'- \..^ .v^^ - ^o V^ ^"'■t. ' e » .0 %^ -> c^ "^ ^^ ^^^ "^^ .%'- -■'-■ ^-> s'^' '5* •<^- "^'> '-•''' '"'^• \ 4^ "^"f^' u^' * ^ .(y ,^ :'^i^^ ^< ^ ^- -. K.VX.* "y ^ ^. .-v ^ ^^ • ^ ~ ■" -^ '^ ' '^r?* C,'^^ ^ " -^ '- y'.- v,\ ^ : ^ '\ V o > A o > <> 'o • » * ^O ':^ a' • * A^ ^ O V , . , s \. .**■ ^=1^ ^^ * o « o " -^^ > v^^ ^'% v-^^ ^^ -^^ ^^ „ » a . < ■0 «>"•-. *0 o " o -^ ';^., ^••^$^<' ^.. .v'^'" .^,.?^/^,^ ^--x ^•' «>' c^ 'O^^*^ T<. ^^ s\' "<'• .'% V .0^ -^^ ■^^ #■ .^ -^^0^ 'bv" ' o ^ •Op. .V^ ^y^^:.;^- is^- -^ -^-^^ 0^ \ - ■r-'\ a>*5 :^* .^^ 'o , ^ ' ,0 •^'\- -c.^^^. i^fv. LIST OF Pfc:RSO^ ASSESSED A State, Town and County Tax, I' m THE TOWN OF CHARLESTOWN, > FOR THE YEAR 1844. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE TOWN. CHARLESTOWN: AUEOBA POWER PBEflS- March 1845. FT-) ,, •o At a town meeting, > Chaklestown, May 6, 1844 : ) Voted,— That the Town Treasurer be Instructed to report with his annual statement, a List of all persons taxed, with the amount of such Tax, designating those paid and those not paid, on the last day of Febru- ary next, preceding his said statement. A True Copy, \ As APPEARS OF Record. > Attest, DAVID DODGE, Town aerh. ^o^yy LIST OF PERSONS TAXED, &c. The uames of those Persons whose Taxes remain unsettled, are denoted by a [*] Amory, Henry C. 1 50 ♦Allen, William 2 35 Alexander, Daniel 1 50 Anderson, Dugal 1 50 Ackerman, George I 50 *Averill, William 1 50 Almeida, Joseph E. 1 50 Andrews, Samuel F. 1 50 Arnold, William 56 55 Arnold, Isaiah F. 4 90 Arnold, George 4 90 *Allen, Cornelius 1 50 Armstrong, James 66 90 Austin, Patrick 1 50 Allen, James 1 50 Almeida, Francis J. 7 45 Averili, Ebenezer 1 50 Alden, Ichabod 15 10 Allen, S. J. 1 50 Arnold, James 4 90 Andrews, Francis M. 1 50 •Alexander, Christopher 3 20 Abbot, William 28 70 *Adams, Jabez F. I 50 *Aiwood, Samuel 1 50 Austin, Arthur W. 128 48 Andrews, Abraham ■. 72 05 Angier, Calvin 10 00 Abbot, Samuel 186 80 Austin, Edward 1 50 Adams, Samuel Jr. S 20 Armstead, Samuel L. 1 50 Alberti, Raphael 1 50 •Amory, Charles 1 50 Alley, Reuben 2 35 Allen, Thomas 1 50 Adams, Edwin F. 88 20 Adams, George S. 95 51 Adams, Chester 137 50 Adams, James 117 95 Austii?, Nathaniel 1 50 Austin, Henry D. Adams, George A. Ayer, Samuel *Ayer, Alvah G. ♦Adams, Abraham D. Ames, Philander Archer, William Arnold, C.H, S. Anlone, Benedict . Armstead, John Ayer, Nathaniel Ayer, Nathaniel Jr. Anderson, Swain Atkins, Washington *Ames, Deane •Andrews, Samuel •Andrews, George Averil, Hiram Anderson, Dugal 2d Ames, Willard Abbot, John G. Albee, Godfrey B. Allen, David Avery, James Adarns, Edward Adams, Daniel S. Austin, Lucy Austin, Lucy Guard. Adams, Beniamin Heirs of 63 75 Adams. Nathan Heirs of 1 70 Arnold, William Heirs ol Arnold, Catharine Arnold, James & Co. Abbot, Samuel & Co. Armitage, John 47 40 3 20 15 95 S 20 1 50 66 10 1 50 15 53 4 05 4 05 45 70 1 50 18 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 26 15 4 05 1 50 1 50 12 55 7 45 1 50 109 45 1 50 102 85 65 03 37 40 8 50 34 00 30 60 1 50 AustinfAutherW. Guard. 6 80 Burr &. Willis, * Brown, Ephraim Burr, Freeman F. * Barry, Jotham 34 00 1 50 21 05 1 5o Brannin, James Bowen, John R. Barker, Thomas * Blossom, * Bagley, John * Baker, Stephen BriiUnall, jBenjamin Brintnall, Benjamin Jr., * Brintnall, Ezra W. Brintnall, Thomas Brintnall, Samuel Brintnall, Samuel R. Brown, Ezra Barker, William H. * Bauy, Augustus * Uryant, James Bri-jgs, Philander S. * Bird, Asa Burnham, Francis A. Bartlett, Stephen Beersj Jacob Berry, John * Boyd, Robert Burroughs, William * Butler, John * Bulger, Edward Byron, Thomas C. Byron, Thomas A. * Butler, Edward Bnwthrop, Thomas Blanchard, Marshall Boudett, Louis Burckes, Martin Jr., * Barber, Alexander M. Brackett, Joseph * Barker, Josiah H. Brackett, Thomas O. Barker, Abel Barker, Cyrus Bartlett, Jonathan Battles, James Burbank, Elisha Barry, Edwin C. » Blood, Nathan * Blood, Nathan Jr., Butts, Noah * Bass, John * Bambrick, Lawrence Boss, Robert P. Bailey, Otis Breed, Ebenezer Blanchard, Francis H. Buddington, William J. Bigelow, Timothy S. Baldwin, Joshua s 20 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 124 S3 17 65 1 50 I 50 1 50 3 20 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 24 45 1 50 3 00 44 85 1 50 1 50 1 50 4 22 1 50 1 50 12 21 1 50 1 20 18 50 42 00 16 30 7 45 1 50 4 05 4 05 4 90 84 65 16 80 1 50 1 50 1 50 2 35 3 20 1 50 10 00 1 50 1 50 18 50 1 50 164 70 8 30 11 70 1 50 1 50 Beddoe, Thomas Bailey, James Barstow, Charles Beniley, Thomas Blaisdell, Charles Brackett, Charles Bettingson, Richard Blaisdell, Nicholas Burroughs, John Bent, Stephen C. Bibram, Joseph Birdsall, Edward M. Bruce, Joseph A. Burt, Reuben W, Baxter, Hiram Bazin, Richard C. Bennett, Jonas Butts, William D. Bassett, Abigail and Rachel 11 90 Brewster, Ezra S. Baker, James L. Bradford, Edmund * Barnard, John Barnard, Currier Babbit, Alvin Badger, Heirs of John * Bowen, John Bradbury, THomas Bryantj George W. Bryant, Charles M. Bell, Benjamin Bryant, William T. Bailey, Levi Beers, Cliarles R. Barreil, Colburn Bradford, Jeremiah B. * Bradford, Augustus T. Bryant, Ebenezer Blanchard, H.V.V. Blanchard, Asa * Burnett, James * Burnetti James F. * Burnett, 'Ihomas Bourne, James L. Baxter, Alexander P. Barker, Benjamin Bruce, Hollis Brown, Elbridge Bullard, Eliphaz Barker, William Buel, Jeremiah * Breeden, Lewis Bailey, Kendall * Bambrick, James * Brintnall, Samuel 2d, s 2© 1 50 1 50 1 50 11 70 1 50 8 SO 11 70 1 50 L 50 1 50 1 50 3 20 1 50 1 50 13 40 31 25 20 20 11 90 4 05 S 20 1 50 4 31 5 75 9 15 14 45 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 79 70 1 50 1 50 10 85 18 30 1 50 1 50 11 70 20 20 1 50 21 90 3 20 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 16 80 4 05 1 50 1 50 5 75 186 80 1 50 1 50 Brown, Benjamin F. Uradbury, Joeiah C. * Brown, Francis B. Bailey, Kendall 2d, Blanchard, Isaac Beal, Elijah * Uender, John Berry, John 2d, Blanchard, Cyrus * Blanchard, Cyrus Jr., Badger, Benjamin Cadger, Benjamin F. Bacon, William H. Bryant, Timothy Bryant, David Barrett, Jonas Boyd, Joseph F, Bunting, Alexander A. Bent, Ebenezer Bridge, Jonathan D. Baldwin, George R. Boujton, William Barry, William Beitis, Joseph L. Brown, John H. Brackett, Benjamin F. •Bangs, Lewis •Brackett, Isaac Brown, James Brown, David Bellows, Albert J. •Bailies, Antonio Bradbury, Oakes •Buikley, Charles Bragdon, Peter Boardman, John Brandenburg, Oliver W. Babcock, Moses Babcock, Albert Buffum, George R. Bailey, Loammi Burnham, Daniel •Burrell, W. A. Barker, Ebenezer Bruce, Benjamin Baker, Alice Baker, Ebenezer Bakewcll, Henry Boynton, Hiram Barker, Loring Bushee, John L. •Balman, Francis C. Brintnall, Stephen Bridgeman, Abel Blanchard, Benjamin G. I 50 3 20 S 20 4 05 85 50 3 20 1 50 1 50 13 40 1 50 26 10 1 50 33 90 62 70 6 GO 32 10 29 55 2 35 3 20 4 05 40 60 1 50 3 20 6 60 55 05 1 50 1 50 1 50 3 20 20 20 17 65 1 50 4 05 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 8 30 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 49 95 10 00 204 00 4 05 4 90 1 50 16 30 1 50 4 05 3 20 1 50 32 10 Bryant, John Bailey, Barker •Boyle, Patrick •Baleman, William C. Barker, George Brown, Jonathan Jr., Baker, Abiah Brayman. Bailies Basselt, Si'well D. Urnvvn, Amos Blaod, John Bowman; Zadork Bowman, Dexier Brown, Benjamin Jr., Brown, Edward W. Brown, Caleb S. •Bovvers, Edward C. •Blanchard, Sylvanus Black, John Bovvden, John Bailey, Joshua S. Brower, Henry Bailcv, George S. Bemis, J. W. Blanchard, Reuben K. Bradley, Edwin Brown, James 2(1. Brown, John Isaac E. Brown, Brooks, Nathaniel P. Burns, William M. Bryant, John Jr. Blanchard, Benjamin *Bosuetl, James B Blanchard, Fisher A. *Bartlctt, Balfour, Waller Balfour, David M. •Bridge, Samuel J. Bradshaw, Eleazer E. •Bonar, Cornelius Buckley, Samuel •Belyea, David W. •BelycB, William /Jeaman, E. Benjamin Burr, Henry T. Barker, Charles A. •Brackett, Ebenezer W. Beck, John H. Burr, Joshua Butterfield, William Brown, Oliver Burrell, Joseph •Belcher, William Breed, Anderson P. 1 50 14 25 1 50 1 50 59 SO 31 25 1 50 4 05 1 50 3 20 12 75 44 65 88 20 44 00 25 30 4 05 7 45 1 50 1 50 11 70 38 05 3 20 1 50 22 75 1 50 7 45 1 50 12 55 6 60 5 75 45 70 1 50 1 50 1 50 S 20 1 50 96 70 3 20 4 05 127 SO 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 3 20 10 00 1 50 1 50 1 50 27 00 1 50 58 OS 5 75 1 50 IS 40 Bailey, Ephraim Baxter, Stacy Bispliam, William •Bosworlh, Daniel E. Barry, Jolham Jr. Blanchard, S. Stoddard Baker, Richard JBaker, Richard Jr. Brovrn, Jacob Blanchard, Isaac W. Brighaqj, Elijah P. Barrus, Benjamin K. Blanchard, Seth barker, Asa B. 'JBrannin, John Heirs of Josiah Brackett, Samuel G. Bodge, •Frederick Boyer, Elijah Bigelow, John V. Butterfield, Charles P. Brooks, Abijah Blanchard, William P. B. Brooks, Stephen Bennett, Charles Bennett, ♦John Blaban, *^George Brown. William Biirbank, Simon Blanchard, Edwin Bisbee, Ellas T. Bowthrop, Peler Brown, Joseph K. Brown, Henry Blesdell, James Blesdell, John J. Blesdell, Willard Baker, Wm. H. Bridgman, Stephen V. R. Bridgman; Sullivan Bigelow, Charles H. C. Blaisdell, Levi Bailey, 2d, *Henry Bowers, Archibald Babcock, Josiah Brown, •Curtis Bean, Timothy Bartletl, •James W. Brown, H. G. Blakesley. ■*Heirs of George Brown, Heirs of Ephraim Breed, Heirs of Jesse Brown, Heirs of Jona. Bridge, Heirs of 'Thomas Beckford, Heirs of Reuben K. Barns 1 50| 8 SO 1 50 3 75! 5 55' 10 85 39 75 6 60 14 25 y 15 10 85 10 00 1 50 57 60 1 50 3 20 12 55 8 SO 27 00 13 40 5 75 1 50; 3 20 1 50 1 50 184 68 2 78 1 50 3 20 1 50 1 50 29 75 17 00 28 48 25 50 133 98 , 6 80 Heirs of Elizabeth Bartlett, David Brown & Son, Jos. F. Boyd & Co. D. & Z. Bowman, 1 Bradley & Richardson, Joseph Burrell & Co. *John A. Barnicoal, Thomas Brown, jr. •Michael Bugden, Benjamin jBiown, Heirs of Jo.-hua ^urr, Cole, Augustus H. Cofiay, Edward *Crowley, Jerrey Conroy, John ^Carroll, Timothy Cockran, Robt. B. Creaton, John Currell, Joseph S. *Currell, Elbridge G. Clark, James Carry, Thomas Conroy, Edward Conner, John Cunningham, John T. Cooper, Samuel Carnes, Edward Jr. Chase, Wells *C3ssada, Andrew Cooney, Edward Conway, Edmund Corey, John W. Chamberlain, Abraham Caldwell, John Cole 2d, John Crisp, Robert *Canaan, John Cutler, Nelson Cutter, Joseph Jr. Clark, Alvah Clarke, Perley Crafts, Elias Crafts, William H. Crowningshield, JBenj. Caverly, Moses Cook, Trueworthy Cilly, Jonathan Crosby, jQseph Clark, Stephen G. * Clark. Stephen ChikN, William Campbell, James Cass. Rijfus Curtain, William 22 10 2 55 3 40 04 55 31 03 17 00 1 50 7 65 3 00 25 50 15 30 6 60 6 60 1 50 3 00 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 35 50 50 50 7 03 1 50 1 50 1 50 11 90 3 20 3 20 50 50 16 80 50 93 10 00 50 50 4 05 4 05 6 60 50 50 50 50 10 00 50 50 50 50 50 Curtis, James 1 50 •Childs, John 50 Caban, "William 10 00 •Conn, George 5 75 Caldwell, Asa 1 50 •Carr, Charles F. 1 50 Clark, Asahel 0. 1 50 Cook, Isaac 4 90 Caswell, William 122 20 Coleman, Ebenezer 3 20 Caswell, Octavius P. 1 50 Carter, Granville 4 90 Campbell, Mrs 13 60 Clark, Charles S. 4 90 Caswell, Jacob 85 45 Chandler, Samuel 12 75 Caswell, Francis J. 3 20 Carter, Joseph 51 65 * Caswell, James M. 3 i20 Cloutnian, John 5 75 Crowningshield, Jacob 6 60 Carter, Adolphus J. 14 76 Chapin, Nahum SO 91 Cade, William H. 3 20 ♦ Calender, Jnha 1 50 Clark, Aaron 1 60 • Carrigan, barney 1 50 Carpenter, Thomas N. 5 75 Costigan, Edward 1 50 Childs, Francis 5 75 Comberford, Michael 5 75 Chase, Nathan R. 1 50 Culler, Oliver C. 5 75 Caldwell, John Jr. 39 20 Clapp, George H. 1 50 Caldwell, John B. 48 05 Curtis, John Jr. 10 85 Carr, Joseph 1 50 Clark, Isaiah 1 50 Carter, C. Soule 5 75 * Clark, John A. 1 50 Chapin, Edwin H. 11 70 * Conlcy, Edward 1 50 Crozier, Thomas 3 20 Cutter, Ezra 10 00 Crocker, Benjamin 1 50 Crowell, Aaron 10 00 Cheever, John 95 00 Choate, Benjamin E. 1 50 Caldwell, Joseph 1 50 Crocker, John 4 05 Colby, Jeremiah C. 1 50 Culbertson, Nathaniel Y, 1 50 Champney, Samuel 4 90 Clnff, Samuel 1 50 Cristy, WiUiam C. 84 38 •Carver, Cyrus W. 1 50 Cristy, Wm. C. Jr. 6 60 •Chubb, Thomas Jr. 1 50 Cristy, John B. 11 36 •Chubb, John 1 50 Cristy, Moses 1 50 •Clark, 1 50 Chickcring, Joseph 1 50 ♦Coiey, Richard P. 13 91 Cutting, Wm. H. 5 75 Chapman, Faulkner 11 70 Coleman, Wm. W. » 13 40 •Colman, Charles 1 50 Cummings, Patrick 1 50 Cate, Amasa L. 1 50 CasseU, Wm. C. 6 60 Clark, Rufus K. 1 50 Carter, Charles S. 3 20 Covington, Caroline L. 7 65 Curtis, R. 1 50 Curtis, Nathan P. B. S 20 Conn, Henry 8 20 *Corey, Benjamin 1 50 Cutter, Joseph C. 8 20 Clancey, Hapkel D. 1 50 Clulds, George H. 10 00 *Craig, John D. 2 35 Cook, Edward 1 50 Caryl, Henry 1 50 Caverly, Leonard 1 50 Child, Nicholas G. 6 60 * Chandler, 1 50 Currier, John 1 50 Cobb, ]Moses G. 1 50 Cook, Henry A. 2d. 1 50 Cutter, Ammi 18 50 Cole, Lysander 1 50 Carlcton, William 165 55 Caldwell, Daniel 1 50 * Cate, WilHam 1 50 Cobb, William 11 70 * Carroll, John 1 50 Call, John 1 50 Cook, Enoch 44 00 Call, Henry J. 1 50 Cameron, Alexander J. 10 00 Conant, Peter 21 31 Cameron, Allen 1 50 Conant, George H. 4 05 Gushing, Isaac 8 20 Conant, William F. 3 20 Chalk, WiUiam 8 20 Cottle, Abisha 10 00 Crane, Silas 1 50 Cox, Charles 1 60 Cutter, Thomas M. 76 30 Cole, Charles 1 50 Cummings, Nathaniel 3 20 Cobb, Cyrus 10 85 Call, Jonathan 48 25 Cody, John 1 60 Curtis, Jarcd 8 30 Corrigill, James 13 4§ Collings, Joshua C. 1 50 * Clark, 1 50 Carpenter, MarccUus 4 90 Carleton, Catharine 58 65 Carleton, Alfred 73 75 Clufi; Jonathan C. 3 20 Cutter, Samuel 24 03 * Cutter, Samuel E. 1 50 Curtis, H. B. 6 60 Cole, John 82 25 Campbell, Michael 2 01 Chapman, Lothrop 3 * Chandler, Ephraim 1 Chandler, Elijah 1 Corey, Isaac 4 Carroll, Hugh 1 Crafts, Elias Jr. 28 70 Collier, Charles 3 Clark, George H. 3 Cook, Henry A. 1 Colburn, Gilbert 1 * Chipman, David 1 Currier, Ephraim 10 85 Clapp, Otis 30 40 Clapp,John H. 33 80 Clapp, JV'Irs Eliza 48 45 Clapp, Miss Eliza A. 28 90 Carr, Benjamin 1 60 Crisp, Antonio 3 20 Cutter, Edward 1 50 Call, Ed-win 1 50 Childs & Carpenter, 25 50 Children, Henry 24 45 Calder, Robert 20 20 Calder, Robei-t Jr. 74 60 Clarid^e, Stephen H. 1 50 Crowningshield, AbrahamW. 27 00 Charter, John 3 20 Chandler, Thomas M. 1 50 Cutter, Amos 17 65 Cutter, Amos Jr. 1 50 Cook, William 1 50 Chamberlain, Lowell W. 4 05 Cushing, Luther 13 40 Cummings, James M. 1 50 Crooker, Nathaniel 21 90 Chambers, John 1 60 Cunningham, Hartley 1 50 *Card-, John P. 1 50 Cheeney, Albion P. 1 50 Carter, Lorenzo D. 1 50 Carter, Augustus H. 3 20 Chandler, William T 17 65 Conant, Levi 15 10 Colburn, Alfred H. 1 50 *Clark, 1 50 Cole, Gale 1 50 Cutter, Samuel 2d. 66 02 Crafts, Israel . 1 50 *Crowell, Hosea 1 60 Carr, Samuel 32 10 Churchill, David 1 50 Clark, Aaron 2d. 21 90 Carter, Charles B. 1 60 Caldwell, Moses H. 18 50 Call, Robert 29 72 *CaU, William 1 50 Chase, Samuel C. 1 60 *Conway, 1 50 Chase, Lj-man 0. 1 50 Corey, Benjamin 1 50 Can-, Uriah W. 11 70 Chandler, N. A. 5 75 Coon, John 8 30 Chadborn, Horace 1 50 Corey, Anna 22 10 Caldwell, James Heirs of 9 35 CofTran, John 36 55 Coifran, Susan Mrs. 29 75 Cook, Lydia Mrs. 7 65 Clark, Samuel Estate of 18 70 Carter, Esther Miss 3 40 Cai-ter & Worthen, 5 10 Clark & Varney, 10 71 Crafts & Carter, 5 10 Cutter & Mullett, 22 27 Courtney, Abraham V. ' 1 50 *Donogan, Timothy 1 50 Delano, Jeptha 1 50 Di.\, Levi 1 60 Durkin, Mark 1 50 Downer, Elisha 1 50 Dana, Henry 12 55 Devlin, Peter 1 50 Dooley, Henry 1 50 Durgan, 1 60 *Deane, Robert 1 50 Dearing, Thomas 38 38 Decoster, Amos R. 11 3fi ♦Downa, John 1 50 ♦Donley, Peter 1 50 Davis, Daniel 1 50 Dearborn, John H. 3 20 Devens, Samuel 94 58 Duncan, Stephen D. 50 ♦Devens, Francis P. 1 50 Daggett, Samuel 50 Delano, William N. 3 20 Dinsmore, Samuel 50 Dearborn, James 23 60 Dyer, Lemuel 50 Davenport, Oliver 2 00 Dennis, Jacob 50 Devlin, John 18 50 Dennis, William 50 Dean,e, Charles 1 50 *Dearing, Thomas T. 45 Deane, C. C. 13 40 Decoster, Charles G. 50 Devens, David 365 73 Donley, James 50 Devens, William H. 1 50 *Ducy, James 50 Do'vvner, Barney T. 14 93 Deneen, Daniel 50 Delano, Nathaniel 11 70 Devens, Richard 56 75 Dod^e, David 24 45 Devcns, Thomas M. 30 Deblois, James 35 50 *Devens, Henry 50 Drew, Harriet 2G 00 Dyer, Jones 27 00 Draper, Samuel 20 35 Dyer, George W. 50 Draper, Edward 1 50 *Dingley, Samuel 50 Dana, Edward 4 05 Davis, Joseph 20 Denvir, Patrick 16 80 *Davis, John 50 Denvir, William 1 50 Dillingham, Samuel H. 50 ♦Dougherty, 1 50 *Drew, Levi J. 50 ♦Dorrity, James 1 50 *Demming, Francis 50 Davis, John 1 50 Doane, Hcman S. 58 11 ♦Davis, Luther 4 05 Doyle, Michael 13 40 Dearborn, David 1 50 *Dennihuc, Thomas 50 Daniels, Leverett 1 50 Danforth, Henry 50 Deane, Joseph 1 50 *Deland, James 50 Diinlap, Samuel 1 50 *Doyle, ]\Iichael 2d. 50 Dodge, Francis S. 1 50 *Davis, William J. 50 Davis, Henry A. 1 50 Darton, William 4 05 Dadley, James G. 1 50 ♦Dili, Moses 50 ♦Dewson, Alexander 3 40 Downing, Abraham E. 3 00 ♦Dexter, Gideon 6 09 Dockham, B. Josiah 50 ♦Dre^vrey, William P. 1 50 Davis, Noah P. 50 ♦Dame, Richard 3 20 Davidson, Hamilton 273 50 Diilton, Thomas 6 80 Davidson, Charles H. 6 60 Dyar, Smith 44 00 Dyer, John Dickson, Joshua G. 6 60 Davis, Phineas 3 20 6 60 ♦Daniels, Charles 1 50 ♦Dearborn, Daniel 1 50 Dyer, Richard H. 1 50 Davis, Theodore 3 20 Daily, Jeremiah 1 50 Ditson, Samuel J. 3 20 Dickson, Oliver 29 38 ♦Dodge, Charles 1 50 Drew, Greenleaf 1 50 Davis, James B. 1 50 Daily, Thomas 5 07 ♦Donnell, Benjamin 1 50 Deblois, George !l 50 Downing, Leonard 22 41 1 Darling, Alfred 3 20 Drake, Ames 3 20 Deblois, William 1 50 ♦Delano Ira L. 1 50 Dunkley, John P. 6 60 Dana, James 136 65 Devens, David Pres't. 136 00 Davidson, Elias E. 21 05 Davidson, Elias Adm'r. 51 00 Davidson, Elias Heirs of 39 10 Dyar & Cheever, 51 00 ♦Denvier, Robert 1 50 ♦Driscoll, James 1 50 Deveney, WilHam 1 50 ♦Denny, 1 50 Dalrymple, Willard 2 26 15 ♦Davis, Edward K. 3 20 10 *Doyne, Charles EdmanAs, William M. English, Patrick Emerson, Charles Everett, Lucian C. Emerson, Elias Emerson, Elias Jr. ■* Emerson, Reuben Eastman, S;miuel Estee, Elijah R. Eldridge, Shubel H. *Emery, David Edmands, David Easter, Samuel Everett, Horace Ellis, Joseph Eliott, George C. Emerson, Hn-am Jr. Edwards, Thomas Emerson, Joseph Emerson, Nathan Ellis, George E. Eager, William Edes, Robert B. Edes, Robert B. Jr. Edmands, Thomas R. B. Edmands, Horace Enamons, Charles P. Ennis, Simon Edmands, Martha Eveleth, Charles Edmands, Benjamin Eaton, Albert Eddy, George R. ' Eldridge, Benjamin W. Edmands, Barnabas Edmands, John D. Edmands, Edward T. Edmands, William B. Eastman, Calvin *Etheridge, Samuel EdAvards, Samuel W. Emery, James Edmands, George E. *Emerton, John ♦Emerton, Timothy *Emerton, Page *Edmands, Thomas J. Emery, Moses Edwards, John Emerton, Leonard Estler, John Eliott, Thomas J. Emerson & Cutter 1 50 Edmands, Barnabas & Co. 19 56 *Emmons, David 1 50 87 20 *Eustis, George 1 60 1 50 *Earle, William 1 50 52 50 4 05 * Frothingham, James 1 50 8 30 Ford, Hannah 6 60 1 50 * Fitzpatrick, David 1 50 1 50 Fuller, Franklin 1 50 1 50 Foster, Isaac S. 2 35 1 50 Foley, Patrick 1 50 1 50 Fitch, George W. 1 50 1 50 Fosdick, Daniel 1 50 8 30 Fosdick, Stephen 1 50 4 05 Field, Jacob 1 50 17 65 French, Isaac S. 1 50 1 50 * Francis, George 1 50 3 20 * Fuller, Stephen B. 1 50 H 70 Feamald, Joseph 1 50 6 60 Fosdick, William 22 75 37 20 Foss, Jacob 685 75 3 20 Foley, John 1 50 15 95 * Fuzzard, John 1 50 4 90 Fuller, James G. 48 25 42 95 Ferrin, Samuel 66 61 4 05 Ferrin, Albert 5 75 5 75 Freeman, Charles 21 05 4 05 Follens, Richard 5 75 14 25 * Fuller, Samuel 1 50 1 50 Fowler, Samuel Jr. 10 00 32 30 Fowler, WUliam 3 63 1 50 * Furbush, Ehas 1 50 101 80 Farnsworth, Thomas H- 1 50 7 45 Farnsworth, Jacob 3 20 30 40 Farnsworth, Eliza C 8 50 1 50 Frost, Oliver 34 45 152 38 Farwell, James E. 3 20 21 90 * Fiske, Frederick A. 18 50 4 05 * Fessenden, Charles 1 50 4 90 Fuller, John K. 4 90 1 50 Freeman, Joshua 3 20 35 50 Farnsworth, James L. 1 50 1 50 Forbes, Daniel H. 15 95 16 60 Foster, James G. 38 90 7 45 Fisher, Geoi'ge N. 3 71 1 93 Farnsworth, William J. 56 33 I 50 Flood, Philip 3 71 1 50 Fish, Warren 1 50 1 50 * Fletcher, Jefferson 1 50 22 75 Foy, J. Munroe 4 05 1 50 Frost, Charles 9 15 1 50 Fowler, Thomas 10 00 1 50 Fickett, Samuel 9 15 28 70 * Finnigan, Daniel 1 50 2 55 Farnsworth, John C. 4 Ofi 11 Fergus, Thomas H. 1 50 Foster, Charles 134 10 Fairbanks, Henry P. 73 75 * Flagg, William Frost, William W. 1 50 1 50 Fessenden, Charles B- • 8 30 Felton, Samuel M. 65 25 Farrie, William 1 50 Fletcher, Timothy 11« 42 Fretoh, William S. 23 60 Frothinglilim, John W. 4 90 * Ford, Theodore ,3 20 Flint, JEzra 3 20 * Fisher, James 3 20 Fisk, Letitia 8 50 * Fisher, Amos 1 60 Fletcher, Hart\\rell 1 50 Flint, Simeon 69 50 French, Aaron 7 11 French, Moses 3 20 Feathero, Francis 1 50 Fowle, Henry 1 50 Fessenden, Charles P. 1 50 Fellows, Milo 1 50 * Fenno, Stephen 1 50 Felton, Cornelius C 9 15 Fayers, jNIartin P. 12 55 * Fisher, 1 50 Fuller, Stephen 1 50 Fletcher, Jonathan V. 49 95 Fosdick, John 45 70 Frolhingliam, Amos T. 38 90 Frothingham, Edward M. 1 50 Ford, Ebeuezer 58 45 Fowler, Stephen 4 05 Foster, Jacob 364 45 Foster, Henry 403 55 Flagg, John P. 10 00 Fosdick, James 52 50 Floyd, Daniel SO 40 Frost, Albert 1 50 Francis, James M. 8 30 Fogg, Hiram 15 95 Faunce, AVilliam 1 50 Fowler, George T. 3 20 Fellows, John 4 05 Field, Elijah 1 50 Fletcher, EHsha R. 2 01 Foster, Jonas 3 20 Fuller, Freeman H. 1 50 * Fuller, Charles 1 50 * Fuller, Isaac 1 50 Fletcher, Charles 3 20 Frotlungham,helrs of J'hua P. 81 45 Frothingham, Ehzabeth 4 25 Frothingham, Thomas H. 8 SO Fiske, William Flanders, Asa Faunce, Elisha B. Fuller, George Fowler, Samuel FoUctt, Joseph AV- Fredrick, Cliarles Farmer, Whitney Fifield, Daniel * Finncgan, James Flint, Benjamin Fisher, Cornelius Field, Freeman * Floyd, Joel Foy, Oliver Frazier, James Fry, Levi Frothingham, Isaac C Frothingham, Nathaniel F. Frost, S. Gillman Frothingham, James K. Frothingham, James K. trust. Felt, heirs of Jacob Frothingham, Richard * Fox, William Frothingham, Henry K. Frothingham, Richard Jr. Farwell, Amos D. Flannigan, John Flemming, Martin Field, James IT. 2 Fernald, William 1 Farnham, Charles 1 Fitz, Abel 124 *Flannagan, James 1 Frothingham, Dorcas admx. 21 Fletcher, Timo. admr. 10 Flint, (leo. F. heirs of 34 Forster, Lawrence & Co. 98 Fuller & Davidson, 37 Frost & Palmer, 5 Flint & Havnes, 10 Fowler, S. T. & G. T. Fowler, 3 Fosdick. Carter & Co. 51 Flamond,B& S 33 15 Rosmusen, Augustus 1 50 Rngg, Luiher 1 50 Russell, Franklin 3 71 Robertson, John M 4 05 Robertson, Charles M 1 50 Raymond, Francis L 21 05 Reynolds, Samuel S 8 30 Rohinson, Frederick 55 05 Richardson, Theodora M, 3 20 Rice, Phineas 23 60 Rice, Merrick 5 75 Rice, Henry 1 50 ♦Riley, Barnanl 1 50 Robinson, San ford ' 1 50 Ragan, Daniel 1 50 Roach, Luke 1 50 Runey, James 89 05 Riley, James 1 50 ♦ Ryan, James 1 50 Richardson, Oliver 1 50 Richards, Moses 9 15 Richardson, Baxter 1 50 Richardson, George 7 45 ♦ Rvder, James . 1 50 Rafferiy, Hugh 4 90 RafTerty, Bariholomevv 7 45 Raymond, Joel 2 35 Robertson, John C 3 20 Richardson, Thomas 3 20 Reading, Harvev 1 50 Roberts, Jacob \V 1 50 Rogers Samuel 3 20 Rice, Matthew S8 05 Rice, Charles Richardson, Thaddeus Roach, Edmund Rivers, E Waldo, Sarah V Whiting, Samuel Wyman, Thos W Walker, Lucy * Wyman, Wm 5 75 31 25 10 00 1 50 1 50 238 65 1 60 1 50 1 50 4 05 22 75 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 378 09 1 50 1 50 1 50 I 50 36 55 3 20 27 85 27 00 1 50 1 50 3 20 1 50 3 20 3 20 1 50 1 50 34 65 27 00 219 95 141 95 1 50 12 75 1 50 1 50 21 56 1 50 1 50 17 65 1 55 2 35 89 30 1 50 1 50 1 50 23 80 15 95 52 50 170 85 1 50 28 Wileon, Isaac VVyman, Richard F Whitney, Alfred Whitney, Luther F * Wallace, Dan'l Willis, David C Wilson, Jesse Wheeler, Asa West, Thos Y * Wilson, John B Wilson, Saml S * Wiley, Hiram Williams, Richard Walker, Geo Winslow, Sam! Watson, Horace H Wells, Geo E Wetherbee, Judah Welch, Geo F * Wright, Chas Wells, Augustus L Walker, Joseph F Walker, Henry B Walker, Peries * Walker, Joseph B Walker, John Wilson, Robert * White, Nicholas Woodbury, David Warren, Henry Wanen, Leonard Warren, heirs of Bezaleel Whittle, John Woodson, Joseph Worthley, Sam! 1 &0 * Whitten, Jas 1 50 6 60 Weston, David B 1 50 4 90 JForcester, Jas A D 4 05 1 50 Whiting, Geo 18 67 1 50 Wtham. Lorenzo D 1 50 18 50 * Worcester, Prudence 18 70 12 53 Ward, Edward 5 75 4 05 *Willington, SamI R 1 50 18 50 Wright, John W 1 50 6 60 Welch, David 1 50 1 50 TFhilehead, Geo 1 50 4 90 TFelsh, Jane 5 10 88 90 TFeish, Geo 1 50 53 35 Wright, Parker 10 85 3 20 Winslow, Saml 21 05 3 20 Wallace, Jas M 10 00 1 50 Winchester, Nancy 64 15 1 50 Whiting, Augustus guard 42 50 4 05 Wyman, heirs of Susan 20 40 4 05 Wyman, heirs of Francis 35 70 6 60 Wiley, Hannah 25 50 1 §0 Wyman, Mary 10 20 3 20 Waterman, Charlotte 4 25 6 80 Walker, heirs of Chas 153 85 1 50 Walker, Helen L 10 20 4 05 Wasgate, Rhoda 7 65 11 70 White, GeoW S 20 1 50 Winchester, Mark 11 70 1 50 •Whipple, Benj F 1 50 21 90 16 80 Young, John W 1 50 10 20 * York, Lee 1 50 1 50 Young, Thos P 1 50 8 30 Yeaton, Geo H 6 60 1 50 Yeaton, Chas 8 20 2JOSfoj£2S2ffiI2S'ffi2, Aldrich, Aaron 6 80 Chapman, Heirs of Jonathan 285 60 Aspinwall, Samuel 21 25 Codman, Heirs of Abigail 6 80 Appleton, Charles 11 90 Crease, Richard 5 10 Adams, George W 6 80 Childs, Amariah 29 75 Andrews, Samuel 13 60 Colby, Sarah 29 75 Appleton, Wm 34 00 Carey, Jonathan 8 50 Armstrong, Samuel T 42 50 Carey, Isaac H 5 10 Andrews, /oseph E 8 50 Carey, Charles 5 18 70 Aycr, John 5 95 Corporation, Chelsea Bridg 3 17 00 Agan, IMichael 3 40 Clark, Bradley M *Cook, George 28 05 32 30 Bennett, ./oshua 12 75 Coburn, Daniel J 78 20 Boylston, Heirs of Ward N 68 00 Choate, Benjamin 7 65 Binney, Heirs of Amos 6G 30 Cbrbett, Leavitl 8 50 Breed, John 166 30 Cutter, Ebenezer F 20 40 Bramhall, Cornelius 23 80 Clapp, Heirs of .Salmon 13 60 Binney, ^\jnos 11 05 * Calhoun, Mrs. 23 80 *Barton, Martha 3 40 Codman, Henry 5 10 Bates, Martin 34 85 Currier, Gilman 1 28 Bradstreet, Elizabeth 13 60 Callahan, John 5 95 Bradstreet, .S'amuel 42 50 Campbell, Patrick 17 00 Bass, ]\Ioses 85 *Cook, Lydia 8 50 Brown, Charles 110 50 Collier, ]\iartin 10 20 Bigelow, .Samuel 145 35 Carruth, F S Treas 90 10 Bartlett, George 102 85 Bowles, John 42 50 Damon, Rebecca 12 75 *Bowman, Francis 51 00 Devens, Charles 42 50 Bush, Jotham 15 30 Dix, James H 23 80 *Batterley, 2 55 Bradley, Heirs of Thomas 55 25 Eddy, Caleb, Agent 238 00 Beal, Wilder 2 55 Edmands, Thomas 55 25 Boylston, Mercy 23 80 Eustis, James 17 00 Bddwin, Catherine 48 03 Elwcll, David 27 20 Blake, Phillip 34 00 Edmands, Thomas B 7 65 Burrell, John H 11 90 Emerson, George 35 70 Barker, /osiah 49 30 Emerson, Mrs & Mrs 5weetser 12 75 Burckes, Martin 29 33 Edgerly & Vinal 1 70 Barker, Seth 47 60 Brooks, Edward 4 25 Fuller, Stephen P 72 25 Bowen, Heirs of John 6 80 French, Mr Fenwick, Benedict 15 30 28 05 30 Fosdick, David Fairbanks &Xorine; Foster, Wm Foster, Gideon Frothingham, /oseph Fullerton, Alexander Fuzzard, VVm Fiske, Francis & oo • Fernald, Wm heirs of Freeman, .Ssxml J Fitchburg Railroad Corpo. Gerrish, Geo W Gurney, Mrs Goodwin, Thos J Guild, Reuben Gossner, Peter Goodnow, John *Goodridge, Lowell Goodwin, Henry Gillman. heirs of Grant, Moses Gerraud, Terhart Harris, Jona heirs of Hull, Isaac heirs of Heirs of I Hull & A Bin- ney, Hall, Milton Had ley, Moses Hay, Marrna D Harris, Richard D Hurd, J or Charles Hollis, John R heirs of Harris, James Hunt, Wm R et als Harrington, Andrew Harwood, Patty Howard, William C Holden, George Horn & Sinclair Haskell. Thomas Holbrook, Daniel Hayward, John Hadley, Elijah Harrinson, Lydia A Huslin, John Howe, Joseph P Hastings, Edmund T Hammond, Edward Haynes, Charles Hanson, Thomas Harris, Josejjh Jones, Ebenezet 39 10 79 90 10 20 46 75 29 75 17 00 4 25 12 75 25 50 5 95 255 00 31 45 6 80 148 75 34 00 57 80 14 45 1 70 5 95 25 50 81 60 11 90 209 10 149 60 183 60 4 25 8 50 17 00 46 75 102 00 1 70 5 95 20 40 7 65 5 95 6 80 22 10 39 95 5 10 5 JO 6 80 59 50 8 50 12 75 10 20 40 80 23 80 85 70 3 40 17 00 S7 40 Jackson, Ebenezer 8 50 Johnson, Seth heirs ol 22 10 Johnson, Wm M 5 10 *Jackson, Austin H 1 70 Jones, Silas 4 25 *Johnsonj Polly 7 65 Kidder, Jerome G 141 35 Knox, Robert 25 50 JCiinball, Benjanain 1 70 AH I burn, Milton 5 95 iCinsley, Silas 4 25 Kendall, D Y 21 25 Loomis, Hubble 5 10 Lawrence, Amos A 8 50 Lawrence, Wm R 23 80 Lane, & Reed 23 80 Mackintire, James 1 7 00 Mahan, Benj F 14 03 Mallory, Sa^ S 15 30 Monks, Jas 7 65 Mulliken, John W 32 30 Manning, Mary 6 80 IMcLellan, Isaac 4 25 Means, James 4 25 Munroe, Sally P 4 00 Mountfort. Nathl 3 40 Mellows, 8 50 Marden, Chas W 9 35 IVIiller, Chas 8 50 Masters, Woodbury 23 80 Nudd, Thos 13 60 Newcomb, Norton 8 50 9akes, heirs of Thos 8 50 Payson, Ruth 74 80 Pratt, heirs of John 29 75 Parks, Elisha _ 141 95 Parsons, Nehemiah 8 50 Phinney, Elias 50 15 Parkman, Geo 1 7 00 Prentiss, Nathl A 25 50 Perry, Benj 3 40 Porter, Royal L 10 20 Parker, Ebenezer 2d 12 33 Parker, Jonathan 2 98 Pierce, Jonathan 3 40 Page, Enoch 11 90 Pratt, Nathan 95 20 Parkman, Susan 39 95 Robbins, heirs of Mrs 5 95 31 Robei'ts, heirs of Richard 15 30 Robbins, Richard 311 36 Raymond, Wm 17 00 Rand, Benj 34 00 Rice & Thaxter, 29 75 Russell, AV Button 157 2.5 Receivers of Phoenix Bank, 204 00 • Reed, Jas B 2 55 Swett, heirs of Tasker H 1 70 00 Sullivan, Richard 317 05 Savage, Jas S 7 65 Stevens, John 20 40 Sawyer, Stephen 8 50 Stearns, Sarah heirs of 20 00 • Stocker, Nancy 4 25 Shaw, Mary 21 25 Stone, William W 46 75 Smith, Thomas C 4 25 Swett, John H 8 50 Sawyer, Samuel 15 30 Sampson, Levi 6 80 Stearns, Joshua B 8 50 Sweet, Benjamin 6 80 Stearns, Eckley 19 55 Swealland, Orson 5 95 Sullivan, Dennis 6 80 Seavy, T H 11 90 • Smith, 6 SO Simonds, Nathan ^ 18 70 *Sheaf, Mary A 23 80 Thacher, Isaac 9 86 Turner, Lemuel heirs of 8 50 Taylor, George A 23 80 Thorndike, Ebenezer 10 20 Turner, Larkin 47 60 Tudor, Frederick 15 30 * Torrey, Deborah heirs of 36 35 * Thurston, Benjamin 1 7 00 Tufts, Charles 44 20 Trott & Bumstead, 2 55 Tufts, Joseph heirs of 23 80 Tufts, Nathan 187 00 Turner, Henry 5 10 Tenney, Robert G 14 03 Twombley, /ames 25 50 Tirrell, Artemas 10 20 Tuttle, John 28 90 Thrasher, Benjamin 17 00 Tuck, 3 83 Underwood, Joseph jr 6 80 Voorhis, Henry Van heirs of 55 25 Winchester, E A & W 25 50 Wilson, Shipley W 12 75 Wiittridgc, Geo F 11 90 Wliitney, Simon 34 OD Wheeler, Increase S 34 00 * Williams, Mrs 3 40 Walley, Saml H prest 4 25 Wolcott,JH 4 25 Welch, Abraham 3 40 Whitmore, Stephen Jr 25 50 Walker, Thos 6 80 Webster & Co 12 75 Willis, Sidney 9 85 * Woodbury, Thos 6 80 Wright, Jas 12 75 * Yeaton, Benj 12 ^5 Young, Joseph S 40 OF THE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF THE TOWN OF CHARLESTOWN, From ITIarch 1, 1844, to Iflarch 1, 1845. SE^s ^m STATEMENT OF MONIES Received and Paid by the Treasurer of the Town of Charlestown, commencing the 1st day of March, 1844, and ending the 1st day of March, 1845. EXPENDITURES. SUNDRIES. Paid County Treasurer for County Taxes, 1843, $1800 00 do. do. 1844, 4130 61 Stoneham Tax, G4. Town Debt, note to Receivers of Phoenix Bank, 7500 00 do- ^ 5500 00 Interest on Town Debt, 3963 qo Temporary Loan, to meet current expenses, 19000 00 Interest on do. 311 Qg State Tax, to Treasurer of Commonwealth, 1022 25 Outstanding Claims, 124i oo 141 members of Fire Department, amt. of Poll Tax, 211 50 Treasurer and Collector's Salary, 600 00 45,285 09 36 Orders of the JBoard of ISelectmeii., CONTINGENT. Jona. Stone, rmging bell Jas. Gould, for Prison Point Bridge Caleb Symmes, labor and disbursements Isaac Kendall, labor Jas. G. Fuller, wood and bark Moses Babcock, work on Town Hall Chas. Sanderson, services as Constable W. R. Jefferson, labor Thos. J. Elliott, paid for surveying Benj. Edmands, painting Thos. Knight, ringing bell Wm. Gerry, oil Perez E,. Jacobs, services as Constable Jas. R. Turner, services as pound keeper John P. Duncklee, " " Constable Richard Nichols, " " Sam'l L. Ai-mstead, disbursements &c Ab'Bi Chamberlain, services as Constable David Dodge, labor and disbursements ^ Newton R. Chandler, covering stone for wells Sam'l L. Armstead, painting sign &c Rich'd Nichols, services as Constable Chas. Sanderson, " " Perez R. Jacobs, " " Wm. Peters, tending draw on cross bridge C. P. Fessenden, pamting Wm. Sawyer, professional services relative to Bunker Hill drain Wm. Sawyer, " " Eastern R. R. C. Jona. Stone, ringing bell .Tas. G. Fuller, wood Newton A. Chandler, stone Jona. Howe, printing Constables, for distributing Chief Eng. report W. W. Wheildon, printing town expenses, &c Amos Quimby, for expense of pier and house at Prison Pt. Bridge Taylor & Hobart, drain on Bai-tlett and Sullivan sts. Paul Willard, prof, services Pha-nLx Bank Sam'l Sawyer, repairing fence A. Blanchard, work on Town Hall Thos. Knight, ringing bell Constables, distributing regulations David Dodge, labor and disbursements Amount carried forr'aKl, f 1,096 68 15 7 40 8 15 7 37 5 12 3 08 5 I 50 5 2 25 15 4 20 8 10 10 8 3 88 6 50 6 14 58 12 1 90 2 2 2 15 17 5 52 40 15 3 50 5 9 12 6 93 110 50 412 75 45 7 7 15 15 6 51 88 t. 37 Amount brought up, Smith Dyar, disbursements J. K. Frothingham and Time. Fletcher, services on committee lor separating Somerville Jas. C. Peverley, refreshments Caleb Symnies, returning births and deaths, Caleb Synimcs, 10 elm trees Bigc'low & Stinson, entertaining town officers Ricli'd Sullivan, for Bartlett and Sullivan st drain Elisha B. Fauncc, mason work Jona. Stone, ringing bell Ayeres & Fairbanks, stationery Jno. Bryant, Jr. for sundries A. Goodrich, " Steph. Bennett, reservoir in Bartlett st. Jona. Howe, pi'inting Isaac Kendall, carpenter work Thos. Knight, ringing bell J. L. Jennerson, woA &c W. Gerry, oil &c P. R. Jacobs, notifying town meeting Chas. Sanderson, " " C. P. Emmons, stationery David Dodge, disbursements Stephen Bennett, sundries Wm. M. Edmands, stove work, &c Samuel Armstead, labor, &c Carter & Burrill, Thos. L. Rayner, slating Market House Waldron & Bcddoe, painting Jonathan Howe, printing Carter & Burrill, wood Warren B. Thomas, do J. B. & C. Wilson, work on Town Hall Charlestown Post Office, Postage, Chas. Sanderson, notifying Town meeting P. R. Jacobs, do do Amos Quimby, repairs whf Prison Pt. Bridge Moses Babeook, sundries Clark and Yarney, work T. & E. Hunncwell, covers Hittenger & Cook, iron work M. B. Sewall, brick J. P. Duncklee, services as Constable Abm. Chamberlain, " " Chas. Sanderson, " " P. R. Jacobs, " " Jona. Stone, ringing bell • Thomas Knights, " Amouut carried up, $1,797 74 Si, 096 68 7 , 50 >n 50 11 25 23 30 7 9 83 75 62 50 15 13 8 2 5 96 32 12 105 43 15 21 87 4 87 3 S 16 58 44 4 15 56 1 94 13 62 13 61 17 31 24 16 2 13 1 87 3 4 74 3 3 12 48 2 17 1 7 75 9 30 4 85 12 8 5 5 15 15 38 Amount brought up, $1,797 74 J. C. Peverley, rcfresliments 16 50 Seth Sawj'er, " 7 60 Jno. Bryant, jr. repairs Prison Point, Bridge 1 Harris & Vinton, stationery 4 32 Richard Nichols, per vote of the Town 500 John Payne, labor ' 6 75 Chas. Sanderson, Constable 7 50 P. R. Jacobs, " 6 50 Smith Dyar, disbursements l 50 Isaac Blanchard, disbursements, &c 5 68 Chas. Pool, painting signs 4 W. W. Wheildon, printing and advertising 100 50 W. Gerry, oil &c 9 34 Jacob Caswell, repairs Town pumps 7 50 D. Prouty & Co., disbursements P. Pt. Bridge 28 86 David Dodge, sundries 24 42 Jos. F. Tufts, sign post 2 W. R. Jefferson, setting glass 1 50 Isaac Kendall, carpenter work 9 24 HIGHWAYS. Christopher Solis, entering his drain Benjamin Flint, labor Benj. F. Brackett, " Jas. Deblois, " Ivory Randall, " Otis Clapp, 6 doz. hoe handles Jas. Dearborn, labor Wm. Hodgkins, repairing tools Jno. Hafdingjjr " Ivory Randall, labor Philip Flood, Horse and cart Mass. State Prison, stone chips Burr & Willis, lumber and teaming Joseph Miller, repairing tools T. O. Nichols, teaming stone and gravel H. E. Percival, labor " Milton & Morgan, teaming Taylor & Hobart, mason work, &c Philip Flood, carting, &c Levi Goodnow, " Hittenger & Cook, blacksmith work Jas. Deblois, labor Fitch Cutter, 500 bricks H. E. Percival, labor f — 2,542 35 10 54 37 160 62 52 29 38 2 25 3 25 2 62 7 31 60 3 41 33 09 3 81 124 13 5 25 50 33 38 64 45 74 38 26 15 52 3 10 Amount carried up, ^880 69 2,542 35 •I 39 Amount brought up, Benj. Flint, " Jas. Deblois, labor and disbursements Mass. State Prison, stone chips Jno. Harding, jr., blacksmith work Wm. Dalrymjjle, stone Thos. Hunnewell, work Isaac Barkei', labor Wm. Hodgkins, work Thos. Greenleaf, lumber D. & Z. Bowman, powder, Benjamin Phipps, hai'ness work Jas. Adams, hardware Taylor & Ilobart, labor Abm. Chamberlain, team work Benj. F. Brackett, labor Benj. FUnt, " Saml. Ferrin, bricks Benj. Flint, labor Benj. F. Brackett do Dean Ames " Patrick Harrington do Ivory H. Randall, " Benj. Brackett •' Benj. FUnt, Dean Ames, " Jas. Deblois, 26 days work Joseph Leahy, labor Betsey Lynde, gravel Geo. S. Adams, edge stone Thos. J. Elliott, oak butts Isaac Barker, labor Morris Kelley, sundries Benj. Phipps, harness work P. I'lood, team work James Gould, gravel James Deblois, labor George Johnson, lumber Leonard Tufts, blacksmith work James B. Tamplin, harness work &c A Chamberlain, carting stone &c N. H. Chandler, stone for drains Wm. S. Richardson, repairs &c Bradley & Richardson, shovels T. & T. F. Hunnewell, work J. P. Moulton, timber v iso 69 2,542 35 20 465 64 5 6 90 12 50 6 60 7 50 7 6 26 3 7 97 13 91 5 39 87 15 31 16 56 3 58 31 87 31 25 22 50 11 25 27 50 27 50 22 19 5 52 17 15 20 13 57 2 18 12 6 38 4 95 4 67 109 20 50 3 32 21 85 6 63 18 90 U 87 7 98 6 5 64 9 39 2087 02 Amount carried up, $4,629 37 '• J 40 Amount brought up, FIRE DEPARTIHENT. $4,629 37 Clerk of Engine No. 2, for services of men, U U U g <( u ' ' u a u ^ u u <( (c u 5 (. <( u (( <( 7 u 11 Hook & Ladder Co., Members of Fire Department, 77 50 77 50 . 77 50 72 50 55 67 35 890 57 . 1.286 24 MILITARY, Paid members of Military Company, • 399 50 LAjyiPS. Luther Rugg, trimming and lighting lamps, Jonas Foster, trimming and lighting do. James Adams, shears, D. R. Weston, setting lights glass, David Edmands, oil, J. Stone & Co., wicking, Snow and Worcester, setting glass, Charles Poole, painting two lamp-posts, Clarke and Varney, ladder, Isaac Kendall, timber, E. T. Hastings, oil, G. W. Little, oil, &c. Luther Rugg, setting glass, H. V. VABlanchard, do. RESERVOIRS. Jonas L. Jennerson, labor, John S. Osborn, stone, Jeremiah Leach, do Jonas L. Jennerson, labor, Osgood Dane, for stone, John Bryant, jr., covers for well,' Franklin Blood, stone, Geo. S. Adams, do James Deblois, sundries. Burr and Wills, timber and learning, B. F. Brackett, labor, J. H. Randall, do Taylor and Hobart, do Jacob Casvpeil, pumps Wilson and Morgan, stone and laborj Joseph Burrell & Co., lumber, &c. John Bryant, jr., cover to reservoir, Amount carried up, $ 8,454 71 185 75 183 75 50 2 40 307 88 88 6 80 1 50 4 50 16 42 65 90 279 70 5 20 6 40 1,067 58 240 48 77 50 13 S3S SO 92 50 21 03 105 60 60 38 96 15 04 15 IS 75 10 50 10 12 9 75 8 89 6 60 1,072,02 41 Ainomit brought lip', $8,454 71 SALARIES. David Dodge, Town Clerk, Abram Chamberlain, Police Officer Samuel L. Armsiead, Town Messenger Richard Nichols, Police Officer, John P. Dunklee, do Edward Ward, do Charles Sanderson, do Selh J. Thomas, Chief Engineer, Thomas J. Elliott, Assistant do, Robert Wason, do Perez R. Jacobs, Police Officer, Lyman Pray, Assistant Engineer, Assessors, making taxes, WATCH. Sundry persons, services as Watchmen, Warren B. Thomas, coal, James G, Fuller, bark, Moaes Babcock, keys, Ames Drake, white washing, Perez R. Jacobs, labor, Wm. M. Edmands, stove, &c. Charles Poole, setting glass, Benj. Thompson & Co., fuel. Sno 16 67 100 8 S3 8 S3 16 67 6 94 160 25 25 16 67 25 400 1,098 61 1,823 40 Total Amount of orders of the Board of Selectmen, $ 11, 381 73 Orders of* the Board of Trustees. SALARIES OF TEACHERS. WARREN SCHOOL. Daniel H. Forbes, Principal Teacher, 900 Joseph S. Swan, do do 900 Sarah G. Hay, Assistant, do 225 Susan L. Sawyer, do 225 Francis A. Sawyer, do Pupil, 50 S. E. Woodbridge, do do 50 Amount carried up, $ 2^350 42 Amount brought up, WINTHROP SCHOOL. $ 2,850 Stacy Baxter, Principal Teacher, Samuel Swan, do do Miles T. Gardner, do do Caroline M. Sylvester, Assistant, Mary L. Rowland, Lewis B, Monroe, John A. Sanborn, Cath. W. Lincoln, Harriet A Adams, Sarah E. Sanborn, do do do do do do Pupil, do do do do 642 SO 857 70 27 93 6 25 900 900 225 210 67 67 34 18 HARVARD SCHOOL. Paul H. Sweeter, Principal Teacher, Robert Swan, do Mary J. Whiting, Assistant Harriet L. Teel, do Mary M. Sanborn, do Maria L, Thompson, do Rebecca Drake, do BUNKER do do do Pupil, do do 12 50 36 50 34 18 900 850 225 210 49 50- 2,487 36 2,284 00 HILL SCHOOL. Benj. F. Tweed, Principal Teacher, Alfred 0. Lindsey, Assistant do Melvina B. Skilton, do Caroline Phipps, Assistant Pupil, Mary A. Lewis, do Sarah J. Bradbury, do Mary A, Lewis, do - 1,338 28 PRIMARY SCHOOLS. Jane M. Burckes, Cyntha Brockett, Martha A. Chandler, Mary J. Chandler, Elizabeth Ernes, Lydia A. Keith, E. D. Monlton, Susan M. Nichols, Sarah C. Reynolds, Hannah S. Austin, Caroline R. Wiley, Elizabeth A. Blanchard, Melvina B, Skilton, Frances A. Sawyer, 56 50' 153 50 I 201 111 8 19 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 56 50 210 210 210 Amounts carried up, $2,366 50 8,409 64 43 Amounts brought up, $2,366 50 8,409 64 Sarah E. Smilh, 210 Elizabeth D. Pratt, 210 Joanna S. Putnam, 210 Ellen M. Whitiemore, 210 Maria Peabody, 210 Mary A. Lewis, 74 76 Mary M. Sanborn, 154 50 3,C45 76 Total of Salaries, ^ 12,055 40 Coiiting^eiit Expenses of Schools, J. M. Skilton and J. M. Phipps, contingent, W. W. Frost, do Ames Drake, mason work, VV. B. Thomas, contingent, J. & P. Sanborn, do O. D. Lord, do Nancy Fuller, do Isaac Kendall, do Foster, Lawrence & Co. Lucy Lamed, Jonas L. Jennerson, labor, &c. Josiah Brackett, rent, Methodist Society, do Free Will Baptist Society, do O. D. Lord, making fires, Wm. M. Edmands, stove, &c, C. B, Rogers, ink, S. L. Armistead, services, &c. Fowie and Capen. school journal, Francis T. Waitt, I'unnel, Francis T. Waitt do S. Abbott & Co., contingent, N. W. Stratton, do Asa Wellman, do H. & S. P. Hill. do Geo. Fuller, do Jno. Harris, 2d do M. Carpenter, do C. P. Emmons, do A. Blanchard, do Jno. Murray, contingent, Jno. Murray, do Abijah BlenchaTd, do H. v. V. Blanchard do 13 14 4 25 44 98 11 08 19 50 4 43 19 50 1 75 22 77 40 18 41 11 92 6 43 1 50 4 42 5 00 3 25 13 38 4 28 1 4 1 10 6 36 31 61 24 33 64 70 24 44 1 2 75 115 65 65 33 Amount8 carried up, $671 51 12,0.55 40 u Amounts brought up, ^671 51 12,055 40 A. Stowell & Son, do Jotham Johnson, do Snow and Worcester, do N. W. Grant, do Wm. M. Edmands, do Wilson and, Morgan, do S. Abbott & Co., do Ames Drake, do Mass. State Prison, do C. Burnham, do Clarke and Varney, do J. L. Jennereon, do J. L. Jennerson, do Quimbv & Co., do J. G. Fuller, do Cornelia S. Hall, do Perez R. Jacobs, do J. L. Jennerson, do Margaret Frve, do W. W. Frost, do Jos. T. Swan, do Asa D. Pattee, do Nancy Fuller, do Nancy Fuller, do C. P. Emmons, do S. G. Phipps, do A. Blanchard, do Nancy Fuller, labor H. K. Frothmgham, contingent David B. Weston, " John Sawtell, " W. H. Bacon, " Mrs. Wiley, " C. S. Hall, S. L. Arrastead, " Mrs. Futney, " Paid 13 Primary School Teachers, making fires, J. M. Skilton, & J. A. Phipps, " " B. F. Tweed, contingent C. S. Hall, L. Tufts, " Harvard Church, rent R. F. Sanborn, contingent Wm. Caswell, " Mavcraret Frye, " B. Thompson & Co., " B- Thompson & Co., " 3 45 66 ,113 21 ' S 4 21 2 90 3 84 13 4 17 80 14 49 6 99 5 32 4 1 62 9 75 6 45 69 13 11 6 02 2 75 10 75 10 75 49 08 1 31 88 36 20 25 67 127 70 4 42 5 25 1 14 25 10 75 2 26 13 68 9 75 50 25 2 62 244 75 13 183 16 6 50 Amounts carried up, $1,880 26 12,055 4& 45 Amounts brought up, $1, ,880 26 12,055 40 Overseers of the Poor, " 104 88 D. B. Weston, 12 Wm. Arnold, " 6 27 J. Delano, " 3 25 Harris & Vinton, " 2 13 Levi Goridnow, " 1 87 J. Sanborn lor 0. D. Lord, do 11 T. T. Sawyer lor B. F. Webster, do 7 37 " " W.Lyons, do 6 75 J. Brown, jr., lor J. M. Burckes, do 75 Car])enter & Cliilds, do 11 58 Nancy Fuller, do 27 50 Eberle & Trask, do 11 25 W. Tolman lor J. M. Skilton, do 6 50 W. W. Frost, do 15 f21 Samuel Kidder & Co., 15 12 Jacob Caswell, do 7 50 Carter and Biirrell, do 80 50 J. Sanborn lor 0, D. Lord, do 4 33 do do A. B, Barker, 16 Simon Lane, do 1 Samuel Fowler, do 14 29 Margaret Frye, do 14 Jonathan Brown, jr., do 4 H. K. Frothingham, do 1 67 Phillips and Perry, do 3 Jas. McDonald, do 2 Ames Drake, repairs of Harvard and Winthrop School Houses, 684 58 Clarke and Varney, do do 800 F. T. Waitl, contingent, 110 42 J. Skilton and W. H. Tolman, do 6 50 Harvard Church, rent, 25 Moses Babcock, contingent, 6 42 W. M. Edmands, do 41 96 C. P. Emmons, do 87 81 do do 12 33 P. Webster, do 4 50 T. T. Sawyer for J. Marden, do 4 D. & G. Bowman, 4 47 A. B. Barker, 8 50 T. M. Cuttor, do 33 A. Chamberlain, do 2 Timothy Bartlett, do 3 66 Crafts and Carter, 1 88 Ames Drake, do 4 G. B. & C. Wilson, do 3 Amounts carried up, $4,083 34 12,055 40 46 Amounts brought up, $4,083 34 12,055 40 1 d .Rand, contingent, Fosdick, Carter & Co. do Snow and Worcester, do Total amount of the orders of the Board of Trustees, s 25 1 5 60 4,093 19 $16,148 59 Order§ of the Board of Overseers of the Poor. FOR DRY-GOODS. Fuller & Gould, John Skilton, S. G, Phipps, Nancy Winchester, J. P. Fla^g & Co. Hannah Ford, T. B. Preston & Co. Carpenter & Childs, William Fosdick, William Arnold^ FOR GROCERIES. J. Stone & Co. J. Johnson, Jh A. 11. Decoster, Phineas Stone, John L. Taggard, elonas Tyler, H. &. S. P. HiU, D. & Z. Bowman, Wm. T. Chandler, Samuel Abbott & Co. Sawtell & Jacobs, Chas. Nichols, J. W. Follett, William GeiTV, James IMackintire, Bradley & Richardson, Cutter & MuUett, Flint & Haynes, A. J. Carter, Thos. T. Deering, $336 90 158 02 393 41 20 45 18 33 2 25 102 59 105 06 87 85 85 45 1 .^10 .SI 129 20 324 68 16 88 19 272 76 56 58 646 86 563 88 68 77 146 98 416 21 84 37 22 4 2 79 73 70 12 6 6 25 2 2 937 27 Auiount carried up, $ 4,247 59 47 Amount brought up, FOR PROVISIONS. 4,247 58 Aseph Dyar, B. Webster, J. W. Hollis, Frost & Palmer, Wm. C. Cristy, J. Harwood & Co. N. Chapin, Emerson & Cutter, Thomas Shedd, Cristy & Wason, G. W. Felt, Robert Wason, Richardson and Rowland, 14 70 57 82 248 37 202 06 123 94 75 06 100 33 36 62 12 10 18 60 28 36 95 42 96 997 51 FOR GRAIN, MEAL, AND BREAD. ] N. & G. Tufts, Wesson and Gary, Benj, Teel, J. B. IMitchell, C. C. Pattee, 152 80 147 92 5 71 o 89 57 23 366 54 FOR LUMBER. Benj. Thompson & Co. Burr and Willis, T. Greenleaf & Co. Geo. Johnson, Jesse Harwood, J. Burrill & Co, J. W. Mulliken, Jotham Johnson, S. & G. Fowler, 142 82 132 99 93 94 53 52 9 118 60 74 17 42 IS 9 67S 22 FOR COAL AND WOOD. W. B. Thomas, Fuller and Davidson, J. & P. Sanborn, A. Tirreil, Amount carried up, 23 78 5 75 256 25 5 50 291 -28 .581 13 48 Amount brought up, ^6,581 13 FOR IRON, JUNK, &c. Lamson and Edraond, 36 26 South Boston Iron Co, 44 45 Wm. M. Eilmands, 63 52 John Torsleff, 26 170 23 FOR BOOTS AND SHOES. J. Arnold & Co. 76 59 Charles Poor, 94 19 Charles Miller, 2 62 N. Mariin, jr. 57 66 231 06 FOR SALARIES. H. G. Blakely, 100 J. K. Froihingham, 75 J. R. Turner, 400 Dr. J. W. Bemis, - 8S 663 FOR LABOR. W. VV. Frost, mending shoes, 51 27 Daniel Fosdick, do 46 80 L. Frye, do 19 85 W. Hodgkins, Iron Work, 32 54 Mass. State Prison, do 4 50 Leonard Tnfts, do 20 62 Joel Raymond, do 18 W. S. Richardson, do 6 47 I. F. Williams & Son, Wire work, 5 25 J. G. Loring & Co., Copper work, 7 97 0. Tufts, Ploughing, 5 218 27 FOR RENT. James Burnett, 31 42 P. Stone, 52 Catherine Beckford, 21 67 S. G. Bodge, 8 Nathan Lynde, 26 N. Webster, rent of 1 and, 63 202 09 Amount carried up, ^8,065 78 49 Amount brought up, $8,065 78 FOR SUNDRIES. Sanderson and Jacobs, coots, 7 so John Harding, fish, 84 05 Wm. Smith, do 8 51 Samuel Cutter, do j is H. v. V. Blanchard, paints, 56 07 Snow and Worcester, do S3 74 H. T. Messerve, milk, 29 76 Ann A. Harris, services, 104 M. A, Shattucii, do 70 57 C. P. Emmons, stationary, 13 70 David Edmands, oil, 80 70 James Adams, hardware, 105 72 G. W. Little, crockery and tin-ware, 40 63 Wm. M. Edmands, tin-ware, 17 43 A. Rand, soap, 35 51 H. S. Doane, brushes, 18 S3 Charles B. Rogers, medicines, 102 49 J. Caswell, repairs, 18 89 Fowler & Co., do 1 33 Ames Drake, do 3 50 Warren Rand, do 5 C. T. Mullett, do 15 69 C. Symmes, Burials, S9 P. Denvir, do 5 50 James Gould, Lime, 2 B, Thompson & Co., d» 19 55 Morris Kelley, Stone, 11 50 Benjamin Page, Stone and laying, 53 Samuel Ferrin, bricks, 93 73 D. P. Winning, straw, 49 36 H. & Z. C. Howland, barrels, 4 25 Henry Turner, hats, S8 95 .W. Dalrymple, stone and sand, 12 52 J. L. Jennerson, drain stone, 8 20 John Runey, earthen-ware, 9 J. M. Sawyer, sand, 2 75 Wm. Norcross, boat, 26 50 Nathaniel Watson, support of Insane persons? ».„ „. and others in the House of Correction, 5 James R. Turner, keeper, disbursements, of which, there was paid for ") hay and straw, $221 SOf .^_ ,, for cow and shoates, 61 SOr"^^' *^ and balance in small disbursements, 264 73) Amount! carried up, $2,454 67 9,066 79 50 Amounts brought up, $2,434 67 8,065 78 Jas. K. Frothingham, chair'n of disbursemehts, > of which there was paid for "^ wood, - - - - $ 1,057 72 for lumber, - - - 149 43 «' rent for sundry families, 161 75 " potatoes, - - - 63 21 i " supplies to poor in other towns, 44 ^ ' " support of Insane persons at } the Worcester hospital, ^199 S and balance in small disburse- ments, - - - 638 44 J 2,313 98 4,748 6&. Total Amount of orders drawn by the Overseers } ^ .^ 814 4Jr"' of the poor, - ... - j ^ ' " JVote of Chairman of Board of Overseers. The expenditure for the Building for the Insane, and the large bills paid for support of Insane persons at Cambridge and Worcester, swell the aggregate for the present year about $ 1,400, over what it was the last year. Orders of Engineer's Fu*e Department, DRAWN BY SeTH J. ThOMAS, ChIEF ENGINEER. F. T. Waitt, repairs, engines, Seth J. Thomas, disbursements, Samuel S. Sargent,, belts, H. Hutchinson, oil, Jno. Coon, repairs, engines, T. J. Elliott, do and sewers, Benjamin Corey, clearing snow from reservoirs, Harvard Engine Co., refreshments to Fire Go's , G. W. Little, lamps, No. 1, E. & O. Nichols, oil, M. Burckes, jr., repairs, hook and ladder, J. B. Rea, do No. 3, S. & J. Thayer, repairs, engines, Palmer and Whipple, do engine house, Mead and Phipps, estate, rent of land, Shelton and Cheever, repairs of hose, D. & Z. Bowman, oil, wicking, &c. Jno. L. Taggard, oil, No. 1, Oliver Brown, oil, Amouut carried up, $1^^ ^^ 5 63 3 12 5 50 12 57 7 28 26 44 12 2 13 3 5 05 1 50 17 10 50 5 75 11 7 6^ 22 70 13 95 23 75 61 Amount brought up, $ 196 50 Robert Wason, tallow, 62 Isaac Kendall, repairs, 3 10 Hillinger & Cook, do 1 "5 Hancock Co., No. 1, refreshments to out of town Go's., 9 05 Washington do, No. 5, do do Clerk ot No. 1, allowance for fuel, &c. do 2 do do 3 do do 4 do do 5 do do 7 do Clerk, hook and ladder Co. do Jas. Adams, padlock, H. & S. P. Hill, oil, hook and ladder co. Jas. Emery, repairs, engines, A. C. Palmer, stove. No. 2, N. Ayer, jr., repairs. No. 2, Isaac Phillips, settees, do George Fuller, painting No. 7 & 2, F. T. Waitt, signal lantern, J. Johnson, jr., oil. No. 4, Jas. M. Phipps, repairs, hose, S. W. Haynes, work, Charles Bennett, steward No. 1 , Jno. Jones, copper work. No. 3, H. Strater, boiler. No. 1, C. Rand, printing, Jas. M. Phipps, reparing hose, Jotham Barry, jr., badges and keys, Benjamin F. Tyler, pipe rack, Stephen Bennett, white washing, J. & P. Sanboni, coal and bark, W.^M. Edmands, stove funnell for 1, 2 & 3, Jno. Bryant, jr., wheel jack, T. M. Cutter, cordage. No. 5, Warren Engine Co., coal and bark. C. Symmes, repairs, reservoir. Carter and Bui-rell, wood and bark, T. & T. Hunnewell, repairs. Harvard Co., No. 3, wood and bark, A. Blanchard, repairs, ladders, B. F. Brackett, cleanino;. Crafts and Carter, teaming hose, G. Ty. Little, lamps, John Harris, stationary, T. Barker, jr., repairs, Washington Engine Co., coal and bark. Amount carried up, $701 15 4 20 35 35 35 35 35 35 17 50 58 1 69 12 57 5 50 50 6 40 87 10 4 69 7 12 62 6 25 3 8 70 3 75 3 50 9 52 12 8 46 50 9 18 5 25 1 10 3 1 22 87 3 50 3 5 27 75 38 6 26 1 76 75 4 52 Amount brought up, 1 15 S. & J. Thayer, repairs, engine house, 25 F. T. PFaitt, repairs, pump and boiler, Nos. 1, 8 & 7, 5 19 J. Barry, jr, services as steward, 15 Dravtn by Robert Wason, Chief Engineer Jotham Barry, jr., repairs on engine, J. L. Taggard, oil, Hiram Wiley, repairs on No. 4, Sawtell and Jacobs, oil, James M. Phipps, repairing hose, James McDonald, drawing engine, Heman S. Doane, brushes for No. 5 Wm. Hodgkins, repairs on hook and ladder, N. Gleason, do No. 1 J. Burrell, lumber for do James Adams, hardware for 1 & 7, W. R. Jefferson, lamps for No. 7, E. O. & C. Nichols, oil, &c., for No. 3, John Burrell, boiler top, Jacob Caswell, pump for No. 1, S. P. Kelley, work on do Sawtell and Jacobs, oil for No. 5, Ames Drake, repairs on house No. 1, John Murray, chairs for No- 7, Clerk of Engine No. 1, for fuel, &c, do 2 do do 3 do do 4 do do 5 do do 7 do do hook and ladder, do J. B. Rea, repairs on No. 3, Snow and Worcester, paints, &c., 3 & 4, Swene Anderson, sundries, C. P. Fesserden, frames, Eberle and Trask, repairs on No. 1, John L. Taggard, nails for do C. Sanderson, furniture for hall of Engine No. 5, J. L. Jennerson, work on well, S. G. Underbill, axes, hook and ladder, 0. Brown, oil and tallow, D. & Z. Bowman, oil, James M. Phipps, repairing hose, Howard Hook and Ladder Co., coal and bark. Estate of Mead and Phipps, rent, E. O. & C. Nichols, oU for No. 3, fGINE -ER. 5' 2 37 2 50 2 13 87 2 3 33 1 50 3 37 18 75 4 77 1 5 94 2 92 13 74 19 69 1 90 8 31 4 11 66 11 66 11 66 11 66 11 66 11 66 5 83 3 75 5 86 6 42 2 45 2 37 1 56 50 10 25 4 50 17 25 7 41 7 2 8 29 6 98 746 84 Amounts carried up, $328 84 746 34 53 Amounts brought up, Benjamin Thompson & Co., lime, &c. James Emery, repairs of engines, Hittinger and Cook, do Stephen \\'iley, drawing do Moses Babcock, rcpau-ing locks, Total Amount of orders drawn by the Board of Engineers. ... $328 84 746 34 I 35 12 38 13 83 11 75 3 37 371 5*2 1,117 86 Orders of the Board of Health. Wm. W. Wheildon, printing, Caleb Rand, do P. R. Jacobs, services, 12 75 7 72 Total Amount of orders drawn by Board of Health, $ 20 47 APPROPRIATIONS FOR 1844. Support of • Schools, - - - - 14,000 Support of Poor, .... 6,500 Repairing Highways, .... 1,800 Night Watch, .... 2,000 Fire Department, . . . . 1,800 Lamps, ..... 1,000 Board of Health, - - - - 150 Salary of Town Clerk, - - - " 300 *' Treasurer and Collector, - - 600 " Assessors, ... 400 " Messenger, . - - - 100 " Police Officers, - - - ' 100 " Chief Engineer, - - - 150 " Assistant Engineers, - - 100 Contingencies, .... 1,500 Abatement of Taxes, - - - 1,000 Reservoirs, ..... 1,200 Reduction of Town Debt, - ' - - 3,000 Interest on do - - - - 4,500 Pay of the Fire Department, - - 2,000 Enlarging Harvard and Winthrop School Houses, 1,800 House for Insane Poor, - - - 800 ^ $44,800 DR. TOWN OF CHARLESTOWN, n Paid, Sundries, per Statement, . " . $45,285 09 Orders drawn by Board of Selectmen, . 11,381 72 " " Board of Trustees, . . 16,148 59 *' " Board of Overseers, . . 12,814 43 " " Board of Engineers, . . 1,117 86 " " Board of Health, . . . 20 47 Balance in hands of the Treasurer, March 1, 1845, . 6,618 42 $93,386 58 Charlestown, March 15, 1845. The Finance Committee have examined the foregoing accounts and hereby certify that it appears to be duly vouched and accurately cast, the balance remaining in the hands of the Treasurer being Six Thousand Six Hundred and Eighteen Dollars Forty-two Cents. HENRY JAQUES. $6,618 42 JOHN GREGORY. P. J. STONE. JJlMES ADAJVIS. account with ISAAC BLANCHARD, Treas. CR. By balance in Treasury, March 1, 1844, Commonwealth for Military Services, " School Fund, " State Pauper Account, Borrowed to meet current expenses, " of Bunker Hill Bank, By Jacob Hittenger, interest. Town of Cambridge, .... Isaac Kendall, Engine House, • Chairman of the Board of Overseers, Somerville, proportion of County Tax, " " State Tax, Rent of Market House, .... Received for entering Bunker Hill Drain, " " Elm street Drain, " " JUawrence street do. " " Sullivan and Bartlett do. Taxes Collected, viz: Tax of 1841, uncollected March 1, 1844, $58 27 Deduct, uncollected March 1, 1845, 28 27 Tax of 1842, uncollected March 1, 1844, 257 19 Deduct uncollected Mareh 1,1845, 175 13 Tax of 1843, uncollt.cted March 1, 1844, 2120 56 Deduct uncollected, JMarch 1,1845, 969 23 " abated, " 371 50 1340 73 Total Tax assessed (1844, 5rj 9^5 qq Deduct uri'collected March 1,1845, 17fj5 57 ' " abated <' 1500 22 3265 79 $14,963 03 398 375 74 4,565 58 19,000 2,500 72 3 56 80 200 521 58 129 10 608 82 661 10 23 01 5 00 305 00 30 00 Interest for delay in payi ng Taxes, Unpaid on orders of sevei-al Boards', March J, 1845, 82 06 779*!' 47,649 81 8 97 424 39 4 $93,386 58 66 TOWN DEBT. Ue amor at of the Town Debt is $72,600; viz: To Trustees of tion, 61,000; Bunker Hill Bank, 2,500. ^•he Treasurer holds rerhaoates of Eeceiv3rs of Phcenix Bank to thp -ouuto. S11,630 72. Buringthe ,.t year the EeeXIhattf^et 3477-61 Lot-19 r ^ R^ ^ » < o w O - %A -X' L 1 « . * • o^ .0' . °o o V v"^ ^ * • '0^ ^'"■t ^ % ■■' v^' o » o « <{> _V ^^'-^ , '\ O N O ** %, , ^^^c'-- "^'Xy-^^-' ■> ^. .. »* ^C .^^ ^^^ "^6^ :/ is^' ^o ,-^ . X. » I ■« .V ^J.r.''"' \» s • % ^""-'^ <^> ^ o " o , ^ .0- V^' 014 013 491