Copy 1 Lfl 340 , .fl25 Copy 1 JIN^^M^,^t^l A STATISTICAL RECORD PROGRESS OF PUBLIC EDUCATION NORTH CAROLINA 1870-1906 BY CHARLES L. COON issued from office / "State Sxperintendent of Public Instruction 1907 ^ INTRODUCTORY NOTE. Many of the figures contained in tliis study of the progress of the public schools are not those contained in the State Educational Reports for the sev- eral years since 1870. These reports contain many omissions, and do not con- tain any data for the city schools before 1902. The figures as given for rural schools have been carefully corrected as far. as that is now possible. The statistics for city schools have been compiled from data obtained from the local newspapers. This study represents long and patient research. I regret that it is impossible to make all the figures absolutely accurate, but they can all be relied upon to be the nearest approximation that can now be made. C. L. Coon. A. PUBLIC SCHOOL EXPENDITURES 1870-1906. The following tables give in detail the rural public school expenditures, 1870-190G, as well as the total expenditures of the city schools, 1876-1906. The rural school figures used are from the State reports with all omissions supplied and duplicates carefully eliminated. The figures given as the expendi- tures of city schools, 1876-1901, have been compiled from newspaper files in the State Librai-y and are careful estimates. All the figures used are approxi- mately correct. It is now impossible to make them absolutely accurate. Prior to 1902 the State reports contained no statistics of city schools. These tables show the following interesting facts : 1. Rural school expenditures 1870 Rural school expenditures 1906 City school expenditures 1876 City school expenditures 1906 2. Rural school expenditures 1900 Rural school expenditures 1906 Increase in six years City school expenditures 1900 City school expenditures 1906 Increase in six years 3. City schools* in 1876: 1. City schools in 1906: 78. ; 42,8^6.66. 1,480,287.03. 800.00. " 810,766.12. 907,710.97. 1,480,287.03. 572,576.06, or 63 per cent. 183,900.00. 810.766.12. 626,866.12, or .340 per cent. *By. city school is meant a school operating- under a special act of the Legislature, usually levy- ing a local tax to supplement its general school fund. • I. SUMMARY OF PUBLIC SCHOOL EXPENDITURES 1870-1906. Year. Rural Teaching- and Supervision. Rural Buildings and Supplies. Rural Adminis- tration. Total Rural Expendi- tures. Total City Expendi- tures. Total School Expendi- tures. lis la 1870 $ 31,597.15 $ 4,259.51 $ 7,000.00^ $ 42,856.66 $ $ 42,856.66 90 1871 115,493.16 10,446.40 5,000.00 130,939.56 130,939.56 90 1872 199,389.18, 16,833.30 4,473.15 220,695.63 220,695.63 92 1873 159,649.55 25, 100. 00 6, 925. 52 191,675.07 191 675 07 93 93 Q 1874 263,116.33 22,676.46 11,802.06 297,594.85 297,594.85 93 1875 263, 116. 33 22,676.46 11.802.06 297, 594. 85 297, 594. 85 93 1 1876 319,277.95 14,885.19 334, 163. 14 800.00 334,963.14 94 1 1877 296,719.12 12,656.55 13,808.66 323,184.33 4,000.00 327,184.33 94 2 1878 310,273.78 13,564.04 18.649.28 342,487.10 5,125.00 347,612.10 94 2 1879 308,663.14 14, 806. 50 17,061.^1 340,531.55 9,300.00 349,831.55 94 2 1880 345,003.70 18,132.11 18,139.68 381,275.49 14,762.00 396,037.49 94 3 1881 371,555.65 29,137.61 41,186.62 441,879.88 19,762.00 461,641.88 96 4 1882 470,664.18 89,654.84 43.812.00 604,131.02 34,012.00 638,143.02 96 7 1883 569,517-79 96,096.66 55,479.50 721.093.95 35,225.00 756,318.95 96 7 1884 512,531.40 84,826.43 43,446.73 640,804.56 42,225.00 683,029.56 96 7 1885 540,863.75 66,256.33 42,969.82 650,089.90 43,780.00 693,869.90 96 8 1886 566,028.89 87,841.07 42.245.69 696,115.65 44,670.00 740,785.65 96 8 1887 531,775.78 74,724.90 46,536.65 653,037.33 58,200.00 711,237.33 96 10 1888 564,491.85 66,869.23 59.827.09 691,188.17 61,500.00 752,688.17 96 10 1889 438,784.07 51,626.04 36.449.06 526,859.17 64,380.00 591,239.17 96 10 1890 574,746.83 73,619.93 69,858.84 718,225.60 68,920.00 787,145.60 96 10 1891 547,506.78 63, 626. 15 44.251.78 655,384.71 92,000.00 747,384.71 96 16 1892 602,938.45 79,803.86 51.276.52 734,018.83 98,680.00 832, 698. 83 96 16 1893 649,168.20 64,991.32 61.943.58 776,103.10 104,230.00 880,333.10 96 16 1894 662,299.87 56,291.90 68,891.94 787,483.71 110,100.00 897,583.71 96 16 1895 698,401.14 63,853.67 66.395.75 828,650.56 115,000.00 943,650.56 96 16 1896 712,341.05 ' 56,672.26 63.173.59 832,186.90 119,000.00 951.186.90 96 16 1897 699,811.18 48,571.24 . 70.356.55 818,738.97 130,200.00 948. 938. 97 96 18 1898 774,222.48 54. 840. 62 80.044.^5 909.107.45 135,800.00 1,044,907.45 96 18 1899 759,508.92 57,400.62 69.894.17 886,803.71 175,500.00 1.062.303.71 96 27 1900 788,115.69 41,611.54 77,983.74 907,710.97 183,900.00 1,091,610.97 97 27 1901 865,086.21 • 56,207.60 96,863.53 1,018,157.34 230,000.00 1,248, 157. 34 97 42 1902 980,047.64 89,544.23 126,569.67 1,196,161.44 240,000.00 1,436,161.44 97 42 1903 1,023,449.34 140, 146. 60 129,751.95 1,293,347.89 290,000.00 1,583,347.89 97 64 1904 1,055,904.21 185,336.38 150,054.74 1,391,295.33 375,000.00 1,766,295.33 97 64 1905 1,051,799.47 273,884.73 100,908.34 1,426,552.54 529,224.36 1,955,776.90 97 64 1906 1,091,033.55 282,994.88 106,258.60 1,480,287.03 810,766.12 2,291,053.15 97 78 II. RURAL SCHOOL EXPENDITURES FOR TEACHING AND SUPERVISION, IN DETAIL, 1870-190G. Year. m ^ 1 Ti 1 Spent for Total Rural R^ral White Expenditures. Teachers. Spent for Rural Colored Teachers. Snent for ^^^^ Spent Spent for for Supervision County Super- ^„Hp„,,i intendents. and Rural Teaching. 1870- 1871- 1872- 1873- 1874- 1875- 1876- 1877- 1878- 1879- 1880- 1881- 1882- 1883- 1884. 1885- 1886- 1887- 1890- 1891- 1892- 1893- 1894- 1895- 1896- 1897- 1898- 1899 - 1900. 1901 . 1902. 1903 1904. 1905 1906 42,856.66 130,939.56 220,695.63 191,675.07 297, 594.85 297,594.85 334,163.14 323,184.33 342,487.10 340,531.55 381,275.49 441,879.81 i 604,131.02 721,093.95 640.804.56 650,089.90 696,115.65 653,037.33 691,188.17 526, 859. 17 718,225.60 655,384.71 734,018.83 776, 103. 10 787.483.71 828,650.56 832,186.90 818,738.97 j 909.107.45 ! 886. 803. 71 907. 710. 97 1.018,157.34 1,196.161.44 1.293.347.89 1,391,295.33 1,426.552.54 1,480.317.03 19.064.77 $ 74.000.00 143, 722. 70 112,175.36 182,646.53 | 182,646.53 200,833.95 i 188,962.94 j 199,222.86 1 190,867.65 215,856.24 224,060.24 307,128.33 303,726.24 317,021.41 326,142.90 349. 037. 52 329,978.63 359,707.30 283,665.74 366,737.23 355, 317. 16 390,325.82 423,164.28 436,898.03 457,517.28 469,109.59 465, 474. 84 520,955.43 520,415.00 547.192.39 621.927.97 707, 184. 94 741.751.45 771.716.72 783,823.42 821,552.69 9,532.38 $ 40,000.00 j 54,512.28 I 45,954.19 j 77,615.25 j 77,615.25 I 118,444.00 !- 105,000.93 j 109,770.12 115,651.73 j 127.092.91 I 140,651.36 141,681.85 249,047.29 182,414.79 202,004.37 j 198,059.63 1 185,309.51 187,985.87 | 143,106.94 ! •189,246.82 175,326.33 193,496.98 205,348.51 205,764.45 218,898.72 242,432.42 234.195.27 231,533.97 217,918.67 219.001.56 219,561.39 238,378.87 241,845.44 234,925.59 214,951.91 212,293.85 3,000.00 I $ 1,493.16 1.154.20 1.520.00 2.854.55 2. 854. 55 2,755.25 1,280.80 2,143.76 2,054.55 6,844.05 21,854.00 16,744.26 13,095.20 12,716.48 18,931.74 16,487.64 16,798.68 12.011.39 18,762.78 16. 863. 29 19,115.65 20,655.41 19,637.39 21,987.14 799. 04 141.07 21.733.08 21,175.25 21,921.74 23,596.85 34.483.83 39. 852. 45 49.261.90 53,024.14 57,187.01 31,597.15 115,493.16 199,389.18 159.649.55 263,116.33 263,116.33 319,277.95 296, 719.' 12 310.273.78 308,663.14 345, 003. 70 371,555.65 470,664.18 569, 517. 79 512,531.40 540,863.75 566,028.89 531,775.78 564,491.85 438,784.07 574, 746. 83 547,506.78 602,938.45 649,168.20 662, 299. 87 698,401.14 712,341.05 699,811.18 774,222.48 759,508.92 788.115.69 865,086.21 980, 047. 64 1,023.449.34 1,055,904.21 1,051,799.47 1,091.033.55 III. RURAL SCHOOL EXPENDITURES FOR BUILDINGS AND SUPPLIES, IN DETAIL, 1870-1906. u Houses for Houses for g ; Whites. Colored. Fuel, etc. Furni- ture. Libra- ries. Supplies. Insur- ance and Rent. Tofkl for ' Interest, Buildings . etc. and Supplies. 1 1870 ' $ $ 1871 7 000 00 3,446 40 $ $ $ $ $ $ $4,259.51 10.446.40 16,833.30 .25.100.00 22,676.46 22,676.46 14,885.19 12,656.55 13,564.04 14.806.50 18,132.11 29,137.61 89,654.84 96,096.66 84*826.43 66,256.33 87,841.07 74.724.90 66.869.23 51,626.04 73,619.93 63.626.15 79.803.86 64,991.32 56,291.90 63,853.67 56,672.26 48,571.24 54,840.62 57 400 62 1872 11,222.20 5,611.10 1873 16,733.34 8,366.66 1874 15,117.64 7,558.82 1875 ' 15,117.64 7,558.82 1876 9,885.19 5,000.00 1877 7,897.87 \ 4,758.68 1878 9 387 57 4. 176 47 1879 9,599.43 5,207.07 1880 11.137.08 6.995.03 1881 ' 16.696.35 , 12,441.26 1882 49,428.09 40,226.75 1883 46,908.67 49,187.99 1884 46.335.95 38,490.48 1885 38, 627. 91 27, 628. 42 j ' 1 1 1 1886 59,194.96 28,646.11 1887 51,598.48 23.126.42 1888 41.862.52 25.006.71 1889 ' 34.599.98 17.026.06 1890 52.165.34 21.454.59 i 1891 46.288.63 [ 17,337.52 1892 ^^ 711 91 5>l nft5>. fi-p; 1 1893 46,473.52 18,517.80 37 950 58 18 341 32 1894 ■ 1895 Ad 483 m ' 19 370 RR 1896 j 35,757.86 20,914.40 1897 31,563.63 17,007.61 1898 42,523.34 12.317 !>8 i - - 1899 45> 9.R7 Efi 15,163.04 9,693.58 12,693.34 12.274.55 14.575.73 1900 31,917.96 43,514.26 77,269.68 125,570.87 41,611.54 1901 56 207 60 1902 1 89.544.23 1903 1 . 140, 146. 60 1904 1905 1906 169,657.59 179,865.35 163,711.86- 10.221.79 17.825.64 14,618.80 17,524.11 20.446.29 16,235.06 31,583.27 8.391.35 11.176.16 14,585.31 13,117.73 4,042.76 4,443.48 5,457.00 15,375.15 23,897.29 185,336.38 273,884.73 282,994.88 IV. RURAL SCHOOL EXPENDITURES FOR ADMINISTRATION, IN DETAIL, 1870-1906. Year. 1870- 1871- 1872- 1873- 1874- 1875- 1876- 1877- 1878- 1879- 1880- 1881- 1882- 1883- 1884- 1885- 1886- 1887- 1890- 1891- 1892- 1893- 1894- 1895- 1896- 1897- 1898- 1899- 1900- 1901- 1902- 1903- 1904- 1905- 1906- Treasurer. 4,473.15 6,925.52 11,802.06 11,802.06 10,070.86 10,615.34 11,088.48 12,298.36 15,670.97 17,836.21 22,430.39 21,630.23 16,852.48 17,748.72 16,239.67 17,609.95 13,448.01 14,171.70 12,483.74 14,596.48 15,135.14 15,977.70 16,376.42 16,448.12 17.269.77 18,371.05 18,444.21 19,636.49 22, 589. 76 24, 303. 76 26,461.14 29,425.66 29,153.07 29,989.38 Board of Education. 2,366.78 2,493.13 2,659.64 2,894.22 3,026.15 2,795.28 3,228.00 3,710.28 6,378.83 6,889.30 6,541.81 4,995.14 7,543.34 6,068.00 4,756.65 5, 594. 18 4,982.38 6,159.80 3,843.17 3,217.62 5,976.03 6,477.21 5, 627. 01 5,728.47 9,738.30 9,464.33 10,052.39 9,223.48 8,956.03 Expenses Board of Education. Census. 494.45 721.40 456.68 893.^0 1,062.68 1,346.06 898.44 2,367.55 2,068.93 1,812.36 1,611.47 1,958.75 2,077.04 2,811.82 2,976.26 3,963.61 1,991.91 3,967.72 2,949.62 7,424.37 6,283.37 8,316.22 7,828.02 3,433.53 All Other Expenses. 8,488.62 8,516.63 8, 790. 89 9,476.06 12.051.45 3, 737. 80 5,667.16 2,985.85 2,460.28 22,621.43 22,949.64 30,253.83 18, 558. 50 21.950.38 17,224.94 22,345.00 34,329.27 17,107.47 45,776.25 23,631.11 30,111.03 39,602.79 45,973.11 41,782.49 40,070.48 46,892.90 51.733.66 42.980.84 48.752.52 65,595.68 76. 614. 52 79,026.48 93,469.58 45,227.71 18.415.22 Total for Administra- tion. *The sum of $33,412.99 was reported this year as errors in charging taxes, borrowed money, etc. B. PUBLIC SCHOOL ATTENDANCE 1870-1906. The following tables give the school population and the public school enroll- ment, 1870-1906, also the average daily attendance for certain years. The figures used have been compiled from the Census of the United States, State Reports, and newspaper files. The figures have been corrected by the elimina- tion of duplicates and the addition of omissions in the reports of certain years. Each table has an explanation showing how the figures have been obtained. V. RURAL AND CITY SCHOOL POPULATION BASED ON U. S. CENSUS 1870-1906. (SCHOOL AND ENROLLMENT AGE, 6-21 YEARS). Year. White Colored School School Popula- Popula- tion. . tion. 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 243,463 248, 985 254,507 260, 029 265,551 271,073 276,595 282, 117 287.639 293, 161 298,687 307,980 317,273 326, 566 335, 859 345, 152 354, 445 363, 738 373,031 382,324 391.623 397,966 404, 309 410,652 416,995 423, 338 141,155 147, 421 153.687 159. 953 166,219 172, 485 178,751 185,017 191,283 197,549 203,820 207, 029 210,238 213,447 216,656 219, 865 223, 074 226,283 229,492 232,701 235,911 236, 813 237, 715 238, 617 239, 519 240,421 Total. White Enroll- ment. 384,618 396,406 408, 194 419, 982 431,770 443,558 455,346 467, 134 478, 922 490,710 502, 507 515,008 527,511 540,013 552, 515 565, 017 577,519 590,021 I 602,523 i 615,025 627, 534 634, 779 642. 024 649,269 656,514 663, 759 27.942 41,274 54, 606 81.270 94,602 107, 934 121,266 134,598 147, 930 161.262 166, 020 170. 778 175,536 180,294 185.052 189. 810 194,568 199, 326 204, 084 208, 844 214,905 220, 966 227, 027 233,088 239, 149 Colored Enroll- ment. 13,970 22, 089 30,208 38. 327 46,446 54,565 62,684 70,803 78. 922 87,041 95,160 97.346 99.532 101.718 103, 904 106,090 108, 276 110,462 112,648 114.834 117,017 118,416 119.815 121.214 122.613 124,012 Total Enroll- ment. 41,912 63, 363 84,814 106,265 127, 716 149, 167 170,618 192,069 213, 520 234,971 256. 422 263,366 270,310 277.254 284. 198 291, 142 298, 086 305. 028 311.974 318,918 325, 861 333,321 340. 781 348, 241 355, 701 363. 161 y " 3 O Oh cSPhH 11 V. Rural and City School Population— Cowfinwed. Year. White School Popula- tion. Colored School Popula- tion. Total. White Enroll- ment. Colored Enroll- ment. Total Enroll- ment. Percent- age of Population Enrolled. 1896 429,681 436,024 442,367 448,710 455,060 461,403 467.746 474,089 480,432 486,775 493, 119 241,323 242,225 243,127 244,029 244, 936 245,838 246,740 247,642 248,544 249.446 250,349 671,004 678,249 685,494 692,739 699.996 707,241 714, 486 245.210 251.271 257.332 263,393 278.447 293.332 S1 1 917 125,411 126,810 128.209 129,606 131.005 135.228 138.452 142,036 146,899 148,821 152,400 370.621 378.081 385, 541 392, 999 409.452 428,560 449,669 457.659 467.498 474,111 483.180 .55 1897 56 1898 - % 1899 56 1900 .58 1901 61 1902 - .63 1903 721,731 ; 315,623 728,976 320,599 736,221 325,290 743,468 330,780 63 1904 ._ . .64 1905 - - .65 1906 .68 The population figures in the above table for 1870, 1880, 1890, and 1900 are taken from the United States Census. The figures for the intervening years are estimates, based on the figures for the census years. The population figures from 1900 to 1906 are also estimates, based on the increase in school population from 1890 to 1900. The enrollment figures for 1870, 1880, and 1890 are those of the Census of the Ujiited States. The enrollment figures for the intervening years are estimates, based on the figures of the census years. The enrollment figures from 1890 to 1900 are estimates based on the State reports and those of the United States Commissioner of Education, while the figures for 1900-190G are those of the State reports of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, cor- rected as far as possible by supplying omissions and eliminating duplicates. 12 VI. INCREASE IN SCHOOL POPULATION 1870-1906. The following table shows the increase in school population 1870-1906 1870. 1880. 1890. 1900. 1906. 1 071 361 1 399 750 1, 617, 947 1,893 810 2,088 115 White — -- - - 687, 470 867,242 1, 055, 382 1,263,603 1,392,773 Colored - - -- - - - 392, 891 532, 508 562, 565 630, 207 695, 342 384,618 243, 463 502,507 298, 687 627,534 391 623 699, 996 743,468 493, 119 White -- — 455, 060 141, 155 203,820 235, 911 244, 936 250, 349 Percentage of total population of school 35.9 35.9 38.7 36.9 35.6 Percentage white population of school 35.9 34.5 37.1 36.0 35.4 Percentage colored population of school , 35. 9 I 38.3 41.9 38.9 36.0 T/^+qI inr-voaao ir> cr-linnl nnmilntion. 1870-1880 117,889 55.224 62,665 125,027 92,936 32,091 72,462 63,437 9,025 43,472 38.059 5,413 White Colored - White Colored White ' Colored White Colored 13 CHILDREN OF SCHOOL AGE 1900. (CENSUS OF U. S. 1900), White and Colored. Age. 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years 11 years 12 years 13 years 14 years 15 years 16 years 17 years 18 years 19 years 20 years Total 6-16 inclusive 16-20 inclusive Male. Female. Total. 27,865 25,758 25,749 23,750 25, 148 22,428 23,801 22, 552 21,960 22,015 22,788 20,877 22.965 19, 687 22,088 56, 170 52,424 52,329 48,311 51, 136 45,775 48,473 45,576 44,365 44,068 45, 189 42,085 44,993 37,562 41,240 349,431 263, 814 85, 617 699, 696 533,816 165,880 White. Male. Female. Total 18, 543 17, 517 17, 422 16,397 16, 978 15,995 15,6C0 15, 164 14, 521 14, 501 14,756 13,925 14, 108 11, 874 12,663 230,024 177,454 52, 570 17,942 16, 637 16, 762 15,782 16,291 15,086 15,054 14,499 14, 047 14, 122 14,485 13,491 14,428 12,829 13,581 225, 036 170,707 54,329 36,485 34,154 34, 184 32,179 33,269 31,081 30,714 29,663 28,568 28, 623 29,241 27,416 28,536 24, 703 26,244 455, 060 348, 161 106, 899 Colored. Male. Female. Total. 9,762 9,149 9,158 8,164 9.010 7,352 9,012 7,860 7,884 7,552 7,645 7,283 7,920 6,001 6,489 120,241 92, 548 27.693 9,121 8,9S7 7,968 8,857 7,342 8,747 8,053 7,913 7,893 8,303 7,386 8,537 6,858 8,507 19,685 18,270 18,145 16, 132 17, 867 14, 694 17,759 15,913 15, 797 15,445 15, 948 14,669 16,457 12,859 14, 996 124,395 93, 107 31,288 244, 636 185,£55 58, 981 TABLE VII. SCHOOL POPULATION AND ENROLLMENT 1870-1906. (STATE REPORTS). Year. White School Population. Colored School Population. Total School Population. White Enrollment. Colored Enrollment. Total Enrollment. 1870 229,033 291,770 370, 144 403,812 439,431 448,304 453,807 457,654 463,513 469,646 475,477 113.135 167,554 216,524 . 217,437 218,518 219,677 220,408 221,301 221,545 226, 976 231,051 342, 168 459,325 586,668 621,249 657,949 667,981 674,215 678, 955 685,058 696,622 706,528 32,869 164,481 205,844 245.413 278,447 293,332 311,217 315,623 320, 599 325,290 330,780 16,434 107.397 116,689 128,150 131,005 135,228 138,452 142,036 146,899 148,821 152,400 49,303 271,878 322,533 373,563 409,452 428, 560 449,669 457,659 467,498 474, 111 483,180 1880 1890 1895- . - — - 1900 - - 1901—*- 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 ' - According to the above table, after supplying all apparent inaccuracies in our State reports, it will be seen that the school population of 1870 is Jt2,Jf50 less than that given in the preceding taMe, which is taken- from the United States Census of 1870. The school population in 1880 as given above is 43,182 14 less than the United States Census for ISSO, while the school populatiou for 1890 is SOJilo more than ihe United States Census gives it and the school population of 1900 is ',2,047 less than the United States Census of 1900. Jt will be seen also that the school population of the years succeeding 1900 is much too small, if the United States Census figures for 1900 are correct and if our school population since 1900 has increased as fast as it did during the years between 1890 and 1900. It will also be observed that the school enroll- ment given in the above table is the same as that of the preceding table except for the years 1870, 1880, and 1890. The State reports for those years are inaccurate and include duplicate enrollments and omissions. The figures given have been corrected as far as it is now possible to correct them. The figures in Table V are much more reliable than those given in the above table, which are included in this study to show the approximate errors of our Edu- cational Reports 1870-1904. VIII. AVERAGE DAILY ATTENDANCE 1870-1906. Year. White Average Daily Attendance. Colored Average Daily Attendance. Total Average Daily Attendance. Per Cent. Enrollment in Daily Attendance, White. Per Cent. Per Cent. Enrollment Enrollment in Daily in Daily Attendance, Attendance, Colored. all Schools. 1870 1880 - 114,972 132, 108 153, 846 159,620 166,500 174, 552 182,500 189,600 196,898 205,517 65, 790 72,500 75,900 77,300 78,700 80, 100 81,500 82,900 83,390 87,529 179, 762 204,608 229,746 236,920 245,200 254,652 264,000 272,500 280,288 293.046 .71 .63 .64 .57 .59 .59 .58 .59 .60 .62 .69 61 70 1890 R9 1895 1900 .61 ! .63 59 58 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 — - .58 .59 .58 .59 .57 .58 .56 .58 .57 - .59 58 61 The figures in the above table 1870-1904 are estimates, based on the State reports, which are very inaccurate. The figures for these years are probably much too large, especially for the years 1880, 1890, and 1895. The figures for 190.5 and 1906 are approximately correct. C. HOUSES, DISTRICTS, SCHOOLS, TERM, TEACHERS, IX. SCHOOL-HOUSES AND VALUE 1870-lOOG. RURAL. Year. 1870- 1880- 1890- 1895- 1900- 1901- 1902- 1903- 1904- 1905- 1906- 1880- 1890- 1895- 1900- 1905- 1906- White I , Colored School i School Houses. I Houses. 1,200 3,325 4.057 4,524 4,898 5,049 5,028 5,000 4,999 5,011 5,053 600 1,257 1,860 2,169 2,200 2,265 2,236 2, 188 2,202 2,198 2,201 Total School Housed. 1,800 4,425 5,917 6,693 7,098 7,314 7,264 7.188 7,201 7,209 7,254 Value White School Property. 161, 169 612.304 800,000 850,250 880,000 950,000 1,025,000 1,168,000 1.390,977 1,610,095 Value Colored School Property. 180.000 220,000 265,000 266,000 268,000 270, 000 271,000 273.368 299,859 Total Value of School Property. 227,404 792, 304 1,020,000 1,115,250 1,146,000 1,218,000 1,295,000 1,439,000 1,664,345 1,909,954 CITY. 3 12 18 40 104 122 167 193 16, 500 210, 000 285,000 485,000 1,321,135 1,589.500 500 42.300 65,000 95, 000 197,438 225,600 17,000 252, 300 350, 000 580, 000 1,518,573 1,815,100 In 1880 the total value of all public school property in North Carolina was $244,404 ; in 1906 it was $3,725,054. During the past six j-ears the rural school property has increased $794,704 and the city school property $1,235,100, a total gain of $2,029,804 in school property for six years. 16 X. RURAL SCHOOL DISTRICTS AND SCHOOLS 1870-1906. Year. White School Districts. ^cP^e^? Total bchool { r)i7 $ 14,160 13,020 11,970 3,450 30, 1902. From December 1, 1902, to November 30, 1904. Froni December 1, 1904, to November 30, 1906. From December 1, 1902, to November 230 30. 1906. Total- - _ - ^0\J ^,-^.. |- - - „ The Rural School Library Law was passed by the Legislature of 1901, and the law establishing supplementary libraries was passed in 1903. 19 XV. STATE AID TO PUBLIC EDUCATION AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 1870-1906. Name and Date. Sup- port.* Improve- ments.* Total.* Authority for Appropriation and Nature of Improvements. 1870 and 1871. Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institu- $ 80,000 $ 6,000 $ 86,000 Steam heat, drainage, fire protec- tion; Chapter 15, Laws 1869-70, and Chapter 138, Laws 1870-71. Repairs at white institution. $5,000; colored building, $5,000; lot donated colored school by State; Chapter 98. Laws 1871-72, and Chapters 59, 124 and 135, Laws 1872-73. Repairs on white building, $3,000; colored building, $6,500; lot donated colored school by State; Chapter 59, Laws 1873-74, Chap- ter 104, Laws 1874-75. Chapters 236 and 252, Laws 1874-75; donation of land scrip fund and unclaimed dividends de- clared by corporations, etc. Laws 1877, Chapters 156 and 273. Laws 1877. Chapter 234. Laws 1877, Chapter 234. Total 80,000 100, 000 6,000 10,000 86,000 110,000 1872 and 1873. Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institu- tion Total 100, 000 125,000 10,000 9,500 110,000 134, 500 1874, 1875 and 1876. Deaf. Dumb and Blind Institu- tion University North Carolina Total 1877 and 1878. Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institu- 125.000 85,000 4,000 4,000 9,500 134, 500 85,000 4,000 4,000 Total 93,000 65,000 4,000 4,000 , 93,000 65,000 4,000 4.000 1879 and 1880. Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institu- Chapters 70 and 187, Laws 1879. Chapter 234, Laws 1877. Chapter 234, Laws 1877. Total 73,000 68,000 4,000. 10,000 8,000 4,000 73.000 68,000 4,000 10,000 8,000 4,000 1881 and 1882. Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institu- Chapters 96 and 211. Laws 1881. Chapter 141, Laws 1881. Chapter 141, Laws 1881. Chapter 141, Laws 1881. Chapter 141, Laws 1881. University of North Carolina Colored Normal Schools -- - White Normals Total - - 94,000 72, 000 94,000 77,000 4,000 10,000 8, 000 4,000 1883 and 1884. Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institu- 5,000 Chapter 228, Laws 1883 ; repairs on white and colored buildings. Chapter 141, Laws 1881. Chapter 141, Laws 1881. Chapter 141, Laws 1881. Chapter 141, Laws 1881. 4,000 10,000 University of North Carolina 8,000 4,000 White Noi-mals Total 98,000 5,000 103,000 ■ These figures are all for two years, except 1874-76, which are for three years. 20 XV. State Aid to Public Education— Continued. Name and Date. Sup- port.* Improve- ments.* Total.* Authority for Appropriation and Nature of Improvements.^ 1885 and 1886. Deaf. Dumb -and Blind Institu- tion $ 72, 000 40,000 8,000 8,000 $ 5,000 $ 77,000 40,000 8.000 8,000 Chapter 186, Laws 1885; repairs on white and colored buildings. Chapter 143, Laws 1885. Chapter 141, Laws 1881. Chapter 143, Laws 1885. Chapter 308, Laws 1885, authorizes State Board of Agriculture to aid establishment of Industrial School. University of North Carolina White Normals A. and M. College (white) Total 1887 ar.rl 1888 128,000 5,000 133,000 Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institu- tion 1 74,000 University of North Carolina -- 40, 000 Colored Normal Schools j 17, 000 White Normals 1 8,000 A. and M. College (white) Total 1 74,000 Chapter 186, Laws 1887. 1889 and 1890. Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institu- tion University of North Carolina — Colored Normal Schools White Institutes A. and M. College (white) Total 139,000 80,000 40, OOQ 17,000 8,000 40,000 17,000 8,000 139.000 Chapter 143, Laws 1885 and Chap- ter 141, Laws 1881. Chapters 400 and 408, Laws 1887, and former laws. Chapter 143, Laws 1885. Chapter 410, Laws 1887, transfers Land Scrip Fund to Industrial School. 80,000 j Chapter 327, Laws 1889, 40,000 17,000 8,000 1891 and 1892. Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institu- tion Chapter 143. Laws 1885, and Chap- ter 141, Laws 1881. Chapters 400 and 408, Laws 1887, and former laws. Chapter 200, Laws 1889. See former laws. University of North Carolina --- Colored Normal Schools White Institutes A. and M. College (white) A. and M. College (colored) State Normal and Industrial College 145,000 |- 80,000 I 40,000 17,000 4,000 145,000 5,000 20,000 Deaf and Dumb School, Morgan- ton Total 1893 and 1894. Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institu- tion 5,000 10, 000 20,000 81,000 Chapters 230 and 4C9, Laws 1891; repairs and refurnishing build- ings. 45,000 Chapter 402. Lav/s 1891. and for- mer laws ; repairs on buildings. Cited above. 156, 000 46, 000 1 80,000 j 10,000 University of North Carolina 40, 000 20, 000 Colored Normal Schools i 17,000 17, 000 4.000 20.000 5,000 10, 000 20,000 202, 000 90, 000 60, 000 17,000 Cited above. Chapter 348, Laws 1891; buildings and land. Chapter 549, Laws 1891. Chapter 139. Laws 1891. Chapter 399, Laws 1891; buildings. Chapter 224, Laws 1893. Chapter 181, Laws 1893. and former laws; repairs and water-works. Cited above. ' These figures are all for two years, except 1874-76. which are for three years. 21 XV. State Aid to Public Education— Coniinwed. Name and Date. Sup- port. Improve- ments.* Total. Authority for Appropriation and Nature of Improvements. A. and M. College (white) -- A. and M. College (colored) State Normal and Industrial Col lege $ 20,000 5,000 25,000 Deaf and Dumb School, Morgan ton CuUowhee Normal School Total 1895 and 1896. Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institu- tion University of North Carolina - Colored Normal Schools A. and M. College (white) A. and M. College (colored) -- State Normal and Industrial Col- lege . Deaf and Dumb School, Morgan- ton Cullowhee Normal School Total 1897 and 1898. Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institu- tion University of North Carolina - Colored Normal Schools A. and M. College (white) A. and M. College (colored) State Normal and Industrial College ^ Deaf and Dumb School, Mor- ganton Cullowhee Normal School Total 1899 and 1900. Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institu- tion University of North Carolina Colored Normal Schools A. and M. College (white) 3,000 80,000 40,000 21,000 20,000 10,000 25.000 70, 000 3,000 269.000 80,000 50, 000 29,000 20,000 10,000 50, 000 70,000 3,000 312,000 105, 000 50, 000 29,000 20,000 10, 000 9,000 70,000 119, 000 9.000 10,000 22,350 41,350 57,500 5,000 20,000 $ 20.000 15.000 34.000 70, 000 3,000 309, 000 89,000 40,000 21,000 20,000 10,000 35,000 92,350 3,000 82,500 30,000 310.350 137,500 50, 000 29,000 25,000 10, 000 50,000 90, 000 3,000 394,500 135,000 57, 500 29,000 20,000 Chapter 378. Laws 1893. Cited above, also Chapter 252, Laws 1893: buildings. Cited above, also Chapter 182, Laws 1893; debts. Chapter 203, Laws 1893; build- ings, etc. Chapter 120, Private Laws 1893. Chapter 219, Laws 1895, and former laws; $2,000 for repairs on chapel of white school and $7,000 for colored buildings. Cited above. Chapters 393 and 457. Laws 1895. Chapter 145, Laws 1895. Chapter 146, Laws 1895. Chapter 220, Laws 1895; infirmary and additions to dining-room, etc. Chapter 175, Laws 1895; debts and industrial equipment. Cited above. Chapters 152 and 207, Laws 1897. etc.; dormitory white, and new building for colored schools. Chapter 171, Laws 1897, and former laws. Chapter 443, Laws 1897, and former laws. Chapter 535, Laws 1897. and former laws ; hospital and new boiler. Chapter 486, Laws 1897. Chapter 165, former laws. Chapter 197, former laws Cited above. Laws 1897, and Laws 1897, and school building. Chapter 664, Laws 1899; light, boilers, dormitory for white school ; dormitory and heat for colored school. Cited above and Chapter 610. Laws 1899 ; water-works. Cited above. Cited above. These figures are all for two years, except 1874-76, which are for three years. XV. State Aid to Public Ebvcation— Continued. Name and Date. Sup- port.* Improve- ments.* Total.* Authority for Appropriation and Nature of Improvements. A. and M. Colleg-e (colored) State Normal and Industrial College Deaf and Dumb School, Mor- $ 10,000 50,000 80,000 3,000 200,000 $ 5,000 7,000 $ 10,000 55,000 87,000 3,000 200,000 Cited above. Chapter 509, Laws 1899, etc.; li- brary and gymnasium. Chapter 677, Laws 1899 ; heat, light, cold-storage, additions to industrial department. Cited above Cullowhee Normal School Public Schools Chapter 637 Laws 1899 Total - 547,000 110,000 7?; nnn 49,500 20,000 596,500 30,000 75,000 29,000 50,522 20,000 105,000 87,000 8.000 395,000 5.000 1901 and 1902. Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institu- tion : Chapter 737, Laws 1901; wells. gymnasium, deficit. Chapter 737. Laws 1901. Colored Normal Schools ^^ ^<^^ A. and M. College (white) A. and M. College (colored) State Normal and Industrial College- - - 20,000 10,000 50,000 80,000 3,000 395,000 5,000 30,522 10,000 55,000 7,000 5.000 Chapter 737, Laws 1901; textile building and debt. Chapter 737, Laws 1901; repairs, etc. Chapter 737. Laws 1901; debt, practice school, etc. Chapter 737, Laws 1901; water- works and fire protection. Chapter 737, Laws 1901; buildings. Chapter 543, Laws 1901. Chapter 662, Laws 1901. Deaf and Dumb School, Mor- ganton Cullowhee Normal School Public Schools Rural Libraries Total - - 777,000 120,000 75,000 29,000 20,000 15,000 80,000 85,000 4,000 392.500 7,500 4.000 127.522 10,050 7,500 904,522 130,050 82.500 29.000 88,786 15,000 118,000 90,000 6,000 392,500 7.500 5,500 1903 and 1904. Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institu- tion- -- Chapter 402, Laws 1903; deficit, etc. Chapter 402, Laws 1905; water- works, physics department. University of North Carolina — A. and M. College (white) A. and M. College (colored) 68, 786 Chapter 402, Laws 1905; replacing burned buildings, debts, etc. Chapter 402, Laws 1905. Chapter 402, Laws 1903, and Chapter 737, Laws 1901; repairs and practice school. Chapter 402. Laws 1903; deficit, etc. Chapter 402, Laws 1903; buildings. Chapter 543, Laws 1901, and Chap- ter 751, Laws 1903. Chapter 226, Laws 1903. Chapter 798, Laws 1903; buildings. State Normal College— _- 38.000 5,000 2,000 Deaf and Dumb School, Mor- gan ton Cullowhee Normal School Public Schools Appalachian Training School — 1.500 Total - - 832.000 120,000 90,000 29,000 132,836 15,050 50,000 964,836 135,050 140,000 29,000 1905 and 1906. Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institu- Chapter 515. Laws 1905 ; hospitals. cold stoi-age, repairs, etc. Chapter 515. Laws 1905 ; chemical laboratory. Cited above. University of North Carolina Colored Normal Schools These figures are all for two years, except 1874-76, which are for three years. 23 XV. State Aid to Public Education— Conimwed. Name and Date. A. and M. College (white) A. and M. College (coloz-ed) -,— State Normal and Industrial College Deaf and Dumb School, Morgan- ton Cullowhee Normal School Public Schools Rural Libraries Appalachian Training School — Total Sup- port.* Improve- ments.* Total.* $ 50,000 $ 5,000 $ 55,000 15,000 7,500 22,500 80,000 112,000 192,000 85,000 5,000 90,000 6,000 3,500 9,500 392,500 392 500 7,500 7,500 8,000 4,000 4,000 879,000 202,050 1,081,050 Authority for Appropriation and Nature of Improvements. Chapter 515, Laws 1905; textile machinery. Chapter 515, Laws 1905; dormitory. Chapter 515, Laws 1905 ; laundry, heating, burned building re- placed. Chapter 515, Laws 1905; roads, laundry machinery, etc. Chapter 515, Laws 1905 ; furniture and heating. Cited above. Cited above. Chapter 515, Laws 1905; buildings. * These figures are all for two years, except 1874-76, which are for three years. SUMMARY OF STATE AID TO EDUCATION 1870-1906. 1870-71 $ 86,000 1872-73 110,000 1874-76 134,500* 1877-78 93,000 1879-80 73,000 1881-82 94,000 1883-84 103,000 1885-86 133,000 1887-88 139,000 1889-90 145,000 1891-92 202,000 1893-94 309,000 1895-96 310,350 1897-98 394,500 1899-1900 596,500 1901-02. 904,522 1903-04 964,836 1905-06 l,081,050t * Three years. t By dividing the figures in this column by two, the amount paid out of the State Treasury each year will be ascertained. No sums paid to the University or to the A. and M. Colleges on account of appropriations from U. S. Government or any sums appropriated by the North Carolina Agricultural Department to any of these schools is included in this table. For the two years, 1907-08, the sum of $1,391,100 has been appropriated for education. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 022 118 210 8 i