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We see the growth of thirteen colonies peopled by the liberty-loving Anglo-Saxons. We stand with the throngs in the old town meetings on the commons of Boston and hear the thunder-bolts hurled by Samuel Adams at the tyranny of the British. We again hear the matchless eloquence of Patrick Henry in the halls of the Virginia as- sembly, and the continental congress. Like mountain peaks loom up the figures of Washington and Franklin. We watch in the morning- twilight for the coming of British regulars along the streets in the quiet villages of Lexington and Concord. We stand amid the glories of Bunker Hill and wait with Washington and his barefooted soldiers in the snow at Valley Forge, and applaud his victory at Trenton. We wit- ness Burgoyne's surrender at Saratoga and Cornwallis' at Yorktown. We stand in the city of Philadelphia and hear the old liberty bell peal out the birth of liberty upon a new continent; and hear the plaudits of the world at the immortal words of the Declaration of Independence, as penned by the liberty-loving Jefferson. We see a new naton born, dedi- cated to freedom and constitutional government; created by a people who«e forefathers, upon the plains at Runnymede, had wrested from King John the Magna Charta, the bulwark of Anglo-Saxon liberty; a nation that was to exemplify to all history the truth, that all governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. Nations are net made, they grow. In the beginning of this republic our forefathers left two great questions for future generations to solve. Ideas are things, and it was a contest upon these two great ideas that moulded t*e bullets that were fired in the civil war. As the teachings of Voltaire and Rousseau culminated in the French Revolution, so the discussion of these two great questions ended only at Appomattox. The first found an early expression in the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions of 1798 and 1799, inspired by Jefferson. They formulated the contention that the right of the State was above the right of the Fede- ration Jeferson, the liberty-loving Jefferson, who had just come from under the shadows of monarchy, knew no centralization except the centrali- zation of personal government. He did not fully understand that in a representative government the greatest danger is not in centralization, but in disintegration. He had not come to realize that the greatest tyranny is the tyranny of the chief of a petty tribe, and that in empire there is liberty. That in a groat representative government where all power comes from the people, there is no danger of centralization. Calhoun, as the disciple of Jefferson* carried this idea to its logical conclusion and advo- cated the right of nullfication and secession, and closely connected this question with the other great question of human slavery. This contest in ought inin /(lien tin- transcendent eloquence of Daniel Webster, whose defense of the supremacy of our federal government will always he a part of our national history. It found its most dramatic incident when Andrew Jackson faced South Carolina in its nullification and. with up- lifted hand, swore by the Eternal that the right of the Federation was above the right of any state. And thus commenced the contest thai ended only in civil war. Here upon the prairies of Illinois more than seventy years ago ap- peared the first cloud of the impending storm. The death of Lovejoj at Alton battling fOr the liberty of speech and for human freedom, inspiiod the oratory i !' Wendell Phillips upon the commons of Boston, whose words rate.; out in favor of liberty like the call to battle. I lis death lent strength to the noble Garrison in Massachuetts. It was with John Brown when he died at Harper's Ferry. It inspired tie' pen of Horace Greeley, whose words lighted the fires that finally melted away forever the chains of slavery. In the midst of this storm came the colossal figure o! Abraham Lin- coln, "the grandest man who has come to us on, the tide of time." His origin was as bumble as that of the lowly Nazarene who here his cross on tlte far-off shores of Gallilee. As a solitary mountain peak lowers above the plains. SO stood Lincoln above his environments. The cen turies Will ask cf him as they have asked of Shakespeare, from whence came his greatness, and out of the Eternal will conic the answer that God gave it. The first real Americans were those who crossed the Appalachian mountains into the Mississippi Valley. Thus came Andrew Jackson and Heiii\ Clay and thus cane' the parents of Abraham Lincoln. This host of pioneers from Virginia and the Carolinas into Kentuckj and Tennessee and thence Into Illinois, made the back-ground for the figure of Lincoln and they were the men in whose midst was foughl out the second great American conflict. The Btare sh n upon no greatei people than those who live here in tip- vallej oi the .Mississippi river, greater than the Tigris or Euphrates; ter ih. in th. Nile, that Rowed by the homes of iite Ptolemies ami Pharoahs, and upon whose be grand, gloom 3 ami peculiar, the ever lasting pyramid.-: greater than the Tiber of ancient Rome, from whose hank, the imperial Caesars ruled the world; greater than the Rhine, in Uej contended the Teuton ami the Gaul for the si imacj of Kuropi cad tie world; greatei than all thes< because It Hows bj the i"' nan. And Illinois stretching f i ihe Great Lakes on the 10 nil to ihe \ei_\ heart ol the Southland, became the keystone of this p vallej ..mi here lived ami wrought Abraham Lincoln. "Not without thy wondrous story, Illinois. Illinois. Can be writ thy nations glory, Illinois, Illinois, On the record of thy years Abraham Lincoln's name appears. Grant and Logan and our tears, Illinois, Illinois." Lincoln was just entering public life as a member of the Illinois Legislature at the formative period of this government. Chief Justice Marshall was yet breathing into our Constitution, the breath of a broader National life. Those giants, Webster and Calhoun, were battling over the relation of the states to the Federal Government. Webster's great reply to Hayne was ringing throughout the country like a call to battle. This great speech built the breast-works behind which the Union soldiers fought from 1SG1 to 'Go. Lincoln caught the inspiration of the times and he be- lieved with Washington and Hamilton that the right of the Federation was above the right of any state. These great statesmen were aristocrats but Lincoln was one of the people and put into practice what Jefferson taught in theory — equality of all men before the law. Without being an aristocrat, Lincoln believed in the supremacy of the national govern- ment. Believing in the equality of men, he denied Jefferson's doctrine of state sovereignty. Lincoln became the champion and embodiment of two meat American ideas — liberty and national supremacy. He was a great admirer and follower of Henry Clay and believed in the doctrine of a protective tariff and other great Whig principles which were inherited by the Republican party and which have finally come to be the belief of a Nation. Lincoln was a politician in the truest and best sense of the term. A statesman understands the theory of government and a politician the practice of government. Lincoln was both a statesman and a politician. There can be no successful government without party, and no successful party without organization and no organization without politicians. When Lincoln was a member of the Illinois Legislature he joined in a com- bination with eight others which became known as the "Long Nine." These members were from Sangamon County and became the early dis- ciples of that principle of "log-rolling" by which they voted for every measure by Avhich they could trade for votes for the removal of the State Capital from Vandalia to Spiiogfield. Lincoln thus became the head and front of one of the most marked log-rolling schemes known to Illinois history and he was successful. As a politician he was always fair and honorable and never struck below the belt. Lincoln's great power with the people lay in the strength of his expression. His words were as easily understood by the people amongst whom he lived as the call of the bird to its mate. As true to nature as the roar of the wild beast or the gentle murmur of falling waters. His thought and speech was as direct as the lightning and his humor as gen- tle and wholesome as the laughter of a little child, His Gettysburg speech and his inaugual addresses are unexcelled classics. The hour having Struck, the great stage ready, and the man come, the curtain rises upon the debates between the "Little Giant" Stephen A. Douglas and the Great Emancipator, Abraham Lincoln. Here in Illinois wiih her prairies so open that truth could find no hiding place, the people listened to the immortal words of Lincoln in that great debate and they (aught the inspiration of liberty. The torch was lighted and the fire of freedom spread throughoul the length and breadth of the land. When Lincoln appeared at the great meeting at Cooper Institute, New York, he was practically unknown in the East. He arrived hurriedly from a late train and appeared dusty and ill-attired. His gaunt body was covered wth ill-fitting clothes; the sleeves ol his coat were short and his trousers came nearly to his knees. The Chairman, ashamed of his appearance, threw him at the meeting like you would throw a hoot-jack at a cat. He said: "Ladies ami Gentlemen, Abraham Lincoln of Illinois." Then Lincoln spake as never man spoke before, on this great question of human slavery. With a logic as incisive as steel, he analyzed this great question from the making of the Constitution up to that time. His words were as mellow as the cadences of the Kalavalla. Here his great power of direct speech illuminated the question as it had never been illumed before. When he had concluded his masterly effort the cultured East had bowed down in homage to the simple pioneer that the West had alreadj lifted up on its should) rs. Years afterwards, .Mr. Lin- coln told a friend that at this meeting for the first time he thought that one day he might become President of the United States. Bunker Hill, Saratoga and Yorktown made us free from the tyranny of kings hut it was not until the buys in bine marched with Granl to Appomattax and the Emancipation Proclamation came from the hands of Lincoln like the voice of God into the grave of Lazarus, were all of our people absolutely free. Then for the tirst time were the theories of the Declaration of Independence made absolute facts. Then the storm which had been gathering for more than half a century broke with all its furj ami violence. The firs! gun tired on foil Sumpter was the voice of destiny calling on tin y< mm republic to do battb for its life. No greai army was in the Held to answer to the chal- lenge, it was net in he a mortal combat between the equipped and mobilized irmies of two greal foreign powers; but under the dark cloud of impending war. loyal citizens asked themselves? "Would tin- nation die.' or "would the nation live?" By their firesides, with prattling children upon their k is, with the tearful eyes of wives upon tbein. men SOUghl to resolve their duty. The call was answered from the plow, the work .-bop. the hill and dale, from country and city the people Hocked to arms "Thes came a: the waves come when armies are landed, They carat as the winds i when navies are stranded." And above the thunder of the muttering Btorm was heard the voice of a lion-hearted people, crying to their leader: "We are comingr, Father Abraham, one hundred thousand Btr< You have read of th08( days how the firing on fort Sumpter arOUBed the patriotism of the people. YOU have read of the news of the defeats at Bull Run and Chancellorsville; how the splendid army of the Potomac wasted with disease and inaction. Then it belonged to the soldiers from the cornfields of the west to look, with Grant, into the fiery mouths of the cannon at Fort Donnelson, and give to a faltering cause the courage of a great victory gained. It was their stubborn courage that changed defeat into victory at Shiloh. They waited with Grant in front of Vicksburg until that place. gave way before their grim determination. And then came the glorious news of Gettysburg; how Meade thrpw shrapnel into the ranks of Lee's defeated legions. You have read of Logan at Atlanta; how after McPherson had fallen he rode to the front with his long, black hair streaming in the breeze, his eyes flashing, hs sword drown, that caught its brightness from the princely gleaming of his soul, "a mailed warrior, a plumed knight," who plucked victory from defeat, even at the cannon's mouth, and with the ferocity of a tiger, compelled submission from bended knees. There may have been better trained generals, but there never was a braver soldier than John A. Logan. He was the hero volunteer soldier of that war. Then Grant, who never lost a battle, joined in the last death struggle with Lee in the Wilderness; and then was heard the glad acclaim of the people, when the bottom dropped out of armed rebellion upon the field of Appomattox. The soldiers from the cornfields of the west joined in the grand re- view at Washington, marching down the streets of the National Capital, cheered by all Christendom. And no braver, better soldiers ever formed the phalanx of Caesar or followed the eagles of Napoleon. Then was lifted into the forum of the constitution to shine forever and ever like a star, the great principle of equality of all men before the law. Then the shackles fell from four million slaves and they were lifted from chattels to the rights of American citizenship. Then the Mis- sissippi in its joyous march to the gulf, and from the gulf to the sea, told no story of Missouri, sang no song of Illinois. In it was not heard the name of any state, but in that ceaseless murmur between two great oceans was heard a grand anthem to the American Republic; in it was heard the voice of a nation proclaiming the will of the people. It now flows by the home of no slave and no bondsman. Throagh the blood and tears and suffering of that great war, there was breathed into this nation the breath of a broader national life. Human slavery was abolished, state sovereignty was dead, and the liberty of thought, of speech, and of publication were established. Standing with a new generation today, looking back, we see the clouds of war lifting. We see our republic entering upon a career of progress unequalled in the history of nations, and yet in the forenoon of its greatness. Seeing all these things, remembering the precious price that has been paid for this heritage, let us not forget the words of the immortal Lincoln as he stood upon the famous field of Gettysburg: "Here let us highly resolve that the dead shall not have died in vain; that the nation shall, under God, have a new birth of freedom and that the government of the people, for the people and by the people shall not perish from the earth." The time honored saying that a prophet is not without honor save in his own country was not true of Mr. Lincoln. The people amongst whom he lived all loved, revered and honored him. What he said and did and was when in their midst they have cherished as the Hebrew- tribes the tradition of Abraham, and dying, have bequeathed them as a rich legacy to their children. There is no more pathetic scene in all history than when upon his departure to assume the duties of Chief Magistrate of the great nation on the eve of impending war his home people gathered to bid him a last farewell, and to offer their prayers to God for his safety. In that dark hour he reached out to touch the hand of his people like a little child in the darknpss reaches out to touch the hand of its mother. He sprang from the common people and in all his sorrows and battles their touch gave him strength and courage, as the touch of Mother Earth gave strength and victory to Antaeos of old. On this Centennial Anniversary the people of Springfield and of Illinois with one mind and one heart join with all the people of this Republic in paying a loving tribute to Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln and America — names as inseparable and as immortal in history as tin nami - of Alexander and Greece, of Caesar and Rome, of Napoleon and France W60 «5 °^ .1 <* *^TV^ A •'V* X"^S?>°* \^^V* %J*^S?y* r," uT % °^% . ?•" -0* ' A .v ct> * ° *o \ v ♦ G v >^ *o . i * A vPC,' CT <* **•••• a »!>* • h, x^R : /°*v : -^P:' o^ 0v ^ ■'^■''■^.'-■^W'^^SS-