Class Book- COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT 'lils Is JXTOT ^xx -A.t The Bible House, 4th av , 8th and 9th sU Astor Library, I^fayelle |)l Wasliington Arch, Sth av., at Washington »q Cooper Institute, ^tU av and 7lh si St. Augustine Chapel, Houston St., near Bowery Ludlow Street Jail, Ludlow St., near Grand Mulberry Bend, Mulbei-ry St., near Bayard Five Points Mission, Worth St., bet. Parl< & Baxter Newsboys' Lodging House, Park Row & New Chambers «t The Tombs, Centre, bet. Leonard & Franklin B^ast River Suspension Bridge, Park Row County Court House, Broadway and Chambers st City Hall, Brv)adway, opp. Warren st Post Office, Broadway and Park Rcw The Astor House, Broadway and Veaey it St. Paul's Chapel, Broadway and Veaey .it John St. Methodist Church, 4.^ John st Western Union Telegi*aph Co. Broadway and Dey st Real Estate Exchange, 57 Liberty st Chamber of Commerce, Broadway and Cedar st l^iuilable Building, Biy>adway and Pine 91 Trinity Churcli, Broadway op. Wall st Slock Exchange, Broad and Wall sis Petroleum Exchange, Broadway and Exchange pi Maritime Exchange, Bowling Green and Beaver st Produce Exchange, Bowling Green Barge OHfice, Battery Park byJ.BuLTl 6S0 (h7n¥jui'upMf^^vib\j-iff\njr vm./ COPyPieMT 1892, BY 6EOFG£ f. SMITH. !2! a S 2 {jn > c ^ ^ m •< T o S H 'n a> » 3_ > n n D- 3- " T) O O ^ 3" X.- * J " s u ~ O ~ ? S n pi > V aw = o a o a. •< H B: w n -c 3 n =r =-. « > q_ 2' a. E. E. 5' — 1 <£. X "S. 2- w r > o m o ■n 2 H rn m irril UpL-"' R ELEVENTH .* « * .« « .« .< S TENTH « * s s « .«<« .« s 5 fs « ;? -s s .« « g s s < s « s « « « « s s s .« S ^ .« ««iil!« l»l!i!llif i ?! 3 ii! ^ i g .21 p p 5 ?! 3 Sj PI ? P S ^ P P P P P I ^ S i I ^ I ^ I I 5 ^ g g I ^ 5 ^ ■3 13 'S S EI6HTH aii SEVENTH 'c' T P m r' S !?3 ""^ S ts K? !£ e; 'i-'S § pe "^ ^ «a ?^ .iSHE ,-jo>»« « ^ jq q oj 2i ^ 55 2} « 0, ^ S, !!i .H » ^ CO 2J ?j «i ?q 53 2i i!|j FIFTH 5 r ." sal AVMONlO^* 5» C5 ^ 2j g «] (q 5;} jq „ ^ 15 ;:} ?! ?? n ni PJ ni So ._. 5 s • THtRP- C ri^pi>|ii n n n n ni PI PI CO C- o" ■■•••■ • "< a « FOURTH AVE n O LEXINOTON n n ni pi ri pi w PARK AVE 53 ni PI PI * ' AVE. 5 pipipipinpipinnipi conn * .=="«t»«i»«a 1x2=1 a 03333 IX CA CO 09 0; 9 ;i >* "» 3 «} a o umi9en^ rUf, Sil «| I^bSJS?? ?}SS?iSl ?i2i?i ?5lH2i ;5 ?l gj^ H o 5 m SB Ik 'It *■ s 2 w w s ''^i P .S .i H 5! I SJ S p 5 H H 01 01 X z m PRosreCT PL. ^^ FIRST ,1 II II M |;g u _ . ljuJIJ!..'!/ /^ . ii I ; M I 1 '.W . I |i I ' I I I i> I I I I I I , 1,/f . II i; :>" / I 1 ii :' ;i " '1 " 1 1 MTrrrtrpv? ' 1 iL_ L_j ^l_LJ i^j UJ L.J 1.J L J lJ wj uj L J Llij lj crc »Iri.H.HOTWO)CflO» OJoitlo ^ BECKMAN Pl_ .H H H H .-) .H H .^ /7r0/»f /477/. Sr. TO 59TH. ST. orq 3 p O PS 3. "1 < ■-1 3 o •T3 ?r pi O TO rt -^ 3 3- •I p ^ 3 ?r p 3 p. •^ §1 P rt- w CL W £L u. !=^ .^ OS o\ ^j ^I 00 o o ^ "< u p- 3- 3- 3- B' s- > P3 ^ 3* {» or<5 ?r 3 p ? n rn w o Tl 2 H m ra !? E R »Nt D E s .« * « ;s AM8TCR0AM i? ° P 3 5 ^ lei* 8 ^ ?l P "■ * ?^ "^ W W^P " " ? ^ !? ""' BOULEVARD ;E --(T S S S^ ^ .« fS .5 IS ;? .S « H -J -J Z] 09 av °. :: M » H ;q P p H f^ i i ^ i ^ 9 ^ - - ii fi 9 S K AVE. J, « ■ ■), ij, ,, ,, V ■ .< s IS s s s « « « AVE. < S <5 .« S (O (O H H H OlO> ■iCPSOAN 2 o g o o 9 ? P ° d d (V'^iCOLUMgUS • Oj « «} «j «j||| I H> jfl w w <2 u, .^ • W MAIJHATT4HI »u MANHATTAN I • ■ " BECOND ' " ■ "' • ** ' * A^^ CO Ul CO 0? 1- "^'"o' S H S "5 ffl 0) 0) adway and 41st at Carnegie Hall, W sTih St and 7th a» Casino, Broadway and 39th at Clilckerintc Hall, 5II1 av and iSlh at Columbus Theatre, E i35(h St and Lexington a» Dalya Theatre, Broadway and 30th at Eden Musee, W J3rd St., near iSth a» ElRhlh Street Theatre, E 8lh St., near Broadway Fifth Avenue 1 heatre, Broadway and s8th st Fourteenth Street Theatre, W 14th at., near 6th av Garden Theatre, Madison av ajid 27th st Grand Opera House, 8th av and 33rti st Hardnian Hall, sth av., near i8th st Hariem Opera House, W 135th at , near 7th av Harlem Theatre, E ijsth St., near 3d av HarriRSn's Theatre, W 35th St., near (kh av Herrmnn's Theatre, Broadway, near 29th st Jacobs' Third Avenue Theatre, 3rd = - 3ist ! ; Hia Lexington Av Opera House, sath St., near 3rd av l,oiidon Theatre, 335 & 937 Bowery Lyceum Theatre, 4th av., near 33rd st Lyric Hall, 723 6th av Madison Square Theatre, W 34th St.. near Broadway Madison Square Garden, Madison av and a6th st ManhaHan Opera House, W 34lh St., near Broadway Metropolitan Opera House, Broadway and 39th st Miner's Theatre, Bowery, near Bnwme Miner's Theatre, 310 Sth av Nlblo's Garden, Broadway, near Pi-ince st Palmer's Theatre, Broadway and 30th SI I'ark Theatre, Broadway and 3stb st People's Theatre, Bowery, near Spring st Proctor's Theatre, W 33rd St., near 6th av Standard Theatre, Broadway, near 33rd st Star Theatre, Broadway and 13th at Sleinway Hall, Ei4lh St., near 4th av ThaUa Tliealre, Bowery, near Canal st Tony Pastor's Theatre, E .4th St., near 3rd av Union Square Theatre. Union sq., near Broadway Wiodaor Theatre. Bowery, near Canal st ftKOTHST I I 2 5 LUuwon *"v«Tr o' '^WEST FARM ! \\^ £ tc c nio 3T li ip su. 1 171 ST, p ' I I • TTOTH. ST ; 1^ %.( 5 i '«<"> station [.iseTH.S'l ir.isetw. ST. < MANMHrmN '•. nmcnc 1 CUI8 BALL l'0uiei'v ixBfExenr-w. < CONVENT OP .^ M TT H^\iipN ., a?s \ i l/.^v \\ :< ,to»«- %'^ ^ nu /wi (0 ~" s. .«^ ^ 1 g * t #* " c'to"" w % •^1/ ^. K ^ 1 ^ l»°" stV^ V '^ ^ i «c -i*^ M,f^* V I u. u^*^*-"' B(iKIIIIMDAlt . IS t1*Ta 1 ASYLUM ; '"-J* 'X ItOTK. te i H i^ B -T' ' Z ' 'Hartem^™" ' .t, .^^ Sta.^126TH. ■BBB .fftrrV- F 113TH. 1 I 112TH. He'-'- irTLt _^ WARDS I Hestrroir ISLAND! •Hospital h «0 _ S « TENTH S S ^ S ■ • rs * .< k' N 5 S S K S S § o 3 1 3 i 1 1 ^ ? ■ :} 1 ■ NINTH PRINCIPAL HOTELS Aberdeen. B'way & a>»t. Albemarle, BVav and ajlh. Allman House, 67 E loth- Ashland, 4th av and 54th. Aslor House, B way "P I ■ " Barrett House, BVay and 43d. Belvedere, 4th av and iSth. Belmont 141 Fulton «• Brevoort House, i. Fifth av. Bradfoi-d, 65 Eleventh St. Bristol, i; E- "th. BrxTadwavCentr-aUj.ffway. Brower House, n W. sSth. Bucldneham, 5th av and solh. CsmbWage, 334 F'/th a»- . . Canda House, .7 Laf^y^'* P'- Clarendon, 4lh ^v. and i8lh. Coleman House, Broadway 61 37' : ,-. _-, cf^a" eft- ^ ''/ «^- V<. U V p4 t,4^- BwYorK A*^ ^ ^ l,