The Inner Voige •^ oen^s Marian Wendell fiybbard. REXHEW • PRINTING • HOUSE, • PITT^KN • GROiZB, • N. • J, { of CONGRESS Two Copies Received NOV 8 1904 Copyright fcntry I CLASS CO XXc No: \ ! COPY B. The Voice of Jesus sweetly calls, " Come tcnto Me, and rest" And he who hears and heeds that Will evermore be blest. Copyright, 1904, By Mrs. Marian Wendeu, Hubbard, Pitman Grove, N. J. The Inner Voice. I heard a Voice, a holy Voice, And thus it spoke to me, " I will thy right hand firmly hold, For I've redeemed thee ; Fear not my child, I know thy name, "Tis written up above, I surely will remember thee With everlasting love." I heard a Voice, a loving Voice, And thus it spoke to me, " Go find the weary ones of earth, A message give for Me ; Tell them, I bid the weary rest, The wandering ones to come; The shelter of their Saviour's breast Is peace, and love, and home." I heard a Voice, my Saviour's Voice, " Go work to-day for Me, I spent a weary, toilsome life, And suffered death for thee ; And canst thou sit, and take thine ease, When souls each day are lost? Oh show the love thou hast for Me ! Go, work at any cost." 3 My All for Christ A little more time spent with Jesus, A little more sorrow for sin, A deeper and fuller surrender Of the self now dwelling within, A little more prayer and heart searching, A little more love for His Word. An ear ever ready to listen To the message, " Thus saith the Lord." A little more time for the Master, To go on His errands of love, To comfort the sick and sorrowing, Lead the erring to Jesus above. A little more courage in telling The stofy that brought joy to thee, And filled all thy heart with gladness, Salvation, so full and so free. A little more zeal ; Oh ! remember What Jesus has done for thy soul, And give Him the best of thy service ; Not half — but surrender the whole. A little ! Oh, canst thou measure The sacrifice Christ made for thee ? Or number His pangs, and the blood drops He shed upon Calvary's tree ? 4 Shall we give Him only the moments We snatch from the pleasures of earth ? Or yield Him, with joyful devotion, Our lives, since 'twas He gave them birth? A little ! Nay, take all I have, Lord ! My Saviour, so loving and sweet, Thy blood from sin has redeemed me, I will lav mv life at Thv feet. The Angel that Blocks Up the Way. Numbers 22 : 31. When you turn from the path that leadeth to God. When 3^ou listen no longer to what He would say, Should you feel then the pain of the chastening rod, Be sure 'tis God's Angel that blocks up the way. When you find that the joys of the world are more sweet Than the service of Jesus who once was your stay, If the stones in the path then make w^eary your feet, Be sure 'tis God's Angel that blocks up the way. Sometime, it may be in the darkness of night, You may realize that you are a child gone astray, Then, if conscience should whisper "Oh turn to the right." You will know 'tis God's Angel that points out the way . All praise be to Jesus who died on the tree ; The paths that were dark He has made light as day. While the streams of salvation are still flowing free, And Christ, as the Angel of God, leads the way. 44 The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You/' Not to the heights of Heaven we go With joy and one accord, Not to the depths of hell below To find our risen Lord. Not to the rising of the sun, Nor to the glorious West, Where gates ajar seem opened wide Into the land of rest. Not through the ocean's wide expanse Nor mountain peak of snow, Not in the forest shadows deep Does Jesus walk below. In nature's works we see His hand, But heaven, nor earth nor hell Cannot contain the Lord of Lords, Though He with man doth dwell. Oh wondrous grace ! that in the heart Surrendered to His will, Christ makes His throne and reigns alone The King of glory still. %est. Pulsate, Oh heart ! upon His bosom Who claims thee for His own, He gave His precious life to win thee, Forsook His Father's throne. He sees with infinite compassion I he trials thou must meet, He knows, for He has trod the pathway. With weary, bleeding feet. Then rest, Oh heart! upon His bosom, In faith, and joy, and peace, His loving arm will e'er enfold thee, Till time itself shall cease. Our Leader. "Thou shalt remember all the way that the lyord hath led thee." The path hath led thro' devious ways, Sometimes as dark as night, But thro' the gloom, a star of hope Shone with effulgent light. Some ray would beam upon my sight, When joy, and peace, seemed dead, Some promise whisper to my soul When hope had almost fled. He cannot lead me in a way That has not for its end, My everlasting good in view, My kind, my loving Friend. And so, I trust, and lean my head Upon His loving breast, And let Him lead me on, and on, Into His perfect rest. cAn Easier Offering, Open your chalice, O lilies ! Reveal your hearts of gold ; Let the pure and spotless petals To the Easter morn unfold. We would lay a royal offering Down at the Saviour's feet, What fairer than Easter lilies ? What can we find more meet ? The Church is laden with flowers, The lilies in gorgeous amry , Bank up the rails of the altar, For this is glad Easter day. The swell of the glorious anthem Uprose on the perfumed air ; A solemn hush then followed As the pastor led in prayer. On the heads, now bowed in worship, A benediction came, As if Christ the Lord, arisen, Called to His own by name. The prayer is o'er, but someone Has come thro' the open door, She is pale as the Easter lilies, And her feet are weary and sore. Her garments are poor and scanty, No rustle of silk or lace, But a hungry look of longing Shines out of her pallid face, And straight, she walks to the altar, And falls on her knees to pray, Her heart is broken with sorrow, Her lips find no words to say. The people gaze with wonder, From the pulpit the pastor came, And knelt by the penitent sinner, So bowed with grief and shame. He told her the fountain was open, To plunge in the crimson flood, That Jesus was ready and willing, To make her soul white in His blood. And then, while the waiting people Gazed in wonder and awe, There came to the sinner a vision Thro' the lilies her Saviour she saw. " Go in peace ! Thy sins are forgiven,' And His smile was tender and sweet, She had brought her Kaster offering, She had laid her soul at His feet. His Mercies are New Every Morning] We rise in the fair, fresh morning And gaze on a beautiful world Theo.rtainsof night are rolled upward, The banners of light are unfurled. From the purple tops of the mountains where still floats a misty haze To the quiet stream in the valley' That gleams 'neath the sun's first rays ; From the bird that sits in the tree-top And warbles a gladsome lay From theflowers, crowned wkh dewdrops I here rises a welcome to Day. The glory grows brighter, and brighter On the fields, the meadow, the rill And a crown of golden splendor Now rests upon mountain, and hill. Another day— new it is giver., Fresh from its Maker's own hand The sun from hi* couch of purple, Has risen at God's command. He clothes the earth with verdure, His foot prints the mossy sod, His voice fills the air with music, All nature sings praises to God. TO " Lord Shut the Door/' When pride is in ray heart enthroned, When doubts and fears have sway, When moved by every passing breeze, How can I Thee obey ? Oh send the fires that purify, Tho' they afflict me sore, And make thyself a dwelling place ; And then, " Lord shut the door." Oh send Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, To search my inmost heart, Bring to the light each secret sin, And cleanse its every part ; When I, an emptied vessel, am, Into my being pour The blessed fullness of Thy love, And then, " Lord shut the door." The abiding presence of my Lord Is heaven itself to me, I listen — and I hear His voice, " My child ! abide in Me, And thou shalt know My will for thee, In grace, grow more and more ;" My heart responds — " Oh enter in !" And then, " Lord shut the door." / cNieed Thee* I need. Thee at the dawn of day, When first I greet the light, And thro' the clouds of mprning gray The sun sends rays so bright. I need Thy presence to uphold , To guide, and lead my feet, To keep me close, and fit me Lord, For all' Thy service sweet. I need Thee at the hour of noon, When waves of sultry heat Depress my mind, and Satan tempts, To drive him to defeat. I need to keep the eye of faith Fixed on the. promise true, In every season of distress, T " My grace shall be with you."' \ I need Thee when the twilight falls, And shades of coming night Succeed the glory of the clouds All bathed in sunset light ; I need to lay aside the cares That fill up all the day, And sweetly rest my soul on Thee, Oh ever with me stay ! 12 I need Thee, Saviour, and my need, Appeals with power to Thee ; I know Thou never wilt forsake The soul that needeth Thee ; Oh ! every hour, of every day, Keep me close by Thy side, In life, in death, while life shall last My Lord ! in me abide. Lobe's Service* I would fain live so close to the Master That if He should ever call tor some one to do His bidding, His voice on my ear would falh [■ What matter if all unnoticed By man — the labor were sweet If His smile should rest upon me As I laid my gift at His feet. Perhaps but to bring a message To some fainting child of the King, A prayer, or a word of comfort, Or a song that His loved ones sing. Just the smallest service for Jesus, Oh use me most gracious Lord ! Though only an earthen vessel, May Thy love throughout me be poured. *3 Inasmuch. 'Twas the dreadful Day of Judgment, And the King was on His throne, 'Round Him stood assembled nations, And each soul was judged alone. Trembling in the glorious presence — Saints and angels, cherubim — One, who on the earth was lowly, Waited sentence passed on him. ' ' Inasmuch as ye gave water To the faint and thirsty soul, Ministered to those who hungered With no mean or meagre dole ; Took into your home the stranger, Gave him love and charity, I, your Saviour, now proclaim it — Ye have done it unto Me." " Ye gave clo'hes to those w 7 ho needed, And ye came with gentle tread To the sick, so sad and languid, And their hearts were comforted. As ye went into the prison, Outcast souls, in love to see, I, your King, now call ye blessed, For ye did it unto Me." 14 " Come ! Ye blessed of my Father, Come into your heritage, Long prepared for those who love Him ; Priest and prophet, king, or sage ; None will hold a place more lofty, Nearer to the throne will be, Than the soul that lives for others," "Ye have done it unto Me." The Pressure of His Love* I will lean hard on my Lord ; I need to feel Each day and hour, the pressure of Thy love For I am weak, and weary of ten-times, And clouds are 'round about me ; But tho' I see Thee not, I still would feel Thine arms about me, and know that never more Shall I be left alone ; the way may darker grow, But Thou art still behind the clouds. And thro' the rifts, I catch a gleam of glory That I shall share with Thee some day; And then, the memories of the da3^s that now Oft bear the print of weariness, and pain, Will all be tinged with wonder at the way My Lord has led me. Jesus ! lead Thou rue on, the path Thy ieet have trod Tho' lined with thorns, and stained with blood, Leads up to glory, and to God. In the Night Watches, In the gloom of the night, He speaks to me, As I lie so quiet and still, And listen to what my Lord shall say, As he tells me His blessed will. " My child ! and I feel a holy calm, At the sound of the still, small Voice, That falls on my ear like an evening psalm, And causes my heart to rejoice. ' ' Why is thy heart so sadly bowed By a weight of crushing care ? Canst thou not tell thy wants to Me, For I will answer prayer." " I know thy utter helplessness, But there is strength in Me, Thou wouldst be free from doubt, and fears, I Wait to succour thee. ' ' Then, I pour out my heart in prayer to Him , I tell Him my trials and cares, And in tenderness; He bends over me, And all my sorrow shares. And into my heart, there comes sweet rest, As He whispers, " Peace be still," For I know He w T ill lead me in the way, : Of His own blessed will. 16 Glory be to God on High* Hark ! the angels smg in chorus, " Glory be to God on high !" And the air is filled with music, While light streams from out the sky. Lowly bow the wondering shepherds As, they hear the glad refrain, "Peace <^n earth! good will !" re-echoes, " Peace ! good will " resounds again. Wide were opened heaven's portals As the angels chanted then, Clothed in robes of heavenly radiance, The good tidings to all men ; That the child in Bethlehem's manger Is the Lord Himself, come down, To redeem a world from danger, He forsook a royal crown. Now, the dear, the wondrous story, Echoes through the whole wide earth, And upon this Christmas morning Christians celebrate His birth. Ring out bells your merry greetings, Let your glad notes pierce the bky, Join the chorus, oh ye people, " Glory be to God oh- high !" 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