mv'%i I,'l7(.' i.f.5 m y-^i;; ^.;'>!vl; WS' ST-',; ,',■■!. ■■,■.■>■ '•"'Kfii'A'i' 4-*.\;iv ■;(.;: -'J ■.■'I, ;, i,'.'"' , ^' mm^pv'- '■■■■■■ '.':■"., .:i ' ;■" >^-. Qass £rGG<^ Vv 6Sth Congress) 3d Session / SENATE /DoCtTMENT I No. 447 PAUL O. RUSTING (Late a Senator from Wisconsin) MEMORIAL ADDRESSES DELIVERED IN THE SENATE AND THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES 1/ ; SUTY-FIFTH CONGRESS Hi ? * ' 1 ' ? Proceedings in the Senate March 2, 1919 Proceedings in the House February 23, 1919 PREPARED t'NOER THE DIRECTION -OF THE JOINT COMMITTEE ON PRINTING to -z^ 6.11^ WASHINGTON 1919 TABLE OF CONTENTS Pact. Proceedings in the Senate. 5 Memorial addresses by — Mr. Robert M. La Follette, of Wisconsin 9 Mr. Joseph T. Robinson, of Arkansas 16 Mr. James Hamilton Lewis, of Illinois 20 Mr. Thomas J. Walsh, of Montana 25 Mr. Henry F. Ashurst, of Arizona 27 Mr. Asle J. Gronna, of North Dakota 30 Mr. Charles S. Thomas, of Colorado 33 Mr. Irvine L. Lcnroot, of Wisconsin 36 Proceedings in the House 39 Prayer by Rev. Henry N. Couden, D. D 40 Memorial addresses by — Mr. Edward Voigt, of Wisconsin 43 Mr. John J. Escb, of Wisconsin 51 Mr. Edward E. Browne, of Wisconsin 55 Funeral eulogj' by Judge Martin L. Lueck, of Wisconsin- 46 [3] . ' '-\ HON-PAiji. - r-.uo ill. J DEATH OF HON. PAUL 0. HUSTING Proceedings in the Senate Monday, December 3, 1917. Mr. La Follette. Mr. President, with great personal sor- row, shared, I am certain, hy the Members of this body, it becomes my sad duty to formally announce the death of my late colleague, Senator Paul O. Husting. He died in Wisconsin under tragic circumstances, without prec- edent and parallel, I believe, in the history' of this body. The present time and occasion do not admit of a suit- able testimonial to my late colleague, but hereafter and during the present session I shall ask the Senate to set apart a day when appropriate tribute may be paid to his memorj'. Mr. President, I send the following resolutions to the desk and ask for their adoption. The Vice President. The Secretary will read the reso- lutions. The resolutions (S. Res. 155) were read, considered by unanimous consent, and unanimously agreed to, as fol- lows : Resolved, That the Senate has heard with profound sorrow of the death of the Hon. Paul O. Histing, late a Senator from the State of Wisconsin. Resolved, That the Secretary communicate these resolutions to the House of Representatives and transmit a copy thereof to the family of the deceased. Mr. La Follette. Mr. President, as a further mark of respect to Senator Husting's memorj' I move that the Senate do now adjourn. [5] Memorial Addresses: Senator Husting Tlie iiiutiijii wiis uiKtiiiiiioiisly agrtod tu; and (at 12 o'clock and If) niiniiUs \). ni.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Tuesday, December 1, 1917, at 12 o'clock meridian. Friday, February 7, 1919. Mr. La Foi.lettk. Mr. President, I give notice that at the proper time I shall move for a session of the Senate on Sunday, the 23d of Februai-y, to be devoted to memorial exercises for the late Senator Husting and the late Repre- sentative Davidson, of Wisconsin. Sati RDAV, February 22, 1919. Mr. La Follette. Mr. President, I understand that it is probable that there will be a very late session of the Sen- ate to-night, and at the request of a number of Senators who expected to take part in the memorial exercises which it had been planned to hold to-morrow in commem- oration of the life, character, and services of the late Sen- ator Husting and of the late Representative Davidson, both of Wisconsin, 1 want to ask unanimous consent that the Senate hold a session beginning at 1 o'clock on the 2d of March to be devoted to the exercises that were expected to have been held to-morrow. 1 do this, 1 repeat, at the request of a number of Senators who had expected to take part in the exercises to-morrow. 1 have conferred with the senior Senator from Virginia ^Mr. Martin] respecting the matter and also witli the junior Senator from Virginia [Mr. Swanson], who was present and wlio rather ap- proved of that action. The Pi)KsiDiN{i OrricKH. The Senator from Wisconsin asks unanimous consent that the Senate convene on Sun- day, March 2, for the purpose of holding memorial cere- monies in connection with the lives and scr\ices of the late Senator Histing, of Wisconsin, an F CONGRESS 013 785 546 A^