Oass. Book Z ^ / rzl. ^. r j j_ K I S T O R Y 0¥ NEWBITRYPORT FROM THE EARLIEST SETTLEMENT OF THE COUNTRY TO THE PRESENT TIME. EIOGllAPHICAL APPENDIX. BY MRS. E. VALE SMITH NEWBURYPORT: 1854. "74 Hss3£s Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1854, by E. VALE SMITH, In the ClerkV Office of the District Court of Hie District of Massachusetts. BOSTON: PRESS OP BAJIBELL AND MOORE, 16 Devonshire Street. PREFACE. As there are extant, two partial Histories of Newburyport, it may perhaps be considered a presumptuous and superfluous -vvork to add another. But neither of the works alluded to, even aim to give a complete history of Newburyport. Mr. Cushing's work, published twenty-eight years ago, covers only a period of sixty-two years, from 1764 to 1826 — leaving one hundred and fifty years since the set- tlement of what is now called Newburyport, to be accounted for. Mr. Coffin's " History of Ould Newbury," contains some direct, and much incidental information concerning Newburyport; but treats with exceeding brevity, periods of the greatest interest in the history of the town ; and is also combined with much that has no particular interest to citizens of Newburyport. It is therefore believed that a History, which comprehends the whole period of time since the occupation of the land by white settlers to the present — -with only so much of collateral history as shall suffice for a right under- standing of our own, is called for ; and if faithfully performed, will not prove a useless addition to the literature of Essex County. As a history of any place or people should contain within itself every essential fact bearing upon the character or fortune of the place or people described, — no matter how much other books contain on the same subject — it may become necessary, in delineating the progressive life of Newburyport, to narrate some things which to the •^ I'REl'ACF,. Older inhabitants may appear trite and familiar, but which are nev- ertheless component parts ofits history, and could not be excluded without injuring the unity of the work. For the same reason we shall introduce some brief description of the state of the surroundmg country, and even cross the seas to find the source of changes which affected the happiness and destinies of our ancestors. It will be readily perceived by the intelligent reader that the his- tory of a seaport town is essentially different from that of an mland one- the latter has comparatively little connection with foreign countries, while the former is continually affected by the policy as- sumed by even distant nations. This is peculiarly the case where extensive commercial relations have been sustained, as inNewbury- port And then circumstances demand of the historian who would faithfully delineate the times, a somewhat extensive acquaintance with the foreign policy of other nations, extending the area to be explored, and increasing the labor of the writer, but furmshing for the reader a variety of topics, the absence of which is apt to mark with monotony the records of country towns, remote from all external influences. . Tlie principal authorities consulted in the preparation of this ^Tork have been Bancroft's Hlstoiy of the Colonization of the United States; the Massachusetts Historical Collections; the Massachu- setts Historical and Genealogical llegister ; Pitkin's Civil and Political History of the United States; Allen's and Warren s do. ; Allison's and Russell's Histories of Europe ; White's History of New England; Parish's do; Histories of Ne«bury, Lynn, Itowley, Ports- mouth, Plymouth ; Histories of theIndianWars,andNaval Histories ; National, State, County, To^ai, and City Records and files ; Custom House, Church, and Society Books; the Records of Incorporated Institutions, Historical Sermons, and Addresses; private jourmils, accounts, letters, and unpubHshed manuscripts; legal proceedings, deeds, affidavits, &c., together mth the personal narrations of the intelligent aged; and nearly complete files of the newspapers pub- lished in Newburyport since 1778. I'llHTACE. For files of these papers, we are indebted to Capt. Richard Coffin, of Newburj, and Messrs. Morse and Brewster, of the "Daily Herald," of this city. We have also received particular assistance through the courtesy of Dr. Shurtleff, of Boston, who placed in our hands an earl}'- copy of the published " Records of the Governor and Company of ye Massachusetts Bay;" and to Chas. Lowell, D. D , of Cambridge, Col. Samuel Swett, and Hon. Geo. Lunt of Boston, for biographical, and other papers of value ; to E. Wood Perry, Esq., of New Orleans, for original letters of Washington, &c. ; to Eleazer Johnson, Esq., (city clerk,) for assistance in examining Records ; to Dr. D. S. Blake, for collection of statistics ; to Joshua Coffin, Esq., (author of the History of Ould Newbury,) for interesting facts as- certained since the publication of his book ; to many others also, we are under obligations for similar favors. To publish the long list of names of all the persons who have thus evinced their interest in this work, would appear ostentatious from their number. We return to all such friends our sincere thanks, assuring them we need no printed memento to keep them in our grateful remembrance. For the striking sketch of Judge Parsons, we are indebted to his son. Prof. Theophilus Parsons, of Cambridge ; it is considered a very striking likeness by those who well remember the original. Mr. Milton, every one who ever saw him, will recognize at the first glance. The VieAv of Newburyport was originally published on the 30th of November, 1774 ; it was " sold, framed, glazed, and colored by Ben. Johnson and Geo. Searle," and " was taken from a point just above the powder-house." (The powder-house then stood on the south- westerly side of Frog pond, near the old burying hill.) The Tonnage Table will be found partially deficient during some few years ; the Custom House records for that period are missing, which accounts for the deficiency. Some typographical, and other errors, Avill be found in the " Errata," at the close of the book. Newhuryport, 3Iass., Jime^ 1854. GENERAL INDEX. IXTRODUCTIOX. Period I. Settlement of Newbury, (now New- buryport,) 1635-1764 Appendix to Period I. Period II. Incorporation of Ncwburyport. and Revolutionary War. ----- 1764-1783 Period IIT. Commercial Prosperity, - - 1783-1806 Period IV. Successive disasters, Commercial Re- strictions — Fire — War, - . . - 1807-1815 Period V. Peace, but not Prosperity. - - 1815-1835 Period VI. Resuscitation, Annexation, City Char- ter. 1835-1854 MiSCELLAXY. Ecclesiastical Sketches. Biographical Notices. INTRODUCTION. To write the History of a Town or City, resembles much the work of a Biographer ; for though composed of numbers, these sepa- rate units, in their corporate capacity, form but a single figure ; they have a physical structure which is their own, wants unfelt by others, and means of enjoyment within themselves, in which the stranger has no part, except by courtesy or invitation. To write such a his- tory, then, while the subject is still alive and vigorous, is both a perilous and delicate undertaking. It is like selecting a single indi- vidual from his family connections, drawing his portrait, as he looks to you^ and then passing it around, among his own blood relations, to be criticised by them, and recognized by himself — if that is possible. It may appear to some an easy task to collect materials for such a work ; and to write upon a subject which is familiar in so many of its aspects. But in many respects, it would be much easier to write a history of the United States, than it> select a single state, or still more a single town. Ample material for the first is already provided ; in the latter, much has still to be sought for : to carry out the simile with which we commenced, it is both safer and rougher work to sketch the public acts of a nation, than to select an indi- vidual, from out of a limited circle, for portraiture. Where large, diffused, and heterogeneous masses are described, as they must be if at all, with a bold pencil, and spread out on a wide canvas, which does not admit of being examined minutely, the artist does not 1 2 INTRODUCTION. attempt to bring out the particular features of each, composing this multitude, ■with that distinctness and truth which the miniature of a friend, which is laid on the table for daily inspection, is expected to possess. In comprehensive vrorks, which include in their descriptions great varieties of scenes, time and actors, these subjects may be dealt with in the mass in such general terms, thp^t if they do not convey the impression we think they should have done, still the treatment is frequently too vague to admit of our entering a special plea against it. We see a general family likeness, and are content ; not expecting minute accuracy where breadth- and coloring, hght and shadow, arc the chief elements in the picture. In describing a nation, if the recital is not flattering no one in particular feels injured, deeming himself an exception ; but in describing a township, every native feels himself an inseparable portion of it, and neces- sarily sharing in the character ascribed to it. If an error creeps in, it is sure of detection too, for this corporate individual whom we have undertaken to draw, is no common person ; though he may be said to possess one soul, he has as many heads as a hydra — not so fierce, or we should not have ventured, pen in hand, within his reach, — but with the united judgment of so many brains, so much learn- ing, and so many memories, among them all the truth must bo known, and nothing less than the truth will serve them. With the hundred eyes too of Argus, with which to see our short-comings, it is gratifying to be able to record that he has Briarean hands, which have been freely used to aid us. The retrospective view which we have been obliged to take, in arranging the earlier history of the town, combines much that is pic- turesque and romantic in its general aspect. Little more than two centuries have elapsed, since the ground we now occupy was covered with the primeval forest, which grew in hardy freedom almost to the water's edge ; * slight to the eye of man would then have been the tokens that these woods shielded living human beings, or that the pure waters which rolled untamed from the snowy moun- tains of the North, till they met in its sober strength the broad arm of the ocean, forbidding its farther wanderings, and betimes rolling * Mass. Hist. Coll. vol. 4. INTRODUCTION. -i it back to its sequestered sources, were ever the bearer of the birch canoe, and the swarthy occupants of those frail, romantic barks. The huts of the red man had ah*eady shrunk and decayed, as if in pre- scient comprehension that these tall oaks must be felled, to make the white man's ships, and the haunt of the deer must be mown away for the more useful, but less pictui'esque fold of the white man's herds and flocks. A few poor and degenerate Indians, the last of their race, wasted by the pestilence, and destroyed by the hand of savage enmity, first shrunk from the presence, and then sought the protection of the coming sovereigns of the land. Little more than two hundred years ago, and while the solitude of the southern banks of the Merrimac were almost unbroken by the voice of savage or cultivated man, save here and there a solitary and hardy pioneer who had erected his hut by the banks of this fruit- ful stream, — at such time the lonely stranger might have seen, a few short miles to the south, on the bank of another river, a scene that was destined to change all that he beheld, so that the Sachems of Agawam, starting up from their resting-places, should no more rec- ognize the land of their fathers. On the banks of that other river stood a party of wayfarers who had at last reached their journey's destined end. They stood there on the ground which they now called their own, — they stood there, after many perils of the land and of the sea — they stood there with the sanction of the only church which they reverenced — they stood there, men and women, with their children, and their cattle, and their goods — to take possession of the land and to subdue it. How they fulfilled their destiny, we have only to look around us and see to-day. That little band, sitting down by that silent stream, soon taught its unfurrowed waters to labor for their sustenance ; the tall trees were levelled with the earth, and sprang up anon in the form of dwellings ; the hill-sides, bleak and cold in the early spring time, were presently covered with the creatures which were to fur- nish the next year's raiment for that undaunted band. And yet a little while expanding in their strength, offshoots were seen, stretching to the West and the North, and saying, " Make way, for the place is too strait for us." A few more summers and a few more snows, and the wrought and labored highways, radiating in 4 INTRODUCTION. every direction, — the compact and substantial dwellings, and spire and steeple pointing up to Heaven, told to the wandering Indian, in accents not to be mistaken, that a people of another lineage and another faith, were firmly planted on the soil once teeming with his hardy braves ; and that the Merrimac, in which he had been wont to spear the sturgeon, and on whose banks in winter's depths he had tracked on snow-shoes ihe flying deer, was now to be spanned into a highway by the builder's art ; and its lucid waters were des- tined to bear the treasures of four continents to its shores. Two hundred and twenty years have passed, and all this and much more has been long accomplished. PERIOD I. THE SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF NEWBURY. The Indians Tvhom the first English settlers found in the territo- ry Ave now occupy, were of the Pawtucket nation. This tribe laid claim to all the country lying between the Piscataqua river, and the river Charles, and back, inland, to what is now Concord, New Hampshire. They had one chieftain, who resided at his pleasure at diflferent places within this domain, called Nanapashemet (1630.)* Under him were subordinate chiefs, called Sagamores, and the dis- trict lying between the Merrimac and Naumkeag rivers, and extend- ing to the present site of Andover, was under the particular rule of a Sagamore, named Masconomo or Masconomhet, called by Winthrop the Sagamore of Agawam, from which Ipswich received its first name. But the Pawtuckets, though numbering at one time 3000 warriors, had been fearfully reduced by two dreadful scourges, previous to any attempted settlement of Newbury. Towards the eastward, on the banks of the Penobscot, lay their powerful and warlike enemies, the Tarratines, who twenty years before had overrun the entire country of the Pawtuckets ; leaving the land, from the Penobscot to the Blue Hills of Milton (the home of the Massachusetts), strewed with the victims of their revenge ; thou- sands of unburied dead strewed the banks of every stream, and * Previous to 1752 the year commenced in JMarch, which was consequent!}' the first month, and February, which is now the second, was the 12th. Ten days must be added to any date in the sixteenth century, and eleven days in the seventeenth, to bring them up to the present style of reckoning. b HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. polluted the free air of the primeval forests ; so much so, that the plague which followed in the train of this calamity, went like a gleaner over the fields, gathering up the remnant which the arrow and the tomahawk had left. But though the Sagamore of Agawam escaped the scalping-knife, and the more lingering death which had swept off the strength of his followers, he was in no condition to contend with his ancient foes, and gladly sought the protection , of the English,* and thus was prepared for our fathers, a peaceable and unobstructed possession of their new homes. The land itself, from its first discovery by the elder Cabot, (if we reject the enticing Scandinavian and Welch legends,) was visited successively by Gosnold and Martin Pring, in 1602-3 ; but the first regular survey of this portion of the coast was made by the cele- brated Captain John Smith, the founder of Jamestown, who in 1614 made an expedition to the north-east, and on his return to London, published an account of this part of the country, with a map of the coast ; and the land itself nominally passed into the possession of many hands before it was won by our ancestors for themselves. In 1620, it was granted to Sir Fernando Georges and others, in the name of the Grand Council of Plymouth, and under this patent was first called New England, by royal authority. The next year, this Council granted to one John Mason " all the land from th^ river of Naumkeag (now Salem) to the mouth of the Merrhnac ; " and in 1622, this grant was extended to the Piscataqua. Again the land was sold to another party ; the Council of Plymouth, most of whom remained in England, sold " that part of New Eng- land which lies between three miles north of the Merrimac river and three miles to the south of Charles river," to a company of six gen- tlemen, including John Endicott,f one of Salem's illustrious names. This patent, it will be seen, infringed upon that already granted to * On the 8th of March, 1G34, " Maskanomet," (so written,) -with four other Sagamores, voluntarily submitted themselves to the government of Massachu- setts, and signed a document in which they also professed themselves willing to be instructed in the Christian religion. — Colony Records, vol. 1. In 1646 the General Court granted him special permission to have his gun mended by a smith ; no smith being allowed to repair fii'e-arms for an Indian without leave. t Bancroft, vol. 1, chap. !). ' HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. I Mason. But not content with its having been twice sold, the last named company, some of whom remained in England, obtained in 1628 another charter from King Charles, re-confirming their patent given bj the Council of Plymouth, and obtaining in addition, the right to exercise powers of government. This charter was in the name of the " Governor and Company of Massachusetts Bay, in New England." In this Charter, the Merrimac is designated as " a great river, there [in New England] comonlie called Monomack alias Merriemack." Under this charter, Endicott was appoint- ed de facto governor, but was speedily superseded by Winthrop. At first, all the freemen under this charter were obliged to go to Boston to vote,* but ere long the plan of sending representatives was adopted, to the great relief of the colonists. Each settlement having ten freemen, was entitled to a deputy. The Governor and Council assumed jurisdiction over the Indians left within the terri- tory, as weU as the white inhabitants. In 1631 we find that the Sagamore of Agawam, the late lord of the land we occupy, was forbidden by the General Court, to " enter any Englishman's house, for a year, under penalty of ten beaver skins ; " which punishment was inflicted, on account of his having, in some way, given affront to his ancient enemies, the Tarratines ; and the Governor probably feared another irruption of that still unsubdued tribe. Yet, under the noble Winthrop, no white man was permitted, with impunity, to injure an Indian. A Mr. Josias Plaistow, having stolen four pecks of com from an Indian, was ordered by the Court to return eight pecks ; and " to be hereafter called Josias, and not Jir. as formerly he was ; " and though two kings had granted the land to the emigrants from England, satisfaction was also made to the resi- dent Indians, as existing records show. Nearly a hundred and ninety years after the first settler had planted his cabin by the side of the Merrimac (in 1822), the bones of an Indian, a tomahaAvk, an aboriginal stone pipe, and two whet stones were found upon digging into a lot of ground, on Market street ; the spot, when selected for burial, jirobably being chosen as * On page 166, vol. 1, of the Records of the General Court, we find it re- corded, " that Newberry shall have liberty to stay so many of their freemen at home, for the safety of their town, as they shall jnd^re needful, and those who are so stayed at home, shall send their voices by proxy." 8 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. a sequestered place, which the friends of the deceased fondly hoped would forever conceal the remains from stranger eyes. The idea was broached, at the time that these interesting relics were dis- covered, that the place had been used as a cemetery ; but had this been the case, these would not have been solitary witnesses of the long departed race.* Whatever unsettled claims the descendants of Masconomo held, to any portion of their original inheritance, were formally resigned, by his grandchildren, by deeds given to the several towns then existing within the limits of ancient Agawam. Among these was Newbury. In behalf of himself and heirs, Samuel English, a grandson of Masconomo, in 1701, in consideration of ten pounds current money, paid him by the Selectmen of Newbury, confirmed to them and their heirs forever, a " tract of land, ten thousand acres more or less, containing the township of Newbury, being bounded north and north-west by the river Merrimac, east by the sea, west by Bradford line, and south by Rowley." The document in which this transfer of ten thousand acres is made, in consideration of ten pounds, is signed and sealed by the said heir of the " Earldom of Agawam," witnessed by two Justices of the Peace, and dated Jan- uary 10th, 1701, just sixty-six years after the settlement of New- bury (Old Town) ; and at this time there was not above a score of Indians in the place, and most of those which still survived, were in an abject condition ; and the payment, therefore, of any considera- tion, must have been a matter of pure choice, and the ten pounds paid by Newbury, a mere peace offering, ta allay the impotent complaints of this degenerate representative of the original lords of the soil. The part of Newbury first settled was the northern bank of the Quascacunquen (now Parker) river ; which inclines us to the be- lief that the centennial deposit, at the mouth of the Merrimac, which has occurred twice since that period, was then in unpromising exist- ence at the entrance of the river. Twice within the history of the * Other mementoes of the race have been found in the lower part of the town. Captain J. Woodell found a piece of an arrow-head in his field, and on land which has probably been cultivated over two hundred years, is occasion- ally turned up some fragmentary witness of the existence of the departed Pawtuckets. HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. settlement of the southern shores of the Merrimac, have the envi- ous tides, receiving their direction from the point of Cape Ann, endeavored to dam up the entrance to the harbor, by the formation of large deposits of sand on the permanent bar ; dividing the water into two indififerent channels. The process takes about a hundred years ; and these facts accord with the statement of an early visitor* to this part of the country, who speaks of the Merrimac as a " gallant river," but disparagingly adds, " the entrance to which, though over a mile in breadth, and having two passages, is barred With shoals of sand, and a sandy island lyeth against the mouth."! That the " sandy island" was soon after washed away, and one improved passage laid open to the adventurous mariner, is certain. But the want of a good channel to the Merrimac in 1635, was the turning-point which induced the first settlers of Newbury to locate on the banks of the Quascacunquen ; for though a pastoral people, they justified their choice by the conclusive argument that the favored stream afforded a " safe and easy passage to vessels ; " and Wood ( before quoted) says of the Ipswich and Quascacun- quen rivers, " they have fair chaimels, in which vessels of fifty or * Wm. Wood, who came to this country in 1629, and stayed four years ; when he returned to England and published "New England's Prospect" (1634), and the next year a map of this part of the coast. In 163G he returned to this country and settled in Lynn. fin 1840 a new channel, a quarter of a mile wide, was opened through Salisbury beach. At this time the sand had so accumulated on the bar, that no large vessel could safely venture over with the wind from any point between N. W. and N. E., it being almost certain that if she missed stays, the channel being so narrow, she would go on shore on the north breaker, or Plum Island. The new channel, had it continued, would have shortened the distance from the bar to the town over a mile ; and it was proposed to secure it by artificial means, but the hope of accomplishing this proved fallacious, and the shifting sands were found as untamable as ever. Nearly as great changes took place towards the close of the eighteenth century. The site of the fort which was built on Plum Island, to protect the harbor during the Revolutionary war, would now, by the changes in the channel, be found on the Salisbury shore. In December, 1795, public notice was given to mariners making this harbor, that on account of the shifting of the bar, the lights on Plum Island were moved so as to range *' W. by, S., running in, and E. by N., going out." Between 1820 and 1826, the north end of Plum Island wore away more than 600 feet, and persons were then living wlio could recollect when vessels, drawing from six to seven feet, could sail round Plum Island at low tide. 10 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. sixty tons may sail ; " evidently inferring that either of these rivers was better adapted for the general purposes of navigation, than the Merrimac. That the bar and general configuration of the approaches to the Merrimac have materially altered, rather than that these first explorers were so egregiously deceived, appears a reasonable conclusion ; as within the remembrance of many now living, there have been considerable alterations in the approaches to the Merrimac, and we can scarcely speculate on the position of these shifting sands two hundred and twenty years ago. But though the first regular settlement was made in the neighbor- hood of the lower green, (Old Town,) yet we find that two years earlier, (Sept. 3, 1633,) the General Court " granted liberty to Mr. John Winthrop, Jr., and to his assigns, to set up a trucking [trading] house, upon Merrimac river." And some time after, we find an additional favor granted him, viz., the right to employ an Indian* " to shoot at fowle ; " and we know from collateral testi- mony that as early as this, sturgeon was taken from the Merrimac, pickled and shipped to England. The stray settlers who engaged in this business, were not numerous enough, however, to excite the jealousies of the organized companies and permanent settlers, who followed in successive bands close upon them. The first of these, coming with the sanction and approval of the General Court, removed from the earlier settled Agawam, or Ipswich, in the spring of 1635,1 and consisted of twenty-three men, whose names are preserved, with their families and servants; the pastor with his people. A church and a miniature democracy were combined in that little company. Folio wmg Plum Island river or sound till they entered the Quascacun- quen, they landed with their goods, and what live stock they could transport, near where the bridge now crosses the familiar stream called " Parker river." Between them and their friends at Aga- wam, lay the unbroken forest ; before them, and around them, the unsubdued wilderness ; no roof welcomed them, no eye was there to kindle at their coming, and to greet them. The home which they * One of tlie early laws of the colony forbade the employment of any Indian, or the sale to them of any fire-arms, except by consent of the General Court. t"May 6th" in the Company books is recorded, "Newbury is allowed to be a plantation." HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 11 here anticipated, they must first make. And resolutely they set to work, imsheltered, till with their own hands they had felled the primeval forest, and reared a temporary refuge from the evening dews and the mid-day sun. This was soon accompHshed, and in the course of the ensuing summer months they were joined by many additional emigrants. Newbury was incorporated, as soon as settled, by the only Act of incorporation which slie ever received, viz., the recognition, by the General Court, of her right to send deputies to that body, which was done the first year of its settlement. No less than sixteen vessels had arrived at the colony of " ye Massa- chusetts Bay " within three months of the first movement towards Newbury ; all freighted with liberty loving souls, attracted by the fame of the free homes of Massachusetts, and a large number of these came immediately to Newbury. The territorial limits of the town were among the largest of any in the province ; it contained about thirty thousand acres, of which, perhaps, two thousand were covered with water, including the sea-shore at high water, rivers and ponds. It measured thirteen miles in length, and six in breadth. At this time, it was the policy of the colonial government to encourage settlements to the eastward, in order to meet the designs of the French, and, if possible, preoccupy all the lands north-east of Salem ; the whole of the territory which King James had granted to the Plymouth Company in 1606, having also been granted by Francis I of France, to De Montes, three years before, in 1603. Yet the French had but nonmial possession of any land south of Cape Sable, though their boundary lines extended to the Penob- scot.* But the Governor of Massachusetts, dreading then- influence, and fearing they would prove bad neighbors, was anxious to extend the EngHsh settlements as fast as possible in that direction. And it was probably through this direct influence, that so many of the emi- grants of 1635 came to Newbury. Yet, in his desire to " prevent the French Jesuites," Governor Winthrop was not unmindful of the character of the men whom he destined to occupy this part of the province, as a barrier to French aggression. And thus, in conjunc- tion with the General Court, he not only forbade any to locate them- selves within the jurisdiction of Massachusetts without leave, but * Bancroft's Hist. Colonization L'. S. vol. I, cliap. !). 12 HISTORY OP NEWBURYPORT. " misliking " some of those who had already settled at Agawam, he forthwith ordered their removal. The church of Newbury was first gathered under the wide- spread branches of an ancient oak, under whoso shade stood the faithful pastor, who had accompanied some of his Httle flock from England. In the " open ayre," on or near the lower green, was the first sermon preached within the hmits of Newbury.* In tracing the history of the New England towns, we almost inva- riably find the church to be the nucleus around which the future town was to grow. This order of events would have followed nat- urally enough, without the assistance of any ofiicial interference. The predominatuig motive, in the first settlers, bemg freedom of worship for themselves, many of the larger companies bringing their minister with them, it could scarcely fall out otherwise, but that they would locate with direct reference to the maintenance of their church fellowship ; depending on accessions from their friends, for increase and the growth of political influence. But this order of settlement was systematically encouraged by the rulers of the province, who granted no lands, nor sanctioned the removal of any number of persons unless they were able and willing to " maintaine ye ministrie among them." The first object, after dividing the lands and apportioning the common pasturage for the sheep and cattle, was to build a house for the minister, and a " meeting-house." In the division of the land, the general rule was observed, to grant a larger tract to those who had property, and less to those who had none ; and though at the first thought it appears an unreasonable and unjust mode of divi- sion, that the rich should have more granted them because they were rich, and the poor had little given them because they were poor, yet there were many reasons which rendered this imequal appropriation advantageous, if not absolutely necessary at that time, the principal of which was, that there being but little wealth among the mass of the colonists, it was desirable to oficr inducements to the higher classes to emigrate ; and as the colonial government had nothing else to give, and had abundance of unoccupied land, this system of appropriation might be considered the premium offered to those having property in England, to miite their fortunes with their poorer * Popkin's Hist. Sermon, HISTORY OP NEWBURYPORT. 13 brethren in the wilderness, and help build up the church of God in this Western World. And though a strong rehgious sentiment was the great-motory power which moved forward the tide of emigration in those days, yet it is not to be supposed that these grants in per- petuity of large tracts of land, were without their influence in decid- ing many to leave forever the land of their fathers. Neither should they be charged with selfish or unworthy motives on this account. A family reared in, and having many attachments to an old country, with the physical comforts of a lifetime gathered around them, but without much surplus wealth, would be exercising but ordinary pru- dence, if they secured to their families, in lieu of all this, a gift of wild land, which in course of years would far exceed, in pecmiiary value, what they relinquished, but to attain which, they must encounter the risks and privations of a long sea- voyage, and all the hardships unavoidably connected with the settlement of a new coun- try. To induce, then, this class of the " godly sort," to emigrate, fifty acres were given to each person who came at his own expense to the colony ; and for every fifty pounds in money wliich he paid into the common stock, he received two hundred acres of land. Also, if any persons in England sent over, at their own expense, any " sound healthy person," the same proportion of land was awarded to them ; and in this way therp became many owners of real estate in Massachusetts, resident in England. When the land came to be divided in Newbury, there was great inequaUty in the gi-ants to different persons forming the first parish ; the largest grant being one thousand and eighty acres to jNIr. Rich- ard Dummer ; while others received tracts varying in extent from six hundred and tliirty, which was the next largest, down to the four acres for a house lot and right of pasturage, which was given for the use of the poorest settler ; while the rich not unfrequently added to their estates by purchase. On the lower green was placed the first meeting-house, in which met the first churcli of Newbury,* with their first pastor, the Rev. Thomas Parker,! ^'^o contmued with them in that relation for more than a quarter of a century ; and connected with him as assistant and teacher to the settlement, was Mr. James Noyes, his nephew. J * Dr. Popkin's Sermon. f See Appendix to Period I. t See Appendix to Period I. 14 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. It is impossible to understand the state of early Newbury, witliout a correct appreciation of tlie position assumed, and influence exerted by this '* antient divine." The practical union vrhick existed between these chui'ch organizations and the civil power of the province,* involves the history of Xew England towns inextricably with that of the dominant church, and neither can be unravelled without the light of the other. Scarcely had the town of Newbury assumed shape and order, ere a difference of opinion arose between the pastor and his people, upon some points of church government, which afterwards broke out into open complaint and opposition, cre- ating contentions and dissensions, with brief intervals of truce only, for more than twenty-five yeai-s, involving the parish as well as the church ; injuriously affecting the organization of the military com- pany ; f calling for the interference of the General Court, and attracting the attention, and exciting the interest of all the churches in the province ; giving tone to the entire population for nearly two generations ; nor can its effects be said to have entirely ceased, down to the present time. We may as well here explain, that the mooted point between pastor and people, was in regard to where lay the governing power of the church. The pastor claimed that it lay in him ; the church, or rather the dissentient party in the church, claimed that it lay in them ; and despite the adjudication of the General Court, whose aid was several times sought — the advice of ecclesiastical councils, and continual endeavors to settle or compromise the difficulties, this desirable object was not attained in the lifetime of the minister. Death only could heal the divisions which had gi'own and rankled for a quarter of a century. "With this brief explanation of the state of ecclesiastical affairs, the reader will more clearly perceive the cause of many of the corpor- ate, as well as unofficial acts of the parish, and their subsequent attempts to control and restrain the growth of new religious interests. One of the first orders of the town of Newbury, was that no person should be admitted as a resident, without the consent and approba- * At this time no one could be chosen to any civil or military office who was not a member of the church. — Colony Records, vol. 1. jThe nomination of an individual proposed as Serjeant, was rejected on one occasion, the reason being given, that he was"c')?r«p/ as regards the Lord's Supper." HISTORY OF XEWEURYPORT. !•'» tion of the town ; * and this on the same principle bv which the ruling powers excluded from the soil of Massachusetts, such per- sons as they deemed inimical to the peace and purity of the colony. For some time, the town met en masse ^ to transact even the most tr iflin g business ; but this being found burdensome and troublesome, from the frequency with which they were called together, the town in 1636 chose seven men *• to order the affairs of the town," These performed duties similar to those of our modem selectmen, and their successors, subsequently elected, were called by that name. The selectmen had also some duties to perform which their modem successors would hardly dare assume. By an order of the General Court, they were authorized to examine children, or apprentices, and if they found them ignorant, to admonish their parents or masters, and if no improvement was made, they might, with the consent of two magistrates, or the next County Court, place them in the hands of those who would instruct them better. Two years after their settlement, the inhabitants of Xewbury were called upon to furnish their quota of men to join the forces being raised against the Pequods, (spelled Pecoits in the early records.) who were stirring up the Indians throughout Xew England, to a war of extermination against the English. Eight 2sewb\iry men took part in the expedition,! against the piincipal warrior now left — Sassacus — and pursuing his scattered followers to Fairfield, fought in the concluding battle of the Pequod war, eflEectually breaking up this fearful alliance of the Indians, and from which may be dated the utter prostration of the power of the Pequods in New England. Though the Indians in the immediate vicinity of Newbury, were exceedingly reduced in numbers and spiiit, before the planting of the first settlement on Parker river, yet our ancestors were by no means exempt from all anxiety on their accoimt. We find at this Hme, that 'they contemplated buUding a fort; and it was their invariable practice to carry their guns to *• meeting.*' The town also passed a special order, that '• every man going into the field to Avoi-k. should take his gun with him : "' and one adventurous man * State paper of Gov. Barnard. t It is related of these troops, and is qtiite in accordance ■with the spirit of the men and times, that ther halted on their wav to Coimectieut, to discuss the question. •' -whether they were under a Covenant of Grace or Works." 16 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPOKT. proposing to place his house some little distance from the others, " on the other side of the hill," the town voted that he be warned against such presumption, but that if he persisted, and harm befell him, then " his blood should be on his own head." These precautions were probably not directed against those few Indians living within the lim- its of old Agawam, but incursions were dreaded from more distant, and less friendly tribes. In regard to education, Newbury, though not at first maintaining a parish schoolmaster, was better supphed in this respect than many of the new settlements, both Mr. Parker and Mr. Noyes acting in this capacity ; and ere long the annual election of a schoolmaster, with suitable appropriation for his support, became a regular and promi- nent item in the business meetings of the town. A portion of the " lands in common," was appropriated for his use ; and from the first records, we find constant and particular provision made for the "Latin Scholars."* But though the education of all the youth was a fundamental principle in the written and unwritten laws of the provmce, and enlisted the deepest interest of the early emigrants, there is sufficient evidence of a great scarcity of books among the mass of the people. The county records, contaming the valuation and settlement of es- tates, with minute enumerations of items of personal property, bring this fact very clearly out. Many of the clergy had good, even valuable libraries, but the " planters," as the yeomanry were then designated, seem to have been contented with a very limited assortment. For instance, among the items of personal property, we find belonging to an estate valued at £318, "three bokes." What these were, might be matter of interesting speculation, and we should without hesitation have decided that the family Bible was one, had we not previously discovered thut tliat venerable relic was ^ separately disposed of by will. In another account of personal property amount ing to nearly £300, we find " bokes 14 s." and as in the next line there is an item, " a boy, <£10, 5 s.f " we must conclude that labor •*The town -was, nevertheless, fined by the General Court, for not having a "Latin School." •f This migllt be a boy who had been hired out by the " Company," for a term of years, or p ^rhaps sentenced as a slave by the General Court, for some criminal act; no uncommon thine: at this period. See vols. 1 and 2 of Records Mass. Ba-v. HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 17 was honored quite as much as lay literature among the planters. The cost of books -while they had to be imported from Europe, must for many years have precluded the people from indulging extensively in this luxury ; which indeed could not be expected to enter largely into their expenditures, while so many articles of prime necessity to security of life and bodily comfort, were still wanting. Up to 1638, Newbury contained no visible means of correcting offenders against the law. In this year, Mr. Edward Rawson was appointed to "judge small causes in Newbury:" this mcluded all matters of less value than forty sliillings. But the General Court, it appears, was not satisfied to trust to this, and to Newbury was given a limited time to provide a pair of stocks, in default of Avhich, to be fined five pounds. They were also fined six shillings eight pence, and " enjoined to repair their defects " [in the roads] before September. About this time, settlements were begun on the north of the Merrimac, at " Salsberry," [originally called Colchister,] and beyond, at what is now Hampton,* and mthin another year, a ferry was established at Carr's Island, (in the neighborhood of the ship-yard now occupied by Mr. Jackman,) which shows that the communica- tion between these later settlements, and those on the southern bank of the river, must have been frequent and considerable*. The popu- lation of Newbury was now tending to the "water-side," — that portion of the town now included in Newburyport. Until 1642, the people had been almost exclusively engaged in husbandry ; the most of their property consisting of land, cattle, goats and sheep. Almost every family had a flock of goats ; and from the quantity of land laid out as "ox-commons," "sheep-walks," and pasturage for all the cominon kinds of live stock which required grass, their number must have been very great. But a resolve having passed the House of Commons, with fair prospect of being made a permanent measure by Parliament, exempting the exports and imports of New England from taxation, an impulse was given to the mercantile spirit, which produced not only an increased emigration of the class of traders from England, but induced the werjthier and * Records of Norfolk Co. 18 HISTORY OP NEWEURYPORT. more enterprising, already here, to turn their attention to commerce. Several Enghsh merchants came to Newbury, whom we find after- wards engaged by the water-side, laying the foundation of that extensive shipping interest, which subsequently placed Newburyport among the principal importing towns of New England. Fishing in the Merrimac was now a regular business, notwithstanding the "sandy island which lyetli at the mouth." Newbury had also grown in another direction, toward the west ; and the first parish was fast losing her original prestige of pre- eminence, by the continual removal of the people farther north and west, — a "sore distance from the meeting-house" — which said meeting-house figures as conspicuously in the history of Newbury, as the Constitution in the pohtical speeches of young patriots. Plum Island was extensively used for many years as a winter resort for cattle ; and from the value which the early settlers seemed to place upon it, we should infer that it was somewhat more prolific of herbage than we find it at the present day ; for, in a petition to the General Court, the people of Newbury pray that Plum Island may be granted " to their sole use," (and to the exclusion of Rowly and Ipswich,) because that "in right it belongs to us," and also " to relieve our pinching necessities, without which, we see no way to continue or sub»st." Should any see fit thus to petition wow, we should think they hardly bid fair to "subsist" tvith it. The Court soon after di^dded the Island betvreen the three towns (Oct. 17th, 1649). Although freedom was the thought in the heart of every emigrant, and " liberty" was ever in the speech of the first settlers of Massa- chusetts, we, who are sometimes called their " degenerate descend- ants," can scarcely conceive how om* forefathers submitted to the continual pressure of authority over the daily habits, and even speech of the people. The mode of wearing the hair, as it would seem a matter which involved no question of morahty, or good policy, but one which might safely be left to the taste or judgment of the indi- vidual, was then made matter of serious import, both by the civil rulers, and the still more potent condenmation of the clergy. A testimony signed by Governor Endicott and seven or eight of his Council, was published against wearing long hair, " after the manner HISTORY OF NEWBUKYPORT. 19 of ruffians, and barbarous Indians, and contrary to God's word," and bj which paper, " they did manifest their dishke and detestation of the wearing of long hair, as a thing uncivil." The paper con- cludes with an admonition to the elders " to see to it, that the mem- bers of the churches be not defiled therewith." The R^v. John ElHot, the " apostle to the Indians," also declared that the wearing of long hair was " an ofience to godly Christians," and that all who followed the custom " walked ofiensively." When it is remem- bered that a minister then possessed a degree of influence over the feelings of the people unparalleled by any class of men in the pres- ent day, such condemnation of the practice was equivalent to an authoritative order to desist. The origin of this prejudice of the Puritans against long hair, may be traced to the contest 'between the CavaHers and Roimdheads ; though they professed to found their opposition to it on the word of revelation, yet it is plain, that when the wearing of short hair by men became, as it did in England, in the time of Charles the First, and the Protectorate, the symbol of a .party, — when the Cavaliers, who were also Papists, or favorable to that party, nourished their flowing locks with undisguised satisfac-- tion and pride, and the reformers of the day universally adopted the opposite extreme, cutting their hair short, and of an equal length all round, until they had earned the appellation of " Roundheads," which expressed not only Protestantism, but designated, also, the straitest sect of that division of Christendom, — it is not surprising that their descendants, who had been taught to look upon long and elaborately di'essed hair as a memento of the Stuarts, should hasten to discourage the introduction of such vanities in this western retreat, where they had hoped no " papistical ways " would be tolerated. But not only was the mode of dressing the hair subjected to the ordeal of judicial and ecclesiastical remonstrance, but the cost and fashion of apparel fell also under the keen and searching eyes of our worthy elders and magistrates of the olden 'time. A law was passed at the General Court forbidding 'the use of lace upon any garment, except " binding or small edgmg lace," *- which might be used on garments, or linen; graciously permitting people, however, to " wear out their old garments," if ever so fine ; and adding go the grievance of interference in matters of ^uch purely personal ^- Mas-!. Records, vol. 1. 20 HISTORY OF NEWBLKYPORT. coucern, invidious distinctions, by which persons owning a certain amount of property were permitted to indulge in these, to others, forbidden luxuries. This is the worst feature in these sumpt- uary laws, and the least in accordance with republican feeling, as it tended powerfully to keep up and create castes, which, odious any- where, is more particularly injurious in small communities, where, of all the members personally known to each other, some were selected out, by judicial discrimination, for the reception of privileges ; as, for instance, where the Court expressed " its utter detestation that men of mean callings and condition should take upon them the garb of gentlemen," or that women of the same rank should wear silk or tifiany hoods, which, though allowable in persons of gTeat estate, they "judge intolerable in persons of such hke condition." A httle later, we find that three inhabitants of Newbury, " were each presented for wearing a silk hood and scarf," but were dis- charged on proving that their husbands were worth two hundred pounds. But one Joseph Swett's wife was fined ten shilhngs for the same ofience. Then, too, a continual surveillance was kept up . • on the conduct of persons in their domestic afiah-s, and a degree of interference was customary, which many now would " judge intolera- ble." Thus Aquilla Chase* and his wife " were presented for gath- ering pease on the Sabbath day." A due censorship of the tongue was also observed. A seafaring man, on approaching in liis ship, having noticed that the flag displayed was destitute of a cross, " spake to some on board the ship that we had not the king's colors, but were all traitors and rebels ; " for which indiscreet remark, he was arrested and committed to prison ; but was finally discharged, on his signing a written confession that the expression had no founda- tion in truth, but proceeded only from " the rashness and distemper * The descendants of the Chase family were some eight years ago thrown into a qui vlve by the, report that an immense fortune was left them by some wealthy branch of the family in England. In January, 1846, six hundred of them assembled from aU parts of the country, at Newbury Town House, on in\'itation of Joshua Coffin, Esq., where a collection was taken up among them to defray the expenses of prosecuting the investigation of the claim ; and a committee of five was appointed to carrj' out such measures as they might deem expedient, to secure the money to the American heirs. The money has not yet come ! HISTORY OF XEWBURYPORT. 21 of his own brain."* Like all the people of that age around them, the characters of our ancestors partook of that inconsistency which ever exists in transition periods, when the thought is before the habit, and the shackles of past prejudices unlink but slowly, to admit the new forms which must follow, but do not always accompany the advance of mind. But of all the arrangements for maintaining a rigid surveillance over the habits of the people, perhaps none was so eflfectual, and certainly none would be considered more offensive and oppressive in these days, than the appointment of " tithingmen," a species of guardianship to which our ancestors long submitted without mur- muring ; not, we believe, because insensible to the value of personal liberty, but regarding it as necessary to the general well-being of the State, the due preservation of morals, and the prevention of heresies and religious eccentricities, tiuctured, perhaps, with the feeling that the supervisory power thus submitted to, was attainable by themselves, and that those who one year admonished or rebuked them, miarht the next be under the yoke of their rule. The "tithingmen'' were persons apporuted by the selectmen to have a general inspection and oversight over a limited number of families, usually ten. It was their especial duty to see that all the members of these designated families attended public worship res^ularly, and to mark otherwise all violations of the Sabbath. In the year 1679, fourteen of these tithingmen were appointed in Xewbury,t which would show the niunber of families at that time to be one hundred and forty ; and reckoning each family to contain five persons, (and it would probably be more,^ it would give a total pop- ulation of seven hundred, or over. This estimation is probably not far from correct, as we find, by a list of the persons who took the oath of allegiance, (being all males over sixteen years of age,) that there were two hundred and thirty-six thus enrolled in the town of Newbury in 1678. The duties of titlungmen were gradually contracted to narrow er and narrower limits, until their only duty was to keep order among the boys. ]Mr. Lewis says, in his history, that in the early times in Lvnn, the " tithinsnien had a knob at one end of their Ions: white wands, and a fox*s tail at the other: when, if they perceived any of * Colonv Records. t Newbury Kecordj, p. 295. 22 IHSTOIIY OF NEAVBURYPOllT. the men asleep in meeting, tliey would gently rap them on the head ■with the knob ; but if any of the ladies were caught napping, they drew the fox's tail lightly over their face." Their usual insignia of office was a long white wand. In 1643, the province of Massachusetts was first divided into counties ; but as the jurisdiction of the Court was then presumed to include what is now the State of New Hampshire, there was one county laid out, then called Norfolk,* which included Portsmouth, Dover, and other towns now in that State. Essex County contamed " Salem, Lynn, Enon, (now Wenham,) Ipswich, Rowly, Newberri, Gloucester, and Cochiawick " (now Andover) ; and about this time the inhabitants of Newbury had become so scattered that a new division of land was made three or four miles north of the old meeting house, which was called the " laying out of the new town," the southern boundary of which was Parker street, in Newbury. Mr. Coffin says, " the exact limits of the new town cannot noAV be ascer- tained ; but it extended farther north and south than Newburyport now [1845] does. This " new town" we may consider as the date of Newburyport, as a separate interest from Newbury, though the formal separation did not take place till one hundred and twenty years afterwards. But from this time we find the two sections arrayed in opposition to each other, mainly because their interests being different, were not so recognized, but the first parish long attempted to exercise a con- trol over those who had removed from the original precincts, though quite inadequate to furnish them with the benefits which such supremacy implied. The first serious trouble arose about the meet- ing-house ; some were for having the old one removed to a position which would better accommodate those who had located farther north and west, while others desired to build a new house, and maintain their own minister at their own charge. The party in * After New Hampshire was relieved from tlie jurisdiction of Massa- chusetts, the latter was still determined to have a Norfolk County within her borders, and very absurdly located it in the southern part of the State ; the name Norfolk being derived from a northern county in England, and meaning originally " North folk," in contradistinction to the " South folk," who likewise manufactured Suffolk out of their location. — Records of Norfolk County. HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 23 favor of removing the house obtained the order that it should be transferred from the lower green nearly to its present site, " that the people who had formed the new town might be encouraged to go on and improve their lands." But to prevent any change, part of the inhabitants of the " ould town" petitioned the General Court to interfere and prevent the removal. The " new town" after a little while prevailed, and a new house was built. Although it might naturally be supposed that a people so deeply imbued with the rehgious sentiment, and at the same time so widely scattered from each other, — their dwellings, as in Newbury, being in many instances six or seven miles distant from each other,* — would incline to the practice of extempore rehgious meetings, and preach- ing, if it could be had. We find in reality, that no practice was more systematically resisted by those in authority, than any depart- ure from the established mode of worship, nor any umovation more promptly punished, than that of unlicensed preaching. " Wanton Gospellers" were as certain of a seat in the stocks, or some equally fashionable, condign punishment, as the thief or any other " con- temners of ye law." A positive order of the General Court forbade any person exhorting the people on the Sabbath, except a regularly ordained minister ; and a native of Newbury having expressed his opinion that this law was inconsistent " with those principles of civil and religious freedom on which Massachusetts was founded," he was disfranchised, and fined twenty marks, for " defaming ye Gene- ral Court." This case excited the jealous sympathy of some in the town, who petitioned for the remission of the sentence, whereupon " eight of the Newbury men" were bound over in a bond of ten pounds, for their future good behavior, for having signed the petition, — a more arbitrary sentence than that which they prayed against. The same severity obtained against holding communications with those suspected of heresy, most of the \irulence being at this time directed against the Quakers. An inhabitant of Salisbury, (who had removed from Newbury) — Thomas Macy, whose adventures have been so graphically described in Whittier's baUad on the * At the time Newbury was settled, a general law of the province forbade any one to build a house " more than half a mile from ye meeting-house." It was found necessary to repeal this. 24 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. " Settlement of Nantucket," was prosecuted and fined for " enter- taining Quakers," though he affirmed " that thej stayed not above three quarters of an hour in the house, and that he had no conversation -with them, being ill in bed, but thinking they might be Quakers, he desired them to pass on as soon as the violence of the rain had ceased." But for this act of humanity in shel- tering three waj^farers from the storm, he could obtain no abate- ment of liis sentence from the Coui-t. These same Quakers were af- terwards arrested and hung in Boston. But though oui' ancestors had many of the prejudices of the age, they had, too, its virtues. Regarding a religious education as the proper foundation " whereon the grace of God might be grafted, to his glory," the inhabitants of Newbury were ever ready, to assist in contributions to Harvard College, and in the maintenance of other institutions of learning, as they multiphed in the country. The first graduate of Harvard was a native of Newbury, Benjamin Woodb ridge. The first intimation we have of a wharf or dock being built, on the present site of Newburyport, is a grant of the town* to Captain Paul AVhite, of half an acre of land (in 1655,) near where the Market House now stands, for the pui-pose, and on condition that he build a dock and warehouse there. But an independent trader had been before him ; one Watts had built a cellar in the vicinity, some years before, and he may possibly have been one of those " Scot- tish or Irish gentlemen" to whom the General Court, seventeen years before, gave liberty to " set down anywhere upon Merrimack," or he may have been one of the assigns of John Winthrop, Jr., who had Hberty to set up his " trucking house" the year before the above liberal grant was made. At any rate, " Watts his seUar " was referred to as a well-known site. His occupation was probably fishing or trading for fish, which Avas stored in the aforesaid " sel- lar ; " and which he had occupied long before there was any consid- erable tendency of the population to the water-side. That there had been considerable fishing in the Merrimacf before this time, is certain ; and some little traffic was carried on by * Newbury Records, p. 1 2 1 . t In early times, before the river was enchained, and turned into the service of our manufacturers, it abounded with fish — sturgeon, salmon, shad, &c. HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 25 small vessels ; but such exchanges of produce, thus made, were obliged to be conveyed to and from the vessel in small boats, except at full tide, when some of the smaller craft could unlade at a favora- ble point on the banks of the river. A brisk trade Avas now spring- ing up with some of the West India Islands ; sugars began to be imported directly from them; while New England received from them also tobacco, cotton, indigo, &c. Very little of this Avas paid for in money, but dried and pickled fish, timber, and beef, were exchanged for these imports. This change in the nature of trade, and the larger vessels and cargoes which might be expected to seek a market here, probably suggested to Captain White, who must have experienced the difficulty of landing goods on the Merrimac, the increasing necessity of a wharf. It was built at the foot of Fish street (now State) in 1G5G. At this time there was no tavern in Newbury, but the town being liable to a fine for not sustaining one, an " ordinary" was soon after opened to the traveller, at the head of Marlborough street. While the town was increasing in population and wealth, and new avenues of trade were being opened, the inhabitants of the " old town" Avere mainly absorbed in ecclesiastical troubles, arising from the difference before referred to between the people and their min- ister. In 1664 the dissatisfaction of the people Avas expressed by a reduction of their pastor's salary ; but this was again increased the succeeding year, and no subsequent attempt Avas ever made to bring liim to terms by cutting off his supplies ; the opposing party con tenting themselves thereafter with petitioning the General Court, seeking the aid of ecclesiastical councils, and also, on some occasions, exercising the equivocal right of admonishing, and finally, by vote, suspending him from the exercise of his clerical prerogatives. They did this on the ground that they Avere a majority of the church, 'and Avere therefore i/ie chui'ch itself; yet throughout tliis whole contro- versy, the pastor manfully maintained liis position, and the people their esteem and respect for him ; even the vote Avhereby he Avas suspended by his mutinous flock, invited him to preach to them, as a " gifted brother," if he pleased.* It shows that there must have been much good in both parties ; and though the record of their * Dr. Popkin. 26 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. public acts would lead to the conclusion that they were actuated by a spirit of unmitigated willfulness, there must have been good ster- ling qualities in each, which commended them to their opponents, or this retention of kindly feeling towards each other would have been impossible. The history of the " troubles at ye church in Neuber- ri," is standing evidence how the best of men maybe misled into acts of tyranny, as well as unjustifiable usurpation, all the while conscientiously beheving that they are only contending for the truth, for the truth's sake. But in this state of inquietude, the process of " seating the meeting-house " * Avas one which occasioned some little confusion and irritation ; there were originally no pews built, but only open seats, Avhich it was soon found necessary to assign to certain persons, on account of " divers complaints of confusions in ye meeting-house," on account of persons " crowding into seats already full." It was therefore ordered, that a list of the names of all attending the meeting should be drawn, men and women, and their seats assigned them by the selectmen, which process was called " seating the meeting-house." Afterwards a pew was built for the minister's wife, and permission given to some young ladies to have a pew built for themselves. This being looked upon as a piece of insupportable pride, some young men broke into the meeting-house one night, broke the chairs in the pew and committed other injuries, the perpetrators of which outrage being afterwards discovered, w^ere duly punished. The children usually sat on long benches " adown the ile," and tithingmen were employed to preserve order among the boys, and see that they gave " due attention," to the long, two- hour sermons. The architecture must in the first instance have been decidedly primitive, as it was made one of the duties of the individual who had the care of the meeting-house, not only " to have the floor swept, and the day after to Avinge down the seats," but in case any of the panes of glass became loosened, to nail them in again.f The art of the glazier must have been held at a discount. The minister's salary was usually paid in produce. The export of pickled sturgeon had become in 1674 a regular and profitable branch of trade in Newbury ; some was transported overland to Boston, and some found its way out of the country by the small vessels engaged also in fishing on the Merrimac. It was * Dr. Popkin, f Coffin. HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 27 frequently exchanged for West India rum and molasses ; a keg of sturgeon was worth from ten to twelve shillings, and one Daniel Pierce is recorded to have given " ififteen kegs of sturgeon for a small cask of rum, and a cask of molasses." But there were mo- nopoHsts in those days, as in the present, for a certain Wilham Thomas petitions the General Court that he may be " hcensed to boyle and sell sturgeon for the counties of Essex and Norfolk, being aged and uncapable of any other way of subsistence," but was " forestalled and cu-cumvented by others, who by hooke or crooke, for strong liquors, or otherwise, procure the. fish from the Indians employed to catch them, by the petitioner." Notwithstanding a long array of qualifications for the business, which are enumerated in the petition, and the intimation that he alone could put up stur- geon to the credit of the country, the waters of Essex and Norfolk were left free to other adventurers. The alarm excited throughout New England by the breaking out of King Philip's war, exceeded that produced by any preceding combination of the Indian tribes. An army of a thousand men was at once placed under the command of Governor Winslow, and requisitions were made on all parts of the country, for men to with- stand this formidable alhance. With inconsiderable exceptions. New England had been dehvered from the terror of the hatchet and the tomahawk, since the suppression of the Pequods. But this new and powerful combination awoke not only the fears, but roused into activity all the energies of rulers and people, and put them on devising means of defence. This part of the country was consid- ered peculiarly exposed ; and the most prompt and energetic meas- ures were proposed by the General Court for its protection. Many of the towns had petitioned for aid, and in consequence of their representations, it was seriously proposed to build a wall, eight feet high, to extend the whole distance from the Charles river to Concord river, for the protection of Essex and Middlesex counties ; that thus the people might be securely " environed from the rage and fury of the enemy." The people of Newbury, however, did not acquiesce in this project, but forwarded a representation to the Council, in which, after stating that they had duly considered the proposed plan of fortifying the Merrimac, " think it not feasible," nor calculated 28 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. to effect the desired object ; and suggest instead, a living wall, consisting of a company of men who might " range to and fro." They however ordered several houses to be garrisoned, and took all reasonable precautionary measures to guard against a surprise. From August 5th, 1675, to January 2d, 1676, sixty-seven men from Newbury were drawn for the war, with forty-six horses and forty days' provisions, — a large proportion for the number and means of the town. Of the men taken from Newbury, three were killed at the " battle of the fort," * in Rhode Island, and a fourth received wounds of which ho died shortly after his return home. The place Avhere this famous battle was fought, was an elevated piece of ground, of three or four acres, on which was placed the fort ; the level land below being a hideous swamp some seven miles from Narragansett. Five hundred wigwams were destroyed with the fort, which was finally reduced by setting it on fire. Scarcely had the excitement consequent upon the war with Philip, been brought to a close by the death of that chieftain and the captiu'e of Annawon, than the town of Newbury was all astir with a new trouble. An enemy not less fatal, and more insidious, had entered unperceived, — being in his nature invisible, — and whUe the General Court sought to build up walls of stone to keep out the wild men of the forest, and our good forefathers depended on their strong arms and trusty muskets to defend their homes and little ones from danger, the unsuspected foe had entered, and fairly made a lodgment in the town. Perhaps it was from being so far from the " meeting-house," that Satan ventured to make his first demonstrations palpable . in the house and person of Goody Morse. The reverend pastor who had led the Httle church of Newbury from England, after a series of tribulations which would have exhausted the faith and patience of ordinary mor- tals, had gone to his rest, and no longer Avatched with jealous care over the scattered members of his earthly flock. " The blessed light of Newberry," (Rev. James Noyes,) had long been extin- guished ; while the colleague of the " antient divine" had not yet attained to an oj;der of sanctity comparable to his predecessors. What an opportunity, then, during this spiritual breach in the primi- tive pastorate, for the exercise of Satan's favorite devices ! * Church's Hist, of the French and English Wars. HISTORY OF NEWBUKYl'OKT. 29 In a low wooden house which stood over against the " frog pond," and on the highway, adown "which an aged couple might sometimes be seen riding, (the dame behind her husband on a pillion,) to the distant meeting-house, and which whilom was occupied by one Goodman Morse and his wife Elizabeth, strange things began to take place, for which no visible cause could be assigned ; and ere long, the dread- ful thought began to be entertained, and whispered among the neigh- bors, that the old house was " bewitched." We can talk calmly of these things now, for they mean little or nothing to our ears ; the subject inspu'cs no supernatural dread, and no visions of jails and hangman's ropes flit before our eyes when we talk of " being bewitched." But when old Goody Morse and her faithful spouse sat beneath the old elm trees that once sheltered her ill-fated door from the summer sun, or when beside the open window the broad frills of her cap were seen, and the noise of her spinning wheel attracted the eyes and ears of the passers-by, it was indeed a fearful thing that they whispered to one another, — " Goody ]Morse is bewitched." How this terrible suspicion first fell upon the unfortunate woman, who more than a century and a half ago occupied the old house, wliich is now replaced by a neat block of modern buildings, on the corner of High and Market streets, we probably shall never know ; unless a certain young rogue, a grandson of hers, has left in some unsearched corner, a written confession, which at some future time shall be brought to light ; but wanting this, we must make use of such information as the Court, and other records of the time afford. The first official information that we find relating to this first and only case of legally recognized Avitchcraft, in what is now Newbury- port, is a complamt entered against one Caleb Powell, " for suspicion of working with ye devil, to ye molesting of William Morse and his family." It appears that this Powell had Ids suspicions that the wonderful things which were said to have taken place in the " Morse house," were partially, if not Avholly produced by the agency of a young lad m the family, WiUiam jMorse's grandson. For the pur- pose of verifying his suspicions, he stated that if he could have the said lad with him, and another person, whom he named, he thought he could ascertain the cause of their many and unaccount able annoyances ; — meaning probably to show that the boy, being oO HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. absent, the fiendish tricks ceased. But in his zeal for his friends, he well nigh found his ottii neck in the nooje. On his own confession of being thus able to solve the mystery of the assaults upon the peace of Goodman Morse, he was arrested for having dealings in the " black art," and was ordered to find bail in the sum of £20, or stand committed for the same, William Morse coming under an obligation to prosecute the complaint against Powell at the next term of the Comity Court, which was held at Ipswich. The testimony against Powell is about as clear as much of that presented in the succeeding " witch cases " that subsequently disfigured the early records of Massachusetts.* One John Badger testified " that Caleb Powell said, ' that by astrologie and (he thought) by astronomie too, that he could find out whether there were diabolical means used about Morse's trouble.' " A brother of William Morse declared on oath, " that being at his brother's house, a piece of brick came down the chimney, — that he took it in his hand, but that in a little time it was gone from him, he could not tell how, but quickly after the same piece of brick came down the chimney again ; and presently, a hammer, which he had seen lying on the floor but a few minutes before, came down the chimney too ; and then a piece of wood a foot long," &c. But the chief witnesses were William Morse and his wife. They testified, " that one Thurs- day night, being in bed, they heard a great noise upon the roof, with sticks and stones, as if thrown against the house with great violence ; but on getting up they found nobody, but on lying down again, the same noises were repeated. * * * The next day, an awl in the window was taken away, he knew not how, and came down the chimney ; which on seeing he put into the cupboard, but which mysteriously left its place, and again descended the chimney ; " this was repeated several times, and then a basket followed the same route. The sagacious man immediately placed a brick in the basket, * The witch cases of Massachusetts have been bruited abroad, as though no other civilized society had ever been chargeable with the same folly. An order of the General Court, passed in May, 1C48, will show whose lead the Massa- chusetts colonists followed in this matter. It is as follows : " The Court desire the course to be taken here which hath been taken in England, for discovery of witches, by watching them a certain time. It is ordered that the best and surest way may forthwith be put in practice, to begin this night if it may be, being the 18th of the 3d month." — Reconh of the Gov. and Com. of yp Maati. Bay. HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 31 to prevent its again violating the laws of gravitation by getting up to the top of the chimney, " he knew not how," but all was of no avail ; in a little while basket and brick disappeared, and made the favorite witch's entrance to the room, through the fireplace, from the chimney. The number of missiles that descended in this unseemly manner was unaccountable. " Several nights," we copy from the testimony, " a large hog was found in the house, though the door had been locked on retiring ; the cattle in the barn were untied, and the boy being sent out to see what was the matter, a large frame of some kind fell down on him, and the deponents going out to help him, when they came in, they found a cotton wheel turned with the legs upward, and many things set upon it, and the pots hanging over the fire, were dashing one against another, so that they were obUged to be taken down." But these were trifles to what followed. Next, an andiron danced up and down, and finally into a pot over the fire, and then the pot danced on to the table, voluntarily turning over, and spilling the contents ; then a tub turned over ; and anon, a tub of bread followed suit, came down from a shelf and turned a somerset. Goody Morse trying to make her bed, " the clothes did fly off many times, of themselves," — at the same time a chest opened and shut of its own accord, and the doors flew together. But not only while these afl[licted ones were engaged in secular affairs, did the evil spirits assault them ; William Morse says, " I ))eing at prayer, my head being covered with a cloth, a chair did often times bow to me, and then strike me on the side," and his wife coming out of another room, a wedge of iron Avas thrown at her, " and a stone which hurt her much," and a shoe came down the chimney and struck him a l)low on the head. The concluding part of this deposition, — the substance of which Ave have given, — throws some light on the cause, though it does not appear to have directed the suspicions of those most concerned to the right source, though William Morse says, farther on, " a mate of a ship coming often to me, said he was much grieved for me, and that if I would let him have the boy, l)ut for one day, he would warrant me no more trouble, * * * and the boy Avas Avith him until night, and I had not any trouble since." 32 HISTORY OP NEWBURYPORT. But with the return of the boj returned the trouble. Some friends being in the house, " the earth in the chimney corner moved, and scattered on them," and " somewhat hit WilHam Morse a great blow, but it was so swift that they could not tell what it was." Another of the company was hit with an iron ladle ; and a Mr. Richardson testified that " a board flew against his chair, and he heard a noise in another room, which he supposed in all reason to be diabolical ! " There were frequent " noises in another room," and outside of the house ; sometimes it was " very dreadful." Spoons were thrown off the table, the table itself thrown down, " inkhorne hid from me, and the pen quite gone, spectacles thrown into the fire ; struck a great blow in the poll ; the cat thrown at my wife, " and so on and so forth. The old man undertaking to write down these mar- vellous things, before he could dry the writing, a hat was drawn against the paper, but holding it fast, (which showed some courage under the circumstances,) but part of it was blotted. This writing was intended to be preserved, and the good people bethought them to lay it in the Bible over night, lest it should be spirited away, and indeed for one night it remained unmolested, but the next it disap- peared from between the sacred leaves, and was afterwards found in a box. William Morse adds, apparently with the greatest sin- cerity, " do what I could, I could hardly keep my paper while writing this relation, and this morning I was forced to forbear, so many things constantly thrown at me." How this bore against Caleb Powell, we do not very clearly see, but a choice, and truly demonstrative bit of testimony, was produced at the trial in .March, (1680), one Sarah Hale* and Joseph Mirick having testified that "Joseph Morse had often said in their hearing, that if there were any wizards, Caleb Powell was one ! ! " But even this was not so much to the point as one that followed. Mary Tucke;-, in her evidence, affirmed " that Caleb Powell said that he, ' coming to William Morse's house, and the old man being at prayer, he thought not fit to go in, but looking in at the window he broke the enchantment, for he saw the boy play tricks, and among the rest, fling the shoe at the old man's head.' " * Ipswich Court Record. HISTORY OF NKWBURYPOllT. 33 The Court could not decide exactly what amount of guilt rested on the said Powell, and determining to mete out as exact justice as they could, they failed to convict him of the charge upon which he was arraigned, " of working by the devil to the molestiijg of WiUiam Morse and liis family ; " but agreed that there was just enough suspicion against him to oblige him to " hear his own shame and the costs of prosecution ! ! " and with this equivocal acquittal, he was fain to be content. But the troubles in the Morse house waxed worse and worse, and the people began to cast about to find who else might be the guilty one. It seems never to have entered the minds of the suffer- ers, to investigate calmly and systematically the cause of these unwonted disturbances, but they placed them at once, and without hesi- tation, to the credit of supernatural, or rather diabolical workings ; and having failed to make a victim of Caleb Powell, another must be found — and who so likely as Goody Morse ? — " some one must be the witch ! " — and for want of evidence against any one else, the general suspicion Avas now directed against the poor woman. The news had already reached Boston, that the invisible powers of darkness were displaying their impish dealings in Newbury. A general behef in the existence of such a crime as witchcraft prevailed, not only among the poor and ignorant, but the learned and the educated, while grave doctors of divinity sanctioned the belief, not only tacitly by withholding all rebuke, but actively by their pens, thch- preach- ing, and their presence at the trial of the unfortunate creatures charged with this impossible crime. Is it strange, then, that the unlearned and ignorant should zealously join in the hue and cry which the clergy had sanctioned against " witches ? " Suspicion pro- duced almost as fatal effects as what in those days was deemed evi- dence ; the suspected persons were avoided as infected ; and thus being left a prey to their own imaginations, half believing the ver- dict of their neighbors, and scarcely trusting their own senses, every slight unusual circumstance made a deep impression on their over- wrought and fear-excited nervous systems ; until many were induced in the end to believe themselves guilty of the crime charged upon them, though unconscious of originating or desiring communications with the Prince of the Power of the Air. 34 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. In May of tlie same year in whichi Caleb Powell was acquitted, Elizabeth Morse was presented by the Grand Jury of Boston, " for that she, not having the fear of God before her eyes, being .insti- gated by the devil, had familiarity with the devil, contrary to the peace of our Sovereign Lord the King, his crown and dignity, the laws of God and of this jurisdiction." To this, the prisoner plead " not guilty ; " but after a form of trial, the jury brought in a verdict against her, and she was sentenced to bo executed, witchcraft being a capital crime. The evidence on which Goody Morse was condemned, was of the most trifling and absurd character ;* much of it consisting of inci- dents which had happened many years before, and were supposed by the prisoner to have been forgotten, and acknowledged by the wit- nesses, in some cases, to have been all adjusted to their satisfaction at the time. Of this class of evidence, was the testimony of James Brown, who asserted " that sixteen years before, one George Wheeler going out [to sea,] Elizabeth Morse said, ' she knew he would not come in again.'" Yet it was shown that the man had a good voyage and returned safe, and the Morses had no knowledge that any such saying was laid up against them. Another, John MighiU, who twelve years before had promised to do some work for the Morses, and not doing it at the appointed time, "judged Goody Morse to be angry," and losing some cattle soon after, thought she had bewitched them. Zachariah Davis, living at Salisbury, had promised to bring Elizabeth some " winges " when he came in town, and forgetting to do so several times in succession, the said Elizabeth told him, " she wondered his memory should be so bad," and then on going home, and into the barn where there were three calves, " one of them fell a dancing and roaring, and was in such a condition as was never calf before." On the creature's dam coming home at night, however, these strange symptoms disappeared, but there was no doubt in the mind of the testator, that the calf was bewitched by Elizabeth Morse. On other occasions it appears the unfortunate woman had visited some sick neighbors, and having expressed a fear that a child then very ill, would die, and its dying, they conceited she had brought about its death. One woman, however, was more explicit, * Boston Court Records. Book lettered " Witchcraft, " pp. 14-19. HISTORY OP NEWBURYPORT. 35 havinfy declared some time before the arrest of Elizabeth Morse, that she " mw the imp o' God go into said Morse's house." For this she was prosecuted at the time, and denied having said it, but her testi- mony was received on the trial, and no doubt aided in the conviction of the prisoner. Much more testimony, quite as conclusive, was introduced, and Goody Morse was remanded to prison to await the day of execution. But she had one friend left ; her hiisband did not desert her, nor did he believe her guilty of the crime charged upon her. He prepared a petition to the General Court, stowing the incon- clusive nature of the testimony adduced, and affirming that for himself and wife, " their consciences were clear of the knowledge of any wickedness committed by them, which should cause the devil so to trouble them beyond the common frailties which afflict human nature," and humbly acknowledging the sovereignty of God, who had laid such afflictions on them. After repeated petitions, the Court granted another hearing of the case, and in the end Ehzabeth Morse was reprieved and finally allowed to return home, where after some years she died quietly in her bed, leaving the impression upon those best able, from frequent intercourse with her, to judge, that " her discourse was very Christian," and " resting upon God in Christ for salvation." She uniformly denied the crime with which she had been charged, and only blamed herself for some impatient and passionate speeches, which she had made in prison, " on account of her suffering wrongfully." And thus passed away the first and only case of witchcraft judicially dealt with in Newbury. There are, however, people in Newburyport to-day, who remem- ber when a certain Madam Hooper was commonly called and treated as a witch.* This woman came to Newbury about the year 1759-60, and taught school for some time at the lower part of the town ; her acquirements were considerable, and she obtained the honorable appellation of "Dame," and afterwards, "Madam" Hooper; her appearance and dress were peculiar, which aided in the impression of her diabolical character. In person she was short and stout, * The writer has heard more than one person firmly express the opinion that she was a veritable witch. 36 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. having strongly marked features, with greenish grey eyes ; and, moreover, possessed a perfect set of double teeth, which fact alone, in the minds of the ignorant, invested her -with a dubious and hurtful character. She possessed an immense wardrobe when she first came to the town, so that her garments lasted her to the end of a long life, and she never changed the fashion of them ; so that with dresses, after an antique model, and a deep cape bonnet pecuUar to herself, her form was recognized at a distance, and as generally avoided. The children learned to dread her ; especially as many of them saw their parents inclined to propitiate her, for fear of her evil influence. From the knowledge she acquired con- cerning the neighborhood while she taught school, she was enabled to make many shrewd guesses as to the authors of mischief, and on other subjects, which sometimes startled her auditors by their truth ; and from her skill in physiognomy, she was enabled to guess at more ; and thus first inspired the suspicion, and afterwards the con- viction, that she was a witch. Profiting by this superstition, which her natural sagacity early led her to discover, she learned to throw her remarks into short sibyEic sentences, which aided to keep up the delusion. She visited where she pleased, none being willing to ofiend her ; being often applied to for information, she scarcely ever granted an answer but what was verified in the result, but on many occasions she observed an impenetrable silence, (probably when she had no means of guessiag, and did not chose to risk her reputation,) for which she obtained an equal degree of credit among her dupes. She was for years in the practice of fortune-teUing, and her fame in this department was second only to that of " MoU Pitcher" at Lynn ; her house being the resort of many from the surrounding country, as well as of the town, who were earnest to learn then* destiny from her unhallowed hps. She hved to extreme old age, dying at last* in deep poverty and degradation, physical and moral. Her " familiar " was a black fowl, with its beak cut off square, which gave an impish-hiiman look to the creature, which was also increased by its claws being cut away, lea^dng only the stumps ; on which, however, it managed to walk. A very ' intelligent lady informed the writer, that when a small child, she had seen Madam Hooper confined for several hours to a chair by some person placing HISTORY OF XEWBURYPORT. 37 two knitting needles in the form of a cross before her ! It is well known among the witch- wise that '• no witch or wizard can pass over a cross." It is evident Madam Hooper missed no opportunity of deepening the infatuation of the people, bv carefully conforming to all that was expected of a " -witch." The usual form of an indictment for witchcraft was as follows : * " Grand Juries' BUI vs. M l' Province of ye Massachusetts ] An Rex Bay, in X. E. Essex ss. ( Annox)ls were ia being for the particular iii5kneti(Hi of girls. Two religions f.arishes. with their senarate ministers, were in existence, regular county courts were held, military camBanies were enrolled, and the whole aspect of the place gave certain indication of the future nntonance it was destined to anain. The different castes of society were still strictly maintained. But eight or ten persons were distinguished by the tide of JZr.. while but one JEsq. was found in the limits of Xewbury. the usual app»ella- ti " -y^' : _ -z nnt down. : die^ resolTed s> declare dLanseLres Ejascopalians-t and pan?n -, ~ ^a.- ^ere should be bTis one meec n g -hotigfe. and quli x. die MIL'' TT.a TTTi ? XT' ___•. _ ;, ,. . .-_-.■ _ i-,_cj ^^iieir _^._:^__ :. ^.^__Ji a> die Church, and haviag senu x die Bishop of London- a) reoriess diac he wQoId send diem a miaiscer. diej received die issuranee diM diey should ' - '' ' ~- •" • - -\~ -nsef? 53r die "" " :f die worship diev _ , _ _ , _ . :e pennis»i - r. dieir own. ftsc^Tr.gh-mt^r.- :nraiCiesre.L Ktttp-t some -emptsarv arrange- iiie~" " ~ : ; ' '-' - ^ - _" " _ '" . " " "" " '" ~ ~- %r\. _ ___ _ _ __ _ _ , . -- donai. meedng-hcuse. bin; which was -ledicased ^nder ■aie name -if * "Prese T^ere lard Ofix. net is frroets are now. t^ die jc^a. nun av t5e tjrrj- ssreer:) - Muzzeys ~ Laae. ^ ^ri- _ - i' Lune. :riiii- nier street) ic 44 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPOKT. " Queen Ann's Chapel." From this germ, grew the Episcopal interest now established in Newburyport. In the first quarter of this century, was the first attempt made to introduce any variety of tunes in sacred music. Throughout all New England, five tunes had served the whole religious community; these were York, Hackney, St. Mary's, Windsor, and Martyr's, but in 1714 the Rev. John Tufts, of Newbury, ventured on the hazardous experiment of publisliing a book of psalm tunes, twenty- eight in number. This innovation was stoutly resisted by many at the time, who believed that singing by the inspiration of grace was infinitely better than by written notes. Indeed, so suspicious were many of everything which they did not fully understand, that it was unhesitatingly afiirmed, " that fa sol la was but popery in dis- guise." The good people of Newbury, like their cotemporaries through the province, had an immitigated horror of everything hke prelacy. However, reason after a while prevailed, and the twenty- eight tunes were very generally adopted. But perhaps the most influential domestic changes introduced, were those connected with diet. Up to this time, two articles now deemed necessaries of life, were almost unknown in Newbury ; neither potatoes nor tea formed part of the ordinary diet of the people. Turnips had supplied the place of the former, and thin gruel, cider, or water, that of the latter. Though not in common use, potatoes were known to the first settlers of this colony, for we find in a list of articles to be shipped for the use of the " Company of the Massachusetts Bay," among other plants, " seed-potatoes " were enumerated. But they were long in finding favor with the people ; they were at first planted cautiously, and in small quantities, but finally almost superseded the use of turnips, except that the latter were grown as fodder for cattle. By an item in an account book of Col. Moses Titcomb, we find that in 1747, or about twenty-five years after their general introduction here, they were worth as much per bushel as corn. Tea quickly rose in high estimation, especially among the "women folk," whom it appears were not long in discovering its social and exhilarating virtues ; the first " tea- parties " given were conducted on a novel plan, each lady carrying her tea-cup, saucer, and spoon with her, while the husbands bewailed the infatuation which led their wives to expend the " enormous sums HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 45 of tliirtj or forty shillings on tea equipages." K they had only foreseen, in addition to this extravagance, the troubles which tea was destined to bring upon the country, they would scarcely have per- mitted it to grow into a matter of commercial importance. In 1725 was built the first meeting-house in what is now the business centre of Newburyport. This was the Rev. John Lowel's,* and stood in Market square. In 1754 this building was struck by lightning, and Benjamin Franklin, who was on a journey to the east at the time, was in the town, and minutely examined the building after the accident, as we learn from a letter of his, dated March, 1755, in which he repUes to a person who had inquired of him, " what thickness of wire was necessary to conduct a large quantity of lightning." He says : " Philadelphia, 3IarcJi, 1755. * * * "In my late journey I saw an instance of a very great quantity of lightning conducted by a wire no bigger than a common knitting needle. It was at Newbury, in New England, where the spire of the church steeple, being 70 feet in height above the belfry, was split all to pieces, and thrown about the street in fragments. From the bell down to the clock, placed in the steeple, 20 feet below the bell, there was the small wire above mentioned, which communi- cated the motion of the clock to the hammer striking the hour on the bell. * * * The clock wire was blown all to smoke, and smutted the church wall, which it passed in a broad black track, and also the ceiling under which it was carried. ****** " B. Franklin." The town were now discussing the propriety of building a town- house, and an almshouse, but deferred these matters " for a short time," appointing, however, a committee to select a new site for a school-house, and lay out a burying-ground. In accordance with their instructions, the committee laid out the burying-ground back of Frog Pond, and a town-house being shortly after built, part of it was used as a school-room, the third formed parish (first in New- buryport) voting to add thirty pounds to the thirty raised by the town, towards hiring another schoolmaster, and also voting to set * See Hist. First Church, and Biographical Notice. 46 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. their school-house between Fish, (State) and Queen, (Market) streets. The town-house was finally located on High, at the head of Marlborough street; it was completed in 1735, and was occupied for various purposes some forty-five years, when it was sold by the town and passed into private hands. During portions of the years 1735 and '36 a malignant and fatal disease, called the throat distemper* appeared in Newbury ; it extended its ravages through Massachusetts and New Hampshire, and carried ofi" immense numbers of children, whole families being mown down in a few days.f The cause of this dreadful disease was not clearly ascertained, but was attributed by some to the immense number of caterpillars which had infested the country some little time before its appearance, and whose myriad carcasses, dying, had affected the air. Of these caterpillars a cotemporary writer says : '■'•Many thousand acres of thick woods had their leaves and twigs of this year's growth entirely eaten up. They cleared off every green thing, so that the trees were as naked as in the depths of winter. They were larger than the common caterpillar. No river or pond could stop them. They would swim like dogs, and travelled in unaccountable armies. Cart and carriage wheels would be dyed green from the numbers they crushed in their progress." The sickness which followed this visitation commenced by the river-side in Newbury, in September ; and by February, eighty-one persons were buried from Chandler's lane, (Federal street) alone. The disease was a virulent throat distemper. Every year was now adding to the importance of that section of the town emphatically called the " water-side." They had always had wants and interests of their own ; they now began to express them loudly and distinctly, and to claim some of the rights and privileges which their location had denied them. As usual, the " meeting-house " was the first and most important difficulty. Though a Congregational Church was located in IMarket Square, which was by many in the town deemed sufficient for their accom- modation, some of the water-side people, wishing to worship in the Episcopal form, " were ill content " to go as far as the plains to * Parish's Hist. t J- Pearson's Journal. HISTORY OP NEWBURYPORT. 47 Queen Ann's Chapel, and therefore proposed to build a new church nearer the present centre of the town. Joseph Atkins, Esq., and the Rev. Matthias Plant, each agreed to give fifty pounds towards building the new church, — St. Paul's. On the opening of the church, an invitation was extended to Mr. Plant to preach on alternate Sabbaths at St. Paul's ; but still wishing to maintain the control of affairs, and retain the power in their own hands, they became involved in contentions Avith their minister, and finally demanded of him to deliver up the written invitation to preach to them. Probably in virtue of his gift to the church, j\Ir. Plant felt that he had a claim upon them, and constantly demanded an induc- tion into St. Paul's, Avhich was long denied ; but the people finally gave way, and he was legally inducted as their minister, and thus continued till his death ; having in 1751 chosen Mr. Edward Bass his assistant. Queen Ann's Chapel was deserted, went to decay, and at last fell to the groimd through sheer weakness. In 1743, a new meeting-house was built on High street, just below Federal, by persons who afterwards formed the first Presby- terian society in Newburyport ; and in 1744 the Quakers built a meeting-house on High street (Bellville,) but afterwards removed their place of meeting to the neighborhood of Turkey Hill. Some of their number were buried in a lot of land in the rear of the westerly side of Washington street, between the railroad crossing andBoardman street ; this locality, with the immediate vicinage, was formerly called " Quaker field," and in 1785, before Washington street was laid out, Mr. John Tracy manufactured cordage in a rope walk running from the little graveyard towards the river. Little business of interest was transacted by the town, beyond the erection of a new jail on Federal street ; and towards the close of the year, Captain Donahew* signalized himself by taking with a ■small privateer, a French ship, loaded with three thousand qmntals of fish, and also a sloop containing live stock. The principal subjects which occupied the attention of the people, were war and rehgion. Proclamation had been made in Boston, early in the sunmaer of 1744, of war by Great Britain against the * Mem. Col. Moses Titcomb. 48 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. French ; and the winter foUowing was one of unparalleled military enthusiasm, excited bj the expedition to Louisburg ; and rehgious devotion inspired by the preaching of Whitfield. The war against the French was not only regarded as the opportunity of renewedly proving the old British prowess over their ancient enemies, but was considered as a crusade against the papists ; and a victory over the French, was a triumph of " the truth" over the " man of sin." Scarcely a dissentient voice against the war was heard in Newbury, and many men from this place assisted in the reduction of that redoubted fortress. Among those who most signalized themselves, belonging to Newbury, was the Rev. Samuel Moody, who attended in the capacity of chaplain, but whose zeal would not permit him to be content with his spiritual weapons, and he therefore carried a hatchet, with which to cut down the images which he expected to find in the Catholic churches ; also* Major Titcomb, who did efficient service in the siege. The last battery erected at the siege of Louisburg, was called " Titcomb's battery," of which he had the charge ; it had five forty-two pounders, and " did as great execution as any." There was also Moses Coffin, who served his country as " drummer and chaplain." (Probably there was a greater demand for chaplains in that than in some subsequent wars, which accounts for their doing double duty.) As an evidence of the suspicion with which every thing having any similarity to popery was regarded, is the fact, that it was not until the middle of this century, that the Scriptures were commonly read in the Congregational churches on the Sabbath ; as this whole- some practice appeared to our wary ancestors, a dangerous imitation of the Romish practice. The first society in Newburyport led the way in introducing the practice in this vicinity. In 1748 peace was restored between England and France, which allayed, without satisfying the mihtary spirit of the times, for Louisburg, the scene of so much persevering labor, the trophy so hardly won, was restored to the French. The work of the temporal warriors was in part undone ; the great spiritual combatant of the same period, Whitfield, had left an enduring monument in Newbury. Under his influence, the first Presbyterian church was formed, by * See Notice under date 1755. HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 49 the withdrawal of nineteen persons from the first church, and thirty- eight from the third, calling the Rev. Jonathan Parsons to be their minister. The spirit of progress which had shown itself among the water- side people, not only in matters of trade, commerce and secular interests generally, but also in the formation of religious societies, varying from the ancient models, had not invaded the more secluded precincts of the second parish, (now in West Newbury,) for we find them disciplining a brother in the church, for the following curious reason : " that from time to time, he asserts with the greatest assurance, that ' all who weare wiggs,' unless they repent of that particular sin before they die, will be damned." Now it seems the pastor himself was guilty of this " particular sin," and the said brother refused communion with the church while they justified the pastor in his wearing an " extravagant superflues wigg," which in the mind of this brother and many others, " was altogether contrary to truth." And so important a matter has the wearing of vngs and periwigs been adjudged, that some men, eminent for learning and general intelligence, were persuaded that the affliction of the second Indian war, was brought upon the people of New England " as a judgment and testimony of God against the wearing of periwiggs." In 1755 peace was again broken with the French, and the war spirit of our people, which had scarcely slumbered in the interval, was once more fully aroused. The Rev. Mr. Lowell preached a stirring sermon on the subject, in which he expressed his full approval of the war. Colonel Moses Titcomb* and the men enlisted with him, * Colonel Titcomb was third in descent from William Titcomb, one of the original settlers in Newbury ; he was by trade a blacksmith, and a man of gigantic strength. In 1747, by order of Brigadier General Waldo, he was appointed to the command of the troops stationed at Falmouth, (now Portland,) where he remained, with the exception of a few days' absence, from May till October of that year. lie was a member of the third church in Newbury, (first in Newburyport,) and the pastor preached an eloquent funeral sermon on the occasion of his death. In the 4th volume of Bancroft's Hist. U. S. p. 210, a drawing is given of the battle ground where he fell. Titcomb's regiment is represented on the right wing of the main army, but a short distance from the shore of the lake. 4 50 HISTORY OP NEWBUIIYPORT. then expecting to join the expedition to Crown Point, being present. This campaign terminated his active and brave career. He was slain at the battle of Lake George, being shot bj an Indian, one of a party who gained the flank of his regiment unperceived. He was bui-ied in the vicinity, but though dihgent search has since been made for his grave, all trace of it is lost. The poet, Allen, thus refers to his death : " There Titcomb fell, and Williams, hapless man ! Two dauntless chiefs ■who led our thundering van." The war was popular with all classes in Massachusetts, and when later Niagara was taken, Ticonderoga reduced, and Quebec surren- dered to the victorious army of Wolfe, public demonstrations of joy were manifested in Newbury, an ox was roasted, songs were sung, and speeches made, indicative of the gratification of the people at the result of the war; and on the 29th of October, 1760, a day of thanksgiving was appointed, on account of the complete triumph of the British arms. The building of a new town-house, which should also be used by the County Court, was a weighty matter of discussion for some years. One difficulty was about raising the money; but a more serious obstacle arose in regard to its location, each section of the town desiring that it should be placed most convenient to itself. The County, on consideration of its partial occupancy by the Court, agreed to give two hundred pounds towards its erection, but the town did not accept the proposition ; and the " water-side people," without aid from the rest of the town, purchased a large lot of land on the corner of State and Essex streets, and furnished the money to erect the building. It was completed in 1762. APPENDIX TO PERIOD I. For a hundred and fifty years after Newbury was settled, earth- quakes were common phenomena of the valley of the Merrimac,* while several of these extended over a great part of New England. These convulsions of nature appear for the last half century to have diminished in number and violence. An early writer, speaking of the shocks which occurred in the seventeenth and part of the eighteenth century, remarks that " some of them were very small ; others passingly considerable, while others came with a very grate and dreadful noise, "f The most remarkable of these occurred in 1638, 1727, and 1755. On the first of June, 1638, a town meeting was being held in New- bury at the time of the shock. The record describes it in the following words : "It pleased God to raise a vehement earthquake, which shook the earth and the foundations of the house in a very violent manner, to our great amazement and wonder ; wherefore taking notice of so great and strange a hand of God's providence, we were desirous of leaving it on record, to the view of after ages, to the intent that they all might take notice of Almighty God, and fear His name."^ This was probably the first earthquake experienced by the white settlers in Newbury, occurring, as it did, but three years after the gathering of the little company on Parker river ; but they must, in course of time, have become thoroughly seasoned to them. Nearly * The Merrimac makes its entire course through rocks of the primitive formation. The nearest and only point Avhere rocks of the transition period are found within this geological district, is ten miles south-Avest of the town, on the turnpike. — See " J/cic/i/re's Geology U. S." t Coffin. J Newbury Records, p. 19. 52 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. two hundred shocks of more or less violence are recorded as having occurred in half as many years. That of October 29th, 1727, is described at length by many writers. The Rev. Mr. Gookin, of New Hampshire, says that " at Newbury and other towns on the Merrimac river, the shock was greater than in other parts of Massa- chusetts, though no buildings were thrown do^ra. Many seamen approaching the coast, supposed their vessels to have struck upon a shoal of loose ballast. The sea roared in an unusual manner, and flashes of light ran along the earth." Hutchinson says, "it commenced about forty minutes after 10. The sky was serene, air calm but sharp, and it came with a most amazing noise, like to the roaring of a chimney when on fire, (as some said,) only beyond comparison greater. Others compared it to the noise of coaches on pavements, and thought that of ten thousand together wovild not have exceeded it. iThe noise was heard half a minute before the shock began, which continued the space of a minute, till it reached its height, and in one minute and a half more ended." In the records of Queen Ann's Chapel, kept by Rev. Matthias Plant, we find a full account of the successive commotions of the earth, which followed the first great shock in October. From his description it must have been very severe. Many chimneys were thrown down, stone w^alls fell, springs destroyed, and others opened. In several places the earth opened, leaving chasms a foot in width. In the words of Mr. Plant, " it was a terrible, sudden, and amazing earthquake. It continued very terrible by frequently bursting and shocking our houses, sometimes breaking out with loud claps six times or oftener in a day until Thursday, and then some Avhat abated. On Friday, in the evening, at midnight, and about break of day, and on Saturday, there were three very loud claps ; also on the Sabbath and Monday, though much abated in the noise and terror. These claps continued with more or less violence till the 19th of November. On the 17th of December, they were renewed. A new spring was opened in a meadow, and in the lower grounds several loads of white sand were thrown up." One account says of this earthquake,* " it came with a dreadful roreing, as if it was thun- der, and then a pounce, like grate guns. * * * It shook down * Coffin. HISTORY OF NEWBUllYPORT. 53 briks, from yc abundance of chinmics. Knights and Toppans [chimneys] fell. All that was about yc house trembled. The first night it broke out in more than ten places in ye town, in ye clay low land, blowing up ye sand. In one place it blew out, as was judged, twenty loads, and when it was cast on coals in ye night, it burned like brimstone." Many persons were so much afii'ighted at the first shock that they rushed from their houses into the street, and then were m as great fear of being swallowed alive. On the thii'd of January following, the shocks commenced again. On one day suc- cessive bursts were said to have continued without cessation for half an hour ; and succeeding shocks were continued at intervals until the month of Jvdy. That 'greater earthquake, of 1755, commenced in the early morning of the 18th of November. As described by the annalist. Holmes, " the first motion was like strong pulsations of the earth, which threw the house upwards, and then came a peculiar tremor which lasted half a minute, followed again by a quick vibration and sudden jerks, the whole shock continuing about two minutes. All nature was stirred and affrighted. The brute creatures lowed and ran to the barns for protection. The birds fluttered terrified in the air. DoKS howled at their masters' doors. I walked out about sum'ise, and every face looked ghastly. In fine, some of our solid and pious gentlemen had such an awe and gloom spread over their coun- tenances as would have checked the gay airs of the most intrepid." This was the most violent earthquake that has ever been experi- enced on the Atlantic slope of the North American Continent. In Boston and some other places considerable damage was done. In tracing the history of these convulsive movements of the earth, we cannot learn that there Avere any preceding monitions, atmo- spheric or otherAvise, occurring with sufficient regularity to enable us to form any theory in regard to them. They came unannounced, in cold weather and hot, in drought and rain, summer and winter, spring-time and harvest, night and day, at midnight and noon, at sunset and at dawn. Yet it is remarkable that no person was killed, or even seriously injured in Newbury, considering the frequency and severity of these notable earthquakes. The only one which has occurred in this vicinity within the recollection of the writer, was that of November 27, 1852. The meteorological and tidal circum- 54 HISTOET or MKWiJnRTPORI. Stances connected -with it were accuratelT noted "br the editor of the Ne-wburyfton Herald. " The night wa^ calm and still, -with a light breeze to -within a short time of the shock from the W. N. W., the grotmd moist from a rain "vrhieh had fallen the day previons, the tide nearly at the fall. The premonitory noise of an explosive nature, and follo"wed by a roaring as of fire in lie chimney, occurred at Twenty-fiTe minutes before 12, P. M. The shaldng of the earth did not correspond in xiolence with the loudness and long continuance of the burst and roar," which still conTeyed the impression of a fire in the chimney. The shock lasted nearly two minutes. To those in the street it appeared to come from the north and pass off to the south. Our own recolleclions of the shock are as follows: First,* a very loud report, not like " many grate guns," but like one tremendous large one ; then a crushing sound, as if the timbers oyerhead were suddenly and irresistibly thrust together, and succeediug this, several distinct re vibratory motions, as if the house was on rockers and was gentiy swayed backwards and forwards by the wind. The time from the first explosion to the last motion of the earth, we should judge to be fuU two minutes. The conjecture was made at the time of the occurrence, '• that posably there might be some great cavern between the head of tide- water on the Merrimac and the ocean, which fills with subterranean gases, and into which water is occasionally forced, producing the concussion ; "' this theory receiving additional weight, from the fact that in the earthquakes recorded of late years, it has been found that they generally occurred at high tide, not infrequentiy after a freshet ; but as in the highest tides which have been experienced here, there has been no subterranean commotions connected with them, there must evidently be other concurring circumstances yet unsuggested. It is worthy of remark, also, tiiat some of the most serious, have followed more terrific convulsions elsewhere. That of 1638 was preceeded by tiiat terrible eruption of Mount Eftia, accompanied by an earthquake by which the city of Euphemia, in Calabria, was completely swallowed up and forever lost to the eyes of man. That of 1727 was the most serious with which we have not corresponding accounts from other section of the globe. HI3T0RT OP NKWBUSYPORT. OO That of IToo was die ever memorable year of tke destrtictioii of Lisbon, the jmnihiladon. of St. Ubea. ic. About the time of lie last, November, 1852, occnrred tfcat of Yalparaiao. S. A. Odiera near in time maj be traced our. It appears TJrobable, therefore, that the 'jozwe of the more violent is not indicrenona to tiie conntry. bat by some internal Irnb-. ia ionnecteii mxh the subterranean Srea "^rhich have iieir home, and -rend their first ahock. in more southern latitudes- though "rhy incermediate places have escaped, ia matter of curioua speculation. It was not diou^t necessary to introduce tiiese or other accounts of the various earthquakes occurring in this vicinity, into the civil and social history or the town, as they had no perceptible rnduence an its character, neither deterring new settlers, nor producing any permanent ':rian:ze3 T)h~ical or moral, ''unless we escept the •• great awakening."" which fbilowed the earthquake of 1727/1 "We have carefully sought for any indication of vegetation being afect^d by ti.ese subterranean convulsions, but find none. Though subject to these fingiufiil phenomena, the early settlers of Xewbury had few other physical evils to endure, esrent such as are inseparable to all newly setded countries. Unlike many other portions of Xew England, diey were exposed neither to the constant ravages of tiie savage nor of wild finiTn.tI"EWErRTPORT. Li. :' ". ' tTS of libertT. noble specimens of moral integrirr. f Oirirdan prindfies. "With these elements of piosfierirr in tie riri.. tleix pii-sition as a separate town vas speeiilj its i-iriral and attainable advantages, Chie of the _ -Its :irjri ii. tlfir retiiion for a set«arat:on ^^:•m Xe-s^tzTT. -p-is tli: :: i. v- _ izcientlT accommodated vrith T ' " - " to Tnai-nra:T> private . ;. _ : " rains L the genius CI the tirirs ^ere all in favor of the - : - - : public schools su^- r- — / -_-jit of the -ff-hole. N: r :lr — .-: -le" bv die Act of Ir: Jig schools, ^th — 1 _ lil :l=nselves : ^: ^ ■ ; . . :. : _ :L.: Liiasure -3-i:;l -=-15 : . : , . ■„:.!. thev set a"::a: secnrrng ; ' - . -. A: Oie nrst tj-s::! meeting, .?'"vi. i ijs after the i!iC';'rL ::~l. i ; i^:_::7r ~ - : . to take into consid- . : :..i instruction of the .___. ^ - - . - ; ^ ■ , - md sufficient school- houses. :i- : r tT. _ : :; ._-: could be procnred. From that nme vi i :. in— avering interest in the I- '..^- . - - - - :• ItVitQ il :li: — i: - :Lt1i in^iixed "srith :lr £r • : ...e i_ _ —ere ret : " _r^; but soi^T 1^ :.:- -t: Tzz^ '". Bv TT1T? division of the irij-i-il ::^^;t^ ^Nt" -T". -_:_ se-tt^orepr: ::-:' ^ - -L - ' • : c-e. ai^i ^^ - ;:: _._-. .- - . " treastLrv. Xe"vr- lirrTTi'ir: — n; and if a deficiencV isras f jund, : 'elp par the same. Th^. t. . ^ __ „ ■ - -rmporaiily removed fken ye-srbiirv : :. liej were to l-e supported bv die joint uiie eirm the year 1790 to 1833, and built a great number of vessels during that period. Mr. Joseph Jackmax commenced building in 1822, and between that period and 1S29 he built several ships, brigs and schooners. Stephen Jacejiax, Jr., between 1830 and 1848 built some thirty sail of vessels, ships, brigs, and schooners, and also two steamers, (the Ohio and Decatur.) Of the brigs which he btdlt, thirteen were to the order of the late John X. Cushinsr. of this citv. George W. Jackmax, Jr., since 1849 (to 1853) has built four ships, four barques and one schooner. The ships being from 720 to 1.100 tons. Mr. Elisha Briggs, who formerly occupied the ship-yard now owned by Mr. J. Cnrrier, built from 1807 to 1837, seventeen ships, thirteen bri^ and ten schooners. Mr. Joseph CoFFCt has built since 1810, nine ships, eight bappes, three brigs and thirteen schooners. * Belleville is a part of Xewburjport. where the ship-building is chiedv carried on. and is not as strangers to the locality would suppose fiom the above extract, a separate township or monicipalitr. 264 ' UISTORY OF NEAVBURYPOUT. Messrs "Currier & Townsend" from 1843 to 1853, built twenty-three ships, two brigs, eight barques, one schooner, and one steamboat. The ships built by this firm have varied from 700 to 1,667 tons burden. Mr. William Currier, between 1840 and 1842, built two ships and five barques. With the building of some of the latter was con- cerned Mr. Donald McKay (now of East Boston.) Mr. John Currier, Jr., has been extensively engaged in this business for over twenty years. Since 1831 (to 1853) he has built forty-two vessels, viz., thirty-seven ships and five barques, several of the ships being over 900 tons, twenty-one of them being from 600 to 800 tons. In 1847 a steam mill was erected in his ship-yard to facilitate the preparation of timber. In addition to these builders there have been Messrs. William Gerrish, Jonathan Greenleaf, Woodbridge, (w^ho occupied what was called the " middle ship-yard,") Horton, But- ton, Stephen Coffin and others. Mr. S. Coffin built here in 1813 two of Jeffiirson's gun-boats. Currier & McKay* built here the Ashburton; and Pickett & McKay the St. George, and John E. Skiddy. In 1852 the total tonnage of Newburyport was 29,403 which is 9000 greater than that employed in Salem. Of this amount there were employed in the coasting trade 1,549 ; in the cod, 4,946 ; and in the mackerel fishery 2,628. The number of foreign vessels arriving during the year was 95. There were built here during the year 8 ships, 6 schooners, and a steamboat of 6,137 tons, more than were built by any other town in the county. The building of clippers for the New York market is a large and profitable branch of the ship-building interest. During the year 1853 nineteen vessels of different sizes, were built upon the river, measuring 10,758 tons. The following are the names, tonnage, builders, and OAvners : Ship Highflyer, 1200 tons, by Currier & Townsend, for D. Ogden and others, Ncay York. Yacht Ocean Bride, 50 tons, by Lowell & Sons, Salisbury, for D, CKilds and others, Lynn. * Now of East Boston. HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 265 Yacht Golden Eagle, 50 tons, by E. P. Lunt, for George Per- kins and others. Barque Naiad Queen, 315 tons, by Manson & Femald, for James Blood and others. Barque Wildfire, 315 tons, by S. McKay, of Amesbury, owned in Boston. Schooner John and Frank, 88 tons, by Bickford & Son, Salisbury, on their ovm account. Ship Guiding Star, 900 tons, by John Currier, for Moses Daven- port and others. Yacht Wild Ranger, 45 tons, by E. P. Lunt, for Benjamin Lunt. Ship Constitution, 1200 tons, by Currier & Townsend, for Messrs. Buntin and others. Schooner Tekoa, 150 tons, by Joseph Coffin, and owned by the same. Schooner William H. Fitts, 58 tons, by William H. Fitts, Salis- bury, for himself. Ship "Whistler, 900 tons, by George W. Jackman, Jr., and owned in Boston. Schooner Spray, 40 tons, by D, Lowell, Salisbury, owned in Lynn. Ship John N. Gushing, 650 tons, by John Currier, for J. N. & William Gushing. Ship Jabez Snow, 1,200 tons, by Currier & Townsend, for Jabez Snow and others, Boston. Yacht Daniel C. Baker, 50 tons, by Daniel Lowell, Sahsbury, owned in Lynn. Ship Dreadnaught, 1,400 tons, by Currier & Townsend, for D. Ogden and others, New York. Ship Starr King, 1,100 tons, by George W. Jackman, Jr., for the builder, and parties in Boston. Ship Volant, 900 tons, by John Currier, for Captain Micajah Lunt and the builder. Schooner Fearless, 140 tons, by Manson k Fernald, owned in Plymouth. If it is thought by any that we have devoted too much space to the shipping interest, it must be remembered that it was this, and this alone, which gave Newbury port all her early reputation, and on it, in a great measure, has always depended the prosperity of the place. 266 HISTORY OF NEWBUllYPORX. TONNAGE TABLE. Permanent Enrolled in the Employed in Employed Employed in Total Tonnage. DATE. Registered Vessels. Coasting and Fisheries. Coasting Trade. in the Fisheries. the Whale Fislieries. Toms. 9.3tiis. IONS, i)5THS. TONS, '.(JTHS. TONS, iloTHS. llONS, U5IHS. 1794 1795 1796 14,819-54 2,461-39 2,005-60 455-71 17,280-93 16,179-48 3,959-56 3,328-49 631- 7 20,129- 9 1797 16,290-18 4,614- 1 4,256-48 354-19 20,904-19 1798 13,747-44 5,107-40 4,521-73 585-62 18,854-84 1799 15,414-16 2,761-73 2,447-47 314-26 18,175-89 1800 15,412-67 3,504-55 3,244-28 260-27 18,917-27 1801 13,348-23 3,717-92 3,072-41 645- 6 17,065-70 1802 14,614-60 3,784-64 2,516-61 1,268- 3 18,399-29 1803 16,351-42 4,367-19 2,765-34 1,601-80 20,715^60 1804 19,834-94 3,806-46 2,000- 2 1,806-44 23,641-45 1805 24,019-47 4,314- 6 1,603-69 2,710-42 28,333-53 1806 25,291-32 4,422-17 1,641-75 2,580-33 29,713-49 1807 26,799-16 4,998- 1 1.162-91 3,880- 5 31,789-17 1808 22,191-15 7,963-61 4,847-35 3,110-26 30,154-76 1809 29,571-54 4,820 2,733-68 2,086-27 34,391-54 1810 29,897- 6 5,398-47 3,889-77 1,508-65 35,296-28. 1811 17,359-12 5,983-42 3,921- 9 2,062-35 23,342-54 1812 1813 1814 15,670-72 7,262-39 6,795-10 667-29 22,933-16 13,-571-50 6,785-60 5,908-17 877-43 20,357-15 1815 15,003-62 6,995-25 5,849-53 1,045-95 21,999-22 1816 16,331-21 7,170-65 23,501-86 1817 15,464-46 8,716-33 24,180-79 1818 15.281-80 9,516-37 25,798-22 1819 14,893-35 10,335-37 25,229-72 1820 8,786-35 2,323-14 11,109-49 1821 10,071-14 984- 4 10,155-18 1822 9,481-41 10,525-51 20,006-92 1823 9,519-88 10,951-41 20,471-34 1824 9,168-32 11,706-92 20,875-29 1825 8,309-92 12,048-54 20,357-76 1826 9,844-58 12,986-36 22,880-94 1827 10,778-75 13,622-37 ■ 24,401-17 1828 12,280-62 14,707-49 9,114-88 5,592-56 26,988-16 • 1829 11,215-78 7,398-83 35-1 1 7,363-72 18,614-66 1830 9,714-44 6,862-98 1,004 60 5,880-38 16,577-47 1831 10,487-65 7,172-23 793 6,378-25 17,659-88 1832 11,854 8,277-90 988- 9 7,289-81 20,131-90 1833 12,166-11 9,368-86 583- 4 8,781-82 21,535- 2 1834 14,699- 9 8,632-88 2,251-61 6,381-27 23,302- 2 1835 14,510-85 10,693-62 25,204-52 1836 12,059-30 10,205-24 3,759-15 6,446- 1 1,440-20 22,264-54 1837 11,473-38 10,604-59 4,064-48 6,540-11 685-38 22,078- 2 1838 10,640-66 9,908-52 2,198-62 7,709-85 329 35 20,549-23 1839 13,172-50 10,048-73 3,084-54 6,964-19 413 65 23,231-28 1840 14,.';91-73 9.373-34 4,424- 5 5,033-28 23,965-12 1841 14,286-44 5,392-84 4,435-11 4,496-19 23,217-74 1842 15,648-19 5,392-84 1,376-63 4,026-12 21,041- 8 1843 14.362- 4 5,324-29 2,551-84 2,772-40 19,686-33 1844 16,162-65 4,910-55 766-21 4,144-24 21,073-75 1845 16.586-32 5,396-69 2,025-36 3,371-23 21,952-91 1846 16,451- 8 5,865- 6 2,071-91 3,789-10 22,406-14 1847 18,038-42 7,144-44 2,557-93 4,586-46 25,182-86 1848 21,314-45 7,658-55 1,303-85 6,354-65 28,973- 5 1849 17,720-82 7,289-87 2,646-48 4,643-39 25,010-74 1850 16,213-57 7,048-29 494-27 6,554- 2 23,261-86 1851 18,766-11 7,940-69 495-29 7,435-40 26,706-80 1852 19,349-71 9,503-10 4,754-61 5,209-94 27,852-81 1853 22,02.5-14 9,598-78 4,664-27 4,291-11 • 1 31,623-92 | IIISTOIIY OF NEWBURYI'ORT. 267 Ship-building, the manufacture of cotton cloth, fishing and shoe- making, are the occupations which employ the greatest number of hands in Newburyport, but the two latter are very frequently com- bined in the same person, many men who go to sea. in the summer employing the winter months at the bench. The manufacture of organs has been carried to great perfection in this place by Mr. Joseph Atley, who has built in all thirty-four organs, some of ■ large size. Mr. Richard Morse was formerly engaged in the business, and built the organ in the Prospect street church. On the 1st of January, the comb-making business was com- menced by Lucian A. Emory & Co., on Fair street, who employ fifty hands, and are doing a business of $50,000 per annum. The population of Newburyport was. In 1764 2,282 In 1830 6,741 1790 4,837 1840 7,161 1800 5,946 1850 9,534 1810 7,634 1851 12,866 1820 6,852 TOPOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION OF NEWBURYPORT. Newburyport, as now defined, lies on the southern bank of the Merrimac river. The closely built portion of it extends some three miles in length, and less than a quarter of a mile in width ; this narrow parallelogram gradually ascending from the river to High street, or " the Ridge." The streets are regularly laid out, running from the ridge to the river, and crossed by transverse ways at nearly right angles, with some few exceptions. The place is noted for its cleanliness, the general appearance of thrift and comfort among its inhabitants, and the number and beauty of the trees which adorn the streets. Back of " the Ridge " lies an agricultural district, Avhich may be reached from any part of the town in fifteen minutes ; while the river, lying at its feet, gives to it that vitality and spirit which characterize a seaport town. Towards the north, a part of the town, called Belleville, concentrates the ship-building interest. Here are four ship-yards, three large and one smaller ; the products of whicn may new be fqund in every quarter of the globe. In the 268 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. central portion of tlie town are gathered the merchants and retail traders, the City Hall, Banks, Market House, &c., and through it runs the railroad, penetrating the ridge by a tunnel, and being carried by a bridge, elevated some twenty-five feet, across Merrimac street, and leading thence directly across the river, over which, many times a day, rushes the screammg locomotive. Towards the southerly part of the town, we find the fishermen, many of whom in winter work at shoemaking. And here too is- one of the primi- tive ship-yards,* long dedicated to the exclusive production of schooners. This section of the town owns to the common appellation of "Joppa;" and leading directly from this, in a south-easterly direction, is the Plum Island turnpike, which by a bridge connects the island to the main land, at a distance of nearly two miles from the southern extremity of "Water street. Hence, the inliabitants of Kewburyport have within the compass of a moderate walk, the choice of turning to the green fields, with the West Newbury hills forming a background to the picture ; to the inland river scenery, over which presides the "bald summit of old Powow;" or to the dashing waves of the free Atlantic, which spend fneir unobstructed strength on the yielding shores of Plum Island ; while interspersed everywhere over the town, rise the church spire and the school- house, and those emblems of industry, the cotton factories, which pour out into the streets some sLx times a day, their fifteen hundred well-paid and well-cared-for operatives. A few rods distant from the southern extremity of the thickly settled part of the town, is " Pcttingell's," formerly " Pierce's " farm, upon which stands an ancient stone house, built about 1660 or 1670,t used in the early days of Newbury to store the town's powder ; a portion of which on one occasion exploded and blew out a side of the house, lodging a woman, a negro slave of Mr. Pierce's, bed and all, in the branches of a large apple tree. From the Pierce family who occupied this estate, is descended Franklin Pieilcc, President of the United States ; Benjamin Pierce, of Hillsborough, being descended from Benjamin Pierce of Newbury, who is buried in Byfield Parish, Newbury, and, if we may believe his epitaph, like his descendant, a " pillar i' th' State he was." * Captain J. Woodwell's. See " Ship-building." t Coffin. HISTORY OF XEWBURYPORT. 269 Following up the street, along the -n-ater-side, the southern half of which is called Water street, and the northern ]Merrimac street ; commencing at the southern extremity, the folio-wing varieties of business may be observed, with many others which we have not space to enumerate. At the starting-point is located the gas fac- tory, which, with its iron arms, diffuses its light through all parts of the town ; from which, following up Water street, through " Joppa," we find the shore lined with small boats and nets, which latter may often be seen drying in the sun ; while on vacant lots to the left, in the latter part of summer, it is not uncommon to see the fish-flakes reared, and the cod, which the fishermen have brought home ready salted, spread out to dry, preparatory to packing. Attached to many of the houses in this vicinity are small workshops, which in winter are occupied by groups of four, six, or eight shoemakers, busily plying awl and thread, while they watch for the opening spring, which Avill lead many of them to the " banks " and the " Labrador," in pursuit of the mackerel and cod. In this vicinity, and both above and below it, for some distance, the shore consists of flats, which are only deeply covered with water at full tide. From this position, perhaps one or more pilot boats may be seen putting out after some ship or barque, whose white sails may be discerned on looking down the harbor, between Salisbury pomt and Plum Island, standing up to the bar, where, if she is a stranger, she must wait for a guide. Above Bromficld street, anciently the southern limits of i!sew- buryport, the wharves jut out in quick succession, one after another, into the stream, and fishing schooners, coasters. West India traders, eastern vessels, with wood from the Provinces, fill up the docks. To the left stands the James cotton mill ; and at little less than a mile from our starting-place, we come to Lmit's mast-yard, where the long pine timbers are shaped into spars and masts for the schooners we have passed, and the ships which we shall come to, and for others which may never see the Merrimac. Xot far from here are the boat-builders, Orne & Rolfe, and Pickett, the latter of whom, in 1846, built a splendid thirty-oared barge for the Govern- ment, to be used in the war with Mexico. Nearly opposite to them is Huse's cigar factory : and in this vicinity are found the importers of West India goods, coal, lumber. 270 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. and grain ; and a little farther on, we approach the Custom House, a substantial granite building, which contains not one square foot of wood-work from the cellar to the cupola ; and just beyond, is the primitive ferry-way established by Andros, where now, as then, the Merrimac may be crossed in the style of our ancestors a century and a half ago, the traveller being rowed across at a nominal price, and at a pace Avhich gives ample opportunity to examine all the beauties of the harbor, the river, and the Salisbury shore mth Avhich it connects. Above this a few rods, we leave Water street, which terminates in Market square — an open space into which leads the central busi- ness street, (State street,) and at a few rods from the foot of Avhich, stands the Market House. From the north side of Market square, the water street is continued under the name of Merrimac street. AValking on in this direction, we have, on Brown's wharf, the iron foundry, and then pass the machine-shop of Mr. Lesley, the marble-yard of Mr. Ira Davis ; and a little beyond the raiboad bridge, the distillery of Mr. Caldwell.* The first ship-yard we approach, is that of Messrs. Manson & Fernald ; then comes a tannery, which business has been carried on on the same spot nearly ever since the "water-side" was settled. Soon appear the black- smith shops, the adjuncts to the larger ship-yards. Here we shall probably see several clippers on the stocks in various degrees of progress, and perhaps a steamboat building. Passing the several ship-yards, the road leads directly to the " Chain bridge," (the Essex Merrimac,) which crosses the river at little more than four miles above the gas factory. Parallel with the water-side street, and at little less than a quar- ter of a mile from it, runs High street, where the " retired merchants most do congregate ; " and at a central point on its line, on the west- erly side, is situated the " Bartlett Mall," an enclosed piece of ground on the centre of which stands the County Court House, and at either end, a brick school-house. Back of the ]\Iall lies a beautiful pond, surrounded with terrace walks, elevated from twenty to forty feet above its level. The general appearance of this vicinity is extremely pleasing and picturesque, the effect being heightened by an ancient *Mr. Caldwell makes about five Imndred hogsheads of rum per annum. HISTORY OP NEAVEURYPORT. 271 burying hill lying just beyond its westerly limits. Between High and Water streets, the upper ship-j-ard and the gas factory, is contained the mass of the populfition of the city. " The avenue known as High street, in this city, is remarkable for its location, extent, and beauty. Many portions of it not only aflford an extensive view of the scenery for ten miles in the surrounding country, the full extent of the handsomest portion of the city, and the numerous private residences, gardens, lawns, and landscapes, but it commands a most beautiful marine panoramic ^view of our coast from the Isles of Shoals to Cape Ann, including Plum Island and the harbor. Tlie location of this street is the admiration of strangers from all parts of the country. The many tasty dwellings located along its entire length, extending a distance of over six miles, from Parker river to Chain bridge, its winding way through Belleville and NeAvbury, together with the beautiful foliage intermingled with the waving elms, the sturdy oak, and the majestic forest trees of a century's gi'owth, arching their spreading branches in luxuriant grandeui', united with songs of the forest birds, and enlivened by fragrant aromatic breezes constantly sweeping their course from hundreds of highly cultivated exotic plants and gardens on either side, cooled by refreshing air from the ocean, contribute to make this avenue of our city a delightful promenade ancl fashionable retreat during the summer season. The number of shade trees on High street, embracing that portion within the limits of Xewburyport, (from the ' Three Roads ' on the north, to Marlborough street on the south,) is eleven hundred and forty-seven.'''* The cUmate of Xewburyport, though variable, is healthy for most constitutions, excepting that class disposed to bronchial or pulmo- nary complaints. The town is subject to no epidemic diseases, and the cholera has never effected a lodgment here. One cause of the salubrity of the place, is the excellent water which is found here. The soil is gravelly, and with the exception of the wells nearest to the river, the springs are peculiarly pure. Those near the mouth of the river contain a large proportion of the muriates and nitrates of lime and soda, which are, however, princi- pally objectionable, when conducted through lead pipes. On the * Herald. 272 HISTORY OP NEWBURYPORT, higher parts of the town the water has been found to contain only 7,^! rrrains of sokible and insoluble matter, to a gallon of water, (the gallon containing 56,000 grains,) and is composed of the fol- lowing substances : Chromate of lime 2.24 grains, carbonate of lime 1.10, sulphate of lime 0.48, nitrate of soda, 1.40, muriate of soda 1.51, sulphate of soda 0.41, sihcia and potash 0.14 ; total 7.28 grains. The number of persons who attain to an unusual age in Newbury- port is remarkable. Of twenty-three funerals attended by one clergyman in the town, from 184G to 1848, the combined ages of eleven of the subjects, amounted to 844^ years. In 1810, there were of the deaths occurring, ten men between eighty and ninety, eleven women about eighty, and two past ninety. In the fall of 1853, at the funeral of an aged lady, the sum of the united ages of four per- sons in one carriage, was three hundred and twenty-five years ; . the addition of another relative, still hving, would have made the sum total of their ages, over four hundred years. At the present writing (1854,) there are quite a number of persons near, and several over ninety years of age, in the city. • In the section of Newburyport kno^vn as Belleville Parish, (between Artichoke river and Oakland street,) there have not been less than eleven persons over eigJtty years of age since the year 1839, and during this interval the number over eighty, has varied from eleven to seventeen. The average of population m this section of the city, during this time, has been about 1000. There is also a large number of citizens embraced in this parish, who might be considered " aged," but who have not as yet reached the mark of fourscore. Nor is it only length of years to which we can point ; many of those reaching extreme old age, retainmg their strength and facul- ties beyond the common term of nature. Mrs. Mary Toppan, who died in 1833 at the age of 105 years, retained all her faculties of mind to the last, and suffered no peculiar bodily infirmity, except loss of sight, which was not ascribed to her length of days. Mr. T. A. Coffin, at the age of eighty, walked from Newburyport to Hamp- ton Depot, then rode fourteen miles and visited the beach, walked over and examined the state of his farm, and returned in the cars to Newburyport the same evening, exhibiting no unusual signs of HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 273 fati<];ue. Deacon Ezekiel Prince,* a native of Nevrburyport, died in Boston, January, 1852, at the age of ninety-two. When eighty years of age he painted the outside of his own house ; at the age of ninety, being in Charlestown, he walked to the top of the Bunker Hill ^Monument, a feat greatly more exhausting than a walk of many miles on level ground. Deacon Henry Merrill, who deceased April Sd, 1844, at the advanced age of ninety-three, had filled the office of Deacon in the First Baptist Church, for a period of nearly forty years ; and though residing a distance of three and a half miles from the meeting-house, he was never absent from public worship a single Sabbath for twenty years, and, till the age of eighty-three, when he had the misfortune to break his leg, had never been confined to the house by sickness a single day in his life. We might add pages of similar instances of strength, health and longevity, but the specimens selected must suffice. PLUM ISLAND. There is no native of Newburyport, and scarcely a stranger -who has visited our city in the summer season, who does not retain vivid recol- lections of this fantastic strip of sand. To the minds of most, its asso- ciations are of the social gatherings of friends, of sea-side picnics with home companions and stranger guests ; the eye recalls the sandy beach dotted with tents ; the cloth spread on the clean yellow sand, surrounded with groups of young men and maidens, old men and children, the complacent pastor and the grave deacon, all enjoying together a day of um-estrained mirth and healthful recreation ; some indulo-ins in the exuberance of their wild delight amid the waves that roll their white crests to the feet of the more timid watchers, and others preparing the gondola for a return home, knocking away the poles that support the tents, or packing up the fragments of the feast preparatory to stowing them in the carriage, wagon or boat, * ^Ir. Prince was the son of tlie Rev. Mr. Prince, (a blind preacher,) whose remains lie beside Whitfield's in the vault of the Federal Street Church ; and •was brother to James Prince, for many years Collector of NewburA-port. The late Dr. Sidney A. Doan, of New York, belonged to this family, being a grand- son of James Prince, Esq., the latter gentleman entertained La Fayette on his visit to this town. 18 274 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT, that is waiting to carry the party home, just as the sun is setting behind the western hills. Thousands remember just such scenes as these when they think of Plum Island ; but there is another picture, with darker shades, which comes between the eye and heart at the mention of Plum Island. There are some to whom that name recalls a dark, stormy night — the heavy moaning of the sea — a bark vainly striving to clear the breakers — blinding snow — a slippery deck — stiff and glazed ropes — hoarse commands that the cruel winds seize and carry far away from the ear of the sailor — a crash of tons of falling water beating in the hatches — shrieks which no man heard, and ghastly corpses on the deceitful, shifting sands, and the great ocean cemetery, still holding in awful silence the lost bodies of the dead. When the north-east wind blows, and the misty fog, which has left its home in the Bay of Fundy, and travelled down the coast, shrouding from sight the breakers and the bar, and dimming the warning harbor lights, — when the drizzling rain turns to the fierce tempest, and the deep roar of the Atlantic can b"e heard like mournful dirges in the streets, — then the citizens of Newburyport think of Plum Island, and speculate on the probability that a vessel may even then be vainly struggling amid the breakers. If in the day-time, one and another, and here and there a party, put on their thickest coats, and stoutest boots, and speed away to Plum Island, to see the storm in its majesty, and to rescue its victims, if any such there are, that may be reached. In December, 1839, occurred one of these terrible storms. On the 15th, there had been a very high tide, which had overflowed the wharves on the river-side, and covered the eastern end of Plum Island with water, so that for some hours the keeper could not get to the lights, a lake having formed between his dwelling-house and the hght-houses. The hotel nearer the bridge was also surrounded with water, while sandliills twenty feet high were washed away, and others formed, the eastern shore being reduced by the action of the waves, many rods. On the 24th, there was a recurrence of the storm, and during the night, a brig of some three hundred tons, the Pocahontas, struck, and was discovered early in the morning, but in such a situation that nothing could be done for the relief of the wretched men who still clung to the wreck. Those on board in whom HISTORY OP NEWBURYPORT. 275 life remained, could see the excited but impotent spectators on the shore, while the latter gazed with useless sympathy upon the strugglers in this terrible conflict of the elements. The surf was such that no boat could possibly live in it, and those in the brig were too distant to throw lines on shore, if the wind had not been enlisted against such a means of deliverance. The bodies of several of the crew were afterwards found on the beach at some distance from the brig, with the small boat lying near, showing that these had attempted thus to escape, but perished by the very means taken to preserve their lives. These probably left the brig before daylight, and perhaps before she struck. Seven bodies of the crew were recovered, besides the captain and first mate.* One man who was seen before nine in the morning on the bowsprit, retained that critical position until near twelve, when a heavy sea washed away him and his support, and he was lost in full sight of scores of spectators. To make his case the more sad, it was but a few minutes after this catastrophe that the brig was washed upon the beach, so that it was readily boarded from the shore. One man was found lashed to the vessel Avitli life not extinct when first discovered, but so exhausted that he ceased to breathe without being able to make an intelligible sign. The sea had beaten over him so fiercely and continuously, that his clothes were almost entirely washed ofi" of him. Still the unpitying storm beat on. The ice was driven in from the flats to the wharves, and piled up on the lower part of Water street. * The poet must have had a very similar scene in mind when ■writing : " Seven sailors went sailing out into the East; Into the East as the sun went down ; Each thought of the woman that loved him the best, And the children were watching them out of the town. For men must work, and women must weep. Though the harbor bar be moaning. Seven corpses lay on the shining sand — On the shining sand when the tide went down ; And the women are weeping and wringing their hands. For those who will never come back to the town. For men must work, and women must weep ; And there 's little to ea;rn, and many to keep, Though the harbor bar be moaning." K1NG6LEY, {Altered. 276 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. The licrht-houses -were at one time considered in danger, as tlie water flowed above the blockings on which they were placed, even at an hour which should have been low tide. Of one hundred and thirty vessels in port, forty-one were more or less injured ; and one, the schooner Panama, was sunk at her wharf. When, after several days, it became almost certain that no more bodies would be discovered, the stranger corpses were borne into the broad aisle of the South church — the American ensign thrown over the coffins, — the bells tolled, — and amid a concom'se of two thousand five hundred people, solemn prayer was offered over these human waifs, untimely thrown upon our shores. But they were not all strangers. One lay there, the master of the vessel, whose name and lineage and features were familiar to many in that crowded sanctuary. Young Captain Cook, and the fii'st officer, also named Cook, were the only ones recognized that day. The others were borne by the hands of strangers to the old burying hill, wMle the bells tolled solemnly, and the drooping flags hung at half-mast from the vessels at their moorings ; and on that ancient hill-side now stands a neat monument over the spot which humanity offered for their repose. Other wi-ecks have there been before and since December, 1839 ; but none the circumstances of which were more indelibly impressed upon the mind, especially of those who participated in these funeral services. On Christmas day, 1850, was discovered on the snow-covered beach, the frozen body of a young man, belonging to the schooner Argus, wrecked a day or two before. He was quite young, not more than 19 or 20, and had evidently reached the shore alive, but benumbed with cold, and exhausted with his efforts to reach the shore, had laid down in a posture of repose, but it was to a rest which knew no earthly waking. He was discovered by a Mr. Johnson, of Rowley, and brought up to town by S. T. Payson, Esq. The corpse, decently arrayed for the grave, with another of the same crew, subsequently foimd on the beach by Mr. T. G. Dodge, was buried from the same church whence the crew of the Po- cahontas had been carried to their last resting place. Of the crew of the Argus, five perished; two were washed off the vessel and not recovered. It is supposed the two found on the beach HISTORY OF NEWBURTPORT. 277 attempted to swim on shore. One was not accounted for ; the captain only was saved. Four months and a half later, on the 15th of April, 1851, com- menced another storm which is now fresh in the recollection of all, but which is recorded as not without interest for the future. On jNIonday, the slowly gathering, but thick easterly mist, announced the coming of a storm ; the mist in a few hours turned to a steady rain, accompanied by a heavy gale ; on Tuesday greatly increasuig in violence ; and by Wednesday morning, it proved one of the most severe ever experienced in this vicinity. It was the more fearful, as coming on an unusually high course of tides, which rendered every additional impetus, dangerous and destructive. At Wednes- day noon, the tide was higher than at any other previously recorded, except perhaps one which occurred exactly a hundred years ago, in 1753, when during a violent E.N.E. storm of snow, the tide rose to an unprecedented height ; so much so that in a corn-mill situated on Parker river, some six or seven miles from the sea-shore, the tide flowed in to the depth of twenty-three inches on the floor.* It was twenty-two inches higher than in the gale of December, 1839, and thirteen inches higher than at any subsequent time. The wharves were covered with water from one to four feet, which also forced its way into the warehouses on the wharves, and filled the cellars on the lower side of Water street. During Tuesday night, the watchmen employed at the ship-yards, found a quantity of timber floating off, and much was lost before aid could be procured to save the remainder. In the morning, and towards high tide, several hundred cords of wood and lumber floated from the wharves, and went adrift. The wharves themselves were many of them badly damaged ; the lower long wharf to the amount of some §1,200. Many vessels were badly chafed by beating against each other and the docks, and some broke adrift. The Essex mill, which is situated on the water-side, above the bridge, had its engine and boiler-house nearly filled with water,t and the waste-house was thrown over and forced from its place. As high up as Hale's wharf, the spray was thrown against the windows of the second * Family Record of ]Mr. John Pearson. f Daily Herald. 278 HISTORY OF NE^VBURYPORT. stories of houses on the upper side of the street : while below South street, the river broke in waves over the whole line of the road to Plum Island ; and the spray was carried to the tops of the houses on the upper side of "Water street. A number of workshops and outbuildings were grasped by the advancing waters, and borne oif in triumph, only to be cast back again, shattered and in fragments, by the next returning wave. A view of the scene the next day, made the destruction appear quite as impressive as during the violence of the storm. The road was torn up, and impassable for horses or carriages, strewn with wood and timber and fragments of buildings which the angi-y waves had left, as if in contempt for their worthlessness, and which they had only rent to atoms to show then* own prowess. Many families on the lower side of the street, fearing for the foundations of their dwellings, had temporarily abandoned them, and spent the night with hospitable neighbors ; while many had removed some of their more frail and valuable pieces of furniture, and for days after might be seen carrying them back to their still undemolished homes. When within the town the resistless tides had so completely pronounced their ascendency, it may well be imagined that Plum Island presented a still more desolate aspect. On Wednesday noon, Plum Island bridge was covered with water and quite impassable ; but previous to the highest rising of the tide, two of our citizens, Messrs. T. G. Dodge and 0. Rundleit, impressed with the idea that a vessel was lying off Plum Island, and that it was possible they might be of use to the endangered crew, had made their way to the island at about half-past ten in the morning ; and there, lying to, outside of the breakers, was a brig, which it was evident could not long withstand the sea, which was forcing her on to the beach. Messrs. Dodge and Rundlett made for the " Relief Hut, No. 1 ; " a house erected shortly before by Captain iXicholas Brown and others, for the purpose of affording temporary shelter to shipwrecked mariners, and also for those who ventured to their assistance ; the latter needing occasional shelter from the fury of the storms, and the means of making a fire, to enable them to be of much assistance to those threatened with destruction. The vessel now in sight was not far from the house, and presently the watchers saw her main- sail give way ; control over her was lost, and they knew she must HISTORY OP XEWBLTwYPORT. 219 soon strike. They had not long to wait ; she strack almost as soon as thev came opposite to her, on a reef about two hundred yards from the shore, and about half a mile below the relief house, and between that and the Emerson rocks. The crew could plainly see their unknown friends on the shore, and by signal communicated with them, the brig gradually beating up the beach. Many and persevering efforts were made to secure a line which the crew endeavored to throw on shore from the bri^^, but, undiscouraged, Messrs. Dodge and Rundlett remained in the surf nearly three hours before this was accomplished. A httle before one o'clock, they were joined by Mr. Lufkin, who resided on the island, some two miles below the wreck, who with a hired man came to their assistance. An hour's more toil and the rope was at last secured, and the Captain and crew, with a single passenger, nine persons in all, were thus, by the humane and persevering efforts of these men, rescued from their perilous situation. Too much credit cannot be given to those who thus exposed themselves to wet and cold, and exhausting endeavors to rescue the imperilled strangers. The brig proved to be the Primrose, Captain Bokman, with a cargo of coal, from Pictou bound to Boston. The Captain had not been able to take an observation for several days, and supposed himself in Boston Bay, till he discovered the breakers at his feet. She lay imbedded in the sand till the ensuing July, when she was towed off, having had her car fro taken out bv the steamer C. B. Stevens, then runnins on the river between Xewburyport and Haverhill. The damage caused by this storm along the wharves and among the shipping, could not have been less than twenty thousand dollars, while the injury to the Plum Island turnpike and bridge was only repaired at a cost of about four thousand dollars. The sea at one time broke completely over the island, in some parts, leaving lakes and ponds in unwonted places when the storm subsided. Communication on the Eastern Railroad was interrupted on the morning of the 16th and ITth. by the washing away of a portion of the road by the Rowley marshes, and during "Wednesday a large number of persons came over the Georgetown Railroad to see the ravages which the storm was makinor alono; the shore. Indeed, so exciting was the scene along the lower part of Water street, that the streets leading to it were thronged with groups of interested 280 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. persons and spectators, among whom were probably two or three hundred ladies, who participated, despite of wind and weather, in enjoying the fascinating excitement of the scene. The Plum Island Bridge and Turnpike Company was incorporated in 1805, with a capital of $25,000, divided into 500 shares. In 1837, $20 was assessed on each share, and in 1851, $10 per share. The bridge has been twice washed away ; in 1851, as related above, and in 1832, when it remained unbuilt for the next succeeding five years, but was rebuilt in 1837 at a cost of $13,000. In 1818 and at other periods it has been very seriously damaged. In 1808 a whirlwind passed over the northern end of Plum Island, throwing over the light-houses and leaving them stretched out like dead sentinels, not side by side as might naturally be expected, but in opposite directions, as if they had fallen in deadly conflict with each other. Plum Island bears north and south, and is between eight and nine miles in length, and less then a mile in width ; the northern half of it was originally owned by the town of Newbury ; but in 1827 it was bought of the " Proprietors' Committee on undivided lands in Newbury," by Moses Pettingell, Esq., of Newburyport, for the sum of $600 ; in whose possession this portion still remains. The southern part of the island belongs to Ipswich and Rowley, and contains a few dwelling-houses and farms ; but the northern part is entirely composed of sand, which is thrown by the wind into hillocks of various heights and forms, and on the eastern shore is continually the sport of the Atlantic billows, which change its outline from year to year, making its shores a new study, to the lover of nature, who might here revel in one of her wildest and most fantastic forms, an ever new delight. Besides the small heach joZttm, which originally gave name to the island, the juniper bush, and a coarse species of grass which is found in patches sometimes of several acres in extent, there are few other plants to be found indigenous to the soil, except the ^''2)runus litto- ralis, (of Bigelow,) the Hudsonia t.omentosa, bearing a small yellow flower, the Convallaria stellata, the latltyrus maritimus (of Bigelow,) and the arenaria j^eUoides* discovered R. S. Spofford, M. D., of Newburyport." * Cushinji's Hist. Newburyport. MISCELLANY. INSURANCE COMPANIES. The only Insurance Company now in operation in Newburyport, is the '■'■ Nexohnryiwrt Mutual Fire Insurance Company^'' incor- porated in 1829, of which John Balch, Esq., is President, and J. J. Knapp, Esq., Secretary. There has been a large number of private insurance companies here, but few incorporated, Boston Companies usually keeping agents here. The following incomplete list is all that we have been able to ascertain regarding them. In 1776, there appeared in the Essex Journal, a notice of the first insurance office opened in Newburyport. In 1784, a private insurance office was opened by Michael Hodge, Esq., on the site now occupied by Messrs. T. H. & A. W. Lord. In 1798, another private office was opened by Mr. John Balch at a place called " The Hole in the Wall," at the foot of Green street. In June, 1799, was incorporated the INIarine Insurance Company, " to continue until 1819." Ebcnczer Stockcr, President. An office called the " Newburyport Marine Insurance " was opened in 1802. In 1803, the " Merrimac Marine and Fire Insurance Company, was incorporated (February 15,) " to continue till 1823." John Pearson, President. An insurance office was opened by Mr. Joseph Balch, in 1803. The Union Marine and Fire Insurance Company, of which Stephen Holland was President, was kept (in 1806,) over the store now occupied by Mr. John Chamberlain, in Market Square. The Newburyport Marine Insurance Company was kept by Mr. John Porter on State street in 1810. 282 HISTORY OF NEWBUKYPORT. The Merrimac Insurance Company, of wliich Jeremiah Nelson was President, was in operation in 1815. In 1817, a private insurance office was opened by the late Seth Sweetzer, Esq., over the store now occupied by Mr. Joseph Goodhue, Market Square. Mr. Gushing in his History mentions another incorporated com- pany, the "Phoenix" prior to 1826, (date of incorporation not given.) An office was opened on Water street, (date not known,) the Secretary of which was " Master Clannin." The Merchants' Insurance Company (date of opening not known,) dissolved in 183G, having lost heavily, but paying up all their debts and interest. The Essex Marine Insurance Company had at risk in 1840 over ^170,000. BANKS. The Banks now doing business in Newburyport are the 3Ierchants\ the Mechanics' and the Ocean. There have been three banking institutions incorporated under the name of the " Newburyport Bank," and one called the " Merrimac Bank." This latter was incorporated June 25th, 1795, to go into operation the ensuing 1st of July, the charter to hold until July 1st, 1805. Of this, William Bartlett was President, and Joseph Cutler, Cashier. The next incorporated was the Newburyport Bank, March 8th, 1803, Dudley A. Tyng, President, and William W. Prout, Cashier. With this institution was united the Merrimac Bank, (on the expira- tion of its charter in 1805,) the concern being carried on under the name of the " Newburyport Bank," the charter of which, was to continue till the first Monday in October, 1812, with a capital of of $550,000, William Bartlett being President, and Samuel MuUi- ken. Cashier. On the expiration of the charter in 1812, a new Act of Incor- poration was obtained for the " Newburyport Bank" with a capital of $210,000. The charter to hold till the first Monday in October, 1831. (This was succeeded by the "Merchants' Bank.") The last named " Newburyport Bank " was incorporated in 1836, HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 283 and in no waj connected with the preceding. It had a capital of $100,000 ; Stephen W. Marston, President. During the disastrous money crisis of 1837-9, it became embarrassed, and finally sus- pended payment in 1841. In 1845 its affairs were wound up, the Bank redeeming in full every bill in circulation. The Mechanics' Bank, of Newburyport, was incorporated in 1813. Its most active projector was James Prince, Esq., who with Messrs. John O'Brien, WilUam Russell, Joshua Little, Wilham Davis, Abraham Williams, John Brickett, James Horton and Gil- man Frothingham, was named in the act of incorporation. The company had a capital stock of $200,000, Avhich has remained without change from the commencement of its operations. The number of shares is 2000, of $100 each. John Pettingell was its first President, and continued in 'that ofiice until 1828. Moses Daven- port, Esq., has recently been elected President, in place of the late John Wood, Esq. The Merchants' Bank, of Newburyport, was incorporated March 18,1831. Messrs. "William Bartlett, John Wills, John Wood, Robert Jenkins, John N. Gushing, Benjamin Hale, William Balch, Stephen Tilton, Henry Johnson, Amos Koyes, David Noyes, Henry Frothingham, Samuel Nichols, Eleazer Johnson, Edmund Swett, and others," being named in the act of incorporation. Capital, $225,000. Captain John Wills was elected President, and Mr. Samuel Mulliken, who had been for many years Cashier of the Newburj'port Bank, was elected Cashier. The Bank commenced business June 6, 1831, and in October of the next year, the Presi- dent, Captain Wills, declined a reelection to the Presidency, and was succeeded by Henry Johnson, Esq., who held the ofiice for twenty-one years, until October, 1853, when he resigned, and Hon. Micajah Lunt was chosen to succeed him. In 1833 the capital stock of this bank was increased $75,000, bringing it up to $300,000, the par value of the shares remaining as at its organization ($50). In 1844 it was, however, reduced $90,000, leaving it at $210,000, at which it has since remained. The par value of the shares was then also reduced to $35. 284 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. The Merchants' Bank arose on the ashes of the old Newburvport Bank, whose charter expired bj limitation, October, 1831, the office, real estate, &c., being purchased and still occupied by the officers of the Merchants'. In 1851, the veteran Cashier of the bank, Samuel Mulliken, Esq., having attained the age of 82 years, resigned his office, and Mr. Gyles P. Stone was elected his successor. The OcEA:^^ Bank, of Newburyport, was incorporated March 20, 1833. The persons named in the act were John "Wills, first Presi- dent of the Merchants' Bank, William Davis, Seth Clark, of Salisbuiy, Phillip Johnson, Henry Frothingham, Jacob W. Pierce, Richard Stone and Henry Titcomb, Jr. The original capital was $200,000, but in 1844, the capital was reduced to $100,000, at which it remains. The number o^ shares was 2,000, of par value, $50 each ; the average number of stockholders being 250. Captain John Wills was the prime mover in getting up the Ocean Bank, and was its first President, which office is now filled by William Stone, Esq. The average dividend before the reduction of capital was four per cent, per annum, since which time it has been ten per cent. INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS. Office, corner of State and Essex streets. Incorporated in 1820. Micajah Lunt, President ; John Harrod, Treasurer ; Richard Stone, Secretary. On deposit (1853) over $1,000,000. Among the By-Laws are the following. " No deposit received less than one dollar, and no sum less than three dollars shall be put on interest." " Office hours from 9 A. M. to 1 P. M., and from 2i P. M. untU 4 P. M., excepting Saturday afternoon and public hohdays." " Dividends payable on the fourth Wednesday of April and October ; dividends not called for, added to the principal of the depositor and placed on interest." " No interest paid on sums drawn before the regular period for declaring dividends, which is the third Wednesday in April and October, nor on any sum which has not been on deposit three months." HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 285 " At the end of every five years, the net profits of the Institu- tion are added to the capital of all depositors, whose deposits amount to three dollars and upwards." " Money can be withdrawn on any day during ofiice hours, except on the third Wednesdays of January, April, iTuly and October ; but no sum less than one dollar can at any time be withdrawn. " The Trustees may by vote of the majority return the amount of all or any of the deposits, or divide the property among the depositors in their proper proportions, by giving three months' notice," This is the legal provision for dissohdng the Institution ; so that in this extremity, which there is no reason whatever to anticipate, the depositor is ensured against loss. ESSEX STEAM MILL. The Essex Steam ^Mill was incorporated in 1834, with a capital stock of §100,000 ; par value of shares §5,000, the number of shares, 200. The present officers are George Gardener, Presi- dent; James Reed, Treasurer ; WiUiam C. 'BdXch, Agent. BAETLETT STEAM :S1ILLS, This Company owns two buildings, situated on If id adjoining Pleasant and Inn streets. Company incorporated in 837. Capital stock $350,000. Xumber of shares TOO, of pa value §500 each. Sheetings and shirtings (of Xo. 40) are r mufactured to the amount of 2,000,000 yards per year. The nr aber of hands employed average 400. Spindles 18,080, looms 91. In one of the buildings the engine is of 100 horse power, a d in the other but 70. This company was originally incorporated as the " TVessacumcon Mills," and the principal projectors of it were .essrs. Ebenezer Moseley, Richard S. Spoflford, M. D., John Chicl ring, Samuel T. De Ford, Phdlip Johnson, William Ashby and a M.^Clark. The capital stock was originally divided into 350 ; ares, of §1,000 each. The present division of stock was made i: May, 1845. The annual meeting of stockholders is held in Mc . Eben. Stone, Treasurer. The name of the Mills was chansec in 1840. 286 HISTORY OP NEWBURYPORT. JAMES STEAM MILL* Situated on "Water street, foot of Charles : was incorporated Janu- ary 28, 1842, witli a capital of $250,000. The building is 312 feet long, 50 feet wide, and four stories high, employing 17,000 spindles, and 356 looms. The engine is rated at 180 horse power. The mill produces annually, of fine shu-tings and sheetings, (of about No. 40,) a little over 2,000,000 of yards ; consuming 590,000 pounds, or 1,300 bales of cotton, and some 1,300 tons of coal ; number of hands employed, 325, of whom two-thirds are females. This enterprise originated with several persons, principally at the south part of the town, among whom were Messrs Phillip Johnson; ^Slark Symonds, Robert Bayley, Charles T. James, Ralph and Thomas Huse, J. T. Loriug, Albert Wood, and Samuel Brookings, and the heirs of the late William Bartlett, Sen., who subscribed at once half of the original amount with which it was at first proposed to com- mence operations, ($30,000,) and subsequently added to this sum. Some Boston capital was drawn in, which justified the enlargement of the mill, and stock was paid in to the amount of its present capital, Avhich was divided into 2,500 shares of |100 dollars each. The annual meeting of stockholders is held on the third jMonday in February. Charles J. Brockway, Treasurer. GLOBE STEMI ]MILL. Situated on Federal street, near Water : incorporated March, 1845 : capital of $320,000, having 800 shares of par value, $400 each : manufactures jeans and printing cloths, producing 4,000,000 yards anijually, and employing 100 males, and 275 females. The engine is rated at 230 horse power; spindles in operation, 13,392, and looms, 384, consuming annually 1,600 tons of coal, and 704,000 pounds of cotton. The buildmg is 320 feet long, and 50 feet wide ; four stories high. * Before the machinery -was put into the upper stories of this mill, a room was selected as the most commodious in town, in which the Hon. Daniel Web- ster addressed the citizens of Newburyport, prior to the fall elections of 1844, (November 7.3 The weave-room was capable of seating 5000 people. Water is introduced into this mill from a pond lying beyond the cemetery, on the southerly side of the turnpike. HISTORY OF NEWEURYPORT. 287 The prime originatora of this companv were Messrs. John Porter, James Reed, Charles H. Coffin, John Balch, and Mark Symonda. The original capital stock was but $200,000 ; but in 1846, iiie com- pany made -iOO new shares, of value, $200 each, thus increasmg ihe capital stock $120,000. Annual meeting of stockholders, second Monday in Maj. John Porter, Treasurer. OCEAX STEAM MUX. Situated on the comer of Kent and Monroe streets : was incor- porated in 1845, with a capital stock of $160,000, divided into 400 shares, of $400 each. The product is principallv printing cloth, of which 2,000,000 yards are made annually. The number of hands employed is 170, of which 60 are males ; number of spindles, 8,784 ; looms, 208, consuming 850 bales of cotton, and 900 tons of coal per year ; engine 120 horse power. The principal originators of this mill were Messrs. William C. Balch, Frederick J. Coffin, James Reed, Benjamin Saunders. Annual meeting of stockholders, first Monday in May. James Reed, Treasurer. XEWBUEYPORT BKLDGE COIVIPAST. Chartered in 1826 : present Board of Directors, (1853,) Joseph Johnson, President; William Balch, Prescott Spalding, Josiah French ; John Porter, Clerk and Treasurer. ESSEX MEEEIMAC BBXDGE. Incorporated, 1792 ; charter expires in 1862. Micajah Lunt, President ; Ebenezer Stone, Treasurer and Clerk. CUSTOM HOUSE. Collector of Customs, (1854,) James Blood : Beputj Collector, Thomas W. Bumham ; j^aval Officer , Nicholas Brown ; Surveyor, Nathaniel Jackson ; Ganger, George W. Hill ; Weigher and Jfeas- urer, Enoch Hale, Jr.; Inspector^ Charles Peabody ; Boatman, Joseph Lowell. 288 HISTORY OF NEWBURTPORT. MILITAEY COMPANIES. The " Newburyport Artillery" Company was organized in 1778. The first officers were Thomas Thomas, Captain; David Coates, Oaptain Lieutenant ; Michael Hodge, First Lieutenant ; Samuel Newhall, Second Lieutenant. In 1794, bj the union of this company with one in Amesbury, a battalion was formed, and subsequently a company belonging to Andover was annexed to this battahon. Since 1820, the company have performed camp duty in several towns in this State and New Hampshire. This company are governed by a written constitution, regulating terms of membership, the choice of officers, specifying the duties of the several officers, &;c. The 19th Article is one which might be copied with advantage by associations other than military. We give it entire : "Article 19. Every member shall keep by him a copy of these Articles, which he shall produce at the meeting in October, on pen- alty of twelve and a half cents." This is well calculated to keep members to the point in debate. The 20th Article shuts the door on frivolous or ill-natured motions to reconsider. It reads:. " No vote passed by the company shall be repealed or reconsidered, unless there be a greater number present than when the same was adopted, and unless by a majority of the whole company." In 1844 the name of the company was changed to that of the Washington Light Guard. In 1852 this name was exchanged for that of the " Gushing Guard." Their motto, adopted at their seventy-fifth anniversary, (February, 1853,) is " Prepare for War, but pray for Peace." December, 1853, the City Government voted to purchase the gun house, by Frog pond, for an armory, for the use of the Cushing Guard. In 1800 the "Washington Light Infantry Company" was formed under Captain Abraham Perkins, Lieutenant Charles Jackson,* and * Kow Judge Jackson, of Boston. HISTORY OF XEWBURYPORT. 289 Ensign Xicholas Tracy. Their motto was, " He led the fathers, and inspires the sons," In 1813 this company performed guard duty at Plum Island. In 1817 the company was dissolved, but re-formed the next year. In the journal of William G. White. Esq., we find the following record under date of May, 1 834 : " The Washington Light Infantry of this town, broke up last March, so that now there is only the Artillery Company that have a uniform in this town." This dissolution was final. MASONIC LODGES, ETC. Masonry was introduced into America, according to Masonic Chronology, July 30th, 5733,* when a Lodge was formed in Boston, by virtue of a commission from the then Grand Master in England. The Massachusetts Grand Lodge was established in Boston, Decem- ber 27, 5761), and descended by Masonic transmission, from the Grand Master of Scotland. On the 19th of June, 5792, a Grand Masonic Union was formed by these two Grand Lodges, and all dis- tinctions between ancient and modern Masons was abolished. The Lodges of Massachusetts, were di\ided into twelve Districts, each having a District Deputy Grand Master. The Lodges of Newbury- port belonged to the second District ; these were : St. John's, chartered in 1766, St. Peter's in 1772 and St. Mark's in 1803. In 1790 a Royal Arch Chapter was estabUshed in Newbury- port, and in 1795 an Encampment of Knights Templars was instituted. About 5825 a Consistory was established here which had the power of conferring all the highest degrees of Masonry. In the decline of Masonry throughout the country, some twenty- seven years since, the several bodies here participated ; but the Order reckoned as its members, during its ascendency, the names of some of the most intelligent, worthy and pious members of the community, including many of the clergy. For many years the Grand Royal Arch Chapter held their Annual meetings alternately at Boston and Xewburyport, many of the highest officers belonging to the latter town. * To reduce this to common time, call the 5 a 1 ; thus, 5733 Masoni(.' time will be 1733. A. D. 19 290 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. St. Mark's Lodge is still sustained, and another, the St. John's, Avhich had surrendered its charter, has recently received it again, and is now in operation. ODD FELLOWS. The Quascacunquen Lodge, (No. 39,) was instituted in Newbury- port, March 7th, 1844 ; the charter being granted to Messrs. E. S. Stearns, George Emery, John Poole, S. K. Oilman, and C. A. Somerby. Among the terms of membership, it is provided* that " the candi- date shall be a believer in a Supreme Being, Creator, Preserver and Governor of all things. He shall not be under twenty-one years of age. He shall be a man of good moral character, * * * having some respectable known means of support, and exempt from all infirmities which may prevent his gaming a livelihood. * * No person shall be admitted a member of this Lodge over fifty years of age, (except by card,) or paying annually one dollar extra over the usual fees. " The initiation fee is ten dollars, and two dollars for each degree. * * In addition, every member pays to the general fund of the Lodge seventy-five cents per quarter. " * * There are two funds connected with the Lodge, the ' widows and orphans' fund,' which consists of specific contributions and donations, with all fines and forfeitures, and the interest of all funds invested by the Trustees. The 'general fund' consists of all moneys not belonging to the widows and orphans' fund. The Lodge pays out annually between six and seven hundred dollars. Benefits, in case of sickness of a member, or death in his family, are graduated and paid according to the degree which he has attained, and consequently in proportion to the fees paid in by him. The punctual attendance of officers, at the regular or special meetings, is enforced by a fine for absence. " No smoking or refreshments except water, are allowed in the Lodge rooms." The number of members rose, soon after the organization of the Lodge, to about three hundred ; it is now something less than that. The Merrimac Encampment, (No. 7,) was formed under a charter * " Constitution and Bye-Laws of Q. L., I. O. O. F." HISTORY OF NEWBIIRYPORT. 291 from the Grand Encampment of Massachusetts, granted to E. S. Stearns, George Emerj, P. K. Hills, T. II. Level, Gilbert Watson, Dexter Dana, and John Huso. Average number of members, forty. THE MARINE SOCIETY. The origin of the Marine Society of Newburyport, which has for so long a period exerted a beneficent influence on the mercantile interests of the town, is to be found in the voluntary association of six individuals, who met on the 5th of November, 1772, and agreed to form an association for the purpose of better securing the interests of shipmasters, obtaining information relative to the navigation of this vicinity, and forming a fund for the assistance of decayed ship- masters or their famiUes ; the latter part of their work was com- menced by depositing with their Secretary and Treasurer, Michael Hodge, Esq., a guinea apiece for the purpose. On the 13th of the same month their numbers had increased to seventy, and a code of By-laws was adopted, which involved in substance these points : That members should consist only of persons who were, or had been shipmasters, except in extraordinary cases. That captains in com- mand of a vessel should pay a certain sum per month to the funds, for the time they were absent, but that in case of shipwreck, cap- ture,* or other misfortune, they might be excused from this tax, and, if the case required it, assistance to himself or family should 1)0 rendered. In case of the death of a member of the Society, his widowf or children should be assisted, if necessary, according to the means of the Society ; that any person guilty of any notorious crime or vice, should be excluded from the Society and its benefits ; that members in the practice of their profession should be careful in their observations of the variations of the needle, soundings, courses and distances, and of all remarkable things about the coast, and com- municate in writing to the Society, such observations as he had made and deemed serviceable to the community. In 1779 a committee appointed by the Society made a survey of * In 1779 a large proportion of the members were excused on accoimt of having been captured by the enemy. f Many widows have been wholly or in part supported by this Society, and several orphans educated and maintained at their expense. ■29-1 HISTORY OF NEWBrRYPORT. the Breaking Rock — a ledge about half a mile long, in the vicinity of Great Boar's Head, and lying about a mile from the shore. The danger to vessels from this ledge, which vras covered at high tide, had been fatally experienced by many coasters. The report of the Society's committee gave such directions in regard to the navigation of this part of the coast as to make it thereafter safe. To their consideration, as combining the best nautical knowledge of the coast, Avas submitted a book of saihng directions, -with the bearings and distance of headlands, &c., by Captain Furlong, which book was the foundation of that which has since grown into such repute as the American Coast Pilot, afterwards published by Edmund Blunt, Esq. The amount disbursed by the Society in charity has exceeded 820,000, and they are now paying annually $900 to the widows of deceased members. The par value of the funds and building is risino' of $23,000. The charter of incorporation was obtained in 1777. The nucleus of a cabinet of curiosities was gathered, but the decline of the shipping interest here has prevented any consid- erable enlargement. The building owned by the Society is on State street. Captain Joseph P. Russel, who had been a member of the Society for twenty-eight years, donated to it $2,000. The Merrimac Humane Society was instituted for the purpose of extending inquiries, collecting facts, and aiding in the rescue or resuscitation of persons subject to accidents, particularly drowning. They were stimulated to this from the frequent occurrence of acci- dents on the ^lerrimac, and deaths by shipwreck, and otherwise, at Plum Island. The persons named in the act of incorporation, (March 7, 1804,) are Micajah Sawyer, M. D., Dudley A. Tyng, and Ebenezer Stocker, Esqs., Dr. Nathaniel Bradstreet, William Woart, Rev. Thomas Cary, Rev. Samuel Spring, Rev. John Andrews, Rev. Daniel Dana, Rev. Isaac Smith, "WiUiam Coombs, and Nicholas Johnston, Esqs., Dr. Nathaniel SaltonstaU, Dr. Samuel Nye, and Rev. Joseph Dana, D. D. " This Society erected three huts on Plum Island, and published printed directions to mariners how to find them if cast ashore on the island. They also provided signal colors and lights, which were HISTORY UP NEWBURYPORT. 293 placed in the care of the keeper of the light-houses, "with suitable directions for use in case of vessels approaching under dangerous circumstances. Grappling irons, inflaters, fumigaters, and electrical machines, were also kept on hand by the Society, for the purpose of facilitating the recovery of persons taken from the water and exposed to death. The Society still survives, but the houses erected on Plum Island were long since destroyed by the mahcious or reckless frequenters of the island.' They lasted, however, quite a number of years. The present officers of the Society are Hon. Dennis Condry, Prea ident ; Francis Todd, Esq., Vice President ; Ebenezer Moseley, Esq., Corresponding Secretary ; Moses Pettingill, Recording Secretary ; Captain Paul Simpson, (deceased 1854:,) Treasurer ; Rev. Daniel Dana, D. D., Ft. S. Spofford, M. D., Hon. Ebenezer Moseley, Ed- ward S. Rand, Captain Francis Todd, Hon. Dennis Condry, Hon. Henry Johnson, Captain Charles Hodge, John Harrod, Esq., Moses Pettengill, Esq., Ebenezer Stedman, Esq., Trustees. Mr. Wilham Coombs, named in the act of incorporation, was one of the Vice Presidents of the Society, and was awarded a gold medal by the trustees for his heroic act in saving a child of ^Ir. Paul Plummer, who had fallen from a raft into a depth of water between six and seven feet, near Coombs's wharf. Mr. Coombs, though then seventy-six years of age, immediately leaped into the water, and succeeded in rescuing the boy. Mr. Coombs was for many years President of the Marine Society of Xewburyport ; was a Representative to the State Legislature ; a Trustee of Dummer Academy ; a founder of the ^lassachusetts Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, oiated a Board of Trustees to manage the Fund, and the f:":~- ing gentlemen were incorporated as " Trustees " ~ — -^^ A - emy:'' — Jeremiah Powell. Benj. Greenleaf. J i Rev. Joseph "WiUard. (President of Harvar*d College j. Rev. Charies Chauncey, Rev. Moses Pars-?ns, Rev. John Tucker. Rev, Thomas Cary. Samuel Moody, (die Preceptor.) WilHaTn Powell. I>r. Micajah Sawyer, Dummer Jewett. Samuel Osgood. Nathaniel Tracy, and Richard Dimmier. — nearly all Newburyport m«a. Their successors have continued to have the control of the Academy. Bmnmer has always ranked hi^ as a classical school, and during 296 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. the first half century of its existence, there were constantly more applicants for admission than could be accommodated, Mr. Samuel Moody's fame as a teacher greatly assisting the reputation of the Academy. He was succeeded by Rev. Isaac Smith, Dr. Benjamin Allen, Rev. Abiel Abbott, Hon. Samuel Adams, Nehemiah Clcave- land, and others. Mr. Cleaveland took charge as Preceptor in 1821, and continued in that office until 1840, when he resigned. In the autvmm of 1848, there was a general gathering of the " Sons of Hummer," a dinner was had, speeches were made, and a silver pitcher, suitably inscribed, was presented to Mr. Cleaveland, the teacher to whom most of this generation are indebted for their kindly remembrances of Hummer. In 1822 an Association was formed among the graduates of Hummer, for the purpose of cultivating and preserving their early friendships, originating in this institution ; and also to accumulate a fund for the establishment of prize scholarships. The " Sons of Hummer," as the association was called, embraced many citizens of Kewburyport, and among those most interested in its formation, we find the names of Hon. Hudley Atkins Tyng, LL. H., of this town, who was for many years President, as were .afterward Hon. Nathan Noyes, M. H., Hon. Jeremiah Nelson, and Hon. E. S. Rand. Mr. Rand resigned his office in 1845. Hr. J. G. Johnson is the present head of this association. ECCLESIASTICAL SKETCHES. The ecclesiastical history of this place and vicinity presents some peculiar features, which can best be shown in a general sketch of the successive churches formed, and their connection with each other and their parent root, the First Church in Newbury. This was for sixty-three years the only church in Newbury.* In 1698 a church in what is now West Newbury, was organized with the Rev. Samuel Belcher as the minister. This church, like several subsequently formed, violently tore itself away from the parent stock, after having * A small Baptist church was organized in 1682, but being few in numbers, and of small means, no minister was settled among them, nor is there any evi- dence extant that any of the ordinances were observed by this ephemeral church. It died ere it reached maturity. inaTORY OP NEWiiLLili^JHT. 29T for a long series of jeara sought for a peaceable and honorable dismiaaion from the First Church, from whose meeting-house many of them were resident a distance of six or seven miles. This meeting- house -was built on the "• plains.*' Subsequently a difficulty arose . ' :r its removal, which resulted in the formation 1. the parent of St. Paul's. With these, the community, though Uly accommodated, were obliged to be content until 1725, when the Third Congr church was formed, (now worshipping in Pleasant street. who found it inconvenient to meet with the other parishes, or were " not edified " by the ministry of their respective pastors. The formation of this church was considered as objectionabie and as unnecessary by those already established, as was the formation of the second and the ofl&hoot of Queen A Tin's chapeL Yet notwith- standiog the difficulty they experienced in procuring a separate organization, they, in their aim, became spiritual monopolists, and in conjunction with the First Church in Xewbury endeavored to prevent the formation of the First Presbyterian Society : * refusiog, to that end, to give a regular dismission to thirty-ei^it of their number, who withdrew, during the ministry of their first pastor. Mr. Lowefl, for the purpose of nni ti ng with the Presbyterians. They were, however, received by the latrer, who were mostly dissentienis from the Rev. Christopher Toppan.t The Third Religious Society iu Xewburyport (Titcomb street") was a branch from die first, which settled the Rev. Thomas Cary simultaneously with the selection of Mr. Marsh as the pastor of tiie third- This separation was per- fectly amicable, a pleasant variety iu the retrospect already taken. The Fourth Church (^Temple street ) was nor so fommate iu its first establishment. Its origioal members consisted of individuals who withdrew from the ministry of the Rev. Mr. Murray, of the * A vote of the oiiarcli. passed. December "21, 1763. reads tiius : -Inasmuch as they pro/ess Aemselves Presbyterians, we will hj no means encourage their being empowered, [^to act as a septiraLe nanili.' 'ju: !eave :ae natter to the General Court. f From the Toppan fiunily of ^Sewoiuy. lescenuea tne ate ^-^naror loppan of Ohio, and the well-known brothers Arthnr and Lewis Tappan. of Xew York. Several branches of the &nily have substituted Tappan lirthe ongiBal orthogr^hv of the name. 298 HISTORY or newbukyport. Presbyterian chui-ch, for the purpose of settling the Rev. Charles ^Y. Milton among them as their minister. For some time they met in a private house for worship, and in 1793 renounced the govern- ment of the Presbyterian church, and soon after erected a meeting-house, formed an independent Congregational church and secured the services of Mr. Milton as their pastor. A few years later the Presbyterian Society was again divided by a schism in its members, the occasion being a diiference of opinion in regard to the settlement of a minister ; the majority deciding in favor of Rev. Dr. Dana, and the minority withdrawing for the purpose of organizing a second Presbyterian church, under the pastoral care of the Rev. J. Boddily, who was installed in June, 1797, in the house where the same church now worships, (Harris street.) This last division left the Federal street church in a somewhat perplexed condition ; the clerk and treasurer both being of the minority party, the First Presbyterian Church was left " without records, files or funds." The church files were subsequently restored by the courtesy of the Rev. John Giles, the successor of Mr. Boddily. The dissentients in this instance had proposed some compromise measures, which were not accepted, but after the first period of excitement, the most friendly relations were maintained between these churches of the same order. In the bosom of the Second Presbyterian Society, originated the movement which resulted in the formation of the Whitfield Congregational Church. iSTeither the Baptist nor Methodist churches are necessarily linked with the preceding, and their history will be found under theii* appropriate heads. The Roman Cathohc denomination also comes late in the eccle- siastical history of the town, (1843,) and is not of native growth ; and though it has risen within the short space of ten years to the number of fifteen hundred souls, it exhibits all the features of an exotic. Its members being almost exclusively of foreign birth, no appreciable loss or gain, numerically considered, has taken place between this church and the Protestant sects with which it is sur- rounded. The denomination has been exceedingly fortunate in the resident pastors of the church, whose influence has been most judiciously exercised in all matters pertaining to good neighborhood and good citizenship. HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 299 The Sabbath schools now usually attached to the several churches •were first established here in 1817. The children were then gath- ered indiscriminately from all parts of the town, and collected into one school, which was held in the Court House. Subsequently other schools of a similar character were commenced at the southern and northern extremities of the town, which were continued until the plan was adopted of appending them to the various churches as they now exist. In 1830, an infant Sabbath school was taught in Bartlett's building, at the foot of Market street. The Protestant Episcopal Church, the present representative of which is St. Paul's, originated in Newbury about the year 1712. The following appear to have been the circumstances which led to the organization of the Church. The inhabitants of what was called the "West precinct of Newbury were divided among themselves as to the location of then' meeting-house, the district being so widely, though not thickly settled, as to render it impossible that all could be accommodated, by ha^dng the meeting-house near their own dwellings. At a meeting of the parish, it was finally voted to have the meeting-house on Pipe Stave Hill, while a respectable minority refused to coincide with this vote, and proceeded to the erection of a building for the better accommodation of themselves and families, on what is called the Plains, where the original parish meeting-house stood. Had they been allowed unmolested to procure and settle a minister, it is probable they would have chosen one of the prevaiUng denomination ; but the stronger party at the Hill persisted in taxing them for the support of the minister there, the Rev. Mr. Belcher, which naturally led the people at the plains to look about them and see what legal redress remained to them under these circumstances. Retaining the name of the Congregational denomination, there was none ; the law expressly providing that the majority of the parish might decide on the location of the meeting-house, and that every person in the parish should be taxed for the support of the same ; but the alternative was presented, of declaring for some other form of church government, Avhen they might hope to be exempt from this onerous taxation, from which they had petitioned time and again to be released. The result was that twenty-two of the residents at the plams, declared themselves for the Church of England — 300 HISTORY OF NEWJ]UHYP011T. being satisfied that in making this change, they should sacrifice none of those evangelical principles which they had been taught to revere. From the frequent petitions sent to the General Court, these parish difficulties were well known in Boston, and Dr. Cole- man, then of the Brattle street church in that town, addressed a letter on the subject to Dr. Kennet, Bishop of Peterborough, Nov. 17, 1712, in which he declares that " these persons (the dissentients) seek only to save their tax, and are utterly ignorant of the church they declare for." This statement appears perfectly gratuitous, and made rather in that kind of "pet" which he felt at the result of the difficulties in Newbury, and which he endeavored to affix upon the dissentients. There existed no reason why they should be " utterly ignorant," Avliile there were many why they should be well-informed. The very troubles which afflicted the parish, were a means of turning their attention to the forms, discipline and faith of other churches, and the supposition that the materials of information were not to be found among them is absurd. Many of them were emi- grants or immediate descendants of emigrants from England,* and, as persons of ordinary intelligence, could not fail to be acquainted with its faith and formula. As early as 1811 they had enjoyed for a season the ministry of the Rev. M. Lampton, through whom they must, if not before, have been made acquainted with the tenets of the Church. In an answer which Governor Dudley makes to one of their petitions, to be released from the payment of taxes, for the support of a public worship in which they did not participate, Ave find that a Mr. Harris from Boston, a minister of the Church of England, preached for them occasionally after Mr. Lampton left, and vmtil a minister could be sent to them from England. Governor Dudley gave it as his opinion, and desire, that the Episcopalians should not be taxed by *From tlic Puritans arriving first, and giving a name to Plymoutb Colony, a confused idea seems to have arisen — and prevails even in the minds of some historians, that all the early emigrants were Puritans — which is far from correct : many who had followed the first settlers of Plymouth, had been members, and retained an affectionate interest in the Church of England. Even of that Puritanic band, including Francis Higginson, (an ancestor of Rev. T. Went- worth Higginson, late of this town), Bancroft says: — "They did not say 'Farewell, Babylon! farewell, Rome! but Farewell, dear England!'" 1 vol. p. 347. HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 301 the second parish; but it was not until July of 1722, nearly twelve years later, that official power effectually interfered for their protec- tion, and legal freedom insured them in the unmolested maintenance of their chosen form of worship. The Rev. Henry Lucas arrived from England, and took charge of the parish, in the summer of 1715 ; and was succeeded, after his death, which occurred in August, 1720, by the Rev. Matthias Plant, (in 1722.) All now went on harmoniously for a fev\^ yeai's, until the " water-side people " pro- posed to build a church nearer to the business centre of the town, which awakened a prophetic apprehension among the original founders, that the two churches could not be maintained, and that Queen Ann's Chapel — the church on the plains — would suffer by this rival. The frame of St. Paul's was, however, raised in 1738, principally by the joint efforts of the Rev. Mr. Plant and a layman, Joseph Atkins, Esq., who each gave fifty pounds towards it. It was not used for public service till 1740. Immediately a difficulty arose, from the circumstance of two congregations with but one minister, which was for a while allayed by Mr. Plant officiating alternately at both churches, and was afterwards more satisfactorily adjusted, by his consenting to hire an assistant, Mr. Edward Bass, with whose help constant services might be performed at both places. But this arrangement did not secure all the harmony desirable, and subsequently an altercation arose between the proprietors of St. Paul's and Mr. Plant, the occasion of which was as follows : The proprietors claimed the right of receiving into or excluding from the pulpit any minister whom they chose ; while Mr. Plant insisted, in accordance with the usage of the Church of England, that he should have the control of the pulpit. This controversy was not adjusted until 1751, when the proprietors yielded, and i\Ir. Plant was regularly inducted into the Rectorship of St. Paul's. He enjoyed the fruits of his triumph but two j^ears ; he deceased April 2d, 1753, and was succeeded by his late assistant, Mr. Bass, who continued to officiate once a month in Queen Ann's Chapel, until 1766, when public service in that building was abandoned, ^art of the congregation uniting with St. Paul's, and others returning to the congregational form which their fathers had abandoned. Thus deserted, the edifice went to decay, and finally fell down through feebleness and the weight of years. The bell, which had been 302 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. presented to the church by the Bishop of London, now hangs in the belfry of the Belleville meeting-house. St. Paul's was rebuilt in 1800, the corner-stone being laid on the 22d of May, with Masonic ceremonies, by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. The Rev. James Morse, D. D., succeeded Bishop Bass in the Rectorship of St. Paul's, and remained in this office till his death in 1842, a period of thu-ty-nine years. He was devotedly attached to the Church, and was a gentleman much esteemed in all the rela tions of life. He was a native of Newburyport, and graduatsd at Harvard in 1800. He was succeeded by Messrs. J. S. Davenport and E. A. Washburn. The present rector is Rev. WilUam Horton. The First Church ii^ Newburyport was the third in Newbury, being organized in 1725, and the Rev. John Lowell settled as pastor the year succeeding ; its history is one of peculiar interest, pre- senting in its early records, the simple idea of a primitive church, intent only on fulfilling their appointed work of making themselves and the world better. As early as 1726, we find organized within the church, a volun- tary association of twenty-four persons, who having taken " into serious consideration the decaying and languishing state of religion," subscribed their names to six articles, by which they agreed to meet once a month, " none to absent themselves unless on some extra- ordinary occasion ; and first to redress in themselves and fami- lies any irregularities, and next to admonish their neighbors of the same." Especially were their efforts to be directed to the observ- ance of the Sabbath, and finally to meet deputations once in three months from the other churches, (if they would send any,) to con- sult upon the interests of religion and morality. Under date of January 2, 1727, they voted to request the " honorable justice to see that the ferrymen in and about Newbury, carry no one over the ferries on the Lord's day," and a month later agreed to a measure much neglected by the churches in these latter days, namely, " to visi]; the young communicants of the church, and endeavor to coun- sel and advise them to continue in the sincere practice of those duties that are incumbent on them by their public profession of Christ." And in pursuance of their desire to assist tlieir brctlu-en in diffi- HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 303 culties, they appointed a committee on one occasion, " to converse withe ye Avifc of concerning the disturbance she gives him, when he is going to perform family prayers." In regard to the ferrymen, cither the " honorable justice " did not comply with their request, or the ferrymen were impervious to argument, for a little later we find them directing one of their number "to inform je ferrymen that they caiTy no person on ye Lord's day, except on extraordinary occasions." Three of their number were also appointed to the duty of going " to ye tavern by ye water-side," and there to read the law of the province, respecting " the order required to be kept in their houses." Requesting al^o the constable " to walk ye streets after the evening exercise is over on the Lord's day, that the Sabbath may not be propJianedJ^ After the arrival of Mr. Whitfield and the drawing away a por- tion of the church by the young preacher Adams,* it was deter- mined, " upon consideration of the difficulties of the present day, in respect of religion in this place, and particularly of the divisions that have lately arisen among us," &c., that a day of fasting be appointed. But the evil spirit of schism was not cast out, and the breach rather widened than contracted, and peace was not restored until the seceding members were received into the communion of the Presbyterian church. When the first parish in Newburyport was set off, in accordance Avith their repeated request, by the General Court in 1735, the com- mon law of the province gave the Society a legal supervision over the precinct thus divided from the first and second parishes in New- bury. The dividing line between the first parish in Newbury, and the one thus established, wa,s Federal street. The new parish, in accordance witli their privileges, sustained schools and transacted much other business v»'hich would now be left to the management of the town, or city. Their first pastor, the Rev. John Lov^ell, con- tinued their minister till his death in 1767. Ho was succeeded by the Rev, Thomas Gary in 1768, who performed the pastoral office for twenty years, when the Rev. John Andrews was settled with him as a colleague, and succeeded him as sole pastor on his death in 1808. The present meeting-house which this Society occupies on Pleasant * See account of First Pi-osbvterlan Chiirt-li. •30-i HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. street, and •^rliich is a model of architectural beauty, -was erected in 1801. The Society had previously worshipped in a church standing in -what is now Market Square, and which was removed, (being much decayed,) soon after the Society abandoned it. The Rev. John Andrews, D. D., continued his ministry during forty- two years. He resigned his office in May, 1830, " welcoming his successor (Rev. T. B. Fox,) as his friend, and gracefully retiring from the pulpit to the pew, an example of Christian humility as rare as it was dignified." In an appendix to the ordination sermon preached by Charles Lowell, D. D., of Cambridge, on the settlement of Mr. Fox, we find the report of the Committee appointed by the Council called on that occasion ; they say the dissolution of the connection between the late pastor and the people " was mutual, harmonious and honorable to both parties ; * * and that they should be doing themselves, and the friends of Dr. Andrews injustice, if they did not express their sincere and entu'e respect and esteem for his character ; for his exemplary life, for his assiduous and conscientious ministry and eminently Christian deportment towards the Society." Mr. Andrews died August 17, 1845, aged 81, leaving a large circle of mournmg friends, including many outside of his parish relations. He was a native of Hingham, and graduated at Harvard in 1786. The suc- cessors of Mr. Fox, have been T. W. Higginson and Charles Bowen. The First Presbyieriax Church was formed on the 3d of January, 174G, by nineteen persons who had formally withdrawn from the first parish in Newbury. These, Avith others, had met for worship for more than two years previously, in a small building erected on High street, (then called Norfolk,) below Federal, a young graduate of Harvard University, Joseph Adams, offici- ating as then- pastor. This whole movement for a separate religious establishment, was strenuously resisted by the pastor and church of the first parish, who designated their proceedings as '-irregular and disorderly." By the advice of Whitfield, the new church (" the Separatists," as they wei-e called by those who remained attached to the previously existing societies) extended an invitation to the Rev. Jonathan Parsons to become their pastor. The consummation of this connection was also opposed by the pastor of the Third Church HISTORY OF NEWBUEYPORT. 305 in Newburj, but without success ; and he was accordingly installed on the 19th of March, in the same year. The form of installation was certainly original and unique. The services having been commenced by the singing of a hymn, Mr. Parsons, having mentioned the reasons against his settlement, made a final proposition to the assembled church, to see if they still wished him to remain as their pastor. The vote was taken by the clerk, and passzd unanimously in the affirmative. The pastor elect then said, " In the presence of God and these witnesses, I take this people to be my people ; " and the clerk replied, speaking in the name of the rest, " In the presence of God and these witnesses, we take this man to be our minister." Mr. Parsons then went on and preached the sermon he had prepared, no other ceremonies what- ever (except prayer) being observed^ The first platform agreed upon by the church was designed to be but temporary ; though containing the main features of Presbyterianism, the church was not yet united to a Presbytery, but was styled " independent." They had experienced great and unwarrantable difficulties in exer- cising their right of withdrawal from the first parish, which made them regard Congregationalism, seeing it as they did sustained by the favor of the ci\al power, with any thing but friendly feelings. On the Tth of xA.pril succeeding the installation of Mr. Parsons, they completed the organization of the church, by the choice of six riding elders, and in the following September, voted to unite with the Presbytery of Boston ; retaining, however, the right to choose their elders annually. Though now recognized as a " regular Pres- byterian Church," — their numbers being also largely augmented by a considerable body who subsequently withdrew from the third parish, and others, — the first and third parishes still insisted on the right to tax them, for the support of public worship in those places ; and their petitions to the Legislature, to be released from the pay- ment of taxes, as laid on them by the previously existing societies, were met by remonstrances from these bodies, and their petitions were again and again denied. Thus for a long time the members of the Presbyterian society had a double burden to sustain ; the law compelling them to pay taxes for the maintenance of the churches from which they had withdrawn, and their own choice 20" 806 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. and engagements demanding the support of their own church and pastor. Shirley, who was then Governor of ]Massachusetts, was rather favorably inclined to the petitioners, and in one instance, at least, commended their request to the especial attention of the General Court. But other counsels prevailed ; the representations of their opponents, who hesitated not to impute unworthy motives to them, gained credit, and the rights of conscience were sacrificed to ancient prejudice, apparently founded on the maxim that " might makes right." Some of the oppressed band absolutely refused to pay the tax laid by the fiirst parish, preferring to spend their days in prison, to submitting to what they believed an unjust demand. To make their case more intolerable, by contrast, they saw the Episcopalian, the Baptist, and the Quakeix, released from these very taxes from which the Legislature denied them exemption. The excuse offered by the Congregationalists for the extreme measures pursued towards the Presbyterians was, that the " parish property was pledged for the support of the parish minister," and of course if any consid- erable number refused to pay their proportion, the burden fell heavier on those that remained. This was true, and a mitigating circumstance in their favor ; but they sought no accommodation, and would listen" to no compromise, nor take measures for the future release of those who desired another form of worship ; constantly denving the right of any to differ from themselves. But if the one partv was tenacious and grasping, the other was as determined never quietly to yield the inalienable rights of conscience. The Presby- terian society actually entertained the idea of presenting their case to George II and his Council, and only desisted, from the consider- ation that such a step might endanger the Charter of Massachusetts, by invokuQg the interference of the king. It had, however, one beneficial effect ; the Legislature, finding that they had already written to the Attorney General of England, and fearing the effects of their apphcation, granted them some concessions, — unwillingly and ungraciously enough, — but still concessions of right, so that a stepping-stone was prepared for obtaining others. But it was not till 1794, more than forty years afterwards, that they were finally and legally released, by a General Act, bestowing ecclesiastical freedom on the town from paying taxes to the Congregational interest. HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 30T We have been favored with an examination of the original records of these seceding brethren from 1745 to 1795, and they certainly exhibit, during the period of their first trials, a pure desire for the restoration of the vitaHzing truths of the gospel, from -which, they believed, " there was a warping as originally adhered to," in the Congregational churches. Formally repudiating Armenianism and Antinomianism, they embraced anew the peculiar doctrines of the Reformation, as based on the Confession of Faith and Larger Cate- chism adopted by the Assembly of Divines at "Westminster. By these records it appears that from the organization of the church to 1793 inclusive there were 461 members admitted, an annual average gain of fifty. The history of the First Presbyterian Society, as illustrating the progress of correct opinions on religious freedom, is one of the most instructive which the records of the State have preserved, which induced us to give it more space than our limits will well warrant. The meeting-house now occupied by this Society was erected in 1756. In this house of worship is a remarkably fine whispering gallery ; we know of none which compares with it, save that of St. Paul's in London, which this fully equals. Here also are preserved the bones of Whitfield.* The pastors of the church have been Jonathan Parsons, John Murray, Daniel Dana, D. D., Samuel P. Wilhams, John Proudfit, D. D., Jonathan F. Stearns, and the present Rev. A. G. Vermilye. The second is included in the Biographical Sketches. The Religious Society now known as the Belleville Coxgre GATIOXAL Society, and which was incorporated in 1808, under the name of the " Fourth Religious Society " in Xewbury, -n^as set off as a separate parish in 1761, as the fifth in Newbury. Its forma- tion was opposed by the second (now first in West Newbury) and third (now first in Newburyport) parishes. Incipient measures were takei? to raise a meeting-house as early as November, 1761 ; the parish occupying the deserted building called Queen Ann's Chapel, until this was accomphshed (1763). The Rev. Oliver Noble * See Biographical Notice, " Whitfield." 308 UISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. (August, 1762) accepted a unanimous call of tlie parish to settle with them as their minister ; he had previously preached to them in the old chapel on the plains. Mr. Noble continued with the parish, to the mutual satisfaction of both parties, until about the years 1773-4. In December of the later year, we find the parish voting that " it appears to us that near one third part of the polls and estates are gone over to the Church of England ; " and " that the state of the parish has much altered since the settlement of Mr. Noble." A committee was appointed at this meeting (December 13,) to '' confer with Mr. Noble and acquaint him with the facts." And at an adjourned meeting, it was voted that the committee '' farther acquaint Mr. Noble with the state of the parish, and that his proposals was not like to answer any good end." He however continued to preach to them until 1784, when the connection ceased : and the parish remained without a settled minister until 1808. " In the spring of 1808, a number of individuals belonging to the parish met for prayerful consultation, on the subject of organizing a church, and after several solemn conferences agreed to form themselves into a Christian church, by dedicating themselves to God in a church state, and by obedience to the ordinances of the Gospel." A mutual covenant was signedj and at a meeting of the church (April 2) it was voted, '* that they unite with the parish in extending an invitation to the Rev. James Miltimore to settle with them in the work of the ministry." Mr. Miltimore was installed on the 27th of April, since which period internal harmony has distinguished the church, and its inter- course Avith the neighboring churches has been eminently pleasant and peaceful. Mr. Miltimore preached to the Society for nearly a quarter of a century, and until he retired from the labors of the pulpit. He Avas succeeded by the Rev. J. C. March, who continued with them as their pastor until his decease in September, 1846. Mr. March was a native of Newburyport, His successor is the present pastor, Rev. Daniel T. Fisk. By a division of Newbury in 1819, this parish became the " Second." In 1816, the old meeting-house was struck by hghtning (April 1) and entirely consumed ; nothing being saved but the cushions, books, and lower window frames. The only fire-engine available was small, not possessing sufficient force to throw water, of which but HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. SQ9 little could be obtained, on the belfrej.* The present building stands on the site occupied by the old one, and its general style of architecture is the same. The Second Coxgregational Church was formed in 1768. The Society was incorporated as the " Third Religious Society of Newburyport." Its origin was altogether a pleasant episode in the ecclesiastical history of the town ; the persons proposing to form it having withdrawn from the First Society in consequence of a dif- ference of opinion as to some of the important doctrines of Christianity, which the two candidates in view of the First Society entertained. The disagreement was unattended with any of that excitement which had marked the separation of some of the earlier churches, and as evidence of the amicable feeling which prevailed, we may note a vote of the First Church (January 18, 17G8,) whereby they agreed to divide the church plate and stock between the seceding and remaining brethren. The First Church settled the candidate of their choice, Rev. Thomas Cary, and the Second Church (October 19, 1768,) theirs, the Rev. Christopher Bridges Marsh, the latter recognizing the Orthodox platform, so called, and the Society concurring mianimously in the choice of the church. Mr. Marsh died December 3, 1773, and the church was for the next four years without a settled pastor, when the Rev. Samuel Spring was invited to preach to them as a candidate. His answer to the first request of the church is dated " Ticonderoga, August 12th," in which he declines the imdtation of the church, as incom- patible with his engagements as chaplain in the army. On the conclusion of this engagement, he accepted the renewed request of the church, and was ordained its pastor in August, 1777, which relation he sustained till his death, which occurred March 4th, 1819, a period of nearly forty-two years. Dr. Spring was a man of fine talents, devoted piety, and untiring activity.f The present pastor, Rev. Luther F. Dimmick, D. D., was ordained by the unanimous voice of the Church and Society, December 8th, 1819. * Ne-wburyport Herald. f His son, the Rev. Gardiner Spring, D. D., is the oldest settled pastor in the city of New York. 310 HISTORY OF NEWBUllYPORT. The first meeting-house was dedicated in September, 1768, standing nearly on the site of the present building, which was erected in 1827. The Fourth Religious Society was incorporated in 1794. The church was formed principally by dissentients from the ministry of the Rev. John Murray, then pastor of the First Presbyterian Society. The withdrawing members met for some time at a private house, (Mr. Anthony Morse's,) in Milk street, the town refusing the use of the ToAvn House for the purpose. The present house of Avorship was raised in 1793. " Yesterday," says the Essex Journal of June 12th, "the frame of a meeting-house sixty-seven feet by sixty, was raised in Temple street. It is designed for a handsome edifice, and, on the plan of the new meeting-house in Boston, it is to have two steeples in front. Previously to entering on the business, the throne of grace was pathetically addressed by the Rev. Mr. Milton, in the presence of a large number of spectators, after which the workmen engaged spiritedly in the laborious undertaking, which they accomplished without any accident intervening, to lessen the pleasure of the day, excepting a fall which Mr. William Davis of this town met with, though he is likely to do well, notwithstanding he fell between thirty and forty feet." The first pastor of the church was the Rev. Charles \V. Milton, who was installed into that oflBce on the 20th of March, 1791, and con- tinued with them till his death, a period of forty-three years. He was succeeded by the present pastor, Rev. Randolph Campbell. The interior of the house was remodelled in 1845, making it one of the most neat, convenient and beautiful in the city. Mrs. Margaret Atwood, who left a sum of $1,500 for various charitable purposes, left some small legacies to this Society. The Second Presbyterian Church was organized by the Pres- bytery of Londonderry, October 29th, 1795, with thirty-three mem- bers ; these individuals had withdrawn fi;om the First Presbyterian church, being dissatisfied with the settlement over that body of the Rev. Daniel Dana, D.D. The Society was incorporated November 24th, 1796. The first pastor was the Rev. John Boddily, of Bristol, England, and a graduate of Lady Huntingdon's College. He was IIISTORT OF NEWBURYPORT. 811 installed June 28th, 1797. On his death, which occurred Novem- ber 4tli, 1802, he was succeeded b}'- the Rev. John Giles, also of Enfi^land, who occupied the pastoral office for twentj-one years, when declining health obliged him to relinquish its duties. In 1824 the Society, Avithout the concurrence of the church, called as their min- ister, the Rev. William Ford, who was installed by the aid of a Congregational Council, August 11th. He remained but little over two years. In 1825 the Rev. Dr. Dana, who was then at London- derry, (President of Dartmouth College,) accepted an invitation to this church, the original members of which, thirty years before, had seceded from the First Presbyterian church on account of his settle- ment. In 1845, just twenty years from the date of his settlement. Dr. Dana was at his own request released from the pastoral charge, the Presbytery of Newburyport being called in to advise on the occasion. On July 15th, 1846, the Rev. W. W. Eells, of the Presbytery of Baltimore, was unanimously called as pastor by the Church and Society. The church having applied for, and been again received, (November 18,) under the care of the Presbytery of Londonderry, Mr. Eells was installed as pastor by that body. This church was based and now stands on the strictest Calvinistic platform of faith. The Baptist Church of Christ in Newbury and Newburyport, was formed under many difficulties, and in the face of obstacles that would have disheartened less persevering or less conscientious per- sons. They had not the same, kind of difficulties to encounter as had obstructed the growth and prosperity of some of the earlier churches of this vicinity ; they had no legal hindrances, such as beset the Congregational and Presbyterian interests, but a more formidable opposition was to be met in the prejudices of the times and place. The denomination was new to this vicinity ; there was no Baptist church in this or the neighboring township of Newbury. Some attempt was made by a few individuals as early as 1 681 to form a church on these pecuUar principles in Newbury, and they even went so far as to apply for assistance to the first church in Boston, who assented to their organization, but they were too few in numbers to maintain a separate existence. The peculiarities of this denomination forced themselves, there- 312 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. fore, with all the mterisity of noveltj, on the settled habits and opin- ions of the community in which they were now to be first broached in a practical form. After some preliminary meetings held in May, 1804, a school-house at the south part of the town, then within the Newbury line, was procured for the use of the Society, and Mr. Joshua Chase preached the first sermon to a Baptist Society in this vicinity on the Sabbath of July 22d, 1804. The first persons ever baptized in Newburyport, were Stephen Goodwin, David Burbank, Benjamin Goodwin, Bart. Hurd, John Flood, Nathaniel Pettingell, and Mrs. Rebecca Dormon, on Sunday the 14th October, 1804. The church was not regularly organized until the 2d of May, 1805. The young licentiate preacher, Joshua Chase, having in the mean time received ordination, continued with them as their minis- ter, until the engagement of the Rev. John Peak in the fall of 1805. Meetings were alternately held at the above named school-house (in Marlborough street,) and at a building on the plains, until Mr. Peak made it a condition of his permanent settlement among them, that he should preach in some central place in Newburyport. Previous to the erection of their meeting-house in Liberty street, the Society met for worship in a building called the " Tabernacle," situated on Temple street. In 1809 the Society took possession of the new brick meeting-house, which they had erected at the cost of over sixteen thousand dollars ; but of which they were destined soon to be deprived by a calamity which involved the surrounding neighbor- hood in ruins. In 1811 the " great fire " consumed the house raised with such great exertion and toil, and after a seven years' struggle, the Society were thrown back, in a pecuniary sense, to their first starting- point. Their pastor, Mr. Peak, immediately set out on a collecting tour, and by great exertions on his part, and the generosity of the com- munities which he visited, obtained a sufficient sum to rebuild a place for public worship. But now came the question of selecting a site for the new house, opinions being divided according to the residence of the members, as they were located north or south ; and so vehement were those at the south part of the town in their desire to have the house located there, that they held ex parte meetings, declared themselves the church, cited the Rev. J. Peak to appear before them and resign his office of solicitor of funds, and on his HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 313 neglecting their citation, proceeded to the extremity of excommuni- cating him from the Christian privileges of the church ; all of which proceedings were disallowed and disapproved by a council subse- quently called to settle the difficulties which had arisen, and assist in healing the lamentable divisions in the church. The council agreed " on approving the conduct of the pastor, and sustaining the course he had pursued." The pastor and Deacon Henry Merrill had already purchased the lot of land on which the meeting-house is now situated, on Congress street, and the house of worship there was occupied by the Society in 1812, having met for worship in the interim at the Court House. The seceding party met together in "Joppa" for a year or two, with Mr. Nathan Ames as their preacher ; but, unable to maintain visi- bility, the organization which was deemed irregular was dropped. Thirteen of these individuals were formally excluded, for their disor- derly proceedings, by the parent church. The meeting-house has been enlarged, and otherwise improved, since its erection. Mr. Peak's successor, in 1818, was Rev. Hosea Wheeler, since which period, the following persons have occupied the pastoral office : Messrs. Nathaniel Williams, William B. Jacobs, Jonathan Aldrich, Albert N. Arnold, (who resigned for the purpose of connecting him- self with a mission established in Greece,) and Nicholas Medberry. Rev. I. B. Lane is the present pastor. First Methodist Episcopal Church. The Methodist interest Avas commenced in Newbury, (now Newburyport,) in the year 1819, under the preaching and labors of the Rev. John Adams,* a member of the New England Annual Conference of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church. Up to 1825, this place Avas connected with the Salisbury Conference, when it was made a station under the charge of Mr. Adams ; the advent of Methodism into New- buryport was marked with much excitement, and not a little oppo- sition. A " revival of religion " which accompanied the labors of Mr. Adams, and which exceeded in extent and interest any * Familiarly called " Reformation John ; " his life has recently been pub- lished, (1854,) in two volumes, and is principally autobiographical. He appears by this work to have had considerable psychological power, and to have been very conscious of it. He was eminently successful in his professional labors. 314 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. movement in the churches in this towa. since the days of Whitfield, ehcited no sympathy from the existing churches ; though many of the converts subsequently became members of them. In the fall of 1825 a meeting-house was built on Adelphia street, the Society having formerly met in a school-house on Marlborough street. ■ In 1826 the Rev. B. Othman Tvas appointed to the station, but removed the next year to the Second ]Methodist Episcopal church in Xevrburyport, vrhich was organized in 1827. In 1831, the Rev. Le Roy Sunderland,* was appointed preacher ; under his labors, a considerable revival of religion took place, the ]\lissionary, Bible, Tract, Sabbath School and Benevolent (Temper- ance) Societies, were formed in the church, and a Sabbath School Library was collected. • The frequent change of pastors in the Methodist denomination, has prevented our obtaining a hst of them. The Methodist Episcopal Church of Newburyport was regu- larly organized by the Rev. B. Othman, June 20th, 1827. On the same day the meeting-house situated in Liberty street, and built under the superintendence of Mr. Othman, was dedicated. The original members were fifteen persons, formerly members of the Methodist Episcopal church in Xewbury. The church made permanent and satisfactory progress during the six succeeding years of its exist- ence, having in that time received an addition to their number of one hundred and fourteen. In the seventh year of their organiza- tion, being 183-4, a "Four Days' Meeting" was appointed, when so great was the interest manifested, and so numerous the tokens of an awakening among the people to the interests of rehgion, that the meetings were continued twenty successive days, and fifty evenings, without other interruption than the regular meeting of the classes on one evening of each week. During this protracted meeting, one hundred and fifty were admitted as probationers into the church. * Mr. Sunderland subsequently -withdrew from the Methodist Episcojaal con- nection, removed to New Yoik, became the publisher of a paper, and has since become extensively known as a psychological lecturer. He now resides in Boston. HISTORY OF XEWBURYPORT. 315 The faith and discipline of the church correspond with that gener- ally adopted bv the ^lethodist Episcopal denomination in the United States. The seventh pastor of the church, Rev. Jacob Sanborn, has ■writ- ten on page 90 of the Church Records, this sensible suggestion, over a list of the funerals in the Society during the year 1836 : "I judge it might be -^vell for the preachers in this station to make an entry in this book of the funerals they attend, as it would be useful at the end of the year to call the attention of the congrega- tion to the ravages of death, or in a sermon on the first Sabbath in the year." The First Uxiversalist Society was organized on the 26th December, 1834, by the following persons associated for that purpose : Messrs. John B. Greely, Austin George, Daniel TV. Bailey, Albert Thompson, Gideon E. Leighton, William H. George, Richard Bartlett, and Stephen Kent, Jr. The meeting-house was dedicated in 1840, but the recognition of the church did not take place until November 16, 1842. The recognition services were performed by the Rev. Sylvanus Cobb. The following gentlemen have been the settled pastors of the Society, the last of whom now sustains that office : Revs. WiUiam M. Femald, Darius Forbes, Edwin A. Eaton, James Shrigley. A. R. Abbot, Daniel M. Reed. The Christian CnrRcn was organized May 7, 1840, by a mutual covenant of ten persons, who met at a private residence, '• and after prayer, and solemn dedication to God, covenanted to take the Holy Scriptures, especially the last will and testament of Jesus Christ, as the rule of their faith and practice," and were then acknowledged by Elder Daniel P. Pike, their first, only, and present minister, as a properly constituted Church. The commencement of this interest was at Belleville, Xewbury, in 1838, when Mr. Pike, then minister of the Christian Church at Salisbury point, com- menced holding evening meetings in BeUeviUe, which were continued weekly until January, 1840, when meetings were commenced at a central location in Xewburyport. In April. 1840. a room on Brown's square was obtained, and dedicated to the public worship 316 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. of God. In November, 1840, " a Presbytery form of govermTient was adopted by this churcli, consisting of the pastor, three ruling elders, three deacons, six deaconesses, and. a church clerk." The next year a Congregational form of government was adopted. The church is now included in the Rockingham Congregational Con- ference. The church requires the adoption of strict temperance principles, by all its members ; and refuses all fellowship with slaveholders. In 1844-5 the neat and commodious building which the church now occupies, was erected. The pi-eseut number of members is about 300. Roman Catholic. The first church organization of the Catholic denomination in Newburyport, was in May, 1843. There was then no church edifice erected, and this was deemed a missionary field. The first building occupied as a church, was the vestry of the Federal street church, vrhich was removed to Charles street, where it was fitted up for temporary service. This station was occasionally visited by the Rev. William Clanaran, of Dover, N. H., and in May of 1848, the Rev. John O'Brien was appointed Resident Pastor of the church. He was shortly succeeded by the present pastor. Rev. Plenry Lennon. On the 27th of April, 1852, the corner-stone of a new church edi- fice was laid, in the presence of the Bishop, some twenty priests, and an immense concourse of people ; the ensuing 17th of March the building was dedicated under the title of the Church of the Im- maculate Conception. The style of architecture is decorated Gothic, and the interior is finished in an appropriate and pleasing correspondence with the exterior plan of the house. The congregation numbers some fifteen hundred, including children. The church has on the average between 750 and 800 communicants, and a Sabbath school is maintained during the greater part of the year. Many of the usual attendants upon this church reside out of town, in West Newbury, Salisbury, &c. ; some come even from Amesbury, the congregation gathering from all the contiguous country within walking distance. " The fee-simple of the church property is vested in the Bishop of the Diocese for the Cathohcs of Newburyport and vicinity." HISTORY OP NEWBURYPORT. 317 The Green Street Baptist Chdrch was organized on the 17th of May, 1846, bj sixty-seven persons who -withdrew from the First Baptist Church. The Rev. N. Medberrj was installed as pastor on the 16th of June next ensuing. The church met for public Avorship in the Washington and Market Halls, until the erection of the neat and picturesque building, which the Society now occupy, in Green street, and which was dedicated on the tth of February, 1848. On December 23d, 1852, Mr. Medberry resigned the pastoral office, and the Rev. John G. Richardson was chosen as his successor, and installed September 8th, 1853. Second Advent Church. Organized December, 1848, under the pastoral care of Elder John Pearson, Jr. The origin of this church may be traced to the winter of 1841-2, when the doctrine of the speedy Second Advent of Christ was preached here by Rev. Charles Fitch, Miller, and others. A con- siderable number of persons embraced the views presented, and united for the purpose of public worship, and their meetings were sustained until the latter part of the year 1844 ; at which time, in consequence of the passing of the specified date for the fulfilment of the great event for which they looked, and other adventitious circumstances, their meetings were discontinued ; but in 1848 they again reunited, and have since maintained a distinct church organ- ization. Connected with the church are a Sabbath school, Bible class, &c. Their present place of worship is Washington Hall, on the corner of State and Essex streets. The peculiarities of their faith are the following : " That there are but two advents, or appearings of the Saviour to this earth, and that both are personal and visible. " That there will be a literal resurrection of the dead. " That only those who are Christ's will be raised at his coming. " That there will be a thousand years between the resurrection of the righteous and the wicked. " That the reward promised the saints will be given at the second coming of Christ. ******* " That this earth renewed will be the saints' inheritance. " That the Scriptures do not teach the world's conversion. 318 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. " That the Scriptures do not reveal the specific time of Christ's second coming, but do reveal events intimately connected with it, — making it the privilege and duty of the church to know when the advent is near. " That the grand object of the Christian's hope is the Second Personal Advent of the Lord Jesus Christ." On all other doctrines the church conform to those usually desig nated evangelical. The Whitfield CoNGREGATioisrAL Church was organized Janu- ary 1st, 1850. Stated preaching had been maintained in the Market Hall by the friends of this new interest for some fifteen months previously ; the Rev. John E. Emerson, a native of this town, and a recent graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary, ofiiciating. Mr. Emerson was ordained as pastor on the 1st of January, 1850, but died in little more than a year after his settle- ment, on the 24th of March, 1851. He was succeeded by the present pastor, Rev. Samviel J. Spalding, on the 30th of June of the same year. The edifice on State street, in which the church now worship, was erected the next year, and was dedicated March 2d, 1852. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. When approaching the Biographical Department of this work, we felt that our labors were drawing to a rapid close, and that a few paragraphs would suffice to enumerate the most distinguished natives of Newburjport ; but investigation quickly dispelled the illusion. Materials and subjects crowded upon our hands, until it Vr'as evident that to do justice to but a portion of the departed worthies of the town, would require a large volume of itself, and could in no satis- factory manner be sketched in a mei*e appendix at the close of a History. But it was too late to alter the plan of the work, and though we have endeavored to select those characters for limning which seemed most calculated to interest the reader, and inspire the young of this community to an imitation of the virtues and heroism of their ancestors, we have been compelled to omit a large list who might worthily have been included in these brief notices. There is ample margin for the biographer who delights in the por- trayal of genius, to fill up the account at some future time. [We understand that Joshua Coffin, Esq., author of the History of " Ould Newbury," has been collecting materials for this purpose, and designs to complete a full biographical work ere long. If he carries his intention into execution, we shall expect to see thorough justice done to the many distinguished men of this vicinity.] It is to Newburyport that the heads of the professional depart- ments have come for judges, divines, and physicians — for men of science and of mercantile sagacity ; for of brave soldiers and distinguished civilians, Newburyport has more than supplied her share ; and if these few pages have the effect of awakening the ambition of the young, and inducing any of them to aim at equalling, 330 ETSTOST C'j >rr"5vEri;T?oaT. if ihey maT hot hope to exeeL the vDiegnrv. indnstry. coTiraire. le-aminz and pierr of ihe names tere recorded, ire shall feel amply re-warded for the time and labor exi:>enQed in coHecmig these brief remains of their nseiul and hriHiani Hres. It has been veil remarked hr the author of the "American Biographx." * from -vrhom -we have made copioiis extracts. •• that thon^ lie Berohnaon h^ inealenlahlT increased and diffused the hapinness cf the people, yet before that time there "was f^nnd in many parts of !!Ne"R' England a degree of mental cnlnvadon. a refnement and dignity of manners, and a FDeral hospitality in the iniercoinrse of sc»dety. -which lias not snee. to say the least. l:»een surpassed." And the -writer justly adds^ *• the to-wn of Xe-wbray- i»orT once fumislri a rerinrkable ilhisiration of "the trotli of this observation: it having given t-o Xe-w England some of its most intelligent and disnngiiished jnrisis. merchants, and literary men. Several of these had 'f :»rroed ass-^ciataons of friendship at Harvard, and fonr members of one class, though not natives of the t-^-wn. ehcse XeVMrryport as their residence, believing that in no part of the United States -was an enlightened S'Ocial intereomse better sos- tained or more rationally enjoyed, or a more frank and generous hosniiaEty exhibited to-wards strangeis."* THEOPHILrS PASSOXS. Probably no infividnal aided so much in attracting foreign talent vj Xe-wb-oryport, and ^viag tone to "what abeady existed there, as THE'jPHTLrs Pailsos'S^ -wh'ose jierfeet features the still of Stuart has preserved to ns : but vho -was the laborious artist of his own feme, as aH "who aspire to usefolness in life, or to a name -which their eountrymen -• -riH not -willingly let die," must be. TheophHus Parsons -was the third son of the S^v. Moses Par- sons, of Byneld parish. Xe-wburv. He "w^s bom the 2-lth of February. 17-50. He -was early plac-ed at Dummer Academy, of irhieh the celebrated *• Master Moody " -was then principal, and to -whom Parsons -was greatly indebted for the early development and ridii direetian of his origroaHy great po-wers of mind > and though Master Moody -was not a native of Xe-wb urv p ort, jet as most of ihe * SamaeH. L. Ejia^ip. y/ From. a_ SketcTi'oy Stuart XW OumMc'-.LSi-o lith.- SoiUi'-l HISTORY OF XEWBURTPORT. 321 Newburyport youth destined for the University, at this period, passed under his moulding hand, and he thus left upon them ineffaceable influences, it will not be deemed out of place to give him a passing notice here, especially as Judge Parsons ever retained for him the greatest respect. Master Moody was a thorough scholar, and required thoroughness in his pupils ; he was also a .man of extensive and varied information, and had some eccentricities too. He was a bachelor, and perhaps therefore took the more interest in his scholars, whom he regarded as his children, and in Avhose future success and fame he took an intense interest, which neither separa- tion, time nor distance abated. It is easy to see how such a man would impress his character upon his pupils, and how much harder he would labor for their perfection than one whose only motive to exertion was pecuniary profit, or even his own reputation as a teacher. Master Moody lived to a good old age, but it was in his prime that he ranked among his pupils Theophilus Parsons, upon whom he was frequently heard to bestow his highest eulogy. From Dummer Academy young Parsons entered Harvard College, where he gi-aduated in 1769 ; he then entered as a law student with The- ophilus Bradbury,* and in 1777 commenced practice in Newbui-yport, having already obtained the reputation of a " young man of great talent, and remarkable acquirements." It was at this interesting epoch that the Legislature of Massachusetts formed the Constitution which they submitted to the people for their consideration. It con- tained many defects, and a general movement was made to prevent its adoption, in which Essex County took the lead ; and Mr. Par- sons was elected as a delegate to»meet with gentlemen from the other to-^Tis of the Covmty at Ipswich. Here he was placed on a committee to prepare a report on the subject^ and he then drafted the famous paper known as the " Essex Result.'' In 1779-80 a convention was called for the purpose of drafting a new Constitution, and to this body Mr. Parsons was also a delegate, and one of the most active and influential members. In 1789 the Massachusetts Convention met in Boston, to consult upon the adoption of the Federal Constitution, then submitted to the several States for their adhesion. In this convention met a host of * See Biographical Notice. 21 322 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. distinguished statesmen, and to this body Mr. Parsons was also a delegate, and berj too he met in counsel and argument, one of his distinguished pupils, Rufus King, the only individual who at that time rivalled him in this vicinity in learning and talent. Parsons came to the convention Avith serious apprehensions as to the result, but fully determined to exert his utmost strength to secure its adop- tion ; learning, wit, satire and argument combined, made his influ- ence preeminent, as his genius deserved that it should be. One of the members, a clergyman, having remarked " that no angel pre- sided at the formation of the instrument, for that the name of God was not in it," Parsons reminded him that by the same rule of judg- ment there was no divinity in one of the books of the Old Testa- ment, referring the astonished clergyman to the book of Esther, which contains no mention of the name of Deity. A large share of the effort which secured the final majority in favor of the adoptiob of the Constitution may fairly be attributed to Mr. Parsons. In 1806, Chief Justice Dana resigned his oflSce, and general expectation Avas turned to Mr. Parsons, (who had some time pre- viously moved to Boston,) as his successor. The judges were not unwilling to profit by his profound knowledge of law, and the whole of the intelligent community desired to see him at the head of the judiciary. But his practice at this time was extensive, and its emolu- ments were lucrative ; his income was probably from six to ten thou- sand dollars a year, and the .salary of the chief justice was then but twenty-five hundred dollars ; and those Avho were most anxious for his professional advancement, felt hardly prepared to ask him to make this immense pecuniary Sacrifice. He was, however, nomi- nated by Governor Strong, and accepted the appointment ; but not without arguments in return, on the insufiiciency of the judges' salaries, so convincing and unanswerable, that the Governor in his next message to the Legislature, recommended " that a permanent and respectable compensation" be granted them, which resulted in placing these salaries on their present footing. When he came to the bench there had been much done, but there was still much left to do, and he set about making a thorough reform ; the docket was crowded with cases, and the method of despatching the business slow. To finish the business of the term, he roused ]:arties and counsel to extraordinary exertions of vigilance and punc- HISTORY OP NEWEURYPORT. 323 tuality, and at all times, bis mind moved -with such rapidity, and his despatch of business Avas so unequalled, as to excite both the mur- murs and applause of chents and lawyers, as their different interests were affected by this new and energetic administration. Dealing with a man whose biography rightly told would fill volumes, and yet compelled to condense it within a few pages, we feel that we can scarcely give any just idea of Judge Parsons within onr assigned limits.* In person he was nearly six feet high, stout even to corpulency, lieavy yet dignified ; his features bold and striking ; forehead high, but its effect was sadly marred by a very ill-looking wig, which was not always fashionably made nor carefully worn ; sometimes after a season of deep mental occupation, awaking the mirth of his friends, by the wry and disordered appearance of this inelegant appendage. His eyes, "blue tinged with hazel grey," were deep set, and in repose looked sunken, but when excited, sparkled and burned with a pecuUar lustre. Happy in his domestic connections, he shared in the amusements and directed the studies of his children, with the fondness and solicitude of a man who had no great ofiicial responsi- bilities weighing upon him. Wit sparkled in his conversation, yet no one would imagine from reading his written opinions, that he ever indulged in this, to him natural propensity. His memory was won- derfully tenacious, — not of that desultory sort which is sometimes found where the judgment is weak, but was as orderly as it was com- prehensive. He seemed to have the same control over his thoughts as a strict disciplinarian has over his men ; " they came, retired, con- centrated, scattered, were condensed in column, or extended in line at his bidding." His great power of nistantly arranging or embodying his thoughts, made his decisions appear at times almost like intuition. And the imagination, a faculty which is rarely com- bined, in much power, with such qualities of mind as he possessed, was yet in him sometimes warm, and always prolific. In his profes- * We have the fact on good authority, that on one occasion Hamilton sought out Parsons for the sake of a personal interview, having heard much of his reputation, and being disposed to believe his talents exaggerated. He had the desired interview, and was accosted by a friend on his return, with tlie query, " Well, and how did you find Parsons ? " " How did 1 find him ? why I found him rut and drh'il for even/thinff" replied the now satisfied examiner. 324 HISTORY OP NEWBURYPORT. sional practice, he had none of that coldness and indifference which mark so many men of intellect. To the poor and those in a humble condition of life, he was ever kind and ready Avith his advice, to reheve them from their difficulties. If they and their cause were honest, he never delayed assistance to calculate the chances of remuneration. He was never known to take a fee from a min- ister of the gospel, no matter to what sect he belonged. He was a firm believer in the Christian religion, and as he approached the confines of old age, his love for the study of mathematics and divin- ity increased. He lived neither too long nor died prematurely, but Avhen his labors had done good service to his country, and his wide spread fame had settled down on a permanent and abiding basis, he died, October 13, 1813, at the age of sixty-three, with a reputa- tion as a judge and a lawyer, unequalled in New England, and unexcelled by any jurist in the United States. During his residence in Newburyport, Mr. Parsons had in his office, as students of law, three young men of eminence, two of whom afterwards exceeded him in being the recipients of more public honors, though none surpassed him in vigor of mind or literary attain- ments : these were John Quincy Adams, Rufus King, and Robert Treat Paine. The life of the sixth President of the United States, who for several years participated in the social hfe of Newburyport, is too well known to need particular notice here, and perhaps should not occupy the room which might be devoted to natives of Newburyport, or more permanent residents ; yet it is pleasant to know that late in life he retained a lively interest in the town, with which, as he expressed himself on a public occasion, " many of the most pleasing recollections of his youth Avere associated." That he also enter- tained a respect for its citizens, is evidenced by his selecting from among the many Americans there, a gentleman from this town,* to be the bearer of his official despatches to the Government of the United States, during his residence as American Minister at St. Petersburg, in 1813. Wlien Washington visited the town in 1789, Mr. Adams prepared * Captaio Nathaniel Jackson. HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 325 the reception address ; and his much admired poem, entitled the " Vision," was written in Newburyport in 1792 ; the animated description which he there gives of nine different female characters, are portraits, which he drew from life, of some of his young friends and acquaintance here. RuFUS King, a native of Scarborough, Maine, spent many years in Newburyport and vicinity, first as a pupil of Master Moody, at Dummer Academy, and afterwards as a student of law with Mr. Parsons, — as a practitioner at the bar, and also as Representative to the General Court. Rufus King graduated at Harvard, with the first honors of the class of 1777, which was considered an excellent one. He was not only first in mathematics, the languages and oratory, but took the lead in every athletic sport, running, jumping and swimming. He was a fine specimen of the benefit of a sound body with a large mind. Before entering on the study of the law, Mr. King was appointed aid to General Sullivan, during his cam- paign in Rhode Island. On being admitted to the bar, in 1780, he rose rapidly in the public favor, and was soon after chosen as Repre- sentative from Newburyport to the Legislature, where he sponta- neously took the position of a leader. Having distinguished himself in the Convention of 1787, he soon after removed to New York, from which time his history is identified with that of his country. In 1784 he was sent to Congress, and took a high stand there, as he had done in the Legislature of the Commonwealth. In the Senate, during the warm discussions respecting the British treaty, he took the side of Washington and Hamilton. Having successively filled various honorable public offices, being for some years Minister to the Court of St. James, he on his return in 1803, made a visit to Newburyport, where he Avas complimented with a public entertainment. " It was a joyous occasion ; the friends of his youth were around him ; a thousand reminiscences Avere aAvakened ; the old Avere glad to rencAv their acquaintance Avith him, and the young to catch a glimpse of the man Avhom their fathers had delighted to honor." He died at Long Island in 1827, aged 72. While in this toAvn, Rufus King was one of the Wardens of St. Paul's Church. 326 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPOKT. Robert Treat Paine, son of the signer of the Declaration of Independence, of the same name, pursued his study of law in the office of Theophilus Pai-sons, at Newburvport, and -while in that town, (January, 1800,) pronounced his brilliant " Eulogy upon Washington," on the occasion of public funeral services being observed, on the intelhgence of the death of the latter. His baptismal name was Thomas, and it was after this period that he applied to the Legislature to be relieved from it, not wishing to 1)0 confounded with the author of the Age of Reason. He spent several years in Newburyport ; but attained more reputation as a poet than a law^-er. His genius vras certainly of a high order, and his imagination prolific. His talents commanded admiration, and his wit excited merriment and delight ; he wa3 bold in his views, quick at retort, and sometimes fearfully sarcastic. His principal literary efforts are the " Invention of Letters," '•Adams and Liberty," the "Ruling Passion," with some minor poems, and the "Steeds of Apollo," which was his last and best production. Samuel L. Knapp, LL. D., a native of Newburyport, and a gradu- ate of Dartmouth College, and afterwards a student at law with Judge Parsons, and subsequently a practising lawyer in Newburyport, was particularly distinguished as a belles-lettres scholar, and wrote on various subjects ; some works of fiction, and many fugitive articles of merit, with others of permanent interest, as his " American Biography." He removed from Newburyport to Boston, and while there, edited the Boston Galaxy, and for a whUe the Commercial Gazette. He also spent some time at Washmgton, as editor of the National Journal ; then removed to New York, and edited the Com- mercial Advertiser of that city. As a writer Mr. Knapp Avas easy and graceful, but with too great a tendency to the highly ornate ; in his biographical sketches, allovfing too mivch sway to the personal admiration and feelings of friendship which he felt for many of his subjects, yet conveying distinct and permanent ideas of the men he would portray. He was the life of every social circle in which he mingled, his con- versational talents partaking of the brilliancy and grace of his writings ; but his practical failure in making life what it should have HISTORY OF NEWBUKYPORT. 'o'J.i been to one of his talents, arose from his careless business habits, Avhich not unfrequentlj brought him in contact with the sheriff and the debtor's jail. Here, Hke greater genius before him, he amused and employed himself with liis pen. "While m Newburyport jail he -wrote, and pubHshed (ui 1817) a fictitious journal, descriptive of a tour through Xew England, and which he ascribed in the title-page to " Marshal Soult." In this book some of the peculiar traits of Newburjport are dra^m with a free hand. He died at Hopkinton Springs, in July, 1838. Nicholas Pike, author of the arithmetic which bears his name, was a graduate of Harvard College, and principal of the gi-ammar school in Newburyport for many years. His treatise on Arithmetic, with an appendix of Algebra and Conic Sections, kept its place m the public schools of New England until displaced by the production of another resident and teacher in Newburyport — Master Walsh. Mr. Pike Avas also for many years a justice of the peace, and the rigid discipline he had exercised in the school-room, prepared him to visit with severity the petty trespasses subjected to his decisions. " He was," says the biographer Knapp, '• ready in the classics, and seldom took a book to hear his pupils recite." He could boast of many excellent scholars who had received the rudiments of a classi- cal education under his care — a proof that he was himself well grounded in the same branches of learning. He died December 9th, 1819, aged 76. Mr. Pike's was the first original arithmetic published in the United States, as appears from the following letter of President Washington, addressed to the author. Mount Vernon, June 20th, 1788. Sir : — I request you will accept my best thanks for your polito letter of the 1st of January, (which did not get to my hand till yesterday) and also for the copy of your " System of Arithmetic," which you were pleased to present to me. The handsome manner in which that work is printed, and the elegant manner in which it is bound, are pleasing proofs of the pro- gress which the arts are making in this country. But I should do violence to my own feelings if I suppressed an acknowledgment of 328 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. the belief that the Avork itself is calculated to be equally useful and honorable to the United States. It is but right, however, to apprise you that diffident of my own decision, the favorable opinion I entertain of your performance is founded rather on the explicit and ample " testimony of gentlemen confessedly possessed of great mathematical knowledge, than on the partial and incompetent attention I have been able to pay to it myself. But I must be^ permitted to remark that the subject in my estimation holds a higher rank in the literary scale than you are disposed to allow. The science of figures, to a certain degree, is not only indispensably requisite in every ^Yalk of civilized life, but the investigation of mathematical truths accustoms the mind to method and correctness in reasoning, and is an employment pecu- liarly worthy of rational beings. In a cloudy state of existence, where so many things appear precarious to the bewildered research, it is here that the rational faculties find a firm foundation to rest upon. From the high ground of mathematical and philosophical demonstration, we are insensibly led to far nobler speculations and sublime meditations. I hope and trust that the work will ultimately prove not less profitable than reputable to yourself. It seems to have been con- ceded on all hands, that such a system was much wanted. Its merits bemg established by the approbation of competent judges, I flatter myself that the idea of its being an American production, and the first of the kind tvhich has appeared, will induce every patriotic and liberal character to give it all the countenance and patronage in his power. In all events, you may rest assured that as no person takes more interest in the encouragement of American genius, so no one will be more highly gratified with the success of your ingenious, arduous and useful undertaking, than he who has the pleasure to subscribe himself, with esteem and regard. Sir, your most obedient and very humble servant, G. Washington. Nicholas Pike, Esq. REV. JOHN LOWELL. The Lowell family, who are of Welch origin, and early settlers of Newbury, are eminently worthy of a more extensive notice than our limits will permit us to give HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 329 Four of the Lowell family have been Fellows of the Corporation of Harvard, viz., Judge John Lowell, his son, John Lowell, LL; D., Charles Lowell, D. D., (now of Cambridge,) and John A. Lowell, Esq., of Boston. And to one of them, John Lowell, Jr., (who died in 1825,) is Boston indebted for the foundation of the " Lowell Institute of that city." The Kev. John Lowell, for forty-two years pastor of the First Church in Newburyport, Avas a divine of large scholarly attain- ments, extensive reading, and of a liberality of mind unusual to the period in which his professional duties were exercised. A portion of his library is now in possession of Dr. Charles Lowell, of Cambridge, and the value and nature of the works, show a refined taste and an enlarged and liberal mind. Li addition to the Greek and Latin, with which all persons regularly trained for the ministry were supposed to be acquainted, Mr. Lowell Avas familiar with the French tongue, and from the range of his reading, w^as probably acquainted with some other modern languages. Nor was it in liter- ature alone that this liberality of mind was apparent. It was only during the controversy which divided his church, that human nature, aided by the spirit and legislation of the times, betrayed him into anything like illiberality. The prevailing tone of his mind was to an enlightened Catholicism. On the first appearance of a revival of religion among his people, he encouraged it both by extra labors himself, and by freely inviting others to occupy his pulpit. It was not until, in his judgment, things were tending to excess, and that persons whom he deemed unsuitable, and in whom he had not confidence, Avere thrust upon him as co-laborers, that he paused, and resisted — not the divine work — but the self-appointed zvorkers and the manner in A\hich it was attempted to be performed. His theological sentiments appear to have been independent and orthodox, so far as the orthodoxy of the day corresponded Avith Ncav Testament Christianity. He Avas not strictly a Calvinist, neither was he an Armenian, Arian or Socinian ; he Avas not tied to any formula of man's making, Avas neither a zealot nor a bigot, believing as the highest authority had taught him, " that secret things belong to God;" and he Avas Avilling to leave their interpretation to Him, and to be content to square his conduct by what ho believed the Avritten word taught. The 830 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. following fact is illustrative of his general disposition to maintain the individual rights of conscience. Before the middle of the last century, a council was called to consider the expediency of dis- missing Mr. ^Barnard, third minister of the Second Church in Newhury, now First in W. Newbury. Its expediency was deter- mined on, and the question occurred on giving him a recommendation as a minister. To this one of the council objected, " unless it should be ascertained, on inquiry, that Mr. Barnard was a believer in the doctrine of the Trinity." Mr. Lowell rose, with much emotion, and addressing the moderator, said, " If that question is put, sir, I shall leave the room, and take no more part in this council." The question was not put. Mr. Lowell occupied the second house on the right hand side of Temple street, entering from State street; on a panel over the fireplace of the sitting-room was a painting repre- senting a meeting of ministers, who were seated around a table, on which was represented a bowl and a tobacco dish, and bearing above, this motto, in Latin, " In essentials, united ; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity." This panel was purchased by James Russell Lowell, Esq., the well-known poet, of Cambridge, a great grandson of the Rev. Dr. Lowell, in whose possession it still remains. Mr. Lowell died in 1767. He left one son, the subject of the next notice. John Lowell, LL. D., A. A. S., S. P. A., son of the Rev. John Lowell, was born in Newbury, June 17, 1743, (Old Style,) and graduated at Harvard College in 1760, and applied himself to the study of law. He very soon rose to great eminence in the profession, growing in public esteem and the affections of his acquaintance as he advanced into life. The integrity of his char- acter always secured him the confidence of those who admired his abilit3^ In 177(3 he removed from Newburyport to Boston ; was there chosen representative to the General Court, and one of the twelve delegates to the Convention which framed the Constitution for the Commonwealth, where he was distinguished for his knowledge and eloquence. Being one of the committee who drew the plan, he was fully prepared for the subject whenever taking part in debate. In 1781 he was chosen a member of Congress, and in 1782 vras HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 331 appointed by that body one of the three Judges of the Court of Appeals — a tribunal established by Congress for the trial of all appeals from the Courts of Admiralty of the several States. When the Federal Government was established, he was appointed by "Wash- ington Judge of the District Court in Massachusetts. He remained in that office till the new organization of the Federal judiciary in 1801, when he was appointed Chief Justice of the Circuit Court, for the first Circuit, which included the district of Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. In the discharge of that office he continued until the repeal of that act in 1802. On the bench. Judge Lowell appeared with peculiar and engaging lustre. With the most condescending and obliging manners, he ever maintained the dignity of his station. In critical causes he was mature and deliberate in making up a judgment, and his quick apprehension and facility for discrimination enabled him to give despatch to ordinary business. People of different pohtical senti- ments had the same persuasion of his knowledge and impartiality ; and those against whom judgment was given, were disposed to con- fide in its equity and legality. Had the act been coutmued which established the Circuit Courts, he would have had a wider sphere for his usefulness, and the exercise of his talents. On retiring from public business, he actively engaged in literary and benevolent associations. He was interested in agriculture, gardening, botany, and other branches of natural history. He first originated the subscription for a professorship of Natural History, at the University, and was among the most generous sub- scribers. He was always a great friend to Harvard College, and his mind was actively employed in devising means for its prosperity. WTien there was a vacancy in the Corporation in 1784, he was elected one of that Board, and for eighteen years was an attentive, firm and judicious member. The critical state of the public funds during this period, caused some doubtful and anxious expectations, and required of the members of the Corporation peculiar watchful- ness over the property they had in trust. ]Mr. Lowell acquainted himself with the interests and circumstances of ihe College, and its treasury was especially benefited by his discreet and active exertions. He was one of the most active in forwarding the plan in 1780, 332 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. for establisHng an Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Society elected Mm one of its counsellors. They had also such a sense of his literary merits, that they chose him, Avith a unanimous vote, to deliver an oration when President Bowdoin died. This oration was published in one of the volumes of the Academy. Mr. Lowell was the author of that clause in the Massachusetts Bill of Rights, which forever excluded slavery from the soil of this Commonwealth. Among those who studied law with Mr. Lowell, was Thomas Dawes, afterwards Judge of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts, and Christopher Gore, Governor of Massachusetts, and Harrison Gray Otis,* of Boston. Mr. Otis, writing on the character of his legal instructor, but a few years since, says : " Had that excellent person been a native of Virginia, his life would have been written and emblazoned, by pens qualified to eulogize departed worth and talent ; and his name would have been classed with those of her Henrys, Marshalls, Wythes, and other eminent lawyers. * * My personal acquaintance with him com- menced in 1783, when I entered his office as a student ; he was then at the head of the profession in Suffolk, to which eminence he rapidly attained after removing to Boston from Essex County, where he made his debut, and practised with a constantly rising reputation. I first saw him, as well as I remember, at Cambridge, while I was a student at Harvard College ; he, with Mr. Theophilus Parsons, appeared there as counsel for a Mr. W , a substantial, and until then, a quite respectable farmer, charged with murdering his wife by poison. It was a trial which at that period of paucity of crime, thrilled the whole communitv with astonishment and horror. * Mr. Otis, who was later advanced in life when he commenced his legal studies than the others, gave to Mr. Gore this reason for studying law. " That he at first studied divinity, and commenced preaching, and that having on one occasion supplied a vacant pulpit, in the neighborhood of Boston, preaching twice upon the Sabbath, he was waited upon on Monday morning by a deacon of the church, who asked him what he should pay him for his services. <• O, I don't know,' replied Mr. Otis, ' give me what they are worth.' The deacon gravely handed him a pistareen. Thinking if two sermons were worth but that, he had better turn to some other profession, he abandoned theology, and turned his attention to law." HI3T0EY OP NEWEURYPORT. 333 This was probably the first occasion -which established the preemi- nence of these gentlemen in the estimation of the whole State. Their ordinary circuit, before this time, being principal! j limited to Suffolk and Essex, in the latter of which Parsons still resided. Their claim to this precedence was never afterwards disputed, and thev were regarded us par nobile fratrum. Professional rivals they sometimes were, but always friends. In stature. Judge Lowell reached, I should think, about five feet ten inches ; he was inclined to corpulency, his gait rapid, even hurried, his conversation animated and ardent. He appeared to strangers, at first, to speak too much ex cathedra; but he was free from all propensity to brow-beat or show lU-humor. On the con- trary, he was the mirror of benevolence, which beamed in, and made attractive, a countenance not remarkable for symmetry of feature or beauty; and his companionable talents, never displayed at the expense of dignity, made him the delight of the society in which he moved. His private character was irreproachable — his honesty and moderation proverbial. ***** g;^ j^^j always something pleasant to say to the young ; and his demeanor towards the bar and witnesses was kind and courteous. His general health during the time of my intimacy with him, was good, though occasionally inclined to a maladie imaginaire. an ordi- nary symptom of ardent temperament and ethereal genius. Of his last few years I lost the run, from my constant absence from home, but I know that no one ever lived more beloved, or died more lamented."' Chief Justice Parker thus refers to Judge Lowell, in his remarks on the death of Theophilus Parsons : "At that early period of his (Parson's) life, his more formidable rival, and most frequent com- petitor, was the accomplished lawyer and scholar, the late Judge Lowell. It was the highest intellectual treat to see these great men contending for victory in the judicial forum."' Judge Lowell was three times married, though he and Mr. Jack- son,* his college chum, on leaving college, determined to keep bachelor's hall together, and forswear the state matrimonial. But Cupid outwitted them, and shot a fatal shaft; at each of their hearts * See Notice of Hon. Jonathan Jackson. 334 HISTORY OF NEWBUEYPORT. at the same time, and they were both married on the same evening, in Salem, — Mr. Lowell to Miss Higginson, daughter of Stephen H. Higginson, Esq. ; and after her death he married Miss Susanna Cabot, of Salem, daughter of Francis Cabot, Esq. ; and lastly he was united to Mrs. Rebecca Tyng, widow of James Tyng, Esq., and daughter of Hon. Judge James Russell, of Charlestown. John Lowell, LL. D., a son of Judge Lowell, was born in Newburyport, October 6th, 1769. He was fitted for college under the tuition of Dr. Eliphalet Pearson, of Newbury, at Andover Academy. He ranked high as a scholar, and having graduated with honor at Harvard College, was admitted to the bar before he had completed his twentieth year ; and " instead of lingering through a long and scant novitiate, advanced almost at a step into full, laborious, and lucrative practice." His health failing in 1803, he visited England, and though this was perfectly restored by travel, he never returned to the bar ; having acquired a competent fortune by his professional labors at an age, thirty-four, when most lawyers are but beginning to be known. During the war of 1812, he wrote constantly for the public, on the side of the Federal party. His political pamphlets, in two octavo volumes, are now in the library of Harvard University. When the Unitarian controversy broke out, he published various pamphlets Avhich had a marked bearing on the points at issue ; the one entitled " An inquiry into the right to change the Ecclesiastical Constitution of the Congre- gational Churches of Massachusetts," in all probability, says Dr. Greenwood, " contributed to put a stop to the proposed plan for an arbitrary consociation of churches." From 1810 to 1822 he was a member of the Corporation of Har- vard, and was Overseer of the University for several years. Mr. Lowell filled other honorable pubhc oflSces, and gave his influence to many valuable associations connected with the welfare of his native State, which our limits will not permit us to enumerate ; but one trait of his character we cannot forbear to notice, which was his benevolence. His private charities were large, and his constant practice of assisting, with his valuable legal advice, parties in indigent circumstances, was a kind of charity which drew largely on that most valuable commoditv of a business man, time. HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 335 But his money was also freely given. One who had been his almoner for thirteen years, and who during Mr. Lowell's life had been forbidden to mention them, says, " The sum which was placed at my disposal was to be expended in wood for the poor. I was requested to relieve any case of suffering, for want of fuel, which might come under my notice. At my own request for some speci- fied limit, he named a certain annual sum, desiring me, however, to exceed it without scruple, if I should find occasion for more. But in no year did I find occasion for so much, using the circum- spection which I felt bound to use." In addressing a letter to this individual, Mr. Lowell says, '• There is no variety of physical distress, for which my heart suffers more than that produced by cold. * * I iiave always thought that this particular mode of relieving distress was the most unexceptionable, and in our climate the most imperative. With this opinion, I have never failed to con- tribute when asked by the Howard Benevolent Society, nor have I ever refused an individual application for the same object ; but these opportunities have been too unfrequent to satisfy my sense of duty." * He therefore selected an almoner to seek out objects of charity. The winter of 1839 Mr. Lowell spent in the West Indies, to which climate he had been recommended for the relief of a painful disorder. He returned with improved health, but his constitution remained enfeebled. He died suddenly, while reading a' dailv paper, at his house in Boston, expiring, apparently without suffering, on the 12th of March, 1840. Francis C. Lowell, also a son of Judge Lowell, was born in Newburyport, April, 1775. His name is indelibly connected with the manufacturing interests of New England, in the name of the City of Lowell, formerly a part of Chelmsford, which is derived from him. " It was owing to his genius and apphcation, aided by the talents and skill of his relative, Patrick Tracy Jackson, of Newburyport, and by the mechanical skill of that profound but unpretending mechanician, Paul Moody, also of Xewburyport, that the country * Funeral Sermon, by F. W. P. Greenwood. D. I). 336 HISTORY OP NEWBURYPORT. is indebted for the first establishment which satisfied our most intelligent citizens that the business of milling could be engaged in with safety and success." * When the mills at Waltham, put into operation by these sons of Newburjport, carried eveiy part of the manufactory of cotton goods to a complete and finished state, | the mills at Slatersville were only spinning. The particulars of the introduction of the manufacture of cotton at Waltham and LoAvell, in which Mr. Lowell was so deeply inter- ested, will be found in the sketch of Patrick Tracy Jackson, the friend and brother-in-law of Mr. Lowell. It is noticeable that F. C. Lowell and Chas. (Judge) Jackson J were chums at college, as their fathers were before them. Their college friendship was cemented by the marriage of Mr. Lowell with a sister of Mr. Jackson. " Mr. Lowell died in 1817 at the age of forty-two, satisfied that he had succeeded in his object, and that the cotton manufacture would form the basis of the future permanent prosperity of New England. He had been mainly instrumental in procuring from Congress in 1816, the estabhshment of the minimum duty on cotton cloth, an idea which originated with him.§ It is not surprising that he felt great satisfaction at the result of his labors, for elsewhere, vice and poverty have followed in the train of manufactures, but these wise and patriotic men (Lowell and P. T. Jackson,) foresaw and guarded against the evil." By the erection of boarding houses at the expense, and under the control of the factory, putting at the head of them matrons of tried character, and allowing no boarders to be received except the female operatives of the mill ; by stringent regulations for the government of these houses, — by all these precautions, they gained the confidence of the rural population, who were no longer afraid to trust their daughters in a manufacturing town. A supply was thus obtained of respectable girls, and these, from pride of character, as well as prin- ciple, have taken care to exclude all others. Other advantages have * Boston Chronicle, 1816, and Massachusetts Observer^ 181G. t Hunt's Merchants' Magazine, 1848. % See Notice of Jackson Family. § Hunt's Merchants' Magazine. HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 337 followed from this good foundation ; persons were found willing to become operatives from that class in comfortable circumstances, among whom the mental powers had been developed, and this moral connection, with mental efficiency, has essentially helped to decide the question of our rivalry with England in the manufacture of cotton. To Mr. Lowell may be fairly attributed all that is pecu- liarly good in the factory system of New England. The Hon. Jonathan Jackson, who belonged to the Revolutionary era, was " a man of whom the world knew much, but knew too little." As a patriot he combined the qualities which form the estimable citizen, and rendered him useful as a statesman. He took an early and zealous part in the Revolution, and devoted much of his time to the public service. His zeal for civil liberty in the early part of his life was enthusiastic, but his penetrating mind early suspected danger from pure Democratic institutions, and he was anxious to have such modifications made in our National Constitution as would secure the permanence as well as the fulness of our liberties. The views which he entertained on this subject, may be known by the draft of a Constitution prepared by delegates from the county of Essex, in forming which, Mr. Jackson bore a considerable share' Before the adoption by the State of the Federal Constitution, Mr. Jackson published a pamphlet on the subject, replete with understanding, foresight and patriotism, approving of the Constitution, to wdiich, and to the policy of Washington, he remained firmly and invariably attached. If he was distinguished from his political friends in any point, it was in the dread and detestation in which he held the power and intrigues of France, a sentiment which he imbibed during his service in the old Revolutionary Congress, of which he was an honored member, and where he was witness and conversant with the dishonorable intrigues and manoeuvres of the French Cabinet. But useful as he was to the State in his public capacity, the beautiful symmetry and integrity of his private life, his urbanity and refine- ment, his intellectual endowments, and his moral purity, over- shadowed and echpsed his public reputation. As the beau ideal of a gentleman, he retained the supremacy among that galaxy of Avorthies which formed the intellectual and social life of Newbury- port. He was a member of the Continental Congress in 1780, 22 338 . HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. Marshal of th*e District of Massachusetts under Washington, first Inspector and afterwards Supervisor of the Internal Revenue, Treasurer of the Commomvealth for five years, and at the time of his death "was Treasurer of Harvard College. Mr. Jackson was trulv a " gentleman of the old school." Dr. Charles Lowell of Cambridge, savs of him, " I knew him well, and was permitted to be with him the last night of his fife, and on the Sabbath after his death, preached an affectionate tribute to his memory, from the passage, ' Thy friend, and thy father's friend, forsake not.' He was eminently worthy of any honor that could be paid him." His wife was a Miss Barnard of Salem. His eldest son, Charles Jacksox, born in 1775, in Newburyport, graduated at Cambridge, and having studied Jaw under his erudite and learned townsman, Theophilus Parsons, commenced practice in his native town. He rapidly rose to distinction at the bar, and having removed to Boston, was, on the death of Theodore Sedgwick, made Judge of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts, His untiring devotion to his professional duties seriously impared his health, and he made in 1828-4 a visit to England ; Jacob Perkins was then interesting the scientific classes in Great Britain, with his numerous and important inventions, and Mr. Jackson was hailed by another class, the jurists and statesmen of the times, as a man of equal, though of very different genius. A gentleman writing to an indi- vidual in this town from London, at the time of Mr. Jackson's visit, says : " Two of your townsmen now fill the public eye of England, and are the subjects of public and private conversation, even to the exclu- sion of all other topics in the heau monde." But it is not yet time to write the biography of Judge Jackson, of Boston, nor that of his brother Br. James Jacksox, of equal reputation in the medical pro- fession in the metropohs, and who was the second son of the Hon. Jonathan Jackson. Patrick Tracy Jackson was born at Newburyport, August 14th, 1780. He was the youngest son of the Hon. Jonathan Jackson. He received his early education in the pubhc schools of his native town, and afterwards at Bummer Academy. "When about fifteen years of age he was apprenticed to Mr. Wm. Bartlett. In this new HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 339 position, which with the aristocratic notions of that day, might have been regarded bv some youths as derogatory, young Patrick took especial care to prove to his master that he had not been educated to view anything as disgraceful which it was his duty to do. He took pride in throwing himself into the midst of the labor and re- sponsibihty of the business. In so doing he gratified a love of activity and usefulness which belonged to his character, at the same time that he satisfied his sense of duty. And yet, while thus ready to work, he did not lose his keen relish for the enjoyments of youth ; and would often, after a day of intense bodily labor, be foremost in the amusements of the social circle in the evening. He soon secured the esteem and confidence of Mr. Bartlett, who entrusted to him, when under twenty years of age, a cargo of mer- chandise for St. Thomas, with authority to take the command of the vessel from the captain if he should see occasion. After his return from this voyage, which he successfully conducted, an oppor- tunity ofiered for a more extended enterprise. His brother, Captain Henry Jackson, who was about six years older than himself, and to whom he was warmly attached, was on the point of sailing for Madras and Calcutta, and ofiered to take Patrick with him as a captain's clerk. The offer was a tempting one ; it would open to him a branch of commerce in which his master, Bartlett, had not been engaged, but which was at that time one of great profit. An obstacle however interposed : our young apprentice was not of age, and the indentures gave to his master the use of his services until that period. With great liberaUty, Mr. Bartlett, on being informed of the circumstances, relinquished his claim. It was very nearly the first day of the present century when Mr. Jackson commenced his career as a free man. Already familiar with many things pertaining to a sea life, he occupied his time on board ship in acquiring a knowledge of navigation and seamanship. On his return from this voyage, he took charge of a ship and cargo in the India trade, which he completed successfully, establishing his reputation for correctness and the faithful performance of everything entrusted to his care. He made two subsequent voyages to India, and on the last, was at the Cape of Good Hope when it was taken by the English, in 1806. This detained him and disarranged his mercantile plans ; he formed new ones there, and did not return home till 1808. 340 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. He now entered into mercantile business in Boston ; his long acquaintance with the India trade eminently fitted him for that branch of business ; and he had the support and invaluable counsels of his brother-in-law, Francis C. Lowell. He entered largely into business, and his credit was unbounded. By the failure of another house in 1811, his credit became involved ; it was expected he would fail ; he called a meeting of his creditors and made a lucid exposition of his affairs, and showed that if allowed to manage them his own way, all the difficulties might be overcome. So admirably had his accounts been kept, and so completely did he show himself to be master of his business, that the appeal was irresistible ; he was allowed to go on, and the event justified the confidence reposed in him. Within a year ' all the embarrassments passed away, and he continued in the India and Havana trade till the breaking out of the war in 1812. At this period, Mr. F. C. Lowell had just returned from a pro- longed visit to England and Scotland, where he had conceived the idea that the cotton manufacture, then almost monopolized by Great Britain, might be advantageously prosecuted here. We could obtain the raw material cheaper than they, and the character of our population, educated, moral, and enterprising, could not fail, Mr. Lowell believed, to secure success, though England had the advantage of cheap labor, improved machinery, and reputation. Mr. Lowell determined to bring his views to the test of experiment, and he offered Mr. Jackson a share in the enterprise. The diffi- culties to be encountered were enormous ; the state of war prevented their procuring models, or even books or drawings of machinery, from England ; everything, even to the tools to work with, must be, as it were, reinvented. But undiscouragcd by any obstacles, Mr. Jackson entered heartily into the project. The first object was to invent a power loom, and unacquainted as they were with machinery, they set about the solution of a problem that had baffled the most ingenious mechanicians. In England the power loom had been invented by a clergyman ; why not here by a merchant? After numerous experiments and failures, they suc- ceeded, in the fall of 1812, in producing a model which they thought so well of as to set about making preparations for putting up a mill for the weaving of cotton cloth. •history of newburtport. 341 It was now necessary to procure the assistance of a practical mechanic, and thej had the good fortune to secure the services of Mr. Paul Moodj, of Newburyport, afterAvards well known as the head of the machine shop at Lowell. Thej found, as might natur- ally be expected, many defects in their model loom ; but these were gradually remedied. The project hitherto had been exclusively for a weaving mill, to do by power what had before been done en- tirely by hand. But it was soon ascertained, by inquiry, that it would be more economical to spin the twist than to buy it, and they put up a mill for about 1700 spindles, which was completed late in 1813. It will probably strike the reader with some astonishment to be told that this mill, still in operation at Waltham, (1848) was pro- bably the first one in the world that combined all the operations necessary for converting the raw cotton into finished cloth. Such appears to be the fact from all that we can learn on the subject. The mills in this country. Slater's, for example, in Rhode Island, were spuming mills only, and in England, though the power loom had been introduced, it was used in separate establishments, by persons Who bought, as the hand weavers had always done, their twist of the spinners. Great difficulty was at first experienced at ^Valtham for the want of proper preparation (sizmg) for the warps. They procured a drawing of Horrick's dre^eing machine, from Eng- land, Avhich, Avith some essential improvements, they adopted, producing that now used ui Lowell and elsewhere. But no method Avas indicated in this drawing for sending the threads from the bobbins on to the beam, and to supply this deficiency. My. Moody invented the ingenious machine called the '' warper." Having ob- tained these, there was no further difficulty in weaving by power looms. There was still. hoAvever, a deficiency in the preparation for spinning ; they had obtained from England a description of what was then called a bobbin and fly, or jack-frame, for spinning roving ; from this, Mr. Lowell and Mr. Moody produced our present double- speeder. The motions of this machine were very complicated, and required nice mathematical calculations ; Avithout them, Mr. Moody's ingenuity, great as it was, would have been at fault. These were supplied by Mr. LoavcII. Many years afterAvards, and after Mr. Lowell's death, when the patent for the speeder had been infringed. 342 HISTORY OF newburyport! the late Dr. Bowditch was requested to examine them, that he might appear as a Avitness at the trial.' He expressed his admiration of the mathematical power thej evinced, adding " that there were some corrections introduced that he had not supposed any man familiar "with but himself." There was, also, origmally great waste and expense in winding the thread for fillmg, or weft from the bobbin on to the quills, for the shuttle. To obviate this, Mr. Moodj invented the machine known as the filling-throstle. In 1813, Messrs. Lowell and Jackson asso- ciated themselves with other intelligent merchants of Boston, and obtained a charter under the name of the " Boston Manufacturing Company," with a capital of §100,000. The machinery they used is substantially the same as that employed now ; minor improvements have been, and will continue to be made. After the death of Mr. Lowell, in 1817, Mr. Jackson gave up his mercantile pursuits and devoted himself to the manufacturing busi- ness ; boldly venturing on experiments and an expansion of the business, in the erection of successive mills, which others hesitated to commence. In 1821, he conceived the idea of possessing himself of the whole power of the Merrimac at Chelmsford, by tM purchase of the Pawtucket canal ; and aware of the necessity of secrecy, in order to secure it at a reasonable price, he undertook it single handed. It was necessary to purchase not only all the canal stock, but the farms on both sides of the river which controlled the water power ; and it was not till \e had accomphshed all that was mate- rial for his purpose, that he offered a share in the project to a few of his former colleagues. Such was the beginning of Lowell, a city which was named in honor of his friend, and which he Hved to see, as it were, completed. In 1825 that portion of Chelmsford which he had purchased and built up, was incorporated under the name of Lowell. Everything which he had undertaken being now settled on a per- manent basis, and the manufacture carried on by gentlemen subse- quently associated with him, under the name of the Merrimac Manu- facturing Company, Mr. Jackson resigned his agency of the factory at Waltham, (remaining however, a director in that, and the new company at Lowell,) intending to retire partially from business. But leisui-e did not suit him, and this interval of comparative rest HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 343 was of short duration. Mr. Moody had recently introduced some important improvements in machinen', and a new company was got up, (the Appleton,) of which he was appointed treasurer and agent, and as successive companies were formed, his presence and advice seemed indispensable at Lowell ; he was appealed to by all parties as a man of sound judgment, and as occupying a historical position in regard to the cotton manufacture, which none others pretended to. In 1830, Mr. Jackson, in unison with Mr. Boott, entered into the then untried project of obtaining a charter for a railroad in New England ; and with respect to the road itself nearly everything was to be learned. Mr. Stephenson's experiments in England, on the Liverpool and Manchester railroad, helped to give the Legislature confidence in the undertaking. Mr. Jackson established a corre- spondence with the most distinguished engineers in this country and Europe, and he deliberately and satisfactorily solved the doubts of his own mind and those of others, before he commenced the work. The road was graded for a double track, and every measure adopted shows clearly that Mr. Jackson foresaw the extension and capabili- ties of the railroad. Few can reaUze the moral firmness required to carry on this work ; shareholders were restless under increased assessments and delayed income. It is not too much to say that no one in Boston but Mr. Jackson could at that time have commanded the confidence necessary to pursue the work so deliberately and thoroughly. The road was opened in 1835. Its success is too well known to require recapitulation here. Subsequently, Mr. Jackscn formed a new company for. the extensive purchase of Boston flats, to make land for the accommodation of the Railroad Company ; and after the death of Mr. Boott, (in 1837.) he assumed the manage- ment of the Locks and Canal Company, which he brought up from an exceedingly depreciated condition, so that when the afiairs of the Company were wound up, the stockholders received of capital stock §1,600 a share. The brilliant issue of this business greatly enhanced Mr. Jackson's previous reputation, and no great public enterprises were brought forward without the sanction of his opinion. During the last years of his life, he was treasurer and agent of the Great Falls Manufacturing Company in Somersworth. He died at his seaside residence at Beverly, September 12, 1847, from an attack of dysentery, against which his overwrought consti- 344 HISTORY OP newburyport. tution had no power of resistance, and lie sank after a short illness. It had not been generally known in Boston that he was unwell, and the news of his death was received as a public calamity. The spon- taneous expressions of regret and grief that burst forth from every mouth, were a most touching testimonial to his virtues as Avell as to his talents.* TRISTRAM DALTON. Prominent among the gentlemen of the Revolutionary era was the Hon. Tristram Dalton, who at the early age of seventeen, received the degree of Bachelor of Arts at Harvard University. After finishing his collegiate course he studied law as an accom- plishment, his ample fortune not requiring him to practise it as a profession. His father, Michael Dalton, was an eminent merchant of jSTewburyport, and his son was for several years actively engaged in commercial pursuits, but was not engrossed by them ; his taste for agricultural pursuits and letters being gratified by the possession of beautiful and valuable country estates, which he delighted to culti- vate ; while a library, rich in ancient and modern authors, was his favorite and frequent retreat. As eminent for piety as mental endowments, the Episcopal church of Avhich he was a member shared in his large and generous liberality. For several years he was called to fill some of the most dignified and responsible offices in the Com- monwealth. He was a representative from his native town, Speaker of the House of Representatives, a member of the Senate and also a Senator of the United States in the First Congress after the adop- tion of the Federal Constitution. After the seat of Government was removed to Washington, Mr. Dalton for a time took up his resi- dence there, where he had the misfortune, by the baseness of a per- son connected with him in business, to lose nearly the whole of his property. A vessel which was conveying his movable property to the Dis- trict of Columbia, was also cast away, putting the finishing stroke to a series of disastrous losses ; and thus, after living sixty years in affluence, he was suddenly reduced to a state of comparative pov- erty. But he Avas neither daunted nor overcome by this late reverse ; he soon after returned to New England, and accepted the office of * Hunt's Merchants' Magazine. HISTORY OF NEAVBURYPORT. 345 Surveyor of the Port of Boston and Charlestown,* having been repeatedly offered a choice of respectable offices by the National Government, whose members appreciated his worth and sympathized in his misfortunes. He Avas for some time collector of the direct tax in Essex County. Mr. Dalton had lived on terms of intimate frientlship with the four first Presidents of the United States. " Washington honored him with his confidence and regard," as did also his illustrious class- mate, John Adams. Yet like all genuine gentlemen, he could take an affectionate interest in his dependants, and the poor, black or white. He was kind and considerate to his servants, of whom, at one time, he had a large retinue. In the old graveyard back of Frog pond, may now be seen a stone with this inscription : " To Pompey, a faithful servant, erected by Tristram Dalton," Mr. Dalton died in Boston, June, 1817, aged 79, and his remains were brought to his native town for burial. He was interred in the burying ground attached to St. Paul's church, of which Society he was, while resident here, a warden. In figure, Mr. Dalton was tall and finely formed, and added to great personal beauty, the most graceful and accomplished manners. He was a diligent and accomplished scholar, standing high in his class at college, which was a distinguished one, none having exceeded, if indeed equalled it, in furnishing to the world such a number of eminent men. Theophilus Bradbury, eminent as a Judge of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts, was born in Newbury (now Newburyport) in 1739. Having graduated at Harvard College at the age of eigh- teen, he then studied law, and commenced the practice in Falmouth, Me., where he had as a student, Theophilus Parsons — a name which subsequently outshone that of his teacher. During the war, (in 1779,) he returned to Newburyport, where his professional and other qualifications subsequently kept him continually in pubhc life. He was a member of Congress from his native district, during the Presidency of Washington. About six years before his death, which occurred in 1803, he was appointed to a vacant judgeship in the Supreme Court of Massachusetts. * American Biography 346 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. Oliver Putnam, the founder of the Putnam School in New- buryport, was born in that place in 1778. He received only a common school education, and was early placed in the store of Messrs. Faris & Stocker to learn the mercantile business. After accumulating a handsome competence through his success in com- merce, he end*eavored to make up for his early deficiency in educa- tion, by a systematic course of reading and study. No doubt the sense of loss which he experienced, for want of early culture, induced him to lay the foundation of the noble Free School which bears his name. He was something of a traveller, having visited many parts of Europe, as well as distant parts of his own country. He suffered much from ill health, was never married, and died in Boston on the 12th of Jvily, 1826, at the age of forty-seven. Hon. Jonathan Greenleap, a native of Newburyport, was a nephew of Benjamin Greenleaf, who had been a Representative in the General Court, and filled various offices of confidence and con- sideration in the town, and who deceased at an advanced age in 1783. Mr. Greenleaf was brought up to the business of a ship-builder ; the class to which he belonged was here, as in all the seaport towns of that period, exceedingly influential ; they were the pioneers in every act of opposition,* and produced, if we except the printers, more remarkable men than those of any mechanical class. The ship-yard Avhich he occupied while in business, was situated between Bartlett's and Johnson's wharves. Mr. Greenleaf was placed on the first Committee of Correspondence and Safety appointed in Newburyport, and was for many years a Representative from this town to the General Court. He was a man " gifted with fine natural talents, and a peculiar tact for public business." In politics he was associated with Judge Parsons, and the powerful clique designated as the Essex Junto ; and what his great cotempo- raries devised, his was the skill to carry into effect, by persuasions that overcame foes, and made him the reliance of his friends. From his great success in circumventing and persuading his political opponents, he received the appellation of " old silver tongue," * The first caucuses held ih Boston were by the ship-builders. — Hist, of the Arts, p. 315. HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 347 which to those Tvho knew him, was no equivocal compliment, — expressing the perfection of persuasive oratory, while his principles were firm as the granite rock. He lived to the age of eighty-four, a great portion of which time was spent in public life, and in the service of NoAvburyport.* • His cousin, Benjamin Greerdeaf, also a nephew of the one first named, was a member of the Executive Council of Massachusetts during the Revolution, and was also chosen to various honorable offices in the town of Newburyport. After the adoption of the State Constitution, he was chosen Senator. He was for many years Judge of Probate for Essex County, and was also a Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas. The late head of the Law School at Cambridge, Professor Simon Greexleaf, was a native of New.bury, (now Newburyport,) and connected by consanguinity with many famiUes here. He was a descendant of Hon. Jonathan Greenleaf, and a grandson of the Rev. Jonathan Parsons, the first minister of the first Presbyterian church — both men of mark ; and was cousin to the present respected City Clerk of Newburyport, Eleazer Johnson, Esq., and Dr. Jonathan G. Johnson. Simon Greenleaf was born December 5th, 1783, and was edu- cated at the Latin School in Newburyport, then kept by " Master Walsh," author of " Walsh's Mercantile Arithmetic." At the age of eighteen he entered on the study of the law, in New Gloucester, Me., in which State he commenced practice. Mr. Greenleaf received the honorary degree of Master of Arts at Bowdoin College, in 1817, and that of Doctor of Laws at Harvard, in 1834, (the year of his removal to Cambridge,) and the same degree at Amherst, the next year. He was appointed Royal Professor of Law in Harvard Uni- versity, as successor to Professor Ashmvm, in 1831, which office he filled two years, when he was appointed to the chair of the Bane Professorship — a worthy successor to the chair — made vacant by the death of Judge Story. In consequence of ill health, he resigned this chair in 1848, when he was honored with the title of Emeritus Professor of Law in the University. * The town passed iu 1782 a vote of thanks to Mr. Greenleaf, " for his long and faithful services," as their Representative to the Greneral Conirt. 348 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. " As an instructor he was greatlj beloved, and his lectures and teachings were clear, distinct and practical. His connection with the Law School marked a season in its history of great prosperity. Indeed, it is greatly owing to the influence of his instructions, joined with those of his illustrious associates, that this department of the University has attained to its present state of prosperity. His mind had been carefully trained to habits of patient thought, and he was eminently fitted, by the discipline through which he had passed, to lead those who sought his instruction into the mysteries of the department over which he was called to preside. As a counsellor he was clear, safe and practical. His advice was always character- ized by a weight of common sense as well as legal skill, which was sufficient to secure confidence while it gave direction. As a man, he possessed a weight of character, which insure^l for him the esteem of all who enjoyed his society or came within the circle of his influ- ence. Aifable, polite, courteous, frank, and liberal minded, he secured the confidence of his fellow citizens and neighbors, who sincerely mourned his loss as that of a good man." * He died on Thursday, October 6th, 1853. To this family of Greenleafs, belong the Rev. Jonathan Green- leaf, settled in Brooklyn, N. Y., and the Pruicipal of the Brooklyn High School, Alfred Greenleaf, A. M. Nathaniel Tracy, a distinguished merchant previous to, and during the Revolutionary war, Avas born at Newbury, afterwards Newburyport, about the year 1749. He was the son of Patrick Tracy, who was an opulent merchant in that place, and having a proper view of life, gave his sons the best education the country afforded. Nathaniel graduated at Harvard College in 1769, and com- menced business in his native town in company with Jonathan Jack- son, an accomplished gentleman and thorough merchant. The house was prosperous, and extended its concerns to a wonderful magnitude for that day.* During the war of 1775 his privateers were for several years numerous and successful. He was generous and patriotic, and assisted the Government with money and articles of clothing, and other necessaries for carrying on the war. He * Cambridge Chronicle, October, 1853. f See page 106. HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 349 lived in a most magnificent style, having several country seats or large farms, with elegant summer houses and fine fish-ponds, and all those matters of convenience and taste that a British nobleman might think necessary to his rank and happiness. His horses were of the choicest kind, and his coaches of the most splendid make. He expended as if fortune would be always propitious. Eut in the last years of the war, the enemy had grown wise and sent a large pro- portion of small frigates and heavy gun brigs, and swept the Ameri- can privateers from the ocean. The Government failed to pay him ; his debtors, who were numerous, had encountered similar difficulties, and in 1786 he was minus some millions of dollars. He was a gen- tleman of polished manners and fine taste. In looking upon his houses and works of amusement at the present time, when most of them are in a state of decay, you still see the hand of taste in every thing he did. Does not some of the surplus revenue of our country belong to those who brought their property to the shrine of their country in the hour of darkness and peril, and thrcAV it down at the altar as a free-will offering to secure our liberty and independence ? Such men saved the nation, — must they be forgotten? William Bartlett, for half a century a prominent merchant of Newburyport, was born in that place, January 31, 1748. He received in early life no more education than the common schools of the town then afforded ; but Avhat he lacked in school education, was made up to him in the possession of a large share of common sense, a qualification which is an excellent substitute for book-learning, as well as auxiliary to it, especially for the successful prosecution of business. INIr. Bartlett was distinguished for prudence and industry during the period of his apprenticeship ; * a period of life at which too many young men act as if they had no responsibilities ; and at the close of this period, at the age of twenty-one, he had accumulated sufficient, by the sale of small articles, to purchase a share in a vessel then going to sea, on what proved a successful voyage ; and this sum, earned by extraordinary diligence, and saved by equal prudence, proved the germ of his great future wealth. His active mercantile life continued for more than fifty years ; and during a period when * Mr. Bartlett long preserved a lap-stone, which he was wont to call the " foundation stone " of his great fortune. 350 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. our commerce Avas a continual prey to the belligerent powers of Europe, bj some of whom, France particularly, Mr. Bartlett was a heavy k)ser. Yet despite these drawbacks wealth flowed in upon him, so that having enjoyed the pleasure of giving away many thousands of dollars while living, he still left ample fortunes to the surviving members of his family, besides bequests to religious insti- tutions. As a citizen of Newburyport, Mr. Bartlett was ever ready to devise and execute plans for its essential prosperity ; and at a time when temperance, as now understood, was almost unheard of, he exerted his influence both by personal example and arrangements for those in his employ, to eradicate the evils of habitual indulgence in spirituous liquors. All the great benevolent and Christian asso- ciations of the day met with his cordial support. He was a friend to Foreign Missions, to the Bible and Tract Societies, to Associations for Education, &c. His favorite object on which he seemed to delight to lavish the accumulations of a long life, was the Theologi- cal Seminary at Andover. Like his townsman, Moses Brown, Esq., he was one of the associate founders of that Institution, and in his first gift bestowed an equal gratuity with him, $10,000, to which, soon after, another $10,000 was added. But his beneficence did not stop here ; not a want of the Seminary could be named but Mr. Bartlett stood ready to step forward and supply it. The " com- modious chapel and convenient hall,"* provided for the students, are lasting mementos of his generosity to this institution, while no small part of the select and valuable library, may be traced to the same source. His religious opinions were in accordance with the strict Calvin- ism which he made the basis of his donations, should be taught at Andover ; to them he was decidedly and inflexibly attached ; he reverenced the Sabbath, and was punctual in his observance of the public services of the day. In the First Presbyterian church where he worshipped, stands a beautiful and costly cenotaph, erected to the memory of Whitfield by his ardent admirer, Mr. Bartlett. In a vote of the Board of Trustees of Andover Theological Semi- nary, passed in April, 1841, Mr. Bartlett is designated as the " most generous and long continued benefactor " of the Institution. * Dr. Dana's Sermon, delivered before the Trustees, Board of Visitors, and students at Andover, April 19, 1841. HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 351 Having laid the foundation of his fortunes Avith the labor of" his own hands, and having to the latest period of his life retained those habits of thrift and untiring industry •which marked his early career, Mr. Bartlett was ever the uncompromising enemy of idleness and extravagance. The dilatory and inaccurate habits of many of the laboring classes, numbers of whom were constantly employed by him, excited his strong disapprobation, and it was matter of conscience with him to exact under all circumstances, a strict fulfilment of his orders, and to expect from the poor as well as rich, a prompt com- pliance with contracts to which he was a party. In this he fre- quently did a lasting service to individuals by instilling and encour- aging correct business habits ; but this is a kind of benefit which rarely excites gratitude in the recipient. He was discriminate in his generosity, preferring to help those who had a disposition to help themselves, sometimes sacrificing a valuable consideration for this purpose. Thus when young Patrick Tracy Jackson, (late of Bos- ton,) who was an apprentice of his, had an opportunity of bettering his prospects by going to India, Mr. Bartlett fi'eely released him from the residue of his apprenticeship. The subsequent success of young Jackson justified his judgment in this case. There was something in Mr, Bartlett's ynode of giving and exacting, which reminds us of Harry Percy, (King Henry IV, Act III, Scene I,) when mapping out England with his co-revolutionist, Glendower, cavilling closely enough on a bargain, but ready to " give thrice so much land to any well-deserving friend." It was these strongly marked mental qualities, of which exacting justice was the most prominent feature, which controlled his religious faith, making it impossible for him to be anything in creed but a Calvinist. Mr. Bartlett was a man of iron frame, as well as nerve, and lived to the advanced age of ninety-three. Brigadier General John Borr was born in Newburyport in 1764, and at the age of twenty-two was appointed an ensign in the 2d American Regiment ; the army being disbanded soon after, he was appointed (by John Hancock) lieutenant of a company in Boston. But panting for active service, and his country having no demands upon him, he determined upon an Oriental experience, and pro- vided with highly flattering letters of recommendation to the 352 HISTORY OP NEWBURYPORT. English Consul residing at the Court of Madras, Lieutenant Boyd sailed for India in 1788, being then but twenty-four years of age. He was formally presented to His Highness, the Nizam, an ally of England, who committed to his command a troop of infantry of 1000 men. The war in progress was that destructive one waged against Tippoo Sultan ; in the course of which he was once taken prisoner. He continued in the English service in India many years, but returned to his native country in time to engage in the war of 1812. He was appointed a Brigadier General in the United States service by President Madison, and commanded a detachment of 1,500 men at the battle of Williamsburg, U.C., in the fall of 1813, and subsequently at the defence of Fort George and the battle of Tippecanoe ; in all of which engagements he distinguished himself by his courage and knowledge of mihtary' tactics. Under Presi- dent Jackson, he was appointed Naval Officer of the Port of Boston, but survived the appointment only a few months. He died October 4th, 1830. Captain Moses Brown, U. S. N. Born January 23, 1742, at Salisbury, immediately opposite Newburyport, with which latter place he was identified from the age of fifteen years, when he was apprenticed to Captain WiUiam Coffin, with whom he made his first voyage, and v.'ith whom he remained until his majority, and in whose employ he first took command of a vessel. When only sixteen, he, in the course of his profession, made a voyage to Louisburg, and was present at its surrender ; and during the months he remained there probably acquired his first knowledge of gunnery, and the tactics of naval warfare, which afterwards ren- dered him so formidable an antagonist on the water. At the age of eighteen he was promoted to the responsible office of mate, though still an apprentice, and the next year sailed in the schooner Phoebe, with Captain Robinson, in His Majesty's service, for Halifax. On arriving there, they found that the fleet which they had expected to join had already sailed for New York, to which place they followed them. Here, having taken on board a company of Frazier's Highlanders, they sailed in company Avith the fleet for the West Indies. But being separated from the convoy during a gale, they fell in with two French privateers, both of whom they engaged and HISTORY OF NEWBURYPOET. 353 beat oft', with the loss of their lieutenant and seven men, the captain and several others wounded ; Mr. Brown receiving a gun- shot wound in his arm above the elbow, a wound which confined him for two months in the hospital at Guadeloupe, where the Phoebe put in two days after the engagement. On rejoining his vessel, which had taken in troops for the capture of INIartinique, he sailed for that port, but the schooner springing one of her masts, was considered as unfit for the service, and Mr. Brown returned to Newburyport, after a disastrous voyage, and an absence of sixteen months. In 1764 he married, and on his next voyage was taken sick at sea with the small-pox, and was laid out for dead ; the ship's com- pany were assembled, and the supposed corpse placed on the sailor's cofiin — the board and tarred sheet — preparatory to committing his body to the waves. But the preparations were premature ; the captain was satisfied that life was hot extinct, and interfered to prevent his being launched overboard ; by his orders he was again carried below to his berth, where, contrary to the expectations of the crew, he revived, and finally recovered ; thus narrowly escaping a premature burial. In 1767, he took command of the • schooner Phoebe, and after- wards a vessel for his old master. Captain Cofiin- The perfectly good understanding which always subsisted between them is ample evidence of the skill and faithfulness of the boy Moses Brown as well as the man. In Captain Cofiin's employ he continued till a son of his owner wished to take the vessel, when Captain Brown relin- quished it to him. In a voyage which he made to the West Indies, in 1773, his vessel sprang aleak, and he was obliged to take to his boat; the schooner sank in about thirty minutes after she was abandoned. After being tossed about on the ocean with his crew for seven days, he was relieved from his perilous situation by a vessel from Philadelphia (Captain May) bound to St. Croix, where he was safely landed. From thence he took passage for Rhode Island, but on his voyage home was cast away on Sanquish Beach, where, he says in his journal, "I took my land tacks and arrived home January, 1774. After making a long freighting voyage, and on his return putting into Philadelphia, he took a sulky from there to return home by 23 354 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. land ; but, sailor-like, did not succeed so well with land craft ; he overturned the sulky, dislocating his right shoulder. In April, 1777, he took command of the brig " Hannah," and sailed for the West Indies, but the second day out he was captured by the British frigate Diamond, of thirty-two guns, and was placed on board a prison-ship stationed at Rhode Island, where he remained until July. On his return home, he took command of the ship General Arnold, but a conspiracy being discovered among the crew, who designed to take possession of the ship and carry her to Hali- fax, the men were arrested and committed to prison, and Captain Brown altered his ship to a privateer of eighteen six-pounders ; then shipping a new crew, he sailed on a cruise, and after capturing one brig, returned.* He afterwards commanded the ship Intrepid, of twenty twelve-pounders, and the Hercules ; but the particulars of his successes in these vessels we have not obtained, nor of the letter-of-marque ship of twenty-two guns to which he was commis- sioned by Samuel Huntington, President of United States Congress in February, 1781. In 1798, he was appointed to the command of the " Merrimac,"f mounting twenty nine-pounders, and eight six-pounders, 460 tons burden, and rated by her builders as a sloop-of-war. In the Navy Department she was rated as a twenty-four. In the latter part of the year she sailed on her first cruise to the West Indies, and joined the squadron under Commodore Barry. Returning once to renew his crew. Captain Brown remained abroad until the peace, during which time he captured the large brig Brilliante, of sixteen guns, and the Magiciene, of fourteen guns and one hundred and twenty-eight men, and the Pha3nix, and Le Bonaparte, each of fourteen guns and one hundred and twenty-eight men ; besides recapturing many American and British vessels which had been made prizes of by the French. It is to be regretted that Captain Brown's extreme modesty pre- vented his recording the particulars of his numerous brilliant achievements ; the memory of many of them has passed away with the ])rave participators in them, and it is now impossible to * For account of his next cruise in the Arnold, see page 110, t See page 156. HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 365 recover the account. In regard to the capture of the Brilliante, Ave have the testimony of Mr. Benjamin Whitmore, of Portland. He savs, in a letter addressed to Colonel S. Sweet, of Boston, " I was a midshipman on board the Merrimac, and find, after looking into my journal, that in addition to several others, the brig Bi'illiante was captured by our ship. She was one of a banditti which made a descent on the island of Curacoa, at a time when the French and Dutch were at amity." This piratical fleet, twelve or thirteen in number, took Outra Banda, on the west side of the river, and plun- dered the inhabitants. " Our ship," continues Mr. Whitmore, " with the Petapsco, was ordered there, and on our appearance at the island, they all cut and run, but before they reached Guadeloupe, whence they sailed, we captured the Brilliante. * * Captain Brown was a brave man, and a good discij^linarian, but exhibited much good feeling for the crew under his charge, and was much respected by- all his subordinates." As an evidence that his crew were e(|ually attached to him, the fact may be stated, that a sailor in the West Indies wished to enter in the Merrimac, and his Captain made the proposition of an exchange of men with Captain Brown, who consented, but upon questioning the crew, not one could be found willing to quit the ship, though he would thus have the prospect of a speedy return home. Captain Brown acted as Commodore of the naval force which relieved Curacoa and expelled the French from that island. Notwithstanding his services, and the respect in which he was held by the community of which he was a citizen, as well as by the officers of the naval service. Captain Brown was dismissed from ofiice by President Jefferson, with many other brave men, after the peace ; and he was obliged again to resort to mercantile voyages for his support. After forty-seven years of unremitting toil on the ocean, having fought in the early and later battles of the country, having been shipwrecked in his mercantile adventures, and twice a prisoner to the British, he was on the 2d of January, 1804, in the vicinity of Martha's Vineyard, while on a voyage home, seized with apoplexy, and died suddenly at the age of sixty-two. His remains were com- mitted to the keeping of the ocean, on which so great a portion of his life had been passed. Captain Brown was exceedingly averse to the then common pun- 356 HISTORY OF NBWBURYPORT. ishment of flogging in the Navy, and never, except when it was abso- lutely unavoidable from the emergency of the case, resorted to it. He was equally remarkable for his efforts to inculcate temperate habits among his crew ; and the perfect neatness and order of his ship were the subject of common remark. He was in the constant practice of periodically fumigating and cleansing his ship when in sickly ports, by the application of vinegar and lime juice, and the benefit of this he found in an almost total exemption from sickness among his crew, when others were sufiering fearfully at the West Indies from the prevalence of yellow fever. Colonel Edward Wigglesworth, a native of Ipswich, was a descendant of Rev. Michael Wigglesworth, a famous divine, and author of the " Day of Doom." In early life he removed to New- buryport, where he resided, with brief intermissions, till his death. Mr. Wigglesworth was a man of liberal education, having graduated at Harvard University in 1761,* and subsequently entered into mercantile business, in the employ of Messrs. Jackson & Tracy, part of the time as shipmaster. In June, 1776, Mr. Wigglesworth received a commission from the " Council of the Massachusetts Bay in New England," appointing him colonel of a regiment to be raised for the service of the Con- tinent, in the Counties of Essex, York and Cumberland ; (the two latter are now included in the State of Maine.) This is dated Watertown, June 24th, 1776. In November of the same year his commission was renewed by the authority of the Congress, and is signed by the President, John Hancock. Under the first. Colonel Wigglesworth had led his men to the army under the command of Major General Gates, and received from him the following instructions, in regard to joining the little fleet on Lake Champlain, from which it will be seen that Colonel Wig- glesworth's character had gone before him, and that he was favorably known to General Gates by reputation, if not personally. " Instructions to Colonel Wigglesworth, going on hoard the fleet of the United States on Lake Champlain. " The character Avhich I have constantly heard of you as an * Boston Gazette, 1825. HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 857 experienced, active and determined officer, has induced me to in trust the important post of tidrd in command, on this lake to you, in preference to anj other person. I have not a doubt that your conduct will justify the idea I have formed. " The Hon. Brigadier General Arnold has the first command of the fleet. General Waterbury has the second. Your conduct is to be governed by the orders you may receive from them. You will go on board the Royal Savage schooner, or such other vessel as General Arnold shall direct. You will command a division of the fleet ; and if by any misfortune your two superiors shall be taken off, the command of the whole by that means devolves on you. You will then take their instructions, and act conformable to them, or to the exigencies of affairs. " I need not tell you that in going .down to the fleet it will be proper to keep the middle of the lake, to avoid going on shore, and to be as expeditious as possible ; your own good sense and experience will dictate every thing of this kind. " On your joining the fleet your are to show these instructions to General Arnold, and receive his orders. " Wishing you success, happiness and victory, and commending you to the protection of Heaven, " Horatio Gates, Major General. " Given at Head Quarters, Ticonderoga, this 6th day of Septem- ber, 1776." From a journal which Colonel Wigglesworth kept, from his first connection with the fleet until the disbandraent of his regiment in December, we have been enabled to make the following extracts : it will be recollected that the little American armament destined to the defence of lakes Champlain and George was long awaiting the British force, which finally appeared in such strength upon those waters. " On the 11th of October," Colonel Wigglesworth writes, "the guard boats gave the alarm that the enemy's fleet was in sight, coming down the lake ; at half past nine. General Arnold ordered me into the yawl to go to the windward and observe their motions ; returned at ten and informed him that they were round the island of Valcour. In half an hour they began to fire upon the Royal Savage, which had gone to land, for at my return the three galleys and two schooners 358 HISTORY OP NEWBURYPORT. were under sail standing across the lake, between the island and the main. * * * Tj^e enemy came on with one ship of eighteen twelve-pounders, two schooners of sixteen guns each, one bomb and a floating battery of twenty-two brass twelve and twenty-four pounders, and eighteen flat-bottomed boats carrying each one eighteen or twenty-four pounder, besides howitzers ; when there ensued a most terrible fire without the least intermission till half past five, P. M., when the enemy drew ofi". Our fleet received consid- erable damage, and we had about fifty killed and wounded, * * Upon consultation with Generals Arnold and Waterbury, I was ordered to get under way as soon as it was dark, and show a light astern for the gondolas, in order to retreat up the lake as fast as possible. It being calm, we rode out clear of the enemy, without being discovered. * * * On Saturday 12th, I was up with Schviyler's Island, and came to anchor under Ligoni's Point to wait for the fleet, stop our leaks, and secure our mainmast, which was split in two." The shattered remains of the little fleet joined him at sunset Sat- urday evening. " On Sunday 13th," the journal continues, " at nine o'clock Gen- eral Arnold sent his boat aboard to desire me to lie by for the fleet, which I did, by stretching across the lake. At ten, A. M., the eneni}^ began to fire upon the two galleys in the rear, (near Split or Cloven Rock.*) I soon discovered that the Washington galley, in which was General Waterbury, had struck, and that General Arnold was engaged with the ship and two schooners, and that he could not get clear. I thought it my duty to make sail and endeavor to save the Trumbull galley if possible. About one o'clock General Arnold run his galley ashore, with four other gondolas, and blew them all up." This exploit of Arnold's is considered by some historians as the most brilliant and masterly of his many brave and daring feats ; that he saved his men in the presence of such a superior force, even at the sacrifice of his vessels, was regarded as evidence of extraor- dinary generalship, yet in the face of this very foe Colonel Wiggles- worth, brought ofi" his own vessel, the Hospital sloop, the schooner Revenge, and a gondola. * Allen's History of the Revolution. HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 369 He says, " We double manned our oars and made all the sail we could, and by throwing over our ballast got oflF clear. * * As the lee cutter was missing, we supposed her taken, which, Avith one gon- dola and the Washington, was all the enemj got possession of. * * * Arrived at Ticonderoga at sunset, went ashore, waited on Gates, and informed him of our affairs, and that I believed General Arnold would be in in the morning, which he accordingly was." Here, it will be remembered, the Americans employed themselves in constructing a boom across the lake, in superintending which Colonel Wigglesworth was actively engaged ; and here they waited in expectation of another attack from the enemy, the size and condition of their fleet forbidding any aggressive movement. " November 7th. Received orders to prepare to go to St. John's with a flag of truce, and set out at five o'clock, with Lieutenant Evans and a Frenchman, prisoners. " Landed at CroAvn Point. " 8th. It rained all day and I encamped three miles below Split Rock. " 9th. Between Valcour Island and the main, saw the ship, (proba- bly the Inflexible,) and went aboard, to deliver our prisoners, but were detained prisoners ourselves." Colonel Wigglesworth Avas thus, though bearing a flag of truce, detained until the 16th inst., when he was released, and returned to Ticonderoga on the morning of the 17th, and the next day, in com- pany with Generals Gates, Arnold and Brickett, set out for Fort George, on their way to Albany, where he arrived on the evening of the 21st. To keep Albany from falhng into the hands of the enemy, was now the great desideratum, as the possession of this post would give them an almost uninterrupted communication from Canada to New York, thus separating the Eastern from the Middle States. Here Colonel Wigglesworth expected orders to send his regiment home, but an entry in his journal, under date of November 30, shows the state of discipline in the army at that time, and is characteristic of the men. " Paid off the men — expected orders to send them home — hut they went without leave. ^^ Colonel Wigglesworth soon after returned to Newburyport, and recruited another company during the winter of 1777, as we learn by a letter written on the od of December, by General Gates, 360 HISTORY OF NEAVBURYPORT. requesting Colonel Wigglesworth to rendezvous his regiment " on the new estahlishment^^'' at Concord, Massachusetts, bj the 1st of January, 1777. But such was the distress of the times, that recruits could not easily be raised, or, if raised, equipped ; and on the 22d of February we find Major General Heath, in consequence of 'express orders from General Washington, requesting Colonel Wigglesworth to march with the men he had already obtained, and not to wait for a full company ; and the rendezvous now appointed was Ticonderoga. Of this winter's campaign, and following, we find no jour- nal extant, but from other evidence we have learned that he was at the battle of Monmouth, where, as at all other times, he acquitted himself to the perfect satisfaction of the Commander-in-Chief. Of the estimation in which he was held by Washington, we have sufS- cient official proof. The loss of Forts Montgomery and Clinton on the Hudson, which Avere surrendered by Governor Clinton, appeared to demand an offi- cial inquiry; and by an order issued from his Head Quarters at Valley Forge, in 1778, (March 17th,) General Washington appointed Colonel Wigglesworth one of a Court of Inquiry, to be held at Peekskill, in April. The other members of the Court, were Major General Alexander MacDougall and Brigadier General Jedi- diah Huntingdon. Of this Court of Inquiry, Colonel Wigglesworth Avas President^ as Ave find by another letter of Washington, dated 10th June, 1778, and addressed to " Colonel EdAvard Wigglesworth,* President of a Court of Inquiry," in which some suggestions are made as to the mode of obtaining Colonel Green's evidence. During the winter of 1779, Colonel WigglesAVorth applied to the Commander-in-Chief for leave to resign. Washington replies, under date of 26th February : * * " I have referred your letter for leave to resign, to Con- gress ; as soon as I receive their determination I shall transmit it, * For this, ■with all the other official documents, and the journal, we are indebted to Colonel Wiggles worth's daughter, Mrs. Dole of this town, and another relative, E. Wood Perry, Esq., of New Orleans. HISTORY OP NEAVBURYPORT. 361 and should it be accepted, accompany it with testimonials of your services, Iwioeoer I may regret the loss of a valuable office?: " I am, sir, " Your very humble servant, " George Washingtox. " Colonel Wigglesworth." On the 10th of March, 1779, Congress passed the following resolve : " Resolved, That Colonel Wigglesworth's resignation be accepted, and that General Washington give him such a certificate of his past services as he shall have merited." In accordance with this resolve. General Washington furnished Colonel Wigglesworth with the folloAving official certificate : " I certify that Edward Wigglesworth, Esq., hath served in the army of the United States of America, with the rank of Colonel, commanding a Regiment belonging to the State of Massachusetts Bay, and that he uniformli/ supported the character of an attentive, brave and jycitriotic officer. " Given under my hand, at Head Quarters, Middle Brook, this 19tii day of March, 1779. " George Washington." Accompanying this we find another friendly and unofficial letter of General Washington, addressed to his late officer. "Head Quarters, Middle Brook, 19th of March, 1779. " Sir : I yesterday received the enclosed resolve of Congress, accepting your resignation, and directing me to give you a certificate of your services, which I also enclose. I hope your success in the line of life you are about to pursue, will fully compensate for the losses you have sustained in the service of your country, and am, sir, " Your most obedient servant, " George Washington." But Colonel Wigglesworth's pecuniary prospects were already ruined by his devotion to his country. On the complete organiza- tion of the Federal Government, he was appointed by Washington Collector for the Port of Newburyport, which office he retained until ill health unfitted him for its duties. 362 HISTORY OF NEWBUKYPORT. In his old age he received a pension from the Government, through the personal friendship of President jMonroe, who was serving as a Lieutenant Colonel in the army in the Jerseys, when Mr. Wiggles- Avorth held the rank of full Colonel over the same troops. ' Captain Ezra Lunt was a native of Newburjport, and raised the first volunteer company enrolled in the town for the purpose of joining the Continental army. Previous to the outbreak of the Revolution, in 1774, he commenced running the first four horse stage- coach* line between this place and Boston, and was also editorially connected with the paper started by Isaiah Thomas. His company, (which consisted of sixty men,) being the senior of all others in the town, of course took rank of them all. He was subsequently promoted to the rank of Major, and was Commissary to that part of the Continental army in Little's Regiment. They left Newburyport on the 10th of May, 1775, and on the 12th arrived at Cambridge, where they remained attached to the army until the 16th of June, when they went to Charlestown, and intrenched on a hill beyond Bunker's. While they were securing their position a regular fire was kept up from the enemy's ships and from Copps hill. On the 17th they were engaged in the glorious battle of that day. Mr. Lunt was afterwards at the battle of Mon- mouth and through the Jerseys *; he stood very near when General Washington rode up to meet General Lee, in that most memorable disorderly retreat, and heard distinctly the words of both,f and says that Washington, in a quick but dignified style, said, " General Lee, why this disorderly retreat, sir ? " and that Lee in a passionate manner rejoined, " By G-d, sir, American soldiers can't fight Brit- ish grenadiers." Washington, most justly provoked at this, retorted with equal warmth, exclaiming with emphasis, at the utmost stretch * Who "was Mr. Lunt's successor in this business we do not know ; but about 1794 Mr. Jacob Hale and sons ran a four horse coach between the towns, and cnntlnued the business till the Eastern Stage Company was formed. The late Benjamin Hale, of this city, drove the first coach which ever entered the East- ern Stage-yard in Boston. In 1826 this Company had thirty-five coaches and twelve chaises — all the vehicles for the Company being constructed in Newburyport. f From Narrative of Henry Lunt, Esq., of Boston. HISTORY OF NEWBURYPOKT. 363 of his voice, " By G-d, sir, thej can fight any soldiers upon the face of the earth ;" and that he then immediately gave the order to the army to " face right about, and not turn their backs on the encni}^ ; " -which orders run instantly like a flash of lightning through the -whole line. The result -^-as victory and honor, instead of disgrace to the Continental troops. Captain Lunt was also stationed at Fishkill, near the head quar- ters of General Washington, in the spring of 1781. Here his brother Henry, after leaving the service of Paul Jones, called on his ■way home from Philadelj)hia to visit him. It was four years since they had seen each other. The late Governor Eustis, who was a surgeon in the Continental army, was well acquainted with Captain Ezra Lunt, and said that he was esteemed a good officer. Jvist after the war, Mr. Lunt opened a tavern in Federal street, and the " Recommendation," which innholders were then obliged to have, is preserved in the Massachusetts Records of the day. At the period of Shay's rebellion, he was, with a drafted company, ordered to march to the scene of insurrection. About a year later, Captain Lunt moved to Ohio, upon the Miami, to take up the land granted for military services. He deceased about 1803. He had been a much respected member of the Rev. Mr. Parson's church ; was possessed of an excellent voice, and for some years led the singing at his meeting-house ; his temper w^as of rataer an impatient quahty — more quick to discern the faults of others than to feel his o-^vn. His personal appearance was manly and comely ; he was about five feet nine inches high, of a soldier-like deportment, with ruddy complexion, light brown hair. He was much esteemed by all the members of his company. The following facts connected with Henry Lunt are principally derived from a written narrative of his son, (still living,) who remarks as follows : "I was personally acquainted with some on board the Dalton ; among them was a Mr. Paul Noyes, Samuel Cutkr, and Mr. John [Charles] Herbert, afterwards a block-maker on the Upper Long wharf, Newburyport." As corroborative of Mr. Herbert's journal, and of the career of Captain Moses Brown, 364 HISTORY OF newburyport. and illustrative of the spirit which animated him and them, we have not hesitated to add the narrative of Henrj Lunt, Jr., to notices already given to the men of the Revolution. Henry Lunt was the youngest brother of Ezra Lunt. In the autumn of 1776, he embarked in the privateer Dalton, commanded by Captain Eleazer Johnson. She was fitted out by Stephen Hooper, a wealthy citizen of the town. The Dalton was captured by a British man-of-war the December following, and her officers and crew thrown into Mill Prison, where Mr. Lunt remained over two years, suffering the greatest possible privations. His peculiar rigorous treatment was in consequence of his twice having made the attempt to escape. On one of these occasions he received a severe wound in his thigh, in trying to force himself through the grating of the prison sewer ; being caught, he was put into the " black hole," where his wound receiving no atten- tion, mortified so that the flesh was obliged to be cut away, and the bone scraped. He finally obtained his release by a cartel nego- tiated by Benjamin Franklin, then in France ; where Mr. Lunt went on obtaining his liberty, which was in the spring of 1779, and soon after, he entered on board the ship Bon Homme Richard, which was then fitting out at L' Orient, under the command of J. Paul Jones. He entered as a midshipman, but was speedily promoted to the station of second lieutenant, and continued in that capacity under Commodore Jones in all his cruises in the Bon Homme Richard, and afterwards in the ship Alliance, of which Jones sub- sequently took command ; and later, in the ship Ariel, which left France for Philadelphia in 1781, where she arrived in February of that jj-ear. On the passage, the Ariel had a severe engagement with a British ship of superior force ; and Jones always spoke in terms of high praise of the conduct of his young officers during that action. " In the spring Mr. Lunt left Philadelphia for his native place, Newburyport* at which time Commodore Jones tendered to him an * In the Narrative of Henry Lunt, Jr., he speaks of bis father as a " native of Newburyport." Mr. Cofiin speaks of him as a native of Newbury. The seeming discrepancy is reconciled by recurring to the fact that Newburyport was not incorporated until Henry Lunt was about ten years old. HISTORY OP NP^WBURYPORT. 366 open letter of recommendation. Upon his arrival home, after an unbi'okcn absence of four years and seven months in the service of his country," he entered as first lieutenant of the ship Intrepid, a new vessel, pierced for twenty guns, fitted out by Nathaniel Tracy, Esq., and commanded by Captain Moses Brown. The In- trepid was a letter-of-marque ship, and bound on a cruise against the common enemy. She was built by the celebrated Hackett, who also built the Alliance. It was soon after the Intrepid sailed that Commodore Jones came to Newburyport to inquire for his second lieutenant, Mr. Lunt, wishing that he might again enter the Government service with him in a new seventy-four gun ship then building for Jones at Portsmouth, and expressed his regret at not finding him. The ship Intrepid was absent about a year and a half with good success, when she was sold at Havana, after having safely brought from L' Orient to Balti- more, a cargo valued at half a million of dollars. Mr. Lunt then returned to Newburyport and entered as master into the merchant service, in the employ of Mr. Tracy, and subsequently other prom- inent merchants of the place. The following is copied from the original letter which Jones gave to Mr. Lunt : " The bearer hereof, Mr. Henry Lunt, has served under my com- mand on board the Continental ship Bon Homme Richard. He was first employed by me as a midshipman at L' Orient, in the summer of 1779. He had been released from an Enghsh prison by a cartel. I soon promoted him to the station of a second lieutenant, and he continued with me in that ship as such, and was afterwards with me in the ship Alliance from the Texel to France, and also from thence with me in the ship Ariel to this port, as second lieutenant. Mr. Lunt has been with me in many trying circumstances, and has alwaijs behaved like a good officer, for which he has my best wishes. He had not the good fortune to be on board at the time of the engagement with the Serapis till the close of the action. He is included in the vote of thanks which I have been honored with by the Congress since my return to this country. " Given under my hand at Philadelphia, May, 1781. " Chevalier Paul Jones." 366 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. Some naval historians have inadvertently included Henry Lunt in their condemnation of those subordinate officers who failed to support Paul Jones in his engagement with the Serapis, because he was unfortunately absent when the engagement commenced. How he came to be absent during the fight was thus : " Some time before the engagement, and when none was expected, he with a number of picked men was ordered into a pilot-boat to reconnoitre some merchant vessels far in the offing ; while absent on this duty, the Serapis and those with her hove in sight, and Jones immedi- ately bore away for them, not waiting for the return of the boat, (in which there were fifteen or sixteen men,) but making a signal for her return. \Vhen the boat came up, the cannonading was in full blast from all the vessels ; the only thing left for those unfor- tunately in .the boat, was to wait for a lull, and save themselves for use at the critical moment of expected surrender, as they did, just as it was alternating which was victor and which was vanquished. Particularly opportune was the assistance of the pilot-boat's crew, as they were reliable men, while there were many prisoners and others untrustworthy, who needed to be looked after at the time of the surrender." Cooper (Vol. 4, p. 200.) thus speaks of the closing scene of the engagement. "By this time, Mr. Lunt, the 2d Lieutenant, who had been absent in the pilot-boat, had got alongside and was on board the prize. To this officer Mr. Dale (the 1st Lieutenant,) now con- signed the charge of the Serapis, the cable was cut and the ship followed the Richard as ordered. Although the protracted and bloody contest had now ended, neither the dangers nor the labors of the virctors were over. The Richard was both sinking and on fire ; the flames had extended so as to menace the magazine, while the pumps in constant use, could barely keep the water at the same level. In this manner did the night of the battle pass, contending with the flames till the 24th. The following night and morning of the succeeding day, about 10, the Bon Homme Richard wallowed heavy, gave a roll and settled into the sea, bows foremost." Li the year 1800, at Xew London, Mr. Henry Lunt of Boston, son of Lieutenant Lunt, met Lieutenant (then Captain) Dale, who remarked to him, " "Well, my young friend, your father and I have been in many trying situations together ; he always did his duty well, and was a good officer." HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 367 But all doubt on tMs subject must be set at rest by the fact that though Commodore Jones publicly charged some of the commanders with " keeping back," he never uttered a word of complaint against his young lieutenants, Henry and Cutting Lunt, but always spoke in favor of them. On the occasion when he meditated a descent upon the town of Leithe, he was overruled by the other commanders in the squadron ; but he says emphatically, " My young lieutenants on board the Bon Homme Richard, gave to this plan their hearty assent." The solution of the conduct of the insubordinate captains lay in their jealousy of the Commodore, whom they could not bear to see beai'ing off all the honors. Mr. Henry Lunt was accustomed to say " they hated Jones, and misrepresented him because he knew more than all of them together." In the early naval history of this country we find a degree of insubordination in the navy, perfectly incompatible with proper discipline on shipboard. Mr. Lunt's affidavit was made use of against the Captain of the Alliance, '* for firing into the Richard while lashed to the Serapis, disobedience of orders, ttc." The following is an extract from an affidavit made by the late Moses Davenport, Esq., before a justice of the peace in tliis town, and which was taken for the pm'pose of securing the pension to Lieutenant Lunt's widow : * * " Said John Paul Jones* called on me and made inquiry after the said Lunt. On being informed that he was absent by sea, Captain Jones expressed great regret. He stated that he was then on his. way to Portsmouth, in Xew Hampshu'C, on business for the Government, respecting a large ship of seventy-four guns, then, as I understood him, about to be built there ; that liis object in making inquiry at that time for Captaiu Lunt, was to ascertain whether the Government might not avail themselves of his services. He spoke of him in his service on board the Bon Homme Richard, and remarked that he should prefer him as an officer in the service, to any he had ever known. * * * " Moses Davexport. " Newburyport, October 4th, 1838." Captain Brown was wont to say that Mr.. Lunt was " one of the best seamen and officers he had known," and his experience was by 368 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT, no means limited. After the peace, Mr. Lunt sailed as commander for Mr. Tracy, while the latter continued in business, and afterwards for Messrs. Brown & Bartlett, Faris & Stocker, and others, making some twenty-five voyages as commander ; in all, about sixty. After Mr. Litnt returned from his cruises in the Intrepid, he became a member of St. John's Lodge, when Stephen Hooper was the presiding officer. " Many of its members," says the narrator, " I recollect seeing in their processions ; among them was Bishop Bass, Nathaniel and John Tracy, Dr. J. B. Swett, Colonel Wiggles- worth, Captain Moses Brown, Eleazer Johnson, (Captain of the Dalton,) Joseph and Samuel Cutler, General Titcomb, &c. After this he became a member of the Marine Society of Newburyport, composed only of sea-captains. Among the members of this Soci- ety was Captain William Coombs, (whose memory, for his virtues, should always be venerated,) Eleazer Johnson, Nicholas Johnson, Moses Brown, Abraham Wheelwright, William P. Johnson ; a more worthy association of shipmasters could not be mentioned." The widow of Mr. Henry Lunt received a pension from Govern- ment, and the claim made by her for prize money was admitted, agreeably to the muster-roll adjustment, made up at the Marine Department in France, in 1784, under the advice and direction of Commodore Jones, who placed against Mr. Lunt's name the same sum as was paid the highest grade of officers, except the Com- mander. Mr. Lunt died in 1805. He was a lineal descendant of Henry Lunt, one of the original grantees of Newbury. His wife was also descended from one of these original grantees — Henry Short. The land then allotted to him (1635) has descended in unbroken inheritance, (these 200 years,) and is now owned by his posterity of the same name. Mr. Lunt's early education was scanty, but he possessed himself of much useful knowledge, partic- ularly what was necessary to make a complete shipmaster, and he spoke French with facility. There is a miniature of Henry Lunt, painted by Peel, in Philadelphia. He and Paul Jones were so nearly of a size, being of medium height, that their clothes would suit each other. The pension to Henry Lunt's widow to the time of her decease, (1838,) was received by their son, to the amount of $1,435.60. The amount due him for prize money from the captures made HISTORY OP NEWBURYPORT. 369 ■while Jones commanded the squadron, in the Bon Homme Richard, was fr.4,089 12 5. But of this, only $387.40 was paid, (though the full sum was admitted,) because the " Prize Fund," so called, failed, the sum named being all that was left, at the time of the application, in the hands of the auditor. Daniel Luxt, the second brother, was previous to the Revolution master of the brig Lively, of Newburyport, and is honorably men- tioned in an article, published by request of the town authorities in the Essex Journal, April 19, 1776. In this year he also embarked in the privateer Dalton, and was fellow-prisoner with liis brother Henry in Mill Prison. After the peace he sailed as commander for David Coates, of this town. He died in 1787. Cutting Luxt (second cousin to the brothers Ezra, Daniel and Henry,) while third acting lieutenant of the Bon Homme Richard, while in pursuit of a boat's crew which had deserted, was enveloped in a dense fog and lost sight of. It is supposed that the men forci- bly carried the boat ashore and landed, and that Cutting Lunt was returned to Mill Prison, from which he had escaped. After niuch suffering, he returned to his native place, Newburyport, before the war was ended, and made a short cruise in a privateer called the " America," belonging to Joseph Marquand. On her second cruise, the America was lost and never heard of more ; Cutting Lunt being on board, was of course also lost, and no more heard from. His heirs received the prize money due him. Captain William Farms, a native of Belfast, Ireland, but a resident of Massachusetts from the age of twelve years, and long a citizen of Newburyport, early engaged as an officer in the navy of the United States when the war of the Revolution called on every man to make his election between liberty and slavery. Mr. Farris joined the American army in that glorious, though romantic expe- dition, under Arnold and Montgomery, against Quebec, and was employed by the former in many responsible stations. He had committed to him the care of the supplies, and of sundry vessels, together with the command of the schooner Isabella, a transport for supplies to the troops then stationed at Montreal, where he 24 370 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. remained till the middle of June, when the expedition being aban- doned, he obtained passports' from Colonel Burr .and returned home. In the same year, he joined the frigate Boston, at Newburyport, as midshipman, and made a cruise in her, and afterwards served the American cause in the Hancock, and subsequently as lieutenant and commander of several privateers, until the peace. He was more than once captured, and experienced all the sufferings of a rigorous confinement on board the prison-ships of the enemy. At the close of the war, having been for a brief period in the employ of those well-known merchants, Jackson and Tracy, he commenced his mercantile career under the firm of Farris & Stocker.* Mr. Farris was for some time President of the Marine Insurance Company of Newburyport, and for several successive years represented the town in the Legislature of the State, and so much to the approbation of his constituents, that his unsought resignation, induced by the approaching infirmities of age, alone put a period to his public services in this capacity. He died at the age of eighty-four, leaving an unsullied reputation as a man and an officer. * John Barnard Swett, M. M. S. S., who commenced practice as a physician and surgeon in Newburyport in 1780, was born in Marblehead, 1752, but was descended from John Swett, one of the ninety-one original grantees of Newbury, who Avas admitted to the freedom of the Massachusetts Colony as early as the 18th of May, 1642.* Dr. Swett graduated at Harvard in 1767, and was destined by his guardian, the Rev. John Barnard, of Marblehead, for the min- istry ; but about the time of his receiving his degree he was accidentally present at the post mortem examination of some persons who had come to a violent death ; and was so interested that it fixed his choice of a profession, and he determined to study surgery ; for which purpose he went to Edinburgh, where he remained three years under the instruction of Dr. William Cullen, enjoying the best society which the hterary capital of Scotland could afford, particu- * It was with this firm that Oliver Putnam, the founder of the " Putnam Free School," received his mercantile education. t Vide pamphlet entitled " Mementos of the Swett Family," p. 6. HISTORY OP NEWBURYPORT. ' 371 larly that of JNIr. Hume and Dr. Robertson. He afterwards perfected his medical education by attending on the hospitals of France and England, and returned to America in 1778, vfhere he joined the American army, under Sullivan, as a surgeon, at the time of the expedition to Rhode Island, and was in the tent with one of the General's aids, John S. ISherburn, Esq., when a cannon ball took off the leg of the latter. Dr. Swett's name is included in the order book of General Sullivan under date of September 27, 1778, in which the commander-in-chief takes the opportunity ." to return his most sincere and cordial thanks for the unwearied care and attention which the surgeons paid to the wounded of 'the army," and to Avhose " unparalleled exertions and skill " is ascribed the preservation of many valuable lives and brave officers, whose wounds must otherwise have proved fatal. Dr. Swett was the next year in the disastrous expedition to Penobscot, and when the army was disbanded and left officerless, with his surgical instruments in his knapsack, he travelled over fifty miles, through an unbroken wilderness, to the settlements on the Kennebec, and from thence he came to Ncwburyport, to which place he was invited by several of the leading men in the town, to some of whom he was also allied by birth. Here he rose rapidly in his profession, and soon surrounded himself with a large circle of admiring friends. He was eminently social in his temperament, which greatly facilitated his professional progress. He was a mem- ber of the Masonic Fraternity, whose convivial habits suited his ardent disposition. Through his influence, mainly, the first Encamp- ment of Knights Templars was formed in the United States. He was a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and for several years Corresponding Secretary of the Massachusetts Medical Society. In the summer of 1796, when our town was visited by the then unknown disease to this vicinity, yellow fever, Dr. Swett exposed himself without reservation to its malignant influences ; to him many of the suffering looked for relief, and no personal consideration of safety could induce him to desert them in this extremity. He was constantly called among the victims of this terrible disease ; and with fidelity exerted all the resources within his reach for their relief. The consequence was, he himself took the disease, which 372 * HISTORY OF NE^YBTTRYPOKT. was neither thoroughly understood by himself nor other physicians then here, and died — a martyr to his professional duties. He left a wife, daughter of Hon. WilHam Bourne, and four sons, to share with the town and his native place the deep grief experienced at his loss. Right Rev. Edward Bass, D. D., the first Bishop of Massachu- setts, was a native of Dorchester,* Massachusetts, and received his collegiate education at Harvard University, which he entered at the age of thirteen, and where he graduated in 1744. After leaving college, and while pursuing his theological studies, he was much of the time engaged in teaching. He was for some time connected with the Congregational denomination, and accepted a license to preach from them. But becoming dissatisfied with this connection, he tui-ned his attention to the church to which he subsequently con- formed, and was in 1751 chosen by Mr. Plant, then minister of the church, as his assistant. The next year he visited England, for the purpose of Episcopal ordination, which he obtained, and soon after returned to Newburyport, under the patronage of the Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts. Here, on the death of Mr. Plant, in 1753, he succeeded to the Rectorship of St. Paul's. On the breaking out of the Revolution, Mr. Bass, in common with the Episcopal clergy of that day, was called upon to make his election between the ecclesiastical authority which he had been accustomed to revere, and his country, which claimed his talents and his influence. Eminently a man of peace, Mr. Bass would, in this controversy, have been willingly overlooked, and allowed quietly to proceed with his accustomed duties, without taking a decisive stand on either side, though disposed, according to his own account, to favor the royal cause. Appointed to his office by the Society in London, he must doubtless have felt himself under peculiar obliga- tions, which were not laid upon the rest of the community. But he was not permitted to indulge his predilections in quietude ; the question with him soon assumed a practical shape. English prayer books were in the hands of his parishioners, but the request soon * On being asked wliy he left Dorchester, he replied, " The brooks there are not lar^je enough for bass to swim in." mSTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 37o came, " that he should omit the prayers for the king ; " then came " Fast days," appointed by the Provincial Congress, which he dared not omit to observe, and lastly came the Declaration of Independ- ence, which he was required to read in the church. What could our loyal minister do irnder these circumstances ? V^e will let him tell his own story. He had been accused to the Society in London of having " favored the rebellion." The following is an extract from his reply, dated December 29th, 1783 : * * " That I showed a readiness to keep all the Congress fasts, as Dr. Morice hath been informed, is not true. I comjHed with much reluctance. It is indeed true that I did generally open my church on those days, but not in consequence of orders, or demands, from any rebel authority whatever, none of whose papers I ever once read in church, but at the earnest request of my parishioners, who represented it to me, as the only probable way of saving the church from destruction, while people in general were in such a frenzy." But his disclaimers were not satisfactory to the Society in Lon- don, several persons having represented to them that Mr. Bass had favored the rebellion, and the cUmax of the argument against him was, Ms remaining in Newhiiryport ! The Secretary of the Venera- ble Society says, (January, 1782,) in reply to one who had tried to convince them of Mr. Bass's loyalty, " If ^Ir. Bass had been truly loyal, I can't see how it was possible for him to stay at Xewbury- port, a place so much in favor of the other part." * Fortunately for the church worshipping at St. Paul's, the argu- ments of his enemies prevailed, and the London Society refused him all further aid, and he was thus thrown on the generosity of his parishioners, who, rightly estimating his valuable qualities as a man, a scholar and a divine, gave him at once their cordial support ; willingly forgetting his disposition to pray for the king, and his neg- lect of the provincial fascs. Sis years later, in 1789, the degree of D. D. was conferred on Mr. Bass by the University of Pennsylvania ; and in 1796 Dr. Bass was elected Bishop of Massachusetts, (being the first person who attained to that office in this State,) and was consecrated- by Bishop White,- at Philadelphia. He retained his * Appendix to the " Frontier Missionarj-," by Rev. William S. Bartlett. 374 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. connection with St. Paul's church, Newburjport, for fifty-one years. He died in 1803, aged 77. REV. GEORGE WHITFIELD. Of the Rev. George Whitfield, who exerted so great and per- manent an influence in Newburyport, we do not design to speak at length, as his memoirs may readily be obtained by all interested in the details of his eventful .life. He preached for the first time in Newbury, (now Newburyport,) September 30th, 1740 — then a young man about twenty-six years of asre. He delivered his first sermon in the old meeting-house belonging to the First Society, (Rev. J. Lowell's,) then standing in Market square. Having made a brief visit to the District of Maine, he returned here, and preached again, with his usual extraordinary efiect; and from this time forward, made frequent, and several lengthy visits to Newburyport. The week previous to his death, he preached four times in Portsmouth, N. H., and on the Saturday afternoon at Exeter, and then rode to Newburyport, where he expected to preach on the Sabbath. But it was ordered otherwise. His violent exertions brought on a paroxysm of asthma, a complaint to which he was subject, and he died early on the ensuing Sabbath morning, September 30th, 1770 — just thirty years from the date of his first visit to the town. His death excited much interest throughout the country. "WTien the news of his decease reached Portsmouth, where he had so recently preached, the bells were tolled from eleven o'clock A. M., to near sunset.* The house where he died is situated on the lower side of School street, the second from the church, where his tomb was built and his bones still rest ; they being placed in a vault under the pulpit of the First Presbyterian church, in which he had usually preached when in this town, and which was mainly brought into existence through his influence. Mr. Wliitfield's friends in England were exceedingly anxious that his remains should be returned to his native place for interment ; and some years subsequent, an individual having visited his tomb, * Annals of Portsmouth. HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 375 abstracted from the coffin the bones of the right arm, which has since caused the remains to be guarded with the strictest ngilance. In September, 1849, the pastor of the First Presbyterian church. Rev. Jonathan Stearns, received from England a mysterious box, which on opening he found to contain the lost members, accompanied bj a letter, satisfactorily explaining how they came mto the writer's possession, and vindicating the genuineness of the restoration. In the presence of the Session and Elders of the church, the stray bones were restored to their proper place in the coffin ; from which there is little chance of their again escaping. Rev. John Murray, the second pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Xewburyport, was a native of Ireland, but received his education at Edinburgh, removing to this coimtry after obtaining his license to preach. He was first settled at Booth Bay, from which place, he was sent as a delegate to the Pro\-incial Congress in 1775, which met in that year at Watertown. He was at one time Presi- dent pro tern, of that body, and also acting Secretary, and was also while a member, Chairman of the Committee for reportiflg rules and orders for Congress ; and his reports bear evidence of his thorough acquaintance with Parliamentary usage. The basis of these reports are still preserved in the rules observed in the Legislature of the Commonwealth. It was durmg the Revolutionary war (1781) that Mr. Murray removed to Newburyport, and was installed as the suc- cessor of Jonathan Parsons. At the peace in 1783, he published a statistical sermon, showing the expenses of the war to Great Britain, which he had laboriously and skilfully arranged, and printed in tabular form. Statistical works were not then so common as they have since become, and this was considered at the time a very won- derful performance. Mr. Murray was an orator of no ordinary abilities, and was particularly eloquent when portraying the terrors of eternal punishment, in which, in accordance with the tenets of the denomination to which he belonsred, he was a firm believer. We have heard an attendant on his ministry, relate that when a child, his blood had run cold through his veins and his little limbs trembled as he listened to the terrible denunciations dealt out by the fervent and excited preacher. Mr. Murray was at the zenith of his fame when the celebrated John Murray was preaching the new theme, 370 HISTORY OP NEAVBURYPORT. (to American ears,) the doctrine of universal salvation. To distin- guish these eminent theologians, the adherents of the latter bestowed upon them the definitive appellations of Salvation and Damnation Murray. At that period the preacher in Newburyport had the popular side of the argument. On one occasion, when visiting one of the public schools, and, as was the wont of the clergy in those days, examining the scholars in the Bible and Catechism, a little fellow who had a taste for drawing liknesses, made an excellent sketch of the reverend gentleman's face on a blank leaf in his Testament ; the irregularity was reported to the master, and the boy called out to receive correction for " drawing pictures in school," when Mr. Murray took the book from the boy's hand, and was quite astonished to find an-excellent likeness of himself, gown and wig included. He interfered to save the boy from punishment, and subsequently interested himself in having him placed under the instruction of a portrait painter. Mr. Murray died in 1793, leaving a widow, the daughter of Colonel Lithgowe of Maine. He was almost idolized by a large por- tion of his parishioners, but from some irregularity in his ordination papers, involving an imputation of his veracity, he never met with that cordial reception among the clerical fraternity of the town to Avhicli his talents and social qualities entitled him. The Rev. Charles William Milton was born in London, in 1767, on the 29th of November. He was one of the proteges of Lady Selina Huntingdon, by whose munificence many young men were educated for the Christian ministry. Soon after his ordination he came to the British Provinces to preach, and from there was invited to Newburyport by the Rev. John Murray, then pastor of the First Presbyterian Society in this town, who probably little anticipated the result of his invitation. A portion of Mr. Murray's flock became so interested in the young preacher, that they withdrew from the Presbyterian connection, and formed a party under Mr. Milton, subsequently uniting to form the Fourth Religious Society, with him as their pastor. He was installed into this ofiice March 20th, 1791, and continued to preach to them forty-three years. Mr. Milton's fame has been spread abroad by the eccentricities of his character ; but beneath these there was a substantial substratum •^^'■ HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 377 of good natural sense and fervent piety. His style of preaching ?ras earnest, energetic, and subject to impassioned flights of oratory, not unfrequently dealing in original, totally unexpected, and grotesque illustrations, which indelibly imprinted the thing to be remembered, on the minds of his hearers. Like most of the preachers of that day, he dealt hberally in the discussions of doctrinal points in his preaching ; and in his treatment of these there was no temporizing. He expressed his convictions, which were evan- gelical, in a manner at once lucid and decided. His ideas of preaching were somewhat exclusive. The modern fashion of introducing social and political themes into the Sabbath day services, appeared to him an impropriety, and a swerving from the true intent of the gospel ordinance of preaching. Towards the close of his ministry the discussions of slavery and temperance began to invade the church, and, as he thought, were made paramount to the inculcation of harmonious Christian doctrine. To one who inopportunely pressed one of these subjects upon him, and urged him to use his influence " as a Christian minister," he rather tartly, but with much truth, replied, " Wlien I first came here, the business of a Christian minister was to preach the gospel and to save souls ; now it is all rum and niggers." Yet he was not apt to deceive himself with professions of godliness without good evidence in the hfc. On one occasion, at a convention of ministers, where each gave some account of the state of their respective churches, and many had unhesitatingly spoken of the addition to theu* chuixhes, as so many souls saved from perdition, Mr. Milton being called on, rose and remarked, " The present year persons have professed religion in my parish ; the Lord only knows whether they have got it or not." He was apt to express his feelings without ch'cumlocution, and sometimes curtly ; as when a young graduate having preached in his pulpit during the mornmg and afternoon service, — discoui'ses which he deemed devoid of all pith and substance, — he on rising to give out the notices, said with great emphasis, " There will be a meeting here this evening, at early candleUght. I shall preach MYSELF." Mr. Milton was unfortunate in his domestic relations, his wife being neither remarkable for spirituality nor amiability of temper ; 878 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. his life-loug journey through, his feet were pierced with the thorns that grow in a disunited household. This circumstance not unfre- quentlj phiccd him in positions unfavorable to the exercise of those hospitable, friendly and neighborly offices to which his disposition would have prompted, had domestic sympathy permitted, and also helped to develop that brusque maimer of speaking, not originally mingled with acerbity. Yet those who were intimately acquainted Avith him never doubted his piety, though strangers were often more impressed with his oddities. An individual who had been fully aware of his domestic trials, on hearing of his death, immediately exclaimed, " What a change ! — from pitching skillets, to handling harps." And this was the general feehng of the community. In person he was short and stout, his features (as may be seen in the engraving,) strongly marked ; and he wore his hair, which was black, in long, thick curls around his neck. A peculiar hat which he at one time wore, with a long overcoat reaching almost to his heels, with a capacious waistcoat and knee breeches, presented a tout ensemble which was not inaptly compared to the " Jack of Clubs." Indeed, he was so commonly called "Jack," that many persons who knew him for years, supposed his name to be John.* He died sud- denly and unexpectedly, though he had been ill and confined to his bed for some weeks, on the 1st of May, 1837, aged 70, leaving one son and three daughters. His eldest daughter, named Sehna in honor of his benefactress, the Countess of Huntingdon, died young. Jacob Perkins was born at Newburyport, July 9th, 1766, being descended from one of the first settlers of Ipswich. He early showed traits of that mechanical genius which distinguished him in after life. At twelve years of age he was apprenticed to a gold- smith, a Mr. Davis, of Newburyport, who died when young Perkins had been w"ith him but three years, which circumstance, though it deprived him of much instruction he would otherwise have received, furnished an opportunity for the exercise of something nobler than genius — a self-denial and generosity, rare, and perhaps unequalled, in one of his age. He was but fifteen, yet the widow and children of Mr. Davis looked to him as the means of their support; and he did not disappoint them. Rehnquishing the opportunity Providence had thrown in his way of shortening by six years his term of service, he nobly devoted himself to the interests of his late master's family, HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 379 carried on the business successfully and profitably, giving up all of its emoluments to their support. The principal articles manufac- tured were gold beads and shoe-buckles. For these latter, Perkins discovered a new mode of plating, by Avhich he made as good an article, at a less price than they could be imported for. And now commenced that long series of inventions which has linked the name of Perkins with so many articles of ornament and utility. Before the adoption of the Federal Constitution, each State issued its own coin ; die-making was then a new art in America, but at the age of twenty-one, Jacob Perkins, on account of his improvement in dies, and his skill in executing, was employed by the Government in the issue of copper coin, an office in which several older and more experienced men had failed. Three years later he invented a machine for cutting and heading nails by one simple operation. But this, which deserved and promised a speedy and abundant reward, was the means of reducing the young inventor to the brink of pecuniary ruin. He formed a copartnership with a couple of designing adventurers, who succeeded in securing to themselves the first and only profits of the factory they established, and finally left the country, and their debts, to be paid by their unsuspecting, because perfectly honest, partner. By the assistance of friends, however, the creditors were pacified, and the business recommenced under better auspices. Mr. Perkins's next important invention was a check-plate for the purpose of preventing the possibility of counterfeiting bank bills. So valuable was this considered that the Legislature passed a law making Mr. Perkins's stereotype plate the only legal plate on which to print bank bills for this Commonwealth. Very few attempts were ever made to counterfeit them, and none were successful, no indictment having been made for an imitation of this plate, though counterfeiting in other States was peculiarly successful during this period. But perhaps his discovery of the compressibility of water was the most valuable result of his researches. And this led him to the invention of the bathometer, an instrument with which to measure the depth of water ; and another, peculiarly interesting to the nautical man, the pleometer, by which the exact velocity of a vessel through the water may be ascertained. A mere enumera- 380 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. tion of Mr. Perkins's inventions and improvements would occupy more space than we have to give ; they are fortunately preserved in various works accesgible to the curious in such matters. Perkins was a man of compact and athletic frame, and descended from a family of remarkable longevity. That he by his enthusiasm sometimes deceived himself, may be true, but never did he wilfully or intentionally impose upon the ignorance of others ; but like so many of the class of inventive geniuses, let slip, through want of sufficient care, the opportunity of profiting pecuniarily by many of his inventions ; which Avere thus greedily snatched up and appro- priated by others. But of this he never complained ; a more unselfish man does not grace the list of our biographical annals. He left Newburyport in 1816, and resided for some time in Philadelphia, from whence he went to England, where his inventive talents met with more encouragement and profitable employment. He was recognized there by the title of the " American Inventor." He died in London, at the house of his son, in Regent's Square, on the 11th of July, 1849, aged 84. The names of Stephen and Ralph Cross were eminent among the active men in the town for many years after its incorporation. Stephen was the first selectman chosen by the town.* When about twenty-five years of age, he was employed by the (colonial) Gov- ernment to assist in the construction of a flotilla" for the lakes, (1758,) and was taken by the French at the siege of Fort Oswego, Avhen he was carried prisoner to France. Both he and Ralph were ship-builders, and conjointly built for the State the frigates Hancock, Boston, and Protector. They were both members of the Committee of Safety and Correspondence, and were actively engaged in public afiairs during the Revolutionary war. Stephen died in 1809, aged 78. Ralph, born in 1738, was a captain in the militia, and joined the northern army in 1777. He joined the camp at Stillwater on the 14th of October, and was in the battle which preceded the surrender of Burgoyne, and Avas early engaged in the action. After the peace, he was made a Brigadier General, and filled other honorable offices. He died in 1800. * See Town Records. HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 381 From the original journal which Stephen Cross kept, wo learn that the following persons accompanied him to Fort Oswego, under contract to build vessels there for the Government, viz. : James Bagley (or Bajley), Benjamin Chandler, Joseph Goodhue, Jesse Worces- ter, Matthew Pettengill, Phillip Stanwood, Ebenezer Swazj, John Wyett, Abner Dole, Paul Currier, John INIitchell, John No well, Joseph Wormwell, William Coombs, Moses Cross, Robert Mitchell, and Phillip Coombs ; the two last named were uncles of Stephen Cross, and Moses Cross was also a relative. Thev were employed for some time on the Mohawk river, making boats, in which to trans- port provisions to Fort Oswego, (on the eastern shore of Lake Onta- rio,) and accompanied an expedition thither, reaching the fort on the 14th of May, 17oG. Here they commenced building vessels for the fleet. Being continually annoyed by hostile Indians hover- ing round, and subject to incursions of small parties of them, while engaged in cutting timber, in the woods, many were killed or taken prisoners while thus engaged. On the 24th of May, it being a very dark night, the Indians attacked the fort, but after some hard fighting, were repulsed. A drunken soldier who had laid out in the woods over night, came into the fort in the morning without Ms scalp ; but could give no account of how he lost it ! In August, a French fleet was collected on the lake, and on the 12th kept up a continual fire on Fort Ontario, (this was a secondary kind of fort, which helped to protect the main fort, Oswego,) which was aban- doned the next day. A little fort, a short distance from the others, built so badly as to be called Fort Rascal, answered for a temporary shelter for a few hours ; but on the 14th, the French fire told with such effect on Oswego, (the commandant, Colonel Mercer, being killed,) that the besieged were reduced to capitulate, and no better terms could be obtained than the unconditional surrender of the fort, ail the garrison (including the carpenters,) to be prisoners of war. On the 19th of August the men were embarked in small boats, to be sent to Quebec. On the passage, one of the Newbury men, Chandler, died ; and while encamped at Montreal, Jesse Worcester died. The rest reached Quebec, where they were placed in stone barracks, at the north-west part of the city. Here they remained for some weeks. On the 29th of September, three Newbury men, Stephen Hunt, John Blake and John Platts, with others, were 382 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. drafted out and sent to England, On the 14tli of October, the Xewbury carpenters were drafted out and sent to France ; one hundred and forty-four men being crowded into a small vessel, of about 500 tons. Mr. Cross graphically describes this voyage, complaining only of the company into which they were thrust. They were kept short of provisions and closely confined ; but for this latter he says, " we could not blame them, for we had determined to rise on them, if any opportunity occurred promising success." But seventy of the soldiers were of Shirley's regiment, enhsted at the South, and Mr. Cross judged from their conduct, were transported British convicts. The Xewbury carpenters, with some other New Englanders, refused to associate with them, dividing the ship's steerage into two compart- ments, and not suffering a soldier to cross the line. In all their diffi- culties, in which appeal was made to the officers, Mr. Cross says, '• we had the advantage, for uncle Philhp Coombs could speak French well, and none of the soldiers could." On November 14 they landed at Brest, and were from thence, after some detention, removed to Dijon. All through then- journey, and in the last named prison, the Newbury men begged the privi- lege of their guard, to be allowed to have separate quarters from those disorderly soldiers at night ; " their conduct being such," says the journal, '- that there was no sympathy between us, though we were fellow sufferers." While in prison, Mr. Cross wrote to Mr. Witter Cummings,* in England, (who had a business partner in Newbury,) for whom his father, Mr. Ealph Cross, had built many vessels, for money to aid them in buying food, as they were kept extremely short on the government allowance. " Most of us being personally known to Mr. Cummings," says the narrator, "I thought he would be the most likely of any one to help us." At Dijon a fatal sickness broke out among the prisoners. On December 30th, Mr. William Coombs went to the hospital sick ; then in succession Joseph Goodhue, Moses Cross, Joseph Bagley, John Wyett, Mr. Phillip Coombs, and Robert Mitchell, and on the 22d of January, Mr. Cross and Paul Currier went together. The first thing the narrator saw on entering the hospital, was a man turning * See page 72. HISTORY OF XEWBL-RYPORT. 383 off the cloth from a body, to show to an attendant that the individual was dead, and this corpse, to his gi-ief and horror, he found was his uncle Phillip Coombs ; and his record of his feelings at this sight, is a touching testimonial to the beautiful character of the deceased, "to whom," says the journalist, '•! looked up as to a father, for advice in all things." On being removed to the ward room, which he and Mr. Currier were to occupy, he found there his relative, Moses Cross, in a vio- lent fever, and quite senseless. Here the journal ceases, Mr. Cross's illness probably preventing his writing more. That he recovered, was returned to his native country, and did good service to his native town, the early records of Newburyport amply witness ; while the records of the First Pres- byterian church, of which he was a member, also testify to his liberality, and the interest which he felt in all that pertained to the prosperity of the " Old South." Charles Herbert, son of John Herbert, of Xewburyport, was taken prisoner on the capture of the privateer Dalton, by the Brit- ish man-of-war Reasonable, on the 24th of December,* 1776. The crew were carried immediately to England, and kept on board prison ships for some months, till sickness broke out among them, when they were removed to the hospital, and those that recovered were then transported to the Old ^lill Prison at Plymouth. From a jour- nal kept by Mr. Herbert, from the loth of Xovember, when the Dalton sailed from Newburyport, we learn that the crew were all tried for treason, and committed to prison to take theu' trial at some future time. During the whole period of their incarceration, the government allowance of food was so short, that rats were caught and eaten, snails picked out of the walls of the prison yard and boiled for food, and on one occasion, a dog belonging to some of the officials was killed, cooked, and eaten by these starving men. Some of them, among whom was Mr. Herbert, immediately set to work making ladles, boxes and other small wooden things, for sale to vis- itors, Mr. Herbert having first persuaded a carpenter who came to see them to furnish him with wood for the purpose. By this occu- * See page 11-1. 384 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. pation the journalist made enough money to clothe himself comfort- ably, buy some books, — (he learnt navigation while in prison,) — and to assist others who were less fortunate or competent than himself. Reports frequently came to them of disasters to the American arms, but Mr. Herbert steadfastly refused to believe that his country could ever be conquered ; and on the 4th of July, 1778, having then been over eighteen months in prison, the crew of the Dalton, with others, celebrated the anniversary of the Declaration of Inde- pendence, by making miniature American flags for their hats, with patriotic inscriptions attached, mustering in the prison yard, drawing up in thirteen divisions, and giving thirteen cheers, and then all uniting heartily in the same. They also heard, while there, of the capture of Burgoyne, and celebrated the anniversary of that event. But there were some few, whom Mr. Herbert calls " chiefly incon- siderate youths," who, for the sake of getting out of prison, petitioned to go on board His Britannic Majesty's ships of war. Whereupon it was decided to draw up a Declaration of Allegiance to the American Congress, and to renewedly plight their mutual faith, never to desert the patriot cause. This Mr. Herbert' signed, as did a majority of the others. The whole of this journal is exceedingly inter- esting, but the press of other matter forbids our making extracts from it, which is the less to be regretted, as it is in print, and may therefore be easily procured.* Mr. Herbert was finally released, and went to France, where he shipped with J. Paul Jones in the Alliance, and continued in his service until August, 1780, when he returned to Newburyport, having been absent nearly four years, and between two and three years a prisoner. Enoch Titcomb, a native of this town, and a descendant of William Titcomb, one of the first settlers of Newbury served as a brigade major under General Sullivan, during the campaign in Rhode Island ; after the peace he held various town offices, and was subse- quently Representative and Senator during a long term of years. He deceased in 1814 at the age of 62. Jonathan Titcomb, the first naval officer in this District, (appointed by Washington in 1789,) also commanded a regiment of * Published by ^-i- — -r- Pierce, Boston. HISTORY OP NEWBURTPORT. 385 militia in the expedition to Rhode Island, and attained the rank of brigadier general. He was a member of the Convention for forming the State Constitution, and was a member of the first General Court held in Boston after its evacuation by the British. Others, whom our limited space obliges us briefly to enumerate, will prove valuable material for the future biographer ; among whom stands prominently Dudley A. Tyng, LL. D., who in 1795 was appointed by Washington, Collector for the District of Newburyport. He was a man of strong mind, eminently practical and benevolent. While Collector, his attention was drawn to the condition of the Isle of Shoals, by the supposition of the people there, that they v/ere attached to his district, and he took active measures, (in connection with other benevolent individuals) to renovate the condition of the inhabitants. The Rev. Stephen A. Tyng, Rector of St. George's church in New York, is his son, and was born in Newbuiyport, as were also the Rev. Charles Coffin, President of Greenville College, Ten- nessee ; Amos Pettengill, tutor of Yale College ; William Boyde, the poet, and Samuel H. Parsons, son of the Rev. Jonathan P. Parsons, who was a major general of the Revolutionary army and an aid to. Washington, by whom he was subsequently appointed Gqt- emor of the North-west territory ; Stephen Hooper, son of Stephen Hooper, a distinguished merchant of Newburyport, and a graduate of Harvard College, who at the early age of twenty-five was chosen Representative to the General Court; Micajah^awyer, D. B., Michael Hodge, Dr. Francis Vergenis, Moses Brown, Esq., an eminent merchant, founder of the Brown Grammar School in New- buryport, and an associate founder of Andover Theological Seminary, and others. Among the living we may mention three Professors of Harvard University, Theophilus Parsons, Cornelius C. Felton, and George R. Noyes; also Leonard Woods, Jr., President of Bowdoin College, and Benjamm Hale, President of Geneva College. The names even, of the clergymen, teachers and editors throughout the country, who belong to Newburyport, would make too long a list for our hmits ; while the business men, who like Stetson of New York, William Wheelwright in Chili, Dr. Joseph Vv hitmore in Peru, and Gunnison on the Amazon, with others of like enterprise, scattered over the 25 386 HISTORY OF NEWBUliYPORT. face of the earth, will show that the past generation have left worthy successors who claim Newburjport as their birthplace. Of writers Newburjport can produce fair specimens in different departments of literature : as a jurist, the Attorney General of the United States, Hon. Caleb Gushing ; as a Polemical writer, Daniel Dana, D. D. ; as a poet, Hon. George Lunt ; as a translator. Rev. Thomas Tracy, whose versions of the German have received the meed of praise from critical linguists ; while others of more or less note may be found in other departments of literature. On reviewing our biographical list we are struck with the marked difference between the men and women of Newburyport. Compara- tively few women natives of, and educated in ISTewburyport, have attained any hterary distinction. The contrast is remarkable, and the cause equally obvious. The history of the public schools is the sufficient explanation. Until within the last dozen years, no female was liberally educated by the town. And the provisions for educa- tion by a town are unequivocal evidence of the state of the public sentiment in it, which was, until this recent period, adverse to the liberal education of females. The natural consequence was the almost entire absence of literary talent among, the female portion of the community. We meet with evidence continually, of the exist- ence of women whose natural talents evidently fitted them to take the first place in intellectual circles, but their minds were not so quickened by suitable instruction as to dare utterance ; this they were forbidden by the leaden atmosphere which surrounded and restricted them to a lower strata in the intellectual world, than was accorded to their sons and brothers, their mental gifts being allo^'ed to rust out in the monotony of a circumscribed life, and a narrow circle of ideas. And so, generation after generation of these " mute, inglorious " Sapphos have passed away and left not a trace behind. Of the few who have broken through the trammels of fashion, and devoted themselves to htei-ature, we shall make brief mention. And while recording the fact of the paucity of literary females, we may justly add another, — that though the tone of public opinion was depressing to any efforts of this kind, the social, moral, and benevolent character of the women of Newburyport, stands intrinsically and comparatively high ; women of sound sense, polished HISTORY OF NEWBURYPOKT. 387 manners and Christian lives, liave successively adorned the domestic circle, and the next, if not the present generation, bid fair to obliter- ate all those mental inequalities which have heretofore resulted from inadequate educational facilities. Miss Hannah Groidd is by far the most popular authoress that Newburyport has produced, but her pen is still active and prolific, and needs no eulogy from ours. The late Miss Anna Oahot Loivell, a daughter of Judge Lowell of Newburyport, was a woman of fine talents, and both a poetical and prose writer. 3l7's. George Lee (now of Boston,) a daughter of Dr. Micajah Sawyer of this place, has also given to the world some volumes, few in number, but of meritorious design and well executed. The late Miss Lucy Hoo'per, daughter of Joseph Hooper, Esq., of Newburyport, was a poetess of rare merit, whose early death (in her twenty-fifth year) blighted the hopes of a large circle of friends who anticipated much from her pen when her early gifts should have ripened into maturity. Her prose Avri tings were collected in two volumes, and her " Poetical Remains " foi'm one volume of large size. This contains many poems of much merit; one, on the Daughter of Herodias, was included in Mr. Bry- ant's collection of " American Poetry." Lucy Hooper was born in Newburyport in February, 1816. Her father was a highly respectable merchant, who yet found leisure from the cares and anxieties of business, to devote some portion of his time to literature ; he was a person of considerable cultivation, and a justifiable pride in the early indications which his daughter gave of unusual abihty, made it his most grateful occupation to superin- tend her education. The opportunities afibrded her were eagerly improved, so that it became necessary to restrain her inclination for study, rather than by any means to incite her to mental application. But she was apparently unconscious of her own powers, and like many a child of genius who has early sunk into a " laurel crowned tomb," was always of a fragile constitution and of delicate health. When she was about fifteen years of age the family removed to Brooklyn, New York, but Lucy always retained a passionate love * for her native town, and frequent visits to it helped to keep alive the associations formed in her early youth. Many of her poems have reference to scenes and persons in Newburyport. The Merri- mac was ever " the bright river of her heart," and St. Paul's 388 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. church, where her early religious impressions were received, was the shrine to which her memory turned as the birthplace of her reli- gious faith, and Dr. Morse was the ideal Rector which no after observation or wider experience could dim or supplant. Shortly after taking up her residence at Brooklyn, Miss Hooper became an occasional contributor to the columns of the " Long Island Star," under the simple initials of L. H., and these contributions were greatly admired and widely copied. Her style was pure and her dic- tion strong, while her copiousness of language was much augmented by her knowledge of the Latin, French, and Spanish languages, and her extensive historical readings, and acquaintance with classic English literature, placed her early productions in the same rank with efforts of much more mature minds. In 1840 she published a volume which met with wide acceptance, entitled " Scenes from Real Life," and about the same time received a prize for an Essay upon Domestic Happiness. These were subjects calculated to draw forth her best efforts, for all her characteristics were eminently womanly. Genuine maidenly modesty shone in every word and deed. To her own home, and to her familiar friends, her memory is hallowed by a thousand thoughts which no language can convey. She had been a contributor to the " New Yorker," and during her last illness was engaged in preparing a work for the press, en- titled the " Poetry of Flowers," which did not appear until after her decease. She had also projected and partly prepared a volume of Tales and Essays, and another of Religious and Moral Stories for the young. Her fatal complaint was consumption. She died on the 1st of August, 1841. 3f7's. Ann E. Porter^ a pleasant writer for youth, whose " Letters to a Young Mother " have recently been published, is a native of Newburyport, and sister of the late Rev. John E. Emerson. Mrs. Jane Greenleaf, whose memoirs have recently been com- piled and published by her daughter, was a woman of superior natural gifts ; but these were diverted by outward circumstances from taking a purely literary form, and were turned almost exclu- sively into benevolent and religious directions, as was that of the subject of the next paragraph. niSTOKY OF NEWBURYPORT. 389 Marij B. Crocker, ■wife of Rev Wm. Crocker, of Newburyport, was a devoted missionary of the Baptist Board, who in civilized and heathen lands was equally the devoted servant of Christ, and a bright intellectual ornament of the circles which were favored with her presence. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX North East Massachusetts first visited by Cabot, 1497 " " " " " " Gosnold, 1602 " " " " " " Martin Pring, 1603 " " " " " " Captain John Smith, 1614 Pawtuckets overrun bj Tarratines and Pequods, 1615 Destructive epidemic sickness among Indians, 1617 Sale of territory to a company of six gentlemen, 1628 Merrimac visited by Wood, author of N. E. Prospect, 1630-4 Newbury settled on Quascacunquen river, 1635 First record (extant) of selectmen chosen in Newbury, 1636 Pequod war, 1637 Rowley incorporated, part of which had belonged to Newbury, 1639 Salisbury, on the north side of the Merrimac, settled, 1639 New land laid out by Newbury, including what is now, township of West Newbury, 1642 Massachusetts divided into counties, 1643 " New town," or what is noAV Newburyport, laid out, 1644 Southerly part of Water street laid out, 1644 Plum Island divided by the General Court, to Ipswich two-fifths, Newbury two-fifths, Rowley one-fifth, 1649 • Curious Sumptuary Laws against dress by General Court, 1651 First wharf built in Newburyport, 1656 King Philip's war, 1675 HISTOKY OP NEWBURYPOKT. 391 Case of witchcraft, Sir Edmund Andros arrives in New England, Newburyport ferry across the Merrimac established, Newbury lands claimed by Robert Mason, William and Mary proclaimed. French and Indian, or Castine's war. Fatal attack of Indians on John Brown's family. Limestone discovered in Newbury, (kiln built foot of Muzzey's lane,) Name of Quascacunqucn river changed to Parker, Remarkably mild winter. Old Tenor currency introduced, "Water lots laid out, Byfield parish incorporated. Unusual quantity of snow fell in winter, Aurora Borealis first seen in New England, Cottle's lane (Bromfield street) laid out, Potatoes and tea came into use about Unusual high tide, Sebastian Rall^, the French ally of the Norridgewock Indians, killed by Lieut. Jaques, of Newbury, (his death closed the w^ar,) First meeting-house raised in Newburyport, Newbury town-house built on High street, near head of INIarlborough street, Great destruction of vegetation by caterpiHers, Fatal throat distemper prevailed. Boundary line settled between New Hampshire and Massachusetts, Rev. George Whitfield arrived. Unusual high and destructive tides this year, October, ■ Expedition to Louisburg, Peace with the French, (by treaty of AixlaChapelle,) Old Tenor currency made illegal. The First Church in Newburyport vote to have the Scriptures read in public on the Sabbath, Expedition to Crown Point, Fifty slaves m Newbury, including Indians and negroes, 1680 1686 1687 1687 1688 1688 1695 1697 1697 1700 1702 1703-4 1710 1717 1719 1719 1719 1723 1724 1725 1731 1735 1735-6 1737 1740 1743 1744-5 1748 1750 1750 1755 1755 392 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPOllT. Twenty-five Quakers in Newbury, 1755 A Fire Engine imported from London, by IMicliael Dal- ton and others, 1761 Towft-house built corner of State and Essex streets, 1762 First general census of the Province of Massachusetts taken 1763 Dummer Academy opened, 1763 Newbury voted, October 20th, that they were opposed to the division of the town, 1763 Newbxjryport Incorporated, January 28th, 1764 First town meeting, February 8th, 10 A. M., 1764 Three schools for boys established, March, 1764 Daniel Farnham, first Representative to General Court, 1764 Town resent Stamp Act, September, 1765 Distillery set vip in Newburyport, 1767 Town agrees to the non-importation of English goods, 1769 First Newspaper in Newburyport, 1773 Committee of Correspondence appointed December 16, 1773 Permanent Committee of Correspondence and Safety appointed September, 1774 Tea excluded from the town by general consent, 1774 Minute-men raised by town, March, 1775 Company march for Lexington, at midnight, April 19, 1775 " Ipswich fright," April 21, 1775 Newburyport companies join in the battle of Bunker Hill, June 17th, 1775 Two Representatives sent to General Court at Water- town, July, 1775 Town grant leave to Eb. Morrison to set up a pottery kiln, north-west side of Burying Hill, March, 1775 Fort built on Salisbury shore and Plum Island, 1775 Saltpetre factory established, September, 1775 Arnold's detachment for Canada bivouac in Newbury- port, 16th of September ; embark the 19th, 1775 Census of the Province of Massachusetts taken, 1776 Town of Newburyport anticipate the Declaration of Independence, and approve May 31, 1776 Declaration of Independence read in the meeting- houses, August 11, 1776 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 393 Town raise in August one-sixth of all her able-bodied men for tbe Continental army, 1777 Mourning garments and entertainments at funerals very generally discarded. 1777 Town approve the Confederation of the States, Jan- uary 12, 1778 Town propose County convention to consider the pro- posed Constitution for the State, March, 1778 The " Essex Result," a powerful political pamphlet by Theophilus Parsons, published, 1778 The proposed State Constitution rejected, June, 1778 Trees first set out by order of the town, 1779 School committee " to serve through the year " first chosen, 1780 Town approve Massachusetts Declaration of Rights, May 15, 1780 Accept State Constitution, but appoint special delegates to procui-e amendments. May, 1780 Dark day, May 19th, 1780 Green street laid out, land given by private mdividuals, 1781 Bells ordered to be rung at 1 P. M. and 9 P. M., 1781 Engine companies exempt from training, except in " alarm-bands," 1781 Town instruct their Representatives to Congress, Jan- uary 7th, to make right to the fisheries an in- dispensable article in the treaty of peace, 1782 Vote of thanks of the town to Jonathan Greenleaf, for long and faithful services as a Representative, 1782 Union and Fair streets laid out, 1782 Vote of thanks for public services to Nathaniel Tracy, May 13, and to Tristram Dalton, May 16, 1783 Two beacons erected on Plum Island, 1783 Orange street laid out, 1783 Rufus King, Representative from Newburyport to Gen- eral Court, July, 1783 Exceeding high tide, November, 1784 General Jonathan Titcomb, Naval Officer for the Port, 1784 Town petitions General Court to be reimbursed for expenses incurred in defending harbor. May IB, 1785 394 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. Massachusetts Stamp Act passed, 1785 Eivei- frozen over, April 18, 1785 Laird & Ferguson's Brewery opened in fall, 1785 Ezra Lunt heads a company against Shay's men, 1786 Name of Fish street altered to State, May, 1787 Town grant leave to William Bartlett to appoint a man to live in the fort on Plum Island, and take care of the lights, 1787 A great spinning match held in April, at house of Rev. J. Murray, 1787 Federal Constitution approved by the town, September, 1787 Westerly wind prevailed, with but four brief interrup- tions, from November 30, 1787, to March 20, 1788 Kent street laid out, 1788 Name of King street changed to Federal, March, 1789 Tristram Dalton elected to U. S. Senate, and Benja- min Goodhue to House of Representatives for this District, 1789 Washington visits Newburyport, October 31, 1789 Stephen Cross, Collector for Port, Jonathan Titcomb, Naval Officer, Michael Hodge, Surveyor, 1790 Burying ground by Frog Pond enlarged, 1790 Dames' schools for young female children established by town, 1791 A canal from north side of Merrimac river to Hamp- ton, N. H., opened in summer, 1791 Town of Newbury remonstrated against erection of Essex Mei-rimac Bridge, January, 1792 Town again petition General Court, (as per May 13, 1785,) 1792 Essex Merrimac Bridge opened to public, November, 1792 Names of streets first put up by order of town, 1793 Public stocks removed, 1798 " Small-pox hospital built in Common pasture, 1798 Town by vote (August) support neutrahty of U. S., 1793 New work-house built, 1793-4 Woollen factory incorporated, machinery all made in Newburyport, 1794 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 395 Embargo of thirty days ordered by Congress, approved by town, May, 1794 Newburyport Library in operation, 1794 By-laws passed by town against smoking in the streets ; and forbiddmg o^vners of water fowl to allow them to frequent Frog pond, 1794 Conduits sunk by town, 1794 Act passed incorporatmg the several religious societies then existing in the to-v\Ti, viz. : Rev. Thomas Carey's, Rev. J. Murray's, Rev. Sam'l Spring's, Rev. C. W. Milton's, Rev. Edward Bass's, and amending the mode of taxation, 1794 State survey of Newburyport ordered and taken, 1794 An organ placed in the church in Market square, 1794 Great change took place in the harbor bar, 1795 Pleasant, Harris, Broad and Essex streets laid out, 1795 Brick school-house at southerly end of Mall, built 1796 Fatal mahgnant fever prevailed, summer and fall, 1796 Lime, Beck, Ship and Spring streets laid out, 1797 Night watch appointed, 1797 Town present patriotic address to President on difficul- ties with France, 1797 Citizens of Newburyport propose to build a ship for United States, June 1st. She was completed, named Merrimac, and launched October 12, 1798 United States brig Pickering built in Newburyport, 1798 Proprietors sue town for right in Frog pond and land adjoining, 1799 Washington dies December 14, 1799. Funeral cere- monies observed in Newburyport, eulogy by Robert T. Pame, January 2d, 1800 Timothy Palmer appointed sui*veyor of highways, 1800 Captain Edmund Bartlett gave fourteen hundred dollars to improve the Mall, which then received the name of " Bartlett Mall," ^ 1800 Town, with the aid of voluntary contributions, purchased the land on which Rev. T. Carey's church stood, (now Market square,) for $8,000, 1800 396 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. Essex Junto excites political animosity, 1800 Market square laid out, 1800 Four stages employed (on a daily line,) between Bos- ton and Newburyport, 1800 Circulating Library in operation with fifteen hundred volumes, 1800 Washington street laid out, 1800 Rope-walk in South street struck by lightning, July, 1800 Public bathing-house opened, . 1800 A Religious Library estabhshed, 1800 Mackerel fishing commenced about 1800 Labrador fishery commenced by Newburyport vessels about 1799-1800 Travel suspended with Boston eight days, in March, on account of deep snow, 1802 Town of Newbury instruct their Representative to op- pose a charter for Newburyport turnpike and Newburyport bridge, asked for by New- buryport, 1802 The road from Newburyport line to Essex Merrimac bridge, laid out and completed by town of New- bury, 1802 Spring and Roberts streets laid out, 1802 ~ Vaccination introduced, 1803 Active Fire Society organized, 1803 Stone jail built, 1803-4 Stage line established with Haverhill, 1803 Public entertainment to Rufus King, September, 1804 Destructive storm, October, 1804 Female Charitable Society incorporated, 1805 Court House on Mall built, 1805 Drought of thirty days, July and August, 1805 Newburyport Social Library instituted, 1805 Newburyport turnpike opened for public travel, 1805 Charter street laid out, 1805 Plum Island turnpike and bridge open to the public, July, 1805 Newburyport Academy incorporated, 1807 HISTORY OP NEWBURYtORT. 397 Town purchase the County's right m old Court House 1807 Town corresponds with Norfolk, Virginia, on affair of Chesapeake and Leopard, July, 1807 xVinety men raised in anticipation of war, by order of the President, 1807 Embargo, December 29, 1807 Newburyport Mechanic Association formed, 1807 Additional' Acts of Embargo, in winter, 1808 Town petition President United States to suspend Em- bargo, August, 1808 Light-houses on Plum Island blown doAvn by violent tornado, June, 1808 Remarkably hot Sunday, July 17, 1808 Another address to President United States on Embar- go, October, 1808 Judge Livermore, Representative to Congress, 1808 Dr. Spring preached (Thanksgiving) against Embargo, December, 1808 Anniversary of first Embargo derisively celebrated, December, 1808 Town memorialize State Legislature on distressed state of the country, January, 1809 Soup houses for relief of poor established in winter 1809 Merrimac Bible Society instituted, 1809 Embargo repealed ; Non-Intercouse Act substituted, March, 1809 Upper story added to school-house, south end of Mall, 1809 Old wooden To-vra House, corner of State and Essex streets, torn down. May, 1809 Brick Town House built on same site, 1810 Committee appointed to see that all inhabitants are vac- cinated, 1810 Athenaeum incorporated, 1810 Essex Merrimac bridge rebuilt, being the first in New England, with chain draw, 1810 Town propose compromise measures with Proprietors, 1810 Great fire. May 31, 1811 398 HISTORY OP NEWBURYPORT. Act passed by Legislature against erecting wooden buildings over ten feet high, June, 1811 Brick block on State and Inn streets, and south west- erly side Market square, built in fall, 1811 An Act for appointing Constables in Newburyport, passed in June, 1811 Town petition for repeal of law against wooden buildings, 1812 Association of Disciples of Washington, or Washington Benevolent Society formed, 1812 Another Embargo Act, to hold for ninety days, April 4, 1812 War declared, June 18, 1812 PubHc fast appointed by Governor Strong, July, 1812 Town address Governor and Council on the Avar, June 25, 1812 " Republican Citizens " hold public meeting, and express sentiments in favor of the war, July, 1812 Franklin Library instituted, 1812 Town memorialize Legislature on situation of country, February, 1813 Observatory erected on Lunt's Hill, near head of Brom- field street, July, 1813 Citizens organize for defence of town, summer, 1813 Extensive repudiation of mourning garments and expen- sive funerals, 1813 Temporary fort erected on Plum Island, summer, ] 813 Selectmen give notice that a hearse is provided for use of town, 1813 British ships of war lying off the harbor, November, 1813 United States sloop-of-war Wasp, built, and launched September 18, 1813 Embargo Act in December, to continue (imless peace was concluded,) till 1815, 1813 Alarm posts established, 1814 Public illuminations and ringing of bells on abdication of Napoleon, June 17, 1814 Merrimack Military Society, organized August, 1814 The New England States unite in general thanksgiving, December 1, 1814 HISTOllY OF NEWBURYPORT. 399 Direct tax difficult to collect, 1814 Pulic rejoicings on news of peace with Great Britain, February 14, 1815 Five missionaries ordained, (June) and foui* sailed for Ceylon and Calcutta, in September, in brig Dryade, viz. : Messrs. Poor, Richards, Bardwell and Meigs, 1815 Cool summer, 1815 Thespian Club formed, December, 1816 President Monroe visited town June 12, 1817 Society for " emigrating West " formed, 1817 Sabbath School and Tract Societies formed, 1817 Fishing company started winter of , 1817 Cold Friday, January 13, 1^818 Howard Benevolent Society formed, 1818 West Newbury incorporated, 1819 Methodism introduced, 1819 Stoves introduced into meeting-houses about 1819 Convention to amend State Constitution, 1820 Linnean Society instituted, 1820 Merrimac Mission and Translation Society formed. T. M. Clark, President, 1820 Maine separated from Massachusetts and admitted to the Union, 1820 Piratical fleet appear in Bahama channel and greatly annoy our commerce for several years, 1820 Stephen M. Clark, of Newburyport, aged 17, executed in Salem for arson, May 10, 1821 Intensely cold January 24-26, 1821 Newburyport Debating Society get up Fourth of July celebration, 1822 Marine Bible Society formed, 1822 Society for promoting religious welfare of the Isles of Shoals formed, 1822 Market Hall built, 1823 Town pay the pilotage of foreign wood coasters, 1823 Vote of thanks by the town " to Mr. John Porter, for unprecedented energy in collectmg the taxes," 1824 400 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. La Fayette visits the town August 31, 1824 Jail empty, May 31, 1825 National Independence not celebrated July 4th, 1825 A lottery got up to aid Canal project, December 2d, 1825 Two circulating libraries open, 1826 Peace Society in operation, 1826 The town petition for a bank to assist Canal project, 1826 Fifitieth Anniversary of American Independence cele- brated with unusual splendor, and a Eulogy pronounced on Adams and Jefferson by Caleb Gushing, July 4th, 1826 Proprietors seek to eject town from Market House, 1826 Cushing's History of Newburyport published August, 1826 Proprietary claims extinguished, 1826 Special survey of harbor ordered by United States completed, 1827 Mozart Society formed, 1827 Jonathan Gage brought a suit against the Assessor of the Fourth Religious Society for the recovery of his parish tax ; plaintiff sustained by Supreme Court on ground that there existed no written form of membership, in spring, 1827 Harriet Livermore, (daughter of Judge Livermore, of Newburyport,) preached at Tammany Hall in New York, 1827 Water temporarily deepened on the bar, 1827 Newburyport Bridge opened to public, September 7, 1827 Newburyport Lyceum established, 1829-30 A breakwater built by order of Congress, (1828,) not completed till 1831 Brown Grammar and town Latin schools united, forming the present male Brown High School, 1832 Public fast in view of approach of cholera, June, 1832 Daily Herald commenced, 1832 Coal coming into general use, 1832 Richmond Circle organized (to support schools in Greece,) 1832 Collections made for Cape de Verde sufferers, 1832 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 401 Meeting of citizens to express anti-nullification senti- ments, 1832 WiUiam Lloyd Garrison refused opportunity of speak- ing on slavery in Ne-wburyport, 1832 A library of three hundred and ninety volumes collected for use of male High School, 1832 Henry Page found dead in his shop in Liberty street, having been twice stabbed, January 13, 1832 Town vote that the law forbidding the erection of wooden buildings over ten feet high "is preju- dicial to the interests of the town," and ought to be repealed, 1832 Plum Island Bridge washed away, 1832 Committee appointed to organize new Fire Department, March, 1833 Town ordered beUs to be rung at sunrise, 1833 Margaret Atwood's legacy to necessitous poor, out of the almshouse, received by selectmen, 1833 Petition presented to Congress to rebuild Plum Island Bridge, 1833 Old " beacon oak " on High street, fell down Sunday, July 21, "^ 1833 "Whaling Company formed, 1833 Newburyport Horticultural Society Exhibition, Sep- tember, 1833 John Quincy Adams revisits Newburyport, 1833 Town (majority in meeting,) request selectmen not to grant retail Hquor Hcenses, 1833 Act conferring full religious freedom, April 1,' 1834 Meeting of Essex County Freemasons, at Topsfield, September, to consult on expediency of surren- ing their charters, 1834 "A safe " procured for the safe-keeping of the Town BecordSj 1834 Washington Light Infantry disbanded March,. 1834 Considerable emigration to Texas from Newburjrport, in spring, 1835 26 402 HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. Celebration of " Second Centennial Anniversary of set- tlement of Newburj," observed in Newbury- port, May 26, 1835 Society for Eelief of Aged Females organized, 1835 Cotton manufacture introduced, » 1835 Museum opened, 1835 Granite Custom House built, 1835 Steamboat excursions on Merrimac river, summer, 1835 Wm. Wheelwright, of Newburyport, obtains exclusive right to the steam navigation of ports and rivers of ChiH, 1835 Bill introduced to Legislature to incorporate Newbury- port Silk Company, 1835 Relief Act for mackerel fishers passed Congress, 1835 Great shifting of the " bar," 1837 Plum Island bridge rebuilt, 1837 Bartlett's vroollen yarn, cotton batting, and wicking fac- tory, foot of Market street, burned; November, 1837 Tithing-men dispensed with, 1837 Surplus revenue received, 1837 Centre Female Grammar School continued through the year, 1837- Plum Island Lights rebuUt, 1838 Notifications for town meetings advertised in the Herald, instead of being " nailed on the First Parish meeting-house,'" 1839 Water brought in pipes from Frog pond to Brown's square, 1839 Great storms, December 15th, 24th and 30th, 1839 Property qualification for Senatorial voters abolished, 1840 Lyceum Institute (academy for young ladies) opened, 1840 Winter female schools established, 1840 Music by band on the Mali, summer evenings, 1840 New channel opened through Salisbury beach, Decem- ber, " 1840 County convention held, and public dinner given to Hon. Caleb Cushing, Webster, and other distinguished men present. J. Q. Adams sent a toast. A mSTORT OF XEWBURYPOET. 403 soiree was given in tha evening to some three thousand persons, in the fall of 1840 Eastern Railroad opened to Xewburrport, June 16, 1840 Funeral ceremonies observed for the late President Har- rison, May 3, 1841 Collections made for suJSerers by storm at Rockport, November, amotmting to 0288.43, 1841 Oak Hill Cemetery laid out, consecrated July 21, 1842 Surplus revenue appropriated, June 1st, 1843 Explosion of steam-boiler in Wormsted's patent cordage factory, between Bromfield and 31arlborough streets ; one man killed, another dangerously wounded, October 19, 1843 Semi-Centennial Anniversary of the ordination of Rev. Dr. Dana observed by religious services at Fed- eral street church, and social gathering of his friends in the evening, November 19, 1844 Xewburyport Museum closed, 1845 CoflBn's History of '• Ould Newbury, West Newbury, and Newburyport," published, 1845 Steamers on the Merrimac in summer, 1846 "War with Mexico, 1846 First Directory of Newburyport published, containing 2162 names, 1846 Houses first numbered, 1S47 Collections for Ireland, winter, 1S47 Magnetic Telegraph office opened December 25, 1847 Bells tolled, flags at half-mast, for death of J. Q. Ad- ams, February 26, 1848 Athenaeum Library sold and dispersed, 1849 " Father Matthew " in toAvn, September. 1849 Newburyport Railroad opened to Georgetown, May 22, 1850 Comer-stone of the Town Hall (present City Hall) laid July 4th, ' 1850 A man named Cutler mobbed for publishing a state- ment '■ that many mackerel fishermen took out papere for the cod fishery, to secure the bounty," November 26. * 1850 404 HISTORY OF ^^EWBUKYPORT. " Bromfield fund " income applied to improvement oi" streets, 1851 Part of Newbury annexed to Newburjport, April 16, 1851 Annual March meeting held in new Town Hall, 1851 City Government organized June 24, 1851 North Essex Horticultural Society, Wiliam Ashby, President, organized October, 1852 Union Mutual Marine Insurance Company, incorporated April 10, I. H. Boardman, President, J. J. Knapp, Secretary. 1852 EARTHQUAKES. Earthquakes have occurred in Newburyport and the immediate vicinity, in the following years : 1638, June 1st, P. M., (fair day.) 1643, March, early morning. 1663, January, February, and Jul)-. 1685, February 8th, Sabbath, P. M. 1727, October, November, and December. 1728, January, at intervals till May. 1729, iMarch, September, October, and November. 1730, February, April, July, August, November and December. 1731, January, March, May, July, August, and October. 1733, October 19th. 1734, January, October, and November. 1735, February 2d, 6 P. M. 1736, February, July, October, and November. 1737, February and December. 1741, January. 1742, March and September. 1743, August. 1744, May and June. 1747, January and December. 1755, November 18, and December 19. 1756, March. 1760, February. 1768, January and June. 1770, February 24th. snow-storm. HISTORY OF NEWBURYPORT. 405 1779, December. 1780, November, midnight. 1783, November. 1786, Jamiary and December. 1810, November. 1817, October otli, Sunday. 1846, August 25th, at 5 A. M. 1852, November 27th, night. ALPHABETICAL INDEX Agawam, 5, 10. Andros, Sir Edmund, 38, 39. Architecture, alteration of style, 174. Annexation, proposals for, 237, Annexation, Act of, 243, 24G. Andrews, Rev. John, 304. Adams, J. Quincy, 324. Adams, " Reformation John," 313. Anniversary, Second Centennial, 224-227. Arnold in Newburyport, 91, 92. Act regulating prices of goods, 95. Act for " Better Regulation of Province," 67. Allen, Ephraim AV., 257. Bar harbor, 9, 239. Books, scarcity of, 16. Belleville Congregational Society, 307; parish, 272. Brown family attacked by Indians, 40. Burying grounds, 233. Boston Port Bill, 76. Boston Massacre, 75. Bill for better regulation of Province of Massachusetts, 78. Bunker Hill, 87-91 ; monument, 231. Brown, Capt. Moses, U. S. N. 110, 111, 112, 352. Brown, Moses, 217, 385. Bass, Bishop Edward, 121, 372. Bread, size regulated, 151. Bartlett, William, 349, 153. Bartlett, Edmund, 158. Bridges, 171, 216, 234. Banks, 213, 282. Bromfield, John, 209. Blunt, Edmund M,, 256. Bradbury, Judge Theophilus, 345. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 40" Boyd, Brig. Gen. John, 351. Benjamin Franklin, letter of, 45. Breakwater erected, 223. Charter of King Charles, 7. Court House, 168. Court, Police, established, 223. Church, 1st, of jSTewbury, 12, 13, 58. " 2d " •' 43. " 3d " " 45. " Protestant Episcopal, 299. " 1st Congregational in Newburyport, 302. " 2d " " " 309. " . 1st Presbyterian " " 304. " 2d " " " 310. " Belleville Congregational, 307. " 4th " 310. " Roman Catholic, 316. " Second Advent, 317. " Christian, 315. " Baptist, 1st, 311. " " 2d, 317. Methodist Episcopal, 1st, 313. Methodist Episcopal, 2d, 314. Universalist, 315. WMtfield Congregational, 318. Chase, Aquilla, 20. Cattle in Newbury, 1 7. Cemetery, 233. Charitable Society, (General) 294, Coffin, Joshua, 319; Rev. Charles, 385. Caterpillars, plague of, 46. Captiu'es, 197. Coombs, "William, 293. Common Pleas, Court of, 63. Committees of Correspondence and Safety, 75, 81. Constitution, adoption of State, 94. Congress, Provincial, 93 ; Continental, 83. Continental money, description of, 105; depreciation of, 104. Canal project, 207. Contributions for soldiers' families, 96. Contributions, benevolent, 169, 189, 217. Coolidge, "Master," 216. Gushing, Hon. Caleb, 235, 248. Cold, intense, 218. California emigration, 236. 40« ALPHABETICAL INDEX. City expenses, 250. City Hall, 239. City Charter, 247; ordinances, 249; officers, 248. City Arms, 250. Cross, Stephen and Kalph, 155,380. Coach stage started, 71. Convention at Ipswich, [tl. Convention, State, (1820) 212. Currency, change in, 148. Dummer Kichard, 13. Academy, 295. Donahew, Capt., 47. Duties on goods, 209. Dark day, 103. , Debt, public, 125. Dalton, Hon. Tristram, 71, 129, 344 ; letter from, concernmg President Wash- ington, 132. Democrats, 137, 200. Denmark molests our commerce, 162. Dexter Timothy, 1 74-1 78. Distilling, 170. Dress, 173 ; laws regulating, 19. Emigrants, eai-ly character of, 13, 18. Education, 16. Expedition to Lake George, 50 ; Louisburg, 48 ; Penobscot, 118 ; Rhode Island, 100. Episcoi^al Church, 121, 299. Earthquakes, 51-55 ; list of, 404. Essex County, 22. Essex Junto, 158. Exports, 65, 183, 232. Embargo, 167, 180; derisive celebration of, 181. Ecclesiastical sketches, 296. Factory, first woollen incorporated, 153. Fast, 193. Farrls, Capt. William, 369. Fisheiies, 208 ; whale, 223; loss of fishing fleet, 240. Fishing, 224. French settlement, 11. French neutrals, 63. French aggressions, 192. French presumption and influence, 136-189, 192. France, defensive measures against, 155. Ferries, 17. Franklin, Benjamin, letter of, 45. Fort Merrimac, 82. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 409 Fort oa Plum Island, 82. Fort Phillip, 203. Fire Department, 252. Federalists, 137, 200. Fire, "great," 185-191. Fire, by-laws to prevent, 151, 152. Fever, epidemic, 151. Grantees of Newbury, 13. Great Britain, aggressions of, 143, 163. Greenleaf, Capt. Steph., 41 ; Prof. Simon, 24 7; Hon. .Jonathan, 80, 346. Gunpowder, unnecessary use of, 83. Gas, 252. Garrison, Wm. Lloyd, 261, Gates, Gen. Horatio, letter of, 357. Green street, donors of land, 1 20. Hodge, Michael, 385. Howard Benevolent Society, 294. Hair, orders against long, 19. Hooper, Stephen, 385; Lucy, 231, 387, Hooper, Madam, 35. Herbert, Charles, 114, 383, High street, 271. Hosiery manufactured, 217, Hodge, Michael, 92. Indians, 5-8, 10, 15. Independence, Declaration of, anticipated, 84. Independence, Declaration of, read in meeting houses, 93. Indictment, witch, 3 7. Incorporation of religious societies, 149. Ipswich fright, 84. Insurance Companies, 72. Insurance policy, (ancient,) 72. Inoculation for small-pox, 134, Inoculation, regulations of hospital for, 135. Impressment of seamen, 163, 166, Internal improvements projected, 206. Imports, 159, 232. Ireland, relief for, 236. Jones, John Paul, 114; letter of, 365. Jackson Family, 337-344 ; Hon. Jonathan, Judge Charles, Dr. James, Patrick T. Johnson, Capt. Nicholas, 123. King, Rufus, 325, Knapp,' Samuel Lorenzo, LL, D., 326. Land, division of, 12-13. Lands, undivided, 64. 410 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Lightning, damage by, 45. Lonisburg, siege of, 48. Lexington, 86. Lrmt. Ezra (Capt), 86, 127, 362. Lunt, Henry, 363 ; Cutting, 369 : Daniel, 369. Lunt, Micajah, 118. La Fayette, xisit of; 218. Lowell family, 330-337 ; Rev. John, Judge John, John, LL. D., Francia C. Lace School, 217. Lyceum, 253. Libraries, 168, 253. Longevity, instances of, 272. Limestone discovered, 42. Masonic Lodges, 289. Merrimac river, &-10; clejiring, 154 ; frozen, 21S. Mycall John, 126,256. Mason, Eobert, claim of 38. MasconomOj 5, 6, 8. Massachusetts divided into counties, 22. Massachusetts, claims, 220. Meeting-houses, 13, 23 : at Pipe Stave Hill, 43 : Quaker, 47. Meeting-house, sealing the, 26. Macy, Thomas, 23. Morse house, 29. Monroe, President, visit of, 209. Mob, 69. Militia, 128. 3ililitary division of town, 83. Military companies, 81, 82, 99, 288. Merrimac, ship, 156, Merrimac Humane Society-, 292. Medical Association, 294. Merrill, Orlando B., 155, 199. Maine, State of, divided from Massachusetts, 213. Market square, 215 ; Hall, 215. Manufectures, 224, 228. Murray, Eev. John, 375. Milton, Eev. Charles W., 376. Moody, "Master," 320. Mills, cotton, 228,285. :Mackerel inspected, 24 1, 242. Marine Society, 82, 291. Newbury settied, 10; incorporated, 11 Newbury, eminent men of, 57, 58. Noyes, Rev. James, 13. ALPHABETICAL DfDEX. 411 Nortblk street, 304. Xorfblk County, 22. Xorfolk, Ya., correspondence with, 179. 2^e-wburyport incorporated, 60, 61. Newboryport made port of entry, 129. Newburyport, general description of^ 26 7. Xewboxyport, population of, 61,267, 237. Xewboryport, salubrity of, 271. Xewburyport, boundaries enlarged, votes for, 23 7. Xewburyport. city govemment oi^anized, 243. Xewburyport, distinguished men ot^ 383. Newburyport, -women of^ 386. Nichols, Capt. William, 191, 194, 196 Xavy, British, 193. Xapoleon, injurious measures o^ 192. Xapoleon, rejoicings at abdication of, 203. Xavigation act. 215. Xon-importation, 74. Non-intercourse, 133. Newspapers, 254. Odd Fellows, 290. Old Tenor currency. 14-3. Old Tenor, death of, (poetry.) 148, 149. Observatory erected, 202. Plum Island, general description of. 273. Plum Island, eighteen lights. 130 : turnpike, 169. Parker. Eev. Thomas, 13, 57. Parsons, Theophilus, 94, 320. Parsons, Eev. Jonathan, 86 ; Samuel H., 38a. Parker river, 5 7. Puritans, 300. Parishes, religious. 3d. Post Office, 84. Pettingell, Amos, 385. Pierce's &rm. 268. Political Parties, 137. Pond, frog, 234, 270. Plant, Sev. Matthias, 43, 301. Presbyterianism,297; ist Church, 304 ; 2d Church, 310. Proprietary rTaimg, 64 ; extinguished, 222. Piers sunk, 32 ; built, 106. Perkins, Capt. Benjamin, 37. Perkins, Jacob, 378. Pearson, Amos, 98, 99. Privateering, 105, 197. ^^2 ALPHABKTICAL INDEX. Privateers, Daltoa, 114. Prisoners, American, list of in Mill Prison, 115. Prisoners, American, in Algiers, 14 7. Peace of 1783, 123. Peace of 1814, 205. Pilotage, regulations for Newburyport, 131. Pilotage, town pay that of wood coasters, 207. Pilots, limits for Xewburyport, 131. Pickering, United States ship, built, 155. Palmer, Timothy, 171. Poetiy, 159. Poor, town's, G2, G3, 21 1. Putnam, OHver, 346; School, 251. Pike, Capt. Albert, 235. Paine, Robert Treat, 326. Pike, Mcholas, 93, 327. Preaching, unlicensed, 23. Potatoes introduced, 44. Periodicals published, 254. Quascacunquen river, 10. Quascacuuquen lodge, 290. Quakers, 24 ; Quaker field, 4 7. Quebec, rejoicings on surrender of, 50. Queen Ann's chapel, 301. Revolution, American, 84-121. Revolution, French, 136. Rebellion, Shay's, 127. Republican party, 137. Religious Freedom, 149. Robbery, sham, 210. Revenue surplus, 229. Railroads, Eastern, 233 ; Newburyport, 240. Rawson, Edward, 1 7. Seating the meetinghouse, 26. Seizures of vessels, 140-146, 160, 161, 162, 163, 165. Sagamores, 5. Selectmen, 15. Schools, 16, 62, 84, 149, 232: Female, 101 ; Lancaster.an, 216 ; African, 216. Mavery, 55 ; extinct in Massachusetts, 56. Stocks, town fined in default of having, 17. Ship-building and principal ship-buUders, 262.f Shipping, 65, 224. Stetson, Mr. Prince and Charies A., 219. Sturgeon in Merrimac, 26. Streets laid out, 43. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 413 Stamp Act — (British) — its several specifications, 67-70. Stamp Act— Olass.)— " " " 126- Supreme Court, attempts to secure sitting of, 168. Sewall," Master," 100. Small-pox, dread of, 134-136. Swett, Dr. J. Barnard, 370. Smu;igling, 180. Silver Greys, 202. Sea Fencibles, 203. Steam navigation, 239. Social manners, 171, 172. Storms, 240, 274, 277. Spring, Eev. Dr., 91. Sawyer, Dr. Mcajah, 38.5. Trees planted, 120. Town expenses, 242. Towns, residents of, to be approved by general consent, 63. Tonnage table, 266. Tithingmen, 21. Tides, 42. Tunes, variety of introduced, 44. Tea, introduction of, 44, 75, 77. Tax on tea, 74 ; tax, direct, 208. Tea, smuggling of, 76, 77. Throat distemper, epidemic, 46. Transport, capture of, 108. Tides, high, 274, 277. Titcomb, Col. Moses, 48 ; Enoch, 384 ; Jonathan, 384. Tories, 95. Tracy, Nathaniel, 106, 348. Time, computation of changed, 5. Temperance, 217, 229. Telegraph, magnetic, 235. Town House built, 50. Town Hall, 239. Thomas, Isaiah, 255. Turnpikes, Newburyport, 169 ; Plum Island, 169. Tyng, Dudley A., (Judge.) 156. 385. United States, adoption of Constitution by Mass., 94; prejudice against ceding land to, 129. United States vessels built, 155-156. Yellow or "malignant fever," great fetality from. 154. Yergenis, Dr. Francis, 385. Vessels, list of taken by British, in 1794, 142. Valuation of Newburyport, 232, 251. 414 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Winthrop, Governor, 11 ; John, 10. AVar, Pequod, 15. " King Phillip's, 27. " Castine's, or French and Indian, 40. " Revolutionary, 86-121 ; expenses of, 121. " with Great Britain, (1812,) 192-203. " with Mexico, 235. Wolves, 55. Wigs, 49. Witchcraft, 28-37. " Water-side" interests, 60, 2£i9. Wharves, 24, G4. West India trade, 66. Whitfield, Rev. George, 48, 374. Water lots laid out, 64. Washington, visit of, 132, 133; monument to, 170 ; death of, 157 ; lettei-s of to Col. Ed. Wigglesworth, 361 ; to N. Pike, 327. Wrecks, 159, 274, 276. Wasp, U. S. sloop, 198. Water, analysis of, 272. Walsh, " Master," 347. Wigglesworth, Col. Edward, 356. West Point, Richard Titcomb's Company at, 104. ERRATA. Page 22, foot note should not be credited to County Records , " 28, third line from bottom, read odor for order. " 64, second line from bottom, read omit it. " 177, in note f, for Esq., read M. D. "• 198, for Capt. Wells, read Wills. '• 214, ninth line from top, for three, read one. " 216, for Summer street, read Strong. " 267, for Atley, read Alley. " 268, fifth line from foot, for Pierice, read Pierce. " 303, thirteenth line from foot, read 1725 for 1735. " 281, the Union Mutual Marine was accidentally omitted in list of Insurance Offices. [See Chronological Index.]