oH -7% ^/- v^ ^J^ -^ ,^^-' \^ "^y- v^ .. .,^^^ v..^- \'-' ^, .-^ cf.yiaLyte, ' peiirat/:. kn'me-T-ly Mxnutitu/ Ic --yirhn lllyttcii ^^•>€A:)um ci IlLyiyeorac cJriJi ■the hockiXAHon ci ' # /Aj. All Rights Reserved. A HISTORY TONG, SHROPSHIRE, Church, Manor, Parish, College, Early Owners, and Clergy, NOTES ON BOSCOBEL, BY GEORGE GRIFFITHS, OF weston-under-lizard. ILLLJ ST RAT ED. BY Edmund H. New, Gertrude M. Bradley, and Charles W. S. Dixon, Secant) 1E\>itwn, toitf) ^tjtjitions. NEWPORT, MARKET DRAYTON, AND STONE: HORNE & Bennion, "Advertiser" Offices. LONDON : SiMPKiN, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent, & Co., Ltd. mdcccxciv. Religion never was designed To make our pleasures less." Watts. " No entertainment is so cheap as reading, nor any pleasure so lasting." Lady Manj Wortlcy Montague. \\ •' The knights are dust, Their swords are rust, Their souls are with the saints we trust." The Church was old and grey, with ivy clinging to the walls, and round the porch. It was a very quiet place, as such a place should be, save for the cawing of the rooks, who had built their nests among the branches of some tall old trees. " Let us wair here," rejoined Nell, " the gate is open. We will sit in the church porch till you come back." " A good place, too," said the schoolmaster, placing his portmanteau on the stone seat. It was a very aged, ghostly place. The church had been built many hundreds of years ago, and had once had a convent or monastery attached ; for arches in ruins, remains of oriel windows, and fragments of blackened walls were yet standing. They admired everything — the old, grey porch, the muUioned windows, the venerable gravestones dotting the green church- yard, the ancient tower, the very weathercock, the brown thatched roofs of cottage, barn, and homestead, peeping from among the trees ; the stream that rippled by the distant watermill, the blue Welch mountains far away Dickens'' Old Guriosity Shop. li^^v ©^ts Motk 10 (iratefullg Engcri&eDi anir ©etJicatelJ to %kt (Earl ani) Cr0tint^j6f0 oi §xnMoxb, an iiiz jFiftirt]^ ^nni&ergarg of t|^eit iPlartiafle, april 30ttr, 1894. 18g tf)e author. VI. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. WITH ADDITIONS. The thousand copies which comprised the first edition of my work on Tong, its Parish Church, and early history, having been exhausted, and the demand for the book by antiquarians and visitors aHke continuing, I am persuaded to launch this second and enlarged edition with much con- fidence and hope of public approval. The numerous illustrations and additional subjects will, I imagine, increase its general interest and usefulness. These latter embrace : — The Hengist Tradition. Some account of the Earl of Bradford's family and ancestry. Notes upon the Restoration of the Church, Slabs found, the Stanley Tomb, &c., and numerous revisions throughout. An account of Tong College and its quaint rules. A document recording the Perambulation of the Boundary of the Lordship or Manor and Parish of Tong in 1718, with local notes upon perambulations, millers, maypoles, the tithe pig, marlpits, Tong tournament, factory, and clockmakers, surnames, &c. Memoranda of the Durant family. Tong Church Registers, and a Proclamation found in the parish chest as to Gunpowder Plot. Some account of the famous Ladies of Tong, viz. : Venetia Lady Digby, Lady Mary Wortley Montague, Mrs. Fitzherbert, Isabella Forester, Lady Stafford, and Dorothy Vernon. Some account of Boscobel, which is just outside Tong parish, and particularly of the Royal Oak, the shelter of King Charles II ; the faithful Penderels of Hubbal Grange in Tong. The Nunneries of White Ladies and Black Ladies, immediately on the outskirts. Early Deeds of the Pemburges, Vernons, and Stanleys, forming a portion of this edition, are of interest to antiquarians, and will help, when time permits a fuller examination, to throw more light upon the ancient history of Tong. I desire to record my grateful thanks to the Earl and Countess of Bradford for their kind and approving letters written on the publication of the first edition. I must also mention the valuable help rendered me by Mr. Walter de Gray Birch, F.R.S.L,, of the British Museum, and by MS. Notes of the Rev. R. G. Lawrence, a former Vicar of Tong. To others, whose names are mentioned throughout the work, I am desirous to express my obligations for their courtesy. GEORGE GRIFFITHS. Weston-under-L izard, 30th Apnl, 1894. Vll. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. This little book has been printed in the hope that it may be useful in refreshing the memories of those visitors to Tong Church who are already in some degree acquainted with its ancient and historic associations ; while to the many tourists from neighbouring towns who resort to the village, it may be not only a " guide " to the building, but a reminder of a pleasant holiday. The compiler is not unconscious of the importance and delicacy of such a task as the description of Tong Church, but hastens to defend its publica- tion as supplying the great want of a handy comprehensive guide to a much-visited edifice. He has endeavoured to introduce, where possible, comments upon its rich contents by abler hands, completing the remainder with an ordinary notice of things as they are to be seen at present. He hopes that neither such simple language — nor indeed the existence of conflicting opinions upon matters of remote date — -will be allowed to detract from the lustre pertaining to the objects themselves. He has to express his thanks to those strangers and friends who have favoured him with interesting notes. GEO. GRIFFITHS. Weston Bank, Shifnal, 1885. Letter from the Earl op Bradford. Weston, Shifnal, Feby. 6, 1885. My Dear Sir, — Let me thank you very much for the book you have sent me on Tong Church. I think it is very nicely got up, besides the merits of its contents as a guide to Tong Church and Parish. I have looked through it, and it appears to me to be full of correct information, given in a popular way. I hope it may prove successful, and will certainly recommend my friends to buy it. Yrs. very faithfully, (Signed) Bradford. Letter From the Countess of Bradford. Weston Park, Shifnal, Sept. 6, 1885. Dear Sir,— I am quite delighted with your book, and accept it with much pleasure. I have read a great part of it, and shall study it one day in the Church of Tong. I cannot but think it is a book that will make its mark in the County. I want a copy at once to give away to a friend, and I doubtless shall want several more. With thanks and con- gratulations on its success. Believe me. Yours truly, (Signed) Sblina L. Bkadfokd. SmoKi .^,„^m ILLUSTRATIONS. Plate On Page^ Charles I Frontispiece Tong Church and Vicarage viii Plan of District ^ Plan of Church ^ Reference toJEffigies « Plan of Village s"' Thong Castle and Merlin 6 Tone Church from the East, p. 20 ") ^o Stanley Tomb, p. 65 > East window, 3 Screens, and Pulpit 26 Seal of Isabella the Foundress, p. 214... Font, Tong Church, p. 27 White Ladies Abbey Ruins and Gate- house, p. 194 Sir F. dePembruge IV. Tomb, p. 30 Sir Richard Vernon Tomb, p. 37 \ 30 Sir Harry Vernon Tomb, p. 47 Brass to Sir W. Vernon 42 Sir Harry Vernon's Tong Castle 5° Brass to Sir A. Vernon 53 Sir Arthur Vernon EfBgy, p. 54 The King's Champion, p. 6i King Charles II. and the Penderels and Yates, p. i8o Tong Church— Choir-Stalls, p. 74 ^ Richard and Margaret Vernon Tomb, V- 74 P 57 J Duke of Kingston Deed 82 Crystal Ciborium 83 Brass to W. SkeflSngton 84 Brass to Lady Daunsey 86 Tong Castle, as at present 90 Vestry Door ; 95 Brass to Ralph Elcock 96 Plate OH Page. Great Bell of Tong, and G. Boden. ) ,„, Clerk ;"' Great Bell of Tong 103 Sir Thomas More 114 Tong College 12a The Watchman 129 Forge Hammer from a Coin found in\ Tong Church during the Restora- I tion, p. 142 [ ^ Tong Upper Forge Waterfall, p. 142. ... j Hubba! Grange, p 204 14a Convent Lodge, Entrance to Tong Castle 156 Dove-house, p. 11 and 160 ") Tong Church from the West, and Alms- [-160 house ruins, p. 160 J Lady Mary W. Montague, p. 166.., Venetia, Lady Digby, p. 171 Dorothy Vernon, p. 177 Richard Penderell, p. 180 , Charles II.. p. 183 "Mrs." Jane Lane, p. 182 Lady Mary, the toast of the Kit-cat Club 167 Mrs. Fitzherbert i6g The Royal Oak, photograph in 1894 1 Black Ladies, p. 206 jf '^ The Royal Oak, trunk as at present 184 Boscobel and the Royal Oak, copy of a photograph in 1879 185 The Royal Oak, with brick wall, p. 187 \ Tong Golden Chapel Roof, p. 53 I g- William Penderell, p. 179 r*"/ Sir Kenelm Digby, p 173 / White Ladies— slabs, \ White Ladies— from the S. E. Corner !• 200 of Ruins j White Ladies as a Cart Shed, Tiles, \ North Doorway, Dame Joan I Penderill's Tomb f'°' White Ladies— hinge / Plan of Stanley Tomb, Tong 336 166 PLAN OF DISTRICT CountyBoundary Parish „ Main Roads i-mile Circle XI. A Concise Reference to ye Effigies. VOTICE that ye little number placed against Tach illustrious name refer$ the indtistrious reader alike to ye Plan of ye Church, and ye Bodye of ye Boke. From ye Harcourts of the Blood Royale of Saxony, ye famous De Belmeis familie, and La Zouches descended of ye Dukes of Brittany : came Orabel de Harcourt married to Henry de Pembruge of Pembridge, Co. Hereford ; " my faithful! and beloved Henry," as His Majesty described him : from whom in very direct descent — . I SirTho := Elizabeth de Lingen= Ludlow daughter & heire to Sir Raffe Lingen of Wigmore. She built ye Church*. 12 I =Sir Fulke de Pembruge 12 Juliana de=Rich: de Pembruge sister and heire. Vernon, from tke Vernons off Normandie Benedicta de Ludlow=Sir Richard de Vernon, ye Speaker of Lei'ster 13 I 13 Parliament, 1426. Sir Will: Vernon= Margaret (Swynfen), heiress of Sir 14 I 14 Rob : Pype and Spernor. Sir Harry Vemon= 15 Governor & Treasurer to Arthur, Prince of Wales, elder brother to King Henry VIII., a very worthie Prince. To ye Ladye Anne Talbot, granddaughter 15 to ye Great Earl Talbot. Margaret (Dymock)=Richard 17 dau: of Sir Robert Dymock, ye King's champion. Vernon, Esq. 17 Humphrey=Alice de Ludlow, Arthur Vernon, 1 8 Vernon, Esq. 18 co-heire of her Pryst grandfather Sir 1 6 Richd: de Ludlow. Sir George Vemon,'.buried'at Bakewell, leaving two lovely I daughters co-heires, Margaret Vernon=At Haddon, to Sir Tho: 19 I Stanley, son to ye Earle of Derbie 19 Dorothy=Sir John Manners, from whom His Grace of Rutland. Sir Edw: Stanley=Ye Lady Lucie Percie, daughter to ye Duke of 1 9 I Northumberland. From whom the beautiful Venetia, Lady Digby, and others. Xll. "♦/Hirv. PLAN OF VILLAGE. 5^fl|'U)i, surnamed Ambrosius. His prophecies and predictions interpreted, and tlieir truth made aood b/ our Englisii annals. Being a Clironological History from Bruti to the raigue of our Royal dovereign King Charles, by Thos. Heywood.— London ; Printed by J. Oakes, 1641, "Merihi. well verst in manv an hidden spell, His Countries oiiiev. did long since toretell, Grao'd in his Time b- sundr- Kings he was, And all that lid predicted came to passe." *Meilui, according to Plot, being " the British Prophet who flouiish't about the jear48o,' Early History. 7 In the Britixh Avch(rolo(jical Journal, Mr. Tucker's Report says : The Hengist tradition is not only credible, but founded on fact. The Prophet Merlin or Ambrosias was associated with Shropshire. It is worthy of remark that th?. author gives the venerable Bede, and Wm. de Regibus, as authorities lor this tradition. Hengist landed 449. and died 488 ; and flourished contemporaneously with Merlin. When also the locality is admitted, and the strange coincidence of the mention of the building of Tong in his life, and the representation of it on the same print with his portrait is discovered, it appears to me there is not only ground for accept- ing the tradition but for acknowledging its probability. In a letter from a Kentish authorit}' on these matters the following passage occurs : Hengist invaded and subdued Kent. He had nothing whatever to do with Salop The stronghold of a Saxon Chief was not a stone castle, but an earthen mound, surrounded by a moat. The mcund remains at Tong in Kent, and the water remains at its foot, long utilised as a millpool and stream. In Dnvirstlai/ bock the word is spelt Tuange, and as early as 1 167 the two names occur of Tong and Tong Norton, which were charged with a fine of a merk for an ofifence their owner had committed against the harsh Forest Laws. Twanga is mentioned by Mr Eyton as occurring 1167, and Thonk 1212 ; 1284 the Manor of Tugge occurs, but of many references Tong and Tonge are the most frequent. The opinion of an eminent Shropshire archaeologist is, liowever, that the name is simply derivable from Thong-lands, i.e., the lands of Thanes or Barons. May not the solution of .these conflicting opinions be that the cimning device of the Saxon in Kent was imitated in Salop in a time when the rewards for great military achievements were generally the lands of the conquered ? The great Roman Road— the Watling Street —passes through the northern part of the parish, and the .spot where it leaves it (at Burlington), crossing the brook that divides the parishes of Tong and Shifnal, was, not long ago. known as Stoneyford, a name, Mr. Hartshorne says, traceable to the Roman occupation. 8 Early History. The first owner of Tong, of whom there is any record, seems to have been Leofric, called Earl of Leicester, who governed the North part of Mercia (a) ; he married the Lady Godiva, who, with her husband, is said to have numbered Tong among their vast possessions. Their son Algar, Earl of Mercia, (1057) married a sister of the " King of Wales," their sons were Morcar and Edwin. The doings of Morcar occupy so prominent a place in the history of his time, that they may be briefly related : — The rule of Tostig (Harold's brother) being too severe, the Northumbrians broke into insurrection (1065) when they elected Morcar their Earl, which act their king, Edward the Confessor, confirmed. The dignity and title of Earl was very rarely held, and implied much absolute authority ; indeed Earls were little less than Kings in the districts they governed, which were called Shires. The Earl's duty was to lead his men to battle, to preside with the Bishops in the Courts, and to enforce the execution of justice. He appears to have received one-third of the fines paid to the King. After the nobles, in the social scale, there were two classes of freemen — Thanes and Ceorls — the owners and cultivators of the soil. Thanes held lands by honourable tenure of service about the person of their Lord, or in the field, the law requiring one combatant from every five hides of land. A hide is said to be as much land as one plough would cultivate in a year. At the bottom of the scale were Serfs or born slaves generally attached to the Manor, and sold with the land and cattle, or sometimes used as " live money " to purchase or (ft) Merci i extended irom London to the Mersey and was the most powerful oi the Seven Kingdoms forming the Saxon Heptarchy . Early History. g barter goods, being valued at four times that of an ox. What an unhappy contrast with the present state of things ! To return to Morcar. William I. having won the Battle of Hastings, and devastated part of London and the southern counties. Earl Morcar (and his brother Edwin) submitted to him and swore allegiance at Berkhampsted. They accompanied the King into Normandy (1067), but returned the end of the same year. Edwin for his services was promised the daughter of William in marriage, but the engagement being broken they stirred up the people against William I. ; they were surprised before the affair was ripe, but subsequently par- doned. Morcar joined Hereward, the banished Saxon, who came to England, and became a rallying point for all who were disaffected to the new government. William I. broke up their " Camp of Refuge " (1071). Morcar submitted but was condemned to perpetual imprisonment ; Edwin was slain in an attempt to escape ; thus the last effort to resist the Conqueror was overcome, and the conquest became complete. William I. was now bestowing his new possessions upon his kinsmen and countrymen who had accompanied him from Normandy, and so we find he conferred Tong upon Roger de Montgomery (created Earl of Shrewsbury, Chichester and Arundel) together with the greater part of the land in the county of Salop, f t Ex. Ross's History, .>%> 'mi^^mj'm V|y y|v 4>^ ^;> ^|y ^i> ^|St 4v 4> =/|v ^4,v ifi\ ^Iv :/|V OWNERS OF TONG. EARL MORCAR, elected by his covmtrymen Earl of Northumberland in the reign of Edward the Confessor (1042-1066). Tong worth ;^ii annually at this time. He forfeited it to the King. KING WILLIAM I. who conferred it upon EARL ROGER DE MONTGOMERY, his kinsman, "The Great Earl."* Founded Shrewsbury Abbey. Founded or rebuilt Tong Church^; Tong fully described in Domesday Book about 1086, valued at £6 annually.! ' EARL HUGH DE MONTGOMERY, his second son, succeeded about iioo. EARL ROBERT DE BELESME, his elder brother, who rebelled, and: was defeated, forfeiting it to KING HENRY I. ; who bestowed it upon RICHARD DE BELMEIS I., BishAp of London in 1108, a remarkable^ man, a great jurist ; he consecrated several Bishops, gave all his revenue to complete magnificent improvements at St. Paul's Cathe-^ dral, died 1127, and was succeeded by his nephews, RICHARD DE BELMEIS II., as to Church Lands only, He was Bishopi' of London. PHILIP DE BELMEIS (as to other lands). They founded Lilleshall Abbey. Some of his land betv.een Tong and Brewood was the sub-' ject of litigation ; the Bishop of Lichfield claimed it — hence probably, the name Bishop's Wood. He granted lands to Buildwas Abbey ; " and to Lilleshall tithes of his mills, of his herds, mares and colts, and free paunage for swine in his woods, also advantage of his woods for fire and building materials, and lands at Lizard Grange, the once proposed site of Lilleshall Abbey. J PHILIP DE BELMEIS his son, died without issue, as also did RANULF DE BELMEIS his brother, 1167. ALICE DE BELMEIS, his sister, who mnrried ALAN LA ZOUCHE, descended from the reigning Dukes of Brittany. Tlie land of " Lusard " is mentioned. (WM. DE BELMEIS. grandson of Robert, holds land at Tong, Hen. III.) WILLIAM LA ZOUCHE alias DE BELMEIS, d.s.p. Forcibly ejected a Clerk from Tong advowson, d. 1199. * The authority of Earls, within their province, was equal to that of Royalty itself. They granted the various Manors to Knights (or armed horsemen) whom they undertook to protect, receiving in return certain military service, generally 40 days every year. t The depreciation was probably due to the devastation attending the Conquest. Domesday book records that there were then 3 'hides,' may be 120 acres, subject to the Bishop's tax, and in demesne 4 ox-teams, and 13 slaves and poor people with 3 ox-teams, an ox-team being said to be as much land as one plough would cultivate in a year. Here was a league of wood. I " The grange" of which there are three in this Parish (Lizard, Hubbal, and Ruckley) and many in this neighbourhood, is defined by Mrs. M. E. Walcott from an old document of the 13th century, as " the monastic farm, and included a dove-cot, ox-houses, pig-styes, and stables : sometimes a large one had a hall and two or three chambers abutting on it, a kitchen and a court enclosed with a stone wall, pierced with a gateway. Some granges were only thatch'd, others had slatt roofs." [Ex- Shreds mid Patches, Aug. 16, 1876.] Mr. Hartshorne also defines it as signifying oiciginally a farmhouse or granary or farm appertaining to a monastery, or other religious house, and thus in time the term became identified with the place itself, hence the name, granger or store-keeper, a farmer. Pigeons are still kept at Lizard Grange, as indeed they are at most Granges. Owners of Tong. it ROGER LA ZOUCHE alias DE BELMEIS.* Forfeited Tong 1204 to KING JOHN, who conferred it upon his favourite WM. DE BRAOSE, 1204 (he had some undefined interest before in Tong). Soon forfeited it to King John, and died an exile : his wife and son are said to have been starved to dtiath. King John again confers it upon ROGER LA ZOUCHE (before named), who had returned to allegiance, and advanced in the King's favour : he accompanied the King on several journeys : was bound to find 2 men to fight in the King's army in Wales : was no less faithful to his son, Henry HE; made a grant to Hugefort, known as the tenure of Chaplet of Roses.* Died 1238. (HY. DE HUGEFORT, query undertenant only). ■ALAN LA ZOUCHE (son of Roger). Distinguished for loyalty and capacity, a great jurist, 1240. He gave the monks pasturage for their stock at Ruckley Grange, through all his manor of Tong, and one swine stall in his wood of Brevvde, and eight cart loads of fuel yearly, 1247. He further gave them leave to take old slumps in Ruckley Wood, and provided against their stock straying into his manor of Tong : also leave to make a bridge at Ruckley : the monks gave up certain privileges before granted, but reserved site for a mill at Timlet : Holloway. D. 1270. ALICE LA ZOUCHE, his sister, who married WM. DE HARCOURT, of the blood royal of Saxony, was in 1256 prosecuted for wasting the Abbot's trees at Lizard Grange. The Marlpit of Methplekes (? Meashill), is mentioned. Died 1272. MARGERY and OR ABEL DE HARCOURT, their daughters and co- heiresses. HENRY DE PEMBRUGE married ORABEL. King Henry granted to his " beloved and faithful Henry " a weekly market at Tong for three days, at St. Bartholomew's Day. The Pembruges came from Pembridge co. Hereford, a family of high antiquity in that county. FULCO DE PEMBRUGE L, only son of Orabel : his half-brother insulted Prince Edmund at Warwick, and was imprisoned in the dungeons of Wigmore : 1282, is not yet 12 years old, 12S4 holds the manor of Tugge with the vill of Norton. The capital messuage valued at 5s., the fish in the Vivary {i.e. a place for keeping them alive) at 2s. 8d., the Dovecot at is. 8d. ,t and the Water Mill at £2 per year. The Mill was below the Castle in all probability : of rents mentioned, is the Chaplet of Roses. FULCO DE PENEBRUGGE H., b. 1292, d. 1326. His mother. Lady of Tong, 1297, occurs in a return, as liable in respect of her property of _;{^20 or over, to be summoned to perform military service with horse and arms, in parts beyond the seas, Fulco claimed right to fix weight and price of bread and beer, and to hold a market and fair at Tong. Of age in 1312. In 1314, as a Knight and Lord of Tong, gives to Bishop * He did by a fair deed under his seal on which was bis pourtraiture on Horseback in a. Military Habit, grantunto Henry Huget'ort, and his Heirs, three Yards-lands, 3 Rfessuages, and certain Woods in Norton and Shaw in this Parish of Tonge, with Paunage for a great Number of Hogs in the Woods belonging to this, Iiis Manor, also Liberty of Fishing in all his Waters there, except in the f;rrat Pool of Tongf, with other Privileges, viz. : — of gathering Nuts in his Woods there, &c., rendering yearly to him the said Roger and his Heirs a Chafilel of Ros-s upon the Feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, in case he or they shall be at Tonge, if not then to be put upon the image of the blessed Virgin in the Church of Tonge U\r all services, suits of Court, &c [Ex Magna Brit, j In Duke* Lloyd's Shropshire I find a note that the great Pool was a Meadow in 1736, but I aia unable to identify it. t A dove-house stands in and still gives a name to part of the Park at Tong, between the Castle and Church. 12 Owners of Tong, of Coventry and Lichfield a plot of wood (? near Brewood). Confirm* free road for tlie monks' sheep and animals from their farm (or grange), at Ruckley, to their pasture at Donington ; also to make a fence and bridge, and site for a mill at Timlet. In 1313, he had King's pardon for joining the Earl of Lancaster. 1319, licence to exchange 10 acres with Prioress of White Ladies. 1322, a Knight representing Salop at York Parliament, and later for Gloucester at second York Parliament. 1323-1326. summoned to levy archers, and engaged in several offices and counsels. D. 1326, leaving a sou, aged 15. FULK DE PEMBRUGE IIL, 1333. Lawsuit against him by his mother Matilda de Bermingham ; Fulk defeated. ROBERT DE PEMBRUGE (brother and heir), said to occur 1346-7, occurs 1351- FULK DE PEMBRUGE IV., see Tomb 12. 1371-1410. ELIZABETH DE PEMBRUGE, Lady of Tong, his widow, see Tomb 12. SIR RICHARD VERNON, Fulke's nephew and successor, see Tomb 13. SIR WILLIAM VERNON, his son, see Tomb 14, SIR HARRY VERNON, his son, see Tomb 15. RICHARD VERNON, ESQ., his son, see Tomb 17. SIR GEORGE VERNON, his son. King of the Peak, owned 30 manors (buried at Bakewell, near Haddon 1565). DOROTHY & MARGARET VERNON, his daughters and co-heiresses. Dorothy eloped with Sir John Manners, upon the night of her sister's marriage, and conveyed Haddon to the House of Rutland. MARGARET married HON. SIR THOMAS STANLEY, see Tomb 19. SIR EDWARD STANLEY, their son, succeeded, and died in 1632. He sold Tong to SIR THOMAS HARRIES, Bart., Serjeant-at- Law. See referred to under Tombs 23 and 31. ANN AND ELIZABETH, his daughters and co-heiresses. Ann married' John Wylde, Esq., and died 1624, aged 16, see Tomb 23. Tong Castle passed to ELIZABETH, who married THE HON. WILLIAM PIEREPOINT of Thoresby, Notts., " William the Wise, " see under No. 31. He suc- ceeded, 1640 ; was described as "of Tong Castle." Pie died 1679, and his three grandsons became successively Ear's of Kingston, viz : Robert, died 16S2, William 1690, and GERVASE, LORD PIERPOINT, their youngest son, gained a peerage, see No. 24. His only child, Elizabeth Pierpoint, having pre-deceased him^' see under No. 31, Lord Pierpoint died in 1715, when his nephew, EVELYN, 5th EARL OF KINGSTON, created ist DUKE OF KINGSTON succeeded as Lord of Tong. He was father of Lady Mary Wortley Montague so celebrated in the literary world. His son William died before his father 1 7 13, leaving a son, EVELYN, last DUKE OF KINGSTON, owTier of Tong Castle, and had his seat there. He married the celebrated Miss Chudleigh, but left no issue and on his death in 1773 all his titles became extinct. He, in 1760, sold Tong to GEORGE DURANT, ESQ., of a Worcestershire family, who amassed a large fortune at Havannah. Reconstructed the Castle as now to be seen. See Tomb 30. He died 1780 aged 46. GEORGE DURANT, a minor at his father's death. He had issue a son George Stanton Eld Durant, who pre-deceased him, but leaving a son, GEORGE CHARLES SELWYN DURANT, who sold Tong 1855 to the Earl of Bradford. THE EARL OF BRADFORD'S FAMILY. GEORGE A. F. H. BRIDGEMAN, EARL OF BRADFORD, 2nd Earl of the 1815 creation, D.C.L., de- scended from Sir Orlando Bridgeman, Kt. and Bart., a lawyer of great eminence, and Keeper of the Great Seal, 1667, son of the Right Rev. John, Bishop of Chester, 1619 — 1657, — a family, whose seat at Weston Park has passed to them by inheritance from the De Westons (Knight Templars) of Weston, whose effigies in heart-of-oak still remain in the chancel of Weston Church, through the Newports, Wilbrahams, Myttons, and Peshalls. The Earl married Georgina Elizabeth only daughter of Sir Thomas Moncreiffe and Lady Elizabeth Ramsay. In 1865 the Earl died, when Tong passed to ORLANDO GEORGE CHARLES BRIDGEMAN, 3rd EARL OF BRADFORD, Viscount Newport and Baron Bradford, of Bradford, co. Salop ; a Baronet, Privy Councillor, Lord Lieutenant and Custos Rotulorum of Shropshire ; whose first official appointment was in the administration of the Earl of Derby ; and later in those of the Earl of Beacons- field, K.G., having held the high offices of Lord Chamberlain (1866-8), and Master of the Horse to Her Majesty the Queen 1874-80 and again in 1885-6. He repre- sented South Shropshire in Parliament twenty-three years, until his accession to the peerage. Born 24th April, 1819. Married 30th April, 1844, the Hon. Selina Louisa Weld Forester, daughter of Cecil, ist Lord Forester. The COUNTESS OF BRADFORD is the youngest daughter of Cecil, first Lord Forester (created Baron Forester, of Willey Park, co. Salop, in 1821) by his wife, Lady Katherine Manners, daughter of Charles, the 4th Duke of Rutland, K.G. Her ladyship's brothers, George, second Lord, and Cecil, third Lord Forester, died without issue, the present Lord Forester (Orlando Watkin Weld) being a Canon of York. This nobleman has an hereditary privilege, granted by Henry VIII., of wearing his hat in the presence 14 The Earl of Bradford's Family. of the Sovereign. It was made to John Forester, of Upton and Easthope, in 1520, by licence "to use and were his bonet on his hede at all tymes and in all places, as well in our "presence as elsewhere." The name of Forester is derived from Richard Forestarius, who had charge of the King's Forest of Wellington Hay in Shropshire, in the reign of Henry HI. — an appointment of trust conferred by the King when penalties of death were frequently inflicted upon persons guilty of breach of the Forest Laws. A younger brother of the Countess of Bradford is the Hon. Henry Townshend Forester (b. 19 Jan., 1821), the well-known patron of the turf. Lady Bradford's sisters were : — The Hon. Anne Elizabeth,- ivho became Countess of Chesterfield ; the Hon. Elizabeth Katherine, married Hon. Robert John Smith, afterwards 2nd Baron Carrington ; the Hon. Isabella Elizabeth Annabella, married Gen. the Hon. Geo. Anson, and died leaving three daughters. Countess Howe, Hon. Mrs. George Fitzwilliam, and the Marchioness of Bristol; and the Hon. Henrietta. Maria, who married Lord Albert Conyngham, created Baron. Londesborough. The Forester arms are aryent, a bugle horn aahle, garnished with gold, a token of their office. Some further account of the Forester Family who were owners of part of Tong Parish will be given later. The Earl's eldest son, GEORGE CECIL ORLANDO, VISCOUNT NEWPORT, born Feb. 3rd, 1845, represented- North Shropshire in the House of Commons from 1867 to 1885, and is known as a fluent and graceful speaker, and one of the best shots in England. He lives at Castle Bromwich. His. lordship's Silver Wedding day is in 1894, he having married on Sept. 7, 1869, Lady Ida Frances Annabella Lumley, second daughter of Richard George, 9th Earl of Scarbrough, by his wife Frederica Mary Adeliza Drummond ; Lady Newport's brothers and sisters being the present Earl of Scarbrough, Lady Algitha, wife of Hon. Wm. Orde Powlett, heir to Lord The Earl of Bradford's Family, 15 Bolton ; the Marchioness of Zetland, Countess Grosvenor, and the Hon. Osbert Lumley. Lord Newport has issue: Sons — the Hon. Orlando (b. 6 Oct. 1873), Hon. Richard Orlando Beaconsfield, (b. 1879, god-son to Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield), and Hon. Henry Geo. Orlando (b. 1882); daughters — the Hen. Beatrice Adine (b. 1870), the Hon. Margaret Alice (b. 1872, now Countess of Dalkeith), Hon. Helena Mary (b. 1875, god-daughter of H.R.H. Princess Christian), Hon. Florence Sibell (b. 1877). The Hon. Orlando Bridgeman made a voyage round the world in 1893, and all will welcome the attainment of his majority this year ; while the Hon. Richard is a Naval Cadet. The Hon. Margaret piarried January 30, 1893, John Charles, Earl of Dalkeith, son and heir to the Duke of Buccleuch, and has issue Margaret. Ida, born Nov. 13, 1893. Lord Newport accompanied the Duke of Abercorn on his Special Mission from Her Majesty to the King of Italy, in 1S7S. The Earl's younger son, the HON. FRANCIS CHARLES BRIDGEMAN, born 4th July, 1846, is a retired Lieutenant Colonel of the Scots Guards, was engaged in the Soudan War, and is M.P. for Bolton. He niarried 26th July, 1883, Gertrude Cecilia, eldest daughter of George Hanbury, Esq., of Blythwood, and has issue Reginald Francis Orlando (b. i 1884), Francis Paul Orlando, Humphrey Herbert Orlando^. ! and Selina Adine. He resides at Neachley. He accompanied the Earl of Rosslyn's Special Mission to the King of Spain. The Earl's elder daughter, LADY MABEL SELINA, : married Lieut. Col. William Slaney KENYON-SLANEY, I M.P. for the Newport Division of Shropshire, of Hatton Grange, Salop, and has issue Sybil (b. 18S8), and Robert Orlando Rodolph (b. Jan. 13, 1892). 1 The younger daughter, LADY FLORENCE KATH- ERINE, married in 1881 Henry Viscount Lascelles, and is \ now Countess of Harewood, having issue a son, Henry . Viscount Lascelles lb. 1882), Lady Margaret Selina (b. 1883), and Hon, Edward Cecil (b. i^iSy). THE BRIDGEMAN FAMILY. ORLANDO, ist Earl of Bradford (who succeeded as second Baron Bradford, and was created an earl in 1815), married Lucy Elizabeth, daughter of George, fourth Viscount Torrington, and Lady Lucy Boyle, daughter of John, Earl of Cork and Orrery, an old Irish family. Orlando's father, Sir Henry Bridgeman, Bart., was created first Baron Bradford in 1794. He married Elizabeth, daughter and heiress of the Rev, John Simpson, of Stoke Hall, County Derby, and her second son, John Bridgeman, married Henrietta (only daughter of Sir Thomas Worsley, Bart.), a great heiress, who took the name of Simpson, and thus founded the Bridgeman-Simpson family. A delightful miniature of this lady. Miss Worsley, is in the possession of Lady Bradford, and called " The Heiress of Appuldercombe." Sir Henry Bridgeman was the eldest son of Sir Orlando Bridgeman (of Castle Bromwich and Blodwell, Bart.j and Lady Anne Newport. She was a sister of the three last Earls of Bradford, of the Newport family, which title became extinct on the death of Thomas, fifth Earl of Bradford, in. 1762. The Newport estates held by Henry Newport, third Earl of Bradford, Lady Anne's eldest brother, who died with- out issue, were of enormous extent, but were alienated by him from the family very largely. Lady Anne's sister, Diana, Countess of Mountrath, succeeded to a great part of the London property, including the Park of Isleworth, called the New Park of Richmond, and also Twickenham Park, with the mansion-house therein. This lady bequeathed all her cattle, sheep, and horses, corn, grain, hay, wine, ale, and all liquors and stores in her house to Lucy, Duchess of Montrose. Her other properties included Walsall, Tamehorn, Manors of Newton, Bobbington, &c., some of which happily reverted to the descendants of her sister, Lady Anns Bridgeman. The Bridgeman Family. 17 Sir Orlando Bridgeman was the son of Sir John liridgeman, third Baronet, and Ursula, daughter and sole heiress of Roger Matthews, Esq., of Blodwell Hall, Salop, a descendant of the Princes of Powys and Wales. Roger was the son of John Matthews, Esq., of Court, and Jane, elder daughter and co-heir of Morris Tanat, of Blodwell, County Salop. These Tanats, of Blodwell, were seated at Abertanat, and took their name from the sparkling river Tanat, a famous trout stream. A part of the picturesque Tanat Valley in the Marches of Wales, forms a portion of Lord Bradford's ancestral estate. Morris Tanat was descended from " Einion-Efell," who resided at Llwynymaen, near Oswestry, Salop, and was Lord of Cynllaeth, who died in iig5. He was second son of Madoc-ap-Meredith, Prince of Powys, son and heir of Meredith-ap-Bleddyn, Prince of Powys, 1132. He was son and successor of Bleddyn-ap-Cynfyn and Haer, daughter of Cilin-apy-BIaidd Rhud, surnamed " The Wolf." Bleddyn- ap-Cynfyn, Prince of Powys, by inheritance, and Prince of North Wales and South Wales by usurpation, was fourth in descent from Mervyn, King of Powys, third son of Rhodri Mawr (or the Great), King of Wales, a.d,, 843, and died 847. Reverting to the family of bridgeman, and tracing it a little further it will be seen that Sir John, second Baronet (who bought the Castle Bromwich estate), was son of Sir Orlando Bridgeman, Bart., and Judith Kynaston, daughter and heiress of John Kynaston, Esq., also descended from the great King of Wales. The Kynastons, an ancient Shropshire family, trace back through Humphrey Kynaston "The Wild" (1534), through Griffith (of Cae Howell and Kynaston, Salop), to Jorwerth Goch, surnamed " The Red," son of Meredydd-ap- Bleddyn, Prince of Powys. It is curious that the Newport family also trace through a female co-heiress back to Meredydd-ap-Bleddyn. i8 The Bridghman Family. Thomas Newport, Esq., ancestor of the Earls of Bradford, married Ehzabeth, one of the co-heiresses of Sir John de Burgh, Knight of Mawddy, son of Ehzabeth, daughter of John, Lord of Mawddy, son of WilHam-ap- Griffith, son of Griffith-ap- Wenwynwyn, son of Gwenwynwyn, Prince of Powys- wenwynwyn (17 Ed. I.) by Margaret, daughter of Rhys, Prince of South Wales. Gwenwynwyn was grandson of Griffith-ap-Meredith, son of Meredith-ap-Bleddyn, Prince of Powys. Another sister of Elizabeth, viz., Eleanor, married Thos. Mytton, Esq., M.P., an ancestor of the Myttons, of Weston-under-Lizard, whose heiress is a direct ancestress of the present owner of Weston. Sir Orlando Bridgeman, the lawyer of great eminence, was successively Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, | Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, and Lord 1 Keeper of the Great Seal. His father. Dr. John Bridgeman, | chaplain to King James L, was, after filling many Church offices, translated to the See of Chester, 1619, but was driven to take refuge with his son, Sir Orlando, at Morton Hall, and died there, the ancestral home of his daughter-in-law, Judith Kynaston, in 1652. During the troublous times of the Civil War, Clarendon tells how '* the City of Chester remained true to his Majesty, influenced thereto by the credit and example of Bishop John Bridgeman, and the reputation and dexterity of his son Orlando, a lawyer of very good estimation." Sir Orlando's charge to the jury at the trial of the regicides was highly extolled — indeed, as Chief Justice of the Common Pleas his reputation was at its zenith, and " his moderation and equity were such that he seemed to carry a chancery in his breast." EARLY CLERGY, &c. ERNULF Chaplain, had the Parsonage. ROBERT DE SHIREFORD, Parson. WILLIAM Parson of Tong: he impleaded a layman as he did not supply boots (?) to his wish. Church of Tong valued at £^. 1410 Church built and College founded : Wm. Shaw or Wm. Mosse, Warden. 1411 WALTER SWAN, Minister. 1416 KING HENRY V. gave the revenues of Lapley town, manor and grange, to the College of Tong, provided Lapley Vicarage be sufficiently endowed, and a competent sum allowed to the poor there. 1454 SIR RICHARD EITON, Priest ; Warden of the College. 1470 MASTER JOHN LYE, Warden of Tong. made vicar of Idsall. Died, 1515. 1510 RALPH ELCOCK died ; cellarer and co-brother. 1518 SIR ARTHUR VERNON, Priest ; Warden of the College. 1526 THOMAS FORSTER, died; sometime Warden of Tongue and Vicar of Idsall. See curious monument at Shifnal Church. 1535 College valued at ^22 8s. id. a year. 1546 College sold for /•200 to J. WOOLRICH. 1547 Deed of Sale signed by K. EDWARD VI. i6i6 Register dates from. 1639 GEO. MEESON, Clerk of Tong. 1641 WILLIAM 80UTHALL, Rector. 1658 ROBERT HILTON. Minister. 1676 RICHARD WARDE, Minister. 1678 WM. COTTON. Curate. 1688 L. PEITIEll appointed Minister. Died, 1745. 1694 JOHN HULTER, Curate of Tong, buried. 1765 S. HALL died. 35 years Assistant Curate, 1777 THOS. BUCKERIDGE. Minister of Tong. 1785 THOS. LAWRENCE. Curate of Tong. 1791 CHAS. BUCKERIDGE, D.D. 1806 W. H. MOLINEUX, Perpetual Curate of Tong. 1807 JOHN FLETCHER MUCKLESTON, M. A., afterwards D.D. 1835 THOS. HALL, Curate. 1839 LEONARD HENRY St. GEORGE. 1843 GEO. SHIPTON HARDING. 1855 JOHN WINGFIELD HARDING. 1870 RICHARD GWYNNE LAWRENCE. I876 CHARLES T. WILSON. 1882 GEO. CLENELL RIVETT-CARNAC who married a grand- daughter of the poet Crabbe. 1890 JOHN HENRY COURTNEY CLARKE present vicar, late Major of the Royal Fusiliers. Churchwardens : THOS, MlLNEli, jun, and G. F. NOR I ON. Lectors: COL. HON. F. C. BuIDGEMAN, M P., and MR. H. P. SMITH. Clerk: GEO. BODEN. Schoolmaster: TUOd. GREENER. TONG CHURCH. HE present stately edifice which forms so pleasing a feature in the village and lands- cape, is one of few in the country that re- main to us without bearing traces of that destruction which is the natural outcome of opposing forces of men; and it is re- markable, looking back upon the struggles of 500 years, to think thei"e should be found in a country village so fine a specimen of Gothic architecture in practically as good (i.e. unrestored) state now as at the time of its erection ; and this applies almost as well to the interior as the exterior. The present building, worthily described as a venerable pile, is a pure and beautiful example of the Early Perpendicular. There seems to be no doubt that Earl Roger de Montgomery, the great Earl (and " a very prudent and moderate man," as an old chronicle describes him), founded a church here in the reign of William the Conqueror, within 8 years of Domesday. It is not clear whether his work was carried on or added to by his second son and successor. Earl Hugh, or whether the great bishop and statesman, Richard de Belmeis T., Bishop of London, who had a grant of Tong a little later, and spent all his resources in beautifying and improving St. Paul's Cathedral and the Clerkenwell Priory, had any part in completing the church ; but in the present building there are traces of work which are Tong cVvuTch ■'-'— from tKe east -^'^-'^ "ii7/.:..'U^;^;^-fiji'^ The Stanley tomb Tong EM'K. Foundation of Tong Church. 21 referred, on good authority, to a date at least a century earlier than that of the general fabric as it now stands. To the pious benevolence of a lady, a widow, we are indebted for this rich and valuable example of Gothic architecture ; rich on account of the undisturbed condition of its component parts, thus enabling us to see the church in practically the same condition as that in which it was left by the monkish designer, and valuable in affording the student sufficient con- current details of the work for his instruction and guidance, with the view to their imitation elsewhere ; thus it must awaken a more than ordinary interest in the casual visitor. In short, Tong Church is a building of national interest, and contains monuments rarely to be found in edifices of the like proportions. Elizabeth, widow of Sir Fulke de Pembruge, Knight, with two clerks, had in the 12th year of King Henry IV., 141 1, his license to acquire of the Abbot and Convent of Shrewsbury the advowson and patronage of the Church of St. Bartholomew the Apostle, at Tonge in Shropshire, reserving to the Abbot and Convent an annual pension they were used to receive of 6s. 8d. to convert the said Church into a perpetual college, with warden, chaplains, &c. ; the amount paid by Elizabeth being £50, a large sum of money m those days.''' The College stood south of the Church, and seems to have occupied four sides of a square. It must have covered a good deal of ground, judging by the twenty or more people who lived m it, besides the accommodation for the children who were to be taught there. (See account later of Tong College and its rules and regulations.) The Church thus made over to the widow of the Lord of Tong was made Collegiate, and by her dedicated, as some •Mr. Cox gives the amount £40, paid into the Hanaper, i.e., the King's Exchequer. The Hanaper was a Uind oi basuot used in early days by ilic Kings of liuglaiid for holding and carrying the money as they journeyed from place to place. 22 Church — Architectural Features. accounts say, " to the worship and glory of God and in memory of her husband." Built of a durable local stone, evincing little or no decay, it consists as the plan shews of chancel and choir, nave, north and south aisles, vestry and porch. The Golden Chapel adjoining the south transept was added a century later, and is the only part of the building which dates subsequent to the time of Dame Elizabeth. In the centre, supported upon four lofty pointed arches, rises a curious steeple, which above the roof is square, and contains in the lower story the Great Bell of Tong. Upon this springs an octagon, forming the upper bell-story, containing the peal of bells, the whole finished with an elegant spire. In a report to the ArchcEoloyical Journal of 1845, the following remarks by Mr. Petit occur, and will best complete the descrip- tion of the edifice : — " The building affords a striking instance how completely the mediaeval architect felt the importance of scale as well as proportion. In a large church the simplicity of detail in this church would have given an unpleasing degree of plainness. In a larger church much that is now excellent would have been meagre and minute. The flattened roof is here a decided beauty, as it not only gives eff'ect to the embattled parapet, and pinnacles (which, when the finials were complete, must have been very beautiful), but to the steeple itself ; and had this steeple been of more tapering form, the range of spire lights, which are perhaps nearly unique, would have been out of place. *'The building is essentially a cross-church, yet it neither developes the form of a cross in its ground plan, nor indicates it, as it might have done, by transepts distinguished from the aisles. Such examples are far from common. "The following discrepancies are remarkable in a building which exhibits so much uniformity in design and carefulness in execution : — Church — Architectural Fratures. 23 " Difference in north and south rang-es of arches in the nave. " Mouldings at base of piers diflfer, though the capitals are nearly alike, " External divisions do not correspond with internal ones, for the parapet along nave is divided by the pinnacles into two equal parts, whereas the interior has three arches between west wall and west pier of tower. •* Width of the two aisles differs a few inches ; and the east window does not stand in the exact centre of the front. "The base of the tower is not exactly square, nor is the octagon equal-sided ; the equilateral spire is more nearly, if not altogether so, which renders necessary a peculiar con- struction at its junction with the octagon." This is illustrated in the ArchceologicaL Journal. The following interesting note upon Tong Church occurs in Mrs. Halliday's work on the Porlock Effigies. "This is no church of the common order, but a theme for the painter and poet. Situated in a slightly undulating and beautifully wooded country, it is on the whole a building which embodies more of the true mediaeval feeling than perhaps any other we still possess. Besides many features of interest, such as the Vernon Chapel, with its beautiful fan- traceried vaulting, the abbatial-looking stalls, with their richly-sculptured poppyheads and western return ends, and several highly-wrought screens, it contains no less than seven elaborate altar-tombs, forming, along with the surrounding architecture, such picturesque groups as true artists like Louis Haghe or David Roberts would have delighted in. Thanks, as I am informed, to the protecting arm of the Earl of Bradford, it has been shielded from the destroying inroads of the dilettante ' restorer,' the interested ' architect,' and the cheap contractor." 24 ToNG Church. THE RESTORATION. ''' ITH regard to the Restoration of the Church in 1892, it must surely be a great satisfac- tion to know that no old features have dis- appeared nor old arrangements been ex- extinguished, but that the work, under the direction of the eminent architect, Mr. Christian, has been done thoroughly and well, and in a true conservative spirit. The cost, about ;;^5,ooo, has been chiefly borne by the Earl of Bradford, the patron. The Vicar, the Rev. J. H. Courtney Clarke, Mrs. Hartley and her friends, the Churchwardens, and the parishioners all must share in the credit which is due for collecting the monies to commence this great undertaking, and one which the Committee foimd was too great for their resources. This mediaeval fabric, substantially '* a gem of the middle ages," is again made good, and the ravages of time are stopped ; and patron, priest, and people are to be congratulated upon the achieve- ment of a noble duty, and one which hands on to posterity a monument alike of the Foundress's bounty, of the Ecclesiastic's devotion to art and religion, and of the present patron's munificence. The performance of such a work earns our present gratitude, it multiplies our inherent veneration, and lovingly consecrates the edifice anew to the holy offices of successive generations. Traces of one tiny patch of ancient mural painting too in- distinct to be of any value whatever, were found on the wall of the nave, when cleaning the wjIIs of the ugly colour which hitherto had disfigured them. A few modern pews which marred the appearance of the old oak benches have been removed, and the latter with their traceried panels refixed in a little more convenient manner. The R:iSTORATio>f. 25 The flooring is entirely new, and the gradual rise of the level of it from the West end to the East, which was so marked and uncommon, has been adhered to. The various discoveries in the Golden Chapel and elsewhere will be found noted in their places under the headings. A valuable old book of Homilies was found by the Vicar, and also a note that the Royal Arms in the North Wall cost over ;^6o. The workmen also found two old silver coins, one of Queen Elizabeth's reign, during the restoration. The builder and contractor for the general work of Restora. tion in 1892 was Mr. William Bowdler, of Shrewsbury, who also undertook the carving and restoration of the choir stalls and screens, with a success most visible. Mr. Robert Bridgeman, of Lichfield, has re-erected the "Stanley" tomb, and done other work to the altar-tombs. The mediaeval stained glass which was all scattered about in a fragmentary way in various windows, has been collected and re-arranged by Messrs. Pepper & Boyd, of London. The Restoration has consisted of a thorough renewal of the roofs, the old lead having been re-cast, and new oak timbers put in where needed, preserving all old carvings ; the Tower stone-work partly rebuilt, the walls entirely cleaned inside and repaired, as also the damaged tracery of the West window, which was long an eye-sore, and caused many anxieties to visitors. A tew missing pinnacles have been supplied, and the parapets, vane, and clock repaired. Numerous other works have been done, and include heat- ing, with new chamber near the ruins of the ancient Alms- house, the general reflooring, reglazing, new ceiling to tower, &c., &c., and at the close of the work, it was a matter of con- gratulation to be able to announce that a piece of land had been given by Lord Bradford to enlarge the burial ground. i' ^^>^ IS" Visitors are advised to enter by the Porch and South door, the proper entrance, and to make the circuit of the building in the order given. ORCH. Ancient stone seats on either side. Fine old oak ceiling with well-carved bosses, pediment, and shields for arms. 1. Door with considerable mouldings. A two-light window on either side, neither of which Mr. Christian thinks has ever been glazed ; old saddle-bars. 2. SOUTH DOOR of Church exhibits some mouldings. Over it is a recessed niche for a statuette of the patron saint. SOUTH AISLE. Probably the pillars carrying the arches forming the arcade between aisle and nave are older than any other part of the church. Notice dog-tooth ornament on cap of pillar 3, and the labels of the arches at 4 and 5. These features, Mr. Petit says, in his report to the Archaological Journal, may be referred to the 13th century {i.e., prior to 1300), and he suspects that the present south aisle originally formed the nave of the earlier church founded by Earl Roger de Montgomery, as the south side of the pillars is more orna- mented than the north, which perhaps faced the north aisle of the older edifice. Oak roof with carving. Tracery in windows. Generally, notice the OLD OAK SEATS and panelling of same with tracery ; most of them remain in their proper I u 'S) Q < O Q Seal ~:»MyM If*' '. , V,*\ '■■11 V wm t l-/f ■■ ! ■n, 'L/rr^ ■J\ ..^■'■/r-,. ' '-■'\ -'rt'*'! M IA'Ml i I i- ^t>i ^t> '•^V '^V "*•!> ^t^ ^V ^t> At^* <*M \^M >^tA aV vjv ; y|> ^i> ^|> y|v ^;v y|> y;v ^^v '^iv ^i^^i> ^iV (2A9 eA£) eA5 2y'vf) (iAf) QA? (L/'vJO (i^vO GAD eA5 (?> <^' :^J <^: :^ ,' c-' P To GY^ GrS GY5 GYD G> o G^,^ G'/d 3^^ G^/c) GYO G"ro Gvt^ GYO G^rd >t> iS*>l^V JSt> '^V AtA At> ^t'*' At> =Kt>^ »<♦> A^A ^V ^l^> ^A> ^4^ ^-f^ ^A'* ^♦^^ '^i^ ^i'^ ^i> ^1^ '^i^^ '^jv ' ^K " Some part of the edifice had bten a baronial chapel, and here were affigiea of warriors Stretched upon their beds of stone."— OW Curwsity Hhop. While quite as polite were the squires and the knights, In their helmets and hauberks and cast-iron tights. Iriijoldtbg. HE VERNON CHANTRY or GOLDEN CHAPEL is entered by a rich ogee door with finial, the crocket-mound spring-ing from labelled heads. This beautiful chantry, called the Golden Chapel from its once costly orna- mentation, is of the latest period of the Gothic, and was described by Walter White as an "exquisite little appendage to the south aisle, which shows what adepts the masons of the i6th century were in the art of fan-vaulting," the roof being of elaborate stone-work, once entirely gilt. From the traceried vaulting hang three graceful pendants, two termin- ating in foliage, and one in neat shields with arms. The walls were originally decorated in distemper, traces of red and brown colouring being still visible On the east wall, in 1757, there was a crucifix in colours, and beneath it the following INSCRIPTION in Gothic letters yet visible . — " l^rag far tijc SoIdIc of Sor "^ixk Fcrn0n ^^ttytjl^t ant( Banie 3lnne fjus Myfc irif)ocf) Sur fjcric iw tfjc gear || oEf olare 3Lari) m ccccc ifa matJE anli ffabjuligti tljas cfjapell anti cljaluntrD ant tfje saoti S>ix |i]arru II ticpartoti tljc xi'ii l3au of xlproll in tljc mxt a iofae eaut) anil of uoure Cl)aritc for tijc soil of ^I'r Srtljur || Fcrnon Ptgst gone of tfje aboiic sauti .Sir Ijcriu on in{}os sollggi iijs ijube mcrcg 3lmen. Ij These divide the Imes. 54 Sir Arthur Verxon Priest-Warden of Tong. There seems to be no doubt that the noble founder was familiarly known as "Sir Harry" or " Herry, " Au delay' i poem affords illustrations of the use of this word in Shropshire in the 15th century : " On him schal fal the prophec6 That hath ben sayd of kyng Herr6." " Fore hit is mad of kyng Herre." 16. Good half-length figure of SIR ARTHUR VERNON, priest of Tong, in the attitude of preaching, on the west wall of the Golden Chapel ; the figure is upright and of stone, beneath a gilt canopy, and rests upon a bracket with pediment apart from the wall. " A monument as singular as it is curious." There is a book in the right hand, the fingers of left hand being raised as if to give emphasis to his reading. Beneath the crockets of the canopy are four shields of arms, viz.: — I. Barry of six (Pembruge). 2. Chequy, the squares raised and depressed alternately (? Reymes) : the revenues of the Abbey at Rheims had been conferred on Tong College by King Henry VI. by virtue of an Act passed at L,eicester, of which Sir Richard Vernon was Speaker. 3. Pretty (Vernon) impaling a lion rampant, with a bordure git,. (Talbot). 4. Fretty (Vernon). Sir Arthur Vernon was fifth son of Sir Henry Vernon, A.M. of the University of Cambridge, and sometime Rector of Whitchurch, co. Salop. Died 15 Aug., 15 17. Buried at Tong. Mr. Petit says, '• the features and expression are remarkably good, and there is a perceptive resemblance to his father, so probably they are faithful portraits." The prefix Sir or Den, meaning Dean, held by priests before the Reformation chiefly. Mr. Cooper, of Stourbridge, has found his will, of which the following is the commence- ment : — In the name of God Amen In the yere of our Lord 1515 the last day of S^tembre in the yere of King Henry VIII. the eighth I. Sir Arthur > The Kind's Champlfa I i ■ [ King' Char]g& rnakmj hi* eic»pi,jtten<^d b_yS Ptn>cit s Shropshire. t U the Church was ganisonefi as an outpost to the Castle, it seems astonishing that more damage was not done. J History of Shrewsbury, p. 39. f inQton latr of ti)c topitr iafiirs sComrf {amif anD * I5 HK of St^Souti ^Rfffinstmi tof^^ lonM taifil^tr. Sbiit /Rnri to. iss"© 21n()feitI]fnutDtii<5 apnmrf in qpiet tpmr of pear?* Bui liitini iTK^ conrfc on carKjirV t)aLi'fiillfilDf tnrlm'5eaf\iioi-I5lB itiors bii>tninrcleali' M^ to has lAinnDomettfn l]is Coulf 5i(r call jbi5 Do&pr to Suft vrturnrtPfroinlbtipncrijtcatQf tBtjirhr rayfr flQemir tif-imll'to10T3 celrftfiU liilirrr bo5pr aair fonlr DL]aU f tier prapfr Ms namr ||_^ GgOQum niKirn_ ^<^'°' Tomb no. 28.— William Skeffington, Esq. The Skeffington Tablets. 85 fragments in the east window ; others were quatrefoils, an eagle (yellow on red), a man with sword and shield defending himself against some animal ; some Gothic letters were on two tiles, and there were other designs. Size 43-^in square- There are two old carved oak CHAIRS. The one on the south side has the letters I.H. upon it. 25. The ALTAR is of wood. It was until 1892 of alabaster, and a part of the very rich tomb to Richard Vernon, Esquire (see under the pulpit, No. 17), to which it has been restored. The new altar cloth, worked by the Sisters of St. Margaret's East Grinstead, is a handsome piece of needle- work, with designs of the Holy Lamb, and the knives of St. Bartholomew. It was exhibited at the Church Congress Ex- hibition at Folkestone. 28. The SEDILIA, in the south wall, comprise three stone stalls with depressed trefoiled heads. These seats were for the use of the Priest, Deacon, and Sub-Deacon. 27. The PISCINA, in the south wall, is a holy-water basin, carved in stone upon a half-octagon stone bracket ; there is a recess, and at each of its two inner corners is a circular shaft supporting a small shelf. This basin v/as for the purpose of receiving the water used by the priest, which sank through an opening into the rubble of the wall, and was then lost, a method to prevent the water from being applied afterwards to any sacrilegious purpose. 28 & 29. The SKEFFINGTON TABLETS to a mother and son, in the east wall of the chancel, are of Purbeck marble, each bearing plates of copper, inlaid with silver for colour. Over these tablets in the East Wall are shallow recesses, where there appear to have been panels of a date anterior to these tablets, probably having carvings worked in as part of the orierinal walling. 185 The Skeffington Tablets. 28. The one on the south side of the east window com- memorates WILLIAM SKEFFINGTON, Esq., late of the "" White Ladies." The centre plate bears the following quaint lines : — ^cxt unXicx loctl) I'ntcrrcti tijc hoUm of ^Hilltam SkcCSngtan, late of tf)c Wii)i{c 3£aliic3 Crisqiu'rc soime ant Ijritc of &ix 3a\)n SkcfCngton sometgrnc of %mW I3,nifj!}t£. ©bt'tt ^n'o li'm 1530. 3ln rsquicr \)t toas rigfjtc f)artge to tlje ftaltie anti fat'tljfuU to 1)13 i^ronce in quiet tgme of peace 33 lit toljen ijis course on cartlje \)c l)ati fulfiltie Cfje ilortj of ^Morllilu tooes tiili fjim release ^nli to ijis kingtiome tljrn f}is soule tiiti call J^is botige to bust returned from toljeuce gt came ^ijicJ) rausc arjagne ijc tot'll to Jog ccIcstiaU 515El)ere iotige anl) soule siljall efaer pragse I)is name. The upper plate bears his arms, viz. : — Quarterly of six pieces, ist A)y. three bulls' heads erased, sa., 2 and i (Skeffington). 2nd. Azu7'e, a bend cotised between six mullets or (Ouldbeif). 3rd three ravens, two and one ( ) 4th. ylr^., a fesse dancett^e between three crescents, ffu., 2 and I (Doyle). 5th. Ermme, a bend az. (Inglish). 6th. Ermine, on a chief indented ^m., three escallops o> (Child) In the fesse point a crescent for difference. Crest, upon a wreath, a mermaid proper, with comb and mirror or. On the lowest plate are the letters — G R S T upon a lozenge ; and this inscription : — Posurrunt ^ietatis iHonumentum. 29. On the north side of the east window is a similar tablet to LADY DAUNSEY (mother of Wm. Skeffington, Esq.), with brass plates. •fefrr \m^rr ferfli intmTc)' il)r loLTtr af iamf sli^abetFi « * iBbnfei) Dir:m5i^i> ofti^r tjaillf ^ faiiiilii of p>pf krs firft ingn'rD to sir^otra sl^rffiugton l^ni^ff Ccniitprar stirrittr of toiiDoi^atofflarrieD tos',jSal]n iatiurQH l!^inal)tf^bi]t ^ Din 1^49. J5tiouQl}f tnrtuf^*rarf DiD^rati)!^ linat)tf aboimDe' /HncMdeBijf 9i iiiill ftia \i3o;itn3f iaL)if«.0)i> pocFtCf * Bft uDtijiTiflp mjj' raDf t]cr pTtnle Dii) morr Y?[oun5e l^enffllttie in 3e[iis ct)n[t lljitti loDn? aoDline^ ^n fir to blmii> a liimr to iauir ilir toas 'Co poorr ftfi'pnt> 9f kpirar fn ecqe' Dmrc lboit3f I)onoiirf{>jit]t1oufc>toolOftiii!^ Dome tjiptu pas •fo placf appoiitteci' bu tt^r'loiir Wii^m faleaeD^yt Chal be iOTTUTTlfn'tura .^- Tomb No. 29.— Dame Elizabeth Daunsey The SKEFFrxGroN Tablets. S'jr The centre one bears also a quaint inscription : — ^crr unlicr ILuftfj mtcrvcti i\}t ISotim of Qamc tIrlBafactf). ©aunscu bisccnticli of Hjc {joii3£ v^ familg of m IDcckca first marrfcti to Sir 3aljn iXu ©cos y airoOvrjaKti veos. TRANSLATIOII : — Here, below, Elizabeth Pierrepont prematurely has cast oflf [her] earthly trammels at it were hasting to heaven, in the year 1697 of the Christian Era, on the day befor« the Kalends of September [31st August] Eleven years old. A maiden endowed with a mind, prudence, and sweetness of manner far beyond her tender years : How many precepts of her parents would she not have gladly followed if the Fates had spared her longer ! The ornament of her friends, the delight of her family, the most pleasing hope of both : The only daughter of Gervase Pierrepont, Esquire, Lord of the Land of Tong, nephew of Robert Pierrepont, Earl of Kingston, in the civil wars which raged biiterly under King Charles I. the assertor of fidelity due to his Prince, even at the cost of his life : He wa* descended from Robert de Pierrepont, companion of the expeditions of William I. the Conqueror — the eldest brother— whose posterity even yet survives in Normandy. Whom God loves dies young. Mr. Walter de Gray Birch writes me thus : The Greek line should be : — ' Ov 01 ®eol (fnXovfriv airo6in^(rK€L veos. He whom the Gods love, dies young. It is a fragment of a poem by Maenander, a comic poet, who died B.C. 290. Plautus says : " Quetn di diligunt adolescens moritur,^' a similar sentiment. The inscription as given herein is slightly altered, and reads : He whom God, etc. ^4 Dr. Bukebidge. 32. Over the stalls, between the two north windows of the chancel, is a white marble TABLET bearing the following inscription : — Sacred to the memory of the Revd. Charles Buckeridge D.D. Archdeacon of Coventry tirst Canon Residentiary and Prsecentor of the Cathedral Church of Lichfield And sixteen years Minister of this Parish Died 28 Sept 1S27 aged 72. In the same vault are interred the Remains of his three children Margaretta born April 1800 died an infant. Mary Elizabeth born 10 Aug. 1797 Died 7 Septr. 1810 aged 13 years. Charles Lewis born 3rd July 1802 Died 7 Feb 1812 aged 9 years and 7 months. Elirabeth relict of the said Charles Buckeridge D.D. and daughter of the late Richard Slaney Esq. of Shiffnal in this County Died 13th Feb. 1S32 aged 69 years. Mr. H. F. J. Vaughan writes : " The Slaneys were much "connected with this neighbourhood, having been Lords of *'Donington for many generations, but I do not find one of " them v/ife of Dr. Buckeridge, who married a Miss Durant, *'and had two children buried at Tong." At> ^V ^V At> At> ^V *^V ^t> ^t>^ '^t^ ^V ^?^ '^t^ ifi> ^i> ^!i> ^i> ^a"^ ^i"*" *'i'^ '^A''^ '^a'^ ^'i"* ^'>> *'*"^ ^a"* '*'a^ G"^!*^ G'^i'^c) o^'^ 'Sit) o^'^ 'oV'c) o"/c) o'/c) J (■'d oYc) o'/t) o ."c) o v'a o /O ^V 'vV ^V ^-t^ '^V ^V ^V M-* ^V *.t>' ^V ^t> aV ^i> *^A> ' '^A^* ''^♦^ ^-f^ *^y ^*> ^A> ''♦>< =*^*>* ^4^ VESTRY. VISITOR to Tong in 1763, describes this as " a detached building, now used as a Vestry." The- massive door has some carving, and in the upper part, three circular holes four or five inches in diameter (see iUustration) ; these are too small for "doles" to be given through, and although Mr. Cole re- marked that besides a church and a college there were along the street some almshouses, afterwards called by him a VESTRY DOOR. hospital, " which seems to have a chapel of its own," there is no reason to suppose it was a hospital for lepers, who, tO' avoid contagion, were accustomed to receive the consecrated elements through apertures provided for that purpose near the chancel. g6 Vestry Elcock brass, 1510. The two vestry windows are two-light ones, and differ from all the other windows in having no labels or tracery ; their forms are marked b}^ small sunk triangles similar to the sedilia. The stained glass formerly in the vestry window shewed the half-length figure of a King, very similar to the head of King Edward III. in the great east window of York Cathedral, date latter end of the 14th century, by John Thorn- ton, of Coventry, glazier."^ " The Vestry and Chancel doors have the four-centred arch^ and are not later insertions ; and these doors alone have spandrils." 33. BRASS in two pieces to RALPH ELCOCK, 1510. This was for a long time in the Vestry, having been detached from the south wall of the south aisle (at the spot marked R E on plan). It is now fixed nearly in its old position. J^t'c jacct Katiulp!j3 ©Icack (Cekr cofriits I'gitis (CoUegii qui i^atus fail m btUa Slopfarliie infia Comitatu CDestrfe qui obiit in festo 0C£ kat£i-iu£ Firgmfe £t JHarter ^nno iunt iniUim0 ccccc tiwimo. Translation of inscription : — - Here lies Ralph Elcock, celerer and co-brother of this College, wha was born in the town of Stopford, in the county of Chester, who died on the tfeast of St. Katherine, Virgin and Martyr, in the year of our Lord on® thousand five hundred and ten. The " Celerer " had care of the provisions of the College. 34. In the Vestry floor a small BRASS PLATE bears :— BENEATH ARE ENTOMBED THE REM.A.INS OF ARCHDK.\C0N BUCKERIDGE AND ELIZABETH HIS WIDOW ALSO OF CHARLES; LEWIS, MARY ELIZABETH, AND MARGARBTTA THEIR CHILDREN. (See tablet No. 32 ) • See Carttrt Architecture. j 25th November. ^^lir larrt l^aiiilpFcM rrlre mfi-atifn^£Dlian qm nafaB hi iii biUfl [li^i^Dir nifra carai jatQ iTfliiF otnolJirt mfrftfrtfrKfltmnf ^iri^mis d mHiliT amio bin CDilliiu] imiMwo No. 33.— Ralph Elcock ^5 ^^V *!-* ^tA =«.V ^i'^ -.-^a; ^V 'V'*'^ ».^>- '^ry <4,> ^A> '^iV ift> ^4> ^i^y ^4> ^J^\ f'i^> Jt!f>^ >/;,v ^iy ^A> ^.'j.^ GAS GAS G^VS GAS 'G,VS GAS GAS G^VS G^VS 'GAS GAS GAS ride To seen hir fjranges and his bernes wide For certain bestes that I muste beye. To storea with a place that is oures. It seems as though the officer who had this happy periodical relief from the routine of monastic life may be compared to the favoured boy at a boarding school, who is occasionally sent by his master to perform a little commission for him in the town. 2 messuages or houses, 2 roods of land, i.e., cultivated arable land. The parish clerk, t e., the priest, I trow that he be went For timbre, ther our Abbot hath him lent, For he is wont for timber for to go, And dwellen at the Grange a day or two, 5 priests including the Warden and Subwarden, 2 proper clerks. 124 ToNG College, Habits, Manorial Customs, &c. 13 poor, 7 too infirm to help themselves. 20 inmates in all. Upon my faith thou art som officer, Som worthy sextein, or some celerer.* For by my fadres soule, as to my domet Thou art a mf ister, whan thou art at home No poure cloistarer, ne non novice. But a governour both ware and wise And therwithal of braunes and of bones A right wel faring persone for the nones. Chauctr. We may here remark how much greater a blessing a College was than a Monastery. The one a community or assemblajje of men invested with certain authoritative powers using their establishment to diffuse learning, promote the education and welfare of the neighbours, and to attend to the wants of the sick and infirm ; the other, the Monastery, a place of retire- ment, a provision for housing and feeding primarily themselves, the monks, without much regard for the rest of the world, an association of men full of the light of learning and blessed with advantages which might have been turned into a bless- ing to those around them, but one which enabled them to self- ishly hem in and bury themselves within the four walls of their habitation, bent only on attaining Salvation themselves, regardless of the rest of mankind. " The parochial chaplain and another to teach the clerks, " ministers and children of that and other neighbouring towns, " to read, sing and their grammar." Which can the neigh- bouring towns be ? Tong-Norton, Donnington, Shifnal, Weston. There appears to have been a little Chapel within the College, besides the Collegiate Church, and Mr. Cole remarked in 1757 that the Alms-house or Hospital had a Chapel of its own. Tho rules as to their Costume or Habit appear to be • Tbo offivsr ia a monastery who had the care of the provisions. t In my opinion. Pews amd Seats in Church. 125 ligid in the extreme, while on the other hand the hospitality to be shown to strangers, although according to rules, was of a full and ample character. The ambiguous and contradictory regulations for the admis- sion and exclusion of women are truly naive. The regulations point to the Clerks' inclination to indulge too freely in matters of sport ; however, an oftence or two may be overlooked, and if the extreme penalty be enforced, it would be best to say as little as possible about it. Doubt- less there was no great harm then as now, but real good in the Clergy joining in the various avocations and diversions of their flock, provided it were not carried too far. The pre- dilection for sporting was manifest too in the ladies of that day, as we shall remark more explicitly in referring to Black Ladies ; but it may be that the *' Canes Venatici " (Dogs of the Chase) of the Nunnery were frequently instrumental in providing a dinner for the inmates who we read were poor indeed ; thus nothing is new under tlie sun, and the occupa- tion of the lurcher to be seen under every ugly caravan of the present day finds a precedent in the usages of religious zealots of old. The Manorial Court consisted of the Lord or his Steward and the Jury, duly summoned and warned by the quaint in- junction " Oh, yes ! Oh, yes ! Oh, yes ! " At the Court the deaths of various tenants of the Manor, and the fines due to the Lord of the Manor on each death or change of ownership, were declared and recorded. This custom is still performed in Manorial Courts at the present day — the Jurors and Court being discharged in similar words to the opening exclamation. An old work (re- ferred to previously), and dated 1675, prints elaborate rules of Courts Leet and Courts Baron of the time. One or 125 Pf.ws and Seats in Church. two may thus be noted: — "8 Henry VII. The Freehold of the Church is to the Parson, and the pewes are Chattels unless they are fixt, but some have pews there by Prescription ; but the pews fixt there are the Freehold ot the Parson." "Apejw" (says Gough in his quaint History of Myddle, quoting" eminent authorities) "is a certain place in church incompassed with wainscott or some other thing, for several persons to sitt together. A seat or kneeling (for in this case they are the same) in such a part of a Pew, as belongs to one families or person. And a peiw may beelong whoaly to one family, or it may beelong to the ordinary, and noe man can claime a right to a seate without prescription or some other good reason [sic.]. A peiw or seat does not beelong to a person or to land, butt to an house, therefore if a man remove from an house to dwell in another, hee shall not retaine the seat belonging to the first house If a man sell a dwelling house with the appurtenances the seate in Church passes by the word appurtenances Wee have a tradition, that theire was noe peiws in Churches before the Reformation, but I believe that some of the cheife Inhabitants had peiws in the upper end of the Church before that time, as appears by certain antient cases in law-books. Neverthelesse after the Reformation the bodys of the Churches in most places were furnished with peiws ; or with benches (which were called forms) for the people to sitt in while the Lessons were read and dureing Sermon time." And Mr. Gough proceeds to give a very interesting account of the Parish of Myddle by taking in order the names of every householder's pew. The two pews on the north side of the pulpit in Tong Church, i.e., in the North Chapel, were claimed a few years ago as " belonging to the Minister " ; but rights to pews are — or ought to be — better held in these days by constant use Pews and Seats in Church. 127 of them than by any other title. It is the habit, however, of some old people to bequeath the famil)' pew in their Parish Church in the same way as other valuables, althoug'h the pew itself may have been already lost sight of in a much-needed re-arrangement of sittings. Such was the case when Mr. Isaac Pugh, a cousin of mine, recently bequeathed - Pugh in. his will the pew in Oswestry Church. The family came from Llanfyllin, near Oswestry. The name Pugh means son of Hugh, formerly written Ap Hugh, as is Griffiths, for Ap Grifiithlft (son of). Harriot, f Two manner of, viz. : Harriot custom, and Harriot Service ; the former after the death of the tenant for life ; the latter after the death of the Tenant in fee. Breviate of the Charge. Ill persons for the Commonwealth (inter alia) : — Of those which Sleep in the day and Walk in the night, and have nothing to live on. Of those which catch Pigeons in the Winter with Nets or Enf^ines. Very extraordinary offences ! Herriot. One of the properties belonging to the Tong Charity Trustees is called " Little Harriots Hays," otherwise " Dead Woman's Grave." The connection between the twa names is easily surmised. Heriot in " all the Lordship's marches" was the best weapon. Heriot Covenant is such a weapon as an arrow or a sum of money or such a beast or goods as is mentioned in the Covenant. And this the Lord is obliged to take, although it happen to bee worse than the best weapon the best weapon may be but a " pickavill, a trouse bill, or a clubbe staffe, for these are weapons offensive and defensive. " t From " hero " a lord of herus, and geat or neat, a beast. Quasi dictum "The lord's beait'' laS Manors, Pounds, and Constablhs. Trespass. Of Common Barretors and Scolds. Ot breaking the Common Pound. " Barretors " or Scolds meant Brawling Women. The ladies charg'ed with this offence were punished by havingf an iron bridle locked on their heads --part of it, a narrow tongue of iron, one and a half-inch long, much like the bowl of a spoon, was thrust into the mouth, which effectually pre- vented conversation offensive or even supplicatory. Pound. — In many a parish the pound is the sole relic of Manorial Authority. All stray animals were impounded, and the fact proclaimed in the Church. There is a pound at Tong Norton, and one at Weston, and at Blymhill. Constable. To see the Watch kept ! The Community was in very simple hands, if we may judge by Shakespeare's Constable and the men of the Watch. Dogberry : Well, for your favour, Sir, why give God thanks, and make no boast of it, and for your writing and reading, let that appear v/hen there is no need of such vanity. You are thought here to be the most senseless and fit man for tha Constable of the Watch ; therefore bear you the lantern. This is your charge — you shall comprehend all vagrom men ; you are to bid any man stand, in the Prince's name. Watch ; How if a' will not stand ? Dogberry : Why, then take no note of him, but let him go ; and presently call the reit of the watch together, and thank God you are rid of a knave. Well you are to call at all the ale-houses, and bid those that are drunk get them to bed. Watch : How if they will not ? Dogberry : Why then let them alone till they are sober ; if they make you not then the better answer, you may say they are not the men you took them for. Watch ; Well, sir Dogberry : If you meet a thief, you may suspect him, by virtue of your oflice, to be no true man ; and for such kind of men, the less you meddl^ or make with them, why, the more is for your honasty. Watchman, Wardens, Masses, etc. 129 •Each town a century ago had its Watchman, who hourly cried out the progress and atmospheric phases of the night :— " One o'clock and frosty ' "Two o'clock and rainine." " Three o'clock and fine," &c. The London \^/atchm«n cried the time every half- hour. In addition to a lantern and rattle, he was armed with a stout stick. T. L. Busby, who in 1819 illustrated "The Costumes of the Lower Orders of London," tells us that in March the Watchman began his rounds at eight in the evening, and finished them at six in the morn- ing. From April to Sep- tember his hours were from ten till '- ^ five; and from November to the end ot Feb- ruary, twelve till seven. During the darkest months there was an extra watch from six to twelve, and extra patrols or sergeants walked over the beats at intervals. It is peculiar that the only reference to the farming opera- tions upon which the College must have depended for its pro- visions is so briefly referred to. " The Gifts of The Faithful " may, however, have been so ample as to provide hard Cash vrith wliich the Warden could buy the larger portion pf the- necessaries of life. R Watchman ; " Past One o'clock, an' a fine morning." 130 ToNG College — Masses. I have come across no illustration of the Seal of the College. In the Hon. and Rev. Canon Bridgeman's Account of Marston.* containing some account of Lapley Priory, mention. is made that the Master (or Warden) of Tong College was to have a man and a pair of horses kept at the expense of the College to travel about the business of the fraternity ; but, if occasion require it, he might keep more horses when he travelled to more distant parts, and further that the following. Masses should be performed : — On Sunday, the mass of the Holy Trinity for founders and benefactors ;. Monday, the mass of the Holy Ghost ; Tuesday, Sahis Populi (the Salvation of all Men) ; Wednesday, the Angels' mass ; Thursday, the mass de Corpore Christi ; Friday, mass of the Holy Cross ; And on Saturday, the mass of Rest. Thomas Forster's tomb is in the north wall of Shifnal Church, a canopied one, with effigy, and this inscription : Here'lieth the Body of Thomai Forster Sometime Prior of Wombriige Warden Of Tongue and Vicar of Idsall 1526. The arms are quarterly (per fesse indented), i and 4 sahle a pheon ; 2 and 3 aiyenf, a forester's horn. Thomas Forster's Will is in the Bodleian Library, dated 1522. Among others, are bequests for the following purposes r. " to the prysts and Clerks of St. Andrew of Idsall to kepe the Mass every Friday by rote, x'to John Hatton to set me in his Bead-roll : every pryst in the parish to have iiis. ivd. to pray for me. Also it is my mynd to have a Trentall-day as soon as may be after my departyng " [i.e., a celebration of Mass 30 days after). An extract from the Shropshire Arcliceological Journal n\2iy h^ taken, as Forster or the Foresters are further associated with. * Seafibtdihire Arctuaotogical. VoL> 1S84,. and Lloyds Duke's Shropshire. Forester, Warden of Tong. 131 Tong in the person of Isabella Forster referred to later. It says he was a Pluralist of that date, and one of much dignity ; repre- sented lying in his priestly robes, which consist of a Cassock, Alb or Tunic, a Chasuble with border, and an Amice round the neck ; on his head the Tonsure, which was a corona or crown shewing the mark of his order. He was one of the family of the Foresters, presumably of the Royal Forest of the Wrekin, and a native of the parish, as evidenced by a deed of Ricliard Forster of Evelith (temp. Hen. VIH. 20), who granted certain lands in Alderton in the parish of Great Ness, Co. Salop, to find a fit chaplain "to pray for the Soul of Thomas Forster, and for the souls of all his friends and kinsmen." He was of the same family as Anthony Forster (" Tony Fire-the-fagot " in " Kenilworth "), whose tomb in Cumnor Church, Co. Oxford, describes him as " Qui quondam Ipplethae Salopiensis erat." Ipplethae or Ivilith, or Evelith the paternal Estate, was held by Lord Forester's family until within the last few years. A pretty drawing of the Tomb, conveying an idea of its character, was made by the Rev. J. Brooke, of Haughton. A DOCUMENT DESCRIBING THE "BOUNDARY OF THE LORDSHIP OR MANOR AND PARISH OF TONGE:"— 2rf)E igtf) antj 20t% of :Plag in anno 1718 jKemotantium, tfjt bans anb gear abobe toritten being Eagation toeeke. 91 Bauntieta of tf)£ lEorti^gijip, or ilSannor zrib ^arisf) of STonge toas ti)en taken bg tf}e fEmistor anb sucf) of tfje Inf)abitant3 tijeteof tofjose names ate i)£rcunto subscribeti, anti is as foUoiaetf} ; Impr. It was begun at Tonge Mill Poole and went Eastward up A Brooke called Kilsall brooke unto A Bridge over the said brooke in the Road from Tonge to Albriugton, on the midle of which Bridge was a Gospel! R^-ad, and from thence Eastward up the aforesaid brooke unto the upper part of a piece of ground in th« tenure of John Cotton, cUled the Walds, from thence Across the bottom of widdow Harrison's fieald unto the Cornor of Tonge Parke pale then forward aell raad and from thence by the aforesd Bovd he^ge of Weston unto Windrill meadow, And from thence continuing by certiu grounds called the Wiudrills unto Street way still by the P-ish of VVeston along certaiu grounds in the tenure of John Fox of Lizyard Grange unto to tlie road from Tonge to Newport were there was a gospell read. And thence along the lands of John Fox aforesd adjoyning to Street road in the P-ish of Sheriffehalse unto A certain brooke runing from Burlauchtou in the P-ish of Sheriffhalse And from thence southward downe by the said Brooke adjoyning to the P-ish of Shiffnall ati« Idsall unto A way and steping stones upon the same brooke below Thomas Wenlocks come Mill where there then was A Gospell read, And thence along the same brooke unto the upper forge hammor ditch where there was then A gospell read and from thence along the ffovge brooke unto A way ami steping stones where was then a Gospell read And from thence by the same brooke to A bridse below the lower Forge wiiere there was a Go pell read, thence by the same brooke unto Timlett Bridge where there then was a Gospell read. And from thence by the same brooke unto a certain bridge over which is a way into Muncke fields from Ruckley Grange near below whi.-.h bridge is A bylott or spot of Land over the brooke belonging t> the P-ish of Tonge adjoyn- ing tea meadow in the holding of Lancet Jones, then returning to the Forge brooke aforesd downe to A bridge below Ruckley Grange house upon which there then was A Gospell read And from thence along the same brooke to the Hole upon A bridge there then was A gospell read, And from thence by the same brooke round to Ruckley wood cornor which is the Tenure of Thomas Scott untUl it meets the Brooke that runs from Tonge Mill. Thence returiiing up Tonee Mill brooke adjoyn- ing to the P-ish of Dunington untill we come to a certain Piece of Land about half an Acre lyeing ovor the sd brooke now in the holding of John Horton which is in the P-ish of Tonge unto a gate upon Worcester Road where there then was a Gospell read, and from them^e returning two and up the saide brooke until! we come to Tonge Mill, at A gate over the poole Bridge adjoyning to the P-ish o Dunnington where there then was A gospell read, and the Boundary there ended : — Lewis Peitier, Curate of Tong George Salter The Seavon of the Robert Stones Jury at the Court Leet '"'"rocM "■ R ^•""°° TeDt. \& Court Baron held """RT/er "' ',^ ''"°" nor the Mann' of Tonge Thomas Ore j the 26th of Oct. 1719 John Cotton | know the Boundaryes. Thf mark of „ ,, , I The above was a small paper document 2oin. x x6in. found by the Rtv. R. G. Lawrence at Donnington, a neighbouring parish, and sent by the Rev. H. G. de Bunsen, rector there, to Mr. Lawrence, Nov. 20, 1872. " This is the Document I told you of, to which, as far as I can see, not we, but you have the right." 134 Boundary of the Manob and Parish of Tong, 1718, The above old document, describing the Boundary of the Manor and Parish of Tong nearly two hundred years ago, is of much interest, especially to the inhabitants who are acquainted with the roads and places mentioned. It seems that the perambulation took two days to complete, namely, the igth and 20th of May, 1718, and these no doubt were Rogation days. Rogation days are the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday before Ascension Day ; and are said to be so called from the old custom for processions to go out from the Church to various stations in the parish, where hymns, canticles, and litanies were sung, asking for God's blessing upon the fruits of the earth. The following are words from a beautiful Rogation hymn : — Our hope, when Autumn winds blow wild We trusted, Lord, with Thee; And still, now Spring has on us smiled. We wait on Thy decree. The former and the latter rain, The Sunim«r sun and air. The green ear, and the golden grain All Thine, are ours by prajer. Thine too by right, and ours by grace, The wondrous growth unseen. The hopes that soothe, the fears that brace. The Love that shines serene. Why are not out-of-door services revived in the Church of England ? They are very impressive indeed. The service of the Consecration of new burial ground at Tong lately is an instance, and a more striking one was the Volunteer Camp Service at Coppice Green a few years ago. The walking of the boundaries of the Parish or Manor was a duty zealously performed a century ago in all parishes. The party perambulating included the clergyman, some old men, inhabitants well acquainted with the windings of the bbundary, and a certain number of lads " to tell them that come after." Refreshments were provided at certain points ToNG Mill — the Miller. 135. on the route, and the proceedings were not infrequently enlivened by practical jokes played upon the boys, to stamp- in their memories the day's business, such as where by- chance a brook took a doubtful turn or divided in two, in that part of it which remained as the boundary one or two of them would be "ducked." In a place where the boundary ran through a cottage, a small boy was pushed through a little window which defined it ; and in another case where- there was no window, money was thrown o-ver for the boys to^ catch on the other side, f The Ehxke of Kingston was Lord of Tong at this time^ The parish boundary seems to have been identical with that of the Manor. " Begun at Tonge Mill Poole." This Mill was- probably upon the site of the old I^Iill connected with the feudal establishment of Bishop de Belmeis, immediately below the Castle. Several mill-stones came to light when the dam of this pool burst a few years ago. It is probable that a small pool on the west side of the Castle fed by the-- larger Church Pool, supplied the water to drive the mill- wheel, for the document says the boundary went " Eastward up a brooke," thus proving that the Kilsall water was not impounded to form a pool then. The poet Chaucer iwho lived in 1359, and bore arms in Edward's Expedition to Calais), so- quaintly describes the miller and other rural characters of the i4.th century, that I have quoted his words, in order to bring ^•ividly before us pictures of the country people of those earlier days. The miller was remarkable for his stout build, and prowess at " wrastling." Upon the cop right of bis nose he hade A wert, and thereon stode a tufte of here?, Rede as the Lristies of a sowes eres. ■^ Custom. oa the Hj.w.irden. MajiodjJ boundary W.G. says 136 GosPELL Trees and Places. A white cote and a blew hode wered he, A bagge pipe wel coude he blow and soune And therwithall he brought us out of toun. A damaging line says Wel coude he stelen corne and tol'.en thries, And yet he had a Ihomb* ot golde parde. It was the boast of old Mr. Bloxham, of Lizard Mill, that he was " the honest miller." " The road from Tonge to Albrington [i.e., Albrighton) " on the middle of which Bridge was a Gospell Read." Old Plot tells us that— " In the skirts of the town [of Wolverhampton] are ranged at determinate "distances a number of large trees, which serve to mark the limits between " the township and the parish. Those are denominated by the inhabitants " Gospel trees, from the practice oi reading the Gospel under them, when "the clergy were wont to perambulate the boundaries." Plot, again in his history of Staffordshire, 1686, says : — " They have also a custom in this County, which I observed on Holy Thursday at Brewood and Bilbrook, of adorning their wells with Boughs and flowers ; thii it seems they doe too at all Gospell-places, whether wells trees or hills ; which being now observed only for decency and custom sake is innocent enough. Heretofore it was usual to pay this respect 10 such wells as were eminent for cureing distempers on the Saint's day whose name they bore, diverting themselves with cakes and|ale, and a little musickand dancing." There are no wells of this description in Tong, but in the Shaw Lane, at Tong Norton, upon some old half-timbered cottages there, I have seen bunches ot yellow May flowers hanging over the doors, some weeks after the ist of May has passed. And this May-day custom I have observed on John Wilkes's Cottage in the neighbouring parish of Weston. The May-pole.— The Shaft or Maypole was in former times considered part of the public property of the parish, and as such was repaired b}' the Churchwardens. Popular amuse- ments were in those days under the patronage of the Church. • Meaniiiij probably that notwithstanding bis thefts he was an honest miller, <.e., a» honest as his brethren. May-Day and Cromwell. 1,37 May-games, though much older than the Cliristian Church, were connected with some of its most pleasing rites. A little nonsense now and then Is relished by the wisest men. At Waddingham, before the Elizabethan spoliation, a sacring bell hung from its top. Ma3'-poles seem to have existed in most of our villages until the time of the Great Civil War. By an ordinance of Pariiament in Cromwell's time, 1644, ^^1 May-poles were ordered to be removed as heathenish vanities. We read that " not long after the restauration of King " Charles II., the young people of Myddle [and others] were " about setting up a iMay-pole near the church-stile : " where- upon the parish clerk remonstrated. He was brought before a justice of the peace, "when it was deposed on oath that " hee said it was as greate a sin to sett up a May- pole as to " cut of the King's head. (These words hee denied even to " his dying day)." He was, however, subsequently fined 5 marks, " and an order wasmade that he should louse his place.'' " Corner of Tong Parke Pale." There seems to be little doubt that the Park belonging; to Tong Castle was enclosed with pales, and extended from the present brook at Tong Park Farm northward to Hubball, and possibly to the foot of the Knoll. There is no reason why it should not have done so, as the Offbxey Road is a comparatively new one, happily substituted for the old tortuous way by the Knoll Hc>use, passing not far from the old Tithe Barn to White Oak. This old barn is very large, and was probably the tithe barn of the parish, in whicti the tithe hay and grain were stored, before the Tithe Commutation Act came into force some 50 or 60 years ago. In harvest time, when the grain was in mows ready to carry to the stack, notice was required to be given to the person collecting the Tithe-owner's share of grain crops, and he 138 Collection of Tithe in Kind. would come to the field and sprij; with a twig every tenth mow ; these would be carried to the Tithe barn, for use of the Incumbent, unless he agreed, as was often the case, with one farmer to give him so much money for the tithe crop of the whole parish. This method was a survival of the practice adopted in the time of the Norman kings to obtain their revenues. The SheriflFwas the king's "fermor" ; he agreed to give the king so much money from a given County, and anything more he could extract from the people in it was his pay and profit. By the Tithe Commutation Act there was a certain sum in lieu of tithe apportioned on each field ; an Act which often works unjustly at the present day, when the highest-tithed land, i.e., the wheat growing arable land, bears a tithe of perhaps 4/- to 6/- an acre, and the crop itself will not pay the cost of production, while rich pastures are almost tithe free» Here are some of the words of an old song called " The Tithe Pig " :— " Good morning said the Parson," " Good morning Sir to you," " I've come to choose n sucking pig, you know it is my due, " I pray you sir, go fetcli me one, that is both plump and fine, " For I expect a friend or two along with me to dine." With my whack fol the diddle del the dido. Then in the stye the farmer went, among the pigs so small. And brought him out a little pig, the least among them all. On seeing this, the parson, how he did ramp and roar. He scratched his head and stamped his foot, and almost cursed and swore. With this outcried the farmer, " Since my offer you refuse, " W»lk in the stye, you're welcome Sir, now pray go pick and choosci" Then in the stye the parson went without any more ado, Th' old Sow came out with open mouth and at the parson flew. The other lines of this doggrel arc now forgotten, but the old sow tore off the skirts of his coat, not to mention graver . graven disasters to other garments. And ran her head between his legs, and tumbled him in the mire. Then out of the stye the Parson came, all in a handsome trim. The farmer almost split his sides with laughing at the fun. He then demanded his hat and wig (for wigs were worn in The White Oak. 139 those days), and hurried out of the place, and said he was almost dead, departing with the words — ■ " For all the treatment I received, all in the accursed stye, " I never shall relish a sucking pig unto the day I die " With my whack fol the diddle dol the dido. The "WHITE OAK" overhangs Mr. Murdock's back- kitchen, and is a large tree standing upon an elevated piece of ground midway between Tong and Black Ladies near Brewood, and was probably in the middle of that part of the Forest called Bishops Wood. It was formerly whitewashed, as I am informed. The reason for so doing may have been to render it a more conspicuous signpost, marking the way through the forest, and perhaps denoting that near here was the turn off the maia road into the bridle way to White Ladies Abbey, and now the shortest cut to Albrighton Station. The next name we come to is *' Morrall's meicell, at a gate place there, where was a Gospel read," i.e , the bridle road to the While Ladies Abbey aforesaid. The " meicell " being spelt with a small m suggests that it was not an uncommon word, but one aptly describing certain lands. Mr. Hartshorne gives : meese, a labyrinth, to turn giddy (from the Anglo-Saxon meuse) — a hole in a fence, a hare's general track. Perhaps the word denotes a part of the old Forest of Brewood, unridded, where the trees were thick, and the way through it puzzhng, the underwood growth briery, and good shelter for wild animals. " Dennis Field "^ — belonging to the owners of Boscobel. The tithe upon it was apportioned at 6/- per annum, and is still payable to the owner cf Tong. St. Denys is the patron Saint of France, and the name suggests a connection with W^hite Ladies Abbey hard by. The bridle-way field and one adjoining bear the respective names of " White Ladies Close" and "Minerals Leasow"; other old names suggestive of 140 Lady Isabel's Well. mines are Ores Bank and Small Ores Bank to the North of Meashil! house. " Bryery Hurst." The name is still retained in New and Far Briery Hurst and Briery Leasow some thirty-five acres, lying" west of the Meeshill house. A Hurst is defined as a woody place, where trees grow but low. Mr How's bond-hedge extended to the road to Boscobel, then called Pierce Hay lane. A well, called Lady Isabel's Well, and a weeping willow over it, are near this spot. At the present cross roads near a cottage called " Acorn Lod,4e, " was, I suppose, the gate leading into Bishops wood, probably then a wood indeed, and part of Brewood Forest. Near here occurred a famous fi|;ht between two pugilists. Pertry or Pear-Tree Leasow, a name still retained by the field south of Park Pales house. A bond-hedge divided Blymhill and Tong, " until we come to Weston Park Pale Corner." This is a point in the road leading from Park Pales House towards Ivetsey Bank, not far from the wood to which Weston Old Park extended. The present noble owner, the Earl of Bradford, tells me that Weston Park originally reached nearly to Brewood. A Map in Plot's Staffordshire of 1686 shews this so. An inhabitant livliig at Park Pales, named JIMMY TETHERTON, an honest old cottager whose life is bound up with the spot, soliloquized on rent-day in October, iSgcj, in terms which I paraphrased thus : — I want a bit o' paint fur the doo-ers It'll do 'em good, Ketp the splicings right And the nail-holes in the wood ; Tisn't much, it'll do for me, I shan't be lung Afore I've done with it all, right or wrung D'ye know how old I am, why eighty years and more, Was eighty-one last birthday, and that's over four score ; Cow Hay in Weston Park. 141 Ten Tear old«r than .Vy Lord, cos I know he's seventy-one, But oh I'm well and hearty, but my work is a'most dun. I bin' workin at Pyatt's, a. harvestin' up at the hill. Finished six weeks tn-dny, and some 'uU soon go to the mill. Farmin's up to nuthin' now, they keep no men, 1 never see sich a thing— jest look at it th' n When Stockley Squire had th« farm, and the stuflf they used to grow, Everywhere like a garden and men he had enow'. Oh ! I bin workin o' his garden, Pyatts I mean to say Fetched all the rubbish and weeds up— ow they dun grow on the clay. Stockley ee kep it sa nice, nn this un ee knows ow ta farm, But why doant he see to the g»rdin better from takin' harm. "Well— I must go, good day, you'll see to the paint and stuff. Better be done afore winter, the weather gits rough. N.B. — " Meester Norton hasna' sent the paint fur the doo-ers yet !" A piece of land called " Cowe Haye " in Weston Park. A haye was that fenced or paled part of a forest into which beasts were driven to be cau'ht, as elephants are in India and deer in America. The entrenchments, made by bushes and thickets, were termed hayes."* " Cowe haye gate." The present Tong- entrance Lodge to Weston Park. Norton Heath. Evidently then unenclosed (1718), as shewn on a Map of Tong, which I have seen dated 1739. It was here that Leslie's 3000 Cavalry re-assembled and offered King Charles their doubtful services again. Weston New Mill. The mill must have been just erected, in place of a Windmill, which occupied a site on the banky land not far from Streetway or Watling Street. The Wind- mill was in situ in 1686. The Windrills corrupted from "Windmill," a name given to the fields west of Mr. Shaw's farm house, the Woodlands. The boundary to Burlaughton brook is easily followed in a westerly direction from Pikemere Hollow, the bed of a large sheet of water now dry, but whose outline can be partly followed in the meadows. The present oak trees just inside the field, on the north side of the Watling Street, indicate the boundary of the Parish and County. • Hjurtshorn's Salop. Antiq. 142 Weston New Mill — Idsall. "Shiffnall, alias Idsall" (Idd's hall ?).— Both names were then in use. Why do not the inhabitants return to the latter and more euphonious name ? Good lady Ida, Hear me, ere I die. I'fnnyion. " A way and steping stones below Thomas Wenlock's corne Mill," i.e., the present Lizard Mill. "Upper forge hammor ditch," " Forge brooke," "lower Forge," and "Timlett bridge" are names suggesting the important business of the conversion of iron ore, hitherto carried on here, before the discoveries of steam had removed such work to the towns. The ore was brought from the Priors Lee and possibly Wolverhampton districts. The brook lay on a good road between the two, and its rapid fall favored the use of powerful waterwheels. These were con- structed either (i) to work a large hammer (as the name of the upper forge implies), or (2) to compress large bellows by which the blast was made constant, and thus the heat became so increased that the operators "had the satisfaction in three days' time of seeing the metal begin to run." A token shewing a forge hammer was found at Ton.!^^ Church during the Restoration in 1892. (See illustration.) A lengthy account of the whole process 200 years ago cannot but interest those engaged in the iron works of the present day. " When they have gotten the Ore before tis fit for the furnace, they burn or cal- cine it upon the open groxmd with small wood, to make it break into small pieces which will be done in three days, this is annealing or titing it for the furnace. In th<3 meanwhile they heat their furnace for a weeks time with charcoal without blowing it, which they call stjasoning it. and then they bring the Ore to the furnace thus prepared, and throw it in with the charcoal in baskets vicissim i.e. a basket of Ore, and then a basket of coal s.s.s. whereby two vast pair of bellows placed behind the furnace and compressed alternately by a large wheel turned by water the fire is made so intense that after three days time the metall will begin to run still iifter increasing till at length in fourteen nights time they can run a sow and pio;gs once in twelve hours which they do in a bed of sand before the mouth of the furnace wherein they make one larger furrow than the rest, next the Timp (where the metal comes forth) which is for the Sow from whence they draw 2 or 3 & *»7«rty others for the piggs. It not only runs to the utmost distance of the ^-< ,^>i ^■i Hubba.1 Gid-n G H-f* igC ^^4^^ i^f^ Ancient Forge — Sow axd Pigs. HJ furrows but stands boiling in them some time. Before it is cold i.e. when it begins, to blacken at the top & the red to goe off, they break the Sow and pigs off fronk one another & the Sow into the same length with the piggs tho' in the riming it is longer and bigger much, which is now doue with ease. The hearth of the furnaco-. into which the Ore & Coal fall is ordinarily built square the sides descending ob- liquely, and drawing near to one another at the bottom where these terminate,, which they term the bashes; there are joined four other stones, commonly set peri:)endicular and reach to the bottom stone making the perpendicular square that receives the metall which 4 walls have the following names — that ne.xt tlie bellows, the tuarh or tuiron wall ; that against it the wind wall, or spirit plate ;. that when the Metall comes out the Timp or foreplate ; that over against it, tlie back wall Tis of importance there should Ije 5 or 6 sou»lis made under the furnace in paralel lines to the stream that turns the wheel wliich compresses the kellows to drain away the moisture from the furnace, for should the least drop of water come into the metall, it v/ould blow up the furnace, ami the nietall would fly about the workman's ears from which soughs they must also have a conical pipe about 9in. at the bottom set to convey the damp from them into the open air which too otherwise would annoy the workmen even to death." From the furnaces they bring the Sows and piggs when broken asunder to the Forges ; these are of 2 sorts, commonly standing together under the same roof, one called the Finery the otlier- Chafery — both open hearths upon which they place great lieap>s of Coal, blown by bellovs like to those of the furnaces and compressed the same way but notliiug near so large. In these two forges they give the Sow and piggs 5 severall heats be- fore they are perfectly wrought into barrs. First in the Finery they are melted down as thin as lead, where the metall in an hour thickens to a lump called loop ; this they bring to the great Hammer raised by the motion of a Waterwheel and first beat it into a thick square, a half bloom— secondly put it into the Finery for half an hour then bring it to the same Hammer when they work it into a bloom, ■which is a square Ixir in the middle and two square knobs at the end. one mu & less than the other tlie smaller the Ancouy the larger the Mocket head. This is all they do at the Finery. Then the Ancony end is brought to the Chapery where- after being heated for a quarter of an hour it is brouglit to the Hammer and beat quite out into such bars as they think fittest for Sale. Whereof those forrodds are carryed to the Slitting Mills, where they first break or cut them cold by the force of one of the wheels into short lengths ; ne.xt heated red hot. & brought singly to rollers by which they are drawn even & to a greater length ; another workman takes them whilst hot & puts them through cutters of divers sizes — ^then another lays them straight whilst hot, and when cold binds them into faggots, then they are fitting for Sale. Thus I have given an account of the Ironworks of Staffordshire, as they are now exercised in their i^erfection, the improvement whereof we shall find very great if we look back upon the methods of our ancestors, who made iron in foot blasts Oj- blooincries by mens treading the bellows, making but a little lump or bloom Of iron in a day, not 100 weight, leaving as much iron in the sla-,' as they got out • whereas now they make two or three tons of ca^t iron in twenty-four hours, leaving the slag so poore that the founders caimot melt it again to profit. The " upper forge hammor-ditch " runs alongside the upper forge pool. Iron cinders still cover a part of the pool. 144 Stone Cross, Tong Norton, Timlet. embankment. At " the way and steping- stones" is a foot- road still. " The bridge below lower forg-e, where was a Gospell read," is now called Upper Timlet Bridge or the Forge bridge. This road leads direct to the Stone Cross at Tong Norton. Whether this is the site of an old preaching cross I know not. Tong Norton had a separate history from Tong as early as 1 167, when each was fined for an offence against the Forest Laws. Stone Crosses were erected first in 653. When Churches were rare, and clergymen were sent from episcopal monasteries to preach, they did so in the open air at a cross, until the advantages of religion induced the lords to build churches, t By the will of an Oxford Collegiate Dignitary, dated 1447, Stone Crosses were directed to be put up " of the usual kind, where dead bodies are rested on the way to their burial, that prayers may be made, and the bearers take some rest."* In Brittany they are common yet. Timlett Bridge, i.e., Timlett Hollow, the bridge carrying the road from Shifnal to Tong. An inhabitant of Timlet Hollow informs me that the man who kept horses to do nothing else but cart the ore to the Forge, died about 56 years ago ; and that his father, who lived by the "loom-hole," 2 miles away, used to hear the forge hammer very plainly, "and could always tell when it was a going to rain by its sound." " Will Colemore, Esq." was, I suppose, a previous owner of Shackerley property. " Fitcherbot E?qr. ," one of the Fitzherberts, owners of historic Boscobel. The "Keepers Meadows" are those adjoining the brook, where it bends from a N.E. to an easterly direction on the east side of Tong Park House. The name is still retained. i Hist, of Hawardan. * Building News. Mart. a\d Marlfits tv Tova. 145^ Mr. How's bond hedi;e. — Mr. How seems to have been a large occupier, and without his bond hed_,e — which may mean a boundary hedge, or one newly pleached down — the boundary would have puzzled Mr. Pietier to describe, judging from the repetition of the name. Marl is a red earth, brittle when dry, but if wetted becomes adhesive and clayey. "A Marie Pitt in Mill Field." This is in Meashill farm. The dressing of land with marl was very much in vogue years ago, judging by the numberless marl pits in this and the adjoining parishes. Then the profitable production of wheat warranted the farmer in going to con- siderable expense in prep^iin^ his land for that crop ; but now, alas ! this is not the case and agriculture pines. As early as 1260 the Marlpit of Methplekes was referred to in an action against Wm. de Harcourt, as to a tenement in Tong,. and as to a Charter of Alan la Zouche, seignoral lord, granting " the land which Robert de Betterton [Beighterton] held in the Barude [Brewood], also his waste near the Pole between the Wood and the Marlpit of Methplekes against the road which passes from Tong towards the Wood, also the Brod-more, &c." The field adjoining the old barn field bears the name of Marlpit Leasow too. The large holes by the roadside indicate the spot whence the earth was taken. The land where these pits are is naturally retentive of moisture. Very likely the marl was carted to other places in the Parish or Manor where the soil is lighter and sandy. I find Neachley was the Grange or Farm of White Ladies Abbey, and the use of marl there would probably be suitable and efficacious. In the amusing " Chronicles of a Clay Farm," we find an account of some Marl Pits, which puzzled the young farmer ; "Amongst thfl Ipgacies which the wi rtom and labours of antiquity had bequeathed to the Clay Farm and its cultivators one of the most curious and truly puzzling was a quantity of Marl-pits, lu every held of 5 or 6 acres was a great jawuiug ' pit.' X xj\6 Lime and Marl. And Sir Anthony Fitzherbert in his Boke of Hushandrie published in 1523, frequently mentions the employment of Marl ; but in his list of Manures omits Lime altogether ; and this is extraordinary when we find a writer on the same subject some 70 years before, declare that " Lime even close to the kiln was dearer than oats"; and when we consider that all produce was carried away by pack-horse, so that lime-drawing would have been too expensive to pay.i It is thus easy to see that our forefathers had good reason for making- the Marlpit do duty for the Limekiln. "Human instinct and experience had discovered the lop of something whicl neither rain nor sunshine, nor even farm yard manure deprived of their elements could restore, before sulphates or phosphates had been christened ; hence the Marl-pits. " Theory : " This field, for instance, what does it want ? " Practice : " Lime." Theory: "Why?" Practice : " Because it would sweeten it." Theory : " But why 1 " and Practice is silent after centiiries of experience. The Chemist says: "Its effect arises from its avidity for combination; it searches out free acids, as a ferret dues a rat, and instantly doses with them. Sulphuric, poosporic, silicic, nitric, humic, and last not least, the ' Great Dis- yolver," Carbonic acid ; all these it makes known by seizing upon them and bee m- ing their baie ; thus disintegrating, as it were, and recousiructing tlie elem ntn o the soil, and exciting to a new action the sluggards of Nature wherever thev »r«" lurking. It is the Compo'er and Decomposer, for nature (-atnot suffer either process, but fertility must follow : re-composivioa (growth) has begun ere decom- position is over : does a latent atom of organic matter stand inert for one instant it is at him like a Policeman, — ' Come, kip moovin' ! ' " The ancient De Hugefort deed is translated as follows : — " And that they [the monks] may have all liberty and free common in woodf , in plains, in highways, in v^iths, in waters, in mills, in heaths, in turbaries, in quarries, ia fis'jt^ries, in marl-pits, and in all other places, and easements to the- afoFfsaid minor of T'lnge belonging, and that they may take marl at their pleasure to marl their land. ' * Here may be mentioned the curious grant of Roger la Zouche to Henry de Hugefort, thus described b)'^ Mr. Cox : — '• la after time.s we find Roger ZTouche of Ashby to be Lord of this Manor of Tonge, and tfca' h" did by a fair Oeed, uvder his Seal, on which was his * Translation supplied by the late Rev. W. AUport Leightoo. Hogs — Th:: Chaplet of Roses — Horses. 147 Pourtraitiire on Horsebaclc in a Military Habit, grant unto Henry Hugefort, and his Heirs three Yardldiids, threnimeijdyd unto yow, sertyfying jow that your servanttesliathedemawndyd ot me serien i "ley hade yerly, for the whiche sawite that w»s laaie made 1 have payd to Mr. Taomas Evans liij*-. iiijti. Consytheryng the chargys t'lerto belongyug, 1 thynke hyt be all payd, hoo llier ys no moie dewe to b*- p^yd as yet ; for Bord) sley salte ys wont to be made alwi-ys bevwene Estur aiid Penteycoste. The chargys that belongythe to the salte makyng Item, for ih« salte makyug xs. Item, for the cuttyng of the wod ij». Item, for the beryng of the bryne xyjd. Item, for the drawyng of the bryne vd. Item, for the rep»racyoa ef the. fates [vats] xvjd. Also, for the getheryng of the rent and the makyng of th« ta'^te, my fifee is yerly a lyverye cole and ...vj*. viji To the ryght worshypple Mr. Scuddamore and Mr. Burgoenye thys be delyvered with sped, di With regard to Tong Lake, a sheet of water of some 2 '. acres in extent, the following old placard has been sent me b} John H. Clarke of Tong Norton : — Pbogkamme OF THE TOURNAMENT ON THE LAKE AT TONG MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th, 1839. The Cecilia, Lotus, and Water Witch, having four Champions and a Bugle man, with the Crew of each Boat in uniform to correspond with the Flags, wdl start from Vauxhall Gar.l«us at 12 O'clock make a circuit round the Lake, and draw uji in friint of the Fairy Isle, from whence the Queen of Love and Beauty will givetb- ToNG Lake Tournament. 149 si^t. The Vanquished will be immediately succeeded hy another Champion till the whole have b«en encountered, when the two last will receive the Prizes from the <^Uf eu of Love and Beauty. The Gold Purse to the Champion who has vanquished the greatest number, and the Silver Purse to the other. When the Tilting is finished the following Coracles — Neptune- - - - Colour - - - Red Nautilus Mt-rmaid Por,,oiso Jim Crow Duck 'em - Blue - White - Yellow - Red & White - Blue & White Will start from Vauxhall Gardens, make the tour of the Lake, and draw up in front of the Fairy Isle, when the Quetn of Love and Beuuiy will give the signil by loweriug her Flag for the Cannon to tire, and the Race to Commence round the Westeru l&l.ind. The first Coracle that returns to the Starting Post will be entitled to the Ladies Purse. All the Champions who are overthrown and unsuccessful Competitors in the Race will receive a handsome remuneration. George Hbmpbnstall, Seneschal Francois dk Vos, Maitre D'Armes John Swan John Wedge Wardens W. Parke, Woiverhampton (Printer). There is a grandeur about this programme worthy of old times ! Who were the Champions, and the Bugleman ? The Seneschal we know, and the Wardens are old Tong names ; and was the Fairy Isle the same as the reed bank of to-day ? Above all, who was the Queen of Love and Beauty ? Or were there two Queens ? What a charming "Queen of Love " little Miss Sybil Kenyon Slaney would be. Four Champions in three boats sounds awkward. Probably they carried long lances and thrust at each other, as was done by Tilting Knights on horseback in old times. The horses were set at a gallop, and the shock of a lance-thrust, received at such a pace, may better be imagined than described. The lance was often broken, or the rider unhorsed. The legenJ 150 ToNG Lakb — Coracles — Tong Factory. on iVJarmion's shield, Sir Waiter Scott tells us, ran " Who cQecks at me to death is dyghte." A few old tilting lances are preserved in the Tower of London ; they are of light wood, and from memory I should guess them to be about 15ft. long, and 3 or 4 inches through at the butt end. The Coracle is a small wicker boat, the ancient British Curwgll, which a man can carry on his back, and is rowed with one oar. It requires skilful manipulation, or easily cap- sizes. Old fishermen on the Severn, near Shrewsbury, are very clever with the coracle, and it is still used on some rivers in Wales and Ireland. Some names are readily traceable to occupations. Hempen- stall, ;^io worth of hemp or flax was to be bought by Lord Pierpoint's Will, to be worked up by the poor, and then sold to apprentice poor children. He also bequeathed a sum to buy Staffordshire or '' Shalloon " wool to be worked up by the poor, and when woven, to allow each widow a gown. There was a room over the College porch belonging to the Manufac- tory. Items in Heayse's accounts occur which probably relate to this factory : — 1803. Mrs Andrews — Repairing the washing mill, Is. ; a board fvT the washing mill & •., 2s. 8d. ; webbing lor the mill, a. .a i.ail.'-, 4d. The v/oik-house or factory was at Tong Norton, a thatched building. The Wedges are numerous in Tong ; and old John Wedge, who lived at Neachley Brook, a worthy old man, was a walk- ing compendium on Tong parish matters. The name is undoubtedly traceable to occupation at the Forge or Forge hammer, or Wheels. John Wedge it seems won the coracle match and ;^2, and Abraham Hempenstall the tilting match. There were supposed to be 3,000 persons present and 300 carriagesf t Ex. Salopian Journal, iSjg. Clock:\iakers of Tong. 151 William Woolley. — He was clerk in 1801, and a clock- maker ot no small repute, who carried on his business at Tong Hill. The late Charles J. Horton (who gave me a a curious Tudor Jug, with Medallion of Queen Mary, which belonged to his grandmother) told me that Woolley got the "works" for his clocks from Coventry. The Earl of Brad- ford has a clock of his make, as also have James Tetherton, of Park Pales, Mrs. Alice Turner (Charles J. Horton's niece), William Stevenson, of Cross Roads, whose parents had it 70 years ago. Woolley was an apprentice of John Baddele/, blacksmith, of Tong, who made Sheriffhales clock, and was " Clockmaker to King George," as I am told. Mrs. Geor^';e Parker (now Salter) has a clock made by " Baddeley, Tong." She is a daughter of a worthy old Foreman of Labourers, now disabled, named Samuel Greatbach. He found a piece of the old Forge mill-wheel. John Jones, of Tong Lodge ("Rosy Jones"), had a clock made by Woolley & Son, Albrighton. His wife is a Salter, one of the oldest families of Tong. George Salter was one of the Manorial Jury in 1719 who knew the " Manor Boundarye." Benjamin Andrews* father, of Tong Norton, made the frames for these clocks. It seems Thomas Ore was also a Tong clockmaker, and made the present sundial at Tong in 1776. They are "grand- father " clocks, and it Mras the custom for each young couple who got married to have one of " Woolley's " clocks. There is a Salter's Hall at Newport, possibly a name deriv- able in connection with the fish-iaUiu^ tliere. In 1808 Heayse's accounts refer to William Woolley, Esq.: In 181 1 he lived at Neachley. In 1808 Heayse put up a bridge at Butters Brook for Mr. W. Jones, of Tong Parish, costing 17/6. Wiiich brook is this? In i8og, James Ellis came to work for him at 1/6 a day. In 1813, Nov. 14, Mr. Smith, of Weston — 2 pair of large stocks, £1 5s. od. ; 152 N/SMES AND Sayings, Newport, at the Fair, cash 7/- ; Easter week, ;^i ; Codsall Wake, 5/-; Emingham's cocking, 4/- (what is this?); stockings, 3/6; Wake, 10/6; cash, Nov. 26, gallowses and ale ; cash for a Harper, 4/- ; brass for cards, 6d. ; cash, £1 IS. od., old Nan. " Clew" means a ring at the head of a scythe, from the Anglo Saxon. Mr. Clews was a tenant in Tong, lately, whose father was gardener to Lord Bradford. "Jimmy Beresford, the artist," says " they soul at Tong, and always have done," i.e., on All Souls' Day, and that if you bring the spade or pikel in the house they say •' ther'll be a death in the family." Also, " the crows whirling about is a sign of rain ! " Milner is a corruption of Miller, and Great- batcli from the batch of flour baked at one baking, or brought from the mill. Picken suggests an occupation, and Gamble is from gambrel. Bourne is a boundary stream. Haighway from John *' of the highway." Yate and Yates from gate. Crowther a player on an ancient violin. In i88r, the population of Tong was 498 ; in 1801, 404 ; in 1831, 510. In 1891, population 445. Some other local sayings are, " to scratch for the 'adlant," i.e., hurry to reach a place before a certain time ; " hnsscl," household goods ; " with a jaundiced eye," i.e., evil and prejudiced," "twarly," illtempered : " it rained cats and dogs at his funeral," a sure sign of a not very good life 1 " By the dumpty derry," a jocular oath; " Wrong way of the Charley," misconstrued or perverted intention ; " gallus," a wag. Of names we find Leichfield, the field of dead corpses, hence lich-gates to church-yards. — Newport means the new haven, or way ; Parker, keeper of a park, or to inclose ; Pierepoint de petra ponte ; Shuker means a bender ; Stanley. a stony hill ; Taylor, from Tailere, to cut ; Twiss, a twin ; Vernon, green-springing, or a town in Normandy."' •Ex. Gougli's Myddle. Namfs and l^r.ACPS -Rare Biri>s. 155 The name of HARTLEY will long be associated with the tenancy of Tong Castle. The late Mr. John Hartley died in his 72nd year. He was a deputy lieutenant for Staffordshire^ and J. P. for Stafford and Salop Counties, one of the partners in Chance & Sons' well-known Glass Works, and later a partner with his brother-in-law, Major Thorneycroft, J. P., in Messrs. G. B. Thorneycroft & Co.'s large Ironworks and. Collieries, a member of the Ro5^al Coal Commission and chair- man of the South Staffordshire Iron Trade, and many years a Director of the L. & N.W. Railway. Mr. Hartley married in 1839, Emma, a daughter of Mr. G. B. Thorneycroft, of Wolverhampton, the lady who now resides at Tong Castle, and interests herself much in promoting the happiness of her friends, and the cottagers. There seem to have been four public-houses in Tong', if not more. There were three at Tong Norton, viz.: — The Horse Shoes, where George Meddings now lives, near the Smithy. Tlie Bush, in the hjllow, Tormerly kept by Mrs. Jane Jones. The Plough, at th3 north end of the tihaw Lane ; and The Red House was an Inn in Tong Village. Birds of some rarity are frequent visitors to Tong, and they have beeiii noted in the 'I ranmctlons of tlie Shropshire ArchcBjlot^ical Social if (voi.~^iii. , pt. 4, &c.), from communica' tions furnished by Colonel the Hon. F. C. Bridgeman, M.P. of Neachley, who, like his father, the Earl of Bradford, is an ardent naturrili.st ; they include Grebes, Herons, Pochards, &c. Reliable contributions of that kind .ire always appreciated by the Society, whose operations now are so undervalued- alas ! ^ ^^ 5^^>P|f^<:«'^^ THE DURANT FAMILY. OME account of Mr. Durant's family is given on pages 89 to 92. The following addenda may be of interest. Probably few country parishes bear more striking marks of a family's ownership than does that of Tong. Whether these are calculated to increase our respect for the name or other- wise is not for me to say. Certainly many old landmarks, were demolished or lost sight of in that time, notably the College, the Almshouses, and Sir Harry Vernon's picturesque Castle itself; but on the other hand, large sums of money were spent greatly in the employment of labour — and there- fore deserving of high commendation — in forming water carriers, in rebuilding the Castle, in razing old and ugly dwellings, and in the erection of new ones. On the whole perhaps a more judicious and discriminating use of his means would have commended itself to all who know the place at the present time. About 1760 Mr, Durant purchased Tong Castle and Estate from the Duke of Kingston, and he appears forthwith to have commenced to chop off" the strag- gling parts of the old Castle, and to reface the main building with the mixed Moorish and Gothic exterior forming the im- posing facade which now presents itself to our view, and to carry out his other " improvements.''' The ownership by Mr. Durant and his family extended to within a few years of a century, and Mrs. F. O. Durant's The.Durant Family. 155 decease and lier son's changfe of residence from the neigh- bouring town of Shifnal sever the last linK which associated that name with the district. I append a letter from the elder Mr. Edwin Durant. Shifnal, 8 Sept., 1884. My Dbak Sir, — I regret it is not in my power to give jou any particulars of importance of my "blessed" ancestor.''. Th« tablrt piving the names of children who were then alive (and which v as erectf-d by my grandfather) does not contain all the names by some half score, »>? my Father Francis Ossian, and May, who sre buried in our vault, were tten living as well as Ernest Beaufoy and Augustus. (These -3 la«t, T think, are not buried a' Tong. B, and A. are not, but I am rot quite sure about Ernest). ■Womd it not be well to mention that the sketch of "Little Nell" in Dickens's work is taken trom Tong Church ? Faithfully yours, EDWIN DURANT, It is said (1893) that on the Durant Tomb being opened for the burial of Mr, and Mrs. F. 0. Durant there was found half-a-crown on the coifin of one already buried there, it being the legacy left that person by Mr. Durant, and which person refused to receive it during life — so it was placed on his coffin after death, and so paid. George Durant, Esq., purchased the Castle, &c. , in 1760, having married Maria, daughter of Mark Beaufoy, Esq., leaving- a large family, Mr. George Durant, his son, was a minor at his father's death in 1780. He married first Miss Eld of Seighford, and secondly, in 1830, Celeste, daughter of M. Caesar Lafefve, By his first marriage he had issue a son, George Stanton Eld, who predeceased him, but leaving a son, George Charles Selwyn, who sold Tong Castle Estate in 1855 to the Earl of Bradford. The following pages are of private raiher than of general value, and the result of stray notes made during the frequent sight of these which may be properly termed, '' Durant Oddities," dating from the second Mr. Durant's period, called Col. Durant. They may be of secondary interest now, but simple accounts of familiar objects become dignified by 156 The HniRMiTAGE and Convent Lodge. lapse of time, and to their happy preservation are we indebted for some valuable details of the domestic history of bygone days. I venture to think that such records also make us regret the less the necessitous removal of those old things themselves, which modern requirements have rendered in- convenient or perhaps valueless. 1 he Hermitage at Tong, to be seen from the Albrighton Road, is so called from the fact that a miserable poor half- witted man once chose to dwell in a cave-like place cut in the rock behind it. He dressed himself in a kind of tunic or coarse cloth, and wore a long white untriinmed beard. He is said to have been a gentleman who had seen better days. He got together some money at one time, but afterwards lost it, and for several years chose to inhabit this dismal cavern, Mr. Hubert Smith, in Shrops. Trans., vol. i, p. 171, says he was called Carolus, but his real name was Charles Evans. He died in a house at the back of the Castle, says the Gentle- mcnis Magazine of 1822. " Oct. 6, Shropshire : C. Evans, better known by the name of Carolus, the Hermit of Tong, where he had lived seven years in a lonely and romantic cell, on the domain of G. Durant, Esq." Near by this place and the Convent Lodge is a handsom.e octagonal stone Pulpit, six sides of which have open tracery. It is built upon one of the wing walls on the south side of the massive wrought iron Gates, which form the principal approach to Tong Castle. The pulpit is very similar to the Oratory in the Abbey Yard, Shrewsbury, but is of modern date. The roof is of stone, and around the outside on each face of the octagon are little emblems carved in imitation, or perhaps ridicule, of heraldry and religion ; such as the follow- ing :— a harp, a censer, an hourglass, an axe, flag and spear, cro.?.9-I:eys, a quatrefoil, a mullet, 4 fleur-de-lis with hearts < u a z o Entrance Lodge to Tong Castle '0/ thereon, a bell, a crescent, a wreath, cross-spears, lozenges, and a Maltese cross. Inside the Pulpit is a rude stone seat with lion-head ends. The doorway is on the west side, and is reached by steps from the Convent Lodg-e garden and shrubbery. On one step we are just able to see the well- known lines. I think they are Tom Moore's : — Tlie harp th'it one- through Tar a s halls The soul o/mufiir, shed, No\o hangs as mute on Tara's i^-'alls, As if that soul vierefltd. In the West wall of the Lodge itself a stone bears other two verses of the same melody : — No more to Chi-'/s and Ladies lyright The harp of Tar a swells ; Thi". Chord aloiv, that breaks at night, Its tale of ruin tells. Thu- Frtedom now so seldom waJces, The only throb she gives I.t when some heart indignant breaks, To shew that still she lives. The gate-pillars and wing-walls of the Entrance Gates are elaborately carved stonework, of fantastic design, the coping being crenulated, and having a continuous rope-like cresting ending in tassels. Similar emblems to those before named are introduced upon the pillars ; and the faces of the walls on the side next to the high road are relieved by stone entablatures of the Castle, viewed from the East and West respectively, the Durant arms, &c. ; there are also niches, and piercings in the forms of a St. Andrew's and a Latin cross. On the pulpit is this Greek line : — Tov deo'v c{)ol3ei(r9£ tov Ba(riA:'a TL/xaT€^ These piercings appear in other walls built in the vicinity. The south wing-wall is much the longer of the two, and its terminating pillar at the south end bears this inscription : — 15^ Approach to Tong Casti e. posteritati sacrum impensis geo.: durant ar. 1821. (De(iicated to his descendants at the expense of George Diirant, Esq., 1821.) A stone shield in the East Wall of the Convent Lodge has upon it, a bend, between 5 rings (3 and 3). This, I think, is partly a caricature of the arms of Sir Thomas and Lady Harries of Tong Castle, or of their youthful daughter, Mrs- Ann Wylde, whose monument is in Tong Church. Near to the Convent Lodge and within the Shrubbery is a white stone pedestal surmounted by a ball, bearing this in- scription : — AB HOC MOMENTO PENDET yETERNITAS (On this moment hangs Eternity.) The two jaw-bones of a whale form an arch over the gate- way on the same drive, a little nearer to the Castle. Upon each is a legend. On the north one : — MORS JANUA VIT^ (Death the Gate of Life.) On the south one :■ — POST TOT NAUFRAGIA PORTUM. (A Haven after so manr Storms.) The bones are about 16 feet higii, tapering from a foot wide to six inches, and are three or foar inches through at the thickest part. On a stone pedestal surmounted by a well-carved urn of stone : — GEO : DURANT OBT. 1780. JET. 8 46. SI MONUMENTUM REQUIRAS CIRCUMSPICE. (If you need a memorial [of me] look around.) FOWLHOUSE — TONG PrIORY, &C. 159. This epitaph was insciibed, I believe, by Sir Christopher Wren on St. Paul's Cathedral. Over the three shutters, through which coals are throwa into the Castle coal-house, is the word : — MAUSOLEUM. Other buildings upon the property bear mottoes. The wheelwright and coffin-maker's shop has a stone suitably in- scribed : — IN MORTATE LUCRUM. (In Deutli is Gain.) On Vauxhall Cottage is a semicircular stone bearing in colours a circular shield ( a fesse indented a chief ermine) beneath a fleur-de-lis crest and the 'canting' motto: — BEATI QUI DURAN.T i8io; (Blessed are those who endure ; or, Blessed are the Durants.) And near this place is a pyramidal Egyptian Fowl-house,, into the sides of which are built bricks with encaustic facings, havmg pictures of birds, and these terse mottoes: — "LIVE AND LET LIVE." "SCRAT BEFORE YOU PECK" "TRIAL 1!Y JURY.- "TLACH YOUR GRANNY." "CAN YOU SMELL." "GIVE EVERY (DOG) HIS DUE." (DAY?) "HONE.STY 16 THE BEST POLICY." Another little pyramidal building at Belle Isle Cottage bears : — " PARVA SED APTA." (Saiall but coave;iicnt.) Upon a classic monument in Toag pYiory grounds : — M.S. Georgh Hamilton (Sacred to the Memory Legiona Regis of George Hamiltun of Armigeri the King's Guards In Ballo et Pace Gentleman. In war and Virginti Annos poace he consecrated 201 Geurgiam Brittaniae years (to the Georges > Consecruvit of Britain. Born 14 Natum 14 Nov. 177a Nov. 1770 di.jd iS^a.) Ob. iSia. i6a Adam's Ai.k — ^^Ioi.ian Harps. In the rock below the Castle, near where the old mill stood, is a Dropping Well labelled : — ADAM'S ALE, LICENSED TO BE DRUNK ON THE PREMISES. 1838, A two-roomed Building (now used as a foreman's cottage) bears : — LOUVRE, and another Building near has panels in style in rude imita- tion of an Egyptian man and woman. A lozenge-shaped shield between them has the Durant crest, arms, and motto, and OB. 18 JET : Upon each pillar of the Gateway to this little yard was an iEolian Harp, which cadenced sweet music to unappreciative animals. One of these instruments still remains in a dilapi- dated condition. Some eight lines upon a stone in one of these pillars are nearly illegible. They are, I find, after much searching, taken from Sir Walter Scott's " Lady of the Lake." Harp of the, North I that mouldering long hast hung And down, the fitful breeze thy Jimnhcrs flung, TiU envious ivy did around thee cling, Mufflinj with verdant ringlet f.vry string — Vh minstrel harp I still must Uune accents sleep ? Mid rustling leaves a7id fountains murmwring. Still must thy sweeter sounJs their sdence keep, If or bid a vianiour smile nor teach a maid to weep. In the Park of Tong Castle is a pretty Dove-house. (See illustration). There is a similar one at Haughton. Every manor Jiouse had its dove-cot in old times. The north or Kosary Lodge, the Round House at the Forge, and " the Hall," a farm-house in Tong (which latter became Mrs, Celeste Durant's), are examples of fantastic brick structures. Dovecot Tong - ^^■v V.,'-NN\\^i?>' '^ The church froTn ■'• the west sheNving Tuins ••• ' " "* ■ Respice Finem. i6i Of Mr. Durant's erections perhaps should be specially mentioned the Monument, which formerly stood on the Knoll, on a site a few yards east of the Flag Tower built by the present Earl of Bradford in 1883. ^^ 'was an octagonal cottage of three stories, and had a stone roof finished with a vane, and was occupied, together with a few acres of land, by an industrious cottager, whose children. Lord Bradford informs me, roamed amid the towering bracken. The story goes thus, about Mr. Burant's erection. Built, in questionable taste, to record Mr. Durant's success in a prolonged law-suit against his own wife, her annoyed but powerless sons shared her disgust at its obtrusive existence, and planned its destruction. While Mr. Durant lay upon his dying bed two barrels of gun- powder were placed in the foundations of the monument, and the same night that saw his decease saw the cottage a heap of ruins. A man who now lives at Tong Hill, who was then a keeper at Woodcote (7 miles away), heard the detonation, anu was so much alarmed as to attribute the unusual noise to nothing less than a " hearthquake." Fifty years later, among some debris near, were found some stones, one inscribed — " FERAMUS," another — An. Jubil. Quia quae Reg. Geo. Ter. Oct. XXV. MOCCCLX. (?) And a third, which becomes a fitting motto to conclude this paper — RESPICE FINEM " Remember the end." (^A5 (IAS eA£) dAS) QAS eA5 CIAS GVo b/3 GYc) GYl) GYO G^^ 6"/S <■ ^ ) yi>t vAv 3 ifj^ y^* e^vv C1.-.9 (i.'^s e.^ e.'-.': ^i..^ ^l--s GYc) GYc) GYo GYc) GYS bTO GTd TONG CHURCH REGISTERS. APTISMS, marriages, and burials are all entered promiscuously down to the death of Thomas- Hall, 1765. We read that registers were begun to be kept in every parish in 30 Henry VHI. (i539,)> *rid. by the injunctions of the young King Edward VI. " all parishes were to keep a register booke in the parish chest." Registers began by being simply labours of love on the part of the clergy, and after many years received partial recognitioa as public documents. In early times, the Monastic Registers- — priceless records, of which too many were scattered during, the fanaticism which carried everything before it between the suppression of monasteries and the re-organisation of the Church — supplied the place of the Parish Registers. But as the deaths registered were as a rule only those of important persons, the object being to tell when masses became due,, their value is limited. Ordinary folk in those ages, and long subsequently, contented themselves with private records, or with entering the births, deaths, and marriages of their families on the fly-leaf of a family Bible, or, when Bibles were scarce, on the blank pages of books of devotion. In 1538 Thomas Cromwell ordained that regular Parish Registers should be kept, in order to meet the needs created by the sup. pression of Religious Houses. This injunction, however, was carried out so carelessly that in 1597 Elizabeth ordered, not only that the Registers should be better kept, but that copies- ToNG Parish Registers. 163 should be sent to the Bishops. During the Commonwealth, the Registers again fell into irregularity, and on the Restora- tion it was found that many of them were lost, probably having been destroyed. After the Restoration the Parish Registers begun to become more interesting, and even entertaining. They contain notices of a host of events, lay as well as ecclesi- astical, in addition to the usual entries of births, deaths, and marriages. The earliest entry in Register now in use is — Thomas son of Edw. Bistan and Joyce his wife b. Oct. 10 1616 Roger Boult aud Jane Wenlock m. May 1, 1636 John Wh„eler was bu. May 5 1630, and lyeth 3yds. south from the east comer of tno Golden Cha^^el. Anne w. of Thos. Scot was bu. June 28th 1636 Frances d. of Wui. Pjerpoint was born 1 Sept. 1630, b. 1 Oct. Eleanor d. of Wm. Pierpoint Etq. and Eliz, his wife was baptized Sept. 4 163(1 or 2) Margaret Pierpoint their dau. bapt. Oct. 2 163 (2 or 3) Dorothy Gilfard was bu. Sept. 30 634 Robert, sou of Wm, and Eliz. Pierpoint b. Sept. 20 1634 Dame Elinor Harries was bu. Apl 9 1635 Mrs, Mar^-t. Harries was bu. Aug 1636 Hy. son of ihe Hon. Wm Pierpoint and Eliz. his wife was b. Aug 15 1637 Wm. son of Wm. Pierpoint bu. Nov. 13 1640 Elizabeth wile of Wm. Pierpoint of Tong Castle was bu. July 1 1656 1648 liurried was Thos. Lawrence gent. 1692 Burried was Eliz. dau. of the Hon Gervas Pierpoint Aug 30th 1715 Burried was tlie Hon Gervas Pierpoint June 4th 1738 iiurried was the Hon H. Willoughby Dec. 11th 1722 Smallpox raged 1694 Bulled was Featherstone of Bromsgrove Oct 11 1777 Geo. son of &<;o. Durant E»q. and Maria his wife, of Tong Castle, was born in the Parish of St Margaret's Westminster Apl. 25th 1776 in the presence of Mary Cusiu and Mrs. Lmising continuance of his happiness & p°fession to all posterity, the w** many malignant d devilish Papists Jesuits & Seminary Priests much envvinge & fearinge conspired most horribly, when the King s most excellent M''' the Queene the Priucts & all the Lord spirituall and temporall, and Com°' sh"* have been assembled in the upper house of Parliament upon the 5"^ day Nov in the yeare o( our Lord 1605 suddenly to have blowne up the said whole house w'' gunpowder, an inveutiou (invention) 80 inhumane barbtrous, & cruell as the like was never before heard of, and was, as some of the priocipall conspirators thereof confess, purposely devised & concluded to be done in the s* house. That whereas sundry necessary & religious lawes foj. the p* servation of the Church & State were made : that they falsely & slanderously t e r me .e f i ^g^^^,^^ enacted against them and their religion, both place and person sh** be all destroyed & blown up at once, wh w"^ have turned to the utter ruine of this whole Kingdome, had it not pleased Aliiiigbty God by enspyringe the Kinges most excellent ma''« with a Divine spirit to intrrprit some .;arke p'hrases of a letter shewed to his majesty : above & be- >onde all ordinary construction, thereby miraculously discovering this hiden treason not many hours before ye appointed time for y* execution thereof. There- fore the Kmgs most excellent Majesty the Lords Spiritual & Temporall & all his Majestys most faithful & loving subjects doe most wisely acknowledge this great & infinite blessiugo to have proceeded meardeley fr Gods grate mercie, and to his Holy Name doe ascribe all honor glory and praise. And to the end this unfaigned thankfullnesso may never be forgotten but be had in a perpetuall remembrance that all ages to come may yielde praise to bis Divine Majesty for the same & have in memory this w'fuU day of deliverance Be (Ke) it enacted by the Kings m^ist excelhnt m'>* the Lords Spiritual and temporall & the Comons in this p ' veut Parliament assembled & by the authority of the s^me that all and singular ministers in every Cathedrall & P*^ Church or other usual place for Com Pry within this realme of Enghiud & Domiuions of y* same, shall allwaies upon j* 5 day of Nov' ^ay morniug prayer & give unto Almighty God thanks for this moot happy delivtrancH & that all k every p'son & y" .>ouje in- habiting it in this realme of England & the dominions of >« same shall allwaise upon that day diligently & faithfully rei-ott to y« P»i» Ch or Chappell accustomed or to some usual ch or chapell where y* said ni'Tuing prayer, preaching or other service of God fhall be used & then k there to abide, & duly & sobarly duringe llie inue that the fuid prairs or preaching or other service of God used : And that all & every p'son may be put in mind of this duty & be the better p'pared to the said boly Service, be it inacted by autliority aforesaid that every minister shall give warumg to his p'shuers lu j« Ch at morning prayer the Sunday brfoie every such .5 day of Nov' fur the observaciou of y« sanl day, & that after m' riiiug prater or preaching upju the said 5 day of Nov they reade distinctly k plainly this p' sent act. GOD save y« Kinge. FAMOUS LADIES ASSOCIATED WITH TONG. Three maids unmatch'd in manners as in grace, Skill'd in each art and crown'd with every grace. 'OTES upon Tong can hardly be closed without some reference to the celebrated ladies associated with it. Few country places can boast association with such distinguished ladies. They are VENETIA, LADY DIGBY, (of whom some account is given under the particulars of Monument No. 19), LADY MARY WORTLEY MONTAGUE, and MRS. FITZHERBERT; not to mention Elizabeth Chudleigh, Duchess of Kingston, and Isabella Forester, who married Lord Stafford. LADY MARY WORTLEY MONTAGUE was daughter of Evelyn, 5th Earl of Kingston, who was in 1706 created Marquis of Dorchester, by Queen Anne, and in 1716, Duke of Kingston ; and Tong was the scene of her early years, if not her birthplace (which is claimed by Thoresby). Her youth at any rate must have been passed between these two homes of the Pierpoint family. Her letters form a conspicuous part of the literary productions of her time. Born in 1690, she lost her mother in 1694, ^^^ being educated under the superintendence of Bishop Burnet, obtained a high degree of mental cultivation. She married Mr. Edward Wortley Montague by special license. Her father had refused him, because he would not make the necessary settlements ; and she had allowed him to encourage another suitor ; and matters had gone so far that the wedding clothes had actually been bought ; but, only making up her mind the evening before, she decided to run away with Mr. Montague, and was married on August 13, 1712. P£av ^hT^^"^ Ladv Mary Wortley Montague. 167 It had fallen to the lot of the Duke of King'ston in 1690 to propose a beauty as the annual toast of the Kitcat Club, and a whim seized him to nominate his little daughter, Lady Mary Pierpoint, then 8 years old. Some of the members- demurred, as they had not seen her. The Duke sent for her, and when she arrived, finely dressed, she was received with acclamations, her health drunk, her beauty extolled on every side, and she was petted and caressed by all present, the company consisting of some of the most eminent men La England. L «: ' jaE^-J^UWKAWJk^L'*^!J-ii.J»A! r-.jkt.:.!^JLiAigu-^--', Walpole, writing in 1762, describes his visit to this strange- lady :— "I found her in a little miserable bedchamber of a ready furnished house, with two tallow-candles, and a bureau covered with pots and fans t68 Lady Mary Wortley Montague. On her head she had an old block-laced hood, wrapped entirely round, so as to conceal all hair, or want of hair. No handkerchief, but up to her chin a kind of horseman's ridirig-coat, made of dark green brocade, with coloured and silver flowers, and lined with furs ; bodice laced, a foul dimity petticoat, sprig'd velvet muffeetens on her arms, grey stockings, and slippers. Her face less changed in 20 years than I could have imagined She is very lively, all her senses perfect, her language as imperfect as ever, her avarice greater. With nothing but an Italian, a French, and a Russian, all men-servants, and something she calls an iild secretary, but whose age till he appears will be doubtful, she receives all the world, and crowds them into this kennel. The Duchess of Hamilton, who came in just after me, was so astonished and diverted, that she could not speak to her for laaghing." Lord Byron, in describing the shores of the JEgeati and Bosphorus, thus refers to her : — And the more than I could dream. Far less describe, present the very view. Which charmed the charming Mary Montagu. The picture on the preceding page of Lady Mary entering the club is supplied by Mr. H. Blackburn, author of Boyal Academy Notes, 1884, by kind permission of Mr. Yeames, R.A. Edward Wortley Montague was in 1716 appointed Ambassador to the Porte, and she accompanied him to the East, and during his residence in the Levant wrote the well- known Letters, which form one of the most deliglitful books in our language. In 17 18 she returned lo England, and settled at Twickenham, where she renewed her acquaintance with Addison and Pope. In 1739 Lady Mary went to Italy for her health, and did not re-visit England till 1761, and died Aug. 21, 1763. During her residence in Constantinople she was enabled to confer on Europe a benefit of the greatest consequence, namely, inoculation for the small-pox, which was at that time universal in Turkey. She had so much faith in its safety that she tried it first on her own son. Lord Wharncliffe has a picture of her which she gave to her god- son."^ * Mr. H. A. Grueber says. Mrs. fitzherbert. (See fiage ifxf.) Mrs. Fitzherbert. 169 Writing in 1730 from Dijon to her husband she says : — This is a very agreable Town, and I find ye air agree with meextreamely ; herein a great deal of good company, and I meet with more civility than I had reason to expect. I should like to pass ye winter here, if it was not for ye expense. I have been entertained by all ye considerable people, French and English. MARIA ANNA FITZHERBERT, born 1756, youngest daughter of WilKam Smythe, of Tong Castle, and niece of Sir E. Smythe, Bart , of Acton Burnell, married ist, Edward Weld, of Lulworth Castle, who died the same year, 1771 ; secondly, Thomas Fitzherbert, of Swinnerton, County Stafford, who died in 1781. Soon afterwards her beauty and fascinating manners attracted the particular attention of the Prince of Wales (George IV.), and she consented to a marriage with him according to the rites of the Roman Church, which marriage however was not permissible by the law of England, she being a Papist. In her memoirs written by the Hon. Charles Langdale, it is said that there was not one of the Royal Family who haH not acted with kindness to her, including the Queen of George III., herself. At the command of the Prince, Fox denied the marriage in the House of Commons, Earl Fortescue has a portrait of this lovely woman by Gainsborough, which she left to the Hon. Mri. Dawson Damer ; and the Earl of Portarlington has one by Sir Joshua Reynolds, whose studio she often visited with the Prince of Wales. The accompanying picture is after Cosway, who painted delightful miniatures of her, including two rings belonging to Lord Portarlington, one representing an eye of George IV. as Prince of Wales, and tiie other an eye of Mrs. Fitzherbert. Lord Portarlington has also a fine collection of ^ miniatures and relics owned by that lady, one being a gold ring given to George IV. by her, ■ bearing on it the poesy reading " L'ami de mon cueur," expressed by two musical notes, la mi, DE MO.\ in letters, and a heart. vv 170 Mrs. Fitzherbert. The Graphic of March 5th, 1892. has an article about this lady, commencing with the hnes of a ballad, which are said to have some reference to Mrs. Fitzherbert : — I'd crowns resign to call thee viine, Sweet Lass 0/ Richmond Hill. We cannot question the charms of person and mind possessed by Mrs. Fitzherbert ; they enthralled one of the most volatile of Princes, and • under their fascination, induced that wayward youth to jeopardise the splendid prospects of heir to the Throne by marrying a lady who had been twice a widow whose religious faith, as well as the restrictions of the Royal Marriage Act, were insuperable barriers ; and who, moreover, had the formidable disadvantage of being seven years the senior of the enamoured swain. The Church of Rome received the pair as man and wife; the King, Queen, and members of the Royal family consistently treated the lady with respect and consideration. Mrs. Fitzherbert, who was a rigid and devout Roman Catholic, retired to the Continent. The enforced separation failed to allay the Prince's passion. He threatened numerous acts of folly, and, after lengthened absence, the return of Mrs. Fitzherbert was, by her advisers, counselled as the most prudent course in 1785. The Prince proposed the most romantic schemes. One morning affairs reached a crisis ; two of the Royal suitor's friends drove to Park Lane with the urgent request that the lady would hasten immediately to Carlton House, for the Prince lay bleeding to death. This highly-sensational summons sent the lady off in a flutter ; on her way to the Palace, she thought proper to call upon her confidential friend, the Duchess of Devonshire, and they decide i to fly to comfort the sufferer, and to receive his last sigh. The a-^itation of his feelings, the alarm- ing apprehensions of his confidential attendants, backed up by the violence of his passion, his reckless declarations, his moving entreaties, and the melting tears, convinced the lady that there was danger in standing aloof. On December 21st, 1785, in the presence of Mrs. Fitzherbert's connections, the nuptial ceremony was gone through at her house in Park Lane, accord- ing to the idtual of the Church of Rome, and also the Protestant service was performed by the Rev. Samuel Johnes. On the death of George IV., his successor authorised Mrs. Fitzherbert to wear royal mourning, and gave her the right of using the royal liveries ; moreover, William IV. pro- posed to make the lady a duchess, a distinction she, with excellent taste, thought proper to decline. It is said that by his own wish the miniature of Mrs. Fitzherbert was buried with the King, suspended round his neck. Mr. H. F. J. Vaughan writes to me, Nov. 17, 1884, as follows: — Mrs. Fitzherbert, the wife of George IV., was born in the Red Room at Tong Castle, having arrived somewhat unexpectedly during a visit of Vexetia Stanley, Lady Digby. 171 her parents at Tong, as I was informed by the late Madame Durant, with whDse family my own was intimate. You are probably aware that her maiden name was Mary Anne Smythe, and that she was thrice married. One of the dearest friends of Mrs. Fitzherbert, Lady Horatia Seymour, in the last stage of a decline, was advised to go abroad to seek in change of climate her own chance of recovery, and had at that time an infant daughter, Miss Seymour, who became devotedly attached to Mrs. Fitzher- bert. There arose difficulties on account of Mrs. Fitzherbert's religion, and the question of custody became a Chancery suit. The opposing Counsel, the Attorney-General, observed that Mrs. Fitzherbert merited everything that could be said in her favour ; but whatever amiable qualities she might possess, the religion she professed excluded her from the right to retain the custody of a Protestant child. The Lord Chancellor however decided in favour of Mrs, Fitzherbert, and the child, who became Mrs. Lionel Dawson Damer, erected a monu- ment to her memory at Brighton, with the following inscrip- tion : — " In a vault near this spot are deposited the remains of Maria Fitz- herbert. She was born on the 26th July, 1756, and expired at Brighton on the 29th of March, 1837. One to whom she was more than a parent has placed this monument to her revered and beloved memory, as a humble tribute of her gratitude and aflection." The hand of the figure had three rings on it, bearing evidence of the triple marriage of her departed friend. VENETIA STANLEY, OF TONG, married Sir Kenelm Digby. " With the exception of Lady Rich, no woman has been made the theme of so much song that deserves to live as Venetia Digby." Tong Castle was the birthplace and scene of her early years, and she died there in 1633. Lord Claren- don speaks of her as " a lady of extraordinary beauty, and of as extraordmary fame." Her husband was so enamoured with her beauty that he is said " to have attempted to exalt 172 Venetia Stanley, Lady Digby. her charms and preserve her health by a variety of whimsical experiments, and to have fed her with capons fed with the flesh of vipers, inventing for her use new cosmetics." Her beauty and fascination were the theme of many an eulogy by painter and poet. Ben Johnson has devoted some lines to her, including one lather long poem called " Eupheme." He tells us how to paint her, so : — Draw first cloud all save her neck, And out of that make day to break, Till like her face it do appear, And men may think all light rose here; Then let the beams of that disperse The cloud, and show the universe, But at such distance that the eye May rather yet adore than spy. The Heaven designed draw next as spring, With all that youth as it can bring. Four rivers branching forth as seas, And paradise confining these. Last, draw the circles ot this globe. And let there be a starry robe Of constellations 'bout her hurled. And thou hast painted beauty's world. Mr. Granger says* " Her beauty, which was much extolled, appears to have had justice done it by all the world." Mr. Skinner had a small portrait of her by Vandyck, in which she is represented as treading on envy and malice, and is unhurt by a serpent that twines round her arm.f Here the historian' and painter illustrate each other. This was a model for a large portrait for Windsor, where there is now, in the Vandyck room of the Castle, a full length picture of her, as well as a half length of her husband. Mr. Walpole had a miniature of her by Peter Oliver. There were two fine busts of her in the possession of Mr. Wright at Gothurst, Newport Pagnel, formerly the seat of Sir Kenclm Digby. There is a fine portrait of Sir Kenelm, by Vandyke, at Weston Park. The tomb to " Anastatia Venetia, Lady Digby," stood in Christ Church, London, but was destroyed in the great fire. * In the Attti(juariait Repertory Brit : Mus :^Cominunicated by T. Pennant, Esq., 1808. + In the Anecdotes of Painting, Vol. IL, 2nd Edition, p. 102. Sir Kenelm Digby. 173 The inscription was: — Mem : Sacmm, Venetics Edwardi Stanley Eqnitis Honoratiss. 0yd. Balnei (Filii Thomce, Edwardi Comitis Derhice Filii) Filiis ac cohcsredi, ex Lucia T homes Comitis NortJmmbria Filia et CohcBvede ; Posuit Kenelmus Digby Eqiies Auratus Cui Quatuor Peperit Filios Kcnclmum Nat. vi Octohv. mdcxxv ; Joanncm Nat. xxix. Deccmb. mdxxvii ; Everardiim (in amis MortumJ Nat. xii. Jan- mdcxxix : Geovgiiun Nat. xvii. Jan. mdcxxxii. Nata est Deccmb. xix., vide. Denata Maii i. mdcxxxiii. Quin lex eadem monet onines Gemitum dare sorte sub una Cognataque funera nobis Aliena in morte dolere. TRANSLATION : Sacred to the memory of Venetia, daughter and coheiress of Edward Stanley, Knight ot the Most Honble. Order of the Bath, (son of Thomas [who was] the son of Edward, Earl of Derby). Erected by Kenelm Digby, Knight, to whom she bore four sons, Kenelm, born 6th Oct., 1625; John, born 29 Dec. 1627; Everard (died in his cradle) born 12 Jan., 1629; George, born 17 Jan. 1632. [She was] born Dec. 19, 1600. Deceased May i, 1635. How the same law warns all to break firth into weeping under one fate and to deplore in another's death the death which we ourselves are born to undergo. Sir Kenelm Digby, Knight, son of Sir Everard Digby, exe- cuted on account of his participation in the Popish plot, was one of the most faithful adherents of Charles I. in the Civil War, and an exile in consequence during Cromwell's usurpa- tion. This " Ornament of England," as Sir Kenelm has been styled, wrote several learned books, and was a great bene- factor to the Bcdleian library by presenting it in 1633 with a large collection of MSS. ; he recovered the reputation of his family, and rendered it famous throughout the Christian world. He was born at Gothurst, 1603, and married in 1625. He returned to England in 1661, was appointed one of the Council on the first settlement of the Royal Society, died at his house in Covent Garden, nth June, 1665, (his birthday) leaving, by his wife Venetia, two sons and a daughter. He was descended from Edward Digby, Esq., High Sheriff of co. 174 Charles I. Rutland, and M.P., 1434. The ancient name was Tilton of Tilton, CO. Leicester, but that abode was abandoned for Digby, CO. Lincoln. He wrote two treatises of " Choice Receipts in Physick and Chirurgery and of Cookery," published in i66g, which con- tained receipts for the celebrated aurum potabile or digest of gold, bites of a mad dog, serpents, vipers, &c., spirits, sweet waters, for Scotch ale, Metheglin, Morello, currant, cherry, and strawberry wines, and many other curious receipts which are now obsolete. He wrote the " Broadstone of Honour, or True Sense and Practice of Chivalry," which JuUus Hare characterises " as that noble manual for gentlemen ; that volume which, had I a son, I would place in his hands, charging him, though such admonition would be needless, to love it next to his Bible." The Stanley Tomb, No. 19, bears the name of Venetia, and a long account of her parents and grandparents is given under the description of that monument. It may not be out of place to give here the portrait of King Charles L, the unfortunate prince whose queen's violent spirit and foreign temperament conduced so much to the disasters of his troublesome reign, and during whose time Tong Castle was burnt, and other memorabb incidents are recalled to the minds of Salopians. He was a good rather than a great man ; one of the most powerful and elegant writers of the Enghsh language, a Uberal patron of the fine arts, and but for the evil counsels by which he suffered himself to be guided, might have escaped the un- timely end to which he was brought by the offended judgement of a people determined to be free. Charles L, 1642, Sept. 20, Tuesday, came to Salop with his army, where he and the court were joined by Prince Rupert, Isabella Forster, Lady Stafford. 175 Prince Charles, and the Duke of York, and geneio :sly con- descending to consider the worthy services of Sir Richard Newport, he advanced him to be a baron of England by the title of Lord Newport of High ErcalP'' ; and Feb. 22, 1644, the enemy quitted and burned Tong Castle."" During the last few days a silver pound piece, coined at the mint of Charles L at Shrewsbury, realised £"27. The original painting of Charles L belonged to the famous John Mytton, of Halston, Co. Salop, and appears to be a hitherto unknown portrait of the King, which does not seem to have been engraved, the print room of the British Museum affording only two of any similarity, one of which, very rare, is after Rubens, and the other, a French one, by Daret. " Monsieur Hymans, Curator of the National Gallery, Brussels, the great authority on all that relates to Rubens, writes that we know very little of the meetings between Rubens, Gerbier, Buckingham, and probably Charles when prince. It is not known that Charles ever was painted by Rubens. Rubens however accompanied him in Spain, when he went fruitlessly to woo the Infanta. Oh happy he, who with good address, KnDws how and when and where his suit to press Unto attainment of assured success ; Bat, oh ! unhappy lie. who not possessing The art of fluently his thoughts expressing. Addresses hiui in vain to his addressing. Unlike the happy coster or the rural swain, who, after a more successful errand — Now fitted the halter, now travers'd the cart, And often took leave, but seemed loth to depart ! ISABELLA FORSTER, LADY STAFFORD. I am unable to learn much about this lady, a member of a Tong family, branching from the ancient Shropshire family of Forester, Foster, or as it was often spelt Forster, for a not too diligent regard was paid to spelling two or three centuries ago. Isaliel married the young son of Edward, 2nd Baron Stafford, whose mother was heiress of the Duke of Clarence, *Hulbert'i Salop. 176 The Beautiful Isabella, Lady Stafford. and thus direct legal heir to the crown. Edward was grand- son of Edward, the attainted Duke of Buckingham. Her father was Thomas Forster, of Tong, the younger of two brothers, the elder being Robert Forster, of Barton Green (who married Joan Mytton, of Weston), descended from John Forster, of Evelith. Her brother, Humphrey Forster, of Tong, occurs 1614. It seems that the attainted Duke's daughter, Elizabeth, married the Duke of Norfolk. Their son Henry was be- headed 1572. Flis son, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, was beheaded the same year, and his son Philip died in the Tower, 1595. His son, Thomas, Earl of Arundel,* died 1646, and his son William married Mary, the granddaughter of Isabel Forster, of Tong. Isabel's husband, Edward, was, as 3rd Baron Stafford, heir to the crown, but died in 1625, his son Edward having died before him, leaving a son, Isabel's grandson, Henry, 4th Baron Stafford, who died under age, in 1637, and a daughter Mary. She herself is variously described once as the " beautiful Isabella," and in another place, as of " prepossessing appear- ance." Doubtless the features were duly committed to cmvas, but like other portraits adorning the walls of many county houses, the identity has been unpreserved, and a lamentable loss arises : " Tis pity that in many galleries the names are not writt on or behind the pictures, though it could be done with very little trouble," says an old writer. The heir de juve of this Henry in the male line was — through an uncle of Isabel's husband, Richard, who was " very poor " — a cousin, Roger, born 1572, who died about 1640, leaving a sister, Jane, born 1581, described as a widow, living 1637. She married a joiner at Newport, Co. Salop, and left a son, a * This was the e;rp;it pntron of the Arts the Collector of the Arunde'' u Marbles, and portraits 01 him holding a baton over his yraiiJsoii aio at Wosto.i uiiJ Aru-dcL Roger Stafford of Newport. 177 cobbler at Newport, 1637. King- Charles I. created William Howard and his wife Mary, baron and baroness StafTord, of Stafford Castle, " with such precedency as Henry, brother of Mary, did enjoy." This was an instance of the improper and undue Court influence of Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel which was quite reprehensible. Roger claimed the honor that had become his by right of law, but "was unjustly denied the dignity on account of his poverty." Roger presented a petition to the king, who, how- ever, declared " his royal pleasure that Roger, having no part of the inheritance of the said Lord Stafford, nor any other lands or means whatever, shall make resignation of all claims and title to the said barony of Stafford, for his majesty to dis- pose of as he shall see fit." In obedience to the King's command poor Roger duly surrendered his claim by Deed enroled 7 Dec, 1639. In 1640 the lords in parliament were too regardant of their privileges to allow the " melancholy precedent " of the Lord Stafford to remain uncondemned, and they afterwards resolved to obviate so dangerous an example. f MARGARET and DOROTHY VERNON, daughters of Sir George Vernon, Lord of Tong, and King of the Peak, must not be omitted from mention again here among the Ladies of Tong, — though an account is given of them under Tomb 19, page 71, — as the story of their lives is interwoven with the annals of their time. Mr. New's sketch of Margaret is taken from her effigy at Tong, and the portrait of Dorothy is sketched by Miss Bradley, from a painting in the Porter's Lodge at HadJon, by kind permission given to me by the Duke of Rutland. " Where are the high and stately dames "Of princely Vernon's bannerM hall, " And where the knights, and what their names, " Who. led them forth ta festival ? " "Arise ye'mighty dead arise ! "Can Vernon, Rutland, »t»nlev, sleep? ".Whose gallant lieirts, and e igle eyes ' " Disd lin'd a ike t j crouch or weep." t The lloicard J'aixrs, by H- K. S. Gauston, 1862. BOSCOBEL AND THE ROYAL OAK. AM loth to bring to a conclusion the History of Tong without mentioning some few particulars of historic Boscobel and its neighbouring Convents known as White Ladies and Black Ladies. Many have formed conclusions on the question of the identity of the Oak, based upon very fragile and chimerical data, and the sincere conviction that this tree, happily pro- tected from the ravages of enthusiasts, is one and the same tree which sheltered the royal and jovial, if unworthy, king, prompts me to commit to paper some notices and notes to quell the storms of detraction which gather round this and similar marks of antiquity. The King's wanderings in Tong and neighbourhood are re- lated by His Majesty himself, and his flight, and seclusion with the notoriety of the humble Penderells, born and bred at the house at Hubball in the parish of Tong, in the depths and secluded part of the Forest of Brewood, are ably related by Thomas Blount, a Catholic lawyer and sufferer in the royal cause, in which also he is said to have borne arms. His account runs thus : — The battle of Worcester* took place on Sept. 3rd, 1651. At one time so rssolute was the on>et of the Royalists, led by Charles II. iu person, that the Republicans at first gave way before them, abandoning a part of their cannon. " One hour of Montrose" at the head of the 3,000 horse, whom a few minutes might have brought to the charge, had perhaps retrieved the fortune of the day ; but Lesley, ■who commanded this important force, induced either by treachery or distrust, * The writer has an interesting painting of this. , v/ _t .. ,^_^.' .-^yj.\gv^ f.% ■^: <^^b^ rjStHr j^J , ^ •=»^ '^^> pJ ^^^^:, Sii ^ V^ ^^ mW^ .^ ■>v fln Wrnlm m iiiiml % S^M i ^^^^^^^^' ^T ° ' '"'^"*^H ^^^^^H ■« , J --i#i?^ajWB H^H ■ ■li^^N ^ ^^ ^^^H -< ^^Hi •* 'rT-'- f «B H ■ b tt wi Royal Oak, 1894. ! 1 ^ A ^ k HHiii [. I^IKSIKKpf Hy """""i^^j Black Ladies. The Penderells of Hubbal. 179 kept tliem stationarj' in the rear, until the infantry, having expended thfir ammu- nition, and reduced to fight with the butt-ends of their muskets, gave way before th'^ reserve poured in by the Protector, and fell back into the city with the loss of their best leaders. The Republicans followed closely, and the King, iinding his entrance on horseback impossible, go'- into the City on foot ; and putting off h's heavy armour rode up and dowa the streets on a fresh horse, calling the officers and men by their names, and in vain urging Lesley and his cavalry to face the enemy for the first time. At six in the evening, Charles II., surveying the still unbroken appearance of Losley's horse, who had taken little or no share ia the struggle, faced about, and meditated a fresh charge to retrieve the fortune of the day. From this hazardous step he was soon dissuaded, as his infantry were nearly annihilated, and Lesley's horse had begun to show symptoms of mutiny and desertion. Nothing, therefore, now remained but the alternative of escape. Accordingly Charles rode off, accompanied by about 60 most tru.sty adherents, in. tending to reach Lord Derby's place of refuge at Boscobel House, whither Mr. Charles Giffard undertook to conduct them. At day-break next morning they reached White Ladies, a house belonging to the Giffard family, bringing the king's horse by way of precaution into the ha'l. Here news was brought to h m that Lesley's cavalry had rallied in full force on the heath near Tong Castle (i.e., between Tong Norton and Lizard Grange), and it was suggested to the King to join this force with the view of ensuring his retreat to Scotland. This advice Charles absolutely rejected indignant at their recent conduct, and " knowing," in his own words, "that men who had deserted him when they were in good order would never stand to him when they had been beaten " : ao opinion which the event fully justified. He was recommended by Mr. Giffard to the good offices of his retainers, Richard and William Penderell, whose fidelity Lord Derljy had already experienced. Being divested of his buff coat, his George, and other orna- ments, and disguised in a leathern doublet and woodman's suit belonging to tho.se honest yeomen, the king parted from his devoted band of followers. LInder the guidancs of the brothers Pend«rell, Charles quitted White Ladies by a back door, it being now broad day, and took refuge in a wood called Spring Coppice,* on the Boscobel demesne. The noblemen and gentlemen rode off with the intention of joining Lesley's horse on the northern road. In this attempt most were taken prisoners. The horse under Lesley, as inefficient in retreat as in battle, were shortly dispersed by a comparatively trifling force of republican cavalry. In the meantime the King enjoyed comparative security under the protection of the Penderel family. This loyal brotherhoad consisted of 6. George and Thomas the latter of whom fell at Edgehill, had served in the array of Charles I. At the time of the battle of Worcester the 5 survivors were living as tenants of the Giffard family, on the demesne of Boscobel and White Ladies, then annexed to the principal mansion of Chillington. William Penderel resided with his wife in Boscobel House; Richard with his mother at Hubbal Grange, now a little liome- stead, and where all the bi others were born; Humphrey at th« mill of White Ladies, and John and George in neighbouring cottages, occupying small portions of land in payment of their services as wooibnen. On Thursday night, when it grew dark, his Majesty resolved to go from those parts into Wale.s, and to take Richard Peuder<-ll witli liim for his guide ; but before they began their journey his Majesty went into Richard's hou.se at Hubbal Grange, where the old good-wife Penderell had not onely the honour to see his Majesty, but to see bim attended by her sou Richard. Here his Majesty had time aud means better to complete his i8o Charles II. 's Journey with Trusty Dick. disg^iis'e. His name was agreed to be " Will Jones." and his arms a wood-Tall. In tliis posture, about 9 o'clo k at night (alter some refreshment taken in the house), his Majesty, with his trusty servant Richard, began their journey on foot. At Evelith Mill, near Shifnal, they met with an ill-tavoured encounter. The miller had been protecting in his mill some loyal soldiers, and " Trusty Dick," un- happily allowing a gate to clap, caused the miller to be alarmed, and the fugitive and his guide, thinking themselves pursued, hurried away by an unusual route, and waded through a brook, causing the king some discomfort, and here he would have lost his guide that dark night but for the rustling of Dick's calveskin breeches. They arrived at Madeley about mii'night, but the Severn was so guarded as to make a \ assage of it impossible. After spending a night in a barn, an'l a day in a hay mow, the king and his guide determined to return to Boscobel, the kirg previously discolouring his hands with walnut leaves. They started on the return journey about 11 o'clock that night, and arrived at Boscobel about three in the morning, the king remaining in the wood. Here Richard found Colonel Carlis,* and William and Richard subsequently assisted the'King and the Colonel to get lip into a thick-leaved oak, the famous Royal Oak of Boscobel. That night the King spent in Boscobel house, in the secret place where Lord Derby had been secured. And here Wm. Penderell shaved him, and cut his hxir, leayirg some about the ears, according to the country mode. Humphrey Pendtril weut tbis day (Saturday) to Shefnal to pay some taxes, where a colonel of the rebels offered him £1000 for discovering the King, and threatened him with deith for conceijlmeiit. Humphrey, however, pleaded isnc ranee, and returned to Boscobel, and related his adventure. Sunday the King get uptarly (his doimitory being none of the bet-t, nor his bed the easiestt), and having spent some time in devotions, surveyed from a window the road from Tong to Brewocd. In the arbour on a mount he spfnt some time in reading on Sunday. Mr. Huddleston, the Catholic priest, now did some good .'ervice ; and arranged that the King should go to Mo^elwy, oi route for Bentley.J The Kirg being very foot-^ole, it was arranged that he should ride upon Hnmphrey'.s mill-1 orse (fi r Humphrey was the miller of White Ladies mill). The liors^ was taken up from grass, and accoutred with a pitifid old saddle, and a worse bridle, " thw heaviest dull jade he ever rode on," as the king remarked, to which Humphrey rejoined, " My liege can >oir blame the horse to go heavily, when he has the weight of three kingdoms on his b'ck?" This scene, sketched by Miss Bradley, where the King, accompanied by the five Penderell brothers, sets out for Moseley, is represented in the picture on the black marble chimney-piece at Boscobel house ; being an accurate copy of Blount's print in the Bodleian library. *A luime still retained by the plantation at Toug Hill. » A family seated at Alb'rightoii temp Rich. ii. H.F.J.V. says. f A hale or hiding- place in the floor, where the King squeezed himself in, and some very precipitous steps remain, all of which have been duly tried by H.R.H. the Duchess of Teck and many royal and noble personages with much amusement. + Mr. Hodleston was tutor to Sir John Preston (a young man\ a guest at Moseley, under the assumed name of Jack^nn, to protect him from the Puritans, who had sequestered his father's property ; and Mr. Whitgroave had taken the opportunity of placing his two nephews, Palyu and Reynolds under Father llodleston's care. It was on Mond.iy, Sept. 8, that Father Hoillistoii, under pretence of personal apprehension as a Catholic priest, set his pupils, P:ilyn, Re\ nulds, and Sir John, to watch from the garret window of Moseley the approach of any rebel parties. Charles II. 's Jourxey. i8i The gigantic figure immediately behind the King is meant for Wilham, whom Hodleston describes as so tall a man that his breeches hung below the knees of Charles, himself a person above the middle size. The King arrived at Bentley, where, availing himself of a pass to the west, that Mistress Jane Lane had obtained for herself and man, he performed the part of page, and rode before her, in which journey Mistress Lane acted as a most faithful and prudent servant to his Majesty, shewing her observance when opportunity would allow it, and at other times acting her part in the disguise with much discretion. The King's narrative says: — "Memorandum, that one Mr. Lassell's, a cousin of Mrs. Lane's, went all the way with us from Colonel Lane's on horseback, single, I riding before Mrs. Lane." Thencethe King proceeded to Stratford, LongMarston, Cirencester, and Bristol, and eventually to Brightelmstone, whence he sailed to France. The Watch, given by Charles II. to Jane Lane, was ex- hibited at the Stuart Exhibition recently. She became Lady Fisher, and died in i68g. A pretty picture of her is in the Staffordshire Archaeological Collection ; as also one of Charles II. as a youth. The day after he left Boscobel the rebels called and made diligent search for him there in vain. The name of Trusty Dick is said to have arisen from a dialogue (related by Mrs. Penderel, a maiden descended in a direct line from Richard Penderel), which took place between him and his wife, in the silence of the night, and overheard by the King when at Hubbal Grange. The dame passionately reproved her husband for the danger he had incurred for himself and family by concealing Charles, held out to him the certainty of the splendid reward offered for his apprehension, and conjured him to seize the golden opportunity, hinting her r82 Charles II. 's Journey. readiness to be herself the informer. Her husband replied with much indignation, assuring her that no money should bribe him to desert his sovereign, and charging her, in good set terms, as she valued his future affection, to be secret and faithful to the trust imposed upon them. Next morning the King acquainted Richard with his having overheard the con- versation, and ever after distinguished him by the name of Trusty Dick. After King Charles' restoration the brothers Penderel were received at Court, and had substantial pensions for their fidelity. Penderell rents are still paid by Lord Brad- ford, Mr. Giffard, and others, to the descendants of this loyal family. The Penderell, who lived at Weston in the cave there, hewn out of the sandstone rock, was probably an idle relation (perhaps a brother) of the loyal band. It was King Charles II. who advanced Viscount Newport, of the Newport family, to the Earldom of Bradford. In person, Charles II. was tall and well proportioned, his complexion swarthy, his features singularly austere and for- bidding. The disposition of his mind presented an extra- ordinary contrast to the harsh lines traced on his countenance. *' Whatever might have been his failings (and they were too glaring to escape observation), few monarchs were more beloved by the people. During his reign, arts improved, trade met with encouragement, and the wealth and comforts of the people increased. He entered London 29th May, 1669, his birthday, amidst the most universal and extraordinary demonstrations of joy." Oak-ball day, or oak-apple day, is named from this circum- stance, and the school-boys' local rhyme is never forgotten : — Oak-ball day, The twenty-ninth of May, II you don't give us a holiday We'll all run away! The Royal Oak. 183 A poet, Thomas Shipman, more gracefully alludes to the subject : — Let celebrated wits with laurels crown'd. And wreaths of bays, boast their triumphant brows. I will esteem myself far more renown'd In being honoured with tliese oaken boughs. Charles II. issued a proclamation dated at Tong Norton, 2oth August, 1 65 1. The portrait of Charles II., which is given here, is a con- temporary painting in the possession of the writer, and " much resembling Sir Peter Lely's, picture of the King at Bridewell Hall, and may be by an equally able artist of the time, such as Riley." MEASUREMENTS OF THE ROYAL OAK. 188L Girth 1 foot from ground 14 feet 1 inch. Nov. 11th „ 4 „ „ 12 „ 2 „ >. 5 „ » « 11 „ 6 „ » 10 „ „ 11 ■> „ Length of trunk or butt,121 feet. 188S. trirth 1 foot from ground 14 feet 1 inch. Dee. ,. < •> i> » 12 „ 2 „ ., B t» »» 11 „ 6 ., ,, 10 „ „ 11 ,, „ 1885. Girth 1 „ „ „ 14 „ 1 ., Jan. 21st. „ s <> » 13 „ 2 « ,. 5 ,1 » i> 11 „ 7 „ 1886. Girth 1 „ „ „ 14 „ 1 .. July 24th. M 4 „ >» 1. 12 „ 3 „ ,. 5 „ „ 11 „ 7 ,. » 10 „ „ 11 „ „ 1889. GirtQ 1 „ .. .. 14 „ 1§.. May J. ,. 8 „ „ 13 '„ . 2 „ .. 5 „ „ u ., 7 „ It is from data, such as appeared in an article in a local paper in January, 1890, that wrong impressions are formed. Some of the reports upon the Royal Oak (of which I have a collection) bristle with inaccuracies and contradictions, and these arise from the writers not having verified their state- ments, but having written from " hearsay," I have no doubt. Preferring as I do to rely upon the well-weighed opinions of those who Uve in the neighbourhood, and who make trees a 184 The Royal Oak. study of their lives, and form their conclusions from frequent observations at various seasons of the year, rather than on the hastily-conceived ideas of hurrying tourists who devote half- an-hour to the inspection of a celebrated tree, I unhesitatingly advise my readers that this tree cannot be a sapling of the Royal Oak. It is a tree of no mean dimensions, as the above measure- ments shew^, and has indications of numerous branches having been lopped off its sides. It is decaying in the butt, though so vigorous and fair to view ; but a large sheet of lead hides the hole in the trunk. Partly from the Rev. H. G. de Bunsen's little History of Boscobel, and partly viva voce^ we get the Earl of Bradford's accoimt, 1878, as related to him by his father, which is gener- ally thus : — " The trees and underwood were in full leaf in September, when the King )iid in tho Oak, not decayed, but a growing tree. It became well known to Mr. Giffard, the owner, and other loyalists. After the restoration (nine years after) numbers visited it. Tlie idea of its being a substitute, least of all an acorn from the tree, his lordship discards as ludicrous and absurd. Known it himself half a century. Looks same n>w as then. His father spo-ke of the absurd stories nf the owl, the acorn, &c. He used to say his fath.er and grandfather spoke in the same sense, which would carry him back to 1740, less than 9U ye irs after the King sat in it. Trees in the park at Weston estimated at 1,10() or 1,200 years old ; others at 600, 500, and 400 ; Bometimes a smaller tree ia considerably older than a larger one> Estimates it at 400 or 450 now, ».<•., 220 then. His father, the late Earl, spoke of hearing from those who want before him, the labouring men had pointed oat the tree from father to son as rhf Boyal Oak." Mr. J. S. Hooker, who has care of the National Gardens at Kew, writing on this subject, says he is of opinion that the maximum age of oaks may be between 800 and 1,000 years, and he judges by the rapid growth of trees of known age, and. from the fact that the insects and fungus ravages on old oak w^ood are so multifarious and great He is astonished to see the size to which trees have attained, which. he himself planted at Kew since 1865. At the Edinburgh Forestry Exhibition, about g years ago, much interest was shewn in sections of two Scotch firSj one The Royal Oak. <^^^»•..„. „vl- V".>«yi -'« /i;;/|H-. . .. .■•••■s.>'.,.^-i,,,,,i{fui,;">'-/ii>- XHE OAK FPYAL BOSC- OBEL- The TRKt is fkum a Photograph in 1879. The Royal Oak. 185 23 feet in circumference, distinctly vouching its own age to be 217 years; the other, a lesser tree, 18 feet in circumference, shewing a clear record of year-circles to the number of 270. The site of both was known, as well as the dates of the felling of one, and the blowing down of the other. The above measurements of the Royal Oak have been taken by Mr. James Craig, the Earl of Bradford's head forester, whose careful study of this and other trees for many years firmly convinces him that this is no two-century " sapling " as some suggest. He further says that Mr. H. S. Cumming's Paper on the Royal Oak, read before the British Association, is written in a sensational and romancing spirit ; and any relics that it mentions might all have been made out of the many boughs and limbs that have been taken from the tree. Mr. Craig points out some errors made by Mr. Collins, forester, of Trentham, and says the girth of the tree round the surface of the ground is only 15ft. 7in. (instead of i6ft. 3in., as Mr. Collins says), and the girth at 5ft. from the ground lift. 7in. This is a little more than it used to measure, because the sheet of lead has been fastened on lately, and bulges out more than it used to do. Also the tree shows scars all up the stem, where branches have been cut off from time to time ; and records bear testimony to this fact, that at one period of its existence it would have been difficult to find a tree in the Forest with more leafy surface. The heart is quite rotten at that large hole in the stem that is covered over with a sheet of lead about 3ft. by 2ft. Mr. James Hope, head gardener at Weston for 35 years, writes me : I do not think the Oak at Boscobel a sapling. I have no doubt but it was a good sized tree when the King was there, and quite large enough to hide anyone, with the foliage on. Y i86 The Royal Oak. It shews marks on the bark of the trunk, where low branches have been removed. It may easily have been a pollarded tree, and from the accompanying reproductions of photographs anyone will perceive that conclusions, quite at variance, may be arrived at respecting it. Mr. Barnett's dimensions of the Royal Oak, taken in presence of l\Ir. Brooke and Mr. Botfield in 1857 : — Girth just " above the ground " (too indefinite to rely on), 15ft. ; at 4 feet above the ground, 11 ft. 4in. This must have included the large piece of lead shewn in one of the views where the trunk is rotten in the side, hence the discrepancy with the recent measure. Charles II. (in Pepys' Diary) said : — "A great oak in a pretty plain place, that had been lopt soiue three or four years before, and, being grown out again very bushy and thick, could not be seen through." The tree readily accords with the King's description in The History of His Sacred Majesty's Preservation (1809), " Boscobel " pt. I. " Where the Colonel made choice of a thick-leav'd oak." Blount in his Boscobel, published in 1660, says : — "Hundreds of people have flock'd to see tlie famous Boscobel . . . but chiefly to behold the Royal Oake, wliich has been deprived of all its young boughsfby the numerous visiters of it, who keep them in memory of His Majesty's happy preservation ; insomuch tliat Mr. Fitz- herbert has been forced in due season of the year to crop part of it for its preservation, and has lately been at the charge to fence it about with a high pale." The Rev. Geo. Plaxton, vicar of Sheriffhales, 1673, rector of Donnington, 1690-1703, says in a paper of 1707 : — " I had nothing very remarkable at Donington, save the Koyal Oak at Boscobel. The Royal oak was afair spread thriving tree. Theboughsof it were all lined and covered with ivy. Here in the thick of these boughs the King sate . . . they arc strangely.'mistaken who judged it an old hollow oak, whereas it was a gay and flourishing tree, surrounded with a great many more." This is a very natural description. It would have been mad folly to choose a large tree standing alone, or one that would call attention to itself. t Probably the lower boughs ea.sily reached, which have evidently been cut off, as the bark shows now. (page S3)- WILLIAM PENDERELL (fiage iy<)). Sir Kenelm digby (page J73). ROYAL 0AK:THEBRICK WALL, (page iS'r). I The Royal Oak. 187 Mr. Plaxton further says : — " The peor remains of the Royal Oak are now fenced in by a Imndaome brick watl . . . put up 20 or 30 j-ears ago by Basil and Jane Kitzlierbert." The view of this in the Geiitlemaii's Magazine shews the tree much as at present, and the brick wall surrounding it. Evelyn (born 1620, died 1706) ^^ Silva," published 1729, edition reprint of 17 14, speaks of remarkable oaks, bearing strange leaves, &c. : — " Tue people never left hacking the boughs and bark till they' kill'd the tree [in New Forest] ; as I am told they have serv'd that famous oak near White Lady's." Mr. Thos. Arnold, who transcribed it, remarks this sentence was not in the edition of 1679, being an insertion of later editions. The first edition was 1664. This " as I am told," is only hearsay evidence, and not reliable, as he was writing without local knowledcfe. Dr. Charlett, writing in 1702 to Pcpys :- " The trunk of the Royal Oak is now enclosed within a| round wall, with'an insoriptioa having no date." Dr. Stukeley, in a letter, Dec. 1713 : — " A. bow shot from the house, just by a horse track passing through the wood, stood the Royal Oak. The tree is now enclosed within a brick wall, the in.side whereof is covered with laurel . . the oak is in the middle, almost cut away by travellers, whose curiosity leads theui to see it. Close by the side grows a young tliriving plant from one of its acorns." This gentleman relates the story of the owl as they related to us, which formed valuable material for Ainsworth's Novel ; but is a pretty fiction, finding no basis in fact. He does not say that he saw the tree himself, and Mr. Dale wrote^ not many years after, that " it is going to decay." Mr. Charles Dunster, M.A., writes, in a work dedicated 1791, whether from hearsay or not he does not say. It does, not appear that he had seen the place : — " The old tree in which the King was hid was sooa after cut dowu and carried o.fr. bis* «ass is still showed as the Royal Oak, having been raised (it is said) from auacoruof tkcoliltree. The preseut tree is a laigi one, and appeals to be about four score years old. TIjb bark and ades are taucli toru oiid cut by the curiosity oi its Tisit«)ir&.'* i88 Royal and Local Oaks. The Rev. J. Dale, 1845 : — "Tlie site of present tree accords with tliat on which the old tree is represented in the enrraving [Blount's Boscobel] to liave stood. Old persons Iwd indistinct recollections that present tree did not stand in centre of the plot enclosed by a wall earlier than Miss Evans', but nearer to an angle of it." Plaxton makes no mention of the sapHng or successor ; but his description accords with the King's. Mr, Dale gives opinions to Mr. Botfield and Mr. Brooke, later, against the identity : (saying 50 years ago he was told it had been rooted up, writing in 1857) : this is " The Bishton Legend!" He also, writing in 1845, said, "The present Royal Oak is now rapidly going to decay," and attributes it in some part to the removal of the wall, and consequent ex- posure to storms, &c. Mr. Dale also said it was a shy bearer, not bringing acorns to perfection oftener than once in 8 or 10 years. Mr. Stubbs, old gardener at Boscobel, again refutes this in 1878, saying it only failed to bear acorns once in 10 years, and that was last year, 1877. Rev. J. Dale, curate of Donington, found the broken stone (blue gold letters) broken, and a new inscription "restored by Basil and Eliza Fitzherbert about 33 years ago, i.e., 7812." Mr. Evans soon after bought Boscobel. The brick wall and the brass inscription were removed in 1817, when iron pallisades were put at Miss Frances Evans' cost. The Rev. H. G. de Bunsen notes in 1878 : — "Mr. Dale's anticipations have not been realized ! The Oak still looks like a fluarishing tree, and has no appearance of decay about it at the present time." There are two inaccuracies in the article of January, 1890, before referred to. First, there is the trifling error of 10 feet in the height of the tree (57 should be 67ft.) ; secondly, the soil in which it grows, Mr. Brown, who occupies the land, says is certainly not marl, as stated therein. Famous Trees. 189 Mr. Ralph said in a paper, re Boscobel, that the King's account and Lord Clarendon's account are inaccurate, quoting Stukeley's as correct, who gave the account "as they related to us." Mr. Ralph says it is not a pollard tree ! also that there are no records of White Ladies ! The following are Mr. Craig's measurements of large local trees, which may interest arboriculturists : — • Girth Girth Date at 1 (t. at 4 ft. Measured. RemnrkB. ft. in. ft. in. The larger Oak of 2 at Aqualate 28 6 .. 25 7 .. Oct. 1883 Great Oak In Weston Park 31 2 . . 22 9 . . Nov. 1884 Large Oak near Weston Hall Stables 27 . . 26 6 . . „ . . including ivy Oriental Plane on Weston Hall Lawn 27 3 . . 19 2 . . „ Lime (N) near Pendrills Cave J3 6 .. 18 7 .. „ Lime(S) „ , 23 10 .. 17 6 .. „ Oak in Forge Croft 22 4 . . 20 . . „ Oak near Black Fir Clump 25 .. 20 1 .. Wellingtonia near Temple 11 .. .. ..Height 47ft. 6tn. "Weston and its glorious Oaks" are mentioned in Lady John Manners' (now Duchess of Rutland's) Life of Lord Beaconsfield, as one of the places where that great statesman enjoyed a quiet retreat from the bustle of political life. White Oak (see page 139) 18 2 .. 14 1 .. Nov. 1884 .. Brewer's Oak, at Crackley Bank (named from a suicide, Brewer)... 14 2 .. 13 4 Pine, in front of Tong Castle 16 6 .. 13 6 ..» •Girth at 3 ft. Height 97 feet. Alder at Woodlands 21 9 . . 17 7 . . Oak at Brockhurst 24 .. 24 3 (hole inside, 5ft. Sin. by 4ft.) The following are dimensions of an oak, felled in iS8i, in Lady Wicket field, on Weston Estate, half-a-mile from Boscobel, but within the area of the same old forest of Brewood, taken Nov. ii, 1881 : — Girth at ift. from ground, 14ft. gin. ; at 4ft., lift. Sin. ; length of trunk, 22ft. This tree had 215 concentric rings, and its dead tops or stag-horns were cut off about 30 years ago, evidenced by woodmen now living, and bore the marks of having been so dealt with. The age of this tree, allowing for the time between which it ceased to igo Famous Trees. form wood, and commenced to shew signs of decay, would bring its age to 300 years at least, and probably nearer 400. And this tree threw out considerable foliage. The following sizes are from Sylva Britannica, 1822 : — Swilcar Oak, in Needw >nd Fore^c, is known by historical documents to be 600 years old— girth at 6ft., 21ft. 4.^in. The Beggar's Oak in Bagot's Park— at 5ft., 20fi. girth. Gr^at Oak of Pansbanger, Earl Cowper's, is 19ft. girtli at 3ft. At Tutbury, tbe Wyca Elm or Wychbazel, lormeriy used for the longbow, is 16ft. 9in. ai 5fc. In this once favor'd walk beneatli tliese elms, Oft ill instructive converse we beguilM The fervid time, whicli each returning year. To friendship's call devoted. Such things were : But are alas ! no more, S. Dimelm. The Yew at Ankerwyke is supposed to be 1000 years old. " The Eugh obedient to the bender's will." Spenser. It was formarly much u-ed in Queen Elizabeth's time for hedges, when it was enjoined t ) b^ planted in all Churchyards partly to ensure its cultivation, partly to secure its leaves and seed frjm doing injury to cattle, and pdrlly its uucf.anging colour madd it a. fit emblem of immortality, and its dark green gave the solemnity of the grave. Of Asb, " the Venus of the Forest," nt Woburn, is .1 great Ash, 15ft. .Sin. at 3ft. from g.-o'ind. The B ack Poplar (held sacred to Hercules), at Bury St. Edmunds, is 15ft. girth at Sfc. The Torfcworth Chestnut is the oldest in England : and the Plane at Lee Court i» 14ft. Sin. at 6 feet. The contributions of zealous opponents of the Royal Oak's identity as the king's refuge are marked by many contradic- tions and prejudiced views. It will be as well here to mention the comparisons quoted by Jarco (see Bygones, May, 1877) of certain trees in a timber merchant's yard, which happened to be of the same size, and from which he concluded that the present oak is no years old, or perhaps 150 ! Among papers sent me by Lady Evans in 1888, reference is made to the M.S. in Mr. Thomas Whitgreave's handwriting on six separate sheets ; and marked with genuine features of The Royal Oak. igr the facetious monarch. She also sent other remarks of " Philarchus " and " Observator." Philarchus wrote, in 1789, to the Gentleman's Magazine, viz. : that a maid servant pointed out the field where the tree once was, and says there stood the tree, which is now gone, and was a lone and pollarded tree, and other notes upon the House, &c. Observator, writing in 1790, June 12, says " descriptions should be just and accurate, and conjecture only permitted where facts cannot be ascer- tained. How can we excuse the negligence and impropriety of your correspondent Philarchus, a person who pretends to write from personal observation, who has given such a loose and erroneous account .... which is highly reprehen- sible." " The object of your miscellany ought to be the recording matters of fact, not the repository for groundless and ridiculous conjecture " ; and he points out other numerous errors of Philarchus. An inscription (embodying the older ones of 1677 and 1787) prepared by Rev. R. P. Thursfield, and affixed to the tree by the Rev. Joseph Dale, 29th May, 1845, bore in Latin words, after reciting the previous inscription one thus rendered " The present oak spnmg, it is said, from the above-named tree, Frances Evans .... has fenced in with the present iron railing, 1817. This brass plate was removed soon after, and the words in italics were altered into " Hanc Arborem " (this tree), she being persuaded that the present tree is the identical tree which had sheltered the King. There was also an English inscription placed there by her desire. The Misses Evans, who owned Boscobel, had another house at AUestree, near Derby. On the survivor's decease Boscobel passed to Mr. T. W. Evans, who was afterwards created a baronet, but dying without issue the estate passed to the Rev. E. Carr, the present owner.' ig2 Primeval Oaks, &c. It is a matter for public congratulation that the Evans Family and their successor, the Rev. Canon Carr, so kindly allow this historic spot to be viewed by the public daily (Sundays excepted), a privilege which H.R.H. the Duchess of Teck, the Duchess of York, and many noble personages, in- cluding M. de Waddington, a descendant of the Pendrills, gladly availed themselves of. The Visitors' Books, under the care of Miss Brown, are a delightful record of loyalty and autography. Of single trees, relics of primeval forests, which have been preserved to our own times, Mr. Beriah Botfield mentioned : — "Christ's Oak once at Cressage, a name recalling tbe period when Christian Missionaries firpt taught the Gospel to heathen Saxons under the tree." "The Lady Oak, which still exists tt the same place, was clearly so called in honour of the Virgin." " Ths ancient and gigantic Lime which adorns the precincts of Pitchford Hall." " Owen Glendwyr's Oak (the Shelton Oak) whence that chieftain is said to have witnessed the Battle of Shrewsbury, 1403, ctill standing nt-ar Shrewsbury. This was described as a "great tree" in 1540. Though now hollow and decayed, it girths upwards of 44 ft., and has some branches still fresh and vigorous."* It is mentioned by Shakespeare — " How the grette oake at Shelton standeth on my grounde." When so eminent an authority as Mr. Botfield describes these trees as relics of primeval forests, how easily may less experienced people be mistaken in their views of the age of trees at the present day. The Lapley Oak was mentioned by Plot in i686 : — " Thus out of a great Oak, that grew at Lapley. of about 6 Tunas of Timber [about 240 feet], brought to Elmhurst for the new building the house, there was a great Toad sawn forth of the middle of the tree iu a place which, when growing, wa» 12 or 14 foot from the ground, the tree being sound and intire in all parts quit round, saving just where the Toad lay, it was black and corrupted and crumbled away like sawdust. "+ Mrs. Baldwyn Childe says that at Kyre Park are some enormous oaks, no doubt planted in Norman times, for the licence to plant them is dated 1275. * Address at Shrewsbury, 1860. f Plot's Staffordshire, 1686. Philosophical Summary. 193 In conclusion, let me quote some lines of Proverbial Philosophy, written by a negro, who, rather bold and severely, sums up in a comical manner his lessons of a lifetime : — Dar's a heap o' dreadful music in de very finest fiddle : A ripe and mellow apple may be rotten iu de middle ; Dar's a lot of solid kicking in de humblest kind o' mule : De wisest-looking trabeller may be de biggest f ; De preacher ain"t de holiest dat wears de meekest look. And doesde loudest banging ou de kiver o' de book. All lovers of historical treasures are wary of historical fiction, and I advise them to defer still longer from arraying themselves on the side of those who declare for the imposture of a Royal historical tree. WHITE LADIES. Not far from tbi? Town [T mg) and Ca.4k i* Wliitla'lyss, the seat of Mr, OilT>rd and Bosoohel so famom for the Oak. — Cox's Mcvjna Britinnia, 1720. HE Convent of White Ladies was so-called from the hi^bit of that colour worn by the Cistercian Nuns, who Qccupied it, It is supposed to have been founded or established in the reign of King Richard I. or Kin^ Jo^^'^ possibly by Herbert Walter, Arch- bishop of Canterbury, about H95 ; but J. C, Anderson, in his Jiisto.nj of Shro,p shire, says that Mr. Eyton finds that Ema (Je Pulverb^tch navin;,' granted a virgate in Beobridge to these White Nuns earner th^n 1186, granted the remainder in 1186 to Haughmond Abbey, so he concludes that the founda- tion rnay he as early as 1185. AU antiquarians are silent upon it, and " no Ch^rtnlary or even a legend exists to throw a liglit upon its origin," says J. C. Anderson in his History of Shropshire. Dedicated to vSt. Leonard, it was a house parochially a,nd manoriaUy independent, whose pro- perty was. acquired by gradual instalments, each representing th© consignment of same female member of a wealthy or powerful fia,mily to the service of religion ; these, in time, came to be represented by a large aggregate, and in i53,6> the Prioress returned the gross annual value of this Convent, derivaMe J[irom demesne lands at White Ladies, and from various rents \T\ I^otts, Staffordshire, and Salop, at £-^i is. 4d, Leland says in his Itinerary: — '^ Byrwaode, a Priory of WhitQ; Nun.nes^ lately suppressid, in the very Ma.rche of Bishop's Wood. 195 Shropshire toward Darbyshire."'* It was within the Forest of Brewoocl, whose boundaries described by Mr, Botfield, were : Weston and bishop's Wood on the North, Brevvood and Chillington on the East, and Albrighton, Donington, and Tong on the South and West The Bishop's Wood, reference to which has already beerl made on pages 10, 139, and 140, as also to W^iite Ladies pages 12 and 139, was granted by Henry II. in 1153, ta the Bishop of Lichfield. Bishop's Wood was in Brewde, in Domesday- Brewood belonged exclusively to the Bishop of Chester, i.e.f Coventry and Lichfield styled Chester, in iith and 121th centuries ; the White Nuns being called of Brewood because they were irt Brewood Forest. So far from the two Convents cortstitutirig" one foundation they had nothing to connect but their propin- quity and nothing in common but the spirit of rivalry which was mutual, iMr. Eyton says. In 1200, the Bishop was to enclose from the forest, a park in his wood of Brewude, which was to be two leagues Irl circumference, Weston being the forest's fiorthern boundary. In 1204, the King has altogether disaflforested his forest oi Brewude, and the men who dwelt therein for ever. In 1206, the King gives the Bishop license to make a decoy saltatorium in his park of Brewde. A sanatorium is a deef- leap, so constructed that the deer could jump over the park pales from the forest into the Bishop's Park, but not back again. There was one near Sbifnal, not far from the Manor-house of the King's Forester of Wellington Forest. In 1209, Hamo de Weston and John Bago-t were irtdicted for receivings marksmen and hounds at Blymhill and WestcWI, but the result was not given, as the illicit objects wefe' tftJ* decipherable- * Efroi iut St*Soru»hJ)PO. iq6 The White Nuns and Prioresses. 1315. Hugh de Beaumes, wishing- to benefit this Convent, inquired for the King's permission to grant 30 acres in Donyn- ton to the Prioress. The Jurors sat at Donynton, and held that the grant would be harmless. The same Hugh grants a messuage in Shakerlew, which John atte Syche^'' helc to John, his brother, and wood for fire and fence and common right for own stock, and 240 sheep of other people. Undertenants of the Nuns were at Neachley, Shackerley and Kilsall. In 1212, King John granted to the White Nuns — he may have been at Brewoodat the time, a Weir called " Withlakeswere '• in River Severn, near Bridgnorth ; and in 1225, Alditha Prioress, and her Convent of Brewe, and Cecilia, another Prioress, each granted half the rent of the Weir to Henry of Brug. By Inquisition, 1255, the Nuns of Brewood are in receipt of 6/8 rent in Brug, and a few years later of other income in that Borough ; Agnes was Prioress about then. In ia88, the Prioress had right of Common Pasture in Rugge. In 1292, Sarra, Prioress, complained that she had not enough of pasture, and defeated William de Rugge, in a suit. 12S6. In the Pleas of Cannock Forest, the Staffordshire Archceological Society's Transactions, Vol. V., page 163, expublic records occurs : — It wa.^ presented that when the huntsmen of the King were hunting in the bailiwicke of Gauel'-ye 4 E. I., they put up a stag with their dogs, and followed it as far as the Park at Brewode into a wood there, and John dela Wytemore came up with a bow and arrow and shot at it, and it fled out of the forest as far as the fily know all this. I shall be much obliged to > our Lordship if you will ask Mr. Griffiths to let m& know where his " Guide to Tong Church " can be procured, and the v.ilue of the same. I need hardly add that Mr. Griffiths will find ample niaterJils Tolatiog to Boscabal at the Salt Library. — Believe me, my dear L^rd yours very sincerely and respectfully. (Sigtt"d) Fr.wcis Whitgrbavb. P.S. — The house which now exists at Black Ladi»3 was built by the Giffords m the reign of James 1. upan the fQundatious, IxQwever, iji part,, 8.t least, of tbft Beuielictive Cojiyeat, 200 Architectural Features of White Ladies Abbey. The Convent ruins were described in 1550, as in the Parish of Tong, but they now are in Boscobel extra-parochial district in Shropshire. They exhibit some Norman features, particu- larly a circular-headed doorway. It is a cross Church without aisles. There are indications of a pent roof on the north wall, and looking into the cloister on that side were four windows. A tiny south window indi- cates the centre of the south transept ; a large circular one on the north, the north transept, while three more, further east are in the north Chancel wall. The caps to the south door and arch of the north transept are beautiful and characteristic. Generally, there are indica. tions of great simplicity and much refinement. The ancient vestment in Tong Church (see page 97; is believed be the work of the Nuns here or at Black Ladies. Probably, Neach- ley was the Grange of the Convent. Is it possible that the Mill at Shackerley was the Mill of this Convent ? In 1785 Mr. Parkes found at White Ladies, a triple head carved in stone, and at seven feet deep several ancient tiles, green, yellow and red, with simple designs of circles and quatrefoils. Within the ruins are some old monumental slabs^ commemorating I suppose conventual or church dignitaries, viz. : -- One a cro.ss with quatrefoil and circle head, a cap and J. T. One a sunk quitrefoil with circltj near south wall, on a tapering slab. One on a similar slab, with Latin cross, having eich limb trefoiled, and a cup on the right side. One a circle with four auobor-like arraws radiatiug to the angles of the square at the- bead of the &lab. Winifred White's tomb is still here; her "miraculous" cure of permanent lameness was attributed to the healing virtues of her namesake's well at Holywell. The site consists, I believe, of two acres of land, at present uafeaced, but defined, the property of the Fitzherbert Family, White Ladies, from the S.E. Corner of Ruins. (Photographed by G.G., 1894.) ii>^^i*! ' ^i:hnwm«M UPRIGHT SLABS AT WHITE LADIES. White Ladies Abbey. 201 and the records are kept by the Rev. Lewis Groom, Roman Catholic priest of Brewood, of which place it was the Roman Catholic Cemetery until recently. In recent times, comparatively, the spot has earned notoriety as the burial place of King Charles II's protectress, Dame Joane wife of William Pendrell, for a headstone, seen there in 1792 — and a copy of which still is in situ — bore the following inscription : — Here lyeth The bodis of a Friende The King did caLL Dame Joane, But Now Shee is Deceast and Gone. Interred Anno Do. 1669. Here grew the yellow saffron or autumn crocus, which an old herbalist informs me, grew at Tung and all Romish places ; and here still grow the Myrrhis Odorata, a relic of the Nuns' herb garden, and other rare plants. This Nunnery is in Shropshire, and that of the Black Ladies is in Staffordshire. White Ladies was the more im- portant of the two. It was a larger establishment than that of the Benedictine Nuns, 2 miles distant. The perplexities of an Abbess at the time of the Dissolu- tion may be gathered from the following curious letter to Thomas Cromwell, afterwards Earl of Essex, and as it may be from Margaret Vernon of Tong it is interesting : — A.D. 1535. Margaret Vernon to Secretary CRoarwBLL. After all dew commendacyon^ had unto yowre good maystershyp with my most Bmble thankes for the greate coste mayd on me and my pore maydyn at my last beynge with yowre miystershyp, furthermore plesyth yt yow to understonde- that yowre yysytors hath bene here of late, who hath dyscharged iij. of my systers, the- one ys dame Catheryn, the other ij. ys the yonge women that were last professyd, whyche ys not a lyttU to my dyscomforte ; nevertheles I must be content with the^ kyngea plesure. Bat nowe as touchynge my nowne parte, I must humbly besech yow to be so> specyall good mayster unto me yowre pore bedewoman, as to give me yowre best advertysment and counseyle what waye shalbe best for me to take, seynge there' shalbe none left here but myselfe and thys pore madyn ; and yf yt wyl plese yowre goo-ines to take thy« pore howse into yowre owne honces, ether for yourselfe, or for my nowne [maister] yowre sonne ; I woylde be glad with all my hart to gave jt 202 Abbess Margaret and her pore Madyn, into yowre maystershypes hondes, with that yewyll commaunde me to do therin Trustynge and nothynge dowptyiipe ia yowre goodnes, that ye wyll so provyd for us, that we shall have syche oneat lyvynge that we shall not be drevyn be necessyte nether to begge, nor to fall to no other unconvenyence. And thus I offer my selfe and all myne unto your moat hygh and prudent wys- dome, as unto hym that ya my only refuge and comfort in thys world, beschynge God of hys holy goodnes to put in yow hys holy sprete, that ye maye do all Ihynge to hys lawde and glory. By yowre owne assured bedewom»n, Margaret Vernon. Mr. Thomas Wright, F. S.A., says he had not ascertained of what Nunnery, Margaret Vernon, the writer of this letter, was Abbess. There was a Margaret Vernon, Abbess of West Mailing, 151 1, daughter of Sir Harry Vernon ; probably it is the same person (see page 52^. Mr. Wright adds that the visitors, by putting in force the injunctions already alluded to, seem to have nearly emptied the house, all the sisters but one having quitted it voluntarily or by force, and the Abbess herself seems to have been not unwilling to follow their example. Here is another curious letter, and of local interest, written about the same period as the one from Margaret Vernoa : — John Foster to Cromwell. [from M.S. Cotton Cleop. E. IV., fol. 116.] In my moste humblyst wyse, I beyng not so bold as to appere before your lord- schyp untyll your plesure is knowyn, feere sett aptartt, nede compellythe me to wrytt. Thys last Lentt I dyd no lesse then wrytt, and also to your presence I dyd approche, suyng for your lordschypp.s gracyous aervyce ; but now my sute ys macbe other, for my dysfortune hathe byn to have conceyvyd untruly Goddys, Worde, and not only with yntellectyon to have thought yt but externally and really I have fulfyllyd the same. For I as then beyng a pre.sste have accomple- shyd maryage, nothyng preteadyng but as an obedyentt subject ; for yf the kyngys grace could have found yt laufuU that prestys myght have byn maryd, they wold have byn to the crowne dubbyll and dubbyll faythefull ; furste yn love, scondly for fere that the byschoppe of Rome schuld sette yn hys powre unto tber desolac-- yon. But now by the noyce of the peopull I perseyve I have dunne amysce, which say the that th« kyngys erudyte yugement with all his cowucill temperall and spyrytual hathe stableschyd a contrary order, that all pre.stys schalbe .«eparat by a day ; with v/hich order I have co»tentyd my selfe, and as aone as I herde jrt to be ti-u I Rent the woman to her frendj's iij pcore mylys from me and apedely t From Letters relating to the suppression of the Mo;ias.teri_es Camden Society,— from, Mw^^CottonOlepj^., E..1V., cap. 55. WHITE LADIES. NORMAN DOORWAY. -^emuuriji (^ tn^miozy. (^/uozcAyot muts' ,^:^£u/ce,i, jJ/t,i///ity/iohey. Here Keth ThcbwdieofaFnnx). •- Tlie King did CiJl 5 Dame Jo; > But Now Shee 13 _ D^ceast and I'runi - Interred Anno Do 16G9 FROM The "Gentleman's Magazine," iSog, The Priest and his Wife. 203 and with all celeryte I have resortyd hether to desyre the Kynges hyghtnea of hys favour and absolucyon for my amysce doyng, prayng and besechyng your lord- schypps gfiicyous cumfort for the optaynyng of hys gracyous pardon, and I schal be your bounden sorvaunlt yn hartt and also yu contyuual servyce, yf yt schall please your gracyous lordschypp to accept yt, duryng my lyfe- Wryttya thexviij day of June. Youre hounden for ever, John Foster. Cromwell was the son of a blacksmith ; some time after being a clerk in an Antwerp factory, he was taken into the service of Cardinal Wolsey, and on the fall of the Cardinal became chief adviser to Henry VIII. He was instrumental in the dissolution of the Monasteries, and was created Earl of Essex, but for having advised the King's marriage with Ann of Cleves, he was accused of treason and heresy, and exe- cuted on Tower Hill, 1540. At White Ladies Lord Derby committed the King to the care of the Pendrill's, having ridden 26 miles. Of Richard Penderel's Mill, itself, at White Ladies, if it were there, no trace can be found. Near the Abbey were found an old hollowed piece of oak, and an ancient water pipe, and traces of a pool were visible nearer the brook. George Ponderel was servant at White Ladies, and opened the door for the King, who had hardly arrived before he was advised to go into the Woods. One of the Penderels, William was a farmer at Hubbal Grange, Richard, or " Trusty Dick," a retainer at Boscobel House and two had lately fallen in the Civil War. Mrs. Yates of the Wood was a sister of Richard Penderel's wife. She lent the King a blanket, provided eggs, milk, butter, &c. At the time of the Reformation, Sirjohn Giffard who lived at Chillington, and was one of the Commissioners for the seques- tration of Church property, received for his own part the propcity of Black Ladies at Brewood. His grandson Edward was seated at the White Ladies, another sequestrated religious, house. Edward's grandson Peter was an active partizan for 204 The Giffard Family — Hubbal Grange. the King during the Civil War, and it was his nephew Charles who attended on that Monarch at Boscobel.'^ Dame Margaret Stamford was Prioress at the Dissolution, and she had £^ allowed her yearly out of the Revenues ;£iy los. 8d., and the other Ladies in proportion. Henry VIII. gave it to Sir Thomas Giffard, loth Lord, 1560, who was Bailiff and Keeper of the Bishop's Park, and Seneschal of the Priory of St. Leonard's. He was High Sheriff and a Royal Commissioner to obtain inventories of Church Revenues, 1552. Doubtless his loyal descendant the Squire of Chillington could throw much light upon the history. It passed through females to the Fitzherberts, of Swynnerton, who still own the ruins, and a right of way thereto. The Skeffingtons lived here in the i6th century, and there exist 3 tablets with exceedingly quaint lines to their memory, two (to William Skeffington and his mother) in Tong Church (Nos. 28 and 29), and one to his wife Jone in Brewood Church, and some account of that family is given on page 88. Hubbal Grange is a little old brick and timber homestead in Tong Parish, on the side of the Green Lane from Tong to White Oak. (See illustration.) In Hartshorne's Salopia Antiqua, a suggestion is made as to the derivation of this place's peculiar name. " Brompton, in his Chronicle, speaks of Hubbelow, or Hubba's Grave, and there is scarcely a place in England where there is not some spot thus nominally con- secrated by a Briton's or a Saxon's grave, low meaning a tumulus, or grave. To the present day the first syllable indi- cates the name of the person so interred. In an old Chronicle cited by Hearne, speaking of Hubba, the writer says : And when the Danes fond Hungar and Hubba died, thei bared theym to a mountain ther besyde, and made upon him a logge, and lete call it Hubbslugh.'" Samuel Hubball, a local tailor, says his family came from Hubbal. ■*Nevport Advertiser on the death of Mr. W. P. Giftard in 1877. BLACK LADIES. LACK Ladies in Staffordshire, was a Convent of Benedictine Nuns dedicated to the Virgin Mary, and so-called from their black habits, the Nunnery being three miles from White Ladies. It was valued at the Dissolution at £\^ los. 8d. (or £\\ is. 6d.) per annum, and was styled the Convent of Brewood. It only had six religious persons in it at the dissolution. One seal of the House bore : — s. convent s. marie nigrar d'narvm, and another, if we may believe Bagshaw : — sigillum commune nigrarum monalium d'bre. This second seal is thus described in the Brit. Mus. Catalogue : — A pointed oval, the Virgin, seated in a canopied niche on the left arm the Child with cruciform nimbus, in the right hand a sceptre fleur de lize. Henry II. founded Black Ladies, and in 31 Hen. VII., it was conveyed to Wm. Whorwood. King John, iigg — 1200, bestowed the year's rent of"' Brom, i\ merks on the Nuns of Brewood — probably when he visited it, as he did also and in 1204, when he gave it a Charter. In 1203-4 ^^® gave Brewood Nunnery and five others an almoign of two merks each. Isabel, Prioress of the Black Nuns at Brewood, granted lands at Brewood to Bishop Roger Meyland. Bishop elected 1265 f 1283, a Papal Bull addressed through the Bishop to the Black Nuns of Brewood. Staff, — Clement de Wolvernehampton, Clerk, sued Alice, Prioress of the Black Nuns of Brewode, Robert de Stafford, and Robert atte Hyrst, for taking by force * Staff. Archaol. Vol. II. + StafiF. Archaaol. Trans. Vol. VI. 2o6 Inventory of the NunnerV. two oxen belonging to him at Horsebrok, worth 40s. Tlie defendants did not appear, and the Prioress was attached by Ealph le Mtssager and another, and the others could not be found. The Sheriff was therefore ordered to distrain the Prioress and to arrest the others, aad produce them at the Octaves of St. John the Baptist, m 38. Staff.— Clement of Wolvernehampton, Clerk, sued Alice the Prioress of the Black Nans of Brewoue, and Robert atte Hyrst and another for forcibly breaking into his hou>e at Horoebrok, and taking his goods and chattels to the value of 100s. The defendants did net appear, and the Sheriff had been ordered to distrain, and he now returned 10s. distrained from the chattels of Alice. He was therefore ordered as before to distrain and produce the defendants at the Quindene of St. Michael, m. 138. 1394. — Petronilla, Prioress of the Black Nuns of Brewode and the Conrent there, acknowledges £100 at the hands of Thomas lech (de Newport, of High Ercall, Esq., who married Isabel, sister of Sir Adam de Pe.-hali, Kt. of Weston) to pray for the soul of Thomas de Brumpton, Isabel's first husband, formerly Lord of Eyton, and the souls of all his ancestors ; dated in their Chapel at Brewode on Tuesday' in the Feast of St. Mi-hael the Archangel, 18 Rich. II.— Thomas de Brnmpton died 1382 Isabel was dead 1438. Brewood Nunnery ex Dugdale's Monasticon ; but whether relating to White Ladies or Black Ladies, I cannot tell : — The Church, the Vestrye, the Chapter Ho., Bells in Stepull (iii. ), the Hale, the Parlore (includes i Folding TabuU, the Forme, the Ghayre, the Cuborde, and the Hangings of the Payntyd Cloth). The Chaffe Chamber, the Baylyff's Chamb. the Keichyn, the Larder, Brewhouse, Kelyng House, Boylyng Ho., Cheslofte, Kylhouse, Grayne (1 qart of whete 6s., 2 qt. of munke corn 8s., 1 qt. of oats xxd., 1 qt. pese 2s. 8d. ) Catell (1 horse 4s.) Waynes (1 wayne and 1 dungcart) Heye xvs. Plate (1 chales and 4 sponys). Given to Abbess and Convent ther at ye deptun. First to Isabell Launder xls. It to Christabell Smith xis. Alin Beche xxs. Felix Baggshawe xxs. Rewards gy vene to the Sarvente ther at ther lyke deportun. It. to Wm. Pker chapelon xxxs. Robt. Baker xiii. ivd, Margt. Burre ii. Thos. Bold iii. Wm. Morre ii. xvi. Thos. Smith x. Kateryn Alate xiii. iiii. Php. Duffelde iiii. Owing by Bailiff of Tonge iis. rent. Churchwarden of Brewood iijd. Demolition at the Disolution. 207 There were Roman Catholic Chapels at Long Birch and Black Ladies in 1834, the Rev. R. Hubbard being priest at the former, and the Rev. John Roe, assisted by the Rev. Henry Richmond, incumbent of Black Ladies. Services were discontinued in 1840. Here in 1834 one report says, " The choir for these latter nuns, that for lay sisters, the images on the altar, &c., are in the same condition they were left in at the dissolution." Where are these now ? It is strange how they escaped so long when we find other Commissioners' reports tell how the contents of various Religious Houses in Lincoln- shire were disposed of as mentioned below, the sacred objects, having to be deliberately put " to profane use," as the report quaintly expresses it. 1566 Imigesof Rood, Mary, and John, burned III Eliz. 1666 Itm. all mas bok«s and all bookes of papistrie tome In pees, and sold to pedUrs to lap spice in. Itm. one handbell broken, the start of it sold to J. C. and he hath made a morter of yt. Itm. one crewett cru?te in peces and sold to plnmer for sawdar. Itm. copes ve-'t 'tents amisse, towelles, one vaille sold to Johnnio fibster and Georj;e verna' 1565 and they have defaced same. Itm. all brassen things sold and George Verna' haith sold themtoa pewterer of Lincoln. Itm. crosse cloth, banner clothes, one cannabie, one veal, one crewitt, one- sacring bell, one paire of scissors, and one hally water ffatt wee know not what was dooe wt theim and that wee will depo-e upon a book. Itm. iiij altar stones Remayneth vnbroken but at or retorne wee will put it (sic) to pfane use. Itm. candlesticl^s, &c., which we have to make awaie and breake afore Eister nexte ; one sabring bell. Will Eland had and hong it by his liorse eare a long tyme and now yt is broken. Itm. a pix dffacid and made a salt cellar for salt_ Itm. a roodloft sold to Langlands who haithe ma^l ? a bridge for his she«p toi go over into his pasture. Itm. altar stone Pennell made a fyreherth of it in his hall. To R">bt. Bellameeij corporax' wliif bis wiefmade of one a stomacher for her wench and of thoth^^r being ript >'he will make a ]nirse, the covering of the- pix sold to John Storr and bis wief occupibth yt in wiping hereies. I visited Black L^adies in 1881 when thert seemed scarcely to lije: ai vestige left of the ancient auanery ;, yet the place has aj>i 2o8 Black Ladies. old world look. A rather bold head, carved in stone, is set in the chimney stack in the attics. The Chapel between the pool and the stackyard is now used as stabling ; in one wall is a stone cross, perpendicular, let into the wall. It was disused as a chapel in 1844. Small and poor though this chapel was, it seems to have at one time possessed among other vestments, ** a beautiful cope of crimson velvet." Is this the one now at Tong? The late Mr. Hicks-Smith wrote a little account of Brewood, with notices of these nunneries, and the letters from Mr. W. Parkesto him on the subject, which I have recently purchased, are full of interest. There are pictures of Black Ladies and White Ladies in the Salt Library, Stafford. In the Gentle- man's Magazine the White Ladies' Abbey is shewn as being used for a cart shed, and drawn, I think, by Mr. Parkes ; of him and another correspondent in that old magazine, the inimit- able Tom Hood makes sorry jest: — B asks of C if Milton ere did write " Comus " obscured beneath some Ludlow lid. And C next mouth, an answer doth indite, Informing B that Mr. Milton did ! X sends a portrait of a genuine flea. Caught upon Martin Luther years agone, And Mr. Parkes of Shrewsburj', draws a bee,. Long dead, that gathered lionej' for King John. If time and space permitted there are many more notes, including some on the patronage of the Church of Montford, which could be added, throwing light on and relating to these Nunneries, but these and many other interesting notes must be omitted, as the limit of pages is reached, and I now con- clude a work which has been full of interest to write, and will, I trust, be perused and accepted by an indulgent public as a volume which aims at being nothing more than an earnest attempt to contribute an humble page to the glowing records of my native County. Addenda as to the Nunneries. 209 Mr. Eyton, in his " Antiquities of Shropshire," tells us that the Advowson of Montford had passed to the White Nuns of Brewood in the 13th century ; but whether by grant of a Lacy or a Fitz-Alan he cannot learn. They had the appro- priation of the Rectory soon after 1291. In 1341 the Assessors quoted diminished revenues of Montford, and therefore of the Nunnery, because there had been a murrain among the sheep, and a Severn flood had destroyed most of the growing corn. In 1535 the Nuns' Ferm at Montford produced £^ per annum, but los. pension they had to pay out of it to the Prior at St. Guthlac at Hereford. The Priory and Convent of the White Nuns of Brewood presented the following Vicars — Sir R. de Audla, d. 1331 ; W. de RedenhuU, d. 1342; Richd. Morys, d. of the pestilence 1349; Robert de Wythington, 1349 ; Sir John de BrehuU, 1373 ; and others, the concluding name being Sir Richard Hamon, 1418. The following extract from " Forest Pleas," 14 Edward I.. fStafFord, relates to the Nuns of Brewood : — " It was presented by the reguardors of Cannock that when the huntsmen of the Lord the King were hunting in the said Forest, in the Bailiwick of Gauley [Gailey] , in the fourth year of the present reign, they put up a stag with their dogs, and followed it as far as the Park of Brewood, and into the Wood there, and that John de la Wytemore came up with a bow and arrows and shot at it ; that it fled out of the Forest as far as the Vineyard of the Nuns of Brewood, and the afore- said John followed it, and drew it out dead from the said Vineyard. And thereupon came up John Giffard, of Chylyngton, saying he had followed the same stag, and claimed it ; so that after they had skinned it together, the same John Giffard took half of it with him, and carried it to his house without warrant, and the other half the Nuns of Brewood had ; and because they are poor, let the same be pardoned to them for the soul of the King. And notwith- +Ex. J. Hicks-Smith's " History ot Brewood." BB 2IO Nuns of Brewood. standing the same stag was captured outside the Forest, yet was it the chase of the Lord the King, being put up by his dogs within his Forest, &c. It is, therefore, ordered to the Sheriff to produce the aforesaid John and John. They were fined, the sureties being Will Fitzmargery and Adam of the Gate," A Convention is mentioned by Mr. Hicks- Smith, without date, between the Prioress and Nuns of Browde and the Lady Ysabel of Patingham, by which " the said Nuns released to *' Ysabel all their right in half a virgate of land in Pattingham '* of the demesne ofthesaid vill, andwhich they held in free alms "of the gift of Ralph Bassed, and for which the said Ysabel " released to the same Nuns an assart in Chylintun. "Witnesses, the lord Ralph Abbot of Lylleshull, Ralph " Bassed the younger and Richard his brother, Ralph de " Perton, William de Wrotesle, and Yva de la Yde." It may be that Lady Isabel's Well, on the road near Boscobel, mentioned on page 140, is named after this lady. Here is another Grant, given by Mr. Hicks-Smith, but from what soiurce is not said, relating to Brewood Nunnery. " A grant by Margery, formerly daughter of Ralph de Coven, to the Black Nuns of Brewde, of 16 pence rent in the vill of Horsebroc, from the heirs of Richard Bromhale. Witnesses, Richard de Stretton, Kt., Hugh de Weston, Hugh de Bolinghale, William Giffard, Robert de Somerford, John de Sempiham, Walter [serviente] Peter de Brewode, and W. D. Bromhall.'* It is without date. Brewood means frightful wood, and the lane near Kidder- more Green, which is on the way for Black Ladies Nunnery, was called Spirit Lane. There were two healing wells in Brewood parish, one of which Avas, I think, in the fields adjoining Black Ladies at Stinlcing Lake, near the Watling Street road ; was the other the Leper Well, in the direction of Codsall, just outside the Chillington Woods ? A view of the present interesting domestic structure, known as Black Ladies, now used as a farmliouse, is given» DEEDS RELATING TO TONG, &c. f!>T should be premised that I have obtained these ancient 'J . » Charters chiefly from the British Museum, from time to time, and the principal ones of them have been trans- lated by Mr. Walter de Gray Birch, F.R.S.L., author of *' Vita Haroldi " or the " Romance of King Harold," the " History of the Utrecht Psalter," the " Heads of Religious Houses in England," and many other works. Two of the Charters with seals were transcribed by Mr. R. Sims, author of the Handbook of the Library of the British Museum. I am aware that antiquarians generally like old documents, such as these printed in the Norman-French or Latin, as the case may be ; but making a choice of difficulties I have thought it best to give them in English only, hoping that Mr. Birch's trans- lations will satisfy the most exacting readers, and not forgetting that there is a growing number of students of antiquity, who, charmed by the subject, have regretfully to confess to a similar situation to that expressed in the " Shipmannes Prologue " in Chaucer s " Canterbury Tales " : — My joly body shal a tale telle And I shal clinken you so mery a belle. That I shal waken all this compagnie: But it shal not ben oi philosophie, Ne of physike ne termes quiente in lawe: Ther is but lit^l Latin in my mawe Grant in Norman French by Fouke of Pennebruge, Lord ofTonge, to William, son of WiUiam de Pres, 1323. To all the lawful ones in God who shall see or hear this present writing Fouke de Penebrugge (a) Lord of Tonge greeting in God. Know ye that I have given and granted and (a) Probably Fulco de Pembruge IL, Lord of Tenge, died 1326. 212 Deeds Relating to Tong. by this pre Lord of Westou. Deeds Relating to Tong. 215 Riclwrd, bis heirs and assigns, if tlie aforesaid Isabella sboulil happen to die witliin the said term, to distrain upon the aforesaid cottage, toft, three acres of land, and lialf au acre of meailow, witli appurtenances, and upon any parcel tliereof, and to abduct, carry away, drive away, and take i)OSse.-sion of, tlie disti'aints so taken, until the aforesaid rent together with the arrears of the same, if there sliall be any, sliall Ik satislied and paid to them. And if it sbouM happen that tlie aforesaid rent of three shillings, be in arrear, in part or wiiolly un- paid for forty days after any term in which it ought to be paid, by default of the aforesaid William, ami that sufficient distraint upon the aforesaid cottage, toft, three acres of land and half an acre of meadow, with appurtenances, cannot be found, then it shall be truly lawful for the aforesaid Isabella or her certain attorney, and to tlie aforesaid Richard, hi3 heirs and assigns, provided that the .said Isabella should die within the term aforesaid, to enter upon the aforesaid cottage, toft, three acres of land and half an acre of meadow, with appurtenances, and to repossess the same, and to hold them in their original state, the present indentures notwithstanding. And the aforesaid William shall build upon the said toft, next the said cottage called le Bakbous, a certain house of two spaces, and a sufficient oven in the said house, such as may satisfy the tenants of the lord tiierc. And the aforesaid William shall build, upon the said toft, "called the " Hallehous ^arde," a certain house of three spaces in which the said Wiliiam shall dwell, within two years of the term aforesaid. And the aforesaid William his heirs or assigns, shall well and sufficiently repair, sustain, and main-, tain, the said tenement so erected, as often as it sliall be necessary, during the term afore- said, and sliall restore it, sufficiently repaired, at the end of the term aforesaid. And the aforesaid Isabella and Richard, and their heirs, shall warrant, in form aforesaid, the afore- said cottage, toft, and three acres of land and lialf au acre of meadow land, with appurten- ances, to the aforesaid William and his assigns, during the whole of the term aforesaid, against all people. In testimony whereof the pai'ties aforesaid, have alternately affixed their seals to those Indentures. These being witnesses, Thomas Merstoue, William Ulever, Henry Benet, John ,7owe, John Cat, of Aylestone, and many others. Dated at Aylestonc, the 14th day of the month of April, in the "l4th year of the reigu of King Henry, the sixth since the Conquest. A small circular seal of red wax impressed with the letter I. surmounted by a crown. This seal is sketched on the plate at page 27, and an account of Isabella, the Foundress of Tong College and Church, is given on page 32. Grant, in Latin, by Isabella (formerly wife of Sir Fulco Penbrugge, Knight), lady of Tonge, and Sir Richard Vernon, Knight, to Thomas Skot and Johanna his wife, at the rent of a red rose, 1446. To all the faithful in Christ to whom this present indented writing may come Isabella (a) formerly wife to Fulco Penbrugge, Knight, lady of Tonge, in the County of .Salop, and Richani Vernon, Knight, greeting in the Lord. Since I the aforesaid Isabella may have and hold for term of my life, a burgage witli croft at the eml of the town of Tonge towards Culsale (b), situated next the high way, the reversion and remainder of the said Burgage and Croft belonging after tlie death of the said Isabella to me the said Richard Vernon ami my heirs. Know that we the aforesaid Isabella and Richard Vernon by unanimous assent and will, have delivered, conceded, and by this own present indented writing have confirmed to Thomas Skot (c) and Johanna his wife the aforesaid Burgage with croft, for the good service of the said Thomas, paid to me the said Isabella and also for the laudable service to be hereafter paid to me the aforesaid Isabella and to Richard, and to the heirs of the said Richard. To have and to hold the aforesaid Burgage wif.i Croft, to the aforesaid Thomas Bad Johanna his wife for the terra of their lives and of the longest liver of them. Rendering thence annually to me the said Isabella during my life and after the death of tlie said Isabella to me tl>e said Richard and my heirs during tiie life of the said Thomas and Johanna nnd the longest liver of them, a red rose on the feast of St. John the Baptist suit at Court and of the mill for all other services and demands. And tlie said Thomas and Johanna shall well and truly maintain repair and sustain the said Burgage uith croft during their lives- and the longest liver of them, at the expense of 16s. to them, and after the death of tlie said Thomas and Johanna the said Burgage with croft shall wholly remain to me the said Richard aivl tomy heirsforever. And wethevefore tlie afore.-a d Isabella and Richard and my heirs will warrant and defend the aforesaid Burgage witli criiift to the aforesaid Thomas and Johanna during tlieir lives and the longest liver of them, in form aforesaid against nil people. In testimony whereof the said Isiibella and Kichaid Vernon have affixed their seal* (a) Same as in preceding deed. The Foundress of Tong College— see page 32. Date 1446, 24 Hen. VL (6> Kilsall. (c) Name mentioaed on psige 107. 2i6 Deeds Relating to Tong, to the one part of the indented writing remaining in the possession of the Jaforesaid Isabella and Richard, the, aforesaid Tliomas and Johanna have aflSxed their seals. Dated at Tonge on the feast of All Saints in the twentj'-fourth year of the reign of King Henry tne Sixth since tlie conquest. .(Without Seal.) Charter, in Latin, by Sir Richard Vernone, Knight (see page 37) to John Vernone, his son, of all his lands at Trusseley, Co. Derby, 1447. Know men present and to come that I, Richard Vernone, Knight, have given granted, and by this my present charter confirmed to Jolui Vernone my son, all my lands and tenements , rents and services, meadows, fields, and pastures, with all their appurtenances in the town and fields of Trusseley in the County of Derby. To have and to hold all the aforesaid lands and tenements, rents and services, meadows, fields and pastures, with all their appurtenances, to the aforesaid John, his heirs and assigns for ever of the chief lords of that fee for the services thei'e for due and of right accustomed : And I also the aforesaid Richard and my heirs will warrant and for ever defend all the aforesaid lands and ttnemeuts, rents and services, meadows, fields and pastures with all their appurtenances aforesaid to the above said John his lieirs and assigns against all people. In witness whereof to this my present charter I have appended my seal. Tliese Ijeing the witnesses : Thomas Blount, Sampson Meverell, Knights : Nicholas Mountegomery, John Cokayn, Henry Bradborne, esquires, and others Given at Harlastone, on tlie fourteenth day of the month of September In the twenty-sixth year of the reign of King Henry the Sixtli after the Conquest. [A.D. 1447.] Seal in red wax : A Sliielil of Arms ; Fretty, a canton, etc. SIGILLUM. KICARDX. VEIiNOUN. MILITIS. Mr. Charles Wrottesley writes to the Rev. J. H. C. Clarke, vicar of Tong : — " General Wrottesley copied for me John Mitton's will, dated 1499, from a manuscript of ' Huntbach,' now at Wrottesley. I should have sent it to you before, but I mislaid it. You will see in his will John Mitton of Weston bequeaths 2/6 to the ' forming of Tong Church,' which I suppose is the ancient way of naming the seats in a Church." Huntbach M.S. at Wrottesley, p. 153, Oct. 12, 1893. In the name of &od Amen,* 21 Dec, 1499, I John Mitton of Weston make my testament i^ this wise. First I bequeath my soul to Cxod and to our Lady and all the company of heyven and my body to be buryed in the Chancell of St. Andrew of Weston, and 40, s to the said Church andxill'of wax to burne about my body the day of my buryall to our Lady of Coventry 12d. to St. Chad of Lichfield 12d. I giVe to my wife the JIauor of Weston for 6 yeares to find a preist to sing for my soule in the Churcli of St. Andrew of Weston for 7yeares, to Griffitli my son 5 marks of land for his life and lU marks in mouj'e, ti kine, 2 gownes, and 2 doubletts. I will my servant John Brokes goder (gather) my rents in Bobinton and have 20/s per annum for his life. Item to my servant Thomas Steveiiton (3s Hd. to William Fowke of Brewewode a gowne of black and peiike furred with martennes, to Bobinton C'lairch 3s 4d, to the forming of the Clmrch at Tong 2s 6d. To my cozen Joyce Jacks the farm of Donnetioue for her life. Executors Jane his wife and Mr. Docter Salter and the Lord Shrewsbury, overseer. Proved 12 February, 1499.* Fulke Eyton's Will, date 1454. See referred to on page 36. " In dei nonine, Amen; and of cure Lady and of all e the Holy Company of Heven, Amen. I Fooke Eiton, Esquire, hole of body and mynd, make my Testament in this wise. First I bequeath my sowle to God, and to our Lady, and to alia the Company of Heven, and make myn Executors Sir Richard Eiton Prest my brother, Warden of the College of Tonge, and Sir Roger the Vicar of Welyngton, and Isabella Engletield. First I will that my body be laide in Tonge, by my Godfadre, Sir Fowke of Penbrege, ♦ One of these dates is an error. Deeds Relating to Tong. 217 withinne the Chapell of Oure Lady; and after that, I will that there be take of my best goods for to say V thousand placebos and dirigies and V thousand masses; and for every dirigie and masse iiijd., add I bequoth tu the ahneshouse of Tonge X Li of money, for the which money the said almesman should be charged for to sey at my grave Ue profundis, thei that canne, and thei that can not a Pater noster — and for mo sowle and Thomas of Eiton my fadre and Katharine my modre's sowles; and also thei should pay a prest to cast holy water on my grave. Also I bequeth to the Warden and to the Prestes of the saide College of Tonge my best Basin and Eure of Silver; and the saide Warden and Prestes shall have in charge, every dale when thei wesch, to sei a Pater Noster and Ave, and so to have me in perpetuall remembrance. — Also I bequeth to the saide Collage a Bed called a fedrebed, with the honging thereto of blew worstede; wherefore the saide Warden and Prestes should be charged and bounden for to seic withyn the same yere XV Placesbos and Dirigiees, and iV Masses of the Trinitee, and V of the Holy Ghost, V and of our Ladye, and while it pleasith him to seie a mass of Requiem every yere, on that same day that I dide upon. Also I bequeth to a prest to synge V yere as my Executor may accorde with him for my fadre sowle, and my modere's and myn, and I charge you that he be a clene man ot his body. Also I bequeth to John Eiton alle myn horse and riding harnes, reservyd to me all my trapers and harnes of Goldsmythes worke; and I will that Luce his wife have X.li so that she kepe here a clene woman and a good till the daye of here mariage. I bequeth also to John the boy an horse and XL.s. : and also to John de Labowley XL.s.; and to my page Harmon XX.s, : for thei both came with me out of Normandye. Also I bequeth to the Chapell of our Lady of Tonge my masse boke and Chalice, and my blew vestiment of damaske of my armes; and another vestiment to Wembrege, to pray for my fadre's sowle and my modere's. I bequeth also to John Eiton XX. li to his mariage; and to Fowke Eiton, Roger Eiton son other XX li of the summe the which Roger Eiton ovveth me; and he to be alowed of all that he paide me. — .\lso I wille that the said Roger yeve to every frere house of Schrapbery a centayn ot corne for to pay certain eires (years) for my soulo, after the disposition of myn Executours : and that if he woU not I charge you that ye law- fully sue him till he doe it. Also I vvoll that my Lord of Arundell, that now is aggro and compoune with you my seide Executours, for the bon (bones) of my Lord John his brother, that I broughte oute ot France ; for the which carriage of bon and oute of the frenche- mennys handes dely veraunce, he owith me a ml, marc and iiij c, and aftere myn Executours byn compouned with, I woU that the bon ben buried in the Collage of Arundell, after his intent ; and so I to be praide for in the College of Arundell and .\lmeshouse per- petually. Also I bequeth to Nicholas Eiton one of the good fedre beddis and a chambre and a bedde of lynne cloth, styned with horses. I bequeth also to Isabelle Englefield another goode feder bedd, and a pair of fustians and a sparner of selke, the which myn armes beth ynne ; and after her decesse, to yeve it to John Englefield here sone. — and as towchinge the goodes to fulfille my Testament, Sir Wiliam lynsey my prest can telle you where thei ben and more overplus. Wherefore I charge you as ye will answer afcre God at the dreddfull day of Dome and tliat ye fnllfdl and complete this my Testament here and afore God, I geve you full power of all my gocdes, so for to do ; and wille that my brothers Nicholas and Roger, have the oversight of the fulfilling of my Testament. In to the witness of alle this, I have sett to the seigne of myn armes and the scigne of myn devise, I wreten atte Schrawardyne the VLij day of Februarie the yere of our Lorde a.m.l. ccccli." (Proved 12th Dec, 1454, by Richard Eiton and Isabella Englefield). Ex Shreds and Patches. A curious letter of Margaret, Lady Stanley (see pages 64 and 177), to her brother- [-in-law] , John Manners. 1594, Sept. 16, Touge. I spoke to you before of a lease my father mude ( f a ten? mcjit at Harleston to Harry Vernon and Dorothy his wife and (ieorge tl eir son fur tliiir lives, but virtue of vvluch they lived and died in that tenement. Now couies Maud Vernon and claims it by virtue of a prior lease granted to her father and mother and her, liy my fat her. She can shew no lease, but tries to prove it, hy witnesses. As tljese witnes>e8 fail, they vaunt that Lady Vernou " will knocke yt deade, and that in her ys all there trrste. ' It would be very bad if my lady should do so, as she cannot justify Maud Vernon's title, without touchingf my father's credit. I beg to be commended to uiy nephew George and his wife. Signed. Indenture between Sir Edward Stanley, K.B., Sir Baptist Hickes, and Dame Elizabeth, his wife, of the one part, and Thomas Crompton^ of Stone, Esq. ; Robert Challenor and cc 2i8 Deeds Relating to Tong. Richard Barbour, of Stone, gent. ; George Bennett, the elder, of London, and George Bennett the j'ounger ; and John Daintry, of Spott Grange, yeoman, of the otlier part. A.D. 1613. (L. F.C. xi., 30, Brit, Mus.) This Indenture made the three and twentieth daye of June in the yeres of the Raigne of our Soueraigne lord James by the grace of God king of England Scotland ftraunce uud Irelaud Dt-feiidor of the ft'aith etc. That is to saye of England ffrauiice and Ireland the Eleiientli, and of Scotland tlie Sixe and ft'ouretieth, Betwcene Sir Edward Stanley ite Ladies of Brewood otherwise called theScitoof tlie late howseand Church of >aint Leonard of Brewood in the Counties of Salop or Stafford or either of them And of the Scite of the howse now- Called or knowue by the name of Boscobell And of all or any parte of the howses Buildings Barnes gardens orchards dovecotes hoppyards Lands Tenements Meadowes Leasowes pastures profitts Coniodities Rentes Revercions quitt rents and all and singular othir the hereditaments to the said dissolved Monastery Nunnery or Howse and Church in any wise belonging which was or were theretofore the inheritance of Edward Giffard Esqre deceased father to me the said John Giffard And of all that the Gringe Farm or Teuemente called Necholes with the appurtenaunces in the parishes of Tonge and Donnington or either of them in the said Countie of Salop— and of all howses Buildings Lands Tenements and other hereditaments to the said Grange or farme or Tenement in any wise belonginge or then or late to and with the same occupied or enjoyed or was reputed to be parte or parcell of the said Grange or farm called Necholls And alsoe of all that tlie Mannour of Plordweeke with the appurtenaunces in the said C-iuntie of Stafford and all the Lands Tenements Rents Revercons and other heredita- ments being and arisinge in or out of the Townes feilds or precincts of Plordweeke which heretofore were the inheritance of the said Edward Giffard deceased should and would stand . and be seised thereof and of every parcell tliereof to the severall uses intents and purposes thereafter expressed That is to say of the Scite of the said dissolved Monastery Priorie or Nnnnery of White Ladies of Brewood otherwise called the Scite of the howse and Church of St. Leonard of Brew lod the house called Boscobell and of all and singular other the premisses with their and every of their appurtenaunces to the said howse Priory Nunnery or Ch\irch belongniff or to or with the same used or enjoyed And alsoe of the saide Grange or ferme called Necholls and all other the premisses with their appurtenaunces to the said Grange or farme belonging or to and with the same used or enjoyed TO the use and behoofe of the saiil John Giffard for and daring his Naturall life without impeachment of or for any manner of Wast whatsoever and from and after the decease of the siid John Giffard then TO [the use and behoope of the said] ffraunces Giffard and her heira &c. 163!i. (Signed) Jhon Gyfford. Seal of his arms well preserved. Endorsed.— BubiCTihei. sealed and delivered in the presence of — Jephson Jnell Thomas Cotton Edward Barift Deed — John Giffard, of Boscobell, and John Cotton and Frances Giffard, on their marriage, re White Ladies, Bosco- bell, and Neachley Grange, 1633. This Indenture made the Twentith daie of June in the Eight yeare of the raigne of our Roveraigne Lord Cliarles by the grace of God of England Scotland ffraunce and Ireland King Defender of the faith etc. Betweene John Giffard of Boscobell in the Countie of Salop esquire of a th'one parte and John Cotton Sonne and heire apparent of Tliomas Cotton of Giddius Abbotts in the Countie of Huntington esquire and ffraunces Giffani daughter of the said John Giffard of th'other parte Witnesseth that the said John Giffard for and in Consideracon of a marriage by the grace of God shortly to be had and solenipnized by and betweene the said John Cotton and ffraunces Giffard And for the naturale love and affeceon which the said John Giffard bearetli unto his said daughter anil unto toe said John Cotton his intended sonne in lawe and for the Continuance of the lands hereafter menconed in his blood and for other good causes and consideracons him the said John Giffard thereunto specially moveinge Doth for him his heires and assignes, and even e of them Covenauat 220 Deeds Relating to Tong. grauute and agree to and with the said John Cotton and ffraunces Gyffard and either of them their heires executours administrators and assignes and every of them by theis presents That liee the said Jolm Giffard and liis heires and every other person and persons and his and tlieir lieires whoe nowe stand or bee seised or at any time liereafter shall stand or bee seised of any estate of inheritance of or in all or any parte of the Scite of the Manuonr or disolved Monastery i'riorye or Niinnerye of the White Ladies of Brewood otherwise called tlie Scite ot tlie late liowse and Church of St. Leonard of Brewood witli th' appurtenaunccs situata lyeing or being ia tlie Counties of Salopp and Stafford or one of them And of the Scite of the howse nowe called or knowne by the name of Boscobell. And of all that the Graunge ffarme or Tenement Called Nechells withth'appurtenances situate or being in the parrishes of Tonga and Dounington or either of them in the said Countie of Salopp with th'appurtenaunces scituate lyeiJig and being in the said Countie of Salopp and Stiifford or one of them And of all or any parte of the 'howses^buildinges Barnes stables Courtes Backsides gardens orchards dovecotts hoppyards lands meadowes leysurcs pastures feediuges waters pondes fishpooles profitts Comodities services Rentes quitrents reversions and all and singular other the hereditaments with their and every of their appurtenaunccs unto the said Manuour or disolved Monastery Priorye Nunnery howse or Church Uraunge ffarme or Tenement in any wise belonginge or apperteyning or now or late vsed occuined or enjoyed with the same or knowne reputed or taken to be part or parcell thereof and of all other the Landes and tenementes of inheritance of the said John Giffard lyeing and beinge in the said Counties of Stafford and Salope or either of them (except all that Tenement with th'appurtenaunces ■commonly called Hedgford lyeing in the said Countie of Stafford) shall and will imediately from and after the said Marriage had and solempnized Betweene the said John ami ffraunces stand and be seised thereof and of every parte and parcell thereof and of all and singular the premises with th"appurteuaunces (except before excepted) unto the several uses inteutes and purposes hereafter in and by theis presentes menconed expressed limitted or declared and vnto none other use intent or purpose whatsoever that is to sale unto the use and behoofe of 1dm the said John Giffard and Dorothy Giffard wife of the said John Giffard for and dureing their naturall lives and the naturall life of the longest liver of them And from and after the deathes of them tlie said John Giffard and Dorothie his wife vnto the use and behoofe of the said ffraunces Giffard, &c., &o., provided allwayes and it is mutually agreed Betweene the said parties that the sale of the said tymbcr and tymber trees be ffirst of all Tendred for the said somme of Three Hundred pounds vnto them the said John Cotton and ffraunces his intended wife or to the survivor of them before any sale thereof be absolutely made unto any person or persons whatsoever. And the said John Giffard for himselfe his Executors administratours and assignes and every of them Doth Covenaunte graunte promise and agree to and with the said John Cotton and ffraunces Giffard his intended wife and either of them their cxecutours administratours and assignes and every of them by theis presentes That hee the said John Giffard or his assignes or any other person or persons by or with Ids consent or procurement dureing the naturall life of him the said John Giffard shall not nor will not fell or cutt do\vne or cause to be felled or cutt downe any wood Underwood or Copice wood standinge or groweiuge in the vpward parte of the wood Commonly Called or knowne by the name of Cawdle wood the same wood being parcell of the foremenconed premisses and the said vpward parte thereof in and by this covenaunte intended doth conteyne and is to be esteemed the greater parte of the said Wood and leadeth from the dwelling howse there called Boscobell to the Lawnde there belowe In Wittnes whereof the parties flirst above named have vnto theis presentes Interchangeably putt their hands and scales the day and yeare first above written. (Signed) Jhon Gyffard Seal of his arms : well preserved. Endorsed : — Sealed and delivered in the presence of Thomas Cotton Thomas Cotton Jephson Jnell Edward Husbands [British Museum. Cotton Charters, iv, i3— 2.] Deed — John Giflfard to John Cotton, re White Ladies, 1632. Memorandum quod Johannes Gyffard de Boscobell in Comitatu Salopie Armiger (blank in MS) Junii Anno Regni Domini nostri Caroli Regis Anglic Scotie Frauncie et Hibernie etc : Octavo Coram Domino Rege in Cancellaria sua personaliter ooustitutus Recognovit etc. The Condicon of this Obligacon is such that yf thabovebounden John Cotton doe or shall from time to time and at all times hereafter peaceably and quietly permit and suffer thabore named John Gyffard and his asgs to have hold possesse and iujoye All tiiat Maunor Scite of the Mannor or ilissolved Monastery or Nunnery of the Whiteladyes of Brewoode otherwise called ye Sciteof the late howse and Church of Set Leonard of Brewood with thappurtenaunces scituate lyinge or beinge in the Couut3'es of Salope and .Stafford or one of them And alsoe all that Scite of the howse nowe Commonly called or knowne by the name of Boscobell with thappurtenaunces scituate or beinge within the saide County of Salop And likewise All Brewode Priory. 221 that Graunge Ferme or tenement called NechoUs with thappurtenaunces scituate er beinga in ye parishes of Tonga and Donuington in the said County of Salope And all the howses buildings harnes stables Courts backsides gardens orchards dovecotes hoppyarde laudg meadowes leasov/es pastures feedings waters ponds fishpooles profitts Commodityes services Rents quitrents Reversions and all and singular other the hereditaments with their and every of their appurtenauuces vuto ye said Mannor or dissolved Monastery Priory Nunnery house or Church Graunge Farme or tenement in any wise bolonginge or appertayninge or now or late vsed occupied or injo.yed with ye same or is knowne reputed or taken to be part or parcell thereof for and duringe the natiirall life of him ye said John Gyffard without the let molestacon disturbance hinderauuce or denvall of him the saide John &c. &c. Brewode Priory. Dissolution of Monasteries. White Ladys. BREWODE PRIORY. Hereafter ensueth the names of all and every suche Person and Persons as was by Thomas Bigg Doctor in the Lawe and William Cavendyshe Auditors Commissioners appoynted by the kyng our Soveraigne Lorde for the dysolucon of these Monasteryes followeng by them indiferently chosen and sworne of and for the valuyng and ratyng and appresyng of all and singlor the Gooddes and Chatells cumyng and being found at the Surrenders taken in the same late dysolyed Monasteries and priories within the Countie of Stafford the names as well of the seyd Howses as of the Persons so sworne foloweng hereunder wryghten in order. That ys to say Brewode John Browne William Barnes Henry Halt Thomas Wills Jur Richard Wayt John Baker William Turner William Atwill Jur John Shyrborne Jhones Clarke Anthony Palmer George Wilkayns Jur (Hereafter folowyth all suche parcells of implements or houshold Stuff Corne Catel Ornements of the Church and such other lyke founde within the late priory ther at the tyme of the dissolucon of the same House Solde by the kyngs Commisioners to Thomas Gyfforde Esquire. The Churche ( Fryst one Table of Alebaster owlde formes and Settes 2 \ J Particions of Carvyd Woodepavyng of the Church and Quere [ [ 28 panes of Glas and one masboke j I Item 2 payr of grene Dornyx Westments i olde Cope of I Sendall one Serples i Altercloth and i Towell i litell Bell I and a Sensure of latynne I Item 3 panys of Glasse and 2 long Formes soulde for ■j Item ther Remeyneth unsolde in the Stepul 3 Bells., The Vestrye The Chapter House Bells in the StepuU The Hale The Parlore The Cheffe Chamber The Baylyffs 1 Chamber ( The j Item 2 ale tubbs i oulde chest i borde i table clothe and 2 Buttery t candle stykys of latten ] Item 2 dressyng bordes 2 stoles i forme i ladder i (blank) of The Kechyn | salt 4 porrengers of peuter 4 platters 2 saucers and 2 bras- Item there 2 Tabulls and a Forme soulde for | Item I foldyng Tabull i forme i chayre i Cubborde ) and the hangyngs of payntyd Clothe / Item one fetherbedd 3 oulde Coverletts i oulde blanket! "\ I Tester of whyght Lynen Clothe 2 bedstedds 2 formes i I Cobborde one Joynt Cheyre 2 oulde Coffers i Boulster 2 { pyllowis and 4 payre of Shetts J Item one mattres i coverlet one blanket and one axe {■ pottes . The Larder | Item one great chest i troffe and 2 little barrels | Item 5 tubbs i Keler i aide tubbe i olde table i olde whete') and one chese presse ) The brew- house The Yelyng house i2d. i3d. as. lad. 13d. 6d. i6d. I ■} Item 3 colyng ledes z brasse pannes and 7 olde tables j- 5s. 222 Brewode Priory, The Boultyng house The Ches- lofte The Kylhouse Grayne Catell Waynes Heye Plate soulde Dette Receyved Rewardes gyvene to the late Abbes and the Convent ther at yer Departure Rewardes gyvene to the Servants^ ther at theyr" lyke Departure I Item 3 troffes i watering fate i boultyng Huche, one bushell and 2 tables soulde for J Item 2 little tubbes 2 cheese rakkes 2 charnes i lytell whele \ and 2 shelves J Item 1 Hercloth and i ladder hangyng upon the Walle of ye I seid house ( Item one Quarter of Whete 6s. 2d. quarter of Monck Come ( 8s. one Quarter of Ottes 2od. a Quarter of pese 2s. 8d. in all... I Item one horse 4s. soulde to the seid Thomas I Item I wayne and i Dungcarte sould for I Item for 10 lode of Hey Item soulde to George Warren i Chales and 3 sponnys all 8d. lid. whytt weing 8 ounces at 3s. 4d. the ounc . Item Reseyved of an olde dett dwe to ye seid late Priorye., The Sume totall of all the Guddis of thys seid late ] Priory with 26s. 8d. for Dett receyvyd and 26s. 8d. for Plate J J !• i8s. 4d. ex I 4S. I i6d. I 15s. j 26s. 8d. !■ 26s. 8d. £7 6s. id. Fyrst to Isabel Launder 40s. Item to Cristabell Smith 20s. Item to Alice Beche 20s. Item to Felix Baggshawe 20s. Item to William Parker Chapelen 30s. Item to Robert Baker 13s. 4d. Item to Margarett Burre 2s. Item to Thomas Bolde 3s. Item to William Morre 2S. 6d. Item to Thomas Smith los. Item to Ketcryn Slate 13s. 4d. Item to Phillip Duffelde 4s. / Item in Cates boughte and spent at the tyme of the Comissioners being there for the Dissolucon of the said late Priory and for the saffe kepyng of the Gudds and Catell there founde duryng the said tyme - 78s. 2d. I The Sum of the payments aforeseid is | And so remayneth in the seid Com[m]issioners handes for 1 they have payd more then they for the Goodes of the seid [■ late Priory have receyd by • Memorandum that the Prioress of the seid late Priory hath receyveyd of Michaelmas qrth rents due to the seyd Priory thes parcells folowyng And none other as sche sayth. Fyrst of Mr. Thomas Gyfford for blythebery for halfe a yere .... Item of Mr. Thomas Moreton for le feldes for half a year Item of T Tunks for the Rents of hys farme for halfe a yere... Item of John Penford for half a yeres Rent Item of Thomas Pitt for a hole yeres rent Item of Cristofer Alatte for one quarters rente Summa £4 3s. 4d. Memorandum that ther ys owyng to the said late Priory of Michaelmas rente by the Confession of the foreseid theis parcells. Fyrst of Barnaby Clarke for 3 yeres quietrente Item of the Balyff of Tonge for i yeres rente Item of William Wydowes for i yeres rente 60s. £11 i8s. 2d. £4 12s. id. 33s. 4d. 26s. Sd. 6s. 8d. 8s. 2S. 6s. 8d. izd. Sir Arthur Vernon's Will. 223 Item of the Lordshype of Brome for i quarters rente gs. Item of Richard Gowgh for halfe a yeres rente 8d. Item of Mathew Parker for halfe a yeres rente ijd. Item of John Staunton for halfe a yeres quietrente 6d. Item of Blakeman for halfe a yeres rente lad. Item of Whytemore for 2 yere 6d. Item of Thomas Johnson for halfe a yeres rente 3d. ob Item of the Churchwardens of Brewode for 3 yeres rente 3d. Item of Robert Bromhall for halfe a yeres rente 4d. Summa 34s. gd. ob. Pencions and Porcions grauntyd and allotted to the late Prioresse and Convent there by the seid Commissioners. Fyrst to Isabell Launder late Prioresse 66s. 8d. \ Item to Cristabell Smyth 33s. 4d. | ,„ ere above sayd. Rychard Hyll Thomas Bosschock. Church Goods, Salop. TONGGB. Thes byll Indentyd made the xxvth of Male in the vijth yer of the reygne of our moste dreade Sov'aygne lorde Kyng Edward the syxte betwyxt Andrewe Corbett Rychard Cornewaylle &. Rychard Newport on thon ptyee & Robt Foster Roger Wysston & lienrye Harryson on the other ptyee wyttnessythe that wee the sayd Robt Roger & Henrye do by these p'sens confesse & bynd our selvys to saive 't^ ^H ^^i"^ »^^ ^'l^ »^!^ »^H »^H »'!^ »^I^ >^H^«'- Q^'-i:' d'-s (^3 eAS exs eA5 qas qaq eAS eJ^ e>^ gad gas) 6Tt) G (^ GYd GYc) GYc) GYS GYD GY§ GYci GYO GYD GY^ GYd INDEX Page Abertanat 17 Acorn Lodge 140 Acreage 5 /Eolian Harp 160 Albrighton 51, 136, 139, 195 Alderton 131 Alditha 196 Ale and Alehouses 105, 115, 128, 152 Almshouses 25,95,116 Altar 55, 85 Ambling Meadows 132, 147 Andrews, Bemjamin 150, 151 Ankerwicke 190 Appuldercombe, Heiress of 16 Aqualate 189 Architectural Details. ..22, 23, 26, 30, 43, 47. 53. 54. 57. 66. 73. 77, 78, 96, 108, 109, no, 156, 157, 200 Armour 40,41,48,58,60,65 Arms... 33, 34, 36,45. 46, 47. 48, 54 63, 66, 67, 80, 86, 87, 115, 130, 156, 157, 159, 160 Arms, Shields of — Bermingham 34, 36 Camville 46,48, 55 Childe 86, 87 D^la Here 78 Doyle 86 Dureversale 45 Durant 89 English 86 Fitzalan 78 Forester 14 Forster 130 Harries 80 Isle of Man 67 Latham 67 Lingein, Lingayne, or Lingaine 34, 78 Ludlow 34.37.45. 55. 63, 67,78 Ouldbeif 86,87 Peche or Peeke 87 Pembruge ... 34, 36, 37, 45, 48, 54, 55, 67, 78 Peter de Sancerlis 45 Pype 45. 48, 55. 59. 67. 78 Reymes or Rheims 54 Royal 25 SkeflSngton 86, 87 Stanley 67 Strange 67 Talbot 48, 54 Trumpington 55 Trussel 34, 78 Vernon... 33, 34, 36, 45, 47, 48, 54, 55. 59, 63, 67, 78 Warren 67 Willoughby of Middleton 79 VVilloughby of Parham 79 VVylde 80 Umfr€ville 67 Unknown 46,47,67,80,86,87,92 Arthur Tudcr, Prince ... 47, 48, 49, 56, 99, 224 Page Arundel 9,176,177,217 Aston, Roger de 214 Audley Barons 71 Aumbry 57 Babyn, John 29 Baddeley, John 151 Bagot, John 195 Bagots Park 190 Baiiifie of Tong 206, 222 Bakewell 12, 59 Barbour, Richard 218 Barretors or Scolds 128 Beaufoy 89, 155 Bedall, Roger 148 Beighterton, or Betterton 145 Belfry^ 29, 73, 99, 224 Belle Isle 159 Bells, Bell-founders, and Ringers ... 101, 102, 103, 224 Bell, "The Great" 22,49,99,100,103 Belmeis or Beaumes, Alice de 10 „ Bishop de 2.135 ,, „ Philip de 10 ,, ,, Ranulph de 10 ,, „ Richard de L ... 10,20 „ „ Richard de II 10 ,, „ William de 10 ,, ,, William de alias La Zouche 2, 10 ,, „ Robert de Belesme 10 ,, „ Hughde 196,213 ,, ,, John de 197 Benet, Joy 215 Bennett, George 218 Bentley j8o Bermingham, Matilda de 12 Beresford, Jas 152 Bishops 10, II, 166, 195, 198 Bishop's Marks 56,76 Bishop's Wood 10, 139, 140, 195 Black Ladies... 125, 139. 199, 200, 201, 205, 210 Blodwell 16, 17 Blount, Thos 178 Blymhill 128,132,195 Bobbington Church 216 Boden 19 Body-ring (iron) 114 Bordesley Abbey 148 Boscobel 144- 178,203 Bosschock, Thos 223 Botfield, Mr 97, 106, 144, 178, 192, 203 Boundary 132, 134, 135, 136, 151 Bourne, W 152 Bradford, Countess of 13. '4. »o« Earls of. 12, 13, 16, 23, 52, 100, 140, 147, 151, 153, 182, 184 Bradley, Miss 177. '80 Braose de 11 Brasses 43, 45, 55, 84, 85, 86, 87, 96 Brewers Oak 189 Index. — continued. 22g Page Brewood, Brewdc.io, ii, 12, 136, 145,194, 196, 205, 2ig Brewood Forest 99, 139, 140, 178, 189, 195 209, 210 Bridgernan, Lady Anne 16 Bishop 13, 18 „ Hon. Beatrice Adine 15 ,, Lady Florence K 15 „ Hon. Florence Sibell 15 Col. Hon. F. C, M. P.. ..15, 19, 153 ,, Frederick Paul 15 „ Hon. and Rev. Canon... 39, 130 Hon. Mrs. F. C 15 Hon. Helena Mary 15 Hon. Henry George 15 ,, Humphrey H. 15 Lady Mabel Selina 15 „ Hon. Margaret Alice 15 „ Hon. Orlando 15 „ Sir Orlando 13, 17, 18 Hon. Richard O. B 15 ,, Reginald Francis 15 ,, Selina Adine 15 Brid, John 212 Bristol, Marchioness of 14 Brockhurst i8g Brodmore 145 Brokes, John 216 Bryery Hurst 132, 140 Buccleuch, Duke of 15 Buckeridge, Chas. Thos. Margtta.Eliz.... 19, 94, 96, 163 Bullock, Harry 223 Buckingham. Duke of 175, 176 Buildwas Abbey 10 Burials 162, 163 Burlington 7,133,141 Burnal, Lord of '„ 72 Bush Inn 153 Butters Brook 151 Bysshop, John 213 Calais, Treasurer of 37 Camp of Refuge g Camville '. 46, 48 Cannock 196 Cannon Ball Marks 105 Carnac, C. R ig Carved Stone (early) Carr, Rev. Canon igi, 192 Castle Bromwich 16 Castle, Tong ... .11, 49, 50, 83, 90, 91, 137, 153 Celcilia ig6 Celerer 124 Chairs, Old Oak 85 Challenor, Robert 217 Champions 149 The King's 59, 60 Chapel, The Lady 23, 3*5, 55, 57, 73 ]„ Golden... 36, 53, 2 Chaplet of Roses 11, 32, 147 Charities 83, 97 Charles I Frontispiece, 93, 174, 175, 182 Charles n....8i, 89, 114, 137, 141, 178, 181, 183, 186, 201 Charlett, Mr 187 Childe, Mrs. Baldvvyn 192 Chillington 179, 195, 209, 210 Choir Screen 73, 76 Stalls 74, 75, 76 Christian, H.R. H. Princess 15, 101 Qhrysom's, St. Cenietery 104 Page Chudleigh, Miss (Duohess of Kingston) ... 12, 22, 166 Churchwardens' Accounts 97, 100 Ciborium 82, 83, 108, 115 Cilin-ap-y-Blaidd Rhud 17 Cirencester 181 Clarence and Avondale, Duke of... 101,175, 176 Clarendon, Lord 189 Clarke, Rev. H. C 19, 100, 216 Clay, W 27,107 Clergy, Clerks, Chaplains of Tong 19 Clews, Mr 152 Clockmaking 151 Cocking 152 Codsall Wake 152 CoflSns 64, 159 Coiffure 42 Coins 25 Cole, Mr 47, 55, 65, 95, 116, 124 Colemere, W. Esq 132, 144 College 19, 21, 36, 38, 54, 83, 96, 111 to 124, 216, 217 College Chapel 124 Commandments 75 Communion Plate 83, loy " Contoise" 31 Consecration Marks 55, 56, 76 Constable's Office 44, 45, 60, 128 Convent Lodge 156 Coppice Green 134 Coracle 149^ 150 Corbet, Andrew 224 Cornwall, Rycc 223 Coronation-day 52, 60, 72 Cotton, John 132, 133, 218, 219 Cotton, Wm ig Court of Tong n, 212 Cow Haye 132, 141 Cowper, Earl igo Craig, Mr. Jas 185,189 Cressage 192 Crest 73 Crompton, Thomas 217 Cromwell, Oliver 81, 105, 174, 303 Cromwell, Thomas 162,201 Crosses 55, 56, 74, 103 I, (Rood) 74 Crowther 152 Crucifix 74 Cublesdon 32, 39, 218 Cummings, Mr 185 Cynllaeth 17 Daintry, John 218 Dale, Mr 187, 188, 191 Dalkeith, Earl of 15 Dame Joan 201 Darner, Hon. Mrs. Dawson 169, 171 Daret 175 Darfield 72 Daunsey, Dame Elizabeth, Lady... 86, 87, 88 „ Sir John 87 Deacon 74 Dead Woman's Grave 127 Dean or Den 54 Dene, Beatrice 198 De Belmeis See B De Bunsen, Rev. H. G 133, 184, 188 Deeds, Ancient 146, 211 to 226 Definitions 8, 10, ai, 29, 41, 42, 45, 85, 88, 103, 126, 127, 134, 138, 139—141, 150 De Hugefort 146, 198 230 iNrveX. CONTINUED. Page "Dennis Field" 132, '.i39 Derby, Earls of 64, 65, 67, 72, 179 The 147 Devonshire, Duchess ot 171 Digby, Sir Kenelm 6g, 172, 173, 174 Digby, Vcnetia See Stanky Domesday 7, 8, 10, 20 Donnington 94, 124, 133, 148, 195, 227 „ Monks Pasturage at 12 Dove-cote ..: 10,11, i6o Draycot... 44 Dress ... 46, 50, 51, 55, 59, 65, 79, 124, 131, 168 Dropping Well 160 Duchess of Teck. H.R.H loi Dugdale, Sir William 32, 33, 68, ^ Dunham, Massey 72 Dunster, Mr. Chas 187 Durant family 91 Durant, Edwin Mr 155 F. O. Mrs 154 G 75,89,116 George ; 12, 91, 155 ,, George Chas. Selwyn 12,91,155 „ George Stanton Eld 12,155 ,, Mr. ... 65, 75, 82, 90, 108, 158, 159, 16: „ Mrs. Celeste 91, 155, 160, 171 „ Richard 89 Dureversale, Wm 44.45 Dymoke, Sir Edward 6i „ Margaret (See Vernon) „ Sir Robert 58, 59, 60 Easthope 14 East Window 77 „ „ of Chapel 43 Eclipse 164 Edric 45 Edward, The Confessor 8 Edward VI 19. 74^ "5 Edwin, Earl 8, 9 Effigies 29,40,41,42,64,65 Einion-Efell 17 Eiton, Jonn 36,217 Eiton, Sir Richard 19, 216 Elcock, Ralph 19, 96 Eld, Miss 91 Englefield, Isabella 36, 216 ,, John 217 Ercall, William de 198 Ernulf, Chaplain 19 Evans, Thomas Mr 148, 191 ,, Miss Francis 188, 191 ,, Lady 190 Evelith 131, 180 Eynsham 64 Eyton, Fulke 36, 216, 217 ,, Nicholas 36, 216 „ Roger 217 Factory 150 Fair 11, 123 Famous Ladies 166, 167, 168 "Fermor" 138 Figure of Priest 55 Fisher, Lady 181 Fisherwick 88 Fishing 11, 147 Fitcherbot, Esq 144 Fitzherbert, Mrs 166, 169, 170 „ Sir Anthony 146 ,, Thomas , 169 William 103 Fitzherberts 132, 188, 200, 204 T Page Font 27 Forest Laws 7, 14 Forester, Edric the 45 family 13, 107, 130, 131, 176 ,, Col. Hon. Henry Townsend ... 14 Hon. Selina L.Weld 13 ., John 14, 176, 202 ,, Lord 13,131 „ Richard 14, 131 ,, Robert 176, 224 ', Thomas 176 Mary 176 Forster, Anthony 131 ,, Humphrey 176 ,, or Forester, Isabella... 131,166, 175- 176 ,, Thomas 19, 130, 179 Forge, Tong 133, 142, 150, 151 ,, „ Bridge 144 ,, ,, Brook 142 ,, ,, Hammer 142 Fortescue. Frances 72 Fowke, William 87,88,216 Fowl House, pyramidal 159 Fox 23 Frontal Pulpit 83,98 Gailey 196,209 Gallery 74 Gallowses 152 Gamble 152 Gargoyles no Gerbier 175 Giffard, Charles Mr 87, 179, 182, 194, 196, 200, 210, 217, 218 Giffard family... 80, 163, 179, 199, 218, 219, 220 Giffard, Sir John 203,217 Giffard, Sir Thos 204 Gilbert, Ralf 222 Gildenmorton, Manor of 112 Glass, Stained 77, 96 Glever, Wm 215 Golden Chapel 22, 36, 47, 49, 53, 54 Gospel Road, Gospel-trees 136, 144 Granges 10, 11, 37, 123 Grafton 51 Greatbatch, Sam 151, 152 Great Ness 131 Grey, Sir Richard 63 Groom, Rev. L zoi Grosvenor, The Countess 15 Gunpowder Plot, Proclamation Tong 164, 165 Gwenvvynwyn 17 Griffith of Cae Howell, Kynaston, &c. 17, 18 Griffiths, Ap Griffith 39, 127, 236 H addon 12, 42, 45, 46, 49, 51, 63, 71, 177 Haighway Road 152 Hadham, Roger 213 Haligode '. 212 Hallelujah Victory 3 Hall, S 19 Hall The, Tong 160 Hall, Thos 19 Halston 175 Hamilton, Duchess ot 168 „ George 159 Hanaper 21 Hanbury, George 15 Harcourt, Margery 11 Orabel 11 ,, Wm.de 2,11,145 Harding, Revs. G. and J 16 Index. — continued. 231 Page Harding, Mrs 108 Hare, Lucy 107 Harewood, Countess ot 15 Harlaston 52, 216 Harlet;h, Alice 198 H:irlewyn 212, 214 Harpour, William le 213 Harries, Ann 12 Elizabeth (see Pierpoint) 12, 80 Lady 46, 158 Lady Eleanor 80, 82, 83, 98, 108 „ Sir Thomas ... 12, 65, 80, 83, 92, 158 Harrington, Lord and Lady 41 Harrison, George 99 Harriot or Heriot 127 Hartley, John 153 Harryson, Henry 223 Hatchments 92 Hatham 2:4 Hatton, John 130 Haughton i6o Havannah 12, 90 Hawarden 135, 144 Hay 14 Heathill or de HethuU 213 Hell Meadow 122 Hempenstall, A 149,150 Henry-de-Hugefort 11 Henry 1 2,10,45 „ HI 11, 40 ,, IV Ill, 113 ,, V 19, 113, 115 ,. VI 54 Hengist 3 Henry VII 59, 334, 225 VIII 13,49,59,114,115 Hereward 9 Hermit of Tong 156 Hermon 217 Herons 153 Hickes, Sir B 217 Higgs, Daniel and Maria 57 High Ercall 174 Hilton, Robert 19 Hodnet 43, 52, 63 Hogs n. 147 Holbein 114 Holmes, George 133 Holy Rood 74 Holywell 3oo Homilies, Book of 25 Hooker, J. S 184 Hope, Mr. Jas 185 Hops 115 Horse Brook 206, 210 Horse Shoes Inn 153 Horton, John 133, 151 Hospital 95 Hotspur 38, 72 How, Mr 132, 140, 145 Howard, Thomas 177 ,, William 177 Roger 177 Howe, Countess 14 Hubbal Grange 10. 37. 137> I79> 203, 204 Huddleston, Mr 180 HuUe, Thos. de la 212 Hulter, John 19 Hugefort 11, 32, 146, 198 Hunt, Will 164 Hurst, A 140 Page Hyde (or Yde) 210 Hyll, Richard 224 Hynkeley ; 214 Idsall 19, 130, 133, 142 Image of Blessed Virgin 11,73,147 ,, of St. Bartholomew n. 73 lynsey. Sir Wm 217 Inscriptions... 43, 53, 57, 63, 64, 67, 88, 91, 93. 94. 157. 158, 159. 160. 161, 169, 173 Isabel's, Lady, Well 140, 210 M •. 205 Iron Ore 143,143 Jacks, Joyce 216 John, King 2, ii, ig6, 205 Jowe, John 215 Jones, "Rosy" 151 Jones, Mr. W 151 Jones, Lancet 133 Jorwerth Goch 17 Jury 151 Katherine of Arragon, Princess 49, 236 Keepers' Meadows 144 Kenyon Slaney, Lady Mabel 15 Roberto. R 15 Sybil 15, 149 ,, ,, Colonel, M.P 15 Kilsall 132,135,196,215 Kingston, Earl of, Evelyn ist Duke... 12, 57, 82, 90, 1 16, 135, i65, 167 Earls of 13,81,83,93 King of the Peak 71 Kitcat Club 167 Knight Constable of England 44 ,, of Mawddy 17 ,, Doctor 199 Knockyn 72 Knoll 137 „ Tower x6i Knowsley 71 Kynaston, Humphrey 17 „ Judith 17 Kynton, Viscount 72 Lascelles, Henry Viscount 15 Lascelles, Hon. Edward Cecil 15 Lady M. Selina 15 Lacy, Lord of 72 Lady Wicket Field ifg Lafcfve, Celeste 91, 155 Lance no Lane, Mistress Jane 181,226 Langefofot, Mawde, dau. of Sir Ralph ... 59 Llanfyllin 127 Lapley, and Priory... 19, 38, 112, 115, 130, 192 Lathom, John 64,65,218 " Lass of Richmond Hill " 170 Lawrence, Rev. R. G 19, 133, 147 Lawrence, Thos, 19 Lassels, Mr 181 Lectern 46 Lee Court igo Lee, William 214 Leofric 8 Leekc, Rev. R. H 4(1 Leper Well 210 Leslie's Cavalry 141, 179 Levison, Jone 87 K 88 Library, The Minister's 25,97, 106 Lilleshall Abbey 10, 148, 210 Little Noll 155 Lime 146 23- Index — continued. Page Lines to Bellringers 99 Lingen, Elizabeth de (see Pembruge)... 30. 32. 37. 38 LinRen, Sir Raffe 30, 38 Little Harriots Hays 127 " Little Nell " iv. 155 Lizard Grange 10, 11, 123, 133 Lizard Mill 136, 142 Lollards 113 Long Birch 207 Longford 83 Long Marston 181 Louvre 160 Ludlow 45, 49 ,, Alice, dau. of Sir Richard de 63 „ Benedicta de 37 „ John 63 „ Sir John 41.52 „ Sir Richard, Kt 52, 63 „ Sir Thomas 37 Lumley, Lady Ida F. H 14 Hon. Osbert 15 Lusard 10 Lye, Master John 19 Lyne, Sir Roger 223 Lyttletons 90 Madeley 180 Man, Lord of and the Isles 72 Manners, Lady Katherine 13, 189 ,, Sir John 12,71,217 Sir Richard 115 Manor of Tong 105, 132, 2i2 Manorial Courts, Leet and Baron 125, 127, 133 Manweryng, Rycc 223 Maps and Plans ix., x., xii., 122, 226 Margery de Harcourt 11 Market or Fair 11, 105, 123 Marl 145, 146, 147 Marlpit, Methplekes 11, 132, 145 Marmion 59, 60 Marriages 162 Marrion Road 133 Marshal of England 60 Mary Queen of Scots 71 Masons, R 133 Matthews, Rogers, Esq., and Ursula 17 Mausoleum 159 Maypole 136, 137 Meashill 11, 132, 139, 140, 145 Mears, Thomas 103 Meddings, George 153 Meeson, George ig Mercia, Earls of, Morcar and Edwin... i, 8, 9 Meredith-ap-Bleddyn 17, 18 Merlin 5. 6. 7 Merstone, Tliomas 215 Mervyn, King of Powys 17 Middleton, L^rd 79 „ Sir Thomas 79 Mill, the Water 11, 132, 133, 135 Miller, The 136 Millfield 147 Milner, Thomas 19,162 Minerals Leasow 139 Misereres 74 Mitton, Griffith 216 Mitton, John 216 Mohun, Lady 42 „ Lord 72 Molineux, W. H 19 Page Monasteries, Colleges, Hospitals, destruction of 114, 162, 203, 207, 219, 220, 221 Moncreiffe, Sir Thomas 13 Monks 75 Montague, Mr. Edward 166, 168 ,, Lady Mary Wortley ... iv., 12, 82, 166, 167, 168 Montford 208, 209 Montgomery, Earl Hugh de 10, 20 „ Earl Roger de 9,10,20 Montrose 178 Montrose Lucy, Duchess of 16 Monument, Knoll i6i Mountrath Diana, Countess of 16 More, Sir Thomas 114,115 " Morralls meicell " 139 Morse, William, or Mosse 19, in, 116 Mortimer, Ralph de 45 Muckleston, J. F 19 Murdcck, Mr 139 Mytton, Edward, Esq 88 „ Jane 216 ,, Joan 176 „ John 175,216 Thomas 18 Mytton Family 13, 88, 216 Nave 27 Neachley Grange ... 15, 145, 151, 196, 218, 226 New, Mr 177 Newport 152, 177 Newport, Geo. Cecil Orlando Viscount... 14 „ Lady Anne 16 ,, Lord 174 „ Margaret 112 „ Sir Richard 175 „ C. Rycc 224 Newport Family 13, 16, 18, 52, 182, 206 Newport, William 112 Nether Haddon 67 Neyll, Robert 222 Niches 104 North Aisle 27 Ni'rthumberland, Earl of 72 Norfolk, Di'ke of 176 Norton (see Tong Norton) 11,99,212 Norton Heath 107, 132, 141, 179 Nuts, gathering n. i47 Nunnery of Brewood, see Black Ladies Observator 191 Office, Constable's 44.45 Ofifoxey 137 Old Castle 49 Old Mill 160 Oliver, Peter 173 Orde-Powlett, Hon. Wm 14 Order of the Garter 35 Ore's Bank 140 Ore, Thomas 105, 133, 151 Organ 61 Organ, Old Gothic 27,61,62,63 Orlyngbere, St. Mary of in Oswestry 127 Ownersof Tong 10,11,12,13 Parker, John the 212 Palfreys 147 Parham 79 Park (Tcng) n, 137 Park Pale 132, 137. 140 Parker, John le, and Cecilia 212 Index — continued. m Page Parker, John, Oliver, Avice, Amore, Edith 212 Patingham, Lady Ysabel of 210 Payne, Major 91 Paunage of Hogs 11, 147 Peckes Ye, or Peche 87 Pedestal 73 Pelham, Lucy, daughter of Sir John 84 Pembruge, Penibrugge, Penbrugge, Pem- brugeor Pembridge ... 2, 11, 34, 35, 45, 50 Pembruge, Dame Elizabeth nee Lingen 12, 21, 30, 32, 37, 39, III, 121 ,, Fulco de 1 11,121,147 ,, Fulco de II II III, 112, 121, 147, 211, 212 ,, Fulco de III 12, 35, 213 ,, Fulco de IV. ... 12. 30, 35, 36, 213, 214, 216 Half-brother ot Fulco de I 11 „ Henry 11 Isabella 214, 215 ] ,, Juliana ,, Margaret 36 | „ Robert de 12,35,213 i „ Sir Fulke de ai, 30, 33, 36, 38, 39 ! Pencions 221 Pendragon 3 1 Pendrell, Penderel, or Pendrill 147, 178, 179, 182, 192, 201, 203 Pendrell Cave i8g Percy, Lady Lucy, daughter of the Duke of Northumberland 67,70,72 Percy, Sir Thomas 72 Percy, Thomas 72 Pertry 140 Peshall de 13, 206, 213, 214 Pew or Peiw 126 Peynton, T 100 Philarchus 190 Pierpoint 117, 152. 163, 166 Elizabeth, daughter of Lord Gervasede... 12,81,82,84, 92. 93. 97 ,, Elizabeth, daughter of VVm. and Elizabeth ... 84, 92. 93, 112 ,, Gervase Baron 82 ,, Gervase Lord 12, 93, 150 „ Hon. William 12 „ Lac'y Mary 167 „ Robert de Pietier, Lewes 19, 100, 107, 133 Pigeons 127 Pigs 142 Pillars 74 Pillar of Mary 73 Pikemere Hollow 141 Piscina 56. 85 Pitchford Oak 192 Plans, see Maps Plate, Comnmnion 108 Plaxtcn, Rev.G 186 Pochards 153 Pool cf Tone (the Great) u, I47 Pool, Church 135 Poole, Walter 27 Population 152 Porch 26 Porlcck EflSgies 23, 48 Pound 121 Powis, Prince of 17 Powys, Lord 63 Page Preface to first edition 7 Preface to second edition 6 Pres, William de 211, 212, 213 Prescon, Sir John 180 Prince Arthur Tudor... 47, 48, 56, 99, 224, 225 Prince Charles 174 Prince Edward 11 Prince of Wales, H.R.H. (George IV.) ... 169 Princess Margaret 57, 227 Prioresses 196, 197, 198, 201, 204, 205, 206, 210, 222, 223 Prior's Lee 142 Priors Road 121 Proclamation 164, 165 Public Houses (old) 128, 153 Pugh, Isaac 127 Pulesdon, Roger de 213 Pulpit 46,83 ,, or Oratory 156 Puritans 73 Pype, Redware 44, 46 Pype, Sir Robert 43,44,45 Queen Anne 79 Queen Elizabeth 61, 65, 71, 72 Queen Mary 61, 72 " Queen of Love and Beauty " 149 Queen Elizabeth of York 224 Ralph, Mr 188 Red House Inn 153 Registers 19, 115, 162, lOj, 164, 165 Restoration 24 Rheims Abbey 54, 112, 115 Rhys, Prince of South Wales 18 Richard III 51, 59, 72 Richmond 51, 72 Richmond Park 16 Riley 185 Rivet Carnac, Rev. G. C ig, 46 Rhodri Mawr 17 Robyns, Wm 212 Roe, Rev. John 207 Roger, Robert 223 Rogers, Edith 212 Roman Road 7 Rood Beam 30 Rood Crass 74 Ri'Od Loft 30,74 Rosary Lodge iCo Rouen. Captain of 37 Round House 160 Rowena 5 Rcwson, Sir Thos 222 Royal Forest (Wrekin) 131, 195 Royal Oak 178,183 Royal Visits 49, 101 Rubens, P. P 174, 175 Ruckley Grange 10, 11, 12, 133 Ruckley Wood 11 Rudhall, Abraham 100, 103 Kugge 196 Rungey Hale 72 Rupert Prince 174 Rutland, Duke of 13, 56, 71, 82, 177 „ Duchess of 189 Karl of 71 St. Barthulciniew's Day 11 St. Leonard's Niins of, see White Ladies St. Denys 139 St. Gecrge, L. H 19 St. Paul's Cathedral 10,159 Salden 72 23 + Index — continued. Page Salter, George i33> 151 Salter, Doctor 216 Salter, Mrs 151 Saltworks 148 Sarra 196 Sayings 152 Scarbrough, Earl of 14 Scott, Wm. and Elizabeth 107 Scot, Thomas 133, 163 Screens 28,29,73,74 Scuddamore, Mr 148 Seats, Old Oak 26,75,216 Sedilia 85 Seal 27, 121, 130, 146, 205, 213, 215, 216 Seile 44, 224 Serfs 8 Seymaur, Lady Horatia 171 Seymour, Miss 171 Shakerley 144, 147, 196, 2')0 Shakspearian Inscription 68 Shumefurd iii Shaw, The 11, 121, 136 Shaw, Mr. T 141 Shaw, William ig, iii, 116, 121 Shawfield 121 Shaw Lane I2r, 136 Shelton Oak 192 Shields See Arms Shifnal 2, 7, 19, 124, 142, 212 Shireford, Robert de 19 Shottesbrook 36, 38 Shrewsbury 49, 52, 74 „ Abbey 10, iii Battle of 38 ,, Earls of (see Talbots) ... 45, 47,48, 51, 216 „ Great Earl 51 "Sir" 54 Sir Hugo 147 SkefBngton, Cecilia 88 „ Johanna 88 „ John 86 „ Sir William 88 William 86 Tablets 85 Skinner, Mr 173 Skot Thos 215 Slaney, Elizabeth 94 Slabs 27,28,63,200 Small Ore's Bank 140 Smith, Robert the ■ or Lefevre) 212 Smith, William and Joan, The 213 Smith, Fulk 213 Smythe, William 169 Smythe, Sir E 169 Somerset, Lord Protector 115 Southall, Wm 19 Souling 152 Sow and Pigs 142 Speaker, The 37 Spernor, Spernores, Spermore 44 Spirit Lane 210 S.S., Collar of 40, 42, 58 Stained Glass 77 Staindrop Church 41 Stafford, Lady 131, 175, 17.7 Staflbrd, Edward, Baron 175, 176 „ Henry, Baron 176 „ Roger 17C Stamford, Dame Margaret 204 Page Stanley, Arabella, Marie, Alice and Priscilla 67 „ A. P., Dean 70,71 „ Frances 68, 72 „ George 72 „ Henry 67 „ Jane Strange de Knockyn 72 „ Lady Lucy (see Percy) 67 „ Margaret (see^ernon) ... 12, 64, 65. 217 „ Petronella 68 '„ Sir Edward ... 12,64,65,67,69, 70, 72, 80, 173, 217, 218 „ Sir Thomas.. 2, 12, 65, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72 „ Strange, Lord 72 „ Thomas (son of Sir Edward) 68, 152 „ Tomb 64,70,174,175,226 Venetia, Lady Digby... 68, 69, 72, 166, 171, 172, 173, 174 Staple, Sir John 225 Stevenson, W 151 Steventon, Thomas 216 Stinking Lake 210 Stocks 151 Stokesay 52 Stone Cross 144 Stones, Robert 133 Stoneyford 7 Storm, &c 164 Strange, John Lord 72 Stratford 189 Streetway 141 Stubbs, Mr 188 Sudbury 52 Sundial 105, 151 Swilcar Oak 190 Swan, Walter 19 Swynfen, Jocosa 44 „ Margaret (see Vernon) 44 ,, William 44 Tailor, Nichol the 152,212 Talbot, the great Earl (Shrewsbury and Talbot) 48,51 Talbot, John, 2nd Earl 47.51 „ Lady Anne 47 Sir Gilbert 51 „ Sir John 51 Tanat, Morris 17 Tavlebois, Margaret, daughter of Sir 'Gilbert 59 Taylor, William 107 Teck, H.R.H. the Duchess of ... loi, 180, 192 Temple, the i8g Tetherton, James 140,151 Thanes 7. 8 Thonglands 3> 7 Thoresby 81, 82 Thorneycroft, Major 153 Thorpe, Sir E. de 41 Thursfield, Rev. R. P 191 Tibshelf i97 Tiles, Old 56.84,200 Tilton 174, 175 Timlct Bridge 133, 142, 144 „ Hollowav 11.144 „ Site for Mill 12 Tithe Barn I37 .. Pig 138 Token 142 Tomb destroyed 34 Index — continued. 235 Page Tong, Tuange, Twanga, Thonk, Tugge, Thonge name of 2, 5, 7, 11 Tong Castle (see Castle) 5, 49. 79, 82, 83, 84, 90, 91, 27, 153, 170, 171, 174, 189 „ Lake 128, 144, 148 ,, Norton 7, 11, 105, 107, 124, 183 ,. Park House 144 " Tony-fire the Fagot " 131 Tortworth 190 Tostig 8 Tournament 14S, 149 Tournay 59 Trees Famous 190, 192 Troutbek's Heire 51 Trussel, \fargaret 32, 38 Trussel, Sir William 32, 36, 39 Trusseley 216 Trusty Dick 179, 181 Tumulus 105 Turner, Alice 151 Tutbury 190 Twickenham Park 16 Twiss 152 Upton 14 Urn 158 Vauxliall Cottage 159 Vernon 33. 34, 38, 39, 45, 46, 49. 52, IS2 „ Alice, daughter of John Ludlow... 63 Arthur 19. 51. 53. 54- 55. ••!22 „ Benedicta (wife of Speaker)37,38,4i,43 „ Chantry See Golden Chapel „ Dorothy le, 71, 177, 217 „ Edward and Margaret 63, 64 „ George (of Hodnet) 63,177,216 „ Henry 64 „ Humphrey 42, §1, 63 „ Lady Anne 47, 50 „ Lord 64, loi „ Margaret. Abbess of West Slalling 52, 61, 201 ,, Margaret (wife of Sir Thos. Stanley) 12, 64. 65. 67, 72, 177 „ Margaret (daughter of Sir Robert Dymoke) 57. 5^ „ Margaret (wife of Sir George Vernon) 59. 70, n „ Margaret (Swynfen), wife of Sir Wm 43,44.45 „ Mary 52 „ Mawde (2nd wife of Sir Geo. Vernon) 59, 217 „ Richard (father of Speaker) 34,43 112, 217 „ Richard. Esq. ... 12, 37, 39, 51, 58, 85 „ Sir Arthur 19, 53, 54, 55, 57, 223 „ Sir Edward ._ 65 „ Sir George 12,59,63,65,67 „ Sir Harry ... 12, 46, 47, 49, 53, 54, 36, 57. 63, 90, 100, 202, 216, 224, 225 „ Sir John (of Sudbury) ... 64.216, 223 „ Sir Richard 12.34,35,37.39, 41. 52. 54, 58 112, 214, 2:5, 216, 218 „ Sir Thomas 63.65 „ Sir William 12,43,45146 „ Thomas (of Houndshill) 63 „ Thomas (of Stokesay) 52 Vestment 97-98 20"^ Vestry 95.98 " Vigil of Arms " 58 Vivary :. 11 Vortigern 3, 4, 5 Page Waddingham 137 Waddington M. de 192 Wagstaffe Thos 222 Wales. Princes of 17,18 Walk, Dorothy Vernon's 71 Walking the Boundaries 134, 135, n6 Wall, Ellinor 80 Wall, Manor of 44 Walsall 225 Walter, Herbert 194 Waltham or Walthamstow 68 Walton, Thos. de 214 Warde.Johnle 28,212,21^ Warde, Richard 19 Wardens 19,112,116,117,123,223 Watchman 128, 129 Water Tilting 140 Water Mill n Watling Street 7, 141 Wedges 150 Wells 136,140,210 Weld (sometimes Wyld), Edward 169 Wellington Forest 195 Wellington, Sir Roger, vicar of 2:6 Wemme 36 Wenlock, Thomas 142 West Mailing 52 Weston-under-Lizard ... ig, 30, 49, 124, 128, 195, 214 Church 88, 216 I. ,, ,, Park i3, 132, 140, 173. 189 Weston, De I3, '95, 198,210 Whalebones 158 White Ladies ... 12, 56, 86, 87, 88 98, 139, 145, 147, 179, 189. 194, 200, 203, 209, 218, 219, 220, 221 "Close" 139 White Oak 137, 139, 189, 204 White, Winifred 200 'tVhitgrave, Mr 180, 190, 199 White Sitch 196 Whytemore. John de la 196 Whyston, Sir Nicholas de 39 Wiche, Dame , 92 Wigmore 11, 45 Wilbrahams 13 Wilkes, John 136 William 1 9,43 William (Parson of Tong) 19 Willoughby, Lord 81 ., Hon. Henry 79 Wilmot, Lord 89 Wilson, C. T 19 Windmill or Windrills 141 Witnesses to deeds, and other persons not immediately connected with Tong 2i6, 218, 219, 222, 223 Woburn 190 Winwick 6J. 71 Wixstone, Wm 213 Wolsey, Cardinal 203 Wombridge 130, 217 Woodlands 141, 189 Woodshawt T 100 Wool 150 Woolrich, James 19.115,116 WooUey 151 Worcester. Battle of 89,178 Worsley. Sir Thomas 16 Wren, Sir Christopher ., 159 236 Index — continued. Page Wright, Mrs 173 Wright, Mr 202 Wrottesley 210, 216 Wylde, Ann (n^e Harries) 12, 79, 80, 81, 158 „ Edmund 80 „ or Weld, John, senior 12 „ John, junior 12,80 Wysston, Roger 223 Yate, Yates, or Gate 132, 152, 203, 210, 212 Yeanies, Mr. R. A 168 Page York Parliament 12 York. Duchess of, H.R.H 101,192 Ysabel of Pattingham, Lady 210 Zetland Countess of 15 Zouche La 2, 10, 11, 32, 198 „ „ Alan 10,11,145 „ „ Alice II „ „ Roger II, 146 „ „ William 10 „ „ Elizabeth 197 •I >• I* Prosperity be tl^g page ! — Shakespeare, Cymheline. (Eonfitiing, speetj i^tn, on life's benttirous tong ; 2rf)o sails arc set — tf)g launcf) tije first of ilKag. Queen Katherine : ^fter mg beatf) JI to is!) no otfjer fjeralb, ^a otfjer speaker of mo libing actions, Ea iteep mine fjonour from corruption But sucf) an honest ctroniclcr as ffiriffitfj. — Shakesi>eare. THEBE[£^LHOTEk -^ Tonsra-. #- ® A Comfortable Country Hotel, ^ . .^^ with Good Stabling. Special arrangctitMits can be matie faitf) large parties requirmrj Dinners or (ICeas. Only a Few Minutes' Walk from Tong Church. ® Proprietor: MAURICE DAVIES, BRADFORD ARMS, IVETSEY BANK. Proprietress— MARY CARPEWDALE. GOOD WINES AND SPIRITS. Sccommotjation for ffi^gclists, Pic^nfc parties, QTourtsts, Sec. Tennis Ground. Capital Stabling. Postal Address— IVETSEY BANK, STKETTON, Telegraph Coffee— WESTON-trNDER-LlZARD. t'T* a -nT^/^nrs XT c 1 1 , ^ o 1 A r r (J K U , No Sunday 1 ost. The Nearest Hotel to Boscobel and the Royal Oalc. The COALBROOKDALE COMPANY, LIMITED, Coaibrookdale Ironworks, (^ SHROPSHIRE. Wrought d Cast Iron Work, and General Ironfounders. SPECIALITES : Entrance Gates, Pnlisadiny, Balconies, Oartlen Seats, Fountains, Monumental Erections, Grates, Stoves, Cooking Ranges, Sugar Fans, and Colonial Articles generally. Steam Engines, Steam Pumps, Bflillwright Work. BEST BROSELEY ROOFING TILES. Fire Brick Goods. ADDRESSJ WORKS: COALBROOKDALE, R.S 0,. SHROPSHIRE. LONDON SHOW ROOMS: 1, VICTORIA EMBANKMENT. BLACKFRIARS, E.G. The Railway Passengers Assurance Co., GRANT POLICIES OF ASSURANCE AGAINST ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS, ■ AT VSRY MODERA.TS PREMIUMS. It was established in 1849, and empowered by Special Act of Parliament. It has a large Sahscribf.d Capital, and Invested Reserve Fund as a ijuarantee to its Insurers. Chairman: RIGHT HON. EVELYN ASHLEY. It has already paid in compensation for Injury or Death caused by Accident of every description, nearly £3,350,000 STERLING. Application to be made to the Clerks at all Railway Stations, or to IF. D. MASSY) ., , . Head Office, 64, CoRNHiLL. A, r 1A.\ j Agent for Shifnal— Mr. JAMES COX. Telegi^ams: GNOSALL. Station; NEWPORT. WILLIAM STAGEY, Merchant, Contractor, = = = = and Builder, ORSLOW, NEWPORT, SALOP. <37^RXS, W^T^GGONS, ETC. Made and Repaired. ESTIMATES GIVEN. [A Card]. EdWd, (Griffith?, Jun, F|.I,, LAND & TIHBER VALUER . K:n.ockin, Oswestry. Agent for the Yorkshire Fire & Life i Insurance Co. The Imperial Live Stock Insurance Co. LIVE STOCK {PEDIGREE) SELECTED FOR EXPORT OR OTHERWISE. W. B. DAWSON, station Carriage Works, (P NEWPORT. SALOP. CARRIAGES OF THE MOST ELEGANT DESCRIPTION, INCLUDING — LANDAUS, BROUGHAMS, VICTORIAS, Reversible Waggonettes, T Carts, Dog Carts, Gigs, &c. All Carriages are fitted with latest improvements, perfecftion of finish, and durabihty guaranteed, proofs of which are given by continued increase of business, with highest references and testimonials. Inspection invited of Carriages in process of Manufacture. A COUNTY SPECIALITY!! An excellent Liqueur, guaranteed to be made from the finest old Spirit and selected FruiLs, SHROPSHIRE LIQUEUR has been supplied to the Lord Lieutenant of the County, some of the leading M. F. H.'s in England, &c., as well as to various connoiseurs in France, Sweden, &c. It will be found of great advantage as a pleasant Tonic, and is exceedingly suitable for Sporting Flasks, and as an after dinner liqueur. Manufactured exclusively by T. SOUTHAM & SONS, E AND Spirit Importers, SHREWSBURY. Jerningham Anns Hotel SHIFNAL. g©^>IERGl'AL P-Ailllit, & P0STIiJ0 ^©BSE. Conveyances meet Trains at Five minutes notice. 3i^ miles from « — ^li^Tong Cliurch — ^U— « Catering for Luncheons, Dinners, Parties, &c. HEAD QUARTERS OF CYCLISTS TOURING CLUB. MRS. KENT, Proprietress. Telegraphic Address—" JERNINGHAM." BENNION & SON, Book?:e:lle:p^, Stationep^, 4e. , J^ewpopt, Salop. GOLF ! GOLF ! ! GOLF ! ! ! At makers' prices. Bennion & Son beg to call attention to their Selection of Golf Clubs: — SPECIAL LADIES GOLF CLUBS. LEFT-HANDED CLUBS Always in Stock. GOLF BA'LLS : " Silvertown," 12/- per dozen. Made up Balls, 6/. per dozen. Repairs done by competent men same day. Old Golf Balls made equal to new. Price List sent on Application, ALL REPAIRS IN FISHING TACKLE. Trout and Grayling Flies Tied to Pattern on shortest notice. TENNIS, CRKJKET, FOOTBALL, AND ALL MATERIALS FOR OUT-DOOR GAMES KEPT IN STOCK. Postal Orders promptly attended to. BENNION 8z SON, NHWPOI^T, S.\LOP. JX DNITT & NAUNTON. J^u5li8^erg' aqd j^rir|fer2; SHREWSBURY. Publishers of the Garrisons of ShropsMre, demy 4to. Castles and Old Mansions of Shropshire, demy 4to. Gou^h's History of Myddle, demy 4to. History Shrewsbury School, demy 4to. Walcott's Abbeys of Shropshire, demy 4to. He^ister Shrewsbury School, 1562—1635, demy 8vo. History Free Masonry in Shropshire, demy 8vo. Word Book, Shropshire, deHiy 8vo. Folk Lore, Shropshire, demy 8vo. Shropshire Archasologicai Society Transactions, demy 8vo. And many other Local Works. COPIES OF MOST OF THE ABOVE MAY BE OBTAINED. f® WltLIftM Howe. 6, Chester Street, SHREWSBURY, BUILDER OF '»-^ *V * > CARTS, WAGGONS, LORRY S, FLOATS, dc. CONTRACTOR FOR Galvanized Iron Dutch Barns, Covered Yards, dc. MAKER OF Iron Hurdles, Continuous IroM Fencing, and all kinds of Iron Work. W.H. has the largest and best Stock of IMPLEMFNTS A Mr. MACHINES for the Farm. Garden, and Dairy, in the Midlands, Special Discount for Cash. Illustrated Lists Free. WiLiLxiT^M Howe, 6, Chester Street, SHREWSBURY. STAMP OFFICE, SHIFJ^Ak RICHARD LOWE, Machine printer, bookseller, ^Stationer, BOOKBINDER, Patent Medicine Vendor, &c., &c. Agent for Horniman's Pure Tea, The Singer Sewing Machines, ^c., &-c. The London and Provincial New^spapers, Magazines, and Periodicals, Regularly supplied to order, and delivered in all parts of the town (daily) immediately on their arrival at 10-30 a.m. Advertisements Received for all Newspapers, &c. Sole Agent in Shifnal and Neighbourhood for LIPTON'S TEAS AND COFFEES. RICHARD LOWE, Stationer, Market Place, Shifnal. W. BOWDLER & CO., General Builders and Contractors, St. Julian's Friars, 9g^ -1^ SHREWSBURY. (p_ -y.i:; .\-UninaticaIly where the supply is limited and insufficient to keep them in constant operation. MASSEY'S "DOWNTON" WHEEL Is specially designed for Low Falls, from six inches, and adapted for Working Pumps for the Supply of Water to Towns, Villages, Mansions, and Farmsteads ; also for Irrigation. Experienced Meu sent to any part of tlae Country to measure Streams, take Levels, &c., in view of estimating for tixiu-; either Hydraulic iiams and Pipes, or "Downton" Wlieels aud Pumps. THE "J^ewpopt 4 Mapket Dpa^ton 7^3.vepti^e:p, Pabli.ilied on Saturdai/. ^1^ "gtone: 4 Eeele^Ball i^avepti^ep," Puulislied oil Friday Niyht, for Saturday, These Papers have an extensive circulation throughout Shropshire, Staffordshire, and Cheshire, comprising a rich and prosperous district — Agricultural, Mining, and Commercial in its character. Advertisements intended for this Paper must be received not later than Friday Morning, ■>Z - H~ H -H- HORNE & BENNION, Neivpqrt, Market Drayton^ and Stone. HORNE & BENNION, Newport and Market Drayton, Shropshire ; and Stone, Staffs. ^-^x^s^ ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF Pliftll] ^ gObOU!{ED LETTBI{-P^E2S -ge- PRINTING. •&§- EMPIRE AND LIBERTY. PEACE WITH HONOUR. PRIEQl^OgE )l^- LEMUR — -^n^ — WESTON HABITATION, No. 854. — -^n^ — Dame President: THE COUNTESS OF i. RADFORD. COUNCIL- The lady MABEL KENYON-SLANEY. Mrs. BRISCOE, Chillington Hall. Mrs. GIFFARD, Pendryl Hall. Mrs. H. p. SMITH, Tong. Mrs. H. TOMLINSON, Wheaton Aston. The Rev. ERNEST BRIDGEMAN, Blymhill. Miss MONCKTON, Brewood Hall. Miss HARTLEY, Tong Castle. Mrs. VAUGHAN, Lapley. Mrs. ward, Rodbaston Hall. F. MONCKTON, Esq., Stretton. The Rev. A. TALBOT, Church Eaton. Mr. GEORGE GRIFFITHS, Weston-under-Lizard, Hon. Sec. and Treasurer. THE Terms of Subscription to Weston Habitation are — 1/6 entrance fee and 2/6 annual tribute for each Knight or Dame — badge or brooch, 2/ — and Id. annual tribute for each Associate — badge, 3d., or brooch, 4d. There is no entrance fee for Associates. The Tributes are receivable yearly, between January 1st, and April 19th (Primrose Day), the anniversary of the late Lord liEAcoNSFiiiLD's death. The badges and brooches are intended to be worn on every public occasion. The Habitation has aboat i,8oo Members. 687 r:^ V ■^ c ^,^' -%^<^. .^^ -"t. 9 1 A - .-^ \v ,s-,^ •>. * v\' •x'^ ■<-/^X •\' oV X" ,'^ .# ,^ ^-1 "-^^ y^' ^^ vr" S' .5^- ^ ' -^:^ ^ .<^^ ' .x^^' >■ ./•, ^^A >^' ^' -:>. o"^ N^