CS71 .B986 1905 .V <• " • ^ '^o .0' "^^ ft' ,«^'''^'i r • » ^ ,0' ,»*•'. O- vV ■o . » ^ • . -A vV*^^ ^' ^ * o . >.. .\ -?> 4. --"^'4^ '$>. * o , o ■ •o . » \i) o ,*< ♦ if//?/;-; » c 'O^'. -j!^- '^ 0^' " tK: o ^' . o • • .... %■'■•■ o ^ ..\^'- '<«• >. » « t • p. -Jy^ "^,.^ /i^^M^A '^„c<^ « f* fl °j iV- -..V .-M. ^^ V^- /, ''^ "^ -^ 't^ /,> ' O >>V ♦ . . -. ■> v^^ c^^. V ^. ° ■■ " ^ „ 1 f •X V^ * 7//. '\.y»S- . , -, .J' 5- ^ V - ^: • )■ o ' .«' • .^' 0' V^^• .0 c * But strew his ashes to the zvind, Whose s-zi'ord or voice has served mankind, And is Jie dead, zvhose crjorioiis mind Lifts Jiim on JiighF To live in hearts vje leave hdiind, Is not to die. PUBLISHERvS' NOTE. A NUMBER of letters and material have been re- ceived of a genealogical nature, with requests to in- corporate the same into this work. It is to be re- gretted that this cannot be done, as the object of this work is simply to preserve and perpetuate the names and biographical history of the most notable mem- bers of this family name. The preservation of such a record cannot fail to prove invaluable and a source of pride and interest not only to persons of the name but to the world in general; and this book may prove the foundation upon which a monumental work mav be constructed. ORIGIN AND HISTORY OF THE N A M E OF BUTLER TTITII BIOGRAPHIES OF ALL THE MOST NOTED PERSONS OF THAT NAME. AND AN ACCOUNT OF THE ORIGIN OF SURNAMES AND FORENAMES TOGETHER WITH Om nVE HUNDI^ED CHF^ISTI(!N mi^'^ OF m^ (^^D ^O^MEX AJVn THEIR SIGNIFICANCE THE CRESCEMT FAMILY RECORD "To live ill hecwis ice leai-e heliind is not to die. CHtCAGd, ILT.- AMERICAN PUBLISHERS' ASSOCIATIOX 1905 ^ '-J -\ u ^ smsm^mm^m COJN^TEIN'Tg. Frontispiece. ----- Vase of Flowers. Introduction, -----...-_ Illustration, . . . , .. Coats-of-Arms. Origin and History' of the Family Name, The First of the Name in America, Principal Branches of the Famih', .... - Historical and Biographical, - - - - 33 Origin of the Surname, _ . . . . - 49 Origin of the Forename, - - ~ - 81 Genealogy, ..._.„.. .93 Heraldr}', -------- 94- Illustration of Camp-Fire Cliats, - - - 9S Patriotic Societies of the United States, - - 99 Forenames of ^Men and Their Significance, - - 103 Forenames of Women and Their Significance, - 109 The Crescent Family Records, - - - -113 liN^TROOUCTION. NOW that we all have surnames, we are apt to for- get that it was not alwa3's so. We cannot eas- ily realize the time Avhen John, Thomas and Andrew, Mary and Abigail, were each satisfied with a single name, nor reflect that the use of two is not a refine- ment dating from an obscure and unknown antiquity, but quite within the reach of record and history. Every name, no doubt, originally had a meaning, or w^as at first assumed or imposed from its real or supposed fitness, from some accidental circumstance, or from mere caprice. Each individual is distinguished from his fellows by his name. But for this system his- tory and biography could scarcely exist. Our proper name is our individuality; in our own thoughts and in the thoughts of those who know us, they cannot be vSeparated. Our names are uttered, and at once, whether in connection with blame or praise, with threat or entreaty, Avith hatred or love, we ourselves are affected by the ideas and feelings expressed. A few trifling words, in no wa}'' meant to apply to the man the}' describe, sufl[ice to awaken the rccoflection of that man, his physical peculiarities, his moral character, and the most remarkable acts and events of his life; a few s\dlables will cause the tear to start afresh from the mother's eye, after years of consolation and resignation to her loss; they will sum- mon the tell-tale blush to the maiden's cheek, and she immediateh^ thinks her secret is discovered; they will make a lover's heart beat more rapidW; rekindle the angry glance in an enemy's eye; and in a friend sep- arated from his friend, will renew all his past regrets and his fondest hopes. None the less rapidly do our thoughts connect a name with the idea of the thing to ii INTRODUCTION. which it belongs, be it land of birth, country, town, river, road, valley or hill. Dislike, desire, recollection oi pain or pleasure, admiration, jealous^^, kind feelings, national hatreds and love of country, one and all may be evoked bv a single word, because the \vord repre- sents to us the ver3' object \vhich has created those emotions within us. Every person, even the most in- curious observer of \vords and things, must have re- marked the great variety that exists in the names of families. He cannot fail to notice that such names are of widely different significations, many being identical with names of places, offices, professions, trades, qual- ities, familiar natural objects and other things. There is probably no person capable of the least degree of re- flection who has not often, in idle moments, atnused himself Avith some little speculation on the probable origin of his own name. It is not sufficient for a per- son of inquisitive mind that he bears such and such a surname because his father and his grandfather bore it; he will naturally feel desirous of knowing why and wdien their ancestors acquired it. What would the annals of mankind and the rec- ords of biography be if people had never borne any proper names? It would be a mere chaos of unde- fined incidents and an unintelligible mass of facts, with- out svmmetry or beauty-, and without any interest at all for after ages. Indeed, without names, mankind would have wanted what i-s perhaps the greatest stim- ulous of Avhich the mind is susceptible — the love of fame; and consequently, inany of the mightiest achieve- ments in every department of human endeavor would have been lost to the world. Many of our ancient and modern institutions are intimately connected with the meaning and continued existence of proper names. It has been well said that hereditary names perpetuate the memory of ancestors INTRODUCTION. iii better than any other monument, an affectionate re- membrance this, sureh% and one which fosters the cause of moraht3'; they teach, or at any rate remind sons of their duty to be worthy of their ancestors. Though its importance be felt in all phases of our social life, the origin of proper names does not essen- tially belong to a civilized condition. Undoubtedly it is intimately connected with the gift of speech. A man must call his children by a distinctive appellation, either when he speaks to them or vrhen he speaks of them in their absence, and ^vhen a gestui'e and an inflection of the voice are not sufficient to indicate his meaninsjf. The distinctive title which he uses can only be a name exclusively applicable to the individual meant; on the other hand, the father will recognize the name given to him by his children. Again, the domestic animal, man's intelligent companion in his field sports, and the watch- ful guardian of his dwelling; the brook that runs be- neath his home; the tree that shelters or the forest that conceals it; the hill or the vale near which it lies, will soon be named by those who wish to distinguish them from similar objects around. If other men come to live near the first family, the^^ will receive a name and give one in return. However simple these names be at first, so simple that the^^ express nothing beyond the degree of rela- tionship between father and mother and children, and the order ot their birth in the case of the last; be they mere substantives used to point out more vSpeciallv the dwelling and all that surrounds it; as the hut, the tree, or the brook — or even supposing that in the common intercourse which may exist between one family and its neighbor the only distinctive terms employed are Ave and the^^, and further, that sun, fire, destruction, or thunder, designate the beneficent or angrj^ deity — still the system of proper names already exists in embryo, iv INTRODUCTION. and is read}^ to be further developed, even to the high- est degree of importance and intricacy, in proportion as the social principle itself becomes more extended and more complicated in its constitution. Add new members to the family; collect several fam- ilies together and form them into one tribe; place a number of tril^es holding friendly relations with one another in a less limited tract of land; then will the spot occupied by each tribe, every village or cluster of inhabitants belonging to the same tribe, ever3^ hill and thicket and brook — in a word, the land and the gath- ering of men upon it assume proper names, just as the tribes had already done before, and the families and the individuals that constituted them. From this outline of the first elements of social life, let us remove, in thought, for a moment, and place ourselves in the heart of civilized existence. The names of lands and dwellings have changed into the designa- tions of powerful states and magnificent cities; names which will be familiar for centuries after the grass has grown over and hidden even the ruins of their palaces and their fortresses and obliterated the very traces of their existence, and after politiccd or naturally induced revolutions have depopulated, divided and totalW dis- membered the provinces of mighty empires. Here the names of men distinguish the individual members of a great social bodv, magistrates, princes, chiefs of the great civil and political whole; and among these names, all of them less or more important at present, there are some which hereafter shall he handed down to his- tory as a rich inheritance, an object of envy to the am- bitious, and a pattern of conduct to the wise. THE OEIGIN AND HISTORY OF THE NAME OF BUTLER. HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL. THE ORIGIN OF THE NAME OF BUTLER. The surname of Butler is derived from the office of King's Butler, which was conferred upon Theobald surnamed le Boteler by the King in 1177, and remained hereditary in his descendants fur many generation?. The surname- nuiy sometimes be derived from the Anglo-Saxon botel or both an abode or mansion ; and may also signify, like the recognized Botei-weard, a house steward. The name Botiler was in ordinary life a wine merchant or but- ler. The King's botiler was an officer of considerable impor- tance, almost the same as collector of customs in modern ports. hi virtue of his office he was empowered to seize for the King's use, from every ship laden with wine, one cask from the prow and one cask from the poop, paying for each the sum of twenty shillings. The name of Robert le Butiler appears in the Hundred Rolls: The name is both official and occupative. In 1415 the York Pageant consisted of Pouchmakers, Botillers and cap-makers; all obviously engaged in the leather manufacture. And the idea of a bottle as understood by our forefathers four hundred years ago was a leathern case ! ENGLAND. Arms : Or, a chief, indented, az., a border indented erm. Crests Out of a ducal coronet, or. a plumr.- of five ostrich feathers, therefrom a falcon, risino^, arsj. i\roTTO : Comme jc trouve, which means. As I Find It. IRELAND. Crest: On a ])lumo of feathers, or. and vert, an eagle, ris- ing, or. Motto : Comme jo trouve, Avhich means, As I Find It. 26 HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL. GENEALOGY. The Butler genealogy was pul)lislie(l by Henry A. May of Albany, N. Y. Genealogy of Medad Butler, late of Stuyve.-ant, Columbia Co.. X. Y., was published bv William Allen Butler of New York. The Genealogy-of Mary Butler and her descendants was pub- lished bv James Davie Butler of Albany, N. Y. Genealogy of the family of Bulter, Head May 27, 1881, w^as published by Maria Bulter of Middletown, Ohio. Genealogy of Nathaniel Butler born in Nottingham, N. H., 1795 was published by Eev. E. R. Butler of Boston. Mass. Genealogy of Thomas Butler of Butler's Hill, South Berwick, Me., was published by George H. Butler, M. D. The Butler ancestry of Gen. Benj. Franklin Butler, was pub- lished by Mrs. Blanche Butler Ames, of Lowell, Ma?s, EARLY SETTLEMENT OF BUTLERS IN AMERICA. Giles Butler, a husbandman from Marlborough, England, canne over in the James, in April, 1G35. John Butler, an inhabitant of Newbury, was made a freeman in May, KJ-t'.). lie was a witness to the Avill of Thomas Mil- lard in 1053. Nicolas Butler, an inhabitant of Eastwell, England, came from Sandwich, England, with his wife, three children and five servants, before 163? ; and then settled at Dorchester, wdiere he became a proprietor. He was a gentleman and town officer. He sold laud in Roxbury in 1652; then removing to Martha's Vine- yard, gave power of attorney to his son, John, in 1651. for sale of lands. His son Henry was sclioolmaster of Dorchester in 1652. THE BUTLERS IN AMERICA. A thorough perusal of the following life sketches of noted Butlers, eminent in all walks of life, will reveal the fact that the Butlers have been actively and intimately associated with the ecclesiastical, civil, industrial and commercial affairs of America; and to become conversant wuth their history will naturally create in our cliildren a source of ])i'ide in the name of Butler heretofore unappreciated. As builders and merchants they have built cities and illu- mined the marts of trade; in the field of science and medicine tliey have obtained great ]U'(uninence; in the arena of states- manship they have produced men of thought and men of ac- HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL. 27 tion; wliik' at the bar and in the administration of justice they have shown erudition and wisdom. As clerygymen, edu- cators and lecturers they have occupied high places; as musi- cians, composers and artists they have contributed profusely to social life; and as authors and poets they are worthy to be crowned with a laural wreath of fame. Also as heroes of colonial, Eevolutionary and later Avars they have rendered patriotic service, each one of whom has added luster to the name of Butler. BUTLER. AMOS WILLIA^^IS, naturalist, author, was born Oct. 1, 18G0, in Brookvillc, Ind. Since 1897 he has been sec- retary of Indian Board of State Charities. He is the author of Birds of Indiana. BI:TLER, AXDEESON", educator, clergyman, was born Dec. 1, 1848, in Alabaina. He was educated' in the public schools of his native state. For many years he was a teacher in tlic ]iublic schoiiis; and is now a iDreacher of the gospel at Pelahatchie, Ala. BUTLEE, AN'DKEW PICKEXS., lawyer, jurist. United States senator, was born Xov. 19, 1796, in South Carolina. He became a member of the South Carolina Legislature when quite a young man; and in 1835 was appointed one of the Judges of the General Sessions of Common Pleas, which office he held until 1847, when he was appointed to fill a vacancy in the United States Senate. He was subsequently elected and re- elected to the same ])osition, and was in this office at the time of liis death. He died'May 25, 1857, near Edgefield, S. C. BUTLEE, BEXJAMIX FRAXKLIX, lawyer, legislator, was born Dec. 14, 1795, in Ivinderhook, X. Y. In 1821 he was appointed district attorney for the city of Albany; in 1827 was elected to the State Legislature; was Attorney-General; and in 183G-37 was Secretary of War. In 1815 he was a presi- dential elector; and was subsequently twice appointed United States Attorney for the Southern District of Xew York. He died X^ov. 8, 1858, in Paris, France, BUTLER, BEXJAMIX FRAXKLIX^, general, governor. United States senator, was born Xov. 5, 1818, in Deerfield, X. H. In 1851 he was elfcted to the State Leo-islature ; in 1859 was elected to the State Senate; and in 1860 was a dele- gate to the Charleston convention. In 1861 he was appointed a Brigildier-General, and entered actively into the war move- ments. Before the close of that year he was made a Major- General, serving as such in Xew Orleans and various other j)or- tions of tlie rebellious states. At the conclusion of the rebellion 23 HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL. he resumed the practice of law in Lowell; in 186G was elected a Eepresentative from Massachusetts to the Fortieth Congress; was one of the managers of the impeachment trial of Andrew Johnson; and was re-elected to the Forty-first, Forty-second, Forty-third and Forty-fourth Congresses. In 1883-86 he was elected Governor of Massachusetts; and also served his country as United States Senator. He died Jan. 11, 1893, in Washing- ton, D. C. BTJTLEE, BERT, professor of penmanship, business man, in- ventor, was born April 29, 1868, in Kewannee, Wis. He was edu- cated at the Decorah Institute at Decorah, Iowa; at Valder's School of Penmanship; and at Cedar Eapids Business College. He has attained success as a j)rofessor of penmanship; and is a well-known real estate broker of ISTorthwood, Iowa. He is the owner and patentee of the Butler Hand Cart ; and is prominently identified with the business and public affairs of Iowa. BUTLEE,^ CALEB, educator, author, was born Sept. 13. 1776, in Pelham, N". H. He was graduated at Dartmouth in 1800, studied law in Groton, and was the principal instructor of the Groton Academy for eleven years. He published a Ma- sonic oration; Facts as to Affairs in Groton; Eeview Eeviewed; and History of Groton. He died Oct. 7, 1854, in Groton, Mass. BUTLEE, CHAELES," philanthropist, college president, was born Eel). 15, 1803, in -Kinderhook, IST .Y. In 1835 he was one of the founders and incorporators of the Union Theological Seminary in New York City, and was made its president. In 1889 he endowed a chair of biblical theology in that seminary in tlic sum of $100,000, in memory of Prof. Edward Eobinson, the eminent biblical scholar. He died in 1897. BUTLEE, CHAELES HALE, merchant, was born Oct. 16, 1853, in Jackson, Mich. He was educated in the public schools; and soon entered mercantile pursuits. He is now a successful grain and flour merchant of Oakland, Cal. ; and prominently identified with the business and public affairs of that city. BUTLEE, CHAELES HENEY, lawyer, court reporter, au- thor, was born June 18. 1859, in jSTew York City. He received the rudiments of his education in the public schools of Yonk- ers, jST. Y. ; and in 1881 graduated from the Princeton Uni- versity. For m.any years he practiced law in ISTew York; in 1898 was legal expert of the Anglo-American Canadian Commission ; and since 1902 ha? been re])orter of the United States Supreme Court at Washington, I). C. He is the author of Cuba Must Be Free; The Yoice of the ISTation ; Our Eolations with Spain; Our Treaty with Spain; Freedom of Private Property on the HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAFIIWAL. 29 Sea; and Treaty Making- Power of the United States, iu two volumes. BUTLEE, CHAELES JOSEPH, public official, was born A];ril 25, 18()6, in Birkenhead, England. He was educated iu the public schools of Westerl_v, E. I. ; and is now assistant post- , master of that city. He is greatly interested in the business and public welfare of Westerly , E. I. ; and has filled several position of trust and honor. BUTLEB, CHAELES L., busincfs mran, pul)lie official was born June G, 1855, in jSTew Brunswick, Canada. He is a prac- tical wagonmaker, and a successful business man of Emporia, Pa. He has been a member of the town council; has served two 'terms as county auditor ; and has filled various other posi- tions of trust and honor. BIJTLEE, CHAELES EICHAED, business man, manager, was born Xov. 1, 1858, in Petersburg, Va. He was educated in the public schools of his native city; and at once began a mercantile career. For a quarter of a century he has been manager of a large mill corporation; and is prominently iden- tified with the business and public affairs of Petersburg, Va. BUTLEE, CHAELES W., busiuess'mau, merchant, was born Jan. 29, 1869.. in Sugar Hill, Elkhart County, HkI. He was educated in the public schools of his native state. He is now a successful business man and hay and grain dealer of Benton, Tnd. He is prominently identified with the business and pub- lie aifairs of his city; for two terms served as a trustee; and filled several other positions of trust and honor. BFTLEE, CHAELES W., clergyman, was born May 13, 1873, in Caro, Mich. He was educated in the public schools of his native state; and soon became an eminent minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is now pastor of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church of Durand, Mich ; and occasionally con- tributes to the religious press. BUTLEE, CHESTEE, lawyer, state legislator, congressman, ^\•as born March, 1798, in Wilkesbarre, Pa. He served three terms in the Legislature of Pennsylvania ; and was a Eepresen- tative in Congress fromi Pennsvlvania from 1845 to 1850. He died Oct. 5, 1850, in Philadelphia, Pa. BT'TLEE, CLEMENT MOOEE, theologian, author, was liorn Oct. 16, 1810, in Troy, IST. Y. He was an Episcopalian cicrgyinan of the evangelical type, and Professor of Ecclesiasti- cal History in the Episcopal Divinity School of Philadelphia in 1864-84. ^'He wavS the author of Book of Common Prayer In- terpreted 'by its History; Old Truths and New Errors; The ao lll^TOLlWAL AJSD JUOGRArinCAL. Flock Fed; St. Paul in Kome; Inner Eome; Manual of Eccle- siastical History from the First to the Eighteenth Century; and The Eeforniation in Sweden. lie died March 5, 1890, in (j ermanto wn, Pa . BUTLEP, CLIFTON MORGAX, soldier, Avas bmn May o, 1880. in Jefferson, Oregon. He was educated at Albany High School and Albany College, Ore.; and in 1903 graduated from the United States Military Academy of West Point. He is now lieutenant of the Seventeenth United States Infantry, and is in active service in the Philippine Islands. BUTLER, CONCIE LEPOY, educator, clergyman, was born Oct. 20. 18(i9, in Wilsonville, Ala. He was educated at the Lincoln University of Pennsylvania, at jMaryville College of Tennessee, and at Talladega College, Ala. For several years he was engaged in educational work at Birmingham, Ala.; and is now an eminent clergyman of the Presbyterian Church. For five years he filled a i)astorate in West Che-ter, Pa.; and is now pastor of St. James' Presbvterian Church of New York Citv. BUTLER, CYRUS, philanthropist, was born in 1767.' He gave $40,000 to endow the Butler Hospital for the Insane at Providence. He died Aug. 22, 1849, in Providence, R. I. BUTLER, CYRUS LEE, clergyman. pul)lic official, was born May 1"2, 1805, in Jackson Comity, 111. He was educated at p]wing and Hayward colleges; and in 1885 was ordained a min- ister of the Missionary Baptist Church im Greene County, Ark. He also studied law at Fairfield, 111. Since 1885 he has been actively engaged in the ministry; and is now ])astor of the Harmony Bajjtist Church of Jefi-'erson County, 111. He has filled the office of town clerk, in 1904 was treasurer of the Democratic Countv Central Committee of Jefferson County, 111.; and has filled various other positions of trust and honor. BUTLER, DAIjE I)., business man, legislator, was born June 29, 1866, in Middletown. Conn. He received the rudiments of his education in the public schools of New England; attended Williston Seminary, the Wesleyan Academy, and Wesleyan I'niversity. He is a successful business man of ]\Iiddletown, Conn.; has a large insurance business; and is prominently iden- tified witli the business and public affairs of that city. In 1890- 94 he was a member of the City Council of ]\[iddletown, Conn.; in 1897-99 he served with distinction as a mend)er of thv- Con- necticut State Legislature: and has filled numerous other posi- tions of trust and honov in the gift of hi^ city, county and state. BUTLER, DAVID, governor. He Avas eeleted Ihe first HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL. 31 Grovernor of tlie state of Nebraska in 1867-71. He died MaA' 25, 1891. BUTLER, DIGBY B., lumberman, manufacturer, of Fi-ank- fort, Mich. He is proprietor of a large saw mill in Frankfort, Mich.; and a successful manufacturer and dealer in lumber. He is prominently identified with the busine?s and public affairs of his community; and has filled various positions of trust and honor. BUTLER. EDWARD HUBERT, journalist, was born Sept. 5, 1850, in LeRoy, N. Y. In 1873 he established the Buffalo Evening News, of which he is sole proprietor. He was repub- lican presidential elector of New York in 189G; president of State Editorial Association in 1891; and president of republi- can State Editorial Association in 1898. BUTLER, EDWARD K., inanufacturer, was born July 20, 1851, in Jordan, Onondaga County, N. Y. He was educated in the public schools of his native state. He is a successful ntonufacturer of art furniture, and president of the Butler Man- ufacturing Company of Syracuse, N. Y. For many years he has l)een actively identified with the business and public affairs of his city; and has filkd several positions of trust and h.onor. BUTLER, EDWARD PAYSON, business man, photographer, was born ]\lay IS, 1831, in Clinton, Wayne County, Pa. He was educated in the public schools of his native state. He is now a successful business man of Reno, Nevada; and has a large photographic studio in that city. He is prominently identified with the business and public affairs of his city; and has filled several positions of trust and honor. BUTLER, EZRA, congressman, governor, wtis born in Sep- tember, 1703, in A'^ermont. He was a member of the Vermont Assembly eleven years; first Judge of the Chittenden Countv Court from 1803 to 1806, and Chief Justice from 1806 to 1811. He was Chief Justice of Jefferson County from 1814 to 1826; was a Representative in Congress from 1813 to 1815; member of the Yennont constitutional convention in 1822 and Governor of that state from 1826 to 1828. making fifty-three years of pub- lic service. He died July 12, 1838, in Waterbury, Vt. BUTLER. FERDINAND A., educator, business man, was born June 12, 1877, in Springvale, Minn. He was educated in the public schools of New England; attended the Salem High School ; and graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology of Boston, Mass. In 1900-02 he was a teacher in the Salem Commercial School. He is now a successful merchant 32 HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL. of Danvers, Mass.; and greatly interested in the business and ])ublic welfare of tliat city. BUTLEE. FREDEEIClv, author, was born in 176G. He was a writer of Hartford, Conn. ; and the author of History of the United St liave been given a place in standard works. BUTLER, J.rCIUS MARSHALL, master mechanic, engi- neer, master car biiihler, was born April 9, 1838, in Hinsdale, N. PL He was educated in the ])ublic schools of jSTew England ; and graduated from tlie Academy of Cliesterfield, N. H. .In 1859 he entered railroad service as machinist; in 1872-81 was foreman of roundhouse and engineer ; in 1881-83 was in charge of engines of a large railroad : and in 1883-86 was master ma- chinist and chief engineer of the Richmond Paper Company. In 1886-92 he was master macliinist and master car builder for the Xew York, Providence and Boston Railroad; and since 1892 has filled that position on the Providence and Worcester Division of the New York, New Llaven and Hartford Railroad, with headquarters at Providence, R. I. BUTLER, MAXN, author. He emigrated to Kentucky in l.'^on. and p ublished a History of Kentucky. He died in Xovem- bei', 183.-). in ]\Ls-ouri, in consequence of a railroad accident. BUTLER, MARION, journalist. United States senator, was born May 20, 1863, in Sampson County, N. C. He was elected to the State Senate in 1890; was tlie leader of the Alliance forces in that l)ody and succeeded in bringing about a number of needed reEorms. He Avas elected president of the State Farmers' Alliance in 1891, and re-elected in 1892; was elected vice-president of the National Farmers' Alliance and Industrial Union in 1893, and elected president of that organization in 1894. Hhis ])a]ier. The Caucasian, has been removed to Raleigh, N. C, and has probably the largest circulation and one of the most influential papers in the state. He was elected to the United States Senate as a populist for term expiring 1901. He now practices law in Washington, D. C. BUTLER, MARK JUSTUS, farmer, stock raiser, business man, was born April 22, 1850, on the farm purchased by his father from tJie Government in 1836 at Lake Gage, Steuben County, Ind. ; and this farm is now owned by his brother, Joseph Butler. In 18T8 lie moved to Fillmore County, Neb. ; and since 18IS0 lias been a successful farmer and stock raiser of Geneva, Fillmore County, Neb. He is the owner of three thousand sheep and n\niierous other live stock. He has filled all the town- ship offices; is a prominent Royal Arch Mason; was Master for \vn vears and High Priest for eight years; and has filled some oT the chairs in the grand body. He is President of the Fill- more County Agricultural Society; vice-president of iln' Fill- more Mutual Insurance Company; and has been vice-president HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL. 39 of the Citizen's Bank. For five years he was president of the Geneva High School Board; and has filled numerous other posi- tions of trust and honor. He has one son, Newell Mark Butler; and three daughters. BUTLEE, MATTHEW CALBRAITH, soldier, lawyer, United States senator, was born March 8, 1S3G, near Green- ville, S. G. He was elected to the Legislature of South Caro- lina in 1860; entered the Confederate service as Captain of Cavalry in the Hampton legion in June, 18G1, and became a Major General through the regular grades, and lost his right leg at the battle of Brandy Station on the ninth of June, 18G3 ; He was elected to the Legislature of South Carolina in 1860 ; was a candidate for Lieutenant-Governor of South Carolina in 1870; received the Democratic vote of the South Carolina Legis- lature for United States Senator in, 1870; and in 1877-95 was L^nited States Senator. In 1898 he was appointed Major-Gen- eral LTuited States Volunteers for service in Cuban war. BUTLEE. MATTHEW CALBEAITH, soldier, was born May 1, 18G4, in Edgefield, S. C. He was educated at Union College and at West Point ^Military Academy. During the Spanish-American war he held the volunteer rank of Major on the staffs of Gen. M. C. Butler, Gen. Young, Gen. Brooke and Gen. Wood. Since 1903 he has been on duty at West Point Militarv Academv as instructor in drivino-. He was on dutv during; the World's Fair at St. Louis with the Philippine Exhibit. BUTLEE. MUEDOCK W., editor, clergyman, was born Oct. G, 1859, near Franklin, A'a. He was educated at Suffolk Col- legeiate Listitute and at Eichniond College, He is an eminent clergyman ; and for several years was ^Jastor of Hillsboro Street Christian Church of Ealeiiih. X. C. He is secretarv of The Eastern North Carolina Christian Conference; secretary of the Sunday School department of the Southern Christian Con- vention ; and president of the Eastern North Carolina Sunday School Convention. He is the editor of The Young People's Worker and a constant contributor to religious literature. BUTLEE, Nathan, civil engineer, surveyor, w^as l:»orn Nov. 5, 1831, in Hancock, Maine. He was educated in the puldic schools; and graduated from Waterville College. Ho is a noted civil enoineer and surveyor of Minnesota at Barnesville. He has l:)een county surveyor of Allen County, Ind. ; and subse- quently was county surveyor of Clay County, INfinn. He has also l)een land examiner for the Great Northern Eailway; and ]ias filled various other positions of trust and honor. 40 ' HISTORICAL AND BIOGEAPEICAL. BUTLEE, N'ATHAJs'IEL BUTLEE, educator, college pres- ident, author, was born May 22, 1853, in Eastport, Maine. Since 1895 he has been president of Colby College of Water- villo, Maine. He is the author of Bellum llelveticum, a Latin tt'xtbook. BUTLEE, NICHOLAS :\1UEEAY, educator, college presi- dent, author, was born Ai)ril 2, 1862, in Elizabeth, N. J. . He is an educator of Xew York City, and Professor of Philosophy in Columbia College. In 1802 he founded the Educational licview. He is the autlior of Horace Mann and American Systems of Education. BUTLEE, NOBLE, educator, author, was born in 1819 in Washing-ton County, Pa. He was classical professor in the University, of Louisville, and published A Practical and Critical English Grammar and other valuable text-))Ooks. He died Eeb. 12, 1882, in Louisville, Ky. BUTLEE, PEECIVAL, soldier, congressni'an, was born in 17 GO in Pennsylvania. He rose to the rank of Captain in the Eevolutionary Avar; and served as Adjutant-General in the War of 1812. In 1839-43 served as a member of Congress. He died Sept. 11, 1821, in Port William, Ky. BUTLEE, PIEECE, soldier. United States senator, was born July 11, 1744, in Ireland. In 1778 he was a delegate from South Carolina to the old congress; and in 1788 a member of the convention which framed the Constitution of the United States, and signed the same. In 1802 he became again a Sen- ator in Congress, but resigned 1804. He died Feb. 15, 1822, in Philadelphia, Pa. BUTLEE, PIEECE -MASON, soldier, banker, governor, was born April 11, 1798, in Edgefield, S. C. He was promoted to the rank of First Lieutenant in 1823, and attained the grade of Captain in 1825. After four years of service he resigned liis commission, and in 1829 became a resident of Columbia, S. C, and was elected president of a bank established at that ))lace. He was killed in battle Aug. 20, 1847, in Churubusco, Mexico. BUTLEE, EICHAED, soldier, wa's born in Ireland. He attained the rank of Colonel in the Eevolutionary war, and in 1791 was made a ]\Iajor-General. He was tomahawked and scalped Nov. 4, 1791, in an expedition against the Indians. BUTLEE. EICHAED, soldier, iiuMvliant. inauufactnrer, was l)orn Aug. 9, 1831, in Birmingham, Ohio. In 1879 he ac- cepted the presidency of an extensive hard rubber company, HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL. 41 which was organized in 1883 as the Butler Hard Eubber Com- pany. BUTLER, EGBERT MILLER, merchant, was born July 10, 1845, near Elizabeth, X. J. He was educated in the public schools of his native state; and graduated from Chatham Acad- emy. He is senior member of the firm of Butler, Stevens and Company, cotton factors and commission merchants of Savan- nah, Ga. He has always been actively identified with the busi- ness and public affairs of his city ; is a member of the Savannah Cotton Exchange; and a director in several corporations. He has been a Lieutenant in the Savannah Cadets; is president of the Savannah Golf Club; a member of the Oglethorpe Club; and a member of the Savannah Yacht Club. He stands high in the religious world; and is Ruling Elder in the Independent Presbvterian Church of Savannah, Ga. BUTLER, ROLERICK R., soldier, lawyer, jurist, congress- man, was born April 8, 1827, in Wythevillc, Va. He was a jus- tice of the peace; a ]\[ajor of the militia; a postmaster under President Fillmore; served two years in the State Assembly and one in the State Senate. He was a County Judge; was a Lieutenant-Colonel during the rebellion; and was subsequently Judge of the First Judicial District of the State, holding the office from 1865 to 1867. He was elected a Representative from Tennessee to the Fortieth, Forty-first, Fbrty-second, For- ty-third and Fiftieth Congresses as a republican. He died Aug. 19, 1902, in Mountain City, Tenn. BUTLER, SAMSOX H., congressman, was bom in South Carolina. He was. a Representative in Congress from that state from 1840 to 1843. He died in South Carolina. BUTLER, SETH H., merchant, banker, was bom March 5, 1829, in Chatham, Middlesex County, Conn. He received a thorough education in the public schools; and for about fifteen years was an accountant for several corporations. For six years he was a successful merchant, and for twenty-six years was secretary and president of the People's Insurance Company. For the past twelve years he has been president of the First Xational Bank of Middletown, Conn.; and prominently iden- tified with the public and financial affairs of Xew England. BUTLER, SIMEOX, publislier, manufacturer, author, was born in 1770. In 1792 he established the first publishing house in western ^lassachusetts at Xorthampton. He printed the earliest American edition of YatteFs Law of Xations, and the first volume of Massachusetts Supreme Court Reports, and brought out Dwight's School Geograpliy. He also engaged in 4:2 HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL. paper-making, and manufactured the first domestic letter paper -used by the IJnited States Senate. He died in 18-17 in ISTorth- ampton, Mass. BUTLER, THEODOEE E., physician, surgeon, was born Aug. 10, 1852, in Lawrence County, Miss. In 1871-74 he at- tended Mississippi College; attended Louisville Medical College; and in 187G graduated from the Kentucky School of Medicine. He is now a successfnl physician of Ballinger, liunnels County, Texas; has been health officer of his county; and filled various positions of trust and honor. BUTLER, THOMAS, congressman, was born in Carlisle., Pa. He was a Representative in Congress from Louisiana from 1818 to 1821. He died Aug. 14, 1847. BUTLER, THOMAS, clergyman, author, was bom May 17, 1871, in Philadelphia, Pa. He received his education in the public schools; and graduated from Tufts College of Massachu- setts. He has filled pastorates at V/aretown and Good Luck, iST. J. ; and now fills a pastorate at Concord, Vt. He is also editor of The Philadelphia Call ; and a constant contributor to current publications and standard works. BUTLER, THOMAS AMBROSE, clergyman, author, poet, wa^ born March 21, 1837, in Dublin, Ireland. He was engaged in missionary work in Kansas in 1867-75; and later was ap- pointed pastor of St. James' Church of St. Louis, Mo. He is the author of The Irish on the Prairies, and Other Poems; and Kansas and Irish Immigration. BUTLER, THOMAS BELDEX, lawyer, jurist, congressman, author, was born Aug. 22, 1806, in Wethersfield. Conn. He was a Connecticut jurist whose Philosophy of the Weather, 1856, appeared later in enlarged form as a Concise Analytical and Logical Development of the Atmospheric System. He served in the Connecticut State Legislature; and Avas a Repre- sentative in Congress in 1849-51. He died June 8, 1873, in Norwalk, Conn. BUTLER, THOMAS RICHARD, educator, physician, sur- geon, was born June 25, 1862, in Cedar County, Mo. He was educated in the public schools and colleges of Xevada and Joplin, Mo. ; and then for several years taught school. In 1885 he graduated from Bellevue Hospital and Medical College of New York City; and subsequently took a post-graduate course at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of New York City. He first practiced medicine for two years in Golden City, Mo. ; then for one year in Grand Junction, Colo. ; and since 1888 in HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL. 43 Beaver City, Xeb. He is a member of the leading medical societies ; and lias filled vaiious positions of trust and honor. BUTLEE, THOMAS S., lawyer, congressman, was born Nov. 4, 1855, in Pennsylvania. He is a member o'i tlie Ches- ter Connty bar, and was elected to the Fifty-fifth, Fifty-sixth and Fifty-seventh Congresses as a republican. BFTLEE, THOMAS WILLIAM, educator, legislator, pub- lic official, was born Jan. 12, 1857, in Worcester, Mass. He received the rudiments of his education in the public schools of his native city; attended St. Charles College; and gradu- ated from the jMontreal Seminary. He has been a member of the Massachusetts State Legislature; served as Ignited States Postoffice Inspector; and filled various other public positions of trust and honor. He has attained success in educational work; and is now principal oL' the Providence Street School at Worcester, ]\fass. He has contributed extensively to the period- ical press, which lias been a valuable acquisition to current lit- erature. BUTLER, WALT H., congressman, was born Feb. 13, 1852, in Springboro, Pa. He was elected to the Fifty-second Congress as. a democrat. BUTLER, WALTER. SOLOMOX, merchant, philanthropist, was born Feb. 4, 1802, in Selma, Ala. • He was educated in the public schools of his native state; and graduated from Dal- las Academy. He is a successful wholesale and retail bookseller and stationer of Selma, Ala. ; and prominently identified with the bunness and public affairs of that city. He is a deacon, treasurer and trustee of the Christian Church of his city; record- ing secretary Alabama Christian Missionary Co-Operation ; treasurer of Selma Bible Society; and has been vice-president and director of the Young Men's Christian Association. His grandfather, Solomon Butler, came to Alabama about 1800 from South Carolina. BUTLER, WILLIAM, congressman, was born in Columbia, S. C. He was a Representative in Congress from South Caro- lina from 1841 to 1843. He died in South Carolina. BUTLER. WILLIAM, lawyer, jurist, was born Dec. 22, 1822, in Chester County, Pa. In 1879-99 he was United States Dis- trict Judge for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. BUTLER, WILLIAM, soldier, physician, state legislator, was born in 1759 in Prince William County, Pa. Soon after the war he was made a Brigadier-General, and in 1796 Major-Gen- eral of militia. He was a member of the United State? Con- gress from 1801 to 1811. He was a member of the convention 44 HISTOEICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL. which framed the Constitution of South Carolina, and for some 3'ears a member of the Legislature; and in 1794 he was Sheriff, and at one time Magistrate. ]n the War of 1812 he connnanded the South Carolina troop? for state defense. He died Xov. 15, 1821, in Columbus, S. C. BUTLER, WILLIAM, missionary, author, was born in 1818 in Ireland. He was a Methodist missionary, and the author of The Land of the Veda ; From Boston to Bareilly and Back ; and Mexico in Transition from the Power of Political Roman- ism to Civil and Religious Liberty. He died Aug. 15, 1899, in Old Orchard, Maine. BUTLER, WiILLIAM ALLEN, author, poet, was born Feb. 20, 1825, in Albany, N. Y. He was a lawyer of New York City, and had been president of the American Bar Association. He is well known as a writer of ])oetical satires, among which Nothing to Wear has long been famous. Others are, Two Mil- lions; Ceneral Average, a satire upon mercantile life; Barnum's Parnassus. His prose writings include ]\rartin Van Burcn. a biography; ]\Irs. Limber's RalHe, an able attack on the morality of church fairs; Domesticus, a story; Oberammiergau ; and The Historv of the Revision of the Statutes of New York. He died Sept. 9, 1902, in Yonkers, N. Y. BUTLER, AYILLIAM J., physician, surgeon, was liorn Jan. 17, 1873, in Branchdale, Pa. He received his education under the tuition of his father, the late Prof. Michael Pierce But- ler, for thirty-five years an instructor in tlie public schools of Pennsylvania. He served five years in the drug business; and in 1885 graduated from the medical department of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania. Eor about a year he was resident physician of the Wilkesbarre Hospital. Since 188G he has prac- ticed his profession in Wilkesbarre, Pa. : and is at the present time surgeon to Mercy Hospital. BUTLER, WILLIAM JOSEPH, lawyer, legislator, was born May 13, 1868, in Springfield, 111. He has attained distinction as a lawj^er, and in 1895-96 was a member of the Thirty-ninth General Assemibly of Illinois. BUTLER. WILLIAM MORRIS, physician, surgeon, was born March 26, 1850, in Maine. Broome County, N. Y. He was educated at the Cortland Academy of Homer, N. Y. ; and grad- uated from Hamilton College. He graduated in medicine from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of New York City; and attended a college of medicine in Paris, France. He has been New York State Medical l^^xamincr; Professor of Mental Diseases at the New York Homfeopathic College and physician HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL. 45 to the Middletown State Hosj^ital. . He has a large practice in Brooklyn and New York City; and is Consulting Neurologist to the Memorial Hospital and Infant's Hospital of Brooklyn, ^]Sr. Y, He has been president of the Orange County Homeo- pathic Society; president of the Kings County Homoeopathic Society; and president of the New York State Homoeopathic Society. BUTLEE, WILLIAM MOSES,, farmer, was bom June 23, 1847, in Clarendon, S. C. He was educated in the public schools of his native state, and at the Arsenal of Columbia, S. C. He is a successful farmer of Silver, S. C; and greatly interested in the business and public welfare of his community. BUTLER, WILLIAM 0., soldier, public official, poet, was bom in 1793 in Jessamine County, Ky. He enlisted as a soldier in the War of 1812. He was elected a Representative in Con- gress from Kentucky in 1839, and re-elected in 1841. During the war with Mexico he obtained such distinction that he was promoted to the position of ]\Iajor-General in the Regular army ; and a sword was voted to him by Congress. In 1848 he was the democratic candidate for vice-president, on the ticket with Lewis Cass for president. He was appointed Governor of Ne- braska territory, but declined the appointment. He was the au- thor of numy fugitive pieces of poetry, several of which possess uncommon merit, and one, entitled The Boat Horn, attained great popularity. Ho died in Kentucky. BUTLER, WILLIAM OLIVER, business man, dental sur- geon, was born March 25, 1850, in St. Francisville, Mo. He was educated at Pennsylvania College; and is now a successful dental surgeon of lia Harpe, 111. He is prominently identified with the business and public affairs of his city; and has filled several positions of trust and honor. BUTLER. WILLIAM OMER, clergyman, was bom Oct. 28, 1867, in Lawrenceburg, Ind. He received a thorough education; and graduated from the Northwestern University and other in- stitutions of learning. He is an eminent priest of the Ameri- can Episcopal Church; and has filled pastorates at St. Alban's Church of Fullerton. Neb. ; has been assistant priest at St. Bartholomew's Church of Chicago, 111. ; and is now priest of St. Paul's Church of Savanna, 111. BUTLER. WOLCOTT H., lawyer, business man, was born May 9, 18G5, in Allegan, Mich. He graduated from the Alle- gan High School ; graduated from the Literary and Law de- partments of the University of Michigan; and received the de- grees of Ph. B. and LL. B. from that institution. He has 40 UlSTOniCAL AND JJIOGRAPIilCAL. attained ^^iiccos.s in tl.c jiractice of law at Ann Arbor, Mich.; ife interosted in the real estate business: and prominently iden- tified with the l)nsiness and public affairs of that citv. BUTLEK, ZEBULON, soldier, was born in 1781 in Lyme. ^ Conn. In 1TG9 he settled at W3'oming, Pa. In the early part of the Revolutionary war he was a Lieutenant-Colonel in the Connecticut line, serving in New Jersev in 1777-78. and be>- came Colonel on March 13, 1778. On July 3, 1778,' he com- manded the weak garrison at Wyoming at the time of the mas- sacre, which he was unable to prevent. He accompanied Sulli- van in his Indian expedition in 1779, and served with distinc- tion throughout the war. He died July 28, 179.">. in Wilkes- barre. Pa. ORIGIN OF THE SURNAME. 49 All proper names had originally a peculiar and appropriate meaning. Some persons might feel dis- posed to argue that there is nothing in the ordinary course of things to prevent the giving of names from sheer whim and without any meaning; but it is quite as diffijult to imagine the absence of motive and of fixed guiding principles in the choice of a name as it is in any other matter. It would be contrary to Man's nature to denote the object of his thoughts by sounds which produce no impression upon his memory, no representative ' idea in his mind. If the principle asserted, then, hold good in the matter of common nouns, much more must it be true with regard to the proper name, whose characteristic is, as we have said, that it places under our very eyes as it were, the individual object to which it is applied. That some definite idea should belong to the name when uttered, is so much needed by men in general that the natives of North America are in the habit of giving a name selected from their own language to any stranger deemed worthy of their especial notice. To them his own name does not sufficiently describe him, because it probably conveys no idea connected with his physical appearance. An anecdote is related of the Imaum of Muscat who when about to appoint a private physician asked his name. " Yincenzo," was the ph3^sician's reply. Not understanding it, the prince requested that its meaning should be explained in Arabic. The Italian gave the meaning, as Mansour, or Victorious, and the prince delighted with the happy omen offered by the name, ever after called him "Sheik Mansour." If we glance next at the records of travellers in distant countries, we shall find that whether they be private individuals or men engaged in scientific in- quiry, they never give a name to a people, a country, 50 ORIGIN OF THE SURNAME. an island, or an unknown rock, without some defi- nite reason. Soni2 allusion is mads in it to physical conformation, to dress, to customs, to external pecu- liarities, or to certain circumstances which n\ade, the discovery a remarkable one. This natural habit has rarely been deviated from except when a desire has been felt to erect some geographical monument on distant shores, in honor of some denizen of the heavens; or to record, in a lasting form, some contemporary event, or the name of some contemporary character of distinction; or, lastly, to perpetuate the memory of a benefactor of his kind, and to testify of a na- tion's gratitude to a fellow-countryman of great pre- eminence. The long catalogue of proper names, with a 'meaning, \vhich may yet be found among our older nations, in spite of mixture and corruption of races; and the longer catalogue disclosed by etymological inquiry, fully bear out these remarks. Schegel, a very learned philosopher, has traced descriptive epithets in almost all Hindoo names. So marked was the exist- ence of these meanings among the Hebrews, that their literature is strangeh' tinged by their influence. The older names among the Arabs, and those since introduced into general use, are highly significative; the face is acknowledged in the case of Grecian names, and the remark is equally true of all names derived from Teutonic origin. The most distant nations in our own more immediate circle of civilization exhibit no difference in this respect. Most of the natives of North America are named after some animal; during their lifetime they receive another title when chey have earned it by some deed of daring, which it ex plains and of which it is the token. The name of a most powerful chief in one of the Marquesas Islands, contains an allusion to the shape of a canoe, in the management of which he excelled. Thunder is the ORIGIN OF THE SURNAME. 51 name of the King of the Chenooks, a warlike tribe who live on the left bank of the river Columbia The Kamtchadales, Koriakes, and Kuriles, have all of them significant names. SURNAMES. In the first ages of the world a single name was sufficient for each individual; and that name was generally invented for the person, in allusion to the circumstances attending his birth, or to some personal quality he possessed, or which his pai'ents iondXy hoped he might in future possess. Christian names being given in infancy, and by friends and relatives, cannot, as a general rule, have bad significations, or be associated with crime or mis- fortune. It is otherwise, however, with surnames. These will be found to be of all shades, from the best to the worst, the most pleasing to the most ridiculous. They originated later in life, after the character and habits of the individual had been formed, and after he had engaged in some permanent occupation, trade, or pursuit. They were given b^'- the communit3^ in v^diich he dwelt — by enemies as well as by friends. The first approach to the modern s\^stem of nomenclature is found in the assumption of the name of One's Sire in addition to his own proper name ; as Caleb the son of Jephunneh. Sometimes the adjunct expressed the country or profession of the bearer; sometimes some excellence or blemish; as Diogenes the Cynic ; or Dionysius the Tyrant. A mother's name, that of a parent, or of some remoter ancestor more illustrious than the father, have in the same w^aj^ been used to form new names. A like attention has been paid to sentiments of friend- ship and gratitude. Sometimes the wife's name be^ came the husband's surname. The name of the tribe 52 ORIGIN OF THE SURNAME. or people to which a man belonged might also be- vome a surname. If any particular name described the locality of a man's residence or property-, it inay serve the same purpose. Personal acts and qualities have given rise to a great variety of surnames. Surnames are traceable to several chief sources. There will be seen evidences in pliA^sical and political geograplw that the designations of countries, moun- tains, rivers, districts, towns, villages, hamlets, are all associated with the names of persons whom we daih^ meet, suggesting to the thoughtful mind most inter- esting topics regarding the histories of families and places. Though the majority of our ancient family names are territorial, we have many large classes of excep- tions, and the origin of most of them is not at all doubtful. Surnames can scarceh^ be said to have been per- manently settled before the era of the Reformation. The keeping of parish registers was probably more instrumental than anything else in settling them ; for if a person were entered under one name at baptism, it is not likeh^ he would be married under another and buried under a third ; in some instances, prior to the keeping of parish registers, persons were recorded as having different names at different periods of their life. As to the derivations of surnames, it should be remembered, that places were named before families. You have oni3' to examine axiy of those nam-es which serve for lands and also for persons, to see this plainly. if you found the name of Cruickshanks, or Pretty- man, Black-mantle, or Great-head, you would not hesitate. These are evidently coined for persons, and vou find no such names of land, or for the double purpose. But then a-ou can have as little douijt tliat Aa'pes like Church-hill, Green-hill, Hazel-wood. Saudi- ORIGIN GF THE SURNAME. 53 lands, were first given to places ; and when you find them borne both b\' land and persons, 3'ou will con- clude the persons took them from the territories. In general then, when a place and a family have the same name it is the place that gives the name to the people, not the famih- to the place. This rule, which will not be disputed by any one who has bestowed some stud^' or thought on the subject, has very few exceptions. There is a class of fables, the invention of a set of bungling genealogists, who, b\^ a process like that which heralds call canting — catching at a sound — pre- tend that the Douglases had their name from a Gaelic w^ord, said to mean a dark gray man, but which never could be descriptive of a man at all; that the Forbeses were at first called For beast, because they killed a great bear; that Dalyell is from a Gaelic word, meaning "I dare;" that the Guthries were so called from the homeh' origin of gutting three had- docks for King David the Second's entertainment, when he landed very hungry on the Brae of Bervie from his French voyage. These clumsy inventions of a late age, if they were reall\^ meant to be seriously credited, disappear when we find from record that there were very ancient territories, and even parishes, of Douglas, Forbes, Dah-ell, and Guthrie, long before the names came into use as famih^ surnames. It was formerlj^ customar\' to receive names from ancestors by compounding their name with a word indicating filial relationship. Xames so compounded were termed patron^^mics, from Pater: father, and Onoma : a name — father being used in the sense of ancestor. When personal names merged into family appellations, patronj-mics became obsolete; or, more correctly, ceased to be formed. Before this change was effected, in case a man was called Dennis: bom 54 ORIGIN OF THE SURNAME. on the Day of St. Dennis, sometimes his eldest son would be called Dennison, whieh in some cases, be- came Tennyson: and a man from a village in which was a church dedicated to St. Dennis was called Dennistoun. After the period in which descriptive names flourished, each of his children, whether male or female, would be called Dennis, so that this be- came literally a patron3'mic, inasmuch as it was a name received from a father. Howbeit, only those names that were taken from a parent when such ivas not the rule are called patron^miics. Personal names lead the van as to ail others, and are the basis of half their successors. Long after personal names were almost as widely diffused as persons, we find patronymics coming into use, the offspring of necessity arising out of multiplicity. But when we come to realize that nearly ona- third of Englishmen were known either by the name of William or John about the jear 1300, it Vvall be seen that the pet name and nick form were no freak, but a necessity. We dare not attempt a categor}-, but the surnames of to-da}^ tell us much. Will was quite a distinct 3'outh from Willot, Willot from Wil- inot, Wilmot from Wilkin, and Wilkin from Wilcock. There might be half a dozen Johns about the farm- stea,d, but it mattered little so long as one was called Jack, another Jenning, a third Jenkin, a fourth Jack- cock (now Jacox as a surname), a fifth Brownjohn, and sixth Micklejohn, or Littlejohn, or Properjolm (i.e., well-built or handsome). The first name looking like a patronymic is ante- diluvian, viz., Tubal-Cain: flowing out from Cain, as though O'Cain, given to intimate pride in relation- ship to Cain. During the Israelitish theocracy Gentile patronymics were in common use, as Hittites from Heth, but those personal came in later. As soon, 56 ORIGIN OF THE SURNAME. however, as the New Testament opens w-e meet with Bar-Jonah, Bar-Abbas, names received from fathers in the conventional patronymical sense. It is, therefore, manifest that the chronology of patronymics, the period of their formation, lies about midway between primitive ages and time current. The Saxons sometimes bestowed honorable appel- lations on those who had signalized themselves by the performance of any gallant action, like the Ro- man Cognomina. Every person conversant wath the history of those times will call to mind that England w^as much infested with wolves, and that large re- wards were given to such as w^ere able by force or stratagem, to subdue them. To kill a wolf was to destroy a dangerous enemy, and to confer a benefit on society. Hence several Saxon proper names, ending in ulph and w^olf, as Biddulph, the wolf-killer, or more properly " wolf-compeller, " and some others; but these, among the common people at least, did not descend from father to son in Ihe manner of modem surnames. Another early species of surname adjunct is the epithet Great, as Alexander the Great ; with words expressive of other qualities, as Edmund Iron-side, Harold Hare-foot; and among the kings of Norway there w^as a Bare-foot. France had monarchs named Charles the Bald, Louis the Stutterer, and Philip the Fair. As societj^ advanced more in refinement, partly for euphon\', and partly for the sake of distinction, other names came into common use. Modern nations have adopted various methods of distinguishing families. The Highlanders of Scotland emplo\'ed the sirename with Mac, and hence our Mac- donalds and IMacartys, meaning respectively the son of Donald and of Arthur. ORIGIN OF THE SURNAME. 57 It w^ould, how^ever, be preposterous to imagine that surnames universally prevailed so early as the eleventh century. We have overwhelming evidence that they did not ; and must admit that although the Norman Conquest did much to introduce the practice of using them, it was long before the\' became very common. The occasional use of surnames in England dates beyond the ingress of the Normans. Surnames were taken up in a very gradual manner bj^ the great, (both of Saxon and Norman descent) during the ele- venth, twelfth, and thirteenth centuries. By the mid- dle of the twelfth, however, it appears that they were (in the estimation of some) necessary appendages to families of rank, to distinguish them from those of meaner extraction. The unsettled state of surnames in those early times renders it a difficult matter to trace the pedi- gree of any famil3^ be3^ond the thirteenth centur\'. In Cheshire, a county remarkable for the number of its resident families of great anticiuit3', it was ver^' usual for younger branches of the famih', la^'ing aside the name of their father, to take their name from the place of their residences, and thus in three descents as many surnames are found in the same familv. This remark ma3^ be forcibly illustrated b^-- reference to the early pedigree of the famih^ of Fitz-Hugh. which name did not settle down as a fixed appellative until the time of Edward III. Althousfh most towns have borrowed their names from their situation and other respects, j^et with some apt termination have derived their names from men; as Edwardston and Alfredstone. But these were from forenames or christian names, and not from sire names; and even almost to the period of the con- quest forenames of men were generally given as names of places. 58 ORIGIN OF THE SURNAME. The Normans are thought to have been the firsi to introduce the practice of fixed surnames among us^ and certain^ a little while before the conquest, some of these adventurers had taken familj^ names from their chateaux in Normand3\ "Neither is there any village in Normandy, "'says Camden, "that gave not denomination to some family in England." The French names introduced into England at the conquest may generailv be known by the prefixes de, du, des, de. la, St.; and b\^ the suffixes font, ers, lant, deau, age, mont, ard, aux, bois, l_v, eux, et, val, coui-t, -"an?:, lay, fort, ot, champ, tind dille, most of which are component parts of proper names of places, as every :lJ ma3^ convince himself by the slightest glance at the map of Northern France. But that these Norman surnames had not been of long standing is very cer- tain, for at the Conquest it was onlv one hundred and sixty years since the first band of Northmen rowed up the Seine, under their leader Hrolf, whom our histor\^ books honor with the theatrical name of Rollo, but who was known among his people a/ "Hrolf the Ganger." But whether in imitation of the Norman lords, or from the great convenience of the distinction, the use of fixed surnames arose in France about the year 1000; came into England sixty \'ears later, or with the Norman Co,nquest; and reached Scotland, speak- ing roundly, about the year 1100. The first example of fixed surnames in an\^ num- ber in England, are to be found in the Conqueror's Valuation Book called Domesday. "Yet in England," again to C|uote the judicious Camden, "certain it is, that as the better sort, even from the Conquest, by little and little took surnames, so they were not set- tled among the common people fully imtll about tlie time of Edward the Second." ORIGIN OF THE SURNAME. 59 Those dashing Norman adventurers introduced to the British Isle the custom of chivalry and the sur- names they had adopted* from their paternal castles across the channel. Thev made a rage for kni^fht- hood and turned the ladies' heads. An English prin- cess declined to marry a suitor who "had not two names." Henry I wished to marry his natural son Roljert to Mabel, one of the heiresses of Fitz-Hamon. The lad}^ demurred : , "It were to me a great shame To have a lord Avithouten his twa name.'' Whereupon King Henr\'- gave him the surname of Fitzroj', which means son of a king. The era of fixed surnames does not rest only on the authority of Camden. It can be proved by a thousand records, English and Scotch. It is almost sufficiently proved wh'='n it can be shown the race of Stuart — already first of Scotch families in opulence and power, distinguished b\' no surnames for several generations after the Norman Conquest. Much later the ancestors of the princelv line of Hamilton were known as Walter Fitz-Gilbert, and Gilbert Fitz-Walter, before it occurred to them to assume the name their lunsmen had borne in England. But surnames -were undoubtedly first used in the twelfth century-, and came into general use in the following one. THE SAXON PATRONYMIC Was formed bv addins" insr to the ancestor's name, as .^ilfreding, which means Alfred's son; the plural for Avhich is yElfredingas. THE ENGLISH PATRONYMIC, Which is exceedingly common, is generallj^ indicated by affixing son to the name of a progenitor, and is in- 60 ORIGIN OF THE SURNAME. capable of Ijeing used in a plural form or in the gen- eric sense. For instance, Gibson, a son of Gibbs, a contraction for Gilbert. Munson, a son of Alunn, a contraction of Edmund. DE AND MAC Are from the Latin Avord De, which means of. This is a Patron3'^mical sign common to French, Italian, and even German names. Thus Deluc, Avhich means of Luke. D wight means of Wight ; and De Foe means of the Faith. FITZ. Fitz stands for Filius, a son, and received through the Normans. VAN AND YON. Corresponding more or less closeh^ with de, ac, is the Dutch van, and usually applied with the force of the, as Vandersteen, which means of the stone, hill, from which have sprung Folli, Fell, Knox. Vander- velde means of the field ; Van Meter means living on hired land; and Vandeveer means of the ferry, THE WELSH PATRONYMIC Is a form of the Celtic means mac, which the Cam- brian people made Mab or Map, and shortening it to a letter b, p, or its cognate f, gave it work to do as a patronymical prefix. Thus, Probart, son of Robert ; Probyn, son of Robin; Blake, son of Lake; Bowen, son of Owen; Price, son of Rice or Rheese ; Priddle, son of Riddle; and Prichard, son of Richard. MILESIAN PATRONYMIC. The Highlanders, Irish and Welsh hold mac in common. The Welsh delight to have it in the forms of mab, map, ap, hop, b, p, f. In Irish names mac ORIGIN OF THE SURNAME. 61 tends toward mag, ma, and c. But Scotland took most lovingly to mac. The Milesians found a greater charm in Eoghan: a son, forming iia, and that used as O in the sense of eldest son, for he only was al- lowed to use it. The Irish developed a patronymic out of their Erse treasur3r more elastic and poetic than the Gaelic mac. The Celtic for young, offspring son, is, as above given, eoghan, whence Egan for Hugh, eoghan : son of Hugh; and also Flanegan, son of Flan. THE GALLIC PATRONYMIC Is mac, meaning a son ; and O from eoghan, for a fir «t- born son. The Gaels also had a jDatronymical afix derived from eoghan, known as ach, och, the sou/ce of our ock, as seen in hillock, which means little hill. THE SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE PATRONYMIC Is formed by az, or ez iiffixed. The two words are vari- ations of the tail Fih'iis, a son ; as Alvarez, son of Alva; and Enriquez, son of Henr\'. THE ITALIAN PATRONYMIC Was sometimes formed by placing the name of a son before the name of his father, as Galileo Galilei, which means Galileo, the son of Galilei ; Speron Speroni, which means Speron, the son of Speroni. THE RUSSIAN PATRONYMIC Is itch for a son ; and of, ef or if for a grandson or descendant. Romanovitch Jouriff: son of Romain, grandson of Jour}- ; and Romanoff, descended from Romain, son of Rome. 62 ORIGIN OF THE SURNAME. THE MODERN GREEK PATRONYMIC Assumes the forms pulos, soiila, as in the name Niccl- opiilos, son of Nicholas. THE GERMAN, DUTCH, SWEDISH, AND LAPLW'D PA- TRONYMIC Are sdMii, zen, sen. son. zoon, and dotter, such as Men- delssohn, son of Mendel; Thorwakben, son of Thor- wald ; and Larsdotter, son of Lars. LITHUANIAN PATRONYMIC Is aitis, ait or at, used as affix, thus, Adoniaitis, mean- ing a son of Adam. THE HINDOSTANEE PATRONYMICS Is putra, added as an affix ; as occurs in Rajaputra, son of a king. THE CHINESE PATRONYMIC Is ise, or se, used as an affix, as Kung-fut-se, which means Kung, the son of Fo ; and Yang-tsc-Kiang, river, son of the ocean. TE:E latin PATRONYMIC Is ilius, as Hostilius, son of Hostis. THE GREEK PATRONYMIC Is icias, modified to ida, ides, id, i, od. For instance, Aristides, son of Ariston. THE HEBREW PATRONYMIC Proper is hen, from the word Eben, a stone. The Chal- dees used Bar in the sense of lofty, elevated, superioi", which was primarily applied to eminence, and is iden- tical with our Barr. As Barzillai, son of Zillai; Ben- Joseph, son of Joseph. ORIGIN OF THE SURNAME. 63 KIN. The primary sense ot kin seems to have been rela* tionship: from thence family or offspring. The next meanhig acquired by kin was child, or ''young one." We still speak in a diminutive sense of a manikin, kilderkin, pipkin, lambkin, jerkin, mini- kin (little Minion), or Doitkin. Terminations in kin were slightly going down in popular estimation when the Hebrew invasion made a clean sweep of them. They found shelter in Wales, however, and directories preserve in their list of sur- names their memorial forever. In proof of the popularity of kin are the surnames of Simpkinson, Hopkins, Dickens, Dickinson, Watkins, Hawkins, Jenkinson, Atkinson, and all the rest. The patronymics ending in kins got abbreviated into kiss, kes, and ks. Hence the origin of our Perkes, Purkiss, Hawkes, and Hawks, Dawks, Jenks, Juckes, and Jukes (Judkins). IN OR ON. This diminutive, to judge from the Paris Directory, must have been enormously popular with the French. England's connection vvath Normandy and France generally brought the fashion to the EngHsh Court, and in habits of this kind the English folk quickly copied. Terminations in kin and cock were confined to the lower orders first and last. Terminations in on or in and ot or et, were the introduction of fash- ion, and being under patronage of the highest families in the land, naturally obtained a much wider popu- larit3^ OT AND ET. These are the terminations tliat ran first in favor for many generations, 64 ORIGIN OF THE SURNAME. This diminutive ot et is found in the Enghsh lan- ;_:uage in such words as poppet, jacket, lancet, ballot, gibbet, target, gigot, chariot, latchet. pocket, ballet. In the same way a little page became a paget, and hence among our surnames Smallpage, Littlepage, and Paget. Coming to baptism, we find scarcely a single name of any pretentions to popularity that did not take to itself this desinence. The two favorite girl- names in Yorkshire previous to the Reformation were Matilda and Emma. Two of the commonest sur- names there to-day are Emmott and Tillot, with such variations as Eromett and Tillett, Emmotson and Tillotson. Of other girl-names we may mention Alaljel, which from Mab became Mabbott; Douce became Doucett and Dowsett; Gillian or Julian, from Gill or Jill (whence Jack and Jill), became Gillot, Juliet, and Jowett; Margaret became Margett and Margott, and in the north Magot. NAMES DERIVED FROM OCCUPATIONS AND PURSUITS. After these local names "the most in number have been derived from Occupations or Professions," The practice of borrowing names from the various avocations of life is of high antiquity. Thus the Ro- mans had among them many persons, and those too of the highest rank, who bore such names as Figulus, Pictor, and Fabritius, answering to the Potters and Paynters, of our own times. These names became hereditary, next in order after the local names, about the eleventh and twelfth centuries. As local names generalh' had the prefix de or at, so these frequently had le, as Stephen le Spicer, and Walter le Boucher. ORIGIN OF THE SURNAME. 65 NAMES DERIVED FROM DIGNITIES, CIVIL AND ECCLESI- ASTICAL; AND FROM OFFICES. The same principle which introduced surnames bor- rowed from trades and occupations led to the adop- tion of the names of dignities and offices, which also became hereditar^^; as Emperor, King, Prince, Duke, Earle, Pope, Bishop, Cardinal, etc. SURNAMES DERIVED FROM PERSONAL AND MENTAL QUALITIES. These seem to form one of the most obvious sources of surnames, and a prolific source it has been. Noth- ing would be more natural at the first assumption of surnames, than for a person of dark complexion to take the name of Black or Blackman, a tawny one that of Browne, and a pale one that of White or Whiteman. But it was not from the head alone that names of this description were taken, for we have, in respect of other personal qualities, our Longs and our Shorts, our Strongs and our Weaklvs, and our Lightfoots and our Heavisides, with many more whose meaning is less obvious. Among the names indicative of mental or moral equalities, we have our Hardys and Cowards, our Liveh's and our Sullens, our Brisks and our Doolittles; and Brainhead, which later became Brainerd. SURNAMES DERIVED FROM CHRISTIAN NAMES. Ever3'body must have remarked the great number of names of this kind. Who does not immediately call to mind some score or two of the name of Ed- wards, Johnson, Stevens, and Harrison, in the circle of his acquaintance. Many of the christian forenames of our ancestors w^ere taken up without an3^ addi- 66 ORIGIN OF THE SURNAME. tion or change, as Anthony, Andrew, Abel, Baldwin, Donald, etc. Others have been corrupted in various ways, as Bennet from Benedict, Cutbeard from Cuth- bert, Stace from Ustace. NAMES FROM MANORS AND SMALLER ESTATES. The surnames from these sources are almost in- numerable. There is scarcely a cit3^ town, village, manor, hamlet, or estate, in England, that has not lent its name to swell the nomenclature of English- men. SURNAMES FROM VARIOUS THLNGS. We find the names of the heavenly bodies, beasts, birds, fishes, insects, plants, fruits, flowers, metals, etc., very frequentlv borne as surnames; as Sun, Moon, Star, Bear, Buck, Chicken", Raven, Crab, Cod, Bee, Fh', Lil}', Primrose, Orange, Lemon, Gold, Silver, etc. SURNAMES FROM THE SOCIAL RELATIONS, PERIODS OF AGE, TIME, ETC. There are several surnames derived from consan- guinity, alliance, and from other social relations, orig- inating, from there having been two or more persons bearing the same christian name in the same neigh- borhood; as Fader, Brothers, Cousins, Husbands; and closely connected with the foregoing are the names derived from periods of age, as Young, Younger, Ekl, Senior. From periods of time we have several names, as Spring, Summer, Winter. The following surnames ma}^ also find a place here: Soone, Later, Latter, Last, Quickly. A CABINET OF ODDITIES. There are a good man^^ surnames which seem to have originated in sheer caprice, as no satisfactory ORIGIN OF THE SURNAME. 67 reason for their assumption can be assigned. It is doubtful, indeed, if they were ever assumed at all, for the3^ have very much the appearance of what, in these days, Ave are accustomed to call nicknames or sobri- quets, and were probably given by others to the per- sons who were first known by them, and so identified with those persons that neither they nor their im- mediate posterit3^ could well avoid them. To this family belong the names borrowed from parts of the human figure, which are somewhat numerous; as Pate, Skull, Cheek, Neck, Side, Nailes, Heele, etc. Then there is another set of names not much less ridiculous, nameh" those borrowed from coins, and denominations of monev, as Farthing, Money, Pen- n\\ Besides these we have from the weather. Frost, Tempest, and Fogg; from sports, Bowles, Cards; from vessels and their parts. Forecastle, Ship; from mea- sures, Peck, Inches; from numbers, Six, Ten. It is really remarkable that many surnames ex- pressive of bodih^ deformity or moral turpitude should have descended to the posteritj- of those who perhaps well deserved and so could not escape them, when we reflect how easily such names might have been avoided in almost everj- state of society bj' the simple adoption of others ; for although in our day it is con- sidered an act of villain\', or at least a "suspicious affair," to change one's name unless in compliance with the will of a deceased friend, \vhen an act of the senate or the ro\'al sign-manual is required, the case was widelv different four or five centuries ago, and we know from ancient records that names were frecjuently changed at the caprice of the owners. Names of this kind are very numerous, such as. Bad, Silly, Outlaw, Trash, etc. 68 ORIGIN OF THE SURNAME. NAMES DERIVED FROM VIRTUES AND OTHER ABSTRACT IDEAS. To account for such names as Justice, Virtue, Pru- dence, Wisdom, Libert}:, Hope, Peace, Joy, Anguish, Comfort, Want, Pride, Grace, Laughter, Luck, Peace, Power, Warr, Ramson, Love, Verit\'-, Vice, Patience, etc., they undoubtedly originated in the allegorical characters who performed on the ancient m\'steries or tnoralities; a specie of dramatics pieces, which before the rise of the genuine drama served to amuse under the pretext of instructing the play-goers of the "old- en tyme." FOREIGN NAMES NATURALIZED IN ENGLAND. Various causes might be assigned for the variety that exists in the nomenclature of Englishmen. Pro- bably the' principal cause is to be found in the pecu- liar facilities which that island had for many ages presented to the settlement of foreigners. War, royal matches with foreign princesses, the introduction of manufactures from the continent, and the patronage which that country has alwaj's extended to exeiy kind of foreign talent — all have of course tended to introduction of new names. CHANGED SURNAMES. The practice of altering one's name upon the oc- currence of an}' remarkable event in one's personal histor}^, seems to have been known in times of very I'cmote antiquity. The substitution of Abraham for Abram, Sarah for Sarai, etc., are matters of sacred history. In France it \tas formerly customar\' for eldest sons to take their father's surnames, while the 3-ounger branches assumed the names of the states allotted them. This plan also prevailed in England sometime after the Norman Conquest. ORIGIN GF THE SURNAME. 69 111 the United States they carry this system of corrupting or contracting names to a ridiculous ex- tent. Barnham is Barnum; Farnham (fern ground) Farnum; Killham (kihi house or home), Killum; Birk- ham (birch house) Birkum, and so forth with similar names. Pollock becomes Polk; Colquhoun becomes Calhoun; and M'Candish becomes Al'Candless. HISTORICAL SURNAMES. By an historical surname is meant a name which has an illusion to some circumstance in the life of the person who primarily bore it. Thus Sans-terre or Lack-land, the b\'-name of King John, as having rela- tion to one incident in that monarch's life, might be designated an historical surname. To this class of surnames also, belongs that of Nestling, borne by a Saxon earl, who in his infancy, according to Verstegan, had been rescued from an eagle's nest. TRANSLATED NAMES. During the middle ages the Latin language was the language of literature and politics; accordingly^ in histor}' and in the public records proper names had to assume a Latin form. The change was not al- ways a happy one. Authors were obliged to change their own names as well as the names of the persons the\' celebrated in either prose or verse. The history of France was still written in Latin in the seventeenth century, all names conseciuently recorded in Latin. In the sixteenth century the Germans used to trans- late them into Greek. The absurditj- which it en- tailed undoubtedly hastened the disappearance of the custom. The chiefs of an American tribe in North America receive a new name when they have earned it by their exploits. 70 ORIGIN OF THE SURNAME. A similar practice prevails in various negro tribes. The Greeks, in olden times, used to change their names on the smallest pretense, and with tlie greatest indifference. The emperors of Japan and those of China after their death receive a new name. ON THE CHANGING OF NAMES. With us a woman changes her name when she marries; among the Caribs of the Antilles it w^as the custom for husband and wife to exchange names. In some formerh', and at the present day in Cape Verd Islands, a liberated slave takes the name of his old master; the adopted person substitutes the name of the person Avho adopts him for his own; the law allow-s that a donor or testator may require that his name should be taken b}' the person benefited. In 1568 Philip enacted a law that the Moors who lived in Spain should abandon the use of their peculiar idiom, and of their national names and sur- names, and substitute in their stead Spanish idioms and Spanish names. He hoped to make new men of them, to denationalize them, if w^e may use the term, and to merge thein into his own people. He had a keen appreciation of the value of proper names, but like all despotic sovereigns, he w^as blind to the in- fluence of time, which can- alone produce the gradual fusion of a conquering with a conquered people, more especially when differences in religion add their over- whelming weight to one side of the balance. The Moors obeyed, but still retained their nation- al feelings and religious beliefs ; later, however, when they were compelled to choose between exile on the one hand, and apostac\' on the ether, they returned to their old country, and carried back with them a number of Spanish names. Accordingly, in several ORIGIN OF THE SURNAME. . 71 Mauritanian families descended from the Andalusian Mussulmans, we still find the names of Perez, Santi- ago, Valenciano, Aragon, etc., names which have sometimes led European authors into error, and made them ianc\' they saw apostates from Christianity among the descendants of the mart3^rs ot Islamism. The robbers whose trade it was to carry men aw^ay and sell them as slaves, needed no legal com- pulsion to change the names of their slaves. The precaution wdiich they naturally took in this matter baffled the researches of disconsolate parents, who could onh" endeavor to recover their lost children by a description which was alwa^^s imperfect and always uncertain. In 'modern times the same system has been adopted, although it has not been dictated by equally prudential motives. The laws of Christian Europe have even in our owai times legalized the sale of slaves. As soon as a negro had landed in the colo- nies it was usual for his purchaser to give hin a new name . HEREDITARY NAMES. • In England the middle classes acquired a decidedlj^ important political influence as early as the year 1258, or not later than 1264, the quarrels of the nobles and the king having opened the road to Par- liament for the representatives of the commons. More- over, an act that no tax should be levied wnthout the consent of their representatives was passed before the year 1300, and accordingly, soon after that date, we find hereditary names commonly used in the mid- dle classes. For a contrar^'^ reason the change cannot have taken place in Germany until a much later period. In order to prove this, an instance is given which i^n 72 ORIGIN OF THE SURNAME. will be all the more conclusive from its being con- nected with an intermediate point between that cotm- tr}^ and France. In the town of Metz, which in idiom and by union with the dominions of the descendants of Clovis and Charlemagne, w^as decidedly French, l)ut wdiich for thirty j-ears had been Germanized in conseciuence of its political position, 3- ou might have noticed at the close of the thirteenth century that its chief magistrates, w^ho v^^ere all knights, bore without exception individual or derived surnames instead of family surnames. When we sa^' derived, we mean either from the place in which they lived, or from the post which their military duties obliged them to occupy. It was not until the close of the latter half of the fourteenth century that hereditary names became common among men who were high in office, so that amone their inferiors it is onlv fair to infer that thev -were rarer still. The etymology of hereditary names in England and in Germany is generally the same as in France and Itah'. The following remarks will embodj- the inferences to be drawn from their examination, for the use of philologists. In languages of Teutonic or- igin, when descent is implied merelv, the word son is placed after the father's name; such is the derivation of all the famih^ names in the languages of Sweden, Denmark, Germginy, and England, which terminate in this w^ay. There are some exceptions, such as Fergu- son and Owenson, which serve to corroborate the statement as to the possilDility of the union of two languages to form one and the same proper name; in the instances quoted above, a Saxon termination is joined to a Caledonian or a Welsh name. Attention has alread}^ been drawn to the custom of giving the father's name, in the genitive case, to the son as a surname. The addition of a final s in ORIGIN OF THE SURNAME. 73 English, and of the syllable ez in Spain, sufficed to change Christian pnvnomina into surnames, and afterwards into famih- names; Peters, Williams, Richards, Henricjuez, Lopez, Fernandez, literall\' (son) of Peter, of William, of Richai'd, of Henry, of Lope (or Wolf), of Fernando or Ferdinand. D'Andre, Dejean, Depierre, have probably become family names in France in a similar way. The name of the w^riter who was perhaps the keenest apprecia- tor of the genius of the immortal Dante that ever lived, Giuseppe di Cesare, show^s that a similar form w^as not foreign to Italian customs. As in Italy, so also in the greater part of Europe, the practice of drawing up deeds and charters in Latin w^as almost universal, and in these the son was designated by his father's name in the genitive case, hence we must attribute all the names which are characterized bj^ such a termination to this cus- tom. Such names, for instance, as Fabri, Jacobi, Simonis, Johannis, etc., names which would be mul- tiplied without end if other languages had retained the old Latin termination like the Italian. The coun- tries where the greatest number will be found will be those (it may be quite safely conjectured ) where the custom of writing legal documents in Latin prevailed the longest. Somewhat similar in Wales, the sign of descent, or rather of sonship, led to the formation of sur- names, which later again became hereditary names. The word "ab," when placed between two names, expresses descent, Rhys ab Evan (Rhys, the son of Evan); the vowel is gradually lost in common use, and the name becomes Rhys Evan, and, according to the same rule, successively takes the form of the fol- lowing patronymics, Bowen, Pruderrech, Price. It is still the same theory, only more simply car- 74. ORIGIN OF THE SURNAME. ricd out, which regulated the formation of family names in Ireland and in Scotland. As soon as the head of a clan had adopted some hereditarj^ name, that name was given to all his vassals, whatever rank the\^ might happen to occupy, and however re- motely connected they might be 1)y ties of kindred with the head of the clan, and further, even though they had only entered it by enfranchisement or by adoption. The feeling of pride which suggested such a system is hy no means an offensive one; we excuse it on the ground of its similarity to the old patri- archal customs; the head of the clan who is so pow- erful, and such an object of reverence, is but the eld- est brother of a large familv, and the name which he takes belongs to all its members. It will not be quite so eas^^ to discover a reason for the feeling of vanity which in Spain and in Por- tugal led to such a tedious multiplicit}^ of names. Birthplace, or the customar3' home, are not considered sufficient for a full description of a lordW title ; alli- ances, adoptions, and the like, were all dragged in to increase the number of names. An ignorant phase of devotional feeling added to its proportionate share to their Christian praenomia; it maA', therefore, be easily inferred what needless confusion must have arisen in the ordinary transactions of life through this two-fold prodigalitv of names. As the nobles in Sweden had not adopted heredi- tary names before the close of the sixteenth centviry, it followed as a matter of course that the middle classes did not use them vnitil a still later period The choice of names which this latter class made is w^orthy of notice. We know many names in France which indicate occupations, such as Draper, Aliller, Barber, Maker, Slater, Tui*ner,* etc. The same may *JVIercier, Meunier, Barbier, Boulanger, Couvreur, Tourneur. ORIGIN OF THE SURNAME. 75 be found in England, but not in the same quantity; ths oldest English commoners were freeholders of land rather than either merchants or manufacturers. There are few if any such, in Sweden; the greater p:irt of their names are the names of properties, or. of farms, or of forests, and were of that character because they w^ere selected b\^ a class who wished to approximate to the nobles b3^ imitating their ways, and consequently not because they were the result of a need for distinctive signs — a need which is totally distinct from any individual wish or caprice. In Holstein and in Courland there are still many families who have no names peculiarh^ their own. In this instance, again, the scourge of feudalism is felt in all its severitj'. ORIGIN OF OUR FAMILY. Whatever concerns the origin of our famih^ — from whom proceeded the sturdy men that planted our in- fant states has for all of us an especial charm, not only from what we know, but for what we hop^ to ascertain. Oar ancestors, tracing back their lineage to Pict and Dane, to the legionaries of Rome, or to the sea kings of the. Baltic, had gained strength from the fusion in tiieir nature of various and opposing ele- ment?, and combined what was best of man\' races, Taat our ancestors were fond of fighting wh^n provoked, i-egardhss of personal safety or private advantage, cannot be denied. For the five centuries following the conquest, wai's at home and abroad succeeded with little cessation. Alihtary duty was incumbent on all who could bear arms. Personal en- counters between knight and squire in mail with lance and battle axe, the rest in quilted doublets, with x^ike and bow, made men indifferent to danger, and induced habits o'' hnrdiiiOod and daring. ORIGIN OF THE SURNAME. According to some authorities the history of man- kind began with Adam and Eve about six thousand years ago; and that 1hcir decendants spread over Asia first, then over Africa, and then over Europe. But science elearh^ points that the Avorld and its in- habitants in some form must iiave existed for milhons of \^ears. It took primitive man four thousand years to learn how to make a hole in a stone, insert a stick in it, and use it for a weapon. Then he became master of the forest, with power readily to provide himself with meat-food. From fisherman and hunter man developed into a herder of flocks, a tiller of the soil, a cultivator of grain. Then came attachment to the family and the growth of the family into clans and nations. The first historical record is dated about three thousand seven hundred A-ears ago, when a man by the name of Inachus led a very large companA' of emi- grants from Egypt into Greece. These found that country inhabited by savages, who no doubt, were the descendants of those who had wandered there from Asia. Inachus and his companies established themselves in Greece, and from that point of time Europe gradu- ally became occupied b_v civilized people. Thus three quarters of the globe, Asia Africa and Europe, were settled. But America was separated from Asia b_y the Pacific Ocean, almost ten thousand miles across; and from Europe and Africa b\^ the At- lantic, about three thousand miles across. Of America in ancient times people knew nothing. The ships in olden times were small and feeble; and navigators seldom dared to stretch forth upon the boundless sea. Even the mariner's compass, that mysterious but steadfast friend of the sailor was not used by the Europeans tmtil 1250. ^ia^^m^^^^M^-mi 78 ORIGIN OF THE SURNAME. THE FIRST SETTLEMENTS. It was in the year 1607 that the first emigrants, to successfully form a permanent colon^v, landed in Virginia. For twelve years after its settlement it languished under the government of Sir Thomas Smith, Treasurer of the Virginia Company in Eng- land. The Colon3' was ruled during that period bv laws written in bloocl; and its history shows us how the narrow selfishness of such a despotic power would counteract the very best elTorts of benevolence. The colonist suffered an extremity of distress too horrible to be described. Of the thousands of emigrants who had been sent to Virginia at great cost, not one in twentv remained alive in April, 1619, when Sir George Yeardley arrived. He bought certain commissions and instructions from the company for the "Better establishing of a commonwealth here," and the pros- perity of Virginia began from this time, when it received, as a commonwealth, the freedom to make laws for itself. The first meeting was held July 30, 1619 — more than a 3'ear before the Mayflower, with the pilgrims, left the harbor of Southampton. The first colony established l^y the Ph^mouth Com- pany in 1607, on the coast of Maine, was a lan:cr.t- able failure. The permanent settlement of New England began with the arrival of a body of Separatists in the Aiay- flower in 1620, who founded the colony of Plymcutii. The Separatists' migration from England was followed in a few 3'ears by a great exodus of Pi.ii- tans, who planted towns along the coast to tl.c North of Plymouth, and obtained a charter of gov- ernment and a great strip of land, and founded the colony of Massachusetts Bay. ORIGIN OF THE SURNAME. 79 Religious disputes drove Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson out of Massachusetts and led to the founding of Rhode Island in 1636. Other church rangles led to an emigration from Massachusetts to the Connecticut vallc}', where a little confederacy^ of towns was created and called Connecticut. Some settlers from England went to Long Island Sound and there founded four towns which, in their turn, joined in a federal union called the New Haven Colony. In time New Haven was joined to Connecticut, and I^h'mouth and Maine to Massachusetts; New Hampshire was made a royal colom- and the four New England colonies Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Connecticut — were definitely estab- lished. The territory of Massachusetts and Connecti- cut stretched across the continent to the "South Sea" or Pacific Ocean. The Maryland colony was founded bj- Lord Bal- timore, a Roman Catholic, who \vas influenced in his attempts of colonization by a desire to found a refuge for people of his own faith; and the first settlement was made in 1634- at St. Mary's, Annapolis was founded about 1683, and Baltimore in 1723. Meantime Henry Hudson in the employ of the Dutch, discovered the Delaware and Hudson Rivers in 1609; and the Dutch, ignoring the claims of England, planted colonies on these rivers and called the coun- try New Netherlands. Then a Swedish compan3^ began to colonize the Delaware Bay and River coast of Virginia, which they called New Sweden. Conflicts between the Dutch and the Swedes fol- lowed, and in 1655 New Sweden was made a part of New Netherlands. 80 ORIGIN OF THE SURNAME. The English seized New Netherlands in 1664-, giv- ing it to the Duke of York; and the Duke, after es- tablishing the province of New York, gave New Jersev to two of his friends, and sold the three counties on the Delaware to William Penn. Mean^vllile the king granted Penn what is now Pennsylvania in 1681. The Carolinas were first chartered as one proprie- tary colony but were sold back to the king and final- ly separated in 1729. Georgia, the last of the thirteen English colonies, was granted to Oglethorpe and others; as a refuge for poor debtors, in 1732. In 1774 General Gage became governor of Mass- achusetts; and seeing that the people were gathering stores and cannon, he attempted to destroy the stores, and so brought on the battle of Lexington and Concord, which opened the war for Independence. The English army was surrounded at Yorktown by Washington and the French fleet and forced to sur- render. A convention at Philadelphia framed the Constitution of the United States.. NATIONS THAT HAVE OWNED OUR SOIL. Before the United States became a nation, six European powers owned, or claimed to own, various portions of the territory now contained within its boundarv. England claimed the Atlantic coast from Maine to Florida. Spain once held Florida, Texas, California and all the territory south and west of Colorado. France in days gone by ruled the Missis- sippi valley. Holland once owned New Jersey, Dela- ware and the valley of the Hudson in New York and claimed as far eastward as the Connecticut River. The Swedes had settlements on the Delaware. Alaska v^as a Russian possession. ORIGIN OF THE FORE-NAME. 81 FORE -X AMES. CHRISTIAN names are so called from having orig- inaliy been given to converts at baptism as sub- stitutes for their former pagan appellatives, manv of which were boi rowed from the names of their gods, and therefore rejected as profane. After the general introduction of Christianitv, the epithet was still re- tained, because the imposition of names was ever connected wdth the earliest of its sacred rites. It is, nevertheless, most incorrect; since the majority of the personal names of modern times are borrowed from sources unconnected ^vith Christianity. With what propriet\^ can we call Hercules and Diana, Augustus and Julia, or even Henry a.nd Caroline, Christian names? Thej'' should be called forenames (that is first names), a term much more preferable to the other. Perhaps the word name, without any ad- junct, w^ould be better still. We shouli then use the name and surname as distinctive words; whereas w^e now often regard them synon3"ms. From the earliest times, names to distmguish one person from another have been in use. The names in the Old Testament are mostly original and generally given at the birth, in accordance with some circum- stance connected with that event, or from some pious sentiment of the father or mother. The Jewish child received his name at the time of circumcision. This practice is still adopted amongst the Jews, and has been followed by the Christian Church giving a name at baptism. The ancient Greeks used only one name, which was given on the ninth day after birth, and was 82 ORIGIN OF THE FORE-NAME. chosen b}^ the father, w^io also possessed the right of altering it. These names generally expressed some great qualit^^ — as braverN-, wisdom, or skill. Thus Callienaehus means excellent fighter; and Sophron means wise. In later times many names were derived from those of their gods — as A.pollodorus, the Gift of Apollo. The eldest son usualh^ bore the name of his paternal grandfather, to which w^as sometimes added the father's name, or the occupation, place of birth, or a nickname. The Romans at a Yer_v early date used two names, and later on each Roman citizen had three. The pra^nomen was, like our Christian name, per- sonal to the individual; as Caius and Marcus; in writing, the initials only \vere generally used. In early times it was given at pubert\', but afterwards on the ninth day after birth. Women took no pr^e- nomen until marriage, when they adopted the femi- nine form of their husband's name. Every Roman citizen belonged to a gens and to a familin included in it. The nomen gentilicum (the second name) usually ended in ius, cius, or aius. The third name was the hereditary cognomen borne by the family, to which was sometimes a second cognomen called agnomen, was added. The cognomen was often de- rived from some event in the family history, or from some personal defect. In common intercourse the pra^nomen and cognomen only \vere used, as C. Caesar, for C. Julius Ca?sar. AlanA' of the Roman names Avere of a much less dignified origin than the Greek, as Cicero (Vetchgrower), Crassus (Fat), Naso (Longnosed). The Celtic and Teutonic names were originally verv significant. Many were derived from "God," as Gottfried, Godwin, and others from genii or elves, as 'ilfred Elfric (Elf King). Personal prowess, wisdom. ORIGIN OF Tin: FORH-NAME. 83 and nobility of Ijirth, were the origin of raan\^ names still in use, as Hilderbrand (the War Brand), Arnold (Valiant Eagle) Osborn (God bear). After the intro- duction of Christianity many of the old names were superseded by those taken from the Scriptures. These nam33 in course of time became much altered; as for example, Owen, Evan, and Eoghan are different forms of Johann or John. A change of name ^vas sometimes made at confirmation, and amongst Roman Catholics an additional name is given at the first communion. Sir Edward Coke tells us: "If a man be baptized by the name of Thomas, and after at his confirmation b\^ th2 bishop he is named John, he may purchase by the name of his confirmation. And this was th.e case of Sir/ Francis Gawdye, late Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, whose name of baptism we^s Thomas, and his name of con- firmation Francis; and that the name of Francis b\^ the advice of all the judges in anno 38, Henry VIII, he did bear, and often used in all his purchases and grants." Another instance is that of Henr\" III of France, who, being the godson of Edward VI of Eng- land, was named Edward Alexander at his baptism in 1551; but at his confirmation in 1565 these names w^ere changed to Henri. In Germany the names are mostly of Teutonic origin, or connected with the earh^ history of Christianity. Double Christian names were not much in vogue before the nineteenth century. A ver^^ early instance is that of "John Thomas Jones," a runaway thief, mentioned in a collection of autograph letters from Cecil, Earl of Salisbury, and his son (1601); Charles George Cook, Judge of the Admiralty in 1665; and Henry Frederick Thynne, brother to Lord We^-- mouth, 1682, are other examples, which might easily be extended. 84. ORIGIN OF THE FORE-NAME. In France and Germany when surnames became universal, the prefix of De or von to a common ple- beian name was considered as a mark of nobility. In Britain the De was not considered the test for no- bility, for the names of some of the best families were not territorial; as Butler, Stewart and Spenser. SCRIPTURAL NAMES ALREADY L\ USE AT THE REFOR- MATION. It now remains simply to consider the state of nomenclature in England at the eve of the Reforma- tion in relation to the Bible. Four classes may be mentioned. MYSTERY JSIAMES. The leading incidents of Bible narrative were familiarized to the English lower orders by the per-- formance of sacred plays, or mysteries, rendered un- der the supervision of the Church. To these pla^^s is owed the early popularit\' of Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Sara, Daniel, Samp- son, Susanna, Judith, Hanna or Anna, and Hester. But the Apocryphal names w^ere not frequently used until about 1500. Scarcely any diminutives are found of them. On the other hand, Adam became Adcock and Adkin; E\"e became Evott and Evett; Isaac became Hickin, Higgin, Higgott and Higgett; Joseph became Joskin; and Daniel became Dankin and Dannet. CRUSADE NAMES. The Crusaders gave several prominent names. To them we are indebted for Baptist, Ellis and Jordan; and John received a great stimulus. The sacred water, ])rought in the leathern bottle, was used for baptis- mal purposes. The Jordan commemorated John the ORIGIN OF THE FORE-NAME. 85 Baptist, the second Elias, the forerunner and bap- tizer of Jesus Christ. Children were styled by these incidents. Jordan became popular throughout Western Europe. It gave to England, as already observed, Judd, Judkin, Judson, Jordan and Jordanson. Elias, as Ellis, took about the eighth place of frequenc}', and John for a while the first. THE saint's calendar. The lepcnds of the saints \vere carefullv tjiught b\' the priec.thood, and the da\' was as religiously ob- served. Ail children born on these holv da\'s re- ceived the name of the saint commemorated. St. James's Day, or St. Nicholas's Daj", or St. Thomas's Day, saw a small batch of Jameses, Nicholases, and Thomases received into the fold of the church. In other cases tlie gossip had some favorite saint, and placed the child under his or her protection. Of course, it bore the patron's name. A large number of these hagiological names were extra-Biblical — such as Cecilia, Catherine, or Theobald. All the apostles, save Judas, became household names; John, Simon, Peter, Bartholomew, Matthew, James, Thomas and Philip being the favorites. Paul and Timothy were also utilized, the former being alwa3'^s found as Pol. FESTIVAL NAMES. If a child was born at Whitsuntide or Easter, Christmas or Epiphany-, like Robinson Crusoe's man Frida\', he received the name of the day. Hence our once familiar na.mes of Noel or Nowell, Pask or Pas- cal, Easter, Pentecost, and Epiphany or Tiffany. It will be observed that all these implv no direct or personal acquaintance with the Scriptures. All cam'.' through the Church. All, too, were in full tide 8G ORIGIN OF THE FORE-NAME.. of prosperit}^ — with the singL' exception of Jordan, which was nearh' obsolete — when the Bible, printed into English and set up in the churches, became an institution. The immediate result was that the old Scripture names of Bartholomew, Peter, Philip, and Nicholas received a blow much deadlier than that received by such Teutonic names as Robert, Richard, Roger and Ralph. The subject of the influence of the Bible upon English nomenclature is not uninteresting. It may be said of the "Vulgar Tongue" Bible that it revolu- tionized the nomenclature within the space of forty years, or a little over a generation. No such crisis, surelj', ever visited a nation's register before, nor ca:n such possibly happen again. Every home felt the effect. THE DECAY OF SINGLE PATRONYMICS IN BAPTISM. The introduction of double baptismal names pro- duced a revolution as immediate as it was uninten- tional. It put a stop to what bade fair to become a universal adoption of patronymics as single baptis- mal names. This practice took its rise about the year 1580. It became customary in highly placed families to christen the eldest son by the name of the landed estate to which he was heir. Especially was it com- mon when the son succeeded to property through his mother; then the mother's surname was his Chris- tian name. With the introduction of second baptis- mal names, this custom ceased; and the bo}- or girl, as the case might be, after a first orthodox name of Robert or Cecilia, received as a second the patronymic that before was given alone Instead of Neville Clarke the name Avould be Charles Neville Clarke. From the year 1700 this has been a growing custom, and half the present list of treble names are thus formed. 88 ORIGIN OF THE FORE-NAME. Until about the commencement of the seventeenth century, no material change in the designations of Englishmen had occurred since the daj^s of the earlier Edwtirds, when surnames were generally adopted. John de la Barre, it is true, had become plain John Barr, and Roger atte Hjdle had softened to Roger Hill, but still the principle of a single Christian name and a single surname had been maintained through- out. About the period alluded to, the innovation of a second personal name occurs, though but very rareU'. The practice was imported to Great Britain from the Continent, where it seems to have originated among the literati in imitation of the trianomina of antiquity. The accession of the many-named house of Brunswick ma^^ be said to have rendered it somewhat fashion- able; and during the last century it has become every year more common. Should the fashion continue, it is probable that at the dawn of the twentieth centu- ry it will be as difficult to find a hinominated person in America, as it is in France at the present da}-. Another innovation belongs to the seventeenth cen- tury; that of the use of some faniih' name as a bap- tismal appellation, as Gouldsmith Hodgson, Boscawen Lower, Cloudsley Shovel. This practice as well as the other is highly to be commended, as serving to iden- tify the individual with the designation. The genealo- gist will at once see its utility-; and it is suggested to parents the desirability of inserting the maternal fami- ly name between the proper name of baptism and the surname, as James Morton Wilson, Henry Smith Brad- ley. Indeed it would be well to go further and add the maiden family name of the \vife to the surname of the husband ; thus if a Charles Harrison married a Mary Bradsha\ve, they should thereupon write them- selves respective^ Charles Bradshawe Harrison and Mary Bradshawe Harrison. If Vanity unites in the ORIGIN OF THE FORE-NAME. 89 same escutcheon the arms of the wife with those ot her lord, ought not Affection in hke manner to blend their names ? This usage is voluntarily followed at Geneva and in many provinces in France; and it serves to distinguish the bachelor from the married man. In some districts, where a famih' name was orig- inally applied at the font instead of the usual James, Peter, or John, that family name has come to be re- garded as a regular christian name. For example: about Lewes, Tra3'ton is fully as common as Samuel, Nicholas, Alfred, or anj- name occup\-ing the second rank in point of frequenc}-, and only less usual than Henr\', William and John. In the sixteenth centurv a family of this name, from Cheshire, settled in Lewes, and continued to reside there for several successive generations, during the latter part of which period they became so popular that a host of children re- ceived the baptismal name of Tray ton in compliment to them. The spirit of imitation succeeded; and there are at the present day scores of Traytons, who have neither any idea of the origin of their name, nor any doubt of its being as orthodox as the very common appellatives alluded to, We have seen that the Christian name, once im- posed, cannot be altered at the option of the bearer, as the surname may; at least not without the sanc- tion of episcopal authority. Towards the close of the eighteenth century'. Sir William Bridges exchanged the name of William for that of Brooke, by license from the Archbishop of Canterburj-; but this is almost asolitary instance in modern times, as the occasion for it rarely arises. Before the Reformation , the unauthorized change of a Christian name was a grave offence. It is recorded in the consistorial acts of the Bishop of Rochester, that on Oct. 15, 1515, one Agnes Sharpe appeared and con- fessed that she had "of her own motion and consent, 90 ORIGIN OF THE FORE-NAME. vokmtarih' changed, at confirmation, the name of her infant son to Edward, who when baptized was named Henry, for which she submitted to penance." The penance enjoined was to make a pilgrimage to the famous Rood of Grace, at the neighboring abbey of Boxle3', and to carr^^ in procession on five Lord's da\'s, a hghted taper which she was to offer to the image of the Blessed Virtjin. THE PAUCITY OF NAMES. There were no Scripture names in England when the Conqueror took possession; even in Normandv the\^ had appeared but a generation or two before William came over. If any are found in the old Eng- lish period, the\- were undoubtedly ecclesiastical titles, adopted at ordination. Greek and Latin saints were equally unnoticed. Before many generations had passed, Bartholo- mew, Simon, Peter, Philip, Thomas, Nicholas, John and Elias, had engrossed a third of the male popula- tion; yet Domcsdav Book has no Philip, no Thomas, only one Nicholas; and but a springling of Johns. It was not long before Jack and Jill took the place of Godric and Godgivu as representative of the English sexes, 3-et Jack was from the bible and Jill from the saintly calendar. Without entering into a deep discussion, it mav be said that the great mass of the old English names had gone down before the 3'ear 1200 had been reached. Those that survived only held on for bare existence. From the moment of William's edvent, the names of the Normans began to prevail He brought in Bible names. Saint names, and his own Teutonic names. The old English names bowed to them, and disap- peared. A curious result r[uickly followed. From the year ORIGIN OF THE FORE-NAME. 91 1150 to 1550, four hundred 3-cars in round numbers, there was a very mueh smaller dictionarj^ of English personal names than there had been for four hundred \ears before, and than there has been in the four hun- dred years since. The Norman list was really a small one, and yet it took possession of the whole of Great Britain. A consequence of this was the Pet-name Epoch . In every community of one hundred Englishmen about the year 1300, there would be an average' of twenty Johns and fifteen Williams; then would follow Thomas. Bartholomew, Nicholas, Philip, Simon, Peter and Isaac from the Scriptures; and Richard, Robert, Walter, Guy, Henr\', Roger and Baldwin from the Teutonic list. Of female names, Alatildii, Isabella and Emma were first favorites; and Cecilia, Catharine, Margaret and Gillian came closely upon their heels. Behind these, again, followed a fairly familiar number of names of either sex, some from the Teuton, some from the He- brew, some from the Greek and Latin Church, but, when all told, not a large category. This is not enough, for in common parlance it was not likeh^ the full name would be used. Besides, there misjfht be two, or even three Johns in the same familv. So late as March, 1545, the will of John Parnell de Gyrton runs: "Ahce, m^" wife, and Old John, my son, to occupy my farm together, till Old John marries; Young John, my son, shall have Brenlay's land plowed and sowed at Old John's cost." The register of Raby, Leicestershire, has this entry : "1559. Item: 29th day of August was John, and John Picke, the children of Xtopher and Anne, baptized. "Item: the 31st of August the same John and John were buried. " 92 ORIGIN OF THE FORE-NAME. Mr. Burns, who quotes these instances in his "His- tory of Parish Registers," adds that at this same time "one John Barker had three sons named John Barker, and two daughters named Alargaret Barker." If the same famih^ had but one name for the house- hold we may imagine the difficulty- when this one name was also popular throughout the village. The diffi- culty was naturally solved by, firstly, the adoption of nick forms; secondly, the addition of pet desinences. Thus Emma became by the one practice simple Emm, by the other Emmott; and an\^ number of l)03's in a small community might be entered in a register as Bartholomew, and yet preserve their individuality in work-a-da^- life by bearing such names as Bat, Bate, BattA', Bartle, Bartelot, Batcock, Batkin, and Tolly, or Tholh'. In a \vord, these several forms of Bar- tholoinew Vv'ere treated as so many separate proper names. It \vas, of course, impossible for Englishmen and English women to maintain their individuality on these terms. Various methods to secure a j^ersonalitv arose. The surname \vas adopted, and there were John Atte-wood, John the Wheelwright, John the Bigg, and John Richard's son, in every community. Among the middle and lower classes these did not become hereditary until so late as 1450 or 1500. This is easily proved. In the ^vardrobe accounts for Edward IV, 1480, occur the following items: "John Poyntmaker, for pointing of XI dozen points of silk pointed with agelettes laton. "Jehn Carter, for carriage awa3^ of a grete loode of robeux that was left in the strete. "To a laborer called Rychard Gard3ner for work- ing in the gard3'ne. " To Alice Shapster for making and washing xxiiii sherts, and xxiii stomachers. " Shapster is a feminine GENEALOGY. 93 form of Shapper or Sliaper — one who shaped or cut out cloths for garments. All these several individuals, having no particular vsurname, took or received one from the occupation they temporarily followed. GENEALOGY. None of the sciences is less generally studied than that of Genealog3'. Like all the others, though drv and repeliant at first, when pcrseveringl^^ followed out it becomes, in the research, full of interest, and pro- ductive of great results. An account of the origin, descent and relations of families is often a principal auxiliary to the true ap- preciation of histor\'. In treating of persons who have distinguished themselves in their countr\''s an- nals, not only are all those actions of their lives \vhich have a bearing upon the character of the age in which they lived, or the \veli-being of the nation and com- munity to which they belonged, to be considered, but their own family and personal extraction, standing and descent. The genealogist confines himself to tracing family' lineages, or the course of succession in particular fami- lies. That is his peculiar department. He leaves to the annalist the chronicling of events in the order of their occurrence, and to the historian the filling up of the details and circumstances to which these dry facts refer, and the description of the causes from which they spring, as well as the consequences to which thev lead. The sole puipose and pursuit of the historian is to be able to show "Who is Who " and to distinguish those who are somebody from those who are nobod3'. The principal nomenclature of genealogy is as follows : 94 HERALDRY. All persons descended from a common ancestor con- stitute a family. A scries of persons so descended is calL'd a line. A line is either direct or collateral. The direct line is divided into the ascendinij and descending. The projenitors are father, grandfather, etc. ; the other ascendants not in a direct line are called ancestors. The descendants are son, grandson, etc. ; the other descendants not in a direct line are generally termed Posterit_y. The Collateral comprehended all those which unite in a common prqicnitor. Some affect to hold in contempt the study of suc- cession of families. Others undervalue it, without being fully aware of the importance of genealogical research. There are some people, says Dr. Lindsay Alexan- der, in his "Life of Dr. Wardlaw, " who say they attach no importance to a man's descent, or to family honors, and despise those \vho do. Perhaps the\'' may be sincere, but their judgment in this matter is cer- tainly erroneous, and their feeling unnatural. "The glory of children, " says the wisest of men, "are their fathers;" and a honorable descent should be highly valued. HERALDRY. Heraldic devices, truly so called, made their first apiDcarance in Europe in the middle of the twelfth century; and about one hundred 3^ears later Heraldry became a science in high I'epute, w^ithout being able to trace its intermediate progress, or discover the names of those \vho first laid down its laws, or sulasequently promulgated them. The Ccirliest Heraldic document of which even a copy has come down to us is a roll of HERALDRY. 95 arms, that is to sa}-, a catalogue of the armorial bear- ings of the king of England, and the principal Ijarons, knights, etc., in the reign ofHenr\^ III; and, from in- ternal evidence, supposed to have been originalh^ com- piled between the 3'ears 124.0-124-5. This transcript was made by Glover, Somerset Herald, in 1586, and is preserved in the College of Arms. Other rolls are to be found both there and in the British Museum, of nearly the same date, but none earlier; and no Avork explanatory of the science has been yet discovered of a period anterior to the reign of Edward III. In the reign of Henrj^ III, armorial ensigns had become hered- itary, marks of cadency distinguished the various members of a famih', and the majority of the present Heraldic terms were already in existence. THE USE OF ARMS At that period Avas to distinguish persons and prop- erty, and record descent and alliance, and no modern invention has yet been found to supersede it . For this reason alone, as we have remarked elsewhere, of all ancient usages it is one of the least likel\' to become obsolete. Hundreds of persons may be entitled to the same initials, ma3' possess precisely the same name ; but only the members of a particular famih^ can law- fully bear certain armorial ensigns, and the various branches of that famih' have their separate differences to distinguish one from the other. After the lapse of centuries, the date of a building or the name of its founder or ancient possessor, ma3^ be ascertained at the present da}', through the accidental preservation of a sculptured coat of arms or heraldic encaustic tile ; and tlie careful study of earl}^ rolls of arms enables the historian to discover matrimonial alliances and familv connections, of which no \vritten record has been found ; and thereby- not only to complete the HERALDRY. ver3^ imperfect genealogies of many cf the bravest and wisest of English nobility and gentry-, but also to ac. count for sundry acts, both public and private, the motives for which have been misunderstood, or alto- gether unknown to the biographer or the historian. VARIOUS SORTS OF ARMS . Arms are not onh' granted to individuals and fam- ilies, but also- to cities, corporate bodies, and learned societies. Arms of Dominion or Sovereignty are properly the arms of the kings or sovereigns of the territories the\^ govern, which are also regarded as the arms of the State. Thus the Lions of England and the Russian Eagle are the arms of the Kings of England and the Emperors of Russia, and cannot be properly altered by a change of d\'nasty. Arms of Pretension are those of kingdoms, prov- inces, or territories to which a prince or lord has some claiin, and which he adds to his own, though the king- doms or territories are governed by a foreign king or lord ; thus the Kings of England for many ages quar- tered the arms of France in their escutcheon as the descendants of Edward III, who claimed that king- dom, in right of his mother, a French princess. Arms of Concession are arms granted by sovereigns as the reward of virtue, valor or extraordinary ser- vice. All arms granted to subjects were originally conceded by the Sovereign. Arms of Community- are those of bishoprics, cities, universities, academies, societies and corporate bodies. Arms of patronage are such as governors of prov- inces, lords of manors, etc., add to their family arms avS a token of their superiority, right jurisdiction. BEE AL DRY. 97 Arms of Family, or paternal arms, are such as are hereditary and belong to one particular family, which none others have a right to assume, nor can they do so without rendering themselves guilty of a breach of the laws of honor, punishable by the Earl Marshal and the Kings-at-Arms. The assumption of arms has, hoAvever, become so common that little notice is taken of it at the prCvSent time. Arms of Alliance are those gained by marriage. Arms of Succession are such as are taken up by those who inherit certain estates by bequest, entail, or donation. THE SHIELD. The shield contains the field or ground \vhereon are represented the charges or figures that form a coat of arms. PATRIOTIC SOCIETIES 99 PATRIOTIC SOCIETIES IX THE UNITED STATES. Within the past few years there has been a remark- al^le movement in the United States, whieh h^is re- sulted in the formation of many patriotic heredit^iry societies of large membership, with chapters in every State in the Union. Those only are eligible to mem- bership who can prove their descent from an ancestor of Colonial or Revolutionar\' times, trom an officer or soldier or seaman of the various wars, from a pilgrim in the AIa3'flower, an earlv Huguenot emigrant, etc. These societies bring men and women of like traditions together, and organize them in an effective way for acrion. The action contemplated is patriotic — never religious or related to party politics. The general so- ciety from its headquarters issues charters to branch societies in the different States. Each State societv forms an organized group of persons well known to each other, by name at least, and often personally. Certain of these societies have been ver\' active in preserving old monuments, buildings, landmarks and historic documents, or in erecting tablets and monu- ments at historic places, or in marking the sites of battles or the graves of Revolutionary soldiers. Others have founded prizes to be given annualh' to school children for essay's on events in American history. Others, again, formalh' celebrate the nation's anni- versaries. All of them foster patriotism and historical research, and teach organization — the sinking of indi- vidual desire in a common loyalty-. There are proba- bly too many such organizations at present, and more are forming. The weaker societies Avill, however, die ; and those that remain will represent some real aspir- ation of their members. 100 PATRIOTIC SOCIETIES. As the entrance to such societies is through descent from some ancestor, geneaolog^y has been powerfully stimulated; and thousands of famih' records have been examined and summarized in print. Our Colonial and Revolutionary historv has been studied in its details, which is the only Avav to fully realize it. Tiie men o. to-day have been connected with Colonial and Revo- lutionary times. The children of the coming century will find their ancestral records all prepared for them, and thev will be face to face with liigh standards of duty and effort. THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS, instituted in 1892, is open to lineal male descendants of civil or military officers, or of soldiers, vcho served the colonies between May 13, 1607 (Jamestown) and April 19, 1775 (Lexington). THE SOCIETY OF AMERICAN WARS, Founded in 1897, includes the lineal male descendants of soldiers or civil officers from 1607 to 1783, and of officers of the War of 1812, of the War with Mexico, and of the Civil War. THE ORDER OF THE FOUNDERS AND PATRIOTS OF AMERICA , Founded in 1896, is open to any male citizen of the United States who is llneall}'- descended in the male line of either parent from an ancestor who settled in any of the colonies between 1607 and 1657, and whose intermediate ancestors adhered as patriots to the cause of the colonists throughout the War of the Revolution. PATRIOTIC SOCIETIES. 101 THE SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI, Instituted in 1783 is composed of descendants of offi- cers of the Revolutionaiy army, usually the eldest male direct descendant. THE AZTEC CLUB, Founded in 1847, is open to the descendants of offi- cers of the arm\' who served in Alexico, usually' the eld- est male direct descendant. THE MILITARY ORDER OF THE LOYAL LEGION OF THE UNITED STATES, Founded in 1865, is composed of officers who served in ■ the War of the Rebellion, and of their eldest direct male lineal descendants. THE SOCIETY OF THE WAR OF 1812, ORGANIZED IN 1814, Is composed of lineal male descendants of soldiers or sailors of the War of 1812. THE NAVAL ORDER OF THE UNITED STATES, Instituted in 1890, is open to officers of the nav\^ who have served in war, and to their male descendants, etc.; and also to enlisted men who have received a Aledal of Honor from the United States for bravery. THE SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, Institvited in 1875, must prove their descent from a Rev- olutionarj' ancestor. The Sons of the Revolution (1876) is organized on the same basis. It is expected that these two large societies will be consolidated. THE HOLLAND SOCIETY, Incorporated in 1775, is composed of the direct male descendants of Hollanders resident in America before 1675. 102 PATRIOTIC SOCIETIES. THE HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF AMERICA, Organized in 1883, admits descendants of Huguenots who came to America before 1787. THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES OF AMERICA, Organized in 1891, is composed of women descended from an ancestor who held an office of importance in the colonies previous to 1750. There are various other societies for Avomen, of which the most important are Daughters of the Am- erican Revolution, founded in 1890; and Daughters of the Revolution, founded in 1891 ; and there is also a society of Children of the American Revolution, founded in 1895. THE SOCIETY OF "MAYFLOWER" DESCENDANTS, Organized in 1S94-, includes male and female descend- ants of the passengers of the Mayflower (1620). MEDAL OF HONOR LEGION. The one decoration that is given by the government of the United States is the Medal of Honor, which was authorized b\' acts of Congress of 1862 and 1863 to be aw^arded to officers and enlisted men of the army for "gallantry in action and soldier-like qualities during the present insurrection." It has been bestowed only for conspicuous services. For example the Twenty-seventh Regiment of Maine Infantry was present on the field where the battle of Gettysburg was fought, and its term of service had expired. The entire regiment, to a man, volunteered to remain on the fiekl and fight the battle; and for this gallant conduct a m-^dal was awarded to each officer and man. A Naval Medal of Honor is also aw'arded b}- the government and it is highly prized. FORE-NAMES OP MEN 103 FORE-IST^MES OF MEN. AND THEIR SIGNIFICANCE. Aaron : Loft v ; inspired. Abdiel; The servant of God. Abel : Breath, var.itv. Abiathar: Father of plenty, Abiel. Father of strength. Abiezer: Father of help. Abijah: To whom Jehovah is a 'ather. Abner: Father of light. Abraham: Father of a multitude. Abram: Father of elevation. Absalom: Father of peace. Adam: Man; earth-man; red earth. Adie!: The ornament of God. Adin, or Adino: Tender; delicate; soft. Adolph or Adolphus: Noble wolf; i.e., noble hero. Adoniram: Lord of height. Alaric: All-rich; or, noble ruler. Albert: Nobly bright,' illustrious. Alexander: A defender of men. Alfred: Elf in council; good coun- sellor. Algernon : With whiskers. Allan: Corruption of ^Elienus. Almon: Hidden. Alonzo: Same as Alphonso. Alpheus: Exchange. Alphonso: All-readj ; willing. Alvah, or Alvan : Iniquity. Alvin or AKvin: Beloved by all. Amariah: Whom Jehovah prom- ised. Amasa: A burden. Ambrose: Immortal; divine. Ammi: My people. Amos: Strong; courageous. Andrew: Strong, manly. Andronicus: A conqueror of men Anselm, or Ansel: Protection of man. Anthony or Antony: Priceless; praiseworth}'. Apollos: Of Apollo. Archelaus: Ruler of the people. Archibald: Extremely bold; or, hoi}' prince. Ariel: Lion of God; valiant for God. Aristarchus: A good prince. Arnold: Strong as an eagle. Artemas: Gift of Artemis, or Mnierva. Arthur: High, noble. Asa: Healer; physician. Asahel : Made of God. Asaph: A collector. Asarelah: Upright to God. Ashbel: Fire of Bel. Asher: Happv, fortunate. Ashur: Black, blackness. Athanasius: Immortal, Athelstan: Noble stone. Aubrey: Ruler of spirits. Augustin, Augustine, or Austin: Belonging to Augustus. Augustus: Exalted, imperial. Aurelius: Golden. Azariah: Helped of the Lord. Baldwin: Bold, courageous friend. Baptist: A baptizer; purifier. Barachias: Whom Jehovah has blessed. Bardolph: A distinguished helper. Barnabas or Barnaby: Son of con- solation. 104 FORE-NAMES OF MEN. Bartholomew: A warlike son David: Beloved. Barziliai: Iron of the Lord; firm; Deinelrius: Beloncing lo Ceres. ^^"^- Denis,orDenr.is:SameDionvsius. Basil: Kingly; roval. Dexter: The right hand. Benedict: Blessed. ^ionysius: Belonging to Diony.sos, Benjamin: Son of the right hand. or Bacchus the god of x\ine". Benoni: Son of grief or trouble. Donald: Proud chief. Beriah: In calamity. Duncan: Brown chief. Bernard: Bold as a bear. Bertram: Bright raven. Eben:Astone. Bethuel: Man of God. Ebenezer: The stone of help Bezaleel: In the shadow of God. Edgar: A javelin (or protector) of Boniface: A benefactor. propertv Brian: Strong. Edmund:"Defender of property Bruno: Brown. Edward: Guardian of property. Cadwallader: Battle arranger. Edwin: Gainer of property. Caesar: Hairy; or blue eyed. Egbert: The sword's brightness; Cain: Gotten] or acquired. famous wiih the sword. Caleb: A dog. Elbert: Same as Albert. Calvin: Bald. Eldred: Terrible. Cecil: Dim-sighted. Elenzer: To whom God is a help. Cephas: ^ stone. ^'■' A foster son. Charles: Strong; manly; noble- Eliab: God is his father. i-pirited. " Eliakim: Whom God jets up. Christian: A believer in Christ, ^^[^^' '^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ Elijah. Christopher:-Bearing Christ. ' Elihu: God the Lord. Clarence: Illustrious. Elijah: Jehovah is my God. Claudius, or Claude: Lame. Eliphalet: God of salvation. Clement: Mild-tempered, merciful. ^''^^^^^ ^od my salvation. Conrad: Bold in council; resolute. ^''^^''^ God is my rock. Constant: Firm, faithful.' ^"''= ^ variation of Elisha. Constantine: Resolute, firm. Elmer: Noble, excellent. Cornelius: Horn. EInathan: God ga*e. Cri.-pin. Crispus.orCrlspian: Hav- Emmanuel: God wiih us. ing curlv hair. Emery, Emmery or Emory: Pow- Cuthbert: Noted splendor. ^"'' '^^^• Cyprian: Of Cyprus. Eneas: Praised, commended. Cyril: Lordly. Enoch: Consecrated, dedicated. Cyrus: The sun. ^"°^= ^^^=^"- Ephraini: Very fruitful. Daji: A judge. Erasmus: Lovely; worthy to be Daniel: A divine judge. loved. Darius: Perserver. Erastus: Lovelv, amiable. FORE-NAMES OF MEN. 105 Eric: Rich, brave, powerful. Hannibal: Grace of Baal. Eriiest, Ernestus: Earnest. Harold: A champion; genera! of Esau: Covered wilh hair. an arniv. Ethan: Firmness, strength. Henian: Faithful. Eugene: Wellborn ; nob'e. Henry: The head or chief of a Eusebius: Pious, godly. house. Eustace: Healthy, strong; standing Herbert: Glory of the army, firm. Hercules: Lordly fame. E an: Same as John. Herman: A v^arrior. Kver&rd: Strong as a wild boar. Ilezekiah: Strength of the Lord. Ezekiel: Strength of God. Hilary: Cheerful, merry. E::ra: Help. Hillel: Praise. Hiram: Most noble. Ftii.\": Happy; prosperous. Homer: A pledge, securitv. Ferdinand or Fernando: Brave, Horace, Horatio: Oak wood; or valiant. wortliy to be loved. Festus: Joyful, glad. Hosea: Salvation. Francis: Free. Howell: .Sound, whole. Frank, Franklin: Contraction of Hubert: Bright 'in spirit; soul- Francis, bright. Frecieric or Frederick : Abounding Hugh, or Hugo: Mind, spirit, soul, in peace, peaceful ruler. Humphrey: Protector of the home. Gabriel: Man of Cod. Ichabod: The glory is departed. Gad: A troop, or company. Ignatius: Ardent, fiery. Gaius: Rejoiced. Imnumucl: Same as Emmanuel. Gamaliel: Recompense of God. Increa.^-e: Increase of faith. Geoffrey: Same as Godfrey. Ingram: Raven. George: A landholder, husband- Liigo: Same r.s Ignatius (Spanish man. form) Gerald: Strong with the spear. Ira: VVati hful. Gcrshom: An exile. Isaac: Laughter. Gideon: A destroyer. Isaic.a: Sal vation of the Lord. Gilbert: "^'ellow-bi ight ; famous. I.-^rael: A soldier of God. Giles: A kid. Ishmael: Afflicted her. Give. I : Gift <'f God. Iiliiel: God is with me. Goddard: Pious, virtuous, Ivan: Same as John (Russian (jodfrey: At peace \\\\\\ God. form) Godwin: Good in war. Gregory: Watchful. Jabez: He will cause pain. Gnmili: Having great failh. Jacob: A supplanter. Guftavus: A warrior, hero. Jairus: He will enlighten. Guv A loader. James: Same as Jacob. iOo FORE-NAMES OF MEN. Japheth: Enlargement. Lemuel: Created by God. Jared: Descent. Leonard: Strong, or brave as a _^ason: A healer. lion. Jasper: Treasure master. I^eonidas: Lion-like. Javan: Clay, supple. Leopold: Bold lor the people, Jsdediah: Beloved of the Lord. Levi: Adhesion. Jeffrey: Same as Godfrey. Lewis: Bold warrior. Jeremiah, Jeremias, or Jerome: Linus: P laxen-haired. Exalted of the Lord. Lionel: Young lion. Jerome: Holy natne. Levvellyn: Lightning. Jesse: Wealth. Loammi: Not mv people. Jesus: Same as Joshua. Lodowic: Same as Ludovic or Joab: Jehovah is his father. Lewis. Job: Afllicted, persecuted. ■ Lorenzo: same as Laurence (Span- Joel: The Lord is God. ish and Italian form), John: The gracious gift of God. Lot: A veil, covering. Jonah, or Jonas: A dove. Louis: Same as Lewis. Jonathan: Gift of Jehovah. Lubin: Beloved friend. Joseph: lie shall add. Lucian: Belonging to or sprung oshua: The Lord is welfare. from Lucius. Josiah or Josias: Given of the Lucius: Born at break of day. Lord. Ludovic: Same as Lewis, fotham: The Lord is upright. Luke: Light-giving. Judah: Praised, Luther: Illustrious warrior. Julian: Sprung from, or belonging Lycurgus: Wolf-driver. to Julius. Julius: Soft-haired. Madoc: Good, beneficent. Justin, or Justus: Just. Malarhi: Messenger of the Lord. Manasseh: Forgetfulness. Kcnelm: A defender of his kindred. JNIarcellus: Diminutive of MarcusJ Kenneth: A leader, commander. Marcius: Same as Marcus. Marcus or Mark: A hammer, other- Laban: White. wise, a male, or sprung from Lambert: Illustrious \\ith landed Mars. possessions. M.irma luke: A mighty noble. Lancelot: A little angel; other- Martin: Of Mars; warlike. wise a little lance or warrior; or Matthew: Gift of Jehovah. a servant, Matthias: Gift of the Lord. Laurence or Lawrence: Crowned Maurice: Corruption of Am:;bur. with laurel. (himmelreith); the kingdom of Lazarus: God will help. heaven. Leander: Lion man, Maximillian: The greatest Aemili- Lebbeus: Praise. anus. PORE-NAMES OF MEN. 107 Mereiiith: Sea-protector. Peter: A rock. IMicali: \\ ho i^ like llie Lord? Philander: A lover of men. Michael: Who is like to God ? Philemon: Loving, fiiendly. Miles: A soldier. Philip: A lover of horses. Mor'^an: A seaman, a dweller on Phineas, or Phinehas: Mount of the sea. brass. Mo-e>-: Drawn out of the water. Pius: Pious, dutiful. Polycarp: Much fruit. Na.iman: Pleasantness. Ptolemv : Mighty in war, Naiium: Consolation. Napoleon: Lion of the forest-dell. Quintin: The fifth. Nathan: Given, a gift. p,^,p,^. g^^^ ^^ Rodolphus. Nathanael,or Nathaniel: Tne gift j^^^^^,^ House-wolf. of God. Raphael: The healing of God. Ray niond, or Ravmnnd : Wise pro tection. Reginald: Strong ruler. Reuben: Behold, a son. the iieople. „ i tt • j x r- i ' ' I<.euel: rnendof God. Noah: Rtst, comfort. „ i i e i> • i i ' __ Reynold: hanie as Reginald Noel: (i:)ies Natalis) Christmas; „.,,„.,, ,7 t i ^ ^ . ' Richard: f<.ich-hearted, powerful. Neal or Neil: Dark, swarthy; otherwise (Celtic) chief. Nehemiah: Comfort of the Lord. Nichol.as or Nicolas: Victory of Born on Christmas Day Norman: A Northman, native of Norniandv. Robert: bright in fame. Roderic or Roderick: Rich in fame. Obadiah: Servant of the Lord. Rodolph or Rodolphus: Famous Obed: Serving God. wolf or hero. Octavius or Octavus: The eighth- Roger: Famous with the spear. ^jQrj^_ Roland or Rowland: Fame of the Oliver: An olive tree. land. Orestes: A mountaineer. Rudolph or Rudoiphus: Variations Orlando: Same as Rowland. ^i Rodolphus. Oscar: Bounding warrior. Rufus: Red, red-haired. O.MUond or Osmund: Protection Rupert: Same as Robert. of God. cu J ^ 1 , ^ ij r. t r- } Salmon: Shadv. Oswald or Osvvold: Power of God. - ^ , ,. , , , , . Samson, or Sampson: Splendid Owen: Lamb, otherwise, young . , , ,. sun, great loy aiul felicit\'. warrior. o j ./ ^ . „ .1 I .1 T J Samuel: Heard of God- askeJ for Ozias: Strength of the Lord. of God. Patrick: Noble ; a patrician, Saul: Asked for. Paul, Paulinus, or Paulus: Little- Siba: Eminent. Peleg: Division. Sebastian: Venerable, reverend." Peregrine: A stranger. Septimus: The seventh born. 108 FORE-NAMES OF MEN. Sereno or Serenus: Calm, peace- Ulv&ses: A hater. ful. Urban: Of the tov. ti ; courteous; Stth: Appo-nteJ. polished. Shadrach: Rejoicing in ihe way. Uriah: Ligiit of i he Lord. S'giimund: Conquering, protec-. Urian: A liushanduian. tion. Uriel: Light of God. Silas: A contraction of Silvanu«. Silvanus: Living in a wood. Valentine: Strong, healthy, pow- Silvester: Bred in the country ertul. ^^jj^j^jj, Vicesimu^: The twentieth born. Simeon, Simon: Heating with ac- Victor: A conqueror. ceptance Vincent: Conquering. Solomon: Peaceable. Vivian: Lively. S'ephen: A crown. Swithin: Strong friend. Walter: Ruling the roast. Svlvanus: Same as Silvanus. William: Resolute helmet, or hel- Sylvester: Same as Silvester. met of resolution; defence; pro- tector. Tertius: the third born. Winfred: Win-peac&. Thaddeus: The wise, Theobald: Hold for the people. Zabdiel: Gift of God. Theodore: The gift of God. Zuccheus: Innocent, pure. 'Jheodoric: Powerful among the Zachariah, or Zachery: Remem- people. bered of the Lord. Theophilus: A lover of God. Zadok: Just. Theron: A hunter. Zebediah or Zebedee: Gift of the Thomas: A twin. Lord. Timothy: Fearing God. Zebina: Bought. Titus: Honorable. Zebulon: Dwelling. Tobiah or Tobias: Distinguished Zedekiah: Justice of the Lord. of the Lord. Zelotes: A zealot. Tristram: Grave, pensive, melan- Zei.as: Gift of Jupiter. choly, sorrowful, sad. Zephaniah: Hid of the Lc Tybalt: Same as Tl^eobald. FORE-NAMES OF WOMEN. 109 FORE-NAMES OF WOMEX. AND THEIR vSIGNIFICANCE. Abigail: My father's jov. Belinda: From Bella, Isabella, Eliz Achsa: vVnkiet. abelh. Ada: The same as Edith. Benedicta; Feminine of Benedic- Adela, Adelaide, or Adeline: Of tus. noble birtti, a princess. Bertiia: Bright; beautiful. Agatha: Good, kind. Betsey: A corruption of Elizabeth. Agnes: Chaste, pure. Blanch, or Blanche: White. Alberta: Feminine of Albert. Bona: Good. Alethea,: Truth. Bridget: Strength. Alexandra, or Alexandrina: Femi- nine of A lexander. Camilla: Attendant at a sacrifice -Alice, or Alicia: Same as Adeline. Caroline: Feminine of Carolus or Almira: Lofty; a princess, Charles. Althea: A healer. Cassandra: One who inllames with Amabel: Loveable. love. Amanda: Worthy to be loved. Catharina, Catharine, or Catherine Amelia: Busy, energetic. Pure. Amy: Beloved. Cecilia or Cecily: Feminine o. Angelica, Angelina: Lovely, an- Cecil. gelic. Celestine: Heavenly. Ann, Anna, or Anne: Grace. Celia: Feminine of Coelus. Annabella: P^eminine of Hannibal. Charlotte: Feminine of Charles. Annette: Variation of Anne. Chloe: A green l;erb;^blooming. Antoinette: Diminutive of Anto- Christiana, or Christina: Feminine nia. of Christianus. Antonia, or Antonina: Inestimable. Cicely: A variation of Cclia. Arabella: A fair altar; otherwise. Clara: Bright, illustrious. corruption of Orabllia, a praying Clarice, or Clarissa: A variation of woman. Clara. Ariana: A corruption of Aiiadne. Claudia: Feminine of Claudius. Augusta: Feminine of Augustus. Clementina, or Clementine ; M:ld, Aurelia: Feminine of Aurelius. gentie. Aurora: Morning redness; fresh; Constance: Firm, constant. brilliant. Cora: Maiden; a form of Corinna. Azubah; Deserted. Cornelia: Feminine of Cornelius. Cynthia: Belonging to Mount Barbara: Foreign ; strange. Cynthus. Beatrice,or Beatrix : Making happy. 110 FORE-NAMES OF WOMEN Deborah: A bee. Delia: of Delos. Diana: Goddess, Dianlha: Flower of Jove; a pink. Dinah: Judged Dora: A va iation of Dorothea. Dorcas: A gazelle. Dorinda: Same as Dorothea. Dorothea, or Dorothy: Gift of God, Drusilla: Dew watered. Sdith: Happiness; otherwise rich gift. Edna: Pleasure. Eleanor, or Elinor: Light; .same as Helen. Elisabeth, Elizabeth, or Eliza: Vv'or- shipe"" of God; consecrated to God. Ella: A contraction of Elt-anor. Ellen: A diniiiuilive of Eleanor. Elvira: White. Emeline, or Enimeline: Energetic, industrious. Eniilv, or Emma: Same as Emt- line. Ernes'ine: feminine and diminu- tive. E.sthcr: A star; good fortune. Etheliiid, or Ethelinda: Noble snake. Eudora: Good gift. Eugenia, or Eugenie: Feminine of Eugene. Eulalia: Fair speed. Eunice: Happy victory. Euphemia: Of good report. Eva: Same as Eve. Evangeline: Bringing glad news. Eve: Life. Evelinn, or Eveline: Diminutive of Eva. Fanny: Diminutive of Frances. Faustina: Fortunate; lucky. Felicia: Happiness. Fidelia: Faithful. Flora: Flowers; goddess of flowers and spring. Florence: Blooming; flourishing. Frances: Feminine of Franci-*. Frederica: Feminine of Frederick Georgiana, or Georgina: Feminin.- of George. Geraldine: Feminine of Gerald. Gertrude: Spear-maiden. Grace or Gratia: Grace, favor. Griselda: Stone; heroine. Hannah: Same as Anna. Harriet, or Harriot: Feminine of Henry. Helen, or Helena: Lisfht. Henrietta: Feminine diminutive of Henrv. Hephzibah: My delight is in her. I leiter, or Hestha: Same as Esther. Ililaria: Feminine of Hilary. Honora. or Honorfa: Honorable. Hortensia: A lady gardener. Huldah: A weasel. Ida: Happy. Inez: Same as Agnes. Irene: Peaceful. Isabel, or Isabella: Same as Eliza- beth. Jane, or Janet: Feminine of John. Jaqueline, Feminine of James. Jean, Jeanne, or Jeannette: Same as Jane or Joan. Jemima: A dove. Jerusha: Possessed, married. Joan, Joanna, Johanna: Feminine of John. FORn-NAMES OF WOMEN. Ill Josepha, or Josephine: Feminine of Joseph. Joyce: Sportive Juditli: Praised. Julia: Feminine of Julius. Juliana: Feminine of Julian. Juliet: Diminutive of Julia. Justina: Feminine of Justin. Katharine, or Katherine: Same as Catharine, Keturah: Incense. Keziah: Cassia. Laura: A. laurel. Laurinda: A variation of Laura. Lavinia: Of Latium. Leonora: Same as Eleanor. Letitia: Happiness. I^eitice: A variation of Le*itia. Lillian, or Lily: A lily. Lois: Good; desirable. Lorintla: A variation of Laurinda. Louisa, or Loui?e: Feminine of Louis. Lucia: Same as Lucv. Liicinda: Same as Lucy. Lucrece, or Lucretia: Gain; other- \\ ise, light. Lucv: Feminine of Lucius. L\ dia: A nativ.; of Lydia. M.ibeL A contraction of Amabel. Madeline: French form of Magde- lene. ALagdalene: A native of NLngdala, Marcella: Feminine of ^Larcellus. Marcia: Feminine of Marcius. Margaret: A pearl. Maria: Same as Mary. Marianne: A compound of Mary and .Anne. Marion: A French form of Mary. Martha: The ruler of the house; other wise, so rrowful,m elan clioly. Mary: Bitter; otherwise, their re- bellion ; or, star of the east. Mathilda, or Matilda: Mighty bat- tle-maid ; heroine. Maud: A contraction of Matilda; or Madalene, May: Month of May; or Mary. Mehetabel, Mehitabel: Benefited of God. Melicent: Sweet singer ; othervvise working strength. Melissa: A bee, Mildred: Mild threatener. Miranda: Admirable. Miriam: Same as Mary. Myra: She who weeps or lamenfs. Nancy: A familiar form of Anne. Nora: A contraction of Helenora; Honora; and of Leonora. Octavia: Feminine of Octavius. Olive, or Olivia: An olive. Ophelia: A serpent. Olympia: Heavenly. Paula, Paulina, or Pauline: I^mi- nine of Paulus or Paul. Penelope: A weaver. Persis: A Persian woman. Phebe, or Phoebe: Pure, radiant_ Philippa: Feminine of Pliijip. Phillis, Phyllis: A green bough. Polly: A diminutive of Mary. Priscilla: Advanced in years. Prudence: In Litin Prudenlia. Rachel: An ewe. Rebecca, or Rebekah: of enchant- ing beautv. Rhoda: A rose. Rosa: A rose. 112 FORE-iNAMES OF WOMEN. R.osabel, or Rosabella: A fair rose. Rosalia, or Rosalie: Little and blooming rose. Rosalind: Beautiful as a rose. Rosamond: Horse protection; or famous protection. Roxana: Dawn of day, Ruth: Beautj. Sabina: A Sabine woman. Sabrina: The river Severn. Salome: Peaceful. Salva: Safe. Sara, or Sarah, A prin ess. Selina: Parsley; otherwise moon Serina: Feminine of Serenus, or Sereno. S?byl, or Sibylla: A prophetess. Sophia: Wisdom. Sophronia Of a sound mind. Stella: A star. Stephana: Feminine of Stephen. Susan, Susanna, or Susannah: A Tabitha: A gazelle. Theodora: Feminine of Theodore. Theodosia: The gift of God. Theresa: Carrying ears of corn. Thomasa, or Thomasine: Femi- nine ofThomas. Tryphena: Delicate; luxurious. Tryphosa: Luxurious, dainty. Ulica: Rich. Urania: Heavenly. Ursula: She-bear: Valeria: Feminine of Valerius. \ictoria: Victory, or feminine of Victor. Viola: A violet. Virginia: Virgin; pure. Vivian: Lively ; cheerful. Wilhelmina: Feminine of Wilhelm^ German form of William. Winifred: A lover of peace. Zenobia: Having life from Jupiter. [S15TSl5l515H51S151515l5)l5T5ig 515^5l515151St515l5lSI5]!51515i ^[ * VJtJ-V^t - ' '^ >V/'M ' H^S I- o -I- ( VVv'v'x/^v't/'v/W^/v'v't/v ■^ --*-'-*■'-»-' ■« Tditiilv Records '^r^^n^^'^^'^.n^ri^'i^r^^m - - o - - o - - o - - o - r o r - o ,/'\TX'\,/'s,/'\?/|\,7fv,'i°/K,/'\,/'\,x^\°/' Tamlly Records 2S=C S15\5\5T5I5I5131SlSl5^Sl51515t515l5l5151gl51SVSl515TS15T515i5T515151515iL5l515l5l51Sl5l515l5151SlS15 ^^mmmmBmm^mm^^^^mi^mi A. PATERNAL HEAD [ aj^d material ] qF THE HOUSEHOLD. M]! full name is: Place of my birth: Date of mv birth: SIrhool atlendcd : Residence: Occupation: Positions held, traits of character, etc.: 4K^ Inforraatiou of my forefathers {fiven on pases B, D, F. Place of my marriape : Da te of mv marriage . Full maiden name of my wif- Place of her birth . Date of her birth . School attended. « Her attainments , traits of character, etc. : as-i\ iformation of her forefathers given on pajres C, E, G. Christian Isf Child: Names of Our Children: Full Names to Whom Married: .Married to: Born: V)'fi\: Date of marrint'e: 2nd Child: Marrhd to: Born: D'tpri: Date of rtiarriajre: 3rd Child: Married to: Born : Died: Date of marriage: ith Child .Married, to: Born • Date of mnrriatre: 5th Child: Born: 6th Child: Born : Died: Marri'^d In. Date of marriaL'p: .Married to: Died: Date of marriape: >et^Wiieu married further information given on pages H, I, J. B. MY PARENTS. My father's full name is: Place of his birth. ■ Date of his lirlh ■ Residence: Occupation : Positions held, traits of character, etc. : ' Place of his death: Date of his death: Place of their marriaqe : formatiou of his forefathers g-iven on page D. Date of their marriage: Full maiden name of his wife : Place of her birth : Date of tier birth . Her attainments, traits of character, etc. Place of her death : Pate of her death : -8®" Information of her forefathers g-iven on page F. Christian Names of Their Children : Full Names to Whom Married : 1st Child: Married to: Born: Died: Date of marriaee: 2nd Child: ' Married to: Born: Died: Date of niarrintrp: 3rd Child: .Married to: Born: Uh Child: Born : 5th r^hild: Born: 6th Child: Born: Died: Died: Date of marriacr: Married to: Date of niarriatrc: Married to: Date of marriage: Married to: Died: Died: Date of marriage: c. MY WIFE'S PARENTS. My wife's fathefs full name is: Place of his birffi : Date of his birth: Residence: Occupation: Positions held, tTaifs of character, efc : Date of his death: jft^ Information of his toreiathers g-iven on page E. Place of fhefr marriape : Date of their marriage : Full maiden name of his wife: Place of her birth : Date of her birth: Her attainments, traits of character, etc.-' Place of her death: Date of her death : J(faS" Informaiioii ot her forefathers g-iven on paffe G. Christian Names of Their Children : 1st Child: Full Names to Whom Marriud: Married to: Born: Died: Date of marriag-e: - 2nd Child: Married to: Born: Died: Date of marriage: 3rd Child: Married to: Born: Died: Date of marriag-e: ith Child: .Married to: Born: Died: Date of marriage: 5th Child: Married to: Born: Died: Date of marriage: 6th Child: Married to: Born: Died: Date of marriage: D. MY FATHER'S PARENTS. Mji FaiJier's father's full name is: Place of his birth : Date of his birth: Residence : Occupation : ffis father s full name uas : His mother's full maiden name was: Place of his death : Date of his death: Place of their marriaqe : Date of their marriage : Full maiden name of his wife: - Place of her birth : Date of her birth : Her father's full name was: Her mother's fitU maiden name was: Place of her de/'th : Date of her death: Christian Names of Their Children: 1st Child: Full Names to Whom Married: Married to: Born: DVd: Date of marriac-e: 2ndCtiild: Married to: Born: Dipd: Date of marriaffp: 3rd Ctiild: Married to: Born: 4th Cliild: Hied : Date of marriace: Married to: Born : Died: Date of mnrriaee: 5th Child: Mnrri'd to: Died: Date of ninrriacro: 6th Child: Married to: Born : Died: Date of marriape: RECORD OF MY - Mil th Child's full name is: I. -TH CHILD'S MARRIAGE. Place of birth . Date of birfh: School attended: Residence : Occupation : Traits of character, etc : Place of marriage : Date of marriage: Full name to whom married: Place of birth : Date of birth: School attended: Residence: Occupation: Traits of character, etc. : * Father's full name: Mother's full maiden name. Christian Names of Their Children ; 1st Child: Fu!i Names to Whom Married: Married tn : Born: Died: Date of marrince: 2nd Child: Born: SrdCMld: Born: Married to : Date of marriape: Married to: Date of marriatre: Died: Died: ith Child: Married to: Born : Died: Date of marriasre: 5th Child: Married to: Born : Died: Date of niarriaere: 6th Child: Married to: Born: Died: Date of marriage: RECORD OF MY - My ih Chil(Vs full name is: J. Til CIIILJJ'S MARRIAGE, Place of birili : Date of hirih: School ail ended: Residence: Occupation : Traits of character, etc : Date of marriage: Full name to ichom married ■ Place of birth : Date of birth: School attended: Residence: Occupation: Traits of character, etc. : Father's full name: Mother's full maiden name: Christian Names of Their Children : 1st Child: Full Names to Whom Married : Married to: Born: i")ipd: Date of marriaee: 2nd Child: Married to: Born: Pied: Date of marriagre: 3rd Child: Married to: Born : Died: Date of niarriatre: iih Child: Married to: Born: Died: Date of marriag-e: 5thC/iild: Born: Married to: Date of marriaire: Died: Oih Child: Married to: Date of marriagre: Born: Died: RECORD OF MY - Mjj th Child's full name is: K. -TH CHILD'S MARRIAGEo Flace of birth: Daieofhirih: School fi t fended: Residence: Occupation : Traits of character. etc. Place of marriage: Date of marriage: Full name to whom married : Place of birth : Date of birth: School attended: Residence: Occupation: Traits of character, etc. : Father's full name: Mother's full maiden name: Christian Names of Their Children: Isf Child: Full Names to Whom Married: Married to : Born: Dipd: Date of marrinire: 2nd Child: Married to : Born: Died: Date of marring-p: 3rd Child: .Varried to: Born : Died: Date of marriape: 4fh Child: Married to: Born: Died: Date of ninrrintre: .5fh Child: Married to: Rorn: Du'd: Date of marriage: 6th Child: .Varried to: Born: Dierl: Date ot marnafre: ISTAMES A^NT> ADDRESSES OF RELATIVES OK OTHER FACTS "WHICH SHOULD ' BE RECORDED. 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