PRESKXTICI) liY %. JfAJU<^ The Old Dutch Church at Totowa, COPTKIGHT 1892 B-s WILLIAM NELSON mil' 11 HISTORY of the OLD DUTCH CHURCH AT TOTOWA Paterson New Jersey 1755-1827 By WILLIAM NELSON Baptismal Register 1756-1808 , ».,. ^-^fe-iJ^'" PATERSON, N. J. : PRBSS PKINTING AND PDBLI8HIN0 COMPANY, 269 J^N STREET. 1892. 4'o. 100 copies printed on heavy paper lOU copies printed on thin paper All for private circulation P. Ar'ttnor. (Person). CONTENTS. Forewords 7 The History I. Introductory 9 II. First Preaching at Totowa 11 III. Organization of the Totowa Church 11 IV. Totowa's First Call to a Pastor 14 V. Dominie David Marinus 16 VI. The First Cousistorj' 22 VII. The Deed for the Old Church Site 24 VIII. The Trustees in 1762 26 IX. The Church on the Hill-Side 27 X Its External Appearance 28 XL Internal Appearance 31 XII. Church-Going in the Olden Time 34 Xin. The Successors of Dom. Marinus 35 XIV. A Tragic Incident 39 XV. Reconstruction of the Old Church 41 XVI. Pew-Holders in 1816 43 XVII. Statistics 46 XVIII. "God's Acre " 4G XIX. Burning of the Old Church 48 XX. Supplementary Notes 50 De Nieuwe Beroepsbrief van Do. David Marinus 59 Baptismal Register 61-131 Appendix L " A Lest of Salliry for Dominy Schoonmaker " 133 IL "Pew Holders of the first Reformed Church of totowa" 134 III. Subscription toward Rebuilding the Church 136 IV. Another Subscription toward Rebuilding the Church 137 V. Disagreement about Re^' nlding 140 VI. Pamphlets by Dominie Marinus 141 Index 143 FOREWORDS From the lips of the "oldest inhabitant" the writer was wont many years ago to hear much about the Old Dutch Church at Totowa, till in fan- cy he could picture to himself the quaint square stone building with pyr- amidal shingle roof, and odd belfry ; the box-pews, with doors carefully closed ; the queer pulpit perched up at one end, overshadowed by the huge sounding-board ; the sturdy Dutch folk who with reverential air lis- tened to the Word as expounded by Dominie Marinus, Dominie Meyer, Dominie Schoonmaker or Dominie Eltinge, and at intermission strolled about the solemn '"God's Acre" where reposed their dead who waited the resurrection into Life. The "oldest inhabitant" is forever passing away. Cornelius Van Winkle, Cornelius H. Post, Ralph Doremus, Mrs. Catharine Doremus, Abraham H. Godwin, Avery Richards, John R. Van Houten, David Bensen, Richard Van Houten and others from whom the writer in former days gleaned their recollections of the Old Church and its founders, have all gone. Soon there will be none left who have worshipped within those walls. To preserve the accounts obtained directly from those personally famil- iar with the Old Church has been the aim of the writer, that there should be a permanent memorial of an edifice wherein so much for good was wrought during three quarters of a century. Oral tradition has been sup- plemented by original documents, hitherto unpublished. There has been added the Record of Baptisms, in the original Dutch, the only early record of the church known to exist. The frontispiece is drawn from the description on pages 28-31 and the sketch by Uzal W. Freeman, mentioned on page 33, and which was printed in 1811 (not 1825, as stated in the text). Much of this History was published by the author in a local newspaper about 1871. It has been re-written and revised, and a large amount of new material since discovered has been incorporated. In its present shape it is hoped that the work may be of some value as a contribution to local history, and serve to perpetuate the memory of that ancient landmark — the Old Dutch Church at Totowa. Christmas-Tide, 1892. The Old Dut'ch Church at Totowa. I. Intkoductory. For more than three-quarters of a century the church-going people of the country now inckided within the limits of the city of Paterson attended divine worship at what is known in our local history as "The Old Dutch Church at Totowa." More than sixty years have passed since the quaint and venerable structure was swept out of existence. In a few more years none will be left who can say they have stood within its walls. Al- ready it is difficult to glean any facts concerning its history from living witnesses. Most of the particulars hereinafter given were obtained years ago from persons who have long since gone to join the "innumerable company" who once worshiped at this old church. To put in permanent and available form some account of the history of this ancient edifice the following pages have been written, as a contribution to the local history of the neighborhood. While most of our older citizens have heard of the old Totowa church, vague accounts of which are handed down by tradition, accurate, definite information concerning it is not readily obtained. The only church records bearing on its his- tory known to exist are, ist: the Acquackanonk Church Rec- ords — one ponderous folio containing entries from 1724 to 1773, and two smaller manuscript volumes, down to and after 1S16; 3d, the Totowa Church Records — one volume containing the Treasurer's accounts from 1795 to 181 6, and minutes of Con- sistory thereafter until 1S33 ' '^i^other volume containing min- lO THE OLD DUTCH CHURCH AT TOTOWA. utes of the Great Consistory and meetings of the congregation, in iSi6, and 1837 to 1857 ' '^"^^ ^ third volume containing a bap- tismal register, 1756-1809, to which is prefixed a copy of the call to the first pastor of the church. The Acquackanonk Rec- ords contain a few direct references to the Totowa church, as hereinafter noted; again in 1810, in reference to a dispute be- tween a member of the church and the pastor, and in 1S16 when the connection between the two churches was finally dissolved. The Totowa Records are not connected at all, and give no in- sight into the workings of the church until 1825 and thereafter. Hence, we must look elsewhere for much of the information as to the history of the church for the first three-quarters of a cen- tury of its existence. The more important authorities will be mentioned as quoted. The Acquackanonk Church chose its first officers in 1694, and was located about where the First Reformed church of Pas- saic now stands — partly, doubtless, because there was soaiething of a settlement there, and because it was most convenient to the greater part of the congregation. During the next thirty years the population north of Acquackanonk increased to such an ex- tent that a church was organized at the Ponds (1724),* and To- towa, Paterson, Preakness and Pompton Plains were represent- ed in the Acquackanonk Consistory by the Van Gysens, Peters- es, Vreelands, Van Winkels, Vander Beeks, etc. In May, 1710, Peter Helmerichse van Houtewas elected Deacon, and he was doubtless the first chosen from Totowa. In 1716, Joris (George) Reyersen was elected a Deacon — probably from Pac- quanac ; in 171S — Simon van Nes, from Singack, or perhaps from Pompton Plains; in 17^9 — David Hennion, from Upper Preakness; in 1720 — Roelof Helmerichse van Houte, doubt- less from Totowa ; in 1730 — Cornells Doremes, who settled at Preakness in 1723 ; in 1732 — Paulus van der Beek, of Pomp- ton Plains ; in 1734 — Dirk van Houte, of Totowa; in 1737 — Roelof Van Houten, Elder; in 173S — Thomas Doremes, Dea- con; in 1739 — J(acob) V. Plouten, Elder; in 1742 — Helmech R(oelofse) V. Houten, Deacon; in 1743 — Cornells Hel(mer- ichse) V. Houten, Elder; Hel. Piet. V, Houten, Deacon; in ». »Now Oakland, Bergeu County. ORGANIZATION OF THE CHURCH. II 1744 — Robbt. V. Houten, Deacon ; in 1745 — Job's Reyerszen and Jobn Vincent, Deacons; in 1751 — Rinier van Houte, Church Master; in 1753 — Dirrick van Houte, Elder, Gerre- brand van Houte, Deacon; in 1755 — Johannis Vanhoute, Dea- con. These are the names only of the church officers chosen from north of the Passaic river; the van VVinkels, Vreelands, Posts and Gerritscs chosen from the Boght, Wesel, Slooterdam and vicinity were even more numerous. This indicates the growing importance of the church membership north of Ac- quackanonk, and the increasing need of regular preaching at some place between Acquackanonk and the Ponds. II. First Preaching at Totowa. It was tlie custom of the old Dutch ministers to preach oc- casionally through the week at hamlets remote from the church- es, and it is not unlikely that Dominie Jonannes Van Driessen, pastor at Acquackanonk and Pompton, 1735-4S, may have held forth sometimes at or near Totowa, though he says nothing of it in his voluminous ^^ersonal memoranda in the Acquackanonk Records. III. Organization of the Totowa Church. The organization of the Totowa church is undoubtedly due, under God, to the zealous efforts of a pious young man, David Marinus, who, while yet a Theological student (" S. S. Theol. Studiosus") was called (Nov. 12, 1750) to take charge of the churches at Acquackanonk and Pompton. He seems to have been a man of some means, and instead of occupying the parsonage at Acquackanonk during his whole ministry, he bought (July 20, 1754) of Henry Brockholst a tract of one hun- dred acres lying on Totowa, between the Falls and Hamburgh avenue, or more definitely between the present streets known as Marion street and Red Woods avenue, and extending from the river about 5,700 or 5,800 feet north to between Chamberlin and Chatham avenues, including the present city poor farm. The price was £200 "current lawful money of New York," about $500 of our money to-day.* Tradition says he built a •Bergeu County Deeds, Liber E, p. 189; Book A of Bergeu County Transcribea Deeds in Passaic County Clerk's office, p. 874. 13 THE OLD DUTCH CHURCH AT TOTOWA. house and lived on this tract, on the north side of Totowa ave- nue, near the present Jasper street, about where stands an old stone house formerly occupied by the late Robert Field. Dec. 3, 1760, he sold this place to Gerrit Van Houte, of Slooterdam, for £400 " current money New York" (about $1,000).* The transaction was really an exchange, it is said, the Dominie re- moving to and occupying Van Houte^s farm at Slooterdam (where the Van Bussums now are), and Van Houte removing to Totowa and occupying the Dominie's house. This dwelling was replaced by a subsequent purchaser, Albert Van Saun, by the stone house now standing, near Jasper street, as above men- tioned. , To Dominie Marinus's residence on Totowa is doubtless due, the oraranization of the new church, which was effected in about a year after his settlement there. The location of it was also his work, in all probability, as it was almost within a stone's throw of his dwelling. In the first volume of the Acquackanonk Church Records are several minutes, setting forth the steps taken to organize the new church. Following is a translation: The 12 November 1755 at 3 o'clock ia the afternoon the Venerable Gonsiet- oiy of Achqnechenouk met. The meeting was opened with prayer by the President and a letter was delivered which was opened and read contain- ing a request from a part of our Congregation at Totna, wherein they pe- tition the Venerable Consistory to know (1) how much service they shall be allowed in the new chiu-ch [Kerk]] at Totua (2) whether the Churches [Kerken] namely that at Achquechenonk & that at Totua shall be gov- erned by one or by two Consistories (3) and whether every portion of the Congi-egation shall contribute money for the services or the Salary shall be paid by each [church] equally. Whereupon Do. Marinus remarked in the first i^lace that he intended to stand by his Call until the matter should bo settled between the Congrega- tion and a conclusion was reached by the majority of the Consistory 'Bei-gen County Deeds, Liber E, p. 193 ; Book A of Bergen County Transcribed Deeds iu Passaic County Clerk's office, p. 277. tin Dutch, Gemeente or KerU Is used Indiflferently to denote a cliurcli or congrega- tion, while the church edifice is always denoted by Kerlc or //wis— or Buys In the older writings. The writer has in the translation just given been careful to denote wherever the word Ker}c Is used, as it might have a bearing on the date of the erection of the church at Totowa. ORGANIZATION OF THE CHURCH. 13 1 That to tlie Northern part of oiir Congi-egation at Totua (in case the con- gregation shall approve) the fom-th part of the services shall be allowed 2 That the two churches {Kerke7i] namely that at Achquechenonli and that at Totua shall be governed by one CousLstory 3 That the Salary shall be equally paid with these conditions in case the majority of the Congregation shall approve and on this account it has been provisionally resolved that the Congregation of Achquechenonk shall be called together by themselves the next Thursday eight days at the old ^hurch [by de Oude Kej'k] at ten o'clock in the morning and then the meet- ing was closed with a Danksegge. David Marinxjs, Praes : The 20 November 1755 the above articles were ■u'ell approved by the major- ity of the congregation and upon the question when the Church {Kerk] at Totua shall be organized, it was resolved that the Consistory shall first inquire how much Salary the Congregation is willing to raise by voluntary subscrip- tions, in order to see whether the Congregation can make up such a sum of Money as Do Marinus judges to be reasonable, proper and necessary to have, in case the very successful Do Marimis is willing to perform the said ser- vice in the new Church \_Kerk'\. The Great Consistorj' and Congregation of Achquechenonk assembled to- gether the 24 February, 1756 in the Chiu-ch [KerF] at Achquechenonk. The meeting was opened with prayer to God, by the President. First there was read a letter from the Northern pari; of our CongTegation at totua containing a desire that they might have a separate government in their Church [Kerk'] and paj' their own Salary. Next there was read by the President a reply from our Consistory at Achquechenonk, wherein they gi-ant the petition of Totua on condition that our Congregation shall approve Which having been read to the Congregation they after deliberation unan- imously approved 1 That those who hencef oi-th incline to belong to the Church [Kerk'] at Totua shall hereafter be considered as becoming a chiu'ch on their own account and have a Separate Government & as a congregation combined with Achqiieche- nonk shall have a fourth part of the service and shall pay a fourth part of the Salary 2 Permission is given to Do David Marinus to constitute a consistoiy and to perform a fourth part of his preaching service at that place immediately 3 The Congregation of Achquechenonk is empowered fill up their Consisto- 14 THE OLD DUTCH CHURCH AT TOTOWA. ry,* depleted by those taken out and it is the order of the Congregation that a New call be made on Do David Marinus in combination with the Venerable C!ousistories of Totua & Pomptan 4 The sense of the Congregation was proposed by the Undersigned and the above approved by the Congregation. IV. Totowa's First Call to a Pastor. The following quaint and interesting document, translated from the Dutch, as originally entered by Dominie Marinus, in the Acquackanonk Church Records, is Totowa's first call to,a pastor : The New Call [Beroefsbrief, letter of call] of Do David Marinus as Preacher at Achquechnonk Totua & Pomptan. In the name of Qod ! Inasmuch as the Dutch Reformed church in the till now united Places Achquecheuonck & Pomptan in East Nev/ Jersey in North America have had' the Eev. Do David Marinus as their Pastor {Herder, Shepherd] & Teacher, and your Reverence having already fulfilled the office vei-y zealously and pi- ously four years among us with Praisevirorthy Edilication, it has pleased the Richness of God's goodness to cause your Reverence's service of the churches so to grow and lioimsh that out of the two aforesaid chiu'ches, with the gen- eral consent of both, a thii'd church has arisen at Totua, which has laid us under the necessity of making changes, and to that End we elders & Dea- cons of the now three combined Churches of Achquechnonk Totua & Pomptan on Friday the 23- April in the Year of our Lord 1756 in the church at Achquechnonk assembled and having consulted with his Reverence Do. R. Ei-ickson [pastor at Hackensack] as our consulent [Moderator] and after the invocation of God's Holy name we have finally come to these conclusions : 1. That your Reverence shall perform the half of the Preaching service at Achquechnonk the fourth at Totua and the fourth at Pomptan. 2. The Holy days mentioned in your Rev. 's First Call [from Acquackanonk and Pompton, viz. : "Christmas and the day after. New Year's, the day after Paas- day, Ascension-day, and the day after Piuxter-day"] shall be observed at those ■"June 22, 1755, Jacobus Poat was elected Elder, and Johannis Vanlioute, Deacon of the Acquackanouk church, for the term of two years. As will be seen hereafter, their names appear, as Elders, signed to the call to Dom. Marinus. April 23, 1756 ; May 27 following, Gorrit Van wageninge and Jan Van Blerkoni were elected Elders of the Ac- quackanonk Church, to serve as Elder and Deacon respectively, for the unexpired terms of Post and Vauhoute, withdrawn to form the new church. TOTOWA's first call to a PASTOlt. 15 places where they come nearest the Suuday, except Ascensiou-day, which shall serve as a turu iu that Church in which yoiu- Rev : shall celebrate it. 3. Your Rev : shall preach once on the day of the Lord the whole year through. [No vacations allowed!] Six months at the Longest of the days [i. e., in sum- mer] you shall preach once, and after the morning service you shaU catechise in the church : and the other six months of the year you shall cate- chise when and where you and the Venerable Consistory shall agree, and also at Slotterdam. 4. Twice a year your Rev. shall make house to house visits {huysbesoekinge doen) in the congregation at Achquechnonk, once a year in the Congrega- tion at Totua and once in the Congregation at Pomptan, so long as your bodily health will permit, and four times a year you shall administer the Lord's Supper iu each Chui'ch. 5. "Whenever by reason of sickness or absence from home your Rev. shall fail to perform the service at any particular place, it must be performed the next following Sabbath at that place where they were promised, and doing this in the manner we have agreed upon among ws, as above mentioned 1. A yearly salary of Hundred and Sixteen* Pounds New Jersey money reck- oned at half Proclamation money or otherwise New York current money shall be paid you by thcTSlders and Deacons who now are and from time to time after us shall be in the service, the just half shall be paid you every half year, that is the Yen. Consistory of Achquechnonk shall to your Rev. pay yearly Fifty-eight Pounds, the Yen. Consistory of Totua twenty-nine Pounds, & the V. Consistory of Pomptan twenty-nine Pounds. 2. And besides this a suitable dwelling which was newly built at the time of Do Henricus Koens at Achquechnonli,t and stands close by the Church; a Bam for Horses and cattle, a Well, a garden and Six acres of groimd — all these we will repair and keep in repair, which with all the benefits and profits of the same shall be yours as long as you shall continue our Teacher. 3. But should it happen that one or other of the aforementioned United Congregations should refuse or neglect to fulfill their equal part according to their proportion of the service enjoyed by them, whether in respect to the aforementioued Salary or in respect to the aforesaid Repairs, then the other Church or Churches shall have the perfect right (volkome reght hebben) to take the service to themselves of the delinquent congregation provided that they shall then be obligated to fulfill the above mentioned conditions. And for the performance of all this we pledge ourselves as present Elders and Deacons as shall also do all who after us shall from time to time be •la the copy in the Acquackauonk Church Records it was written "Hondert en Twent" but the "Twent" was erased aud Sestien written after. tPastor 1T26-3.'). Probably the same house occupied as a parsonage until 1888, on the Dundee drive, at Passaic. i6 THE OLD DUTCH CHURCH AT TOTOWA. called as Elders aud Deacons of our Congregations, and before they are in- ducted into their of&ce this call must be signednby those Elders and Deacons. We therefore pray the Lord God then let this our Call prosper and cause it to succeed to the only glory of God's name and to the extension of His King- dom and to the ingathering {emcLnniage) and Salvation of many Souls. Amen. Thus done at Achquechnonk the 23 April 1756, in the presence of me Keinh't Erichzon as Cousulent. The original, in the Acquackanonk Church Records, has the following names appended, which are not in the copy prefixed to the Totowa Church Baptismal Register : From AcJiquecJicnonk : Elders — Johannis Walingse vanwiukele, Jeurie pieterse, Enoch Vreeland, Gerrit van Wageninge. Deacons — Johannis VVanshair, Ehas Vrelaut, Hartman vrelant, Jan van Blerkom. From Totua: Elders — Simeon Van Winckel, Jacob van Houte, Johannis Reyerse, Jacobus Post. Deacons — Dierk Van Giesen, Helmich Van Houten, Johannis van Houten, Frans Post. From Pomptan : Elders— Michiel Hertie, Guliaem Bertholf, Hendripk Bertholf, Marthe Van Duyn. Deacons — Cornelis Teremis his q mark, Joost Beem, ' Peter Eoome, Albert Bertholf. V. Dominie David Marin us. Who was Dominie Marinus.'' What was he } Whence came he } How came he to Acquackanonk and Totowa } What was his character .'' These are questions not easily answered at this bOMlNlE DAvID MARINUS. I^ late day. Convin's "Manual of the Reformed Church in America" (edition of 1S69) sums up his career thus: Marimia, David, studied in Pennsylvania, lie. by Coetus, 1752; Acquack- anonk and Pompton Plains, 1752-6, Acquackauonck, Totowa and Pompton Plains, 1756-73, Kakiat 1773-78, suspended; 1780, deposed. Also supplied Fairfield, 1756-73. Marinus was evidently a native of Holland,- who having stud- ied for the ministry in Pennsylvania first connected himself with the German Reformed Synod in that State, and afterwards with the Coetus of the Reformed Dutch church, meeting at New York. This appears from the following extracts from the "Life of Rev. Michael Schlatter, 1716 to 1790," by Rev, H. Harbaugh, A. M., Philadelphia, 1S57. Mr. Schlatter labored among the Germans of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. From his Journal these extracts are culled : On tlie 28th [October, 1748], two Low Dutch students, who studied in this country, named David Marinus and Jonathan DuBois, inquired of me whether I would assist them in_ getting permission from the Eeverend Christian Synod to present themselves for examination to our Synod. This they desired, that if they should receive a regular call in the church they might then, here in this countrj', be placed in a position to accept of it. I promised to fulfil their wishes. * On the 20th of October [1749], Eev. Eeiger opened our Synod, again as- sembled [at Mr. Schlatter's house, Philadelphia]. * * « This Synod consisted of five ministers, beside s the two Low Dutch students before referred to and sixteen elders, f Mr. Schlatter having gone to Holland in 1751 and reported the condition of the Reformed church in America to the Synod of North Holland, that body referred the matter to a Commit- tee, in August, 1 75 1, who reported amgng other things, that "the two Low Dutch students, David Marinus, and Jonathan Du Bois," "ought to be confirmed in the ministry, after prev- ious examination."! This recommendation was subsequently acted upon, as may be seen by the published "Min- utes of the General Synod," N. Y., 1S59. ^""^ the yournal of the Cceius, held at New York, Sept. 19, 1752, we find, p. Lxxii, this entry : •Life of Schlatter, p. 1S6. tibia., p. 102. tlbld, p. 229. iS THE OLD DUTCH CHURCH AT tOTOWA. The President read to the Assembly a letter from Philadelphia, laid iipori the table bj^ Dom. Ritzema (of New York), which had been written by Dom. Schlatter in the name of the Pennsylvania Coetus, containing a statement by the Synod of South and North Holland, respecting the two students, Mariniia and Du Bois, with an inquiry from the Coetus of Pennsylvania as to the way in which they should act, since Marinus belonged under our Coetus. After deliberation, the question was found to be, whether Mr. Marinus should be examined by our Coetus, or hj that of Pennsylvania. This question was taken ad referendum. The same afternoon Garret Van Wagenen, Elder from Ac- quackanonk, appeared in the Coetns, doubtless to sustain and encourage his young pastor. For it must be recollected (as shov/n by the date appended to his first call) that Marinus had been called Nov. I3, 175O1 while still a student of The- ology, to take charge of the churches at Acquackanonk and Pompton. Corwin, Dewitt and other writers make the date 1752. But the date appended to the call of Acquackanonk and Pompton is Nov. 12, 1750, beyond all question, and the writing^ is Dom. Marinus's own ; yet he begins his Baptismal Register Nov. 12, 1753. On the other hand, again, the baptism of a child of his, named David, is recorded (in a crude chirography, that of the Voorleser, doubtless, by whom the records were kept, 1748-52) in the Acquackanonk Records, Nov. 16, 1751 ; and, too, Marinus himself records eight marriages performed by him during 1751 and 1752 (beginning Oct. 11, 1751), prior to Nov. 12 of the latter year. The date, 1752, is doubtless gen- erally given as the year of his settlement, because that was the date of his ordination, and perhaps for the same reason the three churches, in making out their "new call," in 1756, speak of the "four years' service of "the Rev." David Marinus, he having been entitled to that prefix only that length of time. Wednesday morning, Sept. 20, 1752, the Coetus Journal states : David Marinus laid upon the table two letters from Dom. Schlatter, toiich- ing his examination, which being closelj^ examined by the Coetus, confirmed them in their view that the aforesaid student, being lender the Coetus of New York, shoitld be examined by them ; and they so decided. "Whereon, D. Ma- rinus requested the examination, and presented his documents and testimoni- als, which being investigated, were all foimd to be to his praise, and his re- quest was granted. The President and Clerk being occupied with weighty Dominie david marintjs. 19 mattei-s, Doms. Ritzeina and Frelinghuysen were appointed to conduct the ex- ercise, and they appointed the candidate a text and a portion in the langua- ges.* The next morning — The Examinatorcs, proceeding to the examination of the candidate, David Mar inns, called to Acqnackauouk, first reqiiired him to ascend the pulpit and preach from 1 Cor. xii, 3. He was then examined in Hebrew and Greek and in Divinity, in which he gave so much satisfaction that the Assembly found no difficiilty in admitting him to the office of the ministry, and whatever be- longs thereto. Thereupon he signed the Formulas of Unity, and Dom. Goet- schius [of Hackensack and Schraaleuburgh] was appointed to ordain him in his holy office, with Dom. Curtenius [of Hackensack] in the laying on of hands. The Coetus of New York now write to the Coetus of Phihi- delphia : We must highly approve your zeal for the maintenance of peace and love, shown in the letter of Dom. Schlatter, containing an extract from the reso- lution of the Sjmod of North and South Holland, concerning the examina- tion of Mr. David Marimis, together with a proposal to us whether we would find it agreeable to carry out the Synodical resolution. Our brotherly reply is, that after mature deliberation and a careful inspec- tion of your letter and that of Dom. Schlatter to Marmus, that since this gen- tleman, with his congregation, belongs under the Coetus of New York, he ought to be examined by the same. Having thus concluded, we, at the re- quest of Marinus, examined him by two Examinatores, in the truths of the- ology, the languages, etc., and were so satisfied as to admit him to the office of the ministry', and he wiU be ordained at an early day. Thus you will be saved the trouble, f The Coetus, it should be understood, was a body of churches in America formed in i747 ^o"" ii^^tual advice and aid, which finally, in 1754, organized into a Classis and began regularly to oi'dain persons for the ministry — a power previously reserved exclusively to the church in Holland, and the exercise of which in America was opposed by a large portion of the church here, and hence the formation of the Conferentie to adhere to the old way. The Coetus was the means of establishing the independ- ence of the American Reformed Dutch church, and founded Queen's, now Rutgers, College for the education of the ministry *Journal of Coetus, p. Lxxni. tile was ordained October 8, 17r.2, N. S. A detailed account of the examination as aliove, tlie ordination, etc., is recorded Ijy Dominie Marinus In the Acquackanonk Clmrcli Records, Vol. I, pp. 633-4. iO tiiE OLD DUTCH CHURCH AT TOTOWA. at home. Dominie Marinus was the first person ordained to the ministry by the Coetus, and the act excited great hostility on the part of the Conferentie. Marinus married Anna Du Bois, not unlikely a sister of his fellow student, Jonathan Du Bois. They had a son, David, baptized November i6, 1751? in the Acquackanonk church, as stated above. The sponsors of the infant David were Casparus Zabriskie and Katryntje Van Wagene (his wife).* Dec. 4, 1753, Johannis Marinus is born, Johannis Wanshair and Chris- tina Wanshair standing sponsors at the baptism. May 3, 1756, Ezekiel Marinus ; Waling Van Winkel and Jannitje Van Houte, sponsors. Oct. 7, 175S, Margarita Marinus; Gerrit Van Wag- ening and Sarah Van Winkel, sponsors. Dec. 10, 1761, Ger- ret Wynkoop Marinus ; Petrus Foulusse and Annatje Kip, sponsors. Some of Marinus's descendants still live near the Big Rock, Bergen county ; Garret Marinus, who lived for many years in Hamburgh avenue, near Union avenue, was a great- grandson of the old Dominie. Dom. Marinus seems to have been a ma^i of uncommon abil- ity. His examination was a splendid success. But there is I'eason to fear that he was like too many other brilliant young men — he lacked stability of character and that steadfastness of pur- pose so necessary to his or any other calling, and to retain the affections and esteem of the old Dutch people, ^vho prized those qualities most highly. All his successes appear to have been accomplished during the first five or six years of his ministry. In i753~'55 nineteen persons were received into the Acquacka- nonk church on profession of their faith, his wife being one of them. Then the record ceases. In 1755 and 1756, under his ministry, fourteen or fifteen were added each year to the Pomp- ton church. In 1753 he published "A Letter to the Inde- pendent Reflector," a small quarto pamphlet of thirty-one pages, reviewing the religious tendencies of certain articles in that pa- per, which was then edited by the young William Livingston, afterwards New Jersey's "War Governor" during the Revolu- *The entry iu the Cliurcli Record is in this fomi : [Parents] I [Sponsors] David j Annatle kaspares I Katrynte Marinus { de booys | Zabrieskl | Van Wagene [Child] David [Born] [Baptized] 16 Novem. DOMINIE DAVID MARINUS. tion. In 1755 the Dominie published another small pamphlet, "A Remark on the Disputes and Contentions in this Province," under the name "Da^'id Marin Ben Jesse, Pastor at Aque- nonka." From this Hebrew 7toin de phaiie it may be inferred that he was the son of Jesse Marin or Marion. Both pamph- lets are to be found in the New Jersey Historical Society Library, and both display no little ability on the part ot tlie writer.* But as we have said he seems to have lacked stability of character. After 1761, he resigns to another (from the feminine chirography perhaps his wife) the keeping of the baptismal register, and after 1767 he ceases to keep a marriage record. Unfortunately for him, he lived in troublous times — the conflict between the Coetus and the Conferentie waged fiercely, and his Pompton congregation being divided, the Conferentie wing got possession of the church and shut hini out, so that his friends had to build a new church for him, which they did about 1760, on the Plains. In those days, too, "total abstinence" was unknown, and though it was considered unseemly for a clergyman to get tipsy, it was quite "the thing" for him to stop 'in the tavern and take a glass of grog ; and even the good old Dominie Schoonmaker, more than half a century later, was always in the habit of taking a glass of hot toddy on v/inter mornings before going into church to preach. - Marinus appears for many years to have regularly attended the General SN'nod, or Coetus, as in i753i ^754 (when he was appointed on an important committee with Doms. Erichzon and Curtenius), 1760 (when he was Clerk pro tern, of the Coe- tus), 17^4? T771 ('it the general convention of ministers and el- ders, which preceded the organization of the General Synod) , and 1772- The next reference to him in the Minutes of Synod occurs^ at the session of October, 1779, when the Particular Synod of Hackensack present a long report to the effect that "Dom. Marinus, then pastor at Kekkieth (Kakiat, now West New Hempstead, N. Y.), had again, at various occasions, indulged in his former sin of drunkenness, and other gross im- proprieties inconsistent with the holy office of a minister of the "A further accouut of these pami^Ulets will be found in the Appenaix. 22 THE OLD DUTCH CHURCH AT TOTOWA. Gospel ;" that the consistory had arrested him from the dis- charge of the ministry, but he bound himself by a written agree- ment to amend and was allowed to preach again, but fell once more, and was then peremptorily enjoined from preaching. ''On this occasion it was also stated that from all places where Dom. Marinus is conversant, exceedingly evil 'reports go forth of his disgraceful and scandalous conduct, and that he is also guiny of intruding into various congregations, and preaching the Word of God in taverns and private houses." Sept. 15th, 177S, the Particular Synod called up the erring pastor, when he confessed the truth of the charges, but, also "brought various testimonies before the Rev. Body, in which it was declared, that for some months he had conducted himself soberly and correctly." How- ever the Synod suspended him. April 27th, i779' ^^ ^^^ ^^~ ported that he had represented that the Synod had cleared him, and he was still preaching at Newfoundland and elsewhere, and had resumed his dissipated habits. The General Synod, therefore, October, 1779, on the strength of these reports sus- pended Marinus, and at the session a year later, it appearing that he persisted in his evil courses, formally deposed him from the ministry.* Truly a dark close to a life begun so brilliantly thirty vears before. It is said that in these latter days the fallen man, conscious of error, would frequently exclaim at the close of an impassioned outburst of his old eloquence, Doet gij ah Ik zegge^ nict als Ik doe — "Do as I tell you, and not as I do;" Dom. Marinus left the Acquackanonk, Totowa and Pompton churches and went to Kakiat in 1773. The cause of his remov- al hence is not known. VI. The First Consistory. The list of the first Elders and Deacons of the old Totowa church has been given above, but these men merit something more than a passing notice. Simeon Van Winckel, Elder, was a son of Simon Jacobse (Van Winkel) , one of the original Acquackanonk Patentees. He lived in what was known as De Witte Huijs — the "White House," on the bank of the Passaic river, at the foot of Willis ♦Minutes of General Synod, Vol. I., 73-75, 76, 81, THE FIRST CONSISTORY. 23 street, where there was anciently a ford. He carried on the tanning business there. He died in i775' ^^ was an uncle of Simeon Van Winkle of the Boght and of Wagraw, who was the grandfather of the late Cornelius Van Winkle of Ellison street, Paterson. Jacob van Houte was probably of Slooterdam, son of Roelof Corn elis Van Houte and Jannetje Spier, born Oct. 26, i'J2i, and was the father of Gerrebrant Van Houten, grandfather of the late Judge Gerrebrant Van Houten of Water street, Pat- erson. Johannes Reyerse was doubtless of the Goffle, and brother of Marten Ryerson, a liberal friend of the new church. He mar- ried Marietje Wessels, and was the father of Evert and Marten, twins, born July 26, 1753, Marten Ryerson standing sponsor at the baptism. Jacobus Post built what has since been known as Zabriskie's mill, on the Bergen County side of the Passaic river, at the out- let of Saddle river. He was a man of more than ordinary ed- ucation for his day. He removed with his family to Orange county, N^Y., wdiere his descendants thrive and multiply at Postville,* near Warwick. He probably removed thither about 1770-S0. Dierck Van Giesen, Deacon, lived in an old stone house still (1S8S) standing on Totowa avenue, near Ryerson avenue. He was a leading man in the church, and several times represented it at the General Synods. Helmich Van Houten was probably a brother of Gerrebrand, grandfather of the late Judge G. Van Houten. He lived where the late Richard Benson lived on Totowa avenue, near the Lin- coln bridge. Johannis van Houte probably lived near the little schoolhouse where the road turns off from Totowa to Singack. He was a son of Roelof, one of the earliest settlers thereabout. Frans Post was either a son of Jacobus Post, above men- •Now Edeuville. "It was formerly called Postville, out of respect for Col. Jacobus Post, whose father first settled the location and owned the lands upon which the vil- lagre stands:'— History of Orange County, by Saml. W. Eager, Newburgh, 1846-7. P. 430. 24 THE OLD DUTCH CHURCH AT TOTOWA. tioned, or else belonged further down the river, toward Slooter- dam. VII. The Deed for the Old Church Site. The next document we have, throwing light on the old church's history, is the subjoined deed, the quaintness of which merits its publication in full. The original deed is still in ex- cellent preservation, being backed with linen for greater dura- bilit3% It may be well to state that the Henr3'' Brockholst who conveys the property, was the son ot Major Anthony Brock- hoist, who did good service against the French and Indians at Canada in the seventeenth century, but failing promptly to ac- knowledge allegiance to the truculent Gov. Leisler in New York, on the accession of William and Mary to the British crown, was obliged to flee that Province in 1689, with nearly all the other best men of the city. He and Arent Schuyler bought, Nov. nth, 1695, 5500 acres of land, in New Jersey, one tract of which (2750 acres) was called the " Lower Pacquanac Pat- ent," extending from the Passaic river near the Falls to the Pompton river, and embracing a large part of Totowa. Brock- hoist lived at Pompton, about where the late Maj. Wm. W. Colfiix lived. Henry Brockholst was born December 28, 1684, so that he was well on toward fourscore at the time he gave the deed for the church-site.* Following is the deed to the Totowa church : To all Cliristiau people to whom tliese presents slaall come, Henry Biock- holst Esq. sendeth gi'eeting : know ye that I Henry Brockholst son and heir at law of Anthouj' Brockholst deceased in the county of Bergen in the prov- ince of New Jersey out of the good will I owe and the regard I have for the progi-css of the Christian Religion and especially the Manner of worship of the low duch Reformed Church of holland according as the same is Estab- lished by the National Synod held at Dordrecht in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and eighteen and nineteen for the promoting of Chris- tian Religion according to the principles and Church Discipline there estab- lished for the constitution of christian government we enjoy which prompting for and in consideration of four places or pats Q^lats?] in the |pue of the church now erected and built ripon the premises hereby granted and known by the distinction of No. 1 upon a certain mapp or draught made of the *For notices of Uenry Brockliolst see N. Y. Genealogical and Biographical Record, IX., 110, 168. THE DEED FOR THE OLD CHURCH SITE. 25 several pues in said cliurch freely and clearly giveing and allowing unto me my heirs and assignees forever have given granted bargained aliened Enfe- offed released Conveyed and Confirmed and by these presents Do give grant bargain sell alien Convey and confirm nnto Corneliiis Kip Eobert Vanhouten Coruelis Wester velt Johannis Van Blarcom and Cornclis Gerretse Trustees of the Low dutch reformed Congregation of Totua and to their successors that shall from time to time forever hereafter l:)y the Congregation aforesaid be Chosen a Certain lott of land situate lying and being in the county of Bergen in Eastern Division of the province of New Jersey near the bridge erected over Passaic river at totua* where said church is now built on Beginning Eighty links distant upon a North forty three degrees Wesd; course from where a little Brook or riin of Water emties itself into Passaick river; running from thence south fifty five degrees west four Chains and forty five links to a stake thence south eighty four degrees and a half East one Chain and twenty seven links to a whits wood tree thence North twenty seven degrees and a half East five Chains and five links to a white Wood saplin thence south forty three degrees East three chains and a half to the beginning containing one acre To have and to hold all the above granted and bargained premises with all manner of appurtenances and priviledges to the same in any manner or ways belonging reserving and excei^ting all mines and minerals unto the aforesaid trustees and their Successors aforesaid to their only sole use and proper behoof to the Members of the said low Dutch reformed Congregation who profess the prin- cipals of Religion and Church Government or Discipline Established at Dorth-echt as aforesaid to the last survivors of the same forever and I the said Hennery Brockholst do for mj'self my heirs execiitors and administrators covenant promise gi-ant and agree to and with the said trustees aforesaid and then- successors as aforesaid forever that before the Ensealing and Delivery of these presents I am the sole true and lawful owner of the above granted and bargained premises and appurtenances and am lawfully seized and Possessed of the same in Mine own and jiroper right as a good perfect and Absolute Estate of Inheritance and have in myself good right fuU power and lawful authority to give grant bargain sell alien Convey and Confirm the same thus granted and bargained premises and appurtenances in manner as aforesaid and that the said trustees and their Successors as aforesaid for the use afore- said shall and may from time to time and at all times forever hereafter law- fully and peaceably and quietly have hold use occupy possess and enjoy the above gi'anted premises and appurtenances free and Clear Freely and Clearly acquitted exonerated and discharged of and from all manner of former gifts grants bargains sales leases Mortgages Leases Dowers Entails jointures exe- cutions and all manner encumbrances whatsoever withoiit any let suit truble eviction Ejection or any manner of molestation whatsoever of me the said Hennery Brockholst or any person or persons by from or under me they or any of them. In witness whereof I have herexmto set my hand and seal this »Ttiis liricl're crossed the river from the foot of Bank street to where the resuleuce of Mr. Abraham Westervelt now stands, on Water street. 2 26 THE OLD DUTCH CHURCH AT TOTOWA. fourteentli day of April in tho second year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George tho third by grace of god great Britaiu France and Ireland King defender of the faith Anno Domini one thousand aeven hundred and sixty- two. Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of George IIyeuse, Henry Brockholst. [l. s.] Jacob Widmoub. The deed was acknowledged by Brockholst the same day, be- fore George Ryerse, "one of Flis Majesty's Judges of the Court of Common Pleas for Bergen county." It was recorded August 20, 1802, in the Bergen County Clerk's office in Book P of Deeds, p. 114, and is in Bergen County Transcribed Deeds, in the Passaic County Clerk's office. Book C, p. 90. VIII. The Trustees in 1762. A few words may be appropriate concerning the Consistory, mentioned as Trustees in the deed of 1762. Cornells Kip was doubtless the co-partner of George De Rie- mers (Doremus) in the purchase of the Preakness tract, in 1723 ; and lived at Preakness. Robert Vanhouten and his wife I'^lizabcth Post joined the Acquackanonk church in 1738; he was elected Deacon in 1744* lie lived west of Totowa, near the Singack road, and was the father of Adrian (^born 1750) and Cornelus (born 1753). Cornelis Westervelt lived near Wagraw, and was the grand- father of tlie late Cornelius I. Westervelt, for many years Pres- ident of the Paterson Gas Light Compan}'. Joliannis Van Blerkom lived at the southwest corner of Wil- lis street and Vreeland avenue, in an old stone house destroyed about 1870. lie had several children, one of whom, Henry, served creditably in an engagement ct Fort Lee, in the Revolu- tion. Johannis was the great-grandfatlier of the late ex-Mayor Brant Van lilarcom. Cornelus Gerretse was a large land-owner at the Boght and lived there about the time the deed was given, about where the old Van Winkle homestead (late Riverside Hotel) stood prior to 1873. lie sold this property to Simeon Van Winkle, who married his daughter Margaret about 17S0. This Simeon was THE CHURCH ON I'HE HILL-SlDE. 2^ the grandfather of the late Cornelius Van Winkle, who was named after old Cornelus Gerrctse or Garrison. IX. The Church on the IIill-Side. The plot of land given by Brockholst for a church site was almost triangular in shape, and was intersected by th^jt part of the old Totowa road lying between the present Hamburgh and Totowa avenues, and from [870 to 1887 called Water street, but now Ryle avenue. The northerly line would run parallel to Matlock street, and about one hundred feet south of that street. The south line of the present quarry road, running westerly from Ryle avenue, if extended northeasterly would be the line of the old plot. The easterly line ran within fifteen or twenty feet of the brook, or seventy-five to one hundred feet west of the present Hamburgh avenue. Thus the better and larger part of the tract lay north of the Totowa road, now Ryle avenue. The property included the lots designated on the city map as No.'s 45 to 56 inclusive, 57 and 59 Water street. Thus, near the foot of the hill, upon the principal road north of the Passaic, within a stone's throw of the bright and rushing brook which flowed free and unconfined on one hand, and of the rippling Passaic on tlie other, with the roar of the mighty and undespoiled cataract ever sounding near; con- venient to the only bridge which then spanned the Passaic river north of the town of Newark; and also (important con- sideration) convenient to the inn where " refresliment for man and beast" was kept by Abraham Godwin (father of the old General) in the quaint, low stone house, recently the kitchen and dining room of Mr. Cornelius Benson, in Water street, and torn down only in 1886, but at that time directly opposite the north end of the solitary bridge — here we say, under the shadow of the forest-crowned hill, snugly sheltered from boreal blasts, did these God-fearing people erect their tabernacle for the Lord's worship. And here for nearly three-quarters of a century, did they assemble once or twice a month to hear the Word expound- ed in solemn and impressive Dutch. The deed for the church-site speaks of the edifice as already built. Probably Brockholst had promised Dominie Marinus 28 THE OLD DUTCH CHURCH AT TOTOWA. (whose preaching he must have heard at Pompton) to give the land if" he should get a church built here. There is every rea- son to believe that the building had been started, at least, fully seven years before the deed was passed. The first published notice of the old church is doubtless that of the Marquis de Chastellux, a warm friend of Lafayette's, who traveled with the American army in 1780-2. In his Journal* he describes the location of the American Army on Totowa and Manchester Heights : "It wfis encamped on two heiglits, and in one line, in an extended but very good position, having a wood in tlie rear, and in the front the river, which is verj' difficult of passage everywhere escei>t at Totohaw-Bridge. * * Two miles beyond the bridge is a meeting-house of an hexagonal form, which is given to their places of worship by the Dutch Presbyterians, who are very numerous in the Jerseys, "f Thus de Chastellux. The word "hexagonal" was probably due to a slip in his memory, for in this case, at all events, it was as incorrect as the statement of the distance of the church from the bridge. The exact location of the old church was about thirty feet east of the Totowa road (now Ryle avenue), about one hun- dred feet soutii of Matlock street, or on the rear of Lot No. 45 Water street (as on the present city map) and on the upper part of Lot No. 47. X. Its External Appearance. It was about 30x40 feet in area, possibly a little larger. The stone walls were only eighteen or twenty feet high, and the shingled roof overhung them two or three feet, making tlie walls appear much lower than they really were. The roof rose from all four sides with quite a steep pitch to a common point, which was surmounted by a belfry of great simplicitv of construction — four posts like legs straddling over the pyramid- *Travels in North America, etc., Lomlon, 17S7, Vol. I., p. 109. tTtie original eilitlon reads : "A deux niillea au-dela du poat, on trouve un Meeting- Ilouse de forme exagone," etc. — Voyages she pushed the foot-stove along to the next, and so on. About iSt3 or 1814 box stoves were introduced to warm the church, but the elderly ladies always carried their own stoves with them still. It is said that there was a sketch or view of the church drawn by old Gen. Abraham Godwin, once upon a time, on the walls of the Passaic Hotel, which was so admirable and striking a likeness that his son declared it should always remain, but it was whitewashed over many years ago. There is a crude sketch of the building still in existence on a map of the adjacent Wallis property, executed by Uzal VV. Freeman, a local survey- or, about 1S25. 34 THE OLD DUTCH CHURCH AT TOTOWA. XII. Church Going in the Olden Time. It is a bright Sunday morning say a hundred years ago, and it is the '•'•turn" of the Totowa church people to have service in their Kcrk — on the Hillside. The Voorleser and sexton stands in the middle aisle of the old church, in the centre of the build- ing, vigorously pulls the rope that dangles down from the bell through the roof nearly to the floor, and the wheel in the bel- fry gives a whirl and the bell turns and clangs out its call to the people. Along the few roads leading hither great wagons are seen slowly wending their way churchward, while far more numerous are the groups of horsemen and horsewomen, who prefer that means of conveyance to jolting in heavy wag- ons devoid of springs over the rough roads. As the appointed hour draws nigh the people gather about the church, awaiting the coming of the Dominie. He arrives in good season, and after appropriately greeting his parishionerson every side, he enters the church, followed by the congregation, who with be- coming gravity take their accustomed places, paterfamilias closing the door of his pew as the last of his flock enters. On ascending to the pulpit the Dominie kneels, bows his head, holding up his hat before his face, and silently prays, the con- gregation likewise engaging in silent prayer. Then he an- nounces a hymn to be sung, or (as was the custom in those earlier days) hands the Voorleser a notice of the hymn selected. The Voorleser stands up in his place before the pulpit, and placing his book in a rack before him starts the tune and leads the singing, all the congregation joining. And with what fer- vor, and how sonorously they chorus the praises of Jehovah! There is no violin, nor bass-viol, nor organ to keep the accom- paniment, and no choir to do the singing. The congregation feel that everything depends on their voices, and most heartily do they respond. If 3'ou want to hear such singing now, at- tend one of our Holland churches some Sunday. The Domi- nie now ofters up a brief invocation to God, and then an- nounces a chapter in the Bible, which the Voorleser stands up and reads. After this the pastor gives out another hymn, which is sung as before, the Voorleser leading, and then the congregation settle themselves for a good, full hour's discourse, ORDER OF SERVICES. 35 under the heads of ''firstly" to "twenty-fir.stly." Of course the young people thought this terribly prosy, but the longer and more controversial the discourses were the better the old people enjoyed them, for be it remembered they hearil a sermon but ever}' third Sunday, and most of them came miles to hear that. The sermon over, the Deacons arise, grasp the long poles in their pew and sally out among the congregation to take up the usual collection — originally sacredly devdted to establishing a fund for the payment ot the pastor's salary. The poles are six or eight feet long, to reach the end of the long pews, and on the extremity of each pole is attached a small black bag with a little bell at the bottom which answers a double purpose — awaking sleepers (some of the congregation were remarkably drowsy during the ceremony), and an- nouncing by its responsive jingle, whenever any coppers were dropped in. About 1S16, the bells were taken off the collec- tion bags, which were retained in use, however, till the burn- ing of the old church. This sort of "contribution box" was common in all Dutch churches during the last century. The Dominie now offers up another short prayer and dismisses the congregation for three weeks. The service lasted from halt- past ten o'clock in the morning until one or half-past one in tile afternoon. When the Sacrament of the Loixl's Supper was administered, the table having been spread before the pul- pit, the Elders, Deacons and heads of families first went up and partook of the symbolical bread and wine together, as handed them by the pastor ; then the remainder of the congregation took their turn in sitting down at the Lord's table, till all had been served. After the ceremony, the bread and wine re- maining was passed around among the poorer people who had come long distances, by way of refreshment, before they start- ed for home. It was customary for many of the congregation to lunch out on the open green sward in front and on the south side of the church, after service. XIII. The Successors of Dom. Marivus. As already stated Dom. Marinus left this part of the country in 1773. But it seems that in 1763 the Conferentie 36 THE OLD DUTCH CHURCH AT TOTOWA. party, anxious to get clear of Marinus, who was of the Coetus party, called Dom. Cornelius Blauw to take charge of the churches at Totowa, Fairfield and Boonton (now Montville) . He remained about five years, then removed to Hackensack, and died about 1770, after a three years' pastorate. He lived at Two Bridges, and having no carriage was taken to and from church by the more fortunate people. He is said to have been from Holland, a good preacher, but quarrelsome, "invading the congregations of others, accepting calls from the disatiected, and illegally administering the ordinances to them." He fell into irregular, dissipated habits at the last. From \']6']-']2 the Totowa pulpit appears to have been va- cant, unless Dom. Marinus resumed his old pastoral relation, which is not improbable. However, in November, i77'2' Fompton and Totowa called the Rev. Hermanns Meyer, D. D., and he was installed over those churches. Dr. Meyer was born in Bremen, Lower Saxony, July 37, 1733, of good parentage, and received an excellent education. h\ 1763 he was called to Kingston, N. Y., where he served with marked ability, but desiring to remain neutral between the Coitus and the Conferentie he offended both, and a majority of the Con- sistory being of the latter party closed the church door against him, and repulsed him by an armed sentinel. He cons'equent- ly had to minister for several years in private houses, until he was called to Totowa. In 17S4 he was appointed Professor of Hebrew, and in 1786 Lector or Assistant to the Professor of Divinity; in 17S9 Queen's (now Rutgers) College conferred on him the degree of D. D. He died at his residence at Pacqua- nac or at Two Bridges, after a brief illness, Oct. 37, i79^? widely lamented. He was a profound scholar and had begun a new translation of the Old Testament, but only completed the Psalms. He was buried under the pulpit of the Pompton church, and his remains have never been disturbed.* "It is said that his last sermon was from the text, 'He that hath the Son hath life,' dwelling particularly on the last clause of the text, 'hath life.' He had contemplated administering the Lord's Supper two weeks from that day, but he was taken ill. During his sickness he sent for one of the Elders and gave him *Spraguc's Annals Reformed Dutch CliiircU, pp. S4-6, THE SUCCESSORS OF DOM. MARINUS. 3^ directions about his funeral. He only remarked, 'I meant to have administered the Lord's Supper next Sabbath, but the Lord has intended otherwise, and I shall not drink wine again until I drink it in my Father's Kingdom.' As expressive of his pious sentiments he remarked on taking a little refresh- ment, 'I have no more taste for what I once relished, but the bread of heaven is provided for me.' " {^MS. of Rev. Dr. John H. Diiryca., 1S69.) After the death of Dr. Meyer, the connection between Toto- wa and Pompton was dissolved, after thirty-five years dura- tion, and the connection with Acquackanonk was I'enewed, the two churches calling the Rev. Henricus Schoonmuker, who was to preach one-third of the time in Totowa. Mr. Schoonmaker was born in Rochester, Ulster County, N. Y., July rS, 1739, ivnd was one of the first licensed by the Coetus. Hence his ordination was opposed by the Conferentie, who managed to get possession of the church at Poughkeepsie, where the ceremony was to take place, locked and barred it. But his friends brought out a wagon under aii apple-tree before the church, and from that impromptu pulpit the Rev. John M. Goetschius preached the sermon, and the candidate knelt there and was ordained. He served very acceptably and with great success, until his church required preaching in English, which was beyond his power. Receiving a call in i773 to Acquack- anonk and Totowa he removed hither, and continued to preach in Dutch till the last. In March, 1S16, owing to the infirm- ities of advancing age, he formally relinquished his charges here, after fortv-three years of successful labor. As a mark of their appreciation the Acquackanonk Consistory voted him a life annuity of $205. In the summer of 1S16 he removed to Jamaica, L. I., where he lived peacefully and happily ^vith his son, the Rev. Jacob Schoonmaker. "Here, in the blessed hope of a glorious, immortal life, he terminated his earthly career, in the eighty-first year of his age, on the 19th of Jan- uary, 1820. His body was removed for burial among the peo- ple of his last charge, at Acquackanonk, and an impressive funeral sermon was preached by the Rev. P. D. Freligh, then the pastor of the church in that place, from Zachariah i., 5."* *Sprague'8 Annals of the Reformea Dutch Chuich, p. 39. ^8 THE OLD DUTCH CHURCH AT TOTOWA. His son Daniel afterwards lived and died at what is now No. 172 Market street, Paterson. As remarked before, the good old man could not preach English. When John King's little daughter Grace (aged five years) died (Nov. 14, 1795)5 there being no other clergyman within several miles, Dom. Schoon- maker was invited to preach the funeral sermon. But what was the astonishment of the bereaved parents when the Dom- inie preached away in Dutch, of which they could understand very little ! Small consolation could they get from his discourse, however comforting it might have been intended to be. The Totowa church, which had hitherto had preaching only every third Sunday, now resolved (Marcli I3, 1S16) to have service every other Sabbath, if possible, and so notified the Acquackanonk Consistory, but that body seem to have taken time by the forelock, and March 30th notified the Totowa church that they had secured the services of the Kev. Peter Van Pelts, of Staten Island, and asked Totowa to take a third of his services. The Totowa church resolved that Acquack- anonk had acted prematurely or ex parte ^ in not consulting To- towa, and repeated the demand for half t-lie ministerial service ; but on April 23, agreed to pay $300 a year for the pastor's sal- ary, if he would preach one-third of the time at Totowa, and also give them services on the intervening Sunday afternoons, for eight months in the year, Totowa to be also exempt from the care or cost of the parsonage. But before this aiTangement was consummated it was learned that the Rev. Wm. Eltinge, of Paramus, could be got for sixteen full Sundays in the year (Paramus agreeing), and that he likewise agreed to give liis six free Sabbaths, making a total of twenty-two Sabbaths in the year, besides two holiday sermons, Totowa to pa}' $300 a year. A proposition was also received from the First Presby- terian church at Paterson to this eftect : If Totowa would pay $250 ("less than one-third of the salary") toward the support of the Rev. Samuel Fisher, Mr. F. would act as their minis- ter in visiting the sick, attending funerals, visiting the schools, and catechising the children, and would preach at Totowa every other Sunday, while the Totowa people would also have the privilege of attending the Presbyterian church. This THE TRAGIC DEAtH OF MRS. GUMMING. ^9 ofter was declined, and after some furtlicr negotiation Mr. El- tinge was secured, on tlie above tei'ms. He always preached in English. XIV. A Tragic Incident. The proposal just mentioned, from the First Presbyterian Church, recalls an earlier occasion when English was preached in the old Totowa church, perhaps for the first time — an occa- sion connected with the most romantically tragic incident in the history of the Passaic Falls. The Presbyterians of the little town had from time to time been favored with a service in Eng- lish, and by the year 1S12 had become so numerous that they thought themselves entitled to regular preaching. Application was accordingly made to the Presbytery of Orange, and that body recognized Paterson as a a mission station, and assigned certain preachers to officiate there at regular intervals. Among those so assigned was the Rev. Hooper Gumming, pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church of Newark. Mr. Cumming was a brilliant young man, the son of Gen. John N. Gumming, of Newark, who had been an officer in the Revolution, afterwards owner of an important line of mail coaches, and had built the first raceway in Paterson. Gen. Gumming was one of the lead- ing citizens of Newark, his son was a graduate of Princeton, of marked ability and engaging manners, a favorite in society, and one of the most promising young clergymen in New Jersey. About six weeks before coming to Paterson to fulfil the assign- ment of Presbytery he had been united in marriage to JMiss Sarah Emmons, of Portland, Me., a young lady spoken of as attractive in person and charming in manners, and but twenty- two 3'ears of age. It is not unlikely that Mr. Cumming thought the trip to Paterson on ministerial duties might be utilized as a continuation of his wedding journey, and doubtless his fond young wife was glad enough to accompany her husband where she was sure she would witness new triumphs of his eloquence, and where she would, in his society, enjoy novel and beauti- ful scenery. VVe can see in fancy, their delightful drive one Sat- urday afternoon, in June, along that charming road from New- ark to Acquackanonk, by the riverside, and so on to Paterson, 4o THE OLD DUTCH CHURCH AT TOTOWA. where they were cordially welcomed by Mr. Samuel Colt, in his spacious mansion on Mai'ket street, near Main, where the Masonic Hall now stands. On Sunda\ morning, June 3ist, iSi3, the bell of the Totowa church clanged out notice that services were to be held that day. It was not the regular Sun- day for Dominie Schoonmaker's ministrations, and the use of the church had been kindly given to the Presbyterians on this occasion, no doubt to the gratification of many of the congrega- tion who longed for a sermon in English. Here is a description of the service, from the vivid and imaginative pen of Peter Archdeacon, as published in his " Sketch of the Passaic Falls," in 1S45. Mr. Archdeacon did not come to Paterson until several years after 1S12, so that his information was necessarily derived from others, but what he lacked in personal knowledge he made up in fertile fancy. Says this veracious chronicler : " He was brilliant as an orator, and seemingly sincere as a Christian ; the congregation was delighted with his discourse, his lady was beautiful and possessed virtues in an eminent degree that smooth the rugged path of life and soften the pillow to divine repose. The concluding words of his discourse were : 'Oh, ye people of Israel, why will ye not return.''' The accent yet hung on his tongue when a blackbird was seen, and with trepidation flew all around and alighted on the pulpit, over the preacher's head. All eyes were turned to this ominous bird. The preacher in silence viewed the agitated throng, all inspired with divination, but none the point could fix. The next day alas ! before the sun had veiled his head behind yon western hill, the flush was nipped, and the lovely seraph's spirit fled to the regions of the blessed ! A melancholv gloom overspread the village ; the silence of death seemed to pervade ; few could give utterance to their tiioughts ; the mysterious appearance of the bird, thought some, was the harbinger ot death ; we turn, the angel to conduct her to the mansions of the blest." It is scarcely necessary to say that the story of the blackbird was an invention of Mr. Archdeacon. The tale is sad enough when simply told. On Monday morning, June 32d, the day after preaching in the Totowa church, Mr. Cumming and his young wife visited the Passaic RECONSTRUCTION OF THE OLb CHURCH. 4* Falls, then In their pristine beauty. Tradition says that he was anxious to hasten back to Newark, and gave a reluctant assent to his wife's desire to visit the Falls. After viewing the scene from various points, together they crossed the narrow chasm to the pi'ecipice on the northwest side of the basin. Having looked he stepped back across the chasm, supposing she was close be- hind him. Looking around, slie was gone ! It is supposed that she had turned to take a second view, became dizzy and fell over the lofty precipice, here ninet}'^ feet in height. Her body was not recovered until the next morning, and was buried the day after, at Newark. Mr. Cumming's mind sustained a shock from which he never recovered, as his subsequent sad and varied career showed. XV. Reconstruction of the Old Church. When Dom. Schoonmaker left, a "party of progress" seems to have arisen in the church, and resolved that the old things should pass away. At the same meeting that his resignation was received (March 13, 1S16), it was resolved to become in- corporated under the act of 1799. Also, to repair the cliurch. Also, '*that the present pews be vacated and thrown into com- mon, and that the present pews be equital?ly appraised b}' the Committee to be appointed to inspect and examine the church, and de'termine what alterations and repairs are necessary," the present value of the old pews to be credited on the purchase of the new ones. The following general committee was appoint- ed : John Joseph Blauvelt, Abraham Godwin, Edo P. Merse- lis, John Doremus, John Van Blarcom, Cornelius Van Winkle, David Benson, Abraham Van Blarcom, John Berdan, Jacob Van Houten, Abraham V. Houten, Albert V. Saun, Edo Mer- selis, John G. Ryerson, Andrew Ackerman. Adrian Van Houten, Garabrant Van Houten, Esq., and Henry Godwin were "appointed Managers to carry into prompt and immedi- ate eflect the determination of a majority of the committee," and to superintend the work. After deliberating two or three times within the next few days, the alterations wei'e agreed upon, a sketch being made by Abrah;mi Godwin, Jr. The work was driven ahead with all dispatch and completed within 42 TllE OLD DUTCH CHURCH AT TOTOWA. the next four months. The old floor was ripped up (by vohm- tary laborers in tlie congregation) and a new one thirteen inch- es higher put in ; more light was obtained by putting a fanlight over the door (sidelights beside the door were also authorized, but not put in) ; the old pews and side-benches were replaced by two double rows of pews much shorter than the others, and not so high by three inches, and a single row^ on each side un- der the galleries, in place of the side benches ; the galleries were put in good repair, and instead of the open railing a panel face was put in (the railing doing service for many years after as a picket fence in John Joseph Blauvelt's garden, on Toto- wa) ; the interior was painted white. The colored people were now assigned the forward part of the northerly gallerj^ and there snt. It was proposed to fit up pews in the galleries, but this was not done. The repairs and alterations having been substantially completed, the church was opened on vSunday, July 14, 1S16, when tlie Rev. Wilhelmus Eltinge preached his first sermon therein, it being "an excellent discourse from Psalm xxvii, 4; 'One thing have I desired of the Lord, tliat will I seek after ; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beaut}' of the Lord, and to inquire in his temple.'" {Min?ites.) On Saturday, July 27th, the pews were sold ; there were sixty-six pews, holding from four to six persons, and they brought the very handsome total of $2,056. Thenceforward the church enjoyed a quiet and rather success- ful career for eleven years. True, there was something of a "breeze" occasioned in 1S25, by Mr. Brant Van Blarcom, of Paterson, submitting to the Consistory and congregation a writ- ten document in which he strongl)' urged the need of having a pastor settled regularlv at Totowa or at Paterson. And he pro- posed that a new chtu-ch be organized in Paterson, to be gov- erned by the Totowa Consistory or by one of its own, and that a pastor be secui^ed to serve both congref^ations, preaching alter- nately on either side of the river. To this end he oftered to give a seven years' lease of " the double-house in Parke street, next north Robertson's watchmaker shop," (where A. &J. Spear's shoeshop now is. No. 93 Main street) , the yearly rental of which PEW HOLDERS IN lSl6. 4^ was $260, and friends offered to furnisli the house for a parsonage. His offer he considered equivalent to $350 a year. It is under- stood that Mr. Van Blarcom wanted to get the Rev. Benjamin C. Taylor, then at Acquackanonk, called to Paterson and Totowa. The Totowa congregation seem to have been very angry at Mr. Van Blarcom's offer, and declared that they were satisfied with Mr. Eltinge, and " resolved, that we arc not yet ready to sell our minister and our souls for the sum of $350 per annum for seven years." XVI. Pew Holders in 1S16. The following is a report of the sale of pews after the recon- struction of the interior of the church in 1S16, showing the number of each pew, the number of sittings in each, the purchaser or purchasers, and the price paid : Pew No. I, 8 seats, two seats bought by John D. Ryerson, for $5. (Four seats \vere reserved to Henry Brockholst's heirs, in accordance with the deed of 1763.) No. 2 — 4. Wm. Ferguson, $11. No. 3 — 5. Daniel Benson, $23. No. 4 — 4. Hartman Van Nordcr and Cornelius Westervelt, each two seats, $17- No. 5 — 5. J-acob I. Van Houten, three seats, Francis Van Winkle, two seats, $29. No. 6 — 4. Richard Van Gieson and Halmech R. Van Houten, each two seats, $17. No. 7 — 6. David Bensen, $33. No. S— 4. Albert Terhune, $17. No. 9 — 5. Daniel Van Horn, $37. No. 10—4. Edward Mitchell, $3i. No. II— 5. Edo P. Merselis, $41. No. 12 — ^. Richard H. Van Houten, $21. No. 13 — 5. Albert Van Saun, $39. No. 14 — 4. Edo Merselis, $20. No. 1=5 — 5. John Doremus and Aliram Ryerson, each two and a half seats, $45. No. 16 — 4. Cornelius C. Van Houten and Peter A. V^an Houten, each two seats, $30. 44 tPhe old dutch church at totowa. No. 17 — 5. Henry G. Doremus, $46, No. 18 — 6. Albert Van Houten; Adrian Van Ilouten and Rachel Van Houten, $31. No. 19 — 6. Adrian and Halmech Van Gieson, each three seats, $35. No. 30 — 6. Roelof I. Van Houten, $33. No. 31 — 6. Robert Van Houten, five seats, Anna Van Hou- ten, one, $33. No. 33 — 6, Cornelius Van Houten, $34. No. 33 — 6. Adrian R. Van Houten, $40. No. 24 — 6. John Joseph Blauvclt and Isaac I. Stag-g, each two, $40. No. 35 — 6. Abraham R. Van Houten, $|i. No. 26 — 5. Cornelius Van Winkle, $45. No. 37 — 5. Abraham Van Blarcom, $73. No. 28 — 6. Abraham Godwin and Abraham Godwin Jr., each three seats, $33. No. 39 — 6. Peter Van Allen and Peter Van Allen, Jr., each three seats, $43. No. 30 — 6. Edo Merselis, $30. No. 31 — 6. Albert Hopper and Cornelius P. Hopper, each three seats, $30. No. 33 — 6. Hartman M. Vreeland, Adrian I. Post and Elizabeth Post, two each, $33. No. 33 — 6. John Burhans and Hassel H. Doremus, each three seats, $19. No. 34 — 6. John Seager and John Biu'hans, each three seats, $16. No. 35—^ . John Marinus and David Marinus, $11. No. 36—4. Thomas Wills, Jr., $33. No. 37 — 5. Francis D. R^erson and Richard Degray, each half, $40. No. 38 — 4. Andrew Parsons, $3r. No. 40 — z|. Daniel Holsman, $40. No. 41 — 5. Cornelius Vreeland, three seats, and Garabrant Van Rypen, two, $40. No. 42 — 4. Charles Kinsey, $19. No. 43 — 5. John S. Van Winkle and John I. Berdan, each half, $35. PEW HOLDERS IN 1816. 45 No. 44 — 4. Martynus Hogencamp, $19. No. 45 — 5. John C. Van*Ryper and Halniech Van Houten, each half, $32. No. 46 — 4. Jeremiah Tier, $19. No. 47 — 5. Andrew Ackerman, $26. No. 48 — 4. Aaron King, Robert King and John I'lood, each a third, $19. No. 49 — 5. John Goetschius, $25. No. 50 — 4. John F. Post, two, John M. Crosson, one, and Ann Van Blarcom, one, $20. No. 51 — t;. Cornelius Van Blarcom, . No. =52—8. Jacob I. Van Houten, . No. 53 — 5. Edo Van Winkle and John Parke, each half, $27. No. 54 — 5. Jerry S. Van Rypen, $29. • No. 55 — 5. Geo. I. Kyerson, $35. No. 56 — 5. John R. Van Houten and Richard Berdan, each half, $30. No. 57—5. John Degray, $48. No. 58 — 5. John Van Blarcom, $54. No. 59 — 5. Simeon Van Winkle, ^60. No. 60 — 5. Peter Mersclis, $59. No. 61 — 5. Adrian Van Houten, $77. No. 62 — 2j. Abraham C. Zabriskie, $ijo ; 24- seats reserved to the church. No. 63 — 5. Garabrant Van Houten, $77. No. 64—5. B. & J. Van Blarcom, each half, $71. No. 65 — 5. John Joseph Blauvelt, $55. No. 66 — 5. Abraham V. Houten, $60. Total receipts from pews sold, $2,056. Several of the foregoing pew-holders of course were of other denominations, — as William Ferguson, John Seagcr, Thomas Wills, Jr., Andrew Parsons, Daniel Holsman, Charles Kinsey, Aaron King, Robert King, John Flood, John Parke, and prob- ably others — but bought pews in this church and jDerhaps attended its services regularly because there were only two other church organizations in the neighborhood, and they were very 46 THE OLD DUTCH CHURCH AT TOTOWA. feeble — the First Presbyterian of Paterson, and an embryo M. E. church, meeting wherever it coifld find a room. XVII. Statistics. There are no statistics known to be extant relative to the To- towa church, prior to 1S12. In that year it reports 11 1 families and 78 members. In 1817 there were 130 families and 67 mem- bers in communion ; in 1S21 — 175 families of 1 105 persons, 105 members, 36 having joined during the year on profession of their faith ; in 1S23 — 179 families, 1125 persons, no members, 43 joining on profession ; in 1824 — iSo families, 1 130 persons, 125 members, 13 accessions ; in 1S25 — 180 families, i i40persons, 117 members, no accessions; in 1826 — 180 families, 1150 per- sons, 129 members, 9 accessions ; in 1827 — 170 families, iioo persons, 134 members, 5 accessions; in 1828 — 125 families, 575 persons, 88 members, 4 accessions ; in May, 1830 — 100 families, 600 persons, 95 members, 5 accessions. XVIII. " God's Acre." Such is the tender and poetic name by which the Germans designate the grounds set apart for the sei:)ulture of their dead. Applied to the old Totowa plot it was mathematically correct, the grounds being exactly an acre in extent. As was custom- ary, the first interments were made nearest the church, but in the course of forty years the whole lot east and south of the church was filled with graves. A great many were without any other headstone than a smooth fragment of a field-stone, a foot or two square, generally with no mark on, but sometimes with initials or a date rudely carved on the hard surface. Brown- stone slabs were rare hereabout in those days. The gravcN'ard, extending easterly almost to the brook, has been built over now for fifty yecirs or inore, not a few skeletons having been un- earthed in the digging of cellars, while whatever headstones there were have mostly been worn away doing duty as walks, door-steps and the like. In 1795 this part of the church lot was quite filled with graves, and the lot southwest of the Totowa road (Ryle avenue) was brought into requisition for burial purposes, the first interment being that of Grace King, aged five SOME BURIALS IX " GOD's ACRE." 47 years, daughter of John King, sister of the kite Aaron King, and aunt of the late Gnffith*King. There was a stone over the grave of Jane Van Winkle, aged two months, died 1791, but the infant was doubtless removed thither when its mother was buried in 1S07. The following are some of the inscriptions copied from headstones in this ground about 1S73, by the writer : Chikli-eu of Ebeu'r it Eliza'th Blaohly, Deceased are Nancy, burn July 7th, 1783, clieil Octobr. 9tli, 1783. Atjed 3 Moutlis it 2 daj's. Also, Jitijanna, born AiigiLst llth, 1791, (lied July 3d, 1798, Aged 6 years, 11 Moutbs it 23 days. lu Memory of James Keane, who died November the 1st, 1805, A native of Galway in Ireland, Aged 45 Yeai's. In Memory of Abraham Van Hoiiteu, sou of Adrian Van Houten and Maiy his wife, who dcpai ted this life July 28th, 18U-1, aged 29 Years, 7 Months and 12 days. In Memory of Eichard, sou of Adrian Van Ilouteu, who departed this life the 25th February 1806, aged 18 Years, 9 Months and 25 days. In Memory of Leah, daughter of Adriau Van Houten, who departed this life March the 10th, 1806, aged 33 Years, 6 Mouths and 11 days. In Memory of Adrian, son of Adriau Van Houten, who departed this life March the IGth, 1806, aged 21 Years, 3 Mouths and 3 days. In Memory of Jacob Ackermau, who departed this life January the 20th, 1812, aged 65 years, 9 Mouths aud 29 days. [S]AEAH[the] wife of f Timothy] B. Crane, [and] daughter of Luke [Snedekjer and Sarah Snede[k]er his vafe, who departed this life 18th January, 1824, aged 42 yeiu's. lu Memory of Margaret Hunter, Sister of Isabella King, who died Decem- ber 21st, 1824, Aged 86 Years. lu Memoi'y of John llyersou, who died -January 25th, 1835, aged 43 yeare, 3 months and 29 days. In Memory of J\Iaiy Marvin, consort of Doct. Jouathan D. Marven, died May 23, 1810, aged 19 years. Lucreche Stagg, daughter of Isaac Stagg, died Jan. 1st, 1829, aged 17 yeai-s. Sarah, wife of John Mowerson, dfed April 11, 1803, aged 57 years. " Her death was sudeu aud unexpected to her aud to her friends." Here lies all that is or was mortal of Susan Davis, second daughter of Abram and Mary Godwin, who departed this life Oct. 21, 1813. In Memory of Genl. Abram Godwin, a soldier of the Revolution, died Oct. 5th, 1835, aged 72 years, 2 months and 19 ilays. Also MaiyMimson Godwin, his wife, died Feb. 6th, 1826, aged 62 years, 7 months and 11 days. 48 THE OLD DUTCH CHURCH AT TOTOWA. lu memory of Edo Merselis Godwin, son of Henry and Mary Godwin, died Oct. 8th, 1813, aged 3 months, 20 days. In one corner was a large tomb, the stone lintel bearing this in- scription : " Owners of this vault — Cornelius Van Winkle, Eichard Ward, Abram Van Houteu, Albert Van Saun. October 9, 1813." Gen. Godwin, who died in 1835, was one of the last interred in this now sadly-neglected spot. Many families long ago re- moved their dead from this cemetery, leaving the headstones still standing. In the spring of iSSS, the First Reformed church had all the remains yet in the old burying-ground taken up and re- interred in the cemetery of the church on Willis street. Hei'e is the only reference to the burying-ground that we find in the Church Records : June the 21 18 '3. At a Meting of the Duch consistory of the totoway church have unanhnons A greed that Every Person is to Pay for Laying and to Be Buj'ried in this Church yard, to Pay the Sum of fin- Twelve years and iipwanxls is to Pay the Sum of one Dollar and under Twelve years the Sum of fifty Cents. XIX. Burning of the Old Church. On a dry and windy day, on March the 26th, 1S27, the town of Paterson was startled by the cry of fire ! " The two hand en- gines, primitive affairs, were quickly got out and hurried to the scene of destruction — the quaint old Totowa church. But there was no saving the old building, the cedar shitigles of wliich Vvcre dry as tinder, and in the course of an hour nothing but bleak and blackened walls remained of the building so fraught with rich, varied and tender memories, and reminiscences of the wars in the church culminating in the independence ot the Reformed Dutch Church of America, and of wars of the nations, many a stirring incident of which had occurred within sight of its belfry and wdiich had resulted in a nation's freedom. As the crowd stood helplessly by, the old bell which had rung for nearly three- quarters of a century, now wept great tears of metal as the piti- less flames slowly and savagely crawled up and around it, wreathing it in their merciless embrace until at last it fairly w'ept itself away, and the whole roof fell in with a crash. An event of such interest happening to-day would furnish the reporters BURNING OF THE OLD CHURCH. 49 with material for a column or two of " fine writing," historical reminiscences and the like, but here is all tliat the Paterson In- telligencer thought it worth while to say about the fire on the Wednesday following : Fire. — About eleven o'clock, A. M. ou Monday last the roof of the Ee- formed Dutch Church in this town was discovered to be on fire. The wind at the time was j)i etty high, from the southwest, and before the fire engines could arrive the roof had become almost au entire sheet of flame ; and so rapid was the progi-ess of the destructive element, that in less than half an hour the whole wood work of the building became a heap of smoking ruins. A biirning flake carried by the wind from the church, lodged on the thatched roof of the barn belonging to Garabrant Van Houten, Esq. , several hmidred yards distant, which was also entu-ely consumed. Much credit is due to our fire companies, and citizens generally for their prompt and successful exertions to save the adjacent buildings, which, from their combustible materials, and the direction of the wind, were in imminent danger, and seemed to threaten a most extensive conflagration. The fire is supposed to have originated from the carelessness of some per- son shooting, the wadding having lodged on the roof and communicated to the shingles. It is said that some person shot at a bird on the roof, and the wadding lodged between the shingles. The desolate walls remained standing for nearly a year, and were then removed to enter into the construction of the new edifice^ on Main street, near Ellison, whjch was contracted for March Sth, 1828. The old lot was leased for a few years, but finally all that part of it northeast of the Totowa road, now Ryle avenue, was sold and is now built upon, over the graves of the dead now in- terred there for neai'ly a century and a quai'ter. And thus dis- appeared the last vestige of the Old Dutch Church of Toto- wa. Of the events which succeeded the calamity above described we need not speak at length. Suflice it to say that while the congregation seemed to be quite unanimous as to the inexpedi- ency of rebuilding on the old site, they were veiy much divided on the question of a new site, a large party preferring to re- main north of the river, while another large party preferred building in the then growing town of Paterson. The pastor and all but one or two of the Consistory favored the latter 4 50 THE OLD DUTCH CHURCH AT TOTOWA. course, which was ultimately adopted by vote of the congrega- tion. In consequence of this decision Messrs. Gerrebrandt Van Houten, Martinus I. Hogencamp, John Joseph Blauvelt, Adrian R. Van Houten, Cornelius S. Van Wagoner, David Bensen and Cornelius G. Hopper notified the Consistory (Aug. 23, 1827), with assurances of the kindliest feeling, that they would petition Classis in the following month to constitute them a new church, and hence the Second Reformed church, corner of Water and Temple streets, which edifice, by the way, was completed and opened for public worship on Sunday, June 8, 1828, while the Main street church was not dedicated until March 15, 1829. Judge Gerrebrandt Van Houten gave the site for the Second church, contributed liberally of his means towards its erection, and had concluded to pay ofl^" a debt of about $2,000 remaining on it, but died suddenly of apoplexy the night after he had an- nounced his benevolent intention. The fire and the subsequent unhappy divisions had a depress- ing effect on the worthy and zealous Dominie Eltinge, the ex- tent of whose depression may be inferred from the following note, appended to his statistical report to Classis in September, 1827. He says : The additions to our church diiring the year past have been small, only six have been added, these, however, gave very satisfactory evidence of a real change. As a congregation we are at present much afflicted, our house of worship has been consumed by fire, and we are divided as to the site for the new church. "By the River Passdic (!) we have reason to sit down, and weep when we remember Zion, and to hang our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof. " By order of the Consistory of Totowa. It may be remarked that the stone set in the wall over the door of the old church, and bearing the legend and date already given, was carefully preserved and placed in the belfry of the Main street church, where it was undoubtedly destroyed in the fire of December 14, 1871. XX. Supplementary Notes. The critical reader has doubtless noticed a conflict of dates relative to the settlement of Dom. Schoonmaker over Totowa, and the time of service of Dom. Meyer. It is probable that Dom. Schoonmaker's settlement at Acquackanonk and subse- SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. 5 1 quent long service in both churches, 1791-1S16, led his biogra- pher quoted above (from Sprague's Antials)^ to suppose that his pastorate over each congregation was coequal throughout ; but he is clearly in error, as the Classical records extant show that Dr. Meyer was pastor of Totowa, in connection with Pompton, i773-'9i- A Sunday school was organized in connection with the church, as early as 1825. December 19, of that year, '* Mr. Brant Van Blarcom, one of the Superintendents, laid before the Consistory his accompts for books bought for the Sunday school under the care of this church, amounting to $46.37^, less $11.14 advanced to him," and he was allowed the balance. It is probable that these were the first books bought for the school. The Sunday school was held in a low frame building, twenty or thirt}^ feet in the rear of the church, erected about iSio for a schoolhouse. It was not much injured by the fire of 1S27. With these fragmentary notes, gathered up at odd intervals during many years, amid other more engrossing occupations, ends the history of the Old Dutch Church at Totowa. And yet, does it ? Who can tell what subtle influences that old church still exerts upon the population of Peterson and the surrounding country? While it stood it was a bulwark, a " strong fortress" of earnest piety and staunch orthodoxy. The leaven thus generated permeated the whole of society herea- bouts, and it is not easy to believe that its power is even now exhausted. While it stood, and especially while the preaching was in Dutch, it was a visible sign of the ancient supremacy of that people, and gave them a moral prestige they could not oth- erwise have retained so long. The quaint old stone building is indeed no more, but the Truth therein proclaimed for seventy-two years shall endure forever. APPENDIX. Note A. The only baptismal register of the old church that is known to exist is an oblong volume, bound in parchment, sixteen inches long and six inches wide, containing eighty-two leaves or one hundred and sixty-four pages. The title is in the handwriting of Dominie Marinus, as is also the New Call made to him in 1752, written in a fine, round hand. The subsequent entries have been evidently written by various persons. The ink is faded ; in a few cases the writing is undecipherable. In time the book will be destroyed, or the entries will be so faded that they cannot be read. To guard against such loss, and to make the information more available, it has been, thought well to reproduce the contents of the volume herewith, verbatim et literatim, with an occasional note or translation by way of ex- planation. Kerkelyk Protocol der hervormde Gemeynte Jesu Chrifti tot Totua in de County van Berge 8c Piovintie van Ooft Niew Jersey in Noord America anno Domini 1756 David Marinus V: D: M: Church Register of the reformed Church of Jesus Christ at Totua in the County of Bergen Province of East New Jersey in North America A. D. 1756. De Nieuwe Beroepsbrief van Do David Marinus tot Predi- kant op Achquechnonk Totua en Pomptan.* In de name Gods ! Nadien dat de Nederduytsclie Hervormde Gemeente in de tot nu toe vereeuigde Plaadsclien Acliqiieclmonk en Pomptan in oost New Jersey in Noord America UEi-w Do David Marinus tot hiinue Herder en Leeraer gehad hebben hebbende UErw: bet Leeraers ampt sear eyverig en Godvruchtig reeds vier Jaaren onder ons waergenome met Loflj'ke Stigtinge so heeft bet den Rykdom van Gods goedertierentbeyd bebaagt onse Gemeentens so danig door UErwaerdens dienst te doen groeje en Bloeje dat er Uyt de twee voormelde Gemeentens met algemejTie toestemminge van beyde een derde Gemeente ontstaen is tot Totua bet welk ons genoodzaakt beeft onse voorgaende Beroepsbrief in Eenige van desselfs omstandig beeden te veranderen en tot dien Eynde zyn wy ouderlingen en Diaconen van de nn Drie gecomb'ineerde Gemeentens van Acbquecbnonli Totua & Pomptan op vrydag den 23 April in bet Jaar onses Heereu 1756 in de Kerk te Acbqnechnonk by een vergadert en bebben met zjn wel Eerw Do Reiubert Erickson alse onse Consulent Eaadgepleegt en na aeuroepinge van Gods Naem zyn wy Eyndelyk tot dit besUiyt gekomen 1. Dat UErw de belft van de Predikdienst suit doen op Acbquecbnonk de vierde op Totua en de vierde op Pomptan 2. De H. Dagen in UErA's eerst Beroepsbrief gemelt zullen gebouden- worden op die plaadscbeu daerse bet naast by de zondag komen u3i;genome Hemelvaardsdag die zalverstreekken tot een beurt in de Gemeente in weike UErw die vieren zult 3. Het gebeele Jaar door zult UErw op den dag des Heeren eens prediken Ses maenden op bet Langst van de dagen zult UErw terstond na gedane Predikatie Caticbiseeren in de Kerk boedikwils UErw de aendere ses maenden des jaers Caticbiseeren zult en waer zulks gescbieden zal word gelate aen bet goedvinden van UErw met UEkerkenraat gelyk bet ook UErw met UEkerken- raad met de Caticbisatien tot Slotterdam bandelen zult 4. Tweemaal des Yaars zult UErw buysbesoekinge doen in de GemejTite tot Achquecbenonk Eens des jaars in de Gemeynte tot Totua en Eens in de Gemeynte tot Pomf)tau so lang UEi-ws sicbaems gesteltbeyd zulks toelaaten viermaal des jaers zult UErw bet H: Avondmael in jeder Gemejnite bediene •A translation of this document is given on pages 14-16. The spelling of Dutch words has been materially modified by modern lexicographers, and it does not seem that Dominie Marinus was strictly accurate in his orthography even according to the usage of his day. 6o THE NEW CALL TO DOMINIE MARINUS. 5. Wanneer UE door siekte of aendersins eens van buys moeste weese so suit UE de beurt moete waerneeme daese Soudags van te voren moest waergenome worde en dit doende so belovenwy UErw op UE dienst onder ons als bovegemelt 1. Een sjaerlj'ks Tractament van Hondert en Sestien Ponden New Jersey Gelt tegen half Proclamatie gerekent of aanders Niewyorks gangbaer gelt waervan UErw door de ouderlingen en Diaconen die nu zyn en van tyd tot _ tyd na oms zuUen in den dienst zyn alle balf yaar de gerechte belft zal betaalt worden dat is de E Kerkenraat van Acbquechnonk zal n sjaerlyks agt en vyf tig Ponden de E Kerkenraad van Totvia negen en Twintig ponden en de E I^rkenraad van Pomptan negen en Twintig Ponden. 2 bier nevens een beqname woninge die ten tyden van Do Henricus Koens op Acbqnecbnonk niews getimmert is en Staat digtby de Kerkeen Scbuervoor Paarden en Beesten, een put een tbuynen Ses ackkers Land dit alles zuUen we Kepareeren en in Beparatie bouden dewelke met alles desselfs Beneficien en Profyten de uwe zuUen zyn so lange UE onse Leeraar syd » 3, maer zo bet mocbte gebeure dat een of aender van de voormelde gecombineerde Gemeyntens zoude wj^geren ofte nalatig zyn baer Egale Part na proportie van bun dienst diese genieten bet zy in opsicbt van voormelde Tractament of in opsicbt van voormelde Eeparatie na te kome, so zullen de aendere Gemeente of Gemeentens bet volkome recbt bebben de Dienst van bunne Plicbt niet nakomende Gemeynte over te neeme mits zydan ver- plicbt zulle zyn de bovengemelde Oonditiente vervullen En tot bet nakomen van dit alles zo verplicbten wy ons als teegenwoordige ouderlingen en Diacone gelyk dat ook doen zullen alien en een jegelyk die na ons van tyd tot tyd in den dienst tot ouderlingen en Diaconen onser Gemeentens zidleu beroepen worden en dat voor en aleer dat zy in bunne bedieningen zullen bevestigt zyn te weete deese Beroepinge meede te ondertykenen Jebovab God dan bidden wy laate deese onse beroepinge wel geluliken en doese uytvalle tot eere en beerlykbeyd van Gods Naem tot uytbreydinge van zyn Koningryk en inwinninge en zaligbeyd van veele zielen amen! aldus gedaen te Acbquecbnonk den 23 april 1756 Jn tegenwoordigbeyd van Eeynbert Erickson als consilient Sie bet origineele met de bandtyconinge en bet Kerkelyk Protocol tot Acbquecbnonk. Register der gedoopte Kinderen.' ^ , _ Hendnck Francisco , Jiicob Francisco Ouclers tvt i.- c eetnysen . ,. c I Marytje bnyer | t> j& | Autje Suyer Naem Elizabeth gebore den 9 July gedoopt den 8 ang: 1756 ^ , „ I Hekoich D : Van Houte I , I Cornelus van Houte Oudere » .• d , getuygen -r> x- tt x I Antje Post | & js | Fytje van Hou,te Naem Elizabeth geboren den 23 Octob gedooirt den 27 octobris 175G Ouders I J'^'^aunis Ryke I „„.,,.,„_,, I Johannis Spier uuaers | ^^^ Sherman | g^'^">geJi | Lea Post Naem Abraham gebore den gedoopt den 19 maert 1758 Ouders I ^"^^^^^ vaness j , ^ \ Johannis Pier ] Hendrica Pier | * '^•^^ | Hester vaness Naem Marytje den 21 maert geboren en den 16 april gedoopt 1758 ^ , -I I Thomas mills I „ . I Cornelns Westerveld ivm '^^'^^^ I Majeke Post | S^tuygen | j^^^^.^.^ ^anHoorn Naem Martha gebore den 8 Aug: ged. d 8 Sept 1758 Ouders I Hendrick Jacobusse I ^ I Cornelus Spier I Sara Stynmetz I b Jb | gophia Jacobusse Naem Conelus gebore den 13 aug: gedoopt: den 3 Sept 1758. r. 1 I Niclaes Low I , 1 Cornelus Low I Oudei-s a 1 T getuygen » •■ ,■ t naem I Sarah Low | b ^o | Arrijaeutje Low | Johannis gebor: den 7 Sept ged den 1 octob 1758 Oudei-s I ^^^^^^' ^^^'^ I eetuv^en I ^^^obus Barjo | ^ I Susanna Jones | b J'» | Hester Berry | ' Pieter gebore den 1 Decem: gedoopt den 25 Dec: 1758 Cornelians Low Geboren de 21 September 1745 ^ , I yurye westervelt I , I Pieter Post Ouders hir -i. -j. getuygen \ -.,- ■ , I Marritye gerritse | & •' » | Man-egriet zyn vrou Naem Cornelus geboren de 2 Mey gedoopt de 17 Mey 1760 ^ 1 I Cornelus van houten I , I Johannes v. giese O"'^^^ I Marretye v: giese | g^t^yg^n | ^^j^^^ ^_ ^.^-^ Naem Lena geboren de 24 Novemb. gedoopt 25 Decmr. 1761 r^ ^ \ hendrick Briiyn 1 , I abraham Beem Ouders ri . ■ -d I getuygen , I Catriena Beem ^ o ja | ^yn buysvrou Naem Sara gebooren de 17 Jmie gedoopt 26 Jidy 1761 ^ ■■ I Samuel Home I , i Barent Kool 0^^^^« I grietye Kool | g^^^^g^^ | Sara Kool Naem hendrick geboren 16 febr: gedoopt 12 April 1762 ♦"Register of baptized. Children." OwcZej'S, parents ; (/efM^/f/PH. witnesses; naem, name of child ; Oifjore or (jeljur en, horn •, fjedovpt, baptized ; Manrt. Mert or Mnerl, March; J/e?/, May. The first eight entries are in the handwriting of Dominie Mari- nas. The ninth is in the hand of one unaccustomed to writing. The subset] iient en- tries are in a different chirograptiy still. The pages of the original volume are not numbered, but a slight space is left in this printed booli between the entries as written on each page of the record. 63 BAPTISMAL REGISTER, 1762-1764. -, I Johannis Cadmes I , I hellimich v : houten ^^'^^^•^ I fe:.tye v: honten | eetnjgen | j^^^^g^ye zyn vrou Naem Cornelia geboren 6 Mert gedoopt 1762 , I Pieter maudeviel I , I hendrick Mandeveal oiiclers I ^j^^^^^ Bertolf | S^ t^Jgen | MaiTegrietye zy vrou Naem Jan geboren 19 Sept gedoopt op Totowa 1762 ^ J I Johannis v : siesen [ , i Cornells v : hoTiten Ondere \ -.t l i i. getuygen ,. I Metye v: hoiiten | & .^s | mai-j'tje zyn vi'ou Naem Dirk geboren 14 January gedoopt 23 January 1763 Ouders i ^"'''^' ^- ^'^P^^^ I retuvcren I "^™* ^'- ^'^'P^^ uuaers I j,^.g.^^g^j^ j^ggj. | gexuj^en | Lena zyn vrou Naem YuiTie geboren 26 Mert gedoopt op totowa 1763 ^ , I Poules Eattan I , I belmicb v : bouten Ouders t i. -p i getiiygen \ -,-, I Jannetye bord | » ■' f' | Eva zjti vrou Naem Poulis geboren 30 Maart gedoopt op totowa 1763 rs -, I Dirck Kverson I , ! Joris Ryerson Ouders t -o " getuygen .at I Lena Eyerson | & -^ » | Antye nennion Naem geertye geboren 16 April gedoopt op totowa 1763 ^ 1 I Jacobus Post I , I Jobannes Post I Metye gerritse \ S jS | Caterina v : bouten Naem Johannis geboren 14 Mey gedoopt op totowa 1763 r\ ^ 1 Johannis v : houten I , I f rans Post Ouders t i i. -o getuygen /-, , i , i . I Leybetye v : Eeypen | ^^ >' » | Catelyntye van houten Naem yannetye geboren 31 Octo. gedoopt de 4 Decer. 1763. ^ -, I Teunes Dey I t o- I ^^ vader I Hester Schuylder ) ° ^^ | & Moeder Naem Da'S'id gebooren 30 November gedoopt De 25 December 1763. ,•^ J I Cornelus neefyes I , I Johannes Neefyes Oudei-s ,, . ■' getuygen t -r. I aeltye v: giesen | ° ''° | Lena Dy Naem Catetyutye gebooren 10 December gedoopt 25 Decern. 1763 ^ J I Barent Cool I , I Mechiel koock Ouders --, . t> i. getuygen o n n i I Cateryna Post | *= -^ | en Selle Cool Naem femmetye geboren 28 January gedooj^t 26 febr. 1764 -^ ■, I Eobbert Clark I , I Jan hTi Ouders ■ , , getuygen K-, x •' i I gi'ietye lyn | & ^^ j Catrina lyn Naem Mareytye geboren 18 februaiy gedoopt De 18 van Mert 1764 ^ , I Cornelus van houten I I Eobbert van houten I Marretye van giesen \ „ ^ „ \ Elisabeth Post ^ •^'^ Johannes van houten Twelingen* | Leybetye van Eypen Naemen Der kinderen zyn De Een is genaemt Elisabeth en De andere feytye Gebooren Den 14 Maii gedoopt De 8 van April 1764. ,-. ^ I Niccase Kip I . I Hendrick Sisco Ouders t ht f • i getiiygen I Leya Mandeviel \ ° •'° en zyn vrou Naem Antye gebooren De 25 May gedoopt De 10 June 1764. I gerrit gerritse I . I Hendrick gerritse ®^^ I Eagel westervelt | S^'^^^yS^'^ j Zyn Moeder Man-itye Naem MaiTitye gebooren De 1 Juni & gedoopt De 8 July 1764. »" Twins. The names of the children are the one is named Elisabeth and the other Feytje." BAPTISMAL REGISTER, 1764-1774. 63 ^ J I Ponies Eiitau I . , ,1 Joris Bord ^^^^^^■" 1 lamietye bord I S^^^^y^en | ^^^ D^gi^ter Lena Naem Antye gebooren De 14 Jnly gedoopt De 30 Jnly 1764 ^ -, I Johannes Neefyes I , I Cornelus Neefyes O^^^^^-^LefiaDy | g^^^J'S^'^ | Aeltye van giesen Naem geirit gebooren De 25 September gedoopt De 14 October 1764 ^ 1 I Joris Kverson I . I Dirck Ryerson 0"^^"-«|zj-nyi-ou I g^^tuygen | ^^na Z^ Trou Naem Antye gebooren De gedoopt De 14 October 1764 OndprR 1 I^i^eck Van Eipen j „p.„^„p„ I Jacob Berry Ouders I EUzabeth meet | g^^^^yS^"^ | Gretey meet Naem Jacob gebooren De 2 January gedoopt 27 January 1765 I France Post . I „etuveen I ^^^'^'^^ ^ ^^P*^^ ^^^ I Catelyntye van houten | geiuygen | -^^^^ g^,^^ ^^^^ Naem Mareytye gebooren 14 January gedoopt 17 Febriiary 1765* ^ , I Eoelif V : houten I , „ I Hessel Peterse ^""^^"^^ I .4ntye hennion | g^*^yg«^ | feytye v: houten Naem Robbert geboren De 28 Mert gedoopt De 1 Mey 1774 ^ 1 I Jan hopper I , I Andries hopper Ouders ic , ^^ getuygen k-, , • , ^^ I feytye Doorremus | o -"^ | Catrma hopper Naem Catrina gebooren De 7 april gedoopt De 1 Mey 1774 Ouders I '^'^"^ westervelt I „etnv"en I ^^^"^^^ ^^g^rt I MaiTetye gerretse | & -^ = | geesye westervelt Naem Steven geboren De 16 April gedoopt De 22 Mey ^ -, I Hendrick v : Blercom I , I Antoni v : Blercom Ouders . , 11 getuygen . j. -iz i I Annaetye v : wenkel | o ■' t> | Annaetye Koock Naem rrouwetye geboren De 20 May gedoopt De 29 May 1774 ^ 3 I Petrus V : houten I . I Johannes v giesen Ouders t t> • getuygen t.t x t, x I Leya v : Rypen | & j & ] Metye v-: houten Naem Elisabeth geboren De 13 May gedoopt De 29 May 1774 ^ J I frans v: blercom I , I De vader 0^^^^|jackomynv:horn| S^^'^yS^'^ | En De Moeder Naem Antoni geboren 8 July gedoopt De 24 July ^ , 1 Hessel Rverson I , I John genitse 0^'ier^ I Doorte Earl | g^t^yg^^ | geertj'e Ryerson Naem geertye geboren 5 July gedoopt De 24 July Ouders I Johannis westervelt I . If 1774 1 Elizabeth bogert | g'^^^'^^g^^ | Naem grietye geboren 14 July gedoopt De Augustus Ouders 1 Roelif v. houten I f r, ' Johannes v houten 1774 I Annaetye kip | g y^ | ejj 2yn vi-ouw Naem Johannes geboren De 29 July gedooiDt De 21 August Ouders i ^®™* gerritse I ^ I J-urre westervelt I Marregrietye gerritse | & Jo | Marritye gerritse Naem Johannes gebooren 18 September Gedoopt 2 October 1774 •The nine papes following In tbe Register are blank, covering a period of as many years— 1765 to 1774— when the record Is resumed In the same handwriting as before, from which it may be Inferred that part of the record was made up some years after the baptisms occurred. IThis entry and the one following are almost Illegible, the Ink having faded. 64 BAPTISMAL REGISTER, 1774-1775. 1774 I Nickase v: blercom I f,g+,-,yrren I ^°^ ^'- blercom Ouders I Catrieuna Post | » -^ » | Catrienna v : Rypen Naem John gebooren De 25 Septemb. gedoopt 16 Octob. 1774 j benderick Merceker j , .^^ I Johauues Cirris Ouders | Maria Krauck | & . o | Maria Jaeobosse • Naem Jobaunis geboren De 4 oc'ber gedoopt De 30 oct'er ^ •, I Hai-manes Meyer I ^„,„ I Jobamiis Hardenbergh ^"•^^^ I Eagel Hardeubergh | getuygen | ^^,_^^._^ ^^^^ ^^.^ Kint Johannes Herdenbergh gedoopt De 13 November gelioren De 19 October 1774 ^ J 1 hendrick Jacobnsse I , I Lyes Smit <^^*^^^ I Lena v. blercom | g^t^yS^n | ^^.^ jaeobosse Naem Johannes gebooren De 15 October gedoopt De 13 November 1774 ^ I Jacob vreland I , I RoeUf v : honten onders , • i i Retuygen . i I geertye v:winkel | <= ^o | antye hennion Naem Hartman gebooren 2 November gedoopt De 13 November 1774 T 1 adman kingland I , I Ester Dey ouders i, ° getuygen '' I polle I o JO I Naem Johannis geboren De gedoopt De 13 November 1774. ^ I I John Drummnud I , i Hendrick Spier Oudei-s T7.1- 1 4.1 ij getuygen -d n- -n i I Ehsabeth Bruyn | » -^ » j PoUiy Driunmond Naem Nence gebooren De 16 July gedoopt De 21 Augustus 1774 ^ 1 I Jacob Doorremus 1 , I Cornelus Doorremus ^'"'^''-^ I Nieltye Pier | g^t^^g^^ | Sara Eyerson Naem Sara geboren De 25 October gedoopt De 4 December 1774 P> ■, I Peter Post I . j Adrevaen Jaeobosse uuaers | q^^^^^^ Jaeobosse | g^^^^g^^ | Polle van R^ijen Naem Marcke Gebooren De 28 November gedoopt De 18 December 1774 ^ 1 I Cornelus van winkel I , 1 Waeling v : winkel ^"^^^^■^lAanaetyevanEypenl g^t"yg^^ | Maria v: ^^'inkel Naem Waeling gebooren De 2 December gedoopt De 18 December 1774 ^ J i Adreyaeu van hoiiten 1 , I Dirk van houten O^^^"^' I MaiTetye Cadmus | g^^^^yg^^ | Eagel Newkerk Naem Abraham gebooren De 16 December gedoopt De 26 December 1774 ^ 1 I Johannes Meedt I , I Hendrick Demodt ^^^ciers I Marregi-ietye Demodt | g'^'^'^ys^^^ | Cattaljoitye Demodt Naem Hendrick gebooren De 13 December 1774 gedoopt De 15 Janu- ary 1775 /-> J I Salomon van Debeek I , | Albert terhuen Ouders .1 getuygen „ T^ 1 * I geesye terhuen | o j» | jj^^g yau Derhoer Naem Albert gebooren de 27 Januari gedoopt de 26 februai'i 1775 ^ -, I Prvmtye* van -winkil I . I Jobaunis v : winkel Ouder \ J J getuygen \ y x t> I I ! Jannetye Eyerson Naem Arreyaentye Post gebooren De 6 January gedoopt Den 27 feb- ruary 1775 Ouders I ^^^'^ g""'^''^ i £retuv-en I ^^^'^'^'^ ^oo^ uuaers | g^^j^ ^^^^ | getuj^en | jyian-egrietye godwiu Naem hendrick gebooren De 14 februari gedoopt De 12 van Mart 1775 *A curious resemblance liere between the name and the sin of her of the "Scarlet Letter." BAPTIS.MAL llEGISTER, 1775- 65 /-, T I Cornelus Yfiu liouteu I , . I Adreyaen v : honteu O'^^^*^^'^ I Metye van hoiiten \ S^t^ygen | Elisabetli v: honteu Naem gen-ebiaut gebooreu De 24 febriiari gedoopt Do 12 Mert 1775 ^ 1 I Henri godwin I . I lieleua bandt 0^^^^^^-^lketeBandt | S^^^'y^en | Naem helena geboren De 20 Mart gedoopt De 9 April 1775 ^ , Dirk van houten . De vader Ouders Kr • -d cetnygeu -.^ -, I Maria van Eypeu | ^ ■^^ | en Moeder Naem Jaimetye gebooreu De 31 Mert gedoopt De 17 April 1775 rt T 1 Johannes Lambart* i ,„x,„,„„„ I Nickase Kep ^'-''^^'■'^ I arreyaentye Mandeviel | g*^^"yg^^ | Laya Mandeviel Naem Laya gebooreu De 4 Ajiril gedoopt De 30 April 1775 ^ , I Hendrick van nes I , ^,1 Jilles Meedt Ouders \ rr t-. i 1 getuvgen ^r I 2y^ y^.Q^ Eachal | f^ - *= | Zyu vrou « NaemRobbert gebooreu De 15 Af)ril gedoopt De 30 April 1775 „ , 1 William Drummoud I , | De vader en O^^'^^^"^ I Annaetye Spier | ^^taiygeu | ^j^^^^^^^. ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^ Naem Sara geboren De 18 van April gedoopt De 21 May 1775 ^ -, I Adreyaen v: houten I , I Cornelius v: houten 1775 uurters | Elisabeth v: houten | t'^^^J'S^^^ | Metye v: houten Naem yannetye gebooreu De 7 May gedoopt De 28 ^ , I Jan van blercom I , I Hendrick van blercom tnulers j cj^trienna van Rypeu | ^etuygen | ^^^^^^^^.^3 ^an winkel Naem Johannes geboren De 17 May gedoopt De 28 1775 ^ J I Hendrick Dooremus ( , I Jacobiis ackerinan ^^^'^'"^ I Egge van houten | g«t".Vt'^^ | Elisabeth ackermau Naem David gebooreu De 25 July gedoopt De 27 1775 Ai;gustuB ^ 1 I Samuel van Saeu I . I De vader & ^^^'^^^'^ I Leya Zobrisko | g^t^^yg^^ | Moeder Naem Annaetye gebooren De 15 Agustus gedoopt De Eeyste 1 October 1775 ^ ., I Hendrick Doorremus I , I Cornelus Jacobusse uuaei-s I j^iarregTietye van winkel \ ^^''"Jg^^ | Catrina gerritse Naem geertye geboren De 22 a-gustus gedoopt De 15 October 1775 ^ J I Hendrick Sijier I , I Hendrick Siiier 0«<1^^ I Pol Dnmimond I g^^^yS^" | Debra Roome Naem Hendrick gebooreu De 22 September gedoopt De 15 October 1775 p. -, I Jores Doorremus I . I De vader en uuaeiB j iiaiTegrietye westervclt | g^^yg*^^ j Moeder Naem Cornelus gebooreu De 13 September gedoopt de 15 October 1775 ^ 1 I Tuenis Everson I , I De Vader ^•^^^^^^ I Man-itye*Ryerson | g^^^yg^'^ j en Moeder Naem Marritye geboreu De 3 October gedoopt De 29 October 1775 r\ 1 I Jan lues I , t Die vader ^""'^^'^ I Catiyn Ryker | g^^^yg^^ | en Moeder Naem Hester gebooren De 4 September gedoopt de 12 November 1775 *TUe name may l>e Rambart, but the n seems to have an L written over it, tThe fatlior and mother of the child, 5 66 BAPTISMAL REGISTER, 1 775-1776. Ouders I Jan^^ty^ ^^^ blercom I ^. ^^^ I Hendrick Jacoboese I I fa Jo 1 Lena van blercom Naem David gebooren De 2 October gedoopt De 26 September 1775 by adreyan van houten buys by De bruge* ^ -. I David hennion 1 , ^ 1 Jaoobos Jacobosae I Jackomynye kejD I ^ •'^ ! Marritye kip Naem Jacobos geboren De 1 5 November gedoo^it De 10 December 1775 Ouders I Hendrick gerritse I , ^ I Joliaunes gerritse I Elisabeth gerritse | & •^'^ | Claesye gerritse Naem Elisabeth gebooren De 27 Decemr 1775 gedoopt De 28 January 1776 ^ ^ I Hendrick Meed I , I Dirck van Eypen O'^'^^^"^ I Maria kline | S^tuygen | Eu^^beth Meed Naem IJisabeth gebooren De 25 Deer: 1775 gedoopt De 28 January 1776 Q , I Dirck van houten I , ^ I Helmigh van houten I Eagel Newkerck | ^ •' ^ | Catrienna van houten Naem Antye geboren De 10 february gedoopt De 25 February 1776 ^ , I Johannes Meed I „ i. „ J Dirk v : Rypen I Marregrietye Demodt | >^ 5^° { Elisabeth Meed Naem Johannes gebooren De 5 Mert gedoopt de 7 April 1776 O idera I -^^^^ ^*^°^ If I Hendrick Cool I Catriena van Debaters \ S jS j ^^j-^ y^n de water Naem Sara gebooren de 3 May gedoopt De 12 May 1776 ■] I Adreyaen van houten I , I Hessel Pieterse I yannetye Mersehs | & ^b | f eythe v : houten Naem adi'eyaen gebooren De 4 May gedoopt De 26 May 1776 On lora I ^^^^^^ Spier I . I hendrick Spier I Marregrietye vrederixsef | & ^S | Debra Roome Naem herdrickf geboren De 3 June gedoopt De 16 June 1776 ^ , 1 Dirck van houten I , I Cornells van houten ^uacrs I j^j^^.^ ^^^ Byyen \ g^^^'^yg^^ | Metye van houten Naem Antye gebooren De 11 September gedoopt De 22 September 1776 >-. J j Samuel van Saen I , I Jan Zabrisco ^^•^^^ I Leya Zabrisco I g^tuygen | testijnye Zabrisco Naem Jan gebooren De 19 September gedoopt De 6 October 1776 Ouders 1 ^"^^"^^^^ "^^^^ gi^sen I ^gtuvc^en i ^® ^^'^^^' ®^ uuaers | ^^^^^ ^^^ houten I g®™J§®^ | Moeder Naem Johannes geboren De 8 Siptember gedoopt De 6 October 1776 ^ ^ I Hendrick Merceker I . I abraham krankheyd ^^•^^™ I Maria krankheyd | g^t^yg^^ | Eva kirris Naem Lena gebooren De 5 Agustus gedoopt De 20 October 1776 ^ -, ! Jan Merceker I . I hendrick Merceker Ouders getuj'-gen Naem Jurre gebooren De 11 June gedoopt De 3 November 1776 * The child was baptlzeil at Adrian Van Houten's house at the bridge, tFrederlcks. ^Manifestly a lapsus penme for Henarik, Henry, BAPTISMAL REGISTER, 1776-1777. ^f ^ , 1 Nickasi v : blercom ] . I Hendrick liennion ^''^''^ I katrienna past | g<^t"yg«^ | Maria Eomyn Naem franscoos gebooren De 25 October gedoopt De 17 November 1776 ^ , I Bensmen Qiiereaii 1 . ^ I De vader O'^'^^'^lannaetyeBruj-n | 6^*^^^^^ ] en Moeder Naem Elias gebooren De 14 Jnly gedoopt De 17 November 1776 y-. , 1 Hendrick Jacobosse ! , I De vader <^'^'^^™ I Lena van blercom | g^^^^yg^^ | en Moeder Naem Marretye gebooren De October gedooirt De 1 Decembe 1776 ^ , I Comelis van Derlioof I , I Hendrick v : blercom O^^'^^^H Mareet Cryser | g^t^^J'g^^ | Annaetye v: winkei Naem John gebooren De 28 Novemb 1776 gedoopt <-. , 1 Jacobos Jacobosse 1 , I Ari Sisko ^^"'^^'^ I Maria Sisko | g^^^ygen | RagelJacobosse Naem gerrit gebooren De 9 November gedoopt De 15 December 1776 ^ , I Hendrick van blercom I . I De juaers | ^^^^etye van ^nkel I 8^^^>g®" | Vader & Moeder Naem Maria gebooren De 5 December gedoopt De 25 December 1776 ^ , I Jacob van v?iukel I , i Roelif van houten O^^l^^Ulsyekeep | S^^^^^g^^ ' Antye hennion Naem Jaunetye gebooren De 9 Deem, gedoopt De 25 Deem. 1776 ^ -, I Simion van winkei i . I Jacob van winkei O^^*-^^^ I Antye Mei^elus | g^t^^ys^^^ | Vronwetye geiTitse Naem Jacob gebooren De 6 Decem. 1776 gedoopt De 5 Janr. 1777 ^ , I Isack van houten I , I De Vader ^^•^^^■^ I Maria Post | g^^^^yg^^ | en Moeder Naem Isack gebooren De 11 Deem. 1776 gedoopt De 5 Janr. 1777 ^ -, I Cornells v : winkei I , | Johannes v : winkei Ouders , . i> getuygen v a- I Annaetye v: Eypen | & •'o | gerntye Sip Naem Stynye gebooren De gedoopt De 16 february 1777 ^ , I Hendrick Ackerman 1 „ . ^ j Peter post ers j j^j^jT-ggriet post | o Jo j geerttruy Jacobosse Naem jjeter gebooren De 31 January gedoopt de 16 february 1777 Ouders 1 g^"^* ^ gerritse I „et,,„„e^ I Jacobus post uuaers j j^jarregriet gerritse | g*^^"y°<^^ | Antye gemtse Naem hendrick gebooren De 6 february gedoopt De 2 Maert 1777 „ , I Jan Wyt J , I bans keesstede O^'le^-^ I ELsye Vreland ] g^t^^yg^^ | en Zyn Vrou Naem gemt gebooren De 16 December 1776 gedoopt De 2 Mert 1777 „ ., I Jacob vreland I ^ . „ I Jacob van winkei ers j gggj.^,yg y^j^ winkei | & y© | vroiiwetye gerritse Naem hartman gebooren De 15 Maeit gedoopt De 6 April 1777 *^ 1 I Mouris MouTLSse I , • I Heudrik Jacobusse Ouders I ^^.^.^^.^ Jacobusse | g^t^^gen | 2^,^,,. ^^^ ^^^_ Naam Jan, geboren d. 17 Nov: 1776. „ , I Nicoklas Piter Bogert I . I Adolph Walderom Uuders | c^trienna walderom | g^^^^yg®" | Catarma Bogert 1777 Naem Anna •This entry Is in the hanawrltlng of Do;niiiic Schoonmaker. 68 BAPTISMAL REGISTER, I 7^7-1 778. ^ 1 I frans v : blercom 1 Andries v : horn ^^ ■ I Jackomyu v : horn j E;igel t : horn Naem Andris geboren de 25 July gedoopt De 10 Augustus 1777 ^ j Jan J Everson j , I De vader Gudere -n, , •■ getuygen tit n I Elsye lesier | "^ -^ *^ | en Moeder Naem antye geboren De 13 June gedoopt De 10 Agustue 1777 ^ , I Peter D Bou I , 1 hans h pier ^^^^^^« I Zosanna pier | g^t^^g^^ j en Neeltye v: Nes Naem Maria geboren De 26 July gedoopt De 24 Augustus 1777 ^ , I Jacob Dooremus I , I hans pier Ouders xt li. • getuygeu tt i. xt I Neeltye pier | '^ •"=' | Hester van Nes Naem Hester gebooren De 31 July gedoopt De 24 Augestus 1777 ^ J I Hessel Ryerson | , I Hessel piterse 0^^«^^ I Doose Ell 1 get-iygen | ^^^,^^^ '^. ^^.^^^^ Naem Hessel gebooren De 22 September gedoopt De 19 October 1777 p. , I EDo Merselis I , I De Vader Uuders | ^j^-eyaenthe Sip | S^^^^^g^^ | en Moeder van het kint Naem gerrit gebooren De 1 Dagh van October gedoopt De 19 octor 1777 ^ , I Peter hopper | , I De vader en O*^*^^^^ I Annetye Doorremis | g^^^^yg^^ | Moeder Naem andries gebooren De 4 October gedoopt De 2 November 1777 ^ , I Johannes van winkel I , I Johonuis Kyerson O'^'^^^McattelyntyeEyerson | g^t^yS^^ | Catelyntye Lrre Naem Cattelyntye gebooren De 5 November gedoopt De 16 November 1777 ^ 1 I Johannis Byvanck I , ! De vader en Ouders t j. a i„ j. geturgen Ki- n I Januetye Hogelant | f - » | Moeder Naem Jannetve gebooren De 14 November gedoopt De 14 December 1777 ^ J I Roelif van houten I , 1 hendrick Doon-emus Ouders , , , • oetuygen ^^ • , , I Antye heunion | » ^o | Marregriet hennion Naem Johannes gebooren De 2 Deem, gedoopt De 25 Deem. 1777 ^ 1 I John Luewes I , I De vader ^^^^^^" I Catiyn Kyker | g^t^yge^i | en Moeder De Namen De Enen Elisal^eth De auderen feytye gebooren De 13 No- vember gedoopt De 25 December 1777 ^ -, I Ducelis Ccrnes I , j. ^ I ^^ Vader en I geesye boskerk | g ^& | Moeder Naem Williem gebooren De 24 November 1777 gedoopt de 11 January 1778 ^ T I Johannes :v : -winkel I , I Waleng :vau winkel Ouders -j. o- getuygen Kt ■ ■ i i I gerritye Sip | & j » | j^iaria van wmkel Naem Hehnigh gebooren De 14 December gedoopt De 25 January 1778 Ouders 1 Hendrick :v: giesen | . j Peter Wilson I Hendricke banta | & J & | Naem Zara gebooren De 4 December gedoopt De 25 January 1778 r\ 1 I Jacob van houten I , I Isaok van houten Ouders -o , . 1 getuygen nr • ^ I iiagel Ackerman | "^ '"' | Maria post Naem Jannetye gebooren De 27 December geDoopt De 25 January 177S BAPTISMAL REGISTER, I 778. 69 ^ •, I Comehis : v : hoiiteu I . I Adreyaen :v : hoiiten Uuclers I -^^^^^^ .^. j^y^^tej^ | getnygen I Elisabeth :v: houten Naem gerrebrant gebooren De 18 Jauuaiy gedoopt De 8 f ebruarj' 1778 ^ ■, I thomas Parsells I , I Josepli Morgan uuclers I gj^j^^j. pjy.ggus | getuygen | ^^^^^ ^^^ Iderstiu Naem Johannes Morgen gebooren De gedoopt De 8 february 1778 ^ ^ I Salomon van Debeek I , i Isack van Debeek Ouders . , getuygen t, it, I geesye terhune | f' > q | Kagel ixyei-son Naem Jaunetye gebooren De 8 Januuary gedoopt De 1 Mart 1778 p. , I lioelif van houten I , j Cornells van houten uuclers [ J^IJ^J.reg^iet Shearer | e^^^^^S^^^ | g.^rj^ Demarest Naem Cornells geboreu De 15 September 1776 gedoopt de 1 Mart 1778 Onders I Jo^^annes Eyker I „„.„„„„„ I Niccolas Ryker uuclers j j^jjjj^ynye Doorremus j g^^yg^^ | Man-ltye Bruj-n Naem Nlccoles geboren De 30 January gedoopt De 1 Mart 1778 ^ ■, I Adreyeeu van houten I , I Helmlgh H van houten uuclers j j^jj^j-j-etye Caihnus | g^^^^^S^^ | Catrleuna van houten Naem Antye gebooren de 21 Mert gedoopt De 12 April 1778 ^ , I Dirk van hoiiten 1 , I Johannes van giesen Ouders -r, 1 -kt 1 i getuygen Kr x 1 ^ I Ragel Neukerk | & •' » | Metye van houten Naem Helmlgh gebooren De 19 Mert gedoopt De 12 April 1778 ^ , I Dirk g van houten ! , I De Vader en Moeder O^^^^^'H Maria van Eypen | get^yg*^^! Naem Abraham gebooren De 23 Mert 'gedoopt De 12 April 1778 ^ ^ I Theophllus Browr I , ' Henderlck Spier Ouders Kr • t? x getuygen \ t\ u „ t> „ I Maria Bogert | &> ^ & | Debora Koome Naem Maria gebooren De 18 April gedoopt De 17 Dagh May 1778 „ , I Jacobos iJdSt I . I f rans post O^*^^'^'^^ I Selle Dy | g^t^^yS^^ | Cattelyntye v: houten Naem fraus geboren De 22 May gedoopt De 21 Jime 1778 n 1 I Jan Dobs I ^^, ^^ I Abraham v : hoiiten I Annaetye Eyerson | »*" y» | Aunaetye Wesselse Naem Annaetye gebooren De 7 June gedoopt De 5 July 1778 ^ , I Charls Sldde f oolwood 1 . I Jacob Bardan 0"'^^^M feytye Boskerk 1 g^^uygen | K^becke Eyerson Naem Eebecke gebooren De 29 June gedoopt De 19 July 1778 ^ , I Johannes Post 1 . I Eoelif v : hoiiten Ouders \ r, , ■ i x getuygen x i ■ I Catrienua van houten | t. -"^ | autj'e hennion Naem Robbert gebooren De 3 Augustus gedoopt De 30 Augustus 1778 ^ , I Bornt kool I , I David Griffins uuaers | i^a^trienna van De water | g^^^^yg®^ | Sara van De water Naem Catriua gebooren De 3 October gedoopt 25 October 1778 , I .lohauups h gerritse I , I Cornells Jacobosse o^^^l^^ I Maria Zobiisko I g^t^yg^^ | Catrma geiiitse Naem Catrina gebooren De 20 September gedoopt De 25 October 1778 ^ , I Johannes D hennion I , I Cornells hennion ^'^<1«'^ I Catlynye Demod | g^t^yge^i | Eva hennion Naem David gebooren De 21 October gedoopt De 8 November 1778 ^^ , I Cornells baring ! , I De ^^^^^ I Annetye ariyanse | g^^^yg^^^ | vader en Moeder Naem ari gebooren De October gedoopt Dc 22 November 1778 70 BAPTISMAL REGISTER, 1779- ^ , I Marten Myer I , i De vader ^^*^^^^ I Bregge ackerman | S^t^yS*^^ | en Moeder Naem Leya gebooren De 26 November 1778 gedoopt De 1 January 1779 -, I Joliannes Romyn I . I Heuderick Bertolf ^^'^^•^^■" Isarayanwinkel | S^^iiygen | ^ense van ^inkel Naem Beuyameu gebooren De 17 November 1778 gedoopt De 10 Jan- iiaiy 1779 p. 1 I Autoni van blarcom I , I Johannes Post uuders | ^^^.^gtye koock \ §^^^'^^0®" | Catrina van liouten Naem Oatrina gebooren De 17 December 1778 gedoopt De 24 Janna- 17 1779 ^ , I Welliem Coerte I , I De ^^^'^^^^ I Catrina Winter | S^^'^y'^en | ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^ Naem Williem gebooren De 19 Deem 1778 gedoopt De 21 January 1779 ^ ^ I Jacobns Couweuover I , I Cristeyaen Demere* \ Ouders r? j- getuygen . ^ , J I en Zyn wyf | o j o | Annaetye van nooren Naem Cristeyaen gebooren De 7 Januarj' gedoopt De 24 January 1779 ^ , I Metys ackerman I , | Cornellis v : hotiten ■ duelers I j^,jj^j,itye ^^n h.iuten | getuygen | j^^^^^^ ^. ^,^^^^^^ Naem Polle gebooren De gedoopt De 24 January 1779 ^ -, I Adreyaen Post I . I leyes Speer Ouders o • < getuygen , ■' t 1 I Sara spier | ° •''^ | lena Jacobosse Naem lej'^a gebooren De 31 December 1778 gedooj^t De 7 februari 1779 ^ , I Nickase van blercom I , 1 Jan van blercom Oiidei-s 1 , ■ , getuygen i , • -d I katrienna post | & j » | katrienna van Rypen Naem Jan gebooren De 17 Januaiy gedoopt De 7 february 1779 ^ 1 I Mattbeus van Derboef I . I Oe ^""'^^"^ I Elisabeth bennet | §^^^^^8^^ | vader en Moeder Naem Mattheus gebooren De 21 November 1776 gedoopt De 5 July 1778 P, , 1 Mattheus van Derhoef I , 1 De "■^^^^ I Elisabeth bennet | g^'^^^g®^ | vader en Elisabeth van hoiiten Naem Elisabeth gebooren De 20 January gedoojDt De 21 februarj' 1779 ^ ■, I george Eyerson I , 1 De Ouders ° n^T^ -^ getuygen ^ ^ 1 polle Eyerson \oja | ygcler en moeder. Naem Marten gebooren De 16 January gedoopt De 21 febniarj' 1779 p. -, I Isack van blercom | „ j. „ I "^•^^^^^ I Sara Cernnes | °^^"3g^^ | De vader en moeder Naem Daniel geboren 26 January gedoopt De 21 febriiaiy 1779 ^ -, I Marten Eyerson \ . | Johannes Eyerson Uudei-s I ^,.o,^,Yetye van mnkel | g*^^^^Jg®^ | Catelyntye Berre Naem Johannes Geboren De 22 february gedoopt De 21 Mert 1779 /-. T I Jacob gerritse I . I De vader Orders I Eva hellem | g^^^yS^^ | en Moeder Naem Piter geboren De 21 february gedoopt de 21 Mert 1779 *I. e., Demarest, originally and until late years pronounced Deinaray, the name being French. BAPTISMAL REGISTER, 1 779- /I ^ , I Jacob Stols I „^+„„„^„ I Isack kankeleu 0^^^^^ I heune Miller | ge*"yg«^ | eu Zyn vrou Naem Jannetye gebooren De 12 Decernb 1778 gedoopt De 21 Mert 1779 ^ ^ I Jacob Spier I „„i.,„,„„„ I Coeuraad Vrericse ^""^^"^ I Marregriet vrericse* | ^^^''ysen | ^^^..^ ^^^^^ Naein Sara gebooreu De 5 March gedoopt De 4 April 1779 ^ •, I Dii-ck van Eypeu I , j Isack Scliiiyler Uuclers | Eiig^beth Meed | §^^^8^^ | Marregriet Zjti wyf Naem Marregriet gebooren De 7 Marcli gedoopt De 4 April 1779 ^ , I Jillis ]\Ieed I ^. „^ \ Johannes Neefye ^''^'"^ I Sara Santvort | g^t^^gen | ^ena Dy Naem Willeem gebooren De 8 Mert gedoopt De 11 April 1779 ^ , i hendrick Jacobosse I , I De vader ^^<^^^ I Lena Eyerson | ge*^yg^^ | en gennetye Ryerson Naem Sara gebooren De 20 April gedoopt De 9 May 1779 ^ J I Jacob van Saen I , I ^'^^^''^ I Ester goetsyest | g^^^^^^S^^ j De vader en Moeder Naem augnietj'e gebooren De 18 May gedoopt De 20 June 1779 <-, J I Johannes Retan I , I Jacobos Retan Ouders o c • eetuvgen -n- t3 i. I Sara Spier I ^ -° | wilhmye Bogert Naem Jacobos gebooren De 16 May gedoopt De 20 Jime 1779 ^ -, I Samuel van Saen I , I ari : Westervelt ^^^^^^^n Leya Zabri.ko \ ge^^yg^^ I geertye Zabrisko Naem Annaetye gebooren De 9 June gedoopt De 4 July 1779 ^ , I Cornelus van winkel j ^ . ,^ | Johannes Ackerman Uut ers j g^QQg^g(;yg yj^Q Rj^j^eu I g^ ^^•^g ^ I Castynua Peterse Naem Johannes gebooren De 26 May gedoopt De 4 July 1779 ^ 1 I Jacob Doorremus 1 , I De ^"'^^^JNeeltyepier | g^^^^g^^ | vader en Moeder Naem Maria gebooren De 9 June gedoopt De 4 July 1779 ^ ., I Johannes van gisen I , i De Yader en "uaers | j^j-^^y^ ^^^ houten | g'^^^g®^ | Catrienua van houten Naem Elisabeth gebooren De 9 July gedoopt De 25 July 1779 f^ , 1 hendrick ackennan I , I "laers j jyjarregriet Post \ g'^'^^yg^^ | De vader en Moeder Naem abraham gebooren De 10 July gedoopt De 22 Agustus 1779 /-. ■, I Johannes Ryerson I . I Johannes Ryerson O"*^^^ I ELsye Lesier | g^^uygen | j^j^^ -^ ^^^^^^^^^ Naem Johannes gebooren De 10 Jiily gedoopt De 5 Sii^tember 1779 ^ , I Nethaneel Klifiin I , 1 De O"^^^ I Sara Kint I g^t^^^g^^^ | vader en Moeder Naem Maria gebooren De 19 Agustus gedoopt De 19 Sij^tember 1779 J 1 Cornelus van Derhoof I , I Poulis Ratan ''^•^^^ I mareet Crj-ser | g^t^ygen | jannetye bord Naem Cornehis gebooren De 18 augiistus gedoopt De 3 Siptembre 1779 r\ J I Simon van winkel I , i EDo Merselis O'^^^'^ I Antye Merselis | g^^^yg^^ I Arreyaente Sip Naem EDo gebooren De 14 October gedoopt De 31 October 1779 *Frericks. tGoetsclilus. BAPTISMAL REGISTER, 1779-I780. Naem Elisabeth fisser gebooren De 31 agiist gedoopt De 31 October 1779 -^ J 1 Jacob Jacobosse I . I Jacobos Jacobosse O"*^^^ I Sara Jacobosse | S^^'^ye^n | ^^^^^^,^ ^^^ ^^^^ . Naem Jacob gebooren De 14 October gedoopt De 31 October 1779 ^ I I gorrit gerritse I , I De UULiers I Ma^regrietye gerritse | S'^^^yg®^ j Vader eu Moeder Naem klasye gebooren De 10 November gedoopt De 28 November 1779 T 1 Jacob Vreland I „♦,„,„ I Jacob van winkel onders | ^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^.^j^^^ | gctuygen | ^^^^ ^^^^^ Naem geerty gebooren De 29 November gedoopt 12 December 1779 T I hendrick hennion I . I Coruelis van houten o^*^^*^^'^ I Maria Romyn | g^t^^^g^^ | Antye hennion Naem Annetye gebooren De 13 December gedoopt De 25 December 1779 CorsDagh* „ T i David Doorremus [ . i CorneHs Doorremus Onders 1 t -r> getuygen r, -d I Leya Provo | &> j o | ^^^n. Ryei-son Naem Sara gebooren De 12 December 1779 gedoopt De 1 January 1780 ^ -, 1 Petrns van hoiiten I , I Jurre van Kypen ^^^^'''^ I Leya van Rypen | g^t^^yg-^^ | Antye van Bypen Naem Maregrietye geboren De 15 December 1779 gedoopt De 23 Jan- nary 1880 ^ ■, I Hendrick DooiTemns I ^ . ^. I Roelif van honten I Marregrietj'e hennion | » ^o | Antye heimion Naem Johaiinis hinneon gebooren De 14 January gedoopt De 6 febru- ary 1780 ^ -, I Roehf van hoiiten I , I Cornelis R van hoiiten Uuaers I jvian-egiietye Scherer | g^^^^gen | Willemyntye van houten Naem Annaetye gebooren De 16 January gedooj^t De 20 february 1780 ^ 1 I John van blarcom I , I Marten v blercom Ouders tt • t 1 getiiygen K^ • ^t I Maria Jacobosse | & ^ » | Maria van Nes Naem Marritye gebooren De 20 January gedoopt De 20 febraarj' 1780 Ouders I Thomas Cheppel I „„t^„,„^j, ! Jan Cheppel binders | ^^j.^^,.^ godwin | betn.-^^en j ^^.^^^ Cheppel Naem ginne gebooren De 20 February gedoopt De 23 April 1780 r\ T i Jan Banta I , I Dirk Banta Ouders t it getuygen . . ■£■>(., I Lena bord | j o | Antye Ratan Naem Dirk gebooren De 17 Mart gedoopt De 23 April 1780 /-, ^ I hendrick Spier I . I EDo Merselis Ouders Nt • i-. i getuygen . „. I Maria Druinmund | & •'f' | Arreyaeuye Sip Naem benyamen gebooren De 21 february gedooi^t De 23 April 1780 n, 3 1 thomas Parcells I , I John Sandford ^""^^"^ I Eleonar Parcells | g^^^^yg^^ | Susanna Sandford Naem Staats gebooren De 3 Mart gedoopt De 23 April 1780 , I Roelif van houten 1 , I Johannes Post ouders » ^ 1 ■ getuygen /-> i. ■ x. i. I Antye hennion | o j o | Oatncuna v : houten Naem Elisabeth gebooren De 22 April gedoopt De 4 June 1780 *I, e,, Kersdag, Cliristmas clay. BAPTISMAL REGISTER, 17S0-1S71. 73 -, I gerrit van Derlioef 11. I Jolaonnes Meed o^^^^^ I Soeke Mekerte | | g^tuygen | Marregrietye Demot Naem Elisabeth gebooreu De 5 Agiistus gedoopt De 10 September 1780 J I Jon Schermhorn I „i. I De Vader en ^^^-^^^^ I anna Doorte Frericse | g^t^yS^^^ | Moeder Naem Conraed gebooreu De 20 November gedoopt De 17 December 1780 ^ T i Salomon Van Debeek I , I ^^^^'^^^^H geesye terliane | get^yS*'^ | De Vader en Moeder Naem Ragel gebooren De De 17 December 1780 gedoopt De 21 Janu- ary 1781 Baerut Cool I , I PoulLs Katan ^ T Baerut Cool , Ouders /-, , ■ -n „ i. gctuygeu Catrina van De water ^^ •' ^ Naem Marregriet gebooreu De 22 November 1780 gedoopt De 21 Jan- uary 1781 ^ 1 I Antoni Van blercom I . | Hendrick Cool O'l^^ers I Anuaetye Cook | S^^^yg^^ | Aeltye Post Naem Hendrick gebooren De 28 January gedoopt De 4 Mert 1781 ^ ^ \ Petrus Doorremus I ^.„„ I Jobaunes Neefye ^'''^^'^ I Maria Dy | g^^t^yS^^ | Lena Dij Naem Jacob gebooren De 1-1 January gedoopt De 4 Mert 1781 --. T I Jan van houten I , 1 Cornelus Van houten Oudei-s T IX getuygen o t-v i. 1 Lena van houten | » -^ o | Sara Demarest Naem Cornelus gebooren De 13 Mert gedoopt D 1 April 1781 r. -, I Philip Dey I , I De ^'"-^^'^ \ Janetye Post | g^t^yg^^ | Vader en Moeder Naem Theuuis gebooren De 6 february gedoopt De 15 April 1781 ^ 1 I Luycas van Saeu I , I David berdan ^'^'I'^^'^lLenaBerdau | g-^t^^yg*^" | Castina Roomyn Naem David gebooren De 20 Mert gedoopt De 15 April 1781 n I Nicase van blercom I , 1 Hendrick van blercom ouaers | ^^^^.^^^ p^gt | getuygen | j^^^^^^^^^ ^.^^ Wincle Naem vrouwitye gebooren De 25 Mert gedoopt De 15 April 1781 ^ T I Johauuis gemtse I , I Simon van Wincle 0^'^^^ I antye van wiukel | g^^^yg^^ I Claesys gerritse Naem Hendrick gebooren De 28 Mert gedoojit De 15 Aj^ril 1781 f. -. I heuderick Doorremus | , I De vader Uuaers | jvxarregriet van winkel | g®^^}yg®" | en Moeder Naem hendrick gebooren De 21 Mert gedoopt De 22 April 1781 ^ -, I Peter Kinan | , I De Vader Ouders I ^^^^^^ gy^ I getuygen | ^^ ^^^^^^^^ Naem Mary gebooren De 9 April gedoopt De 6 May 1781 I Jan van Ptj^Den f. , I Dirck van houten I , | Maria Winne Uuders | ^j^^..^ ^^^ -Rji^en \ g^'^^yg^^ Adreyaen van houten I Elisabeth van hoiaten Naemen De Ene is Maria De Naem Van Die andere is genitye gebooren De8Mart gedoopt De G May 1781 <-. , I Joannes Wester Velt I , ! Johannis westervelt Ouders I Elisabeth bogert I g^t^^yg'^^ | Antye bogert Naem Luycas gebooren De 18 Mert gedoopt De 6 May 1781 6 74 BAPTISMAL REGISTER, 1 78 1. „ , I Marten Eyerson I „^+„^„^^ I Simeon Van winkle Ouders I Yrouwitye van winkel | ge^^^yge^^ | .intye lilerselis Naem Vrouwitye gebooren De 27 Mert gecloopt De 6 May 1781 j Mattheus Van Derhoef 1 „.tm.'Ti I ^^ '^^ I Elisabeth Bennet I feeinjaeu | Vader en Moeder Naem Cornells gebooren 27 april gedoopt De 20 May 1781 , I Joannes Post I „„+„_,,„„ I t)e vader en Moeder en ouders | ^atrina van honten | 8®^^^^^^^ | Cornelus E Van houten Naem Jannetye gebooren De 20 April Gedoopt De 20 ]\Iay 1781 , I Hessel Everson j „„x„„„^„ I '^"'^^^^ I Doosse Erl | 8^*"^^^^ | Marregriet yeraleMan Naem Enogb gebooren De 8 April gedoopt De 20 May 1781 -, I Jacob Spier I „„+,„,„„„ I CoenEaed Vrericse «^<^^^ I Maregriet Vrericse | g^t^^^g^^ | Sara Zy wyf Naem Coenraed gebooren De 27 April gedoopt De 20 May 1781 -, I Nicliolas kocoro I +„„„.„„ I De Vader en Moedei °^^^^^ I Peterye van blercom | g^^^^B^^ I Naem Areyaenthe gebooren De 1 May gedoopt De 20 May 1781 1 I Johannes Hennion I , I Cornells Van liouten ouders I Elisaijeth Berre | g^t^ygen | Antye hennion Naem gerrit gebooren De 21 April gedoopt De 27 May 1781 , I Adreyaen h Van houteu I , I Adreyaen g Van houten ouders I i^jj^„-itye codmus | g^^^^yg^^ | Elisabeth Van houten Naem Elisabeth gebooren De 18 May gedoopt De 4 June 1781 Pink- ster -, I Adreyaen Post I , I Johannes Westervelt ^^'^^^^H Sara Spier | g^^^^g^^ | Elisabeth Bogert Naem Petrus gebooren De 30 Apiil gedoopt de 17 June 1781 , I Jores Sindel I j. ,„ I Jurien kiesler ou ers ^ Hesther Jacobusse | g -^o | Jannetije Jacobusse Naem Christoffel gebooren De 9 Jnly gedoopt De 13 Augast 1781 1 I Johannes van giesen I , I De vader en Moeder ouders Kr i. i ^ , getuygen I Metye van houten i *= ""^ \ Naem Marretye gebooren De 16 Agustus gedoopt De 23 September 1781 ^ ^ i Petrus van houten 1 , I De Vader en Moeder Ouders -n , t getuygen 1 Eagel Lerroe | ^ ■' ^ | Naem anaetye gebooren De 31 January gedoopt De 23 September 1781 J I Jan alye I . I Piter Mandeveel ourters | Eiig^beth mandeveel | get-^^ygen | ^^^.^^^ Bertolf Naem grietye gebooren De 10 agustus gedoopt De 23 Siptember 1781 ^ n I hindrick Lerroe 1 , I Piter Mandeviel ^""^^"^ I Marritye Mandeviel | g^^^yg^^ | aiaria Bertolf Naem Maria gedoopt De 7 October gebooren De 2 September 1781 T I William Norcros I , 1 Johannes hennion °^<^«^ I Eva hennion | g'^tuygen | Catlyntye Demod Naem David gebooren De 21 September gedoopt De 21 October 1781 , I Dirck van houten i . ^ I De Vader en Moeder °"'^^^^ I Eagel neukerk | g^^^yg^^- | Naem Catluntye gebooren De 6 octoober 1781 gedoopt De 4 November BAPTISMAL REGISTER, lySl-iySs. ^5 -, i eeorge L Ryersou I , I De ouders ?, n^-r. "^ eetuvgeu -.r i tit i I Polly Ryersou | ^^ •' ° | Vader en Moeder Naem Joannes gebooren De 23 October gedoopt De 2 December 1781 ouders I ^^°^'^^ Wilson I t^^^^n I "^^^^^ Vreland I annaetye Vreland | ° •''^ \ geertye Van winkel Naem Sevya gebooren De 24 October gedoopt De 2 December 1781 ^ I Johanues Ratan I , I Tiienes Spier ouders . . xt- Retuygen \ ^ . a tZ ^ I xintye IS'ix | " ■'^ | nytye bcnermnoorn Naem Sara gebooren De 10 November gedoojpt De 13 December 1781 ^ I gen-et Veder i , I De ouders " . i getuygen -vr i i I antj'e keep | ° • =■ j Vader en moeder Naem Johannes gebooren De 21 October gedoopt De 25 December 1781 , I gerrlt gerritse I , I De ouders ^ - . •. getuygen \ -.r ^ nr i I grietye geiTitse | '^^ •' ^ | Vader en Moeder Naem Hendrick gebooren De 16 January gedoopt De 3 february 1782 J i Jacobus Bertolf I , I De ^'^^^^ I Metye Post | g^^^yS^^ | Vader en Moeder Naem Gelyaem gebooren De 25 July 1781 gedoopt De 3 february 1782 Een kint gedoopt de 19 May 1782 omtreut 3 yaer out* De getuygen waren TLT -cr 1 i.1 1 Nickolas Demarest Naem Elisabeth t?t i 4.1 t ■ I -hlisabeth Lazier Ouders I ^i^^^las Bogcrt j .^ I William Strachan I Alida Retszema | & •' o | Helena Bogert Naem Nicholas gebooren De 23 Aj^ril gedoopt De 2 June 1782 1 I Hendrick Jacobosse ' , I Marten van blercom ouders K- , , 1 getuygen rv -c- . . I Lena van blercom | ^ - ^ | en Zyu v rou Antye Naem Elisabeth gebooren De 18 May gedoopt De 16 June 1782 , _„ i Cillip haelt I , I David Doorremus ouders , , ■ -k getuygen ^ -r, I ketrienna Boss I ^ ■^^ I Leya Provo Naem ketrinna gebooren De 16 October 1781 gedoopt De 30 June 1782 oudei-s I ?^°^"/'^' ^^I'P^M getuygen I Abraham van Derbeek I iiaria godwm | '=' •' ° | Marregi-iet godwin Naem abraham gebooren De gedoopt De 14 July 1782 , ] Tomas Parcells I * „ I De Vader 1 Elenor ParcelLs | ^ ^° | en EUsabeth Post Naem Samuel gebooren De 10 : April gedoopt de 14: July 1782 , I Simiou van winkel I ^ rr^ I Martin Ryerson I Antye IMerselis | & J b | Vrouwetye van winkel Naem Piter gebooren De 27 Jime gedoopt De 28 July 1782 ^ I Roelif van houten I , I De ouders 1 ^^j^y^ Doorremus | g^t^^g^^ j Vader en Moeder Naem Roelif gebooren De 3 agustus gedoojit De 25 agustus 1782 July De 26 is gebooren Een kint van geertruy Van houten en is gedoopt De 25 augustus en is genaemt Joannes Van houten 1782 De getuygen feytye van houten •A child baptized ahout three years old. No pareut"s name is given. It may have been adopted about this time. ^Qicery : Caleb Hall ? 76 BAPTISMAL RECiSTER, 1782-T783. , I Johannes gerritse I , I Abraham van winkel [ antye van mnkel | & ^ & | Sara Van winkel Naem Elisabeth gebooren De 24 Siptember gedoopt De 20 October 1782 -, I Daniel Vandel I , | De °^*^^^^® I anuaetye van houten | g®"^yg®" | Vader en Moeder Naem Maria gebooren De 6 September 1781 gedoopt De 3 November 1782 -, I Adrevaen van honten i , I gerrebrant van houten en De oiiaers ] Ehsabeth van honten | S^'^^^yS*'^ | Moeder van het kint Naem Adreyaeu gebooren De 1 November gedoopt De 17 November 1782 <^^*^^™ I S'nnetJ^e'post I S^t^^g^^ i vJier en Moeder Naem Catlyntye gebooren De 14 : November gedoopt De 1 December 1782 J I Jan T van blercom I . I Johannes Ryersou °^<^"^H Maria Jacobosse | g^t^yg^n | ^isye Lazier Naem Johannes gebooren De 27 November gedoopt De 25 December 1782 ^ , I Dirk Dey I . ^ I Tuenes Dey en 1 henne Pierson | fa ^o | hester Schuyler Naem tuenes gebooren De 17 January 1777 gedoopt in De gemeente van Totowa , I Dirk Dev I . ! Philip Dey oiaders , -d'- getuygen 1 ,. t\ \ henne Pierson | ° •' ° (en hester Dey Naem Maria gebooren De 20 Agustus 1778 gedoopt in De gemeente van totowa , I Dirk Dey I , I De Vader Guders , w- getuygen -^/r -, I henne Pierson \ ° •'° [en Moeder Naem Pierson gebooren De 8 Mert 1780 gedoopt in De gemeente Van Totowa I henne Pierson | => •' » j Vader en moeder Naemen De Eennen Nence De andere Elisabeth gebooren De 11 July 1782 gedoopt in De gemeente Van Totowa , I Marten van blercom 1 , I Hendrick Jacobosse ouders . , -vt -ui. getuygen I Antye van Veght | & j o j Naem Marretye gebooren De 23 November gedoopt De 25 December 1782 ^ -, I Dirck Van houten I , I De Vader en Moeder Ouders t>t • 17 -o getuygen I Maria Van Kypen | & -^ ^ | Naem adreyaen gebooren De 7 December gedoopt De 25 December 1782 Ouders I *^oi'iielis Van Eypen I „„.„„„„„ I fraus post ^uciers j ]yjarretye gerritse | g'^'^'-^yS'^^ | Marregriet Van Rypen Naem Johannes gebooren De 23 October 1782 gedoopt De 5 Jan- uary 1783 ^ •, I Johannes Meed 1 , I Jacob Demod sutlers j j^iaregi-iet Demod | g^"^yg®^ j Antye Demod Naem Jores gebooren De 13 December 1782 gedoopt De 19 January 1783 i3APTISMAL REGISTER, 1 783. 77 r\ J I gerrit yacoboi-se I . I De ^"■'^^"^ I Comfort kreeu* | g^tuygen | ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ Naem yannetye gebooren De 11 Jamiarij gedoopt De 2 febnmry 1783 ^ , I Hendrick Spier I „i.,„,„„ , I Derek Van Kypen O'^^^^^ I Maria Drummimd | g^^iiygen | Eij^^j^^^h Meed Naem Dirck gebooreu De 21 December 1782 gedoopt De 2 february 1783 , I Jacob Vreland I „^i.„,,„.„ I De oi;clei-s I ggg^.tye y^^^ ^yinkel 1 g®"^y>^°^ | Vader on Moeder Naem Jacob gebooren De 22 febraary gedoojjt De 30 Mert 1783 „ , 1 Enociii Vreland 1 , I Edo Merselis ^^^^•^^^ I Jennicke Merselis | 8*^*^^^^^^ | Ai-reyaenthe Sip Naem Edo gebooren De 16 Mert gedoopt De 13 april 1783 ^ , I Sollomon Woldron I , I Adolf "Waldron O^'^^^ I Elisabeth gorden | g^tuygen | Catrienna fienixf Naem Catrina gebooren De 9 Mert gedoopt De 13 April 1783 , I Bornt Cool I f,„^„ i De Guders j q^^^^i^^ y.^^ De water | g^^^^g®^ | Vader en Moeder Naem gerrit gebooren De 14 Mert gedoopt De 21 ajDril 1783 , I karl Dibevoos I . j De ouders I j^.^j..^ y^j^ houten | g^'^^^g^'^ j Vader en Moeder Naem Roelif gebooren De 13 April gedoopt De 4 May 1783 , ! Johannes Post I , I Jacob Van winkel °^^^^^^ I Antye Eatan j g^^^yg^^ | Altye Post Naem Johannes gebooren De 7 April gedoopt De 18 May 1783 ^ ^ I Samnel Borhans I , I De Vader en Moeder 0^'^^^-«|MaregrietYeralemon| g^t^Jgen | Naem Johennes Yeralemon gebooren De 7 AprU gedoopt De 18 May 1783 , I hendrick Boss I . I ari Boss ouclers j j^jj^i(,]jg Doorremus [ g^'^^^S®'^ | Cyntye Dooremus Naem Cyntye gebooren De 24 May gecloopt De 15 June 17S3 , I Johannes hennion I , I De Vader en Moeder ouders \ n 1. ^ 1. t-> 4. getuygen I Catelyntye Demot | ^ •'^ \ Naem Jannetye gebooren De 24 May gedoopt De 22 June 1783 , I Johannes Ratan I , I Johannes hennion ^^^•^^^'^ I Elisabeth Leek | g^t^^g^^ | Catlyntye Demod Naem Maria gebooren De 1 agustus gedoopt De 17 agustus 1783 ^ I Nickasi Van blercom ! . I Jurre Van Eypen ""'^^^'^ I Catrina Post I g^t^^yS^^ | Zyn Moeder Mari-egriet Naem Nickasi gebooren de 16 agustus gedoopt de 31 agustus 1783 J I Jan Westervelt I , I Peter Van houten "^•^^^ I Antye Van Rypen | S^^^^JS^n | ^^^^ y^^ j^^p^^ Naem Elisabeth gebooren De 8 Siptember gedoopt De 21 Siptember 1783 J _~ I geiTit Post I i. I "^'^^'^ iMetyntyeBertolf I g^t^yg^n | Naem Manetye gebooren De 27 September gedoopt De 26 October 1783 *Crane. tPhoenix. 78 BAPTISMAL REGISTER, 1783-17S4. -, j Cornelis hennion !„<-,„ i -Toliannes heunion I Arreyaentye Veder | *= ^'^ \ Catlyntye Demod Naem David gebooren De 6 November gedoopt De 7 December 1783 1 I Dirk Van ffieseu I , I Johannes Vangieson ouaers | Yaimetye Van houten | S^^'-'^yS^^ \ Metye Van houteu Naem Metye gebooren De 22 November gedoojst De 21 December 1783 1 I gerrit Veder I , I Nicase kip °^^^^ llntyekip | g^tuygen | L.y,, MaAdeviel Naem Nicase gebooren De 25 December 1783 gedoopt De 25 January 1784 '1 I Cornelus Van lionten I , I Hessel Pieterse I feytye Van honten \ S jS | feytye Van honten Naem Robbert gebooren De 3 January gedoopt Ue 15 february 1784 -, I Eoelif Van houten I , I De Vader en Moeder ouders a li. -n. • getuvgen I Aeltye Doorremis | » •' & | Naem hendrick gebooren De 21 January gedoopt De 15 february ^ , I Dirck Van houten I , I Johannes Van -wiukel Ouaers -.t ■ it -d getuygen m. ..• ! Maria V an Eypen | "^ -^ | gerritye Sip Naem Adreyaen gebooren De 2 Mert gedoopt De 21 Mert 1784 ■■ Jacob Spier , De Vader en Moeder ouders ■ . -It ■ getuygen I grietye Vrericse | & •'o | Naem annaetye gebooren De 16 Mert gedoopt De 11 April 1784 ^ I Piter gerritse I , I De °^ I Cornelia V an De water | & •' => | Naem Bomt gebooren De 5 November gedoopt De 5 December 1784 J 1 autoni Van blercom I , I adreyaen kool ouders .11 getuygen t-.v ^ ,, t ^ I anaetye kool | & j » | Elisabeth Lutye Naem Vrouwetye gebooren De 6 November gedoopt De 5 December 1784 J I Jacob Van winkel I , I Helmigh Van giese ^^'i*^™ I Catelyntye neeffe | g^t^^yg*^^ | Marritye Neeffe Naem Jacob gebooren De 21 November gedoopt De 25 December 1784 ^ -, 1 adreyaen Van houten I , I Johannes Van winkel Ouders Kr i n -1 getuygen •* c>- 1 Marretye Codmos 1 & ^fc> | gerntye Sip Naem adrevaen gebooren De 13 December 1784 gedoojit De 2 Janua- ry l78o ., I Piter Eemse I cy + I J'^^ob berdan ou ere j y^jj^gtyg Ryei-son | » yS | Rebecke Ryerson Naem Piter gebooren De 11 January gedoopt De 6 februari 1785 , 1 Simion Van winkel I , I Corneles M erselis °^^^^ I antye Merselis | g^^^yg^^ I Marritye Neeffe Naem Cornells gebooren De 13 January gedoopt De 6 february 1785 , I thunis Rverson I , 1 De ouders | Marritye Ryerson | g^^^yg'^^ | Vader en Moeder Naem abraham gebooren De 25 Jauuaiy gedoopt De 20 february 1785 , I tomas Doorreinus I . I Johannes Doorremus <'"*^^^ I Ragel Spier | g^^^^yg^^ I Sara Mandeviel Naem Johannes gebooren De 17 January gedoopt De 20 februaiy 1785 •■ 1 Roelif Van houten | . I Cornells Van houten ^^'^^^ I antye Berdan | g^*"yg^^ | feytye Van houten Naem antye gebooren De 17 february gedoopt De 13 Mart 1785 ^ -, I Dirck Van houten I , 1 De ^"'^^'^ I Ragel Post | g^^^yg^^ | Vader en Moeder Naem Dirck gebooren De 27 May gedoopt De 12 June 1785 8o BAPTISMAL REGISTER, I785-17S6. ^ ■, I Piter Van houten 1 , ! De *^^'^^'"^ I Leya Van Kypen | g^t^^ygen | ^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^^ Naem Hellemigli gebooren De 10 July gedoopt De 24 July 1785 ouders i ^'"^^^^^^ Borhans j . ^ I De I Marregrietye yeralemau | o ^o | Vader en Moeder Naem Catriua gebooren De 26 June gedoopt De 2i July 1785 ;, , I Cornelus heunion I , I David hennion ouders i tr i eetuygen , , , * I arreyaentye Veder | ^ j a j ^ntye kejj wedevrou* Naem gerrit gebooren De 23 augustus gedoopt De 18 September 1785 ■, I Johannes Eatan I , ] De o" ^g j Vader en Moeder Naem Sara gebooren De 4 October gedoopt De 13 November 1785 ^ 1 I Jores Doorremus I , I Aegge Doorremus Ouders t 4. -c getuygen °° I Jannetye Eyerson | f ■'o | Naem Henderick gebooren De 20 November gedoopt De 18 December 1785 ^ ■, ! Jacob Doon-emus I „ i. „ I De I Jacomyntye Van houten | » y& | Vader en Moeder Naem Piter gebooren De 17 November gedoopt De 18 December 1785 ■J I John Dey I , I De I Phebe Grain | & ^g | Vader en Moeder Naem John ogdon gebooren De 6 October 1785 gedoopt De 1 Januai-y 1786 -, I gerrit Van Derheof I , I Jacobos Jacobosse °^^<^^^M Soeke Mekerte | g^^^^^'g*^^ | Maria Sisko Naem Maria gebooren De 6 agustus 1781 -, I Corneleus Law 1 , | Dirck Van houten ouaers | Cj^^rina toersse* | g^'^^yg^'^ | Maria Van Eypen Naem Maria gebooren De 22 January gedoopt De 12 Mert 1786 *Tuers. I Cornelus Van hoiiten I , 1 Edo Merselis ^^■^ I feytye Van houten | g^^^yS*^^ | Lena Van houten Naem Cornelus gebooren De 17 february gedoopt De 12 Mert 1786 ^ J Eenier Berdan , Jores Eyerson Ouders , -d getuygen „ I antye Eyerson | ^ ■'o 1 francyn boskerk Naem antye gebooren De 23 april gedoopt De 21 May 1786 Oudeis I ^''^^^'^ kingsland I „„,„„„„„ I Piter Dey ^•^^^^^ I ann Low | g®™^ g^^ | Lena Boerd Naem Piter gebooren De 23 february gedooj^t De 21 May 1786 ^ J I Jan Everson 1 , I Cornelus lazier 0'^^^^^ I Elsye Lazier | g^t^yS^^ | yannetye ackerman Naem yannetye gebooren De 2 May gedoopt De 4 June 1786 *Wiciow. tLake. BAPTISMAL REGISTER, I7S6. 81 ^ I Jacobos Ja,cobof3se I , I creliaem Demarest °"^^^^"^ I Catriena Demarest | g^t^^^S*^" | Zusanna Eatau Naem Zusauua gebooren De May gedoopt De 4 June 1786 r^ -, I Marres ackerman I ,„„ I Coruelus kip O^^^^^ I Elisabeth Lambait I g<=t^^yg^^ | Cestina Demarest Naem Joliamies gebooren De 5 May gedoopt De 4 June 178G rs 1 I Jacob gerritse I , I Coruelya banta O^^^^^^^lEvabellem | S^^''^-'"' \ Naem Cristian gebooren De 9 febn^ary gedoopt op Totowa 1786 ^ , Philip Dev , De Ouders ^, t5 x getuygen K^ i ^ I yannetye Fost \ ° *' ° | V ader en moeder Naem fraus Post gebooren De 2 Juno gedoopt De 2 July 1786 ^ 1 I Coruelus westervelt I , i Yurre westervelt 0^^^^^^-« I Maria Eobbelin | S^tnysen | Murretye gerritse Naem antye gebooren De 12 June gedoopt De 2 July 1786 --, , ] hendrick Van Blercom I , I De uuaei-s , Eiisj^i^gth Goetsyes | S^^^yS®^ | Vader en Moeder Naem annaetye gebooren De 1 July gedoopt 23 July 1786 ^ T _ I Johannes Gerritse I .^^ „^ I De ^^^^^''^ I antye Van Winkel | g^^^yg^^ | Vader en Moeder Naem Lena gebooren De 10 July gedoopt De 27 agustus 1786 ^ 1 I audries kebel* I . I Roelif VanDerbeck O^^^^^^'*^ I antye Van houten | S^^^^yS^"^ \ Doorte kebel Naem Dooite gebooren De 10 May gedoopt De 27 agustus 1786 , 1 JafA)b Doorremus I , I De Vader en moeder "^^'^^^■^ I Necltye Pier | g^^^yg^^^ | Naem Cornells gebooren De 26 July gedoopt De 27 agustus 1786 1 I Peter gemtse I ,- I Hendrick henniou ""^^'^^^'MEvaPumime | g^^^^yg^" | Maria Eomine . Naem Maria gebooren De 1 Siptcmber gedoopt De 1 October 1786 ^ 1 I Jacob Spier I , I De Ouders ' ,;r ■ <. j- getuygen -rr i i I Marregiiet irerexse | "^ -"^ \ \ uder en moeder « Naem Jacob gebooren De 22 September gedoopt De 22 October 1786 ^ , I Hendrick Kip I , ] Nickase Kip ^""'^'^'n Catiynna Doorremus | g'-'^^^g^" | Leya Maudeveel Naem Leya gebooren De 29 October gedooj)t De 12 November 1786 ^ 1 i Samuel Van Saen I , | Cornelus kip 0"^^^^'^ I Leya Zabriski | g^^uygen | j.^^^.^.^ Demarest Naem liagel gebooren De 6 November gedoopt 26 Novemr 1786 ^ T I Adrevaen Cool I , I antone Van blercom ^^^^^•^^■' I Elisabeth Lutsken | g'^t^yg^'^ | annaetye Cool Naem annaetye gebooren De 8 November gedoopt De 17 December 1786 ^ , I P( lules Ratan I , I De Vader en Moeder Ouders Tvr i Q • getuygen I Metye Spier | & •'&> | Naem Johannes gebooren De 21 November gedoopt De 17 Decetnber 1786 "Cable 7 82 BAPTISMAL REGISTER, 1786-17S7. p. -. I Heudrick Cool I , I Baernt Cool ^^^''"^'^ i abigel Mc kerte* | S^^^^g®^ ( Corueleya Van De Water Naeiii Catrina gebooren Do 12 November gedoopt De 17 December 178G ,^ T I Johauues Post I , I De Oadcrs . -d x getuyeien \ -ij ^ tvt n I antye Katau | f ^ » | Vader en Jlloeder Naem vauuetye gebooren Do G November gedoopt De 17 December 17(36 -^ , , I Mathew Cranck I + n rr I Helmigli V liouten I geertniy Van honten | » ^o | f ej'tye Van houten Naem Elisabetli gebooren De 14 November gedoopt De 26 December 1786 ^ ^ I John Dey I , I De Uudei-s T>i 1 /-r getuygen \ ^t ^ t\t ^ 1 Pliebe Green | & -^ » | Vader en Moeder Naem thennes gel)ooren De 26 November gedoopt De 26 December 1786 , I Edo Merselus I , 1 De Vader en Moeder oviders t tt- i i. getiiygen I Lena van nonten j » •"=> j Naem Marretye gebooren De 6 January gedoopt 11 febrnary 1787 ^ , . I Jan Van Debergli I t ' I ^^^^J'^rn^J^ Delemetter I Antye Deleraetterf | & ^o | Claertye Van homen Naem Catelyntye gebooren De 14 January gedoopt de 11 february 1787 Q n , , I Cornelns Van liouten | j. ,„ 1 De "^ ' I Metye Van houten j & 3 » j Vader eu Moeder Naem Jannetye gebooren De 29 January gedoopt De 25 february 1787 Q •] , , I Roelif Van houten I + o- I ^^ I Aeltye Doorremus | e y& | Vader en Moeder Naem Jacob gebooren De 21 february gedoopt de 18 March 1787 Q 1 I Hendrick Doorremus I j. ,„ | De Vader I MaiTogiiet heunion | ^ - " | en Moeder Naem Hessel gebooren De 19 february gedoopt De 18 March 1787 n 1 1 DuTick Degray i , t De Vader (Judera . , oil getnygen ^r i I Aunaetye bchuyler | f .;& j en Moeder Naem Jan geboren De 10 february gedooi^t De 18 March 1787 Q 1 . , j Adreyaen Van houten I , ^ I De ] Marretye Codmus I ^ "^ ^ ] Vader en Moeder Naem Du-ck gebooren De 1 May 1787 gedoopt De 20 May 1787 ^ 1 I Derek Dey I , 1 De Ouders , -, -rT getuygen tt i i I hannah Pearson | & ■' » | Vader en moeder Naem Hester gebooren 9 October 1784 gedoopt op Hackensack By Domine Rom^Ti Ouders I i^.^^^.^-^^ Pearson | g^*^yg^^ j Vader en Moeder Naem Jane gebooren De 11 March gedoopt De 20 May 1787 ^ , I Du-k Van giesen | , I De ^^^'^^ers I yannetye Van houten | &®^"y>:5en | -y^^^^^. ^^ j^Ioeder Naem Leybetye gebooren De 29 May gedoopt De 17 June 1787 ^Abigail McCarty. tEvkleatly erroneously copied from a memorandum of tlae name De La Mater. iBAPTISMAL REGISTER, I'jS'j-l^SS. % ^ 1 I Jolaanucs lieunion 1 , I Joliauucs Van lioutcn ^"^^"■^ I Elisabeth Ben-i | g^^^yS^" ] Maria Borri Naem Maria gebooreu D 27 May gedoopt De 8 July 1787 ^ , I David Doon-cmua I , I De uutiers j Eii^.^,jg,ti^ Van liouten | Setuygen | y^^-^^^, ^^ Moeder Naem Maria gebooren De 4 Jtme gedoopt De 8 Jnly 1787 ^ , I Cornehis Van "Wiukel I ^ , , I Dirk Stouten I Auuathe Van Eypen | » •> & j Jiune Ryerson Naem Jaunetye gebooren De 12 AugustuB gedooi^t De IG September 1787 ^ ^ I gerrit gerritse I , I De vader Ouders M?«- "^ • , ., getnvgen t\t i I ilaiTegriet gerritse | " -*=' | en Moeder Naem Lena gebooren De 11 Augustus gedoopt De 16 September 1787 ^ ^ I Eoelif K Van bouteu I , 1 De Ouders » . -n i getuygen Kr i -nr i I Autye Berdan | sr> ^ o | Vader en Moeder Naem Marregrietye gebooren De 1 October gedoopt de 28 October 1787 ^ ■] I Johannes Berdan 1 , ^^ 1 De I Jannetye Ryerson | 8 J o 1 Vader en Marregiiet Berdan Naem Marregrietve gebooren De 9 September gedoopt De 28 October 1787 ^ T I Hendrick Jacobosse i , 1 De ^"^^"■^ 1 Lena Van Blercom | g^t^ygen | y^^^^^, ^^ ^^^^^^^ Na»m Antoni gebooren 8 October gedoopt De 8 November 1787 r^ -, I Johannes Westervelt I , I Hans Post Ouders t -o 4. getuygen „ , I Leya Provost | '^ '' ° | en Zyn nuysvi'ou Naeiii David gebooren De 5 December gedoox^t De 30 Decembr 1787 ^ -, I Johannes Ryerson I , I Do Oudera -rn t ■ getuygen -tr j t\t ^ I Elsye Lazier | & .»» | Vader en Moeder Naem Maria gebooren 9 December gedoorit De 30 December 1787 ^ -, I Piter Mersalus I . 1 Edo Mersalas Ouders t -i- • i i getuygen . r, I yaunetye v an winkel | *=> •' o | arreyaentye Sep Naem Edo gebooren De 20 December gedoojjt De 13 January 1788 ^ , I Adreyaen Post I , I Abram Bogert Ouders ^.r •' a getuygen , , °, I ilaria Spear | » ^n [ Antye gerretse Naem Autye gebooren De 4 December gedoopt De 13 Januaiy 1788 rv 1 1 Johannes Post I , 1 Daniel SchoonMaker ^"'^°^-« I Catrina Van houten | S^^^'^Sen | ^^ j^aria Post Naem Johannes gebooren De 8 January gedoopt De 3 february 1788 ^ ^ I Authoui Van Blercom I , I Johannes Post ^"^^^^•^ I Anuaetye Cook | 8^*^^^?^" | Antye Rutan Naem Anuaetye gebooren De 27 Decemr 1787 gedoopt De 3 fcbruaiy 1788 ^ , , I David heuuiou I ^ ,, I Hendrick Doorremns I Antye kep | & .'& | ^Marregriet henniou Nnem Hendrick gebooren De 6 february gedoopt De 9 March 1788 ^ ^ I Beuvamen Delemerter I . I yaunetye Vau houten Ouders ! i i " . i^ ■, . getuygen ■' i klaertye v an houten | »^ . ^ | Naem yaunetye gebooren De 30 Jannuary gedoopt De 9 March 1788 p. I I Samuel Borhaus I , ( I )e Uuclei-s I Man-egriet Jeraleman | g^^yS^^^ 1 Vader en Moeder Naem Samuel geborcn De 17 January gedooiJt de 24 Meii 1788 §4 BAPTISkAL REGISTER, I7SS-T7S9. r^ 1 I kerynos Bertolf I , I Pctnis Van Alen I Snsanua Van Alen | &> •' » | Maria hopper Naern Johannes geboren De 12 april gedooptDe 11 May 1788 -. I Johannes f r post I , I De ouaers | j^j^j-retye Neeffe | g^^yg^^n | ^^^^^ ^^ Moecler. Naem fraucoos Geboren De 12 May gedooi^t De 8 June 1788 On inrc I Andries Cable I , I Jannetye Eyerson uiuicrs I ^^^^^^ y.^^ honten | S^^^^yg^^ | ^^ife Van Dirck Stenton Naem Antye gebooren De gedoopt De 6 Ji;ly 1788 r\„ i^,.„ I sei'i'it Neeffe I , 1 Hendreck hennion Uuders t? -vr i x getiiygen ,t • t, I Jiiva Van houten | ^ -'^ \ Maria Komyn Naem Eoelef geboorcu De 23 Jime gedoopt De 20 July 1788 O^^^^^ 1 SSnet^e'post | g^t^^yg^^ | ^ader en Moeder Naem Johannes gebooren De 23 June gedoopt De 20 July 1788 ^ -, I Poulis Rntan | . 1 De <^^^^^^"^ I Metye Spier | g^^^^yg^^ | Vader en Moeder Naem Jannetye gebooren De 21 June 1788 gedoopt De 17 Agustiis ^ 1 „ I Du-ck Van houten I , I Abraham Van Eypen Ouders ,^„ - ,^„ -p getuygen \ -.j m. ^ I Maria Van Ejqjen | '^ •'^ \ Neesye gerritse Naem Neesye gebooren De 4 Agustus 1788 gedoopt De 17 Agustus 1788 ^ -, I William Santvort I , I De O^^^'^^ I Maria Van Ness | ^^^^yg^^ | Vader en Moeder Naem Johannes gebooren De 18 Agustus gedoopt De 14 September 1788 r\ ^ I Nicase Van blercom J . I Jan van blercom Ouders 1 . • . getuygen . , t 1 I katrieuna i^ost | &> j » | Antye Jacobosse Naem Lena gebooren De 19 September gedoopt De 26 October 1788 ^ T I Jacob DooiTcmus I . I De O"^^""^ ! Neeltye Pier | g^^uygen | y,^^^^, ^^ ^^^^^^^^ Naem Susanna gebooren De gedoopt De 26 October 1788 rv J _„ I Are Meed I , I Johannes Meed Ouaers o t i - getuygen „ -.^ I Sara Jacobosse \ ° -^ ° | en Z jti Vrou Naem Elisabeth gebooren De 27 September gedoopt De 9 November 1788 ^ T I Johannes Van gieson I , I De Vader en Moeder en Oudei-s TVT J. Tr 1 1 getuygen . , it 1 . j Metye Van houteu j c ^o | Adreyaen van houten en Twelingen Jlarretye Cadmos Naemmen Cornelus en Adi-eyaen gebooren De 7 October gedoopt De 9 November 1788 rs 1 I Johannes post I , I De Ouders . , -o A I getuygen \ -^r ^ -st i I Antye Eattan j '^ •'=' | V ad er en Moeder Naem francoos gebooren De 12 October gedoojit Dc 9 November 1788 ^ ^ 1 Abraham Van Eypen I , I De 0^^*1<^^^ I Aeltye Post | Set^^^yS^n | ^^^^^^, ^^ ^^^^^^^^, Naem Eagel gebooren De 16 of* 17 October gedoopt De 23 November 1788 ^ ^ I Hendrick Jacobosse I . ! De Vader en Moeder ^'''^^'^ I Sara Sisko | g^^^^yg^^ | Naem Johannes gebooren De 29 September 1788 gedoopt De 18 Janu- ary 1789 "0/ In Holland means or. "The 16tli or ITtli of October. BAPTISMAL KEGiSTER, I7S9. S5 f) -. I Tonias Doorrerans I , I De uuaers j J2iig,^betli Van lioutcn | S^'^ygei^ | Vader en Moeder Naem Marretj'o geboorcn l)e 10 December 1788 gedoopt De 18 Janua- ry 1789 r\ ^ I Dirck Van hoiiteu 1 , I De O^^^'^'^^KagelPost I 8°tuygcn | Vader en Moeder Naem Lvbetve geboreu De 3() Deceudjer 1788 gedoopt De 1 februa- ry 1781) ' Oudcrs I '^""■'^ ^ '^" ^'^1^°^ I cetnv^en I '^''^^"^' Eerdau I Maria Berdan | b .' o | l^ebeolia Kyei-son Naem Jacob gebooreu De 3 January 1789 gedoupt De 1 febniary 1789 /-I T ™ I Piter Dev I . I De O"'^^'^ I Lena Board | gctuygen | ^„^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^ Naem Maria gebooren De 12 December 1788 gedoopt De 1 febniary 1789 , I Piter Dev I , I De ^^^^^^'^^ I Lena Board | g^t^yg^^ | Vader en Moeder Naem Johanna gebooren De 12 Jane gedoopt De 23 Jnly 1787 1 , I Isack Van ness I ^ , ^^ 1 De 1 Mercc Conselver | ti ^^^ ] Vader en Moeder Naem Annaetve gebooren De G December 1788 gedoopt De 15 febni- ary 1789 " ^ 1 i Hendrick kepp I , I David I bennion Oiiders r^ j. ■ -nw getnygeu I . . , I Catrma Doorremns | p' -^ » ^ Antye kepp Naem Marretye gebooren De 2G January 1788 gedoopt De 15 febniaiy 1789 ^ I I Adreyaen Van honten j , I De " uuaers | y.^^^e^yg PtoomjTi | g^^yg^'^ | Vader en Moeder Naem Piter gebooren De 31 Jannaiy gedoopt D 1 Marth 1789 -^ 1 I Jacobos Jacobosse ! , i Sendel Oudei^ I Dinne kcstede | g^^^^yS^^ | Marregi-iet Jacobosse Naem Sara gebooren De 2G febrnaiy gedoopt De 29 March 1789 ^ -, I Pr\'ntye Van wenkel* I , i De Moeder Ouders -' •' getnygeu Naem Abram post gebooren De 11 Mart gedoopt De 24 May 1789 ^ J I fcaack pier I , I De O"^^^ I Maria Post | S^t.^yg*^^ | Vader en Moeder Naem Johannes gebooren De 11 AjM-il gedoopt De 2-4 May 1789 ^ -, I Joseph ketchauou | , I De Oudei-s \ '■ T3 I getuvgon 1 ^^ ■, tit i I Broun | '^ ^ "^ | v ader en Moeder Naem Jeams gebooren De 26 January gedoopt De 24 May 1789 , I gerrit Jacobosse I , I De '''^'^^''^ 1 Comfort kreen | g^^^^yg^^^ | Vader en Moeder Naem Sara gebooren De 21 April gedoopt De 24 May 1789 ^ I Johannes Banta I , 1 Jan Eomyn °^'^^^-« I Jannety Van Syl | g^t^yg^^^ | Leentye Stagg Naem Cptrina gebooren De 22 July gedoopt D 23 Agnstns 1789 •See page 64. S6 BAPTISMAL REGISTER, I7S9. pv •] I JohauDes Post I , I D^Add viiu blercom uuciero I Elisabeth ackermau | ^^^^^^^^^ | Maria Zyii Vrou Naem Metye gebooren De 6 Agnstus gedoopt De 23 Augustus 1789 ^ T I Johu van blarcom I , I De Vader Ouders TVT • T 1 getuygen ^r n I Maria Jacobosse | '=' -^ ^ (en Moeder Naem Antlioni gebooren De 11 Agustus gedoopt De G Sei^toniber 1789 -^ -, I Dirck frelaud I , I De vader Ouders T,/r • -3 gettivgen 1 T,r t I Maria fiser | •= •' ^ | en Moeder Namen Elisabetli en Maria gebooren D gedoopt De 6 Sep- tember 1789 ^ 1 I John Styls I , i De Vader en ^""'^^"■-^ I Mary Sandf ord I S^^^yg^'^ | Moeder Naem Saley gebooren De July 26 gedoopt De 6 September 1789 ^ 1 I Heudrick Merceker I , 1 De vader Ouders ^t • i i getuvgeu tt i I Maria kranclv \ ^ ^ ° | en Moeder Naem Abrabam gebooren De 15 Jul}' gedoopt De 6 September 1789 f. -, I Gelyn ackermau I , I Dircke ackermau "i^i^ers I ^^.yj^yg Mandeviel | g^^^y^"^^ | Naem hendrick gebooren De 17 Agustus gedoopt De 4, October 1789 --, n 1 Koelif Van botiten I , ^^. 1 De I Autye Berdan | S j & | Vader en Moeder Naem Adreyaen gebooren De 10 September gedoopt De 4 October 1789 1 j Koelif H Van bouten I f , „ I Joliaunes Van ouders | (j.^j-rijoia Van liouten | g^^^S^^ j giesen Metye Van houteu Naem lielmigh gebooren De 9 September gedoopt De i October 1789 --, ^^ I Johannes Storm I , I De Vader en O^'^^^^ I Maria Willis | g^t^^yS*^^ | Moeder Naem Ragel gebooren De 3 September gedoopt De 4 October 1789 ^ , I Abraham gerritse 1 , I De Vader en Ouders x i ■ getuygen Kt ^ I yauuetye henmon | & -^f | Moeder Naem Maria gebooren De 3 September gedoopt De 4 October 1789 1 I Jan handkock I , I De ouclers j j^^^^^ y^^^ blercom | g®^"yg^^ | Vader en Moeder Naem Anthoni gebooren 13 September gedoopt De 18 October 1789 -^ I I Samuel Borhans I , I De * uuciers I ]vjoj.i.e^ietye Jeraleman 1 g^™>g^^ | Vader en Moeder Naem Jacobos gebooren De 25 September gedoopt De 18 October 1789 ^ T I Adrevaen Post j , I frans Spier en Zyn O^^^^e^-^ I Maria Spier 1 g^*"yg^^ | huysvrou Naem grietye gebooren 26 September gedoopt De 18 October 1789 ^ , I Matheus krauck I , i Egge Doori-emus ^"^^^^■HgeertruyVanhoutenl getuygen | Naem John gebooren De 6 October 1789 gedoopt D 1 November 1789 ^ , I Hessel hennion I , | David Brower ^"^^^^" I eatryn Brower | g^^^yg^" | Arreyaenthe Stymets Naem Arreyaente gebooren De 11 October gedoopt De 1 September 1789 , 1 Hessel Eyersou I , ! De ""^^^^•^ I Catrien Van Veghter | g^^^yg^" | Vader en Moeder Naem Dooce gebooren De 9 October gedoopt De 30 November 1789 BAPTISMAI. REGISTER, I 79©. 87 1 I David lieuniou I , I Do ouaers | y^.^^^^^^^^^^ heuniou | S'^'^^^JS^" | Viuler ou Moeder • Naem Myutye gebooreu De 29 November 178'J gedoopt De 1 January 1790 ^ , I David D aclvcrman I , I Jau Ackermau ^^^^^^^'^^ I Metye Emstnes | get'Vgeu | Auuaetye Brower Naeiu Aunuetve gebooreu De 10 December 1789 gedoopt Dc 10 Janu- uary 1790 ,^ ^ I Adreyacn Van liouten I . I De Vader eu Moeder Ouders n t '^ , r^ ^ getuygen I Marretye Codmos | b j& | Naem Cattelyntye gebooreu De 29 December 1789 gedoopt De 24 Jan- uary 1790 ^ T i Johauues Bensou I , I Jauaunes* Benson O"^^^^*^ I Maria Westervelt I g^^^ygen | j^^j^^tye Bauta Naem Jacob gebooreu De 21 January gedoopt De 7 february 1790 ^ 1 1 Heudrick Jaeobosse I , I lioclif Van houten Ouders x t^ , , getuygen . , t> j I Lena \ an blercom | ^ •'^ | Antye Berdan Naem Antye gebooreu De 8 January gedoopt De 7 february 1790 , I David Dey 1 , | De Vader en Moeder ^"'^^'^ ISaraNeeffel g^t^yg^^ | Naem Hester gebooren De 11 December 1789 gedoopt De 21 March 1790 T I fraus Eyerson I , I De Vader en Moeder ouders 4. 1 i j. getuygeu I yannetye lambert I "^ -"^ \ Naem Diick gebooren De 2 february gedoopt De 21 March 1790 r^ , . j Hendrick Van aellen I ^ . ^^ I Petrus Van aellcn I yannetye Lazier | & -J >=> | Maria hopjjer Naem yannetye gebooren De 14 february gedoo^jt De 21 Marcli 1790 ,-. ^ I Cornekis Van houten ) , I Roelif Van houten Ouders .• i. Tr i i getuygeu . , t> i I teytye Van houten | » ^ » | Antye Borden Naem Elisabeth gebooren De 26 february gedoopt de 21 March 1790 1 1 Comelus Van winkel I , 1 John ackermau oudei-s . i -17 T? getuygeu -n,, -o 1 i I Annaetye Van lly![)en | ^^ - » | Elsye Boskerk Naem Yannetye gebooren De 21 februarj' gedoopt De 4 April 1790 ^ ^ David Davidse , Helmigh Merceker Ouders t -\t 1 getuygeu „ , '=V, , 1 Leya Merceker | f' •' » | f ey tye Kyker Naem feytye gebooren De 20 februaiy gedoopt De 4 April 1790 J-, 1 I Helmigh IMerceker I I David Davidse I feytye Ryker ) I Leya Merceker I^aem Harme gebooren De 23 October ged(jopt De 4 April 1790 ^ 1 1 Bcnyameu Delemetcr ! , I De Vader eu Moedei ^"^^^^Hciaentye Van houten I g^t^^yg^^ | Naem Catlyntye gebooren De 21 february gedoopt De 4 April 1790 ^ -, I Dkck Ryerson I , I De uuaers | ^^^^^.^ j^op^gj, | getuygeu | y^^^^^. ^^ ]^joeder Naem Marretye gebooren De 1 Dagh April gedoopt De 25 April 1790 /-v J 1 Jan Maar I , I Heudrick koorte- Ouders getuygeu ^ 11 i ■ ^ I I b Jo I Leya Maudeviel Naem Ruthye gebooren De Gedooi^t De 25 April 1790 •Doul)tless a clerical error for Joliannes, Joliu. 88 BAPTISMAL REGISTER, I'jgO. , I Jan Ryerson I , ' De ^^^^^^^■^ \ Elsye Lazier | Set^^yS^n | ^^^^^. ^^ ^^^^^^^ Naem Cornelus gebooren De 16 April gedoopt De 9 May 1790 ^ ., [ John Earl I ^„i„„,„„ I Abraham ackermau ^''^^'^ I Eagel ackerman | getuygen | g^^.^ .^.j^grman Naem Morres gebooreu De 31 March gedooi^t De 9 May 1790 T I ThuuLS hennion j , I De «"^^«^^ I Catrina Kipp | S^t^^yg^^ | Vader en Moeder Naem Johannes gebooren De 3 May gedooi^t De 24 May 1790 ^ 1 1 Johannes Toers I .^, 1 Pouhs Katan ^^'^^^"^•^ I Lybe Ratan | g^*^yg«" j Jannetye Bord Naem Jannetye gebooren De 30 Ai^ril gedoopt De 24 May 1790 / r>, 1 I Daniel Schoenmaker I , I De O"^^^^'^ I Elisabeth Post | g^^^yg^^ | Vader en Moeder Naem Selli gebooren De 1 May gedooj)t De 6 June '1790 1 I Poiiles Ratan | , I De Vader en Moeder ouders \ t,„ . o • i getuygen I Metye Spier j & •'=> | Naem Johannes gebooren De 19 May gedoopt De 20 June 1790 oudei-s I ^bi"^lia™ Ryerson I ^^^ ,„e^ I Jannetye Joans 1 Sara IMandeviel | '^ •'^ | en Do Vader Naem Nikcoles gebooren De 14 May gedoopt De 20 June 1790 ^ 1 I Jan Merceker I , I Helmigh merceker <^^"^^^H Elisabeth Ryker | g^t^yS^^^ | f yty Ryker Naem Elias gebooren De 5 Mert gedoopt De 4 July 1790 T I Aii Meed I , ! De ^^^'^'^^ I Sara Jacobosse | g^^^yg^^ i Vader en Moeder Naem Adreyaen gebooren De 17 June gedoopt De 18 July 1790 1 I David hennion I , I De ""'^^^^■^ I Antye Idpp | g«*"yg^^ | Vader en Moeder Naem gerrit gebooren De 4 July gedoopt De 1 Agustus 1790 ^ -, I Derek van hoiaten I ^,„ , ^ , I De ^^'^^^■« I Ragel Post | g^^^^yg^" | Vader en Moeder Naem adreyaen gebooren De 26 June gedoopt De 1 Agustus 1790 -, I Jacobos McColli I „„.„„ ,„„ 1 De °^^'^^^^'''' I Ragel Ackerman | g^^uygen | ^.^^^^^. ^^ ^j^^^^^^. Naem Abigel gebooren De 11 June gedoopt De 1 Agustus 1790 , I Derek Degra I . I De """^^^"^^ I Annaetye Schyler | g«t"yg^^ j Vader en Moeder Naem Rebecke gebooren De 2C July gedoopt De 26 September 1790 r^ -, 1 adman kingland I , I De ^^•^^^Hannlow | g^^^^^gen | y^^^^^, ^^ jj^^^^^^ Naem Marregrietye gebooren De 6 June gedoopt De 24 October 1790 ^ -, I Philip Dey I . I De ^^^'^^^ I Jannetye Post | g^^^yg^^ , | Vader en Moeder Naem Benyamen gebooren De 22 Agust gedoopt De 24 October 1790 , I Cornelus Merselis I . , i De °^^^^ I Maria Post | g^^^yg^^^ | Vader en Moeder Naem Arriaentj'e gebooreu De 16 October gedoopt De 7 November 1790 BAPTISMAL REGISTER, 179O-179I. S9 ^"^'^^^■^ I CathTitye Post | S^tny^en | ^,^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ Naem Catlvntye gebooren De 3 September gedoopt De 7 November 1790 , I Abraliam Willis I ,^i..„, ,„„ I De '''■"^^'^ I Catrina Post | 8^^^^^'^^" | Vader en Moeder Naem Catrina gebooren De 17 October gedooi)t De 21 November 1790 ^ -, i Adreyaen Cool I .„„ I De Vader Oudei-s I Elisabeth Lntskens | S^^^-'^Sen | ^^ jj^^^^^ Naem gerret gebooren De 29 October gedoopt De 21 November 1790 ^ , I Edo Slerselis I . „, I De Ouders x tt 1 j. getnvgen 1 -r- , -.r -, I Lena Van honten | '=' - '^ | v ader en Moeder Naem Edo gebooren De 31 October gedoopt De 21 November 1790 ^ 1 I gerret Neeffe I .„„ „ I David kerr ^"^'^^^ 1 Eva Van honten | g^t^yg°^ I en Eggc Van honten Naem Piter gebooren De 3 November gedoopt De 5 December 1790 , I Jan Doorremiis I , I De ouders I jjenceEyerson \ get^^yg^^^ | Vader en Moeder Naem auaetj'e gebooren De 2-i November gedoox^tDe 19 December 1790 n 1 I Tuenes Berdan I , I Elisabeth Van Blercom en O^*^^^ I Aeltye Van Blercom I S^^'^yS^'^ \ De Vader Naem Jamietye gebooren De 16 November gedoopt De 19 December 1790 ^ -, Isack alyie , De Onders » i. t. eretuygen -rr ^ -.r -, I Antye Ryerson | » ■' ^ | Vader en Moeder Naem David gebooren De 12 December 1790 gedoopt De 16 Jannry 1791 rw 1 I Johannes Van honten I , 1 Cornelus Low ^''•^^^ I Sai-a Low | g<^*^^yg«" | trientye Claessen Naem trientye gebooren De 11 December 1790 gedoopt De 16 January 1791 , 1 Piter Van houten I , I De ""'^^'^ I Leya Van Ryi^en | g^^^iiygen | ^-^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^ Naem Leya gebooren De 28 December 1790 gedoopt De 30 January 1791 n n I Jan Van Blercom I , I Vrowetye V Blercom Ouders • . r i getnysen -r> -i^ i I Antye Jacobosse | '=' ^° |enDe\ader Naem Annaetye gebooren De 6 January gedooj)t De 13 febmary 1791 ■-. -, I Abraham Post I . I Albert Zabrisko O^^^^H Maria Zabrisko | g^t^yg^" I Jannetye Zabrisko Naem Henderikes gebooren De 25 January gedoopt De 27 february 1791 ^ -, I Simeon Van winkle I , j De uuaers j ^^.^^ Tj^i^^^pieg | getuygen | y.^^^^^. ^^ -^iQ^aer Naem yanikke gebooren gedoopt De 27 March 1791 , I Abraham Van Rypen I . ,„ I De Vader en ""^^""^ I Altye Post ' | ge*^yg«" j Catrina Van blercom Naem feytye gebooren De 11 January gedoopt De 27 March 1791 8 90 BAPTISMAL REGISTER, I79I. Ouders I ^^^^* Scliuyler 1 ^^^.^ ,„g^ I Ester De I Ester Dey | & J o | Moeder Van De kinderen De Naem Van De Eene was tlieimis Dey gebooren De 18 October 1785 De Andere was gebooren De 29 August 1788 Zyu naem was Piter gedoopt By Hot buys Van Piter Dey March 27tb 1791* Ouders I ^^*®^ ^^^ I "etuv^en i ^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ Jannetye uucieis I j^^^^ g^^^.^j I getujgen | p^^^ Naem Ester gebooren De 30 November 1790 gedoopt De 27 March 1791 ouders I ^^^ Jacobosse j ^ , ,^ | Abram Jacobosse I Eva Kipp \ ° -^ ° I eu Elisabeth Jacobosse Naem Abram gebooren De 14 March gedoopt De 10 April 1791 r»„ i„ I Cornelus Westervelt 1 , 1 De Vader en O^"^^^^ I Maria Eoblin | Setnjgen | ^^^^ Westervelt Naem trienj^e gebooren De 28 March gedoopt De 10 April 1791 -, I Dirck Van giesen I ^ ^ I De I Jannetye Van houten | 8 " Jo | Vader en Moeder Naem feytye gebooren De 29 March gedoopt De 21 April 1791 ^ -, I David Dey I , I Johannes Neeffe O'^^^'M Sara Neeffe | S^^^^^S^" | helena Dey Naem helena gebooren De 31 March gedoopt De 15 May 1791 O 1p -s i -'^^^''^'^e Van blercom I „ ^ I gerrit Van Rypen I Catrina Post | » y& | feytye westervelt Naem John gebooren De 12 April gedoopt De 15 May 1791 -, I Cornelus Post I , I De Vader en °^<^^^^ I Sara Dey I g^^^^g^^ | Moeder Naem Dhck Dey gebooren De G May gedooi^t De 26 June 1791 ■J j abraham godwen i ^ . ^^ I Jan Van or den I altye Van houten | » >)^=> j Jannetye V: houten Namen Jannetye en Marretye gedoopt De 4 January 1788 tweliugen n _ i Johannes f Post I , I Poules Ratau en •^^•^"^ 1 Antye Ratan j g^^^^g"'^ | Jannetye Bord Naem Poules gebooren De 14 July gedoopt De 7 Agustus 1791 -, I Abraham godwin 1,1 ^"'l^^^ I Zyn wife | g"*^^yg^^ | De Vader en Moeder Namen Van De kinderen Zyn Susanna Caleb Munson en Abraham Ca- leb Monson gebooren De 10th December 1788 Abraham is ge- booren is gebooren De 14 July 1791 gedoopt De Drie kinderen Agustus De 21 1791t j-j 1 I David hennion I , | De I Vroiiwitj^e hennion | ^ ^^ | Vader en Moeder Naem Annetye gebooren De 23 July gedoopt De 21 Agustus 1791 •The name of the one was Theunis (Tunis) Dey, born October 18, 1785 ; the other was born August 29, 17SS. Ills name was Peter. [Both were] baptized at the house of Peter Dey, March 27, 1791. tNames of the chililren are Susanna, Caleb Munson and Abraham. Caleb Munson was born December 10, 1788. Abraham was born July 14, 1731. Baptized the three children August 21, 1791. [The date of Susanna's l)irth is not giveu. She died Octo- ber 31, 181.3. Abraham Godwin was a flfer in a New York Regiment during the Revo- lution, and subsequently was a General of Militia in New Jersey. His wife was Mary Munson. His son, Abraham, named above, also Ijeoame a General of Militia, and was known as the "young General." to distinguish him from his father, the "old General." The deaths of the "old General" and his wife, and their daughter Susan, ai'e men- tioned on page 47, ante.] BAPTISMAL REGISTER, 179I-1793. 9I ^ I Eoelif C Van liouten i , I De vader ^^'^^^^■^ I Aeltye Dooremus | g^t^^yg^n j ^^ ^^^^^^^ Naem Eagel gebooren De 5 Agustus gedoopt De 18 September 1791 ^ 1 I Matlieus Crauck I , I Cornelus Van hoiiten Uucters I ggei^r^^y Van houteu | S^^^yg^"^ | en Metye V: honten Naem feji^ye gebooren Do 1 September gedoopt De 2 October 1791 „ , I Cornelus Van honten I , I De ^^^^^^'^UlariaVeeder | g^^^^^g^" | Vader en Moeder Naem Antye gebooren De 18 Agnstus gedoopt De 2 October 1791 , I Samuel Borlians I , I De ouclei-s j ^.^j-regriet yeralemau | g®^"yg®" | Vader en Moeder Naem Jacobos gebooren De 20 October gedoopt i December 1791 ^ , I thunes hennion I , I Leva kipp Ouders L-t ^ ■ i • S^tuygen -^ ■'^'■ I Catrma kipp | & ^ & | Naem Leya gebooren De 24 October gedoopt De 4 December 1791 ^ , 1 Daniel Eatan I , | Joliannis Eatan ^^•^^^^■^ I Jannetye Brouwer | g^t^^ygen | ^^ ^yn huysvi-ou Naem Johannes gebooren De 25 May gedoopt De 10 June 1792 -, 1 Benyamen Delemcter I . 1 De ouders | q^.-^^^.^^^^ ^^u houteu I g^^^yg®^ I Vader en Moeder Naem Sara gebooren De 5 May gedoopt De 10 June 1792 ^ , I Abraham Post | , I Abraham -willis O^^^^''^-^ I Elisabeth hemmeltou 1 g^t^yg^^ | Catriua Post Naem Elksander McDukle* gebooren De 8 June gedoopt De 5 Agustus 1792 , I Ari Myer I , I Jacob Storm oudera j g^^g^^^a gtorm | g^^^yg^^ | Jannetye gerritse Naem grietye gebooren De 30 Jiily gedoopt de 9 SeiDtembcr 1792 ^^ , I Hehnigh Van gieson I , I Seel Van gieson ^^"^^ I Sara van oeststrand | g^^'^^yg'^^ [ antye Van gieson Naem Metye gebooren De 20 Agustus gedoopt De 9 September 1792 -, I Jacob Dooremus I , I De ouders I j^jy^^yg y,^^ ^^^^^^^^ I getuygen | y.^^^^^. ^^ ^^^^^^^^, Naem Eagel gebooren De 24 July gedoopt De 9 September 1792 „ , I fiuce Chanler I , I De O^'^^'^^^ I Sara MacCleen | g^^^^yg®^ | Vader en Moeder Naem Jonas gebooren De 9 June gedoopt De 9 September 1792 Een keut gedooj^t van Jan Moor genaemt Jan Sei^tember 9th 1792 , I Albert Berdan I , I De °^<^^«^'M Susanna | g^^^^yg^^ | Vader en Moeder Naem Susanna gebooren De 25 September 1787 gedoopt De 22 Sep- tember 1792' ^ , I Albert Berdan I , I De 0"<^®^H Susanna | g*^t^yg«^ | Vader en Moeder Naem Albert gebooren De 12 March 1789 gedoopt De 22 September 1792 „ , I Albert Berdan I , ^ I De O'^'l'^^M Susanna | g^t'^yg^^ | Vader en Moeder Naem Daniel gebooren De 8 November 1790 gedoopt De 22 Septem- ber 1792 •Alexander McDougal. ^2 BAPTISMAL REGISTER, I'jgi. O^'l^^ I Catriner Meath | S^t^ygen | Veder en Moeder Naein Salley geboreu De 15 September gedoopt De 30 September 1792 I Philip Dev I , 1 De ""•^^^^■^ I Januetye Post | g^^^J'S'^^ | Vader en Moeder Naem Samuel hay gebooren De 28 August gedoopt De 30 September 1792 I Andries Suyer I . I Adam van orden •'^'^^^^■^ I Eagel ackerinan 1 g^^'^ygen | Marregriet Snyer Naem Doortte gebooren De 7 October gedoopt De 11 November 1792 „ , I Jan Erven 1 , I Hendrick Staag 0^'1^^'H Elisebeth Staag I ^^^''^'^''' | Sara Post Naem Sara gebooren De 7 September gedoopt D 11 November 1792 „ , I Peter Jacobosse I . I De Vader en Moeder O^^^^^isaragoold | S^^^'yS^^ \ Naem Jannicke gebooren De 1 May gedoopt De 11 November 1792 ^ , I John Cool I , I De O^*-^^^'^ 1 f eytye Jacobosse I S^tuygen | ^^ ..^^, ^^ ^^^^^^^ Naem Hendrick gebooren De 18 October gedoopt De 11 November 1792 „ , ! John Staag j „„i.„„^.„„ I De uudei-s I Cornelia Vanblercom ! ^^^^^^s™ I Vader en Moeder Naem David gebooren De 14 October gedoopt De 11 November 1792 ^ \ I David Dey 1 , I De O'^^^^"^ I Sara Neiffe | B'^t^^yg'^^ | Vader en Moeder Naem tuenes gebooren De 12 October gedoopt De 2 December 1792 ^ ^ i tomes Snyder I i.„„„^ I De <^^^^^^"H Maria raten | g^t^^yS^^ 1 Vader en Moeder Naem Jurre gebooren De 4 November gedoopt De 2 December 1792 T I John Simmons I ^„+„„„„„ I De Vader Guders I ^^^^^ 2yn vron | g^^uygen | ^^ ^yn Saster Maria Naem abigel gebooren De 24 October gedoopt De 2 December 1792 „ , I Joris Doorrimus I , I De 0'^'^^^^ I Antye Eatan | g«*"yge^ | Vader en Moeder Naem Jennicke gebooren De 27 October gedoojDt De 2 December 1792 -, 1 Ellicksander Mc Coel I . I De Vader en Moeder °^^^^Hllagel vanblercom | g^^'^^yg^^ I Naem ertha* gebooren De 17 November gedoopt De 23 December 1792 , I Jan Spier I , I Peter lock ^^'^^'^^ I altye Eyker I g^^^^yg^" | geertry Jacobosse Naem Hester gebooren De 28 October gedoopt De 23 December 1792 , 1 John Eyerson I , , I De Vader o^^^''^ I Antye van aellen | g^t^ygen | en Moeder Naem Jannetye gebooren De 21 November gedoopt De 30 December 1792 ^ J I Piter Durveas I , , , , I Hendrick Demot Guders | j^^^,^ Maudeviel | g^^^^yg®^^ | Elisabeth Mandeviel Naem Elisabeth gebooren De 22 October gedooj^t De 30 December 1792 •Archie. BAPTISMAL REGISTER, I792-1793. 9^ , Corneliis Decker . , Dauiel Eiitau ouders rt fferavceii n I en Zyn vrou \ ° '■^ j en Zyu vrou Naem Dauiel gebooren De 26 October gedoopt De 30 December 1792 , I Johannes kerstede I . , ,„„„ 1 Johannes Ryker °"<^^^ UenaRyker I 8^*^^^^^ | Leya Eyker Naem Johannes gebooren De 9 December 1792 gedoopt De 13 Janua- ry 1793 , I Hendrick Cook ! , , „, I De °'''^®^'^ I aunaetye Eyersou I ectuygen | ^_^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ Naem Sara gebooren De 16 October 1792 gedoopt De 13 January 1793 -, I Jacob Demarest I , 1 Jacobos Demarest cullers j ggggyg hopper | g^^^^y«'^'^ | en De vader en Moeder Naem Jacobos gebooren De 4 January 1793 gedoopt De 3 february 1793 •, I gerret van Derhoof I ^ ,,„^^, I De ""'^^^^ I Soeke Zyn vrou 1 g^tuygen | ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ Naem Sara gebooren De 20 December 1792 gedooiDt De 3 february 1793 , I Andi-is bomen I , , „^„ I De Vader °^<^^^'^ ! yannetye van houten | S^t^yg^^ | en Moeder Naem Jacob gebooren De 3 January gedoopt De 3 february 1793 r. -, I David hennion I , I thuuis hennion ^^^^^^^^'^Antyekepp | S^t^^^S^^ | Catrina kepp Naem Vrouwetye gebooren De 3 January 1793 gedoopt De 3 february 1793 , I Isack van Saen ! , I Samuel van Saen °"^^"'^ I Catlyntye Merselus | S'^t^^ysen | ^eya Zabriske Naem Samuel gebooren De 6 January gedoopt De 3 february 1793 , I Jacobos van hoiiten I , I De ouders I Elisabeth Berri | g^^^yg^" | Vader en moeder Naem Piter gebooren De 30 June 1792 gedoopt De 3 february 1793 r. 1 1 John hutten I , I Jacob Coopper 0^^^^^^"^ I Eachal Eeynils | g^t^ys^^ 1 Elisabeth Smirets Naem Eachal gebooren De 2 July 1792 gedoopt De 3 february 1793 ^ , I Cornelus van Eypen I , I De Vader en Moeder O^'-^^^'H Vrouitye gerretse"^ | g^^^yg^^ | Naem gerrebrant gebooren De 8 January gedoopt De 3 March 1793 , I adreyaen van houten I , I Marten van bier com "^^'•^^^^ 1 Mai-ritye Cadmus | ge^^yg^^ | Antye Zyn vrou Naem Piter gebooren De 31 January gedoopt De 3 March 1793 r. r, I Dirck van houten I .„„ I De 0"*^«^M Eagel Post | g*^t^^yg«^ | vader en Moeder Naem Piter gebooren De 28 January gedoopt De 3 March 1793 r. 1 I Hendrick Cook I . I De Vader 0^^^«^« I yannetye Pier | g^^^yg^^ | en Moeder Naem Sara gebooren De 12 february gedoopt De 17 Mert 1793 J I Albert Berdan I „„.,„,„„„ I De vader ^^'^^'^ I Susanna Secord | get^^ygeu | en Moeder Naem Jacob gebooren De 30 January gedoopt De 17 Mert 1793 94 BAPTISMAL REGISTER, 1 793- ^ ■, I Jaeu Cool I , ^^ I Baarut Cool ^^ I Elisabeth Lxitkins | ^^ ^'^JS^^ | ketrieuua vau De waters Zyn Vrou Naem Barnt gebooren De 24 febniary gedooj)t De 17 Mert 1793 onders I ^®^"* ^^^^^ I C'etuv^en I ^® ^''^'^^®'' ouaers | Catlyutye post | ^^^'lyg'^^ | eu Moeder Naem Johannes gebooren De 6 february gedoopt De 1 April 1793 ^ I Johannes hinnion I , I De Vader °^^^^^'M Pliebe Boalden | g^t^^Tgen | en Moeder Naem Abraham gebooren De 29 May 1792 gedoopt De 1 April 1793 , , I Cornelias van houten I j. ,, I ^® I f eytye van houten | g J.^ | yader en Moeder Naem Marretye gebooren De 9 february gedoopt De 1 April 1793 ^ J I Piter Zealif 1 , I De Ouders r? -d i getnygen \ -, -^t i I Zyn vrou Kyker | ^ -"^ | vader en Moeder Naem gebooren De gedoo^Dt De 1 April 1793 ^ -J I Albert Zabrisko I , ^ I De vader I Aeltye van orden | * •''=' | en Elisabeth goetsyes Naem gebooren De 13 febniary gedoopt De 1 April 1793 f^ 1 I Jacobos Jacobosse I „ i. „ I De 1 Catrina Demerest | '^ •'° ' \ vader en Moeder Naem anaetye gebooren De 25 October 1791 gedoopt De 1 April 1793 /^ , I Hendrick Jacobosse I , I De Moeder ^'^^^'H Bara Sisko | g^t^^yS^^ | Naem genit gebooren De IG Agustus 1791 gedoopt De 1 April 1793 , I Matheus Cranck I , | De Vader en Moeder ouders , , -u j. getuygen eertruy van houten Naem Maria gebooren De 14 March gedoopt De 21 April 1793 , I Martin Bruyu I , ! De vader en Moeder ouders -«t i. in. / getuygen I Naetye Post | ° -"^ \ Naem Joannes gebooren De 4 November 1792 gedoopt De 21 April 1793 J I Jan van blercom I , I Derek Durie ^^^^'^^ I Antye Jacobosse I g^^^^yg®^ | Marritye Jacobosse Naem Jacobos gebooren De 28 Mart gedoopt De 9 May 1793 -, j John More I , I Dc ouaers | Catrienua M Clien j g'^'^^yg®^ | Vader en Moeder Naem Cornelus gebooren De 8 Mert gedoopt De 9 May 1793 ^1 'I Johannes Kyerson I „ j. ,„ j De I Neuce Evchable* \ ° -"^ | vader en Moeder Naem Lena gebooren De gedoopt De 9 May 1793 , . I Johannes van winkel | „ j. „ I De I Elisabeth Eyerson j f- yo | y^der en Moeder Naem Maria DeBoos gebooren De 5 April gedoopt De 9 May 1793 -. I Daniel vau horn I „ - , I De I Aunaetye Erl | e> Jb | vader en Moeder Naem Annaetye gebooren De 30 Martch gedoopt De 9 June 1793 Q , I Brant Jacobosse I „ x „ I De j titye van Duyn j » yg ] vader en Moeder . Naem Jacobos gebooren De 12 May gedoopt De 30 June 1793 Query : Archibald ? BAPTISMAL REGISTER, 1/93. 95 ^ Jan hencok , De ouders \ ^ , , , getnyaen i -.t i I Jauuetye van blercom | o •'o j vaaer eu Moeder Naem tomas gebooren Dc 7 Jiiue gedoopt De 30 June 1793 ^ J I Heudrick Mouerse I , „ I De vader en Moedor Ouders K-, . • ., ■ getuygen Naem Catrina gebooren De 19 January gedoopt De 30 June 1793 Ouders I ^"^^^^°i'* ^^ ^^^^^ I etu "^en i ^^ I Elisabeth Chappel | ^ ^'^ | vader eu Moeder Naem Erclaa* gebooren De 21 March gedoopt De 30 June 1793 ^ , I Abraham Jacobosse I , ^^ I De I Leya Maudeveel | 8 y^ | yader en Moeder Naem Jacobos geboren De 12 May gedoopt De 30 June 1793 1 I Abraham Wilhs I , I De vader ouders /-, , ■ -n i, getuygen tm- n I Catrina Post | ° ■' ° | en Moeder Naem Maria gebooren De 17 May gedoopt T)^ 30 Jime 1793 ^ 1 j Koelif Doorremus | ^ ,„ I ^^ I Annaetye Dooremus j S . o j Vader en Moeder Naem Catrina gebooren De 30 May gedoopt de 30 June 1793 ^ , I Jan Dooremus I , 1 De Vader Ouders . i. -» getuygen tt i I Autye lij^erson ) " •'" | en i\loeder Naem Hendi-ick gebooren De 3 May gedooi^t De CO June 1793 Ouders I Silyaem Ryerson I „etuv^'en 1 ^^ I Marigrietye Mannen I '^ -"^ | vader en Moeder Naem Kyer gebooren De 30 June gedoopt de 11 Augustus 1793 n I Abraham Rj^erson j , I De I Sara Mandeviel | 8 jg | yader en Moeder Naem Elisabeth gebooren De 1 July gedoopt De 11 Augustus 1793 1 1 Catrina Stegg I . I Johannes Ryker ouder °° getuygen \ j i. q/ I I & JO I Jannetye otegg Naem Jacobos gebooren De 2 November 1792 gedoopt De 11 Augus- tus 1793 t/-i J I Helmaugh Post I , I De Ouders n^ . -tr t.- getuygen •, i,r j I Metye Van Riper | &> jo | y.^der eu Moeder Naem thomas gebooren De 14 Agustes gedoopt De 1 September 1 793 J I Hendrick Hennion I , I De ouders Kt • t» • getuygen tt j t\t i I jlaria Romme | & js ] Vader en Moeder Naem Cornalious gebooren De 14 Agnates gedoopt De 1 September 1793 , I Cornelious Van Houten ! , I De °^*^^^'« I maria Vater \ S^t^yg^^ | yader en Moeder Naem maria Gebooren De 14 Agustes gedoopt De 1 September 1793 , ! Peter Van Howten I , I De °"^^^ JLeyeuVanRipen | S^^^^yS^n | Vader en Moeder Naem Peter geboren De 30 jnili Gedoopt De 1 September 1793 , I hons Post f i. „^ I Do I maretye Neafe | ° y°'" | Vader en moder Naem Aultye geborer De 29 yuli gedoopt De 1 September 1793 *Arcliie. tBeglnnhig here a uew hand began keeping the reconl, and one evidently not so well educated as his predecessor, as appears by various eccentricities In chlrography and orthography. 96 BAPTISMAL REGISTER, 1 793- r^ ^ Davit Griffius , De Vader I bara foi-se | "^ •'° \ en moder Naem Janueyo Geboren De 10 Augustas Gedoopt de 1 September 1793 , j Jolin Berdou j i. , , , I De vader I lean sine huis vrouw | " •'*' | en moder Naem Heuderick Geboren De 22 Yuly Gedoopt De 1 September 1793 >-v -, I Davit Heuuiou 1 , i De Vader en Ouders j.- -a • \ getuysren , I vr on wet] a Henuion | & •'o | moder Naem marigreje Geboren De 3 Angustes Gedoopt Do 1 September 1793 ^ 1 I Yon Speir I -n r< ^ • 1 Abraham Van Eipen en sin liuis Ouders .i, tt -r> De Getnigen -^^ w ^ ii. I Abbe Van Busse 1 '=' \ vrow Dose \V estervelt Naem Tennis Geboren De 21 September Gedoopt De 13 October 1793 ^ 1 ! GaiTet Neafe I -n /^ i. • I De Vader Ouders \ -c, tt xr i De Getuigea , I bjYeu. Van Hon ten I -"^ | en moder Naem Annaute Geboren De 22 September Gedoopt De 13 October 1793 ^ ^ I Rol)ei-t Van Houten j . . | De Ouders -^ ^r • gctuigen \ ij ■, ^ I Lienaw v an giason | » o vader en moder Naem Rolef Geboren De 16 September Gedoopt De 13 October 1793 /-. 1 I You yecobesa i t\ /^ i. • ! Neceuse Kip Ouders \ -^ •'•,^. DeGctuigeu \ -r i • i I iiveu Kip I '^ I Leau manderviel Naem Leau Geboren De 12 September Gedoopt De 13 October 1793 ^ T I Abraham ackerman | , • I De Vader en ^^^^^^^-MElisebathKronk | ^'^^''^en \ ^^^^^^. Naem Yanate Geboren De 7 September Gedoopt De 13 October 1793 ^ T 1 Yon leshere ! , . I De Vader en Ouders -„ , -,, getuigen \ ^..r ^ 1 Pege mil | » -j | Moder Naem Cornelius Geboren De 8 Moy Gedoopt De 13 October 1793 ^ -, I Johannes van Rypen I , | De Ouders t i • getuygen , tit t I Leya kipp | » j & , y^der en Moeder Naem Gerrit gebooren De 6 October gedoopt De 3 November 1793 ^ -, I Tomes Hemmon 1 , a, ■„ I De I Elisebeth Eomjne | & ' -^ [ Vader en Moder Naem Abraham geboren De 22 Yune gedoopt De 3 November 1 793 ^ -, I William Brower I , . I De Ouders tvt •• ■ 1 tt getuigen \ -^t ^ ^r t I Mail] a sine buys Vrow | '^ •'■^ | v ader en Moder Naem kestejnye geboren De 23 September Gedopt de 3 November 1793 o ■, I Johannes Toars I /-, i • i Isaac Kipp Ouders -nyr ■ ., ,-- Getuigen , • , * ir'^ r\ • I Mangrit Ivipp ) -'^ | liemke* Van Geison Naem Isaac geboren De 8 October Gedopt De 3 November 1793 ^ , I Adreyaen Post I , I De Ouders o o • getuygen , ht j I Sara Spier | & ^ & j vader en Moeder Naem Elias gebooren De 1 October 1791 gedoopt De 17 November 1793 ^ , I Koelif Kom-sni | . I De vader Ouders -r> *t% i getuvgeu t,t i I Bregge van Devoort | '^ "^ | en Moeder Naem Maria gebooren De 6 October gedoopt De 17 November 1793 "Qiiery : Haak, Hen., Henry? Baptismal register, i 793-1 794. 97 f) 1 I Piter van hoiiten | , I Roelif vau honteu uiuiers I jvi-^ri-etri-iet Botteler | i^'^'^^y^*-"'^ | Aeltye Dooremns Naom Jamos gebooreu De 27 Af^ustus geJoopt De 17 November 1793 ^ ! Jau Blercom I , I De °"'^«^-^ I Maria Jacobosse | g^tuygen | ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^, Nasm Elias gebooreu De 15 November geiloopt De 8 December 1793 1 I fraus llyersou I , I De oaders t i. t 1 i. getuvgeu , ht j I Jauuetyc Lambert [*'•'-' | vader eu Moeder Naem Jauuetye gebooreu De G November gedoopt De 8 December 1793 . . , I William Mills I , I De vader eu bet wyf Ouders . , ,, getuvgeu ■' I Autye Luues | '^ - " | vau george auues N:i-3m Neeltve gebooreu De 19 November l'^92 gedovjpt Dj 8 December ] 793 1 .^ I Uyldrick van Rypeu I ^ , .^^ I De I auuecke Dooremns | ^ ■ ^ | Vader eu Moeder Naem genit gebooreu De 1 September gedoopt De '25 December 1793 1 ! Johauues gerritse I , I De ouders i ^^ • f t> getuvgeu -cr t t\t i I MarregTiet vau Kyi^eu | ^^ > & | Vader eu Moeder Naem Heudrick gebooreu De 19 November gedoopt De 25 December 1793 .^ 1 -, . , I Heudrick Dooremus \ ,y ^ „ I De I Marregriet heuuion | '=' ''" ' \ Vader eu Moeder Naem Heudrick gebooreu De 17 December 1793 gedoopt De 19 Jauu- aiy 1794 , ] Jan Ryereou I , I De ouiiers j j^gyg^ Westervelt | g^^^^g^" | Vader eu Moeder Naem Jores gebooreu De 17 December 1793 gedoopt De 19 Jauuarv 1794 ^ T Albert Alye , Antye Ryersou Ouders t^ n o i getuygeu i •', I Dalle buyder | *= ■"=' | eu de vader Naem Albert gebooreu De 24 December 1793 gedoopt De 19 Jauuary 1794 , I Roelif vau honteu I , I De ouders . j. • getuygeu \ -, -mt ^ I Antye vau gieseu \ '^ •'^ \ vader eu Moeder Naem Metye gebooreu De 7 January gedoopt De 9 February 1794 rx 1 I Jau Pules ! . I De Ouders on 1 1 getuygeu \ ^ n/r i I Sally hand \ '-' -"^ | vader eu Moeder Naem Elisabeth gebooreu De 1 December gedoopt De 9 february 1794 --> 1 I gerrit gen-iise j x „ i gerrit gerritse 1 Lena Scoonmaker \ '^ J^ \ f j^tye ■westervelt Naem gerrit gebooreu De 5 february gedooi^t De 2 Mert 1794 ^ 1 1 Roelif van houteu I , I Hessel Pitei-se O"'^*'^'' I Antye Berdau | K^t^yg^^ | f j^tye vau houteu tweliugen Adreyaeu Post Nameu feytye & Maria Maria Berdau > gebooreu De 26 Jauuary gedoopt De 2 Mert 1794 1 I Nicase vau blorf^om I , I Helmigh vau honteu oudei-s /^ . • 1, i getuygeu t t)i I Catriua 1 ost | "^ •" | Lena van Blcrcnm Naem Autye gebooreu De 24 January gedoopt !)e 2 Mert 1794 98 BAPTISMAL REGISTER, 1 794- * , I Dirck van houteu 1 , I Jan Neeft'e ^^^^^^^MEagelPost | 8^*^^^^^" | Catrina Post Naem John gebooren De 1 february gedoopt De 2 Mert 1794 ^ J I Abram freland I , I ^''^^'-'^ I Annaotye Moor | S^^nygen | Naeni Polle gebooren De 10 Agnstus 1793 gedoopt Do 2 Mert 1794 ^^ 1 I John van Katgu I , I Jan Eomyn Onuei-s t3 -J, ' "^ getuvgen \ -j- „i. I bara icomyn ( & . o | Lena otagg Naem Nickolas gebooren De 14 March gedoopt Do 20 febrnary 1794 ^ , I hons Westervelt I t^ i. ■ • I Yacob acerman Ouders t -r> De getuiigen I I Lieew Pervo | o jo ^ ^^ j^^^g vi'ow Naem Jacob Goboreu De 17 Februaiy Gedoopt De G AppriU 1794 ^ , I Horremann Van order I ^^ ... I Jon WesterA'clt Ouders -.-,■, x^r i. u. Do getuiigen . , ^r t>- I i ite Westervelt | h jo | ^.nte Van Riper Naem Yauace Geboreu 18 Mart Gedoopt De 6 Apprjl 1794 ^ T I Isaac Kronk I t\ /^ i i De Ouders t i. \r tt j. Do (Tetuygeu 1^ , -.f ^ I Jauate V an Hi getuygen -. ^.,r ^ I Apltye van Blercom | '=' ''^ \ vader en Moeder Naem Elisabeth gebooren De 25 Agvistus gedoopt Do 21 September 1794 ^ 1 1 ari Post I , I De Ouder.^ Tvr • cfc l)c 21 September 1794 ^ , I Abrabam gerritso | , j Do- ^'^'■^''^■" I Jannetye heuuion | S'^^^^yo*'^ | vader en Moeder Naem Jacob gebooreu De September gedoopt De 9 October 1794 ^ 1 I george mousen I , I De Moeder Ouders n^ ^ . t . getuygen 1 I aunaetye van houteu | » •'e | Naem Isack gebooren De 13 September 1789 gedoopt De 9 October 17[94]t , i tomas Dooremus I , | De .Miners | Eu^.^ijetij y^^ houteu | g^^^Jo'®" | Vader cu IMoeder Naem Daniel gebooreu De 30 Agustus gedoopt De 12 October 1794 , I David kerr I , | De ouciei-s j ^^^^yp Westervelt | S^^^^S^^ \ yader en Moeder. Naem Elisabeth gebooreu De 12 September gedoopt De 12 October 1794 , I Bi-\'aut Shasst I , ' De oiiders . -^ T\ 11 K>-^taygen , i\r i I Anuy Diivail | ^^ •' f' | va'ler en Moeder Naem Joseph Warren gebooreu De 23 June gedoopt De 12 October 1794 "Rachel Reynolds. tSonie of the leaves are so worn away on the margins that figures and words are gone; where they have been conjecturally supplied they are inclosed in brackets. JBryaat Sheys, a tavern-keeper and afterwards for many years a school-teacher In and about Paterson. lOO BAPTISMAL REGISTER, 1794-1795. , .. I Lsack vau Saeii I ,, .fnv th ' '^'^^ Merselis I Catclyntj'e Merselis | "^ ^f' | Januetye van Rypen Naein Jeuuecke gebooren De 23 September gedoopt De 12 October 1794 , I Albert vau Sacu I ,t f rr I S i i fl - I tjne Demoreyf | t> jo j xi^chel Demorey Twelinge en Gorueljus Kipp teiie Demorey Neam Kachel en marjgritye Geboren De 15 Mart Gedopt De 5 Appril 1795 ^ , I Thiinis Spear ! , . I De vader en Moeder Ouders t:i sretaijen I geesye Inverse | » -"o | Naem Heudrick gebooren De 24 Mert gedoopt de 19 April 1795 /-> , i Gerrit Neafi 1 . I De vader en Moder ^"'^^^■^IcatljnePostl g^t^yfe"^'^ | Naem francose Geboren De 7 Mart Gedopt De 19 Aprill 1795 ^ , I Coruelyons Merseliis I , I De Vader en Moder ^'^'^^^■^iMaiTaPost ! S^^'^y^en | Naem Edo Geboren De 18 Mart Gedopt De 19 Apyll 1795 r. 1 i Jacob Dooremus \ r^ . ■ I De Oader -vt li. • n • Getuigen \ -^t ^ kt i I Neltyi Peir | j& j Vader en Moder Naem Joiionls Geboreu De 26 febrnary Gedopt De 19 April 1795 , I Chrisstopher Brower I , I De ouders t i, i. getuygen \ ■, at i I Lena van nouteu | *= ""^ \ vader eu Moetler Nasm Maria gebooren De 16 April gedoopt De 7 May 1795 ^ , I Beuyaman Delemater i , I De ouciers , Qi^^^^y^ ^.^^ houten 1 Sctuygen | ^^^^^^, ^^ ]yi„g,igj. Naem Elisabeth gebooren Da 23 Mart gedoopt De 2 i May 1795 ^ , I David Deves I ^ I De ^"^^^^■^iLeyaMercekerl g^^uygen | ^^^er eu Moeder Naem tomas gebooren De 20 April gcdoopi Da 7 Jiine 1795 ^ I Jan Dooremus I . I Bill Diermau ^'^'^^^■^ I geertye Kyerson | g'^t^Vgen | „, -^^^ Dooremas Naem grietye gebooren De 25 April gedoopt De 7 June 1795 , j David Brower j . I David Brower ^'^^^'^ I Sara Remmer I "'^^^^^'S®^ | Ai-reyaeuye Stjonets Naem David gebooren De 2 J May gedoopt De 28 June 1795 •Beginning liere, the next nine entries are lu the same liauilwritiag as tliose of October i3— November 3, inclusive, 1793. tAckerman, tDemarest. llArent Schuyler. I02 BAPTISMAL REGISTER, l*]C)^. , I Willium Decker I , I De ouders . u t\t i^etuy^jieu , t,»- ^ I Aoltye Myer | b j & | y.^^Q^ eu Moeiler N:i3ui Marten gebooreii De 13 May gedoopt De 28 Jime 1795 , I Audris hopper I , I Jan liouper I Aeltye ackermau !''•'» | Maria wester velt Naein Aeltye geboareu De 1 June gedujufc De 28 Juuc IT'Jo , I Johauues post | , i De ouders . , o / getuvijen , ,t n I Autye iiatau | -^ " '^ | vader eu Moeder Naem Bregge gebooren Dc 4 April godoox^t De 28 Juue 1795 ouders I ^^'1^°^^ I getuygen I De vader eu Moeder I bytye Mowerse | '^ -^^ j Naeui Elisabeth gebooren De 7 Juno gedoopt De 28 Juuo 17'J5 ^ , I Abraham witteu I , I Joseph witteu* Ouders n * • t>\ m. \ getuygen ^, ,/ , ,,11 I Catrma Blavelt j *= •''' | Catlyntye Mdler Naem Joseph gebooreu De 14 June gedoopt De 19 July 1705 , I Filer Merselious I /-, . I De °^^^^^^'H Jancte Van Wiuele I ^^t"y«°^ | Vader Eu Moder Naem Johones Geborea De 23 Agustas gedoopt De 20 September 1795 1 I Cornelus T Doorremus I , i Do vader eu Moeder ouders r , 1 getuvgeu I J aunetye vau ordeu | & . & | Naem Selle gebooreu De 25 Agustus gedo )pt De 2') September 1795 ^ T I Jau Jaoobosse I , ! De vad r en Ouders -t^ 1 ■ getuygeu K- , . I Eva kipp I fe Jo j Leya kipp Naem Eva gebooren De 14 July gedoopt De 1 November 1795 ., I Johannes Benseu I , ( De ouaers I ^j.^^.j.^ westervelt | S^'^^^ya^" j vader en Moeder Naem Sofya gebooreu De 20 October gedoopt De 1 November 1795 1 I Josey Brower I , i De ouders r, -r \ getuygen , at i I en Zyn wue | '^ -^ I vader eu Moeder Naem Daniel gebooreu De 23 September gedoopt De 1 November 1795 J 1 David Cerr I , I De vader "^^^^^■^ I Antye westervelt | g^^^^y^^" | eu Moeder Naem Johannes geb )jren Dj 28 Augustus gedoopt De 1 November * 1795 1 I Abraham Vrelant I , ! gerrit Vrelant oudei-s i «T getuygen v. 1 at I Ane More | t> jo | i^jigel Moor Naem gerrit gebooreu Da 21 Augustus gedoopt De 1 November 1795 , I Jan Vau Houteu I , ! David Brower ouaers -B/r • i> getuygeu • oi i I Maria Brower [ ^ •'•^ j Areyaeuye Stymets Naem Areyaeutye gebooren De 12 October gedoopt Do 1 November 1795 1 I Cornelus Vau Eypeu I , i De Vader ouders tt l -"i getuygen ht i I Vrouwetye gerritse | ^ *^ ■' ° | en Moeder Naem gerrit gebooren De 15 September gedoopt De 1 November 1795 , I William wite I , I De Vader °"^^^ I CatrinaRyker | g«t"yg<^" | en Moeder Naem Marregriet gebooren De 29 July gedoopt De 1 November 1795 ^ J I Jacob Steek I , I De Vader eu Ouders ht • a t ' getuygen 1 q„,, ti,+„ I Maria Andrews ,^ ^ -"^ ] bara Ivatan Naem Jacob gebooreu De 24 Agnstus gedoopt De 22 November 1795 BAPTISMAL REGISTER, I795-1796. lO;^ , I David cfodwin I , I Adolf Waldion «"'^^^ I Catriua Waldrou | g^t'^yg^^ | EUsabeth Waldron Naem Abraham Resolve gebooren De 8 Novemb gedoopt De 22 November 1795 , I Johaunes Van winkel I , I De Vader ondei-s I Elisabeth Ryersou | g^t^^g^" | en Moeder Naem Johannes J ores Rye rson gebooren De 1 November gedoopt De 6 December 1795 ' -. _ I francoos Ryorson I rfetTwen I ^^ Vader oni eis I jj^QQj^^yg Lambert ] ■-'•''-' | en Leya Lambert Naem francoos gebooren De 15 November gedoopt De 6 December 1795 , I Albert Alve I , I John Potter ouders -n n u ^ getnygeu ,t ■ a ■>. I Dalle Snyder | ^^ -'^^ | Mana Sunt Naem Adam gebooren De G November gedoopt De 6 December 1795 1 1 Johannes van blercom I , I De ouders * . i 1 gctuvgen , tit i I Antye Jacobosse j » . » | yader en Moeder Naem gerritye gebooren De 16 November gedoopt De 25 December 1795 n , 1 Harmanes Bross I 4. , , I Harmanes Brosa ^ ^ '^^ \ Catrina Elleis | g •'^ | en Jannetye Bross Naem Lnykes gebooren D 6 December gedoopt De 25 December 1795 -. I Helmigh Van hoiiten I , I De ouders r 1 1 eetuygen Kt- j -mi ^ I Lena van blercom | =" -"^ | Vader en Moeder Naem Johannes gbooren De 9 December 1795 gedoopt De 1 January 179G , 1 Cornelus westervelt I , I De Vader en Moeder ^"'^^'•^ iMariaRoblm | g^^^yg^" | Naem Abraham gebooren De 16 Decembr 1795 gedoopt De 1 January 1796 , I David Benson I , I De Vader en Moeder ouders Tn,- i ii, i 1. getiiygen I Elisabeth van houten | ^ -"^ \ Naem Johaunes gebooren De 27 December 1795 gedoopt De 17 Jan- uai7 1796 , I Jan hencock I , 1 De j Jannetye van blercom | *= •'^ \ Vader en Moeder Naem William gebooren De 7 September 1795 gedoopt De 17 January 1796 , I David Dooremus ' , I De Vader oiKiers I Eiij^^i^gti^ ^^^ houten | ge'^"yg^" | en Moeder Naem Elisabeth gebooren De 23 December 1795 gedoopt De 7 februa- ry 1796 -, I Lode\vyck Merceker I . I De vader ouders a o ■ getuygen a n o • I Sara Spier | ^ ^^ | en Aelly S^Dier Naem John gebooren De 1 Jauuaiy gedoopt De 7 february 1796 ^ , 1 „ I Robert van houten I . 1 De Vader en Moeder ouders t • getuygen I Lena van gieson I '^ •'^ I Naem Metye gebooren De 24 January gedoopt De 28 february 1796 ouders I gcJ^ebrant Bruin | „.,,..,„_,, I gerrebrant gerrisse omiers | Catrina Van Derhoef | g^*"3geii | Antye Brum Naem Antye gebooren Dc 27 January gedoopt De 28 february 1796 i04 BAPTISMAL REGISTER, 1 796. 1 I Daniel vau hoorn I , I De ""^^^'^^ I Annaetye Erl | Setnjgen | ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^. Naem Daniel gebooren De 29 January gedoopt De 28 fcbruary 1790 1 I John tares I cr (• w I ^® I Lyba Ratan | » ^o | vader en Moeder Naem Ponies gebooren De 30 January gedoopt De 28 february 1790 J-. 1 , ! Nicholas Colcoro I -, j. „ I De 1 Piterye van Blercom | & " J» | vader en Moeder Naem Polly gebooren De 17 february gedoopt De 20 March 179G ^ I thunis Hennion I . I Johannes hennion ^^^--^^^'Msofyawitte I g^^^^yg^" I Elisabeth Berry Naem Elisabeth gebooren De 18 february gedoopt De 20 March 179G , I John Sigler i i I De Vader °"'^^^"^^ I Siche Mandeveel | g^tuygen j ^^ -^^^^^^^^ Naem Eachel gebooren De 7 January gedoopt De 20 March 179G , I Cornelns gerrebrautse I , I De Vader ""•^^^■^ I Maria Kyker | g^^^^^g^" | en Moeder Naem Piter gebooren De 14 January gedoopt De 20 March 179G , I Johannes Van Eypen I , I Vader en ^"'^^^■MLeyakipp | g^t"yg«^ | De Moeder Naem Nickase gebooren De 9 february gedoopt De 3 April 1796 , , I Johannes Ityker 1 o- + \T>e ou ei. j ]y[gj.jyjjyg Dooremus | ^^ ^s | Vader en Moeder Naem gebooren De 12 february gedoopt De 3 April 1796 ^ I Cornehis H Post I , 1 Jurre Snyder ouders t j. tj- j. eetuygen „ i ± I Jannetye van Houteu | ° -"^ \ Sara van houten Naem Aeltye gebooren De 22 November 1795 gedoopt De 3 April 1796 ^ T ! Jacobos Van houten I . I De Vader Ou^'^^-^'iMariaBanta | ^^^^^S^^ | en Moeder Naem Jacob gebooren De 7 Mert gedoopt De 3 April 1796 1 I Jan Brower 1 , I gerrit wyt '"'"'^^'■-^ I griety wyt | S^^^yg^^ | gi-ietye JJrower Naem Lena gebooren De 3 April gedoopt De 24 April 1796 -, i Johannes Post I , 1 De ouders | 211^^,33^]^ Ackerman | g'^'^^yg^'^ | Vader en Moeder Naem Loiiwerens gebooren De 25 December gedoopt^De 24 April 1796 1 I Jacobus Ackerman I „..,„„ i Louwerens Ackerman ^^•^^^^■HcatlyntyePost | g«*^^yg«^ | Annaetye van houten Naem Catlyutye gebooren De 15 february gedoopt De 24 April 1796 May 12th 1796 is gedoopt Elisabeth yoemen De Vrow vau David Spier in ' De kerk Van Totowa gebooren Do 24 May 1778 1 I David Spier I . 1 De Vader ouders -riT , .- getuygen ^^ -■ I Elisabetn yeoman | '^ -'^ j en Moeder Naem feytye gebooren De 6 March gedoopt De 15 May 1796 mirlPrc* ! Cristiyaen Scoort I „p.,,„„e„ I De oiKlers I ^j.igtyg Demarest | g^'^^y^*^'^ | Vader en Moeder Naem William gebooren De 20 April gedoopt De 15 May 1796 , I John Ryker I . I De ^^^•^•^"" I Jannetye Stagg | g°*^^yg«^ | Vader en Moeder Naem AVillem gebooren De 21 March gedoopt De 15 May 1796 BAPTISMAL REGISTER, I 796. IO5 ^ -, I David Romni I x I Jolau Stac;" ^^^^^'^^ I Januetye van Debeek | g^t^J'S'^^ | Elisabeth Romyn Naem Sara gebooreu Dc 19 Mcrt gedoopt De 15 May 1796 ^ , I Joliu Puellis I „„.,„,„„„ I De Vader <^'^^^®^"M Sara ben | Set^^yS^n | ^^^ Boeder Naem Eva gebooren De 25 April gedoopt De 15 Slay 1796 , I Jolin Sindel I . I Jobu Geesstede o^^'^^^"« I grietye Geesstede | g^t^yS^^ | Sara Jacobosse Naem John gebooreu De 22 Mert gedoopt De 15 May 1796 , 1 Roelif Van bouten I „ .„„ ,^„ I De Gilders I j^^^^^ y^^ g.^.,^^ I getuygen | y.^^^^^. ^^ Boeder Naem Johannes gebooreu De 14 May gedoopt De 29 May 1796 , 1 David Heunion I , 1 David Brower ouders I vj.^^^itye Henuion | g^^^yg^^ j Arreyaenye Stjonets en De vader eu Moeder Nameu David eu Vroiiwitye gebooren De 21 April gedoopt De 29 May twelinggeu 1796 T I Cornelus Van houten I „,4.,„.„„„ I De o"'^^'^ I Maria Veder | S^tn^^en | Vader en Moeder Naem Jacob gebooren De 18 April gedoopt De 29 May 1796 *^ , I Albert Zabriske I „,„ ,^,^„ I De Ouders I ^^^^^y^ vau order | g^t^yg^n | y^aer eu Moeder Naem yauujty geboren De 5 May gedopt De 19 June 1796 ^ , I Jou Ridgwey I , I De Ouders I p^g^y Acermeu | g^t^^ygen | y^^^^^ ^^ j^oder Naem Sara geboreu De 31 Apprill gedopt De 19 June 1796 -^ , I IMathew Crack I „,„ _^„ I De ^^•^<^^"^ I geertruy van houten | g^^^^yg^^ | vader eu Moder Naem Egge gebooreu De 14 May gedoopt De 31 July 1796 ^ , I Jacob Quaciubus I ri^+,-,„«^r, I ^6 O'^^^^^ j maria PiUie I ^^t^yg^^ | vader eu Moder Naem Jon Geboren De 22 Agustis Gedopt De 11 September 1796 , 1 Heuderick Heunion I ^ . I De ^"^^'^^ I Maria Romiue I Getuygen | ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ Naem Elesebeth Geboreu De 8 July Gedojit De 11 September 1796 ^ -, I Peter Demorey I --. . • I Jacobus Westervelt Ouders I ^.^^ -gg^^^j^ I Getujgen | Elesebeth Demorey Naem Elesebeth Geboren De 4 September Gedopt De 2 October 1796 ^ 1 I Isaac Blawvelt I ,t.„.„ ,^ I De ^"^^'^ I Sara Jouson 1 Getuygen | ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ Naem Joseph Geboreu De 15 September Gedopt De 2 October 1796 ^ 1 I lias Yorks I n j. I De ^'^•^^'^ I Ragel Eycer | Getuygen | ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ Naem leeu Geboren De 2 Augustes Gedopt De 23 October 1796 r. , I Isaac Crouk I /-. i. I De Vader En Moder Ouders t 4. 17 tr a Getuygen I Jauuete Vau Houten ( ^ o j Naem marea Geboren 25 July Gedopt De 23 October 1796 •The reraainUer of the record, covering a period of twelve years, is la the hand- writing of the person who kept it October i3-Novembcr 3, 1793, and during February and March, 1795. He had au orthographical system of his own lor spelling names, and adhered to it with a pernicious consistency. 10 Io6 BAPTISMAL REGISTER, 1 796. OuderiB i ^^^'^^^'^ ^^^ Houteu I Q.g+„y„„„ I Kolef Van Houten I f eytye Van Honteu | ^ » | En Elesebetli Dooremus Naem Jacob Geboren De 26 September Gedopt De 23 October 1796 Ouders I ^^^"^^^ ®^^y^ ! Getnvcen I ^^^^ ^°^* I Anuaye Duvall j "^ ^ j Jaunate Post Naem Tomas Geboreu De 14 Augiistes Gedopt De 13 November 1796 ^ -, I deric H Van Houten I /~i . 1 De Vader Ouders t> 1 -d 4. Getuy^en -r, Jt ^ I Eagel Post | ""^ | En Moder Naem Corneliaus Geboren De 4 October Gedopt De 13 November 1796 r^ ^ I Henderec Van Blarcom I /-, , I De Ouders -l-^ * Getuygen Kr t -n ht t I Derece Acerman ) *"= | Vader En Moder Naem Annatite Geboren De 22 October Gedopt De 13 November 1796 rx 1 I Harremoness Van Order I >^ . j Jon Keyerson ^'''^^'^ I fyte Westervelt | ^etuygen | ^^.^ ^f estervelt Neam Leeu Geboren De 8 October Gedopt De 13 November 1796 rs -, I Jores Doorremus I r< ^ I bons tice Ouders ^^ Getuygen ^^ I Even yong | ■ "^ ° j Marye yong Naem Marya Geboren De 3 October Gedopt De 13 November 1796 Oaders|^f*'^^;^,\j\, 1 Getuygen I De Vader En Moder I Elesebeth Mouerse | jo | Naem Jacob Geboren De 3 Augustes Gedopt De 13 November 1796 ^ ^ 1 David P Harring \ r< t I De O^'l^^ I Trynte Gerebranse | ^^tuygen | ^,^^^^^. ^ , ^^^^^^. Naem Jon Geboren De 24 September Gedopt De 4 December 1796 ^ , I Jon Courte I r f I De uuciers I caiitreneu Hensompecer | ^'-'>?'i | Auantye Van Sann Naem Leyeu Geboren De 17 Febrnarey Gedopt De 12 Martli 1797 Uuders I yaunetye Post j '^^^'^^S^n | y.^^^^^ ^^ j^o^^j. Naem Lenau Geboren De 25 Fabmarey Gedopt De 12 Merth 1797 ^ -, I Jon Berdon I /-. . I De Vader Ouders t t> Getiiygen K^ ,, t I LeuewBrenn 1 •'^ | En Moder Naem David Geboren De 19 February Gedopt De 2 Appril 1797 Q , I Peter Ponlese I P i. ,„ | De Vader 1 Janetye Van Honten | J » | Ej;^ Moder Naem Neltye Geboren De 25 Fabrnaiy Gedopt De 2 Appril 1797 ^ , 1 David Dey 1 ,-, . I De Vader Ouders o xt * Getnygen ,-, -.r ^ \ Sara Neie j .' » | Eq Moder Naem Jobanes Geboren De 14 October 1796 Gedopt De 2 Appril 1797 ^ 1 1 David Acerman I ^^ , I De O^--^^^ I Metje Ernest | ^"^^-^g^'^ | Vader En Moder Naem Ea Getuygen \ r^ t t.- I Aultye liecar | jt. | Corneljyeu Kicer Naem Pryntye Geboren De 8 Aprill Gedopt De 5 June 1797 r^ ^ I Jacob Van Kiper I ,-, , I De <^^^"'' I Marretye Vrelant | ^^^^^yS''^ \ Vader En Moder Naem Gerretye Geboren De 25 Apprill Gedopt de 5 June 1797 Q -, I Jacobes Westervelt I p ^ I David Demorey I Elesebeth Demorey | ^° | Annauty Van Saun Naem Hester Geboren De 3 May Gedopt De 25 June 1795 f^ ■, I Geljne Acerman \ n ^ I ^^ uuaers | r^rynte Manderveal | ^'''^^^yg®^ | Vader En Moder Naem Leyeu Geboren De 17 November 1796 Gedopt De 25 June 1 797 ^ 1 I Tomes Van Order I --, . I De ^""'^^'^ I Leeu Eeton | Getuygen | ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ Naem Sara Geboren De 12 Apprill Gedopt De 16 July 1797 n T _„ I J'T-Q Gutchers \ n< . I De ^"^^^^ I Annautye Deter | Getuygen | ^,^^^^^. ^^ ^^^^^^^ Naem Hester Geboren De 10 June Gedopt De 16 July 1797 --> -, I Jose Cocoru In. I Nicolus Cocoru Oudere o n it Getuygen -d , I Selley Vrerexe | '' ^ | en Feterye Naem Necolas Geberen De 26 June Gedopt De 16 July 1797 r^ ^ I Jon Merselus I n i. I -^'^u Pork* Ouders \ ^ l -xr -n- Getuygen tt, . j. t\t i I Jaunetye Van liiper ( jo | j^^^ Arreyeuntye Merselus Naem Arreyamitye Geboren De 2 Ajustes Gedopt De 27 Ajustis 1797 ^ J I Ryneir I Van Geason \ r^ . I Isaac Van Geason Ouders r,-' n- . Getuygen -ri nr -rr I Sarey Gmt | j » | ^^ Maiye Vensen Naem Affe Geboren De 7 July gedooi^t De 27 Aujustes 1797 p. -. I Meselus Van geison I p . I De ^^•^^^^^ I Jennetye Dooremus | ^^tuygen | ^^^^^^ ^^ j^^^^^^ Naem Johannes Geboren De 19 Ajustes Gedopt De 17 September 1797 •John Parke. Baptismal register, i 797-1 79S. 109 • ^ 1 _„ 1 Heudcric Hopper \ n j. I Gerrit Hopper Ouders t ■ r\ ^ Getuycten -r, -i^ ^ a I Jacemine Quacenbiis ) ^o | j^^ Derece Acermau Naem Catreuew Geboreu De 28 AujuHtes Godopt Do 17 September 1797 ,-. 1 I Herculns Becorn I /-, , I Jacob Brann \ Autye Brann ) j fc> | j^^ Sara ytireyaiise Naem Gerret Geboreu De 8 Anjustes Gedopt De 17 September 1797 ^ 1 I Abraham Acermau I ^ , I Jou Merselus ^"^'^^"^ I Elesebeth Crouk | ^^^^^VS^n | j,^ j^^j^^tye Vau Eiper Naem Jou Geboreu De 14 Aujustes Gedopt De 17 September 1797 ^ ^ I Coruelions Cint I ri . I De Oudere I , Q. Getiiygen \ -.t ^ x^ i\,r i I Autye Steg I j o | Vader Eu Modor Naem succe* Geboreu De 8 September Gedopt De 8 October 1797 ^ ^ I Tomia Si'der I /-, , I De Vader *^"^^^^ I Leueu Speir | ^-^tuygeu , ^^^ ^^^^^^^, Naem Johounes Geboreu De 27 Ajustes Gedopt Do 8 October 1797 r\ J I Johonnis K Vau Honteu \ r^ . I Abraham Vau Riper En O"*^^ i sally Van Busse | Getuygeu | j^^^^ Westervelt Naem Eulif Geboreu De 18 September;? Gedopt De 29 October 1797 ^ ^ I David Brower 1 /-, , I De Vader Eu Uuders o n -d Getuyoen c -r. I Sally Famer | j ^. | y.^ra Brower Naem Sara Geboreu De 5 October Gedopt Do 29 October 1797 J-. 1 I Tenuis Heuueou I p a „ I Peter Heuneon I llagel Acermau | •'^ \ Eu Gertcrny Acermau Naem Elesabeth Geboreu De 8 October Gedopt De 19 November 1797 P, I 1 David Benson 1 p f I Gerrebraut Van Honteu uuciers I Eigj-abeth Vau Honteu | ^^raygen j j,.^ jj^uuetye Gerrese Naem Derick Geboreu De 28 October Gedopt De 19 November 1797 r. 1 1 Abraham Monerse I ^i * I Johoues Van Honteu 0™^^^"« I Hescer ManderveH | ^etnygen | ^^ Cantreuen Erl Naem EHsebeth Geboreu De 15 October Gedopt De 19 November 1797 r\ ^ 1 David Blar \ rf l I De O"^^^^^ I Beiltye Vrelant | ^etnygen | ^.^^^^^. ^^ ^^^^^^ Naem Jauuetye Geboreu De 6 October Gedopt De 19 November 1797 ^ J 1 Cristnfel Brower Int. I De Vader eu ^"^^^^ I Lenew Van Honteu | ^etuygen | ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^ Naem Deric Geboreu De 13 December Gedopt De 25 December 1797 ^ , I Abraham Witten I /-, , I Isaac Blowvelt O"*^^^^ I Catrenew Blowvelt | f^^tnygeu | Q^rteren Blanvate Naem Isaac Geboreu De 12 December 1797 Gedopt de 21 JannewaiT 1798 ^ , I Henderic Kipp I /-. i. I Cornelns Kiijp ^'''^^'^ I CotreuewDooiemns | ^etiTygeu | ^^^ Demorey Naem Cresteuew Geboreu De 10 Jauncwary Gedopt De 11 Fabruary 1798 ^ , I William Brower 1 ^ , I Abraham Brower 0^^*l«^|Mareahelm | G^t^ys^u j Eu Marea Alsworth Naem Marea Geboreu De 7 Jannnary Gedopt De 11 Fabrnai^ 1798 •Soeky ; i. e., Siikey. iiO BAPTISMAL REGISTER, I 79S. ^ , I yeles Manderveil I ^ ^ ! De O^^'^^^'^HcatrenewRoblml ^etuygen | Vader En Moder Naem Hester Geboreu De 16 Jauniiary Gedopt De 11 Fabruaiy 1798 r^ J i Isaac Vau Geison I r< , I Peter Duoreino 0", \^^ Ouders I ^^^yg y^^ ^^^^^^ I Getujgen | ^.^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ Naem Cornelious Geboren De 28 Aujustes Gedoj)t De 23 September 1798 „ , I Jon Tise I r' * I Joii Cerlough O^^^'^ I Catreneu My | ^^tuygen | En Elesebeth Stuls Naem Jon Geboren De 23 Aujustes Gedopt De 23 September 1798 ^ T I Jacob Quacenbus I r>^t,„r ^„ I I^e O'^^^^'H Marea Pake | ^etuygen | Vader En Moder Naeni Sara Geboren De 24 Aujustes Gedopt De 23 September 1798 f-. , I Jon Van Houter \ n i. ^ ! Benvenien Spear ^""^^^ I Marea Brower | ^etuygen | ^^^'^^^^ye Brower Naem Anautye Geboren De 12 September Gedopt De 14 Octobei- 1798 f. T j Obe force I r + " I ^^^ Westervelt uuciers ] Elesebetli Van Houten | ^^luygen | ^^^^^^ ^^^ j^.p^^ Naem Johonis Geboren De 5 September Gedopt De 14 October 1798 ^ J I Bryant Sheys I ^ . I De <^^^«^'^ I Aunautye Duyall | ^etuygen | ^,^^^^ ^^ j^j^^^^ Naem Jacobus Bi^ant is Geboren De 22 September Gedopt De 4 No- vember 1798 „ , ! Cornelious Merselus 1 ^^ . I De Vader 0"'^^^M Mariew Post | ^^etuygen | En Antye Merselus Naem Antye Geboren De 4 October Gedopt De 4 November 1798 ^ 1 I Jobonnis Brower \ r^ . I De O'^^^^JMarigretyeWite I ^etuygen | y^^ier En Moder Naem Marigretye Geboren De 4 October Gedopt De 4 November 1798 ,-, J I Nicolus Acerson I ^ . I Jacob Acerson ^•^^^ I Marea Orl I G^t^Jg^" | En Wity Bertolf Naem Jacob Geboren De 22 September Gedopt De 4 November 1798 112 BAPTISMAL REGISTER, 1798-1 799- ^ , I Gerit Brower 1 /-, , I De ^''^''^ I Leneu Speur | G^t^yS^n | ^^^^^^, j,^ ^^^^^^^ Naem Geret Geboreu De 3 October Gedopt De 25 November 1798 ^ , I Cornelious Van Riper I ^ i. I De '-'uaers | a,j.„.jtye G[a]rrese | '^^tnygen j y^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ Naem Jerre Geborer 4 November Gedopt De 16 December 1798 ^ ^ I Lowereace Demoreet I .^ . I Samuel Van Sann ^^^^^"■^iMaregretllomiue I ^'^t^^yg^n | En Marea Buskcrk Naem Samnel Geboren De 21 October Gedopt De 16 December 1798 ^ 1 I Isaac Van Saun \ r< t. I De O^^^^-^^ I Catlinetye Meselus | ^etuygen | ^^^,^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ Naem Arreyemitye Geboren De 19 November Gedopt De 1 6 Decem- ber 1798 ^ ^ I David Dey I --, . I De Ouders o -KT i Getuygen \ -.r --, -r, T,r i I Sara Nefe | jo | Vader En Moder Naem David Geboren De 5 September Gedopt De 16 December 1798 ^ 1 I Jon yorks \ n 4. I De Vader Oaders Kt t Getuygen ^^ , I Marea Lyons ) •'° | en Moder Naem Blegebetli Geboren De 18 October Gedopt De 26 December 1798 ^ , I hons I Post I r* i. I Knlif Post ' ^""'^"'^ I Fitye Ryker | tretuygen | ^^ M^^^.^.^^y, p^.^ Naem Marritye Geboreu De 2i November 1798 Gedopt De 6 Jaunew- ary 1799 J-, -, j Jolionuis Eyersou j p . ^^^ I Horremaun Van Blercom I Antye Van Aule j jo | gj^ Elesabelit Van Aiile Naem Hessel Geboreu De 1798 Gedopt De 6 Jannewarey 1799 (-N n .1 Deric H Van Houten i p j. „ j Gerrebrant Van Hoiiten 1 Ragel Post | •''^ \ En Jannetye Gerrese Naem Grerebrant Geboren De 4 December 1798 Gedopt De 27 Janue- -wary 1799 ^, , I Henderic Dooremus ' p ^. , ^ I Jon Dooremus I Marritye Jecobesse | '^ J b | En Neuse Ryerson Naem Jou Geboren De 2 December 1798 Gedopt De 27 Jannewary 1799 Q , I Cresteyaun Shurte I p i „ I Davit Demorey I Marregret Demorey | ^^ | En Hester Brower Naem Davit Geboren De 6 Jannuarey Gedopt De 27 Jauuuarey 1 799 ^ -, I Barut Quecenbus I /-, , I De Vader 0^^^^ I Caty Randseley | Getuygen | ^^ ^^^^^^^ Naem Petrus Geboreu De 18 December 1798 Gedopt De 27 Jannua- rey 1799 r, ^ I Davit Speir I /-^ 4. I De Vader En Ouders -c, , 1 , Getiiygen t.^ ■, j Elesabent youmons | jo ^ Moder Naem Polly Gboren De 12 October 1798 Gedopt De 17 Fabruary 1799 ^ , I Lowerence Van Order I ^ i. I De ^""^^'^ \ Heudericke BiUu | Getuygen | ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ Naem Jacob Geboren De 30 Jannewary Gedopt De 17 Fabruarey 1799 BAPTISMAL REGISTER, I 799' ^ ^3 r. , I Merselus Van Geascn ] r'„<-,,,.^o,. I ^^ Varler ^"•^^'^H Jaunetye Dooremus | Gekijgen | g^ jioder Naem Tomes Geboreu De 30 Jannuary Gcdopt De 10 Mart 1799 ^ -, jPeterTise I r'^f,,,.,.,,, I Jon Carlonc;li '-'"^®'' I Catrenen Beuvanlinvseu I ^etuj«^" | En Elesebeht Stxils Naem Johonnis Gcboren Do 20 Fabruary Gedopt De 25 Mart 1799 ^ J I SemooQ Van Houten I r'o4-„„^„-., \ ^'^ ^"'^^'^ I Marea Van i'.leroom | ^^tuygen | ^,^^^^^, ^^ ^^^^^^^ Iftacm Anuautye Geboren De 17 Mert Gedopt De 14 Apprill 1799 ^ , i Hesscl Gerrese I ^ „+„„„„„ I De Vader ^"^^'^^•^ I Sally lues | ««t'^ysen | ^^ ^j^^^^^. Naem Hessel Geboren De 4 Mart Gedopt De U Apprill 1799 ^ , I Lnkes Van Aule I r< -.t-...,.,^.. I De Vader En ^'''^^''^ I Antye Van Derhoof | ^etuygen | ^^,^^ ^^^ ^^,^1^ Naem Petrus Geboren De" 1 5 Jaunnwary Gedopt De 14 Apprill 1799 ^ T I David Dooremns 1 ri^t,,,.,^,, I De Vader ^'"^'''■'^ I Sally Komer | Getujgen | -^^ Catrenan Dooremus Naem Sally Eomer Geboren De 28 Jannewary Gedopt De 28 Apprill 1799 ^ n I Isaac Cronk I ^ ,„^ ^„ I De ^'''^'''^ I JauBitye Van Houten | ^^^tuygen | ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ Naem Isaac Geboren De 2G Mart Gedopt De 12 May 1799 *r\ J I Jobn Hancock I ^„, „ 1 De O^^^^"^ I Jenny Van Blarcom | ^etuygen | y_^^^^^, ^^ ^^^^^^^ Naem Poily Born tlie 31 May gedoopt de 16 Jane 1799 „ T I Jolioues Jecabese \ ^ . 1 De O^^^^e^'H Elesabeth Cocnro | Getnygen | Vader En Moder Naem Henderic Geboren De 8 May Gedopte De 26 of May 1799 Theunis Dey Born 26th dey of November 1786 God Father John Dey God Mother Phebe Dey r. ^ I Jon Van Uvper I n i. I De Vader 0^^^^^^ I Gerteruy Dooremus | ^etnygen | -g^ Antye Dooremns Naem Antye Geboren De 16 Apprill Gedopt De 26 May 1799 ^ , I Daniel Blowvelt I /-- + I I'eter Stur Ouders | _^i^j,j.e„ Pervo | ^^tuygen | -^^ Wehnitey Westervelt Naem Welmitye Geboren De 23 December 1798 Gedopt De 26 May 1799 ^ 1 I france Eyerson 1 --- i I I^e 0^'^^^H Jaunetye Lambert I <-etuygen | Vader En Moder Naeiji Abraham Geboren De 8 May Gedopt De 26 May 1799 ^ -, I Peter Olye i ri i. I De O^^^^H Elesabeth Mowerse I <^^t"yg'=" | Vader En Moder Naem Albert gebooren De 17 February Gedopt De 7 July 1799 ^ -, I David I Henniou \ r^ . I Tunis Henuion <^"^^^«|An I I JO I Molley Van Kj^per Naem John Geboren De 25 November Gedopt De 29 December 1799 rs 1 I Jores Dooremus I /-. , i De Vader ^'''^^"^ I Antye Retan | Getuygen j ^^ ^^^^^^^ Naem Rnlif Geboren De 7 December 1799 Gedopt de 12 Jannewary 1800 ^ J I yelas Manderviel I ^ - I De O^-^^^^ I Caty Roblin | Getuygen | ^,^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ Naem John Geboren De 22 December 1797 Gedopt De 2 Fabruary 1800 ^ -, I Heuderic Kipp I ri t I De Vader Eu Moder Ouders ,-.1. T^ Getuygen I Catreuew Dooremus | j | Naem Henderic Geboreu De 2 February Gedopt De 23 February 1800 , I Ai'on Jacobese I /-, , 1 Do ouders | ^„„^ ^.^^ ^^.^^^^. | Getuygen | ^_^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ Naem Sara Geboreu De 26 Jannewary Gedopt De 23 Febniary 1800 ^ J I Jores Dooremus | /^ . I De G'^'iers j ^^^^y^ ^^^^^^ I Getuygen | ^,^^^^^^. ^^ ^^f^^^^. Naem Rulif Geboren Do 7 December 1899* fs J I Sara Low I ^^ , I Abraham Low Ouder Getuygen K/r j. q ■ I I Jb I Marregret Spier Naem Emmetye Marea Geboren De 1-1 September 1799 Gedopt De 23 Februaiy 1800 ^ , 1 Robert Post I p „+,„,„„„ ! Jacobus Post uurters | j,^^^^^ ^^^ Derhoof | '^^'^'^yge^ | Elesabeth Van Houten Naem Catreuew Geboren De 18 Jannewary Gedopt De 23 Fabruary 1800 ^ -, I Mathew Eowden I /-1 , I De G^<5*^^-^ I Martha Curby | Getuygen | ^..^^^^^. ^^ jj^^^^^ Naem Mathew Bowden Geboren De 16 September 1799 Gedopt De 23 Fabruarey 1800 ^ , I David Benson 1 n + 1 ^'^ uuders I Eiggeijgti^ y^^^^ Houten | '^etuygen j ^.^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ Naem Molly Geboren De 24 Fabruary Gedopt De 16 Mart 1800 ^ , I B3ble Van Houten ] ^ . I Da Vader ^^•^'^^^■^ I Rebacce Brower 1 Getuygen | ^^ ^enew Vau Houten Naem Elesebeth Geboren De 7 Fabruary Gedopt De 16 Mart 1800 ^ 1 I Coruelious Van Blercom 1 p. ^ 1 Tone Van Blarcom uuaers I c.itrenau Van Blercom | "^-^^JS^^ \ Elesebeth Van Horn Naem Jacemine Geboren De 23 Fabruary Gedo^jt De 6 A]Dprill 1800 ^ -, i Jon Merselus \ r^ i I Peter Merselis ^""^^"^ I Januetye Vau Rypen | Getuygen | j^^^^ty^ Van Wincle Naem Edo geboren De 30 Mart gedoopt De 20 Apprill 1800 ^ , I Deric Van Houten \ 'ri . I De °^<^^^ I Ragel Post | Getuygen | ^^^^^^ ^n Moder Naem Januetye Geboren De 1 Mart Gedopt De 20 Apprill 1800 •Evidently a clerical error that is still often made at the beginning of a new year. 1799 is meant. It6 iBAPTISMAL REGISTER, I SoO. On<1pr<5 I Gerebraut. Van Honten j ^....-^^.^ | Henderic Kipp ^^^^^^^ I Januetye Gerrese | ^etnygen | ^^ Catrenau Gerrese Naera Catreuau Geboren Da 31 Mart Gsdopt De 20 Apprill 1800 ^ •, I Nicolus Ej'ccr In*- I ^® uuaers j ^mje^tye Gerrebrantse I "^etuygeu | y.^^:j^j. ^^ jjo^ig^ Naem Sara Geboren De 2 Fabruary Gedopt De 20 Apprill 1800 ^ , I Jau Van Iderstino I /^ , I De Ouders -.t T,r-,, Getnygen tt , ^.r i I Marea JNliller | j o | Vader en IModer Naem Catrenau Geboren D 8 Xovember 1709 Gedopt De 20 Apprill 1800 ^ , I Aderyeim Coal I /^ . I Henderic lutkiu Ouders -c, *i j.i i i.i • Getuvgen -p, -o . \ Elesabeta hitkm | . o | ^yj^ Banta Naem Henderic Geboren De 5 Mart Gedopt De 10 May 1800 ^ 1 j Abraham Van BLircom ] p . [Job Van Blarcom uuciei-s j Vro,^^,gtye Van Blarcom | ^^tuygen | ^^^^^.^ Jecobose Naem Henderic Geboren De 31 Mart Gedopt De 10 May 1800 May den 8—1800 Jack Jackson Na gedaune belijdenisse Des Geloofs en aengenomen te een Lidmaet Der Gemynte Van Totewow* ^ T I Jores Dooremus i /-, . , I De Vader En Moder 0^'^^^H Eva yong | Getuygeli | Naem Jores Geboren De 12 Apprill Gedopt De 25 May 1800 ^ , I Wellem Vandeun \ r^ . I De ^""^'"'^ I Elesebbt Dooremus | ^etuygen | ^.^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^, Naem Marten Geboren De 20 Apprill Gedopt De 25 May 1800 ^ ., I Harremones Coui'te \ r^ . I Henderic Courte ^^<^^^ I Jannetyc Speer | GeiuyQC^ | Antye Bense Naem Henderic Geboren De 22 Mart Gedopt De 25 May 1800 ^ , I Eulif Van Houten I ri„4.,„,^^^ I De Ouders . x -d i ' Getuvgen -rr i -ri tit t I Antye Bedan | • '^ | v ader En Moder Naem Januetye Geboren De 29 Ap]3riU Gedopt De 8 June 1800 ^ -, I Cornelious Van Houten I r' .„„^ I De <^^<^^^M fytye Van Honten | ^^tuygen | Vader En Moder Naem Adeiyann Geboren De 14 May Gedopt De 8 June 1800 r. ^ I Abrham Speer j n^t,,,, ^,, \^^ ^^'^^'-^ I vinderlioof | ^etuygen | ^.^^^^^. ^^ ^^^^^^^ Naem Geboren De 5 May Gedopt De 22 June 1800 ^ , I William youmans \ r^ . I Hons Eycer O^-^e^s I j^j^^^.^^ i^yg^^ I Getuygen | ^^ ^^J^^^^^ youmans Naem Elesabeth Geboren Dc 27 Apprill Gedopt De 29 June 1800 „ , I Tennis Heiniion I ^^ , I De Vader Ouders -n i i Getuygen ^.r , I Eagel Acerman | •'^ i en Moder Naem Tenuis Geboren 21 May Gedopt De 29 June 1800 ^ , I Merselus Van Geason I ^ , I De Vader Ouders i <. -rx Getuvgen \ t-, ht t j Januetye Dooremus | "^ | En Moder Naem Tomes Geboren De 13 July Gedopt De 10 Ajustes 1800 *Mei [Bloei-maand] den 8—1800 Jack Jackson Na [liebbendel gedaan bclijrlenis des Geloofs en [geweest] aangeno- men re [zijn] eiui Lidmaat rter Gemuente van Totowa. Traitsliiti(>7i—'Ms.y 8. iSM. [Baptizefi] Jack .lackson after [liis] having made profession of faitli and been re- ceived a member of tlie cLiurcli at Totowa. BAPTISMAL REGISTER, ISOO. II7 ^ , I Daneil Benson I /-< ^*,-,-„„^-„ I De Vacler 0^*^^" I Eagel Dooremtis | ^etuygen | ^^^^^^ Westervelt Naem Johouuis Geboren De 25 Jtily Geclopt De 10 Aujustes 1800 ^ J 1 Johoimis Jacobese ^ r^ . I De Vacler ^"^^^n Elesabht Cocoru | ^etnygen | En Peterye Cocuro Naem Nicolns Geboren De 12 July GeJopt De 10 Aujustes 1800 ^ , i David D Deuiorest i p . ^^^ | Albert Van Saun uucer I ^^Qi^fj„tyg y.^^ Saun | ^ ^^' 1 En Januetye Van Houten Naem Leyeu Geboren De 22 July Gedojjt De 10 Aujestes 1800 ^ , I Kobert Van Hoiiten I ri^+,„, ^, I De Vader 0^^^^^^'^ I Laneu Van Geason 1 ^^tuygen | Eu Elesebbt Van Geason Naem Elesabeht Geboren De 21 Juty Gedopt De 10 Aujustes 1800 ^ , I Jon Erl 1 /^ i I De Vader En Ouders » . -o 1 Getuygeu Kt j I Annautye Belyu | • -^ ^ | Moder Naem Annautye Geboren De 21 Aujestes Gedopt De 21 September 1800 „ , I Cristeyeun Shurt I p ^ I De • uuiiers I Marregi-etye Demoray | ^^uu^gen | ^.^^^^ ^^ j^^^^^. Naem Isaac Geboren De 24 Ajustes Gedopt De 21 September 1800 ^ , I Rulif Van Houten \ n 1. I De Vader O^^^^^l^^^y^y^^Q^^^^^I Getuygen I j,^ j^j^^^^^ Naem lielenau Geboren De 8 Se^jtember Gedopt De 28 September 1800 „ , I Gerrebrant Van Houten \ r^ .. I De Vader En Moder ^''^^'^ I Eagel Maet | G^ttiygen | Naem Cornelious Geboren De 15 September Gedopt De 12 October 1800 ^ J I Henderic Dooremus I ,-, , [ Henderic Jecobese Ouders Kr 4. t 1 (xetuvgen -r fr -r,^ I Marretye Jecobese I 1 Lenew Van Blarcom Naem Lenew Geboren De 3 September Gedopt De 12 October 1800 *Door Belydenisse aengenemen en Gedopt De 9 October 1 800 Jack Slaaf Van Jahanness Post Deyaren Slavin Van Elesabetli Van Houten ^ , ( Semeon Van Houten 1 p, . I Peter Van Houten uuaers | ^j,^^^^ ^,^^ Blercom | ^^tuygen | ^^ j^^^^^ ^^^ j^.p^^ Naem Leyeu Geboren De 11 September GedojDt De 12 October 1800 ^ , I David Dey \ n ^ I De <^"'^^^ I Salley Neafe 1 G^tuygen | ^.^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ Naem Peter Geboren De 1 July Gedopt De I2 October I8OO ^ J I Cornelious Kipp I --, . ! Neceuse Kipp Ouders I Tj^^ Demorest | ^^tuygen j ^^ j^^^,^^ jJl^nderviel Naem Neceuse Geboren De 7 November Gedopt De 14 December 1800 ^ , I John Dooremus I p <_ I De Vader uuaers j ^^.^^.^^^^ gigj^t | uetuygen | ^^ Marregretye Westervelt Naem fiteye Geboren De 11 November Gedopt De 14 December 1800 •Received on profession, and baptised October 9, 1800. Jack, slave of Johannes Post. Slave wench [Deem slaafln] of Elizabeth Van Houten. n8 BAPTISMAL REGISTER, 180O-180I. ^ , I Cornelions T Doorcmus I ^ , ( Horremaun Van Order ^^^^^ \ Jannetye Van Order | ^^tuygen | g^^^ ^Vestervelt Naem John Geboren De 19 November Gedopt De 26 December 1800 p. •, I Jon Parke I r' + I ^^ uuaers | ^^reyaunye IMerselus | "^etuygen j y,^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ Naem Pette Geboren De 30 September Gedopt De 4 November 1798 ^ , I Jolm Parke \ n ^ I De uuaers , Areyanntye Merselus | ^^tuygen j y^^^^^, j^^ ^^^^^^ Naem Jenny Geboren De 27 November 1800 Gedopt De 4 Jannewa- rey 18U1 ^ J I John I Eyerson I r^ , I De O"*^*^^'^ I Marea Boiert I ^etuygen | ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^ Naem Anue Geboren De 14 December 1800 gedoopt De 4 Jannewarey 1801 ^ , I Obe forse \ r^ ^ I Peter Van Houten ^•^•^^^^ I ElesabehtVan Houten | Getuygen | Naem Peter Geboren De 10 December 1800 Gedoi^t De 25 Jannewa- rey 1801 Q , 1 Edo Merselus I P f o- ^ I ^^^^^' Merselus En 1 Lenew Van Houten ) ^° | Jannetye Van Wincle Naem Peter Geboren De 19 December 1800 Gedopt De 25 Jannewary 1801 /-» J „ i Jon Van Blarcom I /-, . I De Vader Uuders a . t i, Getuygen -^1 ^t i I Antye Jecobese | jo | j]jj Moder Naem Henderic Geboren De 26 Jannewary Gedopt De 15 Fabruary 1801 ^ •, I Isaac Van Saun I p f I Samuel Van Saun uuaers | (jatteliuetye Merselus | ^^tuygen j ^^.^^.^^ Buskerk Naem Marea Geboren De 11 Fabruary Gedopt De 8 Mart 1801 ^ ■, I I'eter tise I p + \ ^^ Vader uuaers j c^trenew Buvenliausen | ^^tuygen j -^^ j^j^^^^^ Naem Peter Geboren De 3 Jannwary Gedopt De S Mart 1801 *r> /-\ J I Gerit Merselus \ r^ , I De Vader *P Ouders t t\ Getuygen -n t,t -u I Lenew Degraw | jo | j^^ Marea Berre Naem Marea Geboren De 17 Mart Gedopt De 15 Apprill 1801 ^ , I David Sneer I /-i x I De Ouders -r-n 1 1 / Getuygen t' 3 nr ^ I Elesebnt youmaus | •' => | v ader en Moder Naem John Geboren De 4 Jannewary Gedopt De 1^ Apprill 180 L ^ J I Abraham Willis I /^ , I De Vader ^^^•^^'^IcatrenewPost | ^^^^^^^^ | En Moder Naem WiUiam Geboren De 26 Jannwaiy Gedopt De 12 Apprill 1801 r^ I I Antve Van Houten I /-< . I Adervaiiu Van Houten Ouder - Getuvgen -r^ nV . n -1 • I II ^^ Marretye Codmis Naem Marrtgi-etye Stils Geboren De 2 Fabruary Gedoopt De 12 Ap- prill 1801 Door Belidnese Aengenomen en Gedopt De 7 May 1801 Sill Slaven Van Hesel en Henderic Dooremus Nence Vrie Slavinf *The meaning of this " P" prefixed to "Cutlers'' which here occurs a few times can only be conjectured. It perhaps indicates that the parents lived at Preakuess. tReceived on profession [of faith] and baptized May 7, 1801. Sill [Celia?], female slave of Hessel aud Henry Doremus ; Nancy, a free [or freed] slave. BAPTISMAL REGISTER, l8oi. II9 ^ J ! John H Dooremxis 1 /-. . , I De Vader Ouders . ,, -711 Getuygeu -c tvt i I Anltye Zebriske | jo | j^^ Mocler Naem Heuderic Geboren De 4 June Gedopt De 28 June 1801 -n r\ 1 I Hesel Heuniou 1 r, . I De Vader P Ouders I Catrene.^•I3ro^ver ! ^etuygen \ j,^^ ^nuautye Broker Naem David Geboreu De IG -Uine Gedopt De 1'2 July 1801 T^ r\ ^ \ Cornelious Kulef Van Houten i ,-( . I De Vader En P Ouders Kr , -v- i Getuysren . i. -vr j I Marea v ader | ^ o | Arreyauntye Veder Naem Arreyeuntye Geboren De 31 May Gedopt De 12 July I80I ^ ■, I Peter IMerselus \ r i ' '^^^ Mercehis '^"^^^■^ I Jaunetye Van Wiucle | ^^^^"ygen | Jaunetye Van Eiper Nasm Januetye Geboren De 26 June Gedopt De 19 Jiily 1801 ^ ^ I Jose Cooper \ ri ± I De Vador ^^'^^'^ 1 Anuautye Cronk | ^etuygen | ^^ ^^j^^^^^. Naem anne Geboren De 21 May Gedopt De 19 July 1801 r^ J I Hoberfc Post I /^ * I De ^^<^^^^ I Ka^el Vanderhoof | ^etuygen | ^,^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ Naem Elisabeth Geboren De 17 July Gedopt De 9 Aujustes 1801 ^ , i Johonnis Berdan \ r' , I De Oudei-s It t. Getiavgen -,- i -n ht t I Lenew l>ronn \ -° \ \ ader En Moder Naem Albert , Geboren De 31 July Gedopt De 30 Aujustes 1801 ^ ., I Marten Van Blai'com ! ^ , I Jon Van Blarcom Ouders I j^^^^,^ ^^^ y^^^^ { Getuygen | ^^ ^^^^^ Jecobese Naem John Geboren De 1 Ajustes Gedopt De 30 Aujustes 1801 P Uuders j g^,jy gp^g^ I Ge.ujgen , ^,^^^^^. ^^ ^j^^^^^ Naem Marregretye Geboren De 10 July Gedopt De 13 September 1801 -r, r\ 1 I Jores H Dooremus I ,-, . i De P Ouders a 1. -r, i.„ Getuvgen Kr t ht i I Antye Retan | - o | Vader en Moder Naem John Geboren De 5 September Gedopt De 27 September 1801 -r, r\ 1 I VN^'ilim Van Deun \ r^ , 1 De P Ouders I Eic^abeht Dooremus | Getuygen | ^,^^^^^. ^^ ^^^^^^ Na«m Eva Geboren De 29 July Gedopt De 27 September 1801 ^ ■, I Simon Vanness I r> + I Veles Vanne?s uuaers I Eijgabeht Van Geason | ^^tuygen | ^^ jj^^..^^. y^^^^^^g Naem Yelcs Geboren De 24 Sei^tember Gedopt De 11 October 1801 ^ 1 I Gesilert Leke I ^ j. I De O'^'^^^^ I Lenew Bro^^er | ^-^^^Sen | ^.^^^^^ ^n Moder Naem Lenew Geboren De 16 July Gedopt De 11 October 1801 ^ 1 I Migel Dooremus I /^ . I De Vader Ouders I p^fjy g.g.^t I Getuygen | ^^ ^.^^^ gj„^^ Naem Catrenew Geboren De 26 Aujustes Gedopt De 18 October 1801 ^ 1 1 Jase Cocuro \ r> . I De Ouders o . -tr Getuygen \ ^r ^ ^t -, I Sartye Vrarexe | •' ° | \' ader en Moder Naem Henderic Geboren De 30 Apprill Gedopt De 1 November 1801 r>„^^,o I Henderic Cocoro 1 /^„,„„ I Johonnis Carlough ^""^^"^ 1 Elesabht Bogert | Getuygen | ^lesabeht Stimes Naem Johenis Geboren De 14 September Gedopt De 1 November 1801 120 BAPTISMAL REGISTER, l8oi-l8o2. O^^^^^ I Jenny yorks | G^tuygen j ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ Naem Beugemen Debovs Geboren De 26 October Gedopt De 22 No- Tember 1801 ^ 1 I Lawrence Van Order \ n f „ I ^& I benke Belyu | j o | Vader en Moder Naem Lawrence Geboren De 23 November Gedopt De 13 December 1801 /-. J I Isaac Cronk Int. I De <^^^"" I Jannetye Van Houten | G^t'^yg^n | ^.^^,^^^ ^^ ^j^^^^. Naem Jacob Van Kouten Geboren De 16 October 1801 Gedopt De 3 Jannewary 1802 /-v J I Benone Cinen \ r^ l I De Vader O'^^^^ I Caty low I Ge.uygen | ^^ p^^^^, ^^^ Naem W aria Geboren De 1 Jannewary Gedopt De 24 Jannewary 1802 ^ ■, I Cristeyeian Churt I p + I Teter Demorest 'Juaers | jyian-egretye Demorest \ ^^luygen j ^^ Hester Demory Naem I'etrus Geboren De 6 Jannewary 1802 Gedopt De 14 Februewary 1802 r^ ^ I Jacobes Eemson I --, . I De Vader Ouders . . o* Getuygen -o -n/r ^' I Antye Steg 1 ^o | J^^^ Moder Naem Johonnis Geboren De 18 Jannewary Gedopt De 14 Fabruary 1802 ^ , ! Helmugh Van Houten I />. . 1 De O^^^^lxMatyeVanGeason | Getuygen j Va^ie^ En Moder Naem Januetye Geboren De 14 January Gedopt De 7 Mart 1802 ^ , I Henderic Speer Jim I r' + 1 ^^ ^naers | j^j^rretye Blowvelt | ^^tuygen | y^^^^^. j^^ ^^^^^^^ Naem Jacob Geboren De 5 Fabruary Gedopt De 7 Mart 1-02 ^ 1 i Marretye Van Blercom I ^-, . 1 Mart Van Blarcom 0^'^^^ I I Getuygen | ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ Naem Helmugb Van Wincle Geboren De Fabruary Gedopt De 28 Mart 1802 ^ J I John Van Iderstine I r^ . I De '^''^^'-^ I Marea Miller | Getuygen | ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ Naem Marea Geboren De 1 December l80l Gedopt De 23 May 1S02 ^ ^ I Petrus Demorest I <^ , I De Ouders rr t, Getuygen ■,- i tt' nr t 1 iyue Benson | jo | \ ader En Moder Naem Gerit Geboren De 29 Apprill Gedopt De 23 May 1802 --> -, I Jacob Bedan Junr In. ! De ^^^^"■^ I Antye Van Houten | Getuygen | ^^^^^^ ^^ ^j^^^^ Naem Caty Geboren De 16 May Gedopt De 6 June 1802 r\. J I Semeon Van Houten I ri i I I^e Vader ^^^^ I Marea Van Blercom | Getuygen | ^n Moder Naem Elesabetb Geboren De 29 Apprill Gedopt De 6 June 1802 ^ , I Abraham F Post I n . I De Moder Ouders \ t, , r, , ■ ^ Getuygen I PoJey Zebrisker | I Naem Albert Geboren De 7 September 1801 Gedopt De 25 Jidy 1802 y-. , I David Demorest Jnr \ n t- I -^^ uuaers | ^^^autye Van Sauu | '^etuygen j ^^^^^ ^^ jj^^^^^ N^ena David Geboren De 7 Aujustes Gedopt De 5 September 1803 BAPTISMAL REGISTER, l8o2. 131 f) ■, 1 Albert Van Saim I n + I De uuaers j j.^^jp^ye Vau Honteu | ^etuygen | y_^^^^^ ^^ j^j^^^^^ Naeui Saiunel Geboren De 22 Aujnstes Ge.lopt Do 2G September 1802 ^ T I J.iu Broun I /-. i I De I Lles.abeut Jones | v t-. | Vacier En Mocier Naem Ledeya Geboren De 22 Anjustes Gcdopt De 26 September 1802 ^ •, I Daneal Benson I y, , I De Vader Oudors -o , T-. Getuy"en t^, r. ta I Itagel DooremiLS | ^o | jh^^ Saran Doorenius Naem Jannetye Geboren De 13 September Gedopt De 17 October 1802 ^ 1 I Gerrebrant Van Houteu I /^ . ! De Oudei's 1) 1 Tvr i. Getuygen Kr i -c at i 1 Itagel Meat I j o | Vader En Jloder Naem Marea Geboren De 13 September Gedopt De 17 October 1802 ^ -, I Hendoric H Dooremus ( ^ . I De Oudei-s AT i I 1 Getuvgen rr , -c -,«• j I Marretye -lacobese | -'^ I Vader En Moder Naem Ahge" Geboren De 1 October Gedopt De 17 October 1802 Tom Slave Van Petrns Van Aide Dore Belideness Aungenomen En Ge- dopt De 17 October 18U2 Q , I Horremaun Van Order i p „4. „ \^e I feitye Westervelt | •'° \ Vader En Moder Naem Johannes Geboren De 6 October Gedopt De 7 November 1802 ^ , I Abraham Van Blarcom Iff,, I Autonye Van Blarcom I VrowetyeVan Blarcom ) jb | j^^ Siwcn Vrouw* Naem Andrew Geboren De 5 November Gedopt De 28 November 1802 rv 1 ' Adreyann Coel \ r< ^ I De Vader ^'^'^^'■^ ! Elesebeth Lutkins | ^etnygen | ^^^ ^^^^^^^, Naem John Geboren De 2 October Gedopt De 28 November 1802 ^ ^ I Williem Brower i ,-( ^ I De Vader Oiiders ,, „ , Getuygeu \ -^ ^^ i I Marea Helm | •'^ | En Moder Naem Henderic Geboren De 28 0( tober gedoopt De 28 November 1802 ^ 1 ! Peter Tise \ r^ l I I^e ^'^^^•^^^ I Catreneu Bomen | G<^tujgen | ^r^^^^^, ^^ ^^^^^^^ Naem Jacob Geboren De 27 October Gedopt De 28 November 1802 ^ -, I france Ryerson I /-i + I De Vader En Moder Vore Heu- ^^^^^^^ I Januelye Lambert | ^^^yg'^^i | Jeric En Henderic Berry En Lean Lambert Vore leauf JNaem Henderic Eu lean IVe Liuge Geboren De 2'4 October Gedopt De 28 November I8u2 ^ 1 I John Jacobese I /-i . I De Vader En Moder Ouders -r-i -i 1.1 i Getnygen I Elesebeth kocnro | jo | Naem Johannes Geboren De Gedopt De 28 November 1802 ^ , I Merselns Van geason I ^ . , , I De ^'^'^^^ I Jannetye Doofenms | ^^"^Jb^i^ | Vader En Moder Naem Matye Geboren De 31 October Gedopt De 19 December 1802 ^ 1 I Gerrct Van Piiper \ r^ . i De O"'!^'^ I Jennv Trenter | Getnygen | ,^,^_^^,^ j,^^ ^j^^^^^^. Naem Jane Geboren De 25 July 1801 Gedopt De 19 December 1802 "Zijn vrowv, his wife. tTue father aaa motUtr for Ileiulerio ; una Uemleric Berry and Leah Lambert for Leah. tNames— Henderic and Leah, twins. 12 122 BAPTISMAL REGISTER, 1803. ^ J I Helmuah Van Geason I r, , ! De Vader <^"^^^^ I Salley Van Ostrandar | ^etuygen | ^^ ^^^^^^^ p^^^ Naem Antye Geboren De 22 November 1802 Gedopt De 1 Jannewary 1803 ^ •, ] Robert Van Honten !/-(<. I De Vader uuaers | j^^^^^ y^^ Geason | ^etuygen j ^^ Marritye Van Geason Naem Marritj'e Geboren De 28 November 1802 Gedopt De 1 Janue- wiy 1803 ^ , I Eulif Van Houten I /-, . I De 0^^«^« I Antye Van Geason | ^etuygen | ^^^^^^, ^^ ^^^^^^ Naem Maritye Geboren De 5 December 1802 Gedopt De 1 Jannewary 1803 p. ■, I John Parke 1^4- I ^^ uuaers | ^rreyauntye Merselis | ^etuygen | ^_^^^^^ -^^ ^^^^^^ Naem hannah Geboren De 6 November 1802 Gedopt De 1 Jannewary 1803 rx J I John Erl \ n i. ! De 0"^«^« I Anneautye Bilyu | ^^etuygen | ^^^^^^, ^^ ^^^^^^^ Naem Eagel Geboren De 24 December 1802 Gedopt De 16 Jannewary 1803 ^ , I Henderic Van Blarcom I --1 . I Jack Acerman O^^c^ers I ^^^^^^ Acerman | ^etuygen | ^^ ^_^ ^^^^^.^ Naem Jacob Geboren De 20 february Gedoi^t De 20 Mart 1803 f^ •, I Cornehoiis Van Blercom I ^ j. | De uuaers | catreneu Van Blarcom | ^^tuygen | y^^^^. ^^ -^loaer Naem Jacemintye Geboren De 25 february Gedopt De 20 Mart 1803 /-, J 1 Obediah force I r^ i I De Moder O^'^"^^ I Elesbeth Van Houten I ^etuygen | Naem William Geboren de 13 fabruaiy Gedopt De 20 Mart 1803 rs -, I William Hunter \ r< . I De O^^^l^^ I Elener Carter 1 ^"^^^^^^ | Vader En Moder Naem phebe Geboren De 25 December 1802 Gedopt De 20 Mart 1803 f. ■, I Bengemen Delemarter 1 p j. - I De uuaers | ciaitye Van Houten | ^^tuygen | y^^^^^ j,^ ^j^^^^^. Naem Antye Geboren De 11 fabruary Gedo^jt De 10 Apprill 1803 ^ , I John Berre In. j De Ouders I p^l^y j)gy I Getuygen j Vader en Moder Naem Richard Dey Geboren De 2 Mart Gedopt De 10 Apprill 1803 ^ -, I John I Van Geason I r>.„,,^ [ De OiKiers I ^.yj,^ Van Aule | ^etuygen | Vader En Moder Naem John Geboren De 5 December 1802 Gedopt De 16 Jannewary 1803 ^ J I Peter Stevens I ^ „+„„„„„ 1 De Vader O^^^^^^'H Anne Daves | G^etuygen | Eu Cesteneu Van SUe Naem Henderic Geboren De 1 Day November 1795 Gedopt De 21 Apprill 1803 ^ •] I yere Van Riper I p + I De Vader uuaers [ ^lesabeth Van Blarcom 1 ^etuygeij | ^^^ Marretye Van Riper Naem Leneu Geboren De 13 Mart Gedopt De 23 Apprill 1803 BAPTISMAL REGISTER, 1803-1804. 1 23 ^ ^ I Cornelious R Van Houten I --, . \T)e Vader ^^^^^^M Sofia Van Houten | Getnygen | En Antye Van Houten Naem Eulif Geboreu De 2 May Geclopt De 29 May 1803 ^ T I Jose Cocuro I n „!.„„„„„ I De ^"'^^^■^ I Sara frerexe | ^^^kiygen | ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ Naem Conraut Geboren De 23 May Gedopt De 3 July 1803 ^ , I Jacobes Westervelt I r'^*,,,,^^,, I De Vader ^'''^"'^ I Elesabeth Demorey | ^^t^^yg^n | ^^ j^j^^^^^. Naem Effe Geboren De 19 June Gedopt De 17 July 1803 ^ , I Abraham Willis I ^ , „ ,^ „„ I De Vader 0^'^e^-s I Gatreneu Post | ^etuygen | ^^ ^^^^^^^, Naem Ragel Geboren De 30 June Gedopt De 13 Aujustes 1803 1 I Cornelious Van Horn \ r* i 1 De °"'^^^^'' I Sara Wilson | G^t^yg^n | ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ Naem Jeams Geboren De 28 Aujustes Gedopt De 25 September 1803 W 1 I Jacob Gerreson I ,-, , I De Vader ^'^'^^^ I Leya Wesselse | <^-etuygen | En Antye Henneon Naem John Geboren De 27 Aujustes Gedoi^t De 25 September 1803 ^ , I Henderecus Gutins I ri . I De ^'''^^''^ I Sally Van Bussen | ^^tuygen | ^^^^^^ ^^ ^j^^^^^. Naem Annautye Geboren De 4 September Gedopt De 5 October 1803 ^ , I John R Van Houten \ r^ , I De Vader ^""^^''^ I Sally Van Bussen | G^tuygen | ^^ Marretye Van Houten Naem Annautye Geboreu De 23 September Gedoj^t De 16 October 1803 ^ , I Henderic Cocuro I /-, . I De Vader ^^^^'^^'^^'H Elesabeth Byert | ^^tuygen | En Pter^-e Cocuro Nafem Polly Geboren De 25 September Gedopt De 16 October 1803 ^ T 1 Gerit Van Riper I ^i 4. I De 0^^^^^^"^ I Jenny Truter | G^tuygen | ^.^^^^^. ^^ ^^^^^^. Naem Polly Geboren De 23 September Gedopt De 30 October 1803 /-v -, [ John merrenus I /-< . I De Ouders I p^g^^y ^^^^^^ I Getuygen I ^.^,^^^, ^^ ^^^^^^ Naem Jannetye Geboren De 6 October Gedopt De 6 November 1803 p. -. I John C Van Riper I n j I De Uuclei-s I Yro^etyg ^an Blarcom | ^^luygen | ^^^^^^ ^^ ^j^^^^^. Naem Marretye Geboren De 26 November 1803 Gedopt De 1 Janne- wary 1804 n 1 1 Henderic Dooremus | rt i I De <^^"^^^ I Marretye Gecobese | Getuygen | Vader En Moder Naem Helmeugh Geboren De 13 Jaunewary Gedopt De 12 Fabruary 1804 ^ ■, I Elies Hogens I p + i De Vader ^uaers | ^^^^^^^^^ Acerman | ^^taygen j -^^^ j-^nnetye Acerman Naem yennece Geboren De 20 Jannewary Gedopt De 12 Fabruwary 1804 y-v 1 I Helmugh Van Houten I ,-, . I De ^•^'^^^'^MatyeVanGeason | ^^t^yg^^ | Vader En Moder Naem Du-ic Geboren De 13 Jannewary Gedopt De 12 Fabruary 1804 ^ , I Joseph Cooper \ /-, , I De ^^'^^'^ I Anniutye Cronk | ^^^^^'JSen | y^^^^^. ^^ Moder ■ Naem George Geboren De 7 Jannewary Gedopt De 4 Mart 1804 124 BAPTISMAL REGISTER, 1804. ^ , Abraham Van Hoiiten ,-, . De \ ader Eu Moder Oiiders r, . -./r Getuyc'eu Gertenau Mowerse jo Naem Aderyeun Geboren De 26 Jannewary Gadopt De 25 Mart 180-4 1 Johannis I Vau Geason I -^ , I De Bl-S rn T7 A 1 GetllVaeU Kr i t? tvt i I Tyne Van Aule | . « | Vader Eu Moder Naem Maria (jeboreu De 1 Mart Gadopt De 8 Apprill 1804 ^ , I Aders'auu Cool I r* + ' ^^ uuciers I Elesabeth Lutkins | ^-^"^r^^^ \ Vader En Moder Naem Jon Westervelt Geboran De 30 Apprill Gedopt De 13 May 1804 ^ , 1 John Post I /-. i. I !'e ^"<^^^^ I Marretye Vrelant | ^etnygen | ^,^^^^^. ^^ ^^^^^^^ Naem Caty Geboren De 19 Fabruary Gedopt De 13 May 1804 ^ 3 1 Aderyaun Post In. I Robert Post ^""'^''^ I Rachel Van Geason \ ^etnygen | j^^^^j Vanderhof Naem Johonis Geboren De 14 Apprill Gedopt Da 13 May 1804 ^ , I Johonnis Vau Houten I ^ . | De Vader uuaers | ^lesabeth Tomson I ^^tay^'en | ^^ Anneutye Van Blarcom Naem John Geboreu De 19 December 18U3 Gedopt De 20 May 1804 ^ -, i Cristayaun Churt ! ,-. . I De Vader O"^*^^^^ |. Marregret Demorey | ^^tuygen | ^^ ^^^^^^^^, Naem Catreuau Geboren De 1 May Gedopt De 27 May 1804 ^ J I Gristopher Brower I /-, , I De Vader ^^^'l^^^Leneu Van Houten I ^^^^^yS^^ | En Tyne Van Honten Naem Cattilineu Geboren De 21 Apprill Gedopt 17 June 1804 --. 1 I Barent Speer I ^ , i De Vader ^^•^^^^•^ I Sara Jecibuse | G^tuygen | ^^ ^.^^^^^^^ Jecobese Naem Elesabeth Geboren De 30 May Gedopt De 8 July 1804 /-. , 1 Henderic Sturms I ^ . I De Vader ^''^'"^ I Elesabeht Meat 1 ^etuygen | ^^ ^^^^^^^, Naem Henderic Geboren De 10 June Gedopt De 8 July 1804 ^ , I Gerabrant C Geirebrant ! -^ . I De Vader ^^^^"^ I fitye Everson | ^etuygen | ^^ ^^^^^^, Naem Cristupher Geboren De 26 May Gedopt De 8 July 1804 ^ 1 I Nicolus Van Blarcom j p . ^ | Nicase V Blarcom I Poliy Kipp I ^° I Eu Jannetj'e sine Virow Naem Nicolus Geboren De 8 J;ily Gedopt De 29 July 1804 ^ J I Jacob Berdan Ju 1 ^ , I De Vader O^^'l^^^ I Aotye Van Houten | ^etuygen j j, p^^^,^ ^,^^ jj^,^^^^^ Naem Richard Geboren De 27 Aujustes G.^dopt De 9 Setember 1804 ^ , I William Bogert I /-, . ! De Ouders I j,^ - I Getuygen | ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ Naem Antye Geboreu De 6 September Gedopt De 30 September 1804 „ , I David Benson I r- ^ I De Vader O^^^ei-s I Elesabeth Van Houten | ^^tuygen | ^^ ^^^^^^^^ Naem Rebeca Geboren De 4 September Gedopt De 30 September 1804 ^ , I David D Demorey I /-. . I De Ouders . ^ -tr o Getuvgen \ -.r ^ -n ht i I Annautye Van haun | . | Vader Eu Moder Naem Hester Geboren De 28 September Gedopt 21 October 1804 BAPTISMAL REGISTER, 1S04-1805. I 25 .. , ! Jolin Van Blarcom I /-, . I De ^''^^'^ I Antye Jecobese I G^tuygen | ^,^^^^^. ^^ ^^^^^^^ NaeiuAutye Geboren De 8 November Gedopt De 2 December 1801 ,^ , I Edward Erl I r< x I De ^^^^^"•^ I Karretye Van Blarcom | ^''t^^Jgen | ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^_^^^. Naem Marten Geboreu De 25 November Gedopt De 30 December 1804 ^ , ! Johonues H Gerreson I ,^ , 1 De O^^*^^^"" I Marregretye Post | ^^^t^^^^^n | Vader En Moder Naem Man-etye Geboren De 5 Jaunewary Gedopt De 24 Fabrnary 1805 ^ , I IMerselng Van Geason I ^ , I De Oud(ns \ r . T^ Getuygen Kr i -d tt i j Jaunetye Door em us | ^» | Vader En Moder Naem Selley Geboren De 2 Jaunewarej' Gedopt De 17 Mart 1S05 -, J I Peter Demorest I /^ . I De Ouders m -r. Getiivcen -rr i -\t ^ I Tyne Benson | J o | Vader en i\Ioder NaemMareali Geboren De 17 fabruary (iedopt De 17 Mart 1805 ^ 1 j Robert Post ! n *■ I Jol'ii Pt)st Uuclers | p^^^^^ Vanderlioof | . ^^tnygen j j,^ j^^^^ Vanderlioof Naem Johonnis Geboren De 19 Fabrewary Gedoopt De 17 Mart 1805 ^ •, j Cornelioiis P Vreland I p x I De uuaers j j)^^^^^^ VJ^^ Derlioof | ^^uiygen j y^^^^ ^^ j^^^^^^^^ Naem Peter Geboren De 7 Januewary Gedopt De 17 Mart 1805 ^ , I Benyemau Delameter ] p i. I De uuctei-s I ciamtye Van Houten j *^^etuygen | y^^^^^. ^^ j^^^^^^^. Naem Gerret Geboren De 9 Fabrearey Gedopt De 7 Apprill 1805 ^ , I Rulif C Van Houten \ r< . I De Vader 0^*^^^^^ I Antye Van Geason | ^einy^en | ^^ ^odel-^ Naem Derich Geboren De 16 Mart Gedo^jt De 7 Apprill 1805 ^ , I Danniel Bensen I /-, . I De Ou^^ers I p^^^^^ Dooremns | ^etuygen | y^^^^^. j,^ jj^^^^^. Naem Gerret Geboren De 9 fabruarj'^ Gedopt De 7 Aijprill 1805 „ , I Helmugli Van Wincle i r. x I Peter Merselus ^^■^^^H Antye Van Houten | G«t"y«^" | Jannetye V Wincle • Naem Johonnes Geboreu De 22 fabruary Gedopt De 7 Apprill 1805 rt •■ I Robert Van Houten \ /^ , I De ^""^^"^ 1 Leneu Van Geason | ^^tuygen | y^^^^^^. ^^ j^j^^^^^ Naem Johannes Geboren De 8 March Gedopt De 7 Apprill 1805 ^ , j Rem Hunderdonk* I /~, . 1 De Vader Oudere \ ri • -n i. Getiiygen t-, ,,■ , I Gesie Retan | .; & | En Moder Naem Eleueu Geboren De 1 May Gedopt De 26 May 1805 ^ , 1 Abraham Van Blarcom 1 ^^ . I Semeou Van Blarcom Ouders ,t x -57 t>i Getuygen 17, o -s- I V rowetye Van Blarcom | •'^ | Eu Svn v row Naem Abraham Geboren De 3 May Gedopt De 26 May 1805 ^ •, I (ieiTebrant Van Honten 1 --■ . I De Vader ^^*^^^ I Ragel Meat | Getuygen | j,^ j^^^^^^^. Naem Henderic Geboren De 6 Maj' Gedopt De 16 Jmie 1805 ^ 1 I John D Brown | ^ , I De O"'^^^^ I Eles.beth Jons | Getuygen | ^,^^j^^. ^^ ^^^^^^^ Naem Salley Willing Geboren De 25 May gedopt De 30 June 1805 •Onderdonk. 12^ BAPTISMAL REGISTER, 1S05-1806. ^ 1 I John Deetlis \ n l I De Vader Eu Mocler 0"'^^^-^ I Gowdore Vrelant | Getnygen | Naern ISicolus Geboren De 23 Juue Gedopt De 21 July 1805 ^ ^ I Helmuorh Van Houten 1 /-, , I De 0^^^^^^^ I leueu Van Blarcom | ^'^'^ysen | ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ Naem Leneii Geboren De 21 June Gedoj)t De 21 Jiily 1805 ^ 1 i Uriah Van Eiper I ^ , I De (Juders \ -^.^ i -dt ■ Getuv£?en ^j -, ,,■ , I Marretye Blair | . » | Vader en Moder Naem Peggy Geboren De 23 June Gedopt De 21 July 1805 ^ , I Cornelioiis Van Ryper 1 ^ , I De Oudei"S ,»- i. /-I Getuyoen \ fr ^ -n T./r i ! Marretj'e Gerreson 1 '"=' | \ ader Eu Moder Naem Jacobes Geboren De 21 June Gedopt De 21 July 1805 r^ ^ I Benone Cinyen I /-, , 1 De 0^^^^^ I Caty Law | ^ctuygen | ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ Naem Jeams Geboren De 3 June Gedoopt De 21 July 1805 ^ 1 I Jacob Gerrison | /-< i. „ , I Abraham Van Houten I Lea Weselse | Jo | Eq Annautye Weselse Naem Annautye Geboren De 4 July Gedopt De 11 Aujestes 1805 j-j , I Gorneliaus Van Blarcom I p ^i., „ I Henderic Van Blercom I Catreneu Van Blercom | '•''^ \ En Anautye Van Blercom Naem Annautye Geboren De 30 July Gedopt De 1 September 1805 ^ 1 I Jacobus Westervelt I p j. „ ! '^e 1 Elesabeth Demorey | ^* | Vader En Moder Naem Johonnes Geboren De 30 July Gedopt De 1 September 1805 f~. •, I Gerret G Van Wagener | p ^ I De uuaers | ^leuau Schooumcer | '^etuygen | y.^^^^^. -^^ ^^^^^^ Naem Gerret Geboren De 15 Aujustes Gedopt De 22 September 1805 ^ T I Helmugh H Van Houten I p. ^ | De ^^^'''^^' I Matye Van Geason | ^^tuygen | y^^^-^^^. ^^ jj^^-^^^. Naem Deric Geboren De 9 Aujustes Gedopt De 22 September 1805 p. , I Cristeyaun Shurte ! p + ! ^^ '-'ucters I ]vi.^j.regretye Demorey | ^^tuy^en | y,^^^^,. -^^ ^^^^^ Naem Hester Geboren De 22 October Gedopt De 17 November 1805 r^ , I Jacob Van Wincle \ r^ . I De Vader O^^^^ IPoUeyHelms I ^^^^^^JS^^ | En Catlinitye Neafea Naem Peter Geboren De 2 November Gedopt De 8 December 1805 /-. 1 1 Epka Brown I ^ i. I De ^^^*^^^ I Rxgel Gutchies | ^etuygen | ^^^^^^. ^^ ^^^^^^. Naem John Geboren De 26 Aujestes Gedopt De 8 December 1805 p. ■, I Helmugh Van Geasen I p j. I De Vader uurters | ^,^-^^^^ y^^ Qstrauder | ^^tuygen | ^^ Marretye V Geasen Naem Antye Geboren De 22 November Gedopt De 29 December 1805 ^ -] _ I Henderic H Dooremus I p , ,^ I Henderic Kip25 *" ^ I Marret^'e Jecobse | .' o | j^^ Elesebeth Kipp Naem Catreneu Geboren De 6 December 1805 Gedopt De 12 Jaune- wary 1806 ^ 1 I Cornelious Van Horn | ^ , I De Vader Ouders -jt'i Getuygeu -ri ht- i I Sara vv ilson | ^ o j ^.n Moder Naem Ledea Geboren De 26 Janwary Gedopt De 23 fabruary 1806 BAPTISMAL REGISTER, lSo6. 127 ^ , I John Gxityes I n„+,„.^„„ 1 Jon Giityes Ouaei"S T > Getuycreu . , '',-, , I jgjjjjy Acermau | .'o | Anautye Gutyes Vore Anuautj'e En Henderic Tweliugen Van Blarcom Derrece Van Blercom Vore Jacob Naem Jacob En Aunautye Geboren De 5 Jannewary Gedopt De 23 fabruary 1806* ^ , _ I Joliu Jacobese I pp*.,,^,,pn i -^^ ^'^f^^^r En Moder En Antoney Uv eis I ]^jgs.|i3gt]^ Gocuro | ^'^ | Jacobese E Auty Jacobese Twelingeu Vore Autone^' Naem Antoney En Peter Geboren De 1 Jannewary Gedopt De 23 fab- rnarey 180G ^ 1 I Jolin Ennaus | r^ , , 1 De O^^'^*^^'^ I Marea Steger 1 ^etuygen | ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ Naem Marregretye Geboren De 9 October Gedopt De 23 fabniary 1806 Ouder I ^lesabeth Westervelt I Qg^uygen I ^^*^'® ^'-^^ ^^^^^^' Naem Antye Van Riper Geboren De 10 Jannewarej"^ Gedopt De 16 March 1806 ^ -, I Edo Van Wincle I r f I ^emoen Van Wincle ^^'^^'^^^ i Jaunetye Vanderhoof | ^^-^^^>«en | ^^ Marretye Merselus Naem Autye Geboren De 27 fabruary Gedopt De 23 March 1806 rs ^ I Jerremiah Brower I n^-i. , , I l^s Vader ^"^^^^' I Caty Cool | ^etnygen | j^^^ ^^^^^^^ Naem Henderic Geboren Dc 25 March Gedopt De 20 Apprill 1806 ^ T I Nioolus Van Blarcom \ r^ , I De Vader O"^^^^ I Pulley Kipp I Getnygen | En Gity Van Blarcom Naem Catreneu Geboren De 28 March Gedopt De l"0 Apprill 1806 ^ T I Symen Y Vanness I r^ i. I De Ouders t^i- ' /i tt i~i Getuvgen t- i -o t\t i I Ehsaoeth Van Geason | .» | VaderEnModer Naem Matye Geboren de 7 Apprill Gedopt De 11 May 1806 ^ , I Horremanns Com-ter I /-, ., „„„ I De ^^^<^^^ I Januetye Spear | ^^etuygen | ^.^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ Naem Lea Geboren De 27 March Gedopt De 11 May 1806 ^ -, i I'eter Van Aule Jur I /-i . i John Dooremus ^'''^^''^ \ Jemiey Dooremus | ^^tnygen | ^,^^^^^^ j^^^^^^^ Naem John Geboren De 3 Apprill Gedopt De 11 May 1806 MaiTegi-etye Van Sant Geborens De 23 fabruary 1790 Dore Belideness Angenomen En Gedopt De 25 May 1806 „ , I Asa Wright ! n j. I De Vader ^^''^^"^ I MarregietyeVansantJ | ^^tuygen | ^^ ^^^^^^^ Naem John Geboren De 5 Jannewary Gedopt De 25 May 1806 ^ , I Charls Blower 1 ^ , I De Vader Ouders K, i ^> Getuygen \ -r, n,r i 1 Kagel Semens | j& j j]^ Moder Naem Marea Geboren De 9 May Gedopt De 29 June 1806 ^ 1 I Gerrebrant Van Houten 1 /-. a I De O"^'^^^"^ I Jannctye Gerrese | Getuygen | y^der En Moder Naem Catreneu Geboren De 13 June Gedopt De 20 July 1806 *Twins— Jacob and Annautye [Annie]. Sponsors— John Gutyea [Goetschius] and Anautye Gutyes for [the Infant] Annautye; and Henderic Vau Blarcom and Derrece Van Blarcom for [the infant] Jacob. JMarregretyo was but fifteen years, ten mouths and thirteen days old when she be- came a mother. 128 BAPTISMAL REGISTER, 1806-1807. „ , I Jacob Viiu Wincle I p + I Seamion Van Wincle Uuclers j Ei.^sebeth Vauderlioof 1 '^etuygeu | ^^ Cutterinetye Neafe Naem Catterine Geboren De 5 October Gedopt De 16 November 1806 ^ T I Jolioues H Gerreson I /-. . I De ^''^^''^ I Marregriet Post | ^etuygeu | ^.^^^^^. ^^^ j^j^_^^,^. Naem Coruelious geboren De 5 October Gedopt De 14 December 18U6 ^ , I Heurcv Dooremus | p „<.„,, „,, I De uuaers | Elsabeth Vau Geason I ^^luj^eu j -y^^^^^ j,^ j^^^^^^^ Naem Jeuney Geboren De 2 November Gedopt De 21 December 1806 rs. ^ \ Audrns Acerman I /-. . ,1 Jacob Acermau Ouders r- t Getuveen . ^, , I Suce liyer j - o | Auge Codmes Naem Jacob Geboren De 25 December 1805 Gelobt Pe 22 January 1807 ^ ^ I Tomes Codmes I r.„i.„„^„„ I Peter Dooreiuus Ouders ,t i. T^ Getuygen t „ I Marregretye Dooremus | .'o | Leuew Berrey Naem Henderic Geboren De 1 7 December 1806 Gedopt De 25 January 1807 ^ , I Yerreve Vau Riper | rM-,-,^jcfan ! ^® uuaers I Eigs.^i,etii Vau Blercom \ ^^^^^^J^en j Y^deT en Moder Naem Andrew Geboren De 9 Jannewary Gedopt De 15 fabruary 1807 ^ J ! Abraham Willis 1 p, ^„„„„„ I De ^^'^^^^ I Catreunau Post | ^^^'^y^^^ \ Vader en Moder Nasm Elesabeth Geboren De 12 December 1606 Gedopt De 8 Mart 1807 ^ 1 I Robert Van Houten I /-, , I Henderic dooremus Oudei"s T ■?- /. Getuygen K,-, , , t I Leneu v an Geason | ^ & | Marregret Heninon Naem Marregretiye Geboren De 15 Mart Gedopt De 12 Apprill 1807 ^ J i Micel Ortley | ^ .„„ ,„, I De Vader En Moder Ouders \ n ^ d w-t Getuygen I Catreuueu byu \v lie | j& | Naem Elesabeth Geboren De 29 October 1807 Gedopt De 26 Apprill 18()7 ^ -, \ Teren Collivin [ ?1 1 /-, . 1 Peter Van Aule Ouders I p^^^^^y Dooremui 1 ^^Wgen | gn Jenney Dooremus Naem Marean Geboren De 24 March Gedopt De 26 Apprill 1807 ^ -, ! William Clerk I ^ j.„„-,-,„ I De ^""^^'^ I Elemer Clerk | ^^tuygen | ^,^^^^^. ^^ ^^^^^^^ Naem Roseau Geboren De 2 March Gedopt De 26 Apprill 1807 ^ ■, j Cornelious Van Blarcom ' p j. I Henderic Van Blercom Uuders | ^.^^^gj^g^^ y^^^ Blercom | ^-'^"ygen | -^^ Catreneu Van Blercom Naem Aunautye Geboren De 28 March Gedopt De 3 May 18(»7 ^ J I J(3hn Ray I r< ,.4- .„ I De Moder Ouders -r,, , 1 x. -d Getuygen j Elesabehtt Berrey | jo | Naem George Merten Geboren De 5 Apprill Gedo^jt De 3 May 1807 /^ ^ I Daniel Schoomaker I n^4-„„^r.^ I De O*^*^^^^"^ I Elesabeth Post | ^^t^^yg^^ | Vader En Moder Naem Maria Geboren De 19 March Gedopt De 3 Jlay 1807 ^ , I Harrey Godwin I p ,+„,, „„ ! De uuciers I jviarretye Merselus | ^^'-"^J^^n j y.^^^^^ ^^ j^j^^^^ Naem Abraham Geboren De 2 May Gedopt De 21 June 1807 BAPTISMAL REGISTER, 1S07. 1 29 ^ , I daunel Benson I ^ ^ , „ . „ I de ^^^^^« I Raqel Dooremns | Getuygen | ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ Naem Cornelus Geboreu De 12 May Gedopt De 9 July 1807 ^ 1 I Horremanns Van Orden I ^ ■ , I de Vader ^^'•^^^^'H litye Westervelt | ^etuygen | ^^ ^oder Naem Aultye Geboreu 4 Jiuie Gedopt De 9 July 1807 ^ ^ I Johones Van Wincle \ ,^ 1. I Cornelians Van Wincle Uuders | An-eyauntye Merselus I ^^etujgen | -^^ ^nautye Van Eiper Naem Johones Geboren De 20 May Gedopt De 12 July 1807 ^ ^ I John Van Blercom I ri „+„„„„„ I De Vader 0^^^^^-^ I Antve Jacobese | ^^^'^ysen | ^^ ^^^^^^^ Naem Suke Geboren De 9 June Gedopt De 12 Jiily 1807 ^ , I Merselus Van Geason I ^ . I De Vader En Moder Ouders t ^ -r. Getuvgen I Jannetye Dooremus I " I Naem Cornelious Geboren De 10 June Gedopt De 23 Aujestes 1807 ^ -, I Cristeyeun Churth I r- f i I -D® Uiiders j Marregretye Demarest | ^^tujgen | y,^^-,^^ ^^ ^^^^^^. Naem Catreneii Geboren De 25 July Gedopt De 23 Aujustes 1807 ^ ^ I Gerrebrant Van Houten I ,-. . 1 De Vader En ^'^^^^^■^ I Ragel Meat | ^etuygen | ^j^^^^^. Naem Auderyaun Geboren De 16 July Gedopt De 23 Aujustes 1807 r\ J I Robert Poust \ n ^ \ T>e °"'^^'' 1 Eagel Vanderhoof | ^etuygen | ^.^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^, Naem Cornelious Geboren De 18 July Gedopt De 12 September 1807 ^ 1 I Edo Van Wincle In. I De Vader ^'''^^''^ I Jenny Vanderhoof | Getuygen | ^^ ^^^^^^ Naem Elesabeth Geboren De 3 September Gedojit De 4 October 1807 n J I David Hemmion I n j. I I^e ^""^^"^ I Marretye Garrison | ^etuygen | ^^^^^^, ^^ ^^^^^^ Naem Tomes Geboren De 24 September Gedopt De 18 October 1807 ^ ■, I Abraham Van Houten I ^ i. I De ^"•^^^H Catrenau Sipp | Getuygen | y^^^er En Moder Naem Gertrtiy Geboren De 17 Se^itember Gedopt De 18 October 1807 p. ■, I Johonnes I Westervelt I /^ x I De uuaers j j^.^^.^^ Buskerk | ^^tuygen | ^^^^^^, -^^ ^^^^^ Naem Marregrietye Geboren De 31 Jiily Gedopt De 8 October 1807 rs ^ I John Van Houten In. I De vader O'^^:^^'^*' I Elesabeth thompson | <^etuygen | ^^ ^^^^^^ Naem Jane Margeret Geboren De 31 Aujustes 1805 En Robert Geboren De 11 Marcii 1807 Gedopt De 22 October 1807 p. -. I Jacob I Gerreson | p, . j Johonnes Gerreson uuciei-s j j^^^ Weselse | ^^tuygen | j,^ Qertroue Ryerson Naem Gerterau Geboren De 28 September Gedopt De 25 October 1807 n T I Henderic Cocoru I n i. I De 0^^^^<^^'^ 1 Elesabeth Byerth | ^et^yg^^ | Vader En Moder Naem Nicolus Geboren De 23 September Gedopt De 25 October 1807 /-. J I Johnnes Gutyus I n x ! De O"*^^^"^ I Jannetye Acerman | ^etuygen j ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ Naem Agge Geboren De 22 November Gedopt De 20 December 1807 13 130 BAPTISMAL REGISTER, 1807-1808. ^ -, I Cornelious H Dooremus i ^^ , I De Vader 0^^ . ^"^ i De Vader O^*^"^"^ 1 Mattye Van Geason | Getuygen | j,^ ^^^^^^^ Naem Johonniis Geboren De 3 Jannewary Gedopt De 31 January 1808 p. 1 I Johonnes R Van Houten \ r, 1. I De uuciers j g^j^gy Manderviel | ^^tuygen | ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ Naem Catreneu Geboren De 29 December 1807 Gedopt De 21 f ebru- arey 1808 r^ -, I Eulif C Van Houten I -^ , I De Vader Eu Moder Ouders « x tr /-. Getuygen I Antye Van Geasen | j & | Naem Derick Geboren De 20 Jannearej Gedopt De 21 februaxey 1808 ^ , I Lodewike Smith \ r-, u, I Vader En Moder Vore Annautye ""•^^^'^ I Caty Diilhageu | ^^cuygen j EHarmonnessCarlough Maria Tice Naem Twelinge Maria en Anautye Geboren De 15 Jannewary Ge- dopt De 13 March 1808 ^ ., 1 Abraham A Post I r f \ De uuaers | ^lesabeth Westervelt | '^^'^^ygen | y^^^^^. ^^ -^loaer Naem Jon Geboren De 7 fabruary Gedoojit De 13 Martch 1808 ^ -, 1 David D Demarest I --, , I Peter Demorest En 0^*^^^^ I Annautye Van Saun | Getuygen | ^^^^^^ Demorest Naem Hester Geboren De 27 Janewary Gedopt De 13 March 1808 ^ ^ I David Merenus I /~, . I John Merenus En Ouders t Getuygen •□ /-, . I Leneu gerreson | j'& j Pegge Gutyous Naem John Geboren De 1 March Gedopt De 3 Apprrill 1808 f^ J I Semeon Van Houten I /-, . I De Moder Ouders n/r -vr -01 Getuygen I Marea Van Blercom | ^ » | Naem Henderic Geboren De 11 October 1807 Gedojpt De 3 Apprill 1808 ^ ^ I Nicohis Van Blarcom I ^ .„ „„ I De Ouders I p^jj^y j^j^p I Getuygen | Vader Eu Moder Naem Isaac Geboren De 10 Apprill Gedopt De 8 May 1808 ^ T „ I Eobert Patei-son j ri„j.„„„„„ 1 De O^'l^^ Marian Keer Getuygen | ^^^^^^ ^^ j^^^^^ Naem John Geboren De 5 May I8O8 Gedopt De 5 Jime 1808 I Deric Banta I rai-,-,xrrra,^ \^^ '^^ I Maria Demorey | ^e^y^en | y^^^^, g^ jjo^ier Naem Petrus Geboren De 2 May Gedopt De 5 Jime 1808 BAPTISMAL REGISTER, 180S-1834. I3I ^ ^ I Henderic H Doremus I /~, . I De ^"'^^^'M Marretye Jecobese | ^^tuygen | Vader Eu Moder Naem Daun Geboren De 25 Apprill Gedopt De 2G Jwne 1808 ,-. ^ I Apke Breun I /-, . I De ^^•^"^•^ I lik^el Gutches | G^t^ygen | ^^^^^^^. j,^^ ^^^^^^. Naem Hester Geboren De 8 Apprill Gedopt De 25 June 1808 -^ T I Helmufrh Van Geason I --1 , I De O^^^^^^HsalleyVauOstraut | ^^tuygen | Vader En Moder Naem Oristnpher Geboren De 17 May Gedopt De 25 June 1808 ^ , I William Dooremus I p , I De Uiuiers I Qei,tej.j^^^ Jecobese [ ^'^'^"ygen | y^^^^^. -^^ Moder Naem Tomis Geboren De 3 May Gedopt De 25 June 1808 ^ ^ I Polley Lane | Ouder •' Mary Geboren 22 f abruary 1808 y-. 1 I James H Dooremus I /-, . I De ^^^^^«^'« I Antye Retan | ^^tuygen | ^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^. Naem Lj^se van Geboren De 7 Juene Gedopt De 17 July 1808 p. 1 ( John Deeths I p + I [De] ^"'^^^ I Goudare Vrelaut | ^etuygen j y^^^^^. ^^ ^jiojg^.-] Naem Marten Easterly Geboren De 3 Gedopt De 17 July 1[808] /-I ^ I Jon Cowenover I /-, . I De 0"^^^'^ I Nance Jacson | ^etuygen | ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^, Naem Anneutye Geboren De Gedopt De 1 Jannewary 1803 ^ , j Jack Jacson I /^ 4. I De Vader ^''^^' I Selle sine* Vrow I G^tuygen | ^n Moder Naem marea Geboren De 20 Mart Gedopt De 21 Appreall 1803 ^ 1 I Jon Cowenoven \ r^ 1. I De Vader Oudere -.t • ir Getm'gen -n urn I Nance sme Vrow | .'o | E^ Moder Naem Nance Geboren De 5 July Gedopt De 13 September 1807 ^ -, I Jon Cowenoven I /-< . I De <^^^'^«^'H Nance sine Vrow | G^^t^^yg^" | Vader En Moder Naem Sam Geboren De 30 September Gedopt De 25 December 1809 ^ , I Jacob Cowenoven \ r^ , 1 Jon Cawenoven Ouders . • , -rj Gettiygen -r, o xr I Angenicli suyn Vrow | ■^'^ | En Syne Vrow Naem Nance Geboren De Gedopt De 9 Janewary 1814 Jude Sisco Baptised the 29 of August 1824 and made a Profestsion and Be- came a Member Brptised Parents John Degrote and his wife Prudence [?] John Cowenoven and Nance his wife John Cowenoven Born on the 22d December 1821 Baptised the 24 of November 1822. *iiiin, bis. APPENDIX. I. 'A Lest of Salliky foe Dominy Schoonmakek. " Cornelhis Van Winkle Abm Van liouten John Park Encress Gould Abm Gochvin Jacob Van houten Dauel Van horn John Ray Cornelms Van Blercom James McCordy By Doc William Ellison William Brower John find [Flood] Widow king hanry Godwin Cornelius C Vreeland Danel f Lockwood George Doramis Banjamin Youmans Earon king David Spear Cornelius C Van hoiiten Danel Scoonmaker John C Van Ripin hanry A Van Blercom Abm Van Blercom Philip Van Bussen Christopher Brower John R Van houten John A Van horn Cornilous J Ryerson' Thos Wills Stoffel Van Riper J Shilbur Abrm Stur Simeon Van Blarcom X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 11 X 10 X 4 X 3 4 X 2 X 2 X 2 2 2 2 X 2 X 2 X 4 3 X 2 X 3 X 2 X 2 2 X 3 X 2 6 2 2 2 X 2 2 2 2 4 X 1 X X $ 2 50 37 [The foregoing "Salliry Lest" is in the writer's possession. It is evidently copied from one or more original subscription lists, and dates probably prior to or about the year iSio. The 134 THE OLD DUTCH CHURCH AT TOTOWA. sign "x" in this case does indeed represent an unknown quantity. This list was probably prepared for the use of the collector, and each time (month or quarter) a subscriber paid, an "x" was marked after his name. The subscriptions were made in shillings and pence, except the last two, which are in Federal money. It is to be hoped that the " Dominy" did not have to depend on this " Salliry Lest " altogether, as it foots up only $12.53-] II. ' Pew holders or the first Eepormed Church of totowa. 2 Seats 5 do 4 do do John D Ryerson price $ 5 David Benson 22 Honnan Van Norden & Cornelis I Westervelt Jacob Van Houten & France Van Wiokle Richd Van Gieson & Halmah E Van Honter ) Albert Terliune Daniel V Horn Edo P. Mercelis Albert Van Saun Edo Merselis Abrm Rj'erson Cornelis C Van Houten Henry G Doremus Albert Van Houten & ) Ad Van Houten ) Rachel Van Houten Ralph Van Houten |^ & Hannah Van Houten ) Ad R Van Houten John J. Blauvelt & ) 1. 1, stagg ; Abm R. Van Houten C Van Winkle A Van Blarcom Abm Godwin ^^ Abm Godwin Jr ) P. V. Allen ) P Van Allen Jr | G Merselis Albr P Hopper & } P Hopper j" 17 Each 2 Seats 29 17 17 37 41 39 20 43 30 46 21 22 33 40 40 41 45 72 32 42 30 30 do do do do do 2 Seats 2 do 2 2 PEWHOLDERS ABOUT 182O-35. 135 6 H. Vreelaud & A Post ) 33 3 3 6 I. Barhu H Doremiis 33 3 6 I. Burlius & I. Sager ) i' $16 3 3 6 I. Maiinus & 1). Maiiuus ) 11 3 3 5 4 F. liyersou & R Degray A Parsons } 40 21 2^ 5 H. Vau Blarcoin 37 4 D Holsmau 20 5 5 C Vreeland & G Van Kiper d. S. Van Winkle & J. J. Beidan I i 40 35 n H 4 5 M. Houglicamp* J. C V. Riper & H. Van Houten 19 32 n H 5 Andrew Ackermau 2G 4 A & R King 19 i 5 J. Flood J. Gutiches J. F. Post ) i 25 5 C Van Blarcom 8 J. I. Van Houten 5 Edo Van Winkle & J Parke > 27 5 5 5 Jury Van Riper George I Ryerson J. R Berdan Ricd. Berdan ) 29 35 30 5 5 I. Degrie [? Degray] I. Van Blarcom 48 54 5 S. Van Winkle 60 5 P. MerseUs 59 5 Ad. Van Houten 77 H Abni C Zabriskie 40 5 G. Van Houten 77 5 B & J V. Blarcom 71 5 John J Blauvelt 55 5 A Vau Houten 60 5 R [?] Zabriskie [The foregoing list is from the original in the writer's pos- session, which was probably prepared between 1S20 and 1825. 'Martin Hogencamp. 136 THE OLD DUTCH CHURCH AT TOTOWA. Compare this with the list of purchasers of pews in 1S16, on pages 43-45.] III. Subscriptions towards Rebuilding the Church. [When the old Church was destroyed, Dominie Elting and a majority of the Consistory favored building a new Church on the south side of the river, while a majority of the congrega- tion were in fiivor of rebuilding on the old site. The follow- ing is one of the subscription lists for the latter purpose :] We the subscribers do each of us promise to pay unto Martiuns Hogen- camp John Joseph Blauvelt Garrabrant Van Houten Abrm R. Vn Hoiiteu Adrian R. Van Houten or John Burhans or either of them or their order, the several sums anexed to our respective names, for the purpose of procuring building materials and building a New Church on the scite where the old to- toway Church formerly stood with the understanding that the monies thus paid shall be deducted from the purchase money for Pews provided they shall purchase any, when the church shall be finished and pews sold the money so subscribed to be paid in three different equal payments either' in money La- bour or building materials the first payment to be made on demand, the second payment when the church is raised and the remainder when the same is finished — Taterson May Uth 1827 Samuel Vaner* 3 Peter Van Allen 15 John U Van Houten 20 Cornelius G van houten 10 Albert J Zabriskie 50 Garret Garretson 1 . 50 Henery Gacobus 1 Thomas Terhune 15 Albert A Terhune , 15 Richard F Ryerson 1 5 Tunis Rj'erson 20 ♦Query : Van Orden. G. Van Houten 150 John Jos Blowvelt 100 Martinus Hogencamp r.o Adrian R Van Houten 100 Abm R Van Houten 50 Wm S Hogencjimp 25 Abm Godwin 30 A & R. King 50 Isaac I Stagg 40 Henry Rom 4 John Stagg 30 Ralph Doremus 50 Abm F Ryerson 15 Wm Stagg 20 714 John Jacobus 3 5 John A Zabriskie 5 10 CDi'ueliiis I Post 2 1 Johu Vauuess 5 10 Jaiuos Van bouteu 5 15 Hemy A Kiersted y 5 Kicbartl Beuscu 20 2 Jo)au F Hyorsou 15 SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR KKI3UILDING TH li ClIUKCii. 137 Oorneliiis Van Giesen Johu sueyder Saml Quackinbush Weart Valiutine Albert P Hopper (^orns G Post Perrigrine Sandfoid Nicbolas Ackerinau 3 Coruelias C Hopper 2~, IV. x\nother Subscription toward Rebuilding the Church. This list is all in one handwriting, and was doubtless made up from the original subscription lists, in order to keep an ac- count of the payments as made in instalments. It will be ob- served that some subscribers never paid up in full. Garabraiit Van Houteu Ilalph Doremus Jobn Burbaus Adrian K Van Houten Cornelis S. Van Wagoner Jobn R Van Houten Cornelis I Westervelt Jobn Joseph Blauvelt Martiuus I Houghcamp* Francis Cook Ralph Smith Albert I Zabriskie Isaac I Stagg John Goutcbes David Benson Cornelis P Hopper Henry Romer George I Ryerson Jobn R Berdan Richard Berdan Richard Benson Tbommis Terbune Abraham Van Houteu David I Alyea *HoKencamp 14 1 2 3 Subscription Church ir.o 100 50 150 do l.'JO 100 50 150 do 150 50 50 150 25 110 50 50 50 50 30 :io 150 100 50 50 50 5 6 50 60 50 55 55 20 10 10 20 65 25 Co 75 50 75 5 50 30 77 55 25 77 '25 12 13 25 20 20 15 8 7 15 125 50 I3S THE OLD DUTCH CHURCH AT TOTOWA. John P Van Allen Garret G Smith Peter Van Allen John Van Allen Samuel Burnet* Martin Van Blarccm John Stagg Jr Albert A Terhune Garret Garretson Perigin Sandfert Simon Y Van Ness Coruelis Van Giesen Giles Van Ness William I Stagg John Benson Cornells Post John Morrow Susan Ackerman John Degray Mary Hemion Albert Terhun John Van Zile John Berdan Jacob Berdan William Brower John D Kyerson Jaiht Jackson John Marinus Garret Van Wagoner Peter Sisco Henry H Post J. S. friend George Farrut John V. A Van Gieson William Ellison David Marinus B W Van Dervoort Cornells G Van Houten Peter Quckenbush John Flood James Kearny John Fine totaway do do totaway 1 3 10 10 5 15 15 5 5 2 30 20 15 7 8 5 5 5 5 20 20 10 10 15 15 15 10 10 10 10 65 65 2 30 30 5 5 5 5 75 5 5 20 20 10 10 5 5 6 5 12 5 5 10 10 4 20 5 20 20 4 3 3 10 15 5 30 15 •Query : Barrett. tQuery : Isaiah. SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR REBUILDING THE CHURCH. 139 1 2 3 Joshua Ackei'sou 3 L. White 3 Aaron Kiug 10 10 10 John N. Kyerson 3 3 Ira Mosher 3 Henry G. V. Wmkle 3 3 Day & Burnet* 2 Francis Van Blarcom 5 5 E B D Ogden 5 Nicklest Smith 3 Andrew Parsons 10 10 James Warren 5 5 Brown King 3 William Scott 2 James King 3 Uriah Gurabrant pd 5 10 John Wilier 5 Ph. Dickerson 6 John Ma Intire 2 Thomas Parker 5 5 Jonathan Hopper 5 General Abrm Godwin 50 50 John S Forshee 10 10 Peter Archdeken 2 2 Benjm R Romine 10 lU Abrm J Van Winkle 15 15 Halmah Van Houten 5 Ralph Smith 1 John Smith 3 3 Antony Van Blarcom 10 10 John Van Nhss 10 10 Abrm I Ackerman 3 Albert P Hopper 25 'i5 Albert I Hopper 5 5 Daniel Holsmau 50 50 Warren Haigh 10 Heniy V. Post 1 1 Heni-y F Ryei-sou 10 3.75 Nesbit Talor 5 Luke Westervelt 25 25 Robert King 15 15 John Lambert 10 10 *Booki3eller8, and publishers of the Paterson Intelligencer. tNlcholas. 140 THE OLD DUTCH CHURCH AT TOTOWA. 1 9 3 Abrm Ackerman Jiir 6 Robert Cariick 60 GO D. K. Alleu 20 20 Ezekil Miller 5 5 Heury A KirsteJ 5 James K Pest 2 Joliii A Ztibriskie Cornflis (\ Post 5 Eichard Degray 30 10 20 30 Audrew Van Nordeu 4 John Suyder lU 7 25 Ricbard Vau Ilonteu 5 Isaac S. Miller 5 Wm. Jacobs 5 Samul Qiickeiibnsb 3 Johu W Berry 10 Stephen S Terbnu 3 3 Francis R Post 5 J. M. Crismou lO Jacob Duglas 3 _ 3 John S Vau Ness 3 [|2,599J V. The Congregation held several meetings to discuss where the new church should be built, and on May 20, 1827, at a meeting of the Consistory held at the house of Judge Gerrebrandt Van Houten — the old stone house, No. 117 Water street — it was de- cided to build on a site offered by the Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures, 130 feet front on Ellison street and about 100 feet deep on Hamilton Square. This led to a vigorous protest on the part of the dissatisfied members, who appealed to the Classis of Paramus, which sustained them, and on July 2 the Consistory resolved to abandon the project of building on the proposed site, and to sell the material already on the ground, much of the stone of the old church having been cart- ed thither. Following is the notice of sale, from the original in the possession of the writer. The paper is about five inches THE SPLIT IN THE CHURCH. 14! square, and has in each corner the holes made by the tacks wherewitli it was fastened to some convenient fence or door : Stone & BtLilding Timber This afternoon between 5 & 6 O'clock will be sold by auction All the Stone & Buildine Timber lying- on the Lot adjoining; the Paterson Bank By Order of the Trustees of the I St Reformed Dutch Church Totawa R Chiswell Auctioneer 5th July 1827 The dissatisfied members withdrew and organized the Second Reformed Church, on October 14, 18^7. The First Church secured a site on Main and Ellison streets and Hamil- ton Square, and erected the church on Main street, where it stood until destroyed by fire in December, 1S71. VI. Pamphlets by Dominie Marinus. The first of these pamphlets has tlie following title: A I Letter [ to the | Independent Reflector | By David Marin Ben Jesse, Pastor at Aquenonka. | New York : | Printed and Sold by Hugh Gaine, at the Printing | Office, opposite the Old Slip, 1753. Small X" Pp. 31. The Letter is dated "Aquenonka, April 5, 1753." The Dominie says : " T who am the least and youngest son of a cer- 142 THE OLD DUTCH CHURCH AT TOTOWA. tain Church in this Province accept your Challenge. — I would rather enter the Lists in Dutch or in Latin, than in the English tongue, being more expert in either of the former, than in the latter." " Whoever believes Christ was the Messiah, and prac- tices the morality He taught, is to all intents and purposes a complete Christian." '^^ To be a Christian is to be a new Creature in Christ Jesus." He makes a long and labored de- fence of the Clergy, gives a panegyric on William, Duke of Cumberland, and an adjuration to the British. "I am an Englishman born in the Dominions of the best of Kings on earth," he says. The title of the second pamphlet reads thus : A I Remark | on the | Disputes and Conten- tions I in I this Province [ By David Marin Ben Jesse, Pastor at | Aquenonka. | Thou shalt not seethe a Kid in his Mother's Milk. Moses. | New-York : Printed by H. Gaine, at the Printing- Office, in Queen -Street, | between the Fly and Meal-Markets, 1755. Small 40 Pp. 12. This is an attack on King's (now Columbia) College, because of the apprehended attempt toward a union of Church and State. " The Jersey College (now Princeton) has not suc- ceeded in doing everything." " We intend in time to have a College of our own, for the proper education of our youth." This pamphlet was doubtless intended to have a bearing on the pending troubles between the Ccetus and Conferentie par- ties. The founding of an American College for the training of young men for the ministry in the Dutch Church in America was a dream of the CcEtus party, w^hich was ultimately realized in the establishment of Queen's (now Rutgers) College at New Brunswick. INDEX. INDEX. Note.— The names of married women are given as printed In tlie Baptismal Reg- later, where tbey are almost Invariably designated, by tlieir maiden names. A. Acema", Acerman. [See Ackcrman]. Aceraon [Ackersou] : Jacob Ill Maria 114 Nicolas Ill Acker [Ecer], Abby 107 Ackerman, Aceman, Acerman : Abraham ...71, 88, 96, 109, 139, 140 Annaetye.. 87 Aeltye 102 Andrew 41, 45, 135 Andrus 128 Bregge 70 Cat ly ntye 104 David '.S7, lOO, lOl, 107 Derece, Dircke 86, 106, 109, 114, 122 Elisabeth 65, 86, 104 Gelyn, Geljne 86, 108 Gerteruy 109 Hendrick 67, 71, 86 Jack 122 Jacob 47, 98, 128 Jacobus 65, 104 Jacomyn 100 Jaa 87 Jannetye 114, 123, 129 Jenny 127 Johannes 71,81 John , 87 Jon 109 Leyeu 108 Louwerens 104 Marres 81 Martha 123 70 Nicholas 137 Pegey 105 Peter 67, 101 PoUe 70 15 Ackerman : Rachel, Ragel 63, 8S, 92, 100, 101, 107, 109, 116. Sara 88 Susan 138 Yannetye 80,98 Ackerson, Joshua 1.39 Acquackanonk, Aquenonka, Achqueche- nonk 11,12, 13, 14, 15,16,17, 18, 37, 39, 43, 50, 59, 60, 141. 142. Church 10, 13, 14, 20, 26 Consistory 10, 13, 15, 37, 38 Ollicers lO Records... 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18 Patentees 22 Aerl: Matye lOl Jacob Ill Jon 101, 111 Agburse : Cornelious ii4 Jacob 114 Allen, D. K 140 Allen, P. V 134 Alsworth, Marea 109 Alye. [See Olye]. Adam 103 Albert 97, 103 Grietye 74 Jan 74 Alyie, Alyea : Albert 113 Catrina 95 David 89, 137 Isack 89 Jacob 106 Peter 106, 113 American Army 28 Reformed Dutch Church 19 Andrews, Maria 103, 114 146 INDEX. Annes, George 97 Archdeacon, Peter 40, 139 Archebel, Esebele 1O8 Archibald, Neace 94 Ariyanse, Anne'ye 69 Arnist, Maiye 101 1$ Bacon, Hanna 110 Bank, Paterson 141 Banta : Catrlaa 85 Coraelya 81 Dirk 72, 130 Eva IIG Hendricke 63 Januetye 87 Jan 72 JuUannes 85 Maria 104 Petrus 130 Baptismal Register 18, 60, 132 Barjo, Jacobus 61 Becorn : Gerret 109 Herculus.., 109 Bedon : Joliounis 114 Marea 114 Beem, Abraham 61 Joost 16 Belyu : Annautye 111,117, 122 Catreneu ill Henke l.;o Bennet, Klisabeth 70, 74 Bense, Autye 116 Benson : Cornelius 27, 129 Daniel 43, 110, 117, 121, 125, 129 David 41, 43, 50, 103, 109, 110, 115, 124, 134, 137. Derick 109 Gerret 1-^5 Jacob 87 Janannes 87 Jannetye 121 Johannes 87, 102, 103,117 John 138 Molly 115 Rebeca 124 Richard 23, 137 Sofya 102 Tyne 105, 114, 120, 125 Berdan : •Albert 91, 100, 119 Antye 79, 80, 83, 86, 87, 97, 107, 116 Dauiel 91 David 73, 107, 130 Dirk 78 Elisabeth 99 Hendrick 95 Jacob.... 69, 79, 85, 93, 100, 111, 124, 138 Jannetye 89 Johannes 78 83, 9s, 119 John J 41, 44, 96, 100, 135, 137, 138 Jon 107 Lena 73 Maria 85, 97 Marregriet 83 Renier 80 Richard 45, 124, 135, 1S7 Siimuel 100 Susanna 91 Tuenes 89 99. 130 Bergen County 23, 24, 25. 26 Btrutpsbriff 14, 59 Berre : Catelyntye 68, 70 Elisabeth 74, 83,9-3, 104 128 Maria 83 118 Berry : Ilenderic 121 Hester 61 Jacob 63 Jon 114, 123, 140 Lenew 128 Pieter 61 Susanna Jones 61 BertUolf : Albert 16 V Guiiatm /16, 75 Hendrick M6. 70/ Jacobus 73C3tlJ5 Johannes 84"' Keryues 84 V Maria 74 \^ Mety ntye 77^^ J Stevennus 107 "^ Wity Ill Beuvanhuysen, Catreneu 113, 118 Big Rock 20 Billu, Hendericke 112 Blachly : Ebeneazer 47 Elizabeth 47 Juliauna 47 Nancy 47 147 Blair Marretye 126 Blancher, Autje 110 Blar: Davia 109 Jaanetye 109 Blauvelt , Blowvelt, Blauvate: Abraham 108 Catrina 102, 109 Daniel 113 Geitereu 109 Isaac 105, 109 James 115 John Jo?eph 41, 42, 44, 45, 50, 134, 135 136, 137. Joseph 105 Marretye l~0 Welmitye 113 Blauw, Dominie Cornelius 36 Bloei-maatul, May 116 Blower : Charles 127 Marea l'-neu 121 Boontoa Church 36 Bord: Jannetye 71, 88, 90 Joris 68 Lena 63 72, 80, S5, 90 Borden, Antye 87 Borhans : Catrina 80 Jacobus 86, 91 Johennes 77 Samuel 77, 80, 83, 86, 91 Boskerk: Elsye 87 Feytye 69 Francyn 80 Geesye 68 Boss : Antye 99 Arl 77, 102 Cy ntye 77 Elisabeth 102 Heiidrick 77 Ketrienna 75 Leya 99 Megiel 99 Botteler : Maria 99 Marregrlet 97 Boudese, Marten 107 Bou: Maria 6S Peter D 68 Bowden : Andris 93 Jacob 93 Mathe w 115 Brandt : Helena 65 Kele 65 Braun : Antye 109 Jacob 109 Bremen 36 Breun : Apke 131 Hester 131 Bridge at the foot of Bank Street 25, 66 Broadway 30 Brockholst : Major Anthony 24 Henry 11, 24, 25, 26, 27 Heirs of 43 Bross : Harmanes 103 Jannetye 103 Luykes 103 Broun : Jan 121 Ledeya 121 Lenew 119 Brower : Abraham 98, 109 Annaetye 87, HI, 119 Catryn 86, 119 Cattilineu 124 Chrisstopher 101. 109, 124, 1.33 Daniel 102 David 86, 101, 102, 105,109 Deric 109 Gerrit 100, 106, 112 Gesce 106 14S INDEX. Brower : Grletye 104 Henderic ISl, 127 Hester 112 Jan 104 Jannetye 91 JerremiaU 127 Jolianues 98, 100, 111 J osey 102 Kestejnye 96 Lena 104, 119 Maria 69,96, 101, 102, 109, 111 Marigretye Ill Rebecca 115 Sara 109 Theopliilus 69 William 96, 109, l;il, 123, 138 Brown : Epka 126 JolinD 125 Bruyn : Annaetye 6T Antye 103 Catriena 61 Gerrehrant 100, 103 Hendrick 61 Joliannes 94 Lena 100, 114 M arri ty e 69 Martin 94 Sara i 61 Bryant, Jacobus ill Burliaus.Jolin 44,136, 137 Burtin, 1 135 Burnet, Samuel. 133 Buskerk, Maria 107, 118, 129 Byert, Elizabetli 123, 129 Byvanck : Jannetye' 68 Johannis 68 C Cable: [SeeKebel]. Andriea 84 Antye 84 Cadmus : Agge 122, 12s Cornelia 62 Feytye 62 Johannls 62 Marretye....69, 74, 79, 82, 84, 87, 93, 118 Canada 24 Carlough : Johannis 119 Jon Ill, 113 earns : Cornelya 100 David 100 Carrick, Kobert 140 Carroll Street 30 Carter, Elener 122 Cedar Lawn Cemetery 80 Ceestede [Kiersted] : Grietye 105 John 105 Cernes : Ducells 68 Sara 70 Williera 68 Cerr : David 102 Joliannes 102 Chamberiin Avenue 11 Chanler : Fince 91 Jonas 91 Cliastellux, Marquis de 28 Chatham Avenue 11 Cheppel : Abraham 75 Elisabeth 95 Ginne 72 Jan 72 Thomas 72, T5 Chicago 30 Chiswell, E[obert] 141 Churr : Cati enau 124, 129 Christeyeun 120, 124, 129 Petrus 120 Cinen, Clnyen: Benone 120, 126 Jeams 126 Maria 120 Cirrls, Johannes 64 Cint : Cornelius 109, 114 John 114 Sarey 108 Sukey 109 Claessen, Trientye S9 Classis 50 Clark : Antye 115 Grietye Lyn 62 Mareytye 62 Robbert 62 Clerk : Elemer 128 Index. 149 Clerk : Rosean 128 William 128 Clinton Street 29 Coal: Aderyeun 116,121 Henderic 116 John 121 Cocoru: Conraut , 123 Elisabeth 113,117,121,127 Henderic Il9,123.1d9 Jase 119 Johenls 119 Jo3e 108,123 Nicholas 104,108,129 Peterye 108,117,123 Polly 104,123 Codmes: Ht nderic 128 Tom-s 128 Coerte, Welliem 70, 160 Coetus Journal 17, 18 of New York 18.19 of Philadelphia 18, 19 Party 36, 142 Reformed Dutch Church 17, 142 Colfax, Maj. Wm. W 24 College: Columbia 142 Jersey 142 King's 142 Princeton 142 Queen's 142 Ru tgers 142 Colli vin: Marean 128 Teren 128 Colt, Samuel 40 Conferentie 19,20. 21, 35,'36, 37, 142 Consistory .... 12, 13, 26, 31, 36, 42, 49, 50, 136 Totowa 50, 51 Conselver, Merce 85 Cook : Annaetye 73,83 Francis 137 Hendrick 93 Sara 93 Cool: Adreyaen 81, 89, 124 Atinaetye 81 Barent 62, 66, 69, 73, 77, 79, 82, 94 Ca trina 62. 69, 82 Caty 127 Femmetye 62 Cool: Gerrit 77,89 Ilenderick 66, 73, 82, 92 Jaen 94 John 92 Marregrlet 73 Sara 66 Selle 62,64 Cooper : Anne 119 George 123 Jacob 93 Joseph 123 Jose 119 Corwin, Rev. E. T IS Corbey , Martay 107 Court of Common Pleas 26 Courte : Herremones 116, 127 Henderic 116 Jon 106 Williem 106 Courier, Lea 127 Cowenoven : Angenich '. . 131 -^ J* nneutye 131 i Cristeyaen .70 p Jacobus 70 j Jacob 131 John 131 «^ Nance 131 ^ Sam 131 Crack, Egge 105 Grain, Phebe 80, 82 Cranck : Elisabeth 82, 96 Feytye 91 Maria 94, 105 Mathew 82, 9l, 94, 105 Crane : Comfort 77, 79, 85 Sarah 47 Timothy D 47 Crlsmon, J. M 140 Cronk : Annautye 119, 123 Elesebeth 109 Isaac 105, 113, 120 Marea 105 Crosson, John M 45 Cryser, Mareet.'. 67, 71 Cuaro, Oliegel 110 Curby, Martha 115 Gumming : Rev. Hooper 39 40,41 . I50 INDEX. Cumraing : Gen. John N 39 Curtenlus, Dominie 19. 21 I> Day & Burnet 139 Daves, Anne 123 Davis, Susan 47 Davidse : David 87 Feytye 87 De Booys, Annatie 20 Deboys, Bengeman 120 Decker : Cornelus 93 Daniel 93 Manen 102 William 102 D(;ed for tUe Cliurch site 24 Deeths: John 126, 131 Nicolus 126 Degray: Dirrick 82, 88 1 1.35 Jan 82 John 4.5, 138 Lenew 118 Maria 98 Rebecke 88 Richard 44, 135, 140 Degrote: John 131 Prudence 131 Delameter, Delemeter, Delemerter, Dele- meet er, Deleraetter, Delamater, Delemarter: Antye 82, 122 Benyamen.82, 8.3, 87, 91, lOl, 111, 122.1-J5 Catlyntye 87 Elisabeth 101 Gerrlt 125 Samuel Ill Sara •••• 91 Yannetye 83 Demareat: [See Demere, Demorey.] Abraham 114 Cairienna 81, 94, 95, 99 Cestina 81 David 117, 120, 1.30 Geliaem 81 Gerit 120 Grletye 104 Hester 130 Jacob 93 Demarest : [See Demere, Demorey.] Jacobse 93 Leyeu 117 Lowrence 112 Mareah 125 Marregrety e 129 Nickolas 75 Peter 120, 125. 130 Petrus 114, 130 Rachel 101 Samuel 112 Sara 69, 73 Tyne 101, 117 Demere, Cristeyaen 70 Demodt: Antye 76 Cattalyiitye 64, 69, 74, 77, 78 Hendrlck 64, 92 Jacob 76 Marregrietye 66, 73, 76 Demorey : David 108, 112, 124 Elesebeth 105, lOS, 123, 126 Hester 120 104 Maria 1.30 Marregret 112, 117, 120, 124, 126 Peter 105 Rachel 101 Tyne lOl, 106, 109 Deremis. t'ornelis 16,65 De Riemers, George '26 Deter, Annautye 108 Deves: David 101 Tomas 101 Devoise, Caurl 106 Dewitt 18 Dey: Annaetye 98 Benyamen 88 Catlyniye 76 David 62, 87,90,92,98, 107,112,117 Dirk 76.82, 90, 100 Elisabeth 76 Ester 64,90 Helena 90 Hester 62, 76, 82, 87 Jane , 82 Johanna 85 Johannes 84, 107 John 80, 82, 113 Lena ' 62, 71,73 Maria 73, 76, 85 Nence 76, 79 Pierson 76 151 Dey: Phebe 113 Philip 73.76,79 Piter 80,85,90,117 Polly 114, 122 Richard 122 Samuel 9-2 Sara 90, loo Sella 69 Teunes 62, 73, 76, 82, 92, 113 Dibevoos: Karl T7 Roelif 77 DickersoD, Ph 30. 139 DierinaQ, Bill lui Dobs: Annaetye 69 dan 69 Doremus, Deremis, Doorremus: Aegge 80, 86 Aeltye 75 78, 80, 82, 91, 97 Alige - 121 Anuecke 77, 97 Aniietye 68, 72,89,95, 110 Antye 110, 113 Catrynna.81,85, 99, 106, 109, 113, 115,119 126, 1.^0 Celia lis Cornells. 10, 16, 64, 65, 72, 81, 9J, 102, lOS, 118, 130 Cyntye 77 Daniel 99 Daun 131 David 65, 72, 75. 83, 10? 110, 113. 114 Klisabetli 78, 10.3, 106, 111, 116. 119 Fiteye 6',. Ii7 Geertruy 6-5, 107, 113 George y6, 133 Grietye 101 Hassel 44. 82 Hcliiiaugh 123 Hendrick.. ..65, 68, 72, 7-3, i^O, 82, 83, 95, 97. 108 no. 112, 117, 118, 119, 121, 123, 126, 131, 1.35 Henry 44, 128, 134 Hessel US Hester 68 Jacob. . . .64, 68, 71, 73, 78, 80, 81, 84, 91, 99, 101, lOT James 131 Jan 89. 95. 101, 107 Jannetye 108, 113, 116, 121, 125 129 Jenney 127, i28 Jennicke 92 Johannis 72, 79, lOi Doremus, Deremis, Doorremus : John 41,43,112, 117, 118, 119, 127 Jores.65, 80, 92, 99, 106, 110, 115, 116, 119 Lenew 117 Lyse 131 Maria 71, 83, 106 Marre;jretye 128 Marrety e 85 Martynye 69, li)4 Megeel 114, 119 Nan cy 118 Nieliye 64 Peter 128 Petrus 73, 80 PoUey 128 Kagel 91, 110, 117, 121, 125,129 Ralph 1.36. 137 Roelif 95, 110, 115 Sara 64, 72, 114. 121 Selle 102 Sill 118 Susanna 84 Thomas 10, 79, 85, 99, 131 William 131 Dordrecht 24, 25 Drummond : Annaetye 65 Kllzabei h 64 - John 64 Maria 72, 77 Neuce 64 Polly 64, 65 Sara 65 W'i Uiam 65 Du Boi.s : Anna 20 Jonathan 17. IS, '20 Maria 64, 94 Duglas, Jacob 140 Dulhagen, Oaty 1.30 Duoremo, Peter IIO Durie. Derek 94 Dm yeas : Elisai leth 92 Piter 92 Dutch Consistory 48 Presbyterians 28 Reformed Church 14. 48, 49. 141 Duvall, Auuautye 99, 106,111 33 Eager. Samuel \V 23 Eagerly : John 110 Susaune HO 152 INDEX. Earl: John 8S, Worres 88. Easterly, Marteu Ecer, Abliy Edeaville Egberds, Jacob ^ Elisabetli Ellers, Catrina Ellison Street 49, 140, Ellison, Dr. William 133, Eltinge, Kev. Wm 38, 39, 42. 43, 50, Emmons, Sarah Enuaiis : John Marregretye Ennes: Antye George Erchable, Nence Erickson, Dom. Rheinhert .14, 16, 21, 59 Erl: Annetye 94, 104, Cautreneii : Doose 68, 74 Edward Jan 100, Marten Matye Kagel Ernest : Matte 100, Metje Ernstues, Metye Erven : Jan Sara Everse : Geesye Lenau Met jes Eversou, Fitye Fairfield Church 17, 36 Falls, Passaic 11, 24, 31, 30, 40. 41 Farrut, George 138 Federal Money 134 Feeck, Grietye 93 Ferguson, William 43, 45 Field, Robert 12 Fienis, Catrienna 77 rine, John 138 First I'resijyteriau Church 3S, 4G First Reformed Church of Passaic 10 First Reformed Church 4S, 141 Fiser, Maria 86 Fisher, Rev. Samuel 38. 39 Piyu, Mary 73 Flood, John 43, 133, 135, 138 Fool wood: Charles Sldde 69 Rebecke 69 Ford at Willis street 23 Forse : Johonis Ill Obediah ill, 118. 122 Peter lis Sara 96 William i22 Forshee, John S 1.39 Fort Lee 26 Francisco: Elizabeth 61 Hendrick 61 Jacob 61 Marylje 61 Freeman, Uzal W 33 Freland: Abram 98 Dirck 86 Elisabeth 86 Polle 98 Freligh, Rev. P. D 37 FreliugUuysen, Dom 19 Frerexe : Marregriet 81 Sara 123 Frericks: Anna 78 Coeuraad 71, 74 Marregriet 71. 74, 81 Friend, J. S 138 Fuller, Daniel 30 Gacobus, Gecobese: Henry 1.36 Marretve 123 Gaiue. Hugh 141, 143 Garrison, Gerreson, Gerretson: Annautj^e 126 Cornelius 27,128 Henderick 106 Gerrit 136, 138 Gerterau 129 Jacob 123, 126, 129 John 123 Johones 106, 125, 128, 129 Leuea 130 INDEX. 153 Garrison : Marretye 125, 126. 129 Gehore, born 61 Gedoopt, baptized 61 Gemeente, Congregation or Church 12 General Synod 17,21, 22, 23 Germans 46 German Reformed Synod ... 17 Gerrebrant, Gerabrant, Gerrebrantse: Anueatye 116 Arrentje 116 Christupher 124 Cornelus 104 Gerrebrant .124 Piter 104 Tryntye 106 Uriah 139 Gerritse. Gerriste, Gerretse, Gerrisse, Ger- rese : Abraham 86, 99 Antye 67,78,83 Catrina 65, 69, luo, 116 Claesye 66, 72, 73 Cornells 25, 26, 27 Crlstlan 81 Elisabeth 66, 76 Gerrebrant 103 Gerrit 62, 63, 67, 72, 75, 83, 97, 100 Grletye ...75 Heudrick 62, 66, 6T, T3, 75, 97 Hessel 113 Jacob 70, 81, 99 Jannetye..... 91, 109, 112, 116, 127 Johannes.... 63, 66, 69, 73, 76, 81, 97, 114 John 63 Kete Bandl 65 Lena 81, 83 Maria 73,75,81,86 Mary 47, 48 Margaret 26 Marregrietye. . .63, 64, 67, 72, 75, 83, 114 Marritye 62, 63, 76, 81, 112 Metye.. 62 Neeaye... 84 Piter 70, 78, 81 Ragel 62 Simeon 113 Susanna 47, 90 Vrouwetye 67,93,102 Getnygen, witnesses 61 Godwin, Godwen : Abraham... 27, 33, 41, 44, 47. 48, 90, 128, 133, 1;J4, 136. 189 Abraham Resolve 102 Caleb Munson 90 16 Gouwin, Godwen : David 79, 103 Edo Merselis 48 Harrey 128 Helena 65 Henry 41,48,65,133 Jannetye ..90 Goetchlus, Goetsyes, Gutchies, Gutyes : Agge 129 Anautye 127 Elisabeth 81,94 Ester 71 Hester.. 108 Jacob 127 Jan 108 Johannes 129 John 45, 127, 135. 137 John M.. Dom 19, 87 Jon 127 Peggey 12.3. 1.30 Ragel 126, 131 Goffle 23 Gordon, Elisabeth 77 Gould, Geuld, Goold: Encress 133 Pettey 107 Sara 92 Great Consistory 10, 13 Griltlns: David 64,69,96 Hendrlck 64 Janneye 96 telle Cool 62.64 Gutins [Goetschius?] : Annautye 123 Henderecus 123 Da Hacensack 36 Hael: Cillip 75 Ketrinna 75 Haigh[t], Warren 139 Hamburgh Avenue 11, 20, 27 Hamilton Square 140, 141 Hand, Sally 9T Handkock, Hencock. Hencok: Anthoni 86 Jan..., 86,95,103 John Ill, 113 Marea Ill Polly 113 Tomas 95 William. 103 Harbaugh, Rev. H 17 154 INDEX. Hardenbergh: Johannis 64 Ragel 64 Harmonnesa, E i30 Barring: Arl 69 Comelis 69 David 106 JoUn 106 Hellem, Helm : Eva 70,81 Marea 109, 121 Polley 126 Hemmion: Abratiam 96 David 129 Mary 138 Tomes 96, 129 Hemmelton, Elisabeth 91 Hen, Sara 105 Hennion, Henneon, Hinnion: Abraham 94, 96 Annaetye 72 Antye.62, 63, 64, 67, 68, 69, 72, 74, 90,123 Arreyaente 86 Catrenew 113 Cornellous 69, 78, SO, 95 David. 10, 66, 69, 78, 80, 83, 85, 87, 88, 90, 93, 96, 105, 113. 119 Elisabeth 104, 105, 109 Eva 69, 74, 79 Gerrit 74,80, 88 Hendricli 67, 72, 81, 83, 84, 95, 105 Hessel 86, 119 Jacobos 66 Jannetye 7T, 99 Johannes... .69, 74, 77, 78, 83, 88, 94, 104 Leya 91 Maria S3 Marregriet.... 68, 72, 82, 83, 96, 97, 128 Myntye 87 Peter : 109 Thunis 88, 91, 93, 104, 109, U^, 116 Vrou wetye 87, 90, 93, 96, 105 Yannetye 86 Hensompecer, Catrenew 106 Herring, Elesebeth 108 Hogencamp: Martynus 45, 50, 135, 136, 137 Williams 136 Hogens: Elies 123 Yeniiece 123 Holland 17,19,36 Holsman: Daniel 44,45 David 135, 139 Hopper: Aeltye 102 Albert 44, 134, 137, 139 Andries 63, 68, 102,110 Antye HO Catrina 63,109 Corneleyeu ..ill Cornelius 44, 50, 134, 137 Feytye 63 Gerrit 109 Geesye 87, 93 Henderic 109, 111 Jan 63,102 Jonathan 139 Maria '.S, 84,87 Peter 68, 110 Ragel Ill Horn, Daniel V 134 Houten: Abraham V 41,45 Cornells H. V 10 Hel. Piet. V 10 Helmech Koelofse V 10, 23, 43, 45 Jacol) V 10, 23, 41, 43, 45 RoblieitV 11,26 Hunderdonk Elenew 125 Rem 125 Hunter: Margaret 47 Phebe 123 William 122 Husk, Sara 71 Hutren: Henne 99 John 93. 99 Rachel 93 Herris, Herres: -j- Catrina 98 Hendrick 98 "lu^lepeudent Reflector," Letter to 62 Jan 98 Maria 98 ^ Hertie, Mlchiel 16 Jacobs, William 140 Hill, Pege 96 Jacobusse, Jacobosse, Jacabese: Hogelant, Jannetye 6S Abraliam 95 INDEX. 155 Jacobuase, Jacobosse, Jacabese: Abram 9" Adreyaen 64 Anaetye 79, 94 Antoni 83, 12T Antye . . .84, 87. 89, 94, 103, 116, 118, 125 127, 129 Aron .. lis Brant 94 Cornelus .. 01,05.69 Ehsabetb 75,90 Eva 102 Feytye 92, 98 Geertruy 6T. 79. 92, 131 Gerrit 67.79,8.5,94 HendncK:....61, 64 66, 67, 71, 75, 76, 78, 79. 83, 84, 87, 94, 113, 117, 136 Heater 74 Jacob ^...72 JacobOS 60, 6T, 72, 80, 81, 83, 94, 95 Jan ....90. 96, 102 Januetije 74 Jannicke 92 Johaunes 64, 84, 113, 117, 121 John 121, 127. 136 Lena 64, 70 Leya 96 » Llbetye 124 Maria 64, 72, 76, 86, 97, 119 Marregriet 85 Marretye. . . .67, 78, 94, 108, 112, 117. 1^1, 123, 126, 131 Nicolua 117 Peter 92, 127 Ragel 67 Sara. .61, 71, 72, S4, 85, 88, 105, 115, 124 Sopliia 61 Treintje 67 Zusanna 81 Jackson, Jacson: Isaiah 138 Jaih 138 Jack 116, 131 Marea 131 Nance. 131 Selle 131 Jamaica, L. 1 37 Jasper Street 12 Jeraleman, Jerolemon: Lenau 130 Marregriet 83,86 Jersey College 142 Jesse, David Marin Ben 141, 142 Jonea, Elesabeth 121, 125 Jonson, Sara 105 Kanck: John 86 Maria 86, 94 Matheus 86, 91, 94 Kankelen, Isack 71 Kakiat 17. 21,22 Keane, James 47 Kearny, James 138 '^ Kebel [See Cable]: Andries 81 Doorte 81 Keep: Antye 75 Elsye 67,72 Keer, Marian 130 Kerlc, definition of 12 Kekkieth 17, 21 Kerr: Daniel 99 David 89 Elisabeth 99 KPTsdag, Christmas 72 Ketchanon: Jeams 85 Joseph 85 Kie.sler. Jurien 74 Kinan: Mary 73 Peter 73 King's College 142 King: Aaron 45.46. 1.33, 1.35, 136, 139 Brown i:i9 Grace 38, 46 Griffith 47 Isabella 47 James ' 139 John 38, 47 Roliert 45, 135, 136, 139 Widow 133 Kingsland: Adman 64, 80, 88 Johannis 64 Marregrietye 88 Piter 80 Kingston, N. Y .36 Kinsey, Charles 44, 45 Kint, Sara 71 Kipp, Kip, Kep: Annatje 20 Antye.... 62, 63, 78, 80, 83, 85. 88, 93, 113 Catrina 88, 91, 93, 113 Cornelius. ...25, 26, 81, 101, 106, 109, 117 Cristenew 106, 109 Egge 99 156 INDEX. Klpp, Kip, Kep: Elesebeth 126 Eva 90, 96, 102 Hendrick...81, 85, 99, 106, 109, 115, 116, 126 Isaac 96 Jackomynye 66 Leya 62, 65, 81, 91, 96, 102 104 Marlgri tye 96, 101 Marrltye 66,85 Niccaae 62, 65, 78, 81, 96, 117 Polly 124, 127, 130 Rachel 101 Klrris, Eva 66 Kirsted, Klerated, Kerstede, Keestede, Ceesstede: Dinne 85 Hans 67 Henry A 137, 140 Johannes 93 Kline, Maria 66 Kliffin: Maria 71 Nethaneel 71 Kocoro: Areyaenthe 74 Elisabeth 121 Nicholas 74 Keens, Do. Henricus 15, 60 Koerte: Hendrick 79, 87 Suzanna 79 Koock: Annaetye 63, 70 Mechiel 63 Kool: Adreyaen 79, 81 Anaetye 79, 81 Barnt 61,69, 73, 77, 79, 82 Catrina 69, 82 Hendrick 64, 73, 82, 92 Sara 61 Krankheyd: Abraham 66 Maria 66 Kronk: Abraham 98 Elisabeth 96 Isaac 98 Lafayette 28 Lambert, Lambart: Arreyaentye 65 Elisabeth 81,89 Lambert, Lambart: Jannetye 97, 103, 113, 121 Johannes 65 John 139 Laya 65, 103 Leau 121 Yannetye 87 Lane: Mary 131 Polley 131 Law: Caty 126 Corneieus 80 Maria 80 Lazier, Leshere, Lesier: Cornelus 80, 96 Elisabeth 75, 80 Elsye 68, 71,76,78,83, 88 Yannetye 87 Yon 96 Leek, Elisabeth 77, 80 Leisler, Governor 24 Leke: Gesilert 119 Lenew 119 Leris, Abigel lOO Lerroe: Hindrick 74 Maria 74 Ptagel 74 Letter to 'Independent Reflector".. 20, 141 Life of Rev. Michael Schlatter 17 Lincoln Bridge 23 Lint, Antye 80 Livingston, William 20 Lock, Peter 92 Lockwood, DannelF 130, 133 Low: Abraham 125 Ann SO, 88 Arrijaentje 61 Caty 120 Cornelus 61, 89 Emmetye Marea 115 ^ Johannis 611 Niclaes 61 Polly 120 Sarah 61, 89, 115 Lower Pacquanac Patent 24 ' ' Saxony 36 Lues: Hester 66 Jan 65 Sally 113 INDEX. ^57 Luewes: Elisabeth 68 Feytye 6S John 68 Lutklns, Lutsken: Elisabeth 81, 89, 94, 116, 121, 124 Henderic 116 Lutye, Elisabeth 79 Lyn: Catrina 62 Jan 63 Lyons, Marea 112 Maar: Jan 87 Ruthye 87 yfaart, Maert, March 61 Main Street 40,42, 49, 141 " Street Church 50 Manchester Heights 28 Mancleviel, Mandeveel, Manderviel: Elisabeth 74, 92 Hendrick 62, 101 Hester ...109, llO Jan 62 John 115 Laya 65, 78, 79, 81, 87, 92, 95, 96, 117 Lenew 101 Maria 62 Marregrietye 62 Marr i ty e 74 Pleter 62, 74 Rachel lOl Salley 130 Sara 79, 88, 95 SIche 104 Tryntye 79. 86, 108 Yeles 110,115 Mannen, Marigrietye 95 Manual Reformed Church in America... 17 Marinus, Morenus, Merrenus: David. 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27. 35, 36, 44, 55, 57, 59, 61, 114, 130, 135, 133 Ezekiel 20 Garret 20 1 135 Jannetye 123 Johannis 20 John 44, 12.3, 130, 1.38 Margarita 20 Marion, Jesse 21 Marion Street 11 Market Street 38,40 Marquis de Chastellux 28 Marvin: Dr. Jonathan D 47 Mary 47 Masonic Hall 40 Matlock Street 27, 28 M. E. Church 46 Meath, Catriner 92 Meet, Meat, Meed, Meedt: Adreyaen 88 Are 84, 88 Elisabeth 66, 71, 77, 84, 124 Gretey 63 Hendrick 64,66 Jilles 65, 71 Johannis 64, 66, 73, 76, 84 Jores 76 Marregrietye 64 Ragel 117, 121, 125, 129 Willeem 71 Mekerte, Soeke 73, 80 Merceker, Mercker: Abraham 86 Elias 87 Harme 87 Helmigh 87, 88 Hendrick 64,66, 86 Jan 66,88 Johannis 64 John 103 Jurre 66 Lena 66 Leya 87, 101 Lodewyck 103 Maria 64 Mercelis, Merselis, Merselus, Merselious: Antye 67, 71, 74, 75, 79, 89, 98. Ill Arriaentye 88, 108, 118, 122, 129 Catlyntye 93, 100,107, 112, 118 Cornelus 79, 8S, 101, 106, 111 Edo. . .41, 43, 44, 68, 71, 72, 77, 80, 82, 83, 89, 98, 101, 106, 115, 118, 134 EdoP 41, 43, 134 Gerrit 68, 118, 134 Jan 100, 119 Jannetye 119 Jennicke 77, 98 Johones 102 Jon 108, 109, 115 Marea 1 18 Marretye 82, 127, 128 Peter.. .4.5, 83, 102, 115, 118, 119, 125, 135 Yannetye 66 Mert, March 61 Merten, George 128 158 INDEX. Mev, May 61 Meyer: Aeltye 102 Arl 91 Grietye 91 Hermanua, D. D 36, 37, 50, 51, 64 Johannes 64 Laya 70 Marten 70 Ragel 64 Miller: Catlyntye 102 Ezekll 140 Henue 71 Isaac S 140 Marea 1 16, 120 MiUs: Majeke 61 Martha 61 Neeltye 97 Thomas 61 William 9T Minutes of Synod 21 MitcheU, Edward 43 Monsen: George 99 Isack 99 Montville Church 36 More, Moor: Ane 102 Annaetye 98 Cornelus 94 Jan 91 John 94 Ragel 102, lOS Morgan, Joseph 69 Morrow, John 138 Mosher, Ira 139 Mouerse, Mowerse: Abraham 109 Catriua 95 Elisabeth 106, 109, 113 Gertenau 124 Heudrick 95 Sytye 102 Mourisse: Jan 6T Mouris 67 Mowerson: John 47 Sarah 47 Munson, Mary 4T My, Catrenew ill ]VEc McAdams, William 100 McCael, McCoel: Archie 92, 95 Ellicksander 92 Robbert 95 McCarty. McKerte: Abigel 82 Soeke 73, 80 McCllen, McCleen: Catrienna 94 Sara 91 McColIi: Abigel 88 Jacoboa 88 McCurdy, James 30, 133 McCurdy's Pond 30 McDougal, McDukle: Elkssauder 91 Alexander 91 Mclatire, John 139 Mckerte: Abigel 82 Soeke 73, 80 MacLene: Elesebeth 114 Henre 114, i:9 Marregretye 119 ]V National Synod 24 Neeffe, Neafl, Neafe, Neefyes: Aeltye 62. 63 Annaute 96 Catelyntye 62, 79. 89, 126 Catterinetye 128 Cornelus 62, 63, 110 * Francose 101 Gerrit 63, 66, 84, 89, 94, 101, 110 Jan 98 Johannes 62, 63, 71, 73, 90, 94 Lena 62, 63 Marritye 79, 84, 95 Piter 89 Roelef 84 Salley 117 Sara 87, 90, 92, 98 107, 112 Newark 27, 39, 41 New Brunswick 142 New Foundland 22 New Hampshire Line 30 New Jersey 24,25, 39, 59, 60 Historical Society Library 21 Newklrk, Ragel 64, 66. 69, 74 New York 17. 24, 29,142 INDEX. 159 Nlx, Autye 75 Norcros: David 74 William 74, 79 Nuks, Antye 80 O Oakland 10 0;,'den, E. B D 139 Old Dutch Cemetery 30 " Churcli 9.49,51 Olye [See Alye]: Albert 113 Jacob 106 Peter 106, 113 Onderdonk: Eleneu 125 Kern 125 Orange County 23 on, Marea Ill Ortley: Catreuneu 128 Elesebeth 128 Micel 128 Ostronder, Sara 100 Ouders, parents 61 Pacquanac 10, 36 Pake, Maria lu5, 111 Pamer, Sallcy 109 Paraiuus 38 Parcells: Eleonar 60, 72, 75 Johannis 69 Samuel 75 Staats 72 Thomas 69. 73,75 Parke, Perk: Hannali 122 Jenny 118 Jolin 45, 108, 118, 122, 133, 135 Pette 118 Parke Street 42 Parker, Tbomas 139 Parsons. Andrew 44, 45, 135, 139 Particular Synod of Hackensack 21, 22 Passaic Falla 11,34, 31,39. 40, 41 Hotel 33 River 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 50 Paterson 10, 38, 39, 40, 42. 43, 48, 49, 51 Bank 141 Gas Llghf Co 26 Intelligencer 49 Paterson: John 130 Robert 130 Pearson: Annaetye 100 HannaU 82 Henne 76 Pennsylvania 17 Coetus 18 Pervo: Leew 98 Marregret 113 Peterses 10 Peterse, Pieterse: Casty anna 71 Hessel 63,66,68,78,97 Jeurie 17 Pliiladelplila 18 Phoenix [Feuix], Catrienna 77 Pier: Prancoos lOO Hans 68 Isaack 85, 100 Johaunis 61, 85 Neeirye 68, 71,78,81, 84, 101 Yannetye 93 Zosanna 68 Plains 21 Pompton Church 20, 36. 51 Plains.... 10. 11. 14, 15, 17, 18, 21, 24, 28, 36, 37, 59, 60 River 24 Ponds 10, 11 Portland, Maine 39 Post: 11 Abraham 85, 89. 91, 120, 130, 135 .Adrian... 44, 70, 74. 78. 83, 86. 96. 9T, 124 Aeltye 73,77. S4, 89. 95, 104 Albert 120 Autye 83 Ari 91 Bregge 102 Catlyutye 89, 94, 100, 101, 104 Catrienna 64, 91, 95, 97, 98, 110. 115, 118, 123, 128 Caty 124 Cornelius... 31, 90, 104, 129, 137, 138, 140 Elias 96 Elisabeth 26, 44, 62, 75, 88, 119, 128 Fraucoos 84 Frans 16, 23. 62 63, 69. 76, 81, 140 Geertye 64 Gerrit 77 Grietye S6 Hans 83, 95, 106, 112 Helmaugh 95.99 i6o INDEX. Post: • Headerikes 89 Heury 138, 139 ' Jacobus. 14, 16, 23, 62, 67, 69, 100, 107,115 James 140 Janetye.73, 74,76, 79, 84, 83, 90, 93,106, 107 Johannes. .62, 69, 70, 72, 74, 77, 78, 82,83, 84, 86, 90, 102, 104, 124, 125 JolinF 45, 124, 125, 130, 135 Katrieuaa 67, 70. 73, 77, 84, 89, 90 Leya 61, 70 Louwerens 104 Marcke 64 Mareytye 63, 77, 112 Maria 6T, 63, 83, 85, 83, 100, 101. Ill Marregrlet 61, 67, 71, li;5. 128 Metye 75, 86 Maetye 94 Petrus 74 Pieter 61, 64, 67 Poules 90 Kacliel 122 Ragel..78, 79, 85. 88, 93, 98, 106, 112, 115 Robbert 69, 115, 119, 124, 125, 129 Rulif 112 Sara 92 Thomas 95 Tannetye 81, 82, 107 Postville 23 Potter, John 103 Poughkeepsie 37 Poulusse, Poulese: Neltye 107 Petrus 20, 107 Preakness 10, 26 Tract 26 Presbytery of Orange 39 Princeton 39 College 142 Professor of Hebrew 36 Provo, Leya 72, 75 Provost, Leye 83 Puellis, Pules: Elisabeth 97 Eva 105 Jan 97 John 105 Quackinbush, Quacenbus: Barnt 112 Jacemlne 109 Jacob 105, 111 Jon 105 Petrus 112,138 Quackinbush, Quacenbus: Samuel 137, 140 Sara ill Queen's College 19, 36, 142 Quereau: Bensman 66 Ellas 66 n Randseley, Caty 112 Ray, John 128, 133 Red Woods Avenue 11 Reformed Church in America 17 of Holland ...24 Dutch Church 14, 43, 49, 134 Reiger, Rev 17 Remark on the Disputes and Contentions in this Province 21, 142 Remmer, Sara 101 Remse, Piter 79 Remson : Jacobes 120 Johonnes 120 Resolve, Abraham 102 Retszema, Ritzema : Alida 75 Dominie 18, 19 Revolution 26, 81, 39 4T Reynolds, Reynils, Rachel 93, 99 Rlcer, Rycer : Cornelyeu 108 Hons 116 Isaac 110 Jacob 108 Marea 116 Nicolus 116 Ragel 105 Salley 110 Sara 116 Richards, Avery 30 Ridgwey : Jon 105 Sara 105 Riverside Hotel 26 Robbelin, Roblin : Catrenew 110 Caty 115 Maria 81, 90, 103 Policy Ill Robertson's Watch Shop 43 Rochester 37 Romer : Henry 137 Sally 113 INDKX. i6r Romine, Romyn, Romjrie : Benyamen 70, 139 Castiiia 73 David 99, 105 Dominie S3 Elisal>etli 96, 98, 105 Eva 78,81 Jan 85, 98 Johannes 70 Jolin 99 Margaret 113 Maria 67. 72,81,84, 95, 96, 105 Roelif 96 Sara 98, 105 Yannetye 85 Roome, Rome : Debra 65, 66, 69 Grietye 61 HendricR 61, 136 Peter 16 Samuel 61 Row : Coenraat 98 WlUiem 98 Rutau, liatiau, Ratau, Relan : Antye .... 63, T3, 77, 8a, 83, 84, 90, 93, 99, 102, 110, 11.'), 119, 131 Daniel 91, 93 Cresie 125 Henderick SO lannetye 63 Jacobos 71 Jannetye 62, 84 Jese 11.5 Johannes 71, 75, 77, 80, 81, 88, 91 Leeu 108 Lybe 88. 100, 104 Maria 77, 92 Neeltye SO Poulea 62, 63, 71, 73, 81, &8. 90, 100 Sara 75, 80, 102 Zusanna 81 Rutgers College 19, 30, 142 Ryer, Suce 128 Ryerson Avenue S3 Ryerson, Rcyerse, Reyersen, Reyerszen: Abraham 95,113 Abram 43, 79, 88, 1.34. 136 Annaetye 69,93 Anne 118 Antye 63, 68, 80, S9, 95, '.>7 Cattely ntye 68 Cornelus 8s, 133 Dirck 63, 63, 8T Dooce 86 17 Ryerson, Reyerse, Reyersen, Reyerszen: Doorte 63 Elisabeth 94, 95, 10.^ Enogh . 74 Kven 23 Francis 44, KK Frans 29, 87, 97, 113, 121 Francoos 103 Oeertury 63, 63, 101, 107, 129 George 26, 45,70,75, 135, 137 Gilyaem 95 Hencieric 131, i:i9 lleasel 63, 68, 74, 78, 86, 112 Jan 08, 78, 80, 88, 97 Jannetye 64, 71, 78, 80, 83, 84, 92, 97 Jiune 83 Johaunis. .16, 38, 68, 70, 71, 75, 76, 78, 83, 94, 103, 112 John. .41, 47, 93,106, 118. 134, 137,138,139 John D 43 Job's u Joris 10, 62, 63, 80 97 Leau 121 Lena 62, 63,71,94 Jlarla 83 Marritye 65, 79, 87 Jtavten 23, 29, 30, 70, 74, 75 Metice 89, 112, 127 Nikcoles 88 Peter T8 PoUe 70, 7.5. 78 Ragel 09 Rebecke 09, 79. 85 Kiuhanl 136 Ryer 95 Sara 64, 72 Tueuis 65, 79, 1.36 Vrouwetye 74 Yannetye 79, 80 Ryker, Ryke, Recar : Abraham 61 Altye 93 Aultye 108 CMryn 65. 68, 98. 102 Elisabeth 88, 98 Eva 61 Fcytye 87, 88, 112 Johannis 61, 69, 93, 95. 104 Jolm 104 Lena 93 Leya 9.5 Maria 104 N i'H-.olas 69 VVillini 104 Ryle Avenue 27, 38, 46, 49 INDEX. SaUaie River 33 "8alliry Lest" 13.% 134 Salary of the Domiuie 15, 38, 60 Saudford : Jotin 72 Mary 8t> Perrigriue 137, 138 Susanna 72 Santvort : Johannes 84 Sara 71 William 84 Saun, Albert V 41,43 '■Scarlet Letter" 64 Shearer, Scherer, Marregrietye 69, 72 Schermhorn : Conraed 73 Fitye 75,78 Jon 73 Schlatter, Rev. Michael 17, 18, 19 Scoort : Cristiyaeu 104 Williaui 104 Scott, William 139 Schooumaker : Daniel 38, S3, 88, 128, 133 Elenau 126 Heuricus, Rev 21, 37, 38, 40, 41, 50 Jacob 37 Lena 97 Marea 128 Selli , 88 Schuyler : Annaetye S3, 88 Arent 34, 79, 90, 101 Hester.... : 62, 76 Isack 71 Marregriet 71 Piter 90 Tunis Dey 90 Seager, Sager : 1 135 John 44, 45 Second Presbyterian Church of Newark. 39 Second Reformed Church 50, 141 Secord, Susanna 93, 100 Seiliff : Daniel 110 Peter 110 Semens, Ragel 127 Shays, Sheys, Shass : Bryant 99, 106, 111 Tomas 106 Shilbur, J 133 Shurte : Cresteyaun 112, 117, 126 Davit 112 Hester i^e Isaac 117 Sight: Caty 119 Mareaw 117 Polly 119 Sigler : John 104 Johonnes io9 Rachel io4 Tomls 109 Simmons : Abigel 93 John 92 Maria 93 Mette 93 Sendel, , : 85 Sindel : Christoflel 74 John 105 Jores 74 Singack 10, 23, 26 Sinirets, Elisabeth 93 Sip: Arreyaenthe 68, 71, 72, 77, 83 Cat renaii 139 Gerritye 6T. 68, 78. 79 Sisco: Ari 67 Henderick 62 J u d e 131 Maria 67, 78, 80 Peter ]38 Sara 84, 94 Sketch of the Passaic Falls 40 Slaves: Celia [Doremus] II8 Nence " 118 Sill " 118 Jack [Post] 117 Tom [Van AuleJ 131 Slooterdam 11, 13, 15, 23, 24, 59 Slot: Elisabeth Fisser 72 Sara 73 Smlt: Antye 99 Maria 103 Lyes 64 Smith: Anautye 130 Garret G 138 INDEX. 163 8ralth : John 139 Lenew UO Lotlewike 130 Marea 130 Nickles 139 Ralph 137 139 Sneilekcr: Luke 47 Sarah 47 Snyaer: Dalle 97, 103 John 137. 140 Jurre 92, 104 Tomes 92 Snyer : Andrles 92 Antye 61 Doortte 92 Marregriet 92 Marytye Gl Society for Establishing Useful Manufact- ures 140 Soots, Jacob 99 Spier, Speer, Spear: A. & J., shoeshop of 42 Abrani 100 Abraham 116 Aelly 103 Altye 78 Annaetye 6.5, 7S Barent 124 Benyamen 72, ill ConraeJ 74 C'ornelus 01 David 104, 112, 118, 1.33 Dirck 77 Elisalieth 124 Fey tye 104, 11 Fraus 86 Hen(lrick...64, 65. 66, 69, 72,77, 101, 120 Hester 92 Hous lOS Jacob 66. Tl, 74, 78, 81, 120 Jan 92, 96 Jannetye 2.3, IIC, 127 Johannes 61, 78, 110 John 118 Lena or Lenew. 100, 101, 106, 109, 110. 112 Leyes 70 Maria 83, 86 Marregret ur> Metye 81, 84, 88, 100 Polly 112 Pry n tye 108 Spear : llaKcl 79 Salley 114, 119 Sara 70, 71, 74, 78, 90, 100, 103 Tuenes 7.5, 7s, 9G, 101 Sprague's Anuals .51 Squiler, Aurint lOl Stagg, Staag, Steg : Antye 109, 114, 120 Catrina 9.5, 110 David 93 Deric n4 Elisabeth 9-! Grietye 98 Henderick 02 Isaac 1 44. 47, 13t, 136, 137 Jacob 114 Jacobos 9.5 Jan 98 Jannetve 95, 104 John 92, 10.5. i;6, 138 Jon 110 Leentye 85 Lena 9s Lucreclie 47 Maria 99 William 1.30, 138 Staten Island 38 Steek, Jacob 102 Steger, Marea 127 Stenton, Dirk a3, 84 Stevens : Henderick 122 Peter 122 Stimes, Elisabeth 119 Storms, Sturms : Henderic 124 Jacob 91 Johannes 86 Ragel .St; Susanna 91 Storr, Piter 99 Strachan, William 75 Stur : Abram 133 Peter 113 Styls, Stuls, Stols : Elesebeth Ill, I1.3 Jacob 71 Jannetye 7i John 86 Marregretye 118 Saley 86 Stynmetz, Stymets : Arreyaenthe 86,101,102,105 Sara 61 164 Sunday School 51 Synod, Rev. Christian 17 of N.UollaPd 17, 18, 19 of S. " 18. 19 T Tannery at end of Willis street 23 Taylor, Talor: Benjamin C, f\ev 43 Nesbit 139 Temple Street 50 Teremis, Cornelis 16 Terhune : Abby 108 Albert 43, 64, 134, 136, 138 Geesye 64, 69, 73 Stephen S 140 Ttiomas 136, 137 Thompson, Tomson, Elesabeth 124, 129 Tier, Jeremiali 45 Tise, Tice : Hons 106 Jacob 121 Johonnes 113 Jon Ill Maria 130 Peter 113, 118, 121 Toers : Isaac 96 Jan 100 Jannetye 88 Johannes 88, 96 Toersse, [Tuers,] Catrina 80 Totowa...lO, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 2d, 24, 25, 26, 36, 37, 42, 43, 59, 60. Totowa Avenue 23, 27 Bridge 28 Church.. 10, 11, 12, 13, 22, 36, 38, 39, 40, 46, 48, 50, 51, 104, 116, 1.36. Church Baptismal Register 16 Church Deed 24 Church Records 9, 10, 48 Consistory 42 Heights 28 Pulpit 36 Road 27, 28, 29,46, 49 Treuter, Jenny 121, 123 Trustees 26 Tures [See Toers, Toerse] : John 104 Poules 104 Two Bridges 36 XJ Ulster County 36 Underdone : Elenew 115 Rem 115 United Congregations 15, 16 Union Avenue 20 Upper Preakness 10 V Valentine, Wear* 137 Van Allen, Van Alen : Antye 92 Hendrick 87 John 138 Peter 44, 78, 84, 87, 134, 136, 138 Susanna 84 Yannetye 87 Van Aule : Antye 112 Elesabeht 112 Henderic 107 John 127 Lukes 113 Minochey 107 Petrus 113, 127, 128 Tyne 113, 122, 124 Van Blarcom, Van Blercom : Abraham.... 41, 44, 98, 112, 116, 125, 1.3.3, 134. Aeltye 89, 99, 130 Andrew 121 Andris 68 Ann 45 Annaetye. .81, 83, 89. 98, 106, 124, 126, 1:^8 Antoni..63, 70, 73,79, 81, 83, 86. 121, 139 Antye 75, 93, 97, 125 Bragje lOl Brant, Ex-Mayor.. 26, 42, 43, 45, 51, 135 Catrlenna..70, 89, 115, 122, 126, 127, 128 Caty 127 Cornelia 92 Cornelus...45, 115, 122, 126, 128, 133, 135 Daniel 70 David 66, 86 Derrece 127 Elias 97 Elisabeth 89, 106, 122, 128 Francoos 67 Erans 63, 68, 139 Gerritye 103 Hendrick.. 63, 65, 67, 73, 81, 9S, 106, 114, 116, 118, 122, 126, 127, 128, 135. Henry 26, 1 33 Horremaun 112 INDEX. 165 Van Blarcora, Van Blercom : Isack ro, 130, l-if) Jaceniine 115, 122 Jackoiiiyn 63 Jacob 122 Jacobos 94 Jan 14, IC, 65, 70, 76. 84, 89, 94, 97 Jannetye 66, 95, 103, 111, 114, 124 Jenne 86, 113 Johauuis 24, 20, 45, 65, 76, 103 John.. 41, 45, 64, 72, 86, 90, 101, 111, 116, 118. 119, 124, 129, 135. Lena. .64, 66, 67. 75, 79, 83. 84, 87. 9T, 103. 110. 117, 125. Maregretye lio Maria 67, 86. HI, 11.3. 117. 120. 130 Marja 98 Marritye 72. 76. 110. 120, 125 Marten 72, 75, 76, 93. 119, 120. 138 Mert.. Ill, 120 Nickase 64, 67, 73, 77, 84, 90, 97, 124 Nicolas 124, 127.130 Peterye 74, 104 Ragel 92 Semion 101, 125, 133 Sake 129 Tone 115 Vrouwetye 63, 70, 73, 79, 89, 98. 116. 121. 123, 125. Van Bussums. Van Basse : 12 Abbe 96, 110 Philip 1.33 Sally 109, 110. 123 Van Daun, Van Diiyn. Van Dean : Abraham 92 Eva 119 Marea Ill Marten li l Marthe 16 Salley 92 Titye 94 Willem HI, 116, 119 Vandel : Daniel 76 Maria 76 Van Derbeck. Van Derbake. Vanderbeek : Abraham 75 Albert 64 Gertereu IOC Geesye 64, 69 Isack 69 Jacob TOO Jannetye 69, 99, 105 Johonos 108 Paulis 10 Van Derbeck. Van Derl)ake, Vanderbeek : Poalis 106 Ragel 73, 108 Roelif 81 Salomon 64, 69, 73 Van Derbergli : Ciatelyntye 82 Jan 82 Van Derhoof, Van Derhoef : Antye 113 Catr ina 103 Cornells 67, 71, 74 Dautye 125 Elisabeth 70, 73, 128 Gerrlt 73, 80, 93 Jannetye iw Jenny 12.5. 129 John 67 Maria so Mattheas 70, 74 Ragel 115, 119. 124, 125, 129 Sara 93, 100 Soeke 93 Sus 64 Van Devoort : Bregge 96, 138 Poalis 98 Van Dewater : Catrienna 66, 69, 73, 94 Cornelia 77, 79, 82 Sara 66, 69 Van Driessen, Dom. Johannes H Van Gelder, Hester in Van Gieson, Van Giesen. Van Gease : Adrian 44, 84 Aeltye 61, 62 Affe 108 Antye. .91, 97, 105, 111, 117. 122, 125, 126, 130. Cornelus 84, 129. 137, 138 Crisstnfel 107 Crisstapher 131 Dierk, Dirk 16, 23, 62,78, 82, 90 Elisabeth 71. 117, 119, 127. 128 Feytye 90 Gerrlt 110 Halmech 44 Helmigh....79, 91. 100, 107, 122. 126, 131 Hendrick 68, 96 Isaac lOS, 110 Janetye 1 07 Johannes.... CI, 62, 63, 60, 69. 71,74, 78, 84, 86, 100, 108, 124. John 122, 1.3s Lena 96, 103, 110, H7, 122, 125, 128 [66 INDEX. Van Gieson, Van Giesen, Van Gease : Leybet ye 83 Maria 124 Marretye 74, 122, 126 Meselus 108.113, 110, 121, 125, 129 Metye....62, 63, 66, 78, 91, 130, 121, 123, 126, 130. Rachel 124 Richard 43, 134 Ryneir 108 Seel 91 Selley 125 Tomes 113,116 Zara 68 Van Healing, Mary 130 Van Horn, Van Hoorn : Andries 68 Annaetye 70, 94 Cornelius 12.3, 126 Daniel 43, 94, 104, i:33, 134 Elesebeth 115 Jacemine 106 Jackomyn 68 Jannltye 61 Jearas 123 John 133 Ledea 126 Marregriet 98 Neesye 98 Ragel 68 Van Houten, Van Houte : Abraham ... .41, 44, 4.5, 47, 48, 64, 69, 99. 106, 124, 12C, 129, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137 Adreyaen ... .26, 41, 44, 45, 47, 50, 64, 65, 66, 69, 73, 74, 76, 78. 79. 82. 84, 85, 80, 87, 88, 93, 116, 118, 124, 129, 134, 135, 136, 137. Albert 44, 134 Altye 90 Anna' 44 Annaetye....63, 72, 74, 76, 99, 104, 110, 111, 113, 123. Antye....61, 66, 69, 79, 81, 84, 91, 109, 110, 118, 120, 123, 124, 125. Areyaentye 102, 119 Beble 115 Catelyntye 62. 63, 69, 74, 87 Caterina....62, 66, 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 79, 83, 86, 107, 116, 127, 130. Claertye..82, 8.3, 87, 91, 101, 111, 122, 125 Cornelus ...10, 26, 43, 61, 62, 65, 66, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 78, 79, 80, 82, 87, 91, 94, 95, 105, 100, 110, 111, 116, 117, 119, 123, 133, 134, 136, 138. Van Houten, Van Houte : Dirrick, or Dirk.... 10, 11, 64, 65. 66, 69, 73, 74, 76, 7S, 79, 80, 82, 84, 85, 88, 93, 98, 106, 112, 115, 123, 125, 126, 130. Egge 65, 89 Elisabeth.... 61, 62, 63, 65, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 76, 83, 85, 87, 99, 103, 109, 111, 114, 115, 117, 118, 120, 122, 174. Eva 62, 84, 89, 96, 110 Fytye....61, 62, 63, 66, 68, 75, 78, 79, 80, 82, 87, 94, 97, 106, 116., 23, 41, 45, 49, 50, 65, 69, 76, 109, 112, 116, 117, 121, 125, 127, 129, 135, 136, 137. Gerrit 12 Gerritye....73, 75, 82,86, 91, 94, 105, 129 Grietye , 99 Hannah 1.34 Helemngh....llO, 120, 123, 125, 126, 130, 134, 139. Heleneu 117 Helmech Pieterse lO, 80. 86, 97, 103 Helmech Roelofse . . 10, 16, 23, 43, 45, 61, 62, 66, 69. Hendrick 78, 135, 130, 135' Isack 67, 68 Jacemine 107 Jacob. . ..10, 16, 23, 41, 43, 45, 68, 82, 104, 105. 108, 133, 134, Jacobos... 93, 104 Jacomyntye 80 James 97, 137 Jan 73, 102 Jane Margaret 129 Jannitye 20, 62, 65. 68, 82, 90, 98, 100, 104, 105, 107, 113, 115, 116, 117, 120, 121 Johannis....ll, 14, 16, 23, 62, 63, 68, 7.5, 79, 83, 89, 103, 105, 109, 110, 124, 125, 130. John.... 45, 98, 111. 115, 123, 124, 129, 133, 135, 136, 1.37. Leah 47 Lena. .61, 73. 80, 82. 89, 98, 101, 106, 109, 115, 118. 124, 136. Leya 63, 89, 117 Leybetye 62.85 Maregrietye 72, 83, 128 Maria 65,73, 77, 95,97, 121 Marretye 62, 64, 70, 94, 122. 123 Mary 47 Mertijnes 78 Metye....6.5, 66, 69. 70, 71, 74. 78, 82, 84, 86, 91, 97, 100, 103, 106, 110. Myntye 91, 99 Neesye 84 INDEX. 167 Van Houten, Van Houte : Peter 10, 43, 63, 72, 74, 77. 79, S5, 89, 93,95,97, 117, 118. Policy 11-5. l-i-i Hachel 14, 134 Ragel 91 Ralph : 134 Richard 4a, 47, 140 Rlnier 11 Robbert 11, 25, 26, 44, 62, 63, 78, 96, 103, 110, 117, 1:^;^, 12.5, 128, 129. Roelof .... 10, 23, 44. 63, 64, 67, 68, 69, 72, 7.5. 78, 79, 80, Si, 83, ^6, 87. 91, 96. 97, 105, 106, 107, 109, 111, lio, 117, 122, 123, 125, 1.30. Sara 80, 104 Semeon 113, 117, 120, 130 Sofia 123 Trientye 89 Tyne 124 WJUemyatye 72 Yannetye 62, 65, 78, 82, 83, 93 Van Iderstine : Catreneu. 116 Jau 116 John vio Marea 120 Ragel 68 Van Ness : Annaetye 85 Giles 138 Hendrlca 61 Hendrick 65 Hester 61,67,68, 119 Isack 85 Jellis 79 John 137, 139, 140 Maria 72, 84 Marytje 61 Matye 127 Neelty e 6S, 72 Petru? 61 Kachel 65 Robbert 65 Simon 10, 118, 139 Symen 127 Yelea 119 Van Order, Van Norder, Vaner : Adam 92 Aeltye or Aultye 94, 98, 105, 129 Andrew 140 Harremoness 106, 114, 118 Hartraan 43 Horremaun 98, 121, 129. 134 Jacob 112 Van Order, Van Norder, Vaner : Jan 90 Jannetye 102, lOS, 118 Johannes 121 U-eii 106 Lowrence 112, 120 Samuel 1.S6 Sara 108 Tomes 108 Vrouwetye 114 Yauace 98 Van Ostrand : Salley 107, 122, 126, 131 Sara 91 Van Pelts, Rev. Peter 38 Van Riper, Van Ripen, Van Ri.jpen : Abraham S4, 89, 96, 109 Agge 115 Andrew 128 Annathe 83 Annaetye 29. 64, 67, 71, 87, 129 Antye 72, 77, 98, 110, 111, 113, 127 Catrienna 64, 6.5, 70, 97, 100 Cornells 76, 93, 98, 102, 112, 126 Dirck 62, 6.3, 66, 70. 77 Elizabeth 62, 63, 98, 114 Feytye 89 Garabraut 44, 9.3, 1.35 Gerrit 62, 63, 90, 96, 97, 102, 121, 123 Grietye 100, 108 Jacob 63, 8.5, 100, 1C8, 114 Jacobes 126 Jan 73 Jane 121 Jannetye 100, 108, 109. 11.5, 119 Jerry 45, 113 Johannes 76, 96, 104 John 45, 98, 113, 123, 133,135 Jurre 72, 77, 8.5, 135 Lena 62, 63, 122 Leya 72, 77, 79, 89, 95, 117 Leybethe 79 Maria 66, 69, 73. 76, 78, 80, 84 Marregriet 71, 76, 77,97, 106, 114 Marretye 122, 123 Metye 95 Molly 115 Nickase 104 Nickolas 98 Teggy 126 Polly 64. 123 Rachel 100 Rngel 84 Stollel 133 Uriah 126 1 68 INDEX. Van Riper: Uyklrick 97 Yurrle or Yerreye 62, 123, 128 Vansant, Marregrietyc 127 Vau Saun, Van Saea : Albert.... 12, 33, 41, 43, 48, 100, 107, 117, 121, 134 Angnieiye 71 Annaetye 05, 71, 107. IDS, 117, 120, 124, 130 Arreyeutye 112 David 73 Elesebeth 107 Tsack 93,100, 107, 112, X18 Jacob 71 ,lan «« Jennicke 100 Leyeii 107 Luycas 73 Maria 100, 118 Rage! 81 Samuel. . . .33, 65, 66, 71, 81, 93, 100, 113, 118, 121 Van Sile, Van Syl, Van Zile : Cesteneu 122 Jannetye 85 John 138 Van Veght : Antye 76, 111, 120 Catrien 86 VanVleck, Anlye li9 Van Voorliesen, Elisabetli lOO Van Vorliase, Antye HO Van Wagoner, Van Wegenen, Van VVeg- ene: Cornelius 50, 137 Garret 14, 16, 18, 20, 126, 13S Katryntje 20 Van Winkle, Van Winckel, Van Winkels : Abraham 76, 139 Annaetye 63, 64, 65, 67, 73 Antye 73, 76, 137 Arreyaentye 64 Oattelyntye 68 Catterine 128 Cornelius. . . .23. 37, 41, 44, 48, 64, 67, 79, 83, 87, 129, 133, 134 Edo 45, 71, 127, 129, 135 Elisabetli 129 France 108. 134 Francis 43 Geertye 67, 72, 77 Helmigh 68, 120, 125 Henry 139 Jacob 67, 72, 77, 79, 136, 138 Van Winkle : Jane 47 Jannetye... 67, 83. 102, 115, 118, 119, 125 Joliannis....l6, 64, 67, OS, 71, 78, 79, 91, 103 135, 129. • John 4^1, 135 Lenew 108 Maria.., 64, 08, 94 Marregrietyc 65, 73 Nausey 114 Nense 70 Piter 75, 126 Pryntye 64, 85 Sara 70, 76, 99 Sarah 30 Simeon... 16, 32, 33. 26, 45, 67, 71, 73, 74, 75, 79. 89, 98, 137, 128, 135. Stynye ^ 07 Vrouwitye 73, 75 Waling 30,64,68 Yannetye 83. 87. 89 Van Winkles 10, 11 Van Winkle Home-itead 36 Veeder, Vader, Vater : Arreyaentye 78, SO, 119 Gerret 75, 78 Johannes 75 M.aria 91, 95, 105, 119 Nicase 78 Venerable Consistory 12, 14, 15 of Acquackanonk 15 of Ponipton 15 of Totowa 15 Vincent, Vensen : Grietye 78 John 11 Marye 108 Sara 74 Voorleser IS, 33. 31 Vreeland, Vrelant : 10, 11 Abraham 102 Annaetye 75 Beiltye 109 Cornelius 44, 135, 133, i;« Edo 77 Ellas 16 Elsye 07 Enoch 16,77 Geertye 64, 67, 72, 75 Gerrit 103,108, 110 Gowdore 136, 131 Hartman 16, 44,64, 67, 135 Isaac 108 Jacob 64, 67.72,75,77 Jon 114 INDEX. 169 Vreeland : Marretye 108, 114, 124, 130 Nauje 101 Peter l:i5 Ragel 110 Vreeland Avenue 26 Vrerexe, Vrericse, Vrederlxse : Coenraad 71, 74 Marregrietye 66, 71, 74, 81 Salley 108 Sartye 119 Vus: Annauje 106 Pegje 106 AV Wagraw 23,26,39 Walderon, Woldron : Adolph 67,77,103 Catrienna 67, 77, 103 Elisabeth 103 Sallomon 77 Wallis Property 33 Wanshair : Cristlua 20 Johanuis 16, 20 Ward, Rictiard 28 Warren : James 139 Joseph 99 Warwick 23 Water Street 27, 28, 29, 50, 140 Wesel 11 WcBselse : Annaetye 69,126 Leya 123,126, 139 Maria 71 Marietye 23 West New Hempstead 21 Wcstervelt : Abraham 25,103 Antye 81,90,99,102 Ari 71 Cornelu8...25, 26, 43, 61, 81, 90, 103, 110, 111, 134, 137. David 83 Dose 96, 109 Efife 123 Elizabeth 63,77,137,130 Feytye or Fite. . . .90, 97, 98, 106, 110, 121, 129. Geesye 63 Grietye 63 Hester 108 Hons 98 18 Wcstervelt : Jaoob 98 Jacobus 105, 108, 123, 126 Jau 77, 98 JoUannis. . . .63, 73, 74, 83, 107, 114, 126, 139. Jon 110, 111, 124 Jurre 63 Leya 97, 106 Luke 139 Luycas 73 Maria 8T, 102, 117 Marregretye 65, 117, 129 Marretye 61, 63, 107 Kagel 62 Sofle 114, 118 Steven 63, 114 Trienye 90 Vrouwetye 114 Welmitey. . 113 Yurye 61,63,81 White, L 139 White House, the 2a Widmour, Jacob 26 Wilier, John 139 Willing, Salley 125 Willis : Abraham. ...89, 91, 95, 110, 118, 123, 128 Catriua 89 Elesabeth 128 Maria 86, 95 Kagel 123 William 118 Willis Street 22, 26, 48 Wills : Johonis 108 Thomas 44, 45, 108, 133 Wilson : George 75 Peter 68 Sara 123,126 Sevya 75 Wiune, Maria 73 Winter, CJatrina 70 Wite, Wyt : Gerrit 67, 104 Grietye 104 Jan 67 Marregriet 103, 111 Sofya 104 William 102 WUte IIuijs, (le . . 22 Witten : Abraham . 102, 109 Isaac 100 lyo Witteu : Joseph 102 Wynkoop, Gerret 20 Yacolnise, Yacoborse : Antye Ill Gerrit 77 Yannetye 77 Yeralemon : Eligabeth . . . 78 Maregriet 77, SO. 83, 86, 91 Yerareman, Marregriet 74 Yerrejause, Yureyanse : Jacemine 106 Jerrey 106 Sara 109 Yong : Eveu 106, 116 Marye 106 Yorks : Elesebeth 112 Jannetye 144 Jenny 120 Jon 112 Leeu 105 Lias 105 Youmans, Yoeman : Benjamin 133 Elisabeth . .104, 112, 116, 118 William 116 Zabriskle, Zabrisko : Abraham 45, 135 Albert 89,94, 98, 105, 136, 137 Aultye 119 Casparus 20 Geertye ..71 Ilendrick 98 Jan 66 Jannetye 89 John 137, 140 Kaspares 20 Kestijnye 66 Leya 65, 66, 71, 81, 93, 100 Maria 69,89 Foley ■ 120 R 135 Yannitye 105 Zabriskle's Mill 23 Zealif : Daniel 110 Piter 94, HO Zlch, Barbarah 114 ■.•■■■ ■;:;:■ vivj F HISTORY of the OLD DUTCH CHURCH AT TOTOWA Paterson New Jersey 1755--1827 By WILLIAM NELSON aptismal Register 1756-1808 PATERSON. N. J. : PRESS PRINTINO AND PCBLISBING COMPANY, 269 MAIN STREET. 1892. •';^%^^#P?c^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 223 236 4