(:i,iss_C 5^ I - I'UKSIvNTI-; ■:o.>v/^a^' > • • // /' ■;/.V, .. -..y.- SOME DESCENDANTS OF DIGORY SARGENT. BY HENRY ERNEST WOODS, A.M. • » J r 1 , , > > , BOSTON: NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, 1904. l"/^'-' Reprinted ^om New-England Historical and Genealogical Register, for October, 1904. A I n 1 J. ,p. '?,--i. SOME DESCENDANTS OF DIGORY SARGENT OF BOSTON AND WORCESTER, MASS.* 1. DiGORY^ Sargent — the siu-iiame being variously spelled in the family, but for uniformity in this article the jjresent form will be used — was the an- cestor of many of the name in south-eastern Vermont, and first appears on records as a soldier in King Philip's war, in the rolls of Boston men under Capt. Daniel Henchman at Mendon, in Nov., 1675, under Capt. William Turner at the same place, in Mar., 1675-6, and under Lieut. Nathaniel Reynolds at Chelmsford, in June, 1676 (Bodge's King Philip's War, pp. 55, 240, 279). His ancestry is unknown. On 11 Nov., 1678, he took the oath of allegiance in Boston (Boston Rec. Com. E-ept., xxix., 168), where he seems to have been a householder in 1680, when, 27 Apr. of that year, " Sam". Hobbs Brick layer at Dickery Serg"^." appears among the " Seuerall psons * * * not admitted nor aproned of by y** selectmen of Boston to be Inhabitants of ye Towne " (Rec. Com. Rept., X., 58, in which his name is misprinted Vickery, see the original re- cord). His name appears in "A list of Persons belonging to the South Com- pany of Boston liable to Watch themselves, or by their money to procure Watchmen; as they were marshalled * * Ocf^ 13. 1679" (5 Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll., vol. v., p. 53). In 1685, or soon after, he removed to Wor- cester, in the second attempt at settling that place ; but whether or not he had a wife at that time does not appear. On 13 Oct., 1693, Digory Sargent of Worcester, and Constance James of Boston, were married in Boston by Rev. Cotton Mather ; but when he made his will (Middlesex Co. Probate, vol. 12, pp. 243-4, printed in Lin- coln's History of Worcester, Mass., p. 38), dated 17 Mar., 1696, it would seem that she was dead, for in it he only made provision for his daughter Martha, and in the event of her death the estate was to go to George Par- menter of Sudbury, and no wife was mentioned. That he married again, in 1696, Mary , is shown by subsequent events. She is said to have been a sister of George Parmenter, but the statement cannot be proved. He seems to have persisted in living upon his farm in Worcester when all others had abandoned the settlement on account of Indian hostilities, and there he was killed in an Indian attack, in the winter of 1703-4, and his wife and five children taken captive, before a party of soldiers, sent to re- move him and his family to a place of safety, could reach them. In a Roll of English prisoners in the hands of the French and Indians at Canada in 1710, the names of the mother, Mary, and five children [for James read Daniel] appear (Mass. Archives, Ixxi., 765) ; but the petition of the son John for a grant of land, dated 29 Nov., 1738 (Mass. Arciiives, Ixxii., 470), states that the mother and a son were killed at the same time with the father, in 1704. Administration of the estate of Digory Sargent was granted 25 Sept., 1707, to George Parmenter of Sudbury (Middlesex Co. Probate, vol. 12, * These notes are published in the hope that they may lead to the compiling of a more complete genealogy of this interesting family. pp. 242-3) ; and 6 Mar., 1720-1, in a letter appointing George Parmenter of Su(ll)ur}^j Jonas Rice of Worcester, and James Taylor of Worcester, a comniittee to divide the estate into six equal ])arts, it relates that " Digery Sergeant * * * dyed intestate * * his lands a sixty acre lot in sd town of Woolter, & since then has two dividends, one of 150 acres has been laid out in right of sd deed, & yet there are considerable niidivided * * lands in sd township * * * the sd deed left five children now surviving, viz John (oldest son) David Thomas IMartha & Mnry and that the sd Daniel and Mary are still at Canada * * whither they were carryed captive by the Indians & now are living among the ifrench, & * * the sd John Thomas and Martha (now the wife of Daniel Shattuck) have pi*ayed that the sd lands may be settled among them * * * allowing John double the choise, and after him Thomas & tlien the sd daughter Martha, & so let the other two lots ligh for Daniel & Mary." Under the same date, 6 Mar., 1720-1, " Jonas llice that day took upon himself the Guardianship of Thomas a minor in his twentieth year of age a son of the late Diggery Serjeant late of Worcester * * dec'd (killed by the Indians)." In an account of George Parmenter, administrator, dated 11 Apr., 1715, appears the statement: " Children Martha & Thomas at Boston — at Canada dn°. Daniel & Mary." As the will of Digory Sargent mentions "a sermon book that is at Mrs. Mary Mason's,* widow, at Boston," and as the inventory of the estate in- cluded " books," he was evidently a man of education. Child by wife Constance : 2. i. Mautha,* b. about IG'Jl; m. C Apr., 1719, Capt. Daniel Shattuck; c1. ill 1722. Children by wife Mary : 3. ii. Lieut. John,, b. about 169G-7 ; ra. 4 July, 1727, Abigail Jones; d. 29 Mar., 1748. iii. Daniel, b. about 1698; cl. unmarried, in Canada, before Aug., 1728 (Worcester Co. Deeds, vol. 9, p. 354 ; see accouut under Thomas, 4). iv. Mary, b. about 1700; living in Canada, in Aug., 1728 (Worcester Co. Deeds, vol. 9, p. 354 ; see accouut under Thomas, 4) ; no further record found of her. 4. V. Thomas, b. about 1701-2; no record found of him after Aug., 1728. vi. A SON, b. about 1703; killed by the Indians in 1704. 2. Martha^ Sargent {Digory^), born about 1694, was taken captive by the Indians at Worcester in 1704, and carried to Canada. She was released after seven years, when aged about sixteen, and mar- ried in Marlborough, 6 Apr., 1719, as his first wife, Capt. DanieP Shattuck (William,-* John,^ William,^ William^), born in 1692, died 17 Mar., 1760 (Shattuck Memorials, pp. 96-98). She died in Wor- cester, in 1722 ; and he married second, 7 May, 1724, Rebecca, born 1 Aug., 1691, died 16 Mar., 1757, daughter of Sergt. Samuel and Sarah (Lewis) Boltwood of Hadley, by whom he had four children, born in Northfield, where he died. Child : i. Sarah Shattuck, b. about 1720 ; d. Nov., 17G1, in Upton ; m. 24 May, 1744, in Westborough, as his first wife, Elijah' Rice (Charles," Thomas,^ Thomas,^ Edmund^) of Westborough, b. 26 June, 1719,' * Samuel Mason and Mary Ilolemiin, "daughter of the late John Holeman of Dor- chester, deceased," were married in Boston, 29 May, 1G62, by John Endecott, Governor (iJostoii Rcc. Com. Kept., No. 9, p. 8G). In 1679, Samuel Mason was in the same divi- sion with Digory Sargent in the "South Company of IJoston liable to watch " (5 Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll., vol. v., p. 53). He died 20 Sept., 1691. who removed to Upton, and later to Hemiiker, N. H., where he d. 19 Apr., 1785. They had five children (Rice Family, pp. 109-10; and Shattuck Memorials, p. 386) . Lieut. John^ Sargent {Digory^), born about 1696-7, was taken cap- tive by the Indians at Worcester in 1704, carried to Canada, and re- leased about 1716. He became a scout and interpreter in the ser- vice of the Province of Massachusetts ; was in garrison, under Lieut. Joseph Kellogg, at Northfield, Mass., in 1721, and there as centinel under Capt. Samuel Bernard in 1722 ; a corporal under Capt. Joseph Kellogg, 1723-4, and sergeant, 1730; Lieutenant under Capt. Kellogg, 1738-45, and at Fort Dummer, under Capt. Josiah Willard, 1747-8 (Mass. Archives; and History of Northfield, pp. 157, 192, 197, 208, 217, 256, 532). On 29 Nov., 1738, he petitioned the General Court (Mass. Ar- chives, Ixxii., 470 ; and History of Northfield, p. 257) for a grant of land on account of services, setting forth therein the killing of his father, mother and brother by the Indians at Worcester in 1704, and the captivity of the five brothers and sisters. Two hundred acres above Northfield, in the vicinity of Fort Dummer (now Brattleboro', Vt.), were granted him ; in addition to which he had previously ac- quired by purchase, 7 May, 1733, from Josiah Willard and Edward Hartwell, both of Lunenburg, for £100, a "i tract of land being on the westerly side of Connecticut River below Fort Dummer, con- taining by estimation 161 acres," and by further purchase, 1 Oct., 1733, from Josiah Willard, of Lunenburg, the remaining "da tract of land," in the same locality and "containing in the whole 161 acres, being a part of a Grant made to the proprietors of Lunen- burg Oct. 1 1731 by the General Court" (Worcester Co. Deeds, vol. G, pp. 258, 261), besides a purchase, 19 Sept., 1734, from Stephen Belding of Northfield, for £40, three tracts of land in the township of Northfield (Worcester Co. Deeds, vol. H, p. 100). He married, 4 July, 1727, Abigail, born 4 Dec, 1702, daughter of Ebeuezer^ (Griffith^) and Mercy (Bagg) Jones of Springfield, Mass. According to the account published in vai'ious histories, he was in command of a scouting party out from Fort Dummer on 29 Mar., 1748, when they were ambushed by a band of Indians, and he and two others killed and scalped, and his son Daniel taken captive ; but the following from an article communicated to the Vermont Phoe- nix, 26 June, 1885, by David Lufkin Mansfield, Esq., the historian, of Dummerston, Vt., to whom the writer is indebted for much ma- terial concerning the descendants of Lieut. John Sargent, gives a somewhat different account : ' ' The scalp of Lieutenant Sargent, taken off by the Indian who killed him, was iu the possession of the family and descendants for nearly 80 years. Rufus, his sou, who died iu 1826, kept it during his life. Ophelia and Filura, daughters of Justiu Sargent and granddaughters of Rufus, now [1885] living, who have seeu the scalp, describe it as having light brown hair, and iu size as large as a silver dollar. The particulars of Lieutenant Sargent's death, as related by his descendants, are diflereut from those given in history. * * * The other version, as related to the writer by the granddaughters of Rufus Sargent, is that Lieutenant Sar- gent was out hunting and the Indian who shot him had mistaken him for some wild animal, as he Avore fur clothing and had hidden in the bushes on seeing the Indians approach the fort. As the Indian was watching 11. 6. iii. 7. iv. 8. V. 9. vi. to do mischief, he scalped his man, but at the same instant recognized in him a person whom lie had seen before and who promised him that he should always be friendly to tlie Indians. He expressed much sorrow for the deed he had done, and returned Lieutenant Sargent's scalp to his friends. Horatio Sargent, a resident in Massachusetts, borrowed, many years ago, several valuable papers and keepsakes that belonged to Rufus Sargent, with the intention of writing a history of the Sargent family. He died very suddenly before commencing the work, and the papers and valuables, including the scalp, have never been returned." lu the petition of the son Daniel for pay during his captivity, he states that liis father was "slain in fight." (Mass. Archives, Ixxiii., 583-4.) The date of death of the widow Abigail has not been found. She was living in 17 Go, when she deeded land (History of Northfield, p. 257). Children : 5. i. Daniel,* b. 25 May, 1728, at Northfleld; taken captive by Indians, 29 Mar., 1748, and carried to Canada; m. 20 July, 1751, Dinah Jones; d. after 1784. Abigail, b. 26 Jan., 1729-30, at Northfleld; d. in 1736. Col. John, b. 4 Dec, 1732, at Fort Dummer ; m. 16 Dec, 1760, Mary Kathan; d. 30 July, 1798. Lieut. Thomas, b. 23 Feb., 1734-5, at Fort Dummer; m. 17 May, 1757, Anna Stebbins; d. 19 Apr., 1783. Abigail, b. 10 Sept., 1737, at Fort Dummer; m. 12 Oct., 1758, Levi Ely; d. 3 Oct., 1812. Rufus, b. 15 June, 1750, at Fort Dummer; m. in 1775, Susannah Houghton; d. 23 Nov., 1826. vii. Mary, b. 25 Oct., 1742, at Fort Dummer ; m. Robinson, of Bennington, Vt. Thomas^ Sargent {Digory^), born about 1701-2, was taken captive by the Indians at Worcester in 1704, and carried to Canada, but was released, and in Boston in Apr., 1715. On 6 Mar., 1720-1, Jonas Rice, of Worcester, was appointed his guardian, he being "a minor in his twentieth year of age" (Middlesex Co. Probate, No. 14158). In 1722 he was centinel in the command of Capt. Samuel Bernard; was centinel in 1723-4, in garrison at Northfield, Mass., with his brother John, in Capt. Joseph Kellogg's company, he then called "of Northampton " ; and in the autumn of that year was in scouting parties out from Northfield (Mass. Archives; and History of Northfield, pp. 197, 208). He is recorded in service until 1726. On 3 Aug., 1728, Thomas Sargent of Northfield, husbandman, deeded to William Williams of Weston, clerk, " all right, title or interest in lands belonging to my brother Daniel Sargent late de- ceased in Canada, which estate descended to him as his part of inheritance of our late father Dickery Sargent of Worcester," being part of a lot in the south part of Worcester, containing one hundred and fifty acres, and " one-half of a thirty-four acre right (so called) "in the north part of the said town [now Holden], "which lands or estate is one fourth or quarter part thereof * * (the other parts my surviving brother and sister)" (Worcester Co. Deeds, vol. 9, p'. 354). The surviving brother and sister were John and Mary ; and the remaining quarter part was deeded 28 Mar., 1744, to Benjamin Flagg of Worcester, by Sarah Shattuck of Westborough, singlewoman, as the only child of the sister Martha, from whom she inherited it (Worcester Co. Deeds, vol. 18, p. 230). Nothing has been found of Thomas in Worcester Co., Hamp- shii'e Co., or Northfield, Mass., records after the deed of 1728, but it is hoped that further trace of "him may yet be discovered. 5. Daniel" Sargent [Lieut. John,^ Digory^) was born 25 May, 1728, at Northfield, Mass. He was taken captive by the Indians, 29 Mar., 1748, at the time history states that his father was killed on a scouting party, of which he was one, out from Fort Dummer. The Journal of Sergt. John Hawks of Deerfield relates, under date of "Apr. 25 [1748], traveled about 2 m. S-east & then So. till we come to the crotch of the river where is their common road from C. Point to No. 4 and other places. They had informed us that there were but 12 Inds out on our frontier, & when we were come to this path they found the signs of them returning with one cap- tive. [Doubtless Sieur Bouut with 3 French and 13 Indians, who reached Montreal April 17 with Daniel Sargent, taken near Fort Dummer, March 29. Other parties were out in other directions, but the scene of operations for every party was fixed at Montreal. Bount was sent out Feb. 24.] " (History of Deerfield, vol. 2, p. 558.) Daniel was not long in captivity, as shown by his services from June, 1749, to 1752, as centinel under Capt. Josiah Willard at Fort' Dummer (Mass. Archives), and his petition to the General Court, dated 23 Nov., 1749, for jmy while in Canada, and the loss of his gun (Mass. Archives, Ixxiii., 583-4). He married, 20 July, 1751, Dinah, born 21 Feb., 1729-30, daugh- ter of Benjamin' (Ebenezer,^ Griffith^) and Mary (Soley) Jones* of Springfield, Mass. In 1755 he was centinel in Capt. Elijah Williams's company of Deerfield, Mass., in the Crown Point Expedition (Mass. Archives ; and History of Northfield, p. 292) ; and in 1756 was centinel in the command of Capt. Nathan Willard at Fort Dummer (Mass. Ar- chives). He died between 1784 and 1793, the exact time is not recorded. Children : i. LuciNDA,* m. Benjamin Pierce. ii. Martha, or Patty, m. in Dummerston, Vt., Dec, 1772, Daniel Lester, alias David Bond, an Engiisliraau who deserted the Brit- ish, changed liis name to Bond, and joined tlie American army, in the Revolution. ill. Daniel, b. 31 Mar., 1757. iv. Caleb, in 1782, in Capt. Jason Duncan's co., of Dummerston, Vt. (Katlian History, p. 143). v. Justin, in 1782, in Capt. Jason Duncan's co., of Dummerston, Vt. (Kathau History, p. 143) ; removed to Boston, Mass. A Justin Sergeant m. in Boston, 15 Jan., 1792, Sally Hall. 6. Col. Joun^ Sargent {Lieut. Jolin^ Digory^) was born 4 Dec, 1732, at Fort Dummer, now Brattleboro', Vt., and married, 16 Dec, 1760, Mary, born 18 Oct., 1734, died 10 June, 1822, daughter of Capt. John and Martha (Moore) Kathan of Dummerston, Vt., and niece of Capt. Fairbank Moore (History of Dummerston, Vt., p. 21; Kathau History, p. 13; Register, ante, vol. 57, p. 303 ; and Bel- lows Genealogy, p. 13). * The compiler is indebted to Thomas Barnes Warren, Esq., of Springfield, Mass., for Jones data. 8 Col. Sargeant has long had the reputation of having been the first Anglo-Saxon child born in Vermont.* The following is the inscription upon his gravestone in the so-called " Sargent Burying-ground " at West River, Brattleboro' : " Sacred to the Memory of | Colo. John Sergeant | Who Departed this life July I the 30th 1798 in the fixty fixth j year of his Age | Wlio now lies in the fume town | he was Born & was the first perfon | Born in the ftate of Vermont | lo where the f ilent marble weeps | A friend A father & Husband fleeps 1 He gave them good Councel | while he had his Breath | Advising them to prepair for Death " In 1755 he served as centinel in Capt. Elijah Williams's com- pany, of Deerfield, Mass., in the Crown Point Expedition (Mass. Archives; and History of Northfield, p. 292), and in 1756 was centinel under Capt. Nathan Willard at Fort Dummer (Mass. Archives) . It is recorded that in 1770 he and his brother Lieut. Thomas Sargent purchased a tract of 440 acres in the north-east part of Brattleboro', the West- River district, upon which they built houses and settled (Gazetteer of Windham Co., Vt., pp. 111-12). On 26 Feb., 1776, Brattleboro' then being in the County of Cumberland, State of New York, he was commissioned as Captain of the Brattleboro' company in the First or Lower Regiment ; and on 18 Aug., of the same year, he was commissioned Lieut.-Colonel of the same regiment. (State Archives of N. Y., Revolution, vol. i., p. 277.) In June, 1776, he was one of the committee to prepare instructions for the County delegates to the New York Provincial Congress (History of Eastern Vermont, p. 258). From 1776 to 1780 he was a member of the Cumberland County Committee of Safety, the committee frequently meeting at his house in Brattle- boro' (Records of the Governor and Council of Vt., vol i., pp. 344, 346, 350-1, 357, 363-5, 36*J). In 1780 he was Colonel of Militia, and chairman of the Cumberland County Committee (History of Eastern Vermont, pp. 381, 397) ; and in that same year was one of the committee appointed to consider a new government for the Counties of Cumberland, Gloucester and Grafton (Vt. Hist. Soc. Coll., vol. ii., pp. 96-7). In 1780, also, he was made Commissioner of Forfeiture (History of Eastern Vermont, p. 764), and was Representa- tive for Brattleboro' in the General Assembly; and in 1782, as Colonel of the Militia, he called out a force to suppress the disturb- ances in what had then become Windham County, between adher- ents to New York and Vermont (Records of the Governor and Council of Vt., vol. iii., p. 253). He sided with New York in the controversies of the time, and in 1786 he with others "uniformly loyal to the State of New Y'ork " petitioned Gov. George Clinton, of that State, for a patent of wild land, they having " not only frequently risqued their Lives but expended large sums of money * * in Defence of the said State * * , in consequence of which many * * were imprisoned and others dispoiled of property to a considerable amount, l)y the Ver- • Mr. Mansfield, the histovian of Dummerston, in liis " Kathan History," p. 146, states that " here [Fort Dummer] was born within the stoclcade on M.ay 27, 1726, Timo- thy Dwight, the father of the future tirst President Dwight of Yale College, and great- grandfather of the present (1896) president." 10. i. 11. li. iii. iv. y 12. V. monters," but the petition was not granted (Vt. Hist. Soc. Coll vol. ii., p. 439). Children, perhaps not in order of birth : Eli,* b. 5 Mar., 1761; m. Elizabeth Gorton; cl. 24 Apr., 1834. Lucy, m. 6 Feb., 1794, Isaac Bigelow; d. Oct., 1822. Abigail, m. Robert Wells. Mary, or Polly, b. 17G8; d. 2 Feb., 1823; unmarried. Levi (twin?), b. 1773; m. 13 July, 1794, Lydia Daby; d. 11 May, 1850. vi. Cata (twin ?) , b. 1773 ; d. 20 July, 1792 ; unmarried. 7. Lieut. Thojias^ Sargent {Lieut. John^^ Digory^), born 23 Feb., 1734-5, at Fort Duminer, married, 17 May, 1757, Anne, born 10 Nov., 1734, died 4 Dec, 1827, daughter of Joseph" (Thomas,^ John,^ Rowland^) and Mary Stebbins of North field, Mass. He served as centinel under Capt. John Burk in 1756, and in the same office under Capt. Israel Williams in 1757 (Mass. Archives). His title of Lieutenant is said to have come from later service in the militia. In 1770 he and his brother Col. John purchased a tract of 440 acres in the West River district of Brattleboro', Vt., where they built houses, and where he died 19 Apr., 1783. Children : 13. i. Elihu,^ b. 3 May, 1758; m. about 1779, MaryKathan; d. 1 Dec, 1833. ii. Anne, b. 18 June, 1760. iii. Thomas (?), b. about 1762. 14. iv. Calvin, b. 9 Nov., 1763; m. Abigail Miller; d. 7 Jan., 1834. V. Electa, b. 31 Oct., 1765. vi. Luther, b. 15 May, 1768; d. 22 Oct., 1850. vii. Susanna, b. 5 Jan., 1770.. 15. viii. Erastus, b. 16 Nov., 177i; m. Annas Snow; d. 24 Aug., 1847. ix. RoxANNA, b. about 1773. X. RoswELL, b. 27 Nov., 1776. xi. Harry, b. about 1779; m. 15 Apr., 1802, Phila Albee; lived in Brattleboro', Vt. 8. Abigail^ Sargent {Lieut. Jo/m,'^ Digon/), born 10 Sept., 1737, at Fort Dummer, married, 12 Oct., 1758, Capt. Levi^ Ely* (Samuel,* Samuel,^ Samuel,^ NathanieP) of West Springfield, Mass., born there 26 Nov., 1732, killed in battle with the Indians, on Mohawk River, near Utica, N. Y., 19 Oct., 1780. She died 3 Oct., 1812, at West Springfield (Ely Records, pp. 30-1 ; for records of children, pp. 62-5), Children : i. LucRETiA Ely, b. 12 May, 1759; m. 18 Dec, 1777, Jacob Miller; d 19 Jan., 1819. ii. HuLDA Ely, b. 11 July 1761; m. 7 Aug., 1783, Col. Roger Cooley d. 30 Apr., 1808. iii. Jerusha Ely, b. 8 Feb. 1763; m. (1) 20 Feb., 1795, Nathaniel Tay lor; m. (2) 5 Feb., 1807, Oliver Bagg; d. 2 Feb., 1836. iv. Levi Ely, b. 27 Feb., 1765; ra. 23 Feb., 1792, Thankful Smith; d 17 Sept., 1819. V. George Ely, b. 30 Dec, 1766; m. 13 Apr., 1786, Abigail Flowers d. 20 Jan., 1819. vi. Daniel Ely, b. 10 Aug., 1768; m. 15 Oct., 1788, Joanna Day; d 15 Feb., 1822. *The compiler is indebted to Thomas Barnes Warren, Esq., of Springfield, Mass., for Ely data. 10 vii. Sabra Ely, b. 22 Jan., 1770; ni. 9 July, 1789, Josiah Loorais; d. 8 Mar., 1839. viii. Theodosia Ely, b. 4 Feb., 1773; m. (1) 18 Feb., 1795, Horace Day; 111. (2) 7 Feb., 1822, Simon Brooks; d. 14 Oct., 18G5. ix. Solomon Ely, b. 22 Dec, 1774; m. (1) 24 Ana;., 1796, Jerusha Day ; ni. (2) 1 Mar., 1799, Roxanna Day; d. 25 Apr., 1828. X. Eliiiu Ely, b. G July, 1777; m. in 1797, Grace Rose; d. 23 Feb., 1839. xi. Abigail (or Nabby) Ely, bapt. 7 May, 1780; d. 23 Nov., 1828; un- married. 9. RuFUS^ Sargent {Lieut. John,^ Digorif), born 15 June, 1740, at Fort Dummer, married, in 1775, Susannah Houghton, who was born in 175