ERRATA In the hurry of publication, several errors and omissions es- caped attention. The following is a list of the most important: OMISSIONS. Dunning D., propietor of Wells's Express—oflice Morse's Book Store — r. Fort si. corner of Cass st. Detroit Brewery, First st. near Congress. Emerson Curtis, brewer, b. J. H. Morris's ERRORS. For Pitcher Dr. Lina, read Pitcher Dr. Zina. For MiznerR. B., read Mizner Lansing B— and for Mizner L. R., read Mizner H. R. and b. L. B. Mizner's Page 98— First Judicial Circuit— County of Monroe— for Third Tuesday of April, read Second Tuesday of April. Page 99— Third Judicial Circuit— County of Kent— for the Oc- tober Tern), read the Third Tuesday of that month. DIRECTORY OF THE CITY OF DETROIT; AND * REGISTER OF MICHIGAIN, FOR THE YEAR 1845. CONTAINING An Epitomised History of Detroit ; an Alphabetical List of its Citizens ; a List of the officers of the Municipal Government ; the officers of the United States, and the State officers and members of the Legislature of Michigan : also, every infor- mation relative to the time and place at which the several Courts sit throughout the State ; with a List of Churches, Associations, Institutions, County Officers, &c., &c., &c. BY JAMES H. WELLINGS. (copy right secured.) DETROIT : PRINTED BY HAESHA & WILLCOX. 1845. May he had of the Publisher, Jefferson Avenue, (North side) West of Brush Street. e.TK oo / --- z^- A LIST OF OFFICERS EMPLOYED ON THE CENTRAL RAILROAD. : John M. Berrien, R. H. Merry, H. Thielson, H.N. Thielson, G. N. Turner, Samuel Stone, Charles A. Emerson, C. P. Kellogg, Thomas Frazer, Daniel Munger, John McReynolds, H. I. Spalding, Wm. F. Chittenden, George Gibson, James "Watkins, J. Dort, A. J. Larou, Charles Thayer, David Wilcox, M. T. Davison, Thomas G. Davis, Wm. D. Thompson, Russel Ford, Stephen Blodget, Bartholomew Banks, George Granger, TITLES OF THEIR OFFICE. SALARY. Chief Engineer, Assistant Engineer, do. do. do. do. do. do. Secretary of Board Internal Improv'nt Clerk Board Internal Imp. Office do. do. General Agent Collector do. do. Superintendent Machinery and Cars do. Car shop Weighmaster, Detroit do. Dearborn do. Ypsilanti do. Ann Arbor do. Dexter do. Davison do. Grass Lake do. Jackson do GuUeys do. Albion do. Marshall itchma n at Detroit $1000 800 600 600 600 700 500 500 600 600 600 600 700 700 500 350 500 500 350 350 350 500 350 350 500 $1 pr. day. A LIST OF PERSONS EMPLOYED ON THE SOUTHERN RAILROAD. Joseph H. Cleveland, Seba Murphy, R. Robinson, Rockwell Manning, W. W. Prentice, D. McDonald, J. S. Kingsiandt TITLLES or THEIR OFFICE. ! Superintendent Collector Monroe 600 do. Adrian 400 do. Hillsdale 400 Conductor $1 pr. day. do. do. Superintendent machinery and cars $2 pr day. BOUNDARIES OF THE WARDS. First Ward. — All west ot the centre line of Shelby, and south of the centre of Michigan avenue. Second Ward. — All south of the centres of Monroe and Michigan avenues, and between the centres of Shelby and Randolph streets. Third Ward. — All south of Croghan street, and between the centre lines of Randolph and St. Antoine streets. Fourth Ward. — All east of the centre line of St. Antione street, and south of Gratiot Road. Fifth Ward. — All north of the centre of Michigan ave- nue, and west of the centres of Woodward avenue and the Saginaw turnpike. Sixth Ward. — All east of the centre of Woodward ave- nue, north of the centres of Monroe avenue, Croghan street, and Gratiot road, and west of the centre line of St. Antoine street. ALPHEUS WIGHT, LIVERY STABLES, Corner Woodbridge and Bates Streets. A. Wight respectfully informs the public that he still keeps Carria- ges and Horses for hire. He also keeps Horses by the night, week or month on reasonable terms. PREFACE. Upwards of seven years have elapsed since the publication of a "Detroit City Directory," which, it is believed, was the first, as well as the last, of the kind ever presented to the Public. This interval of time, though brief, has been an eventful one, not only to this community, but also to the citi- zens of the whole of these United States. It will be recollected, by the most of our readers, that a short time after that scourge of Heaven, the cholera, disap- peared, we were visited by another malady, viz : the mania of wild speculation, which affected alike, men of all classes, and, though not so fatal to human life, as the cholera, yet it threatened to sweep from our midst, with the resistless fury of a tornado, all that was morally good and estimable. Some of our own citizens, during this period, passed through a sea of trouble, realizing the vicissitudes of fortune, and learning by bitter experience, the truth of the holy writ, " They that will be rich, fall into temptation and a snare." Though the growth of the City of Detroit, may have re- ceived a temporary check, from the effects of that spirit of wild speculation, already alluded to, yet we think its manifest improvement of late, and the increase of its trade and com- merce, are such, as to demand for it "A correct Directory for the guidance of the resident inhabitant, the commercial visi- tor, or the enquiring emigrant and traveller." Having ascertained that the above was the opinion of many of the most respectable citizens, by a liberal subscription list, in support of the work, the publisher commenced collecting and preparing his materials for the press, Avhich, after about four months continued labor, he has, by a kind Providence, been enabled to bring to a close. Of the manner in which he has acquitted himself in the discharge of his duty to his subscribers, they alone must be the judges. That it will be found to contain many errors and defects, he is fully sensible, and would here bespeak for himself, the patience and indulgence of his patrons, upon which he fears, he will have to make too large draughts. 1 ¥ »;>, 2 DIRECTORY The publisher would beg leave respectfully to add that iii the beginning of his labors, he took for his guidance, a rule from an " Old Directory,'' the Bible, which commands him, " Whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men." In obedience to this beautiful and simple rule, and stimulated by a recollection of the liberal encouragement he met with fi^om his subscribers, he believes he has endeavored to be faithful, and has spared, neither pains, nor labor, to pre- sent such a book, to his kind patrons, as will give no just cause of regret, for the trust they have reposed in him. To those ladies and gentlemen, who so politely furnished him with such information, [as the furtherance of the work required, the publisher begs leave to return his grateful acknowledgements. HISTORY OF DETROIT. Detroit City and Port op Entry, Wayne county, and Capital of the State of Michigan, is situated on the west bank of the river Detroit, 18 miles above Lake Erie, 7 miles below the outlet of Lake St. Clair, 302 W. from Buffalo, and 545 fr^m Washington, Lat. 42 degrees 19 minutes 53 seconds, North, and Lon. west, 82 deg. 58 sec. or from Washington west 5 deg, 56 min. 12 sec. Difference in time from Wash- ington, 23 min, 44 seconds, New York city, 34 min. 48 sec. The site of the city is an elevation of about thirty feet above the level of the river. The plan of the town, upon the river and for 1200 feet back is rectangular ; in the rear of this triangular, the streets are from fifty to 200 feet wide. Four roads, constructed by the general government, termin- ate in the centre of the city ; the Chicago, leading to Illinois ; the Saginaw, to the head of Saginaw Bay ; the Fort Gratiot, to the foot of Lake Huron, and the Grand River, to Lake Michigan at the mouth of Grand River. There is, also, a United States road leading from Detroit to Ohio. Detroit River is about 25 miles long ; average breadth, 1 1-10 mile ; average depth, six fathoms ; current, two miles an hour. The climate of Detroit is temperate ; snow falls at from six to eighteen inches deep, and never remains more than a few weeks. The transition from the cold of spring to the heat of summer is rapid ; from summer to winter gradual and prolonged. As general characteristics, the spring is wet and prolonged; summer dry; autumn mild; winter cold and dry. The average temperature in the spring is 50 of Fahrenheit ; summer, 80 ; winter, 20 ; autumn, 60 to 65. The history of Detroit is connected with the principal events which have transpired in the Northwest since the set- tlement of the country. Founded in the strife for sovereign- ty between the English and French governments, it became at an early day, a point of central influence and action. " No place in the United States," it has beea observed, "presents 4 DIRECTORY guch a sorici? ot' evontiJ, interesting in themselves, nml penna- nently atreotiitg as thev occunvii, its pi\'>fi:ress and piw^perity. Five times its ting has been ehangeil. three ditlerent s^"»ve- reigns have olainuxl its allegiance, and sinee it has been held by the Tniteil States, its gvnernnient has been thrice transter- reil: twice it has Invn beseigtxl by the Imhans. once captured in war, and once burnt to the gnnmd." The date, however, ot' the political existence ot' Michigan us a territory ol' the Tnittni ^^tates, is 180r>. William Hull was ni^pointtxl the lirst Governor, with a judiciary, and org7in- i/.eci a gxn ernment at lVti\>it, in .Tuly ot' that year. He t'ound the town little more than a scene ot' ruins, having been ivcently destivved by lire. Advantage was taken ot' this cir- cumstance to widen the streets, and lay it out on an entii^ly new ami enlargt\l plan. During the last war. Detroit i'ell into the hands ol' tlie enemy, in 181"2. It was retaken by the American army in ISi:^. ."vnd the gtwernment ot'tho terri- tory rtM^rgani/.ed late in the autunui ot' that year, by the appointment ot'Gen. Lewis Cass, as lunernor. At this time the population was small, the resmuves t'ew, and the people impoverished by the kisses vn' the war. \\'iih every natural I'acility ot' becoming a place o( impor- tance, the condition ol' Detmit, t'or many yeai-s, depended on the precarious support airoi\led bv the t'ur trade, the disbui-se- meiits ot' public moneys, while a military post, and the liberal nppivpriations by gxnerinnent for public objects. The im- pulse and ctl'eot pi\xiuct\l by the settlement and cultivation of the v^urrounding country, was wanting. This, though recent in ■Michigan, is now con\menci\l, and is rapidly increasing. The causes ot' pi\^periiy. now in action, their results, we show here, as they have recently been manit'ested elsewhere. The old town ot' Detivit oceupitxl a site below or west oi' the centime ot'the present town : it was built entirely ot' wood, the streets were narixnv, being et^'onomisixl to diminish tJie ciixniit ot' the stockade, by winch it was secured. In .lune, ISOo, the town was alnu>st entirely consunnnl by tire. Short- ly alter this catasti\^phe, an act ot' Congress was passes! di- recting the Ciovernor and .ludgvs, thei\ exeivising legislative powei-s, to lay out a new town, including the site of the one destivvetl and ten thousjind acres of atljacent land. The act dirtvts that a lot should be granttxl to every owner or oc- cupant ot'a house in the old town, and the pivceeds ot'the re- mainder applitxl to the erection o[ a court house and jail. It is i'rom this fund, thus accruing, that the present public build- OF DETROIT. 6 ingfl Imvo boon oroctod in this city. Tlio trust arising under tlio act, it is l)oliovo(i, is not y(^t closed. Tlio destruction of tlio old town wns fortiinato that it 1(m1 to the adoption of a j)lan, bolter adnptod to a city, such as Detroit is no doubt destined to become. The City of Detroit was incorporated by an act, passed by I he (Jovernor and .hulges, on the 4th day of October, IHIT). J>y this act the municipal autiiority wns invested in live trusl- 008, a secretary, an asses.s()r, a collector and a city niarslial, who were to bo chosen on th(^ first djiy in May, annually, by liie froehol(1»^rs or householders of the city i>aying fin Jiunu- al rent of forty dollars, and such oth(^r j)ersons, who should 1)11 adujitled to the freedoni of the corporation, by a majoiity ol* the electors «t their auiuial meeting. This act of incorporation was suj^orsedod in 18*24, by a new <;harler from tho legislative council ; and whicli has since mid«M-gono so many amendments that but lew, if any, of its original provisions n^main. 'J'he charier election is now Im^JiI on the I'irsl Monday of March. No prop(U'ty qualilica- lion is rcNjuinnl to constitute a "freeman" of the city. DIRECTORY CHURCHES. There are eleven Churches in Detroit : three Catholic, (be- sides one now building) — one Episcopalian — one Presbyteri- an — one Scotch Presbyterian — two Methodist — two Baptist, and one German Lutheran, CATHEDRx\L OF ST. ANNE. This edifice stands in Larned street, between Bates and Randolph streets. It is built of hammered granite, of an ex- cellent quality, and measures 116 feet by 60 feet in the clear. The style of the building is Roman Doric, finished in front with two steeples, ornamented with Iron crosses. On the cen- tre of the roof is an octagonal dome, 30 feet high and 30 feet in diameter. The orchestra, situate immediately over the front door, contains one of the largest organs in the United States. CEIURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY. This church which is situate on Michigan Grand avenue, corner of Bates street, is a plain frame building with a steeple, measures 80 feet by 40 feet and is found to be too small lor its present congregation. ST. MARY'S CHURCH. The Church of St. Mary stands on the corner of Croghan and St. Antoine streets. The erection of this building was commenced in 1841 and though not yet completed, it has been used for religious worship by the congregation since June, 1843. It is intended to finish the building by the addition of a belfry and steeple with the least possible delay. This edifice is a plain substantial brick building. Its extreme length is 125 feet by 60 feet wide. The Sanctuary is 30 feet wide by 25 feet long, octagon form ; on each side of the sanctuary there is a vestry room, 15 feet square. The general style of the building is the Roman and 1 uscan, and the whole of the interior is finished in the plainest manner. OP DETROIT. ST. PETRR'S CHURCH. The site of the Church of St. Peter, is on the north side of Jefferson avenue, the corner of St. A ntoine street. The cor- ner stone of this capacious structure was laid on the 29th day of June, 1844. The Right Rev'd. P. P. Lefevere, Catholic Bishop of Detroit, officiating on the occasion. The building is to be of brick of a superior quality, 160 feet in length by 81 feet wide, the walls of which are already carried up several feet above the foundation. To the east of the Church and con- necting therewith, is to be erected the Bishop's house with suitable offices. Th'fe entire range of buildings when completed will occupy one block from Jetierson avenue to Larned street abutting on St. Antoine street on the west. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Saint Paul's Church is situated in Woodward Avenue, between Larned and Congress streets. Its order of Architec- ture is Gothic. The body of the building is brick, and meas- ures, exclusive of the vestry room, 90 feet by 50 feet. The front is flanked with a buttress at each angle, with two regu- lar offsets, crowned and ornamented with a spiral roof, trian- gular caps, crockets and balls. The height of the buttress to the top of the spiral roof is 54 feet. The front entrance is a Gothic door, handsomely ornamented with two columns on each side, vvhich group and meet in the centre of the arch above. On each side of the door is a Gothic v^^indow, orna- mented with an architrave trefoil band. The tower to the top of the pinnacles is 115 feet in height, and 18 feet square at its base. It is composed of two sections — the first finished with a block cornice and battlement ballustrade ; and the sec- ond section finished with a large cove cornice and castelated ballustrade. The pinnacles that finish the top of this section are two feet und a half square, and twenty-two feet high, crowned and ornamented with a spiral roof, triangular caps, crockets and balls. The flanks of the buikling contain five Gothic windows, each finished with a pannel ballustrade. — The inside contains three galleries — the pulpit and orchestra in the rear, and a superior organ with four stops. The galle- eies are supported with well finished quatrefoil columns. The whole presents an imposing appearance, and reflects much credit on the architect. 8 DIRECTORY FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. This Church is situated on Woodwai-d avenue, at the cor- ner of Lamed street. Its extreme length is one hundred feet. Length, exclusive of the portico, ninety feet. Breadth of the house, 60 feet. The general style of the house is Grecian. In front is a ped- iment, supported by six Doric columns, 24 feet in height. The house is built of brick, with two side galleries, a spa- cious orchestra, and a large Library room in the rear. The number of pews is a hundred and forty six. The pulpit, which is an open one, stands in the rear, and th"6 orchestra in front. The steeple is a hundred and thirt}'^ feet in height, and con- sists of three sections — a base, a belfrey, and a dial section, with a spire thirty feet in height. Cost of the house, exclu- sive of the land, $25,000. This edifice is deemed one of the best churches in the Western States : and by those who have seen the inside, the beauty and finish of the building have been often noticed. It is arched, and the arch is divided into four panels, enclosing a quadrangle, which overhangs the centre of the floor. The quadrangle is ornamented with two elegant centre pieces, from each of which is suspended a bronzed chandelier. SCOTCH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. This Church is situate on the corner of Bates and Farmer streets. It is a new frame building, 71 feet long by 41 wide, and was opened, for religious worship, October, 1844. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. The First Methodist Episcopal Church is situated on Wood- ward avenue, corner of Congress street. It is a neat, plain edifice, but, being found too small for the congregation, a second Methodist Episcopal Church, of Detroit, has been organized, who meet for worship, at the United States Court Room, or elsewhere, until a suitable building can be erected for their accommodation. COLORED M. E. CHURCH. This building is a small frame, formerly belonging to the city, which was liberally presented to the above congrega- tion, and is at present located on Fort, west of Beaubien st. OP DETROIT. 9 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. The First Baptist Church stands on an elevated site at the corner of Fort and Griswold streets. It is plain, substantial and well proportioned brick building, 70 feet in length and 50 feet in width, with a steeple and dome of onsiderable ar- chitectural beauty. The general style of the building is Ionic. Tjie steeple is divided into three sections, a base, a belfry and a dial — the first is square, the second is part octagon, suspen- ded on the corner by pilasters, recessed back on the sides, and supported by fluted Ionic columns ; and the third is octagon supported by pilasters. Each section is encompassed by an open balustrade, supported by a pedestal on the angles, and capped with a handsome urn. The whole is crowned with a magnificent dome, the top of which is 100 feet from the ground. Three doors in front form the entrance. The interior con- tains a spacious gallery, a pulpit, and 68 pews on the first floor. The pulpit, which is an open one, is supported by Ionic columns, having semi circular stairs, ascending on both sides, and is thrown back into the hall by an arched niche, standing between the two doors leading from the hall into the Church. The ceiling is an eliptic arch, with a large sunk panel, in the centre of which there is a centre for suspending a chandelier. AFRICAN BAPTIST CHURCH. This a neat frame building, standing on Fort street, be- tween Beaubion and St. Antoine streets, and was built by the voluntary contributions of the citizens generally. The Church and congregation assembling there, by the help of their friends, have since raised the building and fitted up the basement,Vhere they have an excellent day school, under the supervision of the Board of Education, taught by the minister, Elder Wm. Munroe. GERMAN LUTHERAN CHURCH. This Church is situated on Monroe Avenue, the corner of Farrar street. It is now about seven years since it was erected. It is a plain, handsome, wood building, 50 feet long and 35 feet wide. It was erected by subscription, to which the citizens of every denomination liberally and cheeriuUy contributed. 10 DIRECTORY PUBLIC BUILDINGS, &c. THE STATE HOUSE, Was orignally built for the District Court of the United States, and the Legislative Council of the Territory, is of brick, and measures 90 feet by 60 feet. The general style of this building is Ionic. In front is a portico supported by six columns. The entablature on the sides is supported by pilasters. The steeple is crowned with a dome and is about 140 feet high. The basement story is divided into offices for the officers of the State government. The first floor contains the Hall of the House of Representatives, Governor's room, -library, and office of the clerk of the House of Representa- tives. On the second floor is the Senate Chamber, office of the Clerk of the Senate and the Committee Rooms of both Houses. THE STATE BUILDING, GRISWOLD STREET. This edifice, sometime known as the Detroit Female Sem- inary, now belongs to the State of Michigan, and is occupied by the offices of the Auditor General, Slate Treasurer, Board of Internal Improvement, &c. The Court of Chancery, and the Supreme Court, also, hold their Courts in this building. It is a plain, substantial brick building, 56 feet in front, by 40 deep, situated on a rise of ground in Griswold street, in one of the pleasantest parts of the city. WAYNE COUNTY BUILDING, CORNER GRrSWOLD AND CONGRESS STREETS. This is a new, substantial, two story brick building, 32 feet in front, by 80 feet deep, erected in 1844, and expected to be finished the ensuing spring. The first story is to be occupied as offices, by the different County Officers, and the second story contains a Court Room, .50 feet long by 30 feet wide, with a Jury Room and Grand Jury Room. The contractors for this building are Messrs. Jackson & Perry, of this city. THE CITY HALL, Is a two story brick building with hammered stone base- ment, and is 100 feet long and fifty feet in width. The height of the first story is 16 feet, and from the base to the top of the cornice, 36 feet — on the front of the roof there is a OF DETROIT. 11 handsome cupola. The principal entrance is from the public square. The first story is occupied by the city market and clerk's office — and the secon 1 story is a spacious Hall. The building was erected in the year 1835, and cost about #20,000. UNITED STATES BUILDING, JEFFERSON AVENUE, CORNER GRISWOLD STREET. This edifice was erected in 1837, by the late Bank of Mich- igan, and bought at auction for the United States, the 12th of December, 1842, for the sum of $32,000. It is a handsome building, 57 feet by 40 feet square ; the architecture is of the chaste Grecian style, the two fronts be- ing composed of polished stone. It has two full stories and a basement. The basement is occupied as the Post Office. The main, or first story, is oc- cupied as the United States Court Room and Marshal's Office, the second story is occupied as offices for District Judge, At- torney, Clerk, and a Jury Room. The Court Room is capa- cious, the ceiling 17 feet high. The building was erected under the direction of Mr. Charles Lum, of this city. WATER. The city is supplied with water from the Detroit river by means of a hydraulic establishment, erected on Atwater street, in the southeast part of the city. These works were so far finished as to come into operation in May, 1841. The tank, or reservoir, which contains the water, is of cast iron, 60 feet diameter, and 20 feet deep, secured with strong iron bands, bolts and rivets, enclosed with a frame building, 65 feet diameter, 24 feet high, conical roof, and sup- ported by a circular brick building, 62 feet diameter, at an elevation of 47 feet fi'om its foundation. This tank is suppli- ed daily by means of a steam engine, the pump of which is fixed 7 feet below the surface of the river and is found fully adequate to furnish an abundant supply of pure and whole- some water to the whole city. Connected with these works, there are laid down 4 miles of iron pipe, 10 miles of tamarick logs and 50 fire plugs, or hy- drants, at an expense to the city, for the whole, of about $120,000. The plan of these works was designed by, and executed under the direction of, Mr. Noah Sutton, of this city. 12 .^ DIRECTORY MUSEUM, OR CABINET OF CURIOSITIES, BY DR. CAVALLI, Franklin street, east of St. Antoine street. The above named gentleman, who is a member of the Na- tional Institute, having made the tour of Europe and Egypt, has collected, at considerable labor and expense a cabinet of ancient curiosities, rich and rare, and though intended for a private museum only, he has with unexampled liberality, made it "public and free." In this notice we have neither space, nor ability, to do'any thing like justice to this exhibition, which, with our limited knowledge of such matters, we believe we may pronounce to be unique in this western world, and if we should be so happy as to rescue our worthy friend, the Doctor, and his Museum, from their undeserved obscurity, we think we shall have " done the state some service." Among the catalogue of contents, may be found, 600 spe- cimens of Minerals, Rocks and Petrifactions of Organic Re- mains, Shells and Bivalves, Birds, &c., of Michigan, Roman and Chinese Antiquities, Works of Art, Engravings, Medals, Books, &c. MARKETS. There are three Markets, the City Market, on the first floor of the City Hall, the Berthelet, at the corner of Ran- dolph and Woodbridge streets, and the Washington Market, ■ corner of Wayne and Larned streets. The two former only are occupied as Markets, at present ; these are kept in good order by the Inspector of Provisions, and well supplied with every thing that can be desired, at similar places. There is a great variety of vegetables and fruit in season, and also of fish, the latter of which is found in great abundance, in the river, all of which are to be had in the Fruit Market adja- cent, which is now covered in, and enclosed with a strong fence. ABREVIATIONS USED IN THE DIRECTORY. St. for street, — a v. for avenue, — cor. for corner, — r. for residence, — b. for boards. WELLINGS'S DIRECTORY OF DETROIT, 1 845. Abbott James, office Abbott's block Atwater st r cor Fort and Griswold sts Abbott Dr, Springwells Abbott John S, attorney & counsellor at law over farmers' & mechanics' bank Jefferson av Abbott & Beecher, dry goods merchants, 144 Jefferson av Abbott T F, b widow Doty's Abbott George C, tinsmith, cor Miami av and State st Adams T K, boot & shoe store, 140 Jefferson av b Am Hotel Adam John J, State Treasurer, office state buildings, Griswold ^t, b Wm Moore's, Larned st Adams Charles S, Whiting & Adams, office Griswold st, op custom house b Sheldon McKnight's Abernethy boot maker, Woodbridge st nr Shelby Adderley John, druggist. Woodward av near Atwater st Adair William, proprietor Michigan Gardens, Randolph st Ahlers Gustavus, tailor, Lafayette nr Antoine Allen & Stewart, botanic store, 168 Jefferson av Allen James, currier, b Mrs Barton's Allen Lewis, law office Drew's Building Jefferson av b cor Shelby & Congress Allen Robert, (colored) hairdresser 194 Jefferson av Allen James, 140 Jefferson av AUyn Frederick, tailor, 59 Jefferson av Allen Edward, stone cutter, Larned nr Shelby Allen W W, master mariner, Larned nr Cass Allen Orville S, (Toles dz; Allen,) Elizabeth near Clifford st Allen Thomas, carpenter, Macomb av nr Grand River st Allen Peter, carpenter, do do Allen Nathan, butcher, Miami av near Grand Circus 2 14 DIRECTORY Alexander Wm P, laborer, Eagle Tavern Alter Francis, grocer cor Beaubien & Congress sts American Hotel, (J W Van Anden, proprietor) 192 JefTav Ambrister Igneaz, laborer, Randolph st nr Adams av Amman Christian, sadler, b D Seelried's Andrews Hiram R, proprietor of the Railroad Hotel op the central and northern Railroad depots Andrews Luther, O at Hiram R Andrews Andrews P B, engineer, Congress nr Brush Andrew Wm, grocer, cor Antoine and Congress sts Anderson Ebenezer, assistant cashier bank St Clair r Congress nr Beaubien Andre Joseph, cor Randoph & Larned sts Andre James, plasterer, do Antoine John, pedler, Franklin st Armstrong & Sibley, forwarding merchants, warehouse foot of Cass st Armstrong James A, r Solomon Sibley Armstrong William, clerk, John Hulbert cSc co Armstrong Thos H, hat & cap store Jefferson av b Mrs Dean's Armstrong Luzerne, bookbinder, A S Bagg's, r Porter nr Second st Armstrong John, clerk, H Lyon & co Armstrong Thomas, grocer, cor Beaubien & Croghan sts Arnold Uriah, bar keeker, National Hotel r State nr Farmer st Arwin John, b Clinton House Arthur Henry, sadler, b at Railroad Hotel Aspinall J & P, grocers. Woodward av and Larned st Aspinall Joseph, Adams av near Grand River road Aspinall Philip, Grand River near Farrar st Ashley Elihue, carpenter, cor Miami av and John R st Ashley Elkanah, carpenter, b Israel Nobles Ash (Page & Ash) Richard, Griswold nr Grand River st Ask John, tailor, cor Atwater & Griswold sts Attorney General of Michigan, Elon Farnsworth Atkinson & Godfrey, house, ship, sign and ornamental pain- ters. Woodward av one door ab Atwater st Atkinson John, cor Grand River & Farrar sts Autrich Martin, potter, Croghan near Hasting's Auditor General, (office of) State buildings Griswold nr Rail- road depot Avery W T, clerk. J W Tillman's b Mrs Hinchman's Avery Charles, Congress nr Second OF DETROIT. 15 Avery Charles H, clerk, Armstrong & Sibley Avery Elisha S, brewer, b National Hotel B. Babillion P, bootmaker, Griswold nr Atwater st Babcock R. S & co, old manhattan store, dry goods &;c 146 JefFav Babcock Robert S, b Mad Hale's Babcock Thomas D, trader, b American Hotel Bacon Washington A, gent, cor Jeff av and Russel st Babe Christopher, gardener, do Backus Charles H, clerk, manhattan store, b Mrs HeartwelPs Backus Henry T, lawyer, Springwells nr Detroit Bagg & Harmon, printers and pi'oprietors of Detroit Free Press, Jeff av Bagg Asahel S, stationer, bookseller and bookbinder, r 135 Woodward av Bagg John S, editor of the Detroit Free Press, b National Hotel Bagg Dr Joseph H, cor Macomb and Brush Bagg Silas A, County Register, office Griswold, r Fort nr First Bagg Abraham, at Silas A Bagg's Bahan Peter, tailor, Woodbridge st, r Columbia nr Clifford st Baker, Mrs nurse, Columbia nr Witherell st Baker Daniel, carpenter, Farrar nr Grand River sts Baker Wm, do do Baldwin H P, wholesale and retail dealer in boots and shoes, 128 Jeff av, r Griswold near Congress st Baldwin Lyman R, Hay den & co, r cor Miami av and Grand River st Baldwin Albert, farmer. Cass farm, Grand River road Baldwin Joseph D, leather store, Woodward av, r Macomb nr Brush st Bal Wm, laborer, Elizabeth st nr Adams av Balch Caleb, carpenter, Abbott nr Second st Banks Robert, (colored) cothing store, cor Jeff av and Gris- wold st, r Fort near Brush st Band, John clerk, b H Whitcomb's Barney Milton, proprietor Steamboat Hotel, cor Woodbridge and Randolph sts Barbeau P, Steamboat Hotel Barnard Sherman, st clair lumber yard Atwater st r cor Beau- bien st and Woodbridge av 16 DIRECTORY Barnum William, hatter, 95 Jeff av, r Shelby nr Larned st Barton Jacob, clerk at Jonathan Wright's Bartholemew Albert H, coppersmith, Woodbridge cor Antoine Bartley Charles, tailor, at John Lyster's Barlage Anthony, grocer, Franklin st Barrie Wm, bakery and grocery, cor Hastings and Frank sts Barse W H, master mariner, Adams av nr Randolph st Bartley Patrick, drayman, Washington nr Michigan av Barclay & Keeney, machinists and founders, cor Lafayette and Shelby sts Barclay Wm, cor Farrar and Grand River sts Barton Mrs, boarding house, Woodbridge st Barry His Excellency John S, Governor of Michigan, office Capitol, b Nationel Hotal " Barry John, laborer, Larned nr Griswold Barstow & Lockwood, law office,cor Jefferson & Woodward av Barstow Samuel, cor Congress and Second sts Barstow Homer A, clerk, National Hotel Bater Francis, shoemaker, Russell nr Lafayette Bates & Powell, tailors. Woodward av Bates Sam'l, Michigan op Washington av Bates Geo C, U S District Attorney, office U S Building Jeff av, r 53 Fort st Bates Morgan, corner Woodward av and State st Bates H P, Farnsworth & Bates, b Mrs Dean's Bates Adam, mariner, 80 Jeff av Baum John George, pedler, Franklin st Baxter Whitter, law student, A Harvie's Beaubien Antoine, gent, 364 Jefferson av Beaubien James, cor Beaubien and Woodbridge sts Beaubien Louis, carpenter, 22 Fmnklin st Beaubien Peter, Woodbridge nr Oi-leans st Beaubien Chas, Beaubien nr Congress st Beaubien Henry, farmer, near State st Beard Jesse, brewery, Monroe av Beard Thos, farmer, Park st nr Michgan av Beard A, Atwater st nr Hydraulic Works Beard, Geo recess and oyster depot, King's corner Jefferson av, r cor Mich av and Park st Beardslee Charles, Michigan Grand av Beardslee Charles, Michigan Grand av Beach John, butcher, Woodbridge st Beau fait Francis, do OF DETROIT. 17 Beaufait M, cabinet maker, W^oodbridge st Beaufait Louis, do Beauchamp Francis, laborer, Atwater st Bean, John joiner, Witherell st Bean Abraham, mason, Woodward av nr Adams av Beattie, Rob't laborei-, Columbia st Beagle Ira, farmer do nr Adams av Beebe Levi M, teamster, Miami av nr Grand Circus Beck Joseph, baker, Lafayette nr Antoine Beck Gottlieb, tanner, cor Fort and Hastings sts Beecher L, Abbott & Beecher, b at widow IngersoU's Berger C, gunsmith, Jeff av, r cor Congress and Russell sts Bellinger John, laborer, Larned nr Randolph Belisle Chas, blacksmith, cor Larned and Brush, r Atwater nr Hastings Bel wood R, grocer, Mich Grand av Bell Andrew, school teacher. Congress nr Griswold Bellaire Oliver, carpenter, 357 Jeff av Bell William J, clerk Audr Gen'ls office, b Cha's G Hammond's Beldin Charles, ship carpenter, cor Farrar and State st Bendit, Solomon & co, dry goods, Jeff av cor Shelby st Bennett James W, bar keeper Lowe's billiard saloon Benham Ebenezer, grocer, cor Michigan av and Military square Benito L, recess, Wood av nr Woodbridge st Bennett Moses, blacksmith, nr west end Adams' av Bennett Clinton O, bar keeper Railroad Hotel Benne't John, Miami av nr Monroe av Bennett Wm, D do do Bennett Mrs, 57 Jefferson av Benois Francis, laborer, Croghan nr Antoine Benedict Eri, joiner, State nr Farrar st Bentley Samuel, engineer, IFoodbridge st Berthelct Henry, gent., Jeff av near Orleans st. Berthelet H jun, Fortier & Berthelet, b H Berthelet's Berger Adolphus, engineer, cor Park and Grand River sts Bermingham John, tailor, at McTerney's Berg Peter, laborer, Clinton nr Rivard st Berthelet Market, cor Randolph and Atwater sts Berry Andrew, mariner, Berthelet alley Best Jacob, bar-keeper John Edwards' old ferry Best (Stott & Best) Francis, Randolph cor Berthelet alley Best Christian, blacksmith. Brush nr Harriet st 2* 18 DIRECTORY Boden Wm, teamster J Roberts Bolio Gideon, joiner, 189 At water st. Bolton Walter, shoemaker, do Bowdish Moran, carpenter, Berthelet alley Boland John, tailor, Fort st Boudrou Chas, butcher, 5 City Hall market, r Macomb nr . Beaubien ^ Bour Nicholas, mason, cor Croghan and Russell sts Bouller Abel, grave digger, Clinton near Russel st Bourk Wm, jBrush st Bouchard Stephen, blacksmth, cor Jefferson av and Beaubien st r Beaubien st Bom Joseph, laborer, Franklin st Bottomley Geo, waiter J W Tillman's Bougrat John, shoemaker, Catharine nr Hastings Boland C, shoemaker. Grand River nr Woodward av Bolton Joseph, clerk, Michigan av Bostock John, clerk Rich'd Hall's Boden W, laborer, Washington av nr Clifford st Boraman Robert, hatter, Shelby nr Lafayette st Bour Joseph, bootmaker, Randolph nr Jefferson av, r cor Fort and Russell sts Bour Joseph jr, do Bornhort Roll, bootmaker, Griswold nr Atwater Boyd James, grocer, cor Beaubien and Lafayette sts Boudrou Stephen, carpenter. Brush st nr Gratiot road Bond & CO, gilders & looking glass manufacturers, 93 Jeff av Boyle Bernard, grocery, 41 Woodgridge st Boisclair Thos, ship joiner, Larned nr Cass Born H. shoemaker, Larned nr Bates Bonner Isaac, mason, Atwater st Boget Minard, tavern, Grand River st Boardman Daniel, mason, Adams av nr Grand River road Bond E, Elizabeth nr Park st Bond A G, teamster do Bohn Philip, tailor, Congress nr Hastings Birchard, L Y & co, new manhattan store, 112 Jeff av Birchard L Y, b M W Birchard's Birchard M W, Congress near Woodward av Birchard James T, Church & Burchard, b M W Birchard's Bishop L, law office, 1 Desnovers block Jeff av, b National Hotel Bisset Moses, cartman, Beaubien st nr Macomb av OF DETROIT. 19 Bigley Thomas, butcher, 11 City Hall market r Woodward av nr State st Bigley John, butcher, b Thomas Bigley's Billings John S, hatter. Woodward av nr Grand River st Bingham E, Congress nr First Bishop Morris S, groceries and provisions, 4 Wardell's block Woodward av r Jefferson av nr st Antoine st Bissinger Michael, laborer, Catharine nr Russell st Bissell Chas, Kercheval & co, Springwells near Detroit Bissell Edward, shoemaker, Macomb av nr Clifford st Bissell E A, Watkins & Bissell, cor Jefferson av & Brush st Bissell G W, ' do do do Branham Jacob, (coloredj cook, Lafayette nr Antoine Brabno Joseph, joiner, Croghan nr Hastings sts Bradley Collins, Hay den & co, law build. Wood av, r cor Hastings and Lafayette sts Brady H, Gen. U S Army, 308 Jeff av Brady John, carpenter, cor Beaubien and Macomb sts Brady Thomas, do do Brady & Trowbridge, grocers, 116 Jeffav Brady Samuel P, r Congress nr Shelby Brady Hugh, provisions, cor Atwater & Griswold st Bradford James B, clerk F Moore's Bradford E P, Chandler & Bradford, r 130 Jeff av Branan James, boiler maker, Adams av nr John R st Branan Denis, butcher, do Branen John, mason. Fort near Beaubien st Brainard Franklin, clerk A McFarren, b Jas G Crane Braman Jason, carpenter, Cass near Lafayette st Brazil Conrad, shoemaker, at John Smith's Brazell Patrick, grocer, foot Woodward av Brenan John, carpenter, Miami av nr vState st Brewster & Dudgeon, forwarding merchant, warehouse foot of Brush fet Brewster William, 237 Jefferson av Breen Denis, laborer, Franklin st Brinnin Anthony, laborer, Macomb nr Antoine Billing, L laborer, do Britton Sandford, cabinet maker, Jeffav, b American Hotel Brister Daniel, carpenter, Beaubien nr Fort sts Briscoe Benjamin, engineer. Farmer nr State sts Britain George, mariner, new ferry house Woodward av Briody Brine, joiner, Larned nr Third st 20 DIRECTORY Brockhausen Dr, cor Antoine and Atwater Brodhead, T F Deputy Sec'y State, office capitol. b S Mc Knight's Brooks Edward, collector customs, office Griswold st, r Wood av nr Grand Riv st Brooke Geo M, Brig General U S Army, b Michigan Exchange Brooke E H U, rialto saloon, Woodbridge st Broom Andrew, tailor, corner Fort and Russel sts Bronson John, Antoine nr Larned sts Bron Thomas M, shoemaker. Brush st nr JefTav Brown Cullen, saddlery and hardware, 160 Jeff av, r 292 Woodbridge st « Brown Robert, butcher, Berthelet market, r Atwater nr Beau- bien st Brown Francis, butcher, Atwater st Brown John, grocer do ; Brown Thomas, p.jrter, Brush nr Woodbridge st Brown James, bootmaker, at Wm Nu gent's Brown John, carpenter. State st nr Washington av Brown Dr Rufus, office Jeff av, b Michigan Exchange Brown Henry H, cashier Mich Insurance Bank, r cor Fort and Wayne sts Brown Barton, driver Railroad hotel Brown John, dry goods, Woodward av r Woodwar av nr State Brown George, clerk, John Brown's Brown Frederick, bootmaker, Atwater st Brown John, warehouseman Dorr, Webb &; co Brown Vincent, machinist, Wayne nr Larned st Brown Widow, tailoress, 58 Jefferson av Brownson H C, clerk, George Macy's Brownley John, shoemaker, corner Monroe av & Randolph st Brownell Gushing, b Clinton House Buddington, George W carpenter, cor JefTav and Brush sts Buckley Henry J, elk G. Williams & co, b Thos Palmer's Buckley Wm, bootmaker, W^ood av nr Woodbridge st Buck John, blacksmith. Brush st near Gratiot road Buel & Howard, law office, W^oodward nr Jefferson av Buel, Alex W 140 Jefferson av nr Riopelle Buhl, F & C H, manufacturers of hats and caps, Jeff av Buhl F, r Congress nr Cass st Buhl C H, r Griswold near Congress st Bull James, variety store, 11 Woodward av, r cor Bates and Farncier sts OF DETROIT. 21 Bull Chas M, ^oceries and provisions, Wood av nr Fort, r Mich av cor Park st Bull G, law office, Drew's build, Jefferson av, b widow Hale's- Bull George G, deputy clerk U S district and circuit courts office U S buildings Jeffav r Jeff av nr Wayne st Bunne Tunice, shingle maker, Hastings nr Pine sts Burns Edward, porter, D Dunning's Burns James, drayman, Croghan nr Beaubien st Burns Edward, laborer, do Burns James R, Cook & Burns, Michigan av nr Griswold st Burns Patrick, carpenter. Congress nr Antoine Burns Alexander, carpenter, b Wm Robson's, Congress st Burns John, laborer, At water st Burgin Cha-s, cartman, Lafayette nr Hastings Burchell Wm, ste-am boat agent, Hastings nr W^oodbridge st Bury Wm, clerk, N Elbert's Burnell Wm, master Guilder, TFoodbridge st Burchell Moses, grocer, do Burreil Richard, carpenter, 167 do Burll Richard, carman, ibot Randolph st Burts David M, joiner, Farrar op Jail Burt Mrs, Miami nr Monroe avs Burley W, clerk Armstrong & Sibley Burley Washington, elk Armstrong 6z co Bushnell D, b American Hotel Bush Theodore, mariner, Beaubien nr Gratiot road Butler Peter, cartman, Franklin st Butler, Wm carpenter, Fort nr Brush Butler W A, Lamson & Butlei", Larned near Beaubien st Butler Campbell, currier, b Miss Lyons Butler, Comfort Fingal, job printer, 59 Woodward av Button Harry, cooper, Larned nr Cass Buzzard Philip, carpenter, Atwater st Backer Andrew, do do Bush Theodore, mariner, Gratiot road nr Barracks Busby James, carpenter, Washington av nr Grand River st Blaenk John, pianoforte maker, Randolph st nr Jefferson av Black, mason, b Israel Noble's Black River steam mill lumberyard, foot Hastings st Blake Fortice, clerk E.dred &: co Blanchard Christopher, currier, at McKibbin's Blair John, blacksmith, VVoodbridge st, r Grs near Cong st Black J 6o A, grocers, Military square 22 DIRECTORY Blakeslee George, carpenter, Woodward av nr State st Blenks Peter, laborer, cor Farrar and John R sts Blockner Matthias, butcher, John Hull's Bloom, Henry tailor, Russell nr Fort sts Blooni John, sail maker &; ship chandler, 28 Woodbridge st r First st nr Congress Blindbury Chas, sawyer, l-Fbodbridge st Blin Edmund W, clerk Geo Moon's Bruce Orson, sadler, b Issac Clark's Brush Charles R, Brush farm on Witherell stab Grand Circus ^Brush E A, gent., 20:>. Jeff av " Brush Alfred, do Brunyard John, joiner, foot of Bates st Brunet Chas, farmer. Pine st Brunei John, do do Baker Louis, laborer do Beans John, do do Byram Ebenezer A, Slater & Byram, Elizabeth nr Grand Circus Byram Chas, cabinet maker, Larned near Hastings Bryant, Miss E select school. Mechanic's Hall b O M Hyde's Bycraft James, Market Hotel, Atwater st Brazell James, tailor, do Boivert Oliver, b Steamboat Hotel Best, laborer Antoide st nr Atwater. Bailey Dr Frederick E, dentist Woodward av nr Larned st c. Cable Andrew, b Steamboat Hotel Cadwell Henry, carpenter. Pine st Calhoun A B, Spencer & Calhoun, r Congress nr Brush Cals Peter, tailor, Macomb nr Hastings Callabash Peter, sadler, St Mary nr Hastings Gallagher James, tailor, Larned nr Randolph st Campau, Joseph Jefferson av ^ ^ &' Campau Joseph jr, do /t Campau Daniel J, county treasurer, Jefferson av Campau Henry, ps^^Ur^ do Campau Denis, it tjo Campau James, f do ^ Campau Barnabas, cor Congress and Griswold ^^-^-^ Campau Barnabas jr, do do ' ''' Campau Alexander, do do ., OF DETROIT. 23 Cameron Gilbert, laborer, Mullet nr Hastings sts Campbell & Jack, Scotch dry goods store, 143 Jefferson av Campbell Joseph, segar maker, Beaubien nr Montcalm st Campbell Wm P, new ferry house tavern, Woodward av Campbell James V, law office at Douglass & Walker's, r 109 Larned st Campbell Edward, ostler at G Howe's Campbell John, baker Wm Witherspoon's Camp Thomas, laborer. Congress nr Hastings st Caniff A C, Congress nr Shelby st -Canfield, A capt CJ S army, do Canann Michael, laborer, Lafayette nr Beaubien st Canann James, laborer, Grand Riv st Canann Dennis, do do Capitol (The) Legislative Hall of Michigan nr State and Griswold sts Cardell Michael L, dentist, office cor Congress st & Wood av CareyJames, laborer, Woodbridge st Carey James H, clerk, State st nr Woodward av Carey O H, commission merchant, office G Williams & co, r cor Woodward av and State st Carpenter Nathan B, Bates nr Farmer st Carpenter Townsend, cor Jeff av and Brush st Carpenter H D, bar keeper Michigan Exchange Carpenter &; Rice, dry goods merchants, 140 Jefferson av Carpenter U N, b Michigan Exchange Carp Peter, laborer, cor Brush and Croghan sts Cartner B F, bootmaker, 163 Jefferson av, r Congress st Carle Daniel, laborer, Antoine nr Woodbridge st Cargill Oscar F, b National Hotel Carmer Henry H, grocery. Woodward av nr Military Square, r Antoine nr Congress st Carney James, gardiner, De Garmo Jones' farm Carroll H, vegetable store, Michigan Grand av Carter Wm, (colored) barber, Woodbridge st Carter A C, grocery, Woodbridge st / Cass Lewis, cor Cass and Fort sts ( Cass Lewis jr, do do Cash Joseph, shoemaker, Lafayette nr Russell Casey John, laborer, do Caswell Seneca, carpenter, Miami av nr Grand Circus Cavalli Dr, Franklin st Cavalry Wm, mariner, Grand River st nr Macomb av 24 DIRECTORY Cavanagh James, porter at Geo Wales' Cavaney Patrick, moulder, 1 Woodbrioge st] Cavaney John, blacksmith, do ChafFe Amos, farmer, 40 Monroe av Chagnon & Langlois, grocers, 76 Atwater st Chagnon Louis, baker, Larned near Brush sts Channre Nicholas, laborer, Croghan nr Antoinests •► Chancellor of Michigan (Hon Randolph Manning) office in Capitol Chandler & Bradford, wholesale and retail dry goods ware- house, 130 Jefferson av ^Chandler Zacharias, b B F Moore's Chapman Silas, 2d bar keeper National Hotel Chamberlain David, carpenter. Woodward av nr Grand Riv- er st Chambers Chas, carpenter, 42 Larned st Chambau Joseph, carpenter, St Marys st Champagn Joseph, laborer, Franklin st Champ Wm, Railroad Temperance House, cor Michigan and Washington avs Chapman James, grocer, Monroe av nr Military Square Chapman Nathan, coachman to capt Canfield Chapman John, stone cutter, Larned nr Griswold st Chapoton Eustache, mason, Jefferson av Chapoton Alexander, mason, Congress nr Beaubien Chapoton x\ndrew, mason, Lafayette nr Rivard st Chapoton Dominick, bootmaker, at P Babillion's Chapoton Augustus, carpenter, Farrar w John R st Chapoton Anthony, do do do Chapoton Benjamin, mason do Chase Elisha, Griswold nr Larned st Chase Thos, b National Hotel Chase John M, first clerk Auditor General's office, b Mrs Dean's, Congress st Chase John M, brick grocery, cor Rowland and Grand River sts Chase & Cargill, dry goods merchants. Commercial Buildings, Woodward av Chase John B, clerk, b Miss Lyons , Chester John, forwarding merchant, warehouse foot Bates st, r cor Fort and Cass sts Chipman H, law office, cor Jefferson av and Bates st, r Jeffer- son av nr Antoine OF DETROIT. 25 Chicoine Zepheren, laborer, Theresa alley, At water st Chittenden Wm F, superintendent C Railroad, r Depot Chittenden Wm, r Railroad Depot Chope E, blacksmith, op Am Hotel Jeff av, r Cong nr Brush st Chope Alex, do do do do Christian Thos, acc't Daily Advertiser, r Lafayette st Christian Joseph, clerk, George Beard's Christian John, mason, St Mary nr Rahdolph Christian M P, Geiger & Christian, printer, 154 Jefferson av over Watson's store Chrysler Wm, carpenter, Larned nr Beaubien st Church E M, grocery. Woodward av b Israel Noble's Church & Birchard, wholesale and retail dry goods store, cor Wood av and Congress st Church Philetus S, r Congress nr Antoine Church, clerk Justus Clark's Church Chas S, clerk J W Strong jr, b National Hotel Churchill M C, clerk Garrison's store, b National Hotel Cicotte Edward V, inspector beef, pork and fish, cor Congres and Beaubien sts Cicotte Francis, 8 Congress st Cicotte James G, Fort nr Hastings st Cicotte James S, Franklin st Cicotte David, joiner, do City Coffee House Woodbridge st nr Woodward av City of Detroit, for mayor, &c see "Detroit city" Clark Cornelius, livery stable, Randolph st nr Jeffav Clark Isaac, sadler, Rivard nr Franklin st Clark James, engineer, near Grand Circus Clark Benj, deputy inspector provisions, cor Cong and Beau- bien sts Clark David S, blacksmith, Cass st Clark, tailor, Park st nr Michigan av Clarke Dr T B, physician and drug store, Wood av, r Jeffav Clark Justus W, grocery, cor Woodward av and Military Square, r Randolph st nr Gratiot Road Clark Wm H, Randolph st nr Gratiot road Clancy Geo, Larned st Clay Wm, hair dresser and wig maker. Woodward av adjoin- ing National Hotel, r Woodward av nr Grand River st Clairoux Louis D, wagon maker, Jeffersen av nr Beaubien st, r Hastings nr Fort st Clayton Robert, laborer, Atwater st 3 26 DIRECTORY Claus J, button maker, Macomb nr Russell Claus Michael, laborer, Franklin st Clement Samuel, turner, Randolph nr Fort st Clinton M, joiner, Clinton nr Antoine sts Clinton House, (A Leadbeater) cor Atwater and Brush sts Cline Chas, cabinet maker, cor Fort and Lafayette sts Clump Nelson, butcher, Berth market, r Chicago road Coates, mason, Franklin st Cobb Josiah H, auction and com store, cor JefF av and Gris- wold st, r Brush nr JefFav Cobb Dr, office jeff av, r Jefferson av nr Riopelle vSt Cobb, L H do do do Cobb Joseph, bootmaker. Woodward av Cobel Henry, warehouseman at E S Truesdail's Cochrane James, select school, Jefferson av (n s) nr Bates st Coe & Coit, exchange brokers, 53 Wood nr Jeff av Coe Israel, b National Hotel Coffin H W, carpenter, b Israel Noble's Coghlan Daniel, butcher, 12 City Hall, r Griswold nr Grand River st Coghlan Cornelius, laborer, do Coghlan Thomas, carpenter, Larned nr Cass st Coghlan Thos, laborer, Hastings nr Fort st Coit Samuel, b Widow Davenport's Colvin Matthew, butcher, Stephen. B Morse Columbus Insurance Company, agents, Armstrong &: Sibley, Detroit Cole Wm F, painter, basement Baptist Church, cor Fort and Griswold sts Cole James A, Williams & Cole, r SpHngwells Cole James, masor ,Fort nr Beaubien st Cole Mrs, Larned • iBeaubien st Cole Oscar R, b American Hotel Cole Samuel, butcher, Miami av nr Grand Circus Cole Vincent, do do Cole William, sail maker, Atwater nr Woodward av, r Spring- wells Colman, cabinet maker, b Edward Myers Collins John, drayman, Clinton nr Hastings st Collins Thomas, tanner, Atwater st CoUison John, mill stone maker, b Jos McMichael's Collins, Hugh Woodridge st OF DETROIT. 27 Collins, James clerk, Woodbridge st Collins John, diayman, do Collins Chas, malster, do Collins Chas B, Hubbard & Collins, b Mad Hale's Collins & Hubbard, law office, Wood nr Jeffav av, r Rowland st nr Capitol Common Richard, mason. Fort nr Brush st Common Geo, tailor, Jeft^av, b Richard Common Companya Charles, carpenter, Russell nr Catherine sts Company James, carpenter, Larned nr Anioine st Comstock Oliver C jun, acting Com'r Internal Improve Michgan, office State buildings, Griswold st, b National Hotel Comstock Ephraim, carpenter, Wayne nr Jeff av Connolly Patrick, plasterer, Larned nr Bates st Conrad Pierre, laborer, cor Rivard and Croghan sts Conney Christopher, shoemaker. Brush st nr Gratiot road Conaughton Patrick, laborer, Larned st nr Wood av Conove Charles, mason, Cass nr Lafayette sts Condon John B, soap maker, 43 Franklin st Conkling E M, joiner, 229 Woodbridge st Conner Richard J, clerk N T Ludden's Conner Widow, 264 Woodbridge st Conway, stone cutter, do Condo Jacob, laborer. Brush farm Concklin Edward P, bar keeper new ferry house tavern Cook & Burns, dry goods and groceries, 97 Jeffav Cook Olnej^, Lafayette nr Shelby st Cook Philip, Beaubien nr Clinton st Cook Chas PI, clerk at T H Armstrong's cap store, b at Mrs Dean's Cook James, trader. Congress nr Beaubien st Cook Wm, artist, Lafayette nr Wayne Cook Joseph, finisher, Lafayette nr Cass st Cook Widow, 153 Larned st Cook Geo, coppersmith, do Cook Mrs O, Larned nr Shelby st Cook Abraham, gent, Atwater st near Hydraulic works Cook Levi, pres't bank St Clair, r Shelby nr Congress st Cook Edward, blacksmith, Woodbridge st Coombs Geoi ge. Keeper of the Capitol Coombs Alonzo F, church sexton. Wood av nr Grand Circus Cooper David, dry goods, &c, Jefferson av, r Mich Grand av SB DIRECTORY Cooper Geo A, Jeflerson av r Michigan Grand av Good Edward, clerk Pontiac Railroad, b Railroad Hotel Cooper Wm, sadler, b do do Copper Peter, (colored) drayman, Clinton nr Antoine Copland John, bakery, cor Randolph and Woodbridge sts Coqiiilard Thomas, mason, Farmer st op Jail Coquilard Augustus, mason, Farmer nr John R st Coquilard Leander, mason, Franklin st Corbitt Samuel, tailor, Atwater st Cornfield Wm, provisions do Corstan Wm, ship carpenter, Franklin st Corway James, laborer, Franklin st Cornfield Edward, grocer, Woodbridge st Corson, lawyer, cor Antoine and AVoodbridge sts Cottell Simon, laborer, Lamed nr Hastings st Cotlin Joseph, gardener, Witherell st County of Wayne, for clerk, &c see "Wayne county" Couse A, music saloon, 65 Jeff av Couchois JMaxim, clerk at Abbot & co's, b Miss Lyons Couta Godfrey, ship carpenter, b I Noble's Counahan John, laborer, Mich av Coverts Chas, fur dealer. Congress nr Cass st Covell, b O M Hyde's Covert Isaac, carpenter, Columbia near Bnish »t Cowie William, pattern maker, Atwater st Cowles Noah, Johnson & Cowles, b W W Johnson's Cox Charles, butcher, Gratiot nr Rivard sts Coxe Alfred, grocer and druggist, JefTerson av, b Alpheus S Williams' Coyle Patrick, tanner, c@r Beaubien and Franklin sts Coyl Wm K, grocery. Military Square Coyle Edward, shoemaker, Randolph nr Woodbridge st Crandell R, carpenter, Congress nr Wayne st Grain Wm M, hardware store, Woodwai-d av, r Washington av nr State st Crane Albert, law office, law buildings Woodward av, b D Dunning's Crane James G, hatter, Jeff av, r State nr Farrar Cramer John, shoemaker, do Crabb James, brickmaker. First nr Congress st Crabb Geo, joiner, Jefferson av nr Randolph Crary Alonzo, agent Pontiac Railroad b Railroad Hotel Cringle Chas W, master mariner, Elizabeth nr Park st ' OF DETROIT. 29 Crippen Wm H, cabinet maker, Jefferson av Cromwell Elias C, S Reeve & co, b Mich Exchange Cromhorn Anthony, laborer, Croghan nr Russell Crones C, grocery, Mich Grand av Cross «Sc Watts, shoemakers, do Crouse Chas, mariner, Miami av nr John R st Crough Patrick, laborer. Congress nr Randolph st Crowley James, carpenter, foot Randolph st Grossman G D, dry goods merchant, Jefferson av, r Jefferson av cor Rivard st Cunningham John, feed store, Woodward av nr Military Square Curnick James, umbrella maker, Woodbridge near Beaub st Curtis J, school teacher, b Railroad Hotel Curtis Geo, Fowler & Curtis, b Railroad Flotel Curtis Thos P, carpentei*. Brush st nr Gratiot road Curtis Louis, blacksmith, Macomb nr Antoine st Curtis William, clerk, Croghan nr Beaubien Currie James, laborer, Bates nr Woodbridge st Curry Wm R, carpenter, Farrar st nr Monroe av Gushing Charles, clerk T K Adams', r Congress nr Rand st Cushwa John, joiner, Macomb nr Antoine st Cusac A, pattern maker do Gruivell F, jeweller at W Fischer's Central Railroad ticket office, cor Woodward av nr Military Square D. Dahmer John, cabinet maker, 57 Bates st Dahmer George, do do Dailey John W, porter post office, r Randolph nr Harriet st Dailey William, drayman, Lawson & co Dajat F, tailor. Fort nr Rivard st Dalmas Augustus, shoemaker, Atwater st Daly John, laborer. Brush nr do Daly Thomas, laborer, Mich av nr Shelby st Daly D, grocery, Mich av Daly John, teamster, cor Monroe av and Randolph st Daly William, laborer, Cass nr Lafayette st Daly Daniel, do Woodward av nr Adams av Damm Henry, upholsterer, Lafayette nr Rivard st Damm J A, grocery, cor Hastings and Croghan sts Danahey Michael, grocery, Woodward av 3* 30 DIRECTORY Danforth Joseph, clerk, G D Grossman's Darcy James, shoemaker, Park nr State st Dardiss John, laborer, na Gtand Circus Davis & CO, brass founders, Bates st op Irish church Davis Solomon, cor Bates and Farrar st Davis B B, proprietor Eagle Tavern, Woodbridge nr Gris- wold st Davis A C, do do do Davis Caleb F, painter, op American hotel, JefF av, r cor CoH' gress and Hastings Davis Joseph, painter, Woodbridge st Davis Wm, cow keeper, Congress nr Cass Davis J M, mason, Macomb nr Antoine st Davis, cartman, Shelby nr Lafayette st Davis James B, at John Humphrey's Northern Hotel Davenport Lewis, Jefferson av Davenport, Widow, 105 Larned st David Alexander, cartman, Hastings nr Layfayette st Davidson Alexander, law office, Drew's block Jefferson av, r Jefferson av and Antoine st Davy Geo, porter A Newbold's Dayton Sabin, shoemaker, Atwater st Dean John, clerk Alfred Coxe's Dean Mrs, cor Congress and Shelby sts Decay Charles, tanner, Woodward av nr State st Decker Wm, laborer. Fort nr Antoine st Decker Wm, laborer, Lafayette nr Russell st Decker Louis, do do do Dedrick Benjamin, ship carpenter, Larned nr Cass st Deffbe James, butcher, Berthelet market r Atwater st Defrane Anthony, chandler, cor Rivard and Congress st De Graff* & Townsend, hardware store, cor Woodward av and Larned st De Graff" Harmon, Fort nr Shelby st Deitz Jacob, plasterer, Catharine nr Hastings st Delisle Chas, shoemaker, Franklin st Delany Sylvanus, Randolph nr Woodbridge st Delude Oliver, cooper, Macomb nr Rivard st Democratic Free Press, printing office, Jefferson av nr Shelby Dempsey Darby, carpenter, Beaubien nr Lafayette st Denning Richard, laborer nr Grand Circus Denbacker, carpenter, Beaubien nr Congress st Denoyer Joseph, grocery, Atwater st OP DETROIT. 31 Denoyer Anthony, drayman, Franklin st Denicke Fred'k, cabinet maker, do Denniss Wm, drayman, Larned nr Brush st Dennin Patrick, laborer, Larned nr Cass st Desnoyers Peter J, gent., cor Larned and Griswold st Desnoyers (Gillett & Desnoyers) Charles R, Fort st near Woodward av Desnoyers Peter, office Desnoyers' buildings Jefferson av r cor St Antione and Congress sts Des Jardin, widow, Atwater st Detroit city, Mayor of, hon John R Williams " " Recorder of, Alpheus S Williams " " Attorney of, David E Harbaugh " " Clerk of, Robert E Roberts, office Firemen's hall " " Collector of, Cornelius A Wickware, office Fire- men's hall " " Marshal and Superintendent of Hydraulic works David Thompson, office City Hall " " Treasurer, Theodore Willliams " " Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, James Stewart " " Surveyor, A E Hathon " " Director of the poor. Mason Palmer, office Gris- wold st op Custom House " " Inspectors of wood, Henry Carroll, Nicholas Greusel, jr. and Samuel E Webster " " Inspect of weights & measuees, Aretus A Wilder " " Physician, Henry Lemcke r Jefferson av nr Brush " " Sexton, Robert C Scadin " " Hay Scales, Jefferson av Detroit Daily Advertiser, printing office over King's store, cor Jefferson and Woodward av Detroit Iron Company, office Jefferson av nr Cass st Deville John, tailor, 217 Jefferson av r Croghan nr Antoine st Deville Nicholas, tailor, Farrar nr Franklin st Deville Geo, carpenter, do do Dewherst Alfred, farmer, Cass farm. Grand Riv road Dermont Robert, druggist, Wood av, b Pierre Teller's Derwater Philip, carpenter, Franklin st Dexter George, porter, American Hotel Dey Alexander H, exchange broker, b National Hotel Dibble Orville B, proprietor of the Michigan Exchange Hotel Jefferson av 32 DIRECTORY Dibble M C, billiard rooms cor Jefferson av and Shelby st Dibble Charles L, clerk W T Peavse, b Michigan Exchange Diesh Jacob, laborer, Lafayette nr Russell st Dickson John, ship carpenter, Larned nr Wayne st Dickson Winsor, provisions &c, Randolph st Dickson Edward, steamboat agent, b Railroad Hotel Dickinson Moses F, tin and copper ware, and stoves, 38 law buildings. Wood av, r Lafayette nr Shelby st Dimick, pedler, b Clinton House Dimmick, Joseph, laborer, b Railroad House Dimond John, shoemaker. Brush nr Larned st District Court, Judge of, Hon B F H Witherell Dixon David, drayman, Gillet, Desnoyers & co Dodge Lewis, high school, Jefferson avnr Antoine, r Larned nr Cass sts Dodge Alexander, joiner, Woodbridge st Doherty Michael, grocery. At water st Doherty Cornelius, laborer, Lafayette nr Antoine st Doherty Dennis, boiler maker, Larned nr B ush st Doll Sebastian, brush maker, Franklin st Dollar Wm, laborer, 117 Woodbridge st Dollarson Wm, (colored) drayman, Lafayette nr Hastings Dolsen Levi, tanner, Larned nr Beaubien st Donneily Dr E B, 267 Jeff av Doneliy Peter, laborer. Park nr State st Dorr, Webb & co, forwarding merchants, warehouse Wood- bridge foot Cass st Dorr Josiah, r Woodbridge st Dorsey W, bar keeper Steamboat Hotel Doty Widow, 28 Monroe av Doty Henry, auction and com store, Woodward av, r cor La- fayette and Cass sts Doty George, watch maker, 162 Jefferson av, r Congress nr Brush st Doty Wm, 28 Monroe av Doty John, mason, Clinton nr Brush Douglass & Walker, law office, cor Jeff and Wood avs Douglass Sam'l T, b E P Hastings Dougherty Michaef, upholster, Bates nr Woodbridge st Dowling Edward,*' shipwright, Larned nr Brush st Dowmans John, wagon maker, Beaubien nr Montcalm st Downey Peter, blacksmith, Larned nr Brush st Doyaz Godfres, Gratiot nr Antoine st OF DETROIT. 33 Doyle Edward, Clinton House Drannan Wm, carpenter, Brush nr Franklin st Drew John, office Drew's block, cor Jeff av and Griswold st, r cor Cass and Lafayette sts Drew R, 62 Griswold st, op Capitol Driggs Wm, b Madam Hale's Driscol Jarnes, drayman, Fort nr Third st Driscol John, grocery. At water st Driskell John, wagon maker, cor Rivard and Larned sts Dubuc John, tailor, McTerney's Dubuque John, tailor, Randolph nr State st Dubois John, tailor, Croghan nr Rivard st Dubois Chas, sadler, Larned nr Antoine st Ducut John, laborer, Franklin st Ducharne Chas, clerk A Newbould's Dudgeon Anthony, Brewster «Sz; Dudgeon, Congress near Brush st Dushane James, butcher, Atwater st Dushane Francis, carpenter, Congress nr Russell st Dushane, carpenter, Fort nr Hastings st Duerr Gotlieb, tailor, 48 Woodbridge st Duffield Rev Geo, Pastor first Presbyterian Church, 337 Jefi' avenue Duffield, Bethune b do Duffield Wm W, law student, b Geo Duffield Duffy James, laborer, Pine st Dugra Hubert, carpenter, Abbott nr Second st Duggin Dennis, laborer. Farmer nr Randolph st Dunn Wm, laborer. Fort nr Brush st Dunn Philip, cartman, Croghan nr Beaubien st Dunn James C, gunsmith, Campau buildings nr Park st Duncan Henry, sadler, b H Whitcornb's Duncan, joiner, State nr Farrar st Duncan Arad, (Davis & co) Farrar nr State st Duncan Sam'l, shoemaker, do do Dunlay Maurice, warehouseman, Brewster & co Dupra John, mariner, Atwater st Dupra Francis, do do Dupont Louis, tailor, Jefferson av, r cor Fort and Russell sts Dupont Chas, wagon maker, Franklin st Dupuy Edward, tailor, do Duvell Wm, laborer, 171 Woodbridge st Durfer Israel, cabinet maker, Fort nr Brush st 34 DIRECTORY Dusty Edward, barber, Wood av nr National Hotel Duval Andrew, cartman, Franklin st Dwight Alfred A, Smith, Glover & Dwight, r Larned nr Wa5me st Dygert, Widow, State st nr Woodward av Dygert Kiniston, clerk J I Herrick's E. Eagle Tavern, B B Davis proprietor, Woodbridge nr Gris- wold st Early Thomas, laborer, Berthelet alley East Henry, (colored) mason, Congress nr Hastings st Eaton, Theodore H, wholesale druggist and grocer, 188 and and 190 JefFav, r Jeff av nr Russell st Ebbert & Clark, grocery, Mich av Ebbert Peter L, engineer, r Peter Lee's Ebert John, laborer, cor Porter and Third sts Eberstein Geo, shoemaker, cor Hastings and Franklin sts Eck Jeremiah, bootmaker at P Babillion's Ecklan, gardener, Franklin st Eddy John, machinist. State st nr Wash av Edgar Wm, carpenter, Gratiot nr Beaubien st Edmonds T B, salesman, Desnoyers's block, Jeff av Edwards John, proprietor Old Ferry House, ft Griswold st Egerman Barnard, butcher, Franklin st Egerman Conrad, laborer, do Egner Geo, confectioner, Jeffav nr Randolph st Eisenach Henry, tailor. Bates st, r Fort nr Rivard st Ekhert Joseph, bootmaker, Jeffav, r Brush nr Harriet st Eklif Chas H, carpenter, Randolph nr State st Elbert J Nicholson, forwarding merchant, warehouse foot of Randolph st, r cor Jeffav and Rivard st Eldred & co, hardware and leather store, Eldred's block, 12? Jeffav Eldred & co, tannery, Atwater nr foot Rivard st Eldred Julius, gent, cor Brush and Congress sts Eldred Francis E, Woodbridge nr Rivard st Eldred Elisha, Bates st op Irish church Eldred Anson, lumber merchant and dealer in ground plaster, 84 Atwater st cor Theresa alley Eldridge Robert P, Secretary of State, office in the Capitol, b National Hotel Eldridge Chas, brewer, b National Hotel OF DETROIT. 35 Ege Dr, Williams' block, cor Jeff av and Bates st Ellet Wm, laborer, Woodbridge st Elliot David, laborer, Atwater st Elliot T R, clerk at J Lowrie's Elliott Widow, Congress nr Beaubien st Elliott Thomas R, clerk, b do Elliott Richard R, do b do Ellis Edward D, printer, cor JefF av and Randolph st, r Jeff av nr Rivard st Elling Geo, clerk, Monroe av nr Randolph st Elmore John, engineer, 164 Woodbridge st Elsendachen Thomas, laborer, Lafayette nr Rivard st Emerson Chas A, clerk Central Railroad, b Hirah Spalding's Emmons Halmer H, Congress nr Second st Emmons Norman L, law siudent, b do Engleheart Peter, laborer, Lafayette nr Brush st Ensign Lewis H, printer, Adams av nr Witherell st Ervin Geo, ship carpenter, Wayne nr Congress st Esdel David, boarding house, Woodbridge st Esdel David, tinsmith, Elizabeth nr Park st Ess John, blacksmith, Larned st, r Franklin nr Beaubien st Etna Insurance Company. Hartford, Conn, agent John Palm- er, Jeffav Evans Richard, master mariner, 30 Congress Evans Archibald, laborer, Beaubien nr Franklin st Evans Richard, (colored) laborer, Lafayette st Evers Barnard, laborer, Atwater st Ewers Alvah, cooperage, Cass st, r Shelby st nr Jeffav Eyer Geo, grocery, Jeffav op American Hotel F. Fahey Edward, cooper, foot Randolph st Fahey John, clerk. Congress nr do Fairbanks John, clerk, P Hayden & co Fairbairn Thomas, stone cutter, Lafayette nr Antoine st Fairbairn James, carpenter, Fort nr Antoine st Fallin Mrs. grocery, Woodbridge st Falhahay Thomas, laborer, S Gillet's Fales Timothy, farmer, Witherell st Campau farm Fales William, butcher, do Falvy Thomas, laborer, Third nr Congress st Farmers & Mechanics Bank, Jefferson av nr Shelby st Farlin Charles D book keeper O Newberry b National Hotel 36 DIRECTORY Farnsworth hon Elon, Attorney general office under Farmers and Mechanics Bank r Jefferson av nr Rivard st Farnsworth & Bates, dry goods, 85 Jefferson av Farnsworth Benjamin S, r Shelby nr Jefferson av Farnsworth J H, dentist, office 97 Jefferson av r Hamtramck Farnsworth Ebenezer, clerk T K Adams Farnsworth Leander L, deputy co register r cor Brush and Harriet st Fame Edward, tinsmith, Randolph nr Woodbridge st Farmer John, publisher of maps, Farmer st. Farrar John, cor Farrar and Bates st Farrand Jacob S, deputy collector of customs r State near "■ Farmer st Fassett William, Antoine nr Congress st Fassett Samuel, clerk Morris L Bishop's Faucett Peter, farrier, Atwater st Fay Widow, Congress nr Randolph st Fearson George, master mariner, 29 Franklin nr Antoine st Feeley Daniel, laborer, Larned nr Cass st -Felch hon Alpheus, Judge supreme and circuit courts r Ann Arbor b National Hotel Fellhauer Stephen, bootmaker, Jefferson av nr Shelby st Feltman Henry, carpenter, b Widow Fisher's Fenton James, clerk Dr T B Clarke's r Beaubien nr Croghan Fenton John; b do do Feniffe, laborer, Foi*t nr Riopelle st Ferris Dr, Woodbridge nr Bates st Ferguson Wm, baker at Witherspoon's Ferguson E, teamster, Grand Riv st nr Wood av Ferguson Robert, waiter at D Dunning's Field Orus, Wash av nr Grand River st Field Louis, dealer in wood, Atwater st Field Geo, select school, Cole's block, Jeff av. r Springwells Fifer F, laborer, Macomb nr Antoine st Finehart Isaac, mason, cor Brush and Croghan sts Finney Walter, bar keeper at Franklin House Finnister John, farmer, Wooward nr Adams av Firemen's Hall, cor Larned and Bates st Fisher Widow, cor Beaubien and Franklin sts Fisher James, carpenter. Wash av nr Clifford st Fisher Elam, mason, Woodward av nr State st Fisher Thomas, drayman, Woodbridge st Fish Albert A, provision store, Woodward av r Grand River st OF DETROIT. 37 Fischer P & W, importers of watches, 175 Jefferson av Fischer P, b Rademacher's, Monroe av Fisk David W, cor Woodward av and State st Fitzmorris Mrs, milliner &c, Larned nr Shelby st Fitzmorris James, engineer, do do Fitzmorris Patrick, moulder, do do Fitzmorris Nicholas, boiler maker, Woodbridge st Fitzmorris Pierce, finisher, cor tloward and First sts Fitzgerald Patrick, laborer, Julius alley Fitzpatrick Roger, brewer, Larned nr First st Fitzpatrick William, plasterer. Congress nr Rivard st Fitzpatrick Thomas, huckster, Monroe av Flanagan Hugh, shoemaker, do Flanagin Peter, grocery, Atwater st Flattery D, JefTerson av nr Cass st Flattery J, do do Flavin Cornelius, ostler, Larned nr Bates st Fletcher George, whitesmith, Cass st nr Jefferson av Flinn Patrick, gardener, Atwater st Flook Martin, laborer, Franklin st Flynn Hugh, carpenter, Farrar nr Grand River st Fob John, laborer, Catharine nr Beabien st Follet John, shoemaker, b F Gartner's Foltz Michael, turner. Woodward av nr Atwater st Foote George, 271 Jefferson av Fortier & Berthelet, dry goods, 148 Jefferson av Fortier P M, b Henry Berthelet's Forman A, carpenter, Lafayette nr Russell st Ford George S, clerk at Charles Peltier's Ford Peter, tavern, Atwater st Fortin Peter, carpenter, Franklin st Forsyth R, Register U S Land Office, r Third nr Congress st Forsylh Frederick, ostler at G W Howe's stables Foster Thomas, chair maker, Woodbridge st op Steamboat Hotel, r Atwater nr Hastings st Foster Horatio, sadler at J Sabine's Foster John, ship carpenter, Jefferson av nr Cass st Fougal Bernard, tailor, Brush nr Harriet st Fourth Ward Coffee House, Franklin nr Rivard st Fowler Stephen, select school nr Central Railroad, b Railroad Hotel Fowler Geo, tailor, b do Fox Robert, farrier. Congress st, r Brush nr Gratiot st 4 38 DIRECTORY Franchook John, laborer, cor Beaubien and Congress sts Franklin House, Bates st nr Jefferson av Franklin, farmer, Witherell st, Campau farm Frankyer Richard, boatman, Macomb av nr Hastings st Frankyer O, laborer, Catharine nr Beaubien sts Franks Edward, cabinet maker, Larned nr Hastings st Frank Martin, joiner, Franklin st Franz Philip, grocer, Woodbridge st Fraser Alexander D, law office, Drew's Block, Jeiferson av, r cor Jefferson av and Antoine st Frazer Thomas, engineer, Lafayette nr Wayne st Freeman Coleman, (colored) cooper. Fort nr Beaubien st French David, cor Brush and Congress sts French Newell, Hastings nr Woodbridge st French George, (colored) cook. Fort nr Beaubien st Frink Oliver S, clerk at Walker & Parker's Fritz Charles, laborer, Larned nr Riopelle st Frost George, clerk at E Lyon & co's Frumveller Lewis, coppersmith, cor Fort and Brush sts Frumveller Joseph, do Brush nr Fort st Fuller Sylvanus P, clerk at John Rumney's, b Amer Hotel Fuller, clerk at S Reeve & co's Gadwa Augustus, mason, cor Brush st and Berthelet alley Gagnier Dorick, recess. Woodward av Gagnier G, cooper, Gratiot st nr Rivard st Gagnier Martin, laborer, Atwater st Gagnier John, tailor, Franklin st Gagnier Rinney, laborer, Pine st Gagnier Samuel, mason. Fort nr Rivard st Gagnier C, cooper, Macomb nr Hastings st Gagnier Israel, cartman, Brush nr Gratiot st Gagnier Stephen, joiner, at Louis D Clairoux's Gagnier Eli, hatter, cor Hastings and Franklin st Gager Charles L, master mariner, 30 Congress st Gage Morgan L, sadler &c 38 law buildings Woodward av r Larned nr Shelby st Gage Amos, farmer, Cass st nr Jefferson av Gage Russell, cor Washington av and Grand River st Gage Henry, mason, Antoine nr Larned st Galbraith George, warehouseman, John Chester's Gale William, (colored) cabinet maker, Berthelet alley OF DETROIT. 39 Gantt Samuel N, stationer and printer, 119 Jefferson av r Adams av Garrett Cyrus, Printer, Elizabeth st nr Witherell st Garrison H, dry goods, Jefferson av r Fort nr Griswold st Garrison & Little, grocers, Woodward av Garrison John, 64 Congress st Garrison Charles, clerk, b Mrs Deans Gardner Benjamin, carpenter, Front nr Third st Gardner William, laborer, do do Gardner Samuel, do do do Gardner Frederick, shoemaker, Jefferson av r Congress nr Rivard st Gardner William, do Farrar nr State st Gary Rufus, laborer, Clinton nr Antoine st Gaston John, laborer, Wayne nr Larned st Gawtry Thomas, tailor, b Railroad Hotel Gaylord Henry, engineer, First nr Congress st Gaylord Edwin, clerk, Horace Hills Geiger & Christian, printers, Jefferson av over Watson's store Geiger Martin, b Thomas Christian's Geisse A Henry, b National Hotel George P & J, furriers. Woodward av George Paul, Jefferson av nr Beaubien st George John, do do George James, laborer, Croghan nr Hastings st Geraught A, grocery, cor Michigan av and Selby st Gibbings William, carpenter, Park nr Grand River st Gibbon John, shoemaker, A McGraws Gibson George, coachmaker, Miami av nr Grand River st Gibson John jun, carriage painter. Woodward av r Wayne nr Lafayette st Gibson James, do Gibson Miss, Wayne nr Michigan av Gibbs George, mill stone maker, Washington av near Clif- ford st Gies Henry, tavern, Brush nr Congress st Gies George, potter, Croghan nr Hastings Gies John H, do Gies Peter, Fort nr Brush st Gies Conrad, carpenter, Macomb nr Antoine st Gilbert Wlliam, mason, Columbia nr Clifford st Gilbert Stephen, drayman, nr Grand Circus Gilbert blacksmith, Atwater nr Hastings st Gilkey W T, empire recess, cor Jefferson av and Griswold st 40 DIRECTORY Gillespie John, mason, Congress nr Brush st Gillet & Desnoyers, forwarding merchants, warehouse, Wap- ping, foot Shelby st Gillet Shadrach, Fort st nr Third st Gillet R, cor Congress and Cass st Gilmour Martin, laborer, Grand River st Gilmour Henry, do do Girardin Peter N, tailor, cor Fx-anklin and Rivard st Girardin J A, printer, Cass nr Lafayette st Girardin P N, blacksmith, do Givney Thomas, laborer, alley nr Randolph st Glover H, Congress nr Shelby st Godfrey (Atkinson &, Godt'rey) Jeremiah, Jefferson av nr Cass st Godfrey Joseph, painter, do Godard Abel C, Griswold nr Larned st Godard Seymour, soap maker, Beaubien nr Franklin st Godwin Thomas, drayman, Washington nr Michigan avs GofF William, scale maker, Woodbridge st Gokey Joseph, cartman, Lafayette nr Hastings st Gomerton Thomas, laborer, Fort nr Third st Goodwin hon Daniel, Judge of Supreme and first circuit courts b National Hotel Goodwin Alexander, Franklin st Gooding Matthew, ship builder, Atwater st Goodell Alexander, grocer, 155 Jefferson av cor Bates st r 107 Larned nr Beaubien st Goodell Elijah, clerk, r Randolph nr Woodbridge st Goodell James, (colored) laborer, Michigan Grand av Goodell Elijah, cor Randolph and Woodbridge st Goodrich J, grocer. Woodward av Goodrich Otis, carpenter, Abraham Smolks Goodkind & Freedman, fancy and dry goods 165 Jefferson av Gordenier George, mariner, Jefferson av nr Shelby st Gordenier Henry, do do Gordon sawyer, b Samuel Webster's Gordon Richard, (colored) barber. Woodward av Goret Fabian, carpenter, Wayne nr Lafayette st Goret S, engineer, do do Gore Meredith, agent, cor Beaubien and Frunklin st Gory Edward, laborer, Larned nr Cass st Gotyer Gabriel, do Atwater st Goulat Joseph, boatman, Lafayette nr Hastings st OF DETROIT. 41 Gounell John, laborer, National Hotel Goula John, shingle maker, Franklin st Granger Edward, carpenter, Beaubien nr Lafayette st Granger Joseph, do do Granger Joseph, mason, Adams av nr Grand River Road Granger George, watchman Central Railroad Granger H, watchmaker, b U S Hotel Gravellin Peter, laborer, Franklin st Graves Walter, painter, Congress nr Beauk'en st Graves Horatio, do do Gray & Lewis, forwarding merchants, warehouse foot Wood- ward av Grray Horace W, Jefferson av nr Beaubien st Gray William, law student, b Andrew Harvie's Gray Hugh, carpenter, cor Randolph and Harriet st Gray William, do b Charles Lum's Gray Miss, Jefferson av Greenfield John; engineer, Miami av John R st Greenwood John, pattern maker. Grand River st Greene Rowland, potter, Elisha Tyler's Greene Thomas, carpenter, Congress nr Hastings st Green David, recess, Woodbridge st Green Edmund, do do Green Daniel, ostler, Tomlinson's Hotel Gregory C, portrait painter, Jefferson av b Dr Hill's Greusel Nicholas, Lafayette nr Russell st Greusel Nicholas, jan Wight's steam saw mill r Congress nr Rivard st Grreusel Joseph, shoemaker, do Gresharber Bogart, watchmaker, at Wm Preusser's Gregg Alexander, Farrar st op jail Grinnold John, shoemaker, cor Woodbridge and Griswold st r nr post office Griswold Widow, b John Palmer's Griswold George R, county clerk, office county buildings cor Griswold and Congress sts r cor Beaubien and Congress Griswold John, dep county clerk do Griffiths Thomas P, clerk post office r cor Woodbridge and Rivard sts Griffiths John, boiler maker, Julius alley Griffin xMbert C, exchange broker, Jefferson av Griffin John, laborer, Shelby st nr Michigan av Griffin James, grocery, Woodward av 4* 42 DIRECTORY Griffin Mrs, boarding house, Michigan av nr Shelby st Griffor Francis, cartman, Pine st Griffor Antoine, do do Griffor Edward, do do Griffor Francis jun, laborer, do Grimm Christian, tailor, Macomb st Grist, William prop' city hay scales r Brush nr Harriet st Grist Hartmayer, butcher, 3 City Hall Market r Gratiot road Groll John, wagon maker, Brush nr Gratiot sts Grose William, butcher, John Hull's Grout John, civil engineer, b Railroad hotel Grove Harrison, teamster, W oodbridge st Gryham Edwin, dry goods, Jefferson av b Widow Doty's Gubby Charles, tinsmith. Fort nr Antoine st Guiteau John B, book keeper Aud Genl office b National Hotel Guinevan Thomas, grocery, Woodbridge st Gulley O S, printer^ cor Jefferson av and Griswold st b Mrs Dean's Guthrie William, laborer. Finest Guthrie John, do Woodbridge st H. Hachen Francis, shoemaker, Woodbridge st Haenk Eromas, pedlar, Hastings st, Moran farm Haggerty Donald, laborer, Larned nr Third st Haight Richard, hair dresser, Miami av nr John R st Hake Joseph, grocery, cor Beaubien and Fort sts Hake Jacob, laborer, Macomb nr Hastings st Hallock & Raymond, clothing stare, cor Jefferson and W^ood- "ward avs Hallock Horace, Jefferson av nr Russell st Halford James, currier, Woodbridge st Haley John, laborer, Franklin st Haley John, basket maker, Lafayette st Haly P, shoemaker, Larned nr Wayne st Hale William, law office, Jefferson av, r Congress nr Wayne Hale Madame, 15 Congress st Hall Richard H, wholesale grocer, cor Woodward av and Congress st, b George Hill's Hall Lewis, watchmaker, Jefferson av, r Lafayette st Hall A, do do do Hall William, do 95 do OF DETROIT. 43 Hall John, recess, Woodbridge st Hall Levi, sadler, Croghan nr Beaubien st Hall John, mason, Gratiot nr Hastings st Hall Widow, Witherell st Hall T, farrier, Washington av Hall Amos T, Dep State Treasurer, r Springwells Hall Benjamin F, teller Bank St Clair, r do Hall Dr S S, 92 Congress st Hammond Chas G, Aud Gen'l, office State Buildings, Gris- wold st, r Jefferson av nr Beaubien st Hammond Rev Mr, b Charles G Hammond's Hammond James R, b Mrs O Heartwell's Hamilton Alfred, carpenter, Howard nr First st Hamilton Hiram B, cooper, Michigan av Hamilton William C, carpenter, b Railroad Hotel Hamelin Alexander, cor Rando ph and Lafayette sts Hamell Jacob, Woodbridge nr Shelby st Hamler Francis, laborer, Atwater st Hangstoffer Jacob, confectioner at G Egner's Hanrahan John, laborer in hydraulics, Julius al nr Shelby st Hanchman Mathias, laborer, Larned nr Orleans st Hancock John, recess, cor Woodward av and Woodbridge st Hanmer J, Congress nr Cass st Hanson Stephen T, master mariner, Fourth nr Congress st Hanson Staphen, laborer, cor Hastings and Clinton sts Hanna John, tobacconist, foot Bates st Hanks Thomas, laborer, nr Grand Circus 'Hand George E, counsellor at law, Phoenix Block, Jefferson av, b Samuel Pitt's Hand James, laborer at Major Larned's Hand Peter do Abbott nr Second st Hann George, fur trader, Jefferson av Harsha & Willcox, book and job printer, 80 Jefferson av, 3d story Sheldon Block Harsha William, printer, r Springwells Hartmayer Christopher, Gratiot House, Gratiot st Hartman Jacob, laborer, Franklin st Harbaugh David E, city attorney, office Griswold st op Cus- tom House, r 226 Jefferson av Harding F A, law office, Jefferson av, r Congress nr Wayne Harland William, butcher, cor Beaubien and Macomb sts Harvie Andrew, law office. No 2 Desnoyers' Block, Jefferson av, r 130 Woodward av nr Grand River st 44 DIRECTORY Harvey George, carpenter, b W Champ's Harmon John H (Bagg & Harmon) b Mrs VVheelock's Harmon Laurence, drayman, Rowland st Harper Benjamin, shoemaker, Franklin st Harper Philip, carpenter, Macomb nr Rivard st Haring Clinton, law office, Griswold st, b S McKnight's Harris F H, law office, Desnoyers' Block, Jefferson av, r La- fayette st nr Railroad Depot Harris Holland, mariner, Larned nr Bates st Harris John B, b E P Worden's Harris John, shoemaker, Julius alley Hardy Samuel, ship carpenter, Atwater st Hart James, blacksmith, Michigan av Hart Noah, cooperage, Brush st cor Berthelet alley, r Rivard nr Larned st Hastings E P & co, forwarding merchants, warehouse Front foot Third si Hastings E P, 328 Jefferson av nr Hastings st Hastings Snmuel A do do Hatheway Warren, clerk at Farnsworth & Bates' Hathon A E, City Surveyor, Fort nr First st Hatch Junius H, Larned nr Shelby st Hawley & co, brewers, Woodbridge st nr Woodward av Hawley Thomas, Bates st nr Jefferson av Hawley Richard, adjacent to the brewery Hawley Joseph, Elizabeth nr Park st Hawkins Walter, clerk at Abbot & Beecher's Hawes Ebenezer, bar keeper Steamboat Hotel, r Woodward av nr Grand River st Hayden P & co, dealers in sadler's hardware, 36 Law Build- ings, Woodward av Hayden P & co, harness warehouse, 67 Woodward av nr Larned st Hays Michael, laborer. Porter st Hay Scales, Jefferson av op American Hotel; also cor Wayne st and Jefferson av Heart well Mrs O, Randolph st op Michigan av Heartwell Thomas H, law student, do Headstrom Elias, cabinet maker, Randolph nr State st Healey Nelson, carpenter, Monroe av nr Farmer st Heath J C, produce merchant, Lafayette nr Shelby st Heffman John, laborer, Abbott nr Second st Henderhill Joseph, laborer, Macomb nr Rivard st OF DETROIT. 45 Henderson Michael, teamster, Beaubien nr Rivard st Henderson VVilliani, tailor. Brush nr Fort st Henderson Henry, blacksmith do do Henderson Richard, fermer, do do Hennesey William, butcher, Atwater st Hendry Alexander, cooper, Larned st Henkel John, bar keeper, Strangers' Home Hotel Henry John E, grocery and provision store, Woodbridge st op U S Hotel Henry William A, painter, cor Washington av and Grand River st Herdman Robert, baker, cor Clinton and Beaubien sts Herrmann Rev Frederick, Pastor German Lutheran Church, r cor Brush and Columbia sts Herrick John I, bookseller &c, 97 Jefferson av, r Springwells Hei'man, jeweller, b D Seefried's Hermon Peter, carpenter, Franklin st Herron, grocer, Murray's Hotel Herbst John L, baker, Atwater st Herbst Mathias, carpenter, Clinton nr Beaubien st Herps Lewis, baker at J Copland's Hesse J, laborer. Fort nr Brush st Hess Peter, shoemaker. Fort nr Rivard st Hewitt Elias, book keeper at Bank St Clair Hicks James A, fancy and staple goods, 166 Jefferson av, r Jefferson av nr Riopelle st Hiefner Gotlieb, Lafayette nr Brush st Higginson James, carpenter^ cor Congress and Hastings sts Higgins Sylvester W, Topographer of State Geological Sur- vey, and Receiver U S Land Office, State Buildings, Gris- wold st, r Brush nr Harriet st Higgins Edward, joiner, W^oodbridge st Higgins Patrick, grocer. Woodward av nr National Hotel Higgins Hiram, shoemaker, Bates nr Farmer st Higgins John, Miami av nr Grand River st Higgins Thomas, do do Hillier John, baker, Lafayette nr Wayne st Hills Horace, dry goods &c, 43 Woodward av 1st door below Hallock & co's, r 314 Jefferson av Hill G & J G, druggists and grocers, 12.0 Jefferson av Hill G, Larned nr Antoine st Hill J G, Jefferson av nr Beabien st Hill Dr, office Jefferson av, r Congress nr Brush st 46 DIRECTORY Hill Rodney C, lawyer, cor Elizabeth and William sts S-tt^u^T' ^""^l?^ ^''"^^' '''''' ^^'oodbridge and Griswold sts Hill Charles, sadler, b Murray's Hotel Hill Warren, gent. Woodward av nr Congress st Hnnes Adam, laborer, Antoine nr Franklin st Hhichman Theodore, (John Owen & co) cor Fort and Cass sts Hmchman Mrs, 53 Larned st Hinlde John, potter, Woodbridge st Hinlin Nicholas B, at William Preusser's Hinde James, ship carpenter, cor Michigan av and Cass st Hiron George, Woodbridge nr Griswold st Hixson George R, currier, Woodbridge st Hoagland Luke, hatter, Jefferson av nr Cass st Hoag Henry, wagon maker, Cass st nr Michigan av Hoberg Christian, tailor, Michigan Grand av Hodgetts Edward, mason, cor Beaubien and Atwater sts Hodgkm John W, clerk at Hallock & co Holbrook De Witt C, law office, State Buildings, Griswold st, b Michigan Exchange Holland Patrick, Franklin Saloon, Woodward av Holland Robert, ostler at Smith's livery stables Holmes & Godard, dry goods &c, 83 Jefferson av Holmes Cyrus B, b Abel Godard's Holmes Robert, tinman, Woodbridge st Holmes, J C (John Palmer & co) b John Palmer's Holmes J fcVo, dry goods &c, Larned Block, Woodward av Holmes Jabez, Monroe av nr Farmer st Holmes John, carpenter, cor Miami av and John R st Homiston James, potter at Elisha Tyler's Hooper George, sail maker at W Cole's, r Springwells Hopkins Bryan, shoemaker, 47 Jefferson av flopkins Samuel R, sadler. Fort nr Beabien st Hopkins Frederick H, tailor, Elizabeth nr Clifford st Hopkins Robert, laborer, Elizabeth st nr Washington av Hopkins Charles, do Macomb av nr Grand River st Hopkins Samuel L, carpenter, Julius alley Hopkhis Norman, do Brush st nr Gratiot road Hopkins David, waiter at Steamboat Hotel Hopson T, grocer, cor Jefferson av and Rivard st Hopson Joseph, carpenter, do do Hopson Richard, grocer, Randolph st Hope John, house smith, Larned nr Cass st Hornbeck B A, salesman at J B Piquette's OF DETROIT. 47 Horn Jacob, warehouseman at Lawson, Howard & co's Houghton Dr Douglass, State Geologist, office State Buildings, Griswold st, r Wayne nr Larned st Houghton Jacob jr, b Dr Houghton's Plowland William, mason, 172 Woodbridge st Howard Charles & co, forwarding merchants, warehouse Front toot First st, r 33 Monroe av ^ Howard W A (Buel & Howard) cor Randolph and Macomb Howard Jacob M, law office, 142 JefTerson av, r cor Larned and Hastings sts Howard Charles, clerk at D E Hubbard's Howard Joshua, 64 Fort st Howard Timothy, laborer, Larned nr Shelby st Howard Owen, do do do Howard M D, (Lawson & co) Ann Arbor Howlet Samuel, butcher, 7 City Hall Market, r Monro6 av nr Farmer st Howe G VV, livery stable, c©r Larned and Shelby sts, r Con- gress nr Shelby st Hubbard Bela, law office and land agency. Woodward av nr Jefferson av, b Mad Hale's Hubbard D E, dry goods &c, 145i Jefferson av, r Lafayette nr Sheiby st Hubard Andrew, carpenter, Clinton nr Antoine st Huber William, do Hastings nr Lafayette Hudson William, laborer, Wayne nr Lafayette st Hulbert John ^ Stuart Noridon, mariner, Miami av nr Grand Circus Studer Andrew, teacher, Lafayette nr Antoine Studer John, laborer, do do Studer Joseph, carpenter, do do Sullivan Patrick, blacksmith Atwater st Sulivan Jeremiah, laborer, do Sulivan Denis, do Larned nr Brush sts Sullivan Timothy do Michigan av nr Shelby sts Sullivan Laurence, fruitery, Michigan Grand av Sullivan Thomas, cartman, Hastings nr Larned sts Sullivan Anthony, fireman, Fort nr Beaubien sts Sumner Frederick M, (Pease & Sumner) cor State and Far- mer sts Sun Tavern, cor Jefferson av and Wayne st Superintendent of Public Instruction, Rev'd Dr O C Comstock Superintendent of Central Rail Road, William F Chitten- den Supple FI, boot and shoe store, 72 Jefferson av nr Shelby sts Supples Henry, clerk at G M Rich Sutherland James, carpenter. Gratiot nr Antoine sts Sutton J W, tub and pail factory, N E cor Griswold dz; State st r S W cor of do do Sutton N, Jefferson av op Russell st Sutton Samuel J, umbrella maker, 61 Jefferson av Swartz George W, scale maker, b O M Hyde Swan Joseph G, finisher, Brush nr Gratiot sts Swift William, tailor, b Market Hotel Atwater st Swift Dean, Carpenter, Lafayette n Shelby s.s T. Tart Charles, laborer, Catharine nr Hastings sts 7# 78 DIRECTORY Taafe John, grocer Woodbridge st Taafe Nicholas, moulder, do Taafe James, laborer, do Taft Levi, law student, b Levi Cooks Tagler Ferdinand, painter, Woodbridge st Tait William, joiner. Fort nr Hastings Tart Charles, laborer, Catharine do Tatro Francis do Franklin st Tate William, hair dresser, Woodward av r Congress nr Ri- vard sts Tate Daniel, cook, Steam Boat Hotel Taylor Elisha, law office, 198 Jefferson av b Widow Inger- solls Taylor Charles, blacksmith, Lafayette nr Rivard sts Taylor William, shoemaker, b W Champs Taylor Charles, farrier, Rivard nr Croghan r cor Lafayette and Rivard Tebedo Michael, carpenter, Pine st Teller Pierre, druggist, 139 Jefferson av r Larned st Ten Eyck & Holbrook, law office, State Buildings Griswoldst Ten Eyck Anthony, 204 Jefferson av Terhune David, carpenter, Farrar nr Randolph sts Terry Dr office, Jefierson av r 41 Fort st Thayer Lansing, joiner, Atwater st Thompson David, city marshal, 27 Fort st Thompson Lucius, carpenter, Adams av nr Park sts Thompson E M, chair maker, do do Thompson Daniel, State st cor Farrar Thompson Daniel P, do do Thompson Thomas, carpenter, cor Shelby and William sts Thompson Bradly H, Miami av nr Grand River sts Thorburn Andrew, carpenter. Fort nr Antoine Thomson John, wholesale grocer, cor Woodward av and At- water st Thomson A, shoemaker, Fort nr Antoine Thomson James S, grocery, Atwater st Thomas Dominick, laborer do Thomas Raphael, shoe maker, cor Monroe av and Ran- dolph Thomas Samuel, drayman. Brush nr Woodbridge sts Throop George B, president farmers' and mechanics' bank, r Jefferson av nr Hastings sts Tiff William, laborer, Beaubien nr Lafayette OF DETROIT. 79 Tillman J W, furniture warehouse, 69 and 71 Jeffei'son av r Woodbridge st Tiinler Michael, laborer, Clinton nr Antoine sts Tinker L W, warehouse, foot Bates st b Widow Hale's Titchbtrn Michael, cartman, Beaubien nr Lafayette sts Todd William, tailor, Atwater st Todd John, stove maker, Bates nr Farrar sts Toles &; Allen, painters. Woodward av Toles Nathan, Macomb nr Beaubien st Toles N, Sen, do do Tomlinson Nelson, prop'r Mansion House cor Griswold and At water sts Tompkins John, joiner, 38 Larned st Toomy Michael, laborer at Wm O Callaghan's Tooncy Michael, warehouseman, Pontiac R R r cor Monroe av and Farrar sts Tooney James, teamster do do Toppin Harris, gunsmith, Woodbridge st Tossille Joseph, sawyer, Fort nr Hastings Townsend William H, [DeGrafF & Townsend] Jefferson av nr Russell sts Townson William, stone cutter. Congress nr Riopellests Town Reuben, dry goods &c, Commercial Buildings Wood- ward av r Jefferson nr Hastings sts Trauser , piano maker, Atwater st Troster John, cartman, Franklin st Trask John, wagon maker, Woodbridge st Tripler Dr, [U S Army] Congress nr Shelby sts Trowbridge C C, office 99 Jefferson av r Jefferson av nr Rus- sell sts Trowbridge C A, [Brady & Co] b P Brady Trombley John B, pail maker, Franklin st Trombley Francis, do do Trombley Ambrose, cartman, do Trombley John, laborer, do Trombley J C, Woodbridge st Trombley Joseph, carpenter. Third st Trombley P, cartman, Macomb nr Rivard Trombley William, pail maker, Catharine nr Hastings st Trombley H, wagon maker, Gratiot nr do Trombley Joseph, pail maker, Hastings nr Pine sts Trohee Michael, laborer. Porter st Truesdail Wesley, cashier Bank St Clair r 300 Jefferson av so DIRECTORY Truesdail Ezekial S, Michigan glass agency, foot Bates st b National Hotel Truax John, M D, No 13 14 and 16 American Hotel Tryon Charles, law office, Law Buildings Woodward av b Mrs Deans Tucker Henry H, carpenter, Atwater st Tucker George W, [colored] hair dresser, warm and cold baths &c, Jefferson av Tulip Gilbert, wagon maker, Russell nr Catharine Turner Nathaniel, r Mansion House Turner Anson, cabinet maker, 97 Woodward av Turner Albion G, clerk B G Stimsons Tuttle A, wagon maker, Woodbridge st [and Third sts Tyler Elisha, manufacturer of stone ware, cor Woodbridge Tyler Daniel, currier b Ai Beards Tyler C, clerk, T K Adams Tyler R L, laborer, Wayne nr Congress sts Tynan Michael, clerk, G F Jones U. Uhl Nicholas, Sun Tavern, Jefferson av Underwood George, shoemaker, Julius alley United States, (Circuit and District) Court Room U S build- ing cor Jefferson av and Griswold st United States Circuit and Dirtrict Court, Judge of, Hon Ross Wilkins United States District Attorney, George C Bates United States Circuit and District Courts, clerk of, John Win- der United States Marshal, Levi S Humphrey, office U S build- ing United States building [belonging to the United States] cor Jefferson av and Griswold st United States Land Office, 202 Jefferson av nr American Hotel United States' Indian Agency, [Superintendent's office,] Detroit United States Surveyor, John Mullett, Springwells United States Senate [members from Michigan] Hon William Woodbridge, Hon Augustus S Porter United States House of Representatives [members from Mich- igan] Robert McClelland of Monroe, J B Hunt of Oakland CO, John S Chipman of St Joseph OF DETROIT. 81 United States Barracks, cor Gratiot and Russell sts United States Custom House, Griswold st United States Hotel Woodbridge st Upton John, shoemaker, Julius alley Valentine Onton, goldsmith, Griswold nr Larned st Valentine George, butcher, 6 City Hall Market, b National Hotel Vallee J B, cor Woodbridge and Antoine sts Vanvolkenberg Isaac, wagon maker, Woodbridge st Van Rensselaer Jeremiah, law office, Drew's block, Jefferson av r cor Jefferson av and Riopelle st Vanderhoof Silas, carpenter, b Mrs Dean's Vander hoof Alexander, shoemaker, Catharine nr Russell sts Vandansape Felix, wooden shoe maker, Beaubien nr Colum- bia sts Vansickle Seymour, tailor, Woodbridge st Vanmeter John, grocery, Atwater st Van Buren Michael E, b Mrs O Heartwell's Van Allen David L, cabinet maker, Cass nr Lafayette sts Van Allen Jacob, engineer, Central Railroad depot Van Allen John, blacksmith, do Van Anden J W, proprietor American Hotel 192 Jefferson av Van Every Peter, flour and feed store, Atwater st Van Every Peter, carpenter, b United States Hotel Van Dyke & Emmons, law office, Desnoyers block, Jeffer- son av Van Dyke James A, Jefferson av nr Beaubien st Van Dyke John H, law student, do Vedder J S, bar keeper, United States Hotel Vesina Isidore, wagon maker, L Clairoux Vineyard the, E McDowall proprietor [Brush and Harriet Vollum Z, bookbinder, cor Jefferson av and Griswold st r cor Vonskoick John, carpenter, b Railroad Hotel Vorce Grant, book keeper Charles Howard & co, r cor Mon- roe av and Farmer st Vreeland Abraham, teamster, Atwater st w. Wagner John, baker, Franklin st Wain William, wagon maker, Brush nr Larned sts Wakerman Peter, cartman, Franklin st 82 DIRECTORY. Waltensperger Charles, grocery, Jefferson av nr Brush st Wallaster Michael, carpenter, Lafayette st nr Russell st Wallace Matthew, cooper. Brush nr Antoine sts Walton Gurdon T, hatter, Woodward av nr Grand River st Walden George H, teamster, Woodbridge st Walker Henry N, (Douglass & Walker) b James A Hicks Walker & Parker, tanners and leather dealers, 54 Wood- ward av Walker Hiram, br Willard Parkers Walker George, laborer. Woodward av nr Atwater st W^alker Edward, Jefferson av nr Cass st W^alch James, carpenter, Lafayette nr Beaubien st W^alsh D, grocery, Atwater st Walsh Thomas, laborer, Larned nr Third sts Walsh Patrick, grocery, Michigan av Whales Chauncey, fireman, Lafayette nr Shelby st Wales Edwin, lawyer, do Wales George, groceries &c. Woodward av r Monroe av Waltz Joseph, mariner, Mullett nr Rivard st Wanner Michael, laborer, Hastings nr Woodbridge sts Warriner O, tailor, Griswold st nr Jefferson av Warner P D, clerk at G Moons Warner Robert W, joiner, Lafayette st nr Antoine st Warner P, carpenter, cor Macomb and Antoine sts Warner M A, stage agent, Griswold op the Capitol Warner P D, clerk Railroad Hotel Warner Jared C, Franklin House Bates st Warren C A, clerk George Egners Warren, sadler, Woodbridge st Warren Harris F, clerk Reuben Town b National Hotel Warren Darwin, carpenter, b Wm Champ Warren Isaac, sadler, foot Bates st Ward Vilon, carpenter, Miami av nr State st Washington Hotel, cor Jefferson av and Cass st Waterfall Thomas, capenter, Fort nr Hastings sts Watkins James, weighmaster. Central Railroad r Farmer nr Grand River sts Watkins W, sadler &c. Woodward av nr Jefferson av r 141 Jefferson av nr Bates st Watkins & Bissel, commission merchants, Atwater st Watkins John, Rowland st op Capitol Watkins L B, clerk, do Watson John, staple and fancy goods, Jefferson av r Jefferson av nr Antoine st OF DETROIT. S3 Watson James B, justice of the peace, Jefferson av b Thomas Pahner Watson James, grocer, Jefferson av r Congress st nr Hastings Watson Rev'd James B, first M E Ch, Congress nr Griswold Watson Charles, Michigan Tavern, Gratiot cor Rivard sts Watson William, grocery, Atwater st Watson Robert B, (Richardson & Watson) b J Richardson Waters Patrick, laborer, Beaubien nr Fort sts Watts & Cross, shoemakers, Michigan Grand av Wayne County Clerk, George R Griswold, office County buildings cor Griswold and Congress sts Wayne County Sheriff, Hiram R Andrews, office do do " " Treasurer, Daniel J Campau do do " " Register, Silas A Bagg, do do " " Judge of Probate, CO'Flynn do do " " Prosecuting attorney A W Buel do do li " Physician, Dr Zina Pitcher of Detroit '« " Surveyor, Servis J Thompson, of Plymouth " " Coroners, Paschal Mason, and Joseph H Hill " " Keeper of the Jail Asa H Otis Weatherly Robert, Miami av Weaver Daniel, trader, Clinton nr Rivard Weaver John, blacksmith, Catharine nr Hastings Weaver George, do cor Fort and Antoine Wealey John, basket maker, Elizabeth nr William sts Webster John, dealer in hardware and manufacturer of burr mill stones, cor Woodward av and Fort r 158 Jefferson av nr Bates st Webster M Howard do do Webster William do do Webster M R, carpenter, Franklin st Webster Samuel, cor Woodbridge and Antoine sts Webster Frend, tanner, Shelby nr Lafayette Webster Horatio, do do do Webster George, baker, Woodbridge st Webb William, clerk. Dorr & Co, b J Y Petty Weeks Samuel, tailor Wayne nr Larned Weeks David, grocery, Military square Weed Oman, mason, Miami av nr John R st Weitzel John, St Clair Hotel, Atwater st Weilzell Jacob, laborer, Franklin nr Antoine sts Weiss George, tanner, 4th Ward House Franklin W ell wood Daniel, grocery, cor Randolph and Woodbridge sts 84 DIRECTORY Welles John A, cashier Farmers and Mechanics' Bank b D Dunnings Welles William, clerk F & M Bank Welton B, brass founder, Woodbridge st Welch William, carpenter, Catharine nr Hastings sts Welch Thomas, shoe maker. Brush nr Harriet sts Welsh Mrs, gi'ocery, Woodbridge st op U S Hotel Wells Henry, carpenter, b Wm Champs Wells Henry, law student, b Benj Farnsworth's Wells Timothy, cor Clinton and Beaubien sts Wenner Augustus, gardener. Grand River st Westfield Herbert, ostler, Clinton House Wesley Solomon, cabinet maker, cor Congress and Bates • Wesson William B, law student, b M F Dickinson's Weston & Wood, soap and candle factory, Atwater nr Wood- ward av Weston Thomas R, Woodbridge st nr Antoine sts Weston AVarrington, carpenter, b A Merrill Weston Deman, ' do do West Henry, carpenter, Clinton nr Brush Wetmore Frederick, china glass and crockery store, 125 Jef- ferson av b Widow Davenports WetofF John, tanner, Franklin st Weters Barnet, mason Woodbridge st Whealan William, laborer, do Wheaton Horace, clerk, S P Wilcox Wheaton George, bookbinder, Congress nr Wayne sts Wellock Henry, 83 do Wheeler R, carpenter, Jefferson av nr Orleans st Whitcomb James S, sash maker, 250 Woodbridge st Whitcomb H, Murrays Hotel Jefferson av Whitman P O, carpenter, Cass nr Lafayette sts Whitman De Witt C, engineer do AVhiting J L, land agent, office Griswold stop Custom House r cor Congress and Wayne 'Whiting Col H, U S Army, Fort nr Cass sts Whiting J P, grocery, grand River st Whipple's Coffee House, Bates st nr Larned sts Whipple E B, 41 Bates st Whipple D, salesman, do Whipple Hon Charles W, judge Supreme and Circuit Courts b Widow Whipple Whipple Henry L, Dep Aud Gen, r Congress st OF DETROIT. 85 -Whipple Lieut J, U S Army, b National Hotel^ White Dr 189 Woodbridge st cor Beaubien st White Jar vis, do do White Arthur G, b Steamboat Hotel White , potter, Elisha Tyler's White John, mason, Fort nr Hastings White B, laborer, Campau buildings Park st White James, laborer. Woodward av nr State st White William, mason, do do White John, do do do Whyte John, grocery, Atwater st op Berthelet Market Wickware Cornelius A, city collector, b American Hotel Wight B, steam saw mill, Atwater st foot Antoine st r corner Beaubien and Franklin sts Wight Alpheus, livery stables, cor Woodbridge and Bates sts b United States Hotel Wigg Mrs, grocery, cor Woodbridge and Brush st Willmarth Orsamus, auction store, Woodward av nr National Hotel b Railroad Hotel Wilkinson James, shoemaker, Randolph nr Fort st Wilkinson Thomas, do do do Williams G, & co, forwarding merchants, warehouse Front st foot First st Williams Gurdon, b National Hotel Williams & Cole, house sign and ornamental painters, Gris- wold st nr Jefferson av Williams Charles W, (Williams &Cole)'Park nr Grand Riv- er st Williams Hezekiah U, conductor on Pontiac Railroad, b Rail Road Hotel Williams Hon John R, mayor of Detroit, State st nr Capitol Williams Alpheus S, prop'r Daily Advertiser, office over Kings store cr Jefferson and Woodward avs r Woodbridge st Williams Theodore, law office. Smart's block Jefferson av r Jefferson av nr Beaubien Williams G Mott, cor Congress and Wayne sts Williams James, Williams block Jefferson av Williams Deveruex, do do Williams Ezra, law office, Mechanic's Hall Griswold st r cor Washington av and State st Williams Widow, grocery, Atwater st nr Bates st Williams Thomas, mariner, Franklin st Williams James, laborer, Finest 8 86 DIRECTORY Williams James G, Pine st Williams Morris M, chief clerk P O, b S McKnights Williams John, cabinet maker, Lafayette nr Hastings Williams Stephen, carpenter, Julius alley Willard Luther, printer, b Mansion House Willard Charles, engineer, 164 Woodbridge st Willcox Widow 224 Jefferson av Willcox Eben, law office, under Farmers and Mechanics Bank Jefferson av Willcox Charles, (Harsha & Wilcox) 92 Congress nr Anto- ine sts Willits Jonn, hatter. Fort nr Congress Wilkins Hon Ross, judge U S Circuit and District Courts, Jef- ferson av nr Hastings st Wilder Aretus A, Farmer nr Bates st Wilder James, Beaubien nr Larned st Wilcom Henry, laborer, b Gies Tavern Wilcox S P, dry goods, Jefferson av r Congress nr Second Wilcox Wenslow W, joiner, cor Miami av and John R st Wilkie Andrus, lawyer, Gratiot nr Beaubien st Wilson Henry, sail maker. Porter nr Second st Wilson Wm D, gen'r superintendent of light houses, north- western lakes, 103 Larned st Wilson Martin, 266 Woodbridge st Wilson Rufus, Randolph nr Fort st Wilson W, artist, cor Fort and Antoine sts Wiloy Henry, tailor, Atwater st Wiley William, farmer, Franklin st Winterhalter Michael, Strangers Home, Woodbridge st W^interhalter John, bar keeper, do Winchell John, carpenter and joiner. Fort nr Antoine st Winchell & co, furniture warehouse, Woodward av Winchell Gurdon, Woodward av nr Grand River st Wineman Henry, confectioner, George Egners W^ingert Joseph, mason, b Strangers Home Wingert William, gunsmith, Woodward av r cor Elizabeth and Park sis Winder John, clerk U S circuit and district courts, r Wither- ell above Grand Circus Witherspoon William, pastry brker, cor Woodbridge and Shelby r on Shelby one door above Witherell Hon B F H, district judge, office Law buildings Woodward av r 341 Jefferson av OF DETROIT. 87 Withers, Edward laborer, Cass jar Lafayette st Witter J, law office, 2 Desnoyers block, JefFersou av b A Harvie • Wittle William, blacksmith, b E Chopes Wizenbach Matthias, laborer, Atwater st Wolf Andrew, laborer, Mullett nr Rivard st Woodbridge Hon William, U S Senator Springwells Woodbridge William L, farmer, do Woodbridge Thomas, sadler, Woodbridge st nr Griswold st Woodbridge Frank, lieut U S army, Jefferson av nr Rivard Woodworth Benjamin, Woodbridge st Woodworth Nelson, mariner, Larned nr Second st Woodworth Oring, (Murphy 6c Woodworth) Howard st Woodbury William A, clerk F Moore & co b National Hotel Woodruff James, law office, Griswold st r Fort st Woolsey John W, clerk, cor Larned and Rivard st Woods John, grocery, Atwater st nr old ferry Woods George, clerk, G F Rood's r cor Beaubien and Larned Wood Thomas, (Weston & Wood) Woodbridge nr Beaubien Wood A S, clerk, Murray's Hotel Wood Orlando, master mariner, Larned nr Cass sts Wood Oscar, ship carpenter, do nr Third st Wood Francis, laborer. Congress nr Rivard sts Wood Joseph, do Catharine nr Beaubien sts Wood Joseph sen, do do nr Hastings Wood Israel, wagon maker, do Worden E P, (Robinson & Worden) Croghan nr Beaubien sts Worth William, drover, Woodward av Wort Rudolph, tailor, Macomb cor Antoine st Wright John, cabinet maker, Franklin st Wright Lennard, laborer. Grand River st Wright A, grocer, cor Griswold and Grand River sts Wright Jonathan, grocer, cor Monroe av and Military square r Woodward av nr Grand River st Wright Albert, carpenter, Macomb av nr Grand River st Wright Henry, baker. Woodward av nr do Wright John, (steamer Illinois) b National Hotel Wren Timothy, laborer, cor Beaubien and Lafayette sts Wyckoff Robert, carpenter, Miami av nr John R st Wybel Jacob, carpenter, b Sun Tavern X. Xavier Francis, laborer, cor Clinton and Antione st 88 DIRECTORY Y. Youhill Thomas, gardener, at John Winder's Young William T, Justice of the Peace, office cor Woodward av and Woodbridge st b National Hotel Young William, shoemaker, Brush nr Fort sts Yq^ng William, teamster. Pine st Young West, mariner, Beaubien nr Congress sts Young Hugh, dyer, Woodward av nr Grand River st Z. Ziegler Jacob, tinman &c, Jefferson av nr Brush st Zinck Dr John, Jefferson av nr Cass st Zug Samuel R, Congress nr First sts APPENDIX. First 2d, Wai 3d. c 4th. (( 5th. (( 6th. ii MUNICIPAL OFFICERS. John R. Williams, Mayor. Alpheus S. Williams, Recorder ALDERMEN. Ward—OYNiW B. Dibble, John Owen. Nelson Tomlinson, Benj. Woodworth James A. Van Dyke, Eustache Chapoton, Charles Moran, Peter Desnoyers. Willard E. Stearns, Oliver M. Hyde. James Stewart, Hiram R. Andrews, City Attorney — David E. Harbaugh. City C/er^— Robert E. Roberts, City Collector — Cornelius A. Wickware. City Marshal and Superintendent of Hydraulic Works — David Thompson. City Treasurer — Theodore Williams. Chief Engineer of the Fire Department — James Stewart. First Assistant — Charles R. Desnoyers. 2d. " John D. Fairbanks. il^ City Surveyor — A. E. Hathon. Director of the Poor — Mason Palmer. Supervisors of Highways — District 1st, Newel French. " " District 2d, Thomas Palmer. Inspector of Provisions — E. Cicotte, Inspector of Weights and Measures — Aretus A. Wilder. Inspectors of Wood — Henry Caroll, Nicholas Greusel, Jun'r, Samuel C. Webster. Physician — Henry Lemcke. Sexton — Robert C Scad in. 8* 90 APPENDIX. Clerks of Markets,— Ciiy Hall— David Weeks ; Berthelet, John McGuire. Justices of the Peace, — Theodoi:e Williams, William T. Young, Hugh O'Beirne, James B. Watson, George A. O'Keefe, F. H. Harris. CONSTABLES. First Ward — Peleg O. Whitman. Second Ward — Joseph McMichael. Third Ward— WilYmm W. Howland. Fourth Ward — James Cicotte. Fifth Ward — Joseph P. Whiting. Sixth Ward — Cornelius Ockford. FIRE WARDENS. First Ward, — Moses F. Dickinson, Shubael Conant, Lewis Hall. Second Ward, — Levi Cook, Warren Hill. Third Ward,—E. A. Brush, David E. Harbaugh. Fourth Ward,—k. W. Buel, A. H. Adams, A. T. McRey* nolds. Fifth Ward, — B. B. Moore, John Roberts. Sixth Ward, — John V. Reuhle, John G. Norton. Chief Warden, — Moses F. Dickinson. The Common Council meet at the Firemen's Hall every Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock. Printer, — Alpheus S. Williams. ^ FIRE COMPANIES. There are four Fire Companies in the city, provided Avjlh as many Engines, named and numbered as follows : Protection Fire Comp. No. 1 — Engine house under Fire- mens' Hall Eagle Fire CoiMP. No. 2 — Engine house, Fort near Gris- wold street. Wolverine Fire Comp. No. 3 — Engine house, Randolph St, near Berthelet Market. JjAfayette Fire Comp. No. 4 — Engine. house cor Wayne and Larned sts. APPENDIX. 91 Of the importance and benefit of these companies to the city, the inhabitants have often had abundant evidence. The promptitude with which ihose companies obey the call, when an alarm of fire is given, is proverbial among us ; and the zeal and devotion with which they sometimes risk their own lives, for the preservation of the lives and property of their fellow citizens, is beyond all praise. PUBLIC OFFICES. Post-Office, under United States Building, Griswold St. corner .Iefferson Avenue. Thomas Rov/land, P. M. A. S. Kellogg, Ass't P. M. Morris M. Williams, 1st Clerk. Office open from 7 o'clock, A. M. to 7 oclock, P, M. On Sundays, from 8 to 9 A. M. and from 5 to 6 P. M. MAIL S. Mails for the North, East, South and West, in the winter sea- son, close at 9 o' clock P. M. Eastern and Southern Mails close in the summer season, one hour before the departure of the Boats. RATESOFPOSTAGE, ^ on letters. CENTS. Any distance under 30 miles, 6^ 30 and under 80 do 10 80 " " 150 do 12* 150 " » 400 do 18^ All over 400 miles, 25 Newspapers in the State, one cent. Out of the State Ih cts Periodicals, under 100 miles, 1^ cts a sheet, do over 100 miles, 2 J cts Pamphlets, &c, 6 J cents a sheet. 92 APPENDIX. CUSTOM HOUSE, Griswold Street, near Jefferson Avenue. Edward Brooks, Collector. Jacob M. Farrand, Dep. do. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. Jefferson Avenue. Robert A. Forsyth, Register. RECEIVER'S OFFICE, State Buildings, Grisv/old street. S. W. HiGGiNS, Receiver. LIST OF STATE OFFICERS. SALARY. John S. Barry, Governor, $1500 00 Origen D. Richardson, Lieut. Governor, $6 per day during session. Robert P. Eldredge, Secretary of State, 1000 00 Charles G. Hammond, Auditor General 1000 00 John J. Adam, State Treasurer, 1000 00 Douglass Houghton, State Geologist, 1000 00 Oliver C. Comstock, Jun. Acting Com. Int. Imp. 1000 00 Elon Farnsworth, Attorney General, 800 00 Digby V. Bell, Com. Land Office at Marshall, 1000 00 Oliver C. Comstock, Sen. Sup't Public Instruction, 500 00 Randolph Manning, Chancellor, 1500 00 Epaphroditus Ransom, Chief Justice S. C. 1600 00 Alpheus Felch, Associate Justice, do 1500 00 Daniel Goodwin, do do do 1500 00 Charles W. Whipple, do do do 1500 00 Benj. F. H. Witherell, Judge District Court, 1000 00 Isaac E. Crary, Receiver, Land Office, 400 00 John E. Schwarz, Adjutant General.) Ezra Williams, Quarter Master General. Jonathan Kearsley, Regent University. Isaac E. Crary, " " " William A. Fletcher, " " De Witt C. Walker, " APPENDIX. 93 Marvin Allen, Regent University. Lewis Cass, " " Edward Mundy, " « John Owen, " " Robert R. Kellogg, » « Alex'r H. Redfield, " " George Duffield, " " Jonathan Kearsley, 1 Henry Warner, > State Appraisers. James J. Godfrey, Henry Tisdale, Benj. H. Packard, Lewis Bascom, [ Inspectors State Prison. Ira. C. Backus, Jonas H. Titus, x\gent State Prison. Charles M. Bull, Inspector Flour and Wheat. Edward V. Cicotte, " Pot and Pearls, Beef, Pork dz; Fish, Stephen R. Wood, « Beef, Pork and Fish. E. A. Washburn, " " " ^. James D. Brown, " of Fish. - ^^]^. Members and Officers of the Senate of the State of Michigan, for the year 1845. Origen D. Richardson, Lieutenant Governor and President of the Senate ; residence, Pontiac, Oakland county. William T. Howell, President, pro tempore, of the Senate. No. of r„,„,tip« TSTntTiPa Residence. Dist. t^ounties. Names. County. Post Office. 1 Wayne, Macomb, Lorenzo M. Mason, St. Clair, Port Huron. St. Clair, William Hale, Wayne, Detroit, Sanalac, Abner C. Smith, Macomb, Mt. Clemens, Huron, 2 Washtenaw, Edwin M. Cust, Livingstn Hamburg, Livingston, Samuel Denton, W'hten'wAnn Arbor, John Allen, do. Ann Arbor, 3 Monroe, M. A. Patterson, Lenawee, Tecumseh, Lenawee, J. G. Thurber, Monroe, Monroe, Hillsdale, Wm. T. Howell, Hillsdale, Hillsdale, 94 APPENDIX. Branch, Calhoun, Jackson, Ingham, Eaton, Clinton, Abner Pratt, Jesse F. Turner, James Videtto. Calhoun, Marshall, Clinton, Dewitt, Jackson, SpringArbor G'd Rapids, Allegan, Niles, St. Joseph, Cass, Berrien, Van Buren, Kalamazoo, Wm. A. Richmond, Kent, Allegan, F. J. Littlejohn, Allegan, Barry, J. N. Chipman. Berrien, Ottawa, Oceana, Kent, Ionia, et al. 6 Oakland, Lapeer, Genesee, Saginaw, Shiawassee, Johnson Niles, Tuscola, A. N. Hart, Midland, G. D. Williams, Gladwin, Negwegon, Mackinac, Oscola, etal. Secretary — Thornton F. Brodhead ; residence, Detroit. Engrossing, Enrolling and Recording Clerk — N. Buel El- DRiDGE ; residence, Lapeer. Sergeant at Arms — Moses Hawkes ; residence, Allegan, Allegan County. Messengers — John B. Johnson, and Isaac R. Alden. The Members of the Senate are elected for two years, but are so classified that one half are elected every year. Oakland, Tro}^, Lapeer, Lapeer, Saginaw, Saginaw city APPENDIX. 95 Members and Officers of the House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, for the year 1845. Hon. Alfred H. Hanscom, Speaker ; Residence, Pontiac, Oakland county. Names of Members. Counties. Wales Adams, Branch, John Andrews, Van Buren, Lyman Arnold, Oakland, Edward C. Bancroft, St. Clair, Peter B. Barbeau, Chippewa, Charles Blair, Lenawee, John H. Bowman, St. Joseph, Harlehigh Cartter, Macomb, Henry Compton, Washtenaw, Peter J. Cook, Allegan, Calvin Davis, Macomb, Ahira J. Eastman, Lenawee, George Ecklee, Lenawee, Ralph Fowler, Livingston, John Galloway, Oakland, John Groves, Berrien, Andrew Harvie, Wayne, Andrew L. Hays, Calhoun, George H. Hazelton, Genesee, Fitch Hill, Washtenaw, John Humphrey, Hillsdale, Augustus S. Johnson, Oakland, David Johnson, Jackson, Whitney Jones, Eaton, Isaac Magoon, Washtenaw, Henry Mason, Monroe, W. Norman McLeod, Michilimacinac, David Menzie, Jackson, William Munger, Wayne, Archibald Y. Murray, Wayne, Henry Packer, Hillsdale, William H. Pease, Jackson, Washington Pitcher, St. Joseph, Robert D. Power, Livingston, William A. Pratt, Oakland, Nicholas W. PuUen, Wayne, Fletcher Ransom,J| Kalamazoo, Charles L. Richman, Saginaw, Post Office. Prairie River, Lawrence, Lakeville, St. Clair, Fort Brady, Tipton, Three Rivers. Utica, Ypsilanti, Saugatuck, Macomb, Adrian, Rollin, Cedar, Waterford Centre, Niles, Detroit, Marshall, Flint, Ann Arbor, Wheatland, Springfield, Jackson, Delta, Silver Lake, Lambertville, Michilimacinac, Concord, Flat Rock, Borodino, Litchfield, Grass Lake, Constantine, Brighton, Franklin, Romulus, Alamo, Saginaw City, 96 APPENDIX. Adam L. Roof, Ionia, Lyons, William O. Rose, Wayne, Roseville, John E. Schwarz, Wayne, Detroit, James Shaw, Cass, Niles, Horace Steevens, Oakland, Waterford, Eli L. Stillson, Calhoun, Battle Creek, Hiram Stone, Monroe, Monroe, David Taylor, Lapeer, Look's Corners. Robert R. Thompson, Shiawassee, Corunna, Stephen Vickerv. Kalamazoo, Schoolcraft, Henry T. Walker, Washtenaw, Smnmit, Asa Williams, AVashtenaw, Lima, Thomas Wood, Washtenaw, Saline, Henry Wyman, Lenawee, Blissfield. Rev. JaxMes B. Watson and Rev. James Inglis. Chaplains, Detroit. Ezra Williams, Clerk ; residence, corner State street and Washington Avenue. George W. Jewitt, Engrossing, Enrolling and Recording Clerk, Howell, Livingston County. CusTis S. Madison, Sergeant at Arms, Utica, Macomb County. Marcus Chase, Justus Ingersoll and Robert Hutton, Messengei-s. COURTS HELD IN DETROIT AND ELSE- WHERE. UNITED STATES COURTS. Circuit Court, for the District of Michigan., John McLean, of Ohio, Presiding Judge. Ross WiLKiNs, Associate Judge. District Court of the U. 8. for the District of Michigan. Ross Wilkins, District Judge. The terms of both of the above Courts of this District, com- mence at Detroit, on the third Monday of June, and second Monday of October, in each year APPENDIX. 97 John Winder, Clerk, of the U. S. District Court, for the District of Michigan, who by law, is also Clerk of the Circuit CourtoftheU. S. Levi S. Humphrey, Marshall of the District. John Bronson, Crier of the Courts of the U. S. Court of Chancery, Hon. Randolph Manning, Chancellor, . Anthony Ten Eyck, Register. The following, is a list of Counties composing the different Chancery Circuits, with the times and places at which the Chancellor holds his Court : J^irst District — Wayne, Macomb, St Clair, Michilimacinac Chippewa, and counties attached for judicial purposes. The Court for the first District, at Detroit, is held the first Tuesday in February, and third Tuesday in July, in each year. (It is expected that the Legislature will, during its present session, make some alteration in the time of the sitting of the court in Detroit. Should the new arrangement be made and published in time, it will be noticed in a subsequent part of the Directory. ) Second District — Washtenaw, Jackson and Livingston. The Court for the Second District, is held at Ann Arbor, the second Tuesday in January and July, in each year. Third District — St. Joseph, Cass, Berrien, Van Buren, Alle- gan, Kalamazoo, Calhoun, Kent, Ionia, and all other coun- ties attached for judicial purposes. The Court for the Thii'd District is held at Kalamazoo, on the third Tuesday in January, and the Thursday next after the fourth Tuesday in June, ir^ each year. Fourth District — Oakland, Genesee, Saginaw, Lapeer, and Shiawassee. The Court for the Fourth District is held at Pontiac, the first Tuesday in May, and the Tuesday after the second Monday in November, in each yeai\ Fifth District — Monroe, Lenawee, Hillsdale and Branch. The Court for the Fifth District is held at Adrian on the first Tuesday in January, and third Tuesday in June in each year. 9 98 APPENDIX. Supreme Court of the State of Michigan. Epaphroditus Ransom, Chief Justice, 1 Daniel Goodwin, 1 I j^^^^^^^ Alpheus Felch, > Associate | Charles W. Whipple. ) ] The terms of this Court are held as follows : Detroit, the first Tuesday in January, in each year. At Ann Arbor, the last Tuesday in December, in each year. At Kalamazoo, the first Tuesday in July, in each year. At Pontiac, the third Tuesday in January, in each year. Circuit Courts. The State of Michigan is divided into four Judicial Circuits, in each of which, one of the four Judges of the Supreme Court is the presiding Judge. The following, it is believed, is a correct list of the several counties comprised in the respective Judicial Circuits, with the names of the Presiding Judges : First Judicial Circuit — Hon. Daniel Goodwin, Presiding Judge — Wayne, Monroe St. Clair, Macomb Lapeer, Mich- ilimackinac and Chippewa. Second Judicial Circuit — Hon. Alpheus Felch, Presiding Judge ; Washtenaw, Lenawee, Hillsdale, Branch, Calhoun, Jackson and Eaton. Third Judicial Circuit — Hon. Epaphroditus Ransom, Presi- ding Judge — St Joseph, Cass, Berrien, Van Buren, Kala- mazoo, Allegan, Barry, Kent, Ottawa and the counties and districts, respectively attached thereto, for judicial purposes. Fourth Judicial Circuit — Hon. Chas. W. Whipple, Presiding Judge — Oakland,Genessee, Saganaw, Shiawassee, Livings- ton, Clinton, Ionia, Ingham and the counties and districts, respectively attached thereto, for judicial purposes. The following, it is believed, will be found an acurate list of the days on which the terms of the Circuit Courts are held in the several counties. First Judicial Circuit — Macomb, on the first Tuesday of April, and the second Tuesday of October in each year ; in the the Co. of Lapeer, on the first Tuesday of June, and third Tuesday of October, in each year. In the co. of Monroe, on the third Tuesday of April, and the fourth Tuesday of Octo- APPENDIX. 99 ber, in each year. In the co. of St Clair, on the fourth Tues- day of April, and the first Tuesday of October, in each year* In the CO. of Wayne, on the first Tuesday of May, and the second Tuesday after the first Monday in November, in each year. In Michilimackinac;on the second Tuesday of Februa- ry, and the third Tuesday of July in each year. And in Chip- pewa, on the third Tuesday of February, and the fourth Tues- dar of July, in each year. Second Circuit — In Lenawee, on the first Tuesday of April and October, in each year. In Hillsdale, on the third Tuesday of April and October in each year. In Branch, on the fourth Tuesday of April and October, in each year. In Calhoun, on the first Tuesday of May and November, in each year. In Jackson on the third Tuesday of May and Novem- ber in each year. In Washtenaw, on the first Tuesday of June and December, in each year. In Eaton, on the last Tuesday of September and March, in each year. Third Judicial Circuit. — The terms of this Circuit are held as follows : In the county of Allegan, on the third Tuesday of April, and the second Tuesday after the first Monday of November, in each year. In the county of Bany, on the second Tues. day of April, and the first Thursday after the first Monday of November, in each year. In the county of Berrien, on the first Tuesday of May and October, in each year. In the co. of Cass, on the fourth Tuesdays of April and September, in each year. In the county of Kalamazoo, on the second Mon- day of June, and the fourth Monday of November, in each year. In the county of Kent, on the first Monday after the third Tuesday of May and October in each year. In the co. of Ottawa, on the first Thursday after the third Tuesday in May, and the first Thursday after the fourth Tuesday of Oc- tober, in each year. In the county of St Joseph, on the third Tuesday of March and second Tuesday of September, in each year. In the county of Van Buren, on the first Tuesday ot April, and the third Tuesday after the first Monday of Novem- ber in each year. Fourth Judicial Circuit — In the county of Livingston, on the second Tuesdays of April and October, in each year; in the county of Ingham, on the third Tuesdays of April and October, in each year ; in the county of Shiawassee, on the first Tuesdays of May and November, in each year ; in the too APPENDIX. county of Clinton, on the second Tuesdays of May and No- vember, in each ; in the county of Ionia, on the third Tues- days of May and November in each year ; in the county of Genesee, on the second Tuesday of March and the fourth Tuesday of August, in each year ; in the county of Saginaw, on the third Tuesday of March and August in each year ; in the county of Oakland, on the second Tuesdays of June and December of each year. DISTRICT COURT. Hon. B. F. H. Witherell, Presiding Judge. This Court has exclusive jurisdiction in all criminal cases. The following counties are comprised within its limits, viz : Wayne, Oakland, Washtenaw and Jackson. The terms of the Court are held as follows : For Wayne county, the first Tuesdays in March, June, September and December. For Wastenaw county, the first Tuesdays in April and October. For Jackson county, the third Tuesdays, in March, and September. For Oakland county, the third Tuesdays in April and Oc- tober. PROBATE COURT.— WAYNE COUNTY. Cornelius O'Flynn, Judge. First and third Mondays in every month. MAYOR'S COURT. Held by the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen, or any three of them, on the second Monday in every month. Fire- men's Hall. Robert E. Roberts, Clerk. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN AND BRANCHES, PRIMARY SCHOOLS, &c. By an Act of Congress, approved May 20, 1826, two town-, ships of land, equal to 46,080 acres, were granted to Michb APPENDIX. 101 gan, for the endowment of a University. The legislature caused these lands to be judiciously selected, in different parts of the state, agreeably to the terms of the grant, in quantities not less than one section in one body. These lands were first offered for sale in July, 1837, at a minimum price of $20 per acre ; this minimum has been reduced to $12 per acre. The sales to the 30th November, 1844, have been 14,883 60-100 acres, amounting to $174,307 25. By a provision of the constitution of Michigan, this principal shall be and forever remain a permanent fund, the interest thereon to be applied for the support of the University and its branches. By an organic law of the legislature, the government of the University, and Branches, is intrusted to twelve Regents, who are appointed by the Governor, with the advice and con- sent of the Senate, and said board of Regents are declared a body corporate. The Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, the Judges of the Supreme Court and Chancellor, are also,. ex-o(Iicio, members of the board of Regents, but are not mem- bers of said corporation. Several Branches of the University have been located, from time to time, in different counties, and appropriations made in aid of their support. From the last annual report of the Regents, there appears to have been, on the 30th November, 1844, 298 pupils under instruction, 111 of whom arc classical, preparing for admission to the University. University buildings have been erected, upon the site, at Ann Arbor, designated by an act of the legislature, at a cost of about $50,000, additional buildings are contemplated, as soon as the finances of the board will warrant the expendi- ture. Five professors have been appointed, three of whom, with a professor, ad interim, of Geology, Chemistry, &c., and a tutor in the department of the languages, &c., are now in attendance, engaged in their appropriate duties, and have a specific salary. There are, by the report above mentioned, 52 students in the University, arranged in four classes. As the University was not organized until September, 1841, the first class will graduate in September, 1845, after which a class will, graduate annually. The number of students, in the University, has uniformly increased, from year to year, and (as far as the finances, arising from the interest, will admit) further aid will be ex- tended to other branches, which have not b'='en organised, or 9* 102 APPENDIX. to those, which, although heretofore organized, appropriations have been necessarily suspended. The course of studies in the University is thorough, and in- tended to afford opportunity for a most liberal education. No tuition money is charged, beyond an entrance fee of $10, for instruction in the University, the liberal appropria- tion by Congress, being deemed a fund, the interest of which, will defiay all expenses, incident to this department of in- struction. The flattering condition of this institution, as well as the excellent regulations, enacted relative to our Common School system, affords cause for congratulation to the citizens of our growing commonwealth. And while we boast of the unsur- passed beauty, and fertility of our soil, and natural produc- tions, it will, also, be perceived, that the freemen of Michigan are not insensible to the greater, and more excellent advanta- ges, resulting from the cultivation of the mind. DISTRICT SCHOOLS. In the beginning of the year 1842, an Act passed the legis- lature of Michigan, Ibrming the city of Detroit into one school district, and providing for the election of twelve school Inspector.-', who, together with the Mayor, and Recorder, of said city, (the two latter being declared to be ex-officio school inspectors) were constituted a body corporate, by the name and style of " The Board of Education of the City of De- troit." The act of the legislature authorizes the Cornmon Council, once in each year, to assess and levy a tax, on all the real and personal property, within said city, not to exceed one dollar, for every child, between the ages of five and seventeen years, towards the support of said schools, to be public and free, to all children, residing within the limits of the city, between tho ages of five and seventeen years, inclusive. The Board have, at present, ten public schools,,Ainder their supervision, located in different parts of the city,;' which are kept open the whole year. .^ The greatest number of scholars registered, ii); the books of the several teachers, in actual attendance, during any one quarter of 1844, was 1132. The total number of children from four to eightef^n, accord- ing to the school census of 1844, is 3821. , , APPENDIX. 103 The amount received, from the State School Fund, in 1844, was $1253 70. The amount of said tax for 1844, was $2578. ST, VINCENT'S SEMINARS, Corner of Lamed and Randolph Streets. Besides the Free Schools of the city, supported by law, there are nearly two hundred children instructed, daily, in the useful branches of education at the above Catholic Semi- nary, taught by the Sisters of Charity, not more than 20 or 30 of whom pay for their tuition. In addition to the Public and Free Schools, there are a number of Select Schools established in different parts of the city, kept by teachers, whose qualifications are of a high order. The Branch of the University in the city, has been sus- pended, it is believed, from a diminution of the revenue, ap- plicable to its support. CENTRAL RAILROAD. The above Railroad commenced operation, A. D. 1836, when called the Detroit and St. Joseph Railroad, and owned by that company, but in the year 1837, was transferred to the State of Michigan, since which time it has been known as the Central Railroad. Its present western termination is at Marshall, distance from Detroit, 110 miles, and 36 miles more nearly ready for $ihe iron. It is under the direction of the Board of Internal Improvement, of which O. C. Comstock, Jun., is President. There is a line of Passenger Cars, each way, daily, Sun- days excepted, from Detroit to Marshall. Fare, through, S3,50. Leaves Detroit and Marshall at half past 7 o'clock, A. M. The office of Internal Improvement is in the Slate Build- ing, Griswold street. PONTIAC AND DETROIT RAILROAD COMPANY. G. Williams, President. The above Railroad was completed to Pontiac, and opened to the public, the 4th of July, 1843. 104 APPENDIX. The company have now a new and elegant car on the road, well warmed, and sheathed with iron, to guard against dan- ger, from loose bars. The cars leave Detroit, daily, Sundays excepted, at 8 A. M. and Pontiac, at 1 P. M. Fare, one dollar, each way. BANKS MICHIGAN INSURANCE COMP. U. S. DEPOSITE BANK. Jefferson avenue.) corner Griswold Street Douglass Houghton, President. Henry H. Brown, Cashier. Thomas J. Hulbert, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS. Douglass Houghton, Henry N. Walker, John Owen, John Roberts. Henry H. Brown. Walter Ingersoll, Teller, William M. Snow, Book-keeper. Frederick S. Larned, Clerk. Banking hours, from 9 to 12 A. M., and from 2 to 4 P. M. BANK OF ST. CLAIR. Jefferson Avenue. CAPITAL STOCK, $150,000, WITH PKIVILEGE TO INCREASE TO $250,000. Levi Cook, President. W. Truesdail, Cashier. Ebenr. Anderson, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS. Levi Cook, W. Truesdail, Geo. C. Bates, J. R. Dorr, S. Gillet, H. N. Monson, John Clark. APPENDIX, 105 B. F. Hall, Paying Teller, E. Anderson, Rec'g do E. Hewitt, Book-keeper. Banking hours, from 9 to 12 A. M., and 2 to 3 P. M- FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK OF MICHIGAN. Jefferson Avenue. Established in 1829. CAPITAL STOCK, $700,000.— PAID IN $400,000. George B. Throop, President. John A. Welles, Cashier. John C. W. Seymour, Book-keeper. Henry T. Stringham, Teller. TJje Bank has a Branch at St. Joseph, and an Agency at Niles, established by law. Banking hours, from 9 to 12, A. M., and from 2 to 3, P. M. VESSELS BELONGING TO THE DISTRICT OF DETROIT, (Jan. 1, 1845.) Donom nation Tons. Denomination. Tons. S. B. Illinois, 755Shcr . Knickerbocker, 61 " Macomb, 104 Adelaide, 43 Gov. Marcy, United, 162 56 Albratross, Bolivar, 20 46 St. Clair, 210 Baltic, 96 Michigan, C C Trowbridge. 472 42 Brandywine, Ben Barton, 46 178 Geo W Dole, 162 Boston, 73 Patronage, 56 BigZ, 128 Gen Scott 200 Cambria, 107 Huron, 147 Caroline, 76 Dan'l Webster, 358 Charlotte, 50 Champlain, 226 Cambridge, 106 Paragon, Independence Nile, Anthony Wayne, Red Jacket, 41 261 642 390 148 Congress, Champion, Dolphin, Eagle, Eliza Ward, 206 205 22 29 109 Champion, 266 E Bowen, 4^ 10b APPENDIX • Denomination. Tons- Denomination. Schr. Farmer, 28Schr. , Tom Lemon, Florida. 158 Uncle Tom, Fur Trader, 52 Victory, Gen Hamilton, 54 Vermont, Gazelle, 60 Wave, Grace Amelia, 45 Wisconsin, Gen Harrison 116 Wave, Gen Thornton 48 Waterloo, Huron, 118 Wolverine, Hiram Pearson, 97 Wabash, Henry Hubbard, 53 Freedom, Home, 93 Mechanic, Henry Clay, 140 Victory, Jefferson, 109 Young Rover, Julietta, 116 Trader, J A Barker, 92 Mary, lena. 55 Morning Star, John Richards, 39 Swallow, Jesse Smith, 117 DVD Stanton, Isabella, 21 Lady Jane, Lexington, 57 Experiment, Lasso lie, 160Sloop Betsev, Liberty, 46 Caroline, Marengo, 129 Gov Porter, Manatowoc, 52 Henry Clay, Martin Van Buren, , 85 Independence, Macomb, 27 Lion, Marina, 47 Napoleon, Mich'l Dousman, 137 Superior, Memee, 21 Star, Mint, 44 Thamogue, Marg't Allen, 89 Savage, Merchant, 74 Wyandott, Mariah Hilliard, 195 Traveller, Nancy Dousman, 86 Bro Jonathan, Patriot, 20 Jesse Muncy, Pilot, 34 Andramac, St Joseph, 130 P Campau, Star, 29 Jas K Polk, St Clair, 211 Aurora, Sylvanus Marvin, 65 Rainbow, Temperance, 29 Hunter, APPENDIX. 107 Sloop Salina, 11 Huron, 12 Lady Lake, 8 Brig, 18 Great Western, 8 Brig Elizabeth, 184 Adeline, 20 Fra's Mills, 116 Ocean, 15 Ramsay Crooks, 168 Enterpnze, 20 Rebecca, 30 Increase of tonage of Steamboats and Sailing ves- sels during the year 1844, registered in the cus- tom honse. Tons, 3036 19 Total amount of exports from Detroit for 1842, $1108,406,81 do do do 1843, $1586,381,38 do do do 1844, no returns. Value of imports from Canada in 1844, $80,744 94 Exports to do do 260,011 89 Amount of duties collected at this port in the year 1844, was $4031,60 The amount of Marine Flospital money, collected from the masters and owners of Vessels at this port, and disbursed for the relief of sick and disabled seamen, amounts to between four and five hundred dollars annually. OFFICE OF INDLVN AFFAIRS. Jefferson Avenue, near Rivard Street. Robert Stuart, Superintendent, William S. Lee, Clerk. ASSOCIATIONS AND INSTITUTIONS. DETROIT CITY TEMPERANCE SOCIETY. This Society v/as organized in July 1840 ; its pledge is to- tal abstinence from all that can intoxicate. Its annual meet- ing, for the election of officers, is held on the second Tues- day of February, in each year. All other meetings are held at the call of the executive committee. Its officers are a President, two Vice Presidents, a Secretary and Treasurer, who discharge the duties usually devolving on those officers, and are the executive committee of the society. 108 APPENDIX. The officers now are H. Hallock, President, R. C. Smith, 1st Vice President, Wm. McDonald, 2nd do. Jacob S. Farrand, Secretary, Thomas Rowland, Treasurer. THE DETROIT YOUNG MEN'S SOCIETY, For the purposes of Moral and Intellectual improvement. Chartered by an act of the legislature, March, 1836. William A. Howard, President, Asher S. Kellogg. Vice President, Bela Hubbard, Corresponding Secretary, James V. Campbell, Recording Secretary, William W. Duffield, Treasurer, Frederick Wetmore, Auditor, Managers. Dewitt C. Holbrook, Witter J. Baxter, Amory A Rice, William A. Raymond, Henry N. Walker, George V. N. Lothrop, Theodore H. Hinchman. The annual meeting of the Society, for the election of offi- cers, is held on the first Monday in July. There are. also, regular meetings, on every Thursday evening, during the winter, which are occupied, alternately, with lectures and de- bates. There is a library belonging to the Society, and open to its members, and such others, as are approved by the Board of Directors, under the standing rules. The meetings are now held in the Presbyterian Session room, but it is in con- templation to erect a suitable building, at an early day. APPENDIX. 109 THE MECHANICS' SOCIETY OF THE CITY OF DE- TROIT. Incorporated by an act passed by tbe Governor and Judges of the Territory of Michigan, A. D. 1820. OFFICER S, John Roberts, President. Solomon Davis, Vice President. Chauncey Hurlbert, Treasurer. John Farrar, Sec'y and Collector. ^teioards. Charles Jackson, William Barclay, Jeremiah Moors, William E. Peters, Garry Spencer. John Farrar, Librarian. The following extract from the Preamble to the Constitu- tion will explain the object and character of the society : — " Regarding the virtue and intelligence of a community as the only sure basis of its prosperity, and believing that harmony of sentiment, and charity to the unfortunate, are necessary to its happiness — believing, also, that our united exertions are requisite to preserve a proper standing in society, and oppose the progress of vicious principles and individual misconduct, we &c, &c." The Society numbers at present, about forty members. It is stated to be in a prosperous condition, with a good library of 450 volumes. The Librarian attends every Saturday evening at the So- ciety's room in the Mechanics' Hall. BRADY GUARDS. This is a uniform company, embracing some of the most respecable young men of the city, professional, mercantile and mechanical. Its constitution differs from uniform com- panies generally ; the corps owning the uniforms, and each member receiving the money paid for uniform and equip- ments, when he leaves the company. 10 110 APPENDIX. Officers. Charles A. Trowbridge, Captain, Henry Doty, First Lieutenant, Benjamin G. Stimson, Second Lieutenant, George Doty, Third Lieutenant, O. S. Allen, First Sergeant, Benjamin B. Moore, Second Sergeant, J. E. King, Third Sergeant, George Davie, Fourth Sergeant, Barney Campau, Jun., First Corporal, Lemuel Watkins, Second Corporal, J. C. Devereaux Williams, Third Corporal, Morgan L. Gage, Fourth Corporal, James W. Sutton, Color Sergeant. LAFAYETTE GUARDS. This company was organized the 4th of July, 1842, and numbers about 30 members. Officers, Louis D. Clairoux, Captain. Stephen Bouchard, 1st Lieutenant, J. J. Cicotte, 2d do Alexander Boudrou, 3d do E. Boule, Orderly Sergeant. SCOTT GUARDS. This company was organized the 2d of September 1842, and numbers about 60 members. Officers. John V. Reuhle, Captain, Nicholas Greusel, Jun. 1st Lieut. F. Kauffman, 2 1 do John Reno, 2d Jun'r. Frederick Reuhle, 1st Sergeant. Louis Kunze, 2d do Adam MuUedon, 3d do Jacob Merker, 4th do A. L. Kartus, 1st Corporal. APPENDIX. Ill MONTGOMERY GUARDS. This Company was organized in January, 1844, and num- bers about lorty members. Officers, Andrew T. McReynolds, Captain, Thomas Gallagher, First Lieutenant, William O'Callaghan, Second Lieutenant, Daniel Coghlan, Third Lieutenant, A. Johnston, Orderly Sergeant. The three latter named companies form the first battalion of the Frontier Guards. Officers. Isaac S. Rowland, Major, Nicholas Greusel, Jun., Adjutant, John Reno, Quarter Master. FIRE REGULATIONS FOR THE BETTER SECU- RITY OF BUILDINGS. The following is a copy of the Fire Regulations, of the city of Detroit, for the better security of buildings, taken from the laws of the City Council, and published the beginning of the present winter, by the Chief Fire Warden. Of the necessity of some such regulations as the following, in a cit}^ like Detroit, no one, who has witnessed the disas- trous effects of accidental fire, can for one moment doubt, and we would respectful i}'- suggest to the occupant of every building in the city, the importance of a strict observance of these precautionary rules, a due regard to which, might, un- der Divine Providence, often prevent accidents by fire. It should also be remembered that neglect to attend to the reg- ulations of the city authorities, in regard to accidents by fire, involves a forfeiture of the amount of the policy of insurance, in case of loss by fire of the insured. From the laws of the Common Council. 1. No ashes can be kept in a wooden vessel, within ten feet of any building, fence, or wooden structure ; nor in a metal .n- earthen vessel, unless it is covered. 2. Every stove pipe must be close jointed. It must enter a chimney of brick or stone, and be made close where it en- ters. Where it passes through a partition of wood, it must 112 APPENDIX. be through a crock of earthen or stone, or some non-conduc- tor of heat. 8. The floor under every stove must be covered by a board, faced with iron, zinc or tin, with a space under the stove of eight inches ; or by a box filled with brick, sand or clay, three inches thick from the floor. The stove must be free from dangerous cracks or openings, and properly fitted with doors. Wood within twelve inches of any stove or fire must be protected by a covering of metal or plastering, and no wood, protected by metal, must be nearer than eight inches. 4. The floor under stoves standing in shops where shav- ings or wood chippings are made, must be protected by a box filled with brick, sand or clay, five inches high from the floor, and for six inches outside the bottom of the stove. 5. All stove pipe holes, openings and cracks in chimneys, must be closed by a sheet of metal, or brick and mortar. G. Blacksmith's chimneys must be constructed to prevent the escape of sparks, and the side of the building contiguous to the forge, for the space of six feet long and up to the roof, and on the inside of the roof over the forge for the space of fourteen feet square, must be plastered. 7. Wooden fire boards must be covered on the bottom of the inside with a strip of sheet iron, tin or zinc, at least six inches wide. 8. Every occupant of a tenement, whose premises are found on examination by a Fire Warden, one week after re- ceiving this Notice, not in conformity with the above requisi- tions, will be subjected to the fine and costs imposed by law. The occupant is requested to preserve and refer to this notice. M. F. DICKINSON, Chief Warden. Detroit, November 17, 1844. APPENDIX. CENSUS OF THE CITY OF DETROIT. 113 The following is a copy of the Census of the City of De- troit, as taken by the publisher, during the months of August and September, 1844. < ^ ^ ol S Er ch: 1^- 1^ &^' g-» WARDS. rtn. "^ ^ l^ ^:? TOTAL. ^1 1 ^1 3 First Ward, 463 363 378 463 1,672 Second Ward, 657 410 491 506 2,064 Third Ward, 472 442 473 542 1,920 Fourth Ward, 544 559 656 684 2,443 Fifth Ward, 200 200 209 361 870 Sixth Ward, 377 337 494 414 1.552 2,713 2,316 2,631 2,870 10,530 Colored Inhabitants, 112 2,825 97 2,513 88 2,719 112 2,991 418 10,948 CHURCHES AND RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES IN DETROIT. CATHOLIC. ST. ANN'S CATHEDRAL, Lamed Street. The Very Revd. P. Kindekens, Vicar General, Pastor. TRINITY CHURCH, Michigan Grand Avenue. Reverend L. Kilroy, Pastor. ST. MARY'S CHURCH, Croghan street, corner St. Antoine street. Rev. A. K. Kopp, Pastor, 10* 114 APPENDIX. EPISCOPAL. St. Paul's Church, Woodward Avenue. ^ Right Rev. Samuel A. McCoskry, Bishop. BAPTIST. First Baptist Church, Fort St. corner Griswold St,. James Inglis, Pastor. AFRICAN CHURCH, Fort Street, near BeauUen. Elder Munroe, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN. First Presbyterian Church, Woodivard av. cor. Lamed st. Rev. George Duffield, Pastor. SCOTCH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Cornier Bates and Farmer streets. Rev. David Inglis, Pastor. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. The First Congregational Church in the City, was organ- ized the 25th of December, A. D. 1844. Rev. H. L. Ham- mond, Pastor. The Society meet at present for worship in the City Hall, but arrangements are in progress for erecting a Church during the present year of 1845. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. First M. E. Church, Woodward av cor Congress street. Rev. James B. Watson, Pastor. Second M. E. Church, meet at present, U. S. Buildings, Jefferson Avenue. Rev. R. R. Richards, Pastor. GERMAN LUTHERAN CHURCH. Monroe Avenue. Rev. Frederick ^''^vrmnnr. Pastor. APPENDIX. 115 DUTCH REFORMED MISSION ARS^ STATION. Jefferson Avenue near American Hotel. Rev. Livingston Willard, Missionary. The above gentleman has been sent here as a Missionary, by the North Reformed Dutch Church in the city of Albany, with a view to organize a Church, should sufficient encour- agement be met with. Preaching, as above, every Sabbath, at half past 10 A. M. and 3 P. M. DISCIPLES. A Society of the above brethren, denominating themselves ' The Church of Christ' — called Disciples, meet in a school- room near the corner of Congress and Randolph Street every Sabbath. They commemorate the Savior's death every Sab- bath afternoon. CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS. LADIES' ORPHAN ASSOCIATION OF DETROIT. Instituted, May, 1836. For the maintenance and education of destitute orphan chil- dren, principally such as have lost both parents, one of the parents having been a resident of Detroit, at the time of his or her death, and extending the benefits to other orphan chil- dren at the discretion of the Managers. The Asylum is a brick building, situate at Hamtramck, about one mile from the city, at which place, the managers meet on the second Tuesday of every month. OFFICERS. P^liza Whiting, First Directress. Mary Gillet, Second do. Mrs Kendrick, Third do. Eliza Cass, > r^ •** c t?- Savah G. Porter, \ Committee of Finance, Maria E. Hulbert, l , n\T • x Jane Stewart, ^ ^° of Maintenance. Eliza McCoskry } a n:^j .• Anne Hunt, \ ^^ of Education. Catharine H. Jones, > » j.^ Harriet Houghton, \ ^"'^"°"- 116 APPENDIX. Theodosia Hastings, Treasurer. Eliza S. Trowbridge, Secretary. Counselling Committee. De Garmo Jones, Charles H. Stewart, John Hulbert, S. N. Kendrick, John Owen and Charles C. Trowbridge. WAYNE COUNTY POOR HOUSE. Situate in the township of Nankin, 15 miles west of De- troit, under the directionof three Superintendents of the Poor. A brick building, two and a half stories high, 70 feet by 36 feet is now being erected. STAGES. WESTERN ROUTE. In consequence of the completion of the Central Railroad, so far west, travelers, either on the Chicago or Territorial road, use that mode of conveyance, as far as suits their con- venience, and, therefore, no stage leaves the city for either of the two western routes. EASTERN ROUTE. A Mail Stage leaves Wood worth's Hotel, daily, at 7 o'clock, A. M., for Buffalo, passing through Monroe, Toledo, Lower Sandusky, Norwalk, Cleveland, Erie, Pa.. &c. This line connects, at Cleveland, with one for Cincinnati, Pitts- burgh, &c. NORTHERN ROUTE. On the arrival of the cars at Pontiac, from Detroit, a Stage leaves for Grand Blanc and Flint River. PORT HURON, (VIA MOUNT CLEMENS) ROUTE. A Stage leaves Woodworth's Plotel, Mondays, Wednes- days and Saturdays, at 5 o'clock, A. M., for Port Huron, and goes through the same day. Also, every other week day, a Stage leaves Woodworth's Hotel, at 7 o'clock, A. M., for Mount Clemens. This is said to be the nearest route to Lon- APPENDIX. 117 don, in Canada, being 60 miles to Port Ehjron, and 60 miles from Port Huron to London, making 120 miles. The road from Port Sarnia, opposite Fort Gratiot, to London is already- graded and is about to be planked the whole distance. GRAND RAPIDS AND HOWELL ROUTE. A public conveyance leaves Davis's Eagle Tavern, for Howell, about 50 miles, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, during winter. In the summer season, the same conveyance goes through to Grand Rapids, twice in the week. COUNTY OFFICERS. Counties. Circuit Court Commissioners. Prosecuting Attornies. Wayne, E. Smith Lee, Alex. W. Buel, Monroe, Titus Babcock, J. L. Christiancy, St. Clair, Edward C. Bancroft, C. B. Farrand, Macomb, De Witt C. Walker, W. T. Mitchell, Lapeer, Alvin N. Hart, Silas D. McKeen, Mackinac, Chippewa, Washtenaw, Samuel Abbot, George Danforth, Edward L. Mundy, Lenawee, Alfred L. MiUerd, F. C. Beaman, Hillsdale, Cliarles Halsey, Branch, Esbon G. Teller, Henry C. Gilbert, Calhoun, Horace A. Noyes, George C. Gibbs, Jackson, Leander Chapman, David Johnson, Eaton, Edward Higby, St. Joseph, William Savier, J. E. Johnson, Cass, Alex. H. Redfield, James Sullivan, Berrien, James Brown, Joseph N. Chipman, Van Buren, Fitz H. Stevens, A. W. Broughton, Kalamazoo, Mitchell Hinsdill, Nathl. A. Balch, Allegan, Hovey K. Clarke, Hovey K. Clarke, Barry, Vespasian Young, Kent, John Almy, Thomas B. Church, Ottawa, Grosvenor Reed, Oakland, G. 0. Whittemore, Genesee, Robert J. S. Page, E. H. Thompson, Saginaw, Gardner D. Williams 5 Shiawassee, Wm. F. Moseley, Andrew Parsons, Livingston. L. K. Hewitt, Fredk. C. Whipple, Clinton, Joseph Hoi lister, Levi Townson, Ionia, Ingham, Hiram Parker, Daniel L. Case. 118 APPENDIX. Counties. Sheriffs. Clerks, Registers. Allegan, Wm. Still, H. H. Booth, Washtenaw , G. Shattuck, B. King, G. Gilbert, Lapeer, J. Bullock, J. W. Day, G. F. Ball, Lenawee, 0. Hough, J. Barber, C. Smith, St. Joseph, C. H. Knox, A. Bonham, H. Goodridge, Macomb, Jno. Dixon, A. Dalbv, H. Teats, Berrien, J. Wittenmyer,T. Love, F. Johnston, Genesee, W. Blades, C. Davey, L. Bickford, Barry, Y. Collier, J. Holbrook, S. C, Hall, Oakland, E. Martin, J. Bowman, J. Hunt, Chippewa, T. Edwards, Hillsdale, A. Howder, J. Swegles, H. S. Mead, Clinton, M. Allen, S. Scott, H. Wilcox, Ingham, J. Hunt. P. Low, W. Horton, Branch, A. Arnold, C. Benton, J. Pond, Calhoun, C. Dickey, E. Hayden, J. Tillotson, Jackson, H. Tisdale, C. Jones, H. Thompson, Saginaw, S. Gordon, W. Little, PI. Beach, Van Buren, , J. Smalk, B. Crane, E. Briggs, St. Clair, L. Granger, C. Kimball, C. Kimball, Cass, W. Beckwith, G. Sherwood, D. Howell, Ionia, H. Brown, H. Rich, Shiawassee, , C. Brewster, J. Purdy, A. Pardons, COINTIES. TREASURERS. JUDGES PROBATE. ASS. JUDGES. SURVEYORS. Allegan, O. C. Smith, E. Ely, J. Anderson, A. Chichester, F. Ives, Washtenaw, 0. W- Moore, S. Fuller, R. Purely, R W^hipple, O. Kellogg, Lapeer, H. Hinman, J. Needham, H. Howland, J S Woods, S. Lord, Lenawee, D. Sinclair, C. A. Stacy, H. Q.uackenboss,A Stillman, J. Berry, St. Joseph, J. Coffinbury, B. Osgood, M. Judson, S Gilbert, J. Parker, Macomb, T. Perry< P. Kibbee, A. Tackels C Mallory, J. Summers, Berrien, R. Landon, J. Brown, - C Britain, A Staples, n. Fuller, Genesee, O. , Safford, O. Clark, C. Beecher , E Langdon, J. Kipp, Barry, N, . Barber, Oakland, W '. Henderson, M. Bagg, GOWhittemore, A Merry weather F. H. Steevens, Chippewa, I. Van Rensselaer,S. Ashman, J. Livingston, J Johnson, Hillsdale, \\ \ Branch, E. Champlin, W. Mercer , J Manross, Clinton, W '. Upton, JL». l^.IliIIC, R McKee, Inghanj, I. Matthews, A Jackson. Branch, J. Haynes, E, Fuller, N. Burnhart, T McWhorter, J. Hard, APPENDIX. 119 COUNTIES. Calhoun, Jackson, Saginaw, Van Buren, St. Clair, Cass, Ionia, Shiawassee, Wayne, TREASURERS. M. Soule, L. Chapman, H. MillErJ J. Kinney, D. Northrup, A. Kingsbury, I. G. Frost, A, Williams, D J Campau, JUDGES PROBATE. H. Noyes, S. Higby, O. Palmer, F. Lord, B. C. Cox, C. Shanahan, W. Blanchard, A. Gould, C O'Flynn, ASS. JUDGES. , G. Ketchum, H. Bidwell, B. Hatch, A. Gorton, A. Ure, D Van Antwerp W Keeler, J Thorn, S Heath, W Bacon, S Anderson, E Yeoman, A Newman, J Castle, J Hartwell, J H Bagg, SURVEYORS. C Robertson, H Hayden, J McCormick, .WBlackman, J Kelsey, D Ward, A Bell, N Ferry, E Hawley, LIST OF STREETS, LANES AND ALLEYS. Abbott St., from Fourth St., to Michigan avenue. Adams Avenue, from Clifford st. to Brush st Atwater st from Gillet's Wharf to Hamtramck. Bates St., from the river to Farmer st. Beaubien st., from the river to Montcalm st Berthelet Alley, from Randolph st. to Franklin st. ^rush St., from river to Adams avenue Cass St., from river to Michigan avenue. Catherine St., from Gratiot st. to Hamtramck. Clinton St., from Gratiot st. to Hamtramck. Clifford St. from Columbia st. to Woodward avenue. Congress st., from Fourth st. to Hamtramck. Croghan St., fi-om Randolph st. to Hamtramck. Elizabeth St., from William st. to Brush st l;armer St., from John R. st. to Randolph st. t arrar st from John R. st. to Randolph st. Fn?/.f •' ,^^'^^^ J^^«7^>^ ^-^venue to Michigan avenue. ^oit St., from Fourth st. to Hamtramck. Fourth St., from Woodbridge st. to Chicago turnpike. Franklin st., irom Berthelet alley to Rivard st ^ Uoum St., between Atwater st., and Franklin st. Grand River st., from Grand River turnpike to Randolph st Gratiot St., from Miami square to Hamtramck. ^ Griswold St., from river to John R st Harriet St., from Randolph st. to Brush st. Hastings st., from the river to Gratiot st. Hovvard st., from First st. to Fourth st. Jefferson Avenue, from First st. to Hamtramck. John R. St., from Woodward avenue to Montcalm st 120 APPENDIX. Julius Alley, from Fourth st. to Griswold st. Lafayette st., from Fourth st. to Hamtramck. Larned st., from Fourth st. to Hamtramck. Macomb st., from Miami square to St. Antoine st. Macomb Avenue, from Grand River st. to the Grand Circus. Madifeon Avenue, Randolph st, to Grand Circus. Miami Avenue, from Randolph st. to Grand Curcus. Miami Square, from Randolph st. to Miami avenue. ■ Michigan Avenue, from Randolph st. to Fourth st. Military Square, crosses Woodward Av. Monroe Avenue, from Military Square to Randolph st. Montcalm st., from Witherell to John R. st. Mullet St., from Rivard farm to Russel st. Palmer st., from Grand River to Clifford st. Park St., from Michigan A v. to Grand River St. Pine St. between Hastings and Rivard sts. Porter st. from Third to Fourth. Randolph st. from river to Adams av. Rivard st. from river to Gratiot st. Rowland st. from Michigan Av. to Grand River st- Russel St. from Jefferson Av. to Gratiot st, St. Antoine st. trom river to Clinton st. Shelby st. from Woodbridge st. to Michigan Av. Second st. from lower Woodbridge st.. to Michigan av. State St. from Park to Gratiot st. Therese Alley, from river to Berthlet Alley. Third st. from lower Woodbridge to Fort st. Michigan av. Wapping, between Woodbridge and Atwater sts. Washington Grand Avenue, from Michigan Avenue to Grand Circus. Wayne st. from river to Michigan Avenue. Williams st., from Grand Circus to Montcalm st. Witherell st. from Grand Circus to Greenfield town line. Woodbridge st. from Jones farm to Hamtramck. Woodward Avenue, from the river to Grand Circus. BUILDINGS, ROWS, &c. Abbott's block, corner Atwater and Griswold sts. Commercial buildings, Woodward av. between Jefferson av. and Larned st, Connor's building, Jefferson av., between Woodward av. and Bates st. APPENDIX. 120 Drew's block, corner Jefferson av and Griswold st. Desnoyers' buildings, Jefferson av. between Woodward av. and Bates st. King's Building, Jefferson av. corner of Woodward av. Law buildings. Woodward av. corner Woodbridge st. Michigan Exchange, Jefferson av. corner of Shelby st. Republican Hall, Jefferson av., between Bates and Ran- dolph St. Sheldon's block, Jefferson av. between Griswold and Shelby sts. Smart's buildings, Jefferson av. between Woodward av. and Bates St. Warden's block. Woodward av. between Woodbridge and Atwater sts. William's buildings, Jefferson av. corner Bates st. White buildings, Jefferson av. corner Shelby st. . NOTICE. COURT OF CHANCERY. Agreeably to the notice giv^en on page 91, under the head of " Court of Chancery," we would state that the Legislature have altered the time of the sitting of the Court in said district as follows: The Court for the first district at Detroit, is held the second Tuesday in March, and the third Tuesday in Sep- tember in each year. ^ A LIST OF MAYORS OF THE CITY OF DETROIT. John R. Williams, elected, 1824 John R. Williams, " 1825 *Henry I. Hunt, " 1826 John Biddle, « 1827 John Biddle, " 1828 Jonathan Kearsley, " 1829 John R. Williams, " 1830 Marshall Chapin, " 1831 Levi Cook, « 1832 Marshall Chapin, " 1833 fC. C. Trowbridge, " 1834 Levi Cook, « 1835 Levi Cook, « 1836 Henry Howard, « 1837 11 121 APPENDIX. |Augustus S. Poiter, " 1838 De Garmo Jones, " 1839 Zina Pitcher, " 1840 Zina Pitcher, " 1841 Douglass Houghton, " 1842 Zina Pitcher, " 1843 John R. Williams, " 1844 * Henry I. Hunt, dying in September, 1826, then the Re- corder, J. Kearsleyi became acting mayor. t C. C. Trowbridge, resigned September, 1834, and An- drew Mack was elected in his room. I A. S. Porter, resigned, on his removal from the city, in March, 1839, and the Recorder served the remainder as act- ing mayor. r ADDITIONS, ALTERATIONS, &c. American Citizen, a weekly paper published every Saturday by E. D. Ellis cor Jefferson av and Randolph st. V AUgemine Zeitung, German paper, published weekly by Kamingsky, Larned st. nr. Brush st. Conant Shubael b, Michigan Exchange. , x,r , Gallagher Thomas, groceries &c, corner Griswold and \\ ood- bridge sts. Howard Charles, Larned nr Shelby St. Higgins Patrick, teacher, b. A. Knight's. Jackson C. W. for Woodward avenue, read cor Grand River and Farrar sts. Michigan Christian Herald, published weekly in Detroit, for the Board of the Baptist State Convention, R. C. Smith, Agent, Detroit. Paddock Charles J. clerk, for G. M. Rich, read Theodore Eaton, Roberts Ellis, b John Roberts, Waycott William, carpenter, corner Brush and Croghan sts. Wellings James H. Publisher of the Directory, Jefferson av. nr Brush street. Rogers E. instead of sawyer, read lawyer. BOOK AND JOB FEINTING. No. 80, (IF illliS^) JEFFERSON AVENUE, SHELDON'S BLOCK, Are prepared to execute to order, ABB IMS m mfmrnm pmiiG, Having on hand the greatest variety, and most extensive as- sortment of Printing materials to be found in the city of De- troit, and being themselves practical printers, of long experi- ence, they feel warranted in promising to do all kinds of plain or fancy JOB PRINTING, Cheaper and Better THAN ANY ESTABLISHMENT IN DETROIT. Public patronage is respectfully solicited, RAIL ROAD HOTEL. BY H. R. ANDREWS, Opposite the Central and Northern Rail Road Depots. DETROIT, MICHIGAN. This House has been greatly enlarged and fitted up in a style equal to any public house in Detroit, for comfort and convenience. Its location is one of the most healthy and pleasant in Detroit, being ON THE PUBLIC SQUARE, and in the immediate vicinity of the Central and Pontiac Rail Road Depots, and at the junction of the Leading Turnpike Roads from Detroit. (t^ The Proprietor assures the public that no pains will be spared to furnish his Table with as good as the Market affords, and his Guests with every attention requisite to their comfort. Travellers wishing to take the Boats, WILL BE FURNISHED WITH MEALS AT 25 CTS., AND CARRIAGE AND BAGGAGE ¥AGON Will be in readiness, at all times, to convey them to the Boats, Free of Charge. BOARD BY THE DAY, 75 CENTS. DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, AND PUTTY. 11* DEALER IN CABINET FURNITURE. Chairs, Upholstery, Piano Fortes, Looking Glasses, Mattrass- es. Clocks, Willow Ware, Mahogany, Varnish, Japan, &c. 69 and 71 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT, Opposite Michigan Exchange. FURNITURE MADE TO ORDER. NEW EARTHEN WARE ESTABLISHMENT. FREDERICK WETMORE, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN CROCKERY, GLASS & CHINA, LOOKING GLASSES, ASTRAL LAMPS, &c. No. 125, Eldred's Block, North side of Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT. THE LOWEST PRICE ASKED AND NO ABATEMENT! THE SCOTCH STORE. CAMPBELL & JACK, DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods^ No. 143 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT. The subscriber takes this method of calling the attention of the Public, TO STORE, NO. 172, JEFFERSON AVENUE, Where every variety of CONFECTIOxNARY, made from the richest ingredients, can be found. Ice Cream, Sherbets, CHARLOTTEE DE RUSSE, BLANC MANGE, JEL- LIES, &c., Furnished to parties on short notice ; orders attended to with the strictest punctuality. G. E. EGNER. WEDDING CAKES, Of a superior quality made and ornamented. ICE CREAMS, Sent in FORMS to anv part of the city. LADIES' SALOON. G. E. would further state, that he has fitted up a room over his store, expressly as a LADIES' SALOON. Detroit, 1845. J. STEWART'S Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron ¥are MANUFACTORY. BOX, HALL, PLATE AND COOKING STOVES, Kept constantly on hand and for sale, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At the siffn of the Golden Still, No. 83 Woodward Avenue, DETROIT. TAILOR AND DRAPER. 135 Jefferson avenue, one door from Bates street, Detroit. At the above establishment, gentlemen can have their gar" ments made up at the shortest notice, in the newest style of elegance and fashion, in a workmanlike manner, and at char- ges that cannot fail to give satisfaction. N. B. A good assortment of ready made clothing kept on hand at low prices for cash. 1845. W. T. PEASE, 1845. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION Front street, foot of First street, Detroit. AGENT FOR THE TROY AND ERIE LINE, AND NEW YORK, UTICA AND TOLEDO LINE, ON THE ERIE CANAL, And in connection with C. Howard & Co, Agent for the Troy and Oswego line, via Oswego and Welland canal. The above Lines have facilities unsurpassed by any others, and will contract for the transportation of property of all kinds to and from New York, Utica and Boston, by Buffalo and Os- wego, on as reasonable terms as any other responsible lines. (H^ Produce of all descriptions, advanced on or purchased. 1845. BRONSON & CROCKER, ? ( CHARLES HOWARD, Oswego. 5 c Detroit. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Front st,.foot First Street, Detroit. Wholesale dealers in Salt, Coal, Pig Iron, Wheat & Flour, agents for a large fleet of vessels and live Steam Propellers. Proprietors of which are, Bronson & Crocker, S. Doolittle, Oswego, Farwell and Harrington, Utica. Charles Howard & Co., Detroit. TROY AND OS^VEGO lilNE. Passage and Freight Boats leave Oswego, Troy and New York daily. Jas. S. Wycofl^, agent, 33 Coenties slip, New York. J. R. Hall, agent, - - - ' Boston. Bronson & Crocker, Oswego, 1 H. C. Rossiter, Troy, > Proprietors. Farwell & Harrington, Utica. } TROY AND ERIE LINE. Boats leave Buffalo, Troy, and New York daily. Runs in connection with a line of Steamboats on the Lakes. R. Putnam, 7 Coenties Slip, New York, ^ Kimberly, Pease & Co., Buffalo, > Proprietors. Ide, Coit & Co., Troy. 3 NEW YORK, UTICA AND OSWEGO LINE. Lake Boats exclusively, leave New York and Oswego daily Through without transhipment. Wm. S. Rossiter, 23 Coenties Slip, New York. Farwell & Harrington, Utica, ) p i^t^rs. Bronson & Crocker, Oswego, ^ ^ WABASH, TROY AND OSWEGO LINE. Boats leave Toledo and Lafayette daily. This Line runs in connection with all the above Lines. C. Howard & Co., Toledo, ") Bronson & Crocker, Oswego, > Proprietors. H. C. Rossiter, Troy, 3 Wm. S. Rossiter, 23 Coenties Slip, New York, ^ Ap-entq Jas. S. Wyckoff, 23 " " " ^ ^ ' Detroit, 1845. MANUFACTURERS OF HATS AND CAPS, AND DEALERS IN SET* TKT Si^ SP 9 Buffalo Robes, Hatters' Stock, Trimmings, &c. JEFFERSON AVEIVUE, CASH PAID FOR FURS AND DEER SKINS. N. T. LUDDEN, DEALER IN DOMESTIC AND FANCY GOODS. —ALSO- DRY GROCERIES, No. 96, Jefferson Avenue, Also, corner Wood\i^ard Avenue and State St. DETROIT. JOHN I. HERRICK, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL B)imii m m%m^ STATIONERY AND PAPER HANGINGS, No, 98 Jefferson Avenue, H. F. BALD'WIN, "Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Boots, Shoes, and Leather, 128 JEFFERSON AVENUE, DETROIT. THEO. H. 'EATON, STORES No. 188 and 190 Jeflerf^on Xvenue, GROCERIES, DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, DYE WOODS AND DYE STUFFS. Woolen Manufacturers' Machinery, Carding and Shearing Machines, Machine Cards, Reeds and Shuttles. ^KTM. WITHERSFOON, BR£AI> AlVO FAjVCY BISCUIT BAK£R, Corner Woodhridge and Shelby Streets, (TWO DOORS BELOW THE MICHIGAN EXCHANGE,) DETROIT. The subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Detroit, and surrounding country, that he still continues to carry on the BAKllVO BrSIlVESS, in all its various branches ; such as Boston Crackers, SxMALL Soda Crackers, Sweet Crackers, Ship Bread of different qualities, &c., and solicits a continuance of their patronasre. Wm. WITHERSPOO^:. 12 M. S. BISHOP, DEALER IN G-itOCnRIES & FltbVISIONS, No. 4, Warden's Block, Woodiirard Avenue, DETROIT. ALSO, WILL STORE AND SELL ALL KINDS OF ON THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS. ' J. G. NORTON, CABINET AND CHAIR NA^AREROOM, IVoodivard Avenue, No. 2, Warden's Block, A general assortment of all kinds of CABINET WARE and CHAIRS, always on hand, and sold at the lowest prices. All orders attended to at the shortest notice. BROWNSVILLE JOHN ROBINSON, JR., Agent for EDWARD HUGHES, Manufacturer of wmm im® wmL. Warehouse, No. 1 , l¥ai*dell's Block, n:) i:^ ^c^ o^ C2:) ^ ^iiP .^ BRASS & BELL FOUNDRY. AT THE SIGN OF THE BELL, BATES St., BETWEEN THE OLD FRENCH CHURCH AND THE MICHIGAN GARDEN. B11A88 l¥ORK & CASTI]¥CJS, of every description furnished to order ; also, BELLS of va- rious sizcvs, &c, A good stock of standard articles kept con- stantly on hand, among which are Cocks of all sizes and des- criptions, Copper Rivets, Kettle Ears, Spelter Solder, Gun Mountings, Inspector's and Flour Brands, Sliding Door Trim- mings, &c. cStc. As the subscribers are both practical workmen, and give iheir whole attention to the business, they hope to give gene- ral satisfaction. All orders from the country promptly attended to. and arti- cles forwarded according to directions, SOLOMON DAVIS, Detroit, January, 1845. ARAD DUNCAN. WHOLESALE DEALER IN TEAS, WINES, LIQUORS, GROCERIES, AND RECTIFIED WHISKEY, Woodward Avenue, Comer Atwater Street, (NEAR THE RIVER,) DETROIT. HORACi: HILLS, DEALER IN Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, JVo. 43, Woodw^ard Avenue, First door below Hallock & Raymond's, BOTANIC STORE AM.E]¥ & STEWART, Would respectfully inform the inhabitants of Detroit, and vicinity, that they have purchased the establishment formerly occupied by G. A. Bartholick, where can be found a large and fresh stock of BOTANIC AND THOMPSONIAN Medicines, prepared and labelled, for family use, warranted to be fine and genuine articles of the first quality, among which can be found all kinds of Roots and Herbs ; also, the Mother's Relief; Lunar Tincture, for female weakness and turn of life ; the Balm of Motherwort, for bearing down pains; Rheumatic Bitters and Liniment ; Salt Rheum Lini- ment ; Ague and Chill Fever preparations ; Neutralizing Mixture, for bowel complaints ; Vegetable Elixir, for pain in the breast and side ; Cough Sirups, and Balsams for Coughs and Colds; Vegetable Detergent Sirup, for cleansing the blood ; Balsam of Hoarhound, for Coughs ; I^iver Drops, for cleansing the liver; Balsamof Life, for Weak Nerves; Ver- mifuge ; Composition ; Hot Drops ; Conserve for Nursing Sore Mouths, &c. ; Asthmatic preparations, which effectu- ally cure obstinate cases of Asthma. The world outdone, and no mistake, in the cure of the worst cases of the Piles, on short notice. Salves for Fresh Wounds, Burns, Fever Sores, old inveterate Sores, and Cancers of every description. The ohove articles are kept and sold hj ALLEN & STEWART, Botanic Physicians and Druggists, No. 168, Jefferson Avenue, Detroit. ADVICE GRATIS. REUB£N TOVTN, WHOLESALE DEALER IN DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, No. 57, WOODWARD AVENUE, LARNED BUILDINGS, d^ Liberal advances made in Cash or Goods, on Potash, Flour, Pork, &;c., &c., destined for the New York or Boston Markets, DETROIT CLOTHING EMPORIUM. 126 JEFFERSON, CORNER OF WOODWARD AVENUE, Respectfully informs his old customers and the public gene-, rally, that he keeps constantly on hand KEADY MADE CliOTHIIVG, of every description and quality — fashionable Hats, Caps, Stocks and Umbrellas, which he will dispose of, wholesale or retail, for Cash or approved credit. He is now receiving a general supply of Winter Goods, which, when added to his present stock, will form the most ex- tensive assortment in his line, ever offered in this market. COFFIN MAKER. Opposite the Steamboat Hotei, Randolph Street, Keeps constantly on hand, ready made, or will make to order, at the shortest notice. Coffins of all descriptions. Detroit, February, 1845. 12* I3IP0RTER AND DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic Hardware^ CUTLERY, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, STOVES, HOLLOW WARE AND CASTINGS, Sfc. ALSO, MANUFACTURER OF COPPER, TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, No. 114 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT. HAWLEY & CO. Woodbriclge Street near Woodward Avenue,. DETROIT. WEATHERS IN Staple mxb lancQ DRY GOODS, CARPETING, PAPER HANGINGS, &c. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Commercial Buildings, No. 55, WOODWARD AVENUE, (Near Jefferson Avenue,) DETROIT. DEALER IN STOYES AND CASTINGS, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, COPPER, SHEET IRON, TIN PLATE, LEAD, ALSO, MANUFACTURER OF COPPER AND TIN WARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. AGENCY SIWlIAli WUlf 1 Slill iS. AIV1> ^'SliAGO OliASS WOKRS.?? No. 40 WOODWARD AVENUE, F i r s t d o o r b e 1 o w " K i ng ' s Corner," DETROIT. ANDREW HARVIE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, No. 2, Desnoyers' Block, Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT. Residence, Woodward Av. near Grand River st. •'illiiiilM^ CORNER OF JEFFERSON AND WOODWARD AVS. G. B. would respectfully inform all concerned, that he is prepared to sell Oysters by the barrel, hundred, dozen or can, that he also keeps his table supplied with hams and tongues, tripe, pigs feet, chickens, ducks, birds, coftee and tea, and every thing the market affords, and from ten years experience in the business, he can and will give satisfaction to all. Detroit, 1845. JOHN EDWARDS, OLD FERRY HOUSE SALOON. Foot of Griswold Street, EAGLE TAVERN, BY -av9 No. 60 Woodbridge Street, DETROIT. Carriage to and from boats & rail roads free. William Preusser, ALL KINDS OF CONSTANTLY ON HAND. mjmm km wmmm REPAIRED. Griswold Street, opposite the Custom-House, LrJBTm CHURCH & BIRCHARD, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DH7 GOOBS, GROCERIES^ CROCKERY, &c. &c. No. 80 Woodward Avenue, between the Episcopal and Methodist Churches, N. B. Liberal advances at all times made on POT and PEARL ASHES. P. S. CHURCH, JAS. T. BIRCHARD. ei,^-fer- DETROIT PLANE FACTORY. 15 CONGRESS STREET, (In rear of the Methodist Church,) DETROIT. Slater & Byram beg leave to inform their old customers and merchants, and mechanics generally, that they continue at their old stand as above, where they manufacture as usual, Planes of every description, of the very best materials that can be procured in the market, a large assortment of which is constantly kept on hand for sale at the lowest prices. Or- ders for planes according to drafts furnished, faithfully execu- ted. A liberal allowance to wholesale dealers. A good price given at all times for second growth* beach. Pittsburgh Juniata Iron Store. P. T. LOWE, Agent. DEALER IN BAR IRON, SHEET, BOILER, AND HOOP IRON, NAILS, SPIKES, STEEL OF ALL KINDS, CARRIAGE SPRINGS AND AXLES, AXES AND WINDOW GLASS OF ALL SIZES. Corner Larned street and Woodward A venue N. B. Union Factory Yarns, Batting, Wicking, & c. WHOLESALE DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF West India Goods and Provisions, No, 70, lUoobtoari) "^mmu, Corner Congress street, opposite the M. Church, DETROIT. The highest price paid in Cash for Flour, Flax Seed, Timo- thy Seed, &c. BARGLAY & KEENEYT MACHINISTS AND FOUNDERS, Corner of Lafayette and Shelby streets, Manufacture all kinds of MACHINERY and Work for Rail Roads, also Saw and Grist Mill Gearings, CASTINGS OF ALL KINDS, Consisting of Potash Cauldrons, Sugar Five Pail Kettles and Coolers, also, Stoves, Ploughs, Plough Points, and Hollow Ware and castings usually made at Furnaces. C^Orders executed promptly. DETROIT STONE WARE FACTORY, Corner of Woodbridge and Third st. BY ELISHA TYLER. February, 1845. PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORl>, CONJVECTICUT. Marine Insurance by the above Company, on application to SAMUEL LEWIS, Agent, at Gray & Lewis's, foot of Woodward Avenue, DETROIT. IRON AND NAIL STORE. DE GRAFF & TOWNSEND3 CORNER WOODWARD AVENUE AND EARNED ST. DEALERS IN BAR, BAND, HORSE-SHOE AND NAIL ROD IRON, Nails and Steel of every description. Stoves of all sizes and kinds, Tin Plate, Copper, Iron wire, Glass of all sizes and qualities, Ship and Boat Spike, Cast Hollow-Ware. RUSSIA AND ENGLISH SHEET IRON, &c., Comprising every kind and description of Heavy Hardware, which they intend at all times to be prepared to supply at wholesale or retail, upon tlie most favorable terms for Cash on delivery. Also, agents for Edwards & Holmes, of Boston, improved Salamander Safes, Patent Bank, Vault and Door Locks, sfec. &C. CHEAP HARNESS AND SADDLE MANU- FACTORY. Griswold Street above the Old Ferry Landing. The subscribers having formed a co-partnership in the above business, respectfully inform their friends in Detroit, Canada and elsewhere, that they manufacture and keep con- stantly on hand, all kinds of Harness and Saddlery, and will sell for cash or approved notes, at a short date, as cheap as any other establishment west of Buffalo. All who wish to pur- chase, are particularly invited to call and examine for them- selves, at their store as above. D. L. SHAW, T. WOODBRIDGE. ARMSTRONG & SIBLEY, STORAGE, FORWARDING & COMMISSION DETROIT, .... MICH. J. A. ARMSTRONG, A. H. SIBLEY. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Over J. Watson's Store, JEFFERSOiV AVENUE, N. B. Deeds, Mortgages and Conveyancing attended to. C MORSE, . AT THE MICHIGAN BOOK STOEE, NO. 127, JEFFERSON AVENUE, Has for sale a general assortment of Theological, Miscel- laneous, Classical, School, Law and Medical Books, FAMILY BIBLES, Blank Books, Printing, Cap and Letter Paper, Printing and Writing Ink, and Stationery articles at wholesale and retail : also. Piano Forte Music, Instruction Books, &c. &c. Detroit, 1845. .ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD CONNECTICUT. JOHN PALMER, Agent ''^'^^^ CAPITAL 200,000 DOLLARS. With the liberty to increase the same to ^talf of a mil- lio?i of Dollars. Offer to insure Dwelling-houses, Stores, Mills Manufacto- ries, Barns, Ships and Vessels while in port, or on the stocks. Goods, and every other species of insurable personal proper- ty, against loss or damage by fire, at as low rates of Pre- mium as any similar institution of good standing. The JEina. Insurance Company was incorpojated in 1819, and the reputation it has acquired for promptness and liberali- ty in the adjustment and payment of losses, requires no addi- tional pledge, to entitle it to a liberal share of public patron- age. Persons wishing to be insured, can apply to John P^mer, Esq. of Detroit. 13 W. O'CALLAGHAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, GROCERY AND PROVISION DEALER. At the Berthelet Market Store, Randolph street below Wood- worth's Hotel. 3E::nK7jEB.«::»acrMr*9 Keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of Teas, Su- gar, Coffee, &c. together with Pork, Butter, Lard, Flour, Salt, Corn and Corn-meal, Hams, Dried Fruit, Bran, Horse-feed, &c. dec. JOHN W STRONG, STORAGE, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. Produce bought and sold. Warehouse on Front Street, First above Oliver Newberry's, DETROIT MICHIGAN. Residence, National Hotel. SCADIN'S FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY WAREHOUSE, Nearly opposite Farmers' and Mechanics Bank, JEFFERSON AVENUE, DETROIT. R. C. ScADiN grateful for past favors, begs leave respect- fully to inform his friends and customers that he is prepared to execute all orders in his line, of the best materials and workmanship at his stand as above. CHANDLER & BRADFORD, WHOLESALE DEALERS JN Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods^ Carpeting, Paper Hangings, Floor Oil Cloths. No. 130, Jefferson Avenue, Stand formerly occupied by Z. Chandler & Co., aCB jaa TMT' JOL«3Mt TT. Z. CHANDLER, R, C. BRADFORD. JOHN OWEN & COT, DEALERS IN GROCERIES, DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Paints, Oils, Glass, Dye Woods and Dye Stuffs, Brushes. Fancy articles, &c. Nos. 82, & 84 Jefferson Avenue, J. OWEN, } DETROIT. T. H. HINCHMAN .s JOHN WEBSTER, MANUFACTURER OF FRENCH BURR MILL STONES, And dealer in Dutch Bolting Cloth, Screen Wire, Elevators, Hoisting Screws, Lighter Screws &c. Also, dealer in Hardware, Cutlery, Stoves, Sheet Iron and Tin Ware, Corner of Fort St. and Woodward Av. nearly opposite the National Hotel, Detroit, 1845. COE & COIT, EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 53, Woodward Avenue, Near Jefferson Avenue, ISRAEL COE, DETROIT, Mich. SAMUEL COIT, Referfkecs. Ketchum, Rogers and Bement, ^ Nevins, townsend & Co. ^ NE W YORK. John T. Smith & Co. ) Bigelow & Gibson, ') BOSTON. Mathew Bolles, ^ Geo. Beach, Esq. Pres't Phoenix Bk. > Hartf ord, H. A. Perkins, Esq. Cash'r Hartford bk 5 Ct. Deffraff& Townsend, ) -n . ^.. wftkins & Bissell, { °'''™"- Erastus Corning Esq. of Albany, ? Albany Watts Sherman, Esq. Cash'r Alb. City bk 5 GEORGE C. MOON, Dealer in every description of SILK GOODS, SHAWLS, GLOAK STUFFS, And Millinery Articles. Also, Manufactures and keeps constantly for Sale a large stock of Velvet, Silk, Satin, Lawn, Tuscan and Straw Bonnets, and Ladies Cloaks of every description. P. S. — Miss MooTi's old established Millinery Rooms are connected with the above, where may be found a large stock of Bonnets, Caps, and Ladies^ Cloaks of the most approved style. 1845. AVHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 1845. A. M'FARREN, MM^IILMIB MID a!iii32'^illE» 137 JEFFERSON AVENUE, (Smart's Block,) DETROIT, Keeps constantly for sale a complete assortment of Miscella- neous, School and Classical Books ; Letter and Cap Paper, plain and ruled ; Quills, Ink, Sealing Wax, Cutlery, Wrap- ping Paper, Printing Paper, of all sizes ; and Book, News and Canister Ink, of various kinds. BLANK BOOKS, full and half bound, of every variety of Ruling, Memorandum Books, ike. To Merchants, Teachers and others buying in quantities, a large discount made. SABBATH SCHOOL & BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSIT- ORY. CARD. DR. WARE takes much pleasure in recommending DR. BAILEY, his successor in To his Friends and former Patrons, and he has no hesitation in saying he believes the Doctor a skillful and judicious operator. From his former experience and uniform success, while so- liciting a share of public patronage, has confidence in saying his operatians shall be performed in the latest and most ap- proved manner, and always with the least possible inconven- ience to his Patients ; and by the use of Dr. Wark's Nerve Destroyer, he is enabled to remove all sensibility in those teeth otherwise too sensitive for filling, and to destroy the Nerve when exposed, without Pain or injury to the teeth, thus in ef- fect rendering his operations painless. Office No. 75, Woodward Avenue, DETROIT. 13^ NEW SAUSAGE ESTABLISHMENT, BY PAGE & ASH, No. 164, Jefferson Avenue, Detroit. CONSTANTLY ON HAND Lardy Sparibs, Hams, Dried $f Corned Beef, Tongues, ^c, All of the first quality. February, 1845. MAEINE INSUEANCE. BY THE NORTH WESTERN INSURANCE OF OSWEGO, On application to H. H. BROWN, Agent. Ojfice at the Banking House of the Michigan Insurance Comj). Jefferson Avenue, corner Griswold Street. ST. CLAIR LUMBER COMPANY, Brewster's Wharf, Atwater Street, The St. Clair Lumber Company have on hand as abve, at all times, a complete assortment of clear, seasoned and com- mon Pine Boards, plank and joist, timber and lath, which will be sold at low rates for cash. N. B. Bills of lumber sawed to order. SADLERY ESTABLISHMENT. 158 Jefferson Avenue. CULLEN BRO-WN, At hi8 old stand, has now on hand and hopes to keep con- ' stantly ready for sale, at Wholesale and Retail, a larger and more full assortment, than he has heretofore kept, of articles in his line of business, a few of which he will name for the information of those not acquainted with his establishment. SADDLES. Ladies' Saddles, of the most approved style. Gentlemen's Riding Saddles, plain and fancy, Spanish, Half Spanish, Hussar, Military and Racing Saddles. HARiNESS. Brass, Silver Plated, and Japaned Coach, Gig, Buggy, and Barouche Harness, also Heavy Team, Single, Dray, and Cart Harnesses. TRUNKS, Of ail descriptions ; such as Hard Sole Leather, of the latest style, Russet and Black Iron Frames, Imitation, with wood frames, Ladies' Packing and Bag Top Trunks. Hand Va- lises, of every size and kind ; Carpet Bags, made of Patent Leather, Wilton Carpet, Brussels, and Stair Carpet of every description. MILITARY GOODS, Such as Swords and Belts, Epaulets, Lace Fringe, Stars, Sword Knots, Buttons, Plumes, White, Crimson and Bufi' Cloth, Spurs, &c. SLEIGH BELLS, open and round by the dozen or string. A full assortment of SADDLERY HARDWARE, at Wholesale and Retail. Saddlers can be supplied at as low rates'as at any other establishment west of New York. FISHING TACKLE, Of all kinds, such as Limerick Trout, Patent and Common Fish Hooks, Silk, Laid, India Grass, and Hemp Lines, Reels, Swivels, &c. SPORTING APPARATUS, Such as Game Bags, Percussion Caps, Powder Flasks, Shot Bags, Shot Chargers, extra. Coach Lace, Broad Seaming, and Nailing Lace, Tufts, Brass and Silver plated Hub Bands, Dash Frames, and Car- riage Handles, with every article in the line. DETROIT CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, CORNER BATES AND ATVVATER STREETS, DETROIT. N. MAZURET, proprietor of the above establishment, respectfully informs the citizens of Detroit, and vicinity, that he is prepared to execute all kinds of work, in building Car- riages and Wagons, or in repairing the same in the best man- ner, and at the shortest notice. DETROIT TUB AND PAIL FACTORY. Corner of State and Grisicold Streets, opimsite the Capitol. J. W. SUTTOIV, Manufactures and keeps constantly on hand Tubs, Pails, Churns, Keelers, &c., &c., and would inform his friends and customers, that he will sell as low as any other establish- ment in the western country. ¥:'. Clothing for the People. Cheap, Good and Fa$liiona1>lc Clotliiug^, at R. BANKS'S, Opposite the Michigan Insurance Company, Jefferson Av. DETROIT. Where may be found Broad, Beaver, Pilot and Flushing Box. Sack, and Over Coats. Broadcloth and Satinet Pantaloons of different styles and patterns. Vests. Shirts, Hose, vSuspend- ers, and every article of Men's wear, which will be sold ex- ceedingly low, for the Cash. Every article in the Tailoring Line made up to order, at short notice, and in tashionable style. Don't Forget Banks's Cheap Clothing Establishment. A. S. BAGG, and BAGG & HARMON, OF THE FREE PRESS ESTABI^ISHMEJVT, Opposite Farmers and Mechanics Bank, Jefferson Ave- nue, ( Sheldon'' s Blacky) Are prepared to execute with promptness all orders in the various branches of their business, as above, viz : Bookselling, Bookbinding, Printing, Stationery, &c. Job Printing and. Bookbinding done in the neatest manner. Counties and Public Officers, supplied with Record Books and Stationery, on the most reasonable, terms. A large stock of Copy Books, Blank Books, Account Books, &c., constantly on hand. For Sale Wholesale and Retail. N. B. An extensive supply of Cheap Publications may be alwavs found. Office nearly opposite the United States' Court Buildings, Jefferson Anenue, DETROIT. Faishioiiable Hair Cutliiig: Room. H. JACKSON, grateful for past favors, respectfidly in- forms his friends and the public, that he may be found at all times in his Shaving and Hair Cutting Room, opposite the United States Court lloom, on Jeflerson Avenue. H. J. has, at considerable expense, fitted up several spacious BATHING ROOMS, with large Tubs, for Hot and Cold Baths, in the rear of his Room. N. B. H. J., zealous to keep up with the progressive spirit of the age, has introduced those splendid Cabs eo much in vogue in the eastern cities. They may be found on the stand, opposite his door, when not engaged. House, Sign, Ship, Ornamental and DECORATIVE PAINTERS, PAPER HANGERS AND GLAZIERS. The subscribers would present their unfeigned thanks for the patronage they have received, and hope by punctuality and despatch, to merit a continuance of their favors. All or- ders in the above business will be thankfully received and punctually attended to. IMIIZiITARV STANDARDS, Banners and Signs of every description paii^ed with neatness and despatch. Imitations of all kinds of Wood and Marble executed in the best manner. Walls and Ceilings painted in oil and calcamine. No. 35 Griswold Si. near Jefferson Avenue^ Detroit. REFERENCES : Right Rev. S. xMcCoskry, O. Newberr}'', C. C. Trowbridge, Dr. Houghton, Dr. Z. Pitcher, S. Conant. CITY BAKERY, BY NO, 49 ORISWOI.]> ST. Between Jefferson Avenue and Earned St. Detroit. Where may be found a good assortment of Bread Stuffs, such as common Crackers, Sugar Crackers, Boston Crackers, Soda Crackers, Bread and Cakes of various kinds, all made of the best of flour. Flour by the barrel or at retail, with YEAST for the ac- commodation of the public. Grateful for past favors, D. S. O. & Co. solicit the continu- ance of a share of public patronage. N. B. All the above articles to be had at wholesale or re- tail. DAILY AND WEEKLY ADVERTISER OFFICE. CORNER JEFFERSON AND WOODWARD AVENUES, OVER KING'S CLOTHING STORE. ALPHEUS S. WILLIAMS, Proprietor. A. S. WILLIAMS, / T-, ,.^ ' > Editors. F. A. HARDING, S Done with neatness, cheapness and despatch. (formerly woodworth's) corner of randolph and wood bridge sts. DETROIT. GENERAL STAGE OFFICE. GEO. KIRBY & CO. No. 37, Woodward Avenue, DETROIT. ifilif iilffliiiS if li£fiEl, AND DEALERS IN HIDES, OILS, TANNERS' AND CURRIERS' TOOLS, SHOE FINDINOS, &€. &C. Geo. Kirby, Z. Kirby. iMaei MS) mm wmmm^ BY THE Columbus Insurance Company, ON APPLICATION TO ARMSTRONG, SIBLEY & CO. Agents Foot of Cass Street, Detroit. AT¥DREW T. mcREYI¥OL.DS, AND SOICITOR IN CHANCERY. ALSO, AGENT FOR THE NEW-YORK Gontributionship Insurance Company. Office, Law Buildings, Woodward Avenue, NETV HARDTVARE STORE, 73 Woodward Avenue, (opposite Episcopal Church,) DETROIT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, Cutlery, Parlor, Plate, Office, and Cooking Stoves Also, manufacturer of Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, &c. DETROIT IRON COMPANY Have on hand and are constantly manufacturing iiSTliii Jf IflEI iliiilFIiil, Steam Engines, saw mill irons, mill gearing of every descrip- tion, water wheels, pile drivers, screws, lathes, rail road work, threshing machines, horse powers, ploughs, cast iron bathing tubs, stoves of all kinds. Also, Mott's patent agriculturlists' furnace or Different sizes, from 15 to 50 gallons. This article was constructed in consequence of a suggestion from the American Institute, that a simple, portable and low priced furnace was much wanted by farmers for boiling and steaming food, preparing maple or beet root sugar, and for many mechanical purposes. It is a boiler or Caldron, set in an iron stove or furnace, so formed that a space of from one to two inches is left between the boiler and the iron'casing, causing the heat in its passage to encircle all parts of the boiler, even to its upper edge. They are used with a short pipe, the same as an ordinary stove and should be furnished with a common wooden cover to fa- cilitate the boiling. The outside casing being made in sections insures durabili- ty. Of the many hundreds sold, the proprietor has not heard of one that has broken in use. S. N. KENDRICK, Agent. 14 Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit and Chicago Express. The Proprietors of this Express, will receive and forward daily, specie, bank notes, packages, parcels and bundles of goods, packages of law papers, invoices and bills of lading, and will attend to the collection and payment of notes, bills and accounts, and such other business as may be intrusted to their care. This Express connects with Pomeroy & Cos. Eastern and Canada Expresses at Buffalo, and by this arrangement pack- ages &c. can be forwarded from Detroit as soon, and often in advance of the mails, to Cleveland, Erie, Buffalo, Batavia, Rochester, Canandaigua, Geneva, Auburn, Syracuse, Oswe- go,Sackett's Harbor, Ogdensburgb, Utica, Schenectady, Troy, Albany, New- York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, and various other towns and villages on the line; also, to Toronto, Hamilton, Kingston, Montreal and all the im- portant places in the Canadas. Unsealed orders will be for- warded free to any of the above places, and returns made by first express. Merchants, Booksellers, and others, wishing to order small lots of goods from the east, will find this a cheap and expeditious way to get them on. Careful and competent messengers will accompany each express, with responsible agents, at the different towns on the route. Making this as safe a method for doing business as can be offered to the pub- lic. An express will leave Buffalo for Chicago three times a week, and will receive and deliver packages at the intermedi- ate places, on the upper and lower lakes. The Express leaves Detroit every Monday morning for Buf- falo, Albany, New- York and Boston, through on the Ameri- can side, touching at all the intermediate points on the route. On the opening of navigation the Express will leave for Chi- cago three times per week, through on the Central railroad. Packages and parcels should be handed in on Saturday to ensure their going each week. PROPRIETORS. Henry Wells, partner Pomeroy & Cos. express, Buffalo. D. Dunning and Wm. G. Fargo, late messengers of Pome- roy & Co. WELLS <& CO. Office at Morse's Bookstore. CHEAP CI^OTHING STORE, Woodward Avenue, corner WoodbiJdge St. Respectfully informs the citizens of Detroit, that he has re- ceived from New-York, a large assortment of the most fash- ionable of the richest patterns and best quality, which he will make up to order in the latest style and at the shortest possible no- tice, and on terms unusually low for cash. N. B. Ready Made Clothing always on hand. Steam Engine and Blacksmith's Shop, WOODBRIDGE STREET, (fOOT OP WAYNE,) DETROIT. T. G, M. begs leave to inform his old customers and all others that he is prepared to execute all orders in his line they may favor him with, as above, with the best of workmanship and materials and with promptness and despatch. WESTERN LAND AGENCY, BY Sr ' 64 WOODWARD AVENUE, DETROIT. Careful attention given to the payment of taxes, redemp- tion of lands sold for taxes, purchase, sale and exchange of lands, examination of titles, and all matters connected with a in Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Wisconsin or Iowa. From long experience in the business and an intimate knowledge of land matters, correct and prompt attention, will in all cases be given. STATIONERS' AND G. F. ROOD & CO. Two doors below the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, near the Michi- gan Exchange, Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, have on hand a large assort- ment of OF EVERT DESCRIPTION, CONSISTING OF Cap and Letter Paper, 20 different kinds, from two to eight dollars per ream. Wrapping Paper. Visiting and Printing Cards. Toy Books and Song Books, 200 different kinds. Blue, Black and Red Ink. Back-gammon, Chess and Check- er Boards. Printing, Envelope, Drawing, Blot- ting, Drafting and Silk Paper, of different sizes. Steel Pens, Quills, Slates, Ink Powder, black and red. Lithograph Copying Books,Presses and Copying Ink, Lithograph Prints, Pen Knives of all kinds and best of quality. PRINTING INK BY THE KEG, AND FANCY COLORS IN SMALL CANS. Sealing Wax, Wafers, India Rubber, Rules, round and parallel. Ink Stands, Sand Boxes, Wafer Cups, Paper Folders, &c. &c- BOOK BINDING, And PAPER RULING done in the neatest style and shortest notice. IB ixa ^^:l 50^ o:^ iBCE>cc:>LS.^; Of every description, from Cap to Super-Royal. ^f Of all kinds done cheaper than at any other establishment in the state. Such are their arrangements. In all their business they pledge them- selves to give satisfaction. All orders from the country will be prompt- ly attended to. RAGS, for which the highest price will be paid, received in exchange for book bindirig, paper ruling, Stationray, blank books, paper, &c. Great bargains to those who buy to sell again. Merchants and oth- ers will please call before purchasing elsewhere. DETROIT STEAM SAW MILL The undersigned, proprietor of the above well known estab- lishment, keeps constantly on hand a general assortment of Clear and Common Lumber, and will saw to order timber for Frames, with promptness and despatch. Also, warranted and common Shingles, Lath and Blind Slats. All kinds of Coun- try Produce taken in exchange. Purchasers will find it for their advantage to call and examine his different qualities, be- fore purchasing elsewhere. 131 Aiwater st, at the fool of St. Antoine st. on the Dock. B. WIGHT. IVOOD! IVOOD!! \¥OOD!!! The undersigned has been Inspector of Wood for several years past, and bought on commission for the principal Hotels and Housekeepers, and given good satisfaction. He flatters himself that he can buy wood, and have it delivered, includ- ing wharfage and inspection, cheaper than any other man. Purchasers will please give him a call, before purchasing elsewhere ; always to be found at B. Wight's Office, by the Detroit Steam Saw Mill, or at his residence on Congress street, third door from Rivard street. NICHOLAS GREUSEL, Jr. THE PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, €T., CONTINUES TO INSURE 3I0ST KINDS OF INSURABLE PROPER- TY, ON THE MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. MASON PALMER, AGENT, Office, Conanfs Building, on Griswold street, next beloio the Post Office, 14* G. W. HOWE'S LIVERY STABLES, Corner of learned and Sbelby streets, G. W. H. respectfully informs his friends and customers that he still keeps at his old stand, as above, Horses and Car- riages, for hire, to sell, or exchange, and invites the Public to call and examine for themselves. BY THOMAS MANCHESTER, (NEAR THE NEW FERRY,) Where may be found the best of Fresh Oysters, Pickled Tripe and Tongue, Fruit, Pies, Cakes, Fowl, Birds, &c. CHEAP CASH STORE. ABBOT & BEECHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DOMESTIC, STAPLE AND FANCY BOOTS, SHOES, DRY GROCERIES, &c, 144 Jefferson Av. corner Bates street. Wanted, Wool, Pot and Pearl Aslies, Flour and all kinds of Produce. HERRICK'S READING ROOM, : IVo. 98, Jeli^rsoii Avenue. The subscriber would invite the attention of the public to the Reading Room, which he has recently fitted up in elegant style and where may be found the leading papers from vari. ous parts of the Union, together with the })rincipal Reviews and Magazines of the United States and Great Britain. JOHN I. HERRICK. J. WILKIE MOORE, DEALER IN DOMESTIC AND FANCY GOODS, WEST IIV1>IA C^^OBS, CHINA, GLASS AND EARTHEN WARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, BY THE CASE OR PAIR, ]¥o. 171, JTeHTcpsoii ATeiiue, S. ROSSETER, HOUSE & SIGH PAINTER, Jefferson Avenue, near Randolph St.j Imitations of Fancy Woods, Marbles^ &^c,j done in the neatest style. Transparent Window Curtains neatly iminted to order. ir* ^* ^A % DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES AND GROCERIES, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Window Glass, &c. C4 Woocl\rard Avenue. DETROIT FRA]¥KIiII¥ TEinPERAIVCE lIOr8£, BATES STREET, NEAR JEFFERSON AVENUE, J. C. WARNER, begs leave to inform his old friends and customers that he has converted his old established house, situate as above, into a Temperance Hotel, where he will at all limes be happy to see them and they will find him as prompt as ever to do all in his power for the promotion of their comfort and convenience during their stay with him. February, 1845. ^ILl r^@T@l¥ j¥o. 9©, Woodw ard Aveiatie, DETROIT, Manufactures to order Monuments, Tombs, Grave-Stones, Wall Plates, Table and Counter Tops, &c., with neatness and despatch. Residence, No. 112, East Congress street. J. HOLMES & CO., DEALERS IN Carpeting and Paper Hangings, NO. 63 WOODWARD AVENUE, (LARNED'S BLOCK,) J. H. & Co. purchase from first hands, by the Package, thus enabling them to sell at New York prices, excepting the expense of transportation, esii©yer?s Block. Is at all times supplied with every delicacy that the season or the market affords, served up in the best style. The most careful and obliging waiters in constant attendance. Supper or Dinner Parties accommodated at a few hours notice. is also well stocked with the choicest Wines and Liquors. PIQITETTE' S^ NEW AUCTION & COMMISSION STORE, 121 Jefferson Avesiiie, (Ciieap§iclc.) J. P. respectfully informs his friends, and the public generally, that he has always on hand a general assortment of articles for sale at Auc- tion, or on Commission ; among which will be found Fancy Handker- chiefs, Silk Velvets and Vestings, Shirtings and Sheetings, Bed Ticks and Diapers, Counterpanes, «&c., &c. A variety of Combs, Perfumery, Watches, Seals, Keys, Rings, Breast Pins, Silver Spoons, Silver Thimbles, Knives and Forks, and a great variety of Goods too numer- ous to mention. 01? Cash advanced on Goods left for actual sale. N . B. Pedlers turnished on the most liberal terms. Fashionable Tailoring Establishment, CORNER ATWATER AND GRISWOLD STREETS, ZHZES" ;SBI3 rMT* Jl^^^I® I^rMT'® JOHN ASK would return his unfeigned thanks to the inhabitants of Detroit, for past favors, and at the same time solicits the continuance of a share of public patronage, at his old stand, as above, where he is at all times, ready to execute all orders in his line, in the neatest and most elegant style of fashion, with promptness and despatch, and upon the most reasonable terms. ICE! ICE!! ICE!!! Have made arrangements for furnishing Ice during the com- ing season to Private Families, Hotels and Steamboats. Persons wishing to be supplied will please call at their Coffee House, Bates Street, in rear of Desnoyer's Block, Detroit. Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing Agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: ^^ 1998 liiBBflRKEEPER PRESERVATION TECHNOLOGIES, LP. 1 1 1 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (724)779-2111