■ •>'/,< ) ^ ' ^ .y-r^'^-r ^"^"^ .^;f^\ \ '" .0^ •»-•- THE ARMY OF 1918 BY COLONEL ROBERT R. McCORMICK M NEW YORK HARCOURT, BRACE AND HOWE 1920 Copyright, 1920, by Robert R. McCormick OCT 27 \i2d ©CI,A601102 TO OUR DEAD FOEEWORD In the early days of my service, while on duty with the General Staff of the A. E. F., I expected to publish my observations upon the development and conduct of that army ; but when the war came to a sudden and unexpected end, after a campaign in which I had no part, I abandoned the idea. Now, however, more than a year has passed since the armistice. The great army has gone back into civil life. The Regular Army is rap- idly returning to its bureaucracy. Congress ap- pears farther from adopting a military policy than at any period in the last decade. The Na- tional Guard Association wants to smash the Regular Army; and the pacifists, as though en- couraged by the forest of white crosses they have caused to be planted in Europe, work for that day when they may see even more American dead than there now are in France, even as the harvest ex- ceeds the sowing. vi FOREWORD I have, therefore, again changed my mind, and have recorded here my observations and conclu- sions as a modest contribution to popular com- prehension of our effort, its difficulties, its limi- tations and its achievements, so that another gen- eration as untrained, unorganized and unarmed as we were may not have to face an enemy under the fearful handicaps we suffered. Robert R. McCoemick. November 1919. CONTENTS PAGE Foreword v CHAPTER I The Background of the Army ... 1 II The Inspired Ambassador 29 III Early Days of the A. E. F 39 IV The Great Division 58 V Germany's Last Offensive 91 VI A Few Technical Points 112 VII The Pursuit from the Marne . . . 145 VIII The American Offensives 155 IX Some Elements of National Defense . 195 X New Weapons and Their Use . . . 207 XI The General Staff 231 XII The Crime of Silence 244 XIII The Only Solution 253 THE ARMY OF 1918 CHAPTER I THE BACKGKOUND OF THE ARMY In January of 1917 Germany decided to risk war with us because she thought that we were more formidable to her success as a neutral than we would be as an enemy. As a neutral we kept her from making the maximum use of her submarines ; as an enemy we could only try to. If her submarines were suc- cessful, she had nothing to fear from our mil- itary power; if unsuccessful, as after months of effort on her part and anxiety on ours they turned out to be, she still felt no apprehension of dan- ger from our land forces. She had watched the efforts made in America for a more powerful army; she had seen Presi- dent Wilson tentatively adopt the idea and had seen him abandon it ; she had observed a secretary of war (Garrison) who was committed to it jetti- 1 ^ THE ARMY OF 1918 soned and replaced by a pacifist (Baker) who car- ried Ohio for Mr. Wilson's reelection in 1916, on the watchword ^*He kept ns out of war!*' She had just witnessed a demonstration of our military impotence in the mobilization of all our armed forces on the Rio Grande to resist the pro- jected Mexican invasion. Any German who fought against us in 1918 and who reads the German secret service reports on our 1916 farce must believe that we had been deliberately fooling the observers. Germany also knew that the Military Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives was controlled by a clique that would — as it did — ^put every obstacle in the way of military improve- ment. She knew that never in our history had we organized an army fit to take the field in less than two years. She knew, and in this particular she was entirely right, that we did not have and could not manufacture arms for an army of de- cisive size during the months she expected to employ in winning the war on land. Germany knew, likewise, that the only organ- ized forces in America, the Regular Army and the THE BACKGROUND OF THE ARMY 3 National Guard, were antagonistic. The ancient quarrel between them and the new elements of friction which would arise in the development of the new mobilization could be expected to militate against our efforts in the field. Since this domestic military antagonism has continued throughout the war and is now one of the chief obstacles to a safe military policy, it is desirable to outline its history, which began long before that of the nation, in an effort to find a solution that will bring harmony and efficiency into our army councils. Antagonism on the part of the people toward a regular army comes to us from English history. After Cromwell overthrew King Charles I. and Parliament, he ruled for a quarter of a century, a military despot crushing all opposition with the sword. Upon the Restoration, Parliament re- sisted all the efforts of Charles II. to establish a new regular army; this resistance was only partly successful. James II. increased the military forces of his brother; used them to suppress the insurrection under Monmouth, and followed the military vie- 4 THE ARMY OF 1918 tory at Sedgemoor with a bloody persecution that is still remembered with horror. To overthrow James II., William III. had to bring with him from Holland a mercenary force of Dutch and Swedes, whose unpopularity is pre- served to us by the meaning attached to the word '^blackguard'' — the name (Black Guard) of one of his household regiments. The vicissitudes of the mother country were not felt acutely in the colonies, but the refugees of all parties that crossed to America brought with them their political opinions and their grievances, and among these we find a fixed hostility towards *'the regulars." Frontier life in the new country made it neces- sary for men to acquire skill in arms and reintro- duced the condition of armed freeman, of which increasing civilization had deprived the old coun- try. To defend themselves against the Indians, the colonials had to organize military forces. In the French and Indian wars, British regular troops were sent to America and colonial militia were enrolled by the several colonies, particularly in New England. The regulars and colonials THE BACKGROUND OF THE ARMY B were never congenial allies; ill feeling existed on both sides. The resentment of the colo- nials was accentuated by a regulation which made the most junior officer of the King's army- senior to every officer in the colonial forces. It was because of this regulation that Colonel George Washington retired from active military duty until he returned to fight against his former associates. One may properly speculate upon how far this regulation was responsible for the Revolution. Merchants were vexed at taxation, lawyers were indignant at the continuous violation of natural rights, legislators resented unjustified and arro- gant interference with their powers. But what could all these have done if the colonial soldiers had not been willing to fight their recent com- rades? It is interesting to note that the shadow of this regulation, strangely incorporated into our serv- ice, is today one of the causes of hostility be- tween officers of the American regular army and officers of the other corps. The American Revolutionary war was a conflict 6 THE ARMY OF 1918 between the regular army of England and the colonial militia of the French and Indian wars, although the British were reinforced by German mercenaries, and the Americans by French regu- lars and by German, Polish and French officers, who entered the American service as soldiers of fortune. Necessities of space prevent any extended dis- cussion of this war, but two important features challenge our attention : First, the regular troops generally outfought the militia; and, second, the militia generals, risen in a field of free competi- tion, generally outmaneuvered the generals who came into authority by the routine of the British regular army. Also, it is a significant coincidence of this war that the American admiral, the greatest naval man America ever produced, came into the navy from the merchant service. After the formation of our nation, President Washington endeavored to formulate a national military policy. He had observed the breakdown of the British regulars and he had seen the fal- lacy of the untrained militia. THE BACKGROUND OF THE ARMY T Recognizing that officers must be chosen for ability and activity rather than for length of service, he had mortally offended his old friend, General Knox, at the time of the expected war with France, by not appointing him one of the lieutenant generals because of advanced age. Had Washington installed a permanent military policy for the United States we should have avoided many of our subsequent defeats and heavy losses of life. Unfortunately, after Washington the leader- ship of the nation was taken by a word man (Thomas Jefferson) who never had entered a battle and never intended to, and who, in playing fast and loose with our military system, exercised the same freedom that characterizes all slackers and pacifists. He made of the army a constab- ulary to garrison objectionable army posts, and he fastened upon it a character which has limited its efficiency to the present day. In 1812 there was no regular force adequate to conduct a war. There was no such militia as cap- tured Louisburg and Havana and defended Bunker Hill. As a consequence, Detroit, Buf- 8 THE ARMY OF 1918 falo and Washington were captured and burned, while New Orleans was saved to the nation only through the genius of Andrew Jackson. The battle of New Orleans was one of those rare fights where undisciplined troops have van- quished regulars. The reason for this is that they were led by a man whose talents approached genius, while the British regular troops were com- manded by a man who, notwithstanding twenty years' campaigning under England's greatest living general, could not learn the principles of war. A wrong lesson is likely to be learned from this battle — namely, that raw troops are equal to veterans. The correct lesson is that a general promoted according to the routine of a regular army threw away the advantage he held in com- manding a trained army. Thirty-four years after the battle of New Or- leans the United States fought a war with Mexico which had a character all its own among American wars, in that it was a war brought on by our Gov- ernment, and not a war in which the people as a whole were vitally interested. By order of President James K. Polk, the regu- THE BACKGROUND OF THE ARIMY 9 lar army was concentrated on the Mexican fron- tier in January of 1846. It moved upon Mexico in September, forced Mexico into war, attacked and invariably defeated the Mexican armies. It was a war of conquest, like the European wars of the previous century, and, like them, was conducted, for the greater part, by a professional army. As a military and political venture it was completely successful. But it entailed political consequences not at all to the fancy of its creators. One of the success- ful generals, Zachary Taylor, was elected Presi- dent of the United States, and the other, Winfield Scott, became a constant candidate, endeavoring to attract popular support by a display of mili- tary pomp. Whatever popularity might have ac- crued to the regular army from its successful con- duct of the war, it was dissipated by the attempts of its most successful leader to capitalize in the political arena its achievements on the field of battle. Largely in consequence of this the army was again reduced to the status of a constabulary and posted along the Indian frontier west of Kansas 10 THE ARMY OF 1918 and in the territory newly acquired from Mexico. Its officers had the benefit of an able primary edu- cation at West Point academy, but after gradua- tion were left to shift for themselves for any fur- ther learning. Many volumes of military history have been written about our Civil war; but little emphasis has been laid upon the extraordinary political conditions at the time the war began. Early his- torians assumed that their readers were fully in- formed of these facts. Military critics have merely ignored them. No military lessons can be drawn, however, without recognizing the compel- ling political considerations. During the years immediately preceding seces- sion, the national government of the United States was in the hands of the future secession- ists. The leader of rebellion in 1861, Jefferson Davis, was in 1857 the Secretary of War of the United States. The President of the United States in 1861, Abraham Lincoln, belonged to a party which was in the minority in 1860. The military revolution attempted by the South in April, 1861, was preceded by a political revo- THE BACKGROUND OF THE ARMY 11 Intion in 1860. War was declared, in effect, by the southern states by their resolutions of seces- sion before Lincoln became president and while the administration was unwilling to oppose or in- terfere with armed rebellion. In its inception the war for the preservation of the Union was, therefore, exactly opposite in character to the war for conquest in the southwest in 1846. In the earlier combat the Government of the nation used its existing military force to over- come a weak neighbor. In the present case, the Government of the nation had to use such ele- ments of the nation as would support it to over- come the rebellious sections. The new administration had no knowledge of military affairs; it did not know the officers of the army, and, in the early days, when many distin- guished officers were violating their oaths of loy- alty, it did not even know which ones it could trust. Where the reg-ular army moved into Mexico in 1846 in mere obedience to orders, without any con- viction of right and with no stronger incentive 12 THE ARMY OF 1918 than professional ambition, the Union army of 1861 was composed entirely of men inspired by the most lofty convictions, but with little, if any, feeling of a legal obligation to fight. If the army of 1846 may be compared to the armies of Richelieu and Louis XIV., the army of 1861 was like the original army of Cromwell, and, like the Cromwellian army, its officers were chosen for the force of their moral leadership and not from any conception of the military skill needed to lead men into battle. The Union troops were raised by states, and commissions up to the rank of colonel were is- sued by governors. Generals at the beginning were appointed largely upon the recommendation of loyal congressmen. Armies were thrown into action within a few weeks of the original assembly of the men and, naturally, disasters resulted. The antagonism which had characterized the cooperation between the British regulars and the colonials reappeared between the American regu- lars and the American volunteers. There was a great deal of fault on both sides. Without train- THE BACKGROUND OF THE ARMY IS ing or experience, no civilian, howsoever able, is ready to perform the duties of a high ranking officer. Inevitably, therefore, civilians appointed to high rank at the beginning of the war failed in the field. On the other hand, many civilians de- veloped into excellent generals. Mere training and experience, however, will not fit a dull man for high command; and many regular officers, who were given their appoint- ments for no better reason than that they had received preliminary education at West Point, failed as dismally as the amateurs. If it justly may be charged against the volun- teers that they caused generals to be made who were without the requisite training, it also may be charged against the regulars that they caused generals to be retained after they had proven their unfitness. The most glaring example of this sort was that of General Sherman, who removed the brilliant and capable Logan and replaced him with the de- feated and discredited Howard. This mistake of Sherman ^s was fully recognized by Grant, but the injury had been done. 14 THE ARMY OF 1918 Logan, as vindictive as he was brilliant, for years afterwards was the leader in the Senate of the '' volunteer*' faction against the ** regulars'' and contributed much to perpetuate the feud be- tween the services. Stripped of hostility and prejudice, it is not difficult to assign the regular army to its proper place in the preservation of the Union, to point out its limitations, and to show where the volun- teer system did help decisively in the victory. The regular army was the national reservoir of military knowledge. All volunteers had to go to it to learn the elements of military conduct. The regular army furnished an indispensable framework around which the conquering armies were built. It furnished most of the successful officers of high rank, and the greatest soldiers produced by the war had, at some period of their lives, served in it. It did not, however, as an organization per 5e, produce the victorious commander nor his prin- cipal lieutenants. It is customary to look upon General Ulysses S. Grant as an officer of the regular army. The THE BACKGROUND OF THE ARMY 15 regular army claims him from the volunteers. Yet he entered the war in spite of the regular army; and the regular army today would fight bitterly against permitting another officer to rise to power as he rose. Grant was graduated from the West Point Military Academy and served for several years before the Mexican campaign as an officer of in- fantry. In that campaign he displayed excep- tional brilliancy, a brilliancy which ought to have received instant recognition but did not. It is a congenital fault of our regular army to fail to recognize exceptional conduct. Shortly after the Mexican war he resigned from the army. Rumor says that intemperance was the cause. There is no evidence to indicate that the regular army made any effort to save for itself the hero of San Cosme church and the future savior of the Union. With the outbreak of the Civil war Grant sought employment from General George B. Mc- Clellan, commander-in-chief of the Union forces, and a regular army man. He got no answers to his letters, nor did he obtain so much as an inter- view. 16 THE ARMY OF 1918 He went to work in the office of the Adjutant General of the state of Illinois, and was appointed colonel of an Illinois regiment by Governor Yates of Illinois. He was afterwards ap- pointed brigadier general by President Lincoln at the unanimous request of the Illinois congress- men. Thus, the volunteer service supplied that which the regular service denied — opportunity to genius. Placed by accident in a locality which did not interest those in authority, he marched from vic- tory to victory while the regular army generals were adding defeat to defeat. After each victory his command was taken away from him, and he was left unemployed until the failure of his suc- cessor compelled the reemployment of the genius. Eventually, he brought to the Union arms the most complete triumph in the history of war ; and today military writers who rave over the marches, even the failures, of lesser men are busy trying to explain away the victories of a leader whose rise was so unorthodox. If there was a Grant, a Napoleon, or a Marl- borough in the recent world war, he was not THE BACKGROUND OF THE ARMY 17 allowed to rise. The regular army system of sup- pressing brilliant men who might surpass all their seniors was sufficiently in vogue in all the belligerent countries from 1914 to 1918. The close of the Civil war left us with a splen- did organization, and with a realization of the necessity of allowing native ability free play, as well as of the value of military training. No adequate military legislation resulted, how- ever, and the regular army went back to chasing Indians. The nation in 1865 felt supremely strong in the possession of a million trained soldiers, thousands of trained officers, and generals of the highest order. This feeling lasted long after the soldiers had passed military age. A few of the volunteer regiments maintained their organization, but with a character in which the social and political fea- tures gained ground at the expense of the mili- tary. After the Civil war military drill was taught in schools and colleges ; but this decreased every year and passed out of existence about the time of the outbreak of the war with Spain. 18 THE ARMY OF 1918 The Spamsh war again bears a character en- tirely different from all our other wars. It was a spontaneous crusade to end Spanish misrule in Cuba and was brought about by the insistence of public opinion. Neither the administration of President Cleve- land, which left office in the Spring of 1897, nor that of President McKinley, which succeeded, de- sired or anticipated such a conflict. The regular army was small, unorganized, ill-equipped, and commanded by men whom advanced age had de- prived of their once not insignificant military powers. Enthusiasm for the war with Spain was intense. Volunteers offered themselves much faster than the military authorities could prepare to accept them, and a form of organization was adopted similar to that of the Union army in the Civil war. President McKinley took advantage of the oppor- tunity to conciliate the southern states by ap- pointing to high command old men who in their youth had been prominent in the armies of the Confederacy. Events, however, took all initiative out of the THE BACKGROUND OF THE ARMY 19 hands of the Government. Admiral Sampson blockaded the fleet of Admiral Cervera in the harbor of Santiago, Cuba, and demanded military forces to drive it to sea. Hardly had the army, comprised almost entirely of regular troops, suc- ceeded in this, when yellow fever threatened it with extinction. From this it was rescued by the forcefulness of Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, who, overcoming the inertia of regular channels, com- pelled the removal of the expedition to Long Island. Meantime, Admiral Dewey's victory of May, 1898, in Manila Bay had led to complications both with native insurrectionary forces and with Ger- many which made necessary the sending of an expedition across the Pacific. This expedition, made up nearly altogether of volunteers from the western states, armed with old-fashioned rifles, was successful in capturing the city of Manila from the Spaniards, and, later, in defeating a native army which attacked the Americans. The vast majority of the volunteers in the Span- ish war were never engaged, but were concen- trated in training camps without adequate equip- 20 THE ARMY OF 1918 ment or organization where they suffered the ravages of disease. Five officers developed ''.onspicnons abilities in these struggles — ^Wood, Eoosevelt, Bell, Funston and Pershing — three of them volunteers and two captains in the regular army. Although successful in every campaign, it was recognized that the American army was grossly inefficient. From the close of the Spanish-Philippine war, therefore, dates the improvement in our military services which contributed to Americans being able, at the decisive moment, to put into the field enough battle-worthy troops to turn the defeat of the allies into victory; and this in spite of a weak administration at Washington. This im- provement was the achievement of the soldiers themselves, the secretaries of war, and the vol- unteer spirit of our militia. No other statesmen, except President Eoosevelt, himself a soldier, ever helped. In the regular army the leadership was as- sumed by men who had won high rank in Cuba and the Philippines. They gathered about them, THE BACKGROUND OF THE ARMY 21 in important staff positions, officers of demon- strated fitness, althougli they could not advance them over slothful and stupid ones because of the seniority law. For the first time in our history, however, the framework of a general staff was formed. A war college was established in Wash- ington for the study of military problems ; schools were opened for instruction in the technical de- tails of army duties, ranging from horseshoeing and baking to artillery practice and logistics. Real progress was made in acquiring technique, and with it came a corresponding rise in morale. These steps were not taken without opposition. The army figures largely in the expenditures of government. The beneficiaries were long accus- tomed to their profit. To improve the old army meant to disturb many of these powerful and greedy recipients of congressional appropriations. Progress also disturbed the lazy and the incom- petent among the officers. These like certain ad- mirals of the present day struck hands with the profiteers and furnished '^expert testimony '^ against all reforms. Improvement became harder 9.9. THE ARMY OF 1918 and harder and practically stopped after Roose- velt left the White House. In the meanwhile the National Guard was pro- ceeding no less sincerely in its more modest sphere. When the regiments of volunteers were reor- ganized after the Spanish war only men of mili- tary bent remained. A strong desire for better- ment existed, but the state governments furnished little financial and no educational help. Troops commissioned by the states, with commendable inconsistency, appealed to the national govern- ment for aid. The government, by acts of Con- gress, thereupon began to furnish uniforms, rifles and instructors, and, in return, has kept a certain check upon the numbers and efficiency of state troops. Unfortunately, the relations between the Na- tional Guard and the Regular Army again as- sumed the character of their ancient grudge. The soldierly element did not rise in the National Guard Association. The National Guard gen- erals were, for the most part, politicians, and politicians who belittled the knowledge and pur- THE BACKGROUND OF THE ARMY 23 poses of professional soldiers to conceal their own ignorance, an example which, it is worth noting, was followed in 1918 by certain regulars who were unable to grasp the modern tactics of their French instructors, and who sought to hide their incapacity with a similar abuse of learning. The Regular Army, for its part, did its work grudgingly because it objected to the recognition of any military organization except its own. In spite of all obstacles, many National Guard offi- cers and organizations absorbed much of the knowledge the regulars had to teach, and with this knowledge attained a degree of discipline and organization hitherto unknown in militia troops in time of peace. The Philippine insurrection and the Boxer out- break in China in 1900 kept the army before the public eye for a short while. Domestic problems became acute, and military affairs were left to army officers, national guardsmen, and the War Department, and by all of these they were at- tended to with a devotion for which the nation may well feel a deep and lasting gratitude. Neither the Russo-Japanese war in Manchuria 24 THE ARMY OF 1918 in 1904-5, nor the Italian-Turkish war in 1910, nor the wars in the Balkans in 1911-13, created much stir in America. It was not until the great war broke out in Europe in 1914 that the public agitated itself about military affairs, and then, unfortunately, to little purpose. There was an element in the nation, inconsiderable in num- bers but strong in organization, in platform speak- ers, in writers and in financial backing which, com- posed of men who determined that under no cir- cumstances would they ever fight for their coun- try, devoted itself to preventing the men that would fight from being given a fair chance for their lives and for victory. The pacifists were against any plan for national defense and, of course, against whatever plan at the moment seemed likely to receive congressional sanction. This opposition would have been swept aside, however, but that the Regular Army and the Na- tional Guard failed to agree upon a method for increasing the military efficiency of the nation. In 1911 a federal appropriation had been pro- vided which furnished funds for such units of the National Guard as measured up to standards es- THE BACKGROUND OF THE ARMY 25 tablished by the Regular Army. The measure which carried this appropriation designated the National Guard as the second line of defense of the Union, to be mobilized before volunteers should be called for. In 1915 the Secretary of War, Lindley M. Gar- rison, introduced a bill creating an army to be known as the *' Continental Army,'' to be organ- ized among civilians under the direction of the Regular Army, with junior officers from the Re- serve Corps. The new army was to take prece- dence over the National Guard. This measure was vigorously opposed by the National Guard and was never pushed to passage. Its only effect was to revive and increase the animosity between the regular and non-regular services. In 1915 Major General Leonard Wood, then commanding the eastern department, with head- quarters in New York, organized a volunteer training camp at Piatt sburg, N. Y. The plan met with instantaneous and enthusiastic success. Camps were established in other parts of the country, and in the following year an appropria- 26 THE ARMY OF 1918 tion was obtained from Congress to defray the expenses of the student-officers. Colleges also renewed their interest in military drill, and, acting under the National Guard act, organized various units for the training of the students. The greatest advance toward national prepar- edness, however, came about, not through the ef- forts of any American, but through the initiative of President Carranza of Mexico. If Jena made the German army great, and if Sedan did the same for the French, the mobiliza- tion of 1916 made the Ajnerican army of 1918 pos- sible. Up to June, 1916, our administration had refused to take any military steps in contempla- tion of our difficult relations with Mexico. Early in that month General Funston's secret service in- tercepted a Mexican order to raid the states of New Mexico and Arizona and to invade Texas in force, capture San Antonio, and, in conjunction with the Mexican population, reannex the south- western states of our country to Mexico. Panic ensued in Washington, and the entire National THE BACKGROUND OF THE ARMY 27 Guard was ordered to muster immediately and proceed to the Mexican border. Unless it was in 1898, never before was dis- played such utter lack of organization and mili- tary preparedness. German and Mexican secret service operatives might well have reported to their superiors that America was as incapable of military action as China. The demonstration was not only sufficient, how- ever, to deter the Mexicans from proceeding in their plans, but it had other far-reaching effects. It startled the people and the administration into a realization of our actual weakness. It showed up the manifold deficiencies of our administration, and, thanks to General Funston and the system of training he installed among all the troops in his command, it formed the cadres which saved us in 1918; for in the flotsam and jetsam of this wretched affair were the formations which were to furnish storm troops in the hour of need. It is a strange fact, however, that when it found itself at war with Germany the Eegular army did not want to use the organized forces of the Na- tional Guard it had done so much to prepare. fS THE ARMY OF 1918 Rather, it would begin with hordes of untrained men. It asserted with great obstinacy that the only function of National Guard troops was to guard munition factories and railroad bridges and, taking advantage of a panic over German plots, got them safely out of the way and out of training and doing such work as Clausewitz, a German general staff officer of a century ago, as- signed to the Landsturm. The National Guard, for its part, organized in different states in units of battalions, regiments and brigades — there were even two divisions — wanted to enter the national service intact. The mobilization of 1916 improved the feeling between the two services, but did not heal the breach. Unhappily, after two years of bloody war, it remains open. CHAPTER n THE INSPIRED AMBASSADOB For some months after the declaration of war on April 6, 1917, the German calculations ap- peared correct. America had entered the war without any idea of how she was to wage it. The nation was not unanimously for the war. The ad- ministration let weeks pass without any effort to get ready for the stupendous consequences of the course it had adopted. Among those who had been clamoring for war, a great number argued that its conduct would merely require our sending the fleet to tighten the blockade, putting an embargo on all exports which might reach Germany through neutral channels, and financing the allied nations in arms against her. Others demanded that a volunteer army should be sent to France and suggested as its commander Colonel Roosevelt, the only man in sight who could raise such a force. Recruits were insufficient to fill either the Regular army or the 29 30 THE ARMY OF 1918 National Guard. The enthusiasm which brought on and characterized the war with Spain was lack- ing. America had considered victory for the allies as practically certain after the battle of the Marne, and war was declared in this belief. Then, after our declaration of war, Germany won the great victory of the Spring of 1917. The British and French had hoped to win a decisive battle by a joint offensive. Hindenburg maneu- vered from before the British attack, and inflicted a frightful repulse upon General Nivelle, who had replaced the cautious and successful Joffre. At the same time it began to appear that the Rus- sian revolution, hailed with delight, if not actually fomented, by the allies, was taking an unexpected turn and that the Russian pressure in the east would be withdrawn. From the threshold of vic- tory the allies felt themselves on the brink of de- feat. France decided that American assistance had become imperative and sent Field Marshal Joffre, victor of the Marne, to get it. Of all the strangers who ever came to our shore Joffre exercised the greatest influence over our people and upon our destiny. He cap- THE INSPIRED AMBASSADOR 31 tured public opinion at once, and the people im- posed his recommendations upon Congress, Presi- dent, and army alike. His appearance was so venerable, his manner so simple, his statements of facts so devoid of artifice and revealing condi- tions so appalling that the nation was stirred to its soul. He told us that France was on the verge of col- lapse. A force of troops must be sent immedi- ately to restore the shattered national morale. After these must follow an army of gigantic size. He assured us that our volunteer system, then under consideration, never could provide the num- ber of troops needed in this war; nor could our army, employing the tactics taught in our drill regulations, exist in the face of the war-trained German army, equipped with arms the Americans had never even seen. France would furnish everything she had in equipment, in designs for arms, and in instruction. He gave to our ord- nance department the secret plans of the famous .75 field piece. At first the American authorities attempted to impose a censorship upon his utterances. The aa THE ARMY OF 1918 text of his first public speech was edited by his American military aide, who eliminated his opin- ions upon American military organizations. Hearers who understood French supplied the missing fragments of his speech to the press, and the field marshal constantly repeated them in his private conversations. Suddenly the nation realized that it had entered a fight which threatened its very existence. From that moment the American people formed a cohesion of purpose such as never had existed in our national life and which lasted throughout the war. The administration and Congress marched with public opinion. The pacifists, the anti-Americans, those who had fought national preparedness in Congress, were for the moment overwhelmed. The Draft act, one of the great milestones in our national evolu- tion, and one that future historians will class with the drawing up of the Constitution and the preser- vation of the Union, was passed. Every young American was made liable to fight for his country, and, therefore, every parent became interested in THE INSPIRED AMBASSADOR 33 seeing him properly trained, properly equipped and properly led. There remained to decide the status of the Regu- lar army and the National Guard. The former wished to disband the latter. The latter wished to enter service under the terms of legislation then in force. A compromise was reached. The National Guard, in its existing organization, was mustered into the federal service, but its officers were reduced to the status of reserve offi- cers. This provision was not acceptable to the National Guard, but was strongly championed by the Training Camps association, an organization of men who had been training for reserve com- missions under the direction of the Regular army. With the splendid achievements of the national guardsmen ever fresh in mind, it is pleasant to look back on the unselfish patriotism which im- bued them. They offered themselves for war; they fought to go to war; they gave up long- standing privileges to go to war ; and they allowed themselves to be placed under the control of the Regular army, which they did not believe would give them even fair treatment. When the War 34 THE ARMY OF 1918 Department later announced that National Guard cavalry was not to be sent to Europe, regiments of this arm voluntarily transferred into the artil- lery, although the artillery service at that time was believed to require such technique that only men of long training could officer it. The National Guard had been accused of too much politics. Under pressure it showed its ca- pacity for perfect military sacrifice. In four weeks from the arrival of Marshal Joffre, Congress by legislation had provided for the expansion of the Regular army, for the enrollment of the National Guard, and for a national army to be composed entirely of drafted men. The draft was also to fill up vacancies in the Regular army and National Guard and furnish replacements for casualties. Four kinds of officers were provided: Officers of the Regular army, officers of the National Guard, officers of the Re- serve Corps, and officers of the National army. This last class might be composed of civilians be- yond the age limitations for reserve officers or of regular officers promoted for the emergency to higher rank. THE INSPIRED AMBASSADOR 35 Much credit is due to studious officers of the Regular army in drafting these bills, and also severe blame for two inexcusable provisions: (1) that where two officers are of the same grade, if one holds a lower commission in the Regular army he shall be deemed senior, even though his commission in the higher grade is the more re- cent (a survival of the rule in the French and Indian wars which made all officers of the British army superior to colonial officers) ; (2) that offi- cers of the National Guard, Reserve Corps, and National Army could be deprived of their com- missions for incompetence, upon fhe recommenda- tion of a board of officers, while officers of the Regular army were exempt from this ruling. The distinction was this: incompetent officers of the temporary services could be discharged, but in- competent officers of the Regular army could not ! The Draft act will pass into history as the out- standing legislative achievement of the war. Fol- lowing a long dominance in our national life of a faction of weak national feeling and of centrifugal propaganda, the Draft act asserted the supremacy of the nation over all its citizens to an extent that 36 THE ARMY OF 1918 even our federalist and unionist ancestors had not attempted. But if the Draft act was the most important feature of the struggle, surely the officers' train- ing camps were the most romantic. Fifty thousand of the best youths of the nation assembled at the selected places to undergo hard training, severe and competitive examination, and then the rigors of war. At this time there was no draft act to evade, there were no rain-proof jobs on the horizon in Washington. The only hope of reward was a commission as a junior line officer, the most burdensome, as it is the most perilous, position in the army. The men of this first camp will ever occupy a pedestal that no other group of officers can reach. Eegular and National Guard officers, when they entered military service, faced no such certitude of hardship and danger. In the conduct of these schools the Eegular army rendered its greatest service in the war. While the shortness of the course did not permit much military instruction, nor, in fact, were our Regular officers fully equipped to instruct in mod- THE INSPIRED AMBASSADOR 57 em war, they did impress upon their pupils their own unsurpassed sense of duty, of self- immolation, of rendering and exacting obedience. They taught the rigors of army life and demon- strated in camp the heart-breaking fatigue which it is the lot of every soldier to endure. The camps were tests rather than courses of instruction. The graduates were not trained offi- cers, but they were capable of becoming officers of the highest type. Early in the war some of them were sent to the front in regular divisions and given responsibilities that in normal times would not come upon officers of ten years ' experi- ence. A percentage failed, and under the iron rules which preservation of an unbroken front made indispensable these were relieved. The majority, however, served with great honor, and, it must be said, received too little recognition in comparison with their superior officers, whose rapid rise was largely due to their young sub- ordinates. Field Marshal Joffre's mission had borne fruit. America provided for a great army. In June it dispatched the First Division with Greneral 38 THE ARMY OF 1918 Persliing and his staff to encourage our allies while the gigantic army was being raised. In July the National Guard was called into the federal service, and in September the draft went into effect. All the well considered calculations of the Kaiser ^s government had crashed to the ground. CHAPTEE III EAKLY DAYS OF THE A. E. F. I WAS mustered into the federal service in May, 1917, and reported to General Pershing in Paris in July. The wisdom of General Joffre's request for an American force to appear immediately in France was manifest at once. The morale of the French nation was at the breaking point. There even was a number of people whose despondency was so great that they resented the entry of America into the war because it would delay peace — a peace of defeat. The French censorship, in the interest of the commanding general, of course, had prevented any mention of the French defeat of April. The official announcement was, in the words of the first Napoleon, *^as false as an official dispatch." The German communiques had been suppressed by the allies. In consequence, France was the prey of exag- 39 40 THE ARMY OF 1918 gerated rumors. The actual French losses in the April offensive were in the neighborhood of 100,000, but rumor estimated them anywhere from double that number to 500,000. In defeat, the French always suspect treachery. The existence of censorship, of course, accentu- ated the suspicion, which, moreover, was not with- out foundation. Treachery existed in high places, and the censorship was used to protect it. We now know how Bolo Pasha was caught in America, and, upon evidence produced from America, was condemned and shot. We know that M. Malvy was tried and exiled, and M. Caillaux was convicted of serious charges. Of course, the American staff obtained this in- formation in advance of the general public. It knew of the murder of Ahnareyda on the day fol- lowing the crime. The story is not generally known and will bear telling here. Almareyda, an opium fiend and a man of suspi- cious life, but at the same time a confidant of high officials in the French republic, was arrested and almost immediately afterwards found dead in his cell. The prison doctors issued a certificate that EARLY DAYS OF THE A. E. F. 41 he had died from an overdose of morphine, self- administered. Under French law the authorities retained jurisdiction over the body until it was placed in the grave. As soon as this was accomplished the nearest relative, who thereupon obtained the right of con- trol over the corpse, had it dug up and demon- strated to witnesses from marks on the neck and from an examination of the lungs that death haa come from strangulation. A so-called investigation was held and it was declared that Almareyda, in a fit of despondency, had hanged himself with his suspenders, and that the prison authorities had lied about the manner of his death to save themselves from the charge of carelessness. This story was in itself ren- dered doubly ridiculous by the fact that the sus- penders could hardly have supported the weight of the man and by the second fact that the highest support to which this peculiar hangman's noose could be attached was the head of the prison bed, some two and a half feet above the floor. The public was asked to believe that Almareyda hung himself lying down! 42 THE ARMY OF 1918 Publication of the crime, of course, was per- mitted only in versions sanctioned by the authori- ties. The story, as told here, is the one which came into the Intelligence Department of our Gen- eral Staff. It was generally believed that Alma- reyda had been murdered to prevent his betray- ing important accomplices. The names of those prominent officials were mentioned, but I do not recollect whether their names were placed in the records of our General Staff. About the same time Mati Hara, a woman of the half -world, was executed ; and it was believed that she was induced not to betray her accom- plices by promises that her life would be spared at the last moment, and that the death volley was fired before she understood the deception prac- ticed upon her. A movement was seriously projected to call a joint meeting of the Senate and Chamber of Deputies at Versailles. (When the Senate and Chamber meet in joint session at Versailles they automatically become a joint constitutional con- vention and parliament with unlimited powers.) The overthrow of the government and the re- EARLY DAYS OF THE A. E. F. 4S moval of President Poineare were contemplated. The object of the proposed convention was en- tirely patriotic; but it was gradually abandoned as the Eussian revolution developed into a reign of terror and a surrender to Germany. The posi- tion of the French government, however, gradu- ally became impossible and it was finally over- thrown by the terrific attacks of Georges Clemen- ceau. Publication of these attacks was absolutely forbidden by the censorship. French officials never mentioned them; yet they were known in Paris among American newspaper men, who brought the news to our General Staff. The staff, of course, came into possession of a large part of the secret history of the war. It learned the nature of the dual alliance between France and Russia; the terms of the military compact between France and England, under which England guaranteed an army to fight on the continent against Germany, France, in return, opening up to England the broad studies of her war college, studies which went far beyond any- thing dreamed of outside of the continent of Eu- rope, and even more profound than those of the 44 THE ARMY OF 1918 German general staff. The staff learned how, for some years before the war, Belgium had been irresolute, unable to make up her mind whether to join the alliance against Germany or to stand neutral. This vacillation, preventing the forma- tion of a plan to use French and British troops for the defense of the Belgian frontier, is respon- sible for Germany ^s easy conquest of the little country and the successful turning of the French left flank at Charleroi. We learned that before the beginning of hos- tilities Germany had asked Italy merely to mobil- ize troops on the French border and, in payment for such slight service, offered territory both on the French mainland and in Morocco. Italy re- fused to comply, saying that action on her part was not required under the terms of the Triple Alliance. On the other hand, she notified France of her intention to remain neutral, thus permit- ting France to concentrate against Germany the troops which, in the scheme for a general Euro- pean war, had been assigned to the Italian fron- tier. The general staff obtained the details of the EARLY DAYS OF THE A. E. F. 45 various secret treaties between the allies, publica- tion of which during the peace conference caused such public commotion. The first treaty between England, Prance and Eussia for the partition of Turkey gave Persia, Palestine and Alexandretta to England, Syria to France, and Armenia and Constantinople to Eussia. It is likely that Bul- garia, learning of the disposition of Constanti- nople, which she coveted, was influenced thereby to join the Central powers. In order to draw Italy into the Entente, this treaty had to be modified ; and it had to be altered again to secure the support of Greece. All this information was forwarded by our general staff to Washington in the summer of 1917, and was avail- able to our State Department throughout our par- ticipation in the war. All the allied governments had military mis- sions in Eussia, exerting various kinds of in- fluence upon that government. From them we learned of the fast waning morale of the Eussian troops ; how the demagogue Kerensky was letting the nation rapidly drift into anarchy, and how the soldier Korniloff was striving desperately to pre- 46 THE ARMY OF 1918 serve discipline which would enable the army to stand before the Germans and prevent them from massing against the western front before the American army could be prepared. The reports of all the allied missions came into our hands. It is gratifying to note that those of the American attache were the clearest and the most prophetic. Each of the allied missions urged its govern- ment to exert every pressure for the support of Korniloff, our only hope in the military situation. Unfortunately, the allied governments were controlled by word men. They supported their fellow word man, Kerensky, and the Eussian front collapsed. One of the first acts of the United States upon entering the war was to place embargoes on ex- ports to countries trading with Germany. The British blockade had not been entirely effective in keeping American materials of various kinds from reaching Germany, and had been practically pow- erless in preventing Germany's neighbors from trading with her. The Scandinavian countries were absolutely dependent upon imports from the EARLY DAYS OF THE A. E. F. 47 United States. They were now compelled to stop shipments of home products to Germany under penalty of an embargo on the necessities of life. The same methods of coercion were directed against Switzerland, but with most unexpected and, as we look back upon the occasion, ludicrous results. Switzerland replied that unless the allies furnished her with necessary foodstuffs she would open her frontier to the German army. At that time the allies were on the defensive, waiting for the American army, and the lengthening of the battle line was to be avoided at all costs. Our diplomats were compelled, therefore, to climb down as gracefully as they could, and food was brought across the submarine zone in bottoms sorely needed to carry troops and military sup- plies, and, as the Swiss would not even send their own railroad engines and cars to transport it from the ports to their frontier, the overworked French railroad equipment was taxed for this purpose. The French General Staff showed great loyalty to ours in furnishing us with copies of deciphered messages from the German wireless station in Spain informing the submarine commanders of 48 THE ARMY OF 1918 tHe location and course of our convoys. This was a real act of friendship, as the French staff was so anxious to keep secret the fact that it could decode the German dispatches that it had never given any decoded information to its other allies or even to its own navy. The one piece of information our allies did not offer us was the number of allied divisions that were engaged or in reserve on all fronts. We ob- ,tained this information, but I consider the method by which it was done a military secret. At this time the Catholic party in Germany made secret proposals of peace, and shortly after- ward a public effort toward that end emanated from the Vatican. The German proposal was con- veyed by Herr Erzberger to Switzerland, and by him to French secret agents. The French Gen- eral Staff passed the word on to us. I do not know whether its terms were made public in America. They were as follows: Belgium was to be evacuated and compensated for damages. Invaded France was to be evacu- ated, but not compensated for damages. Alsace and Lorraine (German since 1870) were to be re- EARLY DAYS OF THE A. E. R 49 turned to France, and Germany recompensed by- territory (not specified) in some other part of the world. German colonies were to be restored. The Austrian-Italian boundary and the eastern boun- daries were to be determined at a peace confer- ence. The officers assembled at General Pershing's headquarters were men who had distinguished themselves by long, continuous and arduous stud- ies at the schools which the army had formed. They had bought the military books of the re- nowned German military authorities, most of which had been translated into English by British officers. Officers conversant with the German lan- guage studied the originals, and other books which had not yet been translated. Thus they acquired a knowledge that had not been known to previous generations of American officers ; for if Napoleon exhausted the principles of strategy and tac- tics. Von Moltke and his school standardized ad- ministrative machinery and the staff system neces- sary to the conduct of large armies. My feeling on first meeting the staff was one of national pride ; but later, when I learned how these 50 THE ARMY OF 1918 men had equipped themselves for the task, I real- ized that while the nation should rejoice at having such men ready in her hour of need, she had no right to congratulate herself upon their achieve- ments. In European countries a great part of the ef- forts of government has been devoted to the efficiency of the army. In America the "Substan- tial efforts toward miUtary efficiency originated within tFe army and were carried on by the offi- cers without aid or encouragement from the nation. There was something professorial about these staff officers with General Pershing. Their lives had been devoted to study and they had had little opportunity to practice their theories. Accus- tomed to command small units, they were inex- perienced in the dispatch of business, because the army frowns severely on minor mistakes of ad- ministration and offers little reward for positive accomplishment. This explains the friction that arose everywhere between army officers and busi- ness men drafted into the army. The soldiers failed to keep pace with the rapidity of adminis- EARLY DAYS OF THE A. E. F. 61 tration to wMch the business men had been edu- cated in the school of commercial competition. The work to which this General Statf addressed itself was the greatest that ever confronted any similar body of men. It had to equip the army with weapons and ammunition, and, as the event turned out, it had to produce more than half of all the other supplies. It had to study not only the developments which had come in this war but also the phenomena of European warfare, which are very different from those with which Ameri- can soldiers had become familiar. All our wars had been fought in sparsely in- habited territories, with little artificial shelter against the weather, and with few and bad roads. The billeting of large numbers of troops in the Civil war would have been impossible for lack of houses; and the principle of billeting had never been accepted in America. In France, the mul- titude of villages furnished cover for all soldiers not on the firing line; the dividing of organiza- tions into proper numbers for shelter in the vari- ous towns and their reassembly for the march had to be learned by the Americans. 52 THE ARMY OF 1918 Ever since tlie time of the Romans, roads in France have been built with an eye to military use. The capacity of these roads to carry troops and their supplies had been studied for centuries. Bat- tlefields have been fought over time and again, and have furnished encyclopedias of military in- formation for European soldiers; and most of this was unknown to us. The difference in the weather, the absence of severe cold, the presence everywhere of water, the defensible character of the masonry build- ings, even the shape of the ground, the color of the landscape and the refractions of light — these were alien to our experience. All this had to be learned while ports of debarkation, supply depots and railroads were built. Finally, the personal relationship between our forces and those of our allies had to be built up, and misun- derstandings and European jealousies overcome. The French and British governments were in- tensely jealous of each other. A veritable contest arose between them for the control of their new, great and unmeasured ally. In the early years of the war American ambassadors had been clay in EARLY DAYS OF THE A. E. F. 53 the hands of European diplomats. They expected American generals to be the same. They did not doubt that the American command would be con- trolled — the question which agitated their minds was, by whom would it be controlled? The Eng- lish held the great advantage of a common lan- guage and their instinctive ability in the selection of men for international conferences. They also held control of the sea, and owned the shipping upon which the American army must cross. Against this, in the first instance, the French could only oppose the fact that the war was in France and that all transportation had to be on French roads and railroads. With some abruptness the French high com- mand placed the American sector as far as pos- sible from the seacoast, and separated the Amer- icans by hundreds of miles of French troops from the English. Early in the war, the Americans would have preferred to train with the English and to go into line with and beside the English. \This, however, the French obstinately forbade. They were un- willing to contemplate the two English speaking 64 THE ARMY OF 1918 nations so closely allied. They were, perhaps, also unwilling to give the American army a too easy line of retreat to the seacoast in the event of a lost battle. That their last decision was well taken will never be questioned by any American soldier who was in the active army after March 21st, 1918, when it looked as if a German success would pen the American troops against the Alps and when the British army, falling back on the sea, left in the allied line an almost fatal gap. The first premise was probably a false one. The American army was incapable of any side agreements among allies. I cannot but remember, though, that in the early days of our sojourn in France the British army exercised an influence upon our own quite incommensurate with its mili- tary skill. Later, however, our ablest officers per- ceived that the French General Staff possessed vast stores of military lore unknown to the other allies, and, lacking which, war against Germany must have spelled catastrophe. Our General Staff was earnest, capable and suc- cessful. It would have benefited from an earnest perusal of '^Pinafore," but probably to no greater EARLY DAYS OF THE A. E. F. 56 extent than any other body of men possessed of almost unlimited authority. It soon impressed upon the allies the fact that our army was cast in a mold entirely different from that of our dip- lomats or our idle rich. Said an English colonel to me : * ^ I did not know that there were such men in America. My conception of Americans has been of men trying to make enough money for their wives to spend and of women trying to spend all the money their husbands could make. There are no such people in Europe as you are bringing over. By mere force of character you must dom- inate the world." Of course, this Englishman had seen the ex- tremes of our nation. The nation is much sounder than its specimens abroad generally appear to Europeans — and the best elements of our nation were found in our army. The staff, however, furnished amusement for the allies in one purely American way. The General Staff, among other things, is the legislature of the organization whicK" it controls. Our G.H.Q. (General Headquarters) was a regu- lar American legislature, and produced, in spite 56 THE ARMY OF 1918 of its many and complicated duties, an amazing mass of regulations governing the individual, just like legislatures at home. Later, when the army went overseas, we had a number of staff legisla- tures legislating their heads off. The American uniform was designed by the worst tailor in the world in conjunction with the worst soldier; so our dress regulations became subject to many changes. Tastes varied among the army corps, divisions and brigades; and so did the anatomy of the commanding officers. From these diverse viewpoints came codes of laws as diverse as the statutes of our several states. It is a military principle that a lower authority cannot repeal the restriction imposed by any higher authority ; but he may add to it or legislate upon subjects not covered by the higher command. Hence, an officer dressed in the height of fashion in one sector might find himself under arrest in another for wearing or failing to wear a pair of spurs, for the length of his overcoat, or for carry- ing a cane. To the French, who do not interfere with man- kind's idiosyncrasies, who devote their energy to EARLY DAYS OF THE A, E. F. 67 achieving a higher degree of professional skill than any other army has attained, this Yankee legalism was a source of much amusement. Many officers preserve to this day the celebrated order that ** American soldiers are not to be seen with notoriously immoral women,'' issued because mili- tary police from rural districts, unacquainted with Parisian fashions and metropolitan cosmetics, re- vealed an embarrassing lack of discrimination in enforcing a rule that * ' soldiers should not associ- ate with immoral women." The French also were more amused than com- plimented when the American troops in Paris were given as a distinctive badge a white fleur-de- lys on the left shoulder 1 CHAPTER IV THE GREAT DIVISION Upon the arrival of the 1st artillery brigade in France I was transferred to this organization at my request, my own regiment having been made into artillery. My previous military service had been in the National Guard cavalry. I was, therefore, a stranger both to the men and the work of the regular field artillery. The first impression these made upon me has not faded, but has grown stead- ily both from intimate acquaintance with them and from the reflections following the close of the war. The United States field artillery is the most admirable organization with which I have ever come in contact. During the years immediately preceding our entry into the war it prepared itself to play a threefold role: It had to keep in con- stant readiness to engage the numerically su- perior artillery of Mexico; it endeavored to con- stitute itself a sample of the field artillery we 58 THE GREAT DIVISION 59 should require in a great war; and it had to pre- pare for the stupendous expansion which a great war would demand. That it would have performed the first of these duties successfully, if called upon, none will ever question. To chronicle its success in the others always will be the pleasant duty of every Ameri- can military historian. Although too small in its totality to execute an artillery maneuver, and never allowed to concen- trate for practice purposes, it had worked out the role of artillery in modern war as fully as foreign artilleries had done before 1914 with every facility at their disposal. I believe its use of field guns before the war was second only to the French. Also, it fully foresaw the value of curved fire, which the Germans ex- celled in and which the French had neglected, and it had asked to be supplied with powerful howitzers. It followed the European war more closely than did the other arms of our service and endeavored to keep its equipment abreast of war developments. Its form of organization was en- tirely adequate, and, once free from the incubus 60 THE ARMY OF 1918 of the ordnance department, it provided itself from foreign arsenals with the most effective weapons. It is unnecessary to record here how the course of the war surprised the officers of all armies. The early plans of operations of all general staffs failed because their conceptions of the roles of artillery and infantry proved to be erroneous. Each of the three years following 1914 brought innovations in war materiel, technique and tac- tics. Our allies loyally offered to instruct our inexperienced army in all the lessons they had learned at heavy cost. In the United States ar- tillery, or, to bring this statement within the prov- ince of my own knowledge, in the 1st brigade of the United States field artillery, which was the model and the training school for all later forma- tions, this instruction was accepted with the open- mindedness that characterizes the well-trained and self-reliant professional. The French instructors were selected from among their best technicians, assisted by a naval officer who had introduced methods adapted THE GREAT DIVISION 61 from ocean navigation into the domain of field artillery. The American officers were, or course, thor- onghly up to date in all matters relating to draught and mobility and the care of horses. They also were so familiar with their own guns that learning the materiel of the French pieces was not more difficult than for a thoroughly skilled auto- mobile mechanic to familiarize himself with the characteristics of a new car, although among the higher ranking officers exceptions to this must be made. They rapidly mastered a number of im- proved methods of directing fire, as developed by the exigencies and the opportunities of war, these only involving improvements on thoroughly understood mathematical principles. Even before our training period was half elapsed, the need of an expanding army began to draw heavily on the existing organizations; but so efficient were these that, although the practice cont ^ued throughout the war, the 1st artillery brigade was able to meet the demands upon it for officers to instruct or command new units, and, at 62 THE ARMY OF 1918 the same time, to comply with every request for military service in the field. In October the 1st division was ordered to the front. The reason given was, to furnish fur- ther instruction ; but the real reason, it is believed, was to inform the allied world that American troops were in action. The division did not enter the line as a unit, but each infantry battalion was attached to and put under the command of a French regiment, each battalion of artillery being made a part of a French groupment. Junior French officers directed each of the companies, or batteries, and non-commissioned instructors abounded. Much useful knowledge was acquired in this way, but the most important and costly lesson — not to betray their presence to the enemy — ^was one which our troops never thoroughly learned. German observers saw strange auto trucks on the roads. They saw khaki-clad men around the artillery observation posts and in the trenches. To ascertain the significance of this novelty, they made a small trench raid on November 3rd, and killed and captured a handful of our infantry. THE GREAT DIVISION 63 On our return to tlie rear we learned of the great Italian disaster of October 24th at Capo- retto. I felt keenly at that time that this was a disgrace to America. We had been in the war six months, with ample warning beforehand, and yet we were not able to put into the field at the vital spot the insignificant number of troops that would have saved the day. The Italians had shown their ability to fight on even terms with the Austrians. It was eight small German divisions, acting like the edge of a knife, that cut the hole through the Italian line. If we could have been able to put 100,000 American troops at that point the disaster would have been averted. Even after the debacle America was powerless to help. English and French troops, worn with the hard fighting of the summer, were rushed to stop the rout; but American troops were unavailable. Our system of training was not at fault; we had to raise a great army for 1918, and to do this we had to break up our entire regular army and even distribute the officers of our National Guard 64 THE ARMY OF 1918 among the raw troops. Our shameful unprepar- edness was responsible. The division then returned to the rest area to await its equipment and to resume its train- ing. All Regular officers were promoted one grade; some were sent back to America; still others became instructors in France ; a few went on staff duty. The lower grades were filled with reserve officers, graduates of the artillery schools in France. There was a shake-up in the higher command, the division commander and one bri- gade commander being relieved. Supplies were short; clothing could not be kept up; the meat ration had to be obtained from the Canadians; pay day was irregular; the mails were dilatory; forage was lacking, and the horses suffered. Ar- tillery drivers bought oats out of their own scant funds to feed the government horses that the gov- ernment did not provide for. At this time the General Staff College was or- ganized at Langres with French and English in- structors. Reserve and National Guard officers were assigned there, as well as Regulars; but the regulations provided that the desirable ap- THE GREAT DIVISION 65 pointments from the school, the chiefs of staff and operations officers, could only be given to Regn- lar officers ; and the years of service required for the different appointments limited the field of competition for the most important posts. On January 6th, 1918, the division was sur- prised at receiving orders to proceed to the front. It was still short of much essential equip- ment, and the artillery had never been supplied with the telephone equipment needed to train its telephone details. The new battery commanders were away at school, leaving these important com- mands to officers who had been commissioned only a few months previously. The reason for ordering the 1st division to the front at this time has never been given. I do not believe that it was planned by General Per- shing. At least, I know his plan a few weeks before had been not to put the division into line before spring. It may be that considerations of French morale prompted it, or it is possible that the beginning of the Senate investigation into the conduct of the 66 THE ARMY OF 1918 war brought irresistible pressure from Wasb- ington. After a reconnaissance, insufficient because of lack of automobiles and time, tlie division marched from the Gondrecourt area to the St. Mihiel front. Here, for the first time, we held a continued sector — the American sector. We went in, first, as battalions under French colonels, then as regi- ments under French brigadiers ; and, finally, as a division under our own officers. To each Ameri- can unit was attached an experienced French of- ficer, very much as Regular officers were formerly attached to the militia as inspector-instructors. Experienced non-commissioned officers were pres- ent to help the men. Staff officers and technical experts were provided. In short, everything was done that could be done to obtain assistance and instruction from the experienced troops who had fought for four years. Strangely enough, all the American officers did not take kindly to this wonderful ajid necessary assistance. Some announced that their education was complete; others that the French methods were bad. A few complained of the individual THE GREAT DIVISION 67 officers attached to them. On the other hand, most of the officers accepted the instruction with enthusiasm, or, at least, in good grace. They were eager to add whatever they could to their store of military information. They were keen to learn the French methods, even if they were not at first convinced of their excellence. As I look back on the early days of our partic- ipation in the war and consider my friends who failed or who succeeded, I cannot recall one ex- ception to this statement: That all the failures, who were sent to the rear or to America bitter, disappointed men, belonged to the class which dis- dained the military advice of the French, while all the successful officers, ranging from those who ad- vanced only a grade or two in promotion, or may- be received only a simple decoration, up to those who rose to the command of corps and of armies, belonged to the class which eagerly absorbed the grim lessons of war as learned by the French. This was inevitable. No man's education ever is completed. No man has fully mastered any profession. The men who turned from French in- struction, from the experience gained in four years 68 THE ARMY OF 1918 of war, were men whose intellects were numbed by complacent egotism; or who were too lazy to exert themselves in further study; or were men who, like Napoleon III. and his marshals, either thought that the mere possession of military rank in itself constituted military education or were afraid to enter into military discussions through fear of betraying an ignorance of which they were fully aware or at least suspected. There had been too much talk of '^American methods.'* Any methods we had were the result of experience in the Civil war, the Spanish war and the Philippine war, none of which formed any accurate criterion of what the great European war was like. None of the armies, not even the German, which had made the most dispassionate study of the lessons of Manchuria and the Bal- kans, had anticipated what the tactics of this war would be. The views entertained by our army were exceedingly good when compared with those of the other armies in the days when all were equally inexperienced. They were crass and inef- fective when compared to the tactics developed in four years of actual fighting. Unfortunately, THE GREAT DIVISION 69 high ranking officers were not easily removed, and too often they had to prove their incompetency by costly and unsuccessful battle before they were removed. To a new division sector warfare is exceedingly trying, and to a division which, like ours, only received an important part of its necessary equip- ment after arriving at the front, and was not practiced in the use of it, the trial was particu- larly hard. Until a soldier becomes familiar with the sounds of war every little burst of artillery fire, every flurry of machine guns, suggests an attack. Any indication, or no indication at all, is sufficient to cause the sounding of a gas alarm. Officers of all ranks are uncertain of themselves and of their subordinates. This is a trying phase that every division must go through, and it is the more disagreeable and serious, if the division entering the line has not been given adequate training. Looking across the perspective of more than two years, I realize what a wonderful school for the division the Toul sector was. Under our able French instructors we began with the sim- 70 THE ARxMY OF 1918 plest operations of the separate arms, and worked progressively forward to trench raids of considerable magnitude, raids which were, in effect, small attacks. The Germans did all they could to assist our training. Their efforts were never beyond our powers not only to resist but to understand. If we destroyed a German battery, they destroyed an American battery. If our patrols captured a German listening post, the Germans retaliated. They kept even step with our growing experience, and firmly established our morale by an unsuc- cessful trench raid of large size on March 1st, a good six weeks after our entry into line. The position which the division occupied was ideal for a school, provided the enemy wished to treat it as such. Our line lay in a low, slightly rolling country, dominated by Mont Sec, a steep, high mountain held by the enemy. To keep out of sight of his watchful observers, troops had to lie close in their trenches, dugouts or camou- flaged battery positions. Troops in the woods, which abounded, were allowed freer action ; but the mountain looked down on the tops of the forest, THE GREAT DIVISION 71 and the German observers conM recognize cut- tings for batteries when indiscreetly made; and they easily located habitations and kitchens if smoke was allowed to rise during the day. The enemy also had complete control of the air, and he flew at will over our lines for observation, pho- itographic purposes and offensive sorties. This control of the air also allowed him to maintain his balloons close to the front lines and at a maximum height. Thus, American indiscretions invariably were punished. Trenches, reserve positions and bat- teries which were revealed by the least care- lessness received chastisement. Sometimes this came in the form of harassing fire, or fire for destruction, or, in the event of a trench raid by either side, the enemy artillery would fire upon every American position known to it. Thick heads and dull, which had failed to learn the teach- ing at school, had the lessons of war pounded into them by the German schoolmasters, whose motto was: **He who will not heed must feel." Su- perior officers were enabled to judge of the intel- ligence and force of their subordinates by measure 72 THE ARMY OF 1918 of the losses they sustained. Performing exactly similar work and facing identical problems, some units were almost wiped out; others suffered the minimum of loss. The Germans also taught artillery tactics to our higher command. It may be said here that while the French in 1918 excelled in the technique of artillery, in the location of the enemy, and in the accuracy of fire, the Germans retained a superiority of tactical skill. In the placing and moving of guns they maintained this superiority over the allies to the (end. The artillery brigade entered the Toul sector well instructed by the French, but also retaining a great many of its preconceived ideas. Conse- quently, it was roughly handled in the early days ; but with characteristic American celerity it discarded its notions and adopted the methods of the enemy where and when they had proved su- perior. During all this time there was a constant flow of junior officers through the organizations. Those who had received training at the front were THE GREAT DIVISION 73 ordered to other organizations, their places being taken by new arrivals from America and from the artillery schools. This system increased the diffi- culty of conducting the division, but it was neces- sary in the greater interest of preparing the army for its future role. Service at the front also was a great test of personal fitness. Steps to dispose of incompetent officers holding permanent commissions in the regular army differed from the system employed in getting rid of inefficient reserve or national guard officers. Officers of the regular army could be relieved by their superiors, deprived of their temporary rank, and returned to the United States with their permanent rank by order of the commander-in-chief. They could not be dis* missed. All other officers could be ordered by their regimental commanders before a board of inquiry and, upon an adverse finding approved by higher authority, deprived of their commissions. It was my unpleasant duty to sit on one of these boards during my entire service at the front. This board adopted two standards, a higher standard of efficiency being required for provisional officers 74 THE ARMY OF 1918 in the regular service, whose commissions would become permanent with the lapse of time, than for the temporary officers. For the latter a degree of competence to perform the duties of their rank in warfare was selected in the beginning; but, later, when it was seen that the number of avail- able officers was less than the requirements of the army, the judgment of the board was tempered by the possibility of finding better material to re- place the man under a charge of incompetence. It was a singularly oppressive duty to bring a recommendation for dismissal, so disastrous to the feelings of young men who had offered their lives to their country; but, in the face of a thoroughly trained and experienced enemy, the retention of other than efficient officers would have been a be- trayal of our private soldiers and of our cause. The criticism has been made that the testimony of officers superior to members of the boards was admitted, and that this testimony exercised undue influence on such boards. In my experience, such charges are unsustained. I remember that the testimony of our forceful brigade commander was, upon occasion, held insufficient, and that by a THE GREAT DIVISION 75 board on whicli his adjutant sat as a member ; on another occasion, a defendant arrested by order of the commander-in-chief, through whose initia- tive the proceedings were brought, was found com- petent to hold his commission. In the earlier sittings of these boards the only recommendation the boards were allowed to make was whether or not the commission of the officer in question should be vacated. Later this rule was modified, and the boards could recommend the transfer of an officer to some other duty. In the rush of the training camps it was not only natural that commissions should be issued to men incapable of holding them but that they should be issued in a branch of the service for which the officers were not qualified. In the artil- lery, for instance, a certain proficiency in mathe- matics is indispensable ; and no degree of leader- ship will enable a man to figure his firing data, or to regulate the firing of a battery from a flank. On the other hand, an artillery officer does not need the same excellent degree of physique required of an infantryman. A man can be a very useful junior officer on the staif without possessing in any de- 76 THE ARMY OF 1918 gree tlie qualities of leadership. Indeed, within the same arm of the service different qualities could be recognized. I recall one man who failed as a telephone officer but who became the chief of operations of a brigade and actually improved upon the firing methods of the French artillery. Another artillery officer, who had failed to shine elsewhere, acquired distinction while operating in liaison with the infantry; and he was not one of those who forgot his mission to lead an infantry platoon in assault. It certainly was not true in the division that permanent officers in the Regular army were held to a lower standard than those of the re- serve. From one regiment, two colonels, a lieu- tenant-colonel and a major were ordered to the rear. It is a fact, however, that gross incompe- tence received no severer treatment than depriva- tion of temporary rank. The Eegular army still contains officers whose utter incapacity was dem- onstrated on the battlefield, and the dangerous rule of seniority is raising them to positions where they can do more damage in our next war. The Regnilar officers were scrupulous about THE GREAT DIVISION T7 maintaining for their subordinates from the Re- serve corps all honors rightfully earned. I re- member an instance where a first lieutenant of the Reserve corps had come into command of a battery and exercised great ability. The corps staff, perceiving that there was a captaincy vacant in the regiment, assigned to it a regular captain, an artilleryman by profession and a graduate of West Point. The colonel of the regiment, himself a professional artilleryman and an academy grad- uate, refused to supersede the reserve lieutenant and assigned the new captain as second in com- mand of another battery. It seemed to me then, and it seems to me now, that the Germans should have adopted a policy of smashing each American division as it ap- peared in line. This would not have been diffi- cult. It is simple to destroy one division by mass- ing against it sufficient materiel and men. When the unit is raw, the operation becomes elementary. If the Germans, therefore, had smashed the 1st division, and then the 2nd and 26th and 42nd, the original American divisions that went to France, it not only would have kept these future assault 78 THE ARMY OF 1918 divisions from ever maturing but it would have broken up the entire scheme of instruction which made our participation so decisive in the summer of 1918. We should have had to delay putting our divisions into line until we had a sufficient number to prevent concentration against any one of them. This would have meant delay, and delay is one of the great dangers of war. I never have learned what reason, if any, guided the German high com- mand. Perhaps it was devoted to the principle of major maneuvers and was against all other considerations. Perhaps it feared to stir up the American people as early in the war the English people had been stirred. At all events the Ger- mans did not interfere with our raw divisions, and this enabled them to perform a threefold mission which led to the German undoing before the fol- lowing winter. This triple achievement was : The green Amer- ican divisions in line relieved the worn and thor- oughly experienced French divisions and allowed them to rest; they gained the experience of war- fare, which can come only from actual fighting, THE GREAT DIVISION 79 without heavy losses, and they constantly wore down the trained and tired troops opposed to them. One general tribute may be paid to our senior officers. They were full of fight. Said one commander: **I don't want to hear any talk of German atrocities. These complaints have made the Germans think the allies are afraid of them. When we hear the Germans complain of us I will feel that their morale is breaking.*' It had been the custom for both sides, the Ger- mans and the allies, to take as much rest as pos- sible in what were known as quiet sectors. The Americans made these quiet sectors active. Un- prepared to enter any large maneuvers, the Amer- ican infantry, nevertheless, constantly harassed its opponents by patrols, trench raids and con- tinuous sniping, and the artillery fired day and night on every possible target. Undoubtedly, the American troops lost more heavily than their op- ponents, but they had a large reservoir of rein- forcements to draw upon, and their enemy had not. Our individual energy and nervous force was unweakened ; that of the enemy was far spent 80 THE ARMY OF 1918 from four years of war. Finally, we had every- thing to learn from these operations, wliile we could teach our opponents nothing. A great principle of warfare, announced by Napoleon and taught by Marshal Foch, is the wearing do^vn of the opponent while holding out a reserve for the final blow. The green American divisions did the wearing down; they released trained reserves for the final blow, and, at the same time, transformed themselves into assault troops of a high order. On the day the division repulsed the German raid on Remieres Wood, in the Toul sector, it received orders foretelling the expected German offensive. During the winter the Soviet government of Russia made peace with Germany, and Rou- mania was compelled to follow suit. The Ger- mans, therefore, were able to reinforce their western armies, retaining at the rear a number of troops for rehearsing the forthcoming battle. The German plan of operations was Imown. It was to follow the method employed in their recent success at Riga against the Russians, and was a, THE GREAT DIVISION 81 further development of the offensive used by Brusiloff against the Austrians in 1916; and, be- fore that, by the Germans and Austrians on May 1st, 1915, at the Dunajec. The plan of attack con- templated a secret assembling of artillery and infantry, a short and brutal artillery preparation, in which the use of yperite gas formed an impor- tant function, and then an attack, not in lines, as had been used before, but by detached groups which were to infiltrate (slip between) the de- fensive units and fire upon them from the flanks, while further groups of Germans rushed them from the front. The method of defense adopted by the allies was the occupation of a series of defensive lines by the front line divisions. Each unit of infan- try and artillery was to defend its position to the last man, without hope of reinforcement, in the expectation that twenty-four hours would elapse before the German attack could overwhelm the last line of defense of the sector troops, which would allow sufficient time for reserves held at strategic points along the line to form behind the breach. 82 THE ARMY OF 1918 Authorities better informed than I will have to tell the world what was the matter with the allied command in the Spring of 1918. Possibly there was dissension among the allied command- ers-in-chief; otherwise, how explain the supine sitting on the defensive and waiting for the blow to fall, tactics which every work on war has de- nounced as foredoomed to disaster? The excuse cannot be offered that the allies were waiting for the arrival of the American army. A large army was in the making in America, and the greater part of it had been ready for transportation to Europe for several months; but the transporta- tion, while available, had not been forthcoming, as events subsequently disclosed clearly proved and explained. The Germans attacked the 5th British army on March 21st, and quickly broke through on an extended front. The disaster galvanized the allies' into life. The gap was closed as brilliantly and as skillfully as it had been opened. The French 1st army was moved from Alsace to Picardy, and the 1st division, known in the army as the American division, was taken along. THE GREAT DIVISION 83 An immediate counter-attack was projected, and while stopping for a few days behind the new front the division received instruction and prac- tice in the assault. For reasons unknown to me the plan for the attack was given up. Probably the troops necessary to this operation were more urgently needed as reinforcements in Flanders or in front of Amiens. The 1st division entered the line in Picardy while the German forward pressure was still in force. It entered a battlefield fairly covered with artillery on both sides, artillery which continued a duel for more than a month before the American and French artillery obtained the mastery. All kinds of guns, from trench mortars with a range of a few hundred yards to long naval guns firing twenty kilometers into the enemy's back areas, were constantly in action. All day the opposing artilleries fired to destroy each other, or upon targets which revealed themselves to the battery observers or to the balloons. All night they fired on roads, paths and stream crossings, to impede the advance of supplies, ammunition and rein- forcements; day and night they poured their 84 THE ARMY OF 1918 shells -upon trenches, villages and woods, to roh the enemy of sleep, shatter his nerves, and kill him. The country behind the lines was made more deadly from artillery fire than the front lines, which were spared to avoid the accidents of short firing into their own infantry. The infantry, how- ever, indulged in continuous fighting with ma- chine gun, rifle and grenade. All night long was conducted a partisan warfare. *^No Man's Land must be American," was the order of the commanding general, and our infan- try made it so. Enemy patrols were attacked wherever found, irrespective of numbers in either party. If the enemy remained in his trenches, he was sought out there. During the early days of the battle the Germans on our left unleashed an attack which made considerable progress for a while, and eventually some of our long-range guns were brought into action; but so concen- trated were we on our own problem that hardly a man today remembers the episode. We had learned much in the Toul sector, but were still lacking in that knowledge which saves THE GREAT DIVISION 85 life. We lost three men to one lost by the French divisions on either side of us. A splendid aviation squadron to assist our heavy artillery in counter-battery was furnished by the French, and little by little our artillery su- periority, grew and the German batteries were destroyed or withdrawfi. One battalion of Ameri- can 155s was credited with the destruction of ten German batteries. It lost no guns from enemy hits, but two were blown up and several were worn out from continuous firing. The American batteries were heavily manned. It was possible to have two shifts of gunners, working twelve hours each, and still replace exhausted men with fresh groups from the horse lines. For the offi- cers, however, there was no rest, and the excessive fatigue revealed the greater combatant value of young men. Officers around forty years of age — and there were a number of gallant spirits of that age who had sought commissions as junior lieu- tenants — wore down under the strain, while boys in their early twenties, whose military value had appeared much less in the training period, on the march, and in the early days of action, became 86 THE ARMY OF 1918 red-eyed and pale, it is true, but evinced no dim- inution of vitality. Early in May, German resistance was so far weakened that the French undertook the offen- sive. The German line had stopped and was holding a series of naturally strong points. The policy of the allied high command was to take all of these points so as to leave the enemy no points of departure for new attacks, and, likewise, no bases of defense for our future offensive. Grivesnes was stormed by the French, our artillery participating. Soon afterwards it was. confided to the senior officers that a great allied offensive was to start at the end of May to drive the Germans from their positions so dangerously near to Paris and too close to Amiens. The gen- eral plan was for three divisions to attack along the line we held and advance eastwardly; and three days later twenty divisions were to move north from the front at Lassigny. Later, the plan was changed to an attack by three divisions only; but when the assault was finally made the 1st division infantry made it alone. THE GREAT DIVISION 87 The attack was of the kind, carefully prepared and suddenly executed, which had been introduced by the French at Verdun in the previous summer. Great quantities of artillery were brought up to reinforce that of our division. Batteries of trench mortars were installed to destroy all life above ground in the village of Cantigny ; guns of 220 mm. caliber were to demolish all the cellars ; two bat- teries of 380 mm. guns (approximately eleven inches diameter) were to break into a tunnel known to exist in the old chateau, and a hundred 75s were to put the rolling barrage before our infantry. French tanks were to lead in the as- sault and French flame throwers were to destroy any defenders who insisted on fighting to the last from underground shelters. The plan of battle was approved by the French army corps under which we served, and the artil- lery plan was formulated by officers specially de- tailed for this purpose. The scheme was an edu- cation in itself, and the method of putting it into execution was a novelty to the American officers. We had been brought up under the system where- by orders were issued by a superior authority and 88 THE ARMY OF 1918 were carried out by subordinates, without ques- tion or comment. Rather than speak back to a superior officer, our batteries had more than once fired at targets designated by the higher com- mand, but which were known to the battery and battalion commanders to be behind their range. For the assault on Cantigny the artillery field officers were assembled and written instructions were issued to each. The plan was explained and a general discussion invited. The American officers sat silent while certain French commanders made such comments as ap- peared to them reasonable. Comments and criti- cisms alike were received amiably. Some criti- cisms were waved aside ; but others, which showed that the staff had been mistaken in its plan, brought amendments, thus encouraging some of the American officers to make observations upon matters particularly within their own knowledge. These were taken under consideration. Where batteries were given missions upon targets for which they had no observation, telephonic com- munication with observation posts overlooking these targets was provided. The meeting broke THE GREAT DIVISION 89 up with every officer thoroughly understanding the work before him and sharing the general con- fidence in the plans, so fully explained and bound to succeed. The assault took place exactly as scheduled. Every objective was taken. Every counter-attack was beaten off. The smallness of the losses proved at once the skill of the planners of the battle and the state of efficiency at which the 1st division had now arrived. The moral effect of the Cantigny battle was in- finitely greater than its tactical importance. Since early spring the Germans had been winning all along the line. Now, on the morrow of another great German victory, when the only hope of the allies lay in American reinforcements, American troops proved that they could throw back the enemy in formal battle. The success of the 1st division on May 28th was repeated by the 2nd division on June 6th at Chateau Thierry. The American quality was proved; only numbers were necessary to assure the victory. From Cantigny the 1st division was to go ta 90 THE ARMY OF 1918 greater victories at Soissons and at St. Mihiel, and to carry the greater part of the burden of the second phase of the Argonne. It was to furnish one army commander, two corps commanders, seven division commanders, a commander of army corps artillery, and too many brigadiers, regi- mental commanders and important staff officers to catalogue. Thirty-two thousand of its officers and men were killed and wounded. Of those un- touched by enemy shot, so many were promoted to command in other organizations as to leave but a leaven to inspire the replacements of officers and men. So great a thing is an American division when thoroughly trained and disciplined. CHAPTER V Germany's last offensive Before taking up the larger operations of American troops, which were now arriving in France in great numbers, it is necessary to review the course of the war throughout that year. The year 1917 closed with Germany once more successful on all fronts. In the east Eussia had gone bolshevik and made peace, a peace which Eoumania was compelled to follow. Italy, badly routed, had reestablished her lines only with the help of two hundred thousand French and English troops. On the western front the Germans had repulsed both the French and English offensives. The French attack was stopped, with heavy losses to Nivelle, within forty-eight hours. The British offensive proceeded through the month of August, but gradually lost its momentum, and it wore down the British army, not yet sufficiently devel- oped to conduct a major operation. Captured German documents attested to the bravery of 91 92 THE ARMY OF 1918 Haig's troops, dwelt upon the inaccuracy of Ms artillery, and exposed the unskillfulness of the British commanders. At the end of the year several small actions conveyed important military lessons to those who might be conversant with the facts. At Verdun and at Malmaison the French, striking for limited objectives, made attacks whose brilliancy demon- strated that at last France had competent com- manders, who had discovered how to co-ordinate the operations of troops of the different arms equipped with modem weapons. They formulated the principle that *Hhe artillery conquers the ground, the infantry occupies it.*' The German defenders, both infantry and artillery, were anni- hilated by overwhelming attacks of French artil- lery, secretly concentrated. The French infantry mopped up what was left, organized the occupied ground, and held it against counter-attacks. The British assault on Cambrai in November was an experiment with a new weapon, and it succeeded beyond all expectations. A large num- ber of tanks and a supporting force of infantry, which events proved to be inadequate, were GERMANY'S LAST OFFENSIVE 93 launched in an early morning surprise attack with little artillery preparation. They easily broke the German line and penetrated a number of kilo- meters, but the troops were insufficient to exploit this startling success. When stopped, they occu- pied a new line in the form of a small salient. The German general. Von der Marwitz, imme- diately concentrated his reserves and counter-at- tacked. Without tanks and massed artillery, his success, nevertheless, was complete. The English were driven back in confusion, and the line was only restored by the arrival of hastily summoned French troops, who made one of those long marches that no other allied troops, because of incomplete training and their inexperienced staffs, have been able to perform. A valuable lesson should have been drawn from this battle by any soldiers informed of its details. Unfortunately, the military censorship had thor- oughly absorbed the conviction that it must pub- licly announce all actions as victories. This time it also misinformed its allies. American head- quarters cabled Washington that Cambrai was a moral and material victory. I happened to be at 94 THE ARMY OF 1918 Britisli headquarters the day of the German suc- cess at Cambrai, and I told our staff what actually happened. The official British account, however, was accepted. If Cambrai had been recognized for what it was — a British defeat, and nearly a British disaster — enough pressure might have been brought to bear to obtain the shipping necessary to transport our army to the western front before the disaster of March, 1918. Only in the southeast did the year 1917 end more favorably to the allied cause. More success- ful in diplomacy than in battle, the entente brought Greece, whose government was pro-German, into the war on its side. It should be borne in mind that after Germany had defeated and was over- running Serbia, the allies invaded northern Greece to prevent the Germans from making a connection with that country and using Greek ports as submarine bases. Under the protection of the invading armies a revolution was staged by that wiliest of statesmen, Venizelos. King Con- stantine, brother-in-law of the German Kaiser, was compelled to abdicate, and his son, Prince GERMANY'S LAST OFFENSIVE 95 Alexander, was placed on the throne. A republic probably would have been established but for the opposition of English royalists, who were not anxious to see a monarchy destroyed to make room for a republic. In December, 1917, the British defeated the Turkish army in Palestine. The incoming year, therefore, saw the French and English standing opposite the Germans, and subsidiary armies facing each other in Italy and Greece. Everybody knew that the Spring and Summer would witness a tremendous, if not a de- cisive, campaign on the western front. Germany had available the army which defeated Eussia and was preparing to bring it across Europe by rail. The allies had the American army, its prelimi- nary organization and training in America ac- complished, to bring across the Atlantic, to equip it with modern weapons, and give it final instruc- tion at the rear and in the trenches. Here was re- produced on a grand scale the oft repeated situa- tion of two hostile armies in contact and awaiting the arrival of reinforcements which would decide the fate of the battle. 96 THE ARMY OF 1918 German troops now marched to the guns while American troops were left fuming in America. The 1st American division was moved to France between June and September, 1917, and was fol- lowed, in order, by the 26th and 42nd. The 2nd division assembled in France during the winter, and the 41st crossed the ocean early in January. This rate of progress was more in keeping with America's pre-war unpreparedness than with the glorious rising of the nation which followed Field Marshal Joffre's embassy. The fault was not principally American. True, our newly constituted shipping board did not function well. Eesisting the demands of the mili- tary authorities, it devoted a large percentage of its shipping to commerce. This conduct was more reprehensible than injurious, however, because the tonnage at its disposal was small. Troops could not be moved in quantity except in British bot- toms, which, from the beginning of our overseas movements, our general staff in Europe had been negotiating unsuccessfully to obtain. The British held back. M. Painleve, the former French War Minister, GERMANY'S LAST OFFENSIVE 97 tells us that high officers of the British army thought they could win the war before American troops arrived, and with characteristic sporting instinct wished to carry off the victory without assistance. The war, however, had made over- whelming demands on British shipping. Merchant ships had been used as breakwaters ; great num- bers had been sunk by submarines; many had been commandeered to carry munitions, war sup- plies and troops to England, to her allied coun- tries and to her columns of conquest in Asia and Africa. Only a small percentage of her total was left to maintain her foreign trade and capture that of Germany. It is the traditional policy of England, while engaged in European wars, to lend only such help on the continent as may be necessary to secure the victory, and to bend the rest of her efforts to ex- tending the British empire throughout the world. With the British army in France so confident of success, it was unreasonable to expect England to deprive herself of shipping to bring into France an army which would detract from British im- portance at the peace table. 98 THE ARMY OF 1918 Thus January and February and the first three weeks of March went by with only one hundred and fifty thousand American combatant troops in France, and no movement on foot to accelerate their transportation. Less excusable was the situation on the actual battlef ront. Every general officer in each allied army was sufficiently read in the history of warfare to comprehend the disadvantage under which two or more armies under separate commanders labor when they face enemy forces operating under a single commander. Even officers who had not studied military history hardly could have failed to see how the united German com- mand for four years had resisted and defeated greatly superior numbers of allies, divided as they were into separate armies under generals inde- pendent of each other. Yet so shortsighted in real patriotism, which ought to look only for the ulti- mate success of their country, and so absorbed in personal glorification, were the men responsible for the military control of the war that, rather than become subordinate one to another, they in- GERMANY'S LAST OFFENSIVE 99 sisted upon maintaining a military relation doomed to defeat. Looking back on the days of March, 1918, it is strange to recall how confident we were of throw- ing hack the inevitable German attack. We knew that the Germans were training armies back of their lines for the decisive assault; we knew in general the tactics they proposed to employ. We knew that the Germans had successfully broken the Eussian, Serbian and Italian fronts, and we had learned of their new mustard gas through bitter experience. Yet, each army on the west- ern front felt that the Germans could not break through it! What happened on March 21st is known. In spite of air patrols, of trench raids, and of allied spies, the Germans succeeded in marching a great army through a territory inhabited by a French population hostile and eager to furnish in- formation to their countrymen, and completely surprised the British 5th army. They were well informed of the location of the British organized defenses and batteries. Before the assault these were overwhelmed by yperite 100 THE ARMY OF 1918 gas, the effects of which continued long- after the bombardment had ceased, allowing the German artillery to turn its full force to the protection of the attacking troops. The British defeat was complete. The way was open to Amiens. The Germans did what the allies had failed to do under more favorable circum- stances — they completely broke the trench system and annihilated the defending army. One British general, believing all was lost, maneuvered his troops as though to protect the broken right flank of the British army, apparently forgetting there was a gap in the common front that must be closed to avert an allied disaster. In momentary panic, he acted as if his only thought was to enable the British army to get back safely to the seacoast. Then, with victory in Germany's hands, the French army performed a maneuver as extraordi- nary in its way as the German attack, and closed around the hole in the line. Nearby troops marched to the battlefield with unprecedented speed, more remote troops moved in camions, and an entire army crossed France by rail from GERMANY'S LAST OFFENSIVE 101 Lorraine. Of this army the American 1st division formed a part. It seems to me that the result of the battle of March 21st was the inevitable consequence of a situation which allowed an army, organized and trained through the years, to devote its entire at- tention to an army built up during the war. I have no doubt the same thing would have hap- pened to the American army, in the same position. Only the French could meet the Germans on even terms, and this because they had organized for war as long and as carefully as their traditional foe. The desperate situation galvanized the torpid allied governments into action. An allied com- mander-in-chief was named. After March 21st there could be no doubt in what army the supreme command should lie. It was given to General Foch and his French staff. Foch received the appointment because of the high opinion Clemenceau entertained for him. In many circles Joffre would have been the most welcome leader. Joffre, however, had a certain military opposition and he was much feared by 102 THE ARMY OF 1918 the French politicians because of his popularity. I do not feel that the personality of Foch made much difference. What was needed was any one of a half dozen French generals educated in the French schools of high command, who had prac- ticed during the years of peace the maneuvering of large bodies of men by rail and by road, and who had risen in the French army with a freedom of promotion for merit which did not exist in the English armies. If France did not produce any great general in this war, she did furnish a num- ber of masters of technique and she certainly promoted officers who demonstrated unusual ability. With the German drive stopped by the French just short of Amiens, and again in April at Kem- mel Hill, the allied position was almost hopeless. A few more concentrations, a few more drives, and Germany must be victorious. The only hope of salvation was to get American help before Ger- many could strike again. Commercial considerations being forgotten, shipping was produced as if by magic. A new and serious question, however, had presented GERMANY'S LAST OFFENSIVE 103 itself. Should the half-trained and imperfectly armed American troops be transported across the ocean in the face of a not improbable German vic- tory, of which they could only be the spoils? If Germany should win before Summer, the Ameri- can troops would not be in condition to assist in the allied defense; they would fall into the Ger- man hands as hostages, and they would not be available to defend the American seacoast from the attack of the victor. I have an idea that many readers will scorn a suggestion implying so despicable a motive. Let them study the conduct of the allies during the war; the ratio between English troops in France and in England and the failure to support Russia in 1915. America sent her troops. She did much more. She sent them as the allies needed them, and not as the ambitions of their generals dictated or as their own welfare required. Divisions were broken up and the infantry sent without its ar- tillery. They were sent, not to enter quiet sectors for instruction in modem warfare, but to reinforce tired, hard-pressed troops on an active front. A 104 THE ARMY OF 1918 large part of them were put under generals and colonels of an army which had just been com- pletely defeated. The troops which went into action with the British were not raw troops. They were, for the most part, national guardsmen, many of whose officers had given their leisure time to military study. They had received preliminary training in the Mexican mobilization and had now been drilling for nearly a year. They had been prac- ticed in marching formations, had received small arms and bayonet training, and had been taught infantry tactics so far as these had developed up to the Summer of 1917. They had not studied the use of the modern infantry weapons of assault, the trench mortars or infantry cannon. They had not learned the use of cover, which only comes from service at the front, and which can be taught with smaller losses in sector warfare. They were totally uninformed as to the methods of attack developed and perfected by the French at the end of 1917 and they were not accompanied by their own artillery, which should have been trained with them until they had reached the perfect un- GERMANY'S LAST OFFENSIVE 105 der standing essential to tlie support of infantry if it is to be saved heavy losses in assault. So much higher, therefore, is their glory, that without flinching they faced the strain of battle which the French higher command only required of the 1st division after three months of sector training, of the 2nd after five months, and of the 26th and 42nd after six. After March 21st American divisions debarked in France in the f ollomng sequence : 32nd, 3rd, 5th complete, and the 28th, 77th, 4th, 27th, 30th, 35th and 33d without artillery. On May 27th the Germans broke the Franco- British Chemin des Dames line and marched into the Chateau Thierry salient, to be stopped on June 4th by another army, hastily collected by General Foch, of which the American 2nd division occupied the key position on the direct road to Paris, while the machine gun battalion of the 3rd division went into action on the south bank of the Marne. American troops were now called upon in num- bers. The 3rd, 4th and 28th divisions were moved from British fronts to the Chateau-Thierry salient. The 26th was brought from Toul and put 106 THE ARMY OF 1918 into the front line, and the 42nd was taken from reserve at Baccarat and put into line near Reims. The 77th, 82nd, 35th and 32nd divisions were training, relieving divisions already trained, and wearing down the Germans in the qniet sectors. The German advances had stopped, forming a series of salients projecting into our lines. From the days of short fronts and short range weapons, salients have been well recognized weak points for the reason that the adversary could concentrate a heavy fire upon them from several directions and confuse the defenders by simul- taneous attacks on the different fronts. In the early part of this war, although ranges had in- creased enormously, the lengths of fronts had in- creased in even greater proportion, and many salients were created and held with impunity be- cause they were so much greater in extent than the range of the artillery used in the early period of the war that it was impossible to concentrate fire upon them. It seemed as though the old prin- ciple of tactics no longer held. However, by the Spring of 1918 the French had armed themselves with a great number of mobile GERMANY'S LAST OFFENSIVE 107 guns ranging nearly 20,000 meters. With these they surrounded the Cantigny and Chateau- Thierry salients. The divisional artillery fired to its extreme range. From there on the 155 longs took up the mission. A small semicircle which the longs could not reach was attacked with special cannon of still greater range and with aerial bom- bardments. Nowhere in the salients was there safety or rest for the Germans. Advancing to the front line or returning to rest, they were compelled to pass mile after mile over roads subject to artil- lery fire. The effect of this artillery fire must not be for- gotten in casting up the reasons for the German collapse. On June 7th the Germans attempted another grand attack on the line Montdidier-Noyon, and here they met their first complete check. The French had notice of the plan and adopted a spe- cial form of tactics to defeat it. Strong points were skillfully concealed and held in force. Ger- man troops passing between them, according to their new tactics of infiltration, were caught under the concentrated artillery fire of the defense. 108 THE ARMY OF 1918 Wlien the weight of the Geiinan attack forced back the garrisons at the strong points, these re- tired in good order upon a line of supporting troops, drawn up beyond the range of the German barrage, and fully prepared for battle. The at- tack was stopped, and the 10th army, under Gen- eral Mangin, advancing from billets in the region of Beauvais, counter-attacked on the German right flank and drove it back in disorder. This was the first big allied success and it was made possible by the valor of the French troops, the tactical skill of their leaders, and the presence of ^ve hundred thousand American troops, which released an equal number of French veterans from the quiet sectors to thicken their defensive organization. With the entrance into line of the American army in force the hour for German victory had passed. Disturbed by rumors from the Fatherland, and hurried by the rapid development of the Ameri- cans, the German staff began to falter. The preparations for the attack around Reims were not well concealed. Field Marshal Foch was GERMANY'S LAST OFFENSIVE 109 fully informed of them and massed his defensive troops. Not only Americans, but English and even Italians, were brought to the battlefield. Even the exact hour of the assault was learned, and the French defensive bombardment was started one hour before the German fire. Sur- prised with munitions for the artillery prepara- tion piled beside the guns, with columns of troops advancing into position along heavily shelled roads, it was too late to stop the attack. General Gouraud withdrew his troops from the front into three defensive lines. He ordered that the first line, when hard pressed, should fall back on the second, and the third line troops should act for counter-attack, or for defense of the last position, as developments of the battle might dictate. In the first line only groups of machine gunners and signalers were left. They were to notify the command of the start of the German assault and keep the defensive artillery informed of its prog- ress, so that the heavy barrage could be kept con- stantly on the advancing Germans. From Chateau-Thierry to Verdun this attack 110 THE ARMY OF 1918 stopped either at the advance or at the inter- mediate line, excepting just west of Eeims, where the German column thrust back its opposition and continued to progress towards Epernay. Nowhere did Americans give way. The 42nd and 3rd di- visions particularly distinguished themselves. Not many troops on either side were available for maneuver, but on the allied side there re- mained at the disposition of Marshal Foch the best troops in the war, the 1st and 2nd American divisions and the French Moroccans. These three divisions were formed into a special corps under General Berdoulat, and, assisted by a mass of little, fast French tanks, debouched from the for- est of Villers-Cotterets at daylight on July 18th. By nightfall they had driven seven kilometers into the enemy's line. Without reinforcement or re- lief, they attacked again the next day, and on the 20th captured Berzy-le-Sec, cutting the road from Soissons to Chateau-Thierry. The German advance on Epernay, made in the hope of capturing Reims and flattening out the salient, had to be abandoned, and their resources devoted to stopping the great counter-attack GERMANY'S LAST OFFENSIVE 111 wHcli threatened to capture their whole army. Scotch and French troops relieved the Americans and the Moroccans, but German reinforcements in equal numbers had been rushed to the scene and the allied advance was stopped. CHAPTEE VI A FEW TECHNICAL POINTS Shoetly after the battle of Cantigny I was pro- moted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel in my old regiment, now the 122nd field artillery, and upon its arrival in France was assigned to it at the request of the regimental commander. Nei- ther in the regular army nor in any foreign serv- ice have I seen a body of men reach a greater state of efficiency before they had undergone the experience of battle. The regiment was in a splen- did state of administration, of discipline and of morale. The officers, who had come from the cav- alry more than a year before, had studied their new technique to good eifect. Upon the order of the commanding officer I prepared a course of instruction, drawn from eight months' experience at the front, which was to supplement the instruction in fire adjustment given by the school. I insert these instructions, written in the midst 112 A FEW TECHNICAL POINTS 113 of war, primarily for the purpose of illustration. In later chapters I will refer to untrained divisions and green divisions. Our inexperienced troops were ignorant of many military accomplishments not touched upon in this simple course. The points I sought to cover were essentials in which most of the officers who had come to the 1st division from America and from training schools in France had either not been taught or had totally failed to comprehend. The immense blockades on the roads during the Argonne fighting were primarily due to ignorance of road discipline. The hunger of which so many con^plained was due to their ignorance of the con- servation and use of food. INSTRUCTIONS FOR TROOPS ABOUT TO ENTER THE LINE Upon leaving the training camp and entering upon active duty, it is necessary for junior officers to appre- ciate the immensely greater responsibilities which they incur. In a regimental camp, the commanding officer or, in all events, the field officers between them, can personally supervise everything and can personally direct and correct whenever necessary. On the other hand, when deployed in action, when spread out on the 114 THE ARMY OF 1918 march and even when billeted in towns, this immediate supervision becomes impossible. Enforc&ment of orders and discipline devolves upon the junior officers unmded. The senior officers can only issue orders and inspect to see if they are properly carried out and if not, to proceed against the officer mho has failed to carry themn out. CHAPTER I. The Maxch.— The rules for con- ducting a march are the following: (1) All vehicles must be securely and neatly packed. (2) When moving, all vehicles must be kept at all times at the extreme right of the paved road, in order to allow traffic freely to pass the column. When halted, the vehicles will be pulled clear off the road, whenever possible. (3) They must be formed in groups. Generally, ten vehicles form a group and the distance between groups is fifty meters, to form a pocket in which faster vehicles may enter when meeting traffic, or while passing the train. A red disc is placed ^ on the rear end of the rear wagon of each group. (4) Trains will never, under any circumstances, be stopped in towns. The foregoing rules are elementary, but because of their simplicity are frequently neglected. Their ob- servance is absolutely obligatory and must be enforced, if necessary, by severe disciplinary measures against negligent officers. The next two rule? are not easily ob- served. They are: A FEW TECHNICAL POINTS 116 (5) Never allow the road to become blocked. (6) Never lose the way. Most frequent causes for blocking of traffic are becom- ing mired and driving off the paved road. These faults can be minimized with well trained drivers, but there is, on narrow or bad roads, a constant opportunity for the initiative of the commanding officer. For instance, when coming to a steep hill, or to a soft length of road that threatens to stall the train, attach additional horses to each vehicle before it enters the bad spot. It is easier to pull a moving vehicle through a muddy hole or up a steep slope than to start one once stalled. In the case of a sharp turn in a narrow road, it is desirable to unhitch the lead horses ; sometimes all except the wheel- ers may be removed. Time taken in these little opera- tions is inconsequential compared with the long delays due to stalling of a gun or park wagon. On the march to Cantigny two wagons getting off a bad piece of road delayed a regiment of artillery eight hours. Whenever a train becomes blocked for any reason, it is the duty of a superior commander to investigate the con- duct of the officer immediately in charge, to ascertain not only whether he was guilty of negligence but whether he exercised all the initiative and energy which might be expected and required of him. The final injunction (6) is the most important, the most frequently violated, and the one whose violation is the most fatal in its consequences. 116 THE ARMY OF 1918 The rale is absolute. An officer travelling must never lose his way. An officer who violates this injunction must be con- sidered prima facie guilty of a very serious offense, re- quiring the strongest kind of evidence to overcome his presumption of guilt. It is not necessary to be lost. Sometimes a road is easy to follow and, therefore, invites carelessness. Other times a way may appear so difficult as to invite dis- couragement. The consequences of a mistake may be so serious, in a military way, that mistakes must be made serious for the offender. It will be remembered that many battles have been lost because an organization, or even a messenger, violated this simple rule. Precautions to be taken include a careful study of the map, a careful reading of all signboards along the road, and, when doubt exists, an interrogation of inhabi- tants and scouting along different forks of a doubtful crossroad. A train once committed to a wrong road may be com- pelled to a long detour ; may run to a blind end ; may have to be left out of an operation entirely. It is, there- fore, indispensable that a train shall have competent scouts pushed sufficiently far in advance to establish the correct direction before the column reaches the crossroad. Each battery will have a machine gun mounted on a wagon for use against airplane attack. The machine gun detail will be charged with keeping a sharp look- A FEW TECHNICAL POINTS 117 out for hostile airplanes. Whenever a hostile airplane is reported within the vicinity of the column, the column will be withdrawn under trees, if possible, otherwise halted on the road until the airplane has passed. All mounted men will dismount when at a halt. On the march, drivers will be required to walk about half the time. Officers should be taught to locate the North Star by the Big and Little Dippers and by Cassiopeia. They should accustom themselves to follow the course of the sun by day and of the stars at night. They should also memorize the general course of the rivers of the neighborhood. Watches, compasses, and maps are es- sential to scientific warfare, but one should be prepared to get along without them if necessary. CHAPTER IT. Occupying Positions.— Occupying battery positions divides under four heads. The first is in the case of the relief of a sector. In this case a battery generally takes up the position of the battery it relieves. Ample time is furnished for reconnaissance of roads. The relief is made at night in order to avoid observation by the enemy, and if traffic on the road permits it is desirable to separate the guns by an in- terval of five minutes' march to allow each gun to un- limber and the horses to move away before the next gun arrives in position. This plan will minimize confusion in case fire comes on the battery during the relief, or in case of fire along the road of approach. It is the duty of the outgoing battery to turn over to the incom- 118 THE ARMY OF 1918 ing battery all information, of whatever nature, per- taining to its battery position. An officer of the out- going battery remains with the incoming battery for a day or two; the incoming battery commander should avail himself to the fullest extent of the information of the outgoiQg officer. Pride or a false fear of appear- ing ignorant cannot be tolerated. The second case of occupying a battery position is as a reinforcing battery. In this instance, a number of the available battery positions will have been noted by the staff, and there will be offered to each groupment, or group, either a certain number of alternative battery positions from which to select, or the locations for bat- teries will be indicated by coordinates. Sometimes no opportunity for reconnaissance can be given the battery officers. Hence, absolute familiarity with the map is essential. It must be borne in mind that with the immense quan- tity of artillery used in this war, individual batteries must be located according to a general plan, the needs of the individual battery giving way to the greater needs of the whole. At the same time, group and bat- tery officers have much better opportunity for deter- mining the very best location for a battery within a limited area and much greater interest in so doing than has the staff. Therefore, when a battery commander finds a position which he thinks will allow him to per- form all his missions, will not interfere with any other battery, and will afford him greater protection than the A FEW TECHNICAL POINTS 119 one allotted him, he should report this fact to his imme- diate superior. Every battery and group commander studies the ground in his area with great care so as to endeavor to get absolutely the best location and ar- rangement of his guns. The Plan Director is a map of extraordinary exactness, but it must be remembered that the contours are separated by five meters and cannot portray the small accidents of the ground which fur- nish the best defilade both from view and from fire. The third case is that of an advance. The conditions are much the same as in reinforcing; the batteries are moved according to a plan of operations. The difference is that the accidents of battle may disarrange the plan and call upon the immediate commander to display initiative and originality. The fourth case is of batteries going to fill a gap in the line, as at Montdidier and Chateau-Thierry. This condition more nearly approximates the methods set down in our drill regulations than any of the others. It may be pointed out that in this situation the enemy's infantry has preceded his artillery and that, as less counter-battery is to be feared, less attention need be paid to defilade and more to the selection of positions which facilitate the quick opening of fire. CHAPTER III. Emplacements.— Work on battery emplacements should be begun, when possible, be- fore the arrival of the battery, and to this end the bat- tery and group commanders should endeavor to send forward working parties to get some sort of protection 120 THE ARMY OF 1918 before the battery arrives. Work on the emplacement must continue as long as the battery occupies the posi- tion. Men should be encouraged to take pride in their skill in constructing battery positions and not to feel disappointed when their well-built position must be evacuated. It is a simple matter to make a protection against shrapnel and shell fragments, even of large caliber shells. When a gun crew is so protected that it cannot be put out of action except by a direct hit by shell, there is little chance of it failing to perform its duty in battle, even if under fire. With time, tunnels to shelter gun crews can be driven to a sufficient depth to render them proof against counter-battery fire. The method and order of construction of battery posi- tions are laid down in general orders. It is well to call the attention of battery commanders to the fact that the battery commander's command posts should be at least 100 meters to one flank of the guns. CHAPTER IV. Defilade.— This is the most dif- ficult part of the artillery and, next to correct shooting, the most important. It includes the selection of a posi- tion, the artificial improvement of this position, and the abstention from doing things which will reveal the position to an enemy on the ground or in the air. An ideal position for 75s would be along a road of irregular tracing not carried on the map; in some broken ground in which the wheels, trail and gun crew can be located in a depression where the natural sur- A FEW TECHNICAL POINTS 121 face of the ground reaches up to the muzzle and forward rises a mask which does not interfere with the minimum range required for the tactical use of the guns ; for the howitzers a position along a similar road but behind a hill, the higher the better, with a slope of 30 degrees, or behind a steep bank, or in a cut or ravine. The 75s, because of their small size and flash, can be very effectively concealed among bushes, hedges or orchards. The howitzers are not as easily concealed, and because of their high angle of fire may be placed in woods or behind hills where the field pieces could not operate. In any battery area a number of sites will be found, each possessing various advantages and disadvantages. It is a part of the function of an artilleryman to balance the advantages and select the most suitable. Battery officers should take every opportunity to study the conformation of ground and to pick out likely battery positions. It is only by perfect familiarity with ground conformation that officers in battle can rapidly select the best available position. They should beware of small woods carried on the plan director. If their presence in such a wood becomes known, their cover becomes a target, a point which can be used by the enemy to measure ranges and deflections and an object of good visibility for airplane observation. The batteiy position selected, the problem of artificial concealment [camouflage] presents itself. This is the subject of vital importance. One of the greatest mis- 122 THE ARMY OF 1918 takes an artillery officer unfamiliar with the subject can make is to minimize it through egotism. A study of enemy counter-battery fire upon any groupment will reveal the fact that one or two batteries receive most of the punishment. This is due to bad camouflage and bad defilade discipline in the batteries concerned. Any battery commander can learn the principles of camouflage, and by availing himself of talent in his organization can obtain a great degree of invisibility. The principle of camouflage is to have the ground upon which the battery rests reveal to aerial observation or photography little or no change. First, the four pieces should not be placed at regular intervals or in line; second, no shadows should be thrown; camouflage nets should be sloped so that early morning sun and the late evening sun will not cast shadows. Existing shadows should not be suppressed; for instance, if a battery is located in a quarry the camouflage should not cover the side of the quarry. Re- flection of light is to be avoided ; camouflage should not be stretched tight and flat. Black holes should not ap- pear, for which reason curtains must extend over em- brasures and back of the emplacements and over ammuni- tion shelters. It is found desirable to have the bottom of the camouflage net about two feet from the ground. Where foliage must be cut to permit the firing of bat- teries, this must be done with careful study ; the cutting must be (1) reduced to the absolute minimum; (2) not nearer to the ground than the requirements of minimum A FEW TECHNICAL POINTS 123 range demand, and (3) not regular in shape. Batteries in woods and hedges will be greatly helped in their con- cealment by use of freshly cut branches set on end, either in the ground or in wire netting above the pieces. The camouflage erected, the battery conunander can- not dismiss the subject. Camouflage has the habit of falling into disarray, like the clothing of a schoolboy, and in order to look natural needs to be readjusted to meet the different conditions of light, like the com- plexion of a mature beauty. If one of the officers shows an aptitude for the subject, he may be designated, in addition to his other duties, as camouflage officer ; other- wise this duty must be confided to a suitable non- commissioned officer. The camouflage officer, or non- commissioned officer, must be constantly wandering around the position looking for faults and for oppor- tunities of improving the camouflage. No greater evidence of military proficiency can be given by a battery officer than by keeping his battery in condition of good defilade. The battery commander must determine the avenues of circulation. If the battery is on a road, the kitchen must be put down the road in one direction and the latrine in the other direction. Under no circumstances must men leave the road except to perform duty. If one or more paths are absolutely unavoidable, they should be wound irregularly around trees and bushes or along the border separating two different crops in a field. Cutting of comers must be forbidden under severe 124. THE ARMY OF 1918 penalty. It is desirable to fence the permitted paths with barbed wire, and, until this is done, to station path sentries with orders and to compel every one, even senior officers, to obey them. The necessity of keeping out of sight must be thor- oughly explained to the men, and discipline must be used whenever necessary to enforce this rule. Men in the open must take cover immediately upon a hostile airplane being reported. It is to be borne in mind that it is much easier to keep men out of the open than to get them in from the open in time to prevent their being seen. While batteries are generally defiladed from enemy view, lengths of roads leading to them are always in enemy view. Circulation along these roads may re- veal to the experienced enemy the locations of batteries themselves invisible. The battalion commander, there- fore, must control such circulation. Smoke is a frequent means of betraying locations. In clear, windless weather, smoke columns can be inter- sected from enemy 0. P 's. and their location determined to a yard. An example of the penalty of poor smoke discipline was that of a battery kitchen in a large forest of tall trees which received a volley of forty shells per- fectly aimed. Even the best defiladed battery will be located by intersection of its flashes or by sound ranging, if it fires alone. A sufficient volume of fire will confuse both the flash spotting and sound ranging sections of the enemy. Thus, in general action, batteries are not apt to reveal A FEW TECHNICAL POINTS 1^5 their presence, and the chances of bein^ located by flash spotting and sound ranging may be minimized in regis- tration by having several different batteries fire at the same, or approximately the same, moment; during fire for destruction, by having several destructions carried on at the same time. In registration, this is best accom- panied by cooperation between battalion commanders; and in fires for destruction, must be regulated by the chief of the divisional artillery. The enemy may be further confused by the use of roving guns. Individual guns, platoons or even batteries, in the case of the light artillery, are taken out of their regular position, moved under the cover of darkness and fired for a day, or a part of a day, from a temporary position, moving out again that night. As a protection against enemy fire for destruction, the practice of separating the platoons by a hundred yards or more is coming more and more into use. In batteries of 155s, the separation of a battery into two platoons for firing is done more than half the time when standing on the defensive. Intervals between guns are also greatly increased, sometimes to as much as 100 meters. The movement toward the dispersion even of the component units of batteries has been accentuated by the use of yperite (mustard gas). While the gas mask and oiled clothing give temporary protection against this gas, it is impossible for men to remain on the ground upon which any considerable number of yperite shells U6 THE ARMY OF 1918 have fallen. The dividing of batteries renders the dis- abling of an entire battery less probable, or, in any event, demands a double expenditure of enemy shells. The battery command post also should be located far enough from the battery to be out of the yperite fumes. Alternate battery positions must be located and oriented, to which the pieces must be withdrawn as soon as the gas bombardment upon the position has ended. The pieces must be thoroughly disinfected, the clothing of men exposed to the yperite fumes changed, the men bathed in soap and water, and the clothing hung to let the yperite evaporate into a location where the fumes can do no damage. Finally, in order to confuse the enemy, Quaker bat- teries will be made. These should not be too visible or they will not fool the enemy. If false flashes are ob- tainable from the storage park, they can be fired from these dummy positions. If they are not available, the unused packages of powder from the 155s can be fired by means of Bickford fuses. CHAPTER V. Artillery Observation. — Upon com- ing into position, observation should be organized in the first instance by battalion. The batteries of 75s find observation posts where they can observe their bar- rage. The battalion observation post is located where it can get the best view of the battalion sector. The battery observation posts will report directly to the batteries observation of fire and barrage. All other information is reported to battalion headquarters. Ob- A FEW TECHNICAL POINTS 127 servation posts of the 155s, not being concerned with the baiTage, seek longer views. They will become valuable to regulate barrage if the enemy crosses our first line, and should be used to study the ground where such barrage would be put down. Their occupants should be ready to control the fire of the 75s on such barrage, if called upon to do so. Where an 0. P. has a special mission, as in the case of a battery observation post of 75s, one man will watch this field, while another performs general observation. The number of the personnel occupying observation posts will vary according to the cover obtainable. It is desirable to have it not less than three nor more than six. Where an 0. P. is in a position exposed to enemy view, details are changed every night and remain in the observation post for 24 hours. Strict discipline must be used, if necessary, to prevent men from disclosing their persons or in any way be- traying the 0. P. to the enemy. A disclosure not only endangers the personnel but may lead to the destruction of the 0. P. at the moment observation is most needed. It is highly desirable to have the observation posts interconnected by telephone, as will be pointed out in the chapter on Telephone. In the absence of such line, the battalion observation posts can readily com- municate with each other through the battalion switch- board and the lines connecting battalion command posts. Upon occupying an observation post, the officer in charge will immediately select an object in enemy ter- 128 THE ARMY OF 1918 ritory about the middle of his field of vision, and which is accurately represented upon the map. This will be the zero line of his observatoiy. The instruments will be oriented with the zero of the lower limb laid on this point. The lower limb will be securely clamped. Ob- servations from the observatory will thereafter be read on the mill scale: so many mills right or left (of Mont Sec steeple or Canti^y graveyard). It will be the duty of the personnel in charge of the observatory to see that the lower limb of the instrument is never moved, and to caution senior officers, who alone have the right to enter observation posts, as a further protection against a loss of the zero line. Stakes will be driven along this line which can be seen in thick weather and identified at night by means of luminous watch faces. If the ob- servatory is occupied in thick weather, observation must be made according to the points of the compass until the weather clears. As rapidly as possible the officer of the observation post will prepare a panoramic sketch and a visibility map of the field of view from his observatory. Each O. P. will be given the coordinates of the other 0. P's. in the battalion. Each observer will visit all the 0. P 's. as opportunity offers, and will communicate directly with them when he sees something of interest which he thinks may be invisible from their observatories. All matters of sufficient interest are to be reported immediately to battalion command posts, from which they will be relayed to the higher commands. A FEW TECHNICAL POINTS 1^9 A diary will be kept in each 0. P., divided into 24 parts, corresponding to the hours of the day, and aU events of whatever kind not worthy of immediate re- port will be written down in this diary. This will include the fall of enemy shells and an impression as to their origin. If enemy shells pass directly over the observation post, this should be reported by telephone. The point of fall then being determined, a line is estab- lished within which the enemy battery lies. All occurrences deemed of interest to the battery will be reported immediately. Among these will be firing of any kind, with the observer's best impression as to the direction from which it comes; all activity, flashes, all smoke, all unusual noises within the enemy lines, any suspicious movements within our own lines, and partic- ularly any signals from our infantry. These will all be reported by reference to the zero line and to objects on the ground. In case of enemy attack, the observers will report its progress and call for fire on vulnerable targets. If the attack advances far enough, the observers will have an opportunity for individual distinction. A few deter- mined men in a concealed dugout may delay many times their number for an appreciable time. Observers of different batteries, battalions and regi- ments will at need register the fire of any battery in the brigade. Where none of the observation posts is suitable to fire on any particular objective, use of the ground telegraphic sets of the infantry may be made. 130 THE ARMY OF 1918 The observer, accompanied by the operator, finds a location where he can view the objective. If the dis- tance permits, the messages are sent direct to the antennas of its battalion; if not, they are sent to the infantry command post, which relays them by telephone. As rapidly as possible the regimental observation officer coordinates the observation posts of the regiment, and the brigade observation officer coordinates all those within the brigade. Upon occasion, O. P's. of different battalions, or even of different regiments, may be con- nected to regimental and brigade centrals, though this practice must be limited owing to the amount of traffic over brigade and regimental lines. Because no two divisional sectors are alike, it is im- possible to fix hard and fast rules for the conduct of observation. The efficiency of the observation system will depend on the skill and energy of the officers con- cerned. It is to be borne in mind that while all the^observation posts of the brigade are to be considered one system, the initiative of battalion commanders and observation of- ficers must not be dulled. The brigade has the use not only of the divisional artillery observation posts but is in communication with the infantry observation officer and corps observation officers. Frequently an uncertain report as to the loca- tion of an enemy position, or activity in the enemy line, from one observation system can be corroborated from one of the other sources. A FEW TECHNICAL POINTS 131 Regimental and brigade headquarters will install addi- tional observation stations, or move existing stations of battalions and even of batteries, when this will re- sult in reducing the extent of the invisible areas. CHAPTER VI. Artillery Telephones. — The scheme of artillery telephone consists of branching lines from brigade to regiments, regiments to battalions, battalions to batteries, and batteries to battery observa- tion posts. Regimental headquarters are connected together, as are adjoining battalions and battery com- mand posts; in addition, the units of 75s are connected with corresponding units of infantry. With every telephone operator there will always be an orderly to be sent for any person desired on the telephone ; in time of unusual activity, there will be two orderlies. Telephone liaison will always be reinforced by visual signalling and by mounted or foot messengers. It is essential that all men of the liaison detail shall be familiar with all roads and paths between battery posi- tions and battalion, battalion and regiment, and regi- ment and brigade. The many diversions of attention, the many calls for men, the constant assignment of men to different duties, creates an erosion which wears away these organizations established at the beginning of a campaign. It is the constant, and perhaps the most important, duty of a battalion commander to see that these are continually renewed and that the organization will never find 132 THE ARMY OF 1918 itself surprised by the cutting of the telephone liaison. Operation of telephones at the front requires a degree of rapidity, skill and accuracy far in excess of that re- quired commercially. A few seconds lost by a delay, or a mistake, may cost many lives. When two or more calls come at the same time, the first preference should be given to an observation post, second preference to the line of the senior command, third preference to a junior command, and fourth to a collateral line. This may be varied, according to the intelligence of the operator, when especially important news is expected from some source. All telephones will be tested every half hour in each direction. Operators will never call an officer to the telephone to speak to an officer of inferior rank. Officers below the rank of battery commander or adjutant will not ask an oper- ator to get a party on the line, but will be given con- nection with the switchboard and personally ask for the desired party. Lines are used only for official communication. Ter- rible things have happened because a telephone wire was being used for sociable conversation. The locations of friendly positions are never mentioned over the tele- phone, nor is any other information that might be use- ful to the enemy. As the relative location of observation posts, battery and command posts vary indefinitely, so an indefinite number of opportunities exists to increase the telephonic liaison beyond that contemplated by the regulations. A FEW TECHNICAL POINTS 133 For instance, two observation posts or batteries of sepa- rate units may be located so close together that a short length of wire may connect them. A battery of one battalion may find itself so close to the command post of another that an intercommunication wire can be made at a minimum of labor and material. All officers interested in observation should seek opportunities to increase the amount of telephone liaison without an undue expenditure of wire. In this fashion, telephone liaison offers an opportunity for ini- tiative similar to that of selection and camouflage of battery positions. CHAPTEE VII. Maps and Records in Command Post. — Each command post will keep the following records pertaining to its sector : Maps showing the location of the command posts, battery positions, observation posts, telephonic and visual liaison; these last two, approximately exact. Threads are pinned to the map at the locations of the 0. P^s. Mill scales are made with a zero cor- responding to the zero at the 0. P. Thus reports from the 0. P. are rapidly located on the map. Where any two 0. P's. report the same subject, it can be located by intersections, visibility maps of the observation posts, fields of fire and dead spaces of the batteries. A graphic representation of the normal and even- tual missions of the batteries, such as barrages, counter-preparations, interdiction fires, counter-bat- 134 THE ARMY OF 1918 tery, and also the normal and the eventual zones. This information will also be kept in the form of written orders. When any orders, in any form, have been superseded by others, the old orders will be de- stroyed to prevent possible confusion. A list of ammunition, rations, horses, wagons, harness, etc., will also be kept at command posts. CHAPTER VIII. Combat.— Offensive combat being at the will of the higher command, is precised in orders. Attacks, general or limited, are accompanied by a plan of artillery made in the army, corps, or division head- quarters. The duty of the subordinate commanders is to give full effect to the plan of the higher command. Firing data are prepared in the batteries and checked in the battalions. Regimental and battalion commanders assure themselves that all orders have been read and comprehended by those intrusted with carrying them out. They assure themselves of the efficiency of their communications, and they follow the plan of action step by step, superintending its execution by their subor- dinates. The daily activity of the artillery is determined in the division and corps, and is laid out in orders issued every evening for the following 24 hours. These orders specify : 1. Destructions. 2. Interdictions and harassing fire. 3. Concentrations. The higher command determines the objectives to be A FEW TECHNICAL POINTS 135 fired upon and divides them among the regiments in whose sector they lie. The regiments divide their tar- gets between their battalions; the battalions between the batteries. The actual conduct of fire reposes in the battery commander. The major's supervision is merely to assure himself of the captain's competency. In case of incompetency, the remedy is a removal of the battery commander, not taking over the battery commander's duties by the major. Defensive Combat. Fire called forth by activity of the enemy is defensive in cause, although it may lead to fire offensive in effect. The defensive fires are: (1) Counter-Battery. — An enemy battery firing upon our troops is, in turn, fired upon by our artillery. This fire, as a rule, is ordered by the brigade commander or commander of the heavy artillery ; but in the case of enemy's batteries whose location is known, and which it is desired to silence as often as they come into action and as rapidly as possible, authority to open fire may be given to the battalion or even the battery commander upon receipt of information that this battery is firing. (2) Reprisal Fire, — When friendly troops are being fired upon by enemy batteries which for any reason cannot be counter-batteried, our artillery fires upon corresponding enemy troops. This fire is ordered by the commander of the divisional artillery, generally at the request of the organization under fire. Reprisal fire may also accompany counter-battery fire. (3) Offensive Counter-Preparation. — This is a plan 136 THE ARMY OF 1918 of fire upon enemy organizations, trenches, command posts, batteries and assembly points. Its object is to break up enemy organizations before they can launch the assault. It is generally called by order of the com- mander of the divisional artillery, upon information of the assembling of hostile troops, heavy enemy bombard- ments, or other reasons leading him to believe an enemy attack is imminent. However, any commanding officer, upon receiving what appears to him sufficient evidence of a planned enemy attack, must not hesitate to put his artillery into action in his normal enemy counter-attack zone, or even, if he deems it justifiable, into one of his eventual zones. He will, of course, immediately pass the information on to his commanding officer. (4) Barrage. — Artillery barrage is principally the work of 75s and the principal duty of the 75s. The line of barrage is laid down by the chief of the divisional artillery, who may also call upon a part or all of the 155s to participate. Barrage is delivered at the request of the infantry, either by telephone or signal ; upon the request of the artillery liaison officer; or upon a call from an airplane, balloon or observation post; or when enemy bombardment or rifle fire leads any artillery commander to believe that barrage of his organization is called for. In order to deliver defensive fire without unnecessary delay, trail circulars will be marked at the points at which the trail shall rest for each normal and special barrage and counter-preparation. The weather cor- A FEW TECHNICAL POINTS 137 rections for each principal target will be kept up to the moment. The firing data for the different barrages and counter-preparations will be prepared separately for each gun and will be given to the chiefs of section. The executive's command for this fire are the name and number frequently repeated, as "Special barrage No. 2" or ''Counter-Preparation No. 1.'' Each section lays its piece and begins firing immediately. When a secondary barrage has been planned, the line of which runs across our territory and which is to be used only in the event the enemy takes our first posi- tions, the firing data will be prepared as in the normal barrage, but it will be kept at the battery command post, in a place where it can be easily reached but not confused with other documents. It will be handed to the chiefs of section only at the moment it is to be put into effect. Fire of opportunity is called for by an airplane, bal- loon or terrestrial observer when he sees enemy troops or transport within the zone of fire of our artillery. The best results are obtained by personal understand- ing between elements of command rather than upon rigid orders which cannot cover all possible contingen- cies. CHAPTER IX. Closeup Defense.— Due to a variety of reasons, among which may be mentioned the diffi- culty of moving the great number of batteries used on every front; the necessity of keeping horses far behind the batteries; the practice of shelling heavily the rear 138 THE ARMY OF 1918 areas, especially the roads ; the use of aviation which will discover batteries retreating in the open, even when defiladed from terrestrial view ; the efficiency of machine gun fire upon large targets, such as gun sections, even at long ranges ; the growth of counter-attack as a defensive measure, and the greater means of resistance furnished by emplaced batteries, barb wire entanglements and machine guns — the closeup defense of batteries has assumed a more important aspect than it held before this war broke out. Therefore, defensive measures for holding battery positions have been elaborated. The battery commander will reconnoiter the ground and be- gin his preparations for closeup defense as soon as he occupies a battery position. The guns will easily sweep all open territory in front of them. Attackers will have to come up some defiladed space or around a flank. Battery machine guns will be so placed as to sweep such approaches, and ranges will be measured to all points from which rifle and machine gun fire can be directed on the batteries. Preparations will be made to move the pieces as occasion may warrant; especially to fire to the flank, where they may take a whole enemy wave in enfilade. Wire entanglements will be built around the battery; concealed pits will be dug for bombers; hand grenades will be drawn and distributed among the pits. Where several batteries are grouped together, the officer who commands them all (major, colonel or brigadier general) will coordinate the plan of defense. All the machine guns will be placed according to a common plan. A FEW TECHNICAL POINTS 139 A veritable machine gun barrage even may be possible. The howitzers are less capable for use in closeup de- fense than the 75s. For this reason the personnel has been furnished with rifles. It is not improbable that these guns will be firing on some target of great im- portance, such as a river crossing. In this case, the de- fense should endeavor to leave a sufficient gun crew (four or five men per gun) to keep up this fire to the last moment. The skill and stubbornness of the closeup defense of battery positions may decide the fate of a battle. It may furnish an opportunity for the greatest individual distinction. CHAPTER X. The Food Question.— One of the most vital elements of this war is food. In the first place, there is a shortage of food all over the world. In the second place, transportation is limited and ave- nues of transportation are limited. A soldier who wastes any food not only robs some other mouth but does his share uselessly to congest our means of transportation. The rule, therefore, must be rigidly established that every soldier, officer or man must consume all the food he takes. The cook must be instructed not to prepare any large surplus of cooked food each meal. He must be rigidly compelled to serve all leftover food at the next meal. He should be encouraged to prepare soup, which will use up his bones and furnish valuable heat in the winter and liquid in a palatable form, water be- ing frequently unpalatable at the front. 140 THE ARMY OF 1918 Conclusion. — Less difficulty has been experienced in teaching officers the technique of artillery than in getting them to carry out the necessary works — to en- force the many rules of conduct which the making of war demands. An artillery officer is not a mere com- puter of figures or instrument man. He is primarily a commander. He must be ceaselessly vigilant to enforce compliance of all warlike regulations. In the foregoing I imagine that army haters will find considerable ^'Prussianism'' in the con- stant reference to * ^ Discipline ' ' and *' Enforce- ment of Orders.'' Between the soldier and the pacifist, political or otherwise, there lies a chasm nnbridgable becanse the former thinks, instructs and regulates in contemplation of daily peril and mortal combat, while the latter lives, breathes and has his being in exquisite comfort and perfect safety, determined never to risk life or limb or time for his country. The soldier imposes hard rules upon himself and his subordinates that his country may live. The pacifist preaches luxury of mind and body that he may profit at the expense of his fellow men. The civilian and the uniformed soldier lean, naturally, to the easy preachings. They do not comprehend the aw^ful penalties of A FEW TECHNICAL POINTS 141 disregarding military rule. To them, for instance, the rules of camouflage appear like the **Keep off the grass*' signs in the park. They ignore the fact that in the first the lives of men are at stake, while in the second merely those of a few blades of grass. To them absence without leave is like playing *' hookey '* from school; desertion, like quitting a job. They do not perceive that the uninterrupted presence of men is necessary not only to carry out the offensive moves of our com- mand but to counteract the unexpected moves of the enemy. The civilian beneficiaries of our victory fail to contemplate how terrible to them would have been the consequences of defeat. They are prone to take up all attacks on * 'military justice.'' They do not understand the consequences of a lax ad- ministration of military law. Not many weeks ago a one-armed boy called upon me to tell me that a disregard of my instruc- tions to hide from enemy airplanes had cost him his arm and had cost the lives of several of his comrades. He told how the headquarters com- pany, of which he was a member, had marched 142 THE ARMY OF 1918 at night to the proximity of the front and sought concealment in a woods. The next morning a German airplane flew overhead. Everybody ran out to gaze at the enemy. Almost immediately the German artillery concentration fell upon the woods. In my last days at Cantigny I was suffering severely from influenza and was unable to make my daily inspection. Most of the old officers had been evacuated from the same cause. On the day preceding the assault, however, I proceeded with assistance to inspect the observation posts — the eyes of the artillery. There I found a newly ar- rived lieutenant in charge, the men all exposed to enemy fire and not wearing their gas masks. A poet might say that any consequences of this carelessness to them would be upon their own heads, forgetting that men killed, for whatever fault, are none the less dead — they are losses to our army — ignoring the vital fact that whenever the artillery observers are killed or wounded the artillery is blind. In this case lack of training was responsible, but if it had been weakness or A FEW TECHNICAL POINTS 143 a desire to be an easy boss, of course, no penalty could be too severe for such offense. Men cannot be allowed, because of their laziness or carelessness, to jeopardize the lives of their comrades. The sentinel asleep on duty is not an heroic or a sentimental figure, even though it is accepted as a presidential perquisite to pardon him for the applause of the pacifists. The un- dutiful soldier in a well trained organization is as rare as a criminal in a church congregation. It is as much an insult to the men who wore the uniform to suggest that all enlisted men are po- tential defendants in courts-martial as to say that all citizens will probably come before our criminal courts. In all my service, and with several thousand troops, I can remember every criminal case. Two were for serious offenses against women. Two were for theft. One, a false charge of assault with a deadly weapon, which the judge advocate directed to have dismissed. Summary court cases, the police court cases of the army, were not much more numerous, and the only serious penalty ever inflicted in summary court was six months' con- 144 THE ARMY OF 1918 finement and loss of rank to a sergeant of long service who got himself and two young soldiers drunk in barracks when he should have been on duty. If others' experience was very different from mine, it must be because they served with worse troops and worse officers. CHAPTEE VII THE PURSUIT FEOM THE MARNB The defeat of the Germans in the second battle of the Marne furnished the occasion for giving the first American army corps command at the front. The French had wished to incorporate all the American divisions into French army corps, while the American high command desired to build up all- American organizations as fast as possible. On the side of the French contention it was urged that French losses in the war had greatly reduced the number of combatant troops, while leaving her general staffs, her army and her corps troops al- most intact. France, therefore, had a superfluity of corps commanders and corps staff officers who were first trained in the French school of high command, had benefited by the experience of four years of war, and now held their present posi- tions by demonstrated ability. No American, on the other hand, could meet any of these require- ments. Prior to our entry into the war no Ameri- 145 146 THE ARMY OF 1918 can officer had ever comrQanded so large a unit as a complete division. However, there were a number of men qualified to command divisions, because the duties of divi- sion commanders and the maneuvers to be ordered by them are only one step removed from those of regimental and brigade commanders, with which all studious officers of the regular army were con- versant. A division, moreover, like a brigade, regiment or battalion, is primarily an obeying organization, carrying out orders laid down with greater or less precision by a higher authority. From commanding a division to commanding a corps, however, there was a gap which any Ameri- can officer would find great difficulty in crossing. An army corps is a planning organization. It has to work out the complicated arrangements whereby a number of divisions move, relieve, or reinforce each other, and at the same time receive supplies and munitions; must place troops, sup- plies and munitions in such places that they can be readily used to meet unforeseen developments of battle ; must determine how great a force should be concentrated on each portion of the corps front. THE PURSUIT FROM THE MARNE 147 It must also order the very complicated disposal of the great quantities of artillery of different sizes and ranges, and make plans for the concen- trations of fire to destroy the enemy's defense or break his attack. Since early spring a high ranking American general and his staff had been attached to a French army corps for instruction to acquire the necessary technique to perform these duties. These officers had been for some time bending every effort to obtain command at the front. While the issue of the German offensive re- mained in doubt it was manifestly impossible to risk a disaster by confiding a large sector of the line to this inexperienced, insufficiently trained and untried corps organization. With the de- feat of the Germans, however, a new situation pre- sented itself which rendered the formation of the first American army corps at the front not only possible but advisable. All military text books require the vigorous pursuit of a retreating enemy. Against inferior troops vigorous pursuit has been crowned with success in this war, but wherever the retreating 148 THE ARMY OF 1918 troops have been of high order they have not only- conducted their retreats safely but, owing to the long range of modern cannon, aided by the deadly effect of concealed machine guns and the defensive strength of barbed wire entanglements, have in- flicted disproportionate losses upon their pur- suers. In 1914 the French had been able to retreat from the frontier as ordered and had attacked accord- ing to plan. The Germans, in turn, withdrew from the Mame, their rear guards checking the vigor- ous French pursuit with heavy loss, retired in order, and stopped at the Aisne. Now that an- other pursuit from the Marne was necessary, the French were neither anxious to conduct it them- selves nor to command American troops in a pro- ceeding which promised heavy losses with small prospects of strategic success. On the other hand, the Germans would be unable to take advantage of any blunders which the American army corps staff might make in conducting the pursuit. On July 30th I received orders to return home to command one of the new regiments being formed to proceed to France in the winter. I took THE PURSUIT FROM THE MARNE 149 advantage of the travel order to visit our troops in the pursuit from the Marne, stopping at each headquarters on the way forward. This brought me to our General Headquarters, to the staff of the First army, the staff of the First corps and to several division and brigade staffs. At each stopping place I was impressed by the high char- acter, the distinct force and the great native in- telligence of the officers. I also missed the per- fection of organization and easy running elasticity that characterized the French staffs which had been trained for years in the higher schools of war and had received their post-graduate course dur- ing four years at the front. The American com- munications were defective and the higher com- mands were not'by any means sufficiently informed of the location of their front lines. Eoad condi- tions back of the troops were far from satisfac- tory. The rules of road discipline had not been sufficiently taught to the trains which blocked each other, not only at junctions but even on straight stretches of wide turnpike. Military police were few and inefficient. This was the inevitable result of the short period of training. 150 THE ARMY OF 1918 The staff officers, who in normal times would have regulated the moving of the trains, were so taxed by their unaccustomed duties in this movement as not to have any reserve time to manage the in- dispensable service of the rear. Eventually I came up to an artillery colonel of long overseas service fuming with rage. He had reported to a brigadier general from a regular division recently arrived in Europe whose brigade he was to support. The artilleryman had been at the front several days supporting the infantry of his own division and should have been notified by a higher authority of the relief of the infantry. The first information, however, was from his own liaison officer, who telephoned that new infantry were coming into the front line. After waiting for some time for the new infantry brigade com- mander to send for him he had finally located the latter and after several hours * wait was still with- out word from the infantry commander of his plans or of the service he wished from the artil- lery. Let me say for the benefit of the uninitiated that in any division the commander of the artillery THE PURSUIT FROM THE MARNE 151 brigade lives beside the division commander, re- ceives his orders for artillery support, and advises him upon the technical possibilities of the artillery arm. In like manner the commander of each regi- ment of field pieces sits in with the commander of each infantry brigade, while the artillery battalion commander is in close touch with the commanders * of infantry regiments. The preliminary military education of the infantry brigadier in this case had not taught him how to avail himself of his artillery support and his sojourn in France had been too short for him to learn it before entering the lines. Perhaps this fault might have been remedied at division headquarters except for the fact that the general commanding the artillery brigade himself had only just landed in France without any preliminary study or observation and had been ordered to the front to replace a general from the engineering corps who now, for the sec- ond time, had been relieved from command of an artillery brigade because of his inability to grasp the duties and maneuvers of that arm. In the summer of 1918 the lower ranks were 152 THE ARMY OF 1918 very much farther along their road than were the staffs and senior officers. The public seems to be fairly well educated to the necessity of training soldiers, but it has not yet been impressed with the greater necessity of training officers. It is easier to make a soldier than to make a staff officer and to perfect a com- pany organization than to perfect a general staff or produce a general. Instances of inefficiency or insufficient training on the part of general officers in the pursuit from the Marne aboimd. Time and again infantry were ordered to attack without artillery assistance, al- though the artillery was in position and ready to fire. Formations were frequently used which, while laid down in text books before the war, had been proven obsolete in actual experience. A great deal of greenness among the junior officers also showed itself. Troops came under enemy fire while still in column and bodies of soldiers crossed the skyline and approached the Germans in full view, when with a little maneuvering they might have kept behind a crest or a woods and have avoided detection. Efforts at concealment from THE PURSUIT FROM THE MARNE 153 airplane observation also left mncli to be desired. On the other hand, both officers and men demon- strated upon every occasion their willingness to attack the enemy irrespective of loss. This qual- ity is one which can be attained by the troops of only a few nations and by them only after suffi- cient training and an infusion of the proper dis- cipline. It is a glory not only to the troops but to the men who led them and to the higher officers who inspired their training that they had acquired in one year a power of self-immolation for which military text books state two years is the irre- ducible minimum. The imperfection of training of our troops and the incapacity of some of their commanding offi- cers made our casualties unduly large. However, they did not prevent a continuous and heavy pres- sure on the German rear. If, as in 1914, the Ger- mans withdrew successfully from position to posi- tion and stopped upon the line they had chosen, they were still further tired and so much nearer the breakdown, and their losses, moreover, irre- placeable. The American troops which survived were the better for the ordeal. They learned many 154 THE ARMY OF 1918 valuable lessons. They had increased confidence in themselves, and those officers who themselves were unable to keep up and absorb the lessons of war were beginning to show their incapacity to the higher command. The soldiers covered themselves withi glory. The sins of the pacifists filled many graves. CHAPTER VIII THE AMERICAN OFFENSIVES The pursuit of the Germans after their repulse at the Mame in July, 1918, ended one of the closing chapters in the world war. Secure from defeat, the allies began a long and systematic preparation to win a victory. This plan they soon abandoned to embark upon the successful and final campaign in the fall of the year. Congress, meanwhile, legislated to extend the age provisions of the draft act in order to raise another army of a million men. The general staff in Washington instructed General Pershing to send home officers experienced in combat to com- mand new regiments and battalions. As I was among the number ordered back, I visited general headquarters in hopes of having the order re- scinded so far as it applied to me. My old friends in the intelligence department, while sympathizing with my view, declared that the war would con- tinue for two or three years. A high ranking 155 156 THE ARMY OF 1918 artillery officer jokingly said I would miss the summer campaign, but would return in time to spend another winter in the trenches. The commander-in-chief pleasantly but firmly refused my request, saying that the important movements were over for the year, and that the essential work ahead was to bring another army of a million Americans to France by March, 1919. I intrude this personal experience merely to show the opinion of our high command in August, 1918, as to the duration of the war. Since the termination of hostilities I have learned from those in authority that the British held the same views. It was on the 5th of August that I visited our general staff. Three weeks later in Washington I was told by a member of our diplomatic service that the war would be over in a month or two. The reasons for this diametrically opposite forecast have never been made public. Undoubtedly, the successful Franco-British offensives of August 8th and 21st had something to do with it. I imagine that information obtained by our secret service from the Central Powers also was partly THE AMERICAN OFFENSIVES 157 responsible. I surmise as an obvious fact that our secret service agents were in touch with the German revolutionaries, just as German secret service operatives were in communication with malcontents in allied countries. Our men may have received information concerning the internal condition of Germany which was not known even to the German authorities. At all events the decision to assume a vigorous offensive at once was reached by the allies. The return of officers to America to train the new army was stopped. The flow of American reinforce- ments to France continued in a steady stream, although there was not sufficient food in sight to feed them in the event of a repulse of the allied offensive or a successful resumption of the Ger- man submarine campaign. There were not even arms enough to equip them. From the end of March, Marshal Foch had com- mand of all the allied forces. He had been con- strained to act strictly on the defensive until July 18th, when the American and French attack near Soissons relieved the German pressure on the west side of the salient and compelled its evacuation. 158 THE ARMY OF 1918 In the Franco-British attacks of August 8th and 21st American infantry participated vigor- ously; but their achievements are not the fuU measure of American contribution to the victory. We have seen, in a previous chapter, how the American 1st army corps pounded the retreat- ing Germans. If no immediate advantage from this costly maneuver was visible, the harvest of this American sowing was reaped in Picardy by our French and British allies. Ludendorff in his book tells how the divisions in reserve in Picardy were shifted to resist and to stand behind the sec- tor the Americans had punished so hard. Without the heavy American attacks on the German rear guard, from the Marne to the Vesle, with conse- quent heavy American losses, the Franco-British success of August 8th would not have been pos- sible. The initiative was again in Foch's hands and it remained with him to the end of the war. He now had a larger, better equipped and a less fatigued army than Ludendorff. A fundamental principle of war is to mass a greater number of troops against a lesser num- THE AMERICAN OFFENSIVES 159 ber of troops and defeat the smaller number. The principle has one drawback; namely, when the greater number is successfully massed against the smaller number, but fails to defeat that smaller number, the attacker has exhausted and disor- ganized a greater number of troops than has the defender, and has created a situation where his opponent has larger numbers of fresh, organized troops than himself. He has created the oppor- tunity for successful counter-attack. History shows that when the defending general has taken advantage of this situation, most disastrous re- sults have attended the attacker. The successful defensive-offensive battles of the world have been the most decisive. In the Spring the Germans threw superior num- bers against the British and defeated them. They were stopped by the arrival of French reinforce- ments, whose great exertions, as well as numbers engaged, however, were much less than those of the attacking Grermans, because the French re- inforcements simply moved by roads and, to a great extent, in automobile trucks and trains, while the German attackers, after concentrating 160 THE ARMY OF 1918 with great effort, had advanced, fighting, through ravines and across plowed fields. Ludendorff had struck successfully twice more, and twice unsuc- cessfully, before Foch unleashed his counter- stroke on July 18th. By August all the German troops were tired; the British army had enjoyed comparative rest since April, and the American army, crossing the ocean in a steady flow, was fully effective as a re- serve. The experienced troops already were be- ing used in offensive action; the partly trained troops were in line in quiet sectors, gaining ex- perience, wearing down their tired adversaries, and at the same time releasing veteran troops for maneuver. The newest arrivals were in train- ing camps, and the day they would be ready to enter the line could be figured mathematically. The English and French continued a vigorous of- fensive in Picardy and Flanders, while the tired American divisions of the Marne salient were re- organized and prepared for further battle. Upon this occasion the American authority was extended. General Pershing in person took the field as commander of the American 1st army, THE AMERICAN OFFENSIVES 161 under the command of General Petain as army group commander. The St. Mihiel salient was selected as the ground for the operation. Some controversy has arisen as to who planned the battle of St. Mihiel. Some say the plans were drawn by the American 1st army staff and ac- cepted without revision by General Petain. Others say they were French plans and accepted in their entirety by the Americans. Between these state- ments there seems but little purpose in argument. Indeed, the general plan of operation was obvious. Of course, all the technique that was used in the battle of St. Mihiel had been acquired by us from the French. We had accepted their organiza- tion of infantry regiments and had learned our minor tactics under their instructors. Our ar- tillery was entirely armed with French guns, the power and limitations of which only the French could know. All our tanks were made in France, and the aviation was principally French and Eng- lish. The organization of the artillery fire was, for the most part, under French officers serving in the American army as ^* chiefs of corps artillery." Furthermore, the American 1st army still lacked 162 THE ARMY OF 1918 a great deal of the equipment necessary to conduct army operations, and this, with its personnel, was lent by General Petain. It is not by hiding the military shortcomings of the American government behind the brilliant achievements of American soldiers that we are going to save future Americans from the handi- caps under which we fought the war. Nor is it fair to our fallen companions, nor to future gen- erations, that we should claim credit for military excellence that Congress and our executives had put beyond our powers to attain. The French had begun to organize the St. Mihiel salient for an attack before the American 1st di- vision occupied it in January, 1918. They sup- plied all the materiel; and they furnished prac- tically all the technical and tactical services. If the American staff officers did write the orders for the attack, they did it after having studied under French commanders for fifteen months, and they could not have done so when they arrived in France. America 's contribution to the battle was 500,000 men. Officers and men had learned in France THE AMERICAN OFFENSIVES 163 what American pacifists had forbidden them to learn at home — how to maneuver in modern bat- tle; and they were willing to suffer untold hard- ships and advance unflinchingly against the enemy. Americans glory is that American troops went forward across muddy fields, at heart-break- ing speed, carrying out well-prepared orders, and by the very vigor of their assault paralyzing the German defense. For Ihe battle of St. Mihiel, which was the first American offensive on a great scale, and yet not one requiring the entire American strength in France, General Pershing had assembled sub- stantially all of his better trained divisions and his three best organized army corps staffs. Even while preparing for this battle he also was preparing for a larger battle, since known as the Battle of the Argonne. The battle of the Argonne was projected by Marshal Foch as a gigantic maneuver in which the American 1st army to the east of the forest and the French 4th army to the west were to advance side by side, outflanking this formidable defense. General Foch had wished to constitute two 164 THE ARMY OF 1918 Franco-American armies under French army commanders. Doubtless, lie felt greater confi- dence in his better trained, more experienced and fully tried French army commanders than he did in the American high command. He also was in- fluenced by the fact that French armies possessed all the technical equipment and transportation necessary to the conduct of armies, while the American armies did not. He may or may not have been influenced by personal and national considerations. Because of its enormous losses, the French army had decreased in size, throwing out of employment a number of generals and staff ofiicers who were anxious to command American troops. There was national advantage also in having French generals commanding American troops at the end of the war. General Foch's plan would have been correct if a long war had been in prospect. The end was in sight, however, and it was essential for Ameri- cans position at the peace table, and for American safety after the peace, that the closing of hos- tilities should leave an American army in the field THE AMERICAN OFFENSIVES 165 under command of generals experienced and proven in battle. General Pershing", therefore, was right in lead- ing an all American army into the Argonne and in borrowing such French equipment and such staff and other officers as he needed. It is not my purpose to cull from official and unofficial accounts the progress of the forty days' battle, but to point out circumstances which are of value to our army and which have not received sufficient recognition. The American 1st army was not a well oiled machine. It was lacking in many essential re- spects : it was short of its own artillery, of trans- port, of signal equipment, of aviation, of horses ; and, as indicated before, many of its divisions were not complete. It also was deplorably weak in generals. For his initial assault between the Argonne and the Meuse General Pershing chose his least ex- perienced divisions. Indeed, most of these units were not divisions at all, because they did not possess their divisional artillery. A division con- sists of infantry, artillery and auxiliary troops, all 166 THE ARMY OF 1918 of which should be trained to act together for the common benefit. A division without artillery is as incomplete as an infantry regiment without machine guns. It will be remembered that the exigencies of the allies following the defeat of March 21st had in- duced or compelled the Americans to send over in- fantry without artillery. In consequence, these infantry organizations were forced to fight through the Argonne battle without their divi- sional artillery, a handicap which cost them severely in loss of life, but which their valor over- came. These lost lives cannot be blamed upon any section of the American army. Our allies are re- sponsible to a certain degree, but, of course, the chief blame rests upon those pacifists who pre- vented us from being prepared to protect our soldiers in this war. Looking back with a perspective of more than a year, it is safe to say that General Pershing was absolutely right in engaging his less organized and less trained troops, while holding his better organized and trained troops in reserve, as Napoleon was wont to employ his Imperial Guard. THE AMERICAN OFFENSIVES 167 The hardest part of an offensive, under conditions of modern artillery preparation, is not the first assault, but the more or less confused battle which develops as the troops move forward. It has been suggested by students of the battle that if the best troops had been used in the initial assault, the war might have been terminated that week of September 26-October 2. Never were troops more surprised than were the Germans on the morning of the Argonne attack. Only five divisions opposed the American advance, which penetrated deeply from the first day and almost broke through the line before German reserves were brought up on the third day. It has been argued that if the seasoned divisions, assisted by their divisional artillery, had made the first attack they certainly would have broken clear through the German line and compelled a retirement which would have given us Sedan before the week end. If we could be sure that this is what would have happened, we can agree that it would have been better to engage the seasoned divisions ; but noth- ing is certain in war, and least of all the moves of your opponent. 168 THE ARMY OF 1918 As the battle was fought German reserves and American reinforcements simultaneously arrived upon the scene, and there, in a series of bitter en- gagements called the second phase of the battle, the Aanericans constantly gained ground until brought to a stand on October 14th. If the trained divisions had been used, and if they had broken the German line the first or second day, a general German collapse might have resulted; yet, other things might have happened. Driven by the im- minence of their destruction, the Germans might have massed a larger number of reserves, and our trained assault divisions might have faced battle, tired and farther from their bases than they were when they entered the second phase as fresh troops. If the American veterans had become ex- hausted, they would have had to be relieved by less experienced and less trained troops, and the very reverse of a complete victory might have taken place. Tested by the possibility of unexpected success. General Pershing *s judgment remains sound. Tested by the possibility of mischance, it was equally correct. What if the American and the THE AMERICAN OFFENSIVES 169 Frencli intelligence had been mistaken as to the number of German troops in readiness for the defense? What if the assault had met such a devastating fire as shriveled up the army of Gen- eral Nivelle in 1917 and destroyed the best assault divisions of France? General Pershing's conduct is justified by every analysis. His army marched through to victory. Let it not be forgotten that General Ludendorff's brilliant breaches of our lines in March and May, in which he used his as- sault troops to break the line, led him to disaster. Of the great difficulties under which insuffi- ciently trained and organized divisions labored there is, unfortunately, no comprehensive and au- thentic record. In all of them knowledge of mod- ern battle conditions was wanting. They had re- ceived their trench mortars and their infantry cannons only a short time before and did not know how to use them. Some regiments marched through the whole campaign without taking these indispensable weapons from their trains. They were, in consequence, badly in need of materiel with which to attack German machine gun nests at close range. Not understanding their own arms, 170 THE ARMY OF 1918 and still less imderstandiiig the artillery arm, they called for 75s to accompany the infantry. Unfortunately, they did not furnish the drivers with sabers or sharpen the teeth of the horses — the only way in which they could have expected to hurt the enemy with 75s on the infantry firing line. The modern field piece is a long range weapon. It ranges up to 11,000 meters and is most effective between 7,000 and 2,500 meters. At a less range than that, because of its flat trajectory, its diffi- culty of concealment and of transportation, it is no match for the machine gun, the infantry can- non or the long range trench mortar. Even so, a school of officers has been formed which desires to return our artillery to the role it played in the days of the Civil War, when artillery losses were large and artillery results small. They have cited in support of their contentions the use of the field piece by the Germans in infantry waves. The point is not at all well taken. The Germans lacked tanks and had to seek fire power in the front line by other means. For this they used an ample number of trench mortars very superior to those THE AMERICAN OFFENSIVES 171 of tlie allies. They made special mounts on low wheels for a small number of 77 m.m. guns to serve certain special purposes. Finally, they did engage some 77s at close range with very bad re- sults. This maneuver was not a development of the war but a remaining erroneous fragment of their former artillery instruction. A very good impression of what an under- trained division suffered can be had by studying the testimony before the Senate committee sup- porting and contradicting the charges of Governor Allen of Kansas, and from the history of the 35th Division. From the latter I extract a communication from the chief of staff of the 1st army to the commander of the division : HEADQUARTERS, FIRST ARMY AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES, FRANCE Office of the Chief of Staff October 26, 1918. From: Chief of Staff, 1st Army. To : Commanding General, 35th Division. Subject: Conclusion of an inspection of the con- 172 THE ARMY OP 1918 duct of the 35t]i Division during attack in recent operations. 1. The Army Commander directs me to transmit to you the following conclusions of an inspection of the conduct of the 35th Division during its at- tack in our recent operations. He desires that these conclusions be given the greatest weight in the organization and training of your Division. 2. These conclusions have been deduced from the testimony of several eye-witnesses and are transmitted to you with the desire not only to point out the causes for undesirable conditions but also to give you a basis for the future train- ing of the 35th Division. Conclusions: 1st. That the 35th Division at the commence- ment of operations, September 26th, was not a well disciplined combat unit, and the many officers with the Division were not well-trained leaders. 2nd. That the Division Staff was not efficient or well organized. 3rd. That the changes in the Staff and Brigade and Eegimental Commanders greatly handi- THE AMERICAN OFFENSIVES 173 capped the Division Commander in the proper functioning of his Division. 4th. That after the attack started there was no system of liaison. Even the runner failed to fol- low the axis of liaison prescribed. 5th. That brigade and regimental commanders failed to make use of the means of liaison at their disposal and failed to keep in touch with their higher commanders. 6th. That the failure of all commanders to keep a headquarters established where communications could be received was inexcusable. 7th. That the action of brigade and regimental commanders in going far to the front and out of all communication resulted in their having no more effect on the action than so many company or platoon commanders, and prevented the head- quarters in rear from sending orders to units in front. 8th. That if commanders had remained in their headquarters or made provisions for messages reaching them immediately, they would have been able to have had a fair knowledge of conditions, 174 THE ARMY OF 1918 and perhaps have straightened out the many diffi- culties that arose. 9th. That the intermingling, confusion and straggling which commenced shortly after H hour showed poor discipline, lack of leadership, and probably poor preparation. 10th. That it was a serious error for both the Division Commander and the Chief of Staff to leave their Headquarters at the same time. 11th. That the nve attacks which the Division made followed each other so closely that there was no opportunity after the evening of Septem- ber 26th to reorganize and get the various units in hand. 12th. That after September 27th the Division was really one in name only, as maneuvering power with intact units, except the Engineers, ceased to exist. 13th. That the casualties among the officers were undoubtedly responsible for a great deal of the disorganization. 14th. That most of the straggling and confu- sion was caused by men getting lost and not hav- ing leaders, and not from any deliberate design THE AMERICAN OFFENSIVES 175 to go to the rear in order to avoid further fighting. 15th. That the fighting spirit and bravery of officers and men were excellent. 16th. That the failure to have telephone and wireless communication forward to include Regi- ments, and the failure to use the proper code call to Corps Headquarters, was due to the inefficiency of Lt. Colonel George A. Wieczorek, Signal Corps, then Division Signal Officer. 17th. That the Artillery Commander, Brig. Gen. L. G. Berry, failed to cooperate with and make full use of the Air Service until ordered to do so. H. A. DRUM, Chief of Staff. The criticism seems sweeping, the more so that the division commander and brigade commanders and a part of the colonels were officers of our regu- lar army who would be supposed by the general public to know the principles so confidently set down by General Drum. The fact is that few, if any, of our regular officers knew any of these principles before they went to France, and, of course, no other officers did. 176 THE ARMY OF 1918 It must not be thought that disorganization in the army was confined to National Guard troops. An excellent article in the Field Artillery Journal shows the complete disorganization of the 3rd artillery brigade in the battle of July 15th. This brigade was gallant, as were all American troops, but its commanding officer and its colonels had rendered themselves powerless to exert the slight- est influence upon the course of the combat. Indeed, officers of the 1st division will remem- ber in their early training maneuvers a simulated attack against an imaginary enemy which broke down solely through the inability of officers of all ranks to carry out the parts assigned to them by their instructors. It is training and experience, not inspiration and valor alone, which make pos- sible success in modern warfare. To the difficulties arising from lack of training were added in many instances unskillful general- ship. It has long been the law in America that general officers shall be appointed by the President, sub- ject to the confirmation of the Senate. In the emergency of a war for which he had refused to THE AMERICAN OFFENSIVES 177 prepare, the executive was unwilling to assume this responsibility and called upon a number of high ranking officers in the war college to recom- mend a method for selecting general officers. This board recommended that all officers not notori- ously incompetent should be promoted in the order of seniority in the regular service and that all officers upon reaching the retiring age of 64 should be retired from any service. The ruling was made upon the assumption that a soldier was senile at 64 but at the height of his power at 63 years, 11 months and 30 days. The rule also held that a regular army officer of every branch was equally competent to command in any other branch. An engineer might command artil- lery, a cavalryman tanks, or an artilleryman avia- tion, although, as turned out to be the case, he might never have given ^Ye minutes' thought fo these services before his assignment. It was also the doctrine that a general officer needed no train- ing and that failure to command successfully, which led to his removal from one command, did not incapacitate him for reassignment to a newer 178 THE ARMY OF 1918 and less experienced organization, wMcli, there- fore, needed a still abler commander. The creation of generals by seniority was popu- lar in the regular army because while under it many inexcusable promotions were made, and many ridiculous assignments, still every officer in the service received more than enough promotion to satisfy his natural ambition and every one was saved the humiliation and even the danger of humiliation of being overslaughed ; that is to say, of having an officer junior to him in the service promoted over his head. The rule adopted was carried through syste- matically and no consideration of the good of the service or the lives of soldiers was allowed to in- terfere with the course of promotion. Officers ap- proaching the retiring age were assigned to duty or given high commands or sent on to visit the battle front as though to prepare them for active service and then retired as the clock struck their sixty-fourth birthday. Not only was the time spent on their training wasted, but the experience of their successors was delayed by so much, and divisions whose commanders had just been retired THE AMERICAN OFFENSIVES 179 were sent overseas under generals they did not know and who did not know them. I believe that General Pershing was bitterly op- posed to this rule. In the higher commands which came under his personal supervision he made as- signments without reference to seniority, but in a great army where generals are numbered by the hundreds the assignments and removals, or most of them, had to be done by rule, and the rule was that every general, from whatever branch of the service, should be considered competent to com- mand every other branch until he had proven his incapacity beyond the reasonable doubt of staff officers remote from the actual scene of hostilities. Late in the war, when the qualifications of vari- ous officers had been made plain, the removals of generals became so common as to provoke much comment and some resentment. Even if injustice may have been shown toward a few individuals, it was as nothing compared to the frightful in- justice to the millions of soldiers whose lives had been jeopardized, and many of them forfeited, while a few generals were being given a **full and fair'' try-out. 180 THE ARMY OF 1918 The re^lar army is not and is not intended to be a self-governing organization. The very prin- ciple of all military organization is subordination to a higher authority. "Wherever soldiers of any rank are allowed to select their leaders intolerable harm is done. We learned from the Civil War and other wars not to allow enlisted soldiers to select their company officers. Our government, unfortu- nately, did not understand that it should not allow commissioned officers to select their generals. To be sure, a strong policy aimed toward the appoint- ment of the most competent soldiers to high com- mand would have bred a great deal of ill-feeling among the officers not so chosen, but any method of selection would have been better than that of pure seniority. On the basis of military educa- tion, the chief engineer of any railroad would be as competent to command a division as an army engineer whose life had been spent building break- waters and dredging rivers, while the head of any manufacturing concern would have more natural qualifications to command the aircraft organiza- tion than any officer in the United States army. The chief blame for this great evil must lie THE AMERICAN OFFENSIVES 181 where the Constitution puts it, on the eonunander- in-chief of the United States army and upon his secretary of war, rather than upon the unfortu- nate committee of soldiers upon whom was loaded the responsibility and who proved unable to resist the impulses of ambition and the importunities of life-long friends. In the divisions that first came to France con- siderable progress in weeding out incompetents was made, more noticeably in the lower ranks than among the general officers ; but in the newly arrived divisions little of either was possible. Con- sequently there resulted a great deal of mishan- dling of troops at a time when skillful leadership was more than ever essential. As early as the second day of the Argonne the removal of general officers began, and it continued in increasing numbers until the end. The failure to provide the army with the best available generals caused two hardships to the men : First, the hardship of serving under incom- petents; second, after the removal of these, the hardship of serving under new officers, frequently assigned from strange organizations. 18^ THE ARMY OF 1918 Among hundreds of stories concerning tlie ig- norance of general officers throughout the war, I give three, because I have proven their authen- ticity : A battery of artillery was skillfully camouflaged at the edge of a muddy, much traveled road. Pass- ing vehicles threw mud over the camouflage and onto the guns, thus improving the camouflage. A general officer, after complaining several times of the dirty guns, ordered the road back of the bat- tery position to be swept clean and kept so. For the information of civilians, I will explain that a German air photograph showing a traveled road swept clean for a length of one hundred yards would cause such attention to be directed to that spot as would certainly discover the battery. This general was not an incompetent; he was merely new to warfare. Afterwards he attained high rank in the army. An infantry major, in advancing, left two of his companies under cover, and went forward with two. Experiencing stubborn resistance, he sent a runner to bring up the two companies in support. The runner met a general but recently arrived THE AMERICAN OFFENSIVES 183 from America and assigned to command a brigade. ^^Here, where are you going?" shouted the gen- eral. ^*I am carrying an order to bring up the sup- porting companies of the battalion, sir," replied the runner. *^Well, I will have you understand that nobody in my brigade goes to the rear," answered the general. *^You return to your company." When the runner reached his battalion com- mand post he reported to the major, who again sent him back for the two companies, with orders to hide behind a bush if he saw any general officers coming along! During the advance in the latter days of the Argonne, an infantry battalion was ordered to clear out a ravine, a mile and a quarter long, oc- cupied by the Germans. Shortly before H hour the division commander met a battery of artillery changing position. He halted it and directed the captain to unlimber and execute **a heavy bar- rage" on the ravine for twenty minutes. He then sent a message to the battalion com- mander to delay his attack, as he had ordered a 184 THE ARMY OF 1918 heavy artillery barrage on the ravine to precede the assault. The major, who had already begun his attack, anticipating a devastating flood of shell, pulled his men back to await the artillery fire. The artilleryman, being in a position where he could obtain no observation of the ravine, and having no time to orient his position to obtain ac- curate fire, merely assured himself that his range was sufficient to clear the American troops and fired for twenty minutes. The infantry major did not even perceive the artillery fire, so wild and thin it was; he lost three hours and a half waiting for assistance which had never been pos- sible. To deliver supporting fire to an attack a bat- tery of 75s should not be given a front of more than 200 yards to sweep; and unless it has ob- servation to regulate, it must have accurate maps and orienting data. This division commander, whose function it was, among other things, to command three regi- ments of artillery, did not know even the simplest principles of artillery fire. But I do not blame THE AMERICAN OFFENSIVES 185 the general; he was an energetic and gallant offi- cer. I do feel, though, that the army is to blame for raising to the rank of major generals officers who had not been instructed in the arms which they were to employ. The first phase of the Argonne consisted of the initial assault of the greener divisions of the army. This assault lost momentum as the divi- sions became exhausted or disorganized. New di- visions took their places as fast as they could be moved over congested roads, and, German rein- forcements arriving, there ensued a period of dis- jointed attacks known as the second phase. In this respect the battles of the Argonne re- semble those of Verdun and the Somme with the exception that now the allies were so greatly pre- ponderant in numbers of men and munitions that a battle of attrition was as certain to end in vic- tory as in former cases it was bound to be inde- cisive. For this reason the policy of continuing the assault night and day with all the means at hand deserved the highest military commendation. The minor tactics employed, however, cannot receive the same degree of praise. The second 186 THE ARMY OF 1918 phase of the Argonne was strategically successful in that it wore down the weakening enemy. Tac- tically, it was a series of failures. Soldiers are taught that a tactical victory consists of posses- sion of the battlefield at the end of the action. In the days of spears and shock tactics this was clearly the case. Leaders sought security in the superiority of the location of the ground upon which they placed their troops and upon the rigid- ity of their formation. Pushed off this ground, the troops inevitably lost the regularity of their order and were doubly defeated. When firearms again brought extreme mobility into warfare the advantage of holding a certain piece of ground decreased to the vanishing point. The English troops on King's Mountain were at a disadvantage and their successive successful charges against the Tennessee militia were totally unavailing because these never stood before the enemy, but kept shooting at him from all sides. The introduction of artillery into mobile war- fare gave to possession of the battlefield its old importance. No matter how mobile the artillery, once engaged it could not be withdrawn from be- THE AMERICAN OFFENSIVES 187 fore a vigorous attack. Placed practically in line with its infantry, sometimes in front of it, it was doomed to capture, if the infantry were driven back. Conquest of the battlefield, therefore, meant conquest of the enemy ^s artillery, and as an army, no matter how mobile, without artillery cannot op- pose an army with artillery, it meant victory. The long range of modern artillery lent a new aspect to warfare — ^what is termed the ** depth'' of the battlefield. Where Napoleon's cavalry could re-form in per- fect security a few hundred yards distant from the British squares at Waterloo, the modern soldier is in range of the enemy at many miles. In mod- ern defensive warfare artillery may be placed sev- eral thousand meters behind the infantry line and fire upon the enemy at varying distances in front of the line, according to the range of the guns. In a previous chapter it has been related how General Gouraud planned his defensive battle of Champagne in depth and withdrew his infantry from position to position while firing upon the ad- vancing Germans with cannon, machine guns and rifles. So far had he extended this principle that 188 THE ARMY OF 1918 some of his artillery could not reach the Germans until they had advanced a considerable distance inside the original French first line. Under these conditions a tactical success can only be gained by an advance which overruns and captures the defensive artillery. Any advance less than this is merely a march forward under enemy fire which becomes more effective at every step, while the protecting barrage of the offensive artillery gives less support. When the assault is stopped, if it is stopped short of the defensive ar- tillery, the defensive artillery is moved back. Under these circumstances the attacker must suf- fer much more heavily than the defender. Many mistakes were made in the Argonne in ordering attacks which did not even contemplate overrunning the enemy *s artillery, and these in spite of the fact that the tactical principle above enunciated had been acted upon by American troops when on the defensive and should have been thoroughly understood by all general and staff ofiicers. The appreciation of this principle is the line of demarcation between the second and third periods THE AMERICAN OFFENSIVES 189 of the battle. For the decisive attack all available artillery was mobilized on the front of the 5th corps. Both the corps commander and the chief of the corps artillery were skillful officers whose experience dated back to the early days of the 1st division. All the artillery was organized to fire according to one comprehensive plan. The rolling barrage was planned to sweep 11,000 meters. The infantry was ordered to capture all the enemy defenses, however deep. The assault was a complete success. Everywhere the German infantry was thrown back and finally the 2nd divi- sion broke clear through and opened the road to Sedan. The Argonne will be known as Pershing's battle and so brings up the personality of the com- mander-in-chief. One of the questions I am asked most frequently is: What about Pershing? "What do you think of Pershing! What was Pershing, anyhow? I can add no details to the story of General Persh- ing's early career. He is a graduate of West Point. At the battle of Santiago, Cuba, he com- manded a troop of cavalry. In the Philippines he 190 THE ARMY OF 1918 attracted attention by his aggressiveness in a campaign against one of tlie savage tribes. Pres- ident Roosevelt, in his process of vitalizing the Regular army and changing it from a constabulary into a military force, promoted him from the rank of captain to that of brigadier general. In 1916 he commanded the unsuccessful expedition to cap- ture Francisco Villa. His conduct of this expedi- tion received general commendation, it being thor- oughly understood that the limitations put upon him by the War Department made his success impossible. "When he was ordered to Europe in 1917 as commander-in-chief he was generally recognized as the proper man for the place, if General Wood was to be passed over. I met him for the first time in Paris, and my acquaintanceship with him was only that of a major on staff duty with his commanding general. From the day I reported to duty I have seen him five times. In August, 1917, he sent for me to receive my report of Erzberger's secret peace offer to the allies, of which I have spoken before. The second time was when I asked permission to leave staff duty for the line. And I saw him twice THE AMERICAN OFFENSIVES 191 during his inspections of the front, the last time during a heavy German artillery fire. I mention this because of the pusillanimous suggestion that General Pershing absented himself from the firing line. I saw him last when I asked to remain in France.* The demands upon General Pershing were varied and difficult. For the first few months after his arrival in Europe he was compelled to appear at many places as tangible evidence of the coming of the American army. He had to receive receptions, eulogies and flatteries such as never before were showered upon an American officer. His friends wondered whether he could keep his head after such ovations. He could and he did. He was responsible for the organization that was to receive, transport, feed, equip and munition the huge army coming from America with nothing but the clothes on its back. This task was suc- cessfully accomplished. In March, 1918, he had to make one of the gravest military decisions that ever confronted a general. The allies were being *I have met General Pershing twice since this chapter was written. 192 THE ARMY OF 1918 badly beaten. Within the next two months they might be defeated and destroyed. Americans reaching France could not be made effective fight- ing forces in twice that time. Should he bring them over and risk their cap- ture or destruction by a victorious enemy before they were capable of fighting, or should he leave them safely in America, where they could protect our shores against a triumphant foe I People who see only that the Germans were finally overcome can never realize how close the Kaiser came to victory, and they never will ap- preciate how momentous was the problem faced by ijreneral Pershing. Another might have taken the safer but the weaker course. In September he was compelled to decide the question of putting our newly arrived troops into the offensive while unequipped and untrained. Under other circumstances it would have been criminal to put many of these formations into a major battle. Only in the last extremity of defeat or to secure a victory almost within grasp should the newly arrived divisions have been allowed to fight a trained and still organized enemy. The THE AMERICAN OFFENSIVES 19S second condition existed, and General Pershing showed irreproachable military judgment in throwing every resource of his command, every soldier, trained and untrained, into the fire. The Battle pf the Argonne in a measure re- sembles the Battle of the Wilderness. With the superiority of force at our disposal only an iron will to hammer away irrespective of loss was necessary. But this quality was indispensable. Our losses inevitably would be enormous and our efforts not spectacular. Criticisms of the Argonne we have had, and more will be forth- coming, and very just ones; but there can be no fair criticism of General Pershing for throwing every available man into the attack that ended the war. We got only the armistice as a result, and a peace. If the Germans could definitely have stopped the allied advance before winter, how much worse might be the plight of the world to- day! What heights General Pershing might have at- tained as a strategist or a tactician had he been in the war long enough to learn all that the Russian^ 194 THE ARMY OF 1918 French and German generals knew, it is futile to ask. No man can do more than meet an emerg- ency. Pershing did this. For the numerous vexa- tions, inconveniences, and even unnecessary hard- ships which our troops underwent let us place the blame where it belongs — on America's refusal to prepare for war — and not hold responsible men who did their best in a hurry and with the few miserable tools they were given. It may be remarked in closing that General Per- shing is not an officer who rose according to regu- lar army methods. While still a captain he was picked out for high command. If all the other American generals had been selected in the same way our success would have been greater. CHAPTER IX SOME ELEMENTS OF NATIONAL DEFENSE The armistice found the army still vigorous and its efficiency much increased by its experience in the great battle. Men of real military power had come to the front — and, not the least important, were fully aware that they had not learned all there was in the military art. Schools were im- mediately formed to study the lessons of the cam- paign and maneuvers were held to in&truct all arms and all ranks in the evolutions which had proven the most successful and the most econom- ical of human life. The American army had ap- proached — perhaps it had reached — the stage where it could function without the assistance of French officers. Let it be our effort to continue the development of our military from the point it attained in the war and not let it drop back to a position where it will need foreign arms and a yearns instruction 195 196 THE ARMY OF 1918 by foreign officers, under the protection of a for- eign navy, to get ready for the field. We have demobilized. This was necessary. We have, however, given up every form of organiza- tion which we so painfully built up during the war and which we will need to protect us in any strug- gle which the rivalries of the world may force upon us. Surely, an intelligent people will not allow this condition of helplessness to continue. Enough time has passed to cool any ill-will which has sprung up from personal injustices, themselves caused by the rotten military system preceding our entry into the war. Let us consider dispassionately how we can form a skeleton organ- ization best adapted for rapid mobilization. In retrospect it is not difficult to measure the services of all factors that contributed to our success. The Regular army, of course, played by far the greater part. It was the reservoir from which the fundamentals of our military instruc- tion were drawn. It had already largely instructed the National Guard in 1916. It continued this in- struction the following year, furnishing the bulk of the high ranking officers for that organization. ELEMENTS OF NATIONAL DEFENSE 197 It also examined the fitness of the National Guard officers and got rid of the not inconsiderable num- ber of incompetents it contained. It furnished instructors for the Officers ' Training Camps and it furnished all the regimental commanders for the National army. The Eegular army also furnished the principal officers of all the general staffs. In sincerity, in patriotism, and in bravery on the battlefield its members lived up to the high expectations of its admirers. However, it had certain defects which it was unable to remedy of itself and there was in this war no higher authority capable of rendering it this service. It could not control its group feel- ing. The system of promotion put into effect by it regarded too highly the career of the profes- sional soldier and too little the success of the war. The selection of generals merely in order of seniority was a grave offense against the army. The rapid promotion given to the younger officers was not in itself detrimental to efficiency. These officers shone in their new positions with great brilliancy. In dealing with the question of supplies at home, 198 THE ARMY OF 1918 its failure was almost complete. The fault here, however, does not rest upon the army officers as much as upon the civilians in the War Depart- ment, not only those who officiated during the war but those who had failed to make a plan of co- operation between the military and industry long before. The administration in Europe was, on the whole, exceedingly good, such failures as were evinced being due to the herculean tasks imposed and the necessity of improvising organizations which had never existed even on paper. Little praise, however, can be given to the Reg- ular service for its conduct of aeronautics either in Europe or at home. It failed grossly to deliver the necessary planes. It shone in no respect, and it is to be noted that the famous fliers whose gal- lantry relieved the monotony of unsuccess did not come from the Regular service. It is proper to add that one exception to this unfortunate recital is Brigadier General William Mitchell, who, fre- quently suppressed in Europe, is now the chief of aeronautics, and who, it may be hoped, will rescue ELEMENTS OF NATIONAL DEFENSE 199 that branch of the service from its unenviable position. In military education the Regular army ranks high. Considering the paucity of opportunity for study and the mistreatment it received at the hands of two succeeding administrations, the mis- erable conditions under which it was kept along the Mexican frontier, its achievements in this line are astounding. The average in intelligence and character of its members is elevated, and men of capacity for great command were shown to be present, although their arrival in position was delayed by the cabal of the senior officers to retain active rank. The training camps furnished a great majority of the officers in the war. The course of instruc- tion was made short by necessity, but it was effi- cient, and the principle of requiring every man to pass this test before receiving a commission is surely one we must never abandon. It must not be thought that all the officers who came from these camps entered them from civil life. A very large percentage entered from the ranks of the army. This is, of course, the right principle, and 200 THE ARMY OF 1918 would have been adopted from the beginning, if it had been possible. It only becomes possible in practice if every citizen has served in the ranks. We would have been lost if we had tried to officer our great armies in 1917 from the ranks of the Eegular army and the National Guard. I firmly believe that the National Guard should be continued. It is highly desirable that there should be other military organizations or another military organization from that adimnistered by the War Department. Everybody knows the blanket effect which the War Department always has put on all initiative. Let us by all means have military organizations where men of military talent can develop along free lines. The Eegular army should compel the National Guard to main- tain a certain standard, but should not prevent its rising above that standard. The National Guard comes out of the late war with a marvelous record and a clean slate. De- nounced for decades, not only by Regular army officers but by slackers as well, as an organization of tin. soldiers, it furnished the cadres which made the success of 1918 possible. The troops which ELEMENTS OF NATIONAL DEFENSE 201 the Eegular army, distracted by its manifold duties, could not furnish, the National Guard sup- plied. Their achievements, early recognized by both our allies, are now acclaimed by the com- mander-in-chief himself. The National Guard, however, was only a cadre which was not complete at the top nor at the bottom. It had to borrow most of its general officers, and this always will be so. The spare time which a civilian may give to military training can hardly fit him to hold gen- eral rank. Even a brilliant civilian is less fitted at the outset than a Eegular chosen in order of sen- iority. The National Guard did not furnish its entire quota of officers, needing replacements from the training camps, to which it furnished many pupils, and it also drew heavily upon the draft for its effectiveness. At the end of the war it stood with a long list of divisions and regiments only less effective than the 1st and 2nd divisions. It is now an organization in bebig, or, rather, a series of organizations in being. These organizations have developed among themselves, by experience under fire and by elimination, men competent to hold 202 THE ARMY OF 1918 very high command. It is entirely proper that they should receive commissions in these com- mands from their state governments and that these commisions should be honored by the Fed- eral government. We know from the experience of this war that if any National Guard officers prove incompetent to perform their duties, they will easily be removed. Eeserve officers should not be left in their pres- ent unorganized condition. Calling them out from time to time for a short period of instruction will not bring the best results. They should be en- cadred into regiments and organized in the sev- eral departments ready to receive their allotment of recruits or selected men in emergency. Nor should any limitation be placed upon the rank to which they may rise by suitable demonstration of efficiency. The Reserve corps will never be of any value to the Union if it is to be branded as an in- ferior organization. The young Regular officer who alluded to the U. S. R. on a Reserve officer's collar as his *^ badge of shame '* showed bad taste, but he phrased in Napoleonic language the regula- tion which rendered our Reserve corps unpopular. ELEMENTS OF NATIONAL DEFENSE S03 Any idea that high command shall be confined to officers of the Regular army is not only repug- nant to American principles but also, as history shows, productive of inefficient generalship, and lastly will vitiate all attempts to obtain necessary military legislation. Superior advantages which come to the Eegular army officers to fit themselves for high command will result in bringing Regular army officers into most of the important positions. From the point of view of their own ambition they do not need any such written or unwritten law. As a success- ful general from the Regular army put it: *^If after twenty years of study I am not a better soldier than one of these new men, heaven knows, I want to get out of his way.'' The great success of the war was the draft. In the permanent establishment of this service lies our national security and the remedy of such military iUs as developed in our war. If every officer has to rise from the ranks, there can be no feeling of officer favoritism. If every citizen serves a period in the army, there will not be that lack of understanding between manufacturer and g04 THE ARMY OF 1918 supply officer which acted so detrimentally. If every member of Congress has served in the army, there will be an end to the lamentable misconcep- tion about the army and military affairs which noW characterizes onr legislators. If every citizen is always liable to the call to war, young pacifists and old pacifists witli sons will not embark so lightly on the fallacies that cost us so heavily in wounded and dead. To be sure, universal service will not eradicate all faults or all mistakes, but it will end the great faults under which we have served. To provide our personnel, therefore, we should have universal training to start every citizen on the road to military efficiency and to give each one an equal opportunity to become a commis- sioned officer. The Eegular officers' corps chosen from those who apply for commissions will be the heart of our military system. The officers' reserve corps and the National Guard shall be auxiliaries. Let us undo at once our error of demobilization. Officers of the Regular army holding temporary commissions have had to vacate these temporary commissions entirely. Why entirely? Obviously, ELEMENTS OF NATIONAL DEFENSE 205 a regular army of a few liiindred thousand men cannot support an officers' corps necessary for as many millions. But wliy should not an officer serving in the capacity in the Eegular army which the occasion demands still have a reserve rank or a war rank to which he will rise immediately on the outbreak of hostilities and without further action on the part of the authorities. Surely an officer who knows he will occupy a position of in- creased authority in the event of war will work to prepare for that position, will be familiar with it, and, unlike so many of the generals at the be- ginning of the late war, will not think as a major or a captain. This plan would also facilitate the recruiting of an officers' reserve corps. Now an officer who accepts a res^erve commission feels that he is accepting a rank beyond which he cannot be pro- moted and that if he is mobilized he will be con- stantly overslaughed by an unlimited number of Regular army officers who will be promoted not by selection because of efficiency but by seniority because of class feeling. The reserve officer 206 THE ARMY OF 1918 should know just where he will be at the outbreak of war and that, once the whole army is mobilized, all officers will be on the same Ust — will rise, stand still, or fall on their merits. CHAPTER X NEW WEAPONS AND THEIB USB Just as we should learn from our war experi- ence how to provide an army to defend us in the next great crisis, so must we find a true military doctrine for the use of the army. It is vital to resist the temptation to find in the experiences of the war corroboration of precon- ceived ideas. This will be especially hard among the officers of the Regular army because they have studied from pre-war text books and because a minority of them have had actual experience in combat. Just now too much stress is being laid upon the value of * draining for open warfare," and the emphasis on the importance of mobility as contrasted with force. It would be absurd to suggest that open warfare training should be abandoned or to minimize in the least degree the value of mobility. Furthermore, there is no danger of such a mistake being made in America. There is, however, a danger that men who have 207 THE ARMY OF 1918 not participated in heavy combat will fail to ap- preciate that when troops, substantially equal in numbers, equipment and discipline, meet, there must result a grueling combat in which every re- source of materiel and technique must be em- ployed. I am frankly afraid that those officers who have not learned the intricate technique developed on the west front will prevent its being taught in American schools. Let us not forget that the armies which clashed in 1914 were all led by gen- erals educated up to the eyes in the school of mobility. And let us not forget that a month of inconclusive ^^open warfare^' ended with the op- posing armies completely demobilized in the face of each other. For years thereafter neither side was able to use enough fokce to break the other's lines. When finally the Germans found the means to break our lines, these were in every case re- stored and at less expenditure of energy than had been used in breaking them. The campaign of the fall of 1918 is no criterion for a campaign between equals. The Germans were inferior in men and in munitions. They were NEW WEAPONS AND THEIR USE 209 deserted by their allies. The country behind them was breaking into revolution. In our teachings of mobility let us appreciate that we move only to concentrate fokce. Let us be prepared to exercise this fokce to the fullest effi- ciency, and let us appreciate that ^'open warfare" can only be used in advance guard actions and in the pursuit. When main bodies come into contact, methods wrongly called those of ^'trench warfare'' must be used, as was shown in the transition from the second to the third period of the battle of the Ar- gonne. To attack successfully an enemy who is organ- ized to defend himself it is necessary to concen- trate a superiority of artillery which by carefully regulated fire and well defined objects will neu- tralize his barrage batteries and will put out of service the greater part of his organized strong points. The infantry concentrated in superior numbers for the assault can, by use of its proper weapons, overcome the defense of hostile infantry and artillery which has been shattered by our ar- tillery preparation, or it can attack with reason- 210 THE ARMY OF 1918 able success enemy rear guards ; but for infantry to attack an organized enemy, equipped with ma- cbine guns and protected by wire and a barrage and not greatly shaken by our preparatory fire, has been proven suicidal by the experience of all combatants in this war. The fact that tanks are of great assistance in attack and that surprise is still possible and of great value does not detract from these established principles. It is imperative that artillery be handled as artillery and not as though it were trench mortars or infantry cannon. Bringing artillery into the assaulting line adds nothing to the attack, while it deprives it of the invaluable support of guns properly handled. Artillery fire, to be effective, must be concen- trated. The long range of modern guns permits concentration not only to a point far beyond that which heretofore was possible but to the point of annihilation. To attain this irresistible use of artillery perfect liaison between infantry and artillery is essential. This liaison can be accom- plished only in divisions trained and exercised in the combined use of arms. NEW WEAPONS AND THEIR USE 211 Due to the lack of divisional artillery and the consequent lack of support to some infantry divi- sions, and because of the ignorance of many gen- eral officers in the use of artillery, there has grown up a school of infantry officers who believe that cannon should be attached to small infantry units to move with them and fire on the restricted front of the unit to which they are attached. This is an error of the first magnitude. The correct employment of artillery is simple and self-evident, but it seems as much of a mystery to some intelligent men as music or painting is to others. At the time of Francis I. the Chevalier Bayard is quoted as advocating the concentration of artil- lery fire; and a chronicle of the time of Joan of Arc remarks the amazement of a lieutenant-gen- eral that Joan knew by instinct how to concentrate the fire of artillery as well as he could have done it. Yet war after war has been fought and this simple principle has been utterly ignored by men of lifelong service in the army. In justice to our army let it be recorded that prior to the war neither the French nor the Ger- 212 THE ARMY OF 1918 mans had thoroughly mastered the use of the combined arms under modern conditions. The technique of the first was, to be sure, nearly per- fect in accuracy of aim and in concentration of fire. They themselves admit, however, there was a lack of cooperation between the artillery and the infantry in the early stages of the war. The Ger- mans understood both the concentration of artillery fire and the use of the combined arms; but they fell into the error of exaggerating the value of moving the guns, and from this mistake they never entirely recovered. Soldiers should know that the moving of cannon is a defensive operation and that the offensive operation of can- non, within their range, lies in moving their fire. Of course, the four developments of this war which most profoundly have affected its present and future conduct are : Airplanes, mustard gas, tanks and automobile trucks. Of these, airplanes have practically monopolized public attention. It has even been suggested in the American Congress that the next war will be won in the air. This is a threefold misapprehen- sion due to the natural appeal the airplane makes NEW WEAPONS AND THEIR USE 213 to the imagination, to the propaganda carried on by inefficient and dishonest aircraft production au- thorities, and to its spectacular attacks on civil populations, timid and easily panic stricken. The airplane undoubtedly is effective in attack- ing towns behind the lines. The German air raids obtained results greatly incommensurate with any material damage done. Bombing factory towns at night robbed the workers of sleep, shook their nerves, and detracted from their capacity to turn out munitions. The effect of air raids in this direction, however, shrinks to insignificance when compared with General Scott's bombardment of the civil population of Vera Cruz with heavy ar- tillery in 1847. The Germans made a practice of bombing factory cities as far as their means would permit, but it cannot be said that all their efforts had any appreciable effect upon the final outcome of the war. On the other hand, the allied blockade produced a condition of near famine in Germany in 1918 and was largely instrumental in breaking down Teutonic morale. This reached its lowest ebb in the summer and fall of 1918, when the hard 214 THE ARMY OF 1918 pressed army in the field had need of every pos- sible support from home, but received discourage- ment instead. The blockade, therefore, remains supreme as the most eifective and the most cruel weapon to use against the enemy ^s civil popula- tion. From the point of view of military attack air- plane bombing is not effective. If the bomber flies by night to avoid detection from the ground, he has great difficulty in seeing the target. If he comes low enough to see and hit the target, he becomes visible and vulnerable. If an airplane attacks back areas in daytime, it must fly so high in rarefied atmosphere to avoid the anti-aircraft guns that it is not able to carry a large quantity of bombs, and it must launch these without pos- sibility of aim. As a weapon of destruction the airplane cannot compete with the artillery in accuracy or in volume of fire. The principle that **one gun on shore is worth two guns at sea'' has remained true at every de- velopment of the battleship, and the same probably will be true of the airplane. Ground gives con- cealment, protection, and the opportunity to use NEW WEAPONS AND THEIR USE ^15 the biggest gun. The ship and the airplane may choose the time and range of attack, but these will not offset the greater advantage of fighting from the ground. In attacking troops the airplane, armed with machine guns, has proven more effective. It is exaggeration to say that any value comes from dashing at a battery in position or upon troops in trenches, because these usually find protection. But when the roads are congested by columns of infantry leaded down with equipment, and by ar- tillery and transport tired and not vigilant against air attacks, airplanes with machine guns have in- flicted considerable losses; and by scattering or- ganizations and blocking roads have materially delayed movements of troops. For this purpose, therefore, airplanes will be used more extensively in future. On the other hand, it should not be forgotten that the development of aviation advanced much more rapidly than did the science of anti-aircraft counter-offensive. Undoubtedly instruments will be invented to improve the fire upon airplanes at great heights, and gunners will be better trained 216 THE ARMY OF 1918 to combat airplanes flying low to attack troops. For the latter we have only to devise a simple weapon and put it in the hands of experienced wing shots. The red tape of the War Department prevented the use of this simple expedient in Eu- rope, although frequently advocated; and yet, in several cases, infantrymen, relying only upon their sense of an object moving in the air, and using either the service rifle or the French auto- matic rifle, succeeded in bringing down enemy planes. The great use of aviation, of course, will be to obtain information. Airplanes now can fly many hundreds of miles without alighting. They can, therefore, patrol the enemy's rear for a distance that it will take troops several days to cover, even while marching at the most rapid speed. On clear days they can easily detect all movements in force on the railroads or roads, and on clear and espe- cially on moonlit nights should gather a great deal of information. The value of airplane reconnais- sance in this war became the greater because of the almost solid line between Switzerland and the sea, which made the work of ground patrols and NEW WEAPONS AND THEIR USE 217 spies much more difficult. Airplanes not only acted as patrols but carried spies by night and left them in enemy country to send back reports by carrier pigeon, by contact with other spies, and by returning in an airplane with which an appointment had been made. In this way airplanes make the problem of the commander contemplating an attack much more difficult. That they do not make it impossible has been shown by the concentrations of troops and surprise attacks which characterized the year 1918. Four instances will confirm this — ^in the early spring of that year the British, with a large preponderance in the air, were unable to learn of the German concentration against their 5th army ; on the 18th of July, the Grermans, with a superior- ity in the air, were not aware of the concentration of the Franco- American corps in the forest of Villers-Cotterets ; in April, 1917, the information which the Germans got of the proposed French attack was obtained by a trench raid ; and on July 15th, 1918, the vital information which General Gouraud received of the very hour that the Ger- «18 THE ARMY OF 1918 man general attack was to start was obtained by an old-fashioned patrol of only four men. I feel, however, that the intelligence depart- ments of all armies signally failed to take full ad- vantage of the possibilities of gaining informa- tion by airplane. In addition to its long range patrolling, the air- plane is valuable in obtaining news of enemy movements near the front during battle and the movements of its own advancing troops. Making photographs which reveal the positions of enemy batteries, strong points and trenches is perhaps the most important service of the airplane, since it is impossible to break an enemy line without ac- curately bombarding his defensive organization. Having located the enemy's defenses, the airplane also offers great service in regulating the fire of the destroying artillery. Great as the value of the airplane unquestion- ably is for locating and directing fire upon enemy organizations, it is not indispensable. Many ex- pedients have been devised for detecting enemy positions from the ground and for directing fire upon them. NEW WEAPONS AND THEIR USE jei9 The American artillery became especially profi- cient in this because it had to fight almost with- out aviation through the greater part of the time it was in the war. On the contrary, the British were superior to their enemy in the air throughout most of the struggle, but did not get the full benefit of this superiority because their artillery never reached the technical development which the Americans learned from the French. It seems well to point out that in the development of our aviation to the utmost we should not neglect fully to develop all the ground methods of countering the enemy's aviation. Airplanes and balloons again give commanding officers the opportunity to make personal observa- tions and to inspire the men with their presence. It was Napoleon's constant endeavor to occupy a position on the battlefield where he could view all maneuvers and could direct tactical movements in person. His corps and division commanders personally commanded their compact masses and inspired them by example of individual courage. The increasing size of armies and of the range and destruotiveness of weapons had led to such 220 THE ARMY OF 1918 great extensions of fronts and such depths and openness of formations, such necessity for con- cealment from sight even before the great war as to make individual observation by the commander on the one hand and example on the other no longer possible. Coincidentally, the development of the telephone made possible the transmission of orders over long distances. These causes led to the exercise of command from a conmaand post, selected because of its ac- cessibility to lines of communication from all points, and generally placed immediately in rear of the center of the command. Here the com- mander receives information from the front and orders from the rear and from it regulates' the movements of his troops. If he leaves his posi- tion for the front, he can obtain only a small part of the information necessary to form his judg- ments and can inspire only an infinitesimal per- centage of his men, while all efforts made in these directions necessitate his turning over the com- mand of his troops to his subordinate for a con- siderable period of time, perhaps during the time when his presence is most needed. NEW WEAPONS AND THEIR USE 221 By using an airplane a division commander can make frequent and rapid surveys of the condition at his front, size up the situation at the vital spot and intervene with a decisiveness which is not possible when dependent upon varying and con- flicting reports from subordinates. At the same time by use of special insignia on the plane the commander can make his presence known and thereby encourage his troops. It seems strange that this use of the airplane was not adopted in the war. The reason probably lies in the high average age of commanders dis- posing of airplanes and to the hostility which the great number of mediocre generals would feel towards a" dashing individual who would thus dis- tinguish himself. In all services brilliancy was frowned upon by the oligarchies of old fogies which retained their palsied influence throughout the conflict. Among the Germans, artillery commanders were required to study the enemy's terrain by aerial observation over his lines, but this was for- bidden in the American army. Of course, the Ger- mans were right and we were wrong. We also 9.%% THE ARMY OF 1918 were wrong in not allowing our artillery com- manders a personal use of balloons. The balloon is the proper station for an artillery group com- mander when his group is in action. He will do better work by the use of his own eyes than he will by using reports of a balloon observer. Fur- thermore, he can be held entirely responsible for the conduct of his fire and cannot pass the blame of failure to an officer in another branch of the service. It is hard to fix the blame for the failure to al- low our artillery commanders personally to take the air. Undoubtedly the higher officers of the air service intrigued to keep officers of other serv- ice from flying in order to magnify the branch of the service over which they presided. The gen- eral staff also discouraged the development of initiative on the part of line officers. Perhaps there was also a lack of insistence on the part of the artillery officers to obtain personal use of the balloons and airplanes. It must become a part of our doctrine that in the air, as it has always been on the ground, the responsible commanders shall make their own re- NEW WEAPONS AND THEIR USE 223 connaissances wherever possible and not delegate this dangerous but indispensable work. While fully comprehending the great value of the air service, we must not forget that in the actual battle poison gas and tanks are much more effective. Aided by yperite gas, surprise was the great factor in) the German victories of 1918. Aided by tanks, surprise was the element of allied success in the same year. The enormous value of surprise, long recog- nized in the literature of war, had been largely counteracted on the western front by the strong defensive organizations that demanded such a long artillery preparation to destroy them as to inform the enemy of the assailant's purpose. The great offensive power of gas and tanks reintroduced the opportunity for surprise. The great difference between bullets or ex- plosive shells on the one hand and gas on the other is that the action of the former is in- stantaneous, while the latter retains its deadly ef- fect for varying periods. If the bullet or shell fragment does not strike its intended target, it is harmless. 224 THE ARMY OF 1918 The most effective of all gases used in tlie war was yperite, which poisoned the neighborhood of its release for hours and even days. Yperite, a liquid of severe caustic properties, penetrates the thickest clothing and inflicts terrible burns upon the body. Evaporated, it becomes a deadly gas, invisible and nearly odorless. Upon one occasion a division marched in the rain through dripping woods which previously had been subjected to yperite. Nearly all of the men had to be taken to the rear, writhing in agony. In many instances men have been fatally gassed without even know- ing they had been subject to its effects. Because of its deadly efficiency gas has, further, a moral effect. Troops become inured to high explosive shell and rifle fire, but the longer they are ac- quainted with the effects of gas, the more they dread it. The Germans, on March 21st, 1918, made the fullest use of gas in their attack on the British. First, batteries were silenced and, once splashed with the liquid yperite, they could not be used again for a long time. Next, the German guns were turned upon strong points and the garrisons NEW WEAPONS AND THEIR USE 225 were subjected to the effects of yperite gas. A part of each garrison was put out of action by bums and the remainder greatly weakened from having to wear gas masks for several hours. Having disposed of counter-batteries and of known strong points, the whole German artillery was able to fire the rolling barrage before its own troops. It would not be wide of the truth to say that the use of the yperite gas had increased three- fold the efficiency of the German artillery. American troops suffered the same disadvantage from the lack of gas shells that they suffered from the shortage of airplanes. Sentimentalists whose activities undoubtedly were guided by German agents delayed the manufacture of gas for use against the Germans while fellow countrymen were scalded and choked to death by this modern and terribly effective weapon. The tank, like every other weapon in this war excepting gas, is an American invention, neglected in its home country and developed abroad. The tank, in principle, is the body of an armored car superimposed upon the American farm tractor. It is strange that those countries which en- 226 THE ARMY OF 1918 deavored to be militarily efficient in times of peace had not already hit upon the tank. They all de- veloped the armored automobile and used it ex- tensively along the roads during the war of move- ment. When the front became stabilized, the roads immediately in the rear became impassable and the armored automobiles could not be used. It has not yet been determined who first thought of using the American endless belt tractor on the battle field. Originally, the tank's principal value was be- lieved to lie in the facility with which it out barbed wire. Prior to the development of the tank the wire was cut by artillery fire, by long tubes filled with high explosives and placed beneath the en- tanglements, and by infantry under protection of a barrage. All of these methods were effective in trench raids, but not satisfactory in large move- ments. At Cambrai the British tanks opened ave- nues through the wire defenses in a manner that revolutionized the principles of attack. Tanks also proved of great value in attacking machine guns, the tank's weapon and crew having an ad- vantage over the infantry machine gun crew in NEW WEAPONS AND THEIR USE 227 the open or even in a pill box. The tank's weak- ness lies in its absolute vulnerability to a direct hit from a cannon. From this it seeks security in surprise, in rapidity of movement, and, most of all, by operating in misty weather. The mist which makes the airplane powerless brings the tank into its kingdom. Therefore, as the reconnaissance airplane is the greatest assistance to the defense and the tank is the greatest weapon in the assault, misty weather will favor the attack more than ever. A general lesson should be drawn from this coincidence — in misty countries the offensive will be more successful than in regions blest with a clear climate. Tanks constructed for that purpose also have been used to carry field pieces across shell-torn ground and to bring up water and munitions. Large tanks have been used, especially by the British, to carry infantry across open ground and establish them in woods and other defiladed areas. The tractor, which has been adopted for the American artillery, is a tank in every respect except that the drivers have no protection and no weapon. If our ordnance department ever 228 THE ARMY OF 1918 stops its policy of opposing improvement, protec- tion will be given to the drivers v/hich will make them immune from shrapnel fire and greatly in- crease the mobility of our artillery. The word 'Hank*' was adopted to make the Ger- mans think that these new machines had no other object than the carrying of water to the front. It is unfortunate that the word was appropriated at all. It ought to be expunged from our military vocabulary and the word 'Hractor'' substituted. We will develop the many uses to which the tractor is adaptable in warfare much more freely than if we hypnotize ourselves with the word *Hank," which, in the public mind, and to a great extent in the military mind, limits the tractor mechanism to a definite style of machine. If aviation has received too large a portion of public attention, the automobile truck has been practically neglected, and yet this machine saved the war for the allies. The French railroads were vastly inferior to the German, and although the French had the ad- vantage of fighting in their own country and using their own railroad lines, while the Germans had to NEW WEAPONS AND THEIR USE ^9 fight in foreign countries and connect their rail- road lines with the captured lines, rebuilding temporarily many dynamited bridges, the latter still gave their armies a service immeasurably superior to the French railroad service. The French were the first to fall back on the use of automobile trucks, turned out by their factories in great quantity and of splendid quality. One of the considerations governing the Ger- man attack on Verdun in 1916 was that the as- sailants could easily renew their supplies by rail while the French had only one railroad line to the city, and this under long range shell fire. It was a distinct military surprise to the Germans to find the French were able to supply the army defend- ing Verdun by an enormous and efficient system of auto truck transportation. When the Germans broke the British line in March, 1918, the greater part of the French re- serves were moved to the battle front in auto trucks; and when the Germans broke the line on the Chemin des Dames in May, the American 2nd division was moved across France in auto trucks from its position in support of the 1st and jarrived 230 THE ARMY OF 1918 in time to block the road to Paris. One of Luden- dorff ^s laments is that the German factories could not turn out auto trucks in numbers necessary to offset the allies' advantage. The airplane in reconnaissance, the tank in as- sault, and the auto truck in mobility have sadly in- vaded the province of cavalry. One well may wonder what lies before the beau sahreur. The answer, perhaps, is found in the words of the chagrined mechanic who, given a team of artillery horses to drive, contemptuously referred to them as * ^ hay burners. ' ' The fight is between the horse and the machine and it will be determined by the economic conditions of warfare. Where horse feed is abundant and fuel scarce the cavalry horse, the artillery horse and the army mule will remain. Elsewhere, they will be driven out by the machine. CHAPTER XI THE GENERAL STAFF The subject of the General Staff is one mention of which, is the occasion for great controversy. While its ihdispensability is acknowledged, its un- popularity is great in every country. One hundred years ago Clausewitz, when writ- ing on war, could not restrain himself from mak- ing contemptuous allusions to staff officers. The French called their genera^ staff ;ofificers ^^en- dentCj ' ' meaning * ^ dressed in lace. ' ' The English viewpoint is shown by the scale of awards the German officers were supposed to employ in re- warding their sharpshooters for killing British officers : * ' Ten marks for a captain, twenty marks for a major, one hundred marks for a colonel, and thirty days in jail for shooting a British staff officer ! ' ' In our own army the general staff was frequently referred to as the ** general stuff,'' and when its officers went to the front they were some- 231 232 THE ARMY OF 1918 times told that a star could now be put in the serv- ice flag of their particular general staff. This unpopularity of this minority of the army with the majority, and the great unpopularity of the Washington general staff with the members of Congress, make the development of a proper general staff system a difficult matter. At the same time a general staff is essential to an efficient army. Every army has long been divided into three fundamental sections called arms, or branches, of the service. They are infantry, artillery, and cavalry. To assist these in their work are sup- plementary services called engineers and signal troops, supply trains, hospital troops and a mili- tary legal department. Each is separate and dis- tinct, and its personnel devotes itself to its particular branch of the service. Management of the whole rests in the general or generals. In the case of a small army, say one regiment of infantry, one battery of artillery, one troop of cavalry, with a handful of specialists in other departments, one general can do this work with such assistants as he can pick up from the THE GENERAL STAFF 233 differ ent branches or from civil life. As armies increase in size the complexity of their administra- tion and command increases, and larger and more thoroughly organized staffs become necessary. While armies exist for use in the field they must, in their nature, have an administration at a central point ; this administration procures their weapons, clothing and supplies. In early days this was largely done by con- tractors. The abuses and weaknesses of the con- tractor system led to the development of bureaus. The collapse everywhere of the bureau system caused the duties of the bureaus to be turned over to the General Staff ; that is, everywhere except in America, where the bureau system persisted, in spite of a long series of failures, up to this war, where it once more left its hecatombs. The principal bureaus of our War Department are the Adjutant-General, whose duty is to issue the order to the Commander; the Ordnance De- partment, whose function is to procure arms and fighting equipment; and the Quartermaster's De- partment, whose province is to furnish clothing and supplies. The spheres of the Ordnance and 234 THE ARMY OF 1918 the Quartermaster's Departments have become overlapped in an exceedingly ludicrous manner. It is necessary to dwell for a moment on the total failure of our bureaus in this war because of the vigorous efforts now being put forth by them and their political supporters in Washington to preserve them so they may repeat in a future conflict the horrors they achieved in this. Our Ordnance and our Quartermaster's bureaus really were worse than useless. Better for the army had they never existed. Not only did they do no good, but they stood resolutely in the path of every effort toward accomplishment. The Ordnance Department had not provided for the war a single weapon of first class. Our 3-inch field piece was badly sighted ; our howitzers were of such feeble range that if brought into action against modern artillery they would have ap- peared like the jingalls of the Chinese against the modern artillery of the Japanese in 1895. The machine gun was invented by an American, but the Ordnance Department refused to provide them either in number or quality. When the American, Colonel Lewis, invented a greatly improved ma- THE GENERAL STAFF 235 chine gun and offered it to this country gratis, criminal jealousy on the part of the Ordnance offi- cers induced its refusal, and this refusal was con- tinued long after the outbreak of the present war and even after our entrance into it. Rather than let American troops fight with a Lewis gun, our envious Ordnance Department preferred they go to battle unarmed. The confessed pretext for this criminality was that the Ordnance Department was developing a better gun. At the end of the war an excellent weapon was produced, whether better or worse than the Lewis is a matter of opinion; but this gun was not available while American lives were being sacrificed on the battle- field. No less criminal was the conduct of this depart- ment in regard to artillery. When Joifre came to America in the spring of 1917 he brought the com- plete plans for the French 75, the great weapon invented by the French in 1896, and which, at the close of the war, was still the premier field piece. Not only was this by far the best field piece in existence, but the French, by long practice, had developed methods of handling it which would 236 THE ARMY OF 1918 require a long period of experimentation with any new weapon to learn to imitate. These plans were turned over to our Ordnance Depart- ment just as we were about to enter the war with practically no artillery, and such as we had of in- ferior quality and nearly worn out. The Ordnance Department spent a year trying for its oivn glory to develop improvements on the *'75.'' Mean- time, American divisions remained nmequipped. Instruction was delayed. If, sometimes, our barrages were misplaced, if the artillery did not protect the infantry, if our shells fell in the ranks of our own men, the chief blame lies at the door of these murderous egoists. If our Ordnance Department was vicious, our Quartermaster's Department was ridiculous. The Quartermaster's Department purchased clothes for the army and also perpetrated the design. The result attained by these sleek clerks has offended the eye of Europe and America and spoiled the temper of every American soldier. Our infantry was dressed in riding breeches, and all soldiers were given a legging cumbersome to put on, fragile in construction, and unsightly in ap- THE GENERAL STAFF 237 pearance. Our shoe was well shaped, having been designed by a doctor, but of such flimsy construc- tion that it could not survive a single day's hard marching. To save some few cents per thousand, all pockets were reduced to a minimum size, and this for men who had to carry upon their person not only such comforts as they wished but all their necessities. The Quartermaster's Department, besides, had evolved a system of transacting busi- ness that would amaze a Chinese custom house collector. Its end was not to transact business, but, incident to the transaction of business, to per- form a series of extraordinary acrobatics on paper. In consequence, the troops in Europe suffered hardships until a purchasing department was organized which was compelled to procure more than half the supplies needed by the army. Soldiers, lacking in military qualities, uncom- fortable in the field, unsuccessful in the command of men, unrespected by their fighting associates, naturally drift into the swivel chairs of the bu- reaus, there to find themselves the masters of 238 THE ARMY OF 1918 the fighting; men, with the tragic and comic results already outlined. Stark necessity had driven the armies of Eu- rope into better organization, but no such neces- sity had knocked at the doors of our War Depart- ment. Our bureaus had become allied with the political machine. Business firms dealt with the army through the Ordnance and Quartermaster's Departments. Also, they lent aid at election times. Officers and men dealt with the Adjutant General, and political favors for people with in- fluence could be negotiated through this office. Elihu Boot, while Secretary of State, and 'Leonard Wood, while Chief of Staff, fought vigor- ously to eradicate these evils, but their efforts were only partially successful; and with the end of the latter 's detail, politics increased its sway over the military fate of the millions destined to go forth to fight. The theory upon which these administrative duties should be turned over to the General Staff is that the General Staff is composed of fighting men, not of slackers and clerks. These fighting men, being up to date in military developments, THE GENERAL STAFF 239 will demand up-to-date equipment, and, themselves subject to the hardships and dangers of war, will be loath to subordinate military efficiency to political expediency, a condition which has not existed in the staff departments. The General Staff, then, fundamentally an or- ganization drawn from the fighting services, is charged with the administration and equipment of the army, in peace as well as in war, and with the conduct of all affairs which involve more than .one arm of the service. These include (1) obtain- ing information about the enemy, (2) planning movements of troops of different arms by rail or by road or by water, (3) plans of battle for the combined arms, (4) producing and delivering sup- plies, and (5) training. This, of course, makes the General Staff su- perior to any of the arms of the service, and it has led to constant usurpation of power, a usurpation which has come the more easily because of another consideration. The promotion of able officers seems to become more difficult as armies become more regularized. More and more high rank goes to men who have 240 THE ARMY OF 1918 passed the age of greater efficiency and have really- entered upon or advanced far down life's decline. This fanlt has been recognized without being cor- rected. Rather than assault the obstacle boldly, military practice has been to circumvent it by vesting in young staff officers of lower rank pow- ers which properly belong to the superior gen- erals. For example, a General Staff officer, acting in the name of his commander, can give orders to officers who far outrank him. The operations offi- cer of a division, who may be a Lieutenant-Colonel or a Major, may himself direct a Brigadier-Gren- eral what to do ; and likewise, any one of the chiefs of the General Staff sections of the great General Staff may issue orders to Army Commanders. A Brigadier General may designate in detail the work to be performed by the troops under the di- rect command of a Lieutenant-General. The General Staff becomes a kind of a superior officers' corps, standing in relation to the line offi- cers somewhat as line officers stand to non-com- missioned officers. It has been found necessary to put staff officers THE GENERAL STAFF 241 through a course of instruction and to require them to pass an examination. They are then as- signed to the General StafP by an order of the War Department, and are sent to duty with their respective commands by order of the War De- partment or the Commander-in-Chief. Thus, a Division General may not select his staff officers. If a difference arises between him and his staif he has a personal appeal to his Corps Commander, but the staff officer has an independent line of com- munication to staff officers at Great Headquar- ters, which dominates the Corps Commander. As the detail of all administration is handled by the •General Staff, the subordinate of the General Staff is really closer to the fountain head of authority than his commander. This is a fault and a grave one, and one which must be remedied. Staff officers do not personally engage in oper- ations, whether maneuvers or combats. Informa- tion of the actual working of the plans they formu- late comes to them second-hand. Their perception is limited by the ability of combat officers to ex- plain and their own capacity to comprehend. Therefore, anything like permanency in staff as- ^42 THE ARMY OF 1918 sigmnent is certain to breed misconception in high quarters and unskillful, badly drawn orders. Another fault of the General Staff system is one of morale. Before the days of the General Staff the path to the rear was entirely too well beaten. Many were they who left the combatant branches, recognized as the services of honor, for the ad- ministrative branches, which soldiers held in slight esteem. With greater power and greater prestige attached to the place of comfort and immunity from danger on the General Staff, how shall we be able to keep able and forceful men at the front, where, after all, the enemy has to be met and over- thrown? Finally, that conception of the General Staff which was developed in Germany, and which all the Allied Staffs showed tendencies to emulate, must be annihilated; namely, that in time of war the General Staff becomes the government of the country, an irresponsible government, and one possessing powers of tyranny which it has taken generations to drive out of our civil system. If a military clique comes to possess complete power to dictate who shall and who shall not enter the THE GENERAL STAFF 243 army, to decide where mobilized men shall serve, to say what industries shall be commandeered for military purposes, and shall be able to regulate the right to travel, to conduct a military secret serv- ice, to have the power of imprisonment, and be permitted, as was proposed by President Wilson, to gag the press, how great becomes the jeopardy of our liberties ! The solution of the General Staff problem is virtually the solution of every other military prob- lem — universal service of all young men while they are young. With universal service will come national and individual understanding of military necessities and the limitation of military author- ity. The nation will not, as its civil authorities found it necessary to do in 1917, turn over the con- duct of the war to men as unknown to the nation as the nation is unknown to them, with knowledge of war too little known to both. CHAPTER XII THE CKIME OF SILENCE That censorship is unavoidably vicious is a truth it has taken history to develop, and this was understood before the war only by free peoples. In Russia, as in oriental countries, censorship was employed as one of the most efficient instruments of tyranny. In Germany, also, truth and forward movements were combated by a censorship which, while it could not be made complete, was none the less efficiently exercised. The long struggle for freedom in England and her colonies is too well known to require even a summary here. One hun- dred and fifty years ago the conviction of our peo- ple expressed itself in the constitutional provi- sion for the freedom of the press. The principle of the freedom of the press was established in England contemporaneously with the supremacy of parliament over the king. It first came into relationship with the military ui the Crimean war, when Mr. Russell, correspondent 244 THE CRIME OF SILENCE 245 of the London Times, exposed the frightful dis- organization of the British army in that campaign. From that day to the great war it exercised a wide influence upon military affairs. That its influence has not been wholly beneficial is certain, but its faults have been magnified and its benefits largely forgotten. The savage description of the Union rout at the first battle of ^'Bull Eun'Vby Mr. Eussell of Crimean fame, since dubbed *^Bull Run'' Russell, was as unpopular among the American people as it was in the army, but it was the greatest single factor in awakening the north to its real military shortcomings. The press also is to be credited in large measure for the removal of McClellan and Burnside and for the popularity of Grant, which, if it did not alone enable him to rise to the rank of commander-in-chief, upheld him during his well-conceived and hard-fought campaign that ended the rebellion. Professional, even more than public, opinion forgets benefits and exaggerates shortcomings. Military men added their resentment to a just criticism by a too free press of real faults in the 246 THE ARMY OF 1918 military zone, and became unanimous in their op- position to it. Chief among free people in their opposition to the press were the French ofi&cers who, smarting under th^r fully earned defeat in 1870, endeavored to conceal the faultiness of their maneuvers under the camouflage that the news- papers exposed their plans to the enemy. The French, therefore, absolutely excluded newspaper correspondents from their armies. The English army also objected to journalistic criticisms and to their professional hostility added class antagonism, the officers being from the aristocracy and *^ pressmen'' from the middle and lower classes! Furthermore, the British army, as an organization, was exceedingly hostile to the ^* Liberal" government and determined to fight the war without interference from it. The allied armies on the western front organ- ized press bureaus. These not only prevented the publication of news valuable to the enemy but pre- vented the allied peoples from getting informa- tion, already possessed by the enemy, which would tend to reflect upon the skill of the allied com- manders. These commanders insisted upon the THE CRIME OF SILENCE 247 publication of false reports of military operations, and as the press bureaus fell into the hands of sycophantic individuals they gave great space to grandiose letters and salutations between high ranking officers that would more naturally have emanated from the half savage leaders of the middle ages than from the educated gentlemen thus led from common sense by the exercise of an arbitrary power which no authority, civil, relig- ious or military, has ever been able to exercise with moderation. It was largely due to this antagonism to the press that our allies were beaten nations when we came into the war. The French people had entirely lost confidence in its government and in its army. It knew that both had lied about the offensive of General Nivelle in 1917. Public opinion was near collapse, and even revolt, when America's unexpected entry saved the situation. The English, while not having suffered such heavy losses, because of their smaller participa- tion in the war on land, had yet suffered fright- fully. The making of munitions was delayed be- 248 THE ARMY OF 1918 cause their need had been concealed to protect the reputations of incompetents in office. The raising of necessary troops was postponed because a pub- lic explanation of their need meant exposing a lack of military success that would have diminished the reputations of high ranking offi- cers which were built on the reports of military press agents. The weeding out of incompetents, a practice indispensable in the making of a vic- torious army, was prevented, as it was intended to be prevented, by concealing the shortcomings of officers who were to bring catastrophe later. It was to a country where the military exercised such dictatorship that our General Staff, unaccus- tomed to arbitrary authority, came in 1917. The officers were taught how the allied generals made war without interference from civil governments, and even without unpleasant criticism for such errors, great or small, of mind or of heart, as they should commit. In unfamiliar surroundings and* subject to foreign and aristocratic influence, they adopted a censorship which made them despots for a while, but which now leaves them practically strangers in their own land. THE CRIME OF SILENCE 249 In the rules for censors one finds very little re- garding the publication of information valuable to the enemy. That phase had been accepted as axiomatic for a long time by our civil as well as by our military population. But criticism of any kind was forbidden; all mention of shortcomings of whatever nature was prohibited ; any reference to the achievements or valor of individuals, how- soever insignificant, was not permitted. In ad- dition, it was verbally explained to the censors that nobody was to get *'any advertising.^^ Whether this course was forced upon the Ameri- can military authorities by the Washington ad- ministration to prevent a future presidential can- didate from rising in the expeditionary forces, or was fathered by the high ranking officers to pre- vent any Grant or Sheridan from appearing, I have not learned. It is evident, however, that ft succeeded in both directions. No man from the expeditionary forces is considered for the presi- dency ; and we do not know of an officer who served overseas that demonstrated his ability to com- mand an army without the assistance of French staff officers. 250 THE ARMY OF 1918 In its effect, our censorship was more severe than that of the English or the French. The French soldiers were allowed to write letters un- hindered by censorship, and both the English and French soldiers returned home periodically on leaves of absence or furloughs, carrying by word of mouth what the English were forbidden to put on paper. Americans, of course, could not return home for visits, and they were no more allowed to write their opinions from leave areas than they were when in the presence of the enemy. No sooner had the censorship rules been put into effect than they were regretted. General Pershing and his staff were strongly opposed to the War Department's method of selecting gen- erals, and would have welcomed newspaper sup- port to help them weed out the incompetents. They regretted it more at the end of 1917, when the little army in France was short of supplies and short of food, and when a request was refused by the War Department that newspaper correspond- ents be allowed to cable home about the shortage of supplies in order to stimulate production and transportation. Later in the war, partly because THE CRIME OF SILENCE 251 of pressure coining from below, from journalists and from home, the rigidity of the censorship rules was relaxed; but to the end it remained a blanket on initiative, a snuffer on brilliancy and a camouflage for incompetents. Censorship eventually became a disease in every belligerent country — the more virulent, the more effective. In America it merely held back supplies and kept down ability. In England, besides that, it delayed the raising of troops and maintained in- competents in high command throughout the war. In France it almost brought defeat during the Spring of 1917. Had it not been removed by Premier Clemenceau upon his ascent to power it certainly would have brought about a collapse of France in the spring of 1918, when the Germans, in an irresistible flow, were apparently approach- ing the city of Paris and when the falling of ^ ^ Big Berthas'' in the streets gave the impression that the Kaiser's guns were much closer than was the case. Censorship was a vigorous element in the wreck of Eussia ; and censorship was largely responsible for the breakdown of morale in Germany. Un- 252 THE ARMY OF 1918 questionably it was proven by this war that the evils of an absolutely unrestricted press are not so dangerous to victory as a medieval censorship which oppresses all armies and all the peoples be- hind them. In our forthcoming military legislation one of the most thoroughly considered sections should be that governing relations between press and army. We must, of course, keep from the enemy all in- formation of a military nature. Likewise, we must put it beyond the temptation of any man to indulge the stultifying, lying suppression that characterized every army in the late war. CHAPTER XIII THE ONLY SOLUTION We have finished another war in which our soldiers suffered unnecessary losses and hard- ships because of our failure to prepare, while the country at large has suffered almost nothing and the congressmen and the president who failed to prepare for the war have suffered not at all. It is, therefore, difficult to establish a military policy based on the lessons of the war. Congress cannot be expected to understand the subject. Our only hope lies in the formation of a sound doctrine which will be accepted by the public and by its representatives. This is rendered difficult by the fact that few Americans saw more than one phase of the fight- ing in which an American army took part. The American army, in turn, saw only a small part of the war, and the greater part of the American army was not engaged until the height of German power had passed. 253 254 THE ARMY OF 1918 Our difficulty is increased by the fact that all governments in the war have strained themselves to falsify its every phase and to mislead public opinion, supposedly in the interest of a national morale, but really in that of the heads of the gov- ernment. It is necessary, therefore, in this work to out- line the course of the war as it actually took place. Space will not permit proof of the statements. They are true, however, and controversy about them can only result in establishing their accu- racy. Long before war started all the parties involved contemplated the possibility of Germany's attack- ing France through Belgium. Books had been published about it in all European languages. The French, English and Belgians were not surprised by a *^ grave breach of international law.*' They had held military conferences for some years in contemplation of just such an action. Besides, in similar situations, all the allies had done what Germany did. The conduct of the allied and of the German THE ONLY SOLUTION 25^ armies alike was based on military, not on moral, considerations. In time of peace Frenchmen served three years in the army, Germans only two ; therefore, France had half again as large a percentage of her popu- lation with the colors as did Grermany. The rela- tive strength of the French army to the German must therefore be stronger at the outset of the war than after all available reserves on both sides had been called to the colors. For this reason, and for reasons of tactical theory, the French 'high command planned to fight a decisive battle with Germany at the first possible moment, and therefore moved to the attack immediately after the declaration of war by the most direct line, which was across the French-German frontier. To Germany, also, a speedy decision was im- perative, as the German plan was first to over- whelm France and then to turn upon Kussia. The German high command did not believe in the efficacy of frontal assault. Therefore, it opposed the French advance with troops entrenched in previously prepared positions, and turned the 256 THE ARMY OF 1918 French left flank by the great march through Bel- gium. The number of troops employed by the Germans on the one hand, and by the French, English and Belgians on the other, were not disproportionate. What is known to the English as the battle of Mons, and also widely known as the battle of Charleroi, was a very great battle, extending from the Alps to Belgium, in which the Germans won a great victory all along the line. After this vic- tory the Germans sent three of the army corps from their right flank to East Prussia, and with the remainder of the army pursued the defeated allies. On September 6th the French army, with its English assistants, faced about and in the follow- ing three days fought the battle of the Marne, which prevented the loss of the war. It was not a victory, however, that was at all decisive against the Germans, who retired to the north of the River Aisne, where they in turn repulsed all Anglo- French attacks. The next move in the campaign on the western front was the attempt on the part of the allies to THE ONLY SOLUTION ^57 turn the German right flank, which, being met by German reinforcements, led to the well known race to the sea. The purpose of each army was to turn the flank of its enemy and to destroy him. In this both sides failed. Neither side intended a stabilization of the front nor was either side content with the line which actually became fixed. The allies would have wished to hold at least Lille and Antwerp, cutting the Germans from the Channel, while the German desire would have been to reach the French seacoast as far south as Abbeville. From a tactical point of view, then, the war in the west in 1914 was a deadlock. From a strategic point of view, however, it was a great German defeat, as Germany had planned to destroy France in sixty days. The lesson for us in this campaign is that the French army, trained but untried by war, after meeting a severe defeat, was able to retreat all along the line, in some places more than a hundred miles, face around, and win a battle upon which their national existence depended; that the Ger- mans could maneuver an army of equal size in ^58 THE ARMY OF 1918 accordance with the military principles of encircle- ment, brushing aside the mitrained Belgian army- like chaff, win a great battle, pursue a brave and skillful enemy into the heart of his country, then, defeated in pitched battle, retire to a strong position and check all pursuit; that England could, upon a moment's notice, ship sixty thou- sand men across the Channel, trained and equipped for war, munition them, supply them, and constantly reenforce them during months of hard fighting. Compare this with the two American armies at Bull Run a half century before, where both armies of untrained men ran away from each other; with the war mth Spain when our men died like flies in camps at home ; with the Mexican fiasco of 1916, when for months our men could not be moved a day's march from camp or even sup- plied or armed in camp. Warfare on an even greater scale was waged in the east. Although the French had not tried to fight on the defensive while waiting for Russia to mobilize, still after the early French defeats Russia made a great effort to relieve the pressure THE ONLY SOLUTION 259 on the western front by a hasty and half organized invasion of East Prussia. This diversion was suc- cessful in drawing three army corps from the German army just before the battle of the Marne, but was itself roughly handled. The battle of Tannenburg, or the battles of the Mazurian Lakes, as they are popularly called, were not great battles, nor were the losses of the Russians heavy in either men or armament. There grew up in Germany, however, a need for a victory to offset the disappointment of the campaign in the west, and so the ^'victory'' of Hindenburg was created large in fiction. The great battle in 1914, the most nearly de- cisive battle of the whole war, was the battle east of Lemberg, in which the Eussian army totally defeated and almost destroyed the Austrian army. Thereafter, the Eussians attempted an invasion of Germany through Silesia. This was defeated by a combination of German and Austrian armies, after which fighting on a large scale took place backward and forward across East Prussia, Po- land and Galicia, the Germans generally having 260 THE ARMY OF 1918 the best of the Eussians, and the Eussians ahnost invariably defeating the Austrians. It is important to appreciate that in 1914 Eus- sia was the most powerful and chivalrous of the allies, as she not only fought her immediate oppo- nents, but more than once lent aid to France and England by launching attacks which drew German troops from their fronts at times of great allied distress. The lessons to Americans from this campaign, in addition to the readiness of all armies to ma- neuver and the ability of all their higher com- manders and staffs from the outset to perform their duties, is the way Austria, having lost one great army, was quickly able to produce another from among her trained reserves. Surely, if any one of the chief contending nations — France, Ger- many, Eussia and Austria — had not been organ- ized on the principles of universal service, that country would have been overwhelmed in the first year of war. When winter brought an end to the fighting it was seen that the opposing countries had been so evenly matched that neither side had been able THE ONLY SOLUTION 261 to win the decisive victory wMcli had been sought by all. Germany, as the leading advocate of quick and decisive warfare, was, therefore, considered the loser in the resulting deadlock. If France and Russia had been able to stand off Germany on her own terms in a war started upon her own initia- tive, it was reasoned, the addition of England's army in the making would surely prove decisive in 1915. This argument proved faulty. In 1915 England's army was not ready to func- tion, while Russia's army had exhausted its am- munition supplies. Russia was well prepared for war in 1914 in trained men, in technical equip- ment, in skillful generals, and in arsenals full of ammunition, but back of the army there was not an organized civilization which in the other coun- tries, especially Germany and France, could make up the wastage of war supplies. In May, 1915, therefore, while the French with the support of the half -trained British formations stormed helplessly against the German line in a number of heroic and useless battles that need not be enumerated here, the Germans and Aus- trians concentrated against the Russian army and 262 THE ARMY OF 1918 broke the Eussian line again and again and pur- sued the defeated but stubborn Russians beyond the frontier of old Russia. Nothing in military history is more glorious than the grim determina- tion with which the old Russian army fought with empty pieces against the overwhelming storm of shot and shell poured on them by their enemies. In that year Russian regiments contained a per- centage of unarmed men who had to be clothed and supplied and exposed to enemy fire but could not be used until they had picked up rifles dropped by stricken comrades. I remember a conversation with General Brusi- loff shortly before the German attack at the Duna- jec river in May, 1915. I had been visiting his front line in the Carpathians, and in particular had witnessed an attack by Russian infantry on Austrians holding the top of a low precipice. The Russians had climbed a long steep slope and had dug a shallow trench at the base of the cliff. From this shelter they emerged several times in a vain attempt to escalade the heights, being slaughtered by machine gun and rifle fire. I mentioned this incident to General Brusiloff THE ONLY SOLUTION 263 and suggested that while the Austrian position was practically impregnable against infantry as- sault, it was particularly vulnerable to artillery attack in that it afforded no shelter from explod- ing shells and could not be fortified without great time and labor. The general dismissed the sug- gestion somewhat impatiently. Said he: *^Men and munitions may be used interchangeably. I haven 't any munitions. I must use men. ' ^ What a furore such a speech would arouse if made by an American general! And yet our policy is not very different. War can be waged with the loss of a few well-trained men or of many slightly trained men. Our Congress has deliber- ately chosen the latter method throughout our history. Three-fourths of the men killed in the Argonne and elsewhere in France were killed by Americans; only one-quarter were killed by the Germans ! In the same year (September-December, 1915)' German, Austrian and Bulgarian troops, under German command, destroyed Serbia and occupied its territory. In this year, also, Italy joined the alliance and from then on conducted against Aus- 264? THE ARMY OF 1918 tria a secondary war, not without effect on the final outcome. In 1916 the western front became the center of importance for the first time since the battle of the Marne. The English army, always increasing and improving, and the French army, reaching higher and higher development in its technique, were preparing for a vast combined offensive. In order to anticipate them the Germans at- tacked Verdun in great force in February while the plans for the Franco-British offensive were still incomplete. If the campaign of 1914 on the western front was substantially a campaign between the German and French armies, the battle of Verdun was , fought entirely by Germans and Frenchmen. No allied troops appeared on either side. The two trained armies of the two military nations en- gaged in the greatest battle of history and ended in deadlock when the Franco-British attack on the Somme forced the discontinuance of the German assaults at Verdun. It must be noted by all, in spite of any national THE ONLY SOLUTION 265 pride, that only when attacking the French have the Germans been stopped. They broke the Eussian line in the spring of 1915 (May-September), and the Serbian line that fall (September-December). A handful of Ger- man divisions cut the Italian defenses like a thun- derbolt in the autumn of 1917, and the Germans smashed through the British army in the spring of 1917. American troops have resisted their on- set, but under command of skilled and experi- enced French generals. The year 1916, which saw Eoumania overrun, also saw a revival of the Eussian army, due to the arrival of the French and English-made artillery and ammunition and a brilliant Eussian offensive under Brusiloff which until 1918 was considered the best coordinated attack effected by allied troops. It was fear of this Eussian revival, as well as of the increasing British army and the develop- ment of French tactics and materiel which deter- mined Germany to enter upon the unrestricted submarine campaign which brought about her de- feat. ^66 THE ARMY OF 1918 The Eussian army, often victorious, more often defeated, never lost its power of resistance nor its promise of further aggression. It was at home that Eussia collapsed. The Russian people, suf- fering from the horrors of the war, broke into re- bellion, which rapidly descended into anarchy, and took Russia out of the war and of civilization. The course of America's timely intervention and the war in the main theater have been re- counted elsewhere. Our help was the main factor in the decision, but other important incidents must not be ignored. In June of 1918 the Austrians, this time without the aid of German troops, attacked the Italian, French and English forces along the Piave. The Italians had been much strengthened in munitions and equipment by their allies, their morale had been built up and French officers had tactfully imparted a considerable amount of military knowledge. The Austrian attack after some local successes broke down. The morale •of the Austrian people had suffered severely during the winter and in- fected the army, which in October broke into a THE ONLY SOLUTION ^67 wild and disastrous rout, taking Austria out of the war. In September the line of the Central Powers in Macedonia was broken. Adopting the tactics successfully employed Jby the Germans on the Piave the year before, the French commander-in- chief concentrated French troops and French ar- tillery and with them broke a hole through the Bulgarian line. The Serbian army, which was not sufficiently trained to effect this complicated maneuver, was especially well qualified for the arduous pursuit, being familiar with the country, hardy, and used to meager fare. The Austro-German-Bulgarian- Turkish army was never rallied. Bulgaria sued for peace on September 26th and Turkey followed on October 28th. •The question has been raised as to the realness of this battle. It has been suggested that Bul- garia asked for an excuse to quit. Time will bring out full information on that point. It need only be observed here that the morale of a country at war is as much a part of its fighting efficiency as is its artillery. 268 THE ARMY OF 1918 Staggered by the defection of her allies and the defeat of her armies, Germany's morale collapsed and she in turn fell into anarchy. The sailors of the fleet refused to put to sea on October 21st. Their revolt rapidly spread. The revolution might have been checked if troops had been sent from the front for this purpose, but no troops could be spared from before the unceasing attacks of the American army. The revolution succeeded, and in consequence the army at the front no longer could be supplied and was compelled to accept any terms which the allies saw fit to offer. From this we must draw an additional lesson : that a popular government at home is necessary to support the bravest army at the front. France suffered more than Germany; France suffered more than Kussia. From September, 1914, until August, 1918, the life of the French republic hung by a thread. There were murmurings; there were plots; but never did the nation fail to support its marvelous mili- tary machine. In this war there were but two armies of the THE ONLY SOLUTION 269 first class, the French and the German. The Eussian, American, English, Italian and other armies trailed along after them; in which par- ticular order does not matter. The French and the Germans were about an equal match in the field. It was the superiority of the French at home, the result of popular institutions, that achieved the victory. Equal at the front and stronger at the rear, France offers the complete model for national defense. German writers have dwelt at great length upon the aid they were forced to render the Austrians, aid both in troops and generalship. Sufficient stress has not been given to the aid lent by France to her allies. During 1914 French generals practically com- manded the British army. In the years following the British withdrew from beneath French con- trol and suffered heavily for their national ego- tism. They accomplished no military successes and, on the contrary, had to be rescued several times by the French from predicaments into which their inexperienced officers had led them. 270 THE ARMY OF 1918 It was French generalship, in addition to French and English materiel help, which reorganized the Italian army along the Piave after its defeat at Caporetto, and French staff officers as well as French artillerymen organized the Italian army for the campaign of 1918. Our own army, of course, was formed on the French model and briefly trained in the French school. Its most brilliant successes were achieved Tinder French generals and its most bitter failures came when French advice was disregarded. This fact must be accepted before a proper military policy can be found. It is a dose which will not be swallowed without effort. We admit readily that the greatest schools of architecture, of art, of acting, and of music are in Europe. Be- fore the war no doctor denied that a medical edu- cation was incomplete without a course in Berlin or Vienna. We approached Europe more closely in all these arts than we did in the art of war, and yet we find individual and national difficulty in ad- mitting our obvious military shortcomings. Why is it? It is because fighting is the primeval purpose I THE ONLY SOLUTION 271 of the male. In modem times, when fighting be- comes necessary only once in a lifetime instead of every day, the urgency is no less great. The fact that it is the male mission is as true as in the stone age. Women have entered all forms of industry, of all the arts and the sciences. They play an in- creasing part in government, so long a masculine monopoly. From war only do they shrink. Here men stand alone, the preservers, the admired of women. Here they glory in their masculinity and resent any suggestion that the males of another race can excel them even in technique. Of this our lawmakers are ever conscious. They may not think that every man is a soldier but they know that every man is a voter. Hence the bla- tant oratory, the misleading question : * * How do you account for the fact that our boys after three months are better soldiers than the veterans of Germany ?'' The fact is they were not. * * Our boys ' ' did not fight in this war. Regiments of soldiers of a year or more training fought. Their efficiency varied in direct ratio to the length of their training, ex- 272 THE ARMY OF 1918 cept as modified by exceptionally capable or no- toriously inefficient commanders. ''Our boys*' never f ougbt well in any war. The civilian cannot endure the battle. A complete metamorphosis must take place to turn the civilian into the sol- dier. Many times must a man overcome the fear of death in his imagination before he can rise triumphant over it on the battlefield. It was *'our boys'' who broke on both sides at Bull Eun. It was ''soldiers" that would not give way on either side in the Wilderness. The Great Division lost twenty-one prisoners in a little trench raid in October of 1917 while still untrained and but eleven more during all the great battles that followed. The steeled soul is not all in war. The efficient private is a skilled workman, and each step up- ward in a military hierarchy demands an increase of knowledge in geometric progression. Just as misleading as to say that our boys are bom soldiers is it to suggest that our officers are bom commanders. Practice is as necessary as study to develop their abilities and to permit selection for important posts. This our old army THE ONLY SOLUTION 273 did not permit, and in consequence our soldiers were not led mth the same skill as those of the French and the Germans. Indeed, the advantage which the American regnlar officer held over the National Guard officer in opportunity to become proficient in the art of war was less than the ad- vantage the French officer held over him. We suffered as a consequence. It is putting the case conservatively to state that throughout the army the French of any grade were the peers in military skill of the Americans of the next higher grade. The French private knew as much as the American, noncom; the French noncom as the American company officer; the French company officer as the American field officer, and the French field officer as the American general. So excellent was French discipline that civilians and thick-headed professional soldiers did not recognize it. French troops on the march looked like a mob as compared to Americans or English. They were merely traveling in the easiest way and could be formed in seconds. But American or English raw troops allowed such latitude would 274 THE ARMY OF 1918 have become a mob. So in battle. French soldiers would be found wandering" all over, but they were on substantial purpose bent and returned to their commands. Well trained troops can do things and be given liberties impossible to new formations. The French had no officer caste dispute. All their officers were chosen from among the whole people by examination, many of them from the ranks ; they were then given a complete education in the duties of company officers. There was no room for doubt as to who was the better man, officer or private. The private readily rendered obedience ; the officer had no need to pro- tect his authority by aloofness. But the greatest superiority of all was the superiority of the French civil government over the American civil government. In none of the crises of the war did the French civil government fail; not when Von Kluck approached Paris in 1914 nor when the French army was bleeding to death on the walls of Verdun, or when Nivelle's offensive failed, or when the German wave almost submerged the allies' defense in the Spring and THE ONLY SOLUTION 275 Summer of 1918. The French civil administration understood war and the French people under- stood war. We scattered our energies into a myriad of civilian pursuits — construction of unnecessary training camps, tremendous building of docks and warehouses. We had the surplus energy to spare and we had a minor part to play. France had neither, but she knew self defense as a nation and threw her full strength upon the enemy. It is a sophistry of ours to say that '*man for man, ship for ship, our navy is the equal of any in the world,'' as though a man or a ship means anything in a naval battle. We also salve indeci- sion with the statement that **our regular army for its size is as good as any army in the world." That is not true. Our small army was never trained as an army. Our generals were never exercised in the command of the full number of our troops. No effort had ever been made to clean out the incompetents among the generals as Joffre cleaned out the incompetent generals two years before the outbreak of war. 276 THE ARMY OF 1918 There is only one way to have a good army and that is to have every man a soldier. Then each one will be exalted in the sense of his manhood. Each father will understand the demands upon his son ; each manufacturer will know for what he is building; each congressman will understand about what he is legislating. The military man will be judged by a comprehending public and there will be no room for him to seek advancement by playing upon the misapprehensions of a civil constituency. fl 45 79 o V '^ ^^ * '^O Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. ^,_g;^.<^v, • Q Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide ^' ^ "- %^^ ^'^ ^ Treatment Date: i^y^Y 2001 o „ o - ^0 PreservationTechnologies w^ *\ A WORLD LEADER IN PAPER PRESERVATION *< X- - ^-^iH'iirft- ■»», • ^w- rv •■ N\ (<. 111 Thomson Park Drive 'y'V '' *>'?T^'"^ C^o^. - "^ V • t^W Cranberry Township, PA 16066 '•■^*'V .-^-^ -^ (724)779-2111 v^ ^^-n^. ■-^^r .s^--. WM\W^^^ '^^ /'.^iP.V/'' '^' ^^ .^ -^^ '. ^^ii^ ;' ^3" '^^ '.,>/ .^^) \ir.' .^''<> ■^-.."^^ .'^^ O o o DEC 73 N. MANCHESTER, ts:^ INDIANA 46962