iiilllnlMpi.Hn.i;H---;:i >-^ -"^^ *. v,^ v^\^ ■'^■,^' .%o. ''^. s r-. \^^' ■%./ %.<^ '^^^ ^^^ ,^-^. ^^0"% ^^''% ^^'"'■. C^^" . ^^ ', .%\ ^•^ .^%. -^"^ ^f\. -; . -j: .■^^ .">''' ''o. .< v. v .'^^ "•'■^ <^' 'v .^^ .^^■% / % ^>> "o cp-' 0^ = /^ **,. - 'V % f .^■^ v^^ ■;/*■ ■'' \-- '%/ ^^% y^' ■^''. ^^^ ^' ^^ %.<■ .^v^' ■^. \<°:'';% °° .i:^' ^t.,-^^ . . 5O o,. ..^^ ,0- ^ '^. . ^ r -^ ^ >:»^ "^^ J-' .•V ' .-i^ .)iingion, D. C. ' Preface. gW^Aillt: OBJECT of tin- (lesigncr in fl"" attention of tliose who are seel piesentiiig tliis Souvenir is to attract the seeking for desirable homes or manufacturing sites, to the natural and unsurpassed advantages, as well as to some of the characteristic features of Essex County, N. J. A Newaik mechanic himself, he felt a personal pride in producing a work above reproach that would bear inspection and meet with the approval of his fellow-citizens. The projector, during the prosecution of the work, was received and shown the utmost cour- tesy by all classes of the people, to whose generosity and material assistance its completion is mainly due. The illustrations present natural and life-like views of the Streets, Parks, Churches, Charitable Institutions, Academies, Colleges, Schools, Public Buildings, Newspapers, Manufacturing Plants, Stotes, Residences and portraits of some well-know'n and highly respected citizens. A brief historical sketch is given and an account of the wonderftd growth and development of the numerous interests that in the past have, and are now, contributing to make the County of Essex great, wealthy and famous. We trust that the succeeding pages may be found filled with useful and interesting information adapted to the object in view. Or. M. H. C. \ aii,^ F,n[T0R-IN-CHIBK. THE IN]:)EX, GKNEKAL niXISIONS. INTRODUCTORV, Historic A I., CHL'RCH HlSIDRV, - Chariiabi-i-; Insth itidns. ElU'CATKINAl.. - - - GuVERNMliM'. - - - Press. . - - . Inkustries, Eic. - PACE. I-S - 9-40 41 -68 68-72 73-120 1 21-160 161-172 173-266 Church history. V Centenary M. E. Cliurcli, Church of Our Ladv of Mt. C;irinel. 59 62 THE INDEX TO SUBJKCTS. INTRODUCTORY. Title Page. - - - - . 1 Acknowledgements and Copyright. - 2 Preface. ----- 3 Table of Contents. - - - 4.8 HISTORICAL Ambassador Runyoji's Death. - 35-36 A Daring Adventure. - - 28-29 Artesian Wells. - - - - 21 Branch Brook. - - - - 20 Capt. Samuel F. Waldron. - - 39 Col. Isaac M. Tucker. - - 38-39 Corporal James Marshall. - - 39 Essex County Roads and .Avenues. 17 Essex County Quarries. - - 14-16 Essex County in the Revolution. 21-26 Essex County in the War of '61-65. 29-30 Essex County was Loyal, - - 30-31 First Settleinenl. - - - lo-ri Fort Runyon. - - - . 36-37 Gen. Theodore Runyon. - 3'-35 Gen. Phil. Kearny. - . . 37-38 Gen. William Ward. - - 39-40 Gen. George B. McClellan. - 40 Geography and Topography. 1 1-12-13-14 History of Essex County. - - 9-10 Jersey Blues. - - - . 26-27 .Major Davifl A. Ryerson. - - 39 Orange Gets Water, - - - 21 Passaic Supply. - - - . 20-21 Pequannock. - - - - - 21 Slavery in Essex County. - - 18-19 Such is Fate. - - - . . jg The Acreage of Essex. - - 13 The Affair .it Lyons Farms. - 27-28 The First Declaiation of Independence. 28 The lro(|Uois and Dclawarcs. - 13 The New Jersey Brigade. - - 31 Trap Rock. - - . . 16-17 Water Supply, - - - 19-20 Emanuel German M. E. Church. 48-49 Emanuel Ref. Episcopal Church. 55-56 Fifth Baptist Church. - - - 59 First Presbyterian Church. - 41-44 General Article on Churches, ■ 66-68 Grace English Lutheran Church. 57 Introductory. - - - - 41 Irvington M. E. Church. - - 58-59 Park Presbyterian Church. - - 44-45 Reformed Dutch Church. - 51-52 Religious Freedom, - - - 64 Second German Baptist Church. 56-57 Second Presbyterian Church, - 47-48 Si.xth Presbyterian Church. - 45-47 South Baptist Church. - - 52-53 St. Aloysius' R. C. Church, - - 65 St. Bridgets R. C. Church. - - 65 St. James' R. C. Church. - - 63 St. John's R. C. Chutch, - - 61-62 St. John's German Lutheran Church. 57-58 St. Paul's M. E. Church. - - 49-51 St. Stephen's German Evan. Church. 52 The First German Baptist Church. The New York Ave. Ref. Church. - Third German Presbyterian Church, Trinity Church, . . . . Trinity Reformed Church, - - 54 54 53 49 60 55 CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS. Boys' Lodging House, - - - 71 City Hospital, - - . - 70 Essex Co. Hospital for the Insane, 1 23-1 24 Eye and Ear Infirmary, - - 71 Home for Incurables, - - 71 House of the Good Shepherd. - 71 Newark Feinale Charitable Societv, 71 Newark Orphan Asylum. - - 71 St. Barnabas' Hospital. - - 68-69 St. James' Hospital. - - - 70 St. Mary's Orphan Asylum. - - 71 St. Michael's Hospital. - - 70 St. Peter's Orphan Asyluin. - - 71 St. \'incent's Home for Bo)s. - 7: The Foster Home. - - - - 71 The German Hospital, - - 70 The Home of the Friendless. - - 70 The Hospital for Women and Children. 71 The Krueger Pioneer Home. - 71 The Little Sisters of the Poor. - 71 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. Anderson. Dr. Henry J . - 117-118 Barringer, William N., - Beacon Street School. Bergen Street School. Burnet Street School. Camden Street School. - Cutis, U. W.. - Eighteenth .Avenue School, i'A(;e. 114-115 - 98 - 99 - S0-81 - 87 115 - 83 Extract from Supt.'s Report, 1895. 87-8 Fifteenth Avenue School, - - 76 Gay, William A., - - - 117 General School Article. 90-97. 10S-116 Green St. German-English School, 98 German and English School Gov- ernment, - - . . loo Hamburg Place School. - - 78 Hawkins Street School. - - 84 Introductory School History. - 73-76 Newton Street School. - - - 89 North Seventh Street School. - 89-90 Oliver Street School. • - - 86 South Market Street School. - 84 South Street School. - - - 87 St. Ann's School, . . . gg St. Augustine's School, - - - 99 St. Benedict's School, - - 98-99 St. Benedict's College, - - - 103 St. James" School, - - . 102 St. John's School. - - - 102 St. Joseph's School, - - tiS-119 St. Mary's Academy. - - - 105 St. Mary Magdalen's School, - - 119 St. Patrick's School, - - - 118 St. Peter's School, - - - 99-118 St. X'incent's Academy. - - 105 Thirteenth .Avenue School, - - 79 Twelfth Ward German English School, 97 The Blum Street German-English School, - . - . c/g-ioo The Borough of Vailsburg, - - iiS The Coleman Nat. Business College, 106 The " Franklin " School, - - 84-85 The German-English Presbyterian School. ----- 99 The Newark High School. - 107 The Newark St. German-English School. - . . . 97-98 The Newark Business College. - 104 •The Newark Free Public Library, 1 19-120 The Newark Technical School, - 1 20 The Nr)rmal School. ... 77 The Township School .System. I 16-1 17 Walnut Street School. - - - 85 W'.irren Street School, - 107-108 Washington Street School. - - 82 Waverly Avenue School. - - 101 TABLE OF CONTENTS. ESSEX COUNTY GOVERNMENT- PAGE. Bassett, Allen L., - - - 135-136 Connolly, James F., - - i33-'34 Coursen. R. R.. - - - - '3' Dill. Dr. D. M.. - - - '30 Fleming, James E.. - - - '35 Hanley, John J., - - - i3'-i3^ Haussling, Jacob, - - - i34 Hawkins. W. W.. - - - - 132 Haynes, Joseph E., - - '3--'33 Haynes, George D., - - - '33 Hood. Louis. - - - 129-130 Introduction, - - - 121-123 Judge D. A. Depue. - - 126-127 I'arker, R. Wayne, - - - i35 Prosecutor's Office. - - - '29 Road Board Committee, - - 1 28 Scales Timothy, - - - 13° The Board of Trade, - - >35-'36 The Courts of Essex Cnuniy. 124-126 The Tost Office. - - - - '32 Ure, William A.. - - - "36 Wilhelm, George. - - - - '3' NEWARK CITY GOVERNMENT. Astley, William C. - - - 1 36 Bosch, Adam. - - - - ' 5" Brown. Horace H.. - - - 156 Brown, William H., - - -158 Fire Commissioners, - - 159-160 Godber, William, - - - - 156 Greathead, William E . - 157-158 Hamlin, James v.. - - -158 Kierstead. Robert, - - - 156 Mayors of Newark. - - 144-148 Newark Board of Health. - - 150 Newark CityGovernment. 1 37- 1 43, i 50- 1 52 Pequannock Water, - - i53-'54 Police of Newark, - - - 14S-149 Price, Lewis M., - - - - ■ 57 Sloan. Joseph E.. - - - 158 The Fire Department. - 153-156 The Salvage Corps. - - 160 Thorn. John B.. - - - - 157 Voight, H. L.. - - - 157 THE PRESS. Holbrook. Albert ^L. - - - 171 New Jersey Deutsche Zeitung. - T65 New Jersey Freie Zeitung. - 163 New Jersey's Great Sunday Paper. 164 Orange Sonntagsblalt. - - - 168 The Newark Daily Advertiser. - 161 The Newark Evening News. - 162 The Newark Ledger. - - 170 The Newark Pioneer. - - - 166 The Orange Volksbote, - - 167 Town Talk. Illustrated. - - 169 INDUSTRIAL, ETC. Ahearn, James, - - - - 262 Alsdorf, E. & Co., - - - 263 Bernauer. August. - - - 237 Bird. William A., - - - 223 Blair, Robert, Booth, Hubert. - - - Bowers, Philip J. & Co.. Brierley, Joshua, Brown, Charles J., Buchlein, H., - - - Hurkhardt. .Antlrew H . - Chapman, C. Durand, - Clark. Joseph P.. Clayton & Hoff Co.. Connolly, Thomas. H.. Cressey, Thomas. Dejong & Steiger. Demarest, N. J. & Co.. - Dixon & Rippel. Dowling, J. P. & Son. - Dunn, Walter P.. Duncan. Charles B.. Drake & Co.. - - - Edwards, F. C, - Eisele & King. - - - Ely, John H. & Wilson C. - Engelberger & Barkhorn. - Engelhorn. F. & Son, - Erb, G. L.. - - - Faitoute. J. B.. - - - Felder, Louis A., Finter Bros., - - - Finter & Co . - Forest Hill Association, Freeborn G. Smith, - Freudenthal & Adler. - Gahr, Jacob. - - - Gless, A. J , - Gray, Thomas J . Gregory, John. Haley & Slaight, Hamilton, William F.. - Harrigan. William. Harburger. Joseph. Hassinger, Peter. Healy. George. Heilman. C. W., Heller & Bros.. - Historical Review, Hill's Union Brewery Co . Hinde. Arthur. Hine. Edwin F., - Hooper & Co., - - - Hobbis. H. v., Hunt, John O.. - Jacobs, Walter C, Jacobi, William, Kaas, Adam. Kearns. William J.. - Kearsing Manufacturing Co., Klemm. Henr>' C, Kronenberger, J.J., L. Bamberger & Co., Logel, Joseph, Logel, William, Lyons, Lewis J., - FACE. - 259 260 - 252 239 - 204 222 213 - 220 216 - 261 20; - 232 250 . 189 233 - 237 216 - 221 '74 - 253 203 - 264 191 - 236 236 - 220 204 - 186 196 225-227 247 - 201 231 - 208 209 - 242 '99 - 205 213-214 - 241 218-219 - 260 - 236 - 190 -185 244 224 228 25' 228 213 171 259 219 235 246 260 264 210 249 223 246 17; PAGE. Maher & Flockhart. - ■94 \Iarlatt. James. - - - - 209 McCabe, Owen, 253 McCarthy, James A., 246 Miller. Philip. - - - - 224 M. & M. Cummings & Co., - 256 MuUer, J. J. Henry. - - - 217 Mullin. W. S: J.. - 237 Mullin. James J.. . - - 2'3 Munn. F. W.. ... 2 34-235 Mundy. Joseph S., - 250 Murray. C. C, - - - - 238 Nathan. David B., ... 171 Nieder, John, ... - 231 Old Fashioned 15rewery. 240 Peter. Alfred, - 230 Perry, Theodore, - - . 259 Photo Engraving and Electrotypin g. 257 Poortman, Adolph, ... 241 Quinn, Miles F., . - 249 Residence of Mr. Engelberger. - 224 Reilly. John. - 197 Ripley, David & Sons, 255 Rittenhouse, Stacy B.. - - 229 Rodrigo. John A., . 243 Russell, C. M., - 188 R. Walsh & Co., 212 Scheller, John C, - - 21 I Schick, John, . - - - 200 Schill, Otto K., - - 229 Schmidt & Son, ... 198 Schoenig, William K.. . - 223 Schuetz. Charles J . - 262 Schwartz, H. E., . - 249 Slaight, C. H.. - 221 Spielmann. Strack & Co . - 215 Steines, .\., .... 243 S. Trimmer & Co., - 24S Sutphen, Joseph S.. - 205 Ten Eyck. H. Galloway. - 232 The A. Ohl Machine Works, 228 The American Building Loan an d Savings Ass'n of New Jersey. 245 The Coach Lamp Manufacturing Co., 254 The Cory-Heller Wall Paper M -f'g Co., 192 The End of All, 266 The E. E. Hogan Shoe Mfg Co. 193-194 The Hagopian Photo-Engraving Co., 258 The Newark Watch Case Material Co.. 1 87 The Prudential Ins Co., of America, 202 The State Banking Company, - 176 Tompson, F. W., ... - 214 1 Van Houten, William F., - 242 ■ Virtue, Lincoln A.. - 230 West End Land Improvement Co , 206-207 Weston. Edward. «75 White. Frank A. . - 262 Witzel. H. P. & Co.. . 195 Wisijohn. Frank, . - - - 209 Woodruff, E. B., 246 Wolber, Charles & Co., - '73 ESSEX COUNTY. N. J.. ILLUSTRATED. inSTDEZX TO ILLUSTPS-jPlTIOI^S. rA(iE. Ann Street School. - - - 76 AthaX: Huyhes'otViccand Warcroonis. 1S2 B IJalihvin Hmiieslcad, - - - 17 licacon Stri-ct Gernian-Knglish School, 99 Bird's-eye \'iew of the City of New- ark, looking Southwest—Frontispiece 205 184 212 So Borough Hall. \'ailsburg. Building of John Toler Sons & Co., Building of K. Walsh & Co., Burnet Street School, Camden Street School, - - 88 Centenary M. K. Church, - - 5' Central Avenue School, - - 75 Ch.irlton Street .School, - - - 96 Chestnut Street School, - - 81 Christian Church, Irvington, - - 53 Church of our Lady of Mt. Carniel, 62 Church of St. Mary Magdalen, - 67 City Home, at Wrona, - - - 140 Coal and Wood Yard -S. Trimmer & Co.. 248 Commission House of J. V. Clarke, 216 Coleman's National Business College, 106 29 - 173 Copy of old Record, C. Wolber & Co.. - 257 233 174 54 83 73 D Design by Seebeck Bros.. - Dixon & Rippel. - - - Drake & Co., - - . Dutch Reformed Church, E Eighteenth Avenue School, Elizabeth .\ venue .School, Emanuel Reformed E|)iscopal Church, 55 210 '54 156 156 158 120 121 124 216 Emporium L. Bamberger & Co., Engine Co., No. 5. N. !■". D., Engine Co.. No. 8, N. F. D.. - Engine Co. No. 9. N. F. D., Engine Co. No. 11, N. F. D.. Entrance to Free f'ublic Library, Essex County Court House, - Essex County Hospital for the Insane, Establishment of W, 1'. Dunn, - Eye anri Ear Inhrmary. - - . F Fifth Baptist Church. - - . Fifteenth Avenue School, - First C.erman Baptist Church. First I'resliylerian Church. - Forest Hill I'resbyterian Church, Forest Hill Sch.iol. Foster Home. . - . . Fourth I'rrcinri I'olii e Station. F"ree Public Library. Furniture House J. J. Henry Muller. F. W, Munn's Cab ;inrl Coupe Em- porium, - . . . 59 I 76 ! 54 4> 69 97 72 ' 148 7^ 217 234 i German ^L E. Church, - - 50 German Newspapers, - - - i7- Grace Evangelical English Luther- an Church, - - - - 5' Green Street German-English School, 115 Group of Leather Manufacturers, 34 Group of Essex County Citizens, - T31 H Haley iS: Slaight, Cigar Works. Hamburg Place School. Harburger's Hall, - - - - Hawkins Street School, Hebrew Orph.m .'\sylum, Heller Parkway, Holbrook's Directory, - - - Hook and Ladder Co., No. 2. N. F. D.. Home of the Friendless, Home for .Aged Women. Interior View St. .Moysius Church. Interior \'iew Emanuel Reformed Episcopal Church, - - - Interior X'iew Fifth Baptist Church. Interior View First Presby. Church, Interior View Grace Church. Interior \'iew Photo-F.ngraving. Interior View Scheller's Book Bindery, Interior View Schill's Photo Gallery, Interior V'iew State Banking Co.. - Interior View Trinity Church. Interior \'iew R. Walsh & Co., Irvington Episcopal Chapel. Irvington M. E. Church. Irvington Public School, 199 78 241 84 229 226 171 '54 '4' 232 61 55 59 42 68 258 21 1 265 176 60 2'3 68 69 1 10 Jewelry Works of Carter, Hawkins & Howe, - - . - Jewelry Works of Krementz & Co.. J. S. Mundy's Machine Works, Joshua Brierley's Livery Stable, - k; Krueger Pioneer Home, Lafayette Street Public .School. Landing of the early settlers Lawrence Street School, Little Sisters of the Poor, - M Main Room, Free Public Library. - M. X: M. Cummings & Co , Meeker Homestead, ... Miller Street School, - - . Monmouth .Street School, Montclair Avenue, - . . Moninnent to Early Settlers, Morton .Street School, Mullin's Undertaking Establishment, 178 179 250 239 "7 9 93 72 "9 256 12 8t 95 227 29 74 237 N r.\GE. Newark Academy, - - - 107 Newark City Hall, - - - '37 Newark City Hospital, - - 138 Newark Electrotype Foundry, - 253 Newark Daily Advertiser, - - i6t Newark Evening News. - - 162 Newark Female Charitable Society. 139 Newark High School, - - - loS Newark Orphan Asylum, - - 72 Newark Street German-English School, 98 Newark Technical School, - - 119 Newton Street School, - - - 89 New Jersey Business College, - 107 North Baptist Church, - - - 49 North Seventh Street School, - 90 Officers of the First Police Precinct, 147 Officers of the Third Police Precinct. 145 Office of C. B. Duncan, - - 221 onice of E. J. Gless, - - - 20S Oldest School in Newark. - - 73 Old Fashioned Brewery. - - 240 Old Synagogue. - - - - 177 Oliver Street School, - - - 86 Orange Sonntagsblatt, - - 168 Orange \'olksbote, ... 167 Park Avenue School, - - - 1 16 Park Presbyterian Church, - 43 Past Mayors of Newark. - - 144 Patent and Enameled Leather Works. 197 Peddie Memorial Church. - - 46 Photo by William F. Cone. - 259 Philip J. Bowers & Co , - - 252 Piano Warerooms, ... 247 Plant of David Ripley & Sons, - 255 Plaut's Hebrew Memorial School. iiS Plant of the Hill Brewing Co.. - 244 Plant of Newark Coach Lamp Manufacturing Co., - - 254 Post Office and Custom House. - 132 Post OlVice Cigar Factory, - - 201 Poorlman's Hall, - - - - 241 Presidents of the United States, 31 Private Laboratory of Ed. Weston. 175 Progress Club House, - - - 264 Prudential Insurance Co., - - 202 R Reading Room. Free Public Library, 118 Residence of Mrs. William A. I're, 136 Residence of E. J. CjIcss, - - 209 Residence of John C. Eiselc. - - 203 Residence of Louis J. r'"elder. - 204 Residence of L. J. Lyons. - 246 Residence of Richartj E. Cogan. - 205 Residence of W. J. Kearns. - 243 Residence of Ernest Nagel, - - 206 Residence of Elias G. Heller, - 225 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Residence of F. W. Munn, - - 235 Residence of Edwin W. Hine. - 228 Residence of Fred. Engelberger, - 224 Residence of Peter Hassinger, - 218 Residence of \V. H. Barkhorn, - 230 Residences on Heller Parkway, - 245 S Sclimidt & Sons' Steam Saw and Planing Mills, - - - 198 Schill's Photograph Gallery, - - 264 Second German Baptist Church, 57 Second Presbyterian Church, - - 44 Second Police Precinct, - - 146 Seth Boyden's Monument, - - 135 Seebeck Bros.. - - - - 263 Sixth Presbyterian Church. - - 44 Spielmann, Strack & Co., - - 2r5 South Baptist Church, - - - 46 South Eighth Street School. - 97 South Market Street School. - - 84 South Street School, - - - 87 Street Views in Newark, - - 13 Store of F. \V. Tompson, - - 214 Store of E. Alsdorf & Co , - - 261 Store Joseph Logel, - - - 249 St. Aloysius' Church. - - 65 St. Barnabas' Hospital, - - - 143 St. Benedict's College, - - 103 St. Benedict's School, - - - 114 St. Benedict's Church, - - 67 St. liridget's Church, - - - 66 St. James' Church, - - - 63 St. James' Hospital, - - - 7' St. James' School, - - - 102 St. John's German Evangelical Lu- theran Church, - - - 57 St. John's R. C. Church, - - 61 St. John's School, - - - - 102 St. Joseph's Church, - - - 66 St. Joseph's School, - - -114 St, Leo's Church, Irvington, St. Mary's Academy, St. Mary's Orphan Asylum, St, Michael's Hospital, - St. Patrick's School, - St. Paul's M. E. Church, St. Peter's Orphan Asylum, St. Peter's School. St. Vincent's Academy. Summer Avenue School, Studio of C. Durand Chapman, PAGE. 67 - 105 142 - 31 117 - 45 70 - 113 105 - 75 220 U Undertaking WareroomsC.C. .Murray, 238 Temple B'Nal Jeshuran, - - 54 Tenth Ward German English School, 1 1 5 The Clayton-Hoff Co.'s Stables, - 261 The E. Alsdorf Co.'s Store. - 263 The E. E. Hogan Shoe M'f'g Co., 193 The First Surveying Station, - - 10 The '■ FrankUn " School, - - 85 The German Hospital, - - - 231 The German Evangelical Church, 50 The Newark Business College, - 104 The New City Hospital, - - 150 The Newark Ledger, - - - 170 The Newark Sunday Call, - - 164 The Newark Pioneer, - - 166 The New Jersey Deutsche Zcilung, 165 The New Jersey Freie Zeitung, - 163 The New York Ave. Reformed Church. 47 The Normal School, - - - 77 The Old Seth Boyden Foundry, - 177 The Old Plank Road Ferry House, 17 The " Wedding Bonnet," - - 220 Thirteenth Avenue School. - 79 Third German Presbyterian Church. 49 Third Presbyterian Church, - - 47 Trinity Church, - - - - 60 Trinity Reformed Church, - - 53 Twelfth Ward German-English School, 98 V Vailsburg Public School, - Views on Broad Street, - 14-15-2 View on Clinton .Avenue, - \'iew in Fairmouni Cemetery. View in Garden Street, View in Jersey Street, - - - View in Lincoln Park, Views on Market Street, 16-28,33-130-134 Views in Military Park, - - 24-30 Views in Newark, 1 1-12-13-18-19- 26-32-35-36-37-38 View- on Passaic River, - - 133 View on Pennsylvania Avenue, - 27 View on Springfield Avenue, - 39 \'iews on Washington Park, - 21-28 116 1-25 23 266 200 129 20 W Walnut Street School, Warren Street School, - - . Washington Street School, Waverly Avenue School. Webster Street .School, Wheaton's Building, - - . William Logel's (Grocery, - Works of C. M. Russell. Works of The Cory-Heller Co., - Works of Crescent W'atch Case Co., Works of Engelberger S: Barkhorn, Works of Finter Bros., Works of Finter & Co., Works of Heller Hros.. Works of H. P. Witzel Co.. - Works of Maher S; Flockhart. - Works of N. J. Demarest tv: Co., - Works of Newark W. C. Material Co., W'orks of N. J. Zinc and Iron Co.. - 85 94 82 lOI 92 251 223 188 192 I So 191 186 196 190 '95 '94 189 187 •95 INTOE^C XO P=OK.TK.jPs.IXS. Adler, Frank C, - Adler, Francis E., Adler, William, Ahearn, James, Sr., Ahearn, James, Jr.. Allen, Rev. J. S., Alsdorf, E., Anderson, Dr. Henry J. Argue, R. D., Arbuckle, J. N., - Astley, William C, Backus, J. A., Baker, Henry R., Balcom, A. G., - Baldwin, Joseph, Barkhorn, Win. C Barringer, William N., Bassett, Allen L., Baumann, Charles, Berg, A., - Bernauer, August. Beyer, Herman E. L., Bird, William A., Birkenhauer, Sebastian. Bissell. William E., Blair, Robert, - Blanchard, Noah F., Bloemecke, Henry, Booth, Hubert, Bosch, Adam, Bowers, Philip J., Boyden, Seth, Brandenburg, G. F., Bray, Joseph B., PAGE. - 166 166 - 201 262 - 262 56 - 263 117 - 109 92 - 160 92 159 «5 185 191 109 '35 240 9' 237 169 221 240 80 260 183 206 260 '55 252 39 89 128 Breckenridge, Wm. A. Brierley, Joshua, Brown, Charles J . Brown, Horace H., Brown, R W., - Brown, Win. H., Buchlein, H., Burgesser, Charles H.. Burke, T. E., - Burkhardt, A. H., Chapman, C. Durand, Cliristensen, Rev. David H ■ Clark, A. Judson, Clark, C , - Clark, Dr. J. H., Clark, Joseph, Clark, Joseph P., Cody. Rev. P., Coleman. Henry, Condit, Fihnore, Connolly, Thomas H., - Corbett. Capt. Michael. Cort, Thomas, Coursen, C. C, - Coursen, R. R., Crane, Elvin W . Crane, Walter T.. - Cummings, James, Cunnnings, John, - Currier, Cyrus, - Cressey, Thomas, D Daly, Capt. Wm. P., D'Aquila. Rev. E., 'AGE. PACK. 80 De Jong, Solomon, 125 239 De Jong, Maurice, - 250 204 Demarest, Daniel, 189 160 Demarest. N. J.. - - 189 1 I I Depue, ludge D. A.. - 121 "55 Devoursnev, Marcus L . - 160 222 Dey, F. A ', 142 207 Dill, Dr. D. M.. - - 129 169 Disbrow, Dr. Wm. .S., 151 213 Di.xon, Edward. - . - - 233 Doane, Monsignor Geo. IL. 64 Dodd, Rev. Chas. Hastings, - - 52 220 Docring, Rev. G.. 58 56 Dougherty, Henry J., - 83 152 Dowling, James 1'., 237 95 Drake, Oliver, - . . - 174 152 Duncan, Chas. li.. 126 77 E 127 63 106 Eberhardt. Chas, F., - 254 Edwards. F. C, 253 Eisele, John C, - - 203 129 Ely, John H.. - 264 205 Ely, Wilson C , - - 264 149 Engelberger, Fred, 191 141 English, Dr. Thomas Dunn, - - '53 123 Erb, G. L., - . - - 236 130 1 22 Eschenfelder, Andrew, - - 215 III K 256 Faitoute, J. B.. - 229 256 Felder, Louis A., - - - - 204 181 Finger, Julius B., '39 232 Finger, J. B., - - - - 152 Finter, Fred., - - - 186 Finter Frederick, - - - - 196 149 Finter, Fredrick, 186 62 Finter, Robert, . - - - 186 ESSEX COUNTY, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. Finler. William F.. Fischer. Olto C. - Fi>h. William M.. Flammann, Kev. A., Fleminfj. Col. |. W., - Fleiniiig. Kev. Father. - Fort. Frederick W.. French. Rev. J. Clement. I Furman. Jas. A., Freuilenthal. Leopold. - O Gay. William A.. Gahr. Jacob, - . - (.".ervais. Rev J. M., - Gibson. John S.. Gless. A. J.. Godber. William. - Gore. J. K.. Grav, Thumas J.. - Gray. Walter H.. Greathead. William E.. - Gregory. John. - Grimme, George. - H Hainer. Rev. Wm. H.. Haley. George W.. Halsey. Geo. A., Hamilton. William F.. - Hamlin. James \'.. Manley. John J . - Hanson. Frank H., A. M.. Harrigan. William. Harburger. Joseph, Hassinger. I'cter, - Hattcl. (."■usiave L.. - Haussling. Jacob. - Hawkins. William W.. Haynes. Joseph K.. Hayncs. (jeo. D.. Hays. James L.. Mealy. George, - Hcilman, C. W., Heller. Carl. Heller. Frederick, Heller. Klias G., - Heller. I'aul E . Hermon. (ieorge. - Herold. Dr. H. C II. Hinckley, Livingston S Hinde, Arthur. Hine. Edwin W., - Hooper. George l>.. Hooper. Irvin G.. - Hoblns. I), v.. - Hixigkinsiin. James. Hog.in. I'.itrick, Holbn.ok. Albert NL Holmi's, J , Hopper. Chief llenr\ Hopper. Capt. li. W'. Ilurlon E. E.. Hum. John ().. - Hovev. I>rof. E. O.. ). U, 123-207 .\1. 1), w I lllingwcirlh, John, J Jacobs. Walter C, Jariibi. Wm.. "JiilinstDn. Janus. - K Kaas. Adam. K.ilisch. Abnrr. Kill" Lyman E.. I Rev. Richard, I in J., K<- 111, . \\ .J.. Kiarsing John G.. Kcarsing William H,. Kemp. I.)r. A. Frit/, - K' I ',.■(). W., I liief Robert. K...,., iniel. I'AGE. 196 ■ 236 1 12 7S 201 "7 23' 63 •38 208 '57 94 209 252 130 242 9" 70 •99 I S3 126 '57 123 82 140 242 218 254 '25 126 132 132 "7 260 -236 too 181 225 226 142 '5' 124 224 125 251 25' 228 '55 •83 171 263 147 261 90 2'3 109 '59 '7> 214 '53 219 '27 146 56 226 '25 246 246 99 126 160 203 Klemm. Henry C, Koehler. August. - Kronenberger. J. J.. - L Lebkuecher. Julius .A.. Lehlbach, Herman. Leonard, J. J., Leucht, Rev. Joseph. - Lewis, A. N., Lister, Alfred, Logel, William. Logel, Joseph, - Lupton. Patrick, Lusk. Rev. IJavis W., Luther, Rev. Dr., M Marlatt, James. Mar.\, Franklin. Ma\er. M.. M'Chesney. William (".. Meilcraft. John, Menk. C. W., Menzel. Hugo, - Merz, Henry, Miller, Heiirv T., Miller, Philip, Morris, Rev. J. N.. - Morris. William W.. Morrison, William, Mullm, J. J.. Mulvev. .M. M., A. M . Munn,' F. W., Murray, C. C, - Myers, Charles M.. McManus, Rev. .M. A.. McManus, Capt. .Andre McCabe, Owen, McCarthy, James .A.. McDonald, Edward !■'.. N Nagel, Ernest, - Nagel, Camile P., - Nathan, D. I?.. - Niebuhr. Rev F.. - Nieder, John, O'Connor, ^L J Ohl, A., - ( )sborne, 1 O •. Louis Shi Parker, R. Wayne. - Parsons, W. H.. Pell. Charles H.. Perry. 'Iheodore, - Peter, Alfred, Poortman, Adolph, Poels, Rev. J. P., Price, Louis M., Puder, M. 15., - Putschcr, August. - Prieth. Benedict, Q Qualllander. Kev. Paul, Muinn, M. F., (juinn, P. T., R Rahm, Eugene, Kead. Dr. J. W., Reilly, John, - Richmond. John 1!.. - Rippel. Albert A.. Ripley. Chas. O.. Ripley, David, Ripley, Wm. A., Rittenhouse, Stacv !$.. Roden. H. P., M.I). Rodrigo. John A.. - Rommell. Henrv C. - Russell, C. M., ■ - Runyon, Cen'l Theo. S Sansom, Charles E., 219 1 68 '23 122 91 70 1 1 1 185 223 249 124 56 48 '27 '53 181 152 I 28 93 '59 128 127 224 48 '43 259 9' 104 235 238 1 12 65 '49 253 140 ■34 206 207 90 52 231 171 22S 58 '33 100 '74 260 230 242 64 '55 95 '73 '63 48 88 136 99 1 12 '97 128 233 255 183 255 214 93 243 '59 188 '34 Saupe. G., ... Savery, Rev. George. Scarlett, .August. Scheller, John C. - Schenk, Rev. Carl. Schick, John. ... Schick, Albert, Schickhaus. F'dward, - Schill, Ludwig, ... Schill, Otto K., Schmidt, Gustave, Schmidt, Ferdinand A.. Schmidt. Henry A.. Schoenig, William K . Scholt, Henry P.. Schuetz, Charles J., Schuelz. A.. ... Schwarz Carl, - . - Schwarz, H. E., - Seebeck, John. - . . Seebeck. William. Sexton. E. K., - Seymour, James M.. Shepartl, Edwin, Slaight, C. H.. - - - Slaight. Henry L.. Sloan. Joseph E.. - Smith, James, Jr., Smith, James R., - . . Smith. J. Kennie. Spielmann, Emile W.. Staptf, Julius, ... Steiger, Fred J., - Steines, Anton. ... Strack. Frank P.. - Strempcl. Ernest C - Sulphen, Joseph. ... '1' Temme, Ernest. Temme, Fred. C - Ten Eyck, H. Gallowa\. Terwilliger, J. L., Toler, John, ... Thorn, John 15., Trimmer, Samuel. U Ubhaus, Capt. J. H.. UfTert, Edward H.. - Ulrick, Peter, Ure, William A., Urick, William P. B., - V Vail, Dr. M. H. C. - Van Houten. William F.. Virtue, Lincoln .A.. Voget, .Arnold, Voight, Herman, W Wadsworlh, Frank, Walsh, Robert, Walter. Charles. - Ward. Elias S . - Wendell. Louis J.. - Weston, Edward. While. Frank A.. - Wigger, Rt. Rev. M. W .. I) 1) , Wilhclm. George, Wilson. Albert B.. - Wilson, Geoige H„ Winner. W. W.. Wiseman Rev. W. J., S. T. L.. Wisijohn. Frank, Witzel, H. P., Woodruff, E. B.. Woolman. H. M., M. D.. Wolber, Charles. Wolf, Rev. Julius H . - Wrightson. J. T., Z Zeh, Dr. C. M., Zusi. Fvdward, ... PAGE. 88 - 5S 109 - 21 1 48 200 - 200 158 - 265 ■ 254 198 - 198 223 - I II 262 - 257 '53 - 249 257 - 257 87 - 137 86 - 221 '99 - '57 '33 - 146 259 - 2'5 176 - 250 243 - 21; 248 - '41 167 167 232 89 181 158 248 '49 '47 '43 '35 84 242 230 87 '57 254 261 ■38 '75 262 64 122 79 139 104 65 206 '94 239 94 173 52 122 '5' 100 History of Essex County. N. J. .ANDING OF THE EARLY SETTLERS AT NEWARK, ESSEX COUNTY. N. J., MAY, 1666. t SSEX County, an integral part of New Jersey, a State which was one of the Oi iginal Thirteen colonies, and at this present 1896, a member of the grandest - confederacy of free and independent States tliat ever existed since the Great Architect tossed out from his fingers this earth of ours, fixed its orbit and sent it spinning round the great central sun, marked its bounds amid the rolling oceans, bidding' the tides come and go, and that part quite insignificant when extent of territory is considered but mightily increased in magnitude when population and wealth are thought of. Sometimes she has been, and not always inappropriately either, when the grandeur of the two above- named reasons are combined with her marvellous manufacturing interests, called the " State of Essex." Indeed, this was always so. In her early life Essex County could boast a territory surpassing some of our quite pretentious States, but with much of this she parted when the counties of Union and Bergen were erected out of her territory. " God tempereth the wind to the shorn lamb " is an old adage and. in its application to Essex County, a truthful one, since her growth in the directions of population and wealth have been truly wonderful, presenting evidences on every hand of the vouchsafement by the Almighty in the bestowal of his richest blessings in such rare profusion. To be sure, her natural advantages may have had much to do with her prosperity and greatness, being situated at the wide open door of the Western World's greatest commercial metropo- lis, and immediately upon the line of direct railroad communi- cation with Philadelphia, the second commercial city on the western continent, and within a few hours of the rich coal fields and oil regions of Pennsylvania and Ohio, and the iron and zinc mines of New Jersey. The beautiful Passaic River which laves its eastern boundan,', giving a water-way to the ocean, whence the raw materials are brought to the docks in Newark and the manufactured products, made famous the world over by the rare skill of the mechanics, artists and workmen of Newark, Orange, etc., are sent forth on the white wings of commerce to the busy markets in almost every clime and wherever flies the starry flag. The pure mountain water coming down by its channel, meeting and marrying the salt sea flood, after making the wild leap at the falls in Paterson, and riding from thence on the ebbing tide's chariot away on to the sea. Then it is protected from the cold blasts, which come careen- ing down in winter from the north and the west by the pictur- esque Orange Mountains so beautifully stretching along its western border. Is it any wonder that the salubrity of its climate with is balmy sea air, dew-moistened by Old Ocean's inexhaustable supply resulting from the sun-influenced evapora- tions, should induce the soil so lavishly fed by nature and resting on its rare brown stone foundations to yield so marvellously in garden productions as to have encomiums showered by tongues of other and distant nations. Although the " scouts " sent out by the sturdy New England farmers did not bring back wine trophies to vie with their Israelitish exemplars, but merely reported that their Eden was on the west bank of the Passayic so called by the Indians. Several desultory efforts and as many failures succeeding to effect a permanent settlement of the beautiful and attractive region, on the soil of which the flag of old England had been 10 ESSEX COUNTY, N. J., ILLUSTRATED. planted by the daring Dutch navigator, Ilcndrick Hudson, but none were markedly successful until the little band of Connecti- cut farmers pushed their Shallops and flat lioats up to the land- ing and rested on their oars very near where the great Penn- sylvania Railroad draw-bridges stand erected, and at command to halt, h.ad their " big talk " with the Indians. As anything connectetl with its histor)' is not foreign to our purpose, it is safe to say that few events in the opening p.igcs of American histor\- were fraught with a greater interest or have led to mightier, more delinitc and lasting results — with the single exception, perhaps, of the landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock — than the voyage of Hendrick Hudson along the coast of New Jersey, through the Acliter Cull or " Back Bay," now called Newark Bay, on the shores of which and on the soil of Essex County, he planted the Hag of discovery as the herald of civilization. The beauty of the region lying but a few miles westerly on turned out that the sweet-scented cedars of yore, so abundant between Newark and New York, have long years ago nearly all disappeared and are seldom seen any more. FIRST SETTLEHENT. As has been before hinted, efforts at settlement of the beau- tiful and promising region had been made, but 'twas not until Robert Treat and his hardy band of honest farmers came, bringing with them more honor and less greed for gold, nothing like permanency resulted. To establish homes and to seek an asylum where true liberty might reign and where under its protecting aegis they could worship God after the dictates of their own conscience, these farmers came. Religious liberty w.is what they sought, and this they gained, for if the record speaks the truth, and in our research we find no reason for its gain- •THE FIRST SUKVEVING STATION ESTAHLISHED AT EACLK ROCK, ESSEX COUNTY, N. }.. 1666. tlie left bank of the Pasayic, as it was then called, and which opcncs but now the County of Morris. Her topography is delightful, unique and truly inspiring to any one who may look upon the diversity of its character, with the two beautiful mountain ranges stretching like ribbons along its westerly border, and known under the appellation of the Orange Mountains, first and second, with other names of local significance, all of which, w^ith hundreds of nooks and crannys, with purling streams and sylvan dells, her invitations for men 12 FS^EX cnrsrv. s.j.. iLLrsTRArr-D. to come and domicile therein, have been so remarkably attract- ive that thousands have already yielded and are now rejoic- ing in beautiful and comfortable mountain homes amid her entrancing beauty and mountain lovliness. Indeed, the entire surface of Kssex County it gently undulating; the foot hills of the mountains treniling toward old ocean in gentle declivity, giving to every inch of her soil a value for building and resi- dental jjurposes, since nature has provided a drainage so perfect that malaria is rarely, if ever, heard of. Nothing is hazarded in the assertion, and then there is no fear of contradiction when the writer |)uts forsvard the claim that Essex County is so near perfection in her topographic plan .IS she came from the land of nature, that little is required of man's genius in its formulation for his dwelling-place and that .ill of her lines appear on the paradisical plan. I'hc Passaic river, skirling her westerly border and forming the i)oundary between her and her sister County of Morris, then dips into Passaic County and makes a swift run, but, when she tinds what a mistake she has made down the rocky way at Little I'alls, she then makes the mad plunge at Passaic Falls, in order to get back again and then, seemingly pleased and well satislled, leisurely rides on her flood of mountain spring water along its eastern border until it is llnally lost in the old salt sea, by a promiscuous mingling with her crystal waters. The east and west branches of the Rahway river (both rising in Esse.v) course along through the rich valleys between and at the foot of the mountains, which are built up so strongly from the durable street building trap-rock forming their bases. The Elizabeth river near the centre of her territory, and a little farther to the north, Parrow brook and the I'irst and Second rivers tender their compliments, especially in the fall, winter and spring. We might be charged with dereliction of duty did wc not state the fact that there is another, euphoniously termed the Wig%vam Brook, which has its heading from a spring in the mountain and joining hands with Parrow Brook becomes the Second River, which debouches into the Passaic near the south- easterly part of the charming village of Pielleville. Although not a part of its topography by nature, yet it is a fairiiliar old way known as the Morris Canal, through the waters of which, in years gone by, our coal was received direct from the mines, generally a full winter's supply. Again, we might mention the fact now, and enlarge by and by, that six great steam railroads and .n^ nianv more elrrtrir trnllev raihv.uT .which. it) ■•:^- i .MLEKF.K IIO.\|lv.sri.,\U, HIE OLUEST I,.\Mj.MAKK I.\ I:s:,1-,X VIEW OF NEW.VRK, E.VST OF MULBERRY SIREET, IN l8l2. spectre-likc, tht their cars here, there and everywhere o\' i the Essex domain. As the greater part of the territory going to make up lli' county of Bergen was included in the grants, of which Essr\ was the coveted part, a few words as to the settlement .■: Bergen, which preceded that of the Connecticut farmers by few years, will not be out of place. Nearly all writers on the subject of the early settlements (I the county make mention of troubles with the Indians, "dill - culties and complications often leading to collisions," says ( local writer, which was followed in not a few instances by i complete wiping out of the settlement. .\s EiiLilish or German speculators, who were in pursuit of gold through the open channel of trade with the red men and could control influence enough to reach the king, would bring ovi i a little band under the wildest sort of prom ises and then leave them in the wilderno to perish at the hands of the savages. On the return of the speculators with another set of dupes a year or two afterwards, no vestige of the former settlement would be foiuid, if settlement, indeed, it could be called. For years these barbarous proceedings were carried on until, as before mentioned, men came to seek homes in the New World, subdue wildwood and till the soil, men whose hearts were liberty-loving and who, while they loved the precious inetals, they bartered when necessity demanded or busi- ness transactions made a specific call. His- torians, so far as we are able to trace, give the first place in the order of early settle- ments to Bergen, but whether the honor of (.uu.\n, N. J. learning the art of fraternizing with the ESSEX COUNTY. A'./., ILLUSTRATED. A-? VIEW OF NEWARK, ESSEX COUNTY, N.J. , IN 1840. Indians belongs to the Dutch or Dane (so that the settlers might live in peace side by side with their red neighbors), writers are not agreed. But one thing is certain, that an insignificant trading pest established about 1616 which, being managed with a business-like astuteness, grew in importance until, aliout the tenth year following, the station planted on the hill where 'Bergen now stands became a permanent settlement. THE IROQUOIS AND DELAWARES. THE long-existing feuds between the Indian tribes, the efforts to subdue one and the other led to no little suffer- ing of the settlers. At the period of our Connecticut farmers' coming there were, all told, in the region about twenty kings, but from this we have no right to infer that their numbers were large, since the record gives an account of a king who had hut forty subjects, and of another pair of kings who held authority over twelve hundred between them. "The Indians," says Dr. Yeshlage, " in this part of the general stock of the Delawares or Lenni Lenapes, who were fierce and war-like," and relates as an evidence that they swooped down on the more peacefully inclined, and that arrow-heads and many other articles of flint have been found e\-en in the past few years. The Delawares, he states, were eminent for valor and wisdom and held a prominent place in Indian history, but on the rise of the Iroquois power they lost their independence and fell under the suspicion because many of them applied themselves to agriculture. A tribute was exacted from them every year in order to show an acknowledgement of subordination. The Iroquois gloried in the haughty manners in which they showed their superiority, and never spoke of the Delawares only as " women." The shrewdness of the Iroquois was fully developed when they kept a small band of their warriors in several parts of the conquered territory. Wliile Hendrick Hudson usually acted the honorable pari, yet when he sold the Iroquois powder and lead, when the Del- awares were getting the best of the fight, and thus turned the scale against them, he fell from the exalted position of the pure and good. THE ACREAGE OF ESSEX. ALL told and so tersely and truthfully said by Professor George II. Cook, the late scholarly State Geologist, reaches a total of 77,021, and having a distribution among the towns, as follows : Belleville, 5,062 ; Bloomfield, 8,070 ; Cald- well. 17,920, of which 2,617 is low meadow lands enriched by the ovcrfiow of the river, produce immense quantities of fair grass, wliich finds a market in the cities of Orange and Newark; Clinton, 5,229; East Orange, 2,394; Livingston, 11,354. 333 "f which is also low meadow land, and as does that of Caldwell, borders the Passaic river, which forms their westeriy boundary, as well as that of the County of which they are a part; Mill- burn, 6,234; Newark, 9,126, with a few acres additional taken from East Orange ; of Newark's average, about 4,282 are tide marsh lands; Orange, about 1,800; South Orange, 6,118; West Orange, 3,725 ; Verona, a new township erected from the easteriy edge of Caldwell, and containing about 4,000 acres, more or less. These above-named townships (thirteen in num- ber), with the cities of Newark and Orange, the boroughs of Vailsburg, Glen Ridge and Caldwell, the villages of South Orange, Montclair, Irvington and Bloomfield, constitute the political divisions of Essex County. GEOGRAPHY AND TOPOGRAPHY. NO county in the State of New Jersey, and few indeed, in any of our sister states, is more happily situated and derives a greater benefit, industrially and commercially speak- ing, from her geographical position. A glance at the map ought ^ ^^>i VIEWS OF NE\V.-\RK, N. J., IX 14 n^si-x corxrv. n. j.. illvstkathd. to salisfy llie most skeptical that Esst-x Counly is pLCuliarly fortunate in this respect, she being by nature a focal point. The high position which she now liolcls. tlie grandeur of her surroundings, the many lines of coiui-aunication with the out- side world, the concentration of traffic to her trade marts, and withal, the six great railroads, the river and canal which pour almost unbroken streams of wealth and lu.xury into her lap, without considering the miglity concentration of manufacturing interests, are all in the w.ay of irrefutable evidences that her •• lines have been cast in pleasant places," and that she is pecul- iarly fortunate in her geography and geographical relations. lissex County, in her wonderful growth and prosperity, is only another offer in support of the truthfulness of the asser- tion that location lias much, if not all, to do in the upbuilding iif places. Nothing else but the most devastating influences brought to bear against her. could have i)revented New York from becom- tages which the Passaic afforded in the beginning, made it an easy matter for Newark to outstrip Elizabeth, although the latter had some years the better of settlement. Then the Morris Canal came creeping over the hills and mountains, depositing the wealth of New Jersey and Pennsylvania mines at her doors. Her topography, then, is such that no lover of the beautiful in nature can resist its charms. No stranger can cross the bor- ders of Essex, climb her gentle declivities and sit down on the table lands of the Orange mountains, without being captivated by her charms. Like one grand picture which has been un- folded before him, lies the landscape w hich wordy expressions fail him when description is attempted. That view which is obtained of Essex County and its environments from any of the higher points of the Orange mountains, while changed by its beautiful topography and immediate relations, makes a ])iclure which would produce a lasting sadness in its effacing, so deep are the lines made in its tracing. ^-^^f:;. ."il " VIEW ON imO.M) .STREET, I.OOKINC, NOUTH FROM MARKEl' STREET, IN 1840. ing and being the marvelous commercial emporiinii she is, and even so, with Philadelphia, lloston and many other places which jre fed and grow fal on the luxuries which are prepared at the fountain heads and all along the streams which naturally flow toward them. Man's keen eye engaged in the work of .search- ing out those focal points to which flow, and around which gather the elrnicnts of growth and prosperity do not often mis- take when they follow the geographical and topographical lines laid down by the C'.rcat Author. With Essex County men and wouHMi, priigrcss h.as been the word, and from the lime Newark to\' ' out, no ol)St,iclcs have been allowed to 4.1! . ., of the car. It is easy to answer the (piestion, "Why has not I'.li/abeth, in Union Counly, become the great local centre that Newark now is.'" llecausc she lacked those essential accessions which gather around Ihc point when found, the commercial advan- ESSEX COUNTY QUARRIES. (UROWN STONE.) THE color and lasting quality of the stone taken from tin Essex County Quarries has no equal, and although tin expense of getting it out of the ground militates somewhat against its general use, yet much of it already adorns the walls of many of our inost attractive buildings and building placid This is only a single proof that the first settlers of Essex buiU better than they knew, it being years afterwards before tin- wealth hidden imder the soil in her brown stone, which requiiel but the pick and shovel, the drill and the derrick, with iIm genius to manage the work of (|uarrying and the energy in work out the success which has crowned the efforts to bring il forth to the light of d.ay where its beauty "may be seen ami its high qualities for building purposes appreciated. In looking ESSEX COUNTY, N. J., ILLUSTRATED. 15 over the history of the brown stone interests of Essex County it has been found that quarries have been opened as early as 700, and stone talnMrrv i hiefiy for church building and trimmings. Many v i- structures can be seen in New York, Newark, ■ .. etc. outcroppings of trap rock and showing no evidence of necessity for repairs, but which gave abundant evidence, in the course of time, of the great value of this peculiar kind of rock material for road making by the wonderful durability anil smoothness of wear it was discovered to possess. To this material Ess' County is. no doubt, to a great extent indebted for the wii!. . smooth and broad avenues of which she boasts to-day. 'I'li 1 she has a just right to boast, one has only to take a ride or drive over these avenues, and conviction will follow with rapid strides. Then a debt of gratitude is due the men who have been found willing to open the quarries, get up the stone crackers, attach the steam power and furnish to the road builders stone in all the sizes which long experience has proved the most available. While the slone men or the men who have delved in the Orange Miiuni.iins' rough sides in search of the quality of stone the ESSEX COUNTY, N. J., ILLUSTRATED. 17 most desirable for ihe uses and purposes set forth in the order I from unknown parties or from wherever it may have emanated. Among the quarrymen there has ever been a generous rivahy, and the orders for the largest consumers of the broken " trap " has led to a business competition which has driven the price per ton down with each new call for competitory bidding, the fortunate winner often securing the prize on a big quantity and fine quality with a margin of only a half dollar or less on the ton to secure the contract. Many have travelled far and crossed the ocean to reach and enjoy such a sight as the Giant's Causeway presents. A similar wonder can be seen any time in O'Rourke's trap rock quarry, on the face of the First Orange Mountain. ESSEX COUNTY ROADS AND AVENUES. THE e.xact time when the roads and avenues in the countv of Essex were laid out is involved in considerable obscurity, but certain it is that the fine wide streets known as Broad and Market streets, in the settlement of Newark, were the first roads laid out by the early settlers of the county- The first road on record that was laid out by the Commissioners of Highways is in the Essex County road book, and bears date December 3d. 169S, and refers to a road in Elizabethtown, which at that period formed a part of Essex County. In 1705, a road was laid out connecting the towns of Newark and Elizabethtown. High Street was laid out as a legal road in 1709, although it had been used for a highway previous to that date. In 1717, several roads had been laid out on the Newark '• Neck" to enable the farmers to get in their salt hay, and the old Ferry road was extended to Hudson County, with the old-time rope ferry boats to convey passengers and freight across the Passaic and Hacken- sack rivers. In 1806, the Newark and Pompton Turnpike Company was incorporated. This thoroughfare ran from North Broad Street, now Belleville Avenue, in a northwesterly direction to Bloomfield, which at that time was in the town of Newark ; thence to Craneston, now Montclair, and over the First Mountain, through Caldwell to Pompton Plains. This road is now Bloom- field Avenue and is under the care of the Essex County Road Board, within the countv limits. In iSii, the Newark and Monistown turnpike was laid out, extending the old South BALDWIN HOMESTEAD, AN OLD NEWARK LANDMARK THE OLD PI.ANK ROAD FERRY-HOUSE. Orange road which was in existence years before. The princi- pal roads and avenues running through the county, connecting its cities, towns and villages, are all fine and broad avenues, well paved and under the care of the Essex County Road Board. This Board had its origin in the far-sighted and public-spirited Llewellyn S. Haskell, (he founder of Llewellyn Park, West Or.ange. Some years after he had completed that beautiful park, Mr. Haskell conceived the idea of making all of Essex County one grand park with Newark as a centre. His idea was to take the principal thoroughfares leading out from Newark, grade and pave them so as to make easy and pleasant drives and then connect them by lateral roads. In pursuance of this plan, Mr. Haskell procured from tlie legislature of 1S68, a law incorporating the Essex County Road Board. The first members of the Board were Llewellyn S. Haskell, William H. Murphy and Francis McGrath. The law was found to be defective and a supplement was jjassed in 1869, increasing the number of commissioners to five. The first commissioners so ap- pointed were A. Bishop Baldwin, of South Orange, William H. Murphy, of Newark, Jesse Williams, of Orange, George Peters, of Newark, and Robert M. Henning, of Montclair. Mr. Mur- ])hy soon resigned, and Mr. Timothy W. Lord, of Newark, was appointed in his place. To these five citizens is due the credit of the magnificent system of county roads in charge of the Road Board, which form in Essex County a system of drives that is unequalled anywhere in the vicinity of New York. The avenues in charge of the Road Board are, Frelinghuysen ave- nue, extending from Astor street, Newark, 10 Elizabeth ; .Springfield avenue, from the Couit House iti Newark, through Irving- ton, South Orange and Millburn, to the Morris county line; South Orange avenue, from Springfield avenue, Newark, through Vailsburgh and South Orange, and up to the county line; Central avenue, from Broad street, Newark, to the Valley road. West Orange ; Park avenue, running from Bloomfield avenue, Newark, to Llewellyn Park, West Orange ; Blooinfield avenue, from Belleville avenue, Newark, to the county line in Caldwell, and Washington avenue, from Belleville avenue, Newark, through Belleville and Franklin, to Passaic. ]S ESSEX corxrv. x. j.. illustrated. SLAVERY IN ESSEX COUNTY. THE f.icl that iie^ro slaver)' was lirsl inlroduced into the American colonies in the year 1619 is well authenticated, and as will be seen when compared with the records, this event so portentious to the weal and the woe of the great republic, occurred nearly fifty years before the settlement of Essex County. Eggleston's School History, which, no doubt, has the correct version, gives the account of it, as follows: •• The same year in which the great charter reached Virginia, there came a Dutch ship in the James river which sold nineteen negroes to the planters. They were the first slaves in Amer- ica " In those days it was thought right to make slaves of negroes because they were heathen ; but for a long time the number of slaves that came into the colonies was small. White bond servants did most of the labor in Maryland and Virginia until about the close of the seventeenth century, when the high price of tobacco ("which had become ilii; staple com- few slaves, passed acts of emancipation and set their negroes free. Very different was it where the burden of labor fell on the shoulders of him who had been purchased for the purpose. Out of this situation of affairs grew the slavery question — the differences between the free and the slave states, and finally led up to the late civil war. At first the slaves did not speak English, and they practiced many wild African customs. Some of them were fierce and the people became afraid of their peculiar manauvres. Great harshness was used in many places to subdue them. Eggleston reports one of these in New York City, in 1712, when twenty-four negroes were put to death. In 1740, an uprising of them in South Carolina led to a battle, in which the negroes were routed. By a reference to the record it will be found that Queen Anne gave encouragement to the Royal African Company of England, of which the Dukeof Yoik was president, offering as a bounty for each able African sla\c introduced, si.xty-five acres of land, as a further inducement and to encourage and make their inhumanity more inhuman. f ■ II VIKW 01- NKWARK FRO.M ST. FRANCIS STRF.ET, IN iS/J. niotlily, of which large quantities was raised for exportation) cause Church up in fire and smoke. The flames of this memorable structure illumined the horizon for miles around and alarmed the Lumm soldiers, who mistook the fire for a movement of the Americans. At all events, they beat a hasty retreat from Newark. As they left the town they vented their malignity on one of the inost prominent patriots of the place, Justice Joseph Hedden. Jr. This gentleman came of a family noted for courage and firmness. His father, Joseph Hedden. Sr., who lived to be ninety-six years of age, was wont to speak with pride of the fact that he had eight sons in the service of the country during the struggle for freedom. His son Joseph was a man of great nerve. By the proceedings of the State Council of Safety, we find that Mr. Hedden was chosen commissioner for Essex County for signing and inventorying of the estates and effects of stands. She saw the academy ablaze, but no one dared attempt to quench the flames, even if a single bucket of water could have saved the building. Some one told her the British were carrying off her brother. Over she ran and entered the Hedden house by one door while the soldiers were dragging her brother out of another. They had forced him from his sick-bed. and Mrs. Hedden was in her night-dress which was stained with blood. It appears the soldiers, whether from sheer brutality or eagerness to get on the retreat will never be known, essayed to drag Mr. Hedden into the street with nothing but his night clothes on. In her efforts to prevent this and to get her husband properly clothed, Mrs. Hedden braved the bayonets of the cruel soldiers and was severely, though not dangerously, wounded in several places. Meanwhile, the soldiers with Mr. Hedden and other captives, started on the retreat, taking the '< >. ■■*■. \^> ~m^^^^!^^^^^ (tiiif^,.^, >iKi:t;r. i.oijki.m ;^UU1I1 1 ROM M..\RKET STREET. persons who •■ had gone over to the enemy." He was chosen in the place of Isaac Dodd, " who refused to act." The position, as may be readily imagined, was one that demanded in its occupant absolute fearlessness and firmness. So well had Mr. Hedden fulfilled his duties, that he was pointed out by the persons who had gone over to the enemy as a Newarker worthy of the bitterest persecution. On the night of the 25th he happened to be at home— a rather rare family treat for an active patriot at the particular period we write of. As it was, but for the illness of Mr. Hedden, he would probably not have been at home. His house stood on Broad Street, near what is now Lombardy Street, facing the upper common, Washington Park. His married sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Roberts, lived on the other side of the common, about where the Second Presbyterian Church now route down what is now Centre Street and along River Street to the old Ferry Road, now the Plank and trolley car road. While passing the Bruen property, the same which now forms the junction of Commerce and Market Streets, Eleazer Bruen is said to have had the coolness and daring to pass Mr. Hedden a blanket. The prisoner was marched to Paulus Hook— now Jersey City— at the point of the bayonet and thence across the ice bridge to New York, where he was ruthlessly thrown into the old sugar-house. In consequence of the cold and danger to which his captors delighted in e.xposing him on the night of the raid and the cruel treatment he received at the old sugar- house. Mr. Hedden's limbs mortified, and when it became apparent that he could not live long his friends were notified, and his brothers David and Simon were permitted to remove him to Newark. Here he was tenderly nursed till death came to 26 ESSEX COUNTY, N. J.. ILLUSTRATED. his relief on September 27. Like hundreds of others who gave of their fortunes and pledged their sacred honor and gave their lives for the liberties we now enjoy, he lies buried in an unmarked and unknown grave. Ashamed of his conduct and that of his men— for it is said that he was a man not lost to all that was human — Major Lumm, like many another who thought to thus assuage the griefs begot of the gnawings of conscience, rushed into print and procured the insertion in Rivington's Royal Gazette, 7), rose- colored statement of the affair which would lead their readers to believe that the British raid, which caused so much needless sacrifice of life and brought into many a household such suffcr- I le was a firm friend of his country In the darkest limes, Zealous for American Liberty. In opposition to British Tyranny, And at last fell a victim To British Cruelty. "It is proper here to state." says Mr. Atkinson, "that thi account given of Judge Hedden's martyrdom, widely different' as it is from all versions heretofore published, is related on the authority of the martyr's grand-niece and nephew, with whom he had interviews." For a number of years after the war the remains of the old -^ %^J^£..?b VIEWS IN NEWARK. N. J., LOOKING NORTH, SOUTH, EAST AND WEST, FROM THE PRUDENTIAL RUILDING. ing and sorrow, was the result of a mistaken order. The effect of his rose-colored article was such as to make the matter far worse, and resulted in firing their hearts to increased love of country, home and fireside, and hatred of that British infamy which took many a long year to erase, even after the close of the war and the acknowledgment of independence to the American people. Upon Judge Hedden's grave-stone, as Mr. Atkinson has truthfully said in his " History of Newark." — the whereabouts or existence of which constitutes matters of conjecture — was cut the following inscription : This monument is erected to the memory of Joseph Iledden, Esq., who departed this life the 271I1 day of September, 1780, In the 5ad year of his age. Newark Academy were used by the children as a place for them to play " hide-and-go-seek ;" and lessons not a few were taken among the smoke-begrimed timber and stone, which made love of country and blood-bought liberty the household gods of many an American citizen who found his incentives there. JERSEY BLUES THERE being no shadow of a doubt that the name "Jersey Blue," which has clung so long and with such tenacity to the New Jersey soldier, holding on even to quite an extent during the late war of the Rebellion, originated with the soldiers of Essex County, we cannot well forbear a line or two as to its origin. Washington's grand piece of strategy at Trenton, ESSEX COUNTY, N. J., ILLUSTRATED. 27 which sent the British wheeling through the Jerseys and led up to the final episode of the war after, as we learned in our school idays, a struggle which lasted "seven years nine months and one Jday," doubtless did much to discourage the British and shorten ^the war. Long years after Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown, it was a common saying (and believed to be truthful) that he made 'use of goods which had been the personal property of Wash- tington, in packing his plunder, and which he was permitted to take away, glad to get rid of so much meanness under a commander and chief's uniform without any interference on the part of the grandest and most liberal of conquerors who, without let or hindrance, saw them go away. Our readers will pardon tliis departure from the thread of our story, so we will get back to where and to whom the honor belongs of furnishing the proud appellation of "Jersey Blue" to Esse.x County and indeed all New Jersey soldiers. possess a peculiar charm to the British — on some particular service to which the word plunder clung closer than any. Capt. Littell, with his oddly-uniformed company, followed soon after. He had been a close student of strategy and knew the art of ambushing as well as the savage. Well acquainted with the country, he divided his little command, greatly inferior in numbers to the Waldeckers, and leaving one part behind and by a circuitous route with the other and a rapid march, soon placed himself in front of the enemy and boldly demanded their surrender. Not being able, owing to the nature of the ground and the approach of night, to determine the size of Captain Littell's force, the Waldeckers sought to make a retrograde movement. Instantly they were assailed in front and flank and soon becoming demoralized they surrendered, not having fired a shot. Thoroughly exasperated over the affair, the great inferiority of Littell's force becoming known, the British com- mander ordered out a large force of Hessians to wipe out the VIEW ON PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, NEWAKk, N. J. A dashing son of liberty, one Capt. Littell, was a central figure among the patriots. Bold, daring and honorable was this son of Esse.x and a stranger to fear. He is said to have been a handsome man and a great favorite with the ladies. A volun- teer company which he commanded was presented by the fair daughters of Essex with a uniform of material for the appellation which time has thus far been unable to erase, with such marvellous appropriateness does it seem to have been applied ; and little wonder, since the uniform consisted of " tow frocks" and "pantaloons dyed blue." Indeed it was not so much the color of the pantaloons or the tow frocks the Esse.x boys wore that fixed the appellation of "Jersey Blue," but it was their noble deeds in "flaxing" the enemy that made the name honorable and the color lasting. Two incidents, and this pretty narrative must give place to others. The very day Cornwallis moved out of Newark, a company of Waldeckers was dis- patched towards Connecticut Farms — a section which seemed to affront and disgrace. These were as quickly discomfited liy Capt. Littell's " Blues," his skill and gallantry. After goading and injuring the enemy at several points, by an adroit move he led them into a swamp where he soon had them entangled and at his mercy when they, in pursuance of the brilliant and safe example set by the Waldeckers, also ignominiously surrendered, and this time it was the Hessians who had been given a taste of the metal of our " Jersey Blues " and the brilliant tactics of Captain Littell. THE AFFAIR AT LYONS FARMS. FULLY determined that Lyons Farms should not be without its share in the glory of the success they heard of as being consummated all around, three daring spirits— Wade, Carter and Morehouse— concocted a scheme for capturing a company of twenty-five Hessians camped in a house nearby. These fearless spirits fixed upon a night when they should 2^ ESSEX Cnr'NTY. N. J.. ILLUSTRATED. attack them in their rendezvous. Wade was to shoot down the sentinel while the others raised a tremendous shout and liretl their pieces through the windows in the n)idst of the Hessians. The latter, terrified beyond measure, without even stopping to pick up their arms, tied in all directions to escape a foe which in the darkness they knew not of the strength or number. THE OF T' FIRST DECLARATION INDEPENDENCE. 'll.VT some of the seeds of liberty gathered in Essex ("ounty, New Jersey, took root in other places, is made manifest in Dr. McWhorter's removal to Charlotte, Meclenberg County, North Carolina, where the tlrst Declaration of Independence was born and promulgated. -So daring and impetuous had the doctor been it became necessary, whenever he was known to be at home, that a sentinel should pace back and forth before his door. Before the doctor had become fairly settled in his new place, he was compelled again to fly from home as the enemy were pursuing the rebel parson, as they termed him, with sleuth- hound purpose and tenacity. It is vouched for on pretty good authority that Dr. McWhorter was with Washington when the council of war was held which resulted in the capture of the Hessians and the telling victory of the Americans at Trenton. A DARING ADVENTURE. WHERE there was so many brave spirits engaged in the cause of American independence, it seems invidious to make election, to choose some and leave others unmentioned whose deetls were just as brave and the results of whose daring feats were just as far-reaching, but space not permitting even a bare mention of the many, we must be excused for the present- ation of the few as representatives of the whole. The ground was covered with snow when Capt. John Kidney, Capt. Henry Jeroloman, Jacob Garlam and Halmack Jeroloman \1KW 0.\ .M.4RKET SlREEl', E.AST FRU.M HROAU STREET. started out from Bloomfield, then a part of Newark. Thf\ drove a swift team tackled to a wood-sled, but the usual con- comitant of sleigh bells was wanting to complete the turn on-. Even such an indispensable article as a whip was dispense with, since the horses seemed animated with a like spirit tli i; governed the cargo of adventurers seeking just what tli' . apparently were to find in the immediate vicinity of Berj;rii Heights. As they hauled up at a hostlery by the waysiib the fog rising in curls from the nostrils and sides of the smok- ing steeds, and when the lines had been thrown to the hosllci and the boniface had welcomed his guests at the fireside ami made their stomachs feel glad over a glass of patriotic Herge-n cider, the daring patriots were ready for the purpose whi^ ' they had in view. The British garrison which kept guard o\ i : the Heights and overawed and plundered the people, had not confined themselves that cold night to cider alone but, like tin- Indian, had a drop of the creature which was warmer ami stronger, they naturally grew careless and less fearful of dant;i i . Stealthily they approached tlv school-house, where the British were holding their orgies, whin Capt. Kidney gave orders in a lou.l voice to his army of three men i 1 well armed. They then began i fusilade and made all the noise thai it was possible under the circum- stances. He then sprang to tin- door, forced it open and demanded a surrender, shouting out to tin terror-stricken roysterers, " Evcr\ one of you are my prisoners, sm- nnder or die," the frightened 1 crowd of red-coals within not knowing but an entire regiment of \iiiericans were behind the capt.iiii. I ir then ordered them to fall in lim ml one by one to make their exit, Mr- picked out one officer and a iiigee, had them muffled and jnit into the sled, warning the first wli i attempted to escajjc that he woiii! VIKW ON WASHINGTON PARK AND WASHINGTON PJ.ACE. be a dead man. The captain ani ESSEX COUNTY, N. /.. ILLUSTRATED. 29 his companions then inade a dash for the sled, started off at the swiftest pace and baffled any pursuit which would surely i follow soon after. The prisoners were taken to the Morristown jail to rest while their chagrin passed off at having been so cleverly outwitted and captured. Essex County in the War of 1861=5. THERE are signs in nature which scientists consider infal- lible, which indicate the approach of great convulsions of earth and matter, disturbances of the elements which, though shght in themselves, bring forebodings of approaching changes resulting in disasters wide-spread. Then there are signs which point with unerring finger to the figures on the face of the swift revolving cycles of the years rolling on, which are none the less just as surely premonitions of disturbances among men. governments and nations which point to revolutions, changes and consequences just as certainly and are just as significant and freighted with results just as far-reaching. That awful stillness pervading space and which, like the deep darkness which "can even be felt" preceding earthquakes, is a sign insignificant in itself but marvellously truthful, as it becomes the herald of a convulsion which may shake the earth from circumference to centre. In summer, when not a leaf is stirring or cricket chirping, and not a " breath of air," as saith the patiently-waiting sailor, is astir, it is easy indeed to divine that nature's leyden-jars are being charged as yonder dark cloud rolls slowly up the western sky in readiness for loosing the forked tongues of the lightning which, with might and power, tear great rents in the slow-moving clouds, waking the deep-mouthed thunders which in close pursuit of the zig-zag lightnings apparently on mischief bent, but which charms and satisfies when it lets loose the rain-drops to cool the parched earth. So it was immediately preceding the great Civil War. When all the batteries of the North and South had been full charged by the work of hate and fury going on for years, an awful fore- boding of war was easily felt in the solemn stillness surrounding the field of preparation in the land of the sunny South. The deep-mouthed dogs of war lay quiet, but in readiness for un- leashing by a proclamation of war. The cup of dissatisfaction and brotherly discord had been filled to overflowing, and while the sweet-smiling angel of Peace held the chalice of love to lips that long refused to sip, then came the e.xplosion. The spark long fanned, finally found life and reached the powder of Fort l« ^ J7?^-^h -2Ur Q.CO cA^r^, '^"•^Z, r ^■u -fOiefJA^^ too l/lct^^ / COPY OF AN OLD RECORD FOUND IN MR. MITCHKI.L'S SI ON EAGLE ROCK. I lUU.NL'.ML-M I.\ i.iiK.\loL'.\t t,L..lLiLKV, LuLLlLLl IJV lUL CITY OF NEWARK TO PERPETUATE THE MEMORY OF THE EARLY SETTLERS. Moultrie's cannon. One flash, and the deep-mouthed thunder aw^oke and unleashed every dog of war, both North and South. The beautiful Hag which had floated in glory over a united and prosperous people was rent with "gash and seam." Little they knew, who fired that first shot, of what they were dream- ing. Little thought they who, with heartless aim, sent the ball speeding which should make that furrow, the one leading to the ploughing of the entire sunny land of their own beloved South and a literal sowing thereof with the besom of destruction; much less thought they VVlien in storm of sliot and shell. " Old Glory " fell, "Old Glory " fell ; The institulion of slavery, which had been our country's bane, Would no longer live to stain Its ground of blue. Its stars and stripes — The flag of the free, rightly named. VER LAKE HOTEL, From no part of our common country did there follow an echo clothed in a more sorrowful thrill than that which was an- swered back to the bellowing sound of the shotted gun fired from Moultrie's walls, than did that from the people of Essex County^ Not that w-ar between kindred had begun ; not that the truce was indeed broken; not that the proinises of rivers of blood flowing from brothers' torn veins which could be plainly seen through the rents that shot made in our beautiful flag— not all these cogent reasons coinbined. but that which did more to break the bond of hope and loose the flood-gates of despair, w'as the closing of our factory doors in fulfillment of the promise sent back of want in the families of her ten thousand skilled mechanics and workmen. All over Essex County, as if by magic touch, great manufacturing establishments ,90 GSSEX COUNTY, N. J., ILLUSTRATED. had sprung up, and the much needed supplies of the South were being manufactured therein to meet a rapidly increasing demand, as Essex County had already long borne the title of "The Workshop of the South." The ties of busi- ness and family ties which had been growing for years through these channels, must, when nurtured by the prosperity they wrought, which was both rich and rare, have grown very strong, and when the match was touched which sent that first shot ricochctling over the waters to Sumpter's walls, it was freighted with no small hope that that tie would prove strong enough to hold. 'Mid llie thunder of bailie, In the red glare of war. 'Mid llie shouts of the fighters .And ihc clashing of steel. The mistake which our hot-blooded southern brothers made was in their reckoning of receiving more than regrets for their which was long being prepared for the mighty conllagralion which finally blazed high on every hill-top of the South and swept over the southron's sunny land as with the besom of destruction. For many long years after the war had closed the question was asked, " Upon whose shoulders shall rest the responsibility for the untold sufferings, the almost irreparable loss, and the fearful devastation wide-spread ?" Hut time has soothed the passions and healed the wounds and the question is no longer asked. With whom rests the responsibility of building the fearful holocaust ? It is enough for our purpose that ESSEX COUNTY WAS LOYAL. IT is safe to say that no State, not even Massachusetts herself, the hotbed of abolitionism, proved herself more loyal than did Essex County and New Jersey. No place answered the call for troops to meet the rebellion with greater alacrity, and VIEW on m l'.\RK AND PARK PLACE, NEWARK, N. J. errings and personal sympathy for their self-wrought sufferings which in the end cost them so dearly. Not while the blood of the fathers keeps up its coursing through the veins of the children's children of the Revolutionary heroes ; not while the recollection of Washington's masterly strategy and victory over the Hessians at Trenton lives to enrich our national history, and the picture of his rage when cashiering the traitor Ixe on the field and applauding the heroism of Moll Pitcher at Moninouth remains engraved on the tablet of every American heart, could that heart cease to beat responsive to liberty and union, the jewels for which he fought. The southerners had hopeili-(l to General Butler, who was tlu-n in eDinniand at Annapolis, and after some cere- mony, he was ordered on to VV.ishinirton. In Lossinjj's " Ci\il War hi America," \'ol. 1, Chap. iS, the author says: " .And on the fifth, the First Ke^'^ '^^'>p^(^^r ^t^ -Of "^ I.Kdljl' Dl- l.li.\ rill-.K M.\M 1 .XCl'lRKHS. reported to General Scott and, no camps being provifled, the troops went into such quarters as were available in Washington. On all sides the arrival of the troops was hailed with pleasure, and men felt that now the capital was safe." New Jersey never stood higher in the estimation of the loyal people of the country than at that time when she sent to the nation's defence the first full brigade of troops that reached the field. Two flays after its arrival in Washington, the brigade paraded the ( ity and was everywhere hailed with the liveliest demonstration of enthusiasm by the people. May 9th, the Fourth Regiment was ordered to go into camp at Meridian Hill, .and within a few days the entire brigade was encamped at that point, and on May 17, was honored by a visit work of the soldier was found to be something more than nun festive employment, but demanded every energy, the fulK^i devotion, the loftiest self-sacrifice. There they stayed in "Caiii| Monmouth," perfecting in drill and all the other soldierlv a. - complishments, under the eye of their General, till the 22d assed away, and New Jersey's son, who had so distinguished himself and so honored his native State, had gone to his reward. While Ambassador Runyon had lived out nearly a half-score FORT RUNYON. IN honor of the General who led the first New Jersey Ir to take the lield, the great earth-work constructe( his sudden death cast a dark shadow over the city of IJerlin. and the I'lmperor William (between whom and the Ambassador had sprung up a warm friendship), gave expression to the deep sorrow which he so keenly felt. After his body had been embalmed, all that was mortal of the beloved General, with Hags at half-mast, was tenderly car- ried on board ship for the voyage to his native land for interment near the gr.ives of his fathers. County. Many of the officers and men of the First, who went out under the three months' call, afterward returned to the army and won distinction on many bravely contested fields. The writer of this well remembers seeing Colonel Johnson brought into Yorktown, after ha\ ing been severely wounded, in the battle of Williamsburgh, whence himself and other Jersey- men had pursued M.igruder's troops after his evacuation of Yorktown. If memory is faithful, 'twas in this same engage- ment where General Ward received such wounds as compelled him to carry an empty sleeve ever after. As a tribute to his worth as an officer and gentleman, he was made Postmaster of Newark, and held the position for many years, honored and re- spected by all who knew him. Among the host of gallants who heard the first call are the names of Captain John I3rintziiighofTer, of Company A, Cap- tain William O. Timpon, of Com|)any IJ, Captain Thomas I.. ESSEX COUNTY, N. J., ILLUSTRATED. 37 Martin, of Company C, Captain Henry O. Beach, of Company D, Captain Martin B. Provost, of Company E, Captain Henrj' Bowden, of Company !•', Captain Heniy V. Sanford, of Com- pany G, Captain William H. Reynolds, of Company H, Cap- tain Jolm H. Higginson, of Company I, and Captain Charles \V. Johnson, of Company K, who eacli took out their company in the old First Keginient, under the three nionlhs' call, are worthy, one and all, to have their names kept fresh and their memories green in the recollections of every citizen of Essex County. Not these alone, but all the commissioned, non- commissioned officers and men who went to the war. deserve to have their names recorded on the roll of honor, inscribed as those who took their life in their own hands, and many of whom laid it down in behalf of liberty and union. A word or two to show how deeply the partisan was sunk in the patriot and how c[uickly and thoroughly party lines were erased, and these from the expressions of those holding pos- jaws of defeat. Gen. Kearn\', who was a trained soldier, was commissioned a Brigadier-General on July 25, 1861, and in the August following was assigned to the command of our New Jersey soldiers. When the news of his assignment to the command of the Jersey Blues reached their encampment, cheer upon cheer arose from regiment and com|)any, and the brave boys made the welkin ring over the announcement. Although Philip Kearny was born in New York city (which event took place in June, 181 5), he was a Jerseyman by adoption, and tlie house in which he spent his earlier life is yet standing on Belleville avenue, in the City of Newark, as are the old elms under w hich he played, and the mansion in which he lived at the time of his appointment stands among the pines on the beautiful high grounds just across the Passaic, in the town of Kearny, Hudson County, the town being named in his honor. General Kearny had a penchant for military life and this he showed as a boy, and as niaidiood lanie this penchant grew Vlt.W Ul' Nt:WARk, .\. J.. IN ISV-. i.i"ll^l^' itions of honor and trust, must suffice. Moses r.igelow, a democrat of the olden school, who was Mayor of Newark at the breaking out of the war, in a message to the Common Council, said : " I regard the union of these States as indis- pensable to the liberty, peace and prosperity of our people and the great source of happiness at home and honor and respect abroad. When conip.ared with the tpiestion of its preser\ation, the transitory issues of [larty should be regarded as mere 'dust in the balance.' " Henry A. Whitney, an Alderman, also a democrat, in offering a series of resolutions in Council, said : " It is the high duty of every citizen to ignore all past political issues, and rally under the banner of the stars and stripes in defense of the I'nion." GENERAL PHIL. KEARNY. IT was in this engagement that Gen. Philii) Kearny won his laurels in the internecine war, for indeed, it was he, on coming up with his Jersey boys, snatched victory from the .\(]KiH-WESl' I'RUM (.:l..\KK',S (.lll.MMi\. After passing through Columbia College he studied l.iw for a while, but his intense liking for military life led him to seek and obtain a lieutenant's commission in a regiment of dragoons, in which Jefferson Davis was a caiitain. la 1839 he was one of three United States' officers sent to France to pursue, by permission of the French government, a course of instruction at the Military School of Gaumor. He soon tired of the confinement which his student life imposed, and joining the French army he went to Africa. He was attached while on this service to the Chasseurs d'Afritiue and in two engage- ments distinguished himself. When he came back home in '41 he was made an officer on the staff of General Scott, who had a hio-h admiration for his character and was ever desirous of having him near his person. All through the Mexican war he gave abundant evidence of rare skill as a soldier. Those who knew him will remember the empty sleeve he carried, and what masterly dexterity he exhibited in horsemanship, and w'ith what skill he handled .?.S' ESSEX COUNTY, X. J.. ILLUSTRATED. the sword and bridle rein with liis rijjht single arm, the other havinji l)een shot away at the famous battle of Churubusco, in which he performed prodigious feats of valor. His bravery and skill on that bloody field cost him all too dearly in the loss of his arm. but he won honor and fame, and the golden oak leaf w hich he afterwards wore as a major. After fighting for years the wild Indians in W'ashington and Oregon, who feared him no less than the great Indian fighter, the celebrated Custer, he resigned his commission and sought the excitement of Kuropeaii wars by joining himself to the French army as an aide-de-camp on tiie staff of Gen. Morris, taking an active part in the battle of ^olferino. His gallantry in that battle won for him the cross of the Legion of Honor, and this mark einbleni.itic of soldierly skill, bravery, honesty and daring was placetl on his breast by the French Emperor. Louis Napoleon. During his stay on the other side of the Atlantic he made his abode in Paris. In the spring of the year 1861, Phil. Kearny heard the tocsin sounding which told him of the dangers which threatened his home and fireside and he immediately set out for New York. While war was raging in the land of his birth, Paris had no attractions with force sulVicient to hold him. same. Is it any wonder that this lisse.\ County boy should win the title of '• Fighting Phil Kearny," when fear he never felt, and that danger lurked near he never knew, and 'twas a burning shame Tli.it he should not have the right, Where skill might conquer might, To die in the thickest of the fighl. The penalty is paid for being too brave, and the poet h.ul abundant reasons for saying : " Oh ! evil the black shroud of night at Chaniilly That hid him from sight of his brave men and tried ! Foul, foul, sped the bullet that clipped the white lilly. The flower of our knighthood, the whole army's pride." Kearny had faults like all other mortals. Those prominent were his impetuosity and his impulsiveness. Had he sent some unepauletted soldier to the ("hantilly reconnoisance, his name, instead of Grant's (a wfiter has said), might have stood on the pages of history as the great captain of the age. SUCH IS FATE. WHF.N he died New Jersey mourned his loss and honored his memory. He was given a splendid military funeral in Newark. A bronze monument erected to his memory adorns h S \IKW 1)1- MWAKk. .\. I., IN 1845. MXIKlNi; SI If t ll-l.AS 1 t Rd.M HIGH SIKKKT. No sooner had the good ship which brought him over touched the shore than he at once offered his sword to his native coun- try, and asked for a commission of the Governor of the old Empire Stale. .Strange to say, this was lefused, and the sword of this soldier of experience, bravery and of the highest repute lay rusting in its scabbord till the miildle of summer, chafing imder this enforced idleness and restraint and oft w-ithin hear- ing of the booming of the heavy artillery, which was almost music to his ears. Under such circumstances, what was more natural than for him to turn to New Jersey? Here Phil Kearny got recognition, and he had but to express the desire and a com- mission was at hand, bearing date of July 25th, 1861, and was signed by the Governor of New Jersey, His spirit was such it could not, nor would not, brook delay. " Like the fiery charger held in by the bridle, he was restive under idleness." Of the battles he fought, an,-,s their placc of :isterians here and tlie second in order of time in the city. The names of those who have served the church as ruling elders are as follows : David Joline, Aaron C. Ward, Lemuel F. Corwin, Horace J. Foinier, J. Sandford Smith, John D. Wood, Isaac Ogden, John C. Wilkinson, Wm. K Farkhurst, Job Haines, Jo.seph .\. Hallock. Wm. R. Barton, Henry E. Ogden The present officers are: Elders. — Joseph Clark, Henry R. W illianis. Alvin \'. Decker, Wm. H. Preston, Wm. McKenzie, .Abram I. Thompson. Deacons — Josiah Duncan, Wm. H. Davis, Thomas Thompson. Trustees. — Alvin V. Decker, presi- dent; Abram I. Thompson, secretary; Ernest C. Rcock, treas- urer; Lott Southard, M. D., Clarence M. Hedden, Fred. L. Eberhardt, Theodore T. Lawshe, Joseph W. Clark, Wm. H. Davis. SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. IN the former pari of ihe year 1810, a lunnber of individuals residing in the upper part of the town of Newark, and members of the first Presbyterian congregation, being impressed with the importance of having a Second Presbyterian Church, adopted incipient measures for the accomplishment of this object. A year before this, at a meeting of the members of the First Church, it was evolved, that it was •• advisable for this society to build another meeting-house;" but no successful movement was made, till the time above mentioned, for the establishment of a second church. On tlie iSth of June, 1810, the corner-stone of the church edifice was laid with appropriate THE NEW YORK AVENUE REFORMED CHURCH. IHIRU I>RESl;Vli;UI.\X CHUUCH. religious services by Rev. Samuel Whelpley. The building was dedicated to the worship of God. Seplendier 30, iSll. At a meeting of the congregation, held January 12, iSii, the following persons were elected Trustees, viz. : James Hedden, Joseph T. Baldwin, David Doremus. John N. Cumming. Marcus B. Douglass. James Conley and Theodore Fre- linghuysen. who took the oath of office April 22, of the same year. At another meeting of the congregation, held J.inuary 23, 1811, of which Rev. James Richards. D. D., was moderator, a call was made out to Mr. Hooper Cumming. to take upon him the pastoral office among them. In April following the congregation was taken inuler the care of the Presbytery of Jersey ; and on October 3 of the same year. Mr. Cununing was ordained to the work of the Gospel ministiy. and installed pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church. Rev. Stephen 'I hompson preached the sermon, from I Cor. i. 21 ; Rev. James Rich.irds, I). D., presided, and gave the charge to the mmisler. and Rev. Amzi Armstrong, D. D., addressed the people. The church was organized in October. 181 1. At a meeting of the members of the churciT, held November 6, iSii, when a sermon was preached by Dr. Richards from Hebrew xiii. 1, the following persons were elected to the office of ruling elders, viz.: Nathaniel Douglass, 48 i.i.i . UK. i.L : 111.1.. ESSEX COrXTY. X. J.. ILLrSTk'ATI-I). Joseph L. Kein ami Aaron Ward, llie first two were also chosen and set ajiart to perform the duties of deacons. .•\t the organization of the church there were ninety-tliree members, all of whom were dismissed and recommended by the Kirst I'resby- Icrian Church. The whole number of persons wlio have been con- nected with the church is two thousand ei. I> T' THE GERMAN UNITED EVANGELICAL ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH. Mils church is located on the corner of Ferry Street and Hamburg Mace, and was organized on March 17, 1874. Kcv. (). H. Kraft was their first minister. .Services were held in Mr. Reichert's carpenter shop on \"an Huren Street, until the church was erected and dedicated, on Dec. 13. 1874. The cost of the building was about §28.000. Rev. O. II. Kraft left the congregation through the summer of 1878, and followed a call of St. .Marcus Congregation, in Buffalo, N. Y. His successor is Rev. R. Katerndahl, who was at that time pastor in his first congregation in Illinois. Under his lead- ing the congregation grew slowly but surely, and counts at present a membership of more than four hundred families. The trustees are, C. Eggert. J. Scheel, P. Schiickhaus. Ph. Melz, C. Hammel, T. Schaut/ and J. Sliehl. The elders are J. Waltz, Ph. Kaufmann, G. Fey, G. Wetzel. H. (Jeppert; organist, and Ludwig Wagner, sexton, filling their place as long as the church has stood. KKV. A. 1 LAMMANV. and sisters, bearing a _ dismission from the First Church, met in that house of worship to organize what was then named and is still called, the South Baptist Church, of Newark. By rising they formally entered into fellowship, and then proceeded to elect ollicers and adopt a covenant and articles of faith. At a subse.. became its lirsl rector. He was succeeded by Rev. Father .Ah. a convert from Mohammedanism, who was a zealous and faith- ful priest, but he died within a year of his appointment to the care of the parish. The present incumbent, the Rev. Father Ernest l)'Ai|uila. is a graduate of the Seminary of Termoli lioiaiio St. C.itherine, .\lexandria, Egypt. He also studied at the Seminary of Saint Joseph, Smyrne, .\sia Minor. Besides being learned in his sacred profession, especially as to canon law, he is an accom- plished musician, having taken a seven years' course in music at N.iples. Italy. He is especially proficient with the piano, fiute, cornet and organ. His sister is a valued assistant to the reverend F.ither in his labors, as she has drawn about her .i class of sixty-five of the children of the parish, whom she daily instructs in the elements of education. In this laudable w-ork she is fortunate in having the assistance of Miss \'ictoria Richmond, a daugluer of l.>r. John 15. Richmond, who gives her services three times a week to the school on instructing the children in English. Miss Richmond is a gifted and accomplished linguist and has acquired a wonderful proficiency in the Italian l.iaguage in a short space of time. I'nder Father D'Atpiila's rectorship, the Church of our l.ady of Mt. Carmel shows great imp rovenient, both i n t he character and growth of the .attendance of devout wor- ^hippcrsand in the improve- ments and em- bellish men ts which have been wrought in the edifice itself. The must indiffer- ent observer cannot fail to note thai the worker is in love with his work, and that KF.V. K. i)A(.iuii.A. he is animated I '» ,alit( Stji iilti SdiB Filtw MIC CHUUCH l)F OUR l,,'\I>Y 0['' M f. C.\RMKL. in all of his undertakings, with the spirit of the Master, A novel feature of the services of the church consists in that they are conducted in .i modest way. after the Italian style of elaboration and display. This feature is attractive to the parishioners, as it recalls the life in their beautiful fatherland, and re\ ives an interest in the religious observ.mces of their youth, which perhaps under the asperities of existence in .i new world, was beginnijig to wane. Father D'Aquila began his labors in America by organizing the Italian parish of St. Anthony in Elizabeth, and erecting a church of the same name. In addition to his charge in this city, he has also erected the Church of St. .Michael the Arch- angel, in Orange, for his countrymen, which has furnislud another illustration of his successful management of religious affairs. The accompanying illustration of the church edifice shows it to be a pleasing structure architecturally, from an exterior point of view, and its very central location bids fair to make it in the course of time, a very large and prosperous parish. The in- terior arrangements of the church are excellent, and (|uite suited to the needs of the present congregation. Until the establish- ment of the Church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, in 1S90, the eastern section of the city afforded no accommodation for the many who resided there of Italian birth and the Catholic faith. The prosperity and ever growing condition of the parish is good evidence of the need of such a church, and under the able management of the present pastor, the future should have much in store. The church will have its effect for good among the Italian speaking people of the entire city in making them good Christ- ians, and thereby better citizens. Father E. D'Aipiila has entered into a field of great usefulness, and he has the well wishes of the community in the performance of his good works. ESSEX COUNTY, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. f:8 ST. JAMES' CHURCH. rHlS Cluirch which, with its ornate and artistic interior and its beautiful and imposing exterior, is without doubt one of the nest edifices dedicated to divine worship in Newarl<, is a nion- ment to a life's enthusiastic devotion to God's work, that of le late Father Gervais, and to the unassuming but effective ;ork of his successor, the Rev. Father Cody. St. James' parish was organized in 1S53. Through the efforts [ the Rev. Father Senez. at that time rector of St. Patrick's athedral, the site was purchased. The Rev. Father Allaire ;as put in charge of the new parish, and on June iS, 854. the corner-stone of the old brick church, which is ill standing, was laid by the most Rev. James Roosevelt ayley, first bishop of Newark. This building was completed nder the Rev. James Callen, who succeeded Father Allaire, nd was dedicated the following November. It was of three tories, and the upper one was reserved for school purposes, father Callen, was succeeded by the Rev. Father Gervais, rS6i). F'ather Gervais was a man with a character pro- ounced and original almost to eccentricity. If his mission vas to build grand and costly structures for the glory of God, e certainly curled it out with an energy and a success, and in n adverse condition that were extraordinary. Up from midst he humble homes of hard working wage-earners, rose imposing tructures — church, hospital and convent — as if from under a nagician's hand. And the inspirer of these great works was going about in vorn out shoes from door to door of his flock, collecting funds or his enterpises, or was assisting in the manual labor of the )uilders. In July, 1863, the corner-stone of the present coni- nodious church building, which is built of dressed brown stone rom the old c|uarries on Eight Avenue, this city, was laid, and hree years later, June 17, 1866, in the presence of the largest :oncourse of people that had ever assembled in that section of he city, it was dedicated to divine worship, most Rev. Arch- )ishop Bayley officiating at both events. The strain of his responsibilities proved too great for Father ervais, and Julv 24. 1872. he went to his reward. The Rev. "ather M. E. Kane, his assistant, took charge of the parish until he appointment of the regular pastor, the present incumbent, ^ev. Father Cody, (January, 1873). Under the latter's able iianagement the unfinished buildings which cover the entire block bounded by Elm, Jefferson and Madison Streets, the hos- pital with its ap- pointments and the church with its graceful and massive steeple have been com- pleted. A chime of ten bells (the largest weighing over three thou- sand ])ounds) which is judged to be the finest in the State has been placed in the church tower. In addition to this noble instrument RF.v, J. M. GERVAIS, (deceased). a still greater one ■ST. JAME.S R. L. LHURCH. has been built in the church, in the grand organ, which is also the finest in New Jersey. The brown stone buildings which cover the rest of the block, now constitute the rectory, the parish school which has an attendance of 1.200 children and is abso- lutely free, a convent for the sisters of charity, and a hospital, which was opened in the fall of 1896. Since the advent of the Rev. Father Cody, all the affairs of the parish have pros- pered. Church societies are num- erous and large, the circulating library of the church con- tains over 1,500 volumes, and in general the relig- ious wants of the parish are studi- ously looked after. Father Cody can have for the rest of his life, the proud satisfaction that he has brought to a glorious completion what might have been to his people, in less able hands, an unrealized dream. v.k\. p. copy. tu Kir.HT REV, MICIIAII. UINAMI \Vl(;<;i;K, D. 11 and llie homo of the brave." This proud lille was soiiiewhat ol)scurcd until about thirty-tliree years a<;o. when President Abraham Limohi. in the midst of a fearftd stru<;gle for the perservation of the Union, issued his famous proclamation sun- dering the shackles from millions of human slaves, and removed forever the foul blot that obscured the country's glorious title. Since the adoption of the constitution its scope has been broad- ened by .several amendments, made necessary by the require- ments of a growing population and an increasing civilization ; but the fundamental provisions guaranteeing religious freedom has endured without change, and will always remain as long as this people exist as a free nation. I'.ach year sees an influx of natives from every country in the world, who have somehow heard that Aineric.i is the land ofgre.it opportunities; that here they can live as they choose, so they do it honestly, and that they can worshi|) whom or what they will, without let or hinderance. or can proclaim their disbelief in any religion anti deny the ex- istence of any deity whatsoever. Hence it is that at the present time, in this grand country, with perhaps a population of seventy- five millions of human creatures, while Christians of various denominations predominate. Hebrews worship Ciod in their Svnagogues, tlur humble n.itive of the Celestial Kingdom bows ESSEX corxrv. .v. /., illustrated. WIIl'.N the people of this countn had won their inde- pendence from British tyranny by the arbitrament of the sword, and achieved the right to representation among the nations of the earth, tlie wise men who framed the Consti- tution of the United Slates, incor- porated within the provisions of th.it golden instrument, the broad ;ind comprehensive declar.ition that Congress should make no law n- garding " the establishment of re- ligion." Bv this is was decreed that re- ligious freedom was ever to be a necessary part of that personal liberty for which the early patriots struggled and fought. Thus it was that America became known and designated throughout the world as " the land of the free down to his ittle gods in the Joss house, and the failhlul Mo.slem sends up his prayers to Allah when and where In- pleases. E.ach has his own peculiar form of worship, .ind carries it out peacefully, without interference from the oth.i. The wonderful diversity of religious worship is nowhere m n strikingly illustrated than in this great industrial city of Newii k, whose complex population of perhaps two hundred and tifiv thousand souls includes jieople from every land under the sun. Here in this great manufacturing centre of the new world, win le the operations of trade and industry assume grand proportions, and millions of money is invested in vast business enteipriM s, the few are engaged in a mad pursuit of greater wealth, the toiling masses follow the unchanging tread-mill of labor, yet at the end of each six days the clink of the hammer and the bu// of the saw is stilled, and the doors of the factories, shops and banks are closed. Then, with the coming of the day of rest, rich and poor alike are free to seek religious instruction as they may choose. There is no lack of opportunity, for there are numerous houses oft worship and plenty of religious teachers. In no cilv in the country are there mrodches a church door, such a pleasant de- meanor as to attract and not repel. It is the little things, the trille.s, which govern people's actions in this world, and especially is this the case where they assemble, presumably to love each otlur and to worship Almighty Ciod. When they come together, let all observe the kindliest .md most respectful attitude, one toward the other. Let one, and that one only, on a second or third pre.sentation, be the infallible rule -cleanliness. There is no subject where there is a greater degree of sensitiveness. It matters not if the garment worn is patch upon patch and worn to a thread; that must be a matter of little thought, but cleanliness of person must be wrought. To get at this sensitive point must be left to the dis- cretionar)' powers, wisdom and acuteness of those having each individual case in hand, or having the oversight in general. In our opinion, the temporal part of such an important work is far less than the whole, while the spiritual part, when taking the guidance, will direct right, as in all things connected with the teachings promulgated by the Prince of Peace and saviour of mankind. If all church affairs, as well as temporal affairs. were conducted and managed on the tenets laid down in the golden rule, those divisions, heart burn- ings and resentments so m u c h heard of. would peacefully sleep, while peace on earth, gooil will toward men, would continually in- cite both men a n d women to do unto others as they would have others do unto them. As we are not of tho.se who spend their time in looking for the millennium, we are not of those who believe that our lines will be followed as we have laid them out, but each can do a part. iKViNGio.N Ei'iSLuPAL ciiAi'EL. 'I'lere are those, but INTEKIOK Ol' GRACE CHURCH, CORNER DKIIAD AMI WALNl'l STREETS. mostly outside of the beautiful influences of the Chrisli.iii religion, who believe or profess to believe, that our Christian ministers can and ought to do everything, even to the impossible work of making all evil doers go and work in the vineyard of the Lord. Now, while we wait for the coming of him who will soon right every wrong in and about his beautiful temples, as we are positively certain the great majority of our ministers of the gospel are now doing, and to assist in holding up their hands, we will e.xtend to them, without regard to creed, denomination or belief, the best wishes of Essex County, N. J., Ii.lus- TRAIED. CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS OF ESSEX COUNTY. ALTHOUCjH the writer and author should use up the farthest reaching vocabulary that he could command and make the work replete with racy and readable sketches of men and things, making use with all his power of the dragnet for the procurement of material of the highest interest with which to fill its space, the work would not and could not be well done without giving its readers a glance, as they turn its pages, of those mighty institutions for good which stand with wide-open doors, in which tarry disciples of the " man of sorrows and who was acquainted with grief," and who, in His name, are calling, calling to the sick and afilicted, the poor and the needy, to come and accept their offerings of healing balm and the contents of bounty's hand. ESSEX COUNTY, N. J., ILLUSTRATED. 69 Even though our artists are showing samples of their work at every turn, and speaking pictures of factories and public school buildings should speak of their skill and grandeur from every page, yet would the book be and remain an unfinished pro- duction had not the artists transferred to its pages beautiful and representative pictures of the great eleeyniosvnary institutions which dot the surface of the countv and its mighly industrial capital city over with the grandest and best ever planned for sweet charity's glorious purposes. As space permits and such a tribute is due. we cannot do belter than pay it in passing, since to the architect's genius and the photographer's and the engraver's skill we are indebted for the beautiful representative pictures which add so largely to the attractive and instructive character of the work. To the noble men and pure-hearted Christian women who have worked out the oppor- tunities and by their untiring efforts in the uprear- ing of these beautiful institutions, a deep debt of gratitude is due, and so long as the writer and collator of this work ha\e the power, the tongue of praise shall never be stifled nor stilled till the debt is cancelled, so far as it is possible for us to meet such a benign and beautiful purpose. While the majority of our institutions of charity are young in years, they have a majesty of purpose which makes them old when speak- ing comparatively of the work they have done. In every- thing we say or do these ought to be somewhere, so as to be easilv seen or so adroitly concealed among a purposely entangled verbiage as to require the acute sense of a sleuth hound to search it out. As a reason for the youthfulness of our charitable institutions, is our close proximity to metropolitan New York, whose gates were ever wide open and the doors to her charitable institutions had no bolts but what were ready to spring back at our call. And thus it was that not until the necessity became all too glaring, so that every one who ran could read the handwriting X IRVINGTON M. E. CHURCH. FOREST HII.L PRESIJYTERI AN CHURCH. on every wall, that our time had come. The writer remembers well the first "quiet hospital talks" which look place among several gentlemen who make old Trinity their church home. The venerable building in which they worship, now occupying the same ground where it stood when the liritish officers and soldiers led their forces in and out, occupying the church as a stable — so generous were their natures and such reverential care did they take of our churches — using the pews as stalls, the rector's dressing-room and the vestry parlor for the storage of forage stolen from our farmers, saddles, harness and war paraphernalia, etc. Among these were the Rt. Rev. Bishop Odenheimer, the rector, Cortlandt Parker, Dr. William T. Mercer, Judge Young, J. D. Orton, Judge afford, W. W. Hulfish, Daniel Dodd and others whose names cannot be recalled at this time. In short, from these "quiet talks" grew the first hospital in New Jersey, the unexcelled St. Barnabas', the story of whose struggles, failures, successes, hopes and triumphs will ever fill an exclu- sively interesting page in New Jersey's historical books. As before said, St. Barnabas' was the first working hospital estab- lished in New Jersey under legislative authority. The work was begun in 1S65 in a small house on Wickliffe Street. The hospital became an incor|)orated institution on the thirteenth day of February, A. D. 1867. The incorporators were, that Bishop beloved, the saintly William Henry Odenheimer, and the rectors and certain laymen selected from among the several Episcopal churches of Newark city. The charter de- clared the purpose of the incorporation to be the nurture and maintenance of sick, aged and infirm and indigent persons, and of orphans, half orphans and destitute children ; the pro- viding for their temporal and spiritual welfare, and the provid- ing or erecting a suitable building or buildings in which to carry on the proposed W'Ork. Not long afterward a gentleman bequeathed to the incorpora- tion the beautiful lots where St. Stephen's Church now stands, at the junction of Clinton and Elizabeth Avenues. In June, 1S70, the trustees purchased the finely located property, corner of High and iMontgomery Streets. Here the w-ork has been carried on ever since. A beautiful photo of St. Barnabas' graces page 143. TO ESSEX COUNTY, N. J., ILLUSTRATED. St. Michael's Hospital, which is presented in the illustrations on page 71. is one of (he best equipped institutions in the State of New Jersey, and some of the ablest and most distinguished physicians and surgeons of Essex County, have been identified with its medical and surgical staff. This institution which is but little more than a quarter of a ceniury old, had to its credit on January i, 1897, 93,086 patients treated. St. Michael's is the largest hospital in ihe city and has a central location on the corner of High Street and Central Avenue and has three hundred beds and, like her sisters, has all the necessary accessories and all the parapher- nalia of a tirst-class hospital. Even though Si- Michael's is nominally a Roman Catholic institu- tion and the bishop of the Newark Diocese stands .at the lie.ul of its protecting Board of Directors, the hospital is managed entirely by the Sisters of the Poor "f St. Francis, thirty-two in numl)er. at the head of whom is Sister Perpetua .Superior. Yet its doors are open to people of all creeds and nationalities. The key to its wards lies in the affirmative answer to the question, are you sick or afflicted .' Lest we might neglect such an all-im- portant duty of paying a tribute to this noble order of women whose charitable work is going ceaselessly on all over the world, we will repeat on this pnge, and in the language of a Protestant Minister, who had been nursed by them and said. •' The Sisters are an eminently holy and pious body of women." Among the hospitals of Essex County none stand higher on the roll than the German Hospital, which is presented in the illustrations on page 231, and like the other institutions of similar character, though young in years carries the honors of an ancient. It was incorporatid February 15, 1868, and is maintained principally by the generous portion of the German American citizens of Newark, and has ever been conducted on the broadest principles of relief to the unfortunate, without regard to creed or clime. St. James' Hospital, shown on page 71, was to have been opened in the fall of 1896, but on account of the directors having been unable to secure a corps of sisters to undertake the management, it wa^ posponed until this is accomplished. .SI. PETERS R. C. ORPHAN .\SVLUM, ON LIVINGSTON SI REFT. The Home of the Friendless, on South Orange Avenue, corner of Bergen Street, is another of the charitable institutions, a view of the buildings of which our artist has transferred to |)age 141, which is doing a marvellous work for good. It being of a three-fold character, its work takes on a wider range than the generality of charitable institutions. While the little ones are provided with home, food and raiment by the goodly women who never tire in doing the work of the Master, are gathering the little unfortunates in the fold they have provided in the beautiful home. Never behind in good works, the city of Newark has markid an era in her progress by the est.iblishment of a hospital, where the sick and afflicted may go and seek rest, and take deep draughts from the overllowing cup of healing balm, which will be held to their lips by the devoted hands of trained nurses, directed by the skill and understanding of the wise, pure and self-sacrificing among our best physicians and surgeons. Although Newark was blessed with several good hospitals, yet KEV. WM. H, HAINEK, IRVINGTO.N. the best thinking and more chari- tably disposed among our citizens decided it not unwise that another hospital where the sick and injured might obtain relief should be established. Fortunately the county asylum buildings which had been erected on city property were vacant and apparently waiting lor just such a blessed purpose and inno- vation. So. as the people's repre- sentatives in the Common Council were ripe for the movement, the die was soon cast and the City Hospit.il established (see page 138.) This beneficent institution was i)|)ened for patients in 1882, and incorporated in 1883. Since that time its doors have been wide open to the indigent sick of all nationali- lics. The hospital is managed by the Board of Health, who meet once a month. From the Board of KEV. JOSEPH l.EUCHI ESSEX COUNTY, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. 71 / t- jesLrjl^ Directors a visiting committee of three mem- bers is selected to look after the executive work during the intervals. One of the noblest charitable institutions in Essex County, is the Eye and Ear Infirm- ar\', located at No. 60 Stirling Street. A view of the building is shown in the combi- nation on page 72. The hospital was founded in February. 1880, for the gratuitous treatment of the poor. The Hospital for Women and Children is situated on South Orange Avenue, in close proximity to the Home of the Friendless, (see page 141.) St. Mary's Orphan Asylum was founded in 1S57, on Central Avenue, then Xesbit Street, next to St. Patrick's Cathedral, by the most Rev. Bishop Bayley. In 1861 the orphan girls were removed to the house corner Washington and Bleecker Streets, where they remained until the orphanage was complete at South Orange, in 1865. Since then several buildings have been added. In 1876 a four story building was erected as an industrial school, to which the orphan girls are transferred when they are old enough to be taught domestic economy, shirt making, ladies' undergarments, dress making, etc. They receive daily, three hours tuition in English and become self-supporting. Children are received between the age of three and fourteen. At this age the boys are either sent to relatives or placed with responsible parties to earn a livelihood. At present there are one hundred and sixty boys, and one hundred and fifty-four girls, making a total of three hundred and fourteen in the house. While the asylum is under the protection of a Board of Directors, at the head of which is Rt. Rev. Bishop Wigger, of this diocese, the institu- tion is managed bv the Sisters of Charity, fifteen in number. Bap] SI'. JAiMES HUSriT.AI,. ON JEFFERSON AND ELM STREEIS. Sr. MILHAKL's HOSl'IIAL, ON HIi^H SIRFET A\D CENTRAL AVENUE. who have devoted their lives and talents to the service of C;od's helpless little ones. A photo is presented on [)age 142. Away back in 1848 the Newark Orphan Asylum, an organ- ization for the relief of orphan children was effected, thus making it the oldest orphanage in the county of Essex. A photo of the buildings will be found on page 72. It is situated at 323 High Street, corner Bleecker. The Foster Home, a charitable institution, was organized March 28, 1848, but a few days after the Newark home. It is situated at 284 Belleville .'\venue, and receives children up to their tenth \'ear. The Kreuger Pioneer Home was organized in 1889, its object being to provide a home for unfortunate and indigent men. and was founded by one of Essex County's wealthy citizens, Judge Gottfried Kreuger, whose honored name the institution bears. A phnto of the home is presented on page 222. On page 70 may be seen a photo of St. Peter's Orphan Asylum and Kindergarten, which is located at 21 Livingston Street. Among other Charitable and Benevolent Societies, are the Newark Female Charitable Society, at 305 Halsey Street, founded 1803. (see page 139); Boys' Lodging House, 144 Market Street ; St. Vincent's Home for Working Boys, on Centre Street ; Home for Incurables, corner court and Shipman Streets; House of the Good Shepherd and Home for the Aged, under the care of the Little Sisters of the Poor, on Eighth Street between Central and Sussex Avenues. These eminently pious and holy women commenced their chariiable work in this city in 187S and by their zeal and untiring efforts, have succeeded in establishing a large and comfortable institution, \\ here the aged and destitute of both sexes are provided for. .\ view of the home is shown on page 72, and though struggling with a large debt they trust in God, and rely upon a generous people to aid them in supplying the many wants of such a latge charity. Where true piety and woman's virtue leads the van, no wheel of progress which is touched by them shall cease revolving. * « 1 1 If iiMiiiilMii r- m rf lii A? •^'\\ •-iiVH\N AsrLu;^ r r r:^! II ^T^-- ^^ail^.1l^'^ I /.•• nj^^: rnt t''-'*'"v f ijil j; «r- ^e^s^ EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS OF ESSEX COUNTY. I IE sincerity of the love and respect which the author of Essex Ccjuntv, New Jeksky, Ii.i.us- IKATED, bears to the public schools and the public school system thereof, makes our approach to these subjects the more dilficult and trying, since aloHL^ with our duty goes hand in liand the fear we entertain of doing even half-way justice to these themes. The first thought, as we lift the pen to write, is to ask the reader, as he scans what we have to say for and on behalf of the pul)lic schools, a kindly foibear- ance for any appreciable sliortcomings in our efforts to grapple successfullv with this grandest of subjects, which can find a place among the leaves of this book, every page of which bears rcord of marvellous growth and wonderful prosperity of the county delineated. When we consider Essex County, geographically speaking, is it any wonder, we ask, that her schools have few equals, and when we make the declaration that there are no superiors, the fear that we shall be charged with egotism, finds no resting-place in our composition. Situated in one of the loveliest regions in the world, with a chniate as et[uitable and health-giving as any in the United States, the cold winds of the winter months which come bowling down from the north and west meet and mingle with the breezes from old ocean tempered with salt, make her winters delightful, and ere those cold waves which have a wondeiful habit of careering over the broad and beautiful prairies of the far away Dakotas and the broad savannas of Illinois, Kansas and Iowa, prepared for the journey by the frost king amid the bold rockies. the snow-capped mountain peaks of the Cascade and coast ranges, and which linger for weeks hesitating to cross the Alleghanies, holding high carnival among the coal mines and oil wells of the Kevstone, of the Arch, the hills, valleys and farm lands of the Empire state, and dallying with those dehlahs ELIZABETH .WENUE SCHOOL. OLDEST SCHOOL-HOUSE IN NEWARK, NOW THE EOV S LODGING HOUSE. of the midland belt, the great lakes, are shorn of their locks of hoar frost, lose far more than half of their strength, and ere they are ready to swoop down upon this region with a promise (by telegram from Chicago, St. Louis or St. I'aul) to close down on the mercurv, and give all the east an extended general freeze-up, its strength has died out under the genial influence of the warm exhalation from the gulf stream, and seldom has a reign of more than three days in length. More oft. the fizzle en route has been so complete, that scarce time is remaining to close up the pools and bid malaria depart, ere they take up the home journey, giving kisses of love when ready to depart and waving back an adieu while they .go ricocheting back to the safe retreat of the Teuton peaks, while the region (including Esse.x County) for hftv miles in all directions from New York's City Hall Park, knowing how fitful are his promises, are compelled to keep on the alert for even a freeze-up of enough rain drops to set the sleigh-bells ringing and three days in succession good sleighing. Then, with a climate unsurpassed and a territory with double rock-ribbed environments, we approach the pleasant duty of giving a sketch of the public schools, with no small degree of personal pleasure and with no fear of overdrawing the pictures of the educational institutions, or overstating the benefi- cent results accruing therefrom to the people. Since the first establishment of the free public schools a mighty change has been wrought in their 74 ESSEX COCXTY. X. J.. ILLUSTRATED. character and ihe cducalional results obtained therefrom. The recollections of the writer jjo back to the time when in derision the free public schools were denominated •' ragjjed schools," and it took many years of time and many measures of defiance of public opinion on the part of the institution's friends, to win the fight by battling for the right. After the first establishment of the free or |)ublic school plan of education for the masses, it recjuircd quite a ([uarter of a century to place it on a tirm footing and solid basis. And even now it is safe to say that its friends built better than they knew . Prejudice against it, proved the hardest barrier to surmount, but when the friends of |)ublic school education had robbed it of this terror the work was easier. When in the begining the tional advantages under its wise provisions and unquestionnl good management, is the grandest and best ever devised. The rich have learned this one grand fact, that when their children are sent to public schools to rub against their neighbor's children, that they become acquainted and arc ready to rub up against the world, and to stand the rebuffs in a far better manner than when kept isolated. Many of our leading business men, lawyers, physicians and divines, now glory in the tlays they spent in the public schools. Education for all who will receive it, is the motto to-tlay, and few indeed are there who are not ready to exclaim, "Long may the banner of free schools wave." Outside of the city of Newark and Orange, there are aboiii forty schools in which all the children can, if the parents so will .MOKTON .SIRKKT SCHOOL. cry was started, that its inventors had no idea of permitting any but the poorest of the poor to enjoy its atlvantages, it was hard to overcome, and while the rich .ind well-to-do spurned to accept its benefits, the mechanic and artis.in and those earning enough as the fruit of their labor to gain subsistence, preferred to let their chilrlren run the streets, rather than h.ive them be- come the associates of paupers, as they termed those who ac- cepted education from pul)lic sources Indeed, it was not until men of reason look the rostrum and eloquently pleaded its adop- tion, and ministers of gospel fired their anathemas against the foolish opposers of the system from their pulpits, that the masses finally awoke to a sense of right and duty, and to-day the opposed and derided educational system of the past meets the approval of all classes of men in all positions of life, and all feel that the public school system of America, and the educa- it. secure an education. Not alone are the elementary branches taught, but connected therewith, are high schools, where those pupils w'ho have passed the grammar departments can have the adv.mtages of an academic education, and be fitted for college if so desired. During the years 1891 -2-3 the writer of this was County Superintendent of Public Schools, and is proud to bear evidence as to the high character of the schools and teachers. Educated men and women, as pains-taking and self-sacrificing as any body of teachers in the land, anil in devotion to their calling, they remain unchallenged. KImer '1". Sherman, now a resident of South Orange, is acceptably filling the oflice of County Superintendent. The schools in the city of Orange are under the care of Mr. U. B. Cutts. and are in a high state of efficiency. In the city of Newark, where the veteran educator and efficient ESSEX COUNTY, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. 75 officer, William N. Barringer, Ph.D., has been the Superintendent for more than a quarter of a cen- tury, the public school interests are well and care- fully adjusted, and closely looked after, and all their interests closely watched. Her schools are under the direct care of a local legislative body, known as the school board, or Board of Education, con- sisting of thirty gentlemen. Each of the fifteen wards of the city has two representatives in the board, each elected for a term of two years. Although there is a general determination among the ])eople, and this is transferred to their repre- sentatives, to eschew politics entirely, yet the foot- . prints of the party in power is seen when the I officers of the Board are elected. The board as 1 constituted at jjresent consists of the following: William A. Gay, /"/-^/VrV;;/; R. D. Argue, Seire- larv: Samuel Gaiser, Ass'i Secretary, William N. ISarringer. City Siperiniendent ; Geo. W. Reeve. Siip't of Erect icDi and Repairs; ist Ward. James II A. Backus. James N. Arbuckle; 2d. Hugh P. Roden. ' Charles W. Menk; 3d, Charles L. 111. George Saupe; 4th, J. W. Read. Miles F. Ouinn ; 5th. M. B. Puder. Charles Clark; 6th. R. W. Brown, Edward Zusi; 7th, H. M. Woolman. Charles M. Myers; Sth. John K. Gore. J. William Clark; 9th. A. N. Lewis, Walter T- Crane ; loth. David B. Nathan. Elmer E. Horton ; nth, William A. Gay, William L. Fish ; 12th. J. J. Kronenberger, Thomas J. Sinnott; I3lh. Henry Ost. Henry P. Schott; 14th. Geo. F. Brandenburgh. Charles H. Sansom ; 15th. Walter H. Clark. Walter H. Parsons. A full roster of the teachers in all the schools of the fifteen wards can be seen by a reference to the Board's annual report, copies of which can be obtained of the Clerk of the l5oard or any of its members. There is not a question of a doubt but that the efficiency of the city's public schools is equal to any in the United States. The school age is fi.xed by statue at from six to twenty-one years of age, although very few enjoy the privileges after they have passed the age of seventeen. The writer once asked a young lad of sixteen why he did not go to school. His reply was," Oh I'm too big." Of course he meant in stature. As a commentarv on his answer, we should not CEN'1R.\L AVENUE SCHOOL. SUMMER .AVENUE SCHIKH,. hesitate to say, that some plan should be adopted by which young men and girls under twenty-one at least, should not think nor feel themselves too big for education getting. In the the night schools we find the glorious exception. In this grandly beneficent institution we often find both men and women striving to learn to read and write, some h.aving passed the meridian of life. One of the most interesting occasions of our necessary school visitations, was met at a night school in Montclair. where we found a class numbering quite half a hundred of men and and women, undergoing instruction, some of them with hands so stiffened with age and hard labor that the handling of pen or pencil was an extremely difficult operation. Yet so strong was the motive for progress, and so bright was the goal to their vision of learning to read and write, they would laugh at their own clumsiness, and no mistake, however glaring, would act as a bar, or dampen their ardor, or cause them to flag for a single moment in their dogged perseverance. Could some of the youth who persistently refuse the advantages offered to secure the delightful boon of a good education, have been placed in the presence of some old colored man or woman who had wrought in the cotton fields or cooked the hog and hominy in the sunny South all the years of (heir early life, and were engaged in the arduous task, with clumsy fingers, of learning to write or learning to read, with mental faculties long since dulled by the avarice or brutish- ness of others, we doubt not it would act as a balm for his wounds and likewise cure his desire for longer continued acts of truancy. Such have been the advances made in the methods of instruction, that the child takes learning as it were hv intuition. The Kintergarden, an exotic, to be sure transplanted from the German father- land, deals with the buds of our manhood and womanhood. Instead of the compulsory sitting on the hardest of benches and the wearisome dangling of tired little legs with the formal h.'QQ ter die in- struction from the stern master and scientific handler of the birchen rod. and oaken rule, the little buds are taught to sing and play their lessons through, 76 ESSEX COUNTY, N. /, ILLUSTRATED. •iiul llien tliey srow and grow ami tlu- time slips merrily away till as pupils gnnving on. they take their place in the primary >;raile. for all the public schools are graded; and thus the pupil is moved on and upward hy regular steps, till eie he or she is thoroughly aware of the facts, the bud has grown on to be the unfolded leaf and bloom, and so easy seems the progress, the ripened fruit comes all too soon. Manual training has come to stay, and is as much a part of the education of our youth when they themselves, or tluir parents so elect, as any othei branch of education. Not only are the boys in the enjoyment of this i)rivilege of laying the foundation upon which ni.iy easily be built the finished mechanic and artisan, but the young misses also pri\ ileged similarly in most respects, for they may learn to saw. plane, chisel, mortise and carve, mhX can learn to cook and sew. Besides what our youth may le.irn in the public school, the doors of the Technical School are thrown wide open to them through the generosity of the Newark City Hoard of Trade, this now famous and popular institution being an out- growth therefrom. There arc many other schools, academics, etc.. conducted by private parties in the county, and Parochial Schools under the patron.ige of the Episcopalian and Roman Catholic Churches. These are .dl in a tlounshing condition, being under the care of capable and painstaking l.idies .and gentlemeii, who are an honor to their calling. That the reader of KssKX CoUNl v, N. J., ll.Ll'S- TR.XTKU. may have opportiuiity to study the size and construc- tion of our school houses, the characteristics and merits of the teachers employed, beautiful engravings of the mag- nificent structures devoted to school purposes will be found in its pages, with life-like photo likeness of man\' of the leading teachers and those who ha\e adopted I'ed.agogy as their pro- fession, and have made teaching their life work, many of the latter taking rank with the best in the land, liesides the photos of teachers and engravings of school buildings, a short sketch of the several schools will be found accompanying each, to .\NN SIKIilil SCHOdl.. which we trust they may refer in the always expected lo-inorrow. or the anticipated d.iy of leisiue, as a souvenir of their e.irly school days. 'That there will he a charm connected with this pari of il work we have little doubt, since no effort or expense has bei spared in securing the material and dala necessary to make it the ideal of excelleme. and the acme of Irulhfulness in this all important part. FIFTEENTH AVENUE SCHOOL. T' 'HEFifteentI largely thi Oelkers. 'The building tiveness and desirable bricl. Avenue .School building was the thought, and result of ICx-School Commissioner John 15. is noticeable for its architectural atlr ■ appointments for school work It i-~ ril'l KKNTII AVKNLK SCHOOL. Structure with Itrra cotta trimmings, s|)acious, with most approved heating and veiU dating apparatus. .September 5, 1 89;, the doors of this build- ing were thrown open, and to the surprise of the Board of Education, the rooms were filled and the seating capacity found to be insuf- ficient. The large attendance demands addi- tional accommodations. As the enterprising section of our city surroun Burnet Street .School has sent, upon an average, one-third of w sixty-five or seventy graduates to the High .School each year as " honorary" pupils. According to reports received from the Princi|)al of the High School, very few of these |)upils fail to sus- tain a" fair " stand- ing, and a goodly number continue to do " h o n o r a r v " work. .Such results prove conclusively the wisdom of maintaining a high standard. In Bur- net -Street .School, the marks placed upon the pupil's ESSEX COUNTY, N. J., ILLUSTRATED. SI niontlily cards always represent accomplisJimenl — not intention. The marks are not given simply to fill up certain spaces on the cards, nor to please parents ; but they are given as reliable statements of ivhat the pupils have done. Any other record is considered a gross fraud practiced upon parents and pupils. In Sei)t., 1894. the teachers of the Grammar depart- ment suggested to Principal Bissell the advisability of organizing among the pupils a society whose object should be two-fold, first, the exaltation of gentlemanl\ and ladylike conduct ; second, the suitable rewarding of such conduct through enterlainments of an educa- tive nature held at stated periods. iMr. Bissell heartily " seconded the motion," and the result was the estab- nient of the " Loyal League." Many naines were pro- posed for the new organization, but none seemed so suitable as the one chosen, conveying, as it does, the meaning of the society's motto — " He conquers who overcomes himself." The membership badge is a ribbon with the word " Loyalty " stamped upon it in silver letters. The 8th year colors are two shades of purple; 7th year, two shades of yellow; 6th year, two shades of red ; 5th year, two shades of blue. Each grade has four members upon the committee, and these, with the teachers, wear white badges. The condition of membership is very simple. Any pupil who is rated " excellent " or " good " in deportment for any month is a member of the Loyal League during the month immediately following. The precentage of membership is always large. The monthly cards are distributed on the first Monday of each month, and the entertainments occur on the Friday fol- lowing. The badges are worn at the entertainments and on the other Friday afternoons of the month. The monthly entertainments have been held regularly, and have been much enjoyed by the pupils and teachers and their friends They ha\e been so discreetly prepared and conducted that they have in no way interfered with the regular scholastic work of the school. Many friends and former pupils have kindly assisted, and the pupils who have taken part have cer- tainly reaped benefit in many ways. The League publishes a very neat and interesting eight-page CHESTNUT STREET SCHOOL. MILLER STREET SCHOOL. school paper twice each year —a holiday and Easter number. A plan very similar to that of the Loyal League, but neces- sarily modified, is in successful use in the primary department. Since Mr. Bissell assumed charge of the school in 1886, tlie School Library has grown from 37 volumes to fully 1,000 volumes. In December, 18S7, the school held a large fair in Oraton Hall and cleared $491.25. which was used towards sup- plying the school with a circulating and reference library. The success of this fair was due to the earnest and hearty co- operation of all the teachers and |)upils. In April. r892, a "Class Fair" netted S'35. which was used to purchase a circu- lating library specially for the primary pupils. The Reference Library contains about 100 well-selected and much used books. The school entertainments are always of a high order. Those which have been held during the past ten years have netted about $1,300, all of which have been used to the school's benefit. The regularity and punctuality of the pupils speak well for them and their school. The cases of tardiness during the present principalship have been as follows: 1886-87, 180; 1887-S8, 35; 188S-- Sg, 17; 1S89-90, 32; 1890-91. 41; 1891-92, 19; 1S92-93, 19; 1S93-94.30; 1894-95,35; 1895-96,30. The average during the last nine years has been only 29, against iSo during the first year. That punctuality is not secured at the expense of attendance is evident from the fact that the average percentage of attendance in all the classes is usu- ally above pj per cent. The good work accomplished by the Burnet Street School is in no small measure due to the loyalty and efficiency of its corps of teachers. It is also true that the school has been very fortunate in having as commissioners, gentlemen who have given prompt and intelligent consideration to all matters pertaining to the school's welfare. These illustrations represent the Chestnut Street School, opened September, i860; enlarged 1870; class rooms, 15; Principal, David Maclure. Miller Street School, opened June, l88r; enlarged 1887-88; classrooms, 14; Principal, J. Wilmer Kennedy. 82 ESSEX COVXTY, X. J., ILLUSTRATED WASHINGTON STREET SCHOOL. THE oUI Third Ward Scliool was buill in 1843-4. Ai this lime there were live wards in Newark -the North. East, South. West and Fifth. This school was in the South Ward. It was the first public school building erected in the city. Rented buildings were hereto- fore used. It was located on Hill and Court Streets, and was two stories high. The upper lloor was used as the male de- partment and had its entrance on Court Street. The lower lloor was used as the female de- partment and its entrance was on Hill Street. There was a front yard on each street, the building being placed equally distant from the sidewalk of either street. Riker's jewelry factory now occupies the site. Each lloor consisted of one large room and two small recitation rooms. The children studied in the large assembly rooms. and recited to monitors in the recitation rooms. In i860, these large rooms were divided by glass partitions, making three rooms en each floor, each seating fifty pupils. The large rooms were heated by stoves, but the recitation rooms were not heated. It was a Grammar .School. Nelson .Mowry w.is its first princi- pal. He was succeeded by Iose])h A. Andrews. In May, 1856, a I^rimary Industrial School was organized in a building rented by the Hoard of Education, on West Kinney Street, corner of I'.eecher Street These Industrial Schools were to feed the Grammar Schools. In i860, the Third Ward Primary .School was opened in a building in Fair .Street. It was two stories high, one room on 1 .ich lloor. Mary A. Wood- ruff was its first prindip.il and held that position some years after the present build- ing was occupied. In iS62.the Thirfl W'ard Industrial School moved to the building on Mulberry street, near Chestnut Street, known as Mulberry Chapel, and the T h i r d Ward I' r i m a r y .School moved from the Fair .Street building to a building corner _, of Kinney and KKANK 11. ii.\Nsos, A. M. Beechcr Streets. W.VSHINGTON STRF.KT SLllOOI.. In 1S60. Samuel W. Clark succeeded Mr. Andrews as |)rii^ pal of the grammar school. In 1867, the primary school mo\ i again to the building on the corner of Court and Nevada Streei EIGHTEENTH AVENUE SCHOOL. ONK of the many schools of which Newnrk may well be prouii, is the Eighteenth Avenue School. It is located in the southwestern part of the city. Its grourids are bounded by three streets, so that the building stands in an open space, thus providing ample light to each class-room — an advantage greatly to he desired. The tirst building" was erected in 1 87 1, and consisted of eight class-rooms. In 1873 it became necessary in enlarge it, by the addition of a luiilding in the form of a large T, which, sur- mounted by two turrets, added to the architectural beauty of the present structure. This made a school of nineteen class- rooms, none too large to meet the demands of the rapidly increasing population of the old Thirteenth Ward. The pui)ils and patrons of its early days purchased a large bell, which is hung in a belfry, and its tones call the children from far and near to each session of the school. This has been of the greatest advantage in reducing to almost a minimum the number of cases of tardiness. The Eighteenth Avenue School has been fortunate in ha\ ing for its princi|)als men of character as well as intellect. Of these, when the school was but an intermediate school, Princi- pals Smith, Schulte, Kennedy and Maclure were promoti-d to grammar schools. The school was opened as a primary school. It soon advanced to an intermediate school, having no grade higher than the si.\th year. It was necessary for pupils wishing to enter the High School, to be admitted to a grammar school for the remaining two year's course. The Eighteenth Avenue School was an intermediate school when Henry J. Dougherty, the present principal, assumed control. Through his untiring efforts, with the heartv co-operation of his teachers, the grade of the school steadily adv.uiced and in 1891 the first graduates of Eighteenth Ave- nue School en- tered the High School. It has been the custom for each graduating class to leave a class memorial. The class-room h a s ni a n ) beautiful tokens of its former inmates, which serve as an inspiration to those who are still treading the path HENKY J. uououEKiv. of learning in the EIGHTEENTH .WENUE SCHOOL. old familiar place. The gr.iduates have formed an ahunni association, which is in a flourishing condition. Thus, a bond of friendship has been cemented between the present pu|)ils of the school and those who have passed out from their alma mater. The school has good reason to mention the alumni with pride and gratitude. From time to time, the school has held very successful as well as pleasing entertaimiients. The funds derived therefrom have been judiciously spent. As a residt of these investments, the school can boast of a fine library, containing several sets of encyclopaedias, histories, books of reference and works of standard writers, which are of interest to pupils and teachers alike. Since the observance of .Arbor Day by the public schools of the city, many trees have been jilanted in the playgrounds and on the streets bounding them, so that shade and beauty are thus provided. The front lawns are kept in good condition tluring the season, and flowers in beds and urns add much to the good appearance of the building. An annex on Livingston street, with its entrance on the Eighteenth Avenue School grounds, was budt in the early part of 1S94. and the two buildings, which may properly be con- sidered one school, have a seating capacity for 1,280 pupils. In October, 1891, the school was opened as an evening school, holding sessions during five months of each year. Many parents are compelled to take their children from the day schools as soon as they have reached an age when they can earn something. The evening school offers advantages to this class of pupils. During the summer of 1895, the Eighteenth Avenue School opened its doors for si.\ weeks as a summer school. The attendance was good for the entire term, which shows the ap- preciation felt by those living in the vicinity of the school. No national holiday ever passed without appropriate exercises by the school on the day preceding such holiday. That patriotism has been instilled in the hearts of the pupils of the Eighteenth Avenue School is evinced from the following fact : The first memorial left to the school by the first gradu- ates of the school was Old Glory. The stars and stripes were cut by the boys of '91 , and the girls sewed together that emblem which is the pride and glory of every true American heart. S4 ESSEX COrXTY. X. J.. ILU'STRATED. I SOUTH MARKET STREET SCHOOL. IN the year 1S55. the city of Newark expended what was then a large amount of money, in the construction of scliool-houses. The South Market Street School was one of the buildings con- structed in that year. This building, and several others in the city, were constructed on one plan and were then considered models of school archi- tecture, and replete with all the latest and neces- sary appliances and facilities of a first-class school building, and was intended to accommodate three hundred and fifty pupils. During the two score years of the history of this school, many of the scholars from this school have become ])rominem and intluential citizens of Newark. Mr. Samuel W. Clark, the first Principal of South .Market Street School, a man of sterling character, remained a number of years. His able successor, William Johnson, also remained at the head of the school some ten or more years, and ably conducted the eflicient and popular methods of his prede- cessor. J. Newton Smith was the next Principal. For the past sixteen years the school has been in charge of Mr. William P. H. I 'rick. The school accommodations furnished by this old building have long since become inadequate for the growing neighbor- hood. More than double the original number of seats have been crowded into the house and filled, and |Hipils are turned away for want of room. SOUTH MARi;i-:r sik[ci-;t school. rooms for the teachers. The class-rooms are large, well lighted and ventilated, and each capable of seating sixty pupils. Each room is provided with a cloak room, and cloak rooms, courts and the class-rooms are all heated by steam. The building and site are valued at S3''',ooo. HAWKINS STREET SCHOOL, Till-: Hawkins Street School was erected in 1SS7-S8, and was first opened on January 3, 1889. It first opened with five class-rooms occupied, and continued vvitii that number a year and a half, being during that time an .annex to South Market Street School. In Se|)tember, 1891, another class-room was opened and Mr. Clarence S. Giffin was appointed Principal of the school. The following September another class-room was opened, and the school has since continued with seven class-rooms occupied. There is yet one unoccupied room. The ground fioor of the building is occujiied by the Princi- pal's office and reception room, the boiler room and two large courts, one each for the boys and girls. The second and third floors are each occupied by four class-rooms, and reception THE ■■ IN reviewing the ste| of the ' Franklin ' at hand for the earlier made to go into detail, no more than a town. ,■ schools, the cus- tom prevailed of naming them in honor of noted men. Therefore, o n e located in w hat is no w known as t h e Fourth Ward of the city, w a s named in honor FRANKLIN" SCHOOL. !)s tliat have led up to the establishment •School as we know it to-day, the data stages is so meagre that no attempt is Suflice to say, that when Newark was ind only the three R's were taught in the H.WN MiSs sruKi of our illustrious Franklin. The site of this school was pur- chased by N. J. C. R. K. Co. and the money turned over to the munic- ipal authorities to be set aside for the purpose of locating a school bearing the same name in another portion of the city. After a number of years, when it became ajiparent to the IJoard of Education that the school accommodation of the Eighth Ward was inadecpiate to meet the wants of this section of the city, the present site on Fifth Avenue was purchased ; however, not without some Wll.I.IAM I', n. URICK. ESSEX COUNTY, N. J., ILLUSTRATED. 85 friction in the Board of Educa- tion, as other sections of the city made a strong fight for its loca- tion. Therefore, this money held in reserve by the Board of Education was spent in pur- chase of this site. An eight-room building was built on the above site, and what was known as the Frank- hn Pulilic Primary School was organized in September, 18S9, with the following corps of teachers : T. T. Collard, Princi- pal ; Miss Amy Simpson, Miss Ida J. Morrison. Miss F. A. I hiring. Miss E. Klotz Miss M. A. Baldwin, Miss J. Dettmer. Miss M.C. Haskell, Miss E. L, Sayre. In April. 1893. Miss Al)bie P. McHugh was made Principal, and Mr. Collard was transferred to North Seventh Street School. It soon became aiiparent that an eight-room building was too small to accommodate the school population, and hence the necessity for and enlargement of the buikling. This was brought about largely through the efforts of tlie School Com- missioner of the ward directly interested in this school. Mr. Moses J. DeWitt. The addition made consisted of eight class- rooms, a fine assembly hall and court. Therefore, the present building is ec|uipped with 16 class-rooms, two large commodious courts, and an assembly hall that will seat 500 people or more. Upon opening the schools in September, 1S95, the Board of Education decided to make the " Franklin " School a grammar school, thus really transferring the grammar department of Webster Street School, leaving the latter a primary school. Also the I51oomfield anne.\, a two-room primary school, was abolished, and pupils transferred to the " Franklin " primary. This necessitated changing the teachers from the Webster St. grammar and Bloomfield Ave. annex to the " Franklin " School, which was done before the opening of school in September. Upon opening of school it was not known just how many of the sixteen class-rooms would be occupied, but in a day or so it was evident that everv class-room woulil have to be used, as over 900 children applied fur admis- sion the first week of school. The following is the corps of teach- ers : Crammer De- partment — 1 rinci- pal, A. G. Balcom ; V.-Frincipal, Abbie P. McHugh ; As- A. G, B.^ixoM. sistants. Belle M. iHF. ■■FRANt;i,IN SCHOOL. Core, Anna L. Garrabrant. May Woodruff, Jessie B. Mikels, Amy Simpson. Claribel Cogl, Juliet Dettmer. Primary Department -Vice-Principal, Annie E. Curtis; Assistants, Car- oline Y. Haulenbeek, H. Isabel Smith. Ada E. Sargeant, M. Fannie Brackin, Mary G. Haskell. E. Louise Sayre, Florence A. Haring. WALNUT STREET SCHOOL. THIS school, located in the Tenth Ward, is a Primary School. The building was erected in 1862 and remodeled in 1S77. It contains eight class-rooms and a teachers' and principal's room. It is heated by steam, and although small, is a comfortable building. This school has for its principal. Miss S. Fannie Carter ; Miss Carrie C. Hutchings is head teacher. The assistants are the Misses Laura C. l^elano, Elizabeth Rodamor, Florence J. Farmer, Abbie J. Hoppaugh, Mattie M. Miller, Agnes Geppert and Carrie M. Welcher. WALNUT S'lREET SCHOOL. .s'6' ESSEX COrXTV. X. J.. ILLUSTRATED. OLIVER ST. SCHOOL. TWV. Oliver Stiixt (".raminar School was opened Sepl. 6, 1869. The (ledicatiori e,\crcises were lielil in llie building Friday, Aug. 31. 1'. \V. Ricord. I'res- sideiil of the Bo.ird of lidiica- tioii. presided. Addresses were made In 1' reside 11 1 F. \V. Kicord, SiiperinUiidant of .Schools Geo. li. .Sears ;iiid the ward commissioneis 1!. 11. Douglas and Klihu I!. Karl. 1 he building contains fourteen cl.iss rooms and will accommo- date about eight lumdred child- ren. The building and site cost $56,310. Joseph A. Hallock was ap- pointed principal and remained till 1877. W'ni. H. Flston was then ai)poinled. He resigned \\\ 1S79. .uid was succeeded by Kdwin Shepard the present princip.d. The following have served .is Xice-I'iincipals and Assistants suice the school was organized: Vice-I'rincipals of tirainiiiar I'^epartment, Win. Haves and .Mrs Carrie .-\. Hal- lock, both of whom have dieil ; Miss Funice .\. McLeod, who is now occupying a similar position in the IClliot Street (Iranimar School; lilizabelli H. I5inr, now Mrs. I'eck. of Stroudsburg, I'a., and Susie Steele; Vice-1'rincipals of the Primary Department, Anna F. Curtis, now connected with the " Franklin " School ; I^aura C. Delanoe, at present leaching in W.dnut Slreet School ; Fmma J. Dean, now Mrs. Wm. Dougall, living iji Newark; .Annie E. Harrison, who resigned, and Fmma Finler; Assistants, Carrie Hutch- ings, now in Walnut Street School; FaDu.i |. Slu-rilf. now Mis. Tilus, living in Newark; Sarah F. Beam, llenriett.i Price, iesigne.-*■' Vv*" ury, are ap- l)arently well advance d. A well de- ^^ to lead pupils to think is ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ t h e depart- ments of the graded gram- >' 1^ Ai^i/ J mar school. M athematics is to-day a m a t t e r of j. n. arbucki.k, schooi,£commissioneh. \ ESSEX COUNTY, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. 93 axioms and principles, and in tracing their applica- tion, the reasoning faculties are kept heathfully active. Geography is physical history, which treats of the " life of the inorganic," and unfolds causes and effects, in the march of the winds, in the distribu- tion of heat and cold and of storm, and in the I devlopment of all forins of animal life. Grammar I has advanced beyond the stage of inflection and ' parsing, and is now aptly a language study. In method and aim a great advance has been made. "The limited introduction of manual training, during these last years of this present century, j shows that public school training is perhaps now I midway in its transition state. The quickening of I the merely preceptive faculties and that special physical culture which confers power for rapid and accurate execution in the production of designs by the excise of handicraft, are very generally attract- ing the attention of educators, and as a result, we may expect the engraftment of manual training I upon the school course. With all these however, ' the end is not reached. Man is a three-fold being, I and intellectual and physical education fails to meet ! the demands of his nature. Without moral culture I and refinement, no one is educated in the better sense of the I term. Intellectual acumen and acquirement too often accom- ' pany moral degeneracy. Caligula was brilliant, but he was, from a moral standpoint, a leper. '•The moral faculties are said to be slow of devolpement ; but they are susceptible, and under methodical culture will ripen as auxiliary and regulating forces of the intellect. What is doing in this present age in the public schools is purely incident to intellectual training, and therefore lacks in method and scope. It may be fittingly characterized as experimental if not perfunc- tory. The question of moral education in the near future, will be pressing for solution. The differences among religious sects have heretofore negatived rational endeavors to include moral teaching in the public school course, but with the manifold demonstrations, in private and public life, of the futility of one- sided culture as a conserving agency, the demand for harmoni- ous development will be resolutely made, and intelligently met." Many a man — _ who has al- ready achiv- ed distinc- tion or has risen to sta- tions of hon- or in the later d ays, has been moved to shout " ex- celsior " over his first ink- lings obtain- in theschool- room. of those certain branches which had been declar- ed " innova- tions," and among these, H. P. RODEN, M. D., SCHOOL COMMISSIONER. that of for- I..\WRENCE STREET SCHOOt,. estry, with one of its resultant victories, known, celebrated and enjoyed under the title of forestry. Indeed, it matters little where or in what field the pupil after leaving school may find his lot cast, or the exercise of whatever calling he may elect to pursue, the lessons in forestry he may have learned, can prove of in- estimable value to his prosperity and well being, providing always, that he has the will power to put them into practice, or he does not prove recreant to the beautiful trust his Alma Mater bestowed when she said, " Go forth and fight the battle of life," bearing the banner with the strange device •' Excelsior." Since the introduction of the ideal study of tree culture which carries with it tree and forest protection, ten thousand times ten thousand young tree shoots have grown into trees, with wide spreading branches under which the beast of the fields and denizens of the wood are enjoying shade from the mid-day sun, or shelter from the chilling blasts of winter, have been preserved, which, had it not been for the lessons learned in the school, would have been ruth- lessly torn from the loving arms of their ten- der mothei' earth, ( a I - ways prolific in her ben- efactions.) and tramp- led beneath swift flying feet engaged in the never flagging and never ending pursuit o f the wordly fruits. Scarce more than a c. w. menk, school commissioner. 94 ESSEX COi'XTV, N. J., ILLUSTRATED. quarter of a century has nilted by, since forestry or tree culture arose to the dignity of a science, and much less time has passed since this marvellously beautiful science and its authoritative study, found a place in our school curriculum. Hut now, as the years roll by, the pupil leaving school without the foundation laid (.at least in forestry study) is looked upon as a ntrg av/s indeed, while each one goes forth a warrior brave, armed for the fiifht against the ruthless destroyers of our forest glades and beautiful trees of the wood and dell. If not another beneficent result had accrued from the innova- tion, the victories achieved and promise of achievements over those fearful scourges of our timber land sections, which here- tofore, as awful visitants invading with relentless fury hill-top or valley, bearing down in an hour the tree fruit of ages and leaving naught but a smouldering ruin to mark its path, is enough to call down bensions of love on the heads of tliose mighty spirits who in their devotion to the science of tree growth and forest preservation, and who have led the advance guards, winning victory after victory over forest fires, is enough to establish their undying fame. We now have the brightest of promises looming up in the near future that the tiend will lie chained at their feet, with the key for its releasing intrusted to such hands only as will make use of the beautiful lessons learned in the school room, of the best methods of meeting and defeating its wild and reckless careering, and the depriving of forest fires of tree fruit for its feeding and fatening and robbing It of its greatest terrors. Nearly, if not c|uite all. the states of this Union have enacted laws which authorize the Governor to set apart by proclamation a certain day which is usually selected from the closing April or May days, to be known and celebrated and enjoyed under the name, style and title of Arbor Day. The day thus set apart is usually accompanied by a recommendation in the proclamation, that it be observed as a day of thanksgiving to God. for the beautiful benefices of trees and plants, their planting, nourishment and protection, accompanied by instruct- tions from teachers and addresses and songs appropriate to the occasion by the pupils of the school. That our readers may get a better understanding of .Vrbor Day in the public schools, we take the liberty of transferring to these pages the following circular, and which w a s placed in the hand of every teacher. Some of t h e county superintend- ents arrang- ed a pro- g r a m n o t leaving it as we d i d to their own vo- 1 i t i o n and good judge- ment. "If there is one duty more I h a n another and J. K. GORE. SCHOOL COMMISSIONEK. which Our II WARREN STRKKT SCHOOL. worthy State Superintendent and Roard of Education would ini])ress upon their County Superintendents in theadministnitn'ii of the laws governing the public schools under their imnnli- atc supervision, it is the faithful observance of what is known as Arbor Day. ■' That 1 may second their desires so far as in me lies, I would urgently request the principals and teacher of all the public schools under my care, to see to it. that the intent of the origi- nators and introducers of this important branch of education into our public school curriculum of study, shall not only not be neglected, but shall be f.iilhfull car- ried out and made as thor- oughly im- pressive ui)on the minds of .^^ the young as ^R T^^ is possible. The more practical you can make the exercises the better. By this 1 mean the introduc- tion into the school room of as many of the accessor- ies to the de- monstrative ~" plan of II. M. wooLM.vs. .m. u.. sciiooi. commissioner. ESSEX COUNTY, N. J., ILLUSTRATED. 95 hstruction, such as plants, shrubs and young trees, s possible. This, accompanied by a few shoi't i.ictical remarks on the nature and growth of the ame, with their relation and value to the human ace, will prove attractive and instructive. Arbor Jay having been wisely and happily fi.xed at the eason of the year when everything in nature is oung, or clothed in the garb of youth, it makes a tarting point for the study of the first easy practi- :al lessons in Botany. What I would urge upon eachers, is. that wherever it is possible the pupils vho are of the age to understand should be taken [nto the fields once a week; at least from now till Ihe close of the term, and simple demonstrative ectures in elementary botany be given. To have he pleasure of looking upon their promising little ines romping over the fields by the side of their teacher, (veritable flocks with shepherds attending), mil send a thrill of joy through the devoted parent's le.irt. "As in the years gone by, I direct only, that there ihall be a full and faithful observance of the day. ;and suggest the program of exercises to be carried jout, leaving to principals and teachers the election tof appropriate addresses, music and songs ; then conclude the day's observance with the planting of trees and shrubs, the potting of plants and flowers; this 1 trust none will neglect. I hope you will make this an ideal Arbor Day, an oasis indeed in the history and conduct of the school under your care, to which you can turn in the future and truthfully say, well done ! Having completed your e.xercsises and taken that rest necessary for recuperation, which will necessarily follow the extra mental and physical strain, you will write out a con- cise report of your Arbor Day exercises, and sentl it to me not more than five days afterward. Respectfully. DR. M. H. C. VAIL. County Superintendent. " P. S. — Let me urge upon you the necessily of a careful guardianship of the trees, shrubs and flowers planted on Arbor D ay. as I have reason ■^^ ~~ - to fear that many beauti- f u 1 repre- sentatives are destroyed soon after planting." Another in- novation, one which has proven of w o n d e r f u 1 utility to pub- lic schools, and a desid- eratum long sought, is the beautiful sys- tem of edu- cation for the _^__ beginner, known as the c. CLAHK, SCHOOL COMMISSIONER. Klndergar- MONMOUTH STREET SCHOOL. ten. No visitor to the public school of this day fails to be charmed at the tirst step of his progress through the maze of depart- ments and rooms, into each of which he is ushered on a tour of inspection, as first of all his or her attention is called to the little tots of from five to seven summers assembled in the kin- dergarten room, where in orderly play they wile the hours away, and besides education getting made easy they learn to adore the school. Few sights are more interesting than that which the kindergarten class presents while engaged in accomplishing the task of education getting. The kindergarten innovation is another of those moderns which have come to stay, and all the old fogies in the land with birchen rod and heavy hand, will never be able to drive it away. As early as 1892, the State Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion, Dr. Poland, was constrained in his annual report, while discussing this system of early instruction to pupils who are just passing through the susceptible age of "bib and tucker" to speak as follows : "Among the most recent innovations witnessed in the public schools of the country, the kinder- garten is perhaps the most important. As a system it aims to provide suitable tuition and training for children from four to six years of age, too young in general to enter upon the curricu- lum provided by most of our elemen- tary schools. With- out attempting an explanation of its distinctive aims and methods, I will say simply that it differs from the current m. b. prudkk, school commission kk 9G ESSEX COrXTY. X. J., ILLUSTRATED. primary school training in laying little stress upon cultivating a knowledge of reading and of numbers, but confines itself to a systematic development of the observing powers and a corres- ponding facility in expression. Not the least important, more- over, is its remarkable adaptation for the development in the child of a moral sense. .As a means of preparation for the ordinary elementary school curriculum it stands unrivaled. It is asserted by those who through e.xperience with its workings are competent to pass a judgement thereon, that the kindergar- ten training shortens materially the time necessary to com- plete the usual primary ami grammar school course of study. Aside, then, from the fact that the training itself is of almost incalculable value, its general introduction would become an dir-ected to the uprooting of vicious habits acquired in these years of evil tuition in homes of ignorance, if not of vice, and in the baneful companionship of the sidewalks and gutter. "Remarkable as it may appear, however, the kindergarten is of hardly less value to the children of the rich than to those of the poor, the ignorant and the vicious. It provides a little cosmos wherein rich and poor meet on equal terms. It aims to cultivate besides the intellectual powers the nice preceptions of right, justice and equality. .At an age when distinctions of right and wrong, if not intellectually perceived, are nevertheless clearly felt and intlellibly impressed, the child life is given a direction and impetus that will save it oflen the danger of sub- sequent contamination. =%i>t^.2^'U':s^^^t.:f''i7,:'T-^Ji^,^^^ -■ CH.^RLTON STKF.KT SCHOOL. economy to the .State which is called upon to provide instruc- tion through the whole period of the school age. " Its chief merit, however, is not to be ascribed to its economic value in the foregoing sense, but to its remarkable adaptation to the age and environments of the child to develop those incipient powers that begin to display themselves at the age of four to si.t years. •• No more pitiable sight is to be witnessed than that of little children of the kindergarten age, deprived of pleasant homes and careful nurture, spending the hours of the day upon the sidewalks and in the streets of our large cities. To these the kindergarten is a boom of inexpressible joy and of incalculable value. •' Much of the early training of the elementary schools is " It is my pleasant duty to report that the growth and exten- sion of the kindergarten idea in the State of New Jersey, though somewhat slow, is none the less steady and hopeful. In thir- teen of the twenty-one counties of the State it has gained a foothold. " True, in a number of cases the kindergarten training introduced is not the true kindergarten, but what is known as mixed kindergarten, including more or less of ordinary primary instruction ; but in all the counties mentioned it is recognized as a part of the school system. The whole number of children in attendance at the date of this report (1897) was 4.300. This, however, is an excessive estimate, since it includes besides those who are being taught in the kindergarten proper many in the so-called mixed kindergartens, wherein the principal ESSEX COUNTY, N. J., ILLUSTRATED. 97 stress is laid upon the ordinary elementary school instruction. A careful estimate of the number of children attending the real kinder- garten would not exceed 1,500, it is likely. " The minimum age at which children are received into these kindergartens is five years. The State law, which fixes the school age at five to twenty years, inclusive, prohibits the attend- ance of children of a lesser age. In order, there- fore, to encoiu'age the establishment of more kindergartens, and to enable them to accomplish their best service, some legislation is needed. "As to the cost of the kindergartens now being maintained, no satisfactory statistics are at present attainable. It is encouraging to know that in the cities and school districts where the kindergarten has been longest in operation, it is most highly appreciated." Although, as above stated by the learned doctor, there were kindergarten classes e.stal)- lished in Init little more than half the counties of onr State, and in less than h.df the schools in those counties where this beautiful institution had gained a foothold, had this scion of educa- tional royalty been grafted, to-day the school without the kindergarten instructor surrounded by the happy wee's of the human race, is the rarest kind of an exception, TWELFTH WARD GERMAN AND ENGLISH SCHOOL. THIS school was founded Dec, 1858. The building is a two story brick structure, 70 x 30 feet, situated at the corner of Niagara and Elizabeth Streets, on .1 plot of grounil 100 X 90 feet, and is valued at about $1 3,000. It contains three class-rooms and a kindergaJten, and prepares the children for entrance to the High School. The present number of pupils being two hundred, the charges are eighty cents per month for each child in the kindergarten, and one dollar per head for those in the higher classes. Where three children of one fannly attend school at the same time, the third is admitted free. A collector is appointed by KORESI' HILL SCHOOL. SOUTH EIGHTH STREET SCHOOL. the School Association to collect the money. The ])resent principal, Mr. Eugene Rahm, is a thoroughly educated gentleman and a musician, having been connected with the school for the past four years. He is ably assisted liy Miss Carson and Miss Farrington as teachers of English, and Miss Marie Zehnder. who has charge of the kindergarten. The Men's Society con- nected with the school, is composed cf 370 members who are all well known and enterprising citizens. The quarterly dues are seventy-five cents. The present officers are: J. Burkhard, President: J. Spuhler, \'ice-President : J. Goldljach, Treasurer; H. Rabke, Secretary ; Fr. Lembach, Financial Secretary. The Ladies' Association has a membership of 130. Their dues are fifteen cents per month. The oflkers are: Mrs. M. .\'obbe, Presitlent; Mrs. A. Burkhard, Vice-President: Mrs. C. Burkhard, Treasin'er ; Miss M.Zehnder, Secretary. The school is in a flourishing con- dition and free of debt. THE NEWARK STREET GERMAN AND ENGLISH SCHOOL. THIS school was founded on April 24, 1853. rhe building is a two story high frame house with a little tower on its center. The lot is 60 X 100 feet. The value of the property, including the school furniture, amounts to $6,500. The school has two classes and rooms for the teacher's residence. 'I'he number of pupils vary between 70 and 90. The school money is sixty cents for each pupil. Dr. Fritz Kempf is the principal of the institution. Miss Emdie Tenime instructs in the kindergarten. To the School Society belong 147 members. The yearly assessment of each mend^er is $1.20. The same amount is paid by the 41 members of the Ladies' Society. The Board of Directors are the followiug gentlemen : A. F. Burkhardt, President ; Peter Vetter, Vice-President ; Paul OS ESSEX COVXTV, X. /., ILLUSTRATED. Karge, Sccrelaiy : Clias. Weller. Treasurer. Martin Bross. John Kreiller and Julius Sagi-r are the visiting members. The ofticers of the Ladies' Society are : Mrs. John Noll. I'resident ; Mrs. Bein, Secretary and Mrs. John Sanvers, Treasurer. The srhool is free from debt. \'acation, two weeks. GREEN STREET SCHOOL. THIS renownetl institute, located in the centre of the city, was incorporared in 1856. It comprises a kindergarten, a primary and a grammar department. The rooms are light and well ventilated. In a seven years" course the pupils are prepared for the public high school. Besides the common English studies the Oerman language and gymnastics are taught. A library of over 600 volumes is in the reach of the pupils. The tuition is exceedingly low. The faculty consists of nine teachers besides the principal. Director, H. von der Heide, Pd. M, BEACON ST GERMAN AND ENGLISH SCHOOL. THIS school was founded by the " Deutsch-Englischen Scluil-\'erein " of the old si.Nth and thirteenth Wards, in 1S5S. Being attended by 360 pupils, it is the largest t'.erman and English School in New Jersey, About 75 of the children are in the kindergarten, where they are instructed and educated .according to the principles of Frochel. The remainder is divided into five classes. The following studies are taught by seven teachers (including the director): English Language, Reading, Writing. Spelling, Grammar, Object Teaching, Com- position, German Language, Arithmetic, Geography, History, Natural Science, Drawing and Music. The tuition amounts to §12.00 per year. At the head of the school is the Board of Direc- tors, elected by the School Society (Schulverein). The present Board consists of: Henry Schaedel, President; Philip Dilly, Vice-President; Dr. Edward 111, Treasurer; August (jiJerlz, Secretary; Fred Jacob, Financial Secretary; Dr. F, 111, John Fisher, John Henning and John Conrad. illlli,7 m NKWARK .STREET GF.R.M AN AND KNC.I.ISH .SCHOOL IWKI.KIH WAKli (.KK.MAN A N tl KXGl.ISll SCHniU,. When we take into consideration the number of German- English Schools existing in Newark, we come to the conviction that the thought which the poet wished to impress upon the mindsof the (Germans of America, has sunk deep into their hearts. These people may drift apart in regard to religious or politi- cal views, but in one idea they extend hands ; they provide .schools in which the treasures of the German language are preserved for their children. Occasionally we meet with rare cases, in which wealthy Germans neglect the education of their children in the mother tongue, but it is singularly touching on the other hand to note how the greater part of the less fortu- nate class, are willing to make any sacrifice in order to grant their offspring an education in the German language. That this is true is proved by the fact that no less than fourteen Ger- man-English Schools exist in thiscity at the present time, in which over thirty-seven hundred children receive instruction in their mother tongue. It certainly is to the interest of our German-English Schools, when our attention is occasionally called to it anew, and for this reason a few statistics about these schools will be here given. ST. BENEDICT'S SCHOOL, Situated at the corner of Komorn and Niagar.i Streets, w.as founded in 1S62. The present build- ing, erected in 1S85, is three stories high, the first lloor containing two class-looms, and the second, three. Besides this, we tind on the ground lloor a ])lay-ground large enough to accomodate 500 children, and two rooms in which the pupils hang articles of clothing. The third story contains a spacious hall, in which festivities are held. Another l.irge play-ground adjoins the building. There are 450 children attending the school, who receive in- struction in five different classes. The terms pei month for each child in the advanced classes ar. ninety-tive cents, in the lower grades sixty-fiv. 1 ents. The director of the school is the Kev, Faiher Lconaid Walter. The teachers are Mr. Joseph Sauerborn and four .Sisters of the St. B. Order. They are the Misses Matilda Krapf, Ilil.iry ESSEX COUNTY, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. 99 Wiest. Liberia Hartniann and Rosemary Malone. The society connected with the school has a membership of 230. The contributions made by the gentlemen toward the support of the school, are twenty-five cents per month. The ladies pay fifteen cents every month. The Board of Directors consist of the following gentlemen: Messers L. Peter, President; A Steines, Vice-President ; J. F. Wildemann, Rec Sec'v ; H. Martin, Cor. Sec'y ; A. Bernauer, Fin. Sec'v ; J. Bernauer, Treasurer, and J. Span- genberger, Porter. During vacation — July and August — the school is closed. THK GERMAN-ENC.I.ISH PRES. DAV-SCHOdl. Was founded in the \ear 1854. and situated ;it No. 38 College Place. This two story building has a dimension of 80 x 40 feet ; the entire prop- erty has a dimension of 100 x 150 feet. Con- nected with the school, is a hall 50 x too feet, containing a library and dressing-room. The property is valued at $50,000. There are 240 children attending the school. The terms are eighty cents per month for one child. In the three class-rooms we find the following instruc- tors: Prof. Gustave Fisher, Mr. E. Riethmann and Mrs. J. Geppert. The kindergarten is in charge of the Misses C. Brandlev, L. Knoll and A. Anschuetz. The Board of Directors consists of the Messers Rev. J. A. Guenther, President; J. Franz, G. Weber, H. Staehle, C. Metzger and C. Wolf. The school is free from debt. ST. PETER'S SCHOOL. This school, begining with sixteen pupils March 8, 1S85, is to-day one of the largest attended of the German-English Schools. The plans for the principle building, 146 x 80 feet, situated on Livingston Street, contains ten class-rooms, and a hall having a seating capacity for 800 persons. An adjoining building on Belmont Avenue contains five class-rooms, a hall for societies to hold their meetings in, and a dwelling place for the janitor. In the fourteen class-rooms, together w'ith the kindergarten, upwards of eleven hundred children receive in- struction. The rooms are divided into seven classes for boys, and the same number of classes for the girls. The terms are fifty cents per month for each child. The poor receive an education free of charge at the expense of the parish. The school is under the direc- tion and control of Rev. Father Stecher, and the Sisters of Charity. ST. AUGUSTINE'S SCHOOL. This school was founded in 1S74. Thetwostorybuild- ing is situated in Jay Street near .Sussex Avenue. Its dimensions are 74 X 32 feet, and is valued at $12,600, including the build- ing together with the four lots sur- DR. A. FRITZ KEMP. BEACON STREET GER.MAN AND ENGLISH SCHOOL. rounding it. There are four class-rooms for the accommo- flation of more than three hundred children. The school is in charge of Rev. Father Neidermeyer and the Sisters of Charity. HERGEN STREET PAROCHIAL SCHOOL, In which instruction is given in German alone by Mr. Flocken. The school consists of one class, and is situated in the rear of St. Paul's Church. The school fees constitute the salary of the teacher. ST. ANNE'S SCHOOL, Situated at No. 376 South Seventh Street, is the youngest of her sister schools, having been organized September i, 1889. This school-house is 90 feet long and 46 feet wide and con- tains four class-rooms, in which 240 children receive instruction in eight different divisions, from five Dominican Friar Sisters. The director of this school is the Rev. Father A. M. Kammer. THE P.LUM STREET GERMAN-ENGLISH SCHOOL. This school was founded in 1 876. There are two class-rooms situated i n the basement ofthe church. The num- ber of child- ren attending the school^ have in con- sequence of unfavorable circumstan- ces in busi- ness within the last live years, been reduced from 60 to 35. On account of this there is but one class-room. The terms , per week are ecgene kahm. lllll ESSEX CorXTW X.J: ILLrSTK.XTFJ). I OMMI>SlriNKK. I'lftccn ctnts for one child. As lln- reijuisilc means to appoint a leachir are not at hand, in- sl ruction is given by the pastor. Rev. Mr. Girlanner. assisted l>y Mr. Theophil Girtanncr. The scliool principals have entire charge of the schools, and either act in the capacity of. or have control of the j.Tnitors, who have comfortable apartments lilted up for their families in ihe upper stories of the different school buildings. I'ublic exami- nations are held annually at the closing of the school year, by the Hoard of Trustees, and in ihe parish schools the examina- tion is conducted by a commis- sion appointed by the lU. Rev. Bishop of the diocese. The school buildings are neatly titled and .ire healed by steam, with the exception of CARI. HICI.I.KK, l-KINC:il>Al.. two. which .ire slill using the old style of stoves. The i 2th Ward (".rmian-ICnglish School, .md the C.ilholic Schools, have delinite terms for admitting new pupils into the schools. In the re- m.iiiiing schools new pupils are granted admittance at all times during the year. A collector is appointed by lh<- First Ward and Green Street Schools, to collect the school money. In the other schools the fees arc collected in the school by the teachers. All the pupils are supplied with printed books without cost, by the First and Tenth Ward Germ.m-Knglish Schools, and the poor children are furnished with books free of charge in the Germ.in-Fnglish IVi! ols of this city. The following schools received :^\'-. Mrs. Dr. Creiner, who died in the ) ear 1889. The First W.ird German-I'^nglish School, the Tenth Ward Gernian- I'.nglish .School and the .Newark Street School, $2,000 apiece: the Green Street .School and Beacon Street School, e.ich $2,500. II l'\USONS. SCIIOIII. CO>IMISSIONKR. luiglish. or else it is taught by the spelling method in both languages. The word method, for instance, in the Beacon .Street School wliere German is taught, and the Green Street School and the Prebylerian Day-School on College Place where I jiglish is taught, the Phonetic sys- iiiii or the spelling method is em- ployed. Instruction in Fnglish is taught in connection with the German from the lowest classes up. In thi' Presbyterian Church School, in- slruclion in Knglish begins in the .-.econd class. In all the parochial schools the children receive instruc- tion in classes. In the other schools, on the other hand, instruc- tion is given in different depart- ments. In all the p.irochial schools religious instruction is imparted. This is omitted in the other schools. Mr. Hockenjos, wiio died in 1S91, beciueathed $500 to the Green Street School ; Mrs. Ottendorfer, of New York, pre- sented Green and Beacon Street Schools, in the year 1883, with $500 apiece. Mr. Joseph Hensler, Sen., presents the Twelfth Ward School $50 annually, and during the past three years the amount was raised to $100. (jreen Street School prepares her pupils for entrance to High School. St. Benedict's School pre- pares her boys for admittance to St. Benedict's College, which adjoins the school. In case the children in the highest divisions of the remaining schools, wish to enter public schools they are .atlvanced to the highest grades in these schools. Instruction in reading in German, as well as in English, is introduced by means of the Phonetic system, in the following schools: St. Benedict's, loth Ward German-English, St. Peter's and Bc.icon Street. In the remaining schools reading is taught either phonetically in German or by the spelling method in J. J. KRONKNBERUEK, SCHOOL COM.MISSIONER. ESSEX COUNTY, N. J., ILLUSTRATED. 101 WAVERLY AVENUE SCHOOL. THE \V,T\eily Avenue School, erected in 1891-92, is a primary school of eight class-rooms, accommodating 4S0 pupils, and was opened October 20, 1892. The value of the site is $9,000 and of the building and furniture $25,000. The school is located on Waverly Avenue, between Bergen and Kipp Streets, and commands a fine view of the city, and of Newark I5ay, Bayonne, Eliza- bethport, Staten Island, New York Bay and the liartholdi Statue. This grand view is a daily inspiration to those whose good fortune it is to attend the scliool. In reference to the organi/.ation of this school, ihe Sum/iiv Call of August 28, 1892, contains the following: "Miss E. H. lielcher, who, for several years has acted as vice-principal of the Commerce Street School, was on Friday night put in temporary charge of the new Waverly Avenue School. She is to organize it, and then the teachers' committee will decide whether it needs a male principal. Miss Belcher is one of the most efficient teachers in the city, and is recognized as such throughout almost the entire teaching force. If she is able to satisfactorily organize the new school and place it on a smooth running basis, the ciuestion may justly be asked : ' Why is she not competent to con- tinue in charge, and not surrender her post, when she has accomplished one of the most dilficult parts of the work?' It is quite prob- able, however, that the teachers' committee will favor keeping her in charge of the school, for the first term at least, and most likely for the entire school year." Miss Belcher was appointed principal. May I, 1893. The original corps of teachers was : Miss E. L. Melick, Miss C. D. Schieck, Miss L. Graham, Miss S. H. Vieser, Miss S. E. Mason and Miss A. B. Johnson. This was in- creased in the spring of 1893, by the appointment of Miss F. M. Burtchaell and Miss M. A. Willoughby. Afterward, Miss Johnson and Miss Mason resigned, and were succeeded by Miss M. E. Dunham and Miss A. B. Van Arnam. In passing through the class-rooms, one is impressed with the happy spirit that pervades the entire school. At the same time, faithful work is done by both teachers and pupils. That this work has given satisfaction to those in authority, may be seen from the following letters, recently received : " Newark, N. J., July 25. 1896. " My dear Miss Belcher ; "I desire to express my great appreciation of your successful work as principal, in the organization, under very many and serious embarrassments, of the Waverly Avenue School. Few know the difficulties that surrounded the school at its opening. These were all promptly and effectually overcome, and a'l the class-rooms filled to the last seat. The school has been eminently successful in all respects. I cannot omit especially commending the discipline, as to its method and influence. These are of the highest order. The same can be said of the methods of instruction. I consider the school an honor to the city and the cause of education. " With many good wishes I remain, " Yours truly, " Wm. N. Barringer, City Supt." WAXKRI.Y AVENUE SI HUUL. The President of the State Board of Education writes as follows : "Newark, N. J., May 15, 1896. " My dear Miss Belcher : " In retiring from the City Board of Education, after [nany years of service, I want to congratulate you on your success as the Principal of Waverly Avenue School. Through the years of your faithful work, as a teacher and vice-principal, you had demonstrated the fact of your ability to take the supervision of a school, as principal; and I remember my gratification, when the Board of Education appointed you to your present position. " I never could understand the reasoning that occasionally prevails among school authorities, that while a woman is in- valuable to organize a new school, and put it in good working order a man is necessary as its permanent principal. Your success is an illustration of the error of such reasoning. I am gratified to have had a part in your first, as well as your per- manent appointment to the principalship of your e.\cellent school. Y'our work has given satisfaction to the patrons of the school and to the Board of Education. I wish you and your faithful assistants continued and increased success, and I remain, " Very respectfully yours, " James L. Hays." The success that has been attained may be attributed to the perfect harmony existing between teachers and principal ; to the co-operation of the parents and teachers ; and to the ever helpful supervision of the Board of Education. 111? nssEX corxTY. x. /., illustrated. ST. JOHNS SCHOOL I '■ : -; till- laic \'iry Kcv. I'.itii.k Moran, I .1 St. Jolin's Scliiiol. r.itlur Mniaii •A II .i.s the first \'icar General, ami is disii;- , , I as tlic father of Catholiilly. in tin Diixess iif New. irk. lie was a tliorou'^lily educaied man. possesseil •.;oO(l jiiclj;einent. a rel'inctl and correct l.iste. and ' ^ <|iialilics aiderilcd in their books of account. Al that time most liu-.iness schools included in their systems of instruelioii more or less actual practice, lull the Newark Business College l)ei;.ui by abandoninj; all " theo- ry " woi k and arranging from the best business sources a system of aclual practice from the beyiniiij; to the end of the course. The founder of this system was convincetl. thai whatever mijijhl be the success of his per- sonal venture, the principle was correct, and it would be en- dorsed in lime by all commer- cial schools. This view is being jnsiilied by the fact that prominent colleges a Si. lies have embraced the idea. The ulilily of actual practice in a business school, is of a kind with experimentation in other deparlnienls of study, or with clinic in medicine. It is more important that a student ^K■'uld graduate from a business school with an ingrained know- !• 1-1 of business detail th.iii a general proliciency in the theory of book-keeping. But when this knowledge and this proliciency can be combineS COI.I.KUK, S32 TO S40 IiK().\l> STKI. THE COLEMAN NATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE WITH ihf ;;rc;it growth of tlu' business iiUert-sls o( llu- uorld an(\ I lit- constant rush of business activity in nn-rc.nitile rcntrts. the iild-limc niethoils of learning those s\ sterns necessary to sei urin-;; anrl liolding business positions are disappearing, 'riicre is no lime for teaching in business ollices, as funiierly. There are new ideas and necessary arts, such as .stenography and typeu riting, which can best be learned in .1 led to practical ir.struction. Hence it is that the Ijuiii 1 of former years, which confined itself mainly to penmanship, correspondence and book-keeping, has developed into a college, which is practically a busi- ness world in miniature wherein the young in. II. can attain ih.it knii ike facility which c.iuses the ilooi iif eiiiployiiient to open easily to them. The Bryant and Straltnn liusiness Col- lege won the favor of businsss men wher- ever It was established, and the system it inaugur.ited has been made the basis of Mime very suci essful institutions, of whiih a conspicuous example is the Cole- man National Husincss College, of New- ark. This college, occupying two large llnrirs over the entrance to the Newark .md Neu ^■o^k Depot, 832 to S4r) jiroad St nri, (oflice entrance 838 liroad Street, i'>ii!i.! \ I ilepoi I w,is established in 1 Til in the hands of Mr. 1 1. iisciii presiileni, for lifteen leiii.iii is a most competent I by a corps of n ivrry d.'parl- iii.nkv c..i.tMAM K nicnt. The college has accomodations for about four hundred students, and its patrons come from all over the United States, while its graduates are to be found in almost every city and town. The furnishing of the college is very complete, including tine business oflice furniture, a large number of the best type- writing machines, and .imple facilities for equipping its students W'ith a thorough business training. In the department of Stenography and Typewriting, only e.\pcricnced teachers are employed, and it is a model school for instruction in these lines. While acquiring the necessary facility of writing, the students are made faniilitiar with actual business methods, and the success of the system under which they learn is indicated by the readiness with which graduates find employment. In fact, the case is the same in all the departments. The Coleman National Business Col- lege is incorporated by acts of the New- Jersey Legislature of 1S76 and 188S. The original incorporators were Ex- C.overnor Marcus L. Ward, Ex-Mayor I''. W, Ricord, of Newark, Ex-L'nited States Senator T. 15. Peddle, Mr. Silas Merchant, President of the Merchant's » Kire Insurance Co., Mr. S. K. W. Heath, President of the Kireman's Insurance Co., •y and Mr. John P. Jackson. The catalogues of this college are not only artistic gems of the most modern typography, but they contain matter of general information pertaining to Newark and the country at large which is well calculated to interest and instruct every one. This is typical of the superiority, vigor and originality of this live, up-to-date school of business. ESSEX COUNTY, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. lu: NEWARK HIGH SCHOOL T 1 1 E Newark H i ,l; h School was openeil January 3, 1855. Dr. I'en- I nington, President of the ' Board of Education, in his address at the dedica- tion, said: "The edifice is a large and imposini;- one, well planned am! compares favorably witli the most commodious buildings of the kind in this country." When the building was opened in 1S55 it was filled bv pupils having the highest per cent, in schol- arship and deportment in the various grammar schools, but this method of entrance was soon changed and for many years pupils have been admitted only on examin- ation. P'or many years there was little Latin and less Greek taught, and there was no thoroughly systematized course of study. The first class that was prepared for college was in 1877, from which time it has sent boys and girls to college. There have NEWARK ACADEMY, CON. HIi;H AND WII. 1,1AM STREETS. entered the High School — 1855 to 1S96 — 12,593 pupils, and the whole number of graduates has been 2,212, The original lot cost §5,000, and building §20,000. The first principal was Mr. Isaiah Peckham, who served the public for twelve years. Then came Mr. Dunlap for three years, and Mr. Lewis M. Johnson, for two-thirds of a year, and in the spring of 1 87 1 came the present incumbent. Dr. E. O. Hovey. The number of pupils in the High school to-d.iy (January i, 1897) is something over 1,200; the number of teachers, 33. The school has so far outgrown the building that 220 boys and 270 girls are housed in anne.xes, but the new building is materializing and will be shown in the next edition of this book. NEW JERSEY I;L>1.\I..- .\ IM'MAD SIKICET. WARREN STREET SCHOOL NEARLY fifty years ago, James Searing, a generous-hearted man owning a large tract of land in the western part of the city, donated a plot at the corner of Wickliffe and School Streets to the city for school purposes. Here, in 1S48, was built a plain two-story biick school-house, the third public school of Newark. At that time the male and female departments were under separate managements, the former on the top floor and the latter on the lower, each having an assembly room and two small recitation rooms. The school was afterward divided into six class-rooms. In 1S72 this school, not being adequate to the demands of the locality, the Central Avenue school was built and the school transferred to it and the old building closed. In 1873 it was again opened, this time as a primary school with a lady prin- cipal. In 1891 it was again found too small and a new school was built on Warren Street, west of Wickliffe. The Warren Street school is of red brick with terra cotta and blue-stone trimmings. It is a three-story building having two large courts and the Principal's ofiice on the first floor, while on each of the other floors are four large class rooms, with a wide corridor extending the length of the building, also a library and sitting room for the teachers. The building is heated antl ventilated by the Fuller & Warren system. It is su|)plied w'ith steel ceilings which, while very pretty, are not verv satisfactory for school purposes. When the Warren Street F l->s /r.s\s7;.v cv>r'.v7-r, .v../., illvstkated. niHM. •nhtT. 1S9;. t-M-IV SC.lI u.is orcu|M<f whirli is larj;r and l)rit;ht and pleasant. ■ ip l)\ the lUiard of Kdiuation and has icc root in the rock-liound soil of New ICngland, and which had sprung up from the seed brought across the stormy hold of the May llower. were ]ilanleil in tin- soil of 1 :y. Mis. itemans has portrayed the lanrling .it I'lymouth Kock ,,' 111 i.'iin. f.Tthcrs in tlic language of her beautiful |ioem, I the Pilgrim Kalhers." 1 . ' - 1, .\i..l ■:.. I l.n ' -1. ■'1,1') sky cd. 'lark. «*ir hark The ocean eagle soared l-rom his nest hy the white waves' foam : And the rocking pines of the forest roared — This was their welcome home. Tlicie were men of hoary hair ■Xmidsl the pilgrim hand ; Why had Ihey come to wither there. Away from their childhood's land. There was woman's fearless eye. Lit hy her deep love's truth ; There was manhood's brow serenely high. And ilie fiery heart o( youth. What sought lliey lluis afar? Drighl jewels ol the mine ? The wealth of seas, the spoils ot war? Ihey sought a faith's pure shrine ! Ay, call it holy ground. The soil where first ihcy Irod ; They have left unstained what there they found, Freedom lo worship God ! ESSEX COUNTY, N. J., ILLUSTRATED. 10!) WILLIAM N. BARRINGER, SLPi SCHOOLS. NEWARK PUHLIC i There is no one thing in which all New Englanders take a greater pride than in the glorious fact that it was but six years after the settle- ment of Boston, when Harvard Col- lege, one of the proudest institutions of learning in the United States, was established. So it was with the old fiist settlers of New Jersey, who not only brought with them their church establishment, with its glorious privilege of worshipping God after the dictates of their own consciences, but they carefully tend- ed the scions, cultivated, w'atered and tenderly nourished them up into giant educational trees, and all now- bearing most delicious fruit. As we proclaim through the pages of this worl<, the stupendous fact that the institutions of learning of which Esse.v County can boast have few equals and no superiors in any county of this State, or any of her sisters, when the comparison is con- PROF. E. O. HOVEV, PRI.NCIPAI. HIGH SCHOOL. fined to institutions of the same grade. This was made abun- dantly manifest by the grand exhibits made at Chicago at the international exhibition held there in 1893, in commemoration of the four hundredth centennial of the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus in 1492. So far as we are able, no part of the educational interests of Essex shall be permitted to suffer, but the schools shall be all treated alike, and each shall be given its due share of exposition and attention. The beautiful illustrations of the public school buddings which have found place in this volume, show them to compare favorably with any structures, be they of stone, brick or wood, designed for school purposes, to be found anywhere. Since there is no subject which will find a place in this book of nearly so much interest as the public schools, we shall give them the first consideration. The public schools of Essex County, or the free schools, as they are usually termed, are conducted by the State, county and city in combination. The State assuming the prerogative right of looking after the best interests of its citizens, has deemed the education of the masses as of para- mount importance. To carry out its intent to educate the people or to make education free, they placed learning within the reach of all who will but exercise their right to reach out and take it. The State Board of Education or of Public fnstruclion consists of six members appointed by the Governor, eight members being taken from each of the two leading political parties of the eight congressional districts. The chief executive ofticer is known as the Slate Super- intendent of Public Instruction and has his office in Trenton. The next in executi\e authority are the County Superintend- ents of the several counties and the Cily Superintendents of the several cities of the State. The next in order come the city and township Boards of Education. The cities have two com- missioners for each ward and the township boards have each nine members. The schools have each a principal and a corps of teachers large enough so that, as a rule, not more than forty children or pupils shall make up the class. Education getting R. D. ARGUE, SEC'V HOARD OF EDUCATION. has been so simplified by officials and teachers during the early past that it seems no pupil shall fail to verily gorge himself or herself with the richest of the feast if his or her parents will it and the child desires it. The introduction into the public school curriculum of the kindei-garten for begin- ners, and manual training for advanced pupils in later years, have each done a marvellous work and have given pupils such glorious advantages as will not soon lie forgotten. There is little doubt, since I hey play such a oeneficient part in the work of education, but what these branches, which were at first termed inno- vations and had a hard struggle to get a permanent foothold, have came to slay. So beneficiently inclined are the majority of those in charge that provision is made — for children whom circumstances have taken from the schools to become bread AUG. SCARLETT PRIN'L so. 8th ST. SCHOOL. no ESSEX cnrxTV, .v../., illustrated. uiriMcrs for the family— in tlif night siliuuls, wliiili arc ktpt up when the noessity therefor seems to exist or tlie call is inadf liy enough wlio arc huni;crint; for a taste of the fruit wliiih in ' t schools is plaicd within their reach to warrant the it of a teacher. Wlitii the writer was County Supirintendeiil of the i)ul)lic schoiils of Essev County, no more pleasinj; or more satisfying si5;lit ever came before him than one of these night .schools in session. (Inc iri p.irticul.ir conducted in the class rooms of the Hij;h School building, in Monlclair. where the greater piopor- tiiin of the pupils came from the service for which they were employ.id in the families of the |>lace. Most of them were colored, and (|uite a percentage had passed the half century line holding fast to the belief that their secular and religious educa- tion should go hand-in-hand. Even in the Church of England, of which our American I'rotcstant I'.piscopal Church is an off- shoot, the same idea, to some extent, still prevails, and there are a few who yet think it to be an almost unpardonable sin to see their children come under the inlluence of the education of the free .schools. A beautiful part of the picture lo adorn the pages of this book comes in where we meet the select school and academy, where religious inllucnces have nuich less to do with the pupils who are entrusted lo their care. Among these stand the Newark Academy A beautiful pen picture of the build- ngs in which the pu|)ils are lilted for college, for professional /f^ '^=^ i:i.lC SCIliv 'L l;HLl,'l.\i of years. The latter ina< iliil, .IS wr were aftcrwanls pleased lo learn. '>^ ' '" I'libhi- s' IioipI system as carried out in Essex Mf.ir to the hearts of the people and is lo ■the apple of their eye," there ;ire others till' p.iiochi.il school remains unabated. !id our Catholic fellow-citizens who to this institution of their fathers. or business life, is seen on page 107. From the doors of the Newark Academy have gone forth thousands of young men who are adorning the professions and are proud to call I'rof. Earrand's academy their, alma mater. As well as being one of the best, the Newark Academy is one of the oldest academicd schools in the State, as it is the oldest in the (bounty of Essex, having been established in 1792. The academy is situated on the plot of ground on the southeastern corner of High and William Streets, in the city of Newark. The lioard of Education of the city of Newark holds its regular sessions on the last Friday evening of each month, in the chamber of the Common Council, at the City Hall. The Hoard is ollicered as follows .it this time ( 1897), viz: President. William .A. Gay, who presides at all the meetings of the Board ; ESSEX COUNTY, N. J., ILLUSTRATED. Ill VVALIKK T. CKANE, SCHOOL COMMISSIONER. Secretary, Robert D. Argue, wlio has his office in one of the education rooms at the City Hall, where he may be found every day from 8 A. M. to 5 p. M. Mr. Argue seems to be peculiarly well adapted for the place he fills so ad- mirably. He attends all the meetings of the Boaid of Education and keeps a faithful record of all their proceed- ings. The Assistant Secretary of the lioard is Samuel Gaiser, whose duty is to help Mr. Argue bear his burden. The Superintendent of Erection and Repairs is Mr. George W. Reeve. By a resolution of the Board of Edu- cation the school term of the year has been fixed at forty weeks, the schools opening generally on the first Tuesday of September anil continuing till the latter part of June. A week or ten (lays is termed the short vacation dur- ing the holiday periotl. During the present school year, beginning Septem- ber, TS96, and ending June, 1897, there has been an attendance of pupils num- - ^ ■»■ A. N. LEWIS. SCHOOL COMMISSION K U. bering, as per roll ke]it, a little more than 30,000. about e(|ually divided between males and females. In order that the teachers may have the advantages accruing from lectures on educational subjects. Teachers' Institutes are held on the third Saturday of February. April and November, the session e.N- tending from 9 A. M. to ]2 M., and from 1.30 103.30 P. M. Besides these institutes designed and carried on for the special benefit of teachers employed in the city schools, there is the regular County Institute at which all the teachers in the county engaged in teaching in the public schools are expected to attend unless excused by the County Superintendent on pre- senting some good and sufficient reason why they desire such e.xcuse for a non-attendance. These Institutes the teachers usually attend with alacrity, and especially is this the case when men who are thoroughly versed in educational matters and are qualified to instruct in the art of teaching and understand the true principals of pedagogy, are expected to occupy the speaker's platform. But it is not too frequent that a Briimlxiugh can be secured to instruct, edifv and please everybody. Not a few cases of sick headache or break bone fever (Grippe) can be trotted out for a spin when an uninteresting speaker is announced. The High .School of the city of Newark marks well up on the educational record of Essex County, and compares most favorably with any other high or academic school in the State. The Newark High School is under the care of Professor E. O. Hovey, a teacher of lar je experience, and a gentleman of most exemplary character. Professor Hovey is surrounded by a large corps of assistants who do much to lighten his burdens and add not a little to the success which marks the career of this school. Among this corps of assistants is found Professor Sonn, a veritable Boanerges among teachers, and wlio will be remeniberd for his splendid qualities as a gentleman and scholar, in his efforts to keep the people posted in regard to the meas- urements of heat and cold, the barometrical pressure, the ex- tent of the rain-fall and other scientific reports, sent with his BUOWN, SCHOOL COAIM ISSUlNER. compliments to the people, through the columns of the afternoon papers. Like Professor Hovey, Professor Sonn, is a scholarly gentleman, and the High School jHipils are often heard to exclaim, " How could we do without him ? " so attached have his pupils become to this exxellent teacher of the higher branches of aca- demic learning. The daily sessions of the High School begin at 9 A. M. and close at 12.15 P- i^l-.and from r to 2.30 P. M. Newark conducts her own normal classes, thus fitting out her own teachers. The Normal School is under the care of Professor Clark, who, for many years, tilled most acceptably the place of princi- pal of the Fifth Ward Grammar School. The High School was opened in its pre- sent quarters at 133 Washington Street on January 7, 1S53. and during all these years, forty-two in number, two thousand and eighty five graduates have passed OM.MISSIONEK. Ill' ESSEX COrXTY. X. J.. ILU'STKATED. ^^^ 1^. IS coiiduclctl an evening with I. W'ilnier Kennedy h L / Ilk. I. W. KKMl. SCIIoOl. CKMMlhMDNEK. fri.ni lis pnrlals. < >f tluse, 794 were Mialis .inil i,3yi wfic females. In Uiis same biiiltlinj,' liijjh si'hool, as principal. The entire corps of teachers in ihc lliyh School is made up as follows, viz.: I'rof. K. (). Hovi-y. Principal ; male depart- ment. I'rofs. (',. C. .Sonn. A. M., \V. C. Sandy. C. S. Thatcher, C. V. Kayser, I'h. 1)., A. H. Sherman, Krank G. Oilman; female department, Clara W.Green. \'ice- I'rincipal : I'lii'.a I.eydcn, Ph. M., B. Flora Ciane, Ph. M., Millie .A. Foster, Mary II. Kichards, Natalie Anlz, Ella K. Put- nam. .A. B., Hannah M. Coult. Marie lUittner. Abbie E. Wisjjjins. Sarah J, Mc .Maty. Nellie Hill. High School Annex. j;irls, 105 Washington Street; Edmund O. Hovey, Ph. I)., Principal ; Isador M. .Sherman. .Sophia E. \'on Seyfried. Gene- vieve S.Grork, I^lizabelh Harden, Joseph- ene A. Field. August M. H. Heyer ; High School Annex, boys, 103 Washington O * ' If i*^ >V Cll.-\Kl.li.S M. MVIiKS, SCHOOL CO.\lMlSSI0NEIi. Street, Prnf. Hovey, .\. M. Ph. O., Principal ; .Arthur W. Taylor, William E. Wiener. Theodore H. Haskell, Ph. D., K. S. Blake. Not half the tribute due to the High School branch of our ' ' ' ilion c;m we pav, not having the space and now as we approach the primary ■uiil gi,in u ilrpaiiiiicnls of the best system of education for the masses ever devised by anyone, it is with deep regret, since we have not the opportunity to deal justly, or as extensively as ihey so richly deserve. The primary schools scattered all over the county, nearly all of which have the kintergarden attach- ment, giving the little ones opportunity to begin, when the twigs arc lender, to give them the bend in the right direction, as in the work of carrying out the old axiom, " Just as the twig is bent the tree's inclined," toward which, all teachers are generously inclined, stand with wide open doors and with out- strcchcd arms ready to welc onieall comers. No teacher, as we goon in \f.nrs. is lieiirr than experience, and she has taught us • 1 is just as near perfection when our chi J nut in pursuit of an education, as it is possible to come, and it is with much pride that we can say. that it is found in nearly, if not quite all, of our primary schools. The primary schools of the City of Newark alone, number about fifty, and taking the county of Essex as a whole, it would not savor of exaggeration, were the statement made, that the number of primary schools would reach nearly or quite one hundred, and with such care have they been located, that few children are so situated as not to be within easy walking distance of the school which they are allotted to attend. Especially true is this of the cities of Newark and Orange, and since the new or township law, as it is termed, went into effect, the benehcient arrangement under its wise provisions, which provides that where children are living at inconvenient distances from the schools the State generously provides a fund of money, with which to pay the expense of their transportation to and from the school rooms. Since, in quite a large portion of Essex County, the schools are necessarily located for the edification and comfort of the majority of the children of school age, therefore it must needs be that the minoritv. while suffer- mg from the disadvantage which dis- tance meets out, must needs be pro- vided with a conveyance to and from the school-room each day of the school year. It is with no slight degree of pride that the people of Essex County can turn to their public school buildings, as for loca- tion, size, convenience and architectural attractiveness, they compare favorably with the best in the State or nation, lake, for exam|)les, the High Scluic buildings at East Orange and .Montcl.i;: — buildings erected at a cost of eitli- of more than one hundred thousand dol- l.irs. In their healing and ventilation, these buildings are models, while the 1 l.iss-study and recitation rooms and the .issembly halls are capacious, and meet the purposes for which they were de- signeil by the architects who them marvellously well. As such a large proportion of the child- planned IIAKI.KS K. SANSO.M, SCHOOL CO.MMISSIONER. JBSSEX COUNTY, N. J., ILLUSTRATED. 113 children of Essex County are coni])elled by circum- stances to close their school days when the course of study ends wi'h the grammar school, this becomes the all-important in the mind of such as turn off at this point from their school life, and join the great bread winning brigade. While the great majority of the pupils who have finished tlie gram- mar school course show little reluctance at turning from the school-house door, and with alacrity take up the cudgel of life, seldom, if ever, thinking of the teachers and educators, and not knowing or caring whether there is such a thing as an Alma Mater and hardly, if ever, take a look into the book, there is yet the minority who leave its sacred pre- cincts with tear-bedewed eyes, and who cherish every remembrance associated with their schoo' life, and hold the grammar school diploma as the precious thing of life, and who spend all their leisure moments in pursuing the educational portion which they failed to reach, ere they, too, step out into the world, determined to use what they had learned, to their best advantage, and add thereto, in their leisure hours, all they possibly can to make themselves manly men. It was not until 1 886 that manual training was introduced into the public school curriculum. Among the many things incorporated therein, few indeed, if any, have proved of greater usefulness, and from which better results have accrued, than that branch of study known as manual training. On its intro- duction each district was left with the power to elect its own course. This course was continued until June. 1892. The State Board of Public Instruction directed the then State Super- intendent of Public Schools, to prepare a course of study for the guidance of those schools which had incorporated manual training into their curricula, or might hereafter incorporate it. While Dr. Poland, the Superintendent, prepared the course with great care, having called to his assistance principals of such schools as had adopted it in their course of study, it w'as soon found that additions and changes were necessary, and as the Doctor honestly stated in his report, that the course as laid down was merely suggestive, since the course of study pursued "shall be approved by the .State Board of Education." He further said, this approval of the Board was the condition ST. PATRICK ■AKialllAI, SCHOtJl,. CKXTKAL AVKXLK. PETERS PAROCHIAL SCHOOL. LIVINGSION STREET. precedent to the appropriation of any money for manual train- ing purposes. I5ut withal, the Board did not interfere, but gave to each school the widest range and largest latitude to carry out its own wishes, both as to number of manual training branches to be pursued and the amount and kind of instruction to be given. But in the exercise of this large liberty, each school had the good sense to keep close up to the course laid down in order that the purse strings might be easily unloosed when pay day came around Among the schools of Essex County which first caught hold of the manual training innova- tion, as some of those who questioned the propriety of its in- troduction termed it, were Montclair, South Orange, Orange and East Orange, taking precedence in the order named. The following, appeared in the report of the County Superintendent to the State Superintendent of public schools for 1894. " Again 1 am able to report progress in these beautiful lines of public instruction. Since my last report, East Orange has joined the ranks of the rapidly swelling army of schools, where the pupils have the wicket-gates to the realities of life, and the business of the world thrown open to them. No step backward is the motto in this county. As yet, Montclair is the only school where I am able to report the school kitchen open to the young misses, where they may take lessons in cooking and baking and good coffee making, but other schools are making ready the little bijou of kitchens where the young misses can wrestle with high art cooking No one can fully understand the far-reaching bene- fits of teaching along these lines till they come to a full realization of the fact how very few of the children from the common schools have oppor- tunity to further pursue education. The kinder- garten has come to stay. This I am pleased to report." The love of trees, shrubs, plants, etc., which is springing up and truly nurtured among the pupils of almost every school, which the celebration of Arbor Day is begetting, is a beautiful result and well worth all the attention bestowed. The follow- ing is from our report of the same vear— we trust our readers will feel, as we do, its worthiness 114 E^i^EX COrSTY. N. ./., ILLUSTRATED. t.. I1..I1I a plare in ihcsc l>nj;fs : "Arbor Day. A ^;riiwin>; love for Arbor Day amonjj all the schools IS slowlv fon-ing upon the people a realization ,,f how : ms to iheiountry and the world. This is i 'V are bejjinnin^ to understand it belter. The reports from eacli priii.ipal of the several schools, all of which I sent to your olVice. show pretty conclusively that the science of Kort s- iry is \>r ' .1 living; theme." Afiet a of the reports of the co- workers in liie s.inie i.liicial capacity, we linil about the same decree of rej^'ard exercised toward these !iew branches of educational work, and especially is this true of the br.mches nientioned. That there is a true spirit of beneficence arisin],' from the use ,,f .an dcnv w ho have ever watched ill. 4 from a judicious employment of calisthenics as a pari of the daily routine of class work in this line. Too much care cannot be exercised in ihe selection of teachers in this l)ranch of public instruction. The marked difference in ihe walk and pose of younj; girls especialy. cannot but he seen by the most casual observer, after a wcU-conduclcd course under the instruction and jjuidance of a teacher versed in the art. Not alone to the calestlienic teacher is the correction of the faults of walk. pose. etc.. due. but to the resolute way in which he or she j;oes about the work of pulling his or her bony framework into Ihe positions designeil by the great architect, having its begin- nings and endings, points ;ind balances just where e.ich will meet the other in perfected harmony. We have not the space to pay the tribute due to the many workers in the cause of education in I'.ssex county, but ere we write the word tinis, we will touch upon the birth, career and somelhing of Ihe life-work, of one or two which have gained .1 prominence in the good work, which we trust, will be read witli interest. The City Superintendent of the Public Schools of Newark. Dr. William N. Ilarringer. has written his name high as an educator. Like m.my of our leading educators, successful business men and statesmen, Dr. Barringer is eminently a sell-made man. Me was l)orn in the old Kinpire State and grew up a farmer boy. Me was t)lessed only with the advan- 1 "^ . I r.rvniii 1 Sr. InSKl'HS PAR;slall or school-house pcnk ivcry ilay ■ luring si hi)ol hours. The children nre to learn patriotic lessons and t<) siny patriotic siinj^s. 1 lie l)a;;s were usually preseiilcil liv cili/'-ns and patriotic associations, until the session of the State I.cjjislaturc of i ■ / when .1 law was enacted entitling ■ \i i public school in the state to an American ll.ij; and pole. 'Ihf: T"wn'-hii' Sv.siEM. II of puhlii' SI hool 1 .11^ I'.'if . !- ..If.' .. .. ^iroiij; hold upon the rducation.d minds of those eiv^.ijjed in con- diKiiriL; "o| matters in the State .>! Ni v. 1 ii.it Dr. Poland, l.ile State Superinlendeni of Tulilic Instruction, is the father of the s\steiii in this Stale, there is no iloulit. In his prelimin.iry report to the St.ite lio.ird of Kduc.ition, he pays a tiibute to the sjsteni in .in exhaustive review of the laws of other States, twenty-six in number, which had already adopted the system, and in copies of the opinion, on the subject, of m.iny of the most noted educators who li.id pi. iced their veiws on record, .ind calls p.ir- tiiidar attention to the f.ict that in the opinion of the State Ito.irds of liducation. St.itc School Superintendents, the Coiu- missionrr of lalucation of the I'nited St.ites and all other educ.ilionists who hail experience, that there is no (|uestioii in their minds as to its superiority over all other svslenis ■ •r forms of sct^ol or^ani/alion. and p.irlicularlv so in rej,'ai(l to the old-fashioned school district system. lie s;i\es pecu- li.ir emphasis to the fact, that as f.ir back as 1S39. Iloiace Mann, one of the ^^le.itest educators ever r.iised. made use of the followinj; emphatic l.ui};ua;ie in one of his reports : " I con- sider the l.iw of 17S9. authori/inj; towns to divide themselves into districts, the most mifortunatc on the subji.-ct of common sell • nacted in the State of Massachusetts." I ed jud;.;inent. says Dr. I'ol.ind, of the most dis- lin;;insiiid "if Amerii .in educ.itors. pronoiuued over lift\ viars .iv;o, h.is been .illirmed over and over aijain bv the hijjhfst education. d .luthnrilies throu'^hoiit the I'niled Stales and worhl. N 1 1 ft. IK.IC SLllnoi , VAll.SIUKGH I'Ur.IJC SCHOOL. That this essential weakness of our common school system has been cle.irly apprehended by foreign educators, is shown by the follow in;.;, from the valuable work of Hon. Francis .Vdams. Sec- retarv of the National I.eatfue of England, on the free school system of the L'nited Stales, in which he says: " Although at lirst si;^lit the area of a school district may appear to be an un- important matter of detail, yet upon it, as the experience of the l"nited States has proved, the efficiency of any school system largely depends. The most formidable dilVicutly which the .American system has encountered, has arisen out of this ques- tion. This is what is know n in the United Stales as the District System. Wherever it still exists it is the subject of the most bitter complaint and con ESSEX COrXTY. X. J., ILLVSTRATEn. Prcsidiiit AtuliTSKn are seen aiiionj^ ihc IxMulidil illustrations in this work, uvery jia^'c of uliicli sounds its own prniscs. TIIK llOKiiliill t>K VAll.SlU Ki'.ll. Ii is l)ul a few moons ayo. or in(k-curyli. so named in lionor of the writer of this work, was a l)arl and parrel, not (|iiile so insi^'nltiL-ant as some mii;lit deem, of the school district known as Colum- bia. South ()ran;;e. After this it hecame a districl ,dl hy itself, and known .is V.iilshurgh No. 29 of Essex County. I'nderthe district system it grew and prospered until the surburhan village took on cit\ dignities and became the borough of \'.iiK- burgh. witha Mayor ami Uo.ird of Aldeniun, ai had to itself all the customary dignitaries and cil\ (borough* oflicials. The new township free school law increased its Board of School Trustees, so that now, and indeed ever since the city's birth, the Board of Management of its very excellent public schools, has been increased to nine members, consisting of the following named gentlemen, citizens of the borough : William Welsher, Krederich A. Mock, Charles II. Smith, Kev. R.H.Gage. Alex- .mdcr \'olheye. John I'., .\schenback. James Hampton, Borough Clerk William Billington and Alderman V-. .\aglc. William Welsher is President of the Board, and Fretlerick A. Mock, District Clerk. SI. I'KrRk'S ['\K()CHI.\L -SCHOOI.. .Among the largest r.nd one ol the very best conducted of the jiarochial schools of the city of Newark, where the young are taught, is that in the parish of St. Peter's, the immense build- ings of which are seen on Livingston Street, and is known as the Parochial School of .St. Peter's Church. In all probability, this is the largest C.ernian School in the city of Newark. The teachers having charge arc selected as being particularly gifted "^ thoroughly well prepared for their high calling before beint * i ! •^■*~ ^--.tf .V-.*.'^ Kt.AI)I.N(; ROOM llK I UK IKI-.K I'LIII.IL llllkAKY. .AUI'S MKMy turning to page 67 of this book, the reader will SIC a photographic picture of the modest structure III which Father Wiseman is carrying out the li'.iutiful injunction which the Master gave to St. I'rtt-r, of " Feeding my Sheep." THE XEWAl^K FREE PUIILIC LIIiRARV. Xever since the history of the world began has there been jiirpetrated, against the learning of mankind, a more henious iiffense or a more dastardly crime, than was perpetrated by the .Moslems after the capture of the renowned city of Alexandria, when the commander-in-chief of the capturing army of the intulfl horde, wantonlv committed to the dames the great mm. MAIN ROOM OK THE FREE I'Ulil.lC LIBRARY. ,\1^\\ARK TECHNICAL SCHOOL, OX HIGH STREET. library of the city, which contained the greatest collection of books, pamphlets and manuscripts in the world. It was not the audacious crime alone of burning the liljrary, of committing to the flames the literary treasures of all preceding ages, but the fact that many of the volumes which had been gathered at a mighty expenditure from all parts of the globe, many of which were of the greatest value and could not be replaced, there being no duplicates, when their precious I contents had crumbled to ashes \ and had gone up in fire and smoke, amid the exultations of the savage hordes who made up the army of destruction and loot. Which danced .irouiul this funeral pyre of history. Where tlie wreathing smoke left the world in mystery. The half million volumes of book lore furnishing the fuel. To feed ihe fire consuming, eartli'slieauti- ful jewels. I was there, through tliis unheard of Mahonunedan dast.ardy, That Maliommet's deluded converts sough.t the mastery. Wading tiu'ougli l)lood, fire and smoke. to rob tile world. And leave the flag of ignorance to the breeze unfurled. Among the black pages of his- 'ii-y, and there are not a few, it A ould seem that there are none more wantonly and cruelly be- giimed or to compare with that one ])age whereon is written the history if the hoiTor known as the sacking I Egypt's capital and the burning ijf the Alexandrian Library. For (|uite five centuries of titiie, the war which the followers of Malionimel waged was so relentless in char- acter that historians tell us, that 120 E.^SEX COrXTY, X. J., ILLUSTRATED. it dill seem al one time a> thniigli the flasliing ciiiitttis of ih, " ■ Would cut ilown all Christendom. liut the «,,; ■, re.uvercd. and with its recovery new librarys werr estahlished. and amoiit; them i> the Newark Free Tuhlic l.ihrary. eMerior and inleri.ir views ol wliich are presented on tlie pages of this illustrated souvenir, and which contains up- ward of lifty thousand well-selected and neatly boimd volumes and nccordinij to the report of the able and courteous I.ihrarian, Frank 1'. ' 'he institution is doinj^.i work of which every ciii/en si ^ roud. The library is handsomely housed in the well constructed and imposing brown stone structure located on West I'.irk Street, between Hro.id and Ilalsey Streets. The lioard of Trustees for 1S97 consist of Hon. James M. .Stymour. Mayor of New- ark ; .Superintendent of I'ublic Schools Gil- bert. Messrs. Kdwaid H. Duryea, James TalTe, Wdli.un Johnson. James Peabotly and James E. Howell. These gentlemen are in love- with their work, and aim to so manage the affairs of the free library that the greatest good may accrue to the great- est nundicr. IMK NKWAKK TKCIINICAI. SCHOOL. To the inan who nourished the thought out of which grew the fact of a technical school for the cil\ of Newark, belongs an honor which nobody would ever attempt to gainsay or cause it to pale for one tiiomenl. in the sight of any true citizen of this great industrial city. 'I'he good which this institu- tion h.is already done, the grand work it has accomplished in the contracted (|uarters in which in lived and added new luster to the conception of the promise of the erec- tion, at an early date, of buildings suitable for the purpose of conducting a technical school in a city of more than 200.000 in- habitants. .Although but a single decade of years have gone into the impenetrable h.i/e of the p.ist. the school not having been org.ini/ed until 18S;, yet .in amount of work h.is been .iccomplished which coidd hardly have been expected, since the tpiarters in which the techniques were for the most of the time housed. So contracted have they been that to h.ive nude such wonderful progress would sei-m .dinosi impossible. Since the lechnic.il school 1 ame into th<- ee. all of whom delight to recogni/e the young insti- ICIIJ..I1. their /Until Maltr. These graduates s.ime kindly feeling toward their mother institution „ dilates of nearly all other educational institutions do. have org.inized an Alma Malfr .Society in order to keep strong the tic which binds. It is not because iheir deeds are evil that they do their work after the dark .sets in. The sessions of the • hehl in the evening in order to give those attending. v ■• to work to live," as the masses who wish to climb .ind k-rp on climbing the hill of knowledge, while working by ' ■ ■ •'- "idy at night or not study at all. • are which thi- Stale extends to kindred ■ (• ■■•'■-. iKit fail to extend tow.ird this, and were it not for the support which comes from the treasury of the State, men who have won fame and were permitted to cultivate the talent they possessed, and which needed but the develo])- ment which came through the technical school, would have lain dormant perhaps, for years or lost forever had it not been for the blessed opportunities offered by the evening classes. The (Jovernor of the State is President Ex-Ofllcio. Hon. James M. Seymour. .Mayor of Newark, is also Ex-Officio. Its corps of instructors, with Charles A. Colton. E. M , at the head as director and instructor in chemistry and physics ; Fred \V. Fort, \. M.. Cornelius S. Thatcher. C. 15., and Albert I'.. Wilson. da>, T nisiiti ■.NTRANCIC IIAI.I. AMi .SIAI1{W\V o| I 111; 1 RtCK I'lllI.lC LIHRARV. m.athematics ; Albert Jacobi, descriptive geometry and tbeorv of cutting tools; James Kinselli. free-hand drawing; Maurice .•\. .Mueller. M. E.. mechanical drawing and mechanical engin- eering ; Fred S. Sutton, architectural drawing; William Kent, M. E.. lecturer on steam engineering, will compare most f;ivor.ilily with the faculty of any similar institution in the State or nation. It will be a glad day for the scientifically in- clined among our young men. and women too. for that matter, when the new home shall be completed, that they, one and all, may have opportunity to satisfy their craving for more light. along the w.ays where ihey have been groping in semi-darkness. ESSEX COUNTY, N. ]., AND ITS GOVERNMENT, £„=a ^; ^ ft f1 ?.".;■ f^ HAT the people of Essex County are, as a rule, quiet and law- ibiding, has almost irrefutable i!emonslration in the fact that the present modest structure called a Court House situated at the juncliun of Market Street and Springfield Avenue, Newark, is now and has been for the past half century and more, of a capacity to hold all the litig- ants and lawbreakers when on trial who might assemble within its walls at any one time or for any other definite purpose. This Court House, for which the people have a particular kind of reverence and which is venerated apparently above all other buildings, was built many years ago of sample brown stone from the quarries which have their outputt- ings along the easterly border of the county — as more fully made manifest in an earlier chapter of Essex County, N. J., Illustrated— ex- tending deep into the hillsides bordering the Passaic and extending from Eighth Avenue, in Newark, to North Belleville, or Avondale. Its architecture, once seen, will make an impression on the stranger which will carry his thoughts back to the days of Alexander the Great and to the city he built at the mouth of the Nile, where these thoughts may revel in the architectural displays, cvolvements from the genius of Egypt's bright sons. Whether the stone ever raised any objection to their being wrought into a style architectural so far away we know not, but this we do know — when the project of a new Court House is broached and the question warms to the height of a local contest. the old Court House wins the fight. The building is two stories and attic and is surmounted with a unique belfry in which hangs the bell which has sounded the knell of prison fate to e V i 1- doers who, perchance, came over from the sister city of New York to try pastures green and fields that were JUDGE ALBERT A. DEPUE, fairer, and got ESSEX COUNTY COURT HOUSE. caught by our ever alert police. The lot of many a " smart " fellow who believed that his education was finished in the criminal schools, of New York City, where he had studied hard for years and where he had taken these lessons in outwitting the home police, until he felt that he liad a right of putting into practice just across the Hudson where his teachers, whom he had been taught to look upon as them- selves experts, feared to practice their own lessons. Yet, lo ! the brightest of the schools find themselves foiled in their first and most carefully laid plots, and having been caught, are compelled to spend many years m the Jersey prisons in hard study again in learning how to make shoes and break stones scientifically. Within the walls of this Court House— the style of archi- tecture of which is so decidedly ancient that it gives an appear- ance to the visitor much more in harmony with that of ye very far distant olden times than of that which prevailed when it was built, little more than a half century ago, with the winged gods of the Egyptians in view as a model to go by — have been enacted many startling and pathetic scenes. Not in the number of these enactments is there reason to boast, but of the heart- breaking character of some and the utter hopelessness of others. The catalogue of heinous offences is short, indeed, against the majesty of the law and the quickness of the measure of the punishment meted out, has satisfied the leaders in crime that distance — when all things else are taken into con- sideration — lends enchantment, and the examples presented for their careful consideration by our generous-hearted judges, to the view. If there was as much charm connected with the story of its building as about the selection of the spot of terra firma on which it stands, a few pages on that part of Essex's history would not be out of place, but it must be sufficient to say that the election 122 >I1EKIFF HURMKS LI. II I.IIACH. ESSEX COrXTY, X. /, ILLUSTRATED. or figlit for its loiation between Eli/abethtown and Newark was one of the most exciting the county ever knew. What, in all probability, gave the liner touches to the artistic beauty which surrounded the t'lnished pic- ture on all its sides after the elec- tion had settled the location of the house in favor of Newark, was the fact that the ladies had taken part in the election, which re(|uired a straight run of three days to finish. Even the school children enacted a trulv important part, as those who could write were drummed into the service and their little lingers were covered with ink from the pen with which they were writing. Printed tickets or stick- ers being an article then unknown, a mystery yet left hidden in the tomb of the future. Not so the tine art of ballot-box stuffing which for the past few years has been KI.VI.S W. CRANE, COUNTY PROSECUTOR. once again dr.-iwn forth from the hiding-place where these gentlemen and lady Court House locators had buried its bruised and mangled form embalmed, and from which the self-appointed ballot box puri/tca/orsoi our own day had wrested it and who had not thus easily escaped, but being caught red handed flirting the old mummy in full gaze of the honest voter and not a few of whom threw up their hands in the presence of the judge, .and pointing over their shoulders with their thumbs, made rosy red the faces of others who had been engaged in the nefarious business and fell under the thumbs' shadow, and marched forth to the court crier's " yeh yah " to receive their just deserts. To what extremes the contest for the location of the Court House was carried, makes the history of that short period in Essex County's history (|uite interesting, but as it deals with what is told in very few words, we will only show to what depths the struggle reached and how bitterly the factions KX-FKKKIlnl.llKK. CF.O. WII.IIF.I.M. opposed each other by (|Uoting a sentence from Mr. .Atkinson's •• History of Newark, ' which covers an occurrence which shows the character of the contest : " It is related that two highly respectable young Newarkers, William Halsey and Seth Woodruff, rode to Elizabethtown in a gig during the pendency of the election and were assaulted with a bucket of tar thrown on them by one Austin Penny who, it is believed, was afterward indicted and punished." Elizabeth was then a part of Essex County and such, says Mr. Atkinson, was the height to which locality feeling ran that it became dangerous for Newarkers to visit Elizabethtown, and vice versa. If we have not wearied the patience of our readers too much in lingering too long around the walls of our County Court House at the junction of Market Street and Springfield Avenue, or satiated the appetite for the beautiful and strangeness in archiceclure by keeping the gaze too long fixed on Egypt's art as presented in those reminders of Pharaoh the Great's exemplifi- cations looking out from the sculptured windows and away along down the line of the centuries to the time when the pyramids were built or the hosts of Israel went out, you have our invitation to step within its hallowed walls where, in the footsteps' echoes, is heard the forensic eloquence of thousands whose fame has reached as far as the Nile's architects are. 'I'he court rooms are opened wide with tipstaffs venerable and bright, to point out the very spot where this young lawyer or that look his first lessons in jut7 deceiving, and where they garnered knowledge which the old men eloquent shook from Ulackstone's forensic trees. < im^ , i i kk i i u kightson. ESSEX COUNTY, N. J., ILLUSTRATED. 123 During all its palmy days no court house could have a better record made, and had the wizard Edison been ready with his novel device called the phonograph their voices to catch, or had this been the good fortune, the eloquence, the logic, and even the sympathetic tear, having been caught by the wizzard's machine, would come forth at call of some young limb of the law who, having forgotten all, could have immediately at hand the sarcasm of William (Speakeri Pennington, the logic of a Bradley, who carried law lore in his head. and ever after the presidential wrestle between Tilden and Hayeb. wore on his face presidential fate. Indeed, to the rescue hundreds might come to help out his elo- quence and perhaps win his case if care enough was taken as the crank was turned to bring up] the right man at the right time and in the right place, for surely 'twould seem a trifle queer to here EX-M.-\VOR JULTl'S \. LEBKUECHER. EX-FKEEHOI,DER C. C. COURSEN. ■trike on the listening jurors' ear, rare bits of true eloquence .lb the time drew near, or one of those grand perorations of a Frelinghuysen, a Runyon or a Parker, when all that was wanted was what the forgotten alone could supply — that sympa- thetic tear so effective when seen by big-hearted jurors. What Edison, the wizard, or Weston, the marvellous electri- cian, may do in this line in the future we know not, but will present a horoscope quite clear, and reserve for a closing chapter, for since patience is such a bright jewel we have reason to wait, since it has been whispered that one or the other will invent a machine which will not alone re-echo the evidence and pleadings then, perhaps, go further and try the whole case. ESSEX COUNTY HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE. ESSEX County is widely known for the high standard of its charitable and penal institutions. The Hospital for the Insane is recognized as the model county insti- IKEEHOLDER JOHN J. HAXI.V. tution of its class in the United States. The motive for its establishment was occasioned by the overcrowed condition of the only State asylum at Trenton, where in 1871, Esse.\ main- tained I lo patients. The Committee on Lunacy of the Board of Freeholders, then composed of D. J. Canfield, Wm. M. Freeman, Wm. Gorman, M. Smith and Wni. Cadmus, after vain efforts to secure entrance for Esse.x patients in asylums of adjoining States, reported in 1872, the necessity of establishing an as)lum for the insane in the county. On the prompt action of the Board, the Camden Street site was secured, and §15,600 was expended in buildings which were enlarged as the occasion required. The Camden Street site was ready for occupancy in August, 1872, and received as a transfer from the State Asylum fifteen patients, and nineteen from the Newrak Almshouse, who had been temporarily cared for. Major John Leonard was ap- pointed Warden and Dr. J. A. Cross, visiting physician. In 1873 the Committee on Lunacy, composed of D. J. Canfield, Dr. D. S. Smith, T. H. Smith, D. M. Skinner and Edgar Farmer, (the director) reported the necessity of procuring a permanent site for thr asylum. Finally, the South Orange Avenue site was selected, and in 1883 after public sentiment had gradually grown in favor of it, the new asylum was partially completed and ready foi occupancy in 1884. The Camden Street building became much over- crowded, and over 300 patients were removed to the new buildings Nov. 9. 1894. The Grand Jury, of which Leslie I>. Ward was foreman, made a present- ment during that year, advising better direct medical care of the county in- sane. At the September meeting of the Board, James E. Howell intro- duced a resolution changing the system of direct management, from that of warden to that of a competent medical officer as Superintendent, similar to the freeholder c. w. heilman. 12 ■^ ESSEX COrXTY, X. J., ILLUSTRATED. n)ann};ciiicnl o( St.ilc insli- I u t io II •n tliriiiit;luHil this iduntiy. Al ihf Nciv. nu-tl- ing Ut. I.iviiigslon S. Hinck- ley was elected lo the office ofS !t-nlanilentcrc(l on Nov. 19. 1S84. He ii.ia continued in his present posiliomluringlwclvi- years of ser%ice. though the political complexion of the Hoard has changed twice during that period. IJr. Ilinckliv's devotion to his work h.is won for him the contidence of t h e public throughout the county, and his fame as an expert in in- sanity has spread far an'l wide. Since he has been in charge, the construction of the building has been completed on the original plans, and consists of com- pact buildings three and four stories in height, containing seven- teen \var ninth class. Ibis school IS an alunuii I 81 gradu- ■s, one third I whom are ' I e n . Many •ire practicing successful ly I heir profes- sion in private. Old llie hospi- tal is constant- ly e(|uipped with .1 large orps of train- ' '1 nurses. In 1893, he made a strong ESSEX COUNTY HOSPITAL I'OR THF. INSANK. plea for change in the title of the institution from asylum to hos- pital, the Board finally adopting this innovation in 1894. This hospital is much overcrowded and it has been deemed inadvis- able lo add any more to the present vast structure. Thos. McGowan, the director of the Board, who has for.seen the pre,sent exigencies, wisely secured and purchased 185 acres of land in Verona township, where a branch hospital is now under construction under original advisory plans made by Dr. Hinck- ley and in which he is most deeply interested. Mr. McGowan, of Bloomfield. the present director of the Board, is the senior continuous member who has given his attention to the interests of Essex County unremittingly for the past twenty years, and to whom its citizens owe a large debt of gratitude for the discretion and purity of purpose that has actuated his motives. T in is'.s 10:. ■. iii.vi Kit.v, M. 1. THE COURTS OF ESSEX COUNTY. HE following interesting and instructive epitome of the original history of the court of Essex County, of its judiciary and of the men who have adorned its bench, and whose names are respected, and whose opinions are honored all over the world, was collat- ed for the N e w ark />(i//y Ad- vc r t i ser, and ap- peared in that paper in its edi- tion of Dec. 13. 1894: " There were abso- lutely n o courts in New Jersey under the o rigi n a 1 rulers, nor until 1675. when t h e ( i e n e r a 1 Assembly EX-FREr.noi.Di.K tatkick hiitcjn. ESSEX COUNTY, N. J., ILLUSTRATED. 125 EX-FREEIIOI,DER SOLOMON DE JONGE. proceeded to act under the powers conferred upon it by Lord John Berkeley and Sir Philip Carteret in the first Constitution of New Jersey, to ' constitute all courts, together with the limits, powers and jurisdictions of the same.' "On November 13, 1675, the General Assembly enacted 'that there be two of the aforesaid courts Uept in the year in each respective county.' In the act, Newark and Elizabethtown were constituted a county, but the county was not named. The original boundaries of the county were fixed, and the name of Essex determined in 1682. The fees, the terms of court, the officers and the judges were all provided for with the greatest detail and nicety. " Another act, passed at the M J. KE.\KNS. COUNSELOR-.\T-I.AW. same time, provided for a ' Court of .\ssize to be held in this province' annually in the town of Woodbridge, the fees being twice the fees of the County Courts. This was the original Supreme Court. It was provided that no appeal was to be taken from a decision of a County Court in any case in which the amount involved was under twenty pounds. When the Lord Proprietor's rights were sold to the twenty-four Proprie- tors in 1682. one of the articles in their ' Fundamental Con- stitution ' was that all persons were to plead in any court, either for themselves or for their friends, but that no person was allowed to take any money for pleading or for legal advice. This was because of an act of 1676, which forbade Justices of the Peace to plead in court, except in cases in which they were either the complainants or defendants. "The first real law for regulating the practice of law was passed about 1689, and was entitled 'An .Act for Regulating Attorneys in this Province.' It laid a fine of twenty pounds upon Justices of the Peace, Sheriffs, Clerks of the Courts and others who should ]>ractice law m the courts, except in their own personal behalf. It was proposed, in 1698, that a law should be passed, limiting the practice of the law for ' fee or hire ' to such as should be ' admitted to practice by license by the Governor.' This law was not enacted because Jeremiah Basse, who was acting as Governor, who had been ordered by the Proprietors to have the law passed, was not legally the Gover- nor and was very unpopular. " In 1702 the government of the Province was turned over to the Crown by the Proprietors, and Lord Cornbury, in 1704, ordained the establishment of the ' Courts of Judicature.' in an in- strument which forms the foundation of the entire judicial system of the present State of New Jersey. It defined the powers and duties of the courts, and laid down certain rules of procedure. " In Lord Cornbury 's ordinance it was provided that the judges could make rules for practicing in the courts in the same way and to the same extent as was done by the judges of the Courts of Queen's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchecjuer, in England. From that day to this the licensing of lawyers has been regulated, not by statute, but by the rules of the Supreme EX-SHERIFF EUWIN W . lilNE. Court, with the sole excep- tion of the ' Five Counsel- or's act ' which was repealed this year (1894). " The first systematic re- sistance to the oppressive acts of George III was made by the members of the New Jersey Bar. At the Septem- ber term of the Supreme Court held at Amboy in 1765, the lawyers met and resolved unanimously that they would not use the stamps under any circumstances whatever- When the stamps arrived the lawyers would not buy them and all over New Jersey the courts were closed, and remained closed until the Stamp act was repealed. " The strength 'that this EX-SHERIFF lACOB HAUSLING. iL'i: S C5: f F.X-AS^KMBI.YMAN WIl.l.lAM W. HAWKINS. 1S46. He WMS liorn in I'ellevillf in 1777, studied law with David n. ();;tlcn, was admitted as an attorney in 1S03, and as a coinisellor in 1S06. He was originally a Federalist, and followed that party down through its changes of name, and died a Republican. He was one of the best Chief Justices New Jersey ever had. ••Jose|)h P. Bradley, who was appointed lo the United States Supreme Court by President Grant, in 1870, was born in Albany, in 181 3. He was graduated from Rutgers ui the class of 1836, and came to Newark, and was admitted to the bar in 1839. He was known to the world as one of the best judges who ever sat on the bench. Learned in the law, impartial in his judg- ment, and urbane in his tnanncr. his memory will last long in this country. " Newark has given to the St.ite five Chancellors, the first being William S. Pennington, who was elected Governor and Chancellor in 1S13 and 1814. He was the great-grandson of Kphraim Pennington, one of the original settlers of Newark. He was .Associate Judge of the Supreme Court in 1805, Supreme L\S\S7-A' COrXTV. X. ./., ILLVSTKATED. action gave them, by bringing them closer together, resulted in an organized plundering of the public by the lawyers, and this continued until the people arose in their wrath and attempted to extermi- nate the lawyers by violence. The riots in Essex Coimty. in which the people attempted to keep the lawyers from entering the Court House, were put down by the Sheriff and his assist.mls: this was in 1769. and Governor Franklin. Benjamin Franklin's illegitimate son. complimented Essex County on being much more orderly than was Monmouth, where the riots attained greater import.ince. "The Essex bar has furnished a long list of men who have been honored by the public. First in the list, perhaps, should come Joseph C. Hornblower. who was Chief Justice of New Jersey from 1832 to KKKEIllil.DK.K WIl.l.lAM 1- . IIAMll.rON. Corporation Counsel 1856. He held this |)os- ition until 1864. when he was elected Mayor, which ollice he filled until 1866. lie was appointed Chan- cellor in 1873. and was reappointed in 18S0, going out of ollice in 18S7. Last year (1893) he was appointed Ambassador to t'lermany. Mr. Runyon was made LL. I), by Wes- leyan College in 1867. by Kulgers in 1875 and by Vale in 1882." Court Reporter from then to 1813. and after his two terms as Governor, was Judge of the L'nited States Disirict Court until his death in 1826. " William Pennington, the son of the last mentioned, w.is born in New;iik, May 4. 1796. studied in Theodore Frelinghuy- sen's law office, was admitted as an attorney in 1817, and as a counsellor in 1820. He w\is Chancellor and Governor from 1837 to 1843, and was one of the greatest Chancellors who ever held the position. He was Speaker of the House of Rep- resentatives in iS6oand 1861. "Oliver S. Ilalstead. born in 1792, was the first Chancellor appointed after the adoption of the Constitution of 1844. He held the iiosition until 1852. Benjamin Williamson was appointed Chancellor in 1852, and held the position for seven years. "Theodore Runyon, born in 1822, was graduated from Yale College in 1842, was admitted as an attorney in 1846, and counsellor in 1849. He was made City Attorney in 1S53. and in iui)(;k. ij. a. iii:i'Uk. D.iviil Ayres Depuc. LL. I). Justice of the Supreme Court, .ind one of the noted men of the Slate of New Jersey, is of ASSEMBLYMAN CIIAKLES II. Dl'NCAN. ESSEX COUNTY, N. J., ILLUSTRATED. 127 A};N'Ek KAI. 1^(11 )UN^P:!j )K-A I -I.AU". Huguenot descent, and with the Van Campens, his family were the earliest settlers of the Minisink Flats. These two families emi- grated about the same time from Esopus, now Kingston, in the county of Ulster, New York, and settled on the Pennsylvania and New Jersey sides of the Delaware River, above the Water Gap. The Wan Campens (originally spelled \'an Der Kempen) were emigrants from Holland. Benjamin Depue. t h e great- grandfather of David A. Depue, was born February 22, 1729. He married Catharine, daughter of Colonel Abraham Van Campen, Judge of the Court of Common I'leas of Sussex Countv. N. J,, in 1 761, reappointed in 1776 and again in 1796. At the age of 26, Colonel \'an Campen served as a colonel in the Colonial Army, raised EX-ASSKMBI,VMAN JAMES MARLAIT. to protect the country against the Indians in the War of 1755. Soon after his marriage, Benjamin Depue settled in Northamp- ton County, Pa., in Lower Mount Bethel, on the Delaware. Here his son Abraham Depue was born September 28, 1765. Abraham married Susan, daughter of Michael Hoffman, and their son Benjamin Depue was born September i, 1796. Ox\ May 10, 1821, Benjamin married Elizabeth, daughter of Moses Ayres, and subsequently removed to Upper Mount Bethel, in the same countv, where David A. Depue was born, October 27, 1826. At a suitable age David A. Depue was placed in the school of the Rev. Dr. John Vanderveer, in Easton, Pa., where he received his preliminary education. He entered Princeton College in 1843, and. was graduated in 1846. Immediately after graduation, he began the study of law in the office of John M. Sherred, Esq., of Belvidere, N. J., whither his family had moved in 1840. Here he began the practice of his profession, and continued in it until 1866. .At this time he HENRY T. MILLER, PATE.N'T ATTORNEY. of New Jersey, he is a member, are characterized by learning and laborious research, as well as by the clear and concise state- ment of legal principles. Of these qualities and of his opinions, as published in the reports, the frequent citations of them in the Federal Courts and the courts of sister States, and in treatises on the law, afford ample evidence. In 1874 he was appointed, with Chief Justice Beasley and Cortlandt Parker, to revise the laws of New Jersey, a work which was com- pleted to the great satisfaction of the bench and bar throughout tin State. In 1874 Judge Depue received the degree of LL. D. from Rutgers College, New Brunswick, and in 1880, the same degree was con- ferred upon him by Princeton Col- lege, New Jersey. had attained so high a rank in his profession that the attention of Governor Marcus L. Ward was attracted to him. when it became necessary to ap|)oint an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court in the place of Judge Daniel Haines, whose term of office expired in that year. The result was the appoint- ment of Mr Depue on November 15, 1866, the circuit assigned to him being the counties of Essex and Union. His removal to Newark soon followed. On the expiration of his term in 1S73. he was reappointed by Governor Joel Parker, was again reappointed in 18S0 by Gover- nor George B. McClellan, again in 1887 by Governor Robert S. Green, and still again by Governor George T. Werts. His present term expires November 15, J901. The circuit held by Judge Depue is the most important and laborious in the State, embracing the city of Newark and the county of Essex. His opinions in the Supreme Court and Court of Errors and Appeals, of which, by the judicial system E.X-ASSEMBLVMAN JOSEPH P. CLARK. ;-^s^ JOHN II. KKIIMOM), r[t\ IIDMK TKISTKK. Soutli Oraiitjc. Central. I'ark, liloomtR-U were construclctl. Newark lontaininjj the greater part of the populatiun and taxable property of the county, was the centre from which these roads radiated lo all parts of the county. Macadam road building was then, comparatively, a new art in this counir)'. The pleasure and comfort for driving purposes, eciinomy in transportation, and advantages to real estate values derived from these roads, proved to the people of Essex County the truth of Lord li.acon's maxim, that. " There be three things which make a nation great and prosperous, fertile fields, busy workshops and easy means of trai\S|>orlation for men and goods." These roads were built by the Kssex Public Koad Board, and were maintained by it in splemli- |)i>inli-* tvcil iifcM Imcrrst thriHi:..;liiiiil llu- coiiiiirv. U liilf .ircl. Hull .Tiici puiH- .iM' 111 ••. :iic -uillv. Mr. II. I'f .'..iviii;,' the i|nl|litlL-.S l))is Hid is clfsiroiis iimmtnt ; and ilu-Dry of )>ul)lu' iluty is approved l>y llie coin- iniini(y. .Mr. Hood is prattically re- ^punsillle for M-ttlinfj an imporl- ant quislion of tlcclric-raihoad l.iw. havini;, in associalion uilli Samuel KalisL'h, secured a de- • isinn of the .Supreme Couri con- lirmin^' a veidicl of $15,000 for Fannie Blocli. wlio lost a hand and leg by an eletlric car. .Mr. Hood is a bachelor and a inem- liir of ihe Democratic Society .ind of the I'roj^ress Club. TIMOTHY E. SCALES. Wll would not consider that equal and exact ju.stice to this part of the Court House was done did we fail to mention the fact, that the ('.r.ind Jury has a permanent clerk in the person of 'riinolliy K. Scales, who succeeded to the place on the retire- ment of Waller J. Kniyhl. Of few men or oflicials can the old sonj; be sung with a greater degree of appropriateness, noi with greater propriety, for he is indeed a "jolly good fellow ," but aside from being all this, he brings to the conduct of the affairs of his olVice, all those (|u.ilities which, when applied as he .ipplies them, call for the r.ircsl sort of coinmeiulation. Timothy K. Scales w.is born in Newark, Noxember I, 1S69. He went to the public schools, and when he left the High School he weni into the oljlce of l-iederiik .\dams to pursue his stuilies 111 the l.iw. This was .\pril 15. 1874, ,iiul by the time relief to the s \1I.W ON MAKKI-.l sii.;i:i I. he had attained his inajority he was so well etpiipiied with leg.il lore, that he was admitted to practice as an attorney on the twenty-llrst anniversary of his birth. He remained an associate of Mr. Adams until 1893, but has been connected with the Prosecutor's otiice for the last six years, acting as clerk to the Grand Jury and to the Prosecutor, being appointed by the court. Mr. Scales was elected to the I?oard of Education from the Kleventh Ward, and was a school commissioner for four years ; from 18S3 to 1 888. He was a charter member of the Jeffcr- sonian Club, and has been a member of the Democratic Execu- ive Committee of his w'ard for thirteen years. DANIEL M. DILL, M. D. Till! subject of this sketch, who for more than twenty years has been engaged in the successful practice of his pro- fession ill that part of the city known as the Eleventh Ward, has tiy many kindly acts, proved himself worthy of a tribute in the pages of this souvenir. Few physicians who have had no more years in which to do the works of humanity, to exteml ick and suffering, h.ive more to their credit than Dr. Dill. W'hile responding to his every call in the practice of his pro- fession, he never forgets that to be philanthropic, pays. While busy as most men, |i.irii\l clfnrt ic.n li the from ai\(l 1)11.11111 1. i.itr> nf iiieii, « hilc many ■■' those with (ar rartr i^ifls rmlinM-il. fullou thiit |. .11 ii'Is. 'I'o ihr l.illir iif llusi ,;! Mcr John J. II in|i-y belong. It IS nut lor the writer to ili-line the liuw. but this he know, ami is willinL; to tell it. that I'.ssex County, has had few nun, as chairman of the Jail (."otiimiltee of thi- Hoard of I'reeholders, in the past, wlio ha\e shown thems.-hes better able to ailmin- isler the iDiintN 's affairs and husband her resources- THE POST OFFICE. SI.NCK the pull down of the old buildinj; severa] years aj,'o. the Newark I'ost Ollice lias h.id its liousiii),' in the old First li.iptisl Church buildini;, which stood Conveniently ne.ir and just in the rear. Kroiii Its doors and windows have the three hunilred iiioie or less post office oflicers and clerks, watched the slow •jrowth of the new post olTice Iniildiii^ which, though yet not quite finished, has re.iched such a stage as lent hope to the postmaster .ind his busy army. .Mthoujjh the new building will present .i cap.ncity far short of the .•^rowing ri • \ eral uses for which it w,is di I he home of the post oflice. it will be a -jreat improvement on the old and the present cpiarters. There are indeed few hand- somer or more beautifully constructed buildings to be ' ' . ■.vhere. ■ 1 the new (pi.-irters in the new biiild- inj;. wiiKJi .ire c.ip.icious and altogether comfortable enough to please the most ex.icting, have moved the ofl'ices of the Internal Revenue Collector and that of the Collector of Customs. The llrst is occupied by William I). Rutan, collector and his assist. lilts, of the fifth Internal Revenue Collection Distriil of New Jersey, made up of the counties of Ksse.\, I'nion, Hudson. I'assair, Middle.sex, Ml,..t llcw llll vinil till'.' pll^ll nil v.\ ;ii^ sludifS. .V- \..iin(; O iniullv w ;l s lit\cl kniiwii ■ ■ .iy Iilclst (if ,.:- .il'.Li Li'iiiiii.:; iii'im-. liu-i- lus, kiiuwlriliji- ai\ li.iil .illiirciiiiDls for him which conliiuictl to Itail him 1111 in suih a way. that success marked his earht-r ciTorls. and ere he himself was fully aware_ reputation sal astride the ves- \;i \ N lAlcKl r sel's prow where his hand bore down the lielm. Before he passed his 26th birlh-day, or in 1S7S, he received the nomination for lax Commissioner of the City of Newark. The writer of this skelcli well rcmcmhers the iiccasion, having lieen President of the democratic convention, asssemliled in what is now Jacoli's Thealie. in \Vasl)in<;ton Street, which, with yie.it uiLinirnily, conferred the honor of a nomination, which w,is r.itilied hy a iriiimphanl election. In 1S85 he entered the Common Council and was made chair- man of the finance committee, the now popular I'niled States Senator James Smith, Jr.. Iieinj; a niendier. He remained in ihc council for four years, and when he retired in 1SK7, there- from, in reco^jnilion of his ability as a hnancier. the then Mayor, now rostin.iMer Josiph I". Ilajnes. presented his name III (lie Common Council for ihe high ollice of Comptroller of the City of Newark. ,ind though he was a staunch Democrat, lli^ i .IS a soldier and his aliilily as a linancier. secured Ins iiin. Id 1S65 Ml. Cleveland appointed him Collec- tor o( Cusioins of the I'urt of Newark .and then sent him .dirii.'iil. u;li i:1-1\vi;k.\ conhjress and run.'^i't.ri' .sikkkis. E.\-SI11'.K1F1 intents an '■). JACOB HAUSSLING. if Kssex Counly. Jacob Haussling. is to and purposes, a man of a truly marvelous character. He is what might be termed a friend maker, and in that particular has few. if any, eipials in the county of Es.-.- Three years ago he was taken up by his party and triuinphair elected sheriff, an oflice as important in all particulars as an\ the county. Jacob Haussling is a Democrat of the very Staum est kind and politically, personally or in a business way spe.. ing. his friends always know just where to find him. It was for this reason, then, the Democratic party was in in full oper.ition, and results .ilready accruing the greatest good to the great- est number. The P.o.ird of Trade has been in existence since 1S69, having been incorporated March 10, of ih.it year. r.. make use of the kuwaki. i'. mcdonalh, (deckaseo). BssBx couxrr, n. j., illustrated. 135 language of tlieir own: "The object of the association is the promotion of trade, the giving of proper direction and impetus to all commercial movements, the encouragement of intercourse lietween business men, the improvement of facilities for trans- portation, the correction of abuses, the diffusion of information concerning the trades, manufactures and other interests of the city of Newark, the co-operation of this with similar societies in other cities and the development and promotion of the com- mercial and other interests." The association has been called upon to mourn the loss of several of its presiding officers, all of whom have been men of large business faculties and engage- ments, and have been called away at times when they couid not well be spared. At the time we write, the emblems of sorrow over the loss of President I' re are draped on the chair he occupied, and the tears of sorrow over the loss of President Samuel Atwater are, scarce yet dry ; a man beloved by all. The officers of the Board of Trade are as follows, viz.; Presi- dent, vacant ; Vice-Presidents, James A. Coe, Cyrus Peck and James A. Higbie; Treasuier. James E.Fleming; Secretary, P. T. Ouinn. R, WAYNE PARKER Co.XGRESSMAN R. Wayne I'arker. representing the New- ark District in the Congress of the United States, is a man whom the people delight to honor and one whom they have called from his briefs, being by profession a lawyer, and in the footsteps of his illustrious father, Cortland Parker, Esq.. who stands at the head of the bar, not oidy of the courts of Esse.v County but of the State as well ; a man who has grown great in the walks of professional and private life. R. Wa_\ ne Parker has steadily grown in po|)ulariiy and in the respect of the citizens of Essex. From time to lime he laid aside his Jirofessional work to represent his assembly district in the State Legislature, until he was selected for the high honor of being the successor of the author of Ben Bolt, in Congress of the United States. Mr. Parker is an Essex County man to the core and is now representing in Congress the city in which he was born and reared, and if more were required in proof of the esteem in which he is held, we have only to refer to the the m.ijoritv he recevied at his late re-election. ALLKN L H.\SSKTr, (DECEASED). SEIH nOVDEN MONUMENT IN WASHINGTON I'AKK. COL. JAMES E. FLEMING. WHETHER you take Col. James E. Fleming and think of him as the Treasurer of the Board of Trade, or as the head of the immense coal business which has grown up under his personal care, or as the organizer and commander of the Essex Troop of dashing cavalry, is seen the man and official to whom, when a trust of any character was imposed, was never known to lack one in its fulfilment to the letter. For several years Col. Fleming has handled the funds of the Board of Trade as its Treasurer, and from the time of his tirst election to the respon- sible position his re-election has been found a work of entire unanimitv. Col. f'leming is in the prime of life anil in his record as a . business man. as a citizen and as a gentleman, always courteous and painstaking, his reputation stands as high as the highest, unquestioned and imchallenged. ALLEN L. BASSETT. WHICN Colonel Allen L. r.assett died, New- Jersey lost one of her most gallant children and a son of whom every one thai knew him 'tw'as but to lo\e him, • ind few men indeed have died of late years whose loss h a s been more sincerely mourned than his. For several years Col. liSassett presided over the delibera- tions of the Board of Trade, and no institution ever had wii.lia.m a. ukk, (deceased j /.?« 1£SSE.\ COrXTY. X. /.. ILLUSTRATED ., iiiil MHO v.: 1 lion III ii( Tiailc had in Col. r,a<.scli. I C make use nt an oUI ami Irilc s.i\ inj,'. Il \vas"llii- appli- of ilu- (."oloiii-rs cvr." Ill his hands llic work of llu- .1, 'Vt-r known lo languish, ant! diir- ]• ^\\\ of time ntvtr was so much for ici-oni|ilishcil. than uhilc Col. ISassi-l! !in. \Vc art- fain Id IhIu-vc had Col. i;,isscr ]iroii-rt which had for its ciilinin- lirsl-cl.iss hold for the III) conSLiiniiiati'd. aiul I. .; i;..!u>uial city is sprcadini; out i\: lions like the ribs of a j^'ieal fan. th.il one \\hicli should point with unerring linger toward the hotel springing heavenward as if by the loucli of magic, has not yet started in the race. Far be it from us to detract one iota from the honesty of purpose, lour.ige or dash of a single gcntlrman who has been honored with the leader- ship of the Hoard of Trade, but when we are witnessing the upbuilding of such marvellous archi- tectural works as the I'rudeiilial anil new Tost Ortice on Kroad Street and the beautiful brown- stone editices on Market Street, we cannot well .ivoid stirring up our recoUeclions of men like Col. Basselt. who e\er hail a shoulder to the wheel of progress and iii.idc their magnetic inlluim e fill. WILLIAM A. URE WII|;N Willi.un \. Ure died a strong tower fell, but he had grown to that tower by his own unassisted efforts. .Modest, uii.issuming and unagressive as he was, vet he grew on .iiul on from very moilesl beginnings until when stricken with thai disease which called him from his life work ere he had yet past the prime of life ,'ind when he stood at the head, not alone of a great ncwsp.iper, but also .it the head of the representative business institution of the great industrial city of his home, and the twice elected |>resident of the Newark Hoard of Trade. It is no fulsome eulogy we wish to write and place on record amid the pages of this book, but to give voice in befitting words to a tribute of the worth of one who was an eminentlv self-m.ule KESIDl NCE OF WII.LIA.M .\. UUE. man and justly earned all that may be said of him, by ;i short, bu.sy and successful career, a worthy exemplar of the great fact which will pass along down the line of his life-work, so plainly defined as to leave its impress evcryw here he moved ; in the language of the poet who truthfully wrote: Honor and lame are gained not by surprise. He ili.Ti would win nuisl labor for the prize. 1 ^ lloAKD of- fK.Mil, of any other class than the poets that they were born to this or that, it can as well be said that he was a born newspa])er man, and that he carefully petted and abundantly nurtured his ideal, we have only to survey the marvellous result in the culmination of liis first and last great work, the Newark Siiitday Call, which will ever stand a monument to his life-work and be a continu;ill\ speaking memorial of how he wrought to fill, the weakling ihc paper was when it came into his hands, with that vitality which he felt assured would give it renewed life, and each Sundnv output would go among the people a living oracle. As week after week, month after month, and year after year, the Gf/. w-i i forth, himself .ind .associate James W. Schock could whisper to each other, "it is done, the \iclorv"s ours." As will be readily seen by the interest he look In the growth and prosperity of the city in which he ii\ed and the steady growth he made from iht- lowest to the highest lop round of the ladder of the Hoard of Trade. Mr. I're did not 1 onriii,- I, IS work to .self. No sooner lie ('<(// been placed on a .solid .mil where he could see suc- ' ess ahead, .i tendency to assist "ihirs and help on the good works .;oiiig on .iround him was given loll nigii. When Mr. Ure died Newark lo,i ,in upright cili/en. his w ife a loving husband .ind his child- ren .1 doiiiv f ilher ^ col. J. u. h,i;miN'-;. IKt.Va. UUARD OF rK.\ui. \ NEWARK CITY GOVERNMENT. HILE the greater part of Essex County is. indeed city -but few acres of her soil being yet given over to the plough and the harrow, the shovel and the hoe vet it is well to mark the divis- ion and toucli the history in brief of the great industrial city of the west- ern world which has been built upon a large section of her territory, under the name, style and title of Newark, New Jersev. Not unlike many of our great western cities. Newark has had a truly phenominal growth and a pros- perity of her own quite unexampled. No city in this country, with perhaps the exception of New York, Chicago and San Francisco, with one or two otherof the mighty number of beautiful and thriving cities aruong those which have multiplied with startling rapidity; and all within the four short centuries of time since Columbus planted the Hags of Ferdinand and Isabella, the then king and queen of Spain, on that little isle of the Bahama group, made famous by the horde of /£■//«« which the great navigator found in peaceful and undis- turbed possession when he landed his jaded and half mutinous crew — when consideringall its re.ictions.has had such amarvellousgrowth and career as this Newark, city of teeming industries and the capital city of Essex, of whose beauties we love to bear record, and of the grandeur of which we delight to write. Hut little more than two hundred years have cycled by since the little band gathered round the leaders' charming daughter and bestowed upon ler the honor of christening the new town on the Passaic, Newark. From Connecti- cut, the little com- pany came armed JAMES M. SEYMOUR. MAYOR. ^^'"'^ ^ heroic de- NEWARK CITY HAl.L. votion to the religion they loved, and a sacrificial fer\ or which would brook no restraint when the worship of their Heavenly Father, and the adoration of his Son was the true religious work being done. As all new cities, boroughs and towns must needs have a government, the new city of Newark must on no account be, or become an exception ; nor was it. If ever church and state came together and at white heat, the government of Newark was a bright particular example of such a coalescing. The men and women who came were made of the right kind of stuff, and as the town grew the government stood ready harnessed to take up the pace, and fur C|uite forty years it was an open, easy race with the church in tlie lead and the Slate close up. Some of the early writers of Newark history set the governmeni down as "essentially religious," and left it at that; others said it was a combination of the " Theocracy of the Jews " and a " Democratic town meeting " of New Eng- l.uid. One fac is ever at the front in all the govermental affairs, and that was, that everybody turned out and took a hand in the |)rimary work of government forming. But there was still another, and that the all-potent, viz. : None but the saints were permitted to take part, hold office or vote. The written law read, " none shall be admitted freemen but such planters as are members of some or other of the Congregational churches." "nor shall any but such be chosen to the magistracy." "nor ms ESSEX corxrv. x. j., illistrated. shall any but Mu h iliurch mem- bers have any \oii' in any rlcft- ion." "Here." says ihc wriur, ■• was the niosl complete union - - IIU6' ■ 1851 ■ fJEWAR.K wH^ "OUAcij.PO""' • IBM-' ^ ^3 ■-OSES oiO-O"^ . - iW I ESSEX COUNTY, N. J., ILLUSTRATED. 141 MAYORS OF NEWARK. ''OPEAK of men as you find them" is a good old adage, vJ and gives opportunity when wiiting of such as have been brought before the public, as having been the occupant of some public position, and so it is with those who have been called to the mayoralty of the industrial city of Newark, now, at this writing (1897) number just a full score and one more. In carrying out the old adage in speaking of these men, whose photos appear on the opposite page of this work, as we have found them, we will be pardoned for giving expression to the regret which haunts our mind and has an almost paralysing in- fluence over the pen, for that the lack of space to give ever so brief a mention of each one of the men whose executive ability as exercised through the mayorship of the capital city, of Essex County, has had so much to do toward its weal or woe. As we glance over the page from which these men speak to us, as if they were all living and in our presence, our regrets grow apace that full justice cannot be done nor free rein given The third on the list was General Miller, a man honored and respected by all. The fourth in the mayoralty succession was Oliver H. Halstead. a scholarly gentleman who was afterward honored with an appointment as Chancellor of the State of New Jersey. It was in the stirring political times of 1S40. He served one term. The fifth was William Wright, who became Mayor of New- ark in 1 841. He served three yeais. He was afterward made Governor, and then honored with an elevation to the Senate of the United States. The sixth Mayor of Newark was Stephen Dodd who was elected in 1844. and served one year. His birth place was Mendham, Morris County, March 7, 1770. Mayor Dodd lived to the ripe old age of 85, and passed away March 25. rgjj. Next came Col. Isaac Baldwin as the seventh mayor. He was elected in 1845, and served a single term. He died in 1853. Beach \'anderpool came next, the eighth in the line of Newark's mayors. He was born in Newark, in 180S, and was made Mayor of liis mtive city in 1846. and died in OFFICERS OF THE THIRD I'RECINCT. to our desires, to let the pen run so that this beautiful souvenir may in all things be just as we would like it. It is now nearly three quarters of a century since Newark became an incorpor- ated city and elected her first mayor m the person of Hon. William Halsey, w-ho so far as we have been able to gather data relating to him. made an acceptable mayor. Mr. Halsey belonged to the Short Hills and Springfield branch of the family, all of whom had made honorable records and. some stood by Pastor Caldwell's side when he gave the British "Watts." The Second mayor was Theodore Frelinghuysen, a name honored and revered ever\'where, and in " speaking of him as we find him," we have only to say everybody loved and re- spected him. This great and good man w-ill be best remem- bered as the Whig candidate for Vice-President of the United States on the ticket with Henry Clay, " Gallant Harry of the west." I S84, sincerely mourned bv all who knew him. Such was the character of his genius on all those surrounding him, and what- ever he came in contract with felt his influence. The name of Ouinby is synonymous with the carriage man- ufacturing industry in the city of Newark. This arises from the fact that Isaac M. Ouinby, who was the ninth in the Mayoralty succession, was a representative of this industry, which, for many years, took the lead in Newark's manufacturing interests. Mr. Ouinby was a native of Orange, served three terms as Mayor of the city of Newark, and crossed the dark river in 1874, mourned by all who knew him. .^mong the Mayors of Newark, it will take but the glance of the reader to select the tenth in number from among the men whose phothos grace the page, as one who went out and in among the people, Horace J. Poinier, beloved and honored by all. In 1857 Mr. Poinier was elected Mayor and served three terms. nt: ESSEX CnrXTY. y.J.. TLLFSTRATED. 1 Va upon the affcc- li. itli in the line of M \rw.irk. tlie Iliin. ^: ; :in. of :, never ore [nipular Mayor, nor one who was more ■ ■ ..i^ J. csu-enieil for his many noble (|ualities of hearl and hand. Moses I5it;elow was a pioneer in ill ', , anil amassed a i., t liabits and his tl ion lo DusMiess. I'or seven years lie w, ity's inleresis from the chair of the ni 1 when he died, in 1877. very few wer. •:■< iii'ire sinierelv mourned. The old liusi- ncss whiih hi- rsialilished is now comlucied by his Si ■ iiw. and his son-in law. Ex- |u . I .iijelow, the well-known and suc- cessful attorney and counsellor at law, is also a son of the Mayor. The next or twelfth in the line of succession to the mayoralty was the late lamented Atiibassailor 10 Germany. .Major General Theodore Kunyon. The General, as he was always f.imiliarly called. w.is elected Mayor in 1S74 and served for two years. He then accepted the hi>;h office of the Chancellorship, which he held for fourteen years. During the civil war he conuiianded the First New Jersey Brigade, and at he battle of the first Bull Run commanded a division. On re- tirinj; from the ollice of Chancellor he was appointed by Pres- ident Cleveland as Minister to Ormany. the mission which was raised in his honor lo .Ambassador. Soon after this new honor had been bestowed, the General while at church in lierlin was stricken with a|)oplexy, and died soon after reaching his home. The trunk and bag industry of the city of Newark had in Thomas B. I'eddie. the thirteenth Mayor, one of the earliest and firmest supporters and promoters. The First Baptist Church, now the I'eddie Memorial, was thus named in honor of Mayor SI^CON'D POI.ICE I'KliCIN'CI I:', II MM COR. SUMMKR AND SEVENTH AVENUKS. I'eddie. who. when he died in 1885. left the church a handsome Mr--i".-.i.K. bequest. He al.so during his life dealt so liberally with the Baptist school at Hightstown that it was called in his honor the I'eddie Institute. The man who is yet going out and in among us, laden with years and honors and yet bearing fruit, was elected Mayor in 1869, and as God raised up Washington and Lincoln each for his speaial purpose, so. too, was Frederick W. Ricord raised up for the mayoralty, at a time when then the rashness and want of foresight in others required his scrutinizing gaze, his master hand at the helm, to save from utter financial ruin by wielding the pen to veto the great Broad street wood-paving ordinance. So, too, indeed, had Mayor Ricord been raised up, that New- ark did herself a lasting honor when she took up the man and made him Mayor who had the courage and manliness to do the right thing at the right time. The innate goodness of heart of Frederick \V. Ricord was con- stantly cropping out when in the prime of life, while the argus eye of the people concentr.ites its gaze to reach it ; and thus it was they called him from his pen to the School Commissionership.to the Mayoralty, to the Lay Judgeship, to the .Shriev- alty, to the Librarianship of the Historical .Society, where he yet remains, while new honors wait upon his pen. In 1873 Xehemiah I'er- ly, a leading clothin;.; inerc-hant. carried his ban- ner of success to the Mayoralty chair of the ■ ily of Newark and wa'^ numbered the fifteenth of ihc line. Mr. I'erry. who ;iflerwariis represented his district in the lower house of Congress, and ■ IS he was himself inter- isted in the inanufaciur- ing interests of Newark. JAMI.S K. S.MIIH, I'OI.IUI. I.U.MMISSlUNbK. ESSEX COUNTY, N. J., ILLUSTRATED. OFFICERS FIRST PRECINt 1 — 11 KA I m iL AK TERS. he proved of great service. Mr. Perry served but one term as Mayor. The sixteenth Mayor of Newark was Henry J. Yates, a mem- ber of the hatting firm of Yates & Wharton, and a gentleman wlio was deeply interested in the welfare of the manufacturing interests and of tlie people engaged in hatting and, indeed, in all the lines of her manufacturing industries. He served two full terms as Mayor. William H. F. Fiedler was made Mayor in 1879 and served one term, the seventeenth in the line of succession. He had represented Essex County in the Congress of the United States and his district in the Legislature of New Jersey. Mayor Fied- ler was president of the United States Credit System Company, and was Postmaster of Newark for the term of four years. Mr. Fiedler is now engaged in the merchant tailoring business. "Billy" Fiedler, as his friends (and he has hosts of them) seem hi;ni;v w . iujpi-i.k, ciiitK of the Thirteenth Ward Public School-house, and refused to move on until the magnet which so influ- enced it came forth, the nineteenth in the line of succession of Mayors, in the person of Joseph E. Haynes, the principal, and for ten long years tills representative schoolmaster continued to perform the duties of Mavor. When this faithful school representative and popular official had ceased to be Mayor, the Presi- dent of the United States made him Postmaster. While Newark had long held the lead as a jewelry manufacturing centre, not a single representative of this industry had found his way to the Mayor's chair, until the time when the twentieth in the line of succession was found in the person of Julius Lebkeucher, of the jewelry firm of Krementz & Co,, and he privileged to call him, is of German tlescent, and in his political career none were truer to his standard than they of the Father- land, and amongof these he found his heaviest rocks of denfense, and Judge Gottfried Krueger always led the van. The only representative of the great leather manufacturing interests Newark ever had in the Mayoralty came in the per- son of Henry Lang, the eighteenth of the line of Mayors. Public life was ever distasteful to Henry Lang, and his Scotch home tastes and idealties proved more to his liking than the excitement of political affairs, and at the close of his term he refused a renomination by his party. Mayor Lang had served as Alderman for several years most acceptably, and the writer has reason to know that right for him was always on the lead. That the educational class had been given the go-by in the selection of Mayorlty candidates never became so evidently manifest as in 1883, when the political needle stopped in front r % EDWAKD H. UFl'EK r, POLICE COMMI.S.SIONER. 7/.S i::>sHX coi'xrv, x. j., iija'strated. V. He. TIr- c.ilcM<( ^iltii'L- aiul til' , :;li llif ailiiiinislraliiin of the (liitirs of till- Chief ICxcciilivc (if ihi' city of Nru.itk |ii.>viii;; irk- siinic, at the cx|iir.iti<>n of his icnii of ollui- Mnyur I.i hkucchcr retired. ' i\ with sii|K'rior articles have \)' of the chiefs, as we ask the prn ilejje o! so (ienoiiiinaiin^; the short Irihiiles to the Mayors of Newark. .tiuI thesi- \\' lii^i haviii},' lietn relished and enjoyed, we will now hriiii, ^scrt and conclude with James .M. S< , twcni\-:i:-i iif I iie .Mayoralty line. .As the tribute pi : could he liettcr served when his work as Mayor ■>! . we C.U1 at this lime only rehearse .i few of II ■ ~;ory and life which have led up to his entry upon ihe iluiics of the .Mayor's olVice.and with this we may now say they were indeed well done if continued and finished as well as they are heijun. That we have w.irrant of this in his excellent zen's (|uiel, or always on lime caught with his clul) thedcscend- tnji stroke aiined at body, head or limb, intent on breaking or bruising, yet 'twas not until th.e commission was establisluM did the '• force." as it is termed, reach that splendid state of perfection in discipline existing lo-day. While the men are no better, and, perhaps, some not so good as the old "lads." among whom there was occasionally rough and ready box^, who grasped their club with firm hand and were off .is if on the wings of wind, when the signal "tap" of some conirade came to their ear calling relief from threatened danger and need of help in ihe moment of peril, perhaps to break the death grapple of a comrade with some midnight marauder on villain- ous purpose bent, were ever true and steady. To realize the fact that the police force of tlie city of Newark is as near the ideal as it is quite possible to be brought, the interested (and who is not) have only to run their eye over the records and catch what the grand truth tells, recorded on the pages where pho- I'llKTII I'.II.ICK I'KIl INLT, Sl'kl M;n E j, 1 1 AMl nirKKNTM AVEN'UES. lie Prison and the satisf.actory exhibit ■ler of the Water IJoard. and the evei- w.iich(ul care he has exorcis.-d .,s a M,,nager of the .Slate Hoard of Kduclion. .dl these, and his lalenls.is a mechanical engineer and his .successful business c.,r.rr. show pretty conclusively ilty career, so auspiciously iirsl year. And now, when "'^ ' "• "III he little hope indeed for the ^'"■" "' ■" "1 ihc luits ;ind cigars. POLICE OF NEWARK. 'Illl I \Y'';', ' ■ lusalw.-ush.td '!"! in such de- ..II every j.res. .^,„| understand 1 •■ ■"•^" 'f'"''- 'I'fi '."..;i.' .. .1111.1, or f.-arlesslv dashe,l ..n where rjeslroyrrs of pr.„ ,• ;„„| ,|„ ,.,,, ,,( ,,,p , |,|_ tographs are kept of each man's "duly steps " as he circles his beat in pursuance thereof. Show us the citizen who, when he lies down to his rest and peaceful slumbers, and who does not feel that the argus eyeof the faithful policeman does not guard him well, or fails in his duty, we will show you one who is not worthy of the self-sacrifice that is made by the devoted police- man for his sake. The Board of Police Commissioners is a non- partisan body, and therefore it is that the political dark that used to be peeking between the rails of the old fence has been hustled away, and a "a man's a man for 'a that " has taken the place on the force. The Commissioners are five in number and hold office for the term of five years. At this writing the body is made up of Lyman li. Kane, president; Moses Bigelow-, James R. .Smith, i:dward Uffert. Police headquarters are at No. 13 William street, at rear of City Hall, Joseph M. Cox is secretary; Police Surgeon, Dr. J. Henry Clark ; Chief of Police. Henry Hopper. Wilbur A. Motl. Esq.. is Judge of the ImisI ESSEX COUNTY, N. J., ILLUSTRATED. 140 Precinct Court, 1 1 Willinm street. Judge Mott also presides in Part II.. Sum- mer and Seventh avenues. Fourth Criminal Court, Part II., 134 Van Burcn street, Judge Augustus F. Eggers. Judge Eggers also looks after the inter- ests of Part I. of the same Fourth Precinct Court corner of Springfield a\e- nue and Fifteenth street. Elmer Freeland is Clerk of the First Precinct Court .uid of the .Second I'.irt, and Thomas Pearson, Esq., is Clerk of the Sec- ond Precinct Court, also of its Second Part. There are on the regular force eight Detectives, Benja- min R. Stainsbv, William Carroll, John F. Cosgrove, Peter I.Christie, Richard Lewis, Julius Jaegers, August Jackes, Joseph Wrightson ; Truant Officer, Albert J. Haynes. There are four Captains, one of each Precinct and Sub-Precinct or Second Part, viz.. Captain William Daly, i 24 Congress street ; Captain Michael Corbett, 84 Park street; Captain Andrew J. Al'r. \VM. r. IIAI.V, TlilKD I'KICCINCT. C.M'r. .\NDKKW J. .M M.\NL'S, HKST I'KLCINCr. McManus, 85 Clifton avenue; Captain John H. Ubhaus 89 Springfield avenue. There are also twehe Lieutenants of Police, three for each Precinct and its sub. At the First Pre- cinct, Ernest A. .Astley, Peter Walker. Thomas Tracey ; Second Precinct, Freeman A, Edwards, Henry Lewis, John H. Adams ; Third Precinct, John W. Prout. Michael Barrett. Alfred C. Dowliiig; Fourth Precinct, Charles Klein, Henry Vahle, Jacob Wambokl. To the First Precinct there are three Roundsmen detailed, and one lioundsman only for each of the remaining three l^recincts. The entire force consists of 265 patrolmen, U) each of whom is allotted a certain route, made up of streets, alleys, etc., which, in the parlance usual to the force, are called "beats," but for what particular reason they are possessed of of or about the Police Depart- ment in its proper category, the police force of the city of New- ark has few equals and no supe- riors. Bring on data, and if comparisons don't prove a trille odious to the opposition, we h.ive made a mistake of which we shall ever feel proud. A person has only to run over the police records with even a moderate degree of care to see with what faithfulness every man has perfoimed his duties, as all over its pages stand recorded acts of personal cour- age, heroic effort and unselfish devotion which have won f(u the actors encomiums in the successful drama of a successful capture, of which any man can feel proud. The burglar and the prowling villian have learned cAiT. MiciiAKL coKisETT, SECOND PKi-.ciNCT. to drcad the ulglit " squad." that peculiar cognomen, or the wherefore of their being so named, we are unable to tell. But now, since the question has been laised, and we are entirely satisfied that it will be no breach of confidence to divulge the fact which tells the reason why they are not so named, viz., because no one ever had the least reason for telling it, and because they had never known a policeman to beat the city out of a single moment of time or an inch of his prescribed route. The name could not by any stretch of thought or peculiarity of language be taken from the old saying, viz., "beating about the bush." Whatsoever, wheresoever or howsoever it may have, the name is here, and, from present appearances, "has come to stay," that is, we should say so, if it is here indeed worth saying anything about, S|)ace permitting, we should have more to say, but the very best thing to say is to say it and have done with it, and before you have paralyzed the language, liut ere such a catastrophe should befall us, it is our desire to say in as few words as possi- ble that, taking all in all, and placing every man and all things CAPTAIN J. H. UHHAUS, FOUKTU I'KECINCT. ir,t> /rss/r.v cocxTY, n. j., illustrated. NEWARK BOARD OF HEALTH. Ni) |iiililiL hixlv m llic jjrc.il miluslrial cily of Niu.irk is of ..Tiiiilir imporl lo its ptoplr ih.in what is lerinccl llu- l; ly luiM in llii-ir li.iiids in a large ,-x ^^. the lift- aiul (katli. the brevity or longevity of the luim.iii lainily iloiiiii ilr f I I « • • • V f r « I • r' • i III 11' p .1 II «i (I V««\ii I }..!• I II .1 -I >> >\ »^ "^i-'ll r^ ■ M n irif r n « n n :ssss H n ■ • N ». n ■ ■ B rill, NKW cirv iinsrirAt, on t airmoi'n r .\vi:\uf. m.iii, e\-Al.lerm.in A. II. Johnson and Moses .Straus. The H.Mlil)V)fri. Cilv 1 lo^pital, and that this i)eautiful charily of the cily is in romp. lent and faithful hands none who know them will h.ivc the least desire to (|ueslion or will attempt to deny. The ronimiltee having the hospital under their direct care con- sists of the following named memli.rs; Dr. C. M. Zeh, chair- "' ' '.John A. Iiirm.in, .\. II. Johnson and ^^ Dr. II. C. II. Ilerold. ,\s thr Illy IS engaged in the truly lauilal.le enterprise of l.inldini' . r,, .v l,osp|i,T| building and filling a want long fell, '''I*- foi. lis hantis pretty full in looking ,ifler the de- '•i''-' "' " 'Ml. lion. There is no| the shadow of a douhl but this bmldini; wh.n ro.i,p|..t,.,| w||| take r.ink with the verv b< ' "iiMisyn.iry msliluiions of ihe Health Hoard, is population fast approaching the three hundred thousand niaik, was settled by a sturdy band of farmer patriots who little dreamed as they felled the giant trees with which the ground was encumbered, or whistled or sang their pioneer songs as they followed the plough over the cleared acres, or swung the scythe through the low meadow grasses, that the whirr of thou- sands of steam engines would become the refrains that would be heard by their children. The ideal spot that the pioneer hand h.ad found upon which to plant their homes and " provide for their outward wants and gain a comfortable sul)sistence and with an unchallenged right to seek their soul's welfare," had another destiny just out of view, of which they little knew. As in a previous chapter we have said all that need be said of the city's growth and progress, we can have but lillle to do with its flistanl past. As naturally as the crystal waters from the bubbling springs on the mountain lops turn toward the great oceans and seek through Ihe rills, brooks and rivers a home in their mighty bosoms, so do our thoughts turn to Ihe government and gov- DK. H. C. H HEKOI.II, I'UESlDtN T HOARD OF lll-.Al.l }l. Newark, which has earned the title of the Birmingham of America, every eye may turn with pride, and the retleclion of her greatness will he an all-sufficient proof that her government and governmental policy liad very much to do in caressing the forces which had elevated her to the ])roud position she occu- pies to-day, and have given birth to the promise of a great and jirosperous future. Strange as it may seem, when the city of Newark was first laid out it was without the most distant hope or thought even that she would ever become the mighty industrial centre that she has grown to be, the great manufacturing city of the .'\mer- ESSEX COUNTY, N. J., ILLUSTRATED ernniental policy of the cap- ital city of the county, whose history has so e n v i r o n e d them that they have become of undying interest to the writer, and as the facts arise like inspirations as we ap- pro.ich them, it becomes a ])leasure indeed to write them, instead of a labor. In an- other chapter the character of the earlier history of the great industrial city having found reeord, this chainer will only de.il with its gov- ernment, as connected with growth and prosperity in the earlier part, of its marvelous work in the present, and its bright promises as they lend a halo of grandeur for its future. Every J ersey man takes an honest pride in the chief city of the laurel- wreated little Stale of the grand confederacy of .States which make up the I'nion, "One and inseparable." To ican realm. 151 JAMI.s A I I K.NiAN, MI.MHKK oh llKAl.lll liOAKL). DK. WM. S. DISBKOW, .MK.MBF.k OF HEALTH EOAKD. Farming in the rich soils which the down-reaching spade brought up or charmed the fancy of the ploughman as it quit the side plough, handled by stalwarts and glistened in the beautifully turned furrow, was the ideal occupation of the first settlers inspirations. To speak well of tho.se who deserve well is ever a delight to the well wisher of mankind, and thus as we sjjeak of the ])eople of Newark, the masses of whom rank with the skilled labor classes, as an easily governed community, it requires no stretch of imagination when we say that tlie city is " well and cheaply governed." Thus it is that her credit is A No. i, in the money marts of our own country as well as those away over the ocean. No speckled beauty of the mountain stream ever dashes from his rocky court with more eager spring for the dainty morsel w'hich comes siding near on the water swirl all intent for the mornings's meal, than does the creditor classes who watch lor her outcoming bonds, grappling one with another in wordy strifes, as to which shall capture the all alluring prize, yielding only when, perhaps by .igreement to equally divide, they may clip the coupons and feast upon the gain of the very best securities of the market. We hazard little or nothing in making the assertion that the people Newark, taken as a whole are as ,;\\ abiding and thrifty as can be found quartered in any other city on the face of the globe, and we know that none can be found anywhere under the canopy of Heaven wdro pay their taxes and improvement assess- ments with more ecjual readiness, a signiticant proof of the latter is seen in their haste to deposit the amount of their ta.xeswhen the season of pay- ur. c. .m. zkh, .membek of heai-iu boaku. ir,2 I)K. J II. ( l.AKK, l'l>l.ll>; SURUEON. rssEX corxTY, x. /.. illustrated. ment is at hand. Having dealt with tlic i|iiestion of the growth and prospt-rity of the city, it.s low- tax i^te on a modest valuation, in another place, it is not necessary that we should repeat, even to the extent of a simple rehearsal of the charming facts which are so abundantly satisfying to the people. IJoth great political parlies always have vied with each other in plac- ing officials in charge and both having presented a fairly clean sheet for inspection, there has been found little opportunity, for those. ■ • V there be, who stand ready to ■ the opposition over any short comings which unfortunately there might be. This beautiful stale of affairs of which every Xewarker should feel an abundant pride, has its root and foundation in the facts of the general thrift, brought about by atiiple opportiinilies for skilled M LHr.sNh^ . I UK OKA.\lii> I'Ul.lCK. niech.uiics and laborers to apply iheir callings. 10 lind a demand at remunerative wages in their c.dling. The very first act of incorporation was under the title of the Mayoi and Common Ciiuncil iif the city of Newark, and it has thus remained ever since, through all the mutations and changes which time with great adroitness seldom fails to present. The Mayor and chief executive oflicer of the city is elected by the peiiplc at the election held in the month of April, and holds ottice for a term of two years, and is eligible to re-election so long as the people of his party shall believe in him. for il may .as well be understood just here that party politics enter largely into the ([ueslions of his election and retention. During the decade ending 1S94 Hon. Joseph E. Haynes occu- pied the position v-^f M.iyor. The Mayoralty chair was then occupied by a young jewelery manufacturer of German birlh — Julius I.iebkuechcr— who had defeated the opposition nominee, but who in turn was vantpiishcd by the same man whom he h.id beaten before. Hon. James M. Seymour, the present occu- .MlJl. H.MAS J. tc UNl.LK. pant of the ofiice, a leading m.inufacturer who had been honorei' with an appointment as I'rison Inspector and had been a faith- ful representative of the city on the Water Board, was elected to the Mayoralty at the city election of the spring of 1896. The deep interest which Mr. .Seymour had taken in educational affairs had led to his appointment by Governor Werts to a seat in the State Hoard of Kducatioii. and by Covernor .-Vbbott as a Trustee of the St.ile institulion for ihe care and education of the deaf and dumb. The fact that James M. Seymour had always taken a deep interest in the cause of labor and was a firm promoter of the I ights of laboring men. gained for him the lasting friendship of those who " work to live." He long had and still retains a warm place in the affections of those who live by the " sweat of their face." and il was this warm affection of labor which no doubt, to a large extent, turned the balance in his favor and helped to place him in the mayoralty, in which he is acquitting himself with honor to himself and credit to the city, and little doubt exists of his triumph.int re-election in the spring. As the Mayor is allowed by law a private secretary. His Honor has called to his side young Matthew Ely, a journalist, who is doing right royal good service and manfully helping to hold up the Mayor's hands. In the performance of his duty he has given abundant proof of his ability to fill the post most acceptably, and his acts, speaking for themselves. show him to be a worthy successor to the venerable ex-Congressman, Hon. Thomas Dunn F.nglish. the author of " IJen ISolt." who tilled the position under the adminis- iration of Mayor Fiedler. There is every prospect that Mayor .Seymour will continue as he has beg.m to discharge the duties of his office with- out fear or favor from any cpiarler. for the best interest of the citizens whose confi- deni e he hjis ever retained, and whose verdict is supreme. It is a well demonstrated fact that the man in position who tries to please every- body., in the end (|uite often fails, iheri-fore every citizen in ;iulhoritv should aim for the greatest good to all. i;.\.ta.\ klckukk a, juum.n clakk. ESSEX COUNTY, N. J., ILLUSTRATED. 153 FRANKLIN' MAKX. PRESIDENT EXCISE BOARD tltpths. This all gloom of the primeval forest where the wild animals anil little less wild Indians roamed, feeding the fish in the cool depths of the lake of the mountain, while in the pools of their gathering the wild animals and the Indian together might bathe. But as the ages went on and the soul of God's best creation, went on in its developings, the husbanding of the fount of the Almighty's grand resources found stored away in earth's recesses all divined for man's purposes, and to satisfy his needs, began to occu|)y humanity's attention. Now began the husbanding of God's treasures and the founts of the depth, in the fastness, where was garnered pure water and was no longer permitted to caper and play the hours away and seek rest and retirement where the porpoise sluggishly rolls and the wonderful Leviathan, un- molested, plays. Little thought had the millions of the needs of their future, when, as a warning, as it were, came the scarcity " now and then " of that abundance of water provided bv the Almighty for man's necessities, but which had been permitted to slip unmolested away. PEQUANNOCK WATER. UI' from the granite beds of iron bound Sussex rush the pure waters from the fast flowing rivers established in earth's throbbing bosom. lo join hands with the streams from rock ribbed channels of Warren, and liy the outlets of ten thousand living springs scattered all over their broad acres and along their mountain and hill sides to join in holy wedlock their ^weet waters wherever they ran. n their errands of mercy to man and -inging the songs in such bewitching trains as to entrance, while they MSsed under the title of Pei|uannock I' Passaic. For ages unnamed and ages untold ese waters rolled on to old ocean le gormant never yet filled, used it unly to delight the sportive fishes, play- ing '• hide and seek " in its crystal nt on in the JAMES JOHNSTON, E.XCISE COMMISSION R To waste its power and thought In rolling and rollicking Where ibesca foam each day. Was spending it's time in boisterous play, and giving proof, for man's use, of how dangerous it is for the pure and good bad company to keep. When the cry of necessity was first heard, going up from the thousands for a larger and better supply of pure water, whose business or taste, had induced to gather in the dry little nooks, close by where once ran so sprightly, the brook or the rivulet, from whose bosom the wee little trout with specks on his skin so beautiful and bright, leaped through the sunlight in pursuit of his unwary little fly or the barbed steel hook, on his way to the basket hanging by the side of an Isaac Walton scholar and thence lothe frying pan. Scarce two years has run the gauntlet of time since the water supply of Essex County was drawn from the well polluted springs of Branch Brook, alone, where young America in easily was wont to learn to CARL SCHWAKZ, EXCISE COMMISSIONER. constructed pools dive and swim and yet Newark had a population then, close up to. if not beyond, the fifty thousand line. The conduits used to guide the water throughout the city the major part of it was not o'er pure as it had been husbanded from the good old State thoroughfare known as the Mor- ris canal, and had previously done duty in floating the boais heavily laden with coal. .As the years flew bv and the Branch lliook ■' now and agin " went so very nrar. thai the good old wells, faithful assistants, out of pure sympathy, went dry, the people began to think, and as ihe fisherman with his well stocked basket of mountain trout stepped from the Morris and Esse.x Railroad cars, each year as the fishing season vv'ent by. talked much of the Pequannock's purity and other streams hard by. But the heavy weights and home stayers not wont to travel so far, and seeing little entertainment in DR. THOMAS DUNN ENGLISH. /."-/ ESSEX COCXTV. X. J., ILLUSTRATED. ir.mipin^ iiii'iint.iin, lull ami lircok for llic piirposc of cttdi- m^; in an all c lo llu-ir door. Tli' f.icl unci- Srlilfd. il didn'l I 1(111)4 '" f!'^'-' •' "^'^^ "' M""^'"'' '" the Niirih lersrv w.ilcr shfd and \illc reservoir and pump stalion on the hank of ihc i^ood old I'assaic. on whose sweet scentt-d hosoin had lloaled the first settlers of Kssex and innumer- able boat loads of " Rockaway o\slersand Little Neck clams " I told you so, shouted in chorus, ten thousand, more or less, of the people in not ulilizinj; the spring water fron; the mountains and curliint; the race horse spirit of the beautiful Peqiian- nock. their outlet, by building just a few dams for reservoirs and also water storage far from the polluting haunts of man. This was the case ere the first summer, with her season of droughts long drawn out, and the lloods of spring, fall and winter, which bid the mink, beaver and musk rat "get out." Kven the most powerful of the advocates of the plan of drawing a water supply from the Passaic by an inlaking from a point from below the falls and the village of Passaic, but hnding it to be an undisputable fact that Passaic alone could supply pollut- ing material enough. unf puir water dripping from every pore. Mut thereby hangelh ENGINE CiJMP.\N\ NO. 5, ON I'Ko.SlECT S'lREET. a tale. During nil the time that Newark was halting between two opinions and mukiplyiiig fool hardy operations, some wide awake gentlemen, who had fished every brook, whiiiped every stream and trolled every lake where the finny tribe do congie- gatc, put their heads and purses together and organized what is termed the East Jersey Water Company, and it is from this company that the Newark people are being supplied, for all purposes, a full supply of as good and pure water as is to be garnered by any people or company, or dispensed by any water company or individual in the world. For the securing of this spring water from this company, Newark, owing to its dalliance, is compelled to pay handsomely for the same, but its contract with the company is of such a character that the jjlant in fee smiple comes into the hands of the people and the wonderful product of the Pequannock watershed will betheir's forever. Had that good judgment possessed by many men, who foresaw the result of to-day, been ])ermitted to have full swing and fair play early in the nineties even millions, we may say, might have been saved to the treasury. lieltcr late than never is an adage to good jiurpose, when faithfully ap|>lied. Now, if we may judge of what is the transpanancies of to-day, as what may be in store for the futiiie, till re is positively no scintilla of danger that Newark will ever have lo face the horrors of a water f.imine or the danger from any manner or form of pollu- tion to the water her people shall drink. With entire control of the outlets of those vast underground rivers .ind brooks and the thousands of springs bubbling from the hillsides of Morris. Warren and Essex counties, and the keys to unlock them in the hands of the fathers of the great city of the future, which will be built on the soil of ICssex County, will hold along with this ruby of price in a pure water course and her mighty resourse, not alone of marvellous in purity, but of remarkable abundance. ESSEX COUNTY, N. J., ILLUSTRATED. 155 ADAM B(.1SCH, STPr. THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. THAT those among the citi- zens of Newark, who had as it is termed, tied up to the old volunteer fire department, felt the sun of her glory had gone down permanently and her effulgent rays would be seen no more and forever when the change was made from the volunteer to the pay system, is true, few who are well accjuain ted with the circumstances will not attempt to deny. It having been generously acknowledged that I he Newark fire laddies beat the world, there was no shadow of doubt. The leading young meji of the city, who in all things else during their progressive years were tenderly nurtured and cared for, went rough while getting into their garments when the old fire bell struck in the night and their very own machine went rattling over the stones slow until their own sweet voice sallied round the sweetest words that ever fell on i fireman's ears : " Hit er-up b-o-y-s ! I't-er-up !" And then, oh how quick the boys would make the old beauty leap, as the sympathizers with that veritable machine, lent a hand at the rope until the mad rush began and the mighty race was on betw-een two crack engines in order to see which should reach the fire first and get the best of the resultant fight. Many a volunteer, after they figured up, have thought it best to go with the machine into the shop for repairs. Although the machine had its regular number of meinbers to its company it had often double the number of attachees who made the house, or home of the machine, their place of resort, and among these old attachees memory holds in place ready for rehearsal call, lots of larks and innocent fun, whether quiet or rollicking in its nature, there's little odds in the matter. Whatever it might be, the machine was the meat wherever the nut was cracked. Arguments stiong and full of logic on great questions of the day oft times became came the painting of the same. The argument grew warm and it was thought would prove lasting, for one member of the repairs committee thought she ought to be painted blue and another yellow, another a brown would be a heap more lasting, so not agreeing by a vote of two to one, the opinion of the oracle should fix it and be lasting. His reply came somewhat on this wise : " Well, gentlemen, I don't care a d — what color you paint her if it is only K-e-d," and red she was painted. The introduc- tion of the steam fire engine was a revolution in the methods and manners of fighting the fire fiend and it was not without some tears of regret did the hand engine get from the chief E.x-CHiEF WILLIAM H. EKowN. the Order to take up and go JAMES HODGKINSON, FIKE MARSH.AI.L OF ORAN'GI!:. heated and must needs be referred to some one supposed to be more gifted, to settle upon. About the engine house there was generally an oracle to whom all difficult or abstruse problems and questions were referred for settlement or decisive solutions, on all occasions, when not engaged in the mightier concerns and graver affairs of manifestations of his pow'er he was engaged usually in the delectable business of tobacco chewing, smoking the w-eed and in practicing the art of ejaculating small volumes of saliva at some jiarticular mark or spot, whether his practice was designed for some particular meet to see whose oracle could do his part the more complete or whether his ejaculations were for his own and the younger attachees delec- tations, the writer of this was never able to find out, but one thing he did learn was that his decisions on questions referred were irrevocable and as unchangeable as the laws of the Medes and Persians are said to be. Just one in demonstration. Once upon a time when a race was on a few bricks had fallen athwart the machine, with as a resultant, the disturbance of hose and abrasion of a bit of paint. After the repairs then CAPTAIN LOUIS M. PKICE. l.'tl HSSHX COrXTV, X.J., ILLlSr RATED. Ii..i)u- (or"()M Minnie" had come. The Newark Fire Dciiartnient. as now ni.iile up i-cinsists iif Chief Kn^'inei i Robert Kiersleatl, Assistai / Chief William C. Asllev. Sect' l.ir\ Horace H. I'lrowii. Supei inlcnilent Fire Alarm Tele;;ra|> Adam Bosch. There are foiii leen steam lire engines .ind fon lioiik and ladder compaiiii wjili a captain and nine .ind it men eadi. One chemical entjiiic with a captain and five men. making' a total force on January I. iS97.of l8i men. constitute the working; force (all permanent men I, at a s.ilar)' of $750. for the lirst year; $903. for the second year; $950 for the third year and $1,100 for the fourth and all succeeding years. Cap- tains receive $1,200 a ye.ir. The fire engine houses are models of perfection and are furnished with all the latest discovered improvements, paraphernalia and scientific methods in use anywhere in cutting down a fire in its infancy. Gamewell fire alarm boxes are scattered all over the city and each alarm box is so connected that the engines are on their way toward a fire as soon almost as the alarm is given. It IS gratifying indeed for us in being able to say that while other cities may be blessed with departments equally as good, we can say without the least fear of gainsaying, there is no better department in the world than the city of Newark can boast. The Fire Commissioners, who are a non-partisan body, having full charge of fire mailers, consist of the following named gentlemen selected for their fitness for the positions: Henry K. IJaker, Henry C. Kommell, Hugo Menzel and John Illingswoi th- I, «. c UK. KKUKV AND 1 ILMOKK sTS. KNC.I.S'K (.OMI'ANV NO. 9, ON SUMMER AVENUE. Tho boaul holds regular iiieelings on the first and Third Tuesdays of each month. Henry K. Baker is the present presi- dent and Horace II. Brown, secretary. RoHER'f KlER.STEAl). The ])resent chief engineer, an excellent photo of wlioin appears among the illustrations is an able an efficient otVicer, having been connected with the department since iSy^and h.as fille resolution of the Common Council January. 1SS4. He represented the people of the Fifth Ward in the Hoard of ,\ldermen (Uirinjj 18S5-6, and was appointed a lireman under the Commissioners. March 17th, 1890, being assigned to No. 5 Knginc Company. In the following July he was promoted to captain, and on March. 15th, 1897, he was lransferre life since, it has left its impression on his life work. During the bus\ hours he spent at his desk ami behind the counter, he always found time to make those he came in contact with feel that there was a genius within him that forced a HE.XKY R. EAKEK, PRESIDENT FIKE COMMISSIONERS. reCOgllltion. So" thoi'OUghly Well was Henry R. Baker appreciated. HUGO MENZEL, HRE COMMISSIONER. his friends and neighbors sent him to council and for some time he represented his ward in that responsible body. When any work of more than ordinary importance came up in council, during his occupancy of the aldermanic chair, the name of Alderman Baker was one of the first to be called, and it can be said that in the daily routine of duty he did yeoman service, and whenever it fell to his lot to perform extra duty, he was always at his post. Several times the name of Henry R. Baker has been used in connection with the mayoralty nomination. Mr. Baker is now and has been for several years past, superin- tendent of the New York and New Jersey Telephone Company. The term of President Baker, as a fire commissioner, will terminate in 1S98. No other name among the Fire Commissioners deserves a better mede of praise and marks a higher place on the pillar upon which the deeds where well done are emblazoned, than John Illingworth. To few other men is a deeper debt of gratitude due from his fellow citizens for utilitarian deeds con- summated and maintained, than Fire Commissioner Illingworth. For many long years Mr. Illingworth has been engaged in the work of manufacturing steel, that beautiful metal which has been so closely allied to the mighty skein of industries which the great army of citizens, have been winding and unwinding, chang- ing and interchanging for so many years with marvelous and satisfying results. To John Illingworth is due the honor of a moulding form, in use by moulders, to largely multiply the values put upon it by preventing through the interposition of this result of his genius, the unhappy results which might other- wise accrue. Perhaps to no other single mechanic in Newark is pointed the finger of hope with more significance, with the single exception possibly, of inventor, Seth Boyden. To insure the very best results from the combined action of the four men selected by his honor, the Mayor, with the aid and consent of the Board of .Aldermen, extraordinary good care is JOHN ILLINGWORTH, FIRE COMMISSIONER. taken in their selection and election, whether men to fill the places in the commission are taken from the insurance part of the field direct, or from that part where the fire fighters do the finest part of their waltzing, where the fire rages the fiercest, men thoroughly up in cither department must be found. But when those two distinguished citizens, Mr. Henry C. Rommell, representing the interests of the Citizen's Insurance Company, of .\'ew York, and Mr. Hugo Menzel, representing the interests of the (lerman Fire Insurance Company, ilso of New York, but both gentle- men having their offices, as seen, in thecity of Newark, and both proving exceptionally good men for the places. As we have just said what we feel, that the fire depart ment of the city has few equals and no superiors, the amount of HENRV C. ROMMELI., FIRE COMMISSIONER. IGO ESSEX corxrr, x. j., illustrated. skill rcqiii'-ilc lo secure the tire dciiart- iiienl iiiighl have been found in men who have no lomparison when placed beside ihe men we are proud of and whom we deli^'ht to honor, and who ive succeeded in placing Newark . .le Department in clock work order, .uui then in keepinj; it there. In say- ing this we trust the laddies who tug the machine or turn the pi|)e with surest aims on the shining mark, will treasure no one wdhI of resentment lor the simple reason that not one word is deserved, since we believe the Newark tire ladilies beat all creation. THE SALVAGE CORPS M.\l;i-l,:i L. Lil.\uL i.a.M.i, t.X 1 Ikl. i UM. spreading, etc., managed by the Salvage Corps, under the conmiand of Captain Meeker and his assistants, who nund)er fourteen able-bodied. an; with ,,.u- eilitinn nf about 3.000 copies, run off on a little prcs- • priming only one side of 3.600 sheets a„ li, iper has in thirteen years attained a dailv circulation of 39.ooo. This is the largest circulation ever attained by any other New Jersey d.iilv newspaper. In the tenth year of its career the owners of the Evfiiin^r .Vrt£.j' purchased the fine double building at Nos.\i5-2i7 Market Street, nearly (he whole of which is devoted to its use. Here it has an equip- ment by far surpassing that of any other New Jersey newspaper. It has two great Hoe presses, made to the order of the publishers. One is a sextuple press capable of prinling, cutting and folding 72.000 four, six or eight page papers. 4S.000 ten or twelve page papers, 36.000 sixteen p-ige or 24.000 fourteen, twenty or twenty-four page papers an hour. The other is a ([uadruple press, having two-thirds the capacity of its companion on most sized papers. Together the two will piint 1 20.000 four, six or eight page papers. 72.000 ten or twelve page papers. 48.000 fourteen page, and 60.000 sixteen l)age pajiers an hour. This splendid press-room equipment is the sixth put in to meet the necessities imposed by the growth of the Nc.vs. The little press first put up in the cellar of the building No. 844 Broad Street, proved in a very few months inadequate to meet the demands upon it, and was replaced by another with a capacity of I 2,000 copies an hour. Only four-page papers were printed then, it being neces- sary, when eight-page ones were needed, to print two sheets se]!- a r ,1 1 e 1 y and fol them to- g e t h e r. in a year or t w o NEW.VKK KVKNING SEWS BUILDING. this press was in turn rei)laced by another of double its capacity, and using stereotype plates. This soon proved unequal to its duties, and was followed by still another, the capacity again being doubled. That press, the last used in the I5road Street building, was capable of only half the work which can be done by the quadruple, or one-third that which can be done by the sextuple jiress. Long before its removal to Market .Street, the Neios had outgrown its old quarters. Additions had been made to the building, No. 844. and the upper tloors of the one adjoining. No. 846, had been leased and used. In the Evening Ne-ws building all the de|)artnients of the paper find ample accommotlations. Closely connected with the press-room is a complete stereotyping apparatus. The presses are run and power for other work is furnished by a double fifty horse power engine. The building is lighted through- out by electricity, the entire plant being owned and operated by the Nnvs. The number of men employed in the composing room of the iVirri > is far in excess of that working on any other New jersey newspaper. In all its departments the same fact holds good. It does more work .ind em|)loys more men to do it than any of its State contemporaries. From the beginning, the Evening News has been under the same management. Wallace M. Scudder is the publisher and Henry Abbott Steel is the editor. William Hooper Howells is the manager of the advertising department. Russell P. Jacoby was first city editor. ESSEX COUNTY, N. J., ILLUSTRATED. 163 NEW JERSEY FREIE ZEITUNG. TPIIS, the leading German newspaper in New Jersey, was established in the year 1858, by Benechct i'rieth. The paper had existed for some years previous to this time, under the name Ne^c Jersey Zei/ung-, and was owned and edited by Major Annecke, who died m the early 8o's. When Benedict Prieth purchased tlie property of the New Jersey Zeitu/is;-. the entire plant consisted of a few fonts of type, and an old- fashioned hand press, capable of printing a few hunched sheets per hour. The circulation of the A'eiu Jersey Zeitting in those days was about 400, and there was not as much reading matter in its columns as tliere is on one of the eight pages of the New Jersey Freie Zeititng of to-day. Mr. Prieth at first had only one assistant in the literary department of the paper, and this gentleman was often compelletl to take a hand at run- ning the press. The first large increase in circulation was experienced during the Civil War. when the loyal German citizens.of Newark were anxious to hear the latest news from the scene of war. From that time on the paper has steadily grown, owing to the large emigration from Germany to this country. Mr. Prieth died in 1879, and the management of the paper has changed hands several times since then. At the present day, 1897, the New Jersey Freie Zeitung, with its own handsome building at 75 .Market Street, and its splendidly equipped plant, produces a paper, which from a literary and typographical point of view cannot be excelled by any German paper in America, The Daily and Sunday Freie Zeitung cir- culates chiefly in Newark and Essex County, while the remain- der of the German population of New Jersey is reached by the Weekly edition. That the Ft eie Zeitung has the confidence of the business world of Newark, is amply demonstrated by the fact that the advertisements of the most successful business men, regardless of nationality, are to be found in its columns. In politics the paper has always been independent, with a leaning towards Republican ideas and principles, and its great influence among the Germans of Newark is demonstrated by the fact that the Republican candidates in the city, county or state, have invariably been defeated whenever the Freie Zeitung has found it necessary to oppose either the candidates them- selves, or the platform on which they stood. Its fairness and straightforwardness in dealing with all the leading- questions of the dav, have won it the esteem and confidence of the Germans of Newark. O n the first floor of t h e N e %v Jersey Freie Z e i t u n g ' s large Imild- ing, the busi- ness depart- ment and the m an agers' pri\ate offi- ces are locat- ed. The Hoe perfecting presses and the sterotyp- ing depart- ment are in the cellar. In the front of the second BENEDICT PKIETH, FOUNDED. floOr the edi- NEW JERSEY FREIE ZEI'lUNG j'.l 1 1.1 H.N'I ; torial staff, and in the rear the re- portorial staf? have their quarters. The com- liosing room is on the top floor, a n d here are to be found five of the won- derful type- setting de- vices called Mergenthaler Linotype Machines. The heads of the various departments are a s fol- lows : Bene- dict Prieth, son of the late Benedict Prieth, Man- .ager ; Fred- erick Kuhn, Editor ; Emil Wenzel, As- sistant Editor; William Katzler, City Editor ; Frederick Fieg, Telegraphic Editor; Augustus Georger, Night Foreman of com- positors ; Gustave Wolber, Day Foreman of compositors ; Richard Taylor. Foreman of press-room. The New Jersey Freie Zeitung, in its various departments, employs a force of over fifty men. Its publications are as follows : A^ew Jersey Freie Zeitung, (Daily edition}, Der Erzaeliler, (Sunday edition), and Weekly Freie Zeitung. Special edition for Hudson County, with office at 80 Wash- ington Street, Hoboken, N. J., William Denstorff, Manager. This latter paper, although only two years old. has been wonder- fully successful, and is now the leading German paper in Hudson Co. The large German population of such flourishing cities as Jersey City, Hoboken, Bayonne, etc., is proud of this newlv established paper, knowing that it is devoted to the interests of the class of people which forms the bulk of its subscribers. The paper is ably managed _ by Mr. William Denstorff. It is the proud boast of the proprietors of the New Jersey Freie Zeitung that the four papers which they publish, viz.: the New Jersey Freie Zeitung, (daily), Der Erzaeliler. (Sun- day), the weekly and special edition for Hudson County, abso- lutely cover the German population of New Jersey, and that this belief is shared by the advertising public, is demonstrated by the fact that many of the largest business houses in the State advertise in \\\ pi; ' 1. 1 t.criii.in Weekly, was founded in 1SS5. by tlie ri..i,i.r riil.li^liiii'^' Company, and from its start Mr. Kr.iDcis V. 'nt editor and piililislicr, becanit-' l.dilor anil 1 jr. In I SS7, the I'ionier Publishing Company ilissulvc(i, ami the paper bi-canic the property of F. K. Aldir \ Co., who have successfully published the same for eleven vears. The I'ionier is strictly a family paper, and cir- , ;■ " .imong the old Cerciian residents of the City , ■ si:iie of New Icrsev. and enjoys in a marked ,; people. ■ r, .Mr. K. li. Adler, is the old- , (German printer in the .State of New Jersey. He In . , iH^ii,,.n on the tlrst Cierman newspaper ever published m ihe .Stale, the Xciv Jtrsev Slaals Courier, established in Ntuiik. 1S51. lie aflerwarnding his company with great credit. Near the close of the war he w as employed by the Commissary Depart- ment of the .Vrmy of the Potomac at AlexaTidria. Va.. and at the close of the war returned to Newark, and resumed his profession. In 187:. Mr. Adler became editor of the Washing- loii, D. C. Journal, remaining in his position until 1878. Once more he rclurneil to Newark, and became connected with the Heolhielitet am Passaic. When the Pionier was established it was but natural that Mr. .Vdler. as the oldest German journalist anrl practical printer in the Stale, should become its editor, and he has since then devoted his entire lime to this journal and (he job oOice connected therewith. Mr. Adler is prominently connected with the Newark I'ionier Society and the Gottfried Krueger I'lonicr Greisenheim, (Old People's Home), which insiitution justly merits the clislinclion of being the best of its kind in the I'niled States: a noble charity, indeed. Mr. .Ailler is a jovial, kind-hearted man, justly popul.ir w jth all if the truly cosmopolitan population of Newark, h'i : been induced to accept public ollice of any kind. lie \\.o burn in the Grand Duchy of liaden, and emigrated to this cotintrv in Inlv. iS;o, .iftir he had taken part in the revolu- tionary war of ffim »i*^#??"jfr. '-:Ts?~^^s7'k ^^^m.^i^ ^^f^M ^ i—"''?^"l^aSjg&-JS^-i¥. STttuarti^lfeS^lotiict ^rsMiH, a 3, ».j5 li;n» U9fttiffiei. ^onof T^uf^ufl L. Bambere«r d Co. ~ 2tf rn(\cfd>cnfl ! cirisi. E^m. llT6^^aSL■.- -, .eirr Citictr, rj.^-":--- »|tpc--»crfaiif '{ P P I W. V. SNYDER h CO.. I ^•i'^.^ll^afjlduf. n>ic rr n?dd>fll I * ' — rt* 9fU • >!■ I* 3^ ■• (h '" '■'■"I^T.-A'.'^^'^' 3 M«>4' S'3r 1 1 riucf in 1(111! i^t ■ COtKCm UtCADC a% fini|i.n<.' wi l^ «» 2U I'JIl,.. LcMBBS^— — i*H " ■ ■ 849. when quite a boy. He took refuge in France with a large number of comrades after the revolution- ary movement had been su]ipressed In the Prussian army under the cominand of the Crown Prince of Prussia, the late Kinperor William I, of Germany. Fr.ink C. Adler. the son of the pub- lisher of the Newark Pionier. has been connected with the establishmentt for a number of years, and has charge of the press-room, and attends besides to the out-door business of the concern, collect- ing bills, soliciting advertisements, etc. He was formerly a member of the State Militia, anil held the position of Color- be.irer in the Fifth Kegiment. 'I he illustrations presented on this page are life-like engravings of Messrs. .■\"|.^'E«a»t| j"...j£ m^ \ .) ^^ IRANK C. ADLKR, lli;slNESS MANACJKK. ESSEX COUNTY, N. J., ILLUSTRATED. 167 THE ORANGE VOLKSBOTE. THE first numl)er of this paper was printed on a Washington hand- press, and issued on October 5, 1S72. Its publisher, August Erdmann, a printer by trade, soon recognized the fact that he had to take an able writer as editor of his paper, as he alone could not attend to all the work, and therefore associated himself with Mr. Louis Darnstaedt. Week by week, not only the number of readers and subscribers increased, but one column after the other had to be filled with advertisements. Politically, the Orange Volksbote advo- cated democratic principles, and its influence upon the German popu- lation has been felt more than once. During the official term of Mr. Henry Egner. as Mayor of Orange, the Volksbote vi^% designated as one of the corporation papers which published the city's advertisements ordinances, etc. After the death of its founder, August Erdmann, the Orange Volks- bote changed hands. On November i, 1891, it was bought by its present owner, Ernest Temme. The paper had been neglected by its late proprietor on account of sickness, and when it was sold, the once prosperous paper was in a most pitiable condition, to say nothing about press, type and the other material necessary to make up a paper. The new owner at once replaced the hand-press with a Camp- bell country press, bought new body type, and then started on hard up-hill work. By the aid of his son, Fred. G. Temme who has since become manager of the \'clk!bote, the paper has not only regained its old stand-point but is now one of the most-read weekly papers in Essex County. Its circulation is steadily increasing, and the best business houses in Newark have their advertisements in its columns. The Orange Volksbote \i to-day a seven-column twelve-pnge paper and a well-liked friend in the homes of German families in the Oranges and miles around. As the Volksbote does not go to press before Saturday morning, its columns contain all the news of the week up to that time. This enables the Vdksbote, unlike the other Orange paper, to bring happen- ings of late Friday night and early Saturday morning, and make it really a Saturday noon paper, which is appreciated by all its readers for some of whom the Volksbote is its only Sunday associate. On October 5, 1897, the Volksbote will issue an anniversary number, it being twenty- five years that the Volksbote has been issued, with more or less diffi- culty. This anniversary number will contain a complete history of the paper, together with illustrations of interest in and about Orange, and consist of at least twenty-four pages. In the job printing department the latest faces of types have been added, which enables the Volksbote to turn out most any job, especially society work, which forms its main feature. Its place of publication is located at No. 26 Day Street, near Main. The illustrations presented on this page are life-like photos of Mr. E. Temme and son. Editor and Manager of the Orange Volksbote. The former is a well-knowti citizen of Orange, and has been identi- fied with the press of Essex County for more than a quarter of a century. Mr. Temme is happily situated in having so able a son to assist him in sharing the burden of his enterprising profession in the closing years of his active business career. Mr. Fred. G. Temme, who is now the business manager, is a practical printer by trade, with a thorough knowledge of the profession, and devotes his time to furthering the interests of the paper and EKNEsr TEMME, EDITOR. perfecting the job printing department. CHARLES F CARSON (Orange Cotb^batc. ,.SSSK5a» FKEU. G. TKMME. BUSINESS MA.NAGEK. li:s /•ss/:.v corxTV. x. ./.. illustrated. SONNTAGSBLATT. THIS the l..,.;i'„ '..tmaii luwspapcr u( OranHf. \vas islab- lishid in 1S83. as a in.lcptiulcnl Democratic newspaper, by August Koehlrr. In 1.SS7. the paper was enlar^-ed from tour .0 eiKhl pages. Tl.e popularity of the paper increased from vc-ar to ycar.an.l its circulation evtcn.ls fron> the Oranges to ,11 overF.ssex County. Business people were not slow in recov-ni/ing the value of the (V,„^,v S.n„/.,,^s.--/.,U. an.l adver- tisers tron, the Oranges, fro.n Newark an.l New York engaged -.pace for their advertisements, which compelled Mr. Koehler, ,he enterprising editor and publisher, to still further enlarge the paper and make it a ten page paper in 1890. In the year .891. the Or,./;-^ So„>,/..^si/af/ ssAS designated l.v r^overnor Leon .M.etl. State Treasurer George R. Gray and C..mptroller William C. Heppenheimer as one of the oflicial papers of the Stale of New Jersey, thereby becoming also the oir.cial organ of the lioard of Chosen Freeholders of the Countvof Essex. Mr. Koeler. the proprietor and publisher of the Sonnla^shUUI. was born in Cologne on the Rhine. Germany. July 18. 1852. Me settled in Orange in 1869. and by hard work, grit and perseverance, has made a success in life. He enjoys a great popularity and is well known all over the State, taking great interest in political and society matters. Although having refused so far all political honors, he is a well known ,«:rsonage in Trenton during the sessions of the Legislature, always rea.ly to help his friends with whatsoever power and influence he can obtain. Hcfore establishing his own paper, he was connected as correspondent of the Xnv York- Journal.^ German daily newspaper, that had hundreds of subscribers in the Oranges as long as Mr. Koehler interested himself in it. In May, 1896, Mr. Kochler established a paper in the interest and for the elevation of the liquor trade. It is a bright monthly sheet, and is anxi- <,usly :ea>: \iMKh 10 Kcliyimis Liberty .iinl I'urily in I'olilics." LJ In that (Icclarnlion the \,^i',iri- Ltilgfr states the piiq)Ost- of its bcinj;. and its files and its records prove the sincerity of the announcement as fully as its great success demonstrates the appreciation of its ol)jecls by a liberty-lovin;^ and fair-niiii;3, by Winfnil S. Woodruff, who was con- iKcir.l with Newark newspaprrdorii for many ye.irs, and who has since died. In the fall of thai year it passed into the hands of M. J. D'Conner and T. J. Regan, well known Catholics and luiMness men of Newark. They announced at the outset that Iheir ol>jict was not to make money, but to utilize allthe (laper's several counties of Ireland, which are of intense interest to the home-loving sons and daughters of the Emerald Isle, among whom, even then, the paper found the bulk of its supporters. The Ledger, in 1895, added to its name for a time the caption IndepeJideiit Democrat. It was the first to name James M. Sevmour for the mayoralty in 1S96, and it was the chief means of electing him. In the month of August, 1896, Messrs. O'Con- nor and Regan sold the paper to a stock company, who thought it best to call it 77/1? Neruark Ledger, as it would under this name be free from imputations that might be cast upon it should anvthing not entirely orthodo.v appear in its columns. Its capital stock was fixed at $25,000 and its shares at §50 each, none of which has been sold below par value. The president of the company, which is known as the Newark Ledger Publish- ing Company, is M. J. O'Connor ; the secretary. John Regan, gains for its further iniprovemcnl in order that the Catholic p< opic of Newark and its vicinity might have a paper devoted lo thtir interests of which they might be proud. At the lime that ihcy took charge of it the prospects for its success did not seem bright. The former management had not sought lo extend its inlliicncc l)eyon ^ ■-, LOR. MARKET AND WASHINGTON STS., PRIMING PLANT C. WOLPEK A CD. CHAKLES WOLBER. from that slow and imperfect printing machinery to the presses which enable them to turn off the finest of the process half-tone work, fitly characterizes the progress made by these wide-awake mechanics in their jobbing department. The members of the firm are prominently identified with many of the leading German and English associations which are a credit to the city of Newark. The firm of Wolber & Co. was established at No. 62 Spring- field avenue, about four years ago, at the beginning of the present business depression, in the basement, a small room of which was used covering a space of about one hundred and fifty square feet, and although the firm has had much sharp compe- tition to contend with, the business has steadily increased to such an e.\tent that the enterprising firm was compelled to enlarge their plant. New quarters were found on the first floor in the same building, having one-half of the floor space, and si.x months later it was necessary to occupy all, having about five hundred square feet of room. Thus it grew until March i, 1897, when the plant was removed to No. 82 Market street, corner Washington, where it has ample room to meet all requirements for some time to come. The manufacture of badges has become an important industry in connection with the printer's calling of late years, and Messrs. Wolber tk. Co. are alive and wide- awake in this branch of the trade, having added a model and w-ell equipped badge department to their business by which they are enabled to turn out promptly anything in the line and on the most reason- able terms. The firm make a specialty of translations in German or English, and in this particular is one of the few printing houses located in this city. AUGUST PUTSCHER. 7rv nssEX corxTW n. /., illustrated. DRAKE &. CO, PATENT - NEWAKK lia> lonj; liucn noted all over the world as Ihc hoiiif of men who were endowed with inven- tive genius and whose unselfish achievenicnt in mechani- cal skill have in a larye decree conlrilnitc.l to the com- forts, pleasures and advantajjes of humanity. The stimulus that has caused inventors to perfect their ideas h.i, been the wise and eiicour.ij;in|,' patent laws of the Inited States and other countries granting protection to the inventor whereby he may reap a just rew.ird. Patent laws prevail in all civilized countries, and it behooves .in inventor, if he would not see others profit by hiv in-rruiiiv. that he be careful to secure protection for hi- production in all countries, or in the more important ol Ihem. It is true that the patent laws of all countries ate .lifferent. so that it hecomesa dilhcuU matter to know how to set about obtaining patents abroad. In this connec- tion we take pleasure in placing before the readers ol this illustrated souvenir of Essex County, the name of one of the oldest and most honored patent agencies in the city of Newark. Drake & Co.. patent attorneys, located ,it the southwest corner of Broad and Markei streets. In the illustrations presented on this page, life- like photos of the gentlemen under consideration ancl their ollice is shown. The tlrm is in possession of the fullest details of all foreign and domestic laws relating to patents, and are fully able to advise in all matters pertaining to the same. During the past thirty-three years this firm have ably represented the citizens of Newark, N. J., and its suburbs, before the I'nited States I'.itenl Office, at Washington, D. C. As attorneys and solicitors of American and foreign patents, and as ex- perts in patent causes, this lirni have an established reputation and the most extensive practice of any others in their profession in the Stale of New Jersey. The late senior member of the firm, Mr. Oliver Drake, established himself here in the practice of his profession in 1864. and in 1879 the firm was re-organized by the admission to partnership of Mr. Charles H. I'ell, w-ho conducts the affairs of the agency since the death of Mr. Drake, which occurred in 1S96. No firm stands better before the I'nited St.ales Patent Office, or can secure fairer treatment by its ollicials. The importance which attaches to the patenting of COK. BROAD AND .MAKKF.T STS.— DRAKE >V CiJ. S PATENT OFFICE. ^^Ikt ^.^^ '^.\l.l (I'l ' KA-si.n). inventions in this country is evidenced by the fact that during the existence of this firm the number of jiatents issued by the U. S. Patent Ollice has increased froin about 41,000 in 1S64, to 570,000 at the present time, Feb. 23, 1897, and New Jersey stands near the head of the list in respect to the nimiber of inventors and patentees. The firm are recognized as able, scientific and successful attorneys and experts, and possess every possible facility for conducting every branch of patent law' under the most favorable auspices and upon the most satisfnclorv terms. Their practice relates to the preparation of specifications and drawings, to the making of prelimi- nary examinations as to the patentability (if an invention, ana\ ing out money. than the Stale Hanking Institu- tion, located on the corner of Market and H.ilscy streets. We do not wish to lie understood in making this statement that larger sums of money arc handled, deposited or drawn, luit that more people are going out and in its wide open door during the same time, transacting hanking business. Among the officers of the bank, or more particu- larly speaking, thai portion of them who come in direct con- tact with the custotners. are without doubt .is large or a larger per cent of polite, affable, forbearing and painstaking men as are found engaged in a simi- lar capacity in any other one of our local banks. We wouldn't have it understood that there arc any disagreeable men in any of our banking institutions. This conduct on the part of clerks and oflicials has its effect and does its part, and adds to the popularity of the bank and the increase of its business. The building in which the beautiful and convenient banking rooms are established, is not more imposing than others of our banks, its architectural merits resting on banking rooms alone. If the MM , CAblllhK. INTERIOR VIEW STATE BANKING CO. reader is not a patron of the bank it would be well worth his while to step in and take a look at their model room. Just at the right of the entrance will be found the comfortable offices of Julius Stapff, cashier, and William Scheerer, assistant cashier, who will be glad to show the caller such attentions as might be sought for. Edward Shickhaus, the president, and Judge Gottfried Kreuger, vice president, will always be glad to see and wel- come friends or strangers who call for profit or pleasure, both of which can be reached in meeting either in their snug parlors, and the former by opening an account with this abundantly safe bank over which they preside. The robust and hearty good natured Judge of the State Court of llrrors and Appeals, one of Newark's multi-millionaires, is one of those generous, great hearted Germans, among our fortunate German fellow citizens, with whom to meet is a lasting treat. The State Banking Company is peculiarly a State institution and was organized in 1871, under the State Banking Laws and is now the only bank outside the national household. The heivier part of the capital is held by our German fellow-citizens and the greater number of her patrons have a warm place in their affections for the Fatherland. As about one-fifth of the people of Newark are of German descent it will quite readily be seen what smooth sailing a bank like this will have. Starting off with a capital of §100,000, it didn't take long to build up and hold the elegant business it was and is sure to command. No word we can write about this or any other bank doing business in the County of Essex can be amiss, providing it is well meant for an applaud of its business methods or in declaration of its strength and honor. In conclusion, if one thing more than another has added to the strength, it can readily be found in its well-to-do body of directors, each one of whom has his foundations in unencumbered real estate and solid cash. That genial good heartedness which pervades the founders, sustainers, managers and conductors, throws a halo of strength and honor all over and around it and gives to all an abund- ance of faith in its firmness and solidity. INDUSTRIES OF ESSEX COUNTY, T has already been stated that the settlers of Newark were not me- chanics or manufacturers, but farm- ers. Naturally, therefore, their first concern was the soil and the support and maintainance which it might be made to yield. It may verj- readily be comprehended that theirs was not a very fierce struggle, with the rich virgin soil, which to yield its abundant increase, needed but the asking. But what with the labor of making their clearings, building their dwellings, and doing the thousand and one things incident to the pursuit of agriculture in a new country, the settlers had no time to think of other labors, much less to bestow upon them. Accordingly, only such industries were thought of as actually pressed themselves upon the attention of the busy planters. Naturally, the first of these to reveal its necessity in an isolated farm- ing community, was, when the grain had been garnered in, a grist mill. Accordingly, we find that at a Town Meetin 1668-69. this resolutton was adopted : '• Item. The Town saw Cause for the incouragement of any amongst them that would Build and Maintain a Good Mill, for the supply of the Town with Good Grinding, To offer and THE OLD FACTORY WHERE SETH BOYDEN INVENTED AND FIRST PRODUCED MALLEABLE IRON. j held March 9, OLD SYNAGOC.UE ON WASHINGTON STREET WHERE FIRST DYNAMO WAS MADE. Tender freely the Timber Prepared for that use. Twenty Pounds Current Pay, and the Accommodations Formerly Granted Belonging to the mill, viz.: 18 Acres of upland and 6 of meadow, with the only Liberty and privilege of Building a Mill on yt Brook; which motion was left to the Consideration of the Town Be twixt this and the 12th of this Mo. Current at Even, and the Meeting is adjourned to that Time : And in Case any desire sooner, or in the mean Time to have any further Treaty or Discourse about his or their Undertaking of the Mill, they may repair to Mr. Treat, Deacon Ward and Lieutenant Swain, to prepare any Agreement between the Town and them." Notwithstanding this offer of the Town, which would seem to have been very liberal for that time, no one appeared to be willing to undertake the work on these terms, and we find this record of the [iroceedings of the town meeting on the 12th of .March, 1668-69: "None appearing to accept of the Town's Motion and Encouragement to build and maintain the mill, they agreed to set upon it in a general way, and moving to Lieut. Swain about the matter, he made some propositions to the Town, and at Length the Town agreed with him for 20s. by the week or 6 working days, and three Pounds over for his skill, unless he shall see Cause to abate it, which if he shall see cause to do, the Town will take it thankfully; for the which he en- gaged to improve his Time and skill for the best advantage and carrying on to an End the whole Work, with all that shall be implied by him so far jelongeth to his Art and Trade of a Millwright ; as also to is best advice about the Dam, or leveling the Ground, as the Town shall need him, and this to be done as soon as con- veniently he can ; and the Town promiseth to help him with Work in part of his pay as he needs it, so many Day's Work ; 7s nssLX corxTV. .v../.. illustrated. IS 111- «<.rk^ .11 the Mill: cnminon I..iliorcrs .it iw.) sliillin-s liy itic D.iy and C.irpcnlii> ;il 2s. d.l. tin- Day. ^ " lleiii. Tlic Town .i).;recil lo stiid some men furlli upon llic Discovery, lo sec i( llity >nn I'lml .inv Miilablt- Sloncs fur .Milbloncs." I'.Ntn lliis .lurecMifnl, il si'iins, w.is nul stiliiiitnt lo scciirt- ihc tTcciion of llif null, which must h.ivc been ;i j;re.it under- i.ikinj; for the little community. I'luler il.ile of .\ii;,'ust 24, 1670. appears this record : •■The Town at length .\l.ide a full .igrteiiiinl with Mr. Kobt. TriMi .ind Ser^j'l Kich'd Il.irrison about the liuiUling and .Main- I. lining; nf .1 Sullicienl Corn Mill, to be set upon the Little IJiook Called the Mill Ilrock. with suitable Necessary's, and making' the D.imns. and all other Provisions Needful for and lielonying to the sd Mill." \c.. \c.. \c. .uul under Lock and Key." Thus was estaliiished, upon "Little Hrook." which as long as it existed bore the name of" •• Mill IJrook," the first manufactuiiiifj industry of the littlet town, the forerunner, as will be seen, of multitudinous inanu-' faclures which were ultimately to convert the little agricultural hamlet into a great manufacturing city. The early fame of the town, however, rested upon the quantity and quality of the cider made and sold by the good people. Only seven years after the first settlement. Depuly- Governor Rudyard wrote to a friend in London: "At a place called Newark. 7 or 8 miles from here, is made great quantities of Cyder exceeding any we can have from New England or Rhode Island or Long Island." The following year another correspondent wrote. " They made abundance of good Cyder, ^%2l-\ JKWKI.kV WORKS IJI l,\l;ll.l-. IIA..I1.\..„ .V lIuWK, u.\ .Mll|,l,KKK\. LUKANM A.\U I'AKK blKKhlS. I'ndfr this l.isl agreement tin- jjreal work of building Ihc mill was at last acromphshrd, and the mill was in opcr.ilion the following sjiring. as appears by .\n entry in the town itrords. iinilrr d.ile of May 23, 1671 : • Itrm. lis i.^rcrd Ih.il Ihe 2nd d.iy of the wi-ek .mil llie 6lh •>t • 'ck .iiid ihi- Next D.iys if the Town Need. and '' iiuiol be well done on those days that .ire •i I agreed upon by Ihc Town Meeting .ind ihi- Mill to be their f'irlnding d.iys. upon which il.i^s to allend his ("irinding. and the 'fown .ire lo '• 'loiniscth to do his » » » le same until il lie ciuloscd especi.illy at one town called Newark, which is esteemed at New York and other places, that il is sold beyond any that comes from New Kngland." I'liil the grist-mill and cider-mill did not long sullice lo satisfy the enterprise of the worthy Ncwarkers. In 16S0. a shoemaker, S.iimiel \\'hiiehead by name, had been permitted to settle in ihc town, "provided he will supply Ihe Town with Shoes. I ho' for ihe present we known not of any Place of Land convenient." The leather he used was all brought from a disl.ince. or tanned rudely .It home, and this dKI not long suit the thrift and prud- ence of the citizens. A/.ariah Crane desired to establish a lan- yard in the town, and succeeded in obtaining permission to do ESSEX COUNTY, N. J., ILLUSTRATED. 179 so ill 1698, this subject coming, as did all others, before the town meeting, and being passed upon by the votes of all the citizens. It is recorded, under date of April 19, 1698, that " It is voted that Thomas Hayse, Joseph Harrison, Jasper Crane and Matthew Canfield shall view whether A/ariah Crane may have Land for a Tan-Yard, at the Front of John Plum's home Lott. out of the Common ; and in case the Men above-men- tioned agree that Azariah Crane shall have the Land, he, the j! said Azariah Crane, shall enjoy it so long as he doth follow the ' ' trade of Tanning." Azariah got his land and his tannery was established at once. I and the trade in leather and shoes was thus earlv established on •1 a firm foundation. Us growth was necessarily slow, but it was Never, perhaps, w'ere pioneers better equipped to establish a permanent and prosperous settlement than these pious founders of Newark. Not with mechanical appliances to make labor easy or dispense with it alltogether, or with wealth to purchase the labor of others, but with those strong manly (lualilies which insure, because they conquer, success. Health, energy, courage, industry, patience, perseverance ; witli these qualities failure is impossible, success a certainty. It adds to the glory of these men. that although their religious feelings were deep and strong, and their religious prejudice no doubt intense, yet they either knew not or had overcome tlie passion for persecution. While they required every one desiring to join theircolony to subscribe to their " fundamental agreements," yet ihey sought to punish JEWELRY WORKS OF KREMENTZ & CO., COR. MtJI.BERRV AM) CHESTNUT STREETS. Steady and sure, and ere long it became the sta]ile industry of the town. There were not wanting other craftsmen in the town sufllcienl to supply the immediate necessities of an agricultural com- munity. Thomas Pierson and lienjamin Baldwin were weavers. John Ward was a " Turner," which no doubt included cabinet- making and joining ; many, indeed, of the original settlers joining some handicraft to their agricultural pursuits. All the casks and barrels, for the cider made in the town, seem to have been made by the planters themselves, and so great was the demand for them, that as early as 1669, it was necessary to pro- hibit their sale e.\cept " for the use of the Town." This, by the way, was doubtless the eariliest embargo laid in any of the colonies. no one foi' refusing. .And they provided in advance that where the conduct or outspoken opinions of any settler should offend the community, there should be no persecution, pains or penal- ties, but simply that the offender should be jiaid a fair price for his lands and remove from the community, with whom he was not and never could be in sym])athy or accord. This was not, of course, absolute freedom of opinion or of religion, but for those times and circumstances, it was a great liberality, as unusual as it was enlightened. Material prosperity could scarcely fail to wait upon men possessed of the strong qualities, the conservative principles, the moderate tempers which dis- tinguished and ennobled the pioneers of this plantation. And there is every evidence that from the begiuning the settlement was prosperous. l.\n 7:ss/:.v corxTv. x. iisliies of Uif ll is iinpossiblc to trace the gruwlli of llie im infant town, as no record seems to have l.ecn kepi of ihcir progress or increase, and no ligiires are available until the Vniled States census of iSio. from which a slalcmcnt WIS .-..moile.1 under the direction of the Sor.tary of the :iig the various industries of the county and their /., ILLl'STRATED. It will be seen from this table that the boot and shoe industry was then, as it has been for many years, easily chief in the county, and justified the draftsman of the map of Newark, pub- lished in 1806, who drew the effigy of a shoemaker in one corner of his ma]). According to his statement. " one-third of the inhabitants are constantly employed in the manufacture of boots and shoes." «•'■:: ''Mlili^fti^ 4- <^Sl \.. • I- THE CRESCENT WATCH CASE COMPANY. 65-85 NORTH THIRTEENTH STREET. ArrictJi* or MAWurACTUHR. No. of Fitctonc*. UI«tt4tM :*nd unnamed Clnihi Mod Stii^- "' -!« in Cacniim ' 763 hlnev 36 : Kovinf Machines i v.i*"* M' Furnaces.... ' t ' 17 3 :«.MC. 'ppc" »» Product. jui,Rj6ydj. 43,>6 00 15,000,00 39,350.0c il,53.,.c'. ^1.970. rjt. 400,000.00 7,B;.-.. 37,750.10 30,000.00 $1,169,871.00 The next opportunity for observing the industrial growth of the town, is found in the town census taken in 1826, by I.saac Nichols, assessor. He reports the number of industries and the industrial po|)ulation as follows: Three Iron and Brass Founderies. twelve workmen; one Cotton I'"actory, six workmen ; three Tin and Sheet Iron Fact- ories, nine workmen ; one Coach Spring Factory, ten workmen ; one Chocolate and Mustard Factory, eight workmen ; one Tobacco Factory, thirteen workmen ; one Looking-glass Factory, four workmen ; one Soap and Candle Factory, four workmen ; one Eastern Poltcrv. three workmen ; one Rope Walk, two workmen. Besides these, three Distilleries, two Breweries and two Grist Mills. The number of hands employed not given. All those employed in trades and other branches are enumer- ated as follows : Shoe-makers, 685 ; Carriage-makers, 64 ; Carriage-triiiimers, 48; Carriage-painters. 21 ; Carriage-smiths, 77 ; Carpenters, 89: Chair-makers. 79; Hatters, 70; Curriers, 61; .Saddlers, 57; ESSEX COUNTY, N. J., ILLUSTRATED. 1S1 FREOKRICK HEI.LEK, (DECEASED.) Masons, 46 ; Coach Lace Weavers. 36; Cabinet-makers, 35; Tailors, 35; Jewelers. 22; Hlacksmiths. 19; Plane- makers. 17; Tanners, 17; Silver Plat- ers. 15 ; Bakers. 15 ; Carters. 12 ; Sad- dle-Tree-makers. 12; House Painters and Glaziers, 10; Wagon-workers. 8; Trnnk-makers. 7 ; Coopers. 7 ; Stone- cutters. 6 ; Last-makers, 6 ; liutchers. 5; I'lougli-makers. 4; Pump-makers. 1 : Morocco Dressers, 3 ; Brush- makers, 3 ; Gunsmiths, 2 ; Watch and Clock Makers. 2 ; Tallow Chandlers. 1 ; Lock-makers. 1 : Printers. 7. Mr. Nichols enumerated the popida- tion of the town as 8.017. ai"' it will be seen from this table that aboul 1.700. or more than twenty per cent nl the whole number were actively en- gaged in manu.al labor, speaking well for the industry and thrift of the com- munity. In 1836. the year of the incorpor- ation (if the town as a city, a census was taken by the direction of the Common Council. The rapid growth of the town in the jire- ceeding ten years, was shown by the enumeration of the ]5opu- lation at this census, at 19,732, an increase of almost 1 50 per cent. In connection with this census. Dr. Jabez G. Goble pre- pared the following exhibit of the industries of the city, number employed, and value of product, which he says. " it is believed to be essentiallv correct." and "will exhibit n general view of the business of the city, the greater portion of which consists of its own manufactured articles." Boot and Shoe Manufacturers, 734. $1,523,000. This branch of trade has always been very extensive; Hat .Manufacturers, 610, $1,055,000; Carriages of every description onniibuses. railroad cars, &c., S97, §1,002,000. Some of these establish- ments are very large ; .Saddles, harness, whips. &c.. 590, $885,500; Clothing business — manufactured for southern markets. 1.591,3840,000; Tanning and Currying, i 50, $899,200. CVKUS CURRIER (DECEASED ) The principal portion of this business is done in the swamps in Market Street ; Coach-axles springs, door-locks. l>rass mount- ings, &c., 220. $250,000; Co.ich-lace, tassels, fringe. &c.. 112. $80,000; Oil-silk, patent leather, malleable iron, every variety of casting used by coacli-makers, machinists, &c , 125, $225,060. The collection consists of more th.in 1.000 plain and orn.i- niental patterns now in use; Cabinet-makers. 145, $180,000; Jewelry-makers. 100, $225,000 ; Trinik and Chair-makers, 106. $90,000; Silverplating. 100. $100,000 ; Sash and Blind-makers, 107, $70,000; Coal trade. $200,000. This business has been extensive the past year. All other manufacturers, comprising many different branches, may be fairly estimated at $500,000, making a total value of ^8,124,790. In 1S61, the value iif the manufactured products of the city had swelled to the sum of over $23,000,000. The Civil W.ir scarcely interrupted the industrial activity and prosperity of the JOHN TOLER, (DECEASED., city, which was kept busy during the entire period of its continuance, in manufact- uring for the Union armies, small arms, accoutrements, saddlery, harness, clothing. lVc. \c. But the close of the war witnessed a wonder- ful increase of prosperity, and the growth of the city's man- ufactures was marvelous, both in volume and variety. S(i vast and varied became the products of the city, that the idea occured to A. M. Holbrook and a few other enterprising and far- sighted citizens, of still further .advancing the city's business and manufacturing interests, by giving an exhi- bition of all its varied manu- factured products. After an agitation lasting some time, M. MEVER, (DECEASED.) Is2 icssEX cnrxTV. x. j.. iLLrsTR.vnw. ill. vslalli/cd ill!" arlinn. nml llie " Industrial ' ! ill llic olil Kink hiiililinj,'. on Washini;- 20, 1S72. The cxiiibit was confinttl ■ arc. anil provcil a coni- ;:iilriil an ir.iin. .iiid no less than 130.000 citizens ':-;" I'"" S'lfs durini; the hfiy-two days ijiey were in wages, $26,857,170; \'alue of materials used in the manu- facturing establishments located in Newark, §46,020,536. The aggregate value of all variety of manufactured goods produced yearly by our factories and workshops is $93,476,652. The manufacture of leather has, at all times, ranked as on.- of the leading industries of the city, and still holds a leading position among our important manufacturing interests. I'p to 1S80, the output of leather of all kinds, patent, enameled, tanned and curried, entitled the city to rank first among the cities of the Nation, in the value of finished products. That we still remain first in this great industry, will be seen from the figures enumerated from the census returns of 1S90. F.ngaged in this branch of industry, there are forty-nine establishments, with a capital of §4.815.625. producing goods (IMUJK .AND WARKRDUMS. I)N SI'SSF.X AVF.Ni;!.. I'.F.TWEF.N NF.WARK AND NESIIIIl' SI'KKEIS. In spile of financial depressions and commercial panics, the riiv has roiilimird, with but slight inlerruplion. lo enlarge its iricliisiri.il borders ami mullipH ils producls during the past ■lie hiililing of the Industrial I-'.xliibilion. under .ind ils boast. means of brielly presenling .1 review of the lead- 1- f manufactures loialed in llie city of New. irk, iicrinei stalrinent embodying the principal details ' ''. the Board of Trade, from which ■I ince can be obtained at a glance. repoils in totals the number of muf.iclures in the lity of Newark in manufacluring. $72,675,782; ■ i|.>A ESSEX COrXTV, X.J., ILLUSTRATED. ,A this city of ni.imifatlurcrs for several dccaOcs. , ..grrss niaiiis its liistor). The census taken in iSi/'. returns tlie total outpiii of tinishc.74i- The product of these ten establishments swells the total value of the manufactures of the city by the sum of $2,236,117. an item in the business economy of the city that counts for a great deal. Another large industry will be found in the corset establish- ments located in this city. There are eleven workshops manu- facturing corsets, employing 1,689 hands, whose iiay-roll foots up yearly ^521,033. The capital invested is $690,536, and the product amounts to $1,291,432 annually. The slaughtering and meat packing branch of commerce is a large and growing one, with fourteen establishments carrying (in the business done. Their combined capital amounts to IIUII.DI.S'C. Ol" JOHN TOLKR. So.NS .<■ CO., AD.XMS A.NlJ J.'^CKSUN STREETS. §1,919,818, will convey an idea of its importance, as well as the .innual value ;jjists. The plant is admirably t'llted up with every Improvement to meet the re<|uirenRnts of the constantly increasing business, and the firm endeavors to merit the contidence of their patrons by shipping the very best gfwds on the most reasonable terms. A complete silver and nickel plating department has recently been added to the plant, enabling the tirm to supply the trade with goods made from hard or common metal si'ver or nickel plated at the lowest KKKOKRICK FINrKK AND SONS. prices, and castings of white Hritannia or haril metal are made for parties doing their own turning or having their own inoulds. The products consist of sprinklers for liquid or powder, bitter tidies, bottle caps, mustard, pepper and salt tops, ink-well covers, syringe caps and fittings, mucilage caps, metal valves for atomizers and syringers. The firm have a specialty in bottle stoppers, and make to order moulds from drawings or ex|)lan.itions. Their trade extends to New York. Philadelphia, Uoston. St. l.ouis, Ualtimore, Chicago, and in fact, to all the principal cities in the United States and Canada. I'inter and Brother are young and energetic business men, who are experts in the Britannia industry and worthy representatives of their trade. I li;.II.K IIUOIIII'.KS, CdKS, I. iii..xl\- AM, Ml I MKKKIS. ESSEX COUNTY, N. J., ILLI'STRATED. 187 THE NEWARK WATCH CASE MATERIAL CO. THK plant which forms the illtistiation presented on this page, stands prominently among the industries which have con- tributeil to make Newark famous the world over. In callinu; attention to some of the ?uimerous industrial pursuits which are successfully conducted in the city, there are few that have achieved greater success than the Newark Watch Case Material Co. This result, in a large degree, is due to the push and enterprise of Alexander Mihie, the founder of the stem-winding attachment now in general use on American made watches. The stem winding apparatus which takes the place of the old obsolete key in every American made watch, is turned out of Newark factories. It is not surprising that New'ark should hold the industry of watch case material manufacturing. are not averse to purchasing the surplus from Newark's watch case material manufactures, which carries with it in the trade- mark it bears, the very highest qualities of perfection. Prior to 1874, when this company had commenced to manu- facture these articles, they were all imported direct from the .Swiss manufacturers, as all stem-winding watches were made in that country. The president. Alexander Milne, of this company, being a jeweler, and wide awake and alert, saw the opportunity to start the business here. His first move was to associate himself with a Swiss who had some practical experience in the watch case line. The necessary tools and costly machinery, which were indispensable adjuncts, were soon collected, and it was not very long before the case makers were purchasing their stem-winding crowns and other necessary material right here at home. WORKS OF THE NEWARK WATCH CASE MATF.klAI. Cn., N. E. ( 1 ik. MECHANIC AND WARD STREETS. when she has in the thousands of her happy homes, the skilled ariisans domiciled so necessary to run the machinery, and whose skilled hands handle the tools. It is passing strange too, that the writer should have the opportunity of recording the fact, that almost the entire product of the watch c.ise material is used up on this side of the ocean, and that the factories engagetl in this work are concentrated within the corporation limits of the city of Newark, and it naturally follows, and as a matter of course becomes very much of an item, in the grand intregal part of the whole of her manufacturing greatness. While the output of this great industrial establishment is consumed verv largely right here at home, each one of the many necessary little articles having some absolute qualification for meeting certain ends in the successful conduct of the sister industry of watch case making, yet other centres of industry There was no more going abroad, for the progressive spirit of a thorough-going Newark mechanic had made it unnecessary, through his genius applied. Although the beginnings were small, less than a half dozen men being employed, yet the growth of the industry has been phenomenal, arfd the company now have in their employ nearly one hundred skilled mechanics. In the person of W. .S. Richardson, the treasurer of the company. President Milne has a helpmeet indeed. Ills clear, keen eye takes in at a glance every move of man or machine, and his excellent judgment gives warrant of successful manage- ment and the best results. It is plainly due to the efforts of this company, and especially to President Milne and Treasurer Richardson, that Newark has become the centre of the watch case manufacturing industry of America. For years they have persistently championed the cause. />,s /:ss/;\Y C"f.v7r. .v. ./., illustrated. C. M. RUSSELL Ni:\\AKK IS it IN. ^ivts ver\ fi-u pniiits In •.hiiw what it has Ijceii. it l)i'ini,' very I in^'lv ,|i, "(ly years. Still there art- a I, ,. ;iiat v;rj l)ack in their history torolntiial tiiiR-s, and jjive a fair represtiitalion of the taste and al)ihty of their a^je. At that time very hllle aiil was hail from trained arihilectiiral \v.>rk. and the prelentiotis Ixiildings of tliat period, and 111 fai-l. for a long time after, were the work of sk; lers or masons, f'.rcat credit is due ih. I thev achieved. anutalion, both at home and abroad. The fact that almost all of the w ork done is by contract, proves their fairness and reliability. On this page the illustrations represent the old an 40 LkW^M'KU .SIREKf. the machinery that enables the modest house of to-day. to be finished far betterthan costly mansionsoftimesgoneby. Almost everything in the building trade is here produced, w'ork is given to a large force of men, and the facilities for trades, etc., equal to anv other. In addition to the necessary machine work for their own busi- ness, they do all kinds of mill work, sash, blinds, doors, mould- ings, etc., for the trade. Personal attention is given to every part of the work, and a specialty is made of odd furniture, glass littings. etc. At the corner of Kinney and Washington Streets is the lumber yard annex of this lusiness. where an assortment of everything for the retail trade is kept. Mr. Russell is a practical mechanic himself, a native of Morris County ; he came to this city at the age of 17, was an apprentice in the shop of Mr. Ezra Reeves, Mr. E. R. Carhuff being foreman at the time. Just after completing his apprentice- ship, he with sonic half dozen others of the same shop enlisted in the service of his country. Mr. Russell joined the old city battalion, and spent some time ilrilling in the old burying ground under Captain Kinney. He was finally mustered into Co. K, Second Regiment, New Jersey Volunteers. After an honorable term of three years service, the survivors of this regiment were mustered out. Mr. Russell resumed his trade, and after sev- eral years was taken in as partner by his old employer, Mr. Ezra Reeve. After entering into business with his nephew, Mr. S.iyre, as before stated, extended their work to all parts of the city and country. Several fine churches and many of the finest residences were erected by them. Mr. Russell Is a member of tiarlield Post, G. A. R., is one who takes a great interest in the welfare of the city, having faithfully represented his ward in the Hoard of Education, The career of such a man is but a representation of what our .-\merican citizenship can do for those who are energetic antl enterprising. The art of building is the oldest of all arts, and while, perhaps, not as honorable as some of its sister arts, yet it is fully as imporianl. The spirit of architecture has shaped the destiny of nations; with its advance we may see the growth and increasing wealth of every nation that fostered it, with its decline how (piick the fall. It is largely educational. A mind growing in an environment of taste and refinement will become an intelligent citizen. ESSEX COUNTY, N. J., ILLUSTRATED 189 WORKS OF N". J. DKMAREST & CO., CORNER LAI AVEIIE STREET AM) N. .1. R. R. AVEXUE. N. J. DEMAREST & CO. H.AKNESS and saddler)' manufacture in Newark, although of magnificent proportions and volume, is not at the present day, in this respect, equal to the days previous to. during, and a few years after the war. In those palmy days New York city was the great head centre for merchants from all parts of the land, and New-ark its great workshop. The Southern markets were the acme of all Northern merchants, the West a good fill-in, but a side issue. Cotton was King. To-day, how changed ; while the productions in bulk, in the above lines, fail seriously to reach former days, still the quality and variety none with have materially improved, keeping pace with all advanced ideas, that the money value of its productions no doubt exceed those of old-fashioned times, and Newatk still maintains its lead and reputation as the great head centre for fine harness and saddlery. Among those of its manufacturers whose productions rank in the very hightest order of excellence, may be mentioned the the firm of N. J. Demarest & Co. The portraits of Mr. N. J. Demarest and son Daniel Demarest, and their factory on New Jersey Railroad Avenue, Lafayette and Bruen Streets are given herewith. It is with pardonable pride that we are permitted to speak in words of'commendation of our many industries, and of more pleasure N. J. DEMAREST. (DECE.\SED.) than the manufacture of harness and saddlery and its highly respected representa- tives, Messrs. Demarest X Co., who are now' among tlie patriarchs of the business yet full of that young fire, energy and ambition th.it never dies in the good busi- ness man. During the Franco-Prussian war, among other important contracts for the same purpose, this firm made and delivered artillery harness complete for four thousand horses, in eleven working days. This is a fair sample of the "push'' that exists in this city of workshops, which lias be- come noted as the Birming- ham of America. DANIEL DEMAREST. ];n> HssEX cnrxTV, x. j., illustrated. HELLER it BROTHERS EI. IAS llrlltr, St-niiir. ^l.irlrd llii- iii.ini]f,u-liirr nf lilcs aiul r.is|)s, by all liaivl wurk. in Newark in 1M3O, llic trade I'lin^; rnlirciv with llie ronsinnirs ol ilir 1 ity .mil ilii' snrronnil- iiiK liiwns. Thr panic- i.f iSjS liavini; coMi|iellcil liini In jjivi- ii|> hi> liiisini-ss in N<«aik, he rcinmed lo West (hariye, but ouiii',' I" llir rcmiileness of lliis |ilai e as a business centre, and ill. imiease the business to any extent while dealing \M! liners exclusively, very little, if any. progress was made until iS6<>. when his three oldest sons. Klias C, Peter J. .Old Lewis H. took hold of the business and located at the corner of .\|ei hanic and W.ml Streets. Newark, and by their cneryv and push the business coinininced to thrive. They at once soui;hl to increase the business by soliciting trade from jobbers and dealers in the haidware trade through the I'nited States anil Cinada. Thus .It tirst meeting with no end of opposition from both dealer and consumer, as they were prejudiced against American tiles and rnsps.claiming that home goods could not be made equal On account of poor heallli. Peter J. was compelled lo retire from the firm in 1881. thus leaving entire charge of the business on the shoulders of F.lias G., who sought assistance by taking his two other brothers (ieorge K. and John J. and his brother- in-law r.rnest A. Geoffroy in the firm, all of whom had been in his employ for many years previous, thus having a thorough knowledge of all the varied details of the business, and since then he has had the assistance of his two oldest sons, Paul E. and Arnaud G. In 1884, owing to their great success with horse rasps, they undertook the manufacture of a high grade of Farriers' tools and to-day can offer the most complete line on the market. The Heller & Brothers brand of goods are considered the standard, and are now sold in every city in the L'nited States, as well as e.xported to Canada, Mexico, England, Russia. Germany, Australia and other foreign countries. The most useful tool in the world is acknowledged to be the tile, and the purposes to which it is adaptable, embrace not only the iei|uirements of the skilled mechanic, but the wants of PROSPECT AND VERONA to the English files and rasps, which at that time had the markets of this country, but by pcrseverence and hard work the firm brg.in to prosper, as the lonsumers realized the fact that the Americans could make as good files .and rasps as the I-jiglish manufacturers. Ill 1872. I.twis II. withdrew from the firm, and in 1874. owing III their limited (pLuters liny removed to their pl.nil on the N. Y. .V C. I.. K. K. corner of Ml. Piospect Avenue and \ rmie. Newark. With the new works and new and machinery the cpiality of the goods was still further improved, but owing to the fact that they were compelled lo buy their slecl. which at the best was not uniform, they ilid not gel .IS g.«,d results as they wished for. as first-dass uniform - in the manufacture of hi^h-gr.ide files en cleil a steel pl.ml for the manuf,ic- i lor tliiir own use, anil now they gel the best results '" '•"'" ''"' "■ -l"'Wn by iheir steady increase in almost every individual inhabitant. In early days crude files were constructed from the dried skin of a peculiar fish ; next they were made from copper and used in working the soft metals: iron was next substituted, and this was finally replaced by steel, which metal is unsurpassed for the purpose. At the present time, fully ninety per cent of all the files consumed are not only cut. but entirely manufactured by machinery. The file of the present day. made by machinery, surpasses in every respect those made by the old and less progressive method. Heller & lliothers manufacture every tlcscription of files and rasps, running in size from two to thirty inches, and in grade of cut. from twelve teeth to the inch, up to the number so large that the teeth become so fine that they are undetected by the naked eye, yet will withstand the most severe test. The binls-eye view of the works illuslratiiig this page, was sketched by our fellow-townsman. C. Durand Chapman, the well known artist, and they speak volumes for the determina- tion, pluck and enterprise of Heller & Brothers. ESSEX COUNTY, N. /., ILLUSTRATED. 191 K 1 A H K g^B^^^^^P WurKS (IK ENl.,ELI;t:K(.;i;K \ KARKHOkN, CORNER HUWARI> AND MKRi KK ENGELBERGER <&. BARKHORN. GETTING right down to solid facts, it will be found that among those industries which tend most to the main- tenance of the high character which Newark is celebrated for, in its buildings wherein is domiciled the capitalist and work- man alike, is that of door, sash and blind, frame, bracket and that of general light wood-working as also that of the factory buildings which rear their lofly heads far above their less pre- tentious neighbors. This branch of the wood working indus- tries carried on in this city, must needs take the lead of all others, so far at least as its output is designed for home con- sumption, unless we make an exception of the saw mill .iiul carpentery, than to the former must be rightfully awarded the first place or real initiative, unless we are permitted to follow the woodman into the depths uf the forest, to see him bury the bit of glittering steel into the giant oak. cloud-sweeping pine or deep-sighing hemlock. While there .ire nearly, or quite a hundred of great establish- ments where the buzz-saw and planers by the score are ke])t running like the flash of Ii;^'hlning. and where hundreds of men and boys are kept busy, yet there never seems to be an over supply. All the product from these great establishments which is not caught up and consumed by the home builders, finds a ready sale in the markets of the world, and indeed, quite a large percentage of the output goes direct from mills to shipboard for exportation. Among the great concerns engaged in the manufacture uf doors, door frames, window sash and frames, brackets, moldings, etc., is that of Engelberger & Barkhorn, who have their plant housed in the great buildings created for the purpose on the FKKD. liNGELBtKGliK. corner of Howard and Mercer Streets, with warerooms at 305. 307 and 309 Springfield Avenue. The beautiful illustration here seen, gives but an introduction to what the con- cern in reality is. This industrial business was begun in the earh' fifties by the Augsler Bros., they being succeeded by Engelberger & Barkhorn, as now constituted. It was in T.S81, a little more than .1 decade of years ago, when the young film with a cajiital all told, of loss than three thousand dollars. Hung lluir business banner to the lirceze. and at this writing they stand at the head of this industry. The partners are Newarkcrs and men of standing. Mr. Engel- berger not only handles the plank himself, but sees to it that his workmen do their share, while Mr. Barkhorn keeps his eye on the ledger and bank account. WM. C. BAKKUOKN. i:>2 ESSEX COEXTV .\. J., ILLUSTRATED. Ir.i. ^. .^V-HELLER C. .... .;.;. NllWAKKS (irospcrity is based on the vnricty and cMtiil of her nianuf.icturinj; intcrcsis, ami slu- is always riady to welcome ever)' new enterprise which promises to add lo her in- dustrial fame. Her latest important actiuisilion is the wall- paiHT factor)- of the Corj-Heller Company, the only enterprise of this character within her limits. This eslalilishnieni is situated in the beautifid subuili of Korcsl Hill, at No. 87S Ml. I'rospect Aveiuic. and taking into consideration the convenience of its appointtnents. the perfection of its machinery and the excellence of its ory.mi/aUon. it is by no means invidious to say, that in cverv detail of its ec|uipment. it is better adapted to the production of p.iper-hanj;inj;s. at the minimum of cost, than :\n\ other existing,' factory in the United .Stales. In the lirst place, the factory building was erected especially for the purposes of the Cory-Heller Company, under the super- vi>ion of iis rresident. Mr. J. Stewart Cory, and its -Superinlen- dent and Colorisl, Mr. licnjamin Hems, the long connection of floors, thus saving in the item of expense for handling. Run- ning the full length of the shipping floors, along the whole building, is a side track accomodating eight cars, which, after loading, mav be transferred to any railroad within the territory of the United States. ("lOods may also be shipped byway of the Passaic I^i\er to all points accessible by water. These transportation facilities are ec|ually as valuable for the reception of all material to be used in the manufacture of the goods. The establishment is also in rapid communication with Newark by trolley cars, which run to its door. .Mr. J. Stewart Cory, the President and Ceneral Manager of the Company, is widely and favorably known in the wall-paper business, with every department of which he is thoroughly acipiainted. Mr. K. G. Heller, the Vice President, is a successful manufacturer, a man of large means, the senior partner in the extensive business of Heller & Brothers, of Newark, file, steel and tool makers, and has long been identified prominently with public affairs. His sons Paul K. and Arnaud I".., who are WORK.S OK IMK ( OKY-IIKI.I.KK CO., ON N. V. ,v c. I,. K. R. AND MT. IM-tOSl'ECT AVENUE. both of whom wilh lln' indusiry, and tluir praclical knowledge of its commerci,il and lechnicil «Klails, have made them acknowledge authorities on .ill lh,il perl,iin lo the business. In the conslniclion of the building, therefore, no labor or ex- |«-nsc h.i.s been >p,ircd to perfect the arrangeiiiont of details in every branch of the c-^l,d)lishminl in order to meet the latest and most exacting reipiiremenls of ihe lra^ ?:-^*NV*:*Si;.i:,-v,: THE E. E. HOGAN SHOE MAXUFACTURING CO.'S PLAN t ON CEN-fRAL AVENUE. no taint of dishonesty attached to the house, very readily accepted a settlement of their claims on the basis of twenty per cent., and Patrick Hogan, with shattered health, but indomitable energy, set out to retrieve the past, and, as he had promised, to repay his creditors in full. In this effort he was most ably assisted by his daughter. Miss Elizabeth E. Hogan, and liy his adopted son, George Higginson, the former in charge of the htting room, the latter as general superintendent. The new firm was conducted under the name of E. E. Hogan, and continued at the old stand, 337 Plane Street. Success followed the new firm from the start ; the business rapidly forty thousand dollai's to her dead father's creditors, in full settlement of all their claims, and how this act was hailed as a most extraordinary proof of the sterling integrity and rugged honesty of the Hogan family. The desired end having been accomplished, Mr. George Higginson, to whom in a great measure was due the success of the firm, and Mr. Matthew \V. Hogan became jjartners in the concern, under the name of the E. E. Hogan Shoe Manufacturing Company, which began business on July 15, 1889, with a paid-up capital of $60,000. Starting under such auspicious circumstances, it is hardly necessary to say that the firm has been successful. They ;:'/ ESSEX corxrv. x. /.. illustrated. ^ ^^^, ^ , , ,, .,,.,,:-.- .,liililun'>. 1k>\'--ii"1)'^'"''^ *^'""^^ vvIm, I. h..vf a well .lc«nolrci.>.l..li..n..> lain;; the I.lM ucm- ,„., i.r , ..iinlry. :.l lli< |iri> rs , harj^cd. .cml «l'ich „^ , I ;,nv line ..[ sho. s (or >i> Ic anil appeal ancc Viiv. an.l cncruelic, (ulK ali^. i.. iIk- requirements of ll.e ,;,, ! 1 ll...^.,n Slioe Cniiipany are always keenly alive r.ul arc al\va\- alireast i)f tilt times. Their , ., , lied with all llie latC5t anil most improved ^ llie ('...odyear sy>tcm. and their two ,,i„i i,i;> , are l.ept eonslantly hustling to .„p|,K the ever-in. : :i'aml for the eompany 's |.roduct. Til, spun- -cason ol i,s./. was a record-breaker in the history lit. II iniu HuiuirtMl MAHER Sl FLOCKHART. THI-: lower section of the city east of the I'ennsylvania Rail road is steadily advancing as a manufacturin 1.. ihi- prosperity .ind gooil name repni.ition for making heavy and light machinery castings of c superior <|uality. The result was that their business increased to such .111 extent that each year saw an addition to their plant, until every av.iilable foot of ground was occupied. In t8Si; they ])urchased a large plot of land bounded by Hoik and Clover Streets anil the New Jersey Central Railroad, upon which they erected ;i brick building So .x 200, with additional buildings for boiler .iiid engine rooms and pattern shop, which forms the illuslralions herewith given. In 1891 they again found it necessary to increase their capacity, and erected a building f), X 85 for the m.inufaclurc of light castings exclusively. They employ over too men, the majority of whom are skilled mechanics. Iking progressive business men and thorough mechanics, their foundry is e(|uippetl with the latest improved cupolas, power cranes, and every appliance to facilitate the manufacture and handling of castings. A siding connects the works with the main line of the Central Railroad. ESSEX COrXTY, N. J., ILLlSTRATEn. 195 WORKS IIF IHK H. P. WnZK.I, COMPANY, WUICHT STR|:K|-, AVKNUE A. ANM Mill ER SIUEKT. H. P. WITZEL COMPANY. THE foundation of Newark's greatness as a nianufacturiiif; city was laid in the tanning of hides and the making of leather. From the beginning, this industry has seemed to draw the most active and business-like men, as well as the thoroughly skilled mechanics and artisans around its. in many respects, uninviting exterior. The reason for this lies in the fact that tlie great incentive which draw men on — the rich results — were ever present. Whether the purity of the water and high C|u.ility of the materials used has done its part, results alone can tell. The facts are before us that no set of men can make a better show- ing on the tax books of the assessor than can those engaged in the manufacture of the great staple — leather. Among the nearly one hundred firms engaged in this branch among the thousands of Newark's teeming industries, is that of the H. P. Witzel Company, who carry it on e.xtensively in the capacious factory buildings, photographs of which grace this page. This factory was established in 1S79. and has now been run- H. p. vvnzEL. ning most successfully for nc.irly a decade and a half of years. Mr. H. P. Witzel. wlui honors the concern with his name, and is President of the company, is a thorough tanner, and takes pnde in his art, never ceasing to labor for its exaltation by turning out the very finest leather that human ingenuity can produie. Close application to business, deep study and pains- taking care has produced such results, which, when studied with care by others, redound to his credit and make him an authority. In 18S9 Messrs. August Loehnberg and Daniel Kaufherr were admitted as partners in the concern, and thus bringing to con- duct the industry, genius, talent and business acumen which soon confirmed the promises which Mr. Witzel saw in the pro- posed combination and enlargement. liut many a brilliant promise has been nipped in the bud, and so it proved to this firm when the apparent certainty of an early future of success in business was checked by fire, when on Dec. 25, 1890. the entire plant was destroyed. Nothing daunted by this catastrophy how- ever, the go-ahead firm, which knew no such word as fail, set to work immediately to clear away the charred remains of the debris out of the energy of years of labor, and began the con- struction of larger, better and more modern and convenient buiUlings in which to rebuild the stricken industry, and in a marvelously short period of time the wonderfully capacious and convenient buildings now occupied by the firm, and which the photographer's artist has transferred so truthfully to these pages, were ready to receive all the very latest and best im- proved labor and time-saving furniture and machinery necessary for carrying on the manufacture of leather. The fire took |)lace on December 25, 1890, and the new fai tories, to take the l)lace of the old, were ready August i, 1S91. The present oflkers of the company are: H. P. Witzel, President; Frank Schwarzinaelder, \'ice-President ; Daniel Kaufherr, Treasurer. Located convenient to railroad facilities, where an easy and cheap transportation of the raw material and finished pioduc- tions are enjoyed, this prosperous firm carry on their growing business, making all kinds of patent and enameled leathers for domestic and export trades. The tanneries of this firm also inake a fine grade of fancy morocco finish leather for uphol- sterers' use, which finds a ready sale wherever there is a demand for this line of leather productious. Into the vats of this firm, 250 hides find their way each week, which are |)ut through and finished by the nearly fifty workmen. ];>r, ESSHX ColXTY. X.J., ILLUSTRATED. FINTER & CO. Wllll.l'- ih.- iii.!^-in of w.i.^'dii m^ikiii;; is in 111,- s.riu- villi llial nf rairi.l.l,'' ^. tiiii' i^ >■; ■' Illi.Ullty .Mil, I.I,, r \|i|.irialioii llurti.l \\ liii li : 1 sp.iri- allrillecl U) liii^ ■,•,,, tk. i-. n.iilf for liusiiuss anil llic Larri- .i-r l.'i plia^nrr. Now, u liilf ihis sLilcinent will ..■ '.,.,, r,,. ,;,,~. I -., ri-.i!i,-. - i' i-- n'--ir cnoujjli : own pur- IM^ ..; 1, ;• ■..- n 1 . I i'. .io wilh till' ,.|.liril lo ilu- iii.ikin^ of iKilli heavy l.iiiii .mil bicwei) wa;4ons. li^lu and ln-.ivy lis .inil liusincss vehicles gt-iicrally. which 1^ loniliii'ifil rxlfnsi\cly in Newark, not alone in a proilucliun for lionie s.ile. service and consuinplion. hut for outside markets as well. Mr. Frederick l-'inter. one of (he oldest and most respected ("lerman citizens, was horn in Germany, June S, 1S14. He .irrived in Newark, N. J., in 1834. and devoted himself to the business of wagon making. When he came here there were only live tierman families in this city. Me climbed up lIu ladder with a sturdy determination which brooked no failure, and as a result of his industry and per- severance he was able, along with six other wagon-m.ikcrs, to begin business in 184S. at the corner of Hamilton and Bruen Streets. Step by step he went on incrc.ising his knowledge and e\tcns rssi:x crn-xTV. x. j., illistkated. SCHMIDT & SON T III Si iiiniilt .mil Smii iliiriii;.,' liu- ■ - I' 1-. rtnilnril v.ilii.ili!'' 111^ iiiiluslry iif tin- ^,.,1 ■ ■!. ii I.I iIr- wrsKTM sri 1 }) 1^ li»-.-r\ liiiilt ii[v wirliiii I In- I |.:is lifl\ I lUlMI' ■ \ .iliipii-. Ml IJU- II I hi' f.isl •n S|>rii>i;- ri\li r|)ri-.mi; Siiiilli I )r.Mii;r Avcmirs. willi |ilii)|ii-; of ilic fimiuli-r :iiiil liis 111. wild li.ne ilcvoli-d their hvts ID iliis |>;iriii iilar inilusiry wliiih h.ts cniiinliuliil, in an luimlik- depict-, lowaids I re.ilinjj a drealcr Newark. To just suih iiistitiitinns as this over whiih till- Schmiihs |)risi