f;4}t aiin sj {n jiga{StigS!aBiBBi{effiS{aig{aa{aiai«sts{^i^^ Book £Lfe>i Copyright N°- COPYRIGin" DEPOSIT. MANUAL OF EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING ADOPTED BY NDUSTRIAL AND GRADED SCHOOLS. BY MARGARET J. BLAIR, Author of " Sewing and Garment Drafting," Instructor of Sewing in the School of Agriculture, University of Minnesota. FIRST EDITION. ST. PAUL, MINN.: WEBB PUBLISHING CO., 1904. LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two Copies Received DEC 19 1904 y Couyrii;ni tntry /OoAt ;:^$.^^o^*- one row of holes and over the next three make a r(»w of catstitching using the red cotton. In this row begin at the left, hold the thread under the thumb of the left hand and |)ut the needle down throuiih the second hole and up through the first. Carry the thread across and put it doAvn through the iliird hole in the third row of holes and up through the second. Carrv tlu^ thread across to the fourth hole in the first row and continue as before until the row is finished. This stitch is sometimes called "herring- bone" and is used to catch open the seams of flannels, in patching flannel and on raw edged hems, to avoid the ridge formed by folding the edge. EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. 7 Skip one row and make another row of overcast- ing like the previous one. Skip two rows of holes and in the next one make a row of chainstitchi np: nsing Ihe orange cotton. This stitch is worked towards you. Hold the thi'oad nnder the thumb of the left hand and put the needle down through the first hole and up through the second, bringing it out over the thread. Insert the needle again in the second hole, putting it down at the right of the point where the thread leaves the canvas, thus holding it in place. Come up through the next hole, bringing the needle over the thread as before. This results in a series of stitches resembling the links of a chain. The stitches should be uniform and not drawn too tightly. C'hainstitching is a method of embroidering often used for outlining patterns. Skip a row of holes and over the next three make a row of featherstitching, using the blue cotton. This stitch is also worked towards you. Hold the thread under the thumb of the left hand, put the needle down through the first hole in the top row and bring it up through the second hole in the middle row, bring- ing the needle out over the thread. Take the second stitch on the opposite side, pointing the needle toward the middle row of holes. For the second stitch the needle should enter the canvas in the third row of holes opposite the second one in the middle row, and come up through the third hole in the middle and over the 8 EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. thread, which is held down bv the thumb. Continue in the same manner until the row is completed. Two or more stitches instead of one may be taken on each side. Feather stitch or brier stitch is often used in embroidery and fancy work, as well as in sew- ing. It is used very often in finishing the seams, hems and tucks of flannel garments. The beauty of featherstitching is in uniformity of the stitch. Skip one row of holes and make another one of chainstitching like the previous one. Skip one row of holes and over the next three make the loop stitch, using the red cotton. This stitch is worked from left to right, holding, the edge of the material towards you. Hold the thread under the thumb and put the needle down through the first hole and up through the second one beneath it, bringing it out over the thread. Repeat this process until the row is completed. Loo]) stitch is used to secure and ornament the edges of wool- en materials. It is also used for working the edges of doilies by making the stitches close together. The row of running stitches being in the middle of the model, repeat all the other stitches on the other half of the model. Overcast the ends of the model with the red cotton, leavino- half an inch for fringinsf. MODEL II. KUNNI^G STITCH. Object: To learn the running stitch and its use. Material: A piece of striped gingham or half- bleached muslin ; size 0x3 inches, needles ]^o. 8, thread N'o. 60 (red). Turn a half incli fold on one edge of the muslin and, beginning at the right to sew, take several small Model IT — Running Stitch. even stitches upon the needle at a time and sew across, keeping the line of sewing one-eighth of an inch from the fold or following the stitch in the gingham. Great care should be taken to fasten the thread firmly and neatly. This is done by taking two stitches in the same place, one over the other. 10 EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. A second row of stitclies shonld be made one-half inch below tlie first. The teacher .should work for reg- ularity of stitch and of spaces, and if the stitches are exactly even, as tliev shonld be, the work will look the same on both sides. Running, which is composed of small stitches of eqnal size, is nsed in seams that are not subject to mncli strain, in darning, and in oatherins'. MODEL III. BASTIXG STITCHES. (Jhjeci: To leani liow to baste. Materia]: Gingliam or lialf-bleaclied muslin 6 by (i inches, needle 'No. 8, thread No. 60 (red). Turn a half inch fold on one side of the mnslin; coiuincnce at the right and baste across the material one-eighth of an inch from the edge. In basting the knot is left on the rii>'ht side so as to be easilv removed Model III — Basting Stitch. when the basting threads are cnt and drawn from the work. The thread is fastened the same as in rmining. The first stitches in the model are small, even 12 EXERCISES IN HAND SEWINCx. basting stitches, one-eighth of an inch nnderneath bv one-eighth inch on top. This method of basting is nsed for the seams of any garment that is to be fitted. The next is an nneven basting stitch one-eighth inch nnderneath and one-fourth incli above. This is nsed for basting seams that are to be overhanded. Then comes an uneven basting, one-eighth inch bv one-half inch wliich is used for basting hems or seams for machine sewing. The next basting, which is composed of three stitch- es, each one-eighth inch long and a stitch three-fourths inch, is used for basting the seams of skirts, and gives firmness for fitting. A pupil should be taught the need of basting all work before it is sewed, since basting stitches keep the work in place and the line of basting should be so straight that it will serve as a guide for the stitching. MODEL IV. SEWED SEAM. Exercise: A basting; B sewing; C overcasting. Object: To learn how to sew a seam. Materials: Two pieces of gingham or unbleached muslin 3 by 6 inches, ISTo. 8 needle and No. 60 thread (red). Place the two pieces of material together and baste one-fourth inch from the edge, using an uneven basting Model IV — Sewed Seam. stitch. Sew just below the basting, taking three or four short running stitches of even length. In the next three commence with a back stitch by inserting the needle where it left the cloth in the next to the last 14 EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING, stiteli of the previous three ruiniiiig stitches. Continue sewing in the same manner until the seam is finished. Fasten the tliread as in running. Jn this seam tlie pupil shdulfl he taught to seAV without a knot, hut to fasten the tliread l)y taking oiu' stitch, di'awing the thread near- ly through the material, then taking one or two stitches hack to where the first was started. Finish the seam by overcasting the edges so that they will not fray or ravel. Before overcasting the seam, the edges, if they have raveled very much, may he carefully trimmed. The overcasting is begun with a knot which is concealed by taking the first stitch from the inside of the piece nearest tlie seam sewed. Beginning at the left make the stitches over the raw edge. When properly made the overcasting stitches should be uniform, the distance lietween them and the d(']ith l>eing the same. MODEL V. BAG. Object: To teach overliaiiding'. Exercises: A, overlianding ; B, hLMummg; C, inni- iiing. Materials: Giiigliani 5 by IS inches, thread No. 70 (white), needle Ko. 8. First make a lunii on the twr> long sides of the ging- ham, teaching the pupil to turn over the edge one- eighth inch, creasing it and then tnrn the fold down the desired width for the hem and baste it. In this place the hem shonld l)e but a little more than one-eighth inch in width. When hemming the pn])il shonld be taught always to insert the needle at the same angle and to take the same quantity of material on the needle. The space between the stitches should always be the same. In hemming the knot can be hidden in the hem. Take up two threads of the material, slant the needle nj) through the edge of the fold. For the next stitch insert the needle very nearly underneath the point where the thread left the material and proceed as be- fore. Across the ends make hems one and three-fourths 16 EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. mm 4 »M^%i " inches wide. Baste the sides of the bag together and overhand the seams u|) to the wide hems. Hold the work firmly between the thnmb and fore- finger of the left hand, never over the first finger, as " - "^ '^ ■*• ■>♦ * • « < M«k «'*^^ »«"* ^s • is % 4i ^.4 ««««»<> t •«"«!« Sit i^te%B-\^»> '«««•»»« 4 »§*»«' * « « « Si! » ii" '« HIS « « ^ » » 8 le ti '^ Si>-9 f - - . ,, . ^,»»•8«»«#«SLil'»*l^•«s■ . -If ' « a:«' rn « II » « » s «.« US) iB . « i -^ ■"***'*'• ••••»»*«* e-s a s-jp; i^^SSSl^'^ ***'*••*••***■•*■■** N|nl"iNHt seAystetJk 3«.« h » s»»**^- * » -a ««• # IMI |K«. «-•>'.»# »■»'§.» »4t •-».»•«■• *»• * Ml IDE r. V — Bag. in a long seam ^ will come ont nnevenly. Com- mence at tlic right to sew. Pnt the needle through both edges at right angles with the seam and with the point towards the seamstress. The stitches shonld not be too far apart, too dee]), nor too tightly drawn, or a 'y\\mSmsj)\\ STITCHES ON CANVAS. EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. 17 ridge will be formed when the seam is opened. One- qiuirter inch above the hemming of the wide hems put in a row of running stitches, thus forming a space for the cord or tape. In order that the bag may be easily opened, or closed, two pieces of the cord or tape are used. Insert one in the space prepared for it, carry it through both sides and out at the same place from which it started. The other cord goes in on the oppo- site side, also coming out where it entered. The place where the cord or tape is juined should be hidden in the hem. MODEL VI. THREE-COEXEKKl) DAEX. Exercise: A. dai'iiing; ]>, loop-stitcli. Object : To learii liow to mend a tear. Materials: Piece flannel 4 by 4 inches, thread same color as flannel, 'Xo. GO, No. 8 needle, mercerized spool cotton. Cnt a three-cornered hole in the flannel (Fig. VI) th(-u wirli thread the same color draw the corners neatly togethei- with several rnnning stitches, holding the tear firmly between the thnnd) and first finger of the left hand, to prevent the edges from raveling. The corners in plac(\ draw the sides of the tear to- gether in the same manner. IJegin darning at one end using line i-inining stitches. Care shonld he taken to cariw tlie thread the same distance from the tear, each time, ami not to draw the ihrcad. lagged edges shonld not be cut away but darned down. Always darn on the right side, and when finished press on the wrong side. If it is well done it can scarcely be noticed. Finish the edge of the model with the loop stitcli. nsing the mercerized cotton. Bring the needle nj) throuiih the edo-e of the matei'ial and holding the tlii'ead EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. 19 (luwii with the thiiinh of the k't't hand, insert the neecUe i}i the material again at the desired depth and bring it ont (jver tlie threaih Proceed in the same manner to tlie MODEI, vi — Three C'okneijed I)arx. corner where one stitch slionld come directly over the corner, and in the stitch ])receding and the one following the needle is inserted in the material at the same point. This stitch is worked tVoni left to riolit. ^FODEL VII SlIKKT. MODEL VII. MODEL SHEET. Exercise: A, turning hems; B, basting; C, licni- niing. Object: To learn bow to beni. Materials: White muslin (> bv 10 inches. White thread No. 80, needle No. 9. Turn and baste a hem one-eighth of an inch wide on the lengthwise sides of the model. Hem these hems and for the top of the sheet tnrn a hem one and one-half inches wide and for the foot one that is one-half incli wide. The ends of hems slioidd be overhanded togeth- er. M'atliering and putting on a band. Materials: Gingliam 7 by 7; thread No. 80 (wliite), needle No. 9. Baste and lieni a hem one-eighth of an inch wide on each side of the apron. Across the bottom of the apron make a hem three-fourths of an inch deep. Fold the apron to tind the middle, notching it at the top, take on the needle at a time as many small miming stitches as possible. Draw the stitches together on the needle and fasten the thread by winding it over and under the eye and point of the needle. Then hold the gathers between the thumb and iinger of the left hand, and with the other pnll each gather in place. Unwind the thread and pnll the nredle through. Repeat with each needleful. Place the notch to the middle of the band and spread the gath.ers so that they will cover a space three and one half inches wide. Holding the gathers toward yon, baste and then half backstitch them to the band. Fold over the band so as to cover the gathers and turn in the edges. When basted, overhand the ends and edges of the band, but hem it down across the gath- ers. MODEL X. MODEL TOWEL. Exercises: A, drawing threads; B, hems; C, hem- stitching; D, sewing on tape. Object: To teach how tn hemstitch, and sew a tape on a toweL Materials : Crash or ghiss toweling -t bv 7 inches, tape 3 inches, thread Xo. (:!0 (white), needle Xo. 8. Measnre np from the edge one and one-fonrth inch- es, and with the point ot" the needle pick ont one of the coarser threads, removing it cai'cfnlly with the right hand, so as not to break it. Six threads shoidd bo drawn. Make narrow hems on each side of the towel and then turn the hems at the ends, creasing the edge one-eighth of an inch and baste them even with the threads tirst drawn. Fasten the threads in the hem at the left side, and pointing the needle towards von, take np fonr or live of the cross threads. Draw the needle throngh and take one stitch as in ordinary hem- ming, being carefnl not to take the stitch too deep. Repeat this nntil the hem is completed. . As both edges of the draAvn threads are to be hemstitched, repeat the operation on the other side. Hemstitching is one of the neatest methods of hnishing the ends of towels. EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. 27 Overhand the ends of the tape together, a little more than the depth of the hem. Place the overhand- ing on the tape to the middle of the hem, so that the f"fft^tifitT*f »Jff ttttfTTiTTtrtt *A04*Aii*AiA'ii*^**«'^'A**"'*'**'*A|> - -■■■•J MooKL X — Towel. raw edges will he towards the end. Stitch it down. Then turn tlie tape back so as to cover the stitching and hem it down all around. This will prevent the tape from pulling oif easily. A linen or cotton tape should be used for towels. MODEL XI. OVERHAND PATCH. Object : To teaeli how to set in a })ateli. Exercises: A, basting; B, overhanding ; L\ over- castins:. Model XI — Ovekhand Patch. Materials: Blue cheeked gingham cut in two pie- ces, G by 6 and ?> bv 3 inches; thread No. 90 (white), needle 'No. 9. EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. 29 Cut out of one corner of the 6 by 6 inch piece a square 2f bv 2^ inches, then cut the corners diagonally one-eighth of an inch. Fold over one edge of the patch and one edge where it is to be joined, each one-fonrth of an inch. Place the sides together, having the folded edges even and baste. Overhand one side of the patch, remove the basting and sew the other side in the same manner. Care should be taken to exactly match the checks and not to take the stitches too deep. Press on the wrong side and if instructions are carefully followed it will not show wh('r(> patch has been set in. Overcast the raw edges of the patch. Finish the model with a hem on all sides one-eighth of an inch wide. MODEL XII. DOLL'S SKIRT. Exercises: A, drafting doll's skirt; B, basting soanis ; C, sewing seams ; D, overcasting ; E, placket liole; F, gathering; G, pntting on hand; H, hem. 1/ Model XII — r>OLL's Skikt. To draft a skirt for a doll two measnroments are required — the length and the width aronnd the hips. Hip Top of Front Bottom of Front Top of Side Gore Bottom of Side Gore 12 2 3 4 8 13 n H H H 14 H H H H 15 2f 3f 4f H 16 2i H ^ H 17 2f 3f 4f 8f 18 2f 3f 4f 8f EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. 31 Table of Measurements : Bottom of Side k,.„i. Gore ''"'^^'^ 12 12:1 12^ 12$ 12f The ineasiireiiients taken for the doll's skirt illns- ti-ated were : Hip 14 inches Length 10 inches Front : For the f i-ont, measure down to 1, one- fourth of an inch for the curve at the top, and from 1 to 2 the reipiii'ed length. From 1 measure down to 3, or to the largest part of tlie hi]i, to find the hip line, and from 3 measure out to 4, the width of the front on the hip line. From 2 measure out to 5 the width of the bottom of the front lu'cadth. Draw a line from the to]) of the ]n)]ier through 4 to 5 and mark off the length of skirt, <1, and from the bottom of the front draw a curved line froin 2 to (i. At the top meas- ni'C in ono-fourth inch to 7, and draw an outward curved line to an inch and a half al)ovc 4. Draw a curved line from 7 to ] for the toj) of the front breadth. Side Gore: For the side gore, measure down to 1, onedialf inch for the cui've at the top. From 1 measure lown tri 2 the recpiired length, and from 1 to 3 find 32 EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. the liip line. From 3 measure out to -i the wi r> Model XV — Sewing ox Ruttoxs. draw tbe needle tbrongb tbe material from tbe njiper side, onedialf incb from tlie f(dded edge, so tbat tbe knot may be concealt'd iiiub']' tbe button. Bring tbe needle up to tbe rigbt si(b> again and tbrongb a bolo in llie l)utton. Place a [)iu across tbe top of tbe button, 40 EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. leaviiiii' it tliei'e while the l)iittoii is securely sewed on. Remove the ])in which will loosen the stitches and brini^ the needle up between the button and material ; wind the thread several times around the stitches and fasten it (»n the wron >• side. rsin<>' the ])in in this way makes mom tnv tljc material when the liarment is buttoned. This method of sewine: on a button is the one most coinmonlv used. MODEL XVI. STOCKING DAENIA^G. Object: To teach the method of darning hosiery. Materials: VayA board 3f bv o^ inches. Stock- inet 3 hv -'5 inches, darning cotton, black, and same shade as the stockinet. Darning needle No. 7. iillflill MOOEI. X\'l StuCKI.NKT JtAU.N. Baste the stockinet tirmlv on the card board to pre- vent its being stretched or drawn out of shape, and cnt the hole in a line with the stitches. Remove the cut 42 EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. loops, and run a thread around the hole, aliout one- fourth of an inch from the edge. Form the warp thread of the black darning cotton, which should be very close together, by bringing the darning cotton up through the loop stitch at one edge and down through the stitch on the opposite edge. All of these stitches should be taken up so that they will not ravel back after the darn is completed, and so that there will be no roughness on the right side of the stockinet. A small loop of the darning cotton should Ije left at each end to allow for shrinkage in wasiiing. When the warp threads are all in, begin at the lower right hand side of the hole to lill in the woof threads, taking up the alternate threads of the warp. In the next row only those threads missed in the preced- ing one are taken up. The woof threads should be put in as close together as possible. Continue in the same manner until the hole is filled. Both the warp and woof threads should be carried at least one-fourth of an inch beyond the hole in the stockinet so that the darning may be firm and not pull away from the worn edges of the stockinet. MODEL XVII. RTJ^IilXG A^B BASTING. Object: To teach miming and basting, and straight sewing. Exercises: Running and basting. Materials: Unbleached or half-bleached mnslin G by 12 inches. jSTeedle ISTo. 8, thread, GO (red). Turn a half inch fold across one end of the muslin. Beginning at the right one-eighth of an inch from the edge, make a row of small even rnnning stitches. Hold the work firmly between the tlunnb and first finger of each hand, and using as free wrist motion as possible, take several stitches on the needle at a time. Continue in the same manner until the row is finished. One-half inch below the first line of running stitches, make an- other just the same. Turn a fold one-fourth of an inch wide across the other end of the model, and bring the fold up so that it will be half an inch below the last row of running stitches, basting it with white thread to hold it in place. One-eighth of an inch below the second fold, make a row of even l)asting stitches that are one-eighth of an inch underneath and one-eighth of an inch on top, using 44 EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. the red thread. This is the method of bastin,i: any ^ar- ment that is to be fitted, as a waist or jacket. The stitches being small the seams will not stretch ;'part. One-half inch below these stitches make a row of uneven basting stitches that are one-eis'hth of an V Model XVII^ kfnning and basting. inch nnderncath and one-foiii'th of an indi on to]). When hems are to be liemmed b_v hand or scams over handed, whether selvedge or a fold, they sliould be basted witli this stitch. The third row is also an uneven l)asring stitch and is one-eighth of an inch nnderncath and one-half of an EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. 45 inch on t(tp. Following this are basting stitches one- eighth l»,v tlireo-foiirths of an inch and one-half by one-half .».'.' '^i^iVtV-'A?* n- Model XXII — Towel. and stitch it on. 'I'hen tnrning the tape back so as to S3 EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. cover tlie stitching, hem it down on each side. Tliis will make it strong and not easily pulled off. A flat loop should be sewed on a jacket or skirt hand. The ends of the tape should be turned under and hemmed down. A row of back stitching made across the tape, one-eighth of an inch from the ends, will make the tape more durable. A woolen or silk tape is best for dresses. MODEL XXIII. ROLLED AND HEMSTITCHED HEMS. Object: To learii the method of making rolled jind hemstitched hems, gathering and putting on a ruffle. Exercises: Ilemminii,', hcmstitchinii", ffatherinff and baekstitehing. Materiah: Long cloth or any soft bleached mus- lin 6 by 7 inches. For the ruffle, the same material 9 by li inches. Xeedle Xo. 10, thread No. 100. The sides of this model are finished with a rolled hem, which is made by rolling the edge of the ma- terial lietween the forefinger and thund) of the left hand, lienniiing as rolled, using the plain hemming stitch. Measure up five-eighths of an iucli, and crease for a tuck. Baste a tuck three-sixteenths of an inch wide, and back stitch on the right side, making the line of stitches just below the basting. For the ruffle, measure up five-eighths of an inch from the edge and draw six threads for a hemstitched hem. ^lakc a rolled hem on the two ends of the ruffle, then baste and hemstitch tlie hem. To gather the ruffle, take as manv small runniuii' stitclics on the needle at a 60 EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. time ns possible. J )raw the stitelies toiietlier on the needle, :n:(l liold them in ])hiee bv Avindinii' the tliread ''- i Model XXIII — Rolled and Hemstitched Hems. over and niider the eye and ])(»int of the needle. Then hold tlie iialhei-s l)etween the tluimb and hnger of the left hand, and with the other })nll each gather in place. Unwind the tliread, and pull the needle through. Con- tinne in the same manner until the rnffle is gathered. All garments slionld l)e divided into fourths, be- fore ])ntting on the rntHiini'. If the rntHe is also di- EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. 61 vicleJ ill till' snuu' way and tlic divisions placed oppo- site each otluM', the fullness will be evenly divided. In bastini;- a rnlHe on a i;arnient, always hold the fullness t(nvards you, then sew on the line of "'athcrs with a half hack-stitch. Turn the seam up, and haste the tuck down over it, then backstitch. Ivnffles ])ut on with tie,' tnck are much more serv- iceable and lar.ndry better than those with the finishiug; braid or facinii. .M(lI>KL XXIV— rilKXCII liEM.S. MODEL XXIV. ERE^s^CH HEM. Object: To learn the method of lieiiiniiiig tabic damask. Exercise : Overhanding. Materials: Damask 5^ Ly 6 inches; needle No. 0, thread l^o. 80 (white). Fold a hem on two adjoining sides of the damask, from one-eighth to three-sixteenths of an inch wide, ac- cording to the qnalitj of the linen. Before begin- ning to hem open ont the hem, and fold the corner to- wards yon, creasing it one-eighth of an inch ontside of the point where the creases of the hems meet. Cut off the corner on the crease, then fold the hem at the right of the bias edge. Then, holding the wrong side tow^ard yon, fold the hem back and crease the material so as to make it even with the hem. Overhand the fold- ed edges together, being carefnl not to take the stitches too deep into the cloth, tlins preventing long stitches on the right side. Turn the hem on the second side and fold nnder the 1)ias edge on the corner and hem it down. Continue in the same way to overhand the re- maining hems on the model. MODEL XXV. MEMS ON WOOI.KX .MATERIALS AND TIIREE- COR^Tp^KED DARK Object: To loam l)liii(l liciiiiiiiiii;' iuid the slip stitch hcniiuinii-, and liow to inriid a tear. Exercises: 1 Iciiiniiiiii', daniiiii;' and the hiop stitch. Materials: Blue Alhati'oss oi- Henrietta 41 hy S inches. Spool silk letter "A" ami spnol twist letter ^'D/' the same shade as the material. JXeedles, Nos. 10 and S. Fold over the material one I'oui'tli (d' an inch to ihe riiilit side and haste ii down, then told ;i hem one inch with', hastina; not onlv th(> ednc df ihe hem hnt also the l'(dd. To mak(> a hlind hem the stitehes slionld he taken so tliev Would not show. To do this take up one or two threads (d' the mateiaal and hel'oi'e drawinii,' the needle tliron<:li taki' up one-jniirth of an inch in the fold, ('nntinue in this manner, heini^ eai'elnl not- l(. draw the threads liiihtlv. The hem on the opposite end (d' the nio(h'l is the sli]) stileli hem, winch is maile hv tirst folding o\-er the material to the wroni;' side one-eiirhth (d' an inch and haste il down, then turn a hem on<' inch wide, haslini!, it as Inr a hiimi hem; to hem it, take up a(l (tf diagonally. This hem is used on woolen nia- iMui.i;i. \,\v - KKMS MN Wool. ion MATKItlAI.S AND TlIKIOK Colt.N lOltKTl I)AltN. terials where the stitelies arc not In show on the rii^lit side. It is often nsed in hcmmiiiii,' silk or velvet. Finish the two sides of the model with the loop stiteh. 66 EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. In the center of the model cut an opening one and one-fourth inches each way, brinijino; the two cuts at right angles to each other. First draw tlie corners together, tlien holding the edges iirndv run them together (see corner and top of illustration), using the Avai']) (if the same material as that being darned. After drawing the edges of the tear together begin at the bottom to darn. Ragged edges should not be trim- med, but weave the stitches over and under so as to fold down each torn thread, being careful not to draw the thread very tight, and thus cause the darn to be- come puckered. When finished press the darn on the wrong side and if it is well done it can scarcely be noticed. Great care should be taken to have the needle and thread used for darning proportioned to the thickness of the material to be darned. Always darn on the right side of the material, and if possible use the warp of tlie material beini>' darned. MODEL XXVI. GATHEEING AND GAUGING AND PUTTING ON A BAND. Object: To learn the method of gathering, gaug- ing and putting on a band. Exercises: Hemming, gathering, gauging, half backstitching and overhanding. Materials: Long cloth or any soft bleached mus- lin, cut in three pieces, the large piece being 5^ by 5^ inches and the bands 2| by 1^ inches and 1^ by l;f inches. Needles Nos. 8 and 0; thread No. 90 (white). Hem the two long sides of the model with a very narrow hem ; then gather one end. Fold over the ends of the band one-eighth of an inch. Pin the gathered end of the model to the band and draw up the gathering thread so that both will be the same width. Baste and half backstitch the gathers in place ; fold the opposite side of the band down over the gathers, baste and hem it down on the line of stitching. The ends of the band should be overhanded. The other end of the model is gauged by making two roAvs of stitches one-eiglith l)y one-eighth of an inch and one-sixteenth of an inch apart, the stitches of the second row beins; exactlv beloAv those of the first. 68 EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. The first row should be one-fourth of an inch from the edo-e. Put in the second row of stitches before draw- Model XXVI— Gathering and Gauging and Putting on a Band. iug Up to fit the baud, which is put on in the same niaunor as for the gathering. MODEL XXVII GUSSETS. Object: To learn lio^v to put a gusset in an open- ing. Exercises: Hemming and overhanding. Materials : Long cloth or any soft bleached mus- lin, cut in three pieces, the large one being 6^ by 6 inches, the gussets being 2 by 2 inches, 14- by 1^ inches. Fold the large piece lengthwise into three equal parts, cutting the openings on the fold two and one-half inches in length. Hem the openings with hems one- eighth of an inch wide at the top, graduating them so that at the end where the gussets are to be inserted the hems will be as fine as a rolled hem. Crease each side of the smaller square one-eighth of an inch and fold so as to form a half square and baste. Beginning at the point, overhand both sides of the gusset in the opening. This gusset is used for finishing the under arm seams of night shirts. For the other gusset, crease two adjoining sides of the larger square one-eighth of an inch. Insert the folded corner in the opening, and 70 EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. overhand both sides of the gusset halfway up. Fold the gusset over to the wrong side and crease. Hold in place with the needle or a few basting stitches, so that the middle falls over the point of the gTisset, and cut off the point of the square rounding. Turn under the MODIOI, XX VI I (iU.SSETS. edge and baste to the material, stitching the gusset so that it will fit smoothly. Hem it down. This gusset is used in the drawers placket. The ]nodel should be finished with a narrow hem on all four sides. MODEL XXVIII. SKIKT PLACKETS. Object: To learn how to make plackets in skirts. Exercises: Hemming and backstitching. Materials: Long cloth or any soft bleached mns- lin, cnt in three pieces, the large one being 5^ by 6 inches, and .the placket facing f by 2^ inches, and Ij inches l)y 2^ inches. Xeedle Xo. 0, thread ]N^o. 90. For the hemmed placket cnt an opening one-third of the "vvidth of the material from the edge and two and one-fonrth inches in length. On the left side make a hem that is one-half of an inch wide. The hem on the other side of the placket shonld be tnrned to the right side of the model, or garment, and shonld be one-eighth of an inch wide. Place the wide hem over the narrow one, and finish at the bottom with two row^s of backstitching, one-eighth of an inch a])art. If the narrow hem is tnrned to the right side, the raw edge at the bottom of the placket is avoided. This placket is nsed on cotton garments. The remaining placket is made by sewing the one and one-fonrth inch piece to the opening, bringing the seam to the wrong side and folding the piece over and 72 EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. hemming it down on the line of stitching, thus making an extension hem for the under portion. For the upper, sew the f by 2^ inch piece to the edoe of the opening. Model XXVIII — Skirt Plackets. with the seam on the right side, fold Ijaek on the line of stitching, turn under the edges and hem down. Finish the placket by hemming the left side under the right. The model should be finished with a narrow hem on all four sides. MODEL XXIX. ^ SLEEVE PLACKET. Object: To learn how to put the placket in a shirt or shirt waist sleeve. Exercises: Hemming and backstitching. X' Model XXIX — Sleeve Placket. Materials: Long cloth or any soft bleached mns- lin. Cut in three jueces, the large one being 5^ by 6 inches, the other, 1| by 2-J inches. Needle No. 9, thread No. 90. 74 EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. Fold the material into two equal parts, and on the fold cut an opening for the sleeve placket. Finish the opening with a narrow extension for the under side. For the upper, stitch the short side of the X piece to the opening Avith the seam on the right side, crease open the seam and fold the piece over so that the pointed part wdll he on the right side of the model or sleeve. Fold under the edges and backstitch it to the material, keeping the line of stitching close to the edge. Finish the placket with two rows of backstitching about one inch below the point, the roAvs being one-sixteenth of an inch apart. Finish the model with a narrow hem on all four sides. MODEL XXX. ILITEKED COKNER. Object: To learn the method of making a mitered (;orner and decorative stitches. Exercises: Catstitched hem, chain stitch, French knots and loop stitch. Materials: Gray flannel, 7 by 7 inches. Spool white silk, lio. A, spool 1) twist ( white), l^eedles ]^os. 10 and 8. Cnt a piece of flannel 7 inches sqnare and fold the opposite corners together, and cnt on the fold, thns making a trne bias of one side. Fold and baste a hem three-fonrths of an inch wide, on the two adjoining- straight sides, mitering the corner. That is, after creas- ing the hems, open them ont and cnt off the corner one- eighth of an inch outside of the point where the creases of the hem meet. Then fold the hems again, baste and catstitch the bias corner and the hem. It is best to catstitch flannel hems, without turning under the edges, thus avoiding the ridge made by the fold. Finish the bias edge with the loop stitch, and chain stitch along the hem on the right side. Make a roAV of French knots half an inch above 76 EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. the loop stitch. To make them, draw the needle and thread through to the right side of the flannel, and take one short stitch without drawing the needle through. Then taking the two threads at the eye of the needle bring them around from right to left, casting one or Model XXX — Miteeed Corner. more stitches on the needle according to the size de- sired. Draw the needle through, holding the stitches firmly with the thumb of the left hand. Put the needle hack through the material at the same point at which it was brought up. Several knots can be made without fastening the threads. MODEL XXXI. MATCHING OF STEIPES. Object: To teach the matching of stripes. Exercises: Overhanding and overcasting. Model XXXI— Matching of Stripes. Materials: Blue and white striped gingham. Cnt 78 EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. in 5 pieces, two of them being 2 5 by C inches, one 2|- by 2.J inches, the other 2^ by 4| folded and cut on a true bias thns making two pieces. Xeedle ^o. 10; thread (Avhite) 100. To match stripes on a bias. Fold over the two bias edges one-fonrth of an inch, baste them together so as to match the stripes and overhand the folded edges. To match stripes crosswise. Fold over the straight end of one of the bias pieces, also one end of the 2^ by 2^ pieces and baste the folded edges together, ex- actly matching the stripes. Overhand this seam also. To match the stripes lengthwise. Fold over each side of the piece already joined, also one side of each of the 2^ by G inch pieces. Baste one of these to each side of the first piece, exactly matching the stripes and over- hand the seam. Overcast all of the seams and around the edge of the completed model. MODEL XXXIL OVEEHAND PATCH. Object: To teach how to set in a patch. Exercises : Overhanding and overcasting. -#^4-«ti i i i I i i Mi'M-iMVi l-i-i-ii-l i-i** !i««s«pft««»«i >§#«■»«»»« II « «•«#.«-«-#.-«-».•.#» i| «4 « *-f |t>«-» I Siitt«-flie«»it»ti«a«««ai«sa«-«> BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl BBS-B-BBBB.BBBBBSBBBfBBBBt B»e»«BIB««»BB8««BII«.B« ««.l B B B » B-^'B »-«»»'»• i> B ««« ^ a-»^.«-.) B B « B B«-B-»« B-B-«B f « « B *.B-i|-««N B «■• «•» .«'« B 'B S » a 8 B B « 8 « '» a -B W-'i B-B-Bi.B B B B b4b B IE BBBB^Bl ««« f-.l B B B B BB'B B.B B B-B Sfe B'H'Bil-i.B '»'#: B «.«-»#:« BB B B B a B a B'B B-S:«'B-«B': B B «'-»' m-m: B-B-S B »n a B B' B « B-.jM-|f«"ll- B a BBB'-B^BBB B^B-B-BBBBBB'B a.B «. B 9BB BB •« B B'B'Btl t M B«B KH'^-ll:. 'B II :*' II MtiMtk-mnm -tk-m B « B'%:B''« «,-« n ■«:-B5B B B -»••§ -•'•B.B-B «-B.*B ♦ B 'B •»- B-B.»;|l-- '».#.«:»■».§:.»: Bll-B-B B-«-B-t:|i.«.:lt:t m-m-0 ■a B.B-B B.B'it:'B'B-B B B-«'*'*ll'^-«-l-'-B-:^i|:« f »-.B»-f §»■«»-■«<•« »-«>*»-#.^4.;^« il!m,l:tl:ltlllfiSiitMf »«BS:«tBBttB SB«»iaB«9B B BB-B'ft-B « e » a » ;» fi B « tt $s a It « 'ji « a B.Beiff a ;-i'-*«-lMt*B « # » B BCBBBtBBBa »|IK-i««Bg«« ji4i.-«««'B8B a a .rNaBhBBBftBBaB BBBBBCBBBB BBBBB-tBSSB rBBBB. JSSeBBB !-'S B BB « 8 B^BBB b#B"Ba-S-)l^-8^ B B (--^jt B-'B-i'C ra-B a m Ni-«B a B B » a i« !:#:#'«.«# t -BBS a fB B:f-B-B t-ai'V-BB Ml :# <»#«.-« a B' a a I'll il.'BB^B.i-B'-B a B t-p •-« « «.«~B 'B a « l-ft-* •«■•#■■*■««'« -#-»£».<« if 4 b a. &»:|rBB'B8-B ^4l.lE'B'B B:« 0- ;M(iL>EL XXXII OVEKHAND PATCH. Materials: Bhie and wliite even checked ging- 8U EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. ham, cut in two pieces, 6x6 inches, and 5x5 inches. Needle No. 10 ; thread (white) No. 100. For setting in a patch, the patch shonhl be cut one-lialf inch larger than the hole, which should be square or oblong. Cut the corners of the hole diag- onally one-eighth of an inch. Crease one edge of the patch and the side of the hole where it is to be joined. Place the right sides together, having the folded edges even and the checks exactly matched. Baste and over- hand that side of the patch. Remove the basting, crease and overhand the remaining side in the same way. Overcast both sides of the seam and also around the edge of the model. MODEL XXXIII. HEMMED PATCH. Object: To teach the method of putting on a patch. imiH I ill Pli i 1 1 i I i I *T*I*1 Pi Pil i'^''i '^i r* Model XXXIII — Hemmed Patch. Exercises: Hemming and overcasting. Materials: Pink and white striped gingham, cut 82 EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. iu two pieces Gx6 inches and 5x5 inches. Xeedles No. 10. Thread (white) l^o. 100. In making a lieninicd patch, cut the patch one inch larger than the hole. The corners shonhl be cnt diagonally one-eighth of an. inch. Place the patch on the wrong side and baste through the center where the two edges lap. Fold nnder the right side one-eighth of an inch and hem. Tnrn under the edge of the patch the same way and hem. Overcast the model all around the sides. This patch is nsed where lioth sides of a garment, are to be seen, as a sheet, etc. If there are checks or figures in the material they should exactly match in any of the patclies. MODEL XXXIV. FLANNEL SEAMS. Object: To teach how to make scams on flannel and how to finish hems and raw edges on flannel. Exercises: Seaming, hemming, overcasting, the catstitch, loop stitch, and the feather stitch. Materials: White flannel cut in three pieces, two of them 2^x8 inches, the other 2^x8 inches. Binding ribbon, 8 inch. Needles, Nos. 8 and 10; thread (white silk) A, tw^ist D. In making the flannel seams baste the 2;jx8 pieces each side of the 20x8 inch pieces, making the seams three-sixteenths of an inch wide. Sew the seams with the silk thread using a back stitch and two running- stitches. Press the seams open. The Dorothy seam, which is used on flannels for infants, is made bv cover- ing a seam with narrow ribbon or silk tape. Baste it down on each side and hem. Finish the other seam with a row of catchstitching through the middle, using the twist. Overcast the edges of the seam wdth the silk thread. Finish around three sides of the model with the loop stitch, turning the corners nicely. On the unfinisbed end turn up an o 84 EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. inch lieiu to the Avroiic; side, hasting" and catstitching Model XXXIV — Flannel Seams. it down. Feather stitch across the hem on the right side. MODEL XXXV. BUTTON HOLES. Object: To teach liow to make button holes. Exercises: Overhaiiding and bntton-holing. Materials: Long cloth or some soft bleached mus- lin, 4^x5 inches. ISTeedles, No. 10 ; thread (white) ^o. 80. Fold the muslin lengthwise, so as to make three thicknesses, and overhand the edges together. Turn in the edges, baste and overhand them together. In making button holes, always use button hole scissors to cut them. Overhand the edges closely, not taking in any deeper than necessary to hold the threads. Model XXXV — Buttonholes. Li working a button hole, always begin at the end far- thest from the edge of the material, working from the right towards the left. Insert the needle with the point towards you, drawing it but half way through. Take the two threads at the eye of the needle, and bring them 86 EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. around from rig-lit to left, ])assing' under the point of the needle. Draw the needle out so that the thread will he at right angles from the button hole, forming a knot or ]iurl on the edge. In the first position, the needle points towards the worker; in the second, it points in the opposite direction. When the button hole has been worked across one side, work several stitches close together, so that the button hole wnll be rounding at the end. Work across the other side and finish with a bar, wliieli is made by drawing the needle down through the first button hole stitch taken, bringing it up on the opposite side, through the last button hole stitch. Draw the stitch tightly, so as to bring the sides close together. Make four of these stitches, then, In-inging the needle under them, work four I)utton hole stitches on them. Draw the needle down through the cloth close to the puid of the last stitch, and fasten on the wrong side. In working a button hole, if the thread seems too short, pull the needle through the hole, and fasten the thread tightly on the wrong side, close beside the last stitch. Fasten the new thread on the wrong side, bringing the needle up through the last purl. Proceed with the button hole stitch as if a new thread had not been nec- essary. MODEL XXXVI. FASTENINGS. Object: To teach how to sew on buttons and hooks and eyes, and hoAv to make h^ops and ej'elets. Exercises: Overhaudiiii;' and button-holing*. Materials: Albatross or Henrietta, 3^x5 inches; a strip of lining, l4:x44 inches; three luittons, a large and a small one, each with four lioles, and a medium sized one with two holes; two hooks and eyes, No. 1. Needles, Nos. 8 and 10; silk, letter A, twist D. Place the lining on the wookui nuiterial, so that one side will come to the center of the piece, and baste MuDEL XXXVI — Fastenings. it in place. Fold over the edges ^ of an inch all around and baste them down. Place a hook at the end so that the curve of the neck will be even with the edge and sew it on firmly, taking the stitches over and over through the riuiis and across the shank close to the turn. 88 EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. Half an inch from the hook sew on an eye in the same manner, taking the stitches through the rings and across each side of the body of the eye. Fold over the material bringing it up under the hook and even with the opposite side of the cloth. Baste and overhand the two edges together. Hooks and eyes on a garment that are to be covered are sewed on in this way. One-half inch from the eye already sewed on, place a^iother hook and button-hole it on. The curve of the neck should be placed even with the edge. The eye is placed one-half inch from the hook and buTr(ni-h(»lod all around, as illustrated. This method of putting on hooks and eyes is used wlien they are to be used on the outside of a garment, or where they will show. A loop is used on a garment to take the place of an eye. They are made by taking six stichcs, one-fourth of an inch in length, for a foundation on which the loop stitch should be closely W()rked, the twist or ])url being drawn to the outside edge of the loop. To fasten the thread, l)ring the needle down tlirouiili the material close beside the last stitch and fasten on the wrong side with several stitches over each other. Loojjs arc also often made with the button-hole stitch. The eyelet is a I'oniid hole inade in the uiatcrial with a stiletto. Overliaml the hole closely with twist, the stitch being firmly drawn up to strengthen the edge of the hole and keep it well open and in shape. Work the eyelet with the loo]) stitch from left to right. The thread should l)e fastened on the under side the same as in button-hole making. MODEL XXXVII. STOCKINET DAKNIKG. Object: To teacb. the method of darning hosiery. Materials: Cardboard, S^xSJ inches; stockinet, 3x3 inches ; darning cotton same shade as the stock- MoDEL XXXVII — Stockinet Darning. inet; darning needle, No. 7. This model is made the same as the model on page 41, except the warp and Avoof are the same color. 90 EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. Baste the stockinet firmly on the cavlhuard to pre- vent its being stretched or drawn ont of shape, and cnt the hole in a line with the stitches. Keniove the cnt loops and rnn a thread aronnd the hole about one-fonrth of an inch from the edge. Form the warp threads, which should be very close together, by bringing the darning cotton up through the loop stitch at one edge and down through the stitch on the opposite edge. All of these stitches should be taken up so that they will not ravel bacdv after the darn is completed, and so that there will be no roughness on the right side of the stock- inet. A small loop of the darning cotton should be left at each end to allow for shrinkage in washing. When the Avarped threads are all in begin at the lower right-hand side of the hole to fill in tlie woof threads, taking U]) the alternate threads of the warp. In the next row only those threads missed in the j^receding one are taken up. The woof threads should be i)ut in as close together as possible. Continue in this same man- ner until the hole is filled. Both the warp and woof threads should be carried at least one-quarter of an inch beyond the hole in the stockinet, so that the dai'ning may be firm and not ])ull away from tlie worn edges of the stockinet. MODEL XXXVIII. DAMASK DAK^TING. Ohjccl : To Icai'ii liow to mend table linen. Materials: Ada canvas, r)x5 inches; mercerized floss, olive or Xile green. Model XXXVIII — Damask Darninc;. Overcast the edges of the canvas, with tlic tliread.-i of the warp. Then count in from the edge twelve holes, jmtting tlu^ ri(M>dlo through each hole. Find the twclftli 92 EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. hole from the opposite side and put the needle down throngh it, np through the next and so on to the edge. This will leave long stitches across the center of the square, which should be not too tightly drawn. These stitches represent the warp threads that would be put in the garment to be mended. Continue putting in the warp threads until there are only twelve holes left at the side. To fill in the woof threads, carry the needle through each hole in the canvas to the warp threads, then take up two threads in the first row, then over two, continu- ing until the row is completed, carrying the threads through each hole in the canvas to the edge, returning in the same manner. In the next row there are tw^o threads the same length, one a little longer, and another still longer. In weaving in the second row, take up one of the shortest threads and the one next to the longest ; then over the longest and one of the shortest, continuing in this w^ay until llie darnino- is finished. MODEL XXXIX. stocki:ntet web darning. Object: To teach the weave as in knitting. Materials: Cardboard, 3^x3^ inches. Dark red saxony. Dark red knitting- silk or mercerized cotton. Darning needle, ISTo. Y. Across the top of the cardboard prick a row of holes half an inch from the edge and one-eighth of an inch apart. On the opposite side of the cardboard make another row of holes, the same distance from the edge, and onc-eightli oi an inch apart. There should be a second row one-eighth of an inch below this one, the holes being opposite the others. To weave in the warp threads, begin at the bottom and bring the silk thread up through the first hole of the second row, and down through the first one in the row of holes at the top. Then up through the second hole at the top and down through the first one in the second row at the bottom, then up through the one next to it, thus nndving two threads in each hole except the first and last ones at the top. Continue weaving in the warp in Ihe same manner until all the holes are filled. Put in the first row of loops by bringing the yarn up through the first hole in the bottom row; around 94 EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. the first two warp threads and hack down througli the same hok'. Then U]) tlirou,i;li the second hole, around the warji threads and doM-n through the same hole. Coiitiiinc in the same nnmner across the card. After Model XXXIX — Stockixkt Wkk Darning. makino- the last loop the needle will he on the wrong- side. 'I'o weave in the Avarp threads the saxony shonld ]>(' lironght to the right si(h' of the card. This is done h_v hringing the thread over the side of the card and up tlii'oiigh the first loop. Weave in the woof h\- ])ntting the needle aronnd EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. 95 two of the warp threads, down through the loop, up through the next one, and so on across the darning. In turning, bring the needle up through the first loop, then around the first two Avarp threads, down through the loop, and around the two warp threads. Continue in this manner until the darning is finished. If this method of darning is carefully followed in mending silk underwear or the knees of children's stock- ings, it will never be noticed where the piece has been filled in. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. (1) When sewing" from which direction should the light come ? If possible it should come from the left, so that the work wdll not be shaded by the right hand. (2) What is correct position in sewing? The pupil should sit straight with the table or desk, and just far enough from it so that she can lean against the back of the chair. (3) Should the work ever be pinned to the knee ? 'No, because it is injurious for a child to sit in a cramped position. The work should be held up in the hands so that the head need not be bent forward too much. (4) What articles for sewing should be in a work basket ? Shears, pins, needles, tape-line, beeswax, thread, emery, and thimble. (5) What is the diiference between shears and scissors ? If they are six inches long or over they are shears ; under that size they are scissors. (6) Name the diiferent kinds of shears and scis- sors. EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. 97 Straight shears and bent shears ; button-hole scis- sors and embroidery scissors. (7) What is a tape measure? A piece of tape with inches and parts of inches marked on it, and it is used for measuring. (8) Into what parts is an inch divided on a tape- line i Into halves, quarters, and eighths. (9) How many inches in a yard? Thirty-six. (10) For what is the emery ball used ? To clean the needle. (11) What is a needle? A small piece of steel wire, pointed at one end and having an eye at the other to receive the thread. (12) How many needles in a paper? Twenty-five. (13) How do needles number? From 1 to 12, I's being the largest and 12's the finest. (14) What are the different kinds of needles? Sharps, ground downs, and betweens. (15) W^hy is a thimble used? To push the needle through the work easily. (16) Of what materials are thimbles made ^ Silver, gold, ahmiinum, and celluloid. (17) How long should a needleful of thread be? As long as the arm. 98 EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. (18) How should the thread be removed from the S}3ool ? It should be cut. Biting it injures the teeth, and breaking it makes the end uneven. (19) How is thread numbered? The higher the number the finer the thread. (20) How is silk thread numbered ? It is numbered by letters, 00 being the truest, then O, A, B, C, and D. (21) What is thread made from flax called? Linen thread. (22) What is thread made from wool called? Yarn. (2.3) How man}' pins in a paper? 360. (24) What is cloth? Fabric woven from cotton, wool, linen, or silk. (25) How are fabrics woven? By placing threads lengthwise in a loom side by side, and then running in another thread crosswise over and under the first ones, from edge to edge and back again. (26) What are the lengthwise threads called? 'Plic warp. (27 ) What are the crosswise threads calleat strength, in gathering, and several rows are used in darning and quilting. (44) AVliat is basting, and for what is it used ? Basting is sewing with large stitches to hold differ- ent parts of the work together, and it is also used as a guide for the stitching. (45) How are basting stitches fastened? Ry two small stitches taken in the same place. EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. 101 (40) When do we use a fine basting stitch '. In a garment that is to he fitted and for h.and work. (47) When do we use a crosswise basting? When joining a material to a lining. (48) What is a back stitching, and for what is it used % Back stitching is a method of sewing by which the stitches are taken backwards, the needle entering the material adjoining the preceding stitch, and coming out so that the stitch on the under side is twice the length of the upper. It is used to make a seam strong and firm and should look like machine stitching. (49) How does half back stitching ditfer from back stitching? Half back stitching is the same as back stitching, except that the needle is put only half way back, thus leaving a space between the stitches. (50) How do overcasting and overhanding dif- fer? Overhanding is a method of sewing a seam and the stitches are taken from right to left, Avhile overcast- ing is a method of finishing the edges of a seam and are taken from left to riglit. (51) What stitches are worked from left to right ? Overcasting, catstitching, and loop stitch. (52) What stitches are worked tow^ards you? Feather stitching and chain stitching. (53) What is a French seam? 102 EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. A French seam is sewed first on the right side, trimmed close to the stitching, the seam turned to the wrong side and stitched again. (54) Where is a felled seam nsed ? A felled seam is used in a corset coA^er and draw- ers, and is often used in a night gown. (55) When is a faced hem nsed? A faced hem is nsed where tliere is a cnrved edge and the hem needs to be fitted. (56) What is most important in sewing on tape ? ISTeatness and strength. (57) Where is a rolled hem nsed? A rolled hem is nsed on very fine materials, (58) For what is hemstitching nsed? Hemstitching is nsed for ornamenting a hem. (59) How shonld the threads be drawn? Always finish drawing one thread before beginning another. Six threads being the required number. (00) How should the work be prepared for gath- ering ? V By marking the middle and the quarters, to make the fullness ex-en when it is sewed on. (01) How should you hold your gathers when sewing them o*n a band ? They should be held towards you. (02) Why is a French hem used for hemming damask instead of the plain hem { It is much stronger. (63) Where is gauging used? EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. 103 Gauging is used where there is a large amount of fullness required, as in the backs of skirts, (64) For what is a gusset intended? To strengthen the end of an opening. (65) Wh_Y does the gusset strengthen the open- ing? Because the top is a bias fold, which is not easily torn. (66) Where are hemmed plackets used? Hemmed plackets are used in the straight backs of skirts. (67) Why is a mitered corner used ? A mitered corner is used in heavy materials to avoid thickness. (68) How is a true bias cut? A true bias is cut by folding over a corner of the material so that the selvedge or warp threads shall run exactly with the woof threads. The fold will be a true bias. (69) Which is the stronger, the overhand or hemmed patch ? The hemmed patch is the stronger, because there are two rows of stitching. (70) Why is catsti telling used in flannel patch- ing ? Because the raw edges should not be turned in, thus avoiding a ridge. (71) What should be the length of a botton hole ? 104 EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. A button hole should be iis long a> the button is wide. (72) How is a button hole prepared for work- ing ? B}^ overhanding the edges. (73) At which end do you begin t<:) work the but- ton hole ? Commence at the end farthest frrmi the edge of the material working from right to left. (74) Whv is a bar used in finishing^ To strengthen the button hole and keep it in place. (75) In sewing on a button, why is a pin placed across the top of it ? So as to lengthen the stitches between the button and the material around whicli the thread is to be wound. (76) Why are these threads w*jund :' To protect the threads and make a little space U7i- der the button for the button hole. (77) What is an eyelet and Avhat is its use? An eyelet is a small round hole made and worked in a garment to receive a cord or the shank of a button. (78) With what do we make an eyelet? A stiletto. (7J*) When is a hook and eye buttondioled 'I When it is used on the outside of a garment. (80) When is a loop used ? It is used when space would not admit of using an eve. EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. 105 (81) What thread should be used for darning Avoolen materials '. The warp thread which should he used whenever possible. (82) How should a tear be prepared for darning'? By first drawing the corners together. (83) What stitch is used in finishing the darn? The running stitch. (84) What thread should be used in stockinet darning ? A thread as near like the material as possible. (85) Why do we use the twilled weaving in darn- ing Damask '. Because Damask is a twilled weave. (86) What thread would be used in darning Damask ? Use ra^'clings of table linen. (87) Where is the stockinet web stitch used? It is used in mending the knees of children's stock- ings and knit underwear. (88) What is the aim in darning? The aim in darning a tear is to repair the rent so nicelv that it cannot be perceived. (89) What shotild be done after a darn or patch is finished ? When a darn or patch is finished, it should be dampened and pressed on the wa-ong side, or a thin damp cloth can be laid on the right side and pressed. I UtU li^ 1904