2 l [J iS 3 A u Mi 1 P« ia 92 4 IV, 3ff 1 11 3A 114 11*4 u 4 IA 92 1 151 ■ l j] 2 A 3 A || i IA 91.1 15 H 7H HI 2 A 3 A ir. ^ 1-4 IA 1 ft 90 3 I5H 7H ill in 12 A 1 1'. ft 89.9 3»i in 2H 34 12A U I 1 ! ¥ 3|J m 34 u I'l i A 88 3 311 Hi 8H |j I'l Lft 87.8 u 8 4 iH 2{J si] 11 H j J IH I A 16 8 4 iU 34 12U ■ 1 IN «A 87 3 M 8 4 2 n 4 A • A lft M 8 4 2A 2J| 4 A 13 A !•> i ■ 1A 86 3 V. 2A 2M 4 A ISA X 8 ft U 1 I A 2A 2'v 4A N ' - I A 2 A 2', 4 A 'v IA 81 8 2 A 2 Mi 4A IA I A 84 5 17 4>4 2A 2 A 4 A g }X I'l Ift M i 17 4'. 2H 2 A 44 !l 14 IA 84 17>, 4A -Mi IA iH 144 .wked ( Imp. *mi In.- ) Deaigoed and Recommended 1 >y II.u-tf.ird Stm. Blr. t n i . a go — Joseph T. Ryerson Son — New York DATA— BOIL E RS AND TANKS 1207 S 5 £ § Q tf» Z oc — u > = "■ oSS i ssl So £ wig OC y _J Q. - U 52§f OC ■» o D z . x :£ cm ^©cmcox to^eoM ^^-^c^ -*©xx O iNiCOOOiO COCO-*!^© "^OJ^O ©CMC5© o cscot^cc* cocm"0© osxxx t~t^®© co ©isxr^b. oom^oo ooi"» ^-*ccnc CO iflKH^O 05C50CO© ^h« — t>. WOt^'* C5 OOt^t^iO^ NhhQOI 05XXt» t-t>.©© ONN OOX^O-* CM©"tfC0-< O^'C'S ONOCh co-*;o Xi^oaso ^^©ssco i-.cmX'* ^t-^iM oooo t>.t»--c-*fo cm ~ 0000t»N t»©©© (NX© 00NHHH CO— XNlSlO CO©-*© CO--©iO^CO hhOOX Xt>-t>.t^ ©©tOO CM ■* rjl Tj< 00 OSOOiCO SCXlNt>05 O ■* "* t- WflCCW © © r~ © i-h lOcefH 1 -'.') 'tuMH o — < © cm x »o *n o; t^. OOIOCNN ©OnOCOCM ^OOlOiX OONNtO ©©USO ocM®xt~ ho^oooo ooM^OTti lon-ta ooone t^XC5-*"* XCM!C-*35 35-H-^t^CM t^COOi'O CM©t^T*< ©Xt^t^® iSUJ^eO'-i ©0©XX t^l>ffi® ®OiOiO oo ooxf>n nnoott oxoox no^o o«oo«3 ca o»o^>*t- '-'OOO'* "Ctco^w -*o®co on^m — © OOXNffliO iOtJ<'*CN1^h OOlOJXt- t^t^©© ©HJiOO t^C «»OSK "*C»a0(NCO CM®OCMCM X©t*CM COt^**,-: oo © ^ -<*i ® © >* oocoo as © cm © © «o © ® co © n^«o oca corvee iso ■* coco (NO ©©xxt> i>©©© ioiSOis CMt-I — IHrtHH ,-| ,-H rH »-* rH i-l 00MO33 00®CM^-*xx TfCM — © i-iCO®35CO t^CMt^-*T»< li}»H(CH t^WON T*CM©t« hOOJOO l>©iSi*Tt< COCOCM.- i© ©XXt^l> OOCO iS-iOtJIt* CMCM^r* i- t . — li — li-lrH ^HrtiMrt^H ^■^■^X COCCIOO-^ t^-t^OOiO t^XX©>-i i-HiSCOO xo-^-* ■*IM— irt COOXCM© OtS— X35 CKNH33 'tON'* rt»MO OfflMN ©lO^-^CO CCNN03) CJ30NNO OOflO »S'»*'* , '"t © H^OOOO) f~CM©'*X X©©CMX 0-*»XlO t^COCO® ^H©©© O ®COCM-hCM ■^OO'tX CO©"*lCOCO ®©C0XtJ< ON"fH ©®^C0 CM OB!»MO lO^^COCM MHHOCft CCt>N«tS ©iSlSlS T}(Ttl'*'^t (N CMi-l'-Ht-l'-l i-HtHi-Hi-ItH r-lHHi-l © t~f~XCO© O-^XOX ©COCM-*® CM©«©© CO^COt- t^cO^CO X •* CM i-H CM CO OONNrt ONXNM ^-tOiOO t^if—lX ©TjtCMO o ©cor^-so i< coco cm cm HHQaa xr~®«® oco^ ■"^■^•^•^ CMt^'O WO3X00® *3!090 ©X©^-# -*cOiS^HCO ©©COX ONMC-I ©ri® CO—<-- IHHHi- 1 i — I . — I . — I . — I ^ — 1 1-HrH-l X-*l^ X-Ht^CMX O30HHM -1CMIOC3CM ©^-^COt^. OXCOO C-.-^^X rtix-* r-H^Hr-Hcoio csc-jr^cMo coooiox ^H^j^r^co ot^ow or. t-«c nC.'X t^^iSTfcO NflHHQ OC305Xt> ^•^©'S'O >Ot1S«;«3 co; 0"3H OOH«® ©' O00N ttO^COCM CM' iooo ©c-.«xt CMlCCM"-! CMlCOJTtl • COO t~-<*CMO XCO-*CO >©>ClO>0 •*■<*•*•* COCOCOCC HM'O Cst^^r-it© t>t^iCi-(^ TjdJ>t~Ot>- ^COCM«>0 X-*CMCM iSS5-ti© « i-i 35 X3>rtTt. rtCC-SCM-*t^ CMt~?035-O COi-i05l~- OCOCM^ Xt>>0 -*C0COCMrH 1-HOOC5C5 OOJOOOMO tCiOiO^i* TjlTtlCOCO COCOCOCO MNCC IS35COOIO t-t>.05 lOCO-*t^lS COC5-<350 OC^Clif XCM05»> -30N t^X — -*X COXCOOiiS -©©CO ifl^OO'* ^©CMiO ©t^-*CM ,j., ^.lOiO COOi- 1 IS 05 **©ICCMX LSC5©COt^. CM»iCC^35 r>-iSCO-H OMNtO H, iS^fcO CM^-<005 OO00XN t^t^t>-»iO iS-^itfTlicO COCOCOCO COCMCMCM -S 'J'COCM >-i©00505 XXt^l>t- CO-XKOOuS t}(^<^icOC0 COCOCOCM CMCMCMCM C5©Tt< Ot>©35^< COOCOCM-^ 3-.lSCO«05 ©^X-^C-1 COOCMX C3^-tfiO 00 0)0 COCDi-nOi-H NWON-* rH35t>.-H« CO 35 © ^< CM OMNifl TfCOCM^H CMrH^ ©35©XX t^t^t^OtO ©lO>OlO^ ^COCOCOCO COCMCMCM CMCMCMCM 5XCM CCCT.05TJ1C0 N^CjOM ©35©Xt>- CMCMt^iS© ©^<^© XXC5*h -LOX •- iiOO-dCl CCCCION iSCM©iO-h X«SCM©X t^iSTjt> ©<00"51S lOiSiflTjiTtl COCOCOCOCM CMCMCMCM CMCM^i-l Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 1208 I) A T A —BOIL I. 1< S A N I) TANKS o «0 eoooe «52x mK8o .- — r 7i r. -: r cc — — / y y y i- r: -r — y ®eo y 7i esafi r - r £ — 77 -r ■a ••r sIk! D0' rl c. Q — -r -.7. £ '7 — V7 5. — 77 — — 71 71 — i- »r 3 — 3 — y — .7 — 1 - 71 77 -r -r CC 71 .^7 !_; ^7 -r 77 71 C- CI «T7 i - i - I - § '-" L - ssss — Z. — f — ■- - . - y -. — — z. - . y x i - r c: > 7i i~ 77 >.T. 1- p 77 r ~ y -r i- 75 71 71 77 8 S 8 .- ^. ^ 1- X C5 ■e ^•0 J- rt ?; s • 7 i - ~ eg r. -r y 7i 7 1 — r. y g§2S t- — "7 X y '/' y r^ x =;. 3 i~ i - t ~ k7l-S l7 « 1- B CO x x .c ~r — 7i — l - s . - J — I - neooa -si^fi g jo r~ «o :7 -7 y — NSCIM ^ co oc co 7 1 - I - i- ~ S — 1 - ~r -r »c "0 ' * ' r £ 2 1 1 3 7i y .7 — :7 -7 y — • 7 77 ~ I- ~ i ir 2 « i ^ .? OWN .- "5 i - Z 77 — OWON r- x ?i ■- ■e ago*; 1 - — T 1 C 77 C i- — £C}ttO — y 2 - i 5 S i — - y - — . — 71 -r -: y 7i.7 — — 71 71 - ~ - , . 77 d r- — 77 ~ CI 77 70 - 71 o — — — • -. •- = •- -- , - 71 r C O iO Q O x -.- ri y — 77 y — 7i 7i 7i — 71 71 71 S s ?, § 71 1- 71 1 - 77 77 T T 77 77 -r -r • 7 = -7 = 1 - '~. 71 — y — 7i -r 1.7 1-/. =-. •.7 >7 "C l~ ssss >7I * — CI C» — ■ -r x ci ig C-!Nfl 5 -7 — :;. T. 71 — 77 71 77 77 -r 71 — — y • - i- ~. 71 C x *7 74 oc - — y 71 77 77 77 SSSS C» S « Cl ■^ X — "7 --7 — 71 71 X C: — 77 71 77 77 ■a i - 5 - 03 -r rr. >.0 — — ci ci ci SJ28S 77 -C 1 - y 71 71 71 77 r~ ~ ~i 3 IQ .7 -^ t^ / - — s C 71 71 71 1 - «-7 C «.-5 BN3a CI y. U0 z 2 ; ; 5 s — ■ - ■ X 7< — ■- y 7~i w •- x — . r — 77 — -»• 1- 3 71 71 71 77 n> ; co ab p « -« — CI !M > — - ~ ci 77 -r -r SSSS y .7 r; -r — 1 - T- S w7 m c x o*e o 71 77 'O C4COM3 CI ■~ — -.7. -J — ■-. 1 - 71 x ej g a X -r O 71 3m«io ,, ■- — — cd t<- as c -r --£ x — -T 77 71 71 y .771- — 77 .7 - ».7 y r — 77 -^ y 7 1 74 fi 77 C 77 l~ 7 1 y 71 O 39 l - ■- — --; i - x £ s ec - 1 — 88ES i-7i y - «-7 Z. >~. O 71 -r ■- I - y. - £ — -r I- = 77 7171 c -^ — -.r -r i - .7 7i -r 77 71 — C4I~ C4 — 1 - ■ 7 r y t- i -i- ■- w S > '7 — y 7 1 1 - t - - 1 — ^ « — -r --7 i.* Of MM y -i i - 00 OCCN I - / .7 :7 — :i 7i £?.%ll Its - "'"-.- z - i - ■ - 7 1 7 1 7 i : : ■*••*• i 2.879 6.5099 VA 39059 45569 48824 52079 58589 65099 78110 3H 3.100 7.5477 3M 45286 52833 56607 60381 67929 75477 90578 3M 3.317 8.6413 3 51847 60489 64809 69130 77771 86413 103692 4 3.567 9.9930 3 59958 69957 74947 79944 89937 99930 119915 4^ 3.798 11.3292 2H 67975 79304 84969 90633 101963 113292 135956 VA 4.028 12.7429 2% 76457 89200 95571 101943 114686 127429 152910 4% 4.256 14.2264 2y s 85358 99584 106698 113811 128037 142264 170714 5 4.480 15.7633 2y 2 94579 110343 118224 126106 141869 157633 189156 5>i • 4.730 17.5717 VA 105430 123002 131787 140574 158145 175717 210869 VA 4.953 19.2676 2% 115605 134873 144707 154141 173408 192676 231210 m 5.203 21.2617 2% 127570 148831 159462 170093 191355 212617 255141 6 5.423 23.0977 2H 138586 161683 173232 184781 207879 230977 277170 The above table is based on U. S. Standard Threads. For list of nuts and bolts in stock, see Section 5. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 1210 DATA— BO I I. R S A N I) T A N K S STANDPIPE PROPORTIONS THICKNESS OF METAL AND STYLE OF VERTICAL JOINTS FOR DIFFERENT DIAMETERS AND HEIGHTS 220 a i s 210 205 200 180 170 1«0 150 II.', 140 £ 130 S 126 z 1_'0 ' 115 x 1 10 § 105 Bfi 7', 7(1 i ■ I 50 4.", 40 Q\5a> : III 11 1-' 1 '. 11 IS Ifl 17 IS 1 DIAMETER OF B 20 STAN ta ji FEET pipe to be not leea than two- . . with j. pints sinylr riveted radpipe of 20 feel diameter by 140 fe Inen plate, with vertieal joint* (butt strapped and triple ..-.I wMiilil Ivc- ,. inch plate, with triple riveted lap joints, followed bj 10 feel "f ' _■ Inch, 18 feet inch. | ■ lnu:it<'.l weighl i ol il ni'l: Chi. I I W V M R K DATA BOILERS AND TANKS 1211 WEIGHTS OF STANDPIPES FOR DIFFERENT DIAMETERS AND HEIGHTS IN TONS OF 2,000 POUNDS .a It U SJ3 " Inside Diameter in Feet 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3.41 3.74 4.10 4.49 4.87 5.28 5.65 6.04 6.44 6.89 25 4.12 4.52 4.94 5.40 5.84 6.33 6.76 7.21 7.68 8.20 30 4.83 5.29 5.78 6.30 6.82 7.37 7.87 8.38 8.91 9.51 35 5.54 6.06 6.61 7.21 7.78 8.42 8.97 9.55 10.15 10.82 40 6.25 6.83 7.45 8.11 8.76 9.46 10.08 10.72 11.38 12.13 45 6.96 7.61 8.29 9.02 9.73 10.51 11.19 11.89 13.13 13.99 50 7.67 8.38 9.13 9.92 10.71 11.55 12.30 13.55 14.88 15.84 55 8.38 9.15 9.96 10.83 11.68 13.02 13.86 15.20 16.62 17.70 60 9.09 9. '93 10.80 11.73 13.04 14.49 15.43 16.86 18.99 20.23 65 9.80 10.70 11.64 13.00 14.41 15.96 16.99 19.09 21.12 22.49 70 10.51 11.47 12.82 14.27 15.77 17.43 19.09 21.11 23.25 25.66 75 11.22 12.56 14.00 15.54 17.14 19.39 20.99 23.13 26.23 28.52 80 11.93 13.65 15.18 16.81 18.96 21.19 22.90 25.94 28.92 31.38 85 12.93 14.74 16.36 18.49 20.62 22.98 25.55 28.49 31.61 34.24 90 13.92 15.82 17.91 20.04 22.28 25.46 27.96 31.04 34.30 38.08 95 14.92 16.91 19.35 21.59 24.56 27.73 30.37 33.59 37.86 41.48 100 15.91 18.33 20.78 23.14 26.66 30.00 32.78 36.96 41.03 45.03 105 16.91 19.65 22.22 25.27 28.76 32.27 35.94 39.97 44.20 48.86 110 18.20 20.98 24.18 27.23 30.86 35.24 38.79 42.98 47.94 52.69 115 19.41 22.30 26.00 29.19 32.96 37.93 41.64 46.51 51.52 57.43 120 20.90 24.10 27.82 31.15 35.66 40.62 44.98 49.92 55.95 61.81 125 21.80 25.78 29.64 33.11 38.13 43.31 48.22 53.32 60.05 66.19 130 23.00 27.46 31.46 35.63 40.59 46.45 51.43 57.51 61.15 71.25 135 24.68 29.14 33.28 37.93 43.06 49.50 55.38 61.40 68.76 76.31 140 26.27 30.82 35.60 40.24 45.93 52.54 59.07 65.29 73.38 81.37 145 27.76 32.50 37.75 42.54 48.72 56.26 62.75 69.68 77.99 86.43 150 29.30 34.65 39.89 45.23 51.50 59.73 66.92 74.07 82.61 92.27 155 30.84 36.63 42.04 47.83 54.91 63.21 71.09 78.46 87.22 97.73 160 32.38 38.62 44.54 50.44 58.10 67.16 75.26 82.85 92.63 103.18 165 34.34 40.60 46.97 53.04 61.29 71.10 79.43 87.55 97.68 109.67 170 30.17 42.59 49.39 56.21 64.48 75.05 83.60 92.36 102.74 115.95 175 37.99 44.89 51.82 59.20 68.08 79.00 89.05 97.17 108.74 122.23 180 39.82 47.14 54.76 62.18 71.67 82.95 92.61 101.98 114.55 129.29 185 41.64 49.38 57.54 65.55 75.27 86.89 97.18 107.69 120.36 136.09 190 43.76 51.63 60.31 68.93 78.86 91.45 101.74 113.23 126.88 142.89 195 45.82 53.97 63.09 72.30 82.46 95.77 107.16 118.77 133.16 150.90 200 47.89 56.58 66.24 75.68 86.26 100.09 112.43 124.97 139.44 158.51 205 49.95 59.15 69.39 79.05 90.19 104.41 117.70 130.95 146.80 166.13 210 52.02 61.71 72.55 82.43 94.11 109.49 122.96 136.93 153.81 174.64 215 54.51 64.28 75.70 86.29 98.03 114.49 128.83 143.92 160.82 182.76 220 56.87 67.21 78.85 89.96 101.90 119.49 134.50 150 . 60 168.64 191.37 Note. — Weights are approximate, and are calculated according to design taken from curves on page 1210. All courses figured five (5) feet high. Weights include laps, necessary rivets, top and bottom angles and ladder, but do not include cover, or anchor bolts and lugs. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 1212 I) A T A B O I l E R S A N D T A N K S WEIGHTS OF STANDPIPES FOR DIFFERENT DIAMETERS AND HEIGHTS CONTINUED IN TONS OF 2,000 POUNDS Imam Dumu in hn X so 21 22 N 25 86 j 7 a 30 20 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 I3S 140 145 150 155 160 165 7 30 8.68 10.05 11.43 12 M) 14 75 16.70 19 36 21.73 24.10 27 34 30.22 33 11 37.02 40.46 43.89 47 94 51.81 56.62 61.03 66.32 71.60 82.17 87.46 93.59 99.29 106 03 112.58 119.13 120 63 133.63 1411 71 149.10 167 00 165.00 178.91 182 4ii 191 39 no u 8.09 1 51 10 97 12.41 14.45 16 49 18.53 21 28 23.70 27.12 30.14 33 16 37.31 40.91 44.50 48.77 52 82 57 85 62 46 67.97 73.47 78.98 84.48 90.97 96.91 103 m'. 109 oo 116 72 123 64 131.35 138 75 147 58 156 s7 1M 16 171 66 181 60 191 85 201 22 210 69 221 51 sa\ 00 8.53 10 (M 11 54 13.05 15 18 17 11 SO 21 22 81 26 32 29.48 32.03 36.98 40 74 44.50 4. Hj 53.20 58.46 63 27 69.00 74.73 80.45 86.18 02 '.'7 99.16 105.35 112.68 110.77 127 '.il 136.61 143.31 152.54 161 16 170.97 180 18 190.01 191 77 200 63 8.99 10.66 12 13 13.70 15.93 18.15 21.18 23.89 27 57 30.86 34.15 38 74 42.66 47.32 51.73 57.22 62 24 68 19 74 14 80.07 86.04 93.13 99.57 106.00 113.61 120.97 139 47 137.47 147 07 150 03 165.64 177) 22 184 80 196 02 106 l" 117 M 16 11 1(1 li' 74 16 07 17.40 20.57 83.41 27 32 30.80 34 27 39 14 43.30 48 20 5S . 04 63 92 70 16 70 57 82 90 86.77 103.60 111.70 119.54 127.37 136.41 144 93 155 21 164 77 175 69 Is:. 91 196 M 207 62 21s 43 231 14 Ml U 9.92 11 63 13 33 15 75 18.17 21 50 24 45 28 52 32 13 35 73 40 83 45 16 60 20 66 n7 61.12 66.60 73.15 79.69 86.24 94.08 101.16 109.55 117.66 125.76 135.15 143.98 154.65 104 54 175.87 186 i'< 197.83 231 in 234 54 10 40 11 17 11 94 16.45 18.96 88.48 25 50 29.74 33.48 38.80 43.30 48 61 53.60 59.87 72 33 79.10 85.87 94.03 101.36 108.89 117 37 125.74 135.47 144.40 155 64 166 ^7 177 86 188 68 in n 238.35 10.89 U 7. 14 18 17 .17 20.77 23.95 2s 87 S3 25 36.13 41.66 46.32 51.82 58.36 64 24 71 81 78.22 85.21 93.67 101 24 108.81 117.78 136.42 136 49 145 92 157.38 100 ss 198 M 204 '.mi 2 is 06 232 33 11 37 13 27 18 97 is m 22 41 25 70 30.30 34.31 40.07 44.89 50.59 55 94 62 73 68 82 76.03 83.25 90 46 99.22 107.03 110.31 125.22 135.64 146.87 157.21 169.83 1S1.50 198 '.'4 206 2 s 22(1 '.U 11 89 16.67 19 48 81 :o 27.54 32.35 36.53 42.53 47.53 53.48 60.58 66 94 74.52 82.10 89.68 98 91 1(17 12 116 87 126.26 137.25 147.50 160.01 173.33 185.65 198.77 211 7s 227 86 241 77, 12 39 14 43 17.33 20.23 24.66 29 64 33.96 40 SO 45 36 51.53 57 29 64 63 72 43 80 83 88.03 97 56 106.01 116.08 128 71 137.06 147 01 160.54 17:5 45 iso u 198.86 213 03 239 iki 243 91 170 175 180 1-.'. 105 MO 110 116 m Note. — Weight* an ipproadniAte, ind an itsJirnlatarf ■ae o w Ha g to dOBJgB taken from curves OO pAgl 1-10. All 0OUIBM figUlod five feet high, weights include laps, oeeeAMry rivets, tea and bottom nngke ind ladder, but do not include OOfOr, or anchor bolts and ( II r n T K v i | \ ■ \\ Vnk K DATA— BOILERS AND TANKS 1213 SIZES AND SPACING OF RIVETS FOR FORGED STEEL BOILER FLANGES ACCORDING TO ORDINARY PRACTICE Size Outside Thick- Diam- Diam- Num- Pitch Diam- Diam- Pitch of Diam- eter of eter of of eter of eter of of Flange eter Rivet Rivet Rivets Rivet Rivet Rivet Rivet Inches Inches Inches Circle Inches Circle 3 4 6 5 16 H 4.-5- ^16 8 x 16 5 A m 6 9^- ^16 1 6 15 16 y?, 4_§_ ^16 8 IH % Q15. °16 6 9J- ^16 IK 6^ 5 16 y 4.13. *16 8 m % ^16 6 2ft iy?, 7 % % 4.15. ^16 8 m % 4_9_ ^16 6 2% 2 8 % % m 10 V/h % 5ft 8 on *16 2 l A sy % % 6^ 10 ^3 2 % 6ft 8 2'% 3 9 % % °16 10 9-3- ^16 % 6ft 10 9-i- •^16 w, w, ft % 7J- ' 16 12 m % 7-i- « 16 10 2^ 4 10 _7_ 16 % 71A * 16 12 2^ 3 4 7_9_ ' 16 10 2H 4^ 10^ H % s^ 12 2Ks V* 7H 10 2ft 5 113/2 L A % Q-i- u 16 12 2^/8 V* 8U 10 sw* 6 12H y?, % 10ft 14 214 Vh nil y 16 12 23/2 7 14 % u lift 16 214 v* lift 14 2^ 8 15 Vs % 12^ 18 9-3- ^16 % 12ft 16 2% 9 16 u % 13ft 16 2 5 ^ 1 12H 16 2y 2 10 17^2 u % 14+* 18 2ft 1 14ft 16 Oil ^16 12 20 13 16 % 17ft 20 2^ 1 l«tt 18 015 •^16 SIZES AND SPACING OF RIVETS AND BOLTS FOR PRESSED STEEL PIPE FLANGES ACCORDING TO ORDINARY PRACTICE LD CD T y/A \ iw *P//A ! WA jr B.C. O.Q LD. 0. D. T. H. B.C. Bolts Rivets Size No. Size No. G. 12 16K % 2H 14% y 16 5 A 20 m 14 1814 % zy 1634 y 18 % 22 m 16 2014 % 2% 1834 y 20 % 24 m 18 22** 7 16 2% 21 H 22 % 24 IH 20 24?/ 8 _7_ 16 2% 23 % 24 % 28 W 22 26?4 7 16 2% 25 % 26 V* 30 1M 24 294 V?. 3 27y % 28 'A 30 m 26 3P4 y 3 29y U 30 Vh 32 m 28 3334 y 3 31 y 3 4 32 V* 36 m 30 35M X 3 337 3 U 34 Vs 38 m All dimensions in inches. Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 1*14 D A l A -SOILE R S A N D I A M K S STANDARDS FOR DRILLING PIPE FLANGES AND FITTINGS ACCORDING TO SCHEDULES ADOPTED A. S. M. E. AUGUST, 1894 LEADING MANUFACTURERS. JUNE. 1901 ... A A D DlAMKTKK T Tmcuran C Bolt Cm U NlMBER Bolts, Diameter of Bolts, Length of Bolts, 01 1 LAMB . Of Flange, DlAMETER, Pm Pressire Pmh i u -i u SI KE Pipe = g.l « JO ■ S I £ r z - ' B o S3 Q C \. B o O -r ;^-C-— ^_= = ^r ::- ■- — = ~ ' - ri i- .- — s _- r- 8 p - — c s _j^ '- n 2 ';'.• N 5 4 4 H 7 l 5H 4 4 % VA 3 ■ \ IM G 4 B '-• 3 8M B 1) 7 7'4 4 8 '-• X 3>4 4 10 fl 1'4 7H 4 8 3 4 ton H 7 3 4 8 8 ^ 3 4 3 3H 5 10 n 1 - 8M '■", 8 8 S 4 3 ii i." . l 9H Ii.'. 8 IS S 4 3 4 3 SN 7 il",h 10*4 11". IS S 4 1 8 1 ■ nu I ; - 12 - IX 16 16 13*4 u 1.' 12 • ;: 4», in 16 17H 14'4 12 it >4 a 19 20 - 17 IS 16 S 4 - ■:: 14 SI i • m so IS 20 7 * 5'4 u M .'l 1G 20 > 1 l 3 J 4 «H M 21>4!22) 16 20 1 l 4', 5! U Ifl 24 1 \H l 4 4 S 4 1 20 24 1 1 20 1 IM IH M 20 2s 1 i ' i i'» 4' 4 Hi i . • i ' ; ••> ' . 24 32 1 i'« 7 28 32 1 i'« 7'4 IH n i - ftk • i 1 * • 32 1»» l'> 5 36 1 ; 1 2 s 41 ! . | Ciicaoo fours l . R n ; i u Vurk DATA— BOILERS AND TANKS 1215 ALLOWANCE FOR DOME PLATES •Dome Diameter Allowance Jr The following table gives the rise or versed sine (shown as "allow- ance" in illustration) which should be added to the dome height and flange width to determine width of sheet r equired. The allow- ances given are found by the formula A = -Jr 2 — ^ in which "c" is the dome diameter or chord of the arc and "r" is one-half the shell diameter. Figures given are correct within one-thirty-second of an inch. Diameter of Shell in Inches of Dome 30 36 42 44 48 54 60 66 72 7S 84 90 96 20 Ol3 6 3 4& 2V 2 6A 2V 8 4M 5 6K 9-3- m m ±V2 sy 8 22 24 Ol3 3^ 6 6K m 26 28 3^ 4 &A 5M 6 7^ 8* 9 5 A 30 sy 8 VA 4H 6 &A 7^ SVs 9A 3M 3^i 4M 5A 6^ 6M 7 ¥ 8t6 9A 32 3& qi5 4H 5^ 6K 1V2 8M O 3 3^ 4^ 4& 5^ 5^ 6M 6% 7M 3M 4A 4H 5A 6tf 34 36 &A 38 34f 40 4^ 4# 42 44 •*>A 46 5% 6tg 48 1 Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson Son — New York 1216 n a r a BO] L K S A N 1) T A N K S :~. z r. ':'. s - :t r ~ :t i - ~ :~. BO X CI GO —«":-— /:n > B — — r. ::i--i- ~ < a ~ r-i ^h oi Ti ri co co -f t uo ■ - co co C i>- 1>- cc x> c: -- S ei o © »~ r. PC x :i ■- — >- — — s ~ ~ tj 7i : i re re — -r ■ - <- ■ - z z _. _. _. -/:i. — — r ? i z ~ — f :r-'C- X OJ CD C — xri D CO l> O — i ~ C -r i-^-ri- — — s — ~s—<~ r— ■- >C o M N h o c^ co r— »-• h r-i ^h cn e* co co *r -r >o iQioco co i- t- 3c x s_ z. z. — ■ - s. — >e s. Ti >~ s re i- - ri »~ z. ?) © ~ bo ~ ?l C C - X) CM CO C "* 00 OJ X -h iO X «-» »0 00 CN ' ~ S CN © o ~f © co i- n --0 0— re y ti © — >~ ©. — /:n- _ _ hWNM W1"~ r. CO CD S» CO coccc O ~~ I - © co t^ O -f r~ © ■«*• i^ . i - r - i - ? i © ~ >- s -\ © ~ — f ' i - ~ — X> OJ CO C — r - 1 -ri-. /:-. — / rn i* / - i: / n i: r ri •- r. m i.e © ' rt i © ! « i - B i © S I 3 r. : : t ~ i £ — ■ 5 r. — X ! I I - — >o —■ ^ oi oi co co co Tfr io >o © © © t^ t^ ao s z. z. S— fo cj © r — g ? i © r ~ O cj co c — ~ :n- — laa - ; ::i-r:: i - r — i - © — i — i X - — / : '. i -Z ~ —r:-i- NCOQiC A CO 00 CJ - — ' ~ — —Tin:: :: :t > - . - "3 z z i - i - / r z. z. ~- (iiicago — Josini I . Iv ^ i I >\ V c k k DATA— BOILERS AND TANKS 1317 BOILER HEAD DESIGN ACCEPTABLE TO THE HARTFORD STEAM BOILER INSPECTION AND INSURANCE COMPANY SHELL, 48 INCH DIAMETER 26 TUBES 4 INCH DIAMETER SHELL. 54 INCH DIAMETER 36 TUBES, 4 INCH DIAMETER Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 1218 I) A T A — B O 1 I- E K S A N 1) T A N K BOILER HEAD DESIGN CONTINUED I SHELL. 60 INCH DIAMETER 48 TUBES. 4 INCH DIAMETER SHELL. 66 INCH DIAMETER 54 TUBES. 4 INCH DIAMETER Chicago — Joseph T . H v t » - s — N I w York DATA— BOILERS AND TANKS 1319 BOILER HEAD DESIGN CONTINUED Levels For Grge Cocks. ■£mmm QOOBOG OGOBOO §&&&3&&OQ®&& agate® SHELL, 72 INCH DIAMETER 70 TUBES. 4 INCH DIAMETER SHELL, 78 INCH DIAMETER 88 TUBES, 4 INCH DIAMETER Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 1220 D A I A BOILERS AND T A X K S H. T. BOILER SETTING ON LUGS AND WITH FLUSH FRONT ACCEPTABLE TO THE HARTFORD STEAM BOILER INSPECTION AND INSURANCE COMPANY ' '■ I--— - : :- *' » ; - -:.:..;:. • 1 * 3*1 * ] So »ii (' II I ' I .. • I Iff I! I . K \ 1 k - N 1 \V V (i K K DATA— BOILERS AND TANKS 1331 H. T. BOILER SETTING CONTINUED ON HANGERS AND WITH FLUSH FRONT s ^3 ! I 1 1 ^ 55 <5 <5 S3 ^ 8 fc -. S S 1 ^ ?S 1 § § IS fc & $3 § si VI * § & ¥ *> § jo tv Ti I 1 ^ k S# 1 3; § 18 U «9 \ Si ^ § 5 ^ Si ^ 5 § $t \ 5 V s $ 3 k 5 5, k ;o ^ l: * «Q OQ °o § 5 ss »j ^ ? ^ ^ 5j ^ 5 SJ; Sg 5? 9} S; gj "< & a 8} $ s? § § § a § 5 ■.J ■*? £ « s § 10 '■c q <§ 0 K s § 03 * "1 § 3 5? <0 >0 fc S § § ^ 5 q S! ^ 5! 3 ? 5 ? 5 $ N a § ^ \? § 4 Q <0 £? s f! 5: «3 05 °3 5 § $! 5 t $ ■$ fc $ ^ ss S< Si 5 5 f «0 § IV. 00 § 5 Q 1 sj ■V 1 1 S 0 $ * * s> § 1? § § § § * X it % § St § §fc S « § Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerso Son — New York 1**4 DA l A — BO] I. i. B S A N U l A N K S TYPICAL BOILER PLATE SPECIFICATIONS OF THE HARTFORD STEAM BOILER INSPECTION AND INSURANCE COMPANY Shell plates shall be of Open Ik-art h Fire Box Steel, having a tensile strength of not less than 55,000 pounds, nor more than 62, r k DATA— BOILERS AND TANKS 1225 AREA OF BOILER SEGMENTS - 00 Area of Segment in Square Inches for Boilers from 36 Inches to 78 Inches in Diameter 1«1 1 2 SI S| l— ' o 5« 1—1 o 31 3.2 H " ' o MM -a . 3.2 3.2 53 1—1 '3 Km 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 264 293 323 354 286 319 353 386 421 454 297 331 367 399 437 473 306 343 379 415 454 491 528 567 319 354 392 431 469 509 548 588 325 364 404 444 483 523 566 608 650 354 394 438 482 527 573 620 665 712 760 808 378 423 471 517 567 616 665 717 770 821 876 927 982 1037 1090 403 449 500 553 603 658 714 767 824 882 937 996 1056 1113 1173 1234 422 473 529 583 639 695 753 812 875 932 997 1059 1121 1184 1248 1316 1381 1446 1510 796 19 855 %) 919 21 •985 22 1051 23 1118 ?4 1186 25 1255 ?6 13?5 27 1395 28 1460 ?n 1531 30 1602 31 1674 32 1746 Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York 1226 da r A B <> 1 L E K S AND 1 A N K. S HEATING SURFACE, DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS OF STANDARD BOILER TUBES DlAV- '1 iilt KNESS Nominal Weight J" Foot 1 eet "f Hcotiog Surface j.« r FOOl of Length Length of Tube in r Square 1 "ecimal of Inch External Internal External [■tonal ! sin 13 095 .90 .26 .21 3.84 4.72 \y A i.oeo 13 095 1.15 .33 3.03 3.60 i 1 , 1 310 13 095 1.40 .39 .34 Wa 1 560 13 095 1.66 . 16 .11 2.18 2 15 2 1 S10 13 095 1.91 .52 . 17 1.91 2.11 2H 13 2.16 .59 .54 1 70 1 86 2 ggg 12 109 _' 7.". .65 60 1.54 1 67 12 109 3.04 .72 1 39 1.51 3 12 109 3.33 .79 .73 1 25 1.37 V/a 3.010 11 1.0 .86 1.17 1 27 3 260 11 120 \ 28 .92 .85 1.09 1.17 3 :»Ht 11 120 1 60 .99 92 1 01 1.09 \ 3.732 10 134 5 17 1 05 1.02 IX l 232 10 134 6.17 1 is 111 .90 5 1 701 9 Ms 7 58 1.31 1 . 23 .76 .81 6 5 670 S 165 10.16 1 57 1 Is .64 .67 7 6 670 8 [65 11.90 1 83 1 7"> .55 8 7 670 8 165 l:; 65 2 lo 2 (Nl is .50 8 640 7 180 16 76 2 37 .42 11 10 6 21 00 2 51 .38 10 11 5 25 00 .36 12 11 542 28 50 3 15 13 4 :; lo 3.28 .29 .30 Wright may v.irv .") per rent above, <>r 5 per eenl ImLow mbumU weight given. : ii T Rvti v Yon RYERSON'S READY REFERENCE THE STEEL- SERVICE BOOK INDEX A p age Allowance, Dome Plates 1215 Alloy Die Blocks 104 Alloy Steel, Nikrome 104 American Ingot Iron 306 Anchors, Joist 1188 Angles, Equal Leg, Bar 203 Base Price 801 Extras 810 Weights, Dimensions 1105 Angles, Equal Leg, Structural .... 204 Base Price 801 Extras 802,813 Shearing Variation, Warehouse 808 Weights, Dimensions 1105 Safe Loads 1122 Angles, Unequal Leg, Bar 205 Base Price 801 Extras 810 Weights, Dimensions 1106 Angles, Unequal Leg, Structural. . . 206 Base Price 801 Extras 802, 813 Shearing Variation, Warehouse 808 Weights, Dimensions 1106 Safe Loads 1124 Arches, Corrugated 304 Areas of Circles 1008 B Babbitt Metal, Glyco 601 Bands, Straight Lengths 112 Scrolls 113 Galvanized 113 Extras, Steel 809 Extras, Iron 815 Weights, Estimated 902 Bands, Iron Extras 815 Bands, Pipe, Tank, Silo 523 Bands, Steel, Extras 809 Bars, Cold Drawn Round Shaft- ing (See Shafting) 116 Ryerson "A" 116 Ryerson "C" 117 Bars, Cold Drawn Screw Steel .... 117 Bars, Cold Twisted Square 105 Bars, Concrete Reinforcement .... 105 Base Prices 801 Extras 802 Specifications 845 Bars, Flat, Weights 904, 906 Bars, Flat Wire 119 Bars, Forging, Ryerson "A" 102 Ryerson "B" 103 Ryerson "C" 103 Bars, Free Cutting Rounds 106 Bars, Half Ovals, Weights 911 Bars, Hexagons, Weights 910 Bars, Iron, Classification of Extras 814 Bars, Merchant 125 Bars, Mild or Machine Steel 107 Bars, Oval, Weights 910 Bars, Plain O. H. Reinforcing 105 Bars, Quantity Differentials 812 Bars, Round, Weights 908 Bars, Screen 128 Page Bars, Smooth Finished Rounds 106 Bars, Square, Weights 909 Bars, Steel, Galvanized 114 Base Price 801 Cutting Extras 802 Classification of Extras 809 Specifications, Hot-Rolled. .. . 844 Base Prices 801 Bases for Columns, Cast Iron 1 192 Beams, Bethlehem, Weights 1109 Beams 201 Base Prices 801 Extras 802,813 Shearing, Variations, Warehouse 808 Weights, Dimensions 1101 Safe Loads 1112 Bethlehem Beams, Weights 1109 Bethlehem H Columns, Safe Loads 1180 Billets, O. H. Forging 101 Ryerson "A" 101 Ryerson "C" 101 Ryerson Special 101 Bits, Track, Dimensions, Prices. . . 710 Blocks, Differential, Prices 714 Boiler Braces, Weights, Use 411 Boiler Flanges, Prices 408 Sizes and Spacing 1213 Boiler Hangers, Dimensions, Prices 406 Boiler Head Design 1217 Boiler Lugs, Dimensions, Prices . . . 407 Boiler Nozzles, Dimensions, Prices 410 Boiler. Plates for Standard 216 Boiler, Safe Working Pressure 1224 Boiler Segments, Area 1225 Boiler Settings 1220 Boiler Steel, Hartford Specifica- tions 1224 Boiler Steel, Manufacturers" Stan- dard Specifications 839 Boiler, The Continental 404 Boiler Tubes (See Tubes) 401 Bolts, Boiler and Fitting Up, Prices 513 Bolts, Boiler Patch, Prices .. . . .' '. . 417 Bolts, Boiler Stay, Prices 416 Bolts, Bridge and Roof, Dimen- sions 514 Bolts, Carriage, Prices 510 Bolts, Coupling, Prices 514 Bolts, Expansion, Prices 511 Bolts, Eye 608 Bolts, Machine, Prices 508 Extras 509 Weights 912 Bolts, Plow, Prices 513 Bolts, Round Head, Weights 914 Bolts, Stove, Price 512 Bolts, Strength 1209 Bolts, Track, Prices 526 Braces, Boiler Weights and Num- ber used 411 Brackets, Column, Cast Iron 1193 Bursting Pressure, Tanks 1207 Cap Screws, Prices 516 Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — New York Page Cement, Joint 400 Chain i ihannels, Rubber Tire [28 Channels lm>_> I MM Extras B02, m:< Shearing Variations. Wan- house MM Weights, Dimensions 1103 Bale Loads n is Channels, small 202 Mil F\tra.s 802, M 1 circles. Circumferences and Areas 1008 Circumferences of Circles ions Clamps, S-Boll 808 Clasalflcatlon, Standard Steel BOO (lips. Malleable 808 < told Drawn Steel (See Shafting) . . in; Column Bases, ( !ast Iron 1102 < tolumn Brackets. Cast Iron 1 103 < tolumns, Cast Iron, Weights 1 100 Columns. Double Angle, Safe Loads 1174 ( tolumns, n. Safe Loads 1180 Columns, I Ream. Safe Loads 1168 Columns. Latticed Channel, Safe Loads 1152 Columns, Plate and Annie, Safe Loads 1 1 40 Columns. Plate and Channel. Safe Loads nr.t Columns. Single Angle, Safe Loads 1 17_' < toncrete Reinforcing (See Bars*. . . 105 Connection for Reams and Chan- nels lis". ( 'ont inental Boiler. The 404 < topper Ferrules. Prices lis Corrugated Arches 304 Corrugated Ridge RoU 311 Corrugated Sheets (See Sheets). . . 313 iits. Natural 1018 ( toslnes. Natural 1010 (■(.tangents, Natural 1014 Couplings 713 Covers, Manhole. Prices 412 (rabs or Yokes, Prices 414 Cranes. Rails. Clearances Dimen- sions and Wheel Loads 1 194 Crayons, Marking G03 Cutting Extras, Bars and Small Shapes 811 cutting Extras, Tool Steel ( 'ut ting. Warehouse Kxtr;.- D Data. Boilers and Tanks - Buildings and Rridges Sec 1 1 Miscellaneous ft I toclmal Equivalents i«to» Die Blocks, Alloy 104 7 1 3 Dishing, Prices Dome Plates, Allowance 1215 Drill -: Drill Sockets, Prices 7»>'i Drilling Flue Holes, Prices 324 Drilling Pipe , lards 121 I Drills. Twist, Dimensions, Prices 701 Taper Shank 701 Straight Shank 701 Enlarged Taper Shank 7ads 1 130 Glyco Babbitt Metal 601 H Handholesand Covers, Prices 414 Hangers, Boiler, Dimensions, Prices MM Hangers. Joist 1189 Loop, Dimensions, Prices 405 Hardening Treatment. Tool Steel. 1020 II Columns, Safe Loads 1189 Head Design. Boiler 1.M7 Heads (See Plates) 208 Heating Surface, Boiler Tubes. . . , 13)98 Hoists, Chain, Prices 714 Hoops. Soft Steel 114 Galvanised iu Extras 817 •imated 902 I lee, slide Steel 198 inch, Decimal Equivalents, 11)04 Inch, Decimal Equivalents, Feel 1005 Inch, Decimal Equivalents, Mtfcs. iix>7 [ngOt Iron, American J J. .Int Cement 409 J. .hits. Riveted 1201 it i • i i it T \ Son Nil Y < > R k *- Page Lath, Metal, Weights 606 Loop Hangers 405 Lugs, Band 608 Lugs, Boiler, Dimensions, Prices. . 407 M Manholes and Covers, Prices 412 Manufacturers' Standard Specifi- cations, Structural Steel. . . . 835 Boiler Steel 839 Plates, Variation 843 Hot Rolled Bars 844 Concrete Reinforcing Bars. . . . 845 Marine Flanges 409 Marking Crayons (See Crayons). . 603 Mechanical Tubing, Extras 403 Prices 832 Weights 915 Merchant Bar Iron 125 Miscellaneous Stock Sec. 6 Morison Corrugated Furnaces .... 405 N Nails, Gauges, Weights, Prices 604 Galvanized 313 Nikrome C. H. Steel 104 Nikrome Forging Steel 104 Nozzles, Boiler, Dimensions, Prices 410 Nuts, Case Hardened, Dimensions, Prices 521 Nuts, Check and Jam, Dimensions, Prices 521 Nuts, Cold Punched, Dimensions, Prices 520 Nuts, Hot Pressed, Prices 518 With Enlarged Holes, Prices . . 519 Weights 913 P Packer's Carrier Track 128 Patch Bolts, Boiler, Prices 417 Patch Bolt Taps, Prices 417 Perforated Steel Sheets and Plates. 607 Pipe Flanges, Sizes and Spacing ... 1213 Standards for Drilling 1214 Pipe Shoes 523 Pipe, Wrought, Weights and Prices 830 Plate, Boiler, Hartford, Specifi- cations 1224 Plates 208 Base Prices 801 Extras 802, 821 Variations and Allowances. SOS, 843 Weights 922 Plates, American Ingot Iron 214 Plates, Dome, Allowance 1215 Plates, Flange Steel 218 Plates, Flat Circles 208 Plates, Heads, Flanged and Dished 209 Prices 822 Weights 916 Plates, Floor 220 Approximate Weights 221 Safe Loads 1184 Plates for Standard Boiler 216 Plates, Hartford Fire Box 219 Specifications 842 Plates, Long Lengths 215 Plates, Perforated 607 Plates, Sheared Stock 212 Permissible Variations SOS, S43 Overweight Allowance 843 Plates, Tank Steel 212 Page Plates, Universal Rolled 210 Plugs, Flue, Prices 415 Plugs, Fusible, Prices 415 PostCaps 1189 Pressure, Bursting, Tanks 1207 Pressure, Safe Working, Boilers . . . 1224 Pressure, Water 1216 Prices and Classifications Sec. 8 Prices, W arehouse Base 801 Punches, Dies and Couplings 713 Punches, Screw, Dimensions, Prices 712 Punching Flue Holes, Prices 824 R Rails 222 Reamers, Carbon, Taper Shank, Dimensions, Prices 708 Reamers, High Speed, Taper Shank, Dimensions, Prices. . . 707 Reinforcing Bars (See Bars) 105 Ridge Roll, Corrugated 311 Rivet, Forges 718 Rivet Sets 711 Riveted Joints, Butt 1204 Riveted Joints, Lap 1201 Rivets, Boiler, Burden Iron 501 Rivets, Boiler, Cone Head 503 Dimensions 1001 Rivets, Mill Extras 829 Rivets, Round Head, Weights 914 Rivets, Shearing and Bearing Value 1002 Rivets, Spacing on Flanges 1213 Rivets, Steel, Countersunk Head. 505 Rivets, Structural Steel, Round Head 504 Dimensions 1001 Rivets, Tank and Sheet, Cone Head 505 Round Head 506 Pan Head 506 Flat Head 507 Countersunk Head 507 Wagon Box Head 507 Rivets, Tinners' or Pound .'....'..'. s5s Prices 829 Rods, Suspension, Strength 1209 Roofing Sheets, Corrugated 313 Roofing Sheets, Stamped 314 Rope Fittings 60S Rope Wire 608 S Saddle Plates for Manholes, Prices. 413 Safe Loads, Explanation of. . .1111, 1139 Saw Blades 113 Extras 816 Screen Bars 128 Screens, Weights 606 Screw Punches, Dimensions, Prices 712 Screws, Cap, Prices 516 Screws, Coach and Lag, Prices. ... 511 Weights 913 Screws, Set, Prices 517 Screw Steel, Cold Drawn 117 Secants, Natural 101S Segments, Boiler, Area of 1225 Separators, Standard Steel 11 86 Set Screws, Prices 517 Sets, Rivet 711 Settings, Boiler 1220 Shafting, Cold Drawn 116 Discount 801 Cutting Extras, Warehouse 808 Prices 819 Cutting Extras, Mill 820 Shearing, Standard Variations .... 80S Chicago — Joseph T. Ryerson & Son — JSTew Yo Page Shoots, Auto Stock. Patent Leveled MM Sheets, Black lit) I Base Price 801 Kxtras 802. B26 Weights '.us Bheeta, Blue Annealed 801 Bheeta, BlueAnnealed Ingot Iron. :u>7 Sheets. Corrugated Pooling 313 Corrugated Weights \rll Bate Loads 1184 Bheeta, "C" Pickled 310 Bheeta, Electrical 311 Sheets. Extra Deep Stamping and spinning :r IC R • MEMORANDA DATE ITEMS PRICE MEMORANDA DATF ITEMS PRICF 1