C^ *. A*^ . ^ ' • * ^ 0^ c » " • ♦ "^ A*- . ^ ' • • He AnQiARTERs Df.partmkn't of Utah, G. A. R. ^ Assistant Adjitant Gfnkr ai.'s Ofkicic, [- iJAi/r Laki: C'T>, I'tah, April ^6, 1895. ) (ii.SfiR.\L QW>SRS ( No. 6. S I. The near approach of Memorial Day, f^acred to the memory of those who gave their lives that the Nation might live, suggests earlv preparations for the proper observance of it. Let each Com- rade zealously strive to make this day more honored and marked than any preceding ones, and to this end Post Commanders are re- quested to form their committees of the more active, energetic Com- rades, thus bv programmes, interesting and concise, we shall prevent the straving of the indifferent Comrades and bring to active partici- pation all who have ever been identified with us. II. — As Memorial Day has been made by National and .State authoritv a general holiday, we should discountenance any attempt to take from it the sacredness with which it has been surrounded by its honored founder. General John A. Logan, and should endeavor to prevent public demonstrations of hilarity and pleasure, that the rising generation not only shall respect the memory of our Nation's heroes, but will emulate their patriotic devotion. in. -Committees should be appointed to call upon the school authorities of their various localities asking that patriotic exercises lie held either on Memorial Day or on the Friday preceding it. IV. — Arrangements should be made for the observance of the Sunday prior to Memorial Day, and the attendance of the Comrades on Divine services is most earnestly recommended. Our ranks are becoming thinner as the years roll by; let us then close up our lines, march shoulder to shoulder, and make these sacred occasions more respected and honored as" the number of those who take part de- creases year hy year. V. — Post Chaphiins are requested to promptly forward to these Headquarters their reports of Memorial exercises. VI. — The attention of Post Commanders is called again to Cir- cular Letter No. 2 from National Headquarters, and it is suggested that steps shall be taken, either individually or by committees, to as- certain the characters of the histories used by the public schools of this Territory. Certain histories ha\e been published in which the li\es and deeds of those who sought to destroy this Nation are eulogized, while the services of those who strove to save it are niiminized and lightly passed by. Reports of this in^•estigation will be made to this office. VII. — Attention is also called to General Orders No. 5, regard- ing the number of insane soldiers and sailors confined in the County Almshouses or in the Territorial Asylums. The names of such are requested to be forwarded to the Assist- ant Adjutant Genei-al, that he may report to Nationat Headquarters. VIII. — The Post Adjutants will report to Department Headquar- ters the amount of donations sent to the Nebraska sufferers, that our Department may receive proper credit therefor. IX. — Our respected Commander-in-Chief, General Thomas (J. Lawler, having signified his desire to be with us at our next En- campment, and the Council of Administration having been twice called together to arrange the time, it is now expected that it will be held the second week in June. Notice, however, \\ ill be given by general orders as soon as the date is definitelv fixed. IXFORM.\TI()X WANTED. Information is wanted of .Shepherd Wieson, who was a Michigan ^okiier, and when last heard from was in Utah, by Wallace Miller, of 17th Michigan Volunteer Infantry, Coldwater, Michigan. By Command of THOMAS C. ILIFF, Department Commander. OFF I CIA I.: C. O. FARN\S\VORTlI, Assistant Adjutant Cienerai. Willi!, m COMRADE HANSFORD SMITH. Cliartcr ISTcmhcr of yo/in A. Dix Post^ Ogiku. .^econd |i)epartment (f ommandei^ of cjtah. (Uniu'dde SinitJi /ra.s born at O.rford. Olrio. Jauiiarjj /?, 1834, and died at Ogdcii. Utah, Janiiarij '>. 1895^ irhere he tras buried Javxary 9, 1895. Enlisted as pri- vate in Comj)any B, Snth O. V. I., Auyxst. 1801. He partieipated in the battles of Stone River. Pittstmrej Landing. Corinth. Milt Spring. Franklin and Perry- rille. Was promoted to Captain for his bravery and ability. Resigned in Mareh, 1803. Comrade Smith was a true pati-iot. a brave soldier, a worthy eitizen. a manly man. always and everywhere- Over his grave, on Memorial Day, Comrades will strew flowers that fade and die, but in our hearts his noble life and patriotie deeds ivill live and l>e eherished forever. T. C. ILIFF. Official: Department Commafider. C. O. FARNSWORTH. Asst. Adjutant General. uj -L-d " e5°.^ -^ .^ /- .^^°^ vC