E 631 .P54 Copy 1 0iiiittgwtL No. 27 South:Sixtli Street, The Philadolpliia Agency' has forwavJod for the. use of our Ami}' and Iliispitals, from October 15, 1861, to February 14, 1863, the following articles : 2,400 Blankets. ' 10,9ti3 pairs Woolen Socks. 10 barrels Ale. 2,054 Bed Ticks. 1,231 Wrappers. 4 boxes of Rags. 1,654 Cushious. 55 Caps. 1G5 Coats. 2.600 Pillows. 211 Scarfs, Wrappings, &airs Cotton Drawei-s. 3,733 Pillow-cases. 3,400 lbs. Beef Extract. 1,185 pairs Woolen Drawers. 26 Pillow Ticks. 248 " Cocoa. 8,810 Handkerchiefs. 2.173 Quilts. 417 " Chocolate. 1,. 399 pairs Mittens and Gloves. 5,158 Sheets. 6,629 " Condensed Milk. 192 pairs Pants. 5,317 Towels. 237 " Crackers. 7,978 Cotton Shirts. ■"=■' At....,.~ = .,.. cs 1., r,...;.. 1 Pruit. 4,333 Woolen Shirts. 1 't Jamaica- 732 pairs Slippers. '1.11 1. . .-^i^aj). '..-.. iijs. i'lrni.ic.'ous Foo3. 1 ,402 pairs (Jetton Soc;;.-i 758 Tin Cups. 373 cans Jellies. 53 bottles Sauces. 168 Tin Basins. (ill jars Preserves. 136 cans Preserved Vegetables. 527 pairs of Cratches. 3 barrels Apple Batter. 360 " Spiced Tripe. 508 setts Splints. 1,231 jars Pickles. 100 lbs. Tea. 180 Canes. 1,000 lbs. Sugar. 110 barrels Onions. 12 Leg Boxes. 90 bottles Syrup. 12 " Fresh Fruit. 33 Bed Chairs. 36 boxes Sardines. 89 " Vegetables. 4,102 Fans. 670 gallons Wine. 500 lbs. Beef. 54 Lanterns. 133 " Brandv. 5 barrels Salt Heat. 12 Camp Stoves. 443 •■ Whisky. |_333 dozen Eggs. 30 boxes of Lint. 6 barrels Porter. 5 barrels Flour. 19 boxes of Bandages. Supplies forwarded as above, valued at •?50,413 00 Stock ou hand at the Depository, valued at 5,000 00 Cash paid the Proportion of the Philadelphia Agency for the Ch.arter of Steamers for the use of the Com- mission during the Summer of 1862 10..')00 00 Cash in the hands of Calkb Cope, Esq., Treasurer 5,434 61 Total amount contributed by the Pliihidelpliia Agency $71,347 61 PhihnMiihia, February 14, 1863. • V LIBRPRY OF CONGRESS 213 744 434 3: