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(^ '.-;. <{> * o » o o V V \^ » , 1 » .0 O -^^ " <^ .^ .A '^. « ^d^c^c^^'-yi ^::/_l2<^-z^7i HISTORY OF THE Lent (van Lent) Family IN THE UNITED STATES GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL From the Time they Left their Native Soil in Holland 1638 - 1902 By NELSON BURTON LENT, NEWBURGH, N. Y. ' Newburgh Journal Printing House and Book-Bindery, Cor. Smith and Third Streets, 1903. COPY 8, Entered according to Act of Con?res9 In the year 1901. by Nelson Burton Lent. In the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. C. All rights reserved. PREFACE. C^ S time rolls on changes take place that we never dreamed of. To- ^^ day family history and tradition are the prevailing topics. Realiz- ing the family of Lents to be a large and patriotic one, the author and publisher of this work attempted to collect information on the Lent family. After about seven years or more of hard work, entailing a large expense collecting the necessary information — both biographical and genealogical — to warrant the publication of a work of this kind, it is now submitted to the reader for his criticism. The family is one of the most widely extended in the United States. This fact made the preparation of the work very difficult. This being the first Lent family history ever got- ten up, made it a still greater undertaking, but " where there's a will there's a way." So after working diligently and energetically, tired often, dis- couraged at times, we kept at it. Finally the information came in rapidly, and this gave us new vigor, and at last we came off victor. Several persons had undertaken to publish a book of the Lent Family, but after a time they gave it up. It was too hard an undertaking — the work covering the very long period of two hundred and sixty-five years. As we perused the time-worn leaves from the old records, an impres- sion was left upon our minds that can never be forgotten. To know the hand that rocked the cradle of our ancestors, handled the pen that wrote the signature some two hundred years ago ! Some of the names in Dutch had to be interpreted, while others were clear and plain in English. If our forefathers could but arise from their long slumbering places of abode, and know the great multitude that have lived since their time, they would be amazed. The name was originally " Ryck Abrahamson," who took the name of " van Lent." The van signifying of or from the land of Lent in Holland. 4 The Lent Family This name van Lent was retained by some of the family until the last cen- tury, when it was finally dropped, and they used the plain name " Lent." We find also one or two who spell their name with the final *' e" — Lente. The letter was placed there for reasons not known. The last and only one who spells his name " Lente " is the Rev. James Rapelye Lente, a retired Protestant Dutch Reformed minister residing at Washingtonville, N. Y. There may be errors in the book, but we trust not many, as we have been very careful to have it as accurate as possible. If errors are found we wish you would send them to the publisher, so that he can make a record of them, in case he should issue another edition. We trust the book will get into the hands of all the family of Lents, especially here represented, as we think it will be invaluable to them in the way of making known their family lines, &c. Outside of the Lent family we wish to thank Mr. E. M. Ruttenber, the historian ; Mr. Samuel Ritchie, Mr. Frank S. Hull, Mr. Hiram Lozier and Darwin W. Esmond, Esq., of Newburgh, N. Y., and Rev. Mr. Force, of Montrose, N. Y., and Franklin Couch, Esq., of Peekskill, N. Y., for valu- able assistance given us. To you, one and all of the family, we are indebted for the valuable as- sistance rendered in the compilation of this work, and my kindliest thanks are extended. NELSON BURTON LENT. Newburgh, N. Y., May i, 1903. THE LENT FAMILY. --^^*<^ CAPTAIN JACOB SIMONS De RYCK, a wealthy corn merchant of Amsterdam, Holland, was the sen of Melchoir de Ryck. His father, Jacob de Ryck, was the father of Abraham de Ryck, who emigrated to the United States in the year 1638. He received in that year an allotment of land from Governor Kieft, for which he afterwards took out a patent, dated August 8, 1640. He died in 1689, leaving his farm by will to his son Abraham. He married Gertie, daughter of Hendrick Hermansen. Children : 1. Ryck Abrahamson, born in 1637. 2. Jacob, born in 1640. Died la infancy. 3. Jacob, born in 1643, assisted his brothers in the purchase of " Ryck's Patent," now part of Cortlandtown, Westchester County, N. V. 4. Hendrick, born in 1646. Died in infancy. 5. Mary, bom in 1649, m. Sybout H. Krankheyt, of the Manor of Courtlandt. 6. John, born in 1651. Married Margaret, dau. Jacobus Krankheyt. 7. Aletta, born in 1653, m. Capt. John Harmansen, of the Manor of Courtlandt. 8. Abraham, born in 1655. Died about 1690. 9. Hendrick, born 1662, m. Catharina \/i*r^\ Because of some connection with an old noble family of Brunswick, bearing the name of " Lent," or perhaps, some portion of their family had resided in a place called " Lent " in Holland, it is said, the same was adopted (quite custom- ary in those days), is a probable reason, as in old records it is found written " Hendrick van Lent," &c. The Dutch " van" signifying "0/" or "from." Riker, in his "Annals of Newtown," says : "This family is of common origin, (descendants from one family), with the preceding one being descended from Ryck and Hendrick, the eldest and youngest sons of Abraham Rycken, who, for some reason not clearly ascertained, removed their own cognomen, and assumed that of " Lent." And there is also reason for the belief, that it was their mater- >i 6 The Lent Family nal grandfather who came from Lent, and that he is the person intended in a letter to Governor Stuyvesant in 1654, from his superiors in Holland, where allu- sion is made to one " Hendrick Hermansen van Lent," a soldier sent to Curacoa, but who was not to be found there. A tradition exists, that their ancestors located at a very early period, at what was called the " Poor Bowery," (Bouwerij, Dutch farm) and purchased from the natives a large tract of land at that place. That having previously been an armourer in the Dutch service, he was accustomed to forge tomahawks for the Indians around about him, but that on a certain occasion, the savages, under a sudden ex- citement, assaulted him and one of them gave him a fatal blow, and terminated his life with one of the very instruments of death that he had made for him ; that after this his widow re-married and the property was disposed of to the Dutch Church. Hendrick Hermansen, the original proprietor of the farm mentioned, had a daughter and she married Abraham Rycken. Again it is said, the Rikers or Ryck's-Lents and Krankheyts were of common origin in Germany, and located at a very remote period in Lower Saxony, where they enjoyed a state of allodial independence, at that day regarded as constituting nobility. They there possessed the estate or Manor of Rycken, from which they took their name then written "van Rycken," indicating its terminal derivation. " Hans van Rycken, the Lord of the Manor and a valiant Knight, with his cou- sin, Melchoir van Rycken, who Hved in Holland, took part in the first crusade to the Holy Land in 1096, heading eight hundred crusaders in the army of ' Walter the Penniless.'" Melchoir Hved to return, but Hans perished in that ill-fated expedition. In time the descendants of Melchoir van Rycken extended them- selves from Holland to the region of the Rhine and into Switzerland. A tradition, which has been handed down from generation to generation by the Lents, as true, is as follows : " The ship left Amsterdam, Holland, May, 1640, and arrived at New Amsterdam (New York), August, 1640. Peekskill, when first known to the Dutch, was inhabited by a tribe or clan of Delaware or Lenape Indians, and they called the place " Sachoes." The Dutch first called the place " Peak's-kill," from one of their early navigators, Jan Peak, who with his vessel was on his way to join the upper settlement. Fort Orange (Albany), and mistaking the channel ran his vessel on a sand-bar at a very high tide. That when the tide fell away the ship was almost on dry land, and it was impossible to The Lent Family 7 get the vessel off without discharging the cargo. This they feared to do on ac- count of the Indians who came around the vessel in their canoes in large num- bers, but appeared to be very peaceable and not disposed to do any harm. They brought with them many things to eat, and by signs offered them to those on board the vessel, and very soon a trade was begun by both parties. Soon by signs which appeared friendly, two from the vessel's company volunteered to go on shore, the Indians coming around them in great numbers. One or two who had been out to the vessel, presented them to their chief, who with great dignity received them very kindly. When the boat returned to the vessel the Indians al- most loaded the boat with such as they themselves had to eat. Thus a friendship was established between the Dutch and the Indians, which looked to all coming time, and by the assistance of the Indians the Dutch moved their goods on shore and began the settlement of the place. The place was Roe-ya-hook, and the Indian village was on and near the land now occupied as a military parade ground, known as the " State Camp." It was there the white man first placed his feet and on that ground the settlement began and in perfect peace with the Indians. By the help of the Indians they began to build themselves houses, and were always careful to deal justly, truthfully and honestly with the Indians, giving them an equivalent for their services rendered. The Dutch soon learned the Indian language and the settlement increased. The Indians proposed to sell the Dutch a tract of land especially for the use of the settlement, and July lo, 1641, a council was held and the chiefs of other clan united and an agreement was made and the boundary of the land designated. It lay east of Annsville Creek, taking the land east and south of where Peekskill is located. April, 1643, the Dutch paid for their land in goods as follows : 8 guns, 9 blankets, 5 coats, 14 fathoms of daffel cloth, 14 kettles, 40 fathoms of black cloth, 40 fathoms of white wampum cloth, 2 anchors of rum, 5 half vats of strong beer, 6 earthen jugs, 12 shirts, 50 pounds of powder, 30 bars of lead, 18 hatchets, 18 hoes, 14 knives, i small coat, 6 fathoms of strong water cloth, 6 pairs of stock- ings and 6 tobacco boxes. For the above the Indians sold them seven thousand two hundred acres of land, and on this land the Dutch lived in peace and harmony with the Indians. Richard Abrahamson afterwards took the name of " van Lent," and became the principal owner of this vast tract of land— eighteen hundred acres. The family became numerous in this vicinity, and from here they went out and settled 8 The Lent Family throughout the country and even into Canada and Nova Scotia. The Lents at this period were in the midst of the red men of the forest, and wars were waged on all sides by the Indians, the French and afterwards with Great Britain. It is very evident that they Hved friendly with their surrounding natives, as no records are found that any trouble ever arose between them. In after years the title of this land was made good to the settlement by the government of England, giving a charter grant and patent which was called Ryck's Patent, (Richard Patent in Dutch), so called after Richard Abrahamsen, the prin- cipal patentee, who later assumed the English name of " Lent." Substantially the tract passed to Hercules Lent, Richard's son, about 1730. Three hundred ^ acres of this land fronting on the inner and upper part of Peekskill Bay, was deeded < to Jacobus De Kay, April 25th, for the value of 400 guilders, which ultimately be- ^ came the property of John Kronkhyte, the ancestor of the Cronkhites. Ryck's '^ Patent remained a separate political division for representation in the Assembly until divided into township by the New York State Act of 1788. After many years there came a time for a division of this land, and Hercules Lent (no) purchased eighteen hundred acres of this land, paying ^^150 ($750), on which this branch of the Lent family have lived from the first settlement down to the prenent time, dividing and dividing until there is left but sixteen acres oc- cupied by Harlan Luther Lent, a great-great-grandchild. This property has never been out of the ownership of the family. I. RYCK (RICHARD) ABRAHAMSON van LENT, born in New Amster- dam (New York City) in 1637, and was christened in the old Dutch Church in the Fort, now the Battery, was the eldest son of Abram Rycken, and adopted the name of " van Lent." He married (Tryntje) Catrina, daughter of Harck Sybout- sen. They became the early members of the old Dutch Church (Sleepy Hollow) at Tarrytown, N. Y. Children : 10. Elizabeth, born 1672, m. Thomas Heyert (Hyatt). 11. Abraham, born March 10, 1674. Died February 5, 1746. 12. Ryck, born 1678. Died 13. Harck (Hercules), born 1681. Died in 1766. 14. Margaret, born about 1683, m. Thomas Bensen. 15. Katharine, born about 1685, m. Joseph Jones. Ryck (Richard) van Lent, with his two brothers, Jacob and Hendrick, settled in the Manor of Courtlandt, and became sole owners of Ryck's Patent. This •9 The Lent Family 9 Patent passed by purchase to Hercules Van Lent (13), as appears by a certain release, the first bearing date April 20, 1715 : " Whereas, Jacob Abramsen, of ye Upper Yonkers, one of the original patentees, for the consideration of ^150, con- firms Hercules van Lent, yeomanry, in all his right, title and interest in ye pat- ent, called ' Ryck Abramsen's Patent.'" He was an Elder in the Dutch (Sleepy Hollow) Church, at Tarrytown, N. Y., and was very much respected. Ryck's (Richard) Patent covered a large partion of the northern half of the Town of Cortlandt, between Verplanck's Point and Peekskill Creek, purchased by Richard Abrahamson, Jacob Abrahamson, Teunis De Kay, Sybout Harche, Jacob Harche and Samuel De Kay, of New York, from the * Sachoes Indians, through , Lieutenant-Governor Thomas Dongan, in the reign of King James II, in 1684. The Indian " village " of this tribe was located at the southernmost part of the present site of the beautiful city of Peekskill, Westchester County, N, Y,, and commonly known as "Lent's Flats." The Chief of this tribe in the year 1682, was " Sirham," Southwest of this at Verplanck's Point, were the Meahagh In- dians, and still further south bordering on the Croton River, were the Kitchiwangs, and it is said that they were all great hunters and fishermen. North of this was the sub-tribe, from which this land-grant of 1,800 acres is a portion of the 7,200 acres purchased from these Indians in 1641, A private road passing through this property from the old Post Road on the south, running in a northeasterly direction at a point that is now Washington Street, was the scene of several incidents in connection with the Revolutionary * Sachus, Sachoes and Sackonck, are given as names of Peekskill (correctly Peake's- kil), and Magregaries as the name of the stream, though it actually belongs to a stream south of Peekskill, as per map of 1776. Sachus and Sachoes are equivalent, and are of record as the name of a resident sachem, meaning " black kettle " from Suckeu " black " and hoos, " kettle." Magrigaries is an orthography of Macgreory's, from Hugh Mac- gregory or MacGregorie, the holder of patented lands subsequently included in Van Courtlandt's Manor. The Indian name of the stream is noted in deed of 1695, " called by the Indians Paquintuk, and by the Christians Jan Peake's Creek." Paquintuk is an equivalent of Pokqueuntuk, and described "a broad, open place in a tidal river or estuary." Presumably Peekskill Bay. Sackonck is not the same as Sachoes, or Sach- us. The first word is from the same root Suckeu, "black," but the second, Onck, stands for "land or place" — Suck'iaug, Suckiauke, Suck'onck. The clan or Indian family in occupation here were known as the " Kitchawongs,"a name written in several orthographies, which was given them from the name of Croton River, at some point east of the Hudson. It describes " strong or rapid water," and is usually met in appli- cation to streams which rise in the highlands and flow down rapidly descending slopes. The final " j " in the name is an European plural and does not belong to the original. Its general meaning is "people " or " tribe." — E. M. Ruttenbbr. lo The Lent Family War. This road was a short cut toward Yorktown, and was used by the British frequently. It is said that on one occasion the " Red Coats " were in hot pursuit of the Continental soldiers, and the Americans thinking that they would be cap- tured, turned in this road and with their wagons drawn by oxen, drove into a pond of water at the west called " Lents' Pond," and threw their baggage, trunks, &c., into this pond. On another occasion the British were after the Americans up this road, and when at the top of the hill going toward the woods, and about where the present Washington Street crosses, the " Red Coats " were at their heels, and one of the " Johnnies " on his horse, struck at one of the American soldiers with his sword, just glanced his head and cut off one of the buttons from his coat, but thinking that the Americans were in large numbers a short distance in the woods, retreated. Many other incidents are told by the older Lents who have passed on the " other side," to whom the author used to listen with deep interest, and they were delighted in relating them. This road passed through a portion of the property of Louis Lent and Hercules Lent, brothers, in 1856. At present there is very little of it observable — all closed up. Harlan Luther Lent, son of Hercules Lent, oc- cupies a small portion of the original Patent, and has an outlet on Washington Street. RYCK'S PATENT. The following is copied from the original on sheepskin 19 x 24 inches: " THOMAS DONGAN, Lieut. Governor and vice Admiral! of New Yorke, and its Dependencyes, under his Majesty JAMES the second, by the Grace of God, of England, Scottland, France and Ireland, King, defender of the faith, and Supream Lord and pro- prietor of the Colony and Province of New Yorke and its dependencyes in America, and to all whom this shall come SENDETH GREETING, WHEREAS, Teunis De- Kay, Richard Abrahamson, Jacob Abrams, Sybout Harche, Jacob Harche, and Samuel DeKay, all of the Citty of New Yorke, have by virtue of my order or lycense bearing date the sixth day of March, Anno Dom, one thousand six hundred eighty-four and five, according to the law and practice of the said Provmce, for a valuable consideration pur- chased of the natives and Indian owners, their right, title, interest, clayme and demand of, in and to all that certain tract or parcell of land hereinafter mentioned and express- ed for their owne proper uses, and behofes, as by the Indian deed of sale thereof bear- ing date the twenty-first day of April. Anno Dom, one thousand six hundred eighty- five, remaineing upon record in the Secretary's office of the said Province may more fully and att large appearr, AND whereas, Samuel DeKay, one of the purchasers, is since deceased, and Jacobus DeKay, his father, hath since his decease, desired that his RYCK'S PATENT, I684-FACE. RYCK'S PATENT, 1684-BACK. The Lent Family i t said purchase and share may be confirmed unto his grand-soune Jacob DeKay. to him, his heirs, and assigns forever, NOW KNOW YE, that by virtue of my Commission and authority, derived unto me and power in me receiving in consideration of the quitt rent hereinafter received, I have given, granted, rattified, and confirmed, and by these presents, doe give, grant, rattifie, and confirme, unto the said Tennis DeKay, Richard Abrahamson, Jacob Abrahamson, Sybout Harche and Jacob Harche, Jacobus DeKay, Junior, All that certain tract or parcel of Land scituate, lyeing and being on Hudson River att a certaine place called by the Indians Sachus, and stretching by the north side of Stephanus Courtland his land up to the said River to another Creeke, and soo runs up said creeke in severall courses to a certain tree marked with Tr. And from the said marked tree southerly by marked trees all along to a marsh to another marked tree marked with Tr, west up to the aforesaid creeke which lyes by land Stephanus Courtland's land, including all the meadow, both fresh and salt, within the said bounds, containeing in all eighteen hundred acres or there- abouts, together with all and all manner of Rivers, Riveletts, Runns, Streams, Waters, Feedings, Pastures, Woods, Underwoods, Trees, Swamps, Moores, Marshes, meadows, easiements. Profits and commodityes. Fishing, Fowling, Hunting, and Hawking, And appurtenances whatsoever to the said tract, or parcell of land, with- in the bounds, and limitts aforesaid, belonging or in any wise appertaining, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said tract or parcell of land and all and singular other the prem- issers states the said Teunis DeKay, Richard Abrahamson, Jacob Abrams, Sybout Harche, Jacob Harche, and Jacobus DeKay, their heirs and assigns forever, to the sole and only proper use, benefitt and behoofs of them, the said Teunis DeKay, Richard Abrahamson, Jacob Abrahamson, Sybout Harche, Jacob Harche, and Jacobus DeKay, their heirs and assigns forever. To Be Holden in free and common soccage, according to the termes of East Grenwich m the County of Kent, in his Maj'ts Kingdome of Eng- land. Yielding, rendering and paying therefore every yeare for the use of our sover- eigne Lord the Kings Maj'tis, his heirs or successors, or such officer, or officers, as by him or they shall be appointed to receive the same, ten bushells x x of good Winter Marketable Wheate yearly on the five and twentyth day of March, att the City of New Yorke. And for the better preserving the sitte of the recited parcell of land and prem- issers I have caused this Patent to be entered in the Sec'ys Office of this Province. Given under my hand and Seales with the Scale of the Province att Fortt James, in New- Yorke, the 23d day of Decemb'r, Anno Dom, 1685. [seal] THOMAS DONGAN." Endorsed on the back is the following : " May it please ye'r Honor : " The Atturney Gen'l Hath perused this Patent, and finds nothing contained therein prejudicial to his Majesty's interest. "xndCen22, 1685. ' BA. GRAHAM, Atty." Among a large number of receipts of Hercules Lent and others on the back, is one plainly legible, as follows : " Rec'd of Hercules Lent twenty bushels of wheat for two years quitt rent for the within Tract in full to the 25th of March last. Witness my hand this 22d of May, 1729. "ARCH'D KENNEDY, Rec'r Gen'll." " Recorded in the Secretary's office for the Province of New Yorke in lib. No. i, Pages 145 to 148, this 27th day of December, 1685. J. SPRAIG, Libr." ii The Lent Family The Lents were very numerous in the Continental Army. They voluntarily took up arms and fought bravely to free themselves from the yoke of thralldom to Great Britain. Sir Henry Clinton said that he could neither " buy nor conquer these Dutchmen." This is true, as the proof has been evident in all the genera- tions past. They are and always have been a very devout, conscientious, loyal Christian class of people — they love the Word of God — it was their daily meat. II. ABRAHAM van LENT, born March lo, 1674, was the eldest son of Ryck (i) Abrahamson van Lent and his wife Catrina. He was a Deacon in the Dutch Church (Sleepy Hollow), at Tarrytown, N. Y., and retired August 28, 1724. He married Anna Catherine, daughter of Adolph Meyer, from Ulfen in Westholia, in 1698, (born, 1677), who settled in Harlem. She died July 21, 1762. Children : 16. Ryck, born in 1699. Died in 1732. 17. Jacob, born in 1701. Died 16. Adolph, born in 1703. Died 19. Isaac, born in 1705. Died 20. Abraham, born in 1707. Died 21. Catrina, born in 1710, married Elbert Herring, January 1, 1729. 22. Jacobus, born July 3, 1714. Died December 13, 1779. 23. Elizabeth, born in 1718, m. Jacob Brinckerhoff, (b. 1714). Died in 1758. 24. Maria, born in 1720, married John Rapalye. 25. Wyntie, born in 1722, married Jeromus Rapalye. 26. Ann, born in 1724, m. twice — ist, Maratie Ryder ; 2d, John Brinckerhoff for his 2d wife. After living a number of years in Westchester County, Mr. van Lent returned to Newtown, Long Island, in 1729, and took possession of a farm left him by his Uncle Jacobus Krankheyt, being at that time and forming the estate of Isaac Rapalye, deceased. Mr. van Lent was a leading member of the Dutch Church, and was on the building committee to build the church, on the 29th day of De- cember, 1731. They had subscribed ;i^2 7 5. 12s. for that purpose. The church was finished in 1735. ^^ ^'^° inherited from his father the following by will: " WHEREAS, I am entitled to a certain island in the Sound, called ' Judich's Island,' and a piece of land opposite on Nassaw Island, which is wrongfully de- tained from me. I leave it to my eldest son Abraham Lent." Mr. van Lent died February 5, 1746, and his widow, July 21, 1762, in her 86th year. 16. RYCK (RICHARD) LENT, born in 1699, and died in 1732, intes- tate. Letters of administration granted to his wife, CorneUa, April 18, 1732. The Lent Family 13 He resided at Eastchester, Westchester County, N. Y., was the son of Abraham and Anna Catherine van Lent. He married Cornelia, daughter of Johanna Waldron, of Haarlem, Holland, (born 1696), at the Dutch Church, in New York City, December 6, 1722. Children: 27. Abraham, born 1723. Died 1786. 28. John, (Johannes) born in 1725. "PjCttA-^ 29. Catherine, born in 1727, married John Deits. 30. Margaret, born in 1729, married Theodore Snedeker. 27. ABRAHAM LENT, born in 1723, was the son of Ryck and CorneHa van Lent. He married Anntje, daughter of Abraham Brinckerhoff, November 22, 1754. She was born 17:' 5, and was baptised at Jamaica, N. Y., July 17, 1721. (In R. D. Ch. R., p. 198), Died March 20, 1792. Children: 31. Abraham, Jr., born December 31, 1755. Died August 20, 1828. 32. Cornelia, born September 28, 1761, m. Isaac Lent, of Tuckahoe, West- chester County, N. Y. He was made a Captain of the Dutchess Co. Militia, 2d Regt., Col. Abraham Brinckerhoff. Afterwards made a Col. of an Orange Co. Regt., and letters in 1776, between the Provincial Congress and himself, are printed in the New York Arch- ives of the Revolution. He resigned from his regiment as Colonel, March 26, 1776, and the regiments, which had been commanded by Colonels Hawkes Hays and Abraham Lent, were consolidated May 28, 1778. The following are ex- tracts : " The first to respond to a call for volunteers to guard the river front was Col- onel Abraham Lent, son of Ryck Lent (16). James W. Lent, son of John and Ann Lent (28), was First Lieutentant of the First Company, March 12, 1776. " At a meeting of the freeholders and inhabitants of Orangetown and Province of New York, on Monday, the 4th day of July, 1774, at the house of Mr. Yoast Mabie, in said town, there were seven resolutions adopted. The third resolution was in regard to the acts of Parliament imposing duties upon this country, and the act for shutting up the Port of Boston, without declaring our abhorence of measures so unconstitutional and fraught with destruction. " By the 7th resolution Colonel Abraham Lent was made Chairman of a com- mittee of five for Orangetown, to correspond with the City of New York, and to conclude and agree upon such measures as they should judge necessary in order to obtain a repeal of said acts. "Abraham Lent was made Colonel December 22, 1775, of the First Regiment of Militia of Fort of Orangetown and Precinct of Orange, in Orange County, by the Provincial Congress for the Colony of New York. T4 The Lent Family " In Congress, 15 Ho. p. m., May 30, 1775, pursuant to adjournment, by res- olution * * * 'that the Militia of New York be armed and trained and in con- stant readiness to act at a moment's warning.' The order specified that Colonel Lent be one of the committee 'to report an arrangement of troops to be embody- ed for the defense of this Colony, and to report such rules and regulations as would be proper to be established by this Congress, for the government of said troops.' "Die Lunre, 4 Ho. p. m., March 18, 1776, a letter from Abraham Lent, Es- quire, Colonel of the Orangetown Regiment, bearing date the 17th inst.,was read and filed. He thereby states that he received the resolution and order of the Provincial Congress of the 13th inst., for sending a number of men from his regi- ment to New York. He thereby proposes to send a Captain and set of officers for a Minute Company, and requests an explanation of the order, which he ap- pears to have misunderstood. " A draft of an answer to Col. Lent was read and approved of and is in these words : ' Sir — We received yours of yesterday and have only to observe, that only a lieutenant's party was to be taken from your Regiment, and as for your Minute Men, we would remind you, that there can be no such thing, unless a company is regularly formed. Therefore, advise you to send down with all convenient speed the thirty-five men wrote for with a First Lieutenant and Ensign with non-com- missioned officers in the same proportion. We are, &c., " By Order of the Committee. "Col. Ab. Lent, Orange." "Lower Orangetown Regiment, First Lieut. James Lent — 35 men were draft- ed from Col. Lent's Regiment from Orange County, March 14, 1776." 31. LIEUT. ABRAHAM LENT, JR., born December 31, 1755, was the son of Abraham and Anntje van Lent (27). He died August 20, 1828. He was commissioned a First Lieutenant by Gov. Geo. CHnton, September 21, 1780, vice Abraham van Wyck, declined. Second Regiment, Rombout Precinct, He was appointed Brigade Major to Gen. Swartwout, by Gov. Gilbert Livingston, August, 1786. Mr. Lent was for many years associated with David Barkins in the mercantile business at Fishkill, Dutchess County, N. Y. He married Mar- garet, daughter of William Waldron, at Waldron Hall, First Avenue, between 88th and 89th Streets, New York City, January 10, 1779. She was born December I, 1749, and died January 4, 1807. Children: 33. Abraham BrinckerhoflE, bom September iS. 1779. Died Sep. 30, 1779. 34. Ann, born September 12, 1780, m. Abram Bogardus, Jan. 23, 1799. Had issue : five sons and four daughters. The Lent Family 15 35. Elizabeth Brinckerhoff, born December 22, 1782, m. Peter Ackerman, March 15, 1801. Had issue : eight sons and two daughters. 36. John A., born October 8, 1784. Died October 24, 1821. 37. Peter Waldron, born November g, 1786. Died 38. David Barkins, born May i, 1788. Died June 20, 1869. 39. Cornelia, born April 13, 1790, m. A. M. Shear. Had issue: four sons and one daughter. 40. Maria, born October 27, 1791, m. Rev. Cornelius Earle, January 16, 1812. Had issue : four sons and three daughters. The following is copy of papers in handwriting of Abraham Lent (31) : "August I, 1776, I 'listed as a private soldier (but did duty as clerk) in Col. Jacobus Swarthout's Regiment in Gen. Geo. Clinton's Brigade for 5 months' ser- vice under command of Stephen Duryea, Capt. " We marched from Fishkill, Dutchess County, and now State of New York, to Kingsbridge, and there was stationed until the retreat of our army from Long Island, then ordered to White Plains and was at the battle that was fought there by Gen. McDugal. After the Btitish left there, we were ordered to Peekskill, and from thence to Fort Constitution, and remained there until my term was out, which was the last day of December, 1776. Then returned home. "Jan., 1777, received an appointment as Ensign in the standing army under Thos. Lee, Capt., John Larnce, Lieut., and was in the expedition of Gen. Heath to Fort Independence, near Kingsbridge, which appointment I resigned in March following (1777) and accepted appointment of First Lieutenant under Hendrick Wycliff, Capt. " Jacobus Skutt, 2d Lieut, in a detachment to consist of 200 men, command- ed by Morice Place, Major, to guard the forts in the Highlands, viz : Fort Mont- gomery and Fort Constitution, which service commenced the first day of April, 1777, and ended the last of July, being four months, and being dismissed, returned home the ist of August, " Some time after Gen. Gates came on to go and take the command of the Northern Army, Col. Hughes made application to Col. Derict Brinckerhoff for a guard to go with him to Albany, and there being eight of us who had no com- mand at that time, I, among the rest, volunteered and went with him to Albany, and after our return home the British came up the North River and Capt. Dor- land and myself joined a detachment of Col. Derict Brinckerhoff's Regiment of Militia, commanded by Major Swarthout and marched to Peekskill to join Gen. Putnam, to prevent the enemy from landing on this side of the river. But when Fort Montgomery was taken the whole of his regiment turned out and we remain- ed with them in service until the enemy left the river and returned to New York, which was some time in November. In 1778, when the fort was building at West Point, I went as a First Lieutenant with the militia to assist in building it, and continued there six weeks by relieving other officers of same grade. 1 6 The Lent Family " In 1780, I took a First Lieutenant's commission in the militia by Governor Geo. Clinton, and was out in two alarms. In August, 1786, I was appointed Brigade Major to Gen, Swarthout and served as such. Commission signed by Gov. Gilbert Livingston. (Signed) A. LENT." 36. JOHN A. LENT, born October 3, 1784, and died October 24, 1821, was the son of Abraham (31) and Margaret Lent. He married Catherine Van Buren, September 6, 1809. Children: 41. Henry Van Buren, born July 27, 1812. Died September 29, 1S24. 42. Mortimer, bom Nov. 28, 1814, m. Helen Bogardus. Children: Mortimer, died , Kate, born , m, Edward Coffin. No issue. 43. Margaret Elizabeth, born November 8, 1816, m. Dr. Edward Earle. 44. Maria Louise, born May 2, 1819, m. Cornelius Earle. 45. John A., born April 23, 1821. Never married. 37. PETER WALDRON LENT, born November 9, 1786, was the son of Abraham (31) and Margaret Lent. He married Catherine S. Forbes, March 9, 1814. Children : 46 47 48 49 50. 51 John Abraham, born February 12, 1815. Died Nov. 23, 1882. William Forbes, born September 22, 1816. Died May 4, 1818. William Mandeville, born March 15, 1818. Susan Mandeville, born November 27, 1820. John David, born April 22, 1822. No issue. Died Catherine Margaret, born July 4, 1825. No issue. 46. JOHN ABRAHAM LENT, born February 12, 1815, and died Novem- ber 23, 1882, was the son of Peter W. (37) and Catherine S. Lent. He married Susan Cooper, in New York, July 11, 1836. She was born June 16, 1816, and died May 10, 1881. Children: 52. William Humbert, born October 8, 1837. Died July 2, 1902. 53. Cordelia, born October i, 1843, m. Addison Farley, Nov. 12, 1872. He died January 5, 1901. 52. WILLIAM HUMBERT LENT, born in New York City, October 8, 1837, was the son of John A. (46) and Susan Lent. He was a veteran of the War of the Rebellion ; also a member of the Seventh Regiment, N. Y. S. N. G. (Seventh Company), New York City, and Lafayette Post, 140, G. A. R. He was a graduate of the University of New York. He died at the home of his sister, Mrs. Cordelia Farley, No. 134 East iiith Street, New York City, July 2, 1902, after an illness of about a year, with liver complaint. He was buried in the The Lent Family 17 family plot at Rural Cemetery, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. He married Emma J. Crane, Nov. 21, 1S61. She died Nov. 21, 1900. Children: 54. William A., born in New York City, September i8, 1862. 55. Clarence, born in New York City, October 6, 1870. 38. DAVID BARKINS LENT, born at Fishkill, N. Y., May i, 1788, and died at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., June 20, 1869, was the son of Abraham (31) and Margaret Lent. Mr. Lent passed almost his entire life in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. For awhile he was engaged in mercantile business, and then in several manufact- uring interests and largely in real estate. In 181 2, he served at a Fort on Staten Island for a brief miUtia duty. He was an ardent temperance advocate and a prominent Anti-Slavery man ; was a radical in politics, religion, and everything in which he took an interest. He married Alletta Gale Bement, of Albany, N. Y. May 27, 1816. She was born Oct. 6, 1799, and died April 29, 1876. Children: 56. George Bement, born July 29, 1S19. Died April 26, 1882. 57. Catherine Ann, born December t8, 1821, m. Dr. Charles B. Warnng. 58. John Reed, born May 20, 1S24. Died May 10, 1892. 59. William Welton, born March 11, 1827. Did in infancy. 60. David B., born July 21, 1829. Died 61. Mary, born January 23, 1832, m. Gilbert H. Morgan. She died Nov. 2, 1S99. 62. William Bement, born January 27, 1S35. Died June 23, 1902. 63. Abraham David, born November 17, 1840. Died in infancy. 64. Alletta, born about 1843. Never married. 56. GEORGE BEMENT LENT, born in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., July 29, 1819, and died in the place of his birth, April 26, 1882. He was the son of David B. (38) and Alletta Gale Lent. He married Catherine Bockee, daughter of Judge Morgan Carpenter, of Dutchess County, N. Y. Children : i daughter who died in infancy. 58. JOHN REED LENT, born May 20, 1824, was the son of David B, (38) and Alletta Gale Lent. Mr. Lent resided in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and owned considerable real estate, which passed to his sister Alletta Lent. He died May 10, 1892. He married Harriet, daughter of Albert Van Kleeck. Children: 65. Albert Van Kleeck, born September 25, 1867. Died November. 1876. 66. George Bement. born November 30, 1871. Died July 20, 1872. 67. Irene Van Kleeck, born August 19, 1873. Died August 6, 1875. 60. DAVID B. LENT, born July 21, 1829, was the son of David B. (38) ig The Lent Family and Alletta Gale Lent. He married Louisa M. Russell, who died April 3, 1892. Children : 6S. Frank Townsend, born March 3, 1S55. 69. Russell, born October 3. 1S59. Died in infancy. 68. FRANK TOWNSEND LENT, born March 3, 1855, was the son of David B. (60) and Louisa M. Lent. He married Sara, daughter of Rev. John DeWitt, D. D., of New Brunswick, N. J. Children: 70. John DeWitt, born November 3. iSSi. 71. Rose DeWitt, born July 18. 1883. 72. Charlotte Elliot, born February 6, 1886. 73. Harriet DeWitt, born September iS, 1892. 74. Theodore DeWitt, born May 17, 1891. 62. Wn.LL\M BEMENT LENT, born in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., January 27, 1835, was the son of David B. (38) and Alletta Gale Lent. He was a man of most pleasing personality, rare artistic temperament and great versatility of gifts. That he had " the pen of a ready writer," is evidenced in a number of books of travel, written in a most graceful and interesting style, among which are " Gypsying Beyond the Sea," " Halcyon Days in Norway, France and the Dolo- mites," " Across the Country of the Little King," and " Holy Land." But above all he was a consecrated Christian, of unswerving principles, a Hve patriot, a man of beautiful friendships and a large-hearted philanthrophist, quietly scattering his benefactions with liberality and wisdom throughout his own land, and in coun- tries far beyond the sea. In the inner-circle of the family the finest quaUties of his heart and character were displayed, where his loving devotion as a son and brother called forth the admiration of all who witnessed it. The last few weeks of his hfe were spent at Norfolk, Conn., amid the scenes he loved so well, and from which he passed to the heavenly land on the 23d of June, 1902, He was taken to the " old home," Poughkeepsie, and from there to the beautiful Rural Cemetery, where beneath the " shadow of the cross " he awaits " the resurrection of the just." 48. WILLIAM MANDEVILLE LENT, born March 15, 1818, was the son of Peter W. (37) and Catherine S. Lent. He married Frances E. LaForge, February 15, 1857, at San Francisco, Cal. She was born at Staten Island, New York, July 2, 1830, and died in San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 23, 1902. Children: 75. William H., bom March 16, 1858. Died without issue. 76. Fanoy A., born March iS, 1862. Never married. The Lent Family 19 77. Eugene, born September 12, 1863. 78. George Heydenfeldt, born January 23, 1868. 77. EUGENE LENT, born in San Francisco, Cal., September 12, 1863, was the son of William M. (48) and Frances E. Lent. He married Bertha M. Welch, April 17, 1900. Children: 79. Frances W., born January 25, 1901. 78. GEORGE HEYDENFELDT LENT, born January 23, 1868, was the son of William M. (48) and Frances E. Lent. He married Elizabeth Hooker, October 8, 1892, at San Francisco, Cal. No children. LINE II. 28. JOHN (JOHANNES) LENT, born about 1725, was the son of Ryck (16) and Cornelia Lent. He was a Captain in Braddock's expedition during the 1759 French war. He was also present at the fall of Wolfe, and is represented as possessing great energy and resolution. His old cutlass is still preserved. Going to North Carolina in the prosecution of his business as a master-builder, he died thereabout 1768. He married Ann Engeltje, daughter of Adrian Hoagland, of New York City. Children : 80. Ann, born , m. John Lawrence. 81. Cornelia, born July 3, 1753, m. Edward Tully Young, of North Carolina. Child, Jacob, b. Aug. 12, 1786. 82. Margaret, born January 14, 1756. 83. Catherine, born 1758, m. Wm. Raybough, of Baltimore. 84. James Webber, born August 24, 1760. Died August 4, 1849. 85. John, born October 19, 1766. 84. JAMES WEBBER LENT, born in the City of New York, August 24, 1760. He died August 4, 1849, and was buried in the old Cemetery (Sleepy Hollow) Tarrytown, N. Y. He was the son of John (28) and Ann Lent. He was in the Revolutionary War in Col. Jacobus Svvartwout's Regt. of Minute Men, and was under General Anthony Wayne in that famous battle July 16, 1779, when Stony Point was taken by surprise; was promoted to First Lieut, of the First Company; was aide to Brig.-General Burback, March 12, 1813. He was prominent in Tammany Hall, when it was an honor to hold office — now beyond the recollection of the oldest inhabitant. He was Registrar of the City of New York for nine years. He was also active and prominent in drawing the trade 20 The Lent Family from the North River to the East in the early days of canal boats, by establishing " Lent's Basin " as a rendezvous for such boats. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Nathaniel Macaul, of New York, February i, 1784, in the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, New York. Children : 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 Ann, born in 17S6. James Webber, Jr., born in 17SS. Died Eliza, born . Never married. Margaret, born , m. Peter I. Nevius, of New York City. Nathaniel, born . Never married. Mary, born , m. twice ; 2d husband, Obadiah Hale. Amelia, born , m. William Main. George Washington, born June 2, 1806. Died September 18, 1S84. 87. JAMES WEBBER LENT, JR., born about 1788, was the son of James Webber Lent, Sr., (84) and Elizabeth his wife. He never married. He was appointed from New York City, Ensign 13th Infantry, May i, 181 2 ; Second Lieutenant First Artillery, March 12, 1813 ; transferred to Corps Artillery, May 12, 1814; First Lieutenant November i, 1816, Dismissed October 24, 1817. 93. GEORGE WASHINGTON LENT, born in New York City, June 2, 1806, and died in Poughkeepsie, N, Y., September 18, 1884. He married Cath- erine, daughter of James Montgomery. Children : 94. Amelia, born Sept. 14, 1832, m. Rev. Dr. Paul Van Cleef, of Jersey City. 95. Florence, died in infancy. 96. Sarah Fulton, born October 5, 1S34, m. Walter Van Kleeck, of Pough- keepsie, N. Y. , Nov. IT, 1869. Child, a daughter, Mary Tallmadge, born Jan. 3, 1875. Unmarried. 97. Annie Elizabeth, born June 20, 183S, m. Daniel Phcenix Ingraham, of New York, son of late Judge Daniel P. Ingraham. 98. Georgeana, born March 20, 1852, m. Judge George Landon Ingraham, son of Judge Daniel P. Ingraham, of New York. Children, three, two are living — Phoenix and Natalie. 85. JOHN LENT, born October 19, 1766, was the son of John (28) and Ann Lent. He married Sarah, daughter of Thomas Oglevie, August 27, 1786. Children : 99. John, born April 17, 1787. (Margaret Lent, sponsor). 100. Ann, born September 8, 1788. 101. Thomas, born October 4, 1791. 102. Abraham, born April 26. 1793. The Lent Family 21 LINE III. 12. RYCK VAN LENT, born in Westchester County, N. Y., in 1678, was the son of Ryck (Richard) Abrahamson and Catrina van Lent. He married Maritje Elizabeth Blauvelt. "J'hey were among the first members of the old Dutch Church, at Tarrytown, N. Y. Children, all baptised in the aforesaid church : 103. Johannes (John), born 1705, baptised August 22, 1705. 104. Hercules, born 1707, baptised August 19, 1707. 105. Ryck, born 1709, baptised June i, 1709. LINE IV. 13. HARCK (Harrack or Hercules) van LENT, born in Westchester County, N. Y., in 1681, was the son of Ryck Abrahamson and Catherine (Tryntje) van Lent. He retired as Elder in the Reformed Dutch Church, at Tarrytown, N, Y., August 19, 1726, for the Manor of Courtlandt. He died in 1766. By sev- eral purchases he became the owner of a part of Ryck's Patent. Just before his death, being blind and aged, he disposed of his property as follows : He bequeath- ed three hundred and fifty acres of land to each of his three sons, Jacob, Hen- drick and Abraham, by will dated April 10, 1765 ; proved November 13, 1766 ; recorded Liber 25 of Wills, page ;^;^, Westchester County: "I leave to my eldest son Jacob, ^25, in consideration of his birthright; also the farm he now lives on, three hundred and fifty acres, lying in the southeast part of a tract of land granted to my father, Ryck Abrahamson van Lent, and is commonly called 'Ryck's Patent,' and by the Indian name 'Sackhoes.' Leave to my son Hendrick Lent, the farm where I live, of 350 acres in the southwest part and :^ of a piece of meadow in the Highlands in Orange Co. called John Rant's meadow ; also ^ of a piece of meadow in Dutchess Co. on the north side of a certain hill called Anthony's Nose. Leaves to son Abraham Lent, the farm where he lives, of 350 acres, on the north side of the land devised to my son Hendrick, and the other half of the meadows in Orange County, and one-half the meadows in Dutchess County. To my 4 grandchildren, children of my daughter Christina Lent, viz: Abraham, John, Lea, Rachel, and daughter EHzabeth Lent, ^100. Leaves to daughter Rachel, wife of James Lamb, all lands in Orange County, known by the name of Stony Point, and as much land on the north side of my land as will make the whole 382 acres. Leaves to daughter Catherine, wife of Hendrick de Ronde, 382 acres of land in Orange Co., bounded south by North 2 2 The Lent Family West Line and Stony Point, east by Hudson River, and North by lands devised to daughter Rachel. Witnesses : Philip Ver Planck, James Ver Planck, Jacobus Kronkhuyt, Abraham Kronkhuyt." He also inherited from his father lands in the Manor of Courtlandt, and all his meadows at Jan (John) Cantine's Hook m Orange County (Stony Point). The following is a true copy of a receipt, which speaks for itself: "New York, May the 4, 1723. " Then Received of of Harrack Lent, of ye Mannor of Cortlandt, in the County of West Chester, in the Provissce of New York, the full sum of Sixty Pounds Current Money of New York, itt being my full part of the estate of my Father, Rick Abramsa Lent, according to his Last will & Testament, and I Do hereby acquitt & Discharge the Said Harrack Lent, his heirs & assigns for Ever of all the Estate Both Real & personal of the said Rick Abramsa Lent, which he, the said Rick Abramsa Lent, Left behind him att his Discease, and I Do hereby my self fully satisfie and content, in witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand the year & Day above mentioned, in the presence of the "Charles Sleigh, Mark of X Mr. Lent. "T. S. S. out, [name not clear]." Mr. Lent married Cornelia, daughter of Jacob Van Wert. Children, all bap- tised in the Dutch Church at Tarrytown, N. Y.: 106. Jacob, born and baptised in 1701. Died in 1771. 107. Rachgel, born 1703 ; baptised October 26, 1703, m. Jacob Lamb, Sept. 17, 1728. 108. Cathariena, born 1705 : baptised August 22, 1705, m. Hendrick de Ronde, April II, 1725. 109. Christina, born 1708 ; baptised June i, 1708, m. John Lamb ; she died 1760. no. Elizabeth, born 17x0; baptised March 21, 1710, m. James Lamb. 111. Hendrick, born 1712 ; baptised March 25, 1712. Died in 1782. 112. Abraham, born 1715 ; baptised January 11, 17 15. 106. JACOB LENT, born on Ryck's Patent, in 1 701, and baptised in the same year in the old Dutch Church at Tarrytown, N. Y., and died in 177 1, was the son of Hercules (13) and Cornelia van Lent. He inherited by will from his father three hundred and fifty acres of land in Ryck's Patent, in the southeast part, where he lived. He married Susanna Storm, May 7, 1726. Children, bap- tised in Dutch Church, Tarrytown, N. Y, : 113. Hercules, born 1727 ; baptised June 24, 1727. The Lent Family 23 114. David, born 1729 ; baptised March 29, 1729. 115. John, born 1733, 116. WilHam, born 1739. 117. Benjamin, born about 1740. 118. EHza, born June 19, 1744. 113. HERCULES LENT, born 1727, and baptised June 24, 1727, in the old Dutch Church, Tarrytown, N. Y., was the son of Jacob (106) and Susanna Lent. He married Catherine . Children : 119. Jacob, born 1746. 120. Leah, born about 1748. 119. JACOB LENT, born on the Manor of Courtlandt, in 1746, was the son of Hercules (113) and Catherine Lent. He enlisted in the Revolutionary War, Westchester County Militia, Third Regiment. He married Leah, daughter of Hendrick and Catherine (Lent) de Ronde. Children : 121. Abraham, born 1767. 122. Benjamin, born in 1769. 123. Jacob, born about 1773, 124. Susanna, born about 1776. 125. John, born about 1780. 121. ABRAHAM LENT, born in Westchester County, N. Y., about 1767, was the son of Jacob (119) and Leah (de Ronde) Lent. He married Leah Brown. Children : 126. Catherine, born January 11, 1787, m. twice : ist, Albert Van Tassell ; 2d, Abraham H. Lent, his 2d wife. She died Jan. 7, 1S52. 127. Wilham C, born August 2, 1789. Died Feb. i, 1859. 128. Alletta, born 1791, m. Allison. 129. Leah, born 1794. Died February 10, 1838. 130. Hester, born September 12, 1796, m. John B. Anderson, of Verplancks, N. v., April 21, 1816. 131. Mary (Polly), born October 13, 1801, m. Joseph Cammett, Jan. 18, 1S29, by Rev. A. Hoffman. 132. Jacob, born August 20, 1805. 133. Abraham A., born August 4, 1806. Died March 14, 1888. Never mar- ried. He resided at Buchanan, N. Y., where he died and was bur- ied at Cedar Hill Cemetery, Montrose, N. Y. 134. Abigail, born September 31, 1818. Died in infancy. 127. WILLIAM C. LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, August 2, 1789, was the son of Abraham and Leah (Brown) Lent, He died February i, 1859, ^4 The Lent Family and was buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Montrose, N. Y. He married . Children : 135. William Henry, born April 27, 1S21. Died June 2, 1865. 135. WILLIAM HENRY LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, West- chester County, N. Y., April 27, 182 1, was the son of William C. and Lent. He was a house carpenter by occupation, in New York City. He died June 2, 1865, and was buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Montrose, N. Y. He married Jane, daughter of Henry Brown, September 14, 1842. Children : 136. Ann Eliza, born in New York City, Sept. 15, 1847. Died March 2, 1848. 137. Emma Armenia, born October 14, 1848. Died July 31, 1868. 13S. Ophelia, born October 3, 1852, m. Lewis H. Curry. She resides in Peekskill, N. Y. LINE V. 122. BENJAMIN LENT, born in 1769, was the son of Jacob (119) and Leah (de Ronde) Lent. He married Charity, daughter of William Dyckman (bom May 18, 1770). Children: 139. Benjamin, born about 1790. 140. Lyntie, born December 8, 1794. 139. BENJAMIN LENT, born in Westchester County, N. Y., about 1790, was the son of Benjamin (122) and Charity Lent. He married Margaret (Peggy), daughter of Abraham Conkhn. She was born Dec, 1786. Children: 141. John, born July 29, 1807. Died March, 1841. 142. Abraham C, born October 2, 1809. Died Jan. 27, 1S47. 143. Elenor. born May 12, 1813, m. James Lamoreaux, 1830. She died 1859. 144. Stephanus, born March 12, 1814. Died October, 1857. 145. Phebe, born November 6, 181S, m. Jacob O. Vincent, 1836. 146. Mary Fanny, born April 30, 1824. Never married. She died Feb, 5, 1883. 141. JOHN LENT, born in Westchester County, N. Y., July 29, 1807, was the son of Benjamin (139) and Margaret Lent, He married Rebecca, daughter of Jacob (123) and Sarah Lent. Children : 147. Jacob, born February 22, 1829. 148. Schuyler, born March 12, 1831. 149. Sarah Margaret, born 1S34, m. ist, Richard Bennett ; 2d, Silas Taylor ; 3d, Erney. 150. Francena, born 1S36, m. Isaac Conklin, January 14, 1S57. 151. Robenia, born Dec. 15, 1841, m. Cornelius V. Simpkins, Dec. 25, 185S, The Lent Family 25 147. JACOB LENT, bom in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., February 22, 1829, was the son of John (141) and Rebecca Lent. He is a mason and builder by occupation, and resides at 200 S. Rive Street, Aurora, Kane County, Illinois. He married Lydia R. Guron. Died 1902. Children : 152. John William, born August 9, 1851. Died March, 1854. 153. Ezra B., born October 18, 1S53. 154. Maria Isabella, born December 29, 1855, m. 155. Susanna, born February 7, 1S57, m. 156. Ida, born March 11, iS6^, m. 157. Myrtle, born January 27, 1874. Unmarried. 148. SCHUYLER LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., March 12, 1831, was the son of John (141) and Rebecca Lent. He keeps a boarding-house, at Peekskill, N. Y. He married Sarah Anderson, August 26, 1863. Children: 158. Julia Eva, born April i, 1867, m. twice, ist, Connie Travis ; 2d, Stanley Lent, son of Henry O. Lent. 159. Richard C, born December 31, 1868. 160. Schuyler Indice, born February 22, 1871. 161. Lizzie Winifred, born April 9, 1873. 162. Franklin Arleigh, born February 4, 1877. 163. Charles Edward, ) ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^88j_ 164. Frederick Augustus, ) 165. Emma May, born February 24, 18S4. 166. Nettie Irene, born October 27, 1889. 159. RICHARD C. LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., December 31, 1868, is the son of Schuyler (148) and Sarah Lent. He married Carrie, daughter of Capt. Benjamin Post, of Peekskill, N. Y. Chil- dren : 167. Richard, born 1892. 168. Benjamin, born 1894. 160. SCHUYLER INDICE LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, West- chester County, N. Y., February 22, 1871, is the son of Schuyler (148) and Sarah Lent. He married Fannie, daughter of Samuel Barrett, of Peekskill, N, Y. One child, Daisy, born May 4, 1890. 162. FRANKLIN ARLEIGH LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., February 4, 1877, is the son of Schuyler (148) and 26 The Lent Family Sarah Lent. He married Essie, daughter of William Croft. One child : 169. Helen Roseman, born November, 1902. 142. ABRAHAM C. LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., October 2, 1809, was the son of Benjamin (139) and Margaret Lent. He was a brickmaker at Colwell's (now Jones' Point). He died Jan. 27, 1847, and was buried at Montrose, N. Y. He married Susan Lindsay, 1829. Children : 170, 171 172 173 174 Emily, born November 4, 1831, m. John Robinson. Phebe, born December 2, 1835, m. George McLary. Mary, born June 5, 1836. Died Feb. 26, 1S51. Joshua T., born August 19, 1S37. Benjamin, born April 15, 1839. 173. JOSHUA T. LENT, born at Jones' Point, Rockland County, N. Y., Auf^ust 19, 1837, was the son of Abraham (142) and Susan Lent. He is em- ployed on the West Shore Railroad as a watchman, at Jones' Point. He was married to Phebe Jane Green, (born March 22, 1839), November 20, 1858, by Rev. Francis S. Wolf, a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, at North Haverstraw, N. Y. Children: 175. Abraham C, born October 5, 1859. 176. Adaline, born April 2, 1862. Died in infancy. 177. Mary Jane, born January 9, 1864. m. Joseph C. Ten Eyck. 178. Benjamin, born September 20. 1868. 179. Ernest, born November 18, 1870. Died young. 180. Josephine, born January i, 1874, m. Allison Ten Eyck, of Tomkins Cove. 175. ABRAHAM C. LENT, born at Jones' Point, Rockland County, N. Y., October 5, 1859, is the son of Joshua T. (173) and Phebe Jane Lent. He is a boatman on the Hudson River, by occupation. He was married twice. His first wife was Amelia Baker Rose. Children : 181. Joshua T., l)<)rn I\Iay 22, 18S1. Died in infancy. 1S2. I'hebe Jane, born December 28, 1884, m. Alonzo Lent. 183. James C, born September 8, 1886. 184. Ariel, born August 24, 1889. 185. Mary Jane, born October 8, 1892. 186. Joseph, born Januarj' 2, 1893. Died in infancy. 187. Mary Elizabeth, born August u, 1895. His second wife was Angeline Bulson, of Mountville, Rockland County, N. Y., whom he married September 4, 1900. No children. The Lent Family 27 178. BENJAMIN LENT, born at Jones' Point, Rockland County, N. Y., September 20, 1868, is the son of Joshua T, (173) and Phebe Jane Lent. He is employed on the West Shore Railroad as a watchman. He married Isabella Kyles, of Hillburn, N. Y., in 1888. Children : 188. Mary Jane, born 1892. 189. Mabel, born 1895. 190. Dorothy, born 1897. 191. Joseph, I ,p^^.j^g_ ,^^j.j^ jg^^_ 192. Jessie, f 174. BENJAMIN LENT, born at Jones' Point, Rockland County, N. Y., April 15, 1839, was the son of Abraham C. (142) and Susan Lent. He married Harriet Burd, of Tomkins Cove, N. Y, Children : 193. Martha W., born February 22, 1865. Died June 28, 1890. 194. Mary, born May 7, 1867. Died May 7, 1SS9. 195. Lucy, born August 19, 1869. Unmarried. 196. Adelbert, born November 20, 1871. LINE VL 123. JACOB LENT, born in Westchester County, N. Y., about 1773, was the son of Jacob (119) and Leah (de Ronde) Lent. He was married to Sarah Elhott, November 10, 1794, by Rev. Silas Constant. Children: 197. Leah, born January 17, 1795, ra. Peter Lent. 198. Mary (Polly), born October 25, 1798, m. James H. Anderson, June, 1821. 199. Francis, born September 2, 1803. Died . Never married. 200. Abraham, born Jan. 28, 1806, m. Nancy Sherwood (Hawes). See Line xvi. 201. Rebecca, born April 17, 1810, m. ist, John Lent (141) ; 2d, Staats W. Lent, son of William Lent. 202. Andrew Jackson, born 1814. Died May 28, 1901. 202. ANDREW JACKSON LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, West- chester County. N. Y., 1814, was the son of Jacob (123) and Sarah (EUiott) Lent. He married Rosetta, daughter of (Captain) Joseph Travis, of Travis' Point, Peeks- kill, N. Y., where he lived until within a few years prior to his death, which occur- red May 28, 1 90 1, at the residence of his son-in-law, R. Frank Sylvester, in Peekskill, N. Y. His wife died several years before. She possessed a true Christian character. Children : 203. Louisa, born October 18, 1845. m- John C. Acker. She died Dec, 1875- 204. Henrietta, born June 27, 1851, m. R. Frank Sylvester, Oct. 7, 1874. 2S The Lent Family LINE VII. 125. JOHN LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., about 1780, was the son of Jacob (119) and Leah (de Ronde) Lent, He married Margaret (Peggy) Lent. Children : 205. Isaac, born February 27, 1796. 206. Jacob J., bom October 25, 1S03. 207. Margaret, bom January 15, 1807. 20S. Abraham, bom about 18 10. 206. JACOB J. LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Coun- ty, N. Y., October 25, 1803, was the son of John (125) and Margaret Lent. He was a farmer at Montrose, N. Y. He died March, 1883, and was buried at Cedar Hill Cemetery, Montrose, N. Y. He was married twice. His first wife was Rosenia P. Denike. Children : 209. John Henry, born about 1838. 210. Abbie D., born November 2, 1841, m. David R. Goetchius, Jan. 22. i860. 211. Martha, born 1843. Died young. 212. Rosenia. born May 8, 1846, m. William Miller. She died Oct. 12, 1898. 213. Mary Elizabeth, born May 15, 1848, m. Edward D. Bellefeuille, Oct. 28, 1867. His second wife was Martha M. Hayes, whom he married March 18, i860, at Montrose, N. Y. One child, Ida Belle, born Feb., 1861. Unmarried. 209. JOHN HENRY LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., about 1838, was the son of Jacob J. (206) and Rosenia Lent. He married Ann Eliza Odle, February 13, i8t;6. Children: 214. Jacob, born about 185S. 214. J.\COB LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., about 1858, was the son of John Henry (209) and Ann Eliza Lent. He married Carrie Roelf, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Children : 215. , born 216. Mabel, born 208. ABRAHAM LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., about 1 8 10, was the son of John (125) and Margaret Lent. He married Mary Odle. Children : 217. Isaac, born about 1832. The Lent Family 29 217. ISAAC LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y,, 1832, was the son of Abraham (208) and Mary Lent. He was married twice. His first wife was Maria Lent. Child : 21S. Anna Lavinia, born about 1853, m, Andrews. His second wife was Maria Garrison. Children : 219. Sophia M., born about 1857, m. H. D. Lewis, of Cornwall, N. Y. 220. Lillie, born about 1859. Unmarried. LINE vin. 144. STEPHANUS LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., March 12, 1814; died October, 1857, and was buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery, at Montrose, N. Y., was the son of Benjamin (139) and Margaret Lent. He married Jemima Cronk, June 26, 1830 (born April 26, 1814). Child- ren : 221. Alfred C. , born May 8, 1S31. Died July 16, 1S80. 222. Richard B., born February 16, 1834. Died May 2, 1897. 223. George W., born June 16, 1840. Died May 29, 1864, and buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Montrose, N. Y. Never married. 221. ALFRED C. LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., May 8, 1831, was the son of Stephanus (144) and Jemima Lent. He married Emeline Wright, of Elizabethport, N. J., January 4, 1852, the cere- mony was performed by Rev. J. J. Smith, of the Methodist Episcopal Church. She was born Dec. 2, 1834. Children : 224. Mary, born. July 16, 1852, m. Josiah W. Corwin. 225. Malvenia D., born Dec. 17. 1854. Died May 23, 1S73, m, Abm. Garrison. 226. Lucinda A., born January 14, 1857. Died October 12, 1857. 227. George W. , born December 2, 1859. 228. Lydia Dallson, born February 26, 1861, m. Nathan Herbert. 229. Joseph E., born July 13, 1S65. 230. Edward B., born December i, 1S6S. 231. Wilhemina, born January 7, 1873, m. John Alair. 232. Lilly, born October 28, 1870, m. Chas. W. Hoyt. 227. GEORGE W. LENT, born at Jones' Point, Rockland County, N. Y., December 2, 1859, was the son of Alfred C. (221) and EmeHne Lent. He mar- ried Emma FUn, of Jones' Point, N. Y., October 15, 1891. Children: 233. Ruth E., born July 28, 1892. Died August 31, 1892. 234. Ruth E., born September 5, iqoo. 3o The Lent Family 2 2 2. RICHARD B. LENT, born at Jones' Point, N. Y., February i6, 1834, was the son of Stephanus(i44) and Jemima Lent. He was a stationary engineer and steamboat pilot on the Hudson River. He died May 2, 1897. He married Mrs, Emehne Lent, widow of Alfred C. Lent, No children, 229, JOSEPH E, LENT, born at Jones' Point, Rockland County, N, Y,, July 13, 1865, was the son of Alfred C. (221) and Emehne Lent. He is a fore- man of a brickyard, and resides at Newburgh, N. Y. He married Carrie Cas- scles, January 18, 1888, at Stony Point, N. Y. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. E. Gay, a Protestant Episcopal minister of that place. One child, a daughter : 235. Helen, born November 23, 18S9. 230. EDWARD B. LENT, born at Jones' Point, Rockland County, N. Y., December i, 1868, was the son of Alfred C. (221) and Emeline Lent. He is a stationary engineer by occupation, and resides at Jones' Point. He married Elthea Rose, of Tomkins Cove, June 7, 1891, Children : 236. Harold A., born February 11, 1S92. 237. Ethel, born July 5, 1895. 23S. Blanche, born January 5, 1898. LINE IX, 115. JOHN LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., in 1733, was the son of Jacob (106) and Susanna (Storms) Lent, He was a man considered in his day as wealthy in real estate. He served as a private in the Revolutionary war, in the Westchester County Militia, Third Regiment, He married . Children : 239. John, born in 1766. 239. JOHN LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., in 1766, was the son of John (115) and Lent. He married Hannah Conklin. Children : 240. Jacob, born July 2, 1790. 241. Abraham, born 1791. 242. Maria, born July 4, 1793, m. Abraham H. Lent. 243. Mary (Polly), born August 4, 1795. 244. Isaac, born February 27, 1796, 245. Lewis, born September i, 1797. The Lent Family 31 240. JACOB LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County N. Y., July 2, 1790, was the son of John (239) and Hannah Lent. He was a farmer at Montrose, N. Y. He married Mary Conklin. Children : 246. Hetty, born November lo, 1807, m. Robert Hamilton. 247. Charlotte, born June 2, 1811, m. Nathaniel D. Lent. She died 1849. 248. Sarah Ann, born February 24, 181 3, m. Conklin. 249. Eliza, born April 25, 1814. 250. Lavinia, born October 11, 1816, m. ist, John Weeks ; 2d, Jacob Lent. 251. Rebecca, born October 5, 1819, m. John Mason. 252. Jacob, born March 8, 1S22. 253. Solomon, born June 11, 1823. Died 1884. 254. David, born February 17, 1826. 255. Mary, born May 15, 1828, m. Silas Curry. 253. SOLOMON LENT, bom in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., June 11, 1823, and died in 1884, and was buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Montrose, N. Y, He was the son of Jacob (240) and Mary Lent. He was a farmer. He was married twice. His first wife was Mary Elizabeth, daughter of William Seymour, of Peekskill, N. Y., whom he married January 22, 185 1. Children : 256. George W., born June 12, 1S56. Died 257. Jacob L. , born January 21, 1S59. Died 258. Mary Elizabeth, born 1862, m. 259. John H., born 1865. Never married. Killed on railroad. Mr. Lent married for his second wife, Mrs. Hetty (Lent) Benedict, daughter of Hercules Lent. No children. LINE X. 116. WILLIAM LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., 1739, was the son of Jacob (106) and Susanna Lent. He enlisted in the Revolutionary War at the age of 21, April 16, 1760, Tustin's Regiment, West- chester County Militia, Capt. Lossee. He married . Children : 260. John, born January 7, 1753. Died February 10, 1845. 261. David, born 1766. Died May 12, 1839. 260. JOHN LENT, (known as " Deacon " ), born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., January 7, 1753, was the son of William (116) and Lent. He died February 10, 1845. He married Margaret, daughter of ^i The Lent Family Jacobus Kronkhuyt, of Ryck's Patent. She inherited, by will from her father, fifty acres of land on the east part of his farm in Ryck's Patent. Will dated January 7, 1771 ; proved February 10, 1773. She died July 23, 1827, aged 76 years. Children : 262. James D., born June 5, 1777. Died April 27, 1S67. 263. Abraham, born March 5, 1779. Died March 4, 1864. 264. William, born December 9, 17S0. (Became blind by explosion). 265. Stephen, born about 17S2, 262. JAMES D. LENT, bom in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., June 5, 1777, and died April 27, 1867, was the son of John (260) and Margaret Lent. He married Anna (Annatje), daughter of Captain James Kronk- huyt, November 13, 1808. She was born Dec. 30, 1783. Children : 266. William, born December 17, 1809. Died March 12, 1811. 267. Augustus Taylor, born January 15, 181 1. Died Feb. 24, 1879. 268. Joseph H., born September 30, 1812. Died March 7, 1S94. 269. Harry, born September 27, 1814. Died October 10, 1896. Never married. 270. !Melinda, bom Oct. 16, 1816, m. John Calvin Lent She died Feb. 10, 1847. 271. Everitt, born Sept. 18, 1818. Died Jan. 23, 1903, at Tarrytown, N. Y., and buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Montrose, N. Y. He m. Maria Lobdell. who died Nov. 24, 1885. No issue. 272. Samuel, bom October 27, 1820. Died January 4, 1825. 273. John Jarvis, born June 27, 1823. Died April 14, 1875. 274. Morris J., born July 29, 1825. Died June 18, 1886. 275. Edwin B., born March 7, 1829. Died Jan. 23, 1873. Never married. 267. AUGUSTUS TAYLOR LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, West- chester County, N. Y., January 15, 181 1, and died February 24, 1879, was the son of James D. (262) and Anna Lent. He was married twice. His first wife was Miriam Secor. No children. His second wife was Lydia Ostrander. She was born February 7, 1824. Children: 276. James Henry, born January 25, 1S42. Died July 10, 1S71. 277. Clorinda, born Sept. 9. 1S44, m. John Gould, of Jackson, Mich., May 9, 1862 27S. Warren R., born December 13, 1846. Died Dec. 4, 1SS8. 279. Elizabeth, born August 20. 1849, ™- Thomas Ferguson, of Jerome, Michi- gan, January i, 1867. 280. Frank, born August 13, 1851. Died March 9, 1875. 281. Anna M., born November 6, 1858, m. D. Wolcott, of Jerome, Michigan. 278. WARREN R. LENT, born in Michigan, December 13, 1846, and died December 4, 1888, was the son of Augustus T. (267) and Anna Lent, He married Mary Morehouse, of Battle Creek, Mich,, September 5, 1876. No. 303. WILLIAM GARDNER LENT. The Lent Family 33 268. JOSEPH H. LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, (Pleasantside), Westchester Co., N, Y., September 30, 181 2, and died at his residence, Wednes- day, March 7, 1894, was the son of James (262) and Anna (Kronkhuyt) Lent. In youth he married CaroUne Ferris, with whom he Uved quietly and happily for 55 years. No children. At the age of 19 he joined the Methodist Episcopal Church and had lived in and for the church during the many years that had elapsed, giving liberally and freely of this world's goods whenever duty called. His life, so quiet and simple, was an example of truth and honesty. His death was the result of an attack of the grip, with old age. His wife died March 14, 1894. She was born in Peekskill, N, Y., September 20, 1820, and led a very quiet life. She was highly respected by all who knew her, and considered the em- bodiment of right and honest living. They were both buried in Hillside Ceme- tery, Van Cortlandville, N. Y. 273. JOHN JARVIS LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., June 27, 1823, was the son of James (262) and Anna Lent. He died April 14, 1875. He married Susan Lockwood, January 5, 1845. Children : 282. Henrietta C, born December 16, 1845. Died May 20, 1849. 283. Emma M., born April ig, 1849. Died November 22, 1850. 284. Phebe, born April 22, 1851. Died December 6, 1864. 285. Isabella M., born December 3, 1854. Died July 4, i860. 286. Carrie B., born July 8, 1859, m. Charles Lamos. 287. Jennie, born April 3, 1862, m. Charles Gabriel. 274. MORRIS J. LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., July 29, 1825, was the son of James (262) and Anna Lent. He was married twice: ist, Katherine Bodine, October 22, 1848. Children: 288. Alvah F., born about 1853. His second wife was Mrs. Reuben Vernol. No children. LINE XL 263. ABRAHAM LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., March 5, 1779, was the son of John (260) and Margaret Lent. He was a blacksmith by occupation. He died March 4, 1864, and was buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery, at Montrose, N. Y. He married Martha, daughter of (Captain) 34 The Lent Family Henry Lent. She died July i8, 1863, aged 77 years, 8 months and 10 days, and was buried at Cedar Hill Cemetery, Montrose, N. Y. Children : 289. Charles, born February 21, 1805. Died 290. Fanny, born March 9, 1S07. 291. John, born 1S09. Died 292. Garrett, born 181 1. Died 293. Hannah, born 1813, m. James Briggs. 294. Margaret (Peggy), born 181 5, m. Sylvester Hawes. 295. Mary, born 1S17, m. Jeremiah Baremore. 296. Stephen Jared, born 1818. Died . No issue. 297. Martha Jane, born 1S20, m. George Lent, son of James and Sarah Archer Lent. She died January 15, 1901. LINE XIL 265. STEPHEN LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., 1782, was the son of John (260) and Margaret Lent. He was a surveyor by occupation. After his marriage he took up his residence at Schenectady, N. Y., where he died. He married Lavinia, daughter of Hendrick Lent (355). Children : 298. Amelia, born , m. Thomas Jefferson Lent (412). 299. Ann Eliza, born about 1S14, m. Jacob P. Lent (372), Sept. 29, 1834. 300. Oliver, born about 1S16. 301. Aaron, born about 1S18. LINE XIII. 261, DAVID LENT, born near Peekskill, Westchester County, N. Y., in 1766, was the son of William (116) and Lent. He died May 12, 1839, and was buried back of Rhinebeck, N. Y. He married Hannah Phillips. Chil- dren : 302. Eleanor, born September 24, 1806, m. Martin Van Wagner, Nov. 23, 1820. She died June 14, 18S5. 303. William Gardner, born December 3, 1S08. Died January 22, 1874. 304. Abraham S., born March 21, 1811. Died December 9, 189S. 305. Abigail, born August 14, 1813. Died August 25, 1814. 306. Eliza, born June 16, 181 5. Died October 19, 1836. 307. Andrew Phillips, born February 5, 1818. Died March 11, 1896. 308. Hannah, born June 18, 1820. 309. Alpheus D., born December 5, 1823. 310. Julia, born January 31, 1827. Died, 1897. No. 313. WILLIAM DAVID LENT. The Lent Family ^5 303. WILLIAM GARDNER LENT, born at Rhinebeck, Dutchess Co. N. Y., December 3, 1808, and died in New York City, January 22, 1874; was buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, N. Y. He was the son of David (261) and Hannah Lent, and was a popular and much esteemed citizen of New York City, where he married Henrietta Sophia Snyder. She was born December 19, 1813, and died July 17, 1900. Children : 311. Henrietta, born August 17, 1835. Died October, 1836. 312. Eliza Ayres, born in N. Y. City, January 9, 1837. Died May 18, 1890. 313. William David, born in New York City, March 25, 1838. 314. Albert Ayres, born in N. Y. City, August 17, 1840. Died Oct. 17, 1868. 315. George W., born in N. Y. City, March 23, 1843. Died March 24, i860. 316. John Memert, born in N. Y. City, April 29, 1847. Died March 31, 1900. 317. Kate Louise, born in Washington, D. C, October 7, 1848. 313. WILLIAM DAVID LENT, bornin New York City, March 25, 1838, was the son of William Gardner (303) and Henrietta S. Lent. He is a gentle- man of fine appearance and of a kind, genial disposition, one who makes friends easily by his pleasing and social manner. He married Elizabeth Forester, June, 1 86 1. Children: 318. Marrietta, born in N. Y. City, May 20, 1862, m. W. H. Starbuck, Sept. 22, 1880. Children— Marrietta, born March 11, 1882 ; William David, born March 23, 1886. 319. Alice Forester, born in Indianapolis, Ind., December, 1865, m. WilHam Duflfy, Oct. 21, 1891. Mr. Duffy is a broker in stocks, and partner of A. C. Morgan & Co., 41 Exchange Place, New York. They have one child, William Gardner, born March 30, 1894. 304. ABRAHAM S. LENT, born in the Town of Rhinebeck, Dutchess Co., N. Y., March 21, 181 1, was the son of David (261) and Hannah (Phillips) Lent. He died at Pleasant Plains, Dutchess County, N. Y., December 9, 1898. He married Mary Ann Cookingham, of the Town of CHnton, Dutchess County, N. Y., March 5, 1834. She died at Pleasant Plains, aged 47 years. They were both buried at Pleasant Plains. Children : 320. Emily, born December 12, 1S34. 321. Daniel C, born August 20, 1836. Died 1856. 322. Anna, born March 25, 1838, m. Ezra Haines, who has one child, Mary. 323. Margaret, born April 10, 1840, m. Levi Traver. Died 1872. 324. Eleanor, born September 19, 1841, m. Calvin Traver. One son, WilHam. 325. William A., born March 27, 1843, m. Maria A. Traver. No children. 326. Eliza C, born October 31, 1845, m. James Allendorf. One son, Albert J. 327. Mary, born August 8, 1847. Died 1849. 36 The Lent Family 328. Abraham D., born May 13, 1850. 329. Jane M., born December 13, 1S52. m. Thomas Cookingham. Four chil- dren : George, Adalbert, Verna and Llewelyn. 330. Llewelyn, born September 15, 1855. 331. Abigail, born December 21, 1858, m. Abraham R. Hadden. Son, Robert. 328. ABRAHAM D. LENT, Esq., born in Pleasant Plains, Dutchess Co., N. Y., May 13, 1850, was the son of Abraham S. (304) and Mary Ann (Cooking- ham) Lent. Mr. Lent resides at Highland, Ulster County, N. Y. He is an at- torney and counsellor-at-law, a graduate of Albany Law School, the Alma Mater of the late President McKinley. He has a large legal practice in Ulster County anfl the surrounding country. He is an active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and represented that church as lay delegate of the New York Conference in the General Conference of 1900, that being the supreme body of that denomi- nation. He was one of the three who organized " The Laymen's Association of the New York Conference," and has been vice-president of that association since its organization in 1897; has filled several prominent positions in his county, and in 1900 was tendered the nomination of State Senator of his district, but declined the same on account of business engagements. He is Vice-President of First National Bank of Highland, N. Y., and Secretary of the Board of Education, and prominent in his section of the State as an after-dinner and political speaker. He married Isabel Perkins, of Highland, December 26, 1877. The following chil- dren, all born at Highland, N. Y.: 332. Suzanne B., born Nevember 23, 1878. 333. Andrew W., born September 6, 1S82. 334. Harold A., born November 5. 1888. 335. Richard P., born July 28, 1S91. 330. LLEWELYN LENT, born in Dutchess County, N. Y., September 15, 1855, was the son of Abraham S. (304) and Mary Ann Lent. He resides at " Lent," Dutchess County, N. Y. He married Jennie Hadden. One child : 336. Mary Belle, born No. 328. ABRAHAM D. LENT. The Lent Family 37 LINE XIV. 117. BENJAMIN LENT, born in Westchester County, N. Y., about 1740, was the son of Jacob (106) and Susanna Lent. He married Mary Odle, August II, 1761. Children : 337. Hendrick B., born 1775. Died August 27. 1850. 337. HENDRICK B. LENT, born in Westchester County, N. Y., about 1775, was the son of Benjamin (117) and Mary Lent. He married Marethon (Patty) Odle, February 4, 1799, by Rev. Silas Constant. Children : 338. Catharina, born January 4, 1802, m, Frederick Flannagan. 339. Abraham Odle, born August 20, 1803. Died March 29, 1875. 339. ABRAHAM ODLE LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, West- chester County, N. Y., August 20, 1803, and baptized in the Dutch Reformed Church, Montrose, N. Y., August 7, 1806. He died March 29, 1875. He was the son of Hendrick B. (337) and Marethon (Odle) Lent. He married Abigail F. Sherwood, October 6, 1825. She was born Jan. 27, 1806, and died August 27, 1865. Children : 340. Martha Mary, born October 28, 182S, m. Richard Dubois. 341. John Henry, born December 11, 1830. 342. Jane Ann, born March 22, 1833, m. George Cronk. 343. Augustus Frederick, born Nov. 21, 1835. Died April 4, 186S. Never ra. 344. Catherine Elizabeth, born July 13, 1839, m. ist, Ezekial Hyatt; 2d, David Griffin. 345. Sophia Emma, born November 14, 1841, m. Cornelius Bodine. 346. Walter Abram, born June 24, 1844. Died April 29, 1874. Never married. 347. Eliza Cecelia, born September 10, 1846, m. Henry Hilliker. 348. George William, born November 18, 1848. Never married. 341. JOHN HENRY LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westches- ter County, N. Y., December 11, 1830, was the son of Abraham Odle (339) and Abigail Lent. He married Anna Horton, 1857. Children: 349. Joseph Henry, born 1858. 350. Ida Cecelia, born 1S60, m, Henry Baytes. 349. JOSEPH HENRY LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westches- ter County, N. Y., in 1858, was the son of John Henry (341) and Anna Lent. He married Margaret . Children : 351. Walter, born 1889. 38 The Lent Family LINE XV. III. HENDRICK LENT, born on Ryck's Patent, 1712, and baptised in Dutch Church, Tarrytown, March 25, 17 12, and died in 1782. He was Lieuten- ant of a Militia for the Manor of Courtland, Tustin's Regiment, James Ver Planck, Esq., Captain, and Hercules Lent, Ensign, dated i6th of June, 1738. He was afterward made a Lieutenant of an Independent Company for the Manor of Courtland, with James Ver Planck, Esq., as Captain, and John Lent, Ensign. Dated i6th of October, 1738. He married EHzabeth Storms, July 20, 1734. Children : 352. Hercules, born 1737. Died October 2, 1816. 353. David, born 1739. Died . 354. Hester, born 1741, m. Captain James Kronkhuj't. The following is a true copy of the will made by Hendrick Lent, part owner of Ryck's Patent in the year 1777 : " The People of the State of New York by the Grace of God, Free and Inde- pendent. To all to whom these presents shall come, or may concern. Send Greet- ing — ye that at Westchester County, on the sixth day of July last, before Richard Hatfield, Esquire, thereunto by us delegated and appointed the last will and test- ament of Hendrick Lent, deceased (a copy whereof is hereunto annexed) was proved and is now approved and allowed of by us, and the said deceased having whilst he lived and at the time of his death goods, chattels or credits within this State by means whereof the proving and registering the said will, and the granting administration of all and singular the said goods, chattels and credits, and also the auditing, allowing and final discharging the account thereof, doth belong unto us the administration of all and singular the goods, chattels and credits of the said deceased, and any way concerning his will is granted unto Harcules Lent, one of the executors in the said will named, he being first duly sworn, well and faithfully to administer the same and to make and exhibit a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the said goods, chattels and credits, and also to render a just and true account thereof when thereunto required. In testimony whereof we have caused the seal of our Court of Probates to be hereunto affixed. Witness, Thomas Tredwell, Esquire, Judge of our said Court at Rumbout, in the County of Dutchess, the twenty-first day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-two. "JOSEPH HAZARD, Clerk." " In the Name of God, Amen, the 26th day of August, one thousand seven hundred & seventy-seven, I, Hendrick Lent, in ye County of Westchester & Riks The Lent Family 39 Pattant, in the Manner of Cortlandt and State of New York, yeoman being very sick and weak in body, but of parfect mind and memory, thanks be giving to God, and knowing that it tis appointed for all men once to dye, do make and ordain this my last will and testament, that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God that give it, and for my body I re- commend it to the earth to be bured in a Christien like and deacent manner at the deschrestion of my executors, nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same agam by the mighty power of God, and as touching such worlly estate where with it hath pleased God to me in this life, I give, devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form : Imprimes, it tis my will and I do order that in the first place all my just debts and funeral charges be paid and satisfied. Item, I give and bequeth unto Elizabeth, my dearly beloved wife, all my hard moneys forever, hkewise the use of that part of the hous as I live m and all my hous hold furnerture with all my stoock of creaturs, horses, cattle, sheep, hoogs and all of them, one negro man named Tom, and two negro boys and the use of as much of the farm as she needs for her family and stoock, sum- mer and winter as long as she remains my widow. Item, I give and bequeth to my beloved sons, Harcules Lent and David Lent all my farm as I now live upon, eaukelly devided between them their heirs and assigns forever, and all my writs in other out lands to them their heirs and assigns forever, eakly devided, and all of my estate after my wife decease eakly between my two sons, their heirs and as- signs forever. Item, I give and bequeth to my daughter Hester's daughter Catren Cronkhight, the sum of one hundred pounds of good and lawful money of the State of New York, to be paid to her when come of age, to be received and levied out of my estate, it being her full portion, and in case she dieth before slie come to age, to be ekaly devided between Hareculous Lent and David Lent, their heirs and assigns forever. I likewise constitute, make and ordain my only sons Harculus Lent and David Lent my only and sole executors of this my last will and testament, all and singu- lar the lands, messuages and tenements to them, their heirs and assigns forever, and I do hereby utterly dissallow, revoke and disannul all and every other form or testaments, wills, legecies and executors by me in any ways before this time named, willed and bequeathed, ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written. His HENDRICK (X) LENT. [l. s.] mark. Signed, sealed, pubHshed, pronounced and declared by the said Hendrick Lent as his last will and testament, in the presents of us the subscribers. "John Ferris, Andrew Glover, Thomas Van Pelt." "Item to, I give my son Harculus Lent, being eldest son, the sum of twenty- five pounds over and above my son David Lent." 40 The Lent Family 352. HERCULES (Harculus) LENT, born on Ryck's Patent, in Westchester County, N. Y., 1737, and baptised in the Dutch Church, Tarrytown, N. Y., Oct. 18, 1737, was the son of Hendrick (in) and EHzabeth (Storms) Lent. He died October 2, 1816. He was chosen one of the first Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Cortlandt, April i, 1788. He enHsted in the Revolutionary War, Westchester County Militia, Third Regiment, April 22, 1758, under com- mand of Captain John Verplanck. He was a large freeholder in Ryck's Patent, which he inherited from his father. His will of March 28, 1814, probated Octo- ber II, 1816, gives to son John the farm in Cortlandt, adjoining that possessed by Thomas Clark, and makes bequests to wife Winchy ; to daughter Esther, wife of Abraham Montross ; Elizabeth, wife of Augustus C. Taylor ; Catherine, wife of Richard Ferris, to son Henry ; to son Richard and his children, William, Adol- phus, Samuel, Edward, and Uriah ; and to grandson Abraham, son of Abraham, deceased. He married Lavinia (Winchey) Van Tastel (born 1733, and died 1826). Children: 355 356 357 358. 359 360 Hendrick, born February 9, 1761. Died February 9, 1824. Catherine, born 1763, m. Richard Ferris. John H., born January 26, 1767. Died April 7, 1S41. Ryck (Richard), born 1771. Died Esther, born 1773, m. Abraham Montross. Elizabeth, born 1775, m. Augustus C. Taylor, April 11, 1792, by Rev. Silas Constant. 355. HENDRICK LENT, born on Ryck's Patent, February 9, 1761, and died February 9, 1824, was the son of Hercules (352) and Lavinia Lent. He enHsted in the Westchester County Militia, The Line, Third Regiment ; was Cor- poral in Drake's Regiment, and Captain Haight's Company, of the Revolutionary War. He married Mary Montross. Children : 361. David, born November 9, 1780. Died Sept. 22, 1864. 362. John, born June 4, 17S2. Died 363. Martha, born October 8, 1785, m. Abraham Lent (263). She died July 18, 1863. 364. Elizabeth, born October 5, 1787, m. James Goetchius. 365. Daniel, born April 27, 1789. Died 366. Samuel, born April 21, 1793. Died Nov. 18. 1862. 367. Cornelia, born July 25, 1795, m. James Goetchius, his 2d wife. Feb. 3, 1837. 368. Lavinia, born December 10, 1796, m. Stephen Lent (265). The Lent Family 41 361. DAVID LENT, bom in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., November 9, 1780, was the son of Hendrick (355) and Mary Lent. He was a farmer in the Town of Cortlandt. He died September 22, 1864. He married Mary (Polly) Poinier. Children : 369. Samuel, 2d, born May 23, 1S05. Died August 22, 1886. 370. Sarah, born October 7, 1807, m. Jacob, son of Isaac Denike. 371. Mary (Polly), born July 31, 1808, 372. Jacob P., born December 27, 1809. Died 373. Henry, bom April 16, 1812. Died . Never married. 374. Augustus Taylor, bom August 10, 18 14. 375. Margaret Jane, born 1816, m. Uriah J. Lent, Nov. 10, 1836. 376. Mary Eliza, bora 1818, m. John Jones, Dec. 22, 1844. 369. SAMUEL LENT, 2d, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., May 23, 1805, was the son of David (361) and Mary Lent. He died August 22, 1886. He married Maria D. Harriman, June 4, 1831. She was born Jan. 20, 1803, and died September 6, 1875. Children: 377. Frances Mary, born April 16, 1S32, m. Sampson Benson Dyckman, May 30, 1855. No issue. 378. Sarah Joanna, born Nov. 3, 1833, m. Henry Vredenburg, June 12, 1867. One child, Erminie B., born Aug. 27, 1868. 379. James Hervey, born August 13, 1837. 380. David Anthony, born January 12, 1840. Died Feb. 15, 1S65. 381. Rankin, born February 4, 1842, Died March, 1892. 379. JAMES HERVEY LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westches- ter County, N. Y., August 13, 1837, was the son of Samuel (369) and Maria D. Lent. He is a merchant, and also Postmaster at Crugers, N. Y. He married Margaret See, April 5, i860. Children : 382. Samuel D., bora April g, 1861. 383. Herbert, born December 23, 1865. Died Jan. 30, 1S71. 384. Grace, born March 21, 1S72, m. R. F. Beale, May 25, 1898. 385. Edith A., bora November 24, 1S73, m. J. A. Hanf, June g, 1892. 382. SAMUEL D. LENT, born at Crugers, Westchester County, N. Y., April 9, 1 86 1, is the son of James H. (379) and Margaret Lent. By occupation he is an electrical engineer. He married Mary Lee, 1883. Children : 386. Herbert Gallaher, born August 10. 1889. 387. James Russell, bom July 11, 1892. 42 The Lent Family 372. JACOB P. LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., December 27, 1809, was the son of David (361) and Mary Lent. He was a farmer in the Town of Cortlandt. He married Ann EHza, daughter of Stephen Lent (265), September 29, 1834. He died in lUinois. Children : 388. Ann Lavinia. born about 1836, and baptized June 27, 1840. 389. Harriet Eliza, born Februarj^ 4, 1840. 390. Mary Amelia, born November 22, 1844. 391. Uriah Oliver, born July 20, 1846. 392. Joseph Anthony, born October 19, 1S48. 393. Sarah Frances, bom October 22, 1S49. 374. AUGUSTUS TAYLOR LENT, born m the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., August 10, 1814, was the son of David (361) and Mary Lent. He married Euphemia Naphy. Children : 394. Ellen Augusta, born March 6. 1S42. 380. DAVID ANTHONY LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, West- chester County, N. Y., January 12, 1840, was the son of Samuel (369) and Maria D. Lent. He enlisted at the age of 22 years, August 8, 1862, at Peekskill, N. Y. Mustered in as Corporal, Co. " A " (originally One Hundred and Thirty-fifth Infantry), Sixth Regiment New York Heavy Artillery, September 2, 1862, to serve three years; promoted Sergeant, February 19, 1863; wounded in action, October 19, 1864, at Cedar Creek, Va.; died of wounds, February 15, 1865, in hospital at Annapolis, Md. Never married. 381. RANKIN LENT, born at Crugers, Westchester County, N. Y., Feb- ruary 4, 1842, was the son of Samuel (369) and Maria D. Lent. He died at Asbury Park, N. J., March 30, 1884. He married Jennie, (born Jan. 8, i860, in Brooklyn, N. Y.), daughter of WilUam Henry and Martha (Wcssells) Lent. Children : 395. David, born September 20, 1878. 396. Arthur Rankin, born October 6, 18 -o. Unmarried. 397. Marjoric, born January 21, 1884. 395. DAVID LENT, born at Crugers, N. Y., September 20, 1878, was the son of Rankin (381) and Jennie T-cnt. He married Anna Bareford. Children : 398. Helen Virginia, born March 11, 1901. The Lent Family 43 LINE XVI. 200. ABRAHAM LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., January 28, 1806, was the son of Jacob (123) and Sarah (ElUott) Lent. He was a farmer at Montrose, N. Y, He married Nancy Sherwood, of '' Jocky- town," Westchester Co., N. Y., about 1828. Children: 399 400 401 402 403 Anna Mary, born 1S31, m. Albert Coe, of New York, April 27, 1851. Lucinda, born 1S34, m. Malcolm Evans. William Nathan, born 1837. Died June 18, 1864. Never married. John Walter, born 1S39. Died at Cold Spring. Never married. George W., born October S, 1843. 399. GEORGE W. LENT, born at Montrose, Westchester County, N. Y., October 8, 1843, was the son of Abraham (200) and Nancy Lent. He married Emma Ledue, of Cold Spring, N. Y. She was born Dec. 19, 1845, and died at Palmer, Mass., 1901, and was buried in Peabody Cemetery, Springfield, Mass. Children : 404. George Emmet, born July 23, 1865. 405. Edith v., born February 23, 1869. 406. Frank W. , born January 18, 1871. 407. Emma L., born February i, 1876. 404. GEORGE EMMET LENT, born at Cold Spring, Putnam County, N. Y., July 23, 1865, was the son of George W. (399) and Emma (Ledue) Lent. By profession, he is an "actor," He married Agnes Cooley, of Cleveland, Ohio. No children. 402. WILLIAM NATHAN LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, West- chester County, N. Y., 1837, was the son of Abraham (200) and Nancy Lent. He enlisted in the Rebellion, at the age of 25 years, August 8, 1862, at Peeks- kill, N. Y. Mustered in as private. Company " A " (originally One Hundred and Thirty-fifth Infantry), September 2, 1862, to serve three years; wounded in ac- tion, June 18, 1864, near Petersburgh, Va.; died same day and place. He never married. 44 The Lent Family LINE XVII. 362. JOHN LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., June 4, 1782, was the son of Hendrick (355) and Mary (Montross) Lent. He married Hetty Owens about 1814. Children : 408. Margaret Ann, born February 21, 18x5. 409. Jonathan Ferris, born February 29, 1816. 410. Mary, born April 12, 1820. LINE XVIII. 365. DANIEL LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., April 27, 1789, was the son of Hendrick (355) and Mary Lent. He was a Captain in the United States Army in the war with Great Britain, in 1812. He married Catherine Brown about 18 10. Children: 411. Stephen, born about 1812. 412. Thomas Jefferson, born 1814. 413. Mary (Polly), born October 15. 1815, m. William E. Wessells, Jan. 23, 1836. He died Dec. 9, 1846. She died Jan. 27, 1S82. 414. Foster, born October 24, 1S16. 415. Reuben B., born March 23, 1818. Died October 16, 1845. 416. Amos, born January 13, 1821. Died May 2. 1854. 417. Henry Lafayette, born March i, 1S24. Died Nov. 9, 1884. 418. Walter, born August 27, 1830. Died 1865. 411. STEPHEN LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., 181 2, was the son of Daniel (365) and Catherine Lent. He married Maria Garrison. Children : 419. Daniel G., born 420. Angeline, born 412. THOMAS JEFFERSON LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., 1814, was the son of Daniel (365) and Catherine Lent. lie married Amelia, daughter of Stephen (265) and Lavinia Lent. Children : 421. Fannie, born 422. Grace, born 423. Minnie, born , m. Bruce, of Schenectady, N. Y. 424. Oliver Stephen, born 1862. Died 425. Catherine, born . Died October 22, 18 426. Emma A., born 427. Newton, born No. 4 14. FOSTER LENT. The Lent Family 45 424. OLIVER STEPHEN LENT, born in Schenectady, N. Y., in 1862, and died , was the son of Thomas Jefferson (412) and AmeUa Lent. He married Mrs. Jones, of Albany, N. Y. Children : 428. Rose, born September 7, 1893. Died 1896. 429. Oliver, born August 29, 1895. 414. FOSTER LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., October 24, 18 16, in the farm house on the Daniel Carpenter farm, situ- ated on the Old Post Road, and known as the "Abraham Hilliker Farm," at Buchanan, N. Y. He was the son of Daniel (365) and Catherine (Brown) Lent. Mr. Lent comes from a long-lived and patriotic lineage. His father was a Captain of the United States Army of the war of 181 2, and his grand-father, Hendrick Lent, was a brave soldier of the Revolution. He had httle chance for education. He had to work from his youth, as most boys did in those early days. After living for several years in the house where he was born, his parents removed up the road, opposite the Alexander Muirhead house, now owned by Mr. Amos O. Lent. In the Winter of 1826, when but ten years of age, he removed with his parents to Orange, N. J. There were no railroads in those days, and they crossed the river in a sleigh, on the ice and thence across Rockland County to their new home. About fifteen years of his life were spent in New Jersey. While there he did odd chores, worked on a brickyard and wheeled bricks and finally learned the trade of house-carpenter and builder, which he has always fol- lowed, either alone or in partnership. In 1841 he removed to Peekskill, N. Y., and with his wife and two unmarried daughters, Susan M. and Mary Louise, re- THE HUDSON RIVER. 426. BY E. A. LENT. TTT is a charming valley where 1^ The lordly Hudson flows ; Green, terraced hills are set about; The cool wind comes and goes; The meadows spread their emerald slopes Down to the river's edge, And, in between, the rocks jut out In many a seamy ledge. And, here and there, adown the hills, A rippling streamlet sings A song that has no need of words To tell of pleasant things; Of grottoes in the far, dim woods ; Of pools, moss-rimmed and deep. From whose embrace the little rills In daring venture creep. It floweth deep and strong and wide— This river of romance. Along whose banks, on moonlit nights, The Highland fairies dance; And if the watcher will but look The glass of fancy through. He'll see a phantom Indian skim The waves with birch canoe. The traffic of a world goes up And down the river's breast. And either bank upbears a track That binds the East and West; Lighthouses guard the rocky points; The Beacon towers high. To mark the place where watch-fires burned To warn when foes were nigh . 46 The Lent Family sides at No. 920 Second Street. He has always been of a retiring disposition. He never took part in public affairs. In politics he is a Republican. Years ago he was a trustee of the school located on South Street bank, in Peekskill. He was a member of the Tarrytown Guards years ago, and was for many years a member of the Second Presbyterian Church. Many buildings in Peekskill stand as monuments to his skill and workmanship. He built the Peekskill Savings Bank, the Second Presbyterian Church, and many other noted buildings m that city. At the ripe old age of 87 years, he still works at his trade, planning, &c. He married Sarah Ann Smith, of Orange, N. J., the ceremony being performed by the Rev. Mr. White, a Presbyterian minister at that place, May 23, 1839. Chil- dren : 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 William H,, born May 26, 1840. Stephen, born July 29, 1S42. sa i . , > 'p^ij^g_ ^Qj-j^ September 18, 1843. Unmarried. Mary Louise, i r tj Louis, born September 13, 1845. Died August 6, 1870. Hosea Taylor, born July 18, 1S48. Died May 18, 1S60. Frederick, born March 2, 1852. Charles E., born September 14, 1854. Died October 19. 1S57. Samuel Foster, born March 14, 1857. Albert, born September 9, 1858. Died January 31, 1903. 430- WILLIAM H. LENT, born in Peekskill, Westchester County, N. Y,, May 26, 1840, is the son of Foster (414) and Sarah Ann Lent. He is a mer- chant at Peekskill, and resides at 1037 Howard Street. He married Sarah A., daughter of Abraham C. Baxter, of Peekskill. Children : 440. Margaret, born June 22, 1S76, m. William A. Bleloch. 441. Malcolm Foster, born April i, 18S0. Physician, unmarried, 431. STEPHEN LENT, Eso., born in Peekskill, Westchester County, N. Y., July 29, 1842, is the son of Foster (414) and Sarah Ann Lent. He studied law in the office of (now) Judge Uavid W. Travis in his young days, after leaving school, and was admitted to practice law on the i8th of June, 1870. After " passing the bar," began to practice in the civil and Supreme Courts of his native village and county, first as a partner with Judge Travis under the firm of Travis & Lent, and thereafter, about April, 1880, he associated with Dwight S. Herrick, a young lawyer of rare ability. Together they formed a partnership and became the well-known firm of Lent & Herrick, attorneys and counsellors-at-law, in Peekskill, N. Y. He has a large legal practice in Westchester and the surround- The Lent Family 47 ing counties, with office in New York City, where he can be consulted in matters of law. He is known as a wise and painstaking counsellor, representing his clients with fidelity and care. He is also largely identified with the interests of his town. He is a director in the Westchester County National Bank of Peekskill, and has held several positions of trust. In politics he is a Republican, and in the conven- tions his voice has been heard proclaiming the principals of his party and its candi- dates. He resides at 1 1 9 Depew Street, Peekskill. He married Frances, daughter of Joshua Horton. Children : 442. Allen E., born February i. i860. 443. Grace, born December 27, 1S70. Unmarried. 444. Stephen H., born October 29, 1873. Died October 5, 1898. Unmarried. 442. ALLEN E. LENT, born in Peekskill, Westchester County, N. Y., Feb. I, 1869, is the son of Stephen (431) and Frances Lent. He is bookkeeper for the Peekskill Lighting and Railroad Company. He married Florence, daughter of Lyman Hall. Children : 445. Edith, born January 13, 1S93. 446. Harold, born August 28, 1S94. 447. Irving, born February 7, 1896. 448. Stephen, born May 3c., 1900. 436. FREDERICK LENT, born in Peekskill, Westchester County, N. Y., March 2, 1852, is the son of Foster (414) and Sarah Ann Lent. He is a drug- gist and carries on a large and extensive business in drugs, stationery, etc., at No. 938 South Street, Peekskill, where he has been for the past quarter of a century dispensing medicines, etc. He resides at No. 140 Union Ave. He was married to Jennette E., daughter of Seth Mead, of Peekskill, N. Y., by Rev. Roderick Terry, a Presbyterian minister of Peekskill, October 22, 1870. One child: 449. Clifford Mead, born February 10, 1SS3. Unmarried. 438. SAMUEL FOSTER LENT, born in Peekskill, Westchester County, N. Y., March 14, 1857, is the son of Foster (414) and Sarah Ann Lent. Like his brother Frederick, he chose the drug business, and is employed in his brother's store at No. 938 South Street, Peekskill, N. Y., and resides at 1135 Howard Street. He was married to Jennie, daughter of Henry Hegeman, of Peekskill, N. Y., by the Rev. Roderick Terry, a Presbyterian minister at that place, Sept. 3, 1879. Children: 450. Wallace Winfield, born December 18, 1884. 451. Frank, born December 4, 1889. 48 The Lent Family 439. ALBERT LENT, born in Peekskill, Westchester County, N. Y., Sep- tember 9, 1 85 8, and died January 31, 1903, was the son of Foster (414) and Sarah Ann Lent. He married Emma F. Lawrence, of Saratoga, N. Y., October I, 1888. No children. 417. HENRY LAFAYETTE LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., March i, 1824, and died November 9, 1884, was the son of Daniel (365) and Catherine Lent. He married Anna V. Lockwood, Feb- ruary 22, 1846. Children: 452. Daniel, born October 7, 1848. Died in infancy. 453. Eugene, born February i, 1850. 454. Henrietta, born May 27, 1S53, m. George Wessells. 455. Adelia, born December 28, 1857. 456. Russell, born March 10, 1863. Died in infancy. 457. Clarence B., born November 19, 1S65. 458. Blanche, born July 9, 1S76. 453. EUGENE LENT, born in Peekskill, N. Y., February i, 1850, was the son of Henry Lafayette (417) and Anna V. Lent. He married Emile I. Gale, June 25, 1873. Children: 459. Aldis, born July 4, 1874. Unmarried. 460. Eleanor, born February 3, 1878. Unmarried. 461. Ralph G., born June 4, I S8 1. Died February 4, 1903. Never married. 462. Fayette, born December 28, 18S5. Unmarried. 457. CLARENCE B. LENT, born in Peekskill, N. Y., November 19^ 1865, was the son of Henry Lafayette (417) and Anna V. Lent. He married Wilhelmina Harer, February 21, 1889. Children: 463. Magdaline May, born June 29, 1891. 464. Helen Gladys, born October 10, 1899. 418. WALTER LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., August 27, 1830, and died 1865, was the son of Daniel (365) and Cath- erine Lent. He was married twice. His first wife was Margaret M. Wood. She died P'ebruary 24, 185 1, aged 20 years, 6 months and 27 days. Her remains were interred in Cedar Hill Cemetery, at Montrose, N. Y. No children. His second wife was Elizabeth Wood. She died March 13, 1898, aged 63 years and 10 months, and was buried at Vancortlandville Cemetery. Children: 465. Sanford, born March, 1852. Died April 26, 1884. 466. Benjamin F., born 1865, m. Margaret Coffey. 467. Amelia, born January 15, 1858, m. Lafayette Henry, April 15, 1874. 468. Elizabeth, born i860, m. Arthur Lent (627). 469. Walterette, born December, 10, 18G4, m. Caleb Gilberts. The Lent Family 49 LINE XIX. 369. SAMUEL LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., April 21, 1793, was the son of David (361) and Mary (Poinier) Lent. He died November 18, 1862, and was buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery, at Montrose, N. Y. He married Maria Kronkheyt. She was born March i, 1787 ; died April 15, 187 1, and was buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery, alongside of her husband. Children : 470. Susan M., born May 12, 1792. Died May 12, 1813. 471. Mary Louisa, born 1805, m. Sanniel Montrose Lent, (4S5). 472. Anthony, born about 1809. 473. Naoma, born November 8, 1815. Died October 17, 1894. LINE XX. 357. JOHN H. LENT, born on Ryck's Patent, January 26, 1767, and died April 7, 1841, was the son of Hercules (352) and Lavinia Lent. He was a large freeholder, which he inherited from his father, of Ryck's Patent. He mar- ried Letitia Montross. She was was born September 6, 1769, and died March 16, 1835. Children: 474. Theodorus (Dorris), born July 6, 1789. 475. Fanny, born December 21, 1792. 476. Hercules, born January 11, 1795. ^'^^^ September 18, 1871. 477. Lewis, born September i, 1797. Died October 13, 1867. 478. Mary, born August 21, 1801. 479. Aletta, born January 12, 1805. 480. John Calvin, born July 12, 1812. Died October 17, 1S88. 481. Catherine, born January 25, 1813. 476. HERCULES LENT, born on Ryck's Patent, January 11, 1795, was the son of John H. (357) and Letitia Lent. He was a farmer and occupied part of the Ryck's Patent settled in 1642. A man held in high esteem and a Deacon in the Dutch Reformed Church at Montrose, N. Y. He died September 18, 187 1, and his remains were interred in Cedar Hill Cemetery, at Montrose, N. Y. He was married twice. His first wife was Hetty Montross, who was bom Decem- ber 18, 1797, and died March 16, 1835. Children: 482. Reuben, born 1818. Died 1841. 483. Silas, born November 14, 1820. Died November 12, 1886. 484. Vincent Dill, born October 7, 1822. 485. Samuel M., born November 10, 1824. Died October 24, 1893. 486. Hester, born 1830. Died October 8, 1877. Married twice— first, Enoch Benedict ; second, Solomon Lent. (See Line IX, No. 253). 50 The Lent Family Hercules Lent married for his second wife Esther Montross, June 29, 1834. Children : 487. Harlan Luther, born May 31, 1835. 488. Eugene, born 183S. Died 1S43. 4S9. Eliza Lavinia, born August 19, 1840, Died May 6. 1891, Unmarried. 490. Mary Virginia, born April 6, 1843. Died April 6, 1892. Unmarried. i,9i. Harriet Amelia, born Sept. 7, 1S45. Died August 10, 1877. Unmarried. 482. REUBEN LENT, born 1818, on Ryck's Patent, was the son of Her- cules (476) and Hetty Lent. He married Helen Jeroliman, of Newark, N. J., where he resided and died in 1841. They had one child: 492. Rubenetta, born . Died . 4S3. SILAS LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., November 14, 1820, was the son of Hercules (476) and Hetty Lent. He was married twice. No children. He was a marine engineer. He went to San Francisco, Cal., in 1849, on the steamer "Sea Gull," as engineer. While in that city he became interested in real estate, and was the owner of a large tract of valuable land, and also owner of several harbor vessels, and consequently accu- mulated a large fortune, and at his death, which occurred November 12, 1886, disposed of it to his brothers and sisters, besides leaving his widow rich. 484. VLVCENT DILL LENT, born on Ryck's Patent, October 7, 1822, was the son of Hercules (476) and Hetty Lent. He went to Boston, Mass., in 1840, to engage in the stove business. He continued in this business for several years, after which he sold out and took an interest m the New England Casket Company, capital $30,000, the firm being Miller Bros. & Lent, at No. 19 Wash- ington Street, Boston, Mass. He continued in this firm until 1895, when he re- tired and went into the brokerage business. He is a gentleman of good business qualifications and a citizen highly esteemed. He married Sarah Jane Bell, of Boston, Mass. She was born May 24, 1829. One child: 493. Addie, born 1S60. Died 1897. 485. SAMUEL MONTROSS LENT, born on Ryck's Patent, Novem- ber 10, 1824, was the son of Hercules (476) and Hetty Lent. He was a stove mounter by trade, at which he worked until about 1874, when he purchased his grandfather Montross' farm in the Town of Cortlandt, and there resided until his The Lent Family 51 death, which occurred October 24, 1843. He married Mary Louise, daughter of Samuel Lent (369), March 15, 1825, and died September 24, 1892. Children: 494. Hetty Maria, born June 25, 1862, m. Charles Gurdineer. She died August 25, 1894. 495. Hercules, box'n 1864. 496. Reuben, born July 25, 1S66. Died February 25, 1891. Never married. 495. HERCULES LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., 1864, was the son of Samuel M. (485) and Mary L. Lent. He is a farmer in the Town of Cortlandt. He married EHzabeth, daughter of James Haight, of Peekskill, N. Y. One child : 497. Samuel, born 1889. Unmarried. 487. HARLAN LUTHER LENT, born on Ryck's Patent, May 31, ^835, was the son of Hercules (476) and Esther Lent. In his early days he was an artist-painter in both landscape and portraits. He enlisted in the War of the Rebellion, at the age of 26 years, August 30, 1861, at New York City; mus- tered in as a musician same date, to serve three years in the Ninth Infantry, New York State Volunteers, known as the "Hawkins' Zouaves," he served nearly a year, when he became ill and was sent to the hospital. He was discharged from the hospital before the battle of Fredericksburg, Va., September, 1861. August 16, 1862, he was honorably discharged from service at Falmouth, Va. After which he again re-enHsted at Albany, being mustered in as private, Co. "D," in the Sixth New York Heavy Artillery, September 2, 1864, to serve three years. He remained until the close of the war, and was mustered out with his company June 28, 1865, at Petersburg, Va. After which he made his heme with his parents until his marriage, when he purchased land on Washington Street, Peeks- kill, N. Y., upon which he erected a fine dwelhng and hved there with his family for a number of years, and then returned to reside with his parents on the old farm, which is a portion of Ryck's Patent, situated on the Old Post Road, just south of the village of Peekskill, N. Y. Near by is the spot where the Sachoes Indians had their village, and Siram was their chief. Harlan Luther Lent still occupies the homestead. He married Georgianna Sperling, of New York City, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. Mr. Webber, of the First Baptist Church, Peekskill, N. Y., in 1870. One child: 49S. Edith F, , born June 6, 1S76, m. Mr. Louis Petrie, of Cleveland, Ohio, 52 The Lent Family 477. LEWIS LENT, born on Ryck's Patent, September i, 1797, was the son of John H. (357) and Letitia Lent. He was a farmer and resided on a por- tion of Ryck's Patent, left him by his father. He married Mary M., daughter of Ryck Lent. She was born April 10, 1799, and died July 10, 1885. Mr. Lent died October 13, 1867. Children: 499. Philetus, born August 30. 1820. 500. George, born March i, 1822. 501. Letitia Matilda, born December 9, 1824, m. Thomas Dugan, Jr., of New York, October 19, 1847. 502. John A., born November 11, 1826. 503. Theodore F., born January 27, 1831. 504. Lewis H., born June i, 1834. Killed in the war in 1861. 505. Arthur, born 1836. 506. Sarah, born 1S3S, m. George Foulks, of New Haven, Ct. No issue. 499. PHILETUS LENT, born on Ryck's Patent, August 30, 1820, was the son of Lewis (477) and Mary M. Lent. He married Margaret Murden, of New York City. Children : 507. Lewis, born 1845. Died October, 1899. 508. William, born , 1847. 509. Waterford, born , 1849. 510. Florence, born , 1861, m. a Mr. Macomber, of Boston, Mass. 507. LEWIS LENT, born , 1845, and died October, 1899, was the son of Philetus (499) and Margaret Lent. He enlisted in the War of the Rebel- lion at age of 19 years, at the Sixth District, New York, March 15, 1864; mustered in as private, Company "A," First New York Calvary, March 15, 1864, to serve three years; mustered out with company at Alexandria, Va., June 27, 1865. He married a Miss Hone. 500. GEORGE LENT, born on Ryck's Patent, March i, 1822, was the son of Lewis (477) and Mary M. Lent. He married Sarah Wood, of Stamford, Conn., 1856. Children: 511. George, born about I S58. 512. , born about iSbo. 502. JOHN A. LENT, born on Ryck's Patent, November 11, 1826, was the son of Lewis (477) and Mary M, Lent. He married , of Calais, Maine. They had two children. Mr. Lent was a stove moulder by trade, but he abandoned it and went in the undertaking business in Brooklyn, where he has been successful. The Lent Family 53 503. THEODORE F. LENT, born January 27, 1831, was the son of Lewis (477) and Mary M. Lent. He married Mary Crocker, of New York City. They had one child : 513. Harry, born . 504. LEWIS H. LENT, born on Ryck's Patent, June i, 1834, was the son of Lewis (477) and Mary M. Lent. He never married. He was in the under- taking business in New York City prior to the war. He enhsted in the War of the RebelHon at the age of 27 years. He was enrolled July 15, 1861, at Brook- lyn, to serve three years. Mustered in as Captain, Company "A," (originally 48th Infantry, N. Y. S. Volunteers) August 21, 1861. Commissioned Captain December 4, 186 1, with rank from August 21, 1861. Killed in action, July 10, 1863, at Morris Island, South Carolina. 505. ARTHUR LENT, born 1836, on Ryck's Patent, was the son of Lewis (477) and Mary M. Lent. He is a commission and produce merchant in New York City. He married , of Brooklyn, N. Y. One daughter : 514. , born . 480. JOHN CALVIN LENT, born on Ryck's Patent, July 12, 181 2, and died October 17, 1888, was the son of John H. (357) and Letitia Lent. He married Melinda, daughter of James D. Lent (558), December 28, 1834. She died February 10, 1847, and was buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Montrose, N. Y. Children : 515. Ann Letitia, born 1S36, m. Benson C. Lent, son of Godfrey. 516. Evelinda, born 1S38, m. Hiram Horton. 517. Oscar, born August i, 1S40. Died December iS, 1898. 518. lElizabeth, born 1842. m. Vanderbilt. 519. Rufus, born 1845. 517. OSCAR LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., August I, 1840, and died December 18, 1898, was the son of John Cal- vin (480) and Melinda Lent. He enlisted August 21, 1862, at Bedford, N. Y.; mustered in as private. Company "D," Sixth Artillery, (originally 135th Infantry), September 2, 1862, to serve three years; mustered out with company, June 28, 1865, at Petersburgh, Va. 519. RUFUS LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., in 1845, was the son of John Calvin (480) and Melinda Lent. He enlist- 54 The Lent Family ed in the First New York State Mounted Rifles, September ii, 1862, at New York City; mustered in as private Company "H," September 11, 1862, to serve three years. LINE XXL 358. RYCK (RICHARD) van LENT, born on Ryck's Patent, Feb- ruary 5, 1 77 1, was the son of Hercules (352) and Lavinia Van Tastel Lent. He went to Quebec, Canada, when young, where he married Mary Judah, July 23, 1798. She was born November 12, 1773, and died April 21, i860, aged 88 years. After living in Canada for a number of years he returned to his native town and lived with his nephew, Louis Lent, on Ryck's Patent. Children : 520. Mary Margaret, born April 10. 1799, m. Lewis Lent (477). 521. William H., born June 15, 1800. Died Dec. 17, 183S. Children: William and Richard. 522. Adolphus Levi, born September 13, 1801. Never married. 523. Lucy Lees, born March 27, 1803. Died April 3, i860. 524. Samuel Judah, born April 19, 1804, Died October 12, 1872. 525. Elizabeth, born December 20, 1806, m. Clinton, of Peekskill, N. Y. 525a. Augustus, born October 11, 1807. Died September, 1808. 526. Edward Gibbon, born January 8, 1810. Went to New Orleans. 527. Uriah J., born January 17, 1S12. Died January i, 1892. 528. Catherine Hester, born Dec. 30, 1814, m. Woodward, of Canada. 529. Sarah, born February 25, 1S21, m. Captain John Bard. 524. SAMUEL JUDAH LENT, born in Quebec, Canada, April 19, 1804, and died October 12, 1872, was the son of Ryck (358) and Mary J. Lent. He married Mary Eliza Adams, October 23, 1839, by Rev. Bettherine, of Montreal, Canada. She was born January 29, 1818. Children: 530. Charlotte Maria, born in Montreal, Cana., Sept. 6, 1840. Unmarried. 531. Clarinda Eliza, born in Montreal, Sept. 21, 1842; m. Charles S. Davis. 532. William Henry, born January 7, 1845. Died July 24, 1846. 533. Richard Samuel, born February 3, 1847. Died Aug. 23, 184S. 534. Emeline Henrietta, born in Montreal, January 23, 1849, m. Robert Henry TrafTord, of Manchester, Eng. She is a widow at Troy, N. Y. 535. Lucy Ann, born in Keeseville, N. Y., April 14, 185 1, m. Thomas M. Magill, of Troy. N. Y. 536. William Augustus, born in Troy, N. Y., September 22, 1853. 537. Mary Sophia, born in Troy, N. Y., January 15, 1859, m. Edward R. Wales. 536. WILLIAM AUGUSTUS LENT, born in Troy, N. Y., September 22, 1853, was the son of Samuel Jinlili (524) and Mary Eliza (Adams) Lent. He is associated with his son Richard M. Lent, under the firm name of Wm. A. No. 525. URIAH J. LENT. The Lent Family 55 Lent & Son, 464 Fulton Street, Troy, N. Y., dealers in cigars and tobaccos, newspapers, magazines, etc. He married Mary Frances Walker, October 15, 1878. She was born April 22, 1853. Children : 538. Richard Henry, born in Troy, December i6, 1S79. Unmarried. 539. Jennie Caroline, born in Troy, November 7, 1S83. Unmarried. 540. Mary Frances, born in Troy, September 15, 1885. Unmarried. 525. URIAH J. LENT, born January 17, 1822, in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., and died January i, 1892, was the son of Ryck (358) and Mary (Judah) Lent. He married Margaret Jane, daughter of (Squire) David (361) and Mary Lent, November 10, 1836. Children: 541. Edward H., born March 2, 1S37. 542. Maria Louise, born September 15, 1S42, m. WilUam W. Cronk, Sept., 1868. No children. 543. Emily White, born Oct. 23, 1844. m, John Webb, 1S65. No children. 544. William Bard, born Nov. 18, 184S. 545. Margaret Jane, born Aug. 10, 1852, m. Elijah Crosson. 541. EDWARD HENRY LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, March 2, 1837, was the son of Uriah J. (525) and Margaret J. Lent. By occupation he is an engineer. He married Mary J. Cabre, 1865. Children: 546. Harry T., born in Brooklyn, N. Y., November ig, 1865. 547. Edward W., born in Brooklyn, N. Y. , December 20, 1866. 546. HARRY T. LENT, born in Brooklyn, N. Y., November 19, 1865, is the son of Edward H. (541) and Mary J. Lent. He married Maude Eton, November 11, 1895. Children: 548. Wesley E., born Angust 8, 1897. 549. Marjorie D., born April 14, 1900. 544. WILLIAM BARD LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westches- ter County, N. Y., November 18, 1848, was the son of Uriah J. (525) and Mar- garet J. Lent. He married Catherine Hughes. Children : 550. Emily Louise, born February 6, 1874, m. Fredericks. 55X. Kittie, born April 6, 1877, m. James Billings. 547. EDWARD W. LENT, born in Brooklyn, N. Y., January 20, 1866, is the son of Edward H. (541) and Mary J. Lent. He married Josie GoAvndy, September 23, 1891. No children. 56 The Lent Family LINE XXL 354. DAVID LENT, born on Ryck's Patent, January 10, 1730, and died April 20, 1805, was the son of Hendrick (in) and Elizabeth (Storms) Lent. He was in the Revolutionary War, serving in the Westchester County Militia, Third Regiment. He was a man of large wealth in real estate, which he inherited from his father of Ryck's Patent. He married Hannah (Annatje) , August 4, 1754. Children : 552. Hester, born 1756. Died 1759. 553. Jacob, born 1757. Died 1758, 554. Hendrick (Henry), born 1759. Died July 10, 1778. 555. David, born July 13, 1766. Died September 26, 1S28. 556. Elizabeth, born May 31, 1768, m. Caleb Ferris. She died Nov. 15, 1844, and was buried in family burying ground, on Lafayette Avenue. David Lent was appointed Collector for Ryck's Patent in 1759, which the following will show : "Westchester County, ss.: The Supervisors of the County of Westchester. To the Assessors and Collector of Ryck's Patent, Greeting : You are hereby commanded to assess, collect and gather of and from all and every the freeholders, inhabitants and residents within your patent and the precmcts thereof their share and part and proportion of the sum of one pound thirteen shillings and three pence ; it being your patent's quota of the sum of one hundred and forty-nine pounds fifteen shillings and five pence made payable by an act for raising a supply of eight thousand pounds by a tax on estates real and personal for the payment of men raised in Connecticut for the service of this province for emitting bills of credit for the like sum and for sinking and cancelHng said bills in short period- Passed in the twenty-eighth year of his Majesty's reign, &c. " And the same you are to pay unto William Willett, Esq., Treasurer of said County, on or before the first Friday in November next, retaining in your hands nine pence on the pound for collecting thereof, and in case any person or per- sons shall neglect, delay or refuse to pay their share and part and proportion of said sum of one pound thirteen shillings and three pence when so assessed, that you levy the same on the goods and chattels by distress of the person or persons so neglecting" or refusing said distress publicly to sell for the payment thereof, and the overplus (if any) over and above the charges of takmg, keeping and selling said distress, to return immediately to the owners thereof. Given under our hands and seals at Rye, this sixth day of June, in the thirty-second year of His Majesty's Reign, A. D., 1759. William Willett, Pierre Van Cortlandt, James Brown, Caleb Fowler, Lewis McDonald, James V. Cortlandt, Jonathan Fowler, Abram Hatfield, Benjamin Lockwood." No. 557. DAVID HENRY LENT. The Lent Family 57 " Received this 28th day of January, 1760, of David Lent, Collector of Ryck's Patent, the sum of ^^26:13.0, being Ryck's Patent quota for four province and one county taxes raised the last year, his fees for collection being deducted and allowed him. Received by me, William Willett, County Treasurer." 554. HENDRICK (Henry) LENT, born on Ryck's Patent, 1759, and died July 10, 1778, was the son of David (354) and Hannah Lent. He enlisted as a private in the Westchester County Militia, Third Regiment of the Revolutionary War, Col. Pierre Van Cortlandt, June 25, 1776. Died July 10, 1776. He never married. 555. DAVID LENT, born on Ryck's Patent, July 13, 1766, died Sep- tember 26, 1828, and buried in the family burying ground on Lafayette Avenue, was the son of David (354) and Hannah Lent. He served in the 3rd Westches- ter County Regiment, Militia. He married Hester, daughter of Thomas Clark. She died April 17, 1863, aged 72 years. Children : 557. David Henry, born March i, 1S19. Died July 20, i88 Westchester County, the farm where he lived, on Ryck's Patent, of 350 acres, on the north side of the land de- vised to his brother Hendrick, and half of the meadows in Orange County, and one-half the meadows in Dutchess County, called "Anthony's Nose." He mar- ried Mary, daughter of Resolved Waldron, about 1740. Children: 576. Hendrick, born about 1750. Died about 1813. 577. James, born about 1753. Killed from a shot by an English soldier while standing under a tree. 576. HENDRICK LENT, born on Ryck's Patent, about 1750, and died about 1813, was the son of Abraham (112) and Mary (Waldron) Lent. He was The Lent Family 59 a large freeholder in Ryck's Patent, which he inherited from his father. Where the Peekskill depot of the Hudson River Railroad is now located, was a part of the river front. The houses in that vicinity at that period were very few and scattering. His farm house was located on the highway, on the south side, just at the break of the hill. The Revolutionary soldiers in passing through here, took many advantages and committed their dastardly looting, and on three dif- ferent occasions destroyed his personal property, which the following, in his own handwriting, will show. It is presumed all this took place while he was in the field shouldering his musket to help free the country, as he is recorded as having enlisted in the War of the Revolution, in the Lme : Ryck's Patten, March 23, 1777. Mr. Hendrick Lent Lost by the Enemy &= Our People: 3 Looking-Glasses ^ 3 : 10 Milch Cows 60. 7 4- Year-Old Heifers 35 : 2 Stears 4 Years Old 10: I Fat Cow V 20 2-Years-Old & Yearlings 60 : 9 Calves 13:10 40 Sheep 32:10 11 Fat Hogs 44: 4 Beds and Bedding, Compleat 50: To Sundry Wearing Apparel & Household Furniture. . 60: 150 Bushels Wheat, at 6s 45: 50 Bushels Corn, at 4s 10: 100 Bus. Buckwheat, at 3s 15: 10 Bus. Rye, at 4s 2 : 3 Trunks 2:5 5 Beehives ^'• I Gun 3: 3 Tramels ^ '4 1779 — 100 Bus. Wheat, at i6s So: 29 Hogs, three i yi years old 3i : 7 Calves lo-io I Clock 25: 1 New Fishing Seign, 70 Fathom 20: 2 Cupboards ^'-^o 2 Tables -^^ 118 Pains of Glass Broke ^'• 50 Broken Lights ^ -5 I I Beehives with Bees in I Horse 24: I Mare& Colt • ^^'■ 24 Bushels of Oats 3:12 6o The Lent Family 4 Weaving Reeds & Gears • 2:16 2000 Rails • • • 20: 20 Cord Wood ^o: 1781 — 5 Acres Corn ^°- 2 Canoes ^ • To Sundry Articles 1 Tea Kettle '^^ I Tea Pot :8 1 Frying Pan -9 2 Pails -6 5 New Woolen Sheets 6: 3 Linen Sheets 4:10 9 Bushels of Salt 21:12 Class Money 5-i8 Powder 2:10 ^780:4 Mr. Lent married Margaritta Montross, about 1776. She died in 181 7. Children : 578. Abraham H., born May 9, 1778. Died November 15, 1847. 579. Leah, born Jan. 2, 1782, m. Jacob Post, July 9, 1798, by Rev. Silas Constant. 580. John, born June 4, 1786. Died 581. Mary (Polly), born September 26, 1784, m. William Underwood. 582. Elizabeth, born October 5, 1787. 583. Sarah, born about 1789. 584. Maria, born February 10, 1790. 585. Catherine, born about 1792, m. John Broadie. 586. James, born March 25, 1793. The following is the last will and testament of Margaritta Lent, wife of Hen- drick (576) Lent, dated November 14, 181 7 : " I, Marget Lent, of the Town of Cortlandt and County of Westchester, and State of New York, on this 14th day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventeen, of a sound and disposing mind and mem- ory, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner following, that is to say : First that all my just debts and funeral expenses to be paid by my ex- ecutor hereinafter named, and then I give and bequeath unto my son Abraham H. Lent all my real and personal estate that 1 now possess, or may of right fall to me, commonly called in the Harlem Heights. I do nominate and appoint my son Abraham H. Lent my executor to this my last will and testament. " In witness whereof, I, Marget Lent, hereunto this my last will and testament set my hand and seal on the day and year first above written. " Signed, sealed and acknowledged as her her last will and testament, in the MARGET X LENT. [l. s.] presence of us. Elias Clapp, mark. Gilbert Purdv." The Lent Family 6i 578. ABRAHAM H. LENT, born in the "old homestead," on Ryck's Patent, 150 South Street, Peekskill, N. Y., May 9, 1778, was the eldest son of Hendrick (576) and Margaritta Lent. He was a farmer and owned a large tract of land, partly in the Village of Peekskill, and the remainder in the Town of Cort- landt. He was a veteran of the second war between the United States and England, in 181 2, being a member of the Long Island Light Horse Cavalry. About the year 182 1, he disposed of his property and purchased of Henry Brown his property (known in later years as the Abram Hilliker farm), situated at Ver- planck's, now Buchanan, N. Y. He was an Elder at one time in the Dutch Re- formed Church, at Montrose, N. Y. He was married twice. His first wife was Margaret Ehzabeth Lent (born Nov. 30, 1788, and died March 14, 181 7), whom he married August 31, 1806. He died Nov. 15, 1847, and was buried in the plot with his wife, in Cedar Hill Cemetery, adjoining the church, at Montrose, N. Y. Children : 587. Emeline, born September 5, 1807, m. Benjamin A. Clark. She died February 19, 1901. 588. James, born April 23, 1809. Died November 28, 1885. 589. Nathaniel Drake, born August 9, 1811. Died August 5, 1891. 590. Jacob, born October 17, 1813. Died May 19, 1885. 591. Alexander, died in infancy. 592. Andrew, born . Died March 3, 1817. Mr. Lent married his second wife, Catherine, daughter of Abraham (121) and Leah Lent, May 9, 1818. She was born January 17, 1787, and died January 7, 1852. She was buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery, at Montrose, N. Y. Children : 593. William Harrison, born February 24, 1819. Died Feb. 24, 1865. 594. Jonas, born December 10, 1S20. Died May 10, 1892. 595. Elijah, born April 23, 1823. Died Nov. 10, 1880. 596. Abram Henry, born July 26, 1826. m. Deborah Brown. No issue. He died April 5. 1S59. 597. George, born January 25, 1829. Died March 25, 1900. J. White Strang, Esq., a lawyer in the Town of Cortlandt, was engaged by Abraham H. Lent to get possession of Consook Island on the Hudson River, withheld from Mr. Lent by the government for lack of legal papers, claiming title to the ownership thereof. The following order was given to his son-in-law, Mr. Benjamin A. Clark, to get the documents : "Peekskill, August 15, 1842. " Mr. J. W. Strang, will please deliver to the bearer, Benj. A. Clark, the papers belonging to me in your charge, consisting of a Deed, Will and Quit Claim of Consook Island, And oblige yours, ABRAHAM H. LENT." 62 The Lent Family 588. JAMES LENT, born in Peekskill, N. Y., April 23, 1809, was the son of Abraham H. (578) and Margaret E. Lent. He lived and died on what is known as "Travis' Point," Peekskill, N. Y., November 28, 1885, and was buried in the Van Cortlandville Cemetery. He married Catherine Odle. She died sev- eral years afterwards. Children : 59S Jacob Odle, born July 23. 1830. Died August 3, 1S98. 599. Betsey Mary, born May i, 1832. Died May 6, 1851. Never married. 600. Henry Odle, born March 21, 1835. Died November 2, 1S91. 601. Amos Odle, born 1842. 598. JACOB ODLE LENT, born in Peekskill, N. Y., July 23, 1830, was the son of James (588) and Catherine Lent. He was a stove moulder by occu- pation. He built himself a home at No. 122 South Street, in his native village, near where he was bom, and here he died August 3, 1898, working at his trade up to within a few years prior to his death. He was a man of very frugal habits. He was buried in Hillside Cemetery, He married Mary, daughter of William Underwood. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. M, D'C. Crawford, a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, at Peekskill, N. Y., July 23, 1854. Children : 602. Eugene F., born September 30, 1857. 603. Mary E., born October 17, i860, m. Charles E. Lent (628). 604. Matilda, born March 27, 1863, m. Frederick Cunningham, of Peekskill. 605. William C, born October 30, 1869. 602. EUGENE F. LENT, born in Peekskill, N. Y., September 30, 1857, was the son of Jacob O. (598) and Mary Lent. He is a stove moulder by trade, and resides at No. 606 Highland Avenue, Peekskill, N. Y. He was married to Katie Lancaster, of Phillipstown, Putnam County, N. Y., by Rev. Mr. Clark, a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, at that place, December 29, 1880. Children : 606. Grace, born December 9, 1882. Unmarried. 607. Bertha, born February 22, 1886. Unmarried. 608. Dorinda, born December 29, 1S89. 609. Florence, born October 26, 1896. 605. WILLIAM C. LENT, born in Peekskill, N. Y., October 30, 1869, was the son of Jacob O. (598) and Mary Lent. He works at his trade, that of a stove moulder, and resides at No. 11 09 Brown Street, Peekskill, N. Y. He was No. 589. NATHANIEL DRAKE LENT. The Lent Family 63 married to Mamie News, daughter of Sarah M. News, (624) of Peekskill, N. Y., May 14, 1895. One child: 610. Cordilla, born October 29, 1896. 600. HENRY ODLE LENT, born in Peekskill, N. Y., March 21, 1835, and died November 2, 1891, was the son of James (588) and Catherine (Odle) Lent. He was a stove moulder by trade, and worked for the Peekskill Stove Works till within a short time prior to his death. He was married to Cornelia, daughter of William Underwood, July 23, 1855, at Peekskill, N. Y. Children: 611. Levi, born July I, 1858. Killed on railroad, June 11, 1879. Unmarried. 612. Stanley, born July 21, 1863. 613. Jesse J., born May 24, 1869. m. Hester Conklin. No issue. 614. Ida May, born April i, 1S75, m. Leonard Paulding. 612. STANLEY LENT, born in Peekskill, N. Y., July 21, 1863, was the son of Henry Odle (600) and Cornelia Lent. He is a stove moulder by occupa- tion and works at his trade, and resides on the southerly limits of South Street, Peekskill, N. Y. He married Mrs. Julia (Lent) Travis, daughter of Schuyler Lent (148). Children: 615. Stanley, born January 10, 1S93. 616. Kenneth, born September 23, 1894. 617. Ethel, born November 12, 1895. 61S. Earl, born January 6, 189S. 619. Preston, born May 5, 1899. 601. AMOS ODLE LENT, born in Peekskill, N. Y., 1842, was the son of James (588) and Catherine Lent. He is a machinist by trade. He purchased the fine piece of property known as the " Muirhead " place, about 1892, after disposing of the " old homestead," on Travis' Point. This property is situated on the southerly hmits of South Street, Peekskill, N. Y., and a part of the original Ryck's Patent. Louisa Street is the northerly boundary line. He resides on the property. He married Elizabeth Fisher. She died about 1888. 589. NATHANIEL DRAKE LENT, born in Peekskill, N. Y., August 9, 181 1, in the "old homestead," known as the "Captain Frederick Requa place," No. 150 South Street. He was the son of Abraham H. (578) and Margaret E. Lent. When about ten years old his father sold the farm and removed to the farm afterwards known as the "Abraham Hilliker farm," at Montrose, N. Y. He was the third of five children. He lived with his father until he arrived at age, 64 The Lent Family working on the farm. He was always a healthy man, possessed of a vigorous constitution, of good, steady and industrious habits, never knew the taste of to- bacco ; kind and congenial and very much respected. In politics he was a Dem- ocrat of the Jacksonian school, and rarely ever missed an election, or "town meeting," as he called it. He was consulted often for advice and counsel in reference to agricultural pursuits and farming generally. He was taken with the "grip" about a year prior to his death, from the effects of which he never fully recovered. On Monday, July 27, 1891, he took to his bed with nervous prostra- tion, from which he never rallied, and died on the morning of Wednesday, August 5, 189 1, in the house that he had built, situated on the old '' post road," at the con- tinuation of South Street, south of the village of Peekskill, in the neighborhood where he was born, eighty years before, where he was Hving a retired life. The funeral services were held at the First Methodist Episcopal Church, Peekskill, N. Y., of which he had been a consistent member. Revs. W. L. Pattison and T. S. Lent, officiated. The remains were interred in the Van Cortlandtville Cemetery. The following is the last will and testament of Mr. Lent : " In the name of God, amen. I, Nathaniel Lent, of the Town of Cortlandt, County of Westchester, State of New York, do publish and delare this to be my last will and testament, as follows : First, I direct that all of my just debts and funeral expenses be paid. Second, I give and bequeath to my daughter Emeline Underwood, the sum of twenty-five dollars. Third, I give and bequeath to my daughter, Catherine H. Herbert, the sum of twenty-five dollars. Fourth, I give and bequeath to Arthur Lent and Martha Lent, children of my deceased son, Jacob N. Lent ; Alice ConkHn and Mamie News, children of my deceased daugh- ter, Sarah M. News, the sum of fifty dollars, to be equally divided between said grand-children. Fifth, All the rest and residue of my real and personal estate, I give, devise and bequeath unto my wife, Rachel Lent, during her natural life, and I hereby direct my executor hereinafter named to dispose and sell both real and personal property, as soon as it may be convenient for the same, and place the same upon good and proper securities, and the income derived from the same be given to my said wife as hereinbefore mentioned. After her death, I give, devise bequeath the principal of real and personal property unto my sons Nelson B. Lent and Charles E. Lent, share and share alike. Sixth, I hereby nominate and ap- point my son Nelson B. Lent, my executor, to this my last will and testament, and revoke all former wills by me made. "In witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name this 4th day of January, 1890. his •' Wiuiesscs: P. H. Mason, M. D. NATHANIEL X LENT, [l.s.] Caroline Wood." mark. The Lent Family 65 " Subscribed by Nathaniel Lent, the testator named in the foregoing will, in the presence of each of us, and at the time of making the subscription the above instrument was declared by the said testator to be his last will and testament, and each of us, at the request of said testator, and in his presence, and in the pres- ence of each other, sign our names as witnesses thereto, at the end of the will. P. H. Mason, M. D. Caroline Wood," Mr. Lent was married twice. His first wife was Charlotte, daughter of Jacob (240) and Mary Lent, to whom he was married July 5, 1829. She died in 1849. Children : 620. Jacob Nathaniel, born September 15, 1831. Died December 11, 1884. 621. Emeline, born March 16, 1834, m. Charles Underwood. 622. Abram, born July 27, 1836. Died in war, April 12, 1863. Never married. 623. Catherine Hester, born September iS, 1S39, m. Theodore Herbert. 624. Sarah Maria, born April 27, 1842, m. Benjamin News. She died Decem- ber 7, 1880. 625. Mary Elizabeth, born October 14, 1845. Died 1849. 626. Alexander, born January 27, 1848. Died in infancy. Mr. Lent's second wife was Mrs. Rachel (Lent) Thorpe, widow of Henry Thorpe, and daughter of James and Clara (Travis) Lent, to whom he was married July 25, 1855, by Rev. M. D'C. Crawford, a minister of the First Methodist Epis- copal Church, Peekskill, N. Y. She died January i, 1895, from valvular disease of the heart, at her residence in Peekskill, which was left to her by her husband. Afterwards it was sold to close the estate to her son Nelson Burton Lent. She was of a genial and loving disposition, always having a kind word for everybody. She was converted and joined the Baptist Church at her first marriage, but soon after, as her people were of the Methodist denomination, she withdrew from the Baptist church and joined the First Methodist Episcopal Church, in Peekskill, to which she was a devoted member till her death. A conscientious Christian, whose entire life was given to the service of her Master, her family and a large circle of neighbors and friends attested her love and devotion as a mother and a friend, and her wisdom as a Christian adviser and counsellor. She was buried by the side of her husband in the Van Cortlandtville Cemetery, and there to re- main until the resurrection morn. Children : 627. Nelson Burton, born May i, 1856. 628. Charles Edward, born February 10, 1858. 629. James Nathaniel, born at Montrose, N. Y., April 15, i860. Died October 12, 1881. Unmarried. 66 The Lent Family 620. JACOB NATHANIEL LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, West- chester County, N. Y., September 15, 1831, and died December 11, 1884, and was buried in Van Cortlandtville Cemetery. He was the son of Nathaniel D, (589) and Charlotte Lent. By occupation he was a laborer, and resided on the old " post road," on " Lent's Flats," the house he had built for himself soon after his marriage. He was married to Sarah Odell about 1858. Children: 630. Arthur, born August 27, 1S62. 631. Martha, born December 27, 186S, m. Charles Travis, October 6, 1896. 630. ARTHUR LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., August 27, 1862, was the son of Jacob N. (620) and Sarah Lent. He is a stove moulder by occupation, and works at his trade. He resides in the old homestead, inherited from his father, on the west side of the " post road," and a part of the original Ryck's Patent. He married EUzabeth, daughter of Walter (418) and Elizabeth (Wood) Lent. Children : 632. Addie, born January 28, 18S8. 633. Arthur, born August 18, 1889. 634. Ethel, born December 6, 1890. 635. Sarah, born October 12, 1892. Died from burn, May 9, 1898. 622. ABRAM LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., July 27, 1836, was the son of Nathaniel D. (589) and Charlotte Lent. He never married. He enlisted in the War of the RebeUion, at the age of 26 years, August 8, 1862, at Peekskill, N. Y.; mustered in as private, Company " F," (originally One Hundred and Thirty-fifth Infantry), September 2, 1862, to serve three years; died of fever, April 29, 1863, at Harper's Ferry, Va. 627. NELSON BURTON LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, West- chester County, N. Y., May i, 1856, was the son of Nathaniel D. (589) and Rachel Lent, the author and publisher of " The Lent Family History in the United States." He was educated in the jiublic schools of his native Town, at- tending school in the Winter and some portion of the Summer months, helping his father at other times on the farm, until he was about seventeen years of age. He started to learn to be a compositor and job printer with the Foshay Bros., editors and proprietors of " The Highland Democrat," a weekly newspaper and job jjrinting office in Peekskill, N. Y., in the autumn of 1873. He left Peekskill, N. Y., in 1880, and, associated with his cousin, William C. Tunstall, estabhshed X \ VIOLA FRANCES (STONE) LENT, (Wife of Nelson Burton Lent) The Lent Family 67 and edited successfully "The Providence Register," at Scranton, Penna. After about two years he sold out his interest to Mr. Tunstall, and returned to Peeks- kill, and worked for Foshay Bros., of " The Highland Democrat," a weekly paper, from which he was called by the Ufe-long printer, E. M. Ruttenber, Esq., to Newburgh, N. Y., and was employed by him in his job printing office. Mr. Rut- tenber's thorough business ways added much to the skill which Mr. Lent was able to bring to his long and efficient work with "The Newburgh Journal," Messrs. Ritchie & Hull, proprietors, in whose employ he entered in 1884, and has been with them ever since. Mr. Lent has been closely associated with many of the important Societies and Brotherhoods of the day. He was instrumental in instituting the Patriotic Order of Sons of America, and held positions of honor in the association. He was for years one of its State officers and Representative of the State of New York at the National Convention, held at Reading, Pennsylvania, in 1898. He was raised to the Third Degree in Acme Lodge, No. 469, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of Newburgh, N. Y., in 1883. He was elected representative to the Grand Lodge in the Fall of 1888. August 7, 1889, with fourteen other Pa- triarchs, he organized Canton Woodward, No. 32, Patriarchs Mihtant, and held the office of Clerk, and was commissioned an Aid-de-Camp on the staff of Gen. Otis Woodward, of the Division of the Niagara, with rank of Captain. At High- land Falls, N. Y., March 19, 1890, he was chosen District Deputy Grand Master for the First District of Orange County. In the Summer of 1886 he was raised to the SubHme Degree of Master Mason of Newburgh Lodge, No. 309, Free and Accepted Masons. Mr. Lent's party, the Republican, has entrusted him with the counting of Election returns for a decade, his close attention to details and fervent repubU- canism, making him a most desirable pubhc servant. He was appointed one of the United States Census Enumerators for the City of Newburgh, N. Y., in 1900. He was also Clerk to the Engrossing Committee in the Assembly, in the State Legislature at Albany, 1901-1902. He married Viola Frances Stone, daughter of Herman and Mary Stone, of Danbury, Conn., the ceremony being per- formed by the Rev. Thomas S. Bond, a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, at Boscobel, N. Y., December 23, 1881. He resides at 146 Johnston Street, Newburgh, N. Y. Children : 636. Bertram L., born in Peekskill, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1883. Died in infancy. 68 The Lent Family 637. Bertram Nelson, born, in Newburgh, N. Y., May 9, 1SS4. 638. Winfred Foss, born in Newburgh, N. Y., December 23, 1888. 639. Marguerite, born in Newburgh, March 5, 1890. Died in infancy. 640. Roland Depew, born in Newburgh, May 23, 1892. 641. Hobart Tovvnsend, born in Newburgh, June 6, 1896. 642. Sebring Round, born in Newburgh, January 26, 1898. 643. Mildred Stone, born in Newburgh, October 18, 1899. 628. CHARLES EDWARD LENT, born at Providence, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania, February 10, 1858, was the son of Nathaniel D. (589) and Rachel Lent, His parents removed from the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., in the Fall of 1857, and in the following Spring removed back again to Montrose, N. Y. His parents being farmers, he naturally helped on the farm in his youth, and attended the public schools until he was about 18 years old, when he went to learn a trade, that of a stove moulder, with the Union Stove Works, located on Central Avenue, Peekskill, N. Y., where he has been employed ever since. When a child he was not of a robust nature, but with a proper and kind parental care he became a vigorous and healthy man. In lyoi he built the house he now resides in, at No. 518 Simpson Place, Peekskill, N. Y. He is a member of Harmony Lodge, No. 138, Knights of Pythias, and a charter member of Bald Eagle Tribe, No. 264, Independent Order of Red Men. He was married to Mary E., daughter of Jacob O. (598) and Mary Lent, December 24, 1879. Children : ()44. Perley James, born in Peekskill, June 25, 1882. Unmarried. 645. Ella, born in Peekskill, April 2, 18S6. 590. JACOB LENT, born in Peekskill, N. Y., October 17, 1813, was the son of Abraham H. (578) and Margaret E. Lent. He was a farmer by occupa- tion, and resided at Montrose, N. Y., where he died May 19, 1885. He was married twice. His first wife was Margaret Gilleo, of Montrose, N. Y. Children : 646. Elizabeth Amelia (Betsey), born October 10, 1839, rn- William Tuttle. 647. Benjamin Adam, born June 15, 1841. 648. vSusan, born May 13, 1843, m. Francis Conklin, Jan. 11, 1S60. She died 649. Fanny, born August 10, 1845 m. Jackson Conklin. 650. William, born July 8, 1846. 651. Amanda, born July 18, 1849. Unmarried. Jacob Lent's second marriage was to Lavenia Weeks. No children. 647. BENJAMIN ADAM LENT, born at Montrose, N. Y., June 15, 1841, was the son of Jacob (590) and Margaret Lent. He is a laborer and resides at No. 637. BERTRAM NELSON LENT. The Lent Family 69 Montrose, N. Y. He was married to Harriet Weeks, January 14, i860. No children. 650. WILLIAM LENT, born at Montrose, N. Y., July 8, 1846, was the son of Jacob (590) and Margaret Lent. He is a farmer by occupation and resides at Montrose, N. Y. He enlisted in the War of the Rebellion, January 21, 1864, at Peekskill, N. Y.; mustered in as private. Company ''C," January 21, 1864, to serve three years; mustered out with detachment, June 3, 1865, while in Jarvis United States Army General Hospital, Baltimore, Md. He was married twice. His first wife was Margaret Lamb. She died 1872. Children : 652. Ebenezer, born August 4, 1S67. 653. William H.. born April 29, 1872. Mr. Lent's second wife was Sarah E. Lent. Children : 654. Martha Frances, born March 9, iSSo. 655. Stephen J., born June 26, iSSi. 656. Susan Eleanor, born April 3. 1890. 657. Sarah Lillie, born October 26, 1890. 652. EBENEZER LENT, born at Montrose, N. Y., August 4, 1867, is the son of William (650) and Margaret Lent. He is a telegraph operator and Station Agent for the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad, at Montrose, N. Y. He married Catherine McCarin, of New York, and they reside at Montrose, N, Y. Children : 658. William Everitt born November 10, 1S92. 659. Harold Augustus, born January 4, 1S99. 660. Hazel Irene, born June, 1901. 633. WILLIAM H. LENT, born at Montrose, N. Y., April 29, 1872, is the son of William (650) and Margaret Lent. He is a farmer by occupation, at Montrose, N. Y. He was married to Annie McGlon, of Newark, N. J., August, 1896. Children : 661. Minnie Frances, born August 30, 1S97. 662. Mabel Florence, born July 4, 1899. 593. WILLIAM HARRISON LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., February 24, 1819, was the son of Abraham H. (578) and Catherine Lent. He died February 24, 1865, and was buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Montrose, N. Y. He was a house-carpenter by trade. He was mar- 'JO The Lent Family ried to Ann Matilda, daughter of Captain Joseph Travis, about 1847. She died a few years after her husband. Children : 663. George Edward, born October 25, 1849. Died July 5, 1850. 664. William Ebert, born 1S44. Died December 5, 1S63. 665. Mary Elizabeth, born 1S46, m. David Warren. 594. JONAS LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., December 10, 1820, was the son of Abraham H. (578) and Catherine Lent. He was a laborer. He died May 10, 1892. He was married to Sarah Catherine Broadie, in 1850. Children : 666. Mary Elizabeth, born November, 1852, m. David La Fountain. 667. Emma, born August 28, 1854, m. Abram Waters. 668. Alexander Fillmore, born June 13, 1856. 669. William J., born April 14, i860. Died September 22, 1887. 670. Alice A., born , 1864, m. Clark Gilleo. 671. Adeline C, born December 10, 1868, m. William Gordineer. 668. REV. ALEXANDER FILLMORE LENT, born in Peekskill, N. Y., June 13, 1856, son of Jonas (594) and Sarah C. Lent. Was educated in the public schools of Peekskill. He joined the Wesleyan Methodist denomination in his boyhood, taking active part in all its means of grace, and became an able exhor- ter in the church in that place. Finally his mind was toward preaching the Word of God. He studied for the ministry, and was ordained at Lake Hill, LUster Co., N. Y., May 8, 1891. His first charge was at the Wesleyan Methodist Church, at Peekskill, N. Y., where he has continued faithfully to break the bread of life from the Word of God successfully, and that his calling was not in vain is evident. He was married to Jennie Odell, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. Edward Ashton, a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, at Spring Valley, Yorktown, Westchester County, N, Y., November 24, 1875. Children : 672. Anna May, born in Peekskill, October 9, 1876, m. James E. Heady. 673. Blanche, born December 17, 1878. Died in 18S1. 674. Winfield, born in Peekskill, May 28, 1881. 674. WINFIELD LExNT, born in Peekskill, N. Y., May 28, 1881, is the son of Rev. Alexander F. (668) and Jennie Lent. He is a merchant, doing grocery business in Peekskill, N. Y. He was married to Edith Lewis, November 12, 1900. No children. 595. ELIJAH LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., April 25, 1823, was the son of Abraham H, (578) and Catherine Lent. The Lent Family 71 He was a painter by occupation, and worked at the same a short time prior to his death, which occurred November 10, 1880. He was married to Lydia Ann Dyckman about 1850, She died October 8, 1877. Children: 675. Warren Abram, born January ig, 1852 676. Horace, born December i, 1853. Died April 4. 1897. 677. Catherine Maria, born September 29, 1855, m. Albert Conklin. 678. Alice Amelia, born September 25, 1862. Died . Unmarried. 679. Miana Cecelia, born April 22, 1864, m. Zachariah C. Hundley, Feb. 21, 1 881. She died 680. Cynthia Avading, born February 22, 1867, m. Morris Hayes, 681. Benjamin, bom November 12, 1869. Died in infancy. 675. WARREN ABRAM LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, West- chester County, N. Y., January 19, 1852, was the son of Elijah (595) and Lydia Ann Lent. He is a laborer by occupation, and resides at Buchanan, N. Y. He was married to Sarah Ann Hayes, December 7, 1870. Children: 682. Bennie, born March 10. 1875. Died 1876. 683. Lydia H., born May i, 1877. Died 1879. 684. Herman, born March 4, 1878. 685. Lillie, born January 23, 1879, m. 686. Frank, born January 25, 1881, 6S7. Pearlie A., born August 14, 1S84. 688. Minnie, born September 11, 1887. Died 1888. 689. Flora, born May 10, 1890. 690. Melvin, born July 19, 1893. 676. HORACE LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., December i, 1853, was the son of Elijah (595) and Lydia Ann Lent. He was a laborer by occupation, and resided at Verplancks, N. Y., where he died April 4, 1897. He was married to Ella Conklin, June 28, 1874. Children : 691. George Edward, born January 29, iSSi. 692. Jessie, born January 24, 1883, m. James Mclntyre. 693. Eva May, born March 24, 18S6. 694. Mary Sophia, born March 31, 188S. 695. William, born December 12, 1889. 691. GEORGE EDWARD LENT, born at Verplancks Point, Westchester County, N. Y., January 29, 1881, was the son of Horace (676) and Ella Lent. He is a stationary engineer, and resides at Verplancks, N. Y. He was married to Dora Gardner, July 21, 1901. One child : 6g6. Grace, born May 16. 1902. 72 The Lent Family 596. ABRAM HENRY LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westches- ter County, N. Y., July 26, 1S26, and died April 5, 1859, was the son of Abraham H. (578) and Catherine Lent. He married Deborah Brown. No children. 597. GEORGE LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Coun- ty, N. Y., January 25, 1829, was the son of Abraham H. (578) and Catherine Lent. He was a painter by occupation, and died at his home in "Travis' Lane," at the southerly limits of South Street, Peekskill, March 25, 1900. He married Maria Louise Dyckman, of the Town of Cortlandt. She was born October 20, 1837, and died April 26, 1894. Children: 697. Martha Ann, born January 30, 1856, m. Jacob Gilleo. 6q8. Harriet Jane, born February 22, 1862. Unmarried. 699. Clara L., born August 29, 1S68. Unmarried. 58^ JOHN LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., June 4, 1786, was the son of Hendrick (576) and Margaritta Lent. He was a farmer and resided on the farm inherited from his father, of Ryck's Patent, on the east side of Washington Street, in the Town of Cortlandt, known afterwards as the " Harry Romer farm," a beautiful piece of land. But mis- fortune came to him, and he lost all his property. He married Leah Lent. Children : 700. Caroline, born 1800. Never married. 701. Sarah (Sally), born 1S02. Never married. 702. Letitia (Letty), born about 1S04, Never married, 703. Elizabeth, born September 19, 1805, m. Thomas Clark. 704. Margaret, born January 15, 1807, m- Jackson Lent. 705. Mary, born about 1809, rn- George Lovelace. 706. Eliza, born about 18 13. Never married. 707. Jerome, born about 1816. Never married. 708. Napoleon Bonaparte born July 20, 1819. 709. John, 1)orn about 1821. Never married. 708. NAP0LP:0N BONAPARTE LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., July 20, 1819, was the son of John (581) and Leah Lent. By occupation he is a laborer, and resides at No. 1734 Crompond Street, Peekskill, N. Y. He was married twice. He was married to his first wife,Almira Springstead, September 20, 1834. Children: 710. Emily, born Sept. 15, 1S43, m. Alexander Ward. She died July 17, 1878. 71 1. Jerome, born 1845. Died 1S49. 712. Susan Matilda, liorn September 6, 1848, m. James Hayes. The Lent Family 73 Mr. Lent married for his second wife Susan Lindsay. She died February 22^ 1864. Children: 713. Leah C, born October 6, 1S57. Died November 14, 1867. 714. Mary E., born June 20, 1859, m. James Head. The following is the last will and testament of Hendrick (Henry) Lent (576), son of Abraham (112) and Mary (Waldron) Lent, received too late for compiling in its proper place : " In the Name of God, Amen : I, Henry Lent, of the Town of Cortlandt, in the County of Westchester and State of New York, being of sound mind and memory, thanks be to God therefor, but low in health, and considering the un- certainty of this transitory life, do make, ordain, constitute and appoint this to be my last will and testament, in manner and form following, viz : First — I recom- mend my soul to Almighty God, which gave it to me and my body to the earth from which it came, to be decently buried, and what worldly property it hath pleased the Lord to bless me with, I will and dispose of in the following manner : " First — I order that all my just debts and funeral charges be paid. " Secondly — I will to my son Abraham, the north part of my now dwelling farm, adjoining to the Post Road, and thence running south on the said Post Road, to a chestnut stump near the forty-seven mile stone ; then running about an east southeast course, until it comes to the brook ; then turning a northerly course as said brook runs to the land now in posession of Elias Clapp, and then turning a westerly course by the land of the said Clapp, to the Post Road afore- said, with all the improvements thereon. " I give to my son John, the south part of my now dwelling, beginning at the chestnut stump aforesaid, and running an east southeasterly course, by the land of said Abraham, until it comes to the brook aforesaid ; then turning a south- erly course as said brook runs to the land of Hercules Lent ; then turning a westerly course, by the land of Hercules Lent, to the Post Road aforesaid, and then running a northerly course, as said road runs to the place of beginning. " I likewise will and order that the above said property of said Abraham I will to him, his heirs and assigns forever, and that part of said property that I will to my said son John I will to him and his heirs, and the said heirs and their as- signs forever, and to my son Abraham my dock, including therewith one hundred feet on the water-front and two hundred feet back. " I likewise will and order that the meadow be equally divided between my son John and grandson James (the son of my son Abraham.) " The brickyard and clay belonging thereto I will to be equally divided be- tween my sons John and Abraham, their heirs and assigns forever, and all the 74 The Lent Family remaining part of my land on the west side of the highway aforesaid I give to my grandson James, hkewise the front room of my present dweUing-house, and the garden and half the orchard, and to his heirs and assigns forever. " And to my daughter Sarah, One hundred and fifty dollars ; likewise to my four grandaughters of my son Henry: Nancy, Mary, Margaret and Elizabeth, one hundred and twelve dollars and half, to be equally divided between them, and both the above said sums of money to be paid by my sons John and Abraham, equally by them. " I likewise will and order that before the above said legacy is dealt off to my grand-son James, that my son John, have one hundred feet front adjoining the brick-yard aforesaid, and on the north side thereof, and the length one hundred and fifty feet back, and all the personal property, such as horses, cows, hogs, sheep and every other kind of personal property, excepting household goods, and one good milch cow, I will to my son Abraham, (and the one good milch cow before excepted), I will to my son John, his heirs and assigns forever. And I will and bequeath that the above said household goods I will and order that they be equally divided between my daughters. I will and order that likewise the saw mill be equally shared and occupied between my sons Abraham and John and their heirs, during the continuance of the said mill, and all the remaining part of my farm being east of the brook above mentioned, I will and order that it be equally divided between my sons Abraham and John, and to be disposed of in the same form and manner as is there directed to my landed property on the east side of the highway before mentioned, and to my loving wife, " Chrechy," I will and order that she have the full privilege of my present habitation, as far the laws of this State established, and likewise the full privilege, direction and advantage of my live stock, and also all other personal property during her remaining my widow, and my negro boy, Joseph, I will and order that he remain with my loving wife, to be at her pleasure and direction during her remaining my widow, and " Lastly — I do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint David M. Hyatt, and Benjamin EUingsworth, to be my executors to this my last will and testament. " Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this ninth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and twelve. his HENRY X LENT." [seal] " Signed, sealed and declared in presence of us. mark. " Isaac Coneling. Wm. Birdsall. Joseph Travis." The above will was proved in the Westchester County Surrogate's Court, October 6, 1813. — u o cr -5 o c: CO n " o ni - • -J X 1 75 3 O o o -o X= — to 3 5- o -^ O 3 03 ^ ^ "> ?0 < p, H) — o_ '' en rr c 2, '' C o 3- G^ S- a a, » -3 — 1 -^ ^ tn •^ 3- ^ o E "■ 5- Q. "< 3" iro n>' S* ^' ^ T tA 2 3f i fB ■<'<-. TJ « ^ 3" O 2, w n 3" ° ^ s. °: -• 3- w ri) " ■O " « re 3 » O o » T3 -3 rt cr ]»■ 3- S c -. o 2 — 3 -" rt c £. T3 "^ 5* ^ 2 > CTQ G- re r D- 5' m D a " ^ v> 3" ^ — 3 C - -J O 3 ^ a ■^ a. 3 02 o* S o ' S. ^ " 3 « 3 3 Vi 3* EC — n n 3 o o -^ EC -3 3?i 3 » " 3. > 3 2° » - 3 3 erg = D. = n -■ -» Cfl tt ■< < - "1 ' E ^ a- 9 " at "^ o -1 ^ re — OT » M O „ i ^ =" 1^ 33 re ^„ re CT- ■ »•<:=- 5 - ° ^ =^ ? re re 3 =. ° o o a. 7s T re 5' D The Lent Family 75 *578-J HENRY LENT, bom in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., about 1780, was the son of Hendrick (Henry) (576) and Margaretta Lent. He was a farmer, and died about 1809. He married . Children : 714a. Nancy, born iSoo. 714b. Mary, born about 1802. 714c. Margaret, born about 1804. 7i4d. Elizabeth, born about 1806. LINE XXIIL 19, ISAAC LENT, born in Westchester County, N. Y., and baptised April 14, 1707, was the son of Abraham (11) and Anna Catrina van Lent. He married Sarah, daughter of Peter Luyster, of Fishkill, N. Y. She was born January 31, 1 7 14. From the best of information obtainable they had the following children : 715. Isaac, born about 1732. Died 716. , born 715. ISAAC LENT, born in Westchester County, N. Y., about 1732, was the son of Isaac (19) and Sarah (Luyster) Lent. He was in the Revolutionary War. He married Maritie (Mary) . Children : 717. Hendrick, born about 1755. Died 71S. Isaac, born January 4, 1764 ; baptised at Dutch Church, Tarrytown, N. Y. , November 5, 1774. Died September 5, 1847. 719. William, born August 5, 1787. 718. ISAAC LENT, born in Westchester County, N. Y., January 4, 1764, and baptised in the old Dutch Church, Tarrytown, N. Y., (Sleepy Hollow), Nov. 5, 1774, was the son of Isaac (715) and Maritie (Mary) Lent. His occupation was that of a farmer, which in that period of the country's existence was any- thing but easy work. With almost primitive implements, and with very few of them, he tilled the soil for a livelihood and was contented. He servted his country in the Revolutionary War, as a hero, to throw off the shackles of bondage and tyranny of Great Britain, for freedom and independence, that his posterity might enjoy life in , peace and happiness, as the framers of the Declara- tion of Independence intended. He enlisted as a private in the Fifth (Drake's) Regiment, First Company, and Sergeant, January i, 1777, three years. Dis- charged December 23, 1779. He died at the ripe old age of 86 years, Sep- * Received too late for proper numbering and compilation . 76 The Lent Family tember 5, 1849, and his wife soon followed, November 26, 1849, in her 83d year. Their remains were interred in the Van Cortlandtville Cemetery, On his tomb- stone are chiseled these words : " A revolutionary soldier, enHsted when young, fought for his country, lived a patriot, went to sleep in death, to awake no more, until his God shall call him." He married Margaret Christian (Vought), about 17S4. She was born May 6, 1767. Children: 720. Joseph, born 1786. Died January 24, 1877. 721. Mary (Polly), born March 22, 1791, m. Nicholas Vought. 722. Hester, born, April 5, 1792, m. Peter Meeks, Jan. 23, 1814. She died April 9, 1854. 723. Catherine, born 1793. Died March 26, 1886. Married twice : ist, Samuel Hawes ; 2d, Dean. 724. Lsaac, born September 13, 1794. Died May i, 1872. 725. Godfrey, born April 18, 1802. Died February 6, 1879, 726. James, born December 11, 1804. Died April 20, 1889. 727. Henry, born October 25, 1807. Died August 13, 1893. 728. Elizabeth, born October 7, 1809, m. Caleb Bownes. She died about 1883, 729. Sylvester, born March 7, 1810. Died December 30, 1863. 720. JOSEPH LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N, v., 1786, and died January 24, 1877, was the son of Isaac (718) and Margaret Lent. He married Anna Smith. She died January 7, 1864, aged 73 years, 2 months and 16 days, and was buried in Van Cortlandtville Cemetery. On her grave stone is the following inscription : " The winter of trouble is past, The storms of affliction are o'er. Her struggles are ended at last. And sorrow and death are no more." Children : 730. Smith, bom about 1806. .731. Mary Ann, born , m. Henry Mason. 732. Juliette, born , m. James McCoy. 733. Isaac H., born 1811. Died March 16, 1861. 733a. Ira, born 1813. Died about 1895. 733b. Abbie, born about 1815, m. Charles Miller, of Brooklyn, N. Y. 733c. Margaret, born about 18 17, m. Sylvanus Haight, of Fishkill, N. Y. 730. REV. SMITH LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., about 1806, was the son of Joseph (720) and Anna Lent. He was a minister of the Baptist denomination, and was located in the State of Penn- sylvania, as near as the writer can find out, where he died. He married . Children ? No. 735 HON. SMITH LENT. The Lent Family ']'] 733. ISAAC H. LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., 181 1, died March 16, 1861, and was buried in the Van Cortlandtville Cemetery. He was the son of Joseph (720) and Anna Lent. He was a farmer in the Town of Cortlandt. He married EUza Jane McCoy, of the Town of Cort- landt. Children : 734. Armenia, born April 11, 184S, m. Robert Gale, of Peekskill. 735. Smith, born December i, 1850. 736. Anna, born 1853, m. Owen Bullis Balcom. 737. Mary, m. Edward Odell, of Peekskill, 738. Mary, m. Edward Odell, of Peekskill, ) n^ ■ u i. .. « ..J. , ■ -.T ^ ■ , ^ r^ ,, „ y Twms, born about 1855, Abbie, m. Lewis K. Smith, of Phillipstown, N. Y. ) 735. HON. SMITH LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., December i, 1850, was the son of Isaac H. (733) and Ehza Jane Lent. He comes from patriotic lineage. His great-grand father, Isaac Lent, was in the War of the Revolution, a fact that any son may feel proud of. He is a lawyer, and resides at Ossining, N. Y. In politics he is a Republican. He was elected Judge of Westchester County in 1895, by a large majority over his Democratic opponent. The office of Judge of his county is a very important one, it being one of the largest counties in the State. His sound judgment and wise counsel are well-known throughout his county and vicinity. He is a lawyer of rare ability, representing his clients with skill and fidelity. He married Elizabeth Carrick. Children : 739. Rosamond R., born in Ossining, N. Y. , April 14, 1880. Unmarried. 740. John Rossiter, born in Ossining, N. Y., December 13, 1886. 733-a. IRA LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N, Y., 1813, was the son of Joseph (720) and Anna Lent. He was a house carpen- ter by trade, but in his later days he was employed by Sheppard Knapp & Co., New York. He died in 1895. He married Margaret Walters, of Peekskill, N. Y. Children : 740-a. Nettie, born about 1837. 740-b. Frederick, born about 1839. 740-c. Joseph, born about 1S41. 740-d. Clarence, born about 1843. 724. ISAAC LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., September 13, 1794, was the son of Isaac (718) and Margaret Lent. He was a farmer by occupation, in the Town of Cortlandt, and a devout Christian yS The Lent Family gentleman, spending two years in Conference work, after which he became a local elder in the Methodist Episcopal Church. He died May i, 1872, and was buried in the Van Cortlandtville Cemetery. The following inscription is on his grave stone : " Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like His." He was married to Ehzabeth Oakley, of the Town of Putnam Valley, Putnam County, N. Y., May i, 181 5. She was born April 20, 1795, and died August 9, 187 1. The following inscription is on her grave stone : " She was a good wife, and very sympathetic mother, and a devoted Christian. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord." Children : 741. Sarah C, born April 10, 1S16, m. St. John Croft, Feb. 18, 1837. She died September 14, 1854. 742. Benson Oakley, born October 30, 1S17. Died February 14, 1898. 743. Marvin Richardson, born September 21, 1819. Died August 5, 1895. 744. James C, born May 18, 1822. Died 745. Isaac Halstead, born August 12, 1S24. 746. William Henry, born October 9, 1826. 747. Margaret Elizabeth, born October 12, 1828, m. George WiUiams. She died July, 1903. 748. Samuel J., born June 25, 1831. Died September 16, 1S32. 749. Samuel J., born March 10, 1S33. Resides in ElUs, Kansas. Unmarried. 750. Nehemiah Oakley, born December 26, 1836. 751. Joshua Marsden, born August 21, 1839. 742. BENSON OAKLEY LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, West- chester County, N. Y., October 30, 181 7, was the son of Isaac (724) and Eliza- beth Lent. He was a farmer, and also a merchant in Peekskill just prior to his death, which occurred February 14, 1898. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in Peekskill, N. Y., and his voice was often heard at the gathering of God's people in the town of his nativity and vicinity. He was married to Julia Ann Gilbert, of Putnam County, N. Y., December 21, 1838, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Isaac Lent, his father. She was born Febru- ary 22, 1819, and died October 8, 185 1. Children: 752. Thomas Stockton, born November 23, 1S39. 753. Hester Ann, born December 2, 1841. Died October 19, 1845. 754. Benson C, born October 30, 1843. 755. Althea, born January 24, 1845, m. Henry H. Lane, of Peekskill. 752. REV. THOMAS STOCKTON LENT, born in the Town of Cort- landt, Westchester County, N. Y., November 23, 1839, was the son of Benson No. 743. REV. MARVIN RICHARDSON LENT. The Lent Family 79 Oakley (742) and Julia Ann Lent, of Peekskill, N. Y. He was ordained a min- ister in the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1861, but withdrew in 1893, and was confirmed in the Protestant Episcopal denomination, at the " Field Home," in Yorktown, Westchester County, N, Y., July 7, 1893, by Bishop Seymour, of Illi- nois. He was married to Susan Jane Cole, of Putnam County, N. Y., the cere- mony being performed by the Rev. Isaac Lent, April 23, 1861, a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church. They reside at Buchanan, Westchester Co., N. Y. She was born April 9, 1838. Children : 756. Hettie Ann, born at Kenosia Lake, N. Y., May 4, 1863, m. Stanley L. Lewis, of New Castle-on-Tine. She died August 9, 1894. 757. William Benson, born May i, 1865. 757. WILLIAM BENSON LENT, born at Oscawana Lake, Putnam Co., N. Y., May i, 1865, is the son of Thomas Stockton (752) and Susan Jane Lent. He married Nettie Adele Throop. Children : 758. Walter Eugene, born at Somers, N. Y., October 6, 1889. 759. Vivian, born at Buchanan, N. Y., January 11, 1891. 754. BENSON C. LENT, born in Oregon, Putnam County, N. Y., October 30, 1843, was the son of Benson O. (742) and Juha Ann Lent. He married Mary EmeHne Gillett, of Peekskill, N. Y. Children : 760. Benson Oakley, born 761. Radford Burd, born November 24, 1877. Died July 25, 1887. 762. Althea M., born August 31, 1889. Died December 28, 1891. 743. REV. MARVIN RICHARDSON LENT, born in New York City September 21, 181 9, was the son of Isaac (724) and EHzabeth Lent, of the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y. He began preaching at the age of 19, and was in the active pastorate until within four months of his death. He was a member of the New York Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church and preached his semi-centennial sermon before that body about three years prior to his death. His ministry was confined largely to the counties of Columbia, Dutchess, Putnam and Westchester, though he preached also in Orange and Ulster Counties, and in Massachusetts and Connecticut, while he began his min- istry on Long Island. He was a faithful, devoted Christian, a good preacher and pastor — greatly beloved of his people — a close student of current events and kept his kindly, genial interest in persons and in things down to the end of life. He died while 8d The Lent Family on a visit at Wallace, Nova Scotia, August 5, 1895, and was buried at Highland Mills, Orange County, N. Y. His wife, who was born August 16, 1822, died in Highland Mills, January 21, 1888, The following Conference appointments were filled by him during his ministry : i844,'45, Smithtown, L. I.; '46'47, Cutchogue and Southold ; '48,'49, Amenia; '5o,'5i, Pine Plains; '52,'53, Copake ; '54,'55, Hillsdale ; '56,'57, Lee; '58,'59, Spencertown and Chatham Four Corners; '60, Falls Village; '61, Pleasant Valley; '62,'63, East Chatham and Red Hook; '64-66, Copake; '67,'68, North Canaan; '69/70, New Fairfield ; '7i,'72, Purdy's Station; '73-'75, Millerton ; '76-78, West Point; '79,'8o, New Hamburgh; '81-83, Dover Plains, '84,'85, Modena, CUntondale and East Plattekill ; '86-'88, Highland Mills ; '89-'92, Wing's Station; '93, '94, North Highlands; '95, superannuated. Mr. Lent was married to Hannah Williams Louzada, November 3, 1841. Children : 763. Mervenia Elizabeth, born November 27, 1842. Died Jan. 15, 1843. 764. Henry Cornwell, born December 15, 1843. Died at sea, April, 1895. 765. Mervenia Elizabeth, born March 27, 1845. 766. Katherine Adelia, born May 8, 1853, m. James Stevenson. 767. James Louzada, born April 26, 1856. 764. HENRY CORNWELL LENT, born December 15, 1843, was the son of Rev, Marvin R. (743) and Hannah W. Lent. He was married to Amelia Bain, at Copake, N. Y., February 2, 1865, Children: 768. Carlton W., born December, 1868, m. Mabel Van de Mark, 769. Harry Marvin, born June 11, 1872, m. Rachel Enos. 765. MERVENIA ELIZABETH LENT, born March 27, 1845, was the daughter of Rev. Marvin R. (743) and Hannah W. Lent. She married Payne Kilbourne Coggswell, November 3, 1869. Children : 770. Katherine Mervenia, born September 5, 1871. 771. Ralph Louzada, born August, 1875. Died April, 1877. 772. Alice Bennett, born November 29, 1878, m. Rev. Nathan Weeks, of Chicago, 111., June 29, 1900. 773. Chester Marvin, born August 2, 1885. 766. KATHERINE ADELIA LENT, born May 8, 1853, was the daughter of Rev, Marvin R, (743) and Hannah W. Lent. Her work has been largely in the field of literature and reform. She has been for twelve years officially con- nected with the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, as State Corresponding The Lent Family 8i Secretary (three years) ; National Corresponding Secretary and Editor (five years) and is now entering upon her fourth year as President of the Massachusetts Union. She is also Superintendent of the Department of Christian Citizenship in the World's Woman's Christian Temperance Union, and one of the editorial staff of the official organ "The Union Signal." She was married to James Stevenson, February 14, 1883, and her home is in Newton, Mass. No children. 767. JAMES LOUZADA LENT, born April 26, 1856, was the son of Rev. Marvin R. (743) and Hannah W. Lent. He graduated from Bellevue Medi- cal College in 1881. He was married to LiUian McKinstry, in 1885. No children. 744. REV. JAMES C. LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., May 18, 1822, was the son of Isaac (724) and Elizabeth Lent. He was a regularly ordained minister of the Baptist Church. From the time he was eighteen years of age he was subject to epileptic fits, which resulted in his death. He was buried in the cemetery at Highland Falls, N. Y. He was mar- ried to Emeline Dusenbury, of Highland Falls, N. Y., November 25, 1843. Children : 774. Alamanzer, born June 17, 1845. Died March 30, 1850. 775. Mary, born about 1846. 776. Sarah, born about 1848. 777. Eliza, born about 1850. 778. , born , 1852. 745. REV. ISAAC HALSTEAD LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., August 12, 1824, was the son of Isaac (724) and EHzabeth (Betsey) Lent. He is a member of the New York Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and a man of rare abiUty in his period of service. Probably there is no member in the Conference that has had a larger number of conversions during the same period, than under the ministration of Mr. Lent. His great stentorian voice can be recalled by many, which will echo down the ages to follow. His ministry dates from 1845, and the following have been his Conference appointments : 1845, Westhampton, L. I. ; '46, Marbletown; '47, Glenham; '48, Hopbrook ; '49, South Lee; '50, '51, Norfolk; '52, '53, Hartsville ; '54/55» Copake ; '56,'57, Spencertown and Chatham Four Corners; '58,'59, Cortlandt; '6o,'6i, Johnsville ; '62, '63, Dutchess; '64, Kensico and North Castle ; '65, '66, PhiUipsport ; '67-'69, §2 The Lent Family Copake; '70, '71, Washington Hollow, Verbank and Pleasant Valley ; '72-74, Ashford; '75-'77, Hartsdale ; '78-80, Croton Landing; '81-83, Purdy's and North Salem; '84-86, St. Stephen's, New York ; '87-91, Gardnertown ; '92-95, Esopus and Cold Spring Corners; '96-'99, Milton; 1900, '01, after working in the Master's vineyard, proclaiming God's truths for fifty-six years, very success- fully, was superannuated. Mr. Lent was married to Elizabeth P. Osborn, at East-Hampton, Long Island, N. Y , June 29, 1847, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. Marvin R. Lent, (743) a Methodist minister. Children : 779. Charles Mulford, born at Glenham, N. Y., March 22, 1848. Died in infancy. 780. Alice Ardell, born at Lee, Mass., October 17, 1849, m. Allen Sheldon, of Hillsdale, Columbia County, N. Y. 7S1. Fletcher H., born March 9, 1851. 782. Edrriund Janes, born September 22, 1853. Died March 24, 1900. 783. Isaac H., born March 22, 1857. Died August 18, 1899. 781. FLETCHER H. LENT, born at Ashley Falls, Mass., March 9, 185 1, is the son of Rev. Isaac H. (745) and Elizabeth P. Lent. He is in the livery business at Katonah, Westchester County, N. Y, He was married to Lydia Merritt, in 1888. Children: 784. Robert, born 1SS9. 785. Hobart, born 1897. 782. EDMUND JANES LENT, born at Copake, N. Y., September 22, 1853, was the son of Rev. Isaac H. (745) and EUzabeth P. Lent. He was a dealer in sewing machines, organs and pianos, at Katonah, N. Y. He was attacked with apoplexy, from which he died March 24, 1900, and was buried at Hillsdale, N. Y. He was married to Emily Jane Blanding, at Providence, Rhode Island, in 1879. She was born in 1858, at Sutton, Mass., and survives him. Children : 786. Grace E., born 1880. 787. Leemon B., born in 1882. 788. Ethel M., born 1884. 789. Ralph E., born in 1886. 783. ISAAC H. LENT, born at Chatham, N. Y., March 22, 1857, was the son of Rev. Isaac H. (745) and Elizabeth P. Lent. He resided at New Rochelle, Westchester County, N. Y., for many years, and at the time of his death, which occurred August 18, 1899, after an illness of about ten weeks, caused by gastritis, The Lent Family 8 ■1 which brought about other complications. In his earher days Mr. Lent was a teacher and afterward Superintendent of Schools in Upper New Rochelle, and he also taught in Hartsdale, Westchester County. He then embarked in the carriage business in New Rochelle, in which he was very successful. He was a member of the Fire Department of New Rochelle, and was a member of the Civil Service Board and was its Secretary. He married Lilly McNulty, of Hartsdale, N. Y. She died in 1897. Children : 790. Alice May, born . m. Wm. Seabright, Jr., of New Rochelle. 791. Charles F., born . 792. Frederick, born 793. Lillian, born 746. WILLIAM HENRY LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, West- chester County, N. Y., October 9, 1826, was the son of Isaac (724) and Elizabeth O. Lent. He married Mary EHzabeth Haight, of Cold Spring, N. Y. Children : 793-a Jane, born . Died 794. Howard Otis, born 795. Washington Irving, born 796. Elizabeth, born 797. Minnie Bellefeuille, born May 2, 1872. Unmarried. 794. HOWARD OTIS LENT, born , is the son of William H. (746) and Mary E. (Haight) Lent. He is a commission merchant in New York City. He married Everetta Haight, of West Point, N. Y. 750. REV. NEHEMIAH OAKLEY LENT, born in the Town of Cort- landt, Westchester County, N. Y., December 26, 1836, was the son of Isaac (724) and Elizabeth (Betsey) Lent. He was married twice. He was married to his first wife Mary Ann Eggleston, October i, 1855, the ceremony being performed by his brother. Rev. Marvin R. Lent, (743) at Sharon, Conn. Children : 798. Bertha, born 799. Mervin R., born Mr. Lent's second marriage was to Anna Van Houghton, of Yorktown, the ceremony being performed by Rev. M. D'C. Crawford, a Methodist Episcopal minister. No children. He was converted in and joined the Methodist Episco- pal Church in his youth. He studied for the ministry, and entered the New York Methodist Conference, and has had the following appointments : 1855, Summit; '56, Palenville ; '57, Leeds, Cairo, and High Hill; '58, Cairo; '59,'6o, Stamford; '61, '62, Davenport ; '63, '64, Lexington; 'O^-'G-j, Gilboa; 84 The Lent Family '68-70, Oak Hill; '71-73, Greenville ; '74-76, Mount Zion; '7 7, '78, Grace Church and Sixty-eighth Street, New York; '79-'8i, North Sing Sing; '82, '83, Boscobel, Centerville, and Furnace Woods; '84-'86, Supernumerary ; '87-'90, Johnsville; 'qi-'qs, Carthage Landing and New Hamburg; '96-1902, Putnam VaUey; '03, AUigerville, N. Y. 751. JOSHUA MARSDEN LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, West- chester County, N. Y., August 21, 1839, was the son of Isaac (724) and Elizabeth Lent. He is a travehng salesman, and resides at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. He married Emma Elton. One child : 800. Lilly, born , m. Charles Shepherd, of Texas. 726. GODFREY LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., April 18, 1802, was the son of Isaac (718) and Margaret Lent. He was a blacksmith by occupation. His shop was located at Oregon, Putnam County, N. Y. He was a pleasant and congenial companion, and a citizen respected by all who knew him. He died February 6, 1879, ^^'^ was buried in the Van Cortlandtville Cemetery. On his grave stone is inscribed the following : " When my body lies mouldering in the grave, my soul is marching on." He was married twice. His first marriage was to Hannah, daughter of Cornelius Crawford, in 1820. She was born December 15, 1803, and died June 19, 1856. Children : 801. Robinson, born April 21, 1S20. Died July 29, 1875. 802. Mahalah J., born March 15, 1822. Died March 13, 1S24. 803. James H., born March 14, 1824. 804. Cornelius Crawford, born May 9, 1826. Died November 26. 1897. 805. Harriet Ann, born August 30, 1828. Died July 30, 1829. 806. Harrison, born July 15, 1830 807. Benson C, born September 15, 1833. 808. Theodore Halstead, born May 31, 1836. Died September 6, 1893. 809. Daniel vS. , born October S, 1838. 810. Mary Elizabeth, born November 24, 1841, m. George McNutt. 811. Robenia, born December 10, 1843, m. Ezra Nickerson, She died March 2, 1868. Mr. Lent married his second wife Mrs. Ruth Gale, about i860. No children. 801. ROBINSON LENT, born in Oregon, Putnam County, N. Y., April 21, 1820, was the son of Godfrey (726) and Hannah Lent. He died July 29, No. 726. GODFREY LENT, Born April 18, 1802. Died February 6, 1879. The Lent Family 85 1875, and was buried in the Van Cortlandtville Cemetery. He was married to Robenia Denike about 1843. Children : 812. Robert D., born May 30, 1845. Died July i, 1S95. 813. Cornelius C, born March 2, 1847. 814. Emma D., born September 21, 1848, m. Jesse Nickerson. 814-a. Louisa, born January 30, 1851, m. Griffith Nickerson. 815. Charles G., born May 25, 1852. Died December 4, 1S57. 816. Hannah, born June 16, 1856, m. Absalom Sherwood. 817. Abbie J., born August 30, 1858, m. Joseph Dayton. 818. Fred J., born August 15, 1866. 812. ROBERT D. LENT, born in Oregon, Putnam County, N. Y., May 30, 1845, w^s the son of Robinson (801) and Robenia Lent. He enlisted as a private, Fourteenth Artillery ; transferred to Company " K," this regiment. May 10, 1864; discharged for disability, May 8, 1865, at General Hospital, Frederick, Md. He died July i, 1895. He married Angehne Gordineer, about 1859, One child : 819. Clarence James, born February 28, 1864. 819. CLARENCE JAMES LENT, born in Peekskill, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1864 is the son of Robert D. (812) and Angeline Lent. He was married twice. His first marriage was to Clara Nelson. No children. His second marriage to Annie Agnes, daughter of J. S. MacNeal, of Ossining, N. Y., the ceremony being per- formed by the Rev. W. F. Anderson, of Ossining, N. Y., November 14, 1901. Mr, Lent is a bookkeeper by occupation, at Peekskill, N. Y. 813. CORNELIUS C. LENT, born in Oregon, Putnam County, N. Y., March 2, 1847, was the son of Robinson (801) and Robenia Lent. He is a laborer by occupation, and resides at Matteawan, Dutchess County, N. Y. He was married to Harriet Fales, of Fishkill Landing, N. Y., October 31, 1875. Children : 820. Robinson, born April 27, 187S. 821. Emma W., born January 23, 1882. Unmarried. 820. ROBINSON LENT, born in Matteawan, Dutchess County, N. Y., April 27, 1878, is the son of Cornehus C. (813) and Harriet Lent. He was married to Hattie Blair, of Fishkill Landing, N. Y., June 14, 1902. 818. FRED J. LENT, born in Oregon, Putnam Co., N. Y., Aug. 15, 1866, was the son of Robinson (801) and Robenia Lent. He conducts a general store 86 The Lent Family in his native town, Oregon, He married Gertie Gilbert, of Yonkers, N. Y. One child : 522. Clifford, born December 2, 1892. Died July 11, 1902. 803. JAMES H. LENT, born in Oregon, Putnam County, N. Y., March 14, 1824, was the son of Godfrey (726) and Hannah Lent. He is a public auctioneer, and resides at No. 835 Main Street, Peekskill, N. Y. He was mar- ried to Louisa C. Denike, January 18, 1848. She died April 16, 1903. Children: 523. Edwin B., born December 18, 1848. 824. Ella L., born April 24, 1856, m. George H. Hudson, S25. Laura N., born November 5, 1858, m. Philip Hoffman. 826. Frank, born March 7, 1862. 827. Cora H., born September 14, 1865, m. Edwin J. Irwin. 828. James H., Jr., born November 20, 1868. 829. Lulu F., born February 28, 1S76. Died in infancy. 823. EDWIN B. LENT, born in Peekskill, N. Y., December 18, 1848, is the son of James H. (803) and Louisa C. Lent. He conducts a large and suc- cessful department store, at Nos. 2 to 6 South Division Street, Peekskill, N. Y., as E. B. Lent & Co, He is a gentleman of enterprise and of excellent business ability, and always looks to the upbuilding of the beautiful city which gave him his birth. He married Phebe Amerman, of Brooklyn, N. Y., September i, 1S69. No children. 826, FRANK LENT, born in Peekskill, N, Y„ March 7, 1862, is the son of James H, (803) and Louisa C, Lent. He resides at Dover, New Jersey, and is by occupation an iron moulder. He was married to Matilda Rulfs, of Brooklyn, N. Y,, December 20, 1885, No children. 828. JAMES H. LENT, JR., bom in Peekskill, N. Y., November 20, 1868, is the son of James H. (803) and Louisa C. Lent. He married Hattie Atkins, of Charleston, Illinois, August 2, 1891. Children: 830. Harold C, born June 10, 1893. 831. Louisa C, , born April, 1899. 804. CORNELIUS CRAWFORD LENT, born in Oregon, Putnam Coun- ty, N. Y., May 9, 1826, was the son of Godfrey (726) and Hannah Lent. He died November 26, 1897. He was a man of good executive abihty in everything. In politics he was a Republican, and was called upon a number of years to look No. 804. CORNELIUS CRAWFORD LENT. The Lent Family S)"/ after the interests of his village. He was elected President of the village and conducted the affairs of that office with fidelity. He was a member of the firm of Montross & Lent, stove manufacturers, at Peekskill, N. Y. Several years prior to his death he purchased the interest of his partners and became sole proprietor and changed the name to " The Peekskill Stove Works." He married Sarah E. Rogers, of Carmel, Putnam County, N. Y. She was born January ii, 1833, and died May 31, 1902. One child : 832. Julia Ann, born August 26, 1852. Died December 16, 1852. 806. HARRISON LENT, born m Oregon, Putnam County, N. Y., July 15, 1830, was the son of Godfrey (726) and Hannah Lent. By occupation he is a carpenter. He was married to Mary A. Lockhart, January, 1858. She died in Brooklyn, N. Y., April, 1895, aged 65 years, and was buried in Evergreen Cemetery. Children : S33. Willard G., born November i, 1858. Unmarried. 834. Marcene, born January 31, i860. 835. Flora, born October 23, 1862, m. Robert Williamson. 836. Lottie, born April 21, 1867, rn. Isaac D. Allen. 837. Harry, born February 26, 1872. Unmarried. 807. BENSON C. LENT, born in Oregon, Putnam County, N. Y., Septem- ber 15, 1833, was the son of Godfrey (726) and Hannah Lent. He is a dealer in farm implements, at Arkansas City, Kansas. He was married twice. He first wife was Ann Letitia, daughter of John Calvin (480) and Melinda Lent, of Peek- skill, N. Y. She died April 13, 1883. Children : 838. Olymus B., born 1851. 839. Nellie D., born 1S53, m. Geo. S. Cunningham. 840. Fannie B., born 1S55, m. Edward Barron. She died Dec. 8, 1885. 841. Rodney B., born February 13, 1S64. Died April 15, 1875. 808. THEODORE HALSTEAD LENT, born in Oregon, Putnam Coun- ty, N. Y., May 30, 1835, was the son of Godfrey (726) and Hannah Lent. He was a farmer at Shrub Oak, N. Y. He died September 6, 1893. On his grave stone in the Van Cortlandtville Cemetery are these words: "Thy will be done." He married Cornelia F. Denike (born Yorktown, N. Y., July 12, 1843). Children : 841^. Homer, born May 13, 1868. Died in Peekskill, August 2, 1S6S. 842. Grace Bertha, born July 29, 1870, m. Dr. J. H. Jenkins, Shrub Oak, N. Y., April S, 1897, by Rev. Gouverneur Cruger, at Lake Mohegan, N. Y. 843. Theodore Searle, born December 28, 1872, m. Catherine E. Harrison, of New York, June 16, 1898. No children. SS The Lent Family 809. DAxMEL S. LENT, bom in Oregon, Putnam County, N. Y., October 8, 1838, was the son of Godfrey (726) and Hannah Lent, He enlisted in the War of the Rebellion, June 18, 1863, as a private under Captain Charles E. Gold- thwait. Company " B," Twenty-third Regiment, New York State National Guard. Was honorably discharged on the 2 2d day of July, 1863. He is a house carpenter by occupation, and resides at No. 133 1 Main Street, Peekskill, N. Y. He married Mary Kuykendall, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Children : 844. Julia, born September 29. i860, m. Edward D. Kent, of Brooklyn, N. Y. She died January 14, 1S92. 845. Oscar B., born November 10, 1862. Unmarried. 846. Thomas K., born January 17, 1865. 847. Ida. born January 20 1867, m. Benj. McPherson, of Brooklyn, N. Y. 848. Theodore P., born February 20, 1869. 849. Estella, born September 29, 1872, m. Benson D. See, of Crugers, N. Y. 850. Hattie, born September 29, 1S74. Unmarried. 851. Arthur, born November 3, 1S7S. Died April 4, 1882. 852. Leola, born September 21, 1880, m. David Posey, of Peekskill. 846. THOMAS K. LENT, born in Peekskill, N. Y., January 17, 1865, is the son of Daniel S. (809) and Mary Lent. He is foreman of a stove foundry m Peekskill. He married Clara Mansfield, of Peekskill, N. Y. Children : 853. Clara B., born June 16, 1887. S54. ClilTord T., born November 14, 1891. 848. THEODORE P. LENT, born in Peekskill, N. Y., February 20, 1869, is the son of Daniel S. (809) and Mary Lent. By occupation he is a stove moulder, and resides in Peekskill, N. Y. He was married to Jennie Barger, of Peekskill, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. Mr. Akerly, a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Children : 855. Ida M., born August 6, 1893. 856. Raymond D., born March 15, 1896. 857. Arthur D., born October 24, 1899. 810. MARY ELIZABETH LENT, born in Oregon, Putnam County, N. Y., November 24, 1841, was the daughter of Godfrey (726) and Hannah Lent. She was a kind and genial companion, a devoted and Christian mother. She gave her heart to the Saviour in her youth, joined the Methodist Episcopal Church, and became a member of St. Paul's M. E. Church, Peekskill, when it was first built, where she has ever been a faithful attendant in all its means of grace. She died July 16, 1903, and was laid at rest in Hillside Cemetery, at Van Cort- No. 810. MARY ELIZABETH (LENT) McNUTT. The Lent Family 89 landtville. She was married to George McNutt, of Peekskill, about 1859. He died March 6, 1900. Children: S5S. George, born April 5, iSOi, ni. Annie Mansfield, of Peekskill, N, Y., Nov. 10, 1895. No children. 859. William, born May 30, 1S65, m. Ella Harrison, of Peekskill, in 1894. No children. 726. JAMES LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., December 11, 1804, was the son of Isaac (718) and Margaret Lent. He was a farmer. He died April 20, 1889, and was buried in the Van Cortlandtville Cemetery. He was married to Frances, daughter of Cornelius Crawford, of the Town of Putnam Valley, Putnam County, N. Y. She died November \2, 1854, aged 48 years, i month and 27 days. Children : 860. Harriet, born 1824, m. Daniel Applebee. She died February 18, 1886. 861. Catherine, born 1828, m. George Silleck. She died May 29, 1903. S62. Emily R.. born 1S36. Died September 15, 1893. Never married. 863. Sarah EHzabeth, born September 8, 1841, m. WiUiam Parker. S64. James G., born 1844. Died February 8, 1S79. 864. JAMES G. LENT, born in the Town of Cordandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., in 1844, was the son of James (726) and Frances Lent, He was a house carpenter by occupation. He enlisted at the age of 19 years, August 25, 1863, at New York; mustered in as private, Company " C," 13th Artillery, September II, 1863, to serve three years; promoted to Corporal, February 11, 1865; trans- ferred to Co. " K," Sixth Artillery, June 27, 1865, 139th New York State Vol- unteers, in the Civil War. Mustered out with Company, August 24, 1865, at Washington, D. C. He died February 8, 1879. 727. HENRY LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., October 25, 1807, and died August 13, 1893, was the son of Isaac (718) and Margaret Lent. By occupation he was a farmer in Orange County, N. Y., and was very much respected. He was married three times. His first marriage was to Hester (Hetty) Stevens about 1831. Children : 865. John Owens, born October 10, 1833. 866. Andrew Jackson, born March, 1835. Died 1889. 867. Caroline, born March, 1837, m. John Drew, of Highland Falls. 868. Mary Eliza, born 1840, m. H. M. Williamson, of Moravia, N, Y. Died February, 1900. 869. Henry, born November 4, 1841. Died February 5, 1880. 870. Cynthia Jane, born July 8, 1845, m. John H. Smith, of Cornwall, N. Y. 871. Isaac, born June i, 1847. 90 The Lent Family Mr. Lent's second wife was Mary Sedgewick, whom he married about 1852. Children : 572. Charles Ariston, born January 29, 1S54. 573. Elizabeth, born January 5, 1S56, m. Henry WiUiamson, of Moravia, N. Y. Mr. Lent's third wife was Jane Turner, of the Town of Newburgh, Orange County, N. V., whom he married January 31, 1858, the ceremony being per- formed by Rev. Aaron Palmer, a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, at Gardnertown, N. Y. Children : 8 74. Frances L., born December 23, 1S58, m. Earl Craft, of Newburgh, N. Y. S75. Eva, born July 10, 1861, m. Edward Nichols, of Newburgh, N. Y. 865. JOHN OWENS LENT, born in Orange County, N. Y., October 10, 1833, was the son of Henry (727) and his first wife, Hester (Hetty). By occu- pation he is a mason and builder. He married Mary Peacock. Children : 876. Florence, born 1863, m. Clark Good. 877. Gertrude, born 1865, m. Carman. 878. Adelaide, born 1867, m. 866. ANDREW JACKSON LENT, born in Orange County, N. Y., March, 1835, was the son of Henry (727) and Hester Lent. By occupation he was a mason and builder. He died May, 1889. He married Margaret Lavey, of West Point, N. Y. Children : 879. Hester, born . Died June, 1890. 880. John Henry, born . Unmarried. Policeman in New York. 881. Mary, born , m. Willis Torrey, of Canterbury, N. Y. 882. Frank, born . Unmarried. In New York. 883. Caroline, born , m. Wm. Lumson, of Canterbury, N. Y. 869. HENRY LENT, JR., born in Orange County, N. Y., November 4, 1841, was the son of Henry (727) and Hester Lent. He pursued the calhng of a farmer in Orange County, N. Y. At one time he held the office of Deputy Postmaster at Moodna, Orange County, N. Y., and on July 31, 1861, he enHsted in the War of the Rebellion, at Newburgh, N. Y., as a private, in Company "A," 56th Infantry, N. Y. State Vols., one of the regiments comprising what was then known as the "Tenth Legion," Col. Van Wyck, commanding. He participated in the engagements of Lee's Mills, Williamsburgh, Chickahominy, Reconnoissance of Seven Pines, Fair Oaks, Railroad and Bottom Bridge, White Oak Swamp, Carter's Hill, Matthews County, Gloucester, James Island and Siege of Morris No. 727. HENRY LENT, Born October 25, 1807. Died August 13, 1893. The Lent Family 91 Island. He was honorably discharged at Newburgh, N. Y., July 14, 1865, having attained the rank of Sergeant. Having contracted a chronic disease during the war, from the effects of which he never fully recovered, and which finally resulted in his death, February 5, 1880, at Cornwall, Orange County, N. Y., at the age of 38 years and 3 months. He was buried at Vails Gate, Orange County, N. Y. He married Melissa Halstead Van Zile, of New Windsor, N. Y., March 24, 1864. She was the youngest child of a family of ten, and was born December 25, 1841. Her parents lived on a farm at Cornwall, N. Y., at which place she became acquainted with and afterwards married Mr. Lent, who at the time of marriage had returned from the war on furlough. On her hus- band's death she removed to Newburgh, N. Y., and resided there until the Fall of 1895, when she took up her residence in New York City, where she still resides. Children, all born in Cornwall, N. Y. : 884. Annie E., born February 25, 1867. Unmarried. 885. Luella Jane, born November 14, 1868, m. Whitfield Creveling, 1893. 886. Raymond Barlow, born February 5, 1871. 887. Emma A., born September 28, 1872, m. Joseph Miller, March 5, 1903. 888. William S., born March 11, 1874. Died in infancy. 889. Harry Smith, born April 29, 1876. S90. Henrietta B., born September 23, 1878. Unmarried. 886. RAYMOND BARLOW LENT, born in the Town of Cornwall, Orange County, N. Y., February 5, 187 1, was the son of Henry, Jr., (S69) and Melissa H. Lent. He attended the schools at Cornwall, N. Y., until 18S0, when he removed to Newburgh, N. Y., and attended the public schools of that city, and later accepted a position in a grocery store on Water Street. He is a member of Newburgh Council, No. ;^8, O. U. A. M., and of Highland Council, No. 5, Jr. Order United American Mechanics. He is a gentleman of good qualifica- tions and a pleasing disposition. He married Carohne Siener, of Highland Falls, N. Y., January 24, 1893. No children. 889. HARRY SMITH LENT, born in the Town of Cornwall, Orange County, N. Y., April 29, 1876, was the son of Henry, Jr. (S69) and Mehssa H. Lent. He removed to Newburgh, N. Y., in 1S80 ; entered the First Ward Gram- mar School at the age of seven years and graduated from the Academy in 1893. He completed a course in the Spencerian Institute, in Newburgh, and removed to New York in 1895, where he engaged in the brokerage business, and is now associ- 92 The Lent Family ated with the firm of Smith & Shipper, at Nos. 91 and 93 Wall Street. He is a member of Company " K," 71st Regiment, National Guard, New York. He married Josephine Kelly, New York, March 17, 1903. 871. ISAAC LENT, born in Orange County, N. Y., June i, 1847, was the son of Henry (727) and Hester Lent. By occupation he is a farmer at Moravia, N. Y. He married Jennie Smith, of Moravia. Children : 891. Olive May, born , m. Lockwood. 892. Fanny, born . Unmarried. 872. CHARLES ARISTON LENT, born in Orange County, N. Y., Janu- ary 29, 1853, was the son of Henry (727) and Mary Lent. He is a farmer in Orange County, He never married. 729. SYLVESTER LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., March 7, 1810, was the son of Isaac (718) and Margaret Lent. He was a farmer by occupation, and resided at Oregon, Putnam County, N. Y., where he died December 30, 1863, and was buried in the Van Cortlandtville Cemetery. He was married twice. His first wife was Mary Lockwood. Children : 893. Sylvester, born August 5, 1848. 894. Henrietta, born 1850, m. George W. Barger. 895. Edward, born about 1852. Mr. Lent's second wife Mrs. Clorinda (Odell) Cronk. She died July 31, 1886, aged 83 years and 4 months, and was buried in Van Cortlandtville Ceme- tery. One child : 896. Isaac H., born March 19, 1855. Died September 6, i860. 893. SYLVESTER LENT, JR., born in Oregon, Putnam Co., N. Y., August 5, 1848, was the son of Sylvester (729) and Mary Lent. He enlisted at the age of 21 years, August 29, 1864, at Albany; mustered in as private. Company " A," August 30, 1S64, to serve one year ; mustered out with Company, June 28, 1865, at Petersburg, Va., Captain Ephraim Donaldson, Sixth Regiment, New York Heavy Artillery. He is a farmer. He was married twice. His first wife was Adaline Sherwood, of Oregon, N. Y. He was married only two years when his wife died with consumption. No children. His second wife was Mary Odell, of Shrub Oak, Westchester County, N. Y. Children : 897. Dorlin A., born iSSo. 898. Sylvester J., born 1883. The Lent Family 93 899. Grace E., born 1S85, m. Arthur Dunning, April 12, 1903, by Rev. Ackerly. 900. Frederick, born 1890. 895. EDWARD LENT, born in Oregon, Putnam County, N. Y., in 1852, was the son of Sylvester (729) and Mary Lent. Being very young when his mother died, his aunt, Matilda S. Springstead, of Highland Falls, N. Y., took him in the family to bring him up, and he took the name of " Springstead." He married . Children : 901. Matilda, born 1872. 902. John, born 1874. LINE XXIV. 22. JACOBUS LENT, born in Newtown, Long Island, N. Y., July 3, 17 14, was the son of Abraham (11) and Anna Catherine van Lent. He succeeded to the paternal farm on Long Island, and was a much esteemed citizen, and an Elder in the Newtown Dutch Church. He died December 13, 1779, and his widow, September 11, 1794, in her 74th year. He married Margaret, daughter of Daniel Rapalye. Children : 903. Abraham, born February 15, 1745. Died April 13, 1S16. 904. AUetta, born April 24, 1747, m. George Rapalye, Nov. 9, 1764. 905. Daniel, born May 31, 1754. Died April 20, 1797. 803. ABRAHAM van LENT, born in Newtown, Long Island, N. Y., Feb- ruary 15, 1745, was the son of Jacobus (22) and Margaret van Lent. He occu- pied for several years a portion of the paternal farm at Newtown, Long Island. He died at the residence of his son-in-law, Anthony Barclay, in Train's Meadow, April 13, 1816, aged 71 years. He married Diana, daughter of William Law- rence. She died March 20, 1833, aged 77 years. Children: 906. James, born in 1772, Died February 22, 1833. 907. Anna, born 1774, m. Anthony Barclay. 908. Margaret, born 1776. Never married. 906. HON. JAMES LENT, born in Newto\vn, Long Island, N. Y., in 1772, was the son of Abraham (903) and Diana van Lent. He was for several years a merchant in New York City, He afterwards retired to his native town and purchased the estate of Col. Daniel Lawrence, (Woolsey's Point). He was a gentleman of good habits and possessed a fair education, with a reputable char- g_^ The Lent Family acter. He officiated for several years as the first Judge of Queens County, and in 1 82 9 represented his district in Congress, to which he was elected for the third time. He died in the City of Washington, D. C, while discharging the duties of that responsible position, February 22, 1833, in his 6ist year. He married Jane Bull, of Connecticut. Children : 9C.9. Isaac, born about 1794. Died 910. George, born about 1796, Died 905. DANIEL LENT, born in Newtown, Long Island, N. Y., May 31, 1754, was the son of Jacobus (22) and Margaret van Lent, and was the last of the family who occupied the van Lent estate at the " Poor Bowery."* It was sold just prior to his death, which occurred April 20, 1797. He married Rensie, daughter of Martin Rapalye, December 9, 1792. They had four children ; the first three died in infancy : 911. Daniel, born August 30, 1797. Died February 23, 1S58. 911. DANIEL LENT, born in Newtown, Long Island, N. Y., August 30, 1797, was the youngest child of Daniel (905) and Rensie van Lent. After a mercantile career in New York, in the Spring of 1822, he purchased a farm in Flushing, Long Island, near the Canons Cleft in the Kills, called "The Alley." In the Spring of 1834 he purchased the Lawrence farm on Flushing Bay, where he resided until his death, which occurred February 23, 1858. He married Jane Catherine, daughter of Cornelius R. Remsen, June 6, 1821. His wife having died August 15, 1854, he was laid beside her remains in the cemetery of the Reformed Church, Newtown, of which he was many years an Elder. Children : 912. James Rapelye, born April iS, 1822. 913. Cornelius Remsen, born November 25, 1825. Died January 20, 1S96. 914. Theodoi'e, born about 1828. Died in infancy. 915. Charles Henry, born April 28, 1833. 916. Elizabeth Catherine, born March 25, 1842, m. Chas. Halcott, Flushing Bay, 912. REV. JAMES RAPELYE LENTE, born in Flushing, L. I., April 18, 1822, was the son of Daniel (911) and Jane Catherine Lent, and was the eldest of five children. The first eleven years of Mr. Lente's life were lived on his father's farm in I'lushing, directly under the range of Morane Hills, which form the "back-bone" of Long Island. March 12, 1834, his father entered upon the Lawrence farm on Flushing Bay, two miles southeast of the original Rycken * Dutch farm, (Bouwerij). No. 912. REV. JAMES RAPELYE LENTE. The Lent Family 95 homestead on Bowery Bay. The quaint dwelling was among the first erected, with uncouth illustrations of Scripture in Holland tiles. "To this day," says Mr. Lente, " I feel the cultural effects of that Bay, with its ever changing moods and manners, Hke a living, sparkling thing. But oh, the searching climate of Winter and Spnng, it went to the marrow of my bones, and is there yet." His house was headquarters for ministers, and the numerous " agents " then in vogue. Among the ministers were Rev. Dr. John Scudder, a stalwart man every way, and ancestored of all the Missionary Scudders. His two sons, Joseph and Samuel, were Mr. Lente's classmates in the Seminary. Not having strength enough for farm work, Mr. Lente began a course ot study with Rev. G. J. Garretson, pastor of Reformed Church, of Newtown, L. I., prepared for college at Erasmus Hall, Flatbush, L. I., and entered Sophomore Class of Rutgers' College, September, 1839. After graduation in 1842, without special honors, but with, perhaps, the average standing of the Class, instead of entering on a seminary course with most of the class — among whom were two of the four Talmage brothers — selected teaching, and opened a Classical School in the Village of Newtown, and afterward was assistant to Rev. R. D. Van Kleek, at Erasmus Hall, Flatbush, Long Island. He entered the Seminary at New Brunswick, N. J., in the Fall of 1847 ; graduated in 1850; ordained by North Classis of Long Island in Fall of same year, and accepted invitation of Reformed Church, of Coxsackie Landing, N. Y., to supply their pulpit for four months fol- lowing January i, in absence of the pastor, Rev. S. M. Woodbridge, for health in Florida. December, 1851, he was pastor of Reformed Church, at Napanoch, N. Y. Health failing, he retired in the Fall of 1854. After a year's rest he took the pastorate of Collegiate Church of Rosendale and Bloomingdale, Ulster County, N. Y. After passing through a long siege of illness, both to himself and child, Edward Prime, which told on his nervous system, he resigned and was declared " Emeritus " by Classis. In the Spring of 1864 he removed with his family to the quiet village of Washingtonville, Orange County, N. Y. Here he supplied churches as offered him at different times. Blooming Grove and Bethlehem and others as desired. Here he resides with his son, and has resumed his old manner of life. Mr. Lente married Catherine, daughter of Col. John White, of Scotchtown, Orange County, N. Y., the ceremony being performed by Rev, E. D. G, Prime, 96 The Lent Family pastor of Presbyterian Church, at that place, June 25, 185 1. His wife died May 27, 1887, at Vails Gate, while on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Gilbert H. Gerow, and was buried at Washingtonville, N. Y. Children : 917. Aletta Remsen, born September 23, 1S53. 91S. Edward Prime, born November 5, 1S57. Unmarried, 917. ALETTA REMSEN LENTE, born at Napanoch, Ulster County, N. Y., September 23, 1853, is the daughter of Rev. James R. (912) and the late Cathenne Lente. She married Gilbert H. Gerow, of Vails Gate, Orange Co., N. Y,, October 23, 1872. Children : 919. Charles Halcott, born December 30, 1873. Died March 16, 1S75. 920. James Frank, born May 6, 1S76. Died May 19, 1S7S. 921. Arthur Riker, born April 8, 1879. Unmarried. 922. Lyman Abbott, born October 4, 1880. Unmarried. 923. Walter Haviland, born July 16, 1884. 924. Gilbert Wescott, born April 25, 1886. 913. CORNELIUS REMSEN LENT, born in Newtown, Long Island, November 25, 1825, and died January 20, 1896, was the son of Daniel (911) and Jane Catherine van Lent. He was a farmer at Newtown. He married Sarah Ann Nafis, of Newtown, L. I., December lo, 1850. She died November 7, 1897. Children : 925. Abram Remsen, born May 15, 1852. Died August 6, 1852. 926. Adriaua Nafis, born July 6, 1S54. Died September 5, 1854. 927. Jane Catherine, born April 15, 1856, m. Thomas Whitney Powell, of Flushing, L. I., January i, 1877. 92S. Allen Remsen, born July 5, 1857. Died November 10, 1892. 929. Sarah Cornelia, born March 10, 1859, m. George Edgar Suydam, of Queens, L. L, August lo, 1881. 930. Henry Meserole, born January 6, 1861. ' 931. Addie Nafis, born June 19, 1862. Died April 2, 1866. 932. Aletta Plallock, born July 6, 1864. Died November 3, 1864. 933. Elizabeth Cornish, born September 24, 1867, m. Benjamin Duryea, of Flushing, L. I., January 24, 1889. 928. ALLEN REMSEN LENT, born in Newtown, Long Island, July 5, 1857, was the son of Cornelius R. (913) and Sarah A. Lent. He married Ella Butler, of Maine, June 12, 1882. Children : 934. Annie Remsen, born October 25, 1884. 935. Harry Hallock. born October 25, 188C, The Lent Family gjr 930. HENRY MESEROLE LENT, born in Newtown, Long Island, Janu- ary 6, 1 86 1, was the son of Cornelius R. (913) and Sarah Ann Lent. He married Corneha S, Arkels, of Greenpoint, L. L, May 10, 1890. No children. 915. CHARLES HENRY LENT, born in Newtown, Long Island, April 28, 1833, was the son of Daniel (911) and Jane Catherine van Lent. He worked on a farm until 1857. He bought a farm at Schodack Landing, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., and removed there in the Spring of 1861. Later he removed to Corona, Long Island, where he still resides. He married Mary A. Thorburn, October 15, 1857. She died July 23, 1889. Children: 936. Loretta K., born September 27, 185S. Died May, 1870. 937. Maggie T., born November 12, 1861. Died April, 1S75. 938. Clarine M., born January 4, 1863. Died September, 1865. LINE XXV. 18. ADOLPH VAN LENT, born in Westchester County, N. Y., in 1703, was the son of Abraham (11) and Catherine van Lent. He removed to Nyack, Orange (now Rockland) County, N. Y., and died there. His property granted to him under the Colony^efore the Revolutionary War was forfeited and confis- cated. He married Cassie Harring. Children : 939. Peter, born 1739. 940. Abram, born about 1744. 941. James, born February 17, 1753. Died August 11, 1838. 939. PETER LENT, born in Orange (now Rockland) County, N. Y., about 1739, "w^s the son of Adolph (18) and Cassie (Harring) van Lent. He enhsted out of Colonel Abraham Harring's Regiment, in Orange County, in the French War. Mustered the 24th day of April, 1759, Captain Cornelius Harring. He was a Lieutenant, and is described on record as having dark brown hair, full face, 5 feet, 6^ inches. He is recorded also as serving in the Revolutionary War, Dutchess County Militia, Regiment of Minute men. He became a Captain of one of the Companies. He married Trintje De Witt, December 18, 1769, Children : 9i<2. , born about 1772. 943. Peter, born about 1775. Died gS The Lent Family 943. PETER LENT, born in Orange (now Rockland) County, N. Y., about 1775, was the son of Peter (939) and Trintje (De Witt) Lent. He married Leah, daughter of Jacob (123) Lent. Children: 944. Caleb, born 1815. Died 1859. 945. Alexander, born about 1817. 946. John, born about 1S18. 947. Matthew, born 1819. Died May 11, 1897. 948. William, born 1821. Never married. 949. Benjamin, born 1823. Never married. 950. Fanny Jane, born 1825, m. Edward Lent, son of John S. Lent, Feb. 22, 1843. 951. Philip, born March 2, 1S31. Died June i, 1903. 944. CALEB LENT, born at Verplancks Point, N. Y., in 181 5, and died in Brooklyn, N. Y., in 1859, was the son of Peter (943) and Leah Lent. He mar- ried Alemeda Crampton, of Saratoga, N. Y., February 25, 1838. She was born 1820. Children: 952. Daniel J., born January 13. 1842. 953. Henry Clay, born in Brooklyn, N. Y. , about 1844. 952. DANIEL J. LENT, born in Brooklyn, N. Y., January 13, 1842, was the son of Caleb (944) and Alemeda Lent. He is leader of Lent's Band of Brooklyn, N. Y., and is regarded as one of the most prominent band-masters of that City, having been in the business for the past thirty years. He resides at 333 Sackett Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. He married Catherine L Ryder, of Com- wall-on-Hudson, N. Y. Children, all born in Brooklyn : 954. Minnie, born 1865. 955. Edythe, born 1S75. 956. James, born 1879. 945. ALEXANDER LENT, born at Verplancks Point, Westchester Co., N. Y., about 1 81 7, was the son of Peter (943) and Leah Lent. He was a farmer. He married Sarah Travis. Children : 957. Isaac E. , born about 1854. 958. Frederick, born June 22, 1857, m. Mary Maude Le Roy, of Furnace Woods, N. Y., April 19, 1882. 959. Angus, born 1858, m. Annie See. 960. Irving, born , m. Malina Cook. 961. Arminda, born , m. Andrew Jackson Foster, of Montrose, N. Y., January 13, 1861. 962. Elenora, born , m. John E. Ruxton, of Middletown, N. Y., July 29. 1868. OLD DUTCH CHUCH, MONTROSE, N. Y. The Lent Family 99 957. ISAAC E. LENT, born at Montrose, N. Y., about 1854, was the son of Alexander (945) and Sarah Lent. He is a farmer at Montrose, N. Y. He married RapheHa Richey, of Cortlandtown, April 19, 1876. Children: 963. Robert, born January 26, iSSo. 964. Euphrates R., born January 16, 1883. 965. Alexander, born June 3, 1885. 947. MATTHEW LENT, born at Verplancks Point, N. Y., about 1819. He died May 11, 1897, and was buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Montrose, N. Y. DUTCH CHURCH, MONTROSE, N. Y. The old Dutch Church on opposite page, obtained its charter from the Synod of New York. The first meeting-house was built on Montross' Point, on the King's highway, between Verplanck's Point and Crugers. The Church owned a large parsonage there and erected a building for worship. People began to settle on the " post road," a short distance to the east, and it was thought best to change the location of their meeting-house, and the church voted to buy land and erect a new and larger building, which they did, locating it where it now stands, on an elevation of about 25 feet above the road-bed, on the west side of the " post road," a short distance from the Montrose depot of the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad. To the south on the same grounds adjoin- ing the church, (Cedar Hill Cemetery) stretches the greenness of God's acre, where the founders of this church are gathered to their last long repose. Here lie their ashes. Most if not all of their descendants are dead or have removed to distant points. The people still worship in this old church regularly. The first entry made on the records of the church was June 3, 1729, Abraham Lent as Deacon. The following lines of the poet are appropriate : " I've worshipped there for many a year— Although at last my steps were slow, The old church where we praised the Lord From whom all blessin's flow ! I jest can't help the heartbeat— the mist that's roun' my eyes— For there I read my title clear to mansions in the skies : An' there, in years that had their tears, I fovind salvation free — And know that sweet, amazin' grace that saved a wretch like me. I knowed the " amen corner "—I knowed the "anxious seat "— An' when the organ shook the walls, or died in music sweet, Like a little child a-dreamin', I closed my old eyes there, An' my soul went up to heaven on the wings of love an' prayer. There was sweetest consolation in the holy, heavenly calm That led us into Gilead, where we found the healin' balm. 'Twas there we glimpsed the beauty of a better, brighter sky. That bent o'er Canaan's happy land, where our possessions lie." LofC. lOO The Lent Family He was the son of Peter (943) and Leah Lent. He was a farmer at Montrose, and here he married Sarah Jane Anderson. Children : 966. Alonzo, born , Died 967. Emma Augusta, born , m. Augustus Dyckman. 968. Mary Adelaide, born . Unmarried. 969. Ann Eliza, born , m. Edward Benoit. She died October 28, 1869. 970. Melissa, born . Died . Never married. 971. Abbie Jane, born , m. George White. 972. Osemus B., born . Unmarried. 973. Armenia, born , m. Earl Burdett. 974. Edmund B., born . Unmarried. 951. PHILIP LENT, born at Verplancks Point, Westchester County, N. Y,, March 2, 1831, was the son of Peter (943) and Sarah Lent. He was a farmer at Montrose, N. Y. He died June i, 1903, and was buried in Cedar Hill Ceme- tery, Montrose, N. Y. He married Julia Lamb. Children : 975. Sarah, born , m. Charles Foster. 976. Jacob, born 977. Mary Levinia, died in infancy. 97S. Peter, born . Unmarried. 979. Amanda J., born March 21, 1859, m- twice : ist, John Cole ; 2d, W. H. Lent. 980. Almira, born December 5, 1863, m. Huyley Travis about 1880. 981. Philip, born . Died young. Abram and James, during the Revolutionary War, were known as " Loyalist." They went from Nyack, N. Y., and landed at Shelburn, Nova Scotia, about 1783. From here they went direct to Tusket, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia, and settled on the banks of the Tusket River. They were among the first settlers there. Abram did not remain, but returned to Rockland County, as near as we can learn. 941. JAMP:S LENT, born in Westchester County, N. Y., February 17, 1753, and died August 11, 1839, was the son of Adolph (18) and Cassie (Harring) van Lent. He married Brechje Smith, of Nyack, N. Y. After his marriage, Mr. Lent with his wife started for Nova Scotia, and landed at Shelburn, N. S., October 31, 1783, and went direct to Tusket. He was a fisherman by occupation, and caught herring, salmon and other fish for the market, and shipped large quantities to the West Indies, returning with cargoes of rum, molasses, &c. He took up land grants and became a very prominent citizen. He took with him from Nyack, N. Y., colored servants then in slavery. He was influential No. 986. JAMES MATTHEW LENT. The Lent Family loi with the Government then seated at HaHfax, was appointed a Justice of the Peace and ruled supreme, and had the authority of a Judge. The oldest inhabi- tant now living informs the writer that he remembers of Judge Lent passing sentence upon several persons for steahng, &c. They were fastened to a tree and whipped, Mr. Adolphus S. Lent has a prayer-book that belonged to his great-grand-father, that was printed in Amsterdam, Holland, in the year 1734, in Dutch, and is prized very highly. Mr. Lent and wife Brechje belonged to the Lutheran Church. There was no such church in Tusket, and no person could persuade him to join any other than his own, until he was eighty years old, when he joined the Baptist denomination. His wife was born August 11, 1753, and died November 14, 1825. Children : 982. Petry (Peter), born July 30, 1783 ; baptised in Dutch Church, N, Y., Sept. 20,1783. Died April 26, 1835. Never married. 983. Abraham, born September 11, 1789. Died March 4, 1873. 984. James, born February 3, 1793. Died November 13, 1850. 985. Elizabeth, bom August 24, 1798, m. . She died Sept. 18, 1878, 983. ABRAHAM LENT, born in Tusket, Nova Scotia, September 11, 1789, and died March 4, 1873, was the son of James (941) and Brechje Lent. After his father's death he came prominently before the public. He represented the counties of Yarmouth and Shelburn, Nova Scotia, at the Parhament then sit- ting at Halifax, the Capital of Nova Scotia. He was Colonel of the militia. Col- lector of Customs, a Justice of the Peace and Land Surveyor, He married Mary (Polly) Hatfield, No children, 984, JAMES LENT, Jr,, born in Tusket, Nova Scotia, February 3, 1793, and died November 13, 1850, was the son of James (941) and Brechje Lent, He was married twice. His first wife was Lydia Jeftery. She was born April 23, 1796, and died March 29, 1827. Children: 986. James Matthew, born 1S23. Died August 22, 1883. 987. Abram Smith, born about 1825. Mr. Lent's second marriage was to Elizabeth Harding about 1827. Children: 988. Lydia, born July 6, 1829. 989. William Henry, born October 30, 1830. Died June 2, 1837. 990. Adolphus, born May 28, 1832. Died January 24. 1833. 991. Adolphus F., born October 19, 1S34. Died December 12, 1S34. 992. Bridget, born January 21, 1836, m. 993. Mary Alice, born March 29, 1838. Died December 5, 1839. 102 The Lent Family 994. "William Henrjr Harding, born July 31, 1840. 995. Mary Alice, born November 7, 1S42, m. . She died 1899. 996. Harris Harding, born March 24, 1845. 997. Julia Gertrude, born June 2, 1S50, m. 986. JAMES MATTHEW LENT, born in Tuskct, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia, in 1823, was the son of James, Jr. (944) and Lydia Lent, his first wife. After the death of his Uncle Abram, he became Collector of Customs for the Port of Tusket, Nova Scotia. Previous to his appointment he held the offices of Justice of the Peace, Colonel of the Militia, Postmaster, Coroner, Surveyor of Lands, Surveyor of Shipping, Issuer of Marriage Licenses and Notary Public. He was a man of excellent parts, and stood six feet two inches, as straight as an arrow, and weighing 245 pounds. He was considered the handsomest man in Yarmouth County. He died from a stroke of paralysis August 22, 1883, aged 60 years. He married Theodosia E. Cochran, of New York City, June 15, 1845. She died March 16, 1900. Children. 998. Mary Adelaide, born August 14, 1846, m. 999. Adolphus S., born March 2, 1848. 1000. Abram J., born January 20, 1850. looi. Frances Emily, born September 23, 1S51. 1002. Arabella T., born November 10, 1S53 1003. Sarah E., born September 15, 1855. Died July 31, 1S96. 1004. Jessie B., born February 3, 1858. Died May 29, 1893. 1005. James W., born March 5, i860. 1006. Lydia E., born January i, 1862. 1007. Thomas K., born December 22, 1863. looS. Cecelia P., born October 9, 1865. Died 1009. Ida Cecelia, born January 30, 1868. Died May 2, 1869. 1010. Arthur R., born March 28, 1S71. 999. ADOLPHUS S. LENT, born in Tusket, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia, March 2, 1848, was the son of James Matthew (986) and Theodosia E. Lent. After his father's death, he was appointed Collector of Customs, Postmas- ter, Magistrate, and Issuer of Marriage Licenses, at Tusket. He resides on the old homestead at Tusket, where he is Postmaster. 1005. JAMES W. LENT, born in Tusket, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia, March 5, i860, was the son of James M. (986) and Theodosia E. Lent. He married Elizabeth Murrie. One child : loii. James M., born No. 987. Abram Smith Lent. No. 1005. James W. Lent. No. 999. Adolphus S. Lent. No. 1010. Arthur R. Lent. No. 1007. Thomas K. Lent. The Lent Family 103 1007. THOMAS K. LENT, born in Tusket, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia, December 22, 1863, was the son of James M. (986) and Theodosia E. Lent, He married Josephine Wood. One child : 1012. Arthur S., born loio. ARTHUR R. LENT, born in Tusket, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia, March 28, 187 1, was the son of James M. (986) and Theodosia E. Lent, He married Bessie Irene Cook, One child : 1013. Kenneth A., born ■ 987. ABRAM SMITH LENT, born in Tusket, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia, about 1825, was the son of James, Jr., (984) and his first wife, Lydia Lent. He married EUza Gowel. Children : 1014. Lydia, born 1015. Jane, born 994. WILLIAM HENRY HARDING LENT, born in Tusket, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia, July 31, 1840, was the son of James, Jr. (984) and his second wife, Elizabeth (Harding) Lent, He married Charlotte Vaughan. Chil- dren : 1016. Benjamin, born 1017. Lillian, born 1018. William, born 1019. Sarah, born 1020. Rachel, born 1021. James, born 1022. Smith, born 996. HARRIS HARDING LENT, born in Tusket, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia, March 24, 1845, was the son of James, Jr., (984) and his second wife, Elizabeth Lent. He married AHce Cook. One child : 1023. Miriam, born I04 The Lent Family LINE XXVI. 9. HENDRICK VAN LENT, born 1662, was the son of Abraham Rycken (i). He was a deacon in the old Dutch Church (*Sleepy Hollow), at Tarry- town, N. Y., August 7, 1 7 16. He married Cornelia . Children : 1024. Abraham, born 1684. 1025. John, born 1686. 1026. Hendrick, born 168S. 1027. Anna, born 1690. 1028. Margaret, born about 1692. 1029. Cornelia, born about 1694. 1030. Aletta, born about 1696, m. Matthew de Ronde, October 7, 1721. 1024. ABRAHAM van LENT, born on the Manor of Courtlandt, Westches- ter County, N. Y., in 1684, was the son of Hendrick (g) and Cornelia van Lent, He was a Deacon in the old Dutch Church, at Montrose, N. Y., 1729. He mar- ried Maria Depew, about 1702. Children, who were all baptised and were among the first members of the old Dutch Church (Sleepy Hollow), Tarrytown, N. Y. As it was a custom in those days to baptise at birth, it is presumed they were born in the year of their baptism : 103 1. Aletta, baptised June 4, 1703. 1032. Hendrick, baptised August 19, 1707. 1033. Catherine, baptised August 19, 171 1. 1034. Abraham, baptised March 24, 1713. 1035. Mary Geritje, baptised June 11, 1715. ' 1036. Johannes, baptised April 22, 1718. 1037. Margaritta, baptised April 19, 1720. 1038. Zarah, baptised August 28, 1722. 1039. Jacob, baptised June 19, 1725. 1032. HENDRICK LENT, born on the Manor of Courtlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., in 1707. He was a man of considerable property, which, prior to his death, disposed of by his last Will and Testament, dated November 23, * A gentleman of the Lent family speaking of this place, his dignity being touched, expressing his feeling, says : " This Church is situated in a locality made pitiably fa- mous by Irving's unjustifiable caricatures, and a sturdy community well worthy of dignified and humble treatment. Intended, perhaps, only for pleasantry, this un- called-for misrepresentation has done much to preserve the historic salutary influence of the Holland emigrants. They never stole Indian lands ; never waged a King Phillips' war ; never seized Indians and sold ship loads into West Indies slavery, nor had any hand in the spoHation of Acadia." The Lent Family 105 1781; proved July i, 1783, as follows: To his eldest daughter, Sarah, he gave one-half of the estate, and the other half to his youngest daughter, Hannah. He gave to his grandson Hendrick, son of Hannah, his " fowHng piece." " Peggy," widow of his son Abraham, was to have a home with the two daughters so long as they could agree, and he ajipointed his friend John Van Tassell, Esq., and Captain James Kronkheyt, as executors, &c. Witnesses : Thomas R. Still- well, Hendrick Tice and John Bartow. He married Sarah Beeley, August 16, 1715. Children: :^io4o. Sarah, baptised in Dutch Church, Tarrytown. November 5, 1723- ^ 1041. Hannah, born about 1725, m. , (son Hendrick). ^ 1042. Abraham, born about 1727. m. Margaret (Peggy) . No children. T'.,v l-,sd siv chif. fcp J-^ T. cin rrjVibest See f^e^orxj. 1025. JOHN LENT, born in Westchester County, N. Y., about 1686, was the son of Hendrick (9) and Catrina van Lent. He married Mary de Ronde, March 15, 17 15. Children, all baptised in Dutch Church (Sleepy Hollow), Tar- rytown, N. Y.: 1043. Hendrick, baptised April 18, 1716. 1044. William, baptised April 23, 1717. 1045. John, baptised August 26, 1718. , 1046. Cornelia, baptised 1720. 1047. Catherine, baptised April 24, 1722. 1048. Jacob, baptised November 5, 1723. 1049. Helene, baptised June 24, 1727. 1044. WILLIAM LENT, born on the Manor of Courtland, and baptised in the old Dutch Church (Sleepy Hollow), Tarrytown, Westchester County, N. Y., April 23, 17 17, was the son of John (1025) and Mary Lent. He married Lea Crancklie, September 15, 1744. Children: 1050. Abraham, born about 1745. 1051. John, born 1747. Died 17S7. 1052. William, born about i749- 1053. Hendrick, born about 1751. Died 1795. Never married. 1050. ABRAHAM LENT, born on the Manor of Courtland, Westchester Co., N. Y., about 1745, was the son of William (1044) and Lea Lent. He married Maria, daughter of Tobias de Ronde, December 16, 1768. Children : 1054. Hendrick, born about 1773. 1055. Jacob, born about 1778. 1056. Tobias, born March 16, 17S2. io6 The Lent Family 1054. HENDRICK LENT, born on the Manor of Courtland, Westchester County, N. Y., about 1773, was the son of Abraham (1050) and Maria Lent. He was a farmer. He married Rachel Hayes. Children : 1057. Abraham, born August 2, 1797. 1058. Catherine, born June 25, 1799, m. John Conklin. 1059. Leah, born November 12, iSoo, m. , of Sing Sing. 1060. Nancy, born December 18, iSoi, m. Thomas Conklin. 1061. States, born about 1803. 1057. ABRAHAM LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., August 2, 1797, was the son ot Hendrick (1054) and Rachel Lent. He was a farmer at Montrose, N. Y. He married Maria, daughter of John Lent (239). Children : 1062. Rachel (Locky), born November 15, 1823, m. John Gilleo. 1063. Hannah, born September i, 1827, m. Wm. H. Lent, son of States. 1064. Henry H., born December 26, 183S. 1064. HENRY H. LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y,, December 26, 1838, was the son of Abraham (1057) and Maria Lent. He is a farmer in the Town of Cortlandt. He married Susan Covert in 1858. Children : 1065. Ophelia, born April 16, i860. 1066. Hannah Ehzabeth, born March 25, 1862, m. Garrett Weeks, July 4, iS — . 1067. Harriet, born January II, I S63. Unmarried. 1068. Etta, born October 12, 1873, m. George Bochner. 1069. Delia, born May 20, 1874. Unmarried. 1070. William Henry, born January 11, 1876. Unmarried. 1071. Clara, born September 30, 1878. Unmarried. 105 1. JOHN LENT, born on the Manor of Courtland, Westchester County, N. Y., about 1747, and died 1787, was the son of William (1044) and Lea Lent. He married Margaret Waldron. She died February 26, 181 7, aged 70 years, 8 months and 6 days. NcTT+rrldren. By will of April 14, 1787, proved February 4, 1788, he gave one-half of his estate to his wife, and the other half to Abraham, son of Francis Lent. />- » < v^.t c^- c-*- '^ !-<•■ • 1055. JACOB LENT, born in Westchester County, N. Y., about 1778, was the son of Abraham (1050) and Maria Lent. He was a farmer at Montrose, N. Y. He married Elizabeth Thomas about 1807. Children: 1072. Henry, born March 27, iStAj. Died young. 1073. William, l)(,ru November 20, iSio. The Lent Family 107 1074. Charles, born July 12, 1814. Never married. 1075. Martha Maria, born February 17, 1816. Never married. 1076. Ellen", born about 1818, m, Stephen York, of Connecticut. 1077. Caroline, born about 1821. Never married. 1078. Cornelius, born December 17, 1S27. 1073. WILLIAM LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., November 20, 1810, was the son of Jacob (1055) and EHzabeth Lent. He was a farmer at Montrose, N. Y. He was married twice. His first wife was . No children (?) His second wife was Mary Archer. Children : 1079. Benjamin, born 1080. Joseph, born . Never married. loSi. Charles, born , m. in Minnesota. 1052. Edward, born , m. Louis , of Ossining. 1053. Elizabeth, born . m. A-ugustus Smythe, of Ossining. 1054. Almira, born . Died young. 1055. Caroline, born , m. Joseph Lawrence. 1086. Mary, born . Never married. 1079. BENJAMIN LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., , was the son of William (1073) and Mary Lent. He married Mary Smith, Children : 1087. Frances, born 1088. Charles, born 1074. CHARLES LENT, born at Montrose, N. Y., July 12, 181 4, was the son of Jacob (1055) and Elizabeth Lent. He was a farmer at Montrose, N. Y. He married Ellen, daughter of Francis ConkUn. Children : io8q. Jerome, born about 1843. 1090. Jacob, born February i, 1845. Never married. 1091. Mary Louise, born 1847, m. Harvey S. Elkins, June 6, 1S75. 1092. Charles, born 1849. 1093. Richard Henry, born 1851. 1094. Cornelius, born 1853. 1095. Mary Elizabeth, born 1855. Died j-oung. 1096. John Francis, born about 1858. Died young. 1097. Alice, born January 19, 1862, m. Augustus Ossman, August 18, 1S80. 1089. JEROME LENT, born at Montrose, N. Y., about 1843, was the son of Charles (1074) and Ellen Lent. He is a farmer at Montrose. He was mar- ried twice. His first wife was Mary Jane Watterson, of Croton, N. Y. No children. His second wife was EHza Jane Underbill. One child : 1098. Charles, born about 1876. Unmarried. lo8 The Lent Family 1092. CHARLES LENT, born at Montrose, N. Y., 1849, was the son of Charles (1074) and Ellen Lent. He is a farmer at Montrose, N. Y. He was married twice. His first wife was Louise Sutherland. Children : 1099. Edith, born about 1S77. iioo. Blanche, born about I S79. Unmarried. 1 101. Caleb Bailey, born His second marriage was to Emma Hodge. Children : 1 102. Lester, born about 1884. 1103. Clifford, born about 1887. 1093. RICHARD HENRY LENT, born at Montrose, N. Y., May, 1851, was the son of Charles (1074) and Ellen Lent. He is a stove moulder by occupa- tion, at Peekskiil, N. Y. He was married twice. His first wife was Sarah Augusta See, whom he married May 24, 1870. Children : 1104. William Henry, born about 1S72. Unmarried. 1105. Mary Elizabeth, born , m. Wright. 1106. Oscar, born about 1877. Unmarried. 1 107. Benson, born about 1880. Unmarried. His second wife was Ida Wood, whom he married July 21, 1889. No children. 1094. CORNELIUS LENT, born at Montrose, N. Y., 1853, was the son of Charles (1074) and Ellen Lent. He is a farmer at Montrose. He married Ella Maria Mosher, December 3, 1876. Children : 1108. Herman, born July, 1878. 1109. Grace, born July, 1880, m. Fred Travis. mo. Lizzie, born December 17, 1884 ; baptised in Dutch Church, Montrose, June 23, 1889. 1056. TOBIAS LENT, born on the Manor of Courtlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., March 16, 1782, was the son of Abraham (1050) and Maria Lent. He married Maria Conklin. Children : nil. Louis, born . Died . Never married. 1112. Niles, born . Died . Never married. 1113. Abraham, born . Died . Never married. 1114. Henry, born April 8, 1814. Died October 14, 18S1. 1 1 15. Margaret (Peggy), born , m. Vredenburg. 1 1 16. Letty, born , m. Isaac Briggs, March 21, 1S40. 1 117. Eliza, born , m. Charles Mason. 1 1 18. Sarah, born , m. Henry Conklin. 1 1 14. HENRY LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., April 8, 1814, and died October 14, 1881, was the son of Tobias (1056) The Lent Family 109 and Maria Lent. He was a laborer by occupation. He married Eliza Mason, November 14, 1835. She'jwas born September 8, 1813. Children: 1 1 19. John Henry, born September 23, 1837. Died March 14, 1865. 1120. Cornehus D. Westbrook, born October 26, 1839. 1 121. Josephine, born September 20, 1841, m. Wm. Hughes, of Peekskill, N. Y., April 2, 1863. 1 122. Mary EHzabeth, born May 6, 1844. m. Samuel Golden. She died July 20, 1875. 1123. Benjamin F., born April 5, 1851. 1124. Margaret A., born March 6, 1859, m- James Gerow, of Peekskill. 1 1 19. JOHN HENRY LENT, born in Peekskill, N. Y., September 23, 1837, was the son of Henry (11 14) and Eliza Lent. He enlisted in the Civil War at the age of 26 years, at Albany, September 2, 1864; mustered in as private. Company " D," September 2, 1864, to serve one year. Died of disease, March 14, 1865, in field hospital, defense of Bermuda Hundred, (Point of Rocks), Va. He married Anna Richards, of Peekskill, N. Y. One child: 1 125. Alphretta, born March 23, 1S63, m. Robert Valentine. 1 1 20. CORNELIUS D. WESTBROOK LENT, born in Peekskill, N. Y., October 26, 1839, was the son of Henry (1114) and Eliza Lent. He enlisted in the Civil War as Corporal of Captam Bennett Gilbert's Company " E," i68th Regiment of Lifantry, New York State Volunteers, on the 23d day of September, 1863, and received an honorable discharge October 31, 1863, at Newburgh, N. Y. By occupation he is a stove moulder, and resides at No. 1 1 1 2 Park Street, Peekskill, N. Y. He married Antta Finch, of Peekskill, December 25, 1864. Children : 1126. Charles, born . Died yoimg. 1127. Charles F., born about 18 ;8. 1 1 28. Ethel B., born , m. . 1 127. CHARLES F. LENT, born in Peekskill, N. Y., about 1868, is the son of CorneUus D. W. (1120) and Aritta Lent. He keeps a hotel at Montrose, N. Y. He married Jennie Fisher, of Verplancks Point, N. Y. Children : 1 129. Margaret, born 1130. Lela May, born 1 123. BENJAMIN F. LENT, born in Peekskill, N. Y., April 5, 1851, was iio The Lent Family the son of Henry (1114) and Eliza Lent. He married Emma Svvartfiguer July 2, 1870. She was born September 8, 1849. Children: 1131. Emma F., born April 26, 1872. m. Louis Meyers. 1132. John Henry, bom December 23, 1S74. 1133. Charles William, born November 28, 1877. Unmarried. 1134. George Washington, born February 22, 1S83. Unmarried. 1135. Louis Edward, born July 7. 1885. Unmarried. 1 132. JOHN HENRY LENT, born in Peekskill, N. Y., December 23, 1874, was the son of Benjamin F. (1123) and Emma Lent. He is general man- ager of Hudson River Telephone Company, at Peekskill. He married Blanche Perry, of Peekskill. No children. 1052. WILLIAM LENT, born on the Manor of Courtland, Westchester County, N. Y., 1749, was the son of William (1044) and Lea Lent. By occupa- tion he was a farmer. He inherited from his brother Hendrick (1053) a bach- elor, all his real and personal estate of about 55 acres of land, and all his cattle and household goods. Will proved July 16, 1795, at White Plains, N. Y. He married Cornelia Pew. Children : 1136. John, born January 30, 1790. Died in infancy. 1 137. Hendrick, born August 10, 1794. 113S. John, born October 2, 1795. 1139. Smith Jones, born September 26, I79'^. 1140. Christina, born February 12, 1799. 1141. Alchey, born November 28, 1801. 1053. HENDRICK LENT, born on the Manor of Courtland, Westchester County, N. Y,, about 1751, and died 1795, was the son of William (1044) and Lea Lent. He never married. The following is his last will and testament, proved in Surrogate's Court, White Plains, Westchester County, N. Y., July 16, 1795: " In the Name of God, Amen : I, Hendrick Lent, bachelor, of the Cort- landt '^I'own, Westchester County and State of New York, being in perfect health, of sound memory and understanding, but considering the uncertainty of this transitory life, do make, publish and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following, to wit : — It is my will and I do order that my execu- tors shall sell so much of my personal estate as shall be sufficient to pay my just debts. I give and bequeath to my beloved brother William Lent, and his heirs and assigns all my real and personal estate, which is all the one-half of this one hundred and eleven acres of land yet undivided, and also all my cattle and house- No. 1160. ROBERT LORING LENT. The Lent Family i 1 1 hold furniture. And I hereby nominate and appoint Peter Goetchius, (Doct.) and James Lent to be executors of this my last will and testament, hereby revok- ing all former will and wills by me heretofore made. " In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this fifth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two. Signed, sealed, pubUshed, pronounced and declared by the said Hendrick Lent, as his last will and testament. " In presence of us, the subscribers, HENDRICK LENT." [seal] "John Sanders, James Kronkhuvte, Alchey Goetchius." 1026. HENDRICK LENT, born in Westchester County, N. Y., 1688, was the son of Hendrick (9) and Cornelia van Lent. He was received in the old Dutch Church (Sleepy Hollow), Tarrytown, N. Y., August 21, 17 17. He mar- ried Catherine . Children, baptised in the old Dutch Church, Tarrytown : 1142. Catherine, baptised June 20, 1716. 1 143. Hendrick, baptised April 22, 1718. 1144. Esther, born 1720, m. 1145. John, baptised November 5, 1723. 1146. Abraham, born 1726. 1045. JOHN LENT, born on the Manor of Courtland, Westchester County, N. Y,, 17 18, and baptised in the old Dutch Church, Tarrytown, N. Y., August 26, 17 18, was the son of John (102^) and Mary Lent. He married . Children : 1147. , born about 1723. 114S. Jan (John), born about 1735. 1 1 48. JAN (JOHN) LENT, born on the Manor of Courtland, Westchester County, N. Y., about 1735, was the son of John (1045) and Lent. He married Elizabeth de Pue, of the Manor of Courtland, September 12, 1758. Children : 1149. John, born 1760. 1 1 50. Matthew, born 1762. 1151. James, born about 1765. 1 149. JOHN LENT, born on the Manor of Courtland, Westchester County, N. Y., about 1760, was the son of John (1148) and Ehzabeth Lent. He died , and was buried in the old Quaker burying ground, Croton-on-Hudson, N. Y. He married Phebe Barrett, 1782. Children: 1152. James, born September 3, 1784. 1 1 53. Gilbert, born February 3, 17S7. ii2 The Lent Family 1 1 54. Elizabeth, born May 6. 1790, m. Wheeler, who removed to Vermont. 1155. Absalom, born about 1791. Died of apoplexy. 1156. Hannah, born May 22, 1793, m. Nathaniel Bedle, of Peekskill. 1 1 57. Mary (Polly), born August 4, 1795, m. Wm. Curry, of Philadelphia. 1158. John Barrett, born November i, 1797. 1159. Paul, born March 15, 1801. 1 160. Robert Loring, born August 25, 1S03. Died May 17, 1877. 1 153. GILBERT LENT, born on the Manor of Courtland, Westchester Co., N. Y., February 3, 1787, was the son of John (1149) and Phebe Lent. He married Ameha Ackley, of Croton-on-Hudson. Children : 1161. Nathaniel Bedle, born March 12, 1827. Died June 23, 1900. 1 162. Oscar, born December 2, 1834. 1 1 63. Armenia, born , m. twice : ist, Travis ; 2d, Gilbert Holmes. 1 164. John, born about 1836. 1165. Carohne, born 1838, m. Edward Jordan, of Croton. She died 1898. 1166. Benson Holmes, born about 1840. 1 167. Jacob, born . Died young. 1 161. NATHANIEL BEDLE LENT, born at Fort Montgomery, Orange County, N. Y., March 12, 1827, and died June 23, 1900. He was buried in Bethel Cemetery, at Croton-on-Hudson. He was the son of Gilbert (1153) and Ameha Lent. He was a boatman and fisherman, and resided at Croton-on- Hudson. For several years he was Commissioner of Highways for the Town of CortlandL He married Clara Maria Requa, February 11, 1862. Children : 1 168. Grace, born October 9, 1863. Died in infancy. 1 169. Mina, born March 21, 1865, m. Everitt G. Moorehouse. 1 1 70. Benson Gilbert, born April 17, 1S71. 1 170. BENSON GILBERT LENT, born at Croton-on-Hudson, N. Y., April 17, 187 I, was the son of Nathaniel B. (1161) and Clara M. Lent. He is a freight agent for the Morton Steamboat Line between New York and Peekskill, N. Y., at Croton. He married Bertha A. Tompkins, of Croton-on-Hudson, June 23, 1897. She was born February 28, 1870. No children. 1 162. OSCAR LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., December 2, 1834, was the son of Gilbert (1153) and Ameha Lent. He married Mary Emily Tice, May i, 1852. She was born December 12, 1838. Children . 1 171. Morrisania, born March 4, 1853. Died July 29, 1854. 1172. Cyrus J., born September 10, 1854. Died March 20. 1856. 1173. Eugene, born November 13, 1856. Died October 17, 1877. CATHERINE STRATTON LENT, iWifc of Robert Loring Lent) Born Aug. 1, 1806. Died Feb. 19, 1883. The Lent Family 113 1174. William Allen, born Aiigiist 14, 1861. 1175. Milton, born May 22. 1S63. Died August 5, iSgg. 1176. Ida, born January 20, 1867, m. George Borland, of Yorktown, N. Y. 1 174. WILLIAM ALLEN LENT, born in Croton, Westchester County, N. v., August 14, 1 86 1, was the son of Oscar (1162) and Mary E. Lent. He mar- ried Adehne Sloat, and resides at White Plains, N. Y. Children : 1 1 77. Walter, born April i, 1885. 1178. Grace, born December 8. 1887. 1 164. JOHN LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., about 1836, was the son of Gilbert (1153) and Amelia Lent. He was married twice : His first wife was Sarah Rich. Children : 1179. Minnie, born , m. Bentley Cockfair. 1 180. Lorinda, born , m. Sherwood. His second wife was Julia Mitchell. No children. 1 166. BENSON HOLMES LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, West- chester County, N. Y., about 1840, was the son of Gilbert (1153) and Amelia Lent. He married Lizzie Kramer. One child : 1181. Percey, born about 1880. 1 159. PAUL LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., March 15, 1801, was the son of John (1149) and Phebe (Barrett) Lent, He married Prudence Hitchcock, of Ossining, N. Y. Children : 1182. Josephine, born 1S31, m. Henry L. Horton. She died about 1893. 1183. William Augustus, born May 20, 1833. 1184. Rachel, born about 1835, m. twice : ist, Clark ; 2d, . 1185. Lizzie M., born 1837. Died young. 1 186. Louisa, born , m. Peter Anderson, of Brooklyn, N. Y. 1 183. WILLIAM AUGUSTUS LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt^ Westchester County, N. Y., May 20, 1833, was the son of Paul (1159) and Pru- dence (Hitchcock) Lent. He enlisted in the United States Navy as a substitute. Served ten months and was honorably discharged. He was married to Mary E., daughter of Andrew Lewis, of Ossining, N. Y., March 12, 1854, by the Rev. Mr. Clark, a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of that place. Children : 1187. Lizzie, born March 24, 1S57. Died at Albany, September 22, 185S. 1188. Josephine, born November 13, 1858. Unmarried. 1189. William Dimond, born December 20, 1864. 114 "'"^"^^ Lent Family 1 189. WILLIAM DIMOND LENT, born in Peekskill, N. Y., December 20, 1864, is the son of William Augustus (1183) and Mary E. Lent. He is a stove moulder by trade. He married Katie Miller, of Peekskill, N. Y., August, 1 89 1. Children: 1190. Beatrice, born November 19, 1892, Died July 22, 1893. 1191. Ahiia, born February 23, 1895. 1 160. ROBERT LORING LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, West- chester County, N. Y., August 25, 1803, and baptised in the Reformed Dutch Church, at Montrose, N. Y., November 29, 1833, was the son of John (1149) and Phebe (Barrett) Lent. He died May 17, 1877. He married Catherine, daughter of William Stratton, of Ossining, N. Y. She was born in New York City, August I, 1806, and died at Ossining, N. Y., February, 1883. Children, all born in Ossining, N. Y.: 1192. Catherine Stratton, born July i, 1832. Died December 21, 1S91. 1193. Elizabeth Ann, born September 4, 1834, m. David B. Tompkins. 1194. Robert, born, IMay 3, 1837. Died April 23, 1869. 1 195. Esther Frances, born June 28, 1841, m. Brundage Tompkins. 1196. Wells, born July 11, 1846. Died March 26, 1848. Robert and Wells Lent were both buried alongside of their father and mother, in Dale Cemetery, at Ossining, N. Y. 1 192. CATHERINE STRATTON LENT, born at Ossining, N. Y., July 1, 1832, and died December 21, 1891, was the daughter of Robert L. (1160) and Catherine Lent. She married WiUiam Henry Barlow, of Ossining, N. Y., Sep- tember 15, 1850. She was born at Danbury, Conn., July 16, 1827. Children, all born at Ossining, N. Y.: 1 197. George Henry, born October 12, 1851. 1198. Fannie Stratton, born September 16, 1855. Died January 8, 1858. 1199. Carrie Lent, born Nov. 14, i860, m. Edward J. Ware, Oct. 4, 1888. 1200. Ella Frances, born February 24, 1863. Died Dec. 28, 1867. 1201. William Eason, born January 23, 1866, m. Nellie McCutchen Lockwood, October 14, 1891. 1202. Walter Jarvis, born January 22, 1868, m. Marion Brooks Patterson, at Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 8, 1898. Two children. 1203. John Curry, born March 9, 1870, m. Josephine Barton Basset, Nov. 29, 1898. 1204. Gertrude, born April 15, 1872, m. Rev. F. De Witt Talmage, Nov. 2, 1892. 1205. Robert Lent, born September 26, 1874. Died August 11, 1875. 1 150. MATTHEW LENT, born on the Manor of Courtland, Westchester No. 1192. CATHERINE STRATTON (LENT) BARLOW. The Lent Family 115 County, N, Y,, about 1762, was the son of Jan (John) (1148) and EHzabeth Lent. He married Rachel van Weort. Children : 1206. Rachel, born September 20, 1781. 12C.7. Matthew, born about 1785. Died . 1207. MATTHEW LENT, born on the Manor of Courtland, Westchester County, N. Y., about 1785, was the son of Matthew (1150) and Rachel Lent. He married Sarah (Sally) Lent(?) Children : 1208. Martha (Patty), born , m. EH Travis. 1209. Charlotte, born , m. Minnerly (?) 1 15 1. JAMES LENT, born on the Manor of Courtland, Westchester Co., N. Y,, about 1765, was the son of John (1148) and Elizabeth Lent. He was married to Sarah Archer, December 16, 1793, by Rev. Silas Constant, at Collo- burgh. She was born 1778, and died February 15, 1866, aged 88 years. Chil- dren : 1210. Margaret (Peggy), born April 7, 1795, m. Jackson Brown. 1211. Elizabeth, born December 25, 1796, m. James Williams. 1212. Maria, born March 29, 1799, m. Gilbert Thorne. 1213. Isaac Archer, bom May 2, iSoi. Never married. 1214. James, born February 26, 1804. 12 1 5. Stephen, born September 21, 1806. 1216. Phebe Ann, born January 14, 1809, m. twice : 1st, Samuel Travis ; 2d, William Wright. 1217. Henry Purdy, born June 5, 1811. 1218. Sarah Jane, born January 31, 1817, m. William Wright. 1219. David, born September 16, 1819. 1 2 14. JAMES LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., February 26, 1804, was the son of James (ii5i)and Sarah (Archer) Lent. He married Rhoda Sarles. She was born in 1802. Children : 1220. William Arthur, born 1221. Isaac, born about 1827. 1222. Erastus, born 1223. Ann Eliza, born , m. Daniel Vredenburgh. 1224. Sarah, born 1836, m. Alva Hyatt. 1225. George, born November 6. 1837. 1226. Marrietta, m. Henry J. Haight, j ^^^,j^^^ ^^.^ j^l^ ^^ ^g^^^ 1227. Orlando, ' 1228. Edward, born 1843. 1 2 15. STEPHEN LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., September 21, 1806, was the son of James (1151) and Sarah (Archer) il6 The Lent Family Lent. He was a much esteemed citizen. He held the office of Justice of the Peace in the Town of Yorktown for twelve consecutive years. He married Happy Miller, November 13, 1828. She was born October i, 1807. Children: 1229. Hiram E., born July 29, 1830. Never married. 1230. Thomas M., born August 22, 1834. 1231. Sarah Ann, born May 18, 1836, m. William Joseph Pugsley, Dec. 31, 1857. 1232. Mary Jane R., born February 18, 1843, m. Witson Hynard, May i, i860. 1230. THOMAS M. LENT, born in the Town of Yorktown, Westchester County, N. Y., August 22, 1834, was the son of Stephen (1215) and Happy Lent. He is a farmer near Lake Mohegan. He married Martha A. Vail, of Putnam County, August 29, 1854. Children: 1233. Ida v., born May 31, 1855. Never married. Died 1S74. 1234. Stephen, born April, 1863. Never married. 1217. HENRY PURDY LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westches- ter County, N. Y., June 5, 181 1, was the son of James (1151) and Sarah Lent. He was a farmer. He married Margaret Taylor. Children : 1235. James Henry, born , m. Sarah Christian. One child, daughter. 1236. Alexander, born , m. . Died in Orange County. 1237. Esther Ann, born . Never married. 1238. Sarah, born May 22, 1838, m. Henry Tremper. 1239. Elizabeth, born , m. William Hearne. 1240. Margaret, born , m. George Owens. 1 219. DAVID LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. v., September 16, 18 19, was the son of James (1151) and Sarah Lent. He marriad Arietta Ganung. Children : 1241. Sarah Jane, born , m. William Church. 1242. Levinia, born , m. George Sloat. 1 22 1. ISAAC LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., about 1827, was the son of James (12 14) and Rhoda Lent. He married Levinia, daughter of Gerard Converse, of Peekskill, N. Y., April 29, 1850. Chil- dren : 1243. Spencer, born about 1852. 1244. Charles, born 1854. Died young on railroad. 1245. Ferdinand, born about 1857. 1246. Harrison W., born about 1859. Never married. 1225. GEORGE LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., No. 1214. JAMES LENT. The Lent Family 1 1 7 N. Y., November 6, 1837, was the son of James (12 14) and Rhoda Lent. He is in the wheelwright carriage business in Peekskill, N. Y. He married Martha, Jane, daughter of Abraham Lent. She died January 15, 1901. One child : 1247. Addie Louise, born January 15, 1S68. Died August, 1868, 1227. ORLANDO LENT, born in West Somers, Westchester County, N. Y., July I, 1840, was the son of James (12 14) and Rhoda Lent. He is a carpenter and builder and inventor, and resides in Peekskill, N. Y. He was married three times : His first wife was Sarah E. Smith, whom he married in New York City, September 16, 1862. Children : 1248. Edith E., born November 10, 1S63, m. John Clark, of Danbury, Conn. 1249. Sarah G., born February 6, 1865. Died February 3, 1866. 1250. Charles D., born October 27, 1866. 1251. Mary Etta, born September 12, 1868, m. William Blythe, of Peekskill. 1250. CHARLES D. LENT, born in Peekskill, N. Y., October 27, 1866, is the son of Orlando (1227) and Sarah E. Lent. He is employed on the rail- road. He married Annie Arnold, of Drewville, Putnam County, N. Y. No children. His second wife was Louisa M. Lefferts, of Huntington, Long Island, whom he married June 23, 1872. No children. His third wife was Cornelia A. Tompkins, of Yorktown, N. Y., whom he married May 16, 1876. Children : 1252. Lillie L., born February 22, 1877, m. Edward Ackerly. of N. Westch'r, Ct. 1253. Jennie D., born May 22, 1879, m. Nathaniel Robert Porter, of Newark, N. J., October 4, 1899. 1254. Forrest O., born July 19, 1881. Unmarried. 1255. Ernest, born December 2, 1SS3. Unmarried. 1256. Lena C, born February 3, 1886. Unmarried. LINE XXVIL - -(?) — . DAVID LENT, from the best information obtainable, was born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y. He was the son of and . He removed to Hamilton Township, Ontario, quite early in life with his family and settled on a farm about three miles north of Coburg. They became qvite wealthy. They raised a family of ten children, very much respected — five sons and five daughters. All lived to be aged but two, who died in middle life. ii8 The Lent Family He was prominent in the Methodist Episcopal Church, being a local preacher and class-leader. He died in 1877. He married Ruth WilHams. Children: 1257. James, born about 1803. 1258. John, born 1805, in Canada. T259. Callahan, born 1S08. Died March 30, 1880. 1260. Catherine, born 1261. Mary, born 1813, m. Conner. She died 1899. 1262. David, born 1815. 1263. Ann, born 1264. Amy, born 1265. Charles, born 1821. 1266. Lohntha, born 1258. JOHN LENT, born in Clarke Township, Ontario, 1805, was the son of David and Ruth Lent. He died in Canada and was buried at Lent's Corners. He married Margaret Brekenridge. She was born in Canada, 1775. Children, all born in Canada: 1267. Ehza J., born 1828. 1268. John B., born 1834. 1269. Sarah J., born 1840. 1270. Lydia, born 1842. 1271. Hester, born 1849. 1272. Marcus D., born 1850. 1273. James E., born 1852. ___ 1274. Rebecca, born 1857. 1275. Margaret, born 1859. 1268. JOHN B. LENT, born in Canada, 1834, was the son of John (1258) and Margaret Lent. He was formerly a carpenter and millwright, now a weaver, and resides at Salamanca, N. Y. He married Margaret R. Coons, of Iroquois, Canada. Children, all born in Canada : 1276. Edith A., born 1856. 1277. David H., born 1858. 1278. Albert W., born i860. 1279. Eugene, born 1866. 1259. CALLAHAN LENT, born in Clarke Township, Ontario, 1808, was the third son of David and Ruth Lent. By occupation he was a farmer. He died March 30, 1880, and was buried at Niagara Falls. After his death his family removed to Niagara Falls, N. Y., where they still reside. He marr.ed No. 1227. ORLANDO D. LENT. The Lent Family 119 Lydia E. Shurtliff. She was born in 18 13, and died in 1855 ; buried at the old homestead, in the Township of Clarke, Ontario. Children : 1280. Orlando, born . Resides in Michigan. 1281. Marcus, born . Resides in Niagara Falls. 1282. Charles Melvin, born 1841. 1283. Angelina, born 1284. Elizabeth A., born 1282. CHARLES MELVIN LENT, born in Clarke Township, Durham County, Canada, in 1841, was the son of Callahan (1259) and Lydia E. Lent. He is a farmer by occupation. He married Lydia E. Robinson, December 15, 1872. She died December 13, 1887, aged 46 years, and was buried at Norwich, Ontario. Children : 12S5. Ledus L., born in Clarke, Canada, August 16, 1875. 1286. Clarence V., born in Clarke, Canada, August 24, 1877. 1287. John William, born in Norwich, Elgin Co., Canada, December 16, 1882. LINE XXVIIL . ISAAC LENT, from the best information we could obtain, was born in Westchester County, N. Y., about 1760, was the son of and Lent. He married Ann Brookman about 1785. Child : 1288. William, born August 5, 1787. 1288. WILLIAM LENT, born in Westchester County, N. Y., August 5, 1787, was the son of Isaac ( ) and Ann (Brookman) Lent. He married Hannah Springstead. Children : 1289. States William, born March 17, 1809. 1290. Martin, born January i, 1811. 1291. Samuel, born March 14, 1814. 1288. STATES WILLIAM LENT, born m the Town of Cortlandt, West- chester County, N. Y., March 17, 1809, was the son of William ( ) and Hannah Lent. He was married twice. His first wife was Mary Gilleo. Chil- dren: 1292. Catherine, born about 1830, m. Isaac Odle, Nov. 20, 1854. 1293. William Henry, born about 1831. 1294. George W., born about 1S33. 1295. Samuel E., born March 25, 1834. 1296. States, born about 1836. 1297. Nancy, born about 1S38, m. WiUiam Smith. I20 The Lent Family His second wife was Rebecca, daughter of Jacob (112) and Sarah (Elliott) Lent, Children : 129S. Francena, born about 1840. m. Isaac Conklin. She died about 1880. 1299. Jennie R., born about 1842. m. Isaac Conklin, his 2d wife, Feb. 26, 1884. 1300. Lena, born about 1844, m. William Mason. 1301. Leah, born about 1S46. Never married. Died 1293. WILLIAM HENRY LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, West- chester County, N. Y., about 1831, was the son of States W. (1288) and Mary (Gilleo) Lent. He married Hannah, daughter of Abraham H. (1057) and Maria Lent. Children : 1302. Isaac, born 1303. , born 1 291. SAMUEL LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., March 14, 1814, was the son of William (1288) and Hannah Lent. He married Amelia . Children : 1304. Sarah Jane, born , m. Delevan Gray. 1305. Edward, born about 1S38. 1306. William, born April 9, 1849. 1307. James H., born May 21, 1851. 1306. WILLIAM LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., about 1836, was the son of Samuel (1291) and Amelia Lent. He married Adelia Hunt. Children : 1308. Edward, born November 3, 1869. Unmarried. 1309. Alice Adelia, born Sep. 11, 1874, m. Albert Percey Marenes, Sept. 12, 1894. 1310. Eva, born June 14, 1876, m. George Lockwood. 131 1. Emerson H., born December 29, 1879. 1312. Clifford, born July 14, 1S81. 131 1. EMERSON H. LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., Dec. 29, 1879, ^^^s the son of WiUiam (1306) and Adelia Lent. He was married to Jennie E. Tice, of Montrose, N, Y., March 30, 1902, by the Rev. F. A. Force, a minister of the Reformed Dutch Church at that place. 1 296. STATES LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., about 1835, was the son of States W. (1288) and Mary (Gilleo) Lent, his first wife. He married Dorcas Jane Tuttle, December 15, 1861. Children : 1313. Samuel, born 1 314. , born The Lent Family 121 1307. JAMES H. LENT, born in Jefferson Valley, Putnam County, N. Y., May 21, 1851, was the son of Samuel (1291) and Amelia Lent. He is a farmer at Buchanan, Westchester County, N. Y. He married Mary E., daughter of Caleb Strang, of Cortlandtown, N. Y. Children : 131 5. Charles A., born October i6, 1S74. 1316. Evelinda, born about 1876, m. Augustus Conklin. 1317. William, born about 18S0. Died young. 13 1 5. CHARLES A. LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., October 16, 1874, is the son of James H. (1307) and Mary E. Lent. He married Matilda Cole, November 25, 1897. One child : 131S. James, born February 5, 1S98. 13 13. SAMUEL LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., , was the son of States (1296) and Dorcas Jane Lent. He married Adelia Hayes. Children : 1319. Martha, born , m. Jackson Hayes. 1320. Fanny, born , m. David Ackerman. 1294. GEORGE W. LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., about 1833, was the son of States W. (1289) and Mary (Gilleo) Lent. He maried Katie Hover, of Wappingers Falls, N. Y. Children : 1321. George, born , m. , of Arlington, N. Y. 1322. Edward, born — — 1323. Irving, born 1324. Harry, born 1295. SAMUEL E. LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., March 25, 1834, was the son of States W. (1289) and Mary Lent. He is a laborer, and resides in Peekskill, N. Y. He enlisted in the Civil War, at Peekskill, at the age of 26 years, August 7, 1862 ; mustered m as private, Co. "A," Sixth Artillery, (originally One Hundred and Thirty-fifth Infantry), Septem- ber 2, 1862, to serve three years; wounded, date not stated ; mustered out June 8, 1865, at Albany, N. Y. He was married to Fannie M., daughter of John C. Skidgel, of Peekskill, N. Y., 1861, by the Rev. Mr. Cobb, a Presbyterian minister of that place. Children : 1325. Theodore P., born July 29, 1S68. Unmarried. 1326. William G., born July 12, 1S72. Unmarried, 1327. John C. , born July 22, 1S79. ^: 122 The Lent Family 1327. JOHN C. LENT, born in Peekskill, N. Y., July 22, 1879, is the son of Samuel E. (1295) and Fannie M. Lent. He married Grace M. Hawks. Children : 1328. Le Roy E., born in Peekskill, August 20. 1900. 1329. Mahalah F., born in Peekskill, May 20, 1903. LINE XXIX. 17. JACOB LENT, born in Westchester County, N. Y., 1701, was the son of Abraham (11) and Anna Catherine van Lent. He married Elizabeth (Elsie) . She was among the first members of the old Dutch Church, (Sleepy Hollow), Tarrytown, N. Y. From the best information that we could obtain, they had the following children : 1330. Jacob, born about 1720. 1331. Hendiick, baptised in Dutch Church, Tarrytown, Aug. 28, 1722. 1332. Helena, baptised in Dutch Church, Tarrytown, November 5, 1723. 1333. Abraham, born about 1727. 1334. Tobias, born about 1730. 1330, JACOB LENT, born in Westchester County, N. Y., about 1720, was the son of Jacob (17) and Elizabeth (Elsie) Lent. He married Martha . Children : 1335. Abraham, boru December 8, 1738. Died 1336. Benjamin, born March 18, 1740. 1337- Jacob, born April 20, 1742. 1338. Jane, born June 4, 1744, m. Dyckman. 1339. Dennis, born April 8, 1746. 1340. Catherine, born June 7, 1748. 1341. Martha, born April 16, 1751, m. Odle. 1342. Isaac, born November 15, 1753. 1343. Maria, born April 18, 1757. 1341.. Elizabeth, born August 30, 1759. Died Oct. 3, 1876. Never married. 1336. BENJAMIN LENT, born in Westchester County, N. Y., March 18, 1740, was the son of Jacob (X330) and Martha Lent. He married . Children : 1345. Dyckman, born . Never married. 1346. Hannah, born . Never married. 1347. Cynthia, born , m. Johnson. 1342. ISAAC LENT, born in Westchester County, N. Y., November 15, 1753, was the son of Jacob (1330) and Elizabeth Lent. He married Corneha, The Lent Family 123 daughter of Abraham (27) and Anntje (Brinckerhoff) Lent, February 22, 1780. Children : 1348. Annie, born March 17, 1782. Died May 23, i86i. Never married. 1349. Isaac, born October 23, 1783. Died January 17, 1873. 1350. Martha, born September 18, 1785, m. WiUiam Lawrence. 1351. Maria, born January 25, 1788, m. Lawrence. She died Feb. 12. 1873. 1352. Abraham, born August 23, 1791. Died December 22, 1871. 1353. Elizabeth, born October 2, 1793. Died Dec. 14, 1826. Never marriccL 1349. ISAAC LENT, born in Tuckahoe, Westchester County, N. Y., Octo- ber 23, 1783, and died January 17, 1873, was the son of Isaac (1342) and Cor- nelia Lent. He was a farmer at Tuckahoe, N. Y. He married Sarah Lawrence. Children : 1354. Daniel Lawrence, born 1818. 1355- . born about 1820. 1356. , born 1354. DANIEL LAWRENCE LENT, born in Yonkers, N. Y., about 1818, was the son of Isaac (1349) and Sarah Lent. He married Ann Brown, of the Town of Greenburg, Westchester County, N. Y. He died at Tuckahoe, N. Y., April, 1859, and his wife May 9, 1886, at the same place. Their remains were interred in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, at Tarrytown, N. Y. Children : 1357. Isaac Brown, born June, 1850, 1358. Daniel Storms, born 1S60. 1358. DANIEL STORMS LENT, born at Tuckahoe, N. Y., i860, was the son of Daniel Lawrence (1354) and Ann Lent. He is unmarried, and resides in Yonkers, N. Y. By profession he is a music teacher. 1352. ABRAHAM LENT, born in Tuckahoe, Westchester County, N. Y., August 23, 1 791, and died December 22, 187 1, was the son of Isaac (1342) and Cornelia Lent. He was a member of the Long Island Light Horse Cavalry, a Westchester County Company for the second war with England, in 181 2. He was a farmer at Tuckahoe, N. Y. He married Catherine Huestis, of Somers, N. Y. Children : 1359. James W., born March I, 1 8 14. Died August 17, 1S73. Never married. 1360. Ann Maria, born December 28, 1818, m. Frederick Brown. 1361. Hannah, born October 6, 1820. Died April 7, 1870. Never married. 1362. Catherine H., born November 15, 1823, m. Isaac Burd, of New York. 1363. Isaac Brinckerhoff, born December 20, 1827. 1364. EHzabeth, bom July 31, 1S32. Died December 14, 1866. \, \ 124 '^''^^ Lent Family 1363. ISAAC BRINCKERHOFF LENT, born in Tuckahoe, Westchester County, N. Y., December 20, 1827, was the son of Abraham (1352) and Cather- ine Lent. He is in the real estate and insurance business in his native village, where he is respected as a reputable citiz.en, foremost in everything that has a tendency to the advancement and upbuilding of the beautiful borough of Tucka- hoe, recently incorporated as a village. He was married to Hester Burdett, Sep- tember 18, 185 1, by the Rev. M. D'C. Crawford, a Methodist Episcopal minister, in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Lent are enrolled as members of Tuckahoe Methodist Episcopal Church, at whose altar their lives were consecrated to the Master, and where they are devoted toward the upbuilding of Christ's Kingdom. Children : 1365. James Burdett, born in New York, July 4, 1852. Unmarried. 1366. Iva, born on Cayuga Island, Oct 10, 1S55. Unmarried. 1367. Herbert Dubois, born August 22, 1S58. 1368. Benjamin Franklin, born June 8, 1S61. 1367. HERBERT DUBOIS LENT, born in New York City, August 22, 1858, is the son of Isaac Brinckerhoff (1363) and Hester Lent. By profession he is a la^vj'er. He was educated in the public schools of Yonkers, receiving a thorough academic training. In 1876 he entered the law office of William H. Pemberton, a former District Attorney of Westchester County, and studied law with him. He was admitted to the bar in 1880, at the age of 22, and since that time has practiced law in the City of Mount Vernon, N. Y. He has a good legal mind, sound in law, resourceful in argument. He was elected the first Pres- ident of the Village of Tuckahoe, Westchester County, N. Y., when it was separated from the Town of Eastchester, which office he still holds. He was married to Julia Merritt, June 21, 1889, by the Rev. E. L. Hoffecker, a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, at Tuckahoe, N. Y. Children : 1369. Marjorie M., born April 21, 1891. 1370. Herbert Dubois, born October 9, 1894. 1371. George Hunt, born July 8, 1897. 1368. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN LENT, born in New York City, June 8, 1 86 1, is the youngest son of Isaac (1363) and Hester Lent. He is a dealer in musical instruments, etc., at Ithaca, N. Y. He married Viola Bush, in 1892. Children, both born at Ithaca : 1372. Frank Burdett, born July 27. 1893. 1373. Ralph Guthrie, born September 9, 1901. «• The Lent Family 125 133 1. HENDRICK (Henry) LENT, baptised in old Dutch Church, (Sleepy Hollow), Tarrytown, N. Y., August 28, 1722, was the son of Jacob (17) and Elizabeth Lent. He married Elizabeth Riker. Children, all baptised in the old Dutch Church, Tarrytown, N. Y. : 1374. James, born August 8, 1785. 1375. Elizabeth, born October 9, 17S7. 1376. Leah, born October 6, 1789. 1377. Andrew, born July 21, 1793. 1333. ABRAHAM LENT, born in Westchester County, N. Y., about 1727, was the son of Jacob (17) and Ehzabeth Lent. He was a weaver and his wife was a spinster, as given in the State Records, and Jonathan Hazard and William Morris, of New York, shopkeeper and mariner, respectively, were bondsmen at his marriage to Jennetje (Jane), daughter of Benjamin Coursen, of the Manor of Fordham, September 27, 1753. Children : 1378. , born about 1755. 1379. , born about 1758. 1380. , born 1381. Abraham, born August 10, 1778. Died May 14, 1S50. 1382. Isaac, born about 1779. He inherited a legacy from his grandfather Ben- jamin Courser. Will dated October i, 1770 ; proved December 22, 1770, in Westchester County Wills. 1381. ABRAHAM LENT, born in the Town of Eastchester, Westchester County, N. Y., August 10, 1778, and died May 14, 1850. He was buried at Eastchester, was the son of Abraham (1333) and Jane Lent. He married Jer- usha Earl. She was born in Westchester County, April 13, 17 82, and died Aug. 21, 1840. Children : 13S3. Abraham, born March 12, 1S14. 1384. Maria, born , m. Mulford. 1383. ABRAHAM LENT, born in New York City, March 12, 1814, was the son of Abraham (1381) and Jerusha Lent. He married Emeline Griffith, of New York City. She was born August 12, 1S27. Children : 1385. Edwin, born . Died 1386. Emma, born . Died — - 1387. Susan P.. born 1832. Died 1388. Abraham, born May 8, 1850. 1389. Mary G., born 1S53, m. Constant. 1390. Clara, born . Died 1391. Charles, born 1856. 126 The Lent Family 1388. ABRAHAM LENT, bom in New York City, May 8, 1850, was the son of Abraham (1383) and EmeHne Lent. He is a paper ruler by occupation, in Brooklyn, N. Y. He married . Children : 1392. Abraham F., born October 8. 1S71. He is a physician in Brooklyn, N. Y. 1393. Gertrude, born October 5, 1882. 1394. Edithe, born October 11, 18S5. 1334. TOBIAS LENT, born in Westchester County, N. Y., about 1730, was the son of Jacob (17) and Elizabeth Lent. He was a soldier of the Revolution- ary War, in Colonel Drake's Regiment, and Captain Kronkhite's Company. He married Annatie Van Tassell, January 4, 1755. Children : 1395- Tobias, born about 1768. 1396. Abraham A., born January 3, 1770. Died March 13, 1862. 1397. WiUiam, born about 1773. 1395. TOBIAS LENT, born in Westchester County, N. Y., about 1768, was the son of Tobias (1334) and Annatie Lent. He was married to Sarah Montross, 1796, by Rev. Silas Constant. Children: 1398. Margaret, born about 1798. Removed to Philadelphia. 1399. James, born about 1800. Died about 1830. 1399. JAMES LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., about 1800, was the son of Tobias (1395) and Sarah (Montross) Lent. He married Clara, daughter of *Absalom Travis and Rachel (Doolittle) Travis, about 181 8. Children: 1400. Rachel, born July 17, 1820. m. twice • ist. Henry Thorpe ; 2d, Nathaniel D. Lent. She died Jan. i, 1895. (See Line 22, No. 5S9). 1401. Margaret, born April 11, 1823, m. John Tunstall, of Peekskill. She died May 26, 1894, and was buried in Scranton, Pa. 1402. DeHa, born July 23, 1825, m. Stephen Tunstall, Jan. 17, 1S44. She died August 2, 1902, and was buried in Scranton, Pa. 1403. Lucy, born about 1S27, m. John Conklin. She died about 1868. 1404. Henry, born about 1829. Died about 1849. Never married. 1396. ABRAHAM A. LENT, born on the Manor of Courtland, Westches- ter County, N. Y., January 3, 1770; died March 13, 1862, and was buried in the Van Cortlandtville Cemetery. He was the son of Tobias (1334) and * Absalom Travis was married to Rachel Doolittle, April 14, 1793, at Yorktown, Westchester County, N. Y., by Rev. Silas Constant. The Lent Family 127 Annatie Lent. He married Mary McChain. She died August 8, 1871, aged 87 years. Children : 1405. Elijah K., born December 22, 1824. Died Nov. 6, 1893. 1406. George, born about 1826. Died 1853. 1407. Nathaniel, born about 1828. Died in Brooklyn, N. Y.. 1405. ELIJAH K. LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., December 22, 1824, and died November 6, 1893. He was buried in the Van Cortlandtville Cemetery. He was the son of Abraham A. (1396) and Mary (McChain) Lent. He married Mary Jane Dalton. She was born Novem- ber 29, 1829, and died May 7, 1901. No children. 1406. GEORGE LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., about 1826, was the son of Abraham A. (1396) and Mary Lent. He died in 1853, and was buried in the Lent burial ground, Crompond. He married Sarah Ann Wood. Children : 1408. Catherine, born , m. Wm. Horton. 1409. George, born , m. in Michigan. 1410. Jacob, born , m. in Michigan. 1411. John Henry, born about 1865. 141 1. JOHN HENRY LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., about 1865, was the son of George (1406) and Sarah Ann Lent. He is a stove moulder by occupation, and resides in Peekskill, N. Y. He mar- ried Abbie N. Coul, of Peekskill, April 4, 1888. One child : 1412. Clarence, born January 13, 1893. 1407. NATHANIEL LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., about 1828, was the son of Abraham A. (1396) and Mary Lent. He lived and died in Brooklyn, N. Y. He married Margaret Tice. Children : 1413. Erastus, bom 1414. Cecelia, born . Died 141 5. , born 1397. WILLIAM LENT, born on the Manor of Courtland, Westchester County, N. Y., about 1773, was the son of Tobias (1334) and Annatie Lent. He married Mary, daughter of Angus Sutherland. Children : 1416. Alchie, born January 30, 1795. 141 7. Nancy, born August 13, 1797. 1418. Angus, born January 20, 1800. Died October 2, 1855. 12^ The Lent Family 1419. Peter Goetchius, born August 20, 1802. 1420. Margaret, born January 17, 1803. 1 41 8. ANGUS LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., January 20, 1800, and died October 2, 1855, was the son of William (1397) and Mary Lent. He married Isabella, daughter of Abraham Dyckman. She was born July 5, 1803. Their remains are interred in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Montrose, N. Y. Children : 1421. William Henry, born July 4, 1824. Died November 24, 1891. 1422. Leah, born , m. Knickerbocker, of New York. 1423. Abraham D., born 142 1. WILLIAM HENRY LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, West- chester County, N. Y., July 4, 1824, died November 24, 1891, and was buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Montrose, N. Y, He was the son of Angus (141 8) and Isabella Lent. He married Martha, daughter of John Wessells. She was born October 29, 1825, and died March 21, 1897. The following is inscribed on his grave stone : " His soul has taken its flight To mansions of glory above. To mingle with angels of light, To dwell in a kingdom of love." Children : 1^,24. Amanda, died in infancy. 1425. Herbert, died in infancy. 1426. De Witt C, born 1852. 1427. Annetta, born November 24, 1856. Died August 7, 1S80. 1428. Jennie, born January 8, i860, m. Rankin Lent (381). 1429. Ada, born 1862. ni. Harry Ballon. 1430. Mabel, born 1864, m. John Huson. LINE XXX. —(?)—. SAMUEL LENT, born on the Manor of Courtland, Westchester County, N, Y., about 17 — , was the son of and Lent. It is said that he died at the age of 102 years. He was married to Catherine Hawes, March 12, 1797, by the Rev. Silas Constant. Children : 1431. John, born about 1800. 1432. Samuel, baptised July 22, 1827. 143 1. JOHN LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, The Lent Family 129 N. Y., about 1800, was the son of Samuel ( ) and Catherine Lent. 1 le mar- ried Nancy Hawes. Children : 1433- Jefferson Harrison, born September 15, 1825. Died Sept. 21, lyoo. 1434. Caleb, born October, 1S27. Died September 26, 1856. 1435. Matilda, born 1830, m. Darius Fisher. She died 1436. Mary Elizabeth, born June 23. 1S38. Died Dec. 31, 1875. Never married. 1433. JEFFERSON HARRISON LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., September 15, 1825, and died September 21, 1900, was the son of John (1431) and Nancy Lent. He was a farmer. He married Adelia Fisher, of Carmel, N. Y., April 4, 1847. She was born August 11,. 1826, and died August 18, 1888. Children: 1437- John Darius, born April 12, 1S51. Died March 24, 1872. Never married. 1438. Jefferson T., born Nov. 15, 1S47. " Died for his country," July 8, 1865. Never married. 1439. Philander Stewart, born December 23, 1849. Died Dec. ig, 1876. 1440. Amanda, born May 9, 1S54, m. Henry T. Fowkes. She died Jan. 4, 18S3. 1441. Matilda, born February 12, 1S59, rn- Chas. W. Bougbton. She died Jan- uary 24, 1890. 1442. Hanford W., born October 17, 1857. 1439. PHILANDER STEWART LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., December 23, 1849, and died December 19, 1876, was the son of Jefferson H. (1433) and AdeHa Lent. He married Anna B. Chase, February 22, 1872. One child: 1443. Stewart, born May 21, 1873. 1443. STEWART LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., May 21, 1873, was the son of Philander S. (1439) ^"^ Anna B. Lent. He is a house carpenter by occupation, in Peekskill, N. Y. He married Ella Gay- lord. Children : 1444. Bessie, born April 15, 1893. 1445. Helen, born October 16, 1895. 1446. Evelyn, born March 25, 1900. 1442. HANFORD W. LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westches- ter County, N. Y., October 17, 1857, was the son of Jefterson H. (1433) and AdeHa Lent. He is a farmer on the old homestead, on the Crompond road, in the Town of Cortlandt. He married Emma Laura Boyce, April, 24, iSSi. One child : 1447. Lulu Emma Laura, born June 8, 1883. Unmarried, 130 The Lent Family 1434. CALEB LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., October, 1827, and died September 26, 1856, was the son of John (143 1) and Nancy (Hawes) Lent. He was a farmer. He married Adelia M. Skidgel, of Peekskill, N. Y, She was born December, 1827. Children: 144S. William Ezra, born April 4, 1846. Never married. 1449. Charles Henry, born June 22, 1S47. Died January i, 1873. 1450. Mary Elizabeth, born April i, 1S49, m. Joseph L. Mason. 1451. Elmira Jane, born December 16, 1S50, m. Spock. She died Octo- ber 13, 1876. 1452. Caleb, born May 12, 1852. 1453. Ann Augusta, born December, 1855. Died October 25, 1857. 1452. CALEB LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., May 12, 1852, was the son of Caleb (1434) and Adelia M. Lent. He is a painter by occupation. He married Lucinda Gordineer, of Peekskill, N. Y. She was born February 4, 1867. Children: 1454. Mary Ella, born November 21, 1885. Unmarried. 1455. Eva, born August 15, 1SS7. 1456. Pearly, born December 20. 1888. 1457. Gertrude, born May 24, 1S91. 1458. Sarah Elizabeth, born February 22, 1893. 1459. Flossie, born July 4, 1895. LINE XXXL —(?)—. BENJAMIN LENT, born in Westchester County, N. Y., , was the son of and Lent. He married . Five children, three boys and two girls, all born in Troy, N. Y.: 1460. Benjamin, born 1461. William, born 1462. George, born 1463. , born 1464. , born 1460. BENJAMIN LENT, born in Troy, N. Y., , was the son of Ben- jamin ( ) and Lent. He married Margaret Warne, of New Jersey. Children : 1465. Harriet, born about 1818. i4f)6. Mary, born about 1822. 1467. Charles D., born about 1825. Resides at Wallington, N. Y. 1468. Delia, born about 1828. 1469. Jane, born about 1831. 1470. James M., born about 1835. The Lent Family 131 1470. JAMES M. LENT, born about 1835, was the son of Iknjamin (14C0) and Margaret Lent. He resided for many years in Buftalo, N. Y., and was en- gaged in the pubUshing and book business of Breed, Lent & Co. He resides in Boston, Mass. He married Anna E. Hull, of Buftalo, in 1861. Children : 1471. Walter Hull, born 1S63. 1472. James Arthur, born 1865. Died 1875. 1473. Charles Cooper, born 1869. 1474. Howard Barker, born 1871. Unmarried. 1475. Florence Livingston, born 1877. LINE XXXIL —(?)—. ABRAHAM LENT, born in New York , was the son of and Lent. He died in Annapolis County, Nova Scotia, as was also his wife. He married Spurr. One child : 1476. John, born about 1800. Died about 1843. 1476, JOHN LENT, born in Nova Scotia, about 1800, and died about 1843, was the son of Abraham ( ) and Lent. He was a farmer and a blacksmith by occupation. He married Mary Rice, of Nova Scotia. Children : 1477. Abraham, born January 26, 1825. Resides at Deep Brook, N. S. 1478. Israel, born April 2, 1S26. 1479. John H., born January 26. 1828. 1480. William F., born March 14, 1831. Died in Baltimore. 1481. David R., born September 23, 1829. Died 1482. Isaac, born January 15, 1833. Died at sea. 14S3. Eleanor J., born August 10, 1834. 1484. Jacob, born April 10, 1837. Died at sea. 1485. Martha L., born September 23. 1839. 1479. JOHN H. LENT, born at Bear River, Nova Scotia, January 26, 1828, was the son of John (1476) and Mary Lent, By occupation he is a ship carpenter, and resides in Dorchester, a suburb of Boston, Mass. He married Mary C. Cossaboom, of Nova Scotia. Children : i486, George D., born June 17, 1852. 1487. William Ashford,„born July 2, 1854. 148S. Mabel, born May 31, 1S57, m. Capt. George T. Wright. 1489. Charles B., born September 6, i860. 1490. Ernest S. , born February 29, 1866. 132 The Lent Family 1487. WILLIAM ASHFORD LENT, born at Bear River, Nova Scotia, July 2, 1854, is the son of John H. (1479) ^^^^ Mary C. Lent. He is a ship carpenter and builder, and is also a dealer in real estate, &c,, in Boston, Mass. He married . Children : 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 John A., born in Nova Scotia, 1877. George K., born in Nova Scotia, 1880. J. Mary, born in Nova Scotia, 1882. Jennie M., born in Boston, 1885. Ella B., born in Boston, 1889. LINE XXXIIL — (?) — , JACOB LENT, from the best information obtained, was born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., and went West in early life and settled in the State of Michigan. He was the son of and Lent. He married . Children : 1496. Jacob, born 1497. Stephen, born , m. Betsey Taylor. 1498. Nun, born 1499. Aden, born 150Q. Peter, born , m. Sophena Case. 1501. Phebe, born , in. Nathan Eldridge. 1502. Marinda, born , m. twice ; ist, Louis Grant ; 2d, Ephraim Nichols. 1503. Elmira, born , m. Comfort Taylor. 1504. Elvina, born , m. Dexter Taylor. 1496, JACOB LENT, born , was the son of Jacob and Lent. He married Content Clark. Children : 1505. Stephen, born , m. Betsey Youngs. 1506. Ora, born , m. Abraham Alford. 1507. Laura, born , m. George Beckwith. 1508. Ann Elizabeth, born , m. Frank Ryan. 1509. Mary, born , m. Griffith. 1498. NUN LENT, born , was the son of Jacob ( ) and Lent. He married Laura Case. Children : 1 5 10. Marcus, born 1511. William, born 1499. ADEN LENT, born , was the son of Jacob ( ) and Lent. He married Betsey Youngs in 1833. Children : 1512. Jacob M., born October 28, 1834. Died October 8, 1898. The Lent Family j 1513. Aden, born about 1S36. 15T4. Maria, born about 1840, m. Allen Clark. 1515. Rosetta, born about 1843, m. William ArtclifT. 15 1 2. JACOB M. LENT, born October 28, 1834, and died October 8, 1898, was the son of Aden (1499) and Betsey Lent. He married Mina Clark. She was born June 28, 1838, and died June 28, 1881. Children : 1516. Ira E., born July 2g, 1859. 1517. Ella M., born May 23, 1862, m. F. W. Winslow. 1518. Fred B., born June 6, 1876. 15 16. IRA E, LENT, born in the Township of Mount Morris, Genesee County, Michigan, July 29, 1859, was the son of Jacob M. (15 12) and Mina Lent. He is an express agent for Wells, Fargo & Co. He married Allie M. Howell. Children, born in the City of Flint, Genesee County, Michigan : 1519. Edgar P., born September 2, 1S83. 1520. Mattie A., born August 20, 1S85. 1513. ADEN LENT, born about 1836, Avas the son ot Aden (1499) ^"^^ Betsey Lent. He married Clara Britton. One child : 1521. Albert, born . Died 15 1 8. FRED B. LENT, born in the City of Flint, Genesee County, Michi- gan, June 6, 1876, was the son of Jacob M. (1512) and Mina Lent. He married Ella Cowen. Children : 1522. Editha I., born September 27, 1895. 1523. Wellington I., born February 28, 189S. 1524. Irwin D., born August 17, 1899. LINE XXXIV. 1048. JACOB LENT, born on the Manor of Courtland, and baptised in the old Dutch Church, Tarrytown, N. Y., November 5, 1723, was the son of John (1025) and Mary Lent. He married Annatje Legit, of Rockland County, N. Y. Children : 1525. Catherine, born 1526. Jacob, baptised May 11, 1739. 1527. William, baptised 1742. 1528. Hendrick, born 1744. 1529. Katherinna de Ronde, born 1746, m. Joseph Beem — (?). 134 The Lent Family 1526. JACOB LENT, baptised in the Schraalenburg Church, New Jersey, May II, 1739, ^^''^^ t'""^ ^'^^ of Jacob (1048) and Annatje (Legit) Lent. He was known as " Yawpy " Lent. He was a private in the War of the Revolution. It is said that on one occasion, while his company was stationed at Stony Point, one night he paddled his way across the river in a boat and joined the British Army, and the next night he left them and returned the same way to his home at Tom- kins Cove. His company missing him, heard that he had gone over to the British across the river, but was back again on this side of the river and was at his home. They went there and found him in. He was asked why he had left them. He replied that he " wanted to find out how they (the Red Coats) done things." After he had seen to his satisfaction, he returned to his company. They arrested him and placed him in the guard house at Stony Point and made him do guard duty. After awhile he joined his company and served until the close of the war. Many other incidents are related of him. He was always jolly and full of fun. He married . Children : 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 Henry, born about 1762. William, born about 1765. Nancy, born about 1768, m. Daniel Burd. John, born about 1771. Jacob, born about 1775. Paul, born about 177S. 1530. HENRY LENT, born about 1762, was the son of Jacob (1526) and Annatje Lent. He married Eliza Rose. Children : 1536. Mary Jane, m. George Drout. 1537. Henry, born 1538. Susan, m. George Tillison. 1539. Augustus, born 1537. HENRY LENT, born in Rockland County, , was the son of Henry (1530) and Eliza Lent. He married Cornelia Serring. Children : 1540. Stella, m. George Marks. 1 541. Etta, m. William Fowler. 1542. Cora, never married. 1543. Raymond, never married. 1539. AUGUSTUS LENT, born at Stony Point, Rockland County, N. Y., The Lent Family i JD , was the son of Henry (1530) and Eliza (Rose) Lent. He married , Children : 1544. Gertrude, born 1545. Ada, born . Unmarried. 1546. Louis, m. . No children. 1531. WILLIAM LENT, born at Stony Point, Rockland County, N. Y., 1765, was the son of Jacob (1526) and Annatje Lent. He married Catherine Rose. Children : 1547 1548. 1549 1550 1551 Sarah Ann, m. Alfred Ten Eyck. Margaret Ann, m. Robert Morris. Venus, born William, born Moses, born 1549. VENUS LENT, born at Stony Point, Rockland County, N. Y., , was the son of William (153 1) and Catherine Lent. He married Catherine Varian. Children : 1552. Mary, m. William de Ronde. 1553- Jane, m. William Dolson. 1554. Eliza, never married. 1555. John, born 1550. WILLIAM LENT, born at Stony Point, Rockland County, N. Y., , was the son of WiUiam (1531) and Catherine Lent. He married Eliza Gilleo. Children : 1556. Bertha, m. Cyphers. 1557. Jane, m. 1558. Minnie, m. William Rose. 1 55 1. MOSES LENT, born at Stony Point, Rockland County, N. Y., , was the son of William (1531) and Catherine Lent. He married Margaret . Children : 1559. Albert, born 156c.. Mary, m. Edward Jones. 1561. Sadie, died young. 1559. ALBERT LENT, born at Tomkins Cove, Rockland County, N. Y., , was the son of Moses (1551) and Margaret Lent. He married Jane Miller. Children 1562. Mary, born 1563. Charles, born 136 The Lent Family 1533- JOHN LENT, born at Stony Point, Rockland County, N. Y., about i77i,was the son of Jacob (1526) and Annatje Lent. He married Mary (Polly), daughter of Abraham Lent. Children : 1564. Maria, m. Gilbert Weeks. 1565. George, born 1566. John, born , m. Ann Burd. 1567. Emeline, m. Samuel Osborn. 1565. CxEORGE LENT, born at Tomkins Cove, Rockland County, N. Y., was the son of John (1533) and Mary Lent. He was married twice: His first wife was Hannah . Child : 156S. Sarah Eliza, m. William Thorne. His second wife was . No children. 1534. JACOB LENT, born in the Town of Stony Point, Rockland County, N. Y., about 1775, was the son of Jacob (1526) and Annatje Lent. He married Margaret (Peggy), daughter of Abraham Lent. Children : 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 Leonard, born 1S18. Harrison, born 1829. Jacob, born about 1S32. Phebe, m. Noah Retch. Juliette, m. Moses Rose. Mary, m. John Casey. Clara, m. Thos. Keenan. Alfred E., born . Died 1569. LEONARD LENT, born in the Town of Stony Point, Rockland Co., N. Y., 1818, was the son of Jacob (1534) and Margaret Lent. He married Lena James, of Tomkins Cove. Children : 1577- Jeremiah, born 1845. 1578. William, died young. 1577. JEREMIAH LENT, born in Tomkins Cove, 1845, was the son of Leonard (1569) and Lena Lent. He married CaroUne Smith. Children: 1579. Milburn, born March 17, 1869. 1580. Mary Ellen, born 1 87 1. Died young. 1581. Tillie, died young. 1582. Agnes, died young. 1583. Eugene, died young. 1584. Jeremiah, born . Unmarried, 1585. Robert, born 18S0, The Lent Family 137 1586. Alonzo, born , m. Phebc, dan. of Abraham C. Lent (175), of Jones Point, Nov. 19, 1902, l)y Rev. W. A. Mackcy, of Mattcawan, N. Y. 1587. Ida, m. Charles Furst. 1558. Carrie, born . Unmarried. 1559. Mary, born 1590. Joseph, died young. 1579. MILBURN LENT, born at Tomkins Cove, Rockland County, N. Y., March 17, 1869, was the son of Jeremiah (1577) and CaroHne Lent. He is a watchman on the West Shore Railroad, at Tomkins Cove. He married Melvenia, daughter of Melvenia Lent. No children. 1585. ROBERT LENT, born at Tomkins Cove, Rockland County, N. Y., 1880, was the son of Jeremiah (1577) and Caroline Lent. He married Clara Finnigan, of Jones Point. Children : 1591. Arvilla, born 1900. 1592. Raymond, born 1901. 157 1. JACOB LENT, born at Tomkins Cove, Rockland County, N. Y., in 1832, was the son of Jacob (1534) and Margaret Lent. He is a laborer and re- sides at Tomkins Cove. He married Adelia Beers, of Tomkins Cove, August 9, 1855. One child : 1593. Delaphine, born July 30, 1S56, m. William Ten Eyck. 1576. ALFRED E. LENT, born at Tomkins Cove, Rockland County, N. Y., , was the son of Jacob (1534) and Margaret Lent. He married Cather- ine, daughter of Paul Lent (1535). Children: 1594. Thomas, born 1595. Elizabeth, m. Frost Bulson. 1596. Charlotte, m. Jackson Bulson. 1597. Leonard, m. Lydia Doyle. No children. 1598. John, born 1599. Eliza, m. John Barros. 1600. Augustus, born 1601. Ellsworth, died unmarried. 1602. Mary, m. Fernando Holly. 1603. Nancy, m. Okenhall. 1594. THOMAS LENT, born at Tomkins Cove, Rockland County, N. Y., ^ was the son of Alfred E. (1576) and Catherine Lent. He married Betsey Bulson. Children : 1604. Martha, m. Okenhall. 1605. Watson, born . Unmarried. 138 The Lent Family 1598. JOHN LENT, born at Tomkins Cove, Rockland County, N. Y., , was the son of Alfred E. (1576) and Catherine Lent. He married Delia Mason. Children : 1606. Chester, born 1607. Lillian, born 1600. AUGUSTUS LENT, born at Tomkins Cove, Rockland County, N. Y., , was the son of Alfred E. (1576) and Catherine Lent. He married Babcock. Children : 1608. Alfred, born 1609. Howard, born 1535. PAUL LENT, born at Stony Point, Rockland County, N. Y., about 1778, was the son of Jacob (1526) and Annatje Lent. He married Sarah James. Children : i5io. Catherine, m. Alfred Lent (1576). 1611. James H., born 1612. Nancy, m. Jacob Stout. 1613. Edward, died young. 1614. Abbie, m. William Morgan. 1 61 5. Charles, born 161 1. JAMES H. LENT, born in the Town of Stony Point, Rockland Co., N. Y., , was the son of Paul (1535) and Sally Lent. He was married three times : his first wife was Eliza Bulson. Children : 1616. James H., born May 9, 1854. 161 7. Mary Emily, born about 1856, m. Le Roy Bulson. His second wife was . No children. His third wife was . One child : 1618. Alfred Swain, born 16 16. JAMES H. LENT, born at Tomkins Cove, Rockland County, N. Y., May 9, 1854, was the son of James H. (161 1) and Eliza Lent. He married Effie Bulson. Children : 1619. Emma, m. Henry A. Denman. 1620. Lucy, born 1621. Nellie, born 1622. Walter J., born 1623. Elmer, born 1624. James H., born 1625. Margaret, born The Lent Family 139 16 1 8. ALFRED SWAIN LENT, born at Tomkins Cove, Rockland County, N. Y , , was the son of James H. (161 r) and , his third wife. He mar- ried , of Nyack, N. Y. Two children. LINE XXXV. —(?)—. DANIEL LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., , was the son of , and Lent. He married Deborah Cronk. Children : 1626. Ferdinand, born about 1841. Died 1627. Frederick, born about 1842. 1626. FERDINAND LENT, born in Peekskill, N. Y., about 1841, and died , was the son of Daniel ( ) and Deborah (Cronk) Lent. He enlisted in the War of the Rebellion, at Peekskill, N. Y., at the age of 21 years, August 28, 1862; mustered in as private, Company "A," (originally One Hundred and Thirty-fifth Infantry), September 2, 1862, to serve three years; mustered out with company, June 28, 1865, at Petersburg, Va. He married Emma Patterson, of Peekskill, N. Y. 1627. FREDERICK LENT, born in Peekskill, N. Y., about 1842, was the son of Daniel ( ) and Deborah Lent. He is a brick mason by occupation. He married Margaret Ann Tole, of Newburgh, N. Y. Children : 1628. Alexander Lamond, born August 14, 1S65. Died Nov. 25, 1902. Never married. 1629. John Henry, born September 10, 1867. 1630. Abraham C, born October 21, 1S69. 1631. Emma Clark, born February 20, 1872, m. William Hayes. 1632. Annie Miller, born February 16, 1S74. Died ^larch 6, 1S76. 1633. Charlotte C, born September 12, 1876, m. Herbert Conklin. 1634. Mary E., 1 r^. , 1635. Annie M., f Twins, born November 21, 1879. Died 1629. JOHN HENRY LENT, born in Peekskill, N. Y., September 10, 1867, was the son of Frederick (1627) and Margaret Lent. He is a stove moul- der by trade. He married Rosa, daughter of John Craft, of Peekskill, N. Y., in 1893. Children: 1636. Ruth, born March 12, 1S95. 1637. John Arthur, born June 5. 1S97. 1638. Ida May, born February 28, 1901. Died August 25, 1901. 140 The Lent Family THE ANCESTORS OF THE FOLLOWING FAMILIES COULD NOT BE TRACED: — (?) — . LENT, born , was the son of and Lent. He married . Children : 1639. Richard, born about 1S30. 1640. David, born about 1832. 1639. RICHARD LENT, born about 1830, was the son of ( ) and Lent. He married Hannah EHzabeth . Children : 1641. Charles Henry, born March 8, 1852. Died March 17, 1895. 1642. Gilbert B., born about 1855. 1641. CHARLES HENRY LENT, born March 8, 1852, was the son of Richard (1639) and Hannah Elizabeth Lent. He married EHzabeth Sullivan, of Amsterdam, N. Y., November i, 1883. Children : 1643. Bertha, born 1S85. 1644. Nellie, born 18S9. 1645. Richard David, born 1895. — (?) — . LENT, born , 1 7 — , was the son of and Lent. He married Ruggles, of Annapolis County, Nova Scotia. Chil- dren : 1646. Charles J., born about 1855. 1647. , born 1648. , born 1646. CHARLES J. LENT, born in Chelsea, Mass., about 1855, was the son of and (Ruggles) Lent. He married Lottie Hemeon. Children: 1649. Stephen J., born in Yarmouth, N. S., November 29, 1877. 1650. James B., born in Yarmouth, N. S., 1879. 1651. Lottie E., born in Yarmouth, N. S., 1881. 1652. Clayton, born in Boston, Mass., 1889. 1653. Lester L., born in Boston, Mass., 1897. —(?)—. HENRY DEPEW LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, West- chester County, N. Y., August 6, 1820, and died May 22, 1884, was the son of and Lent. He enhsted in the Civil War, at the age of 42 years, Aug. 30, 1 86 1, at New York City; mustered in as musician in band, at same date, to The Lent Family 141 serve two years; discharged February 28, 1862. He again enlisted September 2, 1864, at Albany; mustered in as private, Co. " D," September 2, 1864, to serve one year; mustered out with Company, June 28, 1865, at Petersburg, Va. He married EHzabeth (Betsey) Travis. She was born February 12, 1824, Children: 1654. John H., born September 2, 1845. Died June 20, 1886. 1655. Philip A., born September 29, 1848. Died February 23, 1896. 1656. Frederick, born about 1851. 1657. Addie, born about 1854, m. , at Yonkers, N. Y. 1658. Charles C, born November iS, 1856. Died February 18, 1885. 1655. PHILIP A. LENT, born in Peekskill, N. Y., September 29, 1848, died in Peekskill, N. Y., February 23, 1896, and was buried in Hillside Cemetery, at that place. He was the son of Henry D. ( ) and Betsey Lent. He mar- ried Maria L. McAvey, of Cold Spring, N. Y. Children : 1659. Daisy Cornell, born in Peekskill, 1S76. 1660. Edward K., born in Peekskill, January 24, 1877. Died 1896. 1661. Herbert born in Peekskill, February 28, 1S7S. 1662. Howard, born in New York, December 1, 18S6. 1663. Harriet, born in New York, March 9, 1893. 1656. FREDERICK LENT, born in Peekskill, N. ¥., about 185 1, was the son of Henry U, ( ) and Elizabeth Lent. He is a laborer by occupation, and resides in Peekskill. He married Annie Susan Veirman. Children : 1664. Arthur Frederick, born July iS, 18S5. 1664-a. Stanley Andrews, born January 27, 1SS7. 1658. CHARLES C. LENT, born in Peekskill, N. Y., November 18, 1856, and died February 18, 1885, was the son of Henry D. ( ) and Betsey Lent. He married Maggie McCormack, of Peekskill, N. Y., June 8, 1882. Children: 1664-b. LiUie F., born 1884. Unmarried. 1664-c. Gertrude E., born May 6, 188 j. LINE XXXVL 1378. *JACOB LENT, born in Westchester County, N. Y., about 1755, was the son of Abraham (1333) and Jennetje Lent. He married Rebecca Montross. Children : 1665. Abraham, born August 10, 1775. i666. Jacob, born 1777. Died about 1858. * Received too late for print in genealogical record. 142 The Lent Family 1666. JACOB LENT, born in Westchester County, N. Y., about 1777, was the son of Jacob (1378) and Rebecca Lent. He was a farmer at Smith's Grove, (now Highland Mills), Orange County, N. Y. He died about 1858, and was buried at Highland Mills, N. Y. He married Mrs. Hannah Davenport, of High- land Mills. Children : 1667. John, born 1796. 166S. Rebecca, born about 1798, m. Samuel Rurasey, of Highland Mills. 1669. Catherine, born , m. Isaac Smith, of Highland Mills. 1670. Robert, died young. 1671. Jane, m. twice : ist, Noxon ; 2d, Samuel Rumsey, his 2d wife. 1672. Martha (Patty), m. Russell Leffert. 1673. Isaac, born August 15, 1S14. Died April 7, 1858. 1674. Selah, born about 1S16. Died about 1868. 1675. George, born about 181S. Died about 1S60. 1667. JOHN LENT, born at Smith's Grove, (Highland Mills), Orange Co., N. Y., 1796, was the son of Jacob (1666) and Hannah Lent. He married Sarah Lamereaux, of Highland Mills, N. Y. Children : 1676. Elizabeth (Betsey), m. Herman Goodsell 1677. Charity, m. William A. Nickerson, 1678. Martha, m. John H. Streater, 1679. Catherine, m. John Raymond. 16S0. Robert, born May 3, 1828. 1681. Mary Ann, never married. >■ Twins, born 1680. ROBERT LENT, born at Highland Mills, Orange County, N. Y., May 3, 1828, was the son of John (1667) and Sarah Lent. He is a brick manufacturer at Glasco, Ulster County, N. Y. He married Catherine Conklin, of Orange County, N. Y., November 20, 1852, at Matteawan, N. Y. Children: 1CS2. Davis Caleb, born October 31, 1854. 1683. George Hickson, born April 27, 1S57. 1684. John Wright, born March 9, 1859. 1OS5. Sarah, born December 28, 1861, m. William L. Finger. 1686. William Lewis, born August 20, 1863. 1687. Lillian, born March 22, 1866. Unmarried. 1682. DAVIS CALEB LENT, born at Naugatuck, New Haven Co., Conn., Oct. 31, 1854, is the son of Robert (1680) and Catherine Lent. He is manager of the *Denning's Point Brick Works. Mr. Lent was the first to burn brick with anthracite coal, which was done on his father's yard at Glasco. He has thorough business abilities, and is one who understands the brick making industry in all its details perfectly. He was married to Mary E. Seaman, of Ulster County, N. Y., No. 1680. ROBERT LENT. The Lent Family 143 by the Rev. Asher Anderson, October 18, 1878. She was born at Middletown, Orange County, N, Y,, August 30, 1856. Children, born at Glasco, N. Y. : 1688. Grace E., born February 12, 1S80. Died October 10, 18S2. 1689. Mabel May, born December 30, 1888. 1690. Ward S., born March 13, 1893. 1683. GEORGE HICKSON LENT, born Naugatuck, New Haven Co., Ct., April 27, 1857, is the son of Robert (1680) and Catherine Lent. He is supervising engineer of the Alaska Steamship Co. ; also of the Puget Sound Navigating Co., at Seattle, Washington. A man of splendid physique, weighing some 255 pounds. He married Rose Rapelyea, of Saugerties, N. Y. One child, died in infancy. 1684. JOHN WRIGHT LENT, born at Naugatuck, New Haven, Co., Ct, March 9, 1859, is the son of Robert (1680) and Catherine Lent. He is manager of his father's brick making business at Glasco, N. Y. He married Adaline Fonda, of Ulster County, N. Y. Children : 1691. Laura C, born at Glasco, N. Y., June 30, 1884. 1692. Caleb D., born at Glasco, N. Y., November 7, 1888, 1693. Robert W., born at Glasco, N. Y. , November 22, 1892, 1686. WILLIAM LEWIS LENT, born at Naugatuck, New Haven Co., Ct., August 20, 1863, is the son of Robert (1680) and Catherine Lent. He is en- *From the Spring of 17S2, to August, 1783, troops were encamped upon " Fishkill Plain," near the village of that name. The most convenient landing place on the east bank of the Hudson was upon a long, low point of land, formed to the north of the mouth of Fishkill Creek, known as " Presquile," and here, according to the tradition of the locality, under two large oak trees, George Washington always mounted and dis- mounted his horse as he started to and returned from the camp. One of these trees was blown to the ground on the loth of August, 1881 ; the other one still stands. The story of Washington's connection with these two oaks seems to be abundantly substantiated. The Commander-in-Chief was often accompanied on these excursions from his head- quarters at Newburgh to the Camp at Fishkill, by his Adjutant-General, William Den- ning, whose son, also William Denning, at that time fourteen years of age, was some, times allowed to join the party. The incident of the period made impressions upon the boy, not easily effaced ; and many years later, in 1822, after a life of travel and adven- ture, he returned to the Hudson and purchased from a member of the Verplanck family the point of land and the old oaks, still associated in his mind with the Commander-in- Chief of the American army, and the first President of the United States. The daugh- ter of William Denning (2d) still lives, and until 1S90 inhabited the old mansion built on " Presquile" in 1S13. To her we are mdebted for these facts, and her life and that of her father span the years which separate us from the days of Washmgton and the Colonial army. 144 The Lent Family gineer for the Denning's Point Brick Works. He married Mary E. Felter, of Ulster County, N. Y., January 21, 1890. Children : 1694. Hazel, born at Glasco, N. Y., December 10, 1892. 1695. Harry, born at Glasco, N. Y., January 19, 1894. 1696. Helen Catherine, born at Fishkill, N. Y.. July 15, 1901. 1673. ISAAC LENT, born at Highland Mills, Orange County, N. Y., August 15, 1 81 4, and died April 7, 1858, was the son of Jacob (1666) and Hannah Lent. He was a farmer at Highland Mills, N. Y. He was married to Phebe H, Suther- land, of Highland Mills, February 28, 1849, by Thomas G. Wilkes, Esq. She was born March 15, 1817. Children: 1697. Margaret, born June 5, 1850, m. Henry Hallock, of Highland Mills. 1698. George, born September 25, 1851. 1699. Charles S., born September 19, 1S53. 1700. Hannah R., born December 24, 1856, m. Charles W. Sutherland, of Highland Mills. 1701. Sutherland, born September 9, 1858, m. Amelia Clark. No children. 1698. GEORGE LENT, born at Highland Mills, Orange County, N. Y., September 25, 1851, wasthe son of Isaac (1673) and Phebe Lent. He is a liveryman at Woodbury Falls, N. Y. He married Minnie Woodruff, of Highland Mills, N. Y. One child : 1702. Mildred, born August 24, 1897. 1674. SELAH LENT, born at Highland Mills, Orange County, N. Y., about 1 8 16, and died about 1868, was the son of Jacob (1666) and Hannah Lent. He was a farmer. He was married twice : His first wife was Ruth Ann Dahn, of Connecticut. Children : 1703. Jacob, born . Killed in the battle of Gettysburg. 1704. Abraham, born . Died 1705. Isaac, born , m. in Paterson, N. J. 1706. John Selah, born , went to Connecticut. 1707. Russell, born 1708. Isabella, born , m. James B. Depew, of Danbury, Conn. His second wife was Cornelia Quinn. Children : 1709. William Henry, born April 3, 1858. 1 710. Sarah, born 171 1. Morgan Shuit, born 1712. Frank, born 1709. WILLIAM HENRY LENT, born in Cornwall, Orange County, N. Y., Aiiril 3, 1858, was the son of Selah (1674) and Cornelia Lent. He is em- No. 1682. DAVIS CALEB LENT. The Lent Family 145 ployed at Dover Plains, N. Y. He married Elizabeth, dauglitcr of James Hrown, of Newburgh, N. Y. One child : 1713. Henry William, born February 27, 1883. 1675. GEORGE LENT, born at Highland Mills, Orange County, N. Y., about 181 8, and died about i860, was the son of Jacob (1666) and Hannah Lent. He was married twice : His first wife was Algenette Rose, of Highland Falls, N. Y. One child, Hannah, who died young. His second wife was Stevens, of Highland Falls, N. Y. No children. LINE XXXVIL 942. * STEPHEN LENT, born in Orange County, N. Y., about 1772, was the son of Peter (939) and Trintje (De Witt) Lent. He married . Child : 1714. Henry, born about 1798. 1 7 14. HENRY LENT, bom in Monroe, Orange County, N. Y., about 1798, was the son of Stephen (942) and Lent. He was married twice : His first wife was Anna Weeks, of Highland Mills, Orange County, N. Y. Children : 1715. Elizabeth Ann, born about 1S15, m. Thomas Osborn. She died 1891. 1716. Peter, born July 20, 1817. Died about 1873. 1717. Albert, born about 1820. Died 1718. Nathaniel, born about 1825. Died during the Mexican War, at Memphis, Tenn, 1S45. Never married. 1719. Hannah, born about 1S28, m. George Goodrich, of Highland Mills. 1720. Stephen, born October 28, 1833. Died July 18, 1869. His second wife was Sheldon, of Sullivan County, N. Y. One child : 1721. Stella, born about 1853, m. 17 16. PETER LENT, born in Monroe, Orange County, N. Y., July 20, 181 7 ; died about 1873, and was buried at Highland Mills, N. Y. He was the son of Henry (17 14) and Anna Lent. He was a shoemaker by occupation. He was married twice : His first wife was Catherine Hunter, of Cornwall, N. Y., to whom he was married January 27, 1842, by the Rev. Mr. Thompson, a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, at Monroe, N. Y. She was born March 21, 1820, and died March 25, 1866, and was buried at Highland Mills. Children : 1722. Roger B., born December 18, 1842. Died February 28, 1S43. * Information received too late for place in record. 146 The Lent Family 1723. William B., born December 17, 1843. 1724. Ruth Ann, born March 27, 1845, m. E. Mills Shuit, Sept. 26, 1861. 1725. Silas James P., born June 6, 1847. 1726. Esther, born May i, 1849, m. Samuel R. Weeks, July 5, 1S80 ; he d. 1890. 1727. Nathaniel, born September 14, 1851. Died Aug. 6, 1892, Never married. 1728. Samuel Gregory, born October 23, 1853. 1729. Le Roy P., born March 25, 1856. 1730. Jessie P., born September 25, 1858, m. William Cronk, of Chester, N. Y. 1731. Carrie A., born November 25, i860, m. Benj. Ashby, of Passaic, N. J., September 1, 1894. 1732. Charles Henry, born May 7, 1864. 1723. WILLIAM B. LENT, born at Monroe, Orange County, N. Y., Dec. 17, 1843, was the son of Peter (17 16) and Catherine Lent. He is a merchant at Port Jervis, N. Y. He married Mary Broughm, of Binghamton, N, Y., October, 1886, at Turners, N. Y., by Rev. J. P. Clark. Children : 1733. Nellie, born October, 1870, m. Ira Wallace, of Port Jervis. 1734. Virginia Belle, born about 1874, m. Sol Van Etten Carley, of Port Jervis. 1725. SILAS JAMES P. LENT, born at Monroe, Orange County, N. Y., June 6, 1847, was the son of Peter (1716) and Catherine Lent. He is employed in the Custom House, New York City. He is a veteran of the Civil War. He was married to Harriet Smith, of Turners, N, Y., September 21, 1870, by the Rev. S. M. Roberts, of Turners, N. Y. Children : 1735. Etta, born about 1871, m. William Frost, of Highland Mills. 1736. Harriet, born about 1873, m. Frank James, of Cornwall, N. Y. She died August 27, 1902. 1737. Flora, born 1S77. Died May 7, 1896. 1738. Nathaniel, born July 20, 1885. 1739- James, born January 12, 1890. 1728. SAMUEL GREGORY LENT, born at Callicoon, Sullivan County, N, Y., October 23, 1853, was the son of Peter (17 16) and Catherine Lent. He is a farmer by occupation, at Oxford, Orange County, N. Y. He married S. B. Van Vliet, in 1882. One child : 1740. Helen Grace, born June 19, 1883. Unmarried. 1729. LE ROY P. LENT, born at Callicoon, Sullivan County, N. Y., March 14, 1856, was the son of Peter (17 16) and Catherine Lent. He is a painter by The Lent Family 14; trade, at Passaic. N. J. He married Ella Morrell, of Passaic, N, J., about 1883. Children : 1741. Mabel, born 18S5. Unmarried. 1742. Reta, born about 1888. Died young. 1743. Blanche, born 1895. 1732. CHARLES HENRY LENT, born at Highland Mills, Orange Co., N. Y., May 7, 1864, was the son of Peter (1716) and Catherine Lent. By occu- pation he is a truckman and rigger, at Passaic, N. J. He married Lillian Sweeny, of Passaic. Children : 1744. Clara, born at Wallington, N. J., September 7, 1888. 1745. Edna, born at Passaic, September 29, 1889. 1746. Florence, born at Passaic, May 6, 1893. 1747. Lillian, born at Passaic, Ai:gust 14, 1895. 1748. Charles, born 1899. 17 1 7. ALBERT LENT, born at Highland Mills, Orange County, N. Y., about 1820, and died about 1870, was the son of Henry (17 14) and Anna Lent. By occupation he was a farmer. He married Delila , of Orange County, N. Y. Children : 1749. Elizabeth, born 1750. Albert, born 1751. Stephen, born 1720.- STEPHEN LENT, born at Highland Mills, Orange County, N. Y., October 28, 1833, and died at Binghampton, Solano County, Cal., July 18, 1869. He was an extensive farmer in California. He was the son of Henry (1714) and Anna (Weeks) Lent. He married Elizabeth , of Connecticut. Children : 1752. Stephen, born 1753. , born 1754. , born The following lines are dedicated to Stephen Lent's memory, by a lady in Cal- ifornia : 'Ji IKE the sound in the forest when a mighty It was borne on the breeze from hisCalifomian '^ oak feU, hearth. Echoed over the land his funeral knell ; Back to Orange County, the place of his birth ; And the fond, clinging ivy that leaned on his And the friends of his childhood were shrouded side, in gloom. Fell in grief to the earth when her loved hus- When they learned their old playmate was laid band died. in the tomb. 14^^ The Lent Family No armies he led through fields of red gore : " Trust them to my care, protection and love, Peace and love to mankind was the armor he Till I bring them to join you in the regions wore. above ; And the stand he bore from his earliest youth. Thy work is well done ; come to thy reward, Was love for his country, temperance and truth. And rest in the mansions that I have prepared.' ' He hath entered the portal— " Death where is How oft has his bounty the widow's heart thy sting?"— blessed ; Of the beautiful city of his Father and King ; While he fed from his larder the orphan op- And the bright shining One that Up Calvary pressed, ^as jgjj^ And their blessings to-day, like a crown of Placed a crown of bright glory on the con- bright gold, queror's head. Encircle his temples now rigid and cold. Bereaved friends and Orphans, Oh ! why do No more to his bosom his fond wife he will you weep ? press. Your loved one is not dead— only fallen asleep ; Or in the loved circle his children caress ; The grave merely hides him awhile from your For he heard a sweet voice — "I've a message eyes ; for thee ; When the last trump shall sound, triumphant Leave thy widow and fatherless children to me. he'll rise. Then follow his footsteps in meekness and truth ; Give your hearts to his God in the days of your youth ; Trust in his Redeemer, and lean on his breast, Though care-worn and weary, in Him you'll find rest. LINE XXXVIII. 1337. JACOB LENT, born on the Manor of Courtland, Westchester County, N. Y., April 2G, 1742, was the son of Jacob (1330) and Martha Lent. He mar- ried Rachel, daughter of Leah Post. Children : 1755. Leah, born November 6, 1779. 1756. Francis Albert, born March 9, 1782. 1756. FRANCIS ALBERT LENT, bom on the Manor of Courtland, West- chester County, N. Y., March 9, 1782, was the son of Jacob (1337) and Rachel (Post) Lent. He married Phebe, daughter of *Captain James Lilly, about 1802. He removed with his family to the West and very little could be learned concern- ing him. Children : 1757. Catherine, born February 2, 1804. 1758. Mary (Polly), born July 24, 1805, m. Brown, Jr. * He was Commander of the ship " Duke of Cumberland," it is presumed, protecting the interest of citizens of this country and England from piracy on the high seas. Mr. John M. Dyckman, of Peekskill, N. Y., has in his possession the old " Log Book " of Captain Lilly, from 1758 for several years, which is very interesting. The Lent Family 149 1759- Jacob, born September 25, 1806. 1760. Lea, born November 9, 1807. 1761. Jane Lilly, born November 16, 1S08, m. Brown, Sr. 1762. James, born October 2, 1810. 1763. Rachel, born October 24, 181 1. 1764. Francis, born January 27, 1S13. 1765. Solomon, born June i, 1814. 1766. John Lilly, born September 16, 181 5. 1767. Elenor, born January i, 1817. 1768. Abram, born July 5, 1819. 1769. Robert, born January 9, 1821. 1770. Margaret Eliza, born August 13, 1823. 1759. JACOB LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, N. Y., September 25, 1806, was the son of Francis Albert (1756) and Phebe (Lilly) Lent. He was a farmer. He married EHza Lynch. He removed West. Children : 1771. Francis, born , m. in the West. 1772. Phebe, born 1773. Mary, born 1774. Austin, born LINE XXXIX. 105 1. JOHN LENT,* born on the Manor of Courtland, Westchester Co., N. Y., 1747, and died about 1787, was the son of William (1044) and Lea Lent. By Will of April 14, 1787, proved February 4, 1788, he gave one-half of his estate to his wife, and the other half to Abraham, son of Francis Lent. The property here mentioned was located nears Crugers, N. Y. He married Margaret Waldron. She was born July 20, 1746, and died February 26, 1817. Her re- mains are in the Cemetery at Van Cortlandville, taken from the old burial ground. South Street, Peekskill. Inscribed on a brown grave stone, part of which could not be read, having been worn by the storms of ages, is the following: " While on this earth I did remain. I was filled with sorrow, grief and pain. Children Adieu to friends and likewise, My in the skies." 1775- John A., born about 1775. Died in Wisconsin. 1776. Abbie, born 1777. WiUiam Henry, born * Since printing John Lent's biography on page 106, an error was discovered, from information that came later, and we insert the correct statement here. 150 The Lent Family 1775- JOHN A. LENT, born on the Manor of Courtland, Westchester Co., N. Y., about 1775, and died in Wisconsin, was the son of John (1051) and Mar- garet Lent. He was a farmer near Crugers, N. Y., and removed to the West. He married Margaret (Lefurgy(?). Children : 1778. Abraham, born January 31. 1795. 1779. Samuel, born about 1S05. 1750. William, born about 1807. 1751. Henry C, born June 12, 1S09. Died about 1SS3. 1782. John A., born March 30, 1815. 1781. HENRY C. LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., June 12, 1809, and died about 1883, was the son of John A. (1775) and Margaret Lent. He was a laborer, and for a number of years was sexton for the First M, E. Church, Peekskill, N, Y. He married Frances (Fanny) Lent. She was born September 15, 1808. Children : 1783. Margaret M., born July 28, 1829. 1784. John Edward, born March 2, 1831. Died January 5, igoi. 1785. William Henry, born December i, 1S34. 1786. Benjamin, born December 3, 1837. Died December 18, 1842. 1787. Mary Elizabeth, born August 2, 1S40. 1788. Hiram E., born February 12, 1S43. Died September 3, 1890. 1789. Catherine Hester, born June 4, 1S45. i7S9-a. Peter Allen, born April i, 1850. 1784. JOHN EDWARD LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westches- ter County, N. Y., March 2, 1831, and died in Peekskill, N. Y., January 5, 1901, was the son of Henry C. (1781) and Frances Lent. He was an iron moulder by trade. He married Mary Jane Pattison, of Peekskill. Children : 1790. William, born March 13. 1859. Died August 3, 1878. Never married. 1791. George Augustus, born January 7, 1863. 1792. John J., born December 16, 1S66, m. Olive Miller. No children. 1793. Charles H., born August 23, 1868. Unmarried. 1794. Emma P., born August 8, 1872, m. Fred Valentine, Sept. 12, 1893. 1795. Annie E., born August 16, 1875. Died August 12, 1877. 1791. GEORGE AUGUSTUS LENT, born in Peekskill, N. Y., January 13, 1863, was the son of John E. (1784) and Mary Jane Lent. He is a stove moulder by trade. He married Eliza Kettening, of Croton Landing, N. Y. She died October 25, 1897. Children: 1796. Anna E., born January 13, 1883, m. James Hoffman. 1797. William E., died in infancy. 1798. Georgetta, died in infancy. The Lent Family 151 1799. George A., died in infancy. 1800. Charles, died in infancy. 1 801. Ernest, died in infancy. 1802. Hattie, born August 25, 1887. 1S03. Edna A., born September 10, 1890. 1804. Clifford H., born June 24, 1893. 1S05. Marion R., born August 7, 1897. 1788. HIRAM E. LENT, born in Peekskill, N. Y., March 3. 1843, and died September 3, 1890, was the son of Henry C. (1781) and Frances Lent. He was a stove moulder by trade. He married AdaHne, daughter of William Conklin, Children : 1806. Bertha E., born July i, 1877. Died September 16, 1897. 1807. Adelaide, born April 15, 1870, m. Albert Hughes. 1808. Hiram Irving, born December 15, 1872. Unmarried. 1809. Wilber, born January 28, 1875. Unmarried. 1810. Chauncey, born May 5, 1879. Unmarried. 1811. Ethel May, born February 4, 1883. Unmarried. 1785. WILLIAM HENRY LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, West- chester County, N. Y., December i, 1834, was the son of Henry C. (1781) and Frances Lent. He is a stove moulder by trade. He married Louisa J., daughter of Rev. John G. Lyons, of Peekskill, N. Y. She was born April 30, 1836, and died September 11, 1900, and was buried in Hillside Cemetery, at Van Cort- landtville. Children, born in Peekskill : 1812. John A., born August 30, 1859. Died November 8, 1898. 18 1 3. William H., born February 3, i860. 1814. Horace B., born December 20, 1866. Died September 19, 1899. 1815. Ida Louise, born May 30, 1868, m. George Holmes, of Ossining, N. Y. 1816. Chauncey, born September 30, 1 871. Died March 11, 1902. 1817. Grace May, born October 7. 1874, m. Wm. Gaylord. He d. Aug. 13, 1902. 1818. Joel C, born December 7, 1876. Unmarried. 1813. WILLIAM H. LENT, born in Peekskill, N. Y., February 3, i860, is the son of William H. (1785) and Louisa J. Lent. He is a stove moulder by trade. He married Amanda Lamb. One child : 1819. Louisa May, born about 1898. 1814. HORACE B. LENT, born in Peekskill, N. Y., December 10, 1866, and died September 19, 1899, was the son of William H. (1785) and Louisa J. Lent. He married Emma Coldwell. Child : 1820. William Albert, born about 1893. 152 The Lent Family THE FOLLOWING WERE COPIED FROM OLD RECORDS AND COULD NOT BE TRACED: CARL LENT and wife, Sophie, of Copenhagen, one child : 1821. George C. S., born in Copenhagen, September 21, 1S53. He is an insurance agent and collector in the City of New York. He is married, and has one child : 1S22. Oscar Leopold Schroeder. ABRAHAM LENT and wife, Abigail Gilbert, of Montrose, N. Y. Children : 1823. Clarissa, born December 18, 1819. 1824. Christina Lyst, born January 2, 1822. ALBERT T. LENT, born on the Manor of Courtland, 1739, and died Feb. II, 1 814. It is presumed that he is the Albert who enlisted in the Revolutionary War, Westchester County Militia, 3d Regriment. He was elected an Elder m the old Dutch Church, Montrose, N. Y., in 1796. He married Christina Teys, or Tice. She died January 20, 181 6, aged 79 years and 3 months. One child : 1825. Mareytje, born August 25, 1779. Wn.LIAM LENT and wife EUzabeth Dobbs, of Montrose, N. Y. Children : 1826. Alche, born January 30, 1795. 1827. Margaret, born January 17, 1803. HENDRICK LENT and wife, Maria , of Montrose, N. Y. Children : 1828. Maria, born March 10, 17S9. 1829. William, born December 4, 1807. 1830. Leonard, born May 15, 1809. 1831. Catrina, born June 14, 1814. SAMUEL HYATT LYNT and wife, Sarah J. Acker, of the Town of Green- burg, Westchester Co., N. Y. Child : 1837. William Henry, l)orn June 15, 1S57. The Lent F'amily dj 1832. WILLIAM HENRY LENT, l)orn in J )ol)l)s Ferry, Westchester Co. N. Y., June 15, 1857, was the son of Samuel Hyatt Lynt and Sarah Archer Lynt. He is a poUceman in the City of Yonkers, N. Y. Children, born in Yonkers : 1S33. Elizabeth S., born 1834. Mary E., born WILLIAM LENT and wife, Unis Teller, of Montrose, N. Y. Children : 1835. James, born November 15, 1797. 1S36. William, born January 19, 1800. ABRAM LENT and wife, Lena Kranckheyt, of Montrose, N. Y. Child : 1837. Jari. born 1747. JAMES LENT and wife, Sarah, of Greenville, Nova Scotia. Child: 1838. Manning, born 1838. MANNING LENT and wife, Mary E. . Child: 1S39. Mary E., born at Freeport, Digby Co., N. S., 1871 ; unmarried, in Boston. ABRAHAM LENT and wife, Phemmetie Bloom. Child : 1840. Abraham, Jr. JAMES LENT, born in Washington County, N. Y., July 26, 17S2, married Harriet Lisk. She was born in Otsego County, N. Y., August 10, 1802. They both died and were buried at Palmyra, N. Y. Children : 1841. Seymour, born in Otsego County, N. Y., July 19, 1S28. Died and was buried at Palmyra, 1849. 1842. John Henry, born December 3, 1S30. 1S43. David, born about 1S33. Resides at Batavia, N. Y. 1844. Martha H., born in Otsego County, N. Y., December 12. 1835. Died and was buried at Palmyra. 1842. JOHN HENRY LENT, born in Cooperstown, Otsego County, N. Y., December 3, 1830, was the son of James and Harriet Lent. He married Susan K. Jackson. She was born at Ballston, Saratoga County, N. Y., July 5, 1845. Children, born at Palmyra, N. Y. : 1845. Florence Estelle, born April 14, 1S66. 1846. James Seymour, born March 14, 1868. 1847. George Benjamin, born October 24, 1872. 1848. Mae Elizabeth, born September 6, 1874. 1849. Caroline Eloise, born July 22, 1878. 1850. Katharine Ermina, born September 21, 1880. 1851. J. Harry, born February 24, 1888. 154 The Lent Family 1846. JAMES SEYiMOUR LENT, born at Palmyra, Otsego County, N. Y., March 14, 1868, is the son of John Henry (1842) and Susan K. Lent. By occu- pation he is a photographer at Albion, N. Y. He married Jessie Louise Folsom, One child : 1S52. George Folsom, born at Albion. N. Y., December 23, iSgS. 1 155. ABSALOM LENT, born in the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N. Y., August 25, 1803, and died May 17, 1877, was the son of John (1149) and Phebe (Barrett) Lent. He married . Children : 1853 1S54 1855 1S56 1857 ^lary, born Sarah, born Jane, born Carrie, born , m. Emile Heydenrich, of Brooklyn, N. Y. De Witt C, born , m. and have one daughter, Annie. He died THE LENT FAMILY IN THE REVOLUTION. The following are the names of members of the Lent family who are on the Muster Rolls of the State Regiments, as having participated in the Revolutionary struggle, but the author has been unable to identify some of those here mentioned. For instance, the name Jacob Lent appears in several regiments, but it has been impossible to ascertain whether the same Jacob was on the Muster Rolls of all of them. And so of others : Captain Abraham Lent — Dutchess County Militia, 2d Regiment. Abraham Lent — Albany County Militia, 13th Regiment, 14th Regiment and Westchester County Militia, 3d Regiment. Abraham Lent, Jr. — Dutchess County Militia, 2d Regiment. Abraham A. Lent — Dutchess County Militia, Regiment of Minute Men. Abraham J. Lent — Ulster County Militia, 4th Regt., Land Bounty Rights. Abram Lent — Dutchess County Militia, Regiment of Minute Men ; The Line, 2d Regiment. Albert Lent — Westchester County Militia, 3d Regiment. David Lent— Westchester County Militia, 3d Regt., Land Bounty Rights. Lieut. Dennis Lent— Westchester County Militia, ist Regiment. Elias Lent — The Line, 2d Regiment. Enos Lent — The Line, 5 th Regiment. The Lent Family 155 Enus Lent — Ulster County Militia, 3d Regiment. Hannlos Lent — Westchester County Militia, 3CI Regt., Land Bounty Rights. Harcules Lent— Westchester Co. MiHtia, 3d Regt., Land Bounty Rights; The Line, 3d Regiment. Harmones Lent — Westchester County Militia, 3d Regiment. Hendrick Lent — Albany Co. Militia, 13th Regt.; The Line, 4lh Regt.; 14th Regiment. Pensioner. Henry Lent — Westchester Co. Militia, 3d Regt. The Line, 3d Regt. Henry Lent, Jr. — Albany Co. Militia, 13th Regt, Land Bounty Rights. Hercules Lent — The Levies, Col. John Harper. The Line, 1st Regiment. Isaac Lent — Westchester Co. Militia, ist, 2d, 3d, 5th Regiments. Jacob Lent— Albany Co. Militia, 13th Regt. West. Co. Militia, 3d Regiment. The Line, 2d, 4th and 14th Regiments. James Lent — Dutchess Co. Militia, Regiment of Minute Men. John L. Lent, Lug Lent and Matthew Lent — West. Co. Militia, 3d Regt. Moses Lent — The Line, ist and Third Regiments. Peter Lent — Dutchess County Militia, Regiment of Minute Men. John Lent — West. Co. Militia, 3d Regiment; Albany Co. Militia, 13th Regt. PhiHp Lent — Albany County Militia, 14th Regiment. Tobs Lent, Tunis Lent and William Lent — Westchester Co. Militia, 3d Regt. PERSONAL INDr:X. Page Acker. John C 2" Acker, Sarah J 152 Ackerly, Rev 8S, 93 Ackerly, Edward UT Ackerman, David 121 Ackernian, Peter 15 Ackley, Amelia 112 Adams, Mary Eliza 54 Addieks, William D 58 Alair, Jolin 27 Alford, Ambrose 1-52 Allen, Isaac D 87 Allendorf , Albert J 35 AUendorf , James — 35 Amerman, Phebe SO Andrews, 29 Anderson, Rev. Asher US Anderson, James H 27 Anderson, John B 23 Anderson, Peter 1 13 Anderson, Sarah 2o Anderson, Sarah Jane... lUJ Applebee, Daniel S9 Archer, Mary 1117 Archer, Sarah 115 Arkels, Cornelia S 97 Arnold, Annie 117 Artcliff, William K« Ashb.v, Benjamin 14(i Ashton, Rev. Edward 70 Atkins, Hattle i6 B ISR 80 1-JS Babcock, Bain, Amelia Ballon, Harry Baleom, Owen Bullis 77 Barclay, Anthony 98 Bard, Captain John 54 Bareford, Anna 42 Baremore, Jeremiah 34 Barger, George W 92 Barger, Jennie 88 Barlow, Carrie Lent, 1199 114 Klla Frances, liOO 114 Fannie Stratton, 1198 114 George Henry, 1197 114 Gertrnde, 12(>4 114 John Curry, 1203 114 Robert Lent, 1205 114 Walter Jarvis, 1202 114 William Edson, 1201 114 William Henry 114 Bartow, John 105 Barrett, Fannie 2.5 Phebe HI 1 Samuel 25 PoKc Barrtm, Edward 87 Barros, John 1-17 Basset. Josephine Barton 114 Baxter, Sarah A 46 Bay tes, Henry 37 Beale,R. F 41 Beckwlth, George l'."2 Bedle, Nathaniel 112 Bell, Sarah Jane 5U Bellefeuille, Edward D 28 Beeley, Sarah KB Beem, Joseph 133 Beers, Adelia 137 Benedict, Enoch 49 Bennett, Richard 24 Benoit, Edward IW Betthertine, Rev. Mr 54 Billings, James 55 Birdsall, William 74 Blair, Hattle 85 Blandlng, Emily Jane S2 Blauvelt, Maritje Elizabeth 21 Blelock, William A 46 Bloom, Phemmetle 153 Blythe, William H" Bochner, l^C Bodine, Cornelius 37 Katherine 33 Bogardus, Abram 14 Bond, Kev. Thomas S 67 Borland, George 513 Boughton, Charles W 129 Bownes, Caleb ''6 Boyce, Emma Laura 129 Breed. Lent & Co 13' Brekenrldge, Margaret 118 Briggs, Lsaac 1^' Briggs. James 34 Brinck«rhoff, Abraham 13 Annt je 1-^ Derict 1^ Brltton. Clara 133 Broadie, John '* Sarah Catherine 70 Brookman, Ann H'-J Broughm, Mary 146 Brown, Ann 123 Catherine ^ Deborah "•• '^' FredericK 123 Elizabeth *^^ 148 '_[ 149 115 '.. 24 ".'. 2:! 94 Bulson, AiiKclluc W Bet .sey >37 Eflle 138 Eliza JSS FroHt '•'n Jackson 137 LeRoy 138 Burliack, Brig.Gen 19 Burd, Ann 138 Daniel 18* Harriet 27 Isaac '23 Burdett , Earl lOU Hester IW Bush, Viola 124 Butler, Blla ^ Cabre, Mai'y J 55 Cammett, Joseph •• 2:1 Carlcy, Sol Van Etten 146 Carman, ** Carpenter. Judge Morgan 17 Carrlck, Elizabetli 'il Casey, John 136 Cha.se, Anna B 129 Laura l"* Sophcua 132 Christian, (Vought) Margaret 76 Christian, Sarah I'6 Church, William 116 Clapp, Elias 60 Clark. "3 Allen 133 Amelia 1*^ Benjamin A 61 Content 132 Hester 57 John 11^ Rev. J.P '46 Mina "** Rev. Jlr 1 •■^ Thomas ^^ Clinton, ^ 121 Cobb, Rev. Mr ... Cochrane. Thcodosia E. Cockfalr, Bentley Coe, Albert ColTcy, Margaret. , Jr... ,Sr... Jackson.. Jane Leah.. ., Bull, Jane , ue 113 43 48 Coggswcll, Bnyuc Klllboume 90 Coldwell. Emma 1*1 Cole, Susan Jane "i^ John «<» Matilda '2* Coneling, I.saac '* Couklln, Adallnu 151 Albert ^' is8 Personal Index Page Conklin, Augustus 121 Catherine 142 Ella "1 EUeu 107 Francis •>* Krancis W7 Hannah -W Henry l^^■^ Herbert 13'J Hester 63 Isaac 24,12.) Jackson •>'* John 126 John lOfi Maria lOS Margaret (PcKKy) 24 Mary 31 Thomas IOC William 151 Conner, 113 Constant, 125 Rev. Silas 27, 37, 115, 126, 128 Converse, Gerard 116 Levlnia 116 Corwin, Josiah W 29 Cossaboom, Mary C 131 Coul, Abbie X 127 Coursen, Benjamin 125 Coursen, Jennetje 12) Covert, Susan 106 Cowen, Ella 133 Cooley, Agnes 43 Coons, Margaret R US Cooper, Susan 16 Cook. Alice 108 Bessie Irene 103 Malina 98 Cookingham, Adelbert 36 George 36 Ijfwolyn 38 Mary Ann 35 Thomas 36 Verna 36 Craft, Earl 90 Rosa 13U John 139 CrampUjn, Alemeda 98 Crancklle, Lea 105 Crane, Emma J 17 Crawford, Frances 89 Hannah 84 Rev. M.D'C 65,124 Creveling, Whitfield 91 Crocker, Mary 53 Croft, St. John 78 Cronk, Clorlnda 92 Deborah 139 George 37 Jemima 29 William 146 William W 55 Cro.sRon, Elijah 55 Crugcr, Rev. (kmverncur 87 Cunningham, Frederick 62 George S 87 Curry, Lewis H 24 Silas 31 Page Curry, William 112 Cyphers, 135 D Dahn. Ruth Ann 144 Dalton, Mary Jane 127 Davenport. Mrs. Hannah 142 Davis, Cliarles S 54 Dayton, Joseph 85 Dean, 76 Deuike, Cornelia F 87 Louisa C 86 Jacob 41 Robenia 85 Rosenla 28 Denman, Henry A 138 Denning, William 143 Depew, James B 144 Maria 104 DePue, Elizabeth Ill DeRonde, Hendrick 22 Leah 23 Maria 105 Mary 105 Matthew 104 Tobias 105 DeKay, Jacobus 8 Samuel 9 Teunls 9 De Ryck, Ryck Abrahamson, 1 5 Abraham, 8 5 Aletta, 7 5 Hendrick, 4 5 Hendrick, 9 a Jacob, 2 5 Jacob, 3 5 Jacob Simons 5 John, 6 5 Mary, 5 5 De Witt, Rev. John, D. D 18 Sara 18 Trlntje 97 DobDs, Elizabeth 152 Dolson, William 135 Donaldson, Captain Ephraim 92 Dongan, Thomas, Lieut. -Gov 9, 10 Doolittle, Rachel 126 Doyle, Lydla 137 Drake, Colonel 126 Drew, John 89 Dubois, Richard 37 Duffy, William 35 William Gardner 35 Dunning, Arthur 93 Dusenbury , Emellne 81 Dugan, Thomas, .Ir 52 Duryea, Benjamin »6 Duryea, Stephen 15 Dyckman. 122 Abraham 128 Augustus 100 Frederick E 5S Isabella 128 John M 148 Lydla Ann 71 Maria Louise 72 William 2^ E Page Earle, Rev. Cornelius 15 Jerusha 125 Eggleston, Mary Ann 83 Eldridge, Nathan 132 Elliott, Sarah 27 Ellingsworth, Benj 74 Elkins, Harvey S 107 Elton, Emma 84 Enos, Rachel 80 Erney, 24 Eton, Maude j5 Evans, Malcolni 43 F Fales, Harriet 85 Farley, Addison 16 Felter, Mary E 144 Ferris, Caleb 56 Caroline 33 Hannah 58 Ferguson, Thomas 32 Finch, Aritta 109 Finger, William L 142 Finnigan, Clara 137 Fisher. Adelia 129 Darius 1*9 Elizabet h 63 Jennie 109 Flaunagan, Frederick 37 Fliu, Enmia 29 Folsom, Jessie Louise 154 Fonda, Adaline 143 Forrester, Elizabetli 35 Foulkes, George 52 Forbes, Catherine S 16 Force, Rev. F. A 4, 120 Foshay Bros 67 Foster, Andrew Jackson 98 Charles 100 Fowkes, Henry T 129 Fowler, William 134 Frost, Carrie 25 William 146 Furst, Charles 137 G Gabriel, Charles 33 Gale, Emilel 48 Robert 7T Ruth 84 Ganung, Ariettf\ 116 Gardner, Dora 71 Garretson, Rev. J. G 95 GaiTlson, Abm 29 Maria 29 Gay, Rev. E 30 Gay lord, Ella 129 William 151 Gerow, Arthur Riker, 921 98 Charles Haleott,919 96 Gilbert H 96 Gilbert Wescott, 924 96 James 109 James Frank, 920 96 Lyman Abbott, U22 96 Walter Havlland, 923 96 Gilbert, AblgaU 132 The Lent Family 159 Page Gilbert, Caleb 48 Gertie 80 Julia Ann 7H Mary Emellne 69 Gilleo, Clark 70 Eliza 135 Jacob 72 John lOG Margaret 68 Mary 119 Goetchius, Alcliey Ill DavidR 28 Peter Ill Golden, Samuel 109 Goodrich, George 145 Goodsell, Herman 142 Gordiueer, Angellne 85 Charles 51 Luclnda 130 William 70 Gould. John 32 Gowel, Eliza 103 Gowdy , Josie 55 Graham, Ba 11 Grant, Louis 132 Gray, Delevan 120 Green, Phebe Jaue 26 Griffin, David 37 Griffith, 132 Emeliue 125 Guron, Lydla R 25 H Hadden, Abraham R 36 Jennie 36 Robert 36 Haiglit, Elizabeth 51 Everetta 83 Henry J 115 James 51 Mary Elizabeth 83 Sylvauus 70 Haiues, Ezra 35 Mary 35 Halcott, Charles 94 Hale, Obadiah 20 Hall, Florence 47 Hallock, Henry 144 Hamilton, Robert 31 Hauf, J. A 41 Harche, Jacob 9 Sybout 9 Harer, Wilhelmiua 48 Harding, Elizabeth 101 HaiTing, Col. Abraham 97 Cassie 97 Capt. Cornelius 97 Harriman, Maria D 41 Harrison, Catherine E 87 Ella 89 Hatfield, Mary (Polly) 101 Hawes, Catherine 223 Nancy 129 Samuel 76 Sy 1 vester 34 Hawks, Grace M 122 PORP Hayes, Adella 121 Jackson 121 James 72 Martha M 28 Morris 71 Rachel 106 Sarah Ann 71 William 239 Hazard, Jonathan 125 Heady, James E 70 Hearne, William 116 Hegeman, Jennie 47 Horaeon, Lottie 14 John 41 .Inrdaii, Edward U2 K Keen an, Thorna« las Kelly, J(iHi-|ihliiu 93 Keniiuily. Arch'd II Kent, Edward U 88 Ketch, Noah I3« Kellcnlng, Eliza ISO Knickerbocker, IW Kramer, Lizzie 1 13 Jvranckheyt, Lena 15S Kranklieyt, Jacobus 12 Kroiikhlte'H, Captain 126 Kronkheyt, Captain JameH 106 Knuikliuyt, .\nna (Annutje) 82 Kronkliuyt, Margaret 31 Kronkliuyte, Ill Kronkhytc, John S Kuykendall, .Mary 83 Kyles, Isabella 27 LaFountaIn, David TO Lamb, Amanda 151 Jacob 22 John 22 Julia 100 Margaret 69 Lamereau.x. Sarah 142 Lamoreaux, James 24 Lanios, Cliarlcs 83 Lane, Henry H 78 Lancaster, Katie 62 Lavey , Margaret 90 Lawrence, Col. Daniel 93 Diana 93 123 Emma F 48 Jolin 19 Joseph 107 Sarah 123 WiUlam 123 Ledue, Emma 43 Leffert, Russell 142 LeFarge, Frances E 18 Lefferts, Louisa M 117 Let urgy , Slargaret 150 Legit. Anuat je 133 Lee, Mary 41 Lent, Aaron. 301 31 Abble,1776 149 Abble, 1614 138 Abble, 733b 76 Abble, 7:B 77 Abble D., 210 28 Abble J., 817 85 Abble Jaue. 971 lUU Abigail. 134 23 Abigail, b31 36 Abigail, 305 « Abram.622 65. 66 Abram, !M0 97, IIW i6o Personal Index Page Lent, Abram, 1768 149 Abra m 153 Abram Henry, 596 61, 72 Abrain J., KXO 102 Abram Remsen, 925 96 Abram Smith, 987 101, 103 Abraham 152 Abraham 153 Abraham, 1665 141 Abraham 119 Abraham, 1281 125 Abraham 100 Abraham, 27 13 Abraham, 1057 106 Abraham , 1U50 105 Abraham, 1042 105 Abraham, 1034 104 Abraham, 1S8S 125, 126 Abraham, i:i33 122, 125 Abraham, 1383 125 Abraham, 1335 122 Abraham, 1352 123 Abraham, 1704 144 Abraham, 1113 lOS Abraham, 1146 Ill Abraham 131 Abraham, 1477 131 Abraham, 208 28 Abraham, 263 32, 33 Abraham, 200 27, 43 Abraham, 241 3U Abraham 1-7 Abraham, 121 23 Abraham, 112 22, 5S Abraham, 9S3 Wi Abraham, 102 in Abraham, 9u3 '>■''> Ab '■aham '• '•' Abraham, 1778 1->L^ Abraliam A., 1396 12 Abraham A., 133 2:; Abraham Briukerhoff , 33 14 Abraham C, 175 26, 131 Abraham C, 142 24 Al)raham C, 1630 1311 Abraham D., 1423 12S Abraliam D., 328 36 Abraham David, 63 17 Abraham F., 1392 126 Abraham H 3U Abraliam H., 578 23, 60,61 Abraham, Jr., 31 13, 14 Abraham, Jr., 1840 153 Abraham Odle, 339 37 Abraliam S., 304 34, 35 Absalom, 1155 112, 154 Alia, 1.545 135 Ada, 1429 128 Adaline, 176 26 Adallue C, 671 70 Addle Louisa. 1247 117 Aden, 1513 l^W Aden, H'M.I 132 Addle Nails, 931 9« Addie, «;« 66 Addle, 16.J7 141 Addle, 493 50 Page Lent, Adelaide, 878 90 Adelaide, 1807 151 Adelbert, 196 27 Adelia, 455 48 Aden, 1513 133 Aden. 1499 132 Adolphus, 990 101 Adolphus F., 991 lUl Adolphus Levi, 522 54 Adolphus S 101 Adolphus S., 999 101, 102 Adriaua Nafls, 926 96 Agnes, 1582 136 Alamauzer, 774 81 Albert, 1559 135 Albert, 439 46, 48 Albert, 1750 147 Albert, 1717 145, 147 Albert, 1521 133 Albert Ayres, 314 35 Albert T 152 Albert M., 1278, 118 Alche, 1826 152 AJehie, 1416 127 Alehey, 1141 iiu Aldis, 459 48 Aletta. 1031 104 Aletta, 4; 9 49 Aletta Halloek, 932 96 Aletta Reiusen, 917 96 AUetta, 128 23 Alletta, W 17 Alletta, 904 93 Alexander, 945 98 Alexander, 965 99 Alexander, 1236 liu Alexander, 591 61 Alexaiiuer, 626 63 Alexander Fillmore, 668 7u Alexander Laiiioud, 1628 139 Alfred, 16Uo 138 Alfred C, 221 29 Ailred E., 1576 136, 137 Alfred Swain, 1618 138, 139 Alice May. 790 83 Aliee, 1U97 107 Alice A., 67U 70 Alice Adelia, 13u9 12u Alice Amelia, 678 71 Alice Ardell, 780 82 Allen E., 442 47 Allen Remsen, 928 % Alice Bennett, 772 80 Alice Forester, 319 35 Almira, 980 100 Almira, 1084 k/; Alonzo 26 Alonzo, 960 100 Alonzo, 1586 137 Alplieus D., aj9 ai Alphretta, 1125 109 Althea, 755 7s Althea M., 762 79 Al vah F., 288 :« Amanda, 1424 128 Amanda, 631 68 Amanda, 1440 129 Page Lent, Amanda J., 979 lU) Amelia, 92 20 Amelia, 94 20 Amelia, 298 34, 44 Amelia, 467 48 Amos, 416 44 Amos Odle, 601 62, 6:i Amy, 1864 118 Andrew Jackson, 202 27 AudrevF, 1377 125 Andrew, 592 61 Andrew Jackson, 866 89, 90 Andrew Phillips, 307 34 Andrew W., 333 36 Angeline, 420 44 Angeliue, 1283 119 Angus, 959 98 Angus, 1418 127, 128 Ann, 34 14 Ann, 100 20 Ann, 1263 118 Ann, 86 20 Ann, 80 19 Anna, 322 35 Anna, 1348 123 Anna, 90? 93 Anna, 736 77 Aunetta, 1427 128 Ann Augusta, 1453 130 Annie E., 1796 150 Ann Eliza, 1.36 24 Anu Eliza, 299 34, 42 Ann Eliza, 1223 115 Ann Eliza, 969 100 Ann Elizabeth, 1508 132 Ann Lavlnia, 388 42 Anna Lavinla, 218 29 Ann Letltia, 515 53, 87 Ann Maria, 1360 123 Anna M., 281 32 Anna Mary, 399 43 Annie, 571 58 Annie 154 Annie E., 1795 150 Annie E., 884 91 Annie Elizabeth, 97 20 Annie M., 16:« 139 Annie May, 672 70 Annie Miller, 1632 139 Annie Remsen, 934 96 Anthony, 472 49 Antoinette, 565 57 Arabella T. 102 10 Ariel, 184 26 Armenia, 734 72 Armenia, 973 100 Armenia, 1163 112 Arminda, 961 98 Arthur, 63:3 66 Arthur, 630 48, 64, 66 Arthur, 505 52,53 Arthur, 831 88 Arthur D., 85? 88 Arthur Frederick, 1664 141 Arthur R., 1010 102, 103 Arthur Rankin, 396 42 Arthur S., 1012 103 The Lent Family i6i Page Lent, Arvilla, 1591 137 Augustus, 1537 134 Augustus, IfiOO 137, 13S Augustus, 525-a f 4 Augustus Frederick, 343 37 Augustus Taylor, 374 41, 42 Augustus Taylor, 267 32 Austin, 1774 149 Beatrice, 1190 114 Benjamin, 1460 130 Benjamin, 13:36 122 Benjamin, 117 23 Benjamin 130 Benjamin, 1786 150 Benjamin, 168 25 Benjamin, 949 98 Benjamin, 1016 103 Benjamin, 1079 107 Benjamin, 174 26, 27 Benjamin, 178 26, 27 Benjamin. 681 71 Benjamin, 647 6S Benjamin, 122 23,24 Benjamin F. 466 48 Benjamin F. 112:5 109 Benjamin Franlclin, 1368 124 Bennie, 6S2 71 Benson, 1107 108 Benson C. 807 53, 84, 87 Benson C.754 78, 79 Benson Gilbert, 1170 112 Benson Holmes, 1166 112, 113 Benson Oakley, '60 79 Benson Oakley, 742 78 Bertiia, 1556 135 Bertha, 607 62 Bertha, 798 83 Bertha, 1643 110 Bertha E. 1806 154 Bertram L. 636 67 Bertram Nelson, 637 68 Bessie, 1444 129 Betsey Mary, 599 62 Blanche,238 30 Blanche, 17 13 147 Blanche, 673 70 Blanche, 458 48 Blanche, 1100 108 Bridget, 992 101 Caleb, 944 98 Caleb, 1452 130 Caleb, 14:34 129,130 Caleb Bailey, 1101 108 Caleb D. 1692 143 Callahan, 1259 118 Carl 152 Carlton W. 768 80 Caroline, 1165 112 Caroline, 867 89 Caroline, 1085 107 Caroline, 1077 107 Caroline, 700 72 Caroline Elouise, 1849 153 Carrie, 1588 137 Carrie, 1056 153 Carrie A. 1731 146 Page Lent, Carrie B. 286 33 Cathariua, 3:38 :VJ Cathariena, 108 22 Catherine, 481 49 Catherine, 1525 i:33 Catherine, 861 89 Catherine, 83 19 Catherine, 1033 lOt Catherine. 1058 106 Catherine, 1017 105 Catherine, 1142 lU Catherine, 16119 142 Catherine, 1408 127 Catherine, 1679 142 Catherine, 126 23, 61 Catherine, 425 -W Catherine. 1360 118 Catherine, 1340 122 Catherine, 1292 119 Catherine, 723 76 Catherine, 1757 148 Catherine, 585 60 Catherine, 1610 137, 1:38 Catherine. 29 13 Catherine Ann, 57 17 Catherine Elizabeth, 344 37 Catherine H. 1362 123 Catherine Hester, 623 64, 65 Catherine Hester, 528. 54 Catherine Hester, 1789 150 Catherine Margaret. .'1 16 Catherine Maria, 677 71 Catlieriue Stratton, 1192 114 Catrina, 1831 152 Cecelia, 1414 127 CeceliaP. 1008 102 Charles, 1563 i:35 Charles, 1748 147 Charles, 1244 116 Charles, 1265 US Charles, 180iJ 151 Charles, 1615 i:38 Charles, 1126 1''9 Charles, 1092 107,108 Charles, 1098 107 Charles, 1083 107 Charles, 1074 107 Charles, 289 :3! Charles, 1081 1' '• Charles, 1391 12". Charles Ariston, 872 90. 9'.' Charles A. 1315 12! Charles B. 1489 131 Charles C. ia5S 141 Charles Cooper, 1473 131 Charles U. 1250 117 Charles D. 1467 130 Charles Edward. 163 25 Charles Edwanl, 62S. . . .62, 64, 65, 68 Charles E. 4:37 46 Charles F. 791 8:3 Charles F. 1127 109 Charles G.815 85 Charles H. 1793 150 Charles Henry, 11-19 13t) Charles Henry, 1611 140 PaKC Lent, ChaHea Henry, 1782 146, 147 Charles Henry, 915 94, 97 Charles J. 164») 140 Charles Melvln, 1282 119 Charles Mulford, 779 82 Charles S. 1699 1»4 Charles William, IISJ 110 Charlotte, 247 31, 65 Charlotte, rJ09 115 Charlotte, 1596 137 Charlotte C. 1633 139 Charlotte Elliott, 72 18 Charlotte Maria, 530 M Charity, 1677 142 Chauncey , 1816 151 Chauncey, 1810 151 Chester, 1606 138 Chester Marvin, 773 80 Christina, 1140 HO Christina, lOil 22 Christina Lyst, 1824 152 Clara, 1390 125 Clara, 1575 136 Clara, 1744 1 '7 Clara, 1071 106 Clara B.S53 ^"^ Clara L. 699 72 Clarence, 1412 127 Clarence, 55 17 Clarence, 740 d Clarence B. 457 Clarence James, 819 Clarence V. 1286 Clariue M. 938 Clarinda Eliza, 531.. Clarissa, 182:3 Clayton, 16.52 ClilTord, 1103 Cliff ord, i:312 Clifford, «22 Clifford H. 1804 ClitTord Mead, 449.. Clifford T. 854 Clorinda, 277 Cora, 1542 Cora H. 827 Cordelia, 53 Cordilla, 610 Cornelia. 1046 Cornelia. 81 Cornelia, 573 Cornelia, :39 Cornelia, :32 Cornelius, 1078 . 43 . 85 .119 . 97 . .54 .152 .141) .1U8 .120 . 86 .151 . 47 . SS . 32 .134 . 86 . 16 . f.3 .105 . 19 ,. :.« ,. 15 .. 13 ..107 Cornelius, 1094 107, 108 Cornelius C. 813 S5 Cornelius Crawford, 801 84, 86 Cornelius D. Westbrook, 1120. . . .109 Cornelius Kerasen, 913 94. 96 Cynthia, 1347 1^ Cynthia Avading, 680 71 Cynthia Jane, 870 ^9 Cyrus J. 1172 "2 Daisy 25 Daisy Cornell, 1659 141 Daniel, 905 93,94 l62 Personal Index Page Lent, Daniel 139 Daniel, 911 94 Daniel. 452 48 Daniel C. 321 35 Daniel G. 419 44 DanielJ. 952 98 Daniel Lawrence, 1354 123 Daniel S. S09 84, 88 Daniel Storms, 1338 123 David, 395 42 David, 35:^ 38 David, 555 57 David, 261 31, 34 David, 1262 118 David, 254 31 David, 1640 140 David, 1843 153 David, ay 38, 56 David. 555 56, 57 David, 114 23 David 1 17 David, 1219 115, 116 David Anthony, 380 41. 42 David B 60 17 David Barkins, 38 15. 17 David Francis, .570 58 David H. 1277 118 David Henry, 557 S7 David R. 1481 131 Davis Caleb, 1682 142 Delia. 1069 106 Delia. 1402 126 Delia, 1468 130 Delaphine, 1593 137 Dennis, 13:59 122 De Witt C. 1426 128 De Witt C. 1857 154 Dorlln A. 897 92 Dorinda, 608 62 Dorothy, 190 27 DulcieAnna, ,561 57 Dulcie Anna. 563 57 Dyekman, 1345 122 E.A.426 45 Earl, 618 63 Ebenezer, 6,52 69 EdKar P. 1519 1.3:? Edith, 1099 108 Edith, 445 47 Edith A. 1276 118 Edith A.. .3-<5 41 Edith E. 121s 117 Edith F. 49S 51 Edith V. 405 43 Editha 1. 1522 i:« Eiilthe, i:m 126 Ednniiui 1!. 974 KXj f;diiiuiirl Jjines, 782 82 Edna, 1745 147 Edna A. 1'0 141 Edward Prime, 918 96 Edward R 541 55 Edward W. 547 55 Edwin, i;«5 125 Edwin B. 823 86 Ed win R. 275 32 Edythe, 955 98 Eleanor, ;«4 35 Eleanor, 302 ;34 Eleanor, 460 4S Elenor, 143 24 Elenor, 1767 149 Eleuora, 962 98 Elenora J. 1433 131 Eliza, 1554 135 Eliza, 11 17 lOS Eliza, 118 Zi Eliza, 88 20 Eliza, 1,599 137 Eliza, 706 72 Eliza, 777 81 Eliza, 249 31 Eliza, 306 34 Eliza Ayres, 312 35 Eliza C. 326 35 Eliza Cecelia, 347 37 Eliza J. 1267 118 Eliza Lavinla, 489 50 Elizabeth, 1749 147 Elizabeth, 1676 142 Elizabeth, 1364 123 Elizabeth, 1154 112 Elizabeth, 1083 107 Elizabeth, 1375 125 Elizabeth, 110 22 Elizabeth, 985 101 Elizabeth, 1211 115 Elizabeth. 1239 116 Elizabeth. ia53 123 Elizabeth, 556 56 Elizabeth, 985 101 Elizabeth, 1595 137 Elizabeth 122 Elizabeth, 5S> 60 Elizabeth 66 Elizabeth, 5.59 57 Elizabeth, 87? 90 Elizabeth, 527 54 Elizabeth, 518 53 Elizabeth. 468 48 Elizabeth, 796 83 Elizabeth, 7I4-d 75 Elizabeth, T2.S 76 Elizabeth, 703 72 Elizabeth, 279 32 Elizabeth, 1:U1 ]22 Elizabeth Amelia. 6.16 68 i:iizabctli Ann, 1715 145 Elizabeth Ann, 1193 114 Elizabeth BrlnckerhofT, 35 15 Elizabeth Catherbut, 91G 94 Page Lent, Elizabeth Cornish, 9:33 96 Elizabeths. 1833 15S Elijah. 595 61.70 Elijah K. 1405 127 Ella. 645 68 Ella B. 1495 132 EUaL.824 86 Ella M. 1517 133 Ellen . 1076 107 Ellen Augusta, 394 42 Ellsworth, 1601 137 Elmer, 1623 138 Elmlra, 1503 132 ElmiraJane, 1451 130 Elvina, 15(V4 132 Emellne, 1567 136 Emellne, 621 65 Emellne, 587 61 Emellne, Mrs *' Emellne H. 13U 12i Emellne Henrietta, 534 54 Emerson H. 1311 120 Emily. 170 26 Emily, 320 35 Emily, 710 72 Emily Louise, .550 55 Emily R. 862. 89 Emily White, 543 55 Emma, 1386 125 Emma, 1619 138 Emma, 667 70 Emma Armenia, 137 24 Emma Augusta, 967 100 Emma A. 887 91 EmmaA. 426 44 Emma Clark, 1631 139 Emma D. 814 85 EmmaF. 1131 110 Emma L. 407 43 Emma May, 165 25 Emma M. 2a3 33 Emma P. 1794 150 Emma W. 821 85 Erastus. 1413 127 Erastus, 1222 115 Ernest, 1255 117 Ernest, 1801 151 Ernest, 179 26 Ernest S. 1490 131 Estella, 849 88 Esther, 1726 146 Esther, 1144 Ill Esther Ann, 12.37 116 Esther Frances, 1195 114 Ethel, 2.>7 30 Ethel. 6.34 66 Ethel. fil7 63 Ethel B. 1128 109 Ethel M. 788 82 Ethel May , 1811 151 Etta. 1068 106 Etta, 1541 134 Etta, 1735 146 Eugene. 1583 136 Eugene, 77 19 Eugene, 1173 112 The Lent Family i6 Page Lent, Eugene, 12T9 118 Eugene, 453 48 Eugene, 488 W Eugene F. 6U2 62 Eugenia, 567 r>( Euphrates R. 984 9<> Eva, 1455 IS) Eva, 1310 120 Eva, 875 90 Eva, 568 57 Eva May, 693 71 Evelinda, 1316 121 Evellnda, 516 53 Evelyn, 1446 129 Everitt, 271 32 EzraB. 153 25 Fannie, 421 44 Fanny, 1320 121 Fanny, 892 92 Fanny, 475 49 Fanny, 649 68 Fanny, 290 :« Fanny A. 76 18 Fanny Jane, 950 98 Fayette, 462 48 Ferdinand, 1245 116 Ferdinand, 1626 139 Fletclier H.781 82 Flora, 1737 146 Flora, 834 87 Flora, 689 71 Florence, 1746 147 Florence, 95 20 Florence, 876 9u Florence, C09 62 Florence, 510 52 Florence Estelle, 1845 15:! Florencj Livingston, 1475 13i Flossie, 1457 13i Forrest O. 1254 117 Foster, 414 44, 45 Franceiia, 150 24 Frances, . ... 150 Frances, 1087 107 Frances Emily, 1001 102 Frances L. 874 i.0 Frances Mary, 377 41 Frances W. 79 19 Francis, 199 27 Francis, 1764 14n Francis, 1771 149 Francis, 106 Francis, 149 Francis Albert, 1756 148 Frank, 280 32 Frank, 826 86 Frank, 686 71 Frank, 451 47 Frank, 882 90 Frank, 1712 1'14 Frank Burdett 124 Frank Townsend, 68 18 Frank W. 406 43 Franklin Arleigli, 162 25 Fred B. 1518 133 Fred J. 818 85 Page Lent, Frederick. 792 83 Frederick, 7 10-b 77 Frederick, 4:56 46. 47 Frederick, 9(X) 93 Frederick, 958 98 Frederick, 1627 139 .141 . 25 Freilcrick, 16.56 Frederick Augustus, 164.. Garrett, 292 34 George, 1106 127 George, 141)9 127 George, 597 Ti George, 910 94 George, 34 George, 511 52 George, :m> 52 George, 1698 144 George, 1462 130 George, 597 61 George, 1675 142,145 George, 1565 136 George, 1321 121 George, 1225 115, 116 George A.1799 151 George Augustus, 1791 150 George Bement, .56 17 George Bement, 66 17 George Ben jtmin, 1847 153 George C. S. 1821 152 George D. 1486 131 George Edward. 691 71 George Edward, 063 70 George Emmet, 4U4 43 George Folsom, 18.52 15 George Heydenfeldt, 78 19 George Hickson, 1683 142, 14;! George Hunt, 1371 124 George K. 1492 132 George W. 227 29 George W. 403 43 George W. 223 29 George W. 31:1 35 George W. 256 31 George W. 1294 119, 121 George William, »48 37 George Washington, 1134 110 George Washington, 93 2) Georgeanna, 98 20 Georgetta. 1798 150 Gertrude, 1393 126 Gertrude, 877 90 Gertrude, 1457 130 Gertrude, 1544 135 Gertrude E. 1664-c 141 Good Clark, 90 Gilbert, 1153 HI. "2 Gilbert B. 1642 1*) Godfrey, 725 53, 76 Grace, 606 ^^ Grace, 1168 H- Grace, 1178 l'^ Grace, 696 'I Grace, 443 ■*" Grace, 422 ^^ Grace, 3*4 *^ Grace, 1109 1* Pac« Lent, Grace Bertha, B42 W (irucoK. HWM 1*3 Grace E. 7H6 W Urace K. 899 * Uracu May, 1817 IM Hauford W. 1442 1* Hannah 14S Hannah R. ITUU 14* Hannah, 1719 •** Hannah, i:il6 UJ Hannah, K16 •** Hannah, '293 ** Hannah, 3uH ^ Hannah, 1041 1* Hannah, 1063 !•* Hunnuh Kllzabeth, 1066 10« Uanmili, 11.56 H* Hannah, 1361 . .va Hurlon Luther, 487 8, 10, 5U. 51 Harold, 116 4^ Harold A. :04 * Harold A. 2:16 ** Harold Augustus, 659 « HaroldC.83U «• Hazel . 1694 '** Hazel Irene, 660 «• Harris Harding, 99B 102. 103 Harrison, 1570 13* Harrison, 558 *^ Harrison, 8U6 '*4, 87 Har.ison W. 1246 l'« Hairiet,1736 "* Harriet, 860 Harriet, 1663 ... Harriet, 1067 Harriet, 1465 Harriet Amelia, 491 Harriet Ann, 805 Harriet Eliza, 389 Harriet Jane, 698 Harriet DeWltt, '.3 Harry, 1695 Harry, 837 H..rry,269 Harr>, 1324 Harry, 513 Harry Hallock, 935 Harry Marvin, 769 Hairy Sn 1th, 889 Harry T. 546 Hattle, 850 Battle, 1802 Heleu,235 Helen, 1445 Helen Catherine, 1696 — Helen Gladys, 464 48 Helen Ora<.e, 1740 *46 Helen Virginia, 998 43 Helen Roseman, 189 * Helena, i;«2 Helene, 1049 Hendrlck, losi Hendrlck,ll43 Hendrlck, 1053 WA.UO Hendrlck, 1137 '"^ Hendrlck, 1331 ^' '** .. 89 ...141 ..106 ...13U ... SO ,.. 84 ... 42 ... 72 ... 18 ...144 ... 87 ... 32 ...121 ... 53 ... 96 ... 80 ...91 ... 56 .151 . 30 .129 .144 122 106 li>» 111 1 64 Personal Index Page Lent, Hendrlck, 1013 105 Ht-ndrk-k (Henry), 5r>l 56, 57 Hcndrk-k (Henry), 576 58, 73 Hendrk-k, 1026 104, 111 Hendrlck, 1528 13:3 Hendrlck, 1054 105, 1(J6 Hendrlck 152 Hendrlck, 717 75 Hendrk-k, 111 22 Hendrlck B. 337 3" Henrietta, 201 27 Henrietta, 451 48 Henrietta, 311 35 Henrietta, 894 92 Henrietta B. 890 91 Henrietta C. 282 33 Henry, 1072 106 Henry, 578i^ 75 Henry, 1114 las Henry, 1401 126 Henry, 1530 m Henry, 8';9 89, 90 Henry, ?27. 76, 89 Henry, 373 41 Henry, 1537 134 Henry, 1714 145 Henry C.1781 150 Henry Clay, 953 98 Henry Cornwell, 764 80 Henry Depew 140 Henry H. 1064 106 Henry Lafayette, 417 44, 48 Henry Meserole, 930 96, 97 Henry Odle, COO 62, 63 Henry Purdy, 1217 115 Henry William, 1713 145 Henry Van Buren, 41 16 Hercules, 13 8, 11 Hercules, 352 38 Hercules, 113 22, 23 llelcules, 495 51 Hercules, 476 48 Herbert, 1(>61 141 Herbert, 1425 I2s Herbert, 383 41 Henna .,6»4 71 Herbert Dubois, i;«i7 124 Herbert Dubois, 1370 VM Herbert Gallaher, 386 41 Herman, 1103 108 Hester, r22 76 Hester, 4S6 4!l Hester, 1*) 23 Hester, 552 56 Hester, 1271 118 Hester, .354 38 Hester, 819 90 HcKter Ann, 753 78 Hetlle Ann, 786 .'. 79 Hetty, 216 31 Hetty Jlarla, 494 51 IIlramE. 1229 116 HIrain K. 1788 150, 151 Hlraiii Irving, 1?08 151 Hobart,7a5 82 Hobart Townseud, 641 68 Page Lent, Homer, 841 J^ 87 Horace, 676 71 Horace B. 1814 151 Hosea Taylor, 4;)5 46 Howard, 1662 141 Howard. Iii09 1:38 Howard Barker, 1474 131 Howard Otis, 794 83 Ida, 156 25 Ida, 1587 137 Ida. 1176 113 Ida, 847 88 Ida Pelle 28 Ida Cecelia, :3oO 37 Ida Cecelia, 1009 102 Ida Louise, 1815 151 Ida May, 614 63 Ida May, 1G38 139 Ida M. 855 88 IdaV. 1233 116 Ira, 733-a 76, 77 Ira E. 1516 133 Irene Van Kleeck, 67 17 Irving, 447 47 Irving, 960 98 Irving, 1323 121 Irvin D. 1524 133 Isabella, 170S 144 Isabella M. 285 :32 Isaac, 1349 123 Isaac, 19 75 Isaac, P09 94 Isaac, 871 89 Isaac 205 28 Isaac, 1705 14-1 Isaac, 724 76 Isaac, ?24 77 Isaac, 217 28,29 Isaac, 244 30 Isaac, 87i 92 Isaac, 718 75 Isaac, 715 75 Isaac, 1:302 120 Isaac 119 Isaac, 1221 115, 116 Isaac, 1673 142, 144 Isaac. 1382 125 Isaac, 1482 131 Isaac, 1312 122 Isaac Archer, 1213 .115 Isaac Brlnckcrlioff, 1363 12:3 Isaac Brown, 1357 123 Isaac E. 957 98,99 Isaac H. 896 92 Isaac H. 783 82 Isaac H. 7:33 76, 77 Isaac Halstcad, Rev. 745 78, 81 Israel, 1478 131 Iva, i;366 124 Jackson, 72 Jacob, 1:330 22 Jacob, 690 CS Jacob, 590 61 Jacob, 240 65 Jacob, 10:39 104 Jacob, 132 23 Page Lent, Jacob, 1759 149 Jacob, 1167 112 Jacob, 1090 107 Jacob. 10.55 105, 106 Jacob, 214 28 Jacob, 3: Jacob, 1571 136, 137 Jacob, 353 56 Jacob, 976 100 Jacob, 147 24, 25 Jacob, 119 23 Jacob, 106 22 Jacob, 240 30, 31 Jacob, 123 23, 27 Jacob, 252 31 Jacob, 1496 132 Jacob, 976 100 Jacob 132 Jacob, 1484 131 Jacob, 1410 127 Jacob, 1703 144 Jacob, 1666 141,142 Jacob, 1534 134, 136 Jacob, 1378 125, 141 Jacob, 1337 122, 148 Jacob, UW8 133 Jacob, 1526 133 Jacob, 1048 105 Jacob J. 206 28 Jacob L. 257 31 Jacob M. 1512 132 Jacob Nathaniel, 620 65. 66 Jacob Odle, 598 62 Jacob P. 3T2 34, 41, 42 Jacobus, 22 93 James, 588 61. 62 James. 586 60 James, 577 53 James, 950 98 James, 906 93 James, 726 76, 89 James, 984 101 James, 941 97,100 James, 984 101 James, 1021 103 James, 1214 115 James, HI James. 1 151 Ill, 115 James, 1152 HI James, 1:374 125 James, 1739 146 James, 1762 449 Jame-, 1318 121 James, 1835' 153 James, 153 James, 1'.;.57 118 James, i:3U9 126 James Arthur, 1472 131 James B. 1650 140 James Burdett, 1365 124 James C. 183 26 James C. Rev., 744 78, 81 James D. 262 82 James E. 1273 118 James G. 864 89 James H. 1307 120, 121 The Lent Family i(r- Page Leut, James H. 1611 188 James H. IBIB 138 James H. 803 84 James H. 1624 138 James H. Jr., 828 86 J. Harry, 1851 IfiS James Henry, 1235 116 James Henry, 379 41 James Henry, 276 32 James Hon., 906 93 James Louzada, 767 80, 81 James M. 1470 131 James Matthew, 986 101, 102 James Nathaniel, 129 65 James Seymour, 1846 153 James Russell, 387 41 JamesW 13 James W. 1359 123 Jameg W. 1011 102 James W. 1005 102 James Webber, 84 19 James Webber, Jr. 87 20 Jan. 1837 153 Jane 125 Jane, 1557 135 Jane, 1855 . 154 Jane, 1469 130 Jane, 1338 122 Jane, 1671 142 Jane, 793-a S3 Jane, 1015 103 J. May, 1493 132 Jane Ann, 342 37 Jane Catherine, 927 96 Jane Lilly, 1761 149 Jane M. 329 36 Jeffersoii T. 1438 129 Jefferson Harrison, 1433 129 Jeffrey Lydia 101 Jennie, 1428 128 Jennie, 287 34 Jennie Caroline, 539 55 Jennie D. 1253 117 Jennie M. 1494 m Jt-nnie R. 1299 120 Jeremiah, 1577 136 Jeremiah, 1584 136 Jerome ,711 72 Jerome, 10S9 107 Jerome, 707 72 Jessie J. 613 63 Jessie, 192 27 Jessie, 692 71 ' Jessie B. 1004 102 Jessie F. 1730 146 JoelC. 1818 151 John. 1164 112,113 John, 1045 105 John, "U'J John, 1051 105, 106, *149 John, 125 23,28 John, 141 24, 27 John, 1533 134, 136 John, 1566 136 John, 1258 118 John, 1431 128 I'anc Lent. John, 1667 142 Jolin, 1476 131 John, 1136 110 John, 2l'HI 31 John, 1145 Ill John, 1148 Ill John, 1.555 l,^5 John, 1149 lit John. 1598 13S John, 11.38 110 John, 709 72 ■ John, 291 34 John. Ill 27 John, 99 20 John, 85 19,20 J:>hn, 581 72 John, 115 23 John, 1598 Vr, John, 28 (Johannes) 13, 19 John, 5S0 60 John, 902 93 John, 946 9S John, 239 30 John A. 502 52 John A. 36 15, 16 John A. 1491 132 John A. 45 16 John A. 1775 149, 1.50 John A, 1782 150 Joljn A. 1812 151 John Abraham, 46 16 John Arthur, 1637 139 John B. 1268 118 John Barritt, 1158 112 JohnC. 1327 121, 122 John Calvin, 480 32, 49. 5;: John Darius, 1437 129 John De Witt, 70 18 John David, 50 16 John Edward, 1784 150 John Fi-ancis, 1096 loT John H.1654 141 John H. 1479 131 John H. 259 31 John Henry, 341 '■^ John Henry, 209 28,125 John Henry, 880 90 John Henry, 1119 109 John Henry, 1132 110 John Henry, 1842 153 John Henry, 16*1 i39 John Henry, 1411 127 John J. 1792 ISU John Jarv is, 273 32, 33 JohnLill , 1766 149 John Memert, 316 35 John Owens. S(>5 89, 90 John Rossiter, 740 'T John Reed. 58 17 John S 98 John Selah, 1706 144 John Walter, 402 4;S John William, 152 25 John William, 1287 119 John Wriglit, 1684 142, 143 Johannes, 1036 10* Pace Lent, Jiiniilhiin KiirrlM, 409 44 JoniLs, .'i'>l 7J JoHi'pli, TiO 76 JoHcph, liiSU 107 JoKeph, 1590 137 Joseph, 1»1 27 Joseph, 1H6 a JoHepli, 7UJ c- 77 JoHeph Anthony, 392 43 Joseph K. 229 », 30 Joseph H. 268 SJ, aS Joseph Henry, 349 37 jDSephlne, 180 2« Josephl lie, 1 121 100 Josephine, 1 182 118 Josephine, II* 1I8 Joshua Marsdeu, 751 78 Joshua T. 173 20 Joshua T. 181 26 Julia, 844 88 Julia, 310 84 Julia Ann, 832 87 Julia Kva, 1.58 25,68 Julia Gertrude, 997 102 Juliette, 732 76 Juliette, 1573 138 Kate Louise, 317 35 Katharine Ernilua, 1850 153 Katlu-rlna deRonde, 1529 133 Katheriue Adella, 766 80 Katherlne Merveula, 770 80 Kenneth, 610 63 K. nneth A. 1013 103 Kittle, 551 fS Laura, 1507 132 Laura C. 1691 143 Laura N . 825 86 Laviula, 250 81 Lea, 1760 119 Leah, 1755 148 Liah, 129 23 Leah, 579 CO Leah, lail 120 Le a h , 1 422 1 28 Leah, 120 23 Leah 12 Leah, 197 27,98 Leah, 1376 125 Leah, 1059 106 Leah C. 713 73 LedusL. 1-285 119 Leemon H. 787 ffl Lela May, 1130 lOS Lena, IM) l* Lena C. 1236 H < Leola, 852 89 Leonard, 1830 152 Leonard, 15(19 l-'* Leonard, 1597 137 Leonldes, .'■*2 57 LeonUles, 566 57 LeRoy K. 1.128 122 LeRoy P. 1729 1« Lester, lKr> IWJ Lester L. 1653 »« Letltla, 702 1^ 1 66 ersona 1 Ind ex Page Lent, Letltia Matilda, 501 52 Letty, 1.16 108 Levi, fill 63 Levlnla, 1242 116 Lewis, 245 30 Lewis, 477 49. 52 Lewis, 507 52 Lewis H. 504 52, 53 Lillian, 1607 138 Lillian, 1747 147 Lillian, 793 83 Lillian, 1687 142 Lillian, 1017 103 LlUle, 685 71 Llllle.220 29 LilUe L. 1252 117 Llllle F. 1664-b 141 LUly.SOO 84 Llly,232 29 Lizzie, 1110 108 Lizzie, 11S7 113 Lizzie L. 574 58 Lizzie M. 1185 113 Lizzie Winifred, 161 25 Liewly n, 330 36 Loretta K. 936 97 Lorluda, 1180 113 Lorlntha, 1266 118 Lottie, 836 87 Lottie E. 1651 14U Louis, nil UiS Louis, 1546 135 Louis, 4:^4 46 Louis Edward, 1135 liO Louisa, '^14- a iCi Louisa, 1186 11^ Louisa, 2U3 i'l Louisa C. 831 »• Louisa May, 1819 15: Lucj,1620 l.t- Luey, 195 '4, Lucy, 1403 IJC Lucy Ann, 535 ; -i Lucy Lees, 52;J 54 Luclnda, 400 l:- Lucinda A. 226 2;i Luella Jane. 883 91 Lulu Ennna Laura, 1447 121) Lulu F. 829 S(i Lydla, 1270 118 Lydla, 1014 103 Lydla, 988 lul Lyd la Dallson, 228 29 Lydla E., 1006 102 Lydla H. 68.3 71 Lyutle, 140 24 Mabel, 1741 147 Mabel. 189 27 Mabel. 216 28 Mabel, 1488 131 Mabel, 1430 128 Mabel Florence. 662 69 Mabel May, 1689 143 Mae Elizabeth, H48 15:J MuBKle T. 937 97 MttudaUne May, 463 48 Page Lent Malialah F. 1329 122 MahalahJ. 802 84 Malcolm Foster, 441 46 Malvina D. 225 29 Manning, 18:« 153 Marcene, 834 87 Marcus, 1281 119 Marcus, 1510 VS2 Marcus D. 1272 118 Margaret. 1697 144 Mareyt je, 1825 152 Margaret, 1401 126 Margaret. 30 13 Margaret (Peggy), 294 34 Margaret, 89 20 Margaret, 1625 138 Margaret, 908 93 Margaret (Peggy), 105 Margaret, 440 46 Margaret, 1275 118 Margaret, 1240 116 Margaret, 1398 126 Margaret, 1115 108 Margaret, 1129 109 Margaret, 1420 128 Margaret, 82 19 Margaret, 1210 115 Margaret, 18 ;7 152 Margaret, 7li4 72 Margaret, 714-c 75 Margaret. 207 28 Margaret, 733 c 76 M.irgaret, 136 Mai-garet ,323 35 Margaret A. :124 109 Margaret Ann, 1548 135 Margaret Ann, 408 44 Margaret Eliza, 1770 149 Mcrgaret Eiizabetli 61 Margaret Elizabeth, 43 16 Margaret Elizabeth, 747 78 Margaret .lane, 545 55 Margaret Jane, 375 41 Margaret M. 1783 150 Margaritta, 1037 104 Margurlte, 639 68 Marinda, 1502 132 Maria, 1828 152 Maria, 1564 136 Maria, 120 Maria, ai2 :!0 Maria, 584 60 Maria, 1514 V£i Maria, 1351 123 Maria, 1313 122 Maria, 1212 115 Maria, 1381 125 Maria, 106 Maria, 40 15 Maria 29 Maria Isabella. 1,54 25 Maria Louise, 542 55 Maria Louisa, 44 16 Marlon R 1805 151 Marietta, 318 35 MarJorleD. 549 55 Page Lent, Marjorie, 397 42 Marjorie, 1369 124 Marrietta, 1226 115 Martha, 631 64, 66 Martha, 1319 121 Martha, 1350 123 Martha, 122 Man ha, i:«l 122 Martha, 12(I8 115 Martha, 1604 137 Martha, 167H 142 Martha, 1672 142 Martha, 211 28 Martha Ann, 697 72 Martha Frances, 654 69 Martha H. 1844 153 Martha Jane, 117 Martha Jane, 297 34 Martha L. 1485 131 Martha Maria. 1075 107 Martha Mary, 340 37 Martha W. 193 27 Martin, 1290 119 Mary, 478 49 Mary, 1602 137 Mary, 1589-c 137 Mary,881 90 Mary. 91 20 Mary, 61 17 Mary. 1466 130 Mary, 185:3 154 Mary, 1157 112 Mary, 1509 132 Mary, H 86 107 Mary, 1562 135 Mary, 1560 135 Mary, 1261 118 Mary, 1552 135 Mary (Polly), 413 44 Mary, 410 44 Mary,327 35 Mary, 1758 148 Mary, 1574 136 Mary 136 Mary, 775 8 Mary, 705 • 72 Mary, 1146 75 Mary, 295 34 Mary, 737 77 Mary, T21 76 Mary, 194 27 Mary, 172 26 Mary (Polly), 243 30 Mary (Polly), 198 27 Mary, 2.55 31 Mary, 224 29 Mary,581 60 Mary (Polly), 131 23 Mary (Polly), 371 41 Maritie (Mary) 75 Mary, 1773 149 Miiry Adelaide, 968 100 Mary Adelaide, 998 102 Mary Alice, 993 101 Mary Alice, 995 102 Mary Ann, 731 76 The Lent Family 167 PilKC Leut, Mary Ann. 1681 U'-' Mary Belle. 336 »; Mary E f'H Mary E. 6(13 62 Mary E.714 W Mary E. 16:^ 1*' Mary E. 18:M IM Mary E. 1839 ir.3 Mary Ellen, 1580 136 Mary Eliza, 868 89 Mary Eliza, 3iH) 42 Mary Eliza, 376 41 Mary Elizabeth, 8111 84, 88, 89 Mary Elizabeth, 1436 129 Mary Elizabeth, 1450 130 Mary Elizabeth, 1122 109 Mary Elizabeth, 1U)5 108 Mary Elizabetli, 1095 lOT Mary Elizabeth. 625 65 Mary Elizabetli, 213. 28 Mary Elizabeth, 258 31 Mary Elizabeth, 187 26 Mary Elizabeth, 665 70 Mary Elizabeth, 666 70 Mary Eliza betli. 1787 150 Mary Ella. 1454 130 Mary Emily, 1617 138 Mary Etta, 1251 117 Mary Fanny, 146 24 Mary Frances, 540 55 Mary G. 1389 125 Mary Geritje, 1035 104 Mary Jane, 1536 134 Mary Jane, 177 26 Mary Jane, 188 27 Mary Jane, 185 26 Mary Jane R. IZii 116 Mary Levinla, 977 100 Mary Louisa, 471 49 Mary M 52 Mary Louise, 438 46 Mary Louise, 1091 107 Mary Louise 51 Mary Margaret. 520 54 Mary Sophia, 537 54 Mary Sophia, 694 71 Mary Virginia, 490 50 Marvin Richardson, Rev. 743. .78, 79 Matllda,901 93 Matilda, 1435 129 Matilda, 1441 129 Matilda, 604 62 Matthew, 947 98, 99 Matthew, 1207 115 Matthew, 1150 Ill, 114 Mattie A. 1520 123 Mellnda,270 32 Melissa, 970 100 Melvin,690 71 Melvenia 137 Melvenla Elizabeth, 765 80 Mervin R. 799 83 Mervin H. 569 57 Mervenla Elizabeth, 763 80 Myrtle, 157 25 Miana Cecelia, 679 ■?! Milburn, 1579 136, 137 I'W Lent, Mildred Stone, &43 w Mildred, 1702 14i Milton, 1175 113 Mlna,1169 112 Minnie, 9.54 98 Minnie, 1179 113 Minnie, 1558 13.5 Minnie, 423 ■" Minnie, 688 71 Minnie BellefeulUc, 797 83 Minnie Frances, 661 69 Miriam, 1(«3 1"'' Morgan Sliult, 1711 144 Moirls J. 274 32, :13 Morrlsanla, 1171 112 Moses. 1.551 13'> Mortimer. 42 1" Nancy , 714-a ''•'' Maney. 1603 ^■^' Nancy, 1612 IS''^ Nancy , lOiiO l"*"' Naucy,1297 H^ Nancy, 1417 ^'^ Nancy, 1532 1-'^ Naoma, 473 ''9 Napoleon Bonaparte, 708 72 Nathaniel, 1718 1^-'' Nntlianlel, 1738 W' Nathaniel. 1727 l''^ Nathaniel, 1407 12' Natnauiel,90 20 Nathaniel Bedle, 1161 112 Nutuaniel Drake, 589. . .31, 61, 63, 126 Neheniiah Oakley, Rev. 750 Nellie, 173:? Nellie, 1644 Nellie, 1621 Nellie B. 840 »' Nelson Burton, 627 64, 65, 66 Nettle, 740a • "' Nettie Irene, 166 25 Newton, 427 ■" Niles,1112 1* Nun, 1198 182 Olive May ,891 ^^ Oliver, m) ^ Oliver, 429 '•^ Oliver Stephen, 424 44, 4.5 Ol.ymus B. 838 Ophelia, 138 . . Opliella, 1065 . Ora, 1.506 I^Mlt. I'l IVtor, IVter Peter I'eter 978.. .78, 83 ....146 ....140 ....l:» HT, 939 943 1!«« 1716 Peter Allen. 1789 a Peter OoetelilnK. 1419. Peter Wulilron, .T7 Petry (PoUt), 982 Phebe, 14.5 Phebe. 171 Pbehe, 2S4 Phebe ....too .... f? .97. « ....13J ....145 ....ISO ....!» ..19. la ....101 .... 34 .... 7t .... as ....187 Orlando, 1;!80 H^ Orlando D. 1227 H^. 1'^ OsemusB. 972 Oscar, 517 Oscar, 1106 ••■ Oscar, 1162 Oscar B. 845 Oscar Leopold Schroe ler, 1822 Paul, 15^5 194,137.138 Paul, 1159 112, 113 Pearlle A. 687 "• Pearly, 1456 >-^ Percy,1181 '^^ Perly James, 644 ^ Peter 2' Phebe, l.VIl JO Phelip. 1772 14» Phebe, V-7i 1« Phebe Ann, 1216 US Phebe Jane, 182 2» Philip. 981 U» Philip, 951 98, 100 Philip A. 16.W 141 Philip. 981 100 Phllandn Stewart, U^ 129 Phllena.,572 58 Phllctus. 499 92 Prest on. 619 «3 Rachel «« Rachel, 1206 115 Rachel. 1763 149 Rachel. 1184 113 Rachel, 1400 12* Rachel, 1062 ••* Richel. I(r20 l'« Raclm'el. Iir7 22 Railforil Kurd, 761 79 Ralph E. 789 «2 R.ilph Guthrie, l.'JTS 124 Ralph lyouzada, 771 80 Ralph G. 46(1 4« Raymond , 1 592 "< Raymond, r43 1-"M Raymond Barlow. 886 91 Raymond D. 8,56 98 Rankin. 381 41.42.1™ Rebecca. 1274 118 Rt^^becca. 201 27, 120 Rebecca, 1668 142 Rebecca. 251 31 Reta, i;42 "7 Reuben, 496 51 Reuben, 482 •*•• *> Reuben D. 415 ♦* Reuben D. 415 ♦* Richard. 1 39 l*" Richard. 167 25 Rlchar.lB.'222 »■ » Richard C. 1.59 25 Rlchar.l David. 1645 1*0 Rlchanl. Henry. 1098 107. 108 R, chard Henry. M8 55 Rlchiir.l M ** Richard P.338 * Richard Samuel. 533 54 Robenla. 151. Robeula. 811 •** Robert Lorlne. 1180 lU. 1*1 Robert, 784 82 1 68 Personal Index Page Lent, Robert, 15 5 136 Robert, 1680 142 Robert, 1670 Ill) Robert, '.163 9« Robert, ll'M Ill Rol)ert, ITv-'S Hi? Robert, 1769 149 Robert D S13 85 Robert \V. 1093 143 Robinson, SOI JU Robinson, 8'0 S5 Rouer B. 173 14.") Roland Deiiew,340 6-> Rosamond R. 739 77 Rose, 428 45 RoseDe Witt. 71 18 Roseiila, 212 28 Rosetta, 1515 l:» Rubenetta, 492 50 Riifus, 519 53 Russell, 69 18 Russell, 456 . 48 Russell, 1707 144 Ruth, 1636 133 Ruth Ann , 1724 146 Ruth E. 233 29 Ruth E.2:J4 29 Ryck (Riohard), 16 12 Sadie. 1561 l:!5 Samuel, 1432 128 Samuel, 369 41,51 Samuel, 497 51 Samuel, 2?2 32 Samuel, 1313 120, 121 Samuel, »i9 41 Samuel, 1:291 119, 120 Samuel, 1779 150 Samuel D. 382 41 Samutl E. 1295 119, 121 Samuel Foster, 438 46, 47 Samuel Gregory, 1728 146 Samuel J. 748 78 Samuel J. 749 78 Samuel Judah, 524 51 Samuel Montross, 485 49, 50, 51 Sanford, 465 48 Sarah ,635 66 Sarah, 370 41 Sarah, 583 60 Sarah, 776 81 Sarah , 701 72 Sarah, 1H54 154 Sarah, 529 54 Sarah, 506 52 Sarah, 975 100 Sarah, 1224 115 Sarah ,1019 103 Sarah, ins 108 Sarah, IMO 105 Sarah , 12;« lie Sarah ,1685 142 Sarah, 1710 144 Sarah 153 Sarah Ann, 560 57 .Sarah Ann, 248 31 Snrali Ann, 1231 l]6 Suruli Ann, I.")47 185 Page Lent, Sarah C. 741 78 Sarah Cornelia, 929 96 Sarah E. 1003 102 Sarah l';liza, 1568 136 Sarah Elizabeth. 863 89 Saiah Elizabeth. 1458 130 Sarah Frances, 393 42 Sarah Fulton, 96 20 Sarah G. 1216 U6 Saroh.T. 1269 118 Sarah .Tane, 1218 1 15 Sarah Jane. 1241 ne Sarah Jane, 13t)4 120 Sarah Johanna, 378 41 Sarah Mar^-aret, 149 24 Sarah Maria, 624 65 Sandi Lillie, 657 69 Sebrlng Round, 642 68 Selah, 1674 142, 144 Seymour, 1841 i;,3 Schuyler, 148 24, 25 Schuyler Indlce, 160 25 Silas, 483 49, 50 Silas James P. 1725 146 Smith, 7;« 76 Smith Hon. 735 77 Smith, 1022 103 Smith Jones, 1189 no Solomon. 1765 149 Solomon, 2.53 31, 49 Sophia Emma, 345 37 Sophia M. 219 119 Sophie 152 Spencer, 1213 ng Stanley, 612 35, 63 Stanley, 615 fi3 Stanley Andrews, 1664 a 141 States, 1061 106 States, 1296 ng^ 120 States William, 1289 27, 119 Stella, 1540 134 Stella, 1721 ^145 Stephanus, 144 24, 29 Stephen , 1751 147 Stephen, 448 47 Stephen, 265 32,34 Stephen, 1.505 130 Stephen, 1497 132 Stephen, 1^34 116 Stephen, 1215 115 Stephen, 942 97, •14.'; Stephen, 1720 14,5, 147 Stephen, 1752 147 Stephen, 431 45 Stephen, 411 44 Stephen H. 444 47 Stephen J. 1649 ]4(,' Stephen J. 655 69 Stephen Jared,296 34 Stewart, 1443 129 Susan. 648 gs Susan, 1538 134 Susan Eleanor, 656 69 Susan M. 470 49 Susan M. 432 45 .Susan Mandevllle, 49 16 Susan Matilda, 712 72 Page Lent, Susan P. 1387 125 Susanna, 155 25 Susanna, 121 23 Sutherland, 1701 144 Suzanne B. 332 36 Sylvester, 729 76, 92 Sylvester, 893 92 Sylvester J. 898 92 Theodore, 914 94 Theodore DeWitt, 74 18 Theodore F. 503 52. 53 Theodore H. 848 8S Theodore Halstead, 808 84 TheodoreP. 1325 121 Theodore Searle, 813 87 Theodorus (Doris), 474 49 Theresa, 564 57 Thomas, 101 20 Thomas, 1594 137 Thomas Jefferson, 412 34, 44 Tlioinas K. 1007 102, 103 Tliomas K. 846 88 Thomas M. 1230 116 Thomas Stockton, 752 64, 78 Tillie, 1581 136 Tobias, 1395 126 Tobias, 1334 122, 126 Tobias, 1056 105, 108 Uriah J. 527 41, 54, .55 Uriah Oliver, 391 42 Vincent Dill, 484 49, 50 Wallace Wlulleld, 450 47 Walter, 1117 113 Walter, 418 44, 48 Walter, 331 37 Walter Abram, 346 37 Walter Eugene, 758 79 Walter H 11,1471 131 Walter J. 1622 138 Walterette, 469 48 Ward S. 1690 143 W^arreu Abram, 675 71 Warren R. 278 32 Washington Irving, 795 83 Waterfi rd, 509 52 Watson, 1605 137 Wllber, 1809 151 Weldon H. 575 58 Wellington 1. 1523 133 Wells, 1196 114 Wesley E. 5)8 55 Wllhemiua, 231 29 Willard G. 8:53 87 William, 1044 105 William, 139 24 William, 1073 106, 107 William, 1397 126, 127 William, 695 71 Will iam, 508 52 William 54 William, 948 98 William, 6.50 68,169 William, 1461 1.30 William, 116 2a Wllll,im. 1531 134 William. 1527 133 William 15^ The Lent Family 169 PaKi' Lent, William, 948 98 William ir>2 William, 1,S17 121 William , 1306 120 William , 1780 150 William, 1578 1S« William 15.3 William, 2C6 32 William ,264 S2 William, 719 75 William, 18,36 15:? William. 1829 152 William, 1550 135 William, 1288 119 William, 1052 105,110 William, 1511 132 William, 1018 103 William A. & Son 55 William A. 325 .35 William A..^ 17 William A IViert, 1820 151 Wllli5-' < f o o V >*^ ^ »^fe>. -^^ v •^ *:*.. V" ■6> "> o V ► . (^ • 'V W C° , \3 ^^C '■<> . f' ' '^. ^^^ ^ c-'^^ ^^^ "^y-o^ o V ■ • a u o A*-" -° .' • -^ V^ * A V-> c'' A-'^ ^"^ a » ' « • i^ . ijy^ ° " ' • "^'v*. *. \ -. v-^' \ ' t»A <^, ^ .0' .» ..,>>^. .-?- HO v<> V^ ^ .<^ .0- -?.• ^^/^S'' ^'\. ■ V