IIHHHH HHBBH llHBi Hi tfii!» 9 0ffl Bl8BH»Bli8l ■8DDIB Warn ■ Hill SB I HH BiraWlii V M ■ ■■SHI Hi I HM HfinSofiHifS nlllHHBi H i DICTIONARY ENGLISH AND SINDHI BY CAPTAIN GEORGE STACK, J^rintefc bg dbiUtx of tjje dBrobewmnxt of 33omfcag> BOMBAY: AMERICAN MISSION PRESS. T= GRAHAM, PRINTER. M,DCCC,XLIX S? PEEFACE. - In commencing this work, I aimed at nothing more than to shew the Sindhi significations of the English words, given in Kennedy's English and Maratha Dictionary, which I chose as containing a brief yet good list of the words in most common use in our tongue. Sir George Clerk, the late Governor of ]>ombay, having however, during his visit to Sindh in February 1848, examined the work so far as it was prepared, and recommended its being published on account of Government, I thought it best to make it as complete, as my limited time would allow, without, however, delaying its publication, which I was informed was required early. The first sheets were at once given to the Printer, but to those left in my hands I made additions and improvements, forwarding them down successively, as the Printer was ready for them, till all was completed. This will account for the work getting more and more full, as it advances. The additions made have more than doubled the original plan, Kennedy's Dictionary con- taining significations for only 5,500 English words. This gives those for about 12,000. This work does not profess to give all the Sindhi, or Sindified, syno- nymes in use in the country ; it shews only those most common, and generally understood. The Sindhi, like the Hirulostani, borrows from the Arabic, the Persian, and the Sanscrit, to an extent only limited by the learning and fancy of the writer. It would have rendered the work confused and difficult to add all such words to it. Such of them have been given, as are in common use, and also all pure Sindhi words, that I have been afole to meet with. I would note that there are many words in use in Lar or Lower Sindh, which are not known in the northern parts of the province, and vice versa. Different classes too Q favor different terms- -the Hindoos using many Sanscrit words unknown ^ to the Musalmans, and the Musalmans many Arabic vocables spoken only among themselves. For this reason I have tried to put first in place the synonymes best known generally, and these will often be found a to be words used in Hindostani. The others follow in order as they " seem more or less common. iv. PREFACE. I have but rarely attempted to express the meaning of a word by a phrase. In preference to doing so, I have generally omitted English words expressing ideas, or being names of things peculiar to ourselves. Such phrases could only be used with safety by one already acquainted with the language, and one so acquainted would find little difficulty in forming them for himself. I have chosen the Devenagari character to write the Sindhi words in, as being for many reasons the most suitable and convenient. To some of its letters, however, I have been obliged to attach marks to distin- guish sounds peculiar to the Sindhi. The letters so marked are jt ? 5T. z, $ t 3". f, and ?r.* I have had considerable difficulty in fixing the Orthography. Many of the words I have given will be found to be pronounced and written very differently by different persons. I have tried to choose the most common forms of spelling, or to follow the general manner of pronun- ciation, without at the same time going into actual vulgarisms ; but my choice was very arbitrary, and it will doubtless be thought that I am of- ten incorrect. One of the most common differences is in the infinitive of those Causal Verbs, which I have terminated in ^rc^T. This many make a?!"^, and some too 3^; thus we have sr^r^, ^RTl'ST'T, or $TPT r ' to cause to do •' but the first form only will be found in this work.f The 9?r also, terminating many nouns and adjectives, is often pronounced as if 3T, especially if it be preceded by °T. These differ- ences, however the learner will readily notice for himself. The contractions of grammatical terms, which I have used, are so few and apparent, that it seems needless to give any list of them. As this work is meant solely for those already acquainted with the principles of Grammar, I have not thought it necessary to point out the various parts of speech, or to distinguish the different kinds of verbs, except where it was needful to do so to avoid confusign. I would beg to add now a few remarks, which will be found useful in consulting this work. An adjective can always be expressed by using its corresponding noun in the genitive, and where the Sindhi possesses no other form for the adjective, I have left the English word out altogether. The affix * The peculiarities of these sounds will be found explained in a Grammar now in the Press, j The people to the South use ^J very commonly where they to the North have f. PREFACE. V. qT0, too, used with nouns in their inflected form, gives them an adjec- tive signification. But I have seldom expressed such formations. The learner can readily form them for himself. Our English adverbs, where derived from adjectives, I have rarely given separate from the adjective, which, unless it be siich as is in Sindhi formed from a noun by affixing f t %[([ f or any other of the affixes signifying possession or relation, can also be taken adverbially; thus, f|"3" ^#T ?lT3"j 3?rl, 'this is a good man ;' fCS JffSS ^r *JT W&, ' this man acts well.' The Infinitive Moods of all verbs are used as verbal nouns, and I have not therefore thought it necessary to repeat these under the Nouns. In such cases too, as the verbal noun has in Sindhi no other forms, 1 have left the English word out altogether. Passive verbs are formed by inserting ST before tbe final of of the ac- tive infinitive, the preceding consonant taking either a short i (f), or becoming silent, as Jnx3 S3 Accusation. iTf^r, (false) xnr, f> S3 » To Accuse. |rf &W5*T, 5T^T 3^°T« An Accuser, grift. To Accustom. It^T. S3 One Accustomed or habituated. shTRT,?*F. The Ace point, (on dice), qf (on cards) *T3>T. An Ache. *J^\ qte. To Ache. vnaor fr^FOT- si> S3 7 Os s» Acid. ?«rfr. To Acknowledge. sfl^T, ^^TT- To Acquaint. fTNr^. #ee To Inform. Acquaintance, (with another). ?j- ^RPfft. fofT, ^t^t. /See Know- S3 ' ' ^ S3 ledge. An Acquaintance. *Tsft,"^JT, R^T- S3 ' S3 ' To be Acquainted with, (another). ^3rpJ]or. See To know. S3 S3 Acquainted with. sjTFTr^r, sfrr^, src^, wr, €sft, sir, errofri S3 S3 ' S3 * ' Gs ' To Acquire. *7foT, irC^T, fTUCy. Acquired. J^fff. An Acquisition, (gain). &\£i t ?^ r > quintan ^PTf • #ee Ah. arte, f rr, §l . ss 7 N S3 J 3r?q°r, jstPr^r, f^v?°r. S3 ' SO ' so Anguish. ^Ff , s^ffe, qV§", q^. To suffer Ansruish. s^sJOT, qlT5f°T. ° so so » -x so An Animal. vJtS", STR^C A wild Animal, ft?^. Animate. vsTJTjr. so Anise seed, srct #7T. An Ankle, nfr Rprf. SO ' Ankle ornaments, of sorts. J^r- qfr, Rrfqrr, plural.^, «ri%j, Annihilated. qr^Tr, ^Tf^T. 7 S3 To Annoy. ^3T?°T, OTrCJ, v3RT- The Artillery department. 3T- s^Rf. An Artillery-man. sfF^ft, 5^57f« Artless, (simple-minded). ifrfT^t, Artlessness. wfC^Tlf, frfc^lf, HT- As, (in sucft manner as). f^N", As, (while). 5I^t. As, (st*cft as, Zi/ce as). fsTfir, srfr. As large as. %fe#f, %fN As long as, as far as. %flt^foft. As many, as much. SffTO. As yet. BT^rr. Assafoetida. fff. To Ascend. ^?f^T. An Ascent. ^"P3T t, ^l^W. To Ascertain. &WT t srf*MW3r- S3 * NS V9 I S3 S3S5 vj Ashamed. fqfHFT, ferfw, faswr- \J " » ' S3 To be Ashamed. c^or, fa?HTr- Ashes. ^, §wc, tfr, sr£, forfc, »rg/. &r^/. Aside. 71%. To Ask. crgor. S3 S3 To Ask for. s^j, ^R- 5RTJ, Asleep. fT^r. An Ass. TT^f , ^trJf, young- *§T?r f A wild Ass. jfr^C A keeper of Asses. ^3KT, ff^"f^t. An Assault, fasf, «p"f, ff^t, « threatened assault vjtf^r. £ee Attack. To Assay, (coz'n). q^rr. An Assayer. qr^. Assemblage, qj. To Assemble (ac/.). JT^? ^^« To Assemble (neu.). fifST, JR An Assembly. *Rc*€, Wl". To Assent. JT^T. 3"fa°T. Awake. fT^m, B^IW- To Awake, (act.). vsnTjTSoj. Awful, (terrible). ^fTTHr, ^TOTC. BAI BAN An Awl. sflT. An Awn, or beard of corn. f*^C. An Awning, ^ff, srcfR. Awry (crooked), [ffft f BTrfr^ff. An Axe. f w\ff f rTft*. An Axle, Axletree. ^ft^ f U^ff. Azure. STRJTFft. B To Baa (like a sheep), rr^rr°T, \» A Babe, Baby. f^FT^r, m^ f fTR^ . A Bachelor. JsjKr, 3T^f. The Back, q-fi", qst. S3 'S3 The Back of a garment. qteff. The Back of the head. fo^Tr^. Behind one's Back. T^crfc To lie on the Back. qfssj IK q^T, Back (again). M\i\ f q"^t. To Backbite. f*Rr 5T&T. A Backbiter. fir^rafte. Backbiting, frjerr. The Backbone, q-fs" isfr ^ff, 37t- The Backside. ^rC^fsT;— a cheek of the B. ^je. tfsff. S3 N> 7 vj . Backwards. jstff, sjsffir. Bad. jfsir, j?r, afsfr, ^crj, y=fr, Badness, ffcfrf , J^rrr, &c. a Bag. jfrfad/^rfad, w&tft, (of date mat) qr§, fqflT, (0/ leather) »rr^rff, (a fukeer's bag) %m. Baggage, nft, ^cfofoft*. Bail. wnfir^r^rf^jft^/^feCt. A Bailsman. vSTrfaf, P«Tfor5:, A Bait, (for fish) flTJ, (/or o*Ws) To Bake fact J. T^rCT. A Baker. =TF^r?. To Balance (regulate scales, fye.). Balance (remainder J. *TRft, (due in excess J qrrfisT^. Bald, sffvjfr. A Bale, f r^ . A Ball ( to play with). %^t, #- A Ball of thread. Iff, left. A Ball, or bullet, ifift, aff^i", #t^". A cannon Ball, jfffr, *ff$7f, rfe The Ball of the foot. qsr. A Ball of dough, butter, &c. ^ofr. A Ballad. aftT, WIT S3 7 vy* A Balustrade. ^RTf^C. A Bamboo. Hfe. A Band (for tying), sjr, Qi\. A Band f of men J. iffaft, &Z^\, fff^jft, (offukeers) §J|, vsprrcT. (of thieves) qfc, q-pg-, (0/ ,nw- siciansj Z[&\. A Bandage. q£t. A Bandit. qT^sr, q?te To Banish. |? f^K^T, q*:|f€ 3T- Banishment. s?ff=T3TITr, The Bank of a river, &c. irfc, 3TJ, *«ft, S^ft, ^3t, (^^) 3T- qs", fir^r. A Bank of earth. 5^, (rfiAre) A Banker. ^UTT, STCTTT. A Bankrupt. ffr^T, *f^« Bankruptcy. &[&, |WT, ^TJ, A Banner. %fr f ^t^TR , ^ 3? . 2 BAT 10 BEE A Bar. WCft, (of a door) ?n#t. Barbarian, Barbarous. W*&\, frift, A Barber, ?mf , r^. Barberries. f^riT^¥. Barefooted, qc sgrf I". Barebeaded. JJST vj^nfr- A Bargain, vsfrc^,?^. A Barge. 5T*T£t. The Bark of a tree &c. ?&&, ^5T, £rfr. To Bark (trees), fevvj. The Bark of a dog. jtNt. To Bark (as a dog). alfo^T, *C°7. Barley. 5T3". Green Barley (for cattle). 3fiTJ. Of Barley. «Tf%. Barren (a female), ^fc, q^sT, (or /awe?) ^r?T, (a free ^ c .) ^^t, The Barrenness of a female. 4??- Base (mean). sfrj, I'TO, sfpHr. Bashful, sirrrr, s^ra-j, sror*. Bashfulness. l^fT, SOTg. Basil. ?jsst ; the leaf, sfg", 3g" ; sweet basil, ^Tif J. A Basin, N^l^. A Basket, (various in form and material). dKr, A Battle field, ftj. A Bawd (procuress). ' iSV;e Faith. To Believe. ttfr? °T. S^ JWT, fa - S3 » S3 S3 ' S3 A Bell. $?, tf?r, (uflneto) fa- fe°ft, *spkt, ^r, zr^r, sfac Bell-metal. tm, jf fr. A Bellow, zrre. To Bellow. rsor, W^- • • S3 1 S3 A pair of Bellows, ^faf^r. The Belly. ?r,f] ? , ftrj, (o/ c /?o/) ITIT^-. To Belong. The substantive verb ^spjf with the noun, standing- S3 S3 '-' for the possessor, in the gene- tive. Beloved. f^TKf, Sfrfaj, Sffsft. Below. |fy, t^r, §37. A Belt. %fetf . A Bend. ^, f%*3J, If, fif*J. To Bend (act.) fsjjjt ^[,"^01, down fasJSTCj. To Bend (new.). sr^T, 3^?; down Beneath. Ifar. See Below. A Benediction. STaff. crater. S3 ' A Benefactor. fec^T^t- Beneficent. Mfffa, ^UPjf • Beneficial. gqrCsfr, ffSFKf, g°Tf- ^f5Ct. See Advantageous, Pro- fitable. A Benefit, (favor) fftfi, (profit) mi, qr, qT^r, A Besotn. ^\t\, *Tf rO- To Bestow. |c fWj, ^CT- A Bet. Stff. To Bet. ^T ^o[^. Betel-leaf. qR. Betel-nut. #TpflT, ^tr, (varieties of) M*$\, ^rj Dr. To Betray. gf| gr^. To Betroth or cause to Betroth. To be Betrothed. *T^|J. A Betrothed girl. ^T^. A Betrothing. Jiflpft, Between. faN", fr^T *f , if. To Bewail. ^\w grw See To Lament. To Beware. % • \s ss ss To Bleed (let blood). ^-j^- S3 A Blemish, ifa ^jjoj ^tr %&* , t \J' S3S3 l S3 ' S3 7 3TKs[. See Defect. To Bless, grajr &c. 3T^q. A Blessing, ^r, arrets. Blind. 8t'4t, *?rsr^ , H^,eu, ^- Blind in one eye. ^f°fr. Blindness. Bjqrff. A Blister on the skin. qrfeofr, A Block. e}fN A Blockhead. ife, ^TOT, JTS". Gs' OS S3 7 o-sj 7 ^?7 3#, *fr?fr, frar, arrg. Blood. ^ t ^rr. S3 ^PS", ■ROT. A Boat. I^t, (large) %ff, (vari- ous kinds of boats) 5T*£t, SflT^FT, A Boatman. jftff ^ JTCRr, *TRef*fr. A Bobbin (weaver's). ^Firft. A Bodice, (various fashions of such), ^t^fr, JTSf, aftf, *fft, qfqr^ft. A Body, spjr, Jf , Iff, S To Boil up, or over. 3"lJR^r. To Boil, or be Boiled, (cooked in water) . ^ffaj. A Boil, or Boiling. S!TKr, £f#j A Boil, or Bile, gnff , £fa ft, K- Bold. *° %>T3?r, fatfs, !*fcr- Borrowed. JRvJC The Bosom. 3T3". See Breast. Both, ff, I?. To Bother, ^qrfOT, sRTr^T. See To Annoy. To be B othered. f 5Tf S^far - fa- A Bottle. sJteJr, ^ft* The Bottom part of any thing. Of the Bottom. |sfr. Bottom (power of endurance), sj. BRA 15 BRI A Bough. Gf^*. See Branch. Bound, (tied) ffqt, (in bonds) To be Bound. f SPT, frfasPT. A Boundary. 3TJT, ?=Nfr,st3T, Sta, ¥^;, ^ /?Zw:, s?pj. A Branch, zrrfr, srCt, srr*?r, 55TT. A Brand (mark). 3"|7T, spr. To Brand. 3W fe*T^, S"OT, 37*PJ. A Branding instrument. v?rJT°Tt Brass. fq^TeT. A Brave man. hIt§\ ^f3"^\ H*rf. See Hero. Of a Brave man. eftrFTT, fl^Wf. Bravery. nfKWtt, ^fr^ft, tf*tt£. Bravo. STPTfo, WW, ST^ffr, To Bray, ffsn-oj. Brazen. qf^r#r. A Brazier. spRI"* Bread, JjRt, U^T, ^TFT. ^ee Food, Breadth. qj%UC, ^T, %, tffSrft. A Breadth of cloth. v?^". cf3T. To Break (acf.). JTspj, fr^^T, ?f- S^r, #?^T, (a rope) ftRq. To Break (new.). *T!Fr,£? A Burnisher, ^fffr. To Burst (act.). 9TR^, fccq. To Burst (neu.). qTCT, faraj, A Burst of passion, &/C. 3rft,fTE- Tr. £ee Fit. To Bury, qx°T, fa^T. ** e- vs ' ss ss A Bush, f3T,*r£t, 3*T. • Os 7 • Os ' \s Business. 3TJT ? r*T , ^JT^r^f, "€ r«T» . S3 ' 'S3 V3 ' S3 ' ' S3 A Bustle, Bustling, f ^TJ%. Busy. ^r. To be Busy. ^T^J. But. qr, q°r. A Butcher. eFlW, ^fCtefC- To Butt. 5LT=Tr— 2T5R-^- - ^ajtrr. Ct\ s» Butter. 3??iq. S3 Clarified Butter, or Ghi. fi)%. Ghi &c. put into bread. JTTCJ, flij; bread prepared with GAi, &c. ?rrirs?r,3Wr. sj 7 A seller of clarified Butter, or Ghi. To Butter. qrWj. A Butterfly. qfqr. Buttermilk, ^fq, *T#T, urft?, ?*r£r, The act of Butting, spr , £*^\ A Buttock. q-rf^.Tff. \a s» " \a • A Button. f!fr, i\€\, jfSfTflr. A Button hole, or loop for the but- ton. qrr#V jjjff^ ( y various ao-es) JTrSttcT, JRTff , *T- «|. fergr , fair, ^ f ttj-,W, A strong Camel. ^i?t. A riding Camel. *T?^, fllfeqt. Of a Camel. Bfiit. Camel's hair, fafcS'g'. A Camel-man. arfaflT, ^, A Camel-rider. &tf£f. A Camp. ^3T. A Camp-follower. 3v?*T?. A Campaign. 3Tft*T Camphire. 3Tq"^". A Canal (of tdrious sizes). %\W, *ft, *Njt, ft|f v ^ ^ ^. See Water course. The tail part of a Canal. qtfs'ft. A Canal-digger. ^rfc? 3 ?r. A Canal-measurer. *3N5J^\ Canal-digging. *3\£\. To Cancel, ^zq, qftq, ^ ^q. Cancer (the Sign). ^. Candid, ^^f, snfr. A Candle. ^mr- A Candle stick. ST^R". A Cane, See Reed, Rattan, &c. A Cannon. ^PTT. A Cannon-ball. #st, 3TKr, €fc A Canopy, ^3T, sr^FJ. A Cantonment. §Tf, 3^3T^\ A Cap. z\q), Z(^\ To Captivate. 5T?rq, ^q, (the understanding or affections) *fa 3^q, #rt q. To be Captivated. 97Sq. A Captive. *f£t. Captivity. 5T17, sfr, 3TJ. A Car. irrff. A Caravan. W$. A Caravansary. 33Trf^. A Carcase. c?PT, £%: See Corpse. 7 «vSS * To Card (cotton). ffcrq, (with the fingers) rfaq. An instrument (a bow) for Card- ing, fqsrfq. A Carder of cotton. ftsnTT, 3Tr- ml A pack of Cards, or the game. One Card of a pack. *«. A Cave, mt, *PC. CElt 20 CHA A Caviller, ffsft, ^ft, fsrft. A Cavity. T, q7?T. J • S3 ' S3 S3 Caution, Cautiousness. Btf, W~ Cautious. OTT, H ' ST370T, ^TOTCJ, ^^J- CHI 21 CIR A Chatterer. 3H^,SP*fr, sR^lft, Chattering. ^ fm, f iff^t, f%#- f*?#, dff, rnFT, ^£fr, *rC. Circumstances (state). %$\& t ff^r, Circumvention. cN", 3^", ?5fr, A Citron. FjTSf. A City, srr^-, ^^ A Claim. jftr, ^ff . A Cold. vfV, ^f, («« horses) The Cold season. fflSflTr. To grow Cold. ff^or. Coldness. ^Rf f ^TfpT, est. The Collar of a garment, fjirff^". A dog's Collar, qft. To Collapse. artTSJor, grifrg-sfor. To Collect (act.), JT3-3k3T-lN^- S3 » J To Collect (debts, fyc), SiTP?tJT, GS-5 V3 Collected, 5Rr, *T3 , f^rfr. To be Collected. Tfl^T ; (debts, taxes, fyc. ) sfJTCT. Collecting, Collection. ^3"77r^* f s ^f- A Collector of taxes. cT^jlSSW; of outstanding debts, STITT, s?f* mm. A Collector-ship. cTftfte^pft. Collyrium. ^rfxf, §W- Coloquintida (bitter apple), z W. A Colour. ^SC^T. To Colour. ^3^. A Colt. ^ff. A Comb. T*T. a Comet, ^rsr^-^rsri^r-j^- Comfort. ZBmi, fcftsf . F^. Comfortable. qq\ g^r tfr*tr. \j 'S3 ' In Coming and going. ferfssfeRf , A Command. ^JT, ^Tr^r. SJS5 sj 7 To Command (order). |jg ST^oT, A Commander. ^cffc. £ee .4 Chief. Commendation. srfffa, WKR- £ee Praise. COM 24 CON A Commentary. Jl^T, SHX?". Commerce. 3®l$\, ^k^f'TRr^". A Commissi an (paper conveying authority), *fit, TOr?$. To Commit, or do. 3R°r. Common. 3TnT. A Companion, tfpft, £jft, 53^, Company (fellowship). j^^Jj- Company (#n assembly). JJ«5T£T, .See Band. To Compare. JT?T"J, fT^rlWr 3T*J, A Comparing, Comparison. JT£, In Comparison with. $f^f, s??9T, A Compartment (partition), ^"f- A pair of Compasses. q"JTr^", 7- Compassion. ?T?ir, «ft"ST, *£, frcp?!,!^- rrofr, 3fa, JTff. . Corpulency. spfrC^rfcr. Corpulent, *J5?r, %fe€t, sftff, *T- In Couples. fTsT^srfe, (ca/fZe so joined) ^5§T. To Couple (animals), ^fr^q". A Couplet, % ^JT^r. The Craw, or crop of birds. JTsfT. To Crawl. f\v??°T. fvffft Tr^.ftr- The Crawling of an infant, ^vgff. To Creak. ^t^oy # A Creaking noise. ^TRr,^^, sfNf, tflS, ^2T. Cream. i?£t, ^^-. A Crease (plait). ^\ To Create. ^5^or ftnpr, ^or ^■qrroj. Created. rei". Creation. K^TT- The Creator. ST^fe", fsrsfoTIT^:, A Creature, vsft3", faaj^t. Credible, ?far? f^ff. Credit (credence). ^B\W- Credit (honor), qfer, HRjf, SRTCt, qw. On Credit or tick. S^Kf, aftsT- ft?T. The Credit side (0/ an account). J Credits (assets), sfrsrrV, 3"foff. To enter in the Credit side (0/ an account), arrirfa 3RTf9j7, ?3KT< Contrary to Custom. STCfcTr, *N"- A collector of Customs. f^rffe". A Custom house. fmfl", Jjvft. Customary, ^fcrrf^fr, WT^, *TSrf- A Customer. 3^, *gfteT^", 3?r- A Cut (incision). qr, isf , 2T^r, A Cut on the body from a blow. To Cut (act). qg-oT^qq,^^. To Cut (as insects do cloth). z- To Cut out clothes. RSTot frf? ! - . sj 7 sj To Cut up meat for cooking, f ^r. A Cutlass. 3TriT. The act of Cutting, ^oft. A Cutting (sZip for planting). A Cymbal. STlf, £%\ t %vj\ f $\&. A Cypress-tree. ^et. D A Dagger. «rr?fr, ^n^, qT^rrrt, Daily. rTrd^T, feCHft, fftffsf , frj. Daily pay or allowance of food. A Dainty, or delicacy. ??*)?, If- Dalliance, f*35T*pJT, fRiTtS", fr3\ A Dam in a canal. sf^fT t 55^. Damage. fa^R, -frff, SJTjf, fFpST, To be Damaged. *gx oj r fa B Tf^T &c. fxra^tri-. Damp (adj.). 3?r#r^t, 3?f£r, qp- Damp, Dampness. fgJT r 7|'«* Dandruff. , TO, 3> srrfr. Dark colored, Darkish. gfRCifiTgt, The Dark, Darkness. S"^f, afcrr- Darkness from a dust storm, fcfy- Deep Darkness. ff^Trff, f*W. A Darling. STfT^t, fe^ST, sfaoj, S5 ' vj'si'VS' «Js' S3 ' F 3Tf^T, ftW /See Fondling. DEA 32 DEC A Darn, Darning. rT^T, FT^T, ^TT. ° ssss ' ss ss ' ifc. To Darn. frot ft^ ss ss ' ss ss A Darner. ^JTC- To Dash. ^(Tft-fqq or fcFTf 5X°T. SS SS A Date (ti me). rTPCRT, fas" "** Of to Day. 3?5fr^r, 37"?rqr. In a Day or two. 3?«T *ffif. The Day before yesterday. fr^r- The Day after tomorrow. To grow Depraved. *3T% ffpT- e°j, rqrjq. Depredation. q-rfC, JFTCffr, ffe. A Depredator, qfr^:. Depth. 3^f rc, 3T-C rf*T, ^TW^. A Deputy, sfffj. To Deride one. qTs^rq % f^rq. Derision, qffr, fear, zi[€\ t i?f*3T- To be Derived, faflR°T. To Descend. s7?q. A Descendant, Descendants, sfr- A Descent, Descending. ^*rCt, To Describe (explain). faffe A Desert." ^, ^, ^-sr, ftor. To Desert. IfV- H5ft-fes$t- ^■07. S3 A Deserted village. qg\ A Deserter. W^r. • S3 To Deserve. c?f?J faa?q. DET 35 DEV A Design (purpose), fcfcr, f^f- To Design, fefa" &c SRTq v Designedly. sTFftjsfr. ^ee Pur- posely. Desire. C^T, ^TC^T, ^"fa, S*T, fe#r, ^3-, ^rir, Trfror. To Desire. %m &c. 3^. To Desist from, ts^or sffe «KTor. < S3 7 SS Desolate. sprY Ss?R, W^T, fa- \ ^>" SS To Desolate. SSTTSq, fqFT^rC^T. Desolation. ^A^Rf, H^HC- S3 ' ' SS Despair. STPJ^t, fTO^rC. To Despair. arra-sfc-^q, H- Despairful, Despairing. qRJTT, To Despatch (send off). ^Rr 3R°T, fe^K tfrfarsq or 3T3FT. NS 7 . SS SS SS To Despatch (perform). W^^J. Despicable, sfrj, fa^Rf, $m. To Despise. ^ TT^q. Destiny. qfltj, VTrTj, vTrfaf, ^sj, *tf, UPTftT, 3ffaf*T f fa^ST, ^, jrr°fY. Destitute (in want of, wanting-). Left Destitute. %?TC, fr«PW, 3 T- To Destroy. ^RT &c. s^of, pRTC 7 S> ' S3 S» Devoted or what is Devoted. 37- A religious Devotee. (iJftmu/wian) qrqfW, S?5T, 3T5fc5", (Hindoo) TOSlft, HTTf , ?Jfpft, various sects ; (Mussulman) wfi\ f jjsfr- O, (Hindoo) B^Jl€t t ^Wf, W- ^V, ssret, ftrft, vffft, sfasr, The abode of a Devotee, (irfussu/- maw) sTfr?r, rlF^%, (Hindoo) DIF 36 DIR Devotion, sfclft, *T?rfa, WTR, STT. ' ' S3 ' V3 Austere Devotion. vsTRj, *nrrP A Dish of meat. q\V. A chafing Dish, (metal) JRsT ; (earthen) <%&. To Dish up meat. ^^T, T^J, T- To Dishearten. tf^fr Wl^. See To Discourage. Dishonest. «p<% %TW, ^CUR, Dishonesty, f 7fr, tf i[Rt. Dishonor. *g*?lft, %*Tr?t, ^Tjt To Dishonor a bill. •raiT o r» Dishonorable. ^T, rs n\ tlt^r. The Dishonoring a bill. JTRTKr. Disinterested, ^RsTf. To Disjoin. 3%sq, Stffaj' A Disk. fj^t. To Dislike. =T W^T, *T S^T, ^ To be^Dislocated. sFtre°r. Hrf^T- S3 ' *sl- Dismay. 3T. $ee Dread. To Dismiss from service. ^T^, Dismissed, Discharged. JTRTTT. A Dismission. J?l"qR"c7, ST^TJ, jfmft. To Dismount (new.). &%**!, $&**$• Disobedient. f\f\ t {R5T*J. To Disobey, ^r *T»Pr» Disobliging. ^5jqt, %«fiW. Disorder (0/ things, affairs, j, ^W§ t l^f. f^r, At, or to, a Distance, q^", eft, To be Distant, q^ f sjot Somewhat Distant. jutf, 3"3f- The more Distant. q"5r. To Distil (liquor, act.) fsSOT, fa- ss To Distil, or be Distilled, f^q. s» Distilled. Single, ftJ3T; double, g*TOr ; treble, fpTR3t. A Distilled liquid. 3j£. A Distiller. ejr^rsr. S3 A Distillery. *£[. Distinct. (different) fcrrt, (clear) fafr, gqrr. A Distinction. qTC, vT^RsT. Distinctness. f^£IT, flqTf§\ To Distinguish (note difference). To Distinguish (one's self). Tf?ff- To Distort. JKTS°T. S3 Distracted. stPJ, fWKjJ, Istf^ Distraction. tu^Tt, W^ff^ft. To Distrain. ^T^oy. S3 Distress. 3"^, ST5", t*T, 3^IW, To Distress. STsuTJ, t^ff^, 9T- Distressed, i:f*T , gift, (/or means) To be Distressed. ^^, «F?1^J. To Distribute. qj-fatt-ffcrt- A Distribution. qrif^ft, if, fa®, A District. fsr#, tf^K. 'S3 S3 Distrust, ^Srft, S#, 3TJ, JPTrj. A Disturbance. fSHTJJ, f^r^Tf TORT, 5&3T, WSf. DOO 40 DOW Disunion. 3T°T%^, 3T37C. To be Disunited. qrcfa 3 ?;?, faOT. A Ditch. ?jflfr. A Dive. zf[. To Dive. \f*r, Z$\ few. SS S3 » SS • -J A Diver. zr?TC,' ffft. Diversion (sport). K\ff t f^fc $ee Sport, Amusement. To be Diverted (amused). ffsT'T. To Divide. ffUf °T, 3v?*T, ffoV -^ ss ' • sa 7 sa' A Dividend, tffr'TT, qRifjaft. ^e Division. Divination. qrr^T, Tft^r, 5CTJ- Divine, ^rf, C^CT. SS ' A Division, Dividing. fe?J, 3*\?, ff- *T, qrirjofr, JTr#f. See Share, Compartment. A Division of an Army. cf^f. A Divorce. rf^rr^T. A Deed of Divorce. ^rSFTRr. To Divulge. fj£t faSTT, ^f^. A Dizziness. ^ or qf^oj. To Dress (another), q^rcq, sr- Dried. H^t- S3 Any thing Dried and hard. E t "S . In the state of being Dried. 9737^1". A Drill or auger. H^TC, W* To Drink, fqar7. Drowned. J]"^. Drowsiness. Rf , ^qi%. Drowsy. R?fft£#f, fav^r. To be Drowsy. fal 4fC. *m^ r To Drudge. jri°T- A Drug. T^r, *T5rr£f. A Druggist. TOfO. A Druggist's stores. TOr^. A Drum (varieties of such) . 3Tfw r 3T5r^K" f f*r¥*r, «ra3r, Srfc, arirr#r, 5"JT^\ fffast, ^TRT, TO^TST, *nr, site. A Drummer, ^f ?T(ft, qtfo^, ^T- visa ' ' A Drum-stick, fi'^t. Drunk. f^f, J^r, ^5T?, ^Sf ; dead drunk, 3T^5T. To be Drunk. fei?r #^", f ?q°ft, ^T'Ttf, STfJT. Enough, ffer, qofr, asfr. To En rage. *ffr STC^ ♦ f^U?* • To Enrich. m$f fyc. ^K^f, ^?PT. See Rich. To Ensue (neu.). f*P?oj, faf^T !. To Entangle. ij?j, aforC^T, <5"flr- To be Entangled, afuoj, treS ! Falseness, Falsity, ^TvSTC- To Falter, f f ^ of af^or fE^or. • «^ S3 ' V S9 ' "s. SS Fame. JfrTO, ^ *TfJ, ^Tf^nr, A Family (household). %$^ s ^!W- ' SS N\! » S3 S3 » SS s» ' «■-»? Family (race), f^fir, TO., q*T^ ? Os ' ' sS SS ' ? sy |j Of high Family. *WC?r, qTjafr ? I LB One who has a Family. «R"«rPC > A Famine, ipfrr^ f^C ? 3vIJi ss To Fa-cish (neu.). TO, ??c^T. Famous . ^ff , fT3TRf , ^wiW , ^rrfr, -rrssrc, srr*f?c, ^r^ A Fan (small), f^FTt, q*ff, (large) frfsf%, Tiff, (suspended) To Fan. f^f# f^W, ITS *FC*[. Fanciful. if^PCT, 95Nn#, ^fO. OS " ' A Fancy (foolish conceit). q-Sr, ?w, 3re, figure". d^^ s fcf?s; ss ' ss sa ? ss- ss'ss ^ss » Gs To Fancy (imagine), *$h®T f H*T- S3 » % ; S3 ' S* *\ S3 A Fang, %^r. $ee Tusk, Claw. Far, qt ? fJT* How Far. %fr(t qtj. Fare £/bo<2 q. v.), ipr. Fare (for convey ance\ ^3jM»fj Farewell a?Wip[fCj ^p[ft A Farm, fffit, ^TCST, cRt To Farm, or take on lease {reti- nue). ^^rfsT!" 3f£f. S3 » Fickleness, ^q^lT* A Fiction. sit ifffc?, ?fe^*Tr. Fidelity. S^r? f^RT^f^r^t. Fidgety. ^fo^T, fefiffif. Fie. f&, ??T, *T. ni 54 FIR A Field, fsft, wz, *?J A Field of battled ftg. Fierce. ?fc, grif. Fierceness, jft". Fierinoss. tfsrf, fa^ff. Fiery. fa#, ^tr, f [ST. Fifteen. #f, be Fired as a gun, t?^oj f t5*- S3 ' S3 % S3 Firebrand. ^l\$\, &mf\ f 3W, Firefly, zrfefofr, ^OTf^f, ^- A Fire place, arrtftst, ^f/^ff. Firewood, ^l^plu. «nT°T. Fireworks. sTr^ffsT)", (varieties). =rct, to, ^rrrr, srrarj, nr?rrft, Firm, ^,q£r, TO#r, srcr. ^fr. To make Firm (as a post). ifr~ 313. #£e To fix, To be Firm or fixed, &T% «Ff- Firmly. |75Tl Firmness. ^fSTC, 3*3" TO. First (a#J. §", ^T- ?Tff. First born, ^TR", W'ST, A Fish. %€); a large fish, STtJ, To Fish. JTllt #Kq. s? Smelling of Fish, (adj) . f&*|t» A Fishy smell fW, %#, fe- A Fish bone. ^fr. A Fisherman. ijsf, JTir^f; of Pulla, 3TIST^r ; his pot, jtfft. Of a Fisherman. ^ B?^f iTfTOl ' S3 A Fishery, ffwft A Fishhook, ^i\. S3 A Fishmonger. %l£\. A Fishwoman, ^r^Tf ^, FLA jrar, $R f ?r-j. Sei A Fissure, Crack. A Fist. 3jf3T ; jt^t. A Fistful" J?fs\ S3 Fisticuffs, JRTRT^fr. A Fistula. ^tH^j (in ano) iT?f~ A Fit, as of epilepsy, ?f#. A Fit of passion, ^f57 ? s?f?T. $ee Burst. Fit. Fit for nothing, sft ^ Pc4f. See Useless, To Fit. Sf q, sr^q. tfee To Be- S3 ' S5 S> come, Fitness. 5?rC3rt Five. q^„ The figure Five. q^f. Fivefold, qljpfr. The Fivefold. of wood) qj?rc, fafircr. Flat-bottomed (as a oou;/, fyc). To Flatten. N"T°T. S3 Flattened, fcpff. To Flatter. ^STRir S?c. ^r°T. S3 ' S3 A Flatterer. ^STRfc^T. S3 Flattery. snflTJjfc, 5r£rq 3ri, TO, TCT? . A Foreigner. T^TO*, ]J"qt, ff- A Frith of the sea. girt, ^tfr, ^rrfr. Frivolous. ??$r, tfqrC, ^TSTT^t- A Frog. |?C (small) §fv£Ct Frolicsome. ZTIW, jfvPff From, ^t, jjt, 8Tf,"#, 3Rr, ?- fr, Tfff. From in. #, Jjifr; from on, 37, fr, ^f 3#. From within, ^feTT; from with- out, fTffr. The Front. 3TJT, 3?pfr, ?Tf *T, JT- If. in Front. ^, ^w, srjjfr, er- j?°fr, er^, *jr*fr, ^rer. A little in Front. vqipTU, ^ftf, jrfsft^r. A Frontier, wr. *See Boundary. Frost, qrfr. Froth. JTWt, 5RT, 9%, W- To Froth. JTsft #c. ^^07. Fro ward. Tfr- In Future. 3??3". The Future, Futurity. 3JJT- Fy. fu, ^, *T, G Gabble, gabbling. ^1%, ftfif, s£ft, ^ft^qntfrT. See Chat- tering. To Gabble, ^or, ^^flj, ST??- °T, SPF^. #ee To Chatter. \a 7 ss The Gable-end of a house, srff. To Gad. ^rq\ A Gadder. ffsri^, fte, fr^rw. S3 » S3 * S3 Gain, ^#, ojrfr, ^r, qrrcrr, 55tjt. S3 ' S3 A deed of Gift. -resfteRtfr. To Giggle, ffafa fefa- 3Tf S3 ' j?f°j. To Go back. TriT°r, 3T°T. S3 ' S3 To Go down. c^fT, S"arf°r. S3 ' S3 To Go into (enter), ft^j, faeg. To Go into (be contained in). To Go off, (a g-un). f?sq\ tj^^T. To Go out (issue). faf$TT. S3 A Gourmand, ^£f. See Glutton. To Govern. WH fyc. ^oy. f^J? S3 ' x S3 ' S3 s3 S3 Governance, Government. KFW^ The Government (state), ^^rfft. A Governor, frf^fl", ^ff . S3 ' S3 A Governorship, ^fft. A Gouge. #lf. A Gourd, ^sf; a species of do. A Gown. t^rer, ^f. Grace (favor). %Tf, 97^55". To Grace. H€&r, #*R. S3 S3 ' S3 GRA 65 GRA Graceful, Gracefully. Hf^f, tfRI"- Gracious. f^TTr^, fafl^R. See Kind, Merciful. Gradually. ftf f fPff, ^ q#, To Graft, qqj37aj. To Growl. ^Tfrq, f^K^T- S3 ' S3 Growth. qlf^T, 3?IW, ^[ A Guardian. Trftf , ^rtT°ft, 3BTR, Guarding. TO,*OTs?. See Watch- ing- A Guava. %cFT, WW- A Guess. 8TS^5T, STTTR. To Guess. ar^55oj. A Guest. faiHR, fJTSTR. To Guggle. JRjffc ^J, W3TO. A Guggling. TiTJTfe', W3fl0 Guidance, Guiding, tfcrc, ^J^TI"?. A Guide, SIT, ^JFTFT, ^J^, *T- To Guide. ?[Z &[fvj. Guile. iff, ffcR. Sfee Deceit, — sj ' ss Cunning. •• Guileful. St^T^, Ifff. ^e De- / ceitful, Cunning. Guileless, fri^qr, faflST.f^T?^, tff^, £ee Simple. Guilt. i(W. *T^IW. • S3 S3 S3 Guiltless, ^ffc, %5T^rr^", ^trtr. • n5 ' S3 s; / • Guilty. |frd, *pT€iT^", irllf. A Guinea worm. 3KT. A Guitar. ?fyfr, To Halt (limp). WSTrj, ^TTTJ. A Halter, (/or horses) gr^T, fhff- ?T, (/or camels) JffK. To Halter or tie with a Halter. WW. A Halting place. JT^sr. To Halve. ^r^r-;TW-3R< T r. By Halves, in Halves, 3ftr3Tfcr. A Ham. ^R". To sit on the Hams, iff ^J^ fefq. A Hamlet. 3%ut, ^ff>Ttfr. -See Quick, Impetuous. A Hat. Jtft, sTrcr. S3 HE A 70 HEA One who sells Hats, or who wears one. £t c W. A Hatch. rf^\ See Brood. To Hatch, or sit on eggs. 3K" or *tk It fa f q. S3 A Hatchet. Jff#f. Hate, Hatred. ?C, p^°ft, ^r*T, drter. To Hate. ^-^fr-wc !, w SfC. ^or or ^q . S3 ss To Have. i^^T; also the substan- S3 tive verb, fSpT, with the agent in the dative. Haughtiness. fT, *7?rY, fcjTIJ]". w S3 ' Os ' S3 See Pride. Haughty. %Z\$t, frsmrft See Proud To Haul. fo^CTr, vTFFT. S3 T S3 A Haunch. XH. A Hawk (varieties), female, ^FiT, ffefr, ^Jj| ; male, *Rr, Sfesty faro, =##f, srfOHt, ^3?r, fl^r, ^^r, sr?re. A Hawker of wares, qrsqf , ^flTKr. The Hawking wares. WK. Hay. 3jrr. Hazard. ${li\. See Danger. Hazardous. v^T^mr^T- See Dan- gerous. A Haze. 5tf?r£, ^T . See Fog. He. f|sj, j^jj- If, I, S3 Headless. tfaff. A Head-long person, gg. The Head man of a village. CRT or ^#r-TO,*renr, wj, &wz, \&. See Chief. • S3 A Head man among artizans and merchants. JT?jff, ^frfer^. S3 » A Head stall. efffT. Head- strong. |fft, Trif^", «jt§. See Obstinate. To Heal (act.). tfJTf^. See To Cure. To Heal (new.). sjrq, ^q. ' ' S3 S3 ' S3 S3 Health, Healthfulness. ^iT^r?, Ill Heath. ^n?3TC. $ ee Sickness. Healthy. fa-^RT, ^#r. A Heap. 1^, fef, ** r «f , J£ tfsr, fcst, rrf?, mr, ^fr, arc*. A small Heap, fififr, ?ejt3t The Heaps of grain collected for assessment. ?3Tt; one among such, fffr. A Heap of dirt, 3?^fT. To Hear. wr. ^am . -O S3 1 S3 S3 Quick of Hearing, gr^fa" ^f ^f . Dull of Hearing, qff ? r. The Heart (mtaZ muscle). fe^r, The Heart (mind). fefl?, ff srfe, fl%. To lose Heart. fir aft STff^r, ft*T*T To take Heart, ^ar, ^qr W^, By Heart (% rote), ^f^^\^ f #rf3\ Hearth money. ^Svlt^w. Heartily. P^t, fe^f. HEL 71 HER Heat. cTf 3" , rR, JTflf , tmd , *Nfr , ?iqfer,-?rrfq#t. A blaze of Heat. ^HT. Prickly Heat. 3TOT plu. To Heat (act.). WXV$ t ^KJ» To Heat (/tew. ). ^n*} , ^r£f fa*T tRit, T^T, fir ^ee Flock. A Herdsman. SRI^, 'TO^T. See wneZer Cow, Buffaloe, Goat, and Sheep. Here. ff?f, ft%, j%., fgf'r, frit, ft, 1%. Here and there. !%?[%, 4RPT!%. Hereafter. qfC- Hereditary. jflT^t. A Heretic. ^TTT^. A Heritage. JTlufa, *flf. A Hermaphrodite. *gf?ff. HIL 72 HOE A Hermit. jpft, &mft. See De- S5 ' «.N votee. A Hermitage, jtcrt. Hernia, fe^t A Hero. sft? *mf, ^Hlt, ^W, OS SS ' (^ ' ' SS ' Of a Hero, Heroic. tfHcf RT, *T- Heroism, tfiffr, smff, ^f^d, T- ©^ ' Os » s» ' A Heron. ^JT, fij\ S3 ' s» To Hesitate. ?sT^°T f ^Z^^J. N SS ' "s S» To Hew. ^g-oj. To rough-Hew in shaping. rf^°T. Hexagon. fJ^\ff. A Hiccouch. fff|"^t. Hidden, Jjirf. #ee Concealed. A Hide. iniT, ?3"s7. A Dealer in hides. *?r3TC« To Hide (act). f&5rrcq, ^rf "J, To Hide (new.). fo3T°T, s^ot u- q°r. S3 Hide and Seek. f^5"^rf^*SFT^t- A Hiding place. iJSXZ. Hideous. 3T^J, Iwff5rf • Higgledy piggledy. soffit m ${, High, ffsfr, sHr, (wind) srfr, efrucr, F%^t. On High. JJ2J". The Highlands. UTC. A Highway. 3"JJ. See Road. A Highway-man. 3T£JflT^F. A Hill, z^, 5fff , SJFS". Of the Hills, rriw, Slfa^, 5T- A Hillock. zfa<\, $j*lK\. A Hilly desolate country. ^71". A Hilt. jtfs. 373qf. See Handle. Hinder (adj.). q\q\. To Hinder. ST^iT, a^rST, frOT. SS ' *s ' S3 ' SS Hinderance. 5T5T, fr*T, ^f^FT, ^T- SJfla", *T?Tl, arPrr. See Impe- diment. A Hindu. fsk, ^r,P$TI3, TC3T. Of a Hindu. "Vfg^r, ^rfasft, *TC- A Hinge. ^C^K, TC"*ttT¥. A Hint, s^lff, §^, Z^t To Hint. CSnTrf^Taj. The Hip. ^ ( t ?^ r > 1^?> ^*T. A Hole made by housebreakers. The Hole of an animal, ff ^, Sffc, Holiness. qr^TfT", ffHlT . Holla, ^3", 3Tvft, 3K, C. Hollow, qtff , qfrofr. A Hurricane, rTtfR", 5*f7R, 3T3". A Hurry, ttfe, SffU?, drft. £ee Haste. In a Hurry, Hurriedly, 3r\^t, sired. To Hurry (neu.). ?S?F3rrc°T, *T$"- A Hurt. %:, *TJ , S*. JAC 76 JEA To Hurt. STirg. See To Injure, To Pain. Hurtful. fa^TFifr^, ¥RT. Hurtfulness. %3?F?fr^r. A Husband. TRB. Wl"^, If, ^t- The duty of a Husband. WErNf, gf%qrr, grlroj, ^iP^Trr. A Husbandman, trCt, ^eft, !T- A body of Husbandmen, & c. ^RT Of or appertaining to a Husband- man. ^rft/Ff, 3T?*OTi, ^?fJT- Husbandry. ^rfOM, jeiJ^'fr, Hush ! irrfc. See Silence. A Husk. ?3?r, |%?r. The Husk of grain. rf$. See Chaff. ° SSS9 To Husk. fearr. A Hut. JTJfT, JTjff, ^fqvft, tfd, To be seized with Hydrophobia. ¥Tfosr°r. See Mad. A Hyena. ^TCRir. Hymeneal. fadc?r. A Hymeneal (so?ig-). ftffaroTf, t- fr, fafcfr. The Hypochondres. 3rf*a\ Hypocrisy. WZ t WZ, fa^tf , 3j, fasrr, fafaj, &*, &*rar, Ftrar. To Importune. ^^T, ^J3" 5T^,%S?r,^%d ; TOJPf. See Impotent (without manly powers). To Impoverish. ^r^T, *3f^fr 3RT. INA 79 INC To Impound. 2"^"J. Impregnable. ar&lfnJ. To Impregnate, Improlificate. cT- To Impress, Imprint. 3^07, Sff 1 !, An Impression (stamp). fa"3TR", An Impression (effect). ^TH^. To Imprison. ^fr-%fc-^rj, S- Imprisonment. ^V, 3RT, §£53". Improbable. ^fa^fa?^. Improper, Improperly. JTr^f^ ; An Impropriety. Trsrrf^t, ff^rf . To Improve. 3"fa3"°T, ^vfjPT, ^#f An Improvement. ^Tt , ^r^ff, Improvident, Imprudent. sT°T?Tf D T, tsrrsrtr. Imprudence, faraTft. Impudence. ^Z$t, ijiwi, jh*lf, f f9TC- See Insolence. Impudent. ^SJ, 5TNJ , #tff, ^C- q"f. /See Insolent, Shameless. An Impulse of the mind. T^". $ee Fancy, Force. Impure, &ftt, ^PTrf , ^tr*r, ^B- Impurity, afar? , ^TOfC , ^TfTI *T. To Impute. ^(C^J, ^^ In (prep), ij, 4%, afcft. In (neg. prefix). a? ; ajur, %, =?!*, ^. Inability, a^if , ^Tflt. An Inaccuracy. JTf?*', JT^frT. $ee Incorrectness. Inactive. fSTT, SPW^- Inadmissible. ^TJ?^ ! f*fi>31. Inadvertence. 3?%^rf, 3Tq3Tf°T. 7 .Si Inanimate. falffcr, \sTT, W^~, Inapplicable. aT°T3"ff°fr. Inarticulately. a?4'jfir. Inattention. jrt^TC, Trf^JT^V. Inattentive. ?rt^T. JT?lt, JTffqT^. Inauspicious. friTRfr, *TCtf. Incalculable. STTTOTfrr, «T^S", ?5F- An Incantation. JjV ITS', ifa", 9^^' To become Incarnate, afr^oj. The Incarnation of a deity. affar- Incautious. aj%;r. #ee Careless. Incense. m#, \?q. To Incense, or perfume with In- cense. qTtforr, ^q^T. An Incensory. %m\£[ t m^it* Incessantly. WT[. See Continu- ally. An Inch. rf^T. An Incident *S"ee Affair, Accident. An Incision. I??. See Cut. To Incite. 3731?°?", *T^iT°T. Incivility. ^T3"Ct. See Rudeness* An Inclination (desire). ^ f ^f- To Incline (lean), tf\?*r, 3T?OT, Inclining. &ee Sloping, A Slope. To Include. arFTor 3TT°T. Including, Inclusive of. Ffv^r, ^r°T, ° C\ ' sj 7 Os Incombustible. aj;sf^". Income, In-coming. ^TF^Frf . See Revenue. To Incommode. ajf SffC^. Incommodious. ajsNt. Incomparable. ^^^J, ST'Wg. IND 80 IND Incompatible. ^T°T3T|, ^nT^ffoTr. Incompetency. JTr^rC^t. Incompetent. ^Tf^Cf , 3 l*ffJT. Incomplete. WJ^t, W^RT. See Half-finished. Inconsiderate. ^fo^TRT, 3??JWr, Inconsistency. ^JT^", ^^sff^fC- Inconsistent, Incongruous. fvsfniT. Inconstant (in affection). %^qTT, 5Tvfr. See Fickle. cs Incontinence. 5H?faP3TC, ^fJT^fcfC- Incontinent. ^JJW^t, ?3TJT#|zr. Inconvenience. sff <5T, ^"tsffi". Incorrect, Incorrectly. ir^frT, T$=t f ss Incorrectness. JTIW, T$? t T^Rf . Incorrigible. f^T^T, J^f • Incorruptible. ^T^?!^- An Increase. ?rrfa", WS, 3T% waf, mz, miw. ' NO' NsS To Increase (neu.). ^'^ t ^tSPT. To Increase (act.). qvirc^", f^grp- Incredible. ^•TOflff. Incredulous. ^WT^r %t^f. eJ ss To Incur. gr°T 3" 3 7r°Fr. SS Incurable. %f&\lj t ^fWS?f. Indebted, (under obligation) $r- "w, ^prrfr, (in defo) *#. Indecent, Indecorous, ^sff, sqr- <3T. See Shameless. Indeed. ^, ^ tf[f. Indefatigable. 3TfH", ^M". a? !"- O ss 7 ss ' MT-. Indefinite. ^f%#, llif*fr> ?sfcfit, ^» To Indemnify. ^\3?r #c. ^q. /See Loss. Independence, g^fft", WwSt Independent, t^l^r, TO^f^", g- Indeterminate. /See Indefinite. An Index (to a book). q^frfW, Indian corn. JT^r?, TOffq, *t£\. To Indicate. efl°T, %^K°T. » SS ' • S» Indication. v?lT. Indifference. %enfit>«) ffaT"ft, few??*, ffTO?^, (of curious de- sign) |f=rersfr. Ingenuity, ffTC, f€W9T. Inglorious. t^f#. An Ingot, effect, ^oft. An Ingrate. Jjopff^ %^f°TT- Ingratitude. JFF^ftTf, ^*T°nX To Inhabit. /See To Dwell. An Inhabitant. ^ifRr, t*?T, r?, ©,' S3 ' Ox' rirr^fr. An Inhabited place., ##, #&€• 11 INQ 82 INS An Inheritance. %Et. Inhuman. aT^JTrfrc^fc See Cruel. Inhumanity. *R"fJTf. Initial. l^ff. See First. To Inject, afcft fa?R. Injudicious. sr*TR, ^rtfTft. An Injunction. ^[T\\^. See Com- mand. To Injure. fa^TR $c. ^q, 3nT<*T. An Injurer, Injurious. f^TR^fC' Injury. fa^TR, ^TOR, fffa, fr^T. See Detriment. Injustice. ^T-SR, ^ff J, ^^"C, 3*- Ink. jr/. Daubed with Ink. JTHsfRf. An Inkling. ^r°T, Wg. An Inkstand. ?R/. Cotton, &.c. put into an Inkhorn. An Inlet (place of ingress). 3\z. See Entrance. Innsr, Inmost, ^f^qf. Innocence, (freedom from guilt) %f;fT, (artlessness) jfKfC, ^frF^T- Innocent. ^fff, ^RTf, (simple q.v) tfrftit. Innocuous, Innoxious. ^f^T^TR-^i. Innumerable. *fOTR\ SFR^frT, sj 7 7 To Inoculate. ^T?rr sff See Friendship. An Intimate friend. ifr^iTIT. To Intimate, snqfcq. See To In- form. To Intimidate. SS^T f^FT, &3[f- Intimidation. cfe^ff, ^Wf^. Into. ^f5T, if. Intolerable. aToroffofr. To Intoxicate. Tf^uT^. Intoxicated. jug, fe^TT, ^5??. See Drunk. To become Intoxicated. JTf^T5f°T. Intoxication. Jj^ft, TOrS", ^STT, Intractable. ttSlit, %^W. See Obstinate. Intrepid. |jf^f, frse, SSpsrfJlfr. See Bold. Intrepidity. ^rer£,q\Tf%rJTTrr,fa- ^"v2TC- See Boldness. Intricacy. ^tlTf^. See Perplex- ity. Intricate. *TSf3\ JTST^, JTSF?T. Ov\VS's» \3 ' S3 Ov To Intrigue, ii ^rf°T. See To Plot. To Intrust (give in charge), ^f- Intrusted, qiff. Intrusting. q#, sfcr. To Intwine. *TTf °L ^^°T, ^3"* "S SJ ' S» s> ' S3 s» To Invade. ^vT^r. Invalid. See Useless, Sick. To Invalidate, fa^jft 3RT, *T- Invaluable. ^TlTcT. S3 \3 An Invasion. ^\?|t, ^rrc See Attack. To Inveigle. ^r-^^f-WJ. See To Entice. To Invent. aTsfT, ^°T. ^2"°T. S3 ' \i' S3 An Invention. 3Tf , *:^Rr. An Inventor. STif. An Inventory. fa^T, ^Tvff^rf. Inverse, Inverted. sjs^f, "£*ff. To Invert. S^fC^ To Invest. See To Clothe, In- stall, Besiege. JOS 85 IRR To Investigate. sqrK S3 An Investigation. vs?r% ^r^r?, qrf^?T€j, q-^irsr. sto€*5T, ^t- S3 'S3 * — * s» Invincible. aj^ffa. Invisible, ^arf^ojf^ fj#t. An Invitation. 3HvT, ^#1", 4T^T- Cr, ^rfcT, %. The messenger who delivers an Invitation. 3ff, ^[5T. To Invite. 3H?T &c. gR°T, JTRt To Inundate. #?°T. An Inundation. ?fe, ^CCCT, 3W, l72r. £ee Flood. To Involve, qr^rc^, tf?^- Involuntarily. Tf°fC- To Inure. t^T. Inutility. faCTr^. See Useless- ness. Inward, Internal. sffe*nf. A Jockey. 37rft *TOC. Jocose, Jocular. JTf*37ff, fef^ofr, 'SRTC. See Merry. To Jog (new). SifTf^- A Jog-trot. 3"J]\ To Join (acf . />u£ together), if? *J- To Join (neu.). &*\v\, f*Js*q. Joined, Jointly, ijv?. A Joint, iff, Sftfr, Wf , %• The space between two Joints in a cane, if ft S3 * A Joist, mm. A Joke, Joking, ff*Rt, qf\ T , J?^^- C1, S5T, few, ^rft, T^t, ssrr^. A Joker. nf*^fr, qrfrc, W^. A Jolt, Jolting, q^l", ^iff. To Jolt. #?nT qts?nT. * S3 ' ♦ S3 A Jostle, Jostling, fer^t, ^ff. To Jostle. ftr**!, ?r?fq. S3 ' S3 A Jot. srfr, Ftc. A Journal (merchant's) . f r IR! W- A Journey. W7C JT^rfrd, ff : A day's Journey. ITST**". Provision for a Journey. ^T^T, mm. To Journey. • J SSS3 ' N ^ stick) ^Jjf A Knock. £faT, afar*", iWr, q#5, q^rs. The sound of a Knock or Knock- ing. J?#r, ar^r. To Knock (ac/.). sfr°T, S^TICJ', 5^f|'°T- S& To Strike. To Knock about, ,JfKf'?°T. LAB 88 LAN To Knock down. iTq, %Uf^T- To Knock off or away. 3^?°!, To Knock together (iieu.). 3"f^^T, To Knot, affs" fe^. A Knot. iff?; kinds of ditto, ^f- qfr, Ti^jffe", tg-jffg', awffc. A running Knot. ftfj%°ft, %ft°ft Knotty. Jff?^". To Know. «fr°P[. See To Recog- nize. Knowing (cunning-). SS \S The Lash of a whip, qftsst. To Lash. ^%m; ? qof ^jot. £ ee SSS9 SS ' ss To Beat. To Lash as clothes in washing. SS ' S3 A Lass. ?TRT^ Lassitude. sTrftfl", *R?ft SS ' SS A shoemaker s Last. 3FTffer«r. Last (adj.), qRf. Last (month, fyc). sffqT, JTJ«f$f, Last night. ^ rrPrT, 3TFf *tP To Lecture (acf.). tfJTSTr^. A Led horse, or one to spare in travelling, &c. 3ffrf3\ LES 91 A Leech. ^T, «r^/. A dozen of Leeches. *3tf\. To Leer, ^^t fa^fciT. Left (not right), gfr, vJF^fr. Left-handed. *3T!TS. v?f!T3. To remain Left. mvj y srfa^or, frsft A Leg. 5fa, £*T, ** A Lie. 3v?, TOr*I. <* SS » SS To Lie, or tell a Lie. 3TS i]T?f Hf °T <*\S3 * SS or ^ot. SS To Lie down. HfT°T, ^£°T, 7f2"°T. ss ss ' ss ' ss To Lie hid. fc?#t frifor. ss in Lieu, reft, *rPsfr, ^Psr, trcr, Life, ^ti-, ^r§, srrfa-, grgr, jtft, hr, %/ *m. Life (existence), f qTrfY. Life's term. ST3f£j\ #ee Age. Lifeless. %5JRt, t#^. See Inani- mate, Dead. Life-time. STfTIT, ^Rrft, ^ft, arrsrf . To Lift. *^pr. ss To be Lifted. ^ST !". Light (brightness), grPsfr, gnffr, s?re-, tfcr^r, sere, crerrf, fr- ftnft A Light. fsnfr, v^tfvT- Light (lucid), SifraTf. Light (in weight ). ff#f , ftff , I" - ftfr. See Easy. Light, Lightly, (slightly.) s^r- Pcffr, wP^fr, *TCp^fr. To Light or give Light to. srfSTCf #c. ^K*i. See To Illuminate. ' ss To Light or become lit. frq, 3-- S3 ' SS To Light or cause to Light, jrnc- ^, ^fC^. ^ee To Illuminate. To Light up, or begin to blaze. To Light up or cause to blaze. To Light up, or make bright (coals). T, sfaj, *far, fsf ; qre.% esr, ffr, *et. . To Limp. Jfjrcn", ^ffar. A Line. 5far, afr?, Psz:, ^f, s€tf . LIT 93 LOG A separating Line. ^Vf. A Line of verse, or writing. SS ' s» A Loaf of bread, frfc^f, TRt A Loan. cjqK, tt. On Loan, sqKT, *rasfr. To Loathe. ^-^sMrlrj. The Lobe of the ear. qrfq^t- A Lock. cFTT, \stv2T. ssss * _ A Lock of hair. ^TTT. See Tuft. To Lock, etffr $c. fT3T°T or qi^of. SS SS ^ SS ^ SS A Locust. ^37^. A flight of Locusts. Jfl"3\fe". Lofty. See High. A Log. &. LOO 94 LOV Logic. /u. Sfflifplu. fl"^, .fRT, #C- # ee Abundant. As Many as. %fTO; so Many, iirlrfr, Ifw, feSr, srrfTO. How Many. %fw. A Map. ^Pfr. To Mar. See To Injure, Spoil. Marble. ^N"fe A Marble, fcpfr, fafr,. tfifrsrff,. S^cfP To Masticate, ^frnSPT, =?!Fr. SS ' SS Mas-tich. JR^, A Mat (varieties,) ^ t ^fi f jfft f A kind of Matting for roofs, qw, J* A maker of Mats. ^Ff , ?Ri?, A Match (equal). #?, 3TR| ; *T£, *9» g^"i ^ r ^r ^rfr. The Match of a gun. wTW^t, T- To Match (wew.). Sfq, fa^°T. Matchless, ^fvfr, ^sfl^T- A Matchlock. S|T?t€)TIT #*i Material. 3ff«rrO. Materials. 31^?, SRR", fltSTW. Maternal (pf mother's family). fr(- ^r°fr. Matrimony, faf [vj. *S'ee Marriage. Matted hair. Sfrr, f^T, Jf , Matter (substance). *jE\,%fe. See Body, Pus. Matter (thing or business). JTffc?, fRRT, ^. See Affair. No Matter, it Matters nob. *T3- w^r-€i-l, jtI^p | What's the Matter. f?r fsp?r. A Mattress, q^off ,.?lf^. | Mature, q^r. | Mataeness, Maturity. TO?. I A Maund (She measure). t\H. j May, a part of June. §TS\ A Maw.- srifr. See Belly. A Maze. sttsngr^te*; 3T5re, flt- 2HTC r, afrfff, Ir^f. .See Ignoble, Middle. .MED 99 MEN To Mean (purpose). fVfc, fyc. 3^, fcfc*{ fW. See Iwten- \>' ss s» tion. Meantime, Meanwhile. trfcfT jf. Meaning. ^ JTf^TT, *T373, *T?T- **J, raft". Meanness, -Wlf, =TfarC- Means (power, income). ^fe^TrT, ' ' ' ss ' Gs By Means of. 3rr. Measure, Measurement. ^FT #F , 7 S3 A dry Measure. T.l^J. A long, or cloth, Measure* ^"^f , ifsffr. A Measure -for liquids. JJFft, JT- ' S3 A land Measure, ififf. Measure (limit), ajiff^r. To Measure (act.). 3^oT, HV$ f JTfq°T, *K°T, *FpT, (/and only) v. ss A Measurer of grain. SSfrf. A land Measurer. srrfaFT. ^1^, rRHt A Measuring rope. vT-rffi The Measuring of grain, &.c. VFS. Meat (flesh, q v.). fffcr, (/ooJ, A Mechanic. 3^?t. To Meddle. %q fagqT ??p5 gr- S3 s3 ' SS To Mediate (neu.). RN" 3T^, fH^fo, *T^ft. &ee Humility. Meet. #ee Fit, Becoming. To Meet. Jr^T, fj^or, faeq. • ss " s> ' ss A Meeting (interview). JT^r^ffrf^ 3Hir%#. WW?#r. See Assem- ss ' S3 ss bly. Melancholy (sub.). 5T3T0, sJittfa- ^rCjWm^r. See Dejected. To grow Melancholy. WfvTf^^. o « ss A musk Melon. f«rFer*T, (smalty, Tm t (unripe), mi, ^if. A -water Melon. ff3T% ^tlt. A Melon field. a?(T3*, ^TK'J, 5tJ. To Melt (neu.). JR^, T^^T., ft> To Melt (act.) tj^, WKV, ft- S3 ' S3 Melting (sw6.). JTcrff ? Tffoff , qfq«5ff . A Member (of body), sfafr. See Limb, Part, Individual. A Memorandum. 9ITf^T. Memory. Wtd, STfiflU, #tfK, SS ' To commit to Memory. ^3"-^% SS A Menace. 5^f, OT, SIR", 3See Trade. A Merchant. ^TITt, ^T^t, ^*rr- Merciful, ^if^, W%WW , j^ir^te See Agent. To Minister. See To Serve. Minor, ^fff. Mint (the plant.). «Kf?=ff. A Mint (/o/ coining). vsj^r^. Minute (adj.). *T?fr. A Minute. q^, q3"3T, tfr^r. See Moment. A Miracle. WTT, JTR7, ^T- S3 0'S3J'S3j' ' A M istake. *r*5" , Jtfsr , *Ti R\ S3 ' ' To Mistake. JT^q, JT6°T. See To sj S3 / S3 S3 Misconceive. A Mistress (lady). siff°T, qmfit t Mistrust, ^ffrift. See Distrust. Misty, &im, sfarff. To Misunderstand. See To Mis- conceive, Mistake. A Mite. #?T. See Insect. To Mitigate. 5J£flfJ, fS*fflT 3^?, To Mix (acf ). ?,£*[, fa^CJ, T- To Mix (neu.). T[ff sfoj, ffT^°T, S3 Mixed. JTfS^fr. Tf\^3 t ff 5T, fl*. su ' '*£. Mortality (dying). ;r^,jjrT, H°TJv A Mortar (for pounding-), fjjrjj .„ A Mortar (gun). aj^rfc One who fires a Mortar, Jjfr^f.. Mortar (cement). *Tf . Plastered with Mortar. JlN". iMOU 104 MUC A Mortgage. T\? } JTi^f To Mortgage. ?Tf r^oj. To Mortify (neu.). jt^oj, ^?oj. A Mortise. BV. A Mosque. faff ft, J?fltf?T. Mostly, qnff, qfoff^^. A Mote (in the eye). ^£C, fl£. See Particle. A Moth. q*fjj, 7TRT. A Mother. irrs, *?r?, ?TRr, 3?JTf, arm, ^srfpr, arrr, ^far, ^wfe, A Mother (one who has borne a child), jnrfta 1. One having a Mother. U7f/Tf. A Mother's family. ^TRfOTr pin. A Mother-in-law. tf*T. The Mother-in-law of one's son or daughter. %!%. Mother of pearl. j%7. Motion. ffaoTt, fSffo. See Agi- tation. Motionless. ST°T?55, sp^*, Nfe a Motive. ?im, ^r?t, ««re. Motley, tsrrtjfr. A Move (in cAes.s, W, Mountainous, a Mountaineer, of the Mountains. \sTf5rt, %TTT, To Mourn. flPTH", «S-c. 37^. See To Lament. Mournful, Mournfully. JRtC^Tf- Mourning (sub.). iTfcfj, tf*T, WTT, sflT^", Tpft, ?5IC See Grief. A Mouse. 3RBfr. See Rat. The Mouth. ^R". 3m jfe, Jra\ The Mouth of a gun-barrel, it?- By word of Mouth. ^W, SftHf. To open the Mouth wide. £fl"f A Mouth bag (for feeding- a horse). f#, f *mu, qw, srirr. MUS 105 MUT As Much as. srfrflT ; how much, ^-fW. See Many. Mud. JTT,^-^, fa^fe, fa^FT,^ Mud plaster. J]Kf. A Mud wall. 3ff ift firfcT- A builder of Mud walls. fJT57^. Muddiness. arsrr, ara, JTCrfai". Muddy. ar^r^T, 5J3, TO. To Muddy. ^3T£. III Name. fiT^r, sf^-tfjft. One bearing an ill Name. f*T^ITr ; ^•TfST- See Infamous. To Name, (give a name) q\4 3> ^Pr, (mention by name) ^\ffyc. fff^or-sraroT. A Nap (sleep). #f^f. The Nap (of cloth). J^. The Nape, ^nj, ijrsr, Jf#f. A Napkin. ^J?r^. See Towel. To Narrate. See To Tell. A Narration, Narrative. fetf. See Story. Narrow, #3fT, rtfl, OT[. Narrowness. #??, #?? \i. SCTSfT- Nasty. TO, *f£f, 1*5t«T. See Dirty, Nauseous. Native (indigenous). ^B\ t §B\, A Native. W$\, T?RT. One's Native place. 3^. Nativity. tPT, \sFJJ. Natty. See Neat. Natural (innate). 3?H^t. Nature. «rrfrT,f JTR. See Dispo- sition, Good nature. Naval (adj.). «r?r^t. The Nave of a wheel. 3f?#fL The Navel. 5^T- The Navel string. ^I^ff. Naughty. ^i%£r. See Bad. Nauseous. 3f*KT« To Nauseate, f3[ JTif^T. To be Nauseous. ^\ ^ir 7 !"- Nauseousness. sfJTUC- Near, (prep.) srfc t (prep, or adv.) The Near side, this side. 3?rufc, ft* tfc. Near, Nearer, (adj.). aqRT. Somewhat Near, or Nearer. a?r- tfrii:, #sm; Nearness. #3t?, sftfew, ^STf, trarsrc. Neat, Neatly, fapSf^r^r, ftTCTf^r, NEI 107 NEW Neatness, fafsffa, i%£, faf^r?, Necessarily. SHC, \sT^^*, arqfa. Necessary, vsf^^t. To be Necessary. ^"^r°r. It is Necessary. *7Sf . A Necessary. q"|. tfee Privy. A Necessity. ST^F*T, ^^- See Need. The Neck. f?T^, **£, Ifitf, *Rf%. A Necklace (varieties). W[^ t *TIW, Nectar, Mfaj, arferj. Need (wan?, Zac& 0/). qr;§f, cpftsr, <^J, ^rfr. See Poverty. Needful. »See Necessary. A Needle. gf , fafaft, (/arg-e) Needlework. f^f^T°ft. Needless, Needlessly (uncalled for). 3TSIPT!\ ^Trf^F. See Useless. Needy, tffer°Tr, H^t. See Poor. Negative (implying" denial) . ^r$W ■ Neglect, Negligence. jfefffT, iff- Neglectful, Negligent. (person) JFIW, Jlfem, ij\fa&, (act) nt- To be Negligent. *Tfl^r?°T, Trl- A Negro. sftft. A Neigh> Neighing, ff ^, fe&^r*". To Neigh, ff^q, ff^Kq- A Neighbour. Tr^ft, qf3%d, Tf- A next door Neighbour. ffl^Tif , The Neighbourhood. qnfr, affvff- qrr^r, gftsftq|#; the next door in Neighbourhood in a town, j%- Neighbouring. *?fr, tflTSr, 3?rfe£r, afrfr, qrf the North. Sffa W. Tortherly, Northern, afff^^f. Northward. vJcIT ^-ff-Tf'r. 'he Nose. ^3T. Heading at the Nose. =T3i"?Kt, To speak through the Nose. fa^T- >ne who speaks through his Nose. 'o blow the Nose, ^F37 ^^oT or VS S9 ss Nose bag for a horse's grain. rfffafr, qrrfnfr. ^lat-Nosed. fjRT. irge-Nosed, Nosey. R'fefC. Nosegay, f afr , cf^r , |f r. loseless. TO. S3 Nose ring. ^Xf f f^f. 'he Nose string of a bullock. rT*j; of a camel, f%fJTK\ 'he plug in a camel's Nose to which the leading string is tied, srrlf- A Nostril, ^rr^r, ^rr^rfr, ©rf t, srsr. To bore the Nostril. £TT°T,' ^pT. Not. ?T, it, jrer. Notable. See Notorious, Remark- able. A Notch, ^q-, g-qf . The Notch of an arrow, ifr^ff. To Notch. ^qtJr. ss A Note (letter), j^t, irfl", fast £ee Mark, Reputation, Conse- quence. A Note (in music). st^\ To run over the Notes to catch the key, &c. STf^R^T. A Note of hand. ^Tjfi. To Note (observe). fOTT, fcfc- ^R-facr-fe3?°f. S3 SS ♦ ss Nothing (nonentity). 3?FTffe". Nothing (not any thing-). 3Tt ; T. Good for Nothing. ^T ^ fafSf. Notice (observation). =Ts??T, UTR", f^RTf. See Information. A Notice (cried out), ffcfr, <7s?|t. To Notice (observe, q. v.). fetf !", (mention) ^q. See To Tell. A Notification. ffiicRfT^'. To Notify, frr^rrr^r, W, *rq. See To Inform. Notion. ^r,^^, ots. See Conception, Thought. Notoriety. ?r^,sm*;,^RT, 1 sj Transgressor. An Offer, Offering (of a gift). To Offer (present for acceptance). IWT, SetfC SRTT, ^r^. See • S3 7 S3 ' S3 To Propose. To Offer (agree to give). fe*f°Tf ^rq. ^ee To Bid. S3 To Offer up (in sacrifice). WJ, To Offer (neu.). 3TT°r. tTr*M \ y ss " -s SS S3 An Offering. §fj; t tffr^r, f^Tff , »ter, ^sT, =Tsncf°fr, sr^V, to. 7 S3 7 7 s> ' o .See Oblation, Sacrifice. A burnt Offering, ffa. To offer a burnt Offering. frTT. An Office (post). pT, qj'j. A public Office. 3"c. 3^ot. Oppression. 5Tp5TCj, W, TSTJ, wr?, ^^z r 37^. Oppressive. stf^jft, ^0,. *TST#t. An Oppressor. 5TfI?riJ, Wfft. Opprobrium. f*ToT, f*KT* See Re- proach, Blame. Option. ^, f^r^". Optional, in one's Option. ^rC^T, Opulence. %f?, 5HWd. See Wealth. Opulent. #? , srrpr^, j^rrsT^:, *Tr?qt. See Rich. Or. vsft, r^T, ^rl - . Oral, Orally. cj^Rt, ^r^TT, 3R- An Orange. *jf*ST#r. An Orb. ^f$Tt, *R?5\ 7 . ss An Orchard. ^fiT- To Ordain (establish). ^TCtTf-^J Os \3 An Ordeal. ajr^cff, w, %^, *fff- For different kinds of Ornaments, See wne£er Arm, Neck, &c. A set of personal Ornaments, ^nfif . To Ornament. tfftlK°J, #fiT°J. Ornamental. ^rfC^t, ^t^TTOC^t An Orphan. IJffr, sfffrft^r, T%° Of an Orphan, ?frrf D fr. OVE 115 OWL Orpiraent. fsrfe", Sf^ff. To Oscillate. &Tvj t g^sr. -3 ♦ SS > (^ SS Oscillation. #3T, 5pt. Ostensible, Ostensibly. STffsfft, mm, Iwrr. Ostentation. z\z, Z\W. fte". See S5 ' SS ' * SS Pomp. Ostentatious (fond of display). An Ostrich. STfajfrr. SS SS SS Other. fw^rr ; every other day, • SS Each Other, fl^ff? %, qr°I *f • Other's (belonging- to another). On the Other side. gtf-^T THJ, SS ' Otherwise (in another manner). Otherwise (e/se). ^ =Tf^T. An Otter, f fa£r. An Oven. rf^C Over (above the top), jprt, Jpqr, *tw, ^r, sfr, s^s. #ee A- cross, Above. Over, Overplus, qtffar, ?pr, sfasF. To be Over, give Over. See To be Ended, to Stop. To Overcome. Hftvj, qfrfrTf 3T- 5CJT. tfee To Subject, Surmount. To Overflow, or Overflood, as the river, (neu.). ^£ ss'ssNss* Painful, Painfully. T&fl, g Qifft, Or ' Ov Painless, aiqtffr, arq^WTT, W- Os ' «\ Ok Paint. ^. To Paint (color). K&$, (*» vari- egated colors) r%^°T. Painted (in various colors), far- A Painter. 3TJTfJT^\ Painting (the art). P^fr^rfY, 3TJTT- A Painting. far. A Pair, #ft, #£t. In Pairs, pfr, ffT5f fe, tsf, flefg, J^rH. ^ee In Couples. Paired (coupled), p«rrr. A Palace. JjfanrT. JTfc7. SS ' SS A Palanquin. qf53rr, (varieties) srst, ^rfr, ^fanj, ^rnfrf, (*««** on mules) W^r. A Palanquin-bearer, ^frc. The Palate. rTf^". Pale (adj.). flr^Tr, 5f£f, qfaft, (as co/ors) pqr^r, sw PAN 117 PAR To grow Pale, fll^rflPJ. Paleness. BWf, Wife, flR^rC, A Paling, Palisade, 3T£f f{. A Pall (over a corpse). t§\Z. To be Palled. ^irft^T, lg£t f*T- A Palm-tree. ^"^1. £ee Date. The leaves of the hill Palm, used for making mats, &c. TT^if, The Palm of the hand. rfO, frfd- The Palm contracted to hold any thing, a Palmfull. &i t =^^r, «T3ft ; both Palms joined, ^i". A Palm (measure), ^qt. Palpable. See Manifest. To Palpitate. J^vj, sreOT. Palpitation. ^OTRT- The Palsy. ^J«"TT ♦, hemiplegia, Paltriness. $mi, =ft^rf . Paltry. aft^f, =f^. To Pamper. Tf5tfrj, 373W- \3 \S S3 A Pan (varieties). m^[f\ } ^r, m:, ? prt, wrfr, fcrfe.er. To flash in the Pan. ^ ^£°Ma"- OJOT. \3 The Pan of a gunlock. 37*r. The Pan of the knee. g-farqt. A Pane of glass. ^ft^Tr, srrcr. A Panegyric. WTN, rfr^TT. See Praise. A Pang, *rcr, faT^ir. A Panic. WW, JVM*, ST^rST, ff^f3?r. See Fright. A Pannier (for camels). Trr-°fr, To Pant. m^°T t |%OT. A pair of Pantaloons (o/ different kinds). SPT°r, ^h", ^RT A Panther. =#rf. Panting (swfo.). ^f^. A Pap (nipple). |ft, f^r. -See Breast. Pap for infants, q^ft. Papa. *fl?r, stfh See Father. Paper. %W& , 3Tr?T^, 7%. Paper, made of Paper. 3rff*n?t, A Paper -maker. qRT?rc$Er, 3Tr- A Paper-seller. 3n?TCrf , 7^1"! . Pappy. Tiqrr. #ee Soft. A Parade, Parading (of troops). 3^T3\ -See Pomp. Paradise. fw, SJt.SNr. SO S3 ' S3 S3 A Paragraph. gr^TJT, iTrftif. Paralytic, ^flft. -See Palsy. Paramount. afe, gfi^*, ffK", b^cJ. #ee First, Chief" A Paramour, ^q - , Jfl"^". A woman who has a Paramour. A Paraquet, Parasol. See Parrot, Umbrella. A Parcel. *ife€\, ?;?, rffg". See Packet. A Parcel (of groceries, physic, *c)- 3*, 3*- To Parcel. 3T°J. See To Di- vide. To Parch (grain). Jproj. .See To Scorch. To be Parched with thirst. foff- Parched chana. Vjfr[Z[ plu. Parched (a crop). Fff, Bttfe. PAR 118 PAS A Parcher of grain. wf?T#t, flWT, The cost of Parching. Jpflqt. Pardon. W<£\, ^V , fe^Tr. To Pardon. TOTT ^qT-few Pardonable. JlfTT fsff it- A Pardoner. ^5Tfc\? f J?r«FT £~SS. To Pare. f&OT, ?TCr3J°r. A Parent. #ee Father, Mother. Parentage. SRRT. See Lineage. A Paring, fesr. A Park (/or deer, #c). ferer- A Paroxysm. §nft, erffc, STfCf. See Fit. A Parrot. ^r?C, ^. To Parry. JI^dj. Parsimonious. ^fiTC • #ee Frugal, Stingy. Parsimony. tfTTT, 3f*piq?r. See Frugality, Stinginess. A Part. srfW, *Tr#f. See Piece, VS 7 Share, Side. On the Part of. TITr, 7f#, qfts. To Part (ac*.). *T3T ^rq. See To Separate, Divide, Quit. To Partake, Participate (neu.). Partial (favouring one side). f (female) «F!Tfd, ^?. A Party. 5"q5T, ^ft- 5c« Side, Band. A Party wall. $[$[. A Pass (in mountains), arj, ?Tr, qr^t. £ee Road, Passport. To Pass, or Pass away (neu.). ss To Pass, or Pass current. f55°J. To come to Pass. fa 3 ? !". To Pass by, or over. ^*T°J, 3TT^f , ifeX !, (over water, through pain, fyc.) rjr°J. To Pass over(owif). ^J°J, 3tsT°T, To Pass away (time, neu.). irf^f- ^°T, T^f WOT. To Pass away (time, act.). JTSTf- Passable (indifferent q. v.). fr^- A Passage (journey q. v.). Sf^oT, ?[3roT. "s x5 ' V 37^, ?^s?^q, s-^tt. SS' SSN SS ' SS ^ S3 A Pattering or Patting noise. 5?- *r, ^e^Tr, ^s£r, *|s*r, j-T^r, SS V SS A Pattern. rW-fr, ^fi*. See Sam- ple. A Pavilion. ?fa. See Tent. The Paunch. JTJff. /S'ee Belly. A Pauper. faf=T°fr. £ee Beggar, Poor. A Pause (for rest). telr, tf/fl, fffcrrW. See Rest. To Pause. cf^T, faf cj. £ee To Rest, Hesitate. A Paw (foot), qc, ^fr. To Paw (as a horse), ^fj" f °r°T. A Pawn (pledge). ?Tf , Tlf^R 1 . To Pawn. JT§> <^c. ^q. To redeem a thing Pawned, afr- wr- S3 A Pawn {in chess), faaffst. Pay. JT^rf^rj, 3Wf. Daily Pay. ^Nfrfr, Uf. Monthly Pay. JTft=rr, ^ffr. Pay given every six months. U- JTrfT; at spring and autumn har- verts, ^*pr°fT. Yearly Pay. ^rP^Rf, ffftfifftf. Pay, or fixed fee, to a fukeer, &c. • ss ' SS A Pay-abstract, ^fa? ^t fast To Pay. ff^% fqarrC^T, »TC°T. See To Discharge, Repay. Payable, fj3T°fr. PEE 120 PEP Peace (not war). tffcf . See Quiet, Rest. Peaceable, Peaceful. *P?f; or peacefully, gf^TflT^T. A Peace maker. q^N", 3Tf. A Peach. ^qTrff^. To Peach (inform). ^°T, ^fJT?rt ss A Peacock, ife. A Peahen. |5T, Peagreen. ^ET^Frf^Tr. A Peak. <$ih, ^f f . ' ssss To Peal. ^T^^rq. \ SS A Peal, or Pealing noise. ^^fT, V ss A Pear. =Trsq, r *ft. The prickly Pear. ^[JJ^\ ajfC. A Pearl. 3Rfsft. Small Pearls. qfcT, W*l. Mother of PearL TflT. Of Pearls, adorned with Pearls. A Peasant. fiTT. #ec Husband- man. Peasantry. t^TrT, Trf . A Pebble, qf ofy grftrfr To Peck, ^fsr fqq ; up, ^fFT. SSSS SS ' x SS SS To Peculate. OTC-fflfl qspj, ■TT- Peculation. ^rf|T, ^ftjft". Peculiar, Peculiarly. frsT, fr#, Pedigree, (lineage q. v.). ^q, qt^t, qtf, (genealogical list) q^Rf^r, *fr*ffr. A Pedlar, qnsff, sjfrrfr. Peel. fea/. ^ee Skin. To Peel. ffjaq. ss Peeled, devoid of Peel. %&$'[. SS A Peep, Peeping. gTffit, P^*Tf. To Peep, fcafr A Peg. f^r, f^RTc^r, SFtd, ^O, •s A Pellet. 3Js7?f, ?f/vj|t. A Pellet bow. TT^f^". Pellitory. 3TnfrT*T#. To Pelt, sqq ^ee To Cast. The Pelvis, fa&t A Pen. ^far, fafc^^JT, SfTRI. To make, or mend, a Pen. tf^q. A cattle Pen. qrfr, ^^foj, WW, *Tfq, (/or camels) sfr^T. A Penalty, QT7. £ee Punishment. Penance. q^ip^oT, ST^rf. A Pen case. ^WR", TO - . ss ' Penetrable, Penetrative. fqfTqrfr, To Penetrate (neu.). fq? nj, fs7S°J. &ee To Pierce. Penis. 3R, tnfr, ZU , T$m\ , £$, =JJT, W?* 'US- SS SS ' s» ' SS Penitence. #faC, qtSTrc. falRT^. ' SS ' Penitent, 3faf #c. ttffS,fq5fflT=r. f SS ' SS A Penknife. =^, Wrq. & ' SS Penniless. ^fr,^fta°fr- See Poor. ss ' Pentagon, Pentangular. «t«Tjff. Penurious, Penuriousness. See Niggardly, Niggardliness. Penury. flfaqfr, 1*3 , ^Tq^qfr. A Peon (belted attendant), qz- qrsr. SS People, juuiplu. ^Tr^lT, 13&^. To People. qWfq. A grain of Pepper. fJT=sj, firO, fiHjr t fir^ff ; the plurals of these are general terms for pepper. The long Pepper. fqfoft. PER 121 PER Red Pepper. ^rrfrO"- W IZl-ifmii fa^ plu. To Pepper (sprinkle with pepper). Mr ^°T-3T*:°r. sy ss .•> S3 Cooked with Pepper. fj?^TC. Per annum. ;# ^ *t f ?^\ (>r fturnif^-) ot, S3 • vj 3tft. To Perfume, tf^fr SiT^. See To S3 S3 Incense. A Perfumer. q&$\. S3 Perfumery. *J5r;fffar. Perhaps. %f %, J^r, *Ts?|%, R- Peril. ^r?fr. #ee Danger. Perilous. #^37. See Dangerous. A Period of time. JjspT, \z$ plu. To Perish. flT'JJ, ^fr^r fasror. Perishable, qrr^ft, TOff. A Perjurer. (fare, person, S?c.) ^\. See Artless, Frank. Plainness (levelness q. v). &\i. See Distinctness, Simplicity. A Plaintiff, qrift, $*i, fNr,lWf- Plaintiff and Defendant. 31 *T?T- To Plait or Plat. q£°T, JjfaT- Plating, gfolfr. Plausible, ml fasT, *rtr fa*r. Play. riT^, ik& t ds, ^r^t. To Play. *ifc , #c. *TJ- WJ- S3 . -J ' V}J .S3 A Play (comedy). ^Z^. To Play (on an instrument). 3l[{- A good Player. f$Z\x) t U^t^f • Playful, Playsome. *pl\f«PTv?r, rf^Tlftr, ff^rrr- See Merry. Playfulness, ftsT^sfr, Wtffii, K J, Km. A Plaything. *ffi£f, $\£mz${. Pleasant, Pleasantly. QTCrfflT. See Merry. Pleasantry. fig"arjg"5ft 4 See Merri- ment, Playfulness. To Please (give pleasure). ^5Fr- To Please, or suit, (with object as nom.). srot tffrC'T, OTCT, To Please or satisfy, (a wayward child, fyc). q*Trfoj,q^ff;q. Please God. *pr 3T^. Pleased, ^ferf^r, frcr^, ?:nSt. sS ' / vs ' To be Pleased. ^T fa 3 ?^ , KfeiW , Pleasing (adf.). " tf f rf <5T, ?T^I%^r. £ee Amiable. Pleasure (delight q. v.). *|3Tt, ftST, %, «rarc, ^r, fa^rf*^. Pleasure (wi//). JTsff, ?pft, qffrT, A Pledge. 5frF*R. »S'ee Bail, Pro- mise, Pawn. The Pleiades, sf^f. Plentiful, qofr, srsrf, ifr^r^r, mn t ^^Ttr, iff. &?e Abundant. Plenty. $%[i , srfbr, S°Tlt f ^ Pliable, Pliant. Jw. See Clothes. Rain, tfff , TOffr, 3%. Drizzling Rain. qjTflT. A fall of Rain, afffe. Want or deficiency of Rain. ^T°7r- Signs of Rain. 5T3\ 18 RAN 138 RAT To Rain. WJ, *ff§ ' sj ' A Receipt (written acknowledge- ment). ^^.,qf^r. A Receipt, or Recipe. ^R*ft, £T- Receipts (income), ^fa. To Receive, 3"Soj. A Receiver of stolen property. ^ff- Recent. #$f, <*[#, I I^fit. Recently, fr^t. Reciprocal, R.eciprocally. ff3T To Recite, qSf°T. N S3 Reckless. ffqrfou. See Regard- less, Impetuous. To Reckon. IFPT, ^°T. See To sa ' s» Count. To Reclaim. *hrc°I, Wrr°T. S3 ' S» \s To Recline. ar^oT, &Z*r S3 » S3 A written Recognisance. JTI%?cff j To Recognise. ^str^F. ° S3 S3 To Recoil. qtC *t f ^f . To Recollect. urfe" 37^, ^R°T, ShTROT. QWKVT, tfP*K°r. S3 ' S3 ' Si Recollection. aTTTijrct, STr^fr, *rP#, sr?:, wrr, swPc. S3 » 7 7 To Recomend to one's charge, tf- A Recommendation. HTfTO, *TTr- S3 ' S3 To Recompense. ^fSTr-^Psr fe- To Reconcile, (persons differing) T^ff^, tf^l^T, (or Min^s) ?rf q. To be Reconciled. t4°T, ^^^T, ar- ■J • V3 ' s?°r. S3 Reconciliation. f*rrr?, fcfr*rrr, ffcr. Recreation. tofff*. See Amuse- ment, Rest. To Rectify, flft gr^T, tffOT. Rectitude, ^frf. £ee Uprightness. To Recur (happen again). %^\ S3 Red. ITTjfr, 5TPJ, r#T, S#; deep red, *T#te. REF 141 REG Reddish, somewhat Red. ?Tf^f^T, To be Reddish, have a tendency to Red. -irrsfrr^r, ?rr?rrc°T. To Redeem. ®\?f?T, JU^. • SS. ' ss Redemption. ^JT37^rrrr. See Deliv- erance. Redness. irTTfrfa", JITiftfif, iTff^T- To Redouble, ^IT&r. v» sj Redress. 373", fa£r 3-7! S. To Redress. 373" #c. ST?? 7 !". S5 ^ S3 To Reduce (make less). qz\f*l t gsrcy, C7rc°r, srsrrrj. To Reduce to obedience. FfrRT T- 317^. See To Subdue, Subject. To become Reduced (in circum- stances, from sickness, fyc). 7- ^°fr €707. s» To Refer (bear reference to). *$■- Sj To Refine (purify). ^faq. To Reflect (consider). ^fW°T, fa- ^KT, TTW, f^vT^. See To S3 7 vj' s> Ponder. To Reflect (throw back). ^(?Rc°r. Reflection (thought). ff^r^",?T ff ^t, S9 Reflection (shadow). Tr^r, T^i- #, qr&sft, The Reflection, of the sun thrown off water, &c. afff^r. To Reform, (new.). ^farcrr, ^*rr- To Reform (aci). efrrcor. Refractory. See Obstinate. To Refrain. q^ *Tf°J. See To Cease, Stop. To Refrssh. rfr^f 37?T°J. A Refrigerant medicine. sU'erf^r. Refrigeratory. ^T^r, 5TC*. Refuge. 3?^r, Related by blood, ff 3^TZ, Ttt, fl£r, 3T- To Relax (ac*.> grrq, Fsrr 3rrq. Relaxation. 37PCW, Wff, Uf?T, srjf. tfeeRest, Ease. Release, Releasing. !5TZr#r, ®TZTc|fr- f r, ^rrfr, ^rer, wif • A deed of Release, qrr^l". To Release (let go). ©sq. To Release (act. a thing pawned). To be Released. f5Z*l . sj va To Relent. i;%q 3T*;q. S3 \3 Relentless. fe jfr, ^Hrsfr. See Unmerciful. Reliance, qtfif . £ee Trust. S3 Relief. €izr£{. See Release, Ease, Assistance. To Relieve (ease). WW, fyc. ^uj-f^aj. See To Mitigate, Assist. Religion. €t*r,&TR, *$- Religious (of persons), £tq3T^", REM 143 REP ft^T, q"4f , SHJ ; or of religion, religiously, ffanftr, ^irfffr. See Pious. To Relinquish. ^°T. Relinquishment. rf^T , rJfrJT. A Relish (taste q. v.). ^rrS", 3"- Reluctance, ^fsrsfr/, ^f^^Tt- Reluctant, Reluctantly. sfeflr-aT, To Rely, tflrf $c. g^q-arrw- -TO5?r, *f^, STR, fe^TR^. Remiss. iff^T, iFfe^T, Trf^J, ferr. Remission (abatement). ^ffcT, 8"- fr,^ fo?ri?T, *t*t 3 kt- Remissness. jrtfSTf , ^Tfl^T^, 5QT- To Remit (Zef ojf, pardon q. v.). q\rK-&Tz-fc*H^ ^^°T. See To Send, Relax. A Remnant. See Remainder. Remorse. <71?rTr3". Remote, zjif qft f gfc See Dis- tant. Remoteness. T^ff, TUff, \3Trr. To Remove (new.). s^tt. To Remove (act.). ^oft ^gnj Removing, Removal (flitting). &{- To Rend. ^r°T, "TrR ]". To Render. £ee To Return, Give, Make. To Renew. 4*?f 3T\q. The Report of a gun, &c. ^T^T5", To Report (a matter). ITRrf^T, feSec Remainder. To Resign. sJSTT. Resignation (fo f Ae uji// of God}. Resigned (submissive). ^(^\ t ^rj- CFcfi#* fa- s^F. A Respectable person. &WTT, ^Ff TO. Respected. ur^FCfF. See Respec- table. Respectful, Respectfully. *TF37C*ff, Respecting. 7Tifcf**T, ^PffrF- A Respite, ?Tf &$. See Rest. To be Responsible. To Resume (ta&e back). 3US'ee To Disclose. Revelry. ^57, 5T5FT, frc^tf. O » S3 ' S3 Revenge, qrirsnfr, iresrrv?, ^frsr. To take Revenge. «T F%" wt— TrSTSTf ^r— S3 ' S3 S3 Revengeful. *j£f, ^r^ft, t^s;, t^. /See Spiteful. Revenue. g-qpT, SIBSrrfr, VrST, Reverberation of sound. q^fsT. To Revere, Reverence. fi^r^T. Reverence. J7f3r?fr. £ee Respect. To Reverse. 3W <$• c. 3T5C See Tu- 7 SJS3 7 S3 S3 mult. A Rioter, Riotous. ijvir? , ifST?. To Rip (new.), 3%3"0T, sfo^ar. To Rip (act.). sffrjq, sjItJot, S3 Ripe. T^T. To Ripen. T^oj. Ripeness. 73Tnf. A Ripple. ®l&\. To Ripple. fJ^iT. Rippling. f5if?Hjr. A Rise (increase, elevation). W^ t A Rise in price. . ^rfarrr, ^?ffrT, To Rise, (get up) sqrar, (ascend, increase) ^Tl?oT. ' N S3 To Rise (as the sun). gf*R;oT. To cause to Rise, or get up. \jqr- Risibility. fefcoTf?. Risible, fef^iifr. A Risk. ##, %^J, ^fr. A Rite. ^r?r, f$'a?r. S3 ' Rival (adj.), A Rival. ?Jn%^", ft- To Rival, fterc°J. Rivalry, ftfl". A River. TK^fW , 5"ft^T3". Of the River, sqfft. The deity of the River. ^Rr %- fcfcwi. ^"^q • an angel, or atten- dant of the deity, ^f^\ A hymn in honor of the River. TfW See Salt. Saliva. pr, fqsjT, S?r°Tt, 5*T. To be Salivated. q|"fa$^C- The planet Saturn. STH^C Savage. ifast. See Cruel. 20 SCA 154 SCA Sauce, ^fcrift. See Seasoning. A Saucepan. m^€\ t 3\ CT *J, «K^ji|, A Saucer, ftltft, fr^FTft. Sauciness. ^r^Ffr^t, JR^IC, ^- S3 J S3 T s» c3"fC- *S^e Insolence. Saucy. JT^rf , J?^r, ^%. See Insolent. To Save (preserve), st^i^oj, a ss der. Savour. mR", ^Sffi, STCS. *See Taste. Savoury. #*rY, ^ffrf^f, t^Sffit, ^GffirC3' f%^Tr^, fM§TS r s3 * s» SEA 156 SEC Scratching (for itching-). ^^^F^T, (and clawing) sftfj ^ij t ^g. See A Scratch. To Scrawl in writing. ^if^T. A Scream, Screech. ^r^ t r,^fe",«rif, *stMt, sto, ^, *tr, Or, dsrc". To Scream, Screech, ^q, THT^, srrarrr°r.3r^°r, srw:°r, w, &c. \s ' Sv \0' Ov S3 ' 7 S3 A Screecher. ^rfo^, ^sSqt^feTC, A Screen. qv?fr, T^fj". To Screen, g-^°T. £ee To Protest. S3 A Screw. cN". To Scribble. \?v? At the proper Season. JfcTrCvTi". Produced out of Season. 37JT3T- SS S3 c^r, 37JT Sedateness. ?TWS ?TCT€. ^e Staidness. Sediment (dregs), fart, TO". The Sediment or deposit from the river. 41", v3". Sedition. 7r5rrf. To come to one's Senses, qff^r ^T- ^°7. $ee To Recover. . Sensible ( having consciousness ). e%5, frsrrcfr, %^rc%, g^rr^r, (wise q. v.) 3Tlt, WPW, tiffifW, frF^^rc^t, ftTrr^r, f sit, *vrfi? Sensitive. 3T 3?fr. £ee Tender. Sensual, a Sensualist. 5Tt?fr, SlUf. Sereneness, Serenity. £?r, srfcr, A Series. Tm, ^?f RT, ^ffr, flftr. $ee Row. Serious, Seriously. jfrfr, ?TCr Seriousness. iTITfC, TTWt* A Serpent. m t ^JT. See Snake. A Serpent-charmer. ^t*Tf, ITl^t. Serpentine (winding). 3K[Kt f W- Serrated. sfas", i%if!$i. SET 159 SEV A Servant. ^TRT^", ^Hfr^", ff^T, f^^tirr^", qr%, tots", zr#s#. A Servant-maid. qNfft, ^Rtfr, Servants. STTT^f. To Serve. =frfaft &c - *T°F, %*°T. To Serve out. See To Distribute. Service. Jrffaft, ^rHpft, M^W, Serviceable. ^TJTrcJr^lUC^f. See Profitable, Useful. Servile. jfr^l°Tf. A grain of Sesame. j%^; its plural, frHT, is the generic name for the grain. To Set (place , lay). XWT, WT, (fix, plant q. v.), fofJT'T. To Set (a m^or, <^c). 73TC°T. To Set a going (commence work- ing), sfrzror. To Set on (as in the chase), wot. To Set out or off. RfoT&T, ^3Rt To Set up (erect). T^IVT, *$ff To Set (as the sun). c*f 07, 3?^. To Set jewels. 5T\JT. Set with jewels. ^STST, 5TJ%?r. A Set (batch), ^rpr. The Setting jewels, nfoft, SffefcT. Settings of jewels. ^\3T^", Sffetf. To Settle (determine, establish). *?Ur?T, faflTor. To Settle (as water). sfffsTar, \S ' NO ' V3 To Settle an account, &c. f^nr !". To Settle down, (become fixed after fluctuation). flfoj, fa^oT. £ee To become Quiet. To be Settled (adjusted), faf^ar VS'\9 O ' SS ' \SSS A Settled custom, or continuous engagement. ^ 3J , S 3T , fe J. A Settlement, Settling. N?TO,f¥- (of price) W^frT- Seven. ^T^. Name of the number Seven, rj^f. Seven ( per certf). ^rfcrfr. And or with Seven (prefixed to hundreds, tyc). $#, 3*?frrr. Sevenfold (adj.). flcfqr. The Sevenfold. ^tf°T Seventeen, ^ENff. Seventeenth. 53^ift. Seventh, fljf. The Seventh day of the lunar fort- night. flK?. Seventieth. ^rT^f. Seventy. ^Trfft- Seventy-one. CT^f^lT. Seventy-two. 'ST^Ir. Seventy- three. -T^rjf^*.' Seventy-four. ^Tfrrfc Seventy-five. ^frffc Seventy-six. ^riTTfr. Seventy-seven. ^rf^lT. Seventy-eight. ^ar^fr. Seventy-nine. S°TR?t. To Sever. qrc ^°T. See To s» Separate. Several (many). %fplu. ^f^Uplu. sjqr plu. See Distinct, Single. Severally . «TK «T.T, flfoST Ff far^T. Severe. $l£r, ^Wf, 5T^f, ^2TC- Severity. 3T2T?, TO^C, SH^, SHA 160 SHA To Sew. fs^ !- Sewing (sub), fafspft, %fl", %*rfr; various kinds of Sewing, rrct, #r, wft, ^^^\ 1 ^fefr, «ftf&%, Charge for Sewing, fef r°ft. Sex (gender). faSTRr. Sextuple. U|ofr. Shabby, ^r^ See Old, Mean. To Shackle a beast. Z\T*l t 7PT°T Shackles for shacking beasts, &c. far*TC, TC, ST^tC See Fet- ters. The Shade. fsfa, sf, °7, ^7, ( as the ground in an earthquake) *T3"aj. See To Tremble. A Shake, Shaking. ^Trff, qtfr, #? , *F?=kt, ^°Tt. See Trembling. To be Shaky or loose. Sff^ar, Shallow (as water), rri^f, ^rer, mfgfr, («s a dish) rrnfesfr, trr- faff. See Flat. Shallowness. f\\mi f &'m\t. A Sham. f%, 1717, fafer^, #trTr~J. #ee Pretence. To Sham. fjfer^T, *7*7fC°J, f*Tfe- The Shambles. OT^T. Shame. ^, ^rqr, f ?rr, f ?Tr^, ^ , *K$ » ^, ^^ WJ- To Shame. ^|rrs;oj, WrC°J, ^ rear. To feel Shame, arSR, ^f^T5T°r. 57- Shameful, Shamefully. 575frrr, &~ Shameless, Shamefaced. ^5577,^*77 -^rj, %^3fr, f^r, WW, ^rfr. Shamelessness. ^3ffC, tf*fff, f*f- A Shammer. JpTt, faftcrt^, ^far^T. To Sharr.poo. JRaj, ifte T?W. Shape. ffa, **, g, \^ f V, arrw7C. To Shape. qivj. See To Form. Shapeless. Iff5?r, $2%, ^??r. f- ?%. Shapelessness. ^^r^rc, f^N?. Shapely, well-Shaped. fiBTf/ff, A Share. W#7, q^7, fc#, tftsTCT, i?mt, ?rzt, fr£, facf#, *>, ^ The Share of a plough, qrr^". To Share (distribute q. v.). fqT7- f°j, #§pf , Ff tlgr. To Share (participate), JTf#f &c. 3**7, w^fr, &c. |aroj. A Sharer. 7^^^, ff%*f^, ff%- wf , Uf^f, ff Sri". See Partner. SHE 161 SHI A half Sharer. aftjfalfqrm. In or by Shares. ff tfrc?r, ff %0, w^rc^r, *wd, wc*t, ^rr^tsT, A Shark. sfor°T. Sharp, Sharply. {%#, . A Shower, sriftfr, ^£r, hz€f, S3 'S3 To Shower (neu.). q^q. Showy. I^rc^r, sfi?rc". A Shred. 3TF?T^t, fas£, ^3"; in shreds, 5?tvj ^ls#. A Shrew, ^n?* SID 163 SIG Shrewd. ^Rf, WHS. See Wise, ' SS S3 Cunning. Shrewdness. ^TPTT, t?*73T£. 7 ss A Shriek. qfrfar, ^ftf . See Scream. Shrill, ^fr. A Shrimp, if'wz. A Shrine. 3"*rff , 5"JT|. To Shrink, fraor gjoj, ss ss ' \s To Shrivel (neu.\ srfsT^q, JT^Tf- A Shroff, sutpf, ^T^nr, SS ' SS A Shroud. ^TT !. ss A Shrub. «nit, ^fr, frft To Shudder? 'VW* See To ss Tremble. To Shun. TC-Wg ^fq". To Shut (acf.). q-^q, tfa *T g[| ^> ^q, |F^v?iT, iffeor. £«e To ss ' ss Close. To Shut (neu.). tr^T, 4frP^W, * ' See Easy, I Plain. Simple (artless). ifrfcfr, Sr^r ITT^T, j ifrct, ^rr^rwr, *rr«r. #ee Art- ; 7 " Os less, Guileless. Simplicity. tfrfrsif, jfirrf. #ee Artlessness. Simply (merely q. v.). J^«!7f. To Simulate. See To Pretend. Simultaneous, Simultaneously. J^, Sin. i^rr?, ir^rr, fir, qiq, ajfqr- ss ss ' S3 SS ' • SJ ' SS ' SS ' SS ' SS To Sin. JRI"sT #c. ^q. SS SS ' SS Since (after, from the time that). 1g\ *T5>, ST^, 3 ?njT^; from such time as, STjgyqr c-€f€r~Crat- ^°ft-sf°T«Ft ; from that time, ^J- f rare -rrar -Crat - ^rr-^rr ; s» Os OS since how long, «R"TfriT^ , -f [^F- rr^f-f^fr-fPT^r. os os t , Since (because that). ^fg^K.See On Account of. Sincere. *f%, tf^r^, H^f , fafsnft, ^T^t^, tf^rf^f. 'See Honest. Sincerity. fl^f?, 0Wf£, fl^fd, A Sinew. TO, ^iT- Sinewy. ^fte*, ^r?T^r. Sinful. s?frfr, jRret, wit, qrr^t," fau^^t, «Tr^ • or sinfully, qr- Wicked. Sinfulness. qrqtq°Tf. See Sin. To Sing. ?H?T, 87TWR, 3 Tr^[f . Of the Sky, Sky-blue. " affOTsft. A Sky rocket. fWfit A Slab (stone). $&$[. To Slabber, f*R ?f rCJ-JITS'T. A Slabberer. RfJT^". Slack, Slackly. fg" See Sect. 22 SOL 170 SON A Sock. 3Tr#. S3 \3 A Socket, qv, ^?. A Sodomite. ^?f. See Catamite. To commit Sodomy. Tj£ ^f^fff. Soft, Softly, (not hard) J*rfr, =Tg, 37 q&- (gentle q. v.) sfafc To Soften (act.). jijfr 37W To Soften (new.). See Leisure. To Spare, iffif-^rs ST'FJ, ?- ^lfv\. See To Save. A Spark. fafair, S^f, fa**rnft. To Sparkle (emit sparks). fa^Ni ph. S5jq. See To Glitter. A Sparrow, (cock) fg%, f^§T, (Aen or Me species) fef^f , I%v3t; A Spasm. f?T^lr, ffT2"- A Spavin, gfr, ^f^r. To Speak. JTf^q, °J, *Yr- To Spill (neu.). ?rif*r. To Spill about (act.). fRTT, ft- To Spin. 37?pjr ; to Spin a top, A Spindle. Zff. The Spine. «rfrfr, ^*?r, gfr ^r A Spinning- wheel. Cf7, ^"^r. A Spinster. ^rCr. A Spire (pinnacle q. v.). ^ir } ^\i\. Spirit (breath). *flg ; ^ ; ^r|, See Soul. Spirit (courage). ffj^r. |%:ft, SPL 173 SPO Spirit (distilled). *t£. See Li- quor. An evil Spirit. J£T, fW^T, Tm- «f , ^If^r^T. See Demon. Spirited (bold q. v.). T^Jlif, ff- Spiritless. See Dejected, Weak, Vapid. Spiritual (immaterial). ^B^\^-Kf. A Spiritual guide, JTSffe, *T^. A Spit (spittle q. v.). ^"aR". A Spit (of iron). sfft". To Spit. spjj. Spite, Spitefulness. ?ffer, ^T^fa", To bear Spite. S^fl !, dSTflGT, *sT- ■J- Spiteful, ^r^, *gff, *Jff^\ ^r- ^t ; or Spitefully, *fSCe to Crush. To be Squashed. fjT9°r. To Squat, ^rferar pTf ss To Stagger (act.). $13*1, &f- Stagnant. Wf, IPT3 - . To Stagnate. sr§FT- Staid. flTCT, Jlfr, ?fflt^T. Staidness. JITfC, jfttrC, #>fmc, a-^r, wr, *kr. A Stain. f=j£T, 3T*T, fc^C To Stain. ?r*FT. Stained, STift. Stainless. %?n?r, fcf ^ft, ^f. Sfee Pure, Unblemished. A Staircase. ST^fa, ^°ff, qr3T. A Stake ( wooden ). A Stake (wager q. v.). ?R" Stale. qr^>?r, «SftR^-, irat Staleness. qr^^f?, ^f^RfC *fa>, 3^, STA 176 STA The Stalk of grain plants. ^H\, 3>Rt; or straw of leguminous plants, faft. See Straw. The Stalk of a flower, fruit, &c. Sift sfT.^fT. To Stalk (walk stately). STff^-g^f A Stall in a stable. *JR\ ^W, Nj ' NJ 1 arPT. A vender's Stall, faff, fe^ff. A Stallion, ^ff^. To Stammer, f^r^fj, r^rfoj, A Stammer, Stammering. if^TS*, A Stammerer, ff qRT. A Stamp (*Ae instrument or im- pression). f5\q f 57T. The Stamp made on coins. 5ff , The Stamp with which coins are struck, ^r^t. A Stamp used in dying, &c. qfax". To Stamp (impress q. v). fJfTo?, A Stamp of the foot. STSTtT. To Stamp the foot. 3T|t W*. Stanch. See Constant, Firm. To Stanch. ^°T. See To Stop. To Stand (become erect, stop ). ftPToj. £ee To Endure, Con- tinue. To Stand stiff or on end (the hair of the body.) WV3[W^. A Stand. See Station, Stop, Halt ; for water vessels, SFJUsft. Standard (rule, measure). ^TfRT. A Standard measure, weight, &c. kept as a sample. q&. A Standard (ensign.). §f^r, ; ft- 5TFr,^T*r. See Flag. A Standard-bearer. 3F?fC. Standing (sub.). frf^T. See En- durance, Continuance. Standing ( motionless, as water ) . sPsTgr, !W See Erect. A Stanza. ^ To Stick. (pierce) jftj, (sta&) To Stick out (be prominent). §rr- Stick (generic term). ^\i\. See Wood, Fuel. A large thick Stick, srrar. #ee Beam. A walking Stick, srfar, 55J°f. £ee Staff. A Stick (stab). =%3fT #ir. Stickiness, ^STr^rt, ^ftjf, fa- f?rfcf?T. See Viscosity. The Stickings. &JIK. Sticky. ^^frc?r, faf?Tfcf?T- ?9f , Stiff. WZ. See Hard. To Stiffen (act.). B\Z^T f B\Z $"- To Stiffen (new.). stfosTq. Stiffness, tffcr?, tffcffar. To Stifle. STror q sr£*T. A Stigma, ^[qt. See Blemish. To Still. Tjffasr, &c. sKTrCJ, *mr- Still (aoj.). tfifr, mfff. See Quick, Motionless, Stagnant. Still (adu. till now), srsrr^ jr^ 1^1, arsTT-^-t^f with rTfC-^T°TT, &c. attached ( See Till). See Nevertheless, Yet. A Still. OTtR^r. To be Still-born. J"f re fa 3 ?^ Stillness, fa^rf, J?f3Tr, *Trsft, *ff- S^orrC. See Quiet. To Stimulate. fRrCJ, ^DCT, V- A Sting, jjjj, ^fJTTOTY. To Sting. ^17^7-^ ^fCT' A Stinger, Stinging. ^fJT^T. Stinginess, tffcr, OTr?, ^fcft, T- A Stingy person, f^JTr^", 5Tf , *Nr3\ See Miser. Stingy, Stingily. #^rCf a bad Stock, ^sprr • SS he Stocks (for the feet), 3rrar, Stocking. iJTR". ° S3 SS ►Stolen. ^frU°TT, ^WST, ^TU^T. The Stomach (the ventricle), aff- flTCt. See Belly. A Stone, gfor TW ss / stone, Whetstone, See Grind- Philosoph- er's stone, &c. The Stone or pebble in a ring. psTST. The Stone of fruit, i&il, ^f^ff, grfaft, (of the mangoe) #K, The Stone (disease), qfoft, tfqft, Stone, of Stone (adj.). gfqfr. To Stone. sforr^T ^^T. A Stone-cutter, e*rHTr3T- S3 Stone-cutting, ^^TOSiY. Stony. qfor^RTCt, Tf^r^T, ry 7 *:ty, s"f *:y, c. Straightness. jfojcT, ^f[f, faqic, To Strain through a strainer (ac/). sJFT ! (neu.) f5°Tar. S5 \ / SS To Strain (sprain). JfiST. To Strain (draw tense), f^T. A Strain (pull), fe^ A Strainer, q^q, tfrrFJRt,3rRt ; broken Straw <||. Rice Straw. TO*T, 75^5*. The Straw or stalks of legumes. A Straw, bit of Straw. 3T?3\ To Stray. ^t°t jj^ot firc^ur JTJ?ffor. flee To Wander. Stray (adj.). XTg, fr^TJ, Cte, cfcRTf, £rfrsr, frfnf. See Wandering. A Streak. &\^. To Streak. 5rt37°T. Streaked. vTt^RI". A Stream (continuous flow). qrr, ^f ^|» *?*, ^ffit, (as through a small hole) zt£\. See Rivulet, River, Current. Against the Stream. STRICT. With the Stream. srr^KT. A rapid Stream or current, fcH3", WWW. That part where the Stream is weak. urst. The deep Stream. *jft. A Street. q£\ t T(&\ t fqi\ Strength. ^qr, y^T, SjT , SSlf, srercri:, s?rfr, ?fj, f ^Trf. See Power. Strength of liquors. rf?*3TC, rT^I"- K frorr, frorfor. Strength (endurance in cloth, fyc.). \J 7 vj To Strengthen (acf.). «ffC #c. To Strengthen (new.) flSTriwTJ. Strengthening ( adj. ). ^KfC^f, Strenuous. ^fftsft, SsT^ft. # ee Zealous, Stress (strain), fg^\ flee Force, Pressure.. To Stretch by pulling. fu% q-qr- C^T, 7*3^. See To Spread. To Stretch out (extend the hand, flee To Extend. To Stretch (open out in wear). •o To Stretch one's limbs, (through laziness, and strain them). ^ 5?re°r, fas' jrf^ !, ?Tr^f^^°T. To Strew. q&s J. flee To Spread, Scatter. Strict, Strictly. ■ S3 ' A Stutterer, f^S. Stuttering, if^s?, ttZlt, %tt. A Sty in the eyelid. srrf^Rt. Style (manner q. v.). vf^ sNf. A Style for writing with. qfc°Tf, i"fr. Suavity. fasTC, f*TUi To Subdue. J$Z*\ } cTrfr-STFT T^rT- To Subject (subdue q. v.). jffansT rTIT, ^- In Succession (one a/fer another). In Succession to. SrU, 3"j, vJvTf, Successive, Successively. fiEJ^rCflt. Succint, Succinctly. ^K^fe^T Succory. ^r^T^ft. To Succour, qfs" 1K°T. See To NS S9 Assist. Succulent. *r#£r, ^r??r, s°r- To Succumb. £ee To Submit. Such, (of this kind) Cf^T, fC^T- 3t f ^Tfl^r, ( of that kind) 3"f- fr, f *T3t. Such a one. qiWTT. To Suck (draw with the mouth). OS NS To Suck the breast. W^. ns To Suck up (absorb), ^f of. A Suck. W. On A Sucking-stick (for infants), q*- To Suckle. vrrtrf'T, ^?r few- O ' NS • NS A Suckling. JaWqarrj • Sudden. 3Trfa#r. Suddenly. 3^TR3T, aT^¥i? , ^T- Nw, 3UrT, 3W3T. See Unex- pectedly. Suddenness. ^TfNrTft. Suds. JT^ft, sr?r. To Sue (prosecute). sif 3ft- j -fvpTq with % governing the object. #ee To Entreat. Suet. ?W. See Fat. To Suffer, (bear) ^f^r, vsflT^, (undergo) Vm*T, 5Tl?PT, (toss) ^Tf J, TfC^r. #ee To Permit. Sufferable. tffc°Tr t tff. 7 ON Sufferance, Suffering (enduring- q. v.). ^f°ft. £ee Patience, Pain. To Suffice. (HFT, qr^t, he. f>J3?°T. NS • NS ' ON ' N» #ee To Satisfy. Sufficient, Sufficiently. qxf,Sf[37f, ^ftf. #ee Enough. To Suffocate. ^jot f ^fjor. #es NS NS ' »v NS To Choke. To Suffuse. *ft°T. See To Over- NS spread. Sugar. #n?, (varieties) Hftr, 3T- ^rrfefr, ^Kft; made up into balls or shapes, afjW, T^r^fr, f^T, J^sfr. On Raw Sugar, or the juice inspis- sated. Jpr, ( varieties ) |jfe f Sugar candy. ffTf^f^ct. Sugarcane. $*fe, 37*71?". The leaves of the Sugarcane, qzi f qfes. NSNS A Sugarcane press, ^f^ff, ^r^. To Suggest STCWCy. ^ ee To Hint. To commit Suicide. qr°T ^K^. NS NS A Suit of clothes. 3J1(, Vffim, (woman's apparel) \sfftr. See Set, Suite. A Suit of cards. t*l, %**"• A Suit at law. JTrfa^f. To Suit (agree). Z%oj f W3^, 5J- JTiT !. #ee To Become, Please. SUN 185 SUP Suitable. #rr, $\jff, %j, ^rCf , Trj , 3T| ; or Suitably, 3T|Nt, ?f- °?£r, arr|^r, sircar, f wtzt, #- SJf IC?r. ^ee Proper. Suitableness. err£3fr, vsTrfCTcTT. A Suite. 3T?^t. #ee Retinue, A Suitor (petitioner q. v.). 3"fCt, To Sulk. ^5. Sulkiness, the Sulks. ^TRf, 'Cl- s, frar, 3TO, sfffr, ^#r. Sulky, a Sulker. ffH, frtfR &c. Sullied. 6?farf%. To Sully. STJ-sWr, &c. 5ST?P?t S°FT. Sunday. 3?R^, ^TRC, ^rF^fC, A Sunflower. *nf ^ fT?#t m. At Sunrise, fasr *N?r, to sftf?. #ee Morning-. At Sunset. {%Sf a%. £ee Even- ing-. The Sunshine, gpn yq-. ' S3 To Sunder. See To Separate. Sundry, qrorr j^w. STRtW. £ee Several, Miscellaneous, Various. A Sup. srff, TO r , g"37. S3 » vj ' S3S3 To Sup. ^T^ff &c. irc°T. S3 S3 Superabundance, Superfluity. 3"- Superabundant, Superfluous, grsffar. £ee More. Superb, Superbly. t5Tr^rr?sTr. *See Splendid. A Supercargo. fsFTsfcTT, ztffli. Supercilious. fsfJTfJTt. See Proud. Superficial, Superficially. Tf^TffcJ- Superfluous. #ee Superabundant. To Superintend. SFfrst '4\ TjB^l. A Superintendent. 3TRTT, ^"f^FT^Y- Superior (in place). qxf. See Upper. Superior, of Superior quality. s5T- Superiority. 3^TC, ^^Tr^T, S- *3TC- Supernumerary. ^'^ST- See More. Supine, Supinely faith face down- ivard). tfysr >TC, #*Tf. 'See Indifferent. Supineness ( carelessness q. v.), ^T^R^fc, ^T^ls^rc. #ee Indiffer- ence, Indolence. Supple, f^rcr, gl%°fr. A Supplement, Supplementary ac- count, &c. «RT. 24 SUR 186 sus A Suppliant, Supplicant, Supplica- tor. t^fcWKL 5?lf^vfrr. See Petitioner. To Supplicate. %rj$\ &c. ^5C°J, Supplication. ?^, pRfft, fa^PT, ^tf^rfT, cfost, =jt*mct, fwf , To Supply. p-rcr, T. Surly, <^t, ^|d, ^f- To Surmise, #ee To Suppose, Suspect. To Surmount, ffft m*T, =^°T. To Surpass. 5ETflfc-s3T ^W or £eeTo Outstrip. Surplus, ^flfar, *»r*T. Surprise. See Suddenness, As- tonishment. To Surprise, (take unawares) $[- fcnfMsg", (astonish) %^-ar^- Surprising, Surprisingly. 3T«T«T t To Surrender (act.), sear 3% \ / • NJ t . | To Surround. tsfj, sfroT, 3TfCT, To Survey ( land ). sjsfr 3iT°T. £ee To Measure, Examine. A Surveyor (Zand measurer). Sff- 1 f«r?r. &ee Measurer. To Survive. ( outlive) qptJ-W- f5T^°T, (continue to live) «R°T, I To Suspect, have a Suspicion. 3T- fa"vsT°T, JTCrfasfT. See To Im- SWE 187 SWE To Suspend (hang-), jjioj, vS&tH* £°T, 5f^r?^,^gf. See To Stop. Suspense. f%^fH, ^"^t. See An- xiety, Uncertainty. Suspicion. ^TFT, 5Tf, fatf, *TJT, 83T. feftTfe. 'S'ee Doubt. S5 ' Suspicious. TTJ?r=Tt, ^T^t, fajff, tferC, f^^ret, ^f^Wf ; or Sus- piciously, 5TT,fc;?r, srarw, fa- To make Suspicious. ^OT^. To Sustain. See To Support. Sustenance. ?3Tqt, fcrcrsr, viftfr 5T. £ee Subsistence, Food. To Swaddle, ifvsfnr. Swaddling-clothes. #Sf°T, ^M ?!". O SS ' To Swagger (in walking), far^oj See To Boast. A Swaggerer, ft&vr, fef^ff. A Swallow (the bird). SRT^J. To Swallow, fjrfoj, fetfC^ f?T- ^"oj . i n gulps, §^J. A Swallow, Swallowing. jflcT, f?!?, A Swamp, ijnfor , TffTfor , T^fa. A Sward (green, grassy, land.)\&. A Swarm of flies or bees, iff 15 . See Multitude. To Swarm. See To Throng. Swarthy. flfF^fh To Swathe. ?Sf °T. V s» To Sway. See To Influence, Wield, Govern. To Swear. ^| fyc. *3 ' S3 * SS ' SS ' does in cooking) ir^. To Swell, or be Swollen, out (as the belly, or with pride). 3?r- SYM 188 TAK S3 ' S3 ' ' Gs ss To Swing (neu). ttgrq t ST^T. A Swing (oscillation). &lf[ f IT^t, A Swing for swinging in. ^fq" « Swinging cot, or cradle, ftcTKf. W. A Switch, ^fr, fJJ^fft To Switch, ^ff fOT'J. A Swivel (moveable ring-). jjf- A Swoon, Swoorning. g'^"^", Jf- tft, T5T. To Swoon, ffarsfor. The Swoop of a bird. c^fiTKr. A Sword. vKTIT, ^ft, ( 2;arie- To draw a Sword. TOK $"?q. To sheathe a Sword. TOR: sN>°T- S3 The Sword-exercise. ^^T. A Swordsman. ^"ff^O. A Sycophant. See Flatterer. A Syllable. sr^C, W^. A Symbol. F^T^Tr^V. A Sympathiser. ^shfr. Sympathy. tt3<£\. A Symptom. fr5rfft, ^i ^ r > (&'&»£•) Taste (nice discernment). ftlf«r- To get a Taste or liking for any thing. faff^ /, TORoj. To have a pleasant Taste. c5"5T- Tasteful (savoury). ^5T«ft, c*3T?rr- C^r, s?rT, tfe, fa- A Terrace. SJ#, sjfr, prRt, (smaZ/) vi^ST^t, feeFf; on the top of a house, ^3", ^T^T- Terrestrial ( earthly ). jsfrf, tf- 5Errd. Terrible, Terrific. ^fff, 3??r^" f ^rrqFrr^f, mil To Terrify. |«IT^q, ^xrffoj. Territory. See Kingdom, Country. Terror. frsT, ST, JT3", dfpF, 35", A Tertian fever. T^^f , f^Tf. A Test. qjjf. See Trial. To Test. q#oj. See To Try ; to test the precious metals by pierc- ing into and heating them. A Testicle, ^r, *TFncr, =rCr. One with swelled Testicles. qi^r^", To Testify. sr3T &c. fe^oj. Testimony. %m, 5Trff^, ^fr?Tfft, Testy, fqfcoff, %erTr#f ; of a rupee, &IK\. The Third day of the lunar fort- night. ffSf. Thirst, sjq", fHTsf, ??*, Throbbing (stift.). Sf jfer, 5^- A Throne. ajr^Y, ?f?sf , £t£j\ A Throng, See Crowd. To Throng, \WSV, flf ^ 8RJ. To Throttle. ^3, qrqt fe*TJ. Through (from one end to the other), qrfc, ^rfrcrit, *rat-# Through (61/ ?nea«s of). f*ri-*jt A Throw (cast). &?5&, W^T To Throw. gfissjr, sfsraif 3, W- To Throw away, fetf 3^3- To Throw down. ^TUCJ, %Tgf, ?f¥3,«(«n wrestling) 3"*JJT. A Thrum, jft. A Thrust (stao). =#RT, '^T, J?T. To Thrust (« Aore) . fa^ , q?f 3. To Thrust (**a6). ^3, #T3, A Thumb. «TRFffr. A Thump (taiiA the fist). Jffi. To Thump. 5^ f opy. See To Beat, Thrash.^ To Thunder. ITSTJ, jarj. Thunder. JTTT, arrf«r. A Thunder-bolt. fty/. Thursday. ijRte, spufr , fwfif, Thus. ff 3?, £if. Thus far. f^t-tr^f with mC-ff- rift &c. See Till. To Thwart. t^T, <\?f? 5, §13 3, Th y- V f|% ; ftaft. On Tick. s^rm*. To allow Tick. ^arftf-afteix-vj- To Tick (as a watch), frgrfrfar A Tick (louse of dogs). f^fae. A Ticket, fcft. To Tickle. RrRftewfj, farftfar- rrrc &c. ^3. Tickling («*V r^feff, %frT- The Tide. 3uT, srcrc. Tidiness, fafsrfs - , fez - , ^sfZ", 3T§ , ^f«f, S3*?". Tidings, ^fa, ^TT. jSSse News. Tidy, Tidily. fetafflGlt, fasjffr, A Tie (fastening). jjfg\ The Tie or string of a garment. To Tie. ^3. To be Tied. "^3. A Tier (row #. v.). to", tffl*:, a Tiffin. nhrWlr. A Tiger. IrC, ^fj. Tight ( tense, ^nn ). 3TT2T, T*?Jf, Tight (as a garment). STSfT, Tf. Timber. ST^tfe, 3rrar. Time (duration). TTf 53", TOJ, t#f, qfr, ^, ^r, «ptrt, *mr, zr°ff. Time, turns or successions of Time. iror, fat?, gfMr, eft", ^Hf, A length of Time. JT^, «RRT. Time (delay q. v.). JfW, ,7T%. .See Term. Timely, at a proper Time. J?f sr- At an improper Time. 3TJTC^t, Timid, Timerous. fff^Tr, srffqr, £ff, ?rC£, 5flTfffrF, W, AS ; a little too much, ?p7Rf , ?W- Too (also), ff , Ft, fafa, q^T, fr A Tool. 3TT«ir^", s«rra:. A Tooth, igr. A double Tooth. 3T5", fT3\ The Tooth of an instrument. vJ5T< A Tooth brush. v?ejor fwW : to brush or clean the teeth, 3T Toothed, having large teeth. %- Toothless, tsfr, qr^r, ir^fr, qrfr, A Toothpick. vifcdtfroft, #0, fS^t, f%^ ; to pick the teeth, The Top. (upper part) Jfsjf, Jftr^ (highest point) ^[it. A spinning Top. eT|T, ^rf^jfr. A humming Top. ^fflft^jT- The spike of a Top. Jfi"?". The string of a Top. ff(T. A Topknot. 3"irrer, ^r£f. Topmost, Jl^fr. A Topaz. Tfeu^. A Topic. Trrfcc Topsy turvy. gr«r^r H^r, Wifs H^f^". *S^ Upside down. A Torch. iT^r^, ( varieties ) fv?- aTlft, Self*. A Torchbearer. JJSOTS^t. To Torment. ( torture ) "fr?^, ^rfr prrC°T, ( tease q. v.) tf^T- Torment" (anguish). &\fe,tt. TOU 198 TRA A Tormentor. JTO *3T3T -^Trer, To be Torn. qT!? !". Torpid. mtf{, *T?r- 5«e Numb. Torpor, Torpidness. ^FTf?, SpT. A Torrent. ^C- A Tortoise. ^#f , 37#, ^. Tortuous. TOU, 3TIOT* To Torture. qfcq, 3rfr 5H3 Tj~ Torture. %(f\ qW. $ee Torment. To Toss (cast q. v.). sfb^rfj. To Toss about (acf.). gfpOT, fff- To Toss up & down. ^Tr?^, $3T- Tossing about (su&.). qrfr^*, 5Tr?T. The Total. #T, JfJ^T. Totally, f pre, *wnr, Hfd£ } fasj- g-. See Wholly. To Totter. sot, sn^. £ee To sa • ss ' \s ♦ NS Shake. To Touch. U?q f f^or, ?*T 3aK*T. SJ SS ' \3 \S ' S3 SS A Touch, Touching, fsffftffT. An impure Touch. 15TT, 91%. To be Touched by anything im- pure. ?§qu[. A Touchstone. %*$i\, ^\t\. Touchwood. qT33T. \S -so Touchy (irritable). f%3Tf,%- srj, i%fc°Tr, frer, ciw. " Tough. ^2fj#, ^rtefrfr, sfp. Toughness. ' *ftef P*r£, ^^ffUf , A Tour (journey in a circuit). A Tour (). ^Tz^or. To Twine, or Twist, round (en- circle). ?#3^T. To be Twined or Twisted to- gether ( as trees). feffrfeift, Twining together ( intertwining; sub.). ^7jf] t m;^ ?£\j. A Twinge. tffl£, *rerj-. To Twinkle. * See" To Glitter, Wink. A Twist. ?ar, ?nr, a^ra fcr a^r- 5RT, (as g-iren fo the leg, arm, fyc.) $\J, hut, nfrr. To Twist or wrench (one's arm, See To Twine. To Twitch (jerk). ffS^\ &c. fe- 37q-qr?0T. See To Snatch. Two. % The name of the figure or number Two. fMrr. The Two in cards or dice. 3fBTT. And or with Two ( affixed to hun- dreds, ^c). fSCRT , fait. Two per cent. fjKlftPCf tf3\ Two and a half, a?27f;, (redupli- cating- numeral ) aT^Tf, sfifflK* °fr, «TC1% The Two and a half. ar£for, arST- Two and a half per cent 3Tg"lf> Amounting to Two and a half (a. share fyc). &T3W. Two edged. ffsrir. Two headed, ffffisfi'. A Type (e?>i6/ero). jfl^TRt. See Mark. Tyrannic, Tyrannical. s?£?Tf, grrrt, srfaraft, ^®ff, ^rcrcsr. See Oppressive. ; To Tyrannize. afsr^jT &c. ^TT^r. Tyranny. af^ 37^, W^, WTf* W, 5T^. See Op- pression. A Tvrant. vsTrf^fT , Wlft. See Tyrannic. A Tyro. qfa ST, *Ng-, =fr£r, #^r XJ and Y Vacancy, (/rom 6ez»^ unoccupied) m$*\i t ^Nf£, ( void space ) WC, B^, JTT, (a vacant place) Vacant (unoccupied). TFff , 3W, ?3T^t. See Empty, Void. To Vacate, qT5?f &c. ^q. Vacuity, Vacuum. See Vacancy. A Vagabond, Vagrant. ffaRTT, ^f^T^T : one without fixed ha- •o 7 bitation, %fsff , %?Tr?fr, ?W, $- sjR^r. See Stationless. A Vagary.^ pr ( g§, **, #tf, S^*, 3^c7. See Fancy. Vagrancy. £(?3T^t, ^*°J. Vague, Vaguely. aT°Tfa£t. Vagueness. s?°tF^T£. Vain, Vainly (unavailing), anrf^r, C5T, f=Trr?4t, Tr^r, urfr, f^r, fprfr, sTJfi,f[fv?fr, sffi", rerfw, P*r- 7 »\ ' s^» ' fiRf, rfTTiff. See Pot. Some Vessels of metal are, 7jf t w, flfr, snsrft, srrfr, fi£, ^fsj^fr. Some water Vessels are, feirr, f fast, ^rrff, $sft. A stand for water Vessels. sreTJsff. A seller of metal Vessels. JTr?€r**f. A trading Vessel (varieties). ^T?Jr, cfJU. See Ship, Boat. A Vestige. gfl\ faSTl^Tf. See Trace. Vetch (various kinds), trfflf 3j"-, t£\or fZZf,VW ,%Kr. See Pulse. To Vex. *OTf°j, ^TTC^, SrftJ, fTTrf ?. ^ee To Anger, Tease. Vexation. ? TsJ> ^?» ^» ( a # oorf quality) tr, g*T. Virtuous. ^|T , -Twr, ST*r*R, S^, ^rrar, q^t- See Chaste. ss ' ss Virulent. STl?Tt A Visage. Jjdfr. See Face. Viscid , Viscous. %S{$\ , 'sfteflW , Viscidity, Viscocity. ^W, ^t^f, UNA 207 UNB Visible. Rf€°fr, gfaff, srrff^r, Vision (sig^f ?. v.), ^src, frjrrc . Visionary. f^W 37?^, f^TI^. To Visit. 3TJ%-5f oj^^q-sr^oj, A Visit. JT^t^rfa, Ii3\ See Meet- ing. The Visiting- an idol, guru ? &c. To Vitiate. Wf^, fa^rc^T. Vitriol. FrfWr. Vivacious. 5ffT*5fk, fefeofr. Vivacity. f&5r*pft, fef^°IIC, Wf> Viva voce. ^I^ql, xtfl^. Vivid. %3f, fat£t. See Bright. Vividness. ^jft, frf^TC. £ee Brightness. To Vivify. f^ROf. An Ulcer. ^TITT^;. See A Boil. Ultimate. qjf*fr. Ultimately. ^SRfa r qrcrori\ ^€g At Last. Umbrage. £ee Offence, Huff. Umbrageous. ufarcr, #T?rCf, trf- An Umbrella. *5Z\, *3HT. An Umpire. f^tt^f, 3 T#*[, 3J- S3 Un (negative prefix). % sp 1 !, ^, r, =rr,r=r, =t,t?. To be Unable. ^ *TO°T, Unaccomplished. a? ]^!", 3?°ra5f. See Incomplete. Unaccustomed. 3T<*lfiW-ziT. Unacquainted. ^Bjf, *W$it , 3 T- *)qff7r r ^ersKr. See Ignorant. Unadjusted. aiT^Cr. Unadorned. aT°HEft«rjT3?. Unadvised, Unadvisedly. ^T- ^T^T Unaffected (real q. v.). a^S^Tf . Unaided, See Unassisted, Unalterable. ^172:. Unamiable. ^fe^fr, ^fe°ff. Unanimity. ffcft, TO", fCSR, Unanimous, Unanimously. ff=T*»*¥- Unapproachable. ^T'TTf^". Unapt. £ee Unfit, Stupid. Unarmed, ^g^rfr, C#^fCf- Unasked. -^W, WTSf. Unassisted. tf^"ff-fr,%TfST, ^^T- Unassuming. JTSffaffrf, *nflj. Unattainable. aroreiT-jfr, ar^fl". Unattended. ^frferCr, ^Trfafr. Unauthorised. *"^qf, ^^Tflf. Unavailing, afsgpjr. See Vain. Unawares. SRrf%?fr, 3T«pHY, ^f- ^rer, mtfh, 3T=rraHr, ^r^r%fer. Unbathed. a7qfr? srrfr- sir, 3T°i^rfi'- ^rlr. See- Infidel. Unbiassed. ^fra?R- s Traff, ^Tsff. Unbending. a^T. See Uuyield- ing. Unbidden. rMfr, ^ft. To Unbind. See To Loose. Unblamable, ^fff-ff. Unblemished. 3<^f, ^STlft- *Tf\ UNC 208 UND Unborn. ^UT*^. Unbounded, ^ffe". Unbridled. ^graffiS, M&3T. Unbroken. WT7TJ, ^#, ( as a horse) «f^. Unburied. aTT^^r. Unburnt (as a brick). 37%. To Unburden. W 5?ff^- To Unbutton. fRf ©TlfT Unceasing, Unceasingly* ff^THr^r, sRHiT. See Unintermitting. Uncertain. 5T^T, 3T3TfC*fr, ^FPTf, t^#r, Vt$T, ^jfr. #«« Ca- pricious. Uncertainty. ^T^r, tfar, ***!,%- N« ' \3 See Pure. Under, (beneath) tfs - , (/ess f^an) tfar, qfc, (in //ie fime o/) if, Under, Undermost ( adj. ). |#, laroff. UND 209 UNF To Undergo, tf?W V9 The Understanding. tfJIT, T^T, «rf«r, uRr, wjct. «tr. sy 7 » ss ' ss A sharp Understanding. 3"^", f«f- S3 Slow of Understanding. Jj. Understood ( not expressed ). tt^T, 5TJT. HPT. SS S3 » VS VS To Undertake. W , faqr^T ^fr- &ee Barren. Unfulfilled. sTOTq-gq-^. To Unfurl. ^TS?fc, WT, 3 ?- w. To Unload. ^ SffJ. To Unlock. ^CFT 3TS Unornamented. ST*H=?farrof. ^Tf To Unpack. #TJ, 3^. Unpaid (money). ST^ll^f ^,fj3T°fr. Unparallelled. See Unequalled. Unperceivable. ^T^"?3"-^r. Unperceived. See Unseen. Unperformed. 3Tqfo*Yr-f3rsp^. Unpleasant, Unpleasing. ^TTOff- Unploughed. ^TTO^r-^T^. Unpolluted. See Pure. Unpractised. ST°ri¥3M See Barren, Profitless. Unprofitable, Unprofitably. ^Tvsrr=5T. See Unproductive, Useless, Pro- fitless. Unpropitious. ?Tf g, *RW, zWWt, J^T. See Unlucky. Unpropitiousness. ^fif Bit, &13&li. Unprosperous. sfl^mWr, ^TiT(?tr- jft. See Unfortunate. Unprotected. ^rst£f, fff|-f-|f, Unproved. arorerTfJ-rfr. Unpunished. ^vsfC Unquiet. ^HITfJTf. See Uneasy. Unquietness. %*TlTpT. ^ ee Un- easiness. To Unravel. \3%5J°r t ^r^rq. Unreadiness. ^T^^RITr. Unready. ^"Trf^r^T. Unreal, 3r£f, ^1 , Wfa. Unreconcilable. ^sffofr. Unrefined. ^T°T^r^f-^^. Unrelenting. ircCTr. See Un- merciful. Unremitting, Unremittingly. f(f- ^"^r, fc^rsr^". See Unintermit- ing. Unreserved. See Frank. Unresolved. q-^r. See Uncertain. Unrestrained. ^ST^", %%5T. See Uncurbed, Unchecked. Unrighteous. %ftj-STf, %«Tflf- J-qr, Unrighteousness. f TNr?-=ft, %^T- Unrightful. ^TRtff. To Unrip. 3" ; ffI< T r- Unripe. iT^r. Unripeness. SfT^TC Unrivalled. %s?T§r, *T°l«rrj. See Unequalled. To Unrol. 3"<3"5T°7, SW^. To Unroof, ^frf &<[% tt. Unruly. !#, ^ffr,%»fPj* Unsafe, Unsafely. SFTtfnir, ST^- Unsatiable. ff*fr Unsatisfactory, Unsatisfactorily. Unsatisfied, mtfift, ^RffST, *KW(. Unsavoriness. ^^vTT-3T, 3TS. #ee False. Un trustiness. ¥ter§t, ^ffa^. Untrusty, Untrustworthy, '^tfr^, An Untruth. $£ . To Untwine, Untwist. 3:*!^. Unvanquished. See Unconquered. To Unvail. j¥r .TO:a[-q3FJ-35r- Unused (not put to use), 373-fa =T s ?r*Tf, 3Tor^r-^T55. &ee Un- accustomed. Unusual. qft%, ^Wf, #*7f. Unutterable, ^ee Inexpressible. Un warlike. ^07^^. ^r, =^s?q, ^rcfr &c. F*m, S3 S3 S3 7 ^ ^Frw Useful, Usefully. ^JTrf%, ^Wftf, Usefulness. See Utility. Useless, Uselessly. F^ST, =Tr- 3rw-%r, 5*nj-%, "ro^-Cr, Fr- aren%, ^pfr wirei, N3r,*tf*- Uselessness. F^T^^rC, ^WC,^- Usual, according to usage. ^RfC^r. A Usurer. s^dfe, WfffC^- Usurious. tfTHif^F- To Usurp. ®*3W. Usury. STjRfjJlft, 5Wsir& On Usury, sitft^, iW^- A Utensil. See Vessel. Utility. *jj, * Wf M, **, A Wart. STtfl". Wary. sjsrHtr, ^wrte, ^rr^r|, iTi°T, ffsmrc. To be Wary. Sf$rf«J r troj. To Wash (acM. \T*m. To Wash (wen. perform ablution). f#3R, ^icq, ^r-^3 gr^q. To Wash away (act. • as £fte n*t?er does fAe 6an&). TrC°T, 33TC°J- The Wash, Washing, tjfcr, qTT r To be Washed. qfajj, WtCU !- A Washerman, tfrft, ^Or, 7?", Of a Washerman. qtFff^T, *3ft"«FT. A Washerwoman. qtfofoT-^Rr, The cost of Washing. '^Rf, Washy (watery, weak q. v.). *sfqf r A Wasp (different varieties). %- &$[ or %5TZ\3iT or 5TJT, q^"- A swarm of Wasps. ?3*<@ft. A Wasp's nest. *[Rrfr, JG^ftr. Wastage, ifrfc , |qft, ^fg . To Waste (acJ. expend uselessly). fir^nr*, *Tsrrar *H*r, ^?ff°r, To Waste (lime, strength f fyc). fr^rrfR, wir. To Waste, lay Waste. ^^r^°T, To Waste away (dwindle a- way), tftfor, fqar, f7r*R, fTff- sr, ?rr, q?:q. Waste, (uncultivated q.v.) jfcarr- frj, (desolate) e^T, f%, S3TRT, sue, «nff , ^,^*Krfe,^R, To become Waste. sfsTvJOT.ftrsq, e^T &c. f^a?q. Waste land, a Waste, ffsr SsfR", Waste (wastag-e). #fr, |qft r dftr. Waste, Wastefulness (useless ex- penditure). 3T5f;qt *3^ , air, A Waste book. ^ft^T. Wasteful, a Waster, fasrrar^rgr. To Watch, (no? to sleep) ;?r[?R r (to keep guard) ^\^\ & c. ff« «r, ^rrff'rr &c. ^t?:ot. To Watch, (regard closely) fafr- rcot, *rr*R, sfn?°r, *\?% sw*r, ^ur^q. To Watch for( in expectation), mz ft*R. A Watch (/or telling time), flr- A Watch (eighth part of the da%j\. Watch (guarding , or a guard). Watch, Watching. (observing closely) f=rmv rT^T, f^JTrf, (tending) ^\^ t mi^ t ZWVS t ^\Z t A Watch-house. ^fr?Ft. A Watchman. ^[JTf, ^T^r, #F^t- WAT 219 WAY A field Watchman. 3Tf f ; on the grain at harvest, ^TKr^f- The business or pay, of a field Watchman. ^rff qr-q ; of the Watchman on the grain at harvest, SFrrU^-^T- Watchful, srsnar-jfr, tf^r^r, or- 1 S3 7 N5 Watchfulness. snHait-?nt, HsN"- S3 ' S3 mi. Water. gPTt m. sfic SJf , «f ^" , ^J • To Water, (neu. as the mouth, eyes), 1\vft 5TJ. To Water (act.), qr°Tl few, (land before sowing) fcsir^J- A Water-bag. BRRT, 3?rt, JP3T. A double Water-bag., carried on a beast. im& ' one side of it, lgif{. A Water-carrier, q^r^l. A Water-course (various kinds). 3f37. £ee Canal. -t,SS Watered. (flooded, land before sowing-) rsrrqt, rsrrc^r, (after sowing) q^rr^r, Tfrfctr- To be Watered (land before sowing). Water gruel, r^, iT^T, fe fTfft, The Watering or irrigating land before sowing. ?"5T, ?"#, ^oft, fr°fr, 6°ft (after sowing) qsf, qifr. Waterish. qfrff, ?|qt, HSRC ^jr, %3Tr, q%, fs%r, fsffsr, fs£r, fef^ff. See Weak. Waterishness. qfjT^rC - f^T, ^rC -fa, iWc-fa, fai, fe^c-f&T. Waterless, wanting water, ^"-^-i^ot A Water-lily. 5"oft, %far. See Lotus, Lily. A Water-melon. FI^Rf, ©Ht. A Water pit (well f dug in the dry bed of a river), ftaft, ff ^TR". A Water-place, Watering plac: (for watering, washing, §c). S3 A Water tax. f^r^f . A Water-vessel. See Vessel. A Water wheel. See Wheel. Watery (abounding with water). T[<"HTr, qF*T^r. See Waterish. The Wattle of a cock. tj^t. A Wattle (stick). &f\ • Wattles. A wall of Wattles and dab. tth A Wave of the sea. SFffr, Wif, To Wave (p/ay loosely). &&j t A, S3 To Wave (a weapon fyc. ). To Waver. c7v?oj fefc ^p^q, S3 S3 ' N S3 A Waverer, Wavering. fff^fr, See Uncertain. Wavy. 3-fftfa ^i«ff. Wax of bees. ^J. Sealing Wax. ^ 3" /. Ear Wax. JTC/- To Wax, (act.), m ^ffj. Wax cloth. ^p7^f Sf, fa ^fe. Weary, Wearied. q^FT-^f , TTfff -fpf, W*T, %^, far, Tfifr, To Weary ( act. ). TOCJ, J^r- To Weary, or be Wearied. *T3>oT ? ^ttt, 37^*7, fHT, afif&«F«r. SSS5' VS ' \i ' VS A Weasel, ^t^". The Weather. f?r. To Weave. ^'J. A Wea ve r. ?FKI , f JITt °Tf . Of a Weaver. ^rft^T. A Weaver's beam. rffsc. Weaving ( sub. ). S^TR^, S°TT, 3"- The cost of Weaving. STFTt- A Web . ft r JET , Fff |% *?r , *TR , €rs i • To Wed (fa&e in marriage). qopj. Ste To Marry. Wedding (adj.). faffed . f*P&r- A Wedding, Wedlock, faffa, TO, A Wedge. ^Tr. Wednesday. *T^f. ^S"- . 1 At WEL 221 WET Wee. sffrfr. See Little. A Weed, Weeds, rs. To Weed. Ell*], T3" $2"°T Weeding. ^f*F. A Week. 3} few, f «F%. Weekly, fcTfr^r *rfe^f, ?qj$ f 75%. To Weep. *T^oj f sq[f£jnT~?r fow, %ffr, (relative pro:) #, (interrog.) m, jUff f, £l§. Whatever, Whatsoever. %$T, §f- What like, What kind of. P&fSr, Wheat. ^far^T, 3f«r • some kinds are, ffh[ft, sfrf ofr, arrfsT, ?kfaW\, Wheat mixed with barley. 3Tfsf% Wheaten. ^rrfwr. To Wheedle. JJPJfr&c. ^t«r, ^ftr- sS A Wheedler. JT^ff, ^JT, 3W- Wheedling- (sub). JjT^-fr, ^ 3T- «rfc ^S§, ^Sfrs, 5 -T^- See Flattering, Enticing. The Wheel of a cart, &c. q?I%. A potter's Wheel. ^j. The Wheel of a water wheel. &c. To Wheel (neu.). fer^T. A Persian Wheel. *f'£, (large =?r^T, ^#, (sww/Z) ?£?; there are three kinds of hurlas, viz. A Persian Wheel used for spring crops r and raised on wells or ponds. 275ff(. A water Wheel worked with the feet, flfffl. A light term for a poor incomplete water Wheel. €\Tf[. A double Persian Wheel, or two Wheels working together. ff ■rrcr, #f . A pair of Persian Wheels working one above and one below, ff ffgr The pit over which a Persian Wheel is fixed. JJSlff, TOfl^f, qecr, q^ffr, air. A Persian W T heel with its bullocks and all apparatus complete, fS££ The principal parts of a Persian. Wheel are. The cross beam on posts, forming the upper socket, ^r^rf^T ; the piece of stick in- closing the socket, *}^fr ; the upright beam or axle, J?S?Tf ; the cross beam below confining mu- huro, and dedho, iTr^^Tf ; the socket hole in the hhdriini, flf?; the beam or axle of the lower horizontal wheel, T£\> wfy • the handle or turning beam, to which the animals are bound, ajftft ; that part of the wheel over which the pots work, J?i^Jf ; the circular rope to which the pots are strung, J?r?? ; the cross sticks in the mdlh, ffi^T ; the pots, RrfJTft, rcrfJTC ^i& ; the pieces of twine confining them, W5% ; the trough receiving the water from the pots, Os On 5TfUC?ri ft^^t. ^ e « Fanciful. To Whine. ^WIK*}- A Whine, Whining, 3T*rrC. A Whip, ^fRT, ^TO, CT^t. To Whip. ^tPttj" &c. f *If°T, g- A White ant. zfiil. To grow White-headed. A Widow. jy\ t KHZ, jT^pftft, To Widow. s^TO. • s» To be Widowed. trfospT. A Widower. ^?f j. Widowhood, ^m. Width. jfaft;, foft, fo, fr. See Wideness. To Wield. f^rC°T. A Wife, v^rc, «Tr5T ; or the ladies of one's family, qtftcft, tfrarfr. A rival or contemporary Wife. rer?r, qft*r. One having a Wife. sfftS". A Wife's relations ( so caZ/ed by her, or speaking' of her), for plu. Wild. (o/a wilderness) £i£\ t (not tame) £?s. See Untamed, Timorous, Wild ( unmanegable q. v. ). sf%j -cff, JTfffT. See Wanton. A Wild beast, fa^:. Of a Wild beast. fJT^Tr°Tf f fat- A Wild, Wilderness. H%%t t if J. See Waste. Wildness. SP^TO, ( as being untamed ) 2"f Tfl. See Timo- rousness. A Wile. €h[, tfj, #(§. See Arti- fice, Deceit. Wilful. f[fr ; or wilfully, %Cf^. See Obstinate. Wilfulness. %&&', Safari Wiliness. ScTfC, qFT^TC- Will. ( choice) STJTTjr^, ?H, (pleasure) JTiff, qsft, ^ife- fW ; the divine will, WTf. To Will (desire). fcfa -S^r *^. A Will (testament). *R§faRT. Willing, usff, qfer, ^|?- Willingly. few, *p*ft. Willingness, ?pjt t M 7 *, %T%Z&- Wily, ^fr, tih, Outfit, tf*i*ft, gift. See Cunning. To Win. is&j, sffa^T. To Wince, fs&aj. The Wind. ?rs , \f r , %, ^> («i 'Ac Aanrfs o/ jVr, #rfcr, 3R, fa#, *ft, TrfC, ?H, (of *Ae same Jime with) fl3?[\ To Withdraw (ac?.). 3OT, *ffcr(T To Withdraw (neu.). fafa^, TT- To Wither" (act]. iff^, JEff^J. To Wither (neu.y Tr^» *re«J, $*- irrc^, *rinfc«r3, gay. To Withhold. See To Refuse, Restrain^ WON 227 WOR Within, aterfc, W%* From Within. arfrd-^CT -^-l"3". Withont(wo£ within). frffC, fff^. From Without, ^[fd-^T-^-ts. Without (wanting). faiU-T-sf, To Withstand. 3?!^!" fffq - . See To Oppose. Witness (testimony). HR3, snff ^> A Witness, tfRsft, ^tt%, £r ■ S3 • V5 OS Wo, Woe. v?£T, iPT,€r*[- See Grief. Woeful, Woefully. gisKCar, ?Tm- 5?f, #vsriC?r. See Sorrowful. A Wolf. TOfj^lv?, ^c. A Woman. %[&, Ftfcd, *1K3, Womanhood. vsfr^TOT. Womanish. 5Tr3T°fl , «RRf , OTI". Womanly, of a Woman. vjfff^r, The Womb, fc ipf , 3vjFf. S5 NJ 7 sj v Wonder. ^jsrcqr, f^T, sf^T, To Wonder, 3?^ &c. sriy ! with agent in the dative. Wonderful, Wonderfully. «T«ffi, 3 ??ht, *t;jh &c. Fsfffr. A Wonderful person or thing. Wonderfulness. bt^F#. Wonder-striken (stupijied through amazement). fasTr, qrr^f, T, SHT^, S3 Wounded. vsT^ifl , ?T|W. To be Woven. vFSTT. ♦ S3 A Wrangle, Wrangling. ^fjTvfr, srf?Rr, tHwrrf, c^wBr. See Squabble. To Wrangle. grfflOT, rf?T3T &c. A Wrangler. tf?Rr?, 5Tf?T?ft See Sqabbler. To Wrap. §3?y. To Fold. A Wrapper, cloth for Wrapping. S3 ' S3 Wrath. STRps?. See An^er. Wrathful, Wrathfully. Sffrftj, A Wreath of flowers &c. (/or the head), faffft. To Wreath, q^fof. •S S3 To Wrench. ( twist ) ipfepr, *T- rn?"J, flj^J, ( wresJ /rom by violence) q^iz & c. qyor. A Wrench (violent twist). jpcte, To Wrest, See To Wrench. To Wrestle. *r?f fa^CT. V SJ A Wrestler. Jj«. S3 Wrestling (su6.). Jfaf. A Wrestling yard. if&rffcvTt WRY 229 YES A Wretch. Rftft, \^^ f fasfg, Wretched, Wretchedly. g$m] g- To be Wretched. v|3^T, £?&- Wretchedness. £[&{, |?|, vlffasi"- To Wriggle, fr?rq, fS°T ^JfJ. To Wring, (fa>is* violently) W- e^qr^, (/orce ou* by contor- tion) fatr^. See To Wrench. To Wrinkl«T(ac*.). fsfrcg. J^r- A Wrinkle. sflT, Tr^T- The Wrist. STOC, Ht. To Write, f^OT. A Writer. OTKt, f^^^rrr. To Writhe. rf^K^J, ^CT- The act of Writing. l%fer°Tl , fa- A Writing, or Written paper. jvT- Contracted Writing. q^I ar?3T. The cost of Writing, fa^Rr. A Writing board, qff, qRTff. A Wrong (injustice q. v.). =rr?3T ; the being wrong, the wrong side, STffT, STO^. Wrong, Wrongly, (erring-) JT?5T- c Yet (nevertheless), cf fa, STJTft fa> Yet, as Yet {still), ar^rr. To Yield, (acf. g-ire, produce) fs- 3?°T, qF^or, (admit) JT^oj, srj- arq, (surrender) &\pj, f?^J« To Yield (new. submit q. v.). cffa- A Yoke, gmrfr, Tr^rr^, f f ^\ The outside pin of the Yoke, ^f- The inside pin of the Yoke. $?U$\. The lower cross stick of a Yoke. The rope fastening theYoke to the plough. ?ff\ff. A Yoke of oxen. vjJiJT. To Yoke, v^i^, f^PJ- The Yolk of an egg. 5T?f . Yonder. |*t. £ee There. You. Sjft 3 ? 5 ^, Cf?r, rlSft, aTC, 3?ff . Young (no* oW). ^ff, 5ff?aT-^f- The Young of man or any animal. «rrfa. To be with Young, (brutes) W, ^q^\ See Youth. Of a Young man. ^f ^Tf f=T^RT -^Tf°ff S3 To become a Young man, or appear so. vsraTRm. A Youngster. See A Youth. Your, Your's. a?fr-3T~>? }-?Rr #"• Youth, Youthfulness. ^?TT-q;t, #qi-qrr, g^rort, f n?f, ssrwtft. A Youth, arptfrrs", JpT^- See A Young man. Youthful. See Youth. Zeal. srra?, afrrsr-scft, girj, 3- 44 5 *rr § ^^S 46 20 enjoin enjoy 47 25 rerarror ^RHT ! if 49 51 28 26 12 fc^vfr sTT^t Mllsl^ 3prr°TT 31^"?! 54 6 3%fr ^fr 55 59 21 11 iwn «Mj£l ^r^|T 67 32 Gysum Gypsum 75 13 ^sit^fr Jfl 31**1" >» 18 wmi inFiftr 78 14 5*tv3fr rtf^TCt 80 5 rrnnfr ^rn » 30 sqru swr 90 39 ^ 105^ 38 Jnw^nr ^nf^r^ 112 25 t^ s^jre 122 12 tm *f 125 24 arsrsS ^rfrr^r 126 30 5TfT